Sample records for acta historica astronomiae

  1. Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 5 (Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 18)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duerbeck, H. W.; Dick, W. R.; Hamel, J.


    The 18th volume of the Acta Historica Astronomiae is at the same time the sixth collection of essays on the history of astronomy ("Beitræge zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 6"), edited by the historians of astronomy W.R. Dick (Potsdam) and J. Hamel (Berlin). Besides a few short notices and book reviews, the book contains eight major articles, which deal with astronomical topics covering the time from the 16th to the 19th centuries. The first article by Michael Weichenhan (Berlin) deals with "the invention of the disk-shaped earth: a chapter of Copernican apologetics". The author shows that the concept of a "disc-shaped Earth" was by no means widespread in the middle ages, but restricted to the father of the church Lactantius and some adherents. Nevertheless, it was used by adherents of Copernicus to show the absurd consequences of a strictly literal biblical interpretation -- here concerning the Earth's shape, disc versus sphere, there the geocentric versus the heliocentric system. This thorough philosophical study is followed by two very short articles. "The measuring accuracy of Tycho's large sextant" by Johann Wünsch investigates O-C values of planet-star distances, as based on Tycho's observations as published in the Historia Coelestis (a compilation, which is also based on Tycho's manuscripts, and published in Regensburg in 1672). The result is that standard deviations are 80 arcseconds for Saturn and 89 arcseconds for Jupiter and Mars, an unexpectedly poor result in view of the general opinion that Tycho was famous for his precision work. "The astronomer Christoph Grienberger and the Galilei trial" by Franz Daxecker deals with a Jesuit astronomer who was both the disciple and successor of the mathematician-astronomer Christopher Clavius at the Collegium Romanum. While he was inclined to Galilei early on, he was forced to propagate Aristotelian doctrine. The brief article is very concise, but extremely tiresome to read (3 pages of pure text are embellished by

  2. Book Review: Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 5 (Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 15)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duerbeck, H. W.; Dick, W. R.; Hamel, J.


    The 15th volume of the Acta Historica Astronomiae is at the same time the fifth collection of essays on the history of astronomy (Beitraege zur Astronomiegeschichte, Band 5), edited by the historians of astronomy W.R. Dick (Potsdam) and J. Hamel (Berlin). Besides a few short notices and book reviews, the book contains 11 major articles, which deal with astronomical topics covering the time from the 16th to the 20th centuries. The first article, on the analysis and interpretation of historical horoscopes as a source of the history of science, is based on the inaugural lecture of its author, Guenther Oestmann. After a general introduction, which deals with the principles of horoscope making, the author discusses the horoscope of Count Heinrich Ranzau (1526-1598), the Danish governor of Schleswig-Holstein, who was a friend of Tycho Brahe. Oestmann shows that the astronomical-mathematical basis of such a horoscope can be reconstructed and interpreted. However, it is hardly possible to gain an insight in the process how the interpretation of a horoscope was done in detail. The second and third articles, by Franz Daxecker, deal with Athanasius Kircher and Christoph Scheiner, two catholic astronomers of the 17th century. Kircher's Organum Mathematicum is a calculating device that can be used in the fields of arithmetic, geometry, chronology, astronomy, astrology and others. The author provides extracts of the description of the Organum taken from a book by Caspar Schott, which deal with chronology and astronomy. A photograph of the Organum indicates that this tool consists of a set of tables glued on wooden or cardboard, but details of its contents and applications remain pretty obscure for the reader - a few elaborated examples would have been helpful. The second paper deals with the life of Christoph Scheiner SJ, the co-discoverer of sunspots (next to Galileo), after leaving Rome in 1633 - the year of the Galileo trial. Scheiner spent his later years in the Austrian and

  3. BOOK REVIEW: Astronomie von Olbers bis Schwarzschild. Nationale Entwicklungen und internationale Beziehungen im 19. Jahrhundert (Acta Historica Astronomiae Vol. 16)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sterken, C.; Dick, W. R.; Hamel, J.


    The 14th volume of the Acta Historica Astronomiae is the Proceedings of a Colloquium International Relationships in Astronomy (in German) organised by the History of Astronomy Section of the Astronomische Gesellschaft held on September 18 in Lilienthal, Germany. The book contains 13 articles on astronomical topics covering the 19th and 20th centuries. The first paper is by Guenther Oestmann and deals with contemporary assessments of Johann Hieronymus Schroeter's (1745-1816) astronomical works and with later judgements of the scientific importance and significance of his observations as seen by astronomers and historians. This report is complemented by a second article on Schroeter's 25-ft reflector in Lilienthal near Bremen. To this end, author Felix Luehning has constructed a scale model of the telescope, and shows how the building of a model brings a deeper understanding of function and handling of this instrument. This brings us to a third paper on telescope building in Lilienthal: Hans-Joachim Leue describes the cooperation of Johann Hieronymus Schroeter and Johann Gottlieb Schrader in developing a white reflecting metal alloy for use as telescope mirror. The fourth article, by Klaus Schillinger, describes on the basis of archival documents the aquisition history of the Herschel telescopes, including telescope quality check, repair and building. Memorial sites referring to Wilhelm Olbers, Johann Hieronymus Schroeter, Friedrich Wilhelm Bessel and Carl Friedrich Gauss are described by Arno Langkavel in two walks outlined in the very last paper of this book. Peter Brosche, in the fifth paper, discusses the rediscovery of Ceres in December1801, a discovery that was the result of the combined efforts of a theoretician (Gauss) and an observer (Zach). Juergen Hamel's paper is based on previously unused archival sources and discusses the outstanding role played by H. C. Schumacher (1780-1850, editor of the Astronomische Nachrichten) in the communication between

  4. Astronomia Motivadora no Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melo, J.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O objetivo principal deste trabalho é procurar desenvolver o interesse dos alunos pelas ciências através da Astronomia. Uma pesquisa com perguntas sobre Astronomia foi realizada junto a 161 alunos do Ensino Fundamental, com o intuito de descobrir conhecimentos prévios dos alunos sobre o assunto. Constatou-se, por exemplo, que 29,3% da 6ª série responderam corretamente o que é eclipse, 30,0% da 8ª série acertaram o que a Astronomia estuda, enquanto 42,3% dos alunos da 5ª série souberam definir o Sol. Pretende-se ampliar as turmas participantes e trabalhar, principalmente de forma prática com: dimensões e escalas no Sistema Solar, construção de luneta, questões como dia e noite, estações do ano e eclipses. Busca-se abordar, também, outros conteúdos de Física tais como a óptica na construção da luneta, e a mecânica no trabalho com escalas e medidas, e ao utilizar uma luminária para representar o Sol na questão do eclipse, e de outras disciplinas como a Matemática na transformação de unidades, regras de três; Artes na modelagem ou desenho dos planetas; a própria História com relação à busca pela origem do universo, e a Informática que possibilita a busca mais rápida por informações, além de permitir simulações e visualizações de imagens importantes. Acredita-se que a Astronomia é importante no processo ensino aprendizagem, pois permite a discussão de temas curiosos como, por exemplo, a origem do universo, viagens espaciais a existência ou não de vida em outros planetas, além de temas atuais como as novas tecnologias.

  5. On Ensino de Astronomia: Desafios para Implantação

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faria, R. Z.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Em 2002 o ensino de Astronomia foi proposto como um dos temas estruturadores pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e sugerido como facilitador para que o aluno compreendesse a Física como construção humana e parte do seu mundo vivencial, mas raramente seus conceitos foram ensinados. A presente pesquisa discute dois aspectos relacionados à abordagem de Astronomia. O primeiro aspecto é se ela está sendo abordada pelos professores do Ensino Médio e o segundo, aborda a maneira como ela está sendo ensinada. Optou-se pela aplicação de um questionário a partir do 2° semestre de 2006 e durante o ano de 2007 com professores que ministram a disciplina de Física, os quais trabalham em escolas estaduais em Rio Grande da Serra, Ribeirão Pires e Mauá no estado São Paulo. Dos 66,2% dos professores que responderam ao questionário nos municípios de Rio Grande da Serra, Ribeirão Pires e Mauá, 57,4% não aplicaram nenhum tópico de astronomia, 70,2% não utilizaram laboratório, 89,4% não utilizaram qualquer tipo de programa computacional, 83,0% nunca fizeram visitas com alunos a museus e planetários e 38,3% não indicaram qualquer tipo de livro ou revista referente à astronomia aos seus alunos. Mesmo considerando a Astronomia um conteúdo potencialmente significativo, esta não fez parte dos planejamentos escolares. Portanto são necessárias propostas que visem estratégias para a educação continuada dos professores como, por exemplo, cursos específicos sobre o ensino em Astronomia.

  6. Lo Gnomone Clementino Astronomia Meridiana in Basilica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sigismondi, Costantino


    Costruito per chiara volontà del papa 70 anni dopo il caso Galileo, lo Gnomone Clementino è un grande telescopio solare che non fa uso di lenti a 92 anni dall’invenzione del cannocchiale. Queste due caratteristiche basterebbero da sole a giustificare l’interesse verso questo strumento. L’astronomia meridiana è alla base dell’astrometria e dell’astrofisica moderna. Lo Gnomone Clementino sta oggi all’astronomia, come il veliero “Amerigo Vespucci” sta alla Marina Italiana. E’ possibile svolgere ogni genere di osservazione e studio su questo strumento, e dal 2002 vi tengo lezioni teorico-pratiche del corso di Storia dell’Astronomia e La Terra nel Sistema Solare della Sapienza, Università di Roma, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Questo testo aggiunge alcuni tasselli alla ricerca storica sulla meridiana, appoggiandosi, com’è naturale, sulle spalle di giganti che mi hanno preceduto in questi studi. In particolare la misura dell’azimut della meridiana, ed il suo inquadramento tra gli strumenti simili ed alcuni studi di astrometria sui dati del 1701-1703 di Bianchini, che sono apparsi fin’ora soltanto su riviste specializzate ed in Inglese vengono qui proposti in Italiano e semplificati, per valorizzare sempre più questa straordinaria opera d’arte e di scienza.

  7. A Astronomia no Ensino Superior Brasileiro entre 1808 e 1889

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, Paulo S.; Videira, Antonio A. P.


    Este artigo apresenta os principais eventos ocorridos na história do ensino de astronomia nos cursos superiores que existiram no Brasil desde a chegada da Família Real portuguesa em 1808 até o final do período monárquico. Para compor esse esboço histórico, utilizamos, principalmente, livros didáticos, regulamentos, decretos e leis responsáveis pelas organizações dos conteúdos oferecidos e das carreiras dos responsáveis pela disciplina. Na análise do material empregado, investigamos a presença de concepções filosóficas e científicas, que podem ter norteado os conteúdos disciplinares. Não realizamos nenhuma comparação com o ensino de astronomia em outros países. Concluímos mostrando que o estudo de astronomia, durante o período monárquico, foi mais direcionado para a formação d engenheiros do que astrônomos. Gostaríamos de observar que o presente artigo não tem a pretensão de abordar o assunto de maneira completa e detalhada.

  8. Diferentes Metodologias Aplicadas ao Ensino de Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Espera-se que o educando ao final da educação básica, adquira uma compreensão atualizada das hipóteses, modelos e formas de investigação sobre a origem e evolução do Universo em que vive. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo compreender dentre três práticas pedagógicas adotadas no Ensino de Astronomia, na terceira série do Ensino Médio, da Escola Estadual Colônia dos Pescadores, qual melhor cumpre o papel de formação e aprendizagem para vida. A pesquisa preliminar foi através de um questionário onde o intuito foi diagnosticar o conhecimento já existente acerca do tema em questão. O questionário é composto de vinte questões dissertativas e objetivas, onde os educandos das três turmas envolvidas o responderam. Este trabalho utiliza as seguintes metodologias: a tradicional, onde o professor é um repassador de informações, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz; a segunda também de forma tradicional, porém com auxílio de multimídia para desenvolvimento das aulas e aterceira sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervenções necessárias. Ao final do trabalho os alunos responderão novamente o questionário inicial para diagnosticar dentre as três metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhor resultado. Os resultados preliminares obtidos, já podem ser observados e, dos 119 alunos entrevistados, as respostas obtidas são as mais diversas e evidenciam que a grande maioria nunca teve em sua vida escolar o tema Astronomia. Ao serem questionados se já haviam estudado Astronomia as respostas foram: turma A: sim 43%; turma B: sim: 21%; turma C: sim: 24%. Porém quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se que: turma A: 100% de acertos; turma B: 64% acertos; turma C: 84% de acertos, demonstrando claramente a aprendizagem em diferentes esferas, não dependendo unicamente da escola. Até o presente momento, verificou-se que há interesse em

  9. On Ensino de Astronomia nas Cidades de Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faria, R. Z.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Apesar da astronomia ser um dos temas indicados pelos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, observa-se que poucas mudanças ocorreram desde a implementação do mesmo em sala de aula. A presente pesquisa diz respeito sobre como os tópicos de astronomia estão sendo abordados pelos professores no ensino médio. Optou-se por aplicar um questionário com os professores que ministram a disciplina de física. Os mesmos trabalham em escolas estaduais situadas nas cidades de Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra, ambas subordinadas a Diretoria de Ensino de Mauá, no Estado de São Paulo. O questionário foi aplicado durante o 2° semestre de 2006. Até o momento os resultados são preliminares. Dos 82,0% dos professores que responderam ao questionário no município de Rio Grande da Serra, 66,7% não aplicaram nenhum tópico de astronomia, 77,8% não utilizaram qualquer tipo de programa computacional, 66,7% não utilizaram laboratório, que 77,8% nunca levaram os alunos a museus e ou planetários e que 66,7% não indicaram qualquer tipo de revista ou livro sobre astronomia aos seus alunos. No município de Ribeirão Pires, 53,3% dos professores responderam ao questionário, destes 75,0% não aplicaram nenhum tópico de astronomia, 93,8% não utilizaram qualquer tipo de programa computacional, 75,0% não utilizaram laboratório, 81,3% nunca levaram os alunos a museus e ou planetário e 56,3% não indicaram qualquer tipo de revista ou livro sobre astronomia ao seus alunos. Apesar da maioria dos professores reconhecerem que o conteúdo de astronomia influi na formação do jovem, os mesmos não incluem o tema em seus planejamentos escolares.

  10. Ernesto Vasconcellos' Astronomia Photographica: the earliest popular book on astronomical photography?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonifácio, Vitor; Malaquias, Isabel; Fernandes, João


    Portugal, albeit with its own cultural distinctiveness, was not immune to the ideologies permeating nineteenth-century European society, in particular those concerning the social advantages of science and science popularisation. The country's high illiteracy rate hampered but did not prevent several popularisation efforts, which were usually led by professors and armed forces officers. In 1886 Astronomia Photographica (Astronomical Photography), a book popularising astrophotography, was published in Lisbon as part of a collection entitled People and Schools Library. The book seems an odd editorial choice given that, at the time, Portugal's major astronomical institutions pursued astrometric research and there was a virtual absence in the country of amateur astronomers. International astronomical developments, the author's interest in the scientific applications of photography and even the editorial timing are likely explanations for the publication of Astronomia Photographica, but we believe a definitive answer is still not available. The style of Astronomia Photographica is historical and informative, without being technical; clearly it is not a ‘hands-on guide’. The contents of the book show that the author, Ernesto Júlio de Carvalho e Vasconcellos, a naval officer, contacted several experts and was aware of the latest developments in astronomical photography. What makes this a unique book is its content, and its inclusion in a popularisation collection with an exceptionally high circulation at such an early time.

  11. Acta Genetica Sinica (Selected Articles),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    0879-8SF/ /3 N IT 0󈧬 112. MIRCK L~~Nj~ %. *- - - - - - - - -I.. * .. - II , I FTD-ID(RS)T-0879-85 oM FOREIGN TECHNOLOGY DIVISION ACTA GENETICA SINICA...34 ’ ° ° ° !4 :A.. it.i FTD- ID(RS)T-0879-85 HUMAN TRANSLATION FTD-ID(RS)T-0879-85 4 April 1986 MICROFICHE NR: FTD-86-C-001691 ACTA GENETICA SINICA...merged into this translation were extracted from the best quality copy available. •i 12 (2): 93-101, 1985 Yichuan Xuebao (Acta Genetica Sinica) Genetic

  12. Questões mais freqüentes na área de astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Segundo, H. A. S.; Garcia, G. C.; Caretta, C. A.; Lima, F. P.


    É amplamente reconhecido que as pessoas em geral têm grande fascínio e interesse pela Astronomia. Por outro lado, o conteúdo dessa área incluído no ensino formal está longe de ser abrangente e suficiente para suprir a demanda. Esse interesse permite otimizar a divulgação e o ensino não formal de Astronomia aliando a adequação do conteúdo à expectativa das pessoas. Nesse intuito, nosso trabalho busca mapear que assuntos da Astronomia despertam mais a atenção e o interesse das pessoas e o quanto disso é estimulado pela mídia, que freqüentemente aproveita-se desse interesse de forma sensacionalista, trazendo contribuições positivas e negativas. Para esta avaliação, utilizamos as pesquisas específicas e de caracterização do público que freqüentou o MAst nos anos de 2001 a 2003, pesquisa das matérias de Astronomia veiculadas na mídia escrita da cidade do Rio de Janeiro no mesmo período, além da base de dados do programa Pergunte a um astrônomo, realizado no Observatório Nacional nos anos de 1997 a 1999. Para a análise dos dados, dividimos as perguntas em dez categorias, cada uma com suas subcategorias, tomando como referência as divisões, comissões e grupos de trabalho da IAU. Apresentamos neste trabalho os resultados dessa pesquisa, que incluem, entre outros, a predominância de questões nas categorias Observação do Céu e Sistemas Planetários enquanto nos jornais dominam as notícias de Sistemas Planetários e Espaço & Astronáutica. Outro resultado interessante indicou que as dúvidas de crianças do ensino fundamental se concentram em algumas categorias enquanto as questões de adultos são mais distribuídas por todas as categorias. Os resultados dessa pesquisa serão aplicados diretamente no aperfeiçoamento das atividades do Programa de Observação de Céu, bem como na elaboração de novos projetos e eventos realizados no MAst.

  13. Astronomia cultural e meio ambiente segundo uma abordagem holística

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jafelice, L. C.


    Neste trabalho ampliamos a discussão da abordagem holística para o ensino de astronomia que temos desenvolvido nos últimos anos, analisamos novos resultados e apresentamos exemplos práticos para interessados em experimentá-la. A constatação básica a orientar este enfoque é que cursos introdutórios em astronomia costumam ser excessiva e prematuramente técnicos, além de assumirem uma visão tradicional, muito estreita, do que seja educação científica, herdada da era cartesiana e positivista da ciência. Fundamentamos porque é importante que elementos de astronomia cultural ofereçam o mote e constituam o eixo norteador daqueles cursos e porque é urgente revermos a visão que temos da relação entre astronomia e meio ambiente. Um ponto central nesta abordagem é explorar formas de reativar e atualizar uma relação orgânica com o meio e excitar a consciência de nossa inevitável e profunda interdependência com ele em nível cósmico. Neste trabalho exemplificamos a possibilidade de concretização desta proposta em três diferentes situações: disciplinas de cursos de licenciatura em geografia e em física; escolas de nível fundamental; e, neste caso ainda a ser implementada, comunidades carentes. Estes casos envolvem públicos e espaços diferenciados para educação formal e não-formal. Dos casos já implementados, destacamos os resultados alcançados pelos alunos: enriquecimento cultural, aprendizagem significativa de conteúdos astronômicos tradicionais; mudanças de comportamento, incorporando contato diário com o céu; e freqüentes vivências de sentimentos empáticos que redirecionam a relação com a natureza e a consciência ecológica global. Além disto, para interessados em aplicar esta proposta, também socializamos procedimentos e cuidados para a implementação de ações alternativas consonantes com a mesma. (PPGECNM/UFRN; PRONEX/FINEP; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP)

  14. Centro de Divulgação da Astronomia - o Observatório de São Carlos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dias, W. S.; Hönel, J.; Líbero, V. L.; Anderlini, A.; de Andrade, D.; Scatena, E.; Lazo, M. J.; Trevisan, M.; de Castro, V.


    Apresentamos as principais características do Centro de Divulgação da Astronomia, que é constituído e um observatório cujo objetivo é a divulgação da Astronomia junto à comunidade, através de palestras e de observação direta dos astros. Descrevemos, neste trabalho, as atividades desenvolvidas desde sua fundação em 1986, e mostramos sua importância na região através de números anuais das atividades realizadas.

  15. A Utilização da Astronomia como Tema Interdisciplinar e Aplicações de Objetos de Aprendizagem

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Silva, L. A.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Este trabalho visa analisar a possibilidade de relacionar conteúdos aplicados no ensino fundamental e médio de forma interdisciplinar por intermédio da astronomia, com a intervenção de objetos de aprendizagem que possam integrar as disciplinas e a utilização de recursos tecnológicos. Em uma pesquisa prévia com 20 professores de uma escola estadual situada na cidade de Guarulhos foi observado que apenas 25% dos professores utilizam algum recurso tecnológico para o desenvolvimento de conteúdos pertinentes à sua disciplina, tais como sites e softwares educativos, sendo que a maioria absoluta continua ensinando apenas com livros didáticos. A maior parte dos professores apresenta dificuldades em trabalhar sua disciplina de forma interdisciplinar, ou seja, 75% dos professores preferem aplicar os conteúdos seguindo uma hierarquia linear de tópicos, evitando a discussão de temas que de alguma forma estão relacionados. A astronomia pode vir à fascinar o ser humano e despertar sua curiosidade promovendo um maior interesse no aprendizado, podendo favorecer análises interdisciplinares de forma lógica e objetiva, desta forma colocar a astronomia como tema motivador interdisciplinar, pode ser relevante no que se refere ao distanciamento da fragmentação dos conteúdos. No Estado de São Paulo, a implantação da proposta curricular no ensino fundamental e médio mostra claramente a inserção da astronomia na maior parte das séries, principalmente na 6ª série em que todo o bimestre se fala de astronomia.

  16. VIII Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia e Astronáutica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia Canalle, João Batista; Villas da Rocha, Jaime Fernando; Wuensche de Souza, Carlos Alexandre; Pereira Ortiz, Roberto; Aguilera, Nuricel Villalonga; Padilha, Maria De Fátima Catta Preta; Pessoa Filho, José Bezerra; Soares Rodrigues, Ivette Maria


    Neste trabalho apresentamos as motivações pelas quais organizamos, em conjunto, pela primeira vez, a Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia incluindo a Astronáutica, em colaboração com a Agência Espacial Brasileira. Esta ampliação contribuiu para atrair ainda mais alunos, professores, escolas e patrocinadores para participarem desta Olimpíada. Em 2005 participaram da VIII Olimpíada Brasileira de Astronomia e Astronáutica (VIII OBA) 187.726 alunos distribuídos por 3.229 escolas, pertencentes a todos os estados brasileiros, incluindo o Distrito Federal. O crescimento em número de alunos participantes foi 52,4% maior do que em 2004. Em abril de 2005 organizamos, em Itapecerica da Serra, SP, um curso para os 50 alunos previamente selecionados e participantes da VII OBA e ao final selecionamos, dentre eles, uma equipe de 5 alunos, os quais representaram o Brasil na X Olimpíada Internacional de Astronomia, na China, em outubro de 2005. Ganhamos, pela primeira vez, uma medalha de ouro naquele evento. Em Agosto de 2005, organizamos a VIII Escola de Agosto para 50 alunos e respectivos professores, em Águas de Lindóia, SP, juntamente com a XXXI reunião anual da Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira (SAB). Em novembro de 2005 realizamos a I Jornada Espacial, em São José dos Campos, com 22 alunos e 22 professores selecionados dentre os participantes que melhores resultados obtiveram nas questões de Astronáutica da VIII OBA. Neste trabalho detalhamos os resultados da VIII OBA bem como as ações subseqüentes.

  17. Um Breve Balanço dos Estudos em Astronomia e Educação no Brasil no Período de 2010 a 2013

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goncalves, Erica de Oliveira; Kern, C.


    No Brasil, as pesquisas em ensino de astronomia para a Educação Básica vem ganhando destaque. Posto como importante área do conhecimento para estudantes e professores, os estudos em astronomia conquistam espaços nos documentos oficiais da educação e nos currículos escolares. Diante desse cenário, fez-se, neste trabalho, um mapeamento no banco de dados da Biblioteca Digital Brasileira de Teses e Dissertações , com base nas palavras-chave "astronomia" e "educação" no período de 2010 a 2013. Para compor o que aqui denominamos de balanço da área de estudo, foram selecionados trabalhos e analisados os títulos, os resumos, as considerações finais e as referências, bem como identificamos as fontes epistemológicas correntes nas pesquisas de pós-graduação no período supracitado. Identificou-se, na maior parte dos trabalhos pesquisados, referenciais teóricos relacionados & agrave; área de física, ciências e astronomia que envolvem discussões sobre currículo e práticas pedagógicas vinculados ao ensino de astronomia no ensino fundamental e médio da Educação Bãsica e nos cursos de formação de professores.

  18. A Introdução de Astronomia Básica para Estudantes de 5 e 6 Séries do Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzaga, E. P.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Com intuito de despertar o interesse pelo estudo da astronomia, desenvolveu-se entre 2003 e 2006 no Centro Educacional do Serviço Social da Indústria situado no município de Mauá, São Paulo, um trabalho com duração de 12 meses para turmas de 11 e 12 anos, sendo três turmas por período (2003 / 2004, 2004 / 2005 e 2005 / 2006). O trabalho realizado, objetivando a introdução da astronomia básica com observações de constelações e das fases da Lua, permitindo estender-se a outros corpos celestes, iniciou-se com visita ao planetário Mundo Estelar, localizado no Ipiranga, São Paulo levantou-se a questão da importância do estudo da astronomia e foi lançado aos estudantes um trabalho de observação, com a proposta de localizar as constelações e compreender as fases da Lua, para o registro de tais observações, foram distribuídos mapas celestes, pastas, planilhas de anotações com lacunas para, constelações, fases da Lua e relatos, onde os estudantes acrescentaram pesquisas e relatórios. Os resultados dos 346 estudantes foram que 86,7% (300) concluíram a etapa de observação, destes 300 estudantes 43,3% (130) pesquisaram sobre as constelações e 19,0% (57) localizaram até quatro constelações. Dos 346 estudantes, 44,2% (153) registraram as fases da Lua equivocadamente e 10,4% (36) anexaram reportagens sobre astronomia. Conclui-se que os estudantes se dividiram em pesquisadores, sendo os estudantes que registraram e anexaram informações e, os observadores que preencheram as planilhas de observações, além de desenvolverem habilidades e competências relacionadas ao estudo da astronomia.

  19. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,

    DTIC Science & Technology



  20. Entering the 60th year of Acta Astronautica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chang, Yi-Wei; Chern, Jeng-Shing; Marec, Jean-Pierre


    The Acta Astronautica Journal was firstly published in 1955 as the official Journal of the International Astronautical Federation (IAF) with the title Astronautica Acta. It is entering its 60th year in 2014. In 1962, the Astronautica Acta became the official Journal of the International Academy of Astronautics (IAA) established in 1960. A total of 18 volumes had been published from 1955 to 1973 under the leadership of three Editor-in-Chiefs: F. Hecht, Theodore von Karman, and Martin Summerfield. In 1974, A.K. Oppenheim became the new Editor-in-Chief and several evolved changes were performed including change of the title to Acta Astronautica (for grammatical correctness), cover page change, and format change. From 1974 to 2010, another three Editor-in-Chiefs led the journal with 67 volumes published. They were A.K. Oppenheim, Jean-Pierre Marec, and Rupert Gerzer. The current Editor-in-Chief Jeng-Shing Chern (Rock) took over the job from 2011. Total pages and articles published in 2012 are 3586 and 356, respectively. Currently, the Acta Astronautica Editorial Board consists of one Editor-in-Chief, 15 Co-Editors, one Managing Editor and one Honorary Editor-in-Chief (Jean-Pierre Marec). After 59 years, the Acta Astronautica has become a well-known journal worldwide. Its current rank and impact factor are 7/63 and 0.701, respectively. This paper presents some of the details as well as new strategies and steps. In particular, supports from the IAA Academicians are mandatory and most welcome.

  1. History of Acta Ophthalmologica - the first 50 years.


    Ehlers, Niels; Norn, Mogens


    Acta Ophthalmologica appeared as the scientific journal of the Nordic ophthalmological Societies in 1923. The intention was to expose the clinical and experimental developments among the ophthalmological communities of the four Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden. The collaboration within the field of ophthalmology had been attempted with the publication of 'Nordisk ophthalmologisk Tidsskrift' in the years 1889-1892. Now, once again, the wish for a tighter Nordic cooperation was explored by enthusiastic ophthalmologists in all four countries. One person stands out as the driving force, K.K.K. Lundsgaard, who in spite of his early death in 1931 was remembered by name on the front page of Acta since 1936 by the Latin phrase 'A K.K.K. Lundsgaard edi coepta'. The present review recalls details from the early years when the journal found its place in the ophthalmology and creates the background for some reflections on purpose and goals by publishing a scientific journal. © 2011 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2011 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  2. Ensino de Astronomia no Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho de intervenção foi realizado junto a Escola Estadual Colônia dos Pescadores na cidade de Caraguatatuba, com três turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, envolvendo 119 alunos, 40 na turma A, 40 na turma B e 39 na turma C. A fase inicial foi composta de um questionário de vinte questões dissertativas e objetivas para diagnosticar nos educandos os conceitos prévios sobre Astronomia e, partindo destes realizar uma interferência nas classes envolvidas utilizando metodologias diferentes sendo elas: a tradicional, onde o professor é um repassador de informações, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz; a segunda também de forma tradicional, porém com auxílio de multimídia para desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervenções necessárias. Ao final do trabalho as mesmas turmas da fase inicial orientadas pelo mesmo professor responderam novamente ao questionário proposto para diagnosticar dentre as três metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhores resultados, sendo os iniciais comparados com os finais. Quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se inicialmente que os acertos na turma A foram de 100%,turma B: 64%, turma C: 84%, após a intervenção os acertos foram: 100%, 97% e 85% respectivamente, demonstrando claramente uma absorção de conhecimentos. Quando interrogados sobre quantos planetas você acha que existem em nosso Sistema Solar? os acertos foram: turma A: 39%, turma B: 48% e turma C: 46%, após o desenvolvimento do trabalho os acertos foram 94%, 97% e 90% respectivamente.Dentro das respostas obtidas observa-se que a metodologia tradicional com o auxílio de multimeios, aplicada na turma B, demonstrou melhores resultados, foi a mais significativa.

  3. Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta Atomic Spectroscopy Award 2014

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Omenetto, Nicolo'; de Loos, Greet


    This is to announce the 2014 Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta Award, the annual award honoring the most significant article(s) published in a volume. Elsevier makes this award on behalf of Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, to encourage the publication of top articles in this journal. All papers published during one year are considered for this award and the Editorial Advisory Board and the Guest Editor(s) of the special issue(s) are responsible for the selection. The award consists of a monetary prize of 1000 together with a presentation certificate.

  4. Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta atomic spectroscopy award 2015

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Omenetto, Nicolo; de Loos-Vollebregt, Margaretha


    This is to announce the 2015 Elsevier/Spectrochimica Acta award, the annual award honoring the most significant article(s) published in a volume. Elsevier makes this award on behalf of Spectrochimica Acta, Part B, to encourage the publication of top articles in this journal. All papers published during one year are considered for this award and the Editorial Advisory Board and the Guest Editor(s) of the special issue(s) are responsible for the selection. The award consists of a monetary prize of 1000 together with a presentation certificate.

  5. Diferentes metodologias aplicadas ao ensino de astronomia no Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho de intervenção foi realizado junto à Escola Estadual Colònia dos Pescadores na cidade de Caraguatatuba, com très turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, envolvendo 119 alunos com idades entre 16 e 19 anos. A fase inicial foi composta de um questionário de vinte questíes dissertativas e objetivas, aplicado pelo professor titular da sala, que era o mesmo nas très turmas, para diagnosticar nos educandos os conceitos prévios sobre Astronomia e, partindo destes realizar um trabalho de intervenção nas classes envolvidas utilizando, em cada uma, metodologias diferentes: (A) sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervençíes necessárias; (B) de forma tradicional, com auxílio de multimídias para desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira (C) tradicional, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz. Ao final do trabalho os alunos responderam novamente o questionário inicial para diagnosticar dentre as très metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhores aplicaçíes, os resultados iniciais foram comparados com os finais. Quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se inicialmente que os acertos na turma A foram de 100%, turma B: 64%, turma C: 84%, após a intervenção os acertos foram: 100%, 97% e 85% respectivamente, demonstrando que houve um avanço significativo na turma B, a turma A manteve seu índice e a turma C evoluiu, porém não tanto quanto a B. Quando interrogados sobre quantos planetas vocè acha que existem em nosso Sistema Solar? os acertos foram: turma A: 39%, turma B: 48% e turma C: 46%, após o desenvolvimento do trabalho os acertos foram 94%, 97% e 90% respectivamente. Dentro das respostas obtidas observa-se que a metodologia tradicional com o auxílio de multimeios, aplicada na turma B, demonstrou melhores resultados, sendo a mais significativa. Outra conclusão muito importante é que apesar de o tema Astronomia ser amplamente

  6. Ideas for the International Year of Astronomy 2009

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Czart, K.; Pomierny, J.

    2008-06-01 is an internet portal for Polish-speaking people. As a website, most of our activities in IYA2009 will focus on the internet and other electronic media. We will prepare a content-rich website, in cooperation with the Polish committee for IYA2009. We present some extended suggestions for ideas proposed by the IAU, like postage stamps or mobile phone wallpapers, ring tones and themes and some original propositions like naming a small Solar System body for each country, a computer game, a stadium as a solar clock, a media event with thousands of amateur astronomers in one place and a network of cities.

  7. ActA Promotes Listeria monocytogenes Aggregation, Intestinal Colonization and Carriage

    PubMed Central

    Travier, Laetitia; Guadagnini, Stéphanie; Gouin, Edith; Dufour, Alexandre; Chenal-Francisque, Viviane; Cossart, Pascale; Olivo-Marin, Jean-Christophe; Ghigo, Jean-Marc; Disson, Olivier; Lecuit, Marc


    Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) is a ubiquitous bacterium able to survive and thrive within the environment and readily colonizes a wide range of substrates, often as a biofilm. It is also a facultative intracellular pathogen, which actively invades diverse hosts and induces listeriosis. So far, these two complementary facets of Lm biology have been studied independently. Here we demonstrate that the major Lm virulence determinant ActA, a PrfA-regulated gene product enabling actin polymerization and thereby promoting its intracellular motility and cell-to-cell spread, is critical for bacterial aggregation and biofilm formation. We show that ActA mediates Lm aggregation via direct ActA-ActA interactions and that the ActA C-terminal region, which is not involved in actin polymerization, is essential for aggregation in vitro. In mice permissive to orally-acquired listeriosis, ActA-mediated Lm aggregation is not observed in infected tissues but occurs in the gut lumen. Strikingly, ActA-dependent aggregating bacteria exhibit an increased ability to persist within the cecum and colon lumen of mice, and are shed in the feces three order of magnitude more efficiently and for twice as long than bacteria unable to aggregate. In conclusion, this study identifies a novel function for ActA and illustrates that in addition to contributing to its dissemination within the host, ActA plays a key role in Lm persistence within the host and in transmission from the host back to the environment. PMID:23382675

  8. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AERONAUTICA ET ASTRONAUTICA SINICA - <,y English pages: 212 _r Source : Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica, Vol. 2, Nr. 4, December 1981 , . pp. 1...ADVOCATED OR IMPLIED ARE THOSE OP THE SOURCE ANDDO NOT NECESSARILY REFLECT THE POSITION TRANSLATION DIVISION OR OPINION OF THE FOREnjN TECHNOLOGY DI...axial) solution section code 2 Lower Corner Symbols i code of sectional cylindrical coordinate system j,k radial and peripheral codes of solution

  9. The fiftieth anniversary of the Croatian scientific society for the history of health culture.


    Eterović, Igor


    This paper presents the impressive activity of the Croatian Society for the History of Health Culture on the occasion of the half-century anniversary. The short overall historical review of the Society's history is given, and three particularly important projects are highlighted: the science conventions "Rijeka and its Citizens in Medical History" ("Rijeka i Riječani u medicinskoj povjesnici"), the scientific journal AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica, and the special section called "In honour of Asclepius and Orpheus" ("Asklepiju i Orfeju u čast").

  10. Disciplines and Professors of Astronomy in Undergraduate Physics Teachers Formation Courses in Brazilian Universities. (Spanish Title: Disciplinas y Profesores de Astronomia en los Cursos de Licenciatura en Física en Las Universidades Brasileñas.) Disciplinas e Professores de Astronomia Nos Cursos de Licenciatura em Física das Universidades Brasileiras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roberto, Artur Justiniano, Jr.; Reis, Thiago Henrique; dos Reis Germinaro, Daniel


    formación. Aparte de eso, los datos levantados en este trabajo apuntan para un número bajo de afiliados a la SAB (Sociedade Astronômica Brasileira) en los cursos investigados. Se verificó que tener astrónomos en una institución no implica tener una disciplina obligatoria de Astronomía en el curso de licenciatura en Física. Este artigo é o resultado de uma pesquisa sobre a formação básica em Astronomia nos cursos de Licenciatura em Física que fizeram o exame nacional ENADE 2011. O objetivo do trabalho foi identificar se há disciplinas de Astronomia nesses cursos, se ela é obrigatória ou optativa/eletiva, qual a sua carga horária e o período em que é oferecida. Pesquisou-se também a relação entre astrônomos, cursos de Licenciatura em Física e disciplinas de Astronomia. Para realizar essa pesquisa utilizamos os dados do ENADE 2011 e também do censo da Astronomia brasileira. Como resultado, se observa que em apenas 15% dos cursos existe uma disciplina obrigatória de Astronomia e que há uma grande probabilidade de que 85% dos professores de Física formados em 2011 não cursaram nenhuma disciplina de Astronomia durante a graduação. Além disso, os dados levantados nesse trabalho apontam um baixo número de filiados à SAB nos cursos pesquisados. Identifica-se que ter astrônomos na instituição não implica em disciplina obrigatória de Astronomia no curso de Licenciatura em Física.

  11. Applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA): a practitioner's toolkit for understanding cognitive task demands.


    Militello, L G; Hutton, R J


    Cognitive task analysis (CTA) is a set of methods for identifying cognitive skills, or mental demands, needed to perform a task proficiently. The product of the task analysis can be used to inform the design of interfaces and training systems. However, CTA is resource intensive and has previously been of limited use to design practitioners. A streamlined method of CTA, Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA), is presented in this paper. ACTA consists of three interview methods that help the practitioner to extract information about the cognitive demands and skills required for a task. ACTA also allows the practitioner to represent this information in a format that will translate more directly into applied products, such as improved training scenarios or interface recommendations. This paper will describe the three methods, an evaluation study conducted to assess the usability and usefulness of the methods, and some directions for future research for making cognitive task analysis accessible to practitioners. ACTA techniques were found to be easy to use, flexible, and to provide clear output. The information and training materials developed based on ACTA interviews were found to be accurate and important for training purposes.

  12. Insertion of Astronomy as a High School Subject. (Spanish Title: Inserción de Astronomia Como Materia del Ciclo Secundario.) Inserção da Astronomia Como Disciplina Curricular do Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dias, Claudio André C. M.; Santa Rita, Josué R.


    Astronomy is considered among the first sciences that man dominated, however, the basic skills for the construction of knowledge, relatively to the contents "Earth and the Universe" are not being developed properly for the majority of students concluding the high school level. The students are concluding this teaching cycle without proper knowledge of several subjects in the area of Astronomy, which are mandatory in the national Curricular National Parameters (PCN). Because of this discrepancy, this work stresses the need of the incorporation of a specific subject of Astronomy in the high school, in order to reduce the gap between what is taught and which should be taught. La Astronomía es considerada una de las primeras ciencias que el hombre dominó. Sin embargo, las habilidades básicas para la construcción del conocimento, relativo al eje temático "Tierra y Universo", no vienen siendo trabajadas adecuadamente con la mayoría de los alumnos que concluyen el ciclo escolar medio. Los alumnos están concluyendo este nivel de enseñanza sin conocimentos de varios temas en el área de Astronomía, que son obligatorios según los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCN). En virtud de esta discrepancia, este trabajo enfatiza la necesidad de incorporar una disciplina específica de Astronomía em el ciclo medio, em pro de la reducción de las distorsiones entre lo que es enseñado y lo que se debe enseñar. A Astronomia é considerada uma das primeiras ciências que o homem dominou, porém as competências básicas para a construção do conhecimento, relativo ao eixo temático "Terra e Universo", não vêm sendo trabalhadas a contento com a maioria dos alunos que concluem o ensino médio. Os alunos estão concluindo este nível de ensino sem conhecimento de vários temas na área de Astronomia, que são obrigatórios nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Em virtude desta discrepância, este trabalho vem evidenciar a necessidade da incorporação de uma

  13. Activities of the Sociedad Española de Astronomia during the International Year of Astronomy 2009

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Montesinos, B.


    In this paper we summarize the activities carried out by the SpanishAstronomical Society during the International Year of Astronomy2009. The Society contributed with several key projects to the overallpool of actions coordinated from the National Node, trying -andachieving- to reach as many people as possible through thepublication and free distribution of the book "Astronomia madein Spain" and a collaboration with the digital edition of El Paisduring the entire year 2009. Other activities and by-products are alsodescribed.

  14. Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA) Methodology

    DTIC Science & Technology


    experienced based cognitive skills. The primary goal of this project was to develop streamlined methods of Cognitive Task Analysis that would fill this need...We have made important progression this direction. We have developed streamlined methods of Cognitive Task Analysis . Our evaluation study indicates...developed a CD-based stand alone instructional package, which will make the Applied Cognitive Task Analysis (ACTA) tools widely accessible. A survey of the

  15. Astronomia para/com crianças carentes em Limeira

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, P. S.; Oliveira, V. C.


    Em 2001, o Instituto Superior de Ciências Aplicadas (ISCA Faculdades de Limeira) iniciou um projeto pelo qual o Observatório do Morro Azul empreendeu uma parceria com o Centro de Promoção Social Municipal (CEPROSOM), instituição mantida pela Prefeitura Municipal de Limeira para atender crianças e adolescentes carentes. O CEPROSOM contava com dois projetos: Projeto Centro de Convivência Infantil (CCI) e Programa Criança e Adolescente (PCA), que atendiam crianças e adolescentes em Centros Comunitários de diversas áreas da cidade. Esses projetos têm como prioridades estabelecer atividades prazerosas para as crianças no sentido de retirá-las das ruas. Assim sendo, as crianças passaram a ter mais um tipo de atividade - as visitas ao observatório. Este painel descreve as várias fases do projeto, que envolveu: reuniões de planejamento, curso de Astronomia para as orientadoras dos CCIs e PCAs, atividades relacionadas a visitas das crianças ao Observatório, proposta de construção de gnômons e relógios de Sol nos diversos Centros Comunitários de Limeira e divulgação do projeto na imprensa. O painel inclui discussões sobre a aprendizagem de crianças carentes, relatos que mostram a postura das orientadoras sobre a pertinência do ensino de Astronomia, relatos do monitor que fez o atendimento no Observatório e o que o número de crianças atendidas representou para as atividades da instituição desde o início de suas atividades e, em particular, em 2001. Os resultados são baseados na análise de relatos das orientadoras e do monitor do Observatório, registros de visitas e matérias da imprensa local. Conclui com uma avaliação do que tal projeto representou para as Instituições participantes. Para o Observatório, em particular, foi feita uma análise com relação às outras modalidades de atendimentos que envolvem alunos de escolas e público em geral. Também é abordada a questão do compromisso social do Observatório na educação do

  16. Um enfoque antropológico para o ensino de astronomia no nível médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa, G. B.; Jafelice, L. C.


    Há uma enorme carência de materiais didático-pedagógicos em astronomia para professores do ensino médio, sobretudo materiais que explorem também aspectos humanísticos. A origem do Universo é um bom exemplo desta constatação central. Embora tal origem teve explicações culturais diversas, os professores não têm informações sobre isso e muito menos material que trabalhe diferentes visões de mundo e treinamento que os capacite a abordá-las devidamente. Conseqüentemente o ensino de astronomia costuma ser tecnicista e dissociado do aspecto humano que alimenta o grande interesse e curiosidade que esses temas despertam. Aqui apresentamos propostas visando contribuir para reverter esse quadro e trabalhamos distintas visões de Universo: espontâneas, autóctones e científicas. Desenvolvemos práticas, materiais instrucionais e textos para viabilizar a adoção de um enfoque antropológico para o ensino de astronomia no nível médio, no qual as culturas humanística e científica sejam integradas de uma maneira contextualizada e eficaz para aquele ensino. Estas propostas foram aplicadas em um curso de treinamento para professores da rede pública de diferentes disciplinas. A receptividade dos professores à abordagem proposta e os resultados alcançados foram muito estimulantes. Destes, destacamos: produção de roteiros de atividades; desenvolvimento de práticas didático-pedagógicas específicas (e.g., encenação de mitos; dança primordial guarani; "criação" de constelações e interpretações pluriculturais; etc.); e sugestões concretas para a efetiva realização de um ensino interdisciplinar contextualizado, onde questões cosmogônicas servem de mote para iniciar tal ensino. Discutimos estes resultados e como o enfoque adotado pode instrumentalizar os professores para leituras de mundo que incluem naturalmente aspectos culturais, sociais e históricos associados aos temas estudados. (PPGECNM/UFRN; PRONEX/FINEP; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP)

  17. Acta Informatica Medica Is Indexed In Pubmed And Archived In Pubmed Central

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet


    Acta Informatica Medica journal has been accepted for archiving in PubMed Central from 2011 onward. The journal started in 1993 as the official journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the last 3 years, Acta Informatica Medica has een included in almost all prestigious online databases, including PubMed, Scopus and EMBASE. The 20th volume of the journal is fully international, with papers from 18 countries. PMID:23572852

  18. Acta informatica medica is indexed in pubmed and archived in pubmed central.


    Masic, Izet


    Acta Informatica Medica journal has been accepted for archiving in PubMed Central from 2011 onward. The journal started in 1993 as the official journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina. During the last 3 years, Acta Informatica Medica has een included in almost all prestigious online databases, including PubMed, Scopus and EMBASE. The 20th volume of the journal is fully international, with papers from 18 countries.

  19. Review of the Journal Acta Informatica Medica During Eight Year Period: 2008-2015

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin; Zunic, Lejla


    Introduction: Acta Informatica Medica is official journal of the Academy for Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (from 2014 Acta Inform Med is published bimonthly). Aim: To evaluate journal “Acta Informatica Medica” in 2015 and compare findings to previous years. Material and methods: The study has retrospective and descriptive character, and included the period 2008-2015 (included 36 issues of journal). Results: A total of 83 (average 13,8 articles per journal) articles were published in Acta Informatica Medica during 2015. Analyzing the type of articles, original articles are present in majority during 2015 (68,6%) (by analyzing last eight years, 310 (67,3%) were original). During 2015, 27,7% of articles were related to the applied of Health informatics in field of clinical medicine, 63,8% preclinical medicine and 8,5% to public health. Collaboration rate in 2015 was 0,84. Most often the time required for decision on acceptance of article in 2015 is between 50 and 60 days. Articles came from 16 countries. According to for 2014, Acta Informatica Medica has SCImago Journal Rank 0,166, while Cites / Doc. (2 years) parameter (widely used as impact index) is 0,70. According to GoogleScholar, h5 index is 11 and h5 median is 19. We analyzed the Acta Informatica Medica by “Publish or Perish” software - H index was 14, g index was 19 and e-index was 10.39. Conclusion: Year after year the highest number of original articles are published. Although the period of revision of articles is acceptable, the period up to two months is certainly not long, the goal is to reduce this period. Although the magazine in mentioned field found its place, although it is indexed in numerous bases, including: PubMed, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, EMBASE, EBSCO, etc. The main goal for next year is that the magazine becomes part of the Web of Science. Imperative is further internationalization of the magazine. PMID:27147796

  20. Review of the Journal Acta Informatica Medica During Eight Year Period: 2008-2015.


    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin; Zunic, Lejla


    Acta Informatica Medica is official journal of the Academy for Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina (from 2014 Acta Inform Med is published bimonthly). To evaluate journal "Acta Informatica Medica" in 2015 and compare findings to previous years. The study has retrospective and descriptive character, and included the period 2008-2015 (included 36 issues of journal). A total of 83 (average 13,8 articles per journal) articles were published in Acta Informatica Medica during 2015. Analyzing the type of articles, original articles are present in majority during 2015 (68,6%) (by analyzing last eight years, 310 (67,3%) were original). During 2015, 27,7% of articles were related to the applied of Health informatics in field of clinical medicine, 63,8% preclinical medicine and 8,5% to public health. Collaboration rate in 2015 was 0,84. Most often the time required for decision on acceptance of article in 2015 is between 50 and 60 days. Articles came from 16 countries. According to for 2014, Acta Informatica Medica has SCImago Journal Rank 0,166, while Cites / Doc. (2 years) parameter (widely used as impact index) is 0,70. According to GoogleScholar, h5 index is 11 and h5 median is 19. We analyzed the Acta Informatica Medica by "Publish or Perish" software - H index was 14, g index was 19 and e-index was 10.39. Year after year the highest number of original articles are published. Although the period of revision of articles is acceptable, the period up to two months is certainly not long, the goal is to reduce this period. Although the magazine in mentioned field found its place, although it is indexed in numerous bases, including: PubMed, PubMed Central, SCOPUS, EMBASE, EBSCO, etc. The main goal for next year is that the magazine becomes part of the Web of Science. Imperative is further internationalization of the magazine.

  1. Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica accepted for coverage in Thomson Reuters' Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI).


    Poljak, Mario; Miljković, Jovan; Triglav, Tina


    Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica (Acta Dermatovenerol APA) is the leading journal in dermatology and sexually transmitted infections in the region. Several important steps were taken during the last 25 years to improve the journal's quality, global visibility, and international impact. After a 1-year trial period, Thomson Reuters recently informed the editorial office that they had accepted Acta Dermatovenerol APA for coverage in Thomson Reuters' new index in the Web of Science Core Collection called the Emerging Sources Citation Index (ESCI). The coverage of Acta Dermatovenerol APA begins with the journal content published online in 2016; that is, from volume 25 onwards.

  2. Cosmoeducação: uma proposta para o ensino de astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medeiros, L. A. L.; Jafelice, L. C.


    Entende-se por cosmoeducação o desenvolvimento vivencial da unidade homem-cosmo. Este conceito é norteado pela psicologia transpessoal, que estuda o ser humano em sua totalidade, onde suas relações ecológicas e cósmicas são de grande importância. Constata-se uma necessidade latente no ser humano moderno em resgatar uma relação holística com o Universo. Neste trabalho exploramos meios de cultivar a consciência de que o ser humano constitui parte integrante do cosmo e se relaciona com este com o objetivo de promover em si uma percepção ambiental mais ampla. Nossa hipótese de trabalho inicial foi que o ensino de conteúdos básicos em astronomia realizado através de uma abordagem holística, que incorpore práticas vivenciais correlacionadas àqueles conteúdos, pode despertar no indivíduo sua identidade cósmica. O método que utilizamos é o fenomenológico e o universo desta pesquisa é um grupo de estudantes da disciplina de Astronomia (Curso de Licenciatura em Geografia/UFRN), onde realizamos observação participante, entrevistas, depoimentos e as práticas vivenciais mencionadas. Neste caso estamos desenvolvendo e adaptando exercícios de algumas técnicas terapêuticas de psicologia transpessoal, que um de nós (LALM) tem aplicado no contexto clínico, para trabalhar aspectos cognitivos envolvidos naquele processo de conscientização cósmica. Resultados parciais claramente referendam a hipótese inicial. Um resultado a destacar é fruto de uma dinâmica de representação corporal interiorizada do eclipse lunar, envolvendo um pequeno grupo daqueles estudantes, na qual conteúdos míticos afloraram de maneira espontânea e contundente para todos, sugerindo ressonância, ou pelo menos isomorfismo, entre o macro e o microcosmo. Este e outros resultados são discutidos em detalhe neste trabalho. (PPGECNM/UFRN; PRONEX/FINEP; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP).

  3. Advertising in Actas Dermosifiliográficas, 1909-1939.


    Díaz-Díaz, R M


    We review advertisements published in the journal Actas Dermosifiliográficas between 1909 and 1939. Treatments for sexually transmitted diseases were advertised with particular frequency, and they offer a case in point that exemplifies the close relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and medical journals. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier España, S.L. and AEDV. All rights reserved.

  4. Modelo de accesibilidad de conceptos matematicos aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales en la UPR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Isidro Villamizar, Gloria Maria

    Este estudio utiliza metodologia de investigacion cualitativa, con el proposito de describir, analizar y evaluar los procesos de diseno y desarrollo de un modelo de accesibilidad que consiste en estrategias de ensenanza de las matematicas para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales matriculados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva en la UPR. Se utilizaron las siguientes estrategias para recopilar la informacion, 1) reflexiones de la investigadora en el proceso de diseno y desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas, que se registraron en un diario reflexivo. 2) entrevista semiestructurada luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas con los participantes. 3) observaciones y notas de la investigadora del trabajo de los participantes. Para obtener la informacion de los participantes se obtuvo los permisos institucionales necesarios; se seleccionaron los participantes y se validaron los instrumentos; se realizo el desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas con los participantes; y finalmente, se analizo la informacion obtenida. El diseno de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas se hizo siguiendo las recomendaciones curriculares de los temas de matematicas aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva realizado por la investigadora durante su semestre de internado. El testimonio de las voces de los participantes se obtuvo del proceso de desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas de temas seleccionados de conceptos matematicos requeridos en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva y de la entrevista semiestructurada con los participantes, luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje. Para el desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje, se utilizaron materiales tactiles adaptados, materiales tactiles disenados y materiales disponibles comercialmente. Los textos de las lecciones se imprimieron en tinta y en Braille. Se exhorta a disenar y desarrollar estrategias de ensenanza accesibles, considerando como recursos para evaluar su efectividad a

  5. Elsevier’s CiteScore index values for Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica: a 2016 update


    Šterbenc, Anja; Oštrbenk, Anja


    Elsevier’s recently launched citation metric CiteScore enables comprehensive, transparent, and current evaluation of a journal’s performance. For an editorial office, insight into a journal’s impact over time is of great value when making important decisions regarding the journal’s future. A 2016 update of CiteScore index values for Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adri- atica (Acta Dermatovenerol APA) showed a slight decrease in the CiteScore index value from 1.18 in 2015 to 0.96 in 2016. Acta Dermatovenerol APA can still be considered the principal journal in the field of dermatology and sexually transmitted infections in our region, with almost half of the articles published between 2013 and 2015 cited at least once in 2016. Acta Dermatovenerol APA performed well in both categories listed because it ranked 67th out of 121 journals in the category Dermatology (44th percentile) and 175th out of 250 journals in the category Infectious Diseases (30th percentile).

  6. Citation Analysis of "Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta," 1951-1960.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lifshin, Arthur


    A citation analysis of the first 10 years of "Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta" from 1951 to 1960 is described. A shift from German to English language citations and the emerging importance of the journal in the field, which is undergoing a change resulting from technological innovation, are shown. Tables and graphs are included. (EAM)

  7. [National and international impact factor of Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría].


    Aleixandre Benavent, R; Valderrama Zurián, J C; Castellano Gómez, M; Simó Meléndez, R; Navarro Molina, C


    The aim of this paper is to present the bibliometric indicators of Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría that were obtained from the study "Potential impact factor of the Spanish medical journals in 2001", financed by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte. The citations made in Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría and its national and international impact factor and immediacy index have been obtained by the use of a methodology similar to the one used by the Institute for Scientific Information. The national indicators only take into account the citations made in 87 Spanish journals considered as sources, while those from the foreign source journals of Science Citation Index have been added to the previously cited ones. Actas Españolas de Psiquiatría has obtained a national impact factor of 0.315 and an international impact factor of 0.395, which places it as a leader in the Spanish psychiatric journals.

  8. Citation analysis of Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica: 1992-2011.


    Ostrbenk, Anja; Skamperle, Mateja; Poljak, Mario


    Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica is small regional professional journal that started publishing in 1992. Despite the journal's relatively narrow readership, it has significantly improved its quality and global profile during the last 20 years, as shown in this citation analysis update. Since 1992, 654 bibliographical items have been published. Among these, 545 (83.4%) were considered WoS citable items and 109 (16.6%) WoS noncitable items. Since 2008, 90% of all published items have been considered WoS citable items and received an average of 1.9 citations per item. The predicted Acta Dermatovenerol APA impact factor calculated using data from a Cited Reference search of Thomson Scientific's Web of Science has shown steep and continuous increase since 2006, when the journal acquired full indexing status in Index Medicus/Medline, and has been above 0.5 since 2008.

  9. [The thirty years of Acta Genetica Sinica].


    Li, Shao-Wu; Zhou, Su; Xue, Yong-Biao; Zhu, Li-Huang


    Acta Genetica Sinica (AGS) is sponsored by the Genetics Society of China and the Institute of Genetics and Developmental Biology of Chinese Academy of Sciences, and is published by Science Press. The journal is a leading national academic periodical and one of the Chinese key periodicals of natural sciences. Currently, AGS is being indexed by several well-known domestic and international indexing systems, such as the American Chemical Digest (CA), BIOSIS database, Biological Digest (BA), Medical Index and Russian Digest (P [symbol: see text]). Papers in the areas of genetics, developmental biology, cell molecular biology and evolution are regularly published by AGS.

  10. Ensino de astronomia e óptica: é possível fazê-lo de forma contextualizada no nível médio?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sobrinho, A. A.; Jafelice, L. C.


    Discutimos nossa participação em um curso de treinamento para professores de diversas disciplinas do ensino médio. Nossa preocupação básica foi desenvolver instrumentos educacionais adequados para levar à sala de aula, nesse nível de ensino, de forma contextualizada, questionamentos freqüentes dos alunos sobre astronomia e sua relação com tecnologia e sociedade. Encaminhamos questões como: a evolução da astronomia, suas relações com outros ramos do conhecimento humano e conseqüentes aplicações; avanços na tecnologia dos instrumentos ópticos versus a importância da observação do céu a olho nu; a relação entre olho humano, luneta e telescópio; e desenvolvimento da tecnologia espacial e sua influência em nosso cotidiano. Objetivamos com isto fazer um resgate histórico e pedagógico das aplicações e observações do céu no cenário escolar, destacando a relação entre eventos astronômicos, olho humano, instrumentos mediadores e suas contextualizações históricas e sociais. Produtos desta abordagem foram o desenvolvimento e a adaptação de práticas e materiais instrucionais diversos (e.g., "espelhos" de isopor e "raios luminosos" de bolinhas de gude; montagens envolvendo velas, lasers, lentes e espelhos; desmonte e análise de peças de um telescópio; etc.). Além disto, como outro resultado deste trabalho, elaboramos textos sobre história da astronomia e da óptica para atividades em classe. Com estas ações visamos facilitar a concretização de conceitos físicos envolvidos, exemplificar um ensino contextualizado e interdisciplinar motivado por temas astronômicos e favorecer que práticas e discussões feitas com os treinandos possam ser transpostas para a sala de aula. A reação dos professores às práticas propostas foi bastante positiva. Todos esses aspectos são discutidos em detalhe neste trabalho. (PPGECNM/UFRN; PRONEX/FINEP; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP)

  11. Nordisk ophthalmologisk tidsskrift 1889-1892: the Nordic Journal of Ophthalmology - a forerunner of Acta Ophthalmologica.


    Ehlers, Niels


    In the second half of the nineteenth century several ophthalmological journals appeared (Germany, England, France, United States). In the northern countries (Denmark, Finland, Norway, Sweden) an initiative lead to 'Nordisk ophthalmologisk Tidsskrift' published in the scandinavian languages in the years 1889-92. The 'driving force' behind the journal was the first professor in Ophthalmology in Copenhagen, Dr. Edmund Hansen Grut. The purpose with this presentation is to give the background for the rise and fall of the journal which was an attempt to promote Nordic Ophthalmology. The authors turned out, however, to be mainly those involved as editors. The journal never gained broad acceptance and it simply stopped in 1892, without any closing remarks. In spite of its short life the journal should be remembered for the very first publication on the arcuate scotoma, the Bjerrum scotoma from 1889. Although shortlived the initiative was not in vain, as can be read in the preface to the very first volume of Acta ophthalmologica. © 2011 The Author. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2011 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  12. Autosomal dominant distal myopathy due to a novel ACTA1 mutation.


    Liewluck, Teerin; Sorenson, Eric J; Walkiewicz, Magdalena A; Rumilla, Kandelaria M; Milone, Margherita


    Mutations in skeletal muscle α-actin 1-encoding gene (ACTA1) cause autosomal dominant or recessive myopathies with marked clinical and pathological heterogeneity. Patients typically develop generalized or limb-girdle pattern of weakness, but recently a family with scapuloperoneal myopathy was reported. We describe a father and 2 children with childhood-to-juvenile onset distal myopathy, carrying a novel dominant ACTA1 variant, c.757G>C (p.Gly253Arg). Father had delayed motor development and developed significant proximal weakness later in life; he was initially misdiagnosed as having spinal muscular atrophy based on electromyographic findings. His children had predominant anterior distal leg and finger extensor involvement. Nemaline rods were abundant on the daughter's biopsy, absent on the father's initial biopsy, and extremely rare on the father's subsequent biopsy a decade later. The father's second biopsy also showed myofibrillar pathology and rare fibers with actin filament aggregates. The present family expands the spectrum of actinopathy to include a distal myopathy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. TetR-dependent gene regulation in intracellular Listeria monocytogenes demonstrates the spatiotemporal surface distribution of ActA.


    Schmitter, Sibylle; Fieseler, Lars; Klumpp, Jochen; Bertram, Ralph; Loessner, Martin J


    To enable specific and tightly controlled gene expression both in vitro and during the intracellular lifecycle of the pathogen Listeria monocytogenes, a TetR-dependent genetic induction system was developed. Highest concentration of cytoplasmic TetR and best repression of tetO-controlled genes was obtained by tetR expression from the synthetic promoter Pt 17 . Anhydrotetracycline (ATc) as inducer permitted concentration-dependent, fine-tuned expression of genes under control of the tetO operator and a suitable promoter. The actin-polymerizing ActA protein represents a major virulence factor of L. monocytogenes, required for actin-based motility and cell-to-cell spread in infected host cells. To be able to observe its spatial and temporal distribution on intracellular L. monocytogenes cells, conditional mutants featuring actA placed under TetR control were used to infect PtK2 epithelial cells. Following induction at different time intervals, the subsequent recruitment of actin by L. monocytogenes could be monitored. We found that cells displayed functional ActA after approximately 15 min, while formation of polarized actin tail was complete after 90-120 min. At this point, intracellular motility of the induced mutants was indistinguishable from wild-type bacteria. Interestingly, de novo ActA synthesis in intracellular Listeria also demonstrated the temporal, asymmetric redistribution of the membrane-anchored proteins from the lateral walls toward the cell poles. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. On Ensino da Astronomia no Ensino Médio sob Diferentes Abordagens Metodológicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voelzke, Marcos Rincon; Albrecht, Evonir


    O presente trabalho, sobre a intervenção de metodologias de ensino, foi desenvolvido na Escola Estadual Colônia dos Pescadores, na cidade de Caraguatatuba - SP, em três turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, perfazendo um total de 119 educandos, entre 16 e 19 anos. Antes de iniciar-se a intervenção, um questionário de vinte perguntas objetivas e dissertativas foi desenvolvido, aplicado pelo professor da classe, que ministrou as aulas correspondentes. Este questionário foi o mesmo em todas as três classes com o objetivo de diagnosticar o conhecimento prévio dos alunos sobre Astronomia. Começando a intervenção nas turmas, o professor envolvido usou três diferentes metodologias de ensino: (A) em forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos alunos, nos quais o professor fazia apenas as intervenções necessárias, (B) na forma tradicional, com a ajuda de multimídia para o desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira (C) a tradicional, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz. No final do trabalho os alunos responderam o mesmo questionário novamente, de modo que os três métodos utilizados puderam ser comparados. Os resultados apresentados após a intervenção foram melhores que os resultados iniciais indicando a ocorrência de uma aprendizagem significativa. Quando os estudantes foram inicialmente questionados sobre quantos planetas existem no nosso sistema solar, a classe A obteve 39% de respostas certas, a classe B 48% e a classe C 46%, mas após o desenvolvimento das atividades, as classes obtiveram respectivamente 94%, 97 % e 90% de aproveitamento. No término do bimestre, foi sugerido aos educandos que elaborassem uma história em quadrinhos, a qual serviu para averiguar se os conceitos inicialmente observados foram alterados e se novos foram agregados. A análise das histórias foi dividida em três partes: Criatividade; Temas abordados; Emprego correto dos conceitos estudados. Ao final quatorze histórias foram confeccionadas. O aprendizado

  15. Tendências de teses e dissertações sobre ensino de astronomia no Brasil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, P. S.; Megid Neto, J.


    Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte sobre teses e dissertações defendidas no Brasil e relativas ao ensino de Astronomia. Teve por objetivo identificar essa produção e conhecer as principais tendências da pesquisa nesse campo. O procedimento inicial consistiu de um levantamento bibliográfico junto ao Centro de Documentação em Ensino de Ciências (CEDOC) da Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP e ao Banco de Teses da CAPES disponível na Internet. Foram localizadas 13 dissertações de mestrado e 3 teses de doutorado, as quais foram estudadas em função dos seguintes aspectos: instituição, ano de defesa, nível escolar abrangido no estudo, foco temático do estudo e gênero de trabalho acadêmico. Deste conjunto de pesquisas, 13 (81,3%) delas foram defendidas a partir da segunda metade dos anos 90, indicando uma preocupação mais recente com temas relativos ao ensino de Astronomia no conjunto da produção acadêmica em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil. Verificou-se que 43,7% dos trabalhos foram produzidas na USP e 18,8% na UNICAMP. Quanto ao nível escolar abrangido nos estudos, predominaram os estudos direcionados ao Ensino Fundamental de 5a a 8a séries (62,5%). No que diz respeito ao foco temático das pesquisas, as principais tendências voltaram-se: 56,3% para Conteúdo e Método; 43,8% para Concepções do Professor; 37,5% para Currículo e Programas; 37,5% para Recursos Didáticos. Quanto ao gênero de trabalho acadêmico, verificou-se que 43,8% são de Pesquisa Experimental e 31,3% de Pesquisa de Análise de Conteúdo. Estudos de revisão bibliográfica como este visam colaborar com a divulgação ampla da produção acadêmica em determinada área, traçando algumas de suas tendências. Ao mesmo tempo possibilita, a partir de investigações decorrentes, apontar as suas contribuições para o ensino e sinalizar com necessidades a serem supridas por futuras pesquisas.

  16. Imagens do céu ontem e hoje - um multimídia interativo de astronomia e uma nova exposição no MAST

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caretta, C. A.; Lima, F. P.; Requeijo, F.; Vieira, G. G.; Alves, F.; Valente, M. E. A.; de Almeida, R.; de Garcia, G. C.; Quixadá, A. C.


    "Imagens do Céu Ontem e Hoje" é o título de uma nova exposição que está sendo inaugurada no Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MCT), que inclui experimentos interativos, maquetes, réplicas e 8 terminais de computador com um multimídia interativo sobre Astronomia para consulta dos visitantes. O multimídia apresenta um conteúdo bastante extenso, que engloba quase todos os temas em Astronomia, consistindo numa fonte de divulgação e pesquisa para um público que vai das crianças até estudantes universitários. O conteúdo está distribuído em mais de 500 páginas de texto divididas em 4 módulos: "O Universo", "Espectroscopia", "Telescópios" e "Observando o Céu". Cada módulo é subdividido em 5 seções, em média, cada uma iniciada por uma animação que ilustra os temas a serem abordados na seção. Ao final da animação, uma lista de temas é apresentada sob o título "Saiba Mais". Para exemplificar, o módulo "O Universo" contém as seguintes seções: "O Universo visto pelo homem", "Conhecendo o Sistema Solar", "Indo além do Sistema Solar", "Nossa Galáxia, a Via-Láctea" e "Indo mais além, a imensidão do Universo". A seção "Conhecendo o Sistema Solar", por sua vez, tem os seguintes temas: "A origem do Sistema Solar", "O Sol", "Os planetas", "Satélites, asteróides, cometas e outros bichos..." e "O Sistema Solar em números". Cada texto é repleto de imagens, quadros, desenhos, esquemas, etc, além de passatempos ao final de cada seção, incluindo jogos interativos, quadrinhos e curiosidades, que auxiliam o aprendizado de forma divertida. Apresentamos neste trabalho as idéias gerais que permearam a produção da exposição, e uma viagem pelo multimídia para exemplificar sua estrutura e conteúdo. O multimídia será posteriormente disponibilizado para o público externo pela página eletrônica do MAst e/ou por intermédio de uma publicação comercial.

  17. Astronomy in the Classroom: Why? (Spanish Title: Astronomía en la Clase: ¿Por Qué?) Astronomia na Sala de Aula: Por Quê?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Daros Gama, Leandro; Bagdonas Henrique, Alexandre


    particular, é foco deste ensaio: a astronomia. Em que sentido e em que medida valeria a pena abordá-la em aulas, seja de ciências, seja de astronomia especificamente, ou em disciplinas afins? Discutimos neste texto alguns aspectos das vantagens de se tratar essa área do conhecimento nas escolas, levando em conta as dimensões epistemológica e axiológica da astronomia, à luz da visão da ciência como um diálogo inteligente com o mundo, de Bachelard, além da proposta de problematização do conhecimento, de Paulo Freire. Proporemos que de fato a astronomia não precisa ser vista como apenas um novo conjunto de conteúdos a serem ensinados, mas figura como conjunto de temas motivadores para discussões histórico-filosóficas, além de permitir a abordagem de conceitos típicos de outras disciplinas.

  18. Coverage of Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica in Elsevier's CiteScore index: a new tool for measuring the citation impact of academic journals.


    Poljak, Mario


    In December 2016, Elsevier launched a new tool that helps measure the citation impact of academic journals, called the CiteScore index. The CiteScore index values for 2015 confirmed the status of Acta Dermatovenerologica Alpina, Pannonica et Adriatica (Acta Dermatovenerol APA) as the leading journal in dermatology and sexually transmitted infections in the region. Sixty-five articles published in Acta Dermatovenerol APA from 2012 to 2014 received a total of 77 citations in 2015, resulting in a CiteScore index value of 1.18 for the journal. More than half of the articles published from 2012 to 2014 received at least one citation in 2015. Acta Dermatovenerol APA performed well in all three categories listed because it is ranked 384th out of 1,549 journals in the category General Medicine (75th percentile), 53rd out of 122 journals in the category Dermatology (56th percentile), and 142nd out of 246 journals in the category Infectious Diseases (42nd percentile).

  19. Tendências De Teses e Dissertações Sobre Educação em Astronomia No Brasil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, Paulo Sergio; Megid Neto, Jorge


    Apresentam-se os resultados de uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte sobre teses e dissertações defendidas no Brasil e relativas ao ensino de Astronomia, com objetivo de identificar essa produção e conhecer as principais tendências da pesquisa nesse campo. Foram localizadas 13 dissertações de mestrado e 3 teses de doutorado, as quais foram estudadas em função dos seguintes aspectos: isntituição, ano de defesa, nível escolar abrangido no estudo, foco temático do estudo e gênero de trabalho acadêmico. Pretende-se assim colaborar com a divulgação ampla da produção acadêmica na área. Ao mesmo tempo o estudo possibilita, a partir de investigações decorrentes, apontar as contribuições dessa produção para o ensino e sinalizar com necessidades a serem supridas por futuras pesquisas.

  20. A Novel Regulatory Mechanism of Smooth Muscle α-Actin Expression by NRG-1/circACTA2/miR-548f-5p Axis.


    Sun, Yan; Yang, Zhan; Zheng, Bin; Zhang, Xin-Hua; Zhang, Man-Li; Zhao, Xue-Shan; Zhao, Hong-Ye; Suzuki, Toru; Wen, Jin-Kun


    Neuregulin-1 (NRG-1) includes an extracellular epidermal growth factor-like domain and an intracellular domain (NRG-1-ICD). In response to transforming growth factor-β1, its cleavage by proteolytic enzymes releases a bioactive fragment, which suppresses the vascular smooth muscle cell (VSMC) proliferation by activating ErbB (erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog) receptor. However, NRG-1-ICD function in VSMCs remains unknown. Here, we characterize the function of NRG-1-ICD and underlying mechanisms in VSMCs. Immunofluorescence staining, Western blotting, and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction showed that NRG-1 was expressed in rat, mouse, and human VSMCs and was upregulated and cleaved in response to transforming growth factor-β1. In the cytoplasm of HASMCs (human aortic smooth muscle cells), the NRG-1-ICD participated in filamentous actin formation by interacting with α-SMA (smooth muscle α-actin). In the nucleus, the Nrg-1-ICD induced circular ACTA2 (alpha-actin-2; circACTA2) formation by recruitment of the zinc-finger transcription factor IKZF1 (IKAROS family zinc finger 1) to the first intron of α-SMA gene. We further confirmed that circACTA2, acting as a sponge binding microRNA (miR)-548f-5p, interacted with miR-548f-5p targeting 3' untranslated region of α-SMA mRNA, which in turn relieves miR-548f-5p repression of the α-SMA expression and thus upregulates α-SMA expression, thereby facilitating stress fiber formation and cell contraction in HASMCs. Accordingly, in vivo studies demonstrated that the localization of the interaction of circACTA2 with miR-548f-5p is significantly decreased in human intimal hyperplastic arteries compared with normal arteries, implicating that dysregulation of circACTA2 and miR-548f-5p expression is involved in intimal hyperplasia. These results suggest that circACTA2 mediates NRG-1-ICD regulation of α-SMA expression in HASMCs via the NRG-1-ICD/circACTA2/miR-548f-5p axis. Our data provide a molecular

  1. Astronomy, Art and Mythology in a Public Elementary School in Itaocara/rj. (Spanish Title: Astronomía, Arte y Mitologia en el Ensino Fundamental en Una Escuela de la Red Estatal en ITAOCARA/RJ.) Astronomia, Arte e Mitologia no Ensino Fundamental em Escola da Rede Estadual em ITAOCARA/RJ

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oliveira Bernardes, Adriana; Ramos dos Santos, Arleidimar


    conocimientos recibidos. El trabajo en sí ha mostrado además de la posibilidad de la inclusión de la Astronomía en la Educación Primaria, la posibilidad de un trabajo interdisciplinario en los niveles iniciales incluyendo Astronomía, Arte y Mitología. Los resultados presentados por los estudiantes en las Olimpiadas promovidas en la escuela y por la OBA (Olimpiada Brasilera de Astronomía) permitieron verificar un creciente aprendizaje y estimulo hacia las materias científicas, comprobados por la apropiada expresión de los conceptos adquiridos de astronomía y presentados en evaluaciones o en informes obtenidos de ellos mismos, sus familias y profesores. Desenvolvendo um trabalho voluntário junto aos alunos do ensino fundamental no 1º ciclo (1ª a 4ª série), os monitores de Astronomia membros do CAIMP (Clube de Astronomia de Itaocara Marcos Pontes), que eram em sua maioria alunos do ensino médio, desenvolveram um trabalho de aproximação entre os alunos do Colégio Estadual Teotônio Brandão Vilela e os temas envolvendo Ciências e Astronomia. Através de oficinas de informática, artes, vídeos educativos e teatros de fantoches, os alunos puderam expressar seus conhecimentos e emoções diante das lendas mitológicas com as quais começaram a ter contato. O trabalho desenvolvido pelos monitores junto aos alunos proporcionou a integração entre as turmas do colégio e os levou a participação em atividades de maneira a estimular sua oralidade e aumentar sua auto-estima. Trabalhando várias formas de expressões, os alunos puderam realizar seus experimentos e conhecer alguns conceitos de Física e Astronomia, enquanto adquiriam autonomia para se expressarem de acordo com seus sentimentos e conhecimentos adquiridos. O trabalho em si mostrou além da possibilidade de inserção de Astronomia no Ensino Fundamental, a possibilidade de realização de um trabalho interdisciplinar nas séries iniciais envolvendo Astronomia, Arte e Mitologia. Os resultados apresentados

  2. Teaching of Astronomy: Scenarios of Teaching Practice in Elementary Schools. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza de la Astronomía: Semblanzas de la Práctica Docente en Educación Primaria.) Ensino de Astronomia: Cenários da Prática Docente no Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marchi Gonzatti, Sônia Elisa; Spessatto De Maman, Andréia; Fernandes Borragini, Eliana; Kerber, Júlia Cristina; Haetinger, Werner


    atomización de los asuntos, aunque temas como movimientos de la Tierra y fenómenos astronómicos hayan sido citados por la mayoría de los participantes. En cuanto a las estrategias, se verifico que se emplean principalmente clases con el apoyo de recursos bidimensionales, como películas, textos, mapas y búsqueda en internet. Las principales dificultades fueron la falta de formación específica con respecto a los contenidos de Astronomía, y el nivel de abstracción exigido por los contenidos. De modo general, esos indicadores convergen para los resultados ya encontrados en otros estudios, en el que las deficiencias de la formación inicial de los profesores, o incluso su ausencia, dificulta el adecuado abordaje de la Astronomía en las clases. Neste trabalho são apresentados os principais resultados de uma investigação realizada no campo da Educação em Astronomia, com professores do ensino fundamental de duas regiões do Rio Grande do Sul. O objetivo do estudo foi caracterizar o cenário regional do ensino de Astronomia, estabelecendo um comparativo com o cenário nacional. Esse estudo abordou três questões: identificar os principais temas de astronomia trabalhados em sala de aula, as estratégias metodológicas e quais as dificuldades apresentadas pelos professores ao desenvolver sua prática. Quanto aos conteúdos, encontrouse uma pulverização dos assuntos abordados, embora temas como movimentos da Terra e fenômenos astronômicos tenham sido citados pela maioria dos participantes. Sobre estratégias, são utilizadas principalmente aulas com apoio de recursos bidimensionais, como filmes, textos, mapas e pesquisa na internet. As principais dificuldades foram: falta de formação específica em relação a conteúdos de Astronomia; nível de abstração dos conteúdos, que dificultam sua compreensão, tanto pelos alunos quanto pelos próprios professores. De maneira geral, esses indicadores convergem para resultados já encontrados em outros estudos que

  3. The ACTA PORT-score for predicting perioperative risk of blood transfusion for adult cardiac surgery.


    Klein, A A; Collier, T; Yeates, J; Miles, L F; Fletcher, S N; Evans, C; Richards, T


    A simple and accurate scoring system to predict risk of transfusion for patients undergoing cardiac surgery is lacking. We identified independent risk factors associated with transfusion by performing univariate analysis, followed by logistic regression. We then simplified the score to an integer-based system and tested it using the area under the receiver operator characteristic (AUC) statistic with a Hosmer-Lemeshow goodness-of-fit test. Finally, the scoring system was applied to the external validation dataset and the same statistical methods applied to test the accuracy of the ACTA-PORT score. Several factors were independently associated with risk of transfusion, including age, sex, body surface area, logistic EuroSCORE, preoperative haemoglobin and creatinine, and type of surgery. In our primary dataset, the score accurately predicted risk of perioperative transfusion in cardiac surgery patients with an AUC of 0.76. The external validation confirmed accuracy of the scoring method with an AUC of 0.84 and good agreement across all scores, with a minor tendency to under-estimate transfusion risk in very high-risk patients. The ACTA-PORT score is a reliable, validated tool for predicting risk of transfusion for patients undergoing cardiac surgery. This and other scores can be used in research studies for risk adjustment when assessing outcomes, and might also be incorporated into a Patient Blood Management programme. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the British Journal of Anaesthesia. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  4. [XXX anniversary of Actas Urologicas Espanolas: historical chronicle].


    Pérez Albacete, M


    In the occasion of his thirtieth anniversary we try to know, from the historical point of view, development and evolution the Spanish Actas of Urology. For it we analyzed the role played by each one of the directors who the magazine has had in this period. We reviewed the content of the publication from January of 1977 to October of 2006, the title fifth of the statutes of the Spanish Association of Urology that regulate it, its diverse modifications and, also, whichever news appear in relation to the magazine in the News bulletin of the AEU. We detailed the performance of each director and indicated the measures taken, the changes and the conducted adaptations to maintain it to the day and to locate it within the international context of the biomedical magazines, its inclusion in the international indices of measurement and Internet, with the purpose of increasing its diffusion, the factor of impact and the intention to consolidate it as the one of urological reference between those of Hispanic speech. The magazine has gathered faithfully the work of the Spanish urologist and has been the exponent in these thirty years of the evolution and the constant progress that our Urology has maintained. He is clear, in his 30 volumes, the delivery of his four directors, the continuous preoccupation and the fight that maintain to surpass the difficulties and to elevate their scientific quality to reach the proposed objectives.

  5. Turkish Contribution to Journal of Neurosurgery and Acta Neurochirurgica.


    Altinors, Nur; Comert, Serhat; Sonmez, Erkin; Altinel, Faruk


    To evaluate the contribution of Turkish scientists to four journals published by Journal of Neurosurgery (JNS) Publishing Group and to Acta Neurochirurgica (AN) and to its Supplement (ANS). We reviewed every issue of those journals to December 2015 for the total number of articles, articles produced from studies performed entirely in Turkey, and for publications overseas co-authored by the Turkish scientists using the websites of these journals. Citations were searched using "Web of Science" and "Google Scholar" databases. The total number of articles published was 19822 for JNS, 3227 for JNS Spine, 2526 for JNS Pediatrics and 2997 for Neurosurgical Focus. Turkish contribution was 556 articles. 337 (60.61%) articles were the products of studies performed entirely in Turkey, while 219 (39.38%) articles came from overseas, co-authored by Turkish scientists. Overall contribution was 1.94%. A total of 6469 articles were published in AN. 340 papers were the products of studies performed entirely in Turkey. Turkish scientists working overseas co-authored 37 articles. Total contribution was 377 articles (5.82%). 4134 papers had been published in ANS. Contribution was 69 articles (1.66%). Turkish contribution to these journals has started late. The gap has been compensated with publications in the last two decades. Manuscripts of higher scientific level with greater number of citations are needed to increase Turkish contribution to such journals.

  6. The Teaching of Astronomy in Uruguay. (Spanish Title: La Enseñanza de la Astronomía en Uruguay.) O Ensino da Astronomia no Uruguai

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pintos Ganón, Reina; Fernández, Julio Angel


    We present in this work the development of astronomy in Uruguay since the colony times up to the present, stressing in particular those aspects related to the formal as well as informal teaching of astronomy. The first antecedents of astronomical studies in our country go back to the beginnings of the XVIIIth century related to the scientific expeditions from Europe coming to our shores. The teaching of astronomy was generalized at the high school level as soon as the end of the XIXth century, while itsintroduction at the university level happened much later, around the middle of the last century. We analyze the current situation of this subject, its problems, and some measures to strengthen its development. Se presenta en este trabajo el desarrollo de la astronomía en el Uruguay desde la época colonial hasta el presente, destacando en particular los aspectos vinculados a su enseñanza tanto formal como informal. Los primeros antecedentes de estudios astronómicos datan de la época colonial relacionados con las expediciones científicas del Viejo Mundo que llegaban a nuestras costas. La enseñanza de la Astronomía se generalizó en el ámbito de los estudios secundarios ya a fines del siglo XIX, mientras que en la Universidad su arribo fue mucho más tardío, a mediados del siglo pasado. Se analiza la situación actual de esta disciplina, sus problemas, y algunas medidas para fortalecer su desarrollo. Apresentamos, neste trabalho, o desenvolvimento da Astronomia no Uruguai desde a época colonial até o presente, destacando em particular os aspectos vinculados ao seu ensino tanto formal quanto informal. Os primeiros antecedentes de estudos astronômicos em nosso país datam da época colonial relacionados com as expedições científicas do Velho Mundo que chegavam às nossas costas. O ensino da Astronomia se generalizou no âmbito dos estudos secundários já no final do século XIX, enquanto que sua introdução na universidade foi muito mais tardia, em

  7. Ensino de astronomia no 1o. e 2o. ciclos do nível fundamental e na educação de jovens e adultos: exemplos e discussões

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Queiroz, A. S. B.; Jafelice, L. C.


    Tem-se constatado uma preocupante carência no ensino de astronomia nos diversos níveis de escolaridade. Neste trabalho discutimos várias práticas didático-pedagógicas que vimos desenvolvendo para crianças, jovens e adultos em processo de alfabetização, visando contribuir para reparar aquela carência. Propomos uma metodologia que incorpora as recentes exigências das políticas públicas educacionais, estimula o desenvolvimento de textos e materiais instrucionais, é compatível com a realidade desse público e é adaptável às respectivas faixas etárias. A observação do céu sempre esteve presente na vida de nossos antepassados, dando suporte à compreensão do ser humano como integrante da natureza. Visamos com este trabalho suprir a deficiência encontrada para se tratar a relação do ser humano com o céu, no ambiente escolar. Os resultados são animadores e envolvem práticas e textos que desenvolvemos e atividades realizadas pelos alunos. No primeiro grupo destacamos o desenvolvimento de várias práticas: "viagem aos planetas" (construímos o "foguete", os planetas em escala, contamos história e redigimos texto de orientação para os professores); "gnômon humano" (os próprios corpos dos alunos são usados para registrar o movimento aparente do Sol); "crateras da Lua" (concretização de "meteoritos" e "solo lunar" de gesso e exploração da relação entre energia cinética do bólido e tamanho da cratera formada); etc. No segundo grupo, produções de desenhos e redações e discussões dos alunos após a realização de cada prática, revelam que estas têm se mostrado muito eficientes, tanto para estimular a imaginação e a fantasia dos envolvidos, como para trabalhar-se habilidades, competências e conteúdos relacionados à astronomia, segundo uma perspectiva interdisciplinar contextualizada. (PPGECNM/UFRN; NUPA/USP; Temáticos/FAPESP)

  8. Twenty Years of Society of Medical Informatics of B&H and the Journal Acta Informatica Medica

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet


    In 2012, Health/Medical informatics profession celebrates five jubilees in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a) Thirty five years from the introduction of the first automatic manipulation of data; b) Twenty five years from establishing Society for Medical Informatics BiH; c) Twenty years from establishing scientific and professional journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina „Acta Informatica Medica“; d) Twenty years from establishing first Cathdra for Medical Informatics on biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and e) Ten years from the introduction of “Distance learning” in medical curriculum. All of the five mentioned activities in the area of Medical informatics had special importance and gave appropriate contribution in the development of Health/Medical informatics in Bosnia And Herzegovina. PMID:23322947

  9. Twenty years of society of medical informatics of b&h and the journal acta informatica medica.


    Masic, Izet


    In 2012, Health/Medical informatics profession celebrates five jubilees in Bosnia and Herzegovina: a) Thirty five years from the introduction of the first automatic manipulation of data; b) Twenty five years from establishing Society for Medical Informatics BiH; c) Twenty years from establishing scientific and professional journal of the Society for Medical Informatics of Bosnia and Herzegovina "Acta Informatica Medica"; d) Twenty years from establishing first Cathdra for Medical Informatics on biomedical faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina and e) Ten years from the introduction of "Distance learning" in medical curriculum. All of the five mentioned activities in the area of Medical informatics had special importance and gave appropriate contribution in the development of Health/Medical informatics in Bosnia And Herzegovina.

  10. Trans World Tidal Gravity Profile.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  11. Myopathy-inducing mutation H40Y in ACTA1 hampers actin filament structure and function


    Chan, Chun; Fan, Jun; Messer, Andrew E.; ...


    In humans, more than 200 missense mutations have been identified in the ACTA1 gene. The exact molecular mechanisms by which, these particular mutations become toxic and lead to muscle weakness and myopathies remain obscure. To address this, here, we performed a molecular dynamics simulation, and we used a broad range of biophysical assays to determine how the lethal and myopathy-related H40Y amino acid substitution in actin affects the structure, stability, and function of this protein. Interestingly, our results showed that H40Y severely disrupts the DNase I-binding-loop structure and actin filaments. In addition, we observed that normal and mutant actin monomersmore » are likely to form distinctive homopolymers, with mutant filaments being very stiff, and not supporting proper myosin binding. Lastly, these phenomena underlie the toxicity of H40Y and may be considered as important triggering factors for the contractile dysfunction, muscle weakness and disease phenotype seen in patients.« less

  12. Myopathy-inducing mutation H40Y in ACTA1 hampers actin filament structure and function

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chan, Chun; Fan, Jun; Messer, Andrew E.

    In humans, more than 200 missense mutations have been identified in the ACTA1 gene. The exact molecular mechanisms by which, these particular mutations become toxic and lead to muscle weakness and myopathies remain obscure. To address this, here, we performed a molecular dynamics simulation, and we used a broad range of biophysical assays to determine how the lethal and myopathy-related H40Y amino acid substitution in actin affects the structure, stability, and function of this protein. Interestingly, our results showed that H40Y severely disrupts the DNase I-binding-loop structure and actin filaments. In addition, we observed that normal and mutant actin monomersmore » are likely to form distinctive homopolymers, with mutant filaments being very stiff, and not supporting proper myosin binding. Lastly, these phenomena underlie the toxicity of H40Y and may be considered as important triggering factors for the contractile dysfunction, muscle weakness and disease phenotype seen in patients.« less

  13. Projeto educação em ciências com observatórios virtuais: a participação da Escola Moppe no período 2000-2003

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wuensche, C. A.; Gavioli, E.; Oliveira, A. L. P. R. S.; da Silva, C.; Cardoso, H. P.; Estácio, S.


    O projeto Educação em Ciências com Observatórios Virtuais foi concebido pelo Instituto Astronômico e Geofísico da USP, agregando diversas instituições de ensino e pesquisa no país para desenvolver competências diversas na educação fundamental, média e superior utilizando a astronomia como ferramenta multidisciplinar. Este trabalho descreve a participação da MOPPE, escola-piloto do INPE no projeto, no período de 2000-2003. Serão apresentadas 1) a criação de um clube de ciências (1999 a 2001) cujo tema foi a colonização de Marte e 2) a ementa de astronomia trabalhada com as 7a. e 8a. séries do ensino fundamental. A proposta do projeto Colonizando Marte foi estudar diversos aspectos de uma missão interplanetária e construir experiementos que permitissem quantificar esses aspectos. Os resultados obtidos incluiram apresentações nas SBPC Jovem em 2000 e 2001. Discutiremos também as ementas de astronomia trabalhadas desde 2001 e o envolvimento dos alunos com atividades ligadas a astronomia, fora da aula de ciências. A inclusão de astronomia no currículo das últimas séries motivou a participação de mais alunos culminando com a conquista de duas medalhas para alunos da 7a. série na Olimpiada Brasileira de Astronomia em 2002. Houve também um aumento no número de participantes na OBA 2003 e nos projetos de astronomia mais elaborados nas Feira de Ciências de 2001 e 2002. Destacamos em 2003 a inclusão da MOPPE no projeto TIE - Telescopes in Education - da NASA, que utiliza o telescópio do Observatório de Mount Wilson (EUA) para observações remotas em projetos pedagógicos para o ensino de astronomia.

  14. Gender analysis of papers published in ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA (1999-2006).


    Alonso-Arroyo, A; González-Alcaide, G; Bolaños Pizarro, M; Castelló Cogollos, L; Valderrama-Zurián, J C; Aleixandre-Benavent, R


    The governments and organizations responsible for scientific policies try to encourage equality of gender, among their priorities that of obtaining equal participation and full integration of women in all aspects of the scientific profession. The study analyzes the scientific production of women in the areas of Psychiatry by means of the bibliometric study of the papers published in ACTAS ESPANOLAS DE PSIQUIATRIA. A total of 458 papers published from 1999- 2006 period were downloaded from the Science Citation Index-Expanded database, these including original research papers, review articles and clinical cases. A bibliometric study broken down by gender was carried out to determine the existence or inequalities between men and women regarding scientific productivity, type of document, order of author signatures, on the institutional and geographical level. The papers were published by 1,194 different authors. The gender of 977 authors was identified, 587 (60.08%) men and 390 (39.92%) women. The percentage of women authorship has risen from 29.92% in 1999 to 38.86% in 2006. A total of 42.92% of authors having one published article were women, while (those with more than nine articles) only accounted for 33%. Bibliometric studies on scientific activity provide essential information to promote gender equality. An annual increase over 1% in the number of female authors in the journal has been observed, which if it continues will lead to a parity in coming years.

  15. Line Asymmetries and Vertical Velocities Observed with a Narrow-Band Filter

    DTIC Science & Technology


    dr,AMonrh, day) 1.PAGE COUNT Reprint FROM _ TO 1990 June 20 14 16 SUPPLEMENTARY NOTATION *Instituto di Astronomia , Firenze, Italy **National Solar... Astronomia , Firenze, Italy Peter Tamblyn and Larry November National Solar Observatory. Sacramento Peak, Sunspot, NM 88349, USA Abstract Fabry-Perot filter

  16. On the Formation of a Study Group to the Realization of Workshops for Teachers: Astronomy in Basic Education in Umuarama-Pr (Spanish Title: De la Formación de un Grupo de Estudios a la Realización de los Talleres Para los Profesores: la Astronomía en la Educación Básica en Umuarama-Pr ) Da Formação de um Grupo de Estudos À Realização de Oficinas Para Professores: a Astronomia na Educação Básica em Umuarama-Pr

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Belusso, Diane; Akira Sakai, Otávio


    In this article, we aimed to present the activities developed by the Astronomy Study Group (ASG) to contribute to the dissemination and improvement of the astronomy teaching-learning. The results of a research carried out in schools of Umuarama-PR are shown, with the intention of checking the students' knowledge and interest in relation to Astronomy. It is reported the realization of workshops for Science teachers linked to the Education Regional Nucleus. The research and the workshop execution promoted the direct contact of the study group with the community; the results were used to diagnose the state of astronomy teaching-learning, in the basic education in Umuarama-PR. En este artículo se intenta presentar las actividades desarrolladas por el Grupo de Estudios de Astronomía (GEA) y contribuir para la divulgación y mejoría de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Astronomía. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada en las escuelas de Umuarama-PR, con la intención de determinar el grado de conocimiento y el interés de los estudiantes en relación a la astronomía. Se relata la realización de talleres de capacitación para los profesores de ciencias vinculados al Núcleo Regional del Educación. La ejecución de la investigación y de los talleres promovió el contacto directo del grupo de estudios con la comunidad; los resultados sirvieron de diagnóstico de la enseñanza aprendizaje de la astronomía en la educación básica en Umuarama-PR. Neste artigo, objetiva-se apresentar as atividades desenvolvidas pelo Grupo de Estudos de Astronomia (GEA) e contribuir para a divulgação e melhoria do ensino-aprendizagem de astronomia. São apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada nas escolas de Umuarama-PR, com o intuito de averiguar o conhecimento e o interesse dos estudantes em relação à astronomia. Relata-se a realização de oficinas de capacitação para professores de ciências vinculados ao Núcleo Regional de Educação. A

  17. Inclusion of Visually Impaired in the School Programme Scheduled Visit of the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST). (Breton Title: Inclusão de Deficientes Visuais no Programa de Visita Escolar Programada do Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST).) Inclusión de Discapacitados Visuales en el Programa Escolar Programado del Museo de Astronomía y Ciencias Afines (MAST)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Oliveira Gonçalves, Carla; da Conceição Barbosa-Lima, Maria


    Inclusive Education in Brazil, contemplated in the 1988 Constitution and in the Law of Guidelines and Bases of National Education (9.394/96) highlights the importance and urgency of promoting inclusive education as a formative element of nationality. Inclusive Education refers to all people who are struggling in school. Inclusion should be in all educational institutions (formal and informal). Our goal in the graduation final task was to report the experience of mediation to visually impaired students of the Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC) at the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST), and also suggest some modifications and present new proposals for the School Visit Program (VEP) through a specially constructed apparatus, where the sky can be sensed near the latitude of Rio de Janeiro. A educação inclusiva no Brasil, contemplada na Constituição de 1988 e a Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional (9.394/96), destaca a importância e urgência de se promover a inclusão escolar como elemento formador da nacionalidade. A educação inclusiva diz respeito a todas as pessoas que enfrentam dificuldades na escola. A inclusão deve estar em todas as instituições educacionais (formais e não formais). Nosso objetivo, no trabalho de final de curso de licenciatura, foi apresentar o relato de experiência de mediação aos alunos deficientes visuais do Instituto Benjamin Constant (IBC) no Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST), as modificações e novas propostas para o Programa de Visita Escolar Programada (VEP) através de um aparelho especialmente construído onde se pode perceber o céu na latitude próxima a do Rio de Janeiro. La educación inclusiva en el Brasil, contemplada en la Constitución de 1988 y en la Ley de Directrices y Bases de la Educación Nacional (9.394/96), destaca la importancia y la urgencia de promover la inclusión escolar como elemento formador de la nacionalidad. La educación inclusiva se refiere a todas las personas

  18. BOOK REVIEW: Tycho Brahe and Prague: Crossroads of European Science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sterken, C.; Christianson, J. R.; Hadravová, A.; Hadrava, P.; Solc, M.


    The 16th volume of the Acta Historica Astronomiae is the Proceedings of the International Symposium on the History of Science in the Rudolphine Period. The meeting was held in Prague from 22 to 25 October 2001, on the 400th anniversary of Tycho's sudden death, and was attended by approximately 65 scientists and historians. The volume contains 36 contributions dealing with the life and work of Tycho Brahe, the astronomy of the era, and many cultural aspects of Rudolphine Prague. One of the first papers is an eye-opener on the fact that Tycho Brahe was a cosmologically-driven observer. This is followed by a very illuminating paper on gender roles in science in the late 16th century, with emphasis on the role of Sophie Brahe, Tycho's youngest sister. Several subsequent papers reveal the existence of barely known links between Tycho and his contemporaneous colleagues. These extremely-well documented papers also deal with the broader philosophical investigation he was involved in, viz. meteorology, medicine, astrology, alchemy and even theology. Important names of Tycho's days are Petrus Severinus, Johannes Pratensis, Theophrastus Paracelsus, John Craig, Ursus (Nicolai Reymers Baer) etc. Very illuminating is the information on the relations between Tycho and the Jesuits in Prague, explaining the reason why this order was very supportive of the Tychonic cosmological model. The relationsship with Kepler, and also Kepler's observational activities (after Tycho's death) are highlighted as well as the hideous mode of communication between Galileo and Kepler. More than one paper deals with the accuracy and precision of Tycho's observations, and the causal impact of this accuracy on the scientific revolution. Another study discusses the study of Tycho's handwriting, this paper brings the aditional bonus of a list of accessible works which contain notes by him. One very interesting project was Brahe's proposal to the Republic of Venice to determine the exact latitudes of

  19. Astronomy Teaching in Argentina in the 19th Century. (Spanish Title: La Enseñanza de la Astronomía en la Argentina del Siglo XIX.) O Ensino de Astronomia na Argentina no Século XIX

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Norberto Cornejo, Jorge; Santilli, Haydée


    según el positivismo francés, y el segundo de acuerdo al positivismo alemán. También señalaremos la distinta actitud de ambos observatorios frente a la educación. En esta última dimensión veremos cómo las ideas positivistas tuvieron gran importancia en la formación de maestros impartida en las Escuelas Normales. Estableceremos también la relevante influencia del contexto socio-histórico en el desarrollo de la astronomía, y, a su vez, apreciaremos que esta última fue un actor social fundamental en la Historia Argentina. Domingo F. Sarmiento acreditava que a astronomia de Copérnico fosse uma das disciplinas científicas fundamentais para a formação de um cidadão "moderno". Neste trabalho estudaremos astronomia a partir de duas perspectivas: a científica e a educacional Nosso estudo será desenvolvido para a Argentina no século XIX, a partir da iniciativa de Bernardino Rivadavia, em 1821, que estabeleceu um observatório astronômico em Buenos Aires, até as primeiras atividades dos observatórios de Córdoba e La Plata. Em ambas as perspectivas, científica e educativa, vamos analisar a influência das ideias positivistas. Discutiremos como existiram diferenças epistemológicas entre eles, o Observatório de Córdoba orientado de acordo com o positivismo francês, e La Plata, de acordo com o positivismo alemão. Ambos os observatórios tinha uma atitude diferente em relação à educação. As ideias positivistas foram muito importantes para treinar professores do ensino primário na Argentina. Nós iremos enfatizar a importante influência do contexto sócio-histórico na astronomia, já que esta ciência foi um importante ator social na história da Argentina.

  20. The Astronomy Club of Araranguá: Educating Science Teachers as Science Communicators. (Breton Title: Clube de Astronomia de AraranguÁ: a Formação de Professores de Ciências Como Divulgadores Científicos. ) Club de Astronomía de Araranguá: la Formación del Profesorado Como Comunicadores de la Ciencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damasio, Felipe; Allain, Olivier; Antunes Rodrigues, Adriano


    The study reported in this work takes place since 2009 at the Federal Institute of Education, Science and Technology of Santa Catarina, Campus Araranguá. Our main goal is to help form teachers, training undergraduate students in Natural Sciences with specialization in Physics as science communicators, as well as to promote actions of broader scientific popularization in the region of the town of Araranguá through an Astronomy Club called CA2. Among the actions of scientific popularization that the students promote are: video production, radio broadcasts, lectures, nightly observations, preparation and exhibition of posters, physics teaching for children, continuing education activities for teachers and regular physics teaching using Astronomy as a theme. The Club's teacher education and scientific dissemination work is based on the Theory of Meaningful Learning, always trying to reach the student's predisposition to learn and produce potentially meaningful material, the two essential conditions for meaningful learning to occur. O estudo que este trabalho relata ocorre desde 2009 no Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de Santa Catarina, campus Araranguá. Nele procura-se formar divulgadores científicos durante a formação inicial de docentes do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências da Natureza com habilitação em Física, além de promover ações de divulgação científica para o público geral da região da cidade de Araranguá por meio de um Clube de Astronomia chamado CA² (Clube de Astronomia de Araranguá). Entre as ações de divulgação científica que os licenciandos promovem estão: produção de vídeos, programas de rádio, palestras, observações noturnas, confecção e exposição de pôsteres, ensino de física para crianças, formação continuada de professores em atividades e ensino de Física regular utilizando a Astronomia como tema gerador. O trabalho de formação docente e divulgação científica do Clube fundamenta

  1. Memories of Astronomy Education in Brazil: Clippings from the Discourses of Interviewed Researchers on the Subject. (Spanish Title: Memorias de la Educación en Astronomía en Brasil: Recortes de los Discursos de Investigadores Entrevistados Acerca del Tema ) Memórias da Educação em Astronomia no Brasil: Recortes a Partir das Falas de Pesquisadores Entrevistados sobre o Tema

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo; Nardi, Roberto


    This paper presents a historical retrospective concerning data from a research in Astronomy Education in Brazil, after 1973. It was organized on the basis of the speech analysis of national researchers considered references in this field by their peers. Furthermore, it was elaborated on the basis of other studies from the areas of Science Education, Physics and Astronomy. This historical overview was developed in order to facilitate understanding of the contexts in which the interviewed researchers have developed professionally. Moreover, we attempted to recover the memory of the growing field of research in Astronomy Education in the country. We believe that the history presented can help those trying to understand the past in an attempt to resolve current and future demands. Se presenta en este artículo una retrospectiva histórica referente a datos provenientes de la investigación en enseñanza de la astronomía en el Brasil, después de 1973, organizada sobre la base del análisis de los discursos de los investigadores nacionales considerados referencias en este campo, y también en la lectura de las publicaciones en las áreas de Enseñanza de las Ciencias, Física y Astronomía. Este repaso histórico se desarrolló con el fin de facilitar la comprensión de los contextos en los que los investigadores entrevistados se han desarrollado profesionalmente. Por otra parte, se intentó recuperar la memoria del creciente campo de la investigación en Educación en Astronomía en el país. Creemos que el relato presentado puede contribuir a quien trata de comprender el pasado, en un intento de resolver las demandas actuales y futuras. Relata-se neste artigo uma retrospectiva histórica referente a dados provenientes de pesquisa em Educação em Astronomia no país, pós 1973, organizada com base na análise das falas de pesquisadores considerados referências nacionais nesse campo, como também na leitura de publicações das áreas de ensino de Ciências, F

  2. Analysis of historical articles published in Actas Urológicas Españolas.


    Pérez-Albacete, M

    On the 40th anniversary of the edition of Actas Urológicas Españolas, we assess the articles on history to determine the proportion represented, analysing the study subjects and their relevance, getting to know the authors, the main study centres and the interest that the studies offer for understanding the specialty. We extracted as many subjects of historic content from the journal as were published between January 1976 and December 2016. There were 103 historical studies representing 3% of the total number of articles, with a mean of 2.57 articles published annually, written by 127 separate urologists. As first author, there were 59 articles, and as coauthors, there were 68. The main activity came from 21 of the main university hospitals in Spain, and 43 of the articles were personal articles signed by a single individual. Their content mainly covers the facts of Spanish urology from the Renaissance to the 20th century, with special emphasis on the profile of Spanish specialists. Data on 22 of these specialists are provided in 37 articles. The evolution of diagnostic and treatment procedures, both medical and surgical, are well reflected, as are a number of diseases. Most of the studies are personal works of historical research and represent 3% of the total number of articles. As a whole, the quality is high, and the articles provide data with interesting details and useful reviews, giving them considerable value, as well as forming a precious compendium for the understanding of the history of Spanish urology. These articles are highly recommended reading. Copyright © 2017 AEU. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. Uso de modelos mecânicos em curso informal de astronomia para deficientes visuais. Resgate de uma experiência

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tavares, E. T., Jr.; Klafke, J. C.


    O presente trabalho propõe-se a resgatar uma experiência que teve lugar no Planetário de São Paulo nos anos 60. Em 1962, o Sr. Acácio, então com 37 anos, deficiente visual desde os 27, passou a assistir às aulas ministradas pelo Prof. Aristóteles Orsini aos integrantes do corpo de servidores do Planetário. O Sr. Acácio era o único deficiente da turma e, embora possuísse conhecimentos básicos e relativamente avançados de matemática, enfrentava dificuldades na compreensão e acompanhamento da exposição, como também em estudos posteriores. Com o intuito de auxiliá-lo na superação desses problemas, o Prof. Orsini solicitou a construção de modelos mecânicos que, através do sentido do tato, permitissem o acompanhamento das aulas e a transposição do modelo para o "constructo" mental. Essa prática mostrou-se tão eficaz que facilitou sobejamente o aprendizado da matéria pelo sujeito. O Sr. Acácio passou a integrar o corpo de professores do Planetário/Escola Municipal de Astrofísica, tendo ficado responsável pelo curso de "Introdução à Astronomia" por vários anos. Além disso, a experiência foi tão bem sucedida que alguns dos modelos tiveram seus elementos constitutivos pintados diferencialmente para serem utilizados em cursos regulares do Planetário, tornando-se parte integrante do conjunto de recursos didáticos da instituição. É pensando nessa eficácia, tanto em seu objetivo original permitir o aprendizado de um deficiente visual quanto no subsidiário recurso didático sistemático da instituição que decidimos resgatar essa experiência. Estribados nela, acreditamos ser extremamente produtivo, em termos educacionais, o aperfeiçoamento dos modelos originais, agora resgatados e restaurados, e a criação de outros que pudessem ser utilizados no ensino dessa ciência a deficientes visuais.

  4. National Stormwater Calculator User's Guide - Version 1.2

    EPA Science Inventory

    The National Stormwater Calculator is a simple to use tool for computing small site hydrology for any location within the US. It estimates the amount of stormwater runoff generated from a site under different development and control scenarios over a long term period of historica...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The National Stormwater Calculator is a simple to use tool for computing small site hydrology for any location within the US. It estimates the amount of stormwater runoff generated from a site under different development and control scenarios over a long term period of historica...

  6. Regional services in a research context: USDA Climate Hubs in the USDA Agricultural Research Service

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Ten USDA Climate Hubs were created in 2014 to develop and deliver science-based, region-specific information and technologies to better enable agricultural decision-making and management. Of these ten Hubs, half are administered by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), an agency with historica...

  7. Regional services in a research context: USDA climate hubs in the agricultural research service

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Ten USDA Climate Hubs were created in 2014 to develop and deliver science-based, region-specific information and technologies to better enable agricultural decision-making and management. Of these ten Hubs, half are administered by USDA’s Agricultural Research Service (ARS), an agency with historica...

  8. Sky Observation with the Use of the Software Stellarium for Teaching Astronomy in Classes of Youth and Adult Education. (Spanish Title: Observación del Cielo con la Utilización del Software Stellarium en Las Clases de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos.) Observação do Céu Aliada À Utilização do Software Stellarium no Ensino de Astronomia em Turmas de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oliveira Bernardes, Adriana


    en las ciencias, o sea, elaborar y desarrollar un plan de alfabetización científica. Se describe en detalle este plan, las actividades realizadas y los resultados obtenidos hasta el presente. O objetivo do presente artigo é apresentar um projeto desenvolvido através de parceria entre o Clube de Astronomia de Itaocara Marcos Pontes (CAIMP) e o Colégio Estadual Jaime Queiroz de Souza, ambos localizados na cidade de Itaocara, no Noroeste Fluminense, no sentido de divulgar junto às turmas de EJA (Ensino de Jovens e Adultos) a disciplina Astronomia. Conhecendo o caráter interdisciplinar da Astronomia, desenvolvemos este trabalho para motivar o aprendizado de Ciências junto a alunos de EJA do Ensino Médio que cursam as disciplinas Química, Física e Biologia. Inicialmente, realizamos na escola pesquisa sobre o conhecimento prévio de Astronomia da turma de EJA, observando que é escasso o conhecimento de conceitos básicos do tema, muitos dos quais deveriam ser assimilados através do conteúdo da disciplina Física. Com esses dados, foi possível elaborar várias atividades que possibilitassem um maior envolvimento dos estudantes com a Ciência, realizando dentro da escola um trabalho de alfabetização científica, cujas atividades serão apresentadas neste artigo.

  9. Lecturas sobre educacion de adultos en America latina (Readings on Adult Education in Latin America). Serie: Retablo de Papel 14.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Latapi, Pablo, Comp.; Castillo, Alfonso, Comp.

    Twelve essays written in Spanish on the state of adult education in Latin America are presented. The essays are organized into three main sections, including: "Concepto y evolucion historica de la educacion de adultos" (Conception and Historical Evolution of Adult Education); "Aspectos particulares" (Specific Subjects); and…

  10. Difficulties of First Years Elementary School Teachers with the Teaching of Astronomy. (Breton Title: Dificuldades de Professores dos Anos Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental em Relação ao Ensino da Astronomia. ) Dificultades de LOS Profesores de los Primeros Años de la Escuela Primaria en Relación a la Enseñanza de la Astronomía

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo; Nardi, Roberto


    This paper reports Primary School teachers' discourses analysis about their difficulties related to the teaching of Astronomy. It reports partial data of a master's level research carried out in the last two years, named "An exploratory study for inserting Astronomy in primary school teachers' education" (LANGHI, 2004). The study took into consideration students' and teachers' common sense conceptions about astronomical phenomena, conceptual mistakes in textbooks, and Astronomy's suggestions given by the PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais - The Brazilian National Curriculum Standards). The paper aims to characterize teachers' difficulties, in order to provide subsides to the implementation of an initial or continuing education program. This study is justified by the fact that courses plans like these only will be adapted to the teacher's (and students') reality, if there is a primary investigation about what the teachers really need to know about Astronomy. This fact was possible here by the enunciations interpretation of a teachers' sample using semi-structured interviews, according to discourse analysis procedures. The research outcomes show difficulties related to factors like: those of personal order, methodological, on teacher's formation, educational infrastructure and other related to information sources for educators. Este artigo, que relata as dificuldades de professores em relação ao ensino da Astronomia, faz parte de um estudo exploratório para a inserção da Astronomia na formação de professores dos anos iniciais do Ensino Fundamental. Esse estudo leva em consideração as concepções alternativas de alunos e professores sobre fenômenos astronômicos, os erros conceituais em livros didáticos e as sugestões de conteúdos de Astronomia constantes nos PCN (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais). Caracterizar as dificuldades dos professores é a questão central deste texto, apontando para o objetivo de contribuir com subsídios para um futuro

  11. Sobre os sistemas de referência celeste

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Poppe, P. C. R.; Martin, V. A. F.


    Apresentamos neste trabalho, algumas discussões sobre os sistemas de referência utilizados em Astronomia. Claramente, não é possível esgotar todo este assunto num único texto, mas esperamos, contudo, que o presente material possa ser apreciado nos cursos de Introdução à Astronomia, que estão cada vez mais presentes nas atuais propostas curriculares das graduações de Física. As discussões pertinentes às "Bases de Referência Celeste", serão apresentadas em um outro trabalho.

  12. Qual o Papel da Escola e da Mídia na Obtenção dos Conhecimentos Astronômicos?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Cunha, W. S.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    É amplamente reconhecido que as pessoas em geral têm grande fascínio e interesse pela Astronomia. Por outro lado, o conteúdo dessa área incluído no ensino formal está longe de ser abrangente e suficiente para suprir a demanda. Esse interesse permite aperfeiçoar a divulgação e o ensino não formal de Astronomia através da mídia aliando a adequação do conteúdo à expectativa das pessoas. A reforma do Currículo Básico da Escola Pública da maioria dos Estados brasileiros tem introduzido Astronomia desde a pré-escola até o Ensino Médio. Num estudo realizado com 1180 alunos do Ensino Médio de seis escolas estaduais, revelou-se através da aplicação de um formulário contendo questões que abordavam conhecimentos básicos em Astronomia, como foram adquiridos tais conhecimentos e à infra-estrutura da escola. Para 66,1% dos entrevistados o professor já fez alguma apresentação a respeito de Astronomia. O presente estudo revelou também que 54,4% dos alunos entrevistados adquiriram seus conhecimentos astronômicos na escola, 18,4% através da televisão e 27,1% afirmaram que seus conhecimentos foram obtidos através de outros tipos de mídia (internet, livros didáticos, filmes e revistas). Embora o estudo revele claramente que há certo equilíbrio no meio em que os alunos obtiveram seus conhecimentos astronômicos, a mídia busca não somente sua difusão, mas a disponibilização desse conhecimento de maneira correta, que às vezes, não é atingido, apresentando conceitos sem fundamentação e incorretos. Por outro lado, no dia-a-dia escolar, é comum encontrar professores que vêm para as aulas com concepções prévias, que podem diferir substancialmente das idéias a serem ensinadas, dificultando o aprendizado de futuros conceitos científicos. Uma avaliação criteriosa, avaliando as dificuldades dos professores em determinar o sentido correto dos conceitos e observando a metodologia que utilizam no ensino, poderá proporcionar uma melhor

  13. Perfil dos Professores de Ciências Naturais do Recôncavo da Bahia - Alunos da Disciplina Terra e Universo no Curso de Ciências Naturais do Parfor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lima, S. R.; Cerqueira Júnior, W.; Dutra, G.


    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido pelo projeto Astronomia no Recôncavo da Bahia, no Centro de Formação de Professores da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. Traçamos o perfil de um grupo de professores que lecionam conteúdos de Ciências Naturais no recôncavo, alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Naturais, oferecido dentro do Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica. Nosso objetivo era avaliar se eles estão preparados para trabalhar conteúdos de Astronomia e identificar suas dificuldades. Os resultados serviram para orientar o professor da disciplina “Terra e Universo”, oferecida no segundo semestre de 2010. Durante a primeira aula da disciplina Terra e Universo, os alunos responderam a um questionário contendo questões abertas e fechadas, divididas em duas partes. A primeira procurando caracterizar profissionalmente os alunos enquanto professores da rede pública da região do Recôncavo Sul da Bahia e uma segunda parte procurando identificar conhecimentos básicos em Astronomia. Os resultados indicam uma predominância de professores do sexo feminino, com idade superior aos 40 anos, pardos e sem formação específica para o ensino de ciências. A maioria leciona há mais de 15 anos para turmas do 1º ao 5º ano, alguns lecionam para turmas de 6º ao 9º ano. Quase todos nunca participaram de um curso de formação continuada em Astronomia. Além disso, não estão habituados a ler revistas especializadas e nem livros com esta temática. Os que procuram ensinar temas voltados para a Astronomia têm, no livro didático, a maior fonte de informação sobre o assunto. As respostas também indicam uma deficiência em conteúdos básicos como a compreensão da esfericidade da Terra, noções de verticalidade e gravidade, incapacidade de identificar a Terra como um planeta, no Sistema Solar, em uma galáxia, no Universo. Estes resultados ressaltam a importância de disciplinas de Astronomia básica na formação dos

  14. Astronomy in Science Textbooks: An Analysis of Pnld 2008. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en los Libros de Ciencia: un Análisis del Pnld 2008.) Astronomia Nos Livros Didáticos de Ciências: Uma Análise do Pnld 2008

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amaral, Patrícia; Quintanilha Vaz de Oliveira, Carlos Eduardo


    The importance of the textbooks in classrooms is revealed when studies are pointing that these pedagogical sources are, most of the times, the only source used by the elementary school teachers when preparing their Science lessons. When we analyzed the Astronomy contents in the textbooks approved by the Brazilian Textbook Program 2008 and which, in theory, are the best available in the Brazilian editorial market, we examined some categories in the 2008 Textbook Guide. This research characterizes the frequency of Astronomical contents appearing in the texts, in the pictures, and in the hands-on activities. Additionally, it describes some misconceptions and presents additional information on the collections. La importancia de los libros de texto en las aulas se pone de manifiesto cuando los estudios indican que este recurso educativo es a menudo la única fuente de consulta utilizada por el profesor de ciencias de la escuela primaria para preparar sus lecciones. Cuando analizamos el contenido presente en los libros de texto de astronomía aprobados por el Programa Nacional de Libros de Texto de 2008 y que, en teoría, son los mejores libros disponibles en el mercado editorial brasileño, buscamos examinar algunas categorías que figuran en los libros de texto de la Guía de Libros Didácticos de 2008. El estudio caracteriza la frecuencia del contenido de Astronomía en el texto, en las figuras, y en las actividades de experimentación. También describe algunos errores conceptuales y presenta un conjunto de información adicional sobre las colecciones. A importância dos livros didáticos nas salas de aula revela-se quando estudos apontam que este recurso pedagógico é, muitas vezes, a única fonte de consulta utilizada pelo professor de Ciências do ensino fundamental para a preparação de suas aulas. Quando analisamos os conteúdos de Astronomia presentes nos livros didáticos aprovados no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático de 2008 e que, teoricamente, são os

  15. Teaching astronomy mediated by information and communication technologies: a preliminary approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosa, R. H. L.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho é parte preliminar de um estudo mais amplo em nível de doutorado sobre o ensino de astronomia mediado pelas tecnologias da informação e comunicação, utilizando dispositivos compactos, móveis e pessoais. Este estudo também faz parte do projeto institucional do CEFETMG sobre ambientes diversificados de aprendizagem sob fomento da agência estadual FAPEMIG (Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de Minas Gerais). Esta apresentação aborda o resultado das concepções prévias de estudantes em relação a conhecimentos básicos de astronomia, ligados à percepção e observação direta do céu. Três turmas de estudantes de 1ª série e uma turma de 3ª série do ensino integrado médio técnico da Educação Básica, Técnica e Tecnológica (EBTT) do CEFETMG Campus II - Belo Horizonte/MG foram submetidas a uma avaliação prévia através de questionário estruturado. Este questionário foi elaborado de forma a abordar a percepção dos estudantes em relação aos recursos gráficos (figuras e desenhos) representativos de conhecimentos básicos de astronomia, comuns em livros didáticos. Após a análise dos resultados desta avaliação, organizou-se uma estratégia de intervenção didática em sala de aula sobre o conteúdo de astronomia, utilizando-se de recursos de mediação baseados nas tecnologias da informação e comunicação. Os temas selecionados para esta estratégia didática foram relacionados aos assuntos básicos de astronomia em que ocorreu maior nível de desconhecimento dos estudantes. Os estudantes foram submetidos a avaliação posterior elaborada com os mesmos pressupostos da avaliação prévia. A análise dos resultados foi realizada a partir dos pressupostos da aprendizagem significativa (Ausubel; Novak e Hanesian, 1983). O ensino de astronomia por mediação das tecnologias da informação e comunicação indica uma alternativa preliminar aos trabalhos de campo usuais orientados na prática escolar, tais

  16. Basic Concepts of Astronomy: a Methodological Proposal. (Spanish Title: Conceptos Básicos de Astronomía: Una Propuesta Metodológica.) Conceitos Básicos de Astronomia: Uma Proposta Metodológica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; Heineck, Renato; Samudio Pérez, Carlos Ariel


    obtenidos en diferentes momentos, por los comentarios efectuados por los participantes durante las actividades y por los altos índices de aprobación al final de la etapa, consideramos que la propuesta atingió los objetivos establecidos y puede ser repetida con certeza de éxito. Neste relato, descreve-se o desenvolvimento de uma proposta metodológica que aborda conceitos básicos de astronomia fundamentada pedagogicamente na Aprendizagem Significativa. A proposta, que compreende quatro encontros, foi desenvolvida por professores e acadêmicos do curso de Licenciatura em Física da Universidade de Passo Fundo (UPF), através de um curso de extensão, a um grupo de dez estudantes do ensino médio de uma escola pública da cidade de Passo Fundo, RS. O trabalho centrou-se em conceitos básicos de astronomia. Os indícios da aprendizagem significativa foram obtidos por instrumentos de pesquisa e avaliação aplicados ao término de cada encontro. A avaliação da proposta foi efetuada através de um questionário final respondido pelos participantes ao término do desenvolvimento das atividades. Pelos resultados obtidos nos diferentes instrumentos, pelos comentários efetuados pelos participantes durante as atividades e pelos altos índices de aprovação alcançados no questionário final, consideramos que a proposta atingiu os objetivos estabelecidos e pode ser repetida com convicção de sucesso.

  17. Conhecimento Científico e Cotidiano em Astronomia: Uma Investigação com Alunos da Educação Básica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vieira, J. B.; Longhini, M. D.


    Este texto apresenta resultados de uma investigação que teve como objetivo, investigar como os conhecimentos científicos e do cotidiano relacionados a essa área de conhecimento apresentam na escola de Educação Básica, especialmente, em alunos do Ensino Médio prestes a deixar Educação Básica. Para realização da pesquisa, utilizamos como recurso metodológico a aplicação de um questionário estruturado contendo 47 questões, organizadas em duas categorias: Conhecimento Cotidiano e Conhecimento Científico. As questões da categoria “Conhecimento Cotidiano” possuíam afirmações relacionadas a crendices, contos populares, especulações e temáticas do gênero, as quais, geralmente, estão fora do círculo de discussão da comunidade científica, talvez por não serem consideradas como objeto de estudo da ciência. As questões da categoria “Conhecimento Científico” são relacionadas a conteúdos específicos de Astronomia, as quais são compartilhadas pela comunidade científica e aceitas, pelo menos provisoriamente, como possuindo fundamentação científica. Concluímos que, possuem ainda concepções de temas Astronômicos persistentes à mudança, por exemplo, fases da Lua relacionadas à melhor período para corte de cabelo e também para plantio; estrela cadente e ocasião perfeita para se fazer um pedido. Entretanto, podemos observar no que diz respeito a mitos e superstições, que quase não existe influência destes entre os alunos. Portanto, ao trabalharmos com os alunos determinados conceitos científicos, é importante lembrarmos que o professor não opera no vazio; os alunos são sujeitos de saberes, práticas e, dessa forma constroem e reconstroem saberes. Cabe ao professor ouvir os estudantes reconstruindo junto deles conceitos científicos. Acreditamos que o ensino de Ciências na Educação Básica deve lidar criticamente com o conhecimento cotidiano e científico e, assim, efetivar a Ciência como disciplina educativa

  18. Different Cultures in Astronomy Education and Their Meanings in the Classroom. (Spanish Title: Las Diferentes Culturas en la Educación en Astronomía y Sus Significados EN EL Aula. ) As Diferentes Culturas na Educação em Astronomia E Seus Significados em Sala de Aula

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira de Barros, Vicente; Bovolenta Ovigli, Daniel Fernando


    el trabajo con Astronomía(s) en la clase. Se observó que los participantes todavía no habían presentado estos temas en sus clases y tampoco habían participado en cursos de formación que abordaran estos temas. O presente trabalho apresenta uma reflexão acerca da utilização da História da Ciência no currículo da educação formal, por meio da discussão relativa ao emprego de elementos culturais de grupos étnicos em ações voltadas à educação em Astronomia. O trabalho foi desenvolvido no âmbito de um curso de extensão e a análise aqui empreendida refere-se a um encontro que abordou sequências didáticas relativas àquele tema, com fundamento na lei 11.645/2008 e a obrigatoriedade de abordagem da temática "História e Cultura Afro-Brasileira e Indígena" no currículo oficial. A ação de extensão ocorreu junto a professores que ensinam Ciências da Natureza, no interior do estado de São Paulo, discutindo-se temas relativos ao uso de História da Ciência e o relacionamento com cosmogonias oriundas dos povos Iorubá e Tupi, evidenciando como podem enriquecer o trabalho com a(s) Astronomia(s) em sala de aula. Observou-se que os participantes ainda não haviam apresentado estes temas em suas aulas e, igualmente, não participaram de cursos de formação que contemplassem a referida temática.

  19. Vascular disease-causing mutation R258C in ACTA2 disrupts actin dynamics and interaction with myosin

    PubMed Central

    Lu, Hailong; Fagnant, Patricia M.; Bookwalter, Carol S.; Joel, Peteranne; Trybus, Kathleen M.


    Point mutations in vascular smooth muscle α-actin (SM α-actin), encoded by the gene ACTA2, are the most prevalent cause of familial thoracic aortic aneurysms and dissections (TAAD). Here, we provide the first molecular characterization, to our knowledge, of the effect of the R258C mutation in SM α-actin, expressed with the baculovirus system. Smooth muscles are unique in that force generation requires both interaction of stable actin filaments with myosin and polymerization of actin in the subcortical region. Both aspects of R258C function therefore need investigation. Total internal reflection fluorescence (TIRF) microscopy was used to quantify the growth of single actin filaments as a function of time. R258C filaments are less stable than WT and more susceptible to severing by cofilin. Smooth muscle tropomyosin offers little protection from cofilin cleavage, unlike its effect on WT actin. Unexpectedly, profilin binds tighter to the R258C monomer, which will increase the pool of globular actin (G-actin). In an in vitro motility assay, smooth muscle myosin moves R258C filaments more slowly than WT, and the slowing is exacerbated by smooth muscle tropomyosin. Under loaded conditions, small ensembles of myosin are unable to produce force on R258C actin-tropomyosin filaments, suggesting that tropomyosin occupies an inhibitory position on actin. Many of the observed defects cannot be explained by a direct interaction with the mutated residue, and thus the mutation allosterically affects multiple regions of the monomer. Our results align with the hypothesis that defective contractile function contributes to the pathogenesis of TAAD. PMID:26153420

  20. Analysis of astronomy knowledge of the students in the Federal Institute Sao Paulo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moraes, A. C.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Este trabalho é parte integrante da pesquisa de mestrado acadêmico em ensino de ciências. Nele, busca-se apresentar os resultados da pesquisa realizada entre os 106 alunos do curso superior de tecnologia em automação industrial do Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia de São Paulo campus Cubatão, divididos em cinco turmas, duas no período matutino e três no período noturno. A análise dos resultados deste pré questionárioconstatou a falta de conhecimento básico dos discentes, sobre assuntos relacionados à astronomia, o que pode ser atribuído ao ineficiente processo de aprendizado pelo qual eles passaram tanto no ensino médio como no ensino fundamental, em escolas municipais, estaduais e particulares onde estudaram. No ensino de astronomia, têm-se diagnosticado constantemente diversas dificuldades conceituais tanto por parte de alunos como de professores de todas as áreas e níveis de ensino e poucos de fato a compreendem (ALBRECHT; VOELZKE, 2010). Demonstra-se as duas etapas concluídas do trabalho. A primeira etapa indica a análise dos conhecimentos prévios sobre conceitos astronômicos, através do questionário com 25 perguntas. A fim de corrigir as falhas constatadas, experimentalmente ministrou-se, externo ao conteúdo programático, um curso básico em astronomia, com diferentes estratégias de ensino, tais como, utilização de aulas expositivas dialogadas, recursos audiovisuais e palestras, para corrigir as dificuldades diagnosticadas. Essas estratégias de ensino se comprovaram adequadas às necessidades dos alunos e os conceitos foram finalmente compreendidos. Ao término do curso, completado o interstício de 120 dias, para caracterizar que houve a aprendizagem significativa, realizou-se uma nova pesquisa, quando, exatamente os mesmos 106 alunos responderam as mesmas 25 questões aplicadas na primeira etapa. Constata-se na segunda etapa, após análise, que em todas as questões, houve maior compreensão dos assuntos

  1. [On the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the Croatian scientific society for the history of health culture].


    Škrobonja, Ante; Salopek, Igor


    A group of intellectuals, predominantly lecturers from the Faculty of Medicine, founded in Rijeka on May 29, 1966 the branch of the Yugoslav Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture, which after the independence of Croatia in 1991 continues its work under the name Croatian Scientific Society for the History of Health Culture. Over the past 50 years, within activities of the Society more than 250 professional and scientific conferences have been held in Rijeka and other Croatian cities. In addition, a dozen of professional-scientific trips to neighbouring countries were organized. From the original activities are highlighted the science conventions with international participation "Rijeka and Its Citizens in Medical History", where, since 2001, have been regularly presented free topics from other regions. Another important activity is the international journal "AMHA - Acta medico-historica Adriatica", which has been published since 2003 with two issues per year. Today, this is an established journal present on Medline - PubMed Service, andindexed in several respectable international databases, which guarantees quality and enables access to the world's research community. In 2005, the accompanying "AMHA Library" was launched - a series of monographs devoted to the most important medical historians, scientific conferences dedicated to individual medical laureates, and similar subjects. Ten years ago, the Society's work has been refined by the activities of a group of medical students who, under the motto "In honour of Asclepius and Orpheus", strive to affirm the links between medicine and art. Of the many performances the most significant is the traditional humanitarian concert, attended by students from all faculties of medicine from Croatia and Ljubljana.

  2. Evolution of the Astronomy Concepts Along Basic Education Cycle. (Breton Title: Evolução dos Conceitos de Astronomia no Decorrer da Educação Básica.) La Evolución de los Conceptos de Astronomía Durante la Educación Básica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; da Rosa, Cleci Werner; Becker da Rosa, Álvaro; Samudio Pèrez, Carlos Ariel


    learning of astronomy in basic education. Embora a astronomia seja considerada uma das ciências mais antigas da humanidade e ainda que a compreensão de seus conceitos tenha trazido enormes avanços para a Ciência e, consequentemente, para a sociedade, observa-se que uma parcela significativa de pessoas encontra-se à margem desses conhecimentos. De acordo com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais para a Educação Básica, cabe à escola a difusão dos conceitos cientificamente corretos, entre eles os relacionados à área de astronomia. Pertinente a essa questão, apresenta-se uma pesquisa realizada com 140 estudantes do nono ano do ensino fundamental e com 120 estudantes da terceira série do ensino médio de quatro escolas da região de Passo Fundo/RS. Buscou-se averiguar, por meio de um questionário composto de questões abertas e de múltipla escolha, o conhecimento desse grupo de estudantes acerca de termos e fenômenos astronômicos básicos e, também, verificar se o índice de acertos cresce à medida que eles avançam nas diferentes e gradativas séries dos ensinos fundamental e médio. De modo geral, os resultados apresentados demonstram que o ensino de astronomia na educação básica enfrenta deficiências. Das 20 questões investigadas, em 17 os índices de acertos são semelhantes nas respostas dadas por estudantes de nível fundamental e médio, revelando que muitas concepções equivocadas permanecem ao longo da educação básica. Isso evidencia que tais temas não são - ou são pouco - abordados durante esses dois níveis de escolarização. Assim, conclui-se que a discussão dos conceitos relacionados com a astronomia deve receber maior ênfase na abordagem dos diferentes conteúdos, sendo necessária uma ação nacional em prol do seu ensino. Acredita-se que essa ação nacional deve estar apoiada em um pilar triplo de atores coletivos: comunidade científica, comunidade astronômica semiprofissional e comunidade escolar. Por fim, esse pilar seria

  3. Analysis of the Presence of Content about Astronomy in a Decade of the National High School Examination (1998-2008). (Spanish Title: Análisis de la Presencia de Contenidos de Astronomía em Uma Década del Examen Nacional de Enseñaza Secundária (1998-2008).) Análise da Presença de Conteúdos de Astronomia em Uma DÉcada do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (1998-2008)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gomide, Hanny Angeles; Longhini, Marcos Daniel


    In this paper we analyzed the presence of contents of Astronomy in the National High School Examination (ENEM) in its first decade (1998-2008). We verified the number of questions addressing this topic that were present over the years, as well as the most recurrent subjects. We discussed the results from what is proposed by the official documents regarding the teaching of Astronomy in the Elementary and Secondary Education and we entertain future expectations about the presence of contents of this science in future official examinations. En este trabajo realizamos un análisis de la presencia de contenidos de Astronomía em las pruebas del Examen Nacional de Enseñanza Secundaria (ENEM) em su primera década de existência (1998-2008). Contabilizamos la cantidad de preguntas incluyendo este tema que estuvieron presentes en el transcurso de los años, así como los temas más recurrentes. Discutimos los resultados a partir de lo propuesto por los documentos oficiales en relación a la enseñanza de Astronomía en la Educación Básica y elaboramos algunos apuntes sobre futuras expectativas em relación a la presencia de contenidos de esta ciencia en examenes oficiales. No presente trabalho fizemos uma análise da presença de conteúdos de Astronomia nas provas do Exame Nacional do Ensino Médio (ENEM), em sua primeira década de existência (1998-2008). Verificamos a quantidade de questões envolvendo essa temática que estiveram presentes no decorrer dos anos, assim como os temas mais recorrentes. Discutimos os resultados a partir do que é proposto pelos documentos oficiais em relação ao ensino de Astronomia na Educação Básica e tecemos alguns apontamentos sobre a expectativa futura quanto à presença de conteúdos dessa ciência nesse exame oficial.

  4. [Bibliometric study of Actas Dermo-sifiliográficas (1984-2003) III. Analysis of bibliographic impact factors].


    Miralles, Julia; Ramos, José M; Ballester, Rosa; Belinchón, Isabel; Sevila, Amparo; Moragón, Manuel


    To quantify the impact factor of the journal Actas Dermo-Sifiliográficas (AD) from 1986 to 1990 and from 1999 to 2003 and to identify the journal's citation pattern in those years. Citations obtained by AD in the periods from 1985-1990 and 1998-2003 for articles published from 1984 to 1989 and from 1997 to 2002 were collected using Science Citation Index Expanded (SCI). The number of times AD was cited doubled during the second period, increasing from 38 (period from 1985-1990) to 76 (period from 1998-2003). Considering the number of citations, AD's impact factor increased from 0.016 in 1986 to 0.040 in 2003. In both periods, citations corresponding to AD articles were included in a wide range of source journals, mainly dermatological publications abroad. The most referred journals in the second period were the Dutch publication Journal of the European Academy of Dermatology and Venereology (13 citations) and the Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology (12 citations). Unlike the period from 1985 to 1990 when no Spanish journal cited AD, four Spanish publications mentioned AD in the second period: Revista clínica española (6 citations), Archivos de bronconeumología (4 citations), Medicina clínica (3 citations) and the journal Enfermedades infecciosas y microbiología clínica (1 citation). Citations mainly corresponded to articles published by Spanish authors (63.2 % in the 1985-1990 period and 81.6 % in the period from 1998 to 2003). Self-citation increased from 10.5 % (first period) to 31.6 % (second period). The impact factor of AD is low and not comparable to other publications included in the Dermatology and Venereal Diseases field from SCI. Our results confirm the low citation rate of AD by source journals in this repertory. However, the increase of this rate in recent years seems to indicate a higher Spanish presence in SCI due to an increasing number of publications corresponding to Spanish authors in international journals and the inclusion of

  5. Uma Visão do Universo Segundo um Grupo de Alunos do Ensino Médio de São Paulo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elias, D. S.; Araújo, M.; Amaral, L. H.; Voelzke, M. R.; Araújo, M.


    A astronomia, embora seja uma ciência popular, com inúmeras descobertas de interesse público, ainda é apresentada desconsiderando-se os aspectos históricos e científicos relacionados ao seu desenvolvimento, sendo geralmente veiculada nos meios de comunicação de maneira pouco esclarecedora e não raro com imprecisões. Neste trabalho analisou-se a concepção de um grupo de estudantes de Ensino Médio sobre conceitos de astronomia, visando identificar sua visão de mundo a respeito do Universo, envolvendo idéias sobre espaço e tempo. Para issso, foi aplicado um questionário em três escolas da grande São Paulo em um espaço amostral de 270 alunos. Constatou-se que, embora o ensino de astronomia esteja previsto nos PCNEM, os resultados obtidos na pesquisa mostram que há grande deficiência no conhecimento dos temas investigados. Nesse sentido, verificou-se que apenas 20% dos alunos eram capazes de relacionar a sucessão das semanas com as fases da lua, enquanto 28% associaram as estações do ano à inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra. Por outro lado, somente 23% dos alunos tinham noções das distâncias entre os objetos celestes próximos da Terra e 56% conseguiram relacionar o Big Bang com a origem do Universo. Finalmente, constatou-se que 37% reconheciam o ano-luz como uma unidade de distância e 60% reconheciam o Sol como sendo uma estrela. Apesar de 60% dos alunos indicarem que a escola é a principal fonte para aquisição dos conhecimentos de astronomia, conclui-se que seus conceitos nessa área ainda são inadequados, havendo necessidade de ampliação e aprimoramento da abordagem desses conteúdos nos ambientes escolares.

  6. Development of Educational Resources to Include the Teaching of Astronomy in the First Years of the Basic Education. (Spanish Title: Desarrollo de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Incluir la Enseñanza de la Astronomía en los Primeros Años de la Educación Básica.) Desenvolvimento de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Inserir o Ensino de Astronomia nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Silva Morett, Samara; de Oliveira Souza, Marcelo


    ía y la vida cotidiana de los estudiantes. La inclusión de la astronomía en la escuela primaria es una manera de demostrar a los estudiantes cómo este campo está presente de forma activa en su vida cotidiana. Las clases que participan en el proyecto participaron en un estudio con el objetivo de proporcionar información a los conocimientos previos que tenían sobre los temas de la astronomía que se examinaron durante el proyecto. Con los experimentos realizados, y la ayuda de las nuevas tecnologías, conceptos astronómicos fueron presentados a los estudiantes de 4to y 5to año de la educación básica de una escuela municipal de Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ). Después de las presentaciones nuevos datos fueran colectados y se han llevado a cabo con el fin de verificar el nivel de aprendizaje alcanzado y se observó que el método utilizado fue una herramienta importante para ayudar al proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje. El proyecto logró resultados satisfactorios. Neste trabalho será apresentado o desenvolvimento de recursos pedagógicos para a apresentação de conceitos de astronomia nas séries iniciais do ensino fundamental. Este material é composto por apresentações realizadas com o uso de novos recursos tecnológicos, pela fabricação de experimentos e a discussão de curiosidades relativas a esta área de conhecimento. Os experimentos foram construídos com material de baixo custo com o objetivo de permitir que os alunos envolvidos pudessem refazê-los em outras ocasiões. O material apresentado busca enfatizar a relação entre a astronomia e o cotidiano dos alunos. A inclusão da astronomia no ensino fundamental e uma forma de demonstrar aoestudante como esta área está presente de forma ativa em seu cotidiano. As turmas envolvidas no projeto participaram de uma pesquisa com o objetivo de obter dados relativos ao conhecimento prévio que possuíam sobre os tópicos de astronomia que foram considerados no decorrer do projeto. Com os experimentos

  7. The Science Teachers and Their way of Thinking about Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Los Profesores de Ciencias y Sus Formas de Pensar la Astronomía.) Os Professores de Ciências e Suas Formas de Pensar a Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leite, Cristina; Hosoume, Yassuko


    ómicos y la estructura espacial del montaje del Universo son características fundamentales. Muchos indican Sol y estrellas como cosas distintas: el Sol es un objeto caliente y las estrellas son frías. Esos resultados nos preocupan y ciertamente señalan una urgencia de programas de formación continuada para profesores en el contenido de astronomía, pues los PCN's (Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales) recomiendan con énfasis la enseñanza de este contenido. O modo de pensar dos professores de Ciências do ensino fundamental sobre os elementos da Astronomia é o objeto de pesquisa presente neste artigo, cuja metodologia consiste em entrevistas semiestruturadas, filmadas em vídeo e centradas numa perspectiva tridimensional dos elementos astronômicos, possibilitando um mapeamento das concepções das formas e das dimensões da Terra, do Sol, da Lua, dos planetas e das estrelas, bem como da concepção de céu e de Universo como um todo. Os resultados indicam um Universo contendo: Sol, estrelas, planetas e Lua, onde o Sistema Solar é parte do todo. Algumas vezes o Universo é concebido como o próprio Sistema Solar. Os objetos estão no céu ou no Universo o qual, para muitos, se restringe ao espaço que está acima da Terra. A forma plana dos objetos astronômicos e a estrutura espacial da montagem do Universo são características marcantes. Muitos indicam Sol e estrelas como coisas diferentes: Sol é um objeto quente e as estrelas são frias. Esses resultados nos preocupam e certamente sinalizam uma urgência de programas de formação continuada para professores no conteúdo de astronomia, uma vez que os PCN's indicam fortemente o ensino desse conteúdo.

  8. A proposed contents astronomy for basic education

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    A Astronomia é um tema que sempre exerceu fascínio sobre as pessoas de um modo geral. Conhecer e estudar o que há nos “céus”, além de nossos olhos, continua sendo instigador e de grande interesse. Baseado nestas justificativas desenvolveu-se uma pesquisa de Doutorado, na qual, o objetivo principal foi investigar sobre a presença dos conteúdos de Astronomia nas Propostas Curriculares da região Sul do Brasil, a saber, os estados de Paraná, Rio Grande do Sul e Santa Catarina e, posterior comparação com os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN) que trazem propostas de conteúdos para toda a Educação Básica brasileira. Tal investigação pautou-se na abordagem de caráter qualitativo e utilizouse para tal da Análise de Conteúdos (Bardin, 2011), que possibilitou a construção de quatro categorias, nas quais os conteúdos astronômicos foram agrupados: Terra, Sistema Solar, Via Láctea e Universo. Após a leitura, coleta de dados, construção de categorias, observou-se a dicotomia na apresentação destes conteúdos. As propostas curriculares analisadas foram as de Geografia, Ciências e Física dos estados do Paraná (2008), Rio Grande do Sul (2009) e de Santa Catarina (1998), responsáveis pelo trabalho com Astronomia nestes estados. No Ensino Fundamental, a proposta curricular do estado do Paraná apresenta conteúdos ligados à Astronomia desde o sexto ano até o nono ano, como conteúdo do primeiro bimestre, o que também é apresentado na proposta curricular do estado do Rio Grande do Sul, porém, este, não divide os conteúdos por bimestre e nem por ano, mas por ciclos, sexto e sétimo anos como primeiro ciclo e oitavo e nono anos como segundo ciclo, deixando livre para o professor estruturar sua sequência de conteúdos. A proposta curricular de Santa Catarina não apresenta estes conteúdos de maneira explícita, não divide dos conteúdos nem por ano, nem por série, traz uma sequência de conteúdos para serem trabalhados ao longo dos

  9. Conversations with Marcgrave: the Origin of Modern Astronomy in the Southern Hemisphere (Spanish Title: Conversando con Marcgrave: El Origen de la Astronomía Moderna en el Hemisferio Sur) Conversando Com Marcgrave: a Origem da Moderna Astronomia no Hemisfério Sul

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medeiros, Alexandre; Araújo, Fábio


    primer observatorio astronómico del hemisferio y autor de las primeras observaciones astronómicas sistemáticas utilizando telescopios de este lado del mundo. Nuestra "conversación" con Marcgrave es imaginada en el marco del Recife antiguo, lugar donde él vivió durante el período de Mauricio de Nassau, y reune algunos colegas profesores apasionados por la enseñanza de la Astronomía. La historia es contada, de esta forma, dentro de un clima ameno y hasta un poco divertido, si bien las informaciones históricas y conceptuales contenidas en ella están basadas en fuentes bibliográficas confiables, debidamente referenciadas al final del texto. Estas fuentes van desde la obra original de este científico, en la cual aparece su relato sobre la observación de un eclipse solar en Recife, pasando por obras clásicas respecto de él mismo, como la del profesor Juliano Moreira, hasta fuentes mucho más recientes como el influyente trabajo del profesor John North. Otros textos importantes referidos al período de la colonización holandesa en el Brasil, tales como las obras clásicas de Charles Boxer, Bouman y Boogaart entre otros, son también utilizados en la construcción de esta dramatización pedagógica que se refiere a un interesante capítulo de la Historia de la Astronomía. O ano de 2004 assinala os 400 anos do nascimento do conde Maurício de Nassau, um importante personagem da história do Brasil. O presente texto está relacionado com o período do domínio holandês em Pernambuco. O artigo tenta resgatar o começo do estudo da Astronomia no hemisfério Sul. Para tal, idealizamos uma dramatização de uma entrevista fictícia com o astrônomo alemão Georg Marcgrave, construtor do primeiro observatório astronômico deste hemisfério e autor das primeiras observações astronômicas sistemáticas com o uso de telescópios neste lado do mundo. Nossa "conversa" com Marcgrave é idealizada no cenário do Recife antigo, local em que ele viveu no período de Maur

  10. A Influência da Escola e da Mídia na Obtenção dos Conhecimentos Astronômicos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Cunha, W. S.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    O universo em que vivemos possui segredos jamais imaginados pelo homem, fruto da pequena proporção que ocupamos diante de um cosmos infinito. A astronomia funciona como um instrumento que sacia a sede humana em desvendar esses segredos, estudando as galáxias, quasares, pulsares além da existência de todos os elementos que preenchem o espaço cósmico, o vácuo, não mais vazio como se pensou em outros tempos. A mídia explora esse campo de forma mística e também científica. A difusão adequada e dentro dos padrões educacionais vigentes, de conceitos astronômicos, se faz necessária, devido sua presença nos conteúdos escolares, centros de ciência e na mídia, de modo geral. A reforma do Currículo Básico da Escola Pública da maioria dos Estados brasileiros introduziu conceitos astronômicos desde a pré-escola até o Ensino Médio. Num estudo realizado com 1.032 alunos do Ensino Médio de seis escolas estaduais, revelou-se através da aplicação de um questionário que abordava conheciment os básicos em astronomia, como estes foram adquiridos e qual era a infra-estrutura oferecida pela escola: para 66,2% dos entrevistados o professor já fez alguma apresentação a respeito de astronomia. O presente estudo revelou também que 44,5% dos alunos entrevistados adquiriram seus conhecimentos astronômicos na escola, 28,1% através da televisão e 27,4% afirmaram que seus conhecimentos foram obtidos através de outros tipos de mídia (internet, filmes e revistas). Embora o estudo revele claramente que há certo equilíbrio na forma em que os alunos obtiveram seus conhecimentos astronômicos, a mídia ainda explora e muitas vezes desperta o interesse pela astronomia com assuntos que não fazem parte de nosso cotidiano como, por exemplo, o homem na Lua, os projetos espaciais e a primeira viagem de um astronauta brasileiro no espaço. Porém, em certos casos, a mídia pode promover conhecimentos incompletos ou mesmo equivocados sobre os conceitos que envolvam

  11. Análise dos Conceitos Astronômicos Apresentados por Professores de Algumas Escolas Estaduais Brasileiras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voelzke, Marcos Rincon; Gonzaga, Edson Pereira


    A razão para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho baseia-se no fato de que muitos professores da Educação Básica (EB) não lidam com conceitos relacionados à astronomia, e quando o fazem eles simplesmente seguem livros didáticos que podem conter erros conceituais. Como é de conhecimento geral a astronomia é um dos conteúdos a serem ensinados na EB fazendo parte dos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais e das Propostas Curriculares do Estado de São Paulo, mas é um fato, que vários pesquisadores apontam, a existência de muitos problemas no ensino da astronomia. Com o propósito de minimizar algumas dessas deficiências foi realizado um trabalho de pesquisa com a utilização de questionários pré e pós pesquisa, para tanto foi desenvolvido um Curso de Extensão Universitária para professores da Diretoria de Ensino Regional (DE) que abrange Mauá, Ribeirão Pires e Rio Grande da Serra (no Estado de São Paulo) com os seguintes objetivos: levantar concepções alternativas; subsidiar os professores por meio de palestras, debates e workshops, e verificar o sucesso da aprendizagem após o curso, adotando-se como referência, para a análise dos resultados, os dicionários de Língua Portuguesa (FERREIRA, 2004) e Enciclopédico de Astronomia e Astronáutica (MOURĀO, 1995). Portanto, dezesseis questões foram aplicadas antes e após o curso, assim pode-se verificar após a pesquisa que 100,0% dos professores sabiam os nomes das fases da Lua, 97,0% entenderam que o Sistema Solar é composto por oito planetas, 78,1% foram capazes de explicar como ocorre um eclipse lunar, um eclipse solar e um solstício, 72,7% sabiam como explicar a ocorrência das estações do ano; 64,5% explicaram corretamente a ocorrência do equinócio, 89,7% foram capazes de definir adequadamente o termo cometa; 63,6% definiram asteróide, 54,5% meteoro, 58,1% galáxia, e 42,4% planeta. Os resultados obtidos indicam uma aprendizagem significativa por parte dos participantes.

  12. Kepler's "War on Mars"

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dorsey, William; Orchiston, W.; Stephenson, F. R.


    This paper presents an interpretation of how Johannes Kepler changed the study of astronomy. We propose that in his metaphorical "War on Mars,” the Astronomia Nova, Kepler used a revolutionary rhetoric to bring about the usurpation of seventeenth-century astronomy. We discuss how Kepler approached the well-established conceptual framework within which the hypotheses of Ptolemy, Copernicus and Tycho Brahe functioned, and how he sought comprehensive physical principles that could determine the true cause and form of the known Universe. We examine Kepler's need to redefine reality and his use of rhetoric in shaping his astronomical argument for a new astronomy, and we show that his new `laws’ represent a fusion of physics and geometry based upon astronomical observations. We suggest that although Kepler may have believed in and defended some Copernican ideas, his innovative Astronomia Nova opened up a whole new vista for international astronomy.

  13. The Universe in a Box: Introduction to the Study of Astronomy in the Initial Formation of Physics Teachers. (Spanish Title: El Universo Representado en Una Caja: Introducción al Estudio de la Astronomía en la Formación Inicial de Profesores de Física.) O Universo Representado em Uma Caixa: Introdução ao Estudo da Astronomia NA Formação Inicial de Professores de Física

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longhini, Marcos Daniel


    This is a report of an activity of introduction to the study of Astronomy developed with a group of future Physics teachers at a Brazilian public university. Such activity had the goal of giving privileged emphasis to notions of spatiality, alternative conceptions of the participants and the process of interaction among peers, and consisted of the representation, in a three dimensional space, of the models of the universe that the participants had. The results, which were categorized as miscellaneous, geocentric, heliocentric and acentric models of the universe, were qualitatively analyzed. Analyses of the activity in the perspective of the participants are indicated and additional considerations are made regarding its use as a resource for teaching Astronomy and for teacher training. Este es el informe de una actividad para presentar un estudio introductorio de la Astronomía, desarrollado con una clase de futuros profesores de física en una universidad pública brasileña. Esta actividad tuvo como objetivo centrar las nociones de espacialidad, las concepciones alternativas de los participantes y el proceso de interacción entre pares, y consistió en la representación en un espacio tridimensional, de los modelos del universo que los participantes habían. Los resultados, que se clasificaron en universo miscelania, geocéntrico, heliocéntrico y acentrico, se analizaron cualitativamente. Son identificadas análisis de la actividad por los participantes, e hizo observaciones sobre su uso como recurso para la enseñanza de la astronomía y la formación de docentes. Trata-se do relato de uma atividade de introdução ao estudo da Astronomia, desenvolvida com uma turma de futuros professores de Física, em uma universidade pública brasileira. Tal atividade teve como meta privilegiar noções de espacialidade, as concepções alternativas dos participantes e o processo de interação entre pares e constou da representação, em um espaço tridimensional, dos

  14. Comment on the paper "Synthesis, growth, structural, spectral, thermal, chemical etching, linear and nonlinear optical and mechanical studies of an organic single crystal 4-chloro 4-nitrostilbene (CONS): a potential NLO material" by P.M. Dinakaran, S. Kalainathan [Spectrochim. Acta A 111 (2013) 123-130].


    Srinivasan, Bikshandarkoil R; Dhuri, Sunder N; Nadkarni, V S


    We argue that (trans)-4-chloro-4'-nitrostilbene is not a new organic nonlinear optical material as claimed by Dinakaran and Kalainathan [P.M. Dinakaran, S. Kalainathan, Synthesis, growth, structural, spectral, thermal, chemical etching, linear and nonlinear optical and mechanical studies of an organic single crystal 4-Chloro 4-Nitrostilbene (CONS): a potential NLO material, Spectrochim. Acta A 111 (2013) 123-130], but instead a well-known compound whose synthesis, spectral data, single crystal structure and second harmonic generation (SHG) efficiency are well documented in the literature. The title paper is completely erroneous. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Strongly Interacting Systems at the Nanoscale

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Research Topic :, caboa@yahoo.comPermanent Institute e mail Instituto de Cibernetica, Matematica y Fisica (ICIMAF) Grupo de Fisica Teorica...Research Topic : LFOA@FAMAF.UNC.EDU.AR 28 September 2005Permanent Institute e mail Universidad Nacional de Cordoba Facultad de Matematica , Astronomia y

  16. La novela historica hispanoamericana actual: Carpentier, Fuentes y Galeano

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera-Ocasio, Gladys


    This dissertation studies the evolution of the historical novel in Spanish America during the second half of the twentieth century, focusing on the following works: El siglo de las luces (1962) by the Cuban Alejo Carpentier, Terra nostra (1975), by the Mexican Carlos Fuentes, and Memoria del fuego (1982-1986), by the Uruguayan Eduardo Galeano. The thesis' aim is to describe, analyze and suggest the causes for the breakdown of the modern historical narrative, decade by decade, from the sixties to the present. The line between what the dissertation identifies as modern and postmodern historical novels is drawn by radical changes in the structure of the aesthetic representation of history. Taking as its point of departure the implicit and sometimes explicit rules or poetics that conditioned the historical novel as a subgenre since Scott and Manzoni, the thesis explores how the new, postmodern novel, shatters the twin columns that supported that modern model: verisimilitude and linearity. This is the thesis's main work on the formal or aesthetic sphere of the recent Spanish American historical novel. But the aesthetic is intimately tied to two other spheres: the cosmological and the ontological (political and moral). If, on the one hand, the catastrophic state that the postmodern novel exhibits (the acceleration of its narrative particles, as it were) reveals itself as the mirror image of postmodern paradigms such as the fragment and catastrophe itself, on the other, its chaotic liberation reflects the historical ``spirit'' within it is produced. This is so because not only in its content, but also in its very form, the postmodern novel is part of that catastrophe. The postmodern novel's chaotic text posits the disintegration of all versionas of the emancipation project, or of the pursuit of an identity, that (the Cuban Revolution included) is closely allied to the totalizing drive that characterizes the spirit of modern times. The dissertation's hypothesis is that there is a link between the epistemological model of modern natural science and the modern historical novel. Hence that there is also a link between the postmodern paradigms (fragment, catastrophe) and the recent postmodern novel. The expansive, entropic, disconfluous and unpredictable universe of the ``New Physics'' is one with the nuclear catastrophe in Terra nostra, and with the fission-like explosion that pulverizes into minuscule units Galeanos's trilogy. The postmodern novel signals the end of the ontological project of man as subject for the good, which was correlative with the project of reason as the unifying and ordering force, prevalent since the Enlightenment. Criticism has noted that there has been a radical change in the historical novel, but has failed to speculate about its possible causes, not venturing beyond a mere catalogue of features. This dissertation aspires to go further by attempting to put forth the ideological, philosophical and even scientific reasons behind the change.

  17. Acta Mechanica Sinica (Selected Articles),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    done by an external force. In the 1930’s, Trefftz and Kappus [8 ] also applied this principle to derive the elastic buckling equation and stability...theorie der stabilitat des elastischen gleichgewichts, Zeit. fur Angew. Math. u Mech. B13 (1933), L... 160. 120 [8] Kappus , R., Zur elastizitats...strain relations and boundary condiiomns for the prebeckling fundamental path solution. As Kappus had done in 1939, a new variation 6* can be imposed m

  18. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    34Differential Geometry", People’s Education Publishers, 1964. 16. Xiong Changbing and Ziao Junxiang, "Three Dimensional Stress Analysis For a Shrouded Hollow...0 )0V~~) (.1) ML. RT 1 Mh AJC (5) ?,g v4 T (6) q).Lt il% i T_, k#(L( lqA (16 krol~ ] 1 ) (8) ," 11 - ,i.jt14 r- i PuC,(37)A) (14 P (9) k4m w. *1f ViA

  19. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    quantity of cocrystallized 7’-phase will be formed between the crystal boundaries and crystalline 97 branches; therefore the status of grain boundaries... cocrystallized Y’-phase under the high temperature stress [4]. In order to balance the medium and high temperature properties, the concentration of Hf in...will become large. 3. The influence of heat treatment. In the microscopic structures of DZ-22 alloy, there are 13 vol.% cocrystal ?’- and many large

  20. Acta Aerodynanica Sinica (Selected Articles),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    to the director of the institute and his advisor Professor R. Eppler for their assistance. A %: 61 References [1] Ji Xiumei, "Aerodynamic Layout of... Airfoils ; by Wang Jie ..........o......................114 ~-A Simpler Implicit Method to Solve N-S Equation; 1 Zhang Hanxin, Yu Zechu, Lu Linsheng...In addition, we also discovered that the leading edge separation vortex-could improve the lift of the airfoil . Hence, the important task is to

  1. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and the fatigue life of the rotor and the destabiliza- tion of the aerodynamic elasticity are entirely determined by the air- loads of the rotor. It...harmonics. In determining an and b n’ only u b.,,. a. b,., are taken into account and a.1 , b., b.L, In addition, we get 2, I + I P i u In the... determines the lateral distribution based on classical blade element theory. The calculated results usually show a lower total lift at higher speeds or a non

  2. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    power spectrum and counting methods [1,2,3]. If the stochastic load-time mechanism (such as gusts of wind, random 38...34 "- " ° - " . . .. . . . . . . . . ’ - - - Ř vibrations, etc.), then we can use the power spectrum technique, and we can also use the counting method. However, the...simplification for treat - ment so that the differences in obtained results are very minute, and are also closest to the random spectrum. This then tells us

  3. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    substructural analysis in modal synthesis - two improved substructural assembling techniques 49 9-node quadrilateral isoparametric element 64 Application of laser...Time from Service Data, J. Aircraft, Vol. 15, No. 11, 1978. 48 MULTI-LEVEL SUBSTRUCTURAL ANALYSIS IN MODAL SYNTHESIS -- TWO IMPROVED SUBSTRUCTURAL...34 Modal Synthesis in Structural Dynamic Analysis ," Naching Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 1979. 62a 8. Chang Te-wen, "Free-Interface Modal

  4. A Visão do Universo Segundo a Concepção de um Grupo de Alunos do Ensino Médio de São Paulo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Araújo, M. A. A.; Elias, D. C. N.; Amaral, L. H.; Araújo, M. S. T.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Nesse trabalho foi identificada por meio de um questionário a visão de mundo sobre o Universo espaço e tempo entre 270 estudantes de Ensino Médio de três escolas de São Paulo. Constatou-se pouco conhecimento dos temas investigados sendo que apenas 20% dos alunos relacionaram as semanas com as fases da lua enquanto 28% associaram as estações do ano à inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra e 23% tinham noções das distâncias entre objetos celestes próximos da Terra. Enquanto 56% conseguiram relacionar o Big Bang com a origem do Universo verificou-se que 37% reconheciam ano-luz como unidade de distância e 60% reconheciam o Sol como uma estrela. Apesar de 60% dos alunos indicarem a escola como principal fonte dos conhecimentos de astronomia seus conceitos ainda são inadequados havendo necessidade de aprimoramento da abordagem desses conteúdos pois apesar de popular a astronomia é veiculada de maneira pouco esclarecedora e com imprecissões.

  5. Fuzzy logic controller for the LOLA AO tip-tilt corrector system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sotelo, Pablo D.; Flores, Ruben; Garfias, Fernando; Cuevas, Salvador


    At the INSTITUTO DE ASTRONOMIA we developed an adaptive optics system for the correction of the two first orders of the Zernike polynomials measuring the image controid. Here we discus the two system modalities based in two different control strategies and we present simulations comparing the systems. For the classic control system we present telescope results.

  6. Bibliographic Index to the Plague (1965-1970)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Entomology Review Acta Pathol. et ’Microbiol. Scmad. Acta Pathologica and Microbiologica Scandinavica (Copenhagen) Acta Trop. Acta Tronica ( Basil ) Amer...Basel - New York) Pediatrics Pediatrics (Springfield) Pest Control Pest Control (Cleveland) Pesticides Pesticides Pharmn. :tg. Pharmaceutical Journal...Deoras, P. J. and Rao, N. R., Evaluation of DDT, BHC, Malathion and Sevin as Pulicides (Plague).-- Pesticides , 1969, June. Bibliogr.: 16 ref. 3054. Clark

  7. Erratum: Wise Detections of Known Qsos at Redshifts Greater than Six

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Blain, Andrew W.; Assef, Roberto; Stern, Daniel K.; Tsai, Chao-Wei; Eisenhardt, Peter; Bridge, Carrie; Benford, Dominic J; Jarrett, Tom; Cutri, Roc; Petty, Sara; hide


    In the published version of this paper, Roberto Assef was mistakenly affiliated with the Division of Astronomy and Astrophysics at the University of California, Los Angeles. This is incorrect. Dr. Assef's affiliation correctly appears in this erratum as the Nucleo de Astronomia de la Facultad de Ingenieria, Universidad Diego Portales, Av. Ejercito 441, Santiago, Chile. IOP Publishing sincerely regrets this error.

  8. Learning Astronomy by Playing in a Park. (Spanish Title: Aprender AstronoMía Jugando en Una Plaza.) Aprender Astronomia Brincando em Uma Praça

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Camino, Néstor


    trabalho alguns jogos de praça, considerados como módulos didáticos para imaginar processos astronômicos, a partir da concepção de que a aprendizagem em Astronomia deve-se desenvolver fortalecendo a relação do próprio corpo com o espaço tridimensional e com o tempo, tal como se vive ao observar o céu, construindo um "diálogo" entre o mundo real e as aprendizagens a construir. Os jogos apresentados (carrosséis e tobogãs) foram desenhados para trabalhar sobre a translação da Terra em torno do Sol, as fases da Lua e a gravidade, e sobre o que um observador percebe dos mesmos. Dá-se a descrição de cada jogo, discutem-se seus fundamentos físicos e astronômicos, e desenvolve-se uma crítica didática dos mesmos. Finalmente, comenta-se o papel que deveriam ter os docentes no apoio aos aprendizes no processo de interação com os jogos apresentados.

  9. Actin isoform specificity is required for the maintenance of lactation

    PubMed Central

    Weymouth, Nate; Shi, Zengdun; Rockey, Don C.


    Smooth muscle α-actin (Acta2) is one of six highly conserved mammalian actin isoforms that appear to exhibit functional redundancy. Nonetheless, we have postulated a specific functional role for the smooth muscle specific isoform. Here, we show that Acta2 deficient mice have a remarkable mammary phenotype such that dams lacking Acta2 are unable to nurse their offspring effectively. The phenotype was rescued in cross fostering experiments with wild type mice, excluding a developmental defect in Acta2 null pups. The mechanism for the underlying phenotype is due to myoepithelial dysfunction postpartum resulting in precocious involution. Further, we demonstrate a specific defect in myoepithelial cell contractility in Acta2 null mammary glands, despite normal expression of cytoplasmic actins. We conclude that Acta2 specifically mediates myoepithelial cell contraction during lactation and that this actin isoform therefore exhibits functional specificity. PMID:22123032

  10. Análise sobre o Conhecimento de um Grupo de Alunos do Ensino Médio da Rede Estadual de São Paulo sobre Termos e Fenômenos Astronômicos do Cotidiano

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Oliveira, E. F.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    Embora os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio (PCN-EM) e as orientações complementares a esses Parâmetros (PCN+) apontem a importância de uma abordagem significativa de conceitos relacionados à astronomia nas aulas de Física, muitos estudantes terminam o Ensino Médio (EM) sem compreender a razão de certos acontecimentos de origem celeste, ainda que estes façam parte de seu cotidiano. Este trabalho tem por objetivo analisar os conhecimentos básicos em astronomia dos alunos de EM da escola estadual Batista Renzi, bem como investigar os meios através dos quais estes conhecimentos foram adquiridos. Para tanto foi elaborado um questionário de múltipla escolha aplicado a 310 alunos distribuídos entre as três séries do EM dos períodos matutino e noturno. Dessa forma, observou-se que apenas 34,5% relacionaram as estações do ano à inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra, 21,3% indicaram a influência gravitacional da Lua e do Sol como responsáveis pelo fenômeno das marés, 24,5% indicaram corretamente quais são os objetos celestes mais próximos da Terra, 36,1% identificaram ano-luz como uma medida de distância e 34,2% reconheceram uma estrela cadente como meteoro. Em contrapartida, 67,1% compreendiam a sucessão entre dia e noite, 73,9% identificaram o Sol como estrela e 52,3% relacionaram o Big Bang à origem do Universo. Além disso, foram comparadas as respostas de alunos de diferentes séries e períodos, observando-se, dentre outras coisas, que os estudantes do terceiro ano apresentam um percentual de acertos semelhante ao dos alunos do primeiro, caracterizando que a abordagem de tópicos relacionados à astronomia no EM não tem contribuído para uma maior compreensão dos fenômenos e conceitos.

  11. People’s Republic of China Scientific Abstracts No. 179

    DTIC Science & Technology


    No 2, April 1977 7 CHIH-WU HSUEH-PAO [ACTA BOTANICA SINICA] No 2, June 1977 22 I-CH’UAN HSUEH-PAO [ACTA GENETICA SINICA] No 1...photorespirators. 8650 C50J 4009 29 ACTA GENETICA SINICA AUTHOR: WU An-chiu [0702 1344 0036] ORG: Technique Staff of San-t’ai Commune Fu County...Liaoning Province TITLE: ’TProceed in Struggle, Bring up Superior Seeds for the Revolution" SOURCE: Peking I-CH’UAN HSUEH-PAO [ACTA GENETICA

  12. JPRS Report, Science & Technology China

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Protoplast Culture of Rice (Oryza sativa L.), Plant Regeneration From Protoplast-Derived Calli 40091011a Beijing YICHUAN XUEBAO [ACTA GENETICA ...YICHUAN XUEBAO [ACTA GENETICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 15 No 5, Oct 88 pp 329-334 [English abstract of article by Tao Zirong [7118 5261 2837], et al...Chang, et al., ACTA GENETICA SINICA, Vol 7 No 3, 1980 pp 283-288. 7. Zhu Zhongchun, et al., ACTA GENETICA SINICA, Vol 8 No 1, 1981 pp 63-65, 8. Mix, G

  13. Percepção astronómica de um grupo de alunos do ensino médio de uma escola da rede estadual de São Paulo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Oliveria, E. F.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Sendo a Astronomia uma das cièncias mais antigas da humanidade, e considerando sua importáncia histórica e cultural, é de extrema releváncia que tópicos relacionados a ela sejam tratados nas escolas. Embora os Parámetros Curriculares Nacionais do Ensino Médio (PCN-EM) e as Orientaçiacute;es Complementares aos Parámetros (PCN+) apontem a importáncia de uma abordagem significativa de conceitos relacionados à Astronomia nas aulas de Física, muitos estudantes terminam o Ensino Médio (EM) sem compreender a razão de certos acontecimentos de origem celeste, ainda que estes façam parte de seu cotidiano e sejam alvos da curiosidade natural dos jovens. Da observação dessa curiosidade em alunos de uma escola pública paulista, na cidade de Suzano, surgiu o interesse em investigar os conhecimentos básicos em Astronomia dos alunos do Ensino Médio desta escola, constituindo-se este como principal objetivo desta pesquisa. Para tanto foi elaborado um questionário de múltipla escolha aplicado inicialmente a 34 alunos do primeiro ano e, posteriormente, a mais 310, distribuídos entre as très séries do Ensino Médio dos períodos matutino e noturno. Dessa forma, observou-se que 73,9% dos estudantes identificaram o Sol como sendo uma estrela, 67,1% mostraram compreender a sucessão entre dia e noite e 52,3% relacionaram o Big Bang à origem do Universo. Em contrapartida, apenas 34,5% relacionaram as estaçíes do ano à inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra, 21,3% indicaram a influència gravitacional simultánea da Lua e do Sol como responsável pelo fenòmeno das marés, 24,5% indicaram corretamente quais são os objetos celestes mais próximos da Terra, 36,1% identificaram ano-luz como uma medida de distáncia e 34,2% reconheceram as estrelas cadentes como meteoros, evidenciando-se assim o pequeno discernimento dos estudantes quanto aos fenòmenos e termos astronòmicos do cotidiano. Além disso, foram comparadas as respostas de alun! os de diferentes s

  14. China Report, Agriculture

    DTIC Science & Technology



  15. The Reflective Abstraction Theory and the History of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: La Teoría de la Abstracción Reflexionante y la Historia de la Astronomía.) A Teoria da Abstração Reflexionante e a História da Astronomia.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chiesa Bartelmebs, Roberta; Batista Siqueira Harres, João; da Silva, João Alberto


    This work is presented as a theoretical essay on some facts from the history of astronomy analyzed according to the theory of reflective abstraction developed by Jean Piaget and collaborators (1970). Its aim is to understand the reasons that led to different astronomers, at the same historical period and culture, to "see" quite different evidences about the same phenomenon. In addition, we intend to facilitate the understanding of science as a human construction, subject to a time epoch and the ways of understanding of each scientist. Este trabajo se presenta como un ensayo teórico sobre algunos hechos históricos de la astronomía, analizados según la teoría de la abstracción reflexionante de Jean Piaget y sus colaboradores (1970). Se trata de comprender los motivos que llevaran a distintos astrónomos, de una misma época histórica y cultural, a "ver" diferentes evidencias sobre un mismo fenómeno. Además, se intenta posibilitar la comprensión de la ciencia como construcción humana, la cual es condicionada por su momento histórico y por las creencias y las formas de entender de los científicos. Este trabalho configura-se como um ensaio teórico a respeito de alguns fatos da história da astronomia analisados segundo a teoria da abstração reflexionante elaborada por Jean Piaget e seus colaboradores (1970). Trata-se de compreender os motivos que levaram diferentes astrônomos, da mesma época histórica e cultural, a "enxergarem" evidências tão diferentes sobre um mesmo fenômeno. Além disso, pretendemos possibilitar a compreensão das Ciências como construção humana, condicionadas a uma época e às crenças e os modos de compreender de cada cientista.

  16. Research Investigation Directed Toward Extending the Useful Range of the Electromagnetic Spectrum.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Rubaszewska, and E. Kirkor-Kaminska, Acta Physica Polonica A 54, 767 (1978). (3) W. Rettig, J. Luminescence 26, 21 (1980). (4) W. Rettig and E. Lippert...J. W. Llnnett, Proc. Roy. Soc. 156A, 108 (1936). (9) A. Terenin and N. Prlleshajewa, Acta Physlcochim. I, 759 (1935). (10) C. John, P. Chandra, and...R. J. Capwell, Spec. Acta 27A, 1113 (1971). (4) F. A. Miller and J. A. Wolanin, Spec. Acta 31A, 1427 (1975). (5) J. M. Preses, R. E. Weston, Jr

  17. Forms of Appropriation of Tools for the Astronomy Education in Continuous Training of Teachers. (Spanish Title: Formas de Apropriación de Herramientas Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomía en la Formación Docente Continua.) Formas de Apropriação de Instrumentos Para o Ensino de Astronomia na Formação Continuada de Professores

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marques Soares, Leonardo; Sousa Nascimento, Silvania


    siete relatos. O objetivo principal desse artigo é apresentar algumas reflexões sobre a maneira como um grupo de professores se apropriaram dos instrumentos do KIT PARA O ENSINO DE ASTRONOMIA (KITPEA). Os sujeitos dessa pesquisa participaram do curso de especialização em ensino de astronomia oferecido pelo Projeto de Formação Continuada (Foco) no Centro de Ensino de Ciências e Matemática (CECIMIG) da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (FaE/UFMG). Coletamos as informações por meio de um questionário e de uma entrevista, aplicados a esses professores. Estruturamos a análise dessas informações com a ajuda da Teoria da Atividade e da Teoria da Ação Mediada. Interpretamos as falas dos professores usando como dispositivo analítico os elementos constituintes do sistema de atividade e os conceitos de apropriação e domínio. Dentre os 11 sujeitos que participaram da pesquisa, foi possível identificar a apropriação dos instrumentos em 7 narrativas.

  18. What Will They Learn? 2012-13. A Survey of Core Requirements at Our Nation's Colleges and Universities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kempson, Lauri; Bako, Tom; Lewin, Greg


    The American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) has released "What Will They Learn? 2012-13," the fourth edition, evaluating the general education requirements at 1,070 colleges and universities. Unlike other college rankings, ACTA does not consider an institution's wealth, prestige, or popularity. Rather, ACTA rates institutions…

  19. Contact Formation (Hg, CD)Te

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Davis, W.A. Beck, D.G. Kilday, J.T. McKinley, and G. Margaritondo, J. Vac. Sci. Technol. A 7, 870 (1989). 312 J.M. Pawlikowski, Acta Physica Polonica A49...139 (1976). J.M. Pawlikowski, Acta Physica Polonica A49, 563 (1976). J.M. Pawlikowski, Acta Physica Polonica A51, 95 (1977). SJ.M. Pawlikowski, Phys

  20. The X-ray view of EROs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brusa, M.; Comastri, A.; Daddi, E.; Cimatti, A.; Vignali, C.

    (1) Dip. Astronomia Bologna University, via Ranzani 1, I-40127 Bologna ITALY (2) INAF - Osservatorio Astronomico di Bologna, via Ranzani 1, I-40127 Bologna ITALY (3) ESO - European Southern Observatory, Karl-Schwarzschild-Strasse 2, D-85748 Garching bei Muenchen Germany (4) INAF - Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, Largo E. Fermi 5, I-55025 Firenze, Italy (5) Dept. of Astronomy and Astrophysics, The Pennsylvania State University, 525 Davey Lab, University Park, PA 16802, USA

  1. La Astronomia en Mexico: hacia su Etapa Moderna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pismis, P.


    An account is given of the development of astronomical endeavors in Mexico starting with the founding of the National Astronomical Observatory in the late eighties of the last century. An important contribution of the early period, along with activity in various branches of Classical Astronomy, has been the completion of the Astrographic Catalogue of the Tacubaya Zone. The development, throughout the past few decades, leading to the present state of Astronomy in Mexico in presented, based largely on personal experience of the author.

  2. Astronomia solare e ottica con il foro stenopeico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sigismondi, Costantino

    The observation of the Sun with pinholes was started in Florence's Cathedral in 1475, and in Ulugh Beg observatory in Samarcand in 1424-29, well before the invention of the telescope, for measuring the solar position and the variation of the obliquity of the Earth's axis. Later, with Kepler, pinholes' telescopes were used to follow the solar spots when the telescopes made by Galileo were not available. The use of pinholes in positional solar astrometry continued successfully up to 1800 in some great Italian and French Churches. Nowadays by using pinholes it is possible to show the principles of positional astronomy and imaging to students with instruments very easy to be built at almost no cost. The concepts of focal length, best focus, angular resolution, atmospheric seeing and atmospheric transmittance can be verified with such simple devices. Such pinhole telescopes have been built by primary-school students at the Astronomical Observatory dedicated to the Pope astronomer Sylvester II, located in Bukowiec, Poland, which is at its third year of activity. The largest solar spots have been observed clearly with these instruments, demonstrating the principles discussed in this presentation. The light cast by one of this devices with 70 m of focal length and 1 cm of diameter has permitted to repeat the experiences on the diffraction of the light, made in 1648 by the Jesuits Riccioli and Grimaldi.

  3. Acta Aeronautica et Astronautica Sinica (Selected Articles),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Let us assume the third vibration mode. Then, the matrix form of the coupled linear equations is obtained as follows: 30 L. -i .- *’ v j h 1. - Y I - u5...F When higher vibration modes are considered, the same m~ethod can be used. From eqn. (31,we have the transfer functions: A c,37 + Cse+ C,s+ C, $+ C’s... vibration modes of the gyro at point 1 with respect to x. Then, transfer function, .WO (s) is s)=W, 1( I )W, 1 ( s ) 2( 1 )W,( S T- ( I s ) l, 3 7+1,s+1 1 ls

  4. Usina de ciências: um espaço pedagógico para aprendizagens múltiplas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martin, V. A. F.; Poppe, P. C. R.; Orrico, A. C. P.; Pereira, M. G.


    Entendemos que o Ensino de Astronomia é especialmente apropriado para motivar os alunos e aprofundar conteúdos em diversas áreas do conhecimento, pois envolve temas ligados à Física, Matemática, Química, Computação, Tratamento de Imagens e Instrumentação de Alta Precisão, além daqueles pertinentes as áreas de Geografia, História e Antropologia. Contudo, apesar do caráter interdisciplinar que esta ciência possui, a realidade atual é que a maioria dos professores em sala de aula não foram devidamente capacitados, durante o período de formação acadêmica, para ministrar conteúdos de Astronomia nos atuais Ensinos Fundamental e Médio. Neste trabalho, discutiremos de maneira ampla, num primeiro momento, a realidade do atual ensino de ciências praticado no Estado da Bahia, apontando por dependência administrativa, o crescimento e a redução do número de escolas, da taxa de analfabetismo por faixa etária, da escolarização, do atendimento, da aprovação, reprovação e abandono, de equipamentos e laboratórios e o grau de formação dos nossos atuais professores em pleno exercício de atividade docente. Num segundo momento, discutiremos o papel do Observatório Astronômico Antares/UEFS dentro desse contexto, ou seja, suas ações implementadas ao longo dos últimos anos e em particular, o recente projeto de extensão Ensino e Difusão de Astronomia, financiado pela Fundação Vitae, que procura traduzir no lúdico, no brincar de ciências, um espaço pedagógico para aprendizagens múltiplas. Neste, o papel do professor multiplicador associado ao laboratório de kits didáticos, de fácil construção e manipulação (alguns dos quais serão mostrados), perfazem os principais veículos para o desenvolvimento de conhecimentos, atitudes, habilidades e valores que preparam os nossos alunos para a carreira técnico-científica e para sua participação crítica e criativa na Sociedade.

  5. A atuação do Observatório Nacional registrada nos relatórios ministeriais 1889 a 1930

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodrigues, T.


    O período republicano até 1930 foi marcante na história do Observatório Nacional. Diversas reformas levaram a instituição a três ministérios diferentes e mudaram a ênfase do seu trabalho. A tão aguardada mudança para uma nova sede, em São Cristóvão, em 1920, não foi suficiente para que a instituição acompanhasse o ritmo tomado pela astronomia no mundo e se firmasse como ambiente de pesquisa. Uma análise simplificada poderia caracterizar um período de produção científica insignificante, dado o distanciamento da instituição dos novos rumos da astrofísica e da rápida inovação dos instrumentos, além do pequeno volume de publicações. Era uma época em que ainda não existiam os mecanismos formais de apoio e avaliação da atividade científica. Esse trabalho procura identificar a real atividade do Observatório no conteúdo dos Relatórios Ministeriais que, ao final de cada ano, apresentava as atividades, sucessos e problemas enfrentados pela instituição. Questões como instrumental e recursos humanos necessários; entraves burocráticos e financeiros; e articulações com outros observatórios se complementaram entre si ao longo desses anos para definir o perfil institucional e alguns aspectos fundamentais para a construção da astronomia no país. É possível concluir que a ênfase em serviços geográficos e de meteorologia, ao lado da inadequação dos instrumentos e do local, quase fizeram desaparecer a pesquisa em astronomia. Porém, vale destacar a sobrevivência de alguns trabalhos, como, por exemplo, variação de latitude e observação de estrelas duplas que mantiveram importante intercâmbio com outros grupos de pesquisa, demonstrando o constante esforço dos astrônomos e das diretorias em defesa da atividade científica.

  6. AFRRI (Armed Forces Radiobiology Research Institute) Reports, October, November, December 1986

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 20, 494-504. RUPPRECHT, A., 1970a, A wet spinning apparatus and auxiliary equipment suitable for preparing samples of...Acta Chemica Scandinavica, B33, 779-780. SEVILLA, M. D., FAILOR, R., CLARK, C, HOLROYD, R. A., and PETTEI, M., 1976, Electron transfer in dinucleoside...spinning. Acta Chemica Scandinavica, 20, 494-504. RUPPRECHT, A., 1970a, A wet spinning apparatus and auxiliary equipment suitable for preparing samples

  7. JPRS Report, Science & Technology. China: Stealth/Counter-Stealth Research.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Frequency-Selective Surfaces 92FE0801F Beijing DIANZIXUEBAO [ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 20 No 6, Jun 92 pp 85-88 [Article by Shen...microwave devices and electromag- netic scattering. Motion Compensation Method in ISAR Imaging 92FE0801A Beijing DIANZIXUEBAO [ACTA ELECTRONICA ...Chinese Society of Electronics and an editor of DIANZI XUEBAO [ACTA ELECTRONICA SINICA]. Deng Wenbiao Born in February 1961, he graduated from the

  8. Stars, Manuscripts, and Astrolabes-The Stellar Constellations in a Group of Medieval Manuscripts between Latin Literature and a New Science of the Stars

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Metzger, W.


    The European Middle Ages inherited star names and constellations from Roman antiquity, mostly via Latin literary texts. When, from the 11th century onwards, Arabic texts and instruments became available, figures and vocabulary at first where not compatible with this tradition. The example of an excerpt from Pseudo-Hyginus De Astronomia shows, how a Roman text on the constellations was revised and supplemented with the names of the astrolabe-stars to combine the two different traditions.

  9. International Conference on the Physics of Electronic and Atomic Collisions. Participants List (16th), Held in New York, New York on 26 July-1 August 1989

    DTIC Science & Technology



  10. Portuguese Language Expertise Center for the OAD

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doran, Rosa; Canas, Lina; Anjos, Sara; Heenatigala, Thilina; Retrê, João; Afonso, José; Alves, Ana


    Supporting the use of astronomy as a tool for development in specific regions and languages, the International Astronomical Union's (IAU) Office of Astronomy for Development (OAD) has established a Portuguese `Language Expertise Centre for the OAD' (PLOAD), hosted at Núcleo Interactivo de Astronomia (NUCLIO), in collaboration with the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences (IA) in Portugal. The centre is one of the new coordinating offices announced at the IAU General Assembly in Honolulu, Hawaii on 13 August 2015.

  11. Applying KAM Theory to Highly Eccentric Orbits

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Kepler , in 1609, compiled a 650+ page book that dramatically changed the way humans would understand the movement of the heavenly bodies [2]. Though unwit...tingly committing a couple blunders, Kepler published Astronomia Nova ΑΙΤΙΟΛΟΓΣΤΟΣ seu physica coelestis, tradita commentariis de motibus stellae...Martis ex observationibus G.V. Tychonis Brahe, in which he details the arduous process of examining the orbit of Mars. Fortuitously for Kepler , his math

  12. Bibliography of Soviet Developments in Superconductivity, January 1975 - June 1976

    DTIC Science & Technology


    superconductors. Acta physica pclonica, A 47, no. 3, 1975, 339-346. 182. Trifan, A. T. Effects of pressure and paramagnetic impurity on...FTT FZh GiA GiK IAN Arm IAN Az Avtomatika i telemekha-iika Acta physic a polonica Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Doklady Akademiya nauk...thickness of thin cylindrical superconducting In films near T . Acta physlca polonlca, A47, ID. 3, 1975, 323-327. c I I I I I t t I

  13. Instrumentation Analysis: An Automated Method for Producing Numeric Abstractions of Heap-Manipulating Programs

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Arbib and Suad Alagic. Proof rules for gotos. Acta Informatica , pages 139–148, 1979. 6.3 T. Ball, R. Majumdar, T. Millstein, and S. Rajamani...Press, January 1999. ISBN 0262032708. 3, 3.1, 3.3 323 B Bibliography M. Clint and C.A.R. Hoare. Program proving: Jumps and functions. Acta Informatica ...Goto statements: Semantics and deduction systems. Acta Informatica , pages 385–424, 1981. 6.3 324 B Bibliography Alain Deutsch. Interprocedural may

  14. Relationship between Gastrointestinal Peptides, Intestinal Wall Compliance, and Vascular Resistance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the motility of the small intestine with special reference to the dumping syndrome. Acta Chir , Scand, 128: 530-540, 1964, 173. Piper, P,J., S.I...cholecystokinin on splanchnic circulation in the dog. Acta Chir . Scand. 139: 687- 690, 1973. 220. Thulin, L., and P. Olsson, Effects of pure natural...cholecystokinin on splanchnic circulation in the dog. Acta Chir . Scand. 139: 681- 686, 1973. 221. Thulin, L., and P. Olsson. Effects of intestinal peptide

  15. An undergraduate program for astronomy in México

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bravo-Alfaro, Hector; Migenes, Victor

    Astronomy in Mexico has an ancient tradition, reinforced during the XXth century by groups working in theoretical and observational astronomy. During the 90s, the Great Millimeter Telescope (a single 50-m antenna) has been approved, and a 6-m infrared telescope is under study. Graduate and undergraduate programs must be improved to prepare future Mexican and Latin American astronomers to take advantage of these facilities. To meet the challenge, two traditional Mexican programs (Instituto de Astronomia-UNAM and Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica-INAOE) are updating their graduate programs for. Similarly, the Departamento de Astronomia de la Universidad de Guanajuato is joining physicists in the first undergraduate program in Mexico in Physics and Engineering with an option in Astrophysics. This will prepare students so that they can choose between industry, academia or national laboratories, either in Physics or Astronomy. Jobs in academia have been scarce; many students had to give up their goals after one or two postdoctoral positions. Graduate and undergraduate programs must adjust, by broadening the scope of present programs so that students are better prepared for other job opportunities. We present a BSc program designed by astronomers and physicists to try to address some of these concerns and prepare the students for either continuing with graduate studies or finding employment in an ever-changing job market.

  16. People’s Republic of China Scientific Abstracts, Number 177

    DTIC Science & Technology


    PAO [ARCHITECTURAL JOURNAL] No 2, June 1977 1 CHIH-WU HSUEH-PAO [ACTA BOTANICA SINICA] No 4, December 1976 13 CHIH-WU TSA-CHIH [JOURNAL OF BOTANY...10424 CSO: 4009 12 ACTA BOTANICA SINICA AUTHOR: None ORG: Three-in-one Combination Experimental Group of Peking Ch’ung-wen Vegetable Station...Physiological Processes of Stored Tomatoes" SOURCE: Peking CHIH-WU HSUEH-PAO [ACTA BOTANICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 18, No 4, Dec 76 pp 278-283 TEXT OF

  17. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, China.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    LPS O-Antigen Genes in E. coli HB101 40091002L Beijing YICHUAN XUEBAO fACTA GENETICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 19 No 4, Aug 92 pp 378-384 [English...Isolation of Vitamine B2 Auxotroph and Preliminary Genetic Mapping in Salmonella typhimurium 40091002J Beijing YICHUAN XUEBAO [ACTA GENETICA SINICA] in...YICHUAN XUEBAO [ACTA GENETICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 19 No 4, Aug 92 pp 369-377 [English abstract of article by Hai Weili [3189 0251 0500] and

  18. The IYA2009 in Guanajuato, Mexico: Activities for astronomy education and popularisation at La Azotea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bravo-Alfaro, H.; Schroeder, K.-P.; Ramirez, L.; Yebra, R.


    Since the year 2000 the facilities of a rustic observatory, named La Azotea (the roof-top terrace), have been part of the Departamento de Astronomia de la Universidad de Guanajuato, 400 km NW of Mexico City, where ten professional astronomers do research and teach at both undergraduate and graduate level. In previous meetings we described the refurbishment of this public observatory which was finally reopened in November 2006. We present here the main achievements of the refurbishment and the first public activities.

  19. Role of Activin A and myostatin in human cancer cachexia.


    Loumaye, Audrey; de Barsy, Marie; Nachit, Maxime; Lause, Pascale; Frateur, Lena; van Maanen, Aline; Trefois, Pierre; Gruson, Damien; Thissen, Jean-Paul


    Cachexia is a multifactorial syndrome, characterized by the loss of skeletal muscle mass and not fully reversible by nutritional support. Recent animal observations suggest that production of Activin A (ActA) and Myostatin (Mstn) by some tumors might contribute to cancer cachexia. Our goal was to investigate the role of ActA and Mstn in the development of the human cancer cachexia. The ACTICA study is a cross-sectional study, which prospectively enrolled patients from a tertiary-care center between January 2012 and March 2014. Subjects/Outcome Measures: One hundred fifty two patients with colorectal or lung cancer had clinical, nutritional and functional assessment. Body composition was measured by CT-scan, anthropometry, and bioimpedance. Plasma concentrations of ActA, Mstn, and Follistatin were determined. Cachexia was associated with reduced lean and fat mass (p < .01 and p < .001), reduced physical function, lower quality of life, and increased symptoms (QLQC30; p < .001). Anorexia (SNAQ score < 14) was more common in cachectic patients (CC) than in noncachectic patients (CNC) (p < .001). ActA concentrations in CC patients were higher than in CNC patients (+40%; p < .001) and were correlated positively with weight loss (R = 0.323; p < .001) and negatively with the SNAQ score (R = -0.225; p < .01). In contrast, Mstn concentrations were decreased in CC patients compared to CNC patients (-35%; p < .001). These results demonstrate an association between circulating concentrations of ActA and the presence of the anorexia/cachexia syndrome in cancer patients. Given the known muscle atrophic effects of ActA, our study suggests that increased circulating concentrations of ActA may contribute to the development of cachexia in cancer patients.

  20. Solid Electrolytes: Alkali-Ion Transport in Skeleton Structures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Hagman and P. Kierkegaard , Acta Chem. Scand. 2_2, 1822 (1968). R.G. Sizova, A.A. Voronkov. N.G. Shomyatskaga. V.V. Pynkhin and N V Belov...Subsequently it was w learned that Hagman and Kierkegaard (6) had reported the structure of NaZr2P3012. With the same space group, they...Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR. Ser. 205, Issue 1. 90 (1972). 5 H.Y-P. Hong, Acta. Cryst. B30, 468 (1974). 6. L. Hagman and P. Kierkegaard , Acta. Chem

  1. Scientometric Analysis of the Journals of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina.


    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin; Zunic, Lejla


    Currently in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are 25 journals in the field of biomedicine, 6 of them are indexed in Medline/PubMed base (Medical Archives, Materia Socio-Medica, Acta Informatica Medica, Acta Medica Academica, Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (BJBMS) and Medical Glasnik), and one (BJBMS) is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)/Web of Science base. The aim of this study was to show the scope of work of the journals that were published by Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Medical Archives, Materia Socio-Medica and Acta Informatica Medica. The research presents a meta-analysis of three journals, or their issues, during the calendar year 2015 (retrospective and descriptive character). During 2015 calendar year a total of 286 articles were published (in Medical Archives 104 (36.3%), in Materia Socio-Medica 99 (34.6%), and in Acta Informatica Medica 83 (29%)). Original articles are present in the highest number in all three journals (in Medical Archives 80.7%, in Materia Socio Medica 77.7%, and in Acta Informatica Medica 68.6%). In Medical Archives, 90.3% of the articles were related to the field of clinical medicine. In Materia Socio-Medica, the domain of clinical medicine and public health was the most represented. Preclinical areas are most frequent in Acta Informatica Medica. The period of 50-60 days for a decision on the admission of article is most common in all three journals, with trend of shortening of that period. Articles came from 19 countries, mostly from Bosnia and Herzegovina, then from Iran, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia and Greece. In Medical Archives original articles in the field of clinical medicine (usually internal and surgical disciplines) are most often present, and that is the case in last four years. The number of articles in Materia Socio-Medica and Acta Informatica Medica is growing from year to year. In Materia Socio-Medica there is a trend of growth of articles in the field of public health

  2. Limitation of Hot-Carrier Generated Heat Dissipation on the Frequency of Operation and Reliability of Novel Nitride-Based High-Speed HFETs

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Ni, H. Morkoç, “Signature of hot phonons in reliability of nitride HFETs and signal delay” Acta Physica Polonica A. 119(2) 225-227 (2011) 27. L...lines in AlInN/GaN heterostructures”, Acta Physica Polonica A. 119(2) 173-175 (2011) 29. J. H. Leach, M. Wu, H. Morkoç, M. Ramonas, and A. Matulionis...Ardaraviius¤, O. Kiprijanovi, and J. Liberis, “Hot-Phonon Decided Carrier Velocity in AlInN/GaN Based Two-Dimensional Channels” Acta Physica

  3. Piezoelectric and Electrostrictive Materials for Transducer Applications. Volume 2.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Dariington, J. Appi. Phys. 43, 4951 (1972).I 17Z. Ujina and J. Handerek, Acta Physica Polonica A53, 665 (1978). 18Z. Q. Zhuang, M. J. Haun, S. J...Solution System. Part V: Theoretical Calculations." J. Appi. Phys. (submritted). 5 A. M. Glazer, S. A. Mabud, and R. Clarke, Acta Cryst. B34, 1060 (1978...Clarke, Acta Cryst.. B34, 1060 (1978). 12A. Amrin. R. E. Newham, and L. E. Cross, J. Solid State Chemissry 37, 248 (198 1). 13 M. j. Haun, E

  4. Características básicas del REOSC-DS + CCD Tek1024 en el telescopio JS y extinción atmosférica en CASLEO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baume, G.; Coronel, C.; De Bórtoli, B.; Ennis, A. I.; Fernández Lajús, E.; Filócomo, A.; Gamen, R.; Higa, R.; Pessi, P. J.; Putkuri, C.; Rodriguez, C.; Unamuno, A.


    In the framework of the activities of the subject ``Astronomia Observacional'' of FCAG (UNLP), several photometric and spectroscopic observations have been made using the Jorge Sahade telescope at the Complejo Astronomico El Leoncito. These data have allowed the estimation of the extinction coefficients in bands. They were compared with previous values, verifying a secular increase in the last years. In addition, some parameters and characteristics of the REOSC spectrograph working at simple dispersion (DS) mode and for its CCD detector Tek1024 were estimated.

  5. Inclusion of Astronomy Themes in an Inovative Approach of Informal Physics Teaching for High School Students. (Spanish Title: Inclusión de Temas Astronómicos en Uma Abordaje Innovadora de la Enseñanza Informal de Física Para Estudiantes de Secumdaria.) Inclusão de Temas Astronômicos Numa Abordagem Inovadora do Ensino Informal de Física Para Estudantes do Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tiara Mota, Aline; de Morais Bonomini, Iracema Ariel; Meloni Martins Rosado, Ricardo


    The current work reports on an experience on Astronomy education at the Federal University of Itajubá through an extra-curricular course offered for High School students. This initiative was motivated by the low attention paid to the Astronomy subjects at this stage of the Brazilian Formal Education, in spite that the National Curricular Parameters (PCN and PCN+, in Brazil) point out the importance of their inclusion Este artículo relata una experiencia en la enseñanza de la astronomía efectuada en la Universidad Federal de Itajubá en la forma de un curso de extensión orientado para los estudiantes del colegio secundario. Esta iniciativa surgió de constatar la poca atención dada a la Astronomía en esta etapa de la Educación formal brasileña, a pesar que los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCN y PCN+, en Brasil) destacan la importancia de su inclusión. Este artigo relata uma experiência em ensino de Astronomia realizada na Universidade Federal de Itajubá na forma de um curso de extensão voltado para alunos do Ensino Médio. Esta iniciativa surgiu da pouca atenção que se dá à Astronomia nesta etapa da Educação embora os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN e PCN+) apontem a importância de sua inclusão.

  6. Scientometric Analysis of the Journals of the Academy of Medical Sciences in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin; Zunic, Lejla


    Introduction: Currently in Bosnia and Herzegovina there are 25 journals in the field of biomedicine, 6 of them are indexed in Medline/PubMed base (Medical Archives, Materia Socio-Medica, Acta Informatica Medica, Acta Medica Academica, Bosnian Journal of Basic Medical Sciences (BJBMS) and Medical Glasnik), and one (BJBMS) is indexed in Science Citation Index Expanded (SCIE)/Web of Science base. Aim: The aim of this study was to show the scope of work of the journals that were published by Academy of Medical Sciences of Bosnia and Herzegovina - Medical Archives, Materia Socio-Medica and Acta Informatica Medica. Material and Methods: The research presents a meta-analysis of three journals, or their issues, during the calendar year 2015 (retrospective and descriptive character). Results: During 2015 calendar year a total of 286 articles were published (in Medical Archives 104 (36.3%), in Materia Socio-Medica 99 (34.6%), and in Acta Informatica Medica 83 (29%)). Original articles are present in the highest number in all three journals (in Medical Archives 80.7%, in Materia Socio Medica 77.7%, and in Acta Informatica Medica 68.6%). In Medical Archives, 90.3% of the articles were related to the field of clinical medicine. In Materia Socio-Medica, the domain of clinical medicine and public health was the most represented. Preclinical areas are most frequent in Acta Informatica Medica. The period of 50-60 days for a decision on the admission of article is most common in all three journals, with trend of shortening of that period. Articles came from 19 countries, mostly from Bosnia and Herzegovina, then from Iran, Kosovo, Saudi Arabia and Greece. Conclusion: In Medical Archives original articles in the field of clinical medicine (usually internal and surgical disciplines) are most often present, and that is the case in last four years. The number of articles in Materia Socio-Medica and Acta Informatica Medica is growing from year to year. In Materia Socio-Medica there is a

  7. Bibliography of Soviet Laser Developments, No. 16, April - June 1974

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Radiofiz Acta physica polonica Bulletin de I’Academic Polonaise del Sciences. Serie des Sciences Terhniqurs Akademiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. DokUdy...V. Kryukov (0). Spectral kinetics of radiation from complex organic dye solution lasers. Acta phys. et ehem. Szeged, v. 19, no

  8. A Simplified Method of Eliciting Information from Novices.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brandt, D. Scott; Uden, Lorna


    Discusses the use of applied cognitive task analysis (ACTA) to interview novices and gain insight into their cognitive skills and processes. Focuses particularly on novice Internet searchers at the University of Staffordshire (United Kingdom) and reviews attempts to modify ACTA, which is intended to gather information from experts as part of…

  9. Use of Spherical Nanoindentation to Characterize the Anisotropic Properties of Microscale Constituents and Interfaces in Hierarchically Structured Composite Materials

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Lilleodden, P. Anderson, J.T. Wyrobek, Acta Materialia 44 (1996) 3585-3598. [75] W.W. Gerberich, S. Venkataraman , J. Nelson, H. Huang, E. Lilleodden, W...629-644. [76] W.W. Gerberich, S.K. Venkataraman , H. Huang, S.E. Harvey, D.L. Kohlstedt, Acta Metallurgica et Materialia 43 (1995) 1569. [77] A.E

  10. Teaching and Popularization of Astronomy in Latin America by the Liada Perspective. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Astronomía en la América Latina en la Perspectiva de la Liada.) Ensino e Divulgação da Astronomia na América Latina na Perspectiva da Liada

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, Paulo Sergio


    disponibilizados en la página de la Sección, faz-se una análisis y discusión sobre la importancia de tales relatos para finalidades educacionales. Es presentada una Hoja de reporte elaborado como sugestión para presentación de relatos por parte de individuos y instituciones ben como discutida la importancia de la sistematización de experiencias visando mayor visibilidad y cambio de informaciones en el área. Concluí con una evaluación de los proyectos, su potencial y limitaciones, ben como sugestiones de proyectos futuros visando mayor interacción entre los países de la América Latina y tornando disponible la Sección para esta finalidad.

    Esse trabalho visa divulgar e analisar as atividades da Seção de Ensino e Divulgação de Astronomia (SEDA) da Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomia (LIADA). Após um histórico da LIADA, são apresentados os diversos projetos da Seção que conta com a colaboração de coordenadores locais na maioria dos países da América Latina. São apresentados os projetos que visam chamar a atenção do público em geral, estudantes e professores para a observação do céu e posterior envio de relatos para colocação na página da Seção na Internet. Mais especificamente são analisados os projetos e relatos relacionados aos eclipses ocorridos desde o ano 2000. Utilizando-se os arquivos disponibilizados na página da Seção, faz-se uma análise e discussão sobre a importância de tais relatos para finalidades educacionais. É apresentado um formulário elaborado como sugestão para apresentação de relatos por parte de indivíduos e instituições bem como discutida a importância da sistematização de experiências visando maior visibilidade e troca de informações na área. Conclui com uma avaliação dos projetos, seu potencial e limitações, bem como sugestões de projetos futuros visando maior interação entre os países da América Latina e tornando disponível a Seção para esta finalidade.

  11. Projeto observatórios virtuais: educação através de telescópios robóticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santana, P. H. S.; Shida, R. Y.


    O principal objetivo do projeto Observatórios Virtuais é o ensino na área de ciências através de atividades práticas desenvolvidas em colaboração entre instituições de pesquisa em astronomia e escolas de ensino médio e fundamental. Este ano deverá ser concluída a implantação do programa piloto de estudos, pesquisas e observação astronômica direta, com utilização em tempo real de telescópios robóticos, que assim funcionarão como "observatórios virtuais". O objetivo pedagógico das atividades práticas baseadas nas imagens atronômicas é desenvolver as habilidades e competências dos alunos no uso do método científico. Para isso, serão realizados projetos interdisciplinares, a partir de observações astronômicas, já que a astronomia é uma área interdisciplinar por excelência. Essas atividades terão níveis diferenciados de complexidade, que podem ser adequados aos vários graus do ensino e realidades regionais. Será dada ênfase ao desenvolvimento e aplicação em São Paulo, onde atua a equipe do IAG/USP. Como resultados apresentados no presente trabalho, temos a criação de um software em português para o processamento de imagens obtidas através de CCDs e a elaboração de material para as atividades educacionais relacionadas.

  12. Leading the Charge: Governors, Higher Education and Accountability

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Council of Trustees and Alumni, 2014


    With this new tool, ACTA [American Council of Trustees and Alumni] is working to expand its outreach to governors nationwide on behalf of higher education reform, focusing on key issues of quality, cost, and accountability. ACTA has worked with governors and education leaders from across the country, and that experience has proven that innovative…

  13. II-VI Laser Heterostructures with Different Types of Active Region

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Physics and Technology, 1997 p. 210. [11] A. Lebedev, S. Sorokin, A. Toropov et al., Acta Physica Polonica A 94 (2), 421 (1998). [12] A. Toropov, T. V...Toropov, S. V. Ivanov, T. V. Shubina et al., J. Cryst. Growth 184/185, 293 (1998). [16] I. Sedova, T. Shubina, S. Sorokin et al., Acta Physica

  14. Infrared Spectra and Binding Energies of Chemical Warfare Nerve Agent Simulants on the Surface of Amorphous Silica

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Limited TPD of Water from Zeolite Linde 4A. Thermochim. Acta 1998, 319 (1), 177−184. (43) Palermo, A.; Löffler, D. G. Kinetics of Water Desorption...from Pelletized 4A and 5A Zeolites . Thermochim. Acta 1990, 159, 171−176. (44) Gorte, R. J. Design Parameters for Temperature Programmed Desorption from

  15. New large outburst of 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann 1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kidger, Mark


    Mark Kidger reports on behalf of the "Observadores_cometas Group" that a major new outburst of Comet 29P/Schwassmann-Wachmann has occurred two days before the Herschel Space Observatory is due to observe the comet. The outburst was first reported on 2010 Apr. 16, 19:22UT at R=12.8 in a 10" square aperture by Estevé Cortés and the Grup d'Astronomia de Mataró (MPC A06, Mataró, Spain), having been last seen at R=16.18 by José Ramón Vidal (MPC 945, Gijón, Spain) on 2010 Apr.

  16. The Vanishing Shakespeare: A Report by the American Council of Trustees and Alumni

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Neal, Anne D.; Mitchell, Charles


    As this report goes to press, the nation's capital is in the midst of a six-moth, city-wide celebration of William Shakespeare. With this celebration as a backdrop, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) researched how Shakespeare fits into English curricula at 70 of the nation's leading colleges and universities. ACTA surveyed English…

  17. Ensenanza de la Astronomia a Traves de Metodos no Tradicionales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tignanelli, H. L.


    REUMEN: Se presentan los aspects pri nc ipales de a ense? anza de la astronor:. a para -; s. En esta cc .unicaci #n, 5 ha especial mfasis em Ia descripci':"n de las caracteristicas y las posibi lidades peda gicas de los no tradicionales de aprendiZaje. E' : In the following the principal aspects of teaching of astrono ..y for children) are oresented. In this paper, special emphasis has been given to desc rib the characteristics and pedagogical possibilities of the non traditional methods of learning. : TEACHING

  18. Translational Research for Muscular Dystrophy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    offspring will have exons 2-4 deleted in cre-expressing tissues. 7. JAX stock 18284: 129-Acta1tm1Hrd/J The Acta1(H40Y) knock -in allele has the...Alterations in Osteopontin Modify Muscle Size in Females in Both Humans and Mice. Med Sci Sports Exerc. 45:1060-8. 54. Hosur V, Cox ML, Burzenski LM, Riding

  19. Discussions about the Nature of Science in a Course on the History of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Discusiones sobre la Naturaleza de la Ciencia en un Curso sobre Historia de la Astronomía.) Discussões sobre a Natureza da Ciência em um Curso sobre a História da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pires de Andrade, Victória Flório; L'Astorina, Bruno


    comunidade acadêmica e mostramos como alguns episódios da história da astronomia podem levar a discussões envolvendo alguns dos aspectos da natureza da ciência.

  20. A Concepção de Universo entre Alunos do Ensino Médio de São Paulo e suas Fontes de Aquisição

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Araújo, M. A. A.; Elias, D. C. N.; Amaral, L. H.; Araújo, M. S. T.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Nesse trabalho procurou-se identificar por meio de um questionário as concepções de Universo, de espaço e tempo que sustentam a visão de mundo de um grupo de 270 estudantes de Ensino Médio, pertencentes a três escolas de São Paulo. As questões relacionadas aos conhecimentos prévios dos estudantes permitiram constatar que há pouco conhecimento acerca dos temas investigados, destacando-se que apenas 20% dos alunos foram capazes de relacionar as semanas com as fases da lua, enquanto 28% associaram as estações do ano à inclinação do eixo de rotação da Terra e 23% tinham noções das distâncias entre objetos celestes próximos da Terra. Enquanto 56% conseguiram relacionar o Big Bang com a origem do Universo, verificou-se que 37% reconheciam ano-luz como unidade de distância e 60% concebiam o Sol como uma estrela. No que se refere às fontes de aquisição que proporcionaram esses conhecimentos, apesar de 60% dos alunos indicarem a escola como principal fonte dos conhecimentos de Ast! ronomia, verificou-se claramente que para a maioria dos alunos seus conceitos ainda são inadequados, havendo necessidade de aprimoramento da abordagem desses conteúdos, pois apesar de popular, a Astronomia ainda é veiculada de maneira pouco esclarecedora e com imprecisões. Nesse contexto, são discutidas algumas possíveis contribuições que podem ser dadas para o ensino de Astronomia pelo uso das ferramentas computacionais nas escolas.

  1. Pointwise approximation of modified conjugate functions by matrix operators of conjugate Fourier series of [Formula: see text]-periodic functions.


    Kubiak, Mateusz; Łenski, Włodzimierz; Szal, Bogdan


    We extend the results of Xh. Z. Krasniqi (Acta Comment. Univ. Tartu Math. 17:89-101, 2013) and the authors (Acta Comment. Univ. Tartu Math. 13:11-24, 2009; Proc. Est. Acad. Sci. 67:50-60, 2018) to the case when considered function is [Formula: see text]-periodic and the measure of approximation depends on r -differences of the entries of the considered matrices.

  2. [About healing with nature and about love for the patient].


    Schipperges, H


    In the light of a nature-centered philosophy and its image of man and universe, the medical science of Paracelsus appears 'enlightened by nature'. Based on this experience, the physician found his medical art on the 'four pillars' ('Philosophia', 'Astronomia', 'Alchimia', 'Physica'). Acting out of the healing power of nature would be incomplete, if 'Physica' would not be accompanied by 'Virtus', the ethical component of all medical actions. This is described by Paracelsus by the picture of mercy ('Barmherzigkeit'), in whose sentiment all medical acting finds its final motivation. Therefore, the script concentrates in particular on what Paracelsus describes as 'love for the patient'.

  3. [Paracelsus at the horizon of medicine].


    Schipperges, H


    After a brief review of the life and work of Paracelsus (1493-1541) the five spheres of existence of the healthy as well as the sick individual are characterized (theory of the 5 entities). Founding on this theoretical orientation of existence Paracelsus constructs his "house of medicine" which is resting on 4 pillars: on "Philosophia" as natural and human science, on "Astronomia" as structured chronologic order, on "Alchimia" as science of the preparation of materials and on "Physica" providing the ethical prerequisite for medical practise. Paracelsus believes the physician to represent an educated expert applying standards to the other faculties as well; in his eyes medicine represents the "cornerstone of university".

  4. How Galileo and Kepler Countered Aristotle's Cosmological Errors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gingerich, O.


    Aristotle made two major common sense assumptions that ultimately had to be refuted to open the way to modern science. One was the dichotomy between celestial and terrestrial. The other was the separation of astronomy from physics. Galileo, particularly with his examination of the moon in the Sidereus nuncius, was a pioneer in destroying the first assumption, while Kepler, whose Astronomia nova was subtitled ``based on causes, or celestial physics,'' broke the stranglehold of the second. The importance of these fundamental contributions toward establishing the nature of modern science, which paved the way for Isaac Newton, is often overshadowed by their more specific contributions in optics or mechanics.

  5. China Report, Economic Affairs, Energy: Status and Development -- XXVI

    DTIC Science & Technology


    better technology for open-cut mining; — renovating 9 railway trunk lines while building 8 new ones, bringing the total number in the area up to 20 and...CSO: 4013/119 91 SUPPLEMENTAL SOURCES CHINA’S SOLAR ENERGY RESOURCE DISTRIBUTION ANALYZED Beijing TAIYANGNENG XUEBAO [ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS...Calculation in Our Country, TAIYANGNENG XUEBAO [ACTA ENERGIAE SOLARIS SINICA], Vol 1, 1980 pp 1-9. 12553 CSO: 4013/19 102 CONSERVATION CONSERVATION

  6. Mixed-Methods Study that Examines Nine Science Teachers' Perceptions of Slooh Robotic Telescope for Teaching Astronomy. (Breton Title: Métodos Mistos de Estudo que Examinam a Percepção de Nove Professores de Ciências sobre o Telescópio Robótico Slooh Para Ensino de Astronomia.) Métodos Mixtos de Estudio que Examinan la Percepcion de Nueve Profesores de Ciencias sobre EL Telescopio Robótico Slooh Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomía

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gershun, Daniel C.; Slater, Timothy F.; Berryhill, Katie J.


    Although previous studies show that robotic telescopes have the potential to enhance student learning, there is comparatively little research that focuses on teacher perceptions of this technology. This study investigates: "what is the academic merit of using SLOOH robotic telescopes to teach astronomy as perceived by science teachers?" Our sample consists of nine science teachers of students aged 13-18 years. Pre- and post-tests, interviews, and surveys were collected during two weeks of a summer online course about robotic telescopes. While pre and post-tests do not reveal a statistically significant gain in astronomy content knowledge, analysis of qualitative data reveals five themes which describe the most important aspects of using SLOOH according to participants: "Images," "Interface," "Classroom Application," "Instructor Impact," and "Logistical Issues." Analysis of these themes suggests that SLOOH can provide an interactive and social learning environment with capabilities to incorporate crossdisciplinary themes. Embora estudos anteriores mostram que os telescópios robóticos têm o potencial de melhorar a aprendizagem dos alunos, há relativamente pouca investigação focada nas percepções de professores a respeito desta tecnologia. Este estudo investiga: "qual é o mérito acadêmico da utilização de telescópios robóticos Slooh para ensinar astronomia, tal como percebido pelos professores de ciências?" Nossa amostra é composta por nove professores de ciências de estudantes com idades entre 13-18 anos pré e pós-testes, entrevistas, e levantamentos foram coletados durante duas semanas de um curso on-line de verão sobre telescópios robóticos. Enquanto os testes pré e pós não revelaram um ganho estatisticamente significativo no conhecimento do conteúdo astronomia, a análise de dados qualitativos revela cinco temas que descrevem os aspectos mais importantes da utilização Slooh de acordo aos participantes: "Imagens", "Interface", "Aplica

  7. Consideracoes Historicas sobre o Ensino Profissionalizante no Brasil (Historical Considerations about Professional Education in Brazil).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Barros, Marta Silene Ferreira


    Analyzes the paths taken in professional education in Brazil from the colonial period until the formation of the republic. Refers to specialists as well as specific laws for each period described in the study. (BT)

  8. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, USSR: Life Sciences

    DTIC Science & Technology


    87) 59 Prophylactic Effectiveness of Epsilon- Aminocaproic Acid (EACA) on Influenza in Mice (L.Ye. Puzis, V.P. Lozitskiy, et al.; ACTA VIROLOGICA...EFFECTIVENESS OF EPSILON- AMINOCAPROIC ACID (EACA) ON INFLUENZA IN MICE Bratislava ACTA VIROLOGICA in Russian Vol 30, No 1, Jan 86 (manuscript received 17...MEDITSINSKOY KHIMII, No 4, Jul-Aug 86) 59 Effects of Novel Antineoplastic Blastozole on Nucleic Acid Levels and DNA Synthesis in Cancer Cells (S.N

  9. Microstructural Evolution during the Dynamic Deformation of High Strength Navy Steels

    DTIC Science & Technology


    phase particles (Figures 23d,e). These include carbides as well as copper precipitates that are of the order of 10 nm or less in size. These particles ...Microstructure and kinetics of martensite transformations in splat-quenched Fe and Fe-Ni alloys - I pure Fe: Acta Metallurgica 30(1982)323. 22. Y. Inokuti...and B. Cantor, Microstructure and kinetics of martensite transformations in splat-quenched Fe and Fe-Ni alloys - II Fe-Ni alloys : Acta

  10. Astronomy Teaching and Teachers Continuing Education: the Interdisciplinarity during a Total Lunar Eclipse. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza de la Astronomía y la Formación Continua de Profesores: la Interdisciplinariedad Durante un Eclipse Total de Luna.) Educação EM Astronomia E Formação Continuada de Professores: a Interdisciplinaridade Durante um Eclipse Lunar TOTAL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo


    This paper describes how 67 teachers from 23 cities, could awaken, in students, the scientific interest, using a natural astronomical phenomenon: a total lunar eclipse. Before and after of eclipse, meetings for continuing education were characterized by interdisciplinarity of astronomy and the importance of these observations. Working groups were formed by teachers and students, who organized the survey data, mobilizing the people in their cities. The results point ways about how to provide the scientific culture and the motivation to learn science in students, using approaches between the following communities: scientific, amateur and school. En este artículo se describe cómo 67 profesores de 23 ciudades, despertó el interés científico en los estudiantes mediante un fenómeno astronómico: un eclipse total de Luna. Antes y después del eclipse, reuniones para la formación continua se centraron en la interdisciplinariedad de la astronomía, y la importancia de las observaciones de este tipo de fenómeno. Profesores y estudiantes formaron grupos de trabajo para investigar datos durante el eclipse, con el participación de la comunidad en sus ciudades. Los resultados apuntan a las opciones que conducen a la cultura científica y la motivación para aprender la ciencia, utilizando las relaciones de los siguientes grupos: científicos, aficionados y la escuela. Este texto relata como 67 professores, provenientes de 23 cidades, puderam despertar, nos alunos, o interesse científico utilizando um fenômeno natural astronômico: um eclipse lunar total. O evento foi precedido e procedido por encontros de formação continuada, onde se caracterizou a interdisciplinaridade da astronomia e a importância das observações de fenômenos como estes. Grupos de trabalho foram formados por professores e alunos, que se organizaram para o levantamento conjunto de dados durante o fenômeno, além do envolvimento da comunidade em suas respectivas cidades. Os resultados apontam

  11. Como os Alunos do Ensino Médio da Rede Estadual de São Paulo obtém Conhecimentos Astronômicos?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Cunha, W. S.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    Atualmente vivencia-se um mundo globalizado onde os computadores e a internet permitiram um acesso rápido e seguro a todo tipo de informação e conhecimento. O presente trabalho visa analisar a maneira pela qual alunos de segundo grau da rede estadual da cidade de São Paulo obtiveram, caso tenham, conhecimentos básicos de astronomia quanto aos fenômenos celestes que os rodeiam, tais como a sucessão dos dias e das estações do ano, além de questioná~los sobre fatos genéricos tais como: o que vem a ser o Sol, o Big Bang, o que ocasionou a extinção dos dinossauros. Para tanto foi elaborado um formulário constando de questões de múltipla escolha, o qual foi aplicado no primeiro colegial diurno da Escola Estadual Guilherme de Almeida. Num espaço amostral de 44 alunos constatou-se que 41% dos alunos adquiriram seus conhecimentos astronômicos na escola e 59% através da mídia em geral. Neste mesmo espaço amostral apenas 11% dos alunos usaram computadores na escola, 41% na residência, 5% no trabalho e 43% não utilizaram. O presente estudo revelou também que para 50% dos alunos o professor jamais utilizou um programa de computador a respeito de astronomia ou fez alguma apresentação sobre o tema. Embora em sua fase inicial este estudo revela claramente que a maioria dos alunos não obtém na escola seus conhecimentos astronômicos, estes provém de fontes não especificamente didático-pedagógicas tais como filmes e revistas populares que não raramente geram conhecimentos incompletos e em muitos casos inclusive falhos.

  12. Determinação da massa de júpiter a partir das órbitas de seus satélites: um experimento didático

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schlickmann, M. S.; Saito, R. K.; Becker, D. A.; Rezende, M. F., Jr.; Cid Fernandes, R.


    Este trabalho apresenta o roteiro piloto de uma prática observacional em astronomia, junto com os primeiros resultados obtidos nesta fase de implementacão. O projeto, que será executado em duas etapas, visa introduzir noções de Astronomia a alunos do Ensino Médio e iniciantes nos cursos de Física. O experimento consiste em medir as órbitas dos satélites Galileanos e, a partir da análise dos dados coletados, verificar a validade da Lei das órbitas de Kepler, determinando a massa do planeta Júpiter. Em uma primeira etapa, as observações serão feitas utilizando um telescópio Meade LX200 10" e câmera CCD para obter uma seqüência de imagens do planeta, que possibilitará medir o movimento de seus satélites. A segunda etapa terá início a partir do funcionamento do telescópio em modo robótico, com a possibilidade de observações via internet por instituições de ensino. Para o desenvolvimento deste experimento foram inicialmente coletadas várias imagens de Júpiter obtidas com os instrumentos citados acima. Estas imagens serviram como base para confecção dos roteiros para a experiência no nível médio e superior. Os roteiros serão inicialmente apresentados em uma home-page. Nela também se buscará uma contextualização histórica da experiência bem como o estabelecimento de relações com professores e alunos, propostas metodológicas e a disponibilização dos programas computacionais necessários para a utilização "on-line" pelos usuários. O projeto conta com apoio da Fundação VITAE.

  13. Bradley and Lacaille: Praxis as Passionate Pursuit of Exact Science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilson, C. A.


    From 1700 to 1800, astronomical observation and prediction improved in accuracy by an order of magnitude or more: by century's end astronomers could trust catalogued and predicted positions to within a few arcseconds. Crucial to this improvement were the discoveries of Bradley, which grew out of an endeavor of "normal science," the attempt to confirm with precision Robert Hooke's earlier supposed discovery of annual parallax in Gamma Draconis. On the theoretical side, Bradley's discoveries led to the quiet demise of two earlier doctrines, the Tychonic System and the Aristotelian and Cartesian doctrine of the instantaneous transmission of light. On the side of praxis, Bradley's discoveries meant that observational astronomy must be re-done from the ground up. In 1742 Nicolas-Louis Lacaille (1713-62), who had been admitted to the Paris Academie des Sciences only the year before, proposed to his astronomer colleagues that they take up this task as a cooperative enterprise. His proposal met with silence, but he undertook the project on his own, making it his life's work. By 1757 he had completed his Fundamenta Astronomiae, including a catalogue of 400 bright stars in which for the first time star positions were corrected for aberration and nutation. In 1758 he published his solar tables, the first to incorporate lunar and planetary perturbations as well as aberration and nutation. Lacaille's pendulum clock was not temperature-compensated, and his sextant poorly calibrated, but he was to some extent able to compensate for these flaws by bringing a massive number of observations to bear. Till the 1790s his Fundamenta Astronomiae and Tabulae Solares were important for the increments in accuracy they brought about, and for the inspiration they gave to later astronomers such as Delambre.

  14. The Incidence of Primary Hip Osteoarthritis in Active Duty US Military Servicemembers

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of coxarthrosis in former soccer players : 286 players compared with matched controls. Acta Orthop Scand 1993;64:165–7. 39. Marti B, Knobloch M, Tschopp...reported in the first National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, up to a high preva- lence of 25.1%, reported in the Johnston County Osteoar...the hip and knee joint in retired football players . Acta Orthop Scand 1980;51:925–7. 36. Kujala UM, Kaprio J, Sarno S. Osteoarthritis of weightbearing

  15. Laser Probe Vaporization/Oxidation Testing of High Temperature Composites

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Smith and H.S. Liszt, J. Quant. Spectosc. Rad. Trans., 12, 505 (1972). 5. A. Czernichowski and W. Zyrnicki, Acta Physica Polonica , A32, 865 (1970). 6. 0...Lagerqvist, and I. Renhorn, Physica Scripta, 14, 298 (1976). 2. G. Herzberg, Molecular Spectra and Molecular Structure. I. Spectra of Diatomic Molecules...Sheehan, General Atomics (2) H. Cappelen, K. Johansen, and K. Motzfeldt, Acta Chim. Scand. A35 247 (1981) (3) C. Wagner, J.Appl.Phys. 29 1295 (1958) (4

  16. Ultrahigh Vacuum Studies of the Fundamental Interactions of Chemical Warfare Agents and Their Simulants with Amorphous Silica

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Aldao, C. M. Monte Carlo Study of Thermal Desorption Curves of Water from Zeolite Type A. Langmuir 1996, 12, 36-39. (83) Gorte, R. J. Design Parameters...and Diffusion-Limited TPD of Water from Zeolite Linde 4A. Thermochimica Acta 1998, 319, 177-184. (85) Palmero, A.; Loffler, D. G. Kinetics of Water...Desorption from Pelletized 4A and 5A Zeolites . Thermochimica Acta 1990, 159, 171-176. (86) Dean, J. A. Lange’s Handbook of Chemistry; Fifteenth

  17. The Mental Capacity Act--a balance between protection and liberty.


    Walters, Thomas Paul

    The stated aim of the Mental Capacity Act is to provide greater protection to those who may lose their mental capacities, particularly in terms of informed consent, patient affairs, advanced decisions and research. This article attempts to explore this new statute by way of examining the scope to which the Act departs from the previous Common Law. Three key themes are identified within this new Act, which differentiate it from Common Law: patients' best interests, which is paramount to any care or treatment; proxy consent, whereby donees can now be appointed to take charge of medical decisions; and advanced directives, where so-called living wills can be enforced provided that they are specific, written, signed and witnessed. However, upon examining the statute it appears that rather than increasing patient autonomy and self-determination, evidence suggests that power is still being held by the medical profession. Whether patients have full autonomy or not, the main issue could be how to strike an effective and workable balance between protection and liberty.

  18. Practical Astronomical Activities during Daytime. (Spanish Title: Actividades Astronómicas Prácticas Diurnas.) Atividades Astronômicas Práticas Diurnas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jackson, Eric


    relacionadas al mal tiempo. El problema de no tener suficientes actividades prácticas, la sensación de poseer conocimientos inadecuados, la necesidad de disponer de equipamiento astronómico y experiencia suelen ser demasiado intimidantes para que los profesores introduzcan la materia en sus clases. Si la Astronomía iba a ser introducida, entonces era preciso encontrar una forma de resolver estas dificultades. Nuestro grupo, trabajando con maestros y alumnos dentro de un marco constructivista, encontró que los principios de la Astronomía pueden ser descubiertos durante el día, en cuanto los alumnos están en la escuela. Trabajando de forma cooperativa los alumnos midieron y registraron observaciones de sus propias sombras causadas por los movimientos de la estrella más próxima, el Sol, y nuestro planeta Tierra. Debido a que los alumnos se involucraran tan personalmente en las actividades, estuvieron mucho más interesados en los resultados del estudio. La Astronomía pasó a ser un desafío para el maestro y sus alumnos cuando aplicaron sus experiencias diurnas a la observación nocturna desde sus casas, reportada después en clase. Estas atividades astronômicas diurnas surgiram de uma investigação feita na Nova Zelândia por um grupo de professores e astrônomos a respeito dos problemas do ensino da Astronomia. Este trabalho mostrou que a Astronomia é geralmente considerada uma disciplina difícil de ensinar, tradicionalmente baseada em livros, filmes e modelos. Os mais afortunados podem ter feito alguma visita a um observatório ou planetário, e os mais avançados podem talvez ter tentado uma sessão de observação noturna, as quais sofrem às vezes de dificuldades relacionadas ao tempo. O problema de não dispor de suficientes atividades práticas, a sensação de possuir conhecimentos inadequados, a necessidade de dispor de equipamento astronômico e experiência tem sido, em geral, demasiado intimidante para que os professores introduzam a matéria nas suas

  19. The Metalloprotease Mpl Supports Listeria monocytogenes Dissemination through Resolution of Membrane Protrusions into Vacuoles

    PubMed Central

    Alvarez, Diego E.


    Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular pathogen that disseminates within the intestinal epithelium through acquisition of actin-based motility and formation of plasma membrane protrusions that project into adjacent cells. The resolution of membrane protrusions into vacuoles from which the pathogen escapes results in bacterial spread from cell to cell. This dissemination process relies on the mlp-actA-plcB operon, which encodes ActA, a bacterial nucleation-promoting factor that mediates actin-based motility, and PlcB, a phospholipase that mediates vacuole escape. Here we investigated the role of the metalloprotease Mpl in the dissemination process. In agreement with previous findings showing that Mpl is required for PlcB activation, infection of epithelial cells with the ΔplcB or Δmpl strains resulted in the formation of small infection foci. As expected, the ΔplcB strain displayed a strong defect in vacuole escape. However, the Δmpl strain showed an unexpected defect in the resolution of protrusions into vacuoles, in addition to the expected but mild defect in vacuole escape. The Δmpl strain displayed increased levels of ActA on the bacterial surface in protrusions. We mapped an Mpl-dependent processing site in ActA between amino acid residues 207 to 238. Similar to the Δmpl strain, the ΔactA207–238 strain displayed increased levels of ActA on the bacterial surface in protrusions. Although the ΔactA207–238 strain displayed wild-type actin-based motility, it formed small infection foci and failed to resolve protrusions into vacuoles. We propose that, in addition to its role in PlcB processing and vacuole escape, the metalloprotease Mpl is required for ActA processing and protrusion resolution. PMID:27068088

  20. The Metalloprotease Mpl Supports Listeria monocytogenes Dissemination through Resolution of Membrane Protrusions into Vacuoles.


    Alvarez, Diego E; Agaisse, Hervé


    Listeria monocytogenes is an intracellular pathogen that disseminates within the intestinal epithelium through acquisition of actin-based motility and formation of plasma membrane protrusions that project into adjacent cells. The resolution of membrane protrusions into vacuoles from which the pathogen escapes results in bacterial spread from cell to cell. This dissemination process relies on the mlp-actA-plcB operon, which encodes ActA, a bacterial nucleation-promoting factor that mediates actin-based motility, and PlcB, a phospholipase that mediates vacuole escape. Here we investigated the role of the metalloprotease Mpl in the dissemination process. In agreement with previous findings showing that Mpl is required for PlcB activation, infection of epithelial cells with the ΔplcB or Δmpl strains resulted in the formation of small infection foci. As expected, the ΔplcB strain displayed a strong defect in vacuole escape. However, the Δmpl strain showed an unexpected defect in the resolution of protrusions into vacuoles, in addition to the expected but mild defect in vacuole escape. The Δmpl strain displayed increased levels of ActA on the bacterial surface in protrusions. We mapped an Mpl-dependent processing site in ActA between amino acid residues 207 to 238. Similar to the Δmpl strain, the ΔactA207-238 strain displayed increased levels of ActA on the bacterial surface in protrusions. Although the ΔactA207-238 strain displayed wild-type actin-based motility, it formed small infection foci and failed to resolve protrusions into vacuoles. We propose that, in addition to its role in PlcB processing and vacuole escape, the metalloprotease Mpl is required for ActA processing and protrusion resolution. Copyright © 2016, American Society for Microbiology. All Rights Reserved.

  1. Cosmic Ink: Fragments from the Past on Journal Pages

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mandrino, A.; Gargano, M.; Gasperini, A.


    This contribution describes an editorial project started in 2012 to enhance the cultural heritage of the Italian observatories. It includes a regular column Cieli di inchiostro (Cosmic ink) devoted to promoting the astronomical historical archives and published in the Giornale di astronomia, a journal of the Società Astronomica Italiana. In every issue of the journal, a significant historical artifact is presented and described. This can be a letter, a diary page, a photograph, a map, a drawing, or another type of item pulled out of the archival folders to bring its history to light. The column is intended to invite historians, amateurs, and students to search and use the documents kept in the archives of the observatories.

  2. Stubborn Mars is in search of a domicile. Johannes Kepler to Christian II. elector of Saxony - a rediscovery. (German Title: Der halsstarrige Mars sucht sich eine Wohnung. Johannes Kepler an Kurfürst Christian II. von Sachsen - Eine Wiederentdeckung)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kothmann, Hella


    The rediscovery of a missing autograph of Johannes Kepler - a dedication letter presenting his "New Astronomy" to the elector of Saxony - was possible through a series of fortunate coincidences. Kepler's most important work "Astronomia Nova", in which he proclaimed the first two planetary laws, has been published at the end of 1609. According to the Latin dedication to emperor Rudolf II., Kepler compares the long period of calculations and observations as a crusade against the planet Mars. Finally he succeeds in defeating him, now he supports his opponent to find a new home. The letter is an extraordinary document of Kepler's ingenious and humorous language, it also proofs the relationship to Dresden and the Saxon court.

  3. Comet Halleys Legacy: SUNA, Astronomy from Universidad Central de Venezuela (U.C.V.)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Romero, Gabriel; Fernandez, Nelson


    The Sociedad Universitaria de Astronomia (SUNA) is a group of astronomy amateurs which works inside the Universidad Central de Venezuela (Venezuelas Central University)s campus. The initiative is originated during the path through the perihelion of Comet Halley in 1986, and since then their goals are promotion of astronomical information to all the university community. Observational works are also carried out, such as: registration and investigation of astronomical events, with the purpose to offer the opportunity to all public, mostly students o the University, to enjoy a spectacle, and at the same time to motivate the students to continue professional studies of astronomy. Being this last goal one of the most gratifying in the society.

  4. An eighteenth century travelling theodolite.


    Malaquias, Isabel


    An old topographic compass displayed in a showroom of the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins (MAST), in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, took our curiosity namely because of its resemblance to a theodolite, described by J.H. de Magellan. Not many things were known about its previous history. From the different documents studied, and the characteristics of this singular theodolite, it must have belonged to the collections of instruments acquired for the Brazilian border demarcations undertaken after the Santo Ildefonso Treaty, agreed to by the Portuguese and Spanish courts in 1777. Several instruments were bought in London, and supervised and chosen by Magellan, the Portuguese instruments expert. We present arguments in favour of this conclusion.



    Feti, Viola


    Boethius of Dacia's opera "De somnis" can be defined as a brief treaty that partially follows the traditional quaestio scheme. It includes a passage that seems to copy Etienne Tempier's proposition number sixty-five, which condemns the importance attributed to astrology by many medieval authors. Boethius moves off Aristotle's "De somno et vigilia" idea of physiological dreams to assert a new kind of oneiric phenomena linked to constellations, that, according to the author, aren't divinely inspired, whereas they are to be considered as natural events. Boethius isn't the only philosopher who writes about this particular type of dream as another medieval author, Albertus Magnus, in his "Speculum Astronomiae", describes astrology and its relationship to medicine.

  6. [Peter of Abano, the 'Conciliator' between magic and science].


    Federici Vescovini, Graziella


    Peter of Abano is a personage belonging to history as well as to legend. In this analysis his historical physiognomy of scientist and physician is reconstructed on the basis of a better knowledge of his works in medicine and astronomy (now edited), a discipline, the latest one, in which he excelled in Medieval scientific context (The Lucidator dubitabilium astronomiae (astrologiae) can be read in the critical edition by G. Federici Vescovini, Padova, Esedra, 1992). He opposed extreme position in all fields, by styling himself 'Conciliator' of opposed tendencies. He often reconfirmed a rational concept of medicine and astronomy, which dispelled any demoniac and magic features, against the fanciful legend elaborated during the following centuries.

  7. Perspectivas Futuras para o Observatório do Pico dos Dias

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bruch, Albert


    Com o Observatório Gemini plenamente operacional e o telescópio SOAR iniciando suas operações em breve, a astronomia observacional brasileira encontra-se no auge de uma transformação profunda que terá um impacto grave no Observatório do Pico dos Dias - OPD. Refletimos aqui sobre a natureza desse impacto e estratégias para manter a competitividade do OPD. Não queremos apresentar receitas prontas, mas idéias que poderão servir como base de discussão sobre o uso inteligente dos telescópios do OPD como parte do conjunto de instrumentos disponíveis à comunidade astronômica brasileira.

  8. Editorial

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bruzzi, Mara; Cartiglia, Nicolo; Pace, Emanuele; Talamonti, Cinzia


    The 10th edition of the International Conference on Radiation Effects on Semiconductor Materials, Detectors and Devices (RESMDD) was held in Florence, at Dipartimento di Fisica ed Astronomia on October 8-10, 2014. It has been aimed at discussing frontier research activities in several application fields as nuclear and particle physics, astrophysics, medical and solid-state physics. Main topics discussed in this conference concern performance of heavily irradiated silicon detectors, developments required for the luminosity upgrade of the Large Hadron Collider (HL-LHC), ultra-fast silicon detectors design and manufacturing, high-band gap semiconductor detectors, novel semiconductor-based devices for medical applications, radiation damage issues in semiconductors and related radiation-hardening technologies.

  9. Actin-based motility allows Listeria monocytogenes to avoid autophagy in the macrophage cytosol.


    Cheng, Mandy I; Chen, Chen; Engström, Patrik; Portnoy, Daniel A; Mitchell, Gabriel


    Listeria monocytogenes grows in the host cytosol and uses the surface protein ActA to promote actin polymerisation and mediate actin-based motility. ActA, along with two secreted bacterial phospholipases C, also mediates avoidance from autophagy, a degradative process that targets intracellular microbes. Although it is known that ActA prevents autophagic recognition of L. monocytogenes in epithelial cells by masking the bacterial surface with host factors, the relative roles of actin polymerisation and actin-based motility in autophagy avoidance are unclear in macrophages. Using pharmacological inhibition of actin polymerisation and a collection of actA mutants, we found that actin polymerisation prevented the colocalisation of L. monocytogenes with polyubiquitin, the autophagy receptor p62, and the autophagy protein LC3 during macrophage infection. In addition, the ability of L. monocytogenes to stimulate actin polymerisation promoted autophagy avoidance and growth in macrophages in the absence of phospholipases C. Time-lapse microscopy using green fluorescent protein-LC3 macrophages and a probe for filamentous actin showed that bacteria undergoing actin-based motility moved away from LC3-positive membranes. Collectively, these results suggested that although actin polymerisation protects the bacterial surface from autophagic recognition, actin-based motility allows escape of L. monocytogenes from autophagic membranes in the macrophage cytosol. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. A Dynamic Analysis of Piezoelectric Strained Elements.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Type Quartz Crystal Plates ", IEEE SU- 29 (3), pp. 1 2 1 - 1 2 7 (1982). [107] L.K.Chau,High -frequency Long-wave Vibrations of Piezoelectric Ceramic ... Plate Excited with Voltage", Acta Acustica, 8 (5), pp. 300-310 (1983). [265] M.Ting-rong, "Forced Vibrations of Metal-Piezo- ceramic Thin Composite... ceramic and Metal Composite Thin Circular Plate with Different Diameter for Each Layer", Acta Acustica, 9 (5), pp. 298-310 (1984); Chinese J. Acoust., 2(3

  11. Nd:YAG-CO2 double-pulse laser induced breakdown spectroscopy of organic films

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Thermodynamic and spectroscopic properties of Nd:YAG-CO2 Double-Pulse Laser-Induced Iron Plasma,” Spectrochimica Acta Part B: Atomic Spectroscopy (2009...absorption in the plume of an aluminum alloy,” Anal. Chem. 41(6), 700–707 (1969). 15. D. N. Stratis, K. L. Eland, and S. M. Angel, “Dual-pulse LIBS using a...and S. Pershin, “A comparison of single and double pulse laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy of aluminum samples,” Spectrochim. Acta, B At

  12. Continued Investigations of New Concepts for Improved Spectrochemical Analysis

    DTIC Science & Technology


    fundamental excitation and energy transfer processes are still not fully understood. Lovett [61], Boumans and De Boer [62], Blades and Hieftje [63...Acta 32B (1977) 365. 63. M.W. Blades and G.M. Hieftje , Spectrochim. Acta 37B (1982) 191. 64. P.D. Scholz and T.P. Anderson, JQSRT 8 (1968) 1411. 65...Thomas R. Smith Julie M. Freelin Burton R. Lamoureux Gary R. Sims Herbert L. Lancaster Mark E. Homan Jeffrey D. Kolczynski Hugh A. Phillips Jonathan V

  13. Hierarchically-Clustered Structures: Formation During Colloidal Processing and Evolution During Sintering

    DTIC Science & Technology


    18) E. Carnal and A Mocellin , " A Topological Model for Plane Sections of Polycrystals," Submitted to Acta. Metal.. 19) S. Fakuda, R. Kikuchi, and I...obtained from his CCD and the perimeter law matched the GSD generated by the Exxon group. Mocellin and his coworkers in Switzerland 32,33 (the Swiss...cellular networks," Phil. Mag B52(3), 795 (1985). 32). M. Blanc, A. Mocellin , "Grain coordination in plane sections of polycrystals," Acta Metall. 27

  14. The Electronic Spectra of Phthalocyanine Radical Anions and Cations.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    415. (10) McHugh , A.J., Gouterman, M., Weiss, J., Theoret. Chim. Acta, 1972, 24, 346. (11) Henriksson, A. and Sundbom, M., Theoret. Chim. Acta, 1972, 27...oxidisable. The spectra for the nickel (II) Pc species exactly parallel the main group data since no change in oxidation state of the nickel ion is expect- ed18...and no charge transfer is expected in the region under study. 6 In summary, the main group complexes, nickel and cobalt species all have parallel

  15. JPRS Report, Science & Technology, China

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Tang Xiaoshan [0781 1420 40091007C Beijing YICHUAN XUEBAO [ACTA 1472], Chen Hongshan [7115 7703 3790], et al., of the GENETICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol...the plant height, all of characters 40091007B Beijing YICHUAN XUEBAO [ACTA were unstable in R2. The chromosome number was 24 GENETICA SINICA] a superior variety GENETICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 17 No 6, of Triticum aestivum L., Xiaoyan No. 6. Both Xiaoyan Dec 90 pp 455-460 No. 6 and its

  16. Rapid Analysis of Energetic and Geo-Materials Using Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    et al ., Anal Bioanal Chem ( 2006 ) 385, 316. 5. Mohamed, W. T. Y., Prog Phys (2007) 2, 42. 6. Elhassan, A., et al ., Spectrochim Acta B (2008) 63...Anal (2005) 5, 21. 20. Anzano, J. M., et al ., Anal Chim Acta ( 2006 ) 575, 230. 21. Rusak, D. A., et al ., TrAC Trend Anal Chem (1998) 17, 453. 22. Martin...Spectrosc Reviews (2004) 39, 27. 25. Winefordner, J. D., et al ., J Anal Atom Spectrom (2004) 19, 1061. 26. Cremers , D. A., and Radziemski, L. J.,

  17. The developing immune system - from foetus to toddler.


    Ygberg, Sofia; Nilsson, Anna


    During foetal development, neonatal period and childhood, the immune system is constantly maturing. In the foetus, infection responsiveness is low and associates with spontaneous abortion. During the neonatal period, the infection response shifts towards a more pro-inflammatory response. The immune system of the newborn acquires adaptive features as a result of exposure to microbes. The development of the human immune system is a continuous process where both accelerated and retarded development is deleterious. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  18. People’s Republic of China Scientific Abstracts No. 164.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    3, Sep 76 15 I-CH’UAN HSUEH-PAO /ÄCTA GENETICA SINICA/ Vol 3, No 3, Sep 76 20 CHUNG-HUA I-HSUEH TSA-CHIH /CHINESE MEDICAL JOURNAL/ No 10...This is the preparatory work for cell hybridization in further experiments. 6168 CSO: ^4-009 19 ACTA GENETICA SINICA AUTHOR: None ORG...Peking I-CH’UAN HSUEH-PAO [ACTA GENETICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 3 No 3, Sep 76 pp 203-209 TEXT OF ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This paper deals with the

  19. Biofidelic Three-Dimensional Brain Surrogate Models of mTBI-Induced Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology

    DTIC Science & Technology


    incurred during combat in Vietnam by US forces, Acta Chir. Scand. Suppl. 508 (1981) 351–356. [10] J. Grafman, B.S. Jonas, A. Martin , A.M. Salazar, H...29 (16) (2012) 2564–2575. [92] B.R. Huber, J.S. Meabon, T.J. Martin , P.D. Mourad, R. Bennett, B.C. Kraemer, I. Cernak, E.C. Petrie, M.J. Emery, E.R...cerebral vasculature to blast injury in a rat model of mild traumatic brain injury, Acta Neuropathol. Commun. 2 (1) (2014) 1. [122] J.M. Petras , R.A

  20. Mechanisms of Laser Induced Reactions in Opaque Heterogeneous Environments

    DTIC Science & Technology


    D. Oelkrug, W.P. Hagan, J. Hyslop and F. Wilkinson, Opt. Acta, 1983, 30, 1090. 38. D. Oelkrug, S. Uhl, C.J. Willsher and F. Wilkinson, J. Phys. Chem...Oelkrug D. Hagan W P, Hyslop ]I and Wilkinson F 1983 Opt. Acta 301090 Kessler Rt W and Wilkinson F 1981 J. Chem. Soc.. Fa’aday Trans. 1 77 309 Kossanyi J...under the corrected emission spectrum is a direct evaluation 8 T. Kartens and K. Ki.obs, J. Phys. Chem., 1980 , 84, 1871. of OF. The displacement of the

  1. Radio- and VUV - Excited Luminescence of YAP:Ce, YAP:Pr and YAG:Pr

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Pr 3+ ions.", Acta Physica Polonica A, 90 pp.407-10, 1996. 6. C. Pedrini, D. Bouttet, C. Dujardin, B. Moine, I. Dafinei, P. Lecoq, M. Koselja, K...34Spectroscopy and thermoluminescence of LuAIO 3:Ce" Acta Physica Polonica A,.90, pp.377-383, 1996 17. A.J. Wojtowicz, J. Glodo, W. Drozdowski, K.R. Przegietka...Malinowski, M.F. Joubert, B. Jacquier. "Simultaneous laser action at blue and orange wavelengths in YAG:Pr 3+ Physica Status Solidi A, 140, pp.K49-52, 1993 5

  2. Adiabatic Shear Bands in Simple and Dipolar Viscoplastic Materials

    DTIC Science & Technology


    d Engineering Mechanics. University of Missouri-Holla. Holla. MO 65401-0249. C S.A Mace -r. Germam .Maxirr. Cork. - DrucK GmbH Carl-i -0&sset7«v...iaxirn Gorki - Druck GmoH Car:- -Ossietzk^ -Str 30 11 7400 Auenöurs I _LL 1+ Xf . . M „ .,Mqon ACTA MECHANICA Acta Mechamca 86, .31—.1...points 13, 14, 15 and 17 becomes clear from the results plotted in Fig. 3d . The plots of the temperature rise at other points con- sidered are not

  3. Integration of Statistical and Physical Models of Short Fatigue Crack Growth.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    M.R. James and B.N. Cox, *Fundamental Characterization of Surface Microplasticity ," Final Report on NSF Grant No. DMR-8310652, July 1986. 23. W.L...Dec. 1985. 24. W.L. Morris, B.N. Cox and M.R. James, " Microplastic Deformation of Al 2219- T85 I," to be published in Acta Metall. 25. B.N. Cox, W.L...Morris and M.R. James, "Two-Stage Microplastic Surface Defor- mation in Al 2219-T851," to be published in Acta Metall. 26. W.L. Morris, M.R. James and

  4. Imprinting, latchment and displacement: a mini review of early instinctual behaviour in newborn infants influencing breastfeeding success.


    Mobbs, Elsie J; Mobbs, George A; Mobbs, Anthony E D


    Instinctive behaviours have evolved favouring the mother-infant dyad based on fundamental processes of neurological development, including oral tactile imprinting and latchment. Latchment is the first stage of emotional development based on the successful achievement of biological imprinting. The mechanisms underpinning imprinting are identified and the evolutionary benefits discussed. It is proposed that the oral tactile imprint to the breast is a keystone for optimal latchment and breastfeeding, promoting evolutionary success. ©2015 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  5. NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morisset, C.; Delgado-Inglada, G.; Torres-Peimbert, S.


    Most - if not all - planetary nebulae exhibit a complex structure, far from the spherical shape. The reasons for this dramatic change in symmetry, that occurs in early stage of the development of the nebula, remain controversial. The same physics operates in a variety of stars, from young (winds from young stars and/or high mass stars) to old (novae, symbiotic stars). The aim of the APN series of conferences has been to offer the opportunity to anyone involved in the study of asymmetric planetary nebulae (and related objects) to discuss the latest results obtained in this field. The APN VI conference was organized by the Instituto de Astronomia (UNAM) and took place on Riviera Maya, Quintana Roo, México, 4-8 Nov. 2013

  6. Problemi e di Fisica e Astronomia ed il metodo di Gerberto docente

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sigismondi, Costantino


    Teaching Physics and Astronomy to pupils of 14-19 years old requires nowadays a continuous upgrade of knowledge as well as a capacity of selecting topics. The art of presenting arguments made Gerbert the teacher Rogatus a Pluribus in the end of X century and it is still actual; the proposed series of problems wants to link everyday experiences with the mathematical models of the phenomena, to allow the prediction and explanation of the experimental data. These problems of Physics and Astronomy are “observation oriented”, as the method of Gerbert was to start from the experience to get the theory, and not viceversa. Physics is much more than an “applied Algebra”. In the dispute of Ravenna (980) between Gerbert and Otric from Magdeburg, the primacy of Physics with respect to Mathematics was discussed. In the Italian secondary technical schools there are laboratory activities, while there is nothing similar for Lyceums and for the Astronomy teaching which is limited to a series of notions to be learned without any kind of observation; considered too difficult in polluted skyes.

  7. Genomic profiling of multiple sequentially acquired tumor metastatic sites from an “exceptional responder” lung adenocarcinoma patient reveals extensive genomic heterogeneity and novel somatic variants driving treatment response

    PubMed Central

    Biswas, Romi; Gao, Shaojian; Cultraro, Constance M.; Maity, Tapan K.; Venugopalan, Abhilash; Abdullaev, Zied; Shaytan, Alexey K.; Carter, Corey A.; Thomas, Anish; Rajan, Arun; Song, Young; Pitts, Stephanie; Chen, Kevin; Bass, Sara; Boland, Joseph; Hanada, Ken-Ichi; Chen, Jinqiu; Meltzer, Paul S.; Panchenko, Anna R.; Yang, James C.; Pack, Svetlana; Giaccone, Giuseppe; Schrump, David S.; Khan, Javed; Guha, Udayan


    We used next-generation sequencing to identify somatic alterations in multiple metastatic sites from an “exceptional responder” lung adenocarcinoma patient during his 7-yr course of ERBB2-directed therapies. The degree of heterogeneity was unprecedented, with ∼1% similarity between somatic alterations of the lung and lymph nodes. One novel translocation, PLAG1-ACTA2, present in both sites, up-regulated ACTA2 expression. ERBB2, the predominant driver oncogene, was amplified in both sites, more pronounced in the lung, and harbored an L869R mutation in the lymph node. Functional studies showed increased proliferation, migration, metastasis, and resistance to ERBB2-directed therapy because of L869R mutation and increased migration because of ACTA2 overexpression. Within the lung, a nonfunctional CDK12, due to a novel G879V mutation, correlated with down-regulation of DNA damage response genes, causing genomic instability, and sensitivity to chemotherapy. We propose a model whereby a subclone metastasized early from the primary site and evolved independently in lymph nodes. PMID:27900369

  8. The fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster unfolds the secrets of innate immunity.


    Rämet, Mika


    In 2011, the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine was rewarded, in part, for research on the Drosophila immune response. The research described the role of the Drosophila Toll receptor in antifungal resistance, and the subsequent characterization of Toll-like receptors in mammals reshaped our understanding of the immune system. This review summarizes the potential of the Drosophila model and describes the path that has lead Drosophila to become an important model to study immunity. Drosophila melanogaster has been one of the most fruitful models to study innate immunity. © 2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  9. Tycho Brahe Censured

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lerner, Michel-Pierre

    The starting point of this paper is a harsh judgment on Brahe's religion pronounced in 1651 by the Jesuit astronomer Giambattista Riccioli. A recent discovery in the Vatican Archives of the ACDF explains partly this judgment. Riccioli knew of a consultation in 1620 by Cardinal Robert Bellarmine and of a decree of the Holy Office, registered but not published, concerning the Astronomiae instauratae Progymnasmata (Uraniburgi Daniae - Pragae Bohemiae M.DC.II). This unpublished censure - Brahe was never condemned in the Roman Indexes - circulated in the Jesuit milieux, and there are some copies of Brahe's book carrying names and praises of heretics crossed out according to the decision of 1620. This paper considers too the important place officially reserved to Brahe in the Indexes published in Spain during the 17th century (and later).

  10. Listeria-vectored vaccine expressing the Mycobacterium tuberculosis 30 kDa major secretory protein via the constitutively active prfA* regulon boosts BCG efficacy against tuberculosis.


    Jia, Qingmei; Dillon, Barbara Jane; Masleša-Galić, Saša; Horwitz, Marcus A


    A potent vaccine against tuberculosis, one of the world's deadliest diseases, is needed to enhance the immunity of people worldwide, most of whom have been vaccinated with the partially effective BCG vaccine. Here we investigate novel live attenuated recombinant Listeria monocytogenes (rLm) vaccines expressing the Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) 30 kDa major secretory protein (r30/Ag85B) (rLm30) as heterologous booster vaccines in animals primed with BCG. Using three attenuated Lm vectors, rLm Δ actA (LmI), rLm Δ actA Δ inlB (LmII), and rLm Δ actA Δ inlB prfA * (LmIII), we constructed five rLm30 vaccine candidates expressing the r30 linked in-frame to the Lm Listeriolycin O signal sequence and driven by the hly promoter (h30) or linked in-frame to the ActA N-terminus and driven by the actA promoter (a30). All five rLm30 vaccines secreted r30 in broth and macrophages; while rLm expressing r30 via a constitutively active prfA * regulon (rLmIII/a30) expressed the greatest amount of r30 in broth culture, all five rLm vaccines expressed equivalent amounts of r30 in infected macrophages. In comparative studies, boosting BCG-immunized mice with rLmIII/a30 induced the strongest antigen-specific T-cell responses, including splenic and lung polyfunctional CD4+ T-cells expressing the three cytokines of interferon-gamma (IFN-γ), tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α), and interleukin-2 (IL-2) ( P < 0.001) and splenic and lung CD8+ T-cells expressing IFN-γ ( P < 0.0001). In mice and guinea pigs, rLmIII/a30 and rLmI/h30 vaccines were generally more potent booster vaccines than r30 in adjuvant and a recombinant adenovirus vaccine expressing r30. In a setting in which BCG alone was highly immunoprotective, boosting mice with rLmIII/a30, the most potent of the vaccines, significantly enhanced protection against aerosolized Mtb ( P <0.01). Copyright © 2017 American Society for Microbiology.

  11. Characterization of a Cartilage-Like Engineered Biomass Using a Self-Aggregating Suspension Culture Model: Molecular Composition Using FT-IRIS

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Minwook; Kraft, Jeffrey J.; Volk, Andrew C.; Pugarelli, Joan; Pleshko, Nancy; Dodge, George R.


    Maintenance of chondrocyte phenotype and robust expression and organization of macromolecular components with suitable cartilaginous properties is an ultimate goal in cartilage tissue engineering. We used a self-aggregating suspension culture (SASC) method to produce an engineered cartilage, “cartilage tissue analog” (CTA). With an objective of understanding the stability of phenotype of the CTA over long periods, we cultured chondrocytes up to 4 years and analyzed the matrix. Both early (eCTAs) (6 months) and aged (aCTAs) (4 years) showed type II collagen throughout with higher concentrations near the edge. Using Fourier transform-infrared imaging spectroscopy (FT-IRIS), proteoglycan/collagen ratio of eCTA was 2.8 times greater than native cartilage at 1 week, but the ratio was balanced to native level (p = 0.017) by 36 weeks. Surprisingly, aCTAs maintained the hyaline characteristics, but there was evidence of calcification within the tissue with a distinct range of intensities. Mineral/matrix ratio of those aCTA with “intensive” calcification was significantly higher (p = 0.017) than the “partial,” but when compared to native bone the ratio of “intensive” aCTAs was 2.4 times lower. In this study we utilized the imaging approach of FT-IRIS and have shown that a biomaterial formed is compositionally closely related to natural cartilage for long periods in culture. We show that this culture platform can maintain a CTA for extended periods of time (4 years) and under those conditions signs of mineralization can be found. This method of cartilage tissue engineering is a promising method to generate cartilaginous biomaterial and may have potential to be utilized in both cartilage and boney repairs. PMID:21630329

  12. Chromite alteration processes within Vourinos ophiolite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grieco, Giovanni; Merlini, Anna


    The renewed interest in chromite ore deposits is directly related to the increase in Cr price ruled by international market trends. Chromite, an accessory mineral in peridotites, is considered to be a petrogenetic indicator because its composition reflects the degree of partial melting that the mantle experienced while producing the chromium spinel-bearing rock (Burkhard in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 57:1297-1306, 1993). However, the understanding of chromite alteration and metamorphic modification is still controversial (e.g. Evans and Frost in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 39:959-972, 1975; Burkhard in Geochim Cosmochim Acta 57:1297-1306, 1993; Oze et al. in Am J Sci 304:67-101, 2004). Metamorphic alteration leads to major changes in chromite chemistry and to the growth of secondary phases such as ferritchromite and chlorite. In this study, we investigate the Vourinos complex chromitites (from the mines of Rizo, Aetoraches, Xerolivado and Potamia) with respect to textural and chemical analyses in order to highlight the most important trend of alteration related to chromite transformation. The present study has been partially funded by the Aliakmon project in collaboration between the Public Power Corporation of Greece and Institute of Geology and Mineral Exploration of Kozani.

  13. Establishing the Empirical Relationship Between Non-Science Majoring Undergraduate Learners' Spatial Thinking Skills and Their Conceptual Astronomy Knowledge. (Spanish Title: Estableciendo Una Relación Empírica Entre el Razonamiento Espacial de los Estudiantes de Graduación de Carreras no Científicas y su Conocimento Conceptual de la Astronomía.) Estabelecendo Uma Relação Empírica Entre o RacioCínio Espacial dos Estudantes de Graduação EM Carreiras Não Científicas e Seu Conhecimento Conceitual da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heyer, Inge; Slater, Stephanie J.; Slater, Timothy F.


    normalizadas, en el desempeño de los estudiantes en estos dos asuntos foram pequenas, 0.26 e 0.13 respectivamente. El razonamiento espacial de los estudiantes fue medido utilizando un instrumento específico desarrollado para este trabaljo. Las correlaciones entre los resultados de los tests astronómicos y este instrumento específico, antes y después del curso mostraron una relación entre moderada y fuerte, sugiriendo que la relación entre el razonamiento espacial y el conocimiento astronómico puede explicar hasta un 25% de la variación em el desempeño de los estudiantes. A comunidade da educação em astronomia tem suposto de forma implícita que o aprendizado da astronomia consiste em um domínio conceitual fundamentado no raciocínio espacial. Como um primeiro passo para identificar formalmente uma relação empírica entre estas duas coisas, utilizamos como amostra os estudantes de graduação de carreiras não científicas de um curso exploratório em uma universidade norte-americana do meio-oeste de médio porte com programa de Doutorado em andamento, onde estes estudantes foram submetidos a um diagnóstico de raciocino espacial e conceitos astronômicos antes e depois do mesmo. As ferramentas utilizadas foram o Test Of Astronomy Standards (TOAST) e o questionário What do you know? Utilizando somente dados completamente consistentes para esta análise, nossa amostra consistiu de 86 estudantes de graduação. As melhoras, depois de normalizadas, do desempenho dos estudantes nos dois quesitos foram pequenas, 0.26 e 0.13 respectivamente. O raciocínio espacial dos estudantes foi medido utilizando um instrumento específico desenhado para este trabalho. As correlações entre os resultados dos testes astronômicos e este instrumento específico antes e depois do curso mostraram uma relação entre moderada e forte, sugerindo que a relação entre o raciocínio espacial e o conhecimento astronômico pode explicar até um 25% na variação no desempenho dos

  14. Past, Present and Future: Forty Years of Revista Mexicana de Astronomia y Astrofisica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Allen, Christine; Torres-Peimbert, Silvia


    We cast a retrospective view on 40 years of publishing the Revista Mexicana de Astronomía y Astrofísica, founded in 1974. The journal is peer-reviewed, has appeared regularly since its foundation, and continues to attract original research papers, mostly by Mexican and Latin American authors. We share some musings about the future of our journal, in view of recent developments in the scientific publishing field.

  15. STSHV a teleinformatic system for historic seismology in Venezuela

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choy, J. E.; Palme, C.; Altez, R.; Aranguren, R.; Guada, C.; Silva, J.


    From 1997 on, when the first "Jornadas Venezolanas de Sismicidad Historica" took place, a big interest awoke in Venezuela to organize the available information related to historic earthquakes. At that moment only existed one published historic earthquake catalogue, that from Centeno Grau published the first time in 1949. That catalogue had no references about the sources of information. Other catalogues existed but they were internal reports for the petroleum companies and therefore difficult to access. In 2000 Grases et al reedited the Centeno-Grau catalogue, it ended up in a new, very complete catalogue with all the sources well referenced and updated. The next step to organize historic seismicity data was, from 2004 to 2008, the creation of the STSHV (Sistema de teleinformacion de Sismologia Historica Venezolana, ). The idea was to bring together all information about destructive historic earthquakes in Venezuela in one place in the internet so it could be accessed easily by a widespread public. There are two ways to access the system. The first one, selecting an earthquake or a list of earthquakes, and the second one, selecting an information source or a list of sources. For each earthquake there is a summary of general information and additional materials: a list with the source parameters published by different authors, a list with intensities assessed by different authors, a list of information sources, a short text summarizing the historic situation at the time of the earthquake and a list of pictures if available. There are searching facilities for the seismic events and dynamic maps can be created. The information sources are classified in: books, handwritten documents, transcription of handwritten documents, documents published in books, journals and congress memories, newspapers, seismologic catalogues and electronic sources. There are facilities to find specific documents or lists of documents with common characteristics

  16. AMBRA1-Mediated Mitophagy Counteracts Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Induced by Neurotoxicity in Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells

    PubMed Central

    Di Rita, Anthea; D’Acunzo, Pasquale; Simula, Luca; Campello, Silvia; Strappazzon, Flavie; Cecconi, Francesco


    Therapeutic strategies are needed to protect dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson’s disease (PD) patients. Oxidative stress caused by dopamine may play an important role in PD pathogenesis. Selective autophagy of mitochondria (mitophagy), mainly regulated by PINK1 and PARKIN, plays an important role in the maintenance of cell homeostasis. Mutations in those genes cause accumulation of damaged mitochondria, leading to nigral degeneration and early-onset PD. AMBRA1ActA is a fusion protein specifically expressed at the mitochondria, and whose expression has been shown to induce a powerful mitophagy in mammalian cells. Most importantly, the pro-autophagy factor AMBRA1 is sufficient to restore mitophagy in fibroblasts of PD patients carrying PINK1 and PARKIN mutations. In this study, we investigated the potential neuroprotective effect of AMBRA1-induced mitophagy against 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)- and rotenone-induced cell death in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. We demonstrated that AMBRA1ActA overexpression was sufficient to induce mitochondrial clearance in SH-SY5Y cells. We found that apoptosis induced by 6-OHDA and rotenone was reversed by AMBRA1-induced mitophagy. Finally, transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a vector encoding AMBRA1ActA significantly reduced 6-OHDA and rotenone-induced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Altogether, our results indicate that AMBRA1ActA is able to induce mitophagy in SH-SY5Y cells in order to suppress oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by both 6-OHDA and rotenone. These results strongly suggest that AMBRA1 may have promising neuroprotective properties with an important role in limiting ROS-induced dopaminergic cell death, and the utmost potential to prevent PD or other neurodegenerative diseases associated with mitochondrial oxidative stress. PMID:29755319

  17. AMBRA1-Mediated Mitophagy Counteracts Oxidative Stress and Apoptosis Induced by Neurotoxicity in Human Neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y Cells.


    Di Rita, Anthea; D'Acunzo, Pasquale; Simula, Luca; Campello, Silvia; Strappazzon, Flavie; Cecconi, Francesco


    Therapeutic strategies are needed to protect dopaminergic neurons in Parkinson's disease (PD) patients. Oxidative stress caused by dopamine may play an important role in PD pathogenesis. Selective autophagy of mitochondria (mitophagy), mainly regulated by PINK1 and PARKIN, plays an important role in the maintenance of cell homeostasis. Mutations in those genes cause accumulation of damaged mitochondria, leading to nigral degeneration and early-onset PD. AMBRA1 ActA is a fusion protein specifically expressed at the mitochondria, and whose expression has been shown to induce a powerful mitophagy in mammalian cells. Most importantly, the pro-autophagy factor AMBRA1 is sufficient to restore mitophagy in fibroblasts of PD patients carrying PINK1 and PARKIN mutations. In this study, we investigated the potential neuroprotective effect of AMBRA1-induced mitophagy against 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)- and rotenone-induced cell death in human neuroblastoma SH-SY5Y cells. We demonstrated that AMBRA1 ActA overexpression was sufficient to induce mitochondrial clearance in SH-SY5Y cells. We found that apoptosis induced by 6-OHDA and rotenone was reversed by AMBRA1-induced mitophagy. Finally, transfection of SH-SY5Y cells with a vector encoding AMBRA1 ActA significantly reduced 6-OHDA and rotenone-induced generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Altogether, our results indicate that AMBRA1 ActA is able to induce mitophagy in SH-SY5Y cells in order to suppress oxidative stress and apoptosis induced by both 6-OHDA and rotenone. These results strongly suggest that AMBRA1 may have promising neuroprotective properties with an important role in limiting ROS-induced dopaminergic cell death, and the utmost potential to prevent PD or other neurodegenerative diseases associated with mitochondrial oxidative stress.

  18. Exposure to transforming growth factor-β1 after basic fibroblast growth factor promotes the fibroblastic differentiation of human periodontal ligament stem/progenitor cell lines.


    Kono, Kiyomi; Maeda, Hidefumi; Fujii, Shinsuke; Tomokiyo, Atsushi; Yamamoto, Naohide; Wada, Naohisa; Monnouchi, Satoshi; Teramatsu, Yoko; Hamano, Sayuri; Koori, Katsuaki; Akamine, Akifumi


    Basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF) is a cytokine that promotes the regeneration of the periodontium, the specialized tissues supporting the teeth. bFGF, does not, however, induce the synthesis of smooth muscle actin alpha 2 (ACTA2), type I collagen (COL1), or COL3, which are principal molecules in periodontal ligament (PDL) tissue, a component of the periodontium. We have suggested the feasibility of using transforming growth factor-β1 (TGFβ1) to induce fibroblastic differentiation of PDL stem/progenitor cells (PDLSCs). Here, we investigated the effect of the subsequent application of TGFβ1 after bFGF (bFGF/TGFβ1) on the differentiation of PDLSCs into fibroblastic cells. We first confirmed the expression of bFGF and TGFβ1 in rat PDL tissue and primary human PDL cells. Receptors for both bFGF and TGFβ1 were expressed in the human PDLSC lines 1-11 and 1-17. Exposure to bFGF for 2 days promoted vascular endothelial growth factor gene and protein expression in both cell lines and down-regulated the expression of ACTA2, COL1, and COL3 mRNA in both cell lines and the gene fibrillin 1 (FBN1) in cell line 1-11 alone. Furthermore, bFGF stimulated cell proliferation of these cell lines and significantly increased the number of cells in phase G2/M in the cell lines. Exposure to TGFβ1 for 2 days induced gene expression of ACTA2 and COL1 in both cell lines and FBN1 in cell line 1-11 alone. BFGF/TGFβ1 treatment significantly up-regulated ACTA2, COL1, and FBN1 expression as compared with the group treated with bFGF alone or the untreated control. This method might thus be useful for accelerating the generation and regeneration of functional periodontium.

  19. Characterization of a cartilage-like engineered biomass using a self-aggregating suspension culture model: molecular composition using FT-IRIS.


    Kim, Minwook; Kraft, Jeffrey J; Volk, Andrew C; Pugarelli, Joan; Pleshko, Nancy; Dodge, George R


    Maintenance of chondrocyte phenotype and robust expression and organization of macromolecular components with suitable cartilaginous properties is an ultimate goal in cartilage tissue engineering. We used a self-aggregating suspension culture (SASC) method to produce an engineered cartilage, "cartilage tissue analog" (CTA). With an objective of understanding the stability of phenotype of the CTA over long periods, we cultured chondrocytes up to 4 years and analyzed the matrix. Both early (eCTAs) (6 months) and aged (aCTAs) (4 years) showed type II collagen throughout with higher concentrations near the edge. Using Fourier transform-infrared imaging spectroscopy (FT-IRIS), proteoglycan/collagen ratio of eCTA was 2.8 times greater than native cartilage at 1 week, but the ratio was balanced to native level (p = 0.017) by 36 weeks. Surprisingly, aCTAs maintained the hyaline characteristics, but there was evidence of calcification within the tissue with a distinct range of intensities. Mineral/matrix ratio of those aCTA with "intensive" calcification was significantly higher (p = 0.017) than the "partial," but when compared to native bone the ratio of "intensive" aCTAs was 2.4 times lower. In this study we utilized the imaging approach of FT-IRIS and have shown that a biomaterial formed is compositionally closely related to natural cartilage for long periods in culture. We show that this culture platform can maintain a CTA for extended periods of time (4 years) and under those conditions signs of mineralization can be found. This method of cartilage tissue engineering is a promising method to generate cartilaginous biomaterial and may have potential to be utilized in both cartilage and boney repairs. Copyright © 2011 Orthopaedic Research Society.

  20. [Carlos Chagas Filho: an articulator of the history of sciences in Brazil].


    Domingues, Heloisa Maria Bertol


    A letter sent in 1982 by a group of scientists to the president of Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico appealed for a policy of preservation of Brazilian scientific culture. The name of Carlos Chagas Filho topped the list of signatures thereby proving his commitment to that proposal, the ideological structure of which was part of his experience in scientific policy in Brazil and abroad. This document harks back to the practice of the history of the sciences in Brazil and the creation of places for the safeguard and organization of scientific memory, such as the Museu de Astronomia e Ciências Afins, Casa de Oswaldo Cruz and the Sociedade Brasileira de História da Ciência, of which Carlos Chagas Filho was an inaugural member of the board of directors.

  1. Determination of Structural and Vibrational Properties of 5-QUINOLINECARBOXALDEHYDE Using Experimental Ft-Ir Ft-Raman Techniques and Theoretical HF and DFT Methods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumru, Mustafa; Kocademir, Mustafa; Bardakci, Tayyibe


    Quinoline derivatives have been used in several pharmaceuticals. They have vital roles in regulating the functions of DNA and cancerous cells. It's necessary to determine the structures and spectroscopic properties of quinoline derivates. In this study, the FT-IR (including mid and far regions) and FT-Raman spectra of 5-quinolinecarboxaldehyde have been investigated. Hartree-Fock (HF) and density functional B3LYP calculations have also been employed with the 6-311++G(d,p) basis set for investigating the structural and spectroscopic properties of the cis and trans conformers of 5-quinolinecarboxaldehyde. Experimental and theoretical results have been compared and the results are in good agreement with each other. Keywords: 5-quinolinecarboxaldehyde; Vibrational Spectroscopy; FT-IR spectra; FT-Raman spectra; Vibrational Modes; HF; DFT [1] V. Kucuk, A. Altun, M. Kumru, Spectrochim. Acta Part A 85(2012)92-98 [2] M. Kumru, V. Kucuk, T. Bardakci, Spectrochim. Acta Part A 90(2012)28-34 [3] M. Kumru, V. Kucuk, M. Kocademir, Spectrochim. Acta Part A, 96 (2012) 242-251 We thank the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Council (TUBITAK) for their financial support through National Postdoctoral Research Scholarship Programme and Scientific Research Fund of Fatih University under the project number P50011001 G (1457).

  2. VISIÓN GENERAL DE LA EVALUACIÓN DEL RIESGO EN SALUD INFANTIL EMPLEANDO UN ENFOQUE POR ETAPAS DE DESARROLLO (American translation is: Overview of a Life Stage Approach to Children's Health Risk Assessment)

    EPA Science Inventory

    Discussing the challenges associated with estimating and interpreting toxicant exposures and health risks from biomonitoring data. This extended abstract was translated in Spanish and published in Acta Toxicologica Argentina.

  3. Uso de los Datos de Biomonitoreo para Informar sobre la Evaluacion Infantil (American translation is: USING BIOMONITORING DATA TO INFORM EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT IN CHILDREN)

    EPA Science Inventory

    Discussing the challenges associated with estimating and interpreting toxicant exposures and health risks from biomonitoring data. This extended abstract was translated in Spanish and published in Acta Toxicologica Argentina.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Discussing the challenges associated with estimating and interpreting toxicant exposures and health risks from biomonitoring data. Extended abstract will also be translated in Spanish and published in Acta Toxicologica Argentina.

  5. Medical practice and legal background of decisions for severely ill newborn infants: viewpoints from seven European countries.


    Sauer, P J J; Dorscheidt, J H H M; Verhagen, A A E; Hubben, J H


    To comparing attitudes towards end-of-life (EOL) decisions in newborn infants between seven European countries. One paediatrician and one lawyer from seven European countries were invited to attend a conference to discuss the practice of EOL decisions in newborn infants and the legal aspects involved. All paediatricians/neonatologists indicated that the best interest of the child should be the leading principle in all decisions. However, especially when discussing cases, important differences in attitude became apparent, although there are no significant differences between the involved countries with regard to national legal frameworks. Important differences in attitude towards neonatal EOL decisions between European countries exist, but they cannot be explained solely by medical or legal reasons. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  6. Second quantization of a covariant relativistic spacetime string in Steuckelberg-Horwitz-Piron theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suleymanov, Michael; Horwitz, Lawrence; Yahalom, Asher


    A relativistic 4D string is described in the framework of the covariant quantum theory first introduced by Stueckelberg [ Helv. Phys. Acta 14, 588 (1941)], and further developed by Horwitz and Piron [ Helv. Phys. Acta 46, 316 (1973)], and discussed at length in the book of Horwitz [Relativistic Quantum Mechanics, Springer (2015)]. We describe the space-time string using the solutions of relativistic harmonic oscillator [ J. Math. Phys. 30, 66 (1989)]. We first study the problem of the discrete string, both classically and quantum mechanically, and then turn to a study of the continuum limit, which contains a basically new formalism for the quantization of an extended system. The mass and energy spectrum are derived. Some comparison is made with known string models.

  7. On the correlations between the polyhedron eccentricity parameters and the bond-valence sums for the cations with one lone electron pair. Addendum.


    Sidey, Vasyl


    Systematic variations of the bond-valence sums calculated from the poorly determined bond-valence parameters [Sidey (2008), Acta Cryst. B64, 515-518] have been illustrated using a simple graphical scheme.

  8. Camões e a cosmogonia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa, J. M.


    Os Lusíadas, escrito por Luis de Camões em 1572, é um poema épico renascentista e a visão Cosmogônica do autor é apresentada, principalmente, no último canto do poema, quando Tétis mostra ao Gama a Máquina do Mundo. A Cosmogonia de Camões neste poema reflete uma visão de uma época de transição, que ainda não incorporou os elementos da revolução Copernicana. É uma visão Grego- Ptolomaica e também medieval. O poeta guia-se pela tradução e notas feita por Pedro Nunes, inventor do Nonio, do Tratado da Esfera "De Sphaera" do Astrônomo Inglês John Holywood, mais conhecido pelo nome latinizado de Johannes Sacrobosco. Outra provável fonte de Camões, de acordo com Luciano Antonio Pereira da Silva em Astronomia de os Lusíadas, é o "Theoricae novae Planetarum" (1460) do astrólogo Alemão Jorge Purbáquio (1423 - 1461). A Astronomia de Os Lusíadas representa a ciência do tempo de Camões. Camões nunca emprega a palavra constelação e seu catálogo é bastante completo. A Máquina do Mundo tem a Terra no centro. Em redor, em círculos concêntricos, a lua (Diana), Mercúrio, Vênus, o Sol (Febo), Marte, Júpiter e Saturno. Envolvendo estes astros tem o firmamento seguido pelo "Céu Áqueo" ou cristalino, depois o 1o Móbil, esfera que arrasta todas as outras consigo. Este trabalho, multidisciplinar, serve tanto para ensinar aos alunos da Física como das Ciências Humanas, a concepção de mundo do renascimento de uma forma belamente poética em versos decassílabos Este trabalho também ajuda na apreciação do maior clássico da língua portuguesa e mostra como as Ciências e as artes, em geral, estão correlacionadas e refletem a visão de mundo da época em que foi produzida.

  9. Física e Arte nas Estações do Ano

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pessôa Queiroz, Glória; da Conceição Barbosa Lima, Maria; Navarro Vasconcellos das Mercês, Maria


    The paper deals with the subject of the Four Seasons, exploring elements of Science and the Art in order to motivate students or public of museums of science and technology to understand it from their current cultural experiences and of old times. Physics joins to Astronomy to explain the phenomenon, while the use of Music and Painting make possible the immersion in the subject in way to many trips to the imagination capable to awake emotions.A proposal didactic is presented and justified for some consensus of the research in the area of teaching-learning of science, since that related to the persistent alternative conceptions concerning the causes of the changes observed at the different times of the year until the qualitative modelling of phenomena that appeals three-dimensional pedagogical models. Such proposal was developed in the activity named " Hiper interesting Talk: The Four Seasons, Science and Art" in the first Sunday of August/2003 in the Museum of Astronomy, MAST. O artigo trata do tema das Estações do Ano, explorando elementos da Ciência e da Arte como forma de motivar estudantes ou público de museus de ciência e tecnologia a compreendê-lo a partir de vivências culturais atuais e de outras épocas. A Física se junta à Astronomia para explicar o fenômeno, enquanto a Música e a Pintura possibilitam a imersão no tema em meio a muitas viagens à imaginação capazes de despertar emoções.Uma proposta didática é apresentada e justificada por consensos das muitas pesquisas na área de ensino-aprendizagem de ciências, desde os que se referem às persistentes concepções alternativas acerca das causas das mudanças observadas nas diferentes épocas do ano até à modelagem qualitativa de fenômenos que recorre a modelos pedagógicos tridimensionais. Tal proposta foi desenvolvida na atividade "Bate papo Hiperinteressante: As Quatro Estações, Ciência e Arte" realizada no primeiro domingo do mês de agosto de 2003 no Museu de Astronomia.

  10. [Greatness and tribulations of Zeiss and Leitz, two famous German optic companies III. Zeiss Ikon and elimination of Emanuel Goldberg].


    Gilgenkrantz, Simone


    Gathering archival documents to trace the history of the Zeiss company presents no difficulty : they are abundant… except for a period from 1932 to 1945, systematically ignored, and that corresponds to the Nazi period. On the website Zeiss Historica, among the outstanding personalities of the Zeiss company, we note that, for Professor Emanuel Goldberg, the web page « is still under development but an early picture of the professor is available. ». But fortunately, Mickael Buckland, a Professor at the UC Berkeley School of Information brought the life and the work of Emanuel Goldberg to light. Thanks to him, his works and innovations, who had disappeared from our cultural and scientific heritage, return to light after being erased during fifty years. Goldberg had published dozens of articles, obtained patents, developed cameras, microdots, movie cameras, and he designed what he called a "Statistical Machine ", the first electronic document retrieval machine. In France, if this rediscovery was made known to the world of information science, it has not had the impact it deserved in the scientific world. Therefore it is time to reconstruct his career and his work, and to analyse the reasons why some attempted to erase definitively his name and memory. © 2011 médecine/sciences - Inserm / SRMS.

  11. "Zhizneopisanie" astronomia N. N. Pavlova, im samim napisannoe %t Astronomer N. N. Pavlov's autobiography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhukov, V. Yu.

    This document called by the author "the life story" is written for the human resources department. It is a document intended for the official departmental purposes. At the same time there is something facinating about this documentary testimony about the epoch and the man. This short autobiography describes the early years of the Pulkovo astronomer N. N. Pavlov that fell on hard times of the Civil War. In the years between the World War I and the World War II he was awarded Mendeleyev Prize. He defended his doctorate dissertation after the evacuation from Leningrad. He was one fo the first Pulkovo astronomers to return to Leningrad in order to start reconstruction of the observatory that had been completely ruined during the war. Astronomer N. N. Pavlov renewed the Time Service in the city. N. N. Pavlov was a successful scientist and an outstanding person, all his life was devoted to science.

  12. Raízes pós-mitológicas da Astronomia Clássica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    di Bartolo, L.; Villas da Rocha, J. F.


    Apresentamos como a invenção de um modelo astronômico e cosmológico fundado em causas naturais foi um processo gestado num ambiente cultural específico, o do advento do pensamento pós-mitológico, que tem como sua raiz mais funda a trajetória particular da Grécia Antiga, com ênfase na resolução de uma grave crise social e a evolução do mundo clássico para o contexto espiritual de um império universal.

  13. The mathematics of the Area Law: Kepler's successful proof in Epitome Astronomiae Copernicanae (1621)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davis, A. E. L.


    After the discovery of his three laws, Kepler invented a way of proving the Area Law when applied to the path of a primary planet (the ellipse with one focus at the Sun). The law states that the area swept out by the line joining the planet to the Sun measures the time taken: Kepler was therefore dealing with a restricted version of Newton's general area-proposition. Kepler's demonstration was set out in Epitome V (1621), and consisted of matching an element of area to an element of time, where each was mathematically determined. His treatment of the area depended solely on the geometry of Euclid's Elements, involving only straight-line and circle propositions - so we have to account for his deliberate avoidance of the sophisticated conic-geometry associated with Apollonius. We show also how his proof could have been made watertight according to modern standards, using methods that lay entirely within his power. The greatest innovation, however, occurred in Kepler's fresh formulation of the measure of time. We trace this concept in relation to early astronomy and conclude that Kepler's treatment unexpectedly entailed the assumption that time varied nonuniformly; meanwhile, a geometrical measure provided the independent variable. Even more surprisingly, this approach turns out to be entirely sound when assessed in present-day terms. Kepler himself attributed the cause of the motion of a single planet around the Sun to a set of 'physical' suppositions which represented his religious as well as his Copernican convictions; and we have pared to a minimum - down to four - the number he actually required to achieve this. In the Appendix we use modern mathematics to emphasize the simplicity, both geometrical and kinematical, that objectively characterizes the Sun-focused ellipse as an orbit. Meanwhile we highlight the subjective simplicity of Kepler's own techniques (most of them extremely traditional, some newly created). These two approaches complement each other to account for his success.

  14. The commissioning instrument for the Gran Telescopio Canarias: made in Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cuevas, Salvador; Sánchez, Beatriz; Bringas, Vicente; Espejo, Carlos; Flores, Rubén; Chapa, Oscar; Lara, Gerardo; Chavoya, Armando; Anguiano, Gustavo; Arciniega, Sadot; Dorantes, Ariel; Gonzalez, José L.; Montoya, Juan M.; Toral, Rafael; Hernández, Hugo; Nava, Roberto; Devaney, Nicolas; Castro, Javier; Cavaller, Luis; Farah, Alejandro; Godoy, Javier; Cobos, Francisco; Tejada, Carlos; Garfias, Fernando


    In March 2004 was accepted in the site of Gran Telescopio Canarias (GTC) in La Palma Island, Spain, the Commissioning Instrument (CI) for the GTC. During the GTC integration phase, the CI will be a diagnostic tool for performance verification. The CI features four operation modes-imaging, pupil imaging, Curvature Wave-front sensing (WFS), and high resolution Shack-Hartmann WFS. This instrument was built by the Instituto de Astronomia UNAM in Mexico City and the Centro de Ingenieria y Desarrollo Industrial (CIDESI) in Queretaro, Qro under a GRANTECAN contract after an international public bid. Some optical components were built by Centro de Investigaciones en Optica (CIO) in Leon Gto and the biggest mechanical parts were manufactured by Vatech in Morelia Mich. In this paper we made a general description of the CI and we relate how this instrument, build under international standards, was entirely made in Mexico.

  15. The AstroBID: Searching through the Italian Astronomical Heritage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cirella, E. O.; Gargano, M.; Gasperini, A.; Mandrino, A.; Randazzo, D.; Zanini, V.


    The scientific heritage held in the National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF), made up of rare and modern books, instruments, and archival documents spanning from the 15th to the early 20th century, marks the milestones in the history of astronomy in Italy. To promote this history of this historical collection, the Libraries and Historical Archives Service and the Museums Service of INAF have developed a project aimed at creating a single web portal: Polvere di stelle. I beni culturali dell'astronomia italiana (Stardust. The cultural heritage of the Italian astronomy). This portal searches for data coming from the libraries, the instruments collections and the historical archives, regarding the heritage of the Italian Observatories. The BID (Books, Instruments, Documents) of the project is the creation of a multimedia web facility, which allows the public to make simultaneous searches on the three different types of materials.

  16. Automatización de la adquisición de campos planos de cielo durante el atardecer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Areal, M. B.; Acosta, J. A.; Buccino, A. P.; Perna, P.; Areso, O.; Mauas, P.


    Since 2009, the Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica del Espacio keeps in development an optical observatory mainly aimed to the detection of extrasolar planets and the monitoring of stellar activity. In this framework, the telescopes Meade LX200 16 Horacio Ghielmetti in the Complejo Astronomico El Leoncito, and MATE (Magnetic Activity and Transiting Exoplanets) in the Estación de Altura at the Observatorio Astronomico Felix Aguilar were assembled. Both telescopes can operate automatically through all night, which generates a massive volume of data. Because of this, it becomes essential the automatization of the acquisition and analysis of the regular observations as well as the calibration images; in particular the flat fields. In this work a method to simplify and automatize the acquisition of these images was developed. This method uses the luminosity values of the sky, registered by a weather station located next to the observation site.

  17. Astronomy Week in Madeira, Portugal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Augusto, P.; Sobrinho, J. L.


    The outreach programme Semanas da Astronomia (Astronomy Weeks) is held in late spring or summer on the island of Madeira, Portugal. This programme has been attracting enough interest to be mentioned in the regional press/TV/radio every year and is now, without doubt, the astronomical highlight of the year on Madeira. We believe that this programme is a good case study for showing how to attract the general public to astronomy in a small (population 250 000, area 900 km2) and fairly isolated place such as Madeira. Our Astronomy Weeks have been different each year and have so far included exhibitions, courses, talks, a forum, documentaries, observing sessions (some with blackouts), music and an astro party. These efforts may contribute towards putting Madeira on the map with respect to observational astronomy, and have also contributed to the planned installation of two observatories in the island.

  18. Visits to La Plata Observatory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feinstein, A.


    La Plata Observatory will welcome visitors to ESO-La Silla that are willing to make a stop at Buenos Aires on their trip to Chile or on their way back. There is a nice guesthouse at the Observatory that can be used, for a couple of days or so, by astronomers interested in visiting the Observatory and delivering talks on their research work to the Argentine colleagues. No payments can, however, be made at present. La Plata is at 60 km from Buenos Aires. In the same area lie the Instituto de Astronomia y Fisica dei Espacio (IAFE), in Buenos Aires proper, and the Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomia (IAR). about 40 km from Buenos Aires on the way to La Plata. Those interested should contacl: Sr Decano Prof. Cesar A. Mondinalli, or Dr Alejandro Feinstein, Observatorio Astron6mico, Paseo dei Bosque, 1900 La Plata, Argentina. Telex: 31216 CESLA AR.

  19. Crystal structure and Hirshfeld surface analysis of 1-carb­oxy-2-(3,4-di­hydroxy­phen­yl)ethan-1-aminium chloride 2-ammonio-3-(3,4-di­hydroxy­phen­yl)propano­ate: a new polymorph of l-dopa HCl and isotypic with its bromide counterpart

    PubMed Central

    Kathiravan, Perumal; Balakrishnan, Thangavelu; Venkatesan, Perumal; Ramamurthi, Kandasamy; Percino, María Judith; Thamotharan, Subbiah


    The title mol­ecular salt, C9H12NO4 +·Cl−·C9H11NO4, is isotypic with that of the bromide counterpart [Kathiravan et al. (2016 ▸). Acta Cryst. E72, 1544–1548]. The title salt is a second monoclinic polymorph of the l-dopa HCl structure reported earlier in the monoclinic space group P21 [Jandacek & Earle (1971 ▸). Acta Cryst. B27, 841–845; Mostad & Rømming (1974 ▸). Acta Chemica Scand. B28, 1161–1168]. In the title compound, monoclinic space group I2, one of the dopa mol­ecules has a positive charge with a protonated α-amino group and the α-carb­oxy­lic acid group uncharged, while the second dopa mol­ecule has a neutral charge, the α-amino group is protonated and the α-carb­oxy­lic acid is deprotonated. In the previously reported form, a single dopa mol­ecule is observed in which the α-amino group is protonated and the α-carb­oxy­lic acid group is uncharged. The invariant and variations of various types of inter­molecular inter­actions present in these two forms of dopa HCl structures are discussed with the aid of two-dimensional fingerprint plots. PMID:27840723

  20. Baicalin supplementation reduces serum biomarkers of skeletal muscle wasting and may protect against lean body mass reduction in cancer patients: Results from a pilot open-label study.


    Emanuele, Enzo; Bertona, Marco; Pareja-Galeano, Helios; Fiuza-Luces, Carmen; Morales, Javier Salvador; Sanchis-Gomar, Fabian; Lucia, Alejandro


    Muscle wasting in patients with cancer has been linked to an increased activity of nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and higher circulating levels of activin-A (ActA), a negative growth factor for muscle mass. Baicalin is a natural flavonoid that can reduce skeletal muscle atrophy in animal models of cancer cachexia by inhibiting NF-κB. This pilot open-label study assessed the effects of baicalin supplementation (50 mg daily for 3 months) in cancer patients who showed involuntary weight loss >5% over the past 6 months. A total of 20 patients were investigated. Participants were evaluated at baseline and at the end of the 3-month study period for the following endpoints: 1) changes from baseline in serum NF-κB and ActA levels; and 2) change from baseline in lean body mass (LBM). We observed significant reduction in both NF-κB (p<0.05) and ActA (p<0.05) serum levels from baseline to 3 months. At 3 months, patients also showed a significant mean increase in LBM (+0.8 kg, p<0.05 compared with baseline). Our pilot open-label data suggest that baicalin supplementation is potentially useful for contrasting lean body mass reduction in cancer patients with involuntary weight loss, an effect which is likely mediated by the inhibition of negative growth factors for muscle mass.

  1. Morgellons Disease: Managing a Mysterious Skin Condition


    ... 98. Vulink NC. Delusional infestation: State of the art. Acta Dermato-Venereologica. 2016;96(suppl 217):58. ... Original article: . Mayo Clinic Footer Legal Conditions and Terms ...

  2. Genetics Home Reference: CLN10 disease


    ... Foundation CLIMB: Children Living with Inherited Metabolic Diseases March of Dimes: Neonatal Death The ... Sources for This Page Anderson GW, Goebel HH, Simonati A. Human pathology in NCL. Biochim Biophys Acta. 2013 Nov;1832( ...

  3. The spectral sensitivity of the human short-wavelength sensitive cones derived from thresholds and color matches.


    Stockman, A; Sharpe, L T; Fach, C


    We used two methods to estimate short-wave (S) cone spectral sensitivity. Firstly, we measured S-cone thresholds centrally and peripherally in five trichromats, and in three blue-cone monochromats, who lack functioning middle-wave (M) and long-wave (L) cones. Secondly, we analyzed standard color-matching data. Both methods yielded equivalent results, on the basis of which we propose new S-cone spectral sensitivity functions. At short and middle-wavelengths, our measurements are consistent with the color matching data of Stiles and Burch (1955, Optica Acta, 2, 168-181; 1959, Optica Acta, 6, 1-26), and other psychophysically measured functions, such as pi 3 (Stiles, 1953, Coloquio sobre problemas opticos de la vision, 1, 65-103). At longer wavelengths, S-cone sensitivity has previously been over-estimated.

  4. Persistent scrotal pain and suspected orchido-epididymitis of a young boy during pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) infection in the bowel.


    Sinikumpu, J-J; Serlo, W


    Pinworm (Enterobius vermicularis) is the most common parasite among mankind. Ectopic pinworm infections in number of organs are broadly reported. The aim of this report is to review the pinworm infection in the scrotum on the basis of our case. Our patient is a young boy with persistent pain in the scrotums together with abdominal symptoms. He underwent several urgent operations. Pinworm was finally found in appendix vermiformis. We hypothesize that concurrent unresponsive orchido-epididymitis was caused by pinworm as well. Eradication happened finally with pyvrinembonate. Pinworm is a parasite that lives usually in the bowel. Many ectopic locations, like scrotum, are known. Orchido-epididymitis by pinworm has to be kept in mind when treating boys with persistent scrotal pain. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  5. Unexpected extra-renal effects of loop diuretics in the preterm neonate.


    Cotton, Robert; Suarez, Sandra; Reese, Jeff


    The loop diuretics furosemide and bumetanide are commonly used in neonatal intensive care units (NICUs). Furosemide, because of its actions on the ubiquitous Na(+) -K(+) -2Cl(-) isoform cotransporter and its promotion of prostanoid production and release, also has non-diuretic effects on vascular smooth muscle, airways, the ductus arteriosus and theoretically the gastrointestinal tract. Loop diuretics also affect the central nervous system through modulation of the GABA-A chloride channel.   The loop diuretics have a variety of biological effects that are potentially harmful as well as beneficial. Care should be taken with the use of these agents because the range of their effects may be broader than the single action sought by the prescribing physician. © 2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  6. Accretion and differentiation of carbon in the early Earth.


    Tingle, T N


    The abundance of C in carbonaceous and ordinary chondrites decreases exponentially with increasing shock pressure as inferred from the petrologic shock classification of Scott et al. [Scott, E.R.D., Keil, K., Stoffler, D., 1992. Shock metamorphism of carbonaceous chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 4281-4293] and Stoffler et al. [Stoffler, D., Keil, K., Scott, E.R.D., 1991. Shock metamorphism of ordinary chondrites. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 3845-3867]. This confirms the experimental results of Tyburczy et al. [Tyburczy, J.A., Frisch, B., Ahrens, T.J., 1986. Shock-induced volatile loss from a carbonaceous chondrite: implications for planetary accretion. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 80, 201-207] on shock-induced devolatization of the Murchison meteorite showing that carbonaceous chondrites appear to be completely devolatilized at impact velocities greater than 2 km s-1. Both of these results suggest that C incorporation would have been most efficient in the early stages of accretion, and that the primordial C content of the Earth was between 10(24) and 10(25) g C (1-10% efficiency of incorporation). This estimate agrees well with the value of 3-7 x 10(24) g C based on the atmospheric abundance of 36Ar and the chondritic C/36Ar (Marty and Jambon, 1987). Several observations suggest that C likely was incorporated into the Earth's core during accretion. (1) Graphite and carbides are commonly present in iron meteorites, and those iron meteorites with Widmanstatten patterns reflecting the slowest cooling rates (mostly Group I and IIIb) contain the highest C abundances. The C abundance-cooling rate correlation is consistent with dissolution of C into Fe-Ni liquids that segregated to form the cores of the iron meteorite parent bodies. (2) The carbon isotopic composition of graphite in iron meteorites exhibits a uniform value of -5% [Deines, P., Wickman, F.E. 1973. The isotopic composition of 'graphitic' carbon from iron meteorites and some remarks on the troilitic

  7. Soviet Material on Internal Wave Effects, No. 3, April 1975,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    telemekhanika Acta phyfica polonica Akademiya naiik Armyanskoy SSR. Doklady Akademiya nauk Aserbaydzhanskoy SSR. Doklady Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy SSR... Physica status solid! Pribory i sistemy upravleniya Pribery I tekhnika eksperimenta Radietskhnika Radliotakhnika i elektronika Rafarativnyy zhurnal

  8. Genetics Home Reference: myosin storage myopathy


    ... proteins accumulate in type I skeletal muscle fibers, forming the protein clumps characteristic of the disorder. It ... Epub 2007 Mar 2. Citation on PubMed Tajsharghi H, Oldfors A. Myosinopathies: pathology and mechanisms. Acta Neuropathol. ...

  9. Erratum: 2-Bromo-1-(4-methyl-phen-yl)-3-phenyl-prop-2-en-1-one. Corrigendum.


    Fun, Hoong-Kun; Jebas, Samuel Robinson; Patil, P S; Karthikeyan, M S; Dharmaprakash, S M


    The chemical name in the title and the scheme of the paper by Fun, Jebas, Patil, Karthikeyan & Dharmaprakash [Acta Cryst. (2008), E64, o1559] are corrected.[This corrects the article DOI: 10.1107/S1600536808022289.].

  10. Genetics Home Reference: L1 syndrome


    ... X-linked hydrocephalus: evidence for closely related clinical entities of unknown molecular bases. Acta Neuropathol. 2013 Sep; ... F. Three cases with L1 syndrome and two novel mutations in the L1CAM gene. Eur J Pediatr. ...

  11. Preface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jung, Young Mee; Baranska, Malgorzata


    This special issue of the Spectrochimica Acta A is dedicated to the retirement of Professor Yukihiro Ozaki of Kwansei Gakuin University, Japan as an internationally well recognized scientist in molecular spectroscopy studies including vibrational and electronic spectroscopy.

  12. New endophytic Toxicocladosporium species from cacti in Brazil, and description of Neocladosporium gen. nov.


    Bezerra, Jadson D P; Sandoval-Denis, Marcelo; Paiva, Laura M; Silva, Gladstone A; Groenewald, Johannes Z; Souza-Motta, Cristina M; Crous, Pedro W


    Brazil harbours a unique ecosystem, the Caatinga, which belongs to the tropical dry forest biome. This region has an important diversity of organisms, and recently several new fungal species have been described from different hosts and substrates within it. During a survey of fungal endophyte diversity from cacti in this forest, we isolated cladosporium-like fungi that were subjected to morphological and multigene phylogenetic analyses including actA , ITS, LSU, rpb2 and tub2 gene sequences. Based on these analyses we identified two new species belonging to the genus Toxicocladosporium , described here as T. cacti and T. immaculatum spp. nov., isolated from Pilosocereus gounellei subsp. gounellei and Melocactus zehntneri , respectively. To improve the species recognition and assess species diversity in Toxicocladosporium we studied all ex-type strains of the genus, for which actA , rpb2 and tub2 barcodes were also generated. After phylogenetic reconstruction using five loci, we differentiated 13 species in the genus. Toxicocladosporium velox and T. chlamydosporum are synonymized based on their phylogenetic position and limited number of unique nucleotide differences. Six strains previously assigned to T. leucadendri , including the ex-type strain (CBS 131317) of that species, were found to belong to an undescribed genus here named as Neocladosporium gen. nov., with N. leucadendri comb. nov. as type species. Furthermore, this study proposes the actA , ITS, rpb2 and tub2 as main phylogenetic loci to recognise Toxicocladosporium species.

  13. Sistemas de transporte inteligentes en cruces fronterizos internacionales : un estudio abarcador : facilitando el comercio y mejorando la seguridad en el transporte

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    El Programa de Permisosen Fronteras Internacionales (IBC por sus siglas en ingls) fue iniciado bajo la previsin del Acta de Eficiencia de Transporte Terrestre Intermodal (ISTEA por sus siglas en ingls) en 1991. El programa fue concebido origina...

  14. Obligatory course unit! Trainee astronomers learn to communicate their future scientific results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Del Puerto, C.


    A scientist must not only do science, but must also know how to communicate it. It is possible that he or she even ends up becoming devoted professionally either to outreach or to teaching. Therefore, the Master's Degree Course in Astrophysics, created by the University of La Laguna (ULL) with the collaboration of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias (IAC), includes in its programme the four-month core course unit Communicating Astronomy: Professional Results and Educational Practice (in Spanish, Comunicación de Resultados Cientificos y Didactica de la Astronomia), that is worth three ECTs. In this poster, I present the results of our experience from the academic year 2006-2007, in which seventeen Master's students, in addition to learning the skills necessary to communicating their results within the scientific community, have also studied the language of popularisation in a practical and fun way through role-playing as science writers and schoolteachers in the classroom.

  15. Telescopio San Pedro Mártir Observatory preliminary design and project approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teran, Jose; Lee, William H.; Richer, Michael G.; Sánchez, Beatriz S.; Urdaibay, David; Hill, Derek; Adriaanse, David; Hernandez-Limonchi, Regina


    The Instituto de Astronomia of the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM) along with Instituto Nacional de Astrofisica, Optica y Electronica, the University of Arizona and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory are developing the Telescopio San Pedro Mártir (TSPM) project, a 6.5m diameter optical telescope. M3 Engineering and Technology Corp. (M3) is the design and construction management firm responsible for all site infrastructure, enclosure and support facilities. The Telescopio San Pedro Mártir project (TSPM) will be located within the San Pedro Mártir National Park in Baja California, Mexico at 2,830 m. above sea level, approximately 65 km. east of the Pacific Ocean, 55km west of the Sea of Cortes (Gulf of California) and 180km south of the United States and México border. The aim of the paper is to present the preliminary design of the site infrastructure, enclosure and support facilities to date and share the design and construction approach.

  16. New Archiving Distributed InfrastructuRe (NADIR): Status and Evolution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Marco, M.; Knapic, C.; Smareglia, R.


    The New Archiving Distributed InfrastructuRe (NADIR) has been developed at INAF-OATs IA2 (Italian National Institute for Astrophysics - Astronomical Observatory of Trieste, Italian center of Astronomical Archives), as an evolution of the previous archiving and distribution system, used on several telescopes (LBT, TNG, Asiago, etc.) to improve performance, efficiency and reliability. At the present, NADIR system is running on LBT telescope and Vespa (Italian telescopes network for outreach) Ramella et al. (2014), and will be used on TNG, Asiago and IRA (Istituto Radio Astronomia) archives of Medicina, Noto and SRT radio telescopes Zanichelli et al. (2014) as the data models for radio data will be ready. This paper will discuss the progress status, the architectural choices and the solutions adopted, during the development and the commissioning phase of the project. A special attention will be given to the LBT case, due to some critical aspect of data flow and policies and standards compliance, adopted by the LBT organization.

  17. Predicting the glass transition temperature of bioactive glasses from their molecular chemical composition.


    Hill, Robert G; Brauer, Delia S


    A recently published paper (M.D. O'Donnell, Acta Biomaterialia 7 (2011) 2264-2269) suggests that it is possible to correlate the glass transition temperature (T(g)) of bioactive glasses with their molar composition, based on iterative least-squares fitting of published T(g) data. However, we show that the glass structure is an important parameter in determining T(g). Phase separation, local structural effects and components (intermediate oxides) which can switch their structural role in the glass network need to be taken into consideration, as they are likely to influence the glass transition temperature of bioactive glasses. Although the model suggested by O'Donnell works reasonably well for glasses within the composition range presented, it is oversimplified and fails for glasses outside certain compositional boundaries. Copyright © 2011 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. mrtailor: a tool for PDB-file preparation for the generation of external restraints.


    Gruene, Tim


    Model building starting from, for example, a molecular-replacement solution with low sequence similarity introduces model bias, which can be difficult to detect, especially at low resolution. The program mrtailor removes low-similarity regions from a template PDB file according to sequence similarity between the target sequence and the template sequence and maps the target sequence onto the PDB file. The modified PDB file can be used to generate external restraints for low-resolution refinement with reduced model bias and can be used as a starting point for model building and refinement. The program can call ProSMART [Nicholls et al. (2012), Acta Cryst. D68, 404-417] directly in order to create external restraints suitable for REFMAC5 [Murshudov et al. (2011), Acta Cryst. D67, 355-367]. Both a command-line version and a GUI exist.

  19. Paradigm shift in consciousness research: the child's self-awareness and abnormalities in autism, ADHD and schizophrenia.


    Lou, Hans C


    Self-awareness is a pivotal component of any conscious experience and conscious self-regulation of behaviour. A paralimbic network is active, specific and causal in self-awareness. Its regions interact by gamma synchrony. Gamma synchrony develops throughout infancy, childhood and adolescence into adulthood and is regulated by dopamine and other neurotransmitters via GABA interneurons. Major derailments of this network and self-awareness occur in developmental disorders of conscious self-regulation like autism, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and schizophrenia. Recent research on conscious experience is no longer limited to the study of neural 'correlations' but is increasingly lending itself to the study of causality. This paradigm shift opens new perspectives for understanding the neural mechanisms of the developing self and the causal effects of their disturbance in developmental disorders. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  20. A short history of medical informatics in bosnia and herzegovina.


    Masic, Izet


    The health informatics profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina has relatively long history. Thirty five years from the introduction of the first automatic manipulation of data, thirty years from the establishment of Society for Medical Informatics BiH, twenty years from the establishment of the Scientific journal "Acta Informatica Medica (Acta Inform Med", indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central Scopus, Embase, etc.), twenty years on from the establishment of the first Cathedra for Medical Informatics on Biomedical Faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ten years on from the introduction of the method of "Distance learning" in medical curriculum. The author of this article is eager to mark the importance of the above mentioned Anniversaries in the development of Health informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have attempted, very briefly, to present the most significant events and persons with essential roles throughout this period.

  1. Bibliography of Soviet Material on Internal Waves, Number 5, June- October 1975

    DTIC Science & Technology


    GiK IAN Arm IAN Az Avtomatika i tclemekhanika Acta physica polonica Akadcmiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. DokUdy Akademiya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy...Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika Physica status solidi Pribory i sistcmy upravleniya Pribory i tckhnika ekspcrimenta Radiotekhnika Radiotckhnika i

  2. Effects of High Power Lasers, No. 6 March - October 1975

    DTIC Science & Technology


    FZh GiA GiK IAN Arm IAN Az 1 I Avtomatika i tclemekhanika Acta physica polonica Akadcmiya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Doklady Akademiya nauk...matematika i mckhanika Physica status solidl Pribory i sistemy upravlcniya Pribory i tekhnika ekspcrimenta Radiotekhnika Radiotekhnika i

  3. Descobrindo o Universo: Relato de Experiência sobre o Ensino de Astronomia nos Anos Iniciais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nunes, C. F.; Albrecht, E.


    Astronomy has influenced and fascinated humanity throughout history, such aspects have aided development in different areas of knowledge. However, even having this great influence, its insertion in Brazilian schools is still timid. This paper reports a possibility of working with the theme in basic education. One of the objectives is to understand and analyze the contributions of work with Astronomy in the early years from the perspective of scientific literacy. The methodology employed in the study was qualitative. The teacher in his classroom process acted in a way to mediate the issues that were the starting point of this work. This report of experience deals with a work developed with a group composed by 28 students of the 2nd year of elementary school in a public school of the municipal network of Teaching of São Bernardo do Campo, São Paulo. Based on this premise, the teacher offered the possibility for students to formulate hypotheses and to socialize their findings through research. In this perspective, the teacher mediates the conflicts arising from the doubts and questions of the students so that they can research and collect information to learn the concepts. When the student has the opportunity to present his doubts and to define what the subject wants to research, he becomes the protagonist of his learning, understanding that scientific knowledge is not finite but has a spiral movement where the doubts will lead to new research and discoveries. The final product of this work was a book with the record of the researches done by the students being that it made possible an evaluation of the students' understanding of the basic concepts of Astronomy.

  4. L'Astronomia del Venerdí Santo, l'eclissi di Luna e l'ora della Sindone

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sigismondi, Costantino


    Dating the crucifixion on friday 3 April 33, when, at sunset a partially eclipsed Moon rised allows to interprete the speech of Saint Peter (Acts 2:20=Joel 3:4) on the day of Pentecost as including an account of this eclipse, as fulfillment of the Scriptures. Few minutes later the apparition of a third star of medium magnitude stated the beginning of the sabbatical rest: before that time Jesus has been buried, wrapped into the shroud. The observations of the equinoctial moonrise from the Mount of Olives on September 2013 are strongly in favour of the hypotehsis of possible observation of the lunar eclipse of 33 AD by Jewish people, as well as the sunrises observed from the Temple Institute terrace in Southern-East Jerusalem demonstrated that this eclipse could have been seen from Jerusalem. The depression of the horizon and the refraction allow to see Sun and Moon more than 1 degree below the geometrical horizon in the azimuthal direction ranging from 90 to 116, prologing to 16 minutes the duration of the partial lunar eclipse observed in 33AD. Texts of Matthew, Mark and Cyrillus of Jerusalem are also commented.

  5. Astronomy in High School: Using a Mini-Planetarium to Understand Details of the Apparent Movement of Stars. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en la Escuela Secundaria: Comprendiendo los Detalles del Movimiento Aparente de Las Estrellas con un Miniplanetario.) Astronomia no Ensino Médio: Compreendendo Detalhes do Movimento Aparente das Estrelas com um Miniplanetário

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    dos Santos Leão, Demetrius


    en la comprensión de estas cuestiones y demostraron un gran interés por esta metodología. O objetivo deste artigo é apresentar parte dos resultados obtidos com a intervenção feita como projeto da dissertação de mestrado do autor, que consistiu no desenvolvimento de um conjunto de aulas de Astronomia, com alunos do 1º Ano do Ensino Médio de uma escola da rede privada do Distrito Federal (Brasília, Brasil), empregando como recurso principal um material didático chamado miniplanetário (MP). Utilizando como pressuposto teórico norteador dessas aulas as ideias de contextualização e dialogicidade de Paulo Freire, foi proposta aos estudantes a montagem e utilização desse recurso em uma sessão de planetário. Durante o projeto, enfatizaram-se assuntos como a trajetória aparente das estrelas para o céu de Brasília, a localização dos pontos cardeais a partir da constelação do Cruzeiro do Sul, as cores das estrelas e as estrelas vistas de uma determinada localidade. Apurou-se que os alunos apresentaram melhoria na compreensão desses assuntos, bem como demonstraram expressiva empolgação com essa metodologia desenvolvida.

  6. Earlier Debridement and Antibiotic Administration Decrease Infection

    DTIC Science & Technology


    closure (No Antibiotics) or treatment with tobramycin or vancomycin-impregnated polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) beads (Antibiotics) and closed. Each time... polymethylmethacrylate beads and hip spacers in vivo. Acta Orthop. 80(2):193– 197, 2009. 10. Gustilo, R. B., Anderson, J. T. Prevention of infection

  7. Social Ecology and Group Cohesion in Pilot Whales and Their Responses to Playback of Anthropogenic and Natural Sounds

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Minvielle-Sebastia, L. and Guinet, C. (2008). Long-term social structure of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas ) in the Strait of Gibraltar. Acta...Severity of Behavioral Changes Observed During Experimental Exposures of Killer (Orcinus orca), Long-Finned Pilot (Globicephala melas ), and Sperm

  8. Annexin II Dependent Mechanism of Breast Cancer Progression

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Sashida, T., Yoshida, M., Miyashita, T., and Nakamura, A. Treatment of advanced ovarian cancer with fibrinolytic inhibitor ( tranexamic acid ). Acta Obstet...from Calbiochem, (La Jolla, CA). Lysine–Sepharose and ε-aminocaproic acid (ε-ACA) were procured from Sigma (St. Louis, MO). Chromatography and

  9. Design and Analysis of an Axisymmetric Phased Array Fed Gregorian Reflector System for Limited Scanning

    DTIC Science & Technology


    applications. For space applications, attitude control systems can provide good angular control of the antenna aperture with small residual angular...Bilyeu, and G.R. Veal, Development of Flight Hardware for a Large Inflatable- Deployable Antenna Experiment , Acta Astronautica, Vol. 38, Nos. 4-8

  10. Antibodies to Liposomal, Phosphatidylcholine and Phosphatidylsulfocholine

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Biochim. Biophys. tidylcholine have also been induced by immuniz- Acta, 689: 319-326. ing mice with bromelain -treated mouse erythrocytes (Cox BISSERET, P...with lysolecithin and sphingomyelin, thus bromelain -modified RBC are specifically inhibited by a common indicating specificity for the phosphocholine

  11. Electronic and crystal structure of NiTi martensite

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sanati, M.; Albers, R.C.; Pinski, F.J.


    All of the first-principles electronic-structure calculations for the martensitic structure of NiTi have used the experimental atomic parameters reported by Michal and Sinclair [Acta Crystallogr., Sect. B: Struct. Crystallogr. Cryst. Chem. {bold B37}, 1803 (1981)]. We have used first-principles, full-potential, linear muffin-tin orbital calculations to examine the total energy of all the experimental martensitic structures reported in the literature. We find that another crystal structure, that of Kudoh {ital et al.} [Acta Metall. Mater. {bold 33}, 2049 (1985)], has the lowest total energy at zero temperature. Ground-state and formation energies were calculated for all of the experimental structures. Total andmore » local densities of states were calculated and compared with each other for the structures of both Kudoh {ital et al.} and Michal and Sinclair thinsp {copyright} {ital 1998} {ital The American Physical Society}« less

  12. A hitherto undescribed benign mesenchymal polyp of the gallbladder: edematous angiomyolipoma-like polyp.


    Arcega, R; Wu, J X; Magaki, S; Donahue, T R; Wang, H L


    We report a case of two peculiar gallbladder polyps in a sixty-four year old male who presented with symptomatic cholelithiasis. Cholecystectomy was performed, which revealed two polyps measuring 0.6 cm and 1.9 cm, located in the body of the gallbladder. Microscopic examination of the polyps showed composite mesenchymal lesions with vascular proliferation of small-to-medium sized arterioles, myoid stroma, and lipomatous periphery. The myoid component was characterized by wisps of bland smooth muscle fibers loosely separated by proteinaceous and focally myxoid matrix. The surface of the polyps was lined by a single layer of bland epithelial cells. The unique histomorphologic features differentiate the lesions from other known mesenchymal polyps of the gallbladder. We propose the name "edematous angiomyolipoma-like polyp" for these rare lesions given their histomorphologic similarity to angiomyolipoma. (Acta gastroenterol. belg., 2016, 79, 371-374). © Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica.

  13. A Short History of Medical Informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet


    The health informatics profession in Bosnia and Herzegovina has relatively long history. Thirty five years from the introduction of the first automatic manipulation of data, thirty years from the establishment of Society for Medical Informatics BiH, twenty years from the establishment of the Scientific journal “Acta Informatica Medica (Acta Inform Med”, indexed in PubMed, PubMed Central Scopus, Embase, etc.), twenty years on from the establishment of the first Cathedra for Medical Informatics on Biomedical Faculties in Bosnia and Herzegovina, ten years on from the introduction of the method of “Distance learning” in medical curriculum. The author of this article is eager to mark the importance of the above mentioned Anniversaries in the development of Health informatics in Bosnia and Herzegovina and have attempted, very briefly, to present the most significant events and persons with essential roles throughout this period. PMID:24648621

  14. Soy infant formula: is it that bad?


    Vandenplas, Yvan; De Greef, Elisabeth; Devreker, Thierry; Hauser, Bruno


    The objective of this study is to review the indications of soy infant formula (SIF). Structured review of publications is made available through standard search engines (Pubmed,…). The medical indications for SIF are limited to galactosaemia and hereditary lactase deficiency. In the treatment of cow's milk allergy, SIF is used for economic reasons, as extensive hydrolysates are expensive. SIF is dissuaded mainly because of its phytooestrogen content. Isoflavone serum levels are much higher in SIF-fed infants than in breastfed or cow milk formula-fed infants. Administration of pure isoflavones to animals causes decreased fertility, but clinically relevant adverse effects of SIF in infants are not reported.   Soy infant formula remains an option for feeding of term born infants if breastfeeding is not possible and if standard infant formula is not tolerated. © 2010 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2010 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  15. Perspectiva Historica de la Educacion Bilingue en los Estados Unidos (A Historical Perspective of Bilingual Education in the United States)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zamora, Juan Clemente


    This article defines bilingualism and bilingual education and traces the history of bilingual education in the United States, starting with the Spanish missions in the west. (Text is in Spanish.) (NCR)

  16. Optimising the Number of Replicate- Versus Standard Measurements for Carbonate Clumped Isotope Thermometry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kocken, I.; Ziegler, M.


    Clumped isotope measurements on carbonates are a quickly developing and promising palaeothermometry proxy1-3. Developments in the field have brought down the necessary sample amount and improved the precision and accuracy of the measurements. The developments have included inter-laboratory comparison and the introduction of an absolute reference frame4, determination of acid fractionation effects5, correction for the pressure baseline6, as well as improved temperature calibrations2, and most recently new approaches to improve efficiency in terms of sample gas usage7. However, a large-scale application of clumped isotope thermometry is still hampered by required large sample amounts, but also the time-consuming analysis. In general, a lot of time is goes into the measurement of standards. Here we present a study on the optimal ratio between standard- and sample measurements using the Kiel Carbonate Device method. We also consider the optimal initial signal intensity. We analyse ETH-standard measurements from several months to determine the measurement regime with the highest precision and optimised measurement time management.References 1. Eiler, J. M. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 262, 309-327 (2007).2. Kelson, J. R., et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 197, 104-131 (2017).3. Kele, S. et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 168, 172-192 (2015).4. Dennis, K. J. et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 75, 7117-7131 (2011).5. Müller, I. A. et al. Chem. Geol. 449, 1-14 (2017).6. Meckler, A. N. et al. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28, 1705-1715 (2014).7. Hu, B. et al. Rapid Commun. Mass Spectrom. 28, 1413-1425 (2014).

  17. Meta-analysis as Statistical and Analytical Method of Journal's Content Scientific Evaluation.


    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin


    A meta-analysis is a statistical and analytical method which combines and synthesizes different independent studies and integrates their results into one common result. Analysis of the journals "Medical Archives", "Materia Socio Medica" and "Acta Informatica Medica", which are located in the most eminent indexed databases of the biomedical milieu. The study has retrospective and descriptive character, and included the period of the calendar year 2014. Study included six editions of all three journals (total of 18 journals). In this period was published a total of 291 articles (in the "Medical Archives" 110, "Materia Socio Medica" 97, and in "Acta Informatica Medica" 84). The largest number of articles was original articles. Small numbers have been published as professional, review articles and case reports. Clinical events were most common in the first two journals, while in the journal "Acta Informatica Medica" belonged to the field of medical informatics, as part of pre-clinical medical disciplines. Articles are usually required period of fifty to fifty nine days for review. Articles were received from four continents, mostly from Europe. The authors are most often from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, then Iran, Kosovo and Macedonia. The number of articles published each year is increasing, with greater participation of authors from different continents and abroad. Clinical medical disciplines are the most common, with the broader spectrum of topics and with a growing number of original articles. Greater support of the wider scientific community is needed for further development of all three of the aforementioned journals.

  18. A Systems Approach to Expanding the Technology Readiness Level within Defense Acquisition

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Administration’s (NASA) post-Apollo era as ontology for contracting support (Sadin, Povinelli & Rosen, 1989). In the last nine years, other...1008-1023. Sadin, S. R., Povinelli , F. P., & Rosen, R. (1989). The NASA technology push towards future space mis- sion systems. Acta Astronautica

  19. The Role of PTHrP in Epithelial Stromal Interactions During Breast Development.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Cunha, G. R., Young, P., Christov, K., Guzman, R. Nandi, S., Talamantes, F. and Thordarson , G. (1995). Mammary phenotypic expression induced in... Thordarson , G. (1995). Mammary pheno- typic expression induced in epidermal cells by embryonic mam- mary mesenchyme. Acta Anat. 152, 195-204. Cunha

  20. A Proposed Activity for a Meaningful Learning about the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Uma Proposta de Atividade Para a Aprendizagem Significativa sobre as Fases da Lua.) Una Actividad Propuesta Para EL Aprendizaje Significativo Acerca de Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martins, Bruno Andrade; Langhi, Rodolfo


    This paper presents one of the concepts of Astronomy and its consequent failure in teaching this topic in high school, even when the official documents point out the necessity of Astronomy teaching at this school level. Among the spontaneous conceptions in Astronomy that high school students carry with them, even after the end of the school, we emphasized in this research the Moon phases. The development of different strategies in relation to traditional methods, aimed to teaching-learning process on this topic was considered in this study. These strategies were devised based on the reference frame of the Meaningful Learning, as elaborated by Ausubel. The proposals presented here include the active participation of students in experimental activities and other didactic activities, for their continuous evaluation during the process. These activities finished with a Comics elaboration about the Moon phases. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to present a proposal for differentiated teaching activity about Moon phases supported by the theoretical principles of Meaningful Learning at Physics classes. Este texto foca um dos conteúdos de Astronomia e a consequente falha no ensino deste tema no ensino médio, apesar de os documentos oficiais apresentarem a necessidade de se trabalhar a Astronomia neste nível de ensino. Dentre as concepções alternativas em Astronomia que os alunos do ensino médio carregam consigo, mesmo após o término dos estudos, destacamos, nesta pesquisa, o fenômeno das fases da Lua. O desenvolvimento de estratégias diferenciadas em relação ao ensino tradicional, visando o processo de ensino-aprendizagem sobre este tema, foi contemplado neste trabalho como um dos resultados obtidos sob a luz dos referenciais da aprendizagem significativa, fundamentados em Ausubel. Segundo a proposta aqui apresentada, a participação ativa dos alunos na execução de uma atividade experimental e outras atividades didáticas, que visam sua cont

  1. Botulinum Toxin

    DTIC Science & Technology


    neuroblastomas and rat gliomas, but not to human neuroblastoma cell lines ( Yokosawa et ai., 1989). Yokosawa et ai. (1989) suggested that reduced...12764-72. Yndestad, M., Loftsgard, G. (1970). Susceptibility of mink to Clostridium botulinum type C toxin. Acta Vet. Scand. 11: 594-9. Yokosawa , N

  2. Effects of space flights on human allergic status (IgE-mediated sensitivity)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buravkova, L. B.; Rykova, M. P.; Gertsik, Y. G.; Antropova, E. N.


    Suppression of the immune system after space flights of different duration has been reported earlier by Konstantinova [Immune system in extreme conditions, Space immunology. B. 59. M. Science 1988. 289p. (in Russian) [4]; Immunoresistance of man in space flight, Acta Astronautica 23 (1991) 123-127 [5

  3. Effects of High Power Lasers, Number 4

    DTIC Science & Technology


    KhMM FMiM FTP FTT FZh GiA GiK IAN Arm IAN Az Avtomatika i tclctnukhanika Acta physica polonica Akadcmiya na,uk Armyanskoy SSR. Doklady...obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki Postepy firyki Physics abstracts Prikladnaya mekhanikö Prikladnaya matcmatika i mckhanika Physica status solidi Pribory i

  4. Gamma Interferon-Induced Expression of Class II MHC Antigens by Human Keratinocytes: Effects of Conditions of Culture

    DTIC Science & Technology


    containing or serum-free medium. / -3- Introduction In a number of skin diseases including lichen planus , contact dermatitis, and mycosis fungoides...Tjernlund, U. M. 1980. Ia-like antigens in lichen planus . Acta Dermatovenerol. (Stockholm) 60:309-315. 2. MacKie, R. M. & M. L. Turbitt. 1983

  5. Processing and Testing Re2Si207 Matrix Composites (Preprint)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    using the Archimedes method. 2.3. Indentation and Characterization The hardnesses of the sintered pellets were measured by Vickers indentation at...J. Mechanical Properties and Atomistic Deformation Mechanism of g-Y2Si2O7 from First- Principles Investigations. Acta mat. 55, 6019-6026 (2007). 10

  6. A New Therapeutic Paradigm for Breast Cancer Exploiting Low Dose Estrogen-Induced Apoptosis

    DTIC Science & Technology


    binds to the Hsp90, Hsp27 , and c-Fos promoters constitutively and modulates their expression. Cell Stress Chaperones, 12: 283-290...C. Yang, Radiological health risks for exploratory class missions in space. Acta Astronaut . 23, 227–231 (1991). 10. V. M. Petrov, Solar cosmic rays

  7. Paul W. King, Ph.D., M.S. | NREL Websites

    converting solar energy into biofuels. Specific areas of interest include using molecular, biochemical and Photochemical Conversion Photobiological Hydrogen Production Education Ph.D., Biochemistry and Molecular Biology , Mechanism, and Maturation," Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research (2015) need_alt "

  8. Literature review on relative biological effectiveness (RBE) of ionizing radiation in the past 5 years (in Japanese)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tanooka, H.; Orii, H.


    The RBE of therapy using ionizing radiations other than x rays, gamma - rays, and electrons in various materials and under various radiation conditions is discussed. Literature concerning the RBE of various ionizing radiations published between 1966 and 1971 was selected from the following ten journals: Radiation Research, international Journal of Radiation Biology, Journal of Radiation Research, Japanese Journal of Oenetics, Nippon Acta Radiologica, American Journal of Roentgenology, British Journal of Radiology, and Acta Radiologica. This review includes a comprehensive survey of the usefulness of fast neutrons and the conclusions from the symposiums. In addition, a series of reports ofmore » experimental data concerning the excellent therapeutic effects of the 14 MeV neutron are reviewed. It is also noted that the progress of studies on the RBE in the cells of higher organisms has been achieved. In addition, the utilization of linear accelerators with high LET can positively increase the therapeutic effectiveness. (JA)« less

  9. Osmotic demyelination syndrome associated with hypophosphataemia: 2 cases and a review of literature.


    Turnbull, Jessica; Lumsden, Daniel; Siddiqui, Ata; Lin, Jean-Pierre; Lim, Ming


    Central and extrapontine myelinolysis are collectively known as osmotic demyelination syndrome. This encephalopathic illness has been well documented in the adult literature, occurring most commonly in the context of chronic alcoholism, correction of hyponatraemia and liver transplantation. Aetiology and outcome in the paediatric population are less well understood. Two cases of osmotic demyelination syndrome occurring in children with transient severe hypophosphataemia during the course of their illness are presented. Both had very different neurological outcomes, but the changes of central and extrapontine myelinolysis were apparent on neuroimaging. Sixty-one cases in the paediatric literature were then reviewed. We summarize aetiology and outcome in paediatric cases of osmotic demyelination syndrome and postulate a role for hypophosphataemia as a contributing factor in the development of these sometimes devastating conditions. Hypophosphataemia may contribute to the risk of developing osmotic demyelination syndrome in at-risk paediatric patients and further study of this association should be undertaken. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2013 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  10. Neurophysiological measures of nociceptive brain activity in the newborn infant--the next steps.


    Hartley, Caroline; Slater, Rebeccah


    Infants within neonatal intensive care units can receive multiple medically essential painful procedures per day. How they respond to these events, how best to alleviate the negative effects, and the long-term consequences for the infant are all significant questions that have yet to be fully answered. In recent years, several studies have examined cortical responses to noxious stimuli in the neonate through the use of near-infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) and electroencephalography (EEG). These investigations dispel any notion that the newborn infant does not process noxious stimuli at a cortical level and open the way for future research. In this Viewpoint Article, we review these studies and discuss key clinical challenges which may be elucidated with the use of these techniques. Simultaneously measuring the changes that are evoked in behaviour, physiology and the cortex following noxious events will provide the best approach to understanding the neonate's experience of pain. © 2013 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  11. An endogenous tryptophan photo-product, FICZ, is potentially involved in photo-aging by reducing TGF-β-regulated collagen homeostasis.


    Murai, Mika; Tsuji, Gaku; Hashimoto-Hachiya, Akiko; Kawakami, Yoshihito; Furue, Masutaka; Mitoma, Chikage


    Persistent ultraviolet (UV) radiation in the form of sunlight causes photo-aging of the skin by reducing the production of type I collagen, the major constituent of the extracellular matrix of the dermis. Transforming growth factor (TGF)-β transforms dermal fibroblasts into α2-smooth muscle actin (ACTA2)-expressing myofibroblasts. Myofibroblasts produce a precursor form of type I collagen, type I procollagen (collagen I), consisting of pro-alpha1 (produced by the COL1A1 gene) and pro-alpha2 chains (produced by the COL1A2 gene). Smad2/3 is a key downstream molecule of TGF-β signaling. The mechanisms through which UV inhibits collagen I synthesis are not fully understood. 6-Formylindolo[3,2-b]carbazole (FICZ) is an endogenous tryptophan photo-metabolite generated by UV irradiation. FICZ is well known as a high-affinity ligand for aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR). However, the physiological roles of FICZ in photo-aging have yet to be addressed. To evaluate the effects of FICZ on the TGF-β-mediated ACTA2 and collagen I expression in normal human dermal fibroblasts (NHDFs). Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction and western blot analysis were performed to determine the expression of ACTA2, COL1A1, and COL1A2 in NHDFs with or without FICZ and TGF-β. The phosphorylated Smad2/3 (pSmad2/3) protein levels in cytoplasmic or nuclear portions were investigated by western blot analysis. Immunofluorescence staining was conducted to evaluate pSmad2/3 localization, and F-actin staining with phalloidin was performed to visualize actin polymerization in myofibroblasts. The actions of FICZ on the TGF-β-mediated collagen I expression and nuclear translocation of pSmad2/3 were analyzed in the presence of selective AHR antagonists or in AHR-knockdown NHDFs. We found that FICZ significantly inhibited the TGF-β-induced upregulation of mRNA and protein levels of ACTA2 and collagen I and actin polymerization in myofibroblasts. FICZ did not disturb the phosphorylation of Smad2

  12. Investigation of Laser-Induced Retinal Damage: Wavelength and Pulsewidth Dependent Mechanisms

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Jun, Fos and the AP-1 complex in cell-proliferation and transformation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1991;1072:129-57. 2. Artuc M, Ramshad M, Kappus H. Studies...M, Reinhold C, Kappus H. DNA damage caused by laser light activated hematoporphyrin derivatives in isolated nuclei of human melanoma cells. Arch

  13. A Partial Exploration of the Potential Energy Surfaces of SCN and HSCN: Implications for the Enzyme-Mediated Detoxification of Cyanide

    DTIC Science & Technology


    its role in toxicology , Tox. Sci. 78 (2004) 185–188. [6] (a) B.H. Sorbo, Crystalline rhodanese. I. Purification and physicochemical exam- ination, Acta...the devel- opment of quantitative structure–activity relationships ( QSARs ). pKa-values of phenols and aromatic and aliphatic carboxylic acids, Chemosphere 19 (1989) 1595.

  14. Prepared in Mind and Resources? A Report on Public Higher Education in South Carolina

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alacbay, Armand; Poliakoff, Michael


    In 2011, South Carolina Governor Nikki Haley signed into law the South Carolina Higher Education Efficiency and Administrative Policies Act, maintaining the transparency and accountability that lead to increased academic quality and affordability at colleges and universities. It is in this context that ACTA (American Council of Trustees and…

  15. Isostaticity in Cosserat Continuum

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Geotech . Eng. Div. 106(4), 419–433 (1980) 13. Walker, D.M., Tordesillas, A., Thornton, C., Behringer, R.P., Zhang, J., Peters, J.F.: Percolating contact...thermomicromechanical approach to multiscale continuum modeling of dense granular materials. Acta Geotech . 3, 225–240 (2008) 17. Oda, M., Takemura, T

  16. Education or Reputation? A Look at America's Top-Ranked Liberal Arts Colleges

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Poliakoff, Michael; Alacbay, Armand


    ACTA [American Council of Trustees and Alumni] today released a report that examines the country's most prestigious liberal arts colleges. Despite endowments soaring as high as $1.8 billion, nearly all institutions increased tuition during the Great Recession to finance bloated administrative spending, with many college presidents enjoying…

  17. Bibliography of Soviet Laser Developments, Number 47, May - June 1980.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    23 p. (KL, 19/80, 17050) 99 IV. SOURCE ABBREVIATIONS (CIRC Codens) APP (A) (ATPLB) Acta physica polonica BAPS (BAPTA) Bulletin de l’Academie Polonaise...obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki PSS (PSSAB) Physica Status Solidi (A). Applied Research PTE (PRTEA) Pribory i tekhnika eksperimenta RiE (RAELA) Radiotekhnika i

  18. The Study of the Intramolecular Heavy Atom Effect in 9,10-Dichlorophenanthrene and 1,2,3,4-Tetrachloronaphthalene Using PMDR Techniques.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Inc . , 1974. 4. C. T. u n , Thesis , UCLA, 1974. 5. N. A. El-Sayed, Acta Phys. Polonica , XXXIV , 649(1968). 6. N. A. El-Sayed , Proceedings for the m...See Refs. 11 ,15 A. de Groot and 3. H. van der Waals, Physica 19, 1128 (1963). L

  19. Soviet Material on Internal Wave Effects, No. 4, September 1975

    DTIC Science & Technology


    UzbSSR DBAN EOM FAiO FGiV FiKhOM F-KhMM FMiM FTP FTT FZh GiA GiK IAN Arm IAN Az Avtomatika i telemekhanika Acta physica polonica ...promyshlennyye obraztsy, tovarnyye znaki Postepy fizyki Physics abstracts Prikladnaya mekhanika Prikladnaya matematika i mekhanika Physica status

  20. Verbal Modeling Behavior in Mother-Child Interaction

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Longhurst, Thomas M.; And Others


    Discusses an alternate method of examining the verbal interaction of mothers and their children in dyadic communication. The behavior of both mothers and children differed significantly according to the ages of the children involved. Acta Symbolica, 807 Jefferson Avenue, Memphis, Tennessee 38105. Subscription Rates: annually, $12.00 individuals,…

  1. Role of the PY Motif Containing Protein, WBP-2 in ER, PR Signaling and Breast Tumorigenesis

    DTIC Science & Technology


    implicated in many diseases, including muscular dystrophy , Liddle’s syndrome, Alzheimer’s, Huntington disease and Cancers [16, 31, 35, 75]. Many...of nuclear receptor movement and tran- scription. Biochim Biophys Acta 1677:46–51 5. Nagaich AK, Rayasam GV, Martinez ED, Becker M, Qiu Y, Johnson TA

  2. Fuel Cells | Hydrogen and Fuel Cells | NREL Websites

    Reduction Reaction for Ultrathin Uniform Pt/C Catalyst Layers without Influence from Nafion, Electrochimica Acta (2016) Suppression of Oxygen Reduction Reaction Activity on Pt-Based Electrocatalysts from Ionomer Durability of Iridium Nanoparticles in the Oxygen Evolution Reaction, Journal of the Electrochemical Society

  3. Upper Airway Sequelae in Burn Patients Requiring Endotracheal Intubation or Tracheostomy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    airways. In adult patients, our experi - It was remarkable that autopsy findings in 12 patients ence is that as long as the nasotracheal tube is not...tracheostomy. Acta Anaesthesiol TB et al., eds. Progress in Anaesthesiology : Proceedings of the Scand 1979; 23:57-68. Fourth World Congress of

  4. Maximizing Patient Thermoregulation in US Army Forward Surgical Teams

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Vermassen FE. Coagulopathy, hypothermia and acidosis in trauma patients: the rationale for damage control surgery. Acta Chir Belg. 2002;102(5):313-316...bypass. J Cardiothorac Vasc Anesth. 2000;14(5):501- 505. 41. Janicki PK, Higgins MS, Janssen J, Johnson RF, Beattie C. Comparison of two different

  5. Density- and wavefunction-normalized Cartesian spherical harmonics for l ≤ 20.


    Michael, J Robert; Volkov, Anatoliy


    The widely used pseudoatom formalism [Stewart (1976). Acta Cryst. A32, 565-574; Hansen & Coppens (1978). Acta Cryst. A34, 909-921] in experimental X-ray charge-density studies makes use of real spherical harmonics when describing the angular component of aspherical deformations of the atomic electron density in molecules and crystals. The analytical form of the density-normalized Cartesian spherical harmonic functions for up to l ≤ 7 and the corresponding normalization coefficients were reported previously by Paturle & Coppens [Acta Cryst. (1988), A44, 6-7]. It was shown that the analytical form for normalization coefficients is available primarily for l ≤ 4 [Hansen & Coppens, 1978; Paturle & Coppens, 1988; Coppens (1992). International Tables for Crystallography, Vol. B, Reciprocal space, 1st ed., edited by U. Shmueli, ch. 1.2. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers; Coppens (1997). X-ray Charge Densities and Chemical Bonding. New York: Oxford University Press]. Only in very special cases it is possible to derive an analytical representation of the normalization coefficients for 4 < l ≤ 7 (Paturle & Coppens, 1988). In most cases for l > 4 the density normalization coefficients were calculated numerically to within seven significant figures. In this study we review the literature on the density-normalized spherical harmonics, clarify the existing notations, use the Paturle-Coppens (Paturle & Coppens, 1988) method in the Wolfram Mathematica software to derive the Cartesian spherical harmonics for l ≤ 20 and determine the density normalization coefficients to 35 significant figures, and computer-generate a Fortran90 code. The article primarily targets researchers who work in the field of experimental X-ray electron density, but may be of some use to all who are interested in Cartesian spherical harmonics.

  6. MicroRNA-495 Inhibits Gastric Cancer Cell Migration and Invasion Possibly via Targeting High Mobility Group AT-Hook 2 (HMGA2).


    Wang, Huashe; Jiang, Zhipeng; Chen, Honglei; Wu, Xiaobin; Xiang, Jun; Peng, Junsheng


    BACKGROUND Gastric cancer is one of the most common malignancies, and has a high mortality rate. miR-495 acts as a suppressor in some cancers and HMGA2 (high mobility group AT-hook 2) is a facilitator for cell growth and epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT), but little is known about their effect in gastric cancer. This study aimed to investigate the role and mechanism of miR-495 in gastric cancer. MATERIAL AND METHODS miR-495 levels were quantitatively analyzed in gastric cancer tissue and GES-1, SGC-7901, BGC-823, and HGC-27 cell lines by qRT-PCR. Levels of miR-495 and HMGA2 were altered by cell transfection, after which cell migration and invasion were examined by Transwell and E-cadherin (CDH1); vimentin (VIM), and alpha smooth muscle actin (ACTA2) were detected by qRT-PCR and Western blotting. The interaction between miR-495 and HMGA2 was verified by dual-luciferase reporter assay. RESULTS miR-495 was significantly downregulated in cancer tissue and cell lines (p<0.05). Its overexpression inhibited cell migration and invasion, elevated CDH1, and inhibited VIM and ACTA2 levels in BGC-823 and HGC-27 cells. miR-495 directly inhibited HMGA2, which was upregulated in gastric cancer tissue, and promoted cell migration and invasion, inhibited CDH1, and elevated VIM and ACTA2. CONCLUSIONS miR-495 acts as a tumor suppressor in gastric cancer by inhibiting cell migration and invasion, which may be associated with its direct inhibition on HMGA2. These results suggest a promising therapeutic strategy for gastric cancer treatment.

  7. Characterization of human myoblast differentiation for tissue-engineering purposes by quantitative gene expression analysis.


    Stern-Straeter, Jens; Bonaterra, Gabriel Alejandro; Kassner, Stefan S; Zügel, Stefanie; Hörmann, Karl; Kinscherf, Ralf; Goessler, Ulrich Reinhart


    Tissue engineering of skeletal muscle is an encouraging possibility for the treatment of muscle loss through the creation of functional muscle tissue in vitro from human stem cells. Currently, the preferred stem cells are primary, non-immunogenic satellite cells ( = myoblasts). The objective of this study was to determine the expression patterns of myogenic markers within the human satellite cell population during their differentiation into multinucleated myotubes for an accurate characterization of stem cell behaviour. Satellite cells were incubated (for 1, 4, 8, 12 or 16 days) with a culture medium containing either a low [ = differentiation medium (DM)] or high [ = growth medium (GM)] concentration of growth factors. Furthermore, we performed a quantitative gene expression analysis of well-defined differentiation makers: myogenic factor 5 (MYF5), myogenin (MYOG), skeletal muscle αactin1 (ACTA1), embryonic (MYH3), perinatal (MYH8) and adult skeletal muscle myosin heavy chain (MYH1). Additionally, the fusion indices of forming myotubes of MYH1, MYH8 and ACTA1 were calculated. We show that satellite cells incubated with DM expressed multiple characteriztic features of mature skeletal muscles, verified by time-dependent upregulation of MYOG, MYH1, MYH3, MYH8 and ACTA1. However, satellite cells incubated with GM did not reveal all morphological aspects of muscle differentiation. Immunocytochemical investigations with antibodies directed against the differentiation markers showed correlations between the gene expression and differentiation. Our data provide information about time-dependent gene expression of differentiation markers in human satellite cells, which can be used for maturation analyses in skeletal muscle tissue-engineering applications. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  8. Meta-analysis as Statistical and Analytical Method of Journal’s Content Scientific Evaluation

    PubMed Central

    Masic, Izet; Begic, Edin


    Introduction: A meta-analysis is a statistical and analytical method which combines and synthesizes different independent studies and integrates their results into one common result. Goal: Analysis of the journals “Medical Archives”, “Materia Socio Medica” and “Acta Informatica Medica”, which are located in the most eminent indexed databases of the biomedical milieu. Material and methods: The study has retrospective and descriptive character, and included the period of the calendar year 2014. Study included six editions of all three journals (total of 18 journals). Results: In this period was published a total of 291 articles (in the “Medical Archives” 110, “Materia Socio Medica” 97, and in “Acta Informatica Medica” 84). The largest number of articles was original articles. Small numbers have been published as professional, review articles and case reports. Clinical events were most common in the first two journals, while in the journal “Acta Informatica Medica” belonged to the field of medical informatics, as part of pre-clinical medical disciplines. Articles are usually required period of fifty to fifty nine days for review. Articles were received from four continents, mostly from Europe. The authors are most often from the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina, then Iran, Kosovo and Macedonia. Conclusion: The number of articles published each year is increasing, with greater participation of authors from different continents and abroad. Clinical medical disciplines are the most common, with the broader spectrum of topics and with a growing number of original articles. Greater support of the wider scientific community is needed for further development of all three of the aforementioned journals. PMID:25870484

  9. The CIDA-QUEST large-scale survey of Orion OB1: evidence for rapid disk dissipation in a dispersed stellar population.


    Briceño, C; Vivas, A K; Calvet, N; Hartmann, L; Pacheco, R; Herrera, D; Romero, L; Berlind, P; Sánchez, G; Snyder, J A; Andrews, P


    We are conducting a large-scale, multiepoch, optical photometric survey [Centro de Investigaciones de Astronomia-Quasar Equatorial Survey Team (CIDA-QUEST)] covering about 120 square degrees to identify the young low-mass stars in the Orion OB1 association. We present results for an area of 34 square degrees. Using photometric variability as our main selection criterion, as well as follow-up spectroscopy, we confirmed 168 previously unidentified pre-main sequence stars that are about 0.6 to 0.9 times the mass of the sun (Mo), with ages of about 1 million to 3 million years (Ori OB1b) and about 3 million to 10 million years (Ori OB1a). The low-mass stars are spatially coincident with the high-mass (at least 3 Mo) members of the associations. Indicators of disk accretion such as Halpha emission and near-infrared emission from dusty disks fall sharply from Ori OB1b to Ori OB1a, indicating that the time scale for disk dissipation and possibly the onset of planet formation is a few million years.

  10. BeppoSAX Observations of MKN 110

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nicastro, Fabrizio; Oliversen, Ronald J. (Technical Monitor)


    Mkn 110 is a bright, nearby Seyfert 1 galaxy, which underwent a long optical monitoring campaign, during the past 12 years. Optical observations show that Mkn 110 vary, both in flux and spectral shape. The intensity and width of its Broad Emission Lines (BELs) also vary, from typical Seyfert 1, to typical Narrow Line Seyfert 1 (NLSyl) values, so suggesting that this could be the first supermassive black holes where accretion state related transitions, as frequently observed in stellar-size black holes, have finally been observed. To verify these suggestions we asked to monitor Mkn 110 with BeppoSAX with three 50 ksec observations six months apart. The goal of the proposal was to observe spectral variations in X-ray, already suggested by previous, existing ROSAT (Roentgen Satellite) and ASCA (Advanced Satellite for Cosmology and Astrophysics) observations of the same source. The first of these three SAX (Satellite per Astronomia X) observations was taken on May 2000, and lacks the Low-Energy instrument (0.1-2 keV is the band in which NLSy1 and Sy1 X-ray spectra differ most).

  11. Invisible wombs: rethinking Paracelsus's concept of body and matter.


    Daniel, Dane T


    Paracelsus's matter theory remains a puzzling subject, especially insofar as his division of matter and the human being is concerned. Paracelsus's early matter theory, as presented in perhaps his most significant chemical work, the Archidoxis, was influenced by John of Rupescissa and contained elements that the mature Paracelsus--greatly influenced by theological concerns and his own unique biblical exegesis--would abandon due to their nonconformity with scripture. The article stresses Paracelsus's interpretation of Genesis 2:7, and the author argues that the Paracelsus of the Astronomia Magna (1537-38)--somewhat echoing the theories in his so-called "meterological writings"--held that the cosmos and microcosm (man) consist of soul, sidereal body (also mortal spirit), elemental mortal matter (a combination of seeds and the tria prima of salt, sulfur, and mercury as produced in the four elemental mothers of air, earth, fire, and water), and eternal body (e.g. the resurrection body). The focus in this article is on mortal matter; Paracelsus's natural philosophy and theology become much more accessible when one understands this quadripartite division.

  12. Extraction and Measurement of Multi-Level Parallelism in Productions Systems

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the conflict set (agenda): (RULE.A (RULEB ( MATCHA ) (MATCHB) (ACTA)) (ACTB)) where the MATCH predicates are sets of rules in working memory and the act...ACTAfnMATCHB = 0 ) A ( MATCHA n ACTB = 0 )). The non-interference criteria above is conservative and may not detect all possible paral- lelism, but more

  13. Investigation of Laser-Induced Retinal Damage: Wavelength and Pulsewidth Dependent Mechanisms

    DTIC Science & Technology


    transformation. Biochim Biophys Acta 1991; 1072:129-57. 2. Artuc M, Ramshad M, Kappus H. Studies on acute toxic effects to keratinocytes induced by...hematoporphyrin derivatives and laser light Arch Dermatol Res 1989;281:491-4. 3. Artuc M, Ramshad M, Reinhold C, Kappus H. DNA damage caused by laser light

  14. Vision-Based 3D Motion Estimation for On-Orbit Proximity Satellite Tracking and Navigation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Multiple-Purpose Crew Vehicle (MPVC), which will be provided with a LIDAR sensor as primary relative navigation system [26, 33, 34]. A drawback of LIDAR...328–352, 2009. [63] C. Luigini and M. Romano, “A ballistic- pendulum test stand to characterize small cold-gas thruster nozzles,” Acta

  15. Amnesia Production by Visual Stimulation.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    electroconvulsive shock-produced retro- grade amnesia in the rat. J Comp Physiol Psychol 88:373-377 (1975). 5. Cronholm, B., and L. Molander. Memory...disturbances after electrocon- vulsive therapy : 5. Conditions one month after a series of treat- ments. Acta Psychiatr Scand 40:211-216 (1964). 6. Dinc, H. I

  16. Seven papers on fused-ring heterocyclic ketones containing an N-tosyl­pyrrolo­[3,4-c]pyrano moiety. Corrigenda

    PubMed Central

    Chinnakali, K.; Jayagobi, M.; Fun, Hoong-Kun


    Corrections are made to the name of an author in seven papers by Chinnakali et al. [Acta Cryst. (2007), E63, o4363, o4364, o4434–o4435, o4436–o4437, o4438, o4489–o4490 and o4491–o4492]. PMID:21200448

  17. Baseline Behavior of Pilot Whales and their Responses to Playback of Anthropogenic and Natural Sounds

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Minvielle-Sebastia, L. and Guinet, C. (2008b). Diet of the social groups of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas ) in the Strait of Gibraltar...structure of long-finned pilot whales (Globicephala melas ) in the Strait of Gibraltar. Acta Ethologica 11, 81-94. DeRuiter, S. L., Boyd, I. L., Claridge

  18. DARPA-URI Consortium Meetings on Submicron Heterostructures of Diluted Magnetic Semiconductors.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Acta Physica Polonica (to be published). 89. B.E. Larson, K.C. Hass, H. Ehrenreich and A.E. Carlsson, "Theory of Exchange Interactions and Chemical...Rodriguez, "Parity Violation and Electron-Spin Resonance of Donors in Semiconductors" (to appear in Physica ). 45. Z. Barticevic, M. Dobrowolska, J.K. Furdyna

  19. Electromagnetic Machines Which Utilize Microgeometry Field Structures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    34Phenomenological Theory of Electret Discharge Including Incomplete Recombination of Ions". Acta Physica Polonica , A50(1)1 1. Mehendru, P.C. (177)(: "Electret...Resonance of Stabilized Electrons in PTFE Coronoelectrets". Physica Status Solidi, (a)90:K71-K74. Lagues, M. (1976): "Les Electrets: des Transducteurs

  20. Apical Membrane Potassium Conductance in Guinea Pig Gallbladder Epithelial Cells

    DTIC Science & Technology


    did block the accompanying der short-circuit conditions except for brief periods (300 change in fR.. TEA was ineffective when added to the ms) during...toad skin. Biochim. 29. RICHARDS, N. W., AND D. C. DAWSON. Single potassium channelsBiophys. Acta 728: 455-459, 1983. blocked by lidocaine and quinidine

  1. A Comparison of Microstructure and Properties of Equivalent Strength Ingot Metallurgy and Powder Metallurgy 7XXX Aluminum Alloys.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    electron microprobe analysis and other laboratory procedures is also acknowledged. The author recognizes the considerable contributions of Ms. Cheryl ...J. Knott , Acta Met., 23, (7), (1975), 841. 473. A. Tetelman and A. McEvily, op. cit. 474. J. Feeney and J. McMillan and R. Wei, Met. Trans., 1, (1970

  2. Effects of Synthetic Versus Natural Colloid Resuscitation on Inducing Dilutional Coagulopathy and Increasing Hemorrhage in Rabbits

    DTIC Science & Technology


    hemostasis, and plasma expanders: a quarter century enigma. Fed Proc. 1975;34:1429–1440. 23. Bergqvist D. Dextran and haemostasis. a review. Acta Chir ...eds. Blood Substitutes and Plasma Expanders. Prog Clin Biol Res. 1978;19:293–298. 57. Kovalik SG, Ledgewood AM, Lucas CE, Higgins RF. The cardiac

  3. Military Medical Revolution: Deployed Hospital and En Route Care

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Coagulopathy, hypothermia and acidosis in trauma patients: the rationale for damage control surgery. Acta Chir Belg. 2002;102:313 316. 5...casualties. J Trauma. 2008;64(Suppl 2):S136 S144; discus- sion S144 135. 81. Higgins RA. MEDEVAC critical care transport from the battlefield. AACN Adv Crit

  4. Effect of Variation in the Burst Mode and Carrier Frequency of High Intensity Electrical Stimulation on Muscle Fatigue and Pain Perception of Healthy Subjects

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Soderlund, K. (1986). Biochemistry of muscle fatigue. Biomedica Brochimica Acta, 45, 97-106. Huskisson, E. C. (1983). Visual analogue scales. In R. Melzack...stimulation. IT 7-t -Hs53, Ui#4£sizy o3 Ktucy, Lexington, Kentucky. Luttgens, K. and Wells, K. F. (1933). Kinesiology (7th ed.). Philadelonia: Dryden Press

  5. The Cost of Chaos in the Curriculum. Perspectives on Higher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Capaldi Phillips, Elizabeth D.; Poliakoff, Michael B.


    ACTA's report "The Cost of Chaos in the Curriculum" reveals that the vast array of course choices given to college students is a cause of exploding costs and poor academic outcomes. And a bloated undergraduate curriculum is particularly detrimental to the success of students from lower socioeconomic backgrounds. The report documents how…

  6. Bold Leadership Real Reform [Annual Report, 2014

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    American Council of Trustees and Alumni, 2015


    Higher education has never been more "front and center"--almost daily we hear about spiraling costs, the lack of academic rigor, and the stifling political correctness on our college campuses. Long before such issues were hot, ACTA [American Council of Trustees and Alumni] was already pointing out these worrisome trends and calling on…

  7. Perceptions of Intellectual Diversity among Religious/Conservative Undergraduate Seniors at Highly Selective US Universities: Is the University a Liberal Hegemony?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brow, Mark V.


    In the past decade, issues of intellectual diversity at elite universities in the United States have resurfaced after years of dormancy. Leading the charge as been the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA), which argues that ideologically left-leaning elite universities in the United States inhibit conservative thought. Using data from…

  8. Governance for a New Era: A Blueprint for Higher Education Trustees

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schmidt, Benno C.


    "Governance for a New Era: A Blueprint for Higher Education Governance," is the product of a summit facilitated by ACTA [American Council of Trustees and Alumni] and chaired by Benno Schmidt, City University of New York Board chairman. Signatories to the statement, a diverse group of 22 distinguished national leaders, include college…

  9. Eventos de Agosto (August Events).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Toro, Leonor; Pla, Myrna

    Written in Spanish, this booklet contains brief information on seven August events celebrated by Puerto Ricans: Herbert Hoover's birthdate (August 10); Acta del Seguro Social (Social Security Act, August 14); Julian E. Blanco (August 14), Enmienda 19 Sufragia de la Mujer (Amendment 19, Women's Suffrage, August 26); Benjamin Harrison (August 20);…

  10. Three-Dimensional Characterization of Microstructure by Electron Back-Scatter Diffraction

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Costa LDF, Cesar RM, Cesar J. 2000. Shape Analysis and Classification: Theory and Practice. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press. 660 pp. 7. Williams RE. 1968...The distribution of grain boundaries in magnesia as a function of five macroscopic parameters. Acta Mater. 51:3663–74 27. Schaeben H, Apel M, Frank T

  11. The Use of Electrocortical Activity to Monitor Human Decision Making

    DTIC Science & Technology


    processor’ lies in a principle i of neural organization rather than in a specific locus in the CNS. We cannot assume that activity related to the...Slov potential changes and choice RT as a function cf Ir.terctlmitlua Interval, Acta Paychoiepical 37, 173-186, 1973. Gerbrandt, L. K., Coff , W. R

  12. Secondary Mineral Formation Associated With Respiration of Nontronite, NAu-1 by Iron Reducing Bacteria

    DTIC Science & Technology


    with a set of expected powder diffraction rings for siderite (JCPDS Card 8-133). The diffraction rings correspond to the d-spacing values (and hkl ...Bender et al., Geochim. Cos- 33j. E. Kostka and K. H. Nealson, in Techniques in Microbial Ecology, mochim. Acta 43(7), 1075 (1979). edited by R. S

  13. Ruminant Rhombencephalitis-Associated Listeria monocytogenes Alleles Linked to a Multilocus Variable-Number Tandem-Repeat Analysis Complex ▿ †

    PubMed Central

    Balandyté, Lina; Brodard, Isabelle; Frey, Joachim; Oevermann, Anna; Abril, Carlos


    Listeria monocytogenes is among the most important food-borne pathogens and is well adapted to persist in the environment. To gain insight into the genetic relatedness and potential virulence of L. monocytogenes strains causing central nervous system (CNS) infections, we used multilocus variable-number tandem-repeat analysis (MLVA) to subtype 183 L. monocytogenes isolates, most from ruminant rhombencephalitis and some from human patients, food, and the environment. Allelic-profile-based comparisons grouped L. monocytogenes strains mainly into three clonal complexes and linked single-locus variants (SLVs). Clonal complex A essentially consisted of isolates from human and ruminant brain samples. All but one rhombencephalitis isolate from cattle were located in clonal complex A. In contrast, food and environmental isolates mainly clustered into clonal complex C, and none was classified as clonal complex A. Isolates of the two main clonal complexes (A and C) obtained by MLVA were analyzed by PCR for the presence of 11 virulence-associated genes (prfA, actA, inlA, inlB, inlC, inlD, inlE, inlF, inlG, inlJ, and inlC2H). Virulence gene analysis revealed significant differences in the actA, inlF, inlG, and inlJ allelic profiles between clinical isolates (complex A) and nonclinical isolates (complex C). The association of particular alleles of actA, inlF, and newly described alleles of inlJ with isolates from CNS infections (particularly rhombencephalitis) suggests that these virulence genes participate in neurovirulence of L. monocytogenes. The overall absence of inlG in clinical complex A and its presence in complex C isolates suggests that the InlG protein is more relevant for the survival of L. monocytogenes in the environment. PMID:21984240

  14. Virulence Gene Sequencing Highlights Similarities and Differences in Sequences in Listeria monocytogenes Serotype 1/2a and 4b Strains of Clinical and Food Origin From 3 Different Geographic Locations.


    Poimenidou, Sofia V; Dalmasso, Marion; Papadimitriou, Konstantinos; Fox, Edward M; Skandamis, Panagiotis N; Jordan, Kieran


    The prfA -virulence gene cluster ( p VGC) is the main pathogenicity island in Listeria monocytogenes , comprising the prfA, plcA, hly, mpl, actA , and plcB genes. In this study, the p VGC of 36 L. monocytogenes isolates with respect to different serotypes (1/2a or 4b), geographical origin (Australia, Greece or Ireland) and isolation source (food-associated or clinical) was characterized. The most conserved genes were prfA and hly , with the lowest nucleotide diversity (π) among all genes ( P < 0.05), and the lowest number of alleles, substitutions and non-synonymous substitutions for prfA . Conversely, the most diverse gene was actA , which presented the highest number of alleles ( n = 20) and showed the highest nucleotide diversity. Grouping by serotype had a significantly lower π value ( P < 0.0001) compared to isolation source or geographical origin, suggesting a distinct and well-defined unit compared to other groupings. Among all tested genes, only hly and mpl were those with lower nucleotide diversity in 1/2a serotype than 4b serotype, reflecting a high within-1/2a serotype divergence compared to 4b serotype. Geographical divergence was noted with respect to the hly gene, where serotype 4b Irish strains were distinct from Greek and Australian strains. Australian strains showed less diversity in plcB and mpl relative to Irish or Greek strains. Notable differences regarding sequence mutations were identified between food-associated and clinical isolates in prfA, actA , and plcB sequences. Overall, these results indicate that virulence genes follow different evolutionary pathways, which are affected by a strain's origin and serotype and may influence virulence and/or epidemiological dominance of certain subgroups.

  15. Ab initio molecular dynamics study of fluid H2O-CO2 mixture in broad pressure-temperature range

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Jie; Zhao, Jijun; Plyasunov, Andrey V.; Belonoshko, Anatoly B.


    Properties of H2O and CO2 fluid and their mixtures under extreme pressures and temperatures are poorly known yet critically important in a number of applications. Several hundreds of first-principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) runs have been performed to obtain the pressure-volume-temperature (P-V-T) data on supercritical H2O, CO2, and H2O-CO2 mixtures. The pressure-temperature (P-T) range are from 0.5 GPa to 104 GPa (48.5 GPa for CO2) and from 600 K to 4000 K. Based on these data, we evaluate several existing equations of state (EOS) for the fluid H2O, CO2, and H2O-CO2 mixture. The results show that the EOS for H2O from Belonoshko et al. [Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 381-387; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 55, 3191-3208; Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 56, 3611-3626; Comput. Geosci. 18, 1267-1269] not only can be used in the studied P-T range but also is accurate enough to be used for prediction of P-V-T data. In addition, IAPWS-95 EOS for H2O shows excellent extrapolation behavior beyond 1.0 GPa and 1273 K. However, for the case of CO2, none of the existing EOS produces data in agreement with the FPMD results. We created new EOS for CO2. The precision of the new EOS is tested by comparison to the calculated P-V-T data, fugacity coefficient of the CO2 fluid derived from high P-T experimental data as well as to the (very scarce) experimental volumetric data in the high P-T range. On the basis of our FPMD data we created a new EOS for H2O-CO2 mixture. The new EOS for the mixture is in reasonable agreement with experimental data.

  16. Nanoscale Structure at Mineral-Fluid Interfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sturchio, N. C.; Sturchio, N. C.; Fenter, P.; Cheng, L.; Park, C.; Zhang, Z.; Zhang, Z.; Nagy, K. L.; Schlegel, M. L.


    The nature of nanoparticles and their role in the natural environment is currently a subject of renewed interest. The high surface area (and surface area-to-volume ratio) of nanoparticles exerts a widespread influence on geochemical reactions and transport processes. A thorough understanding of the nanoscale world remains largely hypothetical, however, because of the challenges associated with characterizing nanoscale structures and processes. Recent insights gained from high-resolution synchrotron x-ray reflectivity measurements at the solid-fluid interfaces of macroscopic (i.e., mm-scale) mineral particles may provide relevant guidelines for expected nanoparticle surface structures. For example, at calcite-water and barite-water interfaces, undercoordinated surface cations bond with water species of variable protonation, and modest relaxations (to several hundredths of a nanometer) affect the outermost unit cells [1,2]. Undercoordinated tetrahedral ions at aluminosilicate surfaces also bond with water species, whereas interstitial or interlayer alkali or alkaline earth ions at the surface may readily exchange with hydronium or other ions; modest relaxations also affect the outermost unit cells [3,4]. Modulation of liquid water structure out to about one nanometer has been observed at the (001) cleavage surface of muscovite in deionized water, and may be present at other mineral-fluid interfaces [4]. Dissolution mechanisms at the orthoclase-water interface have been clarified by combining x-ray reflectivity and scanning force microscopy measurements [5]. Further progress in understanding nanoscale structures and processes at macroscopic mineral-water interfaces is likely to benefit nanoparticle studies. [1] Fenter et al. (2000) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 1221-1228. [2] Fenter et al. (2001) J. Phys. Chem. B 105(34), 8112-8119. [3] Fenter et al. (2000) Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta 64, 3663-3673. [4] Cheng et al. (2001) Phys. Rev. Lett., (in press). [5] Teng et al

  17. Synthesis of New Solid Electrolytes.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Subsequently, some of these new peaks were identified as the peaks belonging to the 3 x 3 cubic superstructure first described by Kierkegaard 2 . In...34 ’ I i " I II i REFERENCES 1. C. Bush, B . S.- Thesis, Polytechnic institute of New York, 1977. 2. L. Hagman and P. Kierkegaard , Acta Chem

  18. Data used in Xu et al., 2016

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Mercury emissions data from anthropogenic sources as described in Xu et al., 2016.This dataset is associated with the following publication:Xu, X., N. Liu, M. Landis, X. Feng, and G. Qiu. Characteristics and distributions of atmospheric mercury emitted from anthropogenic sources in Guiyang, southwestern China. Acta Geochimica. Springer, Heidelburg, GERMANY, 1-11, (2016).

  19. Effects of High Power Lasers, Number 5, September 1974 - February 1975

    DTIC Science & Technology


    EOM J AiO FG1V FiKhOM F-KhMM FMiM FTP FTT FZh GiA GiK IAN Arm D\\.N Az SOURCE AB13Ri:viATIONS Avtomatika i tclcmekhanika Acta physica ... polonica Akadcniya nauk Armyanskoy SSR. Doklady Akadcrniya nauk Azerbaydzhanskoy SSR. Doklady Akadcrniya nauk Belorusskoy SSR. Doklady Ak

  20. Positron-Emitter Production in Solar Flares from 3He Reactions

    DTIC Science & Technology


    MeV nucleon1 from Brill (1965). At higher energies the cross section for 11C is from Crandall et al. (1956) and Aslanides et al. (1981). The labo...1989, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 53, 197 Aschwanden, M. J., Wills, M. J., Hudson, H. S., Kosugi, T., & Schwartz, R. A. 1996, ApJ, 468, 398 Aslanides

  1. Development of Guidance for States Transitioning to New Safety Analysis Tools

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Alluri, Priyanka


    With about 125 people dying on US roads each day, the US Department of Transportation heightened the awareness of critical safety issues with the passage of SAFETEA-LU (Safe Accountable Flexible Efficient Transportation Equity Act--A Legacy for Users) legislation in 2005. The legislation required each of the states to develop a Strategic Highway…

  2. Organization of the Optical Society of America Photonic Science Topical Meeting Series. Volume 3. The Microphysics of Surfaces: Beam-Induced Processes Held in Santa Fe, New Mexico on 11-13 February 1991

    DTIC Science & Technology


    as semiconductor material. Impor- tant applications are thin film solar cells, thin film transistors for liquid crystal displays, photoreceptors for...171, 1989. 307-311 3 T.MINAMI, H.NANTO and S.TAKATA, Thin Solid Films, Vol.124, 1985. 43-47 4 D.Z.DA, F.R.ZHU and H.S.TANG, Acta Energiae Solaris

  3. Diffusive Insights: On the Disagreement of Christian Bohr and August Krogh at the Centennial of the Seven Little Devils

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gjedde, Albert


    The year 2010 is the centennial of the publication of the "Seven Little Devils" in the predecessor of "Acta Physiologica". In these seven papers, August and Marie Krogh sought to refute Christian Bohr's theory that oxygen diffusion from the lungs to the circulation is not entirely passive but rather facilitated by a specific cellular activity…

  4. 76 FR 59252 - Approval and Promulgation of Air Quality Implementation Plans; Maryland; Transportation...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... contact information unless you provide it in the body of your comment. If you send an e-mail comment... and other contact information in the body of your comment and with any disk or CD-ROM you submit. If..., Accountable, Flexible, Efficient Transportation Equity Act--A Legacy for Users (SAFETEA-LU) was signed into...

  5. A Diagnostic Assessment for the Teaching of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Una Evaluación Diagnóstica Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomia.) Uma Avaliação Diagnóstica Para o Ensino da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pacifico Ribeiro de Assis Silveira, Felipa; Soares Gomes de Sousa, Célia Maria; Moreira, Antonio


    This article aims to present the results of a diagnostic evaluation, used as a tool for collecting data on prior knowledge of scientific concepts needed to understand the topic "Earth and Universe", from a group comprised of 47 students of 6th grade. The educational method of diagnosing the student's prior knowledge before teaching them is founded on the Meaningful Learning theory, proposed by David Ausubel. The diagnostic evaluation consisted of 25 questions; the answers were analyzed and categorized, making possible their interpretation, which allows us to understand the meanings assigned by the student to these concepts. It follows from the diagnostic evaluation, that the majority of students surveyed had difficulties in exposing scientific concepts on the topic "Earth and Universe" when starting the 6th grade. However, we identified relevant ideas and representations that contributed to the re-signification of scientific concepts proposed for the teaching of the subject in this grade. The results of diagnostic evaluation served as reference to the organization of the syllabus, making possible the learning process by matching the sequence of teaching to the students" characteristics and context of the classroom. It is expected that other researchers in this topic can also use the instrument presented in this paper. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de una evaluación diagnóstica, utilizada como una herramienta para recoger datos sobre el conocimiento previo de los conceptos científicos necesarios para comprender el tema "Tierra y Universo", de un grupo compuesto por 47 alumnos de 6º grado de la escuela primaria. La acción pedagógica del diagnóstico de los conocimientos previos del estudiante antes de enseñarles está justificada por la teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo, propuesta por David Ausubel. La evaluación de diagnóstico consistió en 25 preguntas, las respuestas fueron analizadas y clasificadas objetivando-se su interpretación, lo que nos permite comprender los significados asignados por el estudiante a estos conceptos. Se desprende de la evaluación diagnóstica que la mayoría de los encuestados ha tenido dificultades para exponer los conceptos científicos sobre el Universo y la Tierra, para iniciar el 6 º grado. Sin embargo, se identificaron ideas relevantes y las representaciones que contribuyeron a la re-significación de los conceptos científicos propuestos para la enseñanza del tema en esta serie. Los resultados de la evaluación diagnóstica han servido como referencia para la organización del Programa, facilitando el proceso de aprendizaje, haciendo coincidir la secuencia didáctica a las características de los estudiantes y el contexto del aula. Se espera que el instrumento presentado en este documento también pueda ser utilizado por otros investigadores en investigaciones relacionadas con el tema. Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os resultados de uma avaliação diagnóstica, utilizada como instrumento para a coleta de dados sobre o conhecimento prévio de conceitos científicos, necessários à compreensão do tema Terra e Universo, de um grupo composto por 47 estudantes, da 6ª série do Ensino Fundamental. A ação pedagógica de diagnosticar os conhecimentos prévios, do estudante, antes de ensiná-los, tem fundamento na teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, proposta por David Ausubel. Essa avaliação diagnóstica foi composta por 25 questões, cujas respostas foram analisadas e categorizadas visando sua interpretação, o que permitiu compreender os significados atribuídos pelo estudante a esses conceitos. Conclui-se, a partir da avaliação diagnóstica, que a maioria dos estudantes pesquisados apresentou dificuldades em expor conceitos científicos sobre o tema Terra e Universo ao iniciar a 6ª série. Entretanto, foram identificadas ideias e representações relevantes que contribuíram para a (re)significação dos conceitos científicos propostos para o ensino do tema nessa série. Os resultados da avaliação diagnóstica serviram como referência para a organização do plano de ensino, viabilizando o processo de aprendizagem, por adequar a sequência didática às características dos estudantes e ao contexto da sala de aula. É esperado que o instrumento apresentado nesse artigo possa ser utilizado também por outros pesquisadores em investigações relacionadas ao tema.

  6. Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale as a predictor of cognitive development and IQ in full-term infants: a 6-year longitudinal study.


    Canals, Josefa; Hernández-Martínez, Carmen; Esparó, Griselda; Fernández-Ballart, Joan


    To evaluate the predictive capacity of neonatal behaviour on infant mental and psychomotor development at 4 and 12 months, and infant intelligence at 6 years. Eighty full-term newborns were followed from 3 days until 6 years. Neonatal behaviour was assessed by the Neonatal Behavior Assessment Scale (NBAS) at 3 days postpartum, infant mental and psychomotor development was assessed by the Bayley Scales for Infant Development at 4 and 12 months, and child intelligence was assessed by the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence at 6 years. Neonatal general irritability was the predictor of mental development at 12 months. Self-regulation behaviours were predictors of psychomotor development at 4 and 12 months and verbal and total intelligence quotient at 6 years. Neonatal orientation was a predictor of performance Wechsler subtests related to visomotor abilities and attention. Neonatal self-regulation behaviours were the best predictors of infant development and intelligence. We suggest that the NBAS could be a useful tool to observe behaviours related to later development in healthy infants. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  7. Interactive comparison and remediation of collections of macromolecular structures.


    Moriarty, Nigel W; Liebschner, Dorothee; Klei, Herbert E; Echols, Nathaniel; Afonine, Pavel V; Headd, Jeffrey J; Poon, Billy K; Adams, Paul D


    Often similar structures need to be compared to reveal local differences throughout the entire model or between related copies within the model. Therefore, a program to compare multiple structures and enable correction any differences not supported by the density map was written within the Phenix framework (Adams et al., Acta Cryst 2010; D66:213-221). This program, called Structure Comparison, can also be used for structures with multiple copies of the same protein chain in the asymmetric unit, that is, as a result of non-crystallographic symmetry (NCS). Structure Comparison was designed to interface with Coot(Emsley et al., Acta Cryst 2010; D66:486-501) and PyMOL(DeLano, PyMOL 0.99; 2002) to facilitate comparison of large numbers of related structures. Structure Comparison analyzes collections of protein structures using several metrics, such as the rotamer conformation of equivalent residues, displays the results in tabular form and allows superimposed protein chains and density maps to be quickly inspected and edited (via the tools in Coot) for consistency, completeness and correctness. © 2017 The Protein Society.

  8. Possible roles of bilirubin and breast milk in protection against retinopathy of prematurity.


    Kao, Joanna S; Dawson, Jeffrey D; Murray, Jeffrey C; Dagle, John M; Berends, Susan K; Gillen, Susan B; Bell, Edward F


    To explore the association of serum bilirubin level and breast milk feeding with retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in preterm infants. We conducted a case-control study to examine the independent and combined effects of serum bilirubin and breast milk feeding on ROP risk in infants <32 weeks gestation or with birth weight <1500 g. Cases (66 infants with ROP) were matched with controls (66 infants without ROP) based on factors known to affect ROP risk. When analysed using the paired t-test, the peak bilirubin levels were lower in ROP cases than in controls (mean 7.2 vs. 7.9 mg/dL; p = 0.045). Using conditional logistic regression, we found a negative association between highest serum bilirubin level and risk of ROP (OR = 0.82 per 1-mg/dL change in bilirubin; p = 0.06). There was no significant association between breast milk feeding and risk of ROP. Bilirubin may help to protect preterm infants against ROP. © 2010 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2010 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  9. Antenatal counselling for parents facing an extremely preterm birth: limitations of the medical evidence.


    Janvier, Annie; Lorenz, John M; Lantos, John D


    When physicians are asked for a consult for women in premature labour, they face a complex set of challenges. Policy statements recommend that women be given detailed information about the risks of various outcomes, including death, long-term disability and various specific neonatal problems. Both personal narratives and studies suggest that parents also base their decisions on factors other than the probabilistic facts about expected outcomes. Statistics are difficult to understand at any time. Rational decision-making may be difficult when taking life-and-death decisions. Furthermore, the role of emotions is not discussed in peri-viability guidelines. We argue against trying to tell parents every fact that we think might be relevant to their decision. This may be overwhelming for many parents. Instead, doctors should try to discern, on a case-by-case basis, what particular parents want and need. Information and delivery of information should be personalized. Unfortunately, evidence in this area is limited. © 2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  10. Evaluation of visual field parameters in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.


    Demir, Helin Deniz; Inönü, Handan; Kurt, Semiha; Doruk, Sibel; Aydın, Erdinc; Etikan, Ilker


    To evaluate the effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) on retina and optic nerve. Thirty-eight patients with COPD and 29 healthy controls, totally 67 subjects, were included in the study. Visual evoked potentials (VEP) and visual field assessment (both standard achromatic perimetry (SAP) and short-wavelength automated perimetry (SWAP)) were performed on each subject after ophthalmological, neurological and pulmonary examinations. Mean deviation (MD), pattern standard deviation (PSD) and corrected pattern standard deviation (CPSD) were significantly different between patient and control groups as for both SAP and SWAP measurements (p = 0.001, 0.019, 0.009 and p = 0.004,0.019, 0.031, respectively). Short-term fluctuation (SF) was not statistically different between the study and the control groups (p = 0.874 and 0.694, respectively). VEP P100 latencies were significantly different between patients with COPD and the controls (p = 0.019). Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a systemic disease, and hypoxia in COPD seems to affect the retina and the optic nerve. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2012 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  11. Skeletal muscle-derived progenitors capable of differentiating into cardiomyocytes proliferate through myostatin-independent TGF-{beta} family signaling

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nomura, Tetsuya; Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Kyoto 602-8566; Ueyama, Tomomi


    The existence of skeletal muscle-derived stem cells (MDSCs) has been suggested in mammals; however, the signaling pathways controlling MDSC proliferation remain largely unknown. Here we report the isolation of myosphere-derived progenitor cells (MDPCs) that can give rise to beating cardiomyocytes from adult skeletal muscle. We identified that follistatin, an antagonist of TGF-{beta} family members, was predominantly expressed in MDPCs, whereas myostatin was mainly expressed in myogenic cells and mature skeletal muscle. Although follistatin enhanced the replicative growth of MDPCs through Smad2/3 inactivation and cell cycle progression, disruption of myostatin did not increase the MDPC proliferation. By contrast, inhibition of activinmore » A (ActA) or growth differentiation factor 11 (GDF11) signaling dramatically increased MDPC proliferation via down-regulation of p21 and increases in the levels of cdk2/4 and cyclin D1. Thus, follistatin may be an effective progenitor-enhancing agent neutralizing ActA and GDF11 signaling to regulate the growth of MDPCs in skeletal muscle.« less

  12. Advanced complex trait analysis.


    Gray, A; Stewart, I; Tenesa, A


    The Genome-wide Complex Trait Analysis (GCTA) software package can quantify the contribution of genetic variation to phenotypic variation for complex traits. However, as those datasets of interest continue to increase in size, GCTA becomes increasingly computationally prohibitive. We present an adapted version, Advanced Complex Trait Analysis (ACTA), demonstrating dramatically improved performance. We restructure the genetic relationship matrix (GRM) estimation phase of the code and introduce the highly optimized parallel Basic Linear Algebra Subprograms (BLAS) library combined with manual parallelization and optimization. We introduce the Linear Algebra PACKage (LAPACK) library into the restricted maximum likelihood (REML) analysis stage. For a test case with 8999 individuals and 279,435 single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs), we reduce the total runtime, using a compute node with two multi-core Intel Nehalem CPUs, from ∼17 h to ∼11 min. The source code is fully available under the GNU Public License, along with Linux binaries. For more information see Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  13. Inborn oxidative phosphorylation defect as risk factor for propofol infusion syndrome.


    Vanlander, A V; Jorens, P G; Smet, J; De Paepe, B; Verbrugghe, W; Van den Eynden, G G; Meire, F; Pauwels, P; Van der Aa, N; Seneca, S; Lissens, W; Okun, J G; Van Coster, R


    Propofol is an anesthetic agent widely used for induction and maintenance of anesthesia, and sedation in children. Although generally considered as reliable and safe, administration of propofol can occasionally induce a potentially fatal complication known as propofol infusion syndrome (PRIS). Mitochondrial dysfunction has been implicated in the pathogenesis of PRIS. We report on an adult patient with Leber hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) who developed PRIS. He was a carrier of the m.3460G>A mutation, one of the major three pathogenic point mutations associated with LHON. The propositus was blind and underwent propofol sedation after severe head injury. Five days after start of propofol infusion, the patient died. The activity of complex I of the oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) system was severely deficient in skeletal muscle. Our observation indicates that fulminate PRIS can occur in an adult patient with an inborn OXPHOS defect and corroborates the hypothesis that PRIS is caused by inhibition of the OXPHOS system. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica © 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  14. The use of indicators to improve the quality of intensive care: theoretical aspects and experiences from the Dutch intensive care registry.


    van der Voort, P H J; van der Veer, S N; de Vos, M L G


    In the concept of total quality management that was originally developed in industry, the use of quality indicators is essential. The implementation of quality indicators in the intensive care unit to improve the quality of care is a complex process. This process can be described in seven subsequent steps of an indicator-based quality improvement (IBQI) cycle. With this IBQI cycle, a continuous quality improvement can be achieved with the use of indicator data in a benchmark setting. After the development of evidence-based indicators, a sense of urgency has to be created, registration should start, raw data must be analysed, feedback must be given, and interpretation and conclusions must be made, followed by a quality improvement plan. The last step is the implementation of changes that needs a sense of urgency, and this completes the IBQI cycle. Barriers and facilitators are found in each step. They should be identified and addressed in a multifaceted quality improvement strategy. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica © 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  15. Ultra Low Thermal Expansion Ceramics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Lars-Ove Hagman and P. Kierkegaard , Acta Chem. Scand. 22, 1822 (1968). 5. J. Alamo and R. Roy, 3. Mat. Sci. 21, 444 (1986). 6. D.K. Agrawal and R...caticns (1-3). Earlier, Hagman and KierKegaard ( ) had synthesized saGe P3 3 and determied its crystal structure by using a single crystal. hev had

  16. Synthesis, biological evaluation, and live cell imaging of novel fluorescent duocarmycin analogs.


    Tietze, Lutz F; Behrendt, Frank; Pestel, Galina F; Schuberth, Ingrid; Mitkovski, Mišo


    For a better understanding of the mode of action of duocarmycin and its analogs, the novel fluorescent duocarmycin derivatives 13-15 and 17b-19b were synthesized, and their bioactivity as well as their cellular uptake investigated using confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM) in live-cell imaging experiments. Copyright © 2012 Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG, Zürich.

  17. Effect of Radiofrequency Radiation on DNA Duplex Stability and Replication.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Ando, T. A nuclease specific for heat-denatured DNA isolated from a product of Aspergillus oryzae . Biochim Biophys Acta 114:158-168 (1966). Blakeley...metabolic acti- vation. Mutation Res 64:315-328 (1979). Vogt,. V.M. Purification and further properties of single-strand-specific nuclease from Aspergillus oryzae . Eur J Biochem 33:192-200 (1973). 42

  18. Interferons and Alphavirus Pathogenesis: Implications for Developing Medical Countermeasures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    respiratory tract with Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus in normal and operated Macaca rhesus monkeys. II. Results of histological examination... respiratory tract with Venezuelan equine encephalomyelitis virus in normal and operated Macaca rhesus monkeys. I. Results of virological examination. Acta...alphavirus family: Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (VEEV), eastern equine encephalitis virus (EEEV), and western equine encephalitis virus (WEEV). I

  19. Synthesis and Structural Characterization of New High-Valent Inorganic Fluorine Compounds and their Oxidizing Properties. Volume 1

    DTIC Science & Technology


    G.J. Schrobilgen, unpublished work. 48. A. Zalkin, D.L. Ward, R.N. Biagioni and D.H. Templeton, Inorg. Chem., 1978, 17, 1318. 49. N. Bartlett, B.G...Spcctrochiin. Acta 1960, 10, 505. 25. This work. 26. Zalkin. A., Ward. D.L.; Biagioni , R.N.; Templetoi, DIH.; Bartlett, N. Inorg. Chem. 1978, 17, 1318. 2.7

  20. Show Me: A Report Card on Public Higher Education in Missouri

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Czelusniak, Sandra; Palmiero, Phyllis


    Missouri is the "Show Me" State. And with this goal in mind, the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) offers this report card to examine the state of higher education in Missouri. If the nation is to ensure its continued preeminence in higher education, policymakers, trustees, alumni, and taxpayers must know what is going on in…

  1. Joint Services Electronics Program (Harvard University. Cambridge, Massachusetts)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    34Band Structures of Semimagnetic Compounds," Acta Physica Polonica bf A73 (6), 933-941 (1988). (Partially supported by N00014-86-K-0760). c. Books...Journals K.L. Babcock and R.M. Westervelt, "Dynamics of Simple Electronic neural Net- works," Physica 28D, 305 (1987). C.M. Marcus and R.M. Westervelt

  2. Heat-Pipe Bismuth Laser; Examination of Laser Action at 4722A in Bismuth Vapor

    DTIC Science & Technology


    11, 15(1975). of Type 6p 3 -6p 2 7s in the Bismuth Atomic Spectrum in Intermediate Coupling," Acta Physica Polonica A47, 231(1975). 19. A.N. Nesmeyanov...Calculated Transit n Probabilities and Lifetimes for the First Excited Configuration np (n+l)s in the Neutral As, Sb and Bi Atoms, " Physica Scripta

  3. Bibliography of Soviet Laser Developments, Number 20. April-June 1975

    DTIC Science & Technology


    SOURCE ABBREVIATION’S Acta physica polonica Bulletin de 1 Academie Polonaise des Sciences. Serie des Sciences Techniques Akademiya nauk Belorusskoy...Ponath, J, Klein, A. Lau, and Chu Dinh Thuy (NS). Raman backscattering by polaritons in LilO-j sirgle crystals. Physica status...izobreteniya, promyshlennyye obrazts/, tovarnyye znaki Physica status solidi Radiotekhnika Radiotekhnika i elektronika Referativnyy zhurnal

  4. First Spectroscopic Identification of Pyrocarbonate for High CO2 Flux Membranes Containing Highly Interconnected Three Dimensional Ionic Channels

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Koura, S. Kohara , K. Takeuchi, S. Takahashi, L. A. Curtiss, M. Grimsditch and M.-L. Saboungi, J. Mol. Struct., 1996, 382, 163–169. 49 L.-J. Chen, X...Cheng, C.-J. Lin and C.-M. Huang, Electrochim. Acta, 2002, 47, 1475–1480. 50 S. Kohara , N. Koura, Y. Idemoto, S. Takahashi, M.-L. Saboungi and L. A

  5. Investigating Multitasking in High-Functioning Adolescents with Autism Spectrum Disorders Using the Virtual Errands Task

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rajendran, Gnanathusharan; Law, Anna S.; Logie, Robert H.; van der Meulen, Marian; Fraser, Diane; Corley, Martin


    Using a modified version of the Virtual Errands Task (VET; McGeorge et al. in "Presence-Teleop Virtual Environ" 10(4):375-383, 2001), we investigated the executive ability of multitasking in 18 high-functioning adolescents with ASD and 18 typically developing adolescents. The VET requires multitasking (Law et al. in "Acta Psychol" 122(1):27-44,…

  6. Superplasticity in Fine-Grained Ceramics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Stabilized, Tetragonal Zirconia," Acta Metall. Mater., 39(12), (1991), pp. 3227-3236. 10. B. Kellett, P. Carry, and A. Mocellin , "Extrusion of Tet-ZrO2...F. Wakai, S. Sakaguchi, and H. Kato, J. Ceram. Soc. Jap., 94, 72 (1986). 8. B. Kellett, P. Carry, and A. Mocellin , J. Amer. Ceram. Soc., 74, 1922

  7. First-principles Calculations of Twin-boundary and Stacking-fault Energies in Magnesium

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Vasu KI. Scripta Mater 1969;3:927. [7] Couret A, Caillard D. Acta Metall 1985;33:1455. [8] Fleischer RL . Scripta Mater 1986;20:223. [9] Liu ZK. J...Jackson KA, Pederson MR, Singh DJ, Fiolhais C. Phys Rev B 1992;46:6671. [17] Kresse G, Furthmuller J. Phys Rev B 1996;54:11169. [18] Kresse G, Joubert

  8. Congress' Record on Civil Rights

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Javits, Jacob


    This testimony, before a public hearing of the New York City Commission on Human Rights in May 1974, focuses on the Voting Rights Act--a law, extended in 1970, which provided for federal registrars in any state or county having a substantial minority population and a literacy test where voter participation fell below 50 percent-which is due to…

  9. Mechanical Properties of Structural Polymers. Computer Simulations and Key Experiments

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Technology", edited by R.W. Cahn, P. Haasen, and E.J. Kramer, (VCH: Weinheim, Germany) (vol. editor H. Mughrabi ) Vol. 6, in the press (1992). 14. A.S. Argon...34, Acta Metall. et Mater., submitted for publication. 5 32. A. Galeski, Z. Bartczak, A.S. Argon and R.E. Cohen, "Morphological Al - terations during

  10. A New Procedure for Determination of Electron Temperatures and Electron Concentrations by Thomson Scattering and Analytical Plasmas

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Spectrochim. Acta 40B, 1211 (1985). 24 30. K. A. MARSHALL and G. M. HIEFTJE, Spectrochim. Acca (submitted, 1987). 31. H. J. KUNZE, Plasma Diagnostics, Ed...13 0,47689017-16 0 .4 F6 S6 7 E.16 26 Table 2. Correction table for Nd/YAG laser. Real (true) Te (top line) and Ne (left column) values and

  11. Assessing the 40K decay constant by intercalibration with U-Pb, Rb-Sr and K-Ca chronometers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naumenko-Dèzes, M. O.; Nagler, T. F.; Mezger, K.; Villa, I. M.


    Ar-Ar is one of the most used dating systems and its accuracy plays an important role in constraining the age of planets, durations of processes and their sequence of occurrence. This system has been reported to give ages that are ca. 1% younger than U-Pb ages. The discrepancies between the two mostly used and precise geochronometers, U-Pb and K-Ar, have been a subject of critical reviewing (e.g. Renne et al. [1] and ref. therein) and were attributed to a systematic offset of the 40K decay constant. Multiple attempts to recalibrate it did not achieve consistency.We attempted to intercalibrate three dating systems: U-Pb (the main reference), Rb-Sr (the consistency check) and K-Ca (the unknown). We examined 11 natural samples, but only a phlogopite from the Phalaborwa carbonatite complex met all requirements of a geological "point-like" event [2]. The Rb-Sr age of this sample is 2058.9±5.2 Ma and agrees with the age determined by Nebel et al [3] and with published U-Pb ages. The K-Ca age for the same sample calculated with constants of Steiger&Jäger [4] is 2040±13 Ma, ca.1% younger age than U-Pb reference age of the complex. Since we improved the Ca measurements [5] the K-Ca age has a low uncertainty of 0.6%. This age constrains the decay constant of the Ca branch of the 40K decay. However, the total decay constant is given by one equation with two unknowns, the branching ratio B and the decay constant of the Ar branch.Within the range of published branching ratios (B = 0.892 to 0.896 [6]) the best total 40K decay constant lies mid-way between the values proposed by Renne et al [7] and Min et al [8] (fig. 1).Figure 1. K-Ca age of Phalaborwa phlogopite changes along sloping lines as a function of assumed branching ratio B, calculated with the total 40K decay constant of [3]. [5], [6].[1] Renne et al. (2010) Geochim. Cosmochim Acta 74, 5349-5367; [2] Begemann et al. (2001) Geochim. Cosmochim Acta 65, 111-121; [3] Nebel et al (2010) GCA 74, 5349; [4] Steiger

  12. Grain-Structure Development in Heavily Cold-Rolled Alpha-Titanium (Postprint)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    H.P. Lee, C. Esling , H.J. Bunge, Textures Microstruct. 7 (1988) 317–337. [10] S. Nourbakhsh, T.D. O’Brien, Mater. Sci. Eng. 100 (1988) 109–114. [11...2010) 4536–4548. [20] Y. Zhong, F. Yin, K. Nagai, J. Mater. Res. 23 (2008) 2954–2966. [21] M.J. Philippe, M. Serghat, P. Van Houtte, C. Esling , Acta

  13. JPRS Report, Science & Technology China

    DTIC Science & Technology


    40091007b Beijing WEISHENGWU XUEBAO [ACTA MICROBIOLOGICA SINICA] in Chinese Vol 28 No 3, Sep 88 pp 257- 264 [English abstract of article by Gong Jianhua...G.H., KAPL-M-SMS-31, 1956, pp 4-6. 4. Caldwell, C.S., WAPD -CP-1030, 1956, pp 1-5. 5. Himmelblau, D.M., et al., J. CHEM. ENG. DATA, Vol 5 No 1, 1

  14. Microjaponin, a new dihydroagarofuranoid sesquiterpene from the stem of Microtropis japonica with antituberculosis activity.


    Chen, Jih-Jung; Kuo, Wen-Lung; Chen, Ih-Sheng; Peng, Chien-Fang; Sung, Ping-Jyun; Cheng, Ming-Jen; Lim, Yun-Ping


    A new dihydroagarofuran-based sesquiterpene, microjaponin (1), was isolated from the stem of Microtropis japonica. Its structure was determined by in-depth spectroscopic and mass-spectrometric analyses. Microjaponin (1) exhibited potent in vitro antituberculosis activity, with an MIC value of 12.5 μg/ml against Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37 Rv. Copyright © 2014 Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG, Zürich.

  15. What Will They Learn? A Survey of Core Requirements at Our Nation's Colleges and Universities. 2011-12

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kempson, Lauri; Bako, Tom; Markley, Eric


    What does it mean to be a college graduate? One knows about the time and ever-increasing amount of money that a diploma demands. But when it comes down to what matters--the skills and knowledge acquired--what does a college degree mean? That is the question the American Council of Trustees and Alumni (ACTA) answers in this book. Inside one will…

  16. Atomic Transport in Metallic Glasses.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Poate, and W.L. Brown, Appl. Phys. Lett. 32 (1978) 461. 14) D. Akhtar, B. Cantor, and R.W. Cahn, Acta Metall. 30 (1982) 1571. 15) P. Gupta , K.N. Tu...Luborsky, 1R. Sato Turtelli, G.P. Soardo and F. Vinai , IEEE Trans. Magn. MAG-17 (1981) 2615. 28) N. Moser and H. KronmTller, J. Magn. Magn. Mat. 19

  17. The Use of Optical Electronegativities to Assign Electronic Spectra of Semiquinone Complexes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Auburn, E.S. Dodsworth, M. Haga, W. Liu, M. Melnik and W.A. Nevin, J. Am. Chem. Soc. 110 (1988) 8076. 8. C. Benelli, A. Dei, D. Gatteschi and L. Pardi...Inorg. Chim. Acta 163 (1989) 99. 9. C. Benelli, A. Dei, D. Gatteschi and L. Pardi, Inorg. Chem. 28 (1989) 1476. 10. C. Benelli, A. Dei, D. Gatteschi , H.U

  18. SETI-3: the Search for ExtraTerrestrial Intelligence. A selection of papers from 1987-1990 Symposia of the International Academy of Astronautics held during the 38th-41st Congress (Brighton, Bangalore, Malaga, Dresden) of the International Astronautical Federation.



    This special issue of Acta Astronautica is a compilation of selected papers presented at Review Meetings on SETI at the 1987-1990 International Academy of Astronautics Congresses. Papers are drawn from seven areas: bioastronomical context, SETI technology, SETI searches, radio frequency interferences, possibilities for newer instrumentation, interdisciplinary connections, and public relations. Two papers presented at the Pesek Lecture are included.

  19. On the correlations between the polyhedron eccentricity parameters and the bond-valence sums for the cations with one lone electron pair.


    Sidey, Vasyl


    Applicability of the Wang-Liebau polyhedron eccentricity parameter in the bond-valence model [Wang & Liebau (2007). Acta Cryst. B63, 216-228] has been found to be doubtful: the correlations between the values of the polyhedron eccentricity parameters and the bond-valence sums calculated for the cations with one lone electron pair are probably an artifact of the poorly determined bond-valence parameters.

  20. Diagnostic and Predictive Values of Thirst, Angiotensin II, and Vasopressin During Trauma Resuscitation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and plasma AVP and AT2 levels across a broader spectrum of hemorrhagic shock severity may be warranted. The authors wish to thank the medical, nursing ...301. 2. Olsson K. Central control of vasopressin release and thirst. Acta Paediatr Scand Suppl. 1983;305:36–9. Pr eh os p E m er g C ar e D ow nl oa

  1. Antibodies to Liposomes, Phospholipids, and Cholesterol, Implications for Autoimmunity, Atherosclerosis and Aging

    DTIC Science & Technology


    bromelain , the autoantibodies recognize the con- figuration of phosphatidyicholine in the membranes." In summary, autoantibodies to lipids and lipid...Cox, JO, Hardy, SJ (1985). Autoantibodies against mouse bromelain -modified RBC are specifically inhibited by a common membrane phospholipid...Biophys Acta 903:265-272. Fujiwara M, Akiyama, Y (1980). LPS-induced autoantibody response. I. Ontogenic development of PFC response to bromelain

  2. A Study of the Effect of Interrupted Quenches on a Thermomechanically Processed High Carbon Steel.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Martensite And Austenite Phases In Steel Using Copper Radiation ---------------------------- 38 4° J !7...34A General Equa- tion Prescribing the Extent of the Austenite- Martensite Transformation in Pure Iron-Carbon Alloys and Plain Carbon Steels ," Acta Met...relatively low temperatures, resulting in incomplete disso- lution of alloy carbides, predominantly Fe-Cr complexes. In some instances 52100 steel is

  3. Acta Oncologica Lecture. Gastrointestinal consequences of cancer treatment and the wider context: a bad gut feeling.


    Muls, Ann Cecile


    The percentage of people living with a diagnosis of cancer is rising globally. Between 20% and 25% of people treated for cancer experience a consequence of cancer which has an adverse impact on the quality of their life. Gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms are the most common of all consequences of cancer treatment and have the greatest impact on daily activity. PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF LONG-TERM BOWEL DAMAGE AFTER PELVIC RADIOTHERAPY: Long-term damage to the bowel after radiotherapy is mediated by ischaemic changes and fibrosis. Each fraction of radiotherapy causes a series of repetitive injuries to the intestinal tissue resulting in an altered healing process, which affects the integrity of the repair and changes the architecture of the bowel wall. THE NATURE OF GI SYMPTOMS THAT DEVELOP: Patient-reported outcome measures show that diarrhoea, urgency, increased bowel frequency, tenesmus and flatulence are the five most prevalent GI symptoms with a moderate or severe impact on patients' daily lives after treatment with pelvic radiotherapy. Many patients also experience fatigue, urinary problems and have sexual concerns. SYSTEMATIC ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT: The complex nature of those symptoms warrants systematic assessment and management. The use of a tested algorithm can assist in achieving this. The most common contributing factors to ongoing bowel problems after pelvic radiotherapy are small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, bile acid malabsorption, pancreatic insufficiency, rectal bleeding and its impact on bone health. Symptom burden, socio-psychosocial impact, memory and cognitive function, fatigue, urinary problems and sexual concerns need to be taken into account when thinking about consequences of cancer treatment. As our understanding of consequences of cancer treatments continues to emerge and encompass a wide variety of specialties, a holistic, multifaceted and multidisciplinary approach is required to manage those consequences long-term.

  4. Where is the Phosphorus in Cometary Volatiles?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boice, Daniel C.; de Almeida, Amaury


    Phosphorus is a key element in all living organisms but its role in life's origin is not well understood. Phosphorus-bearing compounds have been observed in space, are ubiquitous in meteorites in small quantities, and have been detected as part of the dust component in comets Halley and Wild 2. However, searches for P-bearing species in the gas phase in cometary comae have been unsuccessful. We present results of the first quantitative study of P-bearing molecules in comets to identify likely species containing phosphorus. We found reaction pathways of gas-phase and photolytic chemistry for simple P-bearing molecules likely to be found in comets and important for prebiotic chemistry. We hope to aid future searches for this important element, especially the Rosetta Mission to Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko, possibly shedding light on issues of comet formation (time and place) and understanding prebiotic to biotic evolution of life.Acknowledgements: We greatly appreciate support from the NSF Planetary Astronomy Program under Grant No. 0908529 and the Instituto de Astronomia, Geofísica e Ciências Atmosféricas at the University of São Paulo.

  5. [A place in the macrocosmos: Paracelsus in Bad Pfäfers].


    Pörksen, G


    The script about Bad Pfäfers is an exception within the entire work of Paracelsus: It is short, completely worked over and has been printed already during his lifetime. It contains an unique list of comments on latin termini in his native language, hints about the context of their origin and may be read like a concentrate of his philosophy. Biography and personality of Paracelsus are briefly outlined; thereafter, the dark preface of the script on Bad Pfäfers is commented on. The latter turned out to be a stenograph of his central ideas on natural philosophy and cosmology as expressed in other scripts of the thirties, in the 'Astronomia magna' in particular (1536). The concept of the human body, of his macrocosmic derivation and of the 'source' as natural testimony of the healing nature of Christ becomes clear. Finally, from circumstantial evidence in text and context of the script, it is concluded, that it must have derived from the dialogue with the personnel of the spa uneducated in a humanistic sense, and may be understood as an abbreviated draft ("aide-mémoire") of Paracelsic instructions.

  6. Comment on ‘Gravitational lensing of massive particles in Schwarzschild gravity’ (2016 Class. Quantum Grav. 33 175014)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zakharov, Alexander F.


    Recently, Liu et al published a paper (2016 Class. Quantum Grav. 33 175014). In the abstract, the authors claimed as a key result of the paper that a particle sphere is found for the Schwarzschild black hole (BH), with its radius as a simple function of the particle velocity and proportional to the BH mass. Usually, if there are no references for the result it is assumed that the result was obtained originally in the paper; but this is not the case for the quoted paper. The concept of a particle sphere was introduced by Mielnik and Plebański (1962 Acta Phys. Pol. 21 239) and a simple derivation of the critical impact parameter was given in Zakharov A F (1988 Sov. Astron. 32 456 and Zakharov A F 1994 Class. Quantum Grav. 11 1027). We show that in slightly different notations, equation (17) for the critical impact parameter in Liu X et al (2016 Class. Quantum Grav. 33 175014) coincides with equation (12) in Zakharov (1994 Class. Quantum Grav. 11 1027) and with the corresponding equation (10.10) in Mielnik and Plebański (1962 Acta Phys. Pol. 21 239).

  7. Chronic suppurative otitis media in children of Luanda, Angola.


    Taipale, Anni; Pelkonen, Tuula; Taipale, Marko; Bernardino, Luis; Peltola, Heikki; Pitkäranta, Anne


    Evaluation of clinical characteristics, bacteriology and hearing in paediatric patients with and without chronic suppurative otitis media (CSOM) in Luanda, Angola. Interview, clinical examination, ear-discharge culture, open air pure-tone audiometry and brainstem auditory-evoked potentials of 23 outpatients with CSOM and 23 controls in a paediatric hospital. Of the CSOM vs. control children, 35% vs. 26% had running water, 70% vs. 70% electricity, 64% vs. 0% HIV (p<0.0001) and 36% vs. 0% tuberculosis in history (p=0.002). Ten (43%) children had bilateral CSOM. The major ear-discharge pathogens were Proteus spp. (44%) and Pseudomonas (22%). Hearing impairment of >25 dB was present in 52% of CSOM-affected ears and bilateral hearing loss in 7 (30%) CSOM children vs. zero control child (p=0.009). Only one hearing-impaired child's family had previously detected the handicap. CSOM occurred in children with high co-morbidity. Persistent otorrhoea was usually caused by Proteus spp. or Pseudomonas, and often suggestive of either HIV or hearing impairment. In the developing countries, prompt diagnosis and treatment of CSOM would enhance the children's linguistic and academic development. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  8. The quality of the outdoor environment influences childrens health -- a cross-sectional study of preschools.


    Söderström, M; Boldemann, C; Sahlin, U; Mårtensson, F; Raustorp, A; Blennow, M


    To test how the quality of the outdoor environment of child day care centres (DCCs) influences children's health. The environment was assessed using the Outdoor Play Environmental Categories (OPEC) tool, time spent outdoors and physical activity as measured by pedometer. 172/253 (68%) of children aged 3.0-5.9 from nine DCCs participated in Southern Sweden. Health data collected were body mass index, waist circumference, saliva cortisol, length of night sleep during study, and symptoms and well-being which were scored (1-week diary - 121 parent responders). Also, parent-rated well-being and health of their child were scored (questionnaire, 132 parent responders). MANOVA, ANOVA and principal component analyses were performed to identify impacts of the outdoor environment on health. High-quality outdoor environment at DCCs is associated with several health aspects in children such as leaner body, longer night sleep, better well-being and higher mid-morning saliva cortisol levels. The quality of the outdoor environment at DCCs influenced the health and well-being of preschool children and should be given more attention among health care professionals and community planners. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  9. Infant anaemia is associated with infection, low birthweight and iron deficiency in rural Bangladesh.


    Eneroth, Hanna; Persson, Lars-Åke; El Arifeen, Shams; Ekström, Eva-Charlotte


    To estimate the prevalence of infant anaemia and its association with iron deficiency, growth, infection and other micronutrient deficiencies. Using data from MINIMat, a randomized maternal food and micronutrient supplementation trial, we assessed the associations between anaemia (haemoglobin < 105 g/L) in 580 infants at 6 months and deficiencies of iron, vitamin A, vitamin B12, zinc and folate, infection and anthropometric indices. Variables associated with anaemia in bivariate analyses were evaluated in logistic regression models, adjusting for potential confounders. Anaemia was found in 46% of the infants, and among these, 28% had iron deficiency (plasma ferritin <9 μg/L). Elevated C-reactive protein (>10mg/L) (OR = 2.7, 95% CI: 1.6, 4.7), low birthweight (OR = 2.3, 95% CI: 1.5, 3.5) and iron deficiency (OR = 2.2, 95% CI: 1.4, 3.6) were independently associated with increased risk for anaemia. We also observed a seasonal variation in anaemia not mediated through the other factors studied. In a cohort in rural Bangladesh, anaemia at age 6 months was common and associated with infection, low birthweight and iron deficiency. © 2010 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2010 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  10. Deep sequencing detects very-low-grade somatic mosaicism in the unaffected mother of siblings with nemaline myopathy.


    Miyatake, Satoko; Koshimizu, Eriko; Hayashi, Yukiko K; Miya, Kazushi; Shiina, Masaaki; Nakashima, Mitsuko; Tsurusaki, Yoshinori; Miyake, Noriko; Saitsu, Hirotomo; Ogata, Kazuhiro; Nishino, Ichizo; Matsumoto, Naomichi


    When an expected mutation in a particular disease-causing gene is not identified in a suspected carrier, it is usually assumed to be due to germline mosaicism. We report here very-low-grade somatic mosaicism in ACTA1 in an unaffected mother of two siblings affected with a neonatal form of nemaline myopathy. The mosaicism was detected by deep resequencing using a next-generation sequencer. We identified a novel heterozygous mutation in ACTA1, c.448A>G (p.Thr150Ala), in the affected siblings. Three-dimensional structural modeling suggested that this mutation may affect polymerization and/or actin's interactions with other proteins. In this family, we expected autosomal dominant inheritance with either parent demonstrating germline or somatic mosaicism. Sanger sequencing identified no mutation. However, further deep resequencing of this mutation on a next-generation sequencer identified very-low-grade somatic mosaicism in the mother: 0.4%, 1.1%, and 8.3% in the saliva, blood leukocytes, and nails, respectively. Our study demonstrates the possibility of very-low-grade somatic mosaicism in suspected carriers, rather than germline mosaicism. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Warming preterm infants in the delivery room: polyethylene bags, exothermic mattresses or both?


    McCarthy, Lisa K; O'Donnell, Colm P F


    To compare the admission temperature of infants treated with polyethylene bags alone to infants treated with exothermic mattresses in addition to bags in the delivery room. We prospectively studied infants born at <31 weeks' gestation who were placed in bags at birth. Some infants were also placed on mattresses. Admission axillary temperatures were measured in all infants on admission to the neonatal intensive care. We compared the temperatures of infants treated with bags alone to those treated with mattresses and bags. We studied 43 infants: 15 were treated with bags while 28 were treated with a bag and mattress. Mean admission temperature was similar between the groups. Hypothermia and hyperthermia occurred more frequently in infants treated with a bag and mattress, and more infants treated with a bag had admission temperatures 36.5-37.5°C. The use of exothermic mattresses in addition to polyethylene bags, particularly in younger, smaller newborns, may result in more hypothermia and hyperthermia on admission. A randomised controlled trial is necessary to determine which strategy results in more infants having admission temperatures in the normal range. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  12. Complexation of carboxylate on smectite surfaces.


    Liu, Xiandong; Lu, Xiancai; Zhang, Yingchun; Zhang, Chi; Wang, Rucheng


    We report a first principles molecular dynamics (FPMD) study of carboxylate complexation on clay surfaces. By taking acetate as a model carboxylate, we investigate its inner-sphere complexes adsorbed on clay edges (including (010) and (110) surfaces) and in interlayer space. Simulations show that acetate forms stable monodentate complexes on edge surfaces and a bidentate complex with Ca 2+ in the interlayer region. The free energy calculations indicate that the complexation on edge surfaces is slightly more stable than in interlayer space. By integrating pK a s and desorption free energies of Al coordinated water calculated previously (X. Liu, X. Lu, E. J. Meijer, R. Wang and H. Zhou, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2012, 81, 56-68; X. Liu, J. Cheng, M. Sprik, X. Lu and R. Wang, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 2014, 140, 410-417), the pH dependence of acetate complexation has been revealed. It shows that acetate forms inner-sphere complexes on (110) in a very limited mildly acidic pH range while it can complex on (010) in the whole common pH range. The results presented in this study form a physical basis for understanding the geochemical processes involving clay-organics interactions.

  13. Parameters for Efficient Fuel Cell Catalyst Structures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    investigation of Pd towards the MOR was therefore not investigated in detail. 3.4 Pt on Diamond Pt nanostructured monocrystalline diamond(100...potentiostatic double pulse technique. Monocrystalline diamond is particularly suitable for this application due to the homogeneous surface and the...Henglein, U. Stimming, and W. Unkauf, Electrochim. Acta, 45, (2000) 3283. [4] H. A. Gasteiger, J. E. Panels , and S. G. Yan, J. Power Sources, 127

  14. Occult HBV reactivation induced by ibrutinib treatment: a case report.


    de Jésus Ngoma, Patrick; Kabamba, Benoît; Dahlqvist, Geraldine; Sempoux, Christine; Lanthier, Nicolas; Shindano, Tony; Van Den Neste, Eric; Horsmans, Yves


    Ibrutinib is a small molecule that has been recently developped for the treatment of B cell malignancies. Common side effects are diarrhoea, nausea, fatigue, infections, neutropenia and thrombocytopenia. Here we report the first case of Hepatitis B virus reactivation in a 80 years old chronic lymphocytic leukaemia patient receiving ibrutinib, suggesting that such treatment must be associated with HBV screening. © Acta Gastro-Enterologica Belgica.

  15. Laser Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy (LIBS)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    mass spectrometry and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spe T Trejos, A Flores and JR. Almirall, Micro-spectrochemical analysis of document paper...and gel inks by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry and laser induced breakdown spectroscopy, Spectrochimica Acta Part B...abstracts): 1. *Schenk, E.R. “Elemental analysis of unprocessed cotton by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS) and laser

  16. Effect of Aluminum on the Microstructure and Properties of Two Refractory High-Entropy Alloys (Postprint)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    The chemical compositions of the recrystallized ic release; distribution unlimited. Fig. 5. (a) Equiaxed grain structure of the annealed...deformation bands crossing a grain boundary; (c) fine recrystallized grains formed at grain boundaries; (d) a higher magnification image shows the...presence of nano-precipitates at the boundaries of the recrystallized grains. 220 O.N. Senkov et al. / Acta Materialia 68 (2014) 214–228and non

  17. A Morphofunctional Study on the Effect of Cytochalasin B on Intestinal Water Transport.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Topic Category Selection hydrochloride . c. Signature Block for Member’s Signature d. Check Presentation Preference Box Each Abstract Form submitted...1999: 4-(2-isopropylamino-I-hydroxyethyl) methanesulfonanilide b. Topic Category Selection hydrochloride . c. Signature Block for Member’s Signature d...intestinal glyco- protein incorporation of 01-14 ) Glucosamine in vitro. Biochim Biophys Acta 261:353. Moe H (1955). On goblet cells, especially of

  18. Estimating reliable paediatric reference intervals in clinical chemistry and haematology.


    Ridefelt, Peter; Hellberg, Dan; Aldrimer, Mattias; Gustafsson, Jan


    Very few high-quality studies on paediatric reference intervals for general clinical chemistry and haematology analytes have been performed. Three recent prospective community-based projects utilising blood samples from healthy children in Sweden, Denmark and Canada have substantially improved the situation. The present review summarises current reference interval studies for common clinical chemistry and haematology analyses. ©2013 Foundation Acta Paediatrica. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Demographic and Geographical Characteristics of Pediatric Trauma in Scotland

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the 8-fold Scottish Urban/ Rural Classifi- cation [20], which is based on settlement size and drive time to major conurbations. Social deprivation was...distribution, but with some exceptions. Scotland has an eccentrically distributed population, with 69.5% living in urban areas ( Scottish urban/ rural ...high rate of mortality and prehospital death. Acta Anaesthesiol Scand 2003;47:153-6. [20] Scottish Government: Scottish government urban/ rural

  20. Time Course of Visual Extrapolation Accuracy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    The pond and duckweed problem: Three experiments on the misperception of exponential growth . Acta Psychologica 43, 239-251. Wiener, E.L., 1962...random variation in tracker velocity. Both models predicted changes in hit and false alarm rates well, except in a condition where response asymmetries...systematic velocity error in tracking, only random variation in tracker velocity. Both models predicted changes in hit and false alarm rates well

  1. Sanguinarine: A Novel Agent Against Prostate Cancer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the possibility of treatment- toxicity , the effect of treatments on food/water consumption and body weight was monitored twice weekly throughout not shown). Further, the treatments were not found to have any evident toxic effects (body weight, food/fluid consumption) on the TRAMP mice...c]phenanthridine alkaloids sanguinarine and chelerythrine: biological activities and dental care applications. Acta Univ Palacki Olomuc Fac Med 139:7

  2. Summer Student Breast Cancer Research Training Program

    DTIC Science & Technology


    by phosphatidic acid in Jurkat leukemic cells: the role of protein phos- phatase-1. Biochim Biophys Acta 2001;1541:188–200. 25. Tonnetti L, Veri MC...Asian mushroom, Ganoderma lucidum, upon highly invasive breast cancer cells, on the role of omega-3 fatty acids in preventing and treating breast...research training; breast cancer; fatty acids and prevention; nutrition and prevention; alternative prevention 16. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF

  3. JPRS Report China

    DTIC Science & Technology


    materials and teach them the technol- ogy. Once armed with the technology, they went into business on their own, borrowing capital from overseas Chinese or...opened this year. 12802 AGRICULTURE Projects Supported by National Natural Science Foundation 40060239 Beijing ZHIWU XUEBAO [ACTA BOTANICA SINICAJ...On Research in Educational Psychology; * 1. Research in the psychology of esthetics; * 2. Study and application of psychology of teaching ; 3

  4. The Proposed Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement: Background and Key Issues

    DTIC Science & Technology


    or is negotiating regional and bilateral FTAs with several of the ACTA participants. Some observers have questioned why countries designated in...Notably, China, India , and Brazil currently are not participants to this agreement. Negotiations on the agreement are ongoing; participants have expressed...bilateral free trade agreements ( FTAs ). In negotiating recent FTAs , the USTR frequently has sought levels of protection that exceed the minimum standards

  5. Role of Activin A in Immune Response to Breast Cancer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the response to radiotherapy (RT). 2 KEYWORDS Breast cancer, metastasis, transforming growth factor-beta (TGFβ) superfamily, activin- A, radiotherapy... Transforming Growth Factor-beta (TGFβ) and activin A (actA) are members of the TGFβ superfamily with overlapping as well as distinct functions in many...Vaccination C. Vanpouille-Box, S. Formenti, and S. Demaria; Weill Cornell Medical College, New York, NY Purpose/Objective(s): Transforming Growth

  6. National Registry of Genetically Triggered Thoracic Aortic Aneurysms and Cardiovascular Conditions


    Marfan Syndrome; Turner Syndrome; Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome; Loeys-Dietz Syndrome; FBN1, TGFBR1, TGFBR2, ACTA2 or MYH11 Genetic Mutation; Bicuspid Aortic Valve Without Known Family History; Bicuspid Aortic Valve With Family History; Bicuspid Aortic Valve With Coarctation; Familial Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissections; Shprintzen-Goldberg Syndrome; Other Aneur/Diss of Thoracic Aorta Not Due to Trauma, <50yo; Other Congenital Heart Disease

  7. Release of a Wound-healing Agent from PLGA Microspheres in a Thermosensitive Gel

    DTIC Science & Technology


    have been associated with infectious complications due to the nature of wounding, giving rise to significant devitalized tissue, con- tamination of...Command, Military Infectious Dis- eases, and Combat Casualty Care Research Directorates. References [1] C. K. Murray, “ Infectious disease complications...pluronic-based metronidazole in situ gelling formulations for vaginal application,” Acta Pharmaceutica, vol. 62, no. 1, pp. 59–70, 2012. [24] K. D. Thakker

  8. A Study of the Diffusion, Electrochemical Mobility and Removal of Dissolved Copper in a Saturated Porous Medium.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    aqueous solutions : use of activity coefficients in transition-state models: Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, v...native state at 25°C at any activity level below 10+46.0 in an aqueous solution . Because such an activity level is impossible, sodium cannot be reduced...stoichiometric coefficients . It is necessary to calculqte the activity coefficients of dissolved copper in the test solutions in order to render an

  9. Development of a Human Systems Integration Framework for Coast Guard Acquisition

    DTIC Science & Technology


    retrospective. Acta Astronautica, 65(9), 1216–1223. McCauley, M. (2013). Application of anthropometry to ergonomics and system design [PowerPoint...Systems and Humans, IEEE Transactions On, 30(3), 286–297. Pheasant, S., & Haslegrave, C. M. (2006). Bodyspace: Anthropometry, ergonomics and the design ...words) Human systems integration (HSI) applies knowledge of human capabilities and limitations to design more efficient, effective and safe military

  10. Sample Size Induced Brittle-to-Ductile Transition of Single-Crystal Aluminum Nitride

    DTIC Science & Technology


    exhibit many distinctive physical and mechanical properties, compared to metallic and polymeric materials, but the propensity toward brittle fracture ...micromechanism for the plastic deformation of ductile metals while the mechanical performance of high-strength ceramics is often dominated by brittle fracture at...SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES A reprint from Acta Materialia 88 (2015) 252–259 14. ABSTRACT Ceramics are known to be mechanically hard, chemically inert and

  11. Comparison of the Direct Costs, Length of Recovery, and Incidence of Post Operative Anti-Emetic use After Anesthesia Induction with Propofol or a 1:1 Mixture of Thiopental and Propofol

    DTIC Science & Technology


    other agent. The net result was enhanced GABA function. Further experiments need to be done to confirm this. Propofol and midazolam (a...REFERENCES Amrein, R., Hetzel, W., & Allen, S. R. (1995). Co-induction of anaesthesia: The rationale. European Journal of Anaesthesiology Supplement...alfentanil for a short gynecological procedure. Acta Anaesthesiology Scandinavia, 40(4), 416-420. 1:1 Mixture 47 Gan, T.J., Ginsberg, B., Grant, A.P

  12. A Comparison of Intrathecal and Epidural Analgesia and Its Effect on Length of Labor

    DTIC Science & Technology


    meperidine > codeine. Their experiments indicated that the analgesic effects of systemically administered narcotics is in part mediated by the...explanation is that subjects who experience prolonged, painful labor may be more likely to ask for pain control with regional analgesia. Thus creating...reference to the use of different local anesthetic agents. Acta Anaesthesiology Scandinavia. 23, 519-529. Wood, C, Huig-Ng, K., & Hounslow, D. (1973). The

  13. Major Cation, Carbon System and Trace Element Chemistry in Pore Waters from a Depth Transect of Cores on the Iberian Margin: Implications for Paleoproxies.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greaves, M.; Elderfield, H.; Hodell, D. A.; Skinner, L. C.; Sevilgen, D.; Grauel, A. L.; de la Fuente, M.; Misra, S.


    A significant body of work exists on the chemistry of pore waters from DSDP and ODP drilling cores (e.g. Gieskes 1975; Sayles 1981) showing large gradients in sea salt cations and anions interpreted in terms of diagenetic reactions such as the formation of Mg-rich clays and dolomite formation (Higgins and Schrag, 2010). Another class of diagenetic reactions involves the breakdown of organic matter and trace element behaviour (Froelich et al., 1979). The translation of chemical gradients into fluxes requires estimates of pore water chemistry across the sea water - sediment surface boundary. Additionally, the use of the chemistry of benthic foraminiferal calcite for seawater paleochemistry requires estimation of the chemistry of pore waters which may differ from that of bottom seawater because of diagenetic reactions. In this work we have collected multi core samples from 10 core sites on cruise RRS James Cook JC089 on the southwest Iberian continental margin. Pore waters were extracted from the core surface and at 1 cm depth intervals down core (typically to ~40 cm depth) using Rhizon samplers and analysed for Alkalinity, DIC, ∂13C and Na, K, Mg, Ca, Li, Mn, Fe, Ba, B, Sr by atomic emission spectrophotometry as well as O2 penetration and pH by microelectrodes. This has allowed us to inspect chemical behavior at the bottom water - sediment interface. Some examples of results are a large gradient in ∂13C of DIC, the similarity of zero O2 penetration followed by an increase in Mn concentration and then decrease to zero, the similarity of Li to Mn and, in contrast to much DSDP/ODP work, Ca2+ and Mg2+both decrease with depth in pore waters near the sediment surface. References: Gieskes J.M. Annu. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 3, 433 (1975). Sayles F. L. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta45, 1061 (1981). Higgins J.A. and D.P. Schrag. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta.74, 5039 (2010). Froelich, P.N., et al., Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta. 43, 1075 (1979).

  14. An update on 11B,10B fractionation in the fundamental reaction: 10B(OH)3 + 11B(OH)4- = 11B(OH)3 + 10B(OH)4-

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klochko, K.; Tossell, J. A.


    It has recently been demonstrated experimentally by Byrne, et al. (2006) and Klochko, et al. (2006) that the equilibrium constant for the isotopic exchange reaction: 10B(OH)3 + 11B(OH)4- = 11B(OH)3 + 10B(OH)4- (1) has a value around 1.027 for seawater at 25°C, for total B concentrations from 0.01 to 0.05 molal. These experimental studies involved essentially the accurate determination of the small pKa difference between the 11B and 10B isotopomers of boric acid. This new equilibrium constant value is significantly higher than the traditional value of 1.0194 from Kakihana, et al. (1977). This result has been obscured in recent controversies (Honisch, et al., 2007). The new value agrees well with the ab initio quantum cluster calculated values of Liu and Tossell (2005) and with the ab initio MD harmonic values of Rustad and Bylaska (2007). We will present additional calculations supporting and extending the study of Liu and Tossell (2005) and will discuss the general unsuitability of methods such as Sanchez-Valle, et al. (2005) which employ experimental spectral data. We have also established that polyborate formation in solutions as concentrated as 0.50 molal total B has little effect on the equilibrium constant. A mechanism is also presented for the interaction of B(OH)3 and B(OH)4- with HCO3- species occurring on the calcite surface. References: Byrne, et al. Deep-Sea Research I (2006) 53, 684-688. Honisch, et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (2007) 71, 1636-1641. Kakihana, et al. Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. (1977) 50, 158-163. Klochko, et al. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. (2006) 248, 276-285. Liu and Tossell Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (2005) 69, 3995-4006. Rustad and Bylaska J. Am. Chem. Soc. (2007) 129, 2222-2223. Sanchez-Valle, et al. Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta (2005) 69, 4301-4313.

  15. Mars astronomy: observations concerning Ares myth. (Italian Title: L'astronomia di Marte: osservazioni celate nel mito di Ares)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Colona, P.


    We show that the myth of Ares defeated by the giants Aloads is a description of how the planet Mars appears in the sky during its synodic revolution. This criptoscientific myth reported by Homer holds enough astronomical information to make sound this archaeoastronomical interpretation.The tale accounts for the length of the semiperiod of the Martian revolution and presents the notion that Mercury is the only planet which is always visible when Mars recovers after the solar conjunction.

  16. Um Projeto de Intervenção nos Espaços de Exposições do Planetário do Parque do Ibirapuera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elias, D. S.; Amaral, L. H.; de Araújo, C. F., Jr.; Matsuura, O. T.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Cada vez mais a humanidade, em sua imensa maioria, está alheia às próprias conquistas. A insatisfação com esta realidade tem levado muitos pesquisadores, instituições, empresas e governos a procurar formas alternativas de acompanhar e transmitir todo este acervo científico cultural à sociedade, buscando a melhoria da qualidade da divulgação científica e contribuindo para o processo de cultura e alfabetização científica. Não há tempo nem espaço nos limitados planos curriculares do ensino médio e mesmo nos programas de ensino que propiciem a cultura científica e o acompanhamento do vertiginoso progresso científico e tecnológico atual. Neste sentido, a educação formal escolar precisa ser complementada ou acrescida de uma educação informal, extra-escolar, que possa oferecer à sociedade o que a escola não pode oferecer. A interação do público com museus, feiras de ciências, planetários, exposições científicas e/ou culturais é de grande importância para a aquisição e difusão de conhecimentos relacionados ao mundo científico. Reconhecidamente como um modelo de alfabetização científica esses ambientes promovem uma interação social capaz de propiciar de forma efetiva uma melhor relação ensino-aprendizagem com o público. Partindo desta realidade a Universidade Cruzeiro do Sul e a Escola Municipal de Astronomia (EMA) vêm desenvolvendo um projeto de intervenção no espaço em torno do Planetário do Parque do Ibirapuera com o objetivo de se implantar um ambiente de aprendizagem motivador e desafiador que promova a popularização de conteúdos relacionados à astronomia, astrofísica e cosmologia. Busca-se, também, a aproximação e interação do público com exposições que estão sendo implementadas no planetário. Considerando que se trata de um projeto de mestrado em fase inicial o objetivo do presente trabalho é apresentar a concepção básica e os critérios que estão sendo utilizados do ponto de vista pedag

  17. Modeling of Plutonium Ionization Probabilities for Use in Nuclear Forensic Analysis by Resonance Ionization Mass Spectrometry

    DTIC Science & Technology


    masses collide, they form a supercritical mass . Criticality refers to the neutron population within the system. A critical system is one that can...Spectrometry, no. 242, pp. 161–168, 2005. [9] S. Raeder, “Trace analysis of actinides in the environment by means of resonance ionization mass ...first ionization potential of actinide elements by resonance ionization mass spectrometry.” Spectrochimica Acta part B: Atomic Spectroscopy. vol. 52

  18. Motion Detection in the Far Peripheral Vision Field

    DTIC Science & Technology


    perimetry, SITA. Acta Ophthalmol 1997 , 75, 368-375. 43. Turpin , A.; McKendrick, A. M.; Johnson, C. A.; Vingrys, A. J. Properties of perimetric a valuable clinical ophthalmic tool for early detection and differential diagnosis of ocular and neurologic disorders (11 through 17... differential diagnosis of ocular and neurologic disorders (11, 12, 14 through 17, 47). The purpose of the present investigation is to determine the feasibility

  19. Texture Development in Friction Stir Welds

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and J. J. Jonas: Acta Metall., 1989, 37, (8), 2197–2210. 17. S. Li, I. J. Beyerlein and M. A. M. Bourke : Mater. Sci. Eng. A, 2005, A394, (1–2), 66–77...M. Bourke , D. Brown, B. Clausen, C. Tome, R. V. Dreele, C. Xu and T. Langdon: Mater. Sci. Forum, 2003, 426–432, 2661–2666. 26. J. A. Schneider and A

  20. Intellectual Property Rights and International Trade

    DTIC Science & Technology


    to maintain its secrecy.1 Examples of trade secrets include blueprints, customer lists, and pricing information. While protection of patents fragile or if the area of research is highly competitive . Copyright. Protection of copyrights in the United States is based on the Copyright Louis Vuitton bags or Rolex watches, or fake pharmaceutical products, such as popular brand -name prescription medicines. A related issue is the

  1. Role of Water in Proton-Hydroxide Conductance Across Model and Biological Membranes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    esearch - CONTRACT TITLE: Role of water in proton-hydroxide conductan, e across model Maim and biological membranes. RESEARCH OBJECTIVES: Our goals over...establish a model system for measuring proton flux along hydrogen bonded chains of water in hydrophobic phases. TRAINING ACTIVITIES: Three doctoral and general anesthetics. Biochim. Biophys. Acta 944:40- 48. 6. Deamer, D.W. and Nichols, J.W. (1989) Proton flux in model and biological membranes. J

  2. Pathophysiology of Post Amputation Pain

    DTIC Science & Technology


    nerve conduction. Pain 1992;48:261-8. 21. Melzack R. Phantom limb pain: Implications for treatment of pathologic pain. Anesthesiology 1971; the treatment of phantom pain. Acta Orthop Scand 1950;19:391-7. 9 62. Harden RN. Complex Regional Pain Syndrome. In: Fishman SM, Ballantyne...Noradrenaline-evoked pain in neuralgia. Pain 1995;63:11-20. 66. Baron R, Maier C. Reflex sympathetic dystrophy : skin blood flow, sympathetic

  3. Exploring the High-Pressure Behavior of PETN: A Combined Quantum Mechanical and Experimental Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    calculations to explore the hypothesized compression-induced polymorphic phase transition [Gruzdkov 2004]. The initial crystal in these Figure 4...Scuseria, G.E., and Chabalowski, C.F. 2004: An ab Initio Study of Solid Nitromethane, HMX , RDX , and CL20: Successes and Failures of DFT. J. Phys. Chem... RDX , HMX , HNIW, and PETN Crystals. J. Phys. Chem. B, 103, 6783. Trotter, J., 1963: Bond lengths and angles in Pentaerythritol Tetranitrate. Acta

  4. Descriptive Epidemiology of Bipolar I Disorder Among United States Military Personnel

    DTIC Science & Technology


    disproportionately consume medical and administrative resources. In the US military psychiatric illness is the second lead- ing cause of hospitalizations...124-38. 9. Mander AJ: Diagnosis change , lithium and admissions for mania in Edinburgh. Acta Psychiatr Scand 1989: 8ÍK5): 434-6. 10. Blader JC...substantial medical, administrative, and financial resources, and are among the leading causes of hüspitaliz:ition and early discharge. We reviewed

  5. People’s Republic of China Scientific Abstracts, Number 159

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Sciences TITLE: "Early Mesozoic Ostracods From Some Localities in Southwest China" SOURCE: Peking KU-SHENG-WU HSUEH-PAO [ACTA PAIAEONTOLOGICA SINICA] in...analysis of 202 cases treated between 1971-1974 was made. The operative procedure was described in detail. Low sacral or local perianal anesthesia...made. During operation, anal skin bridges were preserved between the dissections. After operation long acting anesthetic compound was injected on the

  6. Imidazopyridine-based inhibitors of glycogen synthase kinase 3: synthesis and evaluation of amide isostere replacements of the carboxamide scaffold.


    Yngve, Ulrika; Söderman, Peter; Svensson, Mats; Rosqvist, Susanne; Arvidsson, Per I


    In this study, we explored the effect of bioisostere replacement in a series of glycogen synthase kinase 3 (GSK3) inhibitors based on the imidazopyridine core. The synthesis and biological evaluation of a number of novel sulfonamide, 1,2,4-oxadiazole, and thiazole derivates as amide bioisosteres, as well as a computational rationalization of the obtained results are reported. Copyright © 2012 Verlag Helvetica Chimica Acta AG, Zürich.

  7. Processing Resources in Attention, Dual Task Performance, and Workload Assessment.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    some levels of processing, discrete attention switching is clearly an identifiable phenomenon ( LaBerge , Van Gelder, & Yellott, 1971; Kristofferson...1967, 27, 93-101. LaBerge , D., Van Gilder, P., & Yellott, S. A cueing technique in choice reaction time. Journal of Experimental Psychology, 1971, processing in auditory and visual discrimination. Acta Psychologica, 1967, 27, 223-229. Teghtsoonian, R. On the exponent in Stevens ’ law and the

  8. Biomarkers for PTSD in female Iraq and Afghanistan Veterans

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Fredrikson, M. Trauma exposure and post - traumatic stress disorder in the general population. Acta Psychiatr Scand 111, 291-299 (2005). 4 Kessler, R...1999). 10 Hoge, C., Clark, J. & Castro, C. Commentary: women in combat and the risk of post - traumatic stress disorder and depression. Iraq and Afghanistan have Posttraumatic Stress Disorder ( PTSD ). Women serving in the military have been shown to be twice as likely to develop PTSD

  9. Development of a Framework for Multimodal Research: Creation of a Bibliographic Database

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Modal Information Processing for Visual Workload Relief. Ergonomics 1980 , 23 (10), 961-975. Burnett, G. E.; Summerskill, S. J.; Porter, J. M. On...Wickens, C. D. The Identification and Transfer of Timesharing Skills. Acta Psychologica 1980 , 46 (1), 15-39. Damos, D. L.; Wickens, C. D. Dual...Arencibia, A. J.; Hislop , G. M. Development and Flight-Test of a Commercial Head-Up Display. Symposium Proceedings - Society of Experimental Test Pilots

  10. Ultra-high Strength Nanostructured Mg

    DTIC Science & Technology


    27709-2211 Nanostructured Mg and Mg alloys, Mg metallic glass, Cryomilling, Powder consolidation, Spark plasma sintering , Deformation mechanisms REPORT...mechanically milled powder and high pressure on spark plasma sintering of Mg-Cu-Gd metallic glasses; (9) microstructure and mechanical behavior of Mg-10Li-3Al...pressure on spark plasma sintering of Mg– Cu–Gd metallic glasses, Acta Materialia , (07 2013): 4414. doi: Baolong Zheng, Ying Li, Weizong Xu

  11. Diffraction by a Conducting Half-Plane in a Chiroplasma

    DTIC Science & Technology


    34 Acta Physica Polonica A , vol. 83, no. 6, pp. 739-750, 1993. [5] S. Asghar and A . Lakhtakia, "Planewave diffraction by a perfectly conducting...UNCLASSIFIED Defense Technical Information Center Compilation Part Notice ADPO 11647 TITLE: Diffraction by a Conducting Half-Plane in a Chiroplasma...the component should be considered within [he context of the overall compilation report and not as a stand-alone technical report. The following

  12. Translations on People’s Republic of China, No. 467.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    his trade with us. 52 The newly established export plants are also instrumental in renovating old plants and in raising our level of production...import new technology and equipment from abroad to renovate the old plants through using subsidy grants, PRC foreign exchange reserves and loans...China. The results in physics are published in Chinese (with English summary) in the periodicals in Acta Physica Sinica and Physica Energiae Fortis

  13. In-line Microwave Warmer for Blood and Intravenous Fluids. Phase 2.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    occuring in the battlefield often requires restoring normothermia and infusion of fluids, such as saline or blood, into the patient. These two...elevation is required to restore normal body temperature in response to hypothermic cardioplegic arrest induced prior to the operation. 6 1.2 System... Microfiltration Devices," Acta Annaesth Scand, 23:40- 45, 1979. [20] K Linko, K Hynynen, "Erythrocyte Damage Caused by the Haemotherm Microwave Blood Warmer

  14. Glutathione Peroxidase 4 is associated with Neuromelanin in Substantia Nigra and Dystrophic Axons in Putamen of Parkinson’s brain

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the substance accumulates in the SN of aging primates [4, 21]. Neuromelanin is specific to catecholaminergic neurons of higher mammals, and SN...Zambenedetti P , Arslan P , Galzigna L: Increased dopamine peroxidation in postmortem Parkinsonian brain. Biochim Biophys Acta 2002, 1573:63-67. 6. Arthur JR...Havlik RJ, Wergowske G, et al: Prevalence of dementia in older Japanese-American men in Hawaii: The Honolulu-Asia Aging Study. Jama 1996, 276:955

  15. The Structure of Processing Resource Demands in Monitoring Automatic Systems.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Attempts at modelling the human failure detection process have continually focused on normative predictions of optimal operator behavior ( Smallwood ...Broadbent’s filter model (Broadbent, 1957), to Treisman’s attenuation model (Treisman, 1964), to Norman’s late selection model ( Norman , 1968), tife concept...survey and a model. Acta Psychologica, 1967, 27, 84-92. Moray, N. Mental workload: Its theory and measurement. New York: Plenum Press, 1979. Li 42 Norman

  16. Advanced Concepts: Enabling Future AF Missions Through the Discovery and Demonstration of Emerging Revolutionary Technologies

    DTIC Science & Technology


    µmeteoroids, weather, vibrations... Asteroid Mining Breakthrough Physics No known feasible concepts. --- Concept NTF NMS NCA Primary Challenges for, vibrations... Asteroid Mining Breakthrough Physics No known feasible concepts. --- 8 2.2 Microwave Augmentation of Solid Rocket Motors16,17 As...Astronautica, Vol. 52, 1, pp. 49-75, 30 May, 2002. 7. Sonter, M.J., “The Technical and Economic Feasibility of Mining the Near-Earth Asteroids ,” Acta

  17. Atomistic-Dislocation Dynamics Modelling of Fatigue Microstructure and Crack Initiation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    experimental) Brown 󈧊 (Upper Limit’) DD Results Mughrabi & Pschenitzka 󈧉 (Lower Limit) y = 50 nm d, = 1.2 |lm M I 4 Simulations of... Mughrabi . Introduction to the viewpoint set on: Surface effects in cyclic deformation and fatigue. Scr. Metall. Mater., 26(10): 1499-1504, 1992. [3] E...associated with dislocation cores. Acta Materialia, 53:13131321, 2005. [13] H. Mughrabi . The long-range internal stress field in the dislocation wall

  18. Transformative Advances in DDDAS with Application to Space Weather Monitoring

    DTIC Science & Technology


    subsystems, including power and communications subsystems. In addition, a study of photovoltaic power generation constraints due to spacecraft solar...estimation. Automatica, 23:775–778, 1987. [61] D. Y. Lee, J. W. Cutler, J. Mancewicz, and A. J. Ridley. Maximizing photovoltaic power generation of a space...Maximizing photovoltaic power generation of a space-dart configured satellite. Acta Astronautica, 111:283–299, 2015. A. V. Morozov, A. J. Ridley, D. S

  19. Effects of Enhanced Oxygen Delivery by Perfluorocarbons in Spinal Cord Injury

    DTIC Science & Technology


    spinal cord ischemia. Acta Med Okayama 1997; 51:71–77. 10. Daugherty WP, Levasseur JE, Sun D, Spiess BD, Bullock MR: Perfluorocarbon emulsion improves...cerebral oxygenation and mitochondrial function after fluid percussion brain injury in rats. Neurosurgery 2004; 54:1223–1230. 11. Spiess B...2008; 2: 213-20. 13. Zhou Z, Sun D, Levasseur JE, Merenda A, Hamm RJ, Zhu J, Spiess BD, Bullock MR. Perfluorocarbon emulsions improve cognitive

  20. Proceedings of the 12th Army Symposium on Solid Mechanics, ’Synergism of Mechanics Mathematics and Materials’ 4-7 November 1991, Plymouth, Massachusetts.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    proposed that a phase transformation to untempered martensite (via austenite) occurred within the shear band [9]. Wittman et al used TEM observations to...porous materials is used to simulate the plate impact experiment. 1. Introduction While second phase precipitates or particles greatly enhance the...34Dispersed Particle Hard- ening of Aluminum- Copper Alloy Single Crystals", Acta Metall., Vol. 8, March, pp. 147-155. [2] Meiklejohn, W. H. and Skoda

  1. The IMAGE III Conference Proceedings Held at Phoenix, Arizona on 30 May - 1 June 1984

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the 50 million dollar per copy price range, it becomes apparent that the traditional low altitude loss rates are completely unacceptable. Ccmmanders...detecting loss in one’s forward speed. Acta Psychologica, 48, 203-213. Owen, D.H., Warren, R., & Mangold, S.J. (in press). Sensitivity to optical...information specifying loss in one’s own altitude. Perception & Psychophysics. Poulton, E.C. (1974). Tracking skill and manual control. New York

  2. Life and death decisions for incompetent patients: determining best interests--the Irish perspective.


    Armstrong, K; Ryan, C A; Hawkes, C P; Janvier, A; Dempsey, E M


    To determine whether healthcare providers apply the best interest principle equally to different resuscitation decisions. An anonymous questionnaire was distributed to consultants, trainees in neonatology, paediatrics, obstetrics and 4th medical students. It examined resuscitation scenarios of critically ill patients all needing immediate resuscitation. Outcomes were described including survival and potential long-term sequelae. Respondents were asked whether they would intubate, whether resuscitation was in the patients best interest, would they accept surrogate refusal to initiate resuscitation and in what order they would resuscitate. The response rate was 74%. The majority would wish resuscitation for all except the 80-year-old. It was in the best interest of the 2-month-old and the 7-year-old to be resuscitated compared to the remaining scenarios (p value <0.05 for each comparison). Approximately one quarter who believed it was in a patient best interests to be resuscitated would nonetheless accept the family refusing resuscitation. Medical students were statistically more likely to advocate resuscitation in each category. These results suggest resuscitation is not solely related to survival or long-term outcome and the best interest principle is applied differently, more so at the beginning of life. © 2010 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2010 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  3. Ultra High-Resolution In vivo Computed Tomography Imaging of Mouse Cerebrovasculature Using a Long Circulating Blood Pool Contrast Agent

    PubMed Central

    Starosolski, Zbigniew; Villamizar, Carlos A.; Rendon, David; Paldino, Michael J.; Milewicz, Dianna M.; Ghaghada, Ketan B.; Annapragada, Ananth V.


    Abnormalities in the cerebrovascular system play a central role in many neurologic diseases. The on-going expansion of rodent models of human cerebrovascular diseases and the need to use these models to understand disease progression and treatment has amplified the need for reproducible non-invasive imaging methods for high-resolution visualization of the complete cerebral vasculature. In this study, we present methods for in vivo high-resolution (19 μm isotropic) computed tomography imaging of complete mouse brain vasculature. This technique enabled 3D visualization of large cerebrovascular networks, including the Circle of Willis. Blood vessels as small as 40 μm were clearly delineated. ACTA2 mutations in humans cause cerebrovascular defects, including abnormally straightened arteries and a moyamoya-like arteriopathy characterized by bilateral narrowing of the internal carotid artery and stenosis of many large arteries. In vivo imaging studies performed in a mouse model of Acta2 mutations demonstrated the utility of this method for studying vascular morphometric changes that are practically impossible to identify using current histological methods. Specifically, the technique demonstrated changes in the width of the Circle of Willis, straightening of cerebral arteries and arterial stenoses. We believe the use of imaging methods described here will contribute substantially to the study of rodent cerebrovasculature. PMID:25985192

  4. 'Children are exposed to temptation all the time'- parents' lifestyle-related discussions in focus groups.


    Stenhammar, C; Wells, M; Ahman, A; Wettergren, B; Edlund, B; Sarkadi, A


    To explore parents' perspectives on providing their preschool child with a healthy lifestyle, including obstacles and resources. Five semi-structured focus group interviews were conducted, with 30 parents of 4-year-olds in Sweden. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed using Systematic Text Condensation. Four themes emerged from the qualitative analysis: Lifestyle -'The way you live is parents' responsibility', Challenges to promote children's healthy lifestyle, Support from professionals, and peers might facilitate, and Request for an overall responsibility from society. Parents felt that they were role models for their child's lifestyle, a concept including many factors. Attractive and tempting sedentary activities and unhealthy foods were perceived as obstacles, and parents were frustrated by the media's contradictory lifestyle messages. Child health services were expected to more actively invite parents to discuss their child's lifestyle issues. Parents desired some collective responsibility for children's lifestyles through agencies, services and media messages that support and promote healthy choices. Parents struggled to give their children a healthy lifestyle and the 'temptations' of daily unhealthy choices causing hassles and conflicts. Parents desired professional support from preschool, Child Health Care and a collective responsibility from society with uniform guidelines. Parents groups were mentioned as peer support. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  5. Wellness program for anesthesiology residents: a randomized, controlled trial.


    Saadat, H; Snow, D L; Ottenheimer, S; Dai, F; Kain, Z N


    Multiple reports illustrate the deleterious effects of stress on physicians' mental and physical health, as well as on patient care. This study evaluates the effects of a wellness program on anesthesiology residents' well-being. Sixty residents were randomly assigned to one of three groups: (1) wellness intervention group, (2) no-treatment control with release time, and (3) no-treatment control with routine duties. Coping, stressors, social support, psychological symptoms, and alcohol and tobacco use were measured using a pre-test-post-test design. Residents in the wellness program reported significantly fewer stressors in their role as parent, increased social support at work, greater problem-solving coping, and less anxiety as compared with one or both of the control groups. Findings related to reducing avoidance coping and alcohol consumption also were suggestive of positive intervention effects. An intervention to increase the use of active coping and social support, to reduce reliance on avoidance coping, and to decrease work and family stressors had an overall pattern of beneficial effects on residents' well-being. The importance of offering such programs during residency training, ways to strengthen intervention effectiveness, and areas for future research are discussed. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica © 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  6. Breastfeeding and intelligence: a systematic review and meta-analysis.


    Horta, Bernardo L; Loret de Mola, Christian; Victora, Cesar G


    This study was aimed at systematically reviewing evidence of the association between breastfeeding and performance in intelligence tests. Two independent searches were carried out using Medline, LILACS, SCIELO and Web of Science. Studies restricted to infants and those where estimates were not adjusted for stimulation or interaction at home were excluded. Fixed- and random-effects models were used to pool the effect estimates, and a random-effects regression was used to assess potential sources of heterogeneity. We included 17 studies with 18 estimates of the relationship between breastfeeding and performance in intelligence tests. In a random-effects model, breastfed subjects achieved a higher IQ [mean difference: 3.44 points (95% confidence interval: 2.30; 4.58)]. We found no evidence of publication bias. Studies that controlled for maternal IQ showed a smaller benefit from breastfeeding [mean difference 2.62 points (95% confidence interval: 1.25; 3.98)]. In the meta-regression, none of the study characteristics explained the heterogeneity among the studies. Breastfeeding is related to improved performance in intelligence tests. A positive effect of breastfeeding on cognition was also observed in a randomised trial. This suggests that the association is causal. ©2015 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  7. Motor development curve from 0 to 12 months in infants born preterm.


    Kayenne Martins Roberto Formiga, Cibelle; Linhares, Maria Beatriz Martins


    To trace a reference curve for motor development from birth up to 12 months of corrected chronological age in infants born preterm and low birth weight. This is a cross-sectional study with a sample of 308 preterm infants (53% boys) weighing < 2500 g at birth. The Alberta Infant Motor Scale (AIMS) was used for motor development assessment. Comparing the motor performance of preterm infants with infants from a standardized sample on the AIMS, it was found that, except for the age group of the newborn, preterm infants showed lower motor development scores in comparison with the AIMS normative sample in all age groups between 1 and 12 months. The curve of motor development showed a continuous increase in the number of motor skills of preterm infants during their first 12 months of age. However, the average of motor acquisitions of preterm infants showed a nonlinear pattern with a standard indicator of stabilization between 8 and 10 months of age. Preterm infants, 1-12 months of age, showed motor development AIMS scores lower than the standards established in the normative sample. The findings may contribute as norm-reference for assessing the motor development of preterm infants in follow-up programmes in developing countries. © 2010 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2010 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  8. Literature overview highlights lack of paediatric donation protocols but identifies common themes that could guide their development.


    Vileito, A; Siebelink, M J; Verhagen, Aae


    Paediatric donation is a unique and extremely sensitive process that requires specific knowledge and competencies. Most countries use protocols for organ and tissue donation to ensure optimal care for the donor and family, but these mainly focus on adults. However, the donation process for children differs from adults in many ways. An overview of the literature was performed to identify protocols for the paediatric population. PubMed, Web of Science, EMBASE and the Internet were searched up to March 2016 for papers or other sources in English related to specific organ and tissue donation protocols for children and neonates. This comprised title, abstract and then full-text screening of relevant data. We included 12 papers and two electronic sources that were mainly from North America and Europe. Most discussed donations after cardiac death. The recurring themes included identifying potential donors, approaching parents, palliative care and collaboration with organ procurement organisations. Most papers called for paediatric donation policies to be standardised. Scientific publications in English on paediatric donation protocols are very scarce. No comprehensive paediatric donation protocol was found. We identified several recurring themes in the literature that could be used to develop such protocols. ©2018 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  9. Sudden unexpected infant death in Auckland: a retrospective case review.


    Hutchison, B Lynne; Rea, Charlotte; Stewart, Alistair W; Koelmeyer, Timothy D; Tipene-Leach, David C; Mitchell, Edwin A


    To review autopsy reports of all SUDI deaths in the Auckland region, New Zealand, from October 2000 to December 2009. Information on all SUDI cases from 2000 to 2009 was extracted from autopsy and police reports from the National Forensic Pathology Service at Auckland Hospital. Of the 332 post-mortems in this period, 221 were classified as SUDI. Of these, 83% were Māori or Pacific infants. The median age at death was 11 weeks and 11% occurred in 7- to 28-day-olds. At the time of death, 64% overall were bedsharing; this was more common in 7-28 day olds (92%). Bedsharing infants were significantly younger at death than non-bedsharing infants (p=0.008). Where sleep position was known, 57% were placed in non-supine at the last sleep. There was no evidence of diagnostic shift and the prevalence of bedsharing did not change over the decade. Bedsharing was associated with a high proportion of SUDI cases, especially in the youngest infants, and non-supine sleep positions were common. There is a need to enhance SUDI prevention messages and consider innovative ways of promoting safe sleeping environment and supine sleep position in Māori and Pacific communities. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  10. Review shows that parental reassurance and nutritional advice help to optimise the management of functional gastrointestinal disorders in infants.


    Salvatore, Silvia; Abkari, Abdelhak; Cai, Wei; Catto-Smith, Anthony; Cruchet, Sylvia; Gottrand, Frederic; Hegar, Badriul; Lifschitz, Carlos; Ludwig, Thomas; Shah, Neil; Staiano, Annamaria; Szajewska, Hania; Treepongkaruna, Suporn; Vandenplas, Yvan


    Regurgitation, infantile colic and functional constipation are common functional gastrointestinal disorders (FGIDs) during infancy. Our aim was to carry out a concise review of the literature, evaluate the impact of these common FGIDs on infants and their families, and provide an overview of national and international guidelines and peer-reviewed expert recommendations on their management. National and international guidelines and peer-reviewed expert recommendations on the management of regurgitation, infantile colic and functional constipation were examined and summarised. Regurgitation, infantile colic and functional constipation cause frequent parental concerns, lead to heavy personal and economic costs for families and impose a financial burden on public healthcare systems. Guidelines emphasise that the first-line management of these common FGIDs should focus on parental education, reassurance and nutritional advice. Nutritional advice should stress the benefits of continuing breastfeeding, while special infant formulas may be considered for non-breastfed infants with common FGIDs. Drug treatment is seldom required, with the exception of functional constipation. By providing complete and updated parental education, reassurance and nutritional advice, healthcare professionals can optimise the management of FGIDs and related symptoms and reduce the inappropriate use of medication or dietary interventions. ©2018 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  11. On the crystal structure of Cr2N precipitates in high-nitrogen austenitic stainless steel. III. Neutron diffraction study on the ordered Cr2N superstructure.


    Lee, Tae-Ho; Kim, Sung-Joon; Shin, Eunjoo; Takaki, Setsuo


    The ordered structure of Cr(2)N precipitates in high-nitrogen austenitic steel was investigated utilizing high-resolution neutron powder diffractometry (HRPD). On the basis of the Rietveld refinement of neutron diffraction patterns, the ordered Cr2N superstructure was confirmed to be trigonal (space group P31m), with lattice parameters a=4.800 (4) and c=4.472 (5) A, as suggested in previous transmission electron microscopy studies [Lee, Oh, Han, Lee, Kim & Takaki (2005). Acta Cryst. B61, 137-144; Lee, Kim & Takaki (2006). Acta Cryst. B62, 190-196]. The occupancies of the N atoms in four crystallographic sites [1(a), 1(b), 2(d) and 2(c) Wyckoff sites] were determined to be 1.00 (5), 0.0, 0.74 (9) and 0.12 (3), respectively, reflecting a partial disordering of N atoms along the c axis. The position of the metal atom was specified to be x=0.346 (8) and z=0.244 (6), corresponding to a deviation from the ideal position (x=0.333 and z=0.250). This deviation caused the ((1/3 1/3)(0))-type superlattice reflection to appear. A comparison between the ideal and measured crystal structures of Cr2N was performed using a computer simulation of selected-area diffraction patterns.

  12. Hospital-wide breastfeeding rates vs. breastmilk provision for very-low-birth-weight infants.


    Lee, Henry C; Jegatheesan, Priya; Gould, Jeffrey B; Dudley, Raymond A


    To investigate the relationship between breastmilk feeding in very-low-birth-weight infants in the neonatal intensive care unit and breastmilk feeding rates for all newborns by hospital. This was a cross-sectional study of 111 California hospitals in 2007 and 2008. Correlation coefficients were calculated between overall hospital breastfeeding rates and breastmilk feeding rates of very-low-birth-weight infants. Hospitals were categorized in quartiles by crude and adjusted very-low-birth-weight infant rates to compare rankings between measures. Correlation between breastmilk feeding rates of very-low-birth-weight infants and overall breastfeeding rates varied by neonatal intensive care unit level of care from 0.13 for intermediate hospitals to 0.48 for regional hospitals. For hospitals categorized in the top quartile according to overall breastfeeding rate, only 46% were in the top quartile for both crude and adjusted very-low-birth-weight infant rates. On the other hand, when considering the lowest quartile for overall breastfeeding hospitals, three of 27 (11%) actually were performing in the top quartile of performance for very-low-birth-weight infant rates. Reporting hospital overall breastfeeding rates and neonatal intensive care unit breastmilk provision rates separately may give an incomplete picture of quality of care. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  13. Speech problems affect more than one in two children with cerebral palsy: Swedish population-based study.


    Nordberg, A; Miniscalco, C; Lohmander, A; Himmelmann, K


    To describe speech ability in a population-based study of children with cerebral palsy (CP), in relation to CP subtype, motor function, cognitive level and neuroimaging findings. A retrospective chart review of 129 children (66 girls, 63 boys) with CP, born in 1999-2002, was carried out. Speech ability and background information, such as type of CP, motor function, cognitive level and neuroimaging data, were collected and analysed. Speech disorders were found in 21% of the children and were present in all types of CP. Forty-one per cent of the children with speech disorders also had mental retardation, and 42% were able to walk independently. A further 32% of the children were nonverbal, and maldevelopment and basal ganglia lesions were most common in this group. The remaining 47% had no speech disorders, and this group was most likely to display white matter lesions of immaturity. More than half of the children in this CP cohort had a speech disorder (21%) or were nonverbal (32%). Speech ability was related to the type of CP, gross motor function, the presence of mental retardation and the localization of brain maldevelopment and lesions. Neuroimaging results differed between the three speech ability groups. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  14. Cerebral motor function in very premature-at-birth adolescents: a brain stimulation exploration of kangaroo mother care effects.


    Schneider, Cyril; Charpak, Nathalie; Ruiz-Peláez, Juan G; Tessier, Réjean


      Given that prematurity has deleterious effects on brain networking development beyond childhood, the study explored whether an early intervention such as Kangaroo Mother Care (KMC) in very preterm preemies could have influenced brain motor function up to adolescence.   Transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) was applied over the primary motor cortex (M1) of 39 adolescents born very prematurely (<33 weeks' gestational age, 21 having received KMC after birth, 18 Controls with no KMC) and nine adolescents born at term (>37 weeks' gestational age, >2500 g) to assess the functional integrity of motor circuits in each hemisphere (motor planning) and between hemispheres (callosal function).   All TMS outcomes were similar between KMC and term adolescents, with typical values as in healthy adults, and better than in Controls. KMC adolescents presented faster conduction times revealing more efficient M1 cell synchronization (p < 0.05) and interhemispheric transfer time (p < 0.0001), more frequent inhibitory processes with a better control between hemispheres (p < 0.0001).   The enhanced synchronization, conduction times and connectivity of cerebral motor pathways in the KMC group suggests that the Kangaroo Mother Care positively influenced the premature brain networks and synaptic efficacy up to adolescence. © 2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  15. The Kid-Short Marfan Score (Kid-SMS) - an easy executable risk score for suspected paediatric patients with Marfan syndrome.


    Mueller, Goetz C; Stark, Veronika; Steiner, Kristoffer; Weil, Jochen; von Kodolitsch, Yskert; Mir, Thomas S


    Due to age-dependent manifestations, diagnosis of Marfan syndrome (MFS) in children and adolescents is sophisticated. Although revised Ghent criteria is a major step forward, its utility in children is still restricted due to expensive and technically advanced diagnostics. As early diagnosis submits long-term benefits concerning prognosis, the need of an appropriate diagnostic tool for risk stratification of suspected paediatric patients with Marfan is justified. Sixty paediatric patients with Marfan were subject to a standardized diagnostic programme. All clinical symptoms of the revised Ghent nosology were analysed concerning age at first clinical manifestation, prevalence and likelihood ratio for MFS. Symptoms with early onset, high prevalence and high positive likelihood ratio were identified and combined for a risk score called Kid-Short Marfan Score (Kid-SMS). Three risk categories for suspicion of Marfan syndrome were developed. Finally, the Kid-SMS was operated in 130 paediatric patients with suspected MFS. Kid-SMS identified significantly more suspected patients with Marfan compared with Ghent nosology, revised Ghent and genetics alone without oversensitivity. Whereas diagnosis of MFS in childhood is sophisticated, Kid-SMS is a useful tool for risk stratification of suspected paediatric patients with Marfan by easy executable diagnostics, especially for paediatricians and paediatric cardiologists. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  16. Review shows that Icelandic society is taking firmer steps to tackle the diverse forms of child abuse and neglect that its children are exposed to.


    Gunnlaugsson, Geir; Einarsdóttir, Jónína


    This review examined and summarised the research published on child abuse in Iceland, which was mainly in the country's native language, to make the findings more accessible to English speakers. It specifically focused on child rearing and the physical, emotional and sexual abuse, neglect and intrafamilial conflicts suffered by children at the hands of their parents and other carers. The review drew on published research, books and reports and compared the findings with Nordic research and global estimates of child abuse. Qualitative and quantitative research revealed that the prevalence of different forms of child abuse, child neglect and intra-familial conflicts in Iceland was similar to, or higher than, global and Nordic estimates. Younger respondents reported less physical abuse than older respondents, but higher levels of emotional abuse. Legislation, greater awareness, public debates and research on child abuse in Iceland have contributed to the growing recognition of the negative consequences of child abuse and strengthened support for prevention strategies. Icelandic children have reportedly experienced diverse forms of child abuse and neglect from their parents and other carers. Diverse initiatives have been put in place that underline the urgent need to tackle such behaviour. ©2018 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  17. Aspherical-atom modeling of coordination compounds by single-crystal X-ray diffraction allows the correct metal atom to be identified.


    Dittrich, Birger; Wandtke, Claudia M; Meents, Alke; Pröpper, Kevin; Mondal, Kartik Chandra; Samuel, Prinson P; Amin Sk, Nurul; Singh, Amit Pratap; Roesky, Herbert W; Sidhu, Navdeep


    Single-crystal X-ray diffraction (XRD) is often considered the gold standard in analytical chemistry, as it allows element identification as well as determination of atom connectivity and the solid-state structure of completely unknown samples. Element assignment is based on the number of electrons of an atom, so that a distinction of neighboring heavier elements in the periodic table by XRD is often difficult. A computationally efficient procedure for aspherical-atom least-squares refinement of conventional diffraction data of organometallic compounds is proposed. The iterative procedure is conceptually similar to Hirshfeld-atom refinement (Acta Crystallogr. Sect. A- 2008, 64, 383-393; IUCrJ. 2014, 1,61-79), but it relies on tabulated invariom scattering factors (Acta Crystallogr. Sect. B- 2013, 69, 91-104) and the Hansen/Coppens multipole model; disordered structures can be handled as well. Five linear-coordinate 3d metal complexes, for which the wrong element is found if standard independent-atom model scattering factors are relied upon, are studied, and it is shown that only aspherical-atom scattering factors allow a reliable assignment. The influence of anomalous dispersion in identifying the correct element is investigated and discussed. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  18. Phacoemulsification combined with posterior capsulorhexis and anterior vitrectomy in the management of malignant glaucoma in phakic eyes.


    Liu, Xing; Li, Mei; Cheng, Bing; Mao, Zhen; Zhong, Yimin; Wang, Dandan; Cao, Dan; Yu, Fenfen; Congdon, Nathan G


      To describe sequential phacoemulsification-intraocular lens (IOL) implantation-posterior capsulorhexis-anterior vitrectomy in the management of phakic malignant glaucoma.   Twenty consecutive patients (25 eyes) with phakic malignant glaucoma were enrolled at the Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University. All patients underwent phacoemulsification, IOL implantation and posterior capsulorhexis together with anterior vitrectomy via a clear corneal paracentesis. Visual acuity, intraocular pressure (IOP), anterior chamber depth (ACD), surgical complications and medications required after the surgery were recorded.   After surgery, the mean LogMAR visual acuity and ACD increased significantly (visual acuity from -1.56 ± 1.17 to -0.54 ± 0.81, p < 0.001; ACD from 0.367 ± 0.397 mm to 2.390 ± 0.575 mm, p < 0.001), and mean IOP decreased significantly (from 39.6 ± 10.6 mm Hg to 14.5 ± 4.1 mmHg, p < 0.001). No serious perioperative complications occurred, and only five eyes required topical glaucoma medications after surgery.   Combined phacoemulsification-IOL implantation-posterior capsulorhexis-anterior vitrectomy surgery is a safe and effective method for treating patients with phakic malignant glaucoma. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2012 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  19. Secular trends in impact factor of neonatology publications over a 10-year period.


    Marom, Ronella; Mimouni, Francis B; Cohen, Shlomi; Lubetzky, Ronit; Mandel, Dror


      To test the hypotheses that published randomized clinical trials (RCTs) in neonatology with negative results (NR) are more likely to be published in journals with lower impact factor (IF) than those with positive results (PR); that there is an increase in the number of yearly published RCTs; that studies with large sample sizes are likely to be published in journals with higher IF.   We used all English-written RCTs registered in MEDLINE between 1/1/2001-31/12/2010 in the field of neonatology. Each RCT was classified as having a PR or NR. IF of each journal was determined for the year of publication.   We identified 329 RCTs. Yearly number of RCTs varied between 19 and 46, with no significant consistent linear increase over the years. There was no significant change over the years in average IF or in average patient size. IF and sample size of the studies were not significantly higher in studies with PR than in studies with NR.   The number of RCTs per year in the field of neonatology has stabilized in the past 10 years, and RCTs with positive or negative results are published in journals of similar IF. © 2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  20. Variations in incubator temperature and humidity management: a survey of current practice.


    Deguines, C; Décima, P; Pelletier, A; Dégrugilliers, L; Ghyselen, L; Tourneux, P


    To describe and assess routine procedures and practices for incubator temperature and humidity management in France in 2009. A questionnaire was sent to all the 186 neonatal care units in France. The questionnaire return rate was 86%. Seventy-five per cent of the units preferred skin servo-control to air temperature control in routine practice. Air temperature control was mainly used for infants with a gestational age of more than 28 weeks and aged over 7 days of life. In general, thermal management decisions did not depend on the infant's age but were based on a protocol applied specifically by each unit. All units humidified the incubator air, but there was a large difference between the lowest and highest reported humidity values (45% and 100% assumed to be a maximal value, respectively). More than 65% of the units used a fixed humidity value, rather than a variable, protocol-derived value. We observed large variations in incubator temperature and humidity management approaches from one neonatal care unit to another. There is a need for more evidence to better inform practice. A task force should be formed to guide clinical practice. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  1. Low birth weight young adults: quality of life, academic achievements and social functioning.


    Odberg, Morten Duus; Elgen, Irene Bircow


    To compare the quality of life (QOL), academic achievements and social functioning of 134 non-handicapped low birth weight (LBW, birth weight < 2000 g) and 135 normal birth weight (NBW, birth weight > 3000 g) young adults. Population-based longitudinal follow-up study. The Norwegian version of the originally US child health questionnaire, child form 87 (CHQ-CF87), a generic health instrument was applied to measure different physical and psychosocial concepts of QOL. Questionnaires and semi-structured interviews were applied to the cohort to register different aspects of social functioning and academic performance. The LBW group reported well-being in the different aspects of QOL. The LBW group was socially well functioning. The college attendance was similar in the two groups, but more LBW young adults had dropped out of school or attended individually adjusted classes. Performance in mathematics for the LBW women attending academic college was lower. With this exception, the academic performance was comparable in the two groups. Except a somewhat higher rate of school dropouts, the overall outcome of school performance, QOL and social functioning in the LBW young adults was comparable to that of the NBW control group. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  2. Monte Carlo simulation of electrothermal atomization on a desktop personal computer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Histen, Timothy E.; Güell, Oscar A.; Chavez, Iris A.; Holcombea, James A.


    Monte Carlo simulations have been applied to electrothermal atomization (ETA) using a tubular atomizer (e.g. graphite furnace) because of the complexity in the geometry, heating, molecular interactions, etc. The intense computational time needed to accurately model ETA often limited its effective implementation to the use of supercomputers. However, with the advent of more powerful desktop processors, this is no longer the case. A C-based program has been developed and can be used under Windows TM or DOS. With this program, basic parameters such as furnace dimensions, sample placement, furnace heating and kinetic parameters such as activation energies for desorption and adsorption can be varied to show the absorbance profile dependence on these parameters. Even data such as time-dependent spatial distribution of analyte inside the furnace can be collected. The DOS version also permits input of external temperaturetime data to permit comparison of simulated profiles with experimentally obtained absorbance data. The run-time versions are provided along with the source code. This article is an electronic publication in Spectrochimica Acta Electronica (SAE), the electronic section of Spectrochimica Acta Part B (SAB). The hardcopy text is accompanied by a diskette with a program (PC format), data files and text files.

  3. Endocarditis prophylaxis and congenital heart defects in the Norwegian Public Dental Service.


    Sivertsen, Tine B; Astrøm, Anne N; Greve, Gottfried; Aßmus, Jörg; Skeie, Marit S


    The aims of this study are (i) to assess how dental health workers of the Public Dental Service, PDS, carry out endocarditis prophylaxis related to dental treatment for children and adolescents with congenital heart defects (CHD) and to identify factors influencing their appropriate use of guidelines and (ii) to assess how dental health workers perceive any characteristics of patients with CHD. This cross-sectional study was based on self-administered questionnaires mailed to all dentists and hygienists in the PDS in three Norwegian counties. The response rates among dentists (n = 130) and dental hygienists (n = 54) were, respectively, 63% and 68%. The findings revealed an over-prescription of endocarditis antibiotics to patients with CHD. Most of the background variables investigated did not influence the responders' prescription decision for appropriate use of the current guidelines on the topic. The only significant factor was whether or not the respondent considered that the endocarditis prophylaxis guidelines were consistent and easy to follow. Compared with healthy children, dental healthcare workers felt less confident when providing dental treatment to children with CHD. There is room for improved education about children with CHD in dentistry and dental education. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  4. Symmetry breaking in actin gels - Implications for cellular motility

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    John, Karin; Peyla, Philippe; Misbah, Chaouqi


    The physical origin of cell motility is not fully understood. Recently minimal model systems have shown, that polymerizing actin itself can produce a motile force, without the help of motor proteins. Pathogens like Shigella or Listeria use actin to propel themselves forward in their host cell. The same process can be mimicked with polystyrene beads covered with the activating protein ActA, which reside in a solution containing actin monomers. ActA induces the growth of an actin gel at the bead surface. Initially the gel grows symmetrically around the bead until a critical size is reached. Subsequently one observes a symmetry breaking and the gel starts to grow asymmetrically around the bead developing a tail of actin at one side. This symmetry breaking is accompanied by a directed movement of the bead, with the actin tail trailing behind the bead. Force generation relies on the combination of two properties: growth and elasticity of the actin gel. We study this phenomenon theoretically within the framework of a linear elasticity theory and linear flux-force relationships for the evolution of an elastic gel around a hard sphere. Conditions for a parity symmetry breaking are identified analytically and illustrated numerically with the help of a phasefield model.

  5. Fathers' involvement in Swedish child health care - the role of nurses' practices and attitudes.


    Massoudi, Pamela; Wickberg, Birgitta; Hwang, C Philip


    To investigate how nurses in Swedish child health care perceived working with fathers, and to what extent they offered support to, and included fathers in clinical encounters. A random sample of all nurses in Swedish child health care, 499 nurses, were asked to complete a postal questionnaire. The response rate was 70%. Data were analysed with content analysis, the chi-square test and logistic regression models. Almost all of the nurses found working with fathers positive. Fathers' participation in child health care was much lower than that of mothers'. Almost 90% of the nurses estimated that it rarely came to their attention that a father was distressed, and less than one of five nurses had offered supportive counselling to any distressed father in the previous year. Nurses with regular supervision on mental health issues and nurses with a paediatric specialization were more likely to offer supportive counselling to fathers. Approximately 50% of the nurses had an ambivalent attitude towards fathers' caring capacity when compared to that of mothers. Fathers received less support from child health nurses, and many nurses were ambivalent about fathers' caring abilities. Methods need to be developed to involve both parents in child health care. © 2010 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2010 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  6. Miyake-Apple view of inner side of sclerotomy during microincision vitrectomy surgery.


    Inoue, Makoto; Ota, Ichiro; Taniuchi, Shutaro; Nagamoto, Toshiyuki; Miyake, Kensaku; Hirakata, Akito


    To examine the inner surface of the sclerotomy during microincision vitrectomy surgery by Miyake-Apple view. The anterior half of porcine eyes was attached to a transparent acrylic plate with cyanoacrylate glue. Then, either a 23-gauge or a 25-gauge trocar-cannula was inserted through the sclera obliquely. The inner surface of the entrance site was observed posteriorly by Miyake-Apple view. These images were compared with the endoscopic view of two patients who underwent vitreous surgery for an epiretinal membrane. When the trocar-cannula was inserted obliquely, the Miyake-Apple view showed that the ciliary epithelium at the sclerotomy site was stretched. When the trocar-cannula was inserted vertically, the ciliary epithelium was folded, and the folds remained even after the trocar was removed. Vitreous strands were seen incarcerated into the sclerotomy site. In human eyes, a folding of the ciliary epithelium was not clearly seen with the endoscopic view but the incarcerated vitreous was seen. The Miyake-Apple view provided a precise, in vivo, observation of the inner surface of the entry site. It disclosed the morphological stress on the ciliary epithelium by the sclerotomy. © 2011 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2011 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  7. Chronobiology of mood disorders.


    Malhi, G S; Kuiper, S


    As part of a series of papers examining chronobiology ['Getting depression clinical guidelines right: time for change?' Kuiper et al. Acta Psychiatr Scand 2013;128(Suppl. 444):24-30; and 'Manipulating melatonin in managing mood' Boyce & Hopwood. ActaPsychiatrScand 2013;128(Suppl. 444):16-23], in this article, we review and synthesise the extant literature pertaining to the chronobiology of depression and provide a preliminary model for understanding the neural systems involved. A selective literature search was conducted using search engines such as MEDLINE/PubMed, combining terms associated with chronobiology and mood disorders. We propose that understanding of sleep-wake function and mood can be enhanced by simultaneously considering the circadian system, the sleep homoeostat and the core stress system, all of which are likely to be simultaneously disrupted in major mood disorders. This integrative approach is likely to allow flexible modelling of a much broader range of mood disorder presentations and phenomenology. A preliminary multifaceted model is presented, which will require further development and testing. Future depression research should aim to examine multiple systems concurrently in order to derive a more sophisticated understanding of the underlying neurobiology. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Does simultaneous bilingualism aggravate children's specific language problems?


    Korkman, Marit; Stenroos, Maria; Mickos, Annika; Westman, Martin; Ekholm, Pia; Byring, Roger


    There is little data on whether or not a bilingual upbringing may aggravate specific language problems in children. This study analysed whether there was an interaction of such problems and simultaneous bilingualism. Participants were 5- to 7-year-old children with specific language problems (LANG group, N = 56) or who were typically developing (CONTR group, N = 60). Seventy-three children were Swedish-Finnish bilingual and 43 were Swedish-speaking monolingual. Assessments (in Swedish) included tests of expressive language, comprehension, repetition and verbal memory. Per definition, the LANG group had lower scores than the CONTR group on all language tests. The bilingual group had lower scores than the monolingual group only on a test of body part naming. Importantly, the interaction of group (LANG or CONTR) and bilingualism was not significant on any of the language scores. Simultaneous bilingualism does not aggravate specific language problems but may result in a slower development of vocabulary both in children with and without specific language problems. Considering also advantages, a bilingual upbringing is an option also for children with specific language problems. In assessment, tests of vocabulary may be sensitive to bilingualism, instead tests assessing comprehension, syntax and nonword repetition may provide less biased methods. © 2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  9. Neonatal polycythaemia: critical review and a consensus statement of the Israeli Neonatology Association.


    Mimouni, Francis B; Merlob, Paul; Dollberg, Shaul; Mandel, Dror


    The aim of this paper is to critically review neonatal polycythaemia (NP) literature, in terms of definition, diagnosis and management. We reviewed all Medline articles on NP up to December 2009. (i) The textbook definition of NP [venous haematocrit (HCT) > 65%] is empirical and not based on statistical definition, symptoms or complications. (ii) Measurement of viscosity is not better than HCT in predicting complications. (iii) Normovolaemic NP because of increased erythropoiesis may be different from hypervolaemic polycythaemia because of excessive foetal transfusion. (iv) Coexisting hypoglycaemia may worsen long-term outcome. (v) Four clinical trials (CTs) studied partial exchange transfusion (PET) on outcomes. In all trials, PET was performed after 6 h of life. There is no evidence that PET improves neurodevelopmental outcome of asymptomatic NP, and it might increase the risk of necrotizing enterocolitis. These CTs have inherent design flaws: (a) CNS 'damage' may occur before PET. (b) Confounding variables that may affect outcome have not been studied. (vi) If PET is performed, normal saline is the best alternative. (vii) The long-term effect of PET on symptomatic infants has not been studied. Current definition and management of NP are little evidence based, thus the need for a consensus based on expert opinion. © 2011 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica © 2011 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  10. Use of a fibrin adhesive for conjunctival closure in trabeculectomy.


    Martinez-de-la-Casa, José M; Rayward, Omar; Saenz-Frances, Federico; Mendez, Carmen; Bueso, Enrique Santos; Garcia-Feijoo, Julián


    To assess the safety and efficacy of a fibrin tissue adhesive (Tissucol Duo(®) ) used to close the conjunctiva in trabeculectomy. A nonrandomized prospective study including 57 patients with chronic simple glaucoma who underwent trabeculectomy surgery. All the trabeculectomies were conducted by the same surgeon using the same surgical technique with the exception that conjunctival closure was achieved by either running Nylon 10/0 suture (n = 29) or using the fibrin glue (n = 28). Preoperative and postoperative data were obtained on intraocular pressure (IOP), number of hypotensive medications used, self-reported discomfort and complications arising during and after surgery. No differences were detected between the two patient groups regarding the intraocular pressure reduction achieved during follow-up. In the first 2 weeks of follow-up, reported discomfort assessed using a visual analogue scale was significantly lower in the Tissucol Duo(®) group. Two patients in the Tissucol Duo(®) group suffered conjunctival dehiscence and suturing was required at 24 hours postsurgery. Remaining complications were similar in the two groups. The use of Tissucol Duo(®) seems to be a safe and efficient option for conjunctival closure in trabeculectomy that simplifies the surgical procedure and reduces patient discomfort in the immediate postoperative period. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Ophthalmologica © 2012 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  11. Association of maternal scaffolding to maternal education and cognition in toddlers born preterm and full term.


    Lowe, Jean R; Erickson, Sarah J; Maclean, Peggy; Schrader, Ron; Fuller, Janell


    Parental behaviour described as 'scaffolding' has been shown to influence outcomes in at-risk children. The purpose of this study was to compare maternal verbal scaffolding in toddlers born preterm and full term. The scaffolding behaviour of mothers of toddlers born preterm and healthy full term was compared during a 5-min videotaped free play session with standardized toys. We compared two types of scaffolding and their associations with socio-demographic, neonatal medical factors and cognition. The mothers of toddlers born full term used more complex scaffolding. Maternal education was associated with complex scaffolding scores for the preterm children only. Specifically, the preterm children who were sicker in the neonatal period, and whose mothers had higher education, used more complex scaffolding. In addition, children born preterm, who had less days of ventilation, had higher cognitive scores when their mothers used more complex scaffolding. Similarly, cognitive and scaffolding scores were higher for children born full term. Our findings highlight early differences in mother-child interactive styles of toddlers born preterm compared with full term. Teaching parents play methods that support early problem-solving skills may support a child's method of exploration and simultaneously their language development. ©2012 The Author(s)/Acta Paediatrica ©2012 Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  12. Parecoxib mitigates spatial memory impairment induced by sevoflurane anesthesia in aged rats.


    Gong, M; Chen, G; Zhang, X M; Xu, L H; Wang, H M; Yan, M


    Inflammation in brain plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of cognitive impairment. Anti-inflammatory therapy may thus constitute a novel approach for associated cognitive dysfunction. The present study investigated the effects of parecoxib in the prevention of cognitive impairments induced by sevoflurane in aged rats. Sixty-six aged rats were divided randomly into three groups: control group (n = 22, sham anesthesia), sevoflurane group (n = 22, received 2% sevoflurane for 5 h) and parecoxib group (n = 22, received intraperitoneal injections of 10 mg/kg parecoxib and then exposed to 2% sevoflurane for 5 h). Spatial learning performance was tested by Morris water maze. The expression of cyclooxygenase-2 protein and ultrastructure of synapse in hippocampus were measured. Sevoflurane anesthesia impaired the spatial learning and memory in aged rats. Compared with sevoflurane group, parecoxib group showed shorter escape latency and more number of crossings over the previous platform area. Furthermore, parecoxib treatment also significantly prevented the synaptic changes induced by sevoflurane. Parecoxib mitigates spatial memory impairment induced by sevoflurane anesthesia in aged rats. The synaptic morphometry change may be one of the mechanisms involved in learning and memory deficit. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica © 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  13. Pilot study demonstrates that salivary oxytocin can be measured unobtrusively in preterm infants.


    Kommers, D R; Broeren, Mac; Andriessen, P; Oei, S G; Feijs, L; Bambang Oetomo, S


    This study assessed the feasibility and obtrusiveness of measuring salivary oxytocin in preterm infants receiving Kangaroo care, because this is a period of maximal bonding or co-regulation. We also analysed possible influential determinants, including maternal oxytocin. The saliva of preterm infants and their mothers was collected prior to, and during, Kangaroo care using cotton swabs and pooled into vials until sufficient volumes were obtained to measure oxytocin levels using a radioimmunoassay. The obtrusiveness of the infants' collections was measured with a Likert scale. Saliva was collected unobtrusively prior to, and during, 30 Kangaroo care sessions in 21 preterm infants. This resulted in three vials with sufficient volumes of before-Kangaroo care saliva and three with during-Kangaroo care saliva. Oxytocin was detectable in all six vials. The Kangaroo care duration and the intensity of the mother-infant interaction before and during Kangaroo care seemed to be the most important determinants, and these should preferably be standardised in any future trials. Oxytocin was measured unobtrusively in the pooled saliva of preterm infants both before and during Kangaroo care and could therefore be investigated as a biomarker in future studies. ©2016 The Authors. Acta Paediatrica published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Foundation Acta Paediatrica.

  14. Hydrogeologic uncertainties and policy implications: The Water Consumer Protection Act of Tucson, Arizona, USA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilson, L. G.; Matlock, W. G.; Jacobs, K. L.

    confusion entre "infiltration" et "recharge". C'est ainsi que la loi laisse entendre que l'infiltration à partir des lits de rivières le long du champ captant central favorise la recharge de cette zone. En réalité, les différences de perméabilité entre les alluvions du lit et les dépôts sous-jacents remplissant le bassin peuvent provoquer un écoulement sous-jacent. En outre, même si une recharge par l'eau de la rivière Colorado se produit dans cette zone, la nappe sera progressivement salifiée. Les restrictions imposées par la loi quant à l'utilisation de l'eau de la station centrale d'Arizona affectent les quatre outils réglementaires du Code des eaux souterraines de l'Arizona de 1980, en ce qu'ils concernent la zone de gestion active de Tucson: (a) l'augmentation de l'approvisionnement (b) les conditions requises pour les prélèvements d'eau souterraine et les autorisations; (c) les conditions requises pour le plan de gestion, en particulier la pérennité du concessionnaire et les résultats en matière de qualité de l'eau et (d) la condition que tous les nouveaux districts aient recours à des ressources en eau renouvelables à la place de l'eau souterraine. Les demandes concernant la mise en oeuvre de la loi ont conduit jusqu'à l'arrêt des activités normales des instances politiques. Resumen El Acta de Protección de los Usuarios de Agua de Tucson, Arizona (EE.UU.) de 1995 (el Acta) se aprobó a raíz de las quejas de los usuarios de agua de Tucson que recibían agua tratada por el Proyecto de Arizona Central (CAP). Las consecuencias del Acta demuestran las incertidumbres y dificultades que se producen cuando se le pide al público que vote sobre temas muy técnicos. Los requerimientos de recarga del Acta desprecian incertidumbres hidrogeológicas al confundir entre "infiltración" y "recarga". Así, el Acta dice que la infiltración en los canales de los arroyos a lo largo del Campo de Producción Central aumentará la recarga a dicho campo. De

  15. European Research Program on Viscous Flows

    DTIC Science & Technology


    hochviskoser Flassigkeiten. To be published in Acta Mechanica (1980) 8.36b K.O. Felsch Ein Beitrag zur Berechnung der Str ~ mung in einer Tesla- M...R. Schilling Berechnung der ausgebillten Str ~ mung in gekrummten Kanalen R. Simon mit rechteckigem Quersclnitt. Recent developments in theoretical an...package. co 12 REFERENCES No. Author Title, etc 1.4a S.G. Sundkvist V~rmek&llors inverkan pd str ~mning och temperatur i ventiler- ade lokaler (Numerisk

  16. Regeneration of the Adult Rat Spinal Cord in Response to Ensheathing Cells and Methylprednisolone

    DTIC Science & Technology


    me in academics and research, and also as my friend. I thank Dr. Linda L. Porter, for her continuous efforts on my behalf as the Chairperson of...and Spinal Cord Injury Program. We are grateful to Drs. Barbara S. Bregman and Linda L. Porter for their wonderful suggestions and guidance; to Anna...ES, Pietronigro DD, Seligman ML (1980) The free radical pathology and the microcirculation in the major central nervous system disorders. Acta

  17. Endothelial Mediation of Coronary Vascular Tone: Nitric Oxide Attenuation of Cholinergic Vasospastic Challenge

    DTIC Science & Technology


    collection program (Branch Technology ). While this study focused on changes in LADCA flow seen after ACh injection, these other data were collected as...1990. 60. Lembeck, F. Substance P: From extract to excitement. Acta. Physiol. Scand. 133: 435-454, 1988. 61 . Ludmer, P.L., AP. Selwyn, T.L. Shook...before and after removal of the endothelial cells by saponin . Heart Vessels 2: 221-227, 1986. 76. Nakayama, K., G. Osol, and W. Halpern. Reactivity of

  18. The Effect of High Pressure on Phase Relationships and Some Properties of Ti and Its alloys.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    8217. forma--t ion. That- lna\\ p), G id-2 On, n t --: y of 1 tI \\ it t’ -I n( the ? e al fovs after var tcu-s heat treoo’ Ii ’s jn 4 new, : ieLt I u-1J * ri...H. Bernstein, Computer Calculations of Phase Diagrams, Academic Press, N.Y. and.London, 1970. 23, L. Kaufman, Acta Met. 7, 575 (1959). 24, A. Gysler

  19. Proceedings of Neurotox 󈨜, Molecular Basis of Drug and Pesticide Action (3rd) Held in Bath, England on April 10-15, 1988

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Jasmine (Jasminium gradiflorum L) essence . [(ely. Chim. Acta 47, 1152. 55 Vick. B.A. and Zimmerman. D.C. (1984) Biosynthesis of Jasmonic acid by...expensive perfumery material found in the extract of jasmine flowers and I was able to show that the natural material was cis- with an odour much...theory of rethrolone formation. Extract of jasmine flowers contains jasmonic acid, jasmone lactone and jasmone (Fig. 33) [541. trans-(Z)-Jasmonic acid can

  20. Technical Report for the Period 1 January 1963 to 30 June 1963

    DTIC Science & Technology


    mixed mononitrates with periodic acid to remove glycerol 1 -nitrate; glycerol 2-nitrate di-4-nitrobenzoate, m.p. 1520C, has been prepared. Nitration of...Based on Phenazine Preparation of polymers from dibasic acids (e.g. adipic and terephthalic) and dihydrophenazine by various methods was attempted but...L.J. Hydrogen Bonding in WAC and Pace, R.J. Carboxylic Acids - 142/031 I. Oxalic Acids Spectrochim. Acta, 1963, 19, 435 Bellamy, L.J., - ditto - Luke