Sample records for behandlung eines kindes

  1. [Kombinierte Anwendung von Strahlentherapie und adjuvanter Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album L.) zur Behandlung des oralen malignen Melanoms beim Hund: Eine retrospektive Studie].


    von Bodungen, Uta; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Biegel, Ulrike


    Hintergrund: Orale maligne Melanome (OMM) des Hundes zeichnen sich durch schnelles Wachstum, lokale Invasion und hohe Metastasierungsraten aus. Extrakte auf Basis von Viscum album L. (VAE) werden zunehmend in der Krebstherapie sowohl in der Human- als auch in der Veterinärmedizin eingesetzt. Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, inwieweit die adjuvante Therapie mit VAE eine therapeutische Option zur Behandlung von OMM ist. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei der Überlebenszeit und möglichen Nebenwirkungen. Tiere und Methoden: 26 Hunde mit OMM, die in einem der größten veterinäronkologischen Zentren der Schweiz allesamt eine Strahlentherapie erhielten (teilweise nach operativer Tumorresektion) wurden in die retrospektive Studie eingeschlossen: 18 Hunde wurden mit VAE behandelt (1 ml VAE (Iscador®) in ansteigenden Konzentrationen von 0,1 bis 20 mg/ml subkutan 3-mal pro Woche (VAE-Gruppe), 8 erhielten keine adjuvante Behandlung (Vergleichsgruppe). Wir verglichen die Größenentwicklung der OMM sowie die Überlebenszeit. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit Bestrahlung und adjuvanter VAE-Therapie zeigten mit 236 Tagen eine signifikant längere mediane Überlebenszeit im Vergleich zu Patienten mit Bestrahlung, aber ohne adjuvante VAE-Therapie (49 Tage; Log-Rank-Test: p = 0,0047). Die VAE-Therapie verlängerte die Überlebenszeit um mehr als zwei Drittel (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 0,30, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,11-0,86; p = 0,024), während ein höheres Tumorstadium gemäß UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer) einen statistischen Trend zur Verdopplung des Sterberisikos zeigte (UICC-Stadium III/IV vs. I/II: HR = 2,12, 95%-KI 0,88-5,12; p = 0,095). Zwei Patienten zeigten milde Nebenwirkungen während der VAE-Behandlung. Einer der beiden zeigte 1 Tag lang ein selbstlimitiertes Fieber, bei dem anderen Patienten reduzierten wir die Dosis von einem konzentrierteren zu einem weniger konzentrierten VAE (Serie 0) aufgrund von Müdigkeit, die daraufhin verschwand

  2. [COPD und Klangtherapie: Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung mit Körpertambura bei COPD-Patienten].


    Hartwig, Bernhard; Schmidt, Stefan; Hartwig, Isabella


    Hintergrund: Erkrankungen der Atemorgane treten mit steigendem Alter öfter auf, nehmen weltweit zu und sind häufige Ursachen für Morbidität und Mortalität. In dieser Pilotstudie wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine einmalige 10-minütige Behandlung mit einer Körpertambura eine signifikante und effektive Verbesserung der Lungenfunktion von Patienten mit chronisch-obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD; GOLD-Stadium A oder B) erbringen kann. Patienten und Methoden: 54 Probanden konnten je zur Hälfte in eine Behandlungsgruppe (Körpertambura) und eine aktive Kontrollgruppe (Atemtherapie) randomisiert werden. Eine Bestimmung der Lungenfunktionsmessparameter «Einsekundenkapazität» (FEV1) und «inspiratorische Vitalkapazität» (IVC) zu den Zeitpunkten T1 (Baseline), T2 (direkt nach Behandlung) und als Follow-up etwa 3 Wochen nach T1 (T3). Ergebnisse: Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte sich der Kontrollgruppe in beiden Werten signifikant überlegen. Die Zeit-×-Gruppe-Interaktion (Varianzanalyse) ergab p = 0,001 (FEV1) bzw. p = 0,04 (IVC). Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte bei beiden Werten eine Verbesserung von klinischer Relevanz. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Klangbehandlung mittels einer Körpertambura - neben den schulmedizinischen, leitliniengerechten Therapien - eine zusätzliche, nebenwirkungsarme, aber durchaus klinisch wirksame Option für die Behandlung von COPD-Patienten darstellen kann, um deren Lebensqualität zu stabilisieren und zu verbessern. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  3. [Homöopathisch-phytotherapeutische Behandlung des Reizdarmsyndroms mit Magen-Darm-Entoxin N®: Eine Anwendungsbeobachtung].


    Märtens, Diane; Range, Natasha; Günnewich, Nils; Gruber, Nicola; Schmidt, Stefan

    Hintergrund: In dieser Anwendungsbeobachtung wird zum ersten Mal die Behandlung des Reizdarmsyndroms (RDS) mit einem homöopathisch-phytotherapeutischen Komplexpräparat beschrieben. Methodik: Ziel der 6-wöchigen Therapie mit dem Magen-Darm-Entoxin N® war die Reduzierung der RDS-Symptomatik sowie die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Zielkriterien waren die Veränderungen in der Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Severity Scoring System (IBS-SSS) und der Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Quality-of-Life Scale (IBS-QoL). Die Patient/innen (N = 41; Alter 44,0 ± 15,74 Jahre) wurden zu gleichen Teilen in einer Hausarztpraxis (N = 20) und einer Heilpraktikerpraxis (N = 21) rekrutiert. Ergebnisse: Der IBS-QoL-Score verringerte sich signifikant (prä: 35,9 ± 16,3; post: 20,1 ± 13,4; t = 8,504; p < 0,001). Die Effektstärke betrug 1,34 (Cohens d). Der IBS-SSS-Score verringerte sich ebenfalls signifikant (prä: 239,4 ± 83,4; post: 123,7 ± 80,9; t = 7,825; p < 0,001) mit einer Effektstärke von d = 1,24. Die Neben- und Wechselwirkungen waren minimal und signifikante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Praxen wurden nicht gefunden. Schlussfolgerungen: Magen-Darm-Entoxin N® ist eine sichere und sinnvolle Therapieoption bei der Behandlung des RDS. Allerdings sollten randomisierte kontrollierte Studien folgen, um die Spezifizität der Ergebnisse dieser Anwendungsbeobachtung zu stützen. © 2017 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  4. [Osteopathie bei gastroösophagealem Reflux mit Hiatushernie: Ein Fallbericht gemäß der CARE-Leitlinie].


    Rotter, Gabriele; Brinkhaus, Benno


    Hintergrund: Das Vorhandensein einer Hiatushernie kann das Auftreten einer gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung (GERD) als Komplikation bedingen. Konventionelle medizinische Therapiemaßnahmen können zu unerwünschten Ereignissen und Rezidiven führen. Bisher sind die Effekte von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei Hiatushernie und GERD nicht bekannt. Fallbericht: Eine 59-jährige Patientin mit endoskopisch diagnostizierter chronischer Gastritis, GERD und Hiatushernie beklagte einen persistierenden gastroösophagealen Reflux trotz konventionell-medizinischer konservativer Therapie. Die osteopathische Diagnostik ergab eine funktionelle Störung im Bereich des Magens und der Kardia mit einer Beteiligung zugehöriger Reflexzonen. Nach einer osteopathischen Behandlung als individuelle, befundorientierte Therapie ließen die Beschwerden erheblich nach. Die Hiatushernie war nach einer dieser Behandlung endoskopisch nicht mehr nachweisbar. Schlussfolgerungen: Dieser Fallbericht schildert die Symptomreduktion einer GERD nach osteopathischer Behandlung. In der endoskopischen Folgeuntersuchung fand sich die initial diagnostizierte Hiatushernie nicht mehr, diese Befund änderung könnte jedoch auf die unterschiedlichen Untersucher zurückgeführt werden. Prospektive kontrollierte klinische Studien sind notwendig, um den Stellenwert von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei GERD mit Hiatushernie zu untersuchen. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  5. Radiosensibilisierung durch BRAF Inhibitoren.


    Strobel, Sophia Boyoung; Pätzold, Sylvie; Zimmer, Lisa; Jensen, Alexandra; Enk, Alexander; Hassel, Jessica Cecile


    In der letzten Zeit wurden in der Literatur vermehrt erhöhte Hauttoxizitäten während einer Kombinationstherapie mit BRAF Inhibitoren und Radiotherapie beschrieben. Wir berichten über sieben Melanompatienten in einem nicht resezierbaren Stadium III oder IV, die eine kombinierte Behandlung aus Bestrahlung und BRAF-Inhibitor erhielten. Bei allen Patienten konnte durch die Kombinationstherapie ein gutes lokales Ansprechen erreicht werden. Nur bei zwei Patienten wurde eine schwere Radiodermatitis (CTCAE Grad 3 bzw. 4) beobachtet. Bei diesen Patienten, die beide Vemurafenib erhielten, trat die Radiodermatitis nach ein bzw. zwei Wochen auf und resultierte in einer Unterbrechung der BRAF-Inhibitor Behandlung.. Die kumulative Dosis bis zum Zeitpunkt der Strahlendermatitis betrug 10 Gy bzw. 35 Gy. Bei allen anderen Vemurafenibpatienten konnten nur milde Reaktionen im Sinne einer Radiodermatitis CTCAE Grad 2, beim Dabrafenibpatienten CTCAE Grade 1 diagnostiziert werden. Bei einem Patienten wurde eine Recalldermatitis nach 14 Tagen einer beendeten Strahlentherapie mit einer kumulativen Dosis von 30 Gy diagnostiziert. Schwere Toxizitätsreaktionen der Haut unter einer BRAF-Inhibitionen treten nicht häufig auf und sind meistens gut therapierbar. Deshalb sollte die Kombinationstherapie bei aggressiv wachsenden Melanomen eine Therapieoption bleiben. Obwohl ein erhöhtes Risiko der Hauttoxizität unter einer Kombinationstherapie von Radiatio und BRAF-Inhibitoren besteht, wird diese von den meisten Patienten gut toleriert. Sequenzielle Therapie anstelle von gleichzeitiger Behandlung scheint die Toxizitätreaktionen nicht zu verhindern. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Psychological Aspects in the Treatment of Chronic Low Back Pain in Germany: A Review.


    Roch, S; Hampel, P


    Bei chronischen, nicht spezifischen Rückenschmerzen haben psychische Komorbiditäten deutlich zugenommen, sodass im Rahmen einer multimodalen Behandlung zunehmend auch psychotherapeutische Behandlungsansätze implementiert werden. Ziel dieses Reviews war es, die aktuelle Forschung zu psychologischen Aspekten bei der Behandlung von chronischen Rückenschmerzen zu thematisieren. Dazu wurde eine selektive Literaturrecherche durchgeführt, um Studien aus Deutschland zu identifizieren, die in den letzten 5 Jahren veröffentlicht wurden. Dabei wurden 12 Artikel von 5 Forschergruppen gefunden, die unterschiedliche Aspekte der stationären, teilstationären und ambulanten Rehabilitation sowie der Nachsorge thematisierten. Die Evidenz für die Effektivität von psychologischer Behandlung bei chronischen Rückenschmerzen ist in den letzten Jahren gestiegen, gerade im Bereich der Nachsorge ist jedoch weitere Forschung für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung notwendig. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  7. [Hepatitis E - More than a Rare Travel-Associated Infectious Disease!


    Wedemeyer, Heiner


    Übertragungswege  In Deutschland infizieren sich jedes Jahr wahrscheinlich mehr als 300 000 Menschen mit dem Hepatitis-E-Virus (HEV). Die Hepatitis E ist in Mitteleuropa in der Regel eine durch den zoonotischen HEV-Genotyp-3-verursachte autochthone, d. h. lokal erworbene Infektionskrankheit. Der Verzehr von nicht ausreichend erhitztem Schweine- oder Wildfleisch ist ein Hauptrisikofaktor für HEV-Infektionen, Übertragungen des Virus durch Bluttransfusionen sind aber auch möglich. Diagnostik  Bei Immunkompetenten kann die Diagnose einer akuten Hepatitis E mit dem Nachweis von anti-HEV-IgM gestellt werden. Serologische Tests können bei Immunsupprimierten aber falsch-negativ sein, weshalb in diesen Fällen eine HEV-Infektion nur durch den direkten Nachweis des Erregers mittels PCR im Blut oder Stuhl erfolgen sollte. Natürlicher Verlauf  Eine akute Hepatitis E kann bei Patienten mit anderen chronischen Lebererkrankungen zu einem Leberversagen führen. Chronische Verläufe, definiert durch eine Virämie von mind. 3 Monaten, sind bei Organtransplantierten mit immunsuppressiver Medikation beschrieben, können aber auch bei anderen Immundefizienzen auftreten. Eine chronische Hepatitis E kann innerhalb von Monaten zu einer fortgeschrittenen Leberfibrose oder zur Zirrhose führen. Extrahepatische Manifestationen  Extrahepatische Manifestationen können während und nach einer HEV-Infektion auftreten. Insbesondere Guillain-Barré-Syndrome und die neuralgische Schulteramyotrophie sind mit einer Hepatitis E assoziiert worden. Therapie  Ribavirin hat eine antivirale Wirksamkeit gegen HEV. Bei chronischer Hepatitis E sollte die Behandlung für 3 – 6 Monate durchgeführt werden. Therapieversagen und Rückfälle nach Beendigung einer Behandlung sind möglich. Ein Impfstoff gegen HEV ist bisher nur in China zugelassen.

  8. [Gastro-Oesophageal Reflux Disease - How to Manage if PPI are not Sufficiently Effective, not Tolerated, or not Wished?


    Labenz, Joachim; Koop, Herbert


    Die Standardtherapie der GERD mit PPI ist weniger wirksam als gedacht: Mindestens 30 % der Patienten haben persistierende Symptome und Läsionen (Therapielücke). Bei persistierender Symptomatik oder Wunsch einer alternativen Behandlung ist eine stratifizierte Diagnostik erforderlich. Alginate und neue Operationsverfahren erweitern die Therapieoptionen.

  9. Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Fumarsäureestern in Kombination mit Phototherapie bei Patienten mit moderater bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis (FAST).


    Weisenseel, Peter; Reich, Kristian; Griemberg, Wiebke; Merten, Katharina; Gröschel, Christine; Gomez, Natalie Nunez; Taipale, Kirsi; Bräu, Beate; Zschocke, Ina


    Die Behandlung von Psoriasis-Patienten mit einer Kombination aus Fumarsäureestern (FSE, Fumaderm ® ) und Phototherapie (UV) ist verbreitet, wurde aber im Rahmen von Studien wenig untersucht. Bisher liegen lediglich Daten aus einer kleinen Pilotstudie vor. Intention dieser Studie war, eine FSE/UV-Kombinationsbehandlung an einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Psoriasis zu untersuchen. In dieser prospektiven, multizentrischen, nichtinterventionellen Studie wurden Daten von Patienten mit FSE/UV-Kombinationstherapie hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit (PGA' PASI, DLQI, EQ-5D), Sicherheit und Dosierung über einen Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten erfasst und mit Daten einer retrospektiven Studie mit FSE-Monotherapie verglichen. Es wurden Daten von 363 Patienten ausgewertet. Unter der Kombinationstherapie verbesserten sich alle Wirksamkeitsparameter deutlich. Im Vergleich zur Monotherapie mit FSE konnte durch die Kombination mit UV ein schnellerer Wirkeintritt erzielt werden, wobei nach zwölf Monaten kein Unterschied in der Wirksamkeit bestand. Die Dauer und Art der Phototherapie zeigte keinen Einfluss auf die Wirksamkeitsparameter. Allgemein wurde die Kombinationstherapie gut vertragen. Unerwünschte Ereignisse wurden bei 7 % der Patienten berichtet. Die FSE/UV Kombinationstherapie zeigt eine gute Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit und kann zu einem schnelleren Wirkeintritt führen. Eine Kombinationstherapie erscheint vor allem in den ersten drei Monaten der FSE Behandlung sinnvoll. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Akne.


    Degitz, Klaus; Ochsendorf, Falk


    Akne ist eine chronische Erkrankung mit hoher Prävalenz unter Jugendlichen. Pathogenetische Hauptfaktoren (und ihre klinischen Korrelate) sind gesteigerte Talgproduktion (Seborrhoe), follikuläre Hyperkeratose (Komedonen) und perifollikuläre Entzündungsvorgänge (Papulopusteln). Die Krankheit wird von endogenen (Androgene, IGF-1, neuroendokrine Faktoren) und exogenen (Propionibacterium acnes, Diät, mechanische Irritation, Inhaltsstoffe medizinischer oder kosmetischer Externa) Einflüssen moduliert. Akne geht mit zum Teil hoher Morbidität einher und kann bereits bei leichter Ausprägung eine erhebliche Verschlechterung der Lebensqualität bewirken. Zu Therapie stehen wirksame topische und systemische Behandlungsverfahren zur Verfügung. Eine optimale Behandlung erfordert eine stadiengerechtes Management und kontinuierliche ärztliche Begleitung der Patienten über den erforderlichen Behandlungszeitraum. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Statistische Physik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fließbach, Torsten

    In der Statistischen Physik befassen wir uns mit Systemen aus sehr vielen Teilchen. Beispiele hierfür sind die Atome eines Gases oder einer Flüssigkeit, die Phononen eines Festkörpers oder die Photonen in einem Plasma. Die Gesetze für die Bewegung einzelner Teilchen sind durch die Mechanik oder die Quantenmechanik gegeben. Aufgrund der großen Zahl der Teilchen (zum Beispiel N = 6 • 1023 für ein Mol eines Gases) sind die Bewegungsgleichungen jedoch nicht auswertbar. Das Ergebnis einer solchen Auswertung, also etwa die Bahnen von 6•1023 Teilchen, wäre auch uninteressant und irrelevant. Die Behandlung dieser Systeme erfolgt daher statistisch, das heißt auf der Grundlage von Annahmen über dieWahrscheinlichkeit verschiedener Bahnen oder Zustände.

  12. Ein Kredit für Weihnachtsbaumkugeln

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tutsch, Sina

    Eine Mathematikerin aus dem DFG-Forschungszentrum Matheon arbeitet an Methoden zur dreidimensionalen Visualisierung. Sie hat die Geschäftsidee, Weihnachtsbaumkugeln mit bewegten Hologrammen herzustellen, die sich individuell gestalten lassen, und plant eine Existenzgründung. Aus einem öffentlichen Förderprogramm erhält sie ein günstiges Darlehen in Höhe von 50 000 Euro. Für die Startphase ihres Unternehmens benötigt sie jedoch den vierfachen Betrag.

  13. Eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Analyse von Oszillatoren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weber, Harry; Mathis, Wolfgang


    Die Analyse nichtlinearer dynamischer Schaltungen ist bis heute eine herausfordernde Aufgabe, da nur selten analytische Lösungen angegeben werden können. Daher wurden eine Vielzahl von Methoden entwickelt, um eine qualitative oder quantitative Näherung für die Lösungen der Netzwerkgleichung zu erhalten. Oftmals wird beispielsweise eine Kleinsignalanalyse mit Hilfe einer Taylorreihe in einem Arbeitspunkt durchgeführt, die nach den Gliedern erster Ordnung abgebrochen wird. Allerdings ist diese Linearisierung nur in der Nähe des stabilen Arbeitspunktes für hyperbolische Systeme gültig. Besonders für die Analyse des dynamischen Verhaltens von Oszillatoren treten jedoch nicht-hyperbolische Systeme auf, sodass diese Methode nicht angewendet werden kann Mathis (2000). Carleman hat gezeigt, dass nichtlineare Differentialgleichungen mit polynomiellen Nichtlinearitäten in ein unendliches System von linearen Differentialgleichungen transformiert werden können Carleman (1932). Wird das unendlichdimensionale Gleichungssystem für numerische Zwecke abgebrochen, kann bei Oszillatoren der Übergang in eine stationäre Schwingung (Grenzzyklus) nicht wiedergegeben werden. In diesem Beitrag wird eine selbstkonsistente Carleman Linearisierung zur Untersuchung von Oszillatoren vorgestellt, die auch dann anwendbar ist, wenn die Nichtlinearitäten keinen Polynomen entsprechen. Anstelle einer linearen Näherung um einen Arbeitspunkt, erfolgt mit Hilfe der Carleman Linearisierung eine Approximation auf einem vorgegebenen Gebiet. Da es jedoch mit der selbstkonsistenten Technik nicht möglich ist, das stationäre Verhalten von Oszillatoren zu beschreiben, wird die Berechnung einer Poincaré-Abbildung durchgeführt. Mit dieser ist eine anschließende Analyse des Oszillators möglich.

  14. Satellitenbewegung, band III: Natiirliche und gesteuerte bewegung.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jochim, E. F.


    Im dritten Band der Satellitenbewegung werden in fortlaufender Nummerierung einige für Untersuchungen der Bewegung der künstlichen Satelliten wichtige Grundlagen der Astrodynamik mit ausführlichen mathematischen Formelsystemen behandelt. Dazu zählen die unterschiedlichen Aspekte der Bewegung der natürlichen Himmelskörper, die Steuerung und Kontrolle von künstlichen Objekten, und insbesondere die für eine Satellitenbahnanalyse wichtigen physikalischen Beeinflussungen einer Satellitenbewegung. Mathematisch entscheidend ist die Wahl geeigneter Bahnparameter, die ein bestimmtes Bewegungsproblem widerspruchsfrei und singularitätenfrei zu behandeln gestatten. Für die Behandlung routinemäßiger Aufgabenstellungen der Satellitenbewegung, in erster Linie einer präzisen Bahnbestimmung und Bahnverbesserung, kann auf eine Fülle von lehrbuchartigen Monographien verwiesen werden, so dass diese Problematik in der vorliegenden Arbeit nur angedeutet werden soll.

  15. Strukturen und Geschäftsmodelle eines neuen Energiemarkts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mildebrath, Bernhard

    Die Energiewende fördert nicht nur technologische, sondern auch organisatorische und kommerzielle Innovationen. Die Strukturen und Geschäftsmodelle eines neuen Energiemarktes entwickeln sich bereits. Im Spagat zwischen Versuch und Irrtum werden sie völlig neue Lösungen für eine altbekannte Forderung schaffen: Strom soll preiswert, sicher und umweltverträglich sein. Der nachstehende Artikel präsentiert dafür - teils zugespitzte - Überlegungen zu den Strukturen und Geschäftsmodellen eines neuen Energiemarkts.

  16. Hardware-Abbildung eines videobasierten Verfahrens zur echtzeitfähigen Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen auf eine modulare Coprozessor-Architektur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flatt, H.; Tarnowsky, A.; Blume, H.; Pirsch, P.


    Dieser Beitrag behandelt die Abbildung eines videobasierten Verfahrens zur echtzeitfähigen Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen auf eine modulare Coprozessor-Architektur. Die Architektur besteht aus mehreren dedizierten Recheneinheiten zur parallelen Verarbeitung rechenintensiver Bildverarbeitungsverfahren und ist mit einem RISC-Prozessor verbunden. Eine konfigurierbare Architekturerweiterung um eine Recheneinheit zur Auswertung von Winkelhistogrammen von Objekten ermöglicht in Verbindung mit dem RISC eine echtzeitfähige Klassifikation. Je nach Konfiguration sind für die Architekturerweiterung auf einem Xilinx Virtex-5-FPGA zwischen 3300 und 12 000 Lookup-Tables erforderlich. Bei einer Taktfrequenz von 100 MHz können unabhängig von der Bildauflösung pro Einzelbild in einem 25-Hz-Videodatenstrom bis zu 100 Objekte der Größe 256×256 Pixel analysiert werden. This paper presents the mapping of a video-based approach for real-time evaluation of angular histograms on a modular coprocessor architecture. The architecture comprises several dedicated processing elements for parallel processing of computation-intensive image processing tasks and is coupled with a RISC processor. A configurable architecture extension, especially a processing element for evaluating angular histograms of objects in conjunction with a RISC processor, provides a real-time classification. Depending on the configuration of the architecture extension, 3 300 to 12 000 look-up tables are required for a Xilinx Virtex-5 FPGA implementation. Running at a clock frequency of 100 MHz and independently of the image resolution per frame, 100 objects of size 256×256 pixels are analyzed in a 25 Hz video stream by the architecture.

  17. EIN2 mediates direct regulation of histone acetylation in the ethylene response.


    Zhang, Fan; Wang, Likai; Qi, Bin; Zhao, Bo; Ko, Eun Esther; Riggan, Nathaniel D; Chin, Kevin; Qiao, Hong


    Ethylene gas is essential for developmental processes and stress responses in plants. Although the membrane-bound protein EIN2 is critical for ethylene signaling, the mechanism by which the ethylene signal is transduced remains largely unknown. Here we show the levels of H3K14Ac and H3K23Ac are correlated with the levels of EIN2 protein and demonstrate EIN2 C terminus (EIN2-C) is sufficient to rescue the levels of H3K14/23Ac of ein2 -5 at the target loci, using CRISPR/dCas9-EIN2-C. Chromatin immunoprecipitation followed by deep sequencing (ChIP-seq) and ChIP-reChIP-seq analyses revealed that EIN2-C associates with histone partially through an interaction with EIN2 nuclear-associated protein1 (ENAP1), which preferentially binds to the genome regions that are associated with actively expressed genes both with and without ethylene treatments. Specifically, in the presence of ethylene, ENAP1-binding regions are more accessible upon the interaction with EIN2, and more EIN3 proteins bind to the loci where ENAP1 is enriched for a quick response. Together, these results reveal EIN2-C is the key factor regulating H3K14Ac and H3K23Ac in response to ethylene and uncover a unique mechanism by which ENAP1 interacts with chromatin, potentially preserving the open chromatin regions in the absence of ethylene; in the presence of ethylene, EIN2 interacts with ENAP1, elevating the levels of H3K14Ac and H3K23Ac, promoting more EIN3 binding to the targets shared with ENAP1 and resulting in a rapid transcriptional regulation.

  18. Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen.


    Castellanos-González, Maria; Joven, Beatriz Esther; Sánchez, Julio; Andrés-Esteban, Eva María; Vanaclocha-Sebastián, Francisco; Romero, Pablo Ortiz; Díaz, Raquel Rivera


    Obwohl subklinische Enthesiopathie ein gut etabliertes diagnostisches Merkmal der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) ist, wird sie häufig übersehen, da viele Patienten asymptomatisch sind. Gäbe es klinische Hinweise auf das Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie, würde dies den Klinikern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, eine PsA frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren. Es wurde eine monozentrische prospektive Studie mit insgesamt 90 Psoriasis-Patienten durchgeführt, um mittels Ultraschall das Vorliegen von Enthesenanomalien zu untersuchen und eine Korrelation mit dem Befall der Nägel festzustellen. Enthesenanomalien wurden bei 23 Patienten (25,5 %) gefunden, von denen 19 (82,6 %) Nagelbefall aufwiesen. Bei 4 Patienten waren die Nägel nicht betroffen. Enthesiopathie lag bei 31,1 % (19/61) der Patienten mit Onychopathie vor, von den Patienten ohne Nagelbefall litten nur 13,8 % (4/29) an Enthesiopathie (p = 0,07). Zwischen dem Target-NAPSI-Score und dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie bestand eine signifikante Korrelation. Eine signifikante Korrelation bestand darüber hinaus auch zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie und der Anzahl der betroffenen Nägel (p = 0,035). Klinische Belege für eine Onychopathie können der Schlüssel für die frühe Diagnose einer Enthesiopathie bei Psoriasis-Patienten sein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Werner-Syndrom. Eine prototypische Form der segmentalen Progerie

    PubMed Central

    Lessel, D.; Oshima, J.; Kubisch, C.


    Das Werner-Syndrom ist eine segmental progeroide Erkrankung mit Beginn in der Adoleszenz oder im frühen Erwachsenenalter. Typische Symptome, die zum vorgealterten Phänotyp beitragen, sind ein post-pubertär auftretender Kleinwuchs, Katarakte, eine vorzeitige Ergrauung/Ausdünnung des Haupthaars, sklerodermieähnliche Hautveränderungen und eine regionale Atrophie des subkutanen Fettgewebes. Darüber hinaus kommt es früh und gehäuft zu „Alterserkrankungen“ wie z. B. einem Diabetes mellitus Typ 2, einer Osteoporose, einer Atherosklerose sowie verschiedenen malignen Tumoren. Das Werner-Syndrom wird autosomal- rezessiv vererbt und ist durch Mutationen im Werner-Gen (WRN) bedingt. Es wurden bis heute mehr als 70 über das gesamte Gen verteilte Mutationen identifiziert, die typischerweise zu einem Verlust der Genfunktion führen. WRN kodiert für eine RecQ-Typ- Helikase, die u. a. an der DNA-Reparatur und der Aufrechterhaltung der DNA-Integrität beteiligt ist, was sich in einer erhöhten genetischen Instabilität in Patientenzellen wider-spiegelt. Trotz der relativen Seltenheit ist die Analyse des Werner-Syndroms von allgemeiner Bedeutung, um die Rolle der DNA-Stabilität und Integrität für das Altern sowie die Entwicklung altersassoziierter Erkrankungen besser zu verstehen. PMID:25309043

  20. [Management of Pregnancy-Associated Venous Thromboembolism - Current Recommendations].


    Linnemann, Birgit


    Diagnostik in der Schwangerschaft  Studien belegen den hohen Stellenwert der Kompressionssonografie der Beinvenen plus Duplexsonografie der Beckenvenen in der Diagnostik der Becken- und Beinvenenthrombose auch bei Schwangeren. Perfusionsszintigrafie und CT-Angiografie der Pulmonalarterien sind bei vergleichbarer fötaler Strahlenbelastung gleich aussagekräftig. Aufgrund der mütterlichen Strahlenbelastung favorisieren aktuelle Leitlinien bei fehlender struktureller Lungenerkrankung die Perfusionsszintigrafie als primäre Bildgebung. Es gibt keinen Grund, einer Schwangeren mit Lungenembolieverdacht eine notwendige radiologische Diagnosesicherung vorzuenthalten. Antikoagulation in der Schwangerschaft  Heparine bleiben Antikoagulans der 1. Wahl bei der Behandlung der venöses Thromboembolien (VTE) in der Schwangerschaft. Neue orale Antikoagulantien (NOAK) sind aufgrund ihrer geringen Molekülgröße plazentagängig und daher in der Schwangerschaft kontraindiziert. Peripartales Vorgehen  Zur Minimierung des postpartalen Blutungsrisikos vor der Geburt ist in den letzten Wochen vor der Geburt eine Aufteilung der NMH-Injektion auf 2 Tagesdosen sinnvoll. Bei der Entbindung ist eine interdisziplinäre Abstimmung wichtig. Postpartal kann eine NMH-Therapie fortgesetzt oder Warfarin eingesetzt werden (Kein Phenprocoumon, da es in die Muttermilch übergeht).

  1. Stenting und technische Stentumgebung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoffstetter, Marc; Pfeifer, Stefan; Schratzenstaller, Thomas; Wintermantel, Erich

    In hoch entwickelten Industrieländern stehen laut Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und speziell die Koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) an erster Stelle der Todesursachen. In Deutschland betrug die Zahl der erfassten, an KHK erkrankten Personen ohne Berücksichtigung der Dunkelziffer allein im Jahre 2001 über 473.000. Die KHK war im Jahre 2003 mit 92.673 erfassten Todesfällen immer noch die häufigste Todesursache, obgleich in Deutschland die Häufigkeit der Koronarinterventionen zur Behandlung der KHK zwischen 1984 und 2003 um fast das 80fache von 2.809 auf 221.867 Eingriffe pro Jahr gestiegen ist [1]. Neben der hohen Zahl an Todesfällen haben die betroffenen Personen durch chronische Schmerzen und eingeschränkte körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit zusätzlich eine starke Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität [2].In Folge dessen wird die erkrankte Person häufig zum Pflegefall was neben den gesundheitlichen Aspekten auch eine sozioökonomische Komponente in Form der fehlenden Arbeitskraft und den auftretenden Pflegekosten nach sich zieht. Die Kosten für die Behandlung der KHK in Deutschland beliefen sich im Jahre 2002 laut Statistischem Bundesamt auf rund 6,9 Mrd. €. Verglichen mit ähnlichen Zahlen der USA dürfte sich der entstandene Schaden für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im zwei- bis dreistelligen Milliardenbereich bewegen [3].

  2. 9 CFR 381.160 - (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. 381... Composition § 381.160 (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. Such product consists of 100 percent poultry of the kind... shall be named “(Kind) Patties.” ...

  3. 9 CFR 381.160 - (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. 381... Composition § 381.160 (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. Such product consists of 100 percent poultry of the kind... shall be named “(Kind) Patties.” ...

  4. 9 CFR 381.160 - (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. 381... Composition § 381.160 (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. Such product consists of 100 percent poultry of the kind... shall be named “(Kind) Patties.” ...

  5. The Central Role of PhEIN2 in Ethylene Responses throughout Plant Development in Petunia1

    PubMed Central

    Shibuya, Kenichi; Barry, Kristin G.; Ciardi, Joseph A.; Loucas, Holly M.; Underwood, Beverly A.; Nourizadeh, Saeid; Ecker, Joseph R.; Klee, Harry J.; Clark, David G.


    The plant hormone ethylene regulates many aspects of growth and development. Loss-of-function mutations in ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2) result in ethylene insensitivity in Arabidopsis, indicating an essential role of EIN2 in ethylene signaling. However, little is known about the role of EIN2 in species other than Arabidopsis. To gain a better understanding of EIN2, a petunia (Petunia × hybrida cv Mitchell Diploid [MD]) homolog of the Arabidopsis EIN2 gene (PhEIN2) was isolated, and the role of PhEIN2 was analyzed in a wide range of plant responses to ethylene, many that do not occur in Arabidopsis. PhEIN2 mRNA was present at varying levels in tissues examined, and the PhEIN2 expression decreased after ethylene treatment in petals. These results indicate that expression of PhEIN2 mRNA is spatially and temporally regulated in petunia during plant development. Transgenic petunia plants with reduced PhEIN2 expression were compared to wild-type MD and ethylene-insensitive petunia plants expressing the Arabidopsis etr1-1 gene for several physiological processes. Both PhEIN2 and etr1-1 transgenic plants exhibited significant delays in flower senescence and fruit ripening, inhibited adventitious root and seedling root hair formation, premature death, and increased hypocotyl length in seedling ethylene response assays compared to MD. Moderate or strong levels of reduction in ethylene sensitivity were achieved with expression of both etr1-1 and PhEIN2 transgenes, as measured by downstream expression of PhEIL1. These results demonstrate that PhEIN2 mediates ethylene signals in a wide range of physiological processes and also indicate the central role of EIN2 in ethylene signal transduction. PMID:15466231

  6. Nebenwirkungen von TNF-alpha-Inhibitoren am Hautorgan.


    Lindhaus, Claudia; Tittelbach, Jörg; Elsner, Peter


    TNF-alpha-Inhibitoren werden seit Anfang der 1990er Jahre erfolgreich zur Behandlung diverser immunvermittelter entzündlicher Erkrankungen eingesetzt. Inzwischen gibt es eine umfangreiche Datenlage bezüglich ihrer Sicherheit. Nebenwirkungen sind bezogen auf die Häufigkeit der Anwendung selten und meist nicht schwerwiegend. Zu den Nebenwirkungen am Hautorgan zählen lokale injektionsassoziierte Reaktionen, Infektionen, immunvermittelte Reaktionen sowie Neoplasien. Die häufigsten schwerwiegenden Nebenwirkungen sind infektiöser Natur. Mykobakterielle Infektionen, aber auch non-mykobakterielle Erreger, Viren und Pilze können potenziell letale, systemische Infektionen auslösen. Im Folgenden wird eine Übersicht über das gegenwärtige Wissen bezüglich der Nebenwirkungen von TNFα-Inhibitoren am Hautorgan gegeben. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. The Arabidopsis EIN2 restricts organ growth by retarding cell expansion

    PubMed Central

    Feng, Guanping; Liu, Gang; Xiao, Jianhua


    The growth of plant organ to its characteristic size is a fundamental developmental process, but the mechanism is still poorly understood. Plant hormones play a great role in organ size control by modulating cell division and/or cell expansion. ETHYLENE INSENSITVE 2 (EIN2) was first identified by a genetic screen for ethylene insensitivity and is regarded as a central component of ethylene signaling, but its role in cell growth has not been reported. Here we demonstrate that changed expression of EIN2 led to abnormity of cell expansion by morphological and cytological analyses of EIN2 loss-of-function mutants and the overexpressing transgenic plant. Our findings suggest that EIN2 controls final organ size by restricting cell expansion. PMID:26039475

  8. Bildbasierte Navigation eines mobilen Roboters mittels omnidirektionaler und schwenkbarer Kamera

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nierobisch, Thomas; Hoffmann, Frank; Krettek, Johannes; Bertram, Torsten

    Dieser Beitrag präsentiert einen neuartigen Ansatz zur entkoppelten Regelung der Kamera-Blickrichtung und der Bewegung eines mobilen Roboters im Kontext der bildbasierten Navigation. Eine schwenkbare monokulare Kamera hält unabhängig von der Roboterbewegung die relevanten Merkmale für die Navigation im Sichtfeld. Die Entkopplung der Kamerablickrichtung von der eigentlichen Roboterbewegung wird durch die Projektion der Merkmale auf eine virtuelle Bildebene realisiert. In der virtuellen Bildebene hängt die Ausprägung der visuellen Merkmale für die bildbasierte Regelung nur von der Roboterposition ab und ist unabhängig gegenüber der tatsächlichen Blickrichtung der Kamera. Durch die Schwenkbarkeit der monokularen Kamera wird der Arbeitsbereich, über dem sich ein Referenzbild zur bildbasierten Regelung eignet, gegenüber einer statischen Kamera signifikant vergrößert. Dies ermöglicht die Navigation auch in texturarmen Umgebungen, die wenig verwertbare Textur- und Strukturmerkmale aufweisen.

  9. Apple EIN3 BINDING F-box 1 inhibits the activity of three apple EIN3-like transcription factors

    PubMed Central

    Tacken, Emma J.; Ireland, Hilary S.; Wang, Yen-Yi; Putterill, Jo; Schaffer, Robert J.


    Background and aims Fruit ripening in Malus× domestica (apple) is controlled by ethylene. Work in model species has shown that following the detection of ethylene, the ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE 3 (EIN3) transcription factor is stabilized, leading to an increase in transcript accumulation of ethylene-responsive genes, such as POLYGALACTURONASE1 (PG1). In the absence of ethylene, the EIN3 BINDING F-box (EBF) proteins rapidly degrade EIN3 via the ubiquitination/SCF (Skp, Cullin, F-Box) proteasome pathway. In this study, we aim to identify and characterize the apple EBF genes, and test their activity against apple EIN3-like proteins (EILs). Methodology The apple genome sequence was mined for EBF-like genes. The expression of EBF-like genes was measured during fruit development. Using a transient assay in Nicotiana benthamiana leaves, the activity of three apple EILs was tested against the PG1 promoter, with and without ethylene and EBF1. Principal results Four EBF-like genes in apple were identified and grouped into two sub-clades. Sub-clade I genes had constant expression over fruit development while sub-clade II genes increased in expression at ripening. EBF1 was shown to reduce the transactivation of the apple PG1 promoter by the EIL1, EIL2 and EIL3 transcription factors in the presence of ethylene. Conclusions The apple EBF1 gene identified here is likely to be a functionally conserved EBF orthologue, modulating EIL activity in apples. The activity of EBF1 suggests that it is not specific to a single EIL, instead acting as a global regulator of apple EIL transcription factors. PMID:23585922

  10. [Cardiodoron® bei Patienten mit Schlafstörungen - Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie].


    Rother, Claudia; Schnelle, Martin

    Hintergrund: Schlafstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Problemen der heutigen Zeit. Stress und die dadurch bedingte innere Anspannung sowie eine unrhythmische Lebensführung z.B. durch Schichtarbeit sind bekannte auslösende Faktoren. Weniger bekannt ist, dass auch funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden zu Störungen des Schlafs führen können und dass deren Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schlafqualität beiträgt. Ganzheitlich betrachtet geht es daher um die Wiederherstellung einer gesunden Rhythmik, insbesondere des Herz-/Atem- sowie des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, die Cardiodoron®, eine Heilpflanzenkomposition aus Primula veris, Hyoscyamus niger und Onopordum acanthium, unterstützt. Patienten und Methoden: Mittels einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Beobachtungsstudie sollte ermittelt werden, wie sich funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und/oder Schlafstörungen unter der Behandlung mit Cardiodoron® (Dilution) über 3-6 Monate entwickeln. Im Zeitraum von September 2009 bis März 2012 dokumentierten 92 Ärzte 501 Patienten, von denen 380 über Schlafstörungen klagten und deren Daten in dieser Publikation näher betrachtet werden. Nach einer Aufnahmeuntersuchung erfolgte nach 90 Tagen eine Abschlussuntersuchung und bei Fortführung der Therapie nach nochmals 90 Tagen eine Follow-up-Untersuchung. Neben 30 ärztlicherseits bewerteten Symptomen beurteilten die Patienten ihr Befinden mittels Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) nach Buysse und der Beschwerden-Liste nach von Zerssen (B-L und B-L'). Ergebnisse: Unter der Cardiodoron®-Therapie gingen bei guter Verträglichkeit sowohl die Ausprägung der Schlafstörungen (um 65% von 2,0 auf 0,7 Punkte) als auch die erfassten 30 Symptome (um 59% von 24,3 auf 9,9 Punkte) deutlich zurück (p < 0,01). Weiterhin reduzierten sich der PSQI und der Gesamtwert der Beschwerden-Liste signifikant (p < 0,0001) um 60% bzw. 56% (von 12,2 auf 4,8 bzw. von 25,6 auf 11,4 Punkte). Schlussfolgerungen: Bei

  11. Rosazea-Management: Update über allgemeine Maßnahmen und topische Therapieoptionen.


    Schaller, M; Schöfer, H; Homey, B; Hofmann, M; Gieler, U; Lehmann, P; Luger, T A; Ruzicka, T; Steinhoff, M


    Obwohl bislang für die Rosazea keine kurative Therapie besteht, können verschiedene Optionen zur Behandlung der Symptome und zur Vorbeugung von Exazerbationen empfohlen werden. Neben Selbsthilfemaßnahme wie der Vermeidung von Triggerfaktoren und einer geeigneten Hautpflege sollte das Rosazea-Management bei Patienten mit erythematöser und leichter bis schwerer papulopustulöser Rosazea die Anwendung topischer Präparate als First-Line-Therapie umfassen. Da Überlappungen der charakteristischen Rosazea-Symptome im klinischen Alltag die Regel sind, sollte die medikamentöse Therapie auf die individuellen Symptome zugeschnitten werden; auch eine Kombinationstherapie kann erforderlich sein. Zu den für die Behandlung der Hauptsymptome der Rosazea zugelassenen Wirkstoffen gehören Brimonidin gegen das Erythem sowie Ivermectin, Metronidazol oder Azelainsäure gegen entzündliche Läsionen. Ihre Wirksamkeit wurde in zahlreichen validen, gut kontrollierten Studien belegt. Darüber hinaus existieren verschiedene nicht zugelassene topische Behandlungsmöglichkeiten, deren Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit noch in größeren, kontrollierten Studien zu untersuchen ist. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Implantate in der Augenheilkunde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dresp, Joachim H.

    Im Bereich der Augenheilkunde findet sich die weltweit am häufigsten ausgeführte chirurgische Massnahme, die operative Behandlung des Grauen Stars: die Katarakt. Bei der Katarakt handelt es sich um eine Eintrübung der natürlichen Augenlinse, die sich je nach Stadium der Erkrankung leicht opak, über milchig bis zu bräunlich präsentiert. Mit dieser Zunahme der Undurchlässigkeit für das sichtbare Licht geht eine Abnahme des Sehvermögens einher, die bis zur totalen Erblindung führen kann. Bedingt durch die sehr eingeschränkten chirurgischen Möglichkeiten in den Ländern der Dritten Welt ist die Katarakt die Erblindungsursache Nummer 1 in der Welt. Ganz im Gegensatz hierzu ist in den industrialisierten Ländern Europas, Amerikas und Asiens die Katarakt-OP die sicherste chirurgische Intervention. In der Augenheilkunde werden Implantate aller drei Aggregatszustände verwendet.

  13. Analyse der Literatur zu Klimawirkungen in Deutschland: ein Gesamtbild mit Lücken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fleischhauer, Mark; Greiving, Stefan; Lindner, Christian; Lückenkötter, Johannes; Schauser, Inke

    Dieses Kapitel präsentiert Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Literaturauswertung zu relevanten Klimawirkungen für Deutschland, die im Rahmen des Projekts "Netzwerk Vulnerabilität" vorgenommen wurde. Es zeigt auf, dass ein aggregiertes Gesamtbild der Klimawirkungen für Deutschland als Grundlage für Folgenabschätzungen und Anpassungsplanungen noch nicht gezeichnet werden kann, da eine große Bandbreite an Ansätzen zur Bewertung von Vulnerabilitäten oder Klimawandelfolgen existiert und die gegenwärtig vorhandenen Klimawirkungs- und Vulnerabilitätsstudien von großer Heterogenität gekennzeichnet sind. Als erster Schritt wird deshalb eine Zusammenschau bereits vorhandener Ansätze geliefert.

  14. Innovative BI-Lösungen als Basis für eine erfolgreiche Transformation zu Utility 4.0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Phillipp, Daniel; Ebert, Sebastian

    Für eine erfolgreiche Transformation, vom reinen Energieversorger hin zum Energiedienstleister, werden innovative Business-Intelligence-Lösungen notwendig sein und eine zentrale Rolle einnehmen. Dabei ist es zunächst essenziell, die Herausforderungen zu kennen und ihnen mit geeigneten Analysen zu begegnen. Die Basis hierzu bildet eine abgestimmte und auf die strategischen Unternehmensziele ausgerichtete Architektur und Vorgehensweise. Zwei Beispiele veranschaulichen, wie ein gesamtheitlicher Ansatz, auch bei Datenvielfalt und hoher Komplexität, operative Prozesse optimiert, und fortgeschrittene Analysen zukünftig einen Beitrag zum Unternehmenserfolg liefern können.

  15. Was leistet ein Sportler? Kraft, Leistung und Energie im Muskel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thaller, Sigrid; Mathelitsch, Leopold


    Der Leistungsbegriff ist im Sport weiter gefasst als in der Physik. In beiden Fällen liegt der Fokus jedoch auf einer pro Zeiteinheit erfolgten Energieumsetzung. Allerdings gibt die rein physikalische Leistung nicht immer Auskunft über den Energieumsatz der Muskeln. Die Muskelkraft hängt von der Kontraktionsgeschwindigkeit des Muskels ab. Ein Muskel verhält sich also anders als eine Feder. Für den Hochleistungssport müssen die Energieumsätze der Muskeln durch spezielle Trainings- und Nahrungsprogramme optimiert werden.

  16. Gerbstoffe aus Potentilla officinalis wirken entzündungshemmend im UV-Erythem-Test und bei Anwendung auf atopischer Haut.


    Hoffmann, Julia; Wölfle, Ute; Schempp, Christoph M; Casetti, Federica


    Das Rhizom von Potentilla officinalis (PO) ist reich an Gerbstoffen und wird traditionell zur äußerlichen Behandlung von Entzündungen der Haut und der Schleimhäute verwendet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Bestätigung der antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften von PO mittels eines UV-Erythem-Tests und einer klinischen Anwendungsstudie bei atopischer Haut. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung eines PO-Extrakts (standardisiert auf 2 % Trockensubstanz) wurde in einer prospektiven, randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Doppelblindstudie mit 40 gesunden Erwachsenen im UV-Erythem-Test im Vergleich zu 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat untersucht. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven nicht kontrollierten Studie wurde die Wirkung und Verträglichkeit der 2 % PO-Creme an zwölf Erwachsenen und zwölf Kindern mit atopischer Haut nach Anwendung über zwei Wochen in einem definierten Testareal anhand eines Teil-SCORAD untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die Beeinflussung der Hautrötung im Testareal photometrisch gemessen. Im UV-Erythem-Test zeigte die PO-Creme eine signifikante Reduktion des Erythemindex im Vergleich zum Vehikel. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Verums entsprach der der 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat-Creme. Die klinische Studie bei Atopikern zeigte eine signifikante Abnahme des Teil-SCORAD und des Erythems im Testareal. Es wurden keine Unverträglichkeitsreaktionen beobachtet. PO als 2%ige Zubereitung besitzt entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften und ist wirksam und gut verträglich auf atopischer Haut. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  17. 9 CFR 381.160 - (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. 381.160 Section 381.160 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  18. 9 CFR 381.160 - (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false (Kind) burgers; (Kind) patties. 381.160 Section 381.160 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  19. Transcriptome Analysis Provides a Preliminary Regulation Route of the Ethylene Signal Transduction Component, SlEIN2, during Tomato Ripening.


    Wang, Rui-Heng; Yuan, Xin-Yu; Meng, Lan-Huan; Zhu, Ben-Zhong; Zhu, Hong-Liang; Luo, Yun-Bo; Fu, Da-Qi


    Ethylene is crucial in climacteric fruit ripening. The ethylene signal pathway regulates several physiological alterations such as softening, carotenoid accumulation and sugar level reduction, and production of volatile compounds. All these physiological processes are controlled by numerous genes and their expression simultaneously changes at the onset of ripening. Ethylene insensitive 2 (EIN2) is a key component for ethylene signal transduction, and its mutation causes ethylene insensitivity. In tomato, silencing SlEIN2 resulted in a non-ripening phenotype and low ethylene production. RNA sequencing of SlEIN2-silenced and wild type tomato, and differential gene expression analyses, indicated that silencing SlEIN2 caused changes in more than 4,000 genes, including those related to photosynthesis, defense, and secondary metabolism. The relative expression level of 28 genes covering ripening-associated transcription factors, ethylene biosynthesis, ethylene signal pathway, chlorophyll binding proteins, lycopene and aroma biosynthesis, and defense pathway, showed that SlEIN2 influences ripening inhibitor (RIN) in a feedback loop, thus controlling the expression of several other genes. SlEIN2 regulates many aspects of fruit ripening, and is a key factor in the ethylene signal transduction pathway. Silencing SlEIN2 ultimately results in lycopene biosynthesis inhibition, which is the reason why tomato does not turn red, and this gene also affects the expression of several defense-associated genes. Although SlEIN2-silenced and green wild type fruits are similar in appearance, their metabolism is significantly different at the molecular level.

  20. 9 CFR 381.163 - “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Composition § 381.163 “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated, that has been cooked in dry source heat, e.g., oven roasted or oven baked. ...

  1. 9 CFR 381.163 - “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Composition § 381.163 “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated, that has been cooked in dry source heat, e.g., oven roasted or oven baked. ...

  2. 9 CFR 381.163 - “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Composition § 381.163 “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated, that has been cooked in dry source heat, e.g., oven roasted or oven baked. ...

  3. 9 CFR 381.163 - “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Composition § 381.163 “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated, that has been cooked in dry source heat, e.g., oven roasted or oven baked. ...

  4. 9 CFR 381.163 - “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Composition § 381.163 “(Kind) baked” or “(Kind) roasted.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated, that has been cooked in dry source heat, e.g., oven roasted or oven baked. ...

  5. AaEIN3 Mediates the Downregulation of Artemisinin Biosynthesis by Ethylene Signaling Through Promoting Leaf Senescence in Artemisia annua.


    Tang, Yueli; Li, Ling; Yan, Tingxiang; Fu, Xueqing; Shi, Pu; Shen, Qian; Sun, Xiaofen; Tang, Kexuan


    Artemisinin is an important drug for malaria treatment, which is exclusively produced in Artemisia annua . It's important to dissect the regulatory mechanism of artemisinin biosynthesis by diverse plant hormones and transcription factors. Our study shows ethylene, a plant hormone which accelerates flower and leaf senescence and fruit ripening, suppressed the expression of genes encoding three key enzymes ADS, DBR2, CYP71AV1, and a positive regulator AaORA involved in artemisinin biosynthesis. Then we isolated the gene encoding ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3), a key transcription factor in ethylene signaling pathway, by screening the transcriptome and genome database from Artemisia annua , named AaEIN3 . Overexpressing AaEIN3 suppressed artemisinin biosynthesis, while repressing its expression with RNAi enhanced artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua , indicating AaEIN3 negatively regulates artemisinin biosynthesis. Further study showed the downregulation of artemisinin biosynthesis by ethylene required the mediation of AaEIN3. AaEIN3 could accelerate leaf senescence, and leaf senescence attenuated the expression of ADS, DBR2, CYP71AV1 , and AaORA that are involved in artemisinin biosynthesis. Collectively, our study demonstrated a negative correlation between ethylene signaling and artemisinin biosynthesis, which is ascribed to AaEIN3-induced senescence process of leaves. Our work provided novel knowledge on the regulatory network of plant hormones for artemisinin metabolic pathway.

  6. AaEIN3 Mediates the Downregulation of Artemisinin Biosynthesis by Ethylene Signaling Through Promoting Leaf Senescence in Artemisia annua

    PubMed Central

    Tang, Yueli; Li, Ling; Yan, Tingxiang; Fu, Xueqing; Shi, Pu; Shen, Qian; Sun, Xiaofen; Tang, Kexuan


    Artemisinin is an important drug for malaria treatment, which is exclusively produced in Artemisia annua. It’s important to dissect the regulatory mechanism of artemisinin biosynthesis by diverse plant hormones and transcription factors. Our study shows ethylene, a plant hormone which accelerates flower and leaf senescence and fruit ripening, suppressed the expression of genes encoding three key enzymes ADS, DBR2, CYP71AV1, and a positive regulator AaORA involved in artemisinin biosynthesis. Then we isolated the gene encoding ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3), a key transcription factor in ethylene signaling pathway, by screening the transcriptome and genome database from Artemisia annua, named AaEIN3. Overexpressing AaEIN3 suppressed artemisinin biosynthesis, while repressing its expression with RNAi enhanced artemisinin biosynthesis in Artemisia annua, indicating AaEIN3 negatively regulates artemisinin biosynthesis. Further study showed the downregulation of artemisinin biosynthesis by ethylene required the mediation of AaEIN3. AaEIN3 could accelerate leaf senescence, and leaf senescence attenuated the expression of ADS, DBR2, CYP71AV1, and AaORA that are involved in artemisinin biosynthesis. Collectively, our study demonstrated a negative correlation between ethylene signaling and artemisinin biosynthesis, which is ascribed to AaEIN3-induced senescence process of leaves. Our work provided novel knowledge on the regulatory network of plant hormones for artemisinin metabolic pathway. PMID:29675029

  7. EIN3 and ORE1 Accelerate Degreening during Ethylene-Mediated Leaf Senescence by Directly Activating Chlorophyll Catabolic Genes in Arabidopsis

    PubMed Central

    Qiu, Kai; Li, Zhongpeng; Yang, Zhen; Chen, Junyi; Wu, Shouxin; Zhu, Xiaoyu; Gao, Shan; Gao, Jiong; Ren, Guodong; Kuai, Benke; Zhou, Xin


    Degreening, caused by chlorophyll degradation, is the most obvious symptom of senescing leaves. Chlorophyll degradation can be triggered by endogenous and environmental cues, and ethylene is one of the major inducers. ETHYLENE INSENSITIVE3 (EIN3) is a key transcription factor in the ethylene signaling pathway. It was previously reported that EIN3, miR164, and a NAC (NAM, ATAF, and CUC) transcription factor ORE1/NAC2 constitute a regulatory network mediating leaf senescence. However, how this network regulates chlorophyll degradation at molecular level is not yet elucidated. Here we report a feed-forward regulation of chlorophyll degradation that involves EIN3, ORE1, and chlorophyll catabolic genes (CCGs). Gene expression analysis showed that the induction of three major CCGs, NYE1, NYC1 and PAO, by ethylene was largely repressed in ein3 eil1 double mutant. Dual-luciferase assay revealed that EIN3 significantly enhanced the promoter activity of NYE1, NYC1 and PAO in Arabidopsis protoplasts. Furthermore, Electrophoretic mobility shift assay (EMSA) indicated that EIN3 could directly bind to NYE1, NYC1 and PAO promoters. These results reveal that EIN3 functions as a positive regulator of CCG expression during ethylene-mediated chlorophyll degradation. Interestingly, ORE1, a senescence regulator which is a downstream target of EIN3, could also activate the expression of NYE1, NYC1 and PAO by directly binding to their promoters in EMSA and chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP) assays. In addition, EIN3 and ORE1 promoted NYE1 and NYC1 transcriptions in an additive manner. These results suggest that ORE1 is also involved in the direct regulation of CCG transcription. Moreover, ORE1 activated the expression of ACS2, a major ethylene biosynthesis gene, and subsequently promoted ethylene production. Collectively, our work reveals that EIN3, ORE1 and CCGs constitute a coherent feed-forward loop involving in the robust regulation of ethylene-mediated chlorophyll degradation

  8. Ustekinumab in der Therapie der Pustulosis palmoplantaris - Eine Fallserie mit neun Patienten.


    Buder, Valeska; Herberger, Katharina; Jacobi, Arnd; Augustin, Matthias; Radtke, Marc Alexander


    Die Pustulosis palmoplantaris ist eine chronisch entzündliche Hauterkrankung, die mit bedeutenden Einschränkungen der Lebensqualität und der Belastbarkeit einhergeht. Aufgrund von Zulassungsbeschränkungen und einem häufig therapierefraktären Verlauf sind die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten limitiert. Nach zuvor frustranen Therapien erhielten 9 Patienten mit Pustulosis palmoplantaris nach Ausschluss einer latenten Tuberkulose Ustekinumab (45 mg Ustekinumab bei < 100 kg Körpergewicht [KG], 90 mg Ustekinumab > 100 kg KG) in Woche 0, 4, 12 und 24. Reguläre Visiten erfolgten nach 4 und 12 Wochen, im weiteren Verlauf alle 12 Wochen. Das Durchschnittsalter bei Therapiebeginn betrug 48 Jahre. Drei Patienten waren männlich. Bei n  =  4 Patienten (44,4 %) wurde eine Verbesserung um 75 % des Palmoplantar-Psoriasis-Area-Severity-Index (PPPASI) erreicht. Insgesamt verbesserte sich der PPPASI nach 24 Wochen durchschnittlich um 71,6 %. Eine komplette Abheilung zeigte sich bei n  =  2 Patienten nach 24 Wochen. Bis auf lokale Injektionsreaktionen und leichte Infekte wurden keine unerwünschten Wirkungen beobachtet. Die Fallserie ist ein weiterer Beleg für die Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Ustekinumab in der Therapie der Pustulosis palmoplantaris. Zur Beurteilung der Langzeitwirkung und -sicherheit sowie der Wirksamkeit einer intermittierenden Therapie sind kontrollierte Studiendaten sowie Beobachtungen im Rahmen von Patientenregistern notwendig. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Pax2 expression in simultaneously diagnosed WHO and EIN classification systems.


    Joiner, Amy K; Quick, Charles M; Jeffus, Susanne K


    PAX2 has been cited as a technically robust biomarker which nicely delineates precancerous lesions of the endometrium when the endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) classification scheme is used. Its utility in distinguishing between atypical and nonatypical hyperplasia when applied within the 1994 World Health Organization classification system is questionable. The purpose of this study was to evaluate PAX2 in a side by side comparison of its staining patterns in a series of endometrial samples that were classified using both systems. A total of 108 precancerous endometrial cases were identified, of which 30 cases were deemed nonhyperplastic by consensus agreement and 11 cases lost the tissue of interest on deeper sections. The remaining 67 cases were categorized according to the 1994 World Health Organization criteria and EIN scheme by 2 gynecologic pathologists. PAX2 staining was scored in lesional tissue as normal or altered (lost, increased, or decreased) compared with nonlesional background. The most common pattern of alteration was complete loss of nuclear PAX2 staining (86.3%) followed by decreased staining (11.3%) and markedly increased staining (2.3%). PAX2 alterations correlated well with EIN diagnoses (33/36, 92%) compared with benign hyperplasia (2/13, 15%) but were less useful when the 1994 World Health Organization classification system was applied (PAX2 alteration in 22/25 (88%) of atypical hyperplasia cases versus 16/25 (64%) of nonatypical hyperplasia cases). Forty-five percent of follow-up hysterectomies with a previous PAX2-altered biopsy case harbored adenocarcinoma. In conclusion, PAX2 may be a helpful adjunct stain and training tool when the features of atypical hyperplasia/EIN are in question.

  10. ORA59 and EIN3 interaction couples jasmonate-ethylene synergistic action to antagonistic salicylic acid regulation of PDF expression.


    He, Xiang; Jiang, Jishan; Wang, Chang-Quan; Dehesh, Katayoon


    Hormonal crosstalk is central for tailoring plant responses to the nature of challenges encountered. The role of antagonism between the two major defense hormones, salicylic acid (SA) and jasmonic acid (JA), and modulation of this interplay by ethylene (ET) in favor of JA signaling pathway in plant stress responses is well recognized, but the underlying mechanism is not fully understood. Here, we show the opposing function of two transcription factors, ethylene insensitive3 (EIN3) and EIN3-Like1 (EIL1), in SA-mediated suppression and JA-mediated activation of PLANT DEFENSIN1.2 (PDF1.2). This functional duality is mediated via their effect on protein, not transcript levels of the PDF1.2 transcriptional activator octadecanoid-responsive Arabidopsis59 (ORA59). Specifically, JA induces ORA59 protein levels independently of EIN3/EIL1, whereas SA reduces the protein levels dependently of EIN3/EIL1. Co-infiltration assays revealed nuclear co-localization of ORA59 and EIN3, and split-luciferase together with yeast-two-hybrid assays established their physical interaction. The functional ramification of the physical interaction is EIN3-dependent degradation of ORA59 by the 26S proteasome. These findings allude to SA-responsive reduction of ORA59 levels mediated by EIN3 binding to and targeting of ORA59 for degradation, thus nominating ORA59 pool as a coordination node for the antagonistic function of ET/JA and SA. © 2017 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.

  11. Zeitlicher Verlauf der avaskulären Nekrose des Hüftkopfes bei Patienten mit Pemphigus vulgaris.


    Balighi, Kamran; Daneshpazhooh, Maryam; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Saeidi, Vahide; Shahpouri, Farzam; Hejazi, Pardis; Chams-Davatchi, Cheyda


    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) wird in der Regel mit systemischen Corticosteroiden und Immunsuppressiva behandelt. Avaskuläre Nekrose (AVN) des Hüftkopfes ist eine gut bekannte schwerere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Therapie. Die Charakteristika dieser schweren Komplikation bei PV sind nach wie vor unbekannt. Nicht kontrollierte, retrospektive Untersuchung aller PV-bedingten AVN-Fälle, die in einer iranischen Klinik für bullöse Autoimmunerkrankungen zwischen 1985 und 2013 diagnostiziert wurden. Anhand der Krankenakten von 2321 untersuchten PV-Patienten wurden 45 Fälle (1,93 %) von femoraler AVN identifiziert. Dreißig davon waren Männer. Das mittlere Alter bei der Diagnose der AVN betrug 47,4 ± 14,2 Jahre. Der mittlere Zeitraum zwischen der Diagnose des PV und dem Einsetzen der AVN lag bei 25,3 ± 18,3 Monaten. Mit Ausnahme von acht Fällen (17,8 %) setzte die AVN bei der Mehrheit der Patienten innerhalb von drei Jahren nach Diagnose des PV ein. Die mittlere kumulative Dosis von Prednisolon bei Patienten mit AVN betrug 13.115,8 ± 7041,1 mg. Zwischen der Prednisolon-Gesamtdosis und dem Zeitraum bis zum Einsetzen der AVN bestand eine starke Korrelation (p = 0,001). Bei Patienten mit Alendronateinnahme in der Vorgeschichte war dieser Zeitraum signifikant kürzer (p = 0,01). Die AVN ist eine schwere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Behandlung bei Patienten mit PV. Sie wird bei 2 % der Patienten beobachtet und tritt vor allem in den ersten drei Behandlungsjahren auf. Bei Patienten, die höhere Dosen von Prednisolon erhalten, setzt die AVN tendenziell früher ein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Verantwortlicher Umgang mit Antibiotika: Notwendigkeit der Antibiotikareduktion in der Aknetherapie.


    Gollnick, Harald P M; Buer, Jan; Beissert, Stefan; Sunderkätter, Cord


    Der übermäßige oder unkritische weltweite Einsatz von Antibiotika in der Medizin hat die Ausbreitung von Antibiotikaresistenzen beschleunigt. In einigen Bereichen sind viele Antibiotika bei bakteriellen Infektionen, die zuvor noch gut auf antibakterielle Wirkstoffe reagierten, mittlerweile wirkungslos geworden. Dermatologen/Venerologen setzten orale und topische Antibiotika bei der Behandlung von Acne vulgaris routinemäßig ein, obwohl Akne weder eine infektiöse Erkrankung ist noch alleine durch das Propionibacterium getriggert wird. Vielmehr ist sie eine komplexe, chronische entzündliche Hauterkrankung, die durch verschiedene pathogenetische Faktoren wie follikuläre Hyperkeratose, erhöhter Sebumproduktion, bakterielle Proliferation und Entzündung zustande kommt. Folglich sollte eine erfolgreiche Therapie auf die Bekämpfung verschiedener pathogenetischer Faktoren und nicht nur auf die von Propionibacterium acnes abzielen. Daher wurden topische Retinoide und Benzoylperoxid als Mittel der ersten Wahl definiert. Monotherapien mit lokalen Antibiotika sollten insgesamt vermieden werden. Systemische Antibiotika der Tetrazyklin-Gruppe haben bei bestimmen Krankheitsstadien ihren Sinn, ihre Wirkung könnte aber eher auf der antientzündlichen als auf der antibiotischen Reaktion beruhen. Gesundheitsbehörden ermahnen alle Gesundheitsdienstleister, den Einsatz von Antibiotika einzuschränken. Das Nutzen-Risiko-Verhältnis muss bei der Entscheidung für oder gegen eine antibiotische Therapie bei einem einzelnen Patienten immer auch in Bezug auf das öffentliche Interesse am Erhalt der Wirksamkeit von Antibiotika abgewogen werden. Im Folgenden werden das aktuelle Krankheitskonzept zu Acne vulgaris und die sich daraus ableitenden Konsequenzen für den Einsatz von Antibiotika vorgestellt. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. "Diseases and natural kinds".


    Sulmasy, Daniel P


    David Thomasma called for the development of a medical ethics based squarely on the philosophy of medicine. He recognized, however, that widespread anti-essentialism presented a significant barrier to such an approach. The aim of this article is to introduce a theory that challenges these anti-essentialist objections. The notion of natural kinds presents a modest form of essentialism that can serve as the basis for a foundationalist philosophy of medicine. The notion of a natural kind is neither static nor reductionistic. Disease can be understood as making necessary reference to living natural kinds without invoking the claim that diseases themselves are natural kinds. The idea that natural kinds have a natural disposition to flourish as the kinds of things that they are provides a telos to which to tether the notion of disease - an objective telos that is broader than mere survival and narrower than subjective choice. It is argued that while nosology is descriptive and may have therapeutic implications, disease classification is fundamentally explanatory. Sickness and illness, while referring to the same state of affairs, can be distinguished from disease phenomenologically. Scientific and diagnostic fallibility in making judgments about diseases do not diminish the objectivity of this notion of disease. Diseases are things, not kinds. Injury is a concept parallel to disease that also makes necessary reference to living natural kinds. These ideas provide a new possibility for the development of a philosophy of medicine with implications for medical ethics.

  14. Kindness in the Art Classroom: Kind Thoughts on Stephen Rowland

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lampert, Nancy


    This article is a response to Stephen Rowland's article, "Kindness," which appeared in "London Review of Education," November 2009. Much to my amazement, Stephen Rowland's article was the only one I found when I did a global database search on "kindness in education". I had thought that I would find reams of information in the databases on the…

  15. What Must Be Taught about Writing: Five Kinds of Knowledge and Five Kinds of Composing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wilhelm, Jeff, Ed.


    Students need to develop five kinds of knowledge to be successful in any kind of specific reading or writing task. These kinds of knowledge can be developed through five different kinds of composing that lead to deep understanding of how texts are constructed with specific content to create particular effects and meaning. Following this process…

  16. Teaching Repayment of Parents' Kindness

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kim, Bum Jung; Sung, Kyu-taik


    This article introduces a Buddhist Sutra about the deep kindness of mothers and ways of repaying mothers' kindness. The Sutra has been used to teach children about mothers' kindness and the obligation to repay to their mothers in their old age. It contains discourses about 10 types of kindness that a mother bestows on her child and how to repay…

  17. Gebrauch von Komplementärmedizin bei Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom unter Therapie mit Ipilimumab innerhalb einer klinischen Studie.


    Huebner, Jutta; Mohr, Peter; Simon, Jan-Christoph; Fluck, Michael; Berking, Carola; Zimmer, Lisa; Loquai, Carmen


    In Deutschland wenden 40-90 % aller Krebspatienten Methoden der komplementären and alternativen Medizin (KAM) an. Bis dato gibt es kein Datenmaterial zum Einsatz der KAM bei Melanompatienten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es, Daten über den Gebrauch, die Informationsquellen und Ziele von Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom zu erfassen. Einhundertsechsundfünfzig Patienten aus 25 Studienzentren nahmen an der DecOG-MM-PAL Multibasket Studie teil. Die beteiligten Personen wurden auch gebeten, an einer Nebenstudie teilzunehmen, die ihren Gebrauch von KAM erfassen sollte. Dazu wurde während der Behandlung ein standardisierter Fragebogen zu genau festgelegten Zeitpunkten ausgeteilt. Insgesamt gingen 55 Fragebögen von 32 (21 %) Melanompatienten ein. Von diesen gaben 17 (53 %) ein Interesse an KAM an, und sieben (22 %) machten von KAM Gebrauch. Die Hauptinformationsquellen (31 %) waren Familienmitglieder und Freunde, gefolgt von Ärzten (19 %). Die Hauptgründe für die Anwendung von KAM waren die Stärkung des Immunsystems (41 %) und des Körpers (34 %). Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (Vitamine und Spurenelemente) wurden am häufigsten angewendet (28 %). Eine relativ hohe Anzahl an Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom machte trotz Teilnahme an einer klinischen Studie von KAM Gebrauch. Wechselwirkungen könnten durch biologisch basierte KAM auftreten, und hier besonders bei immunmodulierenden KAM- Strategien. Um Risiken zu vermeiden, sollte die Kommunikation zwischen den Ärzten und den Patienten verbessert werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. CTR1 phosphorylates the central regulator EIN2 to control ethylene hormone signaling from the ER membrane to the nucleus in Arabidopsis

    PubMed Central

    Ju, Chuanli; Yoon, Gyeong Mee; Shemansky, Jennifer Marie; Lin, David Y.; Ying, Z. Irene; Chang, Jianhong; Garrett, Wesley M.; Kessenbrock, Mareike; Groth, Georg; Tucker, Mark L.; Cooper, Bret; Kieber, Joseph J.; Chang, Caren


    The gaseous phytohormone ethylene C2H4 mediates numerous aspects of growth and development. Genetic analysis has identified a number of critical elements in ethylene signaling, but how these elements interact biochemically to transduce the signal from the ethylene receptor complex at the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane to transcription factors in the nucleus is unknown. To close this gap in our understanding of the ethylene signaling pathway, the challenge has been to identify the target of the CONSTITUTIVE TRIPLE RESPONSE1 (CTR1) Raf-like protein kinase, as well as the molecular events surrounding ETHYLENE-INSENSITIVE2 (EIN2), an ER membrane-localized Nramp homolog that positively regulates ethylene responses. Here we demonstrate that CTR1 interacts with and directly phosphorylates the cytosolic C-terminal domain of EIN2. Mutations that block the EIN2 phosphorylation sites result in constitutive nuclear localization of the EIN2 C terminus, concomitant with constitutive activation of ethylene responses in Arabidopsis. Our results suggest that phosphorylation of EIN2 by CTR1 prevents EIN2 from signaling in the absence of ethylene, whereas inhibition of CTR1 upon ethylene perception is a signal for cleavage and nuclear localization of the EIN2 C terminus, allowing the ethylene signal to reach the downstream transcription factors. These findings significantly advance our understanding of the mechanisms underlying ethylene signal transduction. PMID:23132950

  19. Causal essentialism in kinds.


    Ahn, Woo-kyoung; Taylor, Eric G; Kato, Daniel; Marsh, Jessecae K; Bloom, Paul


    The current study examines causal essentialism, derived from psychological essentialism of concepts. We examine whether people believe that members of a category share some underlying essence that is both necessary and sufficient for category membership and that also causes surface features. The main claim is that causal essentialism is restricted to categories that correspond to our intuitive notions of existing kinds and hence is more attenuated for categories that are based on arbitrary criteria. Experiments 1 and 3 found that people overtly endorse causal essences in nonarbitrary kinds but are less likely to do so for arbitrary categories. Experiments 2 and 4 found that people were more willing to generalize a member's known causal relations (or lack thereof) when dealing with a kind than when dealing with an arbitrary category. These differences between kinds and arbitrary categories were found across various domains-not only for categories of living things, but also for artefacts. These findings have certain real-world implications, including how people make sense of mental disorders that are treated as real kinds.

  20. Two kinds of Airy-related beams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xu, Yiqing; Zhou, Guoquan; Zhang, Lijun; Ru, Guoyun


    Two kinds of Airy-related beams are introduced in this manuscript. The normalized intensity distribution in the x-direction of the two kinds of Airy-related beams is close to that of the Gaussian beam. The normalized intensity distribution in the y-direction of the two kinds of Airy-related beams is close to that of the second-order and the third-order elegant Hermite-Gaussian beams, respectively. Analytical expressions of the two kinds of Airy-related beams passing through an ABCD paraxial optical system are derived. The beam propagation factors for the two kinds of Airy-related beams are 1.933 and 2.125, respectively. Analytical expressions of the beam half widths and the kurtosis parameters of the two kinds of Airy-related beams passing through an ABCD paraxial optical system are also presented. As a numerical example, the propagation properties of the two kinds of Airy-related beams are demonstrated in free space. Moreover, the comparison between the two kinds of Airy-related beams and their corresponding elegant Hermite-Gaussian beams along the two transverse directions are performed in detail. Upon propagation, the former kind of Airy-related beam will evolve from the central bright beam into the dark hollow beam. Contrarily, the latter kind of Airy-related beam will evolve from the dark hollow beam into the central bright beam. These two kinds of Airy-related beams can be used to describe specially distributed beams.

  1. Inzidenz von bullösen Autoimmunerkrankungen in Serbien: eine retrospektive Studie über 20 Jahre.


    Milinković, Mirjana; Janković, Slavenka; Medenica, Ljiljana; Nikolić, Miloš; Reljić, Vesna; Popadić, Svetlana; Janković, Janko


    Die meisten früheren Arbeiten zu den klinisch-epidemiologischen Merkmalen von bullösen Autoimmunerkrankungen (AIBD) konzentrierten sich vor allem auf eine einzige Krankheitsentität oder nur eine Krankheitsgruppe; nur in wenigen Studien wurde die Inzidenz verschiedener AIBD untersucht. Bei der vorliegenden Studie war es unser Ziel, das gesamte Spektrum der AIBD zu betrachten, die Inzidenz der häufigsten AIBD zu ermitteln und die zeitlichen Trends ihres Auftretens in Zentralserbien über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren zu untersuchen. Wir rekrutierten retrospektiv 1161 AIBD-Fälle, die in Zentralserbien von Januar 1991 bis Dezember 2010 neu diagnostiziert wurden. Die Diagnose stützte sich auf eine strikte klinische, histologische und immunhistologische Beurteilung. Folgende Inzidenzraten wurden für die einzelnen Erkrankungen ermittelt: 4,35 pro eine Million Einwohner/Jahr (pME/Jahr) für Pemphigus, 4,47 pME/Jahr für Pemphigoid, 1,42 pME/Jahr für Dermatitis herpetiformis (DH), 0,25 pME/Jahr IgA-Dermatose und 0,08 pME/Jahr für Epidermolysis bullosa acquisita. Im betrachteten Zeitraum stieg die altersbereinigte Inzidenzrate für Pemphigus und insbesondere für Pemphigoid signifikant an, während sie für DH, allerdings nicht signifikant, abnahm. Unsere Studie befasst sich zum ersten Mal mit den Inzidenzraten des gesamten Spektrums der AIBD in Serbien und untersucht die zeitlichen Trends ihres Auftretens über einen Zeitraum von 20 Jahren. Nach unserem besten Wissen wurde ein ähnlicher Befund wie der unsere, dass nämlich die Inzidenzraten von Pemphigus und Pemphigoid vergleichbar sind, bisher noch nicht publiziert. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Ethylene Promotes Cadmium-induced Root Growth Inhibition through EIN3 controlled XTH33 and LSU1 expression in Arabidopsis.


    Kong, Xiangpei; Li, Cuiling; Zhang, Feng; Yu, Qianqian; Gao, Shan; Zhang, Maolin; Tian, Huiyu; Zhang, Jian; Yuan, Xianzheng; Ding, Zhaojun


    Cadmium (Cd) stress is one of the most serious heavy metal stresses limiting plant growth and development. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying Cd-induced root growth inhibition remain unclear. Here, we found that ethylene signaling positively regulates Cd-induced root growth inhibition. Arabidopsis seedlings pretreated with the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid exhibited enhanced Cd-induced root growth inhibition; while the addition of the ethylene biosynthesis inhibitor aminoethoxyvinyl glycine decreased Cd-induced root growth inhibition. Consistently, ethylene-insensitive mutants such as ein4-1, ein3-1 eil1-1 double mutant, and EBF1ox, displayed an increased tolerance to Cd. Furthermore, we also observed that Cd inhibited EIN3 protein degradation, a process which was regulated by ethylene signaling. Genetic and biochemical analyses showed that EIN3 enhanced root growth inhibition under Cd stress through direct binding to the promoters and regulating the expression of XTH33 and LSU1, which encode key regulators of cell wall extension and S metabolic process, respectively. Collectively, our study demonstrates that ethylene plays a positive role in Cd-regulated root growth inhibition through EIN3-mediated transcriptional regulation of XTH33 and LSU1, and provides a molecular framework for the integration of environmental signals and intrinsic regulators in modulating plant root growth. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  3. Erhöhtes Lungenkrebs-Risiko bei Ekzempatienten: eine landesweite Kohortenstudie in Taiwan.


    Juan, Chao-Kuei; Shen, Jui-Lung; Lin, Cheng-Li; Kim, Karen Wang; Chen, Wen-Chi


    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lungenkrebs und Ekzemen bleibt umstritten. Frühere Studien haben zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen geführt. Diese retrospektive populationsbasierte Kohortenstudie zielt darauf ab, das Risiko von Lungenkrebs im Zusammenhang mit Ekzemen abzuklären. In der Forschungsdatenbank der taiwanesischen nationalen Krankenversicherung identifizierten wir 43719 Patienten, bei denen in den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 ein Ekzem neu diagnostiziert wurde. Die Vergleichskohorte bildeten 87438 zufällig ausgewählte, altersangepasste Patienten ohne Ekzem. Die Fälle aus diesen beiden Kohorten wurden bis 2011 verfolgt. Zur Kalkulation des Lungenkrebsrisikos bei Ekzempatienten wurde die Cox-Regression verwendet. Die Datenbank enthielt keine Informationen über Raucherstatus, Alkoholkonsum, sozioökonomischen Status oder Familienanamnese. Nach der Bereinigung um Alter und Komorbidität hatte die Population mit Ekzemen ein um 2,80 erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs gegenüber der Vergleichskohorte (bereinigte Hazard-Ratio 2,80, 95 % Konfidenzinterval 2,59-3,03). Ekzempatienten mit Begleiterkrankungen, darunter Asthma, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankungen, alkoholbedingten Leberschäden oder Diabetes, hatten ein höheres Lungenkrebsrisiko als Patienten ohne Ekzeme oder Komorbidität. Ekzeme gehen mit einem höheren Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs einher. Weitere Studien mit umfassenderen Informationen über weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren sind sinnvoll. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. SN 2017ein and the Possible First Identification of a Type Ic Supernova Progenitor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Zheng, WeiKang; Brink, Thomas G.; Filippenko, Alexei V.; Milisavljevic, Dan; Andrews, Jennifer E.; Smith, Nathan; Cignoni, Michele; Fox, Ori D.; Kelly, Patrick L.; Adamo, Angela; Yunus, Sameen; Zhang, Keto; Kumar, Sahana


    We have identified a progenitor candidate in archival Hubble Space Telescope (HST) images for the Type Ic supernova (SN Ic) SN 2017ein in NGC 3938, pinpointing the candidate’s location via HST Target of Opportunity imaging of the SN itself. This would be the first identification of a stellar-like object as a progenitor candidate for any SN Ic to date. We also present observations of SN 2017ein during the first ∼49 days since explosion. We find that SN 2017ein most resembles the well-studied SN Ic SN 2007gr. We infer that SN 2017ein experienced a total visual extinction of A V ≈ 1.0–1.9 mag, predominantly because of dust within the host galaxy. Although the distance is not well known, if this object is the progenitor, it was likely of high initial mass, ∼47–48 M ⊙ if a single star, or ∼60–80 M ⊙ if in a binary system. However, we also find that the progenitor candidate could be a very blue and young compact cluster, further implying a very massive (>65 M ⊙) progenitor. Furthermore, the actual progenitor might not be associated with the candidate at all and could be far less massive. From the immediate stellar environment, we find possible evidence for three different populations; if the SN progenitor was a member of the youngest population, this would be consistent with an initial mass of ∼57 M ⊙. After it has faded, the SN should be reobserved at high spatial resolution and sensitivity, to determine whether the candidate is indeed the progenitor.

  5. Studying the teaching of kindness: A conceptual model for evaluating kindness education programs in schools.


    Kaplan, Deanna M; deBlois, Madeleine; Dominguez, Violeta; Walsh, Michele E


    Recent research suggests that school-based kindness education programs may benefit the learning and social-emotional development of youth and may improve school climate and school safety outcomes. However, how and to what extent kindness education programming influences positive outcomes in schools is poorly understood, and such programs are difficult to evaluate in the absence of a conceptual model for studying their effectiveness. In partnership with Kind Campus, a widely adopted school-based kindness education program that uses a bottom-up program framework, a methodology called concept mapping was used to develop a conceptual model for evaluating school-based kindness education programs from the input of 123 middle school students and approximately 150 educators, school professionals, and academic scholars. From the basis of this model, recommendations for processes and outcomes that would be useful to assess in evaluations of kindness education programs are made, and areas where additional instrument development may be necessary are highlighted. The utility of the concept mapping method as an initial step in evaluating other grassroots or non-traditional educational programming is also discussed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. [Are Mental Disorders Natural Kinds?].


    Flórez Quintero, Daian Tatiana


    A problem for both philosophers of Psychiatry and Psychiatrists within the domain of nosology is to determine which could be the more appropriate model to classify mental illnesses. Such an endeavor also requires questioning the very nature of mental illness. While trying to cope with the philosophical challenges of such a task, Peter Zachar purports to show that the nosological work in Psychiatry should not adhere to the model of natural kinds. He even considers that it is mistaken to treat mental disorders as natural kinds. Nonetheless, Zachar's view on the existence of natural kinds-even in domains where there is little room for doubting about their existence, like Chemistry-is very unstable. In 2001 he holds that there are no natural kinds, but in 2008 he argues that his objections to the model of natural kinds are more the manifestation of his skepticism against a tradition. Although the problem of the existence of natural kinds shall not be dealt with in this article, a brief description on how deflated is Zachar's view on this matter in 2008 is presented, with the central part of the article devoted to reconstruct and examine his rationale for the thesis that mental disorders are not natural kinds. In the critical section of this paper, it is suggested that, although Zachar's thesis may be right, the arguments he gives to support it are quite flawed. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  7. Separation anxiety: An analysis of ethylene-induced cleavage of EIN2

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Since the discovery of the CTR1 protein kinase and the endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-localized EIN2 protein nearly 20 y ago, plant biologists have wondered how these proteins respectively serve as negative and positive regulators of ethylene-mediated signal transduction in plants. Now with the publicat...

  8. From cutting nature and its joints to measuring it: new kinds and new kinds of people in biology.


    McOuat, G


    In the received version of the development of science, natural kinds are established in the preliminary stages (natural history) and made more precise by measurement (exact science). By examining the move from nineteenth- to twentieth-century biology, this paper unpacks the notion of species as 'natural kinds' and grounds for discourse, questioning received notions about both kinds and species. Life sciences in the nineteenth century established several 'monster-barring' techniques to block disputes about the precise definition of species. Counterintuitively, precision and definition brought dispute and disrupted exchange. Thus, any attempt to add precision was doomed to failure. By intervening and measuring, the new experimental biology dislocated the established links between natural kinds and kinds of people and institutions. New kinds were built in new places. They were made to measure from the very start. This paper ends by claiming that there was no long-standing 'species problem' in the history of biology. That problem is a later construction of the 'modern synthesis', well after the disruption of 'kinds' and kinds of people. Only then would definitions and precision matter. A new, non-linguistic, take on the incommensurability thesis is hinted at. Copyright 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Functions in Biological Kind Classification

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lombrozo, Tania; Rehder, Bob


    Biological traits that serve functions, such as a zebra's coloration (for camouflage) or a kangaroo's tail (for balance), seem to have a special role in conceptual representations for biological kinds. In five experiments, we investigate whether and why functional features are privileged in biological kind classification. Experiment 1…

  10. Intraläsionale Therapie niedrig maligner primär kutaner B-Zell-Lymphome mit Anti-CD20-Antikörper: Nebenwirkungen korrelieren mit gutem klinischen Ansprechen.


    Eberle, Franziska C; Holstein, Julia; Scheu, Alexander; Fend, Falko; Yazdi, Amir S


    Die intraläsionale Gabe von Anti-CD20-Antikörpern (Rituximab) wurde als effektive Therapieoption für Patienten mit niedrig malignen primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphomen beschrieben. Bis heute wurden allerdings keine Parameter identifiziert, welche reproduzierbar ein gutes klinisches Ansprechen dieser Therapie vorhersagen. Ziel dieser Studie ist, sowohl das klinische Ansprechen und die unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen als auch die Patientenwahrnehmung hinsichtlich intraläsionaler Injektionen von anti-CD20-Antikörpern zur Behandlung indolenter primär kutaner B-Zell-Lymphome im Vergleich mit anderen Therapien zu evaluieren. Elf Patienten mit einem primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphom, namentlich primär kutanes Keimzentrumslymphom (n = 9) und primär kutanes Marginalzonenlymphom (n = 2), welche mittels intraläsionalem Anti-CD20-Antikörper behandelt wurden, wurden retrospektiv evaluiert hinsichtlich der Ansprechrate und unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen sowie in Bezug auf deren Selbsteinschätzung dieser und anderer Therapien des primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphoms. Patienten, deren primär kutanes B-Zell-Lymphom mittels intraläsionaler Gabe von Anti-CD20-Antikörper behandelt wurde, zeigten ein komplettes oder partielles Ansprechen in 45 % beziehungsweise 27 % aller Patienten. Speziell Patienten mit grippeähnlichen Symptomen nach erfolgter Injektion zeigten ein gutes Ansprechen. Die Mehrheit der Patienten empfand die Therapie mit Rituximab als die beste Therapie im Vergleich zu anderen Therapien wie beispielsweise chirurgische Exzision oder Radiotherapie. Intraläsionales Rituximab ist eine effektive Therapie mit hoher Patientenzufriedenheit. Starke therapiebedingte Nebenwirkungen wie Fieber, Schüttelfrost und Kopfschmerzen nach Gabe von Rituximab könnten als Indikator für gute Wirksamkeit dienen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders?


    Kendler, K S; Zachar, P; Craver, C


    This essay explores four answers to the question 'What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders?' Essentialist kinds are classes whose members share an essence from which their defining features arise. Although elegant and appropriate for some physical (e.g. atomic elements) and medical (e.g. Mendelian disorders) phenomena, this model is inappropriate for psychiatric disorders, which are multi-factorial and 'fuzzy'. Socially constructed kinds are classes whose members are defined by the cultural context in which they arise. This model excludes the importance of shared physiological mechanisms by which the same disorder could be identified across different cultures. Advocates of practical kinds put off metaphysical questions about 'reality' and focus on defining classes that are useful. Practical kinds models for psychiatric disorders, implicit in the DSM nosologies, do not require that diagnoses be grounded in shared causal processes. If psychiatry seeks to tie disorders to etiology and underlying mechanisms, a model first proposed for biological species, mechanistic property cluster (MPC) kinds, can provide a useful framework. MPC kinds are defined not in terms of essences but in terms of complex, mutually reinforcing networks of causal mechanisms. We argue that psychiatric disorders are objectively grounded features of the causal structure of the mind/brain. MPC kinds are fuzzy sets defined by mechanisms at multiple levels that act and interact to produce the key features of the kind. Like species, psychiatric disorders are populations with central paradigmatic and more marginal members. The MPC view is the best current answer to 'What kinds of things are psychiatric disorders?'

  12. 7 CFR 201.9 - Kind.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Kind. 201.9 Section 201.9 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural Seeds § 201.9 Kind. The...

  13. 7 CFR 201.9 - Kind.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Kind. 201.9 Section 201.9 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural Seeds § 201.9 Kind. The...

  14. 7 CFR 201.9 - Kind.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Kind. 201.9 Section 201.9 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural Seeds § 201.9 Kind. The...

  15. 7 CFR 201.9 - Kind.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Kind. 201.9 Section 201.9 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural Seeds § 201.9 Kind. The...

  16. 7 CFR 201.9 - Kind.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Kind. 201.9 Section 201.9 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural Seeds § 201.9 Kind. The...

  17. Measuring Kindness at School: Psychometric Properties of a School Kindness Scale for Children and Adolescents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Binfet, John Tyler; Gadermann, Anne M.; Schonert-Reichl, Kimberly A.


    In this study, we sought to create and validate a brief measure to assess students' perceptions of kindness in school. Participants included 1,753 students in Grades 4 to 8 attending public schools in a large school district in southern British Columbia. The School Kindness Scale (SKS) demonstrated a unidimensional factor structure and adequate…

  18. Kompressionstherapie bei Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum.


    Dissemond, Joachim; Assenheimer, Bernd; Bültemann, Anke; Gerber, Veronika; Gretener, Silvia; Kohler-von Siebenthal, Elisabeth; Koller, Sonja; Kröger, Knut; Kurz, Peter; Läuchli, Severin; Münter, Christian; Panfil, Eva-Maria; Probst, Sebastian; Protz, Kerstin; Riepe, Gunnar; Strohal, Robert; Traber, Jürg; Partsch, Hugo


    Wund-D.A.CH. ist der Dachverband deutschsprachiger Fachgesellschaften, die sich mit den Thematiken der Wundbehandlung beschäftigen. Experten verschiedener Fachgesellschaften aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz haben nun einen aktuellen Konsens der Kompressionstherapie für Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum erstellt. In Europa ist das Ulcus cruris venosum eine der häufigsten Ursachen für chronische Wunden. Neben der konservativen und interventionellen Wund- und Venentherapie, ist die Kompressionstherapie die Basis der Behandlungsstrategien. Die Kompressionstherapie kann heute mit sehr unterschiedlichen Materialien und Systemen durchgeführt werden. Während in der Entstauungsphase insbesondere Verbände mit Kurzzugbinden oder Mehrkomponentensysteme zur Anwendung kommen, sind es anschließend überwiegend Ulkus-Strumpfsysteme. Eine weitere, bislang wenig verbreitete Alternative sind adaptive Kompressionsbandagen. Insbesondere für die Rezidivprophylaxe werden medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe empfohlen. Durch die Vielzahl der heute zur Verfügung stehenden Behandlungsoptionen, kann für nahezu alle Patienten ein Konzept entwickelt werden, dass sich an den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten orientiert und daher auch akzeptiert und durchgeführt wird. Die Kompressionstherapie ist für die Behandlung von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum essentiell. In den letzten Jahren sind viele verschiedene Therapieoptionen verfügbar, die in den deutschsprachigen Ländern unterschiedlich angewendet oder durchgeführt werden. Daher soll dieser Expertenkonsens dazu beitragen, konkrete Empfehlungen für die praktische Durchführung der Kompressionstherapie von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum darzustellen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Kindness in Pedagogical Practice and Academic Life

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Clegg, Sue; Rowland, Stephen


    The paper presents the argument that kindness in teaching is both commonplace yet unremarked and that, moreover, it is subversive of neo-liberal values. In arguing for the value of attending to kindness, we reject the dichotomy between emotion and reason and the associated gendered binaries. We distinguish kindness from "due care" and acts that…

  20. 25 CFR 168.7 - Kind of livestock.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Kind of livestock. 168.7 Section 168.7 Indians BUREAU OF... LANDS AREA § 168.7 Kind of livestock. Unless determined otherwise by the Area Director for conservation purposes, the Hopi Tribe may determine, subject to the authorized carrying capacity, the kind of livestock...

  1. Feminism, Pedagogy, and the Politics of Kindness

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Magnet, Shoshana; Mason, Corinne Lysandra; Trevenen, Kathryn


    In this article, the authors seek to explore how kindness might produce pedagogical relationships that sow the seeds of possibility for the transformation of students' lives. In particular, they ask: how might a feminism that uses kindness as a pedagogical strategy be imagined? And what might feminist kindness in the classroom do to the lives,…

  2. Degenerate Cauchy numbers of the third kind.


    Pyo, Sung-Soo; Kim, Taekyun; Rim, Seog-Hoon


    Since Cauchy numbers were introduced, various types of Cauchy numbers have been presented. In this paper, we define degenerate Cauchy numbers of the third kind and give some identities for the degenerate Cauchy numbers of the third kind. In addition, we give some relations between four kinds of the degenerate Cauchy numbers, the Daehee numbers and the degenerate Bernoulli numbers.

  3. Zusammenarbeit aus Sicht eines outgesourcten Instandhalters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grüßer, Stefan; Loeven, Heinz-Wilhelm

    Dauerhafter Unternehmenserfolg ist nur mit einer fortschrittlichen Instandhaltung zu erzielen. Durch den enormen Kostendruck infolge der Globalisierung und die Innovationssprünge auf der technischen Seite wird auch die Frage nach der modernen Organisationsform für die Instandhaltung gestellt. Eine Möglichkeit der Kostenoptimierung ist das Outsourcing von Instandhaltungsleistungen. Hierbei ist es unerlässlich, dass sich die Mitarbeiter zum Dienstleister entwickeln. In diesem Beitrag wird die Entwicklung der InfraServ Knapsack von einer internen Instandhaltungsabteilung hin zu einem Industriellen Dienstleister beschrieben und Aspekte der Zusammenarbeit mit externen Kunden aus der Sicht des outgesourcten Instandhalters geschildert. Es werden die wichtigen Entwicklungsschritte zur Dienstleistungsorientierung der früheren Eigeninstandhaltung aufgezeigt. Dieser Beitrag ist nicht als "Königsweg“ zu verstehen, er soll vielmehr anhand der Erfahrungen einer outgesourcten Eigeninstandhaltung Anregungen für die Entwicklung der eigenen Instandhaltungsorganisation liefern.

  4. The development of principled connections and kind representations.


    Haward, Paul; Wagner, Laura; Carey, Susan; Prasada, Sandeep


    Kind representations draw an important distinction between properties that are understood as existing in instances of a kind by virtue of their being the kind of thing they are and properties that are not understood in this manner. For example, the property of barking for the kind dog is understood as being had by dogs by virtue of the fact that they are dogs. These properties are said to have a principled connection to the kind. In contrast, the property of wearing a collar is not understood as existing in instances by virtue of their being dogs, despite the fact that a large percentage of dogs wear collars. Such properties are said to have a statistical connection to the kind. Two experiments tested two signatures of principled connections in 4-7 year olds and adults: (i) that principled connections license normative expectations (e.g., we judge there to be something wrong with a dog that does not bark), and (ii) that principled connections license formal explanations which explain the existence of a property by reference to the kind (e.g., that barks because it is a dog). Experiment 1 showed that both the children and adults have normative expectations for properties that have a principled connection to a kind, but not those that have a mere statistical connection to a kind. Experiment 2 showed that both children and adults are more likely to provide a formal explanation when explaining the existence of properties with a principled connection to a kind than properties with statistical connections to their kinds. Both experiments showed no effect of age (over ages 4, 7, and adulthood) on the extent to which participants differentiated principled and statistical connections. We discuss the implications of the results for theories of conceptual representation and for the structure of explanation. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  5. How natural a kind is "eukaryote?".


    Doolittle, W Ford


    Systematics balances uneasily between realism and nominalism, uncommitted as to whether biological taxa are discoveries or inventions. If the former, they might be taken as natural kinds. I briefly review some philosophers' concepts of natural kinds and then argue that several of these apply well enough to "eukaryote." Although there are some sticky issues around genomic chimerism and when eukaryotes first appeared, if we allow for degrees in the naturalness of kinds, existing eukaryotes rank highly, higher than prokaryotes. Most biologists feel this intuitively: All I attempt to do here is provide some conceptual justification. Copyright © 2014 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved.

  6. Natural kinds in evolution and systematics: metaphysical and epistemological considerations.


    Brigandt, Ingo


    Despite the traditional focus on metaphysical issues in discussions of natural kinds in biology, epistemological considerations are at least as important. By revisiting the debate as to whether taxa are kinds or individuals, I argue that both accounts are metaphysically compatible, but that one or the other approach can be pragmatically preferable depending on the epistemic context. Recent objections against construing species as homeostatic property cluster kinds are also addressed. The second part of the paper broadens the perspective by considering homologues as another example of natural kinds, comparing them with analogues as functionally defined kinds. Given that there are various types of natural kinds, I discuss the different theoretical purposes served by diverse kind concepts, suggesting that there is no clear-cut distinction between natural kinds and other kinds, such as functional kinds. Rather than attempting to offer a unique metaphysical account of 'natural' kind, a more fruitful approach consists in the epistemological study of how different natural kind concepts are employed in scientific reasoning.

  7. Online Literacy Is a Lesser Kind

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bauerlein, Mark


    Web skimming may be a kind of literacy but it's not the kind that matters most. In this article, the author contends that web skimming indicates a decline of literacy. The author discusses research conducted by Jakob Nielsen, a Web researcher, on how users skim web pages. He shows how the web is damaging the right way to read.

  8. Two Kinds of Stroke


    ... Issue Past Issues Special Section Two Kinds of Stroke Past Issues / Summer 2007 Table of Contents For ... are often a warning sign for future strokes. Stroke Can Affect Anyone Award-winning actress Julie Harris ...

  9. Methodological Encounters with the Phenomenal Kind.


    Shea, Nicholas


    Block's well-known distinction between phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness has generated a large philosophical literature about putative conceptual connections between the two. The scientific literature about whether they come apart in any actual cases is rather smaller. Empirical evidence gathered to date has not settled the issue. Some put this down to a fundamental methodological obstacle to the empirical study of the relation between phenomenal consciousness and access consciousness. Block (2007) has drawn attention to the methodological puzzle and attempted to answer it. While the evidence Block points to is relevant and important, this paper puts forward a more systematic framework for addressing the puzzle. To give it a label, the approach is to study phenomenal consciousness as a natural kind. The approach allows consciousness studies to move beyond initial means of identifying instances of the kind like verbal report, and to find its underlying nature. It is well-recognised that facts about an underlying kind may allow identification of instances of the kind that do not match the initial means of identification (cp. non-liquid samples of water). This paper shows that the same method can be deployed to investigate phenomenal consciousness independently of access consciousness.

  10. Addiction is Not a Natural Kind

    PubMed Central

    Pober, Jeremy Michael


    I argue that addiction is not an appropriate category to support generalizations for the purposes of scientific prediction. That is, addiction is not a natural kind. I discuss the Homeostatic Property Cluster (HPC) theory of kinds, according to which members of a kind share a cluster of properties generated by a common mechanism or set of mechanisms. Leading accounts of addiction in literature fail to offer a mechanism that explains addiction across substances. I discuss popular variants of the disease conception and demonstrate that at least one class of substances that fails to confirm a major prediction of each account. When no mechanism can be found to explain the occurrence of the relevant properties in members of a category, the HPC view suggests that we revise our categories. I discuss options offered by the HPC view, including category revision and category replacement. I then conclude that talk of addiction as a prediction-supporting category should be replaced with categories such as “S-addiction” and “T-addiction,” where S and T are substances or sets of substances of abuse, as these categories are genuine natural kinds. PMID:24109458

  11. Conceptual and linguistic representations of kinds and classes

    PubMed Central

    Prasada, Sandeep; Hennefield, Laura; Otap, Daniel


    We investigate the hypothesis that our conceptual systems provide two formally distinct ways of representing categories by investigating the manner in which lexical nominals (e.g., tree, picnic table) and phrasal nominals (e.g., black bird, birds that like rice) are interpreted. Four experiments found that lexical nominals may be mapped onto kind representations whereas phrasal nominals map onto class representations but not kind representations. Experiment 1 found that phrasal nominals, unlike lexical nominals, are mapped onto categories whose members need not be of a single kind. Experiments 2 and 3 found that categories named by lexical nominals enter into both class inclusion and kind hierarchies and thus support both class inclusion (is a) and kind specification (kind of) relations, whereas phrasal nominals map onto class representations which support only class inclusion relations. Experiment 4 showed that the two types of nominals represent hierarchical relations in different ways. Phrasal nominals (e.g., white bear) are mapped onto classes that have criteria of membership in addition to those specified by the class picked out by the head noun of the phrase (e.g., bear). In contrast, lexical nominals (e.g., polar bear) specify one way to meet the criteria specified by the more general kind concept (e.g., bear). Implications for the language-conceptual system interface, representation of hierarchical relations, lexicalization, and theories of conceptual combination are discussed. PMID:22671567

  12. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  13. [Postoperative adjuvante Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album ssp. album) bei Hündinnen mit Mammatumoren].


    Biegel, Ulrike; Stratmann, Nina; Knauf, Yvonne; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Wehrend, Axel


    Hintergrund: Canine Mammatumoren (CMT) sind wegen ihrer Häufigkeit und hohen Malignitätsrate eine Herausforderung für die Veterinärmedizin. Bisher ist noch keine postoperative adjuvante Therapie als wirksamer Standard etabliert und in den nächsten Jahren wohl auch nicht zu erwarten. Zusätzlich ist die Frage nach der Verträglichkeit einer adjuvanten Therapie mit Erhaltung oder Verbesserung der Lebensqualität (LQ) wichtig. Die Therapie mit Mistelextrakten (Viscum album L.; VAE) ist in der Humanonkologie nach adjuvanter Tumorbasistherapie (Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung) eine sehr häufig verwendete, zusätzliche adjuvante Behandlungsmethode. Auch bei verschiedenen Tierarten werden inzwischen Mistelpräparate in der Onkologie erfolgreich angewendet. Methoden: Überprüfung von Wirkung und Nutzen einer postoperativen, adjuvanten Misteltherapie beim CMT sowie Erfassung der LQ unter der VAE-Behandlung. Ausgewertet wurden 56 Hündinnen mit Mammaadenokarzinom, 33 ausschließlich operierte Kontrolltiere und 23 operierte Tiere, die adjuvant VAE erhielten. Ergebnisse: Die mediane Überlebenszeit (MST) aller Tiere (n = 56) betrug 32 Monate (Interquartilbereich 13-51 Monate). Im deskriptiven Vergleich der Überlebenszeiten (ST) nach Kaplan-Meier waren nach 12, 24, 36 bzw. 48 Monaten noch 24, 20, 15 bzw. 5 Hündinnen (entsprechend 72,7%, 60,6%, 45,1%, 12,4%) der Kontrollgruppe sowie 19, 14, 11 und 1 Hündin (82,6%, 60,9%, 47,8%, 4,3%) der VAE-Gruppe am Leben. Die VAE-Therapie führte zu einem geringeren Gesamtversterberisiko, das statistisch nicht signifikant war (Hazard Ratio (HR) 0,530, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,222-1,262; p = 0,15). Tendenziell (p = 0,07) zeigte sich eine Verringerung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos auf 25% (HR 0,251, 95%-KI 0,056-1,122). Schlussfolgerungen: Es kann eine Tendenz zur Senkung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos der VAE-Gruppe bei guter Verträglichkeit der Therapie angenommen werden. Die LQ der Tiere blieb über die gesamte

  14. Ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf NMR-Festkörperspektren

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ploss, W.; Freude, D.; Pfeifer, H.; Schmiedel, H.

    Es wird ein statistisches Modell zum Einfluß der thermischen Bewegung auf die NMR-Linienform vorgestellt, das die Verschmälerung von Festkörper-Spektren bei wachsender Temperatur beschreibt. Das Modell geht von der Annahme aus, daß nach einer Ortsveränderung eines Kerns infolge thermischer Bewegung jede beliebige Kernresonanzfrequenz mit der durch das Festkörperspektrum vorgegebenen Wahrscheinlichkeit angenommen werden kann. Am Beispiel der Festkörper-Gaußlinie wird der Unterschied zu dem bekannten Modell von ANDERSON und WEISS verdeutlicht.Translated AbstractA Statistical Model for the Influence of Thermal Motion on N. M. R. Spectra in SolidsA theory is proposed which allows to describe the narrowing of n. m. r.-line width in the presence of thermal motions of the spins. The model is based on the assumption, that the local resonance frequency of a given spin immediately after the jump is distributed according to the n. m. r.-line shape of the rigid lattice. The difference to the well-known ANDERSON-WEISS-model of spectral narrowing is demonstrated for a gaussian line shape.

  15. RCN1-regulated phosphatase activity and EIN2 modulate hypocotyl gravitropism by a mechanism that does not require ethylene signaling.


    Muday, Gloria K; Brady, Shari R; Argueso, Cristiana; Deruère, Jean; Kieber, Joseph J; DeLong, Alison


    The roots curl in naphthylphthalamic acid1 (rcn1) mutant of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) has altered auxin transport, gravitropism, and ethylene response, providing an opportunity to analyze the interplay between ethylene and auxin in control of seedling growth. Roots of rcn1 seedlings were previously shown to have altered auxin transport, growth, and gravitropism, while rcn1 hypocotyl elongation exhibited enhanced ethylene response. We have characterized auxin transport and gravitropism phenotypes of rcn1 hypocotyls and have explored the roles of auxin and ethylene in controlling these phenotypes. As in roots, auxin transport is increased in etiolated rcn1 hypocotyls. Hypocotyl gravity response is accelerated, although overall elongation is reduced, in etiolated rcn1 hypocotyls. Etiolated, but not light grown, rcn1 seedlings also overproduce ethylene, and mutations conferring ethylene insensitivity restore normal hypocotyl elongation to rcn1. Auxin transport is unaffected by treatment with the ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane carboxylic acid in etiolated hypocotyls of wild-type and rcn1 seedlings. Surprisingly, the ethylene insensitive2-1 (ein2-1) and ein2-5 mutations dramatically reduce gravitropic bending in hypocotyls. However, the ethylene resistant1-3 (etr1-3) mutation does not significantly affect hypocotyl gravity response. Furthermore, neither the etr1 nor the ein2 mutation abrogates the accelerated gravitropism observed in rcn1 hypocotyls, indicating that both wild-type gravity response and enhanced gravity response in rcn1 do not require an intact ethylene-signaling pathway. We therefore conclude that the RCN1 protein affects overall hypocotyl elongation via negative regulation of ethylene synthesis in etiolated seedlings, and that RCN1 and EIN2 modulate hypocotyl gravitropism and ethylene responses through independent pathways.

  16. 7 CFR 1435.503 - In-kind payments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... (PIK) Program § 1435.503 In-kind payments. (a) CCC will, through such methods as CCC deems appropriate, make payments in the form of sugar held in CCC inventory. (b) To the maximum extent practicable, CCC will use its inventory in making an in-kind payment based on the following priority: (1) CCC-owned...

  17. 7 CFR 1435.503 - In-kind payments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... (PIK) Program § 1435.503 In-kind payments. (a) CCC will, through such methods as CCC deems appropriate, make payments in the form of sugar held in CCC inventory. (b) To the maximum extent practicable, CCC will use its inventory in making an in-kind payment based on the following priority: (1) CCC-owned...

  18. 7 CFR 1435.503 - In-kind payments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... (PIK) Program § 1435.503 In-kind payments. (a) CCC will, through such methods as CCC deems appropriate, make payments in the form of sugar held in CCC inventory. (b) To the maximum extent practicable, CCC will use its inventory in making an in-kind payment based on the following priority: (1) CCC-owned...

  19. 7 CFR 1435.503 - In-kind payments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... (PIK) Program § 1435.503 In-kind payments. (a) CCC will, through such methods as CCC deems appropriate, make payments in the form of sugar held in CCC inventory. (b) To the maximum extent practicable, CCC will use its inventory in making an in-kind payment based on the following priority: (1) CCC-owned...

  20. What Kind of Citizens Do We Need?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Westheimer, Joel


    The curriculum of K-12 schools is scrutinized, Westheimer claims, because what we teach can be a proxy for the kind of society and citizen we hope to create. People need to look closely at what kinds of citizenship skills public schools are promoting. Westheimer recommends three practices we should inject into education to prepare youth to be…

  1. KIND Clubs: A Humane Education Innovation That's Working.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Finch, Patty


    The Kids in Nature's Defense (KIND) Club and the "adopt" a teacher program are described. The importance of animals and the environment is emphasized. Information on how to start a KIND Club is provided. (KR)

  2. Exact analysis of two kinds of piezoelectric actuator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rong, Han; Zhifei, Shi


    Two kinds of piezoelectric hollow cylinder actuator are studied in this paper. One is the expansion actuator and the other is the contraction actuator. Using the Airy stress function method, the analytical solutions of these two kinds of actuators are obtained based on the theory of piezo-elasticity. The solutions are compared with numerical results and good agreement is found. Inherent properties of these two kinds of piezoelectric cylinder actuator are presented and discussed. Findings have applications in the field of micromechanics and microengineering.

  3. Can Kindness Be Taught?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schachter, Ron


    There's no doubt that children's home environments have a huge impact on the kind of people they become. But so do their educational environments. A number of schools are beginning to realize it's worth it to spend the time on "soft" skills such as empathy. Even forgetting the recent scary headlines about bullying, teachers know that a classroom…

  4. Two Kinds of Electron?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Franklin, Jr.


    In the 1930s physicists were confronted by two conflicting values for the charge of the electron as measured with great precision by two different methods. Could it be that there are two kinds of (negative) electrons, differing in charge by a fraction of a percent? The experiments were reconciled when a small systematic error in one of the…

  5. 9 CFR 592.20 - Kinds of services available.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Kinds of services available. 592.20 Section 592.20 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS General § 592.20 Kinds of services...

  6. 9 CFR 156.3 - Kind of service; records.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Kind of service; records. 156.3 Section 156.3 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE § 156.3 Kind of service; records. Laws,...

  7. 9 CFR 156.3 - Kind of service; records.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Kind of service; records. 156.3 Section 156.3 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE § 156.3 Kind of service; records. Laws,...

  8. 9 CFR 156.3 - Kind of service; records.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Kind of service; records. 156.3 Section 156.3 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE § 156.3 Kind of service; records. Laws,...

  9. 9 CFR 156.3 - Kind of service; records.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Kind of service; records. 156.3 Section 156.3 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE VOLUNTARY INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION SERVICE § 156.3 Kind of service; records. Laws,...

  10. Effect of hypergravity on lignin formation and expression of lignin-related genes in inflorescence stems of an ethylene-insensitive Arabidopsis mutant ein3-1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karahara, Ichirou; Kobayashi, Mai; Tamaoki, Daisuke; Kamisaka, Seiichiro

    Our previous studies have shown that hypergravity inhibits growth and promotes lignin forma-tion in inflorescence stems of Arabidopsis thaliana by up-regulation of genes involved in lignin biosynthesis (Tamaoki et al. 2006, 2009). In the present study, we have examined whether ethylene is involved in these responses using an ethylene-insensitive Arabidopsis mutant ein3-1. Our results revealed that hypergravity treatment at 300 G for 24 h significantly inhibited growth of inflorescence stems, promoted both deposition of acetyl bromide extractable lignin and gene expression involved in lignin formation in inflorescence stems of wild type plants. Growth inhibition of inflorescence stems was also observed in ein3-1. However, the effects of hypergravity on the promotion of the deposition of acetyl bromide lignin and the expression of genes involved in lignin formation were not observed in ein3-1, indicating that ethylene sig-naling is involved in the up-regulation of the expression of lignin-related genes as well as the promotion of deposition of lignin by hypergravity in Arabidopsis inflorescence stems.

  11. Arabidopsis thaliana responses to mechanical stimulation do not require ETR1 or EIN2

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Johnson, K. A.; Sistrunk, M. L.; Polisensky, D. H.; Braam, J.; McIntire, L. V. (Principal Investigator)


    Plants exposed to repetitive touch or wind are generally shorter and stockier than sheltered plants. These mechanostimulus-induced developmental changes are termed thigmomorphogenesis and may confer resistance to subsequent stresses. An early response of Arabidopsis thaliana to touch or wind is the up-regulation of TCH (touch) gene expression. The signal transduction pathway that leads to mechanostimulus responses is not well defined. A role for ethylene has been proposed based on the observation that mechanostimulation of plants leads to ethylene evolution and exogenous ethylene leads to thigmomorphogenetic-like changes. To determine whether ethylene has a role in plant responses to mechanostimulation, we assessed the ability of two ethylene-insensitive mutants, etr1-3 and ein2-1, to undergo thigmomorphogenesis and TCH gene up-regulation of expression. The ethylene-insensitive mutants responded to wind similarly to the wild type, with a delay in flowering, decrease in inflorescence elongation rate, shorter mature primary inflorescences, more rosette paraclades, and appropriate TCH gene expression changes. Also, wild-type and mutant Arabidopsis responded to vibrational stimulation, with an increase in hypocotyl elongation and up-regulation of TCH gene expression. We conclude that the ETR1 and EIN2 protein functions are not required for the developmental and molecular responses to mechanical stimulation.

  12. 9 CFR 592.20 - Kinds of services available.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Kinds of services available. 592.20 Section 592.20 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS General § 592.20 Kinds of services available. The regulations in this part provide fo...

  13. 9 CFR 592.20 - Kinds of services available.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Kinds of services available. 592.20 Section 592.20 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS General § 592.20 Kinds of services available. The regulations in this part provide fo...

  14. 9 CFR 592.20 - Kinds of services available.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Kinds of services available. 592.20 Section 592.20 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS General § 592.20 Kinds of services available. The regulations in this part provide fo...

  15. 9 CFR 592.20 - Kinds of services available.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Kinds of services available. 592.20 Section 592.20 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION VOLUNTARY INSPECTION OF EGG PRODUCTS General § 592.20 Kinds of services available. The regulations in this part provide fo...

  16. Another Kind of Love in Education: "Whatever" Love

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jasinski, Igor; Lewis, Tyson E.


    Educational theorists ranging from Plato, to Freire, to bell hooks, to Peter McLaren have theorized love as an essential factor in education. Whereas, typically, a particular kind of love (erotic love, caring love, etc.) is argued to be especially relevant for educational practice, what we do in this paper is to look at kinds of love that are…

  17. Children show heightened knew-it-all-along errors when learning new facts about kinds: Evidence for the power of kind representations in children's thinking.


    Sutherland, Shelbie L; Cimpian, Andrei


    Several proposals in the literature on conceptual development converge on the claim that information about kinds of things in the world has a privileged status in children's cognition, insofar as it is acquired, manipulated, and stored with surprising ease. Our goal in the present studies (N = 440) was to test a prediction of this claim. Specifically, if the early cognitive system privileges kind (or generic) information in the proposed ways, then learning new facts about kinds should be so seamless that it is often accompanied by an impression that these facts were known all along. To test this prediction, we presented 4- to 7-year-old children with novel kind-wide and individual-specific facts, and we then asked children whether they had prior knowledge of these facts. As predicted, children were under the impression that they had known the kind-wide facts more often than the individual-specific facts, even though in reality they had just learned both (Experiments 1, 2, 3, and 5). Importantly, learning facts about (nongeneric) plural sets of individuals was not similarly accompanied by heightened knew-it-all-along errors (Experiment 4), highlighting the privileged status of kind information per se. Finally, we found that young children were able to correctly recognize their previous ignorance of newly learned generic facts when this ignorance was made salient before the learning event (Experiment 6), suggesting that children's frequent knew-it-all-along impressions about such facts truly stem from metacognitive difficulties rather than being a methodological artifact. In sum, these 6 studies indicate that learning information about kinds is accompanied by heightened knew-it-all-along errors. More broadly, this evidence supports the view that early cognition privileges kind representations. (c) 2015 APA, all rights reserved).

  18. The KIND Workshop Leader's Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sirch, Willow Ann

    The National Association for Humane and Environmental Education (NAHEE) produces this workshop guide which offers a scripted workshop with handouts for elementary educators interested in sharing curriculum-based activities dedicated to helping young people develop values of kindness and respect toward people, animals, and the Earth. This guide…

  19. BOLD signal and functional connectivity associated with loving kindness meditation

    PubMed Central

    Garrison, Kathleen A; Scheinost, Dustin; Constable, R Todd; Brewer, Judson A


    Loving kindness is a form of meditation involving directed well-wishing, typically supported by the silent repetition of phrases such as “may all beings be happy,” to foster a feeling of selfless love. Here we used functional magnetic resonance imaging to assess the neural substrate of loving kindness meditation in experienced meditators and novices. We first assessed group differences in blood oxygen level-dependent (BOLD) signal during loving kindness meditation. We next used a relatively novel approach, the intrinsic connectivity distribution of functional connectivity, to identify regions that differ in intrinsic connectivity between groups, and then used a data-driven approach to seed-based connectivity analysis to identify which connections differ between groups. Our findings suggest group differences in brain regions involved in self-related processing and mind wandering, emotional processing, inner speech, and memory. Meditators showed overall reduced BOLD signal and intrinsic connectivity during loving kindness as compared to novices, more specifically in the posterior cingulate cortex/precuneus (PCC/PCu), a finding that is consistent with our prior work and other recent neuroimaging studies of meditation. Furthermore, meditators showed greater functional connectivity during loving kindness between the PCC/PCu and the left inferior frontal gyrus, whereas novices showed greater functional connectivity during loving kindness between the PCC/PCu and other cortical midline regions of the default mode network, the bilateral posterior insula lobe, and the bilateral parahippocampus/hippocampus. These novel findings suggest that loving kindness meditation involves a present-centered, selfless focus for meditators as compared to novices. PMID:24944863

  20. What kind of computation is intelligence. A framework for integrating different kinds of expertise

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chandrasekaran, B.


    The view that the deliberative aspect of intelligent behavior is a distinct type of algorithm; in particular, a goal-seeking exploratory process using qualitative representations of knowledge and inference is elaborated. There are other kinds of algorithms that also embody expertise in domains. The different types of expertise and how they can and should be integrated to give full account of expert behavior are discussed.

  1. EIN3-like gene expression during fruit ripening of Cavendish banana (Musa acuminata cv. Grande naine).


    Mbéguié-A-Mbéguié, Didier; Hubert, Olivier; Fils-Lycaon, Bernard; Chillet, Marc; Baurens, Franc-Christophe


    Ethylene signal transduction initiates with ethylene binding at receptor proteins and terminates in a transcription cascade involving the EIN3/EIL transcription factors. Here, we have isolated four cDNAs homologs of the Arabidopsis EIN3/EIN3-like gene, MA-EILs (Musa acuminata ethylene insensitive 3-like) from banana fruit. Sequence comparison with other banana EIL gene already registered in the database led us to conclude that, at this day, at least five different genes namely MA-EIL1, MA-EIL2/AB266318, MA-EIL3/AB266319, MA-EIL4/AB266320 and AB266321 exist in banana. Phylogenetic analyses included all banana EIL genes within a same cluster consisting of rice OsEILs, a monocotyledonous plant as banana. However, MA-EIL1, MA-EIL2/AB266318, MA-EIL4/AB266320 and AB266321 on one side, and MA-EIL3/AB266319 on the other side, belong to two distant subclusters. MA-EIL mRNAs were detected in all examined banana tissues but at lower level in peel than in pulp. According to tissues, MA-EIL genes were differentially regulated by ripening and ethylene in mature green fruit and wounding in old and young leaves. MA-EIL2/AB266318 was the unique ripening- and ethylene-induced gene; MA-EIL1, MA-EIL4/Ab266320 and AB266321 genes were downregulated, while MA-EIL3/AB266319 presented an unusual pattern of expression. Interestingly, a marked change was observed mainly in MA-EIL1 and MA-EIL3/Ab266319 mRNA accumulation concomitantly with changes in ethylene responsiveness of fruit. Upon wounding, the main effect was observed in MA-EIL4/AB266320 and AB266321 mRNA levels, which presented a markedly increase in both young and old leaves, respectively. Data presented in this study suggest the importance of a transcriptionally step control in the regulation of EIL genes during banana fruit ripening.

  2. 29 CFR 548.404 - Kinds of jobs or employees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Kinds of jobs or employees. 548.404 Section 548.404 Labor... Application § 548.404 Kinds of jobs or employees. The application should describe or otherwise identify the... name but may be described in terms of job classification, department, location or other appropriate...

  3. 29 CFR 548.404 - Kinds of jobs or employees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Kinds of jobs or employees. 548.404 Section 548.404 Labor... Application § 548.404 Kinds of jobs or employees. The application should describe or otherwise identify the... name but may be described in terms of job classification, department, location or other appropriate...

  4. 29 CFR 548.404 - Kinds of jobs or employees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Kinds of jobs or employees. 548.404 Section 548.404 Labor... Application § 548.404 Kinds of jobs or employees. The application should describe or otherwise identify the... name but may be described in terms of job classification, department, location or other appropriate...

  5. 29 CFR 548.404 - Kinds of jobs or employees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Kinds of jobs or employees. 548.404 Section 548.404 Labor... Application § 548.404 Kinds of jobs or employees. The application should describe or otherwise identify the... name but may be described in terms of job classification, department, location or other appropriate...

  6. 29 CFR 548.404 - Kinds of jobs or employees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 29 Labor 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Kinds of jobs or employees. 548.404 Section 548.404 Labor... Application § 548.404 Kinds of jobs or employees. The application should describe or otherwise identify the... name but may be described in terms of job classification, department, location or other appropriate...

  7. Biological Essentialism and the Tidal Change of Natural Kinds

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wilkins, John S.


    The vision of natural kinds that is most common in the modern philosophy of biology, particularly with respect to the question whether species and other taxa are natural kinds, is based on a revision of the notion by Mill in "A System of Logic." However, there was another conception that Whewell had previously captured well, which taxonomists have…

  8. Azelainsäure 20 % Creme: Auswirkung auf Lebensqualität und Krankheitsaktivität bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit Acne vulgaris.


    Kainz, Julius Thomas; Berghammer, Gabriele; Auer-Grumbach, Piet; Lackner, Verena; Perl-Convalexius, Sylvia; Popa, Rodica; Wolfesberger, Barbara


    Zur Wirksamkeit von Aknetherapien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität erwachsener Patienten liegen kaum Daten vor. ZIEL: Erhebung der Wirkung von Azelainsäure 20 % Creme (Skinoren ® ) auf Akne-Schweregrad und krankheitsbedingte Lebensqualität. Nichtinterventionelle Studie bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit leichter bis mittelschwerer Akne. Wirksamkeitsparameter waren DLQI sowie Akne-Schweregrad im Gesicht, am Dekolleté sowie am Rücken im Gesamturteil des Prüfarztes (IGA-Skala: Grad 1 = annähernd reine Haut; 2 = leichte Akne; 3 = mittelschwere Akne). Visiten waren zu Studienbeginn sowie nach 4-8 und zwölf Wochen geplant. Von den 251 eingeschlossenen Patientinnen lag zu Studienbeginn bei 59 %, 31 % bzw. 10 % ein IGA-Grad von 1, 2 bzw. 3 vor; die am häufigsten betroffene Hautpartie war das Gesicht (IGA-Grad 2 oder 3: 79 %). Nach zwölf Behandlungswochen war eine signifikante Besserung der Acne vulgaris im Gesicht (IGA-Grad 0 oder 1: 82 %) sowie auf Dekolleté und Rücken feststellbar. Der mediane DLQI-Wert sank von neun zu Studienbeginn auf fünf nach zwölf Behandlungswochen. Neunzig Prozent der behandelnden Ärzte und Patientinnen beurteilten die Verträglichkeit der Behandlung als sehr gut oder gut. Die Anwendung von 20%iger Azelainsäure-Creme führt bei erwachsenen Frauen zu einer signifikanten Besserung der Acne vulgaris und der krankheitsbedingten Lebensqualität. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Potenzielle Arzneimittelwechsel-wirkungen und unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen bei stationären dermatologischen Patienten.


    Koch, Lukas; Kränke, Birger; Aberer, Werner


    Informationen zur Häufigkeit von Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und unerwünschten Arzneimittelwirkungen zu präsentieren und Hilfestellung zu leisten, wie diese wichtigen Probleme in der pharmakologischen Behandlung stationärer dermatologischer Patienten minimiert werden können. Die Medikation von 1 099 stationären dermatologischen Patienten wurde retrospektiv mittels einer Internet-basierten Software für Medikamenteninteraktionen (Diagnosia ® Check) auf Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen und unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen analysiert. Wir beschreiben eine Gesamthäufigkeit relevanter Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen von 51,7 % mit durchschnittlich 3,2 Interaktionen pro betroffenem stationären Patienten. Arzneimittelkombinationen, die gemieden werden sollten, wurden bei 5,7 % der Studienpopulation festgestellt. Der wichtigste Risikofaktor war die Gesamtzahl der verabreichten Medikamente. Die Arzneimittelgruppen, die bei der Mehrzahl der Wechselwirkungen beteiligt waren, waren Analgetika, Herz-Kreislauf-Medikamente und gerinnungshemmende Medikamente sowie Antidepressiva. Das Risiko unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen auszubilden wurde bei 53,1 % der stationären Patienten als "hoch" eingestuft. Die fünf wichtigsten unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen in dieser Patientengruppe waren Blutungen, Obstipation, anticholinerge Effekte, Sedierung und orthostatische Effekte. Potenzielle Arzneimittelwechselwirkungen sowie unerwünschte Arzneimittelwirkungen sind bei stationären dermatologischen Patienten alarmierend häufig. Bei jedem zweiten Patienten besteht die Gefahr, derartige Wechselwirkungen oder unerwünschte Nebenwirkungen zu erleiden und jeder zwanzigste Patient erhält eine Arzneimittelkombination, die nicht verabreicht werden sollte. Erhöhte Wachsamkeit ist erforderlich, um die gefährdeten Patienten zu erkennen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. Children's reasoning about physics within and across ontological kinds.


    Heyman, Gail D; Phillips, Ann T; Gelman, Susan A


    Reasoning about seven physics principles within and across ontological kinds was examined among 188 5- and 7-year-olds and 59 adults. Individuals in all age groups tended to appropriately generalize what they learned across ontological kinds. However, children also showed sensitivity to ontological kind in their projections: when learning principles with reference to people they were more likely to assume that the principles apply to another person than to an inanimate object, and when learning with reference to an inanimate object they were more likely to assume that the principles apply to another inanimate object than to a person. Five-year-olds, but not 7-year-olds, projected concepts learned about people to a greater extent than principles learned about inanimate objects, closely paralleling the findings of Carey for the biological domain (Carey, S. (1985). Conceptual change in childhood. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press). Results from a separate sample of 22 5-year-olds suggest that the primary findings cannot be explained by response perseveration. The present findings indicate that children understand physics principles that apply to both animate and inanimate objects, but distinguish between these ontological kinds.

  11. Software evolution. What kind of evolution?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Torres-Carbonell, J. J.; Parets-Llorca, J.


    Most Software Systems capable of adapting to the environment or of performing some kind of adaptive activity (such as pattern learning, behavior simulations and the like) use concepts and models from Biology. Nevertheless, such approaches are based on the Modern Synthesis, i.e., Darwinism plus Mendelism, and this implies preadaptive mutations in, and subsequent selection of the better adapted individuals. These pre-adaptive changes usually do not produce the desired effect, are virtually useless and require some kind of backtracking for the system to obtain profit from adaptation. It is our contention that an evolutionary approach in Software Systems development cannot be based on pre-adaptive mutations, but rather on post-adaptive ones, that is, anticipatory mutations and modifications (Lamarkism). A novel way of understanding evolution in Software Systems based on applied Lamarkism is presented and a framework that allows the incorporation of modifications according to the necessities of the system and the will of the modeller is proposed.

  12. Mixtures of Bosonic and Fermionic atoms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albus, Alexander


    The theory of atomic Boson-Fermion mixtures in the dilute limit beyond mean-field is considered in this thesis. Extending the formalism of quantum field theory we derived expressions for the quasi-particle excitation spectra, the ground state energy, and related quantities for a homogenous system to first order in the dilute gas parameter. In the framework of density functional theory we could carry over the previous results to inhomogeneous systems. We then determined to density distributions for various parameter values and identified three different phase regions: (i) a stable mixed regime, (ii) a phase separated regime, and (iii) a collapsed regime. We found a significant contribution of exchange-correlation effects in the latter case. Next, we determined the shift of the Bose-Einstein condensation temperature caused by Boson-Fermion interactions in a harmonic trap due to redistribution of the density profiles. We then considered Boson-Fermion mixtures in optical lattices. We calculated the criterion for stability against phase separation, identified the Mott-insulating and superfluid regimes both, analytically within a mean-field calculation, and numerically by virtue of a Gutzwiller Ansatz. We also found new frustrated ground states in the limit of very strong lattices. ----Anmerkung: Der Autor ist Träger des durch die Physikalische Gesellschaft zu Berlin vergebenen Carl-Ramsauer-Preises 2004 für die jeweils beste Dissertation der vier Universitäten Freie Universität Berlin, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin und Universität Potsdam. Ziel der Arbeit war die systematische theoretische Behandlung von Gemischen aus bosonischen und fermionischen Atomen in einem Parameterbereich, der sich zur Beschreibung von aktuellen Experimenten mit ultra-kalten atomaren Gasen eignet. Zuerst wurde der Formalismus der Quantenfeldtheorie auf homogene, atomare Boson-Fermion Gemische erweitert, um grundlegende Größen wie Quasiteilchenspektren

  13. Small modular reactor: First-of-a-Kind (FOAK) and Nth-of-a-Kind (NOAK) Economic Analysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Boldon, Lauren M.; Sabharwall, Piyush


    Small modular reactors (SMRs) refer to any reactor design in which the electricity generated is less than 300 MWe. Often medium sized reactors with power less than 700 MWe are also grouped into this category. Internationally, the development of a variety of designs for SMRs is booming with many designs approaching maturity and even in or nearing the licensing stage. It is for this reason that a generalized yet comprehensive economic model for first of a kind (FOAK) through nth of a kind (NOAK) SMRs based upon rated power, plant configuration, and the fiscal environment was developed. In the model,more » a particular project’s feasibility is assessed with regards to market conditions and by commonly utilized capital budgeting techniques, such as the net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), Payback, and more importantly, the levelized cost of energy (LCOE) for comparison to other energy production technologies. Finally, a sensitivity analysis was performed to determine the effects of changing debt, equity, interest rate, and conditions on the LCOE.« less

  14. Erzwingt die Quantenmechanik eine drastische Änderung unseres Weltbilds? Gedanken und Experimente nach Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frodl, Peter

    Von den Anfängen der Quantenmechanik bis heute gibt es Versuche, sie als statistische Theorie über Ensembles individueller klassischer Systeme zu interpretieren. Die Bedingungen, unter denen Theorien verborgener Parameter zu deterministischen Beschreibungen dieser individuellen Systeme als klassisch angesehen werden können, wurden von Einstein, Podolsky und Rosen 1935 formuliert: 1. Physikalische Systeme sind im Prinzip separierbar. 2. Zu jeder physikalischen Größe, deren Wert man ohne Störung des betrachteten Systems mit Sicherheit voraussagen kann, existiert ein ihr entsprechendes Element der physikalischen Realität.Zusammen sind sie, wie Bell 1964 gezeigt hat, prinzipiell unverträglich mit der Quantenmechanik und unhaltbar angesichts neuerer Experimente. Diese erweisen einmal mehr die Quantenmechanik als richtige Theorie. Um ihre Ergebnisse zu verstehen, müssen wir entweder die in der klassischen Physik als selbstverständlich angesehene Annahme der Separierbarkeit physikalischer Systeme aufgeben oder unseren Begriff der physikalischen Realität revidieren. Eine Untersuchung des Begriffs der Separabilität und einige Überlegungen zum Problem der Messung von Observablen zeigen, daß eine Änderung des Begriffs der physikalischen Realität unumgänglich ist. Der revidierte Realitätsbegriff sollte mit klassischer Physik und Quantenmechanik verträglich sein, um ein einheitliches Weltbild zu ermöglichen.Translated AbstractDo Quantum Mechanics Force us to Drastically Change our View of the World? Thoughts and Experiments after Einstein, Podolsky and RosenSince the advent of quantum mechanics there have been attempts of its interpretation in terms of statistical theory concerning individual classical systems. The very conditions necessary to consider hidden variable theories describing these individual systems as classical had been pointed out by Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen in 1935: 1. Physical systems are in principle separable. 2. If it is possible to

  15. 45 CFR 681.12 - What kind of hearing is contemplated?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false What kind of hearing is contemplated? 681.12 Section 681.12 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS Hearing Procedures § 681.12 What kind of hearing is...

  16. Knowledge of Natural Kinds in Semantic Dementia and Alzheimer's Disease

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cross, Katy; Smith, Edward E.; Grossman, Murray


    We examined the semantic impairment for natural kinds in patients with probable Alzheimer's disease (AD) and semantic dementia (SD) using an inductive reasoning paradigm. To learn about the relationships between natural kind exemplars and how these are distinguished from manufactured artifacts, subjects judged the strength of arguments such as…

  17. 45 CFR 681.12 - What kind of hearing is contemplated?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false What kind of hearing is contemplated? 681.12 Section 681.12 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS Hearing Procedures § 681.12 What kind of hearing is...

  18. 45 CFR 681.12 - What kind of hearing is contemplated?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false What kind of hearing is contemplated? 681.12 Section 681.12 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS Hearing Procedures § 681.12 What kind of hearing is...

  19. 45 CFR 681.12 - What kind of hearing is contemplated?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false What kind of hearing is contemplated? 681.12 Section 681.12 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS Hearing Procedures § 681.12 What kind of hearing is...

  20. 45 CFR 681.12 - What kind of hearing is contemplated?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 45 Public Welfare 3 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false What kind of hearing is contemplated? 681.12 Section 681.12 Public Welfare Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS Hearing Procedures § 681.12 What kind of hearing is...

  1. A new kind of uncertainty for a new kind of modernity? Expertise in an age of risk.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Munk, A.


    Modernity is not what it used to be (see for example Giddens 1991, Beck 1992, Bauman 2000, Luhman 2005). It has, so the sociologists tell us, mutated in order to thrive in a new age of risk and uncertainty. Some might say that it is not quite thriving yet. Whereas old modernity relied on experts to evaluate the problems opposing society and devise solutions for them - savoir pour prevoir, prevoir pour pouvoir - new modernity can no longer indulge in such straightforwardness. The hazards facing us have become so undeniably complex and in multiple ways produced by the very social activities they threaten, that uncontroversial fixes based on indisputable evidence can no longer be assumed. What role for expertise, then, in this increasingly complicated social landscape? As a starting point for thinking about this question, the paper sets out to explore the concept of uncertainty. After all, when it comes to hazards, this is what experts are expected to handle. Has it mutated as well? Does it make sense to speak of a new kind of uncertainty for a new kind of modernity? In its first modernity setting, uncertainty was what had to be transformed into some sort of certainty (see for example Latour 1999). In the case of the inherent uncertainties related to hazards and risk this task was accomplished with the emergence of probability theory and actuarial science (see for example Hacking 1979, 1990). Expertise in old modernity thus acquired a lot of its straightforwardness from its belief in uncomplicating uncertainty by transforming it into certainty. So, why is it still complicated? A crucial point in Latour's argument is that expertise works by reducing complexity in order to amplify facts (certainties). This requires a sense of direction and an agreement as to what is deemed important. Markets, for example, possess this. So do scientific communities and political institutions. But do the combined constituencies implicated by the complex risks facing society possess it

  2. Kindness in Australia: an empirical critique of moral decline sociology.


    Habibis, Daphne; Hookway, Nicholas; Vreugdenhil, Anthea


    A new sociological agenda is emerging that interrogates how morality can be established in the absence of the moral certainties of the past but there is a shortage of empirical work on this topic. This article establishes a theoretical framework for the empirical analysis of everyday morality drawing on the work of theorists including Ahmed, Bauman and Taylor. It uses the Australian Survey of Social Attitudes to assess the state and shape of contemporary moralities by asking how kind are Australians, how is its expression socially distributed, and what are the motivations for kindness. The findings demonstrate that Australians exhibit a strong attachment and commitment to kindness as a moral value that is primarily motivated by interiorized sources of moral authority. We argue these findings support the work of theorists such as Ahmed and Taylor who argue authenticity and embodied emotion are legitimate sources of morality in today's secular societies. The research also provides new evidence that generational changes are shaping understandings and practices of kindness in unexpected ways. © London School of Economics and Political Science 2016.

  3. The neural mediators of kindness-based meditation: a theoretical model

    PubMed Central

    Mascaro, Jennifer S.; Darcher, Alana; Negi, Lobsang T.; Raison, Charles L.


    Although kindness-based contemplative practices are increasingly employed by clinicians and cognitive researchers to enhance prosocial emotions, social cognitive skills, and well-being, and as a tool to understand the basic workings of the social mind, we lack a coherent theoretical model with which to test the mechanisms by which kindness-based meditation may alter the brain and body. Here, we link contemplative accounts of compassion and loving-kindness practices with research from social cognitive neuroscience and social psychology to generate predictions about how diverse practices may alter brain structure and function and related aspects of social cognition. Contingent on the nuances of the practice, kindness-based meditation may enhance the neural systems related to faster and more basic perceptual or motor simulation processes, simulation of another’s affective body state, slower and higher-level perspective-taking, modulatory processes such as emotion regulation and self/other discrimination, and combinations thereof. This theoretical model will be discussed alongside best practices for testing such a model and potential implications and applications of future work. PMID:25729374

  4. Polynomial Asymptotes of the Second Kind

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dobbs, David E.


    This note uses the analytic notion of asymptotic functions to study when a function is asymptotic to a polynomial function. Along with associated existence and uniqueness results, this kind of asymptotic behaviour is related to the type of asymptote that was recently defined in a more geometric way. Applications are given to rational functions and…

  5. [KIND Worksheet Packet: Wild Animals (Junior).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Association for Humane and Environmental Education, East Haddam, CT.

    This packet is the junior part of a series of worksheet packets available at both junior (grades 3-4) and senior (grades 5-6) levels that covers a variety of humane and environmental topics. Each packet includes 10 worksheets, all of which originally appeared in past issues of the annual teaching magazine "KIND (Kids in Nature's Defense)…

  6. [KIND Worksheet Packet: Wild Animals (Senior).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Association for Humane and Environmental Education, East Haddam, CT.

    This packet is the senior part of a series of worksheet packets available at both junior (grades 3-4) and senior (grades 5-6) levels that covers a variety of humane and environmental topics. Each packet includes 10 worksheets, all of which originally appeared in past issues of the annual teaching magazine "KIND (Kids in Nature's Defense)…

  7. McDonaldized Education: Is It the Right Kind for Russia?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Filippov, R. I.


    Russian society can benefit from the kind of simplified, packaged education that has developed in many countries, since it is a quick way to bring a mass of students to a certain level of competency. But it is not a good basis for creating the kind of specialists and creative thinkers that Russia will need to succeed in the coming years. [This…

  8. 7 CFR 160.61 - Kinds of certificates issued.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    .... The kind of certificates issued are as follows: (a) Turpentine analysis and classification certificate. (b) Turpentine field classification certificate. (c) Rosin classification and grade certificate. (d...

  9. 7 CFR 160.61 - Kinds of certificates issued.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    .... The kind of certificates issued are as follows: (a) Turpentine analysis and classification certificate. (b) Turpentine field classification certificate. (c) Rosin classification and grade certificate. (d...

  10. 7 CFR 160.61 - Kinds of certificates issued.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    .... The kind of certificates issued are as follows: (a) Turpentine analysis and classification certificate. (b) Turpentine field classification certificate. (c) Rosin classification and grade certificate. (d...

  11. 7 CFR 160.61 - Kinds of certificates issued.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    .... The kind of certificates issued are as follows: (a) Turpentine analysis and classification certificate. (b) Turpentine field classification certificate. (c) Rosin classification and grade certificate. (d...

  12. 7 CFR 201.36b - Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... manner or method of production or processing the seed (for example, certified, registered, delinted...) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Advertising § 201.36b Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid. (a) The representation of the name of a kind or kind and variety of seed in any...

  13. 7 CFR 201.36b - Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... manner or method of production or processing the seed (for example, certified, registered, delinted...) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Advertising § 201.36b Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid. (a) The representation of the name of a kind or kind and variety of seed in any...

  14. 7 CFR 201.36b - Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... manner or method of production or processing the seed (for example, certified, registered, delinted...) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Advertising § 201.36b Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid. (a) The representation of the name of a kind or kind and variety of seed in any...

  15. 7 CFR 201.36b - Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... manner or method of production or processing the seed (for example, certified, registered, delinted...) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Advertising § 201.36b Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid. (a) The representation of the name of a kind or kind and variety of seed in any...

  16. 7 CFR 201.36b - Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... manner or method of production or processing the seed (for example, certified, registered, delinted...) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Advertising § 201.36b Name of kind and variety; designation as hybrid. (a) The representation of the name of a kind or kind and variety of seed in any...

  17. 27 CFR 19.643 - Brand name, kind, alcohol content, and State of distillation.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 27 Alcohol, Tobacco Products and Firearms 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Brand name, kind, alcohol... Bottle and Label Requirements Bottle Label Requirements § 19.643 Brand name, kind, alcohol content, and State of distillation. (a) Brand name and kind. The label of distilled spirits shall state the brand...

  18. Ein Entscheidungsmodell zur Weitergabe persönlicher Daten im Internet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Treiblmaier, Horst

    In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten wandelte sich das Internet von einer Spielwiese für technikbegeisterte Computerspezialisten zu einem vielseitig einsetzbaren weltweiten Netzwerk für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen. Maßgeblichen Anteil daran besaß die rasante Entwicklung des World Wide Web (WWW), das, durch die Möglichkeit multimediale Inhalte zu vermitteln, für einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung industrialisierter Länder zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens wurde. Dass diese Entwicklung noch lange nicht abgeschlossen ist, zeigt die derzeitige Diskussion zum Thema Web 2.0 bzw. 3.0. Waren es in den letzten Jahren die hohen Umsatzzuwächse im E-Commerce und multimedial gestaltete Webseiten in Kombination mit aufwändigen Applikationen, die für ständig steigende Nutzerzahlen im World Wide Web sorgten, so wird dieser Innovationsschub nunmehr durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen fortgesetzt, die sich durch die zunehmende Vernetzung der Nutzer untereinander auszeichnen.

  19. Muscarine- and carbachol-induced aggressions: fear and irritable kinds of aggressions.


    Beleslin, D B; Samardzić, R


    In unaneasthetized and unrestrained cats, muscarine and carbachol were injected into the cerebral ventricles. The kind of aggressive behaviour depended on the cholinomimetic drug and was classified as fear and an irritable kind of aggression. Muscarine induced the fear kind of aggression. The aggressive behaviour was usually preceded by attempts to escape and the attack was relevant to the situation. For the attack the presence of some threatening agent was needed. The aggression was accompanied by intense motor but less autonomic activation. On the other hand, carbachol induced an irritable kind of aggression and had the following characteristics: for the attack the presence of some threatening agent was not needed; the attack was not relevant to the situation; the aggression was not preceded by attempts to escape; and the aggressive behaviour was accompanied by intense motor and autonomic activation. It is concluded that cholinoceptive mechanisms are involved in the control of aggressive behaviour.

  20. Evidence for kind representations in the absence of language: experiments with rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta).


    Phillips, Webb; Santos, Laurie R


    How do we come to recognize and represent different kinds of objects in the world? Some developmental psychologists have hypothesized that learning language plays a crucial role in this capacity. If this hypothesis were correct, then non-linguistic animals should lack the capacity to represent objects as kinds. Previous research with rhesus monkeys (Macaca mulatta) has shown that this species can successfully individuate different kinds of objects - monkeys who saw one kind of object hidden inside a box searched longer after finding a different kind of object. However, in these studies and the infant studies on which they were based, the objects to be individuated differed both in kind and in properties. Thus, subjects in these experiments may not be representing the kinds of objects per se, but instead only their immediate perceptual properties. Here, we show that rhesus monkeys successfully individuate different kinds of objects even when their perceptual properties are held constant. Although these data provide the best evidence to date that language is not necessary to represent kinds, we discuss our findings in terms of possible associative hypotheses as well.

  1. Natural and Artifactual Kinds: Are Children Realists or Relativists about Categories?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kalish, Charles


    Four studies assessed whether children and adults saw categorization decisions as objective matters of fact or as invented conventions. Found that preschoolers treated basic-level animal and human-made artifact category decisions as objective, with kinds of animals treated as more objective than kinds of artifacts. Adults' judgments were similar…

  2. 40 CFR 35.4170 - What kinds of reporting does EPA require?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false What kinds of reporting does EPA require? 35.4170 Section 35.4170 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GRANTS AND... § 35.4170 What kinds of reporting does EPA require? There are several types of reports you need to...

  3. Supernatural beliefs, natural kinds, and conceptual structure.


    Walker, S J


    This article presents cross-cultural evidence in support of the notion that adults' natural kind concepts are theory based but may be informed by knowledge/belief systems other than the biological. Three groups of subjects from western Nigeria--rural, urban, and elite--participated in the study. Subjects heard stories describing alterations of appearance; that is, one natural kind was made to resemble another in both ritual and nonritual contexts. Subjects then were required to judge the identity of the altered item and to give an explanation for the category judgment. It was predicted that subjects would make more nonpreservation-of-identity category judgments supported by supernatural explanations in the ritual contexts and that subjects' use of supernatural explanations would reflect the extent of their engagement with the supernatural. The first prediction was borne out; the second prediction was only partially supported. Discussion of the results emphasizes the importance of exploring the role of sociocultural factors in conceptual structure.

  4. Kinds of Astronomy-5

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ennico, Kimberly; DeVincenzi, D. (Technical Monitor)


    Astronomers study light and basically, almost everything we know about the universe has been figured out through the study of light gathered by telescopes on the earth, in the earth's atmosphere, and in space. This light comes in many different colors, the sum of which comprises what is commonly I known as the electromagnetic (EM) spectrum. Unfortunately, the earth's atmosphere blocks almost all of wavelengths in the EM spectrum. Only the visible (400-700 mn) and radio (approx. 1-150 m) "windows" are accessible from the ground, and thus have the longest observational "history." These early restrictions on the observational astronomer also gave rise to classifying "kinds" of astronomy based on their respective EM portion, such as the term "radio astronomy."

  5. 20 CFR 10.625 - What kinds of decisions may be appealed?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What kinds of decisions may be appealed? 10..., AS AMENDED Appeals Process Review by the Employees' Compensation Appeals Board (ecab) § 10.625 What kinds of decisions may be appealed? Only final decisions of OWCP may be appealed to the ECAB. However...

  6. 21 CFR 822.19 - What kinds of decisions may you make?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false What kinds of decisions may you make? 822.19 Section 822.19 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES POSTMARKET SURVEILLANCE FDA Review and Action § 822.19 What kinds of decisions...

  7. 21 CFR 822.19 - What kinds of decisions may you make?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false What kinds of decisions may you make? 822.19 Section 822.19 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES POSTMARKET SURVEILLANCE FDA Review and Action § 822.19 What kinds of decisions...

  8. 21 CFR 822.19 - What kinds of decisions may you make?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false What kinds of decisions may you make? 822.19 Section 822.19 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES POSTMARKET SURVEILLANCE FDA Review and Action § 822.19 What kinds of decisions...

  9. 21 CFR 822.19 - What kinds of decisions may you make?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What kinds of decisions may you make? 822.19 Section 822.19 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES POSTMARKET SURVEILLANCE FDA Review and Action § 822.19 What kinds of decisions...

  10. 21 CFR 822.19 - What kinds of decisions may you make?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false What kinds of decisions may you make? 822.19 Section 822.19 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES POSTMARKET SURVEILLANCE FDA Review and Action § 822.19 What kinds of decisions...

  11. Children's perceptions of others' kindness in helping: the endocentric motivations of pride and guilt.


    Shorr, D N


    Elementary school and college students rated the kindness of helping by story protagonists with different attributed motivations. Of particular interest was the effect of the endocentric (self-serving) motivations of anticipated pride and guilt on the kindness ratings. A number of prosocial theorists view such endocentrically motivated helping as less altruistic than exocentrically (other-serving) motivated helping. Compared with helping attributed to the exocentric motivation of sympathy, helping attributed to guilt avoidance led to lower ratings of kindness by all but second graders. Pride-attributed helping, however, did not result in lower kindness ratings at any grade level. The motivational attributions of praise and reward attainment and criticism and punishment avoidance led to relatively low kindness ratings, with the two avoidance motivations leading to the lowest ratings. The latter finding suggests an alternative explanation of the kindness ratings for guilt-motivated helping.

  12. Identifying Kinds of Reasoning in Collective Argumentation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Conner, AnnaMarie; Singletary, Laura M.; Smith, Ryan C.; Wagner, Patty Anne; Francisco, Richard T.


    We combine Peirce's rule, case, and result with Toulmin's data, claim, and warrant to differentiate between deductive, inductive, abductive, and analogical reasoning within collective argumentation. In this theoretical article, we illustrate these kinds of reasoning in episodes of collective argumentation using examples from one…

  13. 7 CFR 54.4 - Kind of service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... AGRICULTURAL MARKETING ACT OF 1946 AND THE EGG PRODUCTS INSPECTION ACT (CONTINUED) MEATS, PREPARED MEATS, AND MEAT PRODUCTS (GRADING, CERTIFICATION, AND STANDARDS) Regulations Service § 54.4 Kind of service. (a... standards. Class, grade, and other quality may be determined under said standards for meat of cattle, sheep...

  14. 7 CFR 1435.503 - In-kind payments.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... OF AGRICULTURE LOANS, PURCHASES, AND OTHER OPERATIONS SUGAR PROGRAM Processor Sugar Payment-In-Kind..., make payments in the form of sugar held in CCC inventory. (b) To the maximum extent practicable, CCC... sugar held in storage by the processor; (2) CCC-owned sugar held in storage by any other processor in...

  15. Kind discipline: Developing a conceptual model of a promising school discipline approach.


    Winkler, Jennifer L; Walsh, Michele E; de Blois, Madeleine; Maré, Jeannette; Carvajal, Scott C


    This formative evaluation develops a novel conceptual model for a discipline approach fostering intrinsic motivation and positive relationships in schools. We used concept mapping to elicit and integrate perspectives on kind discipline from teachers, administrators, and other school staff. Three core themes describing kind discipline emerged from 11 identified clusters: (1) proactively developing a positive school climate, (2) responding to conflict with empathy, accountability, and skill, and (3) supporting staff skills in understanding and sharing expectations. We mapped the identified components of kind discipline onto a social ecological model and found that kind discipline encompasses all levels of that model including the individual, relational, environmental/structural, and even community levels. This contrasts with the dominant individual-behavioral discipline approaches that focus on fewer levels and may not lead to sustained student and staff motivation. The findings illustrate the importance of setting and communicating clear expectations and the need for them to be collaboratively developed. Products of the analysis and synthesis reported here are operationalized materials for teachers grounded in a "be kind" culture code for classrooms. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. 9 CFR 351.3 - Kind of service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL ANIMAL FATS FOR EXPORT Scope of Certification Service § 351.3 Kind of... this part for specific lots of technical animal fat for export, if the fat was rendered from materials... provided in the regulations in this part, that the technical animal fat is eligible for certification under...

  17. 9 CFR 351.3 - Kind of service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL ANIMAL FATS FOR EXPORT Scope of Certification Service § 351.3 Kind of... this part for specific lots of technical animal fat for export, if the fat was rendered from materials... provided in the regulations in this part, that the technical animal fat is eligible for certification under...

  18. 9 CFR 351.3 - Kind of service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL ANIMAL FATS FOR EXPORT Scope of Certification Service § 351.3 Kind of... this part for specific lots of technical animal fat for export, if the fat was rendered from materials... provided in the regulations in this part, that the technical animal fat is eligible for certification under...

  19. 9 CFR 351.3 - Kind of service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL ANIMAL FATS FOR EXPORT Scope of Certification Service § 351.3 Kind of... this part for specific lots of technical animal fat for export, if the fat was rendered from materials... provided in the regulations in this part, that the technical animal fat is eligible for certification under...

  20. 9 CFR 351.3 - Kind of service.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... CERTIFICATION CERTIFICATION OF TECHNICAL ANIMAL FATS FOR EXPORT Scope of Certification Service § 351.3 Kind of... this part for specific lots of technical animal fat for export, if the fat was rendered from materials... provided in the regulations in this part, that the technical animal fat is eligible for certification under...

  1. On one solution of Volterra integral equations of second kind

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Myrhorod, V.; Hvozdeva, I.


    A solution of Volterra integral equations of the second kind with separable and difference kernels based on solutions of corresponding equations linking the kernel and resolvent is suggested. On the basis of a discrete functions class, the equations linking the kernel and resolvent are obtained and the methods of their analytical solutions are proposed. A mathematical model of the gas-turbine engine state modification processes in the form of Volterra integral equation of the second kind with separable kernel is offered.

  2. 31 CFR 594.515 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical...-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine...

  3. 31 CFR 594.515 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical...-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine...

  4. 31 CFR 594.515 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical...-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine...

  5. 31 CFR 595.513 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine...-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine...

  6. 31 CFR 594.515 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical...-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine...

  7. Self-affirming trait kindness regulates disgust toward one's physical appearance.


    Powell, Philip A; Simpson, Jane; Overton, Paul G


    In two studies, self-affirming the behavioral trait of kindness was examined as a method of regulating state disgust toward one's physical appearance. In Study 1, 56 participants (37 women, 19 men, Mage=33.16 years) completed either a questionnaire designed to self-affirm kindness or a control equivalent and rated their disgust, anger, sadness, and happiness toward their appearance and behavior. In Study 2, 116 individuals (83 women, 33 men, Mage=24.90 years) participated in the same experiment over the internet in an ecologically valid context. When controlling for trait self-disgust, the self-affirmed in Study 1 reported significantly less disgust toward their appearance (ηp(2)=.12, p=.011). This effect was replicated in Study 2, but driven by lower state disgust levels in those higher in trait self-disgust (f(2)=.10, p=.001). Affirming valued traits, like kindness, may be a useful tool for regulating disgust toward body image. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. 31 CFR 594.515 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine....515 In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine...

  9. 31 CFR 597.511 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... § 597.511 In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6... provision by nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons of in-kind donations of medicine, medical...

  10. 31 CFR 597.511 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... § 597.511 In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6... provision by nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons of in-kind donations of medicine, medical...

  11. 31 CFR 597.511 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... § 597.511 In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6... provision by nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons of in-kind donations of medicine, medical...

  12. 31 CFR 597.511 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... § 597.511 In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6... provision by nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons of in-kind donations of medicine, medical...

  13. Security of a kind of quantum secret sharing with entangled states.


    Wang, Tian-Yin; Liu, Ying-Zhao; Wei, Chun-Yan; Cai, Xiao-Qiu; Ma, Jian-Feng


    We present a new collusion attack to a kind of quantum secret sharing schemes with entangled states. Using this attack, an unauthorized set of agents can gain access to the shared secret without the others' cooperation. Furthermore, we establish a general model for this kind of quantum secret sharing schemes and then give some necessary conditions to design a secure quantum secret sharing scheme under this model.

  14. 13 CFR 107.1580 - Special rules for In-Kind Distributions by Licensees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... security as of the declaration date of the Distribution (if you are a Corporate Licensee) or the...) Participating Securities Leverage § 107.1580 Special rules for In-Kind Distributions by Licensees. (a) In-Kind Distributions while Licensee has outstanding Participating Securities. A Distribution under §§ 107.1540, 107...

  15. 13 CFR 107.1580 - Special rules for In-Kind Distributions by Licensees.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... security as of the declaration date of the Distribution (if you are a Corporate Licensee) or the...) Participating Securities Leverage § 107.1580 Special rules for In-Kind Distributions by Licensees. (a) In-Kind Distributions while Licensee has outstanding Participating Securities. A Distribution under §§ 107.1540, 107...

  16. Two kinds of respect for two kinds of contempt: Why contempt can be both a sentiment and an emotion.


    Cova, Florian; Deonna, Julien; Sander, David; Teroni, Fabrice


    Gervais & Fessler argue that because contempt is a sentiment, it cannot be an emotion. However, like many affective labels, it could be that "contempt" refers both to a sentiment and to a distinct emotion. This possibility is made salient by the fact that contempt can be defined by contrast with respect, but that there are different kinds of respect.

  17. A Kind of Nonlinear Programming Problem Based on Mixed Fuzzy Relation Equations Constraints

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Jinquan; Feng, Shuang; Mi, Honghai

    In this work, a kind of nonlinear programming problem with non-differential objective function and under the constraints expressed by a system of mixed fuzzy relation equations is investigated. First, some properties of this kind of optimization problem are obtained. Then, a polynomial-time algorithm for this kind of optimization problem is proposed based on these properties. Furthermore, we show that this algorithm is optimal for the considered optimization problem in this paper. Finally, numerical examples are provided to illustrate our algorithms.

  18. What Kind of Memory Supports Visual Marking?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jiang, Yuhong; Wang, Stephanie W.


    In visual search tasks, if a set of items is presented for 1 s before another set of new items (containing the target) is added, search can be restricted to the new set. The process that eliminates old items from search is visual marking. This study investigates the kind of memory that distinguishes the old items from the new items during search.…

  19. Kinds of access: different methods for report reveal different kinds of metacognitive access

    PubMed Central

    Overgaard, Morten; Sandberg, Kristian


    In experimental investigations of consciousness, participants are asked to reflect upon their own experiences by issuing reports about them in different ways. For this reason, a participant needs some access to the content of her own conscious experience in order to report. In such experiments, the reports typically consist of some variety of ratings of confidence or direct descriptions of one's own experiences. Whereas different methods of reporting are typically used interchangeably, recent experiments indicate that different results are obtained with different kinds of reporting. We argue that there is not only a theoretical, but also an empirical difference between different methods of reporting. We hypothesize that differences in the sensitivity of different scales may reveal that different types of access are used to issue direct reports about experiences and metacognitive reports about the classification process. PMID:22492747

  20. 9 CFR 381.165 - “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false â(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.â 381.165 Section 381.165 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.165 “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.” Such product...

  1. 9 CFR 381.165 - “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false â(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.â 381.165 Section 381.165 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.165 “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.” Such product...

  2. Depression and suicide are natural kinds: implications for physician-assisted suicide.


    Tsou, Jonathan Y


    In this article, I argue that depression and suicide are natural kinds insofar as they are classes of abnormal behavior underwritten by sets of stable biological mechanisms. In particular, depression and suicide are neurobiological kinds characterized by disturbances in serotonin functioning that affect various brain areas (i.e., the amygdala, anterior cingulate, prefrontal cortex, and hippocampus). The significance of this argument is that the natural (biological) basis of depression and suicide allows for reliable projectable inferences (i.e., predictions) to be made about individual members of a kind. In the context of assisted suicide, inferences about the decision-making capacity of depressed individuals seeking physician-assisted suicide are of special interest. I examine evidence that depression can hamper the decision-making capacity of individuals seeking assisted suicide and discuss some implications. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. 9 CFR 381.165 - “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... heat.â 381.165 Section 381.165 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.165 “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated that has been cooked by the action of moist heat in...

  4. 9 CFR 381.165 - “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... heat.â 381.165 Section 381.165 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.165 “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated that has been cooked by the action of moist heat in...

  5. 9 CFR 381.165 - “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... heat.â 381.165 Section 381.165 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE... Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.165 “(Kind) barbecued prepared with moist heat.” Such product consists of ready-to-cook poultry of the kind indicated that has been cooked by the action of moist heat in...

  6. [Evaluation of the Performance of Two Kinds of Anti-TP Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay].


    Gao, Nan; Huang, Li-Qin; Wang, Rui; Jia, Jun-Jie; Wu, Shuo; Zhang, Jing; Ge, Hong-Wei


    To evaluate the accuracy and precision of 2 kinds of anti-treponema pallidum (anti-TP) ELISA reagents in our laboratory for detecting the anti-TP in voluntary blood donors, so as to provide the data support for use of ELISA reagents after introduction of chemiluminescene immunoassay (CLIA). The route detection of anti-TP was performed by using 2 kinds of ELISA reagents, then 546 responsive positive samples detected by anti-TP ELISA were collected, and the infections status of samples confirmed by treponema pallidum particle agglutination (TPPA) test was identified. The confirmed results of responsive samples detected by 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents were compared, the accuracy of 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents was analyzed by drawing ROC and comparing area under curve (AUC), and precision of 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents was compared by statistical analysis of quality control data from 7.1 2016 to 6.30 2017. There were no statistical difference in confirmed positive rate of responsive samples and weak positive samples between 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents. The responsive samples detected by 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents accounted for 85.53%(467/546) of all responsive samples, the positive rate confirmed by TPPA test was 82.87%. 44 responsive samples detected by anti-TP ELISA reagent A and 35 responsive samples detected by anti-TP ELISA reagent B were confirmed to be negative by TPPA test. Comparison of AUC showed that the accuracy of 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents was more high, the difference between 2 reagents was not statistically significant. The coefficient of variation (CV) of anti-TP ELISA reagent A and B was 14.98% and 18.04% respectively, which met the precision requirement of ELISA test. The accuracy and precision of 2 kinds of anti-TP ELISA reagents used in our laboratory are similar, and using any one of anti-TP ELISA reagents all can satisfy the requirements of blood screening.

  7. Sickly Americans, Kindly Portuguese, and Lithuanian Couch Potatoes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bracey, Gerald W.


    Of 27 countries in a World Health Organization survey, American children report the most physical complaints, Portuguese children are most kind to one another, and Lithuanians watch more TV. U.S. and Czech teens are great dieters. Northern Irish, Scottish, and Finnish youngsters love computer games. (MLH)

  8. 9 CFR 381.164 - “(Kind) barbecued.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false â(Kind) barbecued.â 381.164 Section 381.164 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  9. 9 CFR 381.164 - “(Kind) barbecued.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false â(Kind) barbecued.â 381.164 Section 381.164 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  10. Intercomparison of global, ultraviolet B and A radiation measurements in the Dead Sea region (Ein Bokek) and Beer Sheva.


    Kushelevsky, A P; Kudish, A I


    Thousands of patients suffering from psoriasis have been treated successfully in the Dead Sea area by climatological methods, without medication. This high rate of success, measured in terms of partial to complete plaque clearance and reported to exceed 85% after 3-4 weeks of treatment, has been assumed to be associated with a unique ultraviolet (UV) radiation environment present in the Dead Sea region. In order to broaden our knowledge of the UV radiation environment at the Dead Sea, continuous monitoring of UV (both B and A) and global radiation has recently been initiated at two sites--Ein Bokek (located in the vicinity of the Dead Sea 375 m below mean sea level) and Beer Sheva (315 m above mean sea level)--to facilitate an intercomparison of their respective radiation intensities. The results of the first year of a detailed study of the global, UVB and UVA radiation intensities measured at both sites are summarized and reported in terms of the monthly average daily, average midday (11:00-13:00) and the corresponding maximum values. The radiation data for clear days (based upon the absolute magnitude of the global radiation) were also analyzed to perform an intercomparison between Ein Bokek and Beer Sheva for a winter month and a summer month for which all three types of radiation data were available at both sites.

  11. 7 CFR 201.26 - Kind, variety, and hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Kind, variety, and hybrid. 201.26 Section 201.26 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Vegetable Seed...

  12. 7 CFR 201.26 - Kind, variety, and hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Kind, variety, and hybrid. 201.26 Section 201.26 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Vegetable Seed...

  13. 7 CFR 201.26 - Kind, variety, and hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Kind, variety, and hybrid. 201.26 Section 201.26 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Vegetable Seed...

  14. 7 CFR 201.26 - Kind, variety, and hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Kind, variety, and hybrid. 201.26 Section 201.26 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Vegetable Seed...

  15. 7 CFR 201.26 - Kind, variety, and hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Kind, variety, and hybrid. 201.26 Section 201.26 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Vegetable Seed...

  16. 9 CFR 156.3 - Kind of service; records.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... the products intended for certification. The inspector shall keep such records of the temperatures... 9 Animals and Animal Products 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Kind of service; records. 156.3 Section 156.3 Animals and Animal Products ANIMAL AND PLANT HEALTH INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF...

  17. Turbulenzübergang in der Rohrströmung: Die Lösung eines alten Rätsels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eckhardt, Bruno; Hof, Björn; Faisst, Holger


    Die Strömung von Flüssigkeiten und Gasen durch eine Röhre kann zwei Zustände annehmen. Einer ist laminar, also gleichmäßig geordnet, einer ist zeitlich-räumlich verwirbelt und turbulent. Mit dem Übergang zur Turbulenz nimmt der Strömungswiderstand drastisch zu. Vor etwa 120 Jahren beschrieb Osborne Reynolds bereits das Verhalten der Rohrströmung sehr genau. Er beobachtete, dass der Turbulenzübergang sehr empfindlich von äußeren Störungen abhängt, was bislang rätselhaft blieb. Dieses Rätsel konnte nun mit einer Kombination aus Computerstudien, Konzepten aus der nichtlinearen Dynamik und speziell entwickelten Experimenten gelöst werden.

  18. Exploring Human Kindness through the Pedagogy of Aikido.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brawdy, Paul

    This paper considers the origins of kindness in relation to the martial art known as Aikido. It also attempts to discover the underlying constitutional elements of Aikido's pedagogy of self learning, learning about others, and instructional practices that promote interpersonal relatedness. A teacher and four students of the Aikido Dojo were…

  19. Ein Blick ins Licht. Einblicke in die Natur des Lichts und des Sehens, in Farbe und Fotografie.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Falk, D. S.; Brill, D. R.; Stork, D. G.

    This book is a German translation, by A. Ehlers, of the American original "Seeing the light. Optics in nature, photography, color, vision, and holography", published in 1986. Contents: 1. Die Haupteigenschaften des Lichts. 2. Grundlagen der geometrischen Optik. 3. Spiegel und Linsen. 4. Kamera und Fotografie. 5. Das menschliche Auge und sein Sehvermögen. I: Wie das Bild erzeugt wird. 6. Optische Instrumente. 7. Das menschliche Auge und sein Sehvermögen. II: Bildverarbeitung. 8. Räumliches Sehen und Tiefenwahrnehmung. 9. Farbe. 10. Farbwahrnehmung. 11. Farbfotografie. 12. Wellenoptik. 13. Streuung und Polarisation. 14. Holografie. 15. Ein Blick in die moderne Physik.

  20. The Kind of Schools We Need: Personal Essays.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eisner, Elliot W.

    This book of essays sets forth Eisner's theories of aesthetic intelligence, or theories that rethink the connections among art, literacy, research, and evaluation. The book is divided into four sections of four essays each. The first section, "Cognition and Representation," explains how the process of education expands and deepens the kinds of…

  1. Book Talk. Books About All Kinds of Heroes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Freeman, Judy


    Presents an annotated listing of books about all kinds of heroes for elementary school students. Stories include the young King Arthur; an assertive, baseball-playing heroine who becomes a princess; an older brother dealing with his younger brother; a Christmas story; civil rights icon Rosa Parks; and the cow who jumped over the moon. (SM)

  2. Movie Review: "It's Kind of a Funny Story"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lara, Frankie


    Interpersonal disconnections, social withdrawal, and loneliness are often precursors to depression and suicidal ideation. In the film "It's Kind of a Funny Story", the plot describes a protagonist who has become so relationally desolate among family, friends, and peers that he has taken delight in the thought of ending his life. The main character…

  3. Polynomial asymptotes of the second kind

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dobbs, David E.


    This note uses the analytic notion of asymptotic functions to study when a function is asymptotic to a polynomial function. Along with associated existence and uniqueness results, this kind of asymptotic behaviour is related to the type of asymptote that was recently defined in a more geometric way. Applications are given to rational functions and conics. Prerequisites include the division algorithm for polynomials with coefficients in the field of real numbers and elementary facts about limits from calculus. This note could be used as enrichment material in courses ranging from Calculus to Real Analysis to Abstract Algebra.

  4. 41 CFR 102-34.275 - What kind of maintenance programs must we have?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What kind of maintenance programs must we have? 102-34.275 Section 102-34.275 Public Contracts and Property Management Federal... VEHICLE MANAGEMENT Scheduled Maintenance of Motor Vehicles § 102-34.275 What kind of maintenance programs...

  5. Mindfulness and Loving-Kindness Meditation.


    Aspy, Denholm J; Proeve, Michael


    An experiment involving 115 undergraduate students (74.8% females; mean age = 20.5 years, SD = 4.3) was conducted to explore effects of meditation on social connectedness, nature connectedness, and affect. Participants listened to one of three brief guided meditation Mp3 recordings via the internet, which involved mindfulness meditation (MM), loving-kindness meditation (LKM), or progressive muscle relaxation (active control group). Participants in the MM and LKM groups reported greater social and nature connectedness at post-test than those in the control group. There were no significant differences in connectedness between the MM and LKM groups, suggesting they are both effective for enhancing connectedness. There were no significant changes in negative or positive affect at post-test due to the interventions. Recommendations for future research are provided.

  6. Inequity-aversion and relative kindness intention jointly determine the expenditure of effort in project teams.


    Han, Jiaojie; Rapoport, Amnon; Zhao, Rui


    The literature on team cooperation has neglected the effects of relative kindness intention on cooperation, which we measure by comparing the kindness intentions of an agent to her group members to the kindness shown by other members to this same agent. We argue that the agent's emotional reaction to material payoff inequity is not constant, but rather affected by her relative kindness intention. Then, we apply the model to team projects with multiple partners and investigate how inequity-aversion and relative kindness intention jointly influence team cooperation. We first consider the case of homogeneous agents, where their marginal productivity levels and technical capacities are the same, and then consider the case of heterogeneous agents, where their marginal productivity levels and technical capacities are not the same. Our results show that inequity-aversion has no effect on effort expenditure in the former case, but does affect it in the latter case. The consideration of relative kindness intention may impact the agents' optimal cooperative effort expenditure when their technical capacities are different. In addition, it is beneficial for team cooperation, and might not only reduce the negative impact but also enhance the positive impact of inequity-aversion on the agents' effort expenditures.

  7. Inequity-aversion and relative kindness intention jointly determine the expenditure of effort in project teams

    PubMed Central

    Rapoport, Amnon; Zhao, Rui


    The literature on team cooperation has neglected the effects of relative kindness intention on cooperation, which we measure by comparing the kindness intentions of an agent to her group members to the kindness shown by other members to this same agent. We argue that the agent’s emotional reaction to material payoff inequity is not constant, but rather affected by her relative kindness intention. Then, we apply the model to team projects with multiple partners and investigate how inequity-aversion and relative kindness intention jointly influence team cooperation. We first consider the case of homogeneous agents, where their marginal productivity levels and technical capacities are the same, and then consider the case of heterogeneous agents, where their marginal productivity levels and technical capacities are not the same. Our results show that inequity-aversion has no effect on effort expenditure in the former case, but does affect it in the latter case. The consideration of relative kindness intention may impact the agents’ optimal cooperative effort expenditure when their technical capacities are different. In addition, it is beneficial for team cooperation, and might not only reduce the negative impact but also enhance the positive impact of inequity-aversion on the agents’ effort expenditures. PMID:28459853

  8. [Two years clinical observation of a kind of castable ceramic--IPS Empress].


    Liu, Y; Li, Y; Nie, Y


    We used this material in clinic since 1995. Discussion on the prosthetic effects of the above-mentioned material to spreat it clinically. Through half to two years clinical observations to evaluate the effect of IPS Empress crowns in anterior teeth and inlays in posteriors. and Prosthesis made of this kind of material IPS Empress is one kind of excellent all-ceramic prosthetic material. IPS Empress also could be used in post crowns and the clinical effect was satisfactory.

  9. A New Kind of Blue Hybrid Electroluminescent Device.


    Wang, Junling; Li, Zhuan; Liu, Chunmei


    Bright blue Electroluminescence come from a ITO/BBOT doped silica (6 x 10(-3) M) made by a sol-gel method/Al driven by AC with 500 Hz at different voltages and Gaussian analysis under 55 V showed that blue emission coincidenced with typical triple emission from BBOT. This kind of device take advantage of organics (BBOT) and inorganics (silica). Electroluminescence from a single-layered sandwiched device consisting of blue fluorescent dye 2,5-bis (5-tert-butyl-2-benzoxazolyl) thiophene (BBOT) doped silica made by sol-gel method was investigated. A number of concentrations of hybrid devices were prepared and the maxium concentration was 6 x 10(-3) M. Blue electroluminescent (EL) always occurred above a threshold field 8.57 x 10(5) V/cm (30 V) at alternating voltage at 500 HZ. The luminance of the devices increased with the concentration of doped BBOT, but electroluminescence characteristics were different from a single molecule's photoluminescence properties of triple peaks. When analyzing in detail direct-current electroluminescence devices of pure BBOT, a single peak centered at 2.82 eV appeared with the driven voltage increase, which is similar to the hybrid devices. Comparing Gaussian decomposition date between two kinds of devices, the triple peak characteristic of BBOT was consistent. It is inferred that BBOT contributed EL of the hybrid devices mainly and silica may account for a very small part. Meanwhile the thermal stability of matrix silica was measured by Thermal Gravity-Mass Spectroscopy (TG-MS). There is 12 percent weight loss from room temperature to 1000 °C and silica has about 95% transmittance. So the matric silica played an important role in thermal stability and optical stability for BBOT. In addition, this kind of blue electroluminescence device can take advantages of organic materials BBOT and inorganic materials silica. This is a promising way to enrich EL devices, especially enriching inorganic EL color at a low cost.

  10. A new kind of high durable traffic weighbridge based on FBG sensors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Zhi; Liu, Jing; Li, Hui; Ou, Jinping


    Durability is the key problem of traditional traffic weighbridge based on electrical gauges. In this paper, a new kind of high durable traffic weighbridge based on FBG (Fiber Bragg Grating) sensors has been studied and developed. The principle of the smart FBG-weighbridge is based on that the traffic weight can be gotten from the deformation of the reinforced concrete beam with embedded FRP (Fiber Reinforced Polymer) - packaged FBG strain sensors. The FBG-based weighbridge is designed to be a reinforced concrete board supported by composite beams, and the truck load is shared by the composite beams. A 30-ton full scale FBG-based weighbridge has been set up, and the results from the tests and calibration analysis show that this kind of weighbridge features high durability, simplicity, convenience, low cost, etc. This new kind of FBG-based weighbridge shows good prospect in future to replace the traditional traffic weighbridge for long-term monitoring of traffic load.

  11. 7 CFR 201.12 - Name of kind and variety.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Name of kind and variety. 201.12 Section 201.12 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural...

  12. 7 CFR 201.12 - Name of kind and variety.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Name of kind and variety. 201.12 Section 201.12 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural...

  13. 7 CFR 201.12 - Name of kind and variety.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Name of kind and variety. 201.12 Section 201.12 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural...

  14. 7 CFR 201.12 - Name of kind and variety.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Name of kind and variety. 201.12 Section 201.12 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural...

  15. 7 CFR 201.12 - Name of kind and variety.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Name of kind and variety. 201.12 Section 201.12 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling Agricultural...

  16. Engagement and Kindness in Digitally Mediated Learning with Teachers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cramp, Andy; Lamond, Catherine


    This paper explores the significance of designing online learning led by the principle of direct and meaningful participant engagement. It considers the notion of kindness as a crucial value contributing to pedagogy and the development of meaningful learning relationships. The paper challenges the "delivery" approach to online learning,…

  17. 31 CFR 597.511 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance: Treasury 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine... Licensing Policy § 597.511 In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a... medicine, medical devices, and medical services to the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Health, provided...

  18. Two Kinds of Suicide.


    den Hartogh, Govert


    In suicidology, the common view is that 'rational' suicides occur only rarely, because the competence of people who want to end their lives is compromised by mental illness. In the Netherlands and Flanders, however, patients' requests for euthanasia or assistance in suicide are granted in 5300 and 1400 cases a year respectively, and in all these cases at least two doctors have confirmed the patient's competence. The combination of these two findings is puzzling. In other countries one would expect at least some of these people to end their own lives. The article argues that we can distinguish between two types of suicide with clustering characteristics. In cases of the first type, the agent doesn't carefully plan his action, doesn't communicate his plans to relatives or others, and uses violent means. In such cases it is reasonable to presume lack of competence. The other type has the opposite characteristics. The most plausible explanation of our problem is that suicides of the second kind are invisible to suicidology, because they tend not to be registered as suicides at all. © 2016 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. 13 CFR 142.2 - What kind of conduct will result in program fraud enforcement?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false What kind of conduct will result in program fraud enforcement? 142.2 Section 142.2 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION PROGRAM FRAUD CIVIL REMEDIES ACT REGULATIONS Overview and Definitions § 142.2 What kind of conduct...

  20. 31 CFR 595.513 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine, medical devices...

  1. 31 CFR 595.513 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine, medical devices...

  2. 31 CFR 595.513 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine, medical devices...

  3. 31 CFR 595.513 - In-kind donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 31 Money and Finance:Treasury 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false In-kind donations of medicine, medical... donations of medicine, medical devices, and medical services. (a) Effective July 6, 2006, nongovernmental organizations that are U.S. persons are authorized to provide in-kind donations of medicine, medical devices...

  4. Schönheit und andere Provokationen - Eine neue evolutionsbiologische Theorie der Kunst

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Junker, Thomas

    Die Evolution hat viele spektakuläre Phänomene hervorgebracht - von der Eleganz des Vogelflugs über die gigantischen Körper der Dinosaurier und die farbenprächtige Vielfalt der Korallenriffe bis hin zu ihrem jüngsten Geniestreich - der menschlichen Kunst. Die schönen Künste - Malerei, Bildhauerei und Architektur, Theater, Tanz, Oper und Filmkunst, Musik und Literatur - Produkte der Evolution? Diese Vorstellung mutet vielen Menschen fremd an, aber wie könnte es anders sein? Denn wenn Charles Darwin recht hat, dann sind nicht nur die körperlichen Merkmale der Menschen als Antworten auf die Erfordernisse des Lebens entstanden, sondern auch ihre geistigen Fähigkeiten und Verhaltensweisen. Im Jahr 1859 hatte er auf den letzten Seiten seines berühmten Buches über die Entstehung der Arten eine kühne Prophezeiung gemacht: Durch die Evolutionstheorie werde es "zu einer bemerkenswerten Revolution in der Naturwissenschaft kommen […]. Die Psychologie wird auf die neue Grundlage gestellt, dass jede geistige Kraft und Fähigkeit notwendigerweise durch graduelle Übergänge erworben wird“ (Darwin 1859, S. 484, 488; Junker 2008).

  5. [Preparation of a kind of SERS-active substrates for spot fast analysis].


    Ji, Nan; Li, Zhi-Shi; Zhao, Bing; Zou, Bo


    A kind of SERS-active substrates was prepared using chemical self-assembly method, aiming at spot fast analysis using portable Raman spectrometer. PDDA was first absorbed on the inner wall of vials, and then Ag colloids were assembled on the inner wall. UV-Vis spectra and Raman spectra of two kinds of blank vials were investigated and the transparent vials were thought to be better for SERS-vials. UV-Vis spectra were used to monitor the assembly process of Ag colloids. SERS activity of our substrates was characterized using p-ATP as probing molecules.

  6. 25 CFR 26.27 - What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect? 26.27 Section 26.27 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HUMAN SERVICES JOB PLACEMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM Job Placement Services § 26.27 What kind of Job Placement support services...

  7. 25 CFR 26.27 - What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect? 26.27 Section 26.27 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HUMAN SERVICES JOB PLACEMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM Job Placement Services § 26.27 What kind of Job Placement support services...

  8. 25 CFR 26.27 - What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect? 26.27 Section 26.27 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HUMAN SERVICES JOB PLACEMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM Job Placement Services § 26.27 What kind of Job Placement support services...

  9. 25 CFR 26.27 - What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 1 2012-04-01 2011-04-01 true What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect? 26.27 Section 26.27 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HUMAN SERVICES JOB PLACEMENT AND TRAINING PROGRAM Job Placement Services § 26.27 What kind of Job Placement support services...

  10. Loving-Kindness and Compassion Meditation: Potential for Psychological Interventions

    PubMed Central

    Hofmann, Stefan G.; Grossman, Paul; Hinton, Devon E.


    Mindfulness-based meditation interventions have become increasingly popular in contemporary psychology. Other closely related meditation practices include loving-kindness meditation (LKM) and compassion meditation (CM), exercises oriented toward enhancing unconditional, positive emotional states of kindness and compassion. This article provides a review of the background, the techniques, and the empirical contemporary literature of LKM and CM. The literature suggests that LKM and CM are associated with an increase in positive affect and a decrease in negative affect. Preliminary findings from neuroendocrine studies indicate that CM may reduce stress-induced subjective distress and immune response. Neuroimaging studies suggest that LKM and CM may enhance activation of brain areas that are involved in emotional processing and empathy. Finally, preliminary intervention studies support application of these strategies in clinical populations. It is concluded that, when combined with empirically supported treatments, such as cognitive behavioral therapy, LKM and CM may provide potentially useful strategies for targeting a variety of different psychological problems that involve interpersonal processes, such as social anxiety, marital conflict, anger, and coping with the strains of long-term caregiving. PMID:21840289

  11. 7 CFR 800.83 - Sampling provisions by kind of movement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Section 800.83 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD ADMINISTRATION (FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION SERVICE), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GENERAL REGULATIONS Inspection Methods and Procedures § 800.83 Sampling provisions by kind of movement. (a) Export...

  12. 7 CFR 800.83 - Sampling provisions by kind of movement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Section 800.83 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD ADMINISTRATION (FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION SERVICE), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GENERAL REGULATIONS Inspection Methods and Procedures § 800.83 Sampling provisions by kind of movement. (a) Export...

  13. 7 CFR 800.83 - Sampling provisions by kind of movement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Section 800.83 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD ADMINISTRATION (FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION SERVICE), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GENERAL REGULATIONS Inspection Methods and Procedures § 800.83 Sampling provisions by kind of movement. (a) Export...

  14. 7 CFR 800.83 - Sampling provisions by kind of movement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Section 800.83 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD ADMINISTRATION (FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION SERVICE), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GENERAL REGULATIONS Inspection Methods and Procedures § 800.83 Sampling provisions by kind of movement. (a) Export...

  15. 7 CFR 800.83 - Sampling provisions by kind of movement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Section 800.83 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) GRAIN INSPECTION, PACKERS AND STOCKYARD ADMINISTRATION (FEDERAL GRAIN INSPECTION SERVICE), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE GENERAL REGULATIONS Inspection Methods and Procedures § 800.83 Sampling provisions by kind of movement. (a) Export...

  16. [Determine and parallel analysis of three kinds of PAEs in serum for obese children].


    Li, Ping; Dai, Xingbi; Dan, Hong; Huang, Xiaohong


    To study the serum contents of the PAEs of obese children at the ages of 10 to 12 years, in order to estimate the harm of PAEs on obese children. The contents of three kinds PAEs(DEP, DBP and DEHP) in the serum for two groups of children, including 36 obese children and 36 normal weight children, were determined by the reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) method And the average measure value of three kind PAEs between two groups of children were analysed. The median serum levels of PAEs were 0.0032 (DEP), 0.1649 (DBP) and 0.1680 (DEHP) in obese children. And the serum levels of PAEs were 0.0026 (DEP), 0.0359 (DBP) and 0.1063 (DEHP) in normal weight children. The differences of average measure value of DBP and DEHP in three kind PAEs between two groups of children were significant (P < 0.01). The amounts of obese children in high level were more than those of normal weight children, and the constitution ratios in three kinds of PAEs of obese children were higher than those of normal weight children. The differences between two groups of children were significant (P < 0.01). The average levels of DBP and DEHP in serum of obese children were more than those of serum of normal weight children. The amounts of obese children were higher than those of normal weight children in high level content of three kinds of PAEs.

  17. [Chloroplast ultrastructure and photosynthetic characteristics of five kinds of dandelion (Taraxacum) leaves in northeast China].


    Ning, Wei; Wu, Jie; Zhao, Ting; Zhao, Xin; Li, Tianlai


    The paper adopted the JEM-100CX II transmission electron microscope to observe chloroplast ultrastructure of five kinds of dandelion (Taraxacum) leaves in northeast, and the LI-6400 portable photosynthesis system was used to compare the chlorophyll fluorescence and the photosynthesis characteristics of five kinds of dandelions in Northeast China. Chloroplast ultrastructure showed: in the five kinds of dandelion, larger chloroplast, grana with more layers, regular thylakoid, without starch grains and so on, these chloroplasts characteristics decided to bigger photosynthetic rate. The five kinds of dandelion P(n) exhibited a "double peak" diurnal curve: stomatal limitation is the main adjustment factors for the midday depression phenomenon. The P(n),G(s),C(i) content of T. mongolicum are the highest, and T. asiaticum are the lowest among them. The relation between P(n) and G(s),C(i) is direct ratio, P(n) and T(r) is in an inverse proportion among the five kinds of dandelion. In addition, P(n) is positively correlated with Chla, Chlb, and the relationship with Chlb is bigger. The paper demonstrates the Mongolian dandelion photosynthetic efficiency is the highest, it is an higher photosynthetic efficiency dandelion,it provide theoretical basis for assessment and use of the resource of dandelion.

  18. 20 CFR 416.1147 - How we value in-kind support and maintenance for a couple.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false How we value in-kind support and maintenance for a couple. 416.1147 Section 416.1147 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Income In-Kind Support and Maintenance in...

  19. 20 CFR 416.1147 - How we value in-kind support and maintenance for a couple.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false How we value in-kind support and maintenance for a couple. 416.1147 Section 416.1147 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Income In-Kind Support and Maintenance in...

  20. A New Kind of Laser Microphone for Photoacoustic Applications

    DTIC Science & Technology


    1 A NEW KIND OF LASER MICROPHONE FOR PHOTOACOUSTIC APPLICATIONS Chen-Chia Wang, Sudhir Trivedi, and Feng Jin Brimrose ...NUMBER 5e. TASK NUMBER 5f. WORK UNIT NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Brimrose Corp. of America, 7720 Belair Road...laser microphone’s performance are also developed with preliminary experimental validation. ACKONWLEDGMENTS The authors from Brimrose

  1. Influence of Different Kinds of Music on Walking in Children.


    Reychler, Gregory; Fabre, Justine; Lux, Amandine; Caty, Gilles; Pieters, Thierry; Liistro, Giuseppe

    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of different kinds of music on submaximal performance and exercise tolerance in healthy children by means of the 6-minute walking test (6MWT) and to explore the influence of gender. Cross-over study. Ninety-seven children performed 6MWT in four conditions (without music, with their preferred music, with slow and with fast music). Distance, cardio-respiratory parameters, perceived exertion rate, and amount of dyspnea were measured. Walked distance depended on the kind of music (p = .022). To listen to fast music promoted a longer distance when compared with slow music. Walked distance was not influenced by gender (p = .721) and there was no interaction between music and gender for walked distances (p = .069). The other parameters were not modified by music and gender. Music influences submaximal performances without modifying exercise tolerance in healthy children. Music does modify submaximal performance in children.

  2. 9 CFR 381.170 - Standards for kinds and classes, and for cuts of raw poultry.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Standards for kinds and classes, and for cuts of raw poultry. 381.170 Section 381.170 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... of raw poultry. (a) The following standards specify the various classes of the specified kinds of...

  3. 9 CFR 381.170 - Standards for kinds and classes, and for cuts of raw poultry.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Standards for kinds and classes, and for cuts of raw poultry. 381.170 Section 381.170 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... of raw poultry. (a) The following standards specify the various classes of the specified kinds of...

  4. Evidence for Kind Representations in the Absence of Language: Experiments with Rhesus Monkeys ("Macaca Mulatta")

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Phillips, Webb; Santos, Laurie R.


    How do we come to recognize and represent different kinds of objects in the world? Some developmental psychologists have hypothesized that learning language plays a crucial role in this capacity. If this hypothesis were correct, then non-linguistic animals should lack the capacity to represent objects as kinds. Previous research with rhesus…

  5. NREL, American Vanadium Demonstrate First-of-Its-Kind Battery Management Websites

    System | Energy Systems Integration Facility | NREL American Vanadium NREL, American Vanadium Demonstrate First-of-Its-Kind Battery Management System NREL researchers are collaborating with American Vanadium, an integrated energy storage company, to evaluate and demonstrate the first North American

  6. The Development of Preschoolers' Living Kinds Concept: A Longitudinal Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Margett-Jordan, Tessa; Falcon, Rachael G.; Witherington, David C.


    Given limitations in the integrative scope of past research, basic questions about the organization and development of preschoolers' living kinds concept remain open to debate. This study was designed to address past limitations through use of a longitudinal design, extensive stimulus set, and alternate indices of understanding. Thirty-five…

  7. 9 CFR 381.162 - “(Kind) steak or fillet.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false â(Kind) steak or fillet.â 381.162 Section 381.162 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  8. 9 CFR 381.161 - “(Kind) A La Kiev.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false â(Kind) A La Kiev.â 381.161 Section 381.161 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  9. 9 CFR 381.161 - “(Kind) A La Kiev.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false â(Kind) A La Kiev.â 381.161 Section 381.161 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  10. 9 CFR 381.162 - “(Kind) steak or fillet.”

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false â(Kind) steak or fillet.â 381.162 Section 381.162 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... INSPECTION AND CERTIFICATION POULTRY PRODUCTS INSPECTION REGULATIONS Definitions and Standards of Identity or...

  11. Children Show Heightened Knew-It-All-Along Errors When Learning New Facts about Kinds: Evidence for the Power of Kind Representations in Children's Thinking

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sutherland, Shelbie L.; Cimpian, Andrei


    Several proposals in the literature on conceptual development converge on the claim that information about "kinds of things" in the world has a privileged status in children's cognition, insofar as it is acquired, manipulated, and stored with surprising ease. Our goal in the present studies (N = 440) was to test a prediction of this…

  12. Robots and Rodents: Children's Inferences about Living and Nonliving Kinds

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jipson, Jennifer L.; Gelman, Susan A.


    This study tests the firm distinction children are said to make between living and nonliving kinds. Three, 4-, and 5-year-old children and adults reasoned about whether items that varied on 3 dimensions (alive, face, behavior) had a range of properties (biological, psychological, perceptual, artifact, novel, proper names). Findings demonstrate…

  13. Riding the Information Highway--Towards a New Kind of Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Aro, Mikko; Olkinuora, Erkki


    In the modern world, skimming through information quickly and finding the important nuggets of knowledge from amongst the information overload is an essential skill. One way to train oneself for this kind of literacy is reading on the internet, which requires continuous assessment of search results and specifying searches. In this article a…

  14. Simulations of "tunnelling of the 3rd kind"

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mou, Zong-Gang; Saffin, Paul M.; Tognarelli, Paul; Tranberg, Anders


    We consider the phenomenon of "tunnelling of the 3rd kind" [1], whereby a magnetic field may traverse a classically impenetrable barrier by pair creation of unimpeded quantum fermions. These propagate through the barrier and generate a magnetic field on the other side. We study this numerically using quantum fermions coupled to a classical Higgs-gauge system, where we set up a magnetic field outside a box shielded by two superconducting barriers. We examine the magnitude of the internal magnetic field, and find agreement with existing perturbative results within a factor of two.

  15. OAK-TREE : One-of-a-Kind Traffic Research and Education Experiment

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The creation and progress of OAK-TREE (One-of-a-Kind Traffic Research and Education Experiment) are chronicled. OAK-TREE is a traffic educational laboratory experiment that was developed and conducted at the University of California at Irvine (UCI) d...

  16. Exploring new kinds of relationships using generative music-making software.


    Dillon, Steve; Jones, Anita


    This project focuses upon the use of jam2jam, a generative computer system, to increase access to improvization experiences for children and to facilitate new kinds of relationships with artists. The network jamming system uses visual and audio cultural materials to enable communities to be expressive with artistic materials that they value as a community. As the system is part of a network, performances can be shared between communities at great distances and recordings of performances can be uploaded to a digital social network ( and shared both locally and with the wider community. This paper examines a preliminary project where artwork made by Indigenous mental health clients in Far North Queensland was digitized and given to a group of 8-12-year-old urban Indigenous children to 'improvize' with and make music/video clips using the jam2jam instrument. It seeks to generate a discussion and identify applications within creative arts-led community health settings to facilitate new kinds of relationships with self, peers, local community, culture and artists through collaborative improvization.

  17. 30 CFR 1218.306 - May I receive a credit against production royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government... in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government? (a) You may receive a credit against royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity you provide under...

  18. 30 CFR 1218.306 - May I receive a credit against production royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government... in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government? (a) You may receive a credit against royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity you provide under...

  19. 30 CFR 1218.306 - May I receive a credit against production royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government... in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government? (a) You may receive a credit against royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity you provide under...

  20. 20 CFR 418.3345 - How do we determine the value of in-kind support and maintenance?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... support and maintenance? 418.3345 Section 418.3345 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION... support and maintenance? (a) You can receive in-kind support and maintenance, such as food and shelter, if... from in-kind support and maintenance is the current market value of the food and shelter provided to...

  1. The Polycistronic miR166k-166h Positively Regulates Rice Immunity via Post-transcriptional Control of EIN2

    PubMed Central

    Salvador-Guirao, Raquel; Hsing, Yue-ie; San Segundo, Blanca


    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNAs acting as regulators of gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. In plants, most miRNAs are generated from independent transcriptional units, and only a few polycistronic miRNAs have been described. miR166 is a conserved miRNA in plants targeting the HD-ZIP III transcription factor genes. Here, we show that a polycistronic miRNA comprising two miR166 family members, miR166k and miR166h, functions as a positive regulator of rice immunity. Rice plants with activated MIR166k-166h expression showed enhanced resistance to infection by the fungal pathogens Magnaporthe oryzae and Fusarium fujikuroi, the causal agents of the rice blast and bakanae disease, respectively. Disease resistance in rice plants with activated MIR166k-166h expression was associated with a stronger expression of defense responses during pathogen infection. Stronger induction of MIR166k-166h expression occurred in resistant but not susceptible rice cultivars. Notably, the ethylene-insensitive 2 (EIN2) gene was identified as a novel target gene for miR166k. The regulatory role of the miR166h-166k polycistron on the newly identified target gene results from the activity of the miR166k-5p specie generated from the miR166k-166h precursor. Collectively, our findings support a role for miR166k-5p in rice immunity by controlling EIN2 expression. Because rice blast is one of the most destructive diseases of cultivated rice worldwide, unraveling miR166k-166h-mediated mechanisms underlying blast resistance could ultimately help in designing appropriate strategies for rice protection. PMID:29616057

  2. 30 CFR 1218.306 - May I receive a credit against production royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government... for in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government? (a) You may receive a credit against royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity you provide under...

  3. An Optimization Model For Strategy Decision Support to Select Kind of CPO’s Ship

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suaibah Nst, Siti; Nababan, Esther; Mawengkang, Herman


    The selection of marine transport for the distribution of crude palm oil (CPO) is one of strategy that can be considered in reducing cost of transport. The cost of CPO’s transport from one area to CPO’s factory located at the port of destination may affect the level of CPO’s prices and the number of demands. In order to maintain the availability of CPO a strategy is required to minimize the cost of transporting. In this study, the strategy used to select kind of charter ships as barge or chemical tanker. This study aims to determine an optimization model for strategy decision support in selecting kind of CPO’s ship by minimizing costs of transport. The select of ship was done randomly, so that two-stage stochastic programming model was used to select the kind of ship. Model can help decision makers to select either barge or chemical tanker to distribute CPO.

  4. Composited dual summability methods of the new kind

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caner, Aysun; Başar, Feyzi


    Following Section 4.8 of Başsar [Summability Theory and Its Applications, Bentham Science Publishers, e-books, Monographs, İstanbul-2012, ISBN: 978-1-60805-252-3], we define the duality relation of the new kind between a pair of infinite matrices. Our focus is the dual summability methods derived by the Euler means of order r. By means of a strongly regular triangle matrix C = (cnk), we obtain the composited matrices. The main purpose of this study is to give some inclusion theorems concerning the composited and original dual summability methods defined by the Euler means of order r.

  5. 20 CFR 408.412 - What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us? 408.412 Section 408.412 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN WORLD WAR II VETERANS Evidence Requirements Age § 408.412 What kinds of evidence of age do...

  6. 20 CFR 408.412 - What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us? 408.412 Section 408.412 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN WORLD WAR II VETERANS Evidence Requirements Age § 408.412 What kinds of evidence of age do...

  7. 20 CFR 408.412 - What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us? 408.412 Section 408.412 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN WORLD WAR II VETERANS Evidence Requirements Age § 408.412 What kinds of evidence of age do...

  8. 20 CFR 408.412 - What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us? 408.412 Section 408.412 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN WORLD WAR II VETERANS Evidence Requirements Age § 408.412 What kinds of evidence of age do...

  9. 20 CFR 408.412 - What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false What kinds of evidence of age do you need to give us? 408.412 Section 408.412 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SPECIAL BENEFITS FOR CERTAIN WORLD WAR II VETERANS Evidence Requirements Age § 408.412 What kinds of evidence of age do...

  10. Fostering Self-Compassion and Loving-Kindness in Patients With Borderline Personality Disorder: A Randomized Pilot Study.


    Feliu-Soler, Albert; Pascual, Juan Carlos; Elices, Matilde; Martín-Blanco, Ana; Carmona, Cristina; Cebolla, Ausiàs; Simón, Vicente; Soler, Joaquim


    The aim of this randomized pilot study is to investigate the effects of a short training programme in loving-kindness and compassion meditation (LKM/CM) in patients with borderline personality disorder. Patients were allocated to LKM/CM or mindfulness continuation training (control group). Patients in the LKM/CM group showed greater changes in Acceptance compared with the control group. Remarkable changes in borderline symptomatology, self-criticism and self-kindness were also observed in the LKM/CM group. Mechanistic explanations and therapeutic implications of the findings are discussed. Three weeks of loving-kindness and compassion meditations increased acceptance of the present-moment experience in patients with borderline personality disorder. Significant improvements in the severity of borderline symptoms, self-criticism, mindfulness, acceptance and self-kindness were observed after the LKM/CM intervention. LKM/CM is a promising complementary strategy for inclusion in mindfulness-based interventions and Dialectical Behavioural Therapy for treating core symptoms in borderline personality disorder. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  11. A data-driven allocation tool for in-kind resources distributed by a state health department.


    Peterson, Cora; Kegler, Scott R; Parker, Wende R; Sullivan, David


    The objective of this study was to leverage a state health department's operational data to allocate in-kind resources (children's car seats) to counties, with the proposition that need-based allocation could ultimately improve public health outcomes. This study used a retrospective analysis of administrative data on car seats distributed to counties statewide by the Georgia Department of Public Health and development of a need-based allocation tool (presented as interactive supplemental digital content, adaptable to other types of in-kind public health resources) that relies on current county-level injury and sociodemographic data. Car seat allocation using public health data and a need-based formula resulted in substantially different recommended allocations to individual counties compared to historic distribution. Results indicate that making an in-kind public health resource like car seats universally available results in a less equitable distribution of that resource compared to deliberate allocation according to public health need. Public health agencies can use local data to allocate in-kind resources consistent with health objectives; that is, in a manner offering the greatest potential health impact. Future analysis can determine whether the change to a more equitable allocation of resources is also more efficient, resulting in measurably improved public health outcomes.

  12. The Traits One Can Trust: Dissecting Reciprocity and Kindness as Determinants of Trustworthy Behavior.


    Thielmann, Isabel; Hilbig, Benjamin E


    Trustworthiness is a vital pillar of various social interactions hinging upon trust. However, the underlying determinants of trustworthiness-especially in terms of (basic) personality traits-are insufficiently understood. Specifically, three mechanisms underlying trustworthiness have been proposed: unconditional kindness, positive reciprocity, and negative reciprocity. The present research aims to disentangle these mechanisms using a trait-based approach, relying on the HEXACO (Honesty-Humility, Emotionality, eXtraversion, Agreeableness, Conscientiousness, and Openness to Experience) model of personality. In three studies, participants acted as the trustee in the trust game. All studies revealed consistent support for the unconditional kindness mechanism, showing an exclusive link between Honesty-Humility and trustworthiness, irrespective of the level of prior trust. In turn, positive and negative reciprocity could not account for the pattern of results. In addition, our results reconcile the inconsistent evidence on the relation between Big Five-Agreeableness and trustworthiness: Unconditional kindness only refers to one component of the broad Big Five-Agreeableness factor (which subsumes various cooperative tendencies). © 2015 by the Society for Personality and Social Psychology, Inc.

  13. Communicative Function Demonstration Induces Kind-Based Artifact Representation in Preverbal Infants

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Futo, Judit; Teglas, Erno; Csibra, Gergely; Gergely, Gyorgy


    Human infants grow up in environments populated by artifacts. In order to acquire knowledge about different kinds of human-made objects, children have to be able to focus on the information that is most relevant for sorting artifacts into categories. Traditional theories emphasize the role of superficial, perceptual features in object…

  14. 19 CFR 24.13 - Car, compartment, and package seals; kind, procurement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Car, compartment, and package seals; kind... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY CUSTOMS FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE § 24.13 Car, compartment.... Customs] [Can. Transit] for use on railroad cars, and “United States-Canada Customs” for use on samples...

  15. 19 CFR 24.13 - Car, compartment, and package seals; kind, procurement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Car, compartment, and package seals; kind... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY CUSTOMS FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE § 24.13 Car, compartment.... Customs] [Can. Transit] for use on railroad cars, and “United States-Canada Customs” for use on samples...

  16. 19 CFR 24.13 - Car, compartment, and package seals; kind, procurement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Car, compartment, and package seals; kind... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY CUSTOMS FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE § 24.13 Car, compartment.... Customs] [Can. Transit] for use on railroad cars, and “United States-Canada Customs” for use on samples...

  17. 19 CFR 24.13 - Car, compartment, and package seals; kind, procurement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Car, compartment, and package seals; kind... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY CUSTOMS FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE § 24.13 Car, compartment.... Customs] [Can. Transit] for use on railroad cars, and “United States-Canada Customs” for use on samples...

  18. 19 CFR 24.13 - Car, compartment, and package seals; kind, procurement.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Car, compartment, and package seals; kind... SECURITY; DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY CUSTOMS FINANCIAL AND ACCOUNTING PROCEDURE § 24.13 Car, compartment.... Customs] [Can. Transit] for use on railroad cars, and “United States-Canada Customs” for use on samples...

  19. [Effect of five kinds of pigments on the chromaticity of dental zirconia ceramic].


    Huang, Hui; Zheng, Yuan-li; Zhang, Fu-qiang; Sun, Jing; Gao, Lian


    All-ceramic dental restorations should match the colour of the natural teeth in order to fulfill aesthetic demands. The goal of this study was to evaluate the colouration of zirconia ceramic by adding five kinds of pigments. The influence of the pigments concentrations on the chromaticity were also analysed. Different concentrations of five kinds of pigments were added on zirconia powder, then compacted at 200MPa using cold isostatic pressure, sintered to 1400 degrees centigrade and hold for two hours. The chromaticity of sintered bodies were measured with chroma meter. The colours achieved by the different pigments were presented in the CIELab system. The a* value increased with the added amount of Er(2)O(3), while b* value raised with the increasing amount of CeO(2) and Pr(6)O(11). However, three pigments failed to decrease L* value and the sintered body looked too bright. The sintered bodies were brown when adding Fe(2)O(3) to zirconia. Adding MnO2 could decrease the L* value of sintered bodies significantly, but had little influence on the a* and b* value. Five kinds of colorized zirconia ceramic could cover with the chromaticity range of dental ceramic which necessitate further investigation.

  20. Positive Emotion Correlates of Meditation Practice: A Comparison of Mindfulness Meditation and Loving-kindness Meditation.


    Fredrickson, Barbara L; Boulton, Aaron J; Firestine, Ann M; Van Cappellen, Patty; Algoe, Sara B; Brantley, Mary M; Kim, Sumi Loundon; Brantley, Jeffrey; Salzberg, Sharon


    The purpose of this study was to uncover the day-to-day emotional profiles and dose-response relations, both within-persons and between-persons, associated with initiating one of two meditation practices, either mindfulness meditation or loving-kindness meditation. Data were pooled across two studies of midlife adults ( N = 339) who were randomized to learn either mindfulness meditation or loving-kindness meditation in a six-week workshop. The duration and frequency of meditation practice was measured daily for nine weeks, commencing with the first workshop session. Likewise, positive and negative emotions were also measured daily, using the modified Differential Emotions Scale (Fredrickson, 2013). Analysis of daily emotion reports over the targeted nine-week period showed significant gains in positive emotions and no change in negative emotions, regardless of meditation type. Multilevel models also revealed significant dose-response relations between duration of meditation practice and positive emotions, both within-persons and between-persons. Moreover, the within-person dose-response relation was stronger for loving-kindness meditation than for mindfulness meditation. Similar dose-response relations were observed for the frequency of meditation practice. In the context of prior research on the mental and physical health benefits produced by subtle increases in day-to-day experiences of positive emotions, the present research points to evidence-based practices - both mindfulness meditation and loving-kindness meditation - that can improve emotional wellbeing.

  1. NREL Provides First-of-its-Kind Guidance Promoting Safety Standards for Websites

    Promoting Safety Standards for Natural Gas Vehicle Maintenance Facilities NREL Provides First-of-its-Kind Guidance Promoting Safety Standards for Natural Gas Vehicle Maintenance Facilities December 1, 2017 The U.S vehicle maintenance facilities with a new handbook and webinar that outline safety factors and standards

  2. Gift-in-Kind Clearing House: Matching Problems to Yield Common Solutions.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Richardson, Celie B.


    The Gift-in-Kind Clearing House is an innovative service that funnels surplus inventory, equipment, and supplies donated by business and industry to schools, colleges, and nonprofit organizations in the two Carolinas. Corporations receive tax incentives for their outdated products, which schools can often obtain at 10 percent of normal cost. (MLH)

  3. Remembering Kinds: New Evidence that Categories are Privileged in Children's Thinking

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cimpian, Andrei; Erickson, Lucy C.


    What are the representations and learning mechanisms that underlie conceptual development? The present research provides evidence in favor of the claim that this process is guided by an early-emerging predisposition to think and learn about abstract kinds. Specifically, three studies (N=192) demonstrated that 4- to 7-year-old children have better…

  4. Biologie statt Philosophie? Evolutionäre Kulturerklärungen und ihre Grenzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Illies, Christian

    Vor über siebzig Jahren fand man in einer Höhle nahe Hohlenstein-Stadel, im heutigen Baden-Württemberg, eine Frau, die keiner bekannten Spezies und nicht einmal eindeutig den Hominiden zugeordnet werden konnte. Wegen ihres Aussehens wurde sie schon bald als "Löwenfrau“ bekannt (unterdessen wird sie als "Löwenmensch“ bezeichnet, da die in solchen Fragen Klarheit schaffenden Geschlechtsteile bei der Figur fehlen und in Zeiten von gender mainstreaming derartige Festlegungen gerne vermieden werden), denn sie hatte eine menschlich-aufrechte, unbehaarte Gestalt mit weiblichen Rundungen, aber zugleich eine Mähne, sowie Augen, Ohren und Schnauze eines Löwen. Eine sehr weitläufige Verwandte des Minotaurus, so schien es, und doch wesentlich älter als alle Bewohner des Olymps, denn vermutlich wurde die knapp 30 cm große Skulptur bereits in der Altsteinzeit vor etwa 32.000 Jahren aus Mammut-Elfenbein geschnitzt. Wir wissen nicht, ob sie kultischen Zwecken diente oder ein Kind mit ihr spielte, ob sie als Glücksbringer für die Jagd oder als Schamanin mit Löwenmaske verehrt und gefürchtet wurde. Aber die Löwenfrau legt nahe, dass der Mensch schon im Morgendämmern seiner Kultur über die eigene Nähe, aber auch Distanz zum Tier nachgedacht haben muss. Die Frage nach der menschlichen Selbstverortung begegnet uns in dieser Figur, und sie bestimmt viele Zeugnisse menschlichen Nachdenkens, welche uns die Altertumswissenschaften vorlegen. Mit dem Begriff "animal rationale“, wie er unter Bezug auf Aristoteles geprägt wurde, findet sie schließlich ihre klassische, für das Abendland lange Zeit maßgebliche Antwort: Der Mensch als Tier, dessen spezifisches Merkmal die Vernunftbegabtheit ist, die ihn zugleich von allen anderen Tieren abgrenzt und über sie stellt. Aber wo genau verläuft die Grenze? Und wie kann der Mensch beides zugleich sein? Die aristotelische Definition beantwortet diese Fragen nach der Doppelnatur nicht, sondern erhebt das offene R

  5. A New Kind of Laser Microphone Using High Sensitivity Pulsed Laser Vibrometer

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wang, Chen-Chia; Trivedi, Sudhir; Jin, Feng; Swaminathan, V.; Prasad, Narasimha S.


    We demonstrate experimentally a new kind of laser microphone using a highly sensitive pulsed laser vibrometer. By using the photo-electromotive-force (photo-EMF) sensors, we present data indicating the real-time detection of surface displacements as small as 4 pm.

  6. More than one kind of inference: re-examining what's learned in feature inference and classification.


    Sweller, Naomi; Hayes, Brett K


    Three studies examined how task demands that impact on attention to typical or atypical category features shape the category representations formed through classification learning and inference learning. During training categories were learned via exemplar classification or by inferring missing exemplar features. In the latter condition inferences were made about missing typical features alone (typical feature inference) or about both missing typical and atypical features (mixed feature inference). Classification and mixed feature inference led to the incorporation of typical and atypical features into category representations, with both kinds of features influencing inferences about familiar (Experiments 1 and 2) and novel (Experiment 3) test items. Those in the typical inference condition focused primarily on typical features. Together with formal modelling, these results challenge previous accounts that have characterized inference learning as producing a focus on typical category features. The results show that two different kinds of inference learning are possible and that these are subserved by different kinds of category representations.

  7. Object Manipulation Facilitates Kind-Based Object Individuation of Shape-Similar Objects

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kingo, Osman S.; Krojgaard, Peter


    Five experiments investigated the importance of shape and object manipulation when 12-month-olds were given the task of individuating objects representing exemplars of kinds in an event-mapping design. In Experiments 1 and 2, results of the study from Xu, Carey, and Quint (2004, Experiment 4) were partially replicated, showing that infants were…

  8. How to Make Decisions with Different Kinds of Student Assessment Data

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brookhart, Susan M.


    In this book, best-selling author Susan M. Brookhart helps teachers and administrators understand the critical elements and nuances of assessment data and how that information can best be used to inform improvement efforts in the school or district. Readers will learn: (1) What different kinds of data can--and cannot--tell us about student…

  9. The Existence of the Solution to One Kind of Algebraic Riccati Equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Jianming


    The matrix equation ATX + XA + XRX + Q = O is called algebraic Riccati equation, which is very important in the fields of automatic control and other engineering applications. Many researchers have studied the solutions to various algebraic Riccati equations and most of them mainly applied the matrix methods, while few used the functional analysis theories. This paper mainly studies the existence of the solution to the following kind of algebraic Riccati equation from the functional view point: ATX + XA + XRX ‑λX + Q = O Here, X, A, R, Q ∈ n×n , Q is a symmetric matrix, and R is a positive or negative semi-definite matrix, λ is arbitrary constants. This paper uses functional approach such as fixed point theorem and contraction mapping thinking so as to provide two sufficient conditions for the solvability about this kind of Riccati equation and to arrive at some relevant conclusions.

  10. Kinds of well-being: A conceptual framework that provides direction for caring

    PubMed Central

    Todres, Les


    This article offers a conceptual framework by which different kinds and levels of well-being can be named, and as such, provides a foundation for a resource-oriented approach in situations of illness and vulnerability (rather than a deficit-oriented approach). Building on a previous paper that articulated the philosophical foundations of an existential theory of well-being (“Dwelling-mobility”), we show here how the theory can be further developed towards practice-relevant concerns. We introduce 18 kinds of well-being that are intertwined and inter-related, and consider how each emphasis can lead to the formulation of resources that have the potential to give rise to well-being as a felt experience. By focusing on a much wider range of well-being possibilities, practitioners may find new directions for care that are not just literal but also at an existential level. PMID:22171222

  11. The Distributional Impact of In-Kind Public Benefits in European Countries

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Paulus, Alari; Sutherland, Holly; Tsakloglou, Panos


    International comparisons of inequality based on measures of disposable income may not be valid if the size and incidence of publicly provided in-kind benefits differ across the countries considered. The benefits that are financed by taxation in one country may need to be purchased out of disposable income in another. We estimate the size and…

  12. Stories of Another Kind: Engaging in Generative Conversations in Pedagogical Spaces

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hoskins, Marie


    Many of us from what are referred to as "dominant cultures" are reluctant to speak because of fear of offending those who are marginalized and perhaps making matters worse. Over the last several years, I have attended talks on various kinds of discrimination, especially when racialization is the main focus. As a White woman of privilege,…

  13. Second kind Chebyshev operational matrix algorithm for solving differential equations of Lane-Emden type

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doha, E. H.; Abd-Elhameed, W. M.; Youssri, Y. H.


    In this paper, we present a new second kind Chebyshev (S2KC) operational matrix of derivatives. With the aid of S2KC, an algorithm is described to obtain numerical solutions of a class of linear and nonlinear Lane-Emden type singular initial value problems (IVPs). The idea of obtaining such solutions is essentially based on reducing the differential equation with its initial conditions to a system of algebraic equations. Two illustrative examples concern relevant physical problems (the Lane-Emden equations of the first and second kind) are discussed to demonstrate the validity and applicability of the suggested algorithm. Numerical results obtained are comparing favorably with the analytical known solutions.

  14. 75 FR 15725 - Termination of Royalty-in-Kind (RIK) Eligible Refiner Program

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR Minerals Management Service [Docket No. MMS-2009-MRM-0014] Termination of Royalty-in-Kind (RIK) Eligible Refiner Program AGENCY: Minerals Management Service, Interior. ACTION: Advance notice for the termination of the RIK Eligible Refiner Program. SUMMARY: On behalf of the...

  15. Generation of a Kind of Displaced Thermal States in the Diffusion Process and its Statistical Properties

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiang-Guo, Meng; Hong-Yi, Fan; Ji-Suo, Wang


    This paper proposes a kind of displaced thermal states (DTS) and explores how this kind of optical field emerges using the entangled state representation. The results show that the DTS can be generated by a coherent state passing through a diffusion channel with the diffusion coefficient ϰ only when there exists κ t = (e^{\\hbar ν /kBT} - 1 )^{-1}. Also, its statistical properties, such as mean photon number, Wigner function and entropy, are investigated.

  16. 20 CFR 416.1147a - Income rules in change-of-status situations involving in-kind support and maintenance.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... involving in-kind support and maintenance. 416.1147a Section 416.1147a Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Income In-Kind Support and... support and maintenance. (a) General. This section explains the rules for determining countable income...

  17. 40 CFR 26.1110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 26.1110 Section 26.1110 Protection of Environment ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION AGENCY GENERAL PROTECTION OF... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. (a...

  18. 20 CFR 416.1147a - Income rules in change-of-status situations involving in-kind support and maintenance.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... involving in-kind support and maintenance. 416.1147a Section 416.1147a Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Income In-Kind Support and... support and maintenance. (a) General. This section explains the rules for determining countable income...

  19. Differentiating between Confrontive and Coercive Kinds of Parental Power-Assertive Disciplinary Practices

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baumrind, Diana


    In this essay, I differentiate between coercive and confrontive kinds of power assertion to elucidate the significantly different effects on children's well-being of authoritarian and authoritative styles of parental authority. Although both parenting styles (in contrast to the permissive style) are equally demanding, forceful, and…

  20. 15 CFR 296.10 - Third party in-kind contribution of research services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL... services. NIST shall not issue a TIP award to a single recipient or joint venture whose proposed budget... party contributor of in-kind research has been executed by both parties and approved by NIST. ...

  1. 15 CFR 296.10 - Third party in-kind contribution of research services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL... services. NIST shall not issue a TIP award to a single recipient or joint venture whose proposed budget... party contributor of in-kind research has been executed by both parties and approved by NIST. ...

  2. 15 CFR 296.10 - Third party in-kind contribution of research services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL... services. NIST shall not issue a TIP award to a single recipient or joint venture whose proposed budget... party contributor of in-kind research has been executed by both parties and approved by NIST. ...

  3. 15 CFR 296.10 - Third party in-kind contribution of research services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL... services. NIST shall not issue a TIP award to a single recipient or joint venture whose proposed budget... party contributor of in-kind research has been executed by both parties and approved by NIST. ...

  4. 15 CFR 296.10 - Third party in-kind contribution of research services.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Foreign Trade NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF STANDARDS AND TECHNOLOGY, DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE NIST EXTRAMURAL... services. NIST shall not issue a TIP award to a single recipient or joint venture whose proposed budget... party contributor of in-kind research has been executed by both parties and approved by NIST. ...

  5. 28 CFR 46.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 46... SUBJECTS § 46.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. (a) The Secretary, HHS, has established, and...

  6. 38 CFR 16.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 16.110 Section 16.110 Pensions, Bonuses, and Veterans' Relief DEPARTMENT OF VETERANS AFFAIRS PROTECTION OF HUMAN SUBJECTS § 16.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research...

  7. 16 CFR 1028.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 1028... HUMAN SUBJECTS § 1028.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. (a) The Secretary, HHS, has established...

  8. 14 CFR 1230.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 1230... HUMAN SUBJECTS § 1230.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. (a) The Secretary, HHS, has established...

  9. 16 CFR 1028.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... of research proposals which have been approved under the procedure. (d) The department or agency head... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 1028... HUMAN SUBJECTS § 1028.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more...

  10. 14 CFR 1230.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... of research proposals which have been approved under the procedure. (d) The department or agency head... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 1230... HUMAN SUBJECTS § 1230.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more...

  11. Characterization of Greenbeard Genes Involved in Long-Distance Kind Discrimination in a Microbial Eukaryote

    PubMed Central

    Heller, Jens; Zhao, Jiuhai; Rosenfield, Gabriel; Kowbel, David J.; Gladieux, Pierre; Glass, N. Louise


    Microorganisms are capable of communication and cooperation to perform social activities. Cooperation can be enforced using kind discrimination mechanisms in which individuals preferentially help or punish others, depending on genetic relatedness only at certain loci. In the filamentous fungus Neurospora crassa, genetically identical asexual spores (germlings) communicate and fuse in a highly regulated process, which is associated with fitness benefits during colony establishment. Recognition and chemotropic interactions between isogenic germlings requires oscillation of the mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) signal transduction protein complex (NRC-1, MEK-2, MAK-2, and the scaffold protein HAM-5) to specialized cell fusion structures termed conidial anastomosis tubes. Using a population of 110 wild N. crassa isolates, we investigated germling fusion between genetically unrelated individuals and discovered that chemotropic interactions are regulated by kind discrimination. Distinct communication groups were identified, in which germlings within one communication group interacted at high frequency, while germlings from different communication groups avoided each other. Bulk segregant analysis followed by whole genome resequencing identified three linked genes (doc-1, doc-2, and doc-3), which were associated with communication group phenotype. Alleles at doc-1, doc-2, and doc-3 fell into five haplotypes that showed transspecies polymorphism. Swapping doc-1 and doc-2 alleles from different communication group strains was necessary and sufficient to confer communication group affiliation. During chemotropic interactions, DOC-1 oscillated with MAK-2 to the tips of conidial anastomosis tubes, while DOC-2 was statically localized to the plasma membrane. Our data indicate that doc-1, doc-2, and doc-3 function as “greenbeard” genes, involved in mediating long-distance kind recognition that involves actively searching for one’s own type, resulting in cooperation

  12. 48 CFR 1516.303-74 - Determining the value of in-kind contributions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 48 Federal Acquisition Regulations System 6 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 true Determining the value of in-kind contributions. 1516.303-74 Section 1516.303-74 Federal Acquisition Regulations System... depreciation, if any) at the time of donation. If the booked costs reflect unrealistic values when compared to...

  13. 34 CFR 370.4 - What kinds of activities may the Secretary fund?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What kinds of activities may the Secretary fund? 370.4 Section 370.4 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION CLIENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAM General...

  14. 15 CFR 27.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research... HUMAN SUBJECTS § 27.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. (a) The Secretary, HHS, has established, and...

  15. 28 CFR 46.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... of research proposals which have been approved under the procedure. (d) The department or agency head... kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research. 46... SUBJECTS § 46.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal...

  16. 15 CFR 27.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... of research proposals which have been approved under the procedure. (d) The department or agency head... certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk, and for minor changes in approved research... HUMAN SUBJECTS § 27.110 Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than...

  17. Comparative analysis of gene expression profiles of OPN signaling pathway in four kinds of liver diseases.


    Wang, Gaiping; Chen, Shasha; Zhao, Congcong; Li, Xiaofang; Zhao, Weiming; Yang, Jing; Chang, Cuifang; Xu, Cunshuan


    To explore the relevance of OPN signalling pathway to the occurrence and development of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD), liver cirrhosis (LC), hepatic cancer (HC) and acute hepatic failure (AHF) at transcriptional level, Rat Genome 230 2.0 Array was used to detect expression profiles of OPN signalling pathway-related genes in four kinds of liver diseases. The results showed that 23, 33, 59 and 74 genes were significantly changed in the above four kinds of liver diseases, respectively. H-clustering analysis showed that the expression profiles of OPN signalling-related genes were notably different in four kinds of liver diseases. Subsequently, a total of above-mentioned 147 genes were categorized into four clusters by k-means according to the similarity of gene expression, and expression analysis systematic explorer (EASE) functional enrichment analysis revealed that OPN signalling pathway-related genes were involved in cell adhesion and migration, cell proliferation, apoptosis, stress and inflammatory reaction, etc. Finally, ingenuity pathway analysis (IPA) software was used to predict the functions of OPN signalling-related genes, and the results indicated that the activities of ROS production, cell adhesion and migration, cell proliferation were remarkably increased, while that of apoptosis, stress and inflammatory reaction were reduced in four kinds of liver diseases. In summary, the above physiological activities changed more obviously in LC, HC and AHF than in NAFLD.

  18. The Educational Use of Film and Television Documentary: "Sugihara, Conspiracy of Kindness"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bostock, William W.


    Film or television documentary can serve a unique role in the curriculum and teaching of courses in political science and history where the complexity of the human element such as interaction, motive, identity and ethical position require analysis. The documentary "Sugihara, Conspiracy of Kindness," a film by Kirk and Vicari, first…

  19. Terahertz spectral characteristics of two kinds of important functional oligosaccharides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Ge; Liu, Wei; Wang, Wenai


    The absorption spectra of two kinds of important functional oligosaccharides were firstly acquired based on Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy in the range of 0.15-10THz. The simulation results of their infrared spectra were given based on Gaussian software, which were in good agreement with the experiment results. The rotation spectra and some perssad vibration spectra of these molecules were analyzed, and their absorption peaks were exactly identified. The components information was obtained by comparing the simulation results of different molecules.

  20. Planning, Anticipatory Systems, and Kinds of Actors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jorna, René; van Wezel, Wout


    Anticipation and planning have much in common. Anticipation means being ahead of things. Planning means not only anticipating on things to come, but also trying to determine a course of action to reach a goal. Planning is investigated in many domains, for example, in economy, biology, and in the cognitive sciences. Each of these domains uses its own research methodologies, languages, ontologies, and models. Although there are many differences between the various approaches and models, there must of course also be similarities, since they all deal with establishing a future course of actions to reach a goal. We will compare several planning approaches on a number of aspects, e.g., the kind of entity that makes the plan (natural or artificial), whether the plan is executed by the planner or by another entity, representational issues, and the domain that the plan is executed in. Our article focuses on analytical dimensions in the extended field of planning. We do not discuss empirical results.

  1. 41 CFR 102-2.115 - What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish outside of the FMR?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 41 Public Contracts and Property Management 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish outside of the FMR? 102-2.115 Section 102-2.115 Public Contracts and....115 What kinds of non-regulatory material does GSA publish outside of the FMR? As GSA converts the...

  2. 43 CFR 3602.14 - What kind of financial security does BLM require?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... DISPOSAL Mineral Materials Sales Applications § 3602.14 What kind of financial security does BLM require? (a) For contracts of $2,000 or more, BLM will require a performance bond of an amount sufficient to meet the reclamation standards provided for in the contract, but at least $500. If you have a sales...

  3. Analysis of migration of press-fit porous-coated acetabular components with medial lucencies using Ein-Bild-Roentegen-Analyse.


    Sadeghi, Cameron; Gibson, Anthony G; Ries, Michael D


    A total of 136 patients who underwent total hip arthroplasty (154 hips) with press-fit acetabular components were evaluated for the presence of medial radiographic lucencies. Thirty patients (22.1%) demonstrated radiolucencies greater than 1 mm in zone 2 on initial postoperative films. Ein-Bild-Roentegen-Analyse (EBRA) was used to evaluate component migration over a 5-year follow-up period. Migration, measured by EBRA, was not observed during the first 6 months when the radiolucencies were noted to disappear. After 2 years, the mean total migration was 0.8 mm, and at 5 years, it was 1.6 mm. Our results indicate that disappearance of a medial radiolucency seen on early postoperative radiographs is not associated with component migration, which supports the concept that the medial radiolucency fills in with bone or represents bony remodeling around a stable implant. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. [Study on the antibacterial activity of four kinds of nano-hydroxyapatite composites against Enterococcus faecalis].


    Liu, Yi; Zhou, Rongjing; Wu, Hongkun


    This study aims to compare and determine a kind of nano-hydroxyapatite composite material with good antibacterial efficacy on Enterococcusfaecalis (E. faecalis) in vitro. We investigated the antimicrobial activity of four kinds of nano-hydroxyapatite composites, namely, silver/hydroxyapatite composite nanoparticles (Ag/nHA), yttrium/hydroxyapatite composite nanoparticles (Yi/nHA), cerium/hydroxyapatite composite nanoparticles (Ce/nHA), and hydroxyapatite nanoparticles (nHA), against E. faecalis in vitro using the agar diffusion and broth dilution method by measuring the growth inhibition zone and the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), respectively. The agar diffusion test results showed that Ag/nHA displayed an obvious growth inhibition zone, whereas Yi/nHA, Ce/nHA, and nHA showed no influence on E. faecalis. The MIC value of Ag/nHA was 1.0 g.L-1, and the three other materials had no effect on E.faecalis even at the high concentration of 32.0 g.L-1. Ag/nHA display a potential antimicrobial efficacy to planktonic E.faecalis. Whereas, the three other kinds of nano-hydroxyapatite composites (Yi/nHA, Ce/nHA, nHA) show no influence.

  5. 43 CFR 3602.14 - What kind of financial security does BLM require?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false What kind of financial security does BLM...? (a) For contracts of $2,000 or more, BLM will require a performance bond of an amount sufficient to... post a performance bond. (b) BLM may require a performance bond for contracts of less than $2,000. We...

  6. 43 CFR 3602.14 - What kind of financial security does BLM require?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false What kind of financial security does BLM...? (a) For contracts of $2,000 or more, BLM will require a performance bond of an amount sufficient to... post a performance bond. (b) BLM may require a performance bond for contracts of less than $2,000. We...

  7. 43 CFR 3602.14 - What kind of financial security does BLM require?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 43 Public Lands: Interior 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false What kind of financial security does BLM...? (a) For contracts of $2,000 or more, BLM will require a performance bond of an amount sufficient to... post a performance bond. (b) BLM may require a performance bond for contracts of less than $2,000. We...

  8. Nahal Ein Gev II, a Late Natufian Community at the Sea of Galilee

    PubMed Central

    Grosman, Leore; Munro, Natalie D.; Abadi, Itay; Boaretto, Elisabetta; Shaham, Dana; Belfer-Cohen, Anna; Bar-Yosef, Ofer


    The Natufian culture is of great importance as a starting point to investigate the dynamics of the transition to agriculture. Given its chronological position at the threshold of the Neolithic (ca. 12,000 years ago) and its geographic setting in the productive Jordan Valley, the site of Nahal Ein Gev II (NEG II) reveals aspects of the Late Natufian adaptations and its implications for the transition to agriculture. The size of the site, the thick archaeological deposits, invested architecture and multiple occupation sub-phases reveal a large, sedentary community at least on par with Early Natufian camps in the Mediterranean zone. Although the NEG II lithic tool kit completely lacks attributes typical of succeeding Pre Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) assemblages, the artistic style is more closely related to the early PPNA world, despite clear roots in Early Natufian tradition. The site does not conform to current perceptions of the Late Natufians as a largely mobile population coping with reduced resource productivity caused by the Younger Dryas. Instead, the faunal and architectural data suggest that the sedentary populations of the Early Natufian did not revert back to a nomadic way of life in the Late Natufian in the Jordan Valley. NEG II encapsulates cultural characteristics typical of both Natufian and PPNA traditions and thus bridges the crossroads between Late Paleolithic foragers and Neolithic farmers. PMID:26815363

  9. Nahal Ein Gev II, a Late Natufian Community at the Sea of Galilee.


    Grosman, Leore; Munro, Natalie D; Abadi, Itay; Boaretto, Elisabetta; Shaham, Dana; Belfer-Cohen, Anna; Bar-Yosef, Ofer


    The Natufian culture is of great importance as a starting point to investigate the dynamics of the transition to agriculture. Given its chronological position at the threshold of the Neolithic (ca. 12,000 years ago) and its geographic setting in the productive Jordan Valley, the site of Nahal Ein Gev II (NEG II) reveals aspects of the Late Natufian adaptations and its implications for the transition to agriculture. The size of the site, the thick archaeological deposits, invested architecture and multiple occupation sub-phases reveal a large, sedentary community at least on par with Early Natufian camps in the Mediterranean zone. Although the NEG II lithic tool kit completely lacks attributes typical of succeeding Pre Pottery Neolithic A (PPNA) assemblages, the artistic style is more closely related to the early PPNA world, despite clear roots in Early Natufian tradition. The site does not conform to current perceptions of the Late Natufians as a largely mobile population coping with reduced resource productivity caused by the Younger Dryas. Instead, the faunal and architectural data suggest that the sedentary populations of the Early Natufian did not revert back to a nomadic way of life in the Late Natufian in the Jordan Valley. NEG II encapsulates cultural characteristics typical of both Natufian and PPNA traditions and thus bridges the crossroads between Late Paleolithic foragers and Neolithic farmers.

  10. Collision analysis of one kind of chaos-based hash function

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiao, Di; Peng, Wenbing; Liao, Xiaofeng; Xiang, Tao


    In the last decade, various chaos-based hash functions have been proposed. Nevertheless, the corresponding analyses of them lag far behind. In this Letter, we firstly take a chaos-based hash function proposed very recently in Amin, Faragallah and Abd El-Latif (2009) [11] as a sample to analyze its computational collision problem, and then generalize the construction method of one kind of chaos-based hash function and summarize some attentions to avoid the collision problem. It is beneficial to the hash function design based on chaos in the future.

  11. [Correlation of gene expression related to amount of ginseng saponin in 15 tissues and 6 kinds of ginseng saponin biosynthesis].


    Wang, Kang-yu; Zhang, Mei-ping; Li, Chuang; Jiang, Shi-cui; Yin, Rui; Sun, Chun-yu; Wang, Yi


    Fifteen tissues of 4-year-old fruit repining stage Jilin ginseng were chosen as materials, six kinds of monomer saponins (ginsenosides Rg1, Re, Rb1, Rc, Rb2 and Rd) content in 15 tissues was measured by HPLC and vanillin-sulfuric acid method. The relative expression of FPS, SQS, SQE, OSC, β-AS and P450 genes in 15 tissues was analyzed by real-time PCR. The correlations between ginseng saponin content in 15 tissues of Jilin ginseng and biosynthetic pathway -related genes were obtained. The results showed that was a synergistic increase and decrease trend of positive linear correlation among six kinds of monomer saponin content, and there was a significantly (P < 0.01) positive correlation between monomer saponin content and total saponins content. Monomer saponin content and 6 kinds of enzyme gene correlation were different. Biosynthesis of ginseng total saponins and monomer saponin were regulated by six kinds of participation ginsenoside biosynthesis enzyme genes, the expression of these six kinds of genes in different tissues of ginseng showed collaborative increase and decrease trend, and regulated biosynthesis of ginseng ginsenoside by group coordinative manner.

  12. Networking as a Seismograph for Social Development. A Contribution to the Function Expansion of Networks Using the Example of Health Promotion of the Socially Disadvantaged (Netzwerkbildung als Seismograph gesellschaftlicher Entwicklungen: Ein Beitrag zur Funktionserweiterung von Netzwerken am Beispiel der Gesundheitsfoerderung von sozial Benachteiligten)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Miftelzu- wachs profitieren mochten. Je st5rker eine Landesvereinigung Modellprojekte akqui- rieren muss, urn die eigene Funktionsf5higkeit...Denn 5hnlich wie die Krankenkas- sen stehen andere Institutionen und Bereiche wie Sozialversicherungstrager, die Arzteschaft, Institutionen des Sports

  13. The responses of three kinds of passive dosimeters to secondary cosmic rays in the lower atmosphere.


    Yang, Zhen; Chen, Bo; Zhuo, Weihai; Fan, Dunhuang; Zhao, Chao; Zhang, Yu


    For accurate measurements of the secondary cosmic rays by using passive dosimeters, the relative responses of the thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter, and radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter (RPLGD) were studied. The cosmic-ray shower generator was used to simulate the secondary cosmic rays at the sea level. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to calculate the air kerma and absorbed doses in each kind of dosimeter. The results showed that compared with their responses to gamma rays of (137)Cs, the relative responses of the TLD, OSL, and RPLGD were 0.786, 0.707, and 0.735 to the hard component of cosmic rays, respectively, and the values were 0.904, 0.838, and 0.857 to the soft component of cosmic rays, respectively. To verify the simulations results, an in situ measurement with the three kinds of dosimeters was performed at the same place. The results indicated that the secondary cosmic rays monitored with the three kinds of dosimeters were well consistent with each other provided their relative responses were taken into account.

  14. The responses of three kinds of passive dosimeters to secondary cosmic rays in the lower atmosphere

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yang, Zhen; Chen, Bo, E-mail:; Zhuo, Weihai

    For accurate measurements of the secondary cosmic rays by using passive dosimeters, the relative responses of the thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter, and radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter (RPLGD) were studied. The cosmic-ray shower generator was used to simulate the secondary cosmic rays at the sea level. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to calculate the air kerma and absorbed doses in each kind of dosimeter. The results showed that compared with their responses to gamma rays of {sup 137}Cs, the relative responses of the TLD, OSL, and RPLGD were 0.786, 0.707, and 0.735 to the hard component of cosmicmore » rays, respectively, and the values were 0.904, 0.838, and 0.857 to the soft component of cosmic rays, respectively. To verify the simulations results, an in situ measurement with the three kinds of dosimeters was performed at the same place. The results indicated that the secondary cosmic rays monitored with the three kinds of dosimeters were well consistent with each other provided their relative responses were taken into account.« less

  15. The responses of three kinds of passive dosimeters to secondary cosmic rays in the lower atmosphere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Zhen; Chen, Bo; Zhuo, Weihai; Fan, Dunhuang; Zhao, Chao; Zhang, Yu


    For accurate measurements of the secondary cosmic rays by using passive dosimeters, the relative responses of the thermoluminescence dosimeter (TLD), optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) dosimeter, and radiophotoluminescent glass dosimeter (RPLGD) were studied. The cosmic-ray shower generator was used to simulate the secondary cosmic rays at the sea level. Monte Carlo simulations were performed to calculate the air kerma and absorbed doses in each kind of dosimeter. The results showed that compared with their responses to gamma rays of 137Cs, the relative responses of the TLD, OSL, and RPLGD were 0.786, 0.707, and 0.735 to the hard component of cosmic rays, respectively, and the values were 0.904, 0.838, and 0.857 to the soft component of cosmic rays, respectively. To verify the simulations results, an in situ measurement with the three kinds of dosimeters was performed at the same place. The results indicated that the secondary cosmic rays monitored with the three kinds of dosimeters were well consistent with each other provided their relative responses were taken into account.

  16. 34 CFR 637.11 - What kinds of projects are supported by this program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 34 Education 3 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false What kinds of projects are supported by this program? 637.11 Section 637.11 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MINORITY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT...

  17. 34 CFR 637.11 - What kinds of projects are supported by this program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 34 Education 3 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false What kinds of projects are supported by this program? 637.11 Section 637.11 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MINORITY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT...

  18. 34 CFR 637.11 - What kinds of projects are supported by this program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 34 Education 3 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false What kinds of projects are supported by this program? 637.11 Section 637.11 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MINORITY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT...

  19. 34 CFR 637.11 - What kinds of projects are supported by this program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 34 Education 3 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false What kinds of projects are supported by this program? 637.11 Section 637.11 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MINORITY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT...

  20. 34 CFR 637.11 - What kinds of projects are supported by this program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 34 Education 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What kinds of projects are supported by this program? 637.11 Section 637.11 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION MINORITY SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING IMPROVEMENT...

  1. 34 CFR 356.50 - What kinds of payments are allowed under this program?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What kinds of payments are allowed under this program? 356.50 Section 356.50 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION DISABILITY AND...

  2. 7 CFR 201.34 - Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... date. The variety name for any variety of hybrid seed corn first introduced into commercial channels in... AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling in General § 201.34 Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid. (a) Indistinguishable seed and treatment...

  3. 7 CFR 201.34 - Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... date. The variety name for any variety of hybrid seed corn first introduced into commercial channels in... AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling in General § 201.34 Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid. (a) Indistinguishable seed and treatment...

  4. 7 CFR 201.34 - Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... date. The variety name for any variety of hybrid seed corn first introduced into commercial channels in... AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling in General § 201.34 Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid. (a) Indistinguishable seed and treatment...

  5. 30 CFR 218.306 - May I receive a credit against production royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government... electricity I provide under contract to a State or county government? (a) You may receive a credit against royalties for in-kind deliveries of electricity you provide under contract to a State or county government...

  6. Close encounters of the third kind: disordered domains and the interactions of proteins.


    Tompa, Peter; Fuxreiter, Monika; Oldfield, Christopher J; Simon, Istvan; Dunker, A Keith; Uversky, Vladimir N


    Protein-protein interactions are thought to be mediated by domains, which are autonomous folding units of proteins. Recently, a second type of interaction has been suggested, mediated by short segments termed linear motifs, which are related to recognition elements of intrinsically disordered regions. Here, we propose a third kind of protein-protein recognition mechanism, mediated by disordered regions longer than 20-30 residues. Bioinformatics predictions and well-characterized examples, such as the kinase-inhibitory domain of Cdk inhibitors and the Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein (WASP)-homology domain 2 of actin-binding proteins, show that these disordered regions conform to the definition of domains rather than motifs, i.e., they represent functional, evolutionary, and structural units. Their functions are distinct from those of short motifs and ordered domains, and establish a third kind of interaction principle. With these points, we argue that these long disordered regions should be recognized as a distinct class of biologically functional protein domains.

  7. Impact analysis of two kinds of failure strategies in Beijing road transportation network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Zundong; Xu, Xiaoyang; Zhang, Zhaoran; Zhou, Huijuan

    The Beijing road transportation network (BRTN), as a large-scale technological network, exhibits very complex and complicate features during daily periods. And it has been widely highlighted that how statistical characteristics (i.e. average path length and global network efficiency) change while the network evolves. In this paper, by using different modeling concepts, three kinds of network models of BRTN namely the abstract network model, the static network model with road mileage as weights and the dynamic network model with travel time as weights — are constructed, respectively, according to the topological data and the real detected flow data. The degree distribution of the three kinds of network models are analyzed, which proves that the urban road infrastructure network and the dynamic network behavior like scale-free networks. By analyzing and comparing the important statistical characteristics of three models under random attacks and intentional attacks, it shows that the urban road infrastructure network and the dynamic network of BRTN are both robust and vulnerable.

  8. Two kinds of phase transitions in a voting model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hisakado, M.; Mori, S.


    In this paper, we discuss a voting model with two candidates, C0 and C1. We consider two types of voters—herders and independents. The voting of independents is based on their fundamental values, while the voting of herders is based on the number of previous votes. We can identify two kinds of phase transitions. One is an information cascade transition similar to a phase transition seen in the Ising model. The other is a transition of super and normal diffusions. These phase transitions coexist. We compared our results to the conclusions of experiments and identified the phase transitions in the upper limit of the time t by using the analysis of human behavior obtained from experiments.

  9. 11 CFR 104.13 - Disclosure of receipt and consumption of in-kind contributions.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 11 Federal Elections 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Disclosure of receipt and consumption of in-kind contributions. 104.13 Section 104.13 Federal Elections FEDERAL ELECTION COMMISSION GENERAL REPORTS... appropriate expenditure schedule, in accordance with 11 CFR 104.3(b). (b) Contributions of stocks, bonds, art...

  10. 7 CFR 201.34 - Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... and the shipment of the seed in interstate commerce, or (2) dormancy of the seeds in the lot, or (3... AGRICULTURE (CONTINUED) FEDERAL SEED ACT FEDERAL SEED ACT REGULATIONS Labeling in General § 201.34 Kind, variety, and type; treatment substances; designation as hybrid. (a) Indistinguishable seed and treatment...

  11. Making Mass Schooling Affordable: In-Kind Taxation and the Establishment of an Elementary School System in Sweden, 1840-1870

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Westberg, Johannes


    This article discusses the significance of in-kind taxation and payments in kind for the establishment of an elementary school system in Sweden, in the 1840-1870 period. By analysing the funding of teachers' wages, the heating of the school facilities, and school building construction in the 12 rural school districts of the Sundsvall region, this…

  12. [Drug-Coated Balloons and Stents for the Treatment of Femoro-Popliteal Lesions].


    Ito, Wulf D


    Medikamenten-beschichtete Ballons bei femoro-poplitealen Läsionen  Medikamenten-beschichtete Ballons (DCB) führen in der Behandlung von femoro-poplitealen Läsionen zu besseren Offenheitsraten als die einfache Ballondilatation und zu ähnlichen bis besseren Offenheitsraten als die Stentimplantation. Vorteil ist die Vermeidung von permanentem Fremdmaterial in Regionen, die einer ständigen mechanischen Beanspruchung unterworfen sind und die Möglichkeit, die Prozedur an derselben Stelle wiederholen zu können bzw. chirurgische Zugangswege offenzuhalten. Bei Auftreten von Dissektionen oder einem Recoil bietet sich die fokale Implantation möglichst kurzer Stents in den betroffenen Segmenten an. Die primäre Implantation Medikamenten-beschichteter Stents zeigt darüber hinaus keinen weiteren Vorteil und ist auf längere Sicht mit den Nachteilen der Implantation von Fremdmaterial in Bewegungssegmenten behaftet. Nicht medikamentöse und medikamentöse Begleittherapie  Die Kombination aus interventioneller Behandlung und supervidiertem Gehtraining zeigt die besten Erfolgsaussichten einer dauerhaften Verbesserung der Gehstrecke bei Patienten mit femoro-poplitealen Läsionen und ist einer alleinigen interventionellen Behandlung oder einem alleinigen Gehtraining überlegen. Darüber hinaus werden aktuell große randomisierte, kontrollierte Studien durchgeführt, die den Einfluss niedrig dosierter direkter Antikoagulanzien auf die kardiovaskuläre Komplikationsrate nach Intervention untersuchen. Die Ergebnisse dieser Studien werden Aufschluss geben über die optimale antithrombotische Therapie nach Intervention im femoro-poplitealen Stromgebiet.

  13. A novel approach to solve nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind.


    Li, Hu; Huang, Jin


    In this paper, we present a novel approach to solve nonlinear Fredholm integral equations of the second kind. This algorithm is constructed by the integral mean value theorem and Newton iteration. Convergence and error analysis of the numerical solutions are given. Moreover, Numerical examples show the algorithm is very effective and simple.

  14. Polysemy and the Taxonomic Constraint: Children's Representation of Words That Label Multiple Kinds

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Srinivasan, Mahesh; Snedeker, Jesse


    How do children resolve the problem of indeterminacy when learning a new word? By one account, children adopt a "taxonomic assumption" and expect the word to denote only members of a particular taxonomic category. According to one version of this constraint, young children should represent polysemous words that label multiple kinds--for…

  15. Artifacts Are Not Ascribed Essences, Not Are They Treated as Belonging to Kinds.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sloman, Steven A.; Malt, Barbara C.


    Evaluates three theories of categorization in the domain of artifacts. Two are versions of psychological essentialism, positing that artifact categorization is a matter of judging membership in a kind by appealing to a belief about the underlying nature of the object. The third is called "minimalism," and it states that judgments of kind…

  16. Comparison of the Relative Effectiveness of Different Kinds of Reinforcers: A PEM Approach

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ma, Hsen-Hsing


    The purpose of the present study was to apply the percentage of data points exceeding the median of baseline phase (PEM) approach for a meta-analysis of single-case experiments to compare the relative effectiveness of different kinds of reinforcers used in behavior modification. Altogether 153 studies were located, which produced 1091 effect…

  17. Understanding Students' Experiments--What Kind of Support Do They Need in Inquiry Tasks?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arnold, Julia Caroline; Kremer, Kerstin; Mayer, Jürgen


    Inquiry learning is a widely recognized method for fostering inquiry competence in science education. Nevertheless, there is discussion about how to best support students while working on inquiry tasks (in this case: experiments on causal relationships). To identify the kind of support students need in order to design experiments in upper grades,…

  18. 20 CFR 416.1148 - If you have both in-kind support and maintenance and income that is deemed to you.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false If you have both in-kind support and maintenance and income that is deemed to you. 416.1148 Section 416.1148 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Income In-Kind Support and...

  19. 20 CFR 416.1148 - If you have both in-kind support and maintenance and income that is deemed to you.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false If you have both in-kind support and maintenance and income that is deemed to you. 416.1148 Section 416.1148 Employees' Benefits SOCIAL SECURITY ADMINISTRATION SUPPLEMENTAL SECURITY INCOME FOR THE AGED, BLIND, AND DISABLED Income In-Kind Support and...

  20. Children with Their Dreams--What Kind of Reveries Are Accepted in School Context?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jokinen, Kimmo; Pohjola, Kirsi Anneli


    The media and the contemporary consumer culture are central categories in modern childhood. They have opened new kinds of experiences and learning situations for children. In this article we are interested in the role of the media and consumption in schoolchildren's daily life. The data consist of writings and drawings of 7-12-year-old…

  1. Do Lions Have Manes? For Children, Generics Are about Kinds Rather than Quantities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brandone, Amanda C.; Cimpian, Andrei; Leslie, Sarah-Jane; Gelman, Susan A.


    Generic statements (e.g., "Lions have manes") make claims about kinds (e.g., lions as a category) and, for adults, are distinct from quantificational statements (e.g., "Most lions have manes"), which make claims about how many individuals have a given property. This article examined whether young children also understand that generics do not…

  2. Influence of heterogeneity on second-kind self-similar solutions for viscous gravity currents


    Zheng, Zhong; Christov, Ivan  C.; Stone, Howard  A.


    We report experimental, theoretical and numerical results on the effects of horizontal heterogeneities on the propagation of viscous gravity currents. We use two geometries to highlight these effects: (a) a horizontal channel (or crack) whose gap thickness varies as a power-law function of the streamwise coordinate; (b) a heterogeneous porous medium whose permeability and porosity have power-law variations. We demonstrate that two types of self-similar behaviours emerge as a result of horizontal heterogeneity: (a) a first-kind self-similar solution is found using dimensional analysis (scaling) for viscous gravity currents that propagate away from the origin (a point of zero permeability); (b)more » a second-kind self-similar solution is found using a phase-plane analysis for viscous gravity currents that propagate toward the origin. These theoretical predictions, obtained using the ideas of self-similar intermediate asymptotics, are compared with experimental results and numerical solutions of the governing partial differential equation developed under the lubrication approximation. All three results are found to be in good agreement.« less

  3. On two kinds of delusion of reference.


    Startup, Mike; Startup, Sue


    Although delusions of reference are one of the most common psychotic symptoms, they have been the focus of little research. The aims of the present research were, first, to determine whether it is possible to identify different kinds of referential delusions reliably and, if so, to investigate associations among them and between these delusions and other positive psychotic symptoms. Participants with a diagnosis of schizophrenia (n=57) were recruited from a volunteer register (n=26) and from inpatient psychiatric wards (n=31). They were interviewed with the Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms (SAPS) except that the questions about ideas and delusions of reference were replaced with questions targeted at seven particular delusions and three content areas. Ratings were made independently by two assessors. Agreement between the assessors was high for all of the delusions of reference and other psychotic symptoms. A factor analysis of these ratings revealed two factors that represent delusions of communication and delusions of observation. Only delusions of observation were associated with hallucinations and persecutory ideation. Delusions of communication showed few significant correlations with other symptoms and therefore appear to require different explanations.

  4. 25 CFR 1000.65 - What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation... INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ACT Other Financial Assistance for Planning and Negotiation... planning and negotiation grants support? The planning and negotiation grants support activities such as...

  5. 25 CFR 1000.65 - What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation... INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ACT Other Financial Assistance for Planning and Negotiation... planning and negotiation grants support? The planning and negotiation grants support activities such as...

  6. 25 CFR 1000.65 - What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation... INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ACT Other Financial Assistance for Planning and Negotiation... planning and negotiation grants support? The planning and negotiation grants support activities such as...

  7. 25 CFR 1000.65 - What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation... INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ACT Other Financial Assistance for Planning and Negotiation... planning and negotiation grants support? The planning and negotiation grants support activities such as...

  8. 25 CFR 1000.65 - What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation grants support?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 25 Indians 2 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false What kinds of activities do planning and negotiation... INDIAN SELF-DETERMINATION AND EDUCATION ACT Other Financial Assistance for Planning and Negotiation... planning and negotiation grants support? The planning and negotiation grants support activities such as...

  9. Places to Go; People to See; Things to Do--Celebrating Be Kind to Animals Week.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Holden, Lorraine P.


    Presents suggestions of what teachers and employees of welfare organizations can do to encourage people's observance of "Be Kind to Animals Week." Includes places to go, people to see, and things to do. (BC)

  10. Using Current Literature Selections to Nurture the Development of Kindness in Young Children

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zeece, Pauline Davey


    Learning to display kindness and compassion for others is a critical and ongoing developmental process and an important part of young children's evolving social competence (Han and Kemple in "Early Child Educ J" 34(3):241-246, 2006; Moore in "Early Child Educ Today" 19(3):36-44, 2004). The capacity to care emanates from physical and psychological…

  11. Bilingualism Affects 9-Month-Old Infants' Expectations about How Words Refer to Kinds

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Byers-Heinlein, Krista


    Infants are precocious word learners, and seem to possess systematic expectations about how words refer to object kinds. For example, while monolingual infants show a one-to-one mapping bias (e.g. mutual exclusivity), expecting each object to have only one basic level label, previous research has shown that this is less robust in bi- and…

  12. What Kind of Citizen? An Analysis of the Social Studies Curriculum in Turkey

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kus, Zafer


    The social studies curriculum was recently revised in Turkey, running in a pilot scheme in the school year 2004-05. It was then implemented in primary schools all over Turkey from 2006. This study describes the kind of citizen it aims to form by analysing all of the documents relating to social studies teaching. The social studies curriculum for…

  13. A Novel Nonsense Mutation in Exon 5 of KIND1 Gene in an Iranian Family with Kindler Syndrome.


    Heidari, Mohammad Mehdi; Khatami, Mehri; Kargar, Saeed; Azari, Mojdeh; Hoseinzadeh, Hassan; Fallah, Hamedeh


    Kindler syndrome (KS) is an autosomal recessive skin disease characterized by actual blistering, photosensitivity and a progressive poikiloderma. The disorder results from rare mutations in the KIND1 gene. This gene contains 15 exons and expresses two kindlin-1 isoforms. The aim of this investigation was to analyze mutations in the exons 1 to 15 of KIND1 gene in an Iranian family clinically affected with Kindler syndrome. The mutations analysis of 15 coding exons of KIND1 gene was performed with PCR-SSCP and direct sequencing in 14 subjects from one Iranian family clinically affected with Kindler syndrome. We identified eight new nucleotide changes in KIND1 in this family. These changes were found in g.3892delA, g.3951T>C, g.3962T>G, g.4190G>T, g.7497G>A, g.11076T>C, g.11102C>T and g.13177C>T positions. Among them, the g.13177C>T mutation resulting in the formation of a premature stop codon (Q226X) was detected only in seven affected family individuals as homozygous but was not present in 100 unrelated healthy controls. This study suggests that nonsense mutation may lead to incomplete and non-functional protein products and is pathogenic and has meaningful implications for the diagnosis of patients with Kindler syndrome.

  14. Of Mice and Men: Natural Kinds of Emotions in the Mammalian Brain? A Response to Panksepp and Izard.


    Barrett, Lisa Feldman; Lindquist, Kristen A; Bliss-Moreau, Eliza; Duncan, Seth; Gendron, Maria; Mize, Jennifer; Brennan, Lauren


    For almost 5 decades, the scientific study of emotion has been guided by the assumption that categories such as anger, sadness, and fear cut nature at its joints. Barrett (2006a) provided a comprehensive review of the empirical evidence from the study of emotion in humans and concluded that this assumption has outlived its usefulness. Panksepp and Izard have written lengthy papers (published in this issue) containing complementary but largely nonover lapping criticisms of Barrett (2006a). In our response, we address three of their concerns. First, we discuss the value of correlational versus experimental studies for evaluating the natural-kind model of emotion and refute the claim that the evidence offered in Barrett (2006a) was merely correlational. Second, we take up the issue of whether or not there is evidence for "coherently organized neural circuits for natural kinds of emotions in the mammalian brain and counter the claim that Barrett (2006a) ignored crucial evidence for existence of discrete emotions as natural kinds. Third, we address Panksepp and Izard's misconceptions of an alternative view, the conceptual act model of emotion, that was briefly discussed in Barrett (2006a). Finally, we end the article with some thoughts on how to move the scientific study of emotion beyond the debate over whether or not emotions are natural kinds. © 2007 Association for Psychological Science.

  15. Of Mice and Men: Natural Kinds of Emotions in the Mammalian Brain? A Response to Panksepp and Izard

    PubMed Central

    Barrett, Lisa Feldman; Lindquist, Kristen A.; Bliss-Moreau, Eliza; Duncan, Seth; Gendron, Maria; Mize, Jennifer; Brennan, Lauren


    For almost 5 decades, the scientific study of emotion has been guided by the assumption that categories such as anger, sadness, and fear cut nature at its joints. Barrett (2006a) provided a comprehensive review of the empirical evidence from the study of emotion in humans and concluded that this assumption has outlived its usefulness. Panksepp and Izard have written lengthy papers (published in this issue) containing complementary but largely nonoverlapping criticisms of Barrett (2006a). In our response, we address three of their concerns. First, we discuss the value of correlational versus experimental studies for evaluating the natural-kind model of emotion and refute the claim that the evidence offered in Barrett (2006a) was merely correlational. Second, we take up the issue of whether or not there is evidence for “coherently organized neural circuits” for natural kinds of emotions in the mammalian brain and counter the claim that Barrett (2006a) ignored crucial evidence for existence of discrete emotions as natural kinds. Third, we address Panksepp and Izard’s misconceptions of an alternative view, the conceptual act model of emotion, that was briefly discussed in Barrett (2006a). Finally, we end the article with some thoughts on how to move the scientific study of emotion beyond the debate over whether or not emotions are natural kinds. PMID:19079552

  16. Development and Implementation of Kumamoto Technopolis Regional Database T-KIND

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Onoue, Noriaki

    T-KIND (Techno-Kumamoto Information Network for Data-Base) is a system for effectively searching information of technology, human resources and industries which are necessary to realize Kumamoto Technopolis. It is composed of coded database, image database and LAN inside technoresearch park which is the center of R & D in the Technopolis. It constructs on-line system by networking general-purposed computers, minicomputers, optical disk file systems and so on, and provides the service through public telephone line. Two databases are now available on enterprise information and human resource information. The former covers about 4,000 enterprises, and the latter does about 2,000 persons.

  17. On randomized algorithms for numerical solution of applied Fredholm integral equations of the second kind

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voytishek, Anton V.; Shipilov, Nikolay M.


    In this paper, the systematization of numerical (implemented on a computer) randomized functional algorithms for approximation of a solution of Fredholm integral equation of the second kind is carried out. Wherein, three types of such algorithms are distinguished: the projection, the mesh and the projection-mesh methods. The possibilities for usage of these algorithms for solution of practically important problems is investigated in detail. The disadvantages of the mesh algorithms, related to the necessity of calculation values of the kernels of integral equations in fixed points, are identified. On practice, these kernels have integrated singularities, and calculation of their values is impossible. Thus, for applied problems, related to solving Fredholm integral equation of the second kind, it is expedient to use not mesh, but the projection and the projection-mesh randomized algorithms.

  18. Comet Wild 2 and the two kinds of cometary sub-nuclei population

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Illes-Almar, E.

    On the 2nd January 2004 Stardust encountered the nucleus of comet Wild 2 by 240 km. 72 images have been collected - among them the up-till-now best views of a cometary nucleus. The "pockmarked" surface of the comet is peculiar as the "craters" are not normal craters: neither in shape nor in cross section. Their shapes are rather irregular and generally not central or axisymmetric. Furthermore they have flat bottoms and very steep walls that seem almost perpendicular to the surface. One has the feeling that they are not impact craters. In the framework of our `two kinds of cometary sub-nuclei population' hypothesis (Illés-Almár, 1995, 2002) the cavities can be explained by the stronger sublimation where the loose sub-nuclei are exposed to the surface. The almost vertical walls resemble to the vertical walls of the sublimated CO2 ice on the South polar cap of Mars. References: Illés-Almár, E.: On two different populations of cometary sub-nuclei. Antarctic Meteorites XX. June 6-8, 1995, Tokyo. Abstracts pp. 93-94, 1995. Illés-Almár, E.: Comet Borrelly and the two kinds of cometary sub-nuclei population. (submitted to Adv. Sp. Res. in 2002)

  19. 25 CFR 26.27 - What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... resume preparation, interview techniques, job retention, and related living skills. ... 25 Indians 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false What kind of Job Placement support services can I expect? 26.27 Section 26.27 Indians BUREAU OF INDIAN AFFAIRS, DEPARTMENT OF THE INTERIOR HUMAN SERVICES JOB...

  20. KinD is a checkpoint protein linking spore formation to extracellular-matrix production in Bacillus subtilis biofilms.


    Aguilar, Claudio; Vlamakis, Hera; Guzman, Alejandra; Losick, Richard; Kolter, Roberto


    Bacillus subtilis cells form multicellular biofilm communities in which spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression occurs, leading to differentiation of multiple coexisting cell types. These cell types include matrix-producing and sporulating cells. Extracellular matrix production and sporulation are linked in that a mutant unable to produce matrix is delayed for sporulation. Here, we show that the delay in sporulation is not due to a growth advantage of the matrix-deficient mutant under these conditions. Instead, we show that the link between matrix production and sporulation is through the Spo0A signaling pathway. Both processes are regulated by the phosphorylated form of the master transcriptional regulator Spo0A. When cells have low levels of phosphorylated Spo0A (Spo0A~P), matrix genes are expressed; however, at higher levels of Spo0A~P, sporulation commences. We have found that Spo0A~P levels are maintained at low levels in the matrix-deficient mutant, thereby delaying expression of sporulation-specific genes. This is due to the activity of one of the components of the Spo0A phosphotransfer network, KinD. A deletion of kinD suppresses the sporulation defect of matrix mutants, while its overproduction delays sporulation. Our data indicate that KinD displays a dual role as a phosphatase or a kinase and that its activity is linked to the presence of extracellular matrix in the biofilms. We propose a novel role for KinD in biofilms as a checkpoint protein that regulates the onset of sporulation by inhibiting the activity of Spo0A until matrix, or a component therein, is sensed.

  1. KinD Is a Checkpoint Protein Linking Spore Formation to Extracellular-Matrix Production in Bacillus subtilis Biofilms

    PubMed Central

    Aguilar, Claudio; Vlamakis, Hera; Guzman, Alejandra; Losick, Richard; Kolter, Roberto


    ABSTRACT Bacillus subtilis cells form multicellular biofilm communities in which spatiotemporal regulation of gene expression occurs, leading to differentiation of multiple coexisting cell types. These cell types include matrix-producing and sporulating cells. Extracellular matrix production and sporulation are linked in that a mutant unable to produce matrix is delayed for sporulation. Here, we show that the delay in sporulation is not due to a growth advantage of the matrix-deficient mutant under these conditions. Instead, we show that the link between matrix production and sporulation is through the Spo0A signaling pathway. Both processes are regulated by the phosphorylated form of the master transcriptional regulator Spo0A. When cells have low levels of phosphorylated Spo0A (Spo0A~P), matrix genes are expressed; however, at higher levels of Spo0A~P, sporulation commences. We have found that Spo0A~P levels are maintained at low levels in the matrix-deficient mutant, thereby delaying expression of sporulation-specific genes. This is due to the activity of one of the components of the Spo0A phosphotransfer network, KinD. A deletion of kinD suppresses the sporulation defect of matrix mutants, while its overproduction delays sporulation. Our data indicate that KinD displays a dual role as a phosphatase or a kinase and that its activity is linked to the presence of extracellular matrix in the biofilms. We propose a novel role for KinD in biofilms as a checkpoint protein that regulates the onset of sporulation by inhibiting the activity of Spo0A until matrix, or a component therein, is sensed. PMID:20689749

  2. Neue Laser und Strahlquellen - alte und neue Risiken?


    Paasch, Uwe; Schwandt, Antje; Seeber, Nikolaus; Kautz, Gerd; Grunewald, Sonja; Haedersdal, Merete


    Die Entwicklungen im Bereich dermatologischer Laser, hochenergetischer Blitzlampen, LED und neuer Energie- und Strahlquellen der letzten Jahre haben gezeigt, dass mit neuen Wellenlängen, Konzepten und Kombinationen zusätzliche, zum Teil über den ästhetischen Bereich hinaus gehende therapeutische Optionen für den Dermatologen erschlossen werden konnten. Wurden bisher zum Beispiel mit fraktionalen Lasern Falten behandelt, sind eben diese Systeme heute in Kombination mit Medikamenten wichtige Werkzeuge bei der Behandlung von Narben, bei Feldkanzerisierung und epithelialen Tumoren. Die Anforderungen an den die Indikation stellenden und vorzugsweise therapierenden Arzt steigen mit der immer komplexer werdenden Technik und den zunehmenden Komorbiditäten und Komedikationen einer älter werdenden Patientenklientel. Parallel etabliert wurden, zunächst für einige wenige Indikationen, Geräte für die Heimanwendung, die sich durch geringe Leistung und spezielle Sicherheitsvorkehrungen zur Vermeidung von Unfällen, Risiken und Nebenwirkungen auszeichnen. Trotz der reduzierten Effizienz solcher Selbstbehandlungsmaßnahmen steigt die Wahrscheinlichkeit einer Fehlanwendung, da die Grundvoraussetzung für eine korrekte Therapie, nämlich die exakte Diagnose und Indikationsstellung, nicht vorausgesetzt werden kann. Bei einer Haarentfernung können so Pigmenttumoren, bei einer Faltentherapie neoplastische Hautveränderungen adressiert und zu erwartende, unvorhergesehene und neue Nebenwirkungen und Komplikationen induziert werden. In diesem Szenario ist es wichtig, alle potenziellen Anwender dieser neuen Technologien vor deren Einsatz so zu qualifizieren, dass den Therapierten maximale Therapiesicherheit bei höchster Effizienz unter dem Leitbild diagnosis certa - ullae therapiae fundamentum garantiert wird. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. Loving-kindness in the treatment of traumatized refugees and minority groups: a typology of mindfulness and the nodal network model of affect and affect regulation.


    Hinton, Devon E; Ojserkis, Rebecca A; Jalal, Baland; Peou, Sonith; Hofmann, Stefan G


    This article discusses how loving-kindness can be used to treat traumatized refugees and minority groups, focusing on examples from our treatment, culturally adapted cognitive-behavioral therapy (CA-CBT). To show how we integrate loving-kindness with other mindfulness interventions and why loving-kindness should be an effective therapeutic technique, we present a typology of mindfulness states and the Nodal Network Model (NNM) of Affect and Affect Regulation. We argue that mindfulness techniques such as loving-kindness are therapeutic for refugees and minority populations because of their potential for increasing emotional flexibility, decreasing rumination, serving as emotional regulation techniques, and forming part of a new adaptive processing mode centered on psychological flexibility. We present a case to illustrate the clinical use of loving-kindness within the context of CA-CBT. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Assessing the success of the WomanKind program: an integrated model of 24-hour health care response to domestic violence.


    Short, Lynn M; Hadley, Susan M; Bates, Bonnie


    The WomanKind program, a non-profit health care based program for for victims of domestic/intimate partner violence (IPV), seeks to enable and motivate health care providers to identify victims of such violence and refer them to WomanKind's in-house services. An evaluation designed to assess client referral to WomanKind services and the impact of health care provider training was carried out. Data were collected at three intervals over a 2-year period at 3 intervention and 2 comparison hospitals located in Minneapolis, MN. The focus of data collection efforts was to assess the providers' knowledge, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors (KABB) concerning identification and referral of victims of IPV. Hospital staff and volunteer advocate training programs also were evaluated. Chart reviews were conducted and client referrals assessed. Providers at WomanKind hospitals demonstrated significantly higher knowledge, attitudes, beliefs and behaviors than those at comparison hospitals throughout the study. During the data collection period, 1719 IPV victims were identified and referred to the WomanKind program, while only 27 IPV victims were referred to trained social workers at the comparison hospitals. Chart reviews indicated that emergency staff at the intervention sites provide documentation of IPV in patient records twice as frequently as emergency staff at the comparison sites. This research underscores the efficacy of a well-structured, multidisciplinary effort to deliver services to IPV victims. The results demonstrate that specialized training and on-site client services create a significant positive impact on the KABB of health care providers.

  5. Machine-Aided Indexing in Practice: An Encounter with Automatic Indexing of the Third Kind.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Klingbiel, Paul H.

    This three-part report includes a brief history of the Defense Documentation Center (DDC) with a description of the collections and their accessibility; categorization of automatic indexing into three kinds with a brief description of the DDC system of machine-aided indexing; and an indication of some operational experiences with the system.…

  6. 36 CFR 1254.1 - What kinds of archival materials may I use for research?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... materials may I use for research? 1254.1 Section 1254.1 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL... MATERIALS General Information § 1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research? (a) The... information about records and we make them available to the public for research unless they have access...

  7. 36 CFR 1254.1 - What kinds of archival materials may I use for research?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... materials may I use for research? 1254.1 Section 1254.1 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL... MATERIALS General Information § 1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research? (a) The... information about records and we make them available to the public for research unless they have access...

  8. 36 CFR 1254.1 - What kinds of archival materials may I use for research?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... materials may I use for research? 1254.1 Section 1254.1 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL... MATERIALS General Information § 1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research? (a) The... information about records and we make them available to the public for research unless they have access...

  9. 36 CFR 1254.1 - What kinds of archival materials may I use for research?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... materials may I use for research? 1254.1 Section 1254.1 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL... MATERIALS General Information § 1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research? (a) The... information about records and we make them available to the public for research unless they have access...

  10. An Indian child with Kindler syndrome resulting from a new homozygous nonsense mutation (C468X) in the KIND1 gene.


    Sethuraman, G; Fassihi, H; Ashton, G H S; Bansal, A; Kabra, M; Sharma, V K; McGrath, J A


    Kindler syndrome is an inherited skin condition that presents with blistering followed by photosensitivity and a progressive poikiloderma. The disorder results from mutations in the KIND1 gene, encoding the protein kindlin-1, a recently characterized 677-amino acid protein involved in anchorage of the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix. We report the clinical features of an 11-year-old boy with Kindler syndrome from a consanguineous Indian family and the identification of a homozygous nonsense mutation (C468X) in exon 12 of the KIND1 gene in his genomic DNA. This mutation has not been described previously but is similar to the 17 previously published KIND1 mutations that are all predicted to lead to loss of kindlin-1 protein expression and function. The clinical features in this boy highlight the relevance of kindlin-1 in skin biology, specifically to epidermal adhesion and response to acute and chronic sun exposure. Delineation of this new pathogenic mutation in KIND1 is also useful for genetic counselling in this family and in assessing carrier status in unaffected family members.

  11. Nonrandom Acts of Kindness: Parasympathetic and Subjective Empathic Responses to Sadness Predict Children's Prosociality

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Jonas G.; Nuselovici, Jacob N.; Hastings, Paul D.


    How does empathic physiology unfold as a dynamic process, and which aspect of empathy predicts children's kindness? In response to empathy induction videos, 4- to 6-year-old children (N = 180) showed an average pattern of dynamic respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA) change characterized by early RSA suppression, followed by RSA recovery, and modest…

  12. What Kinds of Collaboration Do You Engage in for the Benefit of Your Students?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Potash, Betsy; Oxford, Janelle


    In this article, the authors share what kinds of collaboration they engage in for the benefit of their students. The first author introduces the Bread Loaf Teacher Network which connects classes across the world--urban and rural, East Coast and West Coast, American, African, Indian, and European. The second author encourages teachers to consider…


    PubMed Central

    Choppin, Purnell W.; Tamm, Igor


    Two kinds of virus particles have been found in varying proportions in influenza A2 strains isolated during the 1957 pandemic. Pure populations of the different particles were obtained, and these substrains were genetically stable on serial passage in the chick embryo. The two virus particles differ markedly in several biological properties though they are antigenically similar. One kind of particle, designated "+," is relatively sensitive to specific antibody, is highly sensitive to inhibition by serum inhibitors and urinary mucoprotein, fails to elute or elutes very slowly from human erythrocytes, and is capable of agglutinating erythrocytes treated extensively with V. cholerae filtrate. The other particle, designated "-," is relatively insensitive to antibodies and urinary mucoprotein, completely insensitive to serum inhibitors, elutes rapidly from erythrocytes, and can agglutinate erythrocytes treated extensively with V. cholerae filtrate. Both "+" and "-" particles destroy virus receptors on urinary mucoprotein. The relative proportions of these two particles determine the characteristics of parent strains in reactions with specific antibody, mucoprotein inhibitors, and erythrocytes. The "+" and "-" particles with several easily identifiable markers are well suited for genetic studies. PMID:19867182

  14. A Unique Assemblage of Engraved Plaquettes from Ein Qashish South, Jezreel Valley, Israel: Figurative and Non-Figurative Symbols of Late Pleistocene Hunters-Gatherers in the Levant.


    Yaroshevich, Alla; Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Boaretto, Elisabeta; Caracuta, Valentina; Greenbaum, Noam; Porat, Naomi; Roskin, Joel


    Three engraved limestone plaquettes from the recently excavated Epipaleolithic open-air site Ein Qashish South in the Jezreel Valley, Israel comprise unique evidence for symbolic behavior of Late Pleistocene foragers in the Levant. The engravings, uncovered in Kebaran and Geometric Kebaran deposits (ca. 23ka and ca. 16.5ka BP), include the image of a bird-the first figurative representation known so far from a pre-Natufian Epipaleolithic-along with geometric motifs such as chevrons, crosshatchings and ladders. Some of the engravings closely resemble roughly contemporary European finds interpreted as "systems of notations" or "artificial memory systems"-records related to timing of seasonal resources and associated aggregation events of nomadic groups. Moreover, similarly looking signs and patterns are well known from the context of the local Natufian-a final Epipaleolithic culture of sedentary or semi-sedentary foragers who started practicing agriculture. The investigation of the engravings found in Ein Qashish South involves conceptualizations developed in studies of European and local parallels, a selection of ethnographic examples and preliminary microscopic observations of the plaquettes. This shows that the figurative and non-figurative images comprise a coherent assemblage of symbols that might have been applied in order to store, share and transmit information related to social and subsistence realms of mobile bands. It further suggests that the site functioned as a locality of groups' aggregation and indicates social complexity of pre-Natufian foragers in the Levant. While alterations in social and subsistence strategies can explain the varying frequency of image use characterizing different areas of the Late Pleistocene world-the apparent similarity in graphics and the mode of their application support the possibility that symbol-mediated behavior has a common and much earlier origin.

  15. A Unique Assemblage of Engraved Plaquettes from Ein Qashish South, Jezreel Valley, Israel: Figurative and Non-Figurative Symbols of Late Pleistocene Hunters-Gatherers in the Levant

    PubMed Central

    Yaroshevich, Alla; Bar-Yosef, Ofer; Boaretto, Elisabeta; Caracuta, Valentina; Greenbaum, Noam; Porat, Naomi; Roskin, Joel


    Three engraved limestone plaquettes from the recently excavated Epipaleolithic open-air site Ein Qashish South in the Jezreel Valley, Israel comprise unique evidence for symbolic behavior of Late Pleistocene foragers in the Levant. The engravings, uncovered in Kebaran and Geometric Kebaran deposits (ca. 23ka and ca. 16.5ka BP), include the image of a bird—the first figurative representation known so far from a pre-Natufian Epipaleolithic—along with geometric motifs such as chevrons, crosshatchings and ladders. Some of the engravings closely resemble roughly contemporary European finds interpreted as "systems of notations" or "artificial memory systems"–records related to timing of seasonal resources and associated aggregation events of nomadic groups. Moreover, similarly looking signs and patterns are well known from the context of the local Natufian—a final Epipaleolithic culture of sedentary or semi-sedentary foragers who started practicing agriculture. The investigation of the engravings found in Ein Qashish South involves conceptualizations developed in studies of European and local parallels, a selection of ethnographic examples and preliminary microscopic observations of the plaquettes. This shows that the figurative and non-figurative images comprise a coherent assemblage of symbols that might have been applied in order to store, share and transmit information related to social and subsistence realms of mobile bands. It further suggests that the site functioned as a locality of groups' aggregation and indicates social complexity of pre-Natufian foragers in the Levant. While alterations in social and subsistence strategies can explain the varying frequency of image use characterizing different areas of the Late Pleistocene world—the apparent similarity in graphics and the mode of their application support the possibility that symbol-mediated behavior has a common and much earlier origin. PMID:27557110

  16. A kind of fast shutter for Z pinch diagnosis device.


    Wang, Liangping; Zhang, Xinjun; Sun, Tieping; Mao, Wentin


    A kind of fast shutter for protecting the diagnosis devices in Z pinch experiments is introduced in this paper. The shutter is composed of a pulling rod, a magnetic core, and a solenoid. Different from the traditional coils which were used at the voltage of 220 V, the solenoid we used must endure the high voltage of 5-10 kV and the deformation which maybe caused by the 5-10 T intense magnetic field. A creative configuration for the solenoid is developed including the winding guide, insulating sleeve, and stainless-steel sleeve. The experimental results show that the configuration of the solenoid is effective. The velocity of the valve is nearly 19 m/s and the time jitter of the shutdown is within 75 μs.

  17. A kind of fast shutter for Z pinch diagnosis device

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Liangping; Zhang, Xinjun; Sun, Tieping; Mao, Wentin


    A kind of fast shutter for protecting the diagnosis devices in Z pinch experiments is introduced in this paper. The shutter is composed of a pulling rod, a magnetic core, and a solenoid. Different from the traditional coils which were used at the voltage of 220 V, the solenoid we used must endure the high voltage of 5-10 kV and the deformation which maybe caused by the 5-10 T intense magnetic field. A creative configuration for the solenoid is developed including the winding guide, insulating sleeve, and stainless-steel sleeve. The experimental results show that the configuration of the solenoid is effective. The velocity of the valve is nearly 19 m/s and the time jitter of the shutdown is within 75 μs.

  18. 26 CFR 1.168(h)-1 - Like-kind exchanges involving tax-exempt use property.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... property. 1.168(h)-1 Section 1.168(h)-1 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE... and Corporations § 1.168(h)-1 Like-kind exchanges involving tax-exempt use property. (a) Scope. (1... property (as defined in section 168(h)) at the time of the transfer; and (ii) Property that does not become...

  19. Study on a kind of ϕ-Laplacian Liénard equation with attractive and repulsive singularities.


    Xin, Yun; Cheng, Zhibo


    In this paper, by application of the Manasevich-Mawhin continuation theorem, we investigate the existence of a positive periodic solution for a kind of ϕ -Laplacian singular Liénard equation with attractive and repulsive singularities.

  20. Open Hearts Build Lives: Positive Emotions, Induced Through Loving-Kindness Meditation, Build Consequential Personal Resources

    PubMed Central

    Fredrickson, Barbara L.; Cohn, Michael A.; Coffey, Kimberly A.; Pek, Jolynn; Finkel, Sandra M.


    B. L. Fredrickson’s (1998, 2001) broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions asserts that people’s daily experiences of positive emotions compound over time to build a variety of consequential personal resources. The authors tested this build hypothesis in a field experiment with working adults (n = 139), half of whom were randomly-assigned to begin a practice of loving-kindness meditation. Results showed that this meditation practice produced increases over time in daily experiences of positive emotions, which, in turn, produced increases in a wide range of personal resources (e.g., increased mindfulness, purpose in life, social support, decreased illness symptoms). In turn, these increments in personal resources predicted increased life satisfaction and reduced depressive symptoms. Discussion centers on how positive emotions are the mechanism of change for the type of mind-training practice studied here and how loving-kindness meditation is an intervention strategy that produces positive emotions in a way that outpaces the hedonic treadmill effect. PMID:18954193

  1. Common variant in OXTR predicts growth in positive emotions from loving-kindness training.


    Isgett, Suzannah F; Algoe, Sara B; Boulton, Aaron J; Way, Baldwin M; Fredrickson, Barbara L


    Ample research suggests that social connection reliably generates positive emotions. Oxytocin, a neuropeptide implicated in social cognition and behavior, is one biological mechanism that may influence an individual's capacity to extract positive emotions from social contexts. Because variation in certain genes may indicate underlying neurobiological differences, we tested whether several SNPs in two genes related to oxytocin signaling would show effects on positive emotions that were context-specific, depending on sociality. For six weeks, a sample of mid-life adults (N=122) participated in either socially-focused loving-kindness training or mindfulness training. During this timespan they reported their positive emotions daily. Five SNPs within OXTR and CD38 were assayed, and each was tested for its individual effect on daily emotions. The hypothesized three-way interaction between time, training type, and genetic variability emerged: Individuals homozygous for the G allele of OXTR rs1042778 experienced gains in daily positive emotions from loving-kindness training, whereas individuals with the T allele did not experience gains in positive emotions with either training. These findings are among the first to show how genetic differences in oxytocin signaling may influence an individual's capacity to experience positive emotions as a result of a socially-focused intervention. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Common variant in OXTR predicts growth in positive emotions from loving-kindness training

    PubMed Central

    Isgett, Suzannah F.; Algoe, Sara B.; Boulton, Aaron J.; Way, Baldwin M.


    Ample research suggests that social connection reliably generates positive emotions. Oxytocin, a neuropeptide implicated in social cognition and behavior, is one biological mechanism that may influence an individual’s capacity to extract positive emotions from social contexts. Because variation in certain genes may indicate underlying neurobiological differences, we tested whether several SNPs in two genes related to oxytocin signaling would show effects on positive emotions that were context-specific, depending on sociality. For six weeks, a sample of mid-life adults (N = 122) participated in either socially-focused loving-kindness training or mindfulness training. During this timespan they reported their positive emotions daily. Five SNPs within OXTR and CD38 were assayed, and each was tested for its individual effect on daily emotions. The hypothesized three-way interaction between time, training type, and genetic variability emerged: Individuals homozygous for the G allele of OXTR rs1042778 experienced gains in daily positive emotions from loving-kindness training, whereas individuals with the T allele did not experience gains in positive emotions with either training. These findings are among the first to show how genetic differences in oxytocin signaling may influence an individual’s capacity to experience positive emotions as a result of a socially-focused intervention. PMID:27543885

  3. Characteristics of bread prepared from wheat flours blended with various kinds of newly developed rice flours.


    Nakamura, S; Suzuki, K; Ohtsubo, K


    Characteristics of the bread prepared from wheat flour blended with the flour of various kinds of newly developed rice cultivars were investigated. Qualities of the bread made from wheat flour blended with rice flour have been reported to be inferior to those from 100% wheat flour bread. To improve its qualities, we searched for the new-characteristic rice flours among the various kinds of newly developed rice cultivars to blend with the wheat flour for the bread preparation. The most suitable new characteristic rices are combination of purple waxy rice, high-amylose rice, and sugary rice. Specific volume of the bread from the combination of wheat and these 3 kinds of rice flours showed higher specific volume (3.93) compared with the traditional wheat/rice bread (3.58). We adopted the novel method, continuous progressive compression test, to measure the physical properties of the dough and the bread in addition to the sensory evaluation. As a result of the selection of the most suitable rice cultivars and blending ratio with the wheat flour, we could develop the novel wheat/rice bread, of which loaf volume, physical properties, and tastes are acceptable and resistant to firming on even 4 d after the bread preparation. To increase the ratio of rice to wheat, we tried to add a part of rice as cooked rice grains. The specific volume and qualities of the bread were maintained well although the rice content of total flour increased from 30% to 40%.

  4. 9 CFR 381.174 - Limitations with respect to use of Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry). 381.174 Section 381.174 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... Definitions and Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.174 Limitations with respect to use of Mechanically... food product, provided such use conforms with any applicable requirements of the definitions and...

  5. 9 CFR 381.174 - Limitations with respect to use of Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry).

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Mechanically Separated (Kind of Poultry). 381.174 Section 381.174 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND... Definitions and Standards of Identity or Composition § 381.174 Limitations with respect to use of Mechanically... food product, provided such use conforms with any applicable requirements of the definitions and...

  6. Teleportation of a Kind of Three-Mode Entangled States of Continuous Variables

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Hong-Yi; Liang, Xian-Ting


    A quantum teleportation scheme to teleport a kind of tripartite entangled states of continuous variables by using a quantum channel composed of three bipartite entangled states is proposed. The joint Bell measurement is feasible because the bipartite entangled states are complete and the squeezed state has a natural representation in the entangled state basis. The calculation is greatly simplified by using the Schmidt decomposition of the entangled states. The project supported by the President Funds of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant No. 10475056

  7. Two Kinds of "Elements" and the Dialectic between Synthetic-deductive and Analytic-genetic Approaches in Mathematics.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Steiner, Hans-Georg


    Describes two kinds of elements in mathematics: Euclid's and Bourbaki's. Discusses some criticisms on the two concepts of elements from a philosophical, methodological, and didactical point of view. Suggests a complementarist view and several implications for mathematics education. (YP)

  8. Generation 1.5--a different kind of millennial student.


    Davidson, Emily J


    Much attention has been paid to so-called "millennial students" in recent years, particularly regarding their relationship to technology, learning, and communication. Less notice has been taken of another kind of millennial student increasingly represented in our classrooms --those who were born in another country, but received a significant amount of their schooling here. Often referred to as Generation 1.5 because they have language characteristics in common with first- and second-generation immigrants, these bilingual students are a valuable resource for the physician assistant (PA) profession. However, just as teaching native-born millennial students may require some adjustment of instructional methods, Generation 1.5 students will require PA educators to pay closer attention to some aspects of teaching and learning. This article will discuss some of the particular challenges that Generation 1.5 students face and will argue that these challenges can be met in ways that are likely to help other nontraditional students as well.

  9. UQ for Decision Making: How (at least five) Kinds of Probability Might Come Into Play

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smith, L. A.


    In 1959 IJ Good published the discussion "Kinds of Probability" in Science. Good identified (at least) five kinds. The need for (at least) a sixth kind of probability when quantifying uncertainty in the context of climate science is discussed. This discussion brings out the differences in weather-like forecasting tasks and climate-links tasks, with a focus on the effective use both of science and of modelling in support of decision making. Good also introduced the idea of a "Dynamic probability" a probability one expects to change without any additional empirical evidence; the probabilities assigned by a chess playing program when it is only half thorough its analysis being an example. This case is contrasted with the case of "Mature probabilities" where a forecast algorithm (or model) has converged on its asymptotic probabilities and the question hinges in whether or not those probabilities are expected to change significantly before the event in question occurs, even in the absence of new empirical evidence. If so, then how might one report and deploy such immature probabilities in scientific-support of decision-making rationally? Mature Probability is suggested as a useful sixth kind, although Good would doubtlessly argue that we can get by with just one, effective communication with decision makers may be enhanced by speaking as if the others existed. This again highlights the distinction between weather-like contexts and climate-like contexts. In the former context one has access to a relevant climatology (a relevant, arguably informative distribution prior to any model simulations), in the latter context that information is not available although one can fall back on the scientific basis upon which the model itself rests, and estimate the probability that the model output is in fact misinformative. This subjective "probability of a big surprise" is one way to communicate the probability of model-based information holding in practice, the probability that the

  10. A kind of universal quantum secret sharing protocol

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Xiu-Bo; Dou, Zhao; Xu, Gang; He, Xiao-Yu; Yang, Yi-Xian


    Universality is an important feature, but less researched in quantum communication protocols. In this paper, a kind of universal quantum secret sharing protocol is investigated. Firstly, we design a quantum secret sharing protocol based on the Borras-Plastino-Batle (BPB) state. Departing from previous research, our protocol has a salient feature in that participants in our protocol only need projective measurement instead of any unitary operations. It makes our protocol more flexible. Secondly, universality of quantum communication protocols is studied for the first time. More specifically, module division of quantum communication protocols and coupling between different modules are discussed. Our aforementioned protocol is analyzed as an example. On one hand, plenty of quantum states (the BPB-class states and the BPB-like-class states, which are proposed in this paper) could be used as carrier to perform our protocol. On the other hand, our protocol also could be regarded as a quantum private comparison protocol with a little revision. These features are rare for quantum communication protocols, and make our protocol more robust. Thirdly, entanglements of the BPB-class states are calculated in the Appendix.

  11. A kind of universal quantum secret sharing protocol.


    Chen, Xiu-Bo; Dou, Zhao; Xu, Gang; He, Xiao-Yu; Yang, Yi-Xian


    Universality is an important feature, but less researched in quantum communication protocols. In this paper, a kind of universal quantum secret sharing protocol is investigated. Firstly, we design a quantum secret sharing protocol based on the Borras-Plastino-Batle (BPB) state. Departing from previous research, our protocol has a salient feature in that participants in our protocol only need projective measurement instead of any unitary operations. It makes our protocol more flexible. Secondly, universality of quantum communication protocols is studied for the first time. More specifically, module division of quantum communication protocols and coupling between different modules are discussed. Our aforementioned protocol is analyzed as an example. On one hand, plenty of quantum states (the BPB-class states and the BPB-like-class states, which are proposed in this paper) could be used as carrier to perform our protocol. On the other hand, our protocol also could be regarded as a quantum private comparison protocol with a little revision. These features are rare for quantum communication protocols, and make our protocol more robust. Thirdly, entanglements of the BPB-class states are calculated in the Appendix.

  12. A kind of universal quantum secret sharing protocol

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Xiu-Bo; Dou, Zhao; Xu, Gang; He, Xiao-Yu; Yang, Yi-Xian


    Universality is an important feature, but less researched in quantum communication protocols. In this paper, a kind of universal quantum secret sharing protocol is investigated. Firstly, we design a quantum secret sharing protocol based on the Borras-Plastino-Batle (BPB) state. Departing from previous research, our protocol has a salient feature in that participants in our protocol only need projective measurement instead of any unitary operations. It makes our protocol more flexible. Secondly, universality of quantum communication protocols is studied for the first time. More specifically, module division of quantum communication protocols and coupling between different modules are discussed. Our aforementioned protocol is analyzed as an example. On one hand, plenty of quantum states (the BPB-class states and the BPB-like-class states, which are proposed in this paper) could be used as carrier to perform our protocol. On the other hand, our protocol also could be regarded as a quantum private comparison protocol with a little revision. These features are rare for quantum communication protocols, and make our protocol more robust. Thirdly, entanglements of the BPB-class states are calculated in the Appendix. PMID:28079109

  13. What kind of time for a Time Machine?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alfano, Marina; Buccheri, Rosolino


    The linear, unstructured, parameter t used in the equations of mechanics, in spite of its great aptness in describing the nature's laws, does not fit with the unidirectional flow of time tssubjectively experienced by humans, just the investigators of nature. Being ts the main foundation upon which we build our knowledge of nature through our continuous and inescapable reciprocal interaction - the possible key factor of our cerebral modulation, mediator between us and the world -, its objective essence appears to be inevitably destined to remain unveiled. We derive that any imagined and theoretically possible Time Machine, aimed to get us in our past or in our future allowing us to act there, does not have any practical grounds if it is built by using the illusory, impersonal, time, modeled by the parameter t, at the place of our interpersonal lived time ts. A real, humanly-tuned, Time Machine could perhaps arise by integrating tsin the body of a new kind of rationality - a `complex thought' - where empiricism and logic-mathematic are harmonized with participation and interaction. Ongoing joint research in neurophysiology and physics (without neglecting any important contribution coming from anthropology) will surely help achieving such a goal.

  14. Loving-Kindness Meditation to Target Affect in Mood Disorders: A Proof-of-Concept Study

    PubMed Central

    Hofmann, Stefan G.; Petrocchi, Nicola; Steinberg, James; Lin, Muyu; Arimitsu, Kohki; Kind, Shelley; Mendes, Adriana; Stangier, Ulrich


    Conventional treatments for mood disorders primarily focus on reducing negative affect, but little on enhancing positive affect. Loving-kindness meditation (LKM) is a traditional meditation practice directly oriented toward enhancing unconditional and positive emotional states of kindness towards oneself and others. We report here two independent and uncontrolled studies carried out at different centers, one in Boston, USA (n = 10), and one in Frankfurt, Germany (n = 8), to examine the potential therapeutic utility of a brief LKM group intervention for symptoms of dysthymia and depression. Results at both centers suggest that LKM was associated with large-sized effects on self-reported symptoms of depression (d = 3.33 and 1.90), negative affect (d = 1.98 and 0.92), and positive affect (d = 1.63 and 0.94). Large effects were also found for clinician-reported changes in depression, rumination and specific positive emotions, and moderate effects for changes in adaptive emotion regulation strategies. The qualitative data analyses provide additional support for the potential clinical utility of the intervention. This proof-of-concept evaluation of LKM as a clinical strategy warrants further investigation. PMID:26136807

  15. A Qualitative Exploration of Self-Kindness and "Treating Oneself" in Contexts of Eating, Weight Regulation and Other Health Behaviors: Implications for Mindfulness-Based Eating Programs.


    Egan, Helen; Mantzios, Michail


    Background: Caring for oneself through mindfulness and compassion to improve or enhance health behaviors, and specifically eating behaviors has come to the forefront of scientific inquiry. The experiences and challenges for people in decision making around food within the context of self-kindness for body and mind care have not been previously explored. Aims: This study explored the experiences of eating behaviors in a community sample and examined the understanding of self-kindness and its relationship to eating behaviors and wellbeing of body and mind. Methods: A phenomenological theoretical position was taken; data were collected using individual semi-structured interviews. The sample was twenty-five members of the wider community in the West Midlands in England. The data were analyzed using Braun and Clarke's (2006) procedural steps for thematic analysis. Results: Two overarching themes were inductively formulated: 'Thinking about eating' and 'Caring for body and mind'. Five themes were constructed: (a) Treat food is exceptional eating, (b) The proof of the pudding is in the planning, (c) Dieting is a dirty word, which are subsumed under Thinking about eating, and (d) Self-kindness is a disavowed abstract noun, and (e) Self-kindness: A rose by any other name; under Caring for body and mind. Participants described a number of ways of treating themselves both with food and with other activities and pleasure in eating was discussed in terms of social aspects of eating rather than food. Two clear contradictions within narratives around eating and health behaviors were shown. Participants largely eschewed the concept of dieting, but described engaging in highly regulated and restrained eating. There was a lack of connection with the notion of self-kindness; although positive eating and exercise health behaviors were undertaken, they were described as necessary self-regulation, not construed as acts of self-kindness. Conclusion: The results suggests a lack of ease in

  16. 34 CFR 658.12 - For what kinds of projects does the Secretary assist associations and organizations?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Education (Continued) OFFICE OF POSTSECONDARY EDUCATION, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION UNDERGRADUATE INTERNATIONAL... contribution to strengthening and improving undergraduate instruction in international studies and foreign... 34 Education 3 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false For what kinds of projects does the Secretary assist...

  17. 7 CFR 201.62 - Tests for determination of percentages of kind, variety, type, hybrid, or offtype.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Tests for determination of percentages of kind, variety, type, hybrid, or offtype. 201.62 Section 201.62 Agriculture Regulations of the Department of Agriculture (Continued) AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE (Standards, Inspections, Marketing Practices...

  18. Two-year-olds use the generic/non-generic distinction to guide their inferences about novel kinds

    PubMed Central

    Graham, Susan A.; Nayer, Samantha L.; Gelman, Susan A.


    These studies investigated 24- and 30-month-olds’ sensitivity to generic versus nongeneric language when acquiring knowledge about novel kinds. Toddlers were administered an inductive inference task, during which they heard a generic noun-phrase (e.g., “Blicks drink milk”) or a non-generic noun-phrase (e.g., “This blick drinks milk”) paired with an action (e.g., drinking) modeled on an object. They were then provided with the model and a non-model exemplar and asked to imitate the action. After hearing non-generic phrases, 30-month-olds, but not 24-month-olds, imitated more often with the model than with the non-model exemplar. In contrast, after hearing generic phrases, 30-month-olds imitated equally often with both exemplars. These results suggest that 30-month-olds use the generic/non-generic distinction to guide their inferences about novel kinds. PMID:21410928

  19. Polymethylated [Fe(η6-arene)2]2+ dications: methyl-group rearrangements and application of the EINS mechanism.


    Štíbr, Bohumil; Bakardjiev, Mario; Hájková, Zuzana; Holub, Josef; Padělková, Zdenka; Růžička, Aleš; Kennedy, John D


    Reactions between the methylated arenes ArMe(n) [where ArMe(n) = C(6)Me(n)H((6-n)), and n = 1-6] and FeCl(2) in heptane at 90 °C in the presence of anhydrous AlCl(3) give, for the arenes with n = 1-5, extensive isomerisations and disproportionations involving the methyl groups on the arene rings, and the formation of mixtures of [Fe(ArMe(n))(2)](2+) dications that defy separation into pure species. GC-MS studies of AlCl(3)/mesitylene and AlCl(3)/durene reactions in the absence of FeCl(2) (90 °C, 2 h) allow quantitative assessments of the rearrangements, and the EINS mechanism (electrophile-induced nucleophilic substitution) is applied to rationalise the phenomena. By contrast, ArMe(n) / FeCl(2) /AlCl(3) reactions in heptane for 24-36 h at room-temperature proceed with no rearrangements, allowing the synthesis of the complete series of pure [Fe(ArMen)](2+) cations in yields of 48-71%. The pure compounds are characterised by (1)H NMR spectroscopy and electrospray-ionization mass-spectrometry (ESI-MS), and the structures of [Fe(m-xylene)(2)][PF(6)](2) and [Fe(durene)(2)][PF(6)](2) are established by single-crystal X-ray diffraction analyses.

  20. The effect of loving-kindness meditation on positive emotions: a meta-analytic review.


    Zeng, Xianglong; Chiu, Cleo P K; Wang, Rong; Oei, Tian P S; Leung, Freedom Y K


    While it has been suggested that loving-kindness meditation (LKM) is an effective practice for promoting positive emotions, the empirical evidence in the literature remains unclear. Here, we provide a systematic review of 24 empirical studies (N = 1759) on LKM with self-reported positive emotions. The effect of LKM on positive emotions was estimated with meta-analysis, and the influence of variations across LKM interventions was further explored with subgroup analysis and meta-regression. The meta-analysis showed that (1) medium effect sizes for LKM interventions on daily positive emotions in both wait-list controlled RCTs and non-RCT studies; and (2) small to large effect sizes for the on-going practice of LKM on immediate positive emotions across different comparisons. Further analysis showed that (1) interventions focused on loving-kindness had medium effect size, but interventions focused on compassion showed small effect sizes; (2) the length of interventions and the time spent on meditation did not influence the effect sizes, but the studies without didactic components in interventions had small effect sizes. A few individual studies reported that the nature of positive emotions and individual differences also influenced the results. In sum, LKM practice and interventions are effective in enhancing positive emotions, but more studies are needed to identify the active components of the interventions, to compare different psychological operations, and to explore the applicability in clinical populations.

  1. The effect of loving-kindness meditation on positive emotions: a meta-analytic review

    PubMed Central

    Zeng, Xianglong; Chiu, Cleo P. K.; Wang, Rong; Oei, Tian P. S.; Leung, Freedom Y. K.


    While it has been suggested that loving-kindness meditation (LKM) is an effective practice for promoting positive emotions, the empirical evidence in the literature remains unclear. Here, we provide a systematic review of 24 empirical studies (N = 1759) on LKM with self-reported positive emotions. The effect of LKM on positive emotions was estimated with meta-analysis, and the influence of variations across LKM interventions was further explored with subgroup analysis and meta-regression. The meta-analysis showed that (1) medium effect sizes for LKM interventions on daily positive emotions in both wait-list controlled RCTs and non-RCT studies; and (2) small to large effect sizes for the on-going practice of LKM on immediate positive emotions across different comparisons. Further analysis showed that (1) interventions focused on loving-kindness had medium effect size, but interventions focused on compassion showed small effect sizes; (2) the length of interventions and the time spent on meditation did not influence the effect sizes, but the studies without didactic components in interventions had small effect sizes. A few individual studies reported that the nature of positive emotions and individual differences also influenced the results. In sum, LKM practice and interventions are effective in enhancing positive emotions, but more studies are needed to identify the active components of the interventions, to compare different psychological operations, and to explore the applicability in clinical populations. PMID:26579061

  2. [Comparative research on Cd removal from water by different kinds of seedlings].


    Wang, Yan-yan; Xu, Jing-bo; Sheng, Lian-xi


    Ecological effects of Cd removal from water and the changes of physiological and biochemical indexes of seedlings of maize, sunflower and castor-oil plant were investigated. The results showed that (1) with the trial time lasting, Cd content in solution decreased, and the processes of Cd removal by seedlings of each concentration were almost completed in 48 hours. The removal effects of sunflower and castor-oil plant were better than those of maize at 1 mg x L(-1) and 2 mg x L(-1) Cd, whereas the best removal effects at 5 mg x L(-1) and 10 mg x L(-) Cd were those of castor-oil plant, followed by maize and sunflower. (2) Root absorbed the most proportion of Cd by all these three kinds of seedlings at every treatment. The ability of Cd accumulation by the three kinds of seedlings could be drawn as follow sunflower> castor-oil plant > maize. (3) The physiological and biochemical indexes of seedlings exposed to Cd for 72 hours had changed to different degree compared with control. The root activity and the proline content of sunflower both have significant relations with Cd accumulation, and the plasma membrane permeability and the proline content of castor-oil plant both have significant positive relations with Cd accumulation. Maize, sunflower and castor-oil plant could endure certain concentration of Cd, and the tolerance of sunflower and castor-oil plant are both greater than that of maize through general analysis of Cd accumulation and the changes of physiological and biochemical indexes.

  3. Modelling and strategy optimisation for a kind of networked evolutionary games with memories under the bankruptcy mechanism

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, Shihua; Li, Haitao; Zhao, Guodong


    This paper investigates the evolutionary dynamic and strategy optimisation for a kind of networked evolutionary games whose strategy updating rules incorporate 'bankruptcy' mechanism, and the situation that each player's bankruptcy is due to the previous continuous low profits gaining from the game is considered. First, by using semi-tensor product of matrices method, the evolutionary dynamic of this kind of games is expressed as a higher order logical dynamic system and then converted into its algebraic form, based on which, the evolutionary dynamic of the given games can be discussed. Second, the strategy optimisation problem is investigated, and some free-type control sequences are designed to maximise the total payoff of the whole game. Finally, an illustrative example is given to show that our new results are very effective.

  4. Two-Year-Olds Use the Generic/Nongeneric Distinction to Guide Their Inferences about Novel Kinds

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Graham, Susan A.; Nayer, Samantha L.; Gelman, Susan A.


    These studies investigated two hundred and forty-four 24- and 30-month-olds' sensitivity to generic versus nongeneric language when acquiring knowledge about novel kinds. Toddlers were administered an inductive inference task, during which they heard a generic noun phrase (e.g., "Blicks drink milk") or a nongeneric noun phrase (e.g., "This blick…

  5. 29 CFR 2509.94-3 - Interpretive bulletin relating to in-kind contributions to employee benefit plans.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... employee benefit plans. 2509.94-3 Section 2509.94-3 Labor Regulations Relating to Labor (Continued) EMPLOYEE BENEFITS SECURITY ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR GENERAL INTERPRETIVE BULLETINS RELATING TO...-kind contributions to employee benefit plans. (a) General. This bulletin sets forth the views of the...

  6. [An experimental study on the adaptation of three kinds of porcelain fused-to-metal restorations].


    Pei, Yan-Ping; Chen, Ji-Hua; Chang, Qing; Lin, Song-Shan; Zhang, He


    To compare the adaptation of porcelain fused-to-metal (PFM) restorations made from Ni-Cr alloy, precious alloy and galvanized forming copings after cementation and to provide a theory guidance for their application. Three kinds of crowns (Ni-Cr alloy, precious alloy and galvanized forming) were manufactured and cleaned by ultrasonic vibrate with alcoholic solution for 5 minutes, and cemented on their dies as their order. All the crowns were cemented by polycarboxylate zinc-cement and maintained 10 minutes. After coated in the center of methyl acrylic resins, all the samples were cut vertically along buccolingual direction. The cement thickness of PFM was measured by scanning electron microscope and the data were analyzed by multivariate ANOVA. No significant difference was found between the cement thickness of precious alloy crown and galvanized forming crown (P>0.05), while both of these two kinds of crown had significant differences in cement thickness with Ni-Cr crown (P<0.05). The adaptation of precious alloy crown and galvanized forming crown are superior to Ni-Cr crown.

  7. An evaluation of favorite kind of day drawings from physically maltreated and non-maltreated children.


    Veltman, M W; Browne, K D


    This study aimed to replicate Manning's (1987) research that looked at "Favorite Kind of Day" drawings produced by children who had been maltreated in comparison to non-maltreated children. The hypothesis of the study was that the maltreated children's drawings would consistently differ from drawings produced by non-maltreated children over time. Eighteen children aged between 4 and 8 years old were individually asked to draw their "Favorite Kind of Day" (FKD). The drawings from six physically maltreated participants were compared to 12 non-maltreated children matched for age, sex, socio-economic and educational background. The drawings were compared on three criteria: inclement weather, size, and movement of weather. The results showed that over a period of 18 months, maltreated and non-maltreated children consistently drew similar drawings, and no significant differences were found between the groups. The implications of these findings cannot be underestimated, as clinical use of the FKD technique suggested by Manning's findings, for English children at least, would lead to incorrect identification of children as having suffered maltreatment when they may in fact not have.

  8. Black holes thermodynamics in a new kind of noncommutative geometry

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faizal, Mir; Amorim, R. G. G.; Ulhoa, S. C.

    Motivated by the energy-dependent metric in gravity’s rainbow, we will propose a new kind of energy-dependent noncommutative geometry. It will be demonstrated that like gravity’s rainbow, this new noncommutative geometry is described by an energy-dependent metric. We will analyze the effect of this noncommutative deformation on the Schwarzschild black holes and Kerr black holes. We will perform our analysis by relating the commutative and this new energy-dependent noncommutative metrics using an energy-dependent Moyal star product. We will also analyze the thermodynamics of these new noncommutative black hole solutions. We will explicitly derive expression for the corrected entropy and temperature for these black hole solutions. It will be demonstrated that, for these deformed solutions, black remnants cannot form. This is because these corrections increase rather than reduce the temperature of the black holes.

  9. Gender as a historical kind: a tale of two genders?


    Godman, Marion


    Is there anything that members of each binary category of gender have in common? Even many non-essentialists find the lack of unity within a gender worrying as it undermines the basis for a common political agenda for women. One promising proposal for achieving unity is by means of a shared historical lineage of cultural reproduction with past binary models of gender (e.g. Bach in Ethics 122:231-272, 2012). I demonstrate how such an account is likely to take on board different binary and also non-binary systems of gender. This implies that all individuals construed as members of the category, "women" are in fact not members of the same historical kind after all! I then consider different possible means of modifying the account but conclude negatively: the problem runs deeper than has been appreciated thus far.

  10. On being grateful and kind: results of two randomized controlled trials on study-related emotions and academic engagement.


    Ouweneel, Else; Le Blanc, Pascale M; Schaufeli, Wilmar B


    Despite the large amount of research attention to engagement as well as positive psychology in a general context, there have been few attempts to increase academic well-being by means of positive psychological interventions. This article tests the potential of positive psychological interventions to enhance study-related positive emotions and academic engagement, and to reduce study-related negative emotions among university students. We modified two existing positive interventions that are aimed at increasing general happiness for use in an academic context. These interventions focused on "thoughts of gratitude" and "acts of kindness," respectively. The present study consisted of two randomized controlled trials with experimental (thoughts of gratitude or acts of kindness) and control conditions in which participants were monitored on a daily basis during the one-week intervention, and additional pre-, post-, and follow-up assessments were carried out. Results revealed that the gratitude intervention had a significant positive effect on daily positive emotions only. The kindness intervention had a positive influence on both positive emotions and academic engagement, though not in the long run. The results showed no effects on negative emotions in either of the two interventions. Positive psychological interventions seem to foster positive emotions and academic engagement, but do not decrease negative emotions.

  11. Understanding Conflict Resolution Philosophically in a School Setting: Three Different Kinds of Violence and Dialogue

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Guilherme, Alexandre


    According to Galtung, violence can be divided into two kinds: (i) direct violence, which is always physical in a wider sense (e.g. bodily harm or verbal abuse) or (ii) indirect violence that is either structural (i.e. the institution is structurally violent because it is organised so to privilege a group over others; e.g. a strict pyramidal…

  12. Defense Infrastructure: In-Kind Construction and Renovation Projects Initiated by DOD during Fiscal Year 2013

    DTIC Science & Technology


    property conveyed by the Navy. Installation officials generally have more flexibility in real-estate transactions. According to officials of the...Air Force Civil Engineer Center, in-kind payment projects offer installation officials greater flexibility in executing real-estate transactions...air conditioning, fire protection, utility connections, pavement , and information systems. Agreement between Army and Air Force Exchange Services

  13. 36 CFR § 1254.1 - What kinds of archival materials may I use for research?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... materials may I use for research? § 1254.1 Section § 1254.1 Parks, Forests, and Public Property NATIONAL... MATERIALS General Information § 1254.1 What kinds of archival materials may I use for research? (a) The... information about records and we make them available to the public for research unless they have access...

  14. 34 CFR 365.15 - What requirements apply if the State's non-Federal share is in kind?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 34 Education 2 2011-07-01 2010-07-01 true What requirements apply if the State's non-Federal share is in kind? 365.15 Section 365.15 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE...

  15. 34 CFR 365.15 - What requirements apply if the State's non-Federal share is in kind?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 34 Education 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false What requirements apply if the State's non-Federal share is in kind? 365.15 Section 365.15 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department of Education (Continued) OFFICE OF SPECIAL EDUCATION AND REHABILITATIVE SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION STATE...

  16. A Qualitative Exploration of Self-Kindness and “Treating Oneself” in Contexts of Eating, Weight Regulation and Other Health Behaviors: Implications for Mindfulness-Based Eating Programs

    PubMed Central

    Egan, Helen; Mantzios, Michail


    Background: Caring for oneself through mindfulness and compassion to improve or enhance health behaviors, and specifically eating behaviors has come to the forefront of scientific inquiry. The experiences and challenges for people in decision making around food within the context of self-kindness for body and mind care have not been previously explored. Aims: This study explored the experiences of eating behaviors in a community sample and examined the understanding of self-kindness and its relationship to eating behaviors and wellbeing of body and mind. Methods: A phenomenological theoretical position was taken; data were collected using individual semi-structured interviews. The sample was twenty-five members of the wider community in the West Midlands in England. The data were analyzed using Braun and Clarke’s (2006) procedural steps for thematic analysis. Results: Two overarching themes were inductively formulated: ‘Thinking about eating’ and ‘Caring for body and mind’. Five themes were constructed: (a) Treat food is exceptional eating, (b) The proof of the pudding is in the planning, (c) Dieting is a dirty word, which are subsumed under Thinking about eating, and (d) Self-kindness is a disavowed abstract noun, and (e) Self-kindness: A rose by any other name; under Caring for body and mind. Participants described a number of ways of treating themselves both with food and with other activities and pleasure in eating was discussed in terms of social aspects of eating rather than food. Two clear contradictions within narratives around eating and health behaviors were shown. Participants largely eschewed the concept of dieting, but described engaging in highly regulated and restrained eating. There was a lack of connection with the notion of self-kindness; although positive eating and exercise health behaviors were undertaken, they were described as necessary self-regulation, not construed as acts of self-kindness. Conclusion: The results suggests a lack

  17. A thought construction of working perpetuum mobile of the second kind

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Čápek, V.; Bok, J.


    The previously published model of the isothermal Maxwell demon as one of models of open quantum systems endowed with the faculty of selforganization is reconstructed here. It describes an open quantum system interacting with a single thermodynamic bath but otherwise not aided from outside. Its activity is given by the standard linear Liouville equation for the system and bath. Owing to its selforganization property, the model then yields cyclic conversion of heat from the bath into mechanical work without compensation. Hence, it provides an explicit thought construction of perpetuum mobile of the second kind, contradicting thus the Thomson formulation of the second law of thermodynamics. No approximation is involved as a special scaling procedure is used which makes the employed kinetic equations exact.

  18. Focused attention, open monitoring and loving kindness meditation: effects on attention, conflict monitoring, and creativity – A review

    PubMed Central

    Lippelt, Dominique P.; Hommel, Bernhard; Colzato, Lorenza S.


    Meditation is becoming increasingly popular as a topic for scientific research and theories on meditation are becoming ever more specific. We distinguish between what is called focused Attention meditation, open Monitoring meditation, and loving kindness (or compassion) meditation. Research suggests that these meditations have differential, dissociable effects on a wide range of cognitive (control) processes, such as attentional selection, conflict monitoring, divergent, and convergent thinking. Although research on exactly how the various meditations operate on these processes is still missing, different kinds of meditations are associated with different neural structures and different patterns of electroencephalographic activity. In this review we discuss recent findings on meditation and suggest how the different meditations may affect cognitive processes, and we give suggestions for directions of future research. PMID:25295025

  19. Measurement and Ontology: What Kind of Evidence Can We Have for Quantum Fields?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Falkenburg, Brigitte

    In the following, I deal with the ontology of quantum field theory (QFT) from a Kantian point of view, in terms of parts of empirical reality and their relations. In contradistinction to a formal ontology of QFT that is based primarily on the formal structure of the theory, I focus on the ways in which quantum fields can be measured, and on the structural features of empirical reality to which these measurements give rise. To approach the ontology of quantum fields in terms of measurement results in two paradoxes. First, ontology is about the structure of independent entities which belong to the furniture of the world, but measurements rely on interaction. Second, experimental evidence for quantum field theories is mainly based on particle tracks and other local phenomena. Thus, what kind of evidence can we have for the field structure of quantum fields? My paper attempts to unravel these paradoxes in the following steps. First, I give a rough sketch of the appearances of particle physics, the kinds of experimental evidence which count as tests of quantum electrodynamcs (QED) and the standard model of particle physics (1). In an intermezzo on Kant's view of scientific experience, I explain in which terms we might conceive of empirical reality beyond the claims of strict empiricism (2). Finally, I apply these ideas to the appearances of particle physics and suggest that they commit us to a relational ontology of QFT (3).

  20. Promoting Prosocial Behavior and Self-Regulatory Skills in Preschool Children through a Mindfulness-Based Kindness Curriculum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Flook, Lisa; Goldberg, Simon B.; Pinger, Laura; Davidson, Richard J.


    Self-regulatory abilities are robust predictors of important outcomes across the life span, yet they are rarely taught explicitly in school. Using a randomized controlled design, the present study investigated the effects of a 12-week mindfulness-based Kindness Curriculum (KC) delivered in a public school setting on executive function,…

  1. Ab initio vel ex eventu

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thiessen, P. A.; Treder, H.-J.

    Der gegenwärtige Stand der physikalischen Erkenntnis, in Sonderheit die Atomistik und die Quantentheorie, ermöglicht (in wohldefinierten Energie-Bereichen) eine ab initio-Berechnung aller physikalischen und chemischen Prozesse und Strukturen. Die Schrödinger-Gleichung erlaubt zusammen mit den Prinzipien der Quantenstatistik (Pauli-Prinzip) aus dem Planckschen Wirkungsquantum h und den atomischen Konstanten die Berechnung aller Energieumsätze, Zeitabläufe etc., die insbesondere die chemische Physik bestimmen. Die Rechenresultate gelten auch quantitativ bis auf die unvermeidliche Stochastik.Die ab initio-Berechnungen korrespondieren einerseits und sind andererseits komplementär zu den auf den Methoden der theoretischen Chemie und der klassischen Thermodynamik beruhenden Ergebnissen ex eventu. Die theoretische Behandlung ab initio führt zu mathematischen Experimenten, die die Laboratoriums-Experimente ergänzen oder auch substituieren.Translated AbstractAb initio vel ex eventuThe present state of physical knowledge, in peculiar atomistic and quantum theory, makes an ab initio calculation of all physical and chemical processes and structures possible (in well defined reaches of energy). The Schrödinger equation together with the principles of quantum statistics (Pauli principle) permits from the Planck and atomistic constants to calculate all exchanges of energy, courses of time, etc. which govern chemical physics. The calculated results are valid even quantitatively apart from the unavoidable stochastics.These ab initio calculations on the one hand correspond and are on the other complimentary to results ex eventu based on the methods of theoretical chemistry and classical thermodynamics. Theoretical treatment ab initio leads to mathematical experiments which add to or even substitute experiments in the laboratory.

  2. Einstein's idealism and a new kind of space research

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Popov, M. A.

    In 1935, Albert Einstein, Boris Podolsky and Nathan Rosen made an attempt to imagine quantum experimental nonsense or some impossible experiment (EPR-experiment) in order to justify their local realism in physics. However, in the mid-1960s, John Bell showed that it is possible to realize this kind of nonsense in laboratory. Today, when EPR-refutation of local realism is routine in modern experimental physics (Clauser and Freedman [1972]; Aspect, Dalibard and Roger [1982]; Zeilinger et al. [1998]), we must; nevertheless, remark that Albert Einstein was not always a realist. As is known, in his Special Relativitz A. Einstein introduced some pure idealistic principle which K. Godel developed in famous "Remark about the relationship between Relativity theorz and Idealistic Philosophy" (1949). Kurt Godel for the first time showed an existence of special-relativistic solipsism, assuming that objective simultaneity in experimental science "loses its objective meaning". Correspondingly, there is only subjective simultaneity, that is provable by calculations with the finite velocity of light and astronomical observations. In particular, this space solipsism means that when we observe the sun, we can see only what happend on Sun 8.33 minutes ago; in other words, we percieve only certain sensations or a certain collections of ideas of the past, but not the present. Similarly, when astronomers observe galaxies estimated to be two billion light years from the Earth, they see these galaxies as they were two billion light years ago not as they are Now. Thus, in accordance with this, we may await that in this context for some pairs of astronomical objects we cannot prove they exist NOW. Moreover, this new kind of space research could be connected with introduction of the Cognitive Dark Matter, or, what is associated with manifold of the large-scale events of the Universe as a whole which are realizing Now, beyond consciousness of the observers-humans. Because we cannot know

  3. Life prediction for high temperature low cycle fatigue of two kinds of titanium alloys based on exponential function

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mu, G. Y.; Mi, X. Z.; Wang, F.


    The high temperature low cycle fatigue tests of TC4 titanium alloy and TC11 titanium alloy are carried out under strain controlled. The relationships between cyclic stress-life and strain-life are analyzed. The high temperature low cycle fatigue life prediction model of two kinds of titanium alloys is established by using Manson-Coffin method. The relationship between failure inverse number and plastic strain range presents nonlinear in the double logarithmic coordinates. Manson-Coffin method assumes that they have linear relation. Therefore, there is bound to be a certain prediction error by using the Manson-Coffin method. In order to solve this problem, a new method based on exponential function is proposed. The results show that the fatigue life of the two kinds of titanium alloys can be predicted accurately and effectively by using these two methods. Prediction accuracy is within ±1.83 times scatter zone. The life prediction capability of new methods based on exponential function proves more effective and accurate than Manson-Coffin method for two kinds of titanium alloys. The new method based on exponential function can give better fatigue life prediction results with the smaller standard deviation and scatter zone than Manson-Coffin method. The life prediction results of two methods for TC4 titanium alloy prove better than TC11 titanium alloy.

  4. Classification of different kinds of pesticide residues on lettuce based on fluorescence spectra and WT-BCC-SVM algorithm

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Xin; Jun, Sun; Zhang, Bing; Jun, Wu


    In order to improve the reliability of the spectrum feature extracted by wavelet transform, a method combining wavelet transform (WT) with bacterial colony chemotaxis algorithm and support vector machine (BCC-SVM) algorithm (WT-BCC-SVM) was proposed in this paper. Besides, we aimed to identify different kinds of pesticide residues on lettuce leaves in a novel and rapid non-destructive way by using fluorescence spectra technology. The fluorescence spectral data of 150 lettuce leaf samples of five different kinds of pesticide residues on the surface of lettuce were obtained using Cary Eclipse fluorescence spectrometer. Standard normalized variable detrending (SNV detrending), Savitzky-Golay coupled with Standard normalized variable detrending (SG-SNV detrending) were used to preprocess the raw spectra, respectively. Bacterial colony chemotaxis combined with support vector machine (BCC-SVM) and support vector machine (SVM) classification models were established based on full spectra (FS) and wavelet transform characteristics (WTC), respectively. Moreover, WTC were selected by WT. The results showed that the accuracy of training set, calibration set and the prediction set of the best optimal classification model (SG-SNV detrending-WT-BCC-SVM) were 100%, 98% and 93.33%, respectively. In addition, the results indicated that it was feasible to use WT-BCC-SVM to establish diagnostic model of different kinds of pesticide residues on lettuce leaves.

  5. [Development of analysis software package for the two kinds of Japanese fluoro-d-glucose-positron emission tomography guideline].


    Matsumoto, Keiichi; Endo, Keigo


    Two kinds of Japanese guidelines for the data acquisition protocol of oncology fluoro-D-glucose-positron emission tomography (FDG-PET)/computed tomography (CT) scans were created by the joint task force of the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine Technology (JSNMT) and the Japanese Society of Nuclear Medicine (JSNM), and published in Kakuigaku-Gijutsu 27(5): 425-456, 2007 and 29(2): 195-235, 2009. These guidelines aim to standardize PET image quality among facilities and different PET/CT scanner models. The objective of this study was to develop a personal computer-based performance measurement and image quality processor for the two kinds of Japanese guidelines for oncology (18)F-FDG PET/CT scans. We call this software package the "PET quality control tool" (PETquact). Microsoft Corporation's Windows(™) is used as the operating system for PETquact, which requires 1070×720 image resolution and includes 12 different applications. The accuracy was examined for numerous applications of PETquact. For example, in the sensitivity application, the system sensitivity measurement results were equivalent when comparing two PET sinograms obtained from the PETquact and the report. PETquact is suited for analysis of the two kinds of Japanese guideline, and it shows excellent spec to performance measurements and image quality analysis. PETquact can be used at any facility if the software package is installed on a laptop computer.

  6. [Comparative study on four kinds of assessment methods of post-marketing safety of Danhong injection].


    Li, Xuelin; Tang, Jinfa; Meng, Fei; Li, Chunxiao; Xie, Yanming


    To study the adverse reaction of Danhong injection with four kinds of methods, central monitoring method, chart review method, literature study method and spontaneous reporting method, and to compare the differences between them, explore an appropriate method to carry out post-marketing safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine injection. Set down the adverse reactions' questionnaire of four kinds of methods, central monitoring method, chart review method, literature study method and collect the information on adverse reactions in a certain period. Danhong injection adverse reaction information from Henan Province spontaneous reporting system was collected with spontaneous reporting method. Carry on data summary and descriptive analysis. Study the adverse reaction of Danhong injection with four methods of central monitoring method, chart review method, literature study method and spontaneous reporting method, the rates of adverse events were 0.993%, 0.336%, 0.515%, 0.067%, respectively. Cyanosis, arrhythmia, hypotension, sweating, erythema, hemorrhage dermatitis, rash, irritability, bleeding gums, toothache, tinnitus, asthma, elevated aminotransferases, constipation, pain are new discovered adverse reactions. The central monitoring method is the appropriate method to carry out post-marketing safety evaluation of traditional Chinese medicine injection, which could objectively reflect the real world of clinical usage.

  7. From Subhuman to Human Kind: Implicit Bias, Racial Memory, and Black Males in Schools and Society

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, Anthony L.


    This paper argues that implicit racial bias regarding black males is a manifestation of a long trajectory of Western racial memory and anti-blackness where black males have been considered subhuman or as human kinds. The author draws from theological, scientific, and social science literature to illustrate how racial discourses have historically…

  8. Ethylene and pollination decrease transcript abundance of an ethylene receptor gene in Dendrobium petals.


    Thongkum, Monthathip; Burns, Parichart; Bhunchoth, Anjana; Warin, Nuchnard; Chatchawankanphanich, Orawan; van Doorn, Wouter G


    We studied the expression of a gene encoding an ethylene receptor, called Ethylene Response Sensor 1 (Den-ERS1), in the petals of Dendrobium orchid flowers. Transcripts accumulated during the young floral bud stage and declined by the time the flowers had been open for several days. Pollination or exposure to exogenous ethylene resulted in earlier flower senescence, an increase in ethylene production and a lower Den-ERS1 transcript abundance. Treatment with 1-methylcyclopropene (1-MCP), an inhibitor of the ethylene receptor, decreased ethylene production and resulted in high transcript abundance. The literature indicates two kinds of ethylene receptor genes with regard to the effects of ethylene. One group shows ethylene-induced down-regulated transcription, while the other has ethylene-induced up-regulation. The present gene is an example of the first group. The 5' flanking region showed binding sites for Myb and myb-like, homeodomain, MADS domain, NAC, TCP, bHLH and EIN3-like transcription factors. The binding site for the EIN3-like factor might explain the ethylene effect on transcription. A few other transcription factors (RAV1 and NAC) seem also related to ethylene effects. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  9. A new kind of relativity: Compensated delays as phenomenal blind spots.


    Vrobel, Susie


    cones which display a new kind of (Δtlength-Δtdepth-) relativity. This new kind of relativity arises from the oberpants' inability to spot the systemic blindness that manifests itself in anticipated, i.e. compensated, delays. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  10. Analysis of the difference in color development in the dye-binding method due to the kind of buffer solution.


    Suzuki, Yuji


    In a dye-binding method using a pH indicator, color development has reportedly been affected by the kind of buffer solution used in the color reagent. This phenomenon was analyzed by using a calculation based on the assumption that the anion of the buffer solution also reacts with protein. Color development decreases with increases in the anion concentration of the buffer solution and in the equilibrium constant of the reaction between the anion and protein. The differences in color development due to the kind of buffer solution can be attributed to differences in the equilibrium constant of the reaction forming the anion-protein complex and to the concentration of the anion between the buffer solutions.

  11. The kinds of questions asked by novice teachers in learning mathematics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zahra, L.; Kusmayadi, T. A.; Usodo, B.


    This study describes the kinds of questions asked by novice teachers during mathematics learning process in senior high school. This study used descriptive analysis. The subjects of this study were two novice teachers who teach mathematics in 10th grade. The result showed that the frequently asked questions by novice teachers based on the objective were compliance questions, rethorical questions and sometimes prompting questions and probing questions. The frequently questions asked by novice teacher based on the cognitive process dimension of Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy were questions of remembering, questions of understanding, questions of applying, questions of analyzing and questions of evaluating. The novice teachers asked the routine questions which had same thinking level. The question with the highest level of thinking did not asked by the novice teachers.

  12. Physicochemical behavior of several kinds of paper under gamma irradiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jiménez-Reyes, Melania; Tenorio, Dolores; Rojas-Robles, Mariela; García-Rosales, Genoveva


    Several kinds of paper (Bond, Amate, Rice, Press, and Whatman#1) were studied in their original condition and were then exposed to gamma radiation between 3 and 15 kGy (0.9 kGy/h) with intervals of 3 kGy. The length and width of fibers (SEM) as well as pH were measured, and the chemical composition was determined by EDS. Pyrolysis characteristics (TGA and DTC), transmittance spectra by IR and X-ray diffraction patterns were studied as well. Whatman#1 contains only cellulose; whereas Bond, Press and Rice papers also contain calcite and Amate whewellite. All X-ray diffraction patterns showed Type I semicrystalline cellulose, but a slight presence of Type II was noted in the artisan papers (Amate and Rice). These results were confirmed by IR spectra and thermogravimetric analyses. Due to gamma irradiation no acidification nor change of fiber sizes or alteration of other studied parameters were observed. Therefore, these conditions may be recommended for the treatment of some deteriorated documents.

  13. Basic Emotions, Natural Kinds, Emotion Schemas, and a New Paradigm.


    Izard, Carroll E


    Research on emotion flourishes in many disciplines and specialties, yet experts cannot agree on its definition. Theorists and researchers use the term emotion in ways that imply different processes and meanings. Debate continues about the nature of emotions, their functions, their relations to broad affective dimensions, the processes that activate them, and their role in our daily activities and pursuits. I will address these issues here, specifically in terms of basic emotions as natural kinds, the nature of emotion schemas, the development of emotion-cognition relations that lead to emotion schemas, and discrete emotions in relation to affective dimensions. Finally, I propose a new paradigm that assumes continual emotion as a factor in organizing consciousness and as an influence on mind and behavior. The evidence reviewed suggests that a theory that builds on concepts of both basic emotions and emotion schemas provides a viable research tool and is compatible with more holistic or dimensional approaches. © 2007 Association for Psychological Science.

  14. 20 CFR 663.540 - What kind of performance and cost information is required for determinations of subsequent...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKER ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Eligible Training Providers § 663.540 What kind of performance... of training services must submit, at least annually, under procedures established by the Governor...

  15. 20 CFR 663.540 - What kind of performance and cost information is required for determinations of subsequent...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR ADULT AND DISLOCATED WORKER ACTIVITIES UNDER TITLE I OF THE WORKFORCE INVESTMENT ACT Eligible Training Providers § 663.540 What kind of performance... of training services must submit, at least annually, under procedures established by the Governor...

  16. Cell responses to two kinds of nanohydroxyapatite with different sizes and crystallinities.


    Liu, Xiaochen; Zhao, Minzhi; Lu, Jingxiong; Ma, Jian; Wei, Jie; Wei, Shicheng


    Hydroxyapatite (HA) is the principal inorganic constituent of human bone. Due to its good biocompatibility and osteoconductivity, all kinds of HA particles were prepared by different methods. Numerous reports demonstrated that the properties of HA affected its biological effects. Two kinds of nanohydroxyapatite with different sizes and crystallinities were obtained via a hydrothermal treatment method under different temperatures. It was found that at a temperature of 140°C, a rod-like crystal (n-HA1) with a diameter of 23 ± 5 nm, a length of 47 ± 14 nm, and crystallinity of 85% ± 5% was produced, while at a temperature of 80°C, a rod-like crystal (n-HA2) with a diameter of 16 ± 3 nm, a length of 40 ± 10 nm, and crystallinity of 65% ± 3% was produced. The influence of nanohydroxyapatite size and crystallinity on osteoblast viability was studied by MTT, scanning electron microscopy, and flow cytometry. n-HA1 gave a better biological response than n-HA2 in promoting cell growth and inhibiting cell apoptosis, and also exhibited much more active cell morphology. Alkaline phosphatase activity for both n-HA2 and n-HA1 was obviously higher than for the control, and no significant difference was found between n-HA1 and n-HA2. The same trend was observed on Western blotting for expression of type I collagen and osteopontin. In addition, it was found by transmission electron microscopy that large quantities of n-HA2 entered into the cell and damaged the cellular morphology. Release of tumor necrosis factor alpha from n-HA2 was markedly higher than from n-HA1, indicating that n-HA2 might trigger a severe inflammatory response. This work indicates that not all nanohydroxyapatite should be considered a good biomaterial in future clinical applications.

  17. [Ultrastructure and Raman Spectral Characteristics of Two Kinds of Acute Myeloid Leukemia Cells].


    Liang, Hao-Yue; Cheng, Xue-Lian; Dong, Shu-Xu; Zhao, Shi-Xuan; Wang, Ying; Ru, Yong-Xin


    To investigate the Raman spectral characteristics of leukemia cells from 4 patients with acute promyelocytic leukemia (M 3 ) and 3 patients with acute monoblastic leukemia (M 5 ), establish a novel Raman label-free method to distinguish 2 kinds of acute myeloid leukemia cells so as to provide basis for clinical research. Leukemia cells were collected from bone marrow of above-mentioned patients. Raman spectra were acquired by Horiba Xplora Raman spectrometer and Raman spectra of 30-50 cells from each patient were recorded. The diagnostic model was established according to principle component analysis (PCA), discriminant function analysis (DFA) and cluster analysis, and the spectra of leukemia cells from 7 patients were analyzed and classified. Characteristics of Raman spectra were analyzed combining with ultrastructure of leukemia cells. There were significant differences between Raman spectra of 2 kinds of leukemia cells. Compared with acute monoblastic leukemia cells, the spectra of acute promyelocytic leukemia cells showed stronger peaks in 622, 643, 757, 852, 1003, 1033, 1117, 1157, 1173, 1208, 1340, 1551, 1581 cm -1 . The diagnostic models established by PCA-DFA and cluster analysis could successfully classify these Raman spectra of different samples with a high accuracy of 100% (233/233). The model was evaluated by "Leave-one-out" cross-validation and reached a high accuracy of 97% (226/233). The level of macromolecules of M 3 cells is higher than that of M 5 . The diagnostic models established by PCA-DFA can classify these Raman spectra of different cells with a high accuracy. Raman spectra shows consistent result with ultrastructure by TEM.

  18. Novel KIND1 gene mutation in Kindler syndrome with severe gastrointestinal tract involvement.


    Sadler, Elke; Klausegger, Alfred; Muss, Wolfgang; Deinsberger, Ursula; Pohla-Gubo, Gabriele; Laimer, Martin; Lanschuetzer, Christoph; Bauer, Johann W; Hintner, Helmut


    Kindler syndrome (online Mendelian Inheritance in Man No. 173650) is an autosomal recessive genodermatosis characterized by acral trauma-induced blistering that improves with age and by progressive poikiloderma in later life. Other clinical features include photosensitivity, webbing of the fingers and toes, nail dystrophy, periodontal disease, and mucosal alterations. Aside from esophageal or anal stenosis, gastrointestinal tract involvement seems to be rare in Kindler syndrome. Recently, mutations in the KIND1 gene that encodes for the membrane-associated protein kindlin-1 have been identified. Kindlin-1 links the actin cytoskeleton to the extracellular matrix and is supposed to have cell-signaling functions owing to different functional domains. In particular, a domain with high homology to 4.1/ezrin/radixin/moesin (FERM) proteins is closely related to the sequences of talin that mediate integrin binding and therefore may play a role in integrin-dependent processes such as cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis. Complete loss of this multifunctional protein in our patient with Kindler syndrome resulted in severe gastrointestinal tract involvement with hemorrhagic colitis. Mucosa of the descending and sigmoid colon and the rectum showed erosions and ulcers with pseudomembranous alterations of an overall highly vulnerable mucosa. Mutation analysis revealed a homozygous status for the novel mutation 20/21delTT in exon 2 of the KIND1 gene resulting in a preterminal stop codon creating a nonfunctional peptide 17 amino acids in length. Because of our experience with this and another patient, we propose that gastrointestinal tract involvement should be looked at more frequently in Kindler syndrome.

  19. Saudi Parents' Perceptions of the Kind of Help They Offer to Their Primary School Kids

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mahmoud, Salameh S.


    Parents in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia usually help their kids in early school years especially in English language. This help varies according to the parents' level of education, the degree of difficulty of the curriculum and the type of school their kids join. Sometimes they give the right kind of help that matches the teachers' strategies and…

  20. The study and application of four kinds of organic ion-selective microsensors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Bi; Zheng, Xiao; Feng, Chu; Hong, Wen-Bing; Liu, Jun-Tao; Wang, Ru-Jiang


    Four kinds of organic ion-selective microelectrodes (two barrels, tip diameter 0.1-0.5 micron) have been developed for the measurement of acetylcholine, histamine, serotonin, and bile acid. Physiological and pathological models on the cellular or sub-cellular level have been established for the purpose of basic and clinical pharmacological research, treatment or diagnosis of certain diseases. The acetylcholine sensitive microelectrode has been applied to the study of acetylcholine activity in single erythrocytes of normal human subjects and patients suffering from manic depressive disorders. The bile acid selective microelectrode has been used for the direct measurement of intracellular bile acid activities both in colorectal cancer and colorectal mucosa in living condition.

  1. Influence of different kinds of rolling on the crystallographic texture and magnetic induction of a NOG 3 wt% Si steel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, J. M.; Baêta Júnior, E. S.; Moraes, N. R. D. C.; Botelho, R. A.; Felix, R. A. C.; Brandao, L.


    The purpose of this work was to study the influence of different kinds of rolling on the magnetic properties of NOG steel, an electric steel widely used in electrical motors. These properties are highly correlated with the crystallographic texture of the material, which can be changed by rolling. Three kinds of rolling were examined: conventional rolling, cross-rolling and asymmetrical rolling. The crystallographic texture was determined by X-ray diffraction and the magnetic properties were calculated from a theoretical model that related the magnetic induction to crystallographic texture through the anisotropy energy. The results show that cross-rolling yields higher values of magnetic induction than the other processes.

  2. 38 CFR 61.12 - Capital grant application packages-threshold requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... contains the Employer Identification Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN) that corresponds to... must provide such an IRS determination letter, which includes their EIN/TIN. Applicants that apply under a group EIN/TIN must be identified by the parent EIN/TIN as a member or sub-unit of the parent EIN...

  3. 38 CFR 61.12 - Capital grant application packages-threshold requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... contains the Employer Identification Number or Taxpayer Identification Number (EIN/TIN) that corresponds to... must provide such an IRS determination letter, which includes their EIN/TIN. Applicants that apply under a group EIN/TIN must be identified by the parent EIN/TIN as a member or sub-unit of the parent EIN...

  4. Transcriptional regulation of three EIN3-like genes of carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L. cv. Improved White Sim) during flower development and upon wounding, pollination, and ethylene exposure.


    Iordachescu, Mihaela; Verlinden, Sven


    Using a combination of approaches, three EIN3-like (EIL) genes DC-EIL1/2 (AY728191), DC-EIL3 (AY728192), and DC-EIL4 (AY728193) were isolated from carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus) petals. DC-EIL1/2 deduced amino acid sequence shares 98% identity with the previously cloned and characterized carnation DC-EIL1 (AF261654), 62% identity with DC-EIL3, and 60% identity with DC-EIL4. DC-EIL3 deduced amino acid sequence shares 100% identity with a previously cloned carnation gene fragment, Dc106 (CF259543), 61% identity with Dianthus caryophyllus DC-EIL1 (AF261654), and 59% identity with DC-EIL4. DC-EIL4 shared 60% identity with DC-EIL1 (AF261654). Expression analyses performed on vegetative and flower tissues (petals, ovaries, and styles) during growth and development and senescence (natural and ethylene-induced) indicated that the mRNA accumulation of the DC-EIL family of genes in carnation is regulated developmentally and by ethylene. DC-EIL3 mRNA showed significant accumulation upon ethylene exposure, during flower development, and upon pollination in petals and styles. Interestingly, decreasing levels of DC-EIL3 mRNA were found in wounded leaves and ovaries of senescing flowers whenever ethylene levels increased. Flowers treated with sucrose showed a 2 d delay in the accumulation of DC-EIL3 transcripts when compared with control flowers. These observations suggest an important role for DC-EIL3 during growth and development. Changes in DC-EIL1/2 and DC-EIL4 mRNA levels during flower development, and upon ethylene exposure and pollination were very similar. mRNA levels of the DC-EILs in styles of pollinated flowers showed a positive correlation with ethylene production after pollination. The cloning and characterization of the EIN3-like genes in the present study showed their transcriptional regulation not previously observed for EILs.

  5. The effects of kinds of lumus and the storage period on the quality of patin wadi based on the results of nutrient tests

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dewi, Indah Sari; Hastuti, Utami Sri; Lestari, Umi; Suwono, Hadi


    Wadi is the processed product of fish, due to local knowledge of the Dayak community, made of fresh fish with salt and lumus. The efforts to increase the quality of wadi as a kind of food were based on local knowledge, and are still ongoing. It is one of the ways to conserve wadi existence in the middle of the modern culture. It is important to add a variety of spices in suitable amounts as the innovation in producing wadi. People process wadi by using lumus made of rice and corn. Lumus gives a special taste and aroma t o wadi, furthermore, the effects of kinds of lumus and their concentrates, and the storage period on the nutrients of wadi are not known yet. This research used patin fish (Pangasius sp), white rice (Oryza sativa), white sticky rice (Oryza sativa var.glutinous), and corn (Zea mays) as the kinds of lumus. Each kind of lumus is mixed with fresh patin fish in different concentrations: 15%, 25% and 35%. The results of nutrient tests include measures of protein, carbohydrate, and fat, and show that patin which has been processed into wadi has more nutrients than fresh patin. The storage period and the varying concentrates of lumus effect the level of nutrients in patin wadi.

  6. 34 CFR 658.10 - For what kinds of projects does the Secretary assist institutions of higher education?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... institutions of higher education? 658.10 Section 658.10 Education Regulations of the Offices of the Department... Program? § 658.10 For what kinds of projects does the Secretary assist institutions of higher education? (a) The Secretary may provide assistance to an institution of higher education, a consortium of...

  7. Pro-106-Ser mutation and EPSPS overexpression acting together simultaneously in glyphosate-resistant goosegrass (Eleusine indica).


    Gherekhloo, Javid; Fernández-Moreno, Pablo T; Alcántara-de la Cruz, Ricardo; Sánchez-González, Eduardo; Cruz-Hipolito, Hugo E; Domínguez-Valenzuela, José A; De Prado, Rafael


    Glyphosate has been used for more than 15 years for weed management in citrus groves in the Gulf of Mexico, at up to 3-4 applications per year. Goosegrass (Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn.) control has sometimes failed. In this research, the mechanisms governing three goosegrass biotypes (Ein-Or from an orange grove, and Ein-Pl1 and Ein-Pl2 from Persian lime groves) with suspected resistance to glyphosate were characterized and compared to a susceptible biotype (Ein-S). Dose-response and shikimate accumulation assays confirmed resistance of the resistant (R) biotypes. There were no differences in glyphosate absorption, but the R biotypes retained up to 62-78% of the herbicide in the treated leaf at 96 h after treatment (HAT), in comparison to the Ein-S biotype (36%). The 5-enolpyruvylshikimate-3-phosphate synthase (EPSPS) activity in the Ein-Or and Ein-S biotypes was over 100-fold lower than the Ein-Pl1 and Ein-Pl2 ones. The latter showed a high EPSPS-basal activity, a mutation at Pro-106-Ser position in the EPSPS gene, and EPSPS overexpression. The EPSPS basal and EPSPS overexpression were positively correlated. The R goosegrass biotypes displayed poor glyphosate translocation. Furthermore, this grassweed showed, for the first time, two mechanisms at the target-site level (Pro-106-Ser mutation + EPSPS overexpression) acting together simultaneously against glyphosate.

  8. Clonal evolution in paired endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia/atypical hyperplasia and endometrioid adenocarcinoma.


    Russo, Mariano; Broach, James; Sheldon, Kathryn; Houser, Kenneth R; Liu, Dajiang J; Kesterson, Joshua; Phaeton, Rebecca; Hossler, Carrie; Hempel, Nadine; Baker, Maria; Newell, Jordan M; Zaino, Richard; Warrick, Joshua I


    Endometrial intraepithelial neoplasia (EIN) and atypical endometrial hyperplasia (AH) are histomorphologically defined precursors to endometrioid adenocarcinoma, which are unified as EIN/AH by the World Health Organization. EIN/AH harbors a constellation of molecular alterations similar to those found in endometrioid adenocarcinoma. However, the process of clonal evolution from EIN/AH to carcinoma is poorly characterized. To investigate, we performed next-generation sequencing, copy number alteration (CNA) analysis, and immunohistochemistry for mismatch repair protein expression on EIN/AH and endometrioid adenocarcinoma samples from 6 hysterectomy cases with spatially distinct EIN/AH and carcinoma. In evaluating all samples, EIN/AH and carcinoma did not differ in mutational burden, CNA burden, or specific genes mutated (all P>.1). All paired EIN/AH and carcinoma samples shared at least one identical somatic mutation, frequently in PI(3)K pathway members. Large CNAs (>10 genes in length) were identified in 83% of cases; paired EIN/AH and carcinoma samples shared at least one identical CNA in these cases. Mismatch repair protein expression matched in all paired EIN/AH and carcinoma samples. All paired EIN/AH and carcinoma samples had identical The Cancer Genome Atlas subtype, with 3 classified as "copy number low endometrioid" and 3 classified as "microsatellite instability hypermutated." Although paired EIN/AH and carcinoma samples were clonal, private mutations (ie, present in only one sample) were identified in EIN/AH and carcinoma in all cases, frequently in established cancer-driving genes. These findings indicate that EIN/AH gives rise to endometrioid adenocarcinoma by a complex process of subclone evolution, not a linear accumulation of molecular events. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Wie die Sonne ins Kraftwerk kommt: Solarthermische Kraftwerke

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pitz-Paal, Robert


    Solarthermische Kraftwerke sammeln wie riesige Brenngläser die Sonnenstrahlung und treiben damit eine Wärmekraftmaschine an. Drei Konstruktionsprinzipien haben sich heute durchgesetzt. Bereits im kommerziellen Einsatz sind Systeme mit schwenkbaren, verspiegelten Parabolrinnen, die das Sonnenlicht auf ein zentrales Absorberrohr konzentrieren. Durch dieses fließt ein Wärmetransportmedium. Beim Zentral-Receiver-System fokussiert ein Feld verstellbarer Spiegel das Sonnenlicht auf die Spitze eines Turms. Dort sitzt ein Receiver, den ein Wärmetransportmedium durchströmt. Für kleine, dezentrale Anlagen eignen sich Dish-Stirling-Systeme. Das sind schwenkbare, paraboloide Spiegelschüsseln mit einem Stirling-Motor im Brennpunkt. Zentral-Receiver- und Dish-Stirling-Systeme sind noch im Entwicklungsstadium.

  10. Does Geophysics Need "A new kind of Science"?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turcotte, D. L.; Rundle, J. B.


    Stephen Wolfram's book "A New Kind of Science" has received a great deal of attention in the last six months, both positive and negative. The theme of the book is that "cellular automata", which arise from spatial and temporal coarse-graining of equations of motion, provide the foundations for a new nonlinear science of "complexity". The old science is the science of partial differential equations. Some of the major contributions of this old science have been in geophysics, i.e. gravity, magnetics, seismic waves, heat flow. The basis of the new science is the use of massive computing and numerical simulations. The new science is motivated by the observations that many physical systems display a vast multiplicity of space and time scales, and have hidden dynamics that in many cases are impossible to directly observe. An example would be molecular dynamics. Statistical physics derives continuum equations from the discrete interactions between atoms and molecules, in the modern world the continuum equations are then discretized using finite differences, finite elements, etc. in order to obtain numerical solutions. Examples of widely used cellular automata models include diffusion limited aggregation and site percolation. Also the class of models that are said to exhibit self-organized criticality, the sand-pile model, the slider-block model, the forest-fire model. Applications of these models include drainage networks, seismicity, distributions of minerals,and the evolution of landforms and coastlines. Simple cellular automata models generate deterministic chaos, i.e. the logistic map.

  11. Hubble Views 'Third Kind' of Galaxy

    NASA Image and Video Library


    The subject of this image is NGC 6861, a galaxy discovered in 1826 by the Scottish astronomer James Dunlop. Almost two centuries later we now know that NGC 6861 is the second brightest member of a group of at least a dozen galaxies called the Telescopium Group — otherwise known as the NGC 6868 Group — in the small constellation of Telescopium (The Telescope). This NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope view shows some important details of NGC 6861. One of the most prominent features is the disk of dark bands circling the centre of the galaxy. These dust lanes are a result of large clouds of dust particles obscuring the light emitted by the stars behind them. Dust lanes are very useful for working out whether we are seeing the galaxy disk edge-on, face-on or, as is the case for NGC 6861, somewhat in the middle. Dust lanes like these are typical of a spiral galaxy. The dust lanes are embedded in a white oval shape, which is made up of huge numbers of stars orbiting the center of the galaxy. This oval is, rather puzzlingly, typical of an elliptical galaxy. So which is it — spiral or elliptical? The answer is neither! NGC 6861 does not belong to either the spiral or the elliptical family of galaxies. It is a lenticular galaxy, a family which has features of both spirals and ellipticals. The relationships between these three kinds of galaxies are not yet well understood. A lenticular galaxy could be a faded spiral that has run out of gas and lost its arms, or the result of two galaxies merging. Being part of a group increases the chances for galactic mergers, so this could be the case for NGC 6861. Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA; acknowledgement: J. Barrington NASA image use policy. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center enables NASA’s mission through four scientific endeavors: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Solar System Exploration, and Astrophysics. Goddard plays a leading role in NASA’s accomplishments by contributing compelling scientific knowledge to advance the Agency

  12. Multi-frequency parameter mapping of electrical impedance scanning using two kinds of circuit model.


    Liu, Ruigang; Dong, Xiuzhen; Fu, Feng; You, Fusheng; Shi, Xuetao; Ji, Zhenyu; Wang, Kan


    Electrical impedance scanning (EIS) is a kind of potential bio-impedance measurement technology, especially aiding the diagnosis of breast cancer in women. By changing the frequency of the driving signal in turn while keeping the other conditions stable, multi-frequency measurement results on the object can be obtained. According to the least square method and circuit theory, the parameters in two models are deduced when measured with data at multiple driving frequencies. The arcs, in the real and imaginary parts of a trans-admittance coordinate, made by the evaluated parameters fit well the realistic data measured by our EIS device on female subjects. The Cole-Cole model in the form of admittance is closer to the measured data than the three-element model. Based on the evaluation of the multi-frequency parameters, we presented parameter mapping of EIS using two kinds of circuit model: one is the three-element model in the form of admittance and the other is the Cole-Cole model in the form of admittance. Comparing with classical admittance mapping at a single frequency, the multi-frequency parameter mapping will provide a novel vision to study EIS. The multi-frequency approach can provide the mappings of four parameters, which is helpful to identify different diseases with a similar characteristic in classical EIS mapping. From plots of the real and imaginary parts of the admittance, it is easy to make sure whether there exists abnormal tissue.

  13. Capacitive mixing with electrodes of the same kind for energy production from salinity differences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marino, M.; Kozynchenko, O.; Tennison, S.; Brogioli, D.


    The capacitive mixing technique is aimed at producing renewable energy from salinity differences, for example between sea and river water. The technique makes use of two electrodes that modify their potential in opposite directions when the concentration of the solution in which they are immersed is changed, as a consequence of the dynamics of the electric double layer which forms in the ionic solution. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find two electrodes presenting both optimal performances and opposite potential variations. In order to overcome this problem, we present here a cell scheme with electrodes of the same kind (and thus identical dependence of potential on concentration) which can be operated with a CapMix cycle; it is based on a concentration cell with identical electrodes dipped into two compartments separated by a non-perm-selective porous diaphragm. Thanks to the cyclic operation, the actual cell voltage rise and the power production are close to the values obtained with the traditional scheme, or even higher, depending on the features of the ion transport in the liquid junction region. We present an experimental demonstration of the working principles and we study the power production and energy efficiency in the light of the theory of ion transport in fluids. We show that our technique is competitive with respect to the other CapMix techniques, with the relevant advantage that we make use of only one kind of electrode.

  14. Capacitive mixing with electrodes of the same kind for energy production from salinity differences.


    Marino, M; Kozynchenko, O; Tennison, S; Brogioli, D


    The capacitive mixing technique is aimed at producing renewable energy from salinity differences, for example between sea and river water. The technique makes use of two electrodes that modify their potential in opposite directions when the concentration of the solution in which they are immersed is changed, as a consequence of the dynamics of the electric double layer which forms in the ionic solution. Unfortunately, it is difficult to find two electrodes presenting both optimal performances and opposite potential variations. In order to overcome this problem, we present here a cell scheme with electrodes of the same kind (and thus identical dependence of potential on concentration) which can be operated with a CapMix cycle; it is based on a concentration cell with identical electrodes dipped into two compartments separated by a non-perm-selective porous diaphragm. Thanks to the cyclic operation, the actual cell voltage rise and the power production are close to the values obtained with the traditional scheme, or even higher, depending on the features of the ion transport in the liquid junction region. We present an experimental demonstration of the working principles and we study the power production and energy efficiency in the light of the theory of ion transport in fluids. We show that our technique is competitive with respect to the other CapMix techniques, with the relevant advantage that we make use of only one kind of electrode.

  15. A New Kind of Shift Operators for Infinite Circular and Spherical Wells


    Sun, Guo-Hua; Launey, K. D.; Dytrych, T.; ...


    A new kind of smore » hift operators for infinite circular and spherical wells is identified. These shift operators depend on all spatial variables of quantum systems and connect some eigenstates of confined systems of different radii R sharing energy levels with a common eigenvalue. In circular well, the momentum operators P ± = P x ± i P y play the role of shift operators. The P x and P y operators, the third projection of the orbital angular momentum operator L z , and the Hamiltonian H form a complete set of commuting operators with the SO(2) symmetry. In spherical well, the shift operators establish a novel relation between ψ l m ( r ) and ψ ( l ± 1 ) ( m ± 1 ) ( r ) .« less

  16. [An in vitro investigation of wear resistance and hardness of three kinds of new composite resins].


    Wang, Li-kai; Shi, Lian-shui; Zhu, Hong-shui


    To evaluate wear resistance and hardness of three kinds of new composite resins. Three kinds of new composite resins, Solidex, Spectrum, Filtek Z350, were tested. Enamel as control group. A refited MG-200 wear machine was used in this study. Scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to observe the friction surface of each tested material. Hardness of each tested material was determined by Vickers indentation technique. The data of wear and hardness were analyzed by Mann-Whitney test and 1-way ANOVA. The relationship between the hardness of the composites and the amount of wear of them was determined by a regression analysis method. Filtek Z350 showed the lowest volumetric wear and highest Vickers hardness in the composites (P < 0.05). No significant differences in wear and hardness were observed between Solidex and Spectrum (P > 0.05). Significant relationships were observed between the hardness of the composites and the amount of wear of them (r = 0.968 6) (P < 0.05). Different wear characters of the friction surface of the tested materials were observed by SEM. Nanofilled composite was superior to the hybrid composite in wear resistance and hardness.

  17. Two kinds of novel tunable Thulium-doped fiber laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ma, Xiaowei; Chen, Daru; Feng, Gaofeng; Yang, Junyong


    Two kinds of tunable Thulium-doped fiber laser (TDFL) respectively using a Sagnac loop mirror and a novel tunable multimode interference (MMI) fiber filter are experimentally demonstrated. The TDFL with the Sagnac loop mirror made by a 145.5-cm polarization-maintaining fiber (PMF) can operate with stable dual-wavelength lasing or tunable single-wavelength lasing around 1860nm. Both stable dual-wavelength and tunable single-wavelength lasing are achieved by adjusting a polarization controller in the Sagnac loop mirror. The TDFL with a novel tunable MMI fiber filter formed by splicing a segment of a special no-core fiber that is an all silica fiber without fiber core to single mode fibers can achieve tuning range from 1813.52 nm to 1858.70 nm. The no-core fiber with a large diameter of 200 μm is gradually vertically covered by refractive index matching liquid, which leads to a wavelength tuning of the transmission peak of the MMI fiber filter. The relationship between the refractive index of the refractive index matching liquid and the peak wavelength shift of the MMI fiber filter is also discussed. Using the MMI fiber filter, a Thulium-doped fiber laser with a tuning range of 45.18 nm is demonstrated.

  18. 32 CFR 219.110 - Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of research involving no more than minimal risk...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 219.110 National Defense Department of Defense (Continued) OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY OF DEFENSE... 32 National Defense 2 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Expedited review procedures for certain kinds of... be amended, as appropriate after consultation with other departments and agencies, through periodic...

  19. 20 CFR 703.306 - Kinds of negotiable securities that may be deposited; conditions of deposit; acceptance of deposits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... AND RELATED STATUTES INSURANCE REGULATIONS Authorization of Self-Insurers § 703.306 Kinds of negotiable securities that may be deposited; conditions of deposit; acceptance of deposits. A self-insurer or a self-insurer applicant electing to deposit negotiable securities to secure its obligations under...

  20. 45 CFR 1356.68 - Tribal title IV-E agency requirements for in-kind administrative and training contributions from...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Regulations Relating to Public Welfare (Continued) OFFICE OF HUMAN DEVELOPMENT SERVICES, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES THE ADMINISTRATION ON CHILDREN, YOUTH AND FAMILIES, FOSTER CARE MAINTENANCE... third-party sources. (a) Option to claim in-kind expenditures from third-party sources for non-Federal...