Sample records for aktiv von bis

  1. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften> " Jahrgang 1987/88 Sitzungsber.Heidelberg 87/88 " Aktive Galaxien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elsässer, Hans

    Die Aktivität von Galaxien ist eine relativ seltene und offenbar kurzlebige Erscheinung, die sich vor allem durch eine verstärkte Abstrahlung, oft über das ganze Spektrum hinweg, vom Röntgen- bis zum Radiobereich, bemerkbar macht. Dabei wird auf neue Befunde an Infrarotgalaxien eingegangen, die dafür sprechen, daß die gravitative Wechselwirkung zwischen Galaxien eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Das Buch ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des heutigen Kenntnisstandes über "Aktive Galaxien", ein Thema, das gegenwärtig im Zentrum des astronomischen Interesses und der aktuellen Forschung steht. Nach einem Überblick über die seit längerem bekannten Phänomene und die Probleme ihrer Deutung wird auf neue, am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie mit den Teleskopen der Calar Alto Sternwarte (Südspanien) gewonnene, Ergebnisse eingegangen.

  2. Sitzungsberichte der Heidelberger Akademie der Wissenschaften¬Jahrgang 1987/88 Sitzungsber.Heidelberg 87/88¬Aktive Galaxien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elsässer, Hans

    Die Aktivität von Galaxien ist eine relativ seltene und offenbar kurzlebige Erscheinung, die sich vor allem durch eine verstärkte Abstrahlung, oft über das ganze Spektrum hinweg, vom Röntgen- bis zum Radiobereich, bemerkbar macht. Dabei wird auf neue Befunde an Infrarotgalaxien eingegangen, die dafür sprechen, daß die gravitative Wechselwirkung zwischen Galaxien eine wesentliche Rolle spielt. Das Buch ist eine zusammenfassende Darstellung des heutigen Kenntnisstandes über "Aktive Galaxien", ein Thema, das gegenwärtig im Zentrum des astronomischen Interesses und der aktuellen Forschung steht. Nach einem Überblick über die seit längerem bekannten Phänomene und die Probleme ihrer Deutung wird auf neue, am Max-Planck-Institut für Astronomie mit den Teleskopen der Calar Alto Sternwarte (Südspanien) gewonnene, Ergebnisse eingegangen.

  3. Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Fumarsäureestern in Kombination mit Phototherapie bei Patienten mit moderater bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis (FAST).


    Weisenseel, Peter; Reich, Kristian; Griemberg, Wiebke; Merten, Katharina; Gröschel, Christine; Gomez, Natalie Nunez; Taipale, Kirsi; Bräu, Beate; Zschocke, Ina


    Die Behandlung von Psoriasis-Patienten mit einer Kombination aus Fumarsäureestern (FSE, Fumaderm ® ) und Phototherapie (UV) ist verbreitet, wurde aber im Rahmen von Studien wenig untersucht. Bisher liegen lediglich Daten aus einer kleinen Pilotstudie vor. Intention dieser Studie war, eine FSE/UV-Kombinationsbehandlung an einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Psoriasis zu untersuchen. In dieser prospektiven, multizentrischen, nichtinterventionellen Studie wurden Daten von Patienten mit FSE/UV-Kombinationstherapie hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit (PGA' PASI, DLQI, EQ-5D), Sicherheit und Dosierung über einen Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten erfasst und mit Daten einer retrospektiven Studie mit FSE-Monotherapie verglichen. Es wurden Daten von 363 Patienten ausgewertet. Unter der Kombinationstherapie verbesserten sich alle Wirksamkeitsparameter deutlich. Im Vergleich zur Monotherapie mit FSE konnte durch die Kombination mit UV ein schnellerer Wirkeintritt erzielt werden, wobei nach zwölf Monaten kein Unterschied in der Wirksamkeit bestand. Die Dauer und Art der Phototherapie zeigte keinen Einfluss auf die Wirksamkeitsparameter. Allgemein wurde die Kombinationstherapie gut vertragen. Unerwünschte Ereignisse wurden bei 7 % der Patienten berichtet. Die FSE/UV Kombinationstherapie zeigt eine gute Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit und kann zu einem schnelleren Wirkeintritt führen. Eine Kombinationstherapie erscheint vor allem in den ersten drei Monaten der FSE Behandlung sinnvoll. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Windkraftanlagen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Surek, Dominik

    Windturbinenanlagen nutzen die kinetische Energie des Windes bei Geschwindigkeiten von c=4 m/s bis 25 m/s in Nabenhöhe des Windrades zur Stromerzeugung. Die oben genannten Windgeschwindigkeiten liegen im Grenzschichtbereich der ebenen Strömung (Abb. 67.1), die bei Höhen von h=100 m bis 1000 m liegen und in Großstädten mit Skylines bis 2000 m. Die größten Windturbinentürme erreichen gegenwärtig Nabenhöhen von h=160 m und Windraddurchmesser von d=130 m, d. h. mit Flügellängen von L=65 m. Die Windturbinen werden vorrangig mit 3 Schaufeln ausgeführt. Windturbinen mit einer und zwei Schaufeln waren Versuchsgeräte. Die Drehzahl von Windturbinen für Leistungen von P_{T}=2 MW betragen n=12 bis 20 min{}^{-1}. Das Windrad entzieht dem Wind mit der Anströmgeschwindigkeit c 1 nach Betz die Geschwindigkeitsdifferenz c2=(2/3) c1. Der Rest der Windgeschwindigkeit wird für die Abströmung des Windes im Leebereich c3=c1/3 benötigt. Durch den Entzug der Geschwindigkeit im Laufrad bläht sich der Abströmdurchmesser auf d3> d1 auf, der bei der Installation von Windturbinen zu beachten ist (Abb. 67.2) [Gasch und Twele(2013)]. Um die Windturbinen bei starkem Wind von c {}1> 25 m/s zu schützen, werden die Laufschaufeln durch Pitch- oder Stall-Anlagen aus dem Wind gedreht, so dass die Strömung an den Schaufeln abreißt und das Windrad in die Ruhestellung gelangt. Bei der Windgeschwindigkeit c1=25 m/s bis 34 m/s wird der Windrotor abgeschaltet. Die zulässige Maximalgeschwindigkeit liegt aus Festigkeitsgründen etwa bei . Die aktive Blattverdrehung (Pitchregelung) stellt eine Blattwinkelregelung dar, wobei die Profilnase in die Anströmung gedreht wird. Sie benötigen für die Drehzahlreduzierung keine mechanische Bremse.

  5. The British Interplanetary Society - Val Cleaver and Wernher von Braun

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Willhite, I. P.

    This article is concerned with the early relationship between Wernher von Braun and the British Interplanetary Society (BIS). The BIS/Wernher von Braun/Val Cleaver correspondence files located here at the US Space & Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama are unparalleled. As one reads the stimulating comments between Cleaver and von Braun, the need to share their thoughts prevails. Following is an excerpt from one letter that whets ones appetite for more. 10 June 1951 Cleaver writes, “I'm so glad you enjoyed my last letter, and look forward to your promised further contribution to our discussion of the ethics of science in general and astronautics in particu- lar. As regards the one particular point on which you found yourself unable to hold your fire, I should say there are really two distinct issues at stake:. . .” This article attempts to represent the best of the letters as they goad each other on scientific principles, means to prevent wars, and other philosophic ideas.

  6. Physik gestern und heute Von der Metallstange zum Hochenergielaser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heering, Peter


    Im Mai 1752 wurde in Marly bei Paris auf Anregung des amerikanischen Forschers und Politikers Benjamin Franklin erstmals die elektrische Natur des Blitzes nachgewiesen. Damals beschrieb Franklin auch eine technische Vorrichtung, die als Schutz von Gebäuden vor Blitzschlägen dienen sollte: den Blitzableiter. Diese aus heutiger Sicht scheinbar triviale Vorrichtung wurde aber keineswegs unmittelbar akzeptiert. Und bis heute ist die Forschung zum Schutz von Einrichtungen vor Blitzschlägen nicht abgeschlossen.

  7. Zuverlässigkeit digitaler Schaltungen unter Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kleeberger, V. B.; Schlichtmann, U.


    Die kontinuierlich fortschreitende Miniaturisierung in integrierten Schaltungen führt zu einem Anstieg des intrinsischen Rauschens. Um den Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen auf die Zuverlässigkeit zukünftiger digitaler Schaltungen analysieren zu können, werden Methoden benötigt, die auf CAD-Verfahren wie Analogsimulation statt auf abschätzenden Berechnungen beruhen. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine neue Methode vor, die den Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen in digitalen Schaltungen für eine gegebene Prozesstechnologie analysieren kann. Die Amplituden von thermischen, 1/f und Schrotrauschen werden mit Hilfe eines SPICE Simulators bestimmt. Anschließend wird der Einfluss des Rauschens auf die Schaltungszuverlässigkeit durch Simulation analysiert. Zusätzlich zur Analyse werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie die durch Rauschen hervorgerufenen Effekte im Schaltungsentwurf mit berücksichtigt werden können. Im Gegensatz zum Stand der Technik kann die vorgestellte Methode auf beliebige Logikimplementierungen und Prozesstechnologien angewendet werden. Zusätzlich wird gezeigt, dass bisherige Ansätze den Einfluss von Rauschen bis um das Vierfache überschätzen.

  8. BOOK REVIEW: Meilensteine der Astronomie - Von Aristoteles bis Hawking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duerbeck, H. W.; Hamel, J.


    A writer, more specific a writer on the history of astronomy, might from time to time look at the collected document folders with all the research material and reprints, and might wonder: has this been all? Especially at a time when recycling is in vogue? And, perhaps with a request or an invitation to submit something, he or she might consider re-using the material before its definitive disposal. Well, such are my feelings when I looked at Jurgen Hamel's new book Milestones of Astronomy - From Aristoteles to Hawking . A slight chance for survival of medium-sized publishers like Kosmos is to offer popular books, and a title must attract potential buyers: Aristoteles means the "old" times, and as concerns the "mad scientist" of modern times, Stephen Hawking has by now dethroned Einstein. In 1998, Hamel had published a Geschichte der Astronomie - Von den Anfangen bis zur Gegenwart (History of astronomy, from the beginnings to the present), which, of course, he could not simply copy. This time, he selected some stones from his research areas - milestones, touchstones, stumbling blocks in the long road of astronomical evolution - and put them between the covers of his new book. So let us look at these (mile)stones . The reader is informed about Aristoteles on 2 pages, but his medieval interpreter Johannes de Sacrobosco gets 8 pages! Copernicus' life and achievements are described on 9 pages, closely followed by his devotee and translator Rothmann with 8 pages; Copernicus' contemporary, Peter Apian, however, gets about 13! Bessel's and Herschel's lifes and works are described on well-deserved 13 and 15 pages, while the achievements of the two Lucasian professors, Isaac Newton and Stephen Hawking, are just outlined in a single paragraph! Thus, importance is sometimes inversely proportional to text length... But let us become serious now. Why should an active historian outline, for the hundreth time, the life of Copernicus, while there are so many interesting, and often

  9. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weber, Harry; Mathis, Wolfgang


    Die Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Schaltungen ist bis heute eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da nur selten analytische Lösungen angegeben werden können. Daher wurden eine Vielzahl von Methoden entwickelt, um eine qualitative oder quantitative Näherung für die Lösungen der Netzwerkgleichung zu erhalten. Oftmals wird beispielsweise eine Kleinsignalanalyse mit Hilfe einer Taylorreihe in einem Arbeitspunkt durchgeführt, die nach den Gliedern erster Ordnung abgebrochen wird. Allerdings ist diese Linearisierung nur in der Nähe des stabilen Arbeitspunktes für hyperbolische Systeme gültig. Besonders für die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von Oszillatoren treten jedoch nicht-hyperbolische Systeme auf, sodass diese Methode nicht angewendet werden kann Mathis (2000). Carleman hat gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit polynomiellen Nichtlinearitäten in ein unendliches System von linearen Differentialgleichungen transformiert werden können Carleman (1932). Wird das unendlichdimensionale Gleichungssystem für numerische Zwecke abgebrochen, kann bei Oszillatoren der Übergang in eine stationäre Schwingung (Grenzzyklus) nicht wiedergegeben werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Untersuchung von Oszillatoren vorgestellt, die auch dann anwendbar ist, wenn die Nichtlinearitäten keinen Polynomen entsprechen. Anstelle einer linearen Näherung um einen Arbeitspunkt, erfolgt mit Hilfe der Carleman Linearisierung eine Approximation auf einem vorgegebenen Gebiet. Da es jedoch mit der selbstkonsistenten Technik nicht möglich ist, das stationäre Verhalten von Oszillatoren zu beschreiben, wird die Berechnung einer Poincaré-Abbildung durchgeführt. Mit dieser ist eine anschließende Analyse des Oszillators möglich.

  10. Gebrauch von Komplementärmedizin bei Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom unter Therapie mit Ipilimumab innerhalb einer klinischen Studie.


    Huebner, Jutta; Mohr, Peter; Simon, Jan-Christoph; Fluck, Michael; Berking, Carola; Zimmer, Lisa; Loquai, Carmen


    In Deutschland wenden 40-90 % aller Krebspatienten Methoden der komplementären and alternativen Medizin (KAM) an. Bis dato gibt es kein Datenmaterial zum Einsatz der KAM bei Melanompatienten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es, Daten über den Gebrauch, die Informationsquellen und Ziele von Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom zu erfassen. Einhundertsechsundfünfzig Patienten aus 25 Studienzentren nahmen an der DecOG-MM-PAL Multibasket Studie teil. Die beteiligten Personen wurden auch gebeten, an einer Nebenstudie teilzunehmen, die ihren Gebrauch von KAM erfassen sollte. Dazu wurde während der Behandlung ein standardisierter Fragebogen zu genau festgelegten Zeitpunkten ausgeteilt. Insgesamt gingen 55 Fragebögen von 32 (21 %) Melanompatienten ein. Von diesen gaben 17 (53 %) ein Interesse an KAM an, und sieben (22 %) machten von KAM Gebrauch. Die Hauptinformationsquellen (31 %) waren Familienmitglieder und Freunde, gefolgt von Ärzten (19 %). Die Hauptgründe für die Anwendung von KAM waren die Stärkung des Immunsystems (41 %) und des Körpers (34 %). Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (Vitamine und Spurenelemente) wurden am häufigsten angewendet (28 %). Eine relativ hohe Anzahl an Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom machte trotz Teilnahme an einer klinischen Studie von KAM Gebrauch. Wechselwirkungen könnten durch biologisch basierte KAM auftreten, und hier besonders bei immunmodulierenden KAM- Strategien. Um Risiken zu vermeiden, sollte die Kommunikation zwischen den Ärzten und den Patienten verbessert werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Hardware-Abbildung eines videobasierten Verfahrens zur echtzeitfähigen Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen auf eine modulare Coprozessor-Architektur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flatt, H.; Tarnowsky, A.; Blume, H.; Pirsch, P.


    Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Abbildung eines videobasierten Verfahrens zur echtzeitfähigen Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen auf eine modulare Coprozessor-Architektur. Die Architektur besteht aus mehreren dedizierten Recheneinheiten zur parallelen Verarbeitung rechenintensiver Bildverarbeitungsverfahren und ist mit einem RISC-Prozessor verbunden. Eine konfigurierbare Architekturerweiterung um eine Recheneinheit zur Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen von Objekten ermöglicht in Verbindung mit dem RISC eine echtzeitfähige Klassifikation. Je nach Konfiguration sind für die Architekturerweiterung auf einem Xilinx Virtex-5-FPGA zwischen 3300 und 12 000 Lookup-Tables erforderlich. Bei einer Taktfrequenz von 100 MHz können unabhängig von der Bildauflösung pro Einzelbild in einem 25-Hz-Videodatenstrom bis zu 100 Objekte der Größe 256×256 Pixel analysiert werden. This paper presents the mapping of a video-based approach for real-time evaluation of angular histograms on a modular coprocessor architecture. The architecture comprises several dedicated processing elements for parallel processing of computation-intensive image processing tasks and is coupled with a RISC processor. A configurable architecture extension, especially a processing element for evaluating angular histograms of objects in conjunction with a RISC processor, provides a real-time classification. Depending on the configuration of the architecture extension, 3 300 to 12 000 look-up tables are required for a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA implementation. Running at a clock frequency of 100 MHz and independently of the image resolution per frame, 100 objects of size 256×256 pixels are analyzed in a 25 Hz video stream by the architecture.

  12. 40 CFR 721.1630 - 1,2-Ethanediol bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[oxybis(2,1-ethanediyl oxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[oxybis (2,1-ethane diyloxy)] bis-, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[[1-[(2-propenyloxy) methyl]-1,2-ethanediyl] bis(oxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzene...

  13. 40 CFR 721.1630 - 1,2-Ethanediol bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[oxybis(2,1-ethanediyl oxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[oxybis (2,1-ethane diyloxy)] bis-, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[[1-[(2-propenyloxy) methyl]-1,2-ethanediyl] bis(oxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzene...

  14. 40 CFR 721.1630 - 1,2-Ethanediol bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[oxybis(2,1-ethanediyl oxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[oxybis (2,1-ethane diyloxy)] bis-, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); ethanol, 2,2â²-[[1-[(2-propenyloxy) methyl]-1,2-ethanediyl] bis(oxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzene...

  15. Von Hippel-Lindau Disease


    What is Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL)? Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is a rare disease that causes tumors and cysts to grow in your body. They ... can become cancerous. What causes Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL)? Von Hippel-Lindau disease (VHL) is a ...

  16. Biochemical characterization of propylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). Facile synthesis of monoalkylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones).


    Elo, H; Laine, R; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Jänne, J; Mutikainen, I; Lumme, P


    Propylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) sulfate, a novel analog of the well-known antileukemic drug methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), has been prepared from 2,2-dibromopentanal, and the compound has been characterized biochemically. Although it is a powerful inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, its Ki value (0.2 microM) is considerably higher than that of ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (0.06 microM). The compound is only poorly taken up by tumor cells, and its accumulation is not stimulated by a prior exposure of the tumor cells to difluoromethylornithine, a compound that causes polyamine depletion. Thus, the uptake characteristics of the compound are similar to those of ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), but in striking contrast to those of methylglyoxal and glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones). Since the configuration of the double bonds in glyoxal, methylglyoxal and propylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones) has been shown to be identical, the different uptake characteristics are probably only due to differences in side chain size and/or hydrophobicity.

  17. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This photograph of Dr. von Braun, shown here to the left of General Bruce Medaris, was taken in the fall of 1959, immediately prior to Medaris' retirement from the Army. At the time, von Braun and his associates worked for the Army Ballistics Missile Agency in Huntsville, Alabama. Those in the photograph have been identified as Ernst Stuhlinger, Frederick von Saurma, Fritz Mueller, Hermarn Weidner, E.W. Neubert (partially hidden), W.A. Mrazek, Karl Heimburg, Arthur Rudolph, Otto Hoberg, von Braun, Oswald Lange, Medaris, Helmut Hoelzer, Hans Maus, E.D. Geissler, Hans Heuter, and George Constan.

  18. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher von Braun served as Marshall Space Flight Center's first director from July 1, 1960 until January 27, 1970, when he was appointed NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning. Following World War II, Dr. von Braun and his German colleagues arrived in the United States under Project Paper Clip to continue their rocket development work. In 1950, von Braun and his rocket team were transferred from Ft. Bliss, Texas to Huntsville, Alabama to work for the Army's rocket program at Redstone Arsenal and later, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Under von Braun's leadership, Marshall developed the Saturn V launch vehicle which took Apollo astronauts to the moon. Dr. von Braun died in Alexandria, Va., on June 16, 1977, seven years after his NASA appointment. This photo was taken at the site where he was laid to rest.

  19. Inzidenz von bullösen Autoimmunerkrankungen in Serbien: eine retrospektive Studie über 20 Jahre.


    Milinković, Mirjana; Janković, Slavenka; Medenica, Ljiljana; Nikolić, Miloš; Reljić, Vesna; Popadić, Svetlana; Janković, Janko


    Die meisten früheren Arbeiten zu den klinisch-epidemiologischen Merkmalen von bullösen Autoimmunerkrankungen (AIBD) konzentrierten sich vor allem auf eine einzige Krankheitsentität oder nur eine Krankheitsgruppe; nur in wenigen Studien wurde die Inzidenz verschiedener AIBD untersucht. Bei der vorliegenden Studie war es unser Ziel, das gesamte Spektrum der AIBD zu betrachten, die Inzidenz der häufigsten AIBD zu ermitteln und die zeitlichen Trends ihres Auftretens in Zentralserbien über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren zu untersuchen. Wir rekrutierten retrospektiv 1161 AIBD-Fälle, die in Zentralserbien von Januar 1991 bis Dezember 2010 neu diagnostiziert wurden. Die Diagnose stützte sich auf eine strikte klinische, histologische und immunhistologische Beurteilung. Folgende Inzidenzraten wurden für die einzelnen Erkrankungen ermittelt: 4,35 pro eine Million Einwohner/Jahr (pME/Jahr) für Pemphigus, 4,47 pME/Jahr für Pemphigoid, 1,42 pME/Jahr für Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), 0,25 pME/Jahr IgA-Dermatose und 0,08 pME/Jahr für Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Im betrachteten Zeitraum stieg die altersbereinigte Inzidenzrate für Pemphigus und insbesondere für Pemphigoid signifikant an, während sie für DH, allerdings nicht signifikant, abnahm. Unsere Studie befasst sich zum ersten Mal mit den Inzidenzraten des gesamten Spektrums der AIBD in Serbien und untersucht die zeitlichen Trends ihres Auftretens über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren. Nach unserem besten Wissen wurde ein ähnlicher Befund wie der unsere, dass nämlich die Inzidenzraten von Pemphigus und Pemphigoid vergleichbar sind, bisher noch nicht publiziert. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  20. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher von Braun served as Marshall Space Flight Center's first director from July 1, 1960 until January 27, 1970, when he was appointed NASA Deputy Associate Administrator for Plarning. Following World War II, Dr. von Braun and his German colleagues arrived in the United States under Project Paperclip to continue their rocket development work. In 1950, von Braun and his rocket team were transferred from Ft. Bliss, Texas to Huntsville, Alabama to work for the Army's rocket program at Redstone Arsenal and later, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center. Under von Braun's leadership, Marshall developed the Saturn V launch vehicle which took Apollo astronauts to the moon.

  1. Pregnancy and delivery in women with von Willebrand's disease and different von Willebrand factor mutations.


    Castaman, Giancarlo; Tosetto, Alberto; Rodeghiero, Francesco


    Pregnancy in von Willebrand's disease may carry a significant risk of bleeding. Information on changes in factor VIII and von Willebrand factor and pregnancy outcome in relation to von Willebrand factor gene mutations are very scanty. We examined biological response to desmopressin, changes in factor VIII and von Willebrand factor and pregnancy outcome in a cohort of 23 women with von Willebrand's disease characterized at molecular level and prospectively followed during 2000-2007. Thirty-one pregnancies occurred during the study period. Remarkably, similar changes of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor were observed after desmopressin and during pregnancy in nine women with R854Q, R1374H, V1665E, V1822G and C2362F mutations. Women with von Willebrand's disease and R1205H and C1130F mutations (17 pregnancies in 12 women) had only a slight increase of factor VIII and von Willebrand factor during pregnancy while their response to desmopressin was marked but short-lived. For these women, two to three desmopressin administrations within the first 48 hours were sufficient to successfully manage vaginal delivery. Two women with recessive von Willebrand's disease due to compound heterozygosity for different gene mutations had a spontaneous, major increase in factor VIII while von Willebrand factor remained severely reduced. Desmopressin increased factor VIII and was clinically useful in the first case, while a factor VIII/von Willebrand factor concentrate was required in the second patient not responsive to the compound. Factor VIII/von Willebrand factor concentrate was also required for two women with type 2 A von Willebrand's disease with V1665E mutations who had no von Willebrand factor activity change during pregnancy. In one of them, delayed bleeding occurred 15 days later requiring treatment with Factor VIII/von Willebrand factor concentrate. No miscarriages or stillbirths occurred. Close follow-up and detailed guidelines for the management of parturition have

  2. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In 1970 Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director Dr. Wernher von Braun (right) was reassigned to NASA Headquarters to serve as Deputy Associate Administrator for Plarning. Prior to his transfer, Dr. von Braun was honored for his career in Huntsville, Alabama, with the celebration of "Wernher von Braun Day." Among those participating were Alabama Governor Albert Brewer (left) and Alabama Senator John Sparkman (center). (Courtesy of Huntsville/Madison County Public library)

  3. A randomized clinical study comparing the plaque inhibition effect of a SnF2/SHMP dentifrice (blend-a-med EXPERT GUMS PROTECTION) and a chlorhexidine digluconate dentifrice (Lacalut Aktiv).


    Bellamy, P G; Khera, N; Day, T N; Mussett, A J; Barker, M L


    To compare the plaque inhibition benefits of a control 0.454% stannous fluoride/sodium hexametaphosphate/sodium fluoride dentifrice (SnF2/SHMP with 1450 ppm F) to a chlorhexidine digluconate (0.05%), aluminum lactate (0.8%), and aluminum fluoride (AlF3/Chx with 1400 ppm F) dentifrice. Twenty-nine subjects were randomized to a two-period, two-treatment, double-blind crossover sequence using blend-a-med EXPERT GUMS PROTECTION toothpaste (SnF2/SHMP) and Lacalut Aktiv toothpaste (AlF3/Chx). Each treatment was used along with a standard manual toothbrush (Oral-B P35 Indicator) for 17 days. Digital plaque image analysis (DPIA) was used at the end of each period for three consecutive days to evaluate plaque levels; a) overnight (A.M. pre-brush); b) following 40 seconds of brushing with the test product (A.M. post-brush); and c) mid-afternoon (P.M.). Images were analyzed using an objective computer algorithm to calculate the total area of visible plaque. A four-day washout period was instituted for the crossover phase. Twenty-seven subjects completed the study. The SnF2/SHMP dentifrice provided a statistically significant lower level of plaque area coverage compared to the AlF3/Chx dentifrice at all time points. For the SnF2/SHMP dentifrice, plaque coverage was 19.4% lower (p = 0.0043) at the A.M. pre-brush, 25.6% lower (p = 0.0014) at the A.M. post-brush, and 19.8% lower (p = 0.0057) at the P.M. measure relative to the AlF3/Chx dentifrice. The blend-a-med EXPERT GUMS PROTECTION toothpaste inhibits plaque regrowth, both overnight and during the day, to a significantly greater degree than Lacalut Aktiv. Additionally, immediately after brushing with blend-a-med EXPERT GUMS PROTECTION, subjects had significantly less plaque than after brushing with Lacalut Aktiv.

  4. Intramolecular Electron Transfer in Bis(tetraalkyl Hydrazine) and Bis(hydrazyl) Radical Cations.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chang, Hao

    A series of multicyclic bis(hydrazine) and bis(diazenium) compounds connected by relatively rigid hydrocarbon frameworks were prepared for the study of intramolecular electron transfer. The thermodynamics of electron removal of these compounds was investigated by cyclic voltammetry. The difference between the first and second oxidation potentials for the 4 sigma-bonded species was found to be larger for the bis(hydrazyl) radical systems than for the bis(hydrazines) by ca. 0.2 V (4.6 kcal/mol). This indicates a greater degree of interaction between the two nitrogen moieties for the hydrazyl systems, which is consistent with a greater degree of electronic coupling (H _{rm AB}) in these systems. The ESR spectra of the 4 sigma -bonded bis(hydrazine) radical cations indicate localized radical cations, which corresponds to slow intramolecular electron transfer on the ESR timescale. Conversely, the ESR spectra of the corresponding bis(hydrazyl) radical cation systems show nitrogen hyperfine splittings of a(4N) of ca. 4.5 G. This indicates that intramolecular electron transfer between the two nitrogen moieties is fast on the ESR timescale; the rate of exchange, k_ {rm ex} was estimated to be well above 1.9 times 10^8 s^{-1}. The contrast in exchange rates is consistent with the large geometry change upon oxidation which is characteristic of hydrazines. The hydrazyls undergo a smaller geometry change upon oxidation, and thus are expected to exhibit smaller inner-sphere reorganization energies. The optical spectra of these radical species was investigated in hopes of observing absorption bands corresponding to intramolecular electron transfer, as predicted by Hush theory. A broad absorption band was observed in the near IR region for the saturated bis(hydrazyl) radical cation system at 1060 nm (9420 cm^{-1} ) in acetonitrile at room temperature, and was accompanied by a narrower band at 1430 nm (6993 cm^ {-1}). The width of this band was estimated to be 545 nm (6496 cm^{-1

  5. Revisiting RuBisCO.


    Yokota, Akiho


    Since the discovery of its role in the CO 2 fixation reaction in photosynthesis, RuBisCO has been one of the most extensively researched enzymes in the fields of biochemistry, molecular biology, and molecular genetics as well as conventional plant physiology, agricultural chemistry, and crop science. In addition, the RuBisCO and RuBisCO-like genes of more than 2000 organisms have been sequenced during the past 20 years. During the course of those studies, the origin of the RuBisCO gene began to be discussed. Recent studies have reported that the RuBisCO gene emerged in methanogenic bacteria long before photosynthetic organisms appeared. The origin of similar early genes might have allowed this gene to overcome changes in global environments during ancient and recent eras and to participate in the fixation of 200 GT of CO 2 annually. In this review, I focus on several points that have not been discussed at length in the literature thus far.

  6. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Marshall Center Director Dr. Wernher Von Braun is pictured with Walt Disney during a visit to the Marshall Space Flight Center in 1954. In the 1950s, Dr. Von Braun while working in California on the Saturn project, also worked with Disney studios as a technical director in making three films about Space Exploration for television. Disney's tour of Marshall in 1965 was Von Braun's hope for a renewed public interest in the future of the Space Program at NASA.

  7. Digitalisierung als Inkubator für die Energieversorgung von morgen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnold, Christian; Postina, Matthias

    Neue Treiber der Digitalisierung bestimmen die Geschicke der etablierten Unternehmen im Energiebereich, dabei haben diese in vielen Fällen noch nicht einmal adäquat auf die altbekannten Treiber der Energiewende reagiert. Eine ganze Branche ist im Umbruch, alte Erlösmodelle brechen ein und Einigkeit scheint bei den Verantwortlichen nur in der Frage zu herrschen, wie in Zukunft noch Geld verdient werden kann. Dieser Beitrag erklärt die prägenden Treiber der Veränderung, analysiert die Ausgangslage und nennt Herausforderungen der Branche. Darüber hinaus legt er den Fokus auf die Betrachtung der neuen digitalen Wertschöpfung. Dazu wird ein Modell eingeführt, welches von der klassischen Wertschöpfungskette über datenbasierte Geschäftsmodelle im Energiesystem bis hin zum Internet of Smart Services reicht. Mit dem Modell geben die Autoren gleichsam Einblick in das geplante Energiewendeprojekt enera.

  8. Astronomy from Olbers to Schwarzschild. (German Title: Astronomie von Olbers bis Schwarzschild)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dick, Wolfgang R.; Hamel, Jürgen

    This issue comprises talks presented 2000 September 18 at the colloquium ``International relations in astronomy'' it is supplemented by additional articles about this topic. The foundation of the international ``Vereinigte Astronomische Gesellschaft'', which took place in 1800 in Bremen, prompted us to investigate the development of astronomy in German-speaking regions, and its international relations during the 19th century. We investigate the activities of famous astronomers like W. Olbers, J.E. Bode, F.X. von Zach, J.H. Schroeter, H.C. Schumacher and K. Schwarzschild, as well as those of their less famous professional colleagues like J.G. Schrader and L. de Ball. The geographical spectrum extends from Bremen and Lilienthal over Kiel, Gotha and Dresden to Copenhagen, Vienna and Chile. Among the topics are: telescope construction, including telescopes made by Herschel, the rediscovery of the minor planet Ceres 1801/02, the Berlin ``Astronomisches Jahrbuch'', the foundation of the ``Astronomische Nachrichten'', the evolution from the ``Vereinigte Astronomische Gesellschaft'' to the present-day ``Astronomische Gesellschaft'', the research at the Kuffner Observatory in Vienna, the professionalization in astronomy, and the attempts of many countries to establish a southern observatory in Chile. A listing of astronomical monuments in Lilienthal and Bremen concludes the book. All papers are written in German with English abstracts.

  9. Dr. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. von Braun is looking out from a 10th floor window of building 4200 at the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). He was the first Center Director and served as the Director from July 1960 through February 1970. Following World War II, Dr. von Braun and his German colleagues arrived in the United States under the Project Paperclip (American acquisition of German rocket experts) to continue their rocket development work. In 1950, von Braun and his German Rocket Team (also called the Peenemuende Team) were transferred from Ft. Bliss, Texas to Huntsville, Alabama to work for the Army's rocket program at Redstone Arsenal and later, NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC). Under Dr. von Braun's leadership, MSFC developed the Saturn V launch vehicle, which placed the first men, two American astronauts, on the Moon. Wernher von Braun's life was dedicated to expanding man's knowledge through the exploration of space.

  10. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Five of the seven original astronauts are seen with Dr. von Braun inspecting the Mercury-Redstone hardware in the Fabrication Laboratory of Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) in 1959. Left to right: Astronauts Walter Schirra, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, and Dr. von Braun.

  11. Microwave assisted synthesis of bis and tris(ω-bromoacetophenones): versatile precursors for novel bis(imidazo[1,2-a]pyridines), bis(imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidines) and their tris-analogs

    PubMed Central


    Background α-Bromination of the side chain of aromatic ketones using NBS in the presence of p-toluenesulfonic acid (p-TsOH) in acetonitrile is very common. However, regioselective bromination of bis and tris(ω-bromoacetophenones) with NBS in the presence of p-TsOH in acetonitrile under microwave irradiation is quite novel. The bis- and tris(ω-bromoacetophenones) are used in synthesis of bis and tris(heterocycles). bis(heterocycles) have received a great deal of attention, because many biologically active natural and synthetic products have molecular symmetry. The use of the pressurized microwave irradiation is very advantageous to many syntheses and provide a large rate enhancement. Results Bis and tris(ω-bromoacetophenones) were obtained as single monobrominated derivatives in a shorter time than the conventional conditions. The results clearly demonstrate the better reactivity and selectivity of NBS/p-TsOH/CH3CN as a brominating mixture under microwave conditions. The reaction of bis and tris(ω-bromoacetophenone) with 2-aminopyridine and 2-aminopyrimidine proceeded smoothly in a mixture of anhydrous ethanol and DMF under reflux or using 300 W/105°C/ 20 min microwave irradiation conditions to afford the corresponding bis(imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine), bis(imidazo[1,2-a]pyrimidine) and tris(imidazo[1,2-a]pyridine) derivatives in moderate to excellent yields. The carbonyl analogue of the targeted bis(imidazopyridines) could be synthesized by the reaction of N,N-dimethyl-N'-(pyridin-2-yl)formimidamide with bis(ω-bromoacetophenone) in refluxing ethanol. The structures of the newly synthesized compounds were confirmed by their spectral data as well as their elemental analyses. Conclusion In conclusion, selective α-bromination of bis- and tris(acetophenones) has been accomplished efficiently utilizing NBS/p-TsOH/CH3CN under microwave irradiation. In addition, a facile synthesis of novel series of bis- and tris(imidazopyridine) and bis(imidazopyrimidine) derivatives

  12. Depression-like behavior and mechanical allodynia are reduced by bis selenide treatment in mice with chronic constriction injury: a comparison with fluoxetine, amitriptyline, and bupropion.


    Jesse, Cristiano R; Wilhelm, Ethel A; Nogueira, Cristina W


    Neuropathic pain is associated with significant co-morbidities, including depression, which impact considerably on the overall patient experience. Pain co-morbidity symptoms are rarely assessed in animal models of neuropathic pain. Neuropathic pain is characterized by hyperexcitability within nociceptive pathways and remains difficult to treat with standard analgesics. The present study determined the effect of bis selenide and conventional antidepressants (fluoxetine, amitriptyline, and bupropion) on neuropathic pain using mechanical allodynic and on depressive-like behavior. Male mice were subjected to chronic constriction injury (CCI) or sham surgery and were assessed on day 14 after operation. Mice received oral treatment with bis selenide (1-5 mg/kg), fluoxetine, amitriptyline, or bupropion (10-30 mg/kg). The response frequency to mechanical allodynia in mice was measured with von Frey hairs. Mice were evaluated in the forced swimming test (FST) test for depression-like behavior. The CCI procedure produced mechanical allodynia and increased depressive-like behavior in the FST. All of the drugs produced antiallodynic effects in CCI mice and produced antidepressant effects in control mice without altering locomotor activity. In CCI animals, however, only the amitriptyline and bis selenide treatments significantly reduced immobility in the FST. These data demonstrate an important dissociation between the antiallodynic and antidepressant effects in mice when tested in a model of neuropathic pain. Depressive behavior in CCI mice was reversed by bis selenide and amitriptyline but not by the conventional antidepressants fluoxetine and buproprion. Bis selenide was more potent than the other drugs tested for antidepressant-like and antiallodynic effects in mice.

  13. Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Systemtherapien bei Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis: Erste Ergebnisse des deutschen Neurodermitis-Registers TREATgermany.


    Schmitt, Jochen; Abraham, Susanne; Trautmann, Freya; Stephan, Victoria; Fölster-Holst, Regina; Homey, Bernhard; Bieber, Thomas; Novak, Natalija; Sticherling, Michael; Augustin, Matthias; Kleinheinz, Andreas; Elsner, Peter; Weidinger, Stephan; Werfel, Thomas


    Versorgungsregister dienen der Erfassung des Einsatzes und der Wirksamkeit von Therapien unter realen Versorgungsbedingungen und sind als Basis einer evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung unverzichtbar. Das deutsche Neurodermitis-Register TREATgermany wurde als weltweit erstes Register für Patienten mit schwerer Neurodermitis 2011 initiiert. Erwachsene mit schwerer Neurodermitis (aktuelle/frühere antientzündliche Systemtherapie und/oder objektiver SCORAD ≥ 40) werden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten prospektiv beobachtet. Anhand validierter Erhebungsinstrumente werden die klinische Erkrankungsschwere (EASI, SCORAD), Lebensqualität (DLQI), Symptome, globale Erkrankungsschwere sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit erfasst und die durchgeführten Therapien dokumentiert. Die vorliegende Analyse beschreibt die Charakteristika, Therapiewahl und Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten antiinflammatorischen Systemtherapien der bis Oktober 2014 eingeschlossenen Patienten. An fünf Zentren wurden insgesamt 78 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 39 Jahre, 61 % männlich) eingeschlossen. Bei den Patienten besteht eine hohe Inanspruchnahme ambulanter und stationärer Leistungen. Ciclosporin war das am häufigsten eingesetzte Systemtherapeutikum und zeigte die höchste klinische Effektivität (EASI-50-Ansprechrate 51 %; EASI-75-Ansprechrate 34 % nach zwölfwöchiger Therapie). Azathioprin, Methotrexat (MTX), Prednisolon oral, Mycophenolat, Alitretinoin und Leflunomid wurden ebenfalls bei einzelnen Patienten eingesetzt. Die vorliegende Registerauswertung gibt wichtige Hinweise zur derzeitigen Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis in Deutschland, dokumentiert die hohe Erkrankungslast, den Nutzen vorhandener Therapien und den Bedarf an weiteren, effektiven und in der Langzeitanwendung sicheren Therapieoptionen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Morphology and water resistance of mixed silane films of bis[3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl]tetrasulfide and bis-[trimethoxysilylpropyl]amine

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pan, Guirong; Schaefer, Dale W.; van Ooij, Wim J.


    Functional organosilanes are powerful interface-active agents that find applications as adhesion promoters as well as optical, dielectric and protective coatings. Bis-silanes are of particular interest because they are highly crosslinked leading to very robust films. In almost all applications, the water resistance of the films is a critical performance measure. Here we use neutron reflectivity to address the effect of bridging group on the hydrothermal response of bis-silane films prepared using bis[3-(triethoxysilyl) propyl]tetrasulfide and bis-[trimethoxysilylpropyl]amine. Neat and mixed films are examined as-prepared, after exposure to water vapor and then in the re-dried state. The bridging group is the key factormore » that controls the morphology and water resistance of silane films. Although bis-sulfur silane is not as condensed as bis-amino silane, bis-sulfur swells less in water because of the hydrophobic nature of bridging group. The reflectivity of bis-sulfur silane film is reversible after room-temperature water conditioning but not at 80 C, indicating chemical alternation of the film at 80 C. The water resistance of mixed silane is roughly that of both components weighted by their volume fraction. But based on the enhanced shrinkage that occurs following water-vapor conditioning of the mixed film, condensation is accelerated in the mixed silane. Regarding the precursor solution, bis-amino silane may act as a catalyst in the hydrolysis of bis-sulfur silane leading to more silanols in the solution and further condensation in the film. Variation in the structure normal to the substrate is also examined by swelling the film with d-nitrobenzene, a non-reacting swelling agent.« less

  15. Briefwechsel uber die Partikel "bis" (An Exchange of Letters about the Particle "bis").

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ludwig, Horst; Holschuh, Albrecht


    A discussion, in the form of an animated letter exchange, argues that, contrary to most current grammatical descriptions, the German particle "bis" should not be viewed as a preposition governing the accusative case. Rather, it is demonstrated that "bis" most often occurs as a proclitic adverb. (16 references) (JTC)

  16. 40 CFR 721.10243 - Phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl]-, bis(2-chloroethyl) ester.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2... SUBSTANCES Significant New Uses for Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10243 Phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2... to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl...

  17. 40 CFR 721.10243 - Phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]ethyl]-, bis(2-chloroethyl) ester.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2... SUBSTANCES Significant New Uses for Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10243 Phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2... to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as phosphonic acid, P-[2-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl...

  18. Titanisierung von Implantatoberflächen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zimmermann, Hanngörg; Heinlein, Markus; Guldner, Norbert W.

    Titan gilt seit Jahrzehnten als einer der wichtigsten Implantatwerkstoffe in der Medizin. Neben den guten mechanischen Eigenschaften (Leichtigkeit, hohe Festigkeit etc.), besitzen Titanimplantate vor allem eine hervorragende Körperverträglichkeit, so dass die Implantate optimal in den humanen Organismus integriert werden [1]. Ist jedoch aufgrund der Anforderungen an das Implantat eine hohe Flexibilität und/ oder Elastizität gefragt, so scheidet der Werkstoff Titan aufgrund seiner spröden und unflexiblen Materialeigenschaften aus. Die Folge ist der Einsatz von Implantatmaterialien, sowohl künstlichen als auch biologischen Ursprungs, welche nicht selten eine unzureichende Biokompatibilität aufweisen und somit zu Fremdköper- und immunologischen Reaktionen und Einkapselung des Implantates führen können. Die Erhöhung der Körperverträglichkeit, eine Adaption an das biologische Umfeld und eine hohe Biokompatibilität sind demzufolge die wichtigsten Eigenschaften bei der bedarfsgerechten Herstellung von Implantaten und Implantatoberflächen. Zur Gestaltung von innovativen, biokompatiblen Oberflächen stehen unterschiedliche technische Lösungsansätze zur Verfügung. Zum einen besteht die Möglichkeit, geeignete Oberflächeneigenschaften aus dem Grundmaterial selbst zu optimieren. Dies geschieht unter anderem durch Modifikation der Werkstoffoberflächen in Form von Texturierungen und Oberflächenrauhigkeiten. Zum anderen können die Oberflächeneigenschaften unabhängig von denen des Trägermaterials gestaltet werden. Durch Funktionalisierung der Oberflächen mit geeigneten Beschichtungen oder der Zugabe von Medikamenten (Drug Eluting) werden die Kunststoffimplantate dahingehend verändert, dass eine Steigerung der Körperakzeptanz erreicht wird. Die Titanbeschichtung von Implantatoberflächen kombiniert die positiven Materialeigenschaften von Titan und Polymer.

  19. Nucleotide-dependent bisANS binding to tubulin.


    Chakraborty, S; Sarkar, N; Bhattacharyya, B


    Non-covalent hydrophobic probes such as 5, 5'-bis(8-anilino-1-naphthalenesulfonate) (bisANS) have become increasingly popular to gain information about protein structure and conformation. However, there are limitations as bisANS binds non-specifically at multiple sites of many proteins. Successful use of this probe depends upon the development of binding conditions where only specific dye-protein interaction will occur. In this report, we have shown that the binding of bisANS to tubulin occurs instantaneously, specifically at one high affinity site when 1 mM guanosine 5'-triphosphate (GTP) is included in the reaction medium. Substantial portions of protein secondary structure and colchicine binding activity of tubulin are lost upon bisANS binding in absence of GTP. BisANS binding increases with time and occurs at multiple sites in the absence of GTP. Like GTP, other analogs, guanosine 5'-diphosphate, guanosine 5'-monophosphate and adenosine 5'-triphosphate, also displace bisANS from the lower affinity sites of tubulin. We believe that these multiple binding sites are generated due to the bisANS-induced structural changes on tubulin and the presence of GTP and other nucleotides protect those structural changes.

  20. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher Von Braun, stands in front of a Saturn IB Launch Vehicle at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). Dr. Von Braun was Marshall's first Center Director (1960-1970). Under his leadership Marshall was responsible for the development of the Saturn rockets, the Skylab project and getting the United States into Space and landing on the moon with the Apollo missions.

  1. 40 CFR 721.9663 - Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ..., alphaâ²-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis (C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers. 721... Substances § 721.9663 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega...′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis(C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers (PMN P-97-497...

  2. 40 CFR 721.9663 - Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ..., alphaâ²-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis (C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers. 721... Substances § 721.9663 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega...′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis(C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers (PMN P-97-497...

  3. 40 CFR 721.9663 - Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ..., alphaâ²-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis (C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers. 721... Substances § 721.9663 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega...′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis(C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers (PMN P-97-497...

  4. 40 CFR 721.9663 - Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ..., alphaâ²-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis (C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers. 721... Substances § 721.9663 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega...′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis(C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers (PMN P-97-497...

  5. 40 CFR 721.9663 - Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., alphaâ²-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis (C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers. 721... Substances § 721.9663 Poly(oxy-1,2-ethanediyl), alpha, alpha′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega...′-[thiobis (1-oxo-3,1-propanediyl)]bis [omega-hydroxy-,bis(C11-15 and C11-15-isoalkyl) ethers (PMN P-97-497...

  6. Facile, novel two-step syntheses of benzimidazoles, bis-benzimidazoles, and bis-benzimidazole-dihydroquinoxalines.


    Xu, Zhigang; Shaw, Arthur Y; Dietrich, Justin; Cappelli, Alexandra P; Nichol, Gary; Hulme, Christopher


    Three scaffolds of benzimidazoles, bis-benzimidazoles, and bis-benzimidazole-dihydroquinoxalines were synthesized via Ugi/de-protection/cyclization methodology. Benzimidazole forming ring closure was enabled under microwave irradiation in the presence of 10% TFA/DCE. The methodology demonstrates the utility of 2-(N-Boc-amino)-phenyl-isocyanide for the generation of new molecular diversity.

  7. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun was honored with a series of farewell events and ceremonies prior to his reassignment to NASA Headquarters in Washington, D.C. Alabama Governor Brewer greets Dr. von Braun following his speech at the front of the Madison County Courthouse in Huntsville, Alabama on February 24, 1970. Behind are Madison County Commissioner James Record, Huntsville Mayor Joe Davis, and U.S. Senator Sparkman.

  8. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Apollo 11 splashdown celebration in Huntsville, Alabama, on July 24, 1969. Huntsville Alabama is the home of the Marshall Space Flight Center which developed the Saturn vehicles under the direction of Dr. von Braun. The photo shows Dr. von Braun speaking to the crowd at the Madison County Courthouse as Mayor Joe Davis, Madison County Commissioner James Record and City Council President Ken Johnson look on.

  9. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun is carried aloft on the shoulders of Huntsville city officials during the Apollo 11 celebration in Huntsville, Alabama, on July 24, 1969. Huntsville, Alabama is the home of the Marshall Space Flight Center which developed the Saturn vehicles under the direction of Dr. von Braun. The Apollo 11 lifted off in July and made the first marned lunar landing on the Moon.

  10. Facile, novel two-step syntheses of benzimidazoles, bis-benzimidazoles, and bis-benzimidazole-dihydroquinoxalines

    PubMed Central

    Xu, Zhigang; Shaw, Arthur Y.; Dietrich, Justin; Cappelli, Alexandra P.; Nichol, Gary; Hulme, Christopher


    Three scaffolds of benzimidazoles, bis-benzimidazoles, and bis-benzimidazole-dihydroquinoxalines were synthesized via Ugi/de-protection/cyclization methodology. Benzimidazole forming ring closure was enabled under microwave irradiation in the presence of 10% TFA/DCE. The methodology demonstrates the utility of 2-(N-Boc-amino)-phenyl-isocyanide for the generation of new molecular diversity. PMID:22237832

  11. Diagnosis and management of von Willebrand's syndrome.


    Rick, M E


    von Willebrand's disease is the most common of the inherited bleeding disorders. It is caused by quantitative and/or qualitative abnormalities of von Willebrand factor, and it usually presents with bleeding from mucosal surfaces. The diagnosis is confirmed by measuring von Willebrand factor activity and antigen levels, factor VIII activity, and performing a multimer analysis of von Willebrand factor. Treatment may require plasma-derived concentrates, but can often be accomplished with DDAVP, a vasopressin analogue that causes transient release of von Willebrand factor from body storage sites.

  12. Mechanistic diversity in the RuBisCO superfamily: RuBisCO from Rhodospirillum rubrum is not promiscuous for reactions catalyzed by RuBisCO-like proteins.


    Warlick, Benjamin P E; Imker, Heidi J; Sriram, Jaya; Tabita, F Robert; Gerlt, John A


    d-Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenases (RuBisCOs) are promiscuous, catalyzing not only carboxylation and oxygenation of d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate but also other promiscuous, presumably nonphysiological, reactions initiated by abstraction of the 3-proton of d-ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate. Also, RuBisCO has homologues that do not catalyze carboxylation; these are designated RuBisCO-like proteins or RLPs. Members of the two families of RLPs catalyze reactions in the recycling of 5'-methylthioadenosine (MTA) generated by polyamine synthesis: (1) the 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentane 1-phosphate (DK-MTP 1-P) "enolase" reaction in the well-known "methionine salvage" pathway in Bacillus sp. and (2) the 5-methylthio-d-ribulose 1-phosphate (MTRu 1-P) 1,3-isomerase reaction in the recently discovered "MTA-isoprenoid shunt" that generates 1-deoxy-d-xylulose 5-phosphate for nonmevalonate isoprene synthesis in Rhodospirillum rubrum. We first studied the structure and reactivity of DK-MTP 1-P that was reported to decompose rapidly [Ashida, H., Saito, Y., Kojima, C., and Yokota, A. (2008) Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. 72, 959-967]. The 2-carbonyl group of DK-MTP 1-P is rapidly hydrated and can undergo enolization both nonenzymatically and enzymatically via the small amount of unhydrated material that is present. We then examined the ability of RuBisCO from R. rubrum to catalyze both of the RLP-catalyzed reactions. Contrary to a previous report [Ashida, H., Saito, Y., Kojima, C., Kobayashi, K., Ogasawara, N., and Yokota, A. (2003) Science 302, 286-290], we were unable to confirm that this RuBisCO catalyzes the DK-MTP 1-P "enolase" reaction either in vitro or in vivo. We also determined that this RuBisCO does not catalyze the MTRu 1-P 1,3-isomerase reaction in vitro. Thus, although RuBisCOs can be functionally promiscuous, RuBisCO from R. rubrum is not promiscuous for either of the known RLP-catalyzed reactions.

  13. catena-Poly[[[di-aqua-bis-[1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)diazene]copper(II)]-μ-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)diazene] bis-(perchlorate)].


    Ballestero-Martínez, Ernesto; Campos-Fernández, Cristian Saul; Soto-Tellini, Victor Hugo; Gonzalez-Montiel, Simplicio; Martínez-Otero, Diego


    In the title compound, {[Cu(C10H8N4)3(H2O)2](ClO4)2} n , the coordination environment of the cationic Cu(II) atom is distorted octa-hedral, formed by pairs of symmetry-equivalent 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)diazene ligands, bridging 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)diazene ligands and two non-equivalent water mol-ecules. The 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)diazene mol-ecules form polymeric chains parallel to [-101] via azo bonds which are situated about inversion centres. Since the Cu(II) atom is situated on a twofold rotation axis, the monomeric unit has point symmetry 2. The perchlorate anions are disordered in a 0.536 (9):0.464 (9) ratio and are acceptors of water H atoms in medium-strong O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds with graph set R 4 (4)(12). The water mol-ecules, which are coordinated to the Cu(II) atom and are hydrogen-bonded to the perchlorate anions, form columns parallel to [010]. A π-π inter-action [centroid-centroid distance = 3.913 (2) Å] occurs between pyridine rings, and weak C-H⋯O inter-actions also occur.

  14. 40 CFR 721.1187 - Bis(imidoethylene) benzene.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. 721.1187... Substances § 721.1187 Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance bis(imidoethylene)benzene (PMN P-93-1447) is subject to reporting...

  15. 40 CFR 721.1187 - Bis(imidoethylene) benzene.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. 721.1187... Substances § 721.1187 Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance bis(imidoethylene)benzene (PMN P-93-1447) is subject to reporting...

  16. 40 CFR 721.1187 - Bis(imidoethylene) benzene.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. 721.1187... Substances § 721.1187 Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance bis(imidoethylene)benzene (PMN P-93-1447) is subject to reporting...

  17. 40 CFR 721.1187 - Bis(imidoethylene) benzene.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. 721.1187... Substances § 721.1187 Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance bis(imidoethylene)benzene (PMN P-93-1447) is subject to reporting...

  18. 40 CFR 721.1187 - Bis(imidoethylene) benzene.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. 721.1187... Substances § 721.1187 Bis(imidoethylene) benzene. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance bis(imidoethylene)benzene (PMN P-93-1447) is subject to reporting...

  19. A double commutant theorem for Murray–von Neumann algebras

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Zhe


    Murray–von Neumann algebras are algebras of operators affiliated with finite von Neumann algebras. In this article, we study commutativity and affiliation of self-adjoint operators (possibly unbounded). We show that a maximal abelian self-adjoint subalgebra of the Murray–von Neumann algebra associated with a finite von Neumann algebra is the Murray–von Neumann algebra , where is a maximal abelian self-adjoint subalgebra of and, in addition, is . We also prove that the Murray–von Neumann algebra with the center of is the center of the Murray–von Neumann algebra . Von Neumann’s celebrated double commutant theorem characterizes von Neumann algebras as those for which , where , the commutant of , is the set of bounded operators on the Hilbert space that commute with all operators in . At the end of this article, we present a double commutant theorem for Murray–von Neumann algebras. PMID:22543165

  20. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Marshall Space Flight Center Director Dr. Wernher von Braun presents Lady Bird Johnson with an inscribed hard hat during the First Lady's March 24, 1964 visit. While at the Marshall Center, Mrs. Johnson addressed Center employees, toured facilities and witnessed test firings of a Saturn I first stage and an F-1 engine. Dr. von Braun is wearing a Texas hat presented to him months earlier by Lyndon Johnson during a visit to the Johnson ranch in Texas.

  1. [Bis(imidazolyl)-BH₂]+[bis-(triazolyl)-BH₂]- Ionic Liquids with High Density and Energy Capacity.


    Jiao, Nianming; Li, Hao; Zhang, Yanqiang; Liu, Long; Zhang, Suojiang


    [Bis(imidazolyl)-BH₂]+[bis(triazolyl)-BH₂]- and [bis- (imidazolyl)-BH₂]+[tris(triazolyl)-BH]- were first synthesized, whose cations and anions were all functionalized with B-H groups and azoles. As B-H groups contributing to hypergolic activity and azole groups improving the energy outputs, the resulting ionic liquids exhibited ignition delay time as low as 20 ms and energy output as high as 461.1 kJ mol-1. Besides, densities (1.07-1.22 g∙cm-3) and density-specific impulse (ρIsp, ~ 360 s g cm-3) reach to relatively high level. It has a great promising for those ionic liquids as sustainable rocket fuels. © 2018 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. From bis(imidazole-2-thion-4-yl)phosphane to a flexible P-bridged bis(NHC) ligand and its silver complex.


    Majhi, Paresh Kumar; Schnakenburg, Gregor; Streubel, Rainer


    Synthesis of the first P(V)-bridged bis(NHC) ligand 7 was achieved via deprotonation of P(V)-functionalized bis(imidazolium) salt 6, which was obtained via oxidative desulfurization of bis(imidazole-2-thion-4-yl)phosphane 2. Bis(imidazolium) salt 6 was also employed to synthesize the corresponding silver complex 8. All new products were firmly established by spectroscopic and spectrometric methods as well as elemental analysis and, in addition, X-ray crystal structure analysis in the case of 3.

  3. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Jet Propulsion Laboratory Director Dr. James Pickering, Dr. James van Allen of the State University of Iowa, and Army Ballistic missionile Agency Technical Director Dr. Wernher von Braun triumphantly display a model of the Explorer I, America's first satellite, shortly after the satellite's launch on January 31, 1958. The Jet Propulsion Laboratory packed and tested the payload, a radiation detection experiment designed by Dr. van Allen. Dr. von Braun's rocket team at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, developed the Juno I launch vehicle, a modified Jupiter-C.

  4. Crystal structures of eight 3D molecular adducts derived from bis-imidazole, bis(benzimidazole), and organic acids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ding, Aihua; Jin, Shouwen; Jin, Shide; Hu, KaiKai; Lin, Zhihao; Liu, Hui; Wang, Daqi


    Cocrystallization of the bis(imidazole)/bis(benzimidazole) with a series of organic acids gave a total of eight molecular adducts with the compositions: (3,6-bis(imidazole-1-yl)pyridazine): (trichloroacetic acid)2(1) [(H2L1)2+ · (tca-)2, L1 = 3,6-bis(imidazole-1-yl)pyridazine, tca- = trichloroacetate], (bis(N-imidazolyl)methane): (suberic acid) (2) [(L2) · (H2suba), L2 = bis(N-imidazolyl)methane, H2suba = suberic acid], bis(N-imidazolyl)methane: (3-nitrophthalic acid): 3H2O (3) [(H2L2)2+ · (3-Hnpa-)2 · 3H2O, 3-Hnpa- = 3-nitro hydrogenphthalate], (bis(N-imidazolyl)butane)0.5: (4-nitrophthalic acid): H2O (4) [(H2L3)0.5+ · (4-Hnpa-)- · H2O, L3 = bis(N-imidazolyl)butane, 4-Hnpa- = 4-nitro hydrogenphthalate], (1-(3-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)propyl)-1H-benzimidazole): (3,5-dinitrosalicylic acid) (5) [(HL4) · (3,5-dns-), L4 = 1-(3-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)propyl)-1H-benzimidazole, 3,5-dns- = 3,5-dinitrosalicylate], (1-(3-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)propyl)-1H-benzimidazole): (3-nitrophthalic acid) (6) [(H2L4) · (3-npa2-), L4 = 1-(3-(1H-benzimidazol-1-yl)propyl)-1H-benzimidazole, 3-npa2-=3-nitrogenphthalate], (bis(N-imidazolyl)butane): (pamoic acid) (7) [(H2L3) · (pam), pam = pamoate], and (3,6-bis(imidazole-1-yl)pyridazine): (1,5-naphthalenedisulfonic acid) [(H2L1)2+ · (npda)2- = 1,5-naphthalenedisulfonate] (8). The eight adducts have been characterized by X-ray diffraction technique, infrared spectrum, and elemental analysis, and the melting points of all adducts were also reported. And their structural and supramolecular aspects are fully analyzed. The result reveals that among the eight investigated crystals both the end ring N in the bis(imidazole) moieties are protonated when the organic acids are deprotonated except 2, and 5, and the crystal packing is interpreted in terms of the strong ionic Nsbnd H⋯O H-bond between the imidazolium and the deprotonated acidic groups. Except the Nsbnd H⋯O H-bond, the Osbnd H⋯O H-bonds were also found at the salts 3, 4

  5. Liquid Biopsy zur Überwachung von Melanompatienten.


    Gaiser, Maria Rita; von Bubnoff, Nikolas; Gebhardt, Christoffer; Utikal, Jochen Sven


    In den letzten sechs Jahren wurden verschiedene innovative systemische Therapien zur Behandlung des metastasierten malignen Melanoms (MM) entwickelt. Die konventionelle Chemotherapie wurde durch neuartige Primärtherapien abgelöst, darunter systemische Immuntherapien (Anti-CTLA4- und Anti-PD1-Antikörper; Zulassung von Anti-PDL1-Antikörpern erwartet) und Therapien, die gegen bestimmte Mutationen gerichtet sind (BRAF, NRAS und c-KIT). Daher stehen die behandelnden Ärzte neuen Herausforderungen gegenüber, beispielsweise der Stratifizierung von Patienten für geeignete Behandlungen und der Überwachung von Langzeit-Respondern auf Progression. Folglich werden zuverlässige Methoden zur Überwachung von Krankheitsprogression oder Behandlungsresistenz benötigt. Lokalisierte und fortgeschrittene Krebserkrankungen können zur Bildung zirkulierender Tumorzellen und Tumor-DNA (ctDNA) führen, die sich in Proben von peripherem Blut nachweisen und quantifizieren lassen (Liquid Biopsy). Im Fall von Melanompatienten können die Ergebnisse von Liquid Biopsy als neuartige prädiktive Biomarker bei therapeutischen Entscheidungen hilfreich sein, insbesondere im Zusammenhang mit mutationsbasierten zielgerichteten Therapien. Die Herausforderungen bei der Anwendung der Liquid Biopsy beinhalten strikte Kriterien für den Phänotyp der zirkulierenden MM-Zellen oder ihrer Fragmente und die Instabilität von ctDNA im Blut. In diesem Übersichtsartikel diskutieren wir die Beschränkungen der Liquid Biopsy hinsichtlich ihrer Anwendung in der Routinediagnostik. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Dr. von Braun Briefing Walt Disney

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. von Braun began his association with Walt Disney in the 1950s when the rocket scientist appeared in three Disney television productions related to the exploration of space. Years later, Dr. von Braun invited Disney and his associates to tour the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) in Huntsville, Alabama. This photograph is dated April 13, 1965. From left are R.J. Schwinghamer from the MSFC, Disney, B.J. Bernight, and Dr. von Braun.

  7. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This photograph was taken after Dr. von Braun moved from his post as Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) to Deputy Associate Administrator for Planning at NASA Headquarters. On June 27, 1970, he visited the MSFC again during the center’s 10th anniversary to look at a mockup of the spacecraft that would later be known as Skylab. With von Braun are (left to right): Herman K. Weidner, director of Science and Engineering at MSFC, and James R. Thompson of the center’s Astrionics Laboratory.

  8. Versuche zur Gewinnung von katalytischen Antikörpern zur Hydrolyse von Arylcarbamaten und Arylharnstoffen. (English Title: Attempts to produce catalytic antibodies for hydrolysis of arylcarbamates and arylureas)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Werner, Deljana


    Umsatzgeschwindigkeit eine lineare Abhängigkeit festgestellt. Die thermodynamische Gleichtgewichtsdissoziationskonstante KD des Abzyms von 2,6 nM zeugt von einer sehr guten Affinität zum ÜZA. Hydrolytisch aktiv waren nur Antikörper, die gegen das Übergangszustandsanalogon Hei3 hergestellt worden waren. Es wird vermutet, dass die Hydrolyse der Benzylphenylcarbamate über einen Additions-Eliminierungsmechanismus unter Ausbildung eines tetraedrischen Übergangszustandes verläuft, dessen analoge Verbindung Hei3 ist. Im Rahmen der Generierung von Nachweisantikörpern zur Detektion der Substratabnahme bei der Hydrolyse wurden Anti-Diuron-Antikörper hergestellt. Einer der Antikörper (B91-CG5) ist spezifisch für das Herbizid Diuron und hat einen IC50-Wert von 0,19 µg/l und eine untere Nachweisgrenze von 0,04 µg/l. Ein anderer Antikörper (B91-KF5) reagiert kreuz mit einer Palette ähnlicher Herbizide. Mit diesen Antikörpern wurde ein empfindlicher Labortest, der ein Monitoring von Diuron auf Grundlage des durch die Trinkwasserverordnung festgeschriebenen Wertes für Pflanzenschutzmittel von 0,1 µg/l erlaubt, aufgebaut. Der Effekt der Anti-Diuron-Antikörper auf die Diuron-inhibierte Photosynthese wurde in vitro und in vivo untersucht. Es wurde nachgewiesen, dass sowohl in isolierten Thylakoiden, als auch in intakten Algen eine Vorinkubation der Anti-Diuron-Antikörper mit Diuron zur Inaktivierung seiner Photosynthese-hemmenden Wirkung führt. Wurde der Elektronentransport in den isolierten Thylakoiden oder in Algen durch Diuron unterbrochen, so führte die Zugabe der Anti-Diuron-Antikörper zur Reaktivierung der Elektronenübertragung. Attempts to produce catalytic antibodies for hydrolysis of arylcarbamates and arylureas: The aim of the investigations was to produce antibodies which are able to cleave herbicides resistant to naturally occuring enzymes. Structurally similar carbamate and urea derivatives were chosen for the experiments. Phosphonate derivatives were synthesized

  9. Verbesserung der Symmetrie von Hirnaufnahmen entlang der Sagittalebene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ens, Konstantin; Wenzel, Fabian; Fischer, Bernd

    Die lokale Symmetrie von Hirnscans entlang der Sagittalebene zu ermitteln und zu modizifieren, ist für eine Reihe neurologischer Anwendungen interessant. Beispielsweise kann der voxelweise Vergleich von rechter und linker Hirnhälfte nur dann Aufschluss über die Lokalisierung von Läsionen geben, wenn durch Transformation ein Hirnscan eine möglichst hohe Symmetrie aufweist. Ein weiteres Anwendungsgebiet ist die Visualisierung von medialen Hirnschnitten, für die die Trennfläche beider Hirnhälfte möglichst eben sein sollte. Diese Arbeit stellt die Entwicklung eines Verfahrens vor, mit dessen Hilfe die Symmetrie von Hirnaufnahmen entlang der Sagittalebene verbessert werden kann. Dies geschieht unter Verwendung von aktiven Konturen, die mit Hilfe einer neuartigen Kostenfunktion gesteuert werden. Experimente am Ende der Arbeit mit strukturellen Kernspinaufnahmen demonstrieren die Leistungsfähigkeit des Verfahrens.

  10. μ-Carbonato-bis-(bis-{2-[(diethyl-amino)-meth-yl]phen-yl}bis-muth(III)).


    Soran, Albert P; Nema, Mihai G; Breunig, Hans J; Silvestru, Cristian


    The mol-ecular structure of the title compound, [Bi(2)(C(11)H(16)N)(4)(CO(3))], consists of a symmetrically bridging carbonato group which binds two [2-Et(2)NCH(2)C(6)H(4)](2)Bi units that are crystallographically related via a twofold rotation axis bis-ecting the carbonate group. The two Bi atoms and two of the C atoms directly bonded to bis-muth are quasi-planar [deviations of 0.323 (1) and 0.330 (9)Å for the Bi and C atoms, respectively] with the carbonate group. The remaining two ligands are in a trans arrangement relative to the quasi-planar (CBi)(2)CO(3) system. The metal atom is strongly coordinated by the N atom of one pendant arm [Bi-N = 2.739 (6) Å], almost trans to the O atom, while the N atom of the other pendant arm exhibits a weaker intra-molecular inter-action [Bi⋯N = 3.659 (7) Å] almost trans to a C atom. If both these intra-molecular N→Bi inter-actions per metal atom are considered, the overall coordination geometry at bis-muth becomes distorted square-pyramidal [(C,N)(2)BiO cores] and the compound can be described as a hypervalent 12-Bi-5 species. Additional quite short intra-molecular Bi⋯O inter-actions are also present [3.796 (8)-4.020 (9) Å]. Inter-molecular associations through weak η(6)⋯Bi inter-actions [Bi⋯centroid of benzene ring = 3.659 (1) Å] lead to a ribbon-like supra-molecular association.

  11. Enhanced explosive sensing based on bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shin, Bomina; Sohn, Honglae


    New photoluminescent bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregates for the detection of trinitrotoluene (TNT) were developed by using aggregation-induced emission property. Bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregates exhibited that photoluminescence (PL) intensity was increased when the water fraction was increased to 90% by volume. Relative PL efficiency of bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregates was exponentially increased to the percent of water fraction and particle diameter was dependent on solvent composition. Particle size of bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregates was tuned by controlling the water fraction by volume. Absolute quantum yield of bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregates in 90% water volume fraction were 32.4%, which increases by about 40 times. Detection of TNT was achieved from the quenching PL measurement of bis(methyltetraphenyl)silole nanoaggregates by adding the TNT. A linear Stern-Volmer relationship was observed for the detection of TNT.

  12. A note on derivations of Murray–von Neumann algebras

    PubMed Central

    Kadison, Richard V.; Liu, Zhe


    A Murray–von Neumann algebra is the algebra of operators affiliated with a finite von Neumann algebra. In this article, we first present a brief introduction to the theory of derivations of operator algebras from both the physical and mathematical points of view. We then describe our recent work on derivations of Murray–von Neumann algebras. We show that the “extended derivations” of a Murray–von Neumann algebra, those that map the associated finite von Neumann algebra into itself, are inner. In particular, we prove that the only derivation that maps a Murray–von Neumann algebra associated with a factor of type II1 into that factor is 0. Those results are extensions of Singer’s seminal result answering a question of Kaplansky, as applied to von Neumann algebras: The algebra may be noncommutative and may even contain unbounded elements. PMID:24469831

  13. A note on derivations of Murray-von Neumann algebras.


    Kadison, Richard V; Liu, Zhe


    A Murray-von Neumann algebra is the algebra of operators affiliated with a finite von Neumann algebra. In this article, we first present a brief introduction to the theory of derivations of operator algebras from both the physical and mathematical points of view. We then describe our recent work on derivations of Murray-von Neumann algebras. We show that the "extended derivations" of a Murray-von Neumann algebra, those that map the associated finite von Neumann algebra into itself, are inner. In particular, we prove that the only derivation that maps a Murray-von Neumann algebra associated with a factor of type II1 into that factor is 0. Those results are extensions of Singer's seminal result answering a question of Kaplansky, as applied to von Neumann algebras: The algebra may be noncommutative and may even contain unbounded elements.

  14. Analyse der pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von Patienten mit Psoriasis-Arthritis auf Basis von Routinedaten der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung.


    Sondermann, Wiebke; Ventzke, Julia; Matusiewicz, David; Körber, Andreas


    Die Psoriasis-Arthritis (PsA) gehört zu den chronisch entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen. Trotz zahlreicher versorgungswissenschaftlicher Studien in Deutschland liegen zur pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von PsA-Patienten bisher kaum aktuelle Ergebnisse vor. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen Literaturrecherche sowie anhand von Routinedaten der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) Rheinland/Hamburg wird ein aktueller Überblick über die pharmazeutische Versorgung von PsA-Patienten in Deutschland gegeben. Selektiert wurden Versicherte aus dem ambulanten und stationären Bereich, die im 1. und 2. Quartal des Jahres 2014 die gesicherte Abrechnungsdiagnose Psoriasis-Arthritis L40.5+ aufwiesen. Anschließend wurden auf Basis dieser "vorab definierten" Kohorte die Arzneimitteldaten für 5 Jahre (01.01.2010-31.12.2014) abgerufen. Es konnten insgesamt n  =  3205 Versicherte (45 % männlich, 55 % weiblich) der AOK Rheinland/Hamburg mit einer gesicherten PsA-Diagnose selektiert werden. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 58,9 Jahre. 53,7 % der PsA-Patienten wurden mit systemischen PsA-relevanten Arzneimitteln versorgt. Nichtsteroidale Antirheumatika (NSAR) wurden am häufigsten verordnet, gefolgt von systemischen Glucocorticoiden. Von den selektierten PsA-Patienten, die eine Systemtherapie erhielten, wurden 72,1 % mittels einer Disease-modifying-antirheumatic-Drug (DMARD)-Monotherapie behandelt, gefolgt von der Kombinationstherapie aus DMARDs und Biologika (20,9 %). Die pharmakologische Therapie der PsA muss eine Gewährleistung zwischen adäquater Versorgung der PsA mit Verhinderung der Krankheitsprogression und ökonomischer Verantwortung darstellen. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Investigation into 64Cu-labeled Bis(selenosemicarbazone) and Bis(thiosemicarbazone) complexes as hypoxia imaging agents.


    McQuade, Paul; Martin, Katherine E; Castle, Thomas C; Went, Michael J; Blower, Philip J; Welch, Michael J; Lewis, Jason S


    Cu-diacetyl-bis(N4-methylthiosemicarbazone) [Cu-ATSM], although excellent for oncology applications, may not be suitable for delineating cardiovascular or neurological hypoxia. For this reason, new Cu hypoxia positron emission tomography (PET) imaging agents are being examined to search for a higher selectivity for hypoxic or ischemic tissue at higher oxygen concentrations found in these tissues. Two approaches are to increase alkylation or to replace the sulfur atoms with selenium, resulting in the formation of selenosemicarbazones. Three 64Cu-labeled selenosemicarbazone complexes were synthesized and one was screened for hypoxia selectivity in vitro using EMT-6 mouse mammary carcinoma cells. Rodent biodistribution and small animal PET images were obtained from BALB/c mice implanted with EMT-6 tumors. One alkylated thiosemicarbazone was synthesized and examined. Of the three bis(selenosemicarbazone) ligands synthesized and examined, only 64Cu-diacetyl-bis(selenosemicarbazone) [64Cu-ASSM] was isolated in high-enough radiochemical purity to undertake cell uptake experiments where uptake was shown to be independent of oxygen concentration. The bis(thiosemicarbazone) complex synthesized, 64Cu-diacetyl-bis(N4-ethylthiosemicarbazone) [64Cu-ATSE], showed hypoxia selectivity similar to 64Cu-ATSM although at a higher oxygen concentration. Biodistribution studies for 64Cu-ASSM and 64Cu-ATSE showed high tumor uptake at 20 min (64Cu-ASSM, 10.33+/-0.78% ID/g; 64Cu-ATSE, 7.71+/-0.46% ID/g). PET images of EMT-6 tumor-bearing mice visualized the tumor with 64Cu-ATSE and revealed hypoxia selectivity consistent with the in vitro data. Of the compounds synthesized, only 64Cu-ASSM and 64Cu-ATSE could be examined in vitro and in vivo. Although the stability of bis(selenosemicarbazone) complexes increased upon addition of methyl groups to the diimine backbone, the fully alkylated species, 64Cu-ASSM, demonstrated no hypoxia selectivity. However, the additional alkylation present in Cu

  16. 40 CFR 721.9790 - Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2′-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    .... with 2,2′,2″-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-6-[(3... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2â²-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3-sulfophenyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino...

  17. 40 CFR 721.9790 - Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2′-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    .... with 2,2′,2″-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-6-[(3... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2â²-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3-sulfophenyl)amino]-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]amino...

  18. The synthesis and structures of 1,1'-bis(sulfonyl)ferrocene derivatives.


    Chanawanno, Kullapa; Holstrom, Cole; Crandall, Laura A; Dodge, Henry; Nemykin, Victor N; Herrick, Richard S; Ziegler, Christopher J


    A series of 1,1'-bis(sulfonyl)ferrocene compounds were produced via the 1,1'-bis(sulfonate)ferrocene ammonium salt. This compound can be readily converted to 1,1' bis(sulfonylchloride)ferrocene. By varying stoichiometry and reaction times, both mono- and bis-sulfonamide derivatives can be synthesized. All new compounds presented in this report have been structurally characterized. The structures of the bis-sulfonamide systems are similar to the well-studied bis(amide) ferrocene compounds. Intermolecular hydrogen bonding is observed, typically between NH and SO groups of neighboring sulfonamides. However in the bis(GABA) derivative, intermolecular NH to CO hydrogen bonding interactions are present.

  19. Optically active bis(β-diketonate) complexes of titanium.


    Kongprakaiwoot, Natcharee; Armstrong, Jack B; Noll, Bruce C; Brown, Seth N


    The 2,2'-bis(methylene)biphenyl bridged bis(diketonate) (Tol(2)Bob)Ti(IV) fragment is resolved by reaction of the isopropoxide complex with (R)-1,1'-bi-2-naphthol, which selectively forms (S,Δ)-(Tol(2)Bob)Ti(R-BINOL). The binaphtholate ligand can be cleaved from titanium by careful treatment with trifluoromethanesulfonic acid to give (S,Δ)-(Tol(2)Bob)Ti(OTf)(2), which has a half-life toward racemization of at least 34 h at 51 °C. Racemization of the (Tol(2)Bob)Ti(IV) fragment is strongly accelerated under protic conditions, probably due to protonolysis of one of the diketonate ligands. Analogous optically active titanium bis(diketonates) can also be prepared by using an optically active 2,2'-bis(methylene)-1,1'-binaphthyl bridged bis(diketonate) ligand, Tol(2)Bobbinap, prepared from (R)-BINOLH2. Complexation of (R)-Tol(2)BobbinapH(2) with Ti(OiPr)(4) gives only a single diastereomer with the Λ configuration at titanium. The bis(diketonate)titanium(IV) fragment gives rise to characteristic signals in circular dichroism spectra which can be used to identify the configuration at the metal centre.

  20. 40 CFR 721.5925 - Bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.5925 Bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative (PMN P-01-0432) is subject to reporting under this section...

  1. 40 CFR 721.5925 - Bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.5925 Bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis heterocyclic phenylene derivative (PMN P-01-0432) is subject to reporting under this section...

  2. 40 CFR 721.1630 - 1,2-Ethanediol bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... sulfonate); and ethanol, 2-[1-[[2-[2-[[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl] oxy]ethoxy] ethoxy]methyl]-2-(2-propenyloxy... sulfonate); and ethanol, 2-[1-[[2-[2-[[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl] oxy]ethoxy] ethoxy]methyl]-2-(2-propenyloxy...,2′-[oxybis(2,1-ethanediyloxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzene-sulfonate) (PMN P-93-1195, CAS no. 19249-03...

  3. 40 CFR 721.1630 - 1,2-Ethanediol bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 2,2-oxybis-ethane bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... sulfonate); and ethanol, 2-[1-[[2-[2-[[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl] oxy]ethoxy] ethoxy]methyl]-2-(2-propenyloxy... sulfonate); and ethanol, 2-[1-[[2-[2-[[(4-methylphenyl)sulfonyl] oxy]ethoxy] ethoxy]methyl]-2-(2-propenyloxy...,2′-[oxybis(2,1-ethanediyloxy)]bis-, bis(4-methylbenzene-sulfonate) (PMN P-93-1195, CAS no. 19249-03...

  4. Bis(4-(3,4-dimethylenepyrrolidyl)-phenyl) methane

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ottenbrite, Raphael M. (Inventor)


    It is the primary object of the present invention to prepare high temperature polymeric materials, especially linear aromatic polyimides, which maintain their integrity and toughness during long exposure times at elevated temperatures. According to the present invention, this object is achieved, and the attending benefits are obtained, by first providing the bis(exocyclodiene) bis(4-(3,4-dinethylene pyrrolidyl) phenyl) methane, which is formed from the monomer N-phenyl 3,4-dimethylene pyrrolidine. This bis-(exocyclodiene) undergoes Diels-Alder reaction with a bismaleimide without the evolution of gaseous by-products, to form the aromatic polyimide.

  5. Biochemical characterization of predicted Precambrian RuBisCO

    PubMed Central

    Shih, Patrick M.; Occhialini, Alessandro; Cameron, Jeffrey C.; Andralojc, P John; Parry, Martin A. J.; Kerfeld, Cheryl A.


    The antiquity and global abundance of the enzyme, RuBisCO, attests to the crucial and longstanding role it has played in the biogeochemical cycles of Earth over billions of years. The counterproductive oxygenase activity of RuBisCO has persisted over billions of years of evolution, despite its competition with the carboxylase activity necessary for carbon fixation, yet hypotheses regarding the selective pressures governing RuBisCO evolution have been limited to speculation. Here we report the resurrection and biochemical characterization of ancestral RuBisCOs, dating back to over one billion years ago (Gyr ago). Our findings provide an ancient point of reference revealing divergent evolutionary paths taken by eukaryotic homologues towards improved specificity for CO2, versus the evolutionary emphasis on increased rates of carboxylation observed in bacterial homologues. Consistent with these distinctions, in vivo analysis reveals the propensity of ancestral RuBisCO to be encapsulated into modern-day carboxysomes, bacterial organelles central to the cyanobacterial CO2 concentrating mechanism. PMID:26790750

  6. Biochemical characterization of predicted Precambrian RuBisCO.


    Shih, Patrick M; Occhialini, Alessandro; Cameron, Jeffrey C; Andralojc, P John; Parry, Martin A J; Kerfeld, Cheryl A


    The antiquity and global abundance of the enzyme, RuBisCO, attests to the crucial and longstanding role it has played in the biogeochemical cycles of Earth over billions of years. The counterproductive oxygenase activity of RuBisCO has persisted over billions of years of evolution, despite its competition with the carboxylase activity necessary for carbon fixation, yet hypotheses regarding the selective pressures governing RuBisCO evolution have been limited to speculation. Here we report the resurrection and biochemical characterization of ancestral RuBisCOs, dating back to over one billion years ago (Gyr ago). Our findings provide an ancient point of reference revealing divergent evolutionary paths taken by eukaryotic homologues towards improved specificity for CO2, versus the evolutionary emphasis on increased rates of carboxylation observed in bacterial homologues. Consistent with these distinctions, in vivo analysis reveals the propensity of ancestral RuBisCO to be encapsulated into modern-day carboxysomes, bacterial organelles central to the cyanobacterial CO2 concentrating mechanism.

  7. Bis(azido) compounds of Pd and Pt with bulky phosphine ligands (dppn=1,8-bis(diphenylphosphino)naphthalene, dppf=1,1‧-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene, 1-dpn=1-diphenylphosphino-naphthalene): Preparation, structures, and reactivity toward isocyanides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huh, Hyun Sue; Lee, Yeon Kyoung; Lee, Soon W.


    Pd-bis(azido) compounds [Pd(dppn)(N 3) 2] and [Pd(dppf)(N 3) 2], which contain bulky chelating bis(phosphine) ligands (dppn=1,8-bis(diphenylphosphino)naphthalene, dppf=1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene), were prepared from the corresponding chlorides and NaN 3. We also prepared the Pt-bis(azido) compound [Pt(1-dpn)(SMe 2)(N 3) 2] containing a bulky monodentate phosphine (1-dpn=1-diphenylphosphino-naphthalene). All these compounds underwent [2+3] cycloaddition with isocyanides (R-NC, R=cyclohexyl, tert-butyl, 2,6-dimethylphenyl) to convert azido ligands to five-membered, C-coordinated tetrazolate rings. In addition, we observed the [Pd(dppn)Cl 2]-mediated C-C coupling of PhC tbnd6 CH to generate the η 2-PhC tbnd6 C-C tbnd6 CPh ligand. All compounds have been structurally characterized by X-ray diffraction.

  8. [Kombinierte Anwendung von Strahlentherapie und adjuvanter Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album L.) zur Behandlung des oralen malignen Melanoms beim Hund: Eine retrospektive Studie].


    von Bodungen, Uta; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Biegel, Ulrike


    Hintergrund: Orale maligne Melanome (OMM) des Hundes zeichnen sich durch schnelles Wachstum, lokale Invasion und hohe Metastasierungsraten aus. Extrakte auf Basis von Viscum album L. (VAE) werden zunehmend in der Krebstherapie sowohl in der Human- als auch in der Veterinärmedizin eingesetzt. Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, inwieweit die adjuvante Therapie mit VAE eine therapeutische Option zur Behandlung von OMM ist. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei der Überlebenszeit und möglichen Nebenwirkungen. Tiere und Methoden: 26 Hunde mit OMM, die in einem der größten veterinäronkologischen Zentren der Schweiz allesamt eine Strahlentherapie erhielten (teilweise nach operativer Tumorresektion) wurden in die retrospektive Studie eingeschlossen: 18 Hunde wurden mit VAE behandelt (1 ml VAE (Iscador®) in ansteigenden Konzentrationen von 0,1 bis 20 mg/ml subkutan 3-mal pro Woche (VAE-Gruppe), 8 erhielten keine adjuvante Behandlung (Vergleichsgruppe). Wir verglichen die Größenentwicklung der OMM sowie die Überlebenszeit. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit Bestrahlung und adjuvanter VAE-Therapie zeigten mit 236 Tagen eine signifikant längere mediane Überlebenszeit im Vergleich zu Patienten mit Bestrahlung, aber ohne adjuvante VAE-Therapie (49 Tage; Log-Rank-Test: p = 0,0047). Die VAE-Therapie verlängerte die Überlebenszeit um mehr als zwei Drittel (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 0,30, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,11-0,86; p = 0,024), während ein höheres Tumorstadium gemäß UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer) einen statistischen Trend zur Verdopplung des Sterberisikos zeigte (UICC-Stadium III/IV vs. I/II: HR = 2,12, 95%-KI 0,88-5,12; p = 0,095). Zwei Patienten zeigten milde Nebenwirkungen während der VAE-Behandlung. Einer der beiden zeigte 1 Tag lang ein selbstlimitiertes Fieber, bei dem anderen Patienten reduzierten wir die Dosis von einem konzentrierteren zu einem weniger konzentrierten VAE (Serie 0) aufgrund von Müdigkeit, die daraufhin verschwand

  9. Clarifying the link between von Neumann and thermodynamic entropies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deville, Alain; Deville, Yannick


    The state of a quantum system being described by a density operator ρ, quantum statistical mechanics calls the quantity - kTr( ρln ρ), introduced by von Neumann, its von Neumann or statistical entropy. A 1999 Shenker's paper initiated a debate about its link with the entropy of phenomenological thermodynamics. Referring to Gibbs's and von Neumann's founding texts, we replace von Neumann's 1932 contribution in its historical context, after Gibbs's 1902 treatise and before the creation of the information entropy concept, which places boundaries into the debate. Reexamining von Neumann's reasoning, we stress that the part of his reasoning implied in the debate mainly uses thermodynamics, not quantum mechanics, and identify two implicit postulates. We thoroughly examine Shenker's and ensuing papers, insisting upon the presence of open thermodynamical subsystems, imposing us the use of the chemical potential concept. We briefly mention Landau's approach to the quantum entropy. On the whole, it is shown that von Neumann's viewpoint is right, and why Shenker's claim that von Neumann entropy "is not the quantum-mechanical correlate of thermodynamic entropy" can't be retained.

  10. 40 CFR 721.10096 - Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. 721... Substances § 721.10096 Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)- (PMN P-03...

  11. 40 CFR 721.10096 - Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. 721... Substances § 721.10096 Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)- (PMN P-03...

  12. 40 CFR 721.10096 - Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. 721... Substances § 721.10096 Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)- (PMN P-03...

  13. 40 CFR 721.10096 - Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. 721... Substances § 721.10096 Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)- (PMN P-03...

  14. 40 CFR 721.10096 - Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. 721... Substances § 721.10096 Benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,4-bis (methoxymethyl)- (PMN P-03...

  15. 21 CFR 73.3100 - 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers. 73.3100 Section 73.3100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL LISTING OF COLOR ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM...

  16. 21 CFR 73.3100 - 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers. 73.3100 Section 73.3100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL LISTING OF COLOR ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM...

  17. 21 CFR 73.3100 - 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers. 73.3100 Section 73.3100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL LISTING OF COLOR ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM...

  18. 21 CFR 73.3100 - 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-propenoic)ester copolymers. 73.3100 Section 73.3100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL LISTING OF COLOR ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM...

  19. Distribution and excretion of BisGMA in guinea pigs.


    Reichl, F X; Seiss, M; Kleinsasser, N; Kehe, K; Kunzelmann, K H; Thomas, P; Spahl, W; Hickel, R


    Bisphenol-A-glycidyldimethacrylate (BisGMA) is used in many resin-based dental materials. It was shown in vitro that BisGMA was released into the adjacent biophase from such materials during the first days after placement. In this study, the uptake, distribution, and excretion of [(14)C]BisGMA applied via gastric and intravenous administration (at dose levels well above those encountered in dental care) were examined in vivo in guinea pigs to test the hypothesis that BisGMA reaches cytotoxic levels in mammalian tissues. [(14)C]BisGMA was taken up rapidly from the stomach and intestine after gastric administration and was widely distributed in the body following administration by each route. Most [(14)C] was excreted within one day as (14)CO(2). The peak equivalent BisGMA levels in guinea pig tissues examined were at least 1000-fold less than known toxic levels. The peak urine level in guinea pigs that received well in excess of the body-weight-adjusted dose expected in humans was also below known toxic levels. The study therefore did not support the hypothesis.

  20. An MRI Von Economo - Koskinas atlas.


    Scholtens, Lianne H; de Reus, Marcel A; de Lange, Siemon C; Schmidt, Ruben; van den Heuvel, Martijn P


    The cerebral cortex displays substantial variation in cellular architecture, a regional patterning that has been of great interest to anatomists for centuries. In 1925, Constantin von Economo and George Koskinas published a detailed atlas of the human cerebral cortex, describing a cytoarchitectonic division of the cortical mantle into over 40 distinct areas. Von Economo and Koskinas accompanied their seminal work with large photomicrographic plates of their histological slides, together with tables containing for each described region detailed morphological layer-specific information on neuronal count, neuron size and thickness of the cortical mantle. Here, we aimed to make this legacy data accessible and relatable to in vivo neuroimaging data by constructing a digital Von Economo - Koskinas atlas compatible with the widely used FreeSurfer software suite. In this technical note we describe the procedures used for manual segmentation of the Von Economo - Koskinas atlas onto individual T1 scans and the subsequent construction of the digital atlas. We provide the files needed to run the atlas on new FreeSurfer data, together with some simple code of how to apply the atlas to T1 scans within the FreeSurfer software suite. The digital Von Economo - Koskinas atlas is easily applicable to modern day anatomical MRI data and is made publicly available online. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Different efflux rates may determine the cellular accumulation of various bis(guanylhydrazones).

    PubMed Central

    Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Fagerström, R; Laine, R; Elo, H; Jänne, J


    Three bis(guanylhydrazones) (those of methylglyoxal, glyoxal and ethylglyoxal) were compared for their affinity for the putative polyamine carrier and for their cellular retention in L1210 mouse leukaemia cells. All the bis(guanylhydrazones) inhibited equally effectively the uptake of spermidine by the tumour cells, indicating that the compounds had roughly equal affinity for the polyamine carrier. The fact that methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) were much more effectively concentrated in the animal cells than was ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was obviously attributable to the finding that the efflux rate of ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) greatly exceeded that of the other bis(guanylhydrazones). The rate of efflux of the drugs was slowed down if the tumour cells were treated with 2-difluoromethylornithine before exposure to the bis(guanylhydrazones). These results suggest that intracellular binding of the bis(guanylhydrazones) determines their cellular accumulation. PMID:6431972

  2. Bis is Induced by Oxidative Stress via Activation of HSF1

    PubMed Central

    Yoo, Hyung Jae; Im, Chang-Nim; Youn, Dong-Ye; Yun, Hye Hyeon


    The Bis protein is known to be involved in a variety of cellular processes including apoptosis, migration, autophagy as well as protein quality control. Bis expression is induced in response to a number of types of stress, such as heat shock or a proteasome inhibitor via the activation of heat shock factor (HSF)1. We report herein that Bis expression is increased at the transcriptional level in HK-2 kidney tubular cells and A172 glioma cells by exposure to oxidative stress such as H2O2 treatment and oxygen-glucose deprivation, respectively. The pretreatment of HK-2 cells with N-acetyl cysteine, suppressed Bis induction. Furthermore, HSF1 silencing attenuated Bis expression that was induced by H2O2, accompaniedby increase in reactive oxygen species (ROS) accumulation. Using a series of deletion constructs of the bis gene promoter, two putative heat shock elements located in the proximal region of the bis gene promoter were found to be essential for the constitutive expression is as well as the inducible expression of Bis. Taken together, our results indicate that oxidative stress induces Bis expression at the transcriptional levels via activation of HSF1, which might confer an expansion of antioxidant capacity against pro-oxidant milieu. However, the possible role of the other cis-element in the induction of Bis remains to be determined. PMID:25352760

  3. PubMed

    Hey, Christiane



  4. Maternal BIS Sensitivity, Overprotective Parenting, and Children’s Internalizing Behaviors

    PubMed Central

    Kiel, Elizabeth J.; Maack, Danielle J.


    Although sensitivity to the Behavioral Inhibition System within Gray’s (1970) reinforcement sensitivity theory relates to individuals’ own depressive and anxious symptomatology, less is known about how parental BIS sensitivity relates to early indicators of internalizing problems in young children. Moreover, the extent to which this parental characteristic relates to parenting behavior, and children’s internalizing problems above and beyond parenting, remains unknown. The current study assessed maternal BIS sensitivity, overprotective parenting, and toddlers’ internalizing behaviors in a sample of 91 mothers while controlling for mothers’ own internalizing symptomatology. Heightened BIS sensitivity related to both overprotective parenting and internalizing behaviors. Overprotective parenting partially mediated the relation between BIS sensitivity and children’s internalizing behaviors, although BIS sensitivity maintained a marginal relation to internalizing behaviors. Maternal BIS sensitivity and toddler internalizing behaviors may represent a shared disposition towards inhibition that is somewhat accounted for by overprotective parenting. PMID:22904590

  5. [Albert Reder Ritter von Schellmann (1826-1904)].


    Schmidt, G; Holubar, K


    Albert Reder von Schellmann (1826-1904) was an important syphilidologist of the Vienna Medical School in the second half of the nineteenth century. He went in for the dualistic concept of the origin of syphilis and ulcer caused by soft chancre. In 1870 - Reder became head of a third dermato-syphilidologic department in the "Josephinum" in Vienna, where military surgeons got their medical education. At the same time the two full professorships of dermatosyphilidology in the Vienna General Hospital were held by Ferdinand von Hebra (1816-1880) and Carl Ludwig Sigmund von Ilanor (1810-1883).

  6. Crystal structure of bis[bis(4-azaniumylphenyl) sulfone] tetranitrate monohydrate

    PubMed Central

    Benahsene, Amani Hind; Bendjeddou, Lamia; Merazig, Hocine


    In the title compound, the hydrated tetra­(nitrate) salt of dapsone (4,4′-di­amino­diphenyl­sulfone), 2C12H14N2O2S2+·4NO3 −·H2O {alternative name: bis[bis­(4,4′-di­aza­niumylphen­yl) sulfone] tetra­nitrate monohydrate}, the cations are conformationally similar, with comparable dihedral angles between the two benzene rings in each of 70.03 (18) and 69.69 (19)°. In the crystal, mixed cation–anion–water mol­ecule layers lying parallel to the (001) plane are formed through N—H⋯O, O—H⋯O and C—H⋯O hydrogen-bonding inter­actions and these layers are further extended into an overall three-dimensional supra­molecular network structure. Inter-ring π–π inter­actions are also present [minimum ring centroid separation = 3.693 (3) Å]. PMID:29152359

  7. catena-Poly[[[di­aqua­bis­[1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)diazene]copper(II)]-μ-1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)diazene] bis­(perchlorate)

    PubMed Central

    Ballestero-Martínez, Ernesto; Campos-Fernández, Cristian Saul; Soto-Tellini, Victor Hugo; Gonzalez-Montiel, Simplicio; Martínez-Otero, Diego


    In the title compound, {[Cu(C10H8N4)3(H2O)2](ClO4)2}n, the coordination environment of the cationic CuII atom is distorted octa­hedral, formed by pairs of symmetry-equivalent 1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)diazene ligands, bridging 1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)diazene ligands and two non-equivalent water mol­ecules. The 1,2-bis­(pyridin-4-yl)diazene mol­ecules form polymeric chains parallel to [-101] via azo bonds which are situated about inversion centres. Since the CuII atom is situated on a twofold rotation axis, the monomeric unit has point symmetry 2. The perchlorate anions are disordered in a 0.536 (9):0.464 (9) ratio and are acceptors of water H atoms in medium–strong O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds with graph set R 4 4(12). The water mol­ecules, which are coordinated to the CuII atom and are hydrogen-bonded to the perchlorate anions, form columns parallel to [010]. A π–π inter­action [centroid–centroid distance = 3.913 (2) Å] occurs between pyridine rings, and weak C—H⋯O inter­actions also occur. PMID:23794983

  8. von Willebrand's disease antigen II. A new plasma and platelet antigen deficient in severe von Willebrand's disease.

    PubMed Central

    Montgomery, R R; Zimmerman, T S


    Factor VIII-related antigen (VIIIag) is deficient in plasma and platelets of patients with severe von Willebrand's disease. This study reports a second von Willebrand's disease antigen (vWagII), distinct from VIIIag, that is also deficient in the platelets and plasma of patients with severe von Willebrand's disease. VIIIag and vWagII are separable by molecular exclusion chromatography, sucrose density gradient ultracentrifugation, and crossed immunoelectrophoresis. They show reactions of immunologic nonidentity with each other, and thus, do not share a precursor-product relationship. vWagII is released from normal platelets during blood clotting, accounting for a fourfold higher concentration of vWagII in serum over plasma. Images PMID:307007

  9. Unconventional Superconductivity in the BiS_{2}-Based Layered Superconductor NdO_{0.71}F_{0.29}BiS_{2}.


    Ota, Yuichi; Okazaki, Kozo; Yamamoto, Haruyoshi Q; Yamamoto, Takashi; Watanabe, Shuntaro; Chen, Chuangtian; Nagao, Masanori; Watauchi, Satoshi; Tanaka, Isao; Takano, Yoshihiko; Shin, Shik


    We investigate the superconducting-gap anisotropy in one of the recently discovered BiS_{2}-based superconductors, NdO_{0.71}F_{0.29}BiS_{2} (T_{c}∼5  K), using laser-based angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy. Whereas the previously discovered high-T_{c} superconductors such as copper oxides and iron-based superconductors, which are believed to have unconventional superconducting mechanisms, have 3d electrons in their conduction bands, the conduction band of BiS_{2}-based superconductors mainly consists of Bi 6p electrons, and, hence, the conventional superconducting mechanism might be expected. Contrary to this expectation, we observe a strongly anisotropic superconducting gap. This result strongly suggests that the pairing mechanism for NdO_{0.71}F_{0.29}BiS_{2} is an unconventional one and we attribute the observed anisotropy to competitive or cooperative multiple paring interactions.

  10. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun, Major General Francis McMorrow, and Alabama Governor, John Patterson (far left) participated in the ground breaking ceremony for the University of Alabama Research Institute in Huntsville, December 20, 1962.

  11. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In this photograph, Marshall Space Flight Center Director, Dr. Wernher von Braun, presents a Co-Inventor’s award to MSFC employee Martin Hall of the Mechanical Engineering Laboratory during the NASA Anniversary ceremony.

  12. Dr. Wernher Von Braun Memorial Dinner

    NASA Image and Video Library


    The annual Dr. Wernher Von Braun Memorial Dinner was held at the U.S. Space and Rocket Center's Davidson Center on October 26, 2017 with Keynote speaker General John Hyten, Commander of U.S. Strategic Command. Emcee was Mark Larson of Mark Larson Media Services, Inc. Dr. Wernher Von Braun Memorial Scholarships were presented to 8 college students by the National Space Club. Educator of the Year was awarded to Tammy Thorpe; Community Service award was presented to Huntsville, Al. Mayor Tommy Battle. The Communications Award was presented to retired astronaut Dr. Mike Massimino. The Distinguished Science Award was presented to Dr. Martin Weisskopf. The Astronautics Engineer Award was presented to Douglas R. Cooke. The Dr. Wernher Von Braun Space Flight Trophy was presented to Robert Lightfoot.

  13. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Marshall Space Flight Center’s (MSFC) director, Dr. Wernher von Braun (right), inspects a component of a laser experiment being conducted in MSFC’s Space Sciences Laboratory during a tour on August 28, 1967.

  14. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Marshall Space Flight Center Director Dr. Wernher von Braun explains a detail from a Saturn IB mockup and engine to President John F. Kennedy, Vice President Lyndon Johnson and other guests, September 11, 1962.

  15. 2,2-Bis[(2-halo-4-aminophenoxy)phenyl]-hexafluoropropane

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, Robert J. (Inventor); Chang, Glenn E. C. (Inventor)


    There are provided the aromatic diamines 2,2-bis-[(2-halo-4-aminophenoxy)-phenyl]hexafluoropropane, where the attached ortho halogen is preferably chlorine, and 4,4'-bis(4-aminophenoxy)biphenyl, as novel monomers for polyimide polymerizations. The former, when reacted with 2,2-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)hexafluoropropane dianhydride, provides a polyimide having exceptional high-temperature performance. The latter diamine is a low-cost monomer for polyimide production.

  16. Bewertung von Fahrzeuggeräuschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Genuit, Klaus; Schulte-Fortkamp, Brigitte; Fiebig, André; Haverkamp, Michael

    Bei der Wahrnehmung und Beurteilung eines Automobils sind unzählige Merkmale und Eigenschaften von Bedeutung. Dabei können Merkmale objektiv-technisch beschrieben werden, wie Angaben zur Motorisierung, Höchstgeschwindigkeit, Drehmoment, zulässige Zuladung, Verbrauch usw. Daneben sind weitere Eigenschaften von Bedeutung, die sich einer einfachen objektiv-technischen Beschreibung entziehen. Hier sind Begriffe zu nennen, wie Sicherheit, allgemeine Qualitätsanmutung, Design, Ergonomie, Komfort, Haptik, Fahrdynamik, Zuverlässigkeit, die deutlich schwieriger objektiv erfassbar und beschreibbar sind (Abb. 4.1).

  17. Synthesis and characterization of bis-thiourea having amino acid derivatives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fakhar, Imran; Yamin, Bohari M.; Hasbullah, Siti Aishah


    In this article four new symmetric bis-thiourea derivatives having amino acid linkers were reported with good yield. Isophthaloyl dichloride was used as spacer and L-alanine, L-aspartic acid, L-phenylalanine and L-glutamic acid were used as linkers. Bis-thiourea derivatives were prepared from relatively stable isophthaloyl isothiocyanate intermediate. Newly synthesized bis-thiourea derivatives were characterized by FTIR, H-NMR, 13C-NMR and CHNS-O elemental analysis techniques. Characterization data was in good agreement with the expected derivatives, hence confirmed the synthesis of four new derivatives of bis-thiourea having amino acids.

  18. Baron von Zach's business relations with the Munich entrepreneur Joseph von Utzschneider (German Title: Geschäftsbeziehungen des Barons von Zach zu dem Münchner Unternehmer Joseph von Utzschneider)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schneider, Ivo

    The relationship between the astronomer von Zach on the one side and the entrepreneur Joseph von Utzschneider and his partner Georg von Reichenbach on the other dates presumably from the year 1807 when Zach spent two months in Munich. Already in the same year Zach had ordered an instrument for himself and began to solicit business for the institute of Reichenbach, Utzschneider, and Liebherr, which was founded in 1804. One of the clients canvassed by Zach was the director of the observatory in Naples Zuccari. Zuccari had ordered the whole equipment for the new observatory from this institute in 1813. The instruments for Naples, which were completed in 1814, were sent accompanied by Reichenbach by land and sea to their destination where Reichenbach supervised their setup. At that time Reichenbach had separated from Utzschneider who kept the optical institute in Benediktbeuern with his new partner Joseph von Fraunhofer whereas Reichenbach became owner of the mathematical-mechanical institute in Munich. For personal and economical reasons Utzschneider began soon after to produce not only optical glass but also optical devices similar to those offered by Reichenbach. As soon as two institutes in Munich competed against each other on the market for sophisticated geodetical and astronomical instruments Zach sided with Utzschneider. Zach's main professional argument for this decision was that both competitors got the optical glass for their instruments from Utzschneider's optical institute in Benediktbeuern. This meant that Utzschneider had first choice and so the optical part of his instruments could be considered as better than that of Reichenbach`s instruments. Zach's role as an agent in Italy and France for the sale of products coming from Utzschneider's manufactories is highlighted by three of Zach's letters to Utzschneider from 1817 and 1818, two of which are reproduced here for the first time.

  19. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), during his tour of the Space information Division of North American Aviation (NAA) in Downey, California, where the Saturn SII stage was developed.

  20. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This photograph, dated October 14, 1964, was taken at the Marned Spacecraft Center, now the Johnson Space Center in Houston, Texas. Dr. von Braun is shown looking over consoles in the Manned Spaceflight Control Center.

  1. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun, Director of the Development Operations Divisons, and Dr. Debus, Director of the Missile Firing Laboratory; Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA), in the blockhouse during the launch of the Pioneer IV, March 3, 1959.

  2. Chiral bis(amino acid)- and bis(amino alcohol)-oxalamide gelators. Gelation properties, self-assembly motifs and chirality effects.


    Frkanec, Leo; Zinić, Mladen


    Bis(amino acid)- and bis(amino alcohol)oxalamide gelators represent the class of versatile gelators whose gelation ability is a consequence of strong and directional intermolecular hydrogen bonding provided by oxalamide units and lack of molecular symmetry due to the presence of two chiral centres. Bis(amino acid)oxalamides exhibit ambidextrous gelation properties, being capable to form gels with apolar and also highly polar solvent systems and tend to organise into bilayers or inverse bilayers in hydrogel or organic solvent gel assemblies, respectively. (1)H NMR and FTIR studies of gels revealed the importance of the equilibrium between the assembled network and smaller dissolved gelator assemblies. The organisation in gel assemblies deduced from spectroscopic structural studies are in certain cases closely related to organisations found in the crystal structures of selected gelators, confirming similar organisations in gel assemblies and in the solid state. The pure enantiomer/racemate gelation controversy is addressed and the evidence provided that rac-16 forms a stable toluene gel due to resolution into enantiomeric bilayers, which then interact giving gel fibres and a network of different morphology compared to its (S,S)-enantiomer gel. The TEM investigation of both gels confirmed distinctly different gel morphologies, which allowed the relationship between the stereochemical form of the gelator, the fibre and the network morphology and the network solvent immobilisation capacity to be proposed. Mixing of the constitutionally different bis(amino acid) and bis(amino alcohol)oxalamide gelators resulted in some cases in highly improved gelation efficiency denoted as synergic gelation effect (SGE), being highly dependent also on the stereochemistry of the component gelators. Examples of photo-induced gelation based on closely related bis(amino acid)-maleic acid amide and -fumaramide and stilbene derived oxalamides where gels form by irradiation of the solution of

  3. Synthesis of 1,3-bis(tetracyano-2-azulenyl-3-butadienyl)azulenes by the [2+2] cycloaddition-retroelectrocyclization of 1,3-bis(azulenylethynyl)azulenes with tetracyanoethylene.


    Shoji, Taku; Maruyama, Mitsuhisa; Maruyama, Akifumi; Ito, Shunji; Okujima, Tetsuo; Toyota, Kozo


    1,3-Bis(azulenylethynyl)azulene derivatives 9-14 have been prepared by palladium-catalyzed alkynylation of 1-ethynylazulene 8 with 1,3-diiodoazulene 1 or 1,3-diethynylazulene 2 with the corresponding haloazulenes 3-7 under Sonogashira-Hagihara conditions. Bis(alkynes) 9-14 reacted with tetracyanoethylene (TCNE) in a formal [2+2] cycloaddition-retroelectrocyclization reaction to afford the corresponding new bis(tetracyanobutadiene)s (bis(TCBDs)) 15-20 in excellent yields. The redox behavior of bis(TCBD)s 15-20 was examined by using CV and differential pulse voltammetry (DPV), which revealed their reversible multistage reduction properties under the electrochemical conditions. Moreover, a significant color change of alkynes 9-14 and TCBDs 15-20 was observed by visible spectroscopy under the electrochemical reduction conditions. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  4. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Marshall Space Flight Center’s (MSFC) Director, Dr. Wernher von Braun, is pictured here with Army Ballistic Missile Agency’s (ABMA) Commanding General, J.B. Medaris, before a display of Army missles at the ABMA test lab.

  5. 40 CFR 721.3340 - Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-(hexylamino)bis-. 721... Substances § 721.3340 Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis- (PMN P-91-1346...

  6. 40 CFR 721.3340 - Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-(hexylamino)bis-. 721... Substances § 721.3340 Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis- (PMN P-91-1346...

  7. 40 CFR 721.3340 - Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-(hexylamino)bis-. 721... Substances § 721.3340 Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis- (PMN P-91-1346...

  8. 40 CFR 721.3340 - Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-(hexylamino)bis-. 721... Substances § 721.3340 Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis- (PMN P-91-1346...

  9. 40 CFR 721.3340 - Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-(hexylamino)bis-. 721... Substances § 721.3340 Ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as ethanol, 2,2′-(hexylamino)bis- (PMN P-91-1346...

  10. Glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) as an inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis in tumour cells.

    PubMed Central

    Seppänen, P; Fagerström, R; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Elo, H; Lumme, P; Jänne, J


    Glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), the parent compound of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), was synthesized and tested for its ability to inhibit the biosynthesis of polyamines. It was found to be a powerful competitive inhibitor of adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC, yet the lack of the methyl group at the glyoxal portion increased the apparent Ki value for the enzyme by about 30-fold in comparison with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). Glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) inhibited diamine oxidase (EC activity as effectively as did methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). The cellular accumulation curves of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) in L1210 cells were practically superimposable with those of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), and the uptake of both compounds was distinctly stimulated by a prior treatment with 2-difluoromethylornithine. The drug decreased the concentration of spermidine in a dose-dependent manner and, in contrast with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), without a concomitant accumulation of putrescine. The fact that putrescine concentrations were decreased in cells exposed to glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was, at least in part, attributable to an inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase (EC activity in cells treated with the compound. Under these experimental conditions equivalent concentrations of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) [1,1'-[(methylethanediylidine)dinitrilo]diguanidine] elicited large increases in the enzyme activity. When combined with difluoromethylornithine, glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) potentiated the growth-inhibitory effect of that drug. Taking into consideration the proven anti-leukaemic activity of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), its effectiveness to inhibit spermidine biosynthesis (without raising the concentration of putrescine) as well as its suitability for combined use with inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase, this drug is apparently worthy of further testing in tumour-bearing animals, especially in

  11. Glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) as an inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis in tumour cells.


    Seppänen, P; Fagerström, R; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Elo, H; Lumme, P; Jänne, J


    Glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), the parent compound of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), was synthesized and tested for its ability to inhibit the biosynthesis of polyamines. It was found to be a powerful competitive inhibitor of adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC, yet the lack of the methyl group at the glyoxal portion increased the apparent Ki value for the enzyme by about 30-fold in comparison with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). Glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) inhibited diamine oxidase (EC activity as effectively as did methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). The cellular accumulation curves of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) in L1210 cells were practically superimposable with those of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), and the uptake of both compounds was distinctly stimulated by a prior treatment with 2-difluoromethylornithine. The drug decreased the concentration of spermidine in a dose-dependent manner and, in contrast with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), without a concomitant accumulation of putrescine. The fact that putrescine concentrations were decreased in cells exposed to glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was, at least in part, attributable to an inhibition of ornithine decarboxylase (EC activity in cells treated with the compound. Under these experimental conditions equivalent concentrations of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) [1,1'-[(methylethanediylidine)dinitrilo]diguanidine] elicited large increases in the enzyme activity. When combined with difluoromethylornithine, glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) potentiated the growth-inhibitory effect of that drug. Taking into consideration the proven anti-leukaemic activity of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), its effectiveness to inhibit spermidine biosynthesis (without raising the concentration of putrescine) as well as its suitability for combined use with inhibitors of ornithine decarboxylase, this drug is apparently worthy of further testing in tumour-bearing animals, especially in

  12. Ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) as an inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis in L1210 leukemia cells.


    Seppänen, P; Ruohola, H; Jänne, J


    Ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), a close derivative of the known anti-cancer drug methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), is also a powerful inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC, the enzyme needed for the synthesis of spermidine and spermine. There were, however, marked differences between the ethyl and methyl derivatives of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) when tested in cultured L1210 cells. The cellular accumulation of ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) represented only a fraction (20-25%) of that of the methyl derivative. Moreover, polyamine depletion, which is known to strikingly stimulate the uptake of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), decreased, if anything, the uptake of ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) by L1210 cells. The compound produced spermidine and spermine depletion fully comparable to that achieved with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) at micromolar concentrations. Ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was growth-inhibitory to L1210 cells and produced an additive antiproliferative action when used together with 2-difluoromethylornithine. Ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was distinctly less effective than methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) in releasing bound polyamines from isolated cell organelles in vitro. Ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was also devoid of the early and profound mitochondrial toxicity typical to methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). These findings may indicate that this compound is a more specific inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis with less intracellular polyamine 'receptor-site' activity than methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).

  13. Heteroleptic copper(I) complexes prepared from phenanthroline and bis-phosphine ligands.


    Kaeser, Adrien; Mohankumar, Meera; Mohanraj, John; Monti, Filippo; Holler, Michel; Cid, Juan-José; Moudam, Omar; Nierengarten, Iwona; Karmazin-Brelot, Lydia; Duhayon, Carine; Delavaux-Nicot, Béatrice; Armaroli, Nicola; Nierengarten, Jean-François


    Preparation of [Cu(NN)(PP)](+) derivatives has been systematically investigated starting from two libraries of phenanthroline (NN) derivatives and bis-phosphine (PP) ligands, namely, (A) 1,10-phenanthroline (phen), neocuproine (2,9-dimethyl-1,10-phenanthroline, dmp), bathophenanthroline (4,7-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline, Bphen), 2,9-diphenethyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dpep), and 2,9-diphenyl-1,10-phenanthroline (dpp); (B) bis(diphenylphosphino)methane (dppm), 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)ethane (dppe), 1,3-bis(diphenylphosphino)propane (dppp), 1,2-bis(diphenylphosphino)benzene (dppb), 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppFc), and bis[(2-diphenylphosphino)phenyl] ether (POP). Whatever the bis-phosphine ligand, stable heteroleptic [Cu(NN)(PP)](+) complexes are obtained from the 2,9-unsubstituted-1,10-phenanthroline ligands (phen and Bphen). By contrast, heteroleptic complexes obtained from dmp and dpep are stable in the solid state, but a dynamic ligand exchange reaction is systematically observed in solution, and the homoleptic/heteroleptic ratio is highly dependent on the bis-phosphine ligand. Detailed analysis revealed that the dynamic equilibrium resulting from ligand exchange reactions is mainly influenced by the relative thermodynamic stability of the different possible complexes. Finally, in the case of dpp, only homoleptic complexes were obtained whatever the bis-phosphine ligand. Obviously, steric effects resulting from the presence of the bulky phenyl rings on the dpp ligand destabilize the heteroleptic [Cu(NN)(PP)](+) complexes. In addition to the remarkable thermodynamic stability of [Cu(dpp)2]BF4, this negative steric effect drives the dynamic complexation scenario toward almost exclusive formation of homoleptic [Cu(NN)2](+) and [Cu(PP)2](+) complexes. This work provides the definitive rationalization of the stability of [Cu(NN)(PP)](+) complexes, marking the way for future developments in this field.

  14. Childhood Picture of Dr. von Braun

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This is a childhood picture of Dr. von Braun (center) with his brothers. Dr. Wernher von Braun was born in Wirsitz, Germany, March 23, 1912. His childhood dreams of marned space flight were fulfilled when giant Saturn rockets, developed under his direction at NASA's Marshall Space Flight Center, boosted the manned Apollo spacecraft to the Moon. His life was dedicated to expanding man's knowledge through the exploration of space.

  15. Laboratory diagnosis of von Willebrand's disease.


    Rick, M E


    The diagnosis of von Willebrand's disease is becoming complex as more is understood about the disease. Clinical information and laboratory data are necessary for the diagnosis because of the overlap of normal and abnormal laboratory values. A complete evaluation including von Willebrand factor multimers, ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation, factor VIII activity level, and a template bleeding time is necessary to correctly classify the patient so that optimal treatment may be given.

  16. 21 CFR 73.3100 - 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-methyl-2-propenoic)ester copolymers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false 1,4-Bis[(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-9,10-anthracenedione bis(2-methyl-2-propenoic)ester copolymers. 73.3100 Section 73.3100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES GENERAL LISTING OF COLOR ADDITIVES EXEMPT FROM...

  17. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Marshall Space Flight Center Director Wernher von Braun presents General J.B. Medaris with a new golf bag. General Medaris, (left) was a Commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) in Redstone Arsenal, Alabama during 1955 to 1958.

  18. Effect of three bis-pyridyl-bis-amide ligands with various spacers on the structural diversity of new multifunctional cobalt(II) coordination polymers

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lin, Hong-Yan; Lu, Huizhe; Le, Mao


    Three new cobalt(II) coordination polymers [Co{sub 2}(1,4-NDC){sub 2}(3-bpye)(H{sub 2}O)] (1), [Co(1,4-NDC)(3-bpfp)(H{sub 2}O)] (2) and [Co(1,4-NDC)(3-bpcb)] (3) [3-bpye=N,N′-bis(3-pyridinecarboxamide)-1,2-ethane, 3-bpfp=bis(3-pyridylformyl)piperazine, 3-bpcb=N,N′-bis(3-pyridinecarboxamide)-1,4-benzene, and 1,4-H{sub 2}NDC=1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid] have been hydrothermally synthesized. The structures of complexes 1–3 have been determined by X-ray single crystal diffraction analyses and further characterized by infrared spectroscopy (IR), powder X-ray diffraction (PXRD) and thermogravimetric analyses (TGA). Complex 1 is a 3D coordination structure with 8-connected (4{sup 20}.6{sup 8}) topology constructed from 3D [Co{sub 2}(1,4-NDC){sub 2}(H{sub 2}O)]{sub n} framework and bidentate 3-bpye ligands. Complex 2 shows 1D “cage+cage”-like chain formed by 1D [Co{sub 2}(1,4-NDC){sub 2}]{sub n} ribbon chains and [Co{sub 2}(3-bpfp){submore » 2}] loops, which are further linked by hydrogen bonding interactions to form a 3D supramolecular network. Complex 3 displays a 3D coordination network with a 6-connected (4{sup 12}.6{sup 3}) topology based on 2D [Co{sub 2}(1,4-NDC){sub 2}]{sub n} layers and bidentate 3-bpcb bridging ligands. The influences of different bis-pyridyl-bis-amide ligands with various spacers on the structures of title complexes are studied. Moreover, the fluorescent properties, electrochemical behaviors and magnetic properties of complexes 1–3 have been investigated. - Graphical abstract: Three multifunctional cobalt(II) complexes constructed from three bis-pyridyl-bis-amide and 1,4-naphthalenedicarboxylic acid have been hydrothermally synthesized and characterized. The fluorescent, electrochemical and magnetic properties of 1–3 have been investigated. - Highlights: • Three multifunctional cobalt(II) complexes based on various bis-pyridyl-bis-amide ligands. • Complex 1 is a 3D coordination structure with 8-connected (4{sup 20}.6{sup

  19. Interrogating alkyl and arylalkylpolyamino (bis)urea and (bis)thiourea isosteres as potent antimalarial chemotypes against multiple lifecycle forms of Plasmodium falciparum parasites.


    Verlinden, Bianca K; de Beer, Marna; Pachaiyappan, Boobalan; Besaans, Ethan; Andayi, Warren A; Reader, Janette; Niemand, Jandeli; van Biljon, Riette; Guy, Kiplin; Egan, Timothy; Woster, Patrick M; Birkholtz, Lyn-Marie


    A new series of potent potent aryl/alkylated (bis)urea- and (bis)thiourea polyamine analogues were synthesized and evaluated in vitro for their antiplasmodial activity. Altering the carbon backbone and terminal substituents increased the potency of analogues in the compound library 3-fold, with the most active compounds, 15 and 16, showing half-maximal inhibitory concentrations (IC50 values) of 28 and 30 nM, respectively, against various Plasmodium falciparum parasite strains without any cross-resistance. In vitro evaluation of the cytotoxicity of these analogues revealed marked selectivity towards targeting malaria parasites compared to mammalian HepG2 cells (>5000-fold lower IC50 against the parasite). Preliminary biological evaluation of the polyamine analogue antiplasmodial phenotype revealed that (bis)urea compounds target parasite asexual proliferation, whereas (bis)thiourea compounds of the same series have the unique ability to block transmissible gametocyte forms of the parasite, indicating pluripharmacology against proliferative and non-proliferative forms of the parasite. In this manuscript, we describe these results and postulate a refined structure-activity relationship (SAR) model for antiplasmodial polyamine analogues. The terminally aryl/alkylated (bis)urea- and (bis)thiourea-polyamine analogues featuring a 3-5-3 or 3-6-3 carbon backbone represent a structurally novel and distinct class of potential antiplasmodials with activities in the low nanomolar range, and high selectivity against various lifecycle forms of P. falciparum parasites. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Dr. von Braun Tries Out the NBS

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director, Dr. von Braun, is shown fitted with suit and diving equipment as he prepares for a tryout in the MSFC Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS). Weighted to a neutrally buoyant condition, Dr. von Braun was able to perform tasks underwater which simulated weightless conditions found in space.

  1. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun stands beside a model of the upper stage (Earth-returnable stage) of the three-stage launch vehicle built for the series of the motion picture productions of space flight produced by Walt Disney in the mid-1950's.

  2. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In this picture, Dr. Wernher von Braun, who was serving as Director of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency's (ABMA) Development Operations Division, is shown posed with his Mercedes 220SE automobile in front of Redstone Building 4488, which houses the ABMA.

  3. Von Neumann was not a Quantum Bayesian.


    Stacey, Blake C


    Wikipedia has claimed for over 3 years now that John von Neumann was the 'first quantum Bayesian'. In context, this reads as stating that von Neumann inaugurated QBism, the approach to quantum theory promoted by Fuchs, Mermin and Schack. This essay explores how such a claim is, historically speaking, unsupported. © 2016 The Author(s).

  4. Herstellung von Chitosan und einige Anwendungen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Struszczyk, Marcin Henryk


    1. Die Deacetylierung von crabshell - Chitosan führte gleichzeitig zu einem drastischen Abfall der mittleren viscosimetrischen Molmasse ( Mv), insbesondere wenn die Temperatur und die Konzentration an NaOH erhöht werden. Diese Parameter beeinflussten jedoch nicht den Grad der Deacetylierung (DD). Wichtig ist jedoch die Quelle des Ausgangsmaterials: Chitin aus Pandalus borealis ist ein guter Rohstoff für die Herstellung von Chitosan mit niedrigem DD und gleichzeitig hoher mittlerer Mv, während Krill-Chitin (Euphausia superba) ein gutes Ausgangsmaterial zur Herstellung von Chitosan mit hohem DD und niedrigem Mv ist. Chitosan, das aus Insekten (Calliphora erythrocephala), unter milden Bedingungen (Temperatur: 100°C, NaOH-Konzentration: 40 %, Zeit: 1-2h ) hergestellt wurde, hatte die gleichen Eigenschaften hinsichtlich DD und Mv wie das aus Krill hergestellte Chitosan. Der Bedarf an Zeit, Energie und NaOH ist für die Herstellung von Insekten-Chitosan geringer als für crabshell-Chitosan vergleichbare Resultaten für DD und Mv. 2. Chitosan wurde durch den Schimmelpilz Aspergillus fumigatus zu Chitooligomeren fermentiert. Die Ausbeute beträgt 25%. Die Chitooligomere wurden mit Hilfe von HPLC und MALDI-TOF-Massenspektrmetrie identifiziert. Die Fermentationsmischung fördert die Immunität von Pflanzen gegen Bakterien und Virusinfektion. Die Zunahme der Immunität schwankt jedoch je nach System Pflanze-Pathogen. Die Fermentation von Chitosan durch Aspergillus fumigatus könnte eine schnelle und billige Methode zur Herstellung von Chitooligomeren mit guter Reinheit und Ausbeute sein. Eine partiell aufgereinigte Fermentationsmischung dieser Art könnte in der Landwirtschaft als Pathogeninhibitor genutzt werden. Durch kontrollierte Fermentation, die Chitooligomere in definierter Zusammensetzung (d.h. definierter Verteilung des Depolymerisationsgrades) liefert, könnte man zu Mischungen kommen, die für die jeweilige Anwendung eine optimale Bioaktivität besitzen. 3

  5. 40 CFR 721.8100 - Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. 721.8100...-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. (a) Chemical substances and significant new use subject to...

  6. 40 CFR 721.8100 - Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. 721.8100...-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. (a) Chemical substances and significant new use subject to...

  7. 40 CFR 721.8100 - Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. 721.8100...-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. (a) Chemical substances and significant new use subject to...

  8. 40 CFR 721.8100 - Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. 721.8100...-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. (a) Chemical substances and significant new use subject to...

  9. 40 CFR 721.8100 - Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Potassium N,N-bis (hydroxy-ethyl) cocoamine oxide phosphate, and potassium N,N-bis (hy-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. 721.8100...-droxy-ethyl) tal-lo-wa-mine oxide phos-phate. (a) Chemical substances and significant new use subject to...

  10. Locally Compact Quantum Groups. A von Neumann Algebra Approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Van Daele, Alfons


    In this paper, we give an alternative approach to the theory of locally compact quantum groups, as developed by Kustermans and Vaes. We start with a von Neumann algebra and a comultiplication on this von Neumann algebra. We assume that there exist faithful left and right Haar weights. Then we develop the theory within this von Neumann algebra setting. In [Math. Scand. 92 (2003), 68-92] locally compact quantum groups are also studied in the von Neumann algebraic context. This approach is independent of the original C^*-algebraic approach in the sense that the earlier results are not used. However, this paper is not really independent because for many proofs, the reader is referred to the original paper where the C^*-version is developed. In this paper, we give a completely self-contained approach. Moreover, at various points, we do things differently. We have a different treatment of the antipode. It is similar to the original treatment in [Ann. Sci. & #201;cole Norm. Sup. (4) 33 (2000), 837-934]. But together with the fact that we work in the von Neumann algebra framework, it allows us to use an idea from [Rev. Roumaine Math. Pures Appl. 21 (1976), 1411-1449] to obtain the uniqueness of the Haar weights in an early stage. We take advantage of this fact when deriving the other main results in the theory. We also give a slightly different approach to duality. Finally, we collect, in a systematic way, several important formulas. In an appendix, we indicate very briefly how the C^*-approach and the von Neumann algebra approach eventually yield the same objects. The passage from the von Neumann algebra setting to the C^*-algebra setting is more or less standard. For the other direction, we use a new method. It is based on the observation that the Haar weights on the C^*-algebra extend to weights on the double dual with central support and that all these supports are the same. Of course, we get the von Neumann algebra by cutting down the double dual with this unique

  11. Dr. von Braun and Army Ballistics Missile Agency (ABMA) Group

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This photograph of Dr. von Braun, shown here to the left of General Bruce Medaris, was taken in the fall of 1959, immediately prior to Medaris' retirement from the Army. At the time, von Braun and his associates worked for the Army Ballistics Missile Agency in Huntsville, Alabama. Those in the photograph have been identified as Ernst Stuhlinger, Frederick von Saurma, Fritz Mueller, Hermarn Weidner, E.W. Neubert (partially hidden), W.A. Mrazek, Karl Heimburg, Arthur Rudolph, Otto Hoberg, von Braun, Oswald Lange, Medaris, Helmut Hoelzer, Hans Maus, E.D. Geissler, Hans Heuter, and George Constan.

  12. Color constancy: enhancing von Kries adaption via sensor transformations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Finlayson, Graham D.; Drew, Mark S.; Funt, Brian V.


    Von Kries adaptation has long been considered a reasonable vehicle for color constancy. Since the color constancy performance attainable via the von Kries rule strongly depends on the spectral response characteristics of the human cones, we consider the possibility of enhancing von Kries performance by constructing new `sensors' as linear combinations of the fixed cone sensitivity functions. We show that if surface reflectances are well-modeled by 3 basis functions and illuminants by 2 basis functions then there exists a set of new sensors for which von Kries adaptation can yield perfect color constancy. These new sensors can (like the cones) be described as long-, medium-, and short-wave sensitive; however, both the new long- and medium-wave sensors have sharpened sensitivities -- their support is more concentrated. The new short-wave sensor remains relatively unchanged. A similar sharpening of cone sensitivities has previously been observed in test and field spectral sensitivities measured for the human eye. We present simulation results demonstrating improved von Kries performance using the new sensors even when the restrictions on the illumination and reflectance are relaxed.

  13. Novel dimeric bis(7)-tacrine proton-dependently inhibits NMDA-activated currents

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Luo, Jialie; Li, Wenming; Liu, Yuwei


    Bis(7)-tacrine has been shown to prevent glutamate-induced neuronal apoptosis by blocking NMDA receptors. However, the characteristics of the inhibition have not been fully elucidated. In this study, we further characterize the features of bis(7)-tacrine inhibition of NMDA-activated current in cultured rat hippocampal neurons. The results show that with the increase of extracellular pH, the inhibitory effect decreases dramatically. At pH 8.0, the concentration-response curve of bis(7)-tacrine is shifted rightwards with the IC{sub 50} value increased from 0.19 {+-} 0.03 {mu}M to 0.41 {+-} 0.04 {mu}M. In addition, bis(7)-tacrine shifts the proton inhibition curve rightwards. Furthermore, the inhibitory effect of bis(7)-tacrinemore » is not altered by the presence of the NMDA receptor proton sensor shield spermidine. These results indicate that bis(7)-tacrine inhibits NMDA-activated current in a pH-dependent manner by sensitizing NMDA receptors to proton inhibition, rendering it potentially beneficial therapeutic effects under acidic conditions associated with stroke and ischemia.« less

  14. Vapor deposition of molybdenum oxide using bis(ethylbenzene) molybdenum and water

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Drake, Tasha L.; Stair, Peter C., E-mail:


    Three molybdenum precursors—bis(acetylacetonate) dioxomolybdenum, molybdenum isopropoxide, and bis(ethylbenzene) molybdenum—were tested for molybdenum oxide vapor deposition. Quartz crystal microbalance studies were performed to monitor growth. Molybdenum isopropoxide and bis(ethylbenzene) molybdenum achieved linear growth rates 0.01 and 0.08 Å/cycle, respectively, using atomic layer deposition techniques. Negligible MoO{sub x} growth was observed on alumina powder using molybdenum isopropoxide, as determined by inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectroscopy. Bis(ethylbenzene) molybdenum achieved loadings of 0.5, 1.1, and 1.9 Mo/nm{sup 2} on alumina powder after one, two, and five cycles, respectively, using atomic layer deposition techniques. The growth window for bis(ethylbenzene) molybdenum is 135–150 °C. An alternative pulsingmore » strategy was also developed for bis(ethylbenzene) molybdenum that results in higher growth rates in less time compared to atomic layer deposition techniques. The outlined process serves as a methodology for depositing molybdenum oxide for catalytic applications. All as-deposited materials undergo further calcination prior to characterization and testing.« less

  15. Kraft-Wärmekopplung und Blockheiz-Kraftwerke BHKW

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zahoransky, Richard; Allelein, Hans-Josef; Bollin, Elmar; Oehler, Helmut; Schelling, Udo

    Die thermischen Wirkungsgrade von Kraftwerken zur Stromerzeugung sind relativ gering. Beispielsweise erreichen moderne Kohlekraftwerke heute bis etwa 45 %, Gasturbinen maximal 40 % und Diesel-Motoren nicht über 50 %. Kombinations-Kraftwerke, Gas- und Dampfturbinen-Prozesse können an die 60 % thermischer Wirkungsgrad bei der Umwandlung der zugeführten Wärme in mechanische bzw. elektrische Energie erzielen. Ein ähnlich hoher Wert wird in Zukunft von den Brennstoffzellen erwartet. Der nicht in Arbeit umgewandelte Anteil der zugeführten Wärme fällt als Abwärme an und geht ungenutzt in die Umgebung. Ein Teil dieser Abwärme lässt sich durch entsprechende Installationen bei allen Kraftwerksprozessen zur Wassererwärmung oder zur Dampferzeugung für industrielle Zwecke nutzen. Für Heizzwecke genügt eine Temperatur der Abwärme von 60 %C bis 80 %C, während die Erzeugung von Industriedampf deutlich höhere Temperaturen voraussetzt.

  16. 40 CFR 721.982 - Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,Oâ²... Substances § 721.982 Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′). (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′) (PMN P-93-214, CAS...

  17. 40 CFR 721.982 - Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,Oâ²... Substances § 721.982 Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′). (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′) (PMN P-93-214, CAS...

  18. 40 CFR 721.982 - Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,Oâ²... Substances § 721.982 Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′). (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′) (PMN P-93-214, CAS...

  19. 40 CFR 721.982 - Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,Oâ²... Substances § 721.982 Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′). (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′) (PMN P-93-214, CAS...

  20. 40 CFR 721.982 - Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,Oâ²... Substances § 721.982 Calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′). (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance calcium, bis(2,4-pentanedionato-O,O′) (PMN P-93-214, CAS...

  1. Synthesis, structural, and biological evaluation of bis-heteroarylmaleimides and bis-heterofused imides.


    Ferri, Nicola; Radice, Tiziano; Antonino, Manuela; Beccalli, Egle Maria; Tinelli, Stella; Zunino, Franco; Corsini, Alberto; Pratesi, Graziella; Ragg, Enzio M; Gelmi, Maria Luisa; Contini, Alessandro


    Bis-2,3-heteroarylmaleimides and polyheterocondensed imides joined through nitrogen atoms of the N,N'-bis(ethyl)-1,3-propanediamine linker were prepared from substituted maleic anhydrides and symmetrical diamines in good to satisfactory yields and short reaction times using microwave heating. The novel molecules were shown to inhibit proliferation of human tumor cells (NCI-H460 lung carcinoma) and rat aortic smooth muscle cells (SMCs) with variable potencies. Compound 11a, the most potent one of the series, showed IC(50) values comparable to those observed for the leading molecule elinafide in both cell lines, but with a higher selectivity toward human tumor cells. Compound 11a affected G1/S phase transition of the cell cycle, showed in vitro DNA intercalating activity and in vivo antitumor activity. A thorough structural analysis of the 11a-DNA complex was also made by mean of NMR and computational techniques. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Dr. von Braun With Management Team

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. von Braun is shown in this photograph, which was probably taken in the early 1960s, with members of his management team. Pictured from left to right are, Werner Kuers, Director of the Manufacturing Engineering Division; Dr. Walter Haeussermarn, Director of the Astrionics Division; Dr. William Mrazek, Propulsion and Vehicle Engineering Division; Dr. von Braun; Dieter Grau, Director of the Quality Assurance Division; Dr. Oswald Lange, Director of the Saturn Systems Office; and Erich Neubert , Associate Deputy Director for Research and Development.

  3. Portrait of Dr. Von Braun with Walt Disney, 1954.

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Marshall Center Director Dr. Wernher Von Braun is pictured with Walt Disney during a visit to the Marshall Space Flight Center in 1954. In the 1950s, Dr. Von Braun while working in California on the Saturn project, also worked with Disney studios as a technical director in making three films about Space Exploration for television. Disney's tour of Marshall in 1965 was Von Braun's hope for a renewed public interest in the future of the Space Program at NASA.

  4. Alexander von Humboldt and the concept of animal electricity.


    Kettenmann, H


    More than two hundred years ago, Alexander von Humboldt helped to establish Galvani's view that muscle and nerve tissue are electrically excitable. His 1797 publication was a landmark for establishing the concept of animal electricity. Almost half a century later, von Humboldt became the mentor of the young du Bois-Reymond. With the help of von Humboldt's promotion, du Bois-Reymond demonstrated convincingly that animal tissue has the intrinsic capacity to generate electrical activity, and thus laid the ground for modern electrophysiology.

  5. Activity-guided isolation of cytotoxic bis-bibenzyl constituents from Dumortiera hirsuta.


    Toyota, Masao; Ikeda, Risa; Kenmoku, Hiromichi; Asakawa, Yoshinori


    Activity-guided fractionation of the ether extract of Dumortiera hirsute (Japanese liverwort), using cytotoxicity testing with cultured HL 60 and KB cells, resulted in the isolation of a new cytotoxic bis-bibenzyl compound, along with the two known bis-bibenzyls: isomarchantin C and isoriccardin C. The structural determination of the new bis-bibenzyl through extensive NMR spectral data indicated a derivative of marchantin A, which has been isolated from the liverwort Marchantia polymorpha. The cytotoxicity of the bis-bibenzyls was evaluated by the MTT (3-(4,5-di-methylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) assay using cultured HL 60 and KB cells.

  6. Polyimide from bis(n-isoprenyl)s of aryl diamides

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Smith, Joseph G., Jr. (Inventor); Ottenbrite, Raphael M. (Inventor)


    A process and polyimide product formed by the reaction of a bismaleimide with a bis(amidediene) is disclosed wherein the bis(amidediene) is formed by reacting an excess of an acid chloride with 1,4-N,N'-diisoprenyl 2,3,5,6-tetramethy1 benzene.

  7. Dr. von Braun With German Rocket Experimenters

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. von Braun was among a famous group of rocket experimenters in Germany in the 1930s. This photograph is believed to be made on the occasion of Herman Oberth's Kegelduese liquid rocket engine being certified as to performance during firing. From left to right are R. Nebel, Dr. Ritter, Mr. Baermueller, Kurt Heinish, Herman Oberth, Klaus Riedel, Wernher von Braun, and an unidentified person.

  8. Normung (Standardisierung)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kostmann, Dirk

    Normung ist aus dem täglichen Leben nicht wegzudenken. In allen Bereichen des Lebens begegnet man Normen, die Aktivitäten reichen von Festlegungen für Kindersitze im Auto über Implantate zum Gelenkersatz bis zu Schraubengrößen oder Verfahren zur Optimierung von Unternehmen.

  9. Hydrazonoyl Chlorides as Precursors for Synthesis of Novel Bis-Pyrrole Derivatives.


    Kheder, Nabila Abdelshafy


    A convenient synthesis of some novel bis-pyrrole derivatives via hydrazonoyl halides is described. Antimicrobial evaluation of some selected examples of the synthesized products was carried out. The bis-pyrrole derivative having chloro substituents showed good activity against all of the used microbes. The molecular docking of the bis-pyrrole derivatives was performed by the Molecular Operating Environment (MOE) program.

  10. Structural and functional similarities between a ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO)-like protein from Bacillus subtilis and photosynthetic RuBisCO.


    Saito, Yohtaro; Ashida, Hiroki; Sakiyama, Tomoko; de Marsac, Nicole Tandeau; Danchin, Antoine; Sekowska, Agnieszka; Yokota, Akiho


    The sequences classified as genes for various ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate (RuBP) carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO)-like proteins (RLPs) are widely distributed among bacteria, archaea, and eukaryota. In the phylogenic tree constructed with these sequences, RuBisCOs and RLPs are grouped into four separate clades, forms I-IV. In RuBisCO enzymes encoded by form I, II, and III sequences, 19 conserved amino acid residues are essential for CO(2) fixation; however, 1-11 of these 19 residues are substituted with other amino acids in form IV RLPs. Among form IV RLPs, the only enzymatic activity detected to date is a 2,3-diketo-5-methylthiopentyl 1-phosphate (DK-MTP-1-P) enolase reaction catalyzed by Bacillus subtilis, Microcystis aeruginosa, and Geobacillus kaustophilus form IV RLPs. RLPs from Rhodospirillum rubrum, Rhodopseudomonas palustris, Chlorobium tepidum, and Bordetella bronchiseptica were inactive in the enolase reaction. DK-MTP-1-P enolase activity of B. subtilis RLP required Mg(2+) for catalysis and, like RuBisCO, was stimulated by CO(2). Four residues that are essential for the enolization reaction of RuBisCO, Lys(175), Lys(201), Asp(203), and Glu(204), were conserved in RLPs and were essential for DK-MTP-1-P enolase catalysis. Lys(123), the residue conserved in DK-MTP-1-P enolases, was also essential for B. subtilis RLP enolase activity. Similarities between the active site structures of RuBisCO and B. subtilis RLP were examined by analyzing the effects of structural analogs of RuBP on DK-MTP-1-P enolase activity. A transition state analog for the RuBP carboxylation of RuBisCO was a competitive inhibitor in the DK-MTP-1-P enolase reaction with a K(i) value of 103 mum. RuBP and d-phosphoglyceric acid, the substrate and product, respectively, of RuBisCO, were weaker competitive inhibitors. These results suggest that the amino acid residues utilized in the B. subtilis RLP enolase reaction are the same as those utilized in the RuBisCO RuBP enolization reaction.

  11. Nitromethane Bridged Bis(1,3,4-oxadiazoles): Trianionic Energetic Salts with Low Sensitivities.


    Yu, Qiong; Imler, Gregory H; Parrish, Damon A; Shreeve, Jean'ne M


    Trianionic energetic salts based on one nitromethylene and two dinitromethyl anions were designed and synthesized. Interestingly, the unstable dinitromethylene group of diethyl 2,2'-((dinitromethylene)bis(1,3,4-oxadiazole-5,2-diyl))bis(2,2-dinitroacetate) (2) was changed to a mononitromethylene group by an aminolysis reaction to form triammonium ((nitromethanidylene)bis(1,3,4-oxadiazole-5,2-diyl))bis(dinitromethanide) (3), whereas in (dinitrobis(5-(trinitromethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)methan) 8 it was hydrolyzed to a carbonyl group resulting in (bis(5-(trinitromethyl)-1,3,4-oxadiazol-2-yl)methanone) 9. All the new compounds were fully characterized by infrared, multinuclear NMR spectra, and elemental analysis. The structures of triammonium ((nitromethanidylene)bis(1,3,4-oxadiazole-5,2-diyl))bis(dinitromethanide) dihydrate (3⋅2 H 2 O) and bis(2-dinitromethyl-1,3,4-oxadiazole-5-yl)methanone (9) were further confirmed by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analysis. Based on their different physical and detonation properties, some of the energetic salts were found to exhibit good energetic performance and low sensitivity. © 2017 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  12. Bis(chloroethyl)ether (BCEE)

    Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

    Bis ( chloroethyl ) ether ( BCEE ) ; CASRN 111 - 44 - 4 Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data , as outlined in the IRIS assessment development process . Sections I ( Health Hazard Assessments fo

  13. Bis(2-chloroethoxy)methane

    Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

    Bis ( 2 - chloroethoxy ) methane ; CASRN 111 - 91 - 1 Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data , as outlined in the IRIS assessment development process . Sections I ( Health Hazard Assessments for

  14. Bis(chloromethyl)ether (BCME)

    Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

    Bis ( chloromethyl ) ether ( BCME ) ; CASRN 542 - 88 - 1 Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data , as outlined in the IRIS assessment development process . Sections I ( Health Hazard Assessments f

  15. Von Neumann's impossibility proof: Mathematics in the service of rhetorics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dieks, Dennis


    According to what has become a standard history of quantum mechanics, in 1932 von Neumann persuaded the physics community that hidden variables are impossible as a matter of principle, after which leading proponents of the Copenhagen interpretation put the situation to good use by arguing that the completeness of quantum mechanics was undeniable. This state of affairs lasted, so the story continues, until Bell in 1966 exposed von Neumann's proof as obviously wrong. The realization that von Neumann's proof was fallacious then rehabilitated hidden variables and made serious foundational research possible again. It is often added in recent accounts that von Neumann's error had been spotted almost immediately by Grete Hermann, but that her discovery was of no effect due to the dominant Copenhagen Zeitgeist. We shall attempt to tell a story that is more historically accurate and less ideologically charged. Most importantly, von Neumann never claimed to have shown the impossibility of hidden variables tout court, but argued that hidden-variable theories must possess a structure that deviates fundamentally from that of quantum mechanics. Both Hermann and Bell appear to have missed this point; moreover, both raised unjustified technical objections to the proof. Von Neumann's argument was basically that hidden-variables schemes must violate the ;quantum principle; that physical quantities are to be represented by operators in a Hilbert space. As a consequence, hidden-variables schemes, though possible in principle, necessarily exhibit a certain kind of contextuality. As we shall illustrate, early reactions to Bohm's theory are in agreement with this account. Leading physicists pointed out that Bohm's theory has the strange feature that pre-existing particle properties do not generally reveal themselves in measurements, in accordance with von Neumann's result. They did not conclude that the ;impossible was done; and that von Neumann had been shown wrong.

  16. 40 CFR 721.9790 - Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2′-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...]-, disodium salt, compd. with 2,2â²,2â³-nitrilo-tris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2.... with 2,2â²,2â³-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:2). 721.9790 Section 721.9790 Protection of Environment...]-, disodium salt, compd. with 2,2′,2″-nitrilo-tris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2...

  17. 40 CFR 721.9790 - Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2′-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...]-, disodium salt, compd. with 2,2â²,2â³-nitrilo-tris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2.... with 2,2â²,2â³-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:2). 721.9790 Section 721.9790 Protection of Environment...]-, disodium salt, compd. with 2,2′,2″-nitrilo-tris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2...

  18. 40 CFR 721.9790 - Benzenesulfonic acid, 2,2′-(1,2-ethenediyl)bis[5-[[4-[bis(2-hydroxypropyl) amino]- 6-[(3...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...]-, disodium salt, compd. with 2,2â²,2â³-nitrilo-tris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2.... with 2,2â²,2â³-nitrilotris[ethanol] (1:2). 721.9790 Section 721.9790 Protection of Environment...]-, disodium salt, compd. with 2,2′,2″-nitrilo-tris[ethanol] (1:2); Benzenesulfonic acid, 5-[[4-[bis(2...

  19. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This photograph is dated October 14, 1964, and shows Dr. von Braun, left, during a tour of the NASA Marned Spacecraft Center, now the Johnson Space Center. He is with Dr. J.P. Kuettner, center, from the Marshall Space Flight Center, and Warren J. North from the Manned Spacecraft Center.

  20. Dr. von Braun with Seven Original Mercury Astronauts

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    In this photo, Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency's (ABMA) Development Operations Division, is shown briefing the seven original Mercury astronauts in ABMA's Fabrication Laboratory. (Left to right) Guss Grissom, Walter Schirra, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, Donald Slayton, and Dr. von Braun.

  1. Ein Konzept für den energieeffizienten Betrieb von Mobilfunknetzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bayer, N.; von Hugo, D.


    Der flächendeckende Betrieb mehrerer Mobilfunknetze unterschiedlicher Technologie in einem Land sorgt aufgrund der ständigen Bereithaltung von Übertragungskapazität für Dienste mit zunehmend höherem Datenvolumenbedarf für einen erheblichen Energieverbrauch. Das Forschungsförderungsprojekt ComGreen hat sich zur Aufgabe gesetzt, durch lastadaptiven Betrieb und intelligente dynamische Rekonfiguration des Funkzugangsnetzes zur Energieeinsparung beizutragen. Konzept, Herausforderungen, ausgewählte Ergebnisse von Simulationen und prototypischem Betrieb werden ebenso wie typische Erwartungswerte des künftigen Energieverbrauchs im Mobilfunkbereich vorgestellt. Sowohl Berechnungen als auch Messungen zeigen, dass durch kontext-basierte dynamische Rekonfiguration von zellularen Funknetzen Energieeinsparungen im Bereich von 25-40 % ermöglicht werden.

  2. Endohedral fullerenes: Synthesis, isolation, mono- and bis -functionalization


    Cerón, Maira R.; Maffeis, Viviana; Stevenson, Steven; ...


    Here, in this paper, we present a short overview of the contribution of our research group to the discovery, functionalization and characterization of unprecedented endohedral fullerenes. We also report a comprehensive study of regioselective bis-1,3-dipolar cycloadditions to cluster endohedral fullerenes M 3N@I h-C 80 (M = Lu, Y and Er) and the spectroscopic characterization of the new bis-adducts obtained.

  3. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency's (ABMA) Development Operations Division, talks to Huntsville Mayor R. B. "Speck" Searcy, center, and Army Ordnance Missile Command (ARMC) Major General John B. Medaris, right, during "Moon Day" celebrations in downtown Huntsville, Alabama. (Courtesy of Huntsville/Madison County Public Library)

  4. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In this photo, Dr. von Braun anxiously awaits the launch of the Saturn I vehicle (SA-8) in the Launch Complex Control Center at the Kennedy Space Center in Florida on May 25, 1965. The SA-8 mission made the first night launch and deployed the Pegasus II micro meteoroid detection satellite.

  5. Dr. von Braun with Original Mercury Astronauts

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency's (ABMA) Development Operations Division, poses with the original Mercury astronauts in ABMA's Fabrication Laboratory during a 1959 visit. Inspecting Mercury-Redstone hardware are from left to right, Alan Shepard, Donald Deke Slayton, Virgil Gus Grissom, von Braun, Gordon Cooper, Wally Schirra, John Glenn, and Scott Carpenter. Project Mercury officially began October 7, 1958 as the United States' first manned space program.

  6. Isomorphous rare-earth bis[bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)phosphate] complexes and their self-assembly into two-dimensional frameworks by intramolecular hydrogen bonds.


    Minyaev, Mikhail E; Nifant'ev, Ilya E; Tavtorkin, Alexander N; Korchagina, Sof'ya A; Zeynalova, Shadana Sh; Ananyev, Ivan V; Churakov, Andrei V


    The crystal structures of rare-earth diaryl- or dialkylphosphate derivatives are poorly explored. Crystals of bis[bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)phosphato-κO]chloridotetrakis(methanol-κO)neodymium methanol disolvate, [Nd(C 24 H 34 O 4 P)Cl(CH 4 O) 4 ]·2CH 3 OH, (1), and of the lutetium, [Lu(C 24 H 34 O 4 P)Cl(CH 4 O) 4 ]·2CH 3 OH, (2), and yttrium, [Y(C 24 H 34 O 4 P)Cl(CH 4 O) 4 ]·2CH 3 OH, (3), analogues have been obtained by reactions between lithium bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)phosphate and LnCl 3 (H 2 O) 6 (in a 2:1 ratio) in methanol. Compounds (1)-(3) crystallize in the C2/c space group. Their crystal structures are isomorphous. The molecule possesses C 2 symmetry with a twofold crystallographic axis passing through the Ln and Cl atoms. The bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)phosphate ligands all display a κ 1 O-monodentate coordination mode. The coordination polyhedron for the metal atom [coordination number (CN) = 7] is a distorted pentagonal bipyramid. Each [Ln{O 2 P(O-2,6- i Pr 2 C 6 H 3 ) 2 } 2 Cl(CH 3 OH) 4 ] molecular unit exhibits two intramolecular O-H...O hydrogen bonds, forming six-membered rings, and two intramolecular O-H...Cl interactions, forming four-membered rings. Intermolecular O-H...O hydrogen bonds connect each unit via four noncoordinating methanol molecules with four other units, forming a two-dimensional hydrogen-bond network. Crystals of bis[bis(2,6-diisopropylphenyl)phosphato-κO]tetrakis(methanol-κO)(nitrato-κ 2 O,O')neodymium methanol disolvate, [Nd(C 24 H 34 O 4 P)(NO 3 )(CH 4 O) 4 ]·2CH 3 OH, (4), have been obtained in an analogous manner from NdCl 3 (H 2 O) 6 . Compound (4) also crystalizes in the C2/c space group. Its crystal structure is similar to those of (1)-(3). The κ 2 O,O'-bidentate nitrate anion is disordered over a twofold axis, being located nearly on it. Half of the molecule is crystallographically unique (CN Nd = 8). Unlike (1)-(3), complex (4) exhibits disorder of all three methanol molecules, one isopropyl group of the

  7. Wittichenite Cu3BiS3: Synthesis and Physical Properties

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wei, Kaya; Hobbis, Dean; Wang, Hsin; Nolas, George S.


    Polycrystalline Cu3BiS3 was synthesized and densified using hot pressing in order to investigate the physical properties of this material. Both the thermal conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient of Cu3BiS3 are reported for the first time in order to investigate the thermoelectric properties of this material. The ultralow thermal conductivity coupled with the relatively high Seebeck coefficient, 0.17 W/m-K and 540 μV/K at room temperature, respectively, suggest Cu3BiS3 may show promise for thermoelectric applications.

  8. Wittichenite Cu3BiS3: Synthesis and Physical Properties

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wei, Kaya; Hobbis, Dean; Wang, Hsin

    Polycrystalline Cu 3BiS 3 was synthesized and densified using hot pressing in order to investigate the physical properties of this material. Both the thermal conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient of Cu 3BiS 3 are reported for the first time in order to investigate the thermoelectric properties of this material. The ultralow thermal conductivity coupled with the relatively high Seebeck coefficient, 0.17 W/m-K and 540 μV/K at room temperature, respectively, suggest Cu 3BiS 3 may show promise for thermoelectric applications.

  9. Wittichenite Cu3BiS3: Synthesis and Physical Properties


    Wei, Kaya; Hobbis, Dean; Wang, Hsin; ...


    Polycrystalline Cu 3BiS 3 was synthesized and densified using hot pressing in order to investigate the physical properties of this material. Both the thermal conductivity and the Seebeck coefficient of Cu 3BiS 3 are reported for the first time in order to investigate the thermoelectric properties of this material. The ultralow thermal conductivity coupled with the relatively high Seebeck coefficient, 0.17 W/m-K and 540 μV/K at room temperature, respectively, suggest Cu 3BiS 3 may show promise for thermoelectric applications.

  10. Platelet-independent adhesion of calcium-loaded erythrocytes to von Willebrand factor

    PubMed Central

    Bierings, Ruben; Meems, Henriet; Mul, Frederik P. J.; Geerts, Dirk; Vlaar, Alexander P. J.; Voorberg, Jan; Hordijk, Peter L.


    Adhesion of erythrocytes to endothelial cells lining the vascular wall can cause vaso-occlusive events that impair blood flow which in turn may result in ischemia and tissue damage. Adhesion of erythrocytes to vascular endothelial cells has been described in multiple hemolytic disorders, especially in sickle cell disease, but the adhesion of normal erythrocytes to endothelial cells has hardly been described. It was shown that calcium-loaded erythrocytes can adhere to endothelial cells. Because sickle erythrocyte adhesion to ECs can be enhanced by ultra-large von Willebrand factor multimers, we investigated whether calcium loading of erythrocytes could promote binding to endothelial cells via ultra-large von Willebrand factor multimers. We used (immunofluorescent) live-cell imaging of washed erythrocytes perfused over primary endothelial cells at venular flow rate. Using this approach, we show that calcium-loaded erythrocytes strongly adhere to histamine-stimulated primary human endothelial cells. This adhesion is mediated by ultra-large von Willebrand factor multimers. Von Willebrand factor knockdown or ADAMTS13 cleavage abolished the binding of erythrocytes to activated endothelial cells under flow. Platelet depletion did not interfere with erythrocyte binding to von Willebrand factor. Our results reveal platelet-independent adhesion of calcium-loaded erythrocytes to endothelium-derived von Willebrand factor. Erythrocyte adhesion to von Willebrand factor may be particularly relevant for venous thrombosis, which is characterized by the formation of erythrocyte-rich thrombi. PMID:28249049

  11. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Walt Disney toured the West Test Area during his visit to the Marshall Space Flight Center on April 13, 1965. The three in center foreground are Karl Heimburg, Director, Test Division; Dr. von Braun, Director, MSFC; and Walt Disney. The Dynamic Test Stand with the S-1C stage being installed is in the background.

  12. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher von Braun holds the coveted Hermarn Oberth award presented to him by Professor Oberth during the banquet hosted by the Alabama Section of the American Rocket Society (ARS), on October 19, 1961. The Oberth award was given for outstanding technical contributions to the field of astronautics or for the promotion and advancement of astronautical sciences.

  13. Dr. von Braun With Five of the Original Astronauts

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Five of the seven original astronauts are seen with Dr. von Braun inspecting the Mercury-Redstone hardware in the Fabrication Laboratory of Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) in 1959. Left to right: Astronauts Walter Schirra, Alan Shepard, John Glenn, Scott Carpenter, Gordon Cooper, and Dr. von Braun.

  14. Von Kármán between Aachen and Pasadena

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krause, Egon; Kalkmann, Ulrich


    In the Introduction the reader is referred back to the academic ceremonials held after Theodore von Kármán's death in Aachen in May 1963. His work as the first director of the Aerodynamisches Institut (Institute of Aerodynamics) of the RWTH Aachen University of Technology from 1913 on and his initiative to re-establish international cooperation after World War I, resulting in the International Union of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (IUTAM), are commented on. The following chapter describes von Kármán's relation to his former teacher Ludwig Prandtl. Some of von Kármán's scientific contributions during his time in Aachen are briefly reviewed. Thereafter, his first contacts to the California Institute of Technology are covered. Finally, the scientific and political circumstances, which led to von Kármán's decision to leave Germany in the early thirties, are elucidated in some detail. The English translation of the titles of the Aachen papers is given in Appendix I.

  15. μ-Carbonato-bis­(bis­{2-[(diethyl­amino)­meth­yl]phen­yl}bis­muth(III))

    PubMed Central

    Soran, Albert P.; Nema, Mihai G.; Breunig, Hans J.; Silvestru, Cristian


    The mol­ecular structure of the title compound, [Bi2(C11H16N)4(CO3)], consists of a symmetrically bridging carbonato group which binds two [2-Et2NCH2C6H4]2Bi units that are crystallographically related via a twofold rotation axis bis­ecting the carbonate group. The two Bi atoms and two of the C atoms directly bonded to bis­muth are quasi-planar [deviations of 0.323 (1) and 0.330 (9)Å for the Bi and C atoms, respectively] with the carbonate group. The remaining two ligands are in a trans arrangement relative to the quasi-planar (CBi)2CO3 system. The metal atom is strongly coordinated by the N atom of one pendant arm [Bi—N = 2.739 (6) Å], almost trans to the O atom, while the N atom of the other pendant arm exhibits a weaker intra­molecular inter­action [Bi⋯N = 3.659 (7) Å] almost trans to a C atom. If both these intra­molecular N→Bi inter­actions per metal atom are considered, the overall coordination geometry at bis­muth becomes distorted square-pyramidal [(C,N)2BiO cores] and the compound can be described as a hypervalent 12-Bi-5 species. Additional quite short intra­molecular Bi⋯O inter­actions are also present [3.796 (8)–4.020 (9) Å]. Inter­molecular associations through weak η6⋯Bi inter­actions [Bi⋯centroid of benzene ring = 3.659 (1) Å] lead to a ribbon-like supra­molecular association. PMID:21522836

  16. Mittelwert- und Arbeitstaktsynchrone Simulation von Dieselmotoren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zahn, Sebastian

    Getrieben durch die immer restriktiveren Anforderungen an das Emissions- und Verbrauchsverhalten moderner Verbrennungsmotoren steigt die Komplexität von Motormanagementsystemen mit jeder Modellgeneration an. Damit geht nicht nur eine Zunahme des Softwareumfangs von Steuergeräten sondern zugleich ein deutlicher Anstieg des Applikations-, Vermessungs- und Testaufwandes einher. Zur Effizienzsteigerung des Software- und Funktionsentwicklungsprozesses haben sich daher in der Automobilindustrie sowie in Forschungsinstituten verschiedene modell- und simulationsbasierte Methoden wie die Model-in-the-Loop (MiL) Simulation, die Software-in-the-Loop (SiL) Simulation, das Rapid Control Prototyping (RCP) sowie die Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL) Simulation etabliert.

  17. Disorder-derived, strong tunneling attenuation in bis-phosphonate monolayers.


    Pathak, Anshuma; Bora, Achyut; Liao, Kung-Ching; Schmolke, Hannah; Jung, Antje; Klages, Claus-Peter; Schwartz, Jeffrey; Tornow, Marc


    Monolayers of alkyl bisphosphonic acids (bisPAs) of various carbon chain lengths (C4, C8, C10, C12) were grown on aluminum oxide (AlO(x)) surfaces from solution. The structural and electrical properties of these self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) were compared with those of alkyl monophosphonic acids (monoPAs). Through contact angle (CA) and Kelvin-probe (KP) measurements, ellipsometry, and infrared (IR) and x-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopies, it was found that bisPAs form monolayers that are relatively disordered compared to their monoPA analogs. Current-voltage (J-V) measurements made with a hanging Hg drop top contact show tunneling to be the prevailing transport mechanism. However, while the monoPAs have an observed decay constant within the typical range for dense monolayers, β(mono)  =  0.85  ±  0.03 per carbon atom, a surprisingly high value, β(bis) =  1.40  ±  0.05 per carbon atom, was measured for the bisPAs. We attribute this to a strong contribution of 'through-space' tunneling, which derives from conformational disorder in the monolayer due to strong interactions of the distal phosphonic acid groups; they likely form a hydrogen-bonding network that largely determines the molecular layer structure. Since bisPA SAMs attenuate tunnel currents more effectively than do the corresponding monoPA SAMs, they may find future application as gate dielectric modification in organic thin film devices.

  18. A RuBisCO-mediated carbon metabolic pathway in methanogenic archaea

    PubMed Central

    Kono, Takunari; Mehrotra, Sandhya; Endo, Chikako; Kizu, Natsuko; Matusda, Mami; Kimura, Hiroyuki; Mizohata, Eiichi; Inoue, Tsuyoshi; Hasunuma, Tomohisa; Yokota, Akiho; Matsumura, Hiroyoshi; Ashida, Hiroki


    Two enzymes are considered to be unique to the photosynthetic Calvin–Benson cycle: ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), responsible for CO2 fixation, and phosphoribulokinase (PRK). Some archaea possess bona fide RuBisCOs, despite not being photosynthetic organisms, but are thought to lack PRK. Here we demonstrate the existence in methanogenic archaea of a carbon metabolic pathway involving RuBisCO and PRK, which we term ‘reductive hexulose-phosphate' (RHP) pathway. These archaea possess both RuBisCO and a catalytically active PRK whose crystal structure resembles that of photosynthetic bacterial PRK. Capillary electrophoresis-mass spectrometric analysis of metabolites reveals that the RHP pathway, which differs from the Calvin–Benson cycle only in a few steps, is active in vivo. Our work highlights evolutionary and functional links between RuBisCO-mediated carbon metabolic pathways in methanogenic archaea and photosynthetic organisms. Whether the RHP pathway allows for autotrophy (that is, growth exclusively with CO2 as carbon source) remains unknown. PMID:28082747

  19. 40 CFR 721.4520 - Isopropylidene, bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) derivative.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...) derivative. 721.4520 Section 721.4520 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.4520 Isopropylidene, bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) derivative. (a) Chemical... isopropylidene, bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) derivative (PMN P-85-648) is subject to reporting under this section for...

  20. 40 CFR 721.4520 - Isopropylidene, bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) derivative.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...) derivative. 721.4520 Section 721.4520 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.4520 Isopropylidene, bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) derivative. (a) Chemical... isopropylidene, bis(1,1-dimethylpropyl) derivative (PMN P-85-648) is subject to reporting under this section for...

  1. von Braun and German Publisher

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    In this photograph, Guenter Ogger of Capitol Magazine, West Germany, greets Marshall Space Flight Center Director, Dr. Wernher von Braun. Mr. Ogger interviewed the famous rocket scientist for his magazine.

  2. Comparison of spectral entropy and BIS VISTA™ monitor during general anesthesia for cardiac surgery.


    Musialowicz, Tadeusz; Lahtinen, Pasi; Pitkänen, Otto; Kurola, Jouni; Parviainen, Ilkka


    We compared the primary metrics of the Spectral entropy M-ENTROPY™ module and BIS VISTA™ monitor-i.e., bispectral index (BIS), state entropy (SE), and response entropy (RE) in terms of agreement and correlation during general anesthesia for cardiac surgery. We also evaluated responsiveness of electroencephalogram (EEG)-based and hemodynamic parameters to surgical noxious stimulation, skin incision, and sternotomy, hypothesizing that RE would be a better responsiveness predictor. BIS and entropy sensors were applied before anesthesia induction in 32 patients having elective cardiac surgery. Total intravenous anesthesia was standardized and guided by the BIS index with neuromuscular blockade tested with train-of-four monitoring. Parameters included SE, RE, BIS, forehead electromyography (EMG), and hemodynamic variables. Time points for analyzing BIS, entropy, and hemodynamic values were 1 min before and after: anesthesia induction, intubation, skin incision, sternotomy, cannulation of the aorta, cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB), cross-clamping the aorta, de-clamping the aorta, and end of CPB; also after starting the re-warming phase and at 10, 20, 30, and 40 min following. The mean difference between BIS and SE (Bland-Altman) was 2.14 (+16/- 11; 95% CI 1.59-2.67), and between BIS and RE it was 0.02 (+14/- 14; 95% CI 0.01-0.06). BIS and SE (r(2) = 0.66; P = 0.001) and BIS and RE (r(2) = 0.7; P = 0.001) were closely correlated (Pearson's). EEG parameters, EMG values, and systolic blood pressure significantly increased after skin incision, and sternotomy. The effect of surgical stimulation (Cohen's d) was highest for RE after skin incision (-0.71; P = 0.0001) and sternotomy (-0.94; P = 0.0001). Agreement was poor between the BIS index measured by BIS VISTA™ and SE values at critical anesthesia time points in patients undergoing cardiac surgery. RE was a good predictor of arousal after surgical stimulation regardless of the surgical level of muscle relaxation. Index

  3. Monte Carlo turbulence simulation using rational approximations to von Karman spectra

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Campbell, C. W.


    Turbulence simulation is computationally much simpler using rational spectra, but turbulence falls off as f exp -5/3 in frequency ranges of interest to aircraft response and as predicted by von Karman's model. Rational approximations to von Karman spectra should satisfy three requirements: (1) the rational spectra should provide a good approximation to the von Karman spectra in the frequency range of interest; (2) for stability, the resulting rational transfer function should have all its poles in the left half-plane; and (3) at high frequencies, the rational spectra must fall off as an integer power of frequency, and since the -2 power is closest to the -5/3 power, the rational approximation should roll off as the -2 power at high frequencies. Rational approximations to von Karman spectra that satisfy these three criteria are presented, along with spectra from simulated turbulence. Agreement between the spectra of the simulated turbulence and von Karman spectra is excellent.

  4. Operationsverstärker

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Döring, Peter

    Der besondere Vorteil der OPs liegt darin, dass sich seine Eigenschaften durch einfache äußere Beschaltungen stark variieren lassen. OPs sind daher in immer größer werdendem Umfang in analogen Schaltungen, aber auch in Schaltungen der Digitaltechnik anwendbar und integrierbar. In diesem Kapitel wird das Bauelement ausführlich vorgestellt und ein Eindruck von seinen universellen Einsatzmöglichkeiten vermittelt. Behandelt werden dazu folgende Themen: Einführung; Differenzverstärker; Grundlagen des Operationsverstärkers; Operationsverstärker: Kennlinie, invertierender und nichtinvertierender Betrieb, Kenndaten; Operationsverstärker mit Gegenkopplung: frequenzabhängig und frequenzunabhängig, Schaltbeispiele. Operationsverstärker als Leistungsverstärker; Aktive Filterschaltungen (Gauß-Filter, Bandsperre).

  5. Structure-anti-MRSA activity relationship of macrocyclic bis(bibenzyl) derivatives.


    Sawada, Hiromi; Onoda, Kenji; Morita, Daichi; Ishitsubo, Erika; Matsuno, Kenji; Tokiwa, Hiroaki; Kuroda, Teruo; Miyachi, Hiroyuki


    We synthesized a series of macrocyclic bis(bibenzyl) derivatives, including riccardin-, isoplagiochin- and marchantin-class structures, and evaluated their antibacterial activity towards methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (anti-MRSA activity). The structure-activity relationships and the results of molecular dynamics simulations indicated that bis(bibenzyl)s with potent anti-MRSA activity commonly have a 4-hydroxyl group at the D-benzene ring and a 2-hydroxyl group at the C-benzene ring in the hydrophilic part of the molecule, and an unsubstituted phenoxyphenyl group in the hydrophobic part of the molecule containing the A-B-benzene rings. Pharmacological characterization of the bis(bibenzyl) derivatives and 2-phenoxyphenol fragment 25, previously proposed as the minimum structure of riccardin C 1 for anti-MRSA activity, indicated that they have different action mechanisms: the bis(bibenzyl)s are bactericidal, while 25 is bacteriostatic, showing only weak bactericidal activity. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In this photo, (left to right) Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) Missile Firing Laboratory Chief Dr. Kurt Debus, Director of the ABMA Development Operations Division, Dr. von Braun and an unidentified individual in blockhouse during the CM-21 (Jupiter) firing. The Jupiter missile CM-21 became the first Chrysler production qualification missile to be fired and in March 1959 launched the Pioneer IV.

  7. Von Karman Vortices

    NASA Image and Video Library


    July 4th, 2002: Description: As air flows over and around objects in its path, spiraling eddies, known as Von Karman vortices, may form. The vortices in this image were created when prevailing winds sweeping east across the northern Pacific Ocean encountered Alaska’s Aleutian Islands. Source: Landsat 7 To learn more about the Landsat satellite go to:

  8. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Wernher von Braun (center), then Chief of the Guided Missile Development Division at Redstone Arsenal, Alabama, discusses a "bottle suit" model with Dr. Heinz Haber (left), an expert on aviation medicine, and Willey Ley, a science writer on rocketry and space exploration. The three men were at the Disney studios appearing in the motion picture, entitled "Man in Space."

  9. (Bis)urea and (Bis)thiourea Inhibitors of Lysine-Specific Demethylase 1 as Epigenetic Modulators

    PubMed Central

    Sharma, Shiv K.; Wu, Yu; Steinbergs, Nora; Crowley, Michael L.; Hanson, Allison S.; Casero, Robert A.; Woster, Patrick M.


    The recently discovered enzyme lysine-specific demethylase 1 (LSD1) plays an important role in the epigenetic control of gene expression, and aberrant gene silencing secondary to LSD1 over expression is thought to contribute to the development of cancer. We recently reported a series of (bis)guanidines and (bis)biguanides that are potent inhibitors of LSD1, and induce the re-expression of aberrantly silenced tumor suppressor genes in tumor cells in vitro. We now report a series of isosteric ureas and thioureas that are also potent inhibitors of LSD1. These compounds induce increases in methylation at the histone 3 lysine 4 (H3K4) chromatin mark, a specific target of LSD1, in Calu-6 lung carcinoma cells. In addition, these analogues increase cellular levels of secreted frizzle-related proteins (SFRP) 2 and 5, and transcription factor GATA4. These compounds represent an important new series of epigenetic modulators with the potential for use as antitumor agents. PMID:20568780

  10. Dr. Wernher Von Braun

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Shown viewing the Apollo telescope mockup are, from left to right, Charles Donlan, deputy associate administrator for manned space flight; Dr. Wernher Von Braun, Marshall Space Flight Center director; William Horton, astrionics lab; Dr. Thomas Paine, NASA deputy administrator; Warner Kuers, director of the ME lab.

  11. Developmentally arrested structures preceding cerebellar tumors in von Hippel–Lindau disease

    PubMed Central

    Shively, Sharon B; Falke, Eric A; Li, Jie; Tran, Maxine G B; Thompson, Eli R; Maxwell, Patrick H; Roessler, Erich; Oldfield, Edward H; Lonser, Russell R; Vortmeyer, Alexander O


    There is increasing evidence that suggests that knockout of tumor-suppressor gene function causes developmental arrest and protraction of cellular differentiation. In the peripheral nervous system of patients with the tumor-suppressor gene disorder, von Hippel–Lindau disease, we have demonstrated developmentally arrested structural elements composed of hemangioblast progenitor cells. Some developmentally arrested structural elements progress to a frank tumor, hemangioblastoma. However, in von Hippel–Lindau disease, hemangioblastomas are frequently observed in the cerebellum, suggesting an origin in the central nervous system. We performed a structural and topographic analysis of cerebellar tissues obtained from von Hippel–Lindau disease patients to identify and characterize developmentally arrested structural elements in the central nervous system. We examined the entire cerebella of five tumor-free von Hippel–Lindau disease patients and of three non-von Hippel–Lindau disease controls. In all, 9 cerebellar developmentally arrested structural elements were detected and topographically mapped in 385 blocks of von Hippel–Lindau disease cerebella. No developmentally arrested structural elements were seen in 214 blocks from control cerebella. Developmentally arrested structural elements are composed of poorly differentiated cells that express hypoxia-inducible factor (HIF)2α, but not HIF1α or brachyury, and preferentially involve the molecular layer of the dorsum cerebelli. For the first time, we identify and characterize developmentally arrested structural elements in the central nervous system of von Hippel–Lindau patients. We provide evidence that developmentally arrested structural elements in the cerebellum are composed of developmentally arrested hemangioblast progenitor cells in the molecular layer of the dorsum cerebelli. PMID:21499240

  12. Dechlorination of 1,1,1-Trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane by Aerobacter aerogenes

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Wedemeyer, Gary


    Whole cells or cell-free extracts of Aerobacter aerogenes catalyze the degradation of 1,1,1-trichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDT) in vitro to at least seven metabolites: 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDE); 1,1-dichloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDD); 1-chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDMU); 1-chloro-2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethane (DDMS); unsym-bis(p-chlorophenyl)ethylene (DDNU); 2,2-bis(p-chlorophenyl)acetate (DDA); and 4,4′-dichlorobenzophenone (DBP). The use of metabolic inhibitors together with pH and temperature studies indicated that discrete enzymes are involved. By use of the technique of sequential analysis, the metabolic pathway was shown to be: DDT → DDD →DDMU →DDMS → DDNU → DDA → DBP, or DDT → DDE. Dechlorination was marginally enhanced by light-activated flavin mononucleotide.

  13. 40 CFR 721.10321 - Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10321 Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (PMN P-03-194) is subject to reporting under this... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine...

  14. 40 CFR 721.10321 - Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10321 Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (PMN P-03-194) is subject to reporting under this... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine...

  15. 40 CFR 721.10321 - Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10321 Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (PMN P-03-194) is subject to reporting under this... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Bis[phenyl, 2H-1,3-benzoxazine...

  16. Polyamine deprivation-induced enhanced uptake of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) by tumor cells.


    Seppänen, P; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Jänne, J


    1. Putrescine and spermidine depletion produced by alpha-difluoromethylornithine, an irreversible inhibitor or ornithine decarboxylase (EC, resulted in a strikingly enhanced cellular uptake of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) in cultured Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells and human lymphocytic leukemia cells. 2. A prior priming of the cells with difluoromethylornithine followed by a short exposure of the cells to methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) rapidly established intracellular concentrations of the latter drug approaching 10 mM. 3. The enhanced transport of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) into the tumor cells apparently required metabolic energy as the uptake of extracellular drug rapidly ceased and intracellular methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was excreted into the medium when the glycolysis of the tumor cells was inhibited by iodoacetate. 4. A sequential treatment of cultured tumor cells with difluoromethylornithine until established polyamine depletion followed by an addition of low concentrations of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) produced an antiproliferative action not achieved with either of the drugs alone. 5. A similar treatment schedule, i.e a priming of mice inoculated with Ehrlich ascites cells with difluoromethylornithine for a few days, likewise enhanced the uptake of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) by the carcinoma cells, but only marginally increased the drug concentration in the liver and small intestine of the animals.

  17. PT2385 for the Treatment of Von Hippel-Lindau Disease-Associated Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma


    VHL Gene Mutation; VHL; VHL Syndrome; VHL Gene Inactivation; Von Hippel; Von Hippel-Lindau Disease; Von Hippel's Disease; Von Hippel-Lindau Syndrome, Modifiers of; Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma; Clear Cell RCC; ccRCC

  18. Gas Sensing Properties of bis-Phthalocyanine Thin Film

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumludag, Fatih; Kilic, Pinar; Odabas, Zafer; Altindal, Ahmet; Bekaroglu, Ozer


    In this study, response of the cofacial bis- phthalocyanine film to vapor of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) was investigated. Test gases were vapors of acetone, toluene, ethanol and ammonia. Measurements were carried out between the temperatures of 293 K-423 K. Bis-phthalocyanine was dissolved in chloroform. Thin film of bis-phthalocyanine was deposited by spraying method on glass substrate patterned with Interdigital Transducer (IDT). During the measurements 0.5 volts were applied to the IDT. Response characteristics of the film were determined by means of change in dc conductivity as a function of gas concentration and temperature. Gas concentrations were controlled by mass flow controller. Dry nitrogen was used as carrier gas. Vapor pressure of the VOCs was calculated using Antoine equation. Response characteristics of the film were determined in a wide range of gas concentration (0.25%-18%). The film showed good sensitivity to the VOCs vapors in the measurement range. The responses of the film were reversible. All the measurement system was computerized.

  19. 40 CFR 721.10539 - Bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10539 Bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (PMN P-02-653) is subject to reporting under this section... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine...

  20. 40 CFR 721.10539 - Bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10539 Bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (generic). (a) Chemical... as bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine]derivative (PMN P-02-653) is subject to reporting under this section... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Bis[phenyl-2H-1,3-benzoxazine...

  1. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), and Dr. Debus, Director of the Launch Operations Center, at Complex 34 prior to the Launch of the SA-4 (the fourth flight of Saturn I), March 28, 1963. The mission conducted the second "Project Highwater" experiment, which the upper stage ejected 30,000 gallons of ballast water in the upper atmosphere for a physics experiment.

  2. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), greets Commander of Apollo 7 mission, Walter M. Schirra, Jr., during the mission briefing at Kennedy Space Center (KSC). The Apollo 7 mission, boosted by a Saturn IB launch vehicle on October 11, 1968, was the first flight of the Apollo spacecraft with crew. Other crew members were Astronaut Donn Eisele and Astronaut Walter Cunningham.

  3. Measurements in Quantum Mechanics and von NEUMANN's Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mello, Pier A.; Johansen, Lars M.


    Many textbooks on Quantum Mechanics are not very precise as to the meaning of making a measurement: as a consequence, they frequently make assertions which are not based on a dynamical description of the measurement process. A model proposed by von Neumann allows a dynamical description of measurement in Quantum Mechanics, including the measuring instrument in the formalism. In this article we apply von Neumann's model to illustrate the measurement of an observable by means of a measuring instrument and show how various results, which are sometimens postulated without a dynamical basis, actually emerge. We also investigate the more complex, intriguing and fundamental problem of two successive measurements in Quantum Mechanics, extending von Neumann's model to two measuring instruments. We present a description which allows obtaining, in a unified way, various results that have been given in the literature.

  4. Test of Von Baer's law of the conservation of early development.


    Poe, Steven


    One of the oldest and most pervasive ideas in comparative embryology is the perceived evolutionary conservation of early ontogeny relative to late ontogeny. Karl Von Baer first noted the similarity of early ontogeny across taxa, and Ernst Haeckel and Charles Darwin gave evolutionary interpretation to this phenomenon. In spite of a resurgence of interest in comparative embryology and the development of mechanistic explanations for Von Baer's law, the pattern itself has been largely untested. Here, I use statistical phylogenetic approaches to show that Von Baer's law is an unnecessarily complex explanation of the patterns of ontogenetic timing in several clades of vertebrates. Von Baer's law suggests a positive correlation between ontogenetic time and amount of evolutionary change. I compare ranked position in ontogeny to frequency of evolutionary change in rank for developmental events and find that these measures are not correlated, thus failing to support Von Baer's model. An alternative model that postulates that small changes in ontogenetic rank are evolutionarily easier than large changes is tentatively supported.

  5. Discovery of novel alkylated (bis)urea and (bis)thiourea polyamine analogues with potent antimalarial activities.


    Verlinden, Bianca K; Niemand, Jandeli; Snyman, Janette; Sharma, Shiv K; Beattie, Ross J; Woster, Patrick M; Birkholtz, Lyn-Marie


    A series of alkylated (bis)urea and (bis)thiourea polyamine analogues were synthesized and screened for antimalarial activity against chloroquine-sensitive and -resistant strains of Plasmodium falciparum in vitro. All analogues showed growth inhibitory activity against P. falciparum at less than 3 μM, with the majority having effective IC(50) values in the 100-650 nM range. Analogues arrested parasitic growth within 24 h of exposure due to a block in nuclear division and therefore asexual development. Moreover, this effect appears to be cytotoxic and highly selective to malaria parasites (>7000-fold lower IC(50) against P. falciparum) and is not reversible by the exogenous addition of polyamines. With this first report of potent antimalarial activity of polyamine analogues containing 3-7-3 or 3-6-3 carbon backbones and substituted terminal urea- or thiourea moieties, we propose that these compounds represent a structurally novel class of antimalarial agents.

  6. Dr. von Braun Tries Out the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director, Dr. von Braun, submerges after spending some time under water in the MSFC Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS). Weighted to a neutrally buoyant condition, Dr. von Braun was able to perform tasks underwater which simulated weightless conditions found in space.

  7. Valence bond and von Neumann entanglement entropy in Heisenberg ladders.


    Kallin, Ann B; González, Iván; Hastings, Matthew B; Melko, Roger G


    We present a direct comparison of the recently proposed valence bond entanglement entropy and the von Neumann entanglement entropy on spin-1/2 Heisenberg systems using quantum Monte Carlo and density-matrix renormalization group simulations. For one-dimensional chains we show that the valence bond entropy can be either less or greater than the von Neumann entropy; hence, it cannot provide a bound on the latter. On ladder geometries, simulations with up to seven legs are sufficient to indicate that the von Neumann entropy in two dimensions obeys an area law, even though the valence bond entanglement entropy has a multiplicative logarithmic correction.

  8. Determination of homologous distributions of bisEMA dimethacrylates in bulk-fill resin-composites by GC-MS.


    Durner, Jürgen; Schrickel, Klaus; Watts, David C; Ilie, Nicoleta


    Ethoxylated bisphenol A dimethacrylate (bisEMA) is a basis monomer in several dental resin composites. It was the aim of the present study to develop a method allowing detection of bisEMA and its different degrees of ethoxylation eluted from polymerized resin composites. High-temperature gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (HT-GC/MS) by direct on-column injection was used to identify ethoxylated bisEMA in ethanol/water (3:1) eluates from polymerized specimen of four bulk-fill resin composites - Venus(®) bulk fill, Surefil(®) SDR™ flow, Filtek™ Bulk Fill and Sonic Fill™. Additionally, the unpolymerised pastes were analysed. The developed method allowed identification of a homologous series of bisEMA up to twelve ethoxy groups in the unpolymerised materials. The molecular masses of the homologous bisEMA varied between 452 g/mol and 892 g/mol and were detected for retention times from 9.43 min to 13.36 min. Analysis of eluates from polymerised materials identified bisEMA monomers with less than 6 ethoxy groups. Chromatograms showed larger peak areas for the lower volatile bisEMA with 4-6 ethoxy groups compared with higher volatile bisEMA with 2 or 3 ethoxy groups, thus indicating that the amounts of these homologues in the pastes were higher. Ethoxylated bisEMA with up to twelve ethoxy groups can be identified by HT-GC/MS. In all eluates bisEMA was found. The higher the number of ethoxy groups the lower are the peak areas from bisEMA in the gas chromatogram. These findings may be significant for toxicological analysis of resin-composites incorporating bis-EMA. Copyright © 2015 Academy of Dental Materials. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Wernher von Braun with German Officers and Others

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    General Erich Fellgiebel, head of the German Army Information Service during World War II, congratulates members of the von Braun rocket team from Peenemunde for their October 3, 1942 A4 flight. Pictured front center is General Erich Fellgiebel. Shaking hands are General Walter Dornberger (left) and General Janssen, commanding officer of Peenemuende with Rudolph Hermarn to their right. Picture left to right in the back row are Wernher von Braun, Captain Stoelzel, Luftwaffe, and Dr. Gerhard Reisig.

  10. Plant RuBisCo assembly in E. coli with five chloroplast chaperones including BSD2.


    Aigner, H; Wilson, R H; Bracher, A; Calisse, L; Bhat, J Y; Hartl, F U; Hayer-Hartl, M


    Plant RuBisCo, a complex of eight large and eight small subunits, catalyzes the fixation of CO 2 in photosynthesis. The low catalytic efficiency of RuBisCo provides strong motivation to reengineer the enzyme with the goal of increasing crop yields. However, genetic manipulation has been hampered by the failure to express plant RuBisCo in a bacterial host. We achieved the functional expression of Arabidopsis thaliana RuBisCo in Escherichia coli by coexpressing multiple chloroplast chaperones. These include the chaperonins Cpn60/Cpn20, RuBisCo accumulation factors 1 and 2, RbcX, and bundle-sheath defective-2 (BSD2). Our structural and functional analysis revealed the role of BSD2 in stabilizing an end-state assembly intermediate of eight RuBisCo large subunits until the small subunits become available. The ability to produce plant RuBisCo recombinantly will facilitate efforts to improve the enzyme through mutagenesis. Copyright © 2017 The Authors, some rights reserved; exclusive licensee American Association for the Advancement of Science. No claim to original U.S. Government Works.

  11. Die Kosmogonie Anton von Zachs.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brosche, P.

    In his "Cosmogenische Betrachtungen" (1804), Anton von Zach rediscovered - probably independently - some aspects of the theories of Kant and Laplace. More originally, he envisaged also the consequences of an era of heavy impacts in the early history of the Earth.

  12. Vaporization behavior of tetraoctylphosphonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate ionic liquid


    McMurray, J. W.; Zhou, Y.; Luo, H. M.; ...


    We determined the equilibrium vapor pressures, p e, of the ionic liquid tetraoctylphosphonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate ([P 8888][DEHP]) over the temperature range 409–495 K using mass loss Knudsen effusion. The p e versus temperature relationship compares well to 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C 8mim][NTf 2]) but is lower than that of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C 2mim][NTf 2]) when measured using the same technique. Here, we determined the discrepancies between the p e for [C 8mim][NTf 2] and [C 2mim][NTf 2] with previous studies is discussed. Finally, the enthalpy and entropy of vaporization for all three fluids are estimated from the Clasius-Clapeyron relation.

  13. Vaporization behavior of tetraoctylphosphonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate ionic liquid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McMurray, J. W.; Zhou, Y.; Luo, H. M.; Qu, J.


    The equilibrium vapor pressures, pe, of the ionic liquid tetraoctylphosphonium bis(2-ethylhexyl)phosphate ([P8888][DEHP]) over the temperature range 409-495 K were determined for the first time using mass loss Knudsen effusion. The pe versus temperature relationship compares well to 1-methyl-3-octylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C8mim][NTf2]) but is lower than that of 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ([C2mim][NTf2]) when measured using the same technique. The discrepancies between the pe determined in this work for [C8mim][NTf2] and [C2mim][NTf2] with previous studies is discussed. The enthalpy and entropy of vaporization for all three fluids are estimated from the Clasius-Clapeyron relation.

  14. Dr. von Braun Tries Out the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director, Dr. von Braun, is shown leaving the suiting-up van wearing a pressure suit prepared for a tryout in the MSFC Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS). Weighted to a neutrally buoyant condition, Dr. von Braun was able to perform tasks underwater which simulated weightless conditions found in space.

  15. Entwicklung von umwelt- und naturschutzgerechten Verfahren der landwirtschaftlichen Landnutzung für das Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meyer-Aurich, Andreas


    Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden exemplarisch Chancen und Grenzen der Integration von Umwelt- und Naturschutz in Verfahren der ackerbaulichen Landnutzung aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung von Zielen des Umwelt- und Naturschutzes in Verfahren der Landnutzung ist mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeiten verbunden. Diese liegen zum einen in der Konkretisierung der Ziele, um diese umsetzen zu können, zum anderen in vielfach unzulänglichem Wissen über den Zusammenhang zwischen unterschiedlichen Formen der Landnutzung und insbesondere den biotischen Naturschutzzielen. Zunächst wird die Problematik der Zielfestlegung und Konkretisierung erörtert. Das Umweltqualitätszielkonzept von Fürst et al. (1992) stellt einen Versuch dar, Ziele des Umwelt- und Naturschutzes zu konkretisieren. Dieses Konzept haben Heidt et al. (1997) auf einen Landschaftsausschnitt von ca. 6000 ha im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin im Nordosten Brandenburgs angewendet. Eine Auswahl der von Heidt et al. (1997) formulierten Umweltqualitätsziele bildet die Basis dieser Arbeit. Für die ausgewählten Umweltqualitätsziele wurden wesentliche Einflussfaktoren der Landnutzung identifiziert und ein Bewertungssystem entwickelt, mit dem die Auswirkungen von landwirtschaftlichen Anbauverfahren auf diese Umweltqualitätsziele abgebildet werden können. Die praktizierte Landnutzung von 20 Betrieben im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin wurde von 1994 bis 1997 hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Umweltqualitätsziele analysiert. Die Analyse ergab ein sehr differenziertes Bild, das zum Teil Unterschiede in der Auswirkung auf die Umweltqualitätsziele für den Anbau einzelner Kulturen oder für bestimmte Betriebstypen zeigte. Es zeigte sich aber auch, dass es bei der Gestaltung des Anbaus einzelner Kulturarten große Unterschiede gab, die für Umweltqualitätsziele Bedeutung haben. Neben der Analyse der Landnutzung im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin wurde ein System entwickelt, mit dem die modellhafte

  16. Elevated BIS and Entropy values after sugammadex or neostigmine: an electroencephalographic or electromyographic phenomenon?


    Aho, A J; Kamata, K; Yli-Hankala, A; Lyytikäinen, L-P; Kulkas, A; Jäntti, V


    Sugammadex is designed to antagonize neuromuscular blockade (NMB) induced by rocuronium or vecuronium. In clinical practice, we have noticed a rise in the numerical values of bispectral index (BIS) and Entropy, two electroencephalogram (EEG) - based depth of anesthesia monitors, during the reversal of the NMB with sugammadex. The aim of this prospective, randomized, double-blind study was to test this impression and to compare the effects of sugammadex and neostigmine on the BIS and Entropy values during the reversal of the NMB. Thirty patients undergoing gynecological operations were studied. Patients were anesthetized with target-controlled infusions of propofol and remifentanil, and rocuronium was used to induce NMB. After operation, during light propofol-remifentanil anesthesia, NMB was antagonized with sugammadex or neostigmine. During the following 5 min, the numerical values of BIS, BIS electromyographic (BIS EMG) and Entropy were recorded on a laptop computer, as well as the biosignal recorded by the Entropy strip. The Entropy biosignal was studied off-line both in time and frequency domain to see if NMB reversal causes changes in EEG. In some patients, administration of sugammadex or neostigmine caused a significant rise in the numerical values of BIS, BIS EMG and Entropy. This phenomenon was most likely caused by increased electromyographic (EMG) activity. The administration of sugammadex or neostigmine appeared to have only minimal effect on EEG. The EMG contamination of EEG causes BIS and Entropy values to rise during reversal of rocuronium-induced NMB in light propofol-remifentanil anesthesia. © 2012 The Authors. Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica © 2012 The Acta Anaesthesiologica Scandinavica Foundation.

  17. Dr. Wernher Von Braun

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Marshall Space Flight Center director Wernher Von Braun and his family were honored with a series of events prior to his relocation to Washington, D.C. where he was assigned duties at NASA headquarters as deputy associate administrator for planning. Here he is shown with General Richard Drury and Hazel Toftoy, widow of General H.N. Toftoy.

  18. Suppression of phytohemagglutinin-induction of thymidine uptake in guinea pig lymphocytes by methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) treatment.


    Otani, S; Matsui, I; Morisawa, S


    Treatment with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), a specific inhibitor of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC, suppressed the phytohemagglutinin-induction of [3H]thymidine uptake by guinea pig lymphocytes. The kinetics of [3H]thymidine uptake revealed that the Km value for thymidine was not changed, but the V value was markedly lowered by the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) treatment. The induction of ATP: thymidine 5'-phosphotransferase (EC (thymidine kinase) activity by phytohemagglutinin was suppressed to about the same extent as the induction of thymidine uptake. These suppressions were dependent on the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) doses and on duration of the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) treatment. Analysis of [3H]thymidine labelled compounds of the acid-soluble fraction showed that conversion of thymidine to thymidine 5'-triphosphate was inhibited by the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) treatment. DNA polymerase activity was less inhibited by the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) treatment in comparison with the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) inhibition of thymidine uptake by whole cells. These results strongly suggested that blocking of polyamine accumulation by the methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) treatment influenced phytohemagglutinin induction of thymidine phosphorylation, resulting in a decrease of thymidine incorporation into DNA.

  19. 40 CFR 721.10042 - 2-Propanol, 1-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false 2-Propanol, 1-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10042 2-Propanol, 1-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 2-propanol, 1...

  20. 40 CFR 721.10042 - 2-Propanol, 1-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false 2-Propanol, 1-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10042 2-Propanol, 1-[bis(2-hydroxyethyl)amino]-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 2-propanol, 1...

  1. Evaluation of the Utility of von Willebrand Factor Propeptide in the Differential Diagnosis of von Willebrand Disease and Acquired von Willebrand Syndrome.


    Stufano, Francesca; Boscarino, Marco; Bucciarelli, Paolo; Baronciani, Luciano; Maino, Alberto; Cozzi, Giovanna; Peyvandi, Flora


    An increased von Willebrand factor propeptide (VWFpp) to VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) ratio (VWFpp/VWF:Ag) indicates an enhanced clearance of VWF. This finding has been described in von Willebrand disease (VWD) and in acquired von Willebrand syndrome (AVWS). A distinction between these two diseases, one congenital and the other acquired, is primarily based on family and personal history of bleeding. However, if this information is scanty, the diagnosis might be challenging due to the lack of an effective diagnostic biomarker. In this cross-sectional study, we assessed the ability of VWFpp/VWF:Ag for the differential diagnosis between VWD and AVWS. VWFpp/VWF:Ag was measured in a group of 153 patients (125 with VWD and 28 with AVWS). Most patients with AVWS and VWD showed an increased VWFpp/VWF:Ag, although to variable degrees. A marked increase of VWFpp/VWF:Ag was mainly associated with the diagnosis of AVWS and VWD type 1 Vicenza. A receiver operating characteristic curve was used to identify the optimal cutoff of VWFpp/VWF:Ag for discrimination of patients with a modestly increased (most VWD cases) versus those with a markedly increased clearance (AVWS and VWD type 1 Vicenza), and this cutoff was identified at the value of 3.9 (sensitivity: 0.70, specificity: 0.97). The ROC curve sorting from a logistic model containing VWFpp/VWF:Ag, age, and sex had an area under the curve (AUC) of 0.88 (95% confidence interval: 0.80-0.95). A subsequent molecular evaluation discriminated VWD type 1 Vicenza from AVWS. In conclusion, VWFpp/VWF:Ag appears helpful to discriminate patients with a markedly increase VWF clearance (AVWS or VWD type 1 Vicenza) from those with a modestly increased clearance (most VWD patients). Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  2. Himmelsfotografie MIT Schmidt-Teleskopen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marx, Siegfried; Pfau, Werner

    Auf dem Höhepunkt der Verbreitung und astronomischen Anwendung von Schmidt-Teleskopen legen S. Marx und W. Pfau einen reich illustrierten Bildband zu diesem Fernrohrtyp vor. Der thematische Bogen reicht von der Teleskoptechnik und ihrer Geschichte über das Leben von Berhard Schmidt bis zu den schönsten, hier in hervorragender Qualität wiedergegebenen Himmelsaufnahmen und ihrer wissenschaftlichen Interpretation. Praktische Hinweise zu eigener fotografischer Tätigkeit und ein Glossar machen das Buch nützlich für jeden Liebhaber der Himmelskunde.

  3. Radical oxidative cyclization of spiroacetals to bis-spiroacetals: an overview.


    Brimble, Margaret A


    The use of iodobenzene diacetate and iodine under photolytic conditions provides and efficient method for the oxidative cyclization of spiroacetals bearing an hydroxyalkyl side chain to bis-spiroacetals. An overview is provided of the use of this reaction for the synthesis of several bis-spiroacetal containing natural products such as the polyether antibiotics salinomycin and CP44,161 and the shellfish toxins, the spirolides.

  4. In Vitro and In Vivo Behaviour of 111In Complexes of TTHA, TTHA-Bis(Butylamide) and TTHA-Bis(Glucamide): Stability, Biodistribution and Excretion Studied by Gamma Imaging

    PubMed Central

    Prata, M. I. M.; Ribeiro, M. J.; Santos, A. C.; Peters, J. A.; Nepveu, F.; de Lima, J. J. P.


    Aiming at radiopharmaceutical application, 111In3+ complexes of the polyaminocarboxylates TTHA, TTHA-bis(butylamide) and TTHA-bis(glucamide) were investigated. The in vitro stability of 111In(TTHA)3− and 111In(TTHA-bis(butylamide)- was evaluated by measuring the exchange of 111In3+ from the complexes to transferrin and the results were compared with those for 111In(DTPA)2−. We also performed biodistribution studies of the three 111In3+ complexes by gamma-imaging in Wistar rats and by measuring the radioactivity in their organs. TTHA and its derivatives seem to have similar in vivo biodistribution with prevailing renal excretion. PMID:18475854

  5. Synthesis, structurale elucidation and antioxidant study of Ortho-substituted N,N’-bis(benzamidothiocarbonyl)hydrazine derivatives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Firdausiah, Syadza; Hasbullah, S. A.; Yamin, B. M.


    Some bis(thiourea) compounds have been reported to posses excellent performance in pharmaceutical and environmental fields because of their ability to form chelating complexes with various anions and metal ions. Structurally for carbonyl thiourea derivatives, to become a chelating agent, it must adopt cis-configuration. In the present study, four new bis(thiourea) derivatives namely N,N’-bis(o-fluorobenzamidothiocarbonyl)hydrazine (1), N,N’- bis(o-chloro-benzamidothiocarbonyl)hydrazine (2), N,N’-bis(o-nitrobenzamidothiocarbonyl)-hydrazine (3), and N,N’-bis(o-methylbenzamidothiocarbonyl)hydrazine (4) were successfully synthesized and characterized by CHNS microelemental analysis, FTIR, UV-Vis, and 1H and 13C NMR spectroscopy. However chemical crystallography study showed that both thiourea moieties in compound (2) and (3) adopt trans geometry. Therefore they are potential monodentate ligand with two active moieties. DPPH radical scavenging experiment showed that compound (1), (2), and (4) exhibited higher antioxidant activity than ascorbic acid (Vitamin C).

  6. mRNAs for PRPs, statherin, and histatins in von Ebner's gland tissues.


    Azen, E A; Hellekant, G; Sabatini, L M; Warner, T F


    A search was made for expression of genes for proline-rich proteins (PRPs) and other salivary-type proteins, including statherin and histatins, in taste-bud tissues of mice and primates because of previous genetic findings in mice (Azen et al., 1986) that Prp and taste genes for certain bitter substances are either the same or closely linked. Taste-bud tissues and other tissues were tested for specific mRNAs with labeled DNA probes by Northern blotting and in situ hybridization. It was found that PRP mRNAs were present in von Ebner's glands of mice and macaques, and that there was a much greater degree of PRP mRNA induction in mouse parotid (16-fold) than in von Ebner's gland (two-fold) after in vivo isoproterenol stimulation. This difference may be due, in part, to differences in autonomic nerve innervation. Statherin and histatin mRNAs were found in macaque taste-bud tissues containing von Ebner's gland, and statherin protein was found in human von Ebner's gland by immunohistochemistry. The finding of PRP gene expression in von Ebner's gland, whose secretions have been suggested to play a role in taste stimulation, adds further support to a possible function of PRPs in bitter tasting. The possible functions of statherin and histatins in von Ebner's gland secretions may be related to statherin's regulation of salivary calcium and histatins' antibacterial and antifungal properties.

  7. Victor or Villain? Wernher von Braun and the Space Race

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    O'Brien, Jason L.; Sears, Christine E.


    Set during the Cold War and space race, this historical role-play focuses on Wernher von Braun's involvement in and culpability for the use of slave laborers to produce V-2 rockets for Nazi Germany. Students will grapple with two central questions. Should von Braun have been allowed to emigrate to the United States given his affiliation with the…

  8. elecTUM: Umsetzung der eLearning-Strategie der Technischen Universität München

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rathmayer, Sabine; Gergintchev, Ivan

    An der TUM wurde ein umfassendes und integriertes eLearning-Konzept umgesetzt, welches Präsenzstudium und eLearning in allen Leistungsbereichen der Universität miteinander verzahnt. Ein besonderer Schwerpunkt lag dabei in der Schaffung einer effizienten und wettbewerbsfähigen integrierten eLearning Infrastruktur in Hinblick auf die noch weiter steigenden Studienanfängerzahlen ab dem Jahr 2011 sowie die Umsetzung von eBologna. Die Etablierung einer hochschulweiten Lernplattform stellte eine wesentliche Basis für die Umsetzung der eLearning-Strategie dar. Die wissenschaftliche und wirtschaftliche Anschlussfähigkeit im Hinblick auf eine Verwertung der Projektergebnisse wurde durch die aktive Beteiligung an einer Vielzahl hochschulübergreifender Arbeitskreise, Fachtagungen und Kooperationen, vor allem über Organisations- und Dienstleistungsmodelle sowie innovative technische Entwicklungen, sichergestellt.

  9. Kommunale Energieversorger als wesentliche Akteure der Digitalisierung - Strategien und Handlungsoptionen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reiche, Katherina

    Die Digitalisierung erfasst sämtliche Bereiche des Lebens und Wirtschaftens. Auch die Kommunalwirtschaft - insbesondere die kommunale Energiewirtschaft - sieht sich perspektivisch disruptiven Entwicklungen gegenüber. Stadtwerke haben bereits viele Herausforderungen erfolgreich gemeistert und stehen auch der Digitalisierung positiv gegenüber. Vielerorts gestalten kommunale Unternehmen den digitalen Wandel bereits aktiv mit. Dieser Artikel arbeitet die Assets kommunaler Unternehmen heraus und zeigt Strategien und Handlungsoptionen zum Umgang mit der digitalen Transformation für kommunale Energieversorgungsunternehmen auf. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das politische und regulatorische Umfeld für das positive Gelingen der Digitalisierung entscheidend sind. Kommunale Unternehmen benötigen die gleichen Marktzugangsbedingungen wie andere Akteure. Ferner profitieren kommunale Unternehmen von einigen Wettbewerbsvorteilen, etwa hohen Vertrauenswerten ihrer Kunden und umfangreiches Know-how im Datenmanagement.

  10. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. Joseph Randall, a laser expert at Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), explains one of the projects he is working on to a group composed of Federal Republic of Germany and MSFC officials. From left are: Dr. Randall; Minister for Scientific Research of Federal Republic of Germany, Dr. Gerhard Stolenberg; Director of MSFC Astrionics Lab, Dr. Walter Haeusserman; Head of Space Research Federal Republic of Germany, Max Mayer; MSFC Director Dr. von Braun; MSFC Deputy Director Dr. Elberhard Rees.

  11. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Dr. von Braun inside the KC-135 in flight. The KC-135 provide NASA's Reduced-Gravity Program the unique weightlessness or zero-g environment of space flight for testing and training of human and hardware reactions. The recent version, KC-135A, is a specially modified turbojet transport which flies parabolic arcs to produce weightlessness periods of 20 to 25 seconds and its cargo bay test area is approximately 60 feet long, 10 feet wide, and 7 feet high.

  12. Proton transfer bis-benzazole fluors and their use in scintillator detectors


    Kauffman, Joel M.


    A novel class of proton transfer, bis-benzazole, fluorescent compounds, i.e., fluors, is disclosed. The novel fluors include substituted or unsubstituted 1,4-bis(2-benzazolyl)-2-hydroxybenzenes and 1,4-bis(2-benzazolyl)-2-amidobenzenes wherein the benzazolyl group may be benzoxazolyl, benzimidazolyl, benzothiazolyl, and the like. The benzazolyl groups may be substituted with one or more alkyl groups to improve solubility in organic matrix materials such as solvents, monomers, resins, polymers, and the like. The novel fluors may be used in the manufacture of fluorescent coatings, objects, scintillators, light sources and the like. The novel fluors are particularly useful for radiation-hard, solid scintillators for the detection and measurement of high energy particles and radiation.

  13. Proton transfer bis-benzazole fluors and their use in scintillator detectors


    Kauffman, J.M.


    A novel class of proton transfer, bis-benzazole, fluorescent compounds, i.e., fluors, is disclosed. The novel fluors include substituted or unsubstituted 1,4-bis(2-benzazolyl)-2-hydroxybenzenes and 1,4-bis(2-benzazolyl)-2-amidobenzenes wherein the benzazolyl group may be benzoxazolyl, benzimidazolyl, benzothiazolyl, and the like. The benzazolyl groups may be substituted with one or more alkyl groups to improve solubility in organic matrix materials such as solvents, monomers, resins, polymers, and the like. The novel fluors may be used in the manufacture of fluorescent coatings, objects, scintillators, light sources and the like. The novel fluors are particularly useful for radiation-hard, solid scintillators for the detection and measurement of high energy particles and radiation.

  14. Cytotoxicity Evaluation of Two Bis-Acryl Composite Resins Using Human Gingival Fibroblasts.


    Gonçalves, Fabiano Palmeira; Alves, Gutemberg; Guimarães, Vladi Oliveira; Gallito, Marco Antônio; Oliveira, Felipe; Scelza, Míriam Zaccaro


    Bis-acryl resins are used for temporary dental restorations and have shown advantages over other materials. The aim of this work was to evaluate the in vitro cytotoxicity of two bis-acryl composite resins (Protemp 4 and Luxatemp Star), obtained at 1, 7 and 40 days after mixing the resin components, using a standardized assay employing human primary cells closely related to oral tissues. Human gingival fibroblast cell cultures were exposed for 24 h to either bis-acryl composite resins, polystyrene beads (negative control) and latex (positive control) extracts obtained after incubation by the different periods, at 37 °C under 5% CO2. Cell viability was evaluated using a multiparametric procedure involving sequential assessment (using the same cells) of mitochondrial activity (XTT assay), membrane integrity (neutral red test) and total cell density (crystal violet dye exclusion test). The cells exposed to the resin extracts showed cell viability indexes exceeding 75% after 24 h. Even when cells were exposed to extracts prepared with longer conditioning times, the bis-acryl composite resins showed no significant cytotoxic effects (p>0.05), compared to the control group or in relation to the first 24 h of contact with the products. There were no differences among the results obtained for the bis-acryl composite resins evaluated 24 h, 7 days and 40 days after mixing. It may be concluded that the bis-acryl resins Protemp 4 and Luxatemp Star were cytocompatible with human gingival fibroblasts, suggesting that both materials are suitable for use in contact with human tissues.

  15. von Baer's law for the ages: lost and found principles of developmental evolution.


    Abzhanov, Arhat


    In 1828, Karl Ernst von Baer formulated a series of empirically defined rules, which became widely known as the 'Law of Development' or 'von Baer's law of embryology'. This was one the most significant attempts to define the principles that connected morphological complexity and embryonic development. Understanding this relation is central to both evolutionary biology and developmental genetics. Von Baer's ideas have been both a source of inspiration to generations of biologists and a target of continuous criticism over many years. With advances in multiple fields, including paleontology, cladistics, phylogenetics, genomics, and cell and developmental biology, it is now possible to examine carefully the significance of von Baer's law and its predictions. In this review, I argue that, 185 years after von Baer's law was first formulated, its main concepts after proper refurbishing remain surprisingly relevant in revealing the fundamentals of the evolution-development connection, and suggest that their explanation should become the focus of renewed research. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Electron paramagnetic resonance and density-functional theory studies of Cu(II)-bis(oxamato) complexes.


    Bräuer, Björn; Weigend, Florian; Fittipaldi, Maria; Gatteschi, Dante; Reijerse, Edward J; Guerri, Annalisa; Ciattini, Samuele; Salvan, Georgeta; Rüffer, Tobias


    In this work we present the investigation of the influence of electronic and structural variations induced by varying the N,N'-bridge on the magnetic properties of Cu(II)- bis(oxamato) complexes. For this study the complexes [Cu(opba)] (2-) ( 1, opba = o-phenylene- bis(oxamato)), [Cu(nabo)] (2-) ( 2, nabo = 2,3-naphthalene- bis(oxamato)), [Cu(acbo)] (2-) ( 3, acbo = 2,3-anthrachinone- bis(oxamato)), [Cu(pba)] (2-) ( 4, pba = propylene- bis(oxamato)), [Cu(obbo)] (2-) ( 5, obbo = o-benzyl- bis(oxamato)), and [Cu(npbo)] (2-) ( 6, npbo = 1,8-naphthalene- bis(oxamato)), and the respective structurally isomorphic Ni(II) complexes ( 8- 13) have been prepared as ( (n)Bu 4N) (+) salts. The new complex ( (n)Bu 4N) 2[Cu(R-bnbo)].2H 2O ( 7, R-bnbo = (R)-1,1'-binaphthalene-2,2'- bis(oxamato)) was synthesized and is the first chiral complex in the series of Cu(II)-bis(oxamato) complexes. The molecular structure of 7 has been determined by single crystal X-ray analysis. The Cu(II) ions of the complexes 1- 7 are eta (4)(kappa (2) N, kappa (2) O) coordinated with a more or less distorted square planar geometry for 1- 6 and a distorted tetrahedral geometry for 7. Using pulsed Electron Nuclear Double Resonance on complex 6, detailed information about the relative orientation of the hyperfine ( A) and nuclear quadrupole tensors ( Q) of the coordinating nitrogens with respect to the g tensor were obtained. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance studies in the X, Q, and W-band at variable temperatures were carried out to extract g and A values of N ligands and Cu ion for 1- 7. The hyperfine values were interpreted in terms of spin population on the corresponding atoms. The obtained trends of the spin population for the monomeric building blocks were shown to correlate to the trends obtained in the dependence of the exchange interaction of the corresponding trinuclear complexes on their geometry.

  17. 40 CFR 721.4090 - Ethanaminium, N-[bis(diethylamino)-methylene]-N-ethyl-, bromide.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Ethanaminium, N-[bis(diethylamino)-methylene]-N-ethyl-, bromide. 721.4090 Section 721.4090 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION... New Uses for Specific Chemical Substances § 721.4090 Ethanaminium, N-[bis(diethylamino)-methylene]-N...

  18. 40 CFR 721.4090 - Ethanaminium, N-[bis(diethylamino)-methylene]-N-ethyl-, bromide.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Ethanaminium, N-[bis(diethylamino)-methylene]-N-ethyl-, bromide. 721.4090 Section 721.4090 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION... New Uses for Specific Chemical Substances § 721.4090 Ethanaminium, N-[bis(diethylamino)-methylene]-N...

  19. Dr. von Braun Tries Out the Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Astronaut L. Gordon Cooper checks the neck ring of a space suit worn by Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) Director, Dr. von Braun before he submerges into the water of the MSFC Neutral Buoyancy Simulator (NBS). Wearing a pressurized suit and weighted to a neutrally buoyant condition, Dr. von Braun was able to perform tasks underwater which simulated weightless conditions found in space.

  20. Disorder-derived, strong tunneling attenuation in bis-phosphonate monolayers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pathak, Anshuma; Bora, Achyut; Liao, Kung-Ching; Schmolke, Hannah; Jung, Antje; Klages, Claus-Peter; Schwartz, Jeffrey; Tornow, Marc


    Monolayers of alkyl bisphosphonic acids (bisPAs) of various carbon chain lengths (C4, C8, C10, C12) were grown on aluminum oxide (AlO x ) surfaces from solution. The structural and electrical properties of these self-assembled monolayers (SAMs) were compared with those of alkyl monophosphonic acids (monoPAs). Through contact angle (CA) and Kelvin-probe (KP) measurements, ellipsometry, and infrared (IR) and x-ray photoelectron (XPS) spectroscopies, it was found that bisPAs form monolayers that are relatively disordered compared to their monoPA analogs. Current-voltage (J-V) measurements made with a hanging Hg drop top contact show tunneling to be the prevailing transport mechanism. However, while the monoPAs have an observed decay constant within the typical range for dense monolayers, β mono  =  0.85  ±  0.03 per carbon atom, a surprisingly high value, β bis  =  1.40  ±  0.05 per carbon atom, was measured for the bisPAs. We attribute this to a strong contribution of ‘through-space’ tunneling, which derives from conformational disorder in the monolayer due to strong interactions of the distal phosphonic acid groups; they likely form a hydrogen-bonding network that largely determines the molecular layer structure. Since bisPA SAMs attenuate tunnel currents more effectively than do the corresponding monoPA SAMs, they may find future application as gate dielectric modification in organic thin film devices.

  1. Bis(2-chloro-1-methylethyl) ether

    Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

    Bis ( 2 - chloro - 1 - methylethyl ) ether ; CASRN 108 - 60 - 1 Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data , as outlined in the IRIS assessment development process . Sections I ( Health Hazard Assess

  2. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In this photo, Director of the US Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) Development Operations Division, Dr. Wernher von Braun, is standing before a display of Army missiles celebrating ABMA's Fourth Open House. The missiles in the background include (left to right) a satellite on a Juno II shroud with a Nike Ajax pointing left in front of a Jupiter missile. The Lacrosse is in front of the Juno II. The Nike Hercules points skyward in front of the Juno II and the Redstone.

  3. High-temperature polyimides prepared from 2,2-bis-[(2-halo-4-aminophenoxy)-phenyl]hexafluoropropane

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, Robert J. (Inventor); Chang, Glenn E. C. (Inventor)


    There are provided the aromatic diamines 2,2-bis-[(2-halo-4-aminophenoxy)-phenyl]hexafluoropropane, where the attached ortho halogen is preferably chlorine, and 4,4'-bis(4-aminophenoxy)biphenyl, as novel monomers for polyimide polymerizations. The former, when reacted with 2,2-bis(3,4-dicarboxyphenyl)hexafluoropropane dianhydride, provides a polyimide having exceptional high-temperature performance. The latter diamine is a low-cost monomer for polyimide production.

  4. Molecular quantum control landscapes in von Neumann time-frequency phase space

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ruetzel, Stefan; Stolzenberger, Christoph; Fechner, Susanne; Dimler, Frank; Brixner, Tobias; Tannor, David J.


    Recently we introduced the von Neumann representation as a joint time-frequency description for femtosecond laser pulses and suggested its use as a basis for pulse shaping experiments. Here we use the von Neumann basis to represent multidimensional molecular control landscapes, providing insight into the molecular dynamics. We present three kinds of time-frequency phase space scanning procedures based on the von Neumann formalism: variation of intensity, time-frequency phase space position, and/or the relative phase of single subpulses. The shaped pulses produced are characterized via Fourier-transform spectral interferometry. Quantum control is demonstrated on the laser dye IR140 elucidating a time-frequency pump-dump mechanism.

  5. Molecular quantum control landscapes in von Neumann time-frequency phase space.


    Ruetzel, Stefan; Stolzenberger, Christoph; Fechner, Susanne; Dimler, Frank; Brixner, Tobias; Tannor, David J


    Recently we introduced the von Neumann representation as a joint time-frequency description for femtosecond laser pulses and suggested its use as a basis for pulse shaping experiments. Here we use the von Neumann basis to represent multidimensional molecular control landscapes, providing insight into the molecular dynamics. We present three kinds of time-frequency phase space scanning procedures based on the von Neumann formalism: variation of intensity, time-frequency phase space position, and/or the relative phase of single subpulses. The shaped pulses produced are characterized via Fourier-transform spectral interferometry. Quantum control is demonstrated on the laser dye IR140 elucidating a time-frequency pump-dump mechanism.

  6. Impact of age on both BIS values and EEG bispectrum during anaesthesia with sevoflurane in children.


    Wodey, E; Tirel, O; Bansard, J Y; Terrier, A; Chanavaz, C; Harris, R; Ecoffey, C; Senhadji, L


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential relationship between age, BIS (Aspect), and the EEG bispectrum during anaesthesia with sevoflurane. BIS and raw EEG were recorded at a steady state of 1 MAC in 100 children, and during a decrease from 2 to 0.5 MAC in a sub-group of 29 children. The bispectrum of the EEG was estimated using MATLAB software. For analysis, the bispectrum was divided into 36 frequencies of coupling (P(i))--the MatBis. A multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was used to establish an underlying structure of the pattern of each individual's MatBis at 1 MAC. Clustering of children into homogeneous groups was conducted by a hierarchical ascending classification (HAC). The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. At 1 MAC, the BIS values for all children ranged from 20 to 74 (median 40). Projection of both age and BIS value recorded at 1 MAC onto the structured model of the MCA showed them to be distributed along the same axis, demonstrating that the different values of BIS obtained in younger or older children are mainly dependent on their MatBis. At 1 MAC, six homogeneous groups of children were obtained through the HAC. Groups 5 (30 months; range 23-49) and 6 (18 months; range 6-180) were the younger children and Group 1 (97 months; range 46-162) the older. Groups 5 and 6 had the highest median values of BIS (54; range 50-59) (55; range 26-74) and Group 1 the lowest values (29; range 22-37). The EEG bispectrum, as well as the BIS appeared to be strongly related to the age of children at 1 MAC sevoflurane.

  7. Structural and electrochemical studies of TiO2 complexes with (4,4'-((1E,1'E)-(2,5-bis(octyloxy)-1,4-phenylene)bis(ethene-2,1-diyl))bis-(E)-N-(2,5-bis(octyloxy)benzylidene)) imine derivative bases towards organic devices.


    Rozycka, Anna; Iwan, Agnieszka; Bogdanowicz, Krzysztof Artur; Filapek, Michal; Górska, Natalia; Hreniak, Agnieszka; Marzec, Monika


    Three (4,4'-((1E,1'E)-(2,5-bis(octyloxy)-1,4-phenylene)bis(ethene-2,1-diyl))bis-(E)-N-(2,5-bis(octyloxy)benzylidene)) imine derivatives were synthesized via a condensation reaction with p-toluenesulfonic acid as a catalyst. The effects of the end groups and vinylene (-HC[double bond, length as m-dash]CH-) moieties on the structural, thermal, optical, electrochemical and photovoltaic properties of imines were investigated to check the influence of TiO2 on the imine properties. The thermal behavior of imines and their complexes with TiO2 was widely investigated using FT-IR, XRD, DSC and POM methods in order to determine the order type in the imine structure. All imines present the highest occupied molecular orbital (HOMO) levels of about -5.39 eV (SAI1 and SAI2) and -5.27 eV (SAI3) and the lowest unoccupied molecular orbital (LUMO) levels at about -3.17 eV. The difference of the end groups in the imines in each case did not affect redox properties. Generally, both oxidation and reduction are easier after TiO2 addition and it also changes the HOMO-LUMO levels of imines. Moreover, changes in the characteristic bands for imines in the region 1500-1700 cm-1 observed as a drastic decrease of intensity or even disappearance of bands in the imine : TiO2 mixture suggest the formation of a complex (C[double bond, length as m-dash]N)-TiO2. Organic devices with the configuration of ITO/TiO2/SAIx (or SAIx : TiO2)/Au were fabricated and investigated in the presence and absence of visible light irradiation with an intensity of 93 mW cm-2. In all imines and complexes with TiO2, the generation of the photocurrent indicates their use as photodiodes and the best result was observed for SAI3 : TiO2 complexes.

  8. In vitro wear, surface roughness and hardness of propanal-containing and diacetyl-containing novel composites and copolymers based on bis-GMA analogs.


    Prakki, Anuradha; Cilli, Renato; Mondelli, Rafael Francisco Lia; Kalachandra, Sid


    To evaluate the effect of two additives, aldehyde or diketone, on the wear, roughness and hardness of bis-GMA-based composites/copolymers containing TEGDMA, propoxylated bis-GMA (CH(3)bis-GMA) or propoxylated fluorinated bis-GMA (CF(3)bis-GMA). Fifteen experimental composites and 15 corresponding copolymers were prepared combining bis-GMA and TEGDMA, CH(3)bis-GMA or CF(3)bis-GMA, with aldehyde (24 mol% and 32 mol%) or diketone (24 mol% and 32 mol%) totaling 30 groups. For composites, hybrid treated filler (barium aluminosilicate glass/pyrogenic silica; 60 wt%) was added to monomer mixtures. Photopolymerization was affected by 0.2 wt% each of camphorquinone and N,N-dimethyl-p-toluidine. Wear (W) test was conducted in a toothbrushing abrasion machine (n=6) and quantified using a profilometer. Surface roughness (R) changes, before and after abrasion test, were determined using a rugosimeter. Microhardness (H) measurements were performed for dry and wet samples using a Knoop microindenter (n=6). Data were analyzed by one-way ANOVA and Tukey's test (alpha=0.05). Incorporation of additives led to improved W and H values for bis-GMA/TEGDMA and bis-GMA/CH(3)bis-GMA systems. Additives had no significant effect on the W and H changes of bis-GMA/CF(3)bis-GMA. With regard to R changes, additives produced decreased values for bis-GMA/CH(3)bis-GMA and bis-GMA/CF(3)bis-GMA composites. Bis-GMA/TEGDMA and bis-GMA/CH(3)bis-GMA copolymers with additives became smoother after abrasion test. The findings correlate with additives ability to improve degree of conversion of some composites/copolymers thereby enhancing mechanical properties.

  9. Controlling the oxidation of bis-tridentate cobalt(ii) complexes having bis(2-pyridylalkyl)amines: ligand vs. metal oxidation.


    Anjana, S; Donring, S; Sanjib, P; Varghese, B; Murthy, Narasimha N


    Two bis-tridentate chelated cobalt(ii) complexes, which differ in the ligand structure by a methylene group, activate molecular oxygen (O 2 ), and give different oxidation products. The O 2 reaction of [Co II (pepma) 2 ] 2+ (1) with unsymmetrical 2-(2-pyridyl)-N-(2-pyridylmethyl)ethanamine (pepma) results in ligand oxidation, to the corresponding Co(ii) imine complex [Co II (pepmi) 2 ] 2+ (2). Contrastingly, the Co(ii) complex [Co II (bpma) 2 ] 2+ (3) of similar symmetrical bis(2-pyridylmethyl)amine (bpma), undergoes metal oxidation, yielding a cobalt(iii) complex, [Co III (bpma) 2 ] 2+ (4). The reversibility of the amine to imine conversion and the stability of the Co(ii) imine complex (2) are investigated. Furthermore, the solution dynamics of Co(ii) complexes are highlighted with the help of paramagnetic 1 H-NMR spectroscopy.

  10. [Precocious puberty and von Recklinghausen's disease].


    Barg, Ewa; Wikiera, Beata; Basiak, Aleksander; Głab, Ewa


    Von Recklinghausen's disease belongs to a group of neurocutaneous syndromes and is characterised by skin, nerve and bone abnormalities. We present a case of von Recklinghausen's disease and precocious puberty in 7-year-old boy. At the age of three café au lait spots on the skin and an incranial tumour situated near the optic chiasm--qualified as inoperable--were discovered. At the age of 7 first signs of precocious puberty appeared (pubic hair P3 and enlargement of the testes (15 ml) and penis). Laboratory measurements included: LH 7.5 mIU/ml, FSH 1.1 mIU/ml, testosterone 183 ng/ml, assessment of bone age: 9 years. The response to LHRH stimulation was characteristic for true precocious puberty (LH 15.9 mIU/ml and FSH 1.5 mIU/ml after 30 minutes). The MRI of the brain showed a tumour of the suprasellar region with compression of pituitary stalk. True precocious puberty was diagnosed. Treatment with Diphereline was introduced. At present the boy is 9 years old and has been treated with Diphereline for 16 months. The volume of the testicles has decreased to 7 ml and loss of pubic hair was noted. The MRI does not show any progression in tumour growth. The authors would like to underline the need of close observation of children with von Reclinghausen disease with regard to possibility of uncovering true precocious puberty which is critical for rapid diagnosis and introduction of correct treatment.

  11. Bis-aptazyme sensors for hepatitis C virus replicase and helicase without blank signal

    PubMed Central

    Cho, Suhyung; Kim, Ji-Eun; Lee, Bo-Rahm; Kim, June-Hyung; Kim, Byung-Gee


    The fusion molecule (i.e. aptazyme) of aptamer and hammerhead ribozyme was developed as in situ sensor. Previously, the hammerhead ribozyme conjugated with aptamer through its stem II module showed a significant blank signal by self-cleavage. To reduce or remove its self-cleavage activity in the absence of target molecule, rational designs were attempted by reducing the binding affinity of the aptazyme to its RNA substrate, while maintaining the ribonuclease activity of the aptazyme. Interestingly, the bis-aptazymes which comprise the two aptamer-binding sites at both stem I and stem III of the hammerhead ribozyme showed very low blank signals, and their ratios of reaction rate constants, i.e. signal to noise ratios, were several tens to hundred times higher than those of the stem II-conjugated bis-aptazymes. The reduction in the blank signals seems to be caused by a higher dissociation constant between the main strand of the bis-aptazyme and its substrate arising from multi-point base-pairing of the bis-aptazymes. The bis-aptazymes for HCV replicase and helicase showed high selectivity against other proteins, and a linear relationship existed between their ribozyme activities and the target concentrations. In addition, a bis-aptazyme of dual functions was designed by inserting both aptamers for HCV replicase and helicase into the stem I and stem III of hammerhead ribozyme, respectively, and it also showed greater sensitivity and specificity for both proteins without blank signal. PMID:16314308

  12. The smooth entropy formalism for von Neumann algebras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Berta, Mario; Furrer, Fabian; Scholz, Volkher B.


    We discuss information-theoretic concepts on infinite-dimensional quantum systems. In particular, we lift the smooth entropy formalism as introduced by Renner and collaborators for finite-dimensional systems to von Neumann algebras. For the smooth conditional min- and max-entropy, we recover similar characterizing properties and information-theoretic operational interpretations as in the finite-dimensional case. We generalize the entropic uncertainty relation with quantum side information of Tomamichel and Renner and discuss applications to quantum cryptography. In particular, we prove the possibility to perform privacy amplification and classical data compression with quantum side information modeled by a von Neumann algebra.

  13. The smooth entropy formalism for von Neumann algebras

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Berta, Mario, E-mail:; Furrer, Fabian, E-mail:; Scholz, Volkher B., E-mail:


    We discuss information-theoretic concepts on infinite-dimensional quantum systems. In particular, we lift the smooth entropy formalism as introduced by Renner and collaborators for finite-dimensional systems to von Neumann algebras. For the smooth conditional min- and max-entropy, we recover similar characterizing properties and information-theoretic operational interpretations as in the finite-dimensional case. We generalize the entropic uncertainty relation with quantum side information of Tomamichel and Renner and discuss applications to quantum cryptography. In particular, we prove the possibility to perform privacy amplification and classical data compression with quantum side information modeled by a von Neumann algebra.

  14. [COPD und Klangtherapie: Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung mit Körpertambura bei COPD-Patienten].


    Hartwig, Bernhard; Schmidt, Stefan; Hartwig, Isabella


    Hintergrund: Erkrankungen der Atemorgane treten mit steigendem Alter öfter auf, nehmen weltweit zu und sind häufige Ursachen für Morbidität und Mortalität. In dieser Pilotstudie wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine einmalige 10-minütige Behandlung mit einer Körpertambura eine signifikante und effektive Verbesserung der Lungenfunktion von Patienten mit chronisch-obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD; GOLD-Stadium A oder B) erbringen kann. Patienten und Methoden: 54 Probanden konnten je zur Hälfte in eine Behandlungsgruppe (Körpertambura) und eine aktive Kontrollgruppe (Atemtherapie) randomisiert werden. Eine Bestimmung der Lungenfunktionsmessparameter «Einsekundenkapazität» (FEV1) und «inspiratorische Vitalkapazität» (IVC) zu den Zeitpunkten T1 (Baseline), T2 (direkt nach Behandlung) und als Follow-up etwa 3 Wochen nach T1 (T3). Ergebnisse: Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte sich der Kontrollgruppe in beiden Werten signifikant überlegen. Die Zeit-×-Gruppe-Interaktion (Varianzanalyse) ergab p = 0,001 (FEV1) bzw. p = 0,04 (IVC). Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte bei beiden Werten eine Verbesserung von klinischer Relevanz. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Klangbehandlung mittels einer Körpertambura - neben den schulmedizinischen, leitliniengerechten Therapien - eine zusätzliche, nebenwirkungsarme, aber durchaus klinisch wirksame Option für die Behandlung von COPD-Patienten darstellen kann, um deren Lebensqualität zu stabilisieren und zu verbessern. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  15. Von Bertalanffy's dynamics under a polynomial correction: Allee effect and big bang bifurcation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leonel Rocha, J.; Taha, A. K.; Fournier-Prunaret, D.


    In this work we consider new one-dimensional populational discrete dynamical systems in which the growth of the population is described by a family of von Bertalanffy's functions, as a dynamical approach to von Bertalanffy's growth equation. The purpose of introducing Allee effect in those models is satisfied under a correction factor of polynomial type. We study classes of von Bertalanffy's functions with different types of Allee effect: strong and weak Allee's functions. Dependent on the variation of four parameters, von Bertalanffy's functions also includes another class of important functions: functions with no Allee effect. The complex bifurcation structures of these von Bertalanffy's functions is investigated in detail. We verified that this family of functions has particular bifurcation structures: the big bang bifurcation of the so-called “box-within-a-box” type. The big bang bifurcation is associated to the asymptotic weight or carrying capacity. This work is a contribution to the study of the big bang bifurcation analysis for continuous maps and their relationship with explosion birth and extinction phenomena.

  16. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: Von Roll Isola USA Incorporated in Schenectady, New York

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The Riverview facility is a 52-acre manufacturing facility located on Von Roll Drive in Schenectady, New York. The facility is owned and operated by Von Roll Isola USA, Inc., and produces solid and liquid insulating materials and tapes for the electrical

  17. Octahedral d[sup 6] Bis(maleimide) and Bis(maleic anhydride) complexes of molybdenum

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lai, Chen-Hsing; Cheng, Chien-Hong; Liao, Fen-Ling


    Mo(CO)[sub 3](CH[sub 3]CN)[sub 3] reacts with 2 equiv of alkene, where the alkene is maleimide (MI), N-phenylmaleimide (PhMI), or N-methylmaleimide, to give the corresponding Mo(CO)[sub 2](alkene)[sub 2](CH[sub 3]CN)[sub 2] complex (1a-c, respectively) in excellent yield. Dissolution of 1 in DMSO led to the substitution of acetonitrile ligands by DMSO to form the corresponding cis bis(DMSO) complexes 2a-c. Addition of 1 equiv of NN to 1 yields MO(CO)[sub 2](alkene)[sub 2](alkene)[sub 2](NN) (NN = en, alkene = PhMI (3b), MeMI (3c); NN = o-phenylenediamine, alkene = PhMI (4)). Treatment of Mo-(CO)[sub 4](NN) (NN = phen or bpy), with 2 equiv of alkenemore » in refluxed acetonitrile for 2 h gave Mo(CO)[sub 2]-(alkene)[sub 2](NN) (NN = phen, alkene = MI (5a), PhMI (5b); NN = bpy, alkene = MI (6a), PhMI (6b)). Treatment of Mo(CO)[sub 3](CH[sub 3]CN)[sub 3] with 2 equiv of maleic anhydride (MA) gave Mo(CO)[sub 2](MA)[sub 2](CH[sub 3]CN)[sub 2] (7). The acetonitrile ligands in 7 were replaced by DMSO molecules to give complex 8 as 7 was dissolved in DMSO. Similarly, the reaction of 7 with a bidentate ligand NN (phen or bpy) gave the substituted product Mo(CO)[sub 2](MA)[sub 2](NN) (9 or 10). The structures and conformations of 1b and 7 were determined by X-ray diffraction. Both molecules adopt an octahedral geometry with mutually perpendicular trans alkene ligands and each alkene ligand eclipses a N-Mo-CO vector. Each PhMI or MA is oriented so that the central nitrogen or oxygen atom points to a carbonyl group. 1b crystallizes in triclinic space group P1. There are three possible conformations for a trans bis(maleimide) or bis(maleic anhydride) complex (I-III). The results of X-ray and NMR studies indicated that the main conformation of complexes 1-10 is I both in the solid state and in solution.« less

  18. Investigation of Ternary Mixtures Containing 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)azanide, Ethylene Carbonate and Lithium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)azanide

    PubMed Central

    Hofmann, Andreas; Migeot, Matthias; Arens, Lukas; Hanemann, Thomas


    Temperature-dependent viscosity, conductivity and density data of ternary mixtures containing 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)azanide (EMIM-TFSA), ethylene carbonate (EC), and lithium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)azanide (Li-TFSA) were determined at atmospheric pressure in the temperature range of 20 to 80 °C. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were performed to characterize phase conditions of the mixtures in a temperature range of −120 to +100 °C. The viscosity data were fitted according to the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann-Hesse (VFTH) equation and analyzed with the help of the fractional Walden rule. In this study, fundamental physicochemical data about the mixtures are provided and discussed as a basis for structure-property relationship calculations and for potential use of those mixtures as electrolytes for various applications. PMID:27153066

  19. Intramolecular aggregation and optical limiting properties of triazine-linked mono-, bis- and tris-phthalocyanines.


    Chen, Jun; Zhang, Tao; Wang, Shuangqing; Hu, Rui; Li, Shayu; Ma, Jin Shi; Yang, Guoqiang


    A series of triazine-linked mono-, bis- and tris-phthalocyanines are synthesized, intramolecular aggregation is found in bis- and tris-phthalocyanines via π-π stacking interaction. Theoretical and experimental studies reveal the formation of the intramolecular aggregation. The spectrographic, photophysical and nonlinear optical properties of these compounds are adjusted for the formation of the intramolecular aggregation. The bis-phthalocyanine dimer presents smaller fluorescence quantum yield, lower triplet formation yield and the triplet-minus-ground state extinction coefficient, which causes poorer optical limiting performance. It is interesting that the tris-phthalocyanine is composed of a mono-phthalocyanine part and a bis-phthalocyanine part, the optical limiting property of the tris-phthalocyanine is similar to that of mono-phthalocyanine. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Divergence in Ynone Reactivity: Atypical Cyclization by 3,4-Difunctionalization versus Rare Bis(cyclization).


    Alcaide, Benito; Almendros, Pedro; Lázaro-Milla, Carlos; Delgado-Martínez, Patricia


    Functionalized ynones can be activated by Tf 2 C=CH 2 , which was generated in situ, to form zwitterionic species. These species were trapped in an intramolecular fashion by several nucleophiles to generate two major types of triflones in a divergent manner. Through fine-tuning of the reaction temperature, bis(triflyl)-6-membered- or (triflyl)-5-membered-fused-heterocycles were achieved in reasonable yields in a totally selective manner. In this way, bis(triflyl)flavones, bis(triflyl)thioflavones, bis(triflyl)selenoflavones, (triflyl)benzothienopyrans, (triflyl)benzoselenophenopyrans, (triflyl)vinyl aurones, and (triflyl)pyranoindoles were constructed. Conceivable mechanistic pathways were suggested on the basis of the isolation of several intermediates and the results from control experiments. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  1. Activity of cationically substituted bis-benzimidazoles against experimental Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia.

    PubMed Central

    Tidwell, R R; Jones, S K; Naiman, N A; Berger, L C; Brake, W B; Dykstra, C C; Hall, J E


    On the basis of a previously observed correlation between the antimicrobial activity and DNA binding strength of dicationic molecules, a series of 10 dicationically substituted bis-benzimidazoles were tested for activity in the rat model of Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. One of the compounds, 1,4-bis[5-(2-imidazolinyl)-2-benzimidazolyl]butane, was found to be more potent and less toxic than pentamidine. PMID:8215291

  2. 40 CFR 721.10260 - Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1-methylethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10260 Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1-methylethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,3...

  3. 40 CFR 721.10260 - Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1-methylethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10260 Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1-methylethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,3...

  4. 40 CFR 721.10260 - Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1-methylethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10260 Benzene, 1,3-bis(1-chloro-1-methylethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as benzene, 1,3...

  5. Superconductivity in layered BiS 2-based compounds


    Yazici, D.; Jeon, I.; White, B. D.; ...


    Here, a novel family of superconductors based on BiS 2-based superconducting layers were discovered in 2012. In short order, other BiS 2-based superconductors with the same or related crystal structures were discovered with superconducting critical temperatures T c of up to 10 K. Many experimental and theoretical studies have been carried out with the goal of establishing the basic properties of these new materials and understanding the underlying mechanism for superconductivity. In this selective review of the literature, we distill the central discoveries from this extensive body of work, and discuss the results from different types of experiments on thesemore » materials within the context of theoretical concepts and models.« less

  6. Die nuklearen Anlagen von Hanford (1943-1987) Eine Fallstudie über die Schnittstellen von Physik, Biologie und die US-amerikanische Gesellschaft zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Macuglia, Daniele

    Die Geschichte des Kalten Krieges eröffnet viele Möglichkeiten, sich näher mit den Schnittstellen von Physik und Biologie während des 20. Jahrhunderts zu befassen. Nicht nur das Unglück in Tschernobyl aus dem Jahr 1986, auch das Beispiel der nuklearen Anlagen in Hanford in den Vereinigten Staaten zeigt die biologischen Folgen von nuklearer Physik.

  7. Von Neumann entropy in a Rashba-Dresselhaus nanodot; dynamical electronic spin-orbit entanglement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Safaiee, Rosa; Golshan, Mohammad Mehdi


    The main purpose of the present article is to report the characteristics of von Neumann entropy, thereby, the electronic hybrid entanglement, in the heterojunction of two semiconductors, with due attention to the Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit interactions. To this end, we cast the von Neumann entropy in terms of spin polarization and compute its time evolution; with a vast span of applications. It is assumed that gate potentials are applied to the heterojunction, providing a two dimensional parabolic confining potential (forming an isotropic nanodot at the junction), as well as means of controlling the spin-orbit couplings. The spin degeneracy is also removed, even at electronic zero momentum, by the presence of an external magnetic field which, in turn, leads to the appearance of Landau states. We then proceed by computing the time evolution of the corresponding von Neumann entropy from a separable (spin-polarized) initial state. The von Neumann entropy, as we show, indicates that electronic hybrid entanglement does occur between spin and two-dimensional Landau levels. Our results also show that von Neumann entropy, as well as the degree of spin-orbit entanglement, periodically collapses and revives. The characteristics of such behavior; period, amplitude, etc., are shown to be determined from the controllable external agents. Moreover, it is demonstrated that the phenomenon of collapse-revivals' in the behavior of von Neumann entropy, equivalently, electronic hybrid entanglement, is accompanied by plateaus (of great importance in quantum computation schemes) whose durations are, again, controlled by the external elements. Along these lines, we also make a comparison between effects of the two spin-orbit couplings on the entanglement (von Neumann entropy) characteristics. The finer details of the electronic hybrid entanglement, which may be easily verified through spin polarization measurements, are also accreted and discussed. The novel results of the present

  8. Monitoring sleep depth: analysis of bispectral index (BIS) based on polysomnographic recordings and sleep deprivation.


    Giménez, Sandra; Romero, Sergio; Alonso, Joan Francesc; Mañanas, Miguel Ángel; Pujol, Anna; Baxarias, Pilar; Antonijoan, Rosa Maria


    The assessment and management of sleep are increasingly recommended in the clinical practice. Polysomnography (PSG) is considered the gold standard test to monitor sleep objectively, but some practical and technical constraints exist due to environmental and patient considerations. Bispectral index (BIS) monitoring is commonly used in clinical practice for guiding anesthetic administration and provides an index based on relationships between EEG components. Due to similarities in EEG synchronization between anesthesia and sleep, several studies have assessed BIS as a sleep monitor with contradictory results. The aim of this study was to evaluate objectively both the feasibility and reliability of BIS for sleep monitoring through a robust methodology, which included full PSG recordings at a baseline situation and after 40 h of sleep deprivation. Results confirmed that the BIS index was highly correlated with the hypnogram (0.89 ± 0.02), showing a progressive decrease as sleep deepened, and an increase during REM sleep (awake: 91.77 ± 8.42; stage N1: 83.95 ± 11.05; stage N2: 71.71 ± 11.99; stage N3: 42.41 ± 9.14; REM: 80.11 ± 8.73). Mean and median BIS values were lower in the post-deprivation night than in the baseline night, showing statistical differences for the slow wave sleep (baseline: 42.41 ± 9.14 vs. post-deprivation: 39.49 ± 10.27; p = 0.02). BIS scores were able to discriminate properly between deep (N3) and light (N1, N2) sleep. BIS values during REM overlapped those of other sleep stages, although EMG activity provided by the BIS monitor could help to identify REM sleep if needed. In conclusion, BIS monitors could provide a useful measure of sleep depth in especially particular situations such as intensive care units, and they could be used as an alternative for sleep monitoring in order to reduce PSG-derived costs and to increase capacity in ambulatory care.

  9. The molecular genetics of von Willebrand disease.


    Berber, Ergül


    Quantitative and/or qualitative deficiency of von Willebrand factor (vWF) is associated with the most common inherited bleeding disease von Willebrand disease (vWD). vWD is a complex disease with clinical and genetic heterogeneity. Incomplete penetrance and variable expression due to genetic and environmental factors contribute to its complexity. vWD also has a complex molecular pathogenesis. Some vWF gene mutations are associated with the affected vWF biosynthesis and multimerization, whereas others are associated with increased clearance and functional impairment. Moreover, in addition to a particular mutation, type O blood may result in the more severe phenotype. The present review aimed to provide a summary of the current literature on the molecular genetics of vWD. None declared.

  10. Bis(heterocumulenes) derived from the 1,4-diphenyl-1,3-butadiyne framework. Synthesis of three new classes of axially chiral biheteroaryls.


    Alajarín, Mateo; Bonillo, Baltasar; Vidal, Angel; Bautista, Delia


    Bis(ketenimines) and bis(carbodiimides) derived from 1,4-bis(2-aminophenyl)-1,3-butadiynes via two independent biradical cyclizations provided, respectively, axially chiral bis(benzocarbazoles) and bis(quinindolines). Mixed biheteroaryls, consisting of benzocarbazole and quinindoline units, have been also prepared by a slightly modified strategy.

  11. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    This image depicts the tension in the Launch Control Center of the Launch Complex 37 at Cape Canaveral, Florida, during the SA-8 on May 25, 1965. Pointing, center is Dr. Kurt Debus, Director, Launch Operations Directorate, MSFC. To the right is Dr. Hans Gruene, Deputy Director, Launch Operations Directorate, MSFC; Dr. von Braun, Director, Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC); and leaning, Dr. Eberhard Rees, Director, Deputy Director for Research and Development, MSFC. The SA-8 mission, with a Saturn I launch vehicle, made the first night launch and deployed Pegasus II, micrometeoroid detection satellite.

  12. Fibroblast growth factor-10 signals development of von Brunn's nests in the exstrophic bladder

    PubMed Central

    Eastman, Rocky; Leaf, Elizabeth M.; Zhang, Dianzhong; True, Lawrence D.; Sweet, Robert M.; Seidel, Kristy; Siebert, Joseph R.; Grady, Richard; Mitchell, Michael E.


    von Brunn's nests have long been recognized as precursors of benign lesions of the urinary bladder mucosa. We report here that von Brunn's nests are especially prevalent in the exstrophic bladder, a birth defect that predisposes the patient to formation of bladder cancer. Cells of von Brunn's nest were found to coalesce into a stratified, polarized epithelium which surrounds itself with a capsule-like structure rich in types I, III, and IV collagen. Histocytochemical analysis and keratin profiling demonstrated that nested cells exhibited a phenotype similar, but not identical, to that of urothelial cells of transitional epithelium. Immunostaining and in situ hybridization analysis of exstrophic tissue demonstrated that the FGF-10 receptor is synthesized and retained by cells of von Brunn's nest. In contrast, FGF-10 is synthesized and secreted by mesenchymal fibroblasts via a paracrine pathway that targets basal epithelial cells of von Brunn's nests. Small clusters of 10pRp cells, positive for both FGF-10 and its receptor, were observed both proximal to and inside blood vessels in the lamina propria. The collective evidence points to a mechanism where von Brunn's nests develop under the control of the FGF-10 signal transduction system and suggests that 10pRp cells may be the original source of nested cells. PMID:20719973

  13. [Factor structure of the German version of the BIS/BAS Scales in a population-based sample].


    Müller, A; Smits, D; Claes, L; de Zwaan, M


    The Behavioural Inhibition System/Behavioural Activation System Scale (BIS/BAS-Scales) developed by Carver and White 1 is a self-rating instrument to assess the dispositional sensitivity to punishment and reward. The present work aims to examine the factor structure of the German version of the BIS/BAS-Scales. In a large German population-based sample (n = 1881) the model fit of several factor models was tested by using confirmatory factor analyses. The best model fit was found for the 5-factor model with two BIS (anxiety, fear) and three BAS (drive, reward responsiveness, fun seeking) scales, whereas the BIS-fear, the BAS-reward responsiveness, and the BAS-fun seeking subscales showed low internal consistency. The BIS/BAS scales were negatively correlated with age, and women reported higher BIS subscale scores than men. Confirmatory factor analyses suggest a 5-factor model. However, due to the low internal reliability of some of the subscales the use of this model is questionable. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  14. [Preparation of clear thermosetting resin for veneered crown from several bisMEPP monomers (author's transl)].


    Tanaka, T; Nakabayashi, N; Masuhara, E


    The whitish translucent shade of a thermosetting resin cured from a mixture of a 2,2-Bis (p-methacryloxy (ethoxy)1-2 phenyl)-propane monomer and PMMA pearls makes it difficult to reconstruct a shade of the natural tooth. The attempt to improve the transparency of the mixed polymer was made in this study. Varying the molecular weight of BisMEPP monomer, PMMA polymer and curing temperature, cured specimens were prepared and their transparency was measured with a spectrophotometer. The results obtained are as follows. 1) In any molecular weight of PMMA, BisMEPP with 2.3 to 3.3 average number of ethylene oxide linkage showed the highest transpalency on the specimen. 2) With increasing the curing temperature, transpalency of the specimens made from BisME4.0 PP increased. With another molecular of BisMEPP, transpalency of the cured specimens showed the highest transpalency at the curing temperature of 120 degrees C. 3) With increasing the molecular weight of PMMA, the transpalency increased.

  15. Synthesis, spectroscopic properties and theoretical studies of bis-Schiff bases derived from polyamine and pyrazolones.


    Ren, Tiegang; Liu, Shuyun; Li, Guihui; Zhang, Jinglai; Guo, Jia; Li, Weijie; Yang, Lirong


    A series of novel bis-Schiff base were synthesized from 1-aryl-3-methyl-4-benzoyl-5-pyrazolones and diethylenetriamine (or triethylenetetramine) as the starting materials. All of these bis-Schiff bases were characterized by means of NMR, IR, and MS. The UV-vis absorption spectra and fluorescent spectra of these bis-Schiff bases were also measured. Moreover, the B3LYP/6-31G(d) method was used to optimize the ground state geometry of the bis-Schiff bases; and the UV-vis spectroscopic properties of the products were computed and compared with corresponding experimental data based on cc-pVDZ basis set of TD-B3LYP method. It has been found that all of these bis-Schiff bases show a remarkable absorption peak in a wavelength range of 270-340 nm; and their maximum emission peaks are around 348 nm. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie des Melanoms mittels Indocyaningrün und "FOVIS"-System.


    Göppner, Daniela; Nekwasil, Stephan; Jellestad, Anne; Sachse, Alexander; Schönborn, Karl-Heinz; Gollnick, Harald


    Der Nachweis metastatischer Infiltrate im Sentinel-Lymphkoten (SLN) gilt als wesentlicher prognostischer Faktor des Melanoms. Alternativ zur Farbstoffmethode mit Patentblau zum Goldstandard der SLN-Biopsie (SLNB) mittels Radiokolloid wird die fluoreszenzoptische Darstellung mit Hilfe von Indocyaningrün (ICG) und Nahinfrarot (NIR)-Kamerasystem kommuniziert. Im Vergleich zur konventionellen Methode wurde die Wertigkeit des ICG-/NIR-Verfahrens in Abhängigkeit vom Body-Mass-Index (BMI) des Patienten und der Konzentration von ICG bezüglich der Visualisierung des Lymphabstroms und des SLNs untersucht. An zehn Patienten wurde die SLNB mittels Technetium-99m, Patentblau und ICG durchgeführt. Die Fluoreszenz-Darstellung von Lymphbahnen und SLN erfolgte in Echtzeit mittels der NIR-Kameratechnik "FOVIS". Je nach erzielter Bildqualität wurde ICG in einer Dosis von 0,25 mg bis 2,5 mg intrakutan appliziert. Neun der zehn SLN wurden fluoreszenzoptisch identifiziert (90 %), alle zehn radioaktiv (100 %), nur acht (80 %) mittels ICG-Grünfärbung bzw. Patenblau-Markierung. Transdermal wurde ein SLN dargestellt (10 %). In Korrelation zum BMI waren höhere ICG-Mengen, bis zu 2,5 mg intrakutan absolut, in der Darstellung der Lymphbahnen von Vorteil. Die SLN-Fluoreszenzmarkierung mit dem ICG/NIR-Kamera-System "FOVIS" stellt eine sichere Alternative zur Farbstoffmethode mit Patentblau ergänzend zur Radiokolloidmethode mit Technetium-99m dar. Weitere Studien zur optimalen Dosierung von ICG und transdermalen Bildgebung in Relation zum BMI sind notwendig. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. Synthesis of bis-Phosphate Iminoaltritol Enantiomers and Structural Characterization with Adenine Phosphoribosyltransferase.


    Harris, Lawrence D; Harijan, Rajesh K; Ducati, Rodrigo G; Evans, Gary B; Hirsch, Brett M; Schramm, Vern L


    Phosphoribosyl transferases (PRTs) are essential in nucleotide synthesis and salvage, amino acid, and vitamin synthesis. Transition state analysis of several PRTs has demonstrated ribocation-like transition states with a partial positive charge residing on the pentose ring. Core chemistry for synthesis of transition state analogues related to the 5-phospho-α-d-ribosyl 1-pyrophosphate (PRPP) reactant of these enzymes could be developed by stereospecific placement of bis-phosphate groups on an iminoaltritol ring. Cationic character is provided by the imino group and the bis-phosphates anchor both the 1- and 5-phosphate binding sites. We provide a facile synthetic path to these molecules. Cyclic-nitrone redox methodology was applied to the stereocontrolled synthesis of three stereoisomers of a selectively monoprotected diol relevant to the synthesis of transition-state analogue inhibitors. These polyhydroxylated pyrrolidine natural product analogues were bis-phosphorylated to generate analogues of the ribocationic form of 5-phosphoribosyl 1-phosphate. A safe, high yielding synthesis of the key intermediate represents a new route to these transition state mimics. An enantiomeric pair of iminoaltritol bis-phosphates (L-DIAB and D-DIAB) was prepared and shown to display inhibition of Plasmodium falciparum orotate phosphoribosyltransferase and Saccharomyces cerevisiae adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (ScAPRT). Crystallographic inhibitor binding analysis of L- and D-DIAB bound to the catalytic sites of ScAPRT demonstrates accommodation of both enantiomers by altered ring geometry and bis-phosphate catalytic site contacts.

  18. Induction of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase by methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).


    Pegg, A E; Erwin, B G; Persson, L


    The anti-tumor agent methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was found to be a competitive inhibitor of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase with a Ki of about 8 microM. Treatment of rats with this drug lead to a very large increase in the total amount of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase in liver, kidney and spleen. The total increase as measured using a specific antiserum amounted to 700-fold in liver and 100-fold in kidney within 18 h of treatment with 80 mg/kg doses. At least part of this induction was due to a pronounced increase in the half-life of the acetyltransferase which increased from 15 min to more than 12 h. The very large increase in the amount of the enzyme is likely to overwhelm the direct inhibition, and a net increase in the acetylation of polyamines by this enzyme would be expected to occur after treatment with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). The acetylated polyamines are known to be rapidly degraded by polyamine oxidase producing putrescine. Direct evidence that a substantial part of the increase in the content of putrescine in the liver of rats treated with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) occurs via the induction of this acetylase/oxidase pathway was obtained. These results indicate that methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) affects cellular polyamine levels not only by means of its inhibitory effect on S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase but also by the induction of spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase. They also raise the possibility that the enormous increase in this enzyme which occurs with higher doses may contribute to the very severe toxicity of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).

  19. Correlation of bispectral index (BIS) monitoring and end-tidal sevoflurane concentration in a patient with lobar holoprosencephaly.


    Galante, Dario; Fortarezza, Donatella; Caggiano, Maria; de Francisci, Giovanni; Pedrotti, Dino; Caruselli, Marco


    The bispectral index (BIS) is a parameter derived by electroencephalography (EEG) which provides a direct measurement of the effects of sedatives and anesthetics on the brain and offers guidance on the adequacy of anesthesia. The literature lacks studies on BIS monitoring in pediatric patients with congenital brain disease undergoing general anesthesia. A 13-year-old child weighing 32kg, suffering from lobar holoprosencephaly, underwent surgery in which the bispectral index (BIS) monitoring the depth of anesthesia showed an abnormal response. Detailed analysis of the trends of BIS values in the different observation times demonstrated sudden falls and repetitive values of BIS likely related to repetitive epileptiform electrical activity caused by sevoflurane. The BIS is a very useful monitoring tool for assessing the degree of depth of anesthesia and to analyze the electroencephalographic variations of anesthetics. Particular attention should be given to patients with congenital disorders of the central nervous system in which the BIS may give abnormal responses that do not reflect an accurate assessment of the depth of anesthesia. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  20. [Correlation of bispectral index (BIS) monitoring and end-tidal sevoflurane concentration in a patient with lobar holoprosencephaly].


    Galante, Dario; Fortarezza, Donatella; Caggiano, Maria; de Francisci, Giovanni; Pedrotti, Dino; Caruselli, Marco


    The bispectral index (BIS) is a parameter derived by electroencephalography (EEG) which provides a direct measurement of the effects of sedatives and anesthetics on the brain and offers guidance on the adequacy of anesthesia. The literature lacks studies on BIS monitoring in pediatric patients with congenital brain disease undergoing general anesthesia. A 13-year-old child weighing 32kg, suffering from lobar holoprosencephaly, underwent surgery in which the bispectral index (BIS) monitoring the depth of anesthesia showed an abnormal response. Detailed analysis of the trends of BIS values in the different observation times demonstrated sudden falls and repetitive values of BIS likely related to repetitive epileptiform electrical activity caused by sevoflurane. The BIS is a very useful monitoring tool for assessing the degree of depth of anesthesia and to analyze the electroencephalographic variations of anesthetics. Particular attention should be given to patients with congenital disorders of the central nervous system in which the BIS may give abnormal responses that do not reflect an accurate assessment of the depth of anesthesia. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  1. Einsatz molekularer Methoden für Starterkulturen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ehrmann, Matthias A.; Pavlovic, Melanie

    Unter Starterkulturen versteht man Mikroorganismen (Bakterien, Hefen, Pilze), die pflanzlichen bzw. tierischen Rohstoffen zur gezielten Veränderung ihrer chemischen Zusammensetzung zugesetzt werden. Sie dienen im Wesentlichen der Aromabildung, der Strukturveränderung und der Konservierung der Lebensmittel und werden aufgrund spezieller, funktioneller Eigenschaften selektiert. Die Zugabe von Starterkulturen erfolgt in der Regel in relativ hohen Keimzahlen in Form von Rein- oder Mischkulturen. Die zum Einsatz kommenden Mikroorganismen sind ebenso zahlreich wie die daraus resultierenden Produkte und reichen von der Fermentation von Milchprodukten, Fleisch und Gemüse durch Milchsäurebakterien über die Essigsäureherstellung bis hin zum Einsatz von Hefen in der Brau- und Weinindustrie. Hieraus ergibt sich auch eine zunehmende Bedeutung schneller und zuverlässiger Methoden zur taxonomischen Identifizierung, aber auch zur Charakterisierung des genetischen Potenzials der jeweiligen Starterkulturen.

  2. openBIS ELN-LIMS: an open-source database for academic laboratories.


    Barillari, Caterina; Ottoz, Diana S M; Fuentes-Serna, Juan Mariano; Ramakrishnan, Chandrasekhar; Rinn, Bernd; Rudolf, Fabian


    The open-source platform openBIS (open Biology Information System) offers an Electronic Laboratory Notebook and a Laboratory Information Management System (ELN-LIMS) solution suitable for the academic life science laboratories. openBIS ELN-LIMS allows researchers to efficiently document their work, to describe materials and methods and to collect raw and analyzed data. The system comes with a user-friendly web interface where data can be added, edited, browsed and searched. The openBIS software, a user guide and a demo instance are available at The demo instance contains some data from our laboratory as an example to demonstrate the possibilities of the ELN-LIMS (Ottoz et al., 2014). For rapid local testing, a VirtualBox image of the ELN-LIMS is also available. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press.

  3. Method for synthesizing metal bis(borano) hypophosphite complexes


    Cordaro, Joseph G.


    The present invention describes the synthesis of a family of metal bis(borano) hypophosphite complexes. One procedure described in detail is the syntheses of complexes beginning from phosphorus trichloride and sodium borohydride. Temperature, solvent, concentration, and atmosphere are all critical to ensure product formation. In the case of sodium bis(borano) hypophosphite, hydrogen gas was evolved upon heating at temperatures above C. Included in this family of materials are the salts of the alkali metals Li, Na and K, and those of the alkaline earth metals Mg and Ca. Hydrogen storage materials are possible. In particular the lithium salt, Li[PH.sub.2(BH.sub.3).sub.2], theoretically would contain nearly 12 wt % hydrogen. Analytical data for product characterization and thermal properties are given.

  4. A novel application of the fluorescent dye bis-ANS for labeling neurons in acute brain slices.


    Mozes, Emese; Hunya, Akos; Toth, Aniko; Ayaydin, Ferhan; Penke, Botond; Datki, Zsolt L


    The cell-impermeant oligomer-(e.g. beta-amyloid-, or tubulin-) specific fluorescent dye, bis-ANS (4,4'-bis-1-anilinonaphtalene-8-sulfonate), was successfully used for labeling mechanically damaged but still viable neuron bodies, neurites and neurite cross sections in acute brain slices. Acute hippocampal brain slices of rats were co-stained with bis-ANS and the cell-impermeant, DNA-specific dye propidium iodide (PI) and were then analyzed using fluorescence and confocal microscopes. Both the neuron bodies and the neurites were found to exhibit increased fluorescence intensities, suggesting that using this method they can be detected more easily. In addition, bis-ANS showed good region - but not cell specific co-localization with the neuron-specific fluorescent dye Dil (1,1'-Dioctadecyl-3,3,3',3'-tetramethylindocarbocyanine perchlorate). These two dyes label different neuronal structures: Dil binds specifically to intact cell membranes while bis-ANS can enter cells with compromised cell membranes and then stain the microtubules in the cytoplasm. For a quick (10min) staining of acute brain slices with bis-ANS both HEPES and NaHCO(3) were needed in order to achieve high signal intensity. Labeling with bis-ANS fluorescent dye is an easy method for imaging the neuronal structures on the surface of acute brain slices. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. 40 CFR 721.1577 - 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis [4-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester. 721.1577 Section 721.1577 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.1577 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis [4-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester. (a... 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis[4-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester (PMN P-98-1163; CAS No. 117397-31-6...

  6. 40 CFR 721.1577 - 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis [4-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester. 721.1577 Section 721.1577 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.1577 1,4-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis [4-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester. (a... 1,4-benzenedicarboxylic acid, bis[4-(ethenyloxy) butyl] ester (PMN P-98-1163; CAS No. 117397-31-6...

  7. Genetics Home Reference: von Hippel-Lindau syndrome


    ... more common in particular ethnic groups? Genetic Changes Mutations in the VHL gene cause von Hippel-Lindau ... dividing too rapidly or in an uncontrolled way. Mutations in this gene prevent production of the VHL ...

  8. Theoretical Prediction of the Heats of Formation, Densities and Relative Sensitivities, and/or Synthetic Approaches Toward the Synthesis of High Energy Dense Materials (HEDMs): 3,5-Dinitro-1,3,5-Oxadiazinane, Bis-Adjacent RDX, Bis-Adjacent HMX, 4,4’,6,6’-Tetranitro-1,1’-Bis(N-oxide)-5,5’,6,6’-4H,4’H-5,5’-Bisimidazo Oxadiazole, and the Open-Cage Derivative of CL-20

    DTIC Science & Technology


    HMX , 4,4’,6,6’- Tetranitro-1,1’-Bis(N-oxide)-5,5’,6,6’-4H,4’H- 5,5’-Bisimidazo Oxadiazole, and the Open- Cage Derivative of CL-20...HEDMs): 3,5-Dinitro-1,3,5-Oxadiazinane, Bis-Adjacent RDX, Bis-Adjacent HMX , 4,4’,6,6’- Tetranitro-1,1’-Bis(N-oxide)-5,5’,6,6’-4H,4’H- 5,5’-Bisimidazo...Materials (HEDMs): 3,5-Dinitro-1,3,5-Oxadiazinane, Bis-Adjacent RDX, Bis-Adjacent HMX , 4,4’,6,6’-Tetranitro-1,1’-Bis(N-oxide)-

  9. 29 CFR 1926.1108 - bis-Chloromethyl ether.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) SAFETY AND HEALTH REGULATIONS FOR CONSTRUCTION Toxic and Hazardous Substances § 1926.1108 bis-Chloromethyl ether. Note: The requirements applicable to construction work under this section are identical to...

  10. A rapid method to visualize von willebrand factor multimers by using agarose gel electrophoresis, immunolocalization and luminographic detection.


    Krizek, D R; Rick, M E


    A highly sensitive and rapid clinical method for the visualization of the multimeric structure of von Willebrand Factor in plasma and platelets is described. The method utilizes submerged horizontal agarose gel electrophoresis, followed by transfer of the von Willebrand Factor onto a polyvinylidine fluoride membrane, and immunolocalization and luminographic visualization of the von Willebrand Factor multimeric pattern. This method distinguishes type 1 from types 2A and 2B von Willebrand disease, allowing timely evaluation and classification of von Willebrand Factor in patient plasma. It also allows visualization of the unusually high molecular weight multimers present in platelets. There are several major advantages to this method including rapid processing, simplicity of gel preparation, high sensitivity to low concentrations of von Willebrand Factor, and elimination of radioactivity.

  11. In silico Identification of Ergosterol as a Novel Fungal Metabolite Enhancing RuBisCO Activity in Lycopersicum esculentum.


    Mitra, Joyeeta; Narad, Priyanka; Sengupta, Abhishek; Sharma, P D; Paul, P K


    RuBisCO (EC, a key enzyme found in stroma of chloroplast, is important for fixing atmospheric CO2 in plants. Alterations in the activity of RuBisCO could influence photosynthetic yield. Therefore, to understand the activity of the protein, knowledge about its structure is pertinent. Though the structure of Nicotiana RuBisCO has been modeled, the structure of tomato RuBisCO is still unknown. RuBisCO extracted from chloroplasts of tomato leaves was subjected to MALDI-TOF-TOF followed by Mascot Search. The protein sequence based on gene identification numbers was subjected to in silico model construction, characterization and docking studies. The primary structure analysis revealed that protein was stable, neutral, hydrophilic and has an acidic pI. The result though indicates a 90 % homology with other members of Solanaceae but differs from the structure of Arabidopsis RuBisCO. Different ligands were docked to assess the activity of RuBisCO against these metabolite components. Out of the number of modulators tested, ergosterol had the maximum affinity (E = -248.08) with RuBisCO. Ergosterol is a major cell wall component of fungi and has not been reported to be naturally found in plants. It is a known immune elicitor in plants. The current study throws light on its role in affecting RuBisCO activity in plants, thereby bringing changes in the photosynthetic rate.

  12. Bispectral index monitoring during infant cardiac surgery: relationship of BIS to the stress response and plasma fentanyl levels.


    Kussman, B D; Gruber, E M; Zurakowski, D; Hansen, D D; Sullivan, L J; Laussen, P C


    We evaluated the relationship of the bispectral index (BIS) to commonly used indices of depth of anaesthesia in 19 infants enrolled in a prospective study of the stress response to hypothermic cardiopulmonary bypass. Group 1 (n=8) received high-dose fentanyl by bolus technique; group 2 (n=6) received high-dose fentanyl by continuous infusion; and group 3 (n=5) received a fentanyl-midazolam infusion. Blood pressure (BP), heart rate (HR) and plasma epinephrine, norepinephrine, cortisol, ACTH, glucose, lactate and fentanyl were analysed 15 min postinduction, 15 min poststernotomy, 15 min on CPB during cooling and during skin closure. Mean BIS (SD) values for all 19 patients were 45.3 (12.3), 40.4 (14.5), 24.4 (12.4) and 47.9 (13.9), at the successive time points. No significant differences were observed in changes in BIS over time between the groups. A significant correlation was found 15 min postinduction between BIS and BP (systolic r=0.51, mean r=0.56) in all groups, but not between BIS and HR. BIS did not correlate with BP or HR at any other time point. There was no significant correlation between BIS and hormonal, biochemical or plasma fentanyl levels for any group at any time point. We were unable to demonstrate a relationship between the BIS and haemodynamic, metabolic or hormonal indices of anaesthetic depth. Further evaluation of the BIS algorithm is required in neonates and infants.

  13. Repair of bis-acryl provisional restorations using flowable composite resin.


    Bohnenkamp, David M; Garcia, Lily T


    Provisional restorations provide interim coverage for prepared teeth while fixed definitive restorations are fabricated. Several types of autopolymerizing acrylic resins have been used for many years to fabricate provisional restorations. In recent years, bis-acryl resin composite material has gained popularity among clinicians for the direct fabrication of provisional fixed restorations. Occasionally, deficiencies may occur while fabricating a direct provisional restoration and require chairside repair. This article describes an effective procedure for the use of light-polymerized flowable composite resin for the intraoral repair of bis-acryl provisional restorations.

  14. Wernher von Braun: Reflections on His Contributions to Space Exploration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Goldman, Arthur E.


    In 1950, Dr. Wernher von Braun and approximately 100 of his team members came to Huntsville, Alabama, to begin work with the Army on what would later become America's historic space program. He would later serve as the first director of the Marshall Space Flight Center and led the development of the Saturn V launch vehicle that launched seven crewed American mission to the moon, as well as America s first space station, Skylab. Von Braun is best known for his team s technical achievements. He realized his dream of exploring outer space by helping place humans on the moon. His engineering and managerial talent during the Apollo era had contributed to a technological revolution. He was by all accounts a good engineer, but he was only one among many. What set Von Braun apart were his charisma, his vision, and his leadership skills. He inspired loyalty and dedication in the people around him. He understood the importance of communicating his vision to his team, to political and business leaders and the public. Today, the Marshall Center continues his vision by pursuing engineering and scientific projects that will continue to open space to exploration. This presentation will discuss Von Braun's impact on Huntsville, the Marshall Center, the nation and the world and look at his contributions in context of where world space exploration is today.

  15. Update zum klinischen Einsatz von Inhibitoren mutierter Phosphokinasen beim Melanom.


    Cosgarea, Ioana; Ritter, Cathrin; Becker, Jürgen C; Schadendorf, Dirk; Ugurel, Selma


    Die Behandlungsstrategie beim metastasierten Melanom hat sich mit der Identifizierung therapeutisch angreifbarer molekularer Zielstrukturen innerhalb zellulärer Signalwege radikal geändert. Durch die Zulassung von Substanzen, die gezielt an den zentralen Schaltmolekülen, den Phosphokinasen, angreifen, können diese Signalwege selektiv abgeschaltet werden. Dies ist insbesondere bei denjenigen Tumoren von Interesse, deren Signalwege durch aktivierende Mutationen der für die Schaltmoleküle kodierenden Gene konstitutiv aktiviert sind. Aktuell ist diese therapeutische Strategie insbesondere für Patienten bedeutsam, deren Melanome eine Mutation im BRAF-Gen aufweisen. Diese Patienten können durch eine Kombinationstherapie aus Inhibitoren der Phosphokinasen BRAF und MEK langfristig mit sehr guter Krankheitskontrolle behandelt werden. Unter dieser Kombinationstherapie wird aktuell ein progressionsfreies Überleben von über zehn Monaten und ein Gesamtüberleben von mehr als zwei Jahren bei guter Lebensqualität erzielt. Da unter längerfristiger Therapie mit Kinaseinhibitoren jedoch bei einem Großteil der Patienten eine Resistenzbildung auftritt, sind aktuelle klinische Therapiestudien auf die Suche nach geeigneten Kombinationspartnern unter Blockierung anderer Signalwege oder unter Aktivierung der T-Zell-vermittelten Immunantwort ausgerichtet. Der vorliegende Übersichtsartikel stellt sowohl die aktuell verfügbaren als auch die in der klinischen Testung befindlichen zukünftigen Optionen der zielgerichteten Therapie des Melanoms dar. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Crystal structures of 3,3'-bis-(hy-droxy-dimethylsilan-yl)azo-benzene and 4,4'-bis-(hy-droxy-dimethyl-silane)azo-benzene.


    Strüben, Jan; Hoffmann, Jonas; Presa-Soto, David; Näther, Christian; Staubitz, Anne


    The title compounds {systematic names ( E )-[diazene-1,2-diylbis(3,1-phenyl-ene)]bis-(di-methyl-silanol) and ( E )-[diazene-1,2-diylbis(4,1-phenyl-ene)]bis-(di-methyl-silanol)}, both of the sum formula C 16 H 22 N 2 O 2 Si 2 , were obtained by transmetallation of the respective bis-stannylated azo-benzenes with di-chloro-dimethyl-silane and esterification followed by hydrolysis. The asymmetric unit of 3,3'-diazenediylbis[dimeth-yl(phen-yl)silanol] (with the silanol functional group in a meta position) consists of two mol-ecules, of which one occupies a general position, whereas the second is located on a centre of inversion. In 4,4'-diazenediylbis[dimeth-yl(phen-yl)silanol] (with the silanol functional group in a para position) likewise two mol-ecules are present in the asymmetric unit, but in this case both occupy general positions. Differences between all mol-ecules can be found in the torsions about the N=N bond, as well as in the dihedral angles between the benzene rings. In both structures, inter-molecular O-H⋯O hydrogen bonding is observed, leading to the formation of layers parallel to (01-1) for (I) and to chains parallel to the a axis for (II).

  17. Influence of body position, food and beverage consumption on BIS measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medrano, G.; Eitner, F.; Ismail, A. H.; Pikkemaat, R.; Cordes, A.; Floege, J.; Leonhardt, S.


    Continuous monitoring of fluid changes using bioimpedance spectroscopy (BIS) during hemodialysis could help to predict hypotensive complications and extend the patient's life. Food and beverage consumption during the treatment may influence the measurements and the calculated fluid removal. In the present article the change observed in whole body and segmental (knee-to-knee, abdomen) BIS measurements following a sequence similar to the one of dialysis treatment (lying down, sitting and eating, lying down) on healthy subjects is presented. The measurements have been performed using a commercial bioimpedance device with a frequency range of 5 kHz to 1 MHz. Knee-to-knee measurements seem to be less sensitive to these influences, compared to the standard whole body and the alternative abdomen BIS measurements. The results indicate that the individual influence of both body posture and food and beverage consumption may be superposed when combined.

  18. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    In this photo, Director of the U.S. Army Ballistic Missile Agency's (ABMA) Development Operations Division, Dr. Wernher von Braun, and Director of Missile Firing Division, Dr. Kurt Debus, are shown with unidentified individuals, discussing two components that would make up the Pioneer IV Lunar Probe. The mercury batteries (left) were used to power the radio transmitter, cosmic radiation counter and other instruments in Pioneer IV. The conical shroud placed over the instruments of Pioneer IV was plated with gold to improve conductivity. The metal surface also served as the anterna for the probe's instruments signaling back to the Earth receiving stations.

  19. Bis-ureidoquinoline as a selective fluoride anion sensor through hydrogen-bond interactions.


    Jo, Yunhee; Chidalla, Nagesh; Cho, Dong-Gyu


    Bis-ureidoquinoline shows a characteristic UV-vis absorbance and turn-on fluorescence changes in the presence of the fluoride anion. Such selective changes probably originate from the hydrogen-bond interactions, as shown by the (1)H NMR titration and DFT calculations. Bis-ureidoquinoline can be used as a fluoride-selective sensor for the detection of fluoride anions under illumination from a laboratory hand-held UV lamp.

  20. Sulfate Separation by Selective Crystallization with a Bis-iminoguanidinium Ligand.


    Seipp, Charles A; Williams, Neil J; Custelcean, Radu


    A simple and effective method for selective sulfate separation from aqueous solutions by crystallization with a bis-guanidinium ligand, 1,4-benzene-bis(iminoguanidinium) (BBIG), is demonstrated. The ligand is synthesized as the chloride salt (BBIG-Cl) by in situ imine condensation of terephthalaldehyde with aminoguanidinium chloride in water, followed by crystallization as the sulfate salt (BBIG-SO4). Alternatively, BBIG-Cl is synthesized ex situ in larger scale from ethanol. The sulfate separation ability of the BBIG ligand is demonstrated by selective and quantitative crystallization of sulfate from seawater. The ligand can be recycled by neutralization of BBIG-SO4 with aqueous NaOH and crystallization of the neutral bis-iminoguanidine, which can be converted back into BBIG-Cl with aqueous HCl and reused in another separation cycle. Finally, (35)S-labeled sulfate and β liquid scintillation counting are employed for monitoring the sulfate concentration in solution. Overall, this protocol will instruct the user in the necessary skills to synthesize a ligand, employ it in the selective crystallization of sulfate from aqueous solutions, and quantify the separation efficiency.

  1. Computer-Aided Molecular Design of Bis-phosphine Oxide Lanthanide Extractants


    McCann, Billy W.; Silva, Nuwan De; Windus, Theresa L.; ...


    Computer-aided molecular design and high-throughput screening of viable host architectures can significantly reduce the efforts in the design of novel ligands for efficient extraction of rare earth elements. This paper presents a computational approach to the deliberate design of bis-phosphine oxide host architectures that are structurally organized for complexation of trivalent lanthanides. Molecule building software, HostDesigner, was interfaced with molecular mechanics software, PCModel, providing a tool for generating and screening millions of potential R 2(O)P-link-P(O)R 2 ligand geometries. The molecular mechanics ranking of ligand structures is consistent with both the solution-phase free energies of complexation obtained with density functional theorymore » and the performance of known bis-phosphine oxide extractants. For the case where link is -CH 2-, evaluation of the ligand geometry provides the first characterization of a steric origin for the ‘anomalous aryl strengthening’ effect. The design approach has identified a number of novel bis-phosphine oxide ligands that are better organized for lanthanide complexation than previously studied examples.« less

  2. 29 CFR 1910.1008 - bis-Chloromethyl ether.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 6 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false bis-Chloromethyl ether. 1910.1008 Section 1910.1008 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS (CONTINUED) Toxic and Hazardous Substances § 1910.1008...

  3. 29 CFR 1910.1008 - bis-Chloromethyl ether.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 6 2014-07-01 2013-07-01 true bis-Chloromethyl ether. 1910.1008 Section 1910.1008 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR (CONTINUED) OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH STANDARDS (CONTINUED) Toxic and Hazardous Substances § 1910.1008...

  4. 40 CFR 721.10666 - Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (generic). 721.10666 Section 721.10666 Protection of Environment..., bis(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (generic). (a) Chemical substance and significant new... compounds, bis(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (PMN P-12-437) is subject to reporting under this...

  5. 40 CFR 721.10666 - Quaternary ammonium compounds, bis(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (generic). 721.10666 Section 721.10666 Protection of Environment..., bis(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (generic). (a) Chemical substance and significant new... compounds, bis(fattyalkyl) dimethyl, salts with tannins (PMN P-12-437) is subject to reporting under this...

  6. Virchow's triad: Kussmaul, Quincke and von Recklinghausen.


    Stanifer, John W


    For most of the 19th century, Germany was the centre of the medical world. From there the most innovating research came and many of the physicians of that era are known to nearly every medical student and physician of today. Virchow, Kussmaul, Quincke, von Recklinghausen, Müller and Schönlein are familiar names in today's medicine but insofar as they are merely eponyms associated with signs, symptoms, disease and anatomy. The story of their lives, their research and their influence on each other has been little examined. This is an essay about Virchow's relationship with his mentors Müller and Schönlein and how these relationships shaped the development of Kussmaul, Quincke and von Recklinghausen as students of Virchow and their work in medicine and clinical observation after leaving Virchow's laboratory. © The Author(s) 2014.

  7. Von eingebetteten Systemen zu Cyber-Physical Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wedde, Rorst F.; Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Rehtanz, Christian; Krause, Olav

    Das Hauptanliegen des Papiers ist, ein Paradigma für Probleme mit neuartigen Integrationsanforderungen für Forschung und Entwicklung in verteilten eingebetteten Echtzeitsystemen zu motivieren und vorzustellen, nämlich den Begriff Cyber-Physical Systems. Bei einer in letzter Zeit stark zunehmenden Anzahl von Realzeitanwendungen können ohne die Berücksichtigung solcher Forderungen keine praktisch brauchbaren Lösungen erwartet werden. Einige Anwendungsfelder werden angesprochen. Im Einzelnen werden dann für Elektroautos, die mit erneuerbaren Energien betrieben werden sollen, einerseits die Management-, verteilte Verhandlungs- und Verteilungsprobleme der benötigten Energie in einem bottom-up Ansatz gelöst. Andererseits wird als Teil unserer Projektarbeit die Bereitstellung von Reserveenergie für den allgemeinen Bedarf durch Autobatterien vorgestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass dies effizienter und wesentlich kurzfristiger in unserem verteilten Vorgehen geschehen kann als in traditionellen Verfahren.

  8. Aufnahme, Analyse und Visualisierung von Bewegungen nativer Herzklappen in-vitro

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weiß, Oliver; Friedl, Sven; Kondruweit, Markus; Wittenberg, Thomas

    Die hohe Zahl an Transplantationen von Herzklappen und viele nötige Re-Operationen machen eine detaillierte Analyse der Strömungen und Klappenbewegungen klinisch interessant. Ein neuer Ansatz ist hierbei der Einsatz von Hochgeschwindigkeitskameras um Bewegungsabl äufe der Herzklappen beobachten und auswerten zu können. Die hohen Datenraten erfordern allerdings eine möglichst automatisierte Analyse und möglichst komprimierte Darstellung des Schwingungsverhaltens. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, bei dem Bewegungen nativer Herzklappen in-vitro aufgenommen, analysiert und kompakt visualisiert werden.

  9. Preparation of bis-(1(2)H-tetrazol-5-yl)-amine monohydrate


    Naud, Darren L [Los Alamos, NM; Hiskey, Michael A [Los Alamos, NM


    A process of preparing bis-(1(2)H-tetrazol-5-yl)-amine monohydrate is provided including combining a dicyanamide salt, an azide salt and water to form a first reaction mixture, adding a solution of a first strong acid characterized as having a pKa of less than about 1 to said first reaction mixture over a period of time characterized as providing a controlled reaction rate so as to gradually form hydrazoic acid without loss of significant quantities of hydrazoic acid from the solution while heating the first reaction mixture at temperatures greater than about C., heating the resultant reaction mixture at temperatures greater than about C. for a period of time sufficient to substantially completely form a reaction product, treating the reaction product with a solution of a second strong acid to form a product of bis-(1(2)H-tetrazol-5-yl)-amine monohydrate, and, recovering the bis-(1(2)H-tetrazol-5-yl)-amine monohydrate product.


    DTIC Science & Technology

    studies on the soxhlet extractors showed promise that separation and isolation is possible. Corrosion data gathered during the course of the p-toluic...production of 3, 6-bis(trifluoromethyl) phenanthrene based on a 20% conversion to 3,6- bis(trifluoromethyl) phenanthrene plus an additional 30% yield of

  11. Behavioural Inhibition System (BIS) sensitivity differentiates EEG theta responses during goal conflict in a continuous monitoring task.


    Moore, Roger A; Mills, Matthew; Marshman, Paul; Corr, Philip J


    Previous research has revealed that EEG theta oscillations are affected during goal conflict processing. This is consistent with the behavioural inhibition system (BIS) theory of anxiety (Gray & McNaughton, 2000). However, studies have not attempted to relate these BIS-related theta effects to BIS personality measures. Confirmation of such an association would provide further support for BIS theory, especially as it relates to trait differences. EEG was measured (32 electrodes) from extreme groups (low/high trait BIS) engaged in a target detection task. Goal conflicts were introduced throughout the task. Results show that the two groups did not differ in behavioural performance. The major EEG result was that a stepwise discriminant analysis indicated discrimination by 6 variables derived from coherence and power, with 5 of the 6 in the theta range as predicted by BIS theory and one in the beta range. Also, across the whole sample, EEG theta coherence increased at a variety of regions during primary goal conflict and showed a general increase during response execution; EEG theta power, in contrast, was primarily reactive to response execution. This is the first study to reveal a three-way relationship between the induction of goal conflict, the induction of theta power and coherence, and differentiation by psychometrically-defined low/high BIS status. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. The mononuclear nickel(II) complex bis(azido-κN)bis[2,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-κ2 N2 ,N3 ]nickel(II) protects tomato from Verticillium dahliae by inhibiting fungal growth and activating plant defences.


    Zine, Hanane; Rifai, Lalla Aicha; Koussa, Tayeb; Bentiss, Fouad; Guesmi, Salaheddine; Laachir, Abdelhakim; Makroum, Kacem; Belfaiza, Malika; Faize, Mohamed


    The antifungal properties of the nickel(II) complex bis(azido-κN)bis[2,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole-κ 2 N 2 ,N 3 ]nickel(II) [NiL 2 (N 3 ) 2 ] and its parental ligand 2,5-bis(pyridin-2-yl)-1,3,4-thiadiazole were examined to evaluate their ability to protect tomato plants against Verticillium dahliae. Our main objectives were to determine their effects on the in vitro growth of the pathogen, and their aptitude for controlling verticillium wilt and activating plant defence responses in the greenhouse. NiL 2 (N 3 ) 2 exhibited in vitro an elevated inhibition of radial growth of three strains of the pathogen. According to the strain, the EC 50 values ranged from 10 to 29 µg mL -1 for NiL 2 (N 3 ) 2 . In the greenhouse, it induced an elevated protection against V. dahliae when it was applied twice as foliar sprays at 50 µg mL -1 . It reduced the leaf alteration index by 85% and vessel browning by 96%. In addition, its protective ability was associated with the accumulation of H 2 O 2 and the activation of total phenolic content, as well as potentiation of the activity of peroxidase and polyphenol oxidase. These results demonstrated that the coordination of the ligand with Ni associated with the azide as a coligand resulted in an improvement in its biological activity by both inhibiting the growth of V. dahliae and activating plant defence responses. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  13. Influence of charge carrier mobility and morphology on solar cell parameters in devices of mono- and bis-fullerene adducts.


    Muth, Mathis-Andreas; Mitchell, William; Tierney, Steven; Lada, Thomas A; Xue, Xiang; Richter, Henning; Carrasco-Orozco, Miguel; Thelakkat, Mukundan


    Herein, we analyze charge carrier mobility and morphology of the active blend layer in thin film organic solar cells and correlate them with device parameters. A low band gap donor-acceptor copolymer in combination with phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) or two bis-adduct fullerenes, bis-PCBM and bis-o-quino-dimethane C60 (bis-oQDMC), is investigated. We study the charge transport of polymer:fullerene blends in hole- and electron-only devices using the space-charge limited current method. Lower electron mobilities are observed in both bis-adduct fullerene blends. Hole mobility, however, is decreased only in the blend containing bis-oQDMC. Both bis-adduct fullerene blends show very high open circuit voltage in solar cell devices, but poor photocurrent compared to the standard PCBM blend for an active layer thickness of 200 nm. Therefore, a higher short circuit current is feasible for the polymer:bis-PCBM blend by reducing the active layer thickness in order to compensate for the low electron mobility, which results in a PCE of 4.3%. For the polymer:bis-oQDMC blend, no such improvement is achieved due to an unfavorable morphology in this particular blend system. The results are supported by external quantum efficiency measurements, atomic force microscopy, transmission electron microscopy and UV/vis spectroscopy. Based on these results, the investigations presented herein give a more scientific basis for the optimization of solar cells.

  14. Design and synthesis of novel adenine fluorescence probe based on Eu(III) complexes with dtpa-bis(guanine) ligand

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tian, Fengyun; Jiang, Xiaoqing; Dou, Xuekai; Wu, Qiong; Wang, Jun; Song, Youtao


    A novel adenine (Ad) fluorescence probe (EuIII-dtpa-bis(guanine)) was designed and synthesized by improving experimental method based on the Eu(III) complex and dtpa-bis(guanine) ligand. The dtpa-bis(guanine) ligand was first synthesized by the acylation action between dtpaa and guanine (Gu), and the corresponding Eu(III) complex was successfully prepared through heat-refluxing method with dtpa-bis(guanine) ligand. As a novel fluorescence probe, the EuIII-dtpa-bis(guanine) complex can detect adenine (Ad) with characteristics of strong targeting, high specificity and high recognition ability. The detection mechanism of the adenine (Ad) using this probe in buffer solution was studied by ultraviolet-visible (UV-vis) and fluorescence spectroscopy. When the EuIII-dtpa-bis(guanine) was introduced to the adenine (Ad) solution, the fluorescence emission intensity was significantly enhanced. However, adding other bases such as guanine (Gu), xanthine (Xa), hypoxanthine (Hy) and uric acid (Ur) with similar composition and structure to that of adenine (Ad) to the EuIII-dtpa-bis(guanine) solution, the fluorescence emission intensities are nearly invariable. Meanwhile, the interference of guanine (Gu), xanthine (Xa), hypoxanthine (Hy) and uric acid (Ur) on the detection of the adenine using EuIII-dtpa-bis(guanine) probe was also studied. It was found that presence of these bases does not affect the detection of adenine (Ad). A linear response of fluorescence emission intensities of EuIII-dtpa-bis(guanine) at 570 nm as a function of adenine (Ad) concentration in the range of 0.00-5.00 × 10- 5 mol L- 1 was observed. The detection limit is about 4.70 × 10- 7 mol L- 1.

  15. The synthesis of 1,2-bis(1,5,9-triazacyclododecyl)ethane: a showcase for the importance of the linker length within bis(alkylating) reagents.


    Medina-Molner, Alfredo; Blacque, Olivier; Spingler, Bernhard


    The synthesis of 1,2-bis(1,5,9-triazacyclododecyl)ethane (1) showcases how different bis(alkylating) reagents change the reaction from an intra- to an intermolecular pathway. The isolation of the intermediate hexahydro-3a,6a-ethano-1H,4H,7H,9bH-9a-aza-3a,6a-diazoniaphenalene-3a,6a-diium (2) explained why initially the synthesis of 1 was not possible. Both isomers of 2 were found in solution. DFT calculations revealed that isomer 2a is 4.6 kcal/mol lower in energy than 2b. Synthesis of 1 was finally achieved by using oxalyl chloride.

  16. 78 FR 8586 - PEPSICO, Inc., Business & Information Solutions (BIS) Division Including On-Site Leased Workers...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...., Business & Information Solutions (BIS) Division, including on-site leased workers of Cognizant Technology..., Inc., Business & Information Solutions (BIS) Division Including On-Site Leased Workers From Procurestaff, Cognizant, Infosys, Wipro, and TCS; Plano, TX; PEPSICO, Inc., Business & Information Solutions...

  17. Von Donuts und Zucker: Mit Neutronen biologische Makromoleküle erforschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    May, Roland P.


    Für die Erforschung von Biomolekülen bieten Neutronen einzigartige Eigenschaften. Vor allem ihre unterschiedliche Wechselwirkung mit dem natürlichen Wasserstoff und seinem schweren Isotop Deuterium ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Struktur, Funktion und Dynamik von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und Biomembranen. Bei vielen Fragestellungen zur Strukturaufklärung gibt es kaum oder keine Alternative zum Neutron. Das Institut Laue-Langevin trägt Bahnbrechendes zum Erfolg der Neutronen-Methoden in der Biologie bei.

  18. Grundlagen des Tissue Engineering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mayer, Jörg; Blum, Janaki; Wintermantel, Erich

    Die Organtransplantation stellt eine verbreitete Therapie dar, um bei krankheitsoder unfallbedingter Schädigung eines Organs die Gesamtheit seiner Funktionen wieder herzustellen, indem es durch ein Spenderorgan ersetzt wird. Organtransplantationen werden für die Leber, die Niere, die Lunge, das Herz oder bei schweren grossflächigen Verbrennungen der Haut vorgenommen. Der grosse apparative, personelle und logistische Aufwand und die Risiken der Transplantationschirurgie (Abstossungsreaktionen) sowie die mangelnde Verfügbarkeit von immunologisch kompatiblen Spenderorganen führen jedoch dazu, dass der Bedarf an Organtransplantaten nur zu einem sehr geringen Teil gedeckt werden kann. Sind Spenderorgane nicht verfügbar, können in einzelnen Fällen lebenswichtige Teilfunktionen, wie beispielsweise die Filtrationsfunktion der Niere durch die Blutreinigung mittels Dialyse ersetzt oder, bei mangelnder Funktion der Bauchspeicheldrüse (Diabetes), durch die Verabreichung von Insulin ein normaler Zustand des Gesamtorganismus auch über Jahre hinweg erhalten werden. Bei der notwendigen lebenslangen Anwendung apparativer oder medikamentöser Therapie können für den Patienten jedoch häufig schwerwiegende, möglicherweise lebensverkürzende Nebenwirkungen entstehen. Daher werden in der Forschung Alternativen gesucht, um die Funktionen des ausgefallenen Organs durch die Implantation von Zellen oder in vitro gezüchteten Geweben möglichst umfassend wieder herzustellen. Dies erfordert biologisch aktive Implantate, welche die für den Stoffwechsel des Organs wichtigen Zellen enthalten und einen organtypischen Stoffwechsel entfalten.

  19. Trypanocidal 1,3-arylene diketone bis(guanylhydrazone)s. Structure-activity relationships among substituted and heterocyclic analogues.


    Ulrich, P; Cerami, A


    Based on the antitrypanosomal activity of 1,3-diacetylbenzene bis(guanylhydrazone) (4) and 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(guanylhydrazone) (17), a number of substituted and heterocyclic 1,3-arylene diketone bis(guanylhydrazone)s were prepared and tested against Trypanosoma brucei infections in mice. A wide range of ED50 values was observed among 5-substituted derivatives of 4. The 5-amino analogue 5 and 5-acetamido analogue 6 were about twice as active as 4. 1,3,5-Triacetylbenzene tris(guanylhydrazone) (12) was about 9 times as active as 4 and was approximately one-half as active as the currently used trypanocide diminazene aceturate in this test system. Other 5-derivatives had activity equivalent to or less than that of the parent compound 4. Three new heterocyclic analogues were all less active than 2,6-diacetylpyridine derivative 17 and benzene derivative 4. Ring substitution ortho to the guanylhydrazone side chains was invariably detrimental to activity. Side-chain homologues 1,3-dipentanoylbenzene bis(guanylhydrazone) and 1,3-diacetylbenzene bis(2-imidazolin-2-ylhydrazone) were essentially inactive.

  20. Copper-catalyzed three- five- or seven-component coupling reactions: the selective synthesis of cyanomethylamines, N,N-bis(cyanomethyl)amines and N,N'-bis(cyanomethyl)methylenediamines based on a Strecker-type synthesis.


    Sakai, Norio; Takahashi, Nobuaki; Inoda, Daiki; Ikeda, Reiko; Konakahara, Takeo


    We have demonstrated that a cooperative catalytic system comprised of CuCl and Cu(OTf)(2) could be used to effectively catalyse the three-, five- and seven-component coupling reactions of aliphatic or aromatic amines, formaldehyde, and trimethylsilyl cyanide (TMSCN), and selectively produce in good yields the corresponding cyanomethylamines, N,N-bis(cyanomethyl)amines and N,N'-bis(cyanomethyl)methylenediamines.

  1. Depletion of abundant plant RuBisCO protein using the protamine sulfate precipitation method.


    Kim, Yu Ji; Lee, Hye Min; Wang, Yiming; Wu, Jingni; Kim, Sang Gon; Kang, Kyu Young; Park, Ki Hun; Kim, Yong Chul; Choi, In Soo; Agrawal, Ganesh Kumar; Rakwal, Randeep; Kim, Sun Tae


    Ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO) is the most abundant plant leaf protein, hampering deep analysis of the leaf proteome. Here, we describe a novel protamine sulfate precipitation (PSP) method for the depletion of RuBisCO. For this purpose, soybean leaf total proteins were extracted using Tris-Mg/NP-40 extraction buffer. Obtained clear supernatant was subjected to the PSP method, followed by 13% SDS-PAGE analysis of total, PS-supernatant and -precipitation derived protein samples. In a dose-dependent experiment, 0.1% w/v PS was found to be sufficient for precipitating RuBisCO large and small subunits (LSU and SSU). Western blot analysis confirmed no detection of RuBisCO LSU in the PS-supernatant proteins. Application of this method to Arabidopsis, rice, and maize leaf proteins revealed results similar to soybean. Furthermore, 2DE analyses of PS-treated soybean leaf displayed enriched protein profile for the protein sample derived from the PS-supernatant than total proteins. Some enriched 2D spots were subjected to MALDI-TOF-TOF analysis and were successfully assigned for their protein identity. Hence, the PSP method is: (i) simple, fast, economical, and reproducible for RuBisCO precipitation from the plant leaf sample; (ii) applicable to both dicot and monocot plants; and (iii) suitable for downstream proteomics analysis. © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. 40 CFR 721.2465 - Xanthylium, 9-(2-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. 721.2465 Section 721.2465 Protection of...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. (a) Chemical substance and significant...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate (PMN P-00-1195; CAS No. 26694-69-9) is...

  3. 40 CFR 721.2465 - Xanthylium, 9-(2-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. 721.2465 Section 721.2465 Protection of...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. (a) Chemical substance and significant...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate (PMN P-00-1195; CAS No. 26694-69-9) is...

  4. 40 CFR 721.2465 - Xanthylium, 9-(2-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. 721.2465 Section 721.2465 Protection of...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. (a) Chemical substance and significant...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate (PMN P-00-1195; CAS No. 26694-69-9) is...

  5. 40 CFR 721.2465 - Xanthylium, 9-(2-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. 721.2465 Section 721.2465 Protection of...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate. (a) Chemical substance and significant...-(ethoxycarbonyl)phenyl)-3,6-bis(ethylamino)-2,7-dimethyl-, ethyl sulfate (PMN P-00-1195; CAS No. 26694-69-9) is...

  6. Sulfate Separation by Selective Crystallization with a Bis-iminoguanidinium Ligand


    Seipp, Charles A.; Williams, Neil J.; Custelcean, Radu


    One simple and effective method for selective sulfate separation from aqueous solutions by crystallization with a bis-guanidinium ligand, 1,4-benzene-bis(iminoguanidinium) (BBIG), is demonstrated. The ligand is synthesized as the chloride salt (BBIG-Cl) by in situ imine condensation of terephthalaldehyde with aminoguanidinium chloride in water, followed by crystallization as the sulfate salt (BBIG-SO4). Alternatively, BBIG-Cl is synthesized ex situ in larger scale from ethanol. Furthermore, the sulfate separation ability of the BBIG ligand is demonstrated by selective and quantitative crystallization of sulfate from seawater. These ligands can then be recycled by neutralization of BBIG-SO4 with aqueous NaOH and crystallization of the neutralmore » bis-iminoguanidine, which can be converted back into BBIG-Cl with aqueous HCl and reused in another separation cycle. Finally, 35S-labeled sulfate and β liquid scintillation counting are employed for monitoring the sulfate concentration in solution. Overall, this protocol will instruct the user in the necessary skills to synthesize a ligand, employ it in the selective crystallization of sulfate from aqueous solutions, and quantify the separation efficiency.« less

  7. Effects of polyamines and methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) on hepatic nuclear structure and deoxyribonucleic acid template activity.

    PubMed Central

    Brown, K B; Nelson, N F; Brown, D G


    1. The interaction of polyamines and methylglyoxal bis(guanythydrazone) (1, 1'-[(methylethanediylidene)-dinitrilo]diguanidine) with isolated rat liver nuclei was investigated by electron microscopy. 2. At 4mM, putrescine was without effect; however, spermidine, spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanythydrazone) resulted in dispersed chromatin and alterations in nucleolar structure. In addition, spermidine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) caused marked aggregation of interchromatin granules. 3. The DNA template property of calf thymus DNA was examined by using DNA polymerases from Escherichia coli, Micrococcus lysodeikticus and calf thymus in the presence of 0-5 mM-amine. 4. In the presence of DNA polymerase, spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) inhibited activity, whereas putrescine or spermidine had much less effect or in some cases stimulated [3H]dTMP incorporation. 5. Template activity which was inhibited by spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) could be partially restored by additional DNA or enzyme. 6. When mixed with calf thymus DNA, calf thymus histone inhibited template activity as measured with E. coli DNA polymerase. The template activity of such a 'histone-nucleate' could not be restored by putrescine, spermidine, spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). 7. DNA template activity of isolated rat liver nuclei was tested by using E. coli DNA polymerase. None of the amines was able to increase the template activity of the nuclear DNA in vitro. Images PLATE 1 PMID:1218090

  8. Effects of polyamines and methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) on hepatic nuclear structure and deoxyribonucleic acid template activity.


    Brown, K B; Nelson, N F; Brown, D G


    1. The interaction of polyamines and methylglyoxal bis(guanythydrazone) (1, 1'-[(methylethanediylidene)-dinitrilo]diguanidine) with isolated rat liver nuclei was investigated by electron microscopy. 2. At 4mM, putrescine was without effect; however, spermidine, spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanythydrazone) resulted in dispersed chromatin and alterations in nucleolar structure. In addition, spermidine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) caused marked aggregation of interchromatin granules. 3. The DNA template property of calf thymus DNA was examined by using DNA polymerases from Escherichia coli, Micrococcus lysodeikticus and calf thymus in the presence of 0-5 mM-amine. 4. In the presence of DNA polymerase, spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) inhibited activity, whereas putrescine or spermidine had much less effect or in some cases stimulated [3H]dTMP incorporation. 5. Template activity which was inhibited by spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) could be partially restored by additional DNA or enzyme. 6. When mixed with calf thymus DNA, calf thymus histone inhibited template activity as measured with E. coli DNA polymerase. The template activity of such a 'histone-nucleate' could not be restored by putrescine, spermidine, spermine or methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). 7. DNA template activity of isolated rat liver nuclei was tested by using E. coli DNA polymerase. None of the amines was able to increase the template activity of the nuclear DNA in vitro.

  9. Synthesis of peptide thioacids at neutral pH using bis(2-sulfanylethyl)amido peptide precursors.


    Pira, Silvain L; Boll, Emmanuelle; Melnyk, Oleg


    Reaction of bis(2-sulfanylethyl)amido (SEA) peptides with triisopropylsilylthiol in water at neutral pH yields peptide thiocarboxylates. An alkylthioester derived from β-alanine was used to trap the released bis(2-sulfanylethyl)amine and displace the equilibrium toward the peptide thiocarboxylate.

  10. Impact of age on both BIS values and EEG bispectrum during anaesthesia with sevoflurane in children

    PubMed Central

    Wodey, Eric; Tirel, Olivier; Bansard, Jean-Yves; Terrier, Anne; Chanavaz, Charles; Harris, Rupert; Ecoffey, Claude; Senhadji, Lotfi


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the potential relationship between age, BIS (Aspect™) and the EEG bispectrum during anesthesia with sevoflurane. BIS and raw EEG sampled at 400 Hz were recorded at a steady state of 1 MAC sevoflurane in 100 children, and during a decrease from 2 MAC to 0.5 MAC in a sub-group of 29 children. The bispectrum of the EEG was estimated on successive epochs of 20 seconds using MATLAB© software, independently of the Aspect™ device. For analysis, the bispectrum was divided into 36 frequencies of coupling (Pi) - the MatBis. A multiple correspondence analysis (MCA) was used to establish an underlying structure of the pattern of each individual’s MatBis at the steady state of 1 MAC. Clustering of children into homogeneous groups was conducted by a hierarchical ascending classification (HAC). The level of statistical significance was set at 0.05. At the steady state of 1 MAC sevoflurane, the BIS values for all 100 children ranged from 20 to 74 (median 40). Projection of both age and BIS value recorded at 1 MAC (T10) onto the structured model of the MCA showed them to be distributed along axis F1 of this model. In contrast, projection of children’s position during the decrease in sevoflurane concentration was linked to axis F2. At 1 MAC sevoflurane, six homogeneous groups of children were obtained through the HAC. Groups 5 (30 months; range 23–49) and 6 (18 months; range 6–180) were the younger children and group 1 (97 months; range 46–162) the older. Groups 5 and 6 had the highest median values of BIS (54; range 50–59)(55; range 26–74) and the group 1 the lowest values (29; range 22–37). The EEG bispectrum, as well as the BIS (Aspect XP™) measured at 1 MAC sevoflurane appeared to be strongly related to the age of children. PMID:15833781

  11. Small-animal PET of tumor damage induced by photothermal ablation with 64Cu-bis-DOTA-hypericin.


    Song, Shaoli; Xiong, Chiyi; Zhou, Min; Lu, Wei; Huang, Qian; Ku, Geng; Zhao, Jun; Flores, Leo G; Ni, Yicheng; Li, Chun


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the potential application of small-molecular-weight (64)Cu-labeled bis-DOTA-hypericin in the noninvasive assessment of response to photothermal ablation therapy. Bis-DOTA-hypericin was labeled with (64)Cu with high efficiency (>95% without purification). Nine mice bearing subcutaneous human mammary BT474 tumors were used. Five mice were injected intratumorally with semiconductor CuS nanoparticles, followed by near-infrared laser irradiation 24 h later (12 W/cm(2) for 3 min), and 4 mice were not treated (control group). All mice were intravenously injected with (64)Cu-bis-DOTA-hypericin (24 h after laser treatment in treated mice). Small-animal PET images were acquired at 2, 6, and 24 h after radiotracer injection. All mice were killed immediately after the imaging session for biodistribution and histology study. In vitro cell uptake and surface plasmon resonance studies were performed to validate the small-animal PET results. (64)Cu-bis-DOTA-hypericin uptake was significantly higher in the treatment group than in the control group. The percentage injected dose per gram of tissue in the treated and control groups was 1.72 ± 0.43 and 0.76 ± 0.19, respectively (P = 0.017), at 24 h after injection. Autoradiography and histology results were consistent with selective uptake of the radiotracer in the necrotic zone of the tumor induced by photothermal ablation therapy. In vitro results showed that treated BT474 cells had a higher uptake of (64)Cu-bis-DOTA-hypericin than nontreated cells. Surface plasmon resonance study showed that bis-DOTA-hypericin had higher binding affinity to phosphatidylserine and phosphatidylethanolamine than to phosphatidylcholine. (64)Cu-bis-DOTA-hypericin has a potential to image thermal therapy-induced tumor cell damage. The affinity of (64)Cu-bis-DOTA-hypericin for injured tissues may be attributed to the breakdown of the cell membrane and exposure of phosphatidylserine or phosphatidylethanolamine

  12. Regiochemically controlled synthesis of a β-4-β' [70]fullerene bis-adduct

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cerón, Maira R.; Castro, Edison; Neti, Venkata S. Pavan K.


    A β-4-β' C 70 bis-adduct regioisomer and an uncommon mono-adduct β-malonate C 70 derivative were synthesized by using a Diels–Alder cycloaddition followed by an addition–elimination of bromo-ethylmalonate and a retro-Diels–Alder cycloaddition reaction. Here, we also report the regioselective synthesis and spectroscopic characterization of C s-symmetric tris- and C 2v-symmetric tetra-adducts of C 70, which are the precursors of the mono- and bis-adduct final products.

  13. The von Auwers reaction - history and synthetic applications.


    Dumeunier, Raphaël; Jaeckh, Simon


    Dienones obtained from the facile dearomatization of phenols, can be further transformed to semi-benzenes prone to rearomatize in clean, but sometimes unexpected, fashion. Over a hundred years ago, K. von Auwers found that adding Grignards on dienones would lead spontaneously to subsequent dehydration and a novel aromatizing rearrangement. This reaction was ignored for 50 years before Melvin Newman re-investigated these findings, studied the mechanism, and developed variations on the same theme. Since then, despite the tremendous potential of the reactions, those studies were only rarely mentioned, before finally falling into oblivion. This review aims to provide the reader with a detailed history and comprehensive bibliography of the von Auwers rearrangement, some of its synthetic applications, and new unpublished material in the hope to open new perspectives on this forgotten reaction.

  14. Bis(amino)cyclopropenylidene (BAC) catalyzed aza-benzoin reaction.


    Wilde, Myron M D; Gravel, Michel


    A bis(amino)cyclopropenylidene (BAC) catalyzed aza-benzoin reaction between aldehydes and phosphinoyl imines has been developed. The reaction is general with a wide range of aromatic aldehydes and aromatic imines. The reaction displays excellent chemoselectivity favoring aza-benzoin products over homobenzoin products.

  15. Dr. von Braun Tours the North American Aviation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), during his tour of the Space information Division of North American Aviation (NAA) in Downey, California, where the Saturn SII stage was developed.

  16. Dr. von Braun tours the North American Aviation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. Wernher von Braun, Director of the Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC), during his tour of the Space Information Division of North American Aviation (NAA) in Downey, California, where the Saturn SII stage was developed.

  17. Protection against β-amyloid-induced synaptic and memory impairments via altering β-amyloid assembly by bis(heptyl)-cognitin

    PubMed Central

    Chang, Lan; Cui, Wei; Yang, Yong; Xu, Shujun; Zhou, Wenhua; Fu, Hongjun; Hu, Shengquan; Mak, Shinghung; Hu, Juwei; Wang, Qin; Pui-Yan Ma, Victor; Chung-lit Choi, Tony; Dik-lung Ma, Edmond; Tao, Liang; Pang, Yuanping; Rowan, Michael J.; Anwyl, Roger; Han, Yifan; Wang, Qinwen


    β-amyloid (Aβ) oligomers have been closely implicated in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). We found, for the first time, that bis(heptyl)-cognitin, a novel dimeric acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitor derived from tacrine, prevented Aβ oligomers-induced inhibition of long-term potentiation (LTP) at concentrations that did not interfere with normal LTP. Bis(heptyl)-cognitin also prevented Aβ oligomers-induced synaptotoxicity in primary hippocampal neurons. In contrast, tacrine and donepezil, typical AChE inhibitors, could not prevent synaptic impairments in these models, indicating that the modification of Aβ oligomers toxicity by bis(heptyl)-cognitin might be attributed to a mechanism other than AChE inhibition. Studies by using dot blotting, immunoblotting, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and transmission electron microscopy have shown that bis(heptyl)-cognitin altered Aβ assembly via directly inhibiting Aβ oligomers formation and reducing the amount of preformed Aβ oligomers. Molecular docking analysis further suggested that bis(heptyl)-cognitin presumably interacted with the hydrophobic pockets of Aβ, which confers stabilizing powers and assembly alteration effects on Aβ. Most importantly, bis(heptyl)-cognitin significantly reduced cognitive impairments induced by intra-hippocampal infusion of Aβ oligomers in mice. These results clearly demonstrated how dimeric agents prevent Aβ oligomers-induced synaptic and memory impairments, and offered a strong support for the beneficial therapeutic effects of bis(heptyl)-cognitin in the treatment of AD. PMID:26194093

  18. Electrochemistry of 1,1'-bis(2,4-dialkylphosphetanyl)ferrocene and 1,1'-bis(2,5-dialkylphospholanyl)ferrocene ligands: free phosphines, metal complexes, and chalcogenides.


    Mandell, Chelsea L; Kleinbach, Shannon S; Dougherty, William G; Kassel, W Scott; Nataro, Chip


    The oxidative electrochemistries of a series of chiral bisphosphinoferrocene ligands, 1,1'-bis(2,4-dialkylphosphetanyl)ferrocene (FerroTANE) and 1,1'-bis(2,5-dialkylphospholanyl)ferrocene (FerroLANE), were examined. The reversibility of the oxidation is sensitive to the steric bulk of the alkyl groups. New transition metal compounds and phosphine chalcogenides of these ligands were prepared and characterized. X-ray crystal structures of 10 of these compounds are reported. The percent buried volume (%V(bur)) is a recently developed measurement based on crystallographic data that examines the steric bulk of N-heterocyclic carbene and phosphine ligands. The %V(bur) for the FerroTANE and FerroLANE structures with methyl or ethyl substituents suggests these ligands are similar in steric properties to 1,1'-bis(diphenylphosphino)ferrocene (dppf). In addition the %V(bur) has been found to correlate well with the Tolman cone angle for phosphine chalcogenides. The oxidative electrochemistries of the transition metal complexes occur at more positive potentials than the free ligands. While a similar positive shift is seen for the oxidative electrochemistries of the phosphine chalcogenides, the oxidation of the phosphine selenides does not occur at the iron center, but rather oxidation occurs at the selenium atoms.

  19. Design of inside cut von koch fractal UWB MIMO antenna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tharani, V.; Shanmuga Priya, N.; Rajesh, A.


    An Inside Cut Hexagonal Von Koch fractal MIMO antenna is designed for UWB applications and its characteristics behaviour are studied. Self-comparative and space filling properties of Koch fractal structure are utilized in the antenna design which leads to the desired miniaturization and wideband characteristics. The hexagonal shaped Von Koch Fractal antenna with Defected Ground Structure (DGS) is designed on FR4 substrate with a compact size of 30mm x 20mm x 1.6mm. The antenna achieves a maximum of -44dB and -51dB at 7.1GHz for 1-element and 2-element case respectively.

  20. Cytotoxicity, DNA binding and localisation of novel bis-naphthalimidopropyl polyamine derivatives.


    Pavlov, V; Kong Thoo Lin, P; Rodilla, V


    Bis-naphthalimidopropyl spermidine (BNIPSpd), spermine (BNIPSpm) and oxa-spermine (BNIPOSpm) showed high in vitro cytotoxicity against human breast cancer MCF-7 cells with IC(50) values of 1.38, 2.91 and 8.45 microM, respectively. These compounds were found to effectively displace the intercalating agent ethidium bromide bound to the calf thymus DNA using fluorimetric methods (C(50) 0.08-0.12 microM) and their apparent equilibrium binding constants (K(app)) were calculated to be in the range of 10.5-18 x 10(7) M(-1). Furthermore, strong stabilisation of calf thymus DNA duplex in the presence of bis-naphthalimidopropyl polyamine derivatives (BNIPSpd, BNIPSpm and BNIPOSpm) was observed by UV spectrophotometric analysis (T(m)=93.3-97 degrees C compared with 75 degrees C for calf thymus DNA without drug). Because of their inherent fluorescence, these compounds were localised preferentially inside the nucleus as evidenced by their direct observation under the fluorescence microscope. The results obtained suggest that the cytotoxic activity of the bis-naphthalimidopropyl polyamines may be in part, caused by their effects on DNA.

  1. Effects of phenylated compounds of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) on diamine oxidase activity from rat small intestine.


    Balaña-Fouce, R; Pulido, T G; Escudero, D O; Sanz-Sanchez, F


    Two phenylated compounds of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), potentially inhibitors of diamine oxidase activity, have been synthesized: phenylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and diphenylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). Their inhibitory capacity was tested: while PGBG was able to reduce the enzyme activity by 50% at 1.3 microM, DPGBG was only able to reduce diamine oxidase activity by less than 2% at a concentration 1000-fold higher. The inhibition of PGBG was non-competitive and the Ki calculated by a Dixon plot was estimated as 1.7 microM.

  2. Elliptical Instability of Rotating Von Karman Street

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stegner, A.; Pichon, T.; Beunier, M.

    Clouds often reveal a meso-scale vortex shedding in the wake of mountainous islands. Unlike the classical bi-dimensional Von-Karman street, these observed vortex street are affected by the earth rot ation and vertical stratification. Theses effects could induce a selective destabilization of anticyclonic vortices. It is well known that inertial instability (also called centrifugal instability) induce a three- dimensional destabilization of anticyclonic structures when the absolute vorticity is larger than the local Coriolis parameter. However, we have shown, by the mean of laboratory experiments, that it is a different type of instability which is mainly responsible for asymmetric rotating Von-Karman street. A serie of experiments were performed to study the wake of a cylinder in a rotating fluid, at medium Reynolds number and order one Rossby number. We have shown that the vertical structure of unstable anticyclonic vortices is characteristic of an elliptical instability. Besides, unlike the inertial instability, the vertical unstable wavelength depends on the Rossby number.

  3. Inattentional blindness and the von Restorff effect.


    Schmidt, Stephen R; Schmidt, Constance R


    Sometimes we fail to notice distinctive or unusual items (inattentional blindness), while other times we remember distinctive items more than expected items (the von Restorff effect). A three-factor framework is presented and tested in two experiments in an attempt to reconcile these seemingly contradictory phenomena. Memory for different types of unexpected stimuli was tested after an easy or difficult Stroop color-naming task. Highly arousing taboo words were well remembered even when the difficult Stroop task limited attentional resources. However, a conceptual isolation effect was only observed when the nature of the category change was highlighted by the Stroop task, the Stroop task was easy, and/or the isolated targets enjoyed a retrieval advantage relative to comparison targets. As proposed in the three-factor framework, the arousing qualities of the stimuli, the attentional demands of the primary task, and the relevance of isolated features at encoding and retrieval combine to produce inattentional blindness and the von Restorff effect.

  4. 40 CFR 721.8250 - 1-Propanol, 3,3′-oxybis[2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false 1-Propanol, 3,3â²-oxybis[2,2-bis... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.8250 1-Propanol, 3,3′-oxybis[2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 1-propanol...

  5. 40 CFR 721.8250 - 1-Propanol, 3,3′-oxybis[2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false 1-Propanol, 3,3â²-oxybis[2,2-bis... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.8250 1-Propanol, 3,3′-oxybis[2,2-bis(bromomethyl)-. (a) Chemical substance and significant new uses subject to reporting. (1) The chemical substance identified as 1-propanol...

  6. Biosynthesis of nitrogen-containing natural products, C7N aminocyclitols and bis-indoles, from actinomycetes.


    Asamizu, Shumpei


    Actinomycetes are a major source of bioactive natural products with important pharmaceutical properties. Understanding the natural enzymatic assembly of complex small molecules is important for rational metabolic pathway design to produce "artificial" natural products in bacterial cells. This review will highlight current research on the biosynthetic mechanisms of two classes of nitrogen-containing natural products, C 7 N aminocyclitols and bis-indoles. Validamycin A is a member of C 7 N aminocyclitol natural products from Streptomyces hygroscopicus. Here, two important biosynthetic steps, pseudoglycosyltranferase-catalyzed C-N bond formation, and C 7 -sugar phosphate cyclase-catalyzed divergent carbasugar formation, will be reviewed. In addition, the bis-indolic natural products indolocarbazole, staurosporine from Streptomyces sp. TP-A0274, and rearranged bis-indole violacein from Chromobacterium violaceum are reviewed including the oxidative course of the assembly pathway for the bis-indolic scaffold. The identified biosynthesis mechanisms will be useful to generating new biocatalytic tools and bioactive compounds.

  7. Comparison of specificity of inhibition of polyamine synthesis in bovine lymphocytes by ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).


    Igarashi, K; Porter, C W; Morris, D R


    Ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (EGBG) was compared as an inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis with methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG) in bovine small lymphocytes stimulated by concanavalin A. EGBG brought about a decrease in spermidine and spermine levels equal to that found with MGBG, but at a 5-fold lower intracellular drug concentration. Despite identical polyamine levels, the degree of inhibition of DNA and protein synthesis by EGBG was smaller than that observed with MGBG, in either the presence or absence of the ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor, alpha-difluoromethylornithine. It was found that in vitro protein synthesis and in vivo mitochondrial function were inhibited by concentrations of MGBG necessary to inhibit polyamine synthesis in cells (1 to 3 mM), but not by efficacious levels of EGBG (0.2 to 0.6 mM). These results suggest that EGBG is more suitable as a specific inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis and that use of this drug, rather than MGBG, in combination with alpha-difluoromethylornithine may be useful for studying the physiological functions of polyamines in animal cells.

  8. Von Willebrand's disease: case report and review of literature.


    Echahdi, Hanae; El Hasbaoui, Brahim; El Khorassani, Mohamed; Agadr, Aomar; Khattab, Mohamed


    Von Willebrand Disease (VWD) is the most common human inherited bleeding disorder due to a defect of Von Willebrand Factor (VWF), which a glycoprotein crucial for platelet adhesion to the subendothelium after vascular injury. VWD include quantitative defects of VWF, either partial (type 1 with VWF levels < 50 IU/dL) or virtually total (type 3 with undetectable VWF levels) and also qualitative defects of VWF (type 2 variants with discrepant antigenic and functional VWF levels). The most bleeding forms of VWD usually do not concern type 1 patients with the mildest VWF defects (VWF levels between 30 and 50IU/dL). Von willebrand factor is a complex multimeric protein with two functions: it forms a bridge between the platelets and areas of vascular damage and it binds to and stabilizes factor VIII, which is necessary for the clotting cascade. By taking a clinical history of bleeding (mucocutaneous bleeding symptoms suggestive of a primary haemostatic disorder, a quantitative or qualitative abnormality of VWF is possible) it is important to think about VWD and to make the appropriate diagnosis. If the VWD is suspected diagnostic tests should include an activated partial thromboplastin time, bleeding time, factor VIII: C Ristocetin cofactor and vWF antigen. Additional testing of ristocetin induced plattlet adhesion (RIPA) the multimeric structure and collagen binding test and genanalysis allow diagnosing the different types of von. Willebrand Disease. The treatment of choice in mild forms is the synthetic agent desmopressin. In patients with severe type 1, type 2B, 2N and type 3 or in people who do not response to desmopressin, the appropriate treatment is a factor VIII concentrate that is rich of VWF. We report a case of infant in 27-month-old boy who had been referred due to haemorrhagic shock. His birth histories, his familie's social history and developmental milestones were unremarkable. He was born at full term with no antenatal or perinatal complications. Prior to

  9. Segmentierung von Aortenaneurysmen in CTA-Bildern mit dem statistischen Verfahren der Active Appearance Models

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greiner, Katharina; Egger, Jan; Großkopf, Stefan; Kaftan, Jens N.; Dörner, Ralf; Freisleben, Bernd

    In diesem Beitrag werden Active Appearance Models (AAMs) zur Segmentierung der äußeren Kontur von Aortenaneurysmen eingesetzt. Diese Aufgabe ist wegen des geringen Kontrastes zum umliegenden Gewebe und des Aufbaus der teils thrombotisierten oder kalzifizierten Gefäßwände im Bereich eines Aneurysmas so komplex, dass sie aufgrund der Vielgestalt der Kontur in CT-Angiographie-Bildern die Verwendung eines statistischen Modells für Form und eingeschlossene Textur rechtfertigt. Für die Evaluation des Verfahrens wurden verschiedene statistische Modelle aus Schichten von neun CTA-Datensätzen trainiert und die Segmentierung anhand von Leave-One-Out-Tests überprüft.

  10. Regulatory behavior and frontal activity: Considering the role of revised-BIS in relative right frontal asymmetry.


    Gable, Philip A; Neal, Lauren B; Threadgill, A Hunter


    Essential to human behavior are three core personality systems: approach, avoidance, and a regulatory system governing the two motivational systems. Decades of research has linked approach motivation with greater relative left frontal-cortical asymmetry. Other research has linked avoidance motivation with greater relative right frontal-cortical asymmetry. However, past work linking withdrawal motivation with greater relative right frontal asymmetry has been mixed. The current article reviews evidence suggesting that activation of the regulatory system (revised Behavioral Inhibition System [r-BIS]) may be more strongly related to greater relative right frontal asymmetry than withdrawal motivation. Specifically, research suggests that greater activation of the r-BIS is associated with greater relative right frontal activity, and reduced r-BIS activation is associated with reduced right frontal activity (greater relative left frontal activity). We review evidence examining trait and state frontal activity using EEG, source localization, lesion studies, neuronal stimulation, and fMRI supporting the idea that r-BIS may be the core personality system related to greater relative right frontal activity. In addition, the current review seeks to disentangle avoidance motivation and r-BIS as substrates of relative right frontal asymmetry. © 2017 Society for Psychophysiological Research.

  11. Dr. von Braun Visits Huntsville Boys Club

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. von Braun, Director of Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC) and chairman of this year's United Givers Fund (UGF) drive at MSFC, takes time out from the problems of sending a man to the Moon to talk baseball with 11-year-old Randy Smith at the Huntsville Boys Club.

  12. Control of morphology and function of low band gap polymer–bis-fullerene mixed heterojunctions in organic photovoltaics with selective solvent vapor annealing

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chen, Huipeng; Hsiao, Yu-Che; Hu, Bin


    We reported how by replacing PCBM with a bis-adduct fullerene (i.e. ICBA) we significantly improve the open circuit voltage (VOC) and power conversion efficiency (PCE) in P3HT bulk heterojunctions. But, for the most promising low band-gap polymer (LBP) systems, replacing PCBM with ICBA results in very poor shortcircuit current (JSC) and PCE although the VOC is significantly improved. Therefore, in this work, we have completed small angle neutron scattering and neutron reflectometry experiments to study the impact of post-deposition solvent annealing (SA) with control of solvent quality on the morphology and performance of LBP bis-fullerene BHJ photovoltaics. Our results showmore » that SA in a solvent that is selective for the LBP results in a depletion of bis-fullerene near the air surface, which limits device performance. SA in a solvent vapor which has similar solubility for polymer and bis-fullerene results in a higher degree of polymer ordering, bis-fullerene phase separation, and segregation of the bis-fullerene to the air surface, which facilitates charge transport and increases power conversion efficiency (PCE) by 100%. The highest degree of polymer ordering combined with significant bis-fullerene phase separation and segregation of bis-fullerene to the air surface is obtained by SA in a solvent vapor that is selective for the bis-fullerene. The resultant morphology increases PCE by 190%. These results indicate that solvent annealing with judicious solvent choice provides a unique tool to tune the morphology of LBP bisfullerene BHJ system, providing sufficient polymer ordering, formation of a bis-fullerene pure phase, and segregation of bis-fullerene to the air surface to optimize the morphology of the active layer. Furthermore, this process is broadly applicable to improving current disappointing LBP bis-fullerene systems to optimize their morphology and OPV performance post-deposition, including higher VOC and power conversion efficiency.« less

  13. A tightly coupled linear array of perylene, bis(porphyrin), and phthalocyanine units that functions as a photoinduced energy-transfer cascade


    Miller; Lammi; Prathapan; Holten; Lindsey


    We have prepared a linear array of chromophores consisting of a perylene input unit, a bis(free base porphyrin) transmission unit, and a free base phthalocyanine output unit for studies in artificial photosynthesis and molecular photonics. The synthesis involved four stages: (1) a rational synthesis of trans-AB2C-porphyrin building blocks each bearing one meso-unsubstituted position, (2) oxidative, meso,meso coupling of the zinc porphyrin monomers to afford a bis(zinc porphyrin) bearing one phthalonitrile group and one iodophenyl group, (3) preparation of a bis(porphyrin)-phthalocyanine array via a mixed cyclization involving the bis(free base porphyrin) and 4-tert-butylphthalonitrile, and (4) Pd-mediated coupling of an ethynylperylene to afford a perylene-bis(porphyrin)-phthalocyanine linear array. The perylene-bis(porphyrin)-phthalocyanine array absorbs strongly across the visible spectrum. Excitation at 490 nm, where the perylene absorbs preferentially, results in fluorescence almost exclusively from the phthalocyanine (phi(f) = 0.78). The excited phthalocyanine forms with time constants of 2 ps (90%) and 13 ps (10%). The observed time constants resemble those of corresponding phenylethyne-linked dyads, including a perylene-porphyrin (< or = 0.5 ps) and a porphyrin-phthalocyanine (1.1 ps (70%) and 8 ps (30%)). The perylene-bis(porphyrin)-phthalocyanine architecture exhibits efficient light-harvesting properties and rapid funneling of energy in a cascade from perylene to bis(porphyrin) to phthalocyanine.

  14. Porphyrin amino acids-amide coupling, redox and photophysical properties of bis(porphyrin) amides.


    Melomedov, Jascha; Wünsche von Leupoldt, Anica; Meister, Michael; Laquai, Frédéric; Heinze, Katja


    New trans-AB2C meso-substituted porphyrin amino acid esters with meso-substituents of tunable electron withdrawing power (B = mesityl, 4-C6H4F, 4-C6H4CF3, C6F5) were prepared as free amines 3a-3d, as N-acetylated derivatives Ac-3a-Ac-3d and corresponding zinc(II) complexes Zn-Ac-3a-Zn-Ac-3d. Several amide-linked bis(porphyrins) with a tunable electron density at each porphyrin site were obtained from the amino porphyrin precursors by condensation reactions (4a-4d) and mono- and bis(zinc(II)) complexes Zn(2)-4d and Zn(1)Zn(2)-4d were prepared. The electronic interaction between individual porphyrin units in bis(porphyrins) 4 is probed by electrochemical experiments (CV, EPR), electronic absorption spectroscopy, steady-state and time-resolved fluorescence spectroscopy in combination with DFT/PCM calculations on diamagnetic neutral bis(porphyrins) 4 and on respective charged mixed-valent radicals 4(+/-). The interaction via the -C6H4-NHCO-C6H4- bridge, the site of oxidation and reduction and the lowest excited singlet state S1, is tuned by the substituents on the individual porphyrins and the metalation state.

  15. Transition metal coordination chemistry ofN,N-bis(2-{pyrid-2-ylethyl})hydroxylamine.


    Belock, Christopher W; Cetin, Anil; Barone, Natalie V; Ziegler, Christopher J


    Although directly relevant to metal mediated biological nitrification as well as the coordination chemistry of peroxide, the metal complexes of hydroxylamines and their functionalized variants remain largely unexplored. The chelating hydroxylamine ligand N,N-bis(2-{pyrid-2-ylethyl})hydroxylamine can be readily generated via a solvent free reaction in high purity; however, the ligand is prone to decomposition which can hamper metal reaction. N,N-bis(2-{pyrid-2-ylethyl})hydroxylamine forms stable complexes with chromium(III), manganese(II), nickel(II), and cadmium(II) ions, coordinating in a side-on mode in the case of chromium and via the nitrogen in the case of the latter three metal ions. The hydroxylamine ligand can also be reduced to form N,N-bis(2-{pyrid-2-ylethyl})amine upon exposure to a stoichiometric amount of the metal salts cobalt(II) nitrate, vanadium(III) chloride, and iron(II) chloride. In the reaction with cobalt nitrate, the reduced ligand then chelates to the metal to form [N,N-bis(2-{pyrid-2-ylethyl})amine]dinitrocobalt(II). Upon reaction with vanadium(III) chloride and iron(III) chloride, the reduced ligand is isolated as the protonated free base, resulting from a metal-mediated decomposition reaction.

  16. Physiological effects in bovine lymphocytes of inhibiting polyamine synthesis with ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).


    Igarashi, K; Morris, D R


    Previous results have suggested that ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) is a more specific inhibitor of polyamine biosynthesis than the widely used methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). The physiological effects on mitogenically activated lymphocytes of polyamine depletion with ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) were examined. In the presence of ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and the ornithine decarboxylase inhibitor alpha-difluoromethylornithine, the cellular contents of putrescine, spermidine, and spermine were decreased by 75 to 90, 65 to 80, and 40 to 60%, respectively, compared with control cultures. Inhibition of DNA synthesis in these polyamine-deficient cells was always greater than that of protein synthesis. Upon addition of spermidine to the deficient cells, the cellular spermidine content was restored within 4 hr, but the complete recovery of macromolecular synthesis took 10 to 20 hr. Thymidine kinase and DNA polymerase alpha activities in polyamine-deficient cells were lower than those in normal cells, whereas RNA polymerase II and leucyl transfer RNA synthase activities were nearly equal to those in normal cells. These results and studies with 2-dimensional gel electrophoresis raise the possibility that polyamines may regulate the synthesis of specific proteins. Decreased synthesis of replication proteins in polyamine-deficient cells may be one reason for the reduced synthesis of DNA.

  17. Trizentrische Analyse von Kofaktoren und Komorbidität des Pyoderma gangraenosum.


    Jockenhöfer, Finja; Herberger, Katharina; Schaller, Jörg; Hohaus, Katja Christina; Stoffels-Weindorf, Maren; Ghazal, Philipp Al; Augustin, Matthias; Dissemond, Joachim


    Das Pyoderma gangraenosum (PG) ist eine seltene, inflammatorische destruktiv-ulzerierende neutrophile Erkrankung mit weitgehend unklarer Pathophysiologie. In dieser Studie wurden die potenziell relevanten Kofaktoren und Begleiterkrankungen von Patienten mit PG aus drei dermatologischen Wundzentren in Deutschland differenziert ausgewertet. Von den insgesamt 121 analysierten Patienten waren Frauen (66,9 %) häufiger betroffen als Männer. Das Alter der Patienten war 18-96 Jahre (Mittelwert [MW]: 59,8); die Wunden hatten eine Größe von 1-600 cm² (MW: 65,6 cm²) und waren überwiegend sehr schmerzhaft (VAS 1-10, MW: 7). Die Unterschenkel waren am häufigsten (71,9 %) betroffen. Bei 12 (9,9 %) Patienten bestanden chronisch entzündliche Darmerkrankungen (5,8 % Colitis ulcerosa; 4,1 % Morbus Crohn), bei 14,1 % der Patienten wurde eine Begleiterkrankung aus dem rheumatischen Formenkreis beschrieben. Neoplasien bestanden bei 20,6 % der Patienten, von denen 6,6 % als hämatologische und 14,1 % als solide Neoplasien klassifiziert wurden. Aus dem Kreis des metabolischen Syndroms wurde bei 69,4 % Patienten eine Adipositas, bei 57,9 % eine arterielle Hypertonie und bei 33,9 % ein Diabetes mellitus diagnostiziert. Diese Datenanalyse bestätigt Assoziationen des PG mit dem metabolischen Syndrom und mit Neoplasien, die zukünftig frühzeitig bei einer zielgerichteten Diagnostik der Patienten beachtet und behandelt werden sollten. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. 4,4\\'-Methylene bis(N,N\\'-dimethyl)aniline

    Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS)

    4,4 ' - Methylene bis ( N , N ' - dimethyl ) aniline ; CASRN 101 - 61 - 1 Human health assessment information on a chemical substance is included in the IRIS database only after a comprehensive review of toxicity data , as outlined in the IRIS assessment development process . Sections I ( Health Haz

  19. (Never) Mind your p's and q's: Von Neumann versus Jordan on the foundations of quantum theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duncan, A.; Janssen, M.


    In 1927, in two papers entitled "On a new foundation [Neue Begründung] of quantum mechanics," Pascual Jordan presented his version of what came to be known as the Dirac-Jordan statistical transformation theory. Jordan and Paul Dirac arrived at essentially the same theory independently of one another at around the same time. Later in 1927, partly in response to Jordan and Dirac and avoiding the mathematical difficulties facing their approach, John von Neumann developed the modern Hilbert space formalism of quantum mechanics. We focus on Jordan and von Neumann. Central to the formalisms of both are expressions for conditional probabilities of finding some value for one quantity given the value of another. Beyond that Jordan and von Neumann had very different views about the appropriate formulation of problems in quantum mechanics. For Jordan, unable to let go of the analogy to classical mechanics, the solution of such problems required the identification of sets of canonically conjugate variables, i.e., p's and q's. For von Neumann, not constrained by the analogy to classical mechanics, it required only the identification of a maximal set of commuting operators with simultaneous eigenstates. He had no need for p's and q's. Jordan and von Neumann also stated the characteristic new rules for probabilities in quantum mechanics somewhat differently. Jordan and Dirac were the first to state those rules in full generality. Von Neumann rephrased them and, in a paper published a few months later, sought to derive them from more basic considerations. In this paper we reconstruct the central arguments of these 1927 papers by Jordan and von Neumann and of a paper on Jordan's approach by Hilbert, von Neumann, and Nordheim. We highlight those elements in these papers that bring out the gradual loosening of the ties between the new quantum formalism and classical mechanics. This paper was written as part of a joint project in the history of quantum physics of the Max Planck

  20. Experimental and theoretical studies of the crystal structures of bis-isoxazole-bis-methylene dinitrate (BIDN) and bis-isoxazole tetramethylene tetranitrate (BITN) by x-ray crystallography and density functional theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taylor, Decarlos E.; Sausa, Rosario C.


    The determination of crystal structures plays an important role for model testing and validation, and understanding intra and intermolecular interactions that influence crystal packing. Here, we report the molecular structure of two recently synthesized energetic molecules, 3,3-bis-isoxazole-5,5‧-bis-methylene dinitrate (C8H6N4O8, BIDN) and bis-isoxazole tetramethylene tetranitrate (C10H8N6O14, BITN) determined by single crystal x-ray diffraction and solid state density functional theory (DFT). BIDN is composed of two planar alkyl nitrate groups (r.m.s deviation = 0.0004 (1) Å) bonded to two planar azole rings (r.m.s deviation = 0.001 (1) Å, whereas BITN is composed of four planar alkyl nitrate groups (average r.m.s deviation = 0.002 (1) Å) bonded to two planar azole rings (average r.m.s deviation = 0.002 (1) Å). The theoretical calculations predict very well the planarity of both the alkyl nitrate groups and rings for both compounds. Furthermore, they predict well the bond lengths and angles of both molecules with mean deviation values of 0.018 Å (BIDN) and 0.017 Å (BITN) and 0.481° (BIDN) and 0.747° (BITN). Overall, the DFT determined torsion angles agree well with those determined experimentally for both BIDN (average deviation = 1.139°) and BITN (average deviation = 0.604°). The theoretical cell constant values are in excellent agreement with those determined experimentally for both molecules, with the BIDN a cell value and β angle showing the largest deviation, 2.1% and -1.3%, respectively. Contacts between the atoms N and H dominate the intermolecular interactions of BIDN, whereas contacts involving the atoms O and H dominate the BITN intermolecular interactions. Electrostatic potential calculations at the B3LYP/6-31G* level reveal BIDN exhibits a lower sensitivity to impact compared to BITN.

  1. Polyamine metabolism in the kidneys of castrated and testosterone-treated mice after administration of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone).


    Henningsson, S; Persson, L; Rosengren, E


    The effects of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) on S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase (EC activity were studied in the mouse kidney stimulated to growth by testosterone administration. The drug was found a potent inhibitor of the enzyme in vitrol Administration of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) in vivo resulted in a transient inhibition followed by a strong enhancement of the enzyme activity. Dialysis of the kidney extract, to remove remaining methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), revealed a great and rapid increase in the activity of S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase. Injections of testosterone to castrated mice resulted in a marked increase in kidney weight and an accumulation of renal putrescine, spermidine and spermine. These effects of testosterone could not be blocked by simultaneous injections of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). It appears that due to secondary effects by which the inhibition of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) on S-adenosyl-L-methionine decarboxylase activity is circumvented the inhibitor seems to be of uncertain value in attempts to decrease selectively the in vivo levels of polyamines.

  2. Beyond victimhood. The struggle of Munich anatomist Titus von Lanz during National Socialism.


    Schütz, Mathias; Waschke, Jens; Marckmann, Georg; Steger, Florian


    The article analyzes the life and career of the anatomist Titus von Lanz (1897-1967) of Munich focusing on the period of National Socialism (NS). Von Lanz lost his position as an associate professor at the Anatomical Institute of Munich University because of his marriage to a "half-Jewish" woman in 1938. In contrast to most of his colleagues affected by National Socialist measures, von Lanz had opportunities to save his career and made extensive use of them. His story is that of a complicated struggle for the continuation of his work, involving a wide range of supporters from prestigious physicians to high-ranking National Socialist officials as well as the alienation of his colleagues at the Munich department of anatomy. The article tries to clarify these developments through the presentation of his social background, his supporters, his enemies, the research he conducted during NS and von Lanz' own remembrance of these developments from the post-war period. It aims at laying out a critical appreciation of his motives and actions, thereby contributing to the understanding of individual behavior of anatomists under NS. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  3. Effect of Annealing Temperature on Flowerlike Cu3BiS3 Thin Films Grown by Chemical Bath Deposition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Deshmukh, S. G.; Patel, S. J.; Patel, K. K.; Panchal, A. K.; Kheraj, Vipul


    For widespread application of thin-film photovoltaic solar cells, synthesis of inexpensive absorber material is essential. In this work, deposition of ternary Cu3BiS3 absorber material, which contains abundant and environmentally benign elements, was carried out on glass substrate. Flowerlike Cu3BiS3 thin films with nanoflakes as building block were formed on glass substrate by chemical bath deposition. These films were annealed at 573 K and 673 K in sulfur ambient for structural improvement. Their structure was characterized using Raman spectroscopy, as well as their surface morphological and optical properties. The x-ray diffraction profile of as-deposited Cu3BiS3 thin film revealed amorphous structure, which transformed to orthorhombic phase after annealing. The Raman spectrum exhibited a characteristic peak at 290 cm-1. Scanning electron microscopy of as-deposited Cu3BiS3 film confirmed formation of nanoflowers with diameter of around 1052 nm. Wettability testing of as-deposited Cu3BiS3 thin film demonstrated hydrophobic nature, which became hydrophilic after annealing. The measured ultraviolet-visible (UV-Vis) absorption spectra of the Cu3BiS3 thin films gave an absorption coefficient of 105 cm-1 and direct optical bandgap of about 1.42 eV after annealing treatment. Based on all these results, such Cu3BiS3 material may have potential applications in the photovoltaic field as an absorber layer.

  4. An Alternative Perspective on von Winterfeldt et al.'s (1997) Test of Consequence Monotonicity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ho, Moon-Ho R.; Regenwetter, Michel; Niederee, Reinhard; Heyer, Dieter


    D. von Winterfeldt, N.-K. Chung, R. D. Luce, and Y. Cho (see record 1997-03378-008) provided several tests for consequence monotonicity of choice or judgment, using certainty equivalents of gambles. The authors reaxiomatized consequence monotonicity in a probabilistic framework and reanalyzed von Winterfeldt et al.'s main experiment via a…

  5. The Brief Impairment Scale (Bis): A Multidimensional Scale of Functional Impairment for Children and Adolescents.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bird, Hector R.; Canino, Glorisa J.; Davies, Mark; Ramirez, Rafael; Chavez, Ligia; Duarte, Cristiane; Shen, Sa


    Objective: This article provides the results of the psychometric testing of the Brief Impairment Scale (BIS). The BIS is a 23-item instrument that evaluates three domains of functioning: interpersonal relations, school/work functioning, and self-care/self-fulfilment. It capitalizes on the strengths of existing global measures while addressing some…

  6. A novel fluorescent probe (dtpa-bis(cytosine)) for detection of Eu(III) in rare earth metal ions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Fan; Ren, Peipei; Liu, Guanhong; Song, Youtao; Bu, Naishun; Wang, Jun


    In this paper, a novel fluorescent probe, dtpa-bis(cytosine), was designed and synthesized for detecting europium (Eu3 +) ion. Upon addition of Eu3 + ions into the dtpa-bis(cytosine) solution, the fluorescence intensity can strongly be enhanced. Conversely, adding other rare earth metal ions, such as Y3 +, Ce3 +, Pr3 +, Nd3 +, Sm3 +, Gd3 +, Tb3 +, Dy3 +, Ho3 +, Er3 +, Yb3 + and Lu3 +, into dtpa-bis(cytosine) solution, the fluorescence intensity is decreased slightly. Some parameters affecting the fluorescence intensity of dtpa-bis(cytosine) solution in the presence of Eu3 + ions were investigated, including solution pH value, Eu3 + ion concentration and interfering substances. The detection mechanism of Eu3 + ion using dtpa-bis(cytosine) as fluorescent probe was proposed. Under optimum conditions, the fluorescence emission intensities of EuIII-dtpa-bis(cytosine) at 375 nm in the concentration range of 0.50 × 10- 5 mol • L- 1-5.00 × 10- 5 mol • L- 1 of Eu3 + ion display a better linear relationship. The limit of detection (LOD) was determined as 8.65 × 10- 7 mol • L- 1 and the corresponding correlation coefficient (R2) of the linear equation is 0.9807. It is wished that the proposed method could be applied for sensitively and selectively detecting Eu3 + ion.

  7. A tale of two diatheses: Temperament, BIS, and BAS as risk factors for mood disorder.


    Van Meter, Anna R; Youngstrom, Eric A


    Learning more about how biological traits, like temperament and sensitivity in the behavioral inhibition (BIS) and behavioral activation (BAS) systems, relate to mood pathology is consistent with the Research Domain Criteria initiative׳s goal of investigating mechanisms of risk. Korean young adults (n=128) and American young adults (n=630, of whom 23 has recent treatment for bipolar disorder, and 21for depression) completed self-report questionnaires, including the TEMPS-A, the BIS/BAS scales, Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), and Hypomanic Checklist (HCL-32). Linear regression quantified relations between mood symptoms, sample characteristics, temperament, and BIS/BAS. Temperament styles explained 49% of the variance in BDI scores. BIS explained an additional 1% of the variance in BDI scores. BAS Fun and Reward (p<.01), in addition to cyclothymic and hyperthymic temperaments (p<.001) explained 21% of the variance in HCL-32 scores. Sample characteristics were not significant predictors in the full model. Differences in sample size, the cross-sectional study design, and lack of collateral report or behavioral measures of constructs are limitations. Affective temperament and BIS/BAS are complementary but distinct constructs. Affective temperament, particularly cyclothymic, may represent a stronger diathesis for mood pathology, and seems potent irrespective of culture or diagnosis. Assessing temperament may help overcome some challenges in diagnosing mood disorders. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Crystal structures of functional building blocks derived from bis(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)methane.


    Katzsch, Felix; Gruber, Tobias; Weber, Edwin


    The syntheses of three bis(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)methane derivatives, namely bis(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)methanone, C17H10OS2, (I), 1,1-bis(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)-3-(trimethylsilyl)prop-2-yn-1-ol, C22H20OS2Si, (II), and 1,1-bis(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)prop-2-yn-1-ol, C19H12OS2, (III), are described and their crystal structures discussed comparatively. The conformation of ketone (I) and the respective analogues are rather similar for most of the compounds compared. This is true for the interplanar angles, the Caryl-Cbridge-Caryl angles and the dihedral angles. The best resemblance is found for a bioisotere of (I), viz. 2,2'-dinaphthyl ketone, (VII). By way of interest, the crystal packings also reveal similarities between (I) and (VII). In (I), the edge-to-face interactions seen between two napthyl residues in (VII) are substituted by S...π contacts between the benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl units in (I). In the structures of the bis(benzo[b]thiophen-2-yl)methanols, i.e. (II) and (III), the interplanar angles are also quite similar compared with analogues and related active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) containing the dithiophen-2-ylmethane scaffold, though the dihedral angles show a larger variability and produce unsymmetrical molecules.

  9. Acute treatment with bis selenide, an organic compound containing the trace element selenium, prevents memory deficits induced by reserpine in rats.


    Bortolatto, Cristiani Folharini; Guerra Souza, Ana Cristina; Wilhelm, Ethel Antunes; Nogueira, Cristina Wayne


    Taking into account the promising pharmacological actions of (Z)-2,3-bis(4-chlorophenylselanyl) prop-2-en-1-ol) (bis selenide), an organic compound containing the trace element selenium, and the constant search for drugs that improve the cognitive performance, the objective of the present study was to investigate whether bis selenide treatment ameliorates memory deficits induced by reserpine in rats. For this aim, male adult rats received a single subcutaneous injection of reserpine (1 mg/kg), a biogenic amine-depleting agent used to induce memory deficit. After 24 h, bis selenide at doses of 25 and 50 mg/kg was administered to rats by intragastric route, and 1 h later, the animals were submitted to behavior tasks. The effects of acute administration of bis selenide on memory were evaluated by social recognition, step-down passive avoidance, and object recognition paradigms. Exploratory and locomotor activities of rats were determined using the open-field test. Analysis of data revealed that the social memory disruption caused by reserpine was reversed by bis selenide at both doses. In addition, bis selenide, at the highest dose, prevented the memory deficit resulting from reserpine administration to rats in step-down passive avoidance and object recognition tasks. No significant alterations in locomotor and exploratory behaviors were found in animals treated with reserpine and/or bis selenide. Results obtained from distinct memory behavioral paradigms revealed that an acute treatment with bis selenide attenuated memory deficits induced by reserpine in rats.

  10. [Scientific theoretical founding of medicine as a natural science by Hermann von Helmholtz (1821-1894)].


    Neumann, J N


    In this study an attempt will be made to discuss the epistemological problems in the theory and practice of modern technical medicine in the writings of Hermann von Helmholz. An inquiry into the relationship between von Helmholtz' thinking and the critical philosophy of Immanuel Kant is followed by the characteristics of von Helmholtz' philosophy of science which he himself called "empirical theory". The question of medicine as a science finally leads to the main problem of medical epistemology, viz., the relationship between theoretical knowledge and practice in medicine. In this context the anthropological dimension is brought into consideration.

  11. Interactive Effects of the BIS and the BAS on Trajectories of Alcohol Misuse after University Graduation.


    Keough, Matthew T; O'Connor, Roisin M


    Reinforcement Sensitivity Theory predicts that those with a strong behavioral inhibition system (BIS) likely experience considerable anxiety and uncertainty during the transition out of university. Accordingly, they may continue to drink heavily to cope during this time (a period associated with normative reductions in heavy drinking), but only if they also have a strong behavioral approach system (BAS) to enhance the anxiolytic effects of drinking. The purpose of this study was to test this hypothesis. Participants completed online measures prior to and at 3-month intervals over the course of the year following graduation. As hypothesized, results showed that an elevated BIS predicted impeded maturing out, but only when the impulsivity facet of BAS was also elevated. In contrast, a strong BIS predicted rapid maturing out if BAS impulsivity was weak. Study findings advance our understanding of BIS-related alcohol misuse trajectories in young adulthood and provide direction for clinical interventions.

  12. Biochemical and chemical characterization of trifluoromethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), a close analog of the antileukemic drug mitoguazone.


    Elo, H; Mutikainen, I


    In order to study the structure-activity relationships of bis(guanylhydrazone) type polyamine antimetabolites, trifluoromethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (CF3-GBG), a close analog of the antileukemic drug methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (mitoguazone, MGBG) was synthesized according to a novel modification of previous methods, yielding single crystals. Single-crystal X-ray crystallography revealed the presence of an isomer different from the one detected in the case of MGBG and all other bis(guanylhydrazones) so far studied. In contrast to MGBG, CF3-GBG was shown to be a very weak inhibitor of yeast adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, being thus devoid of value as a polyamine antimetabolite. In addition, the compound did not have antiproliferative activity against mouse L1210 leukemia cells in vitro. As long as analogous isomers of the two compounds are not available, no conclusions can be drawn about the reasons lying behind the drastical differences between their biological properties.

  13. 40 CFR 721.10714 - Zinc bis(dialkyldithiocarbamate) (generic).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Zinc bis(dialkyldithiocarbamate) (generic). 721.10714 Section 721.10714 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) TOXIC SUBSTANCES CONTROL ACT SIGNIFICANT NEW USES OF CHEMICAL SUBSTANCES Significant New Uses for Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10714 Zinc...

  14. Rhenium complexes of bidentate, bis-bidentate and tridentate N-heterocyclic carbene ligands.


    Chan, Chung Ying; Barnard, Peter J


    A series of eight Rhenium(I)-N-heterocyclic carbene (NHC) complexes of the general form [ReCl(CO)3(C^C)] (where C^C is a bis(NHC) bidentate ligand), [ReCl(CO)3(C^C)]2 (where C^C is a bis-bidentate tetra-NHC ligand) and [Re(CO)3(C^N^C)](+)[X](-) (where C^N^C is a bis(NHC)-amine ligand and the counter ion X is either the ReO4(-) or PF6(-)) have been synthesised using a Ag2O transmetallation protocol. The novel precursor imidazolium salts and Re(I) complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, (1)H and (13)C NMR spectroscopy and the molecular structures for two imidazolium salt and six Re(I) complexes were determined by single crystal X-ray diffraction. These NHC ligand systems are of interest for possible applications in the development of Tc-99m or Re-186/188 radiopharmaceuticals and as such the stability of two complexes of the form [ReCl(CO)3(C^C)] and [Re(CO)3(C^N^C)][ReO4] were evaluated in ligand challenge experiments using the metal binding amino acids L-histidine or L-cysteine. These studies showed that the former was unstable, with the chloride ligand being replaced by either cysteine or histidine, while no evidence for transchelation was observed for the latter suggesting that bis(NHC)-amine ligands of this type may be suitable for biological applications.

  15. Physical Realization of von Neumann Lattices in Rotating Bose Gases with Dipole Interatomic Interactions.


    Cheng, Szu-Cheng; Jheng, Shih-Da


    This paper reports a novel type of vortex lattice, referred to as a bubble crystal, which was discovered in rapidly rotating Bose gases with long-range interactions. Bubble crystals differ from vortex lattices which possess a single quantum flux per unit cell, while atoms in bubble crystals are clustered periodically and surrounded by vortices. No existing model is able to describe the vortex structure of bubble crystals; however, we identified a mathematical lattice, which is a subset of coherent states and exists periodically in the physical space. This lattice is called a von Neumann lattice, and when it possesses a single vortex per unit cell, it presents the same geometrical structure as an Abrikosov lattice. In this report, we extend the von Neumann lattice to one with an integral number of flux quanta per unit cell and demonstrate that von Neumann lattices well reproduce the translational properties of bubble crystals. Numerical simulations confirm that, as a generalized vortex, a von Neumann lattice can be physically realized using vortex lattices in rapidly rotating Bose gases with dipole interatomic interactions.

  16. Copper(II)-bis(thiosemicarbazonato) complexes as anti-chlamydial agents.


    Marsh, James W; Djoko, Karrera Y; McEwan, Alastair G; Huston, Wilhelmina M


    Lipophilic copper (Cu)-containing complexes have shown promising antibacterial activity against a range of bacterial pathogens. To examine the susceptibility of the intracellular human pathogen Chlamydia trachomatis to copper complexes containing bis(thiosemicarbazone) ligands [Cu(btsc)], we tested the in vitro effect of CuII-diacetyl- and CuII-glyoxal-bis[N(4)-methylthiosemicarbazonato] (Cu(atsm) and Cu(gtsm), respectively) on C. trachomatis. Cu(atsm) and to a greater extent, Cu(gtsm), prevented the formation of infectious chlamydial progeny. Impacts on host cell viability and respiration were also observed in addition to the Chlamydia impacts. This work suggests that copper-based complexes may represent a new lead approach for future development of new therapeutics against chlamydial infections, although host cell impacts need to be fully explored. © FEMS 2017. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  17. Identifikationsverfahren zur Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie mit Reaktions-Diffusions Netzwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gollas, F.; Tetzlaff, R.


    Partielle Differentialgleichungen des Reaktions-Diffusions-Typs beschreiben Phänomene wie Musterbildung, nichtlineare Wellenausbreitung und deterministisches Chaos und werden oft zur Untersuchung komplexer Vorgänge auf den Gebieten der Biologie, Chemie und Physik herangezogen. Zellulare Nichtlineare Netzwerke (CNN) sind eine räumliche Anordnung vergleichsweise einfacher dynamischer Systeme, die eine lokale Kopplung untereinander aufweisen. Durch eine Diskretisierung der Ortsvariablen können Reaktions-Diffusions-Gleichungen häufig auf CNN mit nichtlinearen Gewichtsfunktionen abgebildet werden. Die resultierenden Reaktions-Diffusions-CNN (RD-CNN) weisen dann in ihrer Dynamik näherungsweise gleiches Verhalten wie die zugrunde gelegten Reaktions-Diffusions-Systeme auf. Werden RD-CNN zur Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen herangezogen, so besteht die Möglichkeit festzustellen, ob das gefundene Netzwerk lokale Aktivität aufweist. Die von Chua eingeführte Theorie der lokalen Aktivität Chua (1998); Dogaru und Chua (1998) liefert eine notwendige Bedingung für das Auftreten von emergentem Verhalten in zellularen Netzwerken. Änderungen in den Parametern bestimmter RD-CNN könnten auf bevorstehende epileptische Anfälle hinweisen. In diesem Beitrag steht die Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen durch Reaktions-Diffusions-Netzwerke im Vordergrund der dargestellten Untersuchungen. In der Ergebnisdiskussion wird insbesondere auch die Frage nach einer geeigneten Netzwerkstruktur mit minimaler Komplexität behandelt.

  18. Interaktive Visualisierung von Abständen und Ausdehnungen anatomischer Strukturen für die Interventionsplanung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rössling, Ivo; Cyrus, Christian; Dornheim, Lars; Hahn, Peter; Preim, Bernhard; Boehm, Andreas

    Im Rahmen der Interventionsplanung muss der Chirurg therapierelevante Entscheidungen auf Basis räumlicher Relationen anatomischer Strukturen treffen. Interaktive 3D-Visualisierungen unterstützen diesen Prozess qualitativ. Quantitative Fragestellungen (Tumorausdehnung, Infiltrationstiefe, etc.) erfordern die Integration einer Bemaßung, deren Nutzen wesentlich von einer geeigneten Darstellung abhängt. In dieser Arbeit haben wir allgemeine Kriterien für die Eignung von Visualisierungen von Bemaßungen in interaktiven 3D-Szenen erarbeitet. Daran orientierend haben wir verschiedene Varianten der Darstellung von Abständen und Ausdehnungen anatomischer Strukturen betrachtet und ihr Erscheinungsbild hierzu zweckmäßig parametrisiert. Die Ausprägungen dieser Darstellungsparameter wurden in einer Studie auf ihre visuellen Wirkung hin an Chirurgen evaluiert. Es zeigte sich, dass die befragten Mediziner höchsten Wert auf Kohärenz und klare Zuordnung der Bemaßung setzten und überraschenderweise dafür sogar Abstriche in der direkten Lesbarkeit in Kauf nahmen.

  19. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  20. Identification of a His54Gln substitution in von Willebrand factor from a patient with defective binding of factor VIII.


    Rick, M E; Krizek, D M


    A patient with type 2N ("Normandy" variant) von Willebrand's disease is described. Her von Willebrand factor level was borderline low, while her factor VIII was markedly decreased to 7%. Her plasma von Willebrand factor demonstrated a decreased ability to complex with factor VIII in vitro, binding less than 10% when compared to normal plasma von Willebrand factor. The factor VIII released into the circulation after the patient received DDAVP had a shortened survival in vivo. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed a T-to-A transition at nucleotide 2451 on both alleles. This transition results in a substitution of Gln for His at amino acid 54 in the mature subunit of von Willebrand factor.

  1. Computational Study of Formic Acid Dehydrogenation Catalyzed by Al(III)-Bis(imino)pyridine.


    Lu, Qian-Qian; Yu, Hai-Zhu; Fu, Yao


    The mechanism of formic acid dehydrogenation catalyzed by the bis(imino)pyridine-ligated aluminum hydride complex (PDI(2-))Al(THF)H (PDI=bis(imino)pyridine) was studied by density functional theory calculations. The overall transformation is composed of two stages: catalyst activation and the catalytic cycle. The catalyst activation begins with O-H bond cleavage of HCOOH promoted by aluminum-ligand cooperation, followed by HCOOH-assisted Al-H bond cleavage, and protonation of the imine carbon atom of the bis(imino)pyridine ligand. The resultant doubly protonated complex ((H,H) PDI)Al(OOCH)3 is the active catalyst for formic acid dehydrogenation. Given this, the catalytic cycle includes β-hydride elimination of ((H,H) PDI)Al(OOCH)3 to produce CO2, and the formed ((H,H) PDI)Al(OOCH)2 H mediates HCOOH to release H2. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  2. Modeling and closed-loop control of hypnosis by means of bispectral index (BIS) with isoflurane.


    Gentilini, A; Rossoni-Gerosa, M; Frei, C W; Wymann, R; Morari, M; Zbinden, A M; Schnider, T W


    A model-based closed-loop control system is presented to regulate hypnosis with the volatile anesthetic isoflurane. Hypnosis is assessed by means of the bispectral index (BIS), a processed parameter derived from the electroencephalogram. Isoflurane is administered through a closed-circuit respiratory system. The model for control was identified on a population of 20 healthy volunteers. It consists of three parts: a model for the respiratory system, a pharmacokinetic model and a pharmacodynamic model to predict BIS at the effect compartment. A cascaded internal model controller is employed. The master controller compares the actual BIS and the reference value set by the anesthesiologist and provides expired isoflurane concentration references to the slave controller. The slave controller maneuvers the fresh gas anesthetic concentration entering the respiratory system. The controller is designed to adapt to different respiratory conditions. Anti-windup measures protect against performance degradation in the event of saturation of the input signal. Fault detection schemes in the controller cope with BIS and expired concentration measurement artifacts. The results of clinical studies on humans are presented.

  3. A Critique of Carver and White's (1994) Behavioral Inhibition Scale (BIS) for Investigating Lykken's (1995) Theory of Primary Psychopathy

    PubMed Central

    Poythress, Norman G.; Edens, John F.; Landfield, Kristin; Lilienfeld, Scott O.; Skeem, Jennifer L.; Douglas, Kevin S.


    In a 1995 monograph, Lykken asserted that an innate fearless temperament underpins the development of primary psychopathy as described by Cleckley (1941). To embed this insight in a larger theory of behavior, Lykken embraced constructs from Gray’s (1982) reinforcement sensitivity theory (RST). Specifically, he hypothesized that in primary psychopaths the behavioral inhibition system (BIS) lacks normal sensitivity to cues of conditioned punishment or non-reward. Subsequent researchers have embraced Carver and White’s (1994) BIS scale as the instrument of choice for testing Lykken’s theory of primary psychopathy, a practice that this review calls into question. We note (a) a dearth of research using the BIS scales in offender samples, where more psychopathic individuals are likely to be found and (b) limited BIS scale coverage of the functions attributed to the behavioral inhibition system in RST. In addition, (c) we review literature suggesting that rather than assessing the fear sensitivity function critical to Lykken’s theory, the BIS scale instead functions primarily as an index of negative emotionality. We recommend a moratorium on the use of the BIS scale to test Lykken’s theory of primary psychopathy. PMID:19727321

  4. Guido von Pirquet: Austrian pioneer of astronautics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sykora, F.


    The works of Guido von Pirquet, Austrian pioneer of rocketry, were assessed. Major emphasis was given to Pirquet's calculation of the route to Venus which in fact was followed by the first Russian rocket to Venus. Of interest also is Pirquet's valuable construction of a space station and his analysis of interstellar space flight.

  5. BIS impulsivity and acute nicotine exposure are associated with discounting global consequences in the Harvard game.


    Hogarth, Lee; Stillwell, David J; Tunney, Richard J


    The Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS) provides a transdiagnostic marker for a number of psychiatric conditions and drug abuse, but the precise psychological trait(s) tapped by this questionnaire remain obscure. To address this, 51 smokers completed in counterbalanced order the BIS, a delay discounting task and a Harvard game that measured choice between a response that yielded a high immediate monetary payoff but decreased opportunity to earn money overall (local choice) versus a response that yielded a lower immediate payoff but afforded a greater opportunity to earn overall (global choice). Individual level of BIS impulsivity and self-elected smoking prior to the study were independently associated with increased preference for the local over the global choice in the Harvard game, but not delay discounting. BIS impulsivity and acute nicotine exposure reflect a bias in the governance of choice by immediate reward contingencies over global consequences, consistent with contemporary dual-process instrumental learning theories. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  6. Von Willebrand factor regulation of blood vessel formation.


    Randi, Anna M; Smith, Koval E; Castaman, Giancarlo


    Several important physiological processes, from permeability to inflammation to haemostasis, take place at the vessel wall and are regulated by endothelial cells (EC). Thus, proteins that have been identified as regulators of one process are increasingly found to be involved in other vascular functions. Such is the case for Von Willebrand Factor (VWF), a large glycoprotein best known for its critical role in haemostasis. In vitro and in vivo studies have shown that lack of VWF causes enhanced vascularisation, both constitutively and following ischemia. This evidence is supported by studies on blood outgrowth endothelial cells (BOEC) from patients with lack of VWF synthesis (type 3 von Willebrand disease [VWD]). The molecular pathways are likely to involve VWF binding partners, such as integrin αvβ3, and components of Weibel Palade bodies (WPB), such as Angiopoietin-2 and Galectin-3, whose storage is regulated by VWF; these converge on the master regulator of angiogenesis and endothelial homeostasis, vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) signalling. Recent studies suggest that the roles of VWF may be tissue-specific. The ability of VWF to regulate angiogenesis has clinical implications for a subset of VWD patients with severe, intractable gastrointestinal bleeding due to vascular malformations. In this article, we review the evidence showing that VWF is involved in blood vessel formation, discuss the role of VWF high molecular weight multimers in regulating angiogenesis, and the value of studies on BOEC in developing a precision medicine approach to validate novel treatments for angiodysplasia in congenital VWD and acquired von Willebrand syndrome. Copyright © 2018 American Society of Hematology.

  7. A novel fluorescent probe (dtpa-bis(cytosine)) for detection of Eu(III) in rare earth metal ions.


    Yang, Fan; Ren, Peipei; Liu, Guanhong; Song, Youtao; Bu, Naishun; Wang, Jun


    In this paper, a novel fluorescent probe, dtpa-bis(cytosine), was designed and synthesized for detecting europium (Eu 3+ ) ion. Upon addition of Eu 3+ ions into the dtpa-bis(cytosine) solution, the fluorescence intensity can strongly be enhanced. Conversely, adding other rare earth metal ions, such as Y 3+ , Ce 3+ , Pr 3+ , Nd 3+ , Sm 3+ , Gd 3+ , Tb 3+ , Dy 3+ , Ho 3+ , Er 3+ , Yb 3+ and Lu 3+ , into dtpa-bis(cytosine) solution, the fluorescence intensity is decreased slightly. Some parameters affecting the fluorescence intensity of dtpa-bis(cytosine) solution in the presence of Eu 3+ ions were investigated, including solution pH value, Eu 3+ ion concentration and interfering substances. The detection mechanism of Eu 3+ ion using dtpa-bis(cytosine) as fluorescent probe was proposed. Under optimum conditions, the fluorescence emission intensities of Eu III -dtpa-bis(cytosine) at 375nm in the concentration range of 0.50×10 -5 mol∙L -1 -5.00×10 -5 mol∙L -1 of Eu 3+ ion display a better linear relationship. The limit of detection (LOD) was determined as 8.65×10 -7 mol∙L -1 and the corresponding correlation coefficient (R 2 ) of the linear equation is 0.9807. It is wished that the proposed method could be applied for sensitively and selectively detecting Eu 3+ ion. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Asymmetric nitrogen. Communications 38. Optically active 1-hydroxyl-, 1-alkoxycarbonyloxy-, and 1-tosyloxy-2, 2-bis(trifluoromethyl)-aziridines

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kostyanovskii, R.G.; Chervin, I.I.; Kadorkina, G.K.

    The authors accomplish the separation of diastereomers Xa,b and KIa,b obtained from chiral alkoxycarbonyl derivatives of hexafluoracetone oxime by reaction with CH/sub 2/N/sub 2/ through the corresponding triazolines, which were decomposed to the aziridines by photolysis or by the action of Et/sub 2/O.BF/sub 3/ at 20 C. Diasteromeric 1-alkoxycarbonyloxy-2,2-bis(trifluormethyl)ariridines, which were speated by crystallization and chromatography, under the influence of phenylhydrazine acylates give optically active 1-hydroxy-2,2-bis(trifluoromethyl)aziridine, on the basis of which optically active 1-tosyloxy-2,2-bis(trifluoromethyl)aziridine was obtained. The activation parameters of the epimerization of diasteromeric 1-alkoxycarbonyloxy-2,2-bis(trifluoromethyl)aziridine were found.

  9. Synthesis and DNA cleavage activity of Bis-3-chloropiperidines as alkylating agents.


    Zuravka, Ivonne; Roesmann, Rolf; Sosic, Alice; Wende, Wolfgang; Pingoud, Alfred; Gatto, Barbara; Göttlich, Richard


    Nitrogen mustards are an important class of bifunctional alkylating agents routinely used in chemotherapy. They react with DNA as electrophiles through the formation of highly reactive aziridinium ion intermediates. The antibiotic 593A, with potential antitumor activity, can be considered a naturally occurring piperidine mustard containing a unique 3-chloropiperidine ring. However, the total synthesis of this antibiotic proved to be rather challenging. With the aim of designing simplified analogues of this natural product, we developed an efficient bidirectional synthetic route to bis-3-chloropiperidines joined by flexible, conformationally restricted, or rigid diamine linkers. The key step involves an iodide-catalyzed double cyclization of unsaturated bis-N-chloroamines to simultaneously generate both piperidine rings. Herein we describe the synthesis and subsequent evaluation of a series of novel nitrogen-bridged bis-3-chloropiperidines, enabling the study of the impact of the linker structure on DNA alkylation properties. Our studies reveal that the synthesized compounds possess DNA alkylating abilities and induce strand cleavage, with a strong preference for guanine residues. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Florence, T.M.; Morgan, J.


    A selective method is described for the spectrophotometric determination of calcium using glyoxal bis(2hydroxy-anil) as the chromogenic agent. A comprehensive study of interferences and reagent variables was made. (auth)

  11. Untersuchung der Störwirkung von LTE auf SRD Anwendungen bei 868 MHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Welpot, M.; Wunderlich, S.; Gaspard, I.


    Moderne Hausautomatisierungssysteme, Alarmanlagen oder auch Funk-Zugangssysteme in Haus und Automobil setzen auf frei nutzbare Frequenzen in ISM/SRD-Bändern. Die rasante Zunahme an privaten und kommerziell genutzten Applikationen im SRD-Band bei 868 MHz und der Ausbau der LTE-Mobilfunknetze im Frequenzbereich unterhalb von 1 GHz ("Digital Dividend") wirft zunehmend die Frage nach der Funkverträglichkeit dieser Systeme untereinander auf. Während die SRD-Funkmodule auf eine geringe Sendeleistung von ~ +14 dBm beschränkt sind (Ralf and Thomas, 2009), beträgt die maximale LTE-Sendeleistung im Uplink nach (ETSI-Norm, 2011) +23 dBm. Zusammen mit der Einführung von LTE im Frequenzbereich unterhalb 1 GHz als DSL-Ersatz vor allem in ländlichen Gebieten, ergibt sich damit als mögliches Störszenario, dass durch die Aussendung des LTE-Endgerätes im Bereich von ca. 850 MHz die SRD-Funkverbindungen bei 868 MHz insbesondere dann gestört werden, wenn die Antennen beider Funksysteme räumlich nahe zueinander angeordnet sind und folglich nur eine geringe zusätzliche Entkopplung der Systeme bieten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das LTE-Störpotential auf SRD-Empfänger praxisnah untersucht.

  12. Planungsunterstützung für Pankreasoperationen bei Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dornheim, J.; Preim, B.; Preim, U.; Mohnike, K.; Blankenstein, O.; Füchtner, F.; Mohnike, W.; Empting, S.; Mohnike, K.

    Auf Basis von sechs PET/CT-Datensätzen des Pankreas wird eine Computerunterstützung für die Teilresektion der Bauchspeicheldr üse (Pankreas) bei fokalem Hyperinsulinismus von Kindern entwickelt. Ziel ist es, die Lokalisation des krankhaften Fokus im Pankreasgewebe präoperativ dreidimensional zu visualisieren, um so die Sicherheit des Eingriffs zu erhöhen. Die relevanten anatomischen Strukturen werden im CT segmentiert und anschließend dreidimensional visualisiert. Der im PET erkennbare Fokus wird in diese anatomische 3D-Visualisierung eingeblendet. Es zeigt sich eine klare Erkennbarkeit des Fokus in allen sechs Fällen.

  13. Visualisierung analoger Schaltungen durch 3-D Animation von transienten SPICE-Simulationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Becker, J.; Manoli, Y.


    Für das Zeichnen analoger Schaltpläne wird oft versucht, die Potentialverteilung in der entsprechenden Schaltung auszunutzen, um eine Platzierung der Bauteile nach abfallendem Potential vorzunehmen. Mit Hilfe von Computerunterstützung gelingt es, eine verallgemeinerte dreidimensionale Platzierungsstrategie anzuwenden, die allein auf Grund der Potentialwerte einer Schaltung die automatische Generierung einer technisch exakten Potentialdarstellung erlaubt. Somit ist es möglich, die Ergebnisse von transienten SPICE-Simulationen in jedem Zeitschritt darzustellen und eine Animation des zeitlichen Verhaltens zu erzeugen. Die Umsetzung dieser Methode zur Einbettung in eine webbasierte Lern - und Arbeitsplattform wird im Folgenden erläutert.

  14. In memory of Eugene (Jenő) von Gothard: a pioneering nineteenth century Hungarian astrophysicist

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vincze, Ildikő J.; Jankovics, István


    Eugene von Gothard was a Hungarian engineer/scientist, instrument-maker and astrophysicist who founded the Herény Astrophysical Observatory in 1881 and carried out pioneering work in astronomical photography and spectroscopy. In this paper we provide biographical material about von Gothard and describe his observatory, before discussing his astronomical observations and the contribution that hemade to the early development of astrophysics.

  15. 40 CFR 721.1640 - 3,6,9,12,-Tetraoxatetradecane-1,14-diol, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate; 3,6,9,13-tetraoxahexadec...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false 3,6,9,12,-Tetraoxatetradecane-1,14-diol, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate; 3,6,9,13-tetraoxahexadec-15-ene-1,11-diol, bis(4-methylbenzenesulfonate); 3,6,9,12,16-pentaoxanonadec-18-ene-1,14-diol, bis(4-methyl benzenesulfonate); and 3,6,9,12...

  16. Inhibition of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities by analogues of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and their cellular uptake during lymphocyte activation.

    PubMed Central

    Jänne, J; Morris, D R


    Several congeners of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) were tested for their ability to inhibit eukaryotic putrescine-activated S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC and intestinal diamine oxidase (EC All the compounds tested, namely methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), dimethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and the di-N"-methyl derivative of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), were strong inhibitors of both yeast and mouse liver adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activity in vitro. The enzyme from both sources was most powerfully inhibited by ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). All the diguanidines likewise inhibited diamine oxidase activity in vitro. The maximum intracellular concentrations of the ethyl and dimethylated analogues achieved in activated lymphocytes were only about one-fifth of that of the parent compound. However, both derivatives appeared to utilize the polyamine-carrier system, as indicated by competition experiments with spermidine. PMID:6426466

  17. Inhibition of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase and diamine oxidase activities by analogues of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and their cellular uptake during lymphocyte activation.


    Jänne, J; Morris, D R


    Several congeners of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) were tested for their ability to inhibit eukaryotic putrescine-activated S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC and intestinal diamine oxidase (EC All the compounds tested, namely methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), dimethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and the di-N"-methyl derivative of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), were strong inhibitors of both yeast and mouse liver adenosylmethionine decarboxylase activity in vitro. The enzyme from both sources was most powerfully inhibited by ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone). All the diguanidines likewise inhibited diamine oxidase activity in vitro. The maximum intracellular concentrations of the ethyl and dimethylated analogues achieved in activated lymphocytes were only about one-fifth of that of the parent compound. However, both derivatives appeared to utilize the polyamine-carrier system, as indicated by competition experiments with spermidine.

  18. Defining the electronic and geometric structure of one-electron oxidized copper-bis-phenoxide complexes.


    Storr, Tim; Verma, Pratik; Pratt, Russell C; Wasinger, Erik C; Shimazaki, Yuichi; Stack, T Daniel P


    The geometric and electronic structure of an oxidized Cu complex ([CuSal](+); Sal = N,N'-bis(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2-cyclohexane-(1R,2R)-diamine) with a non-innocent salen ligand has been investigated both in the solid state and in solution. Integration of information from UV-vis-NIR spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility, electrochemistry, resonance Raman spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory calculations provides critical insights into the nature of the localization/delocalization of the oxidation locus. In contrast to the analogous Ni derivative [NiSal](+) (Storr, T.; et al. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 5198), which exists solely in the Ni(II) ligand-radical form, the locus of oxidation is metal-based for [CuSal](+), affording exclusively a Cu(III) species in the solid state (4-300 K). Variable-temperature solution studies suggest that [CuSal](+) exists in a reversible spin-equilibrium between a ligand-radical species [Cu(II)Sal(*)](+) (S = 1) and the high-valent metal form [Cu(III)Sal](+) (S = 0), indicative of nearly isoenergetic species. It is surprising that a bis-imine-bis-phenolate ligation stabilizes the Cu(III) oxidation state, and even more surprising that in solution a spin equilibrium occurs without a change in coordination number. The oxidized tetrahydrosalen analogue [CuSal(red)](+) (Sal(red) = N,N'-bis(3,5-di- tert-butylhydroxybenzyl)-1,2-cyclohexane-(1R,2R)-diamine) exists as a temperature-invariant Cu(II)-ligand-radical complex in solution, demonstrating that ostensibly simple variations of the ligand structure affect the locus of oxidation in Cu-bis-phenoxide complexes.

  19. Defining the Electronic and Geometric Structure of One-Electron Oxidized Copper–Bis-phenoxide Complexes

    PubMed Central

    Storr, Tim; Verma, Pratik; Pratt, Russell C.; Wasinger, Erik C.; Shimazaki, Yuichi; Stack, T. Daniel P.


    The geometric and electronic structure of an oxidized Cu complex ([CuSal]+; Sal = N, N′-bis(3,5-di-tert-butylsalicylidene)-1,2-cyclohexane-(1R,2R)-diamine) with a non-innocent salen ligand has been investigated both in the solid state and in solution. Integration of information from UV–vis–NIR spectroscopy, magnetic susceptibility, electrochemistry, resonance Raman spectroscopy, X-ray crystallography, X-ray absorption spectroscopy, and density functional theory calculations provides critical insights into the nature of the localization/delocalization of the oxidation locus. In contrast to the analogous Ni derivative [NiSal]+ (Storr, T.; et al. Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. 2007, 46, 5198), which exists solely in the Ni(II) ligand-radical form, the locus of oxidation is metal-based for [CuSal]+, affording exclusively a Cu(III) species in the solid state (4–300 K). Variable-temperature solution studies suggest that [CuSal]+ exists in a reversible spin-equilibrium between a ligand-radical species [Cu(II)Sal•]+ (S = 1) and the high-valent metal form [Cu(III)Sal]+ (S = 0), indicative of nearly isoenergetic species. It is surprising that a bis-imine–bis-phenolate ligation stabilizes the Cu(III) oxidation state, and even more surprising that in solution a spin equilibrium occurs without a change in coordination number. The oxidized tetrahydrosalen analogue [CuSalred]+ (Salred = N, N′-bis(3,5-di-tert-butylhydroxybenzyl)-1,2-cyclohexane-(1R,2R)-diamine) exists as a temperature-invariant Cu(II)–ligand-radical complex in solution, demonstrating that ostensibly simple variations of the ligand structure affect the locus of oxidation in Cu–bis-phenoxide complexes. PMID:18939830

  20. Effective remediation of phenol,2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate in farm effluent using Guar gum--A plant based biopolymer.


    Kee, Yang Ling; Mukherjee, Sumona; Pariatamby, Agamuthu


    This study was carried out to evaluate the efficiency of Guar gum in removing Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs), viz. phenol,2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) and bis(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate (DEHP), from farm effluent. The removal efficiency was compared with alum. The results indicated that 4.0 mg L(-1) of Guar gum at pH 7 could remove 99.70% and 99.99% of phenol,2,4-bis(1,1-dimethylethyl) and DEHP, respectively. Box Behnken design was used for optimization of the operating parameters for optimal POPs removal. Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) and Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy studies were conducted on the flocs. SEM micrographs showed numerous void spaces in the flocs produced by Guar gum as opposed to those produced by alum. This indicated why Guar gum was more effective in capturing and removal of suspended particles and POPs as compared to alum. FTIR spectra indicated a shift in the bonding of functional groups in the flocs produced by Guar gum as compared to raw Guar gum powder signifying chemical attachment of the organics present in the effluent to the coagulant resulting in their removal. Guar gum is highly recommended as a substitute to chemical coagulant in treating POPs due to its non-toxic and biodegradable characteristics. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. 40 CFR 721.10334 - Ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis-].

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10334 Ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis-]. (a... ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis- (PMN P-03-861; CAS No. 284477-82-3) is subject to...

  2. 40 CFR 721.10334 - Ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis-].

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10334 Ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis-]. (a... ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis- (PMN P-03-861; CAS No. 284477-82-3) is subject to...

  3. 40 CFR 721.10334 - Ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis-].

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Ethanol, 2,2â²-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.10334 Ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis-]. (a... ethanol, 2,2′-[(3-[(2-ethylhexyl)oxy]pentyl]imino]bis- (PMN P-03-861; CAS No. 284477-82-3) is subject to...

  4. Dr. Wernher Von Braun

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. Thomas Paine, Deputy Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, examines an ordinary man's shoe outfitted for use in the Saturn I workshop. Pictured from the left in the Saturn I workshop mockup are William Brooksbank, propulsion and vehicle engineering laboratory; Dr. Paine; Dr. Wernher Von Braun, Marshall Center director; Colonel Clare F. Farley, Executive Officer in the Office Of The Administrator; and Charles J. Donlan, Deputy Associate Administrator for Manned Space Flight, Technical. the shoe Dr. Paine is holding has a unique fastener built into the sole to allow an astronaut to move about on the workshop floor and to remain in one position if he desires.

  5. Symmetriebrechung und Emergenz in der Kosmologie.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mainzer, K.

    Seit der Antike wird der Aufbau des Universums mit einfachen und regulären (symmetrischen) Grundstrukturen verbunden. Diese Annahme liegt selbst noch den Standardmodellen der relativistischen Kosmologie zugrunde. Demgegenüber läßt sich die Emergenz neuer Strukturen von den Elementarteilchen über Moleküle bis zu den komplexen Systemen des Lebens als Symmetriebrechung verstehen. Symmetriebrechung und strukturelle Komplexität bestimmen die kosmische Evolution. Damit zeichnet sich ein fachübergreifendes Forschungsprogramm von Physik, Chemie und Biologie ab, in dem die Evolution des Universums untersucht werden kann.

  6. Von Braun Rocket Team at Fort Bliss, Texas

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The German Rocket Team, also known as the Von Braun Rocket Team, poses for a group photograph at Fort Bliss, Texas. After World War II ended in 1945, Dr. Wernher von Braun led some 120 of his Peenemuende Colleagues, who developed the V-2 rocket for the German military during the War, to the United Sttes under a contract to the U.S. Army Corps as part of Operation Paperclip. During the following five years the team worked on high altitude firings of the captured V-2 rockets at the White Sands Missile Range in New Mexico, and a guided missile development unit at Fort Bliss, Texas. In April 1950, the group was transferred to the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) at Redstone Arsenal in Huntsville, Alabama, and continued to work on the development of the guided missiles for the U.S. Army until transferring to a newly established field center of the National Aeronautic and Space Administration (NASA), George C. Marshall Space Flight Center (MSFC).

  7. The Cephalostatins 21. Synthesis of Bis-steroidal Pyrazine Rhamnosides1

    PubMed Central

    Pettit, George R.; Mendonça, Ricardo F.; Knight, John C.; Pettit, Robin K.


    The synthesis of bis-steroidal pyrazines derived from 3-oxo-11,21-dihydroxy-pregna- 4,17(20)-diene (4) and glycosylation of a D-ring side chain with α-L-rhamnose has been summarized. Rearrangment of steroidal pyrazine 10 to 14 was found to occur with boron triflouride etherate. Glycosylation of pyrazine 10 using 2,3,4-tri-O-acetyl-α-L-rhamnose iodide led to 1,2-orthoester-α-L-rhamnose pyrazine 17b. By use of a persilylated α-L-rhamnose iodide as donor, formation of the orthoester was avoided. Bis-steroidal pyrazine 10 and rhamnosides 17b and 21c were found to significantly inhibit cancer cell growth in a murine and human cancer cell line panel. Pyrazine 9 inhibited growth of the nosocomial pathogen Enterococcus faecalis. PMID:21899266

  8. The AAI index, the BIS index and end-tidal concentration during wash in and wash out of sevoflurane.


    Anderson, R E; Barr, G; Assareh, H; Jakobsson, J


    The bispectral index (BIS), auditory evoked potential index (AAI) and the end-tidal sevoflurane concentration were studied during induction and emergence in 10 ASA I-II patients. Both during 'wash-in' and 'wash-out' of sevoflurane, the AAI and BIS indices show huge variability and an overlap of indices between awake and not responding to command. This was the most pronounced during induction and the range of values was larger for the AAI index as compared with the BIS index. Mean (range) BIS was 85 (73-98) and 48 (10-83) awake and unconscious, respectively, and mean AAI index was 71 (43-99) and 21 (4-85), respectively. This study demonstrates the difficulties of using processed EEG variables in real time in a clinical situation of non-steady state pharmacodynamics.

  9. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    A pioneer of America's space program, Dr. von Braun stands by the five F-1 engines of the Saturn V launch vehicle. This Saturn V vehicle is an actual test vehicle which has been displayed at the U.S. Space Rocket Center in Huntsville, Alabama. Designed and developed by Rocketdyne under the direction of the Marshall Space Flight Center, a cluster of five F-1 engines was mounted on the Saturn V S-IC (first) stage. The engines measured 19-feet tall by 12.5-feet at the nozzle exit and burned 15 tons of liquid oxygen and kerosene each second to produce 7,500,000 pounds of thrust. The S-IC stage is the first stage, or booster, of a 364-foot long rocket that ultimately took astronauts to the Moon.

  10. Direct Electrodeposition of UO2 from Uranyl Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide Dissolved in 1-Ethyl-3-methylimidazolium Bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide Room Temperature Ionic Liquid System


    Freiderich, John W.; Wanigasekara, Eranda P.; Sun, Xiao-Guang; ...


    Our study demonstrates a direct electrodeposition of UO 2 at a Pt cathode from a solution of uranyl bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide [UO 2(NTf 2) 2)] in a bulk room-temperature ionic liquid (RTIL), 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazolium bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide (EMIM +NTf 2 –). Cyclic voltammetry (CV) studies revealed two reduction waves corresponding to the conversion of uranium(VI) to uranium(IV), and a mechanism for the overall electroreduction is proposed. A controlled-potential experiment was performed, holding the reduction potential at–1.0 V for 24 h to obtain a brown-black deposit of UO 2 on the Pt cathode. The Faradaic efficiency of the reduction process was determined to be >80%. Themore » UO 2deposit was characterized by powder X-ray diffraction (XRD) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS).« less

  11. Role of the local structure in superconductivity of LaO0.5F0.5BiS2-x Se x system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paris, E.; Mizuguchi, Y.; Hacisalihoglu, M. Y.; Hiroi, T.; Joseph, B.; Aquilanti, G.; Miura, O.; Mizokawa, T.; Saini, N. L.


    We have studied the local structure of LaO0.5F0.5BiS2-x Se x by Bi L1-edge extended x-ray absorption fine structure (EXAFS). We find a significant effect of Se substitution on the local atomic correlations with a gradual elongation of average in-plane Bi-S bondlength. The associated mean square relative displacement, measuring average local distortions in the BiS2 plane, hardly shows any change for small Se substitution, but decreases significantly for x≥slant 0.6 . The Se substitution appears to suppress the local distortions within the BiS2 plane that may optimize in-plane orbital hybridization and hence the superconductivity. The results suggest that the local structure of the BiS2-layer is one of the key ingredients to control the physical properties of the BiS2-based dichalcogenides.

  12. The natural history of occult or angiodysplastic gastrointestinal bleeding in von Willebrand disease.


    Makris, M; Federici, A B; Mannucci, P M; Bolton-Maggs, P H B; Yee, T T; Abshire, T; Berntorp, E


    Recurrent gastrointestinal bleeding is one of the most challenging complications encountered in the management of patients with von Willebrand disease (VWD). The commonest cause is angiodysplasia, but often no cause is identified due to the difficulty in making the diagnosis. The optimal treatment to prevent recurrences remains unknown. We performed a retrospective study of VWD patients with occult or angiodysplastic bleeding within the setting of the von Willebrand Disease Prophylaxis Network (VWD PN) to describe diagnostic and treatment strategies. Centres participating in the VWD PN recruited subjects under their care with a history of congenital VWD and gastrointestinal (GI) bleeding due to angiodysplasia, or cases in which the cause was not identified despite investigation. Patients with acquired von Willebrand syndrome or those for whom the GI bleeding was due to another cause were excluded. Forty-eight patients from 18 centres in 10 countries were recruited. Seven individuals had a family history of GI bleeding and all VWD types except 2N were represented. Angiodysplasia was confirmed in 38%, with video capsule endoscopy and GI tract endoscopies being the most common methods of making the diagnosis. Recurrent GI bleeding in VWD is associated with significant morbidity and required hospital admission on up to 30 occasions. Patients were treated with multiple pharmacological agents with prophylactic von Willebrand factor concentrate being the most efficient in preventing recurrence of the GI bleeding. The diagnosis and treatment of recurrent GI bleeding in congenital VWD remains challenging and is associated with significant morbidity. Prophylactic treatment with von Willebrand factor concentrate was the most effective method of preventing recurrent bleeding but its efficacy remains to be confirmed in a prospective study. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Johann Bernhard Aloys von Gudden and the Mad King of Bavaria

    PubMed Central

    Bhattacharyya, Kalyan B.


    Bernhard von Gudden was a psychiatrist in Prussia and he was summoned in March 1886 to examine King Ludwig II for his apparently insane activities like, profligate spending and erratic behaviour. A team of four estimable psychiatrists pronounced that he was not capable ruling. Consequently, he was dethroned and kept in a castle under supervision of von Gudden. Gudden championed the idea of 'no restraint' and advocated free movement of insane persons and one evening in June, he accompanied the King during an evening stroll to a lake. A few hours later, the corpus of both of them were recovered under mysterious circumstances. Autopsy suggested that the King was drowned but no post-mortem examination was performed on von Gudden. There are plenty of controversies regarding their death like, murder, accidental death or even natural death from cardiac arrest following immersion in cold water, but no incontrovertible conclusion could be arrived at, even after scrupulous analysis by historians and even the diagnosis of insanity of the King has been doubted. Some even suggested that the opinion of psychiatrists were sought as a pretense in order to depose the King. PMID:29184335

  14. 40 CFR 721.9005 - 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 30 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1â²-(2-methyl-1,5... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.9005 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-. (a) Chemical...-pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis- (PMN P-93-761; CAS No. 146453-62-5) is subject to reporting...

  15. 40 CFR 721.9005 - 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1â²-(2-methyl-1,5... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.9005 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-. (a) Chemical...-pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis- (PMN P-93-761; CAS No. 146453-62-5) is subject to reporting...

  16. 40 CFR 721.9005 - 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1â²-(2-methyl-1,5... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.9005 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-. (a) Chemical...-pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis- (PMN P-93-761; CAS No. 146453-62-5) is subject to reporting...

  17. 40 CFR 721.9005 - 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 32 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1â²-(2-methyl-1,5... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.9005 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-. (a) Chemical...-pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis- (PMN P-93-761; CAS No. 146453-62-5) is subject to reporting...

  18. 40 CFR 721.9005 - 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 31 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1â²-(2-methyl-1,5... Specific Chemical Substances § 721.9005 2-Pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis-. (a) Chemical...-pyrrolidinone, 1,1′-(2-methyl-1,5-pentanediyl)bis- (PMN P-93-761; CAS No. 146453-62-5) is subject to reporting...

  19. Director von Braun Presents General Medaris With Golf Bag

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Marshall Space Flight Center Director Wernher von Braun presents General J.B. Medaris with a new golf bag. General Medaris, (left) was a Commander of the Army Ballistic Missile Agency (ABMA) in Redstone Arsenal, Alabama during 1955 to 1958.

  20. Cyclic Bis-porphyrin-Based Flexible Molecular Containers: Controlling Guest Arrangements and Supramolecular Catalysis by Tuning Cavity Size.


    Mondal, Pritam; Sarkar, Sabyasachi; Rath, Sankar Prasad


    Three cyclic zinc(II) bis-porphyrins (CB) with highly flexible linkers are employed as artificial molecular containers that efficiently encapsulate/coordinate various aromatic aldehydes within their cavities. Interestingly, the arrangements of guests and their reactivity inside the molecular clefts are significantly influenced by the cavity size of the cyclic containers. In the presence of polycyclic aromatic aldehydes, such as 3-formylperylene, as a guest, the cyclic bis-porphyrin host with a smaller cavity (CB1) forms a 1:1 sandwich complex. Upon slightly increasing the spacer length and thereby the cavity size, the cyclic host (CB2) encapsulates two molecules of 3-formylperylene that are also stacked together due to strong π-π interactions between them and CH-π interactions with the porphyrin rings. However, in the cyclic host (CB3) with an even larger cavity, two metal centers of the bis-porphyrin axially coordinate two molecules of 3-formylperylene within its cavity. Different arrangements of guest inside the cyclic bis-porphyrin hosts are investigated by using UV/Vis, ESI-MS, and 1 H NMR spectroscopy, along with X-ray structure determination of the host-guest complexes. Moreover, strong binding of guests within the cyclic bis-porphyrin hosts support the robust nature of the host-guest assemblies in solution. Such preferential binding of the bis-porphyrinic cavity towards aromatic aldehydes through encapsulation/coordination has been employed successfully to catalyze the Knoevenagel condensation of a series of polycyclic aldehydes with active methylene compounds (such as Meldrum's acid and 1, 3-dimethylbarbituric acid) under ambient conditions. Interestingly, the yields of the condensed products significantly increase upon increasing spacer lengths of the cyclic bis-porphyrins because more substrates can then be encapsulated within the cavity. Such controllable cavity size of the cyclic containers has profound implications for constructing highly

  1. New Tricks for an Old Measure: The Development of the Barratt Impulsiveness Scale-Brief (BIS-Brief)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Steinberg, Lynne; Sharp, Carla; Stanford, Matthew S.; Tharp, Andra Teten


    The Barratt Impulsivity Scale (BIS), a 30-item self-report measure, is one of the most commonly used scales for the assessment of the personality construct of impulsiveness. It has recently marked 50 years of use in research and clinical settings. The current BIS-11 is held to measure 3 theoretical subtraits, namely, attentional, motor, and…

  2. Alexander von Humboldt and the Origins of Landscape Archaeology.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mathewson, Kent


    Reviews the life, theories, and influence of Alexander von Humboldt, the early nineteenth century founder of modern geography. Maintains that Humboldt's novel approaches to the study of landscape antiquities have value for contemporary students in cultural and historical geography. (JDH)

  3. Effects of bis(guanylhydrazones) on the activity and expression of ornithine decarboxylase.

    PubMed Central

    Nikula, P; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Jänne, J


    Derivatives of glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (GBG), such as methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) and ethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), are potent inhibitors of S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase (EC, the key enzyme required for the synthesis of spermidine and spermine. These compounds, but not the parent compound, induce a massive accumulation of putrescine, partly by blocking the conversion of putrescine into spermidine, but also by strikingly stimulating ornithine decarboxylase (ODC; EC activity. The mechanism of the stimulation of ODC activity and enhanced accumulation of the enzyme protein apparently involved a distinct stabilization of the enzyme against intracellular degradation. However, although the parent compound GBG also stabilized ODC, it powerfully inhibited the enzyme activity and the accumulation of immunoreactive protein in cultured L1210 leukaemia cells. Kinetic considerations indicated that, in addition to the stabilization, all three compounds, GBG in particular, inhibited the expression of ODC. It is unlikely that the decreased rate of synthesis of ODC was attributable to almost unaltered amounts of mRNA in drug-treated cells, thus supporting the view that especially GBG apparently depressed the expression of ODC at some post-transcriptional level. Images PMID:4062886

  4. Rückwärtsintegration - Zu den Verhältnissen Gymnasium, Hochschule und Arbeitswelt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schmid, Gerhard; Heppner, Winfried; Focht, Eva

    In seiner 2007 erschienen Sammlung von Vorträgen und Essays beschäftigt sich Wolfgang Frühwald, mit der Frage "Wieviel Wissen brauchen wir?“ [1] Die Kernproblematik moderner Wissenschaft und Forschung sieht der Autor, emeritierter Ordinarius für Neuere Deutsche Literaturwissenschaft und von 1992 bis 1997 Präsident der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, einerseits in der zunehmenden Spezialisierung der Wissenschaftsbereiche, andererseits in der Gefahr der Abkoppelung der Naturwissenschaften von den Geisteswissenschaften. Wiederholt plädiert er dafür, über der rasanten Entwicklung beispielsweise in der Biologie und Physik, die historische, gesellschaftliche und besonders die ethische Dimension der Forschung nicht zu übersehen und fordert eine übergeordnete Theorie der Wissenschaft, die nur im Dialog zwischen den einzelnen Fachgebieten zu entwickeln sei.

  5. Circular DNA by "Bis-Click" Ligation: Template-Independent Intramolecular Circularization of Oligonucleotides with Terminal Alkynyl Groups Utilizing Bifunctional Azides.


    Yang, Haozhe; Seela, Frank


    A highly effective and convenient "bis-click" strategy was developed for the template-independent circularization of single-stranded oligonucleotides by employing copper(I)-assisted azide-alkyne cycloaddition. Terminal triple bonds were incorporated at both ends of linear oligonucleotides. Alkynylated 7-deaza-2'-deoxyadenosine and 2'-deoxyuridine residues with different side chains were used in solid-phase synthesis with phosphoramidite chemistry. The bis-click ligation of linear 9- to 36-mer oligonucleotides with 1,4-bis(azidomethyl)benzene afforded circular DNA in a simple and selective way; azido modification of the oligonucleotide was not necessary. Short ethynyl side chains were compatible with the circularization of longer oligonucleotides, whereas octadiynyl residues were used for short 9-mers. Compared with linear duplexes, circular bis-click constructs exhibit a significantly increased duplex stability over their linear counterparts. The intramolecular bis-click ligation protocol is not limited to DNA, but may also be suitable for the construction of other macrocycles, such as circular RNAs, peptides, or polysaccharides. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  6. Bis-polymer lipid-peptide conjugates and nanoparticles thereof

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Xu, Ting; Dong, He; Shu, Jessica

    The present invention provides bis-polymer lipid-peptide conjugates containing a hydrophobic block and headgroup containing a helical peptide and two polymer blocks. The conjugates can self-assemble to form helix bundle subunits, which in turn assemble to provide micellar nanocarriers for drug cargos and other agents. Particles containing the conjugates and methods for forming the particles are also disclosed.

  7. trans-Bis(hexafluoroantimonato)(phthalocyaninato)copper(II).


    Gardberg, A S; Ibers, J A


    The title compound, trans-bis(hexafluoroantimonato-F)(phthalocyaninato-kappa(4)N(29,30,31,32))copper(II), [Cu(SbF(6))(2)(C(32)H(16)N(8))] or Cu(pc)(SbF(6))(2) (pc is phthalocyaninate), comprises a six-coordinate Cu atom, lying on an inversion center, bonded to four N atoms of a phthalocyanine ring and to F atoms of two trans SbF(6)(-) groups. The compound is presumed to consist of a Cu(II) center and a doubly oxidized phthalocyanine ring, by analogy with Cu(pc)(ReO(4))(2).

  8. Crystal structures of three co-crystals of 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane with 4-alk-oxy-benzoic acids: 4-eth-oxy-benzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1), 4-n-propoxybenzoic acid-1,2-bis(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1) and 4-n-but-oxy-benzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1).


    Tabuchi, Yohei; Gotoh, Kazuma; Ishida, Hiroyuki


    The crystal structures of three hydrogen-bonded co-crystals of 4-alk-oxy-benzoic acid-1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane (2/1), namely, 2C9H10O3·C12H12N2, (I), 2C10H12O3·C12H12N2, (II), and 2C11H14O3·C12H12N2, (III), have been determined at 93, 290 and 93 K, respectively. In (I), the asymmetric unit consists of one 4-eth-oxy-benzoic acid mol-ecule and one half-mol-ecule of 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane, which lies on an inversion centre. In (II) and (III), the asymmetric units each comprise two crystallographically independent 4-alk-oxy-benzoic acid mol-ecules and one 1,2-bis-(pyridin-4-yl)ethane mol-ecule. In each crystal, the two components are linked by O-H⋯N hydrogen bonds, forming a linear hydrogen-bonded 2:1unit of the acid and the base. Similar to the structure of 2:1 unit of (I), the units of (II) and (III) adopt nearly pseudo-inversion symmetry. The 2:1 units of (I), (II) and (III) are linked via C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming tape structures.

  9. Wernher von Braun

    NASA Image and Video Library


    During the Apollo 15 launch activities in the launch control center's firing room 1 at Kennedy Space Center, Dr. Wernher von Braun, NASA's Deputy Associate Administrator for planning, takes a closer look at the launch pad through binoculars. The fifth manned lunar landing mission, Apollo 15 (SA-510), carrying a crew of three astronauts: Mission commander David R. Scott, Lunar Module pilot James B. Irwin, and Command Module pilot Alfred M. Worden Jr., lifted off on July 26, 1971. Astronauts Scott and Irwin were the first to use a wheeled surface vehicle, the Lunar Roving Vehicle, or the Rover, which was designed and developed by the Marshall Space Flight Center, and built by the Boeing Company. Astronauts spent 13 days, nearly 67 hours, on the Moon's surface to inspect a wide variety of its geological features.

  10. Directions for Optimization of Photosynthetic Carbon Fixation: RuBisCO's Efficiency May Not Be So Constrained After All.


    Cummins, Peter L; Kannappan, Babu; Gready, Jill E


    The ubiquitous enzyme Ribulose 1,5-bisphosphate carboxylase-oxygenase (RuBisCO) fixes atmospheric carbon dioxide within the Calvin-Benson cycle that is utilized by most photosynthetic organisms. Despite this central role, RuBisCO's efficiency surprisingly struggles, with both a very slow turnover rate to products and also impaired substrate specificity, features that have long been an enigma as it would be assumed that its efficiency was under strong evolutionary pressure. RuBisCO's substrate specificity is compromised as it catalyzes a side-fixation reaction with atmospheric oxygen; empirical kinetic results show a trend to tradeoff between relative specificity and low catalytic turnover rate. Although the dominant hypothesis has been that the active-site chemistry constrains the enzyme's evolution, a more recent study on RuBisCO stability and adaptability has implicated competing selection pressures. Elucidating these constraints is crucial for directing future research on improving photosynthesis, as the current literature casts doubt on the potential effectiveness of site-directed mutagenesis to improve RuBisCO's efficiency. Here we use regression analysis to quantify the relationships between kinetic parameters obtained from empirical data sets spanning a wide evolutionary range of RuBisCOs. Most significantly we found that the rate constant for dissociation of CO 2 from the enzyme complex was much higher than previous estimates and comparable with the corresponding catalytic rate constant. Observed trends between relative specificity and turnover rate can be expressed as the product of negative and positive correlation factors. This provides an explanation in simple kinetic terms of both the natural variation of relative specificity as well as that obtained by reported site-directed mutagenesis results. We demonstrate that the kinetic behaviour shows a lesser rather than more constrained RuBisCO, consistent with growing empirical evidence of higher

  11. GPU-basierte Smart Visibility Techniken für die Planung von Tumor-Operationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tietjen, Christian; Kubisch, Christoph; Hiller, Stefan; Preim, Bernhard

    Bei der Planung von Tumoroperationen ist die Einschätzung von Abständen und Infiltrationen zu vitalen Strukturen wichtig. Im Bereich der medizinischen Visualisierung wurden hierfür bereits zahlreiche Techniken entwickelt, die unter dem Begriff Smart Visibility zusammengefasst werden. Zu diesen zählen Ghost Views und Section Views. In diesem Beitrag wird eine GPU-basierte Realisierung dieser Techniken für polygonale Daten vorgestellt. Die Parametrisierung der Techniken erfolgt automatisch, um einen klinischen Einsatz ermöglichen zu können.

  12. Molecular structure and vibrational spectra of Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate: A DFT computational study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tanak, Hasan; Marchewka, Mariusz K.; Drozd, Marek


    The experimental and theoretical vibrational spectra of Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate were studied. The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate and its deuterated analogue were recorded in the solid phase. The molecular geometry and vibrational frequencies of Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate in the ground state have been calculated by using the density functional method (B3LYP) with 6-31++G(d,p) basis set. The results of the optimized molecular structure are presented and compared with the experimental X-ray diffraction. The molecule contains the weak hydrogen bonds of Nsbnd H⋯O, Nsbnd H⋯N and Osbnd H⋯O types, and those bonds are calculated with DFT method. In addition, molecular electrostatic potential, frontier molecular orbitals and natural bond orbital analysis of the title compound were investigated by theoretical calculations. The lack of the second harmonic generation (SHG) confirms the presence of macroscopic center of inversion.

  13. The Influence of Field Marshal Colmar Von Der Goltz on Ottoman Military Effectiveness in Mesopotamia: December 1915 to April 1916

    DTIC Science & Technology


    SUBTITLE The Influence of Field Marshal Colmar Von Der Goltz on Ottoman Military Effectiveness in Mesopotamia: December 1915 to April 1916 5a...SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES N/A 14. ABSTRACT This paper discusses the contributions made by Field Marshal Colmar von der Goltz on the development of Ottoman...Kut. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Colmar von der Goltz ; Military advisor; Mesopotamian Campaign; Ottoman; Ottoman military effectiveness; British; Kut; World

  14. HyBIS - a low cost, multi-purpose, modular vehicle for detailed ocean mapping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huehnerbach, V.; Murton, B.; Berndt, C.; Garrard, J.; Wollatz-Vogt, M.; Wetzel, G.; Matthiessen, T.


    HyBIS is a low-cost, multi-purpose, highly maneuverable, fibre-optic controlled survey and sampling robotic underwater vehicle (RUV) capable of diving to 6000m. Built in the UK by Hydro-Lek Ltd. in collaboration with the National Oceanography Centre, Southampton, it has proven itself during recent discoveries of the deepest hydrothermal vents in the world, at 5100m deep in the Cayman Trough in the Caribbean and habitat mapping of seamounts in the Atlantic and Indian oceans . The vehicle has a modular design, with the top module being a command and power system that comprises power management, cameras, lights, hydraulics, thrusters and telemetry. The lower module can alternatively be a clam-shell sampling grab, a manipulator-arm and tool sled, a winch for instrument recovery, or an ocean bottom seismometer deployment module. Unlike a conventional ROV, HyBIS does not have any floatation, rather it is suspended by its umbilical cable directly from the ship. The advantage of direct suspension is that HyBIS can recover or deploy a payload of up to 700kg, although this comes at the price of reduced maneuverability compared to a 'normal' ROV. During its four years of service, HyBIS has, so far, accumulated an impressive list of achievements: recording over 450 hours of HD video footage, thousands of HD still images, collected geological, biological samples, as well as fluids and gas from over 40 different sites. It has also recovered two different seabed landers containing scientific equipment worth over £300k, and placed Ocean Bottom Seismometers onto the seafloor.

  15. Laboratory Testing for von Willebrand Disease: The Past, Present, and Future State of Play for von Willebrand Factor Assays that Measure Platelet Binding Activity, with or without Ristocetin.


    Just, Sarah


    von Willebrand disease (VWD) was first described nearly a century ago in 1924 by Erik Adolf von Willebrand. Diagnostic testing at the time was very limited and it was not until the mid to late 1900s that more tests became available to assist with the diagnosis and classification of VWD. Two of these tests are based on ristocetin, one being ristocetin-induced platelet aggregation (RIPA) and the other the von Willebrand factor (VWF) ristocetin cofactor assay (VWF:RCo). The VWF:RCo assay provides functional assessment of in vitro VWF binding to the platelet glycoprotein (Gp) complex, GPIb-IX-V. Despite some advancements and newer technologies utilizing the principles of the original VWF:RCo assay, the original assay is still referred to as the gold standard for measurement of VWF activity. This article will review the history of VWD diagnostic assays, including RIPA and VWF:RCo over the past 40 years, as well as the newer assays that measure platelet binding with or without ristocetin, and which have been developed with the aim to potentially replace platelet-based ristocetin-dependent assays. Thieme Medical Publishers 333 Seventh Avenue, New York, NY 10001, USA.

  16. Potential supplementary utility of combined PFA-100 and functional von Willebrand factor testing for the laboratory assessment of desmopressin and factor concentrate therapy in von Willebrand disease.


    Favaloro, Emmanuel J; Thom, Jim; Patterson, David; Just, Sarah; Baccala, Maria; Dixon, Tracy; Meiring, Muriel; Koutts, Jerry; Rowell, John; Baker, Ross


    We performed a retrospective audit of cross-laboratory testing of desmopressin and factor concentrate therapy to assess the potential utility of supplementary testing using the PFA-100 with functional von Willebrand factor (VWF) activity testing. Data were evaluated for a large number of patients with von Willebrand disease of type 1, type 2A or type 2M, as well as a comparative subset of individuals with haemophilia or carriers of haemophilia. Laboratory testing comprised pre and postdesmopressin, or pre and postconcentrate, evaluation of factor VIII, VWF antigen (VWF:Ag) and VWF ristocetin cofactor activity as traditionally performed, supplemented with collagen-binding (VWF:CB) testing and PFA-100 closure times. In brief, both therapies tended to normalize VWF test parameters and closure times in individuals with type 1 von Willebrand disease, with the level of correction in closure times related to the level of normalization of VWF, particularly the VWF:CB. However, although occasional correction of closure times was observed in patients with type 2A or type 2M von Willebrand disease, these did not in general normalize PFA-100 closure times either with desmopressin or factor concentrate therapy. In these patients, improvement in closure times was more likely in those in whom VWF:CB values normalized or when VWF:CB/VWF:Ag ratios normalized. This study confirms that there is a strong relationship between the presenting levels of plasma VWF and PFA-100 closure times, and that the supplementary combination of PFA-100 and VWF:CB testing might provide added clinical utility to current broadly applied testing strategies limited primarily to VWF:Ag, VWF ristocetin cofactor and factor VIII:coagulant. Future prospective investigations are warranted to validate these relationships and to investigate their therapeutic implications.

  17. A comparative study of results of the von Langenbeck and the V-Y pushback palatoplasties.


    Krause, C J; Tharp, R F; Morris, H L


    The incidence of velopharyngeal competence noted in 267 cleft palate patients following palatoplsty has been reviewed. Comparisons have been drawn with regard to the cleft type and the surgical technique performed. Since there were relatively small numbers of subjects in some categories, differences in age at last examination between the von Langenbeck and V-Y palatoplasty groups, some patients were very young at time of evaluation, and a number of different surgeons at different levels of training and experience performed the surgery, the differences in velopharyngeal competence found should be viewed as trends and this report as preliminary. In general, there was a trend toward smaller percentages of patients attaining acceptable velopharyngeal competence as the severity of the cleft increased. Of those with clefts of the soft palate only 86 per cent achieved competence. Among those patients with clefts of the palate only, 67 per cent achieved competence, whereas only 57 per cent of those with clefts of the lip and palate were able to do so. When comparing all cleft types, the V-Y palatoplasty resulted in a significantly higher percentage of velopharyngeal competence (74 per cent) than did the von Langenbeck method (56 per cent), although the data for the V-Y group are probably less reliable than those for the von Langenbeck group. In the soft palate only category, the results were slightly better with the von Langenbeck technique, though not significantly so. In all other cleft types, the results with the V-Y method were better than those with the von Langenbeck.

  18. 40 CFR 721.3152 - Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates (salts). 721.3152 Section 721... Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates... ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates...

  19. 40 CFR 721.3152 - Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates (salts). 721.3152 Section 721... Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates... ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates...

  20. 40 CFR 721.3152 - Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates (salts). 721.3152 Section 721... Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates... ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates...

  1. 40 CFR 721.3152 - Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates (salts). 721.3152 Section 721... Ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates... ethanaminium, N-ethyl-2-hydroxy-N,N-bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-, diester with C12-18 fatty acids, ethyl sulfates...

  2. Marine Natural Product Bis-indole Alkaloid Caulerpin: Chemistry and Biology.


    Lunagariya, Jignesh; Bhadja, Poonam; Zhong, Shenghui; Vekariya, Rohit; Xu, Shihai


    Marine bis-indole alkaloids comprise a large and increasingly growing class of secondary metabolites, and continue to deliver a great variety of structural templates. The alkaloids derived from marine resources play a crucial role in medicinal chemistry and as chemical agents. In particular, bis-indole alkaloid caulerpin isolated from marine green algae Caulerpa and a red algae Chondria armata at various places around the world, and tested against several therapeutic areas such as anti-diabetic, antinociceptive, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-larvicidal, anti-herpes, anti-tubercular, anti-microbial and immunostimulating activity as well as means of other chemical agents. Herein, we summarized discovery of caulerpin, and its potential medicinal and chemical applications in chronological order with various aspects. Additionally, synthesis of caulerpin, its functional analogues, and structural isomer have also been reviewed. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  3. 15 CFR Supplement No. 3 to Part 752 - Instructions on Completing Form BIS-752 “Statement by Consignee In Support of Special...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Instructions on Completing Form BIS... COMPREHENSIVE LICENSE Pt. 752, Supp. 3 Supplement No. 3 to Part 752—Instructions on Completing Form BIS-752... Control No. Enter the “Control No.” that is pre-printed on Form BIS-748P, Multipurpose Application. You...

  4. 15 CFR Supplement No. 3 to Part 752 - Instructions on Completing Form BIS-752 “Statement by Consignee In Support of Special...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 15 Commerce and Foreign Trade 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Instructions on Completing Form BIS... COMPREHENSIVE LICENSE Pt. 752, Supp. 3 Supplement No. 3 to Part 752—Instructions on Completing Form BIS-752... Control No. Enter the “Control No.” that is pre-printed on Form BIS-748P, Multipurpose Application. You...

  5. Cd(II)-coordination polymers based on tetracarboxylic acid and diverse bis(imidazole) ligands: Synthesis, structural diversity and photoluminescence properties

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arıcı, Mürsel; Yeşilel, Okan Zafer; Taş, Murat


    Three new Cd(II)-coordination polymers, namely, {[Cd2(μ6-ao2btc)(μ-1,5-bipe)2]·2H2O}n (1), {[Cd2(μ6-ao2btc)(μ-1,4-bix)2]n·2DMF} (2) and {[Cd2(μ8-abtc)(μ-1,4-betix)]·DMF·H2O}n (3) (ao2btc=di-oxygenated form of 3,3‧,5,5‧-azobenzenetetracarboxylate, 1,5-bipe: 1,5-bis(imidazol-1yl)pentane, 1,4-bix=1,4-bis(imidazol-1ylmethyl)benzene, 1,4-betix=1,4-bis(2-ethylimidazol-1ylmethyl)benzene) were synthesized with 3,3‧,5,5‧-azobenzenetetracarboxylic acid and flexible, semi-flexible and semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) linkers. They were characterized by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffractions (PXRD) and thermal analyses (TG/DTA). Complexes 1-3 exhibited structural diversities depending on flexible, semi-flexible and semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) ligands. Complex 1 was 2D structure with 3,6L18 topology. Complex 2 had a 3D pillar-layered framework with the rare sqc27 topology. When semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) linker was used, 3D framework of complex 3 was obtained with the paddlewheel Cd2(CO2)4-type binuclear SBU. Moreover, thermal and photoluminescence properties of the complexes were determined in detailed.

  6. Improved performance of Bis-GMA/TEGDMA dental composites by net-like structures formed from SiO2 nanofiber fillers.


    Wang, Xiaoyan; Cai, Qing; Zhang, Xuehui; Wei, Yan; Xu, Mingming; Yang, Xiaoping; Ma, Qi; Cheng, Yali; Deng, Xuliang


    The major objective of this study was to explore the effects of silicon dioxide (SiO2) nanofibers on the performance of 2, 2-bis-[4-(methacryloxypropoxy)-phenyl]-propane (Bis-GMA)/tri-(ethyleneglycol) dimethacrylate (TEGDMA) dental composites. At first, the mechanical properties of Bis-GMA/TEGDMA (50/50, w/w) resins containing different contents of SiO2 nanofibers were evaluated to identify the appropriate composition to achieve the significant reinforcing effect. Secondly, optimized contents (5 or 10wt.%) of SiO2 nanofibers were mixed into resins together with SiO2 microparticles, which was 60wt.% of the resin. Controls for comparison were Bis-GMA/TEGDMA resins containing only SiO2 microparticles (60wt.%) or with additional SiO2 nanoparticles (5 or 10wt.%). Properties including abrasion, polymerization shrinkage and mechanical properties were evaluated to determine the contribution of SiO2 nanofibers. In comparison with SiO2 nanoparticles, SiO2 nanofibers improved the overall performance of Bis-GMA/TEGDMA composite resins, especially in improving abrasion resistance and decreasing polymerization shrinkage. The explanations were that one-dimensional SiO2 nanofibers were able to shield particular fillers from being abraded off, and able to form a kind of overlapped fibrous network to resist polymerization shrinkage. With these approaches, SiO2 nanofiber-containing Bis-GMA composite resins were envisioned a promising choice to achieve long-term durable restorations in clinical therapies. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  7. Utilizing bi-spectral index (BIS) for the monitoring of sedated adult ICU patients: a systematic review.


    Bilgili, Beliz; Montoya, Juan C; Layon, A J; Berger, Andrea L; Kirchner, H L; Gupta, Leena K; Gloss, David S


    The ideal level of sedation in the ICU is an ongoing source of scrutiny. At higher levels of sedation, the current scoring systems are not ideal. BIS may be able to improve both. We evaluated literature on effectiveness of BIS monitoring in sedated mechanically ventilated (MV) ICU patients compared to clinical sedation scores (CSS). For this systematic review, full text articles were searched in OVID, MEDLINE, EMBASE, and Cochrane databases from 1986 - 2014. Additional studies were identified searching bibliographies/abstracts from national/international Critical Care Medicine conferences and references from searched articles retrieved. Search terms were: 'Clinical sedation scale, Bi-spectral Index, Mechanical ventilation, Intensive care Unit'. Included were prospective, randomized and non-randomized studies comparing BIS monitoring with any CSS in MV adult (>18 yr old) ICU patients. Studies were graded for quality of evidence based on bias as established by the GRADE guidelines. Additional sources of bias were examined. There were five studies which met inclusion criteria. All five studies were either unclear or high risk for blinding of participants and blinding of outcome assessment. All papers had at least one source of additional high risk, or unclear/unstated. BIS monitoring in the mechanically ventilated ICU patient may decrease sedative drug dose, recall, and time to wake-up. The studies suggesting this are severely limited methodologically. BIS, when compared to subjective CSSs, is not, at this time, clearly indicated. An appropriately powered randomized, controlled study is needed to determine if this monitoring modality is of use on the ICU.

  8. Wilhelm von Humboldt's Idea of "Bildung" and Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stubbs, Elsina

    The importance of Wilhelm von Humboldt's work in educational philosophy is little known outside of Germany and even there he is more often criticized than praised. This is unfortunate because his contributions to education and other areas had an important impact on other philosophers of his period and are well worth considering today. In his main…

  9. Oxidative condensation reactions of (diethylenetriamine)cobalt(III) complexes with substituted bis(pyridin-2-yl)methane ligands

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Xiangting; Hockless, David C. R.; Willis, Anthony C.; Jackson, W. Gregory


    The synthesis and characterisation of Co(III) complexes derived from a condensation reaction with a central or terminal nitrogen of a dien ligand and the α-carbon of a range of substituted bis(pyridin-2-yl)methane ligands are described. Aerial oxidation of bpm {bis(pyridin-2-yl)methane with Co(II)/dien or direct reaction with Co(dien)Cl 3 provided in low yield a single C-N condensation product 1 (at the primary terminal NH 2) after the pyridyl -CH 2- is formally oxidised to -CH +-. The methyl substituted ligand bpe {1,1-bis(pyridin-2-yl)ethane} behaves likewise, except both terminal (prim) and central (sec) amines condense to yield isomeric products 2 and 3. Two of these three materials have been characterised by single crystal X-ray crystallography. The corresponding reactions for the bis(pyridyl) ligand bpk {bis(pyridin-2-yl)ketone} provided C-N condensation products without the requirement for oxidation at the α-C center; two carbinolamine complexes in different geometrical configurations resulted, mer-anti-[Co(dienbpc)Cl]ZnCl 4, 5, and unsym- fac-[Co(dienbpc)Cl]ZnCl 4, 6, {dienbpc=[2-(2-aminoethylamino)-ethylamino]-di-pyridin-2-yl-methanol}. In addition, a novel complex, [Co(bpk)(bpd-OH)Cl]ZnCl 4, 4, in which one bidentate N, N-bonded bpk ligand and one tridentate N, O, N-bonded bpd (the diol from bpk+OH -) were coordinated, was obtained via the Co(II)/O 2 synthetic route. When the bpc ligand (bpc=bis(pyridin-2-yl)methanol) was employed directly as a reagent along with dien, no condensation reactions were observed, but rather a single isomeric complex [Co(dien)(bpc)]Cl.ZnCl 4, 7, in which the ligand bpc acted as a N,N,O-bonded tridentate ligand rather than as a N,N-bidentate ligand was isolated. 13C, 1D and 2D 1H NMR studies are reported for all the complexes; they establish the structures unambiguously.

  10. Quantitation of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) in blood plasma and leukemia cells of patients receiving the drug.


    Seppänen, P; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Siimes, M; Jänne, J


    Methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), a cytostatic compound which apparently interferes with the metabolism and/or functions of the natural polyamines (spermidine and spermine), was effectively taken up by cultured human lymphocytic leukemia cells, rapidly resulting in the formation of a concentration gradient of up to 1,000-fold across the cell membrane in cells grown in the presence of micromolar concentrations of the drug. For an anti-proliferative effect on the leukemia cells, an intracellular concentration of more than 0.5 mM was required. The uptake of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was critically dependent on the growth rate of the leukemia cells. Low intracellular concentrations of the drug were present in cells growing slowly, whereas in rapidly dividing cells the intracellular concentration of the drug approached 5mM. When given as repeated intravenous infusions to two leukemic children, methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) exhibited sharp and transient peaks of plasma concentration, the drug having an apparent half-life in plasma of only 1-2 h. However, as in cultured cells, the drug was rapidly concentrated in the leukemia cells, reaching concentrations that were distinctly anti-proliferative. In contrast to the rapid disappearance of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) from plasma, the circulation leukemia cells retained the drug for a period of several days with only minimal decrease in the initial concentrations. Methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) was given to the patients for 1 to 2 months as intravenous infusions, the timing of which was determined by regular assays of the drug concentrations in the leukemia cells. In agreement with the results obtained with the cultured cells, and intracellular concentration of about 0.5 to 1mM was apparently required for growth-inhibitory action to occur. Regular determination of the cellular drug concentrations indicated that methylglyoxal bis(quanylhydrazone) could be given as weekly infusions. This treatment

  11. Synthesis and electronic structure determination of N-alkyl-substituted bis(imino)pyridine iron imides exhibiting spin crossover behavior.


    Bowman, Amanda C; Milsmann, Carsten; Bill, Eckhard; Turner, Zoë R; Lobkovsky, Emil; DeBeer, Serena; Wieghardt, Karl; Chirik, Paul J


    Three new N-alkyl substituted bis(imino)pyridine iron imide complexes, ((iPr)PDI)FeNR ((iPr)PDI = 2,6-(2,6-(i)Pr(2)-C(6)H(3)-N═CMe)(2)C(5)H(3)N; R = 1-adamantyl ((1)Ad), cyclooctyl ((Cy)Oct), and 2-adamantyl ((2)Ad)) were synthesized by addition of the appropriate alkyl azide to the iron bis(dinitrogen) complex, ((iPr)PDI)Fe(N(2))(2). SQUID magnetic measurements on the isomeric iron imides, ((iPr)PDI)FeN(1)Ad and ((iPr)PDI)FeN(2)Ad, established spin crossover behavior with the latter example having a more complete spin transition in the experimentally accessible temperature range. X-ray diffraction on all three alkyl-substituted bis(imino)pyridine iron imides established essentially planar compounds with relatively short Fe-N(imide) bond lengths and two-electron reduction of the redox-active bis(imino)pyridine chelate. Zero- and applied-field Mössbauer spectroscopic measurements indicate diamagnetic ground states at cryogenic temperatures and established low isomer shifts consistent with highly covalent molecules. For ((iPr)PDI)FeN(2)Ad, Mössbauer spectroscopy also supports spin crossover behavior and allowed extraction of thermodynamic parameters for the S = 0 to S = 1 transition. X-ray absorption spectroscopy and computational studies were also performed to explore the electronic structure of the bis(imino)pyridine alkyl-substituted imides. An electronic structure description with a low spin ferric center (S = 1/2) antiferromagnetically coupled to an imidyl radical (S(imide) = 1/2) and a closed-shell, dianionic bis(imino)pyridine chelate (S(PDI) = 0) is favored for the S = 0 state. An iron-centered spin transition to an intermediate spin ferric ion (S(Fe) = 3/2) accounts for the S = 1 state observed at higher temperatures. Other possibilities based on the computational and experimental data are also evaluated and compared to the electronic structure of the bis(imino)pyridine iron N-aryl imide counterparts.

  12. Synthesis and characterization of a symmetric bis(7-hydroxyflavylium) containing a methyl viologen bridge.


    Diniz, Ana M; Pinheiro, Carlos; Petrov, Vesselin; Parola, A Jorge; Pina, Fernando


    A symmetric bis(flavylium) constituted by two 7-hydroxyflavylium moieties linked by a methylviologen bridge was synthesized. The thermodynamic and kinetics of the network of chemical reactions involving bis(flavylium) and the model compound 7-hydroxy-4'-methylflavylium was completely characterized by means of direct and reverse pH jumps (stopped flow) and flash photolysis. Both compounds follow the usual pH-dependent network of chemical reactions of flavylium derivatives. The equilibrium species of the model compound are the flavylium cation (acidic species) and the trans-chalcone (basic species) with an apparent pK'(a)=2.85. In the case of the bis(flavylium) it was possible to characterize by (1)H NMR spectroscopy three species with different degrees of isomerization: all flavylium, flavylium-trans-chalcone, and all trans-chalcone. Representation of the time-dependent mole fraction distribution of these three forms after a pH jump from equilibrated solutions of all-flavylium cation (lower pH values) to higher pH values, shows that formation of trans-chalcone is not completely stochastic (two independent isomerizations), the isomerization of one flavylium showing a small influence on the isomerization of the other. The radical of the methyl viologen bridge is formed upon reduction of the bis(trans-chalcone) with dithionite. The system is reversible after addition of an oxidant in spite of the occurrence of some decomposition. Copyright © 2011 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  13. From polyethylene waxes to HDPE using an α,α'-bis(arylimino)-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridyl-chromium(iii) chloride pre-catalyst in ethylene polymerisation.


    Huang, Chuanbing; Du, Shizhen; Solan, Gregory A; Sun, Yang; Sun, Wen-Hua


    Five examples of α,α'-bis(arylimino)-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridyl-chromium(iii) chlorides (aryl = 2,6-Me 2 Ph Cr1, 2,6-Et 2 Ph Cr2, 2,6-i-Pr 2 Ph Cr3, 2,4,6-Me 3 Ph Cr4, 2,6-Et 2 -4-MePh Cr5) have been synthesized by the one-pot template reaction of α,α'-dioxo-2,3:5,6-bis(pentamethylene)pyridine, CrCl 3 ·6H 2 O and the corresponding aniline. The molecular structures of Cr1 and Cr4 reveal distorted octahedral geometries with the N,N,N-ligand adopting a mer-configuration. On activation with an aluminium alkyl co-catalyst, Cr1-Cr5 exhibited high catalytic activities in ethylene polymerization and showed outstanding thermal stability operating effectively at 80 °C with activities up to 1.49 × 10 7 g of PE (mol of Cr) -1 h -1 . Significantly, the nature of the co-catalyst employed had a dramatic effect on the molecular weight of the polymeric material obtained. For example, using diethylaluminium chloride (Et 2 AlCl) in combination with Cr4 gave high density/high molecular weight polyethylene with broad molecular weight distributions (30.9-39.3). By contrast, using modified methylaluminoxane (MMAO), strictly linear polyethylene waxes of lower molecular weight and narrow molecular weight distribution (1.6-2.0) were obtained with vinyl end-groups.

  14. 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazones) zinc complexes: synthesis, structure, and biological activity.


    Rodriguez-Argüelles, M C; Belicchi Ferrari, M; Gasparri Fava, G; Pelizzi, C; Tarasconi, P; Albertini, R; Dall'Aglio, P P; Lunghi, P; Pinelli, S


    The reaction of zinc chloride, acetate, or perchlorate with two bis(thiosemicarbazones) of 2,6-diacetylpyridine [H2daptsc = 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(thiosemicarbazone) and H2dapipt = 2,6-diacetylpyridine bis(hydrazinopyruvoylthiosemicarbazone)] leads to the formation of four novel complexes that have been characterized by spectroscopic studies (NMR, IR) and biological properties. The crystal structures of the two compounds--[Zn(daptsc)]2.2DMF (1) and [Zn(H2dapipt)(OH2)2](CIO4)2.3H2O (2)--also have been determined by x-ray methods from diffractometer data. Compound (1) is dimeric and the two zinc atoms have a distorted octahedral coordination. The ligand is deprotonated. In compound (2), the coordination geometry about zinc is pentagonal--bipyramidal and the ligand is in the neutral form. The molecular structure of (2) consists of cations [Zn(H2dapipt)(OH2)]2+, CIO4- disordered anions, and three water molecules of solvation. Biological studies have shown that the ligands and the complexes Zn(daptsc).1/2EtOH and Zn(H2daptsc)Cl2 have an effect in vitro on cell proliferation and differentiation (inhibition); both are concentration dependent. [Zn(daptsc)]2.2DMF (1) shows the effects at lower concentration values with respect to other compounds.

  15. Effects of alkyl chain length and substituent pattern of fullerene bis-adducts on film structures and photovoltaic properties of bulk heterojunction solar cells.


    Tao, Ran; Umeyama, Tomokazu; Kurotobi, Kei; Imahori, Hiroshi


    A series of alkoxycarbonyl-substituted dihydronaphthyl-based [60]fullerene bis-adduct derivatives (denoted as C2BA, C4BA, and C6BA with the alkyl chain of ethyl, n-butyl, and n-hexyl, respectively) have been synthesized to investigate the effects of alkyl chain length and substituent pattern of fullerene bis-adducts on the film structures and photovoltaic properties of bulk heterojunction polymer solar cells. The shorter alkyl chain length caused lower solubility of the fullerene bis-adducts (C6BA > C4BA > C2BA), thereby resulting in the increased separation difficulty of respective bis-adduct isomers. The device performance based on poly(3-hexylthiophene) (P3HT) and the fullerene bis-adduct regioisomer mixtures was enhanced by shortening the alkyl chain length. When using the regioisomerically separated fullerene bis-adducts, the devices based on trans-2 and a mixture of trans-4 and e of C4BA exhibited the highest power conversion efficiencies of ca. 2.4%, which are considerably higher than those of the C6BA counterparts (ca. 1.4%) and the C4BA regioisomer mixture (1.10%). The film morphologies as well as electron mobilities of the P3HT:bis-adduct blend films were found to affect the photovoltaic properties considerably. These results reveal that the alkyl chain length and substituent pattern of fullerene bis-adducts significantly influence the photovoltaic properties as well as the film structures of bulk heterojunction solar cells.

  16. [Hildegards von Bingen 'Liber simplicis medicinae' in the Mainz 'Garden of Health'].


    Riethe, Peter


    The "Garden of Health" (Gart der Gesundheit) is the first illustrated book of herbs in German language. Its author, Johann Wonnecke from Kaub on the Rhine, was born in 1430 and worked as a city doctor in Frankfurt/Main until his death in 1503 or 1504. In his book, he refers to "proven Greek, Latin and Arabic masters of medicine" (bewerte meister in der artzeney), whose writings he was instructed to collect by Bernard von Breidenbach in 1480. Wonnecke carried out he task in a special way, deceiving five generations of historians of science, who proceeded from the false assumption, that the Gart der Gesundheit was compiled and translated from Latin sources. Wonnecke established the desired authors skilfully in his report, but under a more detailed investigation they reveal themselves as not taken from Latin sources but copied off from native language scriptures, e.g. Alterer deutscher Macer and Buch der Natur by Konrad von Megenberg. To these hitherto known sources used by him now the Speyrer Kräuterbuch is added, which supplied the medical knowledge of Hildegard von Bingen to the "Gart".

  17. Aktuelle Entwicklungen - Orthopädische Implantate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riner, Marc A.

    Die guten Resultate und langen Standzeiten von bis zu 15 und 20 Jahren von implantierten Hüftendoprothesen führen dazu, immer jüngere Patienten mit einem Hüftgelenkersatz zu behandeln. Die Versorgung von jungen aktiven Patienten mit einer Hüftendoprothese stellt jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung dar [1]. Trotz umfangreicher Materialentwicklungen, Designoptimierungen und Verbesserungen der Operationstechnik, haben sich die Standzeiten der Prothesen zwar wesentlich verbessert, ist jedoch bei jungen Patienten verglichen mit denen von älteren Patienten deutlich verkürzt [2, 3]. Zudem kann die Hüftprothesenverankerung durch Knochenresektion im Rahmen der Erstimplantation, Adaptionsvorgängen im Knochen (stress shielding) aufgrund unphysiologischer Krafteinleitung, abriebbedingte Osteolyse und während der Implantat- bzw. Knochenzemententfernung auftretende knöcherne Defekte zu unbefriedigende Reimplantationsbedingungen im Fall einer Revision führen [4]. Dies hat in jüngerer Zeit zur Entwicklung von verschiedenen Endoprothesensystemen mit einem möglichst geringen Knochenverlust und damit einhergehenden verbesserten Rückzugsmöglichkeit im Revisionsfall geführt. Bei den knochensparend verankerten Hüftprothesen werden allgemein zwei Typen, die Schenkelhalsprothese und der Oberflächenersatz, unterschieden.

  18. "'And They Lived Happily Ever After": The Fairy Tale of Radical Constructivism and Von Glasersfeld's Ethical Disengagement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    d'Agnese, Vasco


    Is von Glasersfeld's constructivism actually radical? In this article, I respond to this question by analyzing von Glasersfeld's main works. I argue that the essential theoretical move of radical constructivism--namely the assertion that reality is the construction of a human mind that only responds to the subjective perception of "what…

  19. Cd(II)-coordination polymers based on tetracarboxylic acid and diverse bis(imidazole) ligands: Synthesis, structural diversity and photoluminescence properties

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Arıcı, Mürsel, E-mail:; Yeşilel, Okan Zafer; Taş, Murat

    Three new Cd(II)-coordination polymers, namely, ([Cd{sub 2}(μ{sub 6}-ao{sub 2}btc)(μ-1,5-bipe){sub 2}]·2H{sub 2}O){sub n} (1), ([Cd{sub 2}(μ{sub 6}-ao{sub 2}btc)(μ-1,4-bix){sub 2}]{sub n}·2DMF) (2) and ([Cd{sub 2}(μ{sub 8}-abtc)(μ-1,4-betix)]·DMF·H{sub 2}O){sub n} (3) (ao{sub 2}btc=di-oxygenated form of 3,3′,5,5′-azobenzenetetracarboxylate, 1,5-bipe: 1,5-bis(imidazol-1yl)pentane, 1,4-bix=1,4-bis(imidazol-1ylmethyl)benzene, 1,4-betix=1,4-bis(2-ethylimidazol-1ylmethyl)benzene) were synthesized with 3,3′,5,5′-azobenzenetetracarboxylic acid and flexible, semi-flexible and semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) linkers. They were characterized by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffractions (PXRD) and thermal analyses (TG/DTA). Complexes 1–3 exhibited structural diversities depending on flexible, semi-flexible and semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) ligands. Complex 1 was 2D structure with 3,6L18 topology. Complex 2 had a 3D pillar-layered framework with the raremore » sqc27 topology. When semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) linker was used, 3D framework of complex 3 was obtained with the paddlewheel Cd{sub 2}(CO{sub 2}){sub 4}-type binuclear SBU. Moreover, thermal and photoluminescence properties of the complexes were determined in detailed. - Graphical abstract: In this study, three novel Cd(II)-coordination polymers were synthesized with 3,3′,5,5′-azobenzenetetracarboxylic acid and flexible, semi-flexible and semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) linkers. They were characterized by IR spectroscopy, elemental analysis, single-crystal X-ray diffraction, powder X-ray diffractions (PXRD) and thermal analyses (TG/DTA). Complexes 1–3 exhibited structural diversities depending on flexible, semi-flexible and semi-flexible substituted bis(imidazole) ligands. Complex 1 was 2D structure with 3,6L18 topology. Complex 2 had a 3D pillar-layered framework with the rare sqc27 topology

  20. Gallium(III) complexes of NOTA-bis (phosphonate) conjugates as PET radiotracers for bone imaging.


    Holub, Jan; Meckel, Marian; Kubíček, Vojtěch; Rösch, Frank; Hermann, Petr


    Ligands with geminal bis(phosphonic acid) appended to 1,4,7-triazacyclonone-1,4-diacetic acid fragment through acetamide (NOTAM(BP) ) or methylenephosphinate (NO2AP(BP) ) spacers designed for (68) Ga were prepared. Ga(III) complexation is much faster for ligand with methylenephosphinate spacer than that with acetamide one, in both chemical (high reactant concentrations) and radiolabeling studies with no-carrier-added (68) Ga. For both ligands, formation of Ga(III) complex was slower than that with NOTA owing to the strong out-of-cage binding of bis(phosphonate) group. Radiolabeling was efficient and fast only above 60 °C and in a narrow acidity region (pH ~3). At higher temperature, hydrolysis of amide bond of the carboxamide-bis(phosphonate) conjugate was observed during complexation reaction leading to Ga-NOTA complex. In vitro sorption studies confirmed effective binding of the (68) Ga complexes to hydroxyapatite being comparable with that found for common bis(phosphonate) drugs such as pamindronate. Selective bone uptake was confirmed in healthy rats by biodistribution studies ex vivo and by positron emission tomography imaging in vivo. Bone uptake was very high, with SUV (standardized uptake value) of 6.19 ± 1.27 for [(68) Ga]NO2AP(BP) ) at 60 min p.i., which is superior to uptake of (68) Ga-DOTA-based bis(phosphonates) and [(18) F]NaF reported earlier (SUV of 4.63 ± 0.38 and SUV of 4.87 ± 0.32 for [(68) Ga]DO3AP(BP) and [(18) F]NaF, respectively, at 60 min p.i.). Coincidently, accumulation in soft tissue is generally low (e.g. for kidneys SUV of 0.26 ± 0.09 for [(68) Ga]NO2AP(BP) at 60 min p.i.), revealing the new (68) Ga complexes as ideal tracers for noninvasive, fast and quantitative imaging of calcified tissue and for metastatic lesions using PET or PET/CT. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  1. Report on von Willebrand Disease in Malaysia

    PubMed Central

    Periayah, Mercy Halleluyah; Halim, Ahmad Sukari; Saad, Arman Zaharil Mat; Yaacob, Nik Soriani; Karim, Faraizah Abdul


    BACKGROUND: Von Willebrand disease (vWD) is an inherited hemostatic disorder that affects the hemostasis pathway. The worldwide prevalence of vWD is estimated to be 1% of the general population but only 0.002% in Malaysia. AIM: Our present paper has been written to disclose the statistical counts on the number of vWD cases reported from 2011 to 2013. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This article is based on sociodemographic data, diagnoses and laboratory findings of vWD in Malaysia. A total of 92 patients were reported to have vWD in Malaysia from 2011 to 2013. RESULTS: Sociodemographic-analysis revealed that 60% were females, 63% were of the Malay ethnicity, 41.3% were in the 19-44 year old age group and 15.2% were from Sabah, with the East region having the highest registered number of vWD cases. In Malaysia, most patients are predominately affected by vWD type 1 (77.2%). Factor 8, von Willebrand factor: Antigen and vWF: Collagen-Binding was the strongest determinants in the laboratory profiles of vWD. CONCLUSION: This report has been done with great interest to provide an immense contribution from Malaysia, by revealing the statistical counts on vWD from 2011-2013. PMID:27275342

  2. Gesellschaft, Lebensgemeinschaft, Ökosystem - Über die Kongruenz von politischen und ökologischen Theorien der Entwicklung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voigt, Annette

    Im Jahr 1859 veröffentlichte Charles Darwin "On the Origin of Species“. Seine Evolutionstheorie ist das wohl spektakulärste Beispiel einer naturwissenschaftlichen Theorie großer gesellschaftlicher Relevanz. Ihre verschiedenen Facetten wurden in der Öffentlichkeit kontrovers diskutiert, unter anderem auch ihre Anwendung zur Erklärung von Zuständen und Prozessen menschlicher Gesellschaften. Zum Teil wurde die Seiensweise der Natur - scheinbar unabhängig von gesellschaftlichen Interessen - für die Erklärung und Legitimation gesellschaftlicher Zustände oder die Legitimation von politischen Ideologien herangezogen (Sozialdarwinismus). Denn Gesellschaft funktioniere ja so, wie Darwin die Natur erklärt habe: es herrsche z. B. Konkurrenzkampf, Auslese und Arbeitsteilung, Erfolg hätten diejenigen, die sich an die Bedingungen am Besten anpassten.

  3. Relation of the antiproliferative action of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) to the natural polyamines.


    Seppänen, P; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Jänne, J


    Enzymic determinations of intracellular concentrations of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone), an anticancer drug which inhibits the synthesis of the polyamines spermidine and spermine, in cultured tumor cells revealed that the drug was remarkably effectively concentrated inside the cell. A concentration gradient across the cell membrane as great as 500--1000-fold was formed in cells exposed to the drug for 1-2 days. An exposure of cultured Ehrlich ascites carcinoma cells to increasing concentrations of the drug indicated that the cells could tolerate intracellular concentrations up to 1 mM with only slight changes in their proliferation rate. Micromolar concentrations of spermidine or spermine, but not putrescine, effectively blocked the uptake of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) and reduced the intracellular concentration of the drug below the levels required for growth inhibition. Analysis of cellular polyamine contents in Ehrlich ascites cells exposed to rising concentrations of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) gave little support to the view that the drug-induced growth inhibition was solely produced by an intracellular polyamine deprivation. Not only was the uptake of the drug inhibited in the presence of spermidine and spermine, but it was likewise washed out by polyamines from the cells that had been previously exposed to the drug and then transferred into drug-free medium in the presence of polyamines. For the inhibition of methylglyoxal-bis(guanylhydrazone) uptake by amines, three or more amino/imino groups were apparently required, since low concentrations of aliphatic diamines were either without any effect (short-chain diamines) or only marginally prevented (long-chain diamines) the uptake of the drug. High concentrations of Mg2+ ions, however, markedly inhibited the transport of the drug into Ehrlich ascites tumor cells.

  4. Acute Effects of (Bis)tributyltin Oxide on Marine Organisms. Summary of Work Performed 1981 to 1983

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Diethyltin chloride Dimethyltin chloride Diphenyltin chloride Hethyltin chloride Phenyltin chloride TBT - Tributyltin TBTA Tributyltin acetate TBTB...IW^I^^^—^M^—M—i^^^^I^M—^^——M— — O A OOI < Technical Report 1299 May 1989 .,..,. r V:. rr\\^ Acute Effects of (Bis) tributyltin ...AGENCY ACCESSION NO. DN888 749 11. TITLE (include SecuriyClassilicalion) ACUTE EFFECTS OF (BIS) TRIBUTYLTIN OXIDE ON MARINE ORGANISMS Summary of

  5. Ernst von Glasersfeld's Radical Constructivism and Truth as Disclosure

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Joldersma, Clarence W.


    In this essay Clarence Joldersma explores radical constructivism through the work of its most well-known advocate, Ernst von Glasersfeld, who combines a sophisticated philosophical discussion of knowledge and truth with educational practices. Joldersma uses Joseph Rouse's work in philosophy of science to criticize the antirealism inherent in…

  6. N-doping of organic semiconductors by bis-metallosandwich compounds


    Barlow, Stephen; Qi, Yabing; Kahn, Antoine; Marder, Seth; Kim, Sang Bok; Mohapatra, Swagat K.; Guo, Song


    The various inventions disclosed, described, and/or claimed herein relate to the field of methods for n-doping organic semiconductors with certain bis-metallosandwich compounds, the doped compositions produced, and the uses of the doped compositions in organic electronic devices. Metals can be manganese, rhenium, iron, ruthenium, osmium, rhodium, or iridium. Stable and efficient doping can be achieved.

  7. Identification of number and type of cations in water-soluble Cs+ and Na+ calix[4]arene-bis-crown-6 complexes by using ESI-TOF-MS.


    Kumagai, Shogo; Hayashi, Kotaro; Kameda, Tomohito; Morohashi, Naoya; Hattori, Tetsutaro; Yoshioka, Toshiaki


    The treatment of cesium-contaminated wastewater has become one of the biggest issues. The selective Cs + removal from wastewater containing competitive alkali metal ions such as Na + is desired to reduce the volume of sludge. Therefore, the present work focused on water-soluble calix[4]arene-bis-crown-6 (W-BisC6) to selectively capture Cs + . For characterization of the complex, UV-vis spectroscopy is commonly used, however, due to the limited availability of information it can be hard to quickly identify the specific structures of some complexes. In this work, the electrospray ionization time of flight spectrometry (ESI-TOF-MS) is successfully utilized to identify the number and type of cations in W-BisC6-cation complexes. ESI-TOF-MS accurately recognized 4 types of complex (W-BisC6-Na + , W-BisC6-Cs + , W-BisC6-2Na + , W-BisC6-Na + -Cs + ), and the experimental and simulated results were almost perfectly matched. It also revealed the difficulty of W-BisC6-2Cs + complex formation under the present conditions. Thus, this technique is significantly helpful for rapid identification of the specific structures of complexes during Cs + -contaminated wastewater treatment. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Spin torque oscillator neuroanalog of von Neumann's microwave computer.


    Hoppensteadt, Frank


    Frequency and phase of neural activity play important roles in the behaving brain. The emerging understanding of these roles has been informed by the design of analog devices that have been important to neuroscience, among them the neuroanalog computer developed by O. Schmitt and A. Hodgkin in the 1930s. Later J. von Neumann, in a search for high performance computing using microwaves, invented a logic machine based on crystal diodes that can perform logic functions including binary arithmetic. Described here is an embodiment of his machine using nano-magnetics. Electrical currents through point contacts on a ferromagnetic thin film can create oscillations in the magnetization of the film. Under natural conditions these properties of a ferromagnetic thin film may be described by a nonlinear Schrödinger equation for the film's magnetization. Radiating solutions of this system are referred to as spin waves, and communication within the film may be by spin waves or by directed graphs of electrical connections. It is shown here how to formulate a STO logic machine, and by computer simulation how this machine can perform several computations simultaneously using multiplexing of inputs, that this system can evaluate iterated logic functions, and that spin waves may communicate frequency, phase and binary information. Neural tissue and the Schmitt-Hodgkin, von Neumann and STO devices share a common bifurcation structure, although these systems operate on vastly different space and time scales; namely, all may exhibit Andronov-Hopf bifurcations. This suggests that neural circuits may be capable of the computational functionality as described by von Neumann. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Biochemical properties and crystal structure of ethylmethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) sulfate--an extremely powerful novel inhibitor of adenosylmethionine decarboxylase.


    Elo, H; Mutikainen, I; Alhonen-Hongisto, L; Laine, R; Jänne, J; Lumme, P


    Ethylmethylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (EMGBG) sulfate, an analog of the well-known anti-leukemic drug methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone), was synthesized. It was shown to be an extremely powerful competitive inhibitor of eukaryotic S-adenosylmethionine decarboxylase, with an apparent Ki value 12 nM. Thus, it appears to be the most powerful known inhibitor of the enzyme, being almost an order of magnitude more powerful than the corresponding ethylglyoxal derivative. It neither inhibited the proliferation of mouse L1210 leukemia cells in vitro, nor did it potentiate the growth inhibition produced by alpha-difluoromethyl ornithine. In this respect, its properties are closely related to those of dimethylglyoxal, ethylglyoxal and propylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones), while in striking contrast to those of the antiproliferative glyoxal and methylglyoxal analogs. EMGBG also inhibited intestinal diamine oxidase activity (Ki 0.7 microM). EMGBG sulfate was crystallized from water, giving orthorhombic crystals (space group Pbcn). Their crystal and molecular structure was determined by X-ray diffraction methods. The carbon-nitrogen double bonds between the ethylmethylglyoxal part and the aminoguanidine moieties were found to have the same configuration as they are known to have in the salts of glyoxal, methylglyoxal and propylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazones). The glyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) chain of the EMGBG cation deviated strongly from planarity, thus differing dramatically from the corresponding chains of the glyoxal, methylglyoxal and propylglyoxal analogs.

  10. Design and characterization of novel bis-benzamide liquid crystalline materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iqbal, Asma; Siddiqi, Humaira Masood; Akhter, Zareen; Qaiser Fatmi, Muhammad


    A new homologous series of symmetric, bent-shaped bis-benzamide dimers have been prepared. Several 1,n-bis(p-aminophenoxy)alkanes (n = 3, 5, 9,10,11) were employed as spacers and p-hexyloxy tails have been synthesized and appended to the spacers by amide linking groups. Different important parameters were explored using computational analysis by semi empirical method. The experimental results were correlated with theoretical studies and relationship between molecular structure and mesogenic behavior has been established. The mesomorphic properties of the resultant dimers were characterized by differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and polarized optical microscopy (POM) equipped with a hot stage. Change in mesomorphic properties with change of methylene spacers was observed. Enantiotropic mesogenic behavior was exhibited by D3A6, D10A6 and D11A6 and the needle like and blurred schleiren textures were observed. It was observed that increased methylene spacers chain length decreased the melting temperatures. Thermogravimetric analysis revealed the thermal stability of dimers upto 360 °C.

  11. Recombinant von Willebrand factor: preclinical development.


    Plaimauer, B; Schlokat, U; Turecek, P L; Mitterer, A; Mundt, W; Auer, W; Pichler, L; Gritsch, H; Schwarz, H P


    Von Willebrand factor (vWF) is a multimeric glycoprotein (GP) that attracts platelets to the site of vascular injury, mediates platelet-platelet interaction, and stabilizes factor VIII (FVIII) in the circulation. Quantitative and qualitative defects of vWF result in von Willebrand disease (vWD), manifested by modest to severe bleeding episodes. Substitution therapy, with plasma-derived FVIII/vWF complex concentrates, is used for patients suffering the more severe forms of vWD. Efficacy of these preparations is often unsatisfactory because inadvertent proteolytic degradation during the manufacturing process causes them to lack the hemostatically most active high-molecular-weight multimers. In contrast, recombinant vWF (r-vWF), which is constitutively expressed at high yields in Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells and secreted into the conditioned medium under perfusion fermentation in "protein-free" medium, has high-molecular-weight multimers of extraordinary structural integrity. Functional analysis has shown that r-vWF promotes ristocetin cofactor-mediated platelet aggregation, collagen interaction and FVIII binding, and platelet-collagen adhesion under shear stress. Infusing vWF-deficient animals with r-vWF corrected vWF concentration and reduced blood loss, subsequently stabilizing endogenous FVIII associated with the reduction of bleeding time. Compared with plasma-derived vWF preparations, r-vWF was found to have a prolonged half-life, further enhancing the potential value of r-vWF as a therapeutic agent for treating patients suffering from vWD.

  12. Dr. Wernher Von Braun near the mobile launcher.

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. George Mueller, NASA associate administrator for manned space flight, and Dr. Wernher Von Braun (right), director of the Marshall Space Flight Center, are seen near the mobile launcher carrying a 363 foot tall Saturn V space launch vehicle as the rocket is rolled from the vehicle assembly building at KSC for its three mile trip to the launch pad.

  13. Dr. von Braun With a Model of a Launch Vehicle

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Dr. von Braun stands beside a model of the upper stage (Earth-returnable stage) of the three-stage launch vehicle built for the series of the motion picture productions of space flight produced by Walt Disney in the mid-1950's.

  14. Molecular structure and vibrational spectra of Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate: a DFT computational study.


    Tanak, Hasan; Marchewka, Mariusz K; Drozd, Marek


    The experimental and theoretical vibrational spectra of Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate were studied. The Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectra of the Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate and its deuterated analogue were recorded in the solid phase. The molecular geometry and vibrational frequencies of Bis(melaminium) terephthalate dihydrate in the ground state have been calculated by using the density functional method (B3LYP) with 6-31++G(d,p) basis set. The results of the optimized molecular structure are presented and compared with the experimental X-ray diffraction. The molecule contains the weak hydrogen bonds of N-H···O, N-H···N and O-H···O types, and those bonds are calculated with DFT method. In addition, molecular electrostatic potential, frontier molecular orbitals and natural bond orbital analysis of the title compound were investigated by theoretical calculations. The lack of the second harmonic generation (SHG) confirms the presence of macroscopic center of inversion. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Erhöhtes Lungenkrebs-Risiko bei Ekzempatienten: eine landesweite Kohortenstudie in Taiwan.


    Juan, Chao-Kuei; Shen, Jui-Lung; Lin, Cheng-Li; Kim, Karen Wang; Chen, Wen-Chi


    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lungenkrebs und Ekzemen bleibt umstritten. Frühere Studien haben zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen geführt. Diese retrospektive populationsbasierte Kohortenstudie zielt darauf ab, das Risiko von Lungenkrebs im Zusammenhang mit Ekzemen abzuklären. In der Forschungsdatenbank der taiwanesischen nationalen Krankenversicherung identifizierten wir 43719 Patienten, bei denen in den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 ein Ekzem neu diagnostiziert wurde. Die Vergleichskohorte bildeten 87438 zufällig ausgewählte, altersangepasste Patienten ohne Ekzem. Die Fälle aus diesen beiden Kohorten wurden bis 2011 verfolgt. Zur Kalkulation des Lungenkrebsrisikos bei Ekzempatienten wurde die Cox-Regression verwendet. Die Datenbank enthielt keine Informationen über Raucherstatus, Alkoholkonsum, sozioökonomischen Status oder Familienanamnese. Nach der Bereinigung um Alter und Komorbidität hatte die Population mit Ekzemen ein um 2,80 erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs gegenüber der Vergleichskohorte (bereinigte Hazard-Ratio 2,80, 95 % Konfidenzinterval 2,59-3,03). Ekzempatienten mit Begleiterkrankungen, darunter Asthma, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankungen, alkoholbedingten Leberschäden oder Diabetes, hatten ein höheres Lungenkrebsrisiko als Patienten ohne Ekzeme oder Komorbidität. Ekzeme gehen mit einem höheren Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs einher. Weitere Studien mit umfassenderen Informationen über weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren sind sinnvoll. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. Pharmacokinetic behaviour of phenylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (PGBG) after intravenous administration in rabbits.


    Rodríguez, C; San Andrés, M I; San Andrés, M D; Encinas, T; González, F; Ballesteros, E


    Phenylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (PGBG) is a synthesized analogue of methylglyoxal bis(guanylhydrazone) (MGBG), which has demonstrated anti-parasitic activity in rabbits. The pharmacokinetic behaviour of PGBG after intravenous administration (10 mg/kg bodyweight) was studied in five rabbits. Plasma concentrations of PGBG were measured by high-performance liquid chromatography. Plasma PGBG concentrations decreased rapidly and were not detectable beyond 90 min after treatment. The mean [+/- standard deviation (SD)] volume of distribution at steady state (Vdss) was 2.19 +/- 0.47 l/kg and the mean plasma clearance value (Cl) was 29.99 +/- 3.98 ml/min kg. This drug is rapidly eliminated from the body in rabbits, having a short elimination half-life (0.93 h) and mean residence time (1.21 h).

  17. Could bioelectric impedance spectroscopy (BIS) measured appendicular intracellular water serve as a lean mass measurement in sarcopenia definitions? A pilot study.


    Siglinsky, E; Buehring, B; Krueger, D; Binkley, N; Yamada, Y


    DXA lean mass measurement for sarcopenia diagnosis is not always possible. Bioelectric impedance spectroscopy (BIS), a portable technology, is a potential alternative to DXA-measured lean mass. This pilot study explores the possibility and proposes an arbitrarily chosen potential cut-point for appendicular intracellular water corrected by height (aICW/ht 2 ). Sarcopenia definitions often include DXA lean mass measurement. However, DXA is not always available. We explored the potential of a less-expensive mobile method, bioelectric impedance spectroscopy (BIS), to assess lean mass for sarcopenia determination. We hypothesized that BIS-measured appendicular intracellular water (aICW/ht 2 ) would correlate with DXA-measured appendicular lean mass (ALM)/ht 2 and with functional parameters. If so, establishing an aICW/ht 2 cut-point in sarcopenia definitions may be feasible. Sixty-one community-dwelling women, mean age 79.9, had BIS and DXA lean mass, grip strength, gait speed, and jumping mechanography assessments. BIS aICW was calculated using limb length and intracellular water resistance. aICW/ht 2 was compared to DXA-measured ALM/ht 2 by linear regression. The European Working Group ALM/ht 2 and an exploratory aICW/ht 2 cut-point were utilized. In this cohort, ALM/ht 2 and aICW/ht 2 were moderately correlated, R 2  = 0.55, p < 0.0001. Lean mass was low in 7 and normal in 44 by BIS and DXA. Those with low aICW/ht 2 had lower grip strength (p = 0.04) and jump power (p = 0.0002) than those with normal aICW/ht 2 and ALM/ht 2 . Subjects with low ALM/ht 2 had lower jump power (p = 0.0006) but were not different in gait speed or grip strength. BIS aICW is correlated with DXA-measured ALM directly, and when height adjusted. An aICW/ht 2 cut-point of 6.5 L/m 2 identified 70% of women with low ALM/ht 2 . Women with low lean mass by DXA and BIS had poorer function measured by jump power. These pilot data support further evaluation of BIS measurement

  18. Remembrances of Ulf Svante von Euler.


    Igić, Rajko


    I first met Ulf Svante von Euler when he came to Belgrade, in 1968, to attend an international symposium on the occasion of the 50 th anniversary of the Medical Faculty. I was at that time a graduate student at the Medical Faculty in Sarajevo, and a new researcher. I had finished medical school in Belgrade and had worked for two years as a physician in the northern part of Serbia. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  19. Robuste Verzweigungserkennung von Gefäßen in CTA-Datensätzen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beck, Thomas; Fritz, Dominik; Biermann, Christina; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Bei der Befundung und Visualisierung von Blutgefäßen ist deren Centerline von zentraler Bedeutung. Die Unterscheidung zwischen unverzweigten Abschnitten des Gefäßes und Verzweigungsbereichen ermöglicht den Einsatz spezialisierter und sehr effizienter Algorithmen zur modellbasierten Extraktion der Centerline. In diesem Artikel wird ein robustes Verfahren zur Verzweigungserkennung vorgestellt. Das Verfahren beruht auf einem Front-Propagation-Ansatz mit dynamisch angepassten Schwellwerten und einer anschließenden Clusteranalyse. Die vorgestellte Methode zur Verzweigungserkennung wurde als Komponente einer Architektur zur Extraktion der Centerline auf handannotierten Datensätzen getestet. Erste Ergebnisse sind sehr vielversprechend und ermöglichen auch bei pathologischen Gefäßen eine robuste Detektion von Gefäßverzweigungen.

  20. Insertion Mutation of the Form I cbbL Gene Encoding Ribulose Bisphosphate Carboxylase/Oxygenase (RuBisCO) in Thiobacillus neapolitanus Results in Expression of Form II RuBisCO, Loss of Carboxysomes, and an Increased CO2 Requirement for Growth

    PubMed Central

    Baker, Stefanie H.; Jin, Songmu; Aldrich, Henry C.; Howard, Gary T.; Shively, Jessup M.


    It has been previously established that Thiobacillus neapolitanus fixes CO2 by using a form I ribulose bisphosphate carboxylase/oxygenase (RuBisCO), that much of the enzyme is sequestered into carboxysomes, and that the genes for the enzyme, cbbL and cbbS, are part of a putative carboxysome operon. In the present study, cbbL and cbbS were cloned and sequenced. Analysis of RNA showed that cbbL and cbbS are cotranscribed on a message approximately 2,000 nucleotides in size. The insertion of a kanamycin resistance cartridge into cbbL resulted in a premature termination of transcription; a polar mutant was generated. The mutant is able to fix CO2, but requires a CO2 supplement for growth. Separation of cellular proteins from both the wild type and the mutant on sucrose gradients and subsequent analysis of the RuBisCO activity in the collected fractions showed that the mutant assimilates CO2 by using a form II RuBisCO. This was confirmed by immunoblot analysis using antibodies raised against form I and form II RuBisCOs. The mutant does not possess carboxysomes. Smaller, empty inclusions are present, but biochemical analysis indicates that if they are carboxysome related, they are not functional, i.e., do not contain RuBisCO. Northern analysis showed that some of the shell components of the carboxysome are produced, which may explain the presence of these inclusions in the mutant. PMID:9696760