Sample records for application aux materiaux

  1. Caracterisation des proprietes dielectriques de materiaux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate recycle =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mebarki, Fouzia

    Cette etude vise a etudier la possibilite d'utiliser des materiaux composites a matrice thermoplastique pour des applications electriques comme les supports des systemes d'allumage dans les moteurs d'automobile. Nous nous interessons plus particulierement aux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate (PET) recycle. Les isolants classiques comme le PET ne peuvent pas satisfaire toutes les exigences. L'introduction des renforts comme les fibres de verre et le mica peuvent ameliorer les caracteristiques mecaniques de ces materiaux. Toutefois, cette amelioration peut etre accompagnee d'une diminution des proprietes electriques surtout que ces materiaux doivent operer sous contraintes thermiques et electriques tres severes. Afin d'estimer la duree de vie de ces isolants, des essais de vieillissement accelere ont ete effectues a une frequence de 300Hz dans une plage de temperature allant de la temperature ambiante a 140°C. L'etude a haute temperature permettra de determiner la temperature de service des materiaux candidats. Des essais de la rupture dielectrique ont ete realises sur un grand nombre d'echantillon selon la norme ASTM D-149 relative aux mesures de rigidite dielectrique des isolants solides. Ces tests ont permis de deceler les echantillons problematiques et de verifier la qualite de ces isolants solides. Les differentes connaissances acquises lors de cette analyse ont servi a predire les performances des materiaux en service et vont permettre a la compagnie Groupe Lavergne d'apporter des ameliorations au niveau des formulations existantes et par la suite developper un materiau ayant les proprietes electriques et thermiques adequates pour ce type d'application. None None None None

  2. Preface: Materiaux 2010

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cheikhrouhou, Abdelwaheb


    The national conference 'MATERIAUX 2010', which took place in Mahdia (Tunisia), from 4-7 November 2010 was organized by The 'Tunisian Materials Research Society: Tu-MRS' in collaboration with the Materials Physics Laboratory of Sfax 'LPM', Faculty of Sciences, Sfax University and the Research Unit ' Physique, Informatique et Mathématiques ', Faculty of Sciences, Gafsa University The First National Conference on Materials 'MATERIAUX 2006' was organized in Douz (Tunisia) in December 2006. This was followed by 'MATERIAUX 2007' held in Hammamet (Tunisia) in April 2007 and the National Conference 'MATERIAUX 2009' organized jointly with the Second 'Journées Internationales de la Physique des Matériaux et Applications: JIPMA 2009' in Gafsa (Tunisia) from 20-24 December 2009. 'MATERIAUX 2010' is intended to provide an excellent opportunity for National, Maghreb and International researchers to make their own work on materials known to a wider audience and to have discussions with other participants. This conference will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences, create and consolidate cooperation between different research structures in the Maghreb countries and also the countries around the Mediterranean. This conference will equally promote research development, contribution to collaboration between universities and the socio-economical milieu. More than 300 senior researchers, Professors, PhD and Masters students attended this conference from Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, France, Spain and Canada. Several researchers, engineers and managers from industrial firms also attended. The conference consisted of plenary talks (8), oral contributions (40) and poster presentations (250). The topics of the Conference were: Nano-materials, nano-systems, thin films, surfaces and interfaces, applications Multifunctionnal materials, magnetic materials, dielectric materials, superconducting materials, applications,... Materials for electronics, informatics and communication

  3. Characterisation of Fibre Reinforced Titanium Matrix Composites. (La Caracterisation des Materiaux Composites a Matrice de Titane Renforces par Fibres)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    devait servir de forum pour un 6change d’informations sur ce sujet important. Dans ce cas. [a caracterisation se ref~re A l’analyse du comportement des...phases de d~veloppement et de mise a l’echelle. mais aussi aux activites de caracterisation et de demonstration des composants. Dans le cas des materiaux

  4. Elaboration de nouvelles approches micromecaniques pour l'optimisation des performances mecaniques des materiaux heterogenes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aboutajeddine, Ahmed

    Les modeles micromecaniques de transition d'echelles qui permettent de determiner les proprietes effectives des materiaux heterogenes a partir de la microstructure sont consideres dans ce travail. L'objectif est la prise en compte de la presence d'une interphase entre la matrice et le renforcement dans les modeles micromecaniques classiques, de meme que la reconsideration des approximations de base de ces modeles, afin de traiter les materiaux multiphasiques. Un nouveau modele micromecanique est alors propose pour tenir compte de la presence d'une interphase elastique mince lors de la determination des proprietes effectives. Ce modele a ete construit grace a l'apport de l'equation integrale, des operateurs interfaciaux de Hill et de la methode de Mori-Tanaka. Les expressions obtenues pour les modules globaux et les champs dans l'enrobage sont de nature analytique. L'approximation de base de ce modele est amelioree par la suite dans un nouveau modele qui s'interesse aux inclusions enrobees avec un enrobage mince ou epais. La resolution utilisee s'appuie sur une double homogeneisation realisee au niveau de l'inclusion enrobee et du materiau. Cette nouvelle demarche, permettra d'apprehender completement les implications des approximations de la modelisation. Les resultats obtenus sont exploites par la suite dans la solution de l'assemblage de Hashin. Ainsi, plusieurs modeles micromecaniques classiques d'origines differentes se voient unifier et rattacher, dans ce travail, a la representation geometrique de Hashin. En plus de pouvoir apprecier completement la pertinence de l'approximation de chaque modele dans cette vision unique, l'extension correcte de ces modeles aux materiaux multiphasiques est rendue possible. Plusieurs modeles analytiques et explicites sont alors proposee suivant des solutions de differents ordres de l'assemblage de Hashin. L'un des modeles explicite apparait comme une correction directe du modele de Mori-Tanaka, dans les cas ou celui ci echoue a

  5. Caracterisation des proprietes acoustiques des materiaux poreux a cellules ouvertes et a matrice rigide ou souple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Salissou, Yacoubou

    L'objectif global vise par les travaux de cette these est d'ameliorer la caracterisation des proprietes macroscopiques des materiaux poreux a structure rigide ou souple par des approches inverses et indirectes basees sur des mesures acoustiques faites en tube d'impedance. La precision des approches inverses et indirectes utilisees aujourd'hui est principalement limitee par la qualite des mesures acoustiques obtenues en tube d'impedance. En consequence, cette these se penche sur quatre problemes qui aideront a l'atteinte de l'objectif global precite. Le premier probleme porte sur une caracterisation precise de la porosite ouverte des materiaux poreux. Cette propriete en est une de passage permettant de lier la mesure des proprietes dynamiques acoustiques d'un materiau poreux aux proprietes effectives de sa phase fluide decrite par les modeles semi-phenomenologiques. Le deuxieme probleme traite de l'hypothese de symetrie des materiaux poreux selon leur epaisseur ou un index et un critere sont proposes pour quantifier l'asymetrie d'un materiau. Cette hypothese est souvent source d'imprecision des methodes de caracterisation inverses et indirectes en tube d'impedance. Le critere d'asymetrie propose permet ainsi de s'assurer de l'applicabilite et de la precision de ces methodes pour un materiau donne. Le troisieme probleme vise a mieux comprendre le probleme de transmission sonore en tube d'impedance en presentant pour la premiere fois un developpement exact du probleme par decomposition d'ondes. Ce developpement permet d'etablir clairement les limites des nombreuses methodes existantes basees sur des tubes de transmission a 2, 3 ou 4 microphones. La meilleure comprehension de ce probleme de transmission est importante puisque c'est par ce type de mesures que des methodes permettent d'extraire successivement la matrice de transfert d'un materiau poreux et ses proprietes dynamiques intrinseques comme son impedance caracteristique et son nombre d'onde complexe. Enfin, le

  6. PREFACE 2nd International Conference on Materials Physics and Applications (JIPMA 2009/MATERIAUX 2009)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cheikhrouhou, Abdelwaheb


    The 'Tunisian Materials Research Society: Tu-MRS' organized the International Days on Materials Physics and Applications 'JIPMA 2009' and the National Conference on Materials 'MATERIAUX 2009' in Gafsa (Tunisia) During the period 20-24 December 2009. The first International Days on Materials Physics and Applications 'JIPMA 2007' were organized in Annaba (Algeria) in November 2007 while the first National Conference on Materials 'MATERIAUX 2006' was organized in Douz (Tunisia) in December 2006. The 'JIPMA' conference series together with the 'MATERIAUX' intend to provide an excellent opportunity for international, Maghreb and Tunisian researchers to make their own works on materials known to a wider audience and to have discussions with other participants. This conference will also be an opportunity to exchange experiences, create and consolidate cooperation between different research structures in the Maghreb countries. This conference will equally promote research development, contribute to collaboration between universities and the socio-economical milieu. More than 300 senior researchers, Professors, PhD and Master students attended this conference from Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco, France, and Spain. Several researchers, engineers and managers from industrial firms also attended this scientific meeting. The conference consists of plenary and semi-plenary talks, oral contributions and poster presentations. The topics of the conference are: Nano-materials, nano-systems, thin films, surfaces and interfaces Multifonctional Materials, Magnetic Materials, Dielectric Materials, Superconducting Materials, Applications, ... Materials for Electronics, Informatics and Communications (Semi-conducting Materials, Electronic devices, Spintronic, ... Optoelectronic Materials, Sensors Ceramics, Glasses, Polymers, ... Natural Materials: Phosphates, Clay, ... Metallic Materials, alloys, ... Materials and Environment Materials and Energy Biomaterials Elaborating Methods and

  7. Formulation, caracterisation, modelisation et prevision du comportement thermomecanique des pieces plastiques et composites de fibres de bois : Application aux engrenages =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mijiyawa, Faycal

    Cette etude permet d'adapter des materiaux composites thermoplastiques a fibres de bois aux engrenages, de fabriquer de nouvelles generations d'engrenages et de predire le comportement thermique de ces engrenages. Apres une large revue de la litterature sur les materiaux thermoplastiques (polyethylene et polypropylene) renforces par les fibres de bois (bouleau et tremble), sur la formulation et l'etude du comportement thermomecanique des engrenages en plastique-composite; une relation a ete etablie avec notre presente these de doctorat. En effet, beaucoup d'etudes sur la formulation et la caracterisation des materiaux composites a fibres de bois ont ete deja realisees, mais aucune ne s'est interessee a la fabrication des engrenages. Les differentes techniques de formulation tirees de la litterature ont facilite l'obtention d'un materiau composite ayant presque les memes proprietes que les materiaux plastiques (nylon, acetal...) utilises dans la conception des engrenages. La formulation des materiaux thermoplastiques renforces par les fibres de bois a ete effectuee au Centre de recherche en materiaux lignocellulosiques (CRML) de l'Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (UQTR), en collaboration avec le departement de Genie Mecanique, en melangeant les composites avec deux rouleaux sur une machine de type Thermotron-C.W. Brabender (modele T-303, Allemand) ; puis des pieces ont ete fabriquees par thermocompression. Les thermoplastiques utilises dans le cadre de cette these sont le polypropylene (PP) et le polyethylene haute densite (HDPE), avec comme renfort des fibres de bouleau et de tremble. A cause de l'incompatibilite entre la fibre de bois et le thermoplastique, un traitement chimique a l'aide d'un agent de couplage a ete realise pour augmenter les proprietes mecaniques des materiaux composites. Pour les composites polypropylene/bois : (1) Les modules elastiques et les contraintes a la rupture en traction des composites PP/bouleau et PP/tremble evoluent

  8. Evaluation experimentale et theorique du comportement a la flexion de nouveaux poteaux en materiaux composites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Metiche, Slimane

    La demande croissante en poteaux pour les differents reseaux d'electricite et de telecommunications a rendu necessaire l'utilisation de materiaux innovants, qui preservent l'environnement. La majorite des poteaux electriques existants au Canada ainsi qu'a travers le monde, sont fabriques a partir de materiaux traditionnels tel que le bois, le beton ou l'acier. Les motivations des industriels et des chercheurs a penser a d'autres solutions sont diverses, citons entre autre: La limitation en longueur des poteaux en bois ainsi que la vulnerabilite des poteaux fabriques en beton ou en acier aux agressions climatiques. Les nouveaux poteaux en materiaux composites se presentent comme de bons candidats a cet effet, cependant; leur comportement structural n'est pas connu et des etudes theoriques et experimentales approfondies sont necessaires avant leur mise en marche a grande echelle. Un programme de recherche intensif comportant plusieurs projets experimentaux, analytiques et numeriques est en cours a l'Universite de Sherbrooke afin d'evaluer le comportement a court et a long termes de ces nouveaux poteaux en Polymeres Renforces de Fibres (PRF). C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit la presente these, et notre recherche vise a evaluer le comportement a la flexion de nouveaux poteaux tubulaires coniques fabriques en materiaux composites par enroulement filamentaire et ce, a travers une etude theorique, ainsi qu'a travers une serie d'essais de flexion en "grandeur reelle" afin de comprendre le comportement structural de ces poteaux, d'optimiser la conception et de proposer une procedure de dimensionnement pour les utilisateurs. Les poteaux en Polymeres Renforces de Fibres (PRF) etudies dans cette these sont fabriques avec une resine epoxyde renforcee de fibres de verre type E. Chaque type poteaux est constitue principalement de trois zones ou les proprietes geometriques (epaisseur, diametre) et les proprietes mecaniques sont differentes d'une zone a l'autre. La difference

  9. AGARD/SMP Review Damage Tolerance for Engine Structures. 2. Defects and Quantitative Materials Behaviour

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TURBISTAN). En ce qui concerne les materiaux pour aubes de turbine la question reste ouverte. La caracterisation des materiaux pour... caracterisation mecanique. Face aux couts des caracterisations et qualifications de materiaux pour disques de lurbomachines, il importe de concentrer ses propres forces : une solution possible est de constituer des plans standard de caracterisation . Federer au sein d’un groupe de

  10. Etudes optiques de nouveaux materiaux laser: Des orthosilicates dopes a l'ytterbium: Le yttrium (lutetium,scandium) pentoxide de silicium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denoyer, Aurelie

    La decouverte et l'elaboration de nouveaux materiaux laser solides suscitent beaucoup d'interet parmi la communaute scientifique. En particulier les lasers dans la gamme de frequence du micron debouchent sur beaucoup d'applications, en telecommunication, en medecine, dans le domaine militaire, pour la, decoupe des metaux (lasers de puissance), en optique non lineaire (doublage de frequence, bistabilite optique). Le plus couramment utilise actuellement est le Nd:YAG dans cette famille de laser, mais des remplacants plus performants sont toujours recherches. Les lasers a base d'Yb3+ possedent beaucoup d'avantages compares aux lasers Nd3+ du fait de leur structure electronique simple et de leur deterioration moins rapide. Parmi les matrices cristallines pouvant accueillir l'ytterbium, les orthosilicates Yb:Y 2SiO5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO 5 se positionnent tres bien, du fait de leur bonne conductivite thermique et du fort eclatement de leur champ cristallin necessaire a l'elaboration de lasers quasi-3 niveaux. De plus l'etude fine et systematique des proprietes microscopiques de nouveaux materiaux s'avere toujours tres interessante du point de vue de la recherche fondamentale, c'est ainsi que de nouveaux modeles sont concus (par exemple pour le champ cristallin) ou que de nouvelles proprietes inhabituelles sont decouvertes, menant a de nouvelles applications. Ainsi d'autres materiaux dopes a l'ytterbium sont connus pour leurs proprietes de couplage electron-phonon, de couplage magnetique, d'emission cooperative ou encore de bistabilite optique, mais ces proprietes n'ont encore jamais ete mises en evidence dans Yb:Y 2SiO5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO 5. Ainsi, cette these a pour but l'etude des proprietes optiques et des interactions microscopiques dans Yb:Y2SiO 5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO5. Nous utilisons principalement les techniques d'absorption IR et de spectroscopie Raman pour determiner les excitations du champ cristallin et les modes de vibration dans le materiau

  11. Ti1-xAux Alloys: Hard Biocompatible Metals and Their Possible Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Svanidze, Eteri; Besara, Tiglet; Ozaydin, M. Fevzi; Xin, Yan; Han, Ke; Liang, Hong; Siegrist, Theo; Morosan, Emilia


    The search for new hard materials is often challenging from both theoretical and experimental points of view. Furthermore, using materials for biomedical applications calls for alloys with high biocompatibility which are even more sparse. The Ti1-xAux (0 . 22 <= x <= 0 . 8) exhibit extreme hardness and strength values, elevated melting temperatures (compared to those of constituent elements), reduced density compared to Au, high malleability, bulk metallicity, high biocompatibility, low wear, reduced friction, potentially high radio opacity, as well as osseointegration. All these properties render the Ti1-xAux alloys particularly useful for orthopedic, dental, and prosthetic applications, where they could be used as both permanent and temporary components. Additionally, the ability of Ti1-xAux alloys to adhere to ceramic parts could reduce the weight and cost of these components. The work at Rice was supported by NSF DMR 0847681 (E.M. and E.S.).

  12. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assays for Identification of Biological Agents in Sample Unknowns: NATO SIBCA. Exercise 5

    DTIC Science & Technology


    avantage comme Brucella spp par ex. De plus, chaque ELISA d’agent devrait &tre test~e avec un agent vivant pour confirmer la sensibilit6 du biotest aux...materiaux vivants . A plus long terme, i1 serait souhaitable d𔄀tudier des solutions de rechange qui seraient plus sensibles aux techniques

  13. Developpement de mesures non destructives, par ondes ultrasonores, d'epaisseurs de fronts de solidification dans les reacteurs metallurgiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Floquet, Jimmy

    Dans les cuves d'electrolyse d'aluminium, le milieu de reaction tres corrosif attaque les parois de la cuve, ce qui diminue leur duree de vie et augmente les couts de production. Le talus, qui se forme sous l'effet des pertes de chaleur qui maintiennent un equilibre thermique dans la cuve, sert de protection naturelle a la cuve. Son epaisseur doit etre controlee pour maximiser cet effet. Advenant la resorption non voulue de ce talus, les degats generes peuvent s'evaluer a plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars par cuve. Aussi, l'objectif est de developper une mesure ultrasonore de l'epaisseur du talus, car elle serait non intrusive et non destructive. La precision attendue est de l'ordre du centimetre pour des mesures d'epaisseurs comprenant 2 materiaux, allant de 5 a 20 cm. Cette precision est le facteur cle permettant aux industriels de controler l'epaisseur du talus de maniere efficace (maximiser la protection des parois tout en maximisant l'efficacite energetique du procede), par l'ajout d'un flux thermique. Cependant, l'efficacite d'une mesure ultrasonore dans cet environnement hostile reste a demontrer. Les travaux preliminaires ont permis de selectionner un transducteur ultrasonore a contact ayant la capacite a resister aux conditions de mesure (hautes temperatures, materiaux non caracterises...). Differentes mesures a froid (traite par analyse temps-frequence) ont permis d'evaluer la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans le materiau de la cuve en graphite et de la cryolite, demontrant la possibilite d'extraire l'information pertinente d'epaisseur du talus in fine. Fort de cette phase de caracterisation des materiaux sur la reponse acoustique des materiaux, les travaux a venir ont ete realises sur un modele reduit de la cuve. Le montage experimental, un four evoluant a 1050 °C, instrumente d'une multitude de capteurs thermique, permettra une comparaison de la mesure intrusive LVDT a celle du transducteur, dans des conditions proches de la mesure

  14. L'Anse Aux Meadows, Newfoundland

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    L'Anse aux Meadows is a site on the northernmost tip of the island of Newfoundland, located in the Province of Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, where the remains of a Viking village were discovered in 1960 by the Norwegians Helge and Anne Ingstad. The only authenticated Viking settlement in North America outside Greenland, it was the site of a multi-year archaeological dig that found dwellings, tools and implements that verified its time frame. The settlement, dating more than five hundred years before Christopher Columbus, contains the earliest European structures in North America. Named a World Heritage site by UNESCO, it is thought by many to be the semi-legendary 'Vinland' settlement of explorer Leif Ericson around AD 1000. The settlement at L'Anse aux Meadows consisted of at least eight buildings, including a forge and smelter, and a lumber yard that supported a shipyard. The largest house measured 28.8 by 15.6 m and consisted of several rooms. Sewing and knitting tools found at the site indicate women were present at L'Anse aux Meadows

    The image was acquired on September 14, 2007, covers an area of 14.2 x 14.6 km, and is located at 51.5 degrees north latitude, 55.6 degrees west longitude.

    The U.S. science team is located at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, Calif. The Terra mission is part of NASA's Science Mission Directorate.

  15. OsAUX1 controls lateral root initiation in rice (Oryza sativa L.).


    Zhao, Heming; Ma, Tengfei; Wang, Xin; Deng, Yingtian; Ma, Haoli; Zhang, Rongsheng; Zhao, Jie


    Polar auxin transport, mediated by influx and efflux transporters, controls many aspects of plant growth and development. The auxin influx carriers in Arabidopsis have been shown to control lateral root development and gravitropism, but little is known about these proteins in rice. This paper reports on the functional characterization of OsAUX1. Three OsAUX1 T-DNA insertion mutants and RNAi knockdown transgenic plants reduced lateral root initiation compared with wild-type (WT) plants. OsAUX1 overexpression plants exhibited increased lateral root initiation and OsAUX1 was highly expressed in lateral roots and lateral root primordia. Similarly, the auxin reporter, DR5-GUS, was expressed at lower levels in osaux1 than in the WT plants, which indicated that the auxin levels in the mutant roots had decreased. Exogenous 1-naphthylacetic acid (NAA) treatment rescued the defective phenotype in osaux1-1 plants, whereas indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and 2,4-D could not, which suggested that OsAUX1 was a putative auxin influx carrier. The transcript levels of several auxin signalling genes and cell cycle genes significantly declined in osaux1, hinting that the regulatory role of OsAUX1 may be mediated by auxin signalling and cell cycle genes. Overall, our results indicated that OsAUX1 was involved in polar auxin transport and functioned to control auxin-mediated lateral root initiation in rice. © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  16. AUX: a scripting language for auditory signal processing and software packages for psychoacoustic experiments and education.


    Kwon, Bomjun J


    This article introduces AUX (AUditory syntaX), a scripting syntax specifically designed to describe auditory signals and processing, to the members of the behavioral research community. The syntax is based on descriptive function names and intuitive operators suitable for researchers and students without substantial training in programming, who wish to generate and examine sound signals using a written script. In this article, the essence of AUX is discussed and practical examples of AUX scripts specifying various signals are illustrated. Additionally, two accompanying Windows-based programs and development libraries are described. AUX Viewer is a program that generates, visualizes, and plays sounds specified in AUX. AUX Viewer can also be used for class demonstrations or presentations. Another program, Psycon, allows a wide range of sound signals to be used as stimuli in common psychophysical testing paradigms, such as the adaptive procedure, the method of constant stimuli, and the method of adjustment. AUX Library is also provided, so that researchers can develop their own programs utilizing AUX. The philosophical basis of AUX is to separate signal generation from the user interface needed for experiments. AUX scripts are portable and reusable; they can be shared by other researchers, regardless of differences in actual AUX-based programs, and reused for future experiments. In short, the use of AUX can be potentially beneficial to all members of the research community-both those with programming backgrounds and those without.

  17. Sequence stratigraphy of the Aux Vases Sandstone: A major oil producer in the Illinois basin

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Leetaru, H.E.


    The Aux Vases Sandstone (Mississippian) has contributed between 10 and 25% of all the oil produced in Illinois. The Aux Vases is not only an important oil reservoir but is also an important source of groundwater, quarrying stone, and fluorspar. Using sequence stratigraphy, a more accurate stratigraphic interpretation of this economically important formation can be discerned and thereby enable more effective exploration for the resources contained therein. Previous studies have assumed that the underlying Spar Mountain, Karnak, and Joppa formations interfingered with the Aux Vases, as did the overlying Renault Limestone. This study demonstrates that these formations instead are separated by sequence boundaries; therefore, they are not genetically related to each other. A result of this sequence stratigraphic approach is the identification of incised valleys, paleotopography, and potential new hydrocarbon reservoirs in the Spar Mountain and Aux Vases. In eastern Illinois, the Aux Vases is bounded by sequence boundaries with 20 ft (6 m) of relief. The Aux Vases oil reservoir facies was deposited as a tidally influenced siliciclastic wedge that prograded over underlying carbonate-rich sediments. The Aux Vases sedimentary succession consists of offshore sediment overlain by intertidal and supratidal sediments. Low-permeability shales and carbonates typically surround the Aux Vases reservoir sandstone and thereby form numerous bypassed compartments from which additional oil can be recovered. The potential for new significant oil fields within the Aux Vases is great, as is the potential for undrained reservoir compartments within existing Aux Vases fields.

  18. Developpement d'un modele analytique pour l'analyse en elasticite lineaire de champs de deformation et contrainte au sein d'un polycristal. comparaison avec la methode des elements finis =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretin, Remy

    L'endommagement par fatigue des materiaux est un probleme courant dans de nombreux domaines, dont celui de l'aeronautique. Afin de prevenir la rupture par fatigue des materiaux il est necessaire de determiner leur duree de vie en fatigue. Malheureusement, dues aux nombreuses heterogeneites presentes, la duree de vie en fatigue peut fortement varier entre deux pieces identiques faites dans le meme materiau ayant subi les memes traitements. Il est donc necessaire de considerer ces heterogeneites dans nos modeles afin d'avoir une meilleure estimation de la duree de vie des materiaux. Comme premiere etape vers une meilleure consideration des heterogeneites dans nos modeles, une etude en elasticite lineaire de l'influence des orientations cristallographiques sur les champs de deformations et de contraintes dans un polycristal a ete realisee a l'aide de la methode des elements finis. Des correlations ont pu etre etablies a partir des resultats obtenus, et un modele analytique en elasticite lineaire prenant en compte les distributions d'orientations cristallographiques et les effets de voisinage a pu etre developpe. Ce modele repose sur les bases des modeles d'homogeneisation classique, comme le schema auto-coherent, et reprend aussi les principes de voisinage des automates cellulaires. En prenant pour reference les resultats des analyses elements finis, le modele analytique ici developpe a montre avoir une precision deux fois plus grande que le modele auto-coherent, quel que soit le materiau etudie.

  19. Les soins aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires canadiens : les considérations particulières

    PubMed Central

    Rowan-Legg, Anne


    Résumé Les familles des militaires font face à de nombreux facteurs de stress, tels que les réinstallations fréquentes, les longues pério des de séparation familiale, l’isolement géographique du réseau de soutien de la famille élargie et le déploiement en zones très dangereuses. Les enfants et les adolescents des familles des militaires vivent les mêmes trajectoires développementales et motivationnelles que leurs homologues civils, mais ils sont également aux prises avec des pressions et des facteurs de stress liés à leur développement qui sont inhabituels et qui leur sont imposés par les exigences de la vie militaire. Les effets de la vie militaire sur les familles et les enfants commencent à être admis et mieux caractérisés. Il est essentiel de comprendre les préoccupations propres aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires et de mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour les soutenir afin de répondre à leurs besoins en matière de santé.

  20. Miroirs multicouches C/SI a incidence normale pour la region spectrale 25-40 nanometres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grigonis, Marius

    Nous avons propose la nouvelle combinaison de materiaux, C/Si, pour la fabrication de miroirs multicouches a incidence normale dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les resultats experimentaux montrent que cette combinaison possede une reflectivite d'environ ~25% dans la region spectrale 25-33 nm et une reflectivite d'environ ~23% dans la region spectrale 33-40 nm. Ces valeurs de reflectivite sont les plus grandes obtenues jusqu'a maintenant dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les miroirs multicouches ont ete par la suite caracterises par microscopie electronique a transmission, par diverses techniques de diffraction des rayons X et par spectroscopies d'electrons AES et ESCA. La resistance des miroirs aux temperatures elevees a ete egalement etudiee. Les resultats fournis par les methodes de caracterisation indiquent que cette combinaison possede des caracteristiques tres prometteuses pour son application comme miroir pour les rayons X mous.

  1. Adsorption de gaz sur les materiaux microporeux modelisation, thermodynamique et applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Richard, Marc-Andre


    Nos travaux sur l'adsorption de gaz dans les materiaux microporeux s'inscrivent dans le cadre des recherches visant a augmenter l'efficacite du stockage de l'hydrogene a bord des vehicules. Notre objectif etait d'etudier la possibilite d'utiliser l'adsorption afin d'ameliorer l'efficacite de la liquefaction de l'hydrogene des systemes a petite echelle. Nous avons egalement evalue les performances d'un systeme de stockage cryogenique de l'hydrogene base sur la physisorption. Comme nous avons affaire a des plages de temperatures particulierement etendues et a de hautes pressions dans la region supercritique du gaz, nous avons du commencer par travailler sur la modelisation et la thermodynamique de l'adsorption. La representation de la quantite de gaz adsorbee en fonction de la temperature et de la pression par un modele semi-empirique est un outil utile pour determiner la masse de gaz adsorbee dans un systeme mais egalement pour calculer les effets thermiques lies a l'adsorption. Nous avons adapte le modele Dubinin-Astakhov (D-A) pour modeliser des isothermes d'adsorption d'hydrogene, d'azote et de methane sur du charbon actif a haute pression et sur une grande plage de temperatures supercritiques en considerant un volume d'adsorption invariant. Avec cinq parametres de regression (incluant le volume d'adsorption Va), le modele que nous avons developpe permet de tres bien representer des isothermes experimentales d'adsorption d'hydrogene (de 30 a 293 K, jusqu'a 6 MPa), d'azote (de 93 a 298 K, jusqu'a 6 MPa) et de methane (de 243 a 333 K, jusqu'a 9 MPa) sur le charbon actif. Nous avons calcule l'energie interne de la phase adsorbee a partir du modele en nous servant de la thermodynamique des solutions sans negliger le volume d'adsorption. Par la suite, nous avons presente les equations de conservation de la niasse et de l'energie pour un systeme d'adsorption et valide notre demarche en comparant des simulations et des tests d'adsorption et de desorption. En plus de l

  2. Structural basis for the auxin-induced transcriptional regulation by Aux/IAA17.


    Han, Mookyoung; Park, Yangshin; Kim, Iktae; Kim, Eun-Hee; Yu, Tae-Kyung; Rhee, Sangkee; Suh, Jeong-Yong


    Auxin is the central hormone that regulates plant growth and organ development. Transcriptional regulation by auxin is mediated by the auxin response factor (ARF) and the repressor, AUX/IAA. Aux/IAA associates with ARF via domain III-IV for transcriptional repression that is reversed by auxin-induced Aux/IAA degradation. It has been known that Aux/IAA and ARF form homo- and hetero-oligomers for the transcriptional regulation, but what determines their association states is poorly understood. Here we report, to our knowledge, the first solution structure of domain III-IV of Aux/IAA17 (IAA17), and characterize molecular interactions underlying the homotypic and heterotypic oligomerization. The structure exhibits a compact β-grasp fold with a highly dynamic insert helix that is unique in Aux/IAA family proteins. IAA17 associates to form a heterogeneous ensemble of front-to-back oligomers in a concentration-dependent manner. IAA17 and ARF5 associate to form homo- or hetero-oligomers using a common scaffold and binding interfaces, but their affinities vary significantly. The equilibrium dissociation constants (KD) for homo-oligomerization are 6.6 μM and 0.87 μM for IAA17 and ARF5, respectively, whereas hetero-oligomerization reveals a ∼ 10- to ∼ 100-fold greater affinity (KD = 73 nM). Thus, individual homo-oligomers of IAA17 and ARF5 spontaneously exchange their subunits to form alternating hetero-oligomers for transcriptional repression. Oligomerization is mainly driven by electrostatic interactions, so that charge complementarity at the interface determines the binding affinity. Variable binding affinity by surface charge modulation may effectively regulate the complex interaction network between Aux/IAA and ARF family proteins required for the transcriptional control of auxin-response genes.

  3. Synthese, etude structurale et electrochimique des materiaux d'electrode positive d'oxydes mixtes lithium cobalt nickel oxide (0 /= 1) pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grincourt, Yves

    Depuis une dizaine d'annees, on observe un interet grandissant pour les batteries rechargeables au lithium de tension superieure a 4 volts. La commercialisation de ces batteries pour l'electronique grand marche tend de plus en plus a supplanter celle des accumulateurs Ni-Cd et Ni-MH, de tension nominate 1,2 V. Ces batteries au lithium font appel a des materiaux d'electrode positive (cathode a la decharge) du type oxydes mixtes de metaux de transition LiMnO 2, LiMn2O4, LiNiO2 ou LiCoO2. Si le compose LiCoO2 est relativement aise a synthetiser, il n'en demeure pas moins que le cobalt reste un metal plus couteux compare au nickel et au manganese. La synthese de LiNiO2, quart a elle, demeure un probleme du point de vue stoechiometrique. Un defaut de lithium (5 a 10% molaire) conduira a des proprietes electrochimiques mediocres de la batterie. Dans cette etude nous nous proposons donc de preparer par voie humide et par voie seche les materiaux d'electrode positive de la famille LiCoyNi1-yO2 aver (0 ≤ y ≤ 1) et d'etudier en detail l'influence du pourcentage de nickel et de cobalt sur les proprietes electrochimiques des oxydes mixtes Li-Ni-Co. Une des caracteristiques est la morphologie plus fine des poudres de materiaux, observes par microscopie electronique a balayage (MEB). Un traitement thermique a plus basse temperature (750°C) que pour LiCoO2 (850°C) ainsi qu'un leger exces de lithium dans la preparation, ont permis d'aboutir a un materiau de stoechiometrie quasi parfaite. Neanmoins, le role de pilfer joue par 2 a 4% de moles de Ni2+ presents sur les sites lithium, permet de conserver intacte la structure hexagonale de la maille entre deux cycles consecutifs. Afin de mieux comprendre l'influence du vieillissement dune demi-pile Li/LiMeO2 (Me = Ni, Co) a temperature ambiante, des etudes electrochimiques et d'impedance spectroscopique ont ete menees en parallele. Le vieillissement de la cellule s'accompagne seulement dune chute de son potentiel due a son auto

  4. Interdire aux enfants et aux adolescents de moins de 18 ans l’accès aux établissements commerciaux de bronzage

    PubMed Central

    Taddeo, Danielle; Stanwick, Richard


    RÉSUMÉ Le nombre de mélanomes cutanés malins a plus que triplé depuis 35 ans. Puisque les dommages sont cumulatifs, l’exposition aux rayonnements ultraviolets tôt dans la vie accroît le risque, qui augmente davantage avec l’utilisation de sources artificielles de rayonnements ultraviolets. Il peut falloir des années pour évaluer les répercussions et l’étendue complètes des dommages causés par le bronzage artificiel à longueur d’année, compte tenu de la longue période de latence de la plupart des cancers de la peau. Les adolescents fréquentent souvent les salons de bronzage, les filles s’y rendant davantage et de manière soutenue. L’industrie du bronzage conteste la classification de cancérigène physique de groupe 1 qu’attribuent au bronzage artificiel l’Organisation mondiale de la santé et le Centre international de recherche sur le cancer. Les salons de bronzage cherchent à établir et à maintenir une clientèle chez les adolescents. Par conséquent, la Société canadienne de pédiatrie s’ajoute à d’autres organismes de santé réputés pour appuyer l’interdiction des établissements commerciaux de bronzage aux enfants et adolescents de moins de 18 ans.

  5. Evidence supporting an intentional Neandertal burial at La Chapelle-aux-Saints.


    Rendu, William; Beauval, Cédric; Crevecoeur, Isabelle; Bayle, Priscilla; Balzeau, Antoine; Bismuth, Thierry; Bourguignon, Laurence; Delfour, Géraldine; Faivre, Jean-Philippe; Lacrampe-Cuyaubère, François; Tavormina, Carlotta; Todisco, Dominique; Turq, Alain; Maureille, Bruno


    The bouffia Bonneval at La Chapelle-aux-Saints is well known for the discovery of the first secure Neandertal burial in the early 20th century. However, the intentionality of the burial remains an issue of some debate. Here, we present the results of a 12-y fieldwork project, along with a taphonomic analysis of the human remains, designed to assess the funerary context of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neandertal. We have established the anthropogenic nature of the burial pit and underlined the taphonomic evidence of a rapid burial of the body. These multiple lines of evidence support the hypothesis of an intentional burial. Finally, the discovery of skeletal elements belonging to the original La Chapelle aux Saints 1 individual, two additional young individuals, and a second adult in the bouffia Bonneval highlights a more complex site-formation history than previously proposed.

  6. Evolution Analysis of the Aux/IAA Gene Family in Plants Shows Dual Origins and Variable Nuclear Localization Signals.


    Wu, Wentao; Liu, Yaxue; Wang, Yuqian; Li, Huimin; Liu, Jiaxi; Tan, Jiaxin; He, Jiadai; Bai, Jingwen; Ma, Haoli


    The plant hormone auxin plays pivotal roles in many aspects of plant growth and development. The auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) gene family encodes short-lived nuclear proteins acting on auxin perception and signaling, but the evolutionary history of this gene family remains to be elucidated. In this study, the Aux/IAA gene family in 17 plant species covering all major lineages of plants is identified and analyzed by using multiple bioinformatics methods. A total of 434 Aux/IAA genes was found among these plant species, and the gene copy number ranges from three ( Physcomitrella patens ) to 63 ( Glycine max ). The phylogenetic analysis shows that the canonical Aux/IAA proteins can be generally divided into five major clades, and the origin of Aux/IAA proteins could be traced back to the common ancestor of land plants and green algae. Many truncated Aux/IAA proteins were found, and some of these truncated Aux/IAA proteins may be generated from the C-terminal truncation of auxin response factor (ARF) proteins. Our results indicate that tandem and segmental duplications play dominant roles for the expansion of the Aux/IAA gene family mainly under purifying selection. The putative nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in Aux/IAA proteins are conservative, and two kinds of new primordial bipartite NLSs in P. patens and Selaginella moellendorffii were discovered. Our findings not only give insights into the origin and expansion of the Aux/IAA gene family, but also provide a basis for understanding their functions during the course of evolution.

  7. Evolution Analysis of the Aux/IAA Gene Family in Plants Shows Dual Origins and Variable Nuclear Localization Signals

    PubMed Central

    Wu, Wentao; Liu, Yaxue; Wang, Yuqian; Li, Huimin; Liu, Jiaxi; Tan, Jiaxin; He, Jiadai; Bai, Jingwen


    The plant hormone auxin plays pivotal roles in many aspects of plant growth and development. The auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) gene family encodes short-lived nuclear proteins acting on auxin perception and signaling, but the evolutionary history of this gene family remains to be elucidated. In this study, the Aux/IAA gene family in 17 plant species covering all major lineages of plants is identified and analyzed by using multiple bioinformatics methods. A total of 434 Aux/IAA genes was found among these plant species, and the gene copy number ranges from three (Physcomitrella patens) to 63 (Glycine max). The phylogenetic analysis shows that the canonical Aux/IAA proteins can be generally divided into five major clades, and the origin of Aux/IAA proteins could be traced back to the common ancestor of land plants and green algae. Many truncated Aux/IAA proteins were found, and some of these truncated Aux/IAA proteins may be generated from the C-terminal truncation of auxin response factor (ARF) proteins. Our results indicate that tandem and segmental duplications play dominant roles for the expansion of the Aux/IAA gene family mainly under purifying selection. The putative nuclear localization signals (NLSs) in Aux/IAA proteins are conservative, and two kinds of new primordial bipartite NLSs in P. patens and Selaginella moellendorffii were discovered. Our findings not only give insights into the origin and expansion of the Aux/IAA gene family, but also provide a basis for understanding their functions during the course of evolution. PMID:28991190

  8. Localized Iron Supply Triggers Lateral Root Elongation in Arabidopsis by Altering the AUX1-Mediated Auxin Distribution[C][W][OA

    PubMed Central

    Giehl, Ricardo F.H.; Lima, Joni E.; von Wirén, Nicolaus


    Root system architecture depends on nutrient availability, which shapes primary and lateral root development in a nutrient-specific manner. To better understand how nutrient signals are integrated into root developmental programs, we investigated the morphological response of Arabidopsis thaliana roots to iron (Fe). Relative to a homogeneous supply, localized Fe supply in horizontally separated agar plates doubled lateral root length without having a differential effect on lateral root number. In the Fe uptake-defective mutant iron-regulated transporter1 (irt1), lateral root development was severely repressed, but a requirement for IRT1 could be circumvented by Fe application to shoots, indicating that symplastic Fe triggered the local elongation of lateral roots. The Fe-stimulated emergence of lateral root primordia and root cell elongation depended on the rootward auxin stream and was accompanied by a higher activity of the auxin reporter DR5-β-glucuronidase in lateral root apices. A crucial role of the auxin transporter AUXIN RESISTANT1 (AUX1) in Fe-triggered lateral root elongation was indicated by Fe-responsive AUX1 promoter activities in lateral root apices and by the failure of the aux1-T mutant to elongate lateral roots into Fe-enriched agar patches. We conclude that a local symplastic Fe gradient in lateral roots upregulates AUX1 to accumulate auxin in lateral root apices as a prerequisite for lateral root elongation. PMID:22234997

  9. AUX1 regulates root gravitropism in Arabidopsis by facilitating auxin uptake within root apical tissues.

    PubMed Central

    Marchant, A; Kargul, J; May, S T; Muller, P; Delbarre, A; Perrot-Rechenmann, C; Bennett, M J


    Plants employ a specialized transport system composed of separate influx and efflux carriers to mobilize the plant hormone auxin between its site(s) of synthesis and action. Mutations within the permease-like AUX1 protein significantly reduce the rate of carrier-mediated auxin uptake within Arabidopsis roots, conferring an agravitropic phenotype. We are able to bypass the defect within auxin uptake and restore the gravitropic root phenotype of aux1 by growing mutant seedlings in the presence of the membrane-permeable synthetic auxin, 1-naphthaleneacetic acid. We illustrate that AUX1 expression overlaps that previously described for the auxin efflux carrier, AtPIN2, using transgenic lines expressing an AUX1 promoter::uidA (GUS) gene. Finally, we demonstrate that AUX1 regulates gravitropic curvature by acting in unison with the auxin efflux carrier to co-ordinate the localized redistribution of auxin within the Arabidopsis root apex. Our results provide the first example of a developmental role for the auxin influx carrier within higher plants and supply new insight into the molecular basis of gravitropic signalling. PMID:10205161

  10. Possible quantum valence criticality in CeCu6-xAux

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shiino, Takayuki; Nobe, Kohei; Imura, Keiichiro; Deguchi, Kazuhiko; Sato, Noriaki K.


    CeCu6-xAux is known as a heavy fermion compound that exhibits antiferromagnetism for x ≳ 0 . 1 and non-Fermi-liquid (NFL) behavior around the critical concentration xc ≈ 0 . 1. Although this material has been studied by means of a lot of experiments, the origin of its NFL is still veiled in mystery. In this study, we examine the magnetic properties of CeCu6-xAux for various values of x (0 ≤ x ≤ 0.8), and discuss the possibility that the quantum valence criticality might be responsible for the low-temperature magnetic properties.

  11. Fissuration d'un composite a matrice ceramique dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lebel, Larry

    Une procedure experimentale a ete developpee pour caracteriser les mecanismes de deterioration et la durabilite de materiaux composites a matrice ceramique (CMC) dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz. Tandis que la plupart des essais de caracterisation publies sur les materiaux CMC ont ete realises sous des conditions de chargement controle, la presente recherche tente de reproduire la relaxation des contraintes qui se produit normalement dans une piece statique a haute temperature. Dans l'experience proposee, un echantillon planaire de forme haltere est chauffe de facon cyclique sur une de ses faces et refroidi sur l'autre, tout en etant contraint dans ses deplacements. La contrainte de flexion resultante au centre de l'echantillon, mesuree par une cellule de charge, correspond a la contrainte de flexion qui a ete prealablement predite au centre des panneaux d'une chambre a combustion generique. Un materiau CMC multicouche compose d'une matrice d'alumine poreuse et de fibres NextelMD 720 a ete utilise pour developper l'experience. Des essais de calibration ont d'abord ete realises en utilisant un systeme de chauffage par lampe infrarouge, atteignant jusqu'a 1160 °C a la surface de l'echantillon. Un systeme laser au CO2 a par la suite ete utilise pour realiser des essais de deterioration a haute puissance, atteignant en fin d'essai des temperatures de surface excedant la limite de 1200 °C du materiau et des differences de temperature a travers l'epaisseur de plus de 1000 °C. Sous la puissance de chauffage imposee a amplitude constante, l'accumulation de dommage a fait en sorte d'augmenter la temperature en surface et les gradients de temperature a travers le materiau. Une reduction de la contrainte dans le temps a ete observee a cause du fluage, de la fissuration et de la delamination du materiau sous la condition de confinement du deplacement, menant a une stabilisation du niveau de dommage a une certaine profondeur dependant de la contrainte

  12. Identification and Analyses of AUX-IAA target genes controlling multiple pathways in developing fiber cells of Gossypium hirsutum L

    PubMed Central

    Nigam, Deepti; Sawant, Samir V


    Technological development led to an increased interest in systems biological approaches in plants to characterize developmental mechanism and candidate genes relevant to specific tissue or cell morphology. AUX-IAA proteins are important plant-specific putative transcription factors. There are several reports on physiological response of this family in Arabidopsis but in cotton fiber the transcriptional network through which AUX-IAA regulated its target genes is still unknown. in-silico modelling of cotton fiber development specific gene expression data (108 microarrays and 22,737 genes) using Algorithm for the Reconstruction of Accurate Cellular Networks (ARACNe) reveals 3690 putative AUX-IAA target genes of which 139 genes were known to be AUX-IAA co-regulated within Arabidopsis. Further AUX-IAA targeted gene regulatory network (GRN) had substantial impact on the transcriptional dynamics of cotton fiber, as showed by, altered TF networks, and Gene Ontology (GO) biological processes and metabolic pathway associated with its target genes. Analysis of the AUX-IAA-correlated gene network reveals multiple functions for AUX-IAA target genes such as unidimensional cell growth, cellular nitrogen compound metabolic process, nucleosome organization, DNA-protein complex and process related to cell wall. These candidate networks/pathways have a variety of profound impacts on such cellular functions as stress response, cell proliferation, and cell differentiation. While these functions are fairly broad, their underlying TF networks may provide a global view of AUX-IAA regulated gene expression and a GRN that guides future studies in understanding role of AUX-IAA box protein and its targets regulating fiber development. PMID:24497725

  13. The ARF, AUX/IAA and GH3 gene families in citrus: genome-wide identification and expression analysis during fruitlet drop from abscission zone A.


    Xie, Rangjin; Pang, Shaoping; Ma, Yanyan; Deng, Lie; He, Shaolan; Yi, Shilai; Lv, Qiang; Zheng, Yongqiang


    Completion of the whole genome sequencing of citrus enabled us to perform genome-wide identification and functional analysis of the gene families involved in agronomic traits and morphological diversity of citrus. In this study, 22 CitARF, 11 CitGH3 and 26 CitAUX/IAA genes were identified in citrus, respectively. Phylogenetic analysis revealed that all the genes of each gene family could be subdivided into three groups and showed strong evolutionary conservation. The GH3 and AUX/IAA gene families shrank and ARF gene family was highly conserved in the citrus genome after speciation from Arabidopsis thaliana. Tissue-specific expression profiles revealed that 54 genes were expressed in at least one tissue while just 5 genes including CitARF07, CitARF20, CitGH3.04, CitAUX/IAA25 and CitAUX/IAA26 with very low expression level in all tissues tested, suggesting that the CitARF, CitGH3 and CitAUX/IAA gene families played important roles in the development of citrus organs. In addition, our data found that the expression of 2 CitARF, 4 CitGH3 and 4 AUX/IAA genes was affected by IAA treatment, and 7 genes including, CitGH3.04, CitGH3.07, CitAUX/IAA03, CitAUX/IAA04, CitAUX/IAA18, CitAUX/IAA19 and CitAUX/IAA23 were related to fruitlet abscission. This study provides a foundation for future studies on elucidating the precise role of citrus ARF, GH3 and AUX/IAA genes in early steps of auxin signal transduction and open up a new opportunity to uncover the molecular mechanism underlying citrus fruitlet abscission.

  14. Disruptions in AUX1-dependent auxin influx alter hypocotyl phototropism in Arabidopsis.


    Stone, Bethany B; Stowe-Evans, Emily L; Harper, Reneé M; Celaya, R Brandon; Ljung, Karin; Sandberg, Göran; Liscum, Emmanuel


    Phototropism represents a differential growth response by which plant organs can respond adaptively to changes in the direction of incident light to optimize leaf/stem positioning for photosynthetic light capture and root growth orientation for water/nutrient acquisition. Studies over the past few years have identified a number of components in the signaling pathway(s) leading to development of phototropic curvatures in hypocotyls. These include the phototropin photoreceptors (phot1 and phot2) that perceive directional blue-light (BL) cues and then stimulate signaling, leading to relocalization of the plant hormone auxin, as well as the auxin response factor NPH4/ARF7 that responds to changes in local auxin concentrations to directly mediate expression of genes likely encoding proteins necessary for development of phototropic curvatures. While null mutations in NPH4/ARF7 condition an aphototropic response to unidirectional BL, seedlings carrying the same mutations recover BL-dependent phototropic responsiveness if co-irradiated with red light (RL) or pre-treated with either ethylene. In the present study, we identify second-site enhancer mutations in the nph4 background that abrogate these recovery responses. One of these mutations--map1 (modifier of arf7 phenotypes 1)--was found to represent a missense allele of AUX1--a gene encoding a high-affinity auxin influx carrier previously associated with a number of root responses. Pharmacological studies and analyses of additional aux1 mutants confirmed that AUX1 functions as a modulator of hypocotyl phototropism. Moreover, we have found that the strength of dependence of hypocotyl phototropism on AUX1-mediated auxin influx is directly related to the auxin responsiveness of the seedling in question.

  15. Maladies reliées aux loisirs aquatiques

    PubMed Central

    Sanborn, Margaret; Takaro, Tim


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les facteurs de risque, la prise en charge et la prévention des maladies reliées aux loisirs aquatiques en pratique familiale. Sources des données Des articles originaux et de synthèse entre janvier 1998 et février 2012 ont été identifiés à l’aide de PubMed et des expressions de recherche en anglais water-related illness, recreational water illness et swimmer illness. Message principal Il y a un risque de 3 % à 8 % de maladies gastrointestinales (MGI) après la baignade. Les groupes à risque élevé de MGI sont les enfants de moins de 5 ans, surtout s’ils n’ont pas été vaccinés contre le rotavirus, les personnes âgées et les patients immunodéficients. Les enfants sont à plus grand risque parce qu’ils avalent plus d’eau quand ils nagent, restent dans l’eau plus longtemps et jouent dans l’eau peu profonde et le sable qui sont plus contaminés. Les adeptes des sports dans lesquels le contact avec l’eau est abondant comme le triathlon et le surf cerf-volant sont aussi à risque élevé et même ceux qui s’adonnent à des activités impliquant un contact partiel avec l’eau comme la navigation de plaisance et la pêche ont un risque de 40 % à 50 % fois plus grand de MGI par rapport à ceux qui ne pratiquent pas de sports aquatiques. Il y a lieu de faire une culture des selles quand on soupçonne une maladie reliée aux loisirs aquatiques et l’échelle clinique de la déshydratation est utile pour l’évaluation des besoins de traitement chez les enfants affectés. Conclusion Les maladies reliées aux loisirs aquatiques est la principale cause de MGI durant la saison des baignades. La reconnaissance que la baignade est une source importante de maladies peut aider à prévenir les cas récurrents et secondaires. On recommande fortement le vaccin contre le rotavirus chez les enfants qui se baignent souvent.

  16. The aux1 gene of the Ri plasmid is sufficient to confer auxin autotrophy in tobacco BY-2 cells.


    Nemoto, Keiichirou; Hara, Masamitsu; Goto, Shingo; Kasai, Kouji; Seki, Hikaru; Suzuki, Masashi; Oka, Atsuhiro; Muranaka, Toshiya; Mano, Yoshihiro


    Tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum) Bright Yellow-2 (BY-2) cells are rapidly proliferating meristematic cells that require auxin for culture in vitro. We have established several transgenic BY-2 cell lines that carry the T-DNA of Agrobacterium rhizogenes 15834, which harbors an agropine-type root-inducing (Ri) plasmid. Two of these lines, BYHR-3 and BYHR-7, were used to test the role of auxin in the proliferation of plant cells. The lines grew rapidly in Linsmaier-Skoog (LS) medium lacking auxin and other phytohormones. The TR-DNA, containing the aux1 (tryptophan monooxygenase) and aux2 (indoleacetamide hydrolase) genes, was present in the genomes of both transgenic lines, whereas the TL-DNA, containing the rolA, B, C and D genes, was present in the genome of BYHR-7 but not BYHR-3. Since the introduction of the rolABCD genes alone did not affect the auxin requirement of BY-2 cells, the aux1 and aux2 genes, but not the rolABCD genes, appear to be relevant to the auxin autotrophy of these transgenic lines. Furthermore, the overexpression of aux1 allowed BY-2 cells to grow rapidly in the absence of auxin, suggesting the existence in plant cells of an unidentified gene whose product is functionally equivalent or similar to that of aux2 of the Ri plasmid.

  17. Pathology and the posture of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints Neandertal.


    Trinkaus, E


    The depiction of the Neandertals as incompletely erect was based primarily on Boule's (1911, 1912a, 1913) analysis of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 partial skeleton. The inaccurate aspects of Boule's postural reconstruction were corrected during the 1950s. However, it has come to be believed, following Straus and Cave (1957), that Boule's errors of reconstruction were due to the diseased condition of the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 remains, rather than to Boule's misinterpretation of morphology. The abnormalities on the La Chapelle-aux-Saints 1 postcranium include: lower cervical, upper thoracic, and lower thoracic intervertebral degenerative joint disease (DJD), a distal fracture of a mid-thoracic rib, extensive DJD of the left hip, DJD of the right fifth proximal interphalangeal articulation, bilateral humeral head eburnation, and minor exostosis formation on the right humerus, ulna, and radius. These were associated with extensive alveolar inflammation including apical abscesses and antemortem tooth loss, some temporomandibular DJD, bilateral auditory exostoses, and minimal occipital condyle DJD. None of these abnormalities significantly affected Boule's Neandertal postural reconstruction, and a review of his analysis indicates that early twentieth century interpretations of skeletal morphology (primarily of the cranium, cervical vertebrae, lumbar and sacral vertebrae, proximal femora and tibiae, posterior tarsals, and hallucial tarsometatarsal joint), combined with Boule's evolutionary preconceptions, were responsible for his mistaken view of Neandertal posture.

  18. Self-assembly of bimetallic AuxPd1-x alloy nanoparticles via dewetting of bilayers through the systematic control of temperature, thickness, composition and stacking sequence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kunwar, Sundar; Pandey, Puran; Sui, Mao; Bastola, Sushil; Lee, Jihoon


    Bimetallic alloy nanoparticles (NPs) are attractive materials for various applications with their morphology and elemental composition dependent optical, electronic, magnetic and catalytic properties. This work demonstrates the evolution of AuxPd1-x alloy nanostructures by the solid-state dewetting of sequentially deposited bilayers of Au and Pd on sapphire (0001). Various shape, size and configuration of AuxPd1‑x alloy NPs are fabricated by the systematic control of annealing temperature, deposition thickness, composition as well as stacking sequence. The evolution of alloy nanostructures is attributed to the surface diffusion, interface diffusion between bilayers, surface and interface energy minimization, Volmer-Weber growth model and equilibrium configuration. Depending upon the temperature, the surface morphologies evolve with the formation of pits, grains and voids and gradually develop into isolated semi-spherical alloy NPs by the expansion of voids and agglomeration of Au and Pd adatoms. On the other hand, small isolated to enlarged elongated and over-grown layer-like alloy nanostructures are fabricated due to the coalescence, partial diffusion and inter-diffusion with the increased bilayer thickness. In addition, the composition and stacking sequence of bilayers remarkably affect the final geometry of AuxPd1‑x nanostructures due to the variation in the dewetting process. The optical analysis based on the UV–vis-NIR reflectance spectra reveals the surface morphology dependent plasmonic resonance, scattering, reflection and absorption properties of AuxPd1‑x alloy nanostructures.

  19. First-principles study of the structural and elastic properties of AuxV1-x and AuxNb1-x alloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Al-Zoubi, N.


    Ab initio total energy calculations, based on the Exact Muffin-Tin Orbitals (EMTO) method in combination with the coherent potential approximation (CPA), are used to calculate the total energy of AuxV1-x and AuxNb1-x random alloys along the Bain path that connects the body-centred cubic (bcc) and face-centred cubic (fcc) structures as a function of composition x (0 ≤ x ≤ 1). The equilibrium Wigner-Seitz radius and the elastic properties of both systems are determined as a function of composition. Our theoretical prediction in case of pure elements (x = 0 or x = 1) are in good agreement with the available experimental data. For the Au-V system, the equilibrium Wigner-Seitz radius increase as x increases, while for the Au-Nb system, the equilibrium Wigner-Seitz radius is almost constant. The bulk modulus B and C44 for both alloys exhibit nearly parabolic trend. On the other hand, the tetragonal shear elastic constant C‧ decreases as x increases and correlates reasonably well with the structural energy difference between fcc and bcc structures. Our results offer a consistent starting point for further theoretical and experimental studies of the elastic and micromechanical properties of Au-V and Au-Nb systems.

  20. Molecular adsorption properties of CO and H2O on Au-, Cu-, and AuxCuy-doped MoS2 monolayer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kadioglu, Yelda; Gökoğlu, Gökhan; Üzengi Aktürk, Olcay


    In this study, we investigate the adsorption properties of Au, Cu, and AuxCuy nanoclusters on MoS2 sheet and the interactions of the adsorbed systems with CO and H2O molecules by using first principles calculations. Results indicate that Au, Cu, or AuxCuy strongly binds to MoS2 monolayer resulting in enhanced chemical activity and sensitivity toward CO and H2O molecules compared to bare MoS2 monolayer. Although both CO and H2O molecules bind weakly to pristine MoS2 monolayer, CO strongly binds to MoS2 sheet in the presence of Au, Cu atoms or AuxCuy clusters. Semiconductor MoS2 monolayer turns into metal upon Au or Cu adsorption. AuxCuy nanocluster adsorption decreases the band gap of MoS2 monolayer acting as a n-type dopant. AuxCuy-doped MoS2 systems have improved adsorption properties for CO and H2O molecules, so the conclusions provided in this study can be useful as a guide for next generation device modeling.

  1. Conception, elaboration et mise a l'essai d'un simulateur interactif permettant une approche modelisante: Application aux lois de la genetique mendelienne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lasri, Abdel-Halim

    Dans cette recherche-developpement, nous avons concu, developpe et mis a l'essai un simulateur interactif pour favoriser l'apprentissage des lois probabilistes impliqees dans la genetique mendelienne. Cet environnement informatise devra permettre aux etudiants de mener des experiences simulees, utilisant les statistiques et les probebilites comme outils mathematiques pour modeliser le phenomene de la transmission des caracteres hereditaires. L'approche didactique est essentiellement orientee vers l'utilisation des methodes quantitatives impliquees dans l'experimentation des facteurs hereditaires. En incorporant au simulateur le principe de la "Lunette cognitive" de Nonnon (1986), l'etudiant fut place dans une situation ou il a pu synchroniser la perception de la representation iconique (concrete) et symbolique (abstraite) des lois probabilistes de Mendel. A l'aide de cet environnement, nous avons amene l'etudiant a identifier le(s) caractere(s) hereditaire(s) des parents a croiser, a predire les frequences phenotypiques probables de la descendance issue du croisement, a observer les resultats statistiques et leur fluctuation au niveau de l'histogramme des frequences, a comparer ces resultats aux predictions anticipees, a interpreter les donnees et a selectionner en consequence d'autres experiences a realiser. Les etapes de l'approche inductive sont privilegiees du debut a la fin des activites proposees. L'elaboration, du simulateur et des documents d'accompagnement, a ete concue a partir d'une vingtaine de principes directeurs et d'un modele d'action. Ces principes directeurs et le modele d'action decoulent de considerations theoriques psychologiques, didactiques et technologiques. La recherche decrit la structure des differentes parties composant le simulateur. L'architecture de celui-ci est construite autour d'une unite centrale, la "Principale", dont les liens et les ramifications avec les autres unites confere a l'ensemble du simulateur sa souplesse et sa

  2. Applications of Composite Materials in Helicopter Construction (Les Applications des Materiaux Composite dans la Construction des Helicopteres),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TRANSLATION TITLE: APPLICATIONS OF COMPOSITE MATERIALS IN HELICOPTER CONSTRUCTION LES APPLICATIONS DES MATERTAUX COMWSITE DANS LA CONSTRUCTION DES...International Symposium on Design and Use of Kevlar in Aircraft, Geneva, 12 October 1982 [Beziac, Gilbert;* Les applications des mat6riaux composite...the pilot’s orders to the engine and the rotors. --Rear rotor Conventional or "faired propeller" type with its overall pitch control --Vibration

  3. Identification of ARF and AUX/IAA gene families in Rafflesia cantleyi

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elias, Nur Atiqah Mohd; Goh, Hoe-Han; Isa, Nurulhikma Md; Wan, Kiew-Lian


    Rafflesia is a unique plant that produces the largest flowers in the world. It has a short blooming period of 6 to 7 days. Due to its rarity and limited accessibility, little is known about the growth and developmental process in the Rafflesia plant. In all plant species, auxin is the key hormone that is involved in growth and development. The auxin signal transduction involves members of the ARF transcription factor and AUX/IAA regulator families, which activate or inhibit the regulation of auxin response genes, thereby control the developmental process in plants. To gain a better understanding of molecular regulations in the Rafflesia plant development during flowering, members of the ARF and AUX/IAA gene families were identified from the transcriptome data of flower blooming stages in Rafflesia cantleyi. Based on Rafflesia unique transcripts (UTs) against the Arabidopsis TAIR database using BLASTX search, a total of nine UTs were identified as ARF transcription factors, while another seven UTs were identified as AUX/IAA regulators. These genes were found to be expressed in all three R. cantleyi flower stages i.e. days 1 (F1), 3 (F2), and 5 (F3). Gene expression analysis identified three genes that are differentially expressed in stage F1 vs. F2 i.e. IAA4 is upregulated while IAA8 and ARF3 are downregulated. These genes may be involved in the activation and/or inhibition of the auxin signal transduction pathway. Further analysis of these genes may unravel their function in the phenotypic development of the Rafflesia plant.

  4. Genome-wide analysis and characterization of Aux/IAA family genes related to fruit ripening in papaya (Carica papaya L.).


    Liu, Kaidong; Yuan, Changchun; Feng, Shaoxian; Zhong, Shuting; Li, Haili; Zhong, Jundi; Shen, Chenjia; Liu, Jinxiang


    Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) family genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that mediate the responses of auxin-related genes and are involved in several plant developmental and growth processes. However, how Aux/IAA genes function in the fruit development and ripening of papaya (Carica papaya L.) is largely unknown. In this study, a comprehensive identification and a distinctive expression analysis of 18 C. papaya Aux/IAA (CpIAA) genes were performed using newly updated papaya reference genome data. The Aux/IAA gene family in papaya is slightly smaller than that in Arabidopsis, but all of the phylogenetic subfamilies are represented. Most of the CpIAA genes are responsive to various phytohormones and expressed in a tissues-specific manner. To understand the putative biological functions of the CpIAA genes involved in fruit development and ripening, quantitative real-time PCR was used to test the expression profiling of CpIAA genes at different stages. Furthermore, an IAA treatment significantly delayed the ripening process in papaya fruit at the early stages. The expression changes of CpIAA genes in ACC and 1-MCP treatments suggested a crosstalk between auxin and ethylene during the fruit ripening process of papaya. Our study provided comprehensive information on the Aux/IAA family in papaya, including gene structures, phylogenetic relationships and expression profiles. The involvement of CpIAA gene expression changes in fruit development and ripening gives us an opportunity to understand the roles of auxin signaling in the maturation of papaya reproductive organs.

  5. Genome-wide survey of Aux/IAA gene family members in potato (Solanum tuberosum): Identification, expression analysis, and evaluation of their roles in tuber development.


    Gao, Junpeng; Cao, Xiaoli; Shi, Shandang; Ma, Yuling; Wang, Kai; Liu, Shengjie; Chen, Dan; Chen, Qin; Ma, Haoli


    The Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that are known to be involved in the primary cellular responses to auxin. To date, systematic analysis of the Aux/IAA genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) has not been conducted. In this study, a total of 26 potato Aux/IAA genes were identified (designated from StIAA1 to StIAA26), and the distribution of four conserved domains shared by the StIAAs were analyzed based on multiple sequence alignment and a motif-based sequence analysis. A phylogenetic analysis of the Aux/IAA gene families of potato and Arabidopsis was also conducted. In order to assess the roles of StIAA genes in tuber development, the results of RNA-seq studies were reformatted to analyze the expression patterns of StIAA genes, and then verified by quantitative real-time PCR. A large number of StIAA genes (12 genes) were highly expressed in stolon organs and in during the tuber initiation and expansion developmental stages, and most of these genes were responsive to indoleacetic acid treatment. Our results suggested that StIAA genes were involved in the process of tuber development and provided insights into functional roles of potato Aux/IAA genes. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Arabidopsis SHR and SCR transcription factors and AUX1 auxin influx carrier control the switch between adventitious rooting and xylogenesis in planta and in in vitro cultured thin cell layers.


    Della Rovere, F; Fattorini, L; D'Angeli, S; Veloccia, A; Del Duca, S; Cai, G; Falasca, G; Altamura, M M


    Adventitious roots (ARs) are essential for vegetative propagation. The Arabidopsis thaliana transcription factors SHORT ROOT (SHR) and SCARECROW (SCR) affect primary/lateral root development, but their involvement in AR formation is uncertain. LAX3 and AUX1 auxin influx carriers contribute to primary/lateral root development. LAX3 expression is regulated by SHR, and LAX3 contributes to AR tip auxin maximum. In contrast, AUX1 involvement in AR development is unknown. Xylogenesis is induced by auxin plus cytokinin as is AR formation, but the genes involved are largely unknown. Stem thin cell layers (TCLs) form ARs and undergo xylogenesis under the same auxin plus cytokinin input. The aim of this research was to investigate SHR, SCR, AUX1 and LAX3 involvement in AR formation and xylogenesis in intact hypocotyls and stem TCLs in arabidopsis. Hypocotyls of scr-1, shr-1, lax3, aux1-21 and lax3/aux1-21 Arabidopsis thaliana null mutant seedlings grown with or without auxin plus cytokinin were examined histologically, as were stem TCLs cultured with auxin plus cytokinin. SCR and AUX1 expression was monitored using pSCR::GFP and AUX1::GUS lines, and LAX3 expression and auxin localization during xylogenesis were monitored by using LAX3::GUS and DR5::GUS lines. AR formation was inhibited in all mutants, except lax3. SCR was expressed in pericycle anticlinally derived AR-forming cells of intact hypocotyls, and in cell clumps forming AR meristemoids of TCLs. The apex was anomalous in shr and scr ARs. In all mutant hypocotyls, the pericycle divided periclinally to produce xylogenesis. Xylary element maturation was favoured by auxin plus cytokinin in shr and aux1-21. Xylogenesis was enhanced in TCLs, and in aux1-21 and shr in particular. AUX1 was expressed before LAX3, i.e. in the early derivatives leading to either ARs or xylogenesis. AR formation and xylogenesis are developmental programmes that are inversely related, but they involve fine-tuning by the same proteins, namely SHR

  7. Fabrication par injection flexible de pieces coniques pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shebib Loiselle, Vincent

    Les materiaux composites sont presents dans les tuyeres de moteurs spatiaux depuis les annees soixante. Aujourd'hui, l'avenement des tissus tridimensionnels apporte une solution innovatrice au probleme de delamination qui limitait les proprietes mecaniques de ces composites. L'utilisation de ces tissus necessite toutefois la conception de procedes de fabrication mieux adaptes. Une nouvelle methode de fabrication de pieces composites pour des applications aerospatiales a ete etudiee tout au long de ce travail. Celle-ci applique les principes de l'injection flexible (procede Polyflex) a la fabrication de pieces coniques de fortes epaisseurs. La piece de validation a fabriquer represente un modele reduit de piece de tuyere de moteur spatial. Elle est composee d'un renfort tridimensionnel en fibres de carbone et d'une resine phenolique. La reussite du projet est definie par plusieurs criteres sur la compaction et la formation de plis du renfort et sur la formation de porosites de la piece fabriquee. Un grand nombre d'etapes ont ete necessaires avant la fabrication de deux pieces de validation. Premierement, pour repondre au critere sur la compaction du renfort, la conception d'un outil de caracterisation a ete entreprise. L'etude de la compaction a ete effectuee afin d'obtenir les informations necessaires a la comprehension de la deformation d'un renfort 3D axisymetrique. Ensuite, le principe d'injection de la piece a ete defini pour ce nouveau procede. Pour en valider les concepts proposes, la permeabilite du renfort fibreux ainsi que la viscosite de la resine ont du etre caracterisees. A l'aide de ces donnees, une serie de simulations de l'ecoulement pendant l'injection de la piece ont ete realisees et une approximation du temps de remplissage calculee. Apres cette etape, la conception du moule de tuyere a ete entamee et appuyee par une simulation mecanique de la resistance aux conditions de fabrication. Egalement, plusieurs outillages necessaires pour la fabrication

  8. Modelisation des emissions de particules microniques et nanometriques en usinage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khettabi, Riad

    La mise en forme des pieces par usinage emet des particules, de tailles microscopiques et nanometriques, qui peuvent etre dangereuses pour la sante. Le but de ce travail est d'etudier les emissions de ces particules pour fins de prevention et reduction a la source. L'approche retenue est experimentale et theorique, aux deux echelles microscopique et macroscopique. Le travail commence par des essais permettant de determiner les influences du materiau, de l'outil et des parametres d'usinage sur les emissions de particules. E nsuite un nouveau parametre caracterisant les emissions, nomme Dust unit , est developpe et un modele predictif est propose. Ce modele est base sur une nouvelle theorie hybride qui integre les approches energetiques, tribologiques et deformation plastique, et inclut la geometrie de l'outil, les proprietes du materiau, les conditions de coupe et la segmentation des copeaux. Il ete valide au tournage sur quatre materiaux: A16061-T6, AISI1018, AISI4140 et fonte grise.

  9. Alternatives to Anti-Personnel Landmines (Solutions de remplacement aux mines antipersonnel)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    remplacement ont un prix : elles sont plus pesantes sur le plan logistique et impliquent des risques opérationnels pour les forces de l’OTAN. En...très importante, de l’interopérabilité dans le transfert de secteurs qui ont été minés par un pays non-signataire de la Convention d’Ottawa. Le...SEINE CEDEX, FRANCE RTO TECHNICAL REPORT 40(I) Alternatives to Anti-Personnel Landmines (Solutions de remplacement aux mines antipersonnel) Military

  10. Approche aux soins en milieu communautaire à des adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Osmun, W.E.; Chan, Nelson; Solomon, Robert


    Résumé Objectif Passer en revue les obligations d’ordre médical, éthique et juridique dans les soins aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) qui vivent dans la communauté. Sources des données Des recherches ont été faites dans Google et MEDLINE à l’aide des mots disabled, disability, vulnerable et community. Les lois pertinentes ont fait l’objet d’un examen. Message principal Le traitement d’un patient ayant une DD varie en fonction de facteurs comme la pathogenèse du problème actuel du patient, ses affections concomitantes, la gravité de ses déficiences et ses soutiens sociaux habituels. Bien que l’on s’entende sur les bienfaits du transfert des soins institutionnels vers des soins communautaires pour les patients ayant une DD, il s’est révélé difficile de leur dispenser des soins de grande qualité en milieu communautaire. Par ailleurs, il existe peu de travaux de recherche sur les façons d’offrir efficacement des soins aux adultes ayant une DD. En tant que professionnels des soins primaires, les médecins de famille sont souvent le premier point de contact pour les patients et sont à la fois responsables de la coordination et de la continuité des soins. Compte tenu de l’importance accrue accordée aux soins préventifs et à la détection précoce des maladies, la participation active du patient revêt aussi une grande importance. Les valeurs et les objectifs du patient sont des éléments essentiels à prendre en compte, même s’ils vont à l’encontre de la bonne santé du patient ou des propres valeurs du clinicien. Les lois s’appliquant aux personnes vulnérables varient d’une province à l’autre. Par conséquent, l’obligation de signaler des mauvais traitements suspectés pourrait différer selon que la personne vulnérable habite dans un centre de soins ou la communauté, que la personne qui soupçonne le comportement abusif est un fournisseur de services ou un professionnel de la santé ou

  11. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Berg, Joseph M.; Bradley, Elspeth; Cheetham, Tom; Denton, Richard; Heng, John; Hennen, Brian; Joyce, David; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les lignes directrices canadiennes de 2006 sur les soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale (DD) et présenter des recommandations pratiques fondées sur les connaissances actuelles pour traiter des problèmes de santé particuliers chez des adultes ayant une DD. Qualité des preuves Des professionnels de la santé expérimentés participant à un colloque et un groupe de travail subséquent ont discuté et convenu des révisions aux lignes directrices de 2006 en se fondant sur une recherche documentaire exhaustive, la rétroaction obtenue des utilisateurs du guide de pratique et les expériences cliniques personnelles. La plupart des preuves disponibles dans ce domaine viennent de l’opinion d’experts ou de déclarations consensuelles publiées (niveau III). Message principal Les adultes ayant une DD ont des problèmes de santé complexes, dont plusieurs diffèrent de ceux de la population en général. De bons soins primaires permettent d’identifier les problèmes de santé particuliers dont souffrent les adultes ayant une DD pour améliorer leur qualité de vie et leur accès aux soins de santé et prévenir la morbidité et le décès prématuré. Ces lignes directrices résument les problèmes de santé générale, physique, comportementale et mentale des adultes ayant une DD que devraient connaître les professionnels des soins primaires et présentent des recommandations pour le dépistage et la prise en charge en se basant sur les connaissances actuelles que les cliniciens peuvent mettre en pratique. En raison de l’interaction des facteurs biologiques, psychoaffectifs et sociaux qui contribuent à la santé et au bien-être des adultes ayant une DD, ces lignes directrices insistent sur la participation des aidants, l’adaptation des interventions, au besoin, et la consultation auprès de divers professionnels de la santé quand ils sont accessibles. Elles mettent aussi en évidence la

  12. Chemical composition and geologic history of saline waters in Aux Vases and Cypress Formations, Illinois Basin

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Demir, I.; Seyler, B.


    Seventy-six samples of formation waters were collected from oil wells producing from the Aux Vases or Cypress Formations in the Illinois Basin. Forty core samples of the reservoir rocks were also collected from the two formations. Analyses of the samples indicated that the total dissolved solids content (TDS) of the waters ranged from 43,300 to 151,400 mg/L, far exceeding the 35,400 mg/mL of TDS found in typical seawater. Cl-Br relations suggested that high salinities in the Aux Vases and Cypress formation waters resulted from the evaporation of original seawater and subsequent mixing of the evaporated seawater with concentrated halite solutions. Mixing with the halite solutions increased Na and Cl concentrations and diluted the concentration of other ions in the formation waters. The elemental concentrations were influenced further by diagenetic reactions with silicate and carbonate minerals. Diagenetic signatures revealed by fluid chemistry and rock mineralogy delineated the water-rock interactions that took place in the Aux Vases and Cypress sandstones. Dissolution of K-feldspar released K into the solution, leading to the formation of authigenic illite and mixed-layered illite/smectite. Some Mg was removed from the solution by the formation of authigenic chlorite and dolomite. Dolomitization, calcite recrystallization, and contribution from clay minerals raised Sr levels significantly in the formation waters. The trend of increasing TDS of the saline formation waters with depth can be explained with density stratification. But, it is difficult to explain the combination of the increasing TDS and increasing Ca/Na ratio with depth without invoking the controversial 'ion filtration' mechanism.

  13. Elaboration de revetements nanocomposites avec des proprietes superhydrophobes, semi-conductrices et photocatalytiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Madidi, Fatima Zahra

    Les lignes aeriennes de transport et de distribution de l'energie electrique sont souvent exposees a diverses contraintes. Parmi celles-ci, la pollution des isolateurs constitue l'un des facteurs de premiere importance dans la fiabilite du transport d'energie. En effet, la presence de pollution sur les isolateurs lorsqu'elle est humidifiee entraine la diminution de leur performance electrique en favorisant l'apparition d'arcs de contournement. De telles pannes peuvent parfois causer des impacts socioeconomiques importants. Par ailleurs, le developpement de nouveaux revetements pour ces isolateurs peut s'averer un moyen efficace pour les proteger contre l'apparition de l'arc de contournement. Les revetements superhydrophobes ont fait l'objet de nombreuses etudes au cours de ces dernieres annees. Ces surfaces sont preparees en combinant une rugosite nano-microstructuree avec une faible energie de surface. En outre, de telles surfaces ont de nombreuses applications si elles sont durables et n'ont pas d'effets nocifs sur l'environnement. L'objectif principal de la presente etude vise d'abord l'elaboration de revetements superhydrophobes, puis l'etude de leur duree de vie, leurs proprietes dielectriques et photocatalytiques. Une grande variete de materiaux a faible energie de surface peuvent etre utilises pour le developpement de ces revetements. Dans cette recherche, le caoutchouc de silicone (CS) est employe car il presente de nombreuses proprietes, notamment une forte hydrophobie, une resistance aux rayonnements ultraviolets, et une bonne tenue au feu sans degagement de produits toxiques. Toutefois, le point faible de ces materiaux est la degradation de leurs proprietes hydrophobes. Afin d'ameliorer certaines proprietes du caoutchouc de silicone, des nanoparticules seront additionnees au polymere de base. La technique d'elaboration des revetements consiste a ajouter des nanoparticules de dioxyde de titane (TiO2) au polymere de base, par des methodes ayant un

  14. The auxin transporter, OsAUX1, is involved in primary root and root hair elongation and in Cd stress responses in rice (Oryza sativa L.).


    Yu, ChenLiang; Sun, ChenDong; Shen, Chenjia; Wang, Suikang; Liu, Fang; Liu, Yan; Chen, YunLong; Li, Chuanyou; Qian, Qian; Aryal, Bibek; Geisler, Markus; Jiang, De An; Qi, YanHua


    Auxin and cadmium (Cd) stress play critical roles during root development. There are only a few reports on the mechanisms by which Cd stress influences auxin homeostasis and affects primary root (PR) and lateral root (LR) development, and almost nothing is known about how auxin and Cd interfere with root hair (RH) development. Here, we characterize rice osaux1 mutants that have a longer PR and shorter RHs in hydroponic culture, and that are more sensitive to Cd stress compared to wild-type (Dongjin). OsAUX1 expression in root hair cells is different from that of its paralogous gene, AtAUX1, which is expressed in non-hair cells. However, OsAUX1, like AtAUX1, localizes at the plasma membrane and appears to function as an auxin tranporter. Decreased auxin distribution and contents in the osaux1 mutant result in reduction of OsCyCB1;1 expression and shortened PRs, LRs and RHs under Cd stress, but may be rescued by treatment with the membrane-permeable auxin 1-naphthalene acetic acid. Treatment with the auxin transport inhibitors 1-naphthoxyacetic acid and N-1-naphthylphthalamic acid increased the Cd sensitivity of WT rice. Cd contents in the osaux1 mutant were not altered, but reactive oxygen species-mediated damage was enhanced, further increasing the sensitivity of the osaux1 mutant to Cd stress. Taken together, our results indicate that OsAUX1 plays an important role in root development and in responses to Cd stress. © 2015 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Conséquences comportementales de la violence faite aux enfants

    PubMed Central

    Al Odhayani, Abdulaziz; Watson, William J.; Watson, Lindsay


    Résumé Objectif Discuter des répercussions de la violence sur le développement comportemental durant l’enfance, mettre en évidence certains signes comportementaux susceptibles d’alerter les médecins à la présence d’une maltraitance continue d’un enfant et explorer le rôle précis du médecin de famille dans une telle situation clinique. Sources des données Une recension systématique a servi à examiner la recherche pertinente, les articles de révision clinique et les sites web des organismes de protection de la jeunesse. Message principal Le comportement d’un enfant est une manifestation extériorisée de sa stabilité et de sa sécurité intérieures. C’est une lentille au travers de laquelle le médecin de famille peut observer le développement de l’enfant pendant toute sa vie. Tous les genres de violence sont dommageables pour les enfants, qu’elle soit physique, affective ou psychologique, et peuvent causer des problèmes à long terme dans le développement du comportement et de la santé mentale. Les médecins de famille doivent connaître les indices de maltraitance et de négligence envers les enfants et être aux aguets de ces derniers afin d’entreprendre les interventions appropriées et améliorer les résultats pour ces enfants. Conclusion La violence faite aux enfants peut causer un développement psychologique désordonné et des problèmes de comportement. Les médecins de famille exercent un rôle important dans la reconnaissance des signes comportementaux laissant présager une maltraitance, ainsi que pour offrir de l’aide afin de protéger les enfants.

  16. Tilt and strain deformation induced by hydrologically active natural fractures: application to the tiltmeters installed in Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines observatory (France)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longuevergne, Laurent; Florsch, Nicolas; Boudin, Frédéric; Oudin, Ludovic; Camerlynck, Christian


    We investigate the deformation induced by water pressure variations in hydrologically active natural fractures, and recorded by tiltmeters and strainmeters. The deformation associated with a single fracture is derived using finite-element modelling (FEM). A range in fracture geometries is explored, first to highlight the sensitivity of each geometrical parameter to the deformation, and secondly to allow transfer to observation sites. Water level variations in the fracture are then derived from a hydrological model, driven by observed rainfall, and calibrated on fracture water flow measurements. The modelling results are explicitly applied to constrain the local hydrological contribution to observations with the 100-m-long hydrostatic tiltmeter installed at Sainte-Croix-aux-Mines (France). Our study shows that well-founded physical modelling of local hydrological effect allows a substantial correction of records in observatories.

  17. Un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ait Hammou, Zouhair

    Cette etude porte sur la conception d'un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride (AECH) pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique. Un modele mathematique reposant sur les equations de conservation de la quantite d'energie est expose. Il est developpe pour tester differents materiaux de stockage, entre autres, les materiaux a changement de phase (solide/liquide) et les materiaux de stockage sensible. Un code de calcul est mis en eeuvre sur ordinateur, puis valide a l'aide des resultats analytiques et numeriques de la litterature. En parallele, un prototype experimental a echelle reduite est concu au laboratoire afin de valider le code de calcul. Des simulations sont effectuees pour etudier les effets des parametres de conception et des materiaux de stockage sur le comportement thermique de l'AECH et sur la consommation d'energie electrique. Les resultats des simulations sur quatre mois d'hiver montrent que la paraffine n-octadecane et l'acide caprique sont deux candidats souhaitables pour le stockage d'energie destine au chauffage des habitats. L'utilisation de ces deux materiaux dans l'AECH permet de reduire la consommation d'energie electrique de 32% et d'aplanir le probleme de pointe electrique puisque 90% de l'energie electrique est consommee durant les heures creuses. En plus, en adoptant un tarif preferentiel, le calcul des couts lies a la consommation d'energie electrique montre que le consommateur adoptant ce systeme beneficie d'une reduction de 50% de la facture d'electricite.

  18. Periodicity, Electronic Structures, and Bonding of Gold Tetrahalides [AuX4](-) (X = F, CI, Br, I, At, Uus)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Li, Wan-Lu; Li, Yong; Xu, Congqiao


    Systematic theoretical and experimental investigations have been performed to understand the periodicity and electronic structures of trivalent-gold halides using gold tetrahalides [AuX4]⁻ anions (X = F, Cl, Br, I, At, Uus). The [AuX4]⁻ (X = Cl, Br, I) anions were produced in gas phase and their negative-ion photoelectron spectra were obtained, which exhibited rich and well-resolved spectral peaks. We calculated the adiabatic as well as vertical electron detachment energies using density functional methods with scalar and spin-orbit coupling relativistic effects. The simulated photoelectron spectra based on these calculations are in good agreement with the experimental spectra. Our results show thatmore » the trivalent Au(III) oxidation state becomes progressively less stable while Au(I) is preferred when the halides become heavier along the Period Table. This trend reveals that the oxidation state of metals in complexes can be manipulated through ligand design« less

  19. Des furoncles résistants aux antibiotiques: penser à la myiase !!

    PubMed Central

    Ajili, Faida; Abid, Rim; Bousseta, Najeh; Mrabet, Ali; Karoui, Ghazi; Louzir, Bassem; Battikh, Riadh; Othmani, Salah


    Les myiases sont des infections parasitaires par des larves de mouches. La localisation cutanée doit être évoquée de retour d'un pays tropical devant une évolution inhabituelle de lésions cutanées. Nous rapportons une observation d'un militaire tunisien, ayant séjourné en République Démocratique du Congo. Il était atteint de myiase cutanée simulatrice d'une furonculose résistante aux antibiotiques. L'intérêt de cette observation est de souligner l'importance d’évoquer la myiase dont le traitement est simple et rapide chez un patient de retour de zone d'endémie. PMID:24106569

  20. Le recours aux modeles dans l'enseignement de la biologie au secondaire : Conceptions d'enseignantes et d'enseignants et modes d'utilisation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Varlet, Madeleine

    Le recours aux modeles et a la modelisation est mentionne dans la documentation scientifique comme un moyen de favoriser la mise en oeuvre de pratiques d'enseignement-apprentissage constructivistes pour pallier les difficultes d'apprentissage en sciences. L'etude prealable du rapport des enseignantes et des enseignants aux modeles et a la modelisation est alors pertinente pour comprendre leurs pratiques d'enseignement et identifier des elements dont la prise en compte dans les formations initiale et disciplinaire peut contribuer au developpement d'un enseignement constructiviste des sciences. Plusieurs recherches ont porte sur ces conceptions sans faire de distinction selon les matieres enseignees, telles la physique, la chimie ou la biologie, alors que les modeles ne sont pas forcement utilises ou compris de la meme maniere dans ces differentes disciplines. Notre recherche s'est interessee aux conceptions d'enseignantes et d'enseignants de biologie au secondaire au sujet des modeles scientifiques, de quelques formes de representations de ces modeles ainsi que de leurs modes d'utilisation en classe. Les resultats, que nous avons obtenus au moyen d'une serie d'entrevues semi-dirigees, indiquent que globalement leurs conceptions au sujet des modeles sont compatibles avec celle scientifiquement admise, mais varient quant aux formes de representations des modeles. L'examen de ces conceptions temoigne d'une connaissance limitee des modeles et variable selon la matiere enseignee. Le niveau d'etudes, la formation prealable, l'experience en enseignement et un possible cloisonnement des matieres pourraient expliquer les differentes conceptions identifiees. En outre, des difficultes temporelles, conceptuelles et techniques peuvent freiner leurs tentatives de modelisation avec les eleves. Toutefois, nos resultats accreditent l'hypothese que les conceptions des enseignantes et des enseignants eux-memes au sujet des modeles, de leurs formes de representation et de leur approche

  1. Carbon nano structures: Production and characterization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beig Agha, Rosa

    L'objectif de ce memoire est de preparer et de caracteriser des nanostructures de carbone (CNS -- Carbon Nanostructures, en licence a l'Institut de recherche sur l'hydrogene, Quebec, Canada), un carbone avec un plus grand degre de graphitisation et une meilleure porosite. Le Chapitre 1 est une description generale des PEMFCs (PEMFC -- Polymer Electrolyte Membrane Fuel Cell) et plus particulierement des CNS comme support de catalyseurs, leur synthese et purification. Le Chapitre 2 decrit plus en details la methode de synthese et la purification des CNS, la theorie de formation des nanostructures et les differentes techniques de caracterisation que nous avons utilises telles que la diffraction aux rayons-X (XRD -- X-ray diffraction), la microscopie electronique a transmission (TEM -- transmission electron microscope ), la spectroscopie Raman, les isothermes d'adsorption d'azote a 77 K (analyse BET, t-plot, DFT), l'intrusion au mercure, et l'analyse thermogravimetrique (TGA -- thermogravimetric analysis). Le Chapitre 3 presente les resultats obtenus a chaque etape de la synthese des CNS et avec des echantillons produits a l'aide d'un broyeur de type SPEXRTM (SPEX/CertiPrep 8000D) et d'un broyeur de type planetaire (Fritsch Pulverisette 5). La difference essentielle entre ces deux types de broyeur est la facon avec laquelle les materiaux sont broyes. Le broyeur de type SPEX secoue le creuset contenant les materiaux et des billes d'acier selon 3 axes produisant ainsi des impacts de tres grande energie. Le broyeur planetaire quant a lui fait tourner et deplace le creuset contenant les materiaux et des billes d'acier selon 2 axes (plan). Les materiaux sont donc broyes differemment et l'objectif est de voir si les CNS produits ont les memes structures et proprietes. Lors de nos travaux nous avons ete confrontes a un probleme majeur. Nous n'arrivions pas a reproduire les CNS dont la methode de synthese a originellement ete developpee dans les laboratoires de l'Institut de

  2. Fluctuations quantiques et instabilites structurales dans les conducteurs a basse dimensionalite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dikande, Alain Moise

    Un engouement particulier s'est manifeste ces dernieres annees pour les systemes electroniques fortement correles, ce en rapport avec l'immense richesse de leurs proprietes physiques. En general, ces proprietes sont induites par la presence d'interactions entre electrons qui, combinees a la structure du reseau moleculaire, donnent parfois lieu a une tres grande variete de phases electroniques et structurales ayant des incidences directes sur les phenomenes de transport dans ces materiaux. Les systemes electroniques couples a un reseau moleculaire et designes systemes electron-phonon font partie de cette classe de materiaux qui ont recemment capte l'attention, en raison notamment de la competition entre plusieurs echelles d'energie dans un environnement caracterise par une forte anisotropie cristalline et une dynamique moleculaire assez importante. En effet, en plus des proprietes electroniques et structurales particulieres la dimensionalite de ces systemes contribue egalement a leur richesse. Ainsi, une tres forte anisotropie structurale peut rehausser de facon considerable l'importance des interactions entre electrons et entre molecules constituant le reseau au point ou la physique du systeme soit regie par de tres fortes fluctuations. Ce dernier contexte est devenu un domaine a part de la physique des systemes fortement correles, a savoir celui des les phenomenes critiques quantiques . Parmi les systemes electron-phonon, on retrouve les composes inorganique KCP et organique TTF-TCNQ decouverts durant les annees 70, et explores en profondeur a cause de leur tendance vers une instabilite du type onde de densite de charge a basse temperature. Ces composes, en general designes systemes de Peierls en reference a l'instabilite de leurs structures electroniques regie par le reseau moleculaire, ont recemment connu un regain d'interet a la lumiere des nouveaux developpements dans les techniques de caracterisation des structures electroniques ainsi que sur le plan de

  3. Gestion des ressources hydriques adaptee aux changements climatiques pour la production optimale d'hydroelectricite. Etude de cas: Bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haguma, Didier

    Il est dorenavant etabli que les changements climatiques auront des repercussions sur les ressources en eau. La situation est preoccupante pour le secteur de production d'energie hydroelectrique, car l'eau constitue le moteur pour generer cette forme d'energie. Il sera important d'adapter les regles de gestion et/ou les installations des systemes hydriques, afin de minimiser les impacts negatifs et/ou pour capitaliser sur les retombees positives que les changements climatiques pourront apporter. Les travaux de la presente recherche s'interessent au developpement d'une methode de gestion des systemes hydriques qui tient compte des projections climatiques pour mieux anticiper les impacts de l'evolution du climat sur la production d'hydroelectricite et d'etablir des strategies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques. Le domaine d'etude est le bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan situe dans la partie centrale du Quebec. Une nouvelle approche d'optimisation des ressources hydriques dans le contexte des changements climatiques est proposee. L'approche traite le probleme de la saisonnalite et de la non-stationnarite du climat d'une maniere explicite pour representer l'incertitude rattachee a un ensemble des projections climatiques. Cette approche permet d'integrer les projections climatiques dans le probleme d'optimisation des ressources en eau pour une gestion a long terme des systemes hydriques et de developper des strategies d'adaptation de ces systemes aux changements climatiques. Les resultats montrent que les impacts des changements climatiques sur le regime hydrologique du bassin de la riviere Manicouagan seraient le devancement et l'attenuation de la crue printaniere et l'augmentation du volume annuel d'apports. L'adaptation des regles de gestion du systeme hydrique engendrerait une hausse de la production hydroelectrique. Neanmoins, une perte de la performance des installations existantes du systeme hydrique serait observee a cause de l'augmentation des

  4. The Evolution of Minehunting in France (L’Evolution de la Chasse aux Mines en France),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    The Necessity of Minehunting in France And why are the French , Ohl such a small number of experts, interested in minehunting? The coasts of France are...AD-A132 532 THE EVOLUTION OF MINEHUNTING IN FRANCE IL’EVOLUTION DE I/1 LA CHASSE AUX MINES EN FRANCE )(U) NAVAL INTELLIGENCE SUPPORT CENTER WASHINGTON...MINEHUNTING IN FRANCE AUTHOR: DE DREZIGUE TRANSLATEO gY: LCDR ROBERT AUGELLI, USNR-R NISC TRANSLATION UNIT 0166 eei o DTIC MI’S OR&I DfIC T ELECTE Ja~tinoati

  5. Largely enhanced photocatalytic activity of Au/XS2/Au (X = Re, Mo) antenna-reactor hybrids: charge and energy transfer.


    Chen, Kai; Ding, Si-Jing; Luo, Zhi-Jun; Pan, Gui-Ming; Wang, Jia-Hong; Liu, Jia; Zhou, Li; Wang, Qu-Quan


    An antenna-reactor hybrid coupling plasmonic antenna with catalytic nanoparticles is a new strategy to optimize photocatalytic activity. Herein, we have rationally proposed a Au/XS 2 /Au (X = Re, Mo) antenna reactor, which has a large Au core as the antenna and small satellite Au nanoparticles as the reactor separated by an ultrathin two-dimensional transition-metal dichalcogenide XS 2 shell (∼2.6 nm). Due to efficient charge transfer across the XS 2 shell as well as energy transfer via coupling of the Au antenna and Au reactor, the photocatalytic activity has been largely enhanced: Au/ReS 2 /Au exhibits a 3.59-fold enhancement, whereas Au/MoS 2 /Au exhibits a 2.66-fold enhancement as compared to that of the sum of the three individual components. The different enhancement in the Au/ReS 2 /Au and Au/MoS 2 /Au antenna-reactor hybrid is related to the competition and cooperation of charge and energy transfer. These results indicate the great potential of the Au/XS 2 /Au antenna-reactor hybrid for the development of highly efficient plasmonic photocatalysts.

  6. Complex facies relationships and regional stratigraphy of the Mississippian Ste. Genevieve, Paoli, and Aux Vases Formations, Illinois basin: A major hydrocarbon-producing interval

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Cole, R.D.; Nelson, W.J.


    The Mississippian Ste. Genevieve and Paoli Limestones and sandstones of the Aux Vases Formation are lateral facies of one another. This interpretation is based on comprehensive investigations of outcrops, and selected cores, samples of well cuttings, and geophysical logs conducted over a period of four years. Both units exhibit similar sedimentological characteristics and represent open marine, shallow subtidal, and intertidal environments. The presence of low-angle cross-laminae, ripple- and plane-laminae, climbing ripples, and ooid shoals suggest most deposition occurred under low energy conditions. Lenticular, channel-like scour and fill structures that contain both fine-grained quartz sand and abraded, disarticulated fossil fragments indicatemore » localized higher energy deposition. The authors studies indicate that siliciclastic vs. carbonate deposition was controlled strictly by available sediment, and not by regressive (siliciclastic) and transgressive (carbonate) events, as inferred by previous workers. This conclusion is based on lateral facies relationships, and the supplanting of carbonates by clastics occurring in the upper part of the Ste. Genevieve through the middle part of the Paoli. The Aux Vases is thickest, coarsest, and least mature in the northwestern part of the Illinois Basin, and pinches out to the southeast. This implies a northwesterly source for clastics, perhaps the Transcontinental Arch. After early Chesterian time, the Transcontinental Arch apparently supplied little or no sediment to any flanking basin. The Ste. Genevieve, Paoli, and Aux Vases are major oil-producing units in the Illinois Basin. New understanding of regional relationships should enhance exploratory success and improve recovery from established fields.« less

  7. Negative phototropism is seen in Arabidopsis inflorescences when auxin signaling is reduced to a minimal level by an Aux/IAA dominant mutation, axr2.


    Sato, Atsuko; Sasaki, Shu; Matsuzaki, Jun; Yamamoto, Kotaro T


    Inflorescences of a dominant mutant of Arabidopsis Aux/IAA7, axr2, showed negative phototropism with a similar fluence response curve to the positive phototropism of wild-type stems. Application of a synthetic auxin, NAA, and an inhibitor of polar auxin transport, NPA, increased and decreased respectively the magnitude of the phototropic response in the wild type, while in axr2 application of NAA reduced the negative phototropic response and NPA had no effect. Decapitation of the apex induced a small negative phototropism in wild-type stems, and had no effect in axr2 plants. Inflorescences of the double mutants of auxin transporters, pgp1 pgp19, showed no phototropic response, while decapitation resulted in a negative phototropic response. These results suggest that negative phototropism can occur when the level of auxin or of auxin signaling is reduced to a minimal level, and that in plant axial organs the default phototropic response to unilateral blue light may be negative. Expression of axr2 protein by an endodermis-specific promoter resulted in agravitropism of inflorescences in a similar way to that of axr2, but phototropism was normal, confirming that the endodermis does not play a critical role in phototropism.

  8. Croissance epitaxiale de GaAs sur substrats de Ge par epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Belanger, Simon

    de confirmer l'efficacite du procede de preparation de surface et d'identifier les conditions de croissance optimales. Les resultats de caracterisation indiquent que les materiaux obtenus presentent une tres faible rugosite de surface, une bonne qualite cristalline et un dopage residuel relativement important. De plus, l'interface GaAs/Ge possede une faible densite de defauts. Finalement, la diffusion d'arsenic dans le substrat de germanium est comparable aux valeurs trouvees dans la litterature pour la croissance a basse temperature avec les autres procedes d'epitaxie courants. Ces resultats confirment que la technique d'epitaxie par faisceaux chimiques (CBE) permet de produire des couches de GaAs sur Ge de qualite adequate pour la fabrication de cellules solaires a haute performance. L'apport a la communaute scientifique a ete maximise par le biais de la redaction d'un article soumis a la revue Journal of Crystal Growth et la presentation des travaux a la conference Photovoltaics Canada 2010 . Mots-cles : Epitaxie par jets chimiques, Chemical beam epitaxy, CBE, MOMBE, Germanium, GaAs, Ge

  9. Evaluation des indicateurs d’alerte précoce de la résistance du VIH aux ARV en Côte d’Ivoire en 2011

    PubMed Central

    Yao, Kouadio Jean; Damey, Néto Florence; Konan, Diby Jean Paul; Aka, Joseph; Aka-Konan, Sandrine; Ani, Alex; Bonle, Marguerite Te; Kouassi, Dinard


    Introduction En 2001, l'Organisation des Nations Unies recommandait de rendre disponible les médicaments antirétroviraux dans les pays à ressources limitées. Cependant, l'utilisation de ces médicaments à grande échelle s'accompagne du développement de résistance du virus. En Côte d'Ivoire, plusieurs sites prescrivent les antirétroviraux. Cette étude avait pour objectif d'évaluer les facteurs programmatiques associés à un risque élevé d'émergence de résistance du VIH aux antirétroviraux. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une cohorte rétrospective sur 20 sites de prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH. La population d'étude était constituée des personnes ayant initié leur traitement antirétroviral sur les sites en 2008-2009. L'estimation de la taille de l'échantillon a été faite à partir de la stratégie d'échantillonnage de l'OMS. Résultats Sur 20 sites, 98% des prescriptions initiales étaient conformes aux directives nationales et 20% des sites avaient 100% de prescriptions conformes. Au total, 33% des patients étaient perdus de vue au cours des 12 premiers mois de traitement antirétroviral et 20% des sites avaient moins de 20% de perdus de vue. A 12 mois, 51% des patients demeuraient sous traitement de première intention approprié et 11% des sites ont atteint le seuil d'au moins 70% de patients sous traitement de première intention approprié. Un seul site n'a pas connu de rupture d'antirétroviraux sur les 12 mois. Conclusion Des insuffisances relevées dans la prise en charge des personnes vivant avec le VIH traduisent l'existence d'un risque important de résistance du virus aux antirétroviraux en 2008-2009. Pour minimiser ce risque les pratiques de prescription devraient être améliorées, un système de recherche des absents aux rendez-vous devrait être mis en place et la disponibilité constante des antirétroviraux devraient être assurée. PMID:28250876

  10. Etude theorique et experimentale de la correlation entre la resistance aux chocs thermiques et aux chocs mecaniques des materiaux refractaires utilises dans les fours de traitement de l'aluminium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sebbani, Mohamed Jamal Eddine


    This work is a theoretical and experimental study of the correlation between the resistance to thermal shock and mechanical shock of refractory materials. The study of thermal shock showed that the Bahr and Hasselman approaches are alike and that they can be combined into a single, more general approach. This generalisation allowed the division of the theoretical models into two groups: the Hasselman model and the Harmuth model. However, neither of these approaches can predict the behaviour of all refractory materials submitted to thermal shock. Therefore, the generalisation of the Hasselman approach is more appropriate for more dense materials while the Hartmuth approach is more appropriate for less dense materials. The influence of porosity on the energy of rupture helped to explain the behaviour of the less dense material. The absence of generalisation in this case allows those parameters that could be correlated with thermal shock resistance to be dependent on the type of refractory. The study of mechanical shock provided a better understanding of this mechanism. The work performed showed, theoretically and experimentally, that the resistance of the refractory materials could be correlated with the parameter s20 Egwof n-22 . This new parameter helped to explain the statistical correlation between the resistance to mechanical impact and the soxRst parameter established in earlier work. The sintering influence, which makes the refractories more resistant to this type of demand, notably by reducing the "n" coefficient, was shown. This part of the study allowed the establishment of equivalence between thermal fatigue and fatigue by mechanical impact. An evaluation of the correlation between the two mechanisms demonstrated, theoretically and experimentally, that the mechanical and thermal demands could only be exceptionally correlated. In the case of thermal shock, which are imposed deformation demands, it is the shorter cracks which are the most dangerous. However, in the case of mechanical shock, which is constraint imposed, it is the longer cracks that are the most harmful. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

  11. Modelisation de la diffusion sur les surfaces metalliques: De l'adatome aux processus de croissance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boisvert, Ghyslain

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude des processus de diffusion en surface dans le but ultime de comprendre, et de modeliser, la croissance d'une couche mince. L'importance de bien mai triser la croissance est primordiale compte tenu de son role dans la miniaturisation des circuits electroniques. Nous etudions ici les surface des metaux nobles et de ceux de la fin de la serie de transition. Dans un premier temps, nous nous interessons a la diffusion d'un simple adatome sur une surface metallique. Nous avons, entre autres, mis en evidence l'apparition d'une correlation entre evenements successifs lorsque la temperature est comparable a la barriere de diffusion, i.e., la diffusion ne peut pas etre associee a une marche aleatoire. Nous proposons un modele phenomenologique simple qui reproduit bien les resultats des simulations. Ces calculs nous ont aussi permis de montrer que la diffusion obeit a la loi de Meyer-Neldel. Cette loi stipule que, pour un processus active, le prefacteur augmente exponentiellement avec la barriere. En plus, ce travail permet de clarifier l'origine physique de cette loi. En comparant les resultats dynamiques aux resultats statiques, on se rend compte que la barriere extraite des calculs dynamiques est essentiellement la meme que celle obtenue par une approche statique, beaucoup plus simple. On peut donc obtenir cette barriere a l'aide de methodes plus precises, i.e., ab initio, comme la theorie de la fonctionnelle de la densite, qui sont aussi malheureusement beaucoup plus lourdes. C'est ce que nous avons fait pour plusieurs systemes metalliques. Nos resultats avec cette derniere approche se comparent tres bien aux resultats experimentaux. Nous nous sommes attardes plus longuement a la surface (111) du platine. Cette surface regorge de particularites interessantes, comme la forme d'equilibre non-hexagonale des i lots et deux sites d'adsorption differents pour l'adatome. De plus, des calculs ab initio precedents n'ont pas reussi a confirmer la

  12. Conductivite dans le modele de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel a faible couplage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bergeron, Dominic

    Le modele de Hubbard bi-dimensionnel (2D) est souvent considere comme le modele minimal pour les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique a base d'oxyde de cuivre (SCHT). Sur un reseau carre, ce modele possede les phases qui sont communes a tous les SCHT, la phase antiferromagnetique, la phase supraconductrice et la phase dite du pseudogap. Il n'a pas de solution exacte, toutefois, plusieurs methodes approximatives permettent d'etudier ses proprietes de facon numerique. Les proprietes optiques et de transport sont bien connues dans les SCHT et sont donc de bonne candidates pour valider un modele theorique et aider a comprendre mieux la physique de ces materiaux. La presente these porte sur le calcul de ces proprietes pour le modele de Hubbard 2D a couplage faible ou intermediaire. La methode de calcul utilisee est l'approche auto-coherente a deux particules (ACDP), qui est non-perturbative et inclue l'effet des fluctuations de spin et de charge a toutes les longueurs d'onde. La derivation complete de l'expression de la conductivite dans l'approche ACDP est presentee. Cette expression contient ce qu'on appelle les corrections de vertex, qui tiennent compte des correlations entre quasi-particules. Pour rendre possible le calcul numerique de ces corrections, des algorithmes utilisant, entre autres, des transformees de Fourier rapides et des splines cubiques sont developpes. Les calculs sont faits pour le reseau carre avec sauts aux plus proches voisins autour du point critique antiferromagnetique. Aux dopages plus faibles que le point critique, la conductivite optique presente une bosse dans l'infrarouge moyen a basse temperature, tel qu'observe dans plusieurs SCHT. Dans la resistivite en fonction de la temperature, on trouve un comportement isolant dans le pseudogap lorsque les corrections de vertex sont negligees et metallique lorsqu'elles sont prises en compte. Pres du point critique, la resistivite est lineaire en T a basse temperature et devient

  13. Paternité des articles et intérêts concurrents : une analyse des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique

    PubMed Central

    Courbon, Ève; Tanguay, Cynthia; Lebel, Denis; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : La présence d’auteurs honorifiques et fantômes ainsi que les intérêts concurrents représentent des difficultés bien documentées, liées à la publication d’articles scientifiques. Il existe des lignes directrices encadrant la rédaction et la publication de manuscrits scientifiques, notamment celles de l’International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (ICMJE). Objectifs : L’objectif principal de cette étude descriptive et transversale visait à recenser les instructions portant sur la paternité des articles et les intérêts concurrents provenant des recommandations aux auteurs des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. L’objectif secondaire visait à déterminer des mesures correctrices pour une paternité des articles plus transparente. Méthode : La recherche a débuté par l’identification des journaux traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. La consultation des instructions aux auteurs des journaux a permis ensuite de recenser les recommandations destinées à éviter les problèmes de paternité des articles et d’intérêts concurrents. Finalement, les membres de l’équipe de recherche se sont consultés afin de définir des mesures correctrices possibles à l’intention des chercheurs. Résultats : Des 232 journaux traitant de pharmacie, 33 ont été définis comme traitant de pratique pharmaceutique. Un total de 24 (73 %) journaux mentionnaient suivre la politique de l’ICMJE, 14 (42 %) demandaient aux auteurs de remplir un formulaire de déclaration d’intérêts concurrents au moment de la soumission de l’article, 17 (52 %) présentaient une définition de la qualité d’auteur et 5 (15 %) demandaient de détailler les contributions de chaque auteur. Une grille de 40 critères a été élaborée pour définir l’attribution du statut d’auteur. Conclusion : Moins de la moitié des journaux demandait aux auteurs de transmettre un formulaire de déclaration des intérêts concurrents au moment de la

  14. Negative phototropism is seen in Arabidopsis inflorescences when auxin signaling is reduced to a minimal level by an Aux/IAA dominant mutation, axr2

    PubMed Central

    Sato, Atsuko; Sasaki, Shu; Matsuzaki, Jun; Yamamoto, Kotaro T.


    Inflorescences of a dominant mutant of Arabidopsis Aux/IAA7, axr2, showed negative phototropism with a similar fluence response curve to the positive phototropism of wild-type stems. Application of a synthetic auxin, NAA, and an inhibitor of polar auxin transport, NPA, increased and decreased respectively the magnitude of the phototropic response in the wild type, while in axr2 application of NAA reduced the negative phototropic response and NPA had no effect. Decapitation of the apex induced a small negative phototropism in wild-type stems, and had no effect in axr2 plants. Inflorescences of the double mutants of auxin transporters, pgp1 pgp19, showed no phototropic response, while decapitation resulted in a negative phototropic response. These results suggest that negative phototropism can occur when the level of auxin or of auxin signaling is reduced to a minimal level, and that in plant axial organs the default phototropic response to unilateral blue light may be negative. Expression of axr2 protein by an endodermis-specific promoter resulted in agravitropism of inflorescences in a similar way to that of axr2, but phototropism was normal, confirming that the endodermis does not play a critical role in phototropism. PMID:25738325

  15. Symetries et integrabilite des equations aux differences finies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lafortune, Stephane


    La présente thèse porte sur l'étude des symétries et des propriétés d'intégrabilité des équations aux différences finies. Dans le chapitre 1, le groupe de symétrie ponctuelle d'un système couplé à deux équations différentielles aux différences est étudié. On montre que dans certains cas, la dimension du groupe peut être infinie. Les équations peuvent décrire l'interaction de deux longues chaînes moléculaires, chacune étant composée d'atomes d'un même type. Dans le chapitre 2, une classe de théories de champs avec interaction exponentielle est introduite. L'interaction dépend de deux matrices de ``couplage'' et est suffisamment générale pour inclure toutes les théories de champs de Toda existant dans la littérature. Les symétries de Lie ponctuelles sont obtenues pour les cas où l'on a un nombre fini, infini ou semi-infini de champs. Une attention spéciale est accordée à la présence de l'invariance conforme. Dans le chapitre 3, nous procédons à la classification et à l'étude d'équations linéarisables. Nous examinons tout d'abord l'équation de Gambier continue qui contient, comme réductions, toutes les équations de deuxième ordre intégrables par linéarisation. Nous introduisons par la suite la forme discrète de cette équation et obtenons les conditions d'intégrabilité à l'aide du confinement des singularités. Nous étudions aussi les différentes réductions du cas discret. De plus, nous obtenons des transformations de Schlesinger pour les équations de Gambier discrète et continue. Dans la dernière partie du chapitre, nous étudions une famille d'équations discrètes du deuxième ordre incluant des équations résolubles par linéarisation. Plusieurs cas intégrables sont obtenus. Dans le cas discret, l'étude de l'intégrabilité est faite à l'aide du confinement des singularités. Dans le chapitre 4, nous étudions un autre critère d'intégrabilité: l'entropie algébrique. Nous montrons que les r

  16. Soins primaires aux adultes ayant des déficiences intellectuelles et développementales

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, William F.; Diepstra, Heidi; Heng, John; Ally, Shara; Bradley, Elspeth; Casson, Ian; Hennen, Brian; Kelly, Maureen; Korossy, Marika; McNeil, Karen; Abells, Dara; Amaria, Khush; Boyd, Kerry; Gemmill, Meg; Grier, Elizabeth; Kennie-Kaulbach, Natalie; Ketchell, Mackenzie; Ladouceur, Jessica; Lepp, Amanda; Lunsky, Yona; McMillan, Shirley; Niel, Ullanda; Sacks, Samantha; Shea, Sarah; Stringer, Katherine; Sue, Kyle; Witherbee, Sandra


    Résumé Objectif Mettre à jour les Lignes directrices consensuelles canadiennes 2011 en matière de soins primaires aux adultes ayant une déficience développementale. Méthodes Des médecins de famille et d’autres professionnels de la santé expérimentés dans les soins aux personnes ayant des DID ont examiné et synthétisé les récentes connaissances empiriques, d’écosystèmes, expertes et expérientielles. Un système a été conçu pour catégoriser la qualité des recommandations. Recommandations Les adultes ayant des DID sont un groupe hétérogène de patients qui présentent des affections médicales et des facteurs qui influent sur leur santé, qui diffèrent de ceux qui touchent les autres membres de la communauté de par leur nature, leurs manifestations, leur gravité ou leur complexité. Ces personnes nécessitent une approche de soins et des interventions adaptées à leurs besoins. Les présentes lignes directrices offrent des conseils en matière de normes de soins. Nous avons incorporé des références à des outils cliniques et à d’autres ressources pratiques. Les approches de soins décrites ici s’appliquent aussi à d’autres groupes de patients ayant un déficit cognitif ou de la communication, ou d’autres déficits des fonctions adaptatives. Conclusion À titre de fournisseurs de soins de première ligne, les médecins de famille jouent un rôle vital de promotion de la santé et de bien-être auprès des adultes ayant des DID. Ces lignes directrices peuvent les aider à prendre des décisions avec les patients et les aidants naturels. PMID:29650617

  17. Imagerie polarimétrique active : des applications militaires et duales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goudail, François; Boffety, Matthieu; Leviandier, Luc; Vannier, Nicolas


    L'imagerie polarimétrique active permet de révéler des contrastes invisibles à l'oeil humain et aux caméras classiques. Elle peut étendre les capacités de décamouflage des systèmes d'imagerie active et améliorer la détection d'objets dangereux sur des pistes. Elle possède également de nombreuses applications duales dans des domaines tels que l'imagerie biomédicale ou la vision industrielle.

  18. Spectroscopie par transformee de fourier des spectres etroits: application aux interferometres statiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vermande, P.; Gilard, O.; Rosak, A.


    The Fourier transform spectrometry is useful to obtain optical spectra with high resolution. But in case of narrow band spectra, the number of sample become very important, related to the useful information (the sampling is proportional to the higher wavelength). By changing the sampling, it is possible to obtain narrow band spectra with far less samples. With fewer samples, static interferometers become possible to use. So with these two ideas (a better sampling and static interferometer) we can build a very simple, compact, and static instrument. We will show several possible application of this instrument.

  19. Distribution of enteric bacteria in Antarctic seawater surrounding the Port-aux-Français permanent station (Kerguelen Island).


    Delille, D; Gleizon, F


    Untreated sewage has been released from Port-aux Français station, Kerguelen Island, into the Southern Ocean for more than 50 years. We investigated the spatial distribution of faecal bacteria indicators during a one-year survey conducted in seawater off Morbihan Bay near the French permanent station of the Kerguelen Island (49 degrees 21(')S, 70 degrees 30(')E). Seawater samples were taken bimonthly from nine stations evenly distributed around the sewage outfalls of the station. Escherichia coli and enterococci were estimated using specific microplates (Miniaturized method for the enumeration of E. coli or enterococci in surface and waste waters, "MU/EC or MU/SF methods", BIO-RAD( Copyright)). In order to evaluate the role of seasonal changes of environmental parameters on the survival of enteric bacteria, total and saprophytic bacterial abundances were also estimated in all seawater samples. High densities of faecal bacteria (maximum 10(4) cells 100 ml(-1)) were found in seawater surrounding the sewage outfall. However, enteric bacterial counts decreased rapidly with increasing distance from the outfall. In all samples collected further than 2 km from the outfall, the bacterial indicators were absent or present in small numbers (<10 cells 100 ml(-1)). Faecal coliforms were not detected in samples collected at pristine sites located 10 km from Port-aux-Français. Despite these low contamination levels, faecal bacteria were always detected in the vicinity of the sewage outfall during the seasonal survey. The concentration of faecal bacteria may be related to the number of people inhabiting the station.

  20. Fundamentals and Special Problems of Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) (Les Aspects Fondamentaux et les Problemes Specifiques aux Radars a Ouverture Synthetique (SAR)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    limits of these topics will be included. Digital SAR processing is for SAR indispensible. Theories and special algorithms will be given along with basic...traitement num~rique est indispensable aux SAP,. Des theories et des algorithmes sp~cifiques; seront proposes, ainsi que des configurations de processeur...equation If N independent pixel values are added than fol- lows from the laws of probability theory that the ra mean value of the sum is identical with

  1. Diversification and Expression of the PIN, AUX/LAX, and ABCB Families of Putative Auxin Transporters in Populus

    PubMed Central

    Carraro, Nicola; Tisdale-Orr, Tracy Eizabeth; Clouse, Ronald Matthew; Knöller, Anne Sophie; Spicer, Rachel


    Intercellular transport of the plant hormone auxin is mediated by three families of membrane-bound protein carriers, with the PIN and ABCB families coding primarily for efflux proteins and the AUX/LAX family coding for influx proteins. In the last decade our understanding of gene and protein function for these transporters in Arabidopsis has expanded rapidly but very little is known about their role in woody plant development. Here we present a comprehensive account of all three families in the model woody species Populus, including chromosome distribution, protein structure, quantitative gene expression, and evolutionary relationships. The PIN and AUX/LAX gene families in Populus comprise 16 and 8 members respectively and show evidence for the retention of paralogs following a relatively recent whole genome duplication. There is also differential expression across tissues within many gene pairs. The ABCB family is previously undescribed in Populus and includes 20 members, showing a much deeper evolutionary history, including both tandem and whole genome duplication as well as probable gene loss. A striking number of these transporters are expressed in developing Populus stems and we suggest that evolutionary and structural relationships with known auxin transporters in Arabidopsis can point toward candidate genes for further study in Populus. This is especially important for the ABCBs, which is a large family and includes members in Arabidopsis that are able to transport other substrates in addition to auxin. Protein modeling, sequence alignment and expression data all point to ABCB1.1 as a likely auxin transport protein in Populus. Given that basipetal auxin flow through the cambial zone shapes the development of woody stems, it is important that we identify the full complement of genes involved in this process. This work should lay the foundation for studies targeting specific proteins for functional characterization and in situ localization. PMID:22645571

  2. Materiaux composites supraconducteurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerjouan, Philippe; Boterel, Florence; Lostec, Jean; Bertot, Jean-Paul; Haussonne, Jean-Marie


    The new superconductor materials with a high critical current own a large importance as well in the electronic components or in the electrotechnical devices fields. The deposit of such materials with the thick films technology is to be more and more developped in the years to come. Therefore, we tried to realize such thick films screen printed on alumina, and composed mainly of the YBa2CU3O{7-δ} material. We first realized a composite material glass/YBa2CU3O{7-δ}, by analogy with the classical screen-printed inks where the glass ensures the bonding with the substrate. We thus realized different materials by using some different classes of glass. These materials owned a superconducting transition close to the one of the pure YBa2CU3O{7-δ} material. We made a slurry with the most significant composite materials and binders, and screen-printed them on an alumina substrate preliminary or not coated with a diffusion barrier layer. After firing, we studied the thick films adhesion, the alumina/glass/composite material interfaces, and their superconducting properties. Les nouveaux matériaux supraconducteurs à haute température critique ont potentiellement un rôle important à jouer dans le domaine de l'électronique et de l'électrotechnique. En particulier, le dépôt d'oxydes supraconducteurs sur divers types de substrats est une technologie amenée à se développer. Nous avons donc entrepris une étude dont l'objet est la réalisation de conducteurs sérigraphiés sur alumine et composés essentiellement du matériau YBa2CU3O{7-δ}. Nous avons tout d'abord cherché à réaliser un composite verre/YBa2CU3O{7-δ}, par analogie au principe de réalisation de couches conductrices sérigraphiées, le verre permettant d'obtenir une liaison physico-chimique avec le substrat. Une étude préliminaire a permis de réaliser divers matériaux composites massifs, utilisant différentes familles de verres. Ces matériaux massifs, se présentant sous la forme de barreaux de 2 × 2 mm de section, étaient supraconducteurs à une température pouvant être voisine de celle du matériau YBa2CU3O{7-δ} initial. Nous avons mis les plus significatifs de ces matériaux composites en suspension dans un liant organique nous permettant de les déposer en couches épaisses sur des substrats d'alumine recouverts ou non d'une première couche de verre. Nous avons étudié après cuisson l'adhérence des dépôts, les interfaces alumine/verre/composite, ainsi que les propriétés supraconductrices.

  3. Formability Extension of Aerospace Alloys for Tube Hydroforming Applications =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, Melissa

    L'hydroformage de tube est un procede novateur de mise en forme du metal qui utilise la pression d'un fluide, generalement de l'eau, dans une matrice fermee pour deformer plastiquement des pieces d'epaisseur faible et fabriquer ainsi des composants tubulaires de geometries complexes. Ce procede possede de nombreux avantages tels que la reduction du poids des pieces, la diminution des couts lies a l'outillage et l'assemblage, la reduction du nombre d'etapes de fabrication et l'excellent etat de surface des pieces hydroformees. Cependant, malgre tous ces atouts, l'hydroformage reste un procede marginal dans le domaine aerospatial a cause de plusieurs facteurs dont la formabilite limitee des alliages aeronautiques. L'objectif principal de la recherche conduite dans le cadre de cette these est d'etudier une methode pour augmenter la formabilite de deux alliages aeronautiques designes par l'utilisation d'un procede de mise en forme multi-etapes qui inclue des cycles de mise en forme suivis d'etapes de traitement thermique intermediaires. Une revue de litterature exhaustive sur les methodes existantes pour ameliorer la formabilite des materiaux vises ainsi que les traitements thermiques d'adoucissement disponibles a permis d'etablir une procedure experimentale appropriee. Ce procede comprend plusieurs sequences de mise en forme suivie de traitement thermique successives jusqu'a l'obtention de la piece finale. L'insertion d'etapes de traitements thermiques intermediaires ainsi que la combinaison " deformation + traitement thermique " influencent le comportement mecanique et metallurgique des alliages. De ce fait, une caracterisation complete des materiaux a ete conduite a chaque etape du procede. D'un point de vue mecanique, l'effet des traitements thermiques et plus generalement du procede multi-etapes sur les proprietes mecaniques et lois constitutives des alliages a ete etudie en detail. Au niveau metallurgique, l'influence du procede sur les caracteristiques

  4. A Literature Survey of Reverberation Modeling: With Emphasis on Bellhop Compatibility for Operational Applications

    DTIC Science & Technology


    modèles à orientation opérationnelle ( comparativement à ceux orientés vers la recherche) qui pourraient être compatibles avec le modèle de propagation...concentre sur les modèles à orientation opérationnelle (en sacrifiant un certain degré d’exactitude pour accroître la réactivité, comparativement aux modèles...these modeling efforts are not applicable to Bellhop because they are designed specifically to take advantage of the normal mode decomposition

  5. Stabilisation de l'etat de polarisation d'un laser par la conception et fabrication d'un miroir polarisant fait de couches minces nanostructurees

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doucet, Alexandre

    Ce manuscrit presente la conception et la fabrication d'un miroir polarisant fabrique avec la methode de deposition par incidence oblique communement appelee en anglais GLAD (GLancing Angle Deposition). Cette methode de deposition par GLAD permet de changer la nanostructure des revetements avec l'inclinaison et la rotation du substrat par rapport au flux de materiau evapore. Ceci nous permet d'ajuster l'indice de refraction et d'obtenir des revetements birefringents avec un materiau intrinsequement isotrope. Puisque l'indice de refraction peut etre change, les miroirs sont fabriques avec un seul materiau contrairement aux methodes usuelles qui necessite deux materiaux. Les proprietes optiques des echantillons sont mesurees avec l'aide de l'ellipsometrie. Des images avec un microscope electronique a balayage par transmission permettent de verifier Ia structure des revetements deposes. Les miroirs sont utilises comme coupleurs de sortie du resonateur d'un laser avec un milieu actif d'(Yb3+0.1 Y 0.9)3Al5O12, ou plus simplement Yb: YAG, pompe optiquement avec une diode laser. Ces cristaux presentent des proprietes optiques interessantes pour leur utilisation comme milieu actif, mais avec une structure cristalline cubique, ils donnent lieu a des faisceaux polarises aleatoirement. Les miroirs que nous fabriquons permettent d'obtenir une emission polarisee lineairement sans avoir a ajouter d'autres elements au resonateur. Les tests sont faits en regime continu et pulse avec un absorbant saturable de Cr : Y AG. Deux materiaux sont etudies, soit le WO3 et le TiO2, et ils nous permettent d'obtenir une emission polarisee lineairement dans le mode TEM 00 avec un rapport d'extinction de 1000 (30 dB), mais seuls les miroirs de TiO2 permettent une emission pulsee periodique avec une densite de puissance crete pres de 700+/-80 MW/cm2. En etudiant le rapport d'extinction en fonction du temps de pompage, nous remarquons que l'etat de polarisation est beaucoup plus stable que celui

  6. Occurrence des traumatismes alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa: deuxième partie, étude préliminaire de 93 cas

    PubMed Central

    Foche, Adelin Nzudjom; Bushabu, Fidele Nyimi; Mana, Charles Mfutu; Haruna, Ramazani; Masin, Steve Sekele; Nsudila, Monique; Alifi, Paul Bobe; Muinamiyi, Pierre Muyembi; Burley, Jean Paul Sekele Isourady


    Introduction L'objectif de cette étude était d'analyser les caractéristiques épidémiologiques cliniques des fractures alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa/RDC. Méthodes Étude transversale de 7 ans, réalisée dans le département d'odontostomatologie, service de stomatologie et de chirurgie maxillo-faciale/cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa de Janvier 2007 à Décembre 2014. Résultats Sur les 93 dossiers colligés, le sexe masculin était prédominant (66,7%) et l'âge le plus prévalent se situait entre 20 ans et 29 ans. Les causes les plus fréquentes ont été les agressions/rixes (52,7%) et la luxation dentaire a été le type des lésions la plus fréquente avec 52,7%. La RX retro-alvéolaire été réalisée dans 75,7%, et le blocage mono-maxillaire fut le type de traitement le plus réalisé (60,2%). Conclusion L'analyse de profil clinique des traumatismes alvéolo-dentaires aux cliniques universitaires de Kinshasa est celui d'un adulte jeune de sexe masculin, présentant des luxations dentaires des maxillaires dont les causes sont les agressions/rixes. PMID:29875931

  7. Etude fondamentale des mecanismes de gravure par plasma de materiaux de pointe: Application a la fabrication de dispositifs photoniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stafford, Luc

    Advances in electronics and photonics critically depend upon plasma-based materials processing either for transferring small lithographic patterns into underlying materials (plasma etching) or for the growth of high-quality films. This thesis deals with the etching mechanisms of materials using high-density plasmas. The general objective of this work is to provide an original framework for the plasma-material interaction involved in the etching of advanced materials by putting the emphasis on complex oxides such as SrTiO3, (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 and SrBi2Ta2O9 films. Based on a synthesis of the descriptions proposed by different authors to explain the etching characteristics of simple materials in noble and halogenated plasma mixtures, we propose comprehensive rate models for physical and chemical plasma etching processes. These models have been successfully validated using experimental data published in literature for Si, Pt, W, SiO2 and ZnO. As an example, we have been able to adequately describe the simultaneous dependence of the etch rate on ion and reactive neutral fluxes and on the ion energy. From an exhaustive experimental investigation of the plasma and etching properties, we have also demonstrated that the validity of the proposed models can be extended to complex oxides such as SrTiO3, (Ba,Sr)TiO 3 and SrBi2Ta2O9 films. We also reported for the first time physical aspects involved in plasma etching such as the influence of the film microstructural properties on the sputter-etch rate and the influence of the positive ion composition on the ion-assisted desorption dynamics. Finally, we have used our deep investigation of the etching mechanisms of STO films and the resulting excellent control of the etch rate to fabricate a ridge waveguide for photonic device applications. Keywords: plasma etching, sputtering, adsorption and desorption dynamics, high-density plasmas, plasma diagnostics, advanced materials, photonic applications.

  8. Low-temperature thermoelectric, galvanomagnetic, and thermodynamic properties of the type-I clathrate Ba8AuxSi46-x

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aydemir, U.; Candolfi, C.; Ormeci, A.; Oztan, Y.; Baitinger, M.; Oeschler, N.; Steglich, F.; Grin, Yu.


    Polycrystalline samples of the clathrate Ba8AuxSi46-x were synthesized for 0.2 ⩽ x ⩽ 10. The homogeneity range of the type-I clathrate phase was determined to be 3.63 ⩽ x ⩽ 6.10 after annealing at 900 °C, while a lower Au concentration (x ≈ 2.2) was obtained by steel-quenching. Quasisingle phase materials were obtained for 4.10 ⩽ x ⩽ 6.10. In this composition range, thermoelectric properties, including electrical resistivity, thermopower, and thermal conductivity, were investigated between 2 and 350 K. These experiments were complemented by low-temperature specific heat and Hall-effect measurements (2-300 K). First-principles calculations were carried out to determine the evolution of the electronic structure as a function of x. Both theoretical and experimental results evidence a progressive evolution, with the Au content, from a metallic-like behavior towards a highly doped semiconducting state which develops around x = 5.43. At this concentration, a crossover from n- to p-type conduction occurs, suggesting that the present system satisfies the Zintl-Klemm concept, which predicts a transition at x = 5.33. This crossover is traced by Hall-effect data indicating a dominant electronlike response for x ⩽ 5.43, which turns into a holelike signal at higher x values. Analysis of the data based on a single-parabolic-band model under the assumption of a single scattering mechanism of the charge carriers proved to adequately describe the transport properties in the compositional range investigated. Interestingly, the temperature dependence of the lattice thermal conductivity is strongly influenced by the Au concentration: the typical behavior of crystalline insulators in the n-type compounds evolves into a glasslike dependence in the p-type samples. The series Ba8AuxSi46-x thus provides an excellent testing ground for the interplay between crystal structure, electronic properties, and lattice thermal conductivity in type-I clathrates.

  9. Differential effects of NAA and 2,4-D in reducing floret abscission in cestrum (Cestrum elegans) cut flowers are associated with their differential activation of Aux/IAA homologous genes.


    Abebie, Bekele; Lers, Amnon; Philosoph-Hadas, Sonia; Goren, Raphael; Riov, Joseph; Meir, Shimon


    A previous study showed that the relative effectiveness of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2,4-D) compared with that of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid (NAA) in reducing floret bud abscission in cestrum (Cestrum elegans) cut flowers was due to its acropetal transport. The aim of the present study was to examine if the differential effect of these auxins on floret abscission is reflected in the expression of Aux/IAA genes in the floret abscission zone (AZ). cDNAs were isolated by PCR-based cloning from the floret AZ of auxin-treated cut flowers. The expression patterns of the cDNAs in various tissues and the effect of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA), applied with or without cycloheximide, on their expression in the floret AZ were examined by northern blot analysis. The regulation of transcript accumulation in the floret AZ in response to NAA or 2,4-D was measured by real-time PCR during auxin pulsing of cut flowers and vase life, concomitantly with floret abscission. Six isolated cDNAs were identified to represent Aux/IAA homologous genes, designated as Cestrum elegans (Ce)-IAA1 to Ce-IAA6. Four Ce-IAA genes were characterized as early auxin-responsive genes (ARGs), and two (Ce-IAA1 and Ce-IAA5) as late ARGs. Only Ce-IAA5 was AZ-specific in floret buds. A temporal regulation of Ce-IAA transcript levels in the floret AZ was found, with 2,4-D inducing higher expression levels than NAA in floret buds. These Ce-IAA expression levels were negatively correlated with floret abscission. The differential transport characteristics of NAA and 2,4-D in cestrum cut flowers were reflected in differential activation of the Ce-IAA genes identified in the floret AZ. Therefore, Aux/IAA genes can be used as molecular markers to measure auxin activity, which reflects free auxin level in the AZ. Two of the identified genes, Ce-IAA1 and Ce-IAA5, may also have a regulatory role in abscission.

  10. Conception d'un outil d'aide a la decision de technologies de fabrication additive en milieu aeronautique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buvat, Gael

    La fabrication additive offre une opportunite d'amelioration des methodes de productions de pieces. Cependant, les technologies de fabrication additive sont diverses, les fournisseurs de services sont multiples et peu de personnel est forme pour operer sur ces technologies. L'objectif de cette etude est d'emettre une suggestion de concepts d'outils d'aide a la decision de technologies, de materiaux et de post-traitements de fabrication additive en milieu aeronautique. Trois sous-objectifs sont employes. Premierement, la definition des criteres de decision de technologies, de materiaux et de post-traitements de fabrication additive. Ensuite, l'elaboration d'un cahier des charges de l'outil d'aide a la decision en accord avec les besoins industriels du secteur aeronautique. Et enfin, la suggestion de trois concepts d'outils d'aide a la decision et leur evaluation par comparaison au cahier des charges etabli. Les criteres captures aupres de 11 industriels concernent des criteres de couts, de qualite, de conception et de delai d'obtention. Ensuite, nous avons elabore un cahier des charges permettant de reunir les besoins des industriels du secteur aeronautique selon trois axes qui constituent la colonne vertebrale des outils d'aide a la decision : une suggestion d'interface utilisateur, une suggestion de bases de donnees et un moteur de selection des technologies, des materiaux et des post-traitements de fabrication additive. La convivialite de l'interface utilisateur, l'evaluation de la qualite souhaitee par l'utilisateur et la prise en compte des etudes de cas realisees par le moteur de selection sont exemples de besoins que nous avons identifie au sein de cette etude. Nous avons ensuite transcrit ces besoins en specifications techniques pour permettre une evaluation du niveau de satisfaction des industriels au travers d'un pointage des trois concepts suggeres. Ces trois concepts d'outils d'aide a la decision ont ete realises respectivement grâce a Microsoft Excel

  11. Lasers in Synthesis, Characterization and Processing of Diamond, International Center, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, 6-9 October 1997

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Chemistry Division, Code 6174 Materiaux Leninsky prospekt, 53 Gas/Surface Dinamics Section et des Hautes Pressions Moscow 117924, Russia Washington, D.C...reactor for diamond CVD. Strengths and limitations of this and the various alternative H atom detection methods will be summarised, before

  12. Phénomènes aux parois dans un mélange binaire critique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fisher, Michael E.; de Gennes, Pierre-Gilles

    Au contact d'un mélange binaire critique, une plaque solide perturbe les concentrations sur une épaisseur de corrélation ξ(T). Aux distances z < ξ, la perturbation décroit comme z-β/ν, ou β et ν sont deux exposants critiques (β/ν 1/2). Deux plaques identiques immergées dans le mélange, séparées par une épaisseur D < ξ, doivent s'attirer avec une énergie par centimètre carrè proportionnelle à 1/D2. Cette attraction s'ajoute à celle de van der Waals, et pourrait jouer un rôle dans la stabilité de certains colloïdes. In a near critical binary liquid mixture, the concentrations near a wall are perturbed over a distance of the order of the correlation length (ξ(T). At distances z smaller than ξ, the perturbation decreases, like z-β/ν. where β and ν are critical exponents (β/ν 1/2). Two identical plates in a mixture, separated by a thickness D < ξ, Should attract each other, the interaction decreasing as in 1/D2. This attraction is superimposed on the van der Waals forces, and may play a role in the stability of certain colloids.

  13. Low Temperature Quartz Crystal Oscillator Fast Warm-Up Saw Oscillator.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    TASK_Q Centre National de la Recherche ScientifiqueARA&WKLI k Laboratoire de Physique et Metrologie des!2 Oscillateurs - 50 Bsnon-F 2 3 32 av. o l...propri6t6s non lin6aires des ondes Alastiques de sur- face : applications aux oscillateurs et aux capteurs A quartz", Thse Besanqon, 1979. (6) D. Hauden, G

  14. Les effets des interfaces sur les proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches nickel/iron et cobalt/silver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Veres, Teodor

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'evolution structurale des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches Ni/Fe et nanostructures a base de Co et de l'Ag. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques. Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches ferromagnetiques/ferromagnetiques Ni/Fe. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Les analyses correlees de la structure et de la magnetoresistance nous permettront d'emettre des conclusions sur l'influence des couches tampons entre l'interface et le substrat ainsi qu'entre les couches elles-memes sur le comportement magnetique des couches F/F. La troisieme partie est consacree aux systemes a Magneto-Resistance Geante (MRG) a base de Co et Ag. Nous allons etudier l'evolution de la microstructure suite a l'irradiation avec des ions Si+ ayant une energie de 1 MeV, ainsi que les effets de ces changements sur le comportement magnetique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires. Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jagielski, J. M.


    The DET/MPS programs model and simulate the Direct Energy Transfer and Multimission Spacecraft Modular Power System in order to aid both in design and in analysis of orbital energy balance. Typically, the DET power system has the solar array directly to the spacecraft bus, and the central building block of MPS is the Standard Power Regulator Unit. DET/MPS allows a minute-by-minute simulation of the power system's performance as it responds to various orbital parameters, focusing its output on solar array output and battery characteristics. While this package is limited in terms of orbital mechanics, it is sufficient to calculate eclipse and solar array data for circular or non-circular orbits. DET/MPS can be adjusted to run one or sequential orbits up to about one week, simulated time. These programs have been used on a variety of Goddard Space Flight Center spacecraft projects. DET/MPS is written in FORTRAN 77 with some VAX-type extensions. Any FORTRAN 77 compiler that includes VAX extensions should be able to compile and run the program with little or no modifications. The compiler must at least support free-form (or tab-delineated) source format and 'do do-while end-do' control structures. DET/MPS is available for three platforms: GSC-13374, for DEC VAX series computers running VMS, is available in DEC VAX Backup format on a 9-track 1600 BPI tape (standard distribution) or TK50 tape cartridge; GSC-13443, for UNIX-based computers, is available on a .25 inch streaming magnetic tape cartridge in UNIX tar format; and GSC-13444, for Macintosh computers running AU/X with either the NKR FORTRAN or AbSoft MacFORTRAN II compilers, is available on a 3.5 inch 800K Macintosh format diskette. Source code and test data are supplied. The UNIX version of DET requires 90K of main memory for execution. DET/MPS was developed in 1990. A/UX and Macintosh are registered trademarks of Apple Computer, Inc. VMS, DEC VAX and TK50 are trademarks of Digital Equipment Corporation. UNIX is a

  16. Light-dependent gravitropism and negative phototropism of inflorescence stems in a dominant Aux/IAA mutant of Arabidopsis thaliana, axr2.


    Sato, Atsuko; Sasaki, Shu; Matsuzaki, Jun; Yamamoto, Kotaro T


    Gravitropism and phototropism of the primary inflorescence stems were examined in a dominant Aux/IAA mutant of Arabidopsis, axr2/iaa7, which did not display either tropism in hypocotyls. axr2-1 stems completely lacked gravitropism in the dark but slowly regained it in light condition. Though wild-type stems showed positive phototropism, axr2 stems displayed negative phototropism with essentially the same light fluence-response curve as the wild type (WT). Application of 1-naphthaleneacetic acid-containing lanolin to the stem tips enhanced the positive phototropism of WT, and reduced the negative phototropism of axr2. Decapitation of stems caused a small negative phototropism in WT, but did not affect the negative phototropism of axr2. p-glycoprotein 1 (pgp1) pgp19 double mutants showed no phototropism, while decapitated double mutants exhibited negative phototropism. Expression of auxin-responsive IAA14/SLR, IAA19/MSG2 and SAUR50 genes was reduced in axr2 and pgp1 pgp19 stems relative to that of WT. These suggest that the phototropic response of stem is proportional to the auxin supply from the shoot apex, and that negative phototropism may be a basal response to unilateral blue-light irradiation when the levels of auxin or auxin signaling are reduced to the minimal level in the primary stems. In contrast, all of these treatments reduced or did not affect gravitropism in wild-type or axr2 stems. Tropic responses of the transgenic lines that expressed axr2-1 protein by the endodermis-specific promoter suggest that AXR2-dependent auxin response in the endodermis plays a more crucial role in gravitropism than in phototropism in stems but no significant roles in either tropism in hypocotyls.

  17. Modeling of Impact Properties of Auxetic Materials: Phase 1

    DTIC Science & Technology


    avantages marqués comparativement aux matériaux techniques classiques. La présente étude avait pour objectifs de mieux comprendre le comportement des...possible benefits of incorporating auxetic materials into lightweight armour designs . New armour designs incorporating novel auxetic materials may...Poisson négatif et ils offriraient, pour certaines applications, des avantages marqués comparativement aux matériaux techniques classiques. La présente

  18. Application de la technologie des materiaux sol-gel et polymere a l'optique integree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saddiki, Zakaria


    With the advancement of optical telecommunication systems, "integrated optics" and "optical interconnect" technology are becoming more and more important. The major components of these two technologies are photonic integrated circuits (PICs), optoelectronic integrated circuits (OEICs), and optoelectronic multichip modules ( OE-MCMs). Optical signals are transmitted through optical waveguides that interconnect such components. The principle of optical transmission in waveguides is the same as that in optical fibres. To implement these technologies, both passive and active optical devices are needed. A wide variety of optical materials has been studied, e.g., glasses, lithium niobate, III-V semiconductors, sol-gel and polymers. In particular, passive optical components have been fabricated using glass optical waveguides by ion-exchange, or by flame hydrolysis deposition and reactive ion etching (FHD and RIE ). When using FHD and RIE, a very high temperatures (up to 1300°C) are needed to consolidate silica. This work reports on the fabrication and characterization of a new photo-patternable hybrid organic-inorganic glass sol-gel and polymer materials for the realisation of integrated optic and opto-electronic devices. They exhibit low losses in the NIR range, especially at the most important wavelengths windows for optical communications (1320 nm and 1550 nm). The sol-gel and polymer process is based on photo polymerization and thermo polymerization effects to create the wave-guide. The single-layer film is at low temperature and deep UV-light is employed to make the wave-guide by means of the well-known photolithography process. Like any photo-imaging process, the UV energy should exceed the threshold energy of chemical bonds in the photoactive component of hybrid glass material to form the expected integrated optic pattern with excellent line width control and vertical sidewalls. To achieve optical wave-guide, a refractive index difference Delta n occurred between the isolated (guiding layer) and the surrounding region (buffer and cladding). Accordingly, the refractive index emerges as a fundamental device performance material parameter and it is investigated using slab wave-guide. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

  19. Des proprietes de l'etat normal du modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lemay, Francois

    Depuis leur decouverte, les etudes experimentales ont demontre que les supra-conducteurs a haute temperature ont une phase normale tres etrange. Les proprietes de ces materiaux ne sont pas bien decrites par la theorie du liquide de Fermi. Le modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel, bien qu'il ne soit pas encore resolu, est toujours considere comme un candidat pour expliquer la physique de ces composes. Dans cet ouvrage, nous mettons en evidence plusieurs proprietes electroniques du modele qui sont incompatibles avec l'existence de quasi-particules. Nous montrons notamment que la susceptibilite des electrons libres sur reseau contient des singularites logarithmiques qui influencent de facon determinante les proprietes de la self-energie a basse frequence. Ces singularites sont responsables de la destruction des quasi-particules. En l'absence de fluctuations antiferromagnetiques, elles sont aussi responsables de l'existence d'un petit pseudogap dans le poids spectral au niveau de Fermi. Les proprietes du modele sont egalement etudiees pour une surface de Fermi similaire a celle des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Un parallele est etabli entre certaines caracteristiques du modele et celles de ces materiaux.

  20. Pollution Atmosphérique et Santé: Corrélation ou Causalité? Le Cas de la Relation entre l'Exposition aux Particules et la Mortalité Cardio-pulmonaire.


    Dab, William; Ségala, Claire; Dor, Frédéric; Festy, Bernard; Lameloise, Philippe; Moullec, Yvon Le; Tertre, Alain Le; Médina, Sylvia; Quénel, Philippe; Wallaert, Benoît; Zmirou, Et Denis


    De nombreuses études épidémiologiques ont observé dans des contextes différents une faible relation à court terme entre les particules et la mortalité cardio-pulmonaire, même quand les normes de qualité de l'air n'étaient pas dépassées. La causalité de cette relation est un enjeu de santé publique en raison de l'importance de la population exposée. Notre objectif est de faire l'inventaire critique des arguments utilisés dans 15 revues de la littérature publiées. Nous expliquons l'importance de distinguer la validité de la causalité et analysons de façon systématique les différents critères de jugement dans le contexte des études écologiques temporelles. Notre conclusion est que la relation observée est valide et que la plupart des critères de causalité sont respectés. Diminuer le niveau d'exposition des populations aux particules est souhaitable. En Europe, en agissant à la source, notamment sur les émissions Diesel, on diminuera aussi d'autres polluants qui peuvent jouer un rôle sanitaire. Aux États-Unis, la situation est plus complexe car les particules sont surtout secondaires. Il est également indispensable de poursuivre les recherches pour mieux connaître les déterminants des expositions globales des individus et mieux comprendre le rôle toxique des différents facteurs physico-chimiques des particules.

  1. Identification de lois constitutives et de lois de frottement adaptées aux grandes vitesses de sollicitation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dalverny, O.; Capéraa, S.; Pantalé, O.; Sattouf, C.


    Cet article présente une méthodologie d'identification de lois constitutives et de lois de contact adaptées aux matériaux métalliques sous chargement dynamique à grande vitesse de déformation. Les essais sont effectués à partir de montages expérimentaux adaptés à un lanceur à gaz permettant d'obtenir une vitesse de projectile de l'ordre de 350m/s pour une masse totale de 30gr. Le premier essai consiste en un impact de Taylor correspondant à un chargement mécanique de type compression. Le second essai de type “extrusion conique" permet la détermination des lois de frottement à grande vitesse. La procédure générale d'identification des lois de comportement à partir d'essais dynamiques se fait au moyen d'une analyse post-mortem des échantillons et de la corrélation entre ces résultats expérimentaux et un modèle numérique des essais. Pour les deux cas précédemment cités, nous présentons la configuration optimale d'essai ainsi que les résultats obtenus à partir d'un algorithme d'optimisation de type Levenberg-Marquard.

  2. Synthese et Caracterisation de Nanocomposites d'Argile et de Graphene Formes a Partir de Precurseurs Organiques =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boussaboun, Zakariae

    Les mineraux d'argile sont des catalyseurs possibles pour la formation du graphene a partir de precurseurs organiques, comme le saccharose. Les argiles sont abondantes, securitaires et economiques pour la formation du graphene. L'objectif principal de ce memoire est de demontrer qu'il est possible de synthetiser un materiau hybride contenant de l'argile et du graphene. La preparation de ces materiaux carbones a base de l'argile (bentonite et cloisite) et le saccharose a ete realisee selon deux methodes. La premiere methode est faite en trois etapes : 1) periode de contact entre l'argile et la source de carbone dans un environnement humide, 2) infiltration de la matiere carbonee et transformation au four a micro-onde, 3) chauffage a 750°C sous azote pour obtenir des materiaux carbones. Par contre la deuxieme methode est faite en deux etapes, sans micro-onde, et avec une augmentation de la quantite de source de carbone (saccharose et alginate). La caracterisation du materiau a permis de suivre les reactions de transformation de la source de carbone vers le graphene. Cette caracterisation a ete faite par la spectroscopie IRTF et Raman, l'analyse thermogravimetrique (TGA), la surface specifique (methode BET) et le microscope electronique a balayage (MEB). La conductivite electrique a ete mesuree par un spectrometre dielectrique et en fonction de la pression appliquee avec un multimetre. Le materiau realise etait incorpore dans une matrice avec un polyethylene a basse densite pour avoir un polymere avec des caracteristiques specifiques. La conductivite thermique a ete ensuite mesuree suivant la norme ASTM E1530. L'echantillon realise avec la deuxieme methode avec une proportion de bentonite pour 5 proportions de saccharose (M2 B1 : S5) signale la possibilite de produire des materiaux de graphene a partir de ressources naturelles. La surface specifique a considerablement augmente de (75,88 m2/g) pour bentonite non traiter a (139,76 m2/g) pour l'echantillon (M2 B1 : S5

  3. Caracterisation des proprietes dielectriques de materiaux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate recycle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mebarki, Fouzia

    The aim of this study is to examine the possibility of using thermoplastic composite materials for electrical applications such as supports of automotive engine ignition systems. We are particularly interested in composites based on recycled polyethylene terephtalate (PET). Conventional isolations like PET cannot meet the new prescriptive requirements. The introduction of reinforcement materials, such as glass fibers and mica can improve the mechanical characteristics of these materials. However, this enhancement may also reduce electrical properties especially since these composites have to be used under severe thermal and electric stresses. In order to estimate PET composite insulation lifetimes, accelerated aging tests were carried out at temperatures ranging from room temperature to 140°C and at a frequency of 300Hz. Studies at high temperature will help to identify the service temperature of candidate materials. Dielectric breakdown tests have been made on a large number of samples according to the standard of dielectric strength tests of solid insulating ASTM D-149. These tests have to identify the problematic samples and to check solid insulation quality. The different knowledge gained from this analysis was used to predict material performance. This will give the company the possibility to improve existing formulations and subsequently develop a material having electrical and thermal properties suitable for this application.

  4. Refractive Surgery: New Techniques and Usability for Military Personnel (La chirurgie refractive: Nouvelles techniques et leur application pour le personnel militaire)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de loin sans correction, la chirurgie réfractive permet aux jeunes recrues ou militaires du rang de satisfaire aux normes de vision sans...correction exigées pour le métier militaire de leur choix, d’où une augmentation du nombre de candidats et la possibilité pour les individus...réfractive risquent d’engendrer des handicaps visuels et d’écourter des carrières militaires. Pour cette raison, la qualité du service fourni

  5. Conception et optimisation d'une peau en composite pour une aile adaptative =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaud, Francois

    Les preoccupations economiques et environnementales constituent des enjeux majeurs pour le developpement de nouvelles technologies en aeronautique. C'est dans cette optique qu'est ne le projet MDO-505 intitule Morphing Architectures and Related Technologies for Wing Efficiency Improvement. L'objectif de ce projet vise a concevoir une aile adaptative active servant a ameliorer sa laminarite et ainsi reduire la consommation de carburant et les emissions de l'avion. Les travaux de recherche realises ont permis de concevoir et optimiser une peau en composite adaptative permettant d'assurer l'amelioration de la laminarite tout en conservant son integrite structurale. D'abord, une methode d'optimisation en trois etapes fut developpee avec pour objectif de minimiser la masse de la peau en composite en assurant qu'elle s'adapte par un controle actif de la surface deformable aux profils aerodynamiques desires. Le processus d'optimisation incluait egalement des contraintes de resistance, de stabilite et de rigidite de la peau en composite. Suite a l'optimisation, la peau optimisee fut simplifiee afin de faciliter la fabrication et de respecter les regles de conception de Bombardier Aeronautique. Ce processus d'optimisation a permis de concevoir une peau en composite dont les deviations ou erreurs des formes obtenues etaient grandement reduites afin de repondre au mieux aux profils aerodynamiques optimises. Les analyses aerodynamiques realisees a partir de ces formes ont predit de bonnes ameliorations de la laminarite. Par la suite, une serie de validations analytiques fut realisee afin de valider l'integrite structurale de la peau en composite suivant les methodes generalement utilisees par Bombardier Aeronautique. D'abord, une analyse comparative par elements finis a permis de valider une rigidite equivalente de l'aile adaptative a la section d'aile d'origine. Le modele par elements finis fut par la suite mis en boucle avec des feuilles de calcul afin de valider la

  6. Application of Mathematical Signal Processing Techniques to Mission Systems. (l’Application des techniques mathematiques du traitement du signal aux systemes de conduite des missions)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    represents the linear time invariant (LTI) response of the combined analysis /synthesis system while the second repre- sents the aliasing introduced into...effectively to implement voice scrambling systems based on time - frequency permutation . The most general form of such a system is shown in Fig. 22 where...92201 NEUILLY-SUR-SEINE CEDEX, FRANCE RTO LECTURE SERIES 216 Application of Mathematical Signal Processing Techniques to Mission Systems (1

  7. Aspects épidémiologiques des accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) aux urgences de l'institut de cardiologie d'Abidjan (ICA)

    PubMed Central

    N'goran, Yves N'da Kouakou; Traore, Fatou; Tano, Micesse; Kramoh, Kouadio Euloge; Kakou, Jean-Baptiste Anzouan; Konin, Christophe; Kakou, Maurice Guikahue


    Introduction L'objectif de notre étude était de décrire les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les Facteurs de Risque cardio-Vasculaires (FRV) des patients admis pour accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) dans un service autre que celui de la neurologie. Méthodes Étude transversale rétrospective sur une période de 2 ans (janv. 2010 et déc. 2011), réalisée aux urgences de l'institut de cardiologie d'Abidjan. Résultats Il s'agissait de 176 adultes avec un âge moyen de 60 ans, une prédominance féminine. Les facteurs de risque majeurs retrouvés étaient l'hypertension artérielle dans 86,4% des cas, le diabète dans 11,4% des cas, le tabagisme dans 2,2% des cas. Les motifs de consultation étaient la perte de connaissance dans 36,4% des cas, l'hémiplégie dans 31,8% des cas, les céphalées dans 17,4% des cas, les vertiges dans 10,9% et les palpitations dans 2,2% des cas. La tension artérielle systolique moyenne était à 174 mmHg, la tension artérielle diastolique moyenne était à 105 mmHg et la pression pulsée moyenne était à 70 mmHg. Les AVC étaient associés à une arythmie complète par fibrillation auriculaire dans 11,4% des cas. Les AVC ischémiques représentaient 84,1%. L’évolution aux urgences a été marquée par un décès dans 17% (30) des cas. Conclusion Les AVC constituent un problème majeur de santé publique. Malgré sa prédominance féminine, ils (AVC) touchaient 44% des hommes dans notre étude lorsqu'on sait qu'en Afrique l'activité sociale repose sur les hommes. Ils restent une pathologie grave par la forte létalité. PMID:26327997

  8. Absolute NMR shielding scales and nuclear spin–rotation constants in {sup 175}LuX and {sup 197}AuX (X = {sup 19}F, {sup 35}Cl, {sup 79}Br and {sup 127}I)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Demissie, Taye B., E-mail:; Komorovsky, Stanislav; Repisky, Michal


    We present nuclear spin–rotation constants, absolute nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) shielding constants, and shielding spans of all the nuclei in {sup 175}LuX and {sup 197}AuX (X = {sup 19}F, {sup 35}Cl, {sup 79}Br, {sup 127}I), calculated using coupled-cluster singles-and-doubles with a perturbative triples (CCSD(T)) correction theory, four-component relativistic density functional theory (relativistic DFT), and non-relativistic DFT. The total nuclear spin–rotation constants determined by adding the relativistic corrections obtained from DFT calculations to the CCSD(T) values are in general in agreement with available experimental data, indicating that the computational approach followed in this study allows us to predict reliable results formore » the unknown spin–rotation constants in these molecules. The total NMR absolute shielding constants are determined for all the nuclei following the same approach as that applied for the nuclear spin–rotation constants. In most of the molecules, relativistic effects significantly change the computed shielding constants, demonstrating that straightforward application of the non-relativistic formula relating the electronic contribution to the nuclear spin–rotation constants and the paramagnetic contribution to the shielding constants does not yield correct results. We also analyze the origin of the unusually large absolute shielding constant and its relativistic correction of gold in AuF compared to the other gold monohalides.« less

  9. Effets Seebeck et Nernst dans les cuprates: Etude de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi sous champ magnetique intense

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laliberte, Francis


    Ce memoire presente des mesures de transport thermoelectrique, les effets Seebeck et Nernst, dans une serie d'echantillons de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Des resultats obtenus recemment au Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses a Grenoble sur La1.7Eu0.2Sr0.1 CuO4, La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO 4, La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4, La1.74Eu0.1Sr0.16CuO4 et La 1.4Nd0.4Sr0.2CuO4 sont analyses. Une attention particuliere est accordee aux equations de la theorie semi-classique du transport et leur validite est verifiee. La procedure experimentale et les materiaux utilises pour concevoir les montages de mesures sont expliques en detail. Enfin, un chapitre est dedie a l'explication et l'interpretation des resultats de transport thermoelectrique sur YBa2Cu3O6+delta publies au cours de l'hiver 2010 dans les revues Nature et Physical Review Letters. Les donnees d'effet Seebeck dans les echantillons de La 1.8-x,Eu0.2SrxCuO 4, ou un changement de signe est observe, permettent de conclure a la presence d'une poche d'electrons dans la surface de Fermi qui domine le transport a basse temperature dans la region sous-dopee du diagramme de phase. Cette conclusion est similaire a celle obtenue par des mesures d'effet Hall dans YBa 2Cu3O6+delta et elle cadre bien dans un scenario de reconstruction de la surface de Fermi. Les donnees d'effet Nernst recueillies indiquent que la contribution des fluctuations supraconductrices est limitee a un modeste intervalle de temperature au-dessus de la temperature critique.

  10. Major Events Coordinated Security Solutions Technical Report Closeout (MECSS): The Application of Science and Technology to Reduce Risk for V2010 and G8/G20 Summits

    DTIC Science & Technology


    CBRNE), aux infrastructures essentielles, à la surveillance, à la sécurité physique, à la cybernétique et à la socio- psychologie . Le présent socio- psychologie . Dans le cadre du projet SCSGE, on a produit plus de 195 rapports scientifiques, fruit des efforts, du dévouement et du...aux infrastructures essentielles, à la surveillance, à la sécurité physique, à la cybernétique et à la socio- psychologie . Le présent rapport

  11. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: le cas du pouvoir thermoelectrique et celui de l'effet orbital d'un champ magnetique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arsenault, Louis-Francois

    Les applications reliees a la generation d'energie motivent la recherche de materiaux ayant un fort pouvoir thermoelectrique (S). De plus, S nous renseigne sur certaines proprietes fondamentales des materiaux, comme, par exemple, la transition entre l'etat coherent et incoherent des quasi-particules lorsque la temperature augmente. Empiriquement, la presence de fortes interactions electron-electron peut mener a un pouvoir thermoelectrique geant. Nous avons donc etudie le modele le plus simple qui tient compte de ces fortes interactions, le modele de Hubbard. La theorie du champ moyen dynamique (DMFT) est tout indiquee dans ce cas. Nous nous sommes concentres sur un systeme tridimensionnel (3d) cubique a face centree (fcc), et ce, pour plusieurs raisons. A) Ce type de cristal est tres commun dans la nature. B) La DMFT donne de tres bons resultats en 3d et donc ce choix sert aussi de preuve de principe de la methode. C) Finalement, a cause de la frustration electronique intrinseque au fcc, celui-ci ne presente pas de symetrie particule-trou, ce qui est tres favorable a l'apparition d'une grande valeur de S. Ce travail demontre que lorsque le materiau est un isolant a demi-remplissage a cause des fortes interactions (isolant de Mott), il est possible d'obtenir de grands pouvoirs thermoelectriques en le dopant legerement. C'est un resultat pratique important. Du point de vue methodologique, nous avons montre comment la limite de frequence infinie de S et l'approche dite de Kelvin, qui considere la limite de frequence nulle avant la limite thermodynamique pour S, donnent des estimations fiables de la vraie limite continue (DC) dans les domaines de temperature appropriee. Ces deux approches facilitent grandement les calculs en court-circuit ant la necessite de recourir a de problematiques prolongements analytiques. Nous avons trouve que la methode de calcul a frequence infinie fonctionne bien lorsque les echelles d'energie sont relativement faibles. En d'autres termes

  12. Caracterisation de la propagation sans-fil dans les avions commerciaux pour une transmission dediee aux services aux passagers et aux systemes avioniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saghir, Hassane

    Aircraft systems are interconnected by cable bundles that may represent a hundred kilometres. Those wirings penalize the aircraft weight. Cable bundles favour electromagnetic interference on board aircraft and routing a new cable for integrating new equipment boxes in a sustained aircraft requires a lot of retrofit work. Consequently, the aviation industry and aerospace community are working in the scope of different projects on new alternatives that will better fit to the future generation of aircrafts and help to reduce interconnecting wires on board. Wireless technologies represent a coveted solution that could make significant improvements and benefits to new generations of aircrafts. This research work focuses on the study of the wireless propagation over some frequency bands inside commercial aircrafts. The main objective is to provide conclusions and recommendations on criteria that may help optimizing the wireless communication without impacting the existent systems. Targeted applications are the inflight entertainment (IFE) service and wireless sensing systems. This work was conducted in collaboration with Bombardier-Aerospace based in Montreal (QC) in the frame of AVIO-402 project under the grant of CRIAQ ( In this study, an experimental characterization of the propagation channel in the ISM band around 2.4 GHz frequency 5.8 GHz has been performed in a CRJ700 aircraft from Bombardier Aerospace. This characterization allowed to extract the parameters needed to analyze the channel behavior. The measurements results have shown that the propagation characteristics are close to those of both typical indoor medium in terms of the delay spread and a tunnel in terms of path loss. Then, a 3D channel modeling and simulation have been achieved with an RF prediction software (Wireless Insite Remcom). The simulations also consider the millimeter band around 60 GHz. The simulations yielded to analytical models of radio coverage which were

  13. Computing the non-Markovian coarse-grained interactions derived from the Mori-Zwanzig formalism in molecular systems: Application to polymer melts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Zhen; Lee, Hee Sun; Darve, Eric; Karniadakis, George Em


    Memory effects are often introduced during coarse-graining of a complex dynamical system. In particular, a generalized Langevin equation (GLE) for the coarse-grained (CG) system arises in the context of Mori-Zwanzig formalism. Upon a pairwise decomposition, GLE can be reformulated into its pairwise version, i.e., non-Markovian dissipative particle dynamics (DPD). GLE models the dynamics of a single coarse particle, while DPD considers the dynamics of many interacting CG particles, with both CG systems governed by non-Markovian interactions. We compare two different methods for the practical implementation of the non-Markovian interactions in GLE and DPD systems. More specifically, a direct evaluation of the non-Markovian (NM) terms is performed in LE-NM and DPD-NM models, which requires the storage of historical information that significantly increases computational complexity. Alternatively, we use a few auxiliary variables in LE-AUX and DPD-AUX models to replace the non-Markovian dynamics with a Markovian dynamics in a higher dimensional space, leading to a much reduced memory footprint and computational cost. In our numerical benchmarks, the GLE and non-Markovian DPD models are constructed from molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of star-polymer melts. Results show that a Markovian dynamics with auxiliary variables successfully generates equivalent non-Markovian dynamics consistent with the reference MD system, while maintaining a tractable computational cost. Also, transient subdiffusion of the star-polymers observed in the MD system can be reproduced by the coarse-grained models. The non-interacting particle models, LE-NM/AUX, are computationally much cheaper than the interacting particle models, DPD-NM/AUX. However, the pairwise models with momentum conservation are more appropriate for correctly reproducing the long-time hydrodynamics characterised by an algebraic decay in the velocity autocorrelation function.

  14. J. M. Despréaux' lichens from the Canary Islands and West Africa: an account of a 19th century collection found in an English archive.


    Aguirre-Hudson, Begoña; Whitworth, Isabella; Spooner, Brian M


    This is an historical and descriptive account of 28 herbarium specimens, 27 lichens and an alga, found in the archives of Charles Chalcraft, a descendant of the Bedford family, who were dye manufacturers in Leeds, England, in the 19th century. The lichens comprise 13 different morphotypes collected in the Canary Islands and West Africa by the French botanist J. M. Despréaux between 1833 and 1839. The collections include samples of "Roccella fuciformis", "R. phycopsis" and "R. tinctoria" (including the fertile morphotype "R. canariensis"), "Ramalina crispatula" and "R. cupularis", two distinct morphotypes of "Sticta", "S. canariensis" and "S. dufouri", "Physconia enteroxantha", "Pseudevernia furfuracea var. ceratea" and "Pseudocyphellaria argyracea". The herbarium also includes authentic material of "Parmotrema tinctorum" and a probable syntype of "Seirophora scorigena". Most of these species are known as a source of the purple dye orchil, which was used to dye silk and wool.

  15. Effets thermoelectrique et thermomagnetique du yttrium barium copper oxide monocristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghamlouche, Hassan


    Des la decouverte des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique, les recherches se sont intensifiees afin de comprendre les mecanismes qui sont a l'origine des proprietes de ces materiaux L'etat mixte, tout comme l'etat supraconducteur pur et l'etat normal, a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux de recherche. En particulier, la structure des vortex a l'etat mixte, et leur mouvement sous l'effet d'une force quelconque, etaient et restent le centre de preoccupation. Les effets thermoelectrique (Seebeck) et thermomagnetique (Nernst) sont parmi les differentes mesures qui peuvent donner de l'information sur les etats des vortex a l'etat mixte. L'avantage essentiel de ces deux effets est l'absence d'un courant electrique applique. Ce dernier peut donner des perturbations indesirables durant les mesures. D'autre pari, nous avons utilise la methode CA (Courant Alternatif) pour effectuer nos mesures. Cette methode est caracterisee par une meilleure resolution par rapport a la methode CC (Courant Continu) conventionnelle. Nous avons etudie autant des echantillons macles que des echantillons sans macles. D'abord nous avons teste notre montage a champ magnetique nul. Nous avons alors montre que le pic rapporte par certains dans l'effet Seebeck a la transition supraconductrice ne correspond pas a une realite physique mais a un artefact experimental. On avait associe ce pic aux fluctuations. Par la suite, nous avons mis en evidence et etudie pour la premiere fois avec les effets Seebeck et Nernst le phenomene de la fusion du reseau de vortex grace a des mesures sur les echantillons sans macles. Cette etude s'est faite pour deux concentrations d'oxygene differentes et pour un gradient de temperature parallele, consecutivement, aux deux axes cristallographiques dans le plan ab. Finalement, nous avons etudie l'effet des plans de maclage sur le mouvement des vortex. Ceci a ete realise en appliquant le gradient de temperature selon trois directions differentes (0, 45 et 90°) avec

  16. Methodes iteratives paralleles: Applications en neutronique et en mecanique des fluides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qaddouri, Abdessamad

    Dans cette these, le calcul parallele est applique successivement a la neutronique et a la mecanique des fluides. Dans chacune de ces deux applications, des methodes iteratives sont utilisees pour resoudre le systeme d'equations algebriques resultant de la discretisation des equations du probleme physique. Dans le probleme de neutronique, le calcul des matrices des probabilites de collision (PC) ainsi qu'un schema iteratif multigroupe utilisant une methode inverse de puissance sont parallelises. Dans le probleme de mecanique des fluides, un code d'elements finis utilisant un algorithme iteratif du type GMRES preconditionne est parallelise. Cette these est presentee sous forme de six articles suivis d'une conclusion. Les cinq premiers articles traitent des applications en neutronique, articles qui representent l'evolution de notre travail dans ce domaine. Cette evolution passe par un calcul parallele des matrices des PC et un algorithme multigroupe parallele teste sur un probleme unidimensionnel (article 1), puis par deux algorithmes paralleles l'un mutiregion l'autre multigroupe, testes sur des problemes bidimensionnels (articles 2--3). Ces deux premieres etapes sont suivies par l'application de deux techniques d'acceleration, le rebalancement neutronique et la minimisation du residu aux deux algorithmes paralleles (article 4). Finalement, on a mis en oeuvre l'algorithme multigroupe et le calcul parallele des matrices des PC sur un code de production DRAGON ou les tests sont plus realistes et peuvent etre tridimensionnels (article 5). Le sixieme article (article 6), consacre a l'application a la mecanique des fluides, traite la parallelisation d'un code d'elements finis FES ou le partitionneur de graphe METIS et la librairie PSPARSLIB sont utilises.

  17. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés au VIH et aux hépatites virales B et C dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Keou, Francois-Xavier; Nkala, Isabelle Vanessa Monthe; Kalla, Ginette Claude Mireille; Nguefack-Tsague, Georges; Kamga, Hortense Gonsu; Noubom, Michel; Mvogo, Côme Ebana; Sosso, Maurice Aurelien


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail était de déterminer la séroprévalence et les facteurs associés au VIH et aux hépatites virales B et C dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude descriptive et analytique réalisée de février 2012 à Juin 2012 dans la ville de Bafoussam au Cameroun. Pour cette étude, nous avons obtenu une clairance éthique. Résultats Au total, 982 personnes ont été dépistées pour le VIH et les hépatites virales B et C. Les femmes représentaient 56,3% des personnes dépistées. La tranche d’âge la plus représentée était celle des 20 à 24 ans. L’âge médian était de 34,5 ans. Les prévalences du VIH, de l'AgHBs, et de l'Ac anti HCV étaient respectivement de 6,0%, 4,1%, et 0,4%. La prévalence du VIH était 2 fois plus élevée parmi les femmes que les hommes avec 8,1% contre 3,5% (p=0,01). Les prévalences les plus élevées ont été observées chez les personnes de 30 à 34 ans, 40 à 44 ans avec 15,0% et 11,5% (p=0,01), les personnes sans emploi avec 11,1% (p<0,001) et les personnes en union libre avec 17,9% (p=0,000). La prévalence du VIH n’était pas directement liée aux comportements et pratiques sexuels de la population de l’étude. On enregistrait une prévalence élevée de 29,3% chez les individus ayant déclaré avoir au moins une infection sexuellement transmissible (p=0,000). Conclusion Il apparait urgent de mettre en place des stratégies de prévention contre le VIH, les hépatites virales et les facteurs associés au Cameroun. PMID:26113899

  18. Grand canonical electronic density-functional theory: Algorithms and applications to electrochemistry.


    Sundararaman, Ravishankar; Goddard, William A; Arias, Tomas A


    First-principles calculations combining density-functional theory and continuum solvation models enable realistic theoretical modeling and design of electrochemical systems. When a reaction proceeds in such systems, the number of electrons in the portion of the system treated quantum mechanically changes continuously, with a balancing charge appearing in the continuum electrolyte. A grand-canonical ensemble of electrons at a chemical potential set by the electrode potential is therefore the ideal description of such systems that directly mimics the experimental condition. We present two distinct algorithms: a self-consistent field method and a direct variational free energy minimization method using auxiliary Hamiltonians (GC-AuxH), to solve the Kohn-Sham equations of electronic density-functional theory directly in the grand canonical ensemble at fixed potential. Both methods substantially improve performance compared to a sequence of conventional fixed-number calculations targeting the desired potential, with the GC-AuxH method additionally exhibiting reliable and smooth exponential convergence of the grand free energy. Finally, we apply grand-canonical density-functional theory to the under-potential deposition of copper on platinum from chloride-containing electrolytes and show that chloride desorption, not partial copper monolayer formation, is responsible for the second voltammetric peak.

  19. Granger Causality and National Procurement Spending: Applications to the CC130 Hercules Fleet Performance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    intentionally left blank. ii DRDC CORA TM 2011-154 Dr aft Co py Executive summary Granger Causality and National Procurement Spending David W...à croire que la chaîne d’approvisionnement sous jacente est optimale - la résistance aux chocs de dépenses peut simplement s’expliquer par des stocks...i Executive summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . iii Sommaire

  20. Grand canonical electronic density-functional theory: Algorithms and applications to electrochemistry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sundararaman, Ravishankar; Goddard, III, William A.; Arias, Tomas A.

    First-principles calculations combining density-functional theory and continuum solvation models enable realistic theoretical modeling and design of electrochemical systems. When a reaction proceeds in such systems, the number of electrons in the portion of the system treated quantum mechanically changes continuously, with a balancing charge appearing in the continuum electrolyte. A grand-canonical ensemble of electrons at a chemical potential set by the electrode potential is therefore the ideal description of such systems that directly mimics the experimental condition. We present two distinct algorithms: a self-consistent field method and a direct variational free energy minimization method using auxiliary Hamiltonians (GC-AuxH), to solvemore » the Kohn-Sham equations of electronic density-functional theory directly in the grand canonical ensemble at fixed potential. Both methods substantially improve performance compared to a sequence of conventional fixed-number calculations targeting the desired potential, with the GC-AuxH method additionally exhibiting reliable and smooth exponential convergence of the grand free energy. Lastly, we apply grand-canonical density-functional theory to the under-potential deposition of copper on platinum from chloride-containing electrolytes and show that chloride desorption, not partial copper monolayer formation, is responsible for the second voltammetric peak.« less

  1. Grand canonical electronic density-functional theory: Algorithms and applications to electrochemistry


    Sundararaman, Ravishankar; Goddard, III, William A.; Arias, Tomas A.


    First-principles calculations combining density-functional theory and continuum solvation models enable realistic theoretical modeling and design of electrochemical systems. When a reaction proceeds in such systems, the number of electrons in the portion of the system treated quantum mechanically changes continuously, with a balancing charge appearing in the continuum electrolyte. A grand-canonical ensemble of electrons at a chemical potential set by the electrode potential is therefore the ideal description of such systems that directly mimics the experimental condition. We present two distinct algorithms: a self-consistent field method and a direct variational free energy minimization method using auxiliary Hamiltonians (GC-AuxH), to solvemore » the Kohn-Sham equations of electronic density-functional theory directly in the grand canonical ensemble at fixed potential. Both methods substantially improve performance compared to a sequence of conventional fixed-number calculations targeting the desired potential, with the GC-AuxH method additionally exhibiting reliable and smooth exponential convergence of the grand free energy. Lastly, we apply grand-canonical density-functional theory to the under-potential deposition of copper on platinum from chloride-containing electrolytes and show that chloride desorption, not partial copper monolayer formation, is responsible for the second voltammetric peak.« less

  2. Effet de la composition des materiaux composites sur la caracterisation et detection par ondes de Lamb

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ostiguy, Pierre-Claude

    Les matériaux composites sont de plus en plus utilisés en aéronautique. Leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques et leur faible poids leur procurent un avantage certain par rapport aux matériaux métalliques. Ceux-ci étant soumis à diverses conditions de chargement et environnementales, ils sont suceptibles de subir plusieurs types d'endommagements, compromettant leur intégrité. Des méthodes fiables d'inspection sont donc nécessaires pour évaluer leur intégrité. Néanmoins, peu d'approches non destructives, embarquées et efficaces sont présentement utilisées. Ce travail de recherche se penche sur l'étude de l'effet de la composition des matériaux composites sur la détection et la caractérisation par ondes guidées. L'objectif du projet est de développer une approche de caractérisation mécanique embarquée permettant d'améliorer la performance d'une approche d'imagerie par antenne piézoélectriques sur des structures composite et métalliques. La contribution de ce projet est de proposer une approche embarquée de caractérisation mécanique par ultrasons qui ne requiert pas une mesure sur une multitude d'échantillons et qui est non destructive. Ce mémoire par articles est divisé en quatre parties, dont les parties deux A quatre présentant les articles publiés et soumis. La première partie présente l'état des connaissances dans la matière nécessaires à l'acomplissement de ce projet de maîtrise. Les principaux sujets traités portent sur les matériaux composites, propagation d'ondes, la modélisation des ondes guidées, la caractérisation par ondes guidées et la surveillance embarquée des structures. La deuxième partie présente une étude de l'effet des propriétés mécaniques sur la performance de l'algorithme d'imagerie Excitelet. L'étude est faite sur une structure isotrope. Les résultats ont démontré que l'algorithme est sensible à l'exactitude des propriétés mécaniques utilisées dans le modèle. Cette

  3. Etude theorique des fluctuations structurales dans les composes organiques a dimensionnalite reduite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumoulin, Benoit

    Les systemes a dimensionnalite reduite constituent maintenant une branche entiere de la physique de la matiere condensee. Cette derniere s'est developpee rapidement au cours des dernieres annees, avec la decouverte des materiaux organiques qui presentent, justement, des proprietes physiques fortement anisotropes. Cette these presente une etude en trois parties de plusieurs composes organiques qui, bien que tres differents du point de vue de leurs compositions chimiques et de leurs proprietes physiques a haute temperature, subissent tous une instabilite structurale a tres basse temperature. De plus, dans chacun des cas, l'instabilite structurale est precedee d'un important regime fluctuatif a partir duquel les proprietes physiques changent de maniere significative. Notre etude suit un ordre chronologique inverse puisque nous nous attardons en premier lieu au cas de composes recemment decouverts: les composes de la famille des (BCPTTF)2X (X = PF6 , AsF6). Ces derniers sont des isolants magnetiques a la temperature ambiante et subissent une instabilite structurale de type spin-Peierls a une temperature appelee TSP. En particulier, nous nous interessons a l'etude des proprietes physiques de ces systemes dans le regime fluctuatif, qui precede cette instabilite. Notre etude theorique nous permet de comprendre en detail comment ces systemes s'approchent de l'instabilite struturale. Dans la seconde partie de cette these, nous etudions le regime fluctuatif (pre-transitionnel) observe experimentalement dans le compose de (TMTTF)2PF6. Ce compose organique, dont la structure s'apparente aux sels de Bechgaard, subit une instabilite de type spin-Peierls a une temperature T SP = 19K. Bien que ce compose possede la particularite d'etre un bon conducteur a la temperature ambiante, il subit une transition de type Mott-Hubbard a une temperature Trho ≈ 220K et devient alors un isolant magnetique, analogue aux composes de la famille des (BCPTTF)2X. Le regime fluctuatif precedant l

  4. Caracterisation mecanique dynamique de materiaux poro-visco-elastiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Renault, Amelie

    Poro-viscoelastic materials are well modelled with Biot-Allard equations. This model needs a number of geometrical parameters in order to describe the macroscopic geometry of the material and elastic parameters in order to describe the elastic properties of the material skeleton. Several characterisation methods of viscoelastic parameters of porous materials are studied in this thesis. Firstly, quasistatic and resonant characterization methods are described and analyzed. Secondly, a new inverse dynamic characterization of the same modulus is developed. The latter involves a two layers metal-porous beam, which is excited at the center. The input mobility is measured. The set-up is simplified compared to previous methods. The parameters are obtained via an inversion procedure based on the minimisation of the cost function comparing the measured and calculated frequency response functions (FRF). The calculation is done with a general laminate model. A parametric study identifies the optimal beam dimensions for maximum sensitivity of the inversion model. The advantage of using a code which is not taking into account fluid-structure interactions is the low computation time. For most materials, the effect of this interaction on the elastic properties is negligible. Several materials are tested to demonstrate the performance of the method compared to the classical quasi-static approaches, and set its limitations and range of validity. Finally, conclusions about their utilisation are given. Keywords. Elastic parameters, porous materials, anisotropy, vibration.

  5. The clathrin-binding motif and the J-domain of Drosophila Auxilin are essential for facilitating Notch ligand endocytosis

    PubMed Central

    Kandachar, Vasundhara; Bai, Ting; Chang, Henry C


    Background Ligand endocytosis plays a critical role in regulating the activity of the Notch pathway. The Drosophila homolog of auxilin (dAux), a J-domain-containing protein best known for its role in the disassembly of clathrin coats from clathrin-coated vesicles, has recently been implicated in Notch signaling, although its exact mechanism remains poorly understood. Results To understand the role of auxilin in Notch ligand endocytosis, we have analyzed several point mutations affecting specific domains of dAux. In agreement with previous work, analysis using these stronger dAux alleles shows that dAux is required for several Notch-dependent processes, and its function during Notch signaling is required in the signaling cells. In support of the genetic evidences, the level of Delta appears elevated in dAux deficient cells, suggesting that the endocytosis of Notch ligand is disrupted. Deletion analysis shows that the clathrin-binding motif and the J-domain, when over-expressed, are sufficient for rescuing dAux phenotypes, implying that the recruitment of Hsc70 to clathrin is a critical role for dAux. However, surface labeling experiment shows that, in dAux mutant cells, Delta accumulates at the cell surface. In dAux mutant cells, clathrin appears to form large aggregates, although Delta is not enriched in these aberrant clathrin-positive structures. Conclusion Our data suggest that dAux mutations inhibit Notch ligand internalization at an early step during clathrin-mediated endocytosis, before the disassembly of clathrin-coated vesicles. Further, the inhibition of ligand endocytosis in dAux mutant cells possibly occurs due to depletion of cytosolic pools of clathrin via the formation of clathrin aggregates. Together, our observations argue that ligand endocytosis is critical for Notch signaling and auxilin participates in Notch signaling by facilitating ligand internalization. PMID:18466624

  6. Molecular cloning and characterization of the genes encoding an auxin efflux carrier and the auxin influx carriers associated with the adventitious root formation in mango (Mangifera indica L.) cotyledon segments.


    Li, Yun-He; Zou, Ming-Hong; Feng, Bi-Hong; Huang, Xia; Zhang, Zhi; Sun, Guang-Ming


    Polar auxin transport (PAT) plays an important role in the adventitious root formation of mango cotyledon segments, but the molecular mechanism remains unclear. In this study, we cloned a gene encoding an auxin efflux carrier (designated as MiPIN1), and we cloned four genes encoding auxin influx carriers (designated as MiAUX1, MiAUX2, MiAUX3 and MiAUX4). The results of a phylogenetic tree analysis indicated that MiPIN1 and the MiAUXs belong to plant PIN and AUXs/LAXs groups. Quantitative real-time PCR indicated that the expression of MiPIN1 and the MiAUXs was lowest at 0 days but sharply increased on and after day 4. During the root formation in the mango cotyledon segments, the MiPIN1 expression in the distal cut surface (DCS) was always higher than the expression in the proximal cut surface (PCS) whereas the expression of the MiAUXs in the PCS was usually higher than in the DCS. This expression pattern might be result in the PAT from the DCS to the PCS, which is essential for the adventitious root formation in the PCS. Our previous study indicated that a pre-treatment of embryos with indole-3-butyric acid (IBA) significantly promoted adventitious rooting in PCS whereas a pre-treatment with 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid (TIBA) completely inhibited this rooting. In this study, however, IBA and TIBA pre-treatments slightly changed the expression of MiPIN1. In contrast, while the MiAUX3 and MiAUX4 expression levels were significantly up-regulated by the IBA pre-treatment, the expression levels were down-regulated by the TIBA pre-treatment. These findings imply that MiAUX3 and MiAUX4 are more sensitive to the IBA and TIBA treatments and that they might play important roles during adventitious root formation in mango cotyledon segments. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. CFD Techniques for Propulsion Applications Panel Symposium (77th), Held in San Antonio, Texas on 27-31 May 1991 (Les Techniques de l’Aerodynamique Numerique pour les Applications aux Propulseurs)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    CONCLUDING REMARKS secondary flow pattern. Probably both factors are influential. Unfortunately The present study has examined the the secondary...Panels which are compesed of experts appointed - by the National Delegates, the Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospace Applications Studies ...CP 352. September 1983 /Combustion Problems in Turbine Engines AGARD CP 353, January 1984 (,rHazard Studies for Solid Propellant Rocket Motors AGARD CP

  8. Developpement d'un montage simulant l'erosion par la pluie pour l'evaluation des revetements glaciophobes dans le domaine aerospatial

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Sarah-Eve

    Ce memoire presente le developpement d’un montage simulant l’erosion par la pluie afin d’effectuer l’evaluation de differents revetements glaciophobes dans le domaine aerospatial. Bien que plusieurs revetements presentent une bonne efficacite a reduire l’adherence et/ou l’accumulation de glace, ils ne repondent pas necessairement aux normes de resistance a l’erosion simulee par les gouttes de pluie les frappant a grande vitesse. Il n’existe qu’une installation en Amerique du Nord offrant un service d’essai qui evalue la resistance a l’erosion par la pluie suivant les normes aerospatiales. Etant l’unique institution pouvant faire la certification de peintures utilisees sur les avions en ce qui a trait a l’erosion par la pluie, ce service est donc difficile d’acces et couteux. Le laboratoire international des materiaux antigivre (LIMA) a developpe un essai plus rapide et moins couteux, facilitant ainsi le developpement de revetements glaciophobes devant resister a l’erosion par la pluie. Dans cette etude, le developpement du montage d’erosion par la pluie effectue au laboratoire des materiaux antigivre (LIMA) est presente. En particulier, des essais sur quatre (4) revetements dont la resistance a l’erosion est connue, et sur trois revetements industriels, ont ete effectues afin d’ajuster les differents parametres du montage comme la pression et la temperature de l’eau ainsi que la robustesse du montage. Ensuite, des essais de sensibilite et de reproductibilite des resultats ont egalement ete effectues pour fin de validation du montage et du protocole experimental. Pour ce faire, le montage de type jet d’eau developpe consiste principalement en une pompe a haute pression qui projette un jet d’eau continu passant par les orifices d’un disque tournant. Cette operation permet de generer une goutte de pluie simulee qui est projetee sur un echantillon de revetement statique. L’essai est base sur la norme standard ASTM (Liquid

  9. The Maize (Zea mays L.) AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID Gene Family: Phylogeny, Synteny, and Unique Root-Type and Tissue-Specific Expression Patterns during Development

    PubMed Central

    Ludwig, Yvonne; Zhang, Yanxiang; Hochholdinger, Frank


    The plant hormone auxin plays a key role in the coordination of many aspects of growth and development. AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) genes encode instable primary auxin responsive regulators of plant development that display a protein structure with four characteristic domains. In the present study, a comprehensive analysis of the 34 members of the maize Aux/IAA gene family was performed. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed two classes of Aux/IAA proteins that can be distinguished by alterations in their domain III. Seven pairs of paralogous maize Aux/IAA proteins were discovered. Comprehensive root-type and tissue-specific expression profiling revealed unique expression patterns of the diverse members of the gene family. Remarkably, five of seven pairs of paralogous genes displayed highly correlated expression patterns in roots. All but one (ZmIAA23) tested maize Aux/IAA genes were auxin inducible, displaying two types of auxin induction within three hours of treatment. Moreover, 51 of 55 (93%) differential Aux/IAA expression patterns between different root-types followed the expression tendency: crown roots > seminal roots > primary roots > lateral roots. This pattern might imply root-type-specific regulation of Aux/IAA transcript abundance. In summary, the detailed analysis of the maize Aux/IAA gene family provides novel insights in the evolution and developmental regulation and thus the function of these genes in different root-types and tissues. PMID:24223858

  10. The maize (Zea mays L.) AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID gene family: phylogeny, synteny, and unique root-type and tissue-specific expression patterns during development.


    Ludwig, Yvonne; Zhang, Yanxiang; Hochholdinger, Frank


    The plant hormone auxin plays a key role in the coordination of many aspects of growth and development. AUXIN/INDOLE-3-ACETIC ACID (Aux/IAA) genes encode instable primary auxin responsive regulators of plant development that display a protein structure with four characteristic domains. In the present study, a comprehensive analysis of the 34 members of the maize Aux/IAA gene family was performed. Phylogenetic reconstructions revealed two classes of Aux/IAA proteins that can be distinguished by alterations in their domain III. Seven pairs of paralogous maize Aux/IAA proteins were discovered. Comprehensive root-type and tissue-specific expression profiling revealed unique expression patterns of the diverse members of the gene family. Remarkably, five of seven pairs of paralogous genes displayed highly correlated expression patterns in roots. All but one (ZmIAA23) tested maize Aux/IAA genes were auxin inducible, displaying two types of auxin induction within three hours of treatment. Moreover, 51 of 55 (93%) differential Aux/IAA expression patterns between different root-types followed the expression tendency: crown roots > seminal roots > primary roots > lateral roots. This pattern might imply root-type-specific regulation of Aux/IAA transcript abundance. In summary, the detailed analysis of the maize Aux/IAA gene family provides novel insights in the evolution and developmental regulation and thus the function of these genes in different root-types and tissues.

  11. U. S. Atlantic Fleet, Eighth Amphibious Force. Operation Plan Number 2-44

    DTIC Science & Technology


    distributed with this Operation Order. (c) Panoramic Bench Sketches No. P-l for Boach 259 and No. P~3 for Loach 26l (South) givo viator level...To indicate tank or ID targets. (g) Green Cluster, White Cluster - Lift Artillery fire. Page 32 of 33. ANNEX KENS . GTMFIRS SUPPORT PLAN. TABLE VI...AURORA . SFCP 5 AUX GROUND SPOT - LIVERMORS SFCP 6 AUX GROUND SPOT - LA GLOIRE SFCP 7 AUX GROUND -SPOT ~ TERM- ERIC SFCP 8 AUX GROUND SPOT - ORION-KEAR

  12. Elaboration du Ge mesoporeux et etude de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue d'applications photovoltaiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tutashkonko, Sergii

    Le sujet de cette these porte sur l'elaboration du nouveau nanomateriau par la gravure electrochimique bipolaire (BEE) --- le Ge mesoporeux et sur l'analyse de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue de son utilisation dans des applications photovoltaiques. La formation du Ge mesoporeux par gravure electrochimique a ete precedemment rapportee dans la litterature. Cependant, le verrou technologique important des procedes de fabrication existants consistait a obtenir des couches epaisses (superieure a 500 nm) du Ge mesoporeux a la morphologie parfaitement controlee. En effet, la caracterisation physico-chimique des couches minces est beaucoup plus compliquee et le nombre de leurs applications possibles est fortement limite. Nous avons developpe un modele electrochimique qui decrit les mecanismes principaux de formation des pores ce qui nous a permis de realiser des structures epaisses du Ge mesoporeux (jusqu'au 10 mum) ayant la porosite ajustable dans une large gamme de 15% a 60%. En plus, la formation des nanostructures poreuses aux morphologies variables et bien controlees est desormais devenue possible. Enfin, la maitrise de tous ces parametres a ouvert la voie extremement prometteuse vers la realisation des structures poreuses a multi-couches a base de Ge pour des nombreuses applications innovantes et multidisciplinaires grace a la flexibilite technologique actuelle atteinte. En particulier, dans le cadre de cette these, les couches du Ge mesoporeux ont ete optimisees dans le but de realiser le procede de transfert de couches minces d'une cellule solaire a triple jonctions via une couche sacrificielle en Ge poreux. Mots-cles : Germanium meso-poreux, Gravure electrochimique bipolaire, Electrochimie des semi-conducteurs, Report des couches minces, Cellule photovoltaique

  13. Comportement dynamique d'alliages a memoire de forme et application aux composites-AMF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Santis, Silvio

    Meeting current industrial, governmental and international standards regarding vibration and noise levels is a challenging task facing many engineers. These specifications are present in just about all fields of engineering, from aerospace to marine transportation, from automotive to railway transportation, from computer equipment to industrial working environments. An appropriate use of the remarkable properties of high damping metals (HIDAMETS) and shape memory alloy (SMA) reinforced composites emerges as a possible solution to these problems. Among many obstacles to overcome in developing such a technology, the implementation of reliable and adequate characterization techniques to determine dynamic properties of these materials appears to be of prime importance. The research efforts presented in this thesis are aimed at developing advanced techniques to characterize the dynamic behavior of HIDAMETS and SMA reinforced composites. These characterization results lead to the enhancement of numerical (finite element) and/or analytical methods for the simulation of dynamic responses of structures made of these materials. In particular, the research work has focused on three themes: the numerical and experimental validation of applying a characterization procedure developed for traditional composites to SMA reinforced composites; the development of a test bench for uniaxial hysteresis characterization of HIDAMETS in the medium frequency range; the hysteresis characterization and modeling of manganese copper (MnCu) and nickel titanium samples. The results obtained in the course of these efforts show that the characterization technique developed for traditional composites at the University of Brussels is sufficiently precise to successfully predict natural frequencies of complex SMA reinforced composite structures. Using the characterization to predict structural damping ratios, we observe a bias error in the prediction with respect to experimental results although the relative values between modes are consistent. Regarding the development of the test bench for uniaxial hysteresis characterization of HIDAMETS, results suggest that with the introduction of a few minor enhancements and with particular experimental precautions, the test bench can play an important role in characterizing HIDAMETS dynamic properties at various frequencies and strain amplitudes and in understanding micro mechanical mechanisms responsible for energy dissipation. Finally, uniaxial hysteresis loops and related parameters have been obtained with MnCu and NiTi samples. A material model based on dual kriging interpolation that expresses the tangent stiffness along these hysteresis loops as a function of strain and strain amplitude has also been developed.

  14. De l'importance des orbites periodiques: Detection et applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doyon, Bernard

    L'ensemble des Orbites Periodiques Instables (OPIs) d'un systeme chaotique est intimement relie a ses proprietes dynamiques. A partir de l'ensemble (en principe infini) d'OPIs cachees dans l'espace des phases, on peut obtenir des quantites dynamiques importantes telles les exposants de Lyapunov, la mesure invariante, l'entropie topologique et la dimension fractale. En chaos quantique (i.e. l'etude de systemes quantiques qui ont un equivalent chaotique dans la limite classique), ces memes OPIs permettent de faire le pont entre le comportement classique et quantique de systemes non-integrables. La localisation de ces cycles fondamentaux est un probleme complexe. Cette these aborde dans un premier temps le probleme de la detection des OPIs dans les systemes chaotiques. Une etude comparative de deux algorithmes recents est presentee. Nous approfondissons ces deux methodes afin de les utiliser sur differents systemes dont des flots continus dissipatifs et conservatifs. Une analyse du taux de convergence des algorithmes est aussi realisee afin de degager les forces et les limites de ces schemes numeriques. Les methodes de detection que nous utilisons reposent sur une transformation particuliere de la dynamique initiale. Cette astuce nous a inspire une methode alternative pour cibler et stabiliser une orbite periodique quelconque dans un systeme chaotique. Le ciblage est en general combine aux methodes de controle pour stabiliser rapidement un cycle donne. En general, il faut connaitre la position et la stabilite du cycle en question. La nouvelle methode de ciblage que nous presentons ne demande pas de connaitre a priori la position et la stabilite des orbites periodiques. Elle pourrait etre un outil complementaire aux methodes de ciblage et de controle actuelles.

  15. The Bacillus subtilis Conjugative Plasmid pLS20 Encodes Two Ribbon-Helix-Helix Type Auxiliary Relaxosome Proteins That Are Essential for Conjugation.


    Miguel-Arribas, Andrés; Hao, Jian-An; Luque-Ortega, Juan R; Ramachandran, Gayetri; Val-Calvo, Jorge; Gago-Córdoba, César; González-Álvarez, Daniel; Abia, David; Alfonso, Carlos; Wu, Ling J; Meijer, Wilfried J J


    Bacterial conjugation is the process by which a conjugative element (CE) is transferred horizontally from a donor to a recipient cell via a connecting pore. One of the first steps in the conjugation process is the formation of a nucleoprotein complex at the origin of transfer ( oriT ), where one of the components of the nucleoprotein complex, the relaxase, introduces a site- and strand specific nick to initiate the transfer of a single DNA strand into the recipient cell. In most cases, the nucleoprotein complex involves, besides the relaxase, one or more additional proteins, named auxiliary proteins, which are encoded by the CE and/or the host. The conjugative plasmid pLS20 replicates in the Gram-positive Firmicute bacterium Bacillus subtilis . We have recently identified the relaxase gene and the oriT of pLS20, which are separated by a region of almost 1 kb. Here we show that this region contains two auxiliary genes that we name aux1 LS20 and aux2 LS20 , and which we show are essential for conjugation. Both Aux1 LS20 and Aux2 LS20 are predicted to contain a Ribbon-Helix-Helix DNA binding motif near their N-terminus. Analyses of the purified proteins show that Aux1 LS20 and Aux2 LS20 form tetramers and hexamers in solution, respectively, and that they both bind preferentially to oriT LS20 , although with different characteristics and specificities. In silico analyses revealed that genes encoding homologs of Aux1 LS20 and/or Aux2 LS20 are located upstream of almost 400 relaxase genes of the Rel LS20 family (MOB L ) of relaxases. Thus, Aux1 LS20 and Aux2 LS20 of pLS20 constitute the founding member of the first two families of auxiliary proteins described for CEs of Gram-positive origin.

  16. Perspectives on the energy landscape of Au-Cl binary systems from the structural phase diagram of AuxCly (x + y = 20).


    Tian, Zhimei; Cheng, Longjiu


    Ligand-protected gold (Au-L) nanoclusters have attracted much attention, where the reported electronic and geometric structures show great diversity. To give a direct and overall view of the energy landscape of Au-L binary systems, the AuxCly (x + y = 20) system is taken as a test case. By intensive global search of the potential energy surface at the level of density functional theory, a diverse set of global minima and low-lying isomers are found at each composition, and the structural phase diagram is obtained. The unbiased global search is carried out using the method combining the genetic algorithm with the TPSS functional. At x = 10 with the stoichiometric ratio of Au and Cl (1 : 1), the cluster presents a catenane structure. When x is in the range of 11-20, the clusters are Au-rich, and the Au-Cl system can be viewed as Cl-protected gold nanoclusters, where the gold cores consist of superatoms, superatom networks, or superatomic molecules in electronic structures. At x = 11-15, the gold cores consist of Au3, Au4 and Au5 2e-superatoms protected by staple motifs. At x = 16-20, the clusters are pyramidal superatomic molecules with one Au16 superatom core bonding with the four vertical atoms (Au or Cl). When x is in the scope of 9-5, the clusters are Cl-rich, and the 5d electrons of Au participate in bonding, resulting in high multiplicities. The Au-Cl binary system shows great diversity and flexibility in electronic and geometric structures, and there are corresponding structures to most of the experimentally produced Au-L nanoclusters in our structural phase diagram. We believe that the structural phase diagram gives an overall perspective on the universe of Au-L nanoclusters.

  17. Application of Fiber Optic Instrumentation (Validation des systemes d’instrumentation a fibres optiques)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    SCI-228) Executive Summary This AGARDograph presents an introduction to fiber optic systems and is intended to provide a basic understanding of...22 / SCI-228) Synthèse Cette AGARDograph présente une introduction aux systèmes à fibres optiques et a pour objet d’expliquer l’utilisation de ces...l’instrumentation des essais en vol dans l’ensemble des pays membres de l’OTAN, entraînant la disparition progressive des jauges extensométriques et des

  18. Mise au point du rheometre a cisaillement annulaire pour l'etude de rheologie d'un mastic bitumineux avec verre incorpore =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    El Mansouri, Souleimane

    Dans le domaine viscoelastique lineaire (VEL, domaine des petites deformations), le comportement thermomecanique du bitume et du mastic bitumineux (melange uniforme de bitume et de fillers) a ete caracterise au Laboratoire des Chaussees et Materiaux Bitumineux (LCMB) de l'Ecole de technologie superieure (ETS) avec l'appui de nos partenaires externes : la Societe des Alcools du Quebec (SAQ) et Eco Entreprises Quebec (EEQ). Les proprietes rheologiques des bitumes et des mastics ont ete mesurees grâce a un nouvel outil d'investigation appele, Rheometre a Cisaillement Annulaire (RCA), sous differentes conditions de chargement. Cet appareil permet non seulement de solliciter des eprouvettes de tailles importantes par rapport a celles utilisees lors des essais classiques, mais aussi d'effectuer des essais en conditions quasi-homogenes, ce qui permet de donner acces a la loi de comportement des materiaux. Les essais sont realises sur une large gamme de temperatures et de frequences (de -15 °C a 45°C et de 0,03Hz a 10 Hz). Cette etude a ete menee principalement pour comparer le comportement d'un bitume avec celui d'un mastic bitumineux dans le domaine des petites deformations. neanmoins, dans une seconde perspective, on s'interesse a l'influence des fillers de verre de post-consommation sur le comportement d'un mastic a faibles niveaux de deformations en comparant l'evolution des modules complexes de cisaillements (G*) d'un mastic avec fillers de verre et un mastic avec fillers conventionnels (calcaire). Enfin, le modele analogique 2S2P1D est utilise pour simuler le comportement viscoelastique lineaire des bitumes et des mastics bitumineux testes lors de la campagne experimentale.

  19. Helium High Pressure Tanks at EADS Space Transportation New Technology with Thermoplastic Liner

    DTIC Science & Technology


    l’art actuel pour l’application d’un liner thermoplastique sur le réservoir hélium 300 litres pour le lanceur ARIANE 5, réservoir actuellement réalisé à...L à liner thermoplastique ont complètement démontré le respect aux exigences majeures demandées pour le lanceur A5. Ces travaux finalisent la phase

  20. Etude microdosimetrique de l'influence des materiaux sur l'efficacite biologique d'une source d'iode-125

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Taschereau, Richard

    Cette these concerne les implants permanents pour la prostate. Les isotopes employes, le 103Pd et l'125I, semblent produire les memes resultats cliniques: le premier a cause d'une radiation plus efficace et le second a cause de sa demi-vie plus longue. La recherche utilise le cadre theorique de la microdosimetrie et des simulations Monte Carlo. Elle propose d'employer le spectre d'ejection dans le calcul de l'efficacite; ce changement fait passer l'efficacite relative du 103Pd de 10% a 5%. Elle montre ensuite qu'il est possible d'ameliorer l'efficacite de la radiation de 125I par l'exploitation des rayons X caracteristiques de la capsule. Une source amelioree faite de molybdene et d'yttrium est donnee en exemple. Elle procure une radiation de 5--7% plus efficace, ce qui surclasse les deux sources existantes. Les applications ne se limitent pas au traitement de la prostate; le traitement du melanome oculaire et la curietherapie endovasculaire pourraient en beneficier.

  1. Prise en charge hospitalière de la malnutrition aigue sévère chez l'enfant avec des préparations locales alternatives aux F-75 et F-100: résultats et défis

    PubMed Central

    Nguefack, Félicitée; Adjahoung, Chritoph Akazong; Keugoung, Basile; Kamgaing, Nelly; Dongmo, Roger


    Introduction La mise en œuvre des directives de l'OMS permettrait de réduire significativement la mortalité hospitalière due à la malnutrition sévère. Cependant, elle n'est pas effective et la pénurie en aliments thérapeutiques est l'une des principales causes. L’étude décrit notre expérience sur la prise en charge hospitalière de la malnutrition aigue sévère avec des laits alternatifs aux F75 et F100 composés localement. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'un essai clinique non randomisé. La prise en charge des patients utilisait les laits composés localement et une évaluation quotidienne du gain pondéral était faite. Résultats L’étude a porté sur 41 sujets âgés de 6 à 59 mois. Au total, 73,2% avaient le kwashiorkor-marasmique, 17,0% le kwashiorkor, 9,8% le marasme et 41,5% étaient infectés par le VIH. Nous avons noté une prise progressive du poids d'environ 10 g/kg/jour vers le 7ème jour et de 15 à 20 g/kg/jour en fin d'hospitalisation. Le taux de mortalité était de 21,9% soit une réduction de 8,4% des chiffres antérieurs. Conclusion Malgré les obstacles financiers liés au coût des ingrédients, les préparations lactées alternatives aux standards F75 et F100, sont adaptables dans notre contexte. En l'absence des formules standards de l'OMS et lorsque la référence vers une structure qui en disposent n'est pas possible, les préparations locales permettraient de réhabiliter efficacement les patients. D'autres recherches pointues permettraient de tirer les ingrédients uniquement de notre environnement. Elles contribueraient ainsi à minimiser les couts des préparations et de favoriser la pérennisation des laits thérapeutiques locaux. PMID:26587175

  2. Les recommandations relatives aux vaccins antigrippaux administrés aux enfants et aux adolescents pour la saison 2017-2018.


    Moore, Dorothy L


    La Société canadienne de pédiatrie continue d'encourager la vaccination antigrippale annuelle de TOUS les enfants et les adolescents, dès l'âge de six mois. Les recommandations du Comité consultatif national de l'immunisation (CCNI) pour la saison 2017-2018 n'ont pas subi de changements importants par rapport à la saison précédente. Le CCNI a analysé toutes les données sur l'efficacité du vaccin vivant atténué contre l'influenza (VVAI) sur le marché et conclut qu'elles en appuient l'utilisation au Canada, même si les États-Unis ne le recommandent pas en raison de doutes quant à son efficacité.

  3. Design for Maintainability with Modified Petri Nets (MPNs): Shipboard Propulsion System Application.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    hazard (in acco- Fance with current environmental protection requirements). P20 YES T20 T2 1 EOOW report to 000, "Fire hazards removed from No engine room...8217-..! AARCA: GAS TURBINE MAIN ENGINE - GENERATOR Room NO 2 , .’ .- " SE7 NO. 2 \\ N 2 GEN MRGA GTM ,RZT 4o i .. .E rAF- _....Pr AJ*~ IAMR...GA Z0GYM GEN "-- ~ ~ P LL-L GIM. I I - GT MAIN ENGINE/ \\ t I . ROOM NO. I GAS 7RBINE ALIX MCHRY AUX MCHRY O OROO NO OOM NO. GENEU.ATOF ROOM NO 2 R


    PubMed Central

    Allen, L.; Black, R.E.; Brandes, N.; Brittenham, G.; Chazot, G.; Chunming, C.; Crawley, J.; de Benoist, B.; Dalmiya, N.; Darnton-Hill, I.; Dewey, K.; El-Arifeen, S.; Fontaine, O.; Geissler, C.; Haberle, H.; Harvey, P.; Hasler, J.; Hershko, C.; Hurrell, R.; Juma, M.A.; Lönnerdal, B.; Lozoff, B.; Lynch, S.; Salgado, H. Martines; McLean, E.; Metz, J.; Oppenheimer, S.; Premji, Z.; Prentice, A.; Ramsan, M.; Ratledge, C.; Stoltzfus, R.; Tielsch, J.; Winachagoon, P.


    Cet article présentent les résultats d'une Consultation d'Experts dont l'objectif était d'évaluer l'efficacité et l'innocuité des suppléments de fer administrés aux nourrissons et aux jeunes enfants dans les zones d’endémie palustre, ainsi que les conséquences d’une telle mesure pour la santé publique. Les participants à cette Consultation, qui s’est déroulée à Lyon (France) les 12–14 juin 2006, se sont entendus sur plusieurs questions importantes concernant l’administration d’une supplémentation martiale aux nourrissons et aux jeunes enfants dans les zones d’endémie palustre. Les conclusions du présent rapport s’appliquent plus particulièrement aux pays où le paludisme est endémique. PMID:18630054

  5. Guidance, Control and Positioning of Future Precision Guided Stand-off Weapons Systems

    DTIC Science & Technology


    environment tests. The programme consists of approximately ten fl ights, the firsts having a passive nature . These are followed by progressive...Limited _. .. , 40 Chigwell Lane, Loughton, Essex IGIO 3TZ PREFACE The environment in which tactical air forces must be able to operate is becoming...GUIDANCE SYSTEM CONCEPT FOR HIGH-DYNAMIC ENVIRONMENT * by U.K.Krogmann 17 APPLICATIONS DES CENTRALES A COMPOSANTS LIES AUX MISSILES TACTIQUES: CAS DES

  6. Issues in Intelligence Production: Summary of Interviews with Canadian Managers of Intelligence Analysts

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de ...organisationnelles, ainsi qu’aux préjugés des analystes et des organismes du renseignement. Un tel constat exige la tenue d’un examen en profondeur de la ...processus de production du renseignement que l’on pourrait expliquer par la mise en application des connaissances et des méthodes acquises dans

  7. Aircraft Trajectories Computation-Prediction-Control (La Trajectoire de l’Avion Calcul-Prediction-Controle). Volume 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    faire atterrir las a~ronefs sans recourir de faqon systimatique aux attentes habituelles; un de leurs coll~gues ayant contribu6 At la recherche de la...applicable to or usable for the management of the flows of aircraft and the control of individual flights, the integration of control phases over...February 1976. AIR TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT : Civil/Military Systems and Technologies Guidance and Control Symposium, Copenhagen, Denmark, 9-12 October 1979. AGARD

  8. The Aux/IAA gene rum1 involved in seminal and lateral root formation controls vascular patterning in maize (Zea mays L.) primary roots.


    Zhang, Yanxiang; Paschold, Anja; Marcon, Caroline; Liu, Sanzhen; Tai, Huanhuan; Nestler, Josefine; Yeh, Cheng-Ting; Opitz, Nina; Lanz, Christa; Schnable, Patrick S; Hochholdinger, Frank


    The maize (Zea mays L.) Aux/IAA protein RUM1 (ROOTLESS WITH UNDETECTABLE MERISTEMS 1) controls seminal and lateral root initiation. To identify RUM1-dependent gene expression patterns, RNA-Seq of the differentiation zone of primary roots of rum1 mutants and the wild type was performed in four biological replicates. In total, 2 801 high-confidence maize genes displayed differential gene expression with Fc ≥2 and FDR ≤1%. The auxin signalling-related genes rum1, like-auxin1 (lax1), lax2, (nam ataf cuc 1 nac1), the plethora genes plt1 (plethora 1), bbm1 (baby boom 1), and hscf1 (heat shock complementing factor 1) and the auxin response factors arf8 and arf37 were down-regulated in the mutant rum1. All of these genes except nac1 were auxin-inducible. The maize arf8 and arf37 genes are orthologues of Arabidopsis MP/ARF5 (MONOPTEROS/ARF5), which controls the differentiation of vascular cells. Histological analyses of mutant rum1 roots revealed defects in xylem organization and the differentiation of pith cells around the xylem. Moreover, histochemical staining of enlarged pith cells surrounding late metaxylem elements demonstrated that their thickened cell walls displayed excessive lignin deposition. In line with this phenotype, rum1-dependent mis-expression of several lignin biosynthesis genes was observed. In summary, RNA-Seq of RUM1-dependent gene expression in maize primary roots, in combination with histological and histochemical analyses, revealed the specific regulation of auxin signal transduction components by RUM1 and novel functions of RUM1 in vascular development. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  9. Gravistimulation changes expression of genes encoding putative carrier proteins of auxin polar transport in etiolated pea epicotyls

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoshino, T.; Hitotsubashi, R.; Miyamoto, K.; Tanimoto, E.; Ueda, J.

    STS-95 space experiment has showed that auxin polar transport in etiolated epicotyls of pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings is controlled by gravistimulation. In Arabidopsis thaliana auxin polar transport has considered to be regulated by efflux and influx carrier proteins in plasma membranes, AtPIN1 and AtAUX1, respectively. In order to know how gravistimuli control auxin polar transport in etiolated pea epicotyls at molecular levels, strenuous efforts have been made, resulting in successful isolation of full-length cDNAs of a putative auxin efflux and influx carriers, PsPIN2 and PsAUX1, respectively. Significantly high levels in homology were found on nucleotide and deduced amino acid sequences among PsPIN2, PsPIN1 (accession no. AY222857, Chawla and DeMason, 2003) and AtPINs, and also among PsAUX1, AtAUX1 and their related genes. Phylogenetic analyses based on the deduced amino acid sequences revealed that PsPIN2 belonged to a subclade including AtPIN3, AtPIN4 relating to lateral transport of auxin, while PsPIN1 belonged to the same clade as AtPIN1 relating to auxin polar transport. In the present study, we examined the effects of gravistimuli on the expression of PsPINs and PsAUX1 in etiolated pea seedlings by northern blot analysis. Expression of PsPIN1, PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 in hook region of 3.5-d-old etiolated pea seedlings grown under simulated microgravity conditions on a 3-D clinostat increased as compared with that of the seedlings grown under 1 g conditions. On the other hand, that of PsPIN1 and PsAUX1 in the 1st internode region under simulated microgravity conditions on a 3-D clinostat also increased, while that of PsPIN2 was affected little. These results suggest that expression of PsPIN1, PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 regulating polar/lateral transport of auxin is substantially under the control of gravity. A possible role of PsPINs and PsAUX1 of auxin polar transport in etiolated pea seedlings will also be discussed.

  10. Radar response to crop residue cover and tillage application on postharvest agricultural surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McNairn, Heather

    Les informations sur les pratiques de conservation des sols comme le labourage et la gestion des residus de culture sont requises afin d'estimer avec exactitude les risques d'erosion des sols. Quoique les micro-ondes soient sensibles aux conditions d'humidite et aux proprietes geometriques des surfaces, il n'en demeure pas moins que l'on connait encore peu sur la sensibilite des micro-ondes polarisees lineaires ou des parametres polarimetriques du ROS en fonction des caracteristiques des residus. A partir de donnees prises a l'aide d'un diffusometre monte sur un camion en 1996 et lors d'une mission SIR-C menee en 1994, cette recherche a demontre que les micro-ondes sont sensibles a la fois a la quantite et au type de couverture de residus, de meme qu'a la teneur en eau des residus. La reponse des polarisations croisees lineaires et de plusieurs parametres polarimetriques, incluant la hauteur pedestre, a permis d'observer qu'une diffusion volumique importante avait lieu en presence de vegetation senescente qui se tenait debout et pour les champs non laboures. La diffusion de surface dominait cependant pour les champs avec de faibles quantites de residus et des residus plus fins. La recherche a toutefois demontre que des conditions de surface complexes etaient crees par differentes combinaisons de residus et de pratiques de labourage. Par consequent, il faudra attendre que des donnees multi-polarisees ou polarimetriques soient acquises par les capteurs prevus a bord du satellite canadien RADARSAT-2 et du satellite ENVISAT de l'Agence spatiale europeenne avant de pouvoir completement caracteriser les champs apres la recolte.

  11. Caracterisation electrique de materiaux en composite pour fuselages d'avions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tse, William


    In the last decade or so, the rise of oil price is being felt all over the world. Oil being one of the primary sources of energy highly exploited, it plays a great role in the today's world economy, especially in the transport domain. To remain competitive, companies striving in this domain need therefore to modify their approach in the design phase of new or improved products. In the aerospace industry for example, weight reduction in aircraft structures have become a primordial aspect in the design phase of new models making them lighter and more efficient. In the framework of this project, the research is related to new weight-reduction of structural materials used in aircrafts. As of today, much research effort has been undertaken to find good substitutes to replace the materials presently used (aluminum). Several materials such as aluminum-lithium and carbon fibre composite bring great interest as substitutes. This last one presents superior mechanical properties over aluminum such as lightweight and rigidity; its electrical properties though remain still ambiguous. The objective of this project, proposed by Bombardier Core EMC, is to find a way to characterize the composite in a conventional way that would allow an extraction of its electrical properties (permittivity (epsilonr), conductivity (sigma), etc). In this Master thesis, the existing studies and characterization approaches for the composite material are presented and discussed. These approaches will help anticipate the electrical behaviour of the composite material under test. A comparison between known elements (ex: aluminum) and the composite material will also be tackled in order to gauge its conductivity level, particularly for low frequencies (≈ MHz), and up to high frequencies (≈ 12 GHz). Finally, some tests have been simulated with electromagnetic modelling software in order to reproduce and validate the experimental results. At the end of the thesis, a discussion/conclusion presenting the results and validating their integrity is given. The results enable us to do an estimation of the composite's conductivity and to observe its attenuation properties in function of the frequency. The tests were made with composite laminated panels without wire mesh. The wire mesh here is a copper matrix integrated at the exterior surface of the composite for added electromagnetic protection.

  12. Program For Generating Interactive Displays

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Costenbader, Jay; Moleski, Walt; Szczur, Martha; Howell, David; Engelberg, Norm; Li, Tin P.; Misra, Dharitri; Miller, Philip; Neve, Leif; Wolf, Karl; hide


    Sun/Unix version of Transportable Applications Environment Plus (TAE+) computer program provides integrated, portable software environment for developing and running interactive window, text, and graphical-object-based application software systems. Enables programmer or nonprogrammer to construct easily custom software interface between user and application program and to move resulting interface program and its application program to different computers. Plus viewed as productivity tool for application developers and application end users, who benefit from resultant consistent and well-designed user interface sheltering them from intricacies of computer. Available in form suitable for following six different groups of computers: DEC VAX station and other VMS VAX computers, Macintosh II computers running AUX, Apollo Domain Series 3000, DEC VAX and reduced-instruction-set-computer workstations running Ultrix, Sun 3- and 4-series workstations running Sun OS and IBM RT/PC and PS/2 compute

  13. Another Program For Generating Interactive Graphics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Costenbader, Jay; Moleski, Walt; Szczur, Martha; Howell, David; Engelberg, Norm; Li, Tin P.; Misra, Dharitri; Miller, Philip; Neve, Leif; Wolf, Karl; hide


    VAX/Ultrix version of Transportable Applications Environment Plus (TAE+) computer program provides integrated, portable software environment for developing and running interactive window, text, and graphical-object-based application software systems. Enables programmer or nonprogrammer to construct easily custom software interface between user and application program and to move resulting interface program and its application program to different computers. When used throughout company for wide range of applications, makes both application program and computer seem transparent, with noticeable improvements in learning curve. Available in form suitable for following six different groups of computers: DEC VAX station and other VMS VAX computers, Macintosh II computers running AUX, Apollo Domain Series 3000, DEC VAX and reduced-instruction-set-computer workstations running Ultrix, Sun 3- and 4-series workstations running Sun OS and IBM RT/PC's and PS/2 computers running AIX, and HP 9000 S

  14. Analytical Solutions for Predicting Underwater Explosion Gas Bubble Behaviour

    DTIC Science & Technology


    donne les meilleures prévisions comparativement aux ajustements avec les données expérimentales. Le modèle à fluide incompressible exige d’utiliser une...couplage des mouvements radial et migratoire. L’étude montre que, comparativement aux résultats d’expérience, la réduction du rayon de la bulle... comparativement aux ajustements avec les données expérimentales. Le modèle à fluide incompressible exige d’utiliser une fonction empirique de perte d’énergie

  15. Comparison of Three Commercial Systems for Identification of Yeasts Commonly Isolated in the Clinical Microbiology Laboratory

    PubMed Central

    Wadlin, Jill K.; Hanko, Gayle; Stewart, Rebecca; Pape, John; Nachamkin, Irving


    We evaluated three commercial systems (RapID Yeast Plus System; Innovative Diagnostic Systems, Norcross, Ga.; API 20C Aux; bioMerieux-Vitek, Hazelwood, Mo.; and Vitek Yeast Biochemical Card, bioMerieux-Vitek) against an auxinographic and microscopic morphologic reference method for the ability to identify yeasts commonly isolated in our clinical microbiology laboratory. Two-hundred one yeast isolates were compared in the study. The RapID Yeast Plus System was significantly better than either API 20C Aux (193 versus 167 correct identifications; P < 0.0001) or the Vitek Yeast Biochemical Card (193 versus 173 correct identifications; P = 0.003) for obtaining correct identifications to the species level without additional testing. There was no significant difference between results obtained with API 20C Aux and the Vitek Yeast Biochemical Card system (P = 0.39). The API 20C Aux system did not correctly identify any of the Candida krusei isolates (n = 23) without supplemental testing and accounted for the major differences between the API 20C Aux and RapID Yeast Plus systems. Overall, the RapID Yeast Plus System was easy to use and is a good system for the routine identification of clinically relevant yeasts. PMID:10325356

  16. Application des codes de Monte Carlo à la radiothérapie par rayonnement à faible TEL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marcié, S.


    In radiation therapy, there is low LET rays: photons of 60Co, photons and electrons to 4 at 25 MV created in a linac, photons 137Cs, of 192Ir and of 125I. To know the most exactly possible the dose to the tissu by this rays, software and measurements are used. With the development of the power and the capacity of computers, the application of Monte Carlo codes expand to the radiation therapy which have permitted to better determine effects of rays and spectra, to explicit parameters used in dosimetric calculation, to verify algorithms , to study measuremtents systems and phantoms, to calculate the dose in inaccessible points and to consider the utilization of new radionuclides. En Radiothérapie, il existe une variété, de rayonnements ? faible TLE : photons du cobalt 60, photons et ,électron de 4 à? 25 MV générés dans des accélérateurs linéaires, photons du césium 137, de l'iridium 192 et de l'iode 125. Pour connatre le plus exactement possible la dose délivrée aux tissus par ces rayonnements, des logiciels sont utilisés ainsi que des instruments de mesures. Avec le développement de la puissance et de la capacité, des calculateurs, l'application des codes de Monte Carlo s'est ,étendue ? la Radiothérapie ce qui a permis de mieux cerner les effets des rayonnements, déterminer les spectres, préciser les valeurs des paramètres utilisés dans les calculs dosimétriques, vérifier les algorithmes, ,étudier les systèmes de mesures et les fantomes utilisés, calculer la dose en des points inaccessibles ?à la mesure et envisager l'utilisation de nouveaux radio,éléments.

  17. Visit CD




    Le DG H.Schopper souhaite la bienvenue aux ambassadeurs des pays membres et aux représentants des pays avec lesquels le Cern entretient des relations proches et fait un exposé sur les activités au Cern

  18. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gao, Junpeng; Innovation Experimental College, Northwest A&F University, Yangling, Shaanxi 712100; Cao, Xiaoli

    The Auxin/indole-3-acetic acid (Aux/IAA) genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that are known to be involved in the primary cellular responses to auxin. To date, systematic analysis of the Aux/IAA genes in potato (Solanum tuberosum) has not been conducted. In this study, a total of 26 potato Aux/IAA genes were identified (designated from StIAA1 to StIAA26), and the distribution of four conserved domains shared by the StIAAs were analyzed based on multiple sequence alignment and a motif-based sequence analysis. A phylogenetic analysis of the Aux/IAA gene families of potato and Arabidopsis was also conducted. In order to assess the roles ofmore » StIAA genes in tuber development, the results of RNA-seq studies were reformatted to analyze the expression patterns of StIAA genes, and then verified by quantitative real-time PCR. A large number of StIAA genes (12 genes) were highly expressed in stolon organs and in during the tuber initiation and expansion developmental stages, and most of these genes were responsive to indoleacetic acid treatment. Our results suggested that StIAA genes were involved in the process of tuber development and provided insights into functional roles of potato Aux/IAA genes. - Highlights: • A systematic analysis of the potato AUX/IAA gene family were performed. • StIAA genes were related to auxin perception and signal transduction. • Candidate StIAA genes likely related to tuber initiation and expansion were screened.« less

  19. Surveillance urinaire des professionnels de la santé exposés aux antinéoplasiques dans le cadre de leur travail: revue de la littérature de 2010 à 2015

    PubMed Central

    Poupeau, Céline; Roland, Christel; Bussières, Jean-François


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte Il existe de plus en plus de données sur la présence de traces de médicaments dangereux dans l’urine des professionnels de la santé exposés à ces médicaments. Objectif Présenter une revue de la littérature scientifique concernant la surveillance urinaire de professionnels de la santé exposés aux anti-néoplasiques dans le cadre de leur travail. Sources de données Recherche sur PubMed avec les Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) « occupational exposure » et « antineoplastic agents » ainsi que sur Google Scholar avec les termes « antineoplastic », « urine » et « occupational exposure ». Sélection des études et extraction des données L’examen a porté sur tous les articles en anglais et en français ayant trait aux professionnels de la santé exposés à des médicaments dangereux dans le cadre de leur travail, publiés entre le 1er janvier 2010 et le 31 décembre 2015. Les articles ne comportant pas de résultats urinaires et ceux concernant les vétérinaires ainsi que les revues de littérature, les éditoriaux, les lettres à la rédaction et les résumés de congrès ont été exclus. Synthèse des données Vingt-quatre articles ont été retenus. Les études ont été menées dans 52 établissements de santé provenant de sept pays. Elles regroupaient 826 travailleurs exposés à des médicaments dangereux et 175 témoins, notamment des infirmiers (n = 16 études), des pharmaciens (n = 10), des assistants techniques en pharmacie (n = 8), des médecins (n = 7), des aides-soignants (n = 2) et autres (n = 8). Différentes méthodes analytiques ont été utilisées pour quantifier la présence de 13 médicaments dangereux, principalement le cyclophosphamide (n = 16 études), les platines (n = 7) et l’alpha-fluoro-béta-alanine, un métabolite urinaire du 5-fluorouracile (n = 3). La proportion de travailleurs qui ont étés déclarés positifs s’étendait de 0 % (n = 10 études) à 100 % (n = 4). Si l’on ne retient que

  20. A Random Matrix Theory Approach to National Procurement Spending: Applications to the CC130 Hercules Fleet Performance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    indicateurs de rendement de haut niveau, ce qui donne à penser que la flotte a une réaction inélastique aux chocs de dépenses. Ces résultats révèlent...corrélations entre les données. DRDC CORA TM 2010-168 i Dr aft Co py This page intentionally left blank. ii DRDC CORA TM 2010-168 Dr aft Co py Executive ...celles qui sont observées dans les données ont peu d’effet sur le rendement. Nous pouvons conclure que l’entretien est très robuste ; les chocs de

  1. Development of a finite volume two-dimensional model and its application in a bay with two inlets: Mobile Bay, Alabama

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Jun; Lee, Jungwoo; Yun, Sang-Leen; Oh, Hye-Cheol


    The purpose of this study was to develop a two-dimensional shallow water flow model using the finite volume method on a combined unstructured triangular and quadrilateral grid system to simulate coastal, estuarine and river flows. The intercell numerical fluxes were calculated using the classical Osher-Solomon's approximate Riemann solver for the governing conservation laws to be able to handle wetting and drying processes and to capture a tidal bore like phenomenon. The developed model was validated with several benchmark test problems including the two-dimensional dam-break problem. The model results were well agreed with results of other models and experimental results in literature. The unstructured triangular and quadrilateral combined grid system was successfully implemented in the model, thus the developed model would be more flexible when applying in an estuarine system, which includes narrow channels. Then, the model was tested in Mobile Bay, Alabama, USA. The developed model reproduced water surface elevation well as having overall Predictive Skill of 0.98. We found that the primary inlet, Main Pass, only covered 35% of the fresh water exchange while it covered 89% of the total water exchange between the ocean and Mobile Bay. There were also discharge phase difference between MP and the secondary inlet, Pass aux Herons, and this phase difference in flows would act as a critical role in substances' exchange between the eastern Mississippi Sound and the northern Gulf of Mexico through Main Pass and Pass aux Herons in Mobile Bay.

  2. Caracterisation environnementale des emissions atmospheriques d'une source fixe et creation d'un outil de gestion dynamique =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fournier, Marie-Claude

    Une caracterisation des emissions atmospheriques provenant des sources fixes en operation, alimentees au gaz et a l'huile legere, a ete conduite aux installations visees des sites no.1 et no.2. La caracterisation et les calculs theoriques des emissions atmospheriques aux installations des sites no.1 et no.2 presentent des resultats qui sont en dessous des valeurs reglementaires pour des conditions d'operation normales en periode hivernale et par consequent, a de plus fortes demandes energetiques. Ainsi, pour une demande energetique plus basse, le taux de contaminants dans les emissions atmospheriques pourrait egalement etre en dessous des reglementations municipales et provinciales en vigueur. Dans la perspective d'une nouvelle reglementation provinciale, dont les termes sont discutes depuis 2005, il serait souhaitable que le proprietaire des infrastructures visees participe aux echanges avec le Ministere du Developpement Durable, de l'Environnement et des Parcs (MDDEP) du Quebec. En effet, meme si le principe de droit acquis permettrait d'eviter d'etre assujetti a la nouvelle reglementation, l'application de ce type de principe ne s'inscrit pas dans ceux d'un developpement durable. L'âge avance des installations etudiees implique la planification d'un entretien rigoureux afin d'assurer les conditions optimales de combustion en fonction du type de combustible. Des tests de combustion sur une base reguliere sont donc recommandes. Afin de supporter le processus de suivi et d'evaluation de la performance environnementale des sources fixes, un outil d'aide a la gestion de l'information environnementale a ete developpe. Dans ce contexte, la poursuite du developpement d'un outil d'aide a la gestion de l'information environnementale faciliterait non seulement le travail des personnes affectees aux inventaires annuels mais egalement le processus de communication entre les differents acteurs concernes tant intra- qu'inter-etablissement. Cet outil serait egalement un bon

  3. The SED-TOX: Toxicity-directed management tool to assess and rank sediments based on their hazard -- concept and application

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bombardier, M.; Bermingham, N.


    This article introduces the sediment Toxicity (SED-TOX) Index for the assessment and ranking of toxic hazards in sediment. Major features include expression of toxicity responses on a single scale of measurement (dry weight-based toxic units), consideration of multiple routes of exposure (pore water, organic extract, wet sediment, and whole sediment), application of differential treatments to toxicity data depending on the level of response, and use of weighting factors to discriminate sediment exposure phases and effect endpoints on the basis of sensitivity. A battery of seven bioassays with four test species (Vibrio fischeri, Escherichia coli, Lytechinus pictus, and Amphiporeia virginiana) wasmore » conducted on 49 marine sediment samples collected from six sites at Anse-a-Beaufils and Cap-aux-Meules, which are in the Gulf of St. Lawrence. The SED-TOX scores were calculated for each sampling station and compared with sediment contaminant concentrations. Results indicate that physico-chemical characterization is not sufficient to assess contaminated-sediment hazard for organisms; furthermore, using several exposure phases and test species belonging to various trophic levels increases the possibility of correctly identifying toxic sediments. The results of this study indicate that the SED-TOX approach is valuable as a toxicity assessment and ranking tool for sediments. It could easily be combined with other measures of ecosystem disturbance to discriminate between polluted and unpolluted sites.« less

  4. A Novel Detector of Broadband Transient Signals

    DTIC Science & Technology


    accroissement soudain de l’énergie spectrale observé pendant une courte période sur une vaste gamme de fréquences. Contrairement aux autres méthodes de...nombre d’applications différentes dans lesquelles les transitoires se manifestent sous forme d’un accroissement soudain de l’énergie spectrale observé...torpedo bearing error of 20 degrees (θ = θ1 + 20) was introduced (equation (16)). Al - though, in this case r2 was reduced, the two transients were

  5. Impact of Materials Defects on Engine Structures Integrity (L’Impact des Defauts des Materiaux sur l’Integrite des Structures des Moteurs)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    years have been a continuous inspiration to me. AGARD-R-769, NATO-AGARD, 1988. I thank them for allowing me to assist them in their learning endeavors...ceramics. These ceramic filters have been very effective in improving VIM ingot quality in r.cnt years. Eddy Current Might be applicable to deep ...appropriately defined material behavior. In general. all these sample can become prohibitively large. elements: fractography of failed test pieces

  6. Le Laser A Argon Ionise : Applications Therapeutiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunetaud, J. M.; Mosquet, L.; Mordon, S.; Rotteleur, G.


    Le laser a argon ionise est un laser a emission continue, reglee en general en multiraies de 487 a 544 nm. Le rayonnement de ce laser est bien absorbe par les tissus vivants, avec une action preferentielle au niveau des pigments rouges (hemoglobine, myoglobine) et noirs (melanine). Le laser a argon est princi-palement utilise en therapeutique pour ses effets thermiques : en fonction du choix des parametres (puissance optique, surface exposee, temps d'exposition) on peut obtenir une coagulation (temperature optimale au niveau des tissus 60° - 80°) ou une volatisation (temperature superieure a 100°). Si la zone volatilisee est tres etroite (inferieure a 0,5 mm) on obtient un effet de coupe. Par rapport aux deux autres lasers egalement utilises pour leurs effets thermiques (CO2 et Nd. YAG) l'argon a des effets intermediaires : la coagulation sera plus superficielle qu'avec le Nd. YAG et la volatisation plus profonde qu'avec le CO2. Lors de la coupe, la necrose sur les berges sera egalement plus importante qu'avec le CO2.

  7. [Graviresponse in higher plants and its regulation in molecular bases: relevance to growth and development, and auxin polar transport in etiolated pea seedlings].


    Ueda, Junichi; Miyamoto, Kensuke


    We review the graviresponse under true and simulated microgravity conditions on a clinostat in higher plants, and its regulation in molecular bases, especially on the aspect of auxin polar transport in etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings which were the plant materials subjected to STS-95 space experiments. True and simulated microgravity conditions substantially affected growth and development in etiolated pea seedlings, especially the direction of growth of stems and roots, resulting in automorphosis. In etiolated pea seedlings grown in space, epicotyls were the most oriented toward the direction far from the cotyledons, and roots grew toward the aerial space of Plant Growth Chamber. Automorphosis observed in space were well simulated by a clinorotation on a 3-dimensional clinostat and also phenocopied by the application of auxin polar transport inhibitors of 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid, N-(1-naphtyl)phthalamic acid and 9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid. Judging from the results described above together with the fact that activities of auxin polar transport in epicotyls of etiolated pea seedlings grown in space substantially were reduced, auxin polar transport seems to be closely related to automorphosis. Strenuous efforts to learn in molecular levels how gravity contributes to the auxin polar transport in etiolated pea epicotyls resulted in successful identification of PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 genes located in plasma membrane which products are considered to be putative efflux and influx carriers of auxin, respectively. Based on the results of expression of PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 genes under various gravistimulations, a possible role of PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 genes for auxin polar transport in etiolated pea seedlings will be discussed.

  8. Stabilité et pertes des conducteurs pour régime alternatif

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Estop, P.; Lacaze, A.


    Recent progresses obtained on low-T_c superconductors usable at industrial frequencies allow to envisage a new and innovating application as the current limiter. The device conception determines a cryogenic cost due to the dissipated energy in superconducting wires. In order to reduce the losses sufficiently, fine wires with submicromic filaments must be used. In relation to the need to obtain an infaillible protection during the quench, a new type of conductor, has been worked out, tested and validated. The main technical aspects concerning the losses of low-T_c superconductors have been developed on this paper. Les récents progrès obtenus sur les conducteurs supraconducteurs basse température critique utilisables aux fréquences industrielles permettent d'entrevoir une application nouvelle et innovante comme le limiteur de courant. De la conception d'un tel système résulte un coût cryogénique lié à l'énergie dissipée dans les brins supraconducteurs. La réduction des pertes nécessite l'utilisation de brins suffisamment fins et disposant de filaments submicromiques. Concernant le besoin d'obtenir une protection infaillible au moment de la transition, un conducteur d'un concept nouveau a été élaboré, testé et validé. L'article passe en revue les principaux aspects techniques liés à la stabilité et aux pertes dans les conducteurs supraconducteurs basse température critique.

  9. Residus de 2-formes differentielles sur les surfaces algebriques et applications aux codes correcteurs d'erreurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Couvreur, A.


    The theory of algebraic-geometric codes has been developed in the beginning of the 80's after a paper of V.D. Goppa. Given a smooth projective algebraic curve X over a finite field, there are two different constructions of error-correcting codes. The first one, called "functional", uses some rational functions on X and the second one, called "differential", involves some rational 1-forms on this curve. Hundreds of papers are devoted to the study of such codes. In addition, a generalization of the functional construction for algebraic varieties of arbitrary dimension is given by Y. Manin in an article of 1984. A few papers about such codes has been published, but nothing has been done concerning a generalization of the differential construction to the higher-dimensional case. In this thesis, we propose a differential construction of codes on algebraic surfaces. Afterwards, we study the properties of these codes and particularly their relations with functional codes. A pretty surprising fact is that a main difference with the case of curves appears. Indeed, if in the case of curves, a differential code is always the orthogonal of a functional one, this assertion generally fails for surfaces. Last observation motivates the study of codes which are the orthogonal of some functional code on a surface. Therefore, we prove that, under some condition on the surface, these codes can be realized as sums of differential codes. Moreover, we show that some answers to some open problems "a la Bertini" could give very interesting informations on the parameters of these codes.

  10. Spectroscopie d'emission VUV-visible provenant de plasmas basse pression: Applications aux traitements de surfaces polymeriques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fozza, Alexandru C.

    The main objective of this thesis is to make a contribution to the spectroscopic study of low pressure glow discharges in the vacuum ultraviolet and to reveal the effect of this radiation on polymeric materials. This research considers the following important aspects relevant to low pressure glow discharges: (i)characterization of vacuum ultraviolet (VUV) emission of several plasmas in the wavelength range available through crystalline fluoride windows, (ii)analysis of the emission dependence on several external parameters, and (iii)study of the VUV effect, in the accessible range, on polymeric materials of interest with respect to plasma treatments. The plasmas investigated, namely, hydrogen, oxygen and their mixtures with argon, were chosen by taking into consideration the composition of the gases used in technological plasmas, and the conditions needed for polymeric material irradiation. Two separate spectrophotometric instruments, a VUV monochromator (ARC VM-502) and an optical multichannel analyzer (OMA), were used. For the chosen plasmas, we measured the variation of the intensity of the atomic lines for different gas pressures and absorbed power levels. In the case of pure gas plasmas, the pressure dependence of the atomic line intensities was attributed to changes in the electron energy distribution function (EEDF). The argon emission spectra are very sensitive to the presence of impurities. The mixture plasmas we have studied (Ar-H2 and Ar-O2) show a strong emission of atomic fines in the VUV region, stronger than those resulting from the pure molecular gases. The above mixtures show promise as photon sources for the treatment of polymer surfaces. An important external parameter for the characterization of glow discharges is the excitation frequency. The goal of the specific experiments was to directly investigate the frequency-dependence effect. The frequency-related effects on plasma emission were investigated for two plasmas: pure hydrogen and 7% H2 in Ar mixture. In the case of pure hydrogen, we observed a change from a non-stationary to a stationary electron energy distribution function. For the Ar-H2 mixture, we have shown that the EEDF is stationary and that the dissociation rate for hydrogen molecules does not depend on frequency. A difference between the excitation mechanisms of different atomic lines was proven. Among the most sensitive materials with respect to plasma generated UV radiation are polymers. We have optimized the gaseous composition for various types of VUV radiation fluxes for the photochemical treatments of polymers. We have developed a system containing a thermo-stabilized quartz crystal microbalance (QCM) and chambers for sample irradiation and gas absorption measurements. In this way we have separately measured the effects of both the active oxygen species (AO) and the VUV, as well as their synergistic actions. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

  11. Croissance des couches minces et des multicouches de matériaux supraconducteurs H Tboldmath_c : bilan et perspective

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Contour, J. P.


    The main physical and chemical techniques of epitaxial growth of High T_c superconductor thin films are described together with their in situ analysis facilities and discussed with respect to their cost, sophistication and results (T_c, J_c growth defects, thickness and composition uniformity, crystallinity, electronic applications...). The future trends of the growth machines are then examined in connection with the present results and the development of superconductor electronics. Après la présentation des principales techniques de croissance physique et physicochimique de couches minces d'oxydes supraconducteurs à haute température critique, un bilan des résultats sera dressé par rapport aux différentes propriétés des films (transition résistive, courant critique, défauts de croissance, uniformité d'épaisseur et de composition, cristallinité...), aux difficultés de mise en œuvre et au coût de l'expérience. Les perspectives des différentes techniques seront ensuite examinées dans le cadre du développement potentiel d'une électronique utilisant les matériaux supraconducteurs H T_c.

  12. Dual DNA binding property of ABA insensitive 3 like factors targeted to promoters responsive to ABA and auxin.


    Nag, Ronita; Maity, Manas Kanti; Dasgupta, Maitrayee


    The ABA responsive ABI3 and the auxin responsive ARF family of transcription factors bind the CATGCATG (Sph) and TGTCTC core motifs in ABA and auxin response elements (ABRE and AuxRE), respectively. Several evidences indicate ABI3s to act downstream to auxin too. Because DNA binding domain of ABI3s shows significant overlap with ARFs we enquired whether auxin responsiveness through ABI3s could be mediated by their binding to canonical AuxREs. Investigations were undertaken through in vitro gel mobility shift assays (GMSA) using the DNA binding domain B3 of PvAlf (Phaseolus vulgaris ABI3 like factor) and upstream regions of auxin responsive gene GH3 (-267 to -141) and ABA responsive gene Em (-316 to -146) harboring AuxRE and ABRE, respectively. We demonstrate that B3 domain of PvAlf could bind AuxRE only when B3 was associated with its flanking domain B2 (B2B3). Such strict requirement of B2 domain was not observed with ABRE, where B3 could bind with or without being associated with B2. This dual specificity in DNA binding of ABI3s was also demonstrated with nuclear extracts of cultured cells of Arachis hypogea. Supershift analysis of ABRE and AuxRE bound nuclear proteins with antibodies raised against B2B3 domains of PvAlf revealed that ABI3 associated complexes were detectable in association with both cis elements. Competition GMSA confirmed the same complexes to bind ABRE and AuxRE. This dual specificity of ABI3 like factors in DNA binding targeted to natural promoters responsive to ABA and auxin suggests them to have a potential role in conferring crosstalk between these two phytohormones.

  13. Trust Restoration in International Military Missions

    DTIC Science & Technology


    confiance comparativement aux scénarios sans bris de confiance (groupe témoin). ii DRDC Toronto TR 2010-151 This page intentionally left...restauration de la confiance comparativement aux scénarios sans bris de confiance (groupe témoin). Nos observations concordent avec celles d’études...11 Figure 2: Design Overview

  14. La santé des Premières nations, des Inuits et des Métis: les facteurs que doivent envisager les leaders en santé canadiens dans la foulée du rapport de la Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada.


    McNally, Mary; Martin, Debbie


    Les peuples des Premières nations, inuits et métis qui habitent au Canada sont aux prises avec de profondes disparités en matière de santé par rapport aux Canadiens non autochtones, et ce, dans presque toutes les mesures liées à la santé et au bien-être. Pour faire progresser les services de santé auprès des peuples autochtones, il faut passer à l'action dans tous les ordres de prestation des soins et des politiques en santé. Il est donc essentiel que les leaders et les prestataires des établissements, des systèmes et des installations de santé du Canada comprennent et prennent en main les déterminants de la santé propres aux peuples autochtones, y compris l'héritage du colonialisme et le racisme ancien et actuel. La Commission de vérité et réconciliation du Canada est le point de départ pour réagir de manière positive aux injustices.

  15. L’évaluation et le traitement du nourrisson exposé au virus d’immunodéficience humaine de type 1

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ Dans les pays industrialisés, des soins et un traitement sont offerts aux femmes enceintes et aux nourrissons, afin de faire chuter à 2 % ou moins le taux d’infection périnatale au virus d’immunodéficience humaine de type 1 (VIH-1). Le pédiatre joue un rôle de premier plan dans la prévention de la transmission du VIH-1 de la mère à l’enfant par le dépistage des nourrissons exposés au VIH dont l’infection au VIH de la mère n’a pas été diagnostiquée avant l’accouchement. Il prescrit une prophylaxie antirétrovirale à ces nourrissons, afin de réduire le risque d’acquisition de l’infection au VIH-1 et d’en éviter le plus possible la transmission par le lait maternel. De plus, le pédiatre peut soigner les nourrissons exposés au VIH-1 en les surveillant pour obtenir un dépistage précoce de l’infection au VIH-1 et évaluer les toxicités à court et à long terme de l’exposition aux antirétroviraux, assurer une chimioprophylaxie de la pneumonie à Pneumocystis et soutenir les familles qui vivent avec une infection au VIH-1, grâce à des conseils thérapeutiques aux parents ou aux soignants.

  16. Disordered porous solids : from chord distributions to small angle scattering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levitz, P.; Tchoubar, D.


    Disordered biphasic porous solids are examples of complex interfacial media. Small angle scattering strongly depends on the geometrical properties of the internal surface partitioning a porous system. Properties of the second derivative of the bulk autocorrelation function quantitatively defines the level of connection between the small angle scattering and the statistical properties of this interface. A tractable expression of this second derivative, involving the pore and the mass chord distribution functions, was proposed by Mering and Tchoubar (MT). Based on the present possibility to make a quantitative connection between imaging techniques and the small angle scattering, this paper tries to complete and to extend the MT approach. We first discuss how chord distribution functions can be used as fingerprints of the structural disorder. An explicit relation between the small angle scattering and these chord distributions is then proposed. In a third part, the application to different types of disorder is critically discussed and predictions are compared to available experimental data. Using image processing, we will consider three types of disorder : the long-range Debye randomness, the “ correlated " disorder with a special emphasis on the structure of a porous glass (the vycor), and, finally, complex structures where length scale invariance properties can be observed. Les solides poreux biphasiques sont des exemples de milieux interfaciaux complexes. La diffusion aux petits angles (SAS) dépend fortement des propriétés géométriques de l'interface partitionant le milieu poreux. Les propriétés de la dérivée seconde de la fonction d'autocorrélation de densité définit quantitativement le niveau de connection entre la diffusion aux petits angles et les caractéristiques statistiques de cette interface. Une expression utilisable de cette seconde dérivée, impliquant les distributions de cordes associées à la phase massique et au réseau de pores, fut

  17. Strategies facilitant les tests en pre-certification pour la robustesse a l'egard des radiations =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Souari, Anis

    Les effets des radiations cosmiques sur l'electronique embarquee preoccupent depuis. quelques decennies les chercheurs interesses par la robustesse des circuits integres. Plusieurs. recherches ont ete menees dans cette direction, principalement pour les applications spatiales. ou l’environnement de leur deploiement est hostile. En effet, ces environnements sont denses. en termes de particules qui, lorsqu’elles interagissent avec les circuits integres, peuvent. mener a leur dysfonctionnement, voir meme a leur destruction. De plus, les effets des. radiations s’accentuent pour les nouvelles generations des circuits integres ou la diminution. de la taille des transistors et l’augmentation de la complexite de ces circuits augmentent la. probabilite d’apparition des anomalies et par consequence la croissance des besoins de test. L’expansion de l’electronique grand public (commercial off-the-shelf, COTS) et l’adoption. de ces composants pour des applications critiques comme les applications avioniques et. spatiales incitent egalement les chercheurs a doubler les efforts de verification de la fiabilite. de ces circuits. Les COTS, malgre leurs meilleures caracteristiques en comparaison avec les. circuits durcis tolerants aux radiations qui sont couteux et en retard en termes de technologie. utilisee, sont vulnerables aux radiations. Afin d’ameliorer la fiabilite de ces circuits, une evaluation de leur vulnerabilite dans les. differents niveaux d’abstraction du flot de conception est recommandee. Ceci aide les. concepteurs a prendre les mesures de mitigation necessaires sur le design au niveau. d’abstraction en question. Enfin, afin de satisfaire les exigences de tolerance aux pannes, des. tests tres couteux de certification, obtenus a l’aide de bombardement de particules (protons, neutrons, etc.), sont necessaires. Dans cette these, nous nous interessons principalement a definir une strategie de precertification

  18. Comparison of Vitek Matrix-assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Mass Spectrometry Versus Conventional Methods in Candida Identification.


    Keçeli, Sema Aşkın; Dündar, Devrim; Tamer, Gülden Sönmez


    Candida species are generally identified by conventional methods such as germ tube or morphological appearance on corn meal agar, biochemical methods using API kits and molecular biological methods. Alternative to these methods, rapid and accurate identification methods of microorganisms called matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDİ-TOF MS) has recently been described. In this study, Candida identification results by API Candida kit, API 20C AUX kit and identifications on corn meal agar (CMA) are compared with the results obtained on Vitek-MS. All results were confirmed by sequencing internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions of rDNA. Totally, 97 Candida strains were identified by germ tube test, CMA, API and Vitek-MS. Vitek-MS results were compatible with 74.2 % of API 20C AUX and 81.4 % of CMA results. The difference between the results of API Candida and API 20C AUX was detected. The ratio of discrepancy between Vitek-MS and API 20C AUX was 25.8 %. Candida species mostly identified as C. famata or C. tropicalis by and not compatible with API kits were identified as C. albicans by Vitek-MS. Sixteen Candida species having discrepant results with Vitek-MS, API or CMA were randomly chosen, and ITS sequence analysis was performed. The results of sequencing were compatible 56.2 % with API 20C AUX, 50 % with CMA and 93.7 % with Vitek-MS. When compared with conventional identification methods, MS results are more reliable and rapid for Candida identification. MS system may be used as routine identification method in clinical microbiology laboratories.

  19. X-ray and EPR Characterization of the Auxiliary Fe-S Clusters in the Radical SAM Enzyme PqqE.


    Barr, Ian; Stich, Troy A; Gizzi, Anthony S; Grove, Tyler L; Bonanno, Jeffrey B; Latham, John A; Chung, Tyler; Wilmot, Carrie M; Britt, R David; Almo, Steven C; Klinman, Judith P


    The Radical SAM (RS) enzyme PqqE catalyzes the first step in the biosynthesis of the bacterial cofactor pyrroloquinoline quinone, forming a new carbon-carbon bond between two side chains within the ribosomally synthesized peptide substrate PqqA. In addition to the active site RS 4Fe-4S cluster, PqqE is predicted to have two auxiliary Fe-S clusters, like the other members of the SPASM domain family. Here we identify these sites and examine their structure using a combination of X-ray crystallography and Mössbauer and electron paramagnetic resonance (EPR) spectroscopies. X-ray crystallography allows us to identify the ligands to each of the two auxiliary clusters at the C-terminal region of the protein. The auxiliary cluster nearest the RS site (AuxI) is in the form of a 2Fe-2S cluster ligated by four cysteines, an Fe-S center not seen previously in other SPASM domain proteins; this assignment is further supported by Mössbauer and EPR spectroscopies. The second, more remote cluster (AuxII) is a 4Fe-4S center that is ligated by three cysteine residues and one aspartate residue. In addition, we examined the roles these ligands play in catalysis by the RS and AuxII clusters using site-directed mutagenesis coupled with EPR spectroscopy. Lastly, we discuss the possible functional consequences that these unique AuxI and AuxII clusters may have in catalysis for PqqE and how these may extend to additional RS enzymes catalyzing the post-translational modification of ribosomally encoded peptides.

  20. Earth Observations taken by Expedition 30 crewmember

    NASA Image and Video Library


    ISS030-E-193144 (25 March 2012) --- Wave clouds near Ile aux Cochons are featured in this image photographed by an Expedition 30 crew member on the International Space Station. This photograph illustrates the formation of wave clouds in the wake—or downwind side—of Ile aux Cochons (“Isle of Pigs”) located in the Southern Indian Ocean. The island is approximately located 3,000 kilometers southeast of the southern tip of the African continent and 2,300 kilometers northwest of Antarctica. The island itself, of which only a part of the eastern coastline is visible at center, is volcanic in origin with a summit elevation of 775 meters above sea level. According to scientists, the Ile aux Cochons stratovolcano is thought to have erupted within the last 12,000 years; however no historical activity has been recorded. The summit elevation is high enough for the land surface to interact with cloud layers and winds flowing past the island. Two major cloud layers are visible; a lower, more uniform layer consists of roughly parallel cloud “streets” that suggest a westerly flow pattern of air. When the air mass encounters the Ile aux Cochons, moisture-laden air rises and cools, causing more water vapor to condense into clouds. As the air mass passes over the summit of Ile aux Cochons and descends, it may encounter alternating moist and dry air layers, enabling the formation of the discontinuous chevron-shaped wave clouds in the wake of the island. While their appearance suggests that the clouds are forming in the wake of the island and moving eastwards, in fact it is the air mass that is moving, with clouds forming in regions of moist air and dissipating in dry regions. Ile aux Cochons is the westernmost of the islands that form the subantarctic Crozet Archipelago (part of the French Southern and Antarctic Lands). Accept for occasional research visits, the island is uninhabited. The island is an important breeding site for seabirds, including the world’s largest

  1. Evaluation d'un scenario d'apprentissage favorisant la mobilisation des habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blanchard, Samuel F. J.

    Les resultats au Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA) demontrent que les jeunes neobrunswickois francophones se classent b un niveau significativement inferieur comparaiivement aux eleves anglophones du Nouveau-Brunswick, aux eleves des autres provinces canadiennes et se classent sous la moyenne internationale de tous les pays participants quant b la culture scientifique. L'evaluation de cette culture scientifique est basee sur une serie de savoirs, de savoir-faire et de savoir-etre reliee au processus d'enquete scolaire. Le processus d'enquete scolaire est une approche b l'apprentissage ou les eleves effectuent des recherches d'informations, discutent d'idees et entreprennent des investigations pour augmenter leur comprehension d'un probleme ou d'un sujet. Les recherches demontrent que le processus d'enquete scolaire est rarement une composante pedagogique importante de la salle de classe et les recherches portant sur l'implantation du processus d'enquete scolaire recommandent de rendre ce dernier plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants. Afin de rendre le processus d'enquete plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants, notre recherche porte sur l'evaluation de la valeur pedagogique d'un scenario d'apprentissage (PhaRoboS) concu specialement pour creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions a mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Les retombees de cette evaluation nous permettront d'offrir des pistes de remediations afin d'aider plus d'enseignantes et d'enseignants b creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions b mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Cette evaluation s'est faite a partir d'une methodologie inspiree de l'evaluation pour fin d'amelioration d'un objet pedagogique. L'analyse des donnees qualitatives recueillies aupres des eleves et de leur enseignante d'une ecole francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick semble montrer que

  2. Debonding/Delamination of Composites (Le Decollement et le Delaminage des Materiaux Composites)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    augmented by the first cigenmode Z, magnified b% arc related, however, to a finite total potential energy % al- a scale factor ). In the algebraiL ,,stem...strength of cr ack canniit be measured because of the brushike mect- the r3tltl914C-material lapping of fibers. in reality , after a certain crack...the delamination growth This is not true in reality fracture theory the ERR is defined by and, therefor,, some ideas will be discucsed here to over

  3. Comparaison des effets des irradiations γ, X et UV dans les fibres optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girard, S.; Ouerdane, Y.; Baggio, J.; Boukenter, A.; Meunier, J.-P.; Leray, J.-L.


    Les fibres optiques présentent de nombreux avantages incitant à les intégrer dans des applications devant résister aux environnements radiatifs associés aux domaines civil, spatial ou militaire. Cependant, leur exposition à un rayonnement entraîne la création de défauts ponctuels dans la silice amorphe pure ou dopée qui constitue les différentes parties de la fibre optique. Ces défauts causent, en particulier, une augmentation transitoire de l'atténuation linéique des fibres optiques responsable de la dégradation voire de la perte du signal propagé dans celles-ci. Dans cet article, nous comparons les effets de deux types d'irradiation: une impulsion X et une dose γ cumulée. Les effets de ces irradiations sont ensuite comparés avec ceux induits par une insolation ultraviolette (244 nm) sur les propriétés d'absorption des fibres optiques. Nous montrons qu'il existe des similitudes entre ces différentes excitations et qu'il est possible, sous certaines conditions, d'utiliser celles-ci afin d'évaluer la capacité de certaines fibres optiques à fonctionner dans un environnement nucléaire donné.

  4. Glutathione-capped gold nanoclusters as photosensitizers. Visible light-induced hydrogen generation in neutral water.


    Chen, Yong-Siou; Kamat, Prashant V


    Glutathione-capped metal nanoclusters (Aux-GSH NCs) which exhibit molecular-like properties are employed as a photosensitizer for hydrogen generation in a photoelectrochemical cell (PEC) and a photocatalytic slurry reactor. The reversible reduction (E(0) = -0.63 V vs RHE) and oxidation (E(0) = 0.97 and 1.51 V vs RHE) potentials of these metal nanoclusters make them suitable for driving the water-splitting reaction. When a mesoscopic TiO2 film sensitized by Aux-GSH NCs is used as the photoanode with a Pt counter electrode in aqueous buffer solution (pH = 7), we observe significant photocurrent activity under visible light (400-500 nm) excitation. Additionally, sensitizing Pt/TiO2 nanoparticles with Aux-GSH NCs in an aqueous slurry system and irradiating with visible light produce H2 at a rate of 0.3 mmol of hydrogen/h/g of Aux-GSH NCs. The rate of H2 evolution is significantly enhanced (∼5 times) when a sacrificial donor, such as EDTA, is introduced into the system. Using metal nanoclusters as a photosensitizer for hydrogen generation lays the foundation for the future exploration of other metal nanoclusters with well-controlled numbers of metal atoms and capping ligands.

  5. Auxin Influx Carriers Control Vascular Patterning and Xylem Differentiation in Arabidopsis thaliana

    PubMed Central

    Siligato, Riccardo; Alonso, Jose M.; Swarup, Ranjan; Bennett, Malcolm J.; Mähönen, Ari Pekka; Caño-Delgado, Ana I.; Ibañes, Marta


    Auxin is an essential hormone for plant growth and development. Auxin influx carriers AUX1/LAX transport auxin into the cell, while auxin efflux carriers PIN pump it out of the cell. It is well established that efflux carriers play an important role in the shoot vascular patterning, yet the contribution of influx carriers to the shoot vasculature remains unknown. Here, we combined theoretical and experimental approaches to decipher the role of auxin influx carriers in the patterning and differentiation of vascular tissues in the Arabidopsis inflorescence stem. Our theoretical analysis predicts that influx carriers facilitate periodic patterning and modulate the periodicity of auxin maxima. In agreement, we observed fewer and more spaced vascular bundles in quadruple mutants plants of the auxin influx carriers aux1lax1lax2lax3. Furthermore, we show AUX1/LAX carriers promote xylem differentiation in both the shoot and the root tissues. Influx carriers increase cytoplasmic auxin signaling, and thereby differentiation. In addition to this cytoplasmic role of auxin, our computational simulations propose a role for extracellular auxin as an inhibitor of xylem differentiation. Altogether, our study shows that auxin influx carriers AUX1/LAX regulate vascular patterning and differentiation in plants. PMID:25922946

  6. Teaching resources. Model of the TIR1 pathway for auxin-mediated gene expression.


    Laskowski, Marta


    Auxin mediates numerous plant responses, some of which have been shown to require transcriptional regulation. One auxin response pathway, which depends on the relief of transcriptional repression, is mediated by TIR1 (transport inhibitor response protein 1). TIR1 is an auxin receptor and also a subunit of an SCF-type ubiquitin ligase. In the presence of a low concentration of auxin in the nucleus, members of the Aux/IAA family of transcriptional repressors bind to ARF proteins and inhibit the transcription of specific auxin response genes. Increased nuclear concentrations of auxin promote auxin binding to TIR1, causing the Aux/IAA proteins to associate with TIR1 and leading to their degradation by a proteasome-mediated pathway. This decreases the concentration of Aux/IAA proteins in the nucleus and thereby enables the expression of certain auxin response genes.

  7. AGARD/SMP Review Damage Tolerance for Engine Structures. 3. Component Behaviour and Life Management

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Life Management (Revue AGARD/SMP - ToIrance aux Dommages pour les Composants de Moteurs 3. Le Comportement des Composants et la Gestion %𔄀 de Leur Dur...Structures 3. Component Behaviour and Life Management . (Revue AGARD/SMP - ToI~rance aux Dommages pour les Compos ants de Moteurs 3. Le Comportement...engine parts. The present report includes the papers presented during Workshop Ill which was devoted to Component Behaviour and Life Management . It also

  8. Propriétés optiques du silicium mésoporeux et ses applications potentielles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lévy-Clément, C.; Bastide, S.


    Une couche de silicium poreux formée électrochimiquement à la surface de l'émetteur d'une jonction p-n+ peut jouer efficacement le rôle d'une couche antireflet pour les cellules solaires au silicium. En ajustant la densité de courant et le temps de formation, des simple et double-couches antireflet aux propriétés optiques optimisées ont pu être réalisées, conduisant à des réflectivités effectives respectives de 7.3 et 2.7 % sur l'ensemble du spectre solaire utile pour les cellules (400-1000 nm). De hauts rendements de conversion de l'énergie solaire, de l'ordre de 13-13.4 %, sont ainsi actuellement obtenus pour des cellules au silicium multicristallin avec une couche antireflet de silicium poreux.

  9. AGARD Flight Test Techniques Series. Volume 3. Identification of Dynamic Systems-Applications to Aircraft. Part 2. Nonlinear Analysis and Manoeuvre Design. (L’Identification des Systemes Dynamiques-Applications aux Aeronefs Titre 2; L’analyse non-lineaire et la Conception de la Manoeuvre)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    matrix K(i+1) is calculated from the vector can be reconstructed by simple integration. covariance matrix P(i+1 Ii) by: In reality not all preferable to use a symbolic algebra favorable wheather conditions, for flight tests with package such as Maple or Mathematica, which will large...proved to be virtually A A identical. IZX(r, + (Pro + kp)(q%, + kq)) The actual application of the extended Kalman M AxrPq filter and smoother to

  10. Effet de la teneur en carbone sur la resistance du CA6NM a la propagation des fissures de fatigue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akhiate, Aziz

    L'amelioration des performances des roues de turbines hydrauliques a fait l'objet de plusieurs etudes. Dans ce memoire, on s'est interesse a l'effet de la teneur en carbone du materiau de base de type CA6NM des aubes de turbines sur la microstructure et les proprietes mecaniques en general et en particulier sur le comportement en fatigue propagation. De maniere a bien atteindre cet objectif, on a choisi trois differentes nuances d'acier a faible 0.018% C, moyenne 0.033% C et elevee 0.067% C teneurs en carbone. Le 0.018% C et 0.067% C ont ete fabriques par le meme facturier et ils ont subi des traitements thermiques differents. De meme, le 0.033% C a subi des traitements thermiques differents des deux autres apres avoir ete coule par un autre fabricant. Afin d'effacer l'historique des traitements thermiques prealablement effectues et d'avoir la meme taille de grains parents austenitiques (GPA), on a austenitise les trois nuances d'acier a la meme temperature 1040°C, a differentes periodes suivant la teneur en carbone. Apres avoir homogeneise la GPA, on a entame le revenu. Le carbone a une influence sur la microstructure revenue notamment la quantite d'austenite de reversion ainsi que sur sa stabilite thermique et mecanique. Pour mettre en evidence l'effet de la teneur en carbone, on a trouve raisonnable d'isoler les effets relies a la temperature de revenu, en particulier la formation d'austenite de reversion. En effet, on a choisi deux temperatures de revenu. La premiere temperature est a 550°C pendant 2h imposee aux trois materiaux afin d'avoir une microstructure sans austenite de reversion. La deuxieme temperature choisie est a 610°C pour avoir un maximum et une identique quantite d'austenite de reversion sans presence de martensite fraiche. A la lumiere de ces deux microstructures, nous pouvons etablir une relation entre les proprietes mecaniques du CA6NM et la teneur en carbone, ainsi qu'entre les effets de la presence ou non d'austenite de reversion sur les

  11. Unsteady Aerodynamics - Fundamentals and Applications of Aircraft Dynamics. Conference Proceedings of the Joint Symposium of the Fluid Dynamics and Flight Mechanics Panels Held in Goettingen, Federal Republic of Germany on 6-9 May 1985.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    tourbillons daxe perpendicu-V laire A l’fcoulement principal) issu d’un profil occillant en Tamis dan;, do,, condition,, dn dorochagp dynamique. 5_10...a~rodyna- - mique sur R. A partir de cette analyse experimentale, une tentative de modelisation th~sorique des effets non *lin~ laires observes aux...cisaillement A la paroi d’un profil d’aile anim6 d’un mouvament harmonique parall~le ou parpandicu- laire A 1𔄀coulement non perturb~s", EUROMECH

  12. Implementation en VHDl/FPGA d'afficheur video numerique (AVN) pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pelletier, Sebastien

    L'objectif de ce projet est de developper un controleur video en langage VHDL afin de remplacer la composante specialisee presentement utilisee chez CMC Electronique. Une recherche approfondie des tendances et de ce qui se fait actuellement dans le domaine des controleurs video est effectuee afin de definir les specifications du systeme. Les techniques d'entreposage et d'affichage des images sont expliquees afin de mener ce projet a terme. Le nouveau controleur est developpe sur une plateforme electronique possedant un FPGA, un port VGA et de la memoire pour emmagasiner les donnees. Il est programmable et prend peu d'espace dans un FPGA, ce qui lui permet de s'inserer dans n'importe quelle nouvelle technologie de masse a faible cout. Il s'adapte rapidement a toutes les resolutions d'affichage puisqu'il est modulaire et configurable. A court terme, ce projet permettra un controle ameliore des specifications et des normes de qualite liees aux contraintes de l'avionique.


    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid


    Résumé L’évaluateur doit porter attention aux distorsions qu’il contribue à créer lorsqu’il utilise l’entrevue comme méthode de collecte de données. L’évaluation est un exercice politique qui, placé dans un contexte politique, peut favoriser l’émergence de discours de résistance à l’objectivation. À partir des entrevues que nous avons effectuées lors de l’évaluation du processus d’implantation de l’initiative ONUSIDA d’accès aux médicaments au Chili, nous illustrons différentes tactiques que les acteurs utilisent et qui peuvent soit attirer la sympathie de l’évaluateur, soit faire obstacle à son besoin d’information. Nous présentons une méthode d’analyse que l’évaluateur peut utiliser pour redonner du sens aux discours de résistance. PMID:23997421

  14. Recommandations pour le dépistage de l’hypertension chez les adultes canadiens

    PubMed Central

    Lindsay, Patrice; Gorber, Sarah Connor; Joffres, Michel; Birtwhistle, Richard; McKay, Donald; Cloutier, Lyne


    Résumé Objectif Présenter des recommandations concernant le dépistage de l’hypertension chez les adultes de 18 ans et plus qui n’ont pas reçu antérieurement de diagnostic d’hypertension. Qualité des données Les données probantes sont tirées d’une recension systématique dans MEDLINE, EMBASE et la base de données des synthèses systématiques de la Collaboration Cochrane (EBM Reviews), de janvier 1985 à septembre 2011. Les types d’études retenues se limitaient aux études randomisées contrôlées, aux synthèses systématiques et aux études observationnelles avec groupes témoins. Message principal Trois fortes recommandations se sont dégagées de données probantes de qualité modérée. Il est recommandé de mesurer la pression artérielle à toutes les consultations appropriées en soins primaires, conformément aux techniques actuelles décrites dans les recommandations du Programme éducatif canadien sur l’hypertension pour la mesure de la pression artérielle en cabinet et en soins ambulatoires. Les critères du Programme éducatif canadien sur l’hypertension pour l’évaluation et le diagnostic de l’hypertension devraient s’appliquer aux personnes chez qui on observe une pression artérielle élevée. Conclusion À la suite d’un examen des plus récentes données probantes, le Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs continue de recommander la mesure de la pression artérielle lors des consultations périodiques auprès du médecin.

  15. High-Level Operations in Nonprocedural Programming Languages.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    defining type specific operators. Abstract data type has been applied to the nonprocedural language NOPAL [Sang8O]. It was primarily used as a tool...level operation is transformed using the integral operation MATINV as follows: 1 GA IS GROUP, 2 GRA(*) IS GROUP, 3 AUX(*) IS FIELD (DEC FLOAT); I GI...IS GROUP, 2 GRI(*) IS GROUP, 3 INV(*) IS FIELD (DEC FLOAT); AUX = A; GI = MATINV( GA ); C = INV; In code generation, the assertion GI=MATINV( GA ) is

  16. Developpement d'un modele thermodynamique pour les cristallites de coke: Application aux systems carbone-hydrogene et carbone-soufre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ouzilleau, Philippe

    Carbon materials are essential components of multiple key industrial processes. One example of such a process is the production of aluminum using the Hall-Heroult process. It is well known that important quantities of carbon materials are regularily consumed by the operation of the Hall-Heroult process. In recent years, the increased impurity content of industrial carbon materials motivated the development of a better understanding for the high temperature behavior of these specific materials. The most common forms of carbon materials used in the industry are cokes. Cokes are carbon materials which, following heat treatment, present a crystalline structure similar to that observed in graphite. However, the observed crystallite size of cokes is usually much smaller than the one observed in graphite. For this reason, the chemical and thermodynamic properties of the ordered phase of cokes (i.e. coke crystallites) are very different than those of graphite (although coke crystallites of infinite size would possess properties almost identical to graphite). Coke crystallites consist of hexagonal planes of carbon atoms stacked one above the other. This particular aspect causes strong anisotropic properties in coke crystallites. No thermodynamic model was found for the production of a reliable correlation between the effect of crystallite size and chemical composition for the predictive calculations of the thermodynamic properties (and phase equilibriums) of coke crystallites. It is also difficult to produce predictive calculations that can be compared to experimental results using such a thermodynamic model. The goal of the present work is to propose a thermodynamic model designed to solve this problem. The present model is based on the well-defined geometrical properties of coke cristallites. This geometry allows the development of mathematical equations for the calculation of the mass balances of the crystallite (using a simplified geometry) using only the commonly used cristallite size parameters La (diameter of the crystallite) and Lc (height of the crystallite). The use of the Compound Energy Formalism is necessary to establish the methodology of the present model. Globally, the planar structure of the crystallites is divided into three sublattices on which individual chemical species are assumed to mix randomly. Appropriate thermodynamic paths are used to define the relative enthalpies and absolute entropies of these chemical species. The relative enthalpy and absolute entropy of the coke crystallites are derived for various values of La in the carbon/hydrogen and carbon/sulfur chemical systems. For the carbon/hydrogen system, the model parameters are based on the known values for the entropy of formation of simple hydrogenous organic compounds in the gaseous phase and known carbon/hydrogen bond enthalpies. Also, additional enthalpic properties of coke crystallites and graphitic structures are required for the definition of the thermodynamic paths (for example, the enthalpy associated with the delocalization of one electron in graphitic structures). Results for the carbon/hydrogen system are compared to experiments concerning the dehydrogenation of various cokes. A very satisfying agreement is obtained between the dehydrogenation curves predictively calculated by the model and the reported experimental results (obtained using slow heating rates). Most of the hydrogen content of coke crystallites (this content does not inclue the hydrogen in the condensed volatile matter phase) is predicted to leave the crystalline structure for temperatures between 1100 and 1300 K. Also, experimental measurements of the Gibbs energy of coke relative to graphite are reported. These measurements were obtained using a solid state electrochemical technique. A stabiliy of approximately 900 J g-1, relative to graphite, is reported for temperatures between 950 and 1250 K and for a crystallite size La of ˜10 nm. This value is in excellent agreement with the present thermodynamic model. Finally, an open discussion is made on the possible existance of a degraphitization behavior for coke crystallites heat treated above 2585 K. For the carbon/sulfur system, a modeling approach similar to the one developed for the carbon/hydrogen system is used. Approximately 75% of the model parameters of the carbon/hydrogen and carbon/sulfur systems are common to the two models. Predictive desulfurization curves using the current thermodynamic model are presented for temperatures above 1500 K. A very good agreement is obtained between the model calculations and the reported experimental data. Most of the sulfur content of coke crystallites is predicted to leave the crystallites for temperatures between 1600 and 1850 K. This temperature range is very similar to the puffing temperatures typically found during the desulfurization of petrochemical cokes. The good precision of the model for both studied systems (carbon/sulfur and carbon/hydrogen) combined with the transferability of the model parameters between the carbon/hydrogen and carbon/sulfur systems tend to validate the global approach developed so far.

  17. Et pourquoi pas une education aux sciences qui aborde la participation des acteurs sociaux aux controverses sociotechniques?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pouliot, Chantal


    In this article we discuss research that was conducted as part of a project on citizen science education. We present the research and some of the results, and then take a position on the pertinence of examining, in science classes, questions on citizen participation in socio-technical debates and the roles and capacities of the social actors…

  18. The Capability of Virtual Reality to Meet Military Requirements (la Capacite de la rea1ite virtuelle a repondre aux besoins militaires)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    importance of the sensation of presence, and cybersickness . The third day reviewed assessment methods and applications research. Speakers reviewed...of the sensation of presence, and cybersickness . The third day reviewed assessment methods and applications research. Speakers reviewed existing or...Reality technology. Presentations discussed sensory interfaces, measures of effectiveness, importance of the sensation of presence, and cybersickness

  19. Down-regulation of SlIAA15 in tomato altered stem xylem development and production of volatile compounds in leaf exudates.


    Deng, Wei; Yan, Fang; Liu, Minchun; Wang, Xinyu; Li, Zhengguo


    The Aux/IAA family genes encode short-lived nuclear proteins that function as transcriptional regulators in auxin signal transduction. Aux/IAA genes have been reported to control many processes of plant development. Our recent study showed that down-regulation of SlIAA15 in tomato reduced apical dominance, altered pattern of axillary shoot development, increased lateral root formation and leaves thickness. The SlIAA15 suppressed lines display strong reduction of trichome density, suggesting that SlIAA15 is involved in trichome formation. Here, we reported that SlIAA15-suppressed transgenic lines display increased number of xylem cells compared to wild-type plants. Moreover, the monoterpene content in trichome exudates are significantly reduced in SlIAA15 down-regulated leaves. The results provide the roles of SlIAA15 in production of volatile compounds in leaf exudates and xylem development, clearly indicating that members of the Aux/IAA gene family can play distinct and specific functions. 

  20. Au102(p-MBA)44 nanocluster, a superatom suitable for bio-applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Häkkinen, Hannu


    colloidal gold nanoparticle with radius of 5 nm has about 3850 atoms. Even in a sample of extremely narrow range of diameters ranging from 5.25 nm to 4.75 nm (+/- 5% of the mean) the particles will have anywhere between 3300 and 4750 atoms, and their surface area can differ up to 20%. It is clear that such particles are not suitable for applications that would need molecularly precise size, structure and shape of the metal nanoparticle and precise knowledge of the composition of its organic surface. In 1994, Brust, Schiffrin and coworkers published a landmark synthesis recipe on how to prepare thiol(ate)-stabilized small gold nanoparticles of about 2 nm in size. 7 This paper started a completely new field which has now matured to studies of several "atom-precise" or "molecularly precise" gold-thiolate compounds for which molecular formulas Aux(SR)y can be written and the substances in most cases have a good ambient stability allowing for storage and later use.8 Atomic structures of the gold core and the thiolate layer have been resolved for many of these compounds, opening doors for detailed density functional theory (DFT) simulations of their properties. This Perspective discusses developments in understanding the structure and properties of one of such compounds, which can be used for site-specific (or "molecularly precise") targeting of capsid proteins on a viral surface.

  1. Ampleur et impact des évènements indésirables graves liés aux soins: étude d'incidence dans un hôpital du Centre-Est tunisien

    PubMed Central

    Bouafia, Nabiha; Bougmiza, Iheb; Bahri, Fathi; Letaief, Mondher; Astagneau, Pascal; Njah, Mansour


    Introduction La prévention des événements indésirables représente une priorité de santé du fait de leur fréquence et de leur gravité potentielle. Ce travail a été mené afin d'avoir un diagnostic de la situation épidémiologique relative aux événements indésirables survenant dans notre hôpital. Méthodes Une étude prospective a été menée auprès de tous les patients qui ont été hospitalisés au CHU Farhat Hached - Sousse (Tunisie) sur une période d'un mois dans quatorze services de l'hôpital. La détection d'évènement indésirable grave (EIG) était basée sur les critères adoptés dans différentes études. Les tests T et Chi 2 ont été utilisés pour identifier les facteurs contribuant à l'apparition d'évènements indésirables. Résultats Au total, 162 EIG ont été identifiés pendant la période. 45% de ces évènements étaient des infections nosocomiales. Ces EIG ont eu comme conséquences un décès chez 9,2% des patients, la mise en jeu du pronostic vital de 26% des patients et la prolongation de la durée de séjour chez 61,7% d'entre eux. L'admission dans des circonstances particulières et l'exposition à des soins invasifs étaient identifiés comme des facteurs de risque potentiels EIG. Conclusion Le renforcement de la stratégie de gestion des risques sanitaires en ciblant préférentiellement le risque infectieux constitue une étape fondamentale dans l'amélioration de la sécurité des patients au sein de notre établissement de santé. PMID:24711868

  2. Loi constitutive chimioplastique pour le beton expose aux hautes temperatures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hammoud, Rabah

    degradation of exothermic origin. This experimental program puts emphasis on the fragile nature of the preheated concrete and demonstrates the non-applicability of two failure criteria often used in engineering calculation. An alternative is proposed and well-tested. Indeed, exposing the concrete to high temperature results in irreversible loss of stiffness as well as a loss of decohesion strength. These losses are, typically, expressed through semi-empirical relationships of the mechanical properties with temperature. Unfortunately, these relationships are inadequate because the direct impact of this degradation, on the macroscopic scale, can result in a dependency relationship between the elastic properties and the hydrates mass. Therefore, unlike traditional methods using conventional elasto-plastic models and adjusting certain parameters with local temperature, the proposed constitutive law that incorporates a function of dehydration similar to the softening index in chemo-plastics gives good results. An Etse and Willam similar criterion is used and modified for the occasion. Hardening and softening mechanisms are then needed to expand and contract the loading surface for defining the strength of the concrete on a wide range of dehydration processes. The direction and magnitude of a permanent deformation, core of the inelastic domain, are defined through the development of non-associated chemoplastic potential and new curve of ductility. The influence of hydrostatic pressure (dilatancy) and dehydration on the concrete behavior are taken into account in our model. The model is implemented in the Matlab(c) code. Strains and stresses generated in the concrete are now accurately predicted. To illustrate the capabilities of the developed model to predict the complex behavior of concrete exposed to high temperature, simulations are performed through numerical loading paths scenarios. The model is able to accurately reproduce all the experimental data.

  3. Application submission date reflects applicant quality.


    Fuhrman, George M; Dada, Stephen; Ehleben, Carole


    Applications for general surgery residency are submitted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS) beginning in early September. The purpose of this study was to determine whether the date of application submission could be used in the screening of an applicant for general surgery residency. The 2007 ERAS data for an independent program that accepts 2 categorical residents per year was evaluated. International medical graduates were excluded because no international applicants were considered for interviews. Applicants for preliminary positions were also excluded. The remaining graduates from medical schools accredited by the Liaison Committee on Medical Education (LCME) who applied for categorical positions were evaluated based on United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) scores and on medical school performance, as well as on the quality of their personal statements and letters of recommendation. Medical school performance was determined from dean's letters and transcript information, and each applicant was classified as outstanding, average, or poor. The date of application submission was compared with USMLE scores and medical school performance. The lag time to submit an application was also evaluated and compared with whether a student was offered an interview and the assessment of the quality of that interview. Results were evaluated using analysis of variance and the Pearson correlation test to evaluate for significance. A total of 155 applications from LCME-accredited schools for categorical positions were received. The mean lag time to application for students with an outstanding medical school performance was 15.2 +/- 15.5 days compared with 37.4 +/- 26.2 days for poorly performing students (p < 0.01). A negative correlation between USMLE score and the lag time to application was noted (p < 0.01 USMLE I and USMLE II). Applicants offered an interview demonstrated a lag time to submit their application of 19.2 days +/- 21

  4. Dispositifs semi-conducteurs pour biodetection photonique et imagerie hyperspectrale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lepage, Dominic

    La creation d'un microsysteme d'analyse biochimique, capable de livrer des diagnostics preliminaires sur la quantification d'elements pathogenes, est un defi multidisciplinaire ayant un impact potentiel important sur la majorite des activites humaines en sante et securite. En effet, un dispositif integre, peu dispendieux et livrant des resultats facilement interpretables, permettrait une vulgarisation des capacites de biodetection a travers differents domaines d'applications societaires et industriels. Le present document se concentre sur l'integration monolithique d'une methode de biocaracterisation dans le but de generer un transducteur miniaturise et efficace, element central d'un microsysteme de detection. Le projet de recherche ici presente vise l'etude de l'applicabilite d'un capteur plasmonique integre par l'entremise de nanostructures semi-conductrices aux proprietes quantiques et luminescentes. L'approche presentee est globale; c'est-a-dire qu'on vise a repondre aux questions fondamentales impliquant la comprehension des phenomenes photoniques, le developpement et la fabrication des dispositifs, les methodes de caracterisations possibles ainsi que l'application d'un transducteur SPR integre a la biodetection. En d'autres termes : dans quelles circonstances et comment un transducteur plasmonique integre doit-il etre realise pour l'application a la detection delocalisee d'elements pathogenes? Dans le but d'engendrer un instrument simple a l'echelle de l'usager, l'integration de la connaissance a l'echelle du design est donc effectuee. Ainsi, des capteurs plasmoniques monolithiques sont concus a l'aide de modeles theoriques ici presentes. Un instrument de mesure hyperspectrale conjuguee permettant de cartographier directement la relation de dispersion des plasmons diffractes a ete construit et teste. Cet instrument est employe a la cartographie d'elements de diffusion. Finalement, une demonstration du fonctionnement du dispositif, appliquee a la

  5. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse

    PubMed Central

    Kahan, Meldon; Wilson, Lynn; Mailis-Gagnon, Angela; Srivastava, Anita


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille un résumé clinique pratique sur la prescription d’opioïdes à des populations particulières en se fondant sur les recommandations faites dans les lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse. Qualité des données Pour produire les lignes directrices, les chercheurs ont effectué une synthèse critique de la littérature médicale en insistant plus précisément sur les études de l’efficacité et de la sécurité des opioïdes dans des populations particulières. Message principal Les médecins de famille peuvent atténuer les risques de surdose, de sédation, d’usage abusif et de dépendance grâce à des stratégies adaptées à l’âge et à l’état de santé des patients. Dans le cas de patients à risque de dépendance, on devrait réserver les opioïdes aux douleurs nociceptives ou neuropathiques bien définies qui n’ont pas répondu aux traitements de première intention. Il faut procéder lentement au titrage des opioïdes, avec des dispensations fréquentes et une étroite surveillance pour dépister tout signe d’usage abusif. Une dépendance aux opioïdes suspectée est prise en charge au moyen d’une thérapie structurée aux opioïdes, d’un traitement à la méthadone ou à la buprénorphine ou encore d’un traitement fondé sur l’abstinence. Les patients souffrant de troubles de l’humeur ou d’anxiété ont tendance à avoir une réponse analgésique atténuée aux opioïdes, sont à risque plus élevé d’usage abusif et prennent souvent des sédatifs qui interagissent défavorablement avec les opioïdes. Il faut prendre des précautions semblables à celles utilisées avec d’autres patients à risque élevé. Il faut faire un sevrage progressif si la douleur du patient demeure sévère même avec un essai adéquat de thérapie aux opioïdes. Chez les personnes âgées, la s

  6. 40 CFR 194.15 - certification application(s).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT 12 1996-07-01 1996-07-01 false certification application(s). 194.15 Sec. 194.15 Content of compliance re PROTECTION OF ENVIRONMENT ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY... and Re-certification Applications Sec. 194.15 Content of compliance re-certification application(s...

  7. Identification des risques professionnels dans l'industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo


    Introduction Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les facteurs de risques professionnels liés aux conditions de travail. Méthodes Cette étude qualitative basée sur les entretiens de groupe a été réalisée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire dans l'industrie textile de la région du Est de la RDC; comprenant un médecin de travail, un médecin de santé publique, un toxicologue, deux infirmiers du centre hospitalier de l'usine, un représentant du comité d'hygiène et un technicien de prévention. La démarche méthodologique a consisté en des entretiens en groupe, des observations et visites guidées de lieux de travail de l'entreprise. Résultats Dans la culture du coton, les effets d'une forte exposition aux pesticides peuvent entraîner des intoxications aiguës, chroniques et voire le décès. Les autres risques sont les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles, les troubles psychologiques. Dans l'industrie, les travailleurs sont exposés aux risques liés à l'empoussiérage des fibres de coton, aux facteurs des risques traumatiques, physiques (bruits, vibration) et chimiques (acides forts, bases fortes, solvants et colorants minéraux), ainsi qu'aux risques psychosociaux. La pollution de l'environnement et l’écotoxicité inhérente à ces activités restent l'effet de l'usage des grandes quantités d'intrants agricoles, engrais et produits phytosanitaires. Conclusion Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différents facteurs de risques auxquelles sont soumis les travailleurs textiles; ainsi que les risques environnementaux liés à cette activité. Cela est de nature à permettre la mise sur pied d'une stratégie efficace de prévention et de protection des travailleurs. PMID:25977736

  8. Reconnaissance invariante d'objets 3-D et correlation SONG

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roy, Sebastien

    Cette these propose des solutions a deux problemes de la reconnaissance automatique de formes: la reconnaissance invariante d'objets tridimensionnels a partir d'images d'intensite et la reconnaissance robuste a la presence de bruit disjoint. Un systeme utilisant le balayage angulaire des images et un classificateur par trajectoires d'espace des caracteristiques permet d'obtenir la reconnaissance invariante d'objets tridimensionnels. La reconnaissance robuste a la presence de bruit disjoint est realisee au moyen de la correlation SONG. Nous avons realise la reconnaissance invariante aux translations, rotations et changements d'echelle d'objets tridimensionnels a partir d'images d'intensite segmentees. Nous utilisons le balayage angulaire et un classificateur a trajectoires d'espace des caracteris tiques. Afin d'obtenir l'invariance aux translations, le centre de balayage angulaire coincide avec le centre geometrique de l'image. Le balayage angulaire produit un vecteur de caracteristiques invariant aux changements d'echelle de l'image et il transforme en translations du signal les rotations autour d'un axe parallele a la ligne de visee. Le classificateur par trajectoires d'espace des caracteristiques represente une rotation autour d'un axe perpendiculaire a la ligne de visee par une courbe dans l'espace. La classification se fait par la mesure de la distance du vecteur de caracteristiques de l'image a reconnaitre aux trajectoires stockees dans l'espace. Nos resultats numeriques montrent un taux de classement atteignant 98% sur une banque d'images composee de 5 vehicules militaires. La correlation non-lineaire generalisee en tranches orthogonales (SONG) traite independamment les niveaux de gris presents dans une image. Elle somme les correlations lineaires des images binaires ayant le meme niveau de gris. Cette correlation est equivalente a compter le nombre de pixels situes aux memes positions relatives et ayant les memes intensites sur deux images. Nous presentons

  9. Comprendre. La diffusion Raman exaltée de surface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boubekeur-Lecaque, Leïla; Felidj, Nordin; Lamy de la Chapelle, Marc


    La spectroscopie Raman est une spectroscopie vibrationnelle très peu sensible qui limite l'analyse d'espèces chimiques aux fortes concentrations. Néanmoins, lorsque des molécules sont placées au voisinage d'une surface métallique nanostructurée, il est possible d'exalter considérablement leur signature Raman. On parle alors de diffusion Raman exaltée de surface. Les remarquables potentialités de cette technique ont nourri de nombreux champs d'étude tant pour le design de substrats dits SERS-actifs, que pour l'exploration d'applications en médecine, pharmacologie, défense ou le monde de l'art.

  10. Decrease in artificial tanning by French teenagers: 2011-2016.


    Say, Matthieu; Beauchet, Alain; Vouldoukis, Ioannis; Beauchet, Pascale; Boudet, Monique; Tella, Emilie; Mahé, Emmanuel


    The major risk factor for skin cancers is exposure to solar and artificial ultraviolet radiation, in particular during childhood and adolescence. In France, a law was restricted for tanning-bed access to adults (≥18 years) since 1997. To evaluate teenagers' artificial tanning behaviour in 2016 and to compare results with those obtained in a similar survey performed in 2011. The SOLADO 2011 and 2016 surveys were conducted in a general school in Antony and a technical school in Fontenay-aux-Roses (Paris suburb). In 2016, 630 teenagers (mean age: 14.2 ± 1.9 y: Males/Females: 301/329) completed the questionnaire, 1.3% of teenagers reported using tanning beds, 1.1% tanning pills and 8.9% tanning creams. Between 2011 and 2016, the use of tanning beds decreased from 1.4% to 0.7% in Antony (P = .26) and from 9.5% to 4.8% in Fontenay-aux-Roses (P = .01), and the use of tanning creams from 39.8% to 17.6% in Fontenay-aux-Rose (P = .0007). The incidence of sunburn decreased from 60.5% to 54.0% in Antony (P = .02) and from 55.4% to 42.4% in Fontenay-aux-Roses (P = .05). As compared to 2011, teenagers used artificial tanning methods less frequently in 2016. In particular, they used tanning beds less frequently, suggesting that the new stricter legislation has been effective. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons A/S. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Engine Fluid Leakage Detection: A Feasibility Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    2011 © Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2011 DRDC Atlantic TM 2011-050 i... de détecter tout problème possible lié à la sécurité ou aux performances des moteurs à turbine à gaz d’aéronefs. Le signalement immédiat d’une fuite...carburant ou d’huile moteur nuisent non seulement aux performances d’un moteur, mais elles représentent également une menace réelle pour la sécurité de

  12. Swell Across the Continental Shelf

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Arlington, VA The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense ...le terme de source, tandis que les effets de la réfraction et du levage causés par les variations de profondeur aux échelles sous-maille sont...précisement pris en compte grâce aux rayons pré- calculés. Ainsi ce modèle peut être appliqué à de vastes zones côtières avec des maillages

  13. Post-Deployment Reintegration Experiences of AF Personnel: Implications for Scale Development

    DTIC Science & Technology


    peuvent également présenter des avantages, notamment une amélioration aux points de vue suivants : confiance en soi , tolérance à l’égard de soi...notamment une amélioration aux points de vue suivants : confiance en soi , tolérance à l’égard de soi, compréhension politique et compétence militaire... confiance en soi , tolérance à l’égard de soi, compréhension politique et compétence militaire. À ce jour, les études sur l’expérience de réinsertion

  14. Modelisation de materiaux composites adaptatifs munis d'actionneurs en alliage a memoire de forme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simoneau, Charles

    Technological development of structures having the capabilities to adapt themselves to different operating conditions is increasing in many areas of research such as aerospace. In fact, numerous works are now oriented toward the design of adaptive aircraft wings where the goal is to enhance the aerodynamic properties of the wing. Following this approach, the work realised in the framework of this master thesis presents the steps leading to the creation of a numerical model that can be used to predict the behavior of an adaptive panel, and therefore, eventually of an adaptive aircraft wing. Foremost, the adaptive panel of this project has been designed from a carbon-epoxy composite, acting as host structure, where shape memory alloy (SMA) wires, acting as actuators, have been inserted in it. SMA actuators have also been embedded asymmetrically along the direction of the panel thickness in order to generate a bending moment when the SMA wires are activated. To achieve the modeling of such structure it has been firstly shown that a numerical model composed of only solid finite elements could be used to represent the panel. However, a second numerical model composed of shell, beam and link finite elements showed that identical results can be obtained with much less nodes (the first model was composed of more than 300 000 nodes compared with 1 000 nodes for the second). The combination of shell-beam-link elements has then been chosen. Secondly, a constitutive relation had to be used for modeling the particular behavior of SMA. For the present work, a uniaxial version of the Likhachev's model is used. Due to its fairly straightforward mathematical formulation, this material law is able to model the main functional properties of SMA including the two-way shape memory effect (TWSME) at zero stress obtained after a thermomechanical education treatment. The last step was to compare the results of the numerical simulations with those obtained with a prototype where 19 actuators were embedded in a composite panel of 425 mm x 425 mm. Various load cases were performed. However, during experimental tests, it has been found that the measured actuator temperature was systematically underestimated. Therefore, by comparing the radius of curvature (rho) of the panel as a function of the activation temperature (T) of the actuators, an offset (in temperature) between the curves numerically and experimentally obtained is observable. Aside from this technological difficulty, the experimental and numerical results are very similar and therefore, this numerical model can be used for predicting the behavior of an adaptive panel. In addition, one the main advantages of this numerical model resides in its versatility where it has been shown that a "warping" of the panel could be realized by controlling independently each actuator. Future works should now obviously focus on the temperature measurement while considering the improvement of the numerical model and the possibility to model an initially curved adaptive panel whose form could resemble an aircraft wing.

  15. Formation Stellaire Aux Échelles Des Galaxies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boissier, S.


    Star Formation is at the very core of the evolution of galaxies. From their gas reservoir (filled by infall or fusions), stars form at the "Star Formation Rate" (SFR), with an enormous impact on many aspects of the evolution of galaxies. This HDR presents first the formalism concerning star formation (SFR, IMF), some theoretical suggestions on physical processes that may affect star formation on various galactic scales, and the methods used to determine the SFR from observations. A large part is dedicated to the "Star Formation Laws" (e.g. Schmidt law) on various scales (local, radial, and global law). Finally, the last part concerns the largest scales (evolution of the "cosmic" SFR and effect of the environment).

  16. N° 341-Diagnostic et prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes.


    Kives, Sari; Gascon, Suzy; Dubuc, Élise; Van Eyk, Nancy


    Passer en revue les connaissances scientifiques actuelles et formuler des recommandations relatives au diagnostic et à la prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes. L'étude porte sur les facteurs de risque, la précision diagnostique, les options de prise en charge et les issues de la torsion annexielle. RéSULTATS: Nous avons examiné les études publiées en faisant des recherches dans MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL et la Bibliothèque Cochrane à l'aide d'une terminologie contrôlée et de mots-clés appropriés (« adnexal torsion », « ovarian torsion »). Nous avons limité les résultats aux revues systématiques, aux essais contrôlés aléatoires, aux essais cliniques contrôlés et aux études d'observation. Nous avons refait les recherches de façon régulière et intégré de nouvelles données à la directive jusqu'en décembre 2014. Nous avons également étudié la littérature grise (non publiée) trouvée sur les sites Web d'organismes d'évaluation des technologies de la santé et d'autres organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques et dans des registres d'essais cliniques, et obtenue auprès d'associations nationales et internationales de médecins spécialistes. Les résultats ont été examinés et évalués par le comité CANPAGO de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), sous la direction des auteures principales. Les recommandations ont été classées selon les critères établis par le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs. AVANTAGES, DéSAVANTAGES ET COûTS: L'application de la directive devrait aider les praticiens à adopter une approche de diagnostic et de prise en charge optimale en matière de torsion annexielle, à réduire au minimum les effets néfastes et à améliorer l'issue qui attend les patientes. La présente directive a été évaluée et approuvée par le Comité de pratique - gynécologie de la SOGC

  17. Clinical practice guideline: management of acute pancreatitis

    PubMed Central

    Greenberg, Joshua A.; Hsu, Jonathan; Bawazeer, Mohammad; Marshall, John; Friedrich, Jan O.; Nathens, Avery; Coburn, Natalie; May, Gary R.; Pearsall, Emily; McLeod, Robin S.


    There has been an increase in the incidence of acute pancreatitis reported worldwide. Despite improvements in access to care, imaging and interventional techniques, acute pancreatitis continues to be associated with significant morbidity and mortality. Despite the availability of clinical practice guidelines for the management of acute pancreatitis, recent studies auditing the clinical management of the condition have shown important areas of noncompliance with evidence-based recommendations. This underscores the importance of creating understandable and implementable recommendations for the diagnosis and management of acute pancreatitis. The purpose of the present guideline is to provide evidence-based recommendations for the management of both mild and severe acute pancreatitis as well as the management of complications of acute pancreatitis and of gall stone–induced pancreatitis. Une hausse de l’incidence de pancréatite aiguë a été constatée à l’échelle mondiale. Malgré l’amélioration de l’accès aux soins et aux techniques d’imagerie et d’intervention, la pancréatite aiguë est toujours associée à une morbidité et une mortalité importantes. Bien qu’il existe des guides de pratique clinique pour la prise en charge de la pancréatite aiguë, des études récentes sur la vérification de la prise en charge clinique de cette affection révèlent des lacunes importantes dans la conformité aux recommandations fondées sur des données probantes. Ces résultats mettent en relief l’importance de formuler des recommandations compréhensibles et applicables pour le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la pancréatite aiguë. La présente ligne directrice vise à fournir des recommandations fondées sur des données probantes pour la prise en charge de la pancréatite aiguë, qu’elle soit bénigne ou grave, ainsi que de ses complications et de celles de la pancréatite causée par un calcul biliaire. PMID:27007094

  18. 37 CFR 1.421 - Applicant for international application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... application. 1.421 Section 1.421 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES PATENT AND TRADEMARK OFFICE, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE GENERAL RULES OF PRACTICE IN PATENT CASES International Processing Provisions Who May File An International Application § 1.421 Applicant for international application. (a) Only residents...

  19. Maladie des vibrations

    PubMed Central

    Shen, Shixin (Cindy); House, Ronald A.


    Résumé Objectif Permettre aux médecins de famille de comprendre l’épidémiologie, la pathogenèse, les symptômes, le diagnostic et la prise en charge de la maladie des vibrations, une maladie professionnelle importante et courante au Canada. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée sur MEDLINE afin de relever les recherches et comptes rendus portant sur la maladie des vibrations. Une recherche a été effectuée sur Google dans le but d’obtenir la littérature grise qui convient au contexte canadien. D’autres références ont été tirées des articles relevés. Message principal La maladie des vibrations est une maladie professionnelle répandue touchant les travailleurs de diverses industries qui utilisent des outils vibrants. La maladie est cependant sous-diagnostiquée au Canada. Elle compte 3 éléments : vasculaire, sous la forme d’un phénomène de Raynaud secondaire; neurosensoriel; et musculosquelettique. Aux stades les plus avancés, la maladie des vibrations entraîne une invalidité importante et une piètre qualité de vie. Son diagnostic exige une anamnèse minutieuse, en particulier des antécédents professionnels, un examen physique, des analyses de laboratoire afin d’éliminer les autres diagnostics, et la recommandation en médecine du travail aux fins d’investigations plus poussées. La prise en charge consiste à réduire l’exposition aux vibrations, éviter les températures froides, abandonner le tabac et administrer des médicaments. Conclusion Pour assurer un diagnostic rapide de la maladie des vibrations et améliorer le pronostic et la qualité de vie, les médecins de famille devraient connaître cette maladie professionnelle courante, et pouvoir obtenir les détails pertinents durant l’anamnèse, recommander les patients aux cliniques de médecine du travail et débuter les demandes d’indemnisation de manière appropriée. PMID:28292812

  20. SlLAX1 is Required for Normal Leaf Development Mediated by Balanced Adaxial and Abaxial Pavement Cell Growth in Tomato.


    Pulungan, Sri Imriani; Yano, Ryoichi; Okabe, Yoshihiro; Ichino, Takuji; Kojima, Mikiko; Takebayashi, Yumiko; Sakakibara, Hitoshi; Ariizumi, Tohru; Ezura, Hiroshi


    Leaves are the major plant organs with a primary function for photosynthesis. Auxin controls various aspects of plant growth and development, including leaf initiation, expansion and differentiation. Unique and intriguing auxin features include its polar transport, which is mainly controlled by the AUX1/LAX and PIN gene families as influx and efflux carriers, respectively. The role of AUX1/LAX genes in root development is well documented, but the role of these genes in leaf morphogenesis remains unclear. Moreover, most studies have been conducted in the plant model Arabidopsis thaliana, while studies in tomato are still scarce. In this study, we isolated six lines of the allelic curly leaf phenotype 'curl' mutants from a γ-ray and EMS (ethyl methanesulfonate) mutagenized population. Using a map-based cloning strategy combined with exome sequencing, we observed that a mutation occurred in the SlLAX1 gene (Solyc09g014380), which is homologous to an Arabidopsis auxin influx carrier gene, AUX1 (AtAUX1). Characterization of six alleles of single curl mutants revealed the pivotal role of SlLAX1 in controlling tomato leaf flatness by balancing adaxial and abaxial pavement cell growth, which has not been reported in tomato. Using TILLING (Targeting Induced Local Lesions IN Genome) technology, we isolated an additional mutant allele of the SlLAX1 gene and this mutant showed a curled leaf phenotype similar to other curl mutants, suggesting that Solyc09g014380 is responsible for the curl phenotype. These results showed that SlLAX1 is required for normal leaf development mediated by balanced adaxial and abaxial pavement cell growth in tomato.

  1. Exotic species with explicit noble metal-noble gas-noble metal linkages.


    Moreno, Norberto; Restrepo, Albeiro; Hadad, C Z


    We present a study of the isoelectronic Pt 2 Ng 2 F 4 and [Au 2 Ng 2 F 4 ] 2+ species with noble gas atoms (Ng = Kr, Xe, Rn) acting as links bridging the two noble metal atoms. The stability of the species is investigated using several thermodynamic, kinetic and reactivity indicators. The results are compared against [AuXe 4 ] 2+ , which is thermodynamically unstable in the gas phase but is stabilized in the solid state to the point that it has been experimentally detected as [AuXe 4 ](Sb 2 F 11 ) 2 (S. Seidel and K. Seppelt, Science, 2000, 290, 117-118). Our results indicate that improving upon [AuXe 4 ] 2+ , these exotic combinations between the a priori non-reactive noble metals and noble gases lead to metastable species, and, therefore, they have the possibility of existing in the solid state under adequate conditions. Our calculations include accurate energies and geometries at both the CCSD/SDDALL and MP2/SDDALL levels. We offer a detailed description of the nature of the bonding interactions using orbital and density-based analyses. The computational evidence suggests partially covalent and ionic interactions as the stabilization factors.

  2. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la migraine du patient adulte africain

    PubMed Central

    Ahmed, Mahmoud Ait Kaci; Haddad, Monia; Kouassi, Beugré; Ouhabi, Hamid; Serrie, Alain


    La migraine est une céphalée primaire (selon les derniers critères de l'International Headache Society) qui affecte environ 8% de la population africaine. Les femmes sont plus fréquemment touchées que les hommes et les crises apparaissent le plus souvent avant l’âge de 40 ans. Bien qu'un certain nombre de traitements, de mesure hygiéno-diététiques, et d'autres méthodes non pharmacologiques permettent de limiter l'intensité et la fréquence des crises, la prise en charge médicamenteuse de la crise de migraine est très souvent nécessaire. La disponibilité des traitements et l'accès aux soins diffèrent sur le continent africain et ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts pour la prise en charge du patient adulte africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 16 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. PMID:27642420

  3. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la lombalgie aiguë du patient africain

    PubMed Central

    Elleuch, Mohamed; El Maghraoui, Abdellah; Griene, Brahim; Nejmi, Mati; Ndongo, Souhaibou; Serrie, Alain


    La lombalgie aiguë est la pathologie rhumatismale la plus fréquente en Afrique. L’épidémiologie et la présentation clinique ne diffèrent pas de celles observées sur les autres continents. En revanche, les aspects psycho-sociaux, la disponibilité des traitements, l'accès aux soins et le poids culturel des médecines traditionnelles sont autant de spécificités qui ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts en rhumatologie pour la prise en charge du patient africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 11 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. Leur ambition est d'améliorer la prise en charge de la lombalgie aigue par une évaluation initiale clinique pertinente, une diminution des examens radiologiques inutiles, une prescription médicamenteuse adéquate et l'abandon de procédures invasives inappropriées. PMID:26955427

  4. EUV near normal incidence collector development at SAGEM

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mercier Ythier, R.; Bozec, X.; Geyl, R.; Rinchet, A.; Hecquet, Christophe; Ravet-Krill, Marie-Françoise; Delmotte, Franck; Sassolas, Benoît; Flaminio, Raffaele; Mackowski, Jean-Marie; Michel, Christophe; Montorio, Jean-Luc; Morgado, Nazario; Pinard, Laurent; Roméo, Elodie


    Through its participation to European programs, SAGEM has worked on the design and manufacturing of normal incidence collectors for EUV sources. By opposition to grazing incidence, normal incidence collectors are expected to collect more light with a simpler and cheaper design. Designs are presented for the two current types of existing sources: Discharge Produced Plasma (DPP) and Laser Produced Plasma (LPP). Collection efficiency is calculated in both cases. It is shown that these collectors can achieve about 10 % efficiency for DPP sources and 40 % for LPP sources. SAGEM works on the collectors manufacturability are also presented, including polishing, coating and cooling. The feasibility of polishing has been demonstrated with a roughness better than 2 angstroms obtained on several materials (glass, silicon, Silicon Carbide, metals...). SAGEM is currently working with the Institut d'Optique and the Laboratoire des Materiaux Avancés on the design and the process of EUV coatings for large mirrors. Lastly, SAGEM has studied the design and feasibility of an efficient thermal control, based on a liquid cooling through slim channels machined close to the optical surface.

  5. Préface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jörgen Stevefelt, Henri Bachau Et


    UVX 2002, sixième édition du “Colloque sur les Sources Cohérentes et Incohérentes UV, VUV, et X : Applications et Développements Récents" s'est tenu du 11 au 14 juin 2002 au Centre CAES du CNRS “La Vieille, Perrotine", à Saint-Pierre d'Oléron. Le colloque a réunni une centaine de chercheurs et d'industriels et a permis de faire le point sur la production, la caractérisation et l'utilisation de rayonnement dans un domaine spectral s'étendant de l'ultraviolet aux rayons X. Les participants ont pu assister a trente conférences et une table ronde autour des problèmes locaux de pollution, une cinquantaine d'affiches ont été présentées au travers de deux sessions. Une douzaine d'industriels ont exposé leurs produits durant les séances d'affiches.Conformément aux éditions précédentes, les domaines couverts par le colloque UVX 2002 sont très variés et il est impossible de les résumer en quelques lignes. Parmi les activités en développement rapide on notera les lasers femtosecondes dont les applications se multiplient dans les laboratoires (propriétés des molécules, agrégats et solides), dans l'industrie (usinage, ablation...) et en médecine. L'absence de thermalisation ou de diffusion thermique ouvre aussi des perspectives pour la réalisation de films minces par ablation laser, un domaine où les lasers excimères sont traditionnellement utilisés, avec des applications importantes dans le secteur des télécommunications. Dans le domaine de l'extrème UV, des progrès significatifs ont été réalisés par plusieurs groupes dans la gamme de longueur d'onde de 5 à 20 nm, ouvrant ainsi la voie au développement industriel de la lithographie EUV. On note les progrès dans la réalisation des sources UV et X (laser X, génération d'harmoniques, laser a électrons libres) et la nécessité de développer des optiques adaptées. Une perspective intéressante, ouverte par la génération d'harmoniques, est la production d

  6. The Utilization of Advanced Composites in Military Aircraft Held in San Diego, California on 7-11 October 1991 (L’Emploi des Materiaux Composites de Pointe pour les Avions Militaires)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    material in the hole where for the reaction. Further study of this the degradation process is concentrated. factor will ’e carried out iL fatare The...Consultant and Exchange Programme and the Aerospace Applications Studies Programme. The results of AGARD work are reported to the member nations and...are the longitudinal testing. The objective is to study the behavior of compression strength, matrix shear modulus, and composite components under

  7. Révision systématique des effets de la fréquence des repas en famille sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les jeunes

    PubMed Central

    Harrison, Megan E.; Norris, Mark L.; Obeid, Nicole; Fu, Maeghan; Weinstangel, Hannah; Sampson, Margaret


    Résumé Objectif Effectuer une révision systématique des effets de repas en famille fréquents sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les enfants et les adolescents et examiner s’il existe des différences dans les résultats selon le sexe. Sources des données Des études ont été cernées à la suite d’une recherche dans MEDLINE (de 1948 à la dernière semaine de juin 2011) et dans PsycINFO (de 1806 à la première semaine de juillet 2011) à l’aide de l’interface Ovide. Les expressions et mots clés MeSH utilisés seuls ou en combinaisons étaient les suivants : family, meal, food intake, nutrition, diets, body weight, adolescent attitudes, eating behaviour, feeding behaviour et eating disorders. Les bibliographies des articles jugés pertinents ont aussi été passées en revus. Sélection des études La recherche initiale a produit 1783 articles. Pour être incluses dans l’analyse, les études devaient répondre aux critères suivants : être publiées en anglais dans une revue révisée par des pairs; porter sur des enfants ou des adolescents; traiter de l’influence des repas en famille sur les paramètres psychosociaux (p. ex. consommation de drogues et autres substances, troubles de l’alimentation, dépression) chez les enfants ou les adolescents; avoir une conception d’étude appropriée, notamment des méthodes statistiques acceptables pour l’analyse des paramètres. Quatorze articles satisfaisaient aux critères d’inclusion. Deux examinateurs indépendants ont étudié et analysé les articles. Synthèse Dans l’ensemble, les résultats font valoir que la fréquence des repas en famille est inversement proportionnelle aux troubles de l’alimentation, à la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, aux comportements violents, aux sentiments de dépression ou aux pensées suicidaires chez les adolescents. Il existe une relation positive entre de fréquents repas en famille, une bonne estime de soi et la réussite scolaire. Les

  8. Applicant Perspectives on the Otolaryngology Residency Application Process.


    Ward, Matthew; Pingree, Christian; Laury, Adrienne M; Bowe, Sarah N


    It has been nearly 25 years since medical students were queried regarding their perspectives on otolaryngology-head and neck surgery (OHNS) residency selection. Understanding this viewpoint is critical to improving the current application process. To evaluate the perceptions of 2016 OHNS residency applicants regarding the application process and offer suggestions for reform. In this cross-sectional study of anonymous online survey data, a 14-question survey was designed based on resources obtained from a computerized PubMed, Ovid, and GoogleScholar database search of the English language from January 1, 1990, through December 31, 2015, was conducted using the following search terms: (medical student OR applicant) AND (application OR match) AND otolaryngology. The survey was administered to 2016 OHNS residency applicants to examine 4 primary areas: current attitudes toward the match, effect of the new Otolaryngology Program Directors Organization personal statement mandate, sources of advice and information, and suggestions for improvement. In January 2016, an email was sent to 100 program directors asking them to distribute the survey to current OHNS applicants at their institution. One follow-up reminder email was sent in February 2016. A link to the survey was posted on the homepage on January 28, 2016, with the last response received on March 28, 2016. Survey responses regarding the residency application process. A total of 150 of 370 residency applicants (40.5%) responded to the survey. Of these, 125 respondents (90.6%) noted applying to programs in which they had no specific interest simply to improve their chances of matching. Applicants intended to apply to more programs than they actually did (63.6 vs 60.8; r = 0.19; 95% CI, -0.03 to 0.40). Program directors advised fewer applications than other sources; however, 58 respondents (38.7%) did not receive advice from a program director. A total of 121 respondents (80.7%) found online program

  9. Developpement d'une plateforme de simulation et d'un pilote automatique - Application aux Cessna Citation X et Hawker 800XP

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghazi, Georges

    This report presents several methodologies for the design of tools intended to the analysis of the stability and the control of a business aircraft. At first, a generic flight dynamic model was developed to predict the behavior of the aircraft further to a movement on the control surfaces or further to any disturbance. For that purpose, different categories of winds were considered in the module of simulation to generate various scenarios and conclude about the efficiency of the autopilot. Besides being realistic, the flight model takes into account the variation of the mass parameters according to fuel consumption. A comparison with a simulator of the company CAE Inc. and certified level D allowed to validate this first stage with an acceptable success rate. Once the dynamics is validated, the next stage deals with the stability around a flight condition. For that purpose, a first static analysis is established to find the trim conditions inside the flight envelop. Then, two algorithms of linearization generate the state space models which approximate the decoupled dynamics (longitudinal and lateral) of the aircraft. Then to test the viability of the linear models, 1,500 comparisons with the nonlinear dynamics have been done with a 100% rate of success. The study of stability allowed to highlight the need of control systems to improve first the performances of the plane, then to control its different axes. A methodology based on a coupling between a modern control technique (LQR) and a genetic algorithm is presented. This methodology allowed to find optimal and successful controllers which satisfy a large number of specifications. Besides being successful, they have to be robust to uncertainties owed to the variation of mass. Thus, an analysis of robustness using the theory of the guardian maps was applied to uncertain dynamics. However, because of a too sensitive region of the flight envelop, some analyses are biased. Nevertheless, a validation with the nonlinear dynamics allowed to prove the robustness of the controllers over the entire flight envelope. Finally, the last stage of this project concerned the control laws for the autopilot. Once again, the proposed methodology, bases itself on the association of flight mechanic equations, control theory and a metaheuristic optimization method. Afterward, four detailed test scenarios are presented to illustrate the efficiency and the robustness of the entire autopilot.

  10. Phosphorus and magnesium interactively modulate the elongation and directional growth of primary roots in Arabidopsis thaliana (L.) Heynh

    PubMed Central

    Niu, Yaofang; Jin, Gulei; Li, Xin; Tang, Caixian; Zhang, Yongsong; Liang, Yongchao; Yu, Jingquan


    A balanced supply of essential nutrients is an important factor influencing root architecture in many plants, yet data related to the interactive effects of two nutrients on root growth are limited. Here, we investigated the interactive effect between phosphorus (P) and magnesium (Mg) on root growth of Arabidopsis grown in pH-buffered agar medium at different P and Mg levels. The results showed that elongation and deviation of primary roots were directly correlated with the amount of P added to the medium but could be modified by the Mg level, which was related to the root meristem activity and stem-cell division. High P enhanced while low P decreased the tip-focused fluorescence signal of auxin biosynthesis, transport, and redistribution during elongation of primary roots; these effects were greater under low Mg than under high Mg. The altered root growth in response to P and Mg supply was correlated with AUX1, PIN2, and PIN3 mRNA abundance and expression and the accumulation of the protein. Application of either auxin influx inhibitor or efflux inhibitor inhibited the elongation and increased the deviation angle of primary roots, and decreased auxin level in root tips. Furthermore, the auxin-transport mutants aux1-22 and eir1-1 displayed reduced root growth and increased the deviation angle. Our data suggest a profound effect of the combined supply of P and Mg on the development of root morphology in Arabidopsis through auxin signals that modulate the elongation and directional growth of primary root and the expression of root differentiation and development genes. PMID:25922494

  11. Cyclic GMP is involved in auxin signalling during Arabidopsis root growth and development.


    Nan, Wenbin; Wang, Xiaomin; Yang, Lei; Hu, Yanfeng; Wei, Yuantao; Liang, Xiaolei; Mao, Lina; Bi, Yurong


    The second messenger cyclic guanosine 3',5'-monophosphate (cGMP) plays an important role in plant development and responses to stress. Recent studies indicated that cGMP is a secondary signal generated in response to auxin stimulation. cGMP also mediates auxin-induced adventitious root formation in mung bean and gravitropic bending in soybean. Nonetheless, the mechanism of the participation of cGMP in auxin signalling to affect these growth and developmental processes is largely unknown. In this report we provide evidence that indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) induces cGMP accumulation in Arabidopsis roots through modulation of the guanylate cyclase activity. Application of 8-bromo-cGMP (a cell-permeable cGMP derivative) increases auxin-dependent lateral root formation, root hair development, primary root growth, and gene expression. In contrast, inhibitors of endogenous cGMP synthesis block these processes induced by auxin. Data also showed that 8-bromo-cGMP enhances auxin-induced degradation of Aux/IAA protein modulated by the SCF(TIR1) ubiquitin-proteasome pathway. Furthermore, it was found that 8-bromo-cGMP is unable to directly influence the auxin-dependent TIR1-Aux/IAA interaction as evidenced by pull-down and yeast two-hybrid assays. In addition, we provide evidence for cGMP-mediated modulation of auxin signalling through cGMP-dependent protein kinase (PKG). Our results suggest that cGMP acts as a mediator to participate in auxin signalling and may govern this process by PKG activity via its influence on auxin-regulated gene expression and auxin/IAA degradation.

  12. A memory module for experimental data handling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Blois, J.


    A compact CAMAC memory module for experimental data handling was developed to eliminate the need of direct memory access in computer controlled measurements. When using autonomous controllers it also makes measurements more independent of the program and enlarges the available space for programs in the memory of the micro-computer. The memory module has three modes of operation: an increment-, a list- and a fifo mode. This is achieved by connecting the main parts, being: the memory (MEM), the fifo buffer (FIFO), the address buffer (BUF), two counters (AUX and ADDR) and a readout register (ROR), by an internal 24-bit databus. The time needed for databus operations is 1 μs, for measuring cycles as well as for CAMAC cycles. The FIFO provides temporary data storage during CAMAC cycles and separates the memory part from the application part. The memory is variable from 1 to 64K (24 bits) by using different types of memory chips. The application part, which forms 1/3 of the module, will be specially designed for each application and is added to the memory chian internal connector. The memory unit will be used in Mössbauer experiments and in thermal neutron scattering experiments.

  13. Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stern, Arthur M.


    Economic incentives have spurred numerous applications of genetically engineered organisms in manufacture of pharmaceuticals and industrial chemicals. These successes, involving a variety of methods of genetic manipulation, have dispelled early fears that genetic engineering could not be handled safely, even in the laboratory. Consequently, the potential for applications in the wider environment without physical containment is being considered for agriculture, mining, pollution control, and pest control. These proposed applications range from modest extensions of current plant breeding techniques for new disease-resistant species to radical combinations of organisms (for example, nitrogen-fixing corn plants). These applications raise concerns about potential ecological impacts (see chapter 5), largely because of adverse experiences with both deliberate and inadvertent introductions of nonindigenous species.

  14. Microgenerateurs electriques a base d'oscillateurs thermiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leveille, Etienne

    Dans un contexte de developpement durable et d'automatisation de notre environnement, l'utilisation de capteurs sans-fil distribues est croissante. Hors l'usage et le remplacement de piles s'avere couteux. La consommation energetique de plus en plus faible de l'electronique rend l'extraction energetique de l'energie ambiante envisageable. La chaleur residuelle est une source d'energie interessante puisqu'elle est la forme finale de la majeure partie de l'energie utilisee par l'humain. Cependant, a petite echelle, seuls les elements thermoelectriques sont disponibles. Les presents travaux s'interessent donc a explorer et comparer des mecanismes de generation alternatifs. Puisque la majorite des mecanismes de transduction alternatifs sont dynamiques, leur utilisation requiert une transformation de l'energie thermique continue en oscillations. Les mecanismes etudies ont donc tous en commun de posseder un oscillateur thermique en plus d'un mecanisme de transduction vers la forme d'energie electrique. Parmi les divers mecanismes identifies, deux sont etudies en details pour comprendre leurs comportements ainsi que connaitre leur efficacite et leur puissance potentielle. Le premier generateur etudie theoriquement est base sur le changement de ferromagnetisme d'une masse suspendue par des ressorts au-dessus d'un aimant. Les comportements du modele developpe correspondent aux comportements reportes dans la litterature. Deux parametres de conception principaux ont ete identifies, permettant un controle de la frequence, de la plage de temperatures d'operation. De plus le mecanisme peut operer avec de faibles differences de temperature et des temperatures proches de l'ambiant, ouvrant la porte a des applications utilisant la chaleur du corps humain. L'utilisation de materiau pyroelectrique comme mecanisme de transduction pourrait offrir des densites de puissance electrique envisageables de l'ordre de 1mW/cm3. Le second generateur etudie experimentalement est base sur l

  15. Anthocyanin biosynthesis is differentially regulated by light in the skin and flesh of white-fleshed and teinturier grape berries.


    Guan, Le; Dai, Zhanwu; Wu, Ben-Hong; Wu, Jing; Merlin, Isabelle; Hilbert, Ghislaine; Renaud, Christel; Gomès, Eric; Edwards, Everard; Li, Shao-Hua; Delrot, Serge


    Light exclusion reduces the concentration and modifies the composition of grape anthocyanins, by altering the expression of genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis and transport, in a cultivar- and tissue-specific manner. Unlike most grapes, teinturier grapes accumulate anthocyanins both in skin and flesh. However, the concentration and composition of anthocyanins in both tissues differ, providing a valuable system to study tissue-specific regulation of anthocyanin synthesis. Furthermore, little is known about the mechanisms controlling the sensitivity of anthocyanin accumulation to light. Here, light was excluded from Gamay (white-fleshed) and Gamay Fréaux (teinturier mutant) berries throughout berry development. Under light-exposed conditions, the skin of Gamay Fréaux accumulated the highest level of anthocyanins, followed by the skin of Gamay, while the pulp of Gamay Fréaux had much lower anthocyanins than the skins. Network analysis revealed the same order on the number of significant correlations among metabolites and transcripts in the three colored tissues, indicating a higher connectivity that reflects a higher efficiency of the anthocyanin pathway. Compared to light conditions, light exclusion reduced the total amount of anthocyanins, most severely in the skin of Gamay and to a lesser extent in the flesh and skin of Gamay Fréaux. Coordinated decrease in the transcript abundance of structural, regulatory and transporter genes by light exclusion correlated with the reduced anthocyanin concentration in a cultivar- and tissue-specific manner. Moreover, light exclusion increased the ratio of dihydroxylated to trihydroxylated anthocyanins, in parallel with F3'H and F3'5'H transcript amounts. Sugars and ABA only play a limited role in the control of anthocyanin synthesis in the berries, in contrast with what has been described in cell suspensions. This study provides novel insights into the regulation of anthocyanin in wild type and teinturier cultivars.

  16. L'Apport de la Greffe de Peau Totale dans le Traitement des Sequelles des Brulures de la Main: a Propos de 14 Cas

    PubMed Central

    Ettalbi, S.; Ibnouzahir, M.; Rachid, M.; Bahaichar, N.; Boukind, H.


    Summary La main est fréquemment exposée aux brûlures, ce qui entraîne des séquelles cutanées. A partir d'une série de 14 patients suivis dans notre service sur une année, nous avons essayé d'établir la simplicité, l'efficacité et le rôle de la greffe de peau totale dans le traitement de ces séquelles (les organes nobles ne sont pas mis à nu). La greffe de peau totale associée à une rééducation efficace permet aux patients de reprendre la mobilité des mains dans les brefs délais. PMID:21991094

  17. Caracterisation thermique de modules de refroidissement pour la photovoltaique concentree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Collin, Louis-Michel

    Pour rentabiliser la technologie des cellules solaires, une reduction du cout d'exploitation et de fabrication est necessaire. L'utilisation de materiaux photovoltaiques a un impact appreciable sur le prix final par quantite d'energie produite. Une technologie en developpement consiste a concentrer la lumiere sur les cellules solaires afin de reduire cette quantite de materiaux. Or, concentrer la lumiere augmente la temperature de la cellule et diminue ainsi son efficacite. Il faut donc assurer a la cellule un refroidissement efficace. La charge thermique a evacuer de la cellule passe au travers du recepteur, soit la composante soutenant physiquement la cellule. Le recepteur transmet le flux thermique de la cellule a un systeme de refroidissement. L'ensemble recepteur-systeme de refroidissement se nomme module de refroidissement. Habituellement, la surface du recepteur est plus grande que celle de la cellule. La chaleur se propage donc lateralement dans le recepteur au fur et a mesure qu'elle traverse le recepteur. Une telle propagation de la chaleur fournit une plus grande surface effective, reduisant la resistance thermique apparente des interfaces thermiques et du systeme de refroidissement en aval vers le module de refroidissement. Actuellement, aucune installation ni methode ne semble exister afin de caracteriser les performances thermiques des recepteurs. Ce projet traite d'une nouvelle technique de caracterisation pour definir la diffusion thermique du recepteur a l'interieur d'un module de refroidissement. Des indices de performance sont issus de resistances thermiques mesurees experimentalement sur les modules. Une plateforme de caracterisation est realisee afin de mesurer experimentalement les criteres de performance. Cette plateforme injecte un flux thermique controle sur une zone localisee de la surface superieure du recepteur. L'injection de chaleur remplace le flux thermique normalement fourni par la cellule. Un systeme de refroidissement est installe

  18. Laser femtoseconde, filamentation, nuage et orage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Courvoisier, F.; Boutou, V.; Kasparian, J.; Salmon, E.; Méjean, G.; Yu, J.; Wolf, J.-P.


    Les applications telles que le contrôle de foudre grâce aux filaments autoguidés générés par un laser femtoseconde nécessitent de propager un tel filament à travers des aérosols de gouttes d'eau. Nous montrons qu'un filament survit à son interaction avec une goutte de diamètre comparable au sien (95 μ m), ainsi qu'à des nuages d'épaisseur optique 3,2, soit 5% de transmission. Cette transmission est permise par la présence d'un “bain de photons” autour du filament. Ce bain forme un réservoir contenant une part importante de l'énergie du faisceau, en équilibre avec le filament, et favorisant son alimentation.

  19. Molecular and Functional Characterization of GR2-R1 Event Based Backcross Derived Lines of Golden Rice in the Genetic Background of a Mega Rice Variety Swarna

    PubMed Central

    Bollinedi, Haritha; S., Gopala Krishnan; Prabhu, Kumble Vinod; Singh, Nagendra Kumar; Mishra, Sushma; Khurana, Jitendra P.; Singh, Ashok Kumar


    Homozygous Golden Rice lines developed in the background of Swarna through marker assisted backcross breeding (MABB) using transgenic GR2-R1 event as a donor for the provitamin A trait have high levels of provitamin A (up to 20 ppm) but are dwarf with pale green leaves and drastically reduced panicle size, grain number and yield as compared to the recurrent parent, Swarna. In this study, we carried out detailed morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of these lines in a quest to identify the probable reasons for their abnormal phenotype. Nucleotide blast analysis with the primer sequences used to amplify the transgene revealed that the integration of transgene disrupted the native OsAux1 gene, which codes for an auxin transmembrane transporter protein. Real time expression analysis of the transgenes (ZmPsy and CrtI) driven by endosperm-specific promoter revealed the leaky expression of the transgene in the vegetative tissues. We propose that the disruption of OsAux1 disturbed the fine balance of plant growth regulators viz., auxins, gibberellic acid and abscisic acid, leading to the abnormalities in the growth and development of the lines homozygous for the transgene. The study demonstrates the conserved roles of OsAux1 gene in rice and Arabidopsis. PMID:28068433

  20. Molecular and Functional Characterization of GR2-R1 Event Based Backcross Derived Lines of Golden Rice in the Genetic Background of a Mega Rice Variety Swarna.


    Bollinedi, Haritha; S, Gopala Krishnan; Prabhu, Kumble Vinod; Singh, Nagendra Kumar; Mishra, Sushma; Khurana, Jitendra P; Singh, Ashok Kumar


    Homozygous Golden Rice lines developed in the background of Swarna through marker assisted backcross breeding (MABB) using transgenic GR2-R1 event as a donor for the provitamin A trait have high levels of provitamin A (up to 20 ppm) but are dwarf with pale green leaves and drastically reduced panicle size, grain number and yield as compared to the recurrent parent, Swarna. In this study, we carried out detailed morphological, biochemical and molecular characterization of these lines in a quest to identify the probable reasons for their abnormal phenotype. Nucleotide blast analysis with the primer sequences used to amplify the transgene revealed that the integration of transgene disrupted the native OsAux1 gene, which codes for an auxin transmembrane transporter protein. Real time expression analysis of the transgenes (ZmPsy and CrtI) driven by endosperm-specific promoter revealed the leaky expression of the transgene in the vegetative tissues. We propose that the disruption of OsAux1 disturbed the fine balance of plant growth regulators viz., auxins, gibberellic acid and abscisic acid, leading to the abnormalities in the growth and development of the lines homozygous for the transgene. The study demonstrates the conserved roles of OsAux1 gene in rice and Arabidopsis.

  1. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  2. 21 CFR 314.100 - Timeframes for reviewing applications and abbreviated applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.100 Timeframes for reviewing... application for a new drug under section 505(j) of the act, FDA will review it and send the applicant either...

  3. 21 CFR 314.100 - Timeframes for reviewing applications and abbreviated applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.100 Timeframes for reviewing... application for a new drug under section 505(j) of the act, FDA will review it and send the applicant either...

  4. 21 CFR 314.100 - Timeframes for reviewing applications and abbreviated applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.100 Timeframes for reviewing... application for a new drug under section 505(j) of the act, FDA will review it and send the applicant either...

  5. 21 CFR 314.100 - Timeframes for reviewing applications and abbreviated applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.100 Timeframes for reviewing... application for a new drug under section 505(j) of the act, FDA will review it and send the applicant either...

  6. 21 CFR 314.100 - Timeframes for reviewing applications and abbreviated applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.100 Timeframes for reviewing... application for a new drug under section 505(j) of the act, FDA will review it and send the applicant either...

  7. Intoxications aigues aux organophosphores chez la femme enceinte

    PubMed Central

    Barhoumi, Mohamed Hafed; Bannour, Badra; Barhoumi, Tarek; Jouini, Rami; Marwene, Nadia; Fatnassi, Mohamed Ridha


    Les intoxications aiguës par les pesticides organophosphorés (OP) au cours de la grossesse sont des événements rares, peu décrites dans la littérature. A travers cette étude rétrospective, nous rapportons les résultats de sept cas d’ingestion suicidaire d’OP chez des femmes enceintes. Cette intoxication était le plus souvent grave. En effet, cinq des sept parturientes avaient un Glasgow initial < 9 et le POP score était ≥ 3 chez toutes les parturientes. Cinq patientes avaient nécessité une ventilation mécanique de durée moyenne de 3,4 jours. L’évolution était favorable pour toutes les patientes mais dans plus de la moitié des cas elle était défavorable pour le fœtus (mort fœtal in utéro). Deux mécanismes peuvent expliquer ces complications fœtales. Le premier est l’hypoxie fœtale associée ou non à un état de choc qui peuvent se traduire au niveau du RCF par une tachycardie ou des décélérations et aboutir ainsi à un décès in utero. Le deuxième mécanisme est le passage de ces pesticides à travers la barrière placentaire, ce qui pose un risque potentiel pour le fœtus par altération des systèmes enzymatiques des microsomes. PMID:28293343

  8. Lésions concomitantes aux genoux flottants et gravite

    PubMed Central

    Eone, Daniel Handy; Lamah, Léopold; Bayiha, Jean Emile; Ondoa, Danielle Larissa Essomba; Nonga, Bernadette Ngo; Ibrahima, Farikou; Bahebeck, Jean


    Le genou flottant est issu d’un traumatisme de haute énergie, dont la genèse suggère de vaste dégâts aussi bien sur le plan locorégional que général. Faisant référence au polytaumatisme. Le but de notre étude était de recenser toutes les lésions concomitantes au genou flottant dans notre milieu de pratique et d’évaluer la sévérité. Nous avons mené une étude descriptive et rétrospective couvrant une période de 14 ans et 9 mois. Sur un échantillon de 75 genoux flottants, avec une moyenne d’âge de 35 ans. Soixante six patients avaient obtenu un score d’ISS supérieur ou égal à 16 donc qualifié de polytraumatisé. Les traumatismes crâniens, les lésions thoraciques et abdominales retrouvés en même temps que le genou flottant exigent une réanimation adéquate. PMID:28292046

  9. Rating Pregnancy Wheel Applications Using the APPLICATIONS Scoring System.


    Chyjek, Kathy; Farag, Sara; Chen, Katherine T


    To identify the top-rated pregnancy wheel applications (apps) using a newly developed APPLICATIONS scoring system. A list of pregnancy wheel apps was identified. Consumer-based and inaccurate apps were excluded. The APPLICATIONS scoring system was developed to rate the remaining apps. Application comprehensiveness was evaluated. Objective rating components included price, paid subscription, literature used, in-app purchases, connectivity to the Internet, advertisements, text search field, interdevice compatibility, and other components such as images or figures, videos, and special features. Subjective rating components were ease of navigation and subjective presentation. A complete list of 55 pregnancy wheel apps was created from three sources. Thirty-nine (71%) were consumer-based, inaccurate, or both, leaving 16 (29%) for analysis using the APPLICATIONS scoring system. More than two thirds of pregnancy wheel apps were excluded from our study secondary to being consumer-based, inaccurate, or both. This highlights the importance of identifying systematically, reviewing critically, and rating the thousands of available apps to health care providers to ensure accuracy and applicability. We propose that our APPLICATIONS scoring system be used to rate apps in all specialties with the goal of improving health care provider performance and thereby patient outcomes. III.

  10. 29 CFR 2704.202 - Contents of application-where the applicant has prevailed.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 9 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Contents of application-where the applicant has prevailed... Information Required From Applicants § 2704.202 Contents of application—where the applicant has prevailed. (a) An application for an award under § 2704.105(a) shall show that the applicant has prevailed in a...

  11. Contrôle du marché informel à l’heure de la mondialisation des échanges. Le cas des antirétroviraux au Chili

    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid; Morales, Cristián


    Résumé Les nouveaux médicaments pour le VIH/sida ont créé des besoins d’accessibilité aux traitements que les gouvernements n’ont pas toujours réussi à couvrir. Il en résulte l’émergence d’un marché informel des ARV. Par l’analyse de la situation au Chili, nous traitons des différents créneaux d’approvisionnement, des conséquences de l’existence d’un tel marché, ainsi que des moyens envisageables pour réduire les effets indésirables. Les aspects tant microéconomiques que macroéconomiques concernant le marché et l’accessibilité aux médicaments sont abordés. PMID:23997580

  12. Java Application Shell: A Framework for Piecing Together Java Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miller, Philip; Powers, Edward I. (Technical Monitor)


    This session describes the architecture of Java Application Shell (JAS), a Swing-based framework for developing interactive Java applications. Java Application Shell is being developed by Commerce One, Inc. for NASA Goddard Space Flight Center Code 588. The purpose of JAS is to provide a framework for the development of Java applications, providing features that enable the development process to be more efficient, consistent and flexible. Fundamentally, JAS is based upon an architecture where an application is considered a collection of 'plugins'. In turn, a plug-in is a collection of Swing actions defined using XML and packaged in a jar file. Plug-ins may be local to the host platform or remotely-accessible through HTTP. Local and remote plugins are automatically discovered by JAS upon application startup; plugins may also be loaded dynamically without having to re-start the application. Using Extensible Markup Language (XML) to define actions, as opposed to hardcoding them in application logic, allows easier customization of application-specific operations by separating application logic from presentation. Through XML, a developer defines an action that may appear on any number of menus, toolbars, and buttons. Actions maintain and propagate enable/disable states and specify icons, tool-tips, titles, etc. Furthermore, JAS allows actions to be implemented using various scripting languages through the use of IBM's Bean Scripting Framework. Scripted action implementation is seamless to the end-user. In addition to action implementation, scripts may be used for application and unit-level testing. In the case of application-level testing, JAS has hooks to assist a script in simulating end-user input. JAS also provides property and user preference management, JavaHelp, Undo/Redo, Multi-Document Interface, Single-Document Interface, printing, and logging. Finally, Jini technology has also been included into the framework by means of a Jini services browser and the

  13. 37 CFR 2.27 - Pending trademark application index; access to applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 37 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Pending trademark application index; access to applications. 2.27 Section 2.27 Patents, Trademarks, and Copyrights UNITED STATES... Registration § 2.27 Pending trademark application index; access to applications. (a) An index of pending...

  14. Final Determination - signed October 16, 1985

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Fianl Determination of the U.S. EPA's Assistant Administrator for External Affairs concerning the Bayou Aux Carpes site in Jefferson Parish, Louisiana pursuant to Section 404(c) of the Clean Water Act.

  15. A Feminist Intervention That Hurt Women: Biological Differences, Ergonomics, and Occupational Health: Une intervention féministe qui a nui aux femmes: différences biologiques, égalité, ergonomie et santé au travail.


    Messing, Karen


    éministes aux solutions pour le milieu de travail, ainsi que des pistes de recherche.

  16. Clathrin-Mediated Auxin Efflux and Maxima Regulate Hypocotyl Hook Formation and Light-Stimulated Hook Opening in Arabidopsis.


    Yu, Qinqin; Zhang, Ying; Wang, Juan; Yan, Xu; Wang, Chao; Xu, Jian; Pan, Jianwei


    The establishment of auxin maxima by PIN-FORMED 3 (PIN3)- and AUXIN RESISTANT 1/LIKE AUX1 (LAX) 3 (AUX1/LAX3)-mediated auxin transport is essential for hook formation in Arabidopsis hypocotyls. Until now, however, the underlying regulatory mechanism has remained poorly understood. Here, we show that loss of function of clathrin light chain CLC2 and CLC3 genes enhanced auxin maxima and thereby hook curvature, alleviated the inhibitory effect of auxin overproduction on auxin maxima and hook curvature, and delayed blue light-stimulated auxin maxima reduction and hook opening. Moreover, pharmacological experiments revealed that auxin maxima formation and hook curvature in clc2 clc3 were sensitive to auxin efflux inhibitors 1-naphthylphthalamic acid and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid but not to the auxin influx inhibitor 1-naphthoxyacetic acid. Live-cell imaging analysis further uncovered that loss of CLC2 and CLC3 function impaired PIN3 endocytosis and promoted its lateralization in the cortical cells but did not affect AUX1 localization. Taken together, these results suggest that clathrin regulates auxin maxima and thereby hook formation through modulating PIN3 localization and auxin efflux, providing a novel mechanism that integrates developmental signals and environmental cues to regulate plant skotomorphogenesis and photomorphogenesis. Copyright © 2016 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Role of auxin during intercellular infection of Discaria trinervis by Frankia

    PubMed Central

    Imanishi, Leandro; Perrine-Walker, Francine M.; Ndour, Adama; Vayssières, Alice; Conejero, Genevieve; Lucas, Mikaël; Champion, Antony; Laplaze, Laurent; Wall, Luis; Svistoonoff, Sergio


    Nitrogen-fixing nodules induced by Frankia in the actinorhizal plant Discaria trinervis result from a primitive intercellular root invasion pathway that does not involve root hair deformation and infection threads. Here, we analyzed the role of auxin in this intercellular infection pathway at the molecular level and compared it with our previous work in the intracellular infected actinorhizal plant Casuarina glauca. Immunolocalisation experiments showed that auxin accumulated in Frankia-infected cells in both systems. We then characterized the expression of auxin transporters in D. trinervis nodules. No activation of the heterologous CgAUX1 promoter was detected in infected cells in D. trinervis. These results were confirmed with the endogenous D. trinervis gene, DtAUX1. However, DtAUX1 was expressed in the nodule meristem. Consistently, transgenic D. trinervis plants containing the auxin response marker DR5:VENUS showed expression of the reporter gene in the meristem. Immunolocalisation experiments using an antibody against the auxin efflux carrier PIN1, revealed the presence of this transporter in the plasma membrane of infected cells. Finally, we used in silico cellular models to analyse auxin fluxes in D. trinervis nodules. Our results point to the existence of divergent roles of auxin in intercellularly- and intracellularly-infected actinorhizal plants, an ancestral infection pathways leading to root nodule symbioses. PMID:25191330

  18. L'astronomie des Anciens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nazé, Yaël


    Quelle que soit la civilisation à laquelle il appartient, l'être humain cherche dans le ciel des réponses aux questions qu'il se pose sur son origine, son avenir et sa finalité. Le premier mérite de ce livre est de nous rappeler que l'astronomie a commencé ainsi à travers les mythes célestes imaginés par les Anciens pour expliquer l'ordre du monde et la place qu'ils y occupaient. Mais les savoirs astronomiques passés étaient loin d'être négligeables et certainement pas limités aux seuls travaux des Grecs : c'est ce que l'auteur montre à travers une passionnante enquête, de Stonehenge à Gizeh en passant par Pékin et Mexico, fondée sur l'étude des monuments anciens et des sources écrites encore accessibles. Les tablettes mésopotamiennes, les annales chinoises, les chroniques médiévales, etc. sont en outre d'une singulière utilité pour les astronomes modernes : comment sinon remonter aux variations de la durée du jour au cours des siècles, ou percer la nature de l'explosion qui a frappé tant d'observateurs en 1054 ? Ce livre offre un voyage magnifiquement illustré à travers les âges, entre astronomie et archéologie.

  19. La prise en charge des morsures de chien chez les enfants

    PubMed Central

    Sabhaney, Vikram; Goldman, Ran D.


    Résumé Question Une fillette de 4 ans jouait avec le chien de ses voisins. Le chien s’est excité et a mordu la jeune fille à l’avant-bras, y laissant une plaie punctiforme. À cause cette blessure, elle s’est présentée à mon bureau. Devrais-je la traiter avec des antibiotiques? Quel antibiotique faut-il utiliser et pendant combien de temps? Réponse L’administration d’antibiotiques prophylactiques est indiquée lorsqu’on a procédé à une suture primitive de la morsure, que la plaie est de gravité modérée à sévère, qu’elle est punctiforme (particulièrement s’il y a eu pénétration de l’os, de la gaine tendineuse ou de l’articulation), pour les morsures au visage, aux mains, aux pieds ou aux parties génitales ou lorsque les victimes sont immunodéprimées ou souffrent d’asplénisme. L’antibiotique de première intention est l’amoxicilline-clavulanate. La prophylaxie appropriée antitétanique et contre la rage devrait faire partie des soins chez un patient qui a été mordu par un chien, tout comme le débridement local et le nettoyage complet de la plaie.

  20. Les agressions sexuelles des jeunes ayant une incapacité ou une maladie chronique

    PubMed Central

    Kaufman, M


    Pour diverses raisons, les enfants et les adolescents ayant une incapacité ou une maladie chronique sont plus vulnérables aux agressions sexuelles. Les dispensateurs de soins, de même que les parents et les éducateurs, doivent se méfier davantage de la possibilité d’agression sexuelle au sein de cette population. Les médecins, tout particulièrement, doivent prôner des politiques pour prévenir ou déceler les agressions dans les hôpitaux, les écoles et autres établissements. Ces politiques incluent le dépistage détaillé et la surveillance étroite des employés et des bénévoles, la présence d’un chaperon aux examens physiques et aux interventions thérapeutiques, la supervision des sorties et une culture qui favorise la vie privée du patient en établissement. De plus, les médecins doivent favoriser la conscience de soi et l’habilitation des patients et leur donner très tôt des conseils préventifs au sujet de la sexualité, de l’habilitation personnelle et des risques d’agression. Le présent document de principes remplace celui que la Société canadienne de pédiatrie a publié en 1997.

  1. Facility for assessing spectral normal emittance of solid materials at high temperature.


    Mercatelli, Luca; Meucci, Marco; Sani, Elisa


    Spectral emittance is a key topic in the study of new compositions, depositions, and mechanical machining of materials for solar absorption and for renewable energies in general. The present work reports on the realization and testing of a new experimental facility for the measurement of directional spectral emittance in the range of 2.5-20 μm. Our setup provides emittance spectral information in a completely controlled environment at medium-high temperatures up to 1200 K. We describe the layout and first tests on the device, comparing the results obtained for hafnium carbide and tantalum diboride ultrarefractory ceramic samples to previous quasi-monochromatic measurements carried out in the PROMES-CNRS (PROcedes, Materiaux et Energie Solaire- Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France) solar furnace, obtaining a good agreement. Finally, to assess the reliability of the widely used approach of estimating the spectral emittance from room-temperature reflectance spectrum, we compared the calculation in the 2.5-17 μm spectral range to the experimental high-temperature spectral emittance, obtaining that the spectral trend of calculated and measured curves is similar but the calculated emittance underestimates the measured value.

  2. Factors influencing the number of applications submitted per applicant to orthopedic residency programs

    PubMed Central

    Finkler, Elissa S.; Fogel, Harold A.; Kroin, Ellen; Kliethermes, Stephanie; Wu, Karen; Nystrom, Lukas M.; Schiff, Adam P.


    Background From 2002 to 2014, the orthopedic surgery residency applicant pool increased by 25% while the number of applications submitted per applicant rose by 69%, resulting in an increase of 109% in the number of applications received per program. Objective This study aimed to identify applicant factors associated with an increased number of applications to orthopedic surgery residency programs. Design An anonymous survey was sent to all applicants applying to the orthopedic surgery residency program at Loyola University. Questions were designed to define the number of applications submitted per respondent as well as the strength of their application. Of 733 surveys sent, 140 (19.1%) responses were received. Setting An academic institution in Maywood, IL. Participants Fourth-year medical students applying to the orthopedic surgery residency program at Loyola University. Results An applicant's perception of how competitive he or she was (applicants who rated themselves as ‘average’ submitted more applications than those who rated themselves as either ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’, p=0.001) and the number of away rotations (those who completed >2 away rotations submitted more applications, p=0.03) were significantly associated with an increased number of applications submitted. No other responses were found to be associated with an increased number of applications submitted. Conclusion Less qualified candidates are not applying to significantly more programs than their more qualified counterparts. The increasing number of applications represents a financial strain on the applicant, given the costs required to apply to more programs, and a time burden on individual programs to screen increasing numbers of applicants. In order to stabilize or reverse this alarming trend, orthopedic surgery residency programs should openly disclose admission criteria to prospective candidates, and medical schools should provide additional guidance for candidates in this process

  3. Effets de la pollution de l’air sur la santé

    PubMed Central

    Abelsohn, Alan; Stieb, Dave M.


    Résumé Objectif Faire connaître aux médecins de famille les effets de la pollution atmosphérique sur la santé et indiquer quels conseils donner aux patients vulnérables pour qu’ils soient moins exposés. Sources de l’information On a consulté MEDLINE à l’aide des termes relatifs à la pollution atmosphérique et à ses effets indésirables. On a révisé les articles en anglais publiés entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2009. La plupart des études contenaient des preuves de niveau II. Principal message Au Canada, la pollution de l’air extérieur cause une morbidité et une mortalité importantes. Elle peut affecter le système respiratoire (exacerbation de l’asthme et de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique) et le système cardiovasculaire (déclencher l’arythmie, l’insuffisance cardiaque et les AVC). La cote air santé (CAS) est un nouvel outil de communication mis au point par Santé Canada et Environnement Canada qui indique sur une échelle de 1 à 10, le risque pour la santé causé par la pollution atmosphérique. La CAS est largement diffusée dans les médias et cet outil pourrait être utile au médecin de famille pour inciter les patients à haut risque (comme ceux qui souffrent d’asthme, de maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique ou d’insuffisance cardiaque) à réduire leur exposition à la pollution atmosphérique. Conclusion Le médecin de famille peut se servir de la CAS et de ses messages sur la santé pour enseigner aux asthmatiques et aux autres patients à risque élevé la façon de réduire les risques pour la santé causés par la pollution atmosphérique.

  4. L’expérience d’une patiente qui reçoit des soins pour la démence

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher; Forbes, Rev Faye


    Résumé Objectif Permettre aux médecins de famille de comprendre « l’expérience vécue » de la démence de la bouche d’une personne atteinte de démence—Faye Forbes, ministre anglicane de 64 ans atteinte de la maladie d’Alzheimer, qui donne son point de vue sur comment vivre avec la démence—et utiliser cette information pour améliorer les soins et les résultats. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE sur Ovid entre janvier 2005 et février 2015, à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : dementia, caregiver, perspectives et quality of health care. Les articles qui s’adressaient aux médecins de famille ont été sélectionnés. Des revues pertinentes et des articles de recherche originaux ont été utilisés, le cas échéant, s’ils s’appliquaient aux personnes atteintes de démence et à leurs soignants. Message principal Plusieurs cadres de référence organisent les principales expériences décrites par les patients et leurs soignants. Nous avons utilisé une revue de la littérature qualitative pour fournir un cadre de référence résumant l’expérience de Faye, en fonction des thèmes suivants : tenter d’obtenir un diagnostic, accéder au soutien et aux services, besoins en matière d’information, prise en charge de la maladie, et communication et attitudes. Conclusion Les médecins doivent tenir compte de ces thèmes lorsqu’ils planifient la prise en charge des personnes atteintes de démence. Il importe de tenter de comprendre l’expérience et le point de vue des personnes atteintes de démence et de leurs soignants afin de pouvoir dispenser des soins optimaux. PMID:28115451

  5. 21 CFR 314.65 - Withdrawal by the applicant of an unapproved application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG Applications... application and will provide a copy to the applicant on request under the fee schedule in § 20.45 of FDA's...

  6. 21 CFR 314.65 - Withdrawal by the applicant of an unapproved application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG Applications... application and will provide a copy to the applicant on request under the fee schedule in § 20.45 of FDA's...

  7. 21 CFR 314.65 - Withdrawal by the applicant of an unapproved application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG Applications... application and will provide a copy to the applicant on request under the fee schedule in § 20.45 of FDA's...

  8. 21 CFR 314.65 - Withdrawal by the applicant of an unapproved application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG Applications... application and will provide a copy to the applicant on request under the fee schedule in § 20.45 of FDA's...

  9. Auxin enhances grafting success in Carya cathayensis (Chinese hickory).


    Saravana Kumar, R M; Gao, Liu Xiao; Yuan, Hu Wei; Xu, Dong Bin; Liang, Zhao; Tao, Shen Chen; Guo, Wen Bin; Yan, Dao Liang; Zheng, Bing Song; Edqvist, Johan


    Application of auxin to root stock and scion increases the success rate of grafting in Chinese hickory. The nuts of the Chinese hickory (Carya cathayensis) tree are considered both delicious and healthy. The popularity and high demand result is that the hickory nuts are of very high economical value for horticulture. This is particularly true for the Zhejiang province in eastern China where this tree is widely cultivated. However, there are several difficulties surrounding the hickory cultivation, such as for example long vegetative growth, tall trees, labour-intensive nut picking, and slow variety improvements. These complications form a great bottleneck in the expansion of the hickory industry. The development of an efficient grafting procedure could surpass at least some of these problems. In this study, we demonstrate that application of the auxin indole-3-acetic acid promotes the grafting process in hickory, whereas application of the auxin transport inhibitor 1-N-naphthylphthalamic acid inhibits the grafting process. Furthermore, we have identified hickory genes in the PIN, ABCB, and AUX/LAX-families known to encode influx and efflux carriers in the polar transport of auxin. We show that increased expression of several of these genes, such as CcPIN1b and CcLAX3, is correlating with successful grafting.

  10. Ruby on Rails Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hochstadt, Jake


    Ruby on Rails is an open source web application framework for the Ruby programming language. The first application I built was a web application to manage and authenticate other applications. One of the main requirements for this application was a single sign-on service. This allowed authentication to be built in one location and be implemented in many different applications. For example, users would be able to login using their existing credentials, and be able to access other NASA applications without authenticating again. The second application I worked on was an internal qualification plan app. Previously, the viewing of employee qualifications was managed through Excel spread sheets. I built a database driven application to streamline the process of managing qualifications. Employees would be able to login securely to view, edit and update their personal qualifications.

  11. Les recommandations de prise en charge des complications métaboliques associées aux antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Ho, Josephine; Panagiotopoulos, Constadina; McCrindle, Brian; Grisaru, Silviu; Pringsheim, Tamara


    HISTORIQUE : Les antipsychotiques de deuxième génération s’associent souvent à des complications métaboliques. Ces médicaments sont utilisés plus souvent pour le traitement des troubles de santé mentale chez les enfants, ce qui a requis l’élaboration de lignes directrices officielles sur la surveillance de leur innocuité et de leur efficacité. Des lignes directrices ont déjà été élaborées pour surveiller les complications métaboliques et neurologiques. Afin d’aider les praticiens qui effectuent ces interventions de surveillance, une série de recommandations thérapeutiques complémentaires a été élaborée pour les cas où l’on observe des mesures ou des résultats anormaux. OBJECTIF : Créer des recommandations probantes afin de contribuer à la prise en charge des complications métaboliques chez les enfants traités au moyen d’antipsychotiques de deuxième génération. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les auteurs ont procédé à une analyse systématique des publications sur les complications métaboliques des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants. Les membres du groupe consensuel ont évalué l’information recueillie grâce à l’analyse bibliographique systématique et ont fait appel à un processus de groupe nominal pour parvenir à un consensus à l’égard de recommandations thérapeutiques. Dans la mesure du possible, ils se sont reportés aux lignes directrices existantes sur l’évaluation et le traitement des anomalies métaboliques chez les enfants. RÉSULTATS : Des recommandations probantes sont présentées pour contribuer à la prise en charge des complications métaboliques, y compris la prise de poids, l’augmentation du tour de taille, l’élévation des taux de prolactine, de cholestérol, de triglycérides et de glucose, les épreuves de fonction hépatique anormales et les études thyroïdiennes anormales. CONCLUSION : Il faut recourir à des mesures de surveillance convenables lorsqu’on prescrit

  12. Perturbation of auxin homeostasis by overexpression of wild-type IAA15 results in impaired stem cell differentiation and gravitropism in roots.


    Yan, Da-Wei; Wang, Jing; Yuan, Ting-Ting; Hong, Li-Wei; Gao, Xiang; Lu, Ying-Tang


    Aux/IAAs interact with auxin response factors (ARFs) to repress their transcriptional activity in the auxin signaling pathway. Previous studies have focused on gain-of-function mutations of domain II and little is known about whether the expression level of wild-type Aux/IAAs can modulate auxin homeostasis. Here we examined the perturbation of auxin homeostasis by ectopic expression of wild-type IAA15. Root gravitropism and stem cell differentiation were also analyzed. The transgenic lines were less sensitive to exogenous auxin and exhibited low-auxin phenotypes including failures in gravity response and defects in stem cell differentiation. Overexpression lines also showed an increase in auxin concentration and reduced polar auxin transport. These results demonstrate that an alteration in the expression of wild-type IAA15 can disrupt auxin homeostasis.

  13. Responses to auxin signals: an operating principle for dynamical sensitivity yet high resilience

    PubMed Central

    Bravi, B.; Martin, O. C.


    Plants depend on the signalling of the phytohormone auxin for their development and for responding to environmental perturbations. The associated biomolecular signalling network involves a negative feedback on Aux/IAA proteins which mediate the influence of auxin (the signal) on the auxin response factor (ARF) transcription factors (the drivers of the response). To probe the role of this feedback, we consider alternative in silico signalling networks implementing different operating principles. By a comparative analysis, we find that the presence of a negative feedback allows the system to have a far larger sensitivity in its dynamical response to auxin and that this sensitivity does not prevent the system from being highly resilient. Given this insight, we build a new biomolecular signalling model for quantitatively describing such Aux/IAA and ARF responses. PMID:29410878

  14. BOREAS TE-6 NPP For The Tower Flux, Carbon Evaluation, and Auxiliary Sites

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Curd, Shelaine (Editor); Gower, Stith T.; Vogel, Jason G.


    The BOREAS TE-6 team collected several data sets to examine the influence of vegetation, climate, and their interactions on the major carbon fluxes for boreal forest species. This data set contains estimates of the biomass produced by the plant species at the TF, CEV, and AUX sites in the SSA and NSA for a given year. Temporally, the data cover the years of 1985 to 1995. The plant biomass production (i.e., aboveground, belowground, understory, litterfall), spatial coverage, and temporal nature of measurements varied between the TF, CEV, and AUX sites as deemed necessary by BOREAS principal investigators. The data are stored in tabular ASCII files. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884), or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distrobuted Activity Archive Center (DAAC).

  15. Neutron Radiation Affects the Expression of Genes Involved in the Response to Auxin, Senescence and Oxidative Stress in Arabidopsis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fortunati, A.; Tassone, P.; Migliaccio, F.


    Researches were conducted on the effect of neutron radiation on the expression of genes auxin activated or connected with the process of senescence in Arabidopsis plants. The research was done by applying the real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) technique. The results indicated that the auxin response factors (ARFs) genes are clearly downregulated, whereas the indolacetic acid-induced (Aux/IAAs) genes in some cases were upregulated. By contrast in the mutants for auxin transport aux1 and eir1 the ARFs genes were upregulated. In addition, both in the wildtype and mutants, some already known genes activated by stress and senescence were significantly upregulated. On the basis of these researches we conclude that the process of senescence induced by irradiation is, at least in part, controlled by the physiology of the hormone auxin.

  16. The Resin-in-pulp Process and Its Application to Ores from Brosses "BRS 10"; LE PROCEDE "RESIN IN PULP" ET SON APPLICATION AUX MINERAIS DES BROSSES "BRS 10"

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kremer, M.


    The resin-in-pulp process is a technical variant of the recovery process of uranium in dilute solution by means of ion exchange resins. An anion resin, XE 123, of a welldefined grain size is placed in direct contact with the pulp produced by sulfuric acid attack on ore with a low uranium content. This process is of particular value in the treatment of pulps that cannot be filtered or decanted, such as those obtained with ore from Brosses. The preparation of the pulp, the elution of the uranium, and its fixation, as well as the various factors encountered in these operations,more » are discussed. (auth)« less

  17. Multi-Purpose, Application-Centric, Scalable I/O Proxy Application

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Miller, M. C.


    MACSio is a Multi-purpose, Application-Centric, Scalable I/O proxy application. It is designed to support a number of goals with respect to parallel I/O performance testing and benchmarking including the ability to test and compare various I/O libraries and I/O paradigms, to predict scalable performance of real applications and to help identify where improvements in I/O performance can be made within the HPC I/O software stack.

  18. Smart Sensor Systems for Aerospace Applications: From Sensor Development to Application Testing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hunter, G. W.; Xu, J. C.; Dungan, L. K.; Ward, B. J.; Rowe, S.; Williams, J.; Makel, D. B.; Liu, C. C.; Chang, C. W.


    The application of Smart Sensor Systems for aerospace applications is a multidisciplinary process consisting of sensor element development, element integration into Smart Sensor hardware, and testing of the resulting sensor systems in application environments. This paper provides a cross-section of these activities for multiple aerospace applications illustrating the technology challenges involved. The development and application testing topics discussed are: 1) The broadening of sensitivity and operational range of silicon carbide (SiC) Schottky gas sensor elements; 2) Integration of fire detection sensor technology into a "Lick and Stick" Smart Sensor hardware platform for Crew Exploration Vehicle applications; 3) Extended testing for zirconia based oxygen sensors in the basic "Lick and Stick" platform for environmental monitoring applications. It is concluded that that both core sensor platform technology and a basic hardware platform can enhance the viability of implementing smart sensor systems in aerospace applications.

  19. Etude du comportement hydrogeologique de couvertures avec effet de barriere capillaire faites entierement de materiaux miniers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kalonji, Alex Kabambi

    The acid mining drainage (AMD) generating mine sites must be restored to limit their long-term contamination of the environment. At the end of mining operations, covers with capillary barrier effects (CCBE), generally made of natural materials soils, are used as an oxygen barrier to isolate the tailings that generate acid mining drainage (AMD) from their immediate environment. Due to economic and social acceptability contraints and to the environmental impact of stripping (footprint) of natural soil pits, mining companies are increasingly interested in using non-acid generating waste rock as a substitute for natural soils as base materials to form capillary break layers in covers. The overall objective of this study was to evaluate the hydrogeological behaviour of CCBE made entirely of mining materials (desulphurized tailings from a desulphurization process and non-acid generating waste rock). The specific objectives of this project were : 1) to characterize the hydrogeological properties of waste rock (with truncated size) and desulphurized tailings; 2) to evaluate in laboratory instrumented columns the effectiveness of CCBE made entirely of mining materials; 3) to simulate the column tests using a 1D numerical code to model the fluid (water and gas) flow in the unsaturated media; and 4) to validate with 2D numerical modeling the ability to restore LaRonde tailings impoundment (Agnico Eagle Mines Limited) using a CCBE made of low-sulfide tailings and non-acid generating waste rock. To achieve the objectives, samples of waste rock were collected from Bousquet waste rock pile and tailings from the ore concentration plant before being pumped to the tailings impoundment. Desulphurized tailings with less than 2% S were produced in order to construct a non-reactive CCBE. After the physical, chemical, mineralogical and hydrogeotechnical characterization of cover materials, laboratory physical models of CCBC in instrumented columns were performed. Three configurations were tested. The first two columns had a different waste rock grain size (0-20 mm and 0-50 mm) in their lower coarse layers, and the tailings were introduced at a high solid percent, approximatively 74% (simulating mechanical deposition). The third column also had waste rock with particle size 0-50 mm in its bottom coarse layer, but with tailings placed a lower solid percent, approximatively 55% (simulating hydraulic deposition). The particle size of the coarse waste rock in the top layers was set at 0-50 mm for all three columns. Several cycles of wetting drainage in the three columns were performed. The results of these laboratory investigations in terms of volumetric water content and suction profiles confirm the potential of non-acid generating waste rock to be used in the capillary break layers of CCBE. To assess the long-term performance, several scenarios of numerical modeling were performed using Vadose/W 2007 numerical codes, by Geoslope int. A variation of the depth of the water table and natural and extreme climatic conditions were considered in this parametric study. The results of these predictions confirmed the long-term effectiveness of covers with mine waste rock in capillary break layers. The effectiveness was evaluated in terms of oxygen flux at the interface between the moisture-retaining layer (MRL) and the bottom capillary break layer. Under natural and extreme climatic conditions (two months without infiltration), and a variation of the depth of the water table level from 2 to 6 m, cumulative oxygen flux over a one year period varied between 10.6 and 97.5 g/m 2/year. For extreme climatic conditions, and for the same variation of the depth of the water table, the oxygen flux varied between 14.3 and 117.9 g/m2/year. The highest oxygen flux (117 g/m2/year) was obtained for a water table depth of 6 m under extreme climatic conditions. The influence of the particle size contrast between the water retention layer and the bottom capillary break layer on the oxygen flux was further highlighted using relatively fine and coarse sand in the coarse bottom layer. The numerical modeling results obtained with the coarse sand were almost similar to those obtained with waste rock. In the absence of the strong contrast (when the relatively fine sand was used), the water retention layer was drained and the oxygen flux which reached at the bottom of this layer increased considerably. The water table depth, the grain size, and the hydraulic contrast between the MRL and the bottom capillary break layer (CBL) proved to be the key parameters of the simulated model. In field conditions, CCBE are often inclined, and that this inclination can affect the performance of the cover to control the migration of oxygen. 2D modeling was also performed. The numerical model was built to represent approximatively the case of one of the dams of LaRonde tailings impoundment. Preliminary results show that CCBE made entirely of mining materials are effective even when placed over slopes. The degree of saturation of the two slopes in the numerical model was higher than 85%. The influence of the slope has not significantly affected yet the performance of the cover for the model studied in this thesis. The cumulative oxygen flux over one year at the bottom of the MRL (for horizontal distance of 182 m of the numerical model) are 4031.3g (22.1 g/m2/year) and 4617.7g (25.3 g/m2/year) for natural and extreme climatic conditions respectively. This study confirms that waste rocks have good potential to be used as capillary break materials in the configuration of such CCBE. Thereby, it is suggested that the option of using only mining materials be included in the analysis of the optimal mode of mine reclamation. This project also suggests that good management of the tailings and waste rock produced during mining operations will provide the materials which could then be used to restore the site. More research is recommended to further investigate this reclamation option through field experimental cells. If further research validates the laboratory results at the intermediate scale, the use of mining materials would be considered as an effective option for CCBE used to control post-closure pollution. This scenario could reduce the construction costs while promoting the social acceptability of mining projects by reducing the use of natural soils.

  20. Connected vehicle applications : environment.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The U.S. Department of Transportation has developed a number of connected vehicle environmental applications, including the Applications for the Environment Real-Time Information Synthesis (AERIS) research program applications and road weather applic...

  1. NASA Application Team Program: Application of aerospace technology in biology and medicine

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The results of the medically related activities of the NASA Application Team Program in technology application for the reporting period September 1, 1972, to August 31, 1973 are reported. The accomplishments of the application team during the reporting period are as follows: The team has identified 39 new problems for investigation, has accomplished 7 technology applications, 4 potential technology applications, 2 impacts, has closed 38 old problems, and has a total of 59 problems under active investigation.

  2. Applications and Experiences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sacco, Giovanni Maria; Ferré, Sébastien

    This chapter discusses a number of real-world applications of dynamic taxonomies. Most current applications are object-seeking or knowledge-seeking exploratory tasks, and address important areas such as e-commerce, multimedia infobases, diagnostic systems, digital libraries and news systems, e-government, file systems, and geographical information systems. Applications in these areas are discussed in detail in the following, and applications in cultural heritage, art and architecture, e-recruitment, e-hrm, e-matchmaking, e-health, and e-learning are briefly reviewed.

  3. 21 CFR 314.105 - Approval of an application and an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA...) FDA will approve an application and issue the applicant an approval letter on the basis of draft... labeling changes exactly as directed, and upon the applicant submitting to FDA a copy of the final printed...

  4. 21 CFR 314.105 - Approval of an application and an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA...) FDA will approve an application and issue the applicant an approval letter on the basis of draft... labeling changes exactly as directed, and upon the applicant submitting to FDA a copy of the final printed...

  5. 21 CFR 314.105 - Approval of an application and an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA...) FDA will approve an application and issue the applicant an approval letter on the basis of draft... labeling changes exactly as directed, and upon the applicant submitting to FDA a copy of the final printed...

  6. 21 CFR 314.105 - Approval of an application and an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA...) FDA will approve an application and issue the applicant an approval letter on the basis of draft... labeling changes exactly as directed, and upon the applicant submitting to FDA a copy of the final printed...

  7. 21 CFR 314.105 - Approval of an application and an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA...) FDA will approve an application and issue the applicant an approval letter on the basis of draft... labeling changes exactly as directed, and upon the applicant submitting to FDA a copy of the final printed...

  8. Teaching Computer Applications.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lundgren, Carol A.; And Others

    This document, which is designed to provide classroom teachers at all levels with practical ideas for a computer applications course, examines curricular considerations, teaching strategies, delivery techniques, and assessment methods applicable to a course focusing on applications of computers in business. The guide is divided into three…

  9. 34 CFR 75.101 - Information in the application notice that helps an applicant apply.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 34 Education 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Information in the application notice that helps an... an application notice: (1) How an applicant can get an application package that contains: (i... program, an application notice for the program explains how an applicant can get the preapplication form...

  10. 34 CFR 75.101 - Information in the application notice that helps an applicant apply.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 34 Education 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Information in the application notice that helps an... an application notice: (1) How an applicant can get an application package that contains: (i... program, an application notice for the program explains how an applicant can get the preapplication form...

  11. 34 CFR 75.101 - Information in the application notice that helps an applicant apply.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 34 Education 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Information in the application notice that helps an... an application notice: (1) How an applicant can get an application package that contains: (i... program, an application notice for the program explains how an applicant can get the preapplication form...

  12. 34 CFR 75.101 - Information in the application notice that helps an applicant apply.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 34 Education 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Information in the application notice that helps an... an application notice: (1) How an applicant can get an application package that contains: (i... program, an application notice for the program explains how an applicant can get the preapplication form...

  13. 34 CFR 75.101 - Information in the application notice that helps an applicant apply.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 34 Education 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Information in the application notice that helps an... an application notice: (1) How an applicant can get an application package that contains: (i... program, an application notice for the program explains how an applicant can get the preapplication form...

  14. 24 CFR 232.505 - Application and application fee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Application and application fee. 232.505 Section 232.505 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development (Continued) OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MORTGAGE AND...

  15. 24 CFR 232.505 - Application and application fee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Application and application fee. 232.505 Section 232.505 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development (Continued) OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MORTGAGE AND...

  16. 24 CFR 232.505 - Application and application fee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Application and application fee. 232.505 Section 232.505 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development (Continued) OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MORTGAGE AND...

  17. 24 CFR 232.505 - Application and application fee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Application and application fee. 232.505 Section 232.505 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development (Continued) OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MORTGAGE AND...

  18. 24 CFR 232.505 - Application and application fee.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Application and application fee. 232.505 Section 232.505 Housing and Urban Development Regulations Relating to Housing and Urban Development (Continued) OFFICE OF ASSISTANT SECRETARY FOR HOUSING-FEDERAL HOUSING COMMISSIONER, DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT MORTGAGE AND...

  19. 40 CFR 194.15 - Content of compliance re-certification application(s).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 24 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Content of compliance re-certification...-certification Applications § 194.15 Content of compliance re-certification application(s). (a) In submitting...; (2) All additional monitoring data, analyses and results; (3) All additional analyses and results of...

  20. Admission Requirements to Canadian Faculties of Medicine and Their Selection Policies = Conditions d'Admission aux Facultes de Medecine Canadiennes et Leurs Politiques de Selection.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Association of Canadian Medical Colleges, Ottawa (Ontario).

    Information is presented to help applicants to Canadian medical colleges realistically assess their chances for gaining admission. The guide is also intended for career counselors in high schools and higher education. One section provides statistics on the following characteristics that are associated with being selected: sex, age, Medical College…

  1. Business Computer Applications.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oklahoma State Dept. of Education, Oklahoma City.

    Ideas and activities are provided for teaching computer skills and applications in business classes. Divided into sections on general applications, accounting applications, and word processing, this guide is designed as a supplement for the teacher when exposing students to the uses of computers in these areas. Most of the activities require the…


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Plants utilize carbon by partitioning the reduced carbon obtained through photosynthesis into different compartments and into different chemistries within a cell and subsequently allocating such carbon to sink tissues throughout the plant. Since the phytohormones auxin and cytokinin are known to influence sink strength in tissues such as roots (Skoog & Miller 1957, Nordstrom et al. 2004), we hypothesized that altering the expression of genes that regulate auxin-mediated (e.g., AUX/IAA or ARF transcription factors) or cytokinin-mediated (e.g., RR transcription factors) control of root growth and development would impact carbon allocation and partitioning belowground (Fig. 1 - Renewal Proposal). Specifically, themore » ARF, AUX/IAA and RR transcription factor gene families mediate the effects of the growth regulators auxin and cytokinin on cell expansion, cell division and differentiation into root primordia. Invertases (IVR), whose transcript abundance is enhanced by both auxin and cytokinin, are critical components of carbon movement and therefore of carbon allocation. Thus, we initiated comparative genomic studies to identify the AUX/IAA, ARF, RR and IVR gene families in the Populus genome that could impact carbon allocation and partitioning. Bioinformatics searches using Arabidopsis gene sequences as queries identified regions with high degrees of sequence similarities in the Populus genome. These Populus sequences formed the basis of our transgenic experiments. Transgenic modification of gene expression involving members of these gene families was hypothesized to have profound effects on carbon allocation and partitioning.« less

  3. 21 CFR 314.101 - Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.101 Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application. (a)(1) Within 60 days after FDA receives an...

  4. 21 CFR 314.101 - Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.101 Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application. (a)(1) Within 60 days after FDA receives an...

  5. 21 CFR 314.101 - Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.101 Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application. (a)(1) Within 60 days after FDA receives an...

  6. 21 CFR 314.101 - Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.101 Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application. (a)(1) Within 60 days after FDA receives an...

  7. 21 CFR 314.101 - Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.101 Filing an application and receiving an abbreviated new drug application. (a)(1) Within 60 days after FDA receives an...

  8. Electromagnetics and Electrothermal Approach to Evaluate Failures in Microelectronic Devices Caused by Electrostatic Discharges: Stochastical Aspects of the Device Reliability.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  9. Conference B.Bettelheim




    Le Dr.Bruno Bettelheim, psychologue américain, d'origine viennoise, a passé son doctorat en psychologie à l'université de Vienne. Il émigra aux Etats-Unis et enseigna la psychologie au Rockford College en Illinois et la psychologie de l'éducation à L'université de Chicago, où il dirigea également l'institut orthogénique Sonia-Shankman pour le traitement des enfants psychotiques. Cet homme a bouleversé la compréhension des relations parents et enfants en y introduisant la psychanalyse. Basé sur ses expériences aux Etats-Unis,il nous parle des changements dans la structure de la famille et ses conséquences pour la relation entre enfants et parents.

  10. Etude par émission acoustique de la dynamique des dislocations pendant la déformation cyclique de polycristaux d'aluminium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Slimani, A.; Fleischmann, P.; Fougères, R.


    The cyclic plasticity of 5N polycrystalline aluminium have been studied at room temperature by measuring the continuous acoustic emission (A.E.) due to dislocations movements in the metal. In this study, original data have been obtained in the understanding of continuous A.E. sources. In comparison with classical interpretation given in the literature, the fact that dislocations are arranged according to a dislocation cell structure from the first cycle has been included in the analysis of the results. From this, it has been shown that the amplitude of the A.E. signal is not directly connected with the plastic strain rate prescribed to the fatigue sample and that the probability density function of dislocation loops created during the cycling can be determined. La plasticité cyclique de l'AI 5N polycristallin a été étudiée à la température ambiante à partir de mesures d'émission acoustique continue (E.A.). L'application de la technique de l'E.A. nous a permis d'obtenir des données originales quant aux mécanismes sources d'E.A. Par rapport aux interprétations classiques de la littérature, nous avons fait intervenir le fait que, dès les premiers cycles, une structure cellulaire de dislocations est établie. Nous montrons que l'amplitude du signal d'E.A. n'est plus liée directement à la vitesse de déformation plastique macroscopique. A partir de cette donnée, l'analyse des résultats d'E.A. permet d'obtenir des informations sur la fonction distribution des boucles de dislocations créées au cours de la déformation cyclique.

  11. Graviresponse and its regulation from the aspect of molecular levels in higher plants: growth and development, and auxin polar transport in etiolated pea seedlings under microgravity.


    Miyamoto, Kensuke; Hoshino, Tomoki; Hitotsubashi, Reiko; Tanimoto, Eiichi; Ueda, Junichi


    In STS-95 space experiments we have demonstrated that microgravity conditions resulted in automorphosis in etiolated pea (Pisum sativum L. cv. Alaska) seedlings (Ueda et al. 1999). Automorphosis-like growth and development in etiolated pea seedlings were also induced under simulated microgravity conditions on a 3-dimensional (3-D) clinostat, epicotyls being the most oriented toward the direction far from the cotyledons. Detail analysis of epicotyl bending revealed that within 36 h after watering, no significant difference in growth direction of epicotyls was observed in between seedlings grown on the 3-D clinostat and under 1 g conditions, differential growth near the cotyledonary node resulting in epicotyl bending of ca. 45 degrees toward the direction far from the cotyledons. Thereafter epicotyls continued to grow almost straightly keeping this orientation on the 3-D clinostat. On the other hand, the growth direction in etiolated seedlings changed to antigravity direction by negative gravitropic response under 1 g conditions. Automorphological epicotyl bending was also phenocopied by the application of auxin polar transport inhibitors such as 9-hydroxyfluorene-9-carboxylic acid, N-(1-naphtyl)phthalamic acid and 2,3,5-triiodobenzoic acid. These results together with the fact that auxin polar transport activity in etiolated pea epicotyls was substantially reduced in space suggested that reduced auxin polar transport is closely related to automorphosis. Strenuous efforts to learn how gravity contributes to the auxin polar transport in etiolated pea epicotyls in molecular bases resulted in successful identification of PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 encoding putative auxin-efflux and influx carrier proteins, respectively. Based on the results of these gene expression under simulated microgravity conditions, a possible role of PsPIN2 and PsAUX1 genes for auxin polar transport in etiolated pea seedlings will be discussed.

  12. Sight Application Analysis Tool

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bronevetsky, G.


    The scale and complexity of scientific applications makes it very difficult to optimize, debug and extend them to support new capabilities. We have developed a tool that supports developers’ efforts to understand the logical flow of their applications and interactions between application components and hardware in a way that scales with application complexity and parallelism.

  13. 21 CFR 314.150 - Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.150 Withdrawal of approval of an... abbreviated application for a new drug on a finding that there is an imminent hazard to the public health. FDA...

  14. 21 CFR 314.150 - Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.150 Withdrawal of approval of an... abbreviated application for a new drug on a finding that there is an imminent hazard to the public health. FDA...

  15. 21 CFR 314.150 - Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.150 Withdrawal of approval of an... abbreviated application for a new drug on a finding that there is an imminent hazard to the public health. FDA...

  16. 21 CFR 314.150 - Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.150 Withdrawal of approval of an... abbreviated application for a new drug on a finding that there is an imminent hazard to the public health. FDA...

  17. 21 CFR 314.150 - Withdrawal of approval of an application or abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated Applications § 314.150 Withdrawal of approval of an... abbreviated application for a new drug on a finding that there is an imminent hazard to the public health. FDA...

  18. Rejected applications

    PubMed Central


    Objective: To review membership application materials (especially rejected applications) to the American Academy of Neurology (AAN) during its formative years (1947–1953). Methods: Detailed study of materials in the AAN Historical Collection. Results: The author identified 73 rejected applications. Rejected applicants (71 male, 2 female) lived in 25 states. The largest number was for the Associate membership category (49). These were individuals “in related fields who have made and are making contributions to the field of neurology.” By contrast, few applicants to Active membership or Fellowship status were rejected. The largest numbers of rejectees were neuropsychiatrists (19), neurosurgeons (16), and psychiatrists (14). Conclusion: The AAN, established in the late 1940s, was a small and politically vulnerable organization. A defining feature of the fledgling society was its inclusiveness; its membership was less restrictive than that of the older American Neurological Association. At the same time, the society needed to preserve its core as a neurologic society rather than one of psychiatry or neurosurgery. Hence, the balance between inclusiveness and exclusive identity was a difficult one to maintain. The Associate membership category, more than any other, was at the heart of this issue of self-definition. Associate members were largely practitioners of psychiatry or neurosurgery. Their membership was a source of consternation and was to be carefully been held in check during these critical formative years. PMID:24944256

  19. Application of Smart Solid State Sensor Technology in Aerospace Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hunter, Gary W.; Xu, Jennifer C.; Dungan, L.K.; Makel, D.; Ward, B.; Androjna, D.


    Aerospace applications require a range of chemical sensing technologies to monitor conditions in both space vehicles and aircraft operations. One example is the monitoring of oxygen. For example, monitoring of ambient oxygen (O2) levels is critical to ensuring the health, safety, and performance of humans living and working in space. Oxygen sensors can also be incorporated in detection systems to determine if hazardous leaks are occurring in space propulsion systems and storage facilities. In aeronautic applications, O2 detection has been investigated for fuel tank monitoring. However, as noted elsewhere, O2 is not the only species of interest in aerospace applications with a wide range of species of interest being relevant to understand an environmental or vehicle condition. These include combustion products such as CO, HF, HCN, and HCl, which are related to both the presence of a fire and monitoring of post-fire clean-up operations. This paper discusses the development of an electrochemical cell platform based on a polymer electrolyte, NAFION, and a three-electrode configuration. The approach has been to mature this basic platform for a range of applications and to test this system, combined with "Lick and Stick" electronics, for its viability to monitor an environment related to astronaut crew health and safety applications with an understanding that a broad range of applications can be addressed with a core technology.

  20. Development and Application of Microfabricated Chemical Gas Sensors For Aerospace Applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hunter, G. W.; Neudeck, P. G.; Fralick, G.; Thomas, V.; Liu, C. C.; Wu, Q. H.; Sawayda, M. S.; Jin, A.; Hammond, J.; Makel, D.; hide


    Aerospace applications require the development of chemical sensors with capabilities beyond those of commercially available sensors. In particular, factors such as minimal sensor size, weight, and power consumption are particularly important. Development areas which have potential aerospace applications include launch vehicle leak detection, engine health monitoring and control, and fire detection. Sensor development for these applications is based on progress in three types of technology: 1) Micromachining and microfabrication (Microsystem) technology to fabricate miniaturized sensors. 2) The use of nanocrystalline materials to develop sensors with improved stability combined with higher sensitivity. 3) The development of high temperature semiconductors, especially silicon carbide. Sensor development for each application involves its own challenges in the fields of materials science and fabrication technology. This paper discusses the needs of space applications and the point-contact sensor technology being developed to address these needs. Sensors to measure hydrogen, hydrocarbons, nitrogen oxides (Nox, carbon monoxide, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are being developed. A description is given of each sensor type and its present stage of development. Demonstration and application these sensor technologies will be described. The demonstrations range from use of a microsystem based hydrogen sensor on the Shuttle to engine demonstration of a nanocrystalline based sensor for NO, detection. It is concluded that microfabricated sensor technology has significant potential for use in a range of aerospace applications.

  1. BPPD Internal Application Checklists

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA, Office of Pesticide Programs, BPPD internal application checklists for internal guidance to assist BPPD employees in their evaluation of applications submitted to BPPD by applicants and/or registrants.

  2. Application Portable Parallel Library

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cole, Gary L.; Blech, Richard A.; Quealy, Angela; Townsend, Scott


    Application Portable Parallel Library (APPL) computer program is subroutine-based message-passing software library intended to provide consistent interface to variety of multiprocessor computers on market today. Minimizes effort needed to move application program from one computer to another. User develops application program once and then easily moves application program from parallel computer on which created to another parallel computer. ("Parallel computer" also include heterogeneous collection of networked computers). Written in C language with one FORTRAN 77 subroutine for UNIX-based computers and callable from application programs written in C language or FORTRAN 77.

  3. 29 CFR 1926.700 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Concrete and Masonry Construction § 1926.700 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart... from the hazards associated with concrete and masonry construction operations performed in workplaces... parts 1910 and 1926 apply to concrete and masonry construction operations. (b) Definitions applicable to...

  4. 29 CFR 1926.700 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Concrete and Masonry Construction § 1926.700 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart... from the hazards associated with concrete and masonry construction operations performed in workplaces... parts 1910 and 1926 apply to concrete and masonry construction operations. (b) Definitions applicable to...

  5. 29 CFR 1926.700 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Concrete and Masonry Construction § 1926.700 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart... from the hazards associated with concrete and masonry construction operations performed in workplaces... parts 1910 and 1926 apply to concrete and masonry construction operations. (b) Definitions applicable to...

  6. 29 CFR 1926.700 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Concrete and Masonry Construction § 1926.700 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart... from the hazards associated with concrete and masonry construction operations performed in workplaces... parts 1910 and 1926 apply to concrete and masonry construction operations. (b) Definitions applicable to...

  7. 29 CFR 1926.700 - Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Concrete and Masonry Construction § 1926.700 Scope, application, and definitions applicable to this subpart... from the hazards associated with concrete and masonry construction operations performed in workplaces... parts 1910 and 1926 apply to concrete and masonry construction operations. (b) Definitions applicable to...

  8. A novel system for commissioning brachytherapy applicators: example of a ring applicator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fonseca, Gabriel P.; Van den Bosch, Michiel R.; Voncken, Robert; Podesta, Mark; Verhaegen, Frank


    A novel system was developed to improve commissioning and quality assurance of brachytherapy applicators used in high dose rate (HDR). It employs an imaging panel to create reference images and to measure dwell times and dwell positions. As an example: two ring applicators of the same model were evaluated. An applicator was placed on the surface of an imaging panel and a HDR 192Ir source was positioned in an imaging channel above the panel to generate an image of the applicator, using the gamma photons of the brachytherapy source. The applicator projection image was overlaid with the images acquired by capturing the gamma photons emitted by the source dwelling inside the applicator. We verified 0.1, 0.2, 0.5 and 1.0 cm interdwell distances for different offsets, applicator inclinations and transfer tube curvatures. The data analysis was performed using in-house developed software capable of processing the data in real time, defining catheters and creating movies recording the irradiation procedure. One applicator showed up to 0.3 cm difference from the expected position for a specific dwell position. The problem appeared intermittently. The standard deviations of the remaining dwell positions (40 measurements) were less than 0.05 cm. The second ring applicator had a similar reproducibility with absolute coordinate differences from expected values ranging from  -0.10 up to 0.18 cm. The curvature of the transfer tube can lead to differences larger than 0.1 cm whilst the inclination of the applicator showed a negligible effect. The proposed method allows the verification of all steps of the irradiation, providing accurate information about dwell positions and dwell times. It allows the verification of small interdwell positions (⩽0.1 cm) and reduces measurement time. In addition, no additional radiation source is necessary since the HDR 192Ir source is used to generate an image of the applicator.

  9. 77 FR 5768 - Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of... before February 27, 2012. Address written comments to Statutory Import Programs Staff, Room 3720, U.S... the U.S. Department of Commerce in Room 3720. Docket Number: 11-072. Applicant: University of...

  10. Differentiation between Trichophyton mentagrophytes and T. rubrum by sorbitol assimilation.

    PubMed Central

    Rezusta, A; Rubio, M C; Alejandre, M C


    Trichophyton rubrum was easily differentiated from T. mentagrophytes by its ability to assimilate sorbitol with an API 20C AUX strip. One hundred percent of 36 T. rubrum strains and none of 147 T. mentagrophytes strains assimilated sorbitol. PMID:1993760

  11. Supplémentation préconceptionnelle en acide folique / multivitamines pour la prévention primaire et secondaire des anomalies du tube neural et d'autres anomalies congénitales sensibles à l'acide folique.


    Wilson, R Douglas


    Offrir des renseignements à jour sur l'utilisation pré et postconceptionnelle d'acide folique par voie orale, avec ou sans supplément de multivitamines / micronutriments, aux fins de la prévention des anomalies du tube neural et d'autres anomalies congénitales. Ces renseignements aideront les médecins, les sages-femmes, les infirmières et les autres professionnels de la santé à contribuer aux efforts de sensibilisation des femmes quant à l'utilisation et aux posologies adéquates de la supplémentation en acide folique / multivitamines, avant et pendant la grossesse. RéSULTATS: La littérature publiée a été récupérée par l'intermédiaire de recherches menées dans PubMed, Medline, CINAHL et la Cochrane Library en janvier 2011 au moyen d'un vocabulaire contrôlé et de mots clés appropriés (p. ex. « folic acid », « prenatal multivitamins », « folate sensitive birth defects », « congenital anomaly risk reduction », « pre-conception counselling »). Les résultats ont été restreints aux analyses systématiques, aux études observationnelles et aux essais comparatifs randomisés / essais cliniques comparatifs publiés en anglais entre 1985 et juin 2014. Les recherches ont été mises à jour de façon régulière et intégrées à la directive clinique jusqu'en juin 2014. La littérature grise (non publiée) a été identifiée par l'intermédiaire de recherches menées dans les sites Web d'organismes s'intéressant à l'évaluation des technologies dans le domaine de la santé et d'organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques, dans des registres d'essais cliniques, et auprès de sociétés de spécialité médicale nationales et internationales. COûTS, RISQUES ET AVANTAGES: Les coûts financiers sont ceux de la supplémentation quotidienne en vitamines et de la consommation d'un régime alimentaire santé enrichi en folate. Les risques sont ceux qui sont liés à une association signalée entre la suppl

  12. 49 CFR 256.11 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... execution and be signed by the Chief Executive Officer of the applicant or by the applicant, where the... TRANSPORTATION FINANCIAL ASSISTANCE FOR RAILROAD PASSENGER TERMINALS Regulations Governing Applications for and Disbursement of Financial Assistance § 256.11 Applications. (a) Incorporation by reference in application of...

  13. Creating affordable Internet map server applications for regional scale applications.


    Lembo, Arthur J; Wagenet, Linda P; Schusler, Tania; DeGloria, Stephen D


    This paper presents an overview and process for developing an Internet Map Server (IMS) application for a local volunteer watershed group using an Internal Internet Map Server (IIMS) strategy. The paper illustrates that modern GIS architectures utilizing an internal Internet map server coupled with a spatial SQL command language allow for rapid development of IMS applications. The implication of this approach means that powerful IMS applications can be rapidly and affordably developed for volunteer organizations that lack significant funds or a full time information technology staff.

  14. Les recommandations thérapeutiques relatives aux effets secondaires extrapyramidaux associés à l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Doja, Asif; Belanger, Stacey; Patten, Scott


    HISTORIQUE ET OBJECTIF : L’utilisation d’antipsychotiques augmente chez les enfants. Le présent article visait à orienter les cliniciens quant à la prise en charge clinique des effets secondaires extrapyramidaux des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les publications, les entrevues avec des informateurs clés et des échanges avec les membres d’un groupe de discussion et les partenaires ont permis de déterminer les principaux secteurs cliniques d’orientation et les préférences quant à la structure des présentes recommandations. Les membres responsables des lignes directrices ont reçu le projet de recommandations, ont évalué l’information recueillie grâce à une analyse bibliographique systématique et ont utilisé un processus de groupe nominal pour parvenir à un consensus quant aux recommandations thérapeutiques. Les lignes directrices contiennent une description des anomalies neurologiques souvent observées avec l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques ainsi que les recommandations sur le moyen d’examiner et de quantifier ces anomalies. Une démarche séquentielle sur la prise en charge des anomalies neurologiques est présentée. RÉSULTATS : On peut observer plusieurs types de symptômes extrapyramidaux attribuables à l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques chez les enfants, y compris la dystonie aiguë, l’akathisie, le parkinsonisme et la dyskinésie tardive, toutes induites par les neuroleptiques, de même que la dystonie tardive, l’akathisie tardive et les dyskinésies de sevrage. La forte majorité des données probantes sur le traitement des troubles du mouvement induits par les antipsychotiques proviennent de patients adultes atteints de schizophrénie. Étant donné le peu de données pédiatriques, les recommandations découlent de publications portant tant sur des adultes que sur des enfants. Compte tenu des limites de généralisation des données provenant de sujets adultes pour des enfants, il

  15. Commercial applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Togai, Masaki


    Viewgraphs on commercial applications of fuzzy logic in Japan are presented. Topics covered include: suitable application area of fuzzy theory; characteristics of fuzzy control; fuzzy closed-loop controller; Mitsubishi heavy air conditioner; predictive fuzzy control; the Sendai subway system; automatic transmission; fuzzy logic-based command system for antilock braking system; fuzzy feed-forward controller; and fuzzy auto-tuning system.

  16. Prise en charge en cabinet des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Garcia-Rodriguez, Juan Antonio; Thomas, Roger E.


    Résumé Objectif Fournir aux médecins de famille de l’information à jour, pratique et factuelle sur les lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères et les commotions cérébrales dans la population pédiatrique. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée dans MEDLINE (de 1950 à février 2013), la base de données des revues systématiques Cochrane (de 2005 à 2013), le registre central Cochrane des essais contrôlés (de 2005 à 2013) et DARE (2005 à 2013) à l’aide de mots-clés liés aux commotions cérébrales et aux traumatismes crâniens. Des lignes directrices, énoncés de position, articles et rapports de recherche originaux pertinents aux lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères ont été sélectionnés. Message principal Le traumatisme est la cause principale de décès chez les enfants de plus d’un an et, dans ce groupe, le traumatisme crânien est la cause la plus fréquente d’incapacité et de décès. Neuf pour cent des blessures sportives rapportées chez les élèves du secondaire sont associées à une lésion cérébrale traumatique légère. Les médecins de famille doivent effectuer une anamnèse ciblée et un examen physique et neurologique, utiliser les instruments d’évaluation standardisés (Échelle de Glasgow; Outil d’évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport, version 3; version pédiatrique de l’Outil d’évaluation des commotions cérébrales dans le sport; et échelle BESS [Balance Error Scoring System]), expliquer aux parents comment surveiller leurs enfants, décider des circonstances où les soignants ne sont pas une ressource dûment responsable, faire un suivi prompt auprès des patients, guider le retour sécuritaire au jeu ou à l’école et décider dans quelles circonstances un test neuropsychologique est nécessaire au suivi à long terme. Conclusion La prise en charge par le médecin de famille des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères chez les enfants repose sur une

  17. Application Layer Multicast

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Allani, Mouna; Garbinato, Benoît; Pedone, Fernando

    An increasing number of Peer-to-Peer (P2P) Internet applications rely today on data dissemination as their cornerstone, e.g., audio or video streaming, multi-party games. These applications typically depend on some support for multicast communication, where peers interested in a given data stream can join a corresponding multicast group. As a consequence, the efficiency, scalability, and reliability guarantees of these applications are tightly coupled with that of the underlying multicast mechanism.


    PubMed Central

    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Giguere, Rebecca; Dolezal, Curtis; Bauermeister, José; Leu, Cheng-Shiun; Valladares, Juan; Rohan, Lisa C.; Anton, Peter A.; Cranston, Ross D.; Febo, Irma; Mayer, Kenneth; McGowan, Ian


    An applicator designed for rectal delivery of microbicides was tested for acceptability by 95 young men who have sex with men, who self-administered 4mL of placebo gel prior to receptive anal intercourse over 90 days. Subsequently, 24 of the participants self-administered rectally 4mL of tenofovir or placebo gel over 7 days using a vaginal applicator, and compared both applicators on a Likert scale of 1–10, with 10 the highest rating. Participants reported high likelihood to use either applicator in the future (mean scores 9.3 and 8.8 respectively, p= ns). Those who tested both liked the vaginal applicator significantly more than the rectal applicator (7.8 vs. 5.2, p=0.003). Improvements in portability, conspicuousness, aesthetics, tip comfort, product assembly and packaging were suggested for both. This rectal-specific applicator was not superior to a vaginal applicator. While likelihood of future use is reportedly high, factors that decrease acceptability may erode product use over time in clinical trials. Further attention is needed to develop user-friendly, quick-acting rectal microbicide delivery systems. PMID:24858481

  19. 31 CFR 501.808 - License application and other procedures applicable to economic sanctions programs.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... procedures applicable to economic sanctions programs. 501.808 Section 501.808 Money and Finance: Treasury... procedures applicable to economic sanctions programs. Upon submission to the Office of Management and Budget..., the license application and other procedures set forth in this subpart are applicable to economic...

  20. OCT for industrial applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Song, Guiju; Harding, Kevin


    Optical coherence tomography (OCT), as an interferometric method, has been studied as a distance ranger. As a technology capable of producing high-resolution, depth-resolved images of biological tissue, OCT had been widely used for the application of ophthalmology and has been commercialized in the market today. Enlightened by the emerging research interest in biomedical domain, the applications of OCT in industrial inspection were rejuvenated by a few groups to explore its potential for characterizing new materials, imaging or inspecting industrial parts as a service solution[3]. Benefiting from novel photonics components and devices, the industrial application of the older concepts in OCT can be re-visited with respect to the unique performance and availability. Commercial OCT developers such as Michelson Diagnostics (MDL; Orpington, U.K.) and Thorlabs (Newton, NJ) are actively exploring the application of OCT to industrial applications and they have outlined meaningful path toward the metrology application in emerging industry[3]. In this chapter, we will introduce the fundamental concepts of OCT and discuss its current and potential industrial applications.

  1. 21 CFR 314.99 - Other responsibilities of an applicant of an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW... abbreviated application. (b) An applicant may ask FDA to waive under this section any requirement that applies...

  2. 21 CFR 314.99 - Other responsibilities of an applicant of an abbreviated application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) DRUGS FOR HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW... abbreviated application. (b) An applicant may ask FDA to waive under this section any requirement that applies...

  3. 38 CFR 77.4 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... grant application package, as described in the NOFA. (b) Renewal application. After receiving an initial... evaluations of renewal applications rely on performance data related to the initial grant, the application and...

  4. Anomalous dielectric relaxation in lithium-potassium tantalate crystals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doussineau, P.; Farssi, Y.; Frénois, C.; Levelut, A.; Toulouse, J.; Ziolkiewicz, S.


    In order to describe the unusual dielectric properties observed in Ki{1-χ}Li{χ}TaO3. crystals a new approchh is proposed. The dynamical Glauber theory, previously applied to spinglasses, is modifiéd by the introduction of the spectral distribution of the random interactions between the dipoles associated with the Li+ ions. Moreover, the dipole corrélations are taken into account by the Onsager réaction field. As a result, the calculated dielectric constant reproduces well the unusual features of the Argand diagrams and, in particular, their finite slope at low frequencies and infinite slope at high frequencies (strophoidal shape). The temperature dépendance of some parameters shows, however, the limits of a spin-glass type model in describing the collective behaviour of randomly distributed dipoles in a highly polarizable medium. Une nouvelle approche est présentée qui permet de décrire les propriétés diélectriques particulières de cristaux mixtes de Ki{1-χ}Li{χ}TaO3. Elle s'appuie sur la théorie dynamique de Glauber, déjà utilisée pour les verres de spins, et modifiée par l'introduction d'une distribution spectrale spécifique aux interactions aléatoires des dipôles électriques associés aux ions Li+. En outre, les corrélations entre dipôles sont prises en compte par le champ de réaction d'Onsager. II s'ensuit que la constante diélectrique complexe ainsi calculée reproduit fidèlement les particularités des diagrammes d'Argand, telles que la pente finie aux basses fréquences et la pente infinie aux hautes fréquences (forme strophoïdale). La dépendance en température de certains paramètres déterminés par le calcul montre les limites de l'analogie avec les verres de spins et met en évidence le rôle d'un réseau très polarisable dans le comportement collectif d'une assemblée de dipôles électriques.

  5. Conduite automobile et démence

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Linda; Molnar, Frank


    Résumé Objectif Fournir aux médecins de première ligne une approche relative aux préoccupations de sécurité au volant lorsque les personnes âgées présentent des troubles de mémoire. Sources d’information L’approche est fondée sur un programme de formation agréé des cliniques de la mémoire, élaboré par la clinique de la mémoire du Centre for Family Medicine. Message principal L’un des aspects les plus difficiles des soins aux personnes atteintes de démence est l’évaluation de la sécurité au volant. Les conducteurs atteints de démence présentent un risque plus élevé de collisions, quoique de nombreux conducteurs dont l’atteinte est légère soient aptes à conduire pendant encore plusieurs années. Puisque l’aptitude à conduire dépend de multiples compétences cognitives et fonctionnelles, de nombreux facteurs entrent en jeu lorsque les cliniciens déterminent si les sujets de préoccupation en matière de cognition se répercutent sur l’aptitude à conduire. Les observations spécifiques tirées de l’anamnèse corroborée et des tests cognitifs effectués en cabinet pourraient aider le médecin à décider s’il doit recommander le patient à un examen pratique complet et aviser les autorités provinciales du transport, conformément aux exigences en matière de déclarations. La communication doit être axée sur le patient et menée avec tact. Conclusion Les médecins de première ligne doivent tenir compte de plusieurs facteurs lorsqu’ils déterminent si les sujets de leurs préoccupations en matière de cognition pourraient se répercuter sur l’aptitude des conducteurs âgés à prendre le volant. PMID:28115452

  6. 10 CFR 72.28 - Contents of application: Applicant's technical qualifications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Contents of application: Applicant's technical qualifications. 72.28 Section 72.28 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) LICENSING REQUIREMENTS FOR THE INDEPENDENT STORAGE OF SPENT NUCLEAR FUEL, HIGH-LEVEL RADIOACTIVE WASTE, AND REACTOR-RELATED...

  7. Tools for distributed application management

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Marzullo, Keith; Cooper, Robert; Wood, Mark; Birman, Kenneth P.


    Distributed application management consists of monitoring and controlling an application as it executes in a distributed environment. It encompasses such activities as configuration, initialization, performance monitoring, resource scheduling, and failure response. The Meta system (a collection of tools for constructing distributed application management software) is described. Meta provides the mechanism, while the programmer specifies the policy for application management. The policy is manifested as a control program which is a soft real-time reactive program. The underlying application is instrumented with a variety of built-in and user-defined sensors and actuators. These define the interface between the control program and the application. The control program also has access to a database describing the structure of the application and the characteristics of its environment. Some of the more difficult problems for application management occur when preexisting, nondistributed programs are integrated into a distributed application for which they may not have been intended. Meta allows management functions to be retrofitted to such programs with a minimum of effort.

  8. morphogen: Translation into Morphologically Rich Languages with Synthetic Phrases

    DTIC Science & Technology


    specific trans - lation phrases. These “synthetic phrases” augment the standard translation grammars and decoding proceeds normally with a standard...Genitive case grandparent(poss) Hebrew Suffix ים ( masculine plural) parent=NNS after=NNS Prefix א (first person sing. + future) child(nsubj)=I child(aux

  9. EPA Geospatial Applications

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA has developed many applications that allow users to explore and interact with geospatial data. This page highlights some of the flagship geospatial web applications but these represent only a fraction of the total.

  10. BOREAS TE-10 Leaf Optical Properties

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hall, Forrest G. (Editor); Papagno, Andrea (Editor); Chan, Stephen S.; Middleton, Elizabeth


    The Boreal Ecosystem-Atmospheric Study (BOREAS) TE-10 (Terrestrial Ecology) team collected several data sets in support of its efforts to characterize and interpret information on the reflectance, transmittance, gas exchange, oxygen evolution, and biochemical properties of boreal vegetation. This data set describes the spectral optical properties (reflectance and transmittance) of boreal forest conifers and broadleaf tree leaves as measured with a Spectron Engineering SE590 spectroradiometer at the Southern Study Area Old Black Spruce (SSA OBS), Old Jack Pine (OJP), Young Jack Pine (YJP), Old Aspen (OA), Old Aspen Auxiliary (OA-AUX), Young Aspen Auxiliary (YA-AUX), and Young Aspen (YA) sites. The data were collected during the growing seasons of 1994 and 1996 and are stored in tabular ASCII files. The data files are available on a CD-ROM (see document number 20010000884), or from the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) Distributed Active Archive Center (DAAC).

  11. Dégénérescence Maculaire Liée à l' âge et Risque d' Accident Vasculaire Cérébral

    PubMed Central

    Biousse, Valérie; Bousser, Marie-Germaine; Gaudric, Alain


    La dégénérescence maculaire liée à l' âge (DMLA) et les accidents vasculaires cérébraux (AVC) affectent un nombre important de sujets de plus de 40 ans à travers le monde et contribuent largement aux dépenses de la santé. Les causes de la DMLA restent mystérieuses et de nombreuses études épidémiologiques ont suggéré une association entre DMLA et facteurs de risque cardio-vasculaire associés aux AVC. Il a également été suggéré que les patients atteints de DMLA ont un risque plus important d' AVC que la population générale du même âge. Les arguments en faveur de cette association entre DMLA et AVC sont résumés dans cet article. PMID:18401309

  12. Stirling engine application study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Teagan, W. P.; Cunningham, D.


    A range of potential applications for Stirling engines in the power range from 0.5 to 5000 hp is surveyed. Over one hundred such engine applications are grouped into a small number of classes (10), with the application in each class having a high degree of commonality in technical performance and cost requirements. A review of conventional engines (usually spark ignition or Diesel) was then undertaken to determine the degree to which commercial engine practice now serves the needs of the application classes and to detemine the nature of the competition faced by a new engine system. In each application class the Stirling engine was compared to the conventional engines, assuming that objectives of ongoing Stirling engine development programs are met. This ranking process indicated that Stirling engines showed potential for use in all application classes except very light duty applications (lawn mowers, etc.). However, this potential is contingent on demonstrating much greater operating life and reliability than has been demonstrated to date by developmental Stirling engine systems. This implies that future program initiatives in developing Stirling engine systems should give more emphasis to life and reliability issues than has been the case in ongoing programs.

  13. Effet de l'usinage sur les proprietes mecaniques en tension et controle non-destructif des materiaux composites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Genereux, Louis-Alexandre

    The main goal of this work is to evaluate the impact of milling operations on the integrity of unidirectional carbon/epoxy laminate. Milling, often used for finishing composite structures, cause some damage in the form of craters, cracks and thermal damage to the matrix. Here, two approaches are used to qualify and quantify the amount of damage. First, two nondestructive testing methods, namely immersion ultrasonic inspection and pulsed thermography, are evaluated on samples with artificial defects. These techniques are then used on machined samples with realistic machining damages. Only ultrasounds allowed the detection and quantification of the machining damages, but only if the damages are at the surface of the laminate. The depth of damage depends primarily on the fiber orientation of the first ply with respect to the cutting direction. The ultrasonic inspections are also accompanied by scanning electron microscope observations. The second approach is to check whether the presence of the machining damage will affect the mechanical properties of the laminate. To do this, static tensile tests are performed on samples prepared by three different methods, namely, by abrasive diamond saw, by saw cut followed by sanding and finally by milling. The results show that the damages caused by the milling operation are not important enough to affect the ultimate stress and elastic modulus. Despite this, it would be interesting, for future works, to investigate this aspect in fatigue rather than with static tests. The presence of damages on the edge might promote delamination during cyclic loads.

  14. Short-Crack Growth Behaviour in Various Aircraft Materials (Le Developpement des Petites Fissures dans Divers Materiaux Aeronautiques)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    precipitated aluna tha grain boundaries are the E phase (AI2Cu). 434._Steel- The steel specimens were manufactured from a single AISI 4340 steel plate, 9.5...crack behaviour on several materails such as aluminum alloys (3-6], steels (7,8], titanium alloys (9,10], aluminum-lithium alloys (11,12], copper ... phase are. describe~d In this report. All materials exhibited a "short-crack" effcct to somec extent. Thie effect was much less evident in 4340 steel

  15. Tools for distributed application management

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Marzullo, Keith; Wood, Mark; Cooper, Robert; Birman, Kenneth P.


    Distributed application management consists of monitoring and controlling an application as it executes in a distributed environment. It encompasses such activities as configuration, initialization, performance monitoring, resource scheduling, and failure response. The Meta system is described: a collection of tools for constructing distributed application management software. Meta provides the mechanism, while the programmer specifies the policy for application management. The policy is manifested as a control program which is a soft real time reactive program. The underlying application is instrumented with a variety of built-in and user defined sensors and actuators. These define the interface between the control program and the application. The control program also has access to a database describing the structure of the application and the characteristics of its environment. Some of the more difficult problems for application management occur when pre-existing, nondistributed programs are integrated into a distributed application for which they may not have been intended. Meta allows management functions to be retrofitted to such programs with a minimum of effort.

  16. 45 CFR 2400.10 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Application. 2400.10 Section 2400.10 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Application § 2400.10 Application. Eligible applicants for fellowships must...

  17. 45 CFR 2400.10 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Application. 2400.10 Section 2400.10 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Application § 2400.10 Application. Eligible applicants for fellowships must...

  18. 45 CFR 2400.10 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Application. 2400.10 Section 2400.10 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Application § 2400.10 Application. Eligible applicants for fellowships must...

  19. 45 CFR 2400.10 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Application. 2400.10 Section 2400.10 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Application § 2400.10 Application. Eligible applicants for fellowships must...

  20. 45 CFR 2400.10 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application. 2400.10 Section 2400.10 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) JAMES MADISON MEMORIAL FELLOWSHIP FOUNDATION FELLOWSHIP PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS Application § 2400.10 Application. Eligible applicants for fellowships must...

  1. 32 CFR 724.113 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 32 National Defense 5 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Application. 724.113 Section 724.113 National... Definitions § 724.113 Application. In the context of this Manual, a written application to the NDRB for the... must be used for the application. ...

  2. Parts application handbook study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The requirements for a NASA application handbook for standard electronic parts are determined and defined. This study concentrated on identifying in detail the type of information that designers and parts engineers need and expect in a parts application handbook for the effective application of standard parts on NASA projects.

  3. Using SAHRIS a web-based application for creating heritage cases and permit applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mlungwana, N.


    Since the inception of the South African Heritage Resources Information System (SAHRIS) in 2012, creating heritage cases and permit applications has been streamlined, and interaction with South African Heritage Authorities has been simplified. SAHRIS facilitates applications for development cases and mining applications that trigger the South African National Heritage Resources Act (Act 25 of 1999) and is able to differentiate between cases that require comment only, where the heritage process is subsidiary to environmental or mining law (Section 38(8)), and those where the heritage authority is the deciding authority (Section 38(1)). The system further facilitates cases related to site and object management, as well as permit applications for excavation, invasive research techniques and export of materials for research abroad in the case of archaeological or palaeontological specimens, or for sale or exhibition in the case of heritage objects. The integrated, easy to use, online system has removed the need for applicants to print out forms, take documents from one government department to the next for approval and other time-consuming processes that accompany paper-based systems. SAHRIS is a user friendly application that makes it easy for applicants to make their submissions, but also allows applicants to track the progress of their cases with the relevant heritage authority, which allows for better response rates and turnaround times from the authorities, while also ensuring transparency and good governance practice.

  4. Comprehensive Analysis of the Soybean (Glycine max) GmLAX Auxin Transporter Gene Family

    PubMed Central

    Chai, Chenglin; Wang, Yongqin; Valliyodan, Babu; Nguyen, Henry T.


    The phytohormone auxin plays a critical role in regulation of plant growth and development as well as plant responses to abiotic stresses. This is mainly achieved through its uneven distribution in plant via a polar auxin transport process. Auxin transporters are major players in polar auxin transport. The AUXIN RESISTENT 1/LIKE AUX1 (AUX/LAX) auxin influx carriers belong to the amino acid permease family of proton-driven transporters and function in the uptake of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA). In this study, genome-wide comprehensive analysis of the soybean AUX/LAX (GmLAX) gene family, including phylogenic relationships, chromosome localization, and gene structure, was carried out. A total of 15 GmLAX genes, including seven duplicated gene pairs, were identified in the soybean genome. They were distributed on 10 chromosomes. Despite their higher percentage identities at the protein level, GmLAXs exhibited versatile tissue-specific expression patterns, indicating coordinated functioning during plant growth and development. Most GmLAXs were responsive to drought and dehydration stresses and auxin and abscisic acid (ABA) stimuli, in a tissue- and/or time point- sensitive mode. Several GmLAX members were involved in responding to salt stress. Sequence analysis revealed that promoters of GmLAXs contained different combinations of stress-related cis-regulatory elements. These studies suggest that the soybean GmLAXs were under control of a very complex regulatory network, responding to various internal and external signals. This study helps to identity candidate GmLAXs for further analysis of their roles in soybean development and adaption to adverse environments. PMID:27014306

  5. Microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau : faisabilité et intérêt pour la biologie d'un instrument de laboratoire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adam, J. F.; Moy, J. P.


    La biologie étudie des structures ou des phénomènes sub-cellulaires. Pour cela la microscopie est la technique d'observation privilégiée. La résolution spatiale de la microscopie optique s'avère bien souvent insuffisante pour de telles observations. Les techniques plus résolvantes, comme la microscopie électronique par transmission sont souvent destructrices et d'une complexité peu adaptée aux besoins des biologistes. La microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau permet l'imagerie rapide de cellules dans leur milieu naturel, nécessite peu de préparation et offre des résolutions de quelques dizaines de nanomètres. De plus, il existe un bon contraste naturel entre les structures carbonées (protéines, lipides) et l'eau. Actuellement cette technique est limitée aux centres de rayonnement synchrotron, ce qui impose une planification et des déplacements incompatibles avec les besoins de la biologie. Un tel microscope fonctionnant avec uns source de laboratoire serait d'une grande utilité. Ce document présente un état de l'art de la microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau. Un cahier des charges détaillé pour un appareil de laboratoire ayant les performances optiques requises par les biologistes est présenté et confronté aux microscopes X de laboratoire déjà existants. Des solutions concernant la source et les optiques sont également discutées.

  6. Application du concept de maillon faible à un critère d'endurance multiaxial

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flacelière, L.; Morel, F.; Palin-Luc, T.


    En fatigue à grand nombre de cycle, il est aujourd'hui admis que la distribution des contraintes, ainsi que la taille des composants, sont responsables de variations de la limite de fatigue. Sous chargement uniaxial ou multiaxial, on peut montrer qu'une approche statistique dite du maillon le plus faible, combiné à un critère multiaxial d'endurance basé sur une analyse micro plastique, permet de prédire la limite de fatigue de plusieurs matériaux métalliques. Quatre types de chargement sont analysés (traction-compression, torsion, flexion rotative et flexion plane), puis comparées aux résultats expérimentaux, pour une fonte et deux aciers haute résistance. L'approche statistique proposée permet d'intégrer un certain nombre d'aspects: la dispersion des données pour tous types de chargement, l'effet de gradient et l'influence de la présence de défauts matériaux. Enfin, ce modèle rend également compte de la diminution de la limite de fatigue avec l'augmentation du volume contraint. Les prédictions des probabilités de rupture sont raisonnables bien que seules des limites de fatigue relatives à des probabilités de rupture de 50% soient utilisées pour l'identification des paramètres du modèle.

  7. 49 CFR 1100.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 1100-1129, Rules of General Applicability, establish general rules applicable to all types of proceedings. Other rules in this subchapter establish special rules applicable to particular types of proceedings. When there is a conflict or inconsistency between a rule of general applicability and a special...

  8. 14 CFR 21.435 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... station certificate number held by the repair station applicant, and the current ratings covered by the... PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Designated Alteration Station Authorization Procedures § 21.435 Application. (a) An applicant for a Designated Alteration Station authorization must submit an application, in...

  9. 14 CFR 21.435 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... station certificate number held by the repair station applicant, and the current ratings covered by the... PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Designated Alteration Station Authorization Procedures § 21.435 Application. (a) An applicant for a Designated Alteration Station authorization must submit an application, in...

  10. 24 CFR 941.301 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 4 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Application. 941.301 Section 941... PUBLIC HOUSING DEVELOPMENT Application and Proposal § 941.301 Application. If funding is made available for public housing development, HUD will provide information about fund allocation, application...

  11. Profil comparatif et évolutif des personnes infectées par le virus de l'immunodéficience humaine traitées aux antirétroviraux à Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Koy, Tshingani; Mukumbi, Henri; Malandala, Ghislain Lubangi Muteba; Donnen, Philippe; Wilmet–Dramaix, Michèle


    Introduction A trithérapie (ARV) introduite en R.D.Congo en 1996, a permis l′amélioration substantielle de la qualité de vie des PVVIH et a réduit la morbimortalité liée au sida en R.D. Congo. L'objectif de cette étude est de présenter le profil épidémiologique comparatif, clinique, ainsi que l’évolution anthropométrique des PVVIH sous ARV à Kinshasa. Méthodes Etude de cohorte sur 438 PVVIH, de 18 ans et plus, suivies entre mai 2010 à 2011 à Amo Congo à Kinshasa. Une comparaison a été faite entre les patients suivis pendant un an et ceux perdus de vue. Le Chi carré de Mc Nemar et l'analyse de variance pour mesures répétées ont été appliqués pour étudier l’évolution. Résultats Près 12 mois de suivi, 11,4% de patients ont été perdus de vue. Parmi eux, on observait des proportions significativement plus élevées de personnes de niveau socioéconomique bas, d'indice de masse corporelle (IMC) bas, présentant de l'anorexie, des affections opportunistes. Les proportions de patients aux stades OMS 3 & 4 et naïfs étaient également significativement plus élevées et la durée sous ARV plus courte. Les gains moyens des paramètres anthropométriques au 12ème mois, étaient importants: de 3,6 [3,2 - 4,0] kg pour le poids, 1,8 (1,4 - 2,3) cm pour le périmètre abdominal, 0,9 (0,8 - 1,2) cm pour le périmètre brachial, 1,4 (1,2 - 1,5) kg/m2 pour l'IMC. La proportion de patients avec un IMC <18,5 kg/m2 a significativement plus baissé entre l'admission et le 12ème mois parmi les patients sans stomatite que parmi ceux avec stomatite. L'IMC moyen évoluait significativement différemment entre l'admission et le 12ème mois selon l’âge et la taille de ménage. Conclusion Les facteurs fragilisant la rétention des patients sous antirétroviraux et une évolution progressive de l’état nutritionnel ont été observés. PMID:25995784

  12. Current status of postnatal depression smartphone applications available on application stores: an information quality analysis.


    Zhang, Melvyn Wb; Ho, Roger Cm; Loh, Alvona; Wing, Tracey; Wynne, Olivia; Chan, Sally Wai Chi; Car, Josip; Fung, Daniel Shuen Sheng


    It is the aim of the current research to identify some common functionalities of postnatal application, and to determine the quality of the information content of postnatal depression application using validated scales that have been applied for applications in other specialties. To determine the information quality of the postnatal depression smartphone applications, the two most widely used smartphone application stores, namely Apple iTunes as well as Google Android Play store, were searched between 20May and 31 May. No participants were involved. The inclusion criteria for the application were that it must have been searchable using the keywords 'postnatal', 'pregnancy', 'perinatal', 'postpartum' and 'depression', and must be in English language. The Silberg Scale was used in the assessment of the information quality of the smartphone applications. The information quality score was the primary outcome measure. Our current results highlighted that while there is currently a myriad of applications, only 14 applications are specifically focused on postnatal depression. In addition, the majority of the currently available applications on the store have only disclosed their last date of modification as well as ownership. There remain very limited disclosures about the information of the authors, as well as the references for the information included in the application itself. The average score for the Silberg Scale for the postnatal applications we have analysed is 3.0. There remains a need for healthcare professionals and developers to jointly conceptualise new applications with better information quality and evidence base. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is permitted unless otherwise expressly granted.

  13. 38 CFR 17.254 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ..., assurances, and supporting documents: (a) To specify amount. Each application shall show the amount of the..., and amounts or expenses which will be borne by the applicant, and (e) To include assurance records will be kept. Each application shall include sufficient assurances that the applicant shall keep...

  14. JTS and its Application in Environmental Protection Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Atanassov, Emanouil; Gurov, Todor; Slavov, Dimitar; Ivanovska, Sofiya; Karaivanova, Aneta


    The environmental protection was identified as a domain of high interest for South East Europe, addressing practical problems related to security and quality of life. The gridification of the Bulgarian applications MCSAES (Monte Carlo Sensitivity Analysis for Environmental Studies) which aims to develop an efficient Grid implementation of a sensitivity analysis of the Danish Eulerian Model), MSACM (Multi-Scale Atmospheric Composition Modeling) which aims to produce an integrated, multi-scale Balkan region oriented modelling system, able to interface the scales of the problem from emissions on the urban scale to their transport and transformation on the local and regional scales), MSERRHSA (Modeling System for Emergency Response to the Release of Harmful Substances in the Atmosphere) which aims to develop and deploy a modeling system for emergency response to the release of harmful substances in the atmosphere, targeted at the SEE and more specifically Balkan region) faces several challenges: These applications are resource intensive, in terms of both CPU utilization and data transfers and storage. The use of applications for operational purposes poses requirements for availability of resources, which are difficult to be met on a dynamically changing Grid environment. The validation of applications is resource intensive and time consuming. The successful resolution of these problems requires collaborative work and support from part of the infrastructure operators. However, the infrastructure operators are interested to avoid underutilization of resources. That is why we developed the Job Track Service and tested it during the development of the grid implementations of MCSAES, MSACM and MSERRHSA. The Job Track Service (JTS) is a grid middleware component which facilitates the provision of Quality of Service in grid infrastructures using gLite middleware like EGEE and SEEGRID. The service is based on messaging middleware and uses standart protocols like AMQP (Advanced

  15. 30 CFR Appendix to Part 553 - List of U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...; Three Mile Bay; Tigre Lagoon; Timbalier Island; Triumph; Venice; Weeks; West of Johnson Bayou; Western... Islands; Tivoli SE; Turtle Bay; Umbrella Point; Virginia Point; West of Johnson Bayou; Whites Ranch...; Hollingers Island; Isle Aux Herbes; Kreole; Lillian; Little Dauphin Island; Little Point Clear; Magnolia...

  16. 30 CFR Appendix to Part 553 - List of U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...; Three Mile Bay; Tigre Lagoon; Timbalier Island; Triumph; Venice; Weeks; West of Johnson Bayou; Western... Islands; Tivoli SE; Turtle Bay; Umbrella Point; Virginia Point; West of Johnson Bayou; Whites Ranch...; Hollingers Island; Isle Aux Herbes; Kreole; Lillian; Little Dauphin Island; Little Point Clear; Magnolia...

  17. 30 CFR Appendix to Part 553 - List of U.S. Geological Survey Topographic Maps

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...; Three Mile Bay; Tigre Lagoon; Timbalier Island; Triumph; Venice; Weeks; West of Johnson Bayou; Western... Islands; Tivoli SE; Turtle Bay; Umbrella Point; Virginia Point; West of Johnson Bayou; Whites Ranch...; Hollingers Island; Isle Aux Herbes; Kreole; Lillian; Little Dauphin Island; Little Point Clear; Magnolia...

  18. 10 CFR 725.11 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... ENERGY PERMITS FOR ACCESS TO RESTRICTED DATA Applications § 725.11 Applications. (a) Any person desiring access to Restricted Data pursuant to this part should submit an application (Form 378), in triplicate... access to Restricted Data for use in the performance of his duties as an employee, the application for an...

  19. 10 CFR 725.11 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... ENERGY PERMITS FOR ACCESS TO RESTRICTED DATA Applications § 725.11 Applications. (a) Any person desiring access to Restricted Data pursuant to this part should submit an application (Form 378), in triplicate... access to Restricted Data for use in the performance of his duties as an employee, the application for an...

  20. 10 CFR 725.11 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... ENERGY PERMITS FOR ACCESS TO RESTRICTED DATA Applications § 725.11 Applications. (a) Any person desiring access to Restricted Data pursuant to this part should submit an application (Form 378), in triplicate... access to Restricted Data for use in the performance of his duties as an employee, the application for an...

  1. 10 CFR 725.11 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... ENERGY PERMITS FOR ACCESS TO RESTRICTED DATA Applications § 725.11 Applications. (a) Any person desiring access to Restricted Data pursuant to this part should submit an application (Form 378), in triplicate... access to Restricted Data for use in the performance of his duties as an employee, the application for an...

  2. 40 CFR 761.91 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... section 6 of TSCA applicable to the transboundary shipments of PCBs and PCB Items into and out of the... applicable to imported or exported PCBs and PCB Items under foreign laws, international agreements or... to affect or limit the applicability of any requirement applicable to transporters of PCB waste under...

  3. Aquarius iPhone Application

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Estes, Joseph C., Jr.; Arca. Jeremy M.; Ko, Michael A.; Oks, Boris


    The Office of the CIO at JPL has developed an iPhone application for the Aquarius/SAC-D mission. The application includes specific information about the science and purpose of the Aquarius satellite and also features daily mission news updates pulled from sources at Goddard Space Flight Center as well as Twitter. The application includes a media and data tab section. The media section displays images from the observatory, viewing construction up to the launch and also includes various videos and recorded diaries from the Aquarius Project Manager. The data tab highlights many of the factors that affect the Earth s ocean and the water cycle. The application leverages the iPhone s accelerometer to move the Aquarius Satellite over the Earth, revealing these factors. Lastly, this application features a countdown timer to the satellite s launch, which is currently counting the days since launch. This application was highly successful in promoting the Aquarius Mission and educating the public about how ocean salinity is paramount to understanding the Earth.

  4. 77 FR 22604 - Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Recovery Permit Application[s

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-FF06E00000] Endangered and Threatened Wildlife and Plants; Recovery Permit Application[s] AGENCY: Fish and..., 50 CFR 17.32 for threatened wildlife species, 50 CFR 17.62 for endangered plant species, and 50 CFR 17.72 for threatened plant species. Applications Available for Review and Comment We invite local...

  5. 45 CFR 1180.35 - Group applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Group applications. 1180.35 Section 1180.35 Public... Award Procedures Applications Applications § 1180.35 Group applications. (a) Eligible applicants may apply as a group for a project grant. (b) If a group of applicants applies for a grant, the members of...

  6. 45 CFR 1180.35 - Group applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Group applications. 1180.35 Section 1180.35 Public... Award Procedures Applications Applications § 1180.35 Group applications. (a) Eligible applicants may apply as a group for a project grant. (b) If a group of applicants applies for a grant, the members of...

  7. 45 CFR 1180.35 - Group applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Group applications. 1180.35 Section 1180.35 Public... Award Procedures Applications Applications § 1180.35 Group applications. (a) Eligible applicants may apply as a group for a project grant. (b) If a group of applicants applies for a grant, the members of...

  8. 45 CFR 1180.35 - Group applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Group applications. 1180.35 Section 1180.35 Public... Award Procedures Applications Applications § 1180.35 Group applications. (a) Eligible applicants may apply as a group for a project grant. (b) If a group of applicants applies for a grant, the members of...

  9. 45 CFR 1180.35 - Group applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Group applications. 1180.35 Section 1180.35 Public... Award Procedures Applications Applications § 1180.35 Group applications. (a) Eligible applicants may apply as a group for a project grant. (b) If a group of applicants applies for a grant, the members of...

  10. 14 CFR 211.31 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Application. 211.31 Section 211.31 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS APPLICATIONS FOR PERMITS TO FOREIGN AIR CARRIERS Freely Associated State Air Carriers § 211.31 Application. The application shall include...

  11. 46 CFR 8.520 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application. 8.520 Section 8.520 Shipping COAST GUARD... Streamlined Inspection Program § 8.520 Application. To apply for SIP enrollment, a company will submit an application, in writing, to the cognizant OCMI. The application must contain the following: (a) A statement...

  12. Applications notice. [application of space techniques to earth resources, environment management, and space processing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The discipline programs of the Space and Terrestrial (S&T) Applications Program are described and examples of research areas of current interest are given. Application of space techniques to improve conditions on earth are summarized. Discipline programs discussed include: resource observations; environmental observations; communications; materials processing in space; and applications systems/information systems. Format information on submission of unsolicited proposals for research related to the S&T Applications Program are given.

  13. Nanomaterials for Defense Applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turaga, Uday; Singh, Vinitkumar; Lalagiri, Muralidhar; Kiekens, Paul; Ramkumar, Seshadri S.

    Nanotechnology has found a number of applications in electronics and healthcare. Within the textile field, applications of nanotechnology have been limited to filters, protective liners for chemical and biological clothing and nanocoatings. This chapter presents an overview of the applications of nanomaterials such as nanofibers and nanoparticles that are of use to military and industrial sectors. An effort has been made to categorize nanofibers based on the method of production. This chapter particularly focuses on a few latest developments that have taken place with regard to the application of nanomaterials such as metal oxides in the defense arena.

  14. USAF solar thermal applications overview

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hauger, J. S.; Simpson, J. A.


    Process heat applications were compared to solar thermal technologies. The generic process heat applications were analyzed for solar thermal technology utilization, using SERI's PROSYS/ECONOMAT model in an end use matching analysis and a separate analysis was made for solar ponds. Solar technologies appear attractive in a large number of applications. Low temperature applications at sites with high insolation and high fuel costs were found to be most attractive. No one solar thermal technology emerges as a clearly universal or preferred technology, however,, solar ponds offer a potential high payoff in a few, selected applications. It was shown that troughs and flat plate systems are cost effective in a large number of applications.

  15. Electronic Submissions of Pesticide Applications

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Applications for pesticide registration can be submitted electronically, including forms, studies, and draft product labeling. Applicants need not submit multiple electronic copies of any pieces of their applications.

  16. Applications of Radioisotopes


    Hayes, Robert


    Radioisotopes are used all over the globe in many different types of applications. To name but a few examples, they are used in research in science, technology, and medicine; in industry; in geolog-ical explorations; in forensics for art technology and archeology; in space activities; in home pro-tection devices; and in homeland security activities. This article presents (a) general discussion about radioisotopes and radioactivity and (b) brief discussion for each one of their many applications. It is not generally credible that all current and potential science, engineering, and technological applications for radioisotopes could be listed in a single article. Perhaps allmore » those we know of could be detailed and listed in a large comprehensive book or series of works. This had been attempted early in the previous century along with select industry and application-specific reference works such as chemistry, hydrology, agriculture, and the paper industry.« less

  17. Ion-beam technology and applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hudson, W. R.; Robson, R. R.; Sovey, J. S.


    Ion propulsion research and development yields a mature technology that is transferable to a wide range of nonpropulsive applications, including terrestrial and space manufacturing. A xenon ion source was used for an investigation into potential ion-beam applications. The results of cathode tests and discharge-chamber experiments are presented. A series of experiments encompassing a wide range of potential applications is discussed. Two types of processes, sputter deposition, and erosion were studied. Some of the potential applications are thin-film Teflon capacitor fabrication, lubrication applications, ion-beam cleaning and polishing, and surface texturing.

  18. Aerospace materials for nonaerospace applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Johnston, R. L.; Dawn, F. S.


    Many of the flame-resistant nonmetallic materials that were developed for the Apollo and Skylab programs are discussed for commercial and military applications. Interchanges of information are taking place with the government agencies, industries, and educational institutions, which are interested in applications of fire-safe nonmetallic materials. These materials are particularly applicable to the design of aircraft, mass transit interiors, residential and public building constructions, nursing homes and hospitals, and to other fields of fire safety applications. Figures 22, 23 and 24 show the potential nonaerospace applications of flame-resistant aerospace materials are shown.

  19. NASA technology applications team: Applications of aerospace technology

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Two critical aspects of the Applications Engineering Program were especially successful: commercializing products of Application Projects; and leveraging NASA funds for projects by developing cofunding from industry and other agencies. Results are presented in the following areas: the excimer laser was commercialized for clearing plaque in the arteries of patients with coronary artery disease; the ultrasound burn depth analysis technology is to be licensed and commercialized; a phased commercialization plan was submitted to NASA for the intracranial pressure monitor; the Flexible Agricultural Robotics Manipulator System (FARMS) is making progress in the development of sensors and a customized end effector for a roboticized greenhouse operation; a dual robot are controller was improved; a multisensor urodynamic pressure catherer was successful in clinical tests; commercial applications were examined for diamond like carbon coatings; further work was done on the multichannel flow cytometer; progress on the liquid airpack for fire fighters; a wind energy conversion device was tested in a low speed wind tunnel; and the Space Shuttle Thermal Protection System was reviewed.

  20. Compost applicators for horticulture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iqbal; Achmad, M.; Sapsal, M. T.


    Horticulture is the art of planting fruit trees, vegetables, and ornamental or agricultural science that deals with the cultivation of gardens, including planting vegetable plants, fruit, flowers, and shrubs and ornamental trees. Fertilization is one of the important things to increase production, even until now regarded as a dominant factor in agricultural production. The use of compost can provide benefits for soil and plants. Problems that occur at the time of application of compost needed manpower and considerable expense, so it needs an efficient technology in the form of mechanical equipment that is simple and easy to operate. This study aims to modify applicator for sugar cane dry land so that it can be used on horticultural crops (vegetables) land and seeks to increase the efficiency of the applicator compost through modifications the system coupling that can be drawn using the tractor two wheels. The results show that the prototype model of applicator conveyor belt type had been made was functioning properly. Modification is done by replacing the joint connection between the applicator and the tractor. The volume of applicator compost is one meter cubic.

  1. LCS Content Document Application

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hochstadt, Jake


    My project at KSC during my spring 2011 internship was to develop a Ruby on Rails application to manage Content Documents..A Content Document is a collection of documents and information that describes what software is installed on a Launch Control System Computer. It's important for us to make sure the tools we use everyday are secure, up-to-date, and properly licensed. Previously, keeping track of the information was done by Excel and Word files between different personnel. The goal of the new application is to be able to manage and access the Content Documents through a single database backed web application. Our LCS team will benefit greatly with this app. Admin's will be able to login securely to keep track and update the software installed on each computer in a timely manner. We also included exportability such as attaching additional documents that can be downloaded from the web application. The finished application will ease the process of managing Content Documents while streamlining the procedure. Ruby on Rails is a very powerful programming language and I am grateful to have the opportunity to build this application.

  2. Application Security Automation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Malaika, Majid A.


    With today's high demand for online applications and services running on the Internet, software has become a vital component in our lives. With every revolutionary technology comes challenges unique to its characteristics; for online applications, security is one huge concern and challenge. Currently, there are several schemes that address…

  3. Mobile Applications to Improve Medication Adherence.


    Haase, Jamie; Farris, Karen B; Dorsch, Michael P


    Background and Introduction: Mobile applications are useful tools to improve medication adherence. As developers continue to improve the features of existing mobile applications, pharmacists should be aware of the current features that are available to patients. There are limited studies available that discuss which applications have the most desirable features. The aim of this study was to compare available mobile applications and identify ideal application features used to improve medication adherence. As of September 5, 2014, the search terms "medication adherence" and "medication reminder" generated a total of 225 hits. Ideal application features were used to create an Application Score Card to identify applications with the highest number of ideal features. We identified 30 applications that were written in English, medication related, last updated in 2014, and did not meet any exclusion criteria. The top five applications RxNetwork, Mango Health, MyMeds, C3HealthLink, and HuCare are discussed in detail. There are numerous studies looking at medication adherence. However, current literature regarding mobile applications to improve medication adherence is lacking. This article will provide pharmacists with a brief overview of the available mobile applications and features that could be used to improve patient adherence to medications. Existing mobile applications to improve medication adherence have ideal features that could help patients take medication as prescribed. Once further research is performed to establish their efficacy, pharmacists could begin to recommend mobile applications to their patients.

  4. Gel integration for microfluidic applications.


    Zhang, Xuanqi; Li, Lingjun; Luo, Chunxiong


    Molecular diffusive membranes or materials are important for biological applications in microfluidic systems. Hydrogels are typical materials that offer several advantages, such as free diffusion for small molecules, biocompatibility with most cells, temperature sensitivity, relatively low cost, and ease of production. With the development of microfluidic applications, hydrogels can be integrated into microfluidic systems by soft lithography, flow-solid processes or UV cure methods. Due to their special properties, hydrogels are widely used as fluid control modules, biochemical reaction modules or biological application modules in different applications. Although hydrogels have been used in microfluidic systems for more than ten years, many hydrogels' properties and integrated techniques have not been carefully elaborated. Here, we systematically review the physical properties of hydrogels, general methods for gel-microfluidics integration and applications of this field. Advanced topics and the outlook of hydrogel fabrication and applications are also discussed. We hope this review can help researchers choose suitable methods for their applications using hydrogels.

  5. L'etude de l'InP et du GaP suite a l'implantation ionique de Mn et a un recuit thermique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bucsa, Ioan Gigel

    Cette these est dediee a l'etude des materiaux InMnP et GaMnP fabriques par implantation ionique et recuit thermique. Plus precisement nous avons investigue la possibilite de former par implantation ionique des materiaux homogenes (alliages) de InMnP et GaMnP contenant de 1 a 5 % atomiques de Mn qui seraient en etat ferromagnetique, pour des possibles applications dans la spintronique. Dans un premier chapitre introductif nous donnons les motivations de cette recherche et faisons une revue de la litterature sur ce sujet. Le deuxieme chapitre decrit les principes de l'implantation ionique, qui est la technique utilisee pour la fabrication des echantillons. Les effets de l'energie, fluence et direction du faisceau ionique sur le profil d'implantation et la formation des dommages seront mis en evidence. Aussi dans ce chapitre nous allons trouver des informations sur les substrats utilises pour l'implantation. Les techniques experimentales utilisees pour la caracterisation structurale, chimique et magnetique des echantillons, ainsi que leurs limitations sont presentees dans le troisieme chapitre. Quelques principes theoriques du magnetisme necessaires pour la comprehension des mesures magnetiques se retrouvent dans le chapitre 4. Le cinquieme chapitre est dedie a l'etude de la morphologie et des proprietes magnetiques des substrats utilises pour implantation et le sixieme chapitre, a l'etude des echantillons implantes au Mn sans avoir subi un recuit thermique. Notamment nous allons voir dans ce chapitre que l'implantation de Mn a plus que 1016 ions/cm 2 amorphise la partie implantee du materiau et le Mn implante se dispose en profondeur sur un profil gaussien. De point de vue magnetique les atomes implantes se trouvent dans un etat paramagnetique entre 5 et 300 K ayant le spin 5/2. Dans le chapitre 7 nous presentons les proprietes des echantillons recuits a basses temperatures. Nous allons voir que dans ces echantillons la couche implantee est polycristalline et les

  6. Grid Application Meta-Repository System: Repository Interconnectivity and Cross-domain Application Usage in Distributed Computing Environments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tudose, Alexandru; Terstyansky, Gabor; Kacsuk, Peter; Winter, Stephen

    Grid Application Repositories vary greatly in terms of access interface, security system, implementation technology, communication protocols and repository model. This diversity has become a significant limitation in terms of interoperability and inter-repository access. This paper presents the Grid Application Meta-Repository System (GAMRS) as a solution that offers better options for the management of Grid applications. GAMRS proposes a generic repository architecture, which allows any Grid Application Repository (GAR) to be connected to the system independent of their underlying technology. It also presents applications in a uniform manner and makes applications from all connected repositories visible to web search engines, OGSI/WSRF Grid Services and other OAI (Open Archive Initiative)-compliant repositories. GAMRS can also function as a repository in its own right and can store applications under a new repository model. With the help of this model, applications can be presented as embedded in virtual machines (VM) and therefore they can be run in their native environments and can easily be deployed on virtualized infrastructures allowing interoperability with new generation technologies such as cloud computing, application-on-demand, automatic service/application deployments and automatic VM generation.

  7. Fabrication de memoire monoelectronique non volatile par une approche de nanogrille flottante

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guilmain, Marc

    Les transistors monoelectroniques (SET) sont des dispositifs de tailles nanometriques qui permettent la commande d'un electron a la fois et donc, qui consomment peu d'energie. Une des applications complementaires des SET qui attire l'attention est son utilisation dans des circuits de memoire. Une memoire monoelectronique (SEM) non volatile a le potentiel d'operer a des frequences de l'ordre des gigahertz ce qui lui permettrait de remplacer en meme temps les memoires mortes de type FLASH et les memoires vives de type DRAM. Une puce SEM permettrait donc ultimement la reunification des deux grands types de memoire au sein des ordinateurs. Cette these porte sur la fabrication de memoires monoelectroniques non volatiles. Le procede de fabrication propose repose sur le procede nanodamascene developpe par C. Dubuc et al. a 1'Universite de Sherbrooke. L'un des avantages de ce procede est sa compatibilite avec le back-end-of-line (BEOL) des circuits CMOS. Ce procede a le potentiel de fabriquer plusieurs couches de circuits memoirestres denses au-dessus de tranches CMOS. Ce document presente, entre autres, la realisation d'un simulateur de memoires monoelectroniques ainsi que les resultats de simulations de differentes structures. L'optimisation du procede de fabrication de dispositifs monoelectroniques et la realisation de differentes architectures de SEM simples sont traitees. Les optimisations ont ete faites a plusieurs niveaux : l'electrolithographie, la gravure de l'oxyde, le soulevement du titane, la metallisation et la planarisation CMP. La caracterisation electrique a permis d'etudier en profondeur les dispositifs formes de jonction de Ti/TiO2 et elle a demontre que ces materiaux ne sont pas appropries. Par contre, un SET forme de jonction de TiN/Al2O3 a ete fabrique et caracterise avec succes a basse temperature. Cette demonstration demontre le potentiel du procede de fabrication et de la deposition de couche atomique (ALD) pour la fabrication de memoires

  8. 45 CFR 94.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Applicability. This part is applicable to each Institution that submits a proposal, or that receives, Public... such research; provided, however, that this part does not apply to SBIR Program Phase I applications. ...

  9. 45 CFR 94.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Applicability. This part is applicable to each Institution that submits a proposal, or that receives, Public... such research; provided, however, that this part does not apply to SBIR Program Phase I applications. ...

  10. 45 CFR 94.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Applicability. This part is applicable to each Institution that submits a proposal, or that receives, Public... such research; provided, however, that this part does not apply to SBIR Program Phase I applications. ...

  11. 45 CFR 94.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Applicability. This part is applicable to each Institution that submits a proposal, or that receives, Public... such research; provided, however, that this part does not apply to SBIR Program Phase I applications. ...

  12. Cluster shading modifies amino acids in grape (Vitis vinifera L.) berries in a genotype- and tissue-dependent manner.


    Guan, Le; Wu, Benhong; Hilbert, Ghislaine; Li, Shaohua; Gomès, Eric; Delrot, Serge; Dai, Zhanwu


    Amino acid composition of the grape berry at harvest is important for wine making. The present study investigates the complex interplay between tissue, cultivar and light conditions that determine berry amino acid content. Twenty amino acids were assessed in the berry skin and pulp of two grape cultivars (Gamay Noir and Gamay Fréaux), grown under either light exposure or cluster shading conditions. In all samples, cluster shading significantly reduced most amino acids, except gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) and phenylalanine. However, the magnitude of the decrease was stronger in the skin (67.0% decrease) than in the pulp (30.4%) and stronger in cv. Gamay Noir (69.7%) than in Gamay Fréaux (30.7%). Cluster shading also significantly modified amino acid composition by decreasing the proline content while increasing the GABA content. These results are of oenological interest for shaping the amino acid composition of the must and improving wine quality. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. 42 CFR 435.907 - Written application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Written application. 435.907 Section 435.907 Public..., AND AMERICAN SAMOA Eligibility in the States and District of Columbia Applications § 435.907 Written application. (a) The agency must require a written application from the applicant, an authorized...

  14. 10 CFR 55.35 - Re-applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 10 Energy 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Re-applications. 55.35 Section 55.35 Energy NUCLEAR REGULATORY COMMISSION (CONTINUED) OPERATORS' LICENSES Applications § 55.35 Re-applications. (a) An applicant whose application for a license has been denied because of failure to pass the written examination or...

  15. Publication misrepresentation among anesthesiology residency applicants.


    Neuman, Stephanie A; Long, Timothy R; Rose, Steven H


    Publication misrepresentation has been documented among applicants for residency positions in several specialties. However, these data are not available for anesthesiology applicants. Our purpose in this study was to document the prevalence of publication misrepresentation among applicants to a single anesthesiology residency, to compare anesthesiology publication misrepresentation data with similar data in other specialties, and to determine how often publication misrepresentation leads to an unfair competitive advantage in the application process. Applications to the Mayo School of Graduate Medical Education anesthesiology core residency in Rochester, Minnesota, were reviewed for publication misrepresentations using Medline and PubMed databases, Mayo Clinic library databases, and/or review by a qualified medical librarian. Misrepresented publications underwent further review to identify fraudulent publications and/or citation errors that provide an unfair competitive advantage. The authors found that 2.4% of the applications (13 of 532) included fraudulent publications, 6.6% of the applications with at least 1 publication (13 of 197) included ≥1 that was fraudulent, and 2.9% of all cited publications (15 of 522) were fraudulent. In addition, 0.9% of the applications (5 of 532) contained a citation error that, although not grossly fraudulent, could have favorably affected the applicant's competitiveness for a residency position. Misrepresented publications were fairly common among anesthesiology residency applicants. However, only a small percentage of applicants listed misrepresented publications that were clearly fraudulent or contained a citation error that conferred a competitive advantage. Identification of fraudulent publications on Electronic Residency Application Service applications is important to maintain the integrity of the application process.

  16. Deaf mobile application accessibility requirements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nathan, Shelena Soosay; Hussain, Azham; Hashim, Nor Laily


    Requirement for deaf mobile applications need to be analysed to ensure the disabilities need are instilled into the mobile applications developed for them. Universal design is understandable to comply every user needs, however specific disability is argued by the authors to have different need and requirements. These differences are among the reasons for these applications being developed to target for a specific group of people, however they are less usable and later abandoned. This study focuses on deriving requirements that are needed by the deaf in their mobile applications that are meant specifically for them. Studies on previous literature was conducted it can be concluded that graphic, text, multimedia and sign language interpreter are among mostly required features to be included in their mobile application to ensure the applications are usable for this community.

  17. Technology applications

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Anuskiewicz, T.; Johnston, J.; Leavitt, W.; Zimmerman, R. R.


    A summary of NASA Technology Utilization programs for the period of 1 December 1971 through 31 May 1972 is presented. An abbreviated description of the overall Technology Utilization Applications Program is provided as a background for the specific applications examples. Subjects discussed are in the broad headings of: (1) cancer, (2) cardiovascular disease, (2) medical instrumentation, (4) urinary system disorders, (5) rehabilitation medicine, (6) air and water pollution, (7) housing and urban construction, (8) fire safety, (9) law enforcement and criminalistics, (10) transportation, and (11) mine safety.

  18. Tropical Applications - Naval Oceanography Portal Websites

    are here: Home › FNMOC › Tropical Applications FNMOC Logo FNMOC Navigation Meteorology Products Oceanography Products Tropical Applications Climatology and Archived Data Info Tropical Applications Satellite

  19. 49 CFR 107.709 - Processing of an application for approval, including an application for renewal or modification.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Processing of an application for approval..., Registrations and Submissions § 107.709 Processing of an application for approval, including an application for... before the disposition of an application. (b) At any time during the processing of an application, the...

  20. 47 CFR 76.502 - Time limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Time limits applicable to franchise authority... Cable Systems § 76.502 Time limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications. (a) A franchise authority shall have 120 days from the date of submission of a completed FCC Form...

  1. 47 CFR 76.502 - Time limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 4 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Time limits applicable to franchise authority... Cable Systems § 76.502 Time limits applicable to franchise authority consideration of transfer applications. (a) A franchise authority shall have 120 days from the date of submission of a completed FCC Form...

  2. 25 CFR 61.6 - Application forms.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... relationship to applicant. (3) A control number for the purpose of keeping a record of forms furnished... 25 Indians 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Application forms. 61.6 Section 61.6 Indians BUREAU OF... Application forms. (a) Application forms to be filed by or for applicants for enrollment will be furnished by...

  3. 25 CFR 61.6 - Application forms.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... relationship to applicant. (3) A control number for the purpose of keeping a record of forms furnished... 25 Indians 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Application forms. 61.6 Section 61.6 Indians BUREAU OF... Application forms. (a) Application forms to be filed by or for applicants for enrollment will be furnished by...

  4. 25 CFR 61.6 - Application forms.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... relationship to applicant. (3) A control number for the purpose of keeping a record of forms furnished... 25 Indians 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Application forms. 61.6 Section 61.6 Indians BUREAU OF... Application forms. (a) Application forms to be filed by or for applicants for enrollment will be furnished by...

  5. 25 CFR 61.6 - Application forms.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... relationship to applicant. (3) A control number for the purpose of keeping a record of forms furnished... 25 Indians 1 2012-04-01 2011-04-01 true Application forms. 61.6 Section 61.6 Indians BUREAU OF... Application forms. (a) Application forms to be filed by or for applicants for enrollment will be furnished by...

  6. Betons durables a base de cendres d'ecorces de riz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilson, William

    De nos jours, le développement durable est devenu une nécessité dans l'ensemble des sphères d'activité de notre monde, et particulièrement dans le domaine du béton. En effet, le développement des sociétés passe inévitablement par l'augmentation des infrastructures; le béton est le matériau principalement utilisé et son empreinte environnementale considérable gagnerait à être diminuée. L'industrie et la recherche sont très actives à ce niveau et la science des bétons durables est en pleine expansion. Dans ce contexte, une piste de solution est l'utilisation de résidus industriels ou agricoles comme ajouts cimentaires, ce qui permet de remplacer partiellement le ciment très polluant, tout en produisant des bétons avec une meilleure durabilité. Les cendres d'écorce de riz (RHA) présentent ainsi un potentiel cimentaire similaire aux meilleurs ajouts cimentaires actuellement utilisés, mais les applications concrètes de ce nouveau matériau demeurent peu développées à ce jour. Le présent projet a donc été conçu afin d'illustrer le potentiel des RHA d'une part dans les pays industrialisés pour améliorer la durabilité des bétons hautes performances (BHP) et pour améliorer les propriétés à l'état frais des bétons autoplaçants (BAP); et d'autre part, dans les pays en développement pour démocratiser les bétons durables produits avec des technologies adaptées aux réalités locales. Une première phase réalisée avec des RHA de haute qualité (RHAI) a ainsi été consacrée aux applications en pays industrialisés. La caractérisation des RHAI a indiqué une composition de 90% de silice amorphe, des particules légèrement plus grossières que le ciment, et une microstructure très poreuse et absorbante. Afin de pallier à cette absorption d'eau, l'optimisation du type de superplastifiant a permis de déterminer que l'utilisation du Plastol 5000 ou de l'Adva 405 avec les RHAI favorise un

  7. 77 FR 61739 - Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments Pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials... combustion, such as hydroxyl (OH) radicals. The [[Page 61740

  8. Computer Applications in Educational Audiology.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mendel, Lisa Lucks; And Others


    This article provides an overview of how computer technologies can be used by educational audiologists. Computer technologies are classified into three categories: (1) information systems applications; (2) screening and diagnostic applications; and (3) intervention applications. (Author/DB)

  9. Aerospace Applications of Microprocessors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    An assessment of the state of microprocessor applications is presented. Current and future requirements and associated technological advances which allow effective exploitation in aerospace applications are discussed.

  10. 21 CFR 314.160 - Approval of an application or abbreviated application for which approval was previously refused...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated... of an applicant, FDA may, on the basis of new data, approve an application or abbreviated application which it had previously refused, suspended, or withdrawn approval. FDA will publish a notice in the...

  11. 21 CFR 314.160 - Approval of an application or abbreviated application for which approval was previously refused...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated... of an applicant, FDA may, on the basis of new data, approve an application or abbreviated application which it had previously refused, suspended, or withdrawn approval. FDA will publish a notice in the...

  12. 21 CFR 314.160 - Approval of an application or abbreviated application for which approval was previously refused...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated... of an applicant, FDA may, on the basis of new data, approve an application or abbreviated application which it had previously refused, suspended, or withdrawn approval. FDA will publish a notice in the...

  13. 21 CFR 314.160 - Approval of an application or abbreviated application for which approval was previously refused...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated... of an applicant, FDA may, on the basis of new data, approve an application or abbreviated application which it had previously refused, suspended, or withdrawn approval. FDA will publish a notice in the...

  14. 21 CFR 314.160 - Approval of an application or abbreviated application for which approval was previously refused...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... HUMAN USE APPLICATIONS FOR FDA APPROVAL TO MARKET A NEW DRUG FDA Action on Applications and Abbreviated... of an applicant, FDA may, on the basis of new data, approve an application or abbreviated application which it had previously refused, suspended, or withdrawn approval. FDA will publish a notice in the...

  15. Plagiarism in residency application essays.


    Segal, Scott; Gelfand, Brian J; Hurwitz, Shelley; Berkowitz, Lori; Ashley, Stanley W; Nadel, Eric S; Katz, Joel T


    Anecdotal reports suggest that some residency application essays contain plagiarized content. To determine the prevalence of plagiarism in a large cohort of residency application essays. Retrospective cohort study. 4975 application essays submitted to residency programs at a single large academic medical center between 1 September 2005 and 22 March 2007. Specialized software was used to compare residency application essays with a database of Internet pages, published works, and previously submitted essays and the percentage of the submission matching another source was calculated. A match of more than 10% to an existing work was defined as evidence of plagiarism. Evidence of plagiarism was found in 5.2% (95% CI, 4.6% to 5.9%) of essays. The essays of non-U.S. citizens were more likely to demonstrate evidence of plagiarism. Other characteristics associated with the prevalence of plagiarism included medical school location outside the United States and Canada; previous residency or fellowship; lack of research experience, volunteer experience, or publications; a low United States Medical Licensing Examination Step 1 score; and non-membership in the Alpha Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society. The software database is probably incomplete, the 10%-match threshold for defining plagiarism has not been statistically validated, and the study was confined to applicants to 1 institution. Evidence of matching content in an essay cannot be used to infer the applicant's intent and is not sensitive to variations in the cultural context of copying in some societies. Evidence of plagiarism in residency application essays is more common in international applicants but was found in those by applicants to all specialty programs, from all medical school types, and even among applicants with significant academic honors. No external funding.

  16. 76 FR 35411 - Applications for Trademark Registration

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... electronically through the Trademark Electronic Application System (TEAS) using a regular TEAS application form or a TEAS Plus application form. Applicants that file their applications using the TEAS Plus form pay... regarding the application through TEAS, and agree to receive communications concerning the application by e...

  17. Nonimaging applications for microbolometer arrays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Picard, Francis; Jerominek, Hubert; Pope, Timothy D.; Zhang, Rose; Ngo, Linh P.; Tremblay, Bruno; Tasker, Nick; Grenier, Carol; Bilodeau, Ghislain; Cayer, Felix; Lehoux, Mario; Alain, Christine; Larouche, Carl; Savard, Simon


    In an effort to leverage uncooled microbolometer technology, testing of bolometer performance in various nonimaging applications has been performed. One of these applications makes use of an uncooled microbolometer array as the sensing element for a laser beam analyzer. Results of the characterization of cw CO2 laser beams with this analyzer are given. A comparison with the results obtained with a commercial laser beam analyzer is made. Various advantages specific to microbolometer arrays for this application are identified. A second application makes use of microbolometers for absolute temperature measurements. The experimental method and results are described. The technique's limitations and possible implementations are discussed. Finally, the third application evaluated is related to the rapidly expanding field of biometry. It consists of using a modified microbolometer array for fingerprint sensing. The basic approach allowing the use of microbolometers for such an application is discussed. The results of a proof-of-principle experiment are described. Globally, the described work illustrates the fact that microbolometer array fabrication technology can be exploited for many important applications other than IR imaging.

  18. Parallel programming of industrial applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Heroux, M; Koniges, A; Simon, H


    In the introductory material, we overview the typical MPP environment for real application computing and the special tools available such as parallel debuggers and performance analyzers. Next, we draw from a series of real applications codes and discuss the specific challenges and problems that are encountered in parallelizing these individual applications. The application areas drawn from include biomedical sciences, materials processing and design, plasma and fluid dynamics, and others. We show how it was possible to get a particular application to run efficiently and what steps were necessary. Finally we end with a summary of the lessons learned from thesemore » applications and predictions for the future of industrial parallel computing. This tutorial is based on material from a forthcoming book entitled: "Industrial Strength Parallel Computing" to be published by Morgan Kaufmann Publishers (ISBN l-55860-54).« less

  19. Applications for approval to market a new drug; complete response letter; amendments to unapproved applications. Final rule.



    The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is amending its regulations on new drug applications (NDAs) and abbreviated new drug applications (ANDAs) for approval to market new drugs and generic drugs (drugs for which approval is sought in an ANDA). The final rule discontinues FDA's use of approvable letters and not approvable letters when taking action on marketing applications. Instead, we will send applicants a complete response letter to indicate that the review cycle for an application is complete and that the application is not ready for approval. We are also revising the regulations on extending the review cycle due to the submission of an amendment to an unapproved application and starting a new review cycle after the resubmission of an application following receipt of a complete response letter. In addition, we are adding to the regulations on biologics license applications (BLAs) provisions on the issuance of complete response letters to BLA applicants. We are taking these actions to implement the user fee performance goals referenced in the Prescription Drug User Fee Amendments of 2002 (PDUFA III) that address procedures and establish target timeframes for reviewing human drug applications.

  20. Irregular Applications: Architectures & Algorithms

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Feo, John T.; Villa, Oreste; Tumeo, Antonino

    Irregular applications are characterized by irregular data structures, control and communication patterns. Novel irregular high performance applications which deal with large data sets and require have recently appeared. Unfortunately, current high performance systems and software infrastructures executes irregular algorithms poorly. Only coordinated efforts by end user, area specialists and computer scientists that consider both the architecture and the software stack may be able to provide solutions to the challenges of modern irregular applications.

  1. Iowa Commercial Pesticide Applicator Manual, Category 11: Aerial Applicators. CS-26.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    DeWitt, Jerald R., Ed.

    This manual provides information needed to meet specific standards for certification as a pesticide applicator. The text is concerned with the calibration and application of pesticides/herbicides by aircraft. Special attention is given to the field flight patterns and safety precautions which must be considered for the pilot, ground crews and the…

  2. 14 CFR 413.7 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Aeronautics and Space COMMERCIAL SPACE TRANSPORTATION, FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION LICENSING LICENSE APPLICATION PROCEDURES § 413.7 Application. (a) Form. An application must be in writing, in English and filed in duplicate with the Federal Aviation Administration, Associate...

  3. Development of a High Level Architecture Federation of Ship Replenishment at Sea

    DTIC Science & Technology


    utiliser une infrastructure de simulation appelée architecture de haut niveau (HLA) afin de fournir des environne - ments de simulation interarmées...fournir un environnement de simulation qui modélise l’interactions entre les divers composants afin de simuler les conditions qui mènent aux

  4. The Communicative Computer Compares: A CALL Design Project for Elementary French.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kyle, Patricia J.

    A computer lesson entitled "Aux Jeux Olympiques" (To the Olympic Games) simulates an ongoing situational dialog between the French student and the PLATO computer system. It offers an international setting for functional learning exercises focusing on students' understanding and use of comparative constructions, selected verbs, and other linguistic…

  5. Industrial applications of nanoparticles.


    Stark, W J; Stoessel, P R; Wohlleben, W; Hafner, A


    Research efforts in the past two decades have resulted in thousands of potential application areas for nanoparticles - which materials have become industrially relevant? Where are sustainable applications of nanoparticles replacing traditional processing and materials? This tutorial review starts with a brief analysis on what makes nanoparticles attractive to chemical product design. The article highlights established industrial applications of nanoparticles and then moves to rapidly emerging applications in the chemical industry and discusses future research directions. Contributions from large companies, academia and high-tech start-ups are used to elucidate where academic nanoparticle research has revolutionized industry practice. A nanomaterial-focused analysis discusses new trends, such as particles with an identity, and the influence of modern instrument advances in the development of novel industrial products.

  6. 7 CFR 622.20 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Application. 622.20 Section 622.20 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WATER RESOURCES WATERSHED PROJECTS Application Procedure § 622.20 Application. Sponsors shall...

  7. 7 CFR 622.20 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Application. 622.20 Section 622.20 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WATER RESOURCES WATERSHED PROJECTS Application Procedure § 622.20 Application. Sponsors shall...

  8. 7 CFR 622.20 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Application. 622.20 Section 622.20 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WATER RESOURCES WATERSHED PROJECTS Application Procedure § 622.20 Application. Sponsors shall...

  9. 7 CFR 622.20 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 6 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Application. 622.20 Section 622.20 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) NATURAL RESOURCES CONSERVATION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE WATER RESOURCES WATERSHED PROJECTS Application Procedure § 622.20 Application. Sponsors shall...

  10. 14 CFR 152.101 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Applicability. 152.101 Section 152.101 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (CONTINUED) AIRPORTS AIRPORT AID PROGRAM Eligibility Requirements and Application Procedures § 152.101 Applicability. This...

  11. 14 CFR 133.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Applicability. 133.1 Section 133.1... OPERATIONS Applicability § 133.1 Applicability. This part prescribes— (a) Airworthiness certification rules..., as amended by Amdt. 133-9, 51 FR 40707, Nov. 7, 1986] ...

  12. 40 CFR 262.50 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) SOLID WASTES (CONTINUED) STANDARDS APPLICABLE TO GENERATORS OF HAZARDOUS WASTE Exports of Hazardous Waste § 262.50 Applicability. This subpart establishes requirements applicable to exports of hazardous waste. Except to the extent § 262.58 provides...

  13. 49 CFR 1018.1 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 8 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application. 1018.1 Section 1018.1 Transportation Other Regulations Relating to Transportation (Continued) SURFACE TRANSPORTATION BOARD, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS DEBT COLLECTION Application and Coverage § 1018.1 Application. (a...

  14. 75 FR 3895 - Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., materials science and nanotechnology. Justification for Duty-Free Entry: There are no domestic manufacturers... DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE International Trade Administration Application(s) for Duty-Free Entry of Scientific Instruments Pursuant to Section 6(c) of the Educational, Scientific and Cultural Materials...

  15. REST based mobile applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rambow, Mark; Preuss, Thomas; Berdux, Jörg; Conrad, Marc


    Simplicity is the major advantage of REST based webservices. Whereas SOAP is widespread in complex, security sensitive business-to-business aplications, REST is widely used for mashups and end-user centric applicatons. In that context we give an overview of REST and compare it to SOAP. Furthermore we apply the GeoDrawing application as an example for REST based mobile applications and emphasize on pros and cons for the use of REST in mobile application scenarios.

  16. Connected vehicle applications : safety.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Connected vehicle safety applications are designed to increase situational awareness : and reduce or eliminate crashes through vehicle-to-infrastructure, vehicle-to-vehicle, : and vehicle-to-pedestrian data transmissions. Applications support advisor...

  17. Connected vehicle applications : safety.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Connected vehicle safety applications are designed to increase situational awareness and reduce or eliminate crashes through vehicle-to-infrastructure, vehicle-to-vehicle, and vehicle-to-pedestrian data transmissions. Applications support advisories ...

  18. A role for the gene regulatory module microRNA172/TARGET OF EARLY ACTIVATION TAGGED 1/FLOWERING LOCUS T (miRNA172/TOE1/FT) in the feeding sites induced by Meloidogyne javanica in Arabidopsis thaliana.


    Díaz-Manzano, Fernando E; Cabrera, Javier; Ripoll, Juan-José; Del Olmo, Iván; Andrés, Mari Fe; Silva, Ana Cláudia; Barcala, Marta; Sánchez, María; Ruíz-Ferrer, Virginia; de Almeida-Engler, Janice; Yanofsky, Martin F; Piñeiro, Manuel; Jarillo, Jose Antonio; Fenoll, Carmen; Escobar, Carolina


    Root knot nematodes (RKNs) penetrate into the root vascular cylinder, triggering morphogenetic changes to induce galls, de novo formed 'pseudo-organs' containing several giant cells (GCs). Distinctive gene repression events observed in early gall/GCs development are thought to be mediated by post-transcriptional silencing via microRNAs (miRNAs), a process that is far from being fully characterized. Arabidopsis thaliana backgrounds with altered activities based on target 35S::MIMICRY172 (MIM172), 35S::TARGET OF EARLY ACTIVATION TAGGED 1 (TOE1)-miR172-resistant (35S::TOE1 R ) and mutant (flowering locus T-10 (ft-10)) lines were used for functional analysis of nematode infective and reproductive parameters. The GUS-reporter lines, MIR172A-E::GUS, treated with auxin (IAA) and an auxin-inhibitor (a-(phenyl ethyl-2-one)-indole-3-acetic acid (PEO-IAA)), together with the MIR172C AuxRE::GUS line with two mutated auxin responsive elements (AuxREs), were assayed for nematode-dependent gene expression. Arabidopsis thaliana backgrounds with altered expression of miRNA172, TOE1 or FT showed lower susceptibility to the RKNs and smaller galls and GCs. MIR172C-D::GUS showed restricted promoter activity in galls/GCs that was regulated by auxins through auxin-responsive factors. IAA induced their activity in galls while PEO-IAA treatment and mutations in AuxRe motifs abolished it. The results showed that the regulatory module miRNA172/TOE1/FT plays an important role in correct GCs and gall development, where miRNA172 is modulated by auxins. © 2017 The Authors. New Phytologist © 2017 New Phytologist Trust.

  19. 7 CFR 2201.17 - Submission of applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... completed application. (b) Application deadline. One or more application windows will be announced. The duration of each application window for submission of applications will be approximately 120 days. Notice of an application window will be published in the Federal Register. ...

  20. Applications of the laser

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Goldman, L.

    For those not familiar with lasers, a review of lasers and some remarks on the fascinating new developments in such systems that do affect applications now and in the future are presented. Wave guides to transmit lasers to make them more flexible, the important aspects of measurements, chemistry, bits of botany, and holography are given. The vast expanse of communications, especially through the development of the new and important hybrid discipline of electrooptics is reviewed. The military and law and order programs show their applications; all initiate the study of actual applications. Then follow metalworking, construction, pollution, and a numbermore » of miscellaneous techniques. A critical review of safety programs so necessary for the proper development of laser technology is presented. Then follows the story of the applications in biology, medicine, dentistry, photography, art, and music. Many of the applications cross to other fields. To stimulate the youth to be interested in science, there are brief remarks about the social conscience in laser and, finally, the dreams of the future.« less

  1. 42 CFR 422.501 - Application requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... (CONTINUED) MEDICARE PROGRAM MEDICARE ADVANTAGE PROGRAM Application Procedures and Contracts for Medicare Advantage Organizations § 422.501 Application requirements. (a) Scope. This section sets forth application... offer health insurance or health benefits coverage that meets State-specified standards applicable to MA...

  2. Industrial storage applications overview

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Duscha, R. A.


    The implementation of a technology demonstration for the food processing industry, development and technology demonstrations for selected near-term, in-plant applications and advanced industrial applications of thermal energy storage are overviewed.

  3. 14 CFR 414.11 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... the safety element for which the safety approval is sought. (ii) Engineering design and analyses that... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING SAFETY APPROVALS Application Procedures § 414.11 Application. (a) The application must...) Safety element (i.e., launch vehicle, reentry vehicle, safety system, process, service, or any identified...

  4. 14 CFR 414.11 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... the safety element for which the safety approval is sought. (ii) Engineering design and analyses that... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING SAFETY APPROVALS Application Procedures § 414.11 Application. (a) The application must...) Safety element (i.e., launch vehicle, reentry vehicle, safety system, process, service, or any identified...

  5. 14 CFR 414.11 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... the safety element for which the safety approval is sought. (ii) Engineering design and analyses that... TRANSPORTATION LICENSING SAFETY APPROVALS Application Procedures § 414.11 Application. (a) The application must...) Safety element (i.e., launch vehicle, reentry vehicle, safety system, process, service, or any identified...

  6. Applicant Analysis: 2001 Entering Class.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Weaver, Richard G.; Haden, N. Karl; Ramanna, Satyan; Valachovic, Richard W.


    Presents findings of the annual analysis of dental school applicant numbers and characteristics conducted by the American Dental Education Association. There were 7,412 applicants to dental schools in 2001, and 57.6% were enrolled in 2001. Provides other data about applicants and admissions. (SLD)

  7. 40 CFR 64.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Applicability. 64.2 Section 64.2 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE MONITORING § 64.2 Applicability. (a) General applicability. Except for backup utility units that...

  8. 40 CFR 64.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 16 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Applicability. 64.2 Section 64.2 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE MONITORING § 64.2 Applicability. (a) General applicability. Except for backup utility units that...

  9. 40 CFR 108.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 23 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Applicability. 108.1 Section 108.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) WATER PROGRAMS EMPLOYEE PROTECTION HEARINGS § 108.1 Applicability. This part shall be applicable to investigations and hearings required by...

  10. 40 CFR 108.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 22 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Applicability. 108.1 Section 108.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) WATER PROGRAMS EMPLOYEE PROTECTION HEARINGS § 108.1 Applicability. This part shall be applicable to investigations and hearings required by...

  11. 14 CFR 21.133 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Application. 21.133 Section 21.133 Aeronautics and Space FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION AIRCRAFT CERTIFICATION PROCEDURES FOR PRODUCTS AND PARTS Production Certificates § 21.133 Application. Each applicant must apply for...

  12. 46 CFR 169.401 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Applicability. 169.401 Section 169.401 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) NAUTICAL SCHOOLS SAILING SCHOOL VESSELS Watertight Integrity, Subdivision, and Stability § 169.401 Applicability. Each vessel must meet the applicable...

  13. 46 CFR 169.401 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 46 Shipping 7 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Applicability. 169.401 Section 169.401 Shipping COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) NAUTICAL SCHOOLS SAILING SCHOOL VESSELS Watertight Integrity, Subdivision, and Stability § 169.401 Applicability. Each vessel must meet the applicable...

  14. 40 CFR 64.2 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 15 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Applicability. 64.2 Section 64.2 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR PROGRAMS (CONTINUED) COMPLIANCE ASSURANCE MONITORING § 64.2 Applicability. (a) General applicability. Except for backup utility units that...

  15. 40 CFR 108.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 21 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Applicability. 108.1 Section 108.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) WATER PROGRAMS EMPLOYEE PROTECTION HEARINGS § 108.1 Applicability. This part shall be applicable to investigations and hearings required by...

  16. 40 CFR 1065.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 34 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Applicability. 1065.1 Section 1065.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Applicability and General Provisions § 1065.1 Applicability. (a) This part describes the...

  17. 40 CFR 1066.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 34 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Applicability. 1066.1 Section 1066.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Applicability and General Provisions § 1066.1 Applicability. (a) This part describes the...

  18. 40 CFR 1065.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 33 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Applicability. 1065.1 Section 1065.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Applicability and General Provisions § 1065.1 Applicability. (a) This part describes the...

  19. 40 CFR 1065.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 34 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Applicability. 1065.1 Section 1065.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS ENGINE-TESTING PROCEDURES Applicability and General Provisions § 1065.1 Applicability. (a) This part describes the...

  20. 40 CFR 1066.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 33 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Applicability. 1066.1 Section 1066.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Applicability and General Provisions § 1066.1 Applicability. (a) This part describes the emission...

  1. 40 CFR 1066.1 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 34 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Applicability. 1066.1 Section 1066.1 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY (CONTINUED) AIR POLLUTION CONTROLS VEHICLE-TESTING PROCEDURES Applicability and General Provisions § 1066.1 Applicability. (a) This part describes the...

  2. 23 CFR 971.102 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 23 Highways 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Applicability. 971.102 Section 971.102 Highways FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION FEDERAL LANDS HIGHWAYS FOREST SERVICE MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Definitions § 971.102 Applicability. The definitions in this subpart are applicable to this part...

  3. 25 CFR 101.4 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... applicant(s); current and prior Taxpayer Identification Number—Employer Identification Number if a business... used in handling loan proceeds. In addition, applications for loans to finance economic enterprises... statements and balance sheets showing the estimated results for operating the enterprise for two years after...

  4. Evaluating Application Resilience with XRay

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chen, Sui; Bronevetsky, Greg; Li, Bin


    The rising count and shrinking feature size of transistors within modern computers is making them increasingly vulnerable to various types of soft faults. This problem is especially acute in high-performance computing (HPC) systems used for scientific computing, because these systems include many thousands of compute cores and nodes, all of which may be utilized in a single large-scale run. The increasing vulnerability of HPC applications to errors induced by soft faults is motivating extensive work on techniques to make these applications more resiilent to such faults, ranging from generic techniques such as replication or checkpoint/restart to algorithmspecific error detection andmore » tolerance techniques. Effective use of such techniques requires a detailed understanding of how a given application is affected by soft faults to ensure that (i) efforts to improve application resilience are spent in the code regions most vulnerable to faults and (ii) the appropriate resilience technique is applied to each code region. This paper presents XRay, a tool to view the application vulnerability to soft errors, and illustrates how XRay can be used in the context of a representative application. In addition to providing actionable insights into application behavior XRay automatically selects the number of fault injection experiments required to provide an informative view of application behavior, ensuring that the information is statistically well-grounded without performing unnecessary experiments.« less

  5. SU-F-T-25: Design and Implementation of a Multi-Purpose Applicator for Pelvic Brachytherapy Applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bogue, J; Parsai, E

    Purpose: The current generation of inflatable multichannel brachytherapy applicators, such as the Varian Capri, have limited implementation to only vaginal and rectal cancers. While there are similar designs utilizing rigid, non-inflatable applicators, these alternatives could cause increased dose to surrounding tissue due to air gaps. Modification of the Capri could allow for easier treatment planning by reducing the number of channels and increased versatility by modifying the applicator to include an attachable single tandem for cervical or multiple tandems for endometrial applications. Methods: A Varian Capri applicator was simulated in water to replicate a patient. Multiple plans were optimized tomore » deliver a prescribed dose of 100 cGy at 5mm away from the exterior of the applicator using six to thirteen existing channels. The current model was expanded upon to include a detachable tandem or multiple tandoms to increase its functionality to both cervical and endometrial cancers. Models were constructed in both threedimensional rendering software and Monte Carlo to allow prototyping and simulations. Results: Treatment plans utilizing six to thirteen channels produced limited dosimetric differences between channel arrangements, with a seven channel plan very closely approximating the thirteen channels. It was concluded that only seven channels would be necessary in future simulations to give an accurate representation of the applicator. Tandem attachments were prototyped for the applicator to demonstrate the ease of which they could be included. Future simulation in treatment planning software and Monte Carlo results will be presented to further define the ideal applicator geometry Conclusion: The current Capri applicator design could be easily modified to increase applicability to include cervical and endometrial treatments in addition to vaginal and rectal cancers. This new design helps in a more versatile single use applicator that can easily be

  6. Multicore Architecture-aware Scientific Applications

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Srinivasa, Avinash

    Modern high performance systems are becoming increasingly complex and powerful due to advancements in processor and memory architecture. In order to keep up with this increasing complexity, applications have to be augmented with certain capabilities to fully exploit such systems. These may be at the application level, such as static or dynamic adaptations or at the system level, like having strategies in place to override some of the default operating system polices, the main objective being to improve computational performance of the application. The current work proposes two such capabilites with respect to multi-threaded scientific applications, in particular a largemore » scale physics application computing ab-initio nuclear structure. The first involves using a middleware tool to invoke dynamic adaptations in the application, so as to be able to adjust to the changing computational resource availability at run-time. The second involves a strategy for effective placement of data in main memory, to optimize memory access latencies and bandwidth. These capabilties when included were found to have a significant impact on the application performance, resulting in average speedups of as much as two to four times.« less

  7. Connected Vehicle Applications : Mobility

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Connected vehicle mobility applications are commonly referred to as dynamic mobility applications (DMAs). DMAs seek to fully leverage frequently collected and rapidly disseminated multi-source data gathered from connected travelers, vehicles, and inf...

  8. 25 CFR 23.33 - Competitive off-reservation application contents and application selection criteria.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... applicant proposes to serve; (2) Whether the applicant presents a narrative needs assessment, quantitative...) Relevance of services provided to specific needs of the Indian clientele. (8) If the proposed program...

  9. 25 CFR 23.33 - Competitive off-reservation application contents and application selection criteria.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... applicant proposes to serve; (2) Whether the applicant presents a narrative needs assessment, quantitative...) Relevance of services provided to specific needs of the Indian clientele. (8) If the proposed program...

  10. 25 CFR 23.33 - Competitive off-reservation application contents and application selection criteria.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... applicant proposes to serve; (2) Whether the applicant presents a narrative needs assessment, quantitative...) Relevance of services provided to specific needs of the Indian clientele. (8) If the proposed program...

  11. 23 CFR 750.702 - Applicability.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 23 Highways 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Applicability. 750.702 Section 750.702 Highways FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION RIGHT-OF-WAY AND ENVIRONMENT HIGHWAY BEAUTIFICATION Outdoor Advertising Control § 750.702 Applicability. The provisions of this subpart are applicable to all...

  12. 36 CFR 254.21 - Applications.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 36 Parks, Forests, and Public Property 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Applications. 254.21 Section 254.21 Parks, Forests, and Public Property FOREST SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE LANDOWNERSHIP ADJUSTMENTS National Forest Townsites § 254.21 Applications. (a) An application to purchase National Forest...

  13. 46 CFR 308.539 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Iii-Facultative War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.539 Application. (a) Preliminary request. Application for a... submitting the request to bind war risk in writing; for security reasons, if the applicant is submitting the...

  14. 46 CFR 308.539 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Iii-Facultative War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.539 Application. (a) Preliminary request. Application for a... submitting the request to bind war risk in writing; for security reasons, if the applicant is submitting the...

  15. 46 CFR 308.539 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Iii-Facultative War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.539 Application. (a) Preliminary request. Application for a... submitting the request to bind war risk in writing; for security reasons, if the applicant is submitting the...

  16. 46 CFR 308.539 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Iii-Facultative War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.539 Application. (a) Preliminary request. Application for a... submitting the request to bind war risk in writing; for security reasons, if the applicant is submitting the...

  17. 46 CFR 308.539 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION EMERGENCY OPERATIONS WAR RISK INSURANCE War Risk Cargo Insurance Facultative War Risk Cargo Insurance § 308.539 Application. (a) Preliminary request. Application for a... bind war risk in writing; for security reasons, if the applicant is submitting the order to bind war...

  18. 42 CFR 66.204 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Application. 66.204 Section 66.204 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Institutional Grants § 66.204 Application. (a) Application for a grant...

  19. 42 CFR 66.204 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Application. 66.204 Section 66.204 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Institutional Grants § 66.204 Application. (a) Application for a grant...

  20. 42 CFR 66.204 - Application.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 42 Public Health 1 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Application. 66.204 Section 66.204 Public Health PUBLIC HEALTH SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES FELLOWSHIPS, INTERNSHIPS, TRAINING NATIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE AWARDS Institutional Grants § 66.204 Application. (a) Application for a grant...