Sample records for diffusion mobilite electrique

  1. Un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ait Hammou, Zouhair

    Cette etude porte sur la conception d'un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride (AECH) pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique. Un modele mathematique reposant sur les equations de conservation de la quantite d'energie est expose. Il est developpe pour tester differents materiaux de stockage, entre autres, les materiaux a changement de phase (solide/liquide) et les materiaux de stockage sensible. Un code de calcul est mis en eeuvre sur ordinateur, puis valide a l'aide des resultats analytiques et numeriques de la litterature. En parallele, un prototype experimental a echelle reduite est concu au laboratoire afin de valider le code de calcul. Des simulations sont effectuees pour etudier les effets des parametres de conception et des materiaux de stockage sur le comportement thermique de l'AECH et sur la consommation d'energie electrique. Les resultats des simulations sur quatre mois d'hiver montrent que la paraffine n-octadecane et l'acide caprique sont deux candidats souhaitables pour le stockage d'energie destine au chauffage des habitats. L'utilisation de ces deux materiaux dans l'AECH permet de reduire la consommation d'energie electrique de 32% et d'aplanir le probleme de pointe electrique puisque 90% de l'energie electrique est consommee durant les heures creuses. En plus, en adoptant un tarif preferentiel, le calcul des couts lies a la consommation d'energie electrique montre que le consommateur adoptant ce systeme beneficie d'une reduction de 50% de la facture d'electricite.

  2. Technique distribuee de gestion de la charge sur le reseau electrique et ring-tree: Un nouveau systeme de communication P2P

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ayoub, Simon

    Le reseau de distribution et de transport de l'electricite se modernise dans plusieurs pays dont le Canada. La nouvelle generation de ce reseau que l'on appelle smart grid, permet entre autre l'automatisation de la production, de la distribution et de la gestion de la charge chez les clients. D'un autre cote, des appareils domestiques intelligents munis d'une interface de communication pour des applications du smart grid commencent a apparaitre sur le marche. Ces appareils intelligents pourraient creer une communaute virtuelle pour optimiser leurs consommations d'une facon distribuee. La gestion distribuee de ces charges intelligentes necessite la communication entre un grand nombre d'equipements electriques. Ceci represente un defi important a relever surtout si on ne veut pas augmenter le cout de l'infrastructure et de la maintenance. Lors de cette these deux systemes distincts ont ete concus : un systeme de communication peer-to-peer, appele Ring-Tree, permettant la communication entre un nombre important de noeuds (jusqu'a de l'ordre de grandeur du million) tel que des appareils electriques communicants et une technique distribuee de gestion de la charge sur le reseau electrique. Le systeme de communication Ring-Tree inclut une nouvelle topologie reseau qui n'a jamais ete definie ou exploitee auparavant. Il inclut egalement des algorithmes pour la creation, l'exploitation et la maintenance de ce reseau. Il est suffisamment simple pour etre mis en oeuvre sur des controleurs associes aux dispositifs tels que des chauffe-eaux, chauffage a accumulation, bornes de recharges electriques, etc. Il n'utilise pas un serveur centralise (ou tres peu, seulement lorsqu'un noeud veut rejoindre le reseau). Il offre une solution distribuee qui peut etre mise en oeuvre sans deploiement d'une infrastructure autre que les controleurs sur les dispositifs vises. Finalement, un temps de reponse de quelques secondes pour atteindre 1'ensemble du reseau peut etre obtenu, ce qui est

  3. Microgenerateurs electriques a base d'oscillateurs thermiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leveille, Etienne

    Dans un contexte de developpement durable et d'automatisation de notre environnement, l'utilisation de capteurs sans-fil distribues est croissante. Hors l'usage et le remplacement de piles s'avere couteux. La consommation energetique de plus en plus faible de l'electronique rend l'extraction energetique de l'energie ambiante envisageable. La chaleur residuelle est une source d'energie interessante puisqu'elle est la forme finale de la majeure partie de l'energie utilisee par l'humain. Cependant, a petite echelle, seuls les elements thermoelectriques sont disponibles. Les presents travaux s'interessent donc a explorer et comparer des mecanismes de generation alternatifs. Puisque la majorite des mecanismes de transduction alternatifs sont dynamiques, leur utilisation requiert une transformation de l'energie thermique continue en oscillations. Les mecanismes etudies ont donc tous en commun de posseder un oscillateur thermique en plus d'un mecanisme de transduction vers la forme d'energie electrique. Parmi les divers mecanismes identifies, deux sont etudies en details pour comprendre leurs comportements ainsi que connaitre leur efficacite et leur puissance potentielle. Le premier generateur etudie theoriquement est base sur le changement de ferromagnetisme d'une masse suspendue par des ressorts au-dessus d'un aimant. Les comportements du modele developpe correspondent aux comportements reportes dans la litterature. Deux parametres de conception principaux ont ete identifies, permettant un controle de la frequence, de la plage de temperatures d'operation. De plus le mecanisme peut operer avec de faibles differences de temperature et des temperatures proches de l'ambiant, ouvrant la porte a des applications utilisant la chaleur du corps humain. L'utilisation de materiau pyroelectrique comme mecanisme de transduction pourrait offrir des densites de puissance electrique envisageables de l'ordre de 1mW/cm3. Le second generateur etudie experimentalement est base sur l

  4. A New Approach to Electrical Characterization of Exploding Foil Initiators

    DTIC Science & Technology


    processed to illustrate the methodology. RESUME Dans une etude precedente de 1a caracterisation electrique des detonateurs a element projete (DEP), on a...applicable a 1a caracterisation electrique des DEP et decrit la methodologie experimentale adequate. Cette methodologie est illustree par la

  5. Fractional Diffusion Equations and Anomalous Diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Evangelista, Luiz Roberto; Kaminski Lenzi, Ervin


    Preface; 1. Mathematical preliminaries; 2. A survey of the fractional calculus; 3. From normal to anomalous diffusion; 4. Fractional diffusion equations: elementary applications; 5. Fractional diffusion equations: surface effects; 6. Fractional nonlinear diffusion equation; 7. Anomalous diffusion: anisotropic case; 8. Fractional Schrödinger equations; 9. Anomalous diffusion and impedance spectroscopy; 10. The Poisson–Nernst–Planck anomalous (PNPA) models; References; Index.

  6. Diffusion archeology for diffusion progression history reconstruction.


    Sefer, Emre; Kingsford, Carl


    Diffusion through graphs can be used to model many real-world processes, such as the spread of diseases, social network memes, computer viruses, or water contaminants. Often, a real-world diffusion cannot be directly observed while it is occurring - perhaps it is not noticed until some time has passed, continuous monitoring is too costly, or privacy concerns limit data access. This leads to the need to reconstruct how the present state of the diffusion came to be from partial diffusion data. Here, we tackle the problem of reconstructing a diffusion history from one or more snapshots of the diffusion state. This ability can be invaluable to learn when certain computer nodes are infected or which people are the initial disease spreaders to control future diffusions. We formulate this problem over discrete-time SEIRS-type diffusion models in terms of maximum likelihood. We design methods that are based on submodularity and a novel prize-collecting dominating-set vertex cover (PCDSVC) relaxation that can identify likely diffusion steps with some provable performance guarantees. Our methods are the first to be able to reconstruct complete diffusion histories accurately in real and simulated situations. As a special case, they can also identify the initial spreaders better than the existing methods for that problem. Our results for both meme and contaminant diffusion show that the partial diffusion data problem can be overcome with proper modeling and methods, and that hidden temporal characteristics of diffusion can be predicted from limited data.

  7. Diffusing diffusivity: Rotational diffusion in two and three dimensions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jain, Rohit; Sebastian, K. L.


    We consider the problem of calculating the probability distribution function (pdf) of angular displacement for rotational diffusion in a crowded, rearranging medium. We use the diffusing diffusivity model and following our previous work on translational diffusion [R. Jain and K. L. Sebastian, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 3988 (2016)], we show that the problem can be reduced to that of calculating the survival probability of a particle undergoing Brownian motion, in the presence of a sink. We use the approach to calculate the pdf for the rotational motion in two and three dimensions. We also propose new dimensionless, time dependent parameters, αr o t ,2 D and αr o t ,3 D, which can be used to analyze the experimental/simulation data to find the extent of deviation from the normal behavior, i.e., constant diffusivity, and obtain explicit analytical expressions for them, within our model.

  8. Diffusion archeology for diffusion progression history reconstruction

    PubMed Central

    Sefer, Emre; Kingsford, Carl


    Diffusion through graphs can be used to model many real-world processes, such as the spread of diseases, social network memes, computer viruses, or water contaminants. Often, a real-world diffusion cannot be directly observed while it is occurring — perhaps it is not noticed until some time has passed, continuous monitoring is too costly, or privacy concerns limit data access. This leads to the need to reconstruct how the present state of the diffusion came to be from partial diffusion data. Here, we tackle the problem of reconstructing a diffusion history from one or more snapshots of the diffusion state. This ability can be invaluable to learn when certain computer nodes are infected or which people are the initial disease spreaders to control future diffusions. We formulate this problem over discrete-time SEIRS-type diffusion models in terms of maximum likelihood. We design methods that are based on submodularity and a novel prize-collecting dominating-set vertex cover (PCDSVC) relaxation that can identify likely diffusion steps with some provable performance guarantees. Our methods are the first to be able to reconstruct complete diffusion histories accurately in real and simulated situations. As a special case, they can also identify the initial spreaders better than the existing methods for that problem. Our results for both meme and contaminant diffusion show that the partial diffusion data problem can be overcome with proper modeling and methods, and that hidden temporal characteristics of diffusion can be predicted from limited data. PMID:27821901

  9. Multispecies diffusion models: A study of uranyl species diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Chongxuan; Shang, Jianying; Zachara, John M.


    Rigorous numerical description of multispecies diffusion requires coupling of species, charge, and aqueous and surface complexation reactions that collectively affect diffusive fluxes. The applicability of a fully coupled diffusion model is, however, often constrained by the availability of species self-diffusion coefficients, as well as by computational complication in imposing charge conservation. In this study, several diffusion models with variable complexity in charge and species coupling were formulated and compared to describe reactive multispecies diffusion in groundwater. Diffusion of uranyl [U(VI)] species was used as an example in demonstrating the effectiveness of the models in describing multispecies diffusion. Numerical simulations found that a diffusion model with a single, common diffusion coefficient for all species was sufficient to describe multispecies U(VI) diffusion under a steady state condition of major chemical composition, but not under transient chemical conditions. Simulations revealed that for multispecies U(VI) diffusion under transient chemical conditions, a fully coupled diffusion model could be well approximated by a component-based diffusion model when the diffusion coefficient for each chemical component was properly selected. The component-based diffusion model considers the difference in diffusion coefficients between chemical components, but not between the species within each chemical component. This treatment significantly enhanced computational efficiency at the expense of minor charge conservation. The charge balance in the component-based diffusion model can be enforced, if necessary, by adding a secondary migration term resulting from model simplification. The effect of ion activity coefficient gradients on multispecies diffusion is also discussed. The diffusion models were applied to describe U(VI) diffusive mass transfer in intragranular domains in two sediments collected from U.S. Department of Energy's Hanford 300A

  10. Spin-diffusions and diffusive molecular dynamics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farmer, Brittan; Luskin, Mitchell; Plecháč, Petr; Simpson, Gideon


    Metastable configurations in condensed matter typically fluctuate about local energy minima at the femtosecond time scale before transitioning between local minima after nanoseconds or microseconds. This vast scale separation limits the applicability of classical molecular dynamics (MD) methods and has spurned the development of a host of approximate algorithms. One recently proposed method is diffusive MD which aims at integrating a system of ordinary differential equations describing the likelihood of occupancy by one of two species, in the case of a binary alloy, while quasistatically evolving the locations of the atoms. While diffusive MD has shown itself to be efficient and provide agreement with observations, it is fundamentally a model, with unclear connections to classical MD. In this work, we formulate a spin-diffusion stochastic process and show how it can be connected to diffusive MD. The spin-diffusion model couples a classical overdamped Langevin equation to a kinetic Monte Carlo model for exchange amongst the species of a binary alloy. Under suitable assumptions and approximations, spin-diffusion can be shown to lead to diffusive MD type models. The key assumptions and approximations include a well-defined time scale separation, a choice of spin-exchange rates, a low temperature approximation, and a mean field type approximation. We derive several models from different assumptions and show their relationship to diffusive MD. Differences and similarities amongst the models are explored in a simple test problem.



    Leonenko, Nikolai N; Meerschaert, Mark M; Sikorskii, Alla


    Pearson diffusions are governed by diffusion equations with polynomial coefficients. Fractional Pearson diffusions are governed by the corresponding time-fractional diffusion equation. They are useful for modeling sub-diffusive phenomena, caused by particle sticking and trapping. This paper provides explicit strong solutions for fractional Pearson diffusions, using spectral methods. It also presents stochastic solutions, using a non-Markovian inverse stable time change.

  12. Orientation diffusions.


    Perona, P


    Diffusions are useful for image processing and computer vision because they provide a convenient way of smoothing noisy data, analyzing images at multiple scales, and enhancing discontinuities. A number of diffusions of image brightness have been defined and studied so far; they may be applied to scalar and vector-valued quantities that are naturally associated with intervals of either the real line, or other flat manifolds. Some quantities of interest in computer vision, and other areas of engineering that deal with images, are defined on curved manifolds;typical examples are orientation and hue that are defined on the circle. Generalizing brightness diffusions to orientation is not straightforward, especially in the case where a discrete implementation is sought. An example of what may go wrong is presented.A method is proposed to define diffusions of orientation-like quantities. First a definition in the continuum is discussed, then a discrete orientation diffusion is proposed. The behavior of such diffusions is explored both analytically and experimentally. It is shown how such orientation diffusions contain a nonlinearity that is reminiscent of edge-process and anisotropic diffusion. A number of open questions are proposed at the end.

  13. Diffusion of Zonal Variables Using Node-Centered Diffusion Solver

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yang, T B


    Tom Kaiser [1] has done some preliminary work to use the node-centered diffusion solver (originally developed by T. Palmer [2]) in Kull for diffusion of zonal variables such as electron temperature. To avoid numerical diffusion, Tom used a scheme developed by Shestakov et al. [3] and found their scheme could, in the vicinity of steep gradients, decouple nearest-neighbor zonal sub-meshes leading to 'alternating-zone' (red-black mode) errors. Tom extended their scheme to couple the sub-meshes with appropriate chosen artificial diffusion and thereby solved the 'alternating-zone' problem. Because the choice of the artificial diffusion coefficient could be very delicate, it is desirablemore » to use a scheme that does not require the artificial diffusion but still able to avoid both numerical diffusion and the 'alternating-zone' problem. In this document we present such a scheme.« less

  14. The Harrison Diffusion Kinetics Regimes in Solute Grain Boundary Diffusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Belova, Irina; Fiedler, T; Kulkarni, Nagraj S


    Knowledge of the limits of the principal Harrison kinetics regimes (Type-A, B and C) for grain boundary diffusion is very important for the correct analysis of the depth profiles in a tracer diffusion experiment. These regimes for self-diffusion have been extensively studied in the past by making use of the phenomenological Lattice Monte Carlo (LMC) method with the result that the limits are now well established. The relationship of those self-diffusion limits to the corresponding ones for solute diffusion in the presence of solute segregation to the grain boundaries remains unclear. In the present study, the influence of solute segregationmore » on the limits is investigated with the LMC method for the well-known parallel grain boundary slab model by showing the equivalence of two diffusion models. It is shown which diffusion parameters are useful for identifying the limits of the Harrison kinetics regimes for solute grain boundary diffusion. It is also shown how the measured segregation factor from the diffusion experiment in the Harrison Type-B kinetics regime may differ from the global segregation factor.« less

  15. Test of the diffusing-diffusivity mechanism using near-wall colloidal dynamics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matse, Mpumelelo; Chubynsky, Mykyta V.; Bechhoefer, John


    The mechanism of diffusing diffusivity predicts that, in environments where the diffusivity changes gradually, the displacement distribution becomes non-Gaussian, even though the mean-square displacement grows linearly with time. Here, we report single-particle tracking measurements of the diffusion of colloidal spheres near a planar substrate. Because the local effective diffusivity is known, we have been able to carry out a direct test of this mechanism for diffusion in inhomogeneous media.

  16. Controllable uncertain opinion diffusion under confidence bound and unpredicted diffusion probability

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Fuhan; Li, Zhaofeng; Jiang, Yichuan


    The issues of modeling and analyzing diffusion in social networks have been extensively studied in the last few decades. Recently, many studies focus on uncertain diffusion process. The uncertainty of diffusion process means that the diffusion probability is unpredicted because of some complex factors. For instance, the variety of individuals' opinions is an important factor that can cause uncertainty of diffusion probability. In detail, the difference between opinions can influence the diffusion probability, and then the evolution of opinions will cause the uncertainty of diffusion probability. It is known that controlling the diffusion process is important in the context of viral marketing and political propaganda. However, previous methods are hardly feasible to control the uncertain diffusion process of individual opinion. In this paper, we present suitable strategy to control this diffusion process based on the approximate estimation of the uncertain factors. We formulate a model in which the diffusion probability is influenced by the distance between opinions, and briefly discuss the properties of the diffusion model. Then, we present an optimization problem at the background of voting to show how to control this uncertain diffusion process. In detail, it is assumed that each individual can choose one of the two candidates or abstention based on his/her opinion. Then, we present strategy to set suitable initiators and their opinions so that the advantage of one candidate will be maximized at the end of diffusion. The results show that traditional influence maximization algorithms are not applicable to this problem, and our algorithm can achieve expected performance.

  17. Microfabricated diffusion source


    Oborny, Michael C [Albuquerque, NM; Frye-Mason, Gregory C [Cedar Crest, NM; Manginell, Ronald P [Albuquerque, NM


    A microfabricated diffusion source to provide for a controlled diffusion rate of a vapor comprises a porous reservoir formed in a substrate that can be filled with a liquid, a headspace cavity for evaporation of the vapor therein, a diffusion channel to provide a controlled diffusion of the vapor, and an outlet to release the vapor into a gas stream. The microfabricated diffusion source can provide a calibration standard for a microanalytical system. The microanalytical system with an integral diffusion source can be fabricated with microelectromechanical systems technologies.

  18. Spatial Mapping of Translational Diffusion Coefficients Using Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Mathematical Description

    PubMed Central



    In this article, we discuss the theoretical background for diffusion weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. Molecular diffusion is a random process involving thermal Brownian motion. In biological tissues, the underlying microstructures restrict the diffusion of water molecules, making diffusion directionally dependent. Water diffusion in tissue is mathematically characterized by the diffusion tensor, the elements of which contain information about the magnitude and direction of diffusion and is a function of the coordinate system. Thus, it is possible to generate contrast in tissue based primarily on diffusion effects. Expressing diffusion in terms of the measured diffusion coefficient (eigenvalue) in any one direction can lead to errors. Nowhere is this more evident than in white matter, due to the preferential orientation of myelin fibers. The directional dependency is removed by diagonalization of the diffusion tensor, which then yields a set of three eigenvalues and eigenvectors, representing the magnitude and direction of the three orthogonal axes of the diffusion ellipsoid, respectively. For example, the eigenvalue corresponding to the eigenvector along the long axis of the fiber corresponds qualitatively to diffusion with least restriction. Determination of the principal values of the diffusion tensor and various anisotropic indices provides structural information. We review the use of diffusion measurements using the modified Stejskal–Tanner diffusion equation. The anisotropy is analyzed by decomposing the diffusion tensor based on symmetrical properties describing the geometry of diffusion tensor. We further describe diffusion tensor properties in visualizing fiber tract organization of the human brain. PMID:27441031

  19. Measurement tensors in diffusion MRI: generalizing the concept of diffusion encoding.


    Westin, Carl-Fredrik; Szczepankiewicz, Filip; Pasternak, Ofer; Ozarslan, Evren; Topgaard, Daniel; Knutsson, Hans; Nilsson, Markus


    In traditional diffusion MRI, short pulsed field gradients (PFG) are used for the diffusion encoding. The standard Stejskal-Tanner sequence uses one single pair of such gradients, known as single-PFG (sPFG). In this work we describe how trajectories in q-space can be used for diffusion encoding. We discuss how such encoding enables the extension of the well-known scalar b-value to a tensor-valued entity we call the diffusion measurement tensor. The new measurements contain information about higher order diffusion propagator covariances not present in sPFG. As an example analysis, we use this new information to estimate a Gaussian distribution over diffusion tensors in each voxel, described by its mean (a diffusion tensor) and its covariance (a 4th order tensor).

  20. Numerical Evaluation of Lateral Diffusion Inside Diffusive Gradients in Thin Films Samplers

    PubMed Central


    Using numerical simulation of diffusion inside diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) samplers, we show that the effect of lateral diffusion inside the sampler on the solute flux into the sampler is a nonlinear function of the diffusion layer thickness and the physical sampling window size. In contrast, earlier work concluded that this effect was constant irrespective of parameters of the sampler geometry. The flux increase caused by lateral diffusion inside the sampler was determined to be ∼8.8% for standard samplers, which is considerably lower than the previous estimate of ∼20%. Lateral diffusion is also propagated to the diffusive boundary layer (DBL), where it leads to a slightly stronger decrease in the mass uptake than suggested by the common 1D diffusion model that is applied for evaluating DGT results. We introduce a simple correction procedure for lateral diffusion and demonstrate how the effect of lateral diffusion on diffusion in the DBL can be accounted for. These corrections often result in better estimates of the DBL thickness (δ) and the DGT-measured concentration than earlier approaches and will contribute to more accurate concentration measurements in solute monitoring in waters. PMID:25877251

  1. Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer


    ... Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Request Permissions Hereditary Diffuse Gastric Cancer Approved by the Cancer.Net Editorial Board , 10/2017 What is hereditary diffuse gastric cancer? Hereditary diffuse gastric cancer (HDGC) is a rare ...

  2. Facilitated Diffusion of Transcription Factor Proteins with Anomalous Bulk Diffusion.


    Liu, Lin; Cherstvy, Andrey G; Metzler, Ralf


    What are the physical laws of the diffusive search of proteins for their specific binding sites on DNA in the presence of the macromolecular crowding in cells? We performed extensive computer simulations to elucidate the protein target search on DNA. The novel feature is the viscoelastic non-Brownian protein bulk diffusion recently observed experimentally. We examine the influence of the protein-DNA binding affinity and the anomalous diffusion exponent on the target search time. In all cases an optimal search time is found. The relative contribution of intermittent three-dimensional bulk diffusion and one-dimensional sliding of proteins along the DNA is quantified. Our results are discussed in the light of recent single molecule tracking experiments, aiming at a better understanding of the influence of anomalous kinetics of proteins on the facilitated diffusion mechanism.

  3. Anatomy of particle diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bringuier, E.


    The paper analyses particle diffusion from a thermodynamic standpoint. The main goal of the paper is to highlight the conceptual connection between particle diffusion, which belongs to non-equilibrium statistical physics, and mechanics, which deals with particle motion, at the level of third-year university courses. We start out from the fact that, near equilibrium, particle transport should occur down the gradient of the chemical potential. This yields Fick's law with two additional advantages. First, splitting the chemical potential into 'mechanical' and 'chemical' contributions shows how transport and mechanics are linked through the diffusivity-mobility relationship. Second, splitting the chemical potential into entropic and energetic contributions discloses the respective roles of entropy maximization and energy minimization in driving diffusion. The paper addresses first unary diffusion, where there is only one mobile species in an immobile medium, and next turns to binary diffusion, where two species are mobile with respect to each other in a fluid medium. The interrelationship between unary and binary diffusivities is brought out and it is shown how binary diffusion reduces to unary diffusion in the limit of high dilution of one species amidst the other one. Self- and mutual diffusion are considered and contrasted within the thermodynamic framework; self-diffusion is a time-dependent manifestation of the Gibbs paradox of mixing.

  4. Diffusion in silicate melts: III. Empirical models for multicomponent diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yan, Liang; Richter, Frank M.; Chamberlin, Laurinda


    Empirical models for multicomponent diffusion in an isotropic fluid were derived by splitting the component's dispersion velocity into two parts: (a) an intrinsic velocity which is proportional to each component's electrochemical potential gradient and independent of reference frame and (b) a net interaction velocity which is both model and reference frame dependent. Simple molecules (e.g., M pO q) were chosen as endmember components. The interaction velocity is assumed to be either the same for each component (leading to a common relaxation velocity U) or proportional to a common interaction force ( F). U or F is constrained by requiring no local buildup in either volume or charge. The most general form of the model-derived diffusion matrix [ D] can be written as a product of a model-dependent kinetic matrix [ L] and a model independent thermodynamic matrix [ G], [ D] = [ L] · [ G]. The elements of [ G] are functions of derivatives of chemical potential with respect to concentration. The elements of [ L] are functions of concentration and partial molar volume of the endmember components, Cio and Vio, and self diffusivity Di, and charge number zi of individual diffusing species. When component n is taken as the dependent variable they can be written in a common form L ij = D jδ ij + C io[V noD n - V joD j)A i + (p nz nD n - p jz jD j)B i] where the functional forms of the scaling factors Ai and Bi depend on the model considered. The off-diagonal element Lij ( i ≠ j) is directly proportional to the concentration of component i, and thus negligible when i is a dilute component. The salient feature of kinetic interaction or relaxation is to slow down larger (volume or charge) and faster diffusing components and to speed up smaller (volume or charge) and slower moving species, in order to prevent local volume or charge buildup. Empirical models for multicomponent diffusion were tested in the ternary system CaOAl 2O 3SiO 2 at 1500°C and 1 GPa over a large

  5. Probing the intrinsic charge transport in indacenodithiophene-co-benzothiadiazole thin films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Wenhe; Tang, Wei; Zhao, Jiaqing; Bao, Bei; Xing, Hui; Guo, Xiaojun; Wang, Shun; Liu, Ying


    Indacenodithiophene-co-benzothiadiazole (IDTBT) belongs to a class of donor-acceptor polymers, exhibiting high electronic mobility and low energetic disorder. Applying vacuum as dielectric enables us to investigate the intrinsic charge transport properties in IDTBT. Vacuum-gap IDTBT field-effect transistors (FET) show high mobilites approaching 1 cm2V-1s-1. In addition, with increasing dielectric constant of the gate insulators, the mobilites of IDTBT transistors first increase and then decrease. The reason could be attributed to effect of both charge carrier accumulation and the presence of dipolar disorder at the semiconductor/insulator interface induced by polar insulator layer.

  6. Simultaneous MR elastography and diffusion acquisitions: diffusion-MRE (dMRE).


    Yin, Ziying; Magin, Richard L; Klatt, Dieter


    To present a new technique for concurrent MR elastography (MRE) and diffusion MRI: diffusion-MRE (dMRE). In dMRE, shear wave motion and MR signal decay due to diffusion are encoded into the phase and magnitude components of the MR signal by using a pair of bipolar gradients for both motion-sensitization and diffusion encoding. The pulse sequence timing is adjusted so that the bipolar gradients are sensitive to both coherent and incoherent intravoxel motions. The shape, number, and duration of the gradient lobes can be adjusted to provide flexibility and encoding efficiency. In this proof-of-concept study, dMRE was validated using a tissue phantom composed of a gel bead embedded in a hydrated mixture of agarose and gelatin. The apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and shear stiffness measured using dMRE were compared with results obtained from separate, conventional spin-echo (SE) diffusion and SE-MRE acquisitions. The averaged ADC values (n = 3) for selected ROIs in the beads were (1.75 ± 0.16) μm(2) /ms and (1.74 ± 0.16) μm(2) /ms for SE-diffusion and dMRE methods, respectively. The corresponding shear stiffness values in the beads were (2.45 ± 0.23) kPa and (2.42 ± 0.20) kPa. Simultaneous MRE and diffusion acquisition is feasible and can be implemented with no observable interference between the two methods. Copyright © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Caracterisation des proprietes dielectriques de materiaux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate recycle =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mebarki, Fouzia

    Cette etude vise a etudier la possibilite d'utiliser des materiaux composites a matrice thermoplastique pour des applications electriques comme les supports des systemes d'allumage dans les moteurs d'automobile. Nous nous interessons plus particulierement aux composites a base de polyethylene terephtalate (PET) recycle. Les isolants classiques comme le PET ne peuvent pas satisfaire toutes les exigences. L'introduction des renforts comme les fibres de verre et le mica peuvent ameliorer les caracteristiques mecaniques de ces materiaux. Toutefois, cette amelioration peut etre accompagnee d'une diminution des proprietes electriques surtout que ces materiaux doivent operer sous contraintes thermiques et electriques tres severes. Afin d'estimer la duree de vie de ces isolants, des essais de vieillissement accelere ont ete effectues a une frequence de 300Hz dans une plage de temperature allant de la temperature ambiante a 140°C. L'etude a haute temperature permettra de determiner la temperature de service des materiaux candidats. Des essais de la rupture dielectrique ont ete realises sur un grand nombre d'echantillon selon la norme ASTM D-149 relative aux mesures de rigidite dielectrique des isolants solides. Ces tests ont permis de deceler les echantillons problematiques et de verifier la qualite de ces isolants solides. Les differentes connaissances acquises lors de cette analyse ont servi a predire les performances des materiaux en service et vont permettre a la compagnie Groupe Lavergne d'apporter des ameliorations au niveau des formulations existantes et par la suite developper un materiau ayant les proprietes electriques et thermiques adequates pour ce type d'application. None None None None

  8. Cosmic ray diffusion: Report of the Workshop in Cosmic Ray Diffusion Theory

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Birmingham, T. J.; Jones, F. C.


    A workshop in cosmic ray diffusion theory was held at Goddard Space Flight Center on May 16-17, 1974. Topics discussed and summarized are: (1) cosmic ray measurements as related to diffusion theory; (2) quasi-linear theory, nonlinear theory, and computer simulation of cosmic ray pitch-angle diffusion; and (3) magnetic field fluctuation measurements as related to diffusion theory.

  9. Diffusion Flame Stabilization

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Takahashi, Fumiaki; Katta, V. R.


    Diffusion flames are commonly used for industrial burners in furnaces and flares. Oxygen/fuel burners are usually diffusion burners, primarily for safety reasons, to prevent flashback and explosion in a potentially dangerous system. Furthermore, in most fires, condensed materials pyrolyze, vaporize, and burn in air as diffusion flames. As a result of the interaction of a diffusion flame with burner or condensed-fuel surfaces, a quenched space is formed, thus leaving a diffusion flame edge, which plays an important role in flame holding in combustion systems and fire spread through condensed fuels. Despite a long history of jet diffusion flame studies, lifting/blowoff mechanisms have not yet been fully understood, compared to those of premixed flames. In this study, the structure and stability of diffusion flames of gaseous hydrocarbon fuels in coflowing air at normal earth gravity have been investigated experimentally and computationally. Measurements of the critical mean jet velocity (U(sub jc)) of methane, ethane, or propane at lifting or blowoff were made as a function of the coflowing air velocity (U(sub a)) using a tube burner (i.d.: 2.87 mm). By using a computational fluid dynamics code with 33 species and 112 elementary reaction steps, the internal chemical-kinetic structures of the stabilizing region of methane and propane flames were investigated. A peak reactivity spot, i.e., reaction kernel, is formed in the flame stabilizing region due to back-diffusion of heat and radical species against an oxygen-rich incoming flow, thus holding the trailing diffusion flame. The simulated flame base moved downstream under flow conditions close to the measured stability limit.

  10. Diffusion Flame Stabilization

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Takahashi, Fumiaki; Katta, Viswanath R.


    Diffusion flames are commonly used for industrial burners in furnaces and flares. Oxygen/fuel burners are usually diffusion burners, primarily for safety reasons, to prevent flashback and explosion in a potentially dangerous system. Furthermore, in most fires, condensed materials pyrolyze, vaporize, and burn in air as diffusion flames. As a result of the interaction of a diffusion flame with burner or condensed-fuel surfaces, a quenched space is formed, thus leaving a diffusion flame edge, which plays an important role in flame holding in combustion systems and fire spread through condensed fuels. Despite a long history of jet diffusion flame studies, lifting/blowoff mechanisms have not yet been fully understood, compared to those of premixed flames. In this study, the structure and stability of diffusion flames of gaseous hydrocarbon fuels in coflowing air at normal earth gravity have been investigated experimentally and computationally. Measurements of the critical mean jet velocity (U(sub jc)) of methane, ethane, or propane at lifting or blowoff were made as a function of the coflowing air velocity (U(sub a)) using a tube burner (i.d.: 2.87 mm) (Fig. 1, left). By using a computational fluid dynamics code with 33 species and 112 elementary reaction steps, the internal chemical-kinetic structures of the stabilizing region of methane and propane flames were investigated (Fig. 1, right). A peak reactivity spot, i.e., reaction kernel, is formed in the flame stabilizing region due to back-diffusion of heat and radical species against an oxygen-rich incoming flow, thus holding the trailing diffusion flame. The simulated flame base moved downstream under flow conditions close to the measured stability limit.

  11. Diffusion Strategy Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McCutcheon, James R.; Sanders, John R.

    A methodology is presented for planning and managing the spread of educational innovations. The first portion of the guide develops a theoretical framework for diffusion which summarizes and capitalizes on the latest marketing and on the latest marketing and diffusion research findings. Major stages in the diffusion paradigm discussed include…

  12. Helium diffusion in carbonates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amidon, W. H.; Cherniak, D. J.; Watson, E. B.; Hobbs, D.


    The abundance and large grain size of carbonate minerals make them a potentially attractive target for 4He thermochronology and 3He cosmogenic dating, although the diffusive properties of helium in carbonates remain poorly understood. This work characterizes helium diffusion in calcite and dolomite to better understand the crystal-chemical factors controlling He transport and retentivity. Slabs of cleaved natural calcite and dolomite, and polished sections of calcite cut parallel or normal to c, were implanted with 3He at 3 MeV with a dose of 5x1015/cm2. Implanted carbonates were heated in 1-atm furnaces, and 3He distributions following diffusion anneals were profiled with Nuclear Reaction Analysis using the reaction 3He(d,p)4He. For 3He transport normal to cleavage surfaces in calcite, we obtain the following Arrhenius relation over the temperature range 78-300°C: Dcalcite = 9.0x10-9exp(-55 × 6 kJ mol-1/RT) m2sec-1. Diffusion in calcite exhibits marked anisotropy, with diffusion parallel to c about two orders of magnitude slower than diffusion normal to cleavage faces. He diffusivities for transport normal to the c-axis are similar in value to those normal to cleavage surfaces. Our findings are broadly consistent with helium diffusivities from step-heating measurements of calcite by Copeland et al. (2007); these bulk degassing data may reflect varying effects of diffusional anisotropy. Helium diffusion normal to cleavage surfaces in dolomite is significantly slower than diffusion in calcite, and has a much higher activation energy for diffusion. For dolomite, we obtain the following Arrhenius relation for He diffusion over the temperature range 150-400°C: Ddolomite = 9.0x10-8exp(-92 × 9 kJ mol-1/RT) m2sec-1. The role of crystallographic structure in influencing these differences among diffusivities was evaluated using the maximum aperture approach of Cherniak and Watson (2011), in which crystallographic structures are sectioned along possible diffusion

  13. Diffuser Test

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Tests begun at Stennis Space Center's E Complex Sept. 13 evaluated a liquid oxygen lead for engine start performance, part of the A-3 Test Facility Subscale Diffuser Risk Mitigation Project at SSC's E-3 Test Facility. Phase 1 of the subscale diffuser project, completed Sept. 24, was a series of 18 hot-fire tests using a 1,000-pound liquid oxygen and gaseous hydrogen thruster to verify maximum duration and repeatability for steam generation supporting the A-3 Test Stand project. The thruster is a stand-in for NASA's developing J-2X engine, to validate a 6 percent scale version of A-3's exhaust diffuser. Testing the J-2X at altitude conditions requires an enormous diffuser. Engineers will generate nearly 4,600 pounds per second of steam to reduce pressure inside A-3's test cell to simulate altitude conditions. A-3's exhaust diffuser has to be able to withstand regulated pressure, temperatures and the safe discharge of the steam produced during those tests. Before the real thing is built, engineers hope to work out any issues on the miniature version. Phase 2 testing is scheduled to begin this month.

  14. Diffuse radiation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    A diffuse celestial radiation which is isotropic at least on a course scale were measured from the soft X-ray region to about 150 MeV, at which energy the intensity falls below that of the galactic emission for most galactic latitudes. The spectral shape, the intensity, and the established degree of isotropy of this diffuse radiation already place severe constraints on the possible explanations for this radiation. Among the extragalactic theories, the more promising explanations of the isotropic diffuse emission appear to be radiation from exceptional galaxies from matter antimatter annihilation at the boundaries of superclusters of galaxies of matter and antimatter in baryon symmetric big bang models. Other possible sources for extragalactic diffuse gamma radiation are discussed and include normal galaxies, clusters of galaxies, primordial cosmic rays interacting with intergalactic matter, primordial black holes, and cosmic ray leakage from galaxies.

  15. Bivelocity hydrodynamics. Diffuse mass flux vs. diffuse volume flux

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brenner, Howard


    An intimate physical connection exists between a fluid’s mass and its volume, with the density ρ serving as a proportionality factor relating these two extensive thermodynamic properties when the fluid is homogeneous. This linkage has led to the erroneous belief among many researchers that a fluid’s diffusive (dissipative) mass flux and its diffusive volume flux counterpart, both occurring in inhomogeneous fluids undergoing transport are, in fact, synonymous. However, the existence of a truly dissipative mass flux (that is, a mass flux that is physically dissipative) has recently and convincingly been shown to be a physical impossibility [H.C. Öttinger, H. Struchtrup, M. Liu, On the impossibility of a dissipative contribution to the mass flux in hydrodynamics, Phys. Rev. E 80 (2009) 056303], owing, among other things, to its violation of the principle of angular momentum conservation. Unfortunately, as a consequence of the erroneous belief in the equality of the diffuse volume and mass fluxes (sans an algebraic sign), this has led many researchers to wrongly conclude that a diffuse volume flux is equally impossible. As a consequence, owing to the fundamental role played by the diffuse volume flux in the theory of bivelocity hydrodynamics [H. Brenner, Beyond Navier-Stokes, Int. J. Eng. Sci. 54 (2012) 67-98], many researchers have been led to falsely dismiss, without due consideration, the possibility of bivelocity hydrodynamics constituting a potentially viable physical theory, which it is believed to be. The present paper corrects this misconception by using a simple concrete example involving an isothermal rotating rigid-body fluid motion to clearly confirm that whereas a diffuse mass flux is indeed impossible, this fact does not exclude the possible existence of a diffuse volume flux and, concomitantly, the possibility that bivelocity hydrodynamics is indeed a potentially viable branch of fluid mechanics.

  16. Diffusion barriers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nicolet, M. A.


    The choice of the metallic film for the contact to a semiconductor device is discussed. One way to try to stabilize a contact is by interposing a thin film of a material that has low diffusivity for the atoms in question. This thin film application is known as a diffusion barrier. Three types of barriers can be distinguished. The stuffed barrier derives its low atomic diffusivity to impurities that concentrate along the extended defects of a polycrystalline layer. Sacrificial barriers exploit the fact that some (elemental) thin films react in a laterally uniform and reproducible fashion. Sacrificial barriers have the advantage that the point of their failure is predictable. Passive barriers are those most closely approximating an ideal barrier. The most-studied case is that of sputtered TiN films. Stuffed barriers may be viewed as passive barriers whose low diffusivity material extends along the defects of the polycrystalline host.

  17. Basic concepts of MR imaging, diffusion MR imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging.


    de Figueiredo, Eduardo H M S G; Borgonovi, Arthur F N G; Doring, Thomas M


    MR image contrast is based on intrinsic tissue properties and specific pulse sequences and parameter adjustments. A growing number of MRI imaging applications are based on diffusion properties of water. To better understand MRI diffusion-weighted imaging, a brief overview of MR physics is presented in this article followed by physics of the evolving techniques of diffusion MR imaging and diffusion tensor imaging. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  18. First-principles multiple-barrier diffusion theory. The case study of interstitial diffusion in CdTe


    Yang, Ji -Hui; Park, Ji -Sang; Kang, Joongoo; ...


    The diffusion of particles in solid-state materials generally involves several sequential thermal-activation processes. However, presently, diffusion coefficient theory only deals with a single barrier, i.e., it lacks an accurate description to deal with multiple-barrier diffusion. Here, we develop a general diffusion coefficient theory for multiple-barrier diffusion. Using our diffusion theory and first-principles calculated hopping rates for each barrier, we calculate the diffusion coefficients of Cd, Cu, Te, and Cl interstitials in CdTe for their full multiple-barrier diffusion pathways. As a result, we found that the calculated diffusivity agrees well with the experimental measurement, thus justifying our theory, which is generalmore » for many other systems.« less

  19. Incomplete initial nutation diffusion imaging: An ultrafast, single-scan approach for diffusion mapping.


    Ianuş, Andrada; Shemesh, Noam


    Diffusion MRI is confounded by the need to acquire at least two images separated by a repetition time, thereby thwarting the detection of rapid dynamic microstructural changes. The issue is exacerbated when diffusivity variations are accompanied by rapid changes in T 2 . The purpose of the present study is to accelerate diffusion MRI acquisitions such that both reference and diffusion-weighted images necessary for quantitative diffusivity mapping are acquired in a single-shot experiment. A general methodology termed incomplete initial nutation diffusion imaging (INDI), capturing two diffusion contrasts in a single shot, is presented. This methodology creates a longitudinal magnetization reservoir that facilitates the successive acquisition of two images separated by only a few milliseconds. The theory behind INDI is presented, followed by proof-of-concept studies in water phantom, ex vivo, and in vivo experiments at 16.4 and 9.4 T. Mean diffusivities extracted from INDI were comparable with diffusion tensor imaging and the two-shot isotropic diffusion encoding in the water phantom. In ex vivo mouse brain tissues, as well as in the in vivo mouse brain, mean diffusivities extracted from conventional isotropic diffusion encoding and INDI were in excellent agreement. Simulations for signal-to-noise considerations identified the regimes in which INDI is most beneficial. The INDI method accelerates diffusion MRI acquisition to single-shot mode, which can be of great importance for mapping dynamic microstructural properties in vivo without T 2 bias. Magn Reson Med 79:2198-2204, 2018. © 2017 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2017 The Authors Magnetic

  20. Transdermal diffusion of xenon in vitro using diffusion cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Verkhovsky, A.; Petrov, E.


    The aim of this research was to study the diffusion rate of xenon through guinea pig skin and how viscosity of cosmetic component capryl/capric triglyceride (CCT) facilitates to deliver xenon to surface of skin patches. They were placed in Franz cell for 24 hours and diffusion rate and permeability of xenon were calculated. Thus diffusion rate was 0.031 mg/hour*cm2 and permeability was 0.003 cm/hour. Using Brookfield viscometer it was shown that viscosity of CCT decreased upon increasing xenon concentration. Obtained results can be utilized in developing of new xenon containing drugs for topical administration.

  1. NIST Diffusion Data Center

    National Institute of Standards and Technology Data Gateway

    NIST Diffusion Data Center (Web, free access)   The NIST Diffusion Data Center is a collection of over 14,100 international papers, theses, and government reports on diffusion published before 1980.

  2. Real Diffusion-Weighted MRI Enabling True Signal Averaging and Increased Diffusion Contrast

    PubMed Central

    Eichner, Cornelius; Cauley, Stephen F; Cohen-Adad, Julien; Möller, Harald E; Turner, Robert; Setsompop, Kawin; Wald, Lawrence L


    This project aims to characterize the impact of underlying noise distributions on diffusion-weighted imaging. The noise floor is a well-known problem for traditional magnitude-based diffusion-weighted MRI (dMRI) data, leading to biased diffusion model fits and inaccurate signal averaging. Here, we introduce a total-variation-based algorithm to eliminate shot-to-shot phase variations of complex-valued diffusion data with the intention to extract real-valued dMRI datasets. The obtained real-valued diffusion data are no longer superimposed by a noise floor but instead by a zero-mean Gaussian noise distribution, yielding dMRI data without signal bias. We acquired high-resolution dMRI data with strong diffusion weighting and, thus, low signal-to-noise ratio. Both the extracted real-valued and traditional magnitude data were compared regarding signal averaging, diffusion model fitting and accuracy in resolving crossing fibers. Our results clearly indicate that real-valued diffusion data enables idealized conditions for signal averaging. Furthermore, the proposed method enables unbiased use of widely employed linear least squares estimators for model fitting and demonstrates an increased sensitivity to detect secondary fiber directions with reduced angular error. The use of phase-corrected, real-valued data for dMRI will therefore help to clear the way for more detailed and accurate studies of white matter microstructure and structural connectivity on a fine scale. PMID:26241680

  3. Diffuse Gamma Rays Galactic and Extragalactic Diffuse Emission

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moskalenko, Igor V.; Strong, Andrew W.; Reimer, Olaf


    Diffuse gamma rays consist of several components: truly diffuse emission from the interstellar medium, the extragalactic background, whose origin is not firmly established yet, and the contribution from unresolved and faint Galactic point sources. One approach to unravel these components is to study the diffuse emission from the interstellar medium, which traces the interactions of high energy particles with interstellar gas and radiation fields. Because of its origin such emission is potentially able to reveal much about the sources and propagation of cosmic rays. The extragalactic background, if reliably determined, can be used in cosmological and blazar studies. Studying the derived average spectrum of faint Galactic sources may be able to give a clue to the nature of the emitting objects.

  4. Turing instability in reaction-diffusion systems with nonlinear diffusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zemskov, E. P., E-mail:


    The Turing instability is studied in two-component reaction-diffusion systems with nonlinear diffusion terms, and the regions in parametric space where Turing patterns can form are determined. The boundaries between super- and subcritical bifurcations are found. Calculations are performed for one-dimensional brusselator and oregonator models.

  5. Helium Diffusion in Olivine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cherniak, D. J.; Watson, E. B.


    Diffusion of helium has been characterized in natural Fe-bearing olivine (~Fo90) and synthetic forsterite. Polished, oriented slabs of olivine were implanted with 3He, at 100 keV at a dose of 5x1015/cm2 or at 3.0 MeV at a dose of 1x1016/cm2. A set of experiments on the implanted olivine were run in 1-atm furnaces. In addition to the one-atm experiments, experiments on implanted samples were also run at higher pressures (2.6 and 2.7 GPa) to assess the potential effects of pressure on He diffusion and the applicability of the measured diffusivities in describing He transport in the mantle. The high-pressure experiments were conducted in a piston-cylinder apparatus using an "ultra-soft" pressure cell, with the diffusion sample directly surrounded by AgCl. 3He distributions following experiments were measured with Nuclear Reaction Analysis using the reaction 3He(d,p)4He. This direct profiling method permits us to evaluate anisotropy of diffusion, which cannot be easily assessed using bulk-release methods. For diffusion in forsterite parallel to c we obtain the following Arrhenius relation over the temperatures 250-950°C: D = 3.91x10-6exp(-159 ± 4 kJ mol-1/RT) m2/sec. The data define a single Arrhenius line spanning more than 7 orders of magnitude in D and 700°C in temperature. Diffusion parallel to a appears slightly slower, yielding an activation energy for diffusion of 135 kJ/mol and a pre-exponential factor of 3.73x10-8 m2/sec. Diffusion parallel to b is slower than diffusion parallel to a (by about two-thirds of a log unit); for this orientation an activation energy of 138 kJ/mol and a pre-exponential factor of 1.34x10-8 m2/sec are obtained. This anisotropy is broadly consistent with observations for diffusion of Ni and Fe-Mg in olivine. Diffusion in Fe-bearing olivine (transport parallel to b) agrees within uncertainty with findings for He diffusion in forsterite. The higher-pressure experiments yield diffusivities in agreement with those from the 1-atm

  6. Enhancing Cation Diffusion and Suppressing Anion Diffusion via Lewis-Acidic Polymer Electrolytes.


    Savoie, Brett M; Webb, Michael A; Miller, Thomas F


    Solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) have the potential to increase both the energy density and stability of lithium-based batteries, but low Li + conductivity remains a barrier to technological viability. SPEs are designed to maximize Li + diffusivity relative to the anion while maintaining sufficient salt solubility. It is thus remarkable that poly(ethylene oxide) (PEO), the most widely used SPE, exhibits Li + diffusivity that is an order of magnitude smaller than that of typical counterions at moderate salt concentrations. We show that Lewis-basic polymers like PEO favor slow cation and rapid anion diffusion, while this relationship can be reversed in Lewis-acidic polymers. Using molecular dynamics, polyboranes are identified that achieve up to 10-fold increases in Li + diffusivities and significant decreases in anion diffusivities, relative to PEO in the dilute-ion regime. These results illustrate a general principle for increasing Li + diffusivity and transference number with chemistries that exhibit weaker cation and stronger anion coordination.

  7. Reduction of Diffusion-Weighted Imaging Contrast of Acute Ischemic Stroke at Short Diffusion Times.


    Baron, Corey Allan; Kate, Mahesh; Gioia, Laura; Butcher, Kenneth; Emery, Derek; Budde, Matthew; Beaulieu, Christian


    Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) of tissue water is a sensitive and specific indicator of acute brain ischemia, where reductions of the diffusion of tissue water are observed acutely in the stroke lesion core. Although these diffusion changes have been long attributed to cell swelling, the precise nature of the biophysical mechanisms remains uncertain. The potential cause of diffusion reductions after stroke was investigated using an advanced DWI technique, oscillating gradient spin-echo DWI, that enables much shorter diffusion times and can improve specificity for alterations of structure at the micron level. Diffusion measurements in the white matter lesions of patients with acute ischemic stroke were reduced by only 8% using oscillating gradient spin-echo DWI, in contrast to a 37% decrease using standard DWI. Neurite beading has recently been proposed as a mechanism for the diffusion changes after ischemic stroke with some ex vivo evidence. To explore whether beading could cause such differential results, simulations of beaded cylinders and axonal swelling were performed, yielding good agreement with experiment. Short diffusion times result in dramatically reduced diffusion contrast of human stroke. Simulations implicate a combination of neuronal beading and axonal swelling as the key structural changes leading to the reduced apparent diffusion coefficient after stroke. © 2015 American Heart Association, Inc.

  8. Trace element diffusion in minerals: the role of multiple diffusion mechanisms operating simultaneously

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dohmen, R.; Marschall, H.; Wiedenbeck, M.; Polednia, J.; Chakraborty, S.


    Diffusion of trace elements, often with ionic charge that differs from those of ions in the regular structural sites of a mineral, controls a number of important processes in rocks, such as: (i) Closure of radiogenic isotopic systems, (e.g. Pb diffusion in rutile; REE diffusion in garnet); (ii) Closure of trace element thermometers (e.g., Zr in rutile, Mg in plagioclase, Al in olivine); (iii) Closure of element exchange between melt inclusions and host minerals (e.g., H, REE in olivine). In addition, preserved trace element zoning profiles in minerals can be used for diffusion chronometry (e.g. Nb in rutile, Mg in plagioclase). However, experimentally determined diffusion coefficients of these trace elements are in many cases controversial (e.g., REE in olivine: [1] vs. [2]; Mg in plagioclase: [3] vs. [4]). We have carried out experiments to study the diffusion behavior in olivine, rutile, and plagioclase, and are able to show that two mechanisms of diffusion, differing in rates by up to four orders of magnitude, may operate simultaneously in a given crystal. The two mechanisms result in complex diffusion profile shapes. As a general rule, the incorporation of heterovalent substituting elements in relatively high concentrations is necessary to activate two diffusion mechanisms. This behavior is produced by the control of these elements on the point defect chemistry of a mineral - these impurities become a majority point defect when a threshold concentration limit is exceeded. In certain cases, e.g., for Li in olivine, the trace element can also be incorporated in different sites, resulting in interaction of the different species with other point defects (vacancies) during diffusion. Thus, depending on the diffusion couple used in the experiment, the associated concentration gradients within the mineral, and the analytical techniques used to measure the diffusion profile, only one diffusion mechanism may be activated or detected. These studies allow us to explain

  9. Nonmonotonic diffusion in crowded environments

    PubMed Central

    Putzel, Gregory Garbès; Tagliazucchi, Mario; Szleifer, Igal


    We study the diffusive motion of particles among fixed spherical crowders. The diffusers interact with the crowders through a combination of a hard-core repulsion and a short-range attraction. The long-time effective diffusion coefficient of the diffusers is found to depend non-monotonically on the strength of their attraction to the crowders. That is, for a given concentration of crowders, a weak attraction to the crowders enhances diffusion. We show that this counterintuitive fact can be understood in terms of the mesoscopic excess chemical potential landscape experienced by the diffuser. The roughness of this excess chemical potential landscape quantitatively captures the nonmonotonic dependence of the diffusion rate on the strength of crowder-diffuser attraction; thus it is a purely static predictor of dynamic behavior. The mesoscopic view given here provides a unified explanation for enhanced diffusion effects that have been found in various systems of technological and biological interest. PMID:25302920

  10. Moist, Double-diffusive convection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oishi, Jeffrey; Burns, Keaton; Brown, Ben; Lecoanet, Daniel; Vasil, Geoffrey


    Double-diffusive convection occurs when the competition between stabilizing and a destabilizing buoyancy source is mediated by a difference in the diffusivity of each source. Such convection is important in a wide variety of astrophysical and geophysical flows. However, in giant planets, double-diffusive convection occurs in regions where condensation of important components of the atmosphere occurs. Here, we present preliminary calculations of moist, double-diffusive convection using the Dedalus pseudospectral framework. Using a simple model for phase change, we verify growth rates for moist double diffusive convection from linear calculations and report on preliminary relationships between the ability to form liquid phase and the resulting Nusselt number in nonlinear simulations.

  11. Parallel flow diffusion battery


    Yeh, H.C.; Cheng, Y.S.


    A parallel flow diffusion battery for determining the mass distribution of an aerosol has a plurality of diffusion cells mounted in parallel to an aerosol stream, each diffusion cell including a stack of mesh wire screens of different density.

  12. Parallel flow diffusion battery


    Yeh, Hsu-Chi; Cheng, Yung-Sung


    A parallel flow diffusion battery for determining the mass distribution of an aerosol has a plurality of diffusion cells mounted in parallel to an aerosol stream, each diffusion cell including a stack of mesh wire screens of different density.

  13. Diffusion bonding aeroengine components

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fitzpatrick, G. A.; Broughton, T.


    The use of diffusion bonding processes at Rolls-Royce for the manufacture of titanium-alloy aircraft engine components and structures is described. A liquid-phase diffusion bonding process called activated diffusion bonding has been developed for the manufacture of the hollow titanium wide chord fan blade. In addition, solid-state diffusion bonding is being used in the manufacture of hollow vane/blade airfoil constructions mainly in conjunction with superplastic forming and hot forming techniques.

  14. Diffusion of Small Solute Particles in Viscous Liquids: Cage Diffusion, a Result of Decoupling of Solute-Solvent Dynamics, Leads to Amplification of Solute Diffusion.


    Acharya, Sayantan; Nandi, Manoj K; Mandal, Arkajit; Sarkar, Sucharita; Bhattacharyya, Sarika Maitra


    We study the diffusion of small solute particles through solvent by keeping the solute-solvent interaction repulsive and varying the solvent properties. The study involves computer simulations, development of a new model to describe diffusion of small solutes in a solvent, and also mode coupling theory (MCT) calculations. In a viscous solvent, a small solute diffuses via coupling to the solvent hydrodynamic modes and also through the transient cages formed by the solvent. The model developed can estimate the independent contributions from these two different channels of diffusion. Although the solute diffusion in all the systems shows an amplification, the degree of it increases with solvent viscosity. The model correctly predicts that when the solvent viscosity is high, the solute primarily diffuses by exploiting the solvent cages. In such a scenario the MCT diffusion performed for a static solvent provides a correct estimation of the cage diffusion.

  15. Sucrose diffusion in aqueous solution

    PubMed Central

    Murray, Benjamin J.


    The diffusion of sugar in aqueous solution is important both in nature and in technological applications, yet measurements of diffusion coefficients at low water content are scarce. We report directly measured sucrose diffusion coefficients in aqueous solution. Our technique utilises a Raman isotope tracer method to monitor the diffusion of non-deuterated and deuterated sucrose across a boundary between the two aqueous solutions. At a water activity of 0.4 (equivalent to 90 wt% sucrose) at room temperature, the diffusion coefficient of sucrose was determined to be approximately four orders of magnitude smaller than that of water in the same material. Using literature viscosity data, we show that, although inappropriate for the prediction of water diffusion, the Stokes–Einstein equation works well for predicting sucrose diffusion under the conditions studied. As well as providing information of importance to the fundamental understanding of diffusion in binary solutions, these data have technological, pharmaceutical and medical implications, for example in cryopreservation. Moreover, in the atmosphere, slow organic diffusion may have important implications for aerosol growth, chemistry and evaporation, where processes may be limited by the inability of a molecule to diffuse between the bulk and the surface of a particle. PMID:27364512

  16. Converting Multi-Shell and Diffusion Spectrum Imaging to High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging

    PubMed Central

    Yeh, Fang-Cheng; Verstynen, Timothy D.


    Multi-shell and diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) are becoming increasingly popular methods of acquiring diffusion MRI data in a research context. However, single-shell acquisitions, such as diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) and high angular resolution diffusion imaging (HARDI), still remain the most common acquisition schemes in practice. Here we tested whether multi-shell and DSI data have conversion flexibility to be interpolated into corresponding HARDI data. We acquired multi-shell and DSI data on both a phantom and in vivo human tissue and converted them to HARDI. The correlation and difference between their diffusion signals, anisotropy values, diffusivity measurements, fiber orientations, connectivity matrices, and network measures were examined. Our analysis result showed that the diffusion signals, anisotropy, diffusivity, and connectivity matrix of the HARDI converted from multi-shell and DSI were highly correlated with those of the HARDI acquired on the MR scanner, with correlation coefficients around 0.8~0.9. The average angular error between converted and original HARDI was 20.7° at voxels with signal-to-noise ratios greater than 5. The network topology measures had less than 2% difference, whereas the average nodal measures had a percentage difference around 4~7%. In general, multi-shell and DSI acquisitions can be converted to their corresponding single-shell HARDI with high fidelity. This supports multi-shell and DSI acquisitions over HARDI acquisition as the scheme of choice for diffusion acquisitions. PMID:27683539

  17. Oxygen diffusion in monazite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cherniak, D. J.; Zhang, X. Y.; Nakamura, M.; Watson, E. B.


    We report measurements of oxygen diffusion in natural monazites under both dry, 1-atm conditions and hydrothermal conditions. For dry experiments, 18O-enriched CePO4 powder and monazite crystals were sealed in Ag-Pd capsules with a solid buffer (to buffer at NNO) and annealed in 1-atm furnaces. Hydrothermal runs were conducted in cold-seal pressure vessels, where monazite grains were encapsulated with 18O-enriched water. Following the diffusion anneals, oxygen concentration profiles were measured with Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) using the reaction 18O(p,α)15N. Over the temperature range 850-1100 °C, the Arrhenius relation determined for dry diffusion experiments on monazite is given by: Under wet conditions at 100 MPa water pressure, over the temperature range 700-880 °C, oxygen diffusion can be described by the Arrhenius relationship: Oxygen diffusion under hydrothermal conditions has a significantly lower activation energy for diffusion than under dry conditions, as has been found the case for many other minerals, both silicate and nonsilicate. Given these differences in activation energies, the differences between dry and wet diffusion rates increase with lower temperatures; for example, at 600 °C, dry diffusion will be more than 4 orders of magnitude slower than diffusion under hydrothermal conditions. These disparate diffusivities will result in pronounced differences in the degree of retentivity of oxygen isotope signatures. For instance, under dry conditions (presumably rare in the crust) and high lower-crustal temperatures (∼800 °C), monazite cores of 70-μm radii will preserve O isotope ratios for about 500,000 years; by comparison, they would be retained at this temperature under wet conditions for about 15,000 years.

  18. Diffusion-weighted MRI derived apparent diffusion coefficient identifies prognostically distinct subgroups of pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma.


    Lober, Robert M; Cho, Yoon-Jae; Tang, Yujie; Barnes, Patrick D; Edwards, Michael S; Vogel, Hannes; Fisher, Paul G; Monje, Michelle; Yeom, Kristen W


    While pediatric diffuse intrinsic pontine gliomas (DIPG) remain fatal, recent data have shown subgroups with distinct molecular biology and clinical behavior. We hypothesized that diffusion-weighted MRI can be used as a prognostic marker to stratify DIPG subsets with distinct clinical behavior. Apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values derived from diffusion-weighted MRI were computed in 20 consecutive children with treatment-naïve DIPG tumors. The median ADC for the cohort was used to stratify the tumors into low and high ADC groups. Survival, gender, therapy, and potential steroid effects were compared between the ADC groups. Median age at diagnosis was 6.6 (range 2.3-13.2) years, with median follow-up seven (range 1-36) months. There were 14 boys and six girls. Seventeen patients received radiotherapy, five received chemotherapy, and six underwent cerebrospinal fluid diversion. The median ADC of 1,295 × 10(-6) mm(2)/s for the cohort partitioned tumors into low or high diffusion groups, which had distinct median survivals of 3 and 13 months, respectively (log-rank p < 0.001). Low ADC tumors were found only in boys, whereas high ADC tumors were found in both boys and girls. Available tissue specimens in three low ADC tumors demonstrated high-grade histology, whereas one high ADC tumor demonstrated low-grade histology with a histone H3.1 K27M mutation and high-grade metastatic lesion at autopsy. ADC derived from diffusion-weighted MRI may identify prognostically distinct subgroups of pediatric DIPG.

  19. Anomalous diffusion of brain metabolites evidenced by diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy in vivo

    PubMed Central

    Marchadour, Charlotte; Brouillet, Emmanuel; Hantraye, Philippe; Lebon, Vincent; Valette, Julien


    Translational displacement of molecules within cells is a key process in cellular biology. Molecular motion potentially depends on many factors, including active transport, cytosol viscosity and molecular crowding, tortuosity resulting from cytoskeleton and organelles, and restriction barriers. However, the relative contribution of these factors to molecular motion in the cytoplasm remains poorly understood. In this work, we designed an original diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy strategy to probe molecular motion at subcellular scales in vivo. This led to the first observation of anomalous diffusion, that is, dependence of the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) on the diffusion time, for endogenous intracellular metabolites in the brain. The observed increase of the ADC at short diffusion time yields evidence that metabolite motion is characteristic of hindered random diffusion rather than active transport, for time scales up to the dozen milliseconds. Armed with this knowledge, data modeling based on geometrically constrained diffusion was performed. Results suggest that metabolite diffusion occurs in a low-viscosity cytosol hindered by ∼2-μm structures, which is consistent with known intracellular organization. PMID:22929443

  20. Diffusion in Jammed Particle Packs.


    Bolintineanu, Dan S; Grest, Gary S; Lechman, Jeremy B; Silbert, Leonardo E


    Using random walk simulations we explore diffusive transport through monodisperse sphere packings over a range of packing fractions ϕ in the vicinity of the jamming transition at ϕ(c). Various diffusion properties are computed over several orders of magnitude in both time and packing pressure. Two well-separated regimes of normal "Fickian" diffusion, where the mean squared displacement is linear in time, are observed. The first corresponds to diffusion inside individual spheres, while the latter is the long-time bulk diffusion. The intermediate anomalous diffusion regime and the long-time value of the diffusion coefficient are both shown to be controlled by particle contacts, which in turn depend on proximity to ϕ(c). The time required to recover normal diffusion t* scales as (ϕ-ϕ(c))(-0.5) and the long-time diffusivity D(∞)∼(ϕ-ϕ(c))0.5, or D(∞)∼1/t*. It is shown that the distribution of mean first passage times associated with the escape of random walkers between neighboring particles controls both t* and D(∞) in the limit ϕ→ϕ(c).

  1. Lung diffusion testing


    ... page: // Lung diffusion testing To use the sharing features on this page, please enable JavaScript. Lung diffusion testing measures how well the lungs exchange gases. ...

  2. General Model of Hindered Diffusion.


    Eloul, Shaltiel; Compton, Richard G


    The diffusion of a particle from bulk solution is slowed as it moves close to an adsorbing surface. A general model is reported that is easily applied by theoreticians and experimentalists. Specifically, it is shown here that in general and regardless of the space size, the magnitude of the effect of hindered diffusion on the flux is a property of the diffusion layer thickness. We explain and approximate the effect. Predictions of concentration profiles show that a "hindered diffusion layer" is formed near the adsorbing surface within the diffusion layer, observed even when the particle radius is just a 0.1% of the diffusion layer thickness. In particular, we focus on modern electrochemistry processes involving with impact of particles with either ultrasmall electrodes or particles in convective systems. The concept of the "hindered diffusion layer" is generally important for example in recent biophysical models of particles diffusion to small targets.

  3. A monte carlo study of restricted diffusion: Implications for diffusion MRI of prostate cancer.


    Gilani, Nima; Malcolm, Paul; Johnson, Glyn


    Diffusion MRI is used frequently to assess prostate cancer. The prostate consists of cellular tissue surrounding fluid filled ducts. Here, the diffusion properties of the ductal fluid alone were studied. Monte Carlo simulations were used to investigate ductal residence times to determine whether ducts can be regarded as forming a separate compartment and whether ductal radius could determine the Apparent Diffusion Coefficient (ADC) of the ductal fluid. Random walks were simulated in cavities. Average residence times were estimated for permeable cavities. Signal reductions resulting from application of a Stejskal-Tanner pulse sequence were calculated in impermeable cavities. Simulations were repeated for cavities of different radii and different diffusion times. Residence times are at least comparable with diffusion times even in relatively high grade tumors. ADCs asymptotically approach theoretical limiting values. At large radii and short diffusion times, ADCs are similar to free diffusion. At small radii and long diffusion times, ADCs are reduced toward zero, and kurtosis approaches a value of -1.2. Restricted diffusion in cavities of similar sizes to prostate ducts may reduce ductal ADCs. This may contribute to reductions in total ADC seen in prostate cancer. Magn Reson Med 77:1671-1677, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  4. Super-resolution reconstruction of diffusion parameters from diffusion-weighted images with different slice orientations.


    Van Steenkiste, Gwendolyn; Jeurissen, Ben; Veraart, Jelle; den Dekker, Arnold J; Parizel, Paul M; Poot, Dirk H J; Sijbers, Jan


    Diffusion MRI is hampered by long acquisition times, low spatial resolution, and a low signal-to-noise ratio. Recently, methods have been proposed to improve the trade-off between spatial resolution, signal-to-noise ratio, and acquisition time of diffusion-weighted images via super-resolution reconstruction (SRR) techniques. However, during the reconstruction, these SRR methods neglect the q-space relation between the different diffusion-weighted images. An SRR method that includes a diffusion model and directly reconstructs high resolution diffusion parameters from a set of low resolution diffusion-weighted images was proposed. Our method allows an arbitrary combination of diffusion gradient directions and slice orientations for the low resolution diffusion-weighted images, optimally samples the q- and k-space, and performs motion correction with b-matrix rotation. Experiments with synthetic data and in vivo human brain data show an increase of spatial resolution of the diffusion parameters, while preserving a high signal-to-noise ratio and low scan time. Moreover, the proposed SRR method outperforms the previous methods in terms of the root-mean-square error. The proposed SRR method substantially increases the spatial resolution of MRI that can be obtained in a clinically feasible scan time. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Reduce Confusion about Diffusion.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hebrank, Mary R.


    Presents activities that allow students to explore the fundamental but poorly understood concept of diffusion by appealing to their kinesthetic senses first, then challenging their analytical skills as they try to deduce the mathematical principle involved. Presents a computer simulation of diffusion and discusses diffusion's limitations and…

  6. Instrumentation in Diffuse Optical Imaging

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Xiaofeng


    Diffuse optical imaging is highly versatile and has a very broad range of applications in biology and medicine. It covers diffuse optical tomography, fluorescence diffuse optical tomography, bioluminescence, and a number of other new imaging methods. These methods of diffuse optical imaging have diversified instrument configurations but share the same core physical principle – light propagation in highly diffusive media, i.e., the biological tissue. In this review, the author summarizes the latest development in instrumentation and methodology available to diffuse optical imaging in terms of system architecture, light source, photo-detection, spectral separation, signal modulation, and lastly imaging contrast. PMID:24860804

  7. Hydrodynamically induced fluid transfer and non-convective double-diffusion in microgravity sliding solvent diffusion cells

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pollmann, Konrad W.; Stodieck, Louis S.; Luttges, Marvin W.


    Microgravity can provide a diffusion-dominated environment for double-diffusion and diffusion-reaction experiments otherwise disrupted by buoyant convection or sedimentation. In sliding solvent diffusion cells, a diffusion interface between two liquid columns is achieved by aligning two offset sliding wells. Fluid in contact with the sliding lid of the cavities is subjected to an applied shear stress. The momentum change by the start/stop action of the well creates an additional hydrodynamical force. In microgravity, these viscous and inertial forces are sufficiently large to deform the diffusion interface and induce hydrodynamic transfer between the wells. A series of KC-135 parabolic flight experiments were conducted to characterize these effects and establish baseline data for microgravity diffusion experiments. Flow visualizations show the diffusion interface to be deformed in a sinusoidal fashion following well alignment. After the wells were separated again in a second sliding movement, the total induced liquid transfer was determined and normalized by the well aspect ratio. The normalized transfer decreased linearly with Reynolds number from 3.3 to 4.0% (w/v) for Re = 0.4 (Stokes flow) to a minimum of 1.0% for Re = 23 to 30. Reynolds numbers that provide minimum induced transfers are characterized by an interface that is highly deformed and unsuitable for diffusion measurements. Flat diffusion interfaces acceptable for diffusion measurements are obtained with Reynolds numbers on the order of 7 to 10. Microgravity experiments aboard a sounding rocket flight verified counterdiffusion of different solutes to be diffusion dominated. Ground control experiments showed enhanced mixing by double-diffusive convection. Careful selection of experimental parameters improves initial conditions and minimizes induced transfer rates.

  8. Gaseous diffusion system


    Garrett, George A.; Shacter, John


    1. A gaseous diffusion system comprising a plurality of diffusers connected in cascade to form a series of stages, each of said diffusers having a porous partition dividing it into a high pressure chamber and a low pressure chamber, and means for combining a portion of the enriched gas from a succeeding stage with a portion of the enriched gas from the low pressure chamber of each stage and feeding it into one extremity of the high pressure chamber thereof.

  9. Estimating the Diffusion Coefficients of Sugars Using Diffusion Experiments in Agar-Gel and Computer Simulations.


    Miyamoto, Shuichi; Atsuyama, Kenji; Ekino, Keisuke; Shin, Takashi


    The isolation of useful microbes is one of the traditional approaches for the lead generation in drug discovery. As an effective technique for microbe isolation, we recently developed a multidimensional diffusion-based gradient culture system of microbes. In order to enhance the utility of the system, it is favorable to have diffusion coefficients of nutrients such as sugars in the culture medium beforehand. We have, therefore, built a simple and convenient experimental system that uses agar-gel to observe diffusion. Next, we performed computer simulations-based on random-walk concepts-of the experimental diffusion system and derived correlation formulas that relate observable diffusion data to diffusion coefficients. Finally, we applied these correlation formulas to our experimentally-determined diffusion data to estimate the diffusion coefficients of sugars. Our values for these coefficients agree reasonably well with values published in the literature. The effectiveness of our simple technique, which has elucidated the diffusion coefficients of some molecules which are rarely reported (e.g., galactose, trehalose, and glycerol) is demonstrated by the strong correspondence between the literature values and those obtained in our experiments.

  10. A framework to analyze cerebral mean diffusivity using surface guided diffusion mapping in diffusion tensor imaging

    PubMed Central

    Kwon, Oh-Hun; Park, Hyunjin; Seo, Sang-Won; Na, Duk L.; Lee, Jong-Min


    The mean diffusivity (MD) value has been used to describe microstructural properties in Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI) in cortical gray matter (GM). Recently, researchers have applied a cortical surface generated from the T1-weighted volume. When the DTI data are analyzed using the cortical surface, it is important to assign an accurate MD value from the volume space to the vertex of the cortical surface, considering the anatomical correspondence between the DTI and the T1-weighted image. Previous studies usually sampled the MD value using the nearest-neighbor (NN) method or Linear method, even though there are geometric distortions in diffusion-weighted volumes. Here we introduce a Surface Guided Diffusion Mapping (SGDM) method to compensate for such geometric distortions. We compared our SGDM method with results using NN and Linear methods by investigating differences in the sampled MD value. We also projected the tissue classification results of non-diffusion-weighted volumes to the cortical midsurface. The CSF probability values provided by the SGDM method were lower than those produced by the NN and Linear methods. The MD values provided by the NN and Linear methods were significantly greater than those of the SGDM method in regions suffering from geometric distortion. These results indicate that the NN and Linear methods assigned the MD value in the CSF region to the cortical midsurface (GM region). Our results suggest that the SGDM method is an effective way to correct such mapping errors. PMID:26236180

  11. Isotope fractionation by multicomponent diffusion (Invited)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watkins, J. M.; Liang, Y.; Richter, F. M.; Ryerson, F. J.; DePaolo, D. J.


    Isotope fractionation by multicomponent diffusion The isotopic composition of mineral phases can be used to probe the temperatures and rates of mineral formation as well as the degree of post-mineralization alteration. The ability to interpret stable isotope variations is limited by our knowledge of three key parameters and their relative importance in determining the composition of a mineral grain and its surroundings: (1) thermodynamic (equilibrium) partitioning, (2) mass-dependent diffusivities, and (3) mass-dependent reaction rate coefficients. Understanding the mechanisms of diffusion and reaction in geological liquids, and how these mass transport processes discriminate between isotopes, represents an important problem that is receiving considerable attention in the geosciences. Our focus in this presentation will be isotope fractionation by chemical diffusion. Previous studies have documented that diffusive isotope effects vary depending on the cation as well as the liquid composition, but the ability to predict diffusive isotope effects from theory is limited; for example, it is unclear whether the magnitude of diffusive isotopic fractionations might also vary with the direction of diffusion in composition space. To test this hypothesis and to further guide the theoretical treatment of isotope diffusion, two chemical diffusion experiments and one self diffusion experiment were conducted at 1250°C and 0.7 GPa. In one experiment (A-B), CaO and Na2O counter-diffuse rapidly in the presence of a small SiO2 gradient. In the other experiment (D-E), CaO and SiO2 counter-diffuse more slowly in a small Na2O gradient. In both chemical diffusion experiments, Ca isotopes become fractionated by chemical diffusion but by different amounts, documenting for the first time that the magnitude of isotope fractionation by diffusion depends on the direction of diffusion in composition space. The magnitude of Ca isotope fractionation that develops is positively correlated with

  12. NMR-based diffusion pore imaging.


    Laun, Frederik Bernd; Kuder, Tristan Anselm; Wetscherek, Andreas; Stieltjes, Bram; Semmler, Wolfhard


    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) diffusion experiments offer a unique opportunity to study boundaries restricting the diffusion process. In a recent Letter [Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 048102 (2011)], we introduced the idea and concept that such diffusion experiments can be interpreted as NMR imaging experiments. Consequently, images of closed pores, in which the spins diffuse, can be acquired. In the work presented here, an in-depth description of the diffusion pore imaging technique is provided. Image artifacts due to gradient profiles of finite duration, field inhomogeneities, and surface relaxation are considered. Gradients of finite duration lead to image blurring and edge enhancement artifacts. Field inhomogeneities have benign effects on diffusion pore images, and surface relaxation can lead to a shrinkage and shift of the pore image. The relation between boundary structure and the imaginary part of the diffusion weighted signal is analyzed, and it is shown that information on pore coherence can be obtained without the need to measure the phase of the diffusion weighted signal. Moreover, it is shown that quite arbitrary gradient profiles can be used for diffusion pore imaging. The matrices required for numerical calculations are stated and provided as supplemental material.

  13. Effects of Diffusion Time on Short-Range Hyperpolarized 3He Diffusivity Measurements in Emphysema

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gierada, David S.; Woods, Jason C.; Bierhals, Andrew J.


    Purpose: To characterize the effect of diffusion time on short-range hyperpolarized 3He MR diffusion measurements across a wide range of emphysema severity. Materials and Methods: 3He diffusion MR imaging was performed on 19 lungs or lobes resected from 18 subjects with varying degrees of emphysema using 3 diffusion times (1.6 msec, 5 msec, and 10 msec) at constant b value. Emphysema severity was quantified as the mean apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and as the percentage of pixels with ADC higher than multiple thresholds from 0.30-0.55 cm2/sec (ADC index). Quantitative histology (mean linear intercept) was obtained in 10 of the lungmore » specimens from 10 of the subjects. Results: The mean ADCs with diffusion times of 1.6, 5.0, and 10.0 msec were 0.46, 0.40, and 0.37 cm2/sec, respectively (P <0.0001, ANOVA). There was no relationship between the ADC magnitude and the effect of diffusion time on ADC values. Mean linear intercept correlated with ADC (r=0.91-0.94, P<0.001) and ADC index (r=0.78-0.92, P<0.01) at all diffusion times.« less

  14. Similarity solutions of reaction–diffusion equation with space- and time-dependent diffusion and reaction terms

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ho, C.-L.; Lee, C.-C., E-mail:


    We consider solvability of the generalized reaction–diffusion equation with both space- and time-dependent diffusion and reaction terms by means of the similarity method. By introducing the similarity variable, the reaction–diffusion equation is reduced to an ordinary differential equation. Matching the resulting ordinary differential equation with known exactly solvable equations, one can obtain corresponding exactly solvable reaction–diffusion systems. Several representative examples of exactly solvable reaction–diffusion equations are presented.

  15. Diffuse reflectance relations based on diffusion dipole theory for large absorption and reduced scattering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bremmer, Rolf H.; van Gemert, Martin J. C.; Faber, Dirk J.; van Leeuwen, Ton G.; Aalders, Maurice C. G.


    Diffuse reflectance spectra are used to determine the optical properties of biological samples. In medicine and forensic science, the turbid objects under study often possess large absorption and/or scattering properties. However, data analysis is frequently based on the diffusion approximation to the radiative transfer equation, implying that it is limited to tissues where the reduced scattering coefficient dominates over the absorption coefficient. Nevertheless, up to absorption coefficients of 20 m at reduced scattering coefficients of 1 and 11.5 mm-1, we observed excellent agreement (r2=0.994) between reflectance measurements of phantoms and the diffuse reflectance equation proposed by Zonios et al. [Appl. Opt. 38, 6628-6637 (1999)], derived as an approximation to one of the diffusion dipole equations of Farrell et al. [Med. Phys. 19, 879-888 (1992)]. However, two parameters were fitted to all phantom experiments, including strongly absorbing samples, implying that the reflectance equation differs from diffusion theory. Yet, the exact diffusion dipole approximation at high reduced scattering and absorption also showed agreement with the phantom measurements. The mathematical structure of the diffuse reflectance relation used, derived by Zonios et al. [Appl. Opt. 38, 6628-6637 (1999)], explains this observation. In conclusion, diffuse reflectance relations derived as an approximation to the diffusion dipole theory of Farrell et al. can analyze reflectance ratios accurately, even for much larger absorption than reduced scattering coefficients. This allows calibration of fiber-probe set-ups so that the object's diffuse reflectance can be related to its absorption even when large. These findings will greatly expand the application of diffuse reflection spectroscopy. In medicine, it may allow the use of blue/green wavelengths and measurements on whole blood, and in forensic science, it may allow inclusion of objects such as

  16. Stochastic mechanics of reciprocal diffusions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levy, Bernard C.; Krener, Arthur J.


    The dynamics and kinematics of reciprocal diffusions were examined in a previous paper [J. Math. Phys. 34, 1846 (1993)], where it was shown that reciprocal diffusions admit a chain of conservation laws, which close after the first two laws for two disjoint subclasses of reciprocal diffusions, the Markov and quantum diffusions. For the case of quantum diffusions, the conservation laws are equivalent to Schrödinger's equation. The Markov diffusions were employed by Schrödinger [Sitzungsber. Preuss. Akad. Wiss. Phys. Math Kl. 144 (1931); Ann. Inst. H. Poincaré 2, 269 (1932)], Nelson [Dynamical Theories of Brownian Motion (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1967); Quantum Fluctuations (Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, 1985)], and other researchers to develop stochastic formulations of quantum mechanics, called stochastic mechanics. We propose here an alternative version of stochastic mechanics based on quantum diffusions. A procedure is presented for constructing the quantum diffusion associated to a given wave function. It is shown that quantum diffusions satisfy the uncertainty principle, and have a locality property, whereby given two dynamically uncoupled but statistically correlated particles, the marginal statistics of each particle depend only on the local fields to which the particle is subjected. However, like Wigner's joint probability distribution for the position and momentum of a particle, the finite joint probability densities of quantum diffusions may take negative values.

  17. High-grade glioma diffusive modeling using statistical tissue information and diffusion tensors extracted from atlases.


    Roniotis, Alexandros; Manikis, Georgios C; Sakkalis, Vangelis; Zervakis, Michalis E; Karatzanis, Ioannis; Marias, Kostas


    Glioma, especially glioblastoma, is a leading cause of brain cancer fatality involving highly invasive and neoplastic growth. Diffusive models of glioma growth use variations of the diffusion-reaction equation in order to simulate the invasive patterns of glioma cells by approximating the spatiotemporal change of glioma cell concentration. The most advanced diffusive models take into consideration the heterogeneous velocity of glioma in gray and white matter, by using two different discrete diffusion coefficients in these areas. Moreover, by using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), they simulate the anisotropic migration of glioma cells, which is facilitated along white fibers, assuming diffusion tensors with different diffusion coefficients along each candidate direction of growth. Our study extends this concept by fully exploiting the proportions of white and gray matter extracted by normal brain atlases, rather than discretizing diffusion coefficients. Moreover, the proportions of white and gray matter, as well as the diffusion tensors, are extracted by the respective atlases; thus, no DTI processing is needed. Finally, we applied this novel glioma growth model on real data and the results indicate that prognostication rates can be improved. © 2012 IEEE

  18. A Student Diffusion Activity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kutzner, Mickey; Pearson, Bryan


    Diffusion is a truly interdisciplinary topic bridging all areas of STEM education. When biomolecules are not being moved through the body by fluid flow through the circulatory system or by molecular motors, diffusion is the primary mode of transport over short distances. The direction of the diffusive flow of particles is from high concentration…

  19. NASA/DoD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project, Paper Sixteen: Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Understanding how STI is commun- aerospace knowledge- efficient and effective transfer and cated in the process of technolgical diffusion of knowledge within...However, as important international levels, diffusion of knowledge in the aeros- as the transfer and utilisation of STI is to which will help to pace...diffused is neces- diffusion of knowledge . Phase 3 ex- formation specialist). Phase 2 examined sary to successfully manage technolog- plores the information

  20. Continuous diffusion signal, EAP and ODF estimation via Compressive Sensing in diffusion MRI.


    Merlet, Sylvain L; Deriche, Rachid


    In this paper, we exploit the ability of Compressed Sensing (CS) to recover the whole 3D Diffusion MRI (dMRI) signal from a limited number of samples while efficiently recovering important diffusion features such as the Ensemble Average Propagator (EAP) and the Orientation Distribution Function (ODF). Some attempts to use CS in estimating diffusion signals have been done recently. However, this was mainly an experimental insight of CS capabilities in dMRI and the CS theory has not been fully exploited. In this work, we also propose to study the impact of the sparsity, the incoherence and the RIP property on the reconstruction of diffusion signals. We show that an efficient use of the CS theory enables to drastically reduce the number of measurements commonly used in dMRI acquisitions. Only 20-30 measurements, optimally spread on several b-value shells, are shown to be necessary, which is less than previous attempts to recover the diffusion signal using CS. This opens an attractive perspective to measure the diffusion signals in white matter within a reduced acquisition time and shows that CS holds great promise and opens new and exciting perspectives in diffusion MRI (dMRI). Copyright © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Diffusion properties of NAA in human corpus callosum as studied with diffusion tensor spectroscopy.


    Upadhyay, Jaymin; Hallock, Kevin; Erb, Kelley; Kim, Dae-Shik; Ronen, Itamar


    In diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) the anisotropic movement of water is exploited to characterize microstructure. One confounding issue of DTI is the presence of intra- and extracellular components contributing to the measured diffusivity. This causes an ambiguity in determining the underlying cause of diffusion properties, particularly the fractional anisotropy (FA). In this study an intracellular constituent, N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), was used to probe intracellular diffusion, while water molecules were used to probe the combined intra- and extracellular diffusion. NAA and water diffusion measurements were made in anterior and medial corpus callosum (CC) regions, which are referred to as R1 and R2, respectively. FA(NAA) was found to be greater than FA(Water) in both CC regions, thus indicating a higher degree of anisotropy within the intracellular space in comparison to the combined intra- and extracellular spaces. A decreasing trend in the FA of NAA and water was observed between R1 and R2, while the radial diffusivity (RD) for both molecules increased. The increase in RD(NAA) is particularly significant, thus explaining the more significant decrease in FA(NAA) between the two regions. It is suggested that diffusion tensor spectroscopy of NAA can potentially be used to further characterize microscopic anatomic organization in white matter. Copyright 2007 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  2. Effect of diffusive and nondiffusive surfaces combinations on sound diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shafieian, Masoume; Kashani, Farokh Hodjat


    One of room acoustic goals, especially in small to medium rooms, is sound diffusion in low frequencies, which have been the subject of lots of researches. Sound diffusion is a very important consideration in acoustics because it minimizes the coherent reflections that cause problems. It also tends to make an enclosed space sound larger than it is. Diffusion is an excellent alternative or complement to sound absorption in acoustic treatment because it doesn’t really remove much energy, which means it can be used to effectively reduce reflections while still leaving an ambient or live sounding space. Distribution of diffusive and nondiffusive surfaces on room walls affect sound diffusion in room, but the amount, combination, and location of these surfaces are still the matter of question. This paper investigates effects of these issues on room acoustic frequency response in different parts of the room with different source-receiver locations. Room acoustic model based on wave method is used (implemented) which is very accurate and convenient for low frequencies in such rooms. Different distributions of acoustic surfaces on room walls have been introduced to the model and room frequency response results are calculated. For the purpose of comparison, some measurements results are presented. Finally for more smooth frequency response in small and medium rooms, some suggestions are made.

  3. Characterization of diffuse orbital mass using Apparent diffusion coefficient in 3-tesla MRI.


    ElKhamary, Sahar M; Galindo-Ferreiro, Alicia; AlGhafri, Laila; Khandekar, Rajiv; Schellini, Silvana Artioli


    To evaluate if the apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) value in diffusion-weighted magnetic resonance imaging (DW-MRI) improves the diagnostic accuracy of diffuse orbital masses. ADC DW-MRI was used to evaluate cases of diffuse orbital masses at our institution from 2000 to 2015. Lesions were grouped according to histopathologic diagnosis as, benign, pre-malignant and malignant. Lymphoproliferative lesions were further subgrouped as lymphoma or other lymphoproliferative lesions. The validity of the ADC value for the diffuse orbital mass was compared between groups. The area under curve (AUC) was also calculated. Thirty-nine cases of diffuse orbital masses were evaluated. The median ADC was 0.58 (25% quartile 0.48; minimum: 0.45; maximum: 1.72 × 10 (-3) ) for the malignant tumors and 1.19 (25% quartile 0.7; minimum: 0.5; maximum: 1.95 × 10 (-3)  mm (2)  s (-1) ) for benign lesions. This difference in ADC between lesions was statistically significant (Mann Whitney U test P < 0.001). The median ADC was 0.51 (25% quartile 0.48) for lymphomas and 0.9 (25% quartile 0.7) for other lymphoproliferative lesions. This difference in ADC was statistically significant (Mann Whitney U test P = 0.02). An ADC value of 0.8 × 10 (-3)  mm (2)  s (-1) was noted as the ideal threshold value for differentiating malignant from benign diffuse orbital masses. The validity of ADC in predicting a malignant or benign diffuse orbital mass had a sensitivity of 87%, specificity of 67% and accuracy of 88%. ADC is a promising imaging metric to characterize malignant and benign diffuse orbital masses and to distinguish lymphomas from other non-lymphoproliferative lesions.

  4. Quantum State Diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Percival, Ian


    1. Introduction; 2. Brownian motion and Itô calculus; 3. Open quantum systems; 4. Quantum state diffusion; 5. Localisation; 6. Numerical methods and examples; 7. Quantum foundations; 8. Primary state diffusion; 9. Classical dynamics of quantum localisation; 10. Semiclassical theory and linear dynamics.

  5. Effects of inlet flow field conditions on the performance of centrifugal compressor diffusers: Part 2 -- Straight-channel diffuser

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Deniz, S.; Greitzer, E.M.; Cumpsty, N.A.


    This is Part 2 of an examination of the influence of inlet flow conditions on the performance and operating range of centrifugal compressor vaned diffusers. The paper describes tests of a straight-channel type diffuser, sometimes called a wedge-vane diffuser, and compares the results with those from the discrete-passage diffusers described in Part 1. Effects of diffuser inlet Mach number, flow angle, blockage, and axial flow nonuniformity on diffuser pressure recovery and operating range are addressed. The straight-channel diffuser investigated has 30 vanes and was designed for the same aerodynamic duty as the discrete-passage diffuser described in Part 1. The rangesmore » of the overall pressure recovery coefficients were 0.50--0.78 for the straight-channel diffuser and 0.50--0.70 for the discrete-passage diffuser, except when the diffuser was choked. In other words, the maximum pressure recovery of the straight-channel diffuser was found to be roughly 10% higher than that of the discrete-passage diffuser investigated. The two types of diffuser showed similar behavior regarding the dependence of pressure recovery on diffuser inlet flow angle and the insensitivity of the performance to inlet flow field axial distortion and Mach number. The operating range of the straight-channel diffuser, as for the discrete-passage diffusers, was limited by the onset of rotating stall at a fixed momentum-averaged flow angle into the diffuser, which was for the straight-channel diffuser, {alpha}{sub crit} = 70 {+-} 0.5 deg. The background, nomenclature, and description of the facility and method are all given in Part 1.« less

  6. Stimulated echo diffusion tensor imaging (STEAM-DTI) with varying diffusion times as a probe of breast tissue.


    Teruel, Jose R; Cho, Gene Y; Moccaldi Rt, Melanie; Goa, Pål E; Bathen, Tone F; Feiweier, Thorsten; Kim, Sungheon G; Moy, Linda; Sigmund, Eric E


    To explore the application of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for breast tissue and breast pathologies using a stimulated-echo acquisition mode (STEAM) with variable diffusion times. In this Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act-compliant study, approved by the local institutional review board, eight patients and six healthy volunteers underwent an MRI examination at 3 Tesla including STEAM-DTI with several diffusion times ranging from 68.5 to 902.5 ms. A DTI model was fitted to the data for each diffusion time, and parametric maps of mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity were computed for healthy fibroglandular tissue (FGT) and lesions. The median value of radial diffusivity for FGT was fitted to a linear decay to obtain an estimation of the surface-to-volume ratio, from which the radial diameter was calculated. For healthy FGT, radial diffusivity presented a linear decay with the square root of the diffusion time resulting in a range of estimated radial diameters from 202 to 496 µm, while axial diffusivity presented a nearly time-independent diffusion. Residual fat signal was reduced at longer diffusion times due to the shorter T1 of fat. Residual fat signal to the overall signal in the healthy volunteers' FGT was found to range from 2.39% to 2.55% (shortest mixing time), and from 0.40% to 0.51% (longest mixing time) for the b500 images. The use of variable diffusion times may provide an in vivo noninvasive tool to probe diffusion lengths in breast tissue and breast pathology, and might aid by improving fat suppression at longer diffusion times. 2 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2017;45:84-93. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  7. Strain-based diffusion solver for realistic representation of diffusion front in physical reactions

    PubMed Central


    When simulating fluids, such as water or fire, interacting with solids, it is a challenging problem to represent details of diffusion front in physical reaction. Previous approaches commonly use isotropic or anisotropic diffusion to model the transport of a quantity through a medium or long interface. We have identified unrealistic monotonous patterns with previous approaches and therefore, propose to extend these approaches by integrating the deformation of the material with the diffusion process. Specifically, stretching deformation represented by strain is incorporated in a divergence-constrained diffusion model. A novel diffusion model is introduced to increase the global rate at which the solid acquires relevant quantities, such as heat or saturation. This ensures that the equations describing fluid flow are linked to the change of solid geometry, and also satisfy the divergence-free condition. Experiments show that our method produces convincing results. PMID:28448591

  8. The relevance of light diffusion profiles for interstitial PDT using light-diffusing optical fibers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stringasci, Mirian D.; Fortunato, Thereza C.; Moriyama, Lilian T.; Vollet Filho, José Dirceu; Bagnato, Vanderlei S.; Kurachi, Cristina


    Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is a technique used for several tumor types treatment. Light penetration on biological tissue is one limiting factor for PDT applied to large tumors. An alternative is using interstitial PDT, in which optical fibers are inserted into tumors. Cylindrical diffusers have been used in interstitial PDT. Light emission of different diffusers depends on the manufacturing process, size and optical properties of fibers, which make difficult to establish an adequate light dosimetry, since usually light profile is not designed for direct tissue-fiber contact. This study discusses the relevance of light distribution by a cylindrical diffuser into a turbid lipid emulsion solution, and how parts of a single diffuser contribute to illumination. A 2 cm-long cylindrical diffuser optical fiber was connected to a diode laser (630 nm), and the light spatial distribution was measured by scanning the solution with a collection probe. From the light field profile generated by a 1 mm-long intermediary element of a 20 mm-long cylindrical diffuser, recovery of light distribution for the entire diffuser was obtained. PDT was performed in rat healthy liver for a real treatment outcome analysis. By using computational tools, a typical necrosis profile generated by the irradiation with such a diffuser fiber was reconstructed. The results showed that it was possible predicting theoretically the shape of a necrosis profile in a healthy, homogeneous tissue with reasonable accuracy. The ability to predict the necrosis profile obtained from an interstitial illumination by optical diffusers has the potential improve light dosimetry for interstitial PDT.

  9. Diffusion in Coulomb crystals.


    Hughto, J; Schneider, A S; Horowitz, C J; Berry, D K


    Diffusion in Coulomb crystals can be important for the structure of neutron star crusts. We determine diffusion constants D from molecular dynamics simulations. We find that D for Coulomb crystals with relatively soft-core 1/r interactions may be larger than D for Lennard-Jones or other solids with harder-core interactions. Diffusion, for simulations of nearly perfect body-centered-cubic lattices, involves the exchange of ions in ringlike configurations. Here ions "hop" in unison without the formation of long lived vacancies. Diffusion, for imperfect crystals, involves the motion of defects. Finally, we find that diffusion, for an amorphous system rapidly quenched from Coulomb parameter Γ=175 to Coulomb parameters up to Γ=1750, is fast enough that the system starts to crystalize during long simulation runs. These results strongly suggest that Coulomb solids in cold white dwarf stars, and the crust of neutron stars, will be crystalline and not amorphous.

  10. Heavy-tailed fractional Pearson diffusions.


    Leonenko, N N; Papić, I; Sikorskii, A; Šuvak, N


    We define heavy-tailed fractional reciprocal gamma and Fisher-Snedecor diffusions by a non-Markovian time change in the corresponding Pearson diffusions. Pearson diffusions are governed by the backward Kolmogorov equations with space-varying polynomial coefficients and are widely used in applications. The corresponding fractional reciprocal gamma and Fisher-Snedecor diffusions are governed by the fractional backward Kolmogorov equations and have heavy-tailed marginal distributions in the steady state. We derive the explicit expressions for the transition densities of the fractional reciprocal gamma and Fisher-Snedecor diffusions and strong solutions of the associated Cauchy problems for the fractional backward Kolmogorov equation.

  11. Diffusion doping in quantum dots: bond strength and diffusivity.


    Saha, Avijit; Makkar, Mahima; Shetty, Amitha; Gahlot, Kushagra; A R, Pavan; Viswanatha, Ranjani


    Semiconducting materials uniformly doped with optical or magnetic impurities have been useful in a number of potential applications. However, clustering or phase separation during synthesis has made this job challenging. Recently the "inside out" diffusion doping was proposed to be successful in obtaining large sized quantum dots (QDs) uniformly doped with a dilute percentage of dopant atoms. Herein, we demonstrate the use of basic physical chemistry of diffusion to control the size and concentration of the dopants within the QDs for a given transition metal ion. We have studied three parameters; the bond strength of the core molecules and the diffusion coefficient of the diffusing metal ion are found to be important while the ease of cation exchange was not highly influential in the control of size and concentration of the single domain dilute magnetic semiconductor quantum dots (DMSQDs) with diverse dopant ions M 2+ (Fe 2+ , Ni 2+ , Co 2+ , Mn 2+ ). Steady state optical emission spectra reveal that the dopants are incorporated inside the semiconducting CdS and the emission can be tuned during shell growth. We have shown that this method enables control over doping percentage and the QDs show a superior ferromagnetic response at room temperature as compared to previously reported systems.

  12. Solute diffusion in liquid metals

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhat, B. N.


    A gas model of diffusion in liquid metals is presented. In this model, ions of liquid metals are assumed to behave like the molecules in a dense gas. Diffusion coefficient of solute is discussed with reference to its mass, ionic size, and pair potential. The model is applied to the case of solute diffusion in liquid silver. An attempt was made to predict diffusion coefficients of solutes with reasonable accuracy.

  13. The diffusion of water in haploanesite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ni, H.; Zhang, Y.


    Diffusive transport of water in silicate melts is a key process in magma dynamics and volcanic eruptions, including bubble growth. Previous studies demonstrate that in additional to temperature, water content and pressure, melt composition also plays an important role in determining water diffusivity. We carried out high temperature (1311-1512°C) diffusion-couple experiments and intermediate temperature (470- 600°C) dehydration experiments to investigate H2O diffusion in a melt of haploandesitic composition. The diffusion couple is composed of an anhydrous (with <0.1 wt.% H2O) and a hydrous (with 2 wt.% H2O) haploandesitic glass. A platinum capsule is used to contain the couple and then it is welded shut. Diffusion runs are carried out in a 12.7-mm piston-cylinder apparatus at 1 GPa and superliquidus temperatures of 1584-1785 K. Infrared microscopy is applied on quenched glass to measure the profile of total H2O concentration (H2Ot). The profile shape is best fit by an error function, indicating an H2O diffusivity virtually independent of H2O concentration, consistent with the results of Behrens et al. (2004) on an Fe-bearing andesite. Dehydration experiments are performed at 743-873 K in a rapid-quench cold-seal vessel, with a heated hydrous glass losing water to 0.1 GPa Ar atmosphere. Measured diffusion profiles, however, show that water diffusivity is dependent on water content. Experimental data can be explained by H2Om being the dominating diffusant or a total H2O diffusivity proportional to total H2O content. The distinction between the high-temperature experiments where H2Ot diffusivity is apparently independent of H2Ot content, and the intermediate-temperature experiments where H2Ot diffusivity depends on H2Ot can be rationalized if OH diffusion has a higher activation energy than molecular H2O diffusion, and their comparable diffusivities at high T gradually diverge as temperature is lowered. At below 1 wt.% H2O, water diffusivity increases from rhyolite

  14. Diffusion control for a tempered anomalous diffusion system using fractional-order PI controllers.


    Juan Chen; Zhuang, Bo; Chen, YangQuan; Cui, Baotong


    This paper is concerned with diffusion control problem of a tempered anomalous diffusion system based on fractional-order PI controllers. The contribution of this paper is to introduce fractional-order PI controllers into the tempered anomalous diffusion system for mobile actuators motion and spraying control. For the proposed control force, convergence analysis of the system described by mobile actuator dynamical equations is presented based on Lyapunov stability arguments. Moreover, a new Centroidal Voronoi Tessellation (CVT) algorithm based on fractional-order PI controllers, henceforth called FOPI-based CVT algorithm, is provided together with a modified simulation platform called Fractional-Order Diffusion Mobile Actuator-Sensor 2-Dimension Fractional-Order Proportional Integral (FO-Diff-MAS2D-FOPI). Finally, extensive numerical simulations for the tempered anomalous diffusion process are presented to verify the effectiveness of our proposed fractional-order PI controllers. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Development of a special topics course on intelligent transportation systems for the Zachry Department of Civil Engineering of Texas A&M University.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    With Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), engineers and system integrators blend emerging : detection/surveillance, communications, and computer technologies with transportation management and : control concepts to improve the safety and mobilit...

  16. Diffusion Influenced Adsorption Kinetics.


    Miura, Toshiaki; Seki, Kazuhiko


    When the kinetics of adsorption is influenced by the diffusive flow of solutes, the solute concentration at the surface is influenced by the surface coverage of solutes, which is given by the Langmuir-Hinshelwood adsorption equation. The diffusion equation with the boundary condition given by the Langmuir-Hinshelwood adsorption equation leads to the nonlinear integro-differential equation for the surface coverage. In this paper, we solved the nonlinear integro-differential equation using the Grünwald-Letnikov formula developed to solve fractional kinetics. Guided by the numerical results, analytical expressions for the upper and lower bounds of the exact numerical results were obtained. The upper and lower bounds were close to the exact numerical results in the diffusion- and reaction-controlled limits, respectively. We examined the validity of the two simple analytical expressions obtained in the diffusion-controlled limit. The results were generalized to include the effect of dispersive diffusion. We also investigated the effect of molecular rearrangement of anisotropic molecules on surface coverage.

  17. Diffusion in jammed particle packs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bolintineanu, Dan S.; Silbert, Leonardo E.; Grest, Gary S.; Lechman, Jeremy B.


    Diffusive transport in jammed particle packs is of interest for a number of applications, as well as being a potential indicator of structural properties near the jamming point. To this end, we report stochastic simulations of equilibrium diffusion through monodisperse sphere packs near the jamming point in the limit of a perfectly insulating surrounding medium. The time dependence of various diffusion properties is resolved over several orders of magnitude. Two time regimes of expected Fickian diffusion are observed, separated by an intermediate regime of anomalous diffusion. This intermediate regime grows as the particle volume fraction approaches the critical jamming transition. The diffusion behavior is fully controlled by the extent of the contacts between neighboring particles, which in turn depend on proximity to the jamming point. In particular, the mean first passage time associated with the escape of random walkers between neighboring particles is shown to control both the time to recover Fickian diffusion and the long time diffusivity. Scaling laws are established that relate these quantities to the difference between the actual and critical jamming volume fractions. Sandia National Laboratories is a multiprogram laboratory managed and operated by Sandia Corporation, a wholly owned subsidiary of Lockheed Martin Corporation, for the U.S. Department of Energy's NNSA under Contract DE- AC04-94AL85000.

  18. Cross-Diffusion Driven Instability for a Lotka-Volterra Competitive Reaction-Diffusion System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gambino, G.; Lombardo, M. C.; Sammartino, M.


    In this work we investigate the possibility of the pattern formation for a reaction-diffusion system with nonlinear diffusion terms. Through a linear stability analysis we find the conditions which allow a homogeneous steady state (stable for the kinetics) to become unstable through a Turing mechanism. In particular, we show how cross-diffusion effects are responsible for the initiation of spatial patterns. Finally, we find a Fisher amplitude equation which describes the weakly nonlinear dynamics of the system near the marginal stability.

  19. Helium diffusion parameters of hematite from a single-diffusion-domain crystal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farley, K. A.


    This contribution reports new parameters for helium diffusion in hematite useful for interpretation of cosmogenic 3He and radiogenic 4He chronometry. Fragments of a coarse, euhedral single crystal of hematite from Minas Gerais, Brazil were subjected to bulk step-heating helium diffusion experiments after proton irradiation to make a uniform distribution of 3He. Aliquots of three different grain sizes ranging from ∼300 to ∼700 μm in equivalent-sphere radius yielded helium diffusion activation energies Ea ∼ 170 kJ/mol, very similar to previous estimates for Ea in hematite. Uniquely in this specimen, diffusivity varies with the dimensions of the analyzed fragments in precisely the fashion expected if the diffusion domain corresponds to the physical grain. This contrasts with previous studies that concluded that the analyzed hematites consist of polycrystalline aggregates in which helium migration is governed by the size distribution of the constituent crystallites. These new data permit a direct estimate of the helium diffusivity at infinite temperature for hematite of ln(Do) = -0.66 ± 0.35 in cm2/s. The major implication of the new diffusion parameters is that hematite is very retentive of helium even at very small crystal sizes. For example, a 20 nm radius hematite crystal, at the smallest end of the size range so far described in dated polycrystalline hematite specimens, will retain more than 99% of its ingrown He over 1 Myr at 30 °C, and more than 90% over 100 Myr. Under most conditions, hematite is close to quantitatively helium-retentive on the Earth's surface, simplifying radiogenic and cosmogenic helium dating of this phase. In a system cooling at 10 °C/Myr, the 20 nm hematite crystal has a He closure temperature of ∼70 °C, similar to a typical ∼100 μm apatite crystal. Helium is likely held tightly in hematite owing to its dense hexagonal closest packing structure and absence of migration-enhancing channels. The isostructural minerals corundum

  20. Determination of diffusion coefficients and diffusion characteristics for chlorferon and diethylthiophosphate in Ca-alginate gel beads.


    Ha, Jiyeon; Engler, Cady R; Lee, Seung Jae


    Diffusion characteristics of chlorferon and diethylthiophosphate (DETP) in Ca-alginate gel beads were studied to assist in designing and operating bioreactor systems. Diffusion coefficients for chlorferon and DETP in Ca-alginate gel beads determined at conditions suitable for biodegradation studies were 2.70 x 10(-11) m(2)/s and 4.28 x 10(-11) m(2)/s, respectively. Diffusivities of chlorferon and DETP were influenced by several factors, including viscosity of the bulk solution, agitation speed, and the concentrations of diffusing substrate and immobilized cells. Diffusion coefficients increased with increasing agitation speed, probably due to poor mixing at low speed and some attrition of beads at high speeds. Diffusion coefficients also increased with decreasing substrate concentration. Increased cell concentration in the gel beads caused lower diffusivity. Theoretical models to predict diffusivities as a function of cell weight fraction overestimated the effective diffusivities for both chlorferon and DETP, but linear relations between effective diffusivity and cell weight fraction were derived from experimental data. Calcium-alginate gel beads with radii of 1.65-1.70 mm used in this study were not subject to diffusional limitations: external mass transfer resistances were negligible based on Biot number calculations and effectiveness factors indicated that internal mass transfer resistance was negligible. Therefore, the degradation rates of chlorferon and DETP inside Ca-alginate gel beads were reaction-limited. (c) 2007 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Nuclear magnetic resonance diffusion pore imaging: Experimental phase detection by double diffusion encoding

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Demberg, Kerstin; Laun, Frederik Bernd; Windschuh, Johannes; Umathum, Reiner; Bachert, Peter; Kuder, Tristan Anselm


    Diffusion pore imaging is an extension of diffusion-weighted nuclear magnetic resonance imaging enabling the direct measurement of the shape of arbitrarily formed, closed pores by probing diffusion restrictions using the motion of spin-bearing particles. Examples of such pores comprise cells in biological tissue or oil containing cavities in porous rocks. All pores contained in the measurement volume contribute to one reconstructed image, which reduces the problem of vanishing signal at increasing resolution present in conventional magnetic resonance imaging. It has been previously experimentally demonstrated that pore imaging using a combination of a long and a narrow magnetic field gradient pulse is feasible. In this work, an experimental verification is presented showing that pores can be imaged using short gradient pulses only. Experiments were carried out using hyperpolarized xenon gas in well-defined pores. The phase required for pore image reconstruction was retrieved from double diffusion encoded (DDE) measurements, while the magnitude could either be obtained from DDE signals or classical diffusion measurements with single encoding. The occurring image artifacts caused by restrictions of the gradient system, insufficient diffusion time, and by the phase reconstruction approach were investigated. Employing short gradient pulses only is advantageous compared to the initial long-narrow approach due to a more flexible sequence design when omitting the long gradient and due to faster convergence to the diffusion long-time limit, which may enable application to larger pores.

  2. Lévy flight with absorption: A model for diffusing diffusivity with long tails

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jain, Rohit; Sebastian, K. L.


    We consider diffusion of a particle in rearranging environment, so that the diffusivity of the particle is a stochastic function of time. In our previous model of "diffusing diffusivity" [Jain and Sebastian, J. Phys. Chem. B 120, 3988 (2016), 10.1021/acs.jpcb.6b01527], it was shown that the mean square displacement of particle remains Fickian, i.e., ∝T at all times, but the probability distribution of particle displacement is not Gaussian at all times. It is exponential at short times and crosses over to become Gaussian only in a large time limit in the case where the distribution of D in that model has a steady state limit which is exponential, i.e., πe(D ) ˜e-D /D0 . In the present study, we model the diffusivity of a particle as a Lévy flight process so that D has a power-law tailed distribution, viz., πe(D ) ˜D-1 -α with 0 <α <1 . We find that in the short time limit, the width of displacement distribution is proportional to √{T }, implying that the diffusion is Fickian. But for long times, the width is proportional to T1 /2 α which is a characteristic of anomalous diffusion. The distribution function for the displacement of the particle is found to be a symmetric stable distribution with a stability index 2 α which preserves its shape at all times.

  3. Mild hypothermia for treatment of diffuse axonal injury: a quantitative analysis of diffusion tensor imaging

    PubMed Central

    Jing, Guojie; Yao, Xiaoteng; Li, Yiyi; Xie, Yituan; Li, Wang#x2019;an; Liu, Kejun; Jing, Yingchao; Li, Baisheng; Lv, Yifan; Ma, Baoxin


    Fractional anisotropy values in diffusion tensor imaging can quantitatively reflect the consistency of nerve fibers after brain damage, where higher values generally indicate less damage to nerve fibers. Therefore, we hypothesized that diffusion tensor imaging could be used to evaluate the effect of mild hypothermia on diffuse axonal injury. A total of 102 patients with diffuse axonal injury were randomly divided into two groups: normothermic and mild hypothermic treatment groups. Patient's modified Rankin scale scores 2 months after mild hypothermia were significantly lower than those for the normothermia group. The difference in average fractional anisotropy value for each region of interest before and after mild hypothermia was 1.32-1.36 times higher than the value in the normothermia group. Quantitative assessment of diffusion tensor imaging indicates that mild hypothermia therapy may be beneficial for patients with diffuse axonal injury. PMID:25206800

  4. Anomalous Extracellular Diffusion in Rat Cerebellum

    PubMed Central

    Xiao, Fanrong; Hrabe, Jan; Hrabetova, Sabina


    Extracellular space (ECS) is a major channel transporting biologically active molecules and drugs in the brain. Diffusion-mediated transport of these substances is hindered by the ECS structure but the microscopic basis of this hindrance is not fully understood. One hypothesis proposes that the hindrance originates in large part from the presence of dead-space (DS) microdomains that can transiently retain diffusing molecules. Because previous theoretical and modeling work reported an initial period of anomalous diffusion in similar environments, we expected that brain regions densely populated by DS microdomains would exhibit anomalous extracellular diffusion. Specifically, we targeted granular layers (GL) of rat and turtle cerebella that are populated with large and geometrically complex glomeruli. The integrative optical imaging (IOI) method was employed to evaluate diffusion of fluorophore-labeled dextran (MW 3000) in GL, and the IOI data analysis was adapted to quantify the anomalous diffusion exponent dw from the IOI records. Diffusion was significantly anomalous in rat GL, where dw reached 4.8. In the geometrically simpler turtle GL, dw was elevated but not robustly anomalous (dw = 2.6). The experimental work was complemented by numerical Monte Carlo simulations of anomalous ECS diffusion in several three-dimensional tissue models containing glomeruli-like structures. It demonstrated that both the duration of transiently anomalous diffusion and the anomalous exponent depend on the size of model glomeruli and the degree of their wrapping. In conclusion, we have found anomalous extracellular diffusion in the GL of rat cerebellum. This finding lends support to the DS microdomain hypothesis. Transiently anomalous diffusion also has a profound effect on the spatiotemporal distribution of molecules released into the ECS, especially at diffusion distances on the order of a few cell diameters, speeding up short-range diffusion-mediated signals in less permeable

  5. Anomalous extracellular diffusion in rat cerebellum.


    Xiao, Fanrong; Hrabe, Jan; Hrabetova, Sabina


    Extracellular space (ECS) is a major channel transporting biologically active molecules and drugs in the brain. Diffusion-mediated transport of these substances is hindered by the ECS structure but the microscopic basis of this hindrance is not fully understood. One hypothesis proposes that the hindrance originates in large part from the presence of dead-space (DS) microdomains that can transiently retain diffusing molecules. Because previous theoretical and modeling work reported an initial period of anomalous diffusion in similar environments, we expected that brain regions densely populated by DS microdomains would exhibit anomalous extracellular diffusion. Specifically, we targeted granular layers (GL) of rat and turtle cerebella that are populated with large and geometrically complex glomeruli. The integrative optical imaging (IOI) method was employed to evaluate diffusion of fluorophore-labeled dextran (MW 3000) in GL, and the IOI data analysis was adapted to quantify the anomalous diffusion exponent dw from the IOI records. Diffusion was significantly anomalous in rat GL, where dw reached 4.8. In the geometrically simpler turtle GL, dw was elevated but not robustly anomalous (dw = 2.6). The experimental work was complemented by numerical Monte Carlo simulations of anomalous ECS diffusion in several three-dimensional tissue models containing glomeruli-like structures. It demonstrated that both the duration of transiently anomalous diffusion and the anomalous exponent depend on the size of model glomeruli and the degree of their wrapping. In conclusion, we have found anomalous extracellular diffusion in the GL of rat cerebellum. This finding lends support to the DS microdomain hypothesis. Transiently anomalous diffusion also has a profound effect on the spatiotemporal distribution of molecules released into the ECS, especially at diffusion distances on the order of a few cell diameters, speeding up short-range diffusion-mediated signals in less permeable

  6. A Huygens principle for diffusion and anomalous diffusion in spatially extended systems

    PubMed Central

    Gottwald, Georg A.; Melbourne, Ian


    We present a universal view on diffusive behavior in chaotic spatially extended systems for anisotropic and isotropic media. For anisotropic systems, strong chaos leads to diffusive behavior (Brownian motion with drift) and weak chaos leads to superdiffusive behavior (Lévy processes with drift). For isotropic systems, the drift term vanishes and strong chaos again leads to Brownian motion. We establish the existence of a nonlinear Huygens principle for weakly chaotic systems in isotropic media whereby the dynamics behaves diffusively in even space dimension and exhibits superdiffusive behavior in odd space dimensions. PMID:23653481

  7. Improved Dot Diffusion For Image Halftoning

    DTIC Science & Technology


    The dot diffusion method for digital halftoning has the advantage of parallelism unlike the error diffusion method. The method was recently optimization of the so-called class matrix so that the resulting halftones are comparable to the error diffused halftones . In this paper we will...first review the dot diffusion method. Previously, 82 class matrices were used for dot diffusion method. A problem with this size of class matrix is

  8. Green-noise halftoning with dot diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lippens, Stefaan; Philips, Wilfried


    Dot diffusion is a halftoning technique that is based on the traditional error diffusion concept, but offers a high degree of parallel processing by its block based approach. Traditional dot diffusion however suffers from periodicity artifacts. To limit the visibility of these artifacts, we propose grid diffusion, which applies different class matrices for different blocks. Furthermore, in this paper we will discuss two approaches in the dot diffusion framework to generate green-noise halftone patterns. The first approach is based on output dependent feedback (hysteresis), analogous to the standard green-noise error diffusion techniques. We observe that the resulting halftones are rather coarse and highly dependent on the used dot diffusion class matrices. In the second approach we don't limit the diffusion to the nearest neighbors. This leads to less coarse halftones, compared to the first approach. The drawback is that it can only cope with rather limited cluster sizes. We can reduce these drawbacks by combining the two approaches.

  9. Osmosis and Diffusion Conceptual Assessment

    PubMed Central

    Fisher, Kathleen M.; Williams, Kathy S.; Lineback, Jennifer Evarts


    Biology student mastery regarding the mechanisms of diffusion and osmosis is difficult to achieve. To monitor comprehension of these processes among students at a large public university, we developed and validated an 18-item Osmosis and Diffusion Conceptual Assessment (ODCA). This assessment includes two-tiered items, some adopted or modified from the previously published Diffusion and Osmosis Diagnostic Test (DODT) and some newly developed items. The ODCA, a validated instrument containing fewer items than the DODT and emphasizing different content areas within the realm of osmosis and diffusion, better aligns with our curriculum. Creation of the ODCA involved removal of six DODT item pairs, modification of another six DODT item pairs, and development of three new item pairs addressing basic osmosis and diffusion concepts. Responses to ODCA items testing the same concepts as the DODT were remarkably similar to responses to the DODT collected from students 15 yr earlier, suggesting that student mastery regarding the mechanisms of diffusion and osmosis remains elusive. PMID:22135375

  10. Apoplastic Diffusion Barriers in Arabidopsis

    PubMed Central

    Schreiber, Lukas; Franke, Rochus Benni; Geldner, Niko; Reina-Pinto, José J.; Kunst, Ljerka


    During the development of Arabidopsis and other land plants, diffusion barriers are formed in the apoplast of specialized tissues within a variety of plant organs. While the cuticle of the epidermis is the primary diffusion barrier in the shoot, the Casparian strips and suberin lamellae of the endodermis and the periderm represent the diffusion barriers in the root. Different classes of molecules contribute to the formation of extracellular diffusion barriers in an organ- and tissue-specific manner. Cutin and wax are the major components of the cuticle, lignin forms the early Casparian strip, and suberin is deposited in the stage II endodermis and the periderm. The current status of our understanding of the relationships between the chemical structure, ultrastructure and physiological functions of plant diffusion barriers is discussed. Specific aspects of the synthesis of diffusion barrier components and protocols that can be used for the assessment of barrier function and important barrier properties are also presented. PMID:24465172

  11. Effects of inlet flow field conditions on the performance of centrifugal compressor diffusers: Part 1 -- Discrete-passage diffuser

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Filipenco, V.G.; Deniz, S.; Johnston, J.M.


    This is Part 1 of a two-part paper considering the performance of radial diffusers for use in a high-performance centrifugal compressor. Part 1 reports on discrete-passage diffusers, while Part 2 describes a test of a straight-channel diffuser designed for equivalent duty. Two builds of discrete-passage diffuser were tested, with 30 and 38 separate passages. Both the 30 and 38 passage diffusers investigated showed comparable range of unstalled operation and similar level of overall diffuser pressure recovery. The paper concentrates on the influence of inlet flow conditions on the pressure recovery and operating range of radial diffusers for centrifugal compressor stages.more » The flow conditions examined include diffuser inlet Mach number, flow angle, blockage, and axial flow nonuniformity. The investigation was carried out in a specially built test facility, designed to provide a controlled inlet flow field to the test diffusers. The facility can provide a wide range of diffuser inlet velocity profile distortion and skew with Mach numbers up to unity and flow angles of 63 to 75 deg from the radical direction. The consequences of different averaging methods for the inlet total pressure distributions, which are needed in the definition of diffuser pressure recovery coefficient for nonuniform diffuser inlet conditions, were also assessed. The overall diffuser pressure recovery coefficient, based on suitably averaged inlet total pressure, was found to correlate well with the momentum-averaged flow angle into the diffuser. It is shown that the generally accepted sensitivity of diffuser pressure recovery performance to inlet flow distortion and boundary layer blockage can be largely attributed to inappropriate quantification of the average dynamic pressure at diffuser inlet. Use of an inlet dynamic pressure based on availability or mass-averaging in combination with definition of inlet flow angle based on mass average of the radial and tangential velocity at diffuser

  12. Diffusion in Stellar Envelopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seaton, M. J.

    Abundances in stellar atmospheres can depend on diffusive movements in much deeper layers of stellar envelopes. Diffusion in envelopes is also of interest in that it can lead to changes in opacities and hence to the structures of stars. For envelopes the radiative accelerations grad can be expressed in terms of quantities which depend only on temperatures, densities and chemical compositions. Computations have been made for the elements C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, Cr, Mn, Fe and Ni and tables are being made generally available through CDS (Strasbourg). Some results from those computations will be presented. The computed values of grad are used to study diffusion of iron-group elements in envelopes of HgMn stars. It is shown that one can define a value tau_0 of the Rosseland-mean optical depth tau such that diffusive movements for tau >= tau_0 do not depend on those for tau <= tau_0. For Cr and Mn we obtain solutions with tau_0 = 1 and are able to make some meaningful comparisons of abundances, as computed and as observed in atmospheres. For Fe we find that diffusive movements are slowed down in regions of T ~= 10^5 K where the dominant ionisation stages are near argon-like. Diffusion of Fe-group elements can produce substantial changes in opacities.

  13. Random diffusivity from stochastic equations: comparison of two models for Brownian yet non-Gaussian diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sposini, Vittoria; Chechkin, Aleksei V.; Seno, Flavio; Pagnini, Gianni; Metzler, Ralf


    A considerable number of systems have recently been reported in which Brownian yet non-Gaussian dynamics was observed. These are processes characterised by a linear growth in time of the mean squared displacement, yet the probability density function of the particle displacement is distinctly non-Gaussian, and often of exponential (Laplace) shape. This apparently ubiquitous behaviour observed in very different physical systems has been interpreted as resulting from diffusion in inhomogeneous environments and mathematically represented through a variable, stochastic diffusion coefficient. Indeed different models describing a fluctuating diffusivity have been studied. Here we present a new view of the stochastic basis describing time-dependent random diffusivities within a broad spectrum of distributions. Concretely, our study is based on the very generic class of the generalised Gamma distribution. Two models for the particle spreading in such random diffusivity settings are studied. The first belongs to the class of generalised grey Brownian motion while the second follows from the idea of diffusing diffusivities. The two processes exhibit significant characteristics which reproduce experimental results from different biological and physical systems. We promote these two physical models for the description of stochastic particle motion in complex environments.

  14. Enzyme localization, crowding, and buffers collectively modulate diffusion-influenced signal transduction: Insights from continuum diffusion modeling

    PubMed Central

    Kekenes-Huskey, Peter M.; Eun, Changsun; McCammon, J. A.


    Biochemical reaction networks consisting of coupled enzymes connect substrate signaling events with biological function. Substrates involved in these reactions can be strongly influenced by diffusion “barriers” arising from impenetrable cellular structures and macromolecules, as well as interactions with biomolecules, especially within crowded environments. For diffusion-influenced reactions, the spatial organization of diffusion barriers arising from intracellular structures, non-specific crowders, and specific-binders (buffers) strongly controls the temporal and spatial reaction kinetics. In this study, we use two prototypical biochemical reactions, a Goodwin oscillator, and a reaction with a periodic source/sink term to examine how a diffusion barrier that partitions substrates controls reaction behavior. Namely, we examine how conditions representative of a densely packed cytosol, including reduced accessible volume fraction, non-specific interactions, and buffers, impede diffusion over nanometer length-scales. We find that diffusion barriers can modulate the frequencies and amplitudes of coupled diffusion-influenced reaction networks, as well as give rise to “compartments” of decoupled reactant populations. These effects appear to be intensified in the presence of buffers localized to the diffusion barrier. These findings have strong implications for the role of the cellular environment in tuning the dynamics of signaling pathways. PMID:26342355

  15. Enhancement of diffusers BRDF accuracy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Otter, Gerard; Bazalgette Courrèges-Lacoste, Gregory; van Brug, Hedser; Schaarsberg, Jos Groote; Delwart, Steven; del Bello, Umberto


    This paper reports the result of an ESA study conducted at TNO to investigate properties of various diffusers. Diffusers are widely used in space instruments as part of the on-board absolute calibration. Knowledge of the behaviour of the diffuser is therefore most important. From measurements of launched instruments in-orbit it has been discovered that when a diffuser is used in the vacuum of space the BRDF can change with respect to the one in ambient conditions. This is called the air/vacuum effect and has been simulated in this study by measuring the BRDF in a laboratory in ambient as well as vacuum conditions. Another studied effect is related to the design parameters of the optical system and the scattering properties of the diffuser. The effect is called Spectral Features and is a noise like structure superimposed on the diffuser BRDF. Modern space spectrometers, which have high spectral resolution and/or a small field of view (high spatial resolution) are suffering from this effect. The choice of diffuser can be very critical with respect to the required absolute radiometric calibration of an instrument. Even if the Spectral Features are small it can influence the error budget of the retrieval algorithms for the level 2 products. in this presentation diffuser trade-off results are presented and the Spectral Features model applied to the optical configuration of the MERIS instrument is compared to in-flight measurements of MERIS.

  16. Multimodal Diffuse Optical Imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Intes, Xavier; Venugopal, Vivek; Chen, Jin; Azar, Fred S.

    Diffuse optical imaging, particularly diffuse optical tomography (DOT), is an emerging clinical modality capable of providing unique functional information, at a relatively low cost, and with nonionizing radiation. Multimodal diffuse optical imaging has enabled a synergistic combination of functional and anatomical information: the quality of DOT reconstructions has been significantly improved by incorporating the structural information derived by the combined anatomical modality. In this chapter, we will review the basic principles of diffuse optical imaging, including instrumentation and reconstruction algorithm design. We will also discuss the approaches for multimodal imaging strategies that integrate DOI with clinically established modalities. The merit of the multimodal imaging approaches is demonstrated in the context of optical mammography, but the techniques described herein can be translated to other clinical scenarios such as brain functional imaging or muscle functional imaging.

  17. Diffusion in translucent media.


    Shi, Zhou; Genack, Azriel Z


    Diffusion is the result of repeated random scattering. It governs a wide range of phenomena from Brownian motion, to heat flow through window panes, neutron flux in fuel rods, dispersion of light in human tissue, and electronic conduction. It is universally acknowledged that the diffusion approach to describing wave transport fails in translucent samples thinner than the distance between scattering events such as are encountered in meteorology, astronomy, biomedicine, and communications. Here we show in optical measurements and numerical simulations that the scaling of transmission and the intensity profiles of transmission eigenchannels have the same form in translucent as in opaque media. Paradoxically, the similarities in transport across translucent and opaque samples explain the puzzling observations of suppressed optical and ultrasonic delay times relative to predictions of diffusion theory well into the diffusive regime.

  18. Revealing mesoscopic structural universality with diffusion

    PubMed Central

    Novikov, Dmitry S.; Jensen, Jens H.; Helpern, Joseph A.; Fieremans, Els


    Measuring molecular diffusion is widely used for characterizing materials and living organisms noninvasively. This characterization relies on relations between macroscopic diffusion metrics and structure at the mesoscopic scale commensurate with the diffusion length. Establishing such relations remains a fundamental challenge, hindering progress in materials science, porous media, and biomedical imaging. Here we show that the dynamical exponent in the time dependence of the diffusion coefficient distinguishes between the universality classes of the mesoscopic structural complexity. Our approach enables the interpretation of diffusion measurements by objectively selecting and modeling the most relevant structural features. As an example, the specific values of the dynamical exponent allow us to identify the relevant mesoscopic structure affecting MRI-measured water diffusion in muscles and in brain, and to elucidate the structural changes behind the decrease of diffusion coefficient in ischemic stroke. PMID:24706873

  19. Revealing mesoscopic structural universality with diffusion.


    Novikov, Dmitry S; Jensen, Jens H; Helpern, Joseph A; Fieremans, Els


    Measuring molecular diffusion is widely used for characterizing materials and living organisms noninvasively. This characterization relies on relations between macroscopic diffusion metrics and structure at the mesoscopic scale commensurate with the diffusion length. Establishing such relations remains a fundamental challenge, hindering progress in materials science, porous media, and biomedical imaging. Here we show that the dynamical exponent in the time dependence of the diffusion coefficient distinguishes between the universality classes of the mesoscopic structural complexity. Our approach enables the interpretation of diffusion measurements by objectively selecting and modeling the most relevant structural features. As an example, the specific values of the dynamical exponent allow us to identify the relevant mesoscopic structure affecting MRI-measured water diffusion in muscles and in brain, and to elucidate the structural changes behind the decrease of diffusion coefficient in ischemic stroke.

  20. Grading of Gliomas by Using Monoexponential, Biexponential, and Stretched Exponential Diffusion-weighted MR Imaging and Diffusion Kurtosis MR Imaging

    PubMed Central

    Bai, Yan; Lin, Yusong; Tian, Jie; Shi, Dapeng; Cheng, Jingliang; Haacke, E. Mark; Hong, Xiaohua; Ma, Bo; Zhou, Jinyuan


    Purpose To quantitatively compare the potential of various diffusion parameters obtained from monoexponential, biexponential, and stretched exponential diffusion-weighted imaging models and diffusion kurtosis imaging in the grading of gliomas. Materials and Methods This study was approved by the local ethics committee, and written informed consent was obtained from all subjects. Both diffusion-weighted imaging and diffusion kurtosis imaging were performed in 69 patients with pathologically proven gliomas by using a 3-T magnetic resonance (MR) imaging unit. An isotropic apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), true ADC, pseudo-ADC, and perfusion fraction were calculated from diffusion-weighted images by using a biexponential model. A water molecular diffusion heterogeneity index and distributed diffusion coefficient were calculated from diffusion-weighted images by using a stretched exponential model. Mean diffusivity, fractional anisotropy, and mean kurtosis were calculated from diffusion kurtosis images. All values were compared between high-grade and low-grade gliomas by using a Mann-Whitney U test. Receiver operating characteristic and Spearman rank correlation analysis were used for statistical evaluations. Results ADC, true ADC, perfusion fraction, water molecular diffusion heterogeneity index, distributed diffusion coefficient, and mean diffusivity values were significantly lower in high-grade gliomas than in low-grade gliomas (U = 109, 56, 129, 6, 206, and 229, respectively; P < .05). Pseudo-ADC and mean kurtosis values were significantly higher in high-grade gliomas than in low-grade gliomas (U = 98 and 8, respectively; P < .05). Both water molecular diffusion heterogeneity index (area under the receiver operating characteristic curve [AUC] = 0.993) and mean kurtosis (AUC = 0.991) had significantly greater AUC values than ADC (AUC = 0.866), mean diffusivity (AUC = 0.722), and fractional anisotropy (AUC = 0.500) in the differentiation of low-grade and high

  1. Experimental data from coastal diffusion tests. [Smoke diffusion over coastal waters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Raynor, G S; Brown, R M; SethuRaman, S


    Data are reported from a series of seven experiments on the diffusion of smoke plumes over northeast Atlantic Ocean coastal waters in response to wind fluctuations and other meteorological variables. A qualitative description of smoke behavior during each experiment is included and photographs of the smoke are included to illustrate the type of diffusion observed. (CH)

  2. Integrating Models of Diffusion and Behavior to Predict Innovation Adoption, Maintenance, and Social Diffusion.


    Smith, Rachel A; Kim, Youllee; Zhu, Xun; Doudou, Dimi Théodore; Sternberg, Eleanore D; Thomas, Matthew B


    This study documents an investigation into the adoption and diffusion of eave tubes, a novel mosquito vector control, during a large-scale scientific field trial in West Africa. The diffusion of innovations (DOI) and the integrated model of behavior (IMB) were integrated (i.e., innovation attributes with attitudes and social pressures with norms) to predict participants' (N = 329) diffusion intentions. The findings showed that positive attitudes about the innovation's attributes were a consistent positive predictor of diffusion intentions: adopting it, maintaining it, and talking with others about it. As expected by the DOI and the IMB, the social pressure created by a descriptive norm positively predicted intentions to adopt and maintain the innovation. Drawing upon sharing research, we argued that the descriptive norm may dampen future talk about the innovation, because it may no longer be seen as a novel, useful topic to discuss. As predicted, the results showed that as the descriptive norm increased, the intention to talk about the innovation decreased. These results provide broad support for integrating the DOI and the IMB to predict diffusion and for efforts to draw on other research to understand motivations for social diffusion.

  3. Diffusion tensor optical coherence tomography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marks, Daniel L.; Blackmon, Richard L.; Oldenburg, Amy L.


    In situ measurements of diffusive particle transport provide insight into tissue architecture, drug delivery, and cellular function. Analogous to diffusion-tensor magnetic resonance imaging (DT-MRI), where the anisotropic diffusion of water molecules is mapped on the millimeter scale to elucidate the fibrous structure of tissue, here we propose diffusion-tensor optical coherence tomography (DT-OCT) for measuring directional diffusivity and flow of optically scattering particles within tissue. Because DT-OCT is sensitive to the sub-resolution motion of Brownian particles as they are constrained by tissue macromolecules, it has the potential to quantify nanoporous anisotropic tissue structure at micrometer resolution as relevant to extracellular matrices, neurons, and capillaries. Here we derive the principles of DT-OCT, relating the detected optical signal from a minimum of six probe beams with the six unique diffusion tensor and three flow vector components. The optimal geometry of the probe beams is determined given a finite numerical aperture, and a high-speed hardware implementation is proposed. Finally, Monte Carlo simulations are employed to assess the ability of the proposed DT-OCT system to quantify anisotropic diffusion of nanoparticles in a collagen matrix, an extracellular constituent that is known to become highly aligned during tumor development.

  4. [Diffusion and diffusion-osmosis models of the charged macromolecule transfer in barriers of biosystems].


    Varakin, A I; Mazur, V V; Arkhipova, N V; Serianov, Iu V


    Mathematical models of the transfer of charged macromolecules have been constructed on the basis of the classical equations of electromigration diffusion of Helmholtz-Smolukhovskii, Goldman, and Goldman-Hodgkin-Katz. It was shown that ion transfer in placental (mimicking lipid-protein barriers) and muscle barriers occurs by different mechanisms. In placental barriers, the electromigration diffusion occurs along lipid-protein channels formed due to the conformational deformation of phospholipid and protein molecules with the coefficients of diffusion D = (2.6-3.6) x 10(-8) cm2/s. The transfer in muscle barriers is due to the migration across charged interfibrillar channels with the negative diffusion activation energy, which is explained by changes in the structure of muscle fibers and expenditures of thermal energy for the extrusion of Cl- from channel walls with the diffusion coefficient D = (6.0-10.0) x 10(-6) cm2/s.

  5. Double diffusivity model under stochastic forcing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chattopadhyay, Amit K.; Aifantis, Elias C.


    The "double diffusivity" model was proposed in the late 1970s, and reworked in the early 1980s, as a continuum counterpart to existing discrete models of diffusion corresponding to high diffusivity paths, such as grain boundaries and dislocation lines. It was later rejuvenated in the 1990s to interpret experimental results on diffusion in polycrystalline and nanocrystalline specimens where grain boundaries and triple grain boundary junctions act as high diffusivity paths. Technically, the model pans out as a system of coupled Fick-type diffusion equations to represent "regular" and "high" diffusivity paths with "source terms" accounting for the mass exchange between the two paths. The model remit was extended by analogy to describe flow in porous media with double porosity, as well as to model heat conduction in media with two nonequilibrium local temperature baths, e.g., ion and electron baths. Uncoupling of the two partial differential equations leads to a higher-ordered diffusion equation, solutions of which could be obtained in terms of classical diffusion equation solutions. Similar equations could also be derived within an "internal length" gradient (ILG) mechanics formulation applied to diffusion problems, i.e., by introducing nonlocal effects, together with inertia and viscosity, in a mechanics based formulation of diffusion theory. While being remarkably successful in studies related to various aspects of transport in inhomogeneous media with deterministic microstructures and nanostructures, its implications in the presence of stochasticity have not yet been considered. This issue becomes particularly important in the case of diffusion in nanopolycrystals whose deterministic ILG-based theoretical calculations predict a relaxation time that is only about one-tenth of the actual experimentally verified time scale. This article provides the "missing link" in this estimation by adding a vital element in the ILG structure, that of stochasticity, that takes into

  6. Portable vapor diffusion coefficient meter


    Ho, Clifford K [Albuquerque, NM


    An apparatus for measuring the effective vapor diffusion coefficient of a test vapor diffusing through a sample of porous media contained within a test chamber. A chemical sensor measures the time-varying concentration of vapor that has diffused a known distance through the porous media. A data processor contained within the apparatus compares the measured sensor data with analytical predictions of the response curve based on the transient diffusion equation using Fick's Law, iterating on the choice of an effective vapor diffusion coefficient until the difference between the predicted and measured curves is minimized. Optionally, a purge fluid can forced through the porous media, permitting the apparatus to also measure a gas-phase permeability. The apparatus can be made lightweight, self-powered, and portable for use in the field.

  7. Modeling diffusion in foamed polymer nanocomposites.


    Ippalapalli, Sandeep; Ranaprathapan, A Dileep; Singh, Sachchida N; Harikrishnan, G


    Two-way multicomponent diffusion processes in polymeric nanocomposite foams, where the condensed phase is nanoscopically reinforced with impermeable fillers, are investigated. The diffusion process involves simultaneous outward permeation of the components of the dispersed gas phase and inward diffusion of atmospheric air. The transient variation in thermal conductivity of foam is used as the macroscopic property to track the compositional variations of the dispersed gases due to the diffusion process. In the continuum approach adopted, the unsteady-state diffusion process is combined with tortuosity theory. The simulations conducted at ambient temperature reveal distinct regimes of diffusion processes in the nanocomposite foams owing to the reduction in the gas-transport rate induced by nanofillers. Simulations at a higher temperature are also conducted and the predictions are compared with experimentally determined thermal conductivities under accelerated diffusion conditions for polyurethane foams reinforced with clay nanoplatelets of varying individual lamellar dimensions. Intermittent measurements of foam thermal conductivity are performed while the accelerated diffusion proceeded. The predictions under accelerated diffusion conditions show good agreement with experimentally measured thermal conductivities for nanocomposite foams reinforced with low and medium aspect-ratios fillers. The model shows higher deviations for foams with fillers that have a high aspect ratio. Copyright © 2013 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  8. Knowledge diffusion in the collaboration hypernetwork

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Guang-Yong; Hu, Zhao-Long; Liu, Jian-Guo


    As knowledge constitutes a primary productive force, it is important to understand the performance of knowledge diffusion. In this paper, we present a knowledge diffusion model based on the local-world non-uniform hypernetwork, which introduces the preferential diffusion mechanism and the knowledge absorptive capability αj, where αj is correlated with the hyperdegree dH(j) of node j. At each time step, we randomly select a node i as the sender; a receiver node is selected from the set of nodes that the sender i has published with previously, with probability proportional to the number of papers they have published together. Applying the average knowledge stock V bar(t) , the variance σ2(t) and the variance coefficient c(t) of knowledge stock to measure the growth and diffusion of knowledge and the adequacy of knowledge diffusion, we have made 3 groups of comparative experiments to investigate how different network structures, hypernetwork sizes and knowledge evolution mechanisms affect the knowledge diffusion, respectively. As the diffusion mechanisms based on the hypernetwork combine with the hyperdegree of node, the hypernetwork is more suitable for investigating the performance of knowledge diffusion. Therefore, the proposed model could be helpful for deeply understanding the process of the knowledge diffusion in the collaboration hypernetwork.

  9. Wanted: Scalable Tracers for Diffusion Measurements

    PubMed Central


    Scalable tracers are potentially a useful tool to examine diffusion mechanisms and to predict diffusion coefficients, particularly for hindered diffusion in complex, heterogeneous, or crowded systems. Scalable tracers are defined as a series of tracers varying in size but with the same shape, structure, surface chemistry, deformability, and diffusion mechanism. Both chemical homology and constant dynamics are required. In particular, branching must not vary with size, and there must be no transition between ordinary diffusion and reptation. Measurements using scalable tracers yield the mean diffusion coefficient as a function of size alone; measurements using nonscalable tracers yield the variation due to differences in the other properties. Candidate scalable tracers are discussed for two-dimensional (2D) diffusion in membranes and three-dimensional diffusion in aqueous solutions. Correlations to predict the mean diffusion coefficient of globular biomolecules from molecular mass are reviewed briefly. Specific suggestions for the 3D case include the use of synthetic dendrimers or random hyperbranched polymers instead of dextran and the use of core–shell quantum dots. Another useful tool would be a series of scalable tracers varying in deformability alone, prepared by varying the density of crosslinking in a polymer to make say “reinforced Ficoll” or “reinforced hyperbranched polyglycerol.” PMID:25319586

  10. Grain boundary diffusion in olivine (Invited)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marquardt, K.; Dohmen, R.


    Olivine is the main constituent of Earth's upper mantle. The individual mineral grains are separated by grain boundaries that have very distinct properties compared to those of single crystals and strongly affect large-scale physical and chemical properties of rocks, e.g. viscosity, electrical conductivity and diffusivity. Knowledge on the grain boundary physical and chemical properties, their population and distribution in polycrystalline materials [1] is a prerequisite to understand and model bulk (rock) properties, including their role as pathways for element transport [2] and the potential of grain boundaries as storage sites for incompatible elements [3]. Studies on selected and well characterized single grain boundaries are needed for a detailed understanding of the influence of varying grain boundaries. For instance, the dependence of diffusion on the grain boundary structure (defined by the lattice misfit) and width in silicates is unknown [2, 4], but limited experimental studies in material sciences indicate major effects of grain boundary orientation on diffusion rates. We characterized the effect of grain boundary orientation and temperature on element diffusion in forsterite grain boundaries by transmission electron microscopy (TEM).The site specific TEM-foils were cut using the focused ion beam technique (FIB). To study diffusion we prepared amorphous thin-films of Ni2SiO4 composition perpendicular to the grain boundary using pulsed laser deposition. Annealing (800-1450°C) leads to crystallization of the thin-film and Ni-Mg inter-diffuse into the crystal volume and along the grain boundary. The inter-diffusion profiles were measured using energy dispersive x-ray spectrometry in the TEM, standardized using the Cliff-Lorimer equation and EMPA measurements. We obtain volume diffusion coefficients that are comparable to Ni-Mg inter-diffusion rates in forsterite determined in previous studies at comparable temperatures, with similar activation energies

  11. Correlation Structure of Fractional Pearson Diffusions.


    Leonenko, Nikolai N; Meerschaert, Mark M; Sikorskii, Alla


    The stochastic solution to a diffusion equations with polynomial coefficients is called a Pearson diffusion. If the first time derivative is replaced by a Caputo fractional derivative of order less than one, the stochastic solution is called a fractional Pearson diffusion. This paper develops an explicit formula for the covariance function of a fractional Pearson diffusion in steady state, in terms of Mittag-Leffler functions. That formula shows that fractional Pearson diffusions are long range dependent, with a correlation that falls off like a power law, whose exponent equals the order of the fractional derivative.

  12. Novel Diffusivity Measurement Technique

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rashidnia, Nasser


    A common-path interferometer (CPI) system was developed to measure the diffusivity of liquid pairs. The CPI is an optical technique that can be used to measure changes in the gradient of the refraction index of transparent materials. This system uses a shearing interferometer that shares the same optical path from a laser light source to the final imaging plane. Hence, the molecular diffusion coefficient of liquids can be determined using the physical relations between changes in the optical path length and the liquid phase properties. The data obtained with this interferometer were compared with similar results from other techniques and demonstrated that the instrument is superior in measuring the diffusivity of miscible liquids while keeping the system very compact and robust. CPI can also be used for studies in interface dynamics and other diffusion-dominated-process applications.

  13. Diffusion via space discretization method to study the concentration dependence of self-diffusivity under confinement

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sant, Marco; Papadopoulos, George K.; Theodorou, Doros N.


    The concentration dependence of self-diffusivity is investigated by means of a novel method, extending our previously developed second-order Markov process model to periodic media. Introducing the concept of minimum-crossing surface, we obtain a unique decomposition of the self-diffusion coefficient into two parameters with specific physical meanings. Two case studies showing a maximum in self-diffusivity as a function of concentration are investigated, along with two cases where such a maximum cannot be present. Subsequently, the method is applied to the large cavity pore network of the ITQ-1 (Mobil tWenty tWo, MWW) zeolite for methane (displaying a maximum in self-diffusivity) and carbon dioxide (no maximum), explaining the diffusivity trend on the basis of the evolution of the model parameters as a function of concentration.

  14. Antimony diffusion in CdTe


    Colegrove, Eric; Harvey, Steven P.; Yang, Ji -Hui; ...


    Group V dopants may be used for next-generation high-voltage cadmium telluride (CdTe) solar photovoltaics, but fundamental defect energetics and kinetics need to be understood. Here, antimony (Sb) diffusion is studied in single-crystal and polycrystalline CdTe under Cd-rich conditions. Diffusion profiles are determined by dynamic secondary ion mass spectroscopy and analyzed with analytical bulk and grain-boundary diffusion models. Slow bulk and fast grain-boundary diffusion are found. Density functional theory is used to understand formation energy and mechanisms. Lastly, the theory and experimental results create new understanding of group V defect kinetics in CdTe.

  15. Overview of SIMS-Based Experimental Studies of Tracer Diffusion in Solids and Application to Mg Self-Diffusion


    Kulkarni, Nagraj S.; Bruce Warmack, Robert J.; Radhakrishnan, Bala; ...


    Tracer diffusivities provide the most fundamental information on diffusion in materials and are the foundation of robust diffusion databases. Compared to traditional radiotracer techniques that utilize radioactive isotopes, the secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) based thin-film technique for tracer diffusion is based on the use of enriched stable isotopes that can be accurately profiled using SIMS. Experimental procedures & techniques that are utilized for the measurement of tracer diffusion coefficients are presented for pure magnesium, which presents some unique challenges due to the ease of oxidation. The development of a modified Shewmon-Rhines diffusion capsule for annealing Mg and an ultra-highmore » vacuum (UHV) system for sputter deposition of Mg isotopes are discussed. Optimized conditions for accurate SIMS depth profiling in polycrystalline Mg are provided. An automated procedure for the correction of heat-up and cool-down times during tracer diffusion annealing is discussed. The non-linear fitting of a SIMS depth profile data using the thin film Gaussian solution to obtain the tracer diffusivity along with the background tracer concentration and tracer film thickness is discussed. An Arrhenius fit of the Mg self-diffusion data obtained using the low-temperature SIMS measurements from this study and the high-temperature radiotracer measurements of Shewmon and Rhines (1954) was found to be a good representation of both types of diffusion data that cover a broad range of temperatures between 250 - 627° C (523 900 K).« less

  16. Out-diffusion of deep donors in nitrogen-doped silicon and the diffusivity of vacancies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voronkov, V. V.; Falster, R.


    A strong resistivity increase in annealed nitrogen-doped silicon samples was reported long ago—but has remained not fully understood. It is now shown that the complicated evolution of the resistivity depth profiles observed can be reproduced by a simple model based on the out-diffusion of some relevant species. Two versions of such an approach were analyzed: (A) out-diffusion of deep donors treated as VN (off-centre substitutional nitrogen), (B) out-diffusion of vacancies (V) and interstitial trimers (N3) produced by dissociation of VN3. Version B, although more complicated, is attractive due to a coincidence of the deduced vacancy diffusivity DV at 1000 °C with the value extrapolated from low-temperature data by Watkins.

  17. Image Halftoning Using Optimized Dot Diffusion

    DTIC Science & Technology

    1998-01-01 ABSTRACT The dot diffusion method for digital halftoning has the advantage of parallelism unlike the error diffusion halftoning : ordered dither [1], error diffusion [2], neural-net based methods [8], and more recently direct binary search (DBS) [7]. Ordered...from periodic patterns. On the other hand error diffused halftones do not suffer from periodicity and offer blue noise characteristic [3] which is

  18. Hydrogen diffusion in Zircon

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ingrin, Jannick; Zhang, Peipei


    Hydrogen mobility in gem quality zircon single crystals from Madagascar was investigated through H-D exchange experiments. Thin slices were annealed in a horizontal furnace flushed with a gas mixture of Ar/D2(10%) under ambient pressure between 900 ° C to 1150 ° C. FTIR analyses were performed on oriented slices before and after each annealing run. H diffusion along [100] and [010] follow the same diffusion law D = D0exp[-E /RT], with log D0 = 2.24 ± 1.57 (in m2/s) and E = 374 ± 39 kJ/mol. H diffusion along [001] follows a slightly more rapid diffusion law, with log D0 = 1.11 ± 0.22 (in m2/s) and E = 334 ± 49 kJ/mol. H diffusion in zircon has much higher activation energy and slower diffusivity than other NAMs below 1150 ° C even iron-poor garnets which are known to be among the slowest (Blanchard and Ingrin, 2004; Kurka et al. 2005). During H-D exchange zircon incorporates also deuterium. This hydration reaction involves uranium reduction as it is shown from the exchange of U5+ and U4+ characteristic bands in the near infrared region during annealing. It is the first time that a hydration reaction U5+ + OH- = U4+ + O2- + 1/2H2, is experimentally reported. The kinetics of deuterium incorporation is slightly slower than hydrogen diffusion, suggesting that the reaction is limited by hydrogen mobility. Hydrogen isotopic memory of zircon is higher than other NAMs. Zircons will be moderately retentive of H signatures at mid-crustal metamorphic temperatures. At 500 ° C, a zircon with a radius of 300 μm would retain its H isotopic signature over more than a million years. However, a zircon is unable to retain this information for geologically significant times under high-grade metamorphism unless the grain size is large enough. Refrences Blanchard, M. and Ingrin, J. (2004) Hydrogen diffusion in Dora Maira pyrope. Physics and Chemistry of Minerals, 31, 593-605. Kurka, A., Blanchard, M. and Ingrin, J. (2005) Kinetics of hydrogen extraction and deuteration in

  19. Reactive diffusion in the presence of a diffusion barrier: Experiment and model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mangelinck, D.; Luo, T.; Girardeaux, C.


    Reactions in thin films and diffusion barriers are important for applications such as protective coatings, electrical contact, and interconnections. In this work, the effect of a barrier on the kinetics of the formation for a single phase by reactive diffusion is investigated from both experimental and modeling point of views. Two types of diffusion barriers are studied: (i) a thin layer of W deposited between a Ni film and Si substrate and (ii) Ni alloy films, Ni(1%W) and Ni(5%Pt), that form a diffusion barrier during the reaction with the Si substrate. The effect of the barriers on the kinetics of δ-Ni2Si formation is determined by in situ X ray diffraction and compared to models that explain the kinetic slowdown induced by both types of barrier. A linear parabolic growth is found for the deposited barrier with an increasing linear contribution for increasing barrier thickness. On the contrary, the growth is mainly parabolic for the barrier formed by the reaction between an alloy film and the substrate. The permeability of the two types of barrier is determined and discussed. The developed models fit well with the dedicated model experiments, leading to a better understanding of the barrier effect on the reactive diffusion and allowing us to predict the barrier behaviour in various applications.

  20. Collective diffusion and quantum chaos in holography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Shao-Feng; Wang, Bin; Ge, Xian-Hui; Tian, Yu


    We define a particular combination of charge and heat currents that is decoupled with the heat current. This "heat-decoupled" (HD) current can be transported by diffusion at long distances, when some thermoelectric conductivities and susceptibilities satisfy a simple condition. Using the diffusion condition together with the Kelvin formula, we show that the HD diffusivity can be same as the charge diffusivity and also the heat diffusivity. We illustrate that such mechanism is implemented in a strongly coupled field theory, which is dual to a Lifshitz gravity with the dynamical critical index z =2 . In particular, it is exhibited that both charge and heat diffusivities build the relationship to the quantum chaos. Moreover, we study the HD diffusivity without imposing the diffusion condition. In some homogeneous holographic lattices, it is found that the diffusivity/chaos relation holds independently of any parameters, including the strength of momentum relaxation, chemical potential, or temperature. We also show a counter example of the relation and discuss its limited universality.

  1. Investigating diffusion with technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miller, Jon S.; Windelborn, Augden F.


    The activities described here allow students to explore the concept of diffusion with the use of common equipment such as computers, webcams and analysis software. The procedure includes taking a series of digital pictures of a container of water with a webcam as a dye slowly diffuses. At known time points, measurements of the pixel densities (darkness) of the digital pictures are recorded and then plotted on a graph. The resulting graph of darkness versus time allows students to see the results of diffusion of the dye over time. Through modification of the basic lesson plan, students are able to investigate the influence of a variety of variables on diffusion. Furthermore, students are able to expand the boundaries of their thinking by formulating hypotheses and testing their hypotheses through experimentation. As a result, students acquire a relevant science experience through taking measurements, organizing data into tables, analysing data and drawing conclusions.

  2. Fractional-calculus diffusion equation

    PubMed Central


    Background Sequel to the work on the quantization of nonconservative systems using fractional calculus and quantization of a system with Brownian motion, which aims to consider the dissipation effects in quantum-mechanical description of microscale systems. Results The canonical quantization of a system represented classically by one-dimensional Fick's law, and the diffusion equation is carried out according to the Dirac method. A suitable Lagrangian, and Hamiltonian, describing the diffusive system, are constructed and the Hamiltonian is transformed to Schrodinger's equation which is solved. An application regarding implementation of the developed mathematical method to the analysis of diffusion, osmosis, which is a biological application of the diffusion process, is carried out. Schrödinger's equation is solved. Conclusions The plot of the probability function represents clearly the dissipative and drift forces and hence the osmosis, which agrees totally with the macro-scale view, or the classical-version osmosis. PMID:20492677

  3. Uphill diffusion in multicomponent mixtures.


    Krishna, Rajamani


    Molecular diffusion is an omnipresent phenomena that is important in a wide variety of contexts in chemical, physical, and biological processes. In the majority of cases, the diffusion process can be adequately described by Fick's law that postulates a linear relationship between the flux of any species and its own concentration gradient. Most commonly, a component diffuses down the concentration gradient. The major objective of this review is to highlight a very wide variety of situations that cause the uphill transport of one constituent in the mixture. Uphill diffusion may occur in multicomponent mixtures in which the diffusion flux of any species is strongly coupled to that of its partner species. Such coupling effects often arise from strong thermodynamic non-idealities. For a quantitative description we need to use chemical potential gradients as driving forces. The transport of ionic species in aqueous solutions is coupled with its partner ions because of the electro-neutrality constraints; such constraints may accelerate or decelerate a specific ion. When uphill diffusion occurs, we observe transient overshoots during equilibration; the equilibration process follows serpentine trajectories in composition space. For mixtures of liquids, alloys, ceramics and glasses the serpentine trajectories could cause entry into meta-stable composition zones; such entry could result in phenomena such as spinodal decomposition, spontaneous emulsification, and the Ouzo effect. For distillation of multicomponent mixtures that form azeotropes, uphill diffusion may allow crossing of distillation boundaries that are normally forbidden. For mixture separations with microporous adsorbents, uphill diffusion can cause supra-equilibrium loadings to be achieved during transient uptake within crystals; this allows the possibility of over-riding adsorption equilibrium for achieving difficult separations.

  4. A new sequence for single-shot diffusion-weighted NMR spectroscopy by the trace of the diffusion tensor.


    Valette, Julien; Giraudeau, Céline; Marchadour, Charlotte; Djemai, Boucif; Geffroy, Françoise; Ghaly, Mohamed Ahmed; Le Bihan, Denis; Hantraye, Philippe; Lebon, Vincent; Lethimonnier, Franck


    Diffusion-weighted spectroscopy is a unique tool for exploring the intracellular microenvironment in vivo. In living systems, diffusion may be anisotropic, when biological membranes exhibit particular orientation patterns. In this work, a volume selective diffusion-weighted sequence is proposed, allowing single-shot measurement of the trace of the diffusion tensor, which does not depend on tissue anisotropy. With this sequence, the minimal echo time is only three times the diffusion time. In addition, cross-terms between diffusion gradients and other gradients are cancelled out. An adiabatic version, similar to localization by adiabatic selective refocusing sequence, is then derived, providing partial immunity against cross-terms. Proof of concept is performed ex vivo on chicken skeletal muscle by varying tissue orientation and intra-voxel shim. In vivo performance of the sequence is finally illustrated in a U87 glioblastoma mouse model, allowing the measurement of the trace apparent diffusion coefficient for six metabolites, including J-modulated metabolites. Although measurement performed along three separate orthogonal directions would bring similar accuracy on trace apparent diffusion coefficient under ideal conditions, the method described here should be useful for probing intimate properties of the cells with minimal experimental bias. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  5. Zr diffusion in titanite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cherniak, D. J.


    Chemical diffusion of Zr under anhydrous, pO2-buffered conditions has been measured in natural titanite. The source of diffusant was either zircon powder or a ZrO2-Al2O3-titanite mixture. Experiments were run in sealed silica glass capsules with solid buffers (to buffer at NNO or QFM). Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) was used to measure diffusion profiles. The following Arrhenius parameters were obtained for Zr diffusion parallel to c over the temperature range 753-1,100°C under NNO-buffered conditions: D Zr = 5.33 × 10-7 exp(-325 ± 30 kJ mol-1/RT) m2 s-1 Diffusivities are similar for experiments buffered at QFM. These data suggest that titanite should be moderately retentive of Zr chemical signatures, with diffusivities slower than those for O and Pb in titanite, but faster than those for Sr and the REE. When applied in evaluation of the relative robustness of the recently developed Zr-in-titanite geothermometer (Hayden and Watson, Abstract, 16th V.M. Goldschmidt Conference 2006), these findings suggest that Zr concentrations in titanite will be less likely to be affected by later thermal disturbance than the geothermometer based on Zr concentrations in rutile (Zack et al. in Contrib Mineral Petrol 148:471-488, 2004; Watson et al. in Contrib Mineral. Petrol, 2006), but much less resistant to diffusional alteration subsequent to crystallization than the Ti-in-Zircon geothermometer (Watson and Harrison in Science 308:841-844, 2005).

  6. Dependence of Exciton Diffusion Length and Diffusion Coefficient on Photophysical Parameters in Bulk Heterojunction Organic Solar Cells

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yeboah, Douglas; Singh, Jai


    Recently, the dependence of exciton diffusion length (LD ) on some photophysical parameters of organic solids has been experimentally demonstrated, however no systematic theoretical analysis of this phenomenon has been carried out. We have conducted a theoretical study by using the Förster resonance energy transfer and Dexter carrier transfer mechanisms together with the Einstein-Smoluchowski diffusion equation to derive analytical models for the diffusion lengths (LD ) and diffusion coefficients (D) of singlet (S) and triplet (T) excitons in organic solids as functions of spectral overlap integral (J) , photoluminescence (PL) quantum yield (φD ) , dipole moment (μT ) and refractive index (n) of the photoactive material. The exciton diffusion lengths and diffusion coefficients in some selected organic solids were calculated, and we found that the singlet exciton diffusion length (LDS ) increases with φD and J, and decreases with n. Also, the triplet exciton diffusion length (LDT ) increases with φD and decreases with μT . These may be achieved through doping the organic solids into broad optical energy gap host materials as observed in previous experiments. The calculated exciton diffusion lengths are compared with experimental values and a reasonably good agreement is found between them. The results presented are expected to provide insight relevant to the synthesis of new organic solids for fabrication of bulk heterojunction organic solar cells characterized by better power conversion efficiency.

  7. Adaptation and Cultural Diffusion.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ormrod, Richard K.


    Explores the role of adaptation in cultural diffusion. Explains that adaptation theory recognizes the lack of independence between innovations and their environmental settings. Discusses testing and selection, modification, motivation, and cognition. Suggests that adaptation effects are pervasive in cultural diffusion but require a broader, more…

  8. Multicomponent diffusion in molten salt LiF-BeF2: Dynamical correlations and Maxwell-Stefan diffusivities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chakraborty, Brahmananda; Ramaniah, Lavanya M.


    Applying Green-Kubo formalism and equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have studied the dynamic correlation, Onsager coeeficients and Maxwell-Stefan (MS) Diffusivities of molten salt LiF-BeF2, which is used as coolant in high temperature reactor. All the diffusive flux correlations show back-scattering or cage dynamics which becomes pronouced at higher temperature. Although the MS diffusivities are expected to depend very lightly on the composition due to decoupling of thermodynamic factor, the diffusivity ĐLi-F and ĐBe-F decreases sharply for higher concentration of LiF and BeF2 respectively. Interestingly, all three MS diffusivities have highest magnitude for eutectic mixture at 1000K (except ĐBe-F at lower LiF mole fraction) which is desirable from coolant point of view. Although the diffusivity for positive-positive ion pair is negative it is not in violation of the second law of thermodynamics as it satisfies the non-negative entropic constraints.

  9. Infrared diffuse interstellar bands

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Galazutdinov, G. A.; Lee, Jae-Joon; Han, Inwoo; Lee, Byeong-Cheol; Valyavin, G.; Krełowski, J.


    We present high-resolution (R ˜ 45 000) profiles of 14 diffuse interstellar bands in the ˜1.45 to ˜2.45 μm range based on spectra obtained with the Immersion Grating INfrared Spectrograph at the McDonald Observatory. The revised list of diffuse bands with accurately estimated rest wavelengths includes six new features. The diffuse band at 15 268.2 Å demonstrates a very symmetric profile shape and thus can serve as a reference for finding the 'interstellar correction' to the rest wavelength frame in the H range, which suffers from a lack of known atomic/molecular lines.

  10. Bicarbonate diffusion through mucus.


    Livingston, E H; Miller, J; Engel, E


    The mucus layer overlying duodenal epithelium maintains a pH gradient against high luminal acid concentrations. Despite these adverse conditions, epithelial surface pH remains close to neutrality. The exact nature of the gradient-forming barrier remains unknown. The barrier consists of mucus into which HCO3- is secreted. Quantification of the ability of HCO3- to establish and maintain the gradient depends on accurate measurement of this ion's diffusion coefficient through mucus. We describe new experimental and mathematical methods for diffusion measurement and report diffusion coefficients for HCO3- diffusion through saline, 5% mucin solutions, and rat duodenal mucus. The diffusion coefficients were 20.2 +/- 0.10, 3.02 +/- 0.31, and 1.81 +/- 0.12 x 10(-6) cm2/s, respectively. Modeling of the mucobicarbonate layer with this latter value suggests that for conditions of high luminal acid strength the neutralization of acid by HCO3- occurs just above the epithelial surface. Under these conditions the model predicts that fluid convection toward the lumen could be important in maintaining the pH gradient. In support of this hypothesis we were able to demonstrate a net luminal fluid flux of 5 after perfusion of 0.15 N HCl in the rat duodenum.

  11. Diffuse sorption modeling.


    Pivovarov, Sergey


    This work presents a simple solution for the diffuse double layer model, applicable to calculation of surface speciation as well as to simulation of ionic adsorption within the diffuse layer of solution in arbitrary salt media. Based on Poisson-Boltzmann equation, the Gaines-Thomas selectivity coefficient for uni-bivalent exchange on clay, K(GT)(Me(2+)/M(+))=(Q(Me)(0.5)/Q(M)){M(+)}/{Me(2+)}(0.5), (Q is the equivalent fraction of cation in the exchange capacity, and {M(+)} and {Me(2+)} are the ionic activities in solution) may be calculated as [surface charge, mueq/m(2)]/0.61. The obtained solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation was applied to calculation of ionic exchange on clays and to simulation of the surface charge of ferrihydrite in 0.01-6 M NaCl solutions. In addition, a new model of acid-base properties was developed. This model is based on assumption that the net proton charge is not located on the mathematical surface plane but diffusely distributed within the subsurface layer of the lattice. It is shown that the obtained solution of the Poisson-Boltzmann equation makes such calculations possible, and that this approach is more efficient than the original diffuse double layer model.

  12. A "desperation-reaction" model of medical diffusion.

    PubMed Central

    Warner, K E


    Knowledge about the adoption and diffusion of innovations is briefly reviewed. A model is then proposed to explain how certain innovations, intended to address dire medical problems, might diffuse in a manner not previously reported, with extensive diffusion occurring during what would be a period of small-scale experimentation and limited adoption in the conventional innovation-diffusion environment. The model is illustrated with findings from a case study of the diffusion of drug therapies for four types of leukemia. Possible implications of "desperation-reaction" diffusion are suggested. PMID:1065622

  13. Diffusion MRI in the heart.


    Mekkaoui, Choukri; Reese, Timothy G; Jackowski, Marcel P; Bhat, Himanshu; Sosnovik, David E


    Diffusion MRI provides unique information on the structure, organization, and integrity of the myocardium without the need for exogenous contrast agents. Diffusion MRI in the heart, however, has proven technically challenging because of the intrinsic non-rigid deformation during the cardiac cycle, displacement of the myocardium due to respiratory motion, signal inhomogeneity within the thorax, and short transverse relaxation times. Recently developed accelerated diffusion-weighted MR acquisition sequences combined with advanced post-processing techniques have improved the accuracy and efficiency of diffusion MRI in the myocardium. In this review, we describe the solutions and approaches that have been developed to enable diffusion MRI of the heart in vivo, including a dual-gated stimulated echo approach, a velocity- (M 1 ) or an acceleration- (M 2 ) compensated pulsed gradient spin echo approach, and the use of principal component analysis filtering. The structure of the myocardium and the application of these techniques in ischemic heart disease are also briefly reviewed. The advent of clinical MR systems with stronger gradients will likely facilitate the translation of cardiac diffusion MRI into clinical use. The addition of diffusion MRI to the well-established set of cardiovascular imaging techniques should lead to new and complementary approaches for the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with heart disease. © 2015 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. © 2015 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  14. Molecular Diagnostics of Diffusive Boundary Layers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rawlings, J. M. C.; Hartquist, T. W.


    We have assessed the role of diffusion in determining chemical abundances in molecular interface regions. Chemical models have been developed which include the appropriate diffusion terms and that are appropriate to a narrow diffusion region (˜0.01pc) that may exist at the interface between a dark core and a hot, shocked T-Tauri wind. We have assumed pressure balance throughout and have calculated the chemical abundances as functions of time and position through the interface. The results show that significant enhancements of detectable molecules/transitions are expected (e.g. CO J=6→5, OH and CH). Using a realistic value of the diffusion coefficient a diffusive region of dimension 0.01pc may be established within about 104 years. In general it seems likely that diffusion processes are highly significant on these and smaller lengthscales.

  15. Spin diffusion in disordered organic semiconductors

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Ling; Gao, Nan; Lu, Nianduan; Liu, Ming; Bässler, Heinz


    An analytical theory for spin diffusion in disordered organic semiconductors is derived. It is based on percolation theory and variable range hopping in a disordered energy landscape with a Gaussian density of states. It describes universally the dependence of the spin diffusion on temperature, carrier density, material disorder, magnetic field, and electric field at the arbitrary magnitude of the Hubbard energy of charge pairs. It is found that, compared to the spin transport carried by carriers hopping, the spin exchange will hinder the spin diffusion process at low carrier density, even under the condition of a weak electric field. Importantly, under the influence of a bias voltage, anomalous spreading of the spin packet will lead to an abnormal temperature dependence of the spin diffusion coefficient and diffusion length. This explains the recent experimental data for spin diffusion length observed in Alq3.

  16. A comparison of Fick and Maxwell-Stefan diffusion formulations in PEMFC gas diffusion layers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lindstrom, Michael; Wetton, Brian


    This paper explores the mathematical formulations of Fick and Maxwell-Stefan diffusion in the context of polymer electrolyte membrane fuel cell cathode gas diffusion layers. The simple Fick law with a diagonal diffusion matrix is an approximation of Maxwell-Stefan. Formulations of diffusion combined with mass-averaged Darcy flow are considered for three component gases. For this application, the formulations can be compared computationally in a simple, one dimensional setting. Despite the models' seemingly different structure, it is observed that the predictions of the formulations are very similar on the cathode when air is used as oxidant. The two formulations give quite different results when the Nitrogen in the air oxidant is replaced by helium (this is often done as a diagnostic for fuel cells designs). The two formulations also give quite different results for the anode with a dilute Hydrogen stream. These results give direction to when Maxwell-Stefan diffusion, which is more complicated to implement computationally in many codes, should be used in fuel cell simulations.

  17. Diffuser for augmenting a wind turbine


    Foreman, Kenneth M.; Gilbert, Barry L.


    A diffuser for augmenting a wind turbine having means for energizing the boundary layer at several locations along the diffuser walls is improved by the addition of a short collar extending radially outward from the outlet of the diffuser.

  18. Optimal Network Modularity for Information Diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nematzadeh, Azadeh; Ferrara, Emilio; Flammini, Alessandro; Ahn, Yong-Yeol


    We investigate the impact of community structure on information diffusion with the linear threshold model. Our results demonstrate that modular structure may have counterintuitive effects on information diffusion when social reinforcement is present. We show that strong communities can facilitate global diffusion by enhancing local, intracommunity spreading. Using both analytic approaches and numerical simulations, we demonstrate the existence of an optimal network modularity, where global diffusion requires the minimal number of early adopters.

  19. Heat transfer, diffusion, and evaporation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nusselt, Wilhelm


    Although it has long been known that the differential equations of the heat-transfer and diffusion processes are identical, application to technical problems has only recently been made. In 1916 it was shown that the speed of oxidation of the carbon in iron ore depends upon the speed with which the oxygen of the combustion air diffuses through the core of gas surrounding the carbon surface. The identity previously referred to was then used to calculate the amount of oxygen diffusing to the carbon surface on the basis of the heat transfer between the gas stream and the carbon surface. Then in 1921, H. Thoma reversed that procedure; he used diffusion experiments to determine heat-transfer coefficients. Recently Lohrisch has extended this work by experiment. A technically very important application of the identity of heat transfer and diffusion is that of the cooling tower, since in this case both processes occur simultaneously.

  20. Effect of hydrodynamic interactions on the diffusion of integral membrane proteins: diffusion in plasma membranes.

    PubMed Central

    Bussell, S J; Koch, D L; Hammer, D A


    Tracer diffusion coefficients of integral membrane proteins (IMPs) in intact plasma membranes are often much lower than those found in blebbed, organelle, and reconstituted membranes. We calculate the contribution of hydrodynamic interactions to the tracer, gradient, and rotational diffusion of IMPs in plasma membranes. Because of the presence of immobile IMPs, Brinkman's equation governs the hydrodynamics in plasma membranes. Solutions of Brinkman's equation enable the calculation of short-time diffusion coefficients of IMPs. There is a large reduction in particle mobilities when a fraction of them is immobile, and as the fraction increases, the mobilities of the mobile particles continue to decrease. Combination of the hydrodynamic mobilities with Monte Carlo simulation results, which incorporate excluded area effects, enable the calculation of long-time diffusion coefficients. We use our calculations to analyze results for tracer diffusivities in several different systems. In erythrocytes, we find that the hydrodynamic theory, when combined with excluded area effects, closes the gap between existing theory and experiment for the mobility of band 3, with the remaining discrepancy likely due to direct obstruction of band 3 lateral mobility by the spectrin network. In lymphocytes, the combined hydrodynamic-excluded area theory provides a plausible explanation for the reduced mobility of sIg molecules induced by binding concanavalin A-coated platelets. However, the theory does not explain all reported cases of "anchorage modulation" in all cell types in which receptor mobilities are reduced after binding by concanavalin A-coated platelets. The hydrodynamic theory provides an explanation of why protein lateral mobilities are restricted in plasma membranes and why, in many systems, deletion of the cytoplasmic tail of a receptor has little effect on diffusion rates. However, much more data are needed to test the theory definitively. We also predict that gradient and

  1. Diffuse Optics for Tissue Monitoring and Tomography

    PubMed Central

    Durduran, T; Choe, R; Baker, W B; Yodh, A G


    This review describes the diffusion model for light transport in tissues and the medical applications of diffuse light. Diffuse optics is particularly useful for measurement of tissue hemodynamics, wherein quantitative assessment of oxy- and deoxy-hemoglobin concentrations and blood flow are desired. The theoretical basis for near-infrared or diffuse optical spectroscopy (NIRS or DOS, respectively) is developed, and the basic elements of diffuse optical tomography (DOT) are outlined. We also discuss diffuse correlation spectroscopy (DCS), a technique whereby temporal correlation functions of diffusing light are transported through tissue and are used to measure blood flow. Essential instrumentation is described, and representative brain and breast functional imaging and monitoring results illustrate the workings of these new tissue diagnostics. PMID:26120204

  2. Using light transmission to watch hydrogen diffuse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pálsson, Gunnar K.; Bliersbach, Andreas; Wolff, Max; Zamani, Atieh; Hjörvarsson, Björgvin


    Because of its light weight and small size, hydrogen exhibits one of the fastest diffusion rates in solid materials, comparable to the diffusion rate of liquid water molecules at room temperature. The diffusion rate is determined by an intricate combination of quantum effects and dynamic interplay with the displacement of host atoms that is still only partially understood. Here we present direct observations of the spatial and temporal changes in the diffusion-induced concentration profiles in a vanadium single crystal and we show that the results represent the experimental counterpart of the full time and spatial solution of Fick's diffusion equation. We validate the approach by determining the diffusion rate of hydrogen in a single crystal vanadium (001) film, with net diffusion in the [110] direction.

  3. Backstepping-based boundary control design for a fractional reaction diffusion system with a space-dependent diffusion coefficient.


    Chen, Juan; Cui, Baotong; Chen, YangQuan


    This paper presents a boundary feedback control design for a fractional reaction diffusion (FRD) system with a space-dependent (non-constant) diffusion coefficient via the backstepping method. The contribution of this paper is to generalize the results of backstepping-based boundary feedback control for a FRD system with a space-independent (constant) diffusion coefficient to the case of space-dependent diffusivity. For the boundary stabilization problem of this case, a designed integral transformation treats it as a problem of solving a hyperbolic partial differential equation (PDE) of transformation's kernel, then the well posedness of the kernel PDE is solved for the plant with non-constant diffusivity. Furthermore, by the fractional Lyapunov stability (Mittag-Leffler stability) theory and the backstepping-based boundary feedback controller, the Mittag-Leffler stability of the closed-loop FRD system with non-constant diffusivity is proved. Finally, an extensive numerical example for this closed-loop FRD system with non-constant diffusivity is presented to verify the effectiveness of our proposed controller. Copyright © 2018 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Self diffusion of interacting membrane proteins.

    PubMed Central

    Abney, J R; Scalettar, B A; Owicki, J C


    A two-dimensional version of the generalized Smoluchowski equation is used to analyze the time (or distance) dependent self diffusion of interacting membrane proteins in concentrated membrane systems. This equation provides a well established starting point for descriptions of the diffusion of particles that interact through both direct and hydrodynamic forces; in this initial work only the effects of direct interactions are explicitly considered. Data describing diffusion in the presence of hard-core repulsions, soft repulsions, and soft repulsions with weak attractions are presented. The effect that interactions have on the self-diffusion coefficient of a real protein molecule from mouse liver gap junctions is also calculated. The results indicate that self diffusion is always inhibited by direct interactions; this observation is interpreted in terms of the caging that will exist at finite protein concentration. It is also noted that, over small distance scales, the diffusion coefficient is determined entirely by the very strong Brownian forces; therefore, as a function of displacement the self-diffusion coefficient decays (rapidly) from its value at infinite dilution to its steady-state interaction-averaged value. The steady-state self-diffusion coefficient describes motion over distance scales that range from approximately 10 nm to cellular dimensions and is the quantity measured in fluorescence recovery after photobleaching experiments. The short-ranged behavior of the diffusion coefficient is important on the interparticle-distance scale and may therefore influence the rate at which nearest-neighbor collisional processes take place. The hard-disk theoretical results presented here are in excellent agreement with lattice Monte-Carlo results obtained by other workers. The concentration dependence of experimentally measured diffusion coefficients of antibody-hapten complexes bound to the membrane surface is consistent with that predicted by the theory. The

  5. Sentinel-2 diffuser on-ground calibration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazy, E.; Camus, F.; Chorvalli, V.; Domken, I.; Laborie, A.; Marcotte, S.; Stockman, Y.


    The Sentinel-2 multi-spectral instrument (MSI) will provide Earth imagery in the frame of the Global Monitoring for Environment and Security (GMES) initiative which is a joint undertaking of the European Commission and the Agency. MSI instrument, under Astrium SAS responsibility, is a push-broom spectro imager in 13 spectral channels in VNIR and SWIR. The instrument radiometric calibration is based on in-flight calibration with sunlight through a quasi Lambertian diffuser. The diffuser covers the full pupil and the full field of view of the instrument. The on-ground calibration of the diffuser BRDF is mandatory to fulfil the in-flight performances. The diffuser is a 779 x 278 mm2 rectangular flat area in Zenith-A material. It is mounted on a motorised door in front of the instrument optical system entrance. The diffuser manufacturing and calibration is under the Centre Spatial of Liege (CSL) responsibility. The CSL has designed and built a completely remote controlled BRDF test bench able to handle large diffusers in their mount. As the diffuser is calibrated directly in its mount with respect to a reference cube, the error budget is significantly improved. The BRDF calibration is performed directly in MSI instrument spectral bands by using dedicated band-pass filters (VNIR and SWIR up to 2200 nm). Absolute accuracy is better than 0.5% in VNIR spectral bands and 1% in SWIR spectral bands. Performances were cross checked with other laboratories. The first MSI diffuser for flight model was calibrated mid 2013 on CSL BRDF measurement bench. The calibration of the diffuser consists mainly in thermal vacuum cycles, BRDF uniformity characterisation and BRDF angular characterisation. The total amount of measurement for the first flight model diffuser corresponds to more than 17500 BRDF acquisitions. Performance results are discussed in comparison with requirements.

  6. Diffusion properties of molecules at the blood-brain interface: potential contributions of astrocyte endfeet to diffusion barrier functions.


    Nuriya, Mutsuo; Shinotsuka, Takanori; Yasui, Masato


    Molecular diffusion in the extracellular space (ECS) plays a key role in determining tissue physiology and pharmacology. The blood-brain barrier regulates the exchange of substances between the brain and the blood, but the diffusion properties of molecules at this blood-brain interface, particularly around the astrocyte endfeet, are poorly characterized. In this study, we used 2-photon microscopy and acute brain slices of mouse neocortex and directly assessed the diffusion patterns of fluorescent molecules. By observing the diffusion of unconjugated and 10-kDa dextran-conjugated Alexa Fluor 488 from the ECS of the brain parenchyma to the blood vessels, we find various degrees of diffusion barriers at the endfeet: Some allow the invasion of dye inside the endfoot network while others completely block it. Detailed analyses of the time course for dye clearance support the existence of a tight endfoot network capable of acting as a diffusion barrier. Finally, we show that this diffusion pattern collapses under pathological conditions. These data demonstrate the heterogeneous nature of molecular diffusion dynamics around the endfeet and suggest that these structures can serve as the diffusion barrier. Therefore, astrocyte endfeet may add another layer of regulation to the exchange of molecules between blood vessels and brain parenchyma.

  7. Tracer diffusion in active suspensions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burkholder, Eric W.; Brady, John F.


    We study the diffusion of a Brownian probe particle of size R in a dilute dispersion of active Brownian particles of size a , characteristic swim speed U0, reorientation time τR, and mechanical energy ksTs=ζaU02τR/6 , where ζa is the Stokes drag coefficient of a swimmer. The probe has a thermal diffusivity DP=kBT /ζP , where kBT is the thermal energy of the solvent and ζP is the Stokes drag coefficient for the probe. When the swimmers are inactive, collisions between the probe and the swimmers sterically hinder the probe's diffusive motion. In competition with this steric hindrance is an enhancement driven by the activity of the swimmers. The strength of swimming relative to thermal diffusion is set by Pes=U0a /DP . The active contribution to the diffusivity scales as Pes2 for weak swimming and Pes for strong swimming, but the transition between these two regimes is nonmonotonic. When fluctuations in the probe motion decay on the time scale τR, the active diffusivity scales as ksTs/ζP : the probe moves as if it were immersed in a solvent with energy ksTs rather than kBT .

  8. Diffusion of multi-isotopic chemical species in molten silicates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watkins, James M.; Liang, Yan; Richter, Frank; Ryerson, Frederick J.; DePaolo, Donald J.


    Diffusion experiments in a simplified Na2O-CaO-SiO2 liquid system are used to develop a general formulation for the fractionation of Ca isotopes during liquid-phase diffusion. Although chemical diffusion is a well-studied process, the mathematical description of the effects of diffusion on the separate isotopes of a chemical element is surprisingly underdeveloped and uncertain. Kinetic theory predicts a mass dependence on isotopic mobility, but it is unknown how this translates into a mass dependence on effective binary diffusion coefficients, or more generally, the chemical diffusion coefficients that are housed in a multicomponent diffusion matrix. Our experiments are designed to measure Ca mobility, effective binary diffusion coefficients, the multicomponent diffusion matrix, and the effects of chemical diffusion on Ca isotopes in a liquid of single composition. We carried out two chemical diffusion experiments and one self-diffusion experiment, all at 1250 °C and 0.7 GPa and using a bulk composition for which other information is available from the literature. The self-diffusion experiment is used to determine the mobility of Ca in the absence of diffusive fluxes of other liquid components. The chemical diffusion experiments are designed to determine the effect on Ca isotope fractionation of changing the counter-diffusing component from fast-diffusing Na2O to slow-diffusing SiO2. When Na2O is the main counter-diffusing species, CaO diffusion is fast and larger Ca isotopic effects are generated. When SiO2 is the main counter-diffusing species, CaO diffusion is slow and smaller Ca isotopic effects are observed. In both experiments, the liquid is initially isotopically homogeneous, and during the experiment Ca isotopes become fractionated by diffusion. The results are used as a test of a new general expression for the diffusion of isotopes in a multicomponent liquid system that accounts for both self diffusion and the effects of counter-diffusing species. Our

  9. Anti-diffusion metal coated O-rings


    Biallas, George Herman; Boyce, James Reid


    A method for inhibiting diffusion of gases and/or transmission of photons through elastomeric seals and a diffusion inhibiting elastomeric seal wherein at least a portion of the surface of a diffusion inhibiting elastomeric seal is coated with a compatibly-deformable, malleable metal coating.

  10. Measurement and modeling of diffusion time dependence of apparent diffusion coefficient and fractional anisotropy in prostate tissue ex vivo.


    Bourne, Roger; Liang, Sisi; Panagiotaki, Eleftheria; Bongers, Andre; Sved, Paul; Watson, Geoffrey


    The purpose of this study was to measure and model the diffusion time dependence of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) derived from conventional prostate diffusion-weighted imaging methods as used in recommended multiparametric MRI protocols. Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) was performed at 9.4 T with three radical prostatectomy specimens, with diffusion times in the range 10-120 ms and b-values 0-3000 s/mm 2 . ADC and FA were calculated from DTI measurements at b-values of 800 and 1600 s/mm 2 . Independently, a two-component model (restricted isotropic plus Gaussian anisotropic) was used to synthesize DTI data, from which ADC and FA were predicted and compared with the measured values. Measured ADC and FA exhibited a diffusion time dependence, which was closely predicted by the two-component model. ADC decreased by about 0.10-0.15 μm 2 /ms as diffusion time increased from 10 to 120 ms. FA increased with diffusion time at b-values of 800 and 1600 s/mm 2 but was predicted to be independent of diffusion time at b = 3000 s/mm 2 . Both ADC and FA exhibited diffusion time dependence that could be modeled as two unmixed water pools - one having isotropic restricted dynamics, and the other unrestricted anisotropic dynamics. These results highlight the importance of considering and reporting diffusion times in conventional ADC and FA calculations and protocol recommendations, and inform the development of improved diffusion methods for prostate cancer imaging. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  11. Rumor diffusion model with spatio-temporal diffusion and uncertainty of behavior decision in complex social networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Liang; Wang, Youguo


    In this paper, a rumor diffusion model with uncertainty of human behavior under spatio-temporal diffusion framework is established. Take physical significance of spatial diffusion into account, a diffusion threshold is set under which the rumor is not a trend topic and only spreads along determined physical connections. Heterogeneity of degree distribution and distance distribution has also been considered in theoretical model at the same time. The global existence and uniqueness of classical solution are proved with a Lyapunov function and an approximate classical solution in form of infinite series is constructed with a system of eigenfunction. Simulations and numerical solutions both on Watts-Strogatz (WS) network and Barabási-Albert (BA) network display the variation of density of infected connections from spatial and temporal dimensions. Relevant results show that the density of infected connections is dominated by network topology and uncertainty of human behavior at threshold time. With increase of social capability, rumor diffuses to the steady state in a higher speed. And the variation trends of diffusion size with uncertainty are diverse on different artificial networks.

  12. Using light transmission to watch hydrogen diffuse

    PubMed Central

    Pálsson, Gunnar K.; Bliersbach, Andreas; Wolff, Max; Zamani, Atieh; Hjörvarsson, Björgvin


    Because of its light weight and small size, hydrogen exhibits one of the fastest diffusion rates in solid materials, comparable to the diffusion rate of liquid water molecules at room temperature. The diffusion rate is determined by an intricate combination of quantum effects and dynamic interplay with the displacement of host atoms that is still only partially understood. Here we present direct observations of the spatial and temporal changes in the diffusion-induced concentration profiles in a vanadium single crystal and we show that the results represent the experimental counterpart of the full time and spatial solution of Fick's diffusion equation. We validate the approach by determining the diffusion rate of hydrogen in a single crystal vanadium (001) film, with net diffusion in the [110] direction. PMID:22692535

  13. Differences in Gaussian diffusion tensor imaging and non-Gaussian diffusion kurtosis imaging model-based estimates of diffusion tensor invariants in the human brain.


    Lanzafame, S; Giannelli, M; Garaci, F; Floris, R; Duggento, A; Guerrisi, M; Toschi, N


    An increasing number of studies have aimed to compare diffusion tensor imaging (DTI)-related parameters [e.g., mean diffusivity (MD), fractional anisotropy (FA), radial diffusivity (RD), and axial diffusivity (AD)] to complementary new indexes [e.g., mean kurtosis (MK)/radial kurtosis (RK)/axial kurtosis (AK)] derived through diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) in terms of their discriminative potential about tissue disease-related microstructural alterations. Given that the DTI and DKI models provide conceptually and quantitatively different estimates of the diffusion tensor, which can also depend on fitting routine, the aim of this study was to investigate model- and algorithm-dependent differences in MD/FA/RD/AD and anisotropy mode (MO) estimates in diffusion-weighted imaging of human brain white matter. The authors employed (a) data collected from 33 healthy subjects (20-59 yr, F: 15, M: 18) within the Human Connectome Project (HCP) on a customized 3 T scanner, and (b) data from 34 healthy subjects (26-61 yr, F: 5, M: 29) acquired on a clinical 3 T scanner. The DTI model was fitted to b-value =0 and b-value =1000 s/mm(2) data while the DKI model was fitted to data comprising b-value =0, 1000 and 3000/2500 s/mm(2) [for dataset (a)/(b), respectively] through nonlinear and weighted linear least squares algorithms. In addition to MK/RK/AK maps, MD/FA/MO/RD/AD maps were estimated from both models and both algorithms. Using tract-based spatial statistics, the authors tested the null hypothesis of zero difference between the two MD/FA/MO/RD/AD estimates in brain white matter for both datasets and both algorithms. DKI-derived MD/FA/RD/AD and MO estimates were significantly higher and lower, respectively, than corresponding DTI-derived estimates. All voxelwise differences extended over most of the white matter skeleton. Fractional differences between the two estimates [(DKI - DTI)/DTI] of most invariants were seen to vary with the invariant value itself as well as with MK

  14. Diffusion and plasticity at high temperature

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Philibert, J.


    High temperature plastic deformation requires atomic migration whatever the mechanism of deformation. The constitutive equations contain a diffusion coefficient and the deformation rate follows an Arrhenius law. This paper will only discuss the case of viscous creep in order to elucidate the nature of the diffusion processes and the expression of the diffusion coefficient involved in alloys or compounds. La déformation plastique à haute température met en jeu des migrations atomiques, quel que soit le mécanisme de déformation. Les lois de comportement contiennent donc un coefficient de diffusion et la vitesse de déformation obéit à une loi d'Arrhenius. Dans cet article, qui ne conceme qu'un seul type de déformation, lefluage visqueux, on s'efforce de préciser la nature des processus de diffusion et du coefficient de diffusion mis en jeu dans le cas des alliages et des composés.

  15. Molecular dynamics simulations of substitutional diffusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhou, Xiaowang; Jones, Reese E.; Gruber, Jacob


    In atomistic simulations, diffusion energy barriers are usually calculated for each atomic jump path using a nudged elastic band method. Practical materials often involve thousands of distinct atomic jump paths that are not known a priori. Hence, it is often preferred to determine an overall diffusion energy barrier and an overall pre-exponential factor from the Arrhenius equation constructed through molecular dynamics simulations of mean square displacement of the diffusion species at different temperatures. This approach has been well established for interstitial diffusion, but not for substitutional diffusion at the same confidence. Using In 0.1 Ga 0.9 N as an example,more » we have identified conditions where molecular dynamics simulations can be used to calculate highly converged Arrhenius plots for substitutional alloys. As a result, this may enable many complex diffusion problems to be easily and reliably studied in the future using molecular dynamics, provided that moderate computing resources are available.« less

  16. Anatomy of Particle Diffusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bringuier, E.


    The paper analyses particle diffusion from a thermodynamic standpoint. The main goal of the paper is to highlight the conceptual connection between particle diffusion, which belongs to non-equilibrium statistical physics, and mechanics, which deals with particle motion, at the level of third-year university courses. We start out from the fact…

  17. MRI diffusion tensor reconstruction with PROPELLER data acquisition.


    Cheryauka, Arvidas B; Lee, James N; Samsonov, Alexei A; Defrise, Michel; Gullberg, Grant T


    MRI diffusion imaging is effective in measuring the diffusion tensor in brain, cardiac, liver, and spinal tissue. Diffusion tensor tomography MRI (DTT MRI) method is based on reconstructing the diffusion tensor field from measurements of projections of the tensor field. Projections are obtained by appropriate application of rotated diffusion gradients. In the present paper, the potential of a novel data acquisition scheme, PROPELLER (Periodically Rotated Overlapping ParallEL Lines with Enhanced Reconstruction), is examined in combination with DTT MRI for its capability and sufficiency for diffusion imaging. An iterative reconstruction algorithm is used to reconstruct the diffusion tensor field from rotated diffusion weighted blades by appropriate rotated diffusion gradients. DTT MRI with PROPELLER data acquisition shows significant potential to reduce the number of weighted measurements, avoid ambiguity in reconstructing diffusion tensor parameters, increase signal-to-noise ratio, and decrease the influence of signal distortion.

  18. Nitrogen diffusion in hafnia and the impact of nitridation on oxygen and hydrogen diffusion: A first-principles study

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sathiyanarayanan, Rajesh, E-mail:, E-mail:; Pandey, R. K.; Murali, K. V. R. M.


    Using first-principles simulations, we have computed incorporation energies and diffusion barriers of ammonia, the nitrogen molecule and atomic nitrogen in monoclinic hafnia (m-HfO{sub 2}). Our calculations show that ammonia is likely to dissociate into an NH{sub 2} molecular unit, whereas the nitrogen molecule remains as a molecule either in the interstitial space or at an oxygen lattice site. The lowest energy pathway for the diffusion of atomic nitrogen interstitials consists of the hopping of the nitrogen interstitial between neighboring three-coordinated lattice oxygen atoms that share a single Hf atom, and the barrier for such hops is determined by a switchingmore » mechanism. The substitutional nitrogen atom shows a preference for diffusion through the doubly positive oxygen vacancy-mediated mechanism. Furthermore, we have investigated the impact of nitrogen atoms on the diffusion barriers of oxygen and hydrogen interstitials in m-HfO{sub 2}. Our results show that nitrogen incorporation has a significant impact on the barriers for oxygen and hydrogen diffusion: nitrogen atoms attract oxygen and hydrogen interstitials diffusing in the vicinity, thereby slowing down (reducing) their diffusion (diffusion length)« less

  19. Multicomponent diffusion in molten salt NaF-ZrF4: Dynamical correlations and Maxwell-Stefan diffusivities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baig, Mohammad Saad; Chakraborty, Brahmananda; Ramaniah, Lavanya M.


    NaF-ZrF4 is used as a waste incinerator and as a coolant in Generation IV reactors.Structural and dynamical properties of molten NaF-ZrF4 system were studied along with Onsagercoefficients and Maxwell-Stefan (MS) Diffusivities applying Green-Kubo formalism and molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. The zirconium ions are found to be 8 fold coordinated with fluoride ions for all temperatures and concentrations. All the diffusive flux correlations show back-scattering. Even though the MS diffusivities are expected to depend very lightly on the composition because of decoupling of thermodynamic factor, the diffusivity ĐNa-F shows interesting behavior with the increase in concentration of ZrF4. This is because of network formation in NaF-ZrF4. Positive entropy constraints have been plotted to authenticate negative diffusivities observed.

  20. Diffuse cloud chemistry. [in interstellar matter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Van Dishoeck, Ewine F.; Black, John H.


    The current status of models of diffuse interstellar clouds is reviewed. A detailed comparison of recent gas-phase steady-state models shows that both the physical conditions and the molecular abundances in diffuse clouds are still not fully understood. Alternative mechanisms are discussed and observational tests which may discriminate between the various models are suggested. Recent developments regarding the velocity structure of diffuse clouds are mentioned. Similarities and differences between the chemistries in diffuse clouds and those in translucent and high latitude clouds are pointed out.

  1. A Diffusion Approach to Study Leadership Reform

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adams, Curt M.; Jean-Marie, Gaetane


    Purpose: This study aims to draw on elements of diffusion theory to understand leadership reform. Many diffusion studies examine the spread of an innovation across social units but the objective is to examine diffusion of a collective leadership model within school units. Specifically, the strength of reform diffusion is tested to account for…

  2. The diffusion of ions in unconsolidated sediments

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Manheim, F.T.


    Diffusion in unconsolidated sediments generally proceeds at rates ranging from half to one twentieth of those applying to diffusion of ions and molecules in free solution. Diffusion rates are predictable with respect to porosity and path tortuosity in host sediments, and can be conveniently measured by determinations of electrical resistivity on bulk sediment samples. Net ion flux is further influenced by reactions of diffusing species with enclosing sediments, but such influences should not be confused with or lumped with diffusion processes. ?? 1970.

  3. Turbulent diffusion with memories and intrinsic shear

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tchen, C. M.


    The first part of the present theory is devoted to the derivation of a Fokker-Planck equation. The eddies smaller than the hydrodynamic scale of the diffusion cloud form a diffusivity, while the inhomogeneous, bigger eddies give rise to a nonuniform migratory drift. This introduces an eddy-induced shear which reflects on the large-scale diffusion. The eddy-induced shear does not require the presence of a permanent wind shear and is intrinsic to the diffusion. Secondly, a transport theory of diffusivity is developed by the method of repeated-cascade and is based upon a relaxation of a chain of memories with decreasing information. The full range of diffusion consists of inertia, composite, and shear subranges, for which variance and eddy diffusivities are predicted. The coefficients are evaluated. Comparison with experiments in the upper atmosphere and oceans is made.

  4. Assessing the inherent uncertainty of one-dimensional diffusions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eliazar, Iddo; Cohen, Morrel H.


    In this paper we assess the inherent uncertainty of one-dimensional diffusion processes via a stochasticity classification which provides an à la Mandelbrot categorization into five states of uncertainty: infra-mild, mild, borderline, wild, and ultra-wild. Two settings are considered. (i) Stopped diffusions: the diffusion initiates from a high level and is stopped once it first reaches a low level; in this setting we analyze the inherent uncertainty of the diffusion's maximal exceedance above its initial high level. (ii) Stationary diffusions: the diffusion is in dynamical statistical equilibrium; in this setting we analyze the inherent uncertainty of the diffusion's equilibrium level. In both settings general closed-form analytic results are established, and their application is exemplified by stock prices in the stopped-diffusions setting, and by interest rates in the stationary-diffusions setting. These results provide a highly implementable decision-making tool for the classification of uncertainty in the context of one-dimensional diffusions.

  5. Neoclassical diffusion at low L-shel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cunningham, G.; Ripoll, J. F.; Loridan, V.; Schulz, M.


    At very low L-shell, the lifetime of MeV electrons is dominated by pitch-angle scattering due to Coulomb collisions with background neutrals and ions. Walt's evaluation of this lifetime explained Van Allen's observations of the decay of the radiation belts in the early 1960's, for L<1.25 but Imhof et al showed that the apparent lifetime of >500 keV electrons for L=[1.15,1.21] was much greater than predicted by Walt's model when the decay was observed over 3 years rather than just a few months. Imhof et al argued that inward radial diffusion from larger L would be a source of electrons at low L, thus increasing the apparent lifetimes that were observed, but did not speculate on the cause of such diffusion across L. Newkirk and Walt estimated the radial diffusion coefficient that would be needed to explain the apparent lifetimes observed by Imhof et al. The radial diffusion coefficients they inferred dropped sharply as L increased, contrasting with the radial diffusion coefficients that had been recently developed by Falthammar [1965], which increase as a power law in L. Newkirk and Walt noted Falthammar's speculation that pitch-angle diffusion caused by Coulomb scattering, when coupled to drift-shell splitting associated with non-dipolar terms in the near-Earth geomagnetic field, might be the physical basis for the radial diffusion, but they did not attempt to quantify this effect. Roederer et al demonstrated that Coulomb scattering plus drift-shell splitting could explain the Newkirk and Walt results but they did not perform an exhaustive study. In the field of magnetically confined fusion, the movement of charged particles to different drift-shells caused by the combination of collisions and drift-shell splitting is labeled `neoclassical' diffusion. By contrast, `anomalous' diffusion results from pitch-angle diffusion caused by wave turbulence combined with drift-shell splitting, an effect recently studied by O'Brien in the outer radiation belt. We have

  6. Diffusion in random networks


    Zhang, Duan Z.; Padrino, Juan C.


    The ensemble averaging technique is applied to model mass transport by diffusion in random networks. The system consists of an ensemble of random networks, where each network is made of pockets connected by tortuous channels. Inside a channel, fluid transport is assumed to be governed by the one-dimensional diffusion equation. Mass balance leads to an integro-differential equation for the pocket mass density. The so-called dual-porosity model is found to be equivalent to the leading order approximation of the integration kernel when the diffusion time scale inside the channels is small compared to the macroscopic time scale. As a test problem,more » we consider the one-dimensional mass diffusion in a semi-infinite domain. Because of the required time to establish the linear concentration profile inside a channel, for early times the similarity variable is xt $-$1/4 rather than xt $-$1/2 as in the traditional theory. We found this early time similarity can be explained by random walk theory through the network.« less

  7. Diffusion MRI in the heart

    PubMed Central

    Mekkaoui, Choukri; Reese, Timothy G.; Jackowski, Marcel P.; Bhat, Himanshu


    Diffusion MRI provides unique information on the structure, organization, and integrity of the myocardium without the need for exogenous contrast agents. Diffusion MRI in the heart, however, has proven technically challenging because of the intrinsic non‐rigid deformation during the cardiac cycle, displacement of the myocardium due to respiratory motion, signal inhomogeneity within the thorax, and short transverse relaxation times. Recently developed accelerated diffusion‐weighted MR acquisition sequences combined with advanced post‐processing techniques have improved the accuracy and efficiency of diffusion MRI in the myocardium. In this review, we describe the solutions and approaches that have been developed to enable diffusion MRI of the heart in vivo, including a dual‐gated stimulated echo approach, a velocity‐ (M 1) or an acceleration‐ (M 2) compensated pulsed gradient spin echo approach, and the use of principal component analysis filtering. The structure of the myocardium and the application of these techniques in ischemic heart disease are also briefly reviewed. The advent of clinical MR systems with stronger gradients will likely facilitate the translation of cardiac diffusion MRI into clinical use. The addition of diffusion MRI to the well‐established set of cardiovascular imaging techniques should lead to new and complementary approaches for the diagnosis and evaluation of patients with heart disease. © 2015 The Authors. NMR in Biomedicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd. PMID:26484848

  8. Lipid diffusion in alcoholic environment.


    Rifici, Simona; Corsaro, Carmelo; Crupi, Cristina; Nibali, Valeria Conti; Branca, Caterina; D'Angelo, Giovanna; Wanderlingh, Ulderico


    We have studied the effects of a high concentration of butanol and octanol on the phase behavior and on the lateral mobility of 1,2-palmitoyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine (DPPC) by means of differential scanning calorimetry and pulsed-gradient stimulated-echo (PGSTE) NMR spectroscopy. A lowering of the lipid transition from the gel to the liquid-crystalline state for the membrane-alcohol systems has been observed. NMR measurements reveal three distinct diffusions in the DPPC-alcohol systems, characterized by a high, intermediate, and slow diffusivity, ascribed to the water, the alcohol, and the lipid, respectively. The lipid diffusion process is promoted in the liquid phase while it is hindered in the interdigitated phase due to the presence of alcohols. Furthermore, in the interdigitated phase, lipid lateral diffusion coefficients show a slight temperature dependence. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first time that lateral diffusion coefficients on alcohol with so a long chain, and at low temperatures, are reported. By the Arrhenius plots of the temperature dependence of the diffusion coefficients, we have evaluated the apparent activation energy in both the liquid and in the interdigitated phase. The presence of alcohol increases this value in both phases. An explanation in terms of a free volume model that takes into account also for energy factors is proposed.

  9. Tracer diffusion in active suspensions.


    Burkholder, Eric W; Brady, John F


    We study the diffusion of a Brownian probe particle of size R in a dilute dispersion of active Brownian particles of size a, characteristic swim speed U_{0}, reorientation time τ_{R}, and mechanical energy k_{s}T_{s}=ζ_{a}U_{0}^{2}τ_{R}/6, where ζ_{a} is the Stokes drag coefficient of a swimmer. The probe has a thermal diffusivity D_{P}=k_{B}T/ζ_{P}, where k_{B}T is the thermal energy of the solvent and ζ_{P} is the Stokes drag coefficient for the probe. When the swimmers are inactive, collisions between the probe and the swimmers sterically hinder the probe's diffusive motion. In competition with this steric hindrance is an enhancement driven by the activity of the swimmers. The strength of swimming relative to thermal diffusion is set by Pe_{s}=U_{0}a/D_{P}. The active contribution to the diffusivity scales as Pe_{s}^{2} for weak swimming and Pe_{s} for strong swimming, but the transition between these two regimes is nonmonotonic. When fluctuations in the probe motion decay on the time scale τ_{R}, the active diffusivity scales as k_{s}T_{s}/ζ_{P}: the probe moves as if it were immersed in a solvent with energy k_{s}T_{s} rather than k_{B}T.

  10. A quantum diffusion law

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Satpathi, Urbashi; Sinha, Supurna; Sorkin, Rafael D.


    We analyse diffusion at low temperature by bringing the fluctuation-dissipation theorem (FDT) to bear on a physically natural, viscous response-function R(t) . The resulting diffusion-law exhibits several distinct regimes of time and temperature, each with its own characteristic rate of spreading. As with earlier analyses, we find logarithmic spreading in the quantum regime, indicating that this behavior is robust. A consistent R(t) must satisfy the key physical requirements of Wightman positivity and passivity, and we prove that ours does so. We also prove in general that these two conditions are equivalent when the FDT holds. Given current technology, our diffusion law can be tested in a laboratory with ultra cold atoms.

  11. Diffusion weighted imaging for the differentiation of breast tumors: From apparent diffusion coefficient to high order diffusion tensor imaging.


    Teruel, Jose R; Goa, Pål E; Sjøbakk, Torill E; Østlie, Agnes; Fjøsne, Hans E; Bathen, Tone F


    To compare "standard" diffusion weighted imaging, and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) of 2(nd) and 4(th) -order for the differentiation of malignant and benign breast lesions. Seventy-one patients were imaged at 3 Tesla with a 16-channel breast coil. A diffusion weighted MRI sequence including b = 0 and b = 700 in 30 directions was obtained for all patients. The image data were fitted to three different diffusion models: isotropic model - apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), 2(nd) -order tensor model (the standard model used for DTI) and a 4(th) -order tensor model, with increased degrees of freedom to describe anisotropy. The ability of the fitted parameters in the different models to differentiate between malignant and benign tumors was analyzed. Seventy-two breast lesions were analyzed, out of which 38 corresponded to malignant and 34 to benign tumors. ADC (using any model) presented the highest discriminative ability of malignant from benign tumors with a receiver operating characteristic area under the curve (AUC) of 0.968, and sensitivity and specificity of 94.1% and 94.7% respectively for a 1.33 × 10(-3) mm(2) /s cutoff. Anisotropy measurements presented high statistical significance between malignant and benign tumors (P < 0.001), but with lower discriminative ability of malignant from benign tumors than ADC (AUC of 0.896 and 0.897 for fractional anisotropy and generalized anisotropy respectively). Statistical significant difference was found between generalized anisotropy and fractional anisotropy for cancers (P < 0.001) but not for benign lesions (P = 0.87). While anisotropy parameters have the potential to provide additional value for breast applications as demonstrated in this study, ADC exhibited the highest differentiation power between malignant and benign breast tumors. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Computing eddy-driven effective diffusivity using Lagrangian particles


    Wolfram, Phillip J.; Ringler, Todd D.


    A novel method to derive effective diffusivity from Lagrangian particle trajectory data sets is developed and then analyzed relative to particle-derived meridional diffusivity for eddy-driven mixing in an idealized circumpolar current. Quantitative standard dispersion- and transport-based mixing diagnostics are defined, compared and contrasted to motivate the computation and use of effective diffusivity derived from Lagrangian particles. We compute the effective diffusivity by first performing scalar transport on Lagrangian control areas using stored trajectories computed from online Lagrangian In-situ Global High-performance particle Tracking (LIGHT) using the Model for Prediction Across Scales Ocean (MPAS-O). Furthermore, the Lagrangian scalar transport scheme is comparedmore » against an Eulerian scalar transport scheme. Spatially-variable effective diffusivities are computed from resulting time-varying cumulative concentrations that vary as a function of cumulative area. The transport-based Eulerian and Lagrangian effective diffusivity diagnostics are found to be qualitatively consistent with the dispersion-based diffusivity. All diffusivity estimates show a region of increased subsurface diffusivity within the core of an idealized circumpolar current and results are within a factor of two of each other. The Eulerian and Lagrangian effective diffusivities are most similar; smaller and more spatially diffused values are obtained with the dispersion-based diffusivity computed with particle clusters.« less

  13. Computing eddy-driven effective diffusivity using Lagrangian particles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wolfram, Phillip J.; Ringler, Todd D.

    A novel method to derive effective diffusivity from Lagrangian particle trajectory data sets is developed and then analyzed relative to particle-derived meridional diffusivity for eddy-driven mixing in an idealized circumpolar current. Quantitative standard dispersion- and transport-based mixing diagnostics are defined, compared and contrasted to motivate the computation and use of effective diffusivity derived from Lagrangian particles. We compute the effective diffusivity by first performing scalar transport on Lagrangian control areas using stored trajectories computed from online Lagrangian In-situ Global High-performance particle Tracking (LIGHT) using the Model for Prediction Across Scales Ocean (MPAS-O). Furthermore, the Lagrangian scalar transport scheme is comparedmore » against an Eulerian scalar transport scheme. Spatially-variable effective diffusivities are computed from resulting time-varying cumulative concentrations that vary as a function of cumulative area. The transport-based Eulerian and Lagrangian effective diffusivity diagnostics are found to be qualitatively consistent with the dispersion-based diffusivity. All diffusivity estimates show a region of increased subsurface diffusivity within the core of an idealized circumpolar current and results are within a factor of two of each other. The Eulerian and Lagrangian effective diffusivities are most similar; smaller and more spatially diffused values are obtained with the dispersion-based diffusivity computed with particle clusters.« less

  14. Light diffusing fiber optic chamber


    Maitland, Duncan J.


    A light diffusion system for transmitting light to a target area. The light is transmitted in a direction from a proximal end to a distal end by an optical fiber. A diffusing chamber is operatively connected to the optical fiber for transmitting the light from the proximal end to the distal end and transmitting said light to said target area. A plug is operatively connected to the diffusing chamber for increasing the light that is transmitted to the target area.

  15. Investigating Diffusion with Technology

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Miller, Jon S.; Windelborn, Augden F.


    The activities described here allow students to explore the concept of diffusion with the use of common equipment such as computers, webcams and analysis software. The procedure includes taking a series of digital pictures of a container of water with a webcam as a dye slowly diffuses. At known time points, measurements of the pixel densities…

  16. Diffusion impact on atmospheric moisture transport

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moseley, C.; Haerter, J.; Göttel, H.; Hagemann, S.; Jacob, D.


    To ensure numerical stability, many global and regional climate models employ numerical diffusion to dampen short wavelength modes. Terrain following sigma diffusion is known to cause unphysical effects near the surface in orographically structured regions. They can be reduced by applying z-diffusion on geopotential height levels. We investigate the effect of the diffusion scheme on atmospheric moisture transport and precipitation formation at different resolutions in the European region. With respect to a better understanding of diffusion in current and future grid-space global models, current day regional models may serve as the appropriate tool for studies of the impact of diffusion schemes: Results can easily be constrained to a small test region and checked against reliable observations, which often are unavailable on a global scale. Special attention is drawn to the Alps - a region of strong topographic gradients and good observational coverage. Our study is further motivated by the appearance of the "summer drying problem" in South Eastern Europe. This too warm and too dry simulation of climate is common to many regional climate models and also to some global climate models, and remains a permanent unsolved problem in the community. We perform a systematic comparison of the two diffusion-schemes with respect to the hydrological cycle. In particular, we investigate how local meteorological quantities - such as the atmospheric moisture in the region east of the Alps - depend on the spatial model resolution. Higher model resolution would lead to a more accurate representation of the topography and entail larger gradients in the Alps. This could lead to consecutively stronger transport of moisture along the slopes in the case of sigma-diffusion with subsequent orographic precipitation, whereas the effect could be qualitatively different in the case of z-diffusion. For our study, we analyse a sequence of simulations of the regional climate model REMO employing

  17. Non-Gaussian diffusion in static disordered media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luo, Liang; Yi, Ming


    Non-Gaussian diffusion is commonly considered as a result of fluctuating diffusivity, which is correlated in time or in space or both. In this work, we investigate the non-Gaussian diffusion in static disordered media via a quenched trap model, where the diffusivity is spatially correlated. Several unique effects due to quenched disorder are reported. We analytically estimate the diffusion coefficient Ddis and its fluctuation over samples of finite size. We show a mechanism of population splitting in the non-Gaussian diffusion. It results in a sharp peak in the distribution of displacement P (x ,t ) around x =0 , that has frequently been observed in experiments. We examine the fidelity of the coarse-grained diffusion map, which is reconstructed from particle trajectories. Finally, we propose a procedure to estimate the correlation length in static disordered environments, where the information stored in the sample-to-sample fluctuation has been utilized.

  18. Quasisolitons in self-diffusive excitable systems, or Why asymmetric diffusivity obeys the Second Law

    PubMed Central

    Biktashev, V. N.; Tsyganov, M. A.


    Solitons, defined as nonlinear waves which can reflect from boundaries or transmit through each other, are found in conservative, fully integrable systems. Similar phenomena, dubbed quasi-solitons, have been observed also in dissipative, “excitable” systems, either at finely tuned parameters (near a bifurcation) or in systems with cross-diffusion. Here we demonstrate that quasi-solitons can be robustly observed in excitable systems with excitable kinetics and with self-diffusion only. This includes quasi-solitons of fixed shape (like KdV solitons) or envelope quasi-solitons (like NLS solitons). This can happen in systems with more than two components, and can be explained by effective cross-diffusion, which emerges via adiabatic elimination of a fast but diffusing component. We describe here a reduction procedure can be used for the search of complicated wave regimes in multi-component, stiff systems by studying simplified, soft systems. PMID:27491430

  19. Diffusion of Charged Species in Liquids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Del Río, J. A.; Whitaker, S.


    In this study the laws of mechanics for multi-component systems are used to develop a theory for the diffusion of ions in the presence of an electrostatic field. The analysis begins with the governing equation for the species velocity and it leads to the governing equation for the species diffusion velocity. Simplification of this latter result provides a momentum equation containing three dominant forces: (a) the gradient of the partial pressure, (b) the electrostatic force, and (c) the diffusive drag force that is a central feature of the Maxwell-Stefan equations. For ideal gas mixtures we derive the classic Nernst-Planck equation. For liquid-phase diffusion we encounter a situation in which the Nernst-Planck contribution to diffusion differs by several orders of magnitude from that obtained for ideal gases.

  20. Diffusion of Charged Species in Liquids.


    Del Río, J A; Whitaker, S


    In this study the laws of mechanics for multi-component systems are used to develop a theory for the diffusion of ions in the presence of an electrostatic field. The analysis begins with the governing equation for the species velocity and it leads to the governing equation for the species diffusion velocity. Simplification of this latter result provides a momentum equation containing three dominant forces: (a) the gradient of the partial pressure, (b) the electrostatic force, and (c) the diffusive drag force that is a central feature of the Maxwell-Stefan equations. For ideal gas mixtures we derive the classic Nernst-Planck equation. For liquid-phase diffusion we encounter a situation in which the Nernst-Planck contribution to diffusion differs by several orders of magnitude from that obtained for ideal gases.

  1. Diffusion of Charged Species in Liquids

    PubMed Central

    del Río, J. A.; Whitaker, S.


    In this study the laws of mechanics for multi-component systems are used to develop a theory for the diffusion of ions in the presence of an electrostatic field. The analysis begins with the governing equation for the species velocity and it leads to the governing equation for the species diffusion velocity. Simplification of this latter result provides a momentum equation containing three dominant forces: (a) the gradient of the partial pressure, (b) the electrostatic force, and (c) the diffusive drag force that is a central feature of the Maxwell-Stefan equations. For ideal gas mixtures we derive the classic Nernst-Planck equation. For liquid-phase diffusion we encounter a situation in which the Nernst-Planck contribution to diffusion differs by several orders of magnitude from that obtained for ideal gases. PMID:27811959

  2. Multi-mode Li diffusion in natural zircons: Evidence for diffusion in the presence of step-function concentration boundaries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Ming; Rudnick, Roberta L.; McDonough, William F.; Bose, Maitrayee; Goreva, Yulia


    Micron- to submicron-scale observations of Li distribution and Li isotope composition profiles can be used to infer the mechanisms of Li diffusion in natural zircon. Extreme fractionation (20-30‰) within each single crystal studied here confirms that Li diffusion commonly occurs in zircon. Sharp Li concentration gradients frequently seen in zircons suggest that the effective diffusivity of Li is significantly slower than experimentally determined (Cherniak and Watson, 2010; Trail et al., 2016), otherwise the crystallization/metamorphic heating of these zircons would have to be unrealistically fast (years to tens of years). Charge coupling with REE and Y has been suggested as a mechanism that may considerably reduce Li diffusivity in zircon (Ushikubo et al., 2008; Bouvier et al., 2012). We show that Li diffused in the direction of decreasing Li/Y ratio and increasing Li concentration (uphill diffusion) in one of the zircons, demonstrating charge coupling with REE and Y. Quantitative modeling reveals that Li may diffuse in at least two modes in natural zircons: one being slow and possibly coupled with REE+Y, and the other one being fast and not coupled with REE+Y. The partitioning of Li between these two modes during its diffusion may depend on the pre-diffusion substitution mechanism of REE and Y in the zircon lattice. Based on our results, sharp Li concentration gradients are not indicative of limited diffusion, and can be preserved at temperatures >700 °C on geologic timescales. Finally, large δ7 Li variations observed in the Hadean Jack Hills zircons may record kinetic fractionation, rather than a record of ancient intense weathering in the granite source materials.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Aschwanden, Markus J., E-mail:


    We explore the spatio-temporal evolution of solar flares by fitting a radial expansion model r(t) that consists of an exponentially growing acceleration phase, followed by a deceleration phase that is parameterized by the generalized diffusion function r(t){proportional_to}{kappa}(t - t{sub 1}){sup {beta}/2}, which includes the logistic growth limit ({beta} = 0), sub-diffusion ({beta} = 0-1), classical diffusion ({beta} = 1), super-diffusion ({beta} = 1-2), and the linear expansion limit ({beta} = 2). We analyze all M- and X-class flares observed with Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite and Atmospheric Imaging Assembly/Solar Dynamics Observatory (SDO) during the first two years of the SDO mission,more » amounting to 155 events. We find that most flares operate in the sub-diffusive regime ({beta} = 0.53 {+-} 0.27), which we interpret in terms of anisotropic chain reactions of intermittent magnetic reconnection episodes in a low plasma-{beta} corona. We find a mean propagation speed of v = 15 {+-} 12 km s{sup -1}, with maximum speeds of v{sub max} = 80 {+-} 85 km s{sup -1} per flare, which is substantially slower than the sonic speeds expected for thermal diffusion of flare plasmas. The diffusive characteristics established here (for the first time for solar flares) is consistent with the fractal-diffusive self-organized criticality model, which predicted diffusive transport merely based on cellular automaton simulations.« less

  4. Kramers turnover: From energy diffusion to spatial diffusion using metadynamics

    PubMed Central

    Tiwary, Pratyush; Berne, B. J.


    We consider the rate of transition for a particle between two metastable states coupled to a thermal environment for various magnitudes of the coupling strength using the recently proposed infrequent metadynamics approach [P. Tiwary and M. Parrinello, Phys. Rev. Lett. 111, 230602 (2013)]. We are interested in understanding how this approach for obtaining rate constants performs as the dynamics regime changes from energy diffusion to spatial diffusion. Reassuringly, we find that the approach works remarkably well for various coupling strengths in the strong coupling regime, and to some extent even in the weak coupling regime. PMID:27059558

  5. Evolution of diffusion and dissemination theory.


    Dearing, James W


    The article provides a review and considers how the diffusion of innovations Research paradigm has changed, and offers suggestions for the further development of this theory of social change. Main emphases of diffusion Research studies are compared over time, with special attention to applications of diffusion theory-based concepts as types of dissemination science. A considerable degree of paradigmatic evolution is observed. The classical diffusion model focused on adopter innovativeness, individuals as the locus of decision, communication channels, and adoption as the primary outcome measures in post hoc observational study designs. The diffusion systems in question were centralized, with fidelity of implementation often assumed. Current dissemination Research and practice is better characterized by tests of interventions that operationalize one or more diffusion theory-based concepts and concepts from other change approaches, involve complex organizations as the units of adoption, and focus on implementation issues. Foment characterizes dissemination and implementation Research, Reflecting both its interdisciplinary Roots and the imperative of spreading evidence-based innovations as a basis for a new paradigm of translational studies of dissemination science.

  6. Correlation of human papillomavirus status with apparent diffusion coefficient of diffusion-weighted MRI in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas.


    Driessen, Juliette P; van Bemmel, Alexander J M; van Kempen, Pauline M W; Janssen, Luuk M; Terhaard, Chris H J; Pameijer, Frank A; Willems, Stefan M; Stegeman, Inge; Grolman, Wilko; Philippens, Marielle E P


    Identification of prognostic patient characteristics in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is of great importance. Human papillomavirus (HPV)-positive HNSCCs have favorable response to (chemo)radiotherapy. Apparent diffusion coefficient, derived from diffusion-weighted MRI, has also shown to predict treatment response. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the correlation between HPV status and apparent diffusion coefficient. Seventy-three patients with histologically proven HNSCC were retrospectively analyzed. Mean pretreatment apparent diffusion coefficient was calculated by delineation of total tumor volume on diffusion-weighted MRI. HPV status was analyzed and correlated to apparent diffusion coefficient. Six HNSCCs were HPV-positive. HPV-positive HNSCC showed significantly lower apparent diffusion coefficient compared to HPV-negative. This correlation was independent of other patient characteristics. In HNSCC, positive HPV status correlates with low mean apparent diffusion coefficient. The favorable prognostic value of low pretreatment apparent diffusion coefficient might be partially attributed to patients with a positive HPV status. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Head Neck 38: E613-E618, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Diffusive sensitivity to muscle architecture: a magnetic resonance diffusion tensor imaging study of the human calf.


    Galbán, Craig J; Maderwald, Stefan; Uffmann, Kai; de Greiff, Armin; Ladd, Mark E


    The aim of this study was to examine the diffusive properties of adjacent muscles at rest, and to determine the relationship between diffusive and architectural properties, which are task-specific to muscles. The principle, second, and third eigenvalues, trace of the diffusion tensor, and two anisotropic parameters, ellipsoid eccentricity (e) and fractional anisotropy (FA), of various muscles in the human calf were calculated by diffusion tensor imaging (DTI). Linear correlations of the calculated parameters to the muscle physiological cross-sectional area (PCSA), which is proportional to maximum muscle force, were performed to ascertain any linear relation between muscle architecture and diffusivity. Images of the left calf were acquired from six healthy male volunteers. Seven muscles were investigated in this study. These comprised the soleus, lateral gastrocnemius, medial gastrocnemius, posterior tibialis, anterior tibialis, extensor digitorum longus, and peroneus longus. All data were presented as the mean and standard error of the mean (SEM). In general, differences in diffusive parameter values occurred primarily between functionally different muscles. A strong correlation was also found between PCSA and the third eigenvalue, e, and FA. A mathematical derivation revealed a linear relationship between PCSA and the third eigenvalue as a result of their dependence on the average radius of all fibers within a single muscle. These findings demonstrated the ability of DTI to differentiate between functionally different muscles in the same region of the body on the basis of their diffusive properties.

  8. Sodium ion diffusion in Al2O3: a distinct perspective compared with lithium ion diffusion.


    Jung, Sung Chul; Kim, Hyung-Jin; Choi, Jang Wook; Han, Young-Kyu


    Surface coating of active materials has been one of the most effective strategies to mitigate undesirable side reactions and thereby improve the overall battery performance. In this direction, aluminum oxide (Al2O3) is one of the most widely adopted coating materials due to its easy synthesis and low material cost. Nevertheless, the effect of Al2O3 coating on carrier ion diffusion has been investigated mainly for Li ion batteries, and the corresponding understanding for emerging Na ion batteries is currently missing. Using ab initio molecular dynamics calculations, herein, we first find that, unlike lithiation, sodiation of Al2O3 is thermodynamically unfavorable. Nonetheless, there can still exist a threshold in the Na ion content in Al2O3 before further diffusion into the adjacent active material, delivering a new insight that both thermodynamics and kinetics should be taken into account to describe ionic diffusion in any material media. Furthermore, Na ion diffusivity in NaxAl2O3 turns out to be much higher than Li ion diffusivity in LixAl2O3, a result opposite to the conventional stereotype based on the atomic radius consideration. While hopping between the O-rich trapping sites via an Na-O bond breaking/making process is identified as the main Na ion diffusion mechanism, the weaker Na-O bond strength than the Li-O counterpart turns out to be the origin of the superior diffusivity of Na ions.

  9. Computational modeling of diffusion in the cerebellum.


    Marinov, Toma M; Santamaria, Fidel


    Diffusion is a major transport mechanism in living organisms. In the cerebellum, diffusion is responsible for the propagation of molecular signaling involved in synaptic plasticity and metabolism, both intracellularly and extracellularly. In this chapter, we present an overview of the cerebellar structure and function. We then discuss the types of diffusion processes present in the cerebellum and their biological importance. We particularly emphasize the differences between extracellular and intracellular diffusion and the presence of tortuosity and anomalous diffusion in different parts of the cerebellar cortex. We provide a mathematical introduction to diffusion and a conceptual overview of various computational modeling techniques. We discuss their scope and their limit of application. Although our focus is the cerebellum, we have aimed at presenting the biological and mathematical foundations as general as possible to be applicable to any other area in biology in which diffusion is of importance. © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. High-throughput ab-initio dilute solute diffusion database.


    Wu, Henry; Mayeshiba, Tam; Morgan, Dane


    We demonstrate automated generation of diffusion databases from high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A total of more than 230 dilute solute diffusion systems in Mg, Al, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt host lattices have been determined using multi-frequency diffusion models. We apply a correction method for solute diffusion in alloys using experimental and simulated values of host self-diffusivity. We find good agreement with experimental solute diffusion data, obtaining a weighted activation barrier RMS error of 0.176 eV when excluding magnetic solutes in non-magnetic alloys. The compiled database is the largest collection of consistently calculated ab-initio solute diffusion data in the world.

  11. Diffusion in Deterministic Interacting Lattice Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medenjak, Marko; Klobas, Katja; Prosen, Tomaž


    We study reversible deterministic dynamics of classical charged particles on a lattice with hard-core interaction. It is rigorously shown that the system exhibits three types of transport phenomena, ranging from ballistic, through diffusive to insulating. By obtaining an exact expressions for the current time-autocorrelation function we are able to calculate the linear response transport coefficients, such as the diffusion constant and the Drude weight. Additionally, we calculate the long-time charge profile after an inhomogeneous quench and obtain diffusive profilewith the Green-Kubo diffusion constant. Exact analytical results are corroborated by Monte Carlo simulations.

  12. Anomalous diffusion with linear reaction dynamics: from continuous time random walks to fractional reaction-diffusion equations.


    Henry, B I; Langlands, T A M; Wearne, S L


    We have revisited the problem of anomalously diffusing species, modeled at the mesoscopic level using continuous time random walks, to include linear reaction dynamics. If a constant proportion of walkers are added or removed instantaneously at the start of each step then the long time asymptotic limit yields a fractional reaction-diffusion equation with a fractional order temporal derivative operating on both the standard diffusion term and a linear reaction kinetics term. If the walkers are added or removed at a constant per capita rate during the waiting time between steps then the long time asymptotic limit has a standard linear reaction kinetics term but a fractional order temporal derivative operating on a nonstandard diffusion term. Results from the above two models are compared with a phenomenological model with standard linear reaction kinetics and a fractional order temporal derivative operating on a standard diffusion term. We have also developed further extensions of the CTRW model to include more general reaction dynamics.

  13. Multicomponent diffusion in molten salt LiF-BeF{sub 2}: Dynamical correlations and Maxwell–Stefan diffusivities

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chakraborty, Brahmananda, E-mail:; Ramaniah, Lavanya M.


    Applying Green–Kubo formalism and equilibrium molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, we have studied the dynamic correlation, Onsager coeeficients and Maxwell–Stefan (MS) Diffusivities of molten salt LiF-BeF{sub 2}, which is used as coolant in high temperature reactor. All the diffusive flux correlations show back-scattering or cage dynamics which becomes pronouced at higher temperature. Although the MS diffusivities are expected to depend very lightly on the composition due to decoupling of thermodynamic factor, the diffusivity Đ{sub Li-F} and Đ{sub Be-F} decreases sharply for higher concentration of LiF and BeF{sub 2} respectively. Interestingly, all three MS diffusivities have highest magnitude for eutectic mixture atmore » 1000K (except Đ{sub Be-F} at lower LiF mole fraction) which is desirable from coolant point of view. Although the diffusivity for positive-positive ion pair is negative it is not in violation of the second law of thermodynamics as it satisfies the non-negative entropic constraints.« less

  14. Extended phase graphs with anisotropic diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Weigel, M.; Schwenk, S.; Kiselev, V. G.; Scheffler, K.; Hennig, J.


    The extended phase graph (EPG) calculus gives an elegant pictorial description of magnetization response in multi-pulse MR sequences. The use of the EPG calculus enables a high computational efficiency for the quantitation of echo intensities even for complex sequences with multiple refocusing pulses with arbitrary flip angles. In this work, the EPG concept dealing with RF pulses with arbitrary flip angles and phases is extended to account for anisotropic diffusion in the presence of arbitrary varying gradients. The diffusion effect can be expressed by specific diffusion weightings of individual magnetization pathways. This can be represented as an action of a linear operator on the magnetization state. The algorithm allows easy integration of diffusion anisotropy effects. The formalism is validated on known examples from literature and used to calculate the effective diffusion weighting in multi-echo sequences with arbitrary refocusing flip angles.

  15. Changes in diffusion path length with old age in diffuse optical tomography

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnéry, Clément; Leclerc, Paul-Olivier; Desjardins, Michèle; Hoge, Rick; Bherer, Louis; Pouliot, Philippe; Lesage, Frédéric


    Diffuse, optical near infrared imaging is increasingly being used in various neurocognitive contexts where changes in optical signals are interpreted through activation maps. Statistical population comparison of different age or clinical groups rely on the relative homogeneous distribution of measurements across subjects in order to infer changes in brain function. In the context of an increasing use of diffuse optical imaging with older adult populations, changes in tissue properties and anatomy with age adds additional confounds. Few studies investigated these changes with age. Duncan et al. measured the so-called diffusion path length factor (DPF) in a large population but did not explore beyond the age of 51 after which physiological and anatomical changes are expected to occur [Pediatr. Res. 39(5), 889-894 (1996)]. With increasing interest in studying the geriatric population with optical imaging, we studied changes in tissue properties in young and old subjects using both magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)-guided Monte-Carlo simulations and time-domain diffuse optical imaging. Our results, measured in the frontal cortex, show changes in DPF that are smaller than previously measured by Duncan et al. in a younger population. The origin of these changes are studied using simulations and experimental measures.

  16. Fundamentals of diffusion MRI physics.


    Kiselev, Valerij G


    Diffusion MRI is commonly considered the "engine" for probing the cellular structure of living biological tissues. The difficulty of this task is threefold. First, in structurally heterogeneous media, diffusion is related to structure in quite a complicated way. The challenge of finding diffusion metrics for a given structure is equivalent to other problems in physics that have been known for over a century. Second, in most cases the MRI signal is related to diffusion in an indirect way dependent on the measurement technique used. Third, finding the cellular structure given the MRI signal is an ill-posed inverse problem. This paper reviews well-established knowledge that forms the basis for responding to the first two challenges. The inverse problem is briefly discussed and the reader is warned about a number of pitfalls on the way. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  17. An AMR capable finite element diffusion solver for ALE hydrocodes [An AMR capable diffusion solver for ALE-AMR

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fisher, A. C.; Bailey, D. S.; Kaiser, T. B.


    Here, we present a novel method for the solution of the diffusion equation on a composite AMR mesh. This approach is suitable for including diffusion based physics modules to hydrocodes that support ALE and AMR capabilities. To illustrate, we proffer our implementations of diffusion based radiation transport and heat conduction in a hydrocode called ALE-AMR. Numerical experiments conducted with the diffusion solver and associated physics packages yield 2nd order convergence in the L 2 norm.

  18. Turbo fluid machinery and diffusers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sakurai, T.


    The general theory behind turbo devices and diffusers is explained. Problems and the state of research on basic equations of flow and experimental and measuring methods are discussed. Conventional centrifugation-type compressor and fan diffusers are considered in detail.

  19. Enhanced diffusion on oscillating surfaces through synchronization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Jin; Cao, Wei; Ma, Ming; Zheng, Quanshui


    The diffusion of molecules and clusters under nanoscale confinement or absorbed on surfaces is the key controlling factor in dynamical processes such as transport, chemical reaction, or filtration. Enhancing diffusion could benefit these processes by increasing their transport efficiency. Using a nonlinear Langevin equation with an extensive number of simulations, we find a large enhancement in diffusion through surface oscillation. For helium confined in a narrow carbon nanotube, the diffusion enhancement is estimated to be over three orders of magnitude. A synchronization mechanism between the kinetics of the particles and the oscillating surface is revealed. Interestingly, a highly nonlinear negative correlation between diffusion coefficient and temperature is predicted based on this mechanism, and further validated by simulations. Our results provide a general and efficient method for enhancing diffusion, especially at low temperatures.

  20. Unsteady behavior of leading-edge vortex and diffuser stall in a centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fujisawa, Nobumichi; Hara, Shotaro; Ohta, Yutaka


    The characteristics of a rotating stall of an impeller and diffuser and the evolution of a vortex generated at the diffuser leading-edge (i.e., the leading-edge vortex (LEV)) in a centrifugal compressor were investigated by experiments and numerical analysis. The results of the experiments revealed that both the impeller and diffuser rotating stalls occurred at 55 and 25 Hz during off-design flow operation. For both, stall cells existed only on the shroud side of the flow passages, which is very close to the source location of the LEV. According to the CFD results, the LEV is made up of multiple vortices. The LEV is a combination of a separated vortex near the leading- edge and a longitudinal vortex generated by the extended tip-leakage flow from the impeller. Therefore, the LEV is generated by the accumulation of vorticity caused by the velocity gradient of the impeller discharge flow. In partial-flow operation, the spanwise extent and the position of the LEV origin are temporarily transmuted. The LEV develops with a drop in the velocity in the diffuser passage and forms a significant blockage within the diffuser passage. Therefore, the LEV may be regarded as being one of the causes of a diffuser stall in a centrifugal compressor.

  1. Treatment of boundary conditions in through-diffusion: A case study of (85)Sr(2+) diffusion in compacted illite.


    Glaus, M A; Aertsens, M; Maes, N; Van Laer, L; Van Loon, L R


    Valuable techniques to measure effective diffusion coefficients in porous media are an indispensable prerequisite for a proper understanding of the migration of chemical-toxic and radioactive micropollutants in the subsurface and geosphere. The present article discusses possible pitfalls and difficulties in the classical through-diffusion technique applied to situations where large diffusive fluxes of cations in compacted clay minerals or clay rocks occur. The results obtained from a benchmark study, in which the diffusion of (85)Sr(2+) tracer in compacted illite has been studied using different experimental techniques, are presented. It is shown that these techniques may yield valuable results provided that an appropriate model is used for numerical simulations. It is further shown that effective diffusion coefficients may be systematically underestimated when the concentration at the downstream boundary is not taken adequately into account in modelling, even for very low concentrations. A criterion is derived for quasi steady-state situations, by which it can be decided whether the simplifying assumption of a zero-concentration at the downstream boundary in through-diffusion is justified or not. The application of the criterion requires, however, knowledge of the effective diffusion coefficient of the clay sample. Such knowledge is often absent or only approximately available during the planning phase of a diffusion experiment. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. High-throughput ab-initio dilute solute diffusion database

    PubMed Central

    Wu, Henry; Mayeshiba, Tam; Morgan, Dane


    We demonstrate automated generation of diffusion databases from high-throughput density functional theory (DFT) calculations. A total of more than 230 dilute solute diffusion systems in Mg, Al, Cu, Ni, Pd, and Pt host lattices have been determined using multi-frequency diffusion models. We apply a correction method for solute diffusion in alloys using experimental and simulated values of host self-diffusivity. We find good agreement with experimental solute diffusion data, obtaining a weighted activation barrier RMS error of 0.176 eV when excluding magnetic solutes in non-magnetic alloys. The compiled database is the largest collection of consistently calculated ab-initio solute diffusion data in the world. PMID:27434308

  3. Diffusion tensor imaging of the human calf: Variation of inter- and intramuscle-specific diffusion parameters.


    Schlaffke, Lara; Rehmann, Robert; Froeling, Martijn; Kley, Rudolf; Tegenthoff, Martin; Vorgerd, Matthias; Schmidt-Wilcke, Tobias


    To investigate to what extent inter- and intramuscular variations of diffusion parameters of human calf muscles can be explained by age, gender, muscle location, and body mass index (BMI) in a specific age group (20-35 years). Whole calf muscles of 18 healthy volunteers were evaluated. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed using a 3T scanner and a 16-channel Torso XL coil. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired to perform fiber tractography and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) analysis for each muscle of both legs. Fiber tractography was used to separate seven lower leg muscles. Associations between DTI parameters and confounds were evaluated. All muscles were additionally separated in seven identical segments along the z-axis to evaluate intramuscular differences in diffusion parameters. Fractional anisotropy (FA) and mean diffusivity (MD) were obtained for each muscle with low standard deviations (SDs) (SD FA : 0.01-0.02; SD MD : 0.07-0.14(10 -3 )). We found significant differences in FA values of the tibialis anterior muscle (AT) and extensor digitorum longus (EDL) muscles between men and women for whole muscle FA (two-sample t-tests; AT: P = 0.0014; EDL: P = 0.0004). We showed significant intramuscular differences in diffusion parameters between adjacent segments in most calf muscles (P < 0.001). Whereas muscle insertions showed higher (SD 0.03-0.06) than muscle bellies (SD 0.01-0.03), no relationships between FA or MD with age or BMI were found. Inter- and intramuscular variations in diffusion parameters of the calf were shown, which are not related to age or BMI in this age group. Differences between muscle belly and insertion should be considered when interpreting datasets not including whole muscles. 3 Technical Efficacy: Stage 1 J. Magn. Reson. Imaging 2017;46:1137-1148. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  4. Whole-body diffusion kurtosis imaging: initial experience on non-Gaussian diffusion in various organs.


    Filli, Lukas; Wurnig, Moritz; Nanz, Daniel; Luechinger, Roger; Kenkel, David; Boss, Andreas


    Diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) is based on a non-Gaussian diffusion model that should inherently better account for restricted water diffusion within the complex microstructure of most tissues than the conventional diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI), which presumes Gaussian distributed water molecule displacement probability. The aim of this investigation was to test the technical feasibility of in vivo whole-body DKI, probe for organ-specific differences, and compare whole-body DKI and DWI results. Eight healthy subjects underwent whole-body DWI on a clinical 3.0 T magnetic resonance imaging system. Echo-planar images in the axial orientation were acquired at b-values of 0, 150, 300, 500, and 800 mm²/s. Parametrical whole-body maps of the diffusion coefficient (D), the kurtosis (K), and the traditional apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) were generated. Goodness of fit was compared between DKI and DWI fits using the sums of squared residuals. Data groups were tested for significant differences of the mean by paired Student t tests. Good-quality parametrical whole-body maps of D, K, and ADC could be computed. Compared with ADC values, D values were significantly higher in the cerebral gray matter (by 30%) and white matter (27%), renal cortex (23%) and medulla (21%), spleen (101%), as well as erector spinae muscle (34%) (each P value <0.001). No significant differences between D and ADC were found in the cerebrospinal fluid (P = 0.08) and in the liver (P = 0.13). Curves of DKI fitted the measurement points significantly better than DWI curves did in most organs. Whole-body DKI is technically feasible and may reflect tissue microstructure more meaningfully than whole-body DWI.

  5. Effective diffusion coefficient including the Marangoni effect

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kitahata, Hiroyuki; Yoshinaga, Natsuhiko


    Surface-active molecules supplied from a particle fixed at the water surface create a spatial gradient of the molecule concentration, resulting in Marangoni convection. Convective flow transports the molecules far from the particle, enhancing diffusion. We analytically derive the effective diffusion coefficient associated with the Marangoni convection rolls. The resulting estimated effective diffusion coefficient is consistent with our numerical results and the apparent diffusion coefficient measured in experiments.

  6. The arbitrary order mimetic finite difference method for a diffusion equation with a non-symmetric diffusion tensor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gyrya, V.; Lipnikov, K.


    We present the arbitrary order mimetic finite difference (MFD) discretization for the diffusion equation with non-symmetric tensorial diffusion coefficient in a mixed formulation on general polygonal meshes. The diffusion tensor is assumed to be positive definite. The asymmetry of the diffusion tensor requires changes to the standard MFD construction. We present new approach for the construction that guarantees positive definiteness of the non-symmetric mass matrix in the space of discrete velocities. The numerically observed convergence rate for the scalar quantity matches the predicted one in the case of the lowest order mimetic scheme. For higher orders schemes, we observed super-convergence by one order for the scalar variable which is consistent with the previously published result for a symmetric diffusion tensor. The new scheme was also tested on a time-dependent problem modeling the Hall effect in the resistive magnetohydrodynamics.

  7. Molecular simulations of diffusion in electrolytes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wheeler, Dean Richard

    This work demonstrates new methodologies for simulating multicomponent diffusion in concentrated solutions using molecular dynamics (MD). Experimental diffusion data for concentrated multicomponent solutions are often lacking, as are accurate methods of predicting diffusion for nonideal solutions. MD can be a viable means of understanding and predicting multicomponent diffusion. While there have been several prior reports of MD simulations of mutual diffusion, no satisfactory expressions for simulating Stefan-Maxwell diffusivities for an arbitrary number of species exist. The approaches developed here allow for the computation of a full diffusion matrix for any number of species in both nonequilibrium and equilibrium MD ensembles. Our nonequilibrium approach is based on the application of constant external fields to drive species diffusion. Our equilibrium approach uses a newly developed Green-Kubo formula for Stefan-Maxwell diffusivities. In addition, as part of this work, we demonstrate a widely applicable means of increasing the computational efficiency of the Ewald sum, a technique for handling long-range Coulombic interactions in simulations. The theoretical development is applicable to any solution which can be simulated using MD; nevertheless, our primary interest is in electrochemical applications. To this end, the methods are tested by simulations of aqueous salt solutions and lithium-battery electrolytes. KCl and NaCl aqueous solutions were simulated over the concentration range 1 to 4 molal. Intermolecular-potential models were parameterized for these transport-based simulations. This work is the first to simulate all three independent diffusion coefficients for aqueous NaCl and KCl solutions. The results show that the nonequilibrium and equilibrium methods are consistent with each other, and in moderate agreement with experiment. We simulate lithium-battery electrolytes containing LiPF6 in propylene carbonate and mixed ethylene carbonate

  8. Predicting diffusion paths and interface motion in gamma/gamma + beta, Ni-Cr-Al diffusion couples

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nesbitt, J. A.; Heckel, R. W.


    A simplified model has been developed to predict Beta recession and diffusion paths in ternary gamma/gamma + beta diffusion couples (gamma:fcc, beta: NiAl structure). The model was tested by predicting beta recession and diffusion paths for four gamma/gamma + beta, Ni-Cr-Al couples annealed for 100 hours at 1200 C. The model predicted beta recession within 20 percent of that measured for each of the couples. The model also predicted shifts in the concentration of the gamma phase at the gamma/gamma + beta interface within 2 at. pct Al and 6 at. pct Cr of that measured in each of the couples. A qualitative explanation based on simple kinetic and mass balance arguments has been given which demonstrates the necessity for diffusion in the two-phase region of certain gamma/gamma + beta, Ni-Cr-Al couples.

  9. Effects of carbon on phosphorus diffusion in SiGe:C and the implications on phosphorus diffusion mechanisms

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lin, Yiheng; Xia, Guangrui; Yasuda, Hiroshi


    The use of carbon (C) in SiGe base layers is an important approach to control the base layer dopant phosphorus (P) diffusion and thus enhance PNP heterojunction bipolar transistor (HBT) performance. This work quantitatively investigated the carbon impacts on P diffusion in Si₀.₈₂Ge₀.₁₈:C and Si:C under rapid thermal anneal conditions. The carbon molar fraction is up to 0.32%. The results showed that the carbon retardation effect on P diffusion is less effective for Si₀.₈₂Ge₀.₁₈:C than for Si:C. In Si₀.₈₂Ge₀.₁₈:C, there is an optimum carbon content at around 0.05% to 0.1%, beyond which more carbon incorporation does not retard P diffusionmore » any more. This behavior is different from the P diffusion behavior in Si:C and the B in Si:C and low Ge SiGe:C, which can be explained by the decreased interstitial-mediated diffusion fraction f{sub I}{sup P,SiGe} to 95% as Ge content increases to 18%. Empirical models were established to calculate the time-averaged point defect concentrations and effective diffusivities as a function of carbon and was shown to agree with previous studies on boron, phosphorus, arsenic and antimony diffusion with carbon.« less

  10. Ponzi scheme diffusion in complex networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Anding; Fu, Peihua; Zhang, Qinghe; Chen, Zhenyue


    Ponzi schemes taking the form of Internet-based financial schemes have been negatively affecting China's economy for the last two years. Because there is currently a lack of modeling research on Ponzi scheme diffusion within social networks yet, we develop a potential-investor-divestor (PID) model to investigate the diffusion dynamics of Ponzi scheme in both homogeneous and inhomogeneous networks. Our simulation study of artificial and real Facebook social networks shows that the structure of investor networks does indeed affect the characteristics of dynamics. Both the average degree of distribution and the power-law degree of distribution will reduce the spreading critical threshold and will speed up the rate of diffusion. A high speed of diffusion is the key to alleviating the interest burden and improving the financial outcomes for the Ponzi scheme operator. The zero-crossing point of fund flux function we introduce proves to be a feasible index for reflecting the fast-worsening situation of fiscal instability and predicting the forthcoming collapse. The faster the scheme diffuses, the higher a peak it will reach and the sooner it will collapse. We should keep a vigilant eye on the harm of Ponzi scheme diffusion through modern social networks.

  11. Oxygen diffusion in zircon

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watson, E. B.; Cherniak, D. J.


    Oxygen diffusion in natural, non-metamict zircon was characterized under both dry and water-present conditions at temperatures ranging from 765°C to 1500°C. Dry experiments were performed at atmospheric pressure by encapsulating polished zircon samples with a fine powder of 18O-enriched quartz and annealing the sealed capsules in air. Hydrothermal runs were conducted in cold-seal pressure vessels (7-70 MPa) or a piston cylinder apparatus (400-1000 MPa) on zircon samples encapsulated with both 18O-enriched quartz and 18O water. Diffusive-uptake profiles of 18O were measured in all samples with a particle accelerator, using the 18O(p, α) 15N reaction. For dry experimental conditions at 1100-1500°C, the resulting oxygen diffusivities (24 in all) are well described by: D dry (m 2/s) = 1.33 × 10 -4exp(-53920/T) There is no suggestion of diffusive anisotropy. Under wet conditions at 925°C, oxygen diffusion shows little or no dependence upon P H 2O in the range 7-1000 MPa, and is insensitive to total pressure as well. The results of 27 wet experiments at 767-1160°C and 7-1000 MPa can be described a single Arrhenius relationship: D wet (m 2/s) = 5.5 × 10 -12exp(-25280/T) The insensitivity of oxygen diffusion to P H 2O means that applications to geologic problems can be pursued knowing only whether the system of interest was 'wet' (i.e., P H 2O > 7MPa ) or 'dry'. Under dry conditions (presumably rare in the crust), zircons are extremely retentive of their oxygen isotopic signatures, to the extent that δ 18O would be perturbed at the center of a 200 μm zircon only during an extraordinarily hot and protracted event (e.g., 65 Ma at 900°C). Under wet conditions, δ 18O may or may not be retained in the central regions of individual crystals, cores or overgrowth rims, depending upon the specific thermal history of the system.

  12. Comparison of non-Gaussian and Gaussian diffusion models of diffusion weighted imaging of rectal cancer at 3.0 T MRI.


    Zhang, Guangwen; Wang, Shuangshuang; Wen, Didi; Zhang, Jing; Wei, Xiaocheng; Ma, Wanling; Zhao, Weiwei; Wang, Mian; Wu, Guosheng; Zhang, Jinsong


    Water molecular diffusion in vivo tissue is much more complicated. We aimed to compare non-Gaussian diffusion models of diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) including intra-voxel incoherent motion (IVIM), stretched-exponential model (SEM) and Gaussian diffusion model at 3.0 T MRI in patients with rectal cancer, and to determine the optimal model for investigating the water diffusion properties and characterization of rectal carcinoma. Fifty-nine consecutive patients with pathologically confirmed rectal adenocarcinoma underwent DWI with 16 b-values at a 3.0 T MRI system. DWI signals were fitted to the mono-exponential and non-Gaussian diffusion models (IVIM-mono, IVIM-bi and SEM) on primary tumor and adjacent normal rectal tissue. Parameters of standard apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC), slow- and fast-ADC, fraction of fast ADC (f), α value and distributed diffusion coefficient (DDC) were generated and compared between the tumor and normal tissues. The SEM exhibited the best fitting results of actual DWI signal in rectal cancer and the normal rectal wall (R 2  = 0.998, 0.999 respectively). The DDC achieved relatively high area under the curve (AUC = 0.980) in differentiating tumor from normal rectal wall. Non-Gaussian diffusion models could assess tissue properties more accurately than the ADC derived Gaussian diffusion model. SEM may be used as a potential optimal model for characterization of rectal cancer.

  13. Extended phase graphs with anisotropic diffusion.


    Weigel, M; Schwenk, S; Kiselev, V G; Scheffler, K; Hennig, J


    The extended phase graph (EPG) calculus gives an elegant pictorial description of magnetization response in multi-pulse MR sequences. The use of the EPG calculus enables a high computational efficiency for the quantitation of echo intensities even for complex sequences with multiple refocusing pulses with arbitrary flip angles. In this work, the EPG concept dealing with RF pulses with arbitrary flip angles and phases is extended to account for anisotropic diffusion in the presence of arbitrary varying gradients. The diffusion effect can be expressed by specific diffusion weightings of individual magnetization pathways. This can be represented as an action of a linear operator on the magnetization state. The algorithm allows easy integration of diffusion anisotropy effects. The formalism is validated on known examples from literature and used to calculate the effective diffusion weighting in multi-echo sequences with arbitrary refocusing flip angles. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Tracking state deployments of commercial vehicle information systems and networks : 1998 Florida state report

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Micro-scale design (MSD) is a term that has been coined recently by transportation and land use planners to describe the human-scale features of the built environment. This concept focuses on accessibility to desired activities rather than on mobilit...

  15. Diffusion modulation of DNA by toehold exchange

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodjanapanyakul, Thanapop; Takabatake, Fumi; Abe, Keita; Kawamata, Ibuki; Nomura, Shinichiro M.; Murata, Satoshi


    We propose a method to control the diffusion speed of DNA molecules with a target sequence in a polymer solution. The interaction between solute DNA and diffusion-suppressing DNA that has been anchored to a polymer matrix is modulated by the concentration of the third DNA molecule called the competitor by a mechanism called toehold exchange. Experimental results show that the sequence-specific modulation of the diffusion coefficient is successfully achieved. The diffusion coefficient can be modulated up to sixfold by changing the concentration of the competitor. The specificity of the modulation is also verified under the coexistence of a set of DNA with noninteracting base sequences. With this mechanism, we are able to control the diffusion coefficient of individual DNA species by the concentration of another DNA species. This methodology introduces a programmability to a DNA-based reaction-diffusion system.

  16. Solution of a modified fractional diffusion equation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langlands, T. A. M.


    Recently, a modified fractional diffusion equation has been proposed [I. Sokolov, J. Klafter, From diffusion to anomalous diffusion: a century after Einstein's brownian motion, Chaos 15 (2005) 026103; A.V. Chechkin, R. Gorenflo, I.M. Sokolov, V.Yu. Gonchar, Distributed order time fractional diffusion equation, Frac. Calc. Appl. Anal. 6 (3) (2003) 259279; I.M. Sokolov, A.V. Checkin, J. Klafter, Distributed-order fractional kinetics, Acta. Phys. Pol. B 35 (2004) 1323.] for describing processes that become less anomalous as time progresses by the inclusion of a second fractional time derivative acting on the diffusion term. In this letter we give the solution of the modified equation on an infinite domain. In contrast to the solution of the traditional fractional diffusion equation, the solution of the modified equation requires an infinite series of Fox functions instead of a single Fox function.

  17. 3He Diffusion MRI of the Lung

    PubMed Central

    Conradi, Mark S.; Yablonskiy, Dmitriy A.; Woods, Jason C.; Gierada, David S.; Jacob, Richard E.; Chang, Yulin V.; Choong, Cliff K.; Sukstanskii, Alex L.; Tanoli, Tariq; Lefrak, Stephen S.; Cooper, Joel D.


    Rationale and Objectives MR imaging of the restricted diffusion of laser-polarized 3He gas provides unique insights into the changes in lung microstructure in emphysema. Results We discuss measurements of ventilation (spin density), mean diffusivity, and the anisotropy of diffusion, which yields the mean acinar airway radius. In addition, the use of spatially modulated longitudinal magnetization allows diffusion to be measured over longer distances and times, with sensitivity to collateral ventilation paths. Early results are also presented for spin density and diffusivity maps made with a perfluorinated inert gas, C3F8. Methods Techniques for purging and imaging excised lungs are discussed. PMID:16253852

  18. Modeling of hydrogen-air diffusion flame

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Isaac, K. M.


    Work performed during the first six months of the project duration for NASA Grant (NAG-1-861) is reported. An analytical and computational study of opposed jet diffusion flame for the purpose of understanding the effects of contaminants in the reactants and thermal diffusion of light species on extinction and reignition of diffusion flames is in progress. The methodologies attempted so far are described.

  19. Fluid self-diffusion in Scots pine sapwood tracheid cells.


    Johannessen, Espen H; Hansen, Eddy W; Rosenholm, Jarl B


    The self-diffusion coefficients of water and toluene in Scots pine sapwood was measured using low field pulsed field gradient nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG-NMR). Wood chips of 8 mm diameter were saturated with the respective liquids, and liquid self-diffusion was then traced in one dimension orthogonal to the tracheid cell walls in the wood's radial direction. The experimental echo attenuation curves were exponential, and characteristic self-diffusion coefficients were produced for diffusion times spanning from very short times to times on the order of magnitude of seconds. Observed self-diffusion coefficients were decaying asymptotically as a function of diffusion time, an effect which was ascribed to the cell walls' restriction on confined liquid diffusion. The observed self-diffusion behavior in Scots pine sapwood was compared to self-diffusion coefficients obtained from simulations of diffusion in a square. Principles of molecular displacements in confined geometries were used for elucidating the wood's cellular structure from the observed diffusion coefficients. The results were compared with a mathematical model for diffusion between parallel planes.

  20. Improved diffuser for augmenting a wind turbine


    Foreman, K.M.; Gilbert, B.L.

    A diffuser for augmenting a wind turbine having means for energizing the boundary layer at several locations along the diffuser walls is improved by the addition of a short collar extending radially outward from the outlet of the diffuser.

  1. Diffusion in Brain Extracellular Space

    PubMed Central

    Syková, Eva; Nicholson, Charles


    Diffusion in the extracellular space (ECS) of the brain is constrained by the volume fraction and the tortuosity and a modified diffusion equation represents the transport behavior of many molecules in the brain. Deviations from the equation reveal loss of molecules across the blood-brain barrier, through cellular uptake, binding or other mechanisms. Early diffusion measurements used radiolabeled sucrose and other tracers. Presently, the real-time iontophoresis (RTI) method is employed for small ions and the integrative optical imaging (IOI) method for fluorescent macromolecules, including dextrans or proteins. Theoretical models and simulations of the ECS have explored the influence of ECS geometry, effects of dead-space microdomains, extracellular matrix and interaction of macromolecules with ECS channels. Extensive experimental studies with the RTI method employing the cation tetramethylammonium (TMA) in normal brain tissue show that the volume fraction of the ECS typically is about 20% and the tortuosity about 1.6 (i.e. free diffusion coefficient of TMA is reduced by 2.6), although there are regional variations. These parameters change during development and aging. Diffusion properties have been characterized in several interventions, including brain stimulation, osmotic challenge and knockout of extracellular matrix components. Measurements have also been made during ischemia, in models of Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases and in human gliomas. Overall, these studies improve our conception of ECS structure and the roles of glia and extracellular matrix in modulating the ECS microenvironment. Knowledge of ECS diffusion properties are valuable in contexts ranging from understanding extrasynaptic volume transmission to the development of paradigms for drug delivery to the brain. PMID:18923183

  2. Evaluation of non-Gaussian diffusion in cardiac MRI.


    McClymont, Darryl; Teh, Irvin; Carruth, Eric; Omens, Jeffrey; McCulloch, Andrew; Whittington, Hannah J; Kohl, Peter; Grau, Vicente; Schneider, Jürgen E


    The diffusion tensor model assumes Gaussian diffusion and is widely applied in cardiac diffusion MRI. However, diffusion in biological tissue deviates from a Gaussian profile as a result of hindrance and restriction from cell and tissue microstructure, and may be quantified better by non-Gaussian modeling. The aim of this study was to investigate non-Gaussian diffusion in healthy and hypertrophic hearts. Thirteen rat hearts (five healthy, four sham, four hypertrophic) were imaged ex vivo. Diffusion-weighted images were acquired at b-values up to 10,000 s/mm 2 . Models of diffusion were fit to the data and ranked based on the Akaike information criterion. The diffusion tensor was ranked best at b-values up to 2000 s/mm 2 but reflected the signal poorly in the high b-value regime, in which the best model was a non-Gaussian "beta distribution" model. Although there was considerable overlap in apparent diffusivities between the healthy, sham, and hypertrophic hearts, diffusion kurtosis and skewness in the hypertrophic hearts were more than 20% higher in the sheetlet and sheetlet-normal directions. Non-Gaussian diffusion models have a higher sensitivity for the detection of hypertrophy compared with the Gaussian model. In particular, diffusion kurtosis may serve as a useful biomarker for characterization of disease and remodeling in the heart. Magn Reson Med 78:1174-1186, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  3. Anisotropic diffusion of metabolites in peripheral nerve using diffusion weighted magnetic resonance spectroscopy at ultra-high field

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ellegood, Jacob; McKay, Ryan T.; Hanstock, Chris C.; Beaulieu, Christian


    Although the diffusivity and anisotropy of water has been investigated thoroughly in ordered axonal systems (i.e., nervous tissue), there have been very few studies on the directional dependence of diffusion of metabolites. In this study, the mean apparent diffusion coefficient (Trace/3 ADC) and fractional anisotropy (FA) values of the intracellular metabolites N-acetyl aspartate (NAA), creatine and phosphocreatine (tCr), choline (Cho), taurine (Tau), and glutamate and glutamine (Glx) were measured parallel and perpendicular to the length of excised frog sciatic nerve using a water suppressed, diffusion-weighted, spin-echo pulse sequence at 18.8 T. The degree of anisotropy (FA) of NAA (0.41 ± 0.09) was determined to be less than tCr (0.59 ± 0.07) and Cho (0.61 ± 0.11), which is consistent with previously reported human studies of white matter. In contrast, Glx diffusion was found to be almost isotropic with an FA value of 0.20 ± 0.06. The differences of FA between the metabolites is most likely due to their differing micro-environments and could be beneficial as an indicator of compartment specific changes with disease, information not readily available with water diffusion.

  4. Consequences of Diffusion of Innovations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Goss, Kevin F.


    The article traces evolution of diffusion theory; illustrates undesirable consequences in a cross-cultural setting, reviews criticisms of several scholars; considers distributional effects and unanticipated consequences for potential ameliorative impact on diffusion theory; and codifies these factors into a framework for research into consequences…

  5. Demonstrating Diffusion: Why the Confusion?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Panizzon, Debra Lee


    Examines the principles of diffusion and how it may be confused with convection. Suggests that educators may be misleading students and clouding their understanding of the process. Provides two contemporary examples to explain the process of diffusion and how it differs from convection. (Author/CCM)

  6. Coupled Protein Diffusion and Folding in the Cell

    PubMed Central

    Guo, Minghao; Gelman, Hannah; Gruebele, Martin


    When a protein unfolds in the cell, its diffusion coefficient is affected by its increased hydrodynamic radius and by interactions of exposed hydrophobic residues with the cytoplasmic matrix, including chaperones. We characterize protein diffusion by photobleaching whole cells at a single point, and imaging the concentration change of fluorescent-labeled protein throughout the cell as a function of time. As a folded reference protein we use green fluorescent protein. The resulting region-dependent anomalous diffusion is well characterized by 2-D or 3-D diffusion equations coupled to a clustering algorithm that accounts for position-dependent diffusion. Then we study diffusion of a destabilized mutant of the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and of its stable control inside the cell. Unlike the green fluorescent protein control's diffusion coefficient, PGK's diffusion coefficient is a non-monotonic function of temperature, signaling ‘sticking’ of the protein in the cytosol as it begins to unfold. The temperature-dependent increase and subsequent decrease of the PGK diffusion coefficient in the cytosol is greater than a simple size-scaling model suggests. Chaperone binding of the unfolding protein inside the cell is one plausible candidate for even slower diffusion of PGK, and we test the plausibility of this hypothesis experimentally, although we do not rule out other candidates. PMID:25436502

  7. Coupled protein diffusion and folding in the cell.


    Guo, Minghao; Gelman, Hannah; Gruebele, Martin


    When a protein unfolds in the cell, its diffusion coefficient is affected by its increased hydrodynamic radius and by interactions of exposed hydrophobic residues with the cytoplasmic matrix, including chaperones. We characterize protein diffusion by photobleaching whole cells at a single point, and imaging the concentration change of fluorescent-labeled protein throughout the cell as a function of time. As a folded reference protein we use green fluorescent protein. The resulting region-dependent anomalous diffusion is well characterized by 2-D or 3-D diffusion equations coupled to a clustering algorithm that accounts for position-dependent diffusion. Then we study diffusion of a destabilized mutant of the enzyme phosphoglycerate kinase (PGK) and of its stable control inside the cell. Unlike the green fluorescent protein control's diffusion coefficient, PGK's diffusion coefficient is a non-monotonic function of temperature, signaling 'sticking' of the protein in the cytosol as it begins to unfold. The temperature-dependent increase and subsequent decrease of the PGK diffusion coefficient in the cytosol is greater than a simple size-scaling model suggests. Chaperone binding of the unfolding protein inside the cell is one plausible candidate for even slower diffusion of PGK, and we test the plausibility of this hypothesis experimentally, although we do not rule out other candidates.

  8. The arbitrary order mimetic finite difference method for a diffusion equation with a non-symmetric diffusion tensor

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gyrya, V.; Lipnikov, K.

    Here, we present the arbitrary order mimetic finite difference (MFD) discretization for the diffusion equation with non-symmetric tensorial diffusion coefficient in a mixed formulation on general polygonal meshes. The diffusion tensor is assumed to be positive definite. The asymmetry of the diffusion tensor requires changes to the standard MFD construction. We also present new approach for the construction that guarantees positive definiteness of the non-symmetric mass matrix in the space of discrete velocities. The numerically observed convergence rate for the scalar quantity matches the predicted one in the case of the lowest order mimetic scheme. For higher orders schemes, wemore » observed super-convergence by one order for the scalar variable which is consistent with the previously published result for a symmetric diffusion tensor. The new scheme was also tested on a time-dependent problem modeling the Hall effect in the resistive magnetohydrodynamics.« less

  9. The arbitrary order mimetic finite difference method for a diffusion equation with a non-symmetric diffusion tensor


    Gyrya, V.; Lipnikov, K.


    Here, we present the arbitrary order mimetic finite difference (MFD) discretization for the diffusion equation with non-symmetric tensorial diffusion coefficient in a mixed formulation on general polygonal meshes. The diffusion tensor is assumed to be positive definite. The asymmetry of the diffusion tensor requires changes to the standard MFD construction. We also present new approach for the construction that guarantees positive definiteness of the non-symmetric mass matrix in the space of discrete velocities. The numerically observed convergence rate for the scalar quantity matches the predicted one in the case of the lowest order mimetic scheme. For higher orders schemes, wemore » observed super-convergence by one order for the scalar variable which is consistent with the previously published result for a symmetric diffusion tensor. The new scheme was also tested on a time-dependent problem modeling the Hall effect in the resistive magnetohydrodynamics.« less

  10. Investigation of the abnormal Zn diffusion phenomenon in III-V compound semiconductors induced by the surface self-diffusion of matrix atoms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tang, Liangliang; Xu, Chang; Liu, Zhuming


    Zn diffusion in III-V compound semiconductorsare commonly processed under group V-atoms rich conditions because the vapor pressure of group V-atoms is relatively high. In this paper, we found that group V-atoms in the diffusion sources would not change the shaped of Zn profiles, while the Zn diffusion would change dramatically undergroup III-atoms rich conditions. The Zn diffusions were investigated in typical III-V semiconductors: GaAs, GaSb and InAs. We found that under group V-atoms rich or pure Zn conditions, the double-hump Zn profiles would be formed in all materials except InAs. While under group III-atoms rich conditions, single-hump Zn profiles would be formed in all materials. Detailed diffusion models were established to explain the Zn diffusion process; the surface self-diffusion of matrix atoms is the origin of the abnormal Zn diffusion phenomenon.

  11. Local diffusion and diffusion-T2 distribution measurements in porous media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vashaee, S.; Newling, B.; MacMillan, B.; Marica, F.; Li, M.; Balcom, B. J.


    Slice-selective pulsed field gradient (PFG) and PFG-T2 measurements are developed to measure spatially-resolved molecular diffusion and diffusion-T2 distributions. A spatially selective adiabatic inversion pulse was employed for slice-selection. The slice-selective pulse is able to select a coarse slice, on the order of 1 cm, at an arbitrary position in the sample. The new method can be employed to characterize oil-water mixtures in porous media. The new technique has an inherent sensitivity advantage over phase encoding imaging based methods due to signal being localized from a thick slice. The method will be advantageous for magnetic resonance of porous media at low field where sensitivity is problematic. Experimental CPMG data, following PFG diffusion measurement, were compromised by a transient ΔB0(t) field offset. The off resonance effects of ΔB0(t) were examined by simulation. The ΔB0 offset artifact in D-T2 distribution measurements may be avoided by employing real data, instead of magnitude data.

  12. Spatial dilemmas of diffusible public goods

    PubMed Central

    Allen, Benjamin; Gore, Jeff; Nowak, Martin A


    The emergence of cooperation is a central question in evolutionary biology. Microorganisms often cooperate by producing a chemical resource (a public good) that benefits other cells. The sharing of public goods depends on their diffusion through space. Previous theory suggests that spatial structure can promote evolution of cooperation, but the diffusion of public goods introduces new phenomena that must be modeled explicitly. We develop an approach where colony geometry and public good diffusion are described by graphs. We find that the success of cooperation depends on a simple relation between the benefits and costs of the public good, the amount retained by a producer, and the average amount retained by each of the producer’s neighbors. These quantities are derived as analytic functions of the graph topology and diffusion rate. In general, cooperation is favored for small diffusion rates, low colony dimensionality, and small rates of decay of the public good. DOI: PMID:24347543

  13. Solid-state diffusion in amorphous zirconolite

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yang, C.; Dove, M. T.; Trachenko, K.


    We discuss how structural disorder and amorphization affect solid-state diffusion, and consider zirconolite as a currently important case study. By performing extensive molecular dynamics simulations, we disentangle the effects of amorphization and density, and show that a profound increase of solid-state diffusion takes place as a result of amorphization. Importantly, this can take place at the same density as in the crystal, representing an interesting general insight regarding solid-state diffusion. We find that decreasing the density in the amorphous system increases pre-factors of diffusion constants, but does not change the activation energy in the density range considered. We also findmore » that atomic species in zirconolite are affected differently by amorphization and density change. Our microscopic insights are relevant for understanding how solid-state diffusion changes due to disorder and for building predictive models of operation of materials to be used to encapsulate nuclear waste.« less

  14. White matter biomarkers from diffusion MRI

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nørhøj Jespersen, Sune


    As part of an issue celebrating 2 decades of Joseph Ackerman editing the Journal of Magnetic Resonance, this paper reviews recent progress in one of the many areas in which Ackerman and his lab has made significant contributions: NMR measurement of diffusion in biological media, specifically in brain tissue. NMR diffusion signals display exquisite sensitivity to tissue microstructure, and have the potential to offer quantitative and specific information on the cellular scale orders of magnitude below nominal image resolution when combined with biophysical modeling. Here, I offer a personal perspective on some recent advances in diffusion imaging, from diffusion kurtosis imaging to microstructural modeling, and the connection between the two. A new result on the estimation accuracy of axial and radial kurtosis with axially symmetric DKI is presented. I moreover touch upon recently suggested generalized diffusion sequences, promising to offer independent microstructural information. We discuss the need and some methods for validation, and end with an outlook on some promising future directions.

  15. Evidence for Enhanced Matrix Diffusion in Geological Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sato, Kiminori; Fujimoto, Koichiro; Nakata, Masataka; Shikazono, Naotatsu


    Molecular diffusion in rock matrix, called as matrix diffusion, has been appreciated as a static process for elemental migration in geological environment that has been acknowledged in the context of geological disposal of radioactive waste. However, incomprehensible enhancement of matrix diffusion has been reported at a number of field test sites. Here, the matrix diffusion of saline water at Horonobe, Hokkaido, Japan is highlighted directly probing angstrom-scale pores on a field scale up to 1 km by positron--positronium annihilation spectroscopy. The first application of positron--positronium annihilation spectroscopy to field-scale geophysical research reveals the slight variation of angstrom-scale pores influenced by saline water diffusion with complete accuracy. We found widely interconnected 3 Å pores, which offer the pathway of saline water diffusion with the highly enhanced effective matrix diffusion coefficient of 4× 10-6 cm2 s-1. The present findings provide unambiguous evidence that the angstrom-scale pores enhance effective matrix diffusion on a field scale in geological environment.

  16. Relativistic diffusive motion in random electromagnetic fields

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haba, Z.


    We show that the relativistic dynamics in a Gaussian random electromagnetic field can be approximated by the relativistic diffusion of Schay and Dudley. Lorentz invariant dynamics in the proper time leads to the diffusion in the proper time. The dynamics in the laboratory time gives the diffusive transport equation corresponding to the Jüttner equilibrium at the inverse temperature β-1 = mc2. The diffusion constant is expressed by the field strength correlation function (Kubo's formula).

  17. Slow diffusion by Markov random flights

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kolesnik, Alexander D.


    We present a conception of the slow diffusion processes in the Euclidean spaces Rm , m ≥ 1, based on the theory of random flights with small constant speed that are driven by a homogeneous Poisson process of small rate. The slow diffusion condition that, on long time intervals, leads to the stationary distributions, is given. The stationary distributions of slow diffusion processes in some Euclidean spaces of low dimensions, are presented.

  18. Vertical Diffusivities of Active and Passive Tracers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Canuto, V. M.; Cheng, Y.; Howard, A. M.


    The climate models that include a carbon-cycle need the vertical diffusivity of a passive tracer. Since an expression for the latter is not available, it has been common practice to identify it with that of salt. The identification is questionable since T, S are active, not passive tracers. We present the first derivation of the diffusivity of a passive tracer in terms of Ri (Richardson number) and Rq (density ratio, ratio of salinity over temperature z-gradients). The following results have emerged: (a) The passive tracer diffusivity is an algebraic function of Ri, Rq. (b) In doubly stable regimes (DS, partial derivative of T with respect to z > 0, partial derivative of S with respect to z < 0), the passive scalar diffusivity is nearly the same as that of salt/heat for any values of Rq < 0 and Ri > 0. (c) In DC regimes (diffusive convection, partial derivative of T with respect to z < 0, partial derivative of S with respect to z < 0, Rq > 1), the passive scalar diffusivity is larger than that of salt. At Ri = O(1), it can be more than twice as large. (d) In SF regimes (salt fingers, partial derivative of T with respect to z > 0, partial derivative of S with respect to z > 0, Rq < 1), the passive scalar diffusivity is smaller than that of salt. At Ri = O(1), it can be less than half of it. (e) The passive tracer diffusivity predicted at the location of NATRE (North Atlantic Tracer Release Experiment) is discussed. (f) Perhaps the most relevant conclusion is that the common identification of the tracer diffusivity with that of salt is valid only in DS regimes. In the Southern Ocean, where there is the largest CO2 absorption, the dominant regime is diffusive convection discussed in (c) above.

  19. Self-diffusion in dense granular shear flows.


    Utter, Brian; Behringer, R P


    Diffusivity is a key quantity in describing velocity fluctuations in granular materials. These fluctuations are the basis of many thermodynamic and hydrodynamic models which aim to provide a statistical description of granular systems. We present experimental results on diffusivity in dense, granular shear flows in a two-dimensional Couette geometry. We find that self-diffusivities D are proportional to the local shear rate gamma; with diffusivities along the direction of the mean flow approximately twice as large as those in the perpendicular direction. The magnitude of the diffusivity is D approximately gamma;a(2), where a is the particle radius. However, the gradient in shear rate, coupling to the mean flow, and strong drag at the moving boundary lead to particle displacements that can appear subdiffusive or superdiffusive. In particular, diffusion appears to be superdiffusive along the mean flow direction due to Taylor dispersion effects and subdiffusive along the perpendicular direction due to the gradient in shear rate. The anisotropic force network leads to an additional anisotropy in the diffusivity that is a property of dense systems and has no obvious analog in rapid flows. Specifically, the diffusivity is suppressed along the direction of the strong force network. A simple random walk simulation reproduces the key features of the data, such as the apparent superdiffusive and subdiffusive behavior arising from the mean velocity field, confirming the underlying diffusive motion. The additional anisotropy is not observed in the simulation since the strong force network is not included. Examples of correlated motion, such as transient vortices, and Lévy flights are also observed. Although correlated motion creates velocity fields which are qualitatively different from collisional Brownian motion and can introduce nondiffusive effects, on average the system appears simply diffusive.

  20. Evaluation of diffusion models in breast cancer.


    Panek, Rafal; Borri, Marco; Orton, Matthew; O'Flynn, Elizabeth; Morgan, Veronica; Giles, Sharon L; deSouza, Nandita; Leach, Martin O; Schmidt, Maria A


    The purpose of this study is to investigate whether the microvascular pseudodiffusion effects resulting with non-monoexponential behavior are present in breast cancer, taking into account tumor spatial heterogeneity. Additionally, methodological factors affecting the signal in low and high diffusion-sensitizing gradient ranges were explored in phantom studies. The effect of eddy currents and accuracy of b-value determination using a multiple b-value diffusion-weighted MR imaging sequence were investigated in test objects. Diffusion model selection and noise were then investigated in volunteers (n = 5) and breast tumor patients (n = 21) using the Bayesian information criterion. 54.3% of lesion voxels were best fitted by a monoexponential, 26.2% by a stretched-exponential, and 19.5% by a biexponential intravoxel incoherent motion (IVIM) model. High correlation (0.92) was observed between diffusion coefficients calculated using mono- and stretched-exponential models and moderate (0.59) between monoexponential and IVIM (medians: 0.96/0.84/0.72 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s, respectively). Distortion due to eddy currents depended on the direction of the diffusion gradient and displacement varied between 1 and 6 mm for high b-value images. Shift in the apparent diffusion coefficient due to intrinsic field gradients was compensated for by averaging diffusion data obtained from opposite directions. Pseudodiffusion and intravoxel heterogeneity effects were not observed in approximately half of breast cancer and normal tissue voxels. This result indicates that stretched and IVIM models should be utilized in regional analysis rather than global tumor assessment. Cross terms between diffusion-sensitization gradients and other imaging or susceptibility-related gradients are relevant in clinical protocols, supporting the use of geometric averaging of diffusion-weighted images acquired with diffusion-sensitization gradients in opposite directions.

  1. Intravoxel water diffusion heterogeneity MR imaging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma using stretched exponential diffusion model.


    Lai, Vincent; Lee, Victor Ho Fun; Lam, Ka On; Sze, Henry Chun Kin; Chan, Queenie; Khong, Pek Lan


    To determine the utility of stretched exponential diffusion model in characterisation of the water diffusion heterogeneity in different tumour stages of nasopharyngeal carcinoma (NPC). Fifty patients with newly diagnosed NPC were prospectively recruited. Diffusion-weighted MR imaging was performed using five b values (0-2,500 s/mm(2)). Respective stretched exponential parameters (DDC, distributed diffusion coefficient; and alpha (α), water heterogeneity) were calculated. Patients were stratified into low and high tumour stage groups based on the American Joint Committee on Cancer (AJCC) staging for determination of the predictive powers of DDC and α using t test and ROC curve analyses. The mean ± standard deviation values were DDC = 0.692 ± 0.199 (×10(-3) mm(2)/s) for low stage group vs 0.794 ± 0.253 (×10(-3) mm(2)/s) for high stage group; α = 0.792 ± 0.145 for low stage group vs 0.698 ± 0.155 for high stage group. α was significantly lower in the high stage group while DDC was negatively correlated. DDC and α were both reliable independent predictors (p < 0.001), with α being more powerful. Optimal cut-off values were (sensitivity, specificity, positive likelihood ratio, negative likelihood ratio) DDC = 0.692 × 10(-3) mm(2)/s (94.4 %, 64.3 %, 2.64, 0.09), α = 0.720 (72.2 %, 100 %, -, 0.28). The heterogeneity index α is robust and can potentially help in staging and grading prediction in NPC. • Stretched exponential diffusion models can help in tissue characterisation in nasopharyngeal carcinoma • α and distributed diffusion coefficient (DDC) are negatively correlated • α is a robust heterogeneity index marker • α can potentially help in staging and grading prediction.

  2. Spring 2014 Internship Diffuser Data Analysis

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Laigaie, Robert T.; Ryan, Harry M.


    J-2X engine testing on the A-2 test stand at the NASA John C. Stennis Space Center (SSC) has recently concluded. As part of that test campaign, the engine was operated at lower power levels in support of expanding the use of J-2X to other missions. However, the A-2 diffuser was not designed for engine testing at the proposed low power levels. To evaluate the risk of damage to the diffuser, computer simulations were created of the rocket engine exhaust plume inside the 50ft long, water-cooled, altitude-simulating diffuser. The simulations predicted that low power level testing would cause the plume to oscillate in the lower sections of the diffuser. This can possibly cause excessive vibrations, stress, and heat transfer from the plume to the diffuser walls. To understand and assess the performance of the diffuser during low power level engine testing, nine accelerometers and four strain gages were installed around the outer surface of the diffuser. The added instrumentation also allowed for the verification of the rocket exhaust plume computational model. Prior to engine hot-fire testing, a diffuser water-flow test was conducted to verify the proper operation of the newly installed instrumentation. Subsequently, two J-2X engine hot-fire tests were completed. Hot-Fire Test 1 was 11.5 seconds in duration, and accelerometer and strain data verified that the rocket engine plume oscillated in the lower sections of the diffuser. The accelerometers showed very different results dependent upon location. The diffuser consists of four sections, with Section 1 being closest to the engine nozzle and Section 4 being farthest from the engine nozzle. Section 1 accelerometers showed increased amplitudes at startup and shutdown, but low amplitudes while the diffuser was started. Section 3 accelerometers showed the opposite results with near zero G amplitudes prior to and after diffuser start and peak amplitudes to +/- 100G while the diffuser was started. Hot-Fire Test 1 strain gages

  3. Fractional diffusion on bounded domains


    Defterli, Ozlem; D'Elia, Marta; Du, Qiang; ...


    We found that the mathematically correct specification of a fractional differential equation on a bounded domain requires specification of appropriate boundary conditions, or their fractional analogue. In this paper we discuss the application of nonlocal diffusion theory to specify well-posed fractional diffusion equations on bounded domains.

  4. Diffusion and surface alloying of gradient nanostructured metals

    PubMed Central

    Lu, Ke


    Gradient nanostructures (GNSs) have been optimized in recent years for desired performance. The diffusion behavior in GNS metals is crucial for understanding the diffusion mechanism and relative characteristics of different interfaces that provide fundamental understanding for advancing the traditional surface alloying processes. In this paper, atomic diffusion, reactive diffusion, and surface alloying processes are reviewed for various metals with a preformed GNS surface layer. We emphasize the promoted atomic diffusion and reactive diffusion in the GNS surface layer that are related to a higher interfacial energy state with respect to those in relaxed coarse-grained samples. Accordingly, different surface alloying processes, such as nitriding and chromizing, have been modified significantly, and some diffusion-related properties have been enhanced. Finally, the perspectives on current research in this field are discussed. PMID:28382244

  5. Transport diffusion in deformed carbon nanotubes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Feng, Jiamei; Chen, Peirong; Zheng, Dongqin; Zhong, Weirong


    Using non-equilibrium molecular dynamics and Monte Carlo methods, we have studied the transport diffusion of gas in deformed carbon nanotubes. Perfect carbon nanotube and various deformed carbon nanotubes are modeled as transport channels. It is found that the transport diffusion coefficient of gas does not change in twisted carbon nanotubes, but changes in XY-distortion, Z-distortion and local defect carbon nanotubes comparing with that of the perfect carbon nanotube. Furthermore, the change of transport diffusion coefficient is found to be associated with the deformation factor. The relationship between transport diffusion coefficient and temperature is also discussed in this paper. Our results may contribute to understanding the mechanism of molecular transport in nano-channel.

  6. Geometric diffusion of quantum trajectories

    PubMed Central

    Yang, Fan; Liu, Ren-Bao


    A quantum object can acquire a geometric phase (such as Berry phases and Aharonov–Bohm phases) when evolving along a path in a parameter space with non-trivial gauge structures. Inherent to quantum evolutions of wavepackets, quantum diffusion occurs along quantum trajectories. Here we show that quantum diffusion can also be geometric as characterized by the imaginary part of a geometric phase. The geometric quantum diffusion results from interference between different instantaneous eigenstate pathways which have different geometric phases during the adiabatic evolution. As a specific example, we study the quantum trajectories of optically excited electron-hole pairs in time-reversal symmetric insulators, driven by an elliptically polarized terahertz field. The imaginary geometric phase manifests itself as elliptical polarization in the terahertz sideband generation. The geometric quantum diffusion adds a new dimension to geometric phases and may have applications in many fields of physics, e.g., transport in topological insulators and novel electro-optical effects. PMID:26178745

  7. Benchmark calculations of excess electrons in water cluster cavities: balancing the addition of atom-centered diffuse functions versus floating diffuse functions.


    Zhang, Changzhe; Bu, Yuxiang


    Diffuse functions have been proved to be especially crucial for the accurate characterization of excess electrons which are usually bound weakly in intermolecular zones far away from the nuclei. To examine the effects of diffuse functions on the nature of the cavity-shaped excess electrons in water cluster surroundings, both the HOMO and LUMO distributions, vertical detachment energies (VDEs) and visible absorption spectra of two selected (H2O)24(-) isomers are investigated in the present work. Two main types of diffuse functions are considered in calculations including the Pople-style atom-centered diffuse functions and the ghost-atom-based floating diffuse functions. It is found that augmentation of atom-centered diffuse functions contributes to a better description of the HOMO (corresponding to the VDE convergence), in agreement with previous studies, but also leads to unreasonable diffuse characters of the LUMO with significant red-shifts in the visible spectra, which is against the conventional point of view that the more the diffuse functions, the better the results. The issue of designing extra floating functions for excess electrons has also been systematically discussed, which indicates that the floating diffuse functions are necessary not only for reducing the computational cost but also for improving both the HOMO and LUMO accuracy. Thus, the basis sets with a combination of partial atom-centered diffuse functions and floating diffuse functions are recommended for a reliable description of the weakly bound electrons. This work presents an efficient way for characterizing the electronic properties of weakly bound electrons accurately by balancing the addition of atom-centered diffuse functions and floating diffuse functions and also by balancing the computational cost and accuracy of the calculated results, and thus is very useful in the relevant calculations of various solvated electron systems and weakly bound anionic systems.

  8. Multiscale Modeling of Diffusion in a Crowded Environment.


    Meinecke, Lina


    We present a multiscale approach to model diffusion in a crowded environment and its effect on the reaction rates. Diffusion in biological systems is often modeled by a discrete space jump process in order to capture the inherent noise of biological systems, which becomes important in the low copy number regime. To model diffusion in the crowded cell environment efficiently, we compute the jump rates in this mesoscopic model from local first exit times, which account for the microscopic positions of the crowding molecules, while the diffusing molecules jump on a coarser Cartesian grid. We then extract a macroscopic description from the resulting jump rates, where the excluded volume effect is modeled by a diffusion equation with space-dependent diffusion coefficient. The crowding molecules can be of arbitrary shape and size, and numerical experiments demonstrate that those factors together with the size of the diffusing molecule play a crucial role on the magnitude of the decrease in diffusive motion. When correcting the reaction rates for the altered diffusion we can show that molecular crowding either enhances or inhibits chemical reactions depending on local fluctuations of the obstacle density.

  9. Diffusion in thorium carbide: A first-principles study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pérez Daroca, D.; Llois, A. M.; Mosca, H. O.


    The prediction of the behavior of Th compounds under irradiation is an important issue for the upcoming Generation-IV nuclear reactors. The study of self-diffusion and hetero-diffusion is a central key to fulfill this goal. As a first approach, we obtained, by means of first-principles methods, migration and activation energies of Th and C atoms self-diffusion and diffusion of He atoms in ThC. We also calculate diffusion coefficients as a function of temperature.

  10. Nonequilibrium free diffusion in seed leachate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortiz G., Luis; Riquelme P., Pablo; Guzmán, R.


    In this work, we use a Schlieren-like Near Field Scattering (SNFS) setup to study nonequilibrium free diffusion behavior of a colloidal solution obtained from seeds leachate. The main objective is to compare the temporal behavior of the diffusion coefficient of seed leachate with an electric conductivity based vigor test. SNFS sizing measurements, based on Mie theory, were carried out to ensure its reliability and sensitivity. Then, we performed a typical nonequilibrium free diffusion experiment of a glycerol-water mixture. In this way, we confirmed that SNFS setup is sensitive to giant concentration fluctuations of nanocolloidal solutions. The results obtained in this stage reproduce properly the data reported elsewhere in literature. Moreover, seed leachate diffuse, in water, in a similar way that glycerol does. In both cases we used the same method (dynamic structure factor) to determine thermo-physical properties. We show that time evolution of diffusion coefficient of Lupinus Albus leachate exhibits three defined regimes as electric conductivity measurements. The results also exhibit a correspondence between the behavior of the diffusion coefficient and electric conductivity values of the two regions in the temporal range studied. Finally, we discuss biological processes involved in germination that could modulate this dependence, and the role played by the electrolytic nature of solutes.

  11. Cu-Zn binary phase diagram and diffusion couples

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mccoy, Robert A.


    The objectives of this paper are to learn: (1) what information a binary phase diagram can yield; (2) how to construct and heat treat a simple diffusion couple; (3) how to prepare a metallographic sample; (4) how to operate a metallograph; (5) how to correlate phases found in the diffusion couple with phases predicted by the phase diagram; (6) how diffusion couples held at various temperatures could be used to construct a phase diagram; (7) the relation between the thickness of an intermetallic phase layer and the diffusion time; and (8) the effect of one species of atoms diffusing faster than another species in a diffusion couple.

  12. A diffusivity model for predicting VOC diffusion in porous building materials based on fractal theory.


    Liu, Yanfeng; Zhou, Xiaojun; Wang, Dengjia; Song, Cong; Liu, Jiaping


    Most building materials are porous media, and the internal diffusion coefficients of such materials have an important influences on the emission characteristics of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). The pore structure of porous building materials has a significant impact on the diffusion coefficient. However, the complex structural characteristics bring great difficulties to the model development. The existing prediction models of the diffusion coefficient are flawed and need to be improved. Using scanning electron microscope (SEM) observations and mercury intrusion porosimetry (MIP) tests of typical porous building materials, this study developed a new diffusivity model: the multistage series-connection fractal capillary-bundle (MSFC) model. The model considers the variable-diameter capillaries formed by macropores connected in series as the main mass transfer paths, and the diameter distribution of the capillary bundles obeys a fractal power law in the cross section. In addition, the tortuosity of the macrocapillary segments with different diameters is obtained by the fractal theory. Mesopores serve as the connections between the macrocapillary segments rather than as the main mass transfer paths. The theoretical results obtained using the MSFC model yielded a highly accurate prediction of the diffusion coefficients and were in a good agreement with the VOC concentration measurements in the environmental test chamber. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. Colloidal diffusion over a quasicrystalline-patterned substrate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Su, Yun; Lai, Pik-Yin; Ackerson, Bruce; Tong, Penger

    We report a systematic study of colloidal diffusion over a quasicrystalline-patterned substrate. The sample substrate is made of a flat thin layer of photoresist and contains identical cylindrical holes of diameter dh, which are arranged on a quasicrystal lattice. A monolayer of silica spheres of diameter comparable to dh diffuse over the rugged quasicrystalline-patterned substrate and experience a gravitational potential U (x , y) . With optical microscopy and the particle tracking method, we measure U (x , y) and particle's diffusion trajectories, which are found to undergo two distinct states: a trapped state when the particles are inside the holes and a free diffusion state when they are over the flat portion of the substrate. The dynamic properties of the diffusing particle, such as its mean dwell time, mean square displacement, and long-time diffusion coefficient DL are obtained from the particle trajectories. The measured DL is found to be in good agreement with the prediction of two theoretical models proposed for diffusion over a quasicrystal lattice. The experiment demonstrates the applications of this newly constructed colloidal potential landscape. This work was supported by the Research Grants Council of Hong Kong SAR.

  14. Steric effects on diffusion into bituminous coals

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    John W. Larsen; Doyoung Lee


    The reactions of maleic anhydride, cis-maleate esters, and acetylenedicarboxylate esters with Pittsburgh No. 8 or Illinois No. 6 coal using o-xylene or o-dichlorobenzene solvent are diffusion controlled. Diffusion is Fickian in all cases. The measured activation energies are between 5.4 and 7.6 kcal/mol. Diffusion rates decrease slowly with increasing alkyl chain length and sharply with branching. Diffusion rates are slightly faster with o-xylene than when o-dichlorobenzene is used. 40 refs., 5 figs., 4 tabs.

  15. Bringing diffuse X-ray scattering into focus


    Wall, Michael E.; Wolff, Alexander M.; Fraser, James S.


    X-ray crystallography is experiencing a renaissance as a method for probing the protein conformational ensemble. The inherent limitations of Bragg analysis, however, which only reveals the mean structure, have given way to a surge in interest in diffuse scattering, which is caused by structure variations. Diffuse scattering is present in all macromolecular crystallography experiments. Recent studies are shedding light on the origins of diffuse scattering in protein crystallography, and provide clues for leveraging diffuse scattering to model protein motions with atomic detail.

  16. Bringing diffuse X-ray scattering into focus

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wall, Michael E.; Wolff, Alexander M.; Fraser, James S.

    X-ray crystallography is experiencing a renaissance as a method for probing the protein conformational ensemble. The inherent limitations of Bragg analysis, however, which only reveals the mean structure, have given way to a surge in interest in diffuse scattering, which is caused by structure variations. Diffuse scattering is present in all macromolecular crystallography experiments. Recent studies are shedding light on the origins of diffuse scattering in protein crystallography, and provide clues for leveraging diffuse scattering to model protein motions with atomic detail.

  17. Diffusion of a particle in the spatially correlated exponential random energy landscape: Transition from normal to anomalous diffusion.


    Novikov, S V


    Diffusive transport of a particle in a spatially correlated random energy landscape having exponential density of states has been considered. We exactly calculate the diffusivity in the nondispersive quasi-equilibrium transport regime for the 1D transport model and found that for slow decaying correlation functions the diffusivity becomes singular at some particular temperature higher than the temperature of the transition to the true non-equilibrium dispersive transport regime. It means that the diffusion becomes anomalous and does not follow the usual ∝ t 1/2 law. In such situation, the fully developed non-equilibrium regime emerges in two stages: first, at some temperature there is the transition from the normal to anomalous diffusion, and then at lower temperature the average velocity for the infinite medium goes to zero, thus indicating the development of the true dispersive regime. Validity of the Einstein relation is discussed for the situation where the diffusivity does exist. We provide also some arguments in favor of conservation of the major features of the new transition scenario in higher dimensions.

  18. Diffusion of Antimicrobials Across Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses.


    Zambelli, Alison M; Brothers, Kimberly M; Hunt, Kristin M; Romanowski, Eric G; Nau, Amy C; Dhaliwal, Deepinder K; Shanks, Robert M Q


    To measure the diffusion of topical preparations of moxifloxacin, amphotericin B (AmB), and polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) through silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lenses (CLs) in vitro. Using an in vitro model, the diffusion of three antimicrobials through SH CLs was measured. Diffused compounds were measured using a spectrophotometer at set time points over a period of 4 hr. The amount of each diffused antimicrobial was determined by comparing the experimental value with a standard curve. A biological assay was performed to validate the CL diffusion assay by testing antimicrobial activity of diffused material against lawns of susceptible bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Experiments were repeated at least two times with a total of at least four independent replicates. Our data show detectable moxifloxacin and PHMB diffusion through SH CLs at 30 min, whereas AmB diffusion remained below the limit of detection within the 4-hr experimental period. In the biological assay, diffused moxifloxacin demonstrated microbial killing starting at 20 min on bacterial lawns, whereas PHMB and AmB failed to demonstrate killing on microbial lawns over the course of the 60-min experiment. In vitro diffusion assays demonstrate limited penetration of certain anti-infective agents through SH CLs. Further studies regarding the clinical benefit of using these agents along with bandage CL for corneal pathologic condition are warranted.

  19. Diffusion of hydrous species in model basaltic melt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Li; Guo, Xuan; Wang, Qinxia; Ding, Jiale; Ni, Huaiwei


    Water diffusion in Fe-free model basaltic melt with up to 2 wt% H2O was investigated at 1658-1846 K and 1 GPa in piston-cylinder apparatus using both hydration and diffusion couple techniques. Diffusion profiles measured by FTIR are consistent with a model in which both molecular H2O (H2Om) and hydroxyl (OH) contribute to water diffusion. OH diffusivity is roughly 13% of H2Om diffusivity, showing little dependence on temperature or water concentration. Water diffusion is dominated by the motion of OH until total H2O (H2Ot) concentration reaches 1 wt%. The dependence of apparent H2Ot diffusivity on H2Ot concentration appears to be overestimated by a previous study on MORB melt, but H2Ot diffusivity at 1 wt% H2Ot in basaltic melt is still greater than those in rhyolitic to andesitic melts. The appreciable contribution of OH to water diffusion in basaltic melt can be explained by enhanced mobility of OH, probably associated with the development of free hydroxyl bonded with network-modifying cations, as well as higher OH concentration. Calculation based on the Nernst-Einstein equation demonstrates that OH may serve as an effective charge carrier in hydrous basaltic melt, which could partly account for the previously observed strong influence of water on electrical conductivity of basaltic melt.

  20. Opening the closed box: lattice diffusion in zircon?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wheeler, J.; MacDonald, J.; Goodenough, K. M.; Crowley, Q.; Harley, S.; Mariani, E.


    In principle, any radiogenic parent or daughter element can diffuse through any crystalline lattice. Given improved analytic techniques and mathematical models, geochronology is beginning to take such diffusion into account in a quantitative fashion. Whilst lattice diffusion compromises simple interpretation of radiometric data, it can, when combined with spatially resolved data, provide more detailed insight into thermal histories. In regions that have experienced particularly high temperatures diffusion may become significant in minerals normally thought to be reliably closed. We have modelled Pb diffusion in zircon, building on earlier work on Ar diffusion in micas - the mathematics being basically the same. We are motivated by some challenging isotope data from zircon in the Lewisian Complex of NW Scotland (a TTG region with a long Archaean and Proterozoic history). For example we have grains with old rims and younger cores. Whilst other explanations are possible, we show how lattice diffusion of Pb is plausible, using experimental diffusion data together with estimates of ultra-high temperatures from the region. We have modified a previous model for Ar diffusion ("Diffarg") to include variations in parent isotope concentration, so we can understand the consequences of U zonation within zircon grains during prolonged thermal histories. This is also relevant to asking why Pb has apparently not diffused in zircon from other UHT regions - or has it?

  1. Diffusion-weighted imaging and diffusion tensor imaging of asymptomatic lumbar disc herniation.


    Sakai, Toshinori; Miyagi, Ryo; Yamabe, Eiko; Fujinaga, Yasunari; N Bhatia, Nitin; Yoshioka, Hiroshi


    Diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) and diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) were performed on a healthy 31-year-old man with asymptomatic lumbar disc herniation. Although the left S1 nerve root was obviously entrapped by a herniated mass, neither DWI nor DTI showed any significant findings for the nerve root. Decreased apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) values and increased fractional anisotropy (FA) values were found. These results are contrary to those in previously published studies of symptomatic patients, in which a combination of increased ADC and decreased FA seem to have a relationship with nerve injury and subsequent symptoms, such as leg pain or palsy. Our results seen in an asymptomatic subject suggest that the compressed nerve with no injury, such as edema, demyelination, or persistent axonal injury, may be indicated by a combination of decreased ADC and increased FA. ADC and FA could therefore be potential tools to elucidate the pathomechanism of radiculopathy.

  2. Neurocomputation by Reaction Diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liang, Ping


    This Letter demonstrates the possible role nonsynaptic diffusion neurotransmission may play in neurocomputation using an artificial neural network model. A reaction-diffusion neural network model with field-based information-processing mechanisms is proposed. The advantages of nonsynaptic field neurotransmission from a computational viewpoint demonstrated in this Letter include long-range inhibition using only local interaction, nonhardwired and changeable (target specific) long-range communication pathways, and multiple simultaneous spatiotemporal organization processes in the same medium.

  3. Diffusion in confinement: kinetic simulations of self- and collective diffusion behavior of adsorbed gases

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Abouelnasr, MKF; Smit, B


    The self- and collective-diffusion behaviors of adsorbed methane, helium, and isobutane in zeolite frameworks LTA, MFI, AFI, and SAS were examined at various concentrations using a range of molecular simulation techniques including Molecular Dynamics (MD), Monte Carlo (MC), Bennett-Chandler (BC), and kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC). This paper has three main results. (1) A novel model for the process of adsorbate movement between two large cages was created, allowing the formulation of a mixing rule for the re-crossing coefficient between two cages of unequal loading. The predictions from this mixing rule were found to agree quantitatively with explicit simulations. (2) Amore » new approach to the dynamically corrected Transition State Theory method to analytically calculate self-diffusion properties was developed, explicitly accounting for nanoscale fluctuations in concentration. This approach was demonstrated to quantitatively agree with previous methods, but is uniquely suited to be adapted to a kMC simulation that can simulate the collective-diffusion behavior. (3) While at low and moderate loadings the self- and collective-diffusion behaviors in LTA are observed to coincide, at higher concentrations they diverge. A change in the adsorbate packing scheme was shown to cause this divergence, a trait which is replicated in a kMC simulation that explicitly models this behavior. These phenomena were further investigated for isobutane in zeolite MFI, where MD results showed a separation in self- and collective-diffusion behavior that was reproduced with kMC simulations.« less

  4. Diffusion in confinement: kinetic simulations of self- and collective diffusion behavior of adsorbed gases.


    Abouelnasr, Mahmoud K F; Smit, Berend


    The self- and collective-diffusion behaviors of adsorbed methane, helium, and isobutane in zeolite frameworks LTA, MFI, AFI, and SAS were examined at various concentrations using a range of molecular simulation techniques including Molecular Dynamics (MD), Monte Carlo (MC), Bennett-Chandler (BC), and kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC). This paper has three main results. (1) A novel model for the process of adsorbate movement between two large cages was created, allowing the formulation of a mixing rule for the re-crossing coefficient between two cages of unequal loading. The predictions from this mixing rule were found to agree quantitatively with explicit simulations. (2) A new approach to the dynamically corrected Transition State Theory method to analytically calculate self-diffusion properties was developed, explicitly accounting for nanoscale fluctuations in concentration. This approach was demonstrated to quantitatively agree with previous methods, but is uniquely suited to be adapted to a kMC simulation that can simulate the collective-diffusion behavior. (3) While at low and moderate loadings the self- and collective-diffusion behaviors in LTA are observed to coincide, at higher concentrations they diverge. A change in the adsorbate packing scheme was shown to cause this divergence, a trait which is replicated in a kMC simulation that explicitly models this behavior. These phenomena were further investigated for isobutane in zeolite MFI, where MD results showed a separation in self- and collective- diffusion behavior that was reproduced with kMC simulations.

  5. Symmetrical and overloaded effect of diffusion in information filtering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Xuzhen; Tian, Hui; Chen, Guilin; Cai, Shimin


    In physical dynamics, mass diffusion theory has been applied to design effective information filtering models on bipartite network. In previous works, researchers unilaterally believe objects' similarities are determined by single directional mass diffusion from the collected object to the uncollected, meanwhile, inadvertently ignore adverse influence of diffusion overload. It in some extent veils the essence of diffusion in physical dynamics and hurts the recommendation accuracy and diversity. After delicate investigation, we argue that symmetrical diffusion effectively discloses essence of mass diffusion, and high diffusion overload should be published. Accordingly, in this paper, we propose an symmetrical and overload penalized diffusion based model (SOPD), which shows excellent performances in extensive experiments on benchmark datasets Movielens and Netflix.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The 1999 Fresno particulate matter exposure studies tools place in February (winter season) and April/May (spring season) for two periods of four weeks. During that time, near-continuous measurements of indoor and outdoor aerosol concentrations were made with a scanning mobilit...

  7. Turbulent eddy diffusion models in exposure assessment - Determination of the eddy diffusion coefficient.


    Shao, Yuan; Ramachandran, Sandhya; Arnold, Susan; Ramachandran, Gurumurthy


    The use of the turbulent eddy diffusion model and its variants in exposure assessment is limited due to the lack of knowledge regarding the isotropic eddy diffusion coefficient, D T . But some studies have suggested a possible relationship between D T and the air changes per hour (ACH) through a room. The main goal of this study was to accurately estimate D T for a range of ACH values by minimizing the difference between the concentrations measured and predicted by eddy diffusion model. We constructed an experimental chamber with a spatial concentration gradient away from the contaminant source, and conducted 27 3-hr long experiments using toluene and acetone under different air flow conditions (0.43-2.89 ACHs). An eddy diffusion model accounting for chamber boundary, general ventilation, and advection was developed. A mathematical expression for the slope based on the geometrical parameters of the ventilation system was also derived. There is a strong linear relationship between D T and ACH, providing a surrogate parameter for estimating D T in real-life settings. For the first time, a mathematical expression for the relationship between D T and ACH has been derived that also corrects for non-ideal conditions, and the calculated value of the slope between these two parameters is very close to the experimentally determined value. The values of D T obtained from the experiments are generally consistent with values reported in the literature. They are also independent of averaging time of measurements, allowing for comparison of values obtained from different measurement settings. These findings make the use of turbulent eddy diffusion models for exposure assessment in workplace/indoor environments more practical.

  8. Cs diffusion in SiC high-energy grain boundaries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ko, Hyunseok; Szlufarska, Izabela; Morgan, Dane


    Cesium (Cs) is a radioactive fission product whose release is of concern for Tristructural-Isotropic fuel particles. In this work, Cs diffusion through high energy grain boundaries (HEGBs) of cubic-SiC is studied using an ab-initio based kinetic Monte Carlo (kMC) model. The HEGB environment was modeled as an amorphous SiC, and Cs defect energies were calculated using the density functional theory (DFT). From defect energies, it was suggested that the fastest diffusion mechanism is the diffusion of Cs interstitial in an amorphous SiC. The diffusion of Cs interstitial was simulated using a kMC model, based on the site and transition state energies sampled from the DFT. The Cs HEGB diffusion exhibited an Arrhenius type diffusion in the range of 1200-1600 °C. The comparison between HEGB results and the other studies suggests not only that the GB diffusion dominates the bulk diffusion but also that the HEGB is one of the fastest grain boundary paths for the Cs diffusion. The diffusion coefficients in HEGB are clearly a few orders of magnitude lower than the reported diffusion coefficients from in- and out-of-pile samples, suggesting that other contributions are responsible, such as radiation enhanced diffusion.

  9. Apparent diffusive motion of centrin foci in living cells: implications for diffusion-based motion in centriole duplication

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rafelski, Susanne M.; Keller, Lani C.; Alberts, Jonathan B.; Marshall, Wallace F.


    The degree to which diffusion contributes to positioning cellular structures is an open question. Here we investigate the question of whether diffusive motion of centrin granules would allow them to interact with the mother centriole. The role of centrin granules in centriole duplication remains unclear, but some proposed functions of these granules, for example, in providing pre-assembled centriole subunits, or by acting as unstable 'pre-centrioles' that need to be captured by the mother centriole (La Terra et al 2005 J. Cell Biol. 168 713-22), require the centrin foci to reach the mother. To test whether diffusive motion could permit such interactions in the necessary time scale, we measured the motion of centrin-containing foci in living human U2OS cells. We found that these centrin foci display apparently diffusive undirected motion. Using the apparent diffusion constant obtained from these measurements, we calculated the time scale required for diffusion to capture by the mother centrioles and found that it would greatly exceed the time available in the cell cycle. We conclude that mechanisms invoking centrin foci capture by the mother, whether as a pre-centriole or as a source of components to support later assembly, would require a form of directed motility of centrin foci that has not yet been observed.

  10. Flow/Soot-Formation Interactions in Nonbuoyant Laminar Diffusion Flames

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dai, Z.; Lin, K.-C.; Sunderland, P. B.; Xu, F.; Faeth, G. M.


    This is the final report of a research program considering interactions between flow and soot properties within laminar diffusion flames. Laminar diffusion flames were considered because they provide model flame systems that are far more tractable for theoretical and experimental studies than more practical turbulent diffusion flames. In particular, understanding the transport and chemical reaction processes of laminar flames is a necessary precursor to understanding these processes in practical turbulent flames and many aspects of laminar diffusion flames have direct relevance to turbulent diffusion flames through application of the widely recognized laminar flamelet concept of turbulent diffusion flames. The investigation was divided into three phases, considering the shapes of nonbuoyant round laminar jet diffusion flames in still air, the shapes of nonbuoyant round laminar jet diffusion flames in coflowing air, and the hydrodynamic suppression of soot formation in laminar diffusion flames.

  11. Microscopic diffusion processes measured in living planarians


    Mamontov, Eugene


    Living planarian flatworms were probed using quasielastic neutron scattering to measure, on the pico-to-nanosecond time scale and nanometer length scale, microscopic diffusion of water and cell constituents in the planarians. Measurable microscopic diffusivities were surprisingly well defined in such a complex system as living animals. The overall variation in the microscopic diffusivity of cell constituents was found to be far lower than the variation in the microscopic diffusivity of water in planarians in a temperature range of 284.5 to 304.1K.

  12. Microscopic diffusion processes measured in living planarians

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mamontov, Eugene

    Living planarian flatworms were probed using quasielastic neutron scattering to measure, on the pico-to-nanosecond time scale and nanometer length scale, microscopic diffusion of water and cell constituents in the planarians. Measurable microscopic diffusivities were surprisingly well defined in such a complex system as living animals. The overall variation in the microscopic diffusivity of cell constituents was found to be far lower than the variation in the microscopic diffusivity of water in planarians in a temperature range of 284.5 to 304.1K.

  13. Osmosis and Diffusion Conceptual Assessment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fisher, Kathleen M.; Williams, Kathy S.; Lineback, Jennifer Evarts


    Biology student mastery regarding the mechanisms of diffusion and osmosis is difficult to achieve. To monitor comprehension of these processes among students at a large public university, we developed and validated an 18-item Osmosis and Diffusion Conceptual Assessment (ODCA). This assessment includes two-tiered items, some adopted or modified…

  14. Diffusion of Super-Gaussian Profiles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rosenberg, C.-J.; Anderson, D.; Desaix, M.; Johannisson, P.; Lisak, M.


    The present analysis describes an analytically simple and systematic approximation procedure for modelling the free diffusive spreading of initially super-Gaussian profiles. The approach is based on a self-similar ansatz for the evolution of the diffusion profile, and the parameter functions involved in the modelling are determined by suitable…

  15. On the asymptotic behavior of a subcritical convection-diffusion equation with nonlocal diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cazacu, Cristian M.; Ignat, Liviu I.; Pazoto, Ademir F.


    In this paper we consider a subcritical model that involves nonlocal diffusion and a classical convective term. In spite of the nonlocal diffusion, we obtain an Oleinik type estimate similar to the case when the diffusion is local. First we prove that the entropy solution can be obtained by adding a small viscous term μ uxx and letting μ\\to 0 . Then, by using uniform Oleinik estimates for the viscous approximation we are able to prove the well-posedness of the entropy solutions with L 1-initial data. Using a scaling argument and hyperbolic estimates given by Oleinik’s inequality, we obtain the first term in the asymptotic behavior of the nonnegative solutions. Finally, the large time behavior of changing sign solutions is proved using the classical flux-entropy method and estimates for the nonlocal operator.

  16. Unstructured Polyhedral Mesh Thermal Radiation Diffusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Palmer, T.S.; Zika, M.R.; Madsen, N.K.


    Unstructured mesh particle transport and diffusion methods are gaining wider acceptance as mesh generation, scientific visualization and linear solvers improve. This paper describes an algorithm that is currently being used in the KULL code at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory to solve the radiative transfer equations. The algorithm employs a point-centered diffusion discretization on arbitrary polyhedral meshes in 3D. We present the results of a few test problems to illustrate the capabilities of the radiation diffusion module.

  17. Chemical effect on diffusion in intermetallic compounds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Yi-Ting

    With the trend of big data and the Internet of things, we live in a world full of personal electronic devices and small electronic devices. In order to make the devices more powerful, advanced electronic packaging such as wafer level packaging or 3D IC packaging play an important role. Furthermore, ?-bumps, which connect silicon dies together with dimension less than 10 ?m, are crucial parts in advanced packaging. Owing to the dimension of ?-bumps, they transform into intermetallic compound from tin based solder after the liquid state bonding process. Moreover, many new reliability issues will occur in electronic packaging when the bonding materials change; in this case, we no longer have tin based solder joint, instead, we have intermetallic compound ?-bumps. Most of the potential reliability issues in intermetallic compounds are caused by the chemical reactions driven by atomic diffusion in the material; thus, to know the diffusivities of atoms inside a material is significant and can help us to further analyze the reliability issues. However, we are lacking these kinds of data in intermetallic compound because there are some problems if used traditional Darken's analysis. Therefore, we considered Wagner diffusivity in our system to solve the problems and applied the concept of chemical effect on diffusion by taking the advantage that large amount of energy will release when compounds formed. Moreover, by inventing the holes markers made by Focus ion beam (FIB), we can conduct the diffusion experiment and obtain the tracer diffusivities of atoms inside the intermetallic compound. We applied the technique on Ni3Sn4 and Cu3Sn, which are two of the most common materials in electronic packaging, and the tracer diffusivities are measured under several different temperatures; moreover, microstructure of the intermetallic compounds are investigated to ensure the diffusion environment. Additionally, the detail diffusion mechanism was also discussed in aspect of diffusion

  18. Diffusion of Antimicrobials Across Silicone Hydrogel Contact Lenses

    PubMed Central

    Zambelli, Alison M.; Brothers, Kimberly M.; Hunt, Kristin M.; Romanowski, Eric G.; Nau, Amy C.; Dhaliwal, Deepinder K.; Shanks, Robert M. Q.


    Objectives To measure the diffusion of topical preparations of moxifloxacin, amphotericin B (AmB), and polyhexamethylene biguanide (PHMB) through silicone hydrogel (SH) contact lenses in vitro. Methods Using an in vitro model, the diffusion of three antimicrobials through SH contact lenses was measured. Diffused compounds were measured using a spectrophotometer at set time points over a period of four hours. The amount of each diffused antimicrobial was determined by comparing the experimental value to a standard curve. A biological assay was performed to validate the contact lens diffusion assay by testing antimicrobial activity of diffused material against lawns of susceptible bacteria (Staphylococcus epidermidis) and yeast (Saccharomyces cerevisiae). Experiments were repeated at least two times with a total of at least 4 independent replicates. Results Our data show detectable moxifloxacin and PHMB diffusion through SH contact lenses at 30 minutes, while amphotericin B diffusion remained below the limit of detection within the 4 hour experimental period. In the biological assay, diffused moxifloxacin demonstrated microbial killing starting at 20 minutes on bacterial lawns, whereas PHMB and amphotericin B failed to demonstrate killing on microbial lawns over the course of the 60 minute experiment. Conclusions In vitro diffusion assays demonstrate limited penetration of certain anti-infective agents through silicone hydrogel contact lenses. Further studies regarding the clinical benefit of using these agents along with bandage contact lens use for corneal pathology are warranted. PMID:25806673

  19. Double-diffusive instabilities in ancient seawater

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pawlowicz, Rich; Scheifele, Ben; Zaloga, Artem; Wuest, Alfred; Sommer, Tobias


    Powell Lake, British Columbia, Canada is a geothermally heated lake about 350m deep with a saline lower layer that was isolated from the ocean by coastal uplift about 11000 years ago, after the last ice age. Careful temperature and conductivity profiling measurements show consistent, stable, and spatially/temporally coherent steps resulting from double-diffusive processes in certain ranges of depth, vertically interspersed with other depth ranges where these signatures are not present. These features are quasi-stable for at least several years. Although molecular diffusion has removed about half the salt from the deepest waters and biogeochemical processes have slightly modified the water composition, the lack of tidal processes and shear-driven mixing, as well as an accurate estimate of heat flux from both sediment heat flux measurements and gradient measurements in a region not susceptible to diffusive instabilities, makes this a unique geophysical laboratory to study double diffusion. Here we present a detailed picture of the structure of Powell Lake and its double-diffusive stair cases, and suggest shortcomings with existing parameterizations for fluxes through such staircases.

  20. Measuring the diffusion of linguistic change

    PubMed Central

    Nerbonne, John


    We examine situations in which linguistic changes have probably been propagated via normal contact as opposed to via conquest, recent settlement and large-scale migration. We proceed then from two simplifying assumptions: first, that all linguistic variation is the result of either diffusion or independent innovation, and, second, that we may operationalize social contact as geographical distance. It is clear that both of these assumptions are imperfect, but they allow us to examine diffusion via the distribution of linguistic variation as a function of geographical distance. Several studies in quantitative linguistics have examined this relation, starting with Séguy (Séguy 1971 Rev. Linguist. Romane 35, 335–357), and virtually all report a sublinear growth in aggregate linguistic variation as a function of geographical distance. The literature from dialectology and historical linguistics has mostly traced the diffusion of individual features, however, so that it is sensible to ask what sort of dynamic in the diffusion of individual features is compatible with Séguy's curve. We examine some simulations of diffusion in an effort to shed light on this question. PMID:21041207

  1. Measuring the diffusion of linguistic change.


    Nerbonne, John


    We examine situations in which linguistic changes have probably been propagated via normal contact as opposed to via conquest, recent settlement and large-scale migration. We proceed then from two simplifying assumptions: first, that all linguistic variation is the result of either diffusion or independent innovation, and, second, that we may operationalize social contact as geographical distance. It is clear that both of these assumptions are imperfect, but they allow us to examine diffusion via the distribution of linguistic variation as a function of geographical distance. Several studies in quantitative linguistics have examined this relation, starting with Séguy (Séguy 1971 Rev. Linguist. Romane 35, 335-357), and virtually all report a sublinear growth in aggregate linguistic variation as a function of geographical distance. The literature from dialectology and historical linguistics has mostly traced the diffusion of individual features, however, so that it is sensible to ask what sort of dynamic in the diffusion of individual features is compatible with Séguy's curve. We examine some simulations of diffusion in an effort to shed light on this question.

  2. Ultrafast lithium diffusion in bilayer graphene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kühne, Matthias; Paolucci, Federico; Popovic, Jelena; Ostrovsky, Pavel M.; Maier, Joachim; Smet, Jurgen H.


    Solids that simultaneously conduct electrons and ions are key elements for the mass transfer and storage required in battery electrodes. Single-phase materials with a high electronic and high ionic conductivity at room temperature are hard to come by, and therefore multiphase systems with separate ion and electron channels have been put forward instead. Here we report on bilayer graphene as a single-phase mixed conductor that demonstrates Li diffusion faster than in graphite and even surpassing the diffusion of sodium chloride in liquid water. To measure Li diffusion, we have developed an on-chip electrochemical cell architecture in which the redox reaction that forces Li intercalation is localized only at a protrusion of the device so that the graphene bilayer remains unperturbed from the electrolyte during operation. We performed time-dependent Hall measurements across spatially displaced Hall probes to monitor the in-plane Li diffusion kinetics within the graphene bilayer and measured a diffusion coefficient as high as 7 × 10-5 cm2 s-1.

  3. Apparatus for diffusion separation


    Nierenberg, William A.; Pontius, Rex B.


    1. The method of testing the separation efficiency of porous permeable membranes which comprises causing a stream of a gaseous mixture to flow into contact with one face of a finely porous permeable membrane under such conditions that a major fraction of the mixture diffuses through the membrane, maintaining a rectangular cross section of the gaseous stream so flowing past said membrane, continuously recirculating the gas that diffuses through said membrane and continuously withdrawing the gas that does not diffuse through said membrane and maintaining the volume of said recirculating gas constant by continuously introducing into said continuously recirculating gas stream a mass of gas equivalent to that which is continuously withdrawn from said gas stream and comparing the concentrations of the light component in the entering gas, the withdrawn gas and the recirculated gas in order to determine the efficiency of said membrane.

  4. Diffusion measurement from observed transverse beam echoes


    Sen, Tanaji; Fischer, Wolfram


    For this research, we study the measurement of transverse diffusion through beam echoes. We revisit earlier observations of echoes in RHIC and apply an updated theoretical model to these measurements. We consider three possible models for the diffusion coefficient and show that only one is consistent with measured echo amplitudes and pulse widths. This model allows us to parameterize the diffusion coefficients as functions of bunch charge. We demonstrate that echoes can be used to measure diffusion much quicker than present methods and could be useful to a variety of hadron synchrotrons.

  5. Wright-Fisher diffusion bridges.


    Griffiths, Robert C; Jenkins, Paul A; Spanò, Dario


    The trajectory of the frequency of an allele which begins at x at time 0 and is known to have frequency z at time T can be modelled by the bridge process of the Wright-Fisher diffusion. Bridges when x=z=0 are particularly interesting because they model the trajectory of the frequency of an allele which appears at a time, then is lost by random drift or mutation after a time T. The coalescent genealogy back in time of a population in a neutral Wright-Fisher diffusion process is well understood. In this paper we obtain a new interpretation of the coalescent genealogy of the population in a bridge from a time t∈(0,T). In a bridge with allele frequencies of 0 at times 0 and T the coalescence structure is that the population coalesces in two directions from t to 0 and t to T such that there is just one lineage of the allele under consideration at times 0 and T. The genealogy in Wright-Fisher diffusion bridges with selection is more complex than in the neutral model, but still with the property of the population branching and coalescing in two directions from time t∈(0,T). The density of the frequency of an allele at time t is expressed in a way that shows coalescence in the two directions. A new algorithm for exact simulation of a neutral Wright-Fisher bridge is derived. This follows from knowing the density of the frequency in a bridge and exact simulation from the Wright-Fisher diffusion. The genealogy of the neutral Wright-Fisher bridge is also modelled by branching Pólya urns, extending a representation in a Wright-Fisher diffusion. This is a new very interesting representation that relates Wright-Fisher bridges to classical urn models in a Bayesian setting. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Diffusion on Cu surfaces

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Karimi, Majid


    Understanding surface diffusion is essential in understanding surface phenomena, such as crystal growth, thin film growth, corrosion, physisorption, and chemisorption. Because of its importance, various experimental and theoretical efforts have been directed to understand this phenomena. The Field Ion Microscope (FIM) has been the major experimental tool for studying surface diffusion. FIM have been employed by various research groups to study surface diffusion of adatoms. Because of limitations of the FIM, such studies are only limited to a few surfaces: nickel, platinum, aluminum, iridium, tungsten, and rhodium. From the theoretical standpoint, various atomistic simulations are performed to study surface diffusion. In most of these calculations the Embedded Atom Method (EAM) along with the molecular static (MS) simulation are utilized. The EAM is a semi-empirical approach for modeling the interatomic interactions. The MS simulation is a technique for minimizing the total energy of a system of particles with respect to the positions of its particles. One of the objectives of this work is to develop the EAM functions for Cu and use them in conjunction with the molecular static (MS) simulation to study diffusion of a Cu atom on a perfect as well as stepped Cu(100) surfaces. This will provide a test of the validity of the EAM functions on Cu(100) surface and near the stepped environments. In particular, we construct a terrace-ledge-kink (TLK) model and calculate the migration energies of an atom on a terrace, near a ledge site, near a kink site, and going over a descending step. We have also calculated formation energies of an atom on the bare surface, a vacancy in the surface, a stepped surface, and a stepped-kink surface. Our results are compared with the available experimental and theoretical results.

  7. Polymer diffusion in the interphase between surface and solution.


    Weger, Lukas; Weidmann, Monika; Ali, Wael; Hildebrandt, Marcus; Gutmann, Jochen Stefan; Hoffmann-Jacobsen, Kerstin


    Total internal reflection fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (TIR-FCS) is applied to study the self-diffusion of polyethylene glycol solutions in the presence of weakly attractive interfaces. Glass coverslips modified with aminopropyl- and propyl-terminated silanes are used to study the influence of solid surfaces on polymer diffusion. A model of three phases of polymer diffusion allows to describe the experimental fluorescence autocorrelation functions. Besides the two-dimensional diffusion of adsorbed polymer on the substrate and three-dimensional free diffusion in bulk solution, a third diffusion time scale is observed with intermediate diffusion times. This retarded three-dimensional diffusion in solution is assigned to long range effects of solid surfaces on diffusional dynamics of polymers. The respective diffusion constants show Rouse scaling (D~N -1 ) indicating a screening of hydrodynamic interactions by the presence of the surface. Hence, the presented TIR-FCS method proves to be a valuable tool to investigate the effect of surfaces on polymer diffusion beyond the first adsorbed polymer layer on the 100 nm length scale.

  8. Microperforations significantly enhance diffusion across round window membrane.


    Kelso, Catherine M; Watanabe, Hirobumi; Wazen, Joseph M; Bucher, Tizian; Qian, Zhen J; Olson, Elizabeth S; Kysar, Jeffrey W; Lalwani, Anil K


    Introduction of microperforations in round window membrane (RWM) will allow reliable and predictable intracochlear delivery of pharmaceutical, molecular, or cellular therapeutic agents. Reliable delivery of medications into the inner ear remains a formidable challenge. The RWM is an attractive target for intracochlear delivery. However, simple diffusion across intact RWM is limited by what material can be delivered, size of material to be delivered, difficulty with precise dosing, timing, and precision of delivery over time. Further, absence of reliable methods for measuring diffusion across RWM in vitro is a significant experimental impediment. A novel model for measuring diffusion across guinea pig RWM, with and without microperforation, was developed and tested: cochleae, sparing the RWM, were embedded in 3D-printed acrylic holders using hybrid dental composite and light cured to adapt the round window niche to 3 ml Franz diffusion cells. Perforations were created with 12.5-μm-diameter needles and examined with light microscopy. Diffusion of 1 mM Rhodamine B across RWM in static diffusion cells was measured via fluorescence microscopy. The diffusion cell apparatus provided reliable and replicable measurements of diffusion across RWM. The permeability of Rhodamine B across intact RWM was 5.1 × 10(9-) m/s. Manual application of microperforation with a 12.5-μm-diameter tip produced an elliptical tear removing 0.22 ± 0.07% of the membrane and was associated with a 35× enhancement in diffusion (P < 0.05). Diffusion cells can be applied to the study of RWM permeability in vitro. Microperforation in RWM is an effective means of increasing diffusion across the RWM.

  9. Diffusion studies with synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jackson, J. M.


    Knowledge of diffusion properties is critical for understanding many physical and chemical processes in planetary interiors. For example, diffusion behavior provides constraints on chemical exchange and viscosity. Nuclear resonances open the window for observing diffusion properties under the extreme conditions that exist deep inside the Earth. Synchrotron Mössbauer spectroscopy (viz. nuclear forward scattering) makes use of synchrotron radiation coherently scattered in the forward direction after nuclear resonant excitation. The decay of the forward-scattered radiation is faster when atoms move on the time scale of the excited-state lifetime because of a loss of coherence. Such diffusion-activated processes lead to accelerated decay and line broadening in the measured signal. In the case of the Mössbauer active isotope 57Fe, the nuclear resonance at 14.4 keV has a natural lifetime of 141 ns. Therefore, one can observe diffusion events ranging from approximately one-sixth to 100 times the natural lifetime of 57Fe, which corresponds to diffusion coefficients of 10-16 and 10-13 m2/s, respectively and a two to three order of magnitude range of suitability. In this contribution, we will describe such measurements that access the microscopic details of the diffusion process for iron-bearing phases.

  10. Diffusion MRI and its role in neuropsychology

    PubMed Central

    Mueller, Bryon A; Lim, Kelvin O; Hemmy, Laura; Camchong, Jazmin


    Diffusion Magnetic Resonance Imaging (dMRI) is a popular method used by neuroscientists to uncover unique information about the structural connections within the brain. dMRI is a non-invasive imaging methodology in which image contrast is based on the diffusion of water molecules in tissue. While applicable to many tissues in the body, this review focuses exclusively on the use of dMRI to examine white matter in the brain. In this review, we begin with a definition of diffusion and how diffusion is measured with MRI. Next we introduce the diffusion tensor model, the predominant model used in dMRI. We then describe acquisition issues related to acquisition parameters and scanner hardware and software. Sources of artifacts are then discussed, followed by a brief review of analysis approaches. We provide an overview of the limitations of the traditional diffusion tensor model, and highlight several more sophisticated non-tensor models that better describe the complex architecture of the brain’s white matter. We then touch on reliability and validity issues of diffusion measurements. Finally, we describe examples of ways in which dMRI has been applied to studies of brain disorders and how identified alterations relate to symptomatology and cognition. PMID:26255305

  11. Diffusion of Siderophile Elements in Iron Meteorites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watson, H. C.; Watson, E. B.


    Preliminary results for diffusion of siderophile elements (Cu, Os, Pd, Re, Os, and Mo) in an iron meteorite analog were obtained at 1400° C and 1GPa from diffusion couple experiments in a piston-cylinder apparatus. Alloys were prepared by synthesizing mixtures of pure metal powders. The alloys were made from a 90 wt% Fe and 10 wt% Ni base mixture, and approximately 1wt% of the various siderophile elements was added (individually) to the same base mixture to make the doped alloys. The powders were packed in pre-drilled holes (~1 mm dia. by 8 mm deep) in MgO cylinders, and run in a piston cylinder apparatus at 1400° C and 1GPa for 48 hours. The resulting homogeneous alloys were then sectioned into wafers approximately 1mm thick, and the faces were polished to prepare for the diffusion experiments. A diffusion couple experiment was conducted by mating a pure alloy wafer and a doped wafer, and placing the couple into an MgO capsule for pressurization and heating in the piston cylinder. The duration of the diffusion experiments ranged from 33 hours to 72 hours. Upon run completion, the diffusion couples were extracted, sectioned lengthwise, and polished for analysis. Diffusion profiles were measured using an electron microprobe. From these experiments it was found that at 1400° C and 1GPa the diffusion coefficient of Os is 1.6E-14 m2/s, the diffusion coefficient of Re is 2.8E-14 m2/s, for Pd it is 9.2E-14 m2/s, for Cu it is 1.2E-13 m2/s, and for Mo it is 2.3E-13 m2/s. These preliminary results raise the possibility that significant diffusive fraction of siderophile elements may occur in metal-silicate systems that fail to equilibrate fully, or under disequilibrium crystallization in pure metal systems.

  12. Presence of time-dependent diffusion in the brachial plexus.


    Mahbub, Zaid B; Peters, Andrew M; Gowland, Penny A


    This work describes the development of a method to measure the variation of apparent diffusion coefficient (ADC) with diffusion time (Δ) in the brachial plexus, as a potential method of probing microstructure. Diffusion-weighted MRI with body signal suppression was used to highlight the nerves from surrounding tissues, and sequence parameters were optimized for sensitivity to change with diffusion time. A porous media-restricted diffusion model based on the Latour-Mitra equation was fitted to the diffusion time-dependent ADC data from the brachial plexus nerves and cord. The ADC was observed to reduce at long diffusion times, confirming that diffusion was restricted in the nerves and cord in healthy subjects. T2 of the nerves was measured to be 80 ± 5 ms, the diffusion coefficient was found to vary from (1.5 ± 0.1) × 10 -3 mm 2 /s at a diffusion time of 18.3 ms to (1.0 ± 0.2) × 10 -3 mm 2 /s at a diffusion time of 81.3 ms. A novel method of probing restricted diffusion in the brachial plexus was developed. Resulting parameters were comparable with values obtained previously on biological systems. Magn Reson Med 79:789-795, 2018. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2017 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  13. Using Directional Diffusion Coefficients for Nonlinear Diffusion Acceleration of the First Order SN Equations in Near-Void Regions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Schunert, Sebastian; Hammer, Hans; Lou, Jijie


    The common definition of the diffusion coeffcient as the inverse of three times the transport cross section is not compat- ible with voids. Morel introduced a non-local tensor diffusion coeffcient that remains finite in voids[1]. It can be obtained by solving an auxiliary transport problem without scattering or fission. Larsen and Trahan successfully applied this diffusion coeffcient for enhancing the accuracy of diffusion solutions of very high temperature reactor (VHTR) problems that feature large, optically thin channels in the z-direction [2]. It is demonstrated that a significant reduction of error can be achieved in particular in the optically thin region.more » Along the same line of thought, non-local diffusion tensors are applied modeling the TREAT reactor confirming the findings of Larsen and Trahan [3]. Previous work of the authors have introduced a flexible Nonlinear-Diffusion Acceleration (NDA) method for the first order S N equations discretized with the discontinuous finite element method (DFEM), [4], [5], [6]. This NDA method uses a scalar diffusion coeffcient in the low-order system that is obtained as the flux weighted average of the inverse transport cross section. Hence, it su?ers from very large and potentially unbounded diffusion coeffcients in the low order problem. However, it was noted that the choice of the diffusion coeffcient does not influence consistency of the method at convergence and hence the di?usion coeffcient is essentially a free parameter. The choice of the di?usion coeffcient does, however, affect the convergence behavior of the nonlinear di?usion iterations. Within this work we use Morel’s non-local di?usion coef- ficient in the aforementioned NDA formulation in lieu of the flux weighted inverse of three times the transport cross section. The goal of this paper is to demonstrate that significant en- hancement of the spectral properties of NDA can be achieved in near void regions. For testing the spectral properties of

  14. Extending the Diffuse Layer Model of Surface Acidity Constant Behavior: IV. Diffuse Layer Charge/Potential Relationships

    EPA Science Inventory

    Most current electrostatic surface complexation models describing ionic binding at the particle/water interface rely on the use of Poisson - Boltzmann (PB) theory for relating diffuse layer charge densities to diffuse layer electrostatic potentials. PB theory is known to contain ...

  15. Effects of convergent diffusion and charge transfer kinetics on the diffusion layer thickness of spherical micro- and nanoelectrodes.


    Molina, A; Laborda, E; González, J; Compton, R G


    Nuances of the linear diffusion layer approximation are examined for slow charge transfer reactions at (hemi)spherical micro- and nanoelectrodes. This approximation is widely employed in Electrochemistry to evaluate the extent of electrolyte solution perturbed by the electrode process, which is essential to the understanding of the effects arising from thin-layer diffusion, convergent diffusion, convection, coupled chemical reactions and the double layer. The concept was well established for fast charge transfer processes at macroelectrodes, but remains unclear under other conditions such that a thorough assessment of its meaning was necessary. In a previous publication [A. Molina, J. González, E. Laborda and R. G. Compton, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2013, 15, 2381-2388] we shed some light on the influence of the reversibility degree. In the present work, the meaning of the diffusion layer thickness is investigated when very small electrodes are employed and so the contribution of convergent diffusion to the mass transport is very important. An analytical expression is given to calculate the linear diffusion layer thickness at (hemi)spherical electrodes and its behaviour is studied for a wide range of conditions of reversibility (from reversible to fully-irreversible processes) and electrode size (from macro- to nano-electrodes). Rigorous analytical solutions are deduced for true concentration profiles, surface concentrations, linear diffusion layer thickness and current densities when a potential pulse is applied at (hemi)spherical electrodes. The expressions for the magnitudes mentioned above are valid for electrodes of any size (including (hemi)spherical nanoelectrodes) and for any degree of reversibility, provided that mass transport occurs exclusively via diffusion. The variation of the above with the electrode size, applied potential and charge transfer kinetics is studied.

  16. Diffusion in the system K2O-SrO-SiO2. II - Cation self-diffusion coefficients.

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Varshneya, A. K.; Cooper, A. R.


    The self-diffusion coefficients were measured by introducing a slab of glass previously irradiated in a reactor between two slabs of unirradiated glass. By heating the specimens, etching them sequentially and determining the radioactivity, self-diffusion coefficients for K and Sr were measured. It is pointed out that the results obtained in the investigations appear to support the proposal that the network of the base glass predominantly controls the activation energy for the diffusion of ions.

  17. Radiant extinction of gaseous diffusion flames

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Atreya, Arvind; Agrawal, Sanjay; Shamim, Tariq; Pickett, Kent; Sacksteder, Kurt R.; Baum, Howard R.


    The absence of buoyancy-induced flows in microgravity significantly alters the fundamentals of many combustion processes. Substantial differences between normal-gravity and microgravity flames have been reported during droplet combustion, flame spread over solids, candle flames, and others. These differences are more basic than just in the visible flame shape. Longer residence time and higher concentration of combustion products create a thermochemical environment which changes the flame chemistry. Processes such as flame radiation, that are often ignored under normal gravity, become very important and sometimes even controlling. This is particularly true for conditions at extinction of a microgravity diffusion flame. Under normal-gravity, the buoyant flow, which may be characterized by the strain rate, assists the diffusion process to transport the fuel and oxidizer to the combustion zone and remove the hot combustion products from it. These are essential functions for the survival of the flame which needs fuel and oxidizer. Thus, as the strain rate is increased, the diffusion flame which is 'weak' (reduced burning rate per unit flame area) at low strain rates is initially 'strengthened' and eventually it may be 'blown-out'. Most of the previous research on diffusion flame extinction has been conducted at the high strain rate 'blow-off' limit. The literature substantially lacks information on low strain rate, radiation-induced, extinction of diffusion flames. At the low strain rates encountered in microgravity, flame radiation is enhanced due to: (1) build-up of combustion products in the flame zone which increases the gas radiation, and (2) low strain rates provide sufficient residence time for substantial amounts of soot to form which further increases the flame radiation. It is expected that this radiative heat loss will extinguish the already 'weak' diffusion flame under certain conditions. Identifying these conditions (ambient atmosphere, fuel flow rate, fuel

  18. Complete suppression of boron transient-enhanced diffusion and oxidation-enhanced diffusion in silicon using localized substitutional carbon incorporation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carroll, M. S.; Chang, C.-L.; Sturm, J. C.; Büyüklimanli, T.


    In this letter, we show the ability, through introduction of a thin Si1-x-yGexCy layer, to eliminate the enhancement of enhanced boron diffusion in silicon due to an oxidizing surface or ion implant damage. This reduction of diffusion is accomplished through a low-temperature-grown thin epitaxial Si1-x-yGexCy layer which completely filters out excess interstitials introduced by oxidation or ion implant damage. We also quantify the oxidation-enhanced diffusion (OED) and transient-enhanced diffusion (TED) dependence on substitutional carbon level, and further report both the observation of carbon TED and OED, and its dependence on carbon levels.

  19. Observations of Ag diffusion in ion implanted SiC


    Gerczak, Tyler J.; Leng, Bin; Sridharan, Kumar; ...


    The nature and magnitude of Ag diffusion in SiC has been a topic of interest in connection with the performance of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) coated particle fuel for high temperature gas-cooled nuclear reactors. Ion implantation diffusion couples have been revisited to continue developing a more complete understanding of Ag fission product diffusion in SiC. Ion implantation diffusion couples fabricated from single crystal 4H-SiC and polycrystalline 3C-SiC substrates and exposed to 1500–1625°C, were investigated in this study by transmission electron microscopy and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS). The high dynamic range of SIMS allowed for multiple diffusion régimes to be investigated,more » including enhanced diffusion by implantation-induced defects and grain boundary (GB) diffusion in undamaged SiC. Lastly, estimated diffusion coefficients suggest GB diffusion in bulk SiC does not properly describe the release observed from TRISO fuel.« less

  20. Mutual influence of molecular diffusion in gas and surface phases

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hori, Takuma; Kamino, Takafumi; Yoshimoto, Yuta; Takagi, Shu; Kinefuchi, Ikuya


    We develop molecular transport simulation methods that simultaneously deal with gas- and surface-phase diffusions to determine the effect of surface diffusion on the overall diffusion coefficients. The phenomenon of surface diffusion is incorporated into the test particle method and the mean square displacement method, which are typically employed only for gas-phase transport. It is found that for a simple cylindrical pore, the diffusion coefficients in the presence of surface diffusion calculated by these two methods show good agreement. We also confirm that both methods reproduce the analytical solution. Then, the diffusion coefficients for ink-bottle-shaped pores are calculated using the developed method. Our results show that surface diffusion assists molecular transport in the gas phase. Moreover, the surface tortuosity factor, which is known to be uniquely determined by physical structure, is influenced by the presence of gas-phase diffusion. This mutual influence of gas-phase diffusion and surface diffusion indicates that their simultaneous calculation is necessary for an accurate evaluation of the diffusion coefficients.

  1. Influence Function Learning in Information Diffusion Networks.


    Du, Nan; Liang, Yingyu; Balcan, Maria-Florina; Song, Le


    Can we learn the influence of a set of people in a social network from cascades of information diffusion? This question is often addressed by a two-stage approach: first learn a diffusion model, and then calculate the influence based on the learned model. Thus, the success of this approach relies heavily on the correctness of the diffusion model which is hard to verify for real world data. In this paper, we exploit the insight that the influence functions in many diffusion models are coverage functions, and propose a novel parameterization of such functions using a convex combination of random basis functions. Moreover, we propose an efficient maximum likelihood based algorithm to learn such functions directly from cascade data, and hence bypass the need to specify a particular diffusion model in advance. We provide both theoretical and empirical analysis for our approach, showing that the proposed approach can provably learn the influence function with low sample complexity, be robust to the unknown diffusion models, and significantly outperform existing approaches in both synthetic and real world data.

  2. Influence Function Learning in Information Diffusion Networks

    PubMed Central

    Du, Nan; Liang, Yingyu; Balcan, Maria-Florina; Song, Le


    Can we learn the influence of a set of people in a social network from cascades of information diffusion? This question is often addressed by a two-stage approach: first learn a diffusion model, and then calculate the influence based on the learned model. Thus, the success of this approach relies heavily on the correctness of the diffusion model which is hard to verify for real world data. In this paper, we exploit the insight that the influence functions in many diffusion models are coverage functions, and propose a novel parameterization of such functions using a convex combination of random basis functions. Moreover, we propose an efficient maximum likelihood based algorithm to learn such functions directly from cascade data, and hence bypass the need to specify a particular diffusion model in advance. We provide both theoretical and empirical analysis for our approach, showing that the proposed approach can provably learn the influence function with low sample complexity, be robust to the unknown diffusion models, and significantly outperform existing approaches in both synthetic and real world data. PMID:25973445

  3. Double-diffusive layers in the Adriatic Sea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carniel, Sandro; Sclavo, Mauro; Kantha, Lakshmi; Prandke, Hartmut


    A microstructure profiler was deployed to make turbulence measurements in the upper layers of the southern Adriatic Sea in the Mediterranean during the Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) DART06A (Dynamics of the Adriatic in Real Time) winter cruise in March 2006. Measurements in the Po river plume along the Italian coast near the Gargano promontory displayed classic double-diffusive layers and staircase structures resulting from the relatively colder and fresher wintertime Po river outflow water masses overlying warmer and more saline water masses from the Adriatic Sea. We report here on the water mass and turbulence structure measurements made both in the double-diffusive interfaces and the adjoining mixed layers in the water columns undergoing double-diffusive convection (DDC). This dataset augments the relatively sparse observations available hitherto on the diffusive layer type of DDC. Measured turbulence diffusivities are consistent with those from earlier theoretical and experimental formulations, suggesting that the wintertime Po river plume is a convenient and easily accessible place to study double diffusive convective processes of importance to mixing in the interior of many regions of the global oceans.

  4. Iron diffusion from first principles calculations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wann, E.; Ammann, M. W.; Vocadlo, L.; Wood, I. G.; Lord, O. T.; Brodholt, J. P.; Dobson, D. P.


    The cores of Earth and other terrestrial planets are made up largely of iron1 and it is therefore very important to understand iron's physical properties. Chemical diffusion is one such property and is central to many processes, such as crystal growth, and viscosity. Debate still surrounds the explanation for the seismologically observed anisotropy of the inner core2, and hypotheses include convection3, anisotropic growth4 and dendritic growth5, all of which depend on diffusion. In addition to this, the main deformation mechanism at the inner-outer core boundary is believed to be diffusion creep6. It is clear, therefore, that to gain a comprehensive understanding of the core, a thorough understanding of diffusion is necessary. The extremely high pressures and temperatures of the Earth's core make experiments at these conditions a challenge. Low-temperature and low-pressure experimental data must be extrapolated across a very wide gap to reach the relevant conditions, resulting in very poorly constrained values for diffusivity and viscosity. In addition to these dangers of extrapolation, preliminary results show that magnetisation plays a major role in the activation energies for diffusion at low pressures therefore creating a break down in homologous scaling to high pressures. First principles calculations provide a means of investigating diffusivity at core conditions, have already been shown to be in very good agreement with experiments7, and will certainly provide a better estimate for diffusivity than extrapolation. Here, we present first principles simulations of self-diffusion in solid iron for the FCC, BCC and HCP structures at core conditions in addition to low-temperature and low-pressure calculations relevant to experimental data. 1. Birch, F. Density and composition of mantle and core. Journal of Geophysical Research 69, 4377-4388 (1964). 2. Irving, J. C. E. & Deuss, A. Hemispherical structure in inner core velocity anisotropy. Journal of Geophysical

  5. Zr and Hf diffusion in rutile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cherniak, D. J.; Manchester, J.; Watson, E. B.


    Chemical diffusion of Zr and Hf under anhydrous conditions has been measured in synthetic and natural rutile. The sources of diffusant used were hafnon or zircon powders or a hafnon-rutile mixture. Experiments were run in crimped Pt capsules in air, or in sealed silica glass capsules with solid buffers (to buffer at NNO or QFM). Rutherford Backscattering Spectrometry (RBS) was used to measure Zr and Hf diffusion profiles. From these measurements, the following Arrhenius relations were obtained: For Zr diffusion parallel to c, over the temperature range 750-1100 °C DZr¦c = 9.8 × 10 - 15 exp(- 170 ± 30 kJ mol - 1 /RT) m 2 s - 1 For Hf diffusion parallel to c, over the temperature range 800-1000 °C DHf¦c = 9.1 × 10 - 15 exp(- 169 ± 36 kJ mol - 1 /RT) m 2 s - 1 For Hf diffusion normal to c, over the temperature range 750-1050 °C DHf⊥c = 2.5 × 10 - 12 exp(- 227 ± 62 kJ mol - 1 /RT) m 2 s - 1 . Diffusivities for experiments buffered at QFM and NNO are similar to those run in air. Diffusivities in synthetic and natural rutile are likewise similar, indicating that these findings can be applied directly in determining Zr diffusivities in rutile in natural systems. These data indicate that rutile should be moderately retentive of Zr chemical signatures, with Zr diffusivities within an order of magnitude of those for Pb in rutile over most geologic conditions. When applied in evaluation of the relative robustness of the recently developed Zr-in-rutile geothermometer [T. Zack, R. Moraes, A. Kronz, Temperature dependence of Zr in rutile: empirical calibration of a rutile thermometer, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 148 (2004) 471-488., E.B. Watson, D.A. Wark, J.B. Thomas, Crystallization thermometers for zircon and rutile, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 151 (2006) 413-433.], these findings suggest that Zr concentrations in rutile will be somewhat more likely to be affected by later thermal disturbance than the geothermometer based on Zr

  6. Load Diffusion in Composite Structures

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Horgan, Cornelius O.; Simmonds, J. G.


    This research has been concerned with load diffusion in composite structures. Fundamental solid mechanics studies were carried out to provide a basis for assessing the complicated modeling necessary for large scale structures used by NASA. An understanding of the fundamental mechanisms of load diffusion in composite subcomponents is essential in developing primary composite structures. Analytical models of load diffusion behavior are extremely valuable in building an intuitive base for developing refined modeling strategies and assessing results from finite element analyses. The decay behavior of stresses and other field quantities provides a significant aid towards this process. The results are also amendable to parameter study with a large parameter space and should be useful in structural tailoring studies.

  7. Diffusion in inhomogeneous polymer membranes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kasargod, Sameer S.; Adib, Farhad; Neogi, P.


    The dual mode sorption solubility isotherms assume, and in instances Zimm-Lundberg analysis of the solubilities show, that glassy polymers are heterogeneous and that the distribution of the solute in the polymer is also inhomogeneous. Under some conditions, the heterogeneities cannot be represented as holes. A mathematical model describing diffusion in inhomogeneous polymer membranes is presented using Cahn and Hilliard's gradient theory. The fractional mass uptake is found to be proportional to the fourth root of time rather than the square root, predicted by Fickian diffusion. This type of diffusion is classified as pseudo-Fickian. The model is compared with one experimental result available. A negative value of the persistence factor is obtained and the results are interpreted.

  8. Conformable derivative approach to anomalous diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, H. W.; Yang, S.; Zhang, S. Q.


    By using a new derivative with fractional order, referred to conformable derivative, an alternative representation of the diffusion equation is proposed to improve the modeling of anomalous diffusion. The analytical solutions of the conformable derivative model in terms of Gauss kernel and Error function are presented. The power law of the mean square displacement for the conformable diffusion model is studied invoking the time-dependent Gauss kernel. The parameters related to the conformable derivative model are determined by Levenberg-Marquardt method on the basis of the experimental data of chloride ions transportation in reinforced concrete. The data fitting results showed that the conformable derivative model agrees better with the experimental data than the normal diffusion equation. Furthermore, the potential application of the proposed conformable derivative model of water flow in low-permeability media is discussed.

  9. Deterministic diffusion in flower-shaped billiards.


    Harayama, Takahisa; Klages, Rainer; Gaspard, Pierre


    We propose a flower-shaped billiard in order to study the irregular parameter dependence of chaotic normal diffusion. Our model is an open system consisting of periodically distributed obstacles in the shape of a flower, and it is strongly chaotic for almost all parameter values. We compute the parameter dependent diffusion coefficient of this model from computer simulations and analyze its functional form using different schemes, all generalizing the simple random walk approximation of Machta and Zwanzig. The improved methods we use are based either on heuristic higher-order corrections to the simple random walk model, on lattice gas simulation methods, or they start from a suitable Green-Kubo formula for diffusion. We show that dynamical correlations, or memory effects, are of crucial importance in reproducing the precise parameter dependence of the diffusion coefficent.

  10. Stochastic Analysis of Reaction–Diffusion Processes

    PubMed Central

    Hu, Jifeng; Kang, Hye-Won


    Reaction and diffusion processes are used to model chemical and biological processes over a wide range of spatial and temporal scales. Several routes to the diffusion process at various levels of description in time and space are discussed and the master equation for spatially discretized systems involving reaction and diffusion is developed. We discuss an estimator for the appropriate compartment size for simulating reaction–diffusion systems and introduce a measure of fluctuations in a discretized system. We then describe a new computational algorithm for implementing a modified Gillespie method for compartmental systems in which reactions are aggregated into equivalence classes and computational cells are searched via an optimized tree structure. Finally, we discuss several examples that illustrate the issues that have to be addressed in general systems. PMID:23719732

  11. Diffusion bonding


    Anderson, Robert C.


    1. A method for joining beryllium to beryllium by diffusion bonding, comprising the steps of coating at least one surface portion of at least two beryllium pieces with nickel, positioning a coated surface portion in a contiguous relationship with an other surface portion, subjecting the contiguously disposed surface portions to an environment having an atmosphere at a pressure lower than ambient pressure, applying a force upon the beryllium pieces for causing the contiguous surface portions to abut against each other, heating the contiguous surface portions to a maximum temperature less than the melting temperature of the beryllium, substantially uniformly decreasing the applied force while increasing the temperature after attaining a temperature substantially above room temperature, and maintaining a portion of the applied force at a temperature corresponding to about maximum temperature for a duration sufficient to effect the diffusion bond between the contiguous surface portions.

  12. Mapping immune cell infiltration using restricted diffusion MRI.


    Yeh, Fang-Cheng; Liu, Li; Hitchens, T Kevin; Wu, Yijen L


    Diffusion MRI provides a noninvasive way to assess tissue microstructure. Based on diffusion MRI, we propose a model-free method called restricted diffusion imaging (RDI) to quantify restricted diffusion and correlate it with cellularity. An analytical relation between q-space signals and the density of restricted spins was derived to quantify restricted diffusion. A phantom study was conducted to investigate the performance of RDI, and RDI was applied to an animal study to assess immune cell infiltration in myocardial tissues with ischemia-reperfusion injury. Our phantom study showed a correlation coefficient of 0.998 between cell density and the restricted diffusion quantified by RDI. The animal study also showed that the high-value regions in RDI matched well with the macrophage infiltration areas in the H&E stained slides. In comparison with diffusion tensor imaging (DTI), RDI exhibited its outperformance to detect macrophage infiltration and delineate inflammatory myocardium. RDI can be used to reveal cell density and detect immune cell infiltration. RDI exhibits better specificity than the diffusivity measurement derived from DTI. Magn Reson Med 77:603-612, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  13. Diffusion Characteristics of Upwind Schemes on Unstructured Triangulations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wood, William A.; Kleb, William L.


    The diffusive characteristics of two upwind schemes, multi-dimensional fluctuation splitting and dimensionally-split finite volume, are compared for scalar advection-diffusion problems. Algorithms for the two schemes are developed for node-based data representation on median-dual meshes associated with unstructured triangulations in two spatial dimensions. Four model equations are considered: linear advection, non-linear advection, diffusion, and advection-diffusion. Modular coding is employed to isolate the effects of the two approaches for upwind flux evaluation, allowing for head-to-head accuracy and efficiency comparisons. Both the stability of compressive limiters and the amount of artificial diffusion generated by the schemes is found to be grid-orientation dependent, with the fluctuation splitting scheme producing less artificial diffusion than the dimensionally-split finite volume scheme. Convergence rates are compared for the combined advection-diffusion problem, with a speedup of 2-3 seen for fluctuation splitting versus finite volume when solved on the same mesh. However, accurate solutions to problems with small diffusion coefficients can be achieved on coarser meshes using fluctuation splitting rather than finite volume, so that when comparing convergence rates to reach a given accuracy, fluctuation splitting shows a 20-25 speedup over finite volume.

  14. Diffusion of protein through the human cornea.


    Charalel, Resmi A; Engberg, Kristin; Noolandi, Jaan; Cochran, Jennifer R; Frank, Curtis; Ta, Christopher N


    To determine the rate of diffusion of myoglobin and bovine serum albumin (BSA) through the human cornea. These small proteins have hydrodynamic diameters of approximately 4.4 and 7.2 nm, and molecular weights of 16.7 and 66 kDa, for myoglobin and BSA, respectively. Diffusion coefficients were measured using a diffusion chamber where the protein of interest and balanced salt solution were in different chambers separated by an ex vivo human cornea. Protein concentrations in the balanced salt solution chamber were measured over time. Diffusion coefficients were calculated using equations derived from Fick's law and conservation of mass in a closed system. Our experiments demonstrate that the diffusion coefficient of myoglobin is 5.5 ± 0.9 × 10(-8) cm(2)/s (n = 8; SD = 1.3 × 10(-8) cm(2)/s; 95% CI: 4.6 × 10(-8) to 6.4 × 10(-8) cm(2)/s) and the diffusion coefficient of BSA is 3.1 ± 1.0 × 10(-8) cm(2)/s (n = 8; SD = 1.4 × 10(-8) cm(2)/s; 95% CI: 2.1 × 10(-8) to 4.1 × 10(-8) cm(2)/s). Our study suggests that molecules as large as 7.2 nm may be able to passively diffuse through the human cornea. With applications in pharmacotherapy and the development of an artificial cornea, further experiments are warranted to fully understand the limits of human corneal diffusion and its clinical relevance. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  15. Tumor proliferation and diffusion on percolation clusters.


    Jiang, Chongming; Cui, Chunyan; Zhong, Weirong; Li, Gang; Li, Li; Shao, Yuanzhi


    We study in silico the influence of host tissue inhomogeneity on tumor cell proliferation and diffusion by simulating the mobility of a tumor on percolation clusters with different homogeneities of surrounding tissues. The proliferation and diffusion of a tumor in an inhomogeneous tissue could be characterized in the framework of the percolation theory, which displays similar thresholds (0.54, 0.44, and 0.37, respectively) for tumor proliferation and diffusion in three kinds of lattices with 4, 6, and 8 connecting near neighbors. Our study reveals the existence of a critical transition concerning the survival and diffusion of tumor cells with leaping metastatic diffusion movement in the host tissues. Tumor cells usually flow in the direction of greater pressure variation during their diffusing and infiltrating to a further location in the host tissue. Some specific sites suitable for tumor invasion were observed on the percolation cluster and around these specific sites a tumor can develop into scattered tumors linked by some advantage tunnels that facilitate tumor invasion. We also investigate the manner that tissue inhomogeneity surrounding a tumor may influence the velocity of tumor diffusion and invasion. Our simulation suggested that invasion of a tumor is controlled by the homogeneity of the tumor microenvironment, which is basically consistent with the experimental report by Riching et al. as well as our clinical observation of medical imaging. Both simulation and clinical observation proved that tumor diffusion and invasion into the surrounding host tissue is positively correlated with the homogeneity of the tissue.

  16. Tiny Molybdenites Tell Diffusion Tales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stein, H. J.; Hannah, J. L.


    Diffusion invokes micron-scale exchange during crystal growth and dissolution in magma chambers on short time-scales. Fundamental to interpreting such data are assumptions on magma-fluid dynamics at all scales. Nevertheless, elemental diffusion profiles are used to estimate time scales for magma storage, eruption, and recharge. An underutilized timepiece to evaluate diffusion and 3D mobility of magmatic fluids is high-precision Re-Os dating of molybdenite. With spatially unique molybdenite samples from a young ore system (e.g., 1 Ma) and a double Os spike, analytical errors of 1-3 ka unambiguously separate events in time. Re-Os ages show that hydrous shallow magma chambers locally recharge and expel Cu-Mo-Au-silica as superimposed stockwork vein networks at time scales less than a few thousand years [1]. Re-Os ages provide diffusion rates controlled by a dynamic crystal mush, accumulation and expulsion of metalliferous fluid, and magma reorganization after explosive crystallization events. Importantly, this approach has broad application far from ore deposits. Here, we use Re-Os dating of molybdenite to assess time scales for generating and diffusing metals through the deep crust. To maximize opportunity for chemical diffusion, we use a continental-scale Sveconorwegian mylonite zone for the study area. A geologically constrained suite of molybdenite samples was acquired from quarry exposures. Molybdenite, previously unreported, is extremely scarce. Tiny but telling molybdenites include samples from like occurrences to assure geologic accuracy in Re-Os ages. Ages range from mid-Mesoproterozoic to mid-Neoproterozoic, and correspond to early metamorphic dehydration of a regionally widespread biotite-rich gneiss, localized melting of gneiss to form cm-m-scale K-feldspar ± quartz pods, development of vapor-rich, vuggy mm stringers that serve as volatile collection surfaces in felsic leucosomes, and low-angle (relative to foliation) cross-cutting cm-scale quartz veins

  17. The Analytical Limits of Modeling Short Diffusion Timescales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bradshaw, R. W.; Kent, A. J.


    Chemical and isotopic zoning in minerals is widely used to constrain the timescales of magmatic processes such as magma mixing and crystal residence, etc. via diffusion modeling. Forward modeling of diffusion relies on fitting diffusion profiles to measured compositional gradients. However, an individual measurement is essentially an average composition for a segment of the gradient defined by the spatial resolution of the analysis. Thus there is the potential for the analytical spatial resolution to limit the timescales that can be determined for an element of given diffusivity, particularly where the scale of the gradient approaches that of the measurement. Here we use a probabilistic modeling approach to investigate the effect of analytical spatial resolution on estimated timescales from diffusion modeling. Our method investigates how accurately the age of a synthetic diffusion profile can be obtained by modeling an "unknown" profile derived from discrete sampling of the synthetic compositional gradient at a given spatial resolution. We also include the effects of analytical uncertainty and the position of measurements relative to the diffusion gradient. We apply this method to the spatial resolutions of common microanalytical techniques (LA-ICP-MS, SIMS, EMP, NanoSIMS). Our results confirm that for a given diffusivity, higher spatial resolution gives access to shorter timescales, and that each analytical spacing has a minimum timescale, below which it overestimates the timescale. For example, for Ba diffusion in plagioclase at 750 °C timescales are accurate (within 20%) above 10, 100, 2,600, and 71,000 years at 0.3, 1, 5, and 25 mm spatial resolution, respectively. For Sr diffusion in plagioclase at 750 °C, timescales are accurate above 0.02, 0.2, 4, and 120 years at the same spatial resolutions. Our results highlight the importance of selecting appropriate analytical techniques to estimate accurate diffusion-based timescales.

  18. Diffuse Scattering in the Icosahedral AL-Li-Cu Quasicrystal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Proult, A.; Donnadieu, P.; Wang, K.; Garoche, P.


    Electron diffraction patterns of icosahedral quasicrystals frequently exhibit diffuse scattering features. We report a detailed analysis of diffuse scattering in Al{6}Li{3}Cu (T2) quasicrystalline samples. The samples have been specifically heat-treated which allows to observe pronounced diffuse effects. Diffuse streaks are observed along the 5-fold and 2-fold symmetry axes and are elongated perpendicularly to these directions. These streaks are due to discs in the 3-dimensional reciprocal space. The diffuse disc positions are only indexable in the 6-dimensional hyperspace but the disc intensities do not agree with the ones predicted by the Cut-and-Project method. The diffuse discs we observed seem to be related to an original quasicrystalline phenomenon overlapping with the icosahedral phase. Les diagrammes de diffraction électronique des quasicristaux icosaédriques présentent fréquemment des diffusions diffuses. Nous les analysons ici en détails sur des échantillons de phase quasicristalline Al{6}Li{3}Cu (T2) traités thermiquement dans lesquels les diffusions diffuses sont trés prononcées. Les intensités diffuses forment des batônnets centrés sur des positions appartenant aux rangées réciproques d'ordre 5 et d'ordre 2 et allongés perpendiculairement à ces directions. On montre qu'il s'agit en fait de disques diffus. dans le réseau réciproque à 3 dimensions, dont les positions ne peuvent s'indexer que sur le réseau à 6 dimensions. Toutefois, les intensités ne correspondent pas à celle prédites par l'algorithme de Coupe-et-Projection. Les disques de diffusion diffuse semblent relever d'une organisation quasicristalline originale se superposant à la phase icosaédrique.

  19. Multiscale diffusion in the mitotic Drosophila melanogaster syncytial blastoderm

    PubMed Central

    Daniels, Brian R.; Rikhy, Richa; Renz, Malte; Dobrowsky, Terrence M.; Lippincott-Schwartz, Jennifer


    Despite the fundamental importance of diffusion for embryonic morphogen gradient formation in the early Drosophila melanogaster embryo, there remains controversy regarding both the extent and the rate of diffusion of well-characterized morphogens. Furthermore, the recent observation of diffusional “compartmentalization” has suggested that diffusion may in fact be nonideal and mediated by an as-yet-unidentified mechanism. Here, we characterize the effects of the geometry of the early syncytial Drosophila embryo on the effective diffusivity of cytoplasmic proteins. Our results demonstrate that the presence of transient mitotic membrane furrows results in a multiscale diffusion effect that has a significant impact on effective diffusion rates across the embryo. Using a combination of live-cell experiments and computational modeling, we characterize these effects and relate effective bulk diffusion rates to instantaneous diffusion coefficients throughout the syncytial blastoderm nuclear cycle phase of the early embryo. This multiscale effect may be related to the effect of interphase nuclei on effective diffusion, and thus we propose that an as-yet-unidentified role of syncytial membrane furrows is to temporally regulate bulk embryonic diffusion rates to balance the multiscale effect of interphase nuclei, which ultimately stabilizes the shapes of various morphogen gradients. PMID:22592793

  20. A spin echo sequence with a single-sided bipolar diffusion gradient pulse to obtain snapshot diffusion weighted images in moving media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Freidlin, R. Z.; Kakareka, J. W.; Pohida, T. J.; Komlosh, M. E.; Basser, P. J.


    In vivo MRI data can be corrupted by motion. Motion artifacts are particularly troublesome in Diffusion Weighted MRI (DWI), since the MR signal attenuation due to Brownian motion can be much less than the signal loss due to dephasing from other types of complex tissue motion, which can significantly degrade the estimation of self-diffusion coefficients, diffusion tensors, etc. This paper describes a snapshot DWI sequence, which utilizes a novel single-sided bipolar diffusion sensitizing gradient pulse within a spin echo sequence. The proposed method shortens the diffusion time by applying a single refocused bipolar diffusion gradient on one side of a refocusing RF pulse, instead of a set of diffusion sensitizing gradients, separated by a refocusing RF pulse, while reducing the impact of magnetic field inhomogeneity by using a spin echo sequence. A novel MRI phantom that can exhibit a range of complex motions was designed to demonstrate the robustness of the proposed DWI sequence.

  1. Upper Bound on Diffusivity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hartman, Thomas; Hartnoll, Sean A.; Mahajan, Raghu


    The linear growth of operators in local quantum systems leads to an effective light cone even if the system is nonrelativistic. We show that the consistency of diffusive transport with this light cone places an upper bound on the diffusivity: D ≲v2τeq. The operator growth velocity v defines the light cone, and τeq is the local equilibration time scale, beyond which the dynamics of conserved densities is diffusive. We verify that the bound is obeyed in various weakly and strongly interacting theories. In holographic models, this bound establishes a relation between the hydrodynamic and leading nonhydrodynamic quasinormal modes of planar black holes. Our bound relates transport data—including the electrical resistivity and the shear viscosity—to the local equilibration time, even in the absence of a quasiparticle description. In this way, the bound sheds light on the observed T -linear resistivity of many unconventional metals, the shear viscosity of the quark-gluon plasma, and the spin transport of unitary fermions.

  2. Diffusion in shear flow

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dufty, J. W.


    Diffusion of a tagged particle in a fluid with uniform shear flow is described. The continuity equation for the probability density describing the position of the tagged particle is considered. The diffusion tensor is identified by expanding the irreversible part of the probability current to first order in the gradient of the probability density, but with no restriction on the shear rate. The tensor is expressed as the time integral of a nonequilibrium autocorrelation function for the velocity of the tagged particle in its local fluid rest frame, generalizing the Green-Kubo expression to the nonequilibrium state. The tensor is evaluated from results obtained previously for the velocity autocorrelation function that are exact for Maxwell molecules in the Boltzmann limit. The effects of viscous heating are included and the dependence on frequency and shear rate is displayed explicitly. The mode-coupling contributions to the frequency and shear-rate dependent diffusion tensor are calculated.

  3. Devitrite-based optical diffusers.


    Butt, Haider; Knowles, Kevin M; Montelongo, Yunuen; Amaratunga, Gehan A J; Wilkinson, Timothy D


    Devitrite is a novel material produced by heat treatment of commercial soda-lime-silica glass. It consists of fans of needle-like crystals which can extend up to several millimeters and have interspacings of up to a few hundred nanometers. To date, only the material properties of devitrite have been reported, and there has been a distinct lack of research on using it for optical applications. In this study, we demonstrate that randomly oriented fans of devitrite crystals can act as highly efficient diffusers for visible light. Devitrite crystals produce phase modulation of light because of their relatively high anisotropy. The nanoscale spacings between these needles enable light to be diffused to large scattering angles. Experimentally measured results suggest that light diffusion patterns with beam widths of up to 120° are produced. Since devitrite is an inexpensive material to produce, it has the potential to be used in a variety of commercial applications.

  4. Macromolecule diffusion and confinement in prokaryotic cells.


    Mika, Jacek T; Poolman, Bert


    We review recent observations on the mobility of macromolecules and their spatial organization in live bacterial cells. We outline the major fluorescence microscopy-based methods to determine the mobility and thus the diffusion coefficients (D) of molecules, which is not trivial in small cells. The extremely high macromolecule crowding of prokaryotes is used to rationalize the reported lower diffusion coefficients as compared to eukaryotes, and we speculate on the nature of the barriers for diffusion observed for proteins (and mRNAs) in vivo. Building on in vitro experiments and modeling studies, we evaluate the size dependence of diffusion coefficients for macromolecules in vivo, in case of both water-soluble and integral membrane proteins. We comment on the possibilities of anomalous diffusion and provide examples where the macromolecule mobility may be limiting biological processes. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. Relativistic collective diffusion in one-dimensional systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lin, Gui-Wu; Lam, Yu-Yiu; Zheng, Dong-Qin; Zhong, Wei-Rong


    The relativistic collective diffusion in one-dimensional molecular system is investigated through nonequilibrium molecular dynamics with Monte Carlo methods. We have proposed the relationship among the speed, the temperature, the density distribution and the collective diffusion coefficient of particles in a relativistic moving system. It is found that the relativistic speed of the system has no effect on the temperature, but the collective diffusion coefficient decreases to zero as the velocity of the system approaches to the speed of light. The collective diffusion coefficient is modified as D‧ = D(1 ‑w2 c2 )3 2 for satisfying the relativistic circumstances. The present results may contribute to the understanding of the behavior of the particles transport diffusion in a high speed system, as well as enlighten the study of biological metabolism at relativistic high speed situation.

  6. Phase transition in conservative diffusive contact processes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fiore, Carlos E.; de Oliveira, Mário J.


    We determine the phase diagrams of conservative diffusive contact processes by means of numerical simulations. These models are versions of the ordinary diffusive single-creation, pair-creation, and triplet-creation contact processes in which the particle number is conserved. The transition between the frozen and active states was determined by studying the system in the subcritical regime, and the nature of the transition, whether continuous or first order, was determined by looking at the fractal dimension of the critical cluster. For the single-creation model the transition remains continuous for any diffusion rate. For pair- and triplet-creation models, however, the transition becomes first order for high enough diffusion rate. Our results indicate that in the limit of infinite diffusion rate the jump in density equals 2/3 for the pair-creation model and 5/6 for the triplet-creation model.

  7. Insights into cadmium diffusion mechanisms in two-stage diffusion profiles in solar-grade Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} thin films

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Biderman, N. J.; Sundaramoorthy, R.; Haldar, Pradeep

    Cadmium diffusion experiments were performed on polished copper indium gallium diselenide (Cu(In,Ga)Se{sub 2} or CIGS) samples with resulting cadmium diffusion profiles measured by time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectroscopy. Experiments done in the annealing temperature range between 275 °C and 425 °C reveal two-stage cadmium diffusion profiles which may be indicative of multiple diffusion mechanisms. Each stage can be described by the standard solutions of Fick's second law. The slower cadmium diffusion in the first stage can be described by the Arrhenius equation D{sub 1} = 3 × 10{sup −4} exp (− 1.53 eV/k{sub B}T) cm{sup 2} s{sup −1}, possibly representing vacancy-meditated diffusion. The faster second-stage diffusion coefficients determined in these experiments matchmore » the previously reported cadmium diffusion Arrhenius equation of D{sub 2} = 4.8 × 10{sup −4} exp (−1.04 eV/k{sub B}T) cm{sup 2} s{sup −1}, suggesting an interstitial-based mechanism.« less

  8. CO Diffusion and Desorption Kinetics in CO2 Ices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cooke, Ilsa R.; Öberg, Karin I.; Fayolle, Edith C.; Peeler, Zoe; Bergner, Jennifer B.


    The diffusion of species in icy dust grain mantles is a fundamental process that shapes the chemistry of interstellar regions; yet, measurements of diffusion in interstellar ice analogs are scarce. Here we present measurements of CO diffusion into CO2 ice at low temperatures (T = 11–23 K) using CO2 longitudinal optical phonon modes to monitor the level of mixing of initially layered ices. We model the diffusion kinetics using Fick’s second law and find that the temperature-dependent diffusion coefficients are well fit by an Arrhenius equation, giving a diffusion barrier of 300 ± 40 K. The low barrier along with the diffusion kinetics through isotopically labeled layers suggest that CO diffuses through CO2 along pore surfaces rather than through bulk diffusion. In complementary experiments, we measure the desorption energy of CO from CO2 ices deposited at 11–50 K by temperature programmed desorption and find that the desorption barrier ranges from 1240 ± 90 K to 1410 ± 70 K depending on the CO2 deposition temperature and resultant ice porosity. The measured CO–CO2 desorption barriers demonstrate that CO binds equally well to CO2 and H2O ices when both are compact. The CO–CO2 diffusion–desorption barrier ratio ranges from 0.21 to 0.24 dependent on the binding environment during diffusion. The diffusion–desorption ratio is consistent with the above hypothesis that the observed diffusion is a surface process and adds to previous experimental evidence on diffusion in water ice that suggests surface diffusion is important to the mobility of molecules within interstellar ices.

  9. Wave Augmented Diffuser for Centrifugal Compressor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Skoch, Gary J. (Inventor); Paxson, Daniel E. (Inventor)


    A wave augmented diffuser for a centrifugal compressor surrounds the outlet of an impeller that rotates on a drive shaft having an axis of rotation. The impeller brings flow in in an axial direction and imparts kinetic energy to the flow discharging it in radial and tangential directions. The flow is discharged into a plurality of circumferentially disposed wave chambers. The wave chambers are periodically opened and closed by a rotary valve such that the flow through the diffuser is unsteady. The valve includes a plurality of valve openings that are periodically brought into and out of fluid communication with the wave chambers. When the wave chambers are closed, a reflected compression wave moves upstream towards the diffuser bringing the flow into the wave chamber to rest. This action recovers the kinetic energy from the flow and limits any boundary layer growth. The flow is then discharged in an axial direction through an opening in the valve plate when the valve plate is rotated to an open position. The diffuser thus efficiently raises the static pressure of the fluid and discharges an axially directed flow at a radius that is predominantly below the maximum radius of the diffuser.

  10. Wave Augmented Diffusers for Centrifugal Compressors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Paxson, Daniel E.; Skoch, Gary J.


    A conceptual device is introduced which would utilize unsteady wave motion to slow and turn flows in the diffuser section of a centrifugal compressor. The envisioned device would substantially reduce the size of conventional centrifugal diffusers by eliminating the relatively large ninety degree bend needed to turn the flow from the radial/tangential to the axial direction. The bend would be replaced by a wall and the flow would instead exit through a series of rotating ports located on a disk, adjacent to the diffuser hub, and fixed to the impeller shaft. The ports would generate both expansion and compression waves which would rapidly transition from the hub/shroud (axial) direction to the radial/tangential direction. The waves would in turn induce radial/tangential and axial flow. This paper presents a detailed description of the device. Simplified cycle analysis and performance results are presented which were obtained using a time accurate, quasi-one-dimensional CFD code with models for turning, port flow conditions, and losses due to wall shear stress. The results indicate that a periodic wave system can be established which yields diffuser performance comparable to a conventional diffuser. Discussion concerning feasibility, accuracy, and integration follow.

  11. Multicomponent diffusion in basaltic melts at 1350 °C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, Chenghuan; Zhang, Youxue


    Nine successful diffusion couple experiments were conducted in an 8-component SiO2-TiO2-Al2O3-FeO-MgO-CaO-Na2O-K2O system at ∼1350 °C and at 1 GPa, to study multicomponent diffusion in basaltic melts. At least 3 traverses were measured to obtain diffusion profiles for each experiment. Multicomponent diffusion matrix at 1350 °C was obtained by simultaneously fitting diffusion profiles of diffusion couple experiments. Furthermore, in order to better constrain the diffusion matrix and reconcile mineral dissolution data, mineral dissolution experiments in the literature and diffusion couple experiments from this study, were fit together. All features of diffusion profiles in both diffusion couple and mineral dissolution experiments were well reproduced by the diffusion matrix. Diffusion mechanism is inferred from eigenvectors of the diffusion matrix, and it shows that the diffusive exchange between network-formers SiO2 and Al2O3 is the slowest, the exchange of SiO2 with other oxide components is the second slowest with an eigenvalue that is only ∼10% larger, then the exchange between divalent oxide components and all the other oxide components is the third slowest with an eigenvalue that is twice the smallest eigenvalue, then the exchange of FeO + K2O with all the other oxide components is the fourth slowest with an eigenvalue that is 5 times the smallest eigenvalue, then the exchange of MgO with FeO + CaO is the third fastest with an eigenvalue that is 6.3 times the smallest eigenvalue, then the exchange of CaO + K2O with all the other oxide components is the second fastest with an eigenvalue that is 7.5 times the smallest eigenvalue, and the exchange of Na2O with all other oxide components is the fastest with an eigenvalue that is 31 times the smallest eigenvalue. The slowest and fastest eigenvectors are consistent with those for simpler systems in most literature. The obtained diffusion matrix was successfully applied to predict diffusion profiles during

  12. Cortexin diffusion in human eye sclera

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Genina, Elina A; Bashkatov, A N; Tuchin, Valerii V


    Investigation of the diffusion of cytamines, a typical representative of which is cortexin, is important for evaluating the drug dose, necessary to provide sufficient concentration of the preparation in the inner tissues of the eye. In the present paper, the cortexin diffusion rate in the eye sclera is measured using the methods of optical coherence tomography (OCT) and reflectance spectroscopy. The technique for determining the diffusion coefficient is based on the registration of temporal dependence of the eye sclera scattering parameters caused by partial replacement of interstitial fluid with the aqueous cortexin solution, which reduces the level of the OCTmore » signal and decreases the reflectance of the sclera. The values of the cortexin diffusion coefficient obtained using two independent optical methods are in good agreement. (optical technologies in biophysics and medicine)« less

  13. Effect of Static Strains on Diffusion

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Girifalco, L. A.; Grimes, H. H.


    A theory is developed that gives the diffusion coefficient in strained systems as an exponential function of the strain. This theory starts with the statistical theory of the atomic jump frequency as developed by Vineyard. The parameter determining the effect of strain on diffusion is related to the changes in the inter-atomic forces with strain. Comparison of the theory with published experimental results for the effect of pressure on diffusion shows that the experiments agree with the form of the theoretical equation in all cases within experimental error.

  14. Entropy as a measure of diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aghamohammadi, Amir; Fatollahi, Amir H.; Khorrami, Mohammad; Shariati, Ahmad


    The time variation of entropy, as an alternative to the variance, is proposed as a measure of the diffusion rate. It is shown that for linear and time-translationally invariant systems having a large-time limit for the density, at large times the entropy tends exponentially to a constant. For systems with no stationary density, at large times the entropy is logarithmic with a coefficient specifying the speed of the diffusion. As an example, the large-time behaviors of the entropy and the variance are compared for various types of fractional-derivative diffusions.

  15. Finite-volume scheme for anisotropic diffusion

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Es, Bram van, E-mail:; FOM Institute DIFFER, Dutch Institute for Fundamental Energy Research, The Netherlands"1; Koren, Barry

    In this paper, we apply a special finite-volume scheme, limited to smooth temperature distributions and Cartesian grids, to test the importance of connectivity of the finite volumes. The area of application is nuclear fusion plasma with field line aligned temperature gradients and extreme anisotropy. We apply the scheme to the anisotropic heat-conduction equation, and compare its results with those of existing finite-volume schemes for anisotropic diffusion. Also, we introduce a general model adaptation of the steady diffusion equation for extremely anisotropic diffusion problems with closed field lines.

  16. CO Diffusion into Amorphous H2O Ices

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lauck, Trish; Karssemeijer, Leendertjan; Shulenberger, Katherine; Rajappan, Mahesh; Öberg, Karin I.; Cuppen, Herma M.


    The mobility of atoms, molecules, and radicals in icy grain mantles regulates ice restructuring, desorption, and chemistry in astrophysical environments. Interstellar ices are dominated by H2O, and diffusion on external and internal (pore) surfaces of H2O-rich ices is therefore a key process to constrain. This study aims to quantify the diffusion kinetics and barrier of the abundant ice constituent CO into H2O-dominated ices at low temperatures (15-23 K), by measuring the mixing rate of initially layered H2O(:CO2)/CO ices. The mixed fraction of CO as a function of time is determined by monitoring the shape of the infrared CO stretching band. Mixing is observed at all investigated temperatures on minute timescales and can be ascribed to CO diffusion in H2O ice pores. The diffusion coefficient and final mixed fraction depend on ice temperature, porosity, thickness, and composition. The experiments are analyzed by applying Fick’s diffusion equation under the assumption that mixing is due to CO diffusion into an immobile H2O ice. The extracted energy barrier for CO diffusion into amorphous H2O ice is ˜160 K. This is effectively a surface diffusion barrier. The derived barrier is low compared to current surface diffusion barriers in use in astrochemical models. Its adoption may significantly change the expected timescales for different ice processes in interstellar environments.

  17. In situ diffusion experiment in granite: Phase I

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vilks, P.; Cramer, J. J.; Jensen, M.; Miller, N. H.; Miller, H. G.; Stanchell, F. W.


    A program of in situ experiments, supported by laboratory studies, was initiated to study diffusion in sparsely fractured rock (SFR), with a goal of developing an understanding of diffusion processes within intact crystalline rock. Phase I of the in situ diffusion experiment was started in 1996, with the purpose of developing a methodology for estimating diffusion parameter values. Four in situ diffusion experiments, using a conservative iodide tracer, were performed in highly stressed SFR at a depth of 450 m in the Underground Research Laboratory (URL). The experiments, performed over a 2 year period, yielded rock permeability estimates of 2×10 -21 m 2 and effective diffusion coefficients varying from 2.1×10 -14 to 1.9×10 -13 m 2/s, which were estimated using the MOTIF code. The in situ diffusion profiles reveal a characteristic "dog leg" pattern, with iodide concentrations decreasing rapidly within a centimeter of the open borehole wall. It is hypothesized that this is an artifact of local stress redistribution and creation of a zone of increased constrictivity close to the borehole wall. A comparison of estimated in situ and laboratory diffusivities and permeabilities provides evidence that the physical properties of rock samples removed from high-stress regimes change. As a result of the lessons learnt during Phase I, a Phase II in situ program has been initiated to improve our general understanding of diffusion in SFR.

  18. Atomistic modeling of water diffusion in hydrolytic biomaterials.


    Gautieri, Alfonso; Mezzanzanica, Andrea; Motta, Alberto; Redealli, Alberto; Vesentini, Simone


    One of the most promising applications of hydrolytically degrading biomaterials is their use as drug release carriers. These uses, however, require that the degradation and diffusion of drug are reliably predicted, which is complex to achieve through present experimental methods. Atomistic modeling can help in the knowledge-based design of degrading biomaterials with tuned drug delivery properties, giving insights on the small molecules diffusivity at intermediate states of the degradation process. We present here an atomistic-based approach to investigate the diffusion of water (through which hydrolytic degradation occurs) in degrading bulk models of poly(lactic acid) or PLA. We determine the water diffusion coefficient for different swelling states of the polymeric matrix (from almost dry to pure water) and for different degrees of degradation. We show that water diffusivity is highly influenced by the swelling degree, while little or not influenced by the degradation state. This approach, giving water diffusivity for different states of the matrix, can be combined with diffusion-reaction analytical methods in order to predict the degradation path on longer time scales. Furthermore, atomistic approach can be used to investigate diffusion of other relevant small molecules, eventually leading to the a priori knowledge of degradable biomaterials transport properties, helping the design of the drug delivery systems.

  19. Demonstrating Diffusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Foy, Barry G.


    Two demonstrations are described. Materials and instructions for demonstrating movement of molecules into cytoplasm using agar blocks, phenolphthalein, and sodium hydroxide are given. A simple method for demonstrating that the rate of diffusion of a gas is inversely proportional to its molecular weight is also presented. (AJ)

  20. The diffuse interstellar bands: a tracer for organics in the diffuse interstellar medium?

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Salama, F.


    The diffuse interstellar bands (DIBs) are absorption bands seen in the spectra of stars obscured by interstellar dust. DIBs are recognized as a tracer for free, organic molecules in the diffuse interstellar medium (ISM). The potential molecular carriers for the DIBs are discussed with an emphasis on neutral and ionized polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) for which the most focused effort has been made to date. From the combined astronomical, laboratory and theoretical study, it is concluded that a distribution of free neutral and ionized complex organics (PAHs, fullerenes, unsaturated hydrocarbons) represents the most promising class of candidates to account for the DIBs. The case for aromatic hydrocarbons appears particularly strong. The implied widespread distribution of complex organics in the diffuse ISM bears profound implications for our understanding of the chemical complexity of the ISM, the evolution of prebiotic molecules and its impact on the origin and the evolution of life on early Earth through the exogenous delivery (cometary encounters and metoritic bombardments) of prebiotic organics.

  1. Viscous diffusion of vorticity in unsteady wall layers using the diffusion velocity concept

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Strickland, J.H.; Kempka, S.N.; Wolfe, W.P.


    The primary purpose of this paper is to provide a careful evaluation of the diffusion velocity concept with regard to its ability to predict the diffusion of vorticity near a moving wall. A computer code BDIF has been written which simulates the evolution of the vorticity field near a wall of infinite length which is moving in an arbitrary fashion. The simulations generated by this code are found to give excellent results when compared to several exact solutions. We also outline a two-dimensional unsteady viscous boundary layer model which utilizes the diffusion velocity concept and is compatible with vortex methods.more » A primary goal of this boundary layer model is to minimize the number of vortices generated on the surface at each time step while achieving good resolution of the vorticity field near the wall. Preliminary results have been obtained for simulating a simple two-dimensional laminar boundary layer.« less

  2. Self diffusion of alkaline-Earth in Ca-Mg-aluminosilicate melts: Experimental improvements on the determination of the self-diffusion coefficients

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Paillat, O.; Wasserburg, G. J.


    Experimental studies of self-diffusion isotopes in silicate melts often have quite large uncertainties when comparing one study to another. We designed an experiment in order to improve the precision of the results by simultaneously studying several elements (Mg, Ca, Sr, Ba) during the same experiment thereby greatly reducing the relative experimental uncertainties. Results show that the uncertainties on the diffusion coefficients can be reduced to 10 percent, allowing a more reliable comparison of differences of self-diffusion coefficients of the elements. This type of experiment permits us to study precisely and simultaneously several elements with no restriction on any element. We also designed an experiment to investigate the possible effects of multicomponent diffusion during Mg self-diffusion experiments by comparing cases where the concentrations of the elements and the isotopic compositions are different. The results suggest that there are differences between the effective means of transport. This approach should allow us to investigate the importance of multicomponent diffusion in silicate melts.

  3. Bulk diffusion in a kinetically constrained lattice gas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arita, Chikashi; Krapivsky, P. L.; Mallick, Kirone


    In the hydrodynamic regime, the evolution of a stochastic lattice gas with symmetric hopping rules is described by a diffusion equation with density-dependent diffusion coefficient encapsulating all microscopic details of the dynamics. This diffusion coefficient is, in principle, determined by a Green-Kubo formula. In practice, even when the equilibrium properties of a lattice gas are analytically known, the diffusion coefficient cannot be computed except when a lattice gas additionally satisfies the gradient condition. We develop a procedure to systematically obtain analytical approximations for the diffusion coefficient for non-gradient lattice gases with known equilibrium. The method relies on a variational formula found by Varadhan and Spohn which is a version of the Green-Kubo formula particularly suitable for diffusive lattice gases. Restricting the variational formula to finite-dimensional sub-spaces allows one to perform the minimization and gives upper bounds for the diffusion coefficient. We apply this approach to a kinetically constrained non-gradient lattice gas in two dimensions, viz. to the Kob-Andersen model on the square lattice.

  4. Flow field investigation in a bulb turbine diffuser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira, M.; Duquesne, P.; Aeschlimann, V.; Deschênes, C.


    An important drop in turbine performances has been measured in a bulb turbine model operated at overload. Previous investigations have correlated the performance drop with diffuser losses, and particularly to the flow separation zone at the diffuser wall. The flow has been investigated in the transition part of the diffuser using two LDV measurement sections. The transition part is a diffuser section that transforms from a circular to a rectangular section. The two measurement sections are at the inlet and outlet of the diffuser transition part. The turbine has been operated at three operating points, which are representative of different flow patterns at the diffuser exit at overload. In addition to the average velocity field, the analysis is conducted based on a backflow occurrence function and on the swirl level. Results reveal a counter-rotating zone in the diffuser, which intensifies with the guide vanes opening. The guide vanes opening induces a modification of the flow phenomena: from a central backflow recirculation zone at the lowest flowrate to a backflow zone induced by flow separation at the wall at the highest flowrate.

  5. Optimizing diffusion in multiplexes by maximizing layer dissimilarity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Serrano, Alfredo B.; Gómez-Gardeñes, Jesús; Andrade, Roberto F. S.


    Diffusion in a multiplex depends on the specific link distribution between the nodes in each layer, but also on the set of the intralayer and interlayer diffusion coefficients. In this work we investigate, in a quantitative way, the efficiency of multiplex diffusion as a function of the topological similarity among multiplex layers. This similarity is measured by the distance between layers, taken among the pairs of layers. Results are presented for a simple two-layer multiplex, where one of the layers is held fixed, while the other one can be rewired in a controlled way in order to increase or decrease the interlayer distance. The results indicate that, for fixed values of all intra- and interlayer diffusion coefficients, a large interlayer distance generally enhances the global multiplex diffusion, providing a topological mechanism to control the global diffusive process. For some sets of networks, we develop an algorithm to identify the most sensitive nodes in the rewirable layer, so that changes in a small set of connections produce a drastic enhancement of the global diffusion of the whole multiplex system.

  6. Cylindrical diffuser performance using a truncated plug nozzle

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Galanga, F. L.; Mueller, T. J.


    Cylindrical diffuser performance for a truncated plug nozzle without external flow was tested in a blowdown wind tunnel. The nozzle was designed for an exit Mach number of 1.9 and the plug was conical in shape from the throat and converged to the axis of symmetry at an angle of 10 degrees. The diffuser section was fashioned into two 13.97 cm lengths to facilitate boring of the duct diameter and to allow for testing of two different duct lengths. A slotted hypotube was installed in the base of the diffuser to measure pressure distribution down the centerline of the diffuser. The data obtained included: the typical centerline and sidewall pressure ratio variation along the diffuser, cell pressure ratio vs overall pressure ratio for long and short diffusers and a comparison of minimum experimental cell pressure ratio vs area ratio.

  7. Phosphorus out-diffusion in laser molten silicon

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Köhler, J. R.; Eisele, S. J.


    Laser doping via liquid phase diffusion enables the formation of defect free pn junctions and a tailoring of diffusion profiles by varying the laser pulse energy density and the overlap of laser pulses. We irradiate phosphorus diffused 100 oriented p-type float zone silicon wafers with a 5 μm wide line focused 6.5 ns pulsed frequency doubled Nd:YVO{sub 4} laser beam, using a pulse to pulse overlap of 40%. By varying the number of laser scans N{sub s} = 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 40 at constant pulse energy density H = 1.3 J/cm{sup 2} and H = 0.79 J/cm{sup 2} we examine the out-diffusion of phosphorus atoms performing secondary ionmore » mass spectroscopy concentration measurements. Phosphorus doping profiles are calculated by using a numerical simulation tool. The tool models laser induced melting and re-solidification of silicon as well as the out-diffusion of phosphorus atoms in liquid silicon during laser irradiation. We investigate the observed out-diffusion process by comparing simulations with experimental concentration measurements. The result is a pulse energy density independent phosphorus out-diffusion velocity v{sub out} = 9 ± 1 cm/s in liquid silicon, a partition coefficient of phosphorus 1 < k{sub p} < 1.1 and a diffusion coefficient D = 1.4(±0.2)cm{sup 2}/s × 10{sup −3 }× exp[−183 meV/(k{sub B}T)].« less

  8. Oxygen diffusion: an enzyme-controlled variable parameter.


    Erdmann, Wilhelm; Kunke, Stefan


    Previous oxygen microelectrode studies have shown that the oxygen diffusion coefficient (DO₂) increases during extracellular PO₂ decreases, while intracellular PO₂ remained unchanged and thus cell function (spike activity of neurons). Oxygen dependency of complex multicellular organisms requires a stable and adequate oxygen supply to the cells, while toxic concentrations have to be avoided. Oxygen brought to the tissue by convection diffuses through the intercellular and cell membranes, which are potential barriers to diffusion. In gerbil brain cortex, PO₂ and DO₂ were measured by membrane-covered and by bare gold microelectrodes, as were also spike potentials. Moderate respiratory hypoxia was followed by a primary sharp drop of tissue PO₂ that recovered to higher values concomitant with an increase of DO₂. A drop in intracellular PO₂ recovered immediately. Studies on the abdominal ganglion of aplysia californica showed similar results.Heterogeneity is a feature of both normal oxygen supply to tissue and supply due to a wide range of disturbances in oxygen supply. Oxygen diffusion through membranes is variable thereby ensuring adequate intracellular PO₂. Cell-derived glucosamine oxidase seems to regulate the polymerization/depolymerisation ratio of membrane mucopolysaccharides and thus oxygen diffusion.Variability of oxygen diffusion is a decisive parameter for regulating the supply/demand ratio of oxygen supply to the cell; this occurs in highly developed animals as well as in species of a less sophisticated nature. Autoregulation of oxygen diffusion is as important as the distribution/perfusion ratio of the capillary meshwork and as the oxygen extraction ratio in relation to oxygen consumption of the cell. Oxygen diffusion resistance is the cellular protection against luxury oxygen supply (which can result in toxic oxidative species leading to mutagenesis).

  9. Anisotropic diffusion in mesh-free numerical magnetohydrodynamics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hopkins, Philip F.


    We extend recently developed mesh-free Lagrangian methods for numerical magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) to arbitrary anisotropic diffusion equations, including: passive scalar diffusion, Spitzer-Braginskii conduction and viscosity, cosmic ray diffusion/streaming, anisotropic radiation transport, non-ideal MHD (Ohmic resistivity, ambipolar diffusion, the Hall effect) and turbulent 'eddy diffusion'. We study these as implemented in the code GIZMO for both new meshless finite-volume Godunov schemes (MFM/MFV). We show that the MFM/MFV methods are accurate and stable even with noisy fields and irregular particle arrangements, and recover the correct behaviour even in arbitrarily anisotropic cases. They are competitive with state-of-the-art AMR/moving-mesh methods, and can correctly treat anisotropic diffusion-driven instabilities (e.g. the MTI and HBI, Hall MRI). We also develop a new scheme for stabilizing anisotropic tensor-valued fluxes with high-order gradient estimators and non-linear flux limiters, which is trivially generalized to AMR/moving-mesh codes. We also present applications of some of these improvements for SPH, in the form of a new integral-Godunov SPH formulation that adopts a moving-least squares gradient estimator and introduces a flux-limited Riemann problem between particles.

  10. Diffusion of residual monomer in polymer resins.

    PubMed Central

    Piver, W T


    A simplified mathematical model which made use of Fick's laws of diffusion written in spherical coordinates was developed to describe the rate of diffusion of residual monomers from polymer resins. The properties of the monomer-polymer system which influenced the amount of monomer remaining in the polymer as a function of time were the diffusivity and solubility of the monomer in the polymer, and the particle size of the polymer resin. This model was used to analyze literature data on the diffusion of residual vinyl chloride monomer in polyvinyl chloride resins made by the suspension process. It was concluded that particle size of the resin was a significant parameter which should be taken advantage of in process equipment designed to remove residual monomer from PVC resins. The diffusivity of the monomer in the polymer was a function of the solubility of the monomer in the polymer. Monomer solubility can be determined from Henry's law. It was suggested that this model could be adapted to describe diffusion of monomers from any monomer-polymer system, and would be a useful approach to modeling the transport of nonreactive chemical additives from plastics. PMID:1026410

  11. Diffusion of Salt in Tap Water

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Booth, C.; And Others


    A simple experiment is described to measure the diffusion coefficient of a solute in a fluid. Laboratory-made floats are used to monitor the density changes associated with diffusion behavior. The experiment is ideally suited for undergraduate project work. (BB)

  12. Causal Diffusion and the Survival of Charge Fluctuations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdel-Aziz, Mohamed; Gavin, Sean


    Diffusion may obliterate fluctuation signals of the QCD phase transition in nuclear collisions at SPS and RHIC energies. We propose a hyperbolic diffusion equation to study the dissipation of net charge fluctuations [1]. This equation is needed in a relativistic context, because the classic parabolic diffusion equation violates causality. We find that causality substantially limits the extent to which diffusion can dissipate these fluctuations. [1] M. Abdel-Aziz and S. Gavin, nucl-th/0404058

  13. Evaluation of glymphatic system activity with the diffusion MR technique: diffusion tensor image analysis along the perivascular space (DTI-ALPS) in Alzheimer's disease cases.


    Taoka, Toshiaki; Masutani, Yoshitaka; Kawai, Hisashi; Nakane, Toshiki; Matsuoka, Kiwamu; Yasuno, Fumihiko; Kishimoto, Toshifumi; Naganawa, Shinji


    The activity of the glymphatic system is impaired in animal models of Alzheimer's disease (AD). We evaluated the activity of the human glymphatic system in cases of AD with a diffusion-based technique called diffusion tensor image analysis along the perivascular space (DTI-ALPS). Diffusion tensor images were acquired to calculate diffusivities in the x, y, and z axes of the plane of the lateral ventricle body in 31 patients. We evaluated the diffusivity along the perivascular spaces as well as projection fibers and association fibers separately, to acquire an index for diffusivity along the perivascular space (ALPS-index) and correlated them with the mini mental state examinations (MMSE) score. We found a significant negative correlation between diffusivity along the projection fibers and association fibers. We also observed a significant positive correlation between diffusivity along perivascular spaces shown as ALPS-index and the MMSE score, indicating lower water diffusivity along the perivascular space in relation to AD severity. Activity of the glymphatic system may be evaluated with diffusion images. Lower diffusivity along the perivascular space on DTI-APLS seems to reflect impairment of the glymphatic system. This method may be useful for evaluating the activity of the glymphatic system.

  14. Acute white matter changes following sport-related concussion: A serial diffusion tensor and diffusion kurtosis tensor imaging study.


    Lancaster, Melissa A; Olson, Daniel V; McCrea, Michael A; Nelson, Lindsay D; LaRoche, Ashley A; Muftuler, L Tugan


    Recent neuroimaging studies have suggested that following sport-related concussion (SRC) physiological brain alterations may persist after an athlete has shown full symptom recovery. Diffusion MRI is a versatile technique to study white matter injury following SRC, yet serial follow-up studies in the very acute stages following SRC utilizing a comprehensive set of diffusion metrics are lacking. The aim of the current study was to characterize white matter changes within 24 hours of concussion in a group of high school and collegiate athletes, using Diffusion Tensor and Diffusion Kurtosis Tensor metrics. Participants were reassessed a week later. At 24 hours post-injury, the concussed group reported significantly more concussion symptoms than a well-matched control group and demonstrated poorer performance on a cognitive screening measure, yet these differences were nonsignificant at the 8-day follow-up. Similarly, within 24-hours after injury, the concussed group exhibited a widespread decrease in mean diffusivity, increased axial kurtosis and, to a lesser extent, decreased axial and radial diffusivities compared with control subjects. At 8 days post injury, the differences in these diffusion metrics were even more widespread in the injured athletes, despite improvement of symptoms and cognitive performance. These MRI findings suggest that the athletes might not have reached full physiological recovery a week after the injury. These findings have significant implications for the management of SRC because allowing an athlete to return to play before the brain has fully recovered from injury may have negative consequences. Hum Brain Mapp 37:3821-3834, 2016. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. An accelerated algorithm for discrete stochastic simulation of reaction-diffusion systems using gradient-based diffusion and tau-leaping.


    Koh, Wonryull; Blackwell, Kim T


    Stochastic simulation of reaction-diffusion systems enables the investigation of stochastic events arising from the small numbers and heterogeneous distribution of molecular species in biological cells. Stochastic variations in intracellular microdomains and in diffusional gradients play a significant part in the spatiotemporal activity and behavior of cells. Although an exact stochastic simulation that simulates every individual reaction and diffusion event gives a most accurate trajectory of the system's state over time, it can be too slow for many practical applications. We present an accelerated algorithm for discrete stochastic simulation of reaction-diffusion systems designed to improve the speed of simulation by reducing the number of time-steps required to complete a simulation run. This method is unique in that it employs two strategies that have not been incorporated in existing spatial stochastic simulation algorithms. First, diffusive transfers between neighboring subvolumes are based on concentration gradients. This treatment necessitates sampling of only the net or observed diffusion events from higher to lower concentration gradients rather than sampling all diffusion events regardless of local concentration gradients. Second, we extend the non-negative Poisson tau-leaping method that was originally developed for speeding up nonspatial or homogeneous stochastic simulation algorithms. This method calculates each leap time in a unified step for both reaction and diffusion processes while satisfying the leap condition that the propensities do not change appreciably during the leap and ensuring that leaping does not cause molecular populations to become negative. Numerical results are presented that illustrate the improvement in simulation speed achieved by incorporating these two new strategies.

  16. Diffusion in realistic biophysical systems can lead to aliasing effects in diffusion spectrum imaging.


    Lacerda, Luis M; Sperl, Jonathan I; Menzel, Marion I; Sprenger, Tim; Barker, Gareth J; Dell'Acqua, Flavio


    Diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI) is an imaging technique that has been successfully applied to resolve white matter crossings in the human brain. However, its accuracy in complex microstructure environments has not been well characterized. Here we have simulated different tissue configurations, sampling schemes, and processing steps to evaluate DSI performances' under realistic biophysical conditions. A novel approach to compute the orientation distribution function (ODF) has also been developed to include biophysical constraints, namely integration ranges compatible with axial fiber diffusivities. Performed simulations identified several DSI configurations that consistently show aliasing artifacts caused by fast diffusion components for both isotropic diffusion and fiber configurations. The proposed method for ODF computation showed some improvement in reducing such artifacts and improving the ability to resolve crossings, while keeping the quantitative nature of the ODF. In this study, we identified an important limitation of current DSI implementations, specifically the presence of aliasing due to fast diffusion components like those from pathological tissues, which are not well characterized, and can lead to artifactual fiber reconstructions. To minimize this issue, a new way of computing the ODF was introduced, which removes most of these artifacts and offers improved angular resolution. Magn Reson Med 76:1837-1847, 2016. © 2015 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited. © 2015 The Authors Magnetic Resonance in Medicine published by Wiley Periodicals, Inc. on behalf of International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  17. Cloaking through cancellation of diffusive wave scattering

    PubMed Central

    Chen, P. Y.; Guenneau, S.; Bağcı, H.; Salama, K. N.; Alù, A.


    A new cloaking mechanism, which makes enclosed objects invisible to diffusive photon density waves, is proposed. First, diffusive scattering from a basic core–shell geometry, which represents the cloaked structure, is studied. The conditions of scattering cancellation in a quasi-static scattering regime are derived. These allow for tailoring the diffusivity constant of the shell enclosing the object so that the fields scattered from the shell and the object cancel each other. This means that the photon flow outside the cloak behaves as if the cloaked object were not present. Diffusive light invisibility may have potential applications in hiding hot spots in infrared thermography or tissue imaging. PMID:27616925

  18. Recent development of a jet-diffuser ejector

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Alperin, M.; Wu, J. J.


    The paper considers thrust augmenting ejectors in which the processes of mixing and diffusion are partly carried out downstream of the ejector solid surfaces. A jet sheet surrounding the periphery of a widely diverging diffuser prevents separation and forms a gaseous, curved surface to provide effective diffuser ratio and additional length for mixing of primary and induced flows. Three-dimensional potential flow methods achieved a large reduction in the length of the associated solid surface; primary nozzle design further reduced the volume required by the jet-diffuser ejectors, resulting in thrust augmentation in excess of two, and an overall length of about 2 1/2 times the throat width.

  19. Cloaking through cancellation of diffusive wave scattering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farhat, M.; Chen, P. Y.; Guenneau, S.; Bağc, H.; Salama, K. N.; Alù, A.


    A new cloaking mechanism, which makes enclosed objects invisible to diffusive photon density waves, is proposed. First, diffusive scattering from a basic core-shell geometry, which represents the cloaked structure, is studied. The conditions of scattering cancellation in a quasi-static scattering regime are derived. These allow for tailoring the diffusivity constant of the shell enclosing the object so that the fields scattered from the shell and the object cancel each other. This means that the photon flow outside the cloak behaves as if the cloaked object were not present. Diffusive light invisibility may have potential applications in hiding hot spots in infrared thermography or tissue imaging.

  20. Background Error Correlation Modeling with Diffusion Operators

    DTIC Science & Technology


    RESPONSIBLE PERSON 19b. TELEPHONE NUMBER (Include area code) 07-10-2013 Book Chapter Background Error Correlation Modeling with Diffusion Operators...normalization Unclassified Unclassified Unclassified UU 27 Max Yaremchuk (228) 688-5259 Reset Chapter 8 Background error correlation modeling with diffusion ...field, then a structure like this simulates enhanced diffusive transport of model errors in the regions of strong cur- rents on the background of

  1. Toward Precision and Reproducibility of Diffusion Tensor Imaging: A Multicenter Diffusion Phantom and Traveling Volunteer Study.


    Palacios, E M; Martin, A J; Boss, M A; Ezekiel, F; Chang, Y S; Yuh, E L; Vassar, M J; Schnyer, D M; MacDonald, C L; Crawford, K L; Irimia, A; Toga, A W; Mukherjee, P


    Precision medicine is an approach to disease diagnosis, treatment, and prevention that relies on quantitative biomarkers that minimize the variability of individual patient measurements. The aim of this study was to assess the intersite variability after harmonization of a high-angular-resolution 3T diffusion tensor imaging protocol across 13 scanners at the 11 academic medical centers participating in the Transforming Research and Clinical Knowledge in Traumatic Brain Injury multisite study. Diffusion MR imaging was acquired from a novel isotropic diffusion phantom developed at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and from the brain of a traveling volunteer on thirteen 3T MR imaging scanners representing 3 major vendors (GE Healthcare, Philips Healthcare, and Siemens). Means of the DTI parameters and their coefficients of variation across scanners were calculated for each DTI metric and white matter tract. For the National Institute of Standards and Technology diffusion phantom, the coefficients of variation of the apparent diffusion coefficient across the 13 scanners was <3.8% for a range of diffusivities from 0.4 to 1.1 × 10 -6 mm 2 /s. For the volunteer, the coefficients of variations across scanners of the 4 primary DTI metrics, each averaged over the entire white matter skeleton, were all <5%. In individual white matter tracts, large central pathways showed good reproducibility with the coefficients of variation consistently below 5%. However, smaller tracts showed more variability, with the coefficients of variation of some DTI metrics reaching 10%. The results suggest the feasibility of standardizing DTI across 3T scanners from different MR imaging vendors in a large-scale neuroimaging research study. © 2017 by American Journal of Neuroradiology.

  2. Electro-diffusion in a plasma with two ion species

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kagan, Grigory; Tang Xianzhu


    Electric field is a thermodynamic force that can drive collisional inter-ion-species transport in a multicomponent plasma. In an inertial confinement fusion capsule, such transport causes fuel ion separation even with a target initially prepared to have equal number densities for the two fuel ion species. Unlike the baro-diffusion driven by ion pressure gradient and the thermo-diffusion driven by ion and electron temperature gradients, electro-diffusion has a critical dependence on the charge-to-mass ratio of the ion species. Specifically, it is shown here that electro-diffusion vanishes if the ion species have the same charge-to-mass ratio. An explicit expression for the electro-diffusion ratiomore » is obtained and used to investigate the relative importance of electro- and baro-diffusion mechanisms. In particular, it is found that electro-diffusion reinforces baro-diffusion in the deuterium and tritium mix, but tends to cancel it in the deuterium and helium-3 mix.« less

  3. Unexpected consequences of bedload diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Devauchelle, O.; Abramian, A.; Lajeunesse, E.


    Sedimentary grains transported as bedload bump and bounce on the rough bed of the river that entrains them. The succession of these random events causes bedload particles to diffuse across the flow, towards the less active areas of the bed. In a fashion reminiscent of that proposed by Parker (1978) for suspended load, this mechanism opposes gravity to maintain the banks of alluvial rivers. In fact, diffusion is so tightly linked to bedload that it appears in the most basic sediment transport experiment--the straight channel we use to calibrate transport laws. Indeed, the fixed sides of the channel cause the flow, and thus the bed shear stress, to vary across the flume. This variation induces bedload diffusion, which in turn deforms the bed. As a consequence, to reliably calibrate a transport law, we need to measure the full profiles of shear stress and bedload transport, rather than bulk-average these quantities. Unfortunately, using a larger channel does not solve the problem, as a large aspect ratio favors the growth of streaks caused by a diffusion-induced instability. Based on these observations, we propose a different design for sediment transport experiments.

  4. Emergent spatial synaptic structure from diffusive plasticity.


    Sweeney, Yann; Clopath, Claudia


    Some neurotransmitters can diffuse freely across cell membranes, influencing neighbouring neurons regardless of their synaptic coupling. This provides a means of neural communication, alternative to synaptic transmission, which can influence the way in which neural networks process information. Here, we ask whether diffusive neurotransmission can also influence the structure of synaptic connectivity in a network undergoing plasticity. We propose a form of Hebbian synaptic plasticity which is mediated by a diffusive neurotransmitter. Whenever a synapse is modified at an individual neuron through our proposed mechanism, similar but smaller modifications occur in synapses connecting to neighbouring neurons. The effects of this diffusive plasticity are explored in networks of rate-based neurons. This leads to the emergence of spatial structure in the synaptic connectivity of the network. We show that this spatial structure can coexist with other forms of structure in the synaptic connectivity, such as with groups of strongly interconnected neurons that form in response to correlated external drive. Finally, we explore diffusive plasticity in a simple feedforward network model of receptive field development. We show that, as widely observed across sensory cortex, the preferred stimulus identity of neurons in our network become spatially correlated due to diffusion. Our proposed mechanism of diffusive plasticity provides an efficient mechanism for generating these spatial correlations in stimulus preference which can flexibly interact with other forms of synaptic organisation. © 2016 Federation of European Neuroscience Societies and John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Restoration of rhythmicity in diffusively coupled dynamical networks.


    Zou, Wei; Senthilkumar, D V; Nagao, Raphael; Kiss, István Z; Tang, Yang; Koseska, Aneta; Duan, Jinqiao; Kurths, Jürgen


    Oscillatory behaviour is essential for proper functioning of various physical and biological processes. However, diffusive coupling is capable of suppressing intrinsic oscillations due to the manifestation of the phenomena of amplitude and oscillation deaths. Here we present a scheme to revoke these quenching states in diffusively coupled dynamical networks, and demonstrate the approach in experiments with an oscillatory chemical reaction. By introducing a simple feedback factor in the diffusive coupling, we show that the stable (in)homogeneous steady states can be effectively destabilized to restore dynamic behaviours of coupled systems. Even a feeble deviation from the normal diffusive coupling drastically shrinks the death regions in the parameter space. The generality of our method is corroborated in diverse non-linear systems of diffusively coupled paradigmatic models with various death scenarios. Our study provides a general framework to strengthen the robustness of dynamic activity in diffusively coupled dynamical networks.

  6. Generalized thermoelastic diffusive waves in heat conducting materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sharma, J. N.


    Keeping in view the applications of diffusion processes in geophysics and electronics industry, the aim of the present paper is to give a detail account of the plane harmonic generalized thermoelastic diffusive waves in heat conducting solids. According to the characteristic equation, three longitudinal waves namely, elastodiffusive (ED), mass diffusion (MD-mode) and thermodiffusive (TD-mode), can propagate in such solids in addition to transverse waves. The transverse waves get decoupled from rest of the fields and hence remain unaffected due to temperature change and mass diffusion effects. These waves travel without attenuation and dispersion. The other generalized thermoelastic diffusive waves are significantly influenced by the interacting fields and hence suffer both attenuation and dispersion. At low frequency mass diffusion and thermal waves do not exist but at high-frequency limits these waves propagate with infinite velocity being diffusive in character. Moreover, in the low-frequency regions, the disturbance is mainly dominant by mechanical process of transportation of energy and at high-frequency regions it is significantly dominated by a close to diffusive process (heat conduction or mass diffusion). Therefore, at low-frequency limits the waves like modes are identifiable with small amplitude waves in elastic materials that do not conduct heat. The general complex characteristic equation is solved by using irreducible case of Cardano's method with the help of DeMoivre's theorem in order to obtain phase speeds, attenuation coefficients and specific loss factor of energy dissipation of various modes. The propagation of waves in case of non-heat conducting solids is also discussed. Finally, the numerical solution is carried out for copper (solvent) and zinc (solute) materials and the obtained phase velocities, attenuation coefficients and specific loss factor of various thermoelastic diffusive waves are presented graphically.

  7. Thermal diffusivity of four Apollo 17 rock samples

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Horai, K.; Winkler, J.L. Jr.


    The thermal diffusivities of four Apollo 17 rock samples (70017,77; 70215,18; 72395,14; and 77035,44) are measured in the temperature range between 180/sup 0/K and 460/sup 0/K at interstitial gaseous pressures of 1 atm and 10/sup -6/ torr of air. The thermal diffusivities at 1 atm are decreasing functions of temperature. Basalt samples (70017,77 and 70215,18) show higher thermal diffusivities than breccias (72395,14 and 77035,44), indicating that the thermal contact between mineral grains is better in crystalline rocks than in breccias. The magnitude of thermal diffusivities of the Apollo 17 basalt samples is intermediate between published diffusivities of Apollo 11 andmore » 12 basalts, suggesting that the intergranular cohesion of Apollo 17 basalts is weaker than that of Apollo 11 basalts but is stronger than that of Apollo 12 basalt. The thermal diffusivities measured at 10/sup -6/ torr are less temperature dependent. The basalt samples still show higher thermal diffusivities than the breccias, however. The low thermal diffusivity of the porous breccia sample (72395,14) is comparable to the lunar anorthositic gabbro (77017,24) studied by Mizutani and Osako (1974) that has the lowest thermal diffusivity of lunar rock samples ever reported. The difference between the thermal diffusivities the samples exhibit under atmospheric and vacuum conditions cannot be explained by the effect of thermal conduction through the gas medium filling the interstices of the samples that are absent under vacuum condition. A hypothesis is presented that the thermal conduction across the intergranular contact surfaces is strongly influenced by the adsorption of gas molecules on the surfaces of mineral grains. Measurements are also made in carbon dioxide atmosphere, in the temperature range between 200/sup 0/K and 460/sup 0/K.« less

  8. Reaction-diffusion basis of retroviral infectivity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sadiq, S. Kashif


    Retrovirus particle (virion) infectivity requires diffusion and clustering of multiple transmembrane envelope proteins (Env3) on the virion exterior, yet is triggered by protease-dependent degradation of a partially occluding, membrane-bound Gag polyprotein lattice on the virion interior. The physical mechanism underlying such coupling is unclear and only indirectly accessible via experiment. Modelling stands to provide insight but the required spatio-temporal range far exceeds current accessibility by all-atom or even coarse-grained molecular dynamics simulations. Nor do such approaches account for chemical reactions, while conversely, reaction kinetics approaches handle neither diffusion nor clustering. Here, a recently developed multiscale approach is considered that applies an ultra-coarse-graining scheme to treat entire proteins at near-single particle resolution, but which also couples chemical reactions with diffusion and interactions. A model is developed of Env3 molecules embedded in a truncated Gag lattice composed of membrane-bound matrix proteins linked to capsid subunits, with freely diffusing protease molecules. Simulations suggest that in the presence of Gag but in the absence of lateral lattice-forming interactions, Env3 diffuses comparably to Gag-absent Env3. Initial immobility of Env3 is conferred through lateral caging by matrix trimers vertically coupled to the underlying hexameric capsid layer. Gag cleavage by protease vertically decouples the matrix and capsid layers, induces both matrix and Env3 diffusion, and permits Env3 clustering. Spreading across the entire membrane surface reduces crowding, in turn, enhancing the effect and promoting infectivity. This article is part of the themed issue 'Multiscale modelling at the physics-chemistry-biology interface'.

  9. On extreme points of the diffusion polytope


    Hay, M. J.; Schiff, J.; Fisch, N. J.


    Here, we consider a class of diffusion problems defined on simple graphs in which the populations at any two vertices may be averaged if they are connected by an edge. The diffusion polytope is the convex hull of the set of population vectors attainable using finite sequences of these operations. A number of physical problems have linear programming solutions taking the diffusion polytope as the feasible region, e.g. the free energy that can be removed from plasma using waves, so there is a need to describe and enumerate its extreme points. We also review known results for the case ofmore » the complete graph Kn, and study a variety of problems for the path graph Pn and the cyclic graph Cn. Finall, we describe the different kinds of extreme points that arise, and identify the diffusion polytope in a number of simple cases. In the case of increasing initial populations on Pn the diffusion polytope is topologically an n-dimensional hypercube.« less

  10. Oxygen diffusion in Gd-doped mixed oxides


    Galvin, C. O. T.; Cooper, M. W. D.; Rushton, M. J. D.; ...


    Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to investigate oxygen transport in (U xPu x-1) 0.95Gd 0.05O 1.975, (U xTh x-1) 0.95Gd 0.05O 1.975 and (Pu xTh x-1) 0.95Gd 0.05O 1.975 between 1000 and 3200 K. Oxygen diffusivity and corresponding activation energies are examined and compared to values for the undoped (U xPu x-1)O 2, (U xTh x-1)O 2 and (Pu xTh x-1)O 2 systems where compositions between end members display enhanced diffusivity. Below the superionic transition oxygen diffusivity for the Gd doped systems is orders of magnitude greater compared to their undoped counterparts. But, enhanced diffusivity for doped mixed actinidemore » cation compositions is not observed compared to doped end members. Furthermore, changes in activation energy suggest changes in diffusion regime, which correspond to the creation of thermally activated oxygen defects.« less

  11. Oxygen diffusion in Gd-doped mixed oxides

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Galvin, C. O. T.; Cooper, M. W. D.; Rushton, M. J. D.

    Molecular dynamics simulations have been performed to investigate oxygen transport in (U xPu x-1) 0.95Gd 0.05O 1.975, (U xTh x-1) 0.95Gd 0.05O 1.975 and (Pu xTh x-1) 0.95Gd 0.05O 1.975 between 1000 and 3200 K. Oxygen diffusivity and corresponding activation energies are examined and compared to values for the undoped (U xPu x-1)O 2, (U xTh x-1)O 2 and (Pu xTh x-1)O 2 systems where compositions between end members display enhanced diffusivity. Below the superionic transition oxygen diffusivity for the Gd doped systems is orders of magnitude greater compared to their undoped counterparts. But, enhanced diffusivity for doped mixed actinidemore » cation compositions is not observed compared to doped end members. Furthermore, changes in activation energy suggest changes in diffusion regime, which correspond to the creation of thermally activated oxygen defects.« less

  12. Search for selective ion diffusion through membranes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    May, C. E.; Philipp, W. H.


    The diffusion rates of several ions through some membranes developed as battery separators were measured. The ions investigated were Li(+), Rb(+), Cl(-), and So4. The members were crosslinked polyvinyl alcohol, crosslinked polyacrylic acid, a copolymer of the two, crosslinked calcium polyacrylate, cellulose, and several microporous polyphenylene oxide based films. No true specificity for diffusion of any of these ions was found for any of the membranes. But the calcium polyacrylate membrane was found to exhibit ion exchange with the diffusing ions giving rise to the leaching of the calcium ion and low reproducibility. These findings contrast earlier work where the calcium polyacrylate membrane did show specificity to the diffusion of the copper ion. In general, Fick's law appeared to be obeyed. Except for the microporous membranes, the coefficients for ion diffusion through the membranes were comparable with their values in water. For the microporous membranes, the values found for the coefficients were much less, due to the tortuosity of the micropores.

  13. Super-diffusion of excited carriers in semiconductors

    PubMed Central

    Najafi, Ebrahim; Ivanov, Vsevolod; Zewail, Ahmed; Bernardi, Marco


    The ultrafast spatial and temporal dynamics of excited carriers are important to understanding the response of materials to laser pulses. Here we use scanning ultrafast electron microscopy to image the dynamics of electrons and holes in silicon after excitation with a short laser pulse. We find that the carriers exhibit a diffusive dynamics at times shorter than 200 ps, with a transient diffusivity up to 1,000 times higher than the room temperature value, D0≈30 cm2s−1. The diffusivity then decreases rapidly, reaching a value of D0 roughly 500 ps after the excitation pulse. We attribute the transient super-diffusive behaviour to the rapid expansion of the excited carrier gas, which equilibrates with the environment in 100−150 ps. Numerical solution of the diffusion equation, as well as ab initio calculations, support our interpretation. Our findings provide new insight into the ultrafast spatial dynamics of excited carriers in materials. PMID:28492283

  14. D/H diffusion in serpentine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pilorgé, Hélène; Reynard, Bruno; Remusat, Laurent; Le Floch, Sylvie; Montagnac, Gilles; Cardon, Hervé


    Interactions between aqueous fluids and ultrabasic rocks are essential processes in a broad range of contexts including hydrothermal alteration on the parent body of carbonaceous chondrites, at mid-oceanic ridge, and in subduction zones. Tracking these processes and understanding reaction kinetics require knowledge of the diffusion of water in rocks, and of isotope fractionation in major minerals forming under hydrous conditions, such as serpentines. We present a study of D/H inter-diffusion in antigorite, a common variety of serpentine. High-temperature (HT) experiments were performed in a belt apparatus at 540˚ C and 3.0 GPa on natural antigorite powders saturated with interstitial D2O. A low-temperature (LT) experiment was performed in diamond anvil cell at 350˚ C and 2.5 GPa on an antigorite single-crystal loaded with pure D2O. D/(D+H) ratios were mapped using Raman spectroscopy for the HT experiment and NanoSIMS for the LT experiment. As antigorite is a phyllosilicate, diffusion coefficients were obtained for crystallographic directions parallel and perpendicular to the antigorite layers (perpendicular and parallel to the c∗-axis, respectively). The equations of D/H inter-diffusion coefficients were determined to be DD/H (m2/s) = 5.04 x 10-5 x exp(-170(±53) (kJ/mol) / RT) and DD/H (m2/s) = 1.52 x 10-7 x exp(-157(±32) (kJ/mol) / RT) perpendicular and along the c∗-axis, respectively, and DD/H (m2/s) = 7.29 x 10-6 x exp(-166(±14) (kJ/mol) / RT) for the bulk diffusivity. These results are similar to those obtained on chlorite, in agreement with the similar crystallographic structures and atomic bonds in the two minerals. Assuming D/H inter-diffusion coefficients for antigorite are the same for all serpentine species, closure temperature and diffusion durations are applied to hydrothermal fields and in CI, CM and CR chondrites. Closure temperatures lie below 300˚ C for terrestrial hydrothermal alteration and depend on serpentine variety because they have

  15. D/H diffusion in serpentine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pilorgé, Hélène; Reynard, Bruno; Remusat, Laurent; Le Floch, Sylvie; Montagnac, Gilles; Cardon, Hervé


    Interactions between aqueous fluids and ultrabasic rocks are essential processes in a broad range of contexts including hydrothermal alteration on the parent body of carbonaceous chondrites, at mid-oceanic ridge, and in subduction zones. Tracking these processes and understanding reaction kinetics require knowledge of the diffusion of water in rocks, and of isotope fractionation in major minerals forming under hydrous conditions, such as serpentines. We present a study of D/H inter-diffusion in antigorite, a common variety of serpentine. Experiments were performed in a belt apparatus at 315 °C, 450 °C and 540 °C and at 3.0 GPa on natural antigorite powders saturated with interstitial D2O. An experiment was performed in a diamond anvil cell at 350 °C and 2.5 GPa on an antigorite single-crystal loaded with pure D2O. D/(D + H) ratios were mapped using Raman spectroscopy for the experiments at 315 °C, 450 °C and 540 °C and by NanoSIMS for the experiment at 350 °C. As antigorite is a phyllosilicate, diffusion coefficients were obtained for crystallographic directions parallel and perpendicular to the silicate layers (perpendicular and parallel to the c∗-axis, respectively). Arrhenius relations for D/H inter-diffusion coefficients were determined to be DD/H (m2/s) = 4.71 × 10-2 × exp(-207(-33/+58) (kJ/mol)/RT) and DD/H (m2/s) = 1.61 × 10-4 × exp(-192(-34/+93) (kJ/mol)/RT) perpendicular and parallel to the c∗-axis, respectively, and DD/H (m2/s) = 7.09 × 10-3 × exp(-202(-33/+70) (kJ/mol)/RT) for the bulk diffusivity. Assuming D/H inter-diffusion coefficients for antigorite are the same for all serpentine species, closure temperature and diffusion durations are applied to hydrothermal alteration in the oceanic lithosphere, and in CI, CM and CR chondrites. Closure temperatures lie below 300 °C for terrestrial hydrothermal alteration and depend on serpentine variety because they have different typical grain sizes. Closure temperatures lie below 160 °C for

  16. Anomalous Surface Diffusion of Protons on Lipid Membranes

    PubMed Central

    Wolf, Maarten G.; Grubmüller, Helmut; Groenhof, Gerrit


    The cellular energy machinery depends on the presence and properties of protons at or in the vicinity of lipid membranes. To asses the energetics and mobility of a proton near a membrane, we simulated an excess proton near a solvated DMPC bilayer at 323 K, using a recently developed method to include the Grotthuss proton shuttling mechanism in classical molecular dynamics simulations. We obtained a proton surface affinity of −13.0 ± 0.5 kJ mol−1. The proton interacted strongly with both lipid headgroup and linker carbonyl oxygens. Furthermore, the surface diffusion of the proton was anomalous, with a subdiffusive regime over the first few nanoseconds, followed by a superdiffusive regime. The time- and distance dependence of the proton surface diffusion coefficient within these regimes may also resolve discrepancies between previously reported diffusion coefficients. Our simulations show that the proton anomalous surface diffusion originates from restricted diffusion in two different surface-bound states, interrupted by the occasional bulk-mediated long-range surface diffusion. Although only a DMPC membrane was considered in this work, we speculate that the restrictive character of the on-surface diffusion is highly sensitive to the specific membrane conditions, which can alter the relative contributions of the surface and bulk pathways to the overall diffusion process. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the energy machinery. PMID:24988343

  17. Laser inhibited diffusion in rhodamine-ethanol solutions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Lawandy, N. M.; Fuhr, P. L.; Robinson, D. W.


    The diffusion of rhodamine-6G dye in ethanol is observed to be inhibited by optical pumping by a cadmium laser. The diffusion process is observed as a function of the solution temperature. The relative difference in diffusion coefficients with and without optical pumping is calculated. The effect is interpreted as being due to a stronger solvent-dye interaction in the first excited singlet state of rhodamine-6G.

  18. Multiple Factors-Aware Diffusion in Social Networks

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Multiple Factors-Aware Diffusion in Social Networks Chung-Kuang Chou(B) and Ming-Syan Chen Department of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan...propagates from nodes to nodes over a social network . The behavior that a node adopts an information piece in a social network can be affected by...Twitter dataset. Keywords: Social networks · Diffusion models 1 Introduction Information diffusion in social networks has been an active research field

  19. Diffuse charge dynamics in ionic thermoelectrochemical systems.


    Stout, Robert F; Khair, Aditya S


    Thermoelectrics are increasingly being studied as promising electrical generators in the ongoing search for alternative energy sources. In particular, recent experimental work has examined thermoelectric materials containing ionic charge carriers; however, the majority of mathematical modeling has been focused on their steady-state behavior. Here, we determine the time scales over which the diffuse charge dynamics in ionic thermoelectrochemical systems occur by analyzing the simplest model thermoelectric cell: a binary electrolyte between two parallel, blocking electrodes. We consider the application of a temperature gradient across the device while the electrodes remain electrically isolated from each other. This results in a net voltage, called the thermovoltage, via the Seebeck effect. At the same time, the Soret effect results in migration of the ions toward the cold electrode. The charge dynamics are described mathematically by the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations for dilute solutions, in which the ion flux is driven by electromigration, Brownian diffusion, and thermal diffusion under a temperature gradient. The temperature evolves according to the heat equation. This nonlinear set of equations is linearized in the (experimentally relevant) limit of a "weak" temperature gradient. From this, we show that the time scale on which the thermovoltage develops is the Debye time, 1/Dκ^{2}, where D is the Brownian diffusion coefficient of both ion species, and κ^{-1} is the Debye length. However, the concentration gradient due to the Soret effect develops on the bulk diffusion time, L^{2}/D, where L is the distance between the electrodes. For thin diffuse layers, which is the condition under which most real devices operate, the Debye time is orders of magnitude less than the diffusion time. Therefore, rather surprisingly, the majority of ion motion occurs after the steady thermovoltage has developed. Moreover, the dynamics are independent of the thermal diffusion

  20. Diffuse charge dynamics in ionic thermoelectrochemical systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stout, Robert F.; Khair, Aditya S.


    Thermoelectrics are increasingly being studied as promising electrical generators in the ongoing search for alternative energy sources. In particular, recent experimental work has examined thermoelectric materials containing ionic charge carriers; however, the majority of mathematical modeling has been focused on their steady-state behavior. Here, we determine the time scales over which the diffuse charge dynamics in ionic thermoelectrochemical systems occur by analyzing the simplest model thermoelectric cell: a binary electrolyte between two parallel, blocking electrodes. We consider the application of a temperature gradient across the device while the electrodes remain electrically isolated from each other. This results in a net voltage, called the thermovoltage, via the Seebeck effect. At the same time, the Soret effect results in migration of the ions toward the cold electrode. The charge dynamics are described mathematically by the Poisson-Nernst-Planck equations for dilute solutions, in which the ion flux is driven by electromigration, Brownian diffusion, and thermal diffusion under a temperature gradient. The temperature evolves according to the heat equation. This nonlinear set of equations is linearized in the (experimentally relevant) limit of a "weak" temperature gradient. From this, we show that the time scale on which the thermovoltage develops is the Debye time, 1 /D κ2 , where D is the Brownian diffusion coefficient of both ion species, and κ-1 is the Debye length. However, the concentration gradient due to the Soret effect develops on the bulk diffusion time, L2/D , where L is the distance between the electrodes. For thin diffuse layers, which is the condition under which most real devices operate, the Debye time is orders of magnitude less than the diffusion time. Therefore, rather surprisingly, the majority of ion motion occurs after the steady thermovoltage has developed. Moreover, the dynamics are independent of the thermal diffusion

  1. Various diffusion magnetic resonance imaging techniques for pancreatic cancer

    PubMed Central

    Tang, Meng-Yue; Zhang, Xiao-Ming; Chen, Tian-Wu; Huang, Xiao-Hua


    Pancreatic cancer is one of the most common malignant tumors and remains a treatment-refractory cancer with a poor prognosis. Currently, the diagnosis of pancreatic neoplasm depends mainly on imaging and which methods are conducive to detecting small lesions. Compared to the other techniques, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) has irreplaceable advantages and can provide valuable information unattainable with other noninvasive or minimally invasive imaging techniques. Advances in MR hardware and pulse sequence design have particularly improved the quality and robustness of MRI of the pancreas. Diffusion MR imaging serves as one of the common functional MRI techniques and is the only technique that can be used to reflect the diffusion movement of water molecules in vivo. It is generally known that diffusion properties depend on the characterization of intrinsic features of tissue microdynamics and microstructure. With the improvement of the diffusion models, diffusion MR imaging techniques are increasingly varied, from the simplest and most commonly used technique to the more complex. In this review, the various diffusion MRI techniques for pancreatic cancer are discussed, including conventional diffusion weighted imaging (DWI), multi-b DWI based on intra-voxel incoherent motion theory, diffusion tensor imaging and diffusion kurtosis imaging. The principles, main parameters, advantages and limitations of these techniques, as well as future directions for pancreatic diffusion imaging are also discussed. PMID:26753059

  2. Avian Egg Latebra as Brain Tissue Water Diffusion Model

    PubMed Central

    Maier, Stephan E.; Mitsouras, Dimitris; Mulkern, Robert V.


    Purpose Simplified models of non-monoexponential diffusion signal decay are of great interest to study the basic constituents of complex diffusion behaviour in tissues. The latebra, a unique structure uniformly present in the yolk of avian eggs, exhibits a non-monoexponential diffusion signal decay. This model is more complex than simple phantoms based on differences between water and lipid diffusion, but is also devoid of microscopic structures with preferential orientation or perfusion effects. Methods Diffusion scans with multiple b-values were performed on a clinical 3 Tesla system in raw and boiled chicken eggs equilibrated to room temperature. Diffusion encoding was applied over the ranges 5–5,000 and 5–50,000 s/mm2. A low read-out bandwidth and chemical shift was used for reliable lipid/water separation. Signal decays were fitted with exponential functions. Results The latebra, when measured over the 5–5,000 s/mm2 range, exhibited independent of preparation clearly biexponential diffusion, with diffusion parameters similar to those typically observed in in-vivo human brain. For the range 5–50,000 s/mm2 there was evidence of a small third, very slow diffusing water component. Conclusion The latebra of the avian egg contains membrane structures, which may explain a deviation from a simple monoexponential diffusion signal decay, which is remarkably similar to the deviation observed in brain tissue. PMID:24105853

  3. Single Crystal Diffuse Neutron Scattering


    Welberry, Richard; Whitfield, Ross


    Diffuse neutron scattering has become a valuable tool for investigating local structure in materials ranging from organic molecular crystals containing only light atoms to piezo-ceramics that frequently contain heavy elements. Although neutron sources will never be able to compete with X-rays in terms of the available flux the special properties of neutrons, viz. the ability to explore inelastic scattering events, the fact that scattering lengths do not vary systematically with atomic number and their ability to scatter from magnetic moments, provides strong motivation for developing neutron diffuse scattering methods. Here, we compare three different instruments that have been used bymore » us to collect neutron diffuse scattering data. Two of these are on a spallation source and one on a reactor source.« less

  4. Water vapor diffusion membranes, 2

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Holland, F. F.; Klein, E.; Smith, J. K.; Eyer, C.


    Transport mechanisms were investigated for the three different types of water vapor diffusion membranes. Membranes representing porous wetting and porous nonwetting structures as well as dense diffusive membrane structures were investigated for water permeation rate as a function of: (1) temperature, (2) solids composition in solution, and (3) such hydrodynamic parameters as sweep gas flow rate, solution flow rate and cell geometry. These properties were measured using nitrogen sweep gas to collect the effluent. In addition, the chemical stability to chromic acid-stabilized urine was measured for several of each type of membrane. A technology based on the mechanism of vapor transport was developed, whereby the vapor diffusion rates and relative susceptibility of membranes to fouling and failure could be projected for long-term vapor recovery trials using natural chromic acid-stabilized urine.

  5. Single Crystal Diffuse Neutron Scattering

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Welberry, Richard; Whitfield, Ross

    Diffuse neutron scattering has become a valuable tool for investigating local structure in materials ranging from organic molecular crystals containing only light atoms to piezo-ceramics that frequently contain heavy elements. Although neutron sources will never be able to compete with X-rays in terms of the available flux the special properties of neutrons, viz. the ability to explore inelastic scattering events, the fact that scattering lengths do not vary systematically with atomic number and their ability to scatter from magnetic moments, provides strong motivation for developing neutron diffuse scattering methods. Here, we compare three different instruments that have been used bymore » us to collect neutron diffuse scattering data. Two of these are on a spallation source and one on a reactor source.« less

  6. Computation of shear-induced collective-diffusivity in emulsions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malipeddi, Abhilash Reddy; Sarkar, Kausik


    The shear-induced collective-diffusivity of drops in an emulsion is calculated through simulation. A front-tracking finite difference method is used to integrate the Navier-Stokes equations. When a cloud of drops is subjected to shear flow, after a certain time, the width of the cloud increases with the 1/3 power of time. This scaling of drop-cloud-width with time is characteristic of (sub-)diffusion that arises from irreversible two-drop interactions. The collective diffusivity is calculated from this relationship. A feature of the procedure adopted here is the modest computational requirement, wherein, a few drops ( 70) in shear for short time ( 70 strain) is found to be sufficient to get a good estimate. As far as we know, collective-diffusivity has not been calculated for drops through simulation till now. The computed values match with experimental measurements reported in the literature. The diffusivity in emulsions is calculated for a range of Capillary (Ca) and Reynolds (Re) numbers. It is found to be a unimodal function of Ca , similar to self-diffusivity. A sub-linear increase of the diffusivity with Re is seen for Re < 5 . This work has been limited to a viscosity matched case.

  7. Thin-film diffusion brazing of titanium alloys

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mikus, E. B.


    A thin film diffusion brazing technique for joining titanium alloys by use of a Cu intermediate is described. The method has been characterized in terms of static and dynamic mechanical properties on Ti-6Al-4V alloy. These include tensile, fracture toughness, stress corrosion, shear, corrosion fatigue, mechanical fatigue and acoustic fatigue. Most of the properties of titanium joints formed by thin film diffusion brazing are equal or exceed base metal properties. The advantages of thin film diffusion brazing over solid state diffusion bonding and brazing with conventional braze alloys are discussed. The producibility advantages of this process over others provide the potential for producing high efficiency joints in structural components of titanium alloys for the minimum cost.

  8. Sodium diffusion in 4H-SiC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Linnarsson, M. K., E-mail:; Hallén, A.

    Sodium diffusion has been studied in p-type 4H-SiC. Heat treatments have been performed from 1200 °C to 1800 °C for 1 min to 4 h. Secondary ion mass spectrometry has been used to measure the sodium distribution. We show that sodium has a considerable mobility at 1200 °C in p-type 4H-SiC. On the other hand for sodium atoms trapped at suitable sites the mobility is limited up to 1800 °C. Trap limited diffusion kinetics is suggested and an effective diffusivity has been extracted with an activation energy of 4 eV for sodium diffusion in p-type 4H-SiC.

  9. Automated correction of improperly rotated diffusion gradient orientations in diffusion weighted MRI.


    Jeurissen, Ben; Leemans, Alexander; Sijbers, Jan


    Ensuring one is using the correct gradient orientations in a diffusion MRI study can be a challenging task. As different scanners, file formats and processing tools use different coordinate frame conventions, in practice, users can end up with improperly oriented gradient orientations. Using such wrongly oriented gradient orientations for subsequent diffusion parameter estimation will invalidate all rotationally variant parameters and fiber tractography results. While large misalignments can be detected by visual inspection, small rotations of the gradient table (e.g. due to angulation of the acquisition plane), are much more difficult to detect. In this work, we propose an automated method to align the coordinate frame of the gradient orientations with that of the corresponding diffusion weighted images, using a metric based on whole brain fiber tractography. By transforming the gradient table and measuring the average fiber trajectory length, we search for the transformation that results in the best global 'connectivity'. To ensure a fast calculation of the metric we included a range of algorithmic optimizations in our tractography routine. To make the optimization routine robust to spurious local maxima, we use a stochastic optimization routine that selects a random set of seed points on each evaluation. Using simulations, we show that our method can recover the correct gradient orientations with high accuracy and precision. In addition, we demonstrate that our technique can successfully recover rotated gradient tables on a wide range of clinically realistic data sets. As such, our method provides a practical and robust solution to an often overlooked pitfall in the processing of diffusion MRI. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Diffusion and mobility of atomic particles in a liquid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smirnov, B. M.; Son, E. E.; Tereshonok, D. V.


    The diffusion coefficient of a test atom or molecule in a liquid is determined for the mechanism where the displacement of the test molecule results from the vibrations and motion of liquid molecules surrounding the test molecule and of the test particle itself. This leads to a random change in the coordinate of the test molecule, which eventually results in the diffusion motion of the test particle in space. Two models parameters of interaction of a particle and a liquid are used to find the activation energy of the diffusion process under consideration: the gas-kinetic cross section for scattering of test molecules in the parent gas and the Wigner-Seitz radius for test molecules. In the context of this approach, we have calculated the diffusion coefficient of atoms and molecules in water, where based on experimental data, we have constructed the dependence of the activation energy for the diffusion of test molecules in water on the interaction parameter and the temperature dependence for diffusion coefficient of atoms or molecules in water within the models considered. The statistically averaged difference of the activation energies for the diffusion coefficients of different test molecules in water that we have calculated based on each of the presented models does not exceed 10% of the diffusion coefficient itself. We have considered the diffusion of clusters in water and present the dependence of the diffusion coefficient on the cluster size. The accuracy of the presented formulas for the diffusion coefficient of atomic particles in water is estimated to be 50%.

  11. Three FORTRAN programs for finite-difference solutions to binary diffusion in one and two phases with composition-and time-dependent diffusion coefficients

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Sanford, R.F.


    Geological examples of binary diffusion are numerous. They are potential indicators of the duration and rates of geological processes. Analytical solutions to the diffusion equations generally do not allow for variable diffusion coefficients, changing boundary conditions, and impingement of diffusion fields. The three programs presented here are based on Crank-Nicholson finite-difference approximations, which can take into account these complicating factors. Program 1 describes the diffusion of a component into an initially homogeneous phase that has a constant surface composition. Specifically it is written for Fe-Mg exchange in olivine at oxygen fugacities appropriate for the lunar crust, but other components, phases, or fugacities may be substituted by changing the values of the diffusion coefficient. Program 2 simulates the growth of exsolution lamellae. Program 3 describes the growth of reaction rims. These two programs are written for pseudobinary Ca-(Mg, Fe) exchange in pyroxenes. In all three programs, the diffusion coefficients and boundary conditions can be varied systematically with time. To enable users to employ widely different numerical values for diffusion coefficients and diffusion distance, the grid spacing in the space dimension and the increment by which the grid spacing in the time dimension is increased at each time step are input constants that can be varied each time the programs are run to yield a solution of the desired accuracy. ?? 1982.

  12. Atomistic models of vacancy-mediated diffusion in silicon

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dunham, Scott T.; Wu, Can Dong


    Vacancy-mediated diffusion of dopants in silicon is investigated using Monte Carlo simulations of hopping diffusion, as well as analytic approximations based on atomistic considerations. Dopant/vacancy interaction potentials are assumed to extend out to third-nearest neighbor distances, as required for pair diffusion theories. Analysis focusing on the third-nearest neighbor sites as bridging configurations for uncorrelated hops leads to an improved analytic model for vacancy-mediated dopant diffusion. The Monte Carlo simulations of vacancy motion on a doped silicon lattice verify the analytic results for moderate doping levels. For very high doping (≳2×1020 cm-3) the simulations show a very rapid increase in pair diffusivity due to interactions of vacancies with more than one dopant atom. This behavior has previously been observed experimentally for group IV and V atoms in silicon [Nylandsted Larsen et al., J. Appl. Phys. 73, 691 (1993)], and the simulations predict both the point of onset and doping dependence of the experimentally observed diffusivity enhancement.

  13. Rotation and diffusion of naphthalene on Pt(111)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kolsbjerg, E. L.; Goubert, G.; McBreen, P. H.; Hammer, B.


    The behavior of naphthalene on Pt(111) surfaces is studied by combining insight from scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) and van der Waals enabled density functional theory. Adsorption, diffusion, and rotation are investigated by a series of variable temperature STM experiments revealing naphthalene ability to rotate on-site with ease with a rotational barrier of 0.69 eV. Diffusion to neighbouring sites is found to be more difficult. The experimental results are in good agreement with the theoretical investigations which confirm that the barrier for diffusion is slightly higher than the one for rotation. The theoretical barriers for rotation and translation are found to be 0.75 and 0.78 eV, respectively. An automatic mapping of the possible diffusion pathways reveals very detailed diffusion paths with many small local minima that would have been practically impossible to find manually. This automated procedure provides detailed insight into the preferred diffusion pathways that are important for our understanding of molecule-substrate interactions.

  14. Spatial diffusion of raccoon rabies in Pennsylvania, USA.


    Moore, D A


    Identification of the geographic pattern of diffusion of a wildlife disease could lead to information regarding its control. The objective of this study was to model raccoon-rabies diffusion in Pennsylvania to identify geographic constraints on the diffusion pattern for potential use in bait-vaccination strategies. A trend-surface analysis (TSA) was used as a spatial filter for month to first report by county location. A cubic polynomial model was fitted (R2 = 0.80). Velocity vectors were calculated from the partial derivatives of the model and mapped to demonstrate the instantaneous speed of diffusion at each location. A main corridor of diffusion through the ridge and valley section of the state was evident early in the outbreak. Once the disease reached the northern counties, the disease moved west toward Ohio. I believe that TSA was useful in identifying the pattern of raccoon-rabies diffusion across the stage from the inherent noise of disease-reporting data.

  15. Anomalous diffusion and scaling in coupled stochastic processes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bel, Golan; Nemenman, Ilya


    Inspired by problems in biochemical kinetics, we study statistical properties of an overdamped Langevin processes with the friction coefficient depending on the state of a similar, unobserved, process. Integrating out the latter, we derive the Pocker-Planck the friction coefficient of the first depends on the state of the second. Integrating out the latter, we derive the Focker-Planck equation for the probability distribution of the former. This has the fonn of diffusion equation with time-dependent diffusion coefficient, resulting in an anomalous diffusion. The diffusion exponent can not be predicted using a simple scaling argument, and anomalous scaling appears as well. Themore » diffusion exponent of the Weiss-Havlin comb model is derived as a special case, and the same exponent holds even for weakly coupled processes. We compare our theoretical predictions with numerical simulations and find an excellent agreement. The findings caution against treating biochemical systems with unobserved dynamical degrees of freedom by means of standandard, diffusive Langevin descritpion.« less

  16. New Layer Thickness Parameterization of Diffusive Convection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Sheng-Qi; Lu, Yuan-Zheng; Guo, Shuang-Xi; Song, Xue-Long; Qu, Ling; Cen, Xian-Rong; Fer, Ilker


    Double-diffusion convection is one of the most important non-mechanically driven mixing processes. Its importance has been particular recognized in oceanography, material science, geology, and planetary physics. Double-diffusion occurs in a fluid in which there are gradients of two (or more) properties with different molecular diffusivities and of opposing effects on the vertical density distribution. It has two primary modes: salt finger and diffusive convection. Recently, the importance of diffusive convection has aroused more interest due to its impact to the diapycnal mixing in the interior ocean and the ice and the ice-melting in the Arctic and Antarctic Oceans. In our recent work, we constructed a length scale of energy-containing eddy and proposed a new layer thickness parameterization of diffusive convection by using the laboratory experiment and in situ observations in the lakes and oceans. The new parameterization can well describe the laboratory convecting layer thicknesses (0.01 0.1 m) and those observed in oceans and lakes (0.1 1000 m). This work was supported by China NSF Grants (41476167,41406035 and 41176027), NSF of Guangdong Province, China (2016A030311042) and the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (XDA11030302).

  17. Instability of turing patterns in reaction-diffusion-ODE systems.


    Marciniak-Czochra, Anna; Karch, Grzegorz; Suzuki, Kanako


    The aim of this paper is to contribute to the understanding of the pattern formation phenomenon in reaction-diffusion equations coupled with ordinary differential equations. Such systems of equations arise, for example, from modeling of interactions between cellular processes such as cell growth, differentiation or transformation and diffusing signaling factors. We focus on stability analysis of solutions of a prototype model consisting of a single reaction-diffusion equation coupled to an ordinary differential equation. We show that such systems are very different from classical reaction-diffusion models. They exhibit diffusion-driven instability (turing instability) under a condition of autocatalysis of non-diffusing component. However, the same mechanism which destabilizes constant solutions of such models, destabilizes also all continuous spatially heterogeneous stationary solutions, and consequently, there exist no stable Turing patterns in such reaction-diffusion-ODE systems. We provide a rigorous result on the nonlinear instability, which involves the analysis of a continuous spectrum of a linear operator induced by the lack of diffusion in the destabilizing equation. These results are extended to discontinuous patterns for a class of nonlinearities.

  18. Improved knowledge diffusion model based on the collaboration hypernetwork

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Jiang-Pan; Guo, Qiang; Yang, Guang-Yong; Liu, Jian-Guo


    The process for absorbing knowledge becomes an essential element for innovation in firms and in adapting to changes in the competitive environment. In this paper, we present an improved knowledge diffusion hypernetwork (IKDH) model based on the idea that knowledge will spread from the target node to all its neighbors in terms of the hyperedge and knowledge stock. We apply the average knowledge stock V(t) , the variable σ2(t) , and the variance coefficient c(t) to evaluate the performance of knowledge diffusion. By analyzing different knowledge diffusion ways, selection ways of the highly knowledgeable nodes, hypernetwork sizes and hypernetwork structures for the performance of knowledge diffusion, results show that the diffusion speed of IKDH model is 3.64 times faster than that of traditional knowledge diffusion (TKDH) model. Besides, it is three times faster to diffuse knowledge by randomly selecting "expert" nodes than that by selecting large-hyperdegree nodes as "expert" nodes. Furthermore, either the closer network structure or smaller network size results in the faster knowledge diffusion.

  19. Influence of Different Diffuser Angle on Sedan's Aerodynamic Characteristics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Xingjun; Zhang, Rui; Ye, Jian; Yan, Xu; Zhao, Zhiming

    The aerodynamic characteristics have a great influence on the fuel economics and the steering stability of a high speed vehicle. The underbody rear diffuser is one of important aerodynamic add-on devices. The parameters of the diffuser, including the diffuser angle, the number and the shape of separators, the shape of the end plate and etc, will affect the underbody flow and the wake. Here, just the influence of the diffuser angle was investigated without separator and the end plate. The method of Computational Fluid Dynamics was adopted to study the aerodynamic characteristics of a simplified sedan with a different diffuser angle respectively. The diffuser angle was set to 0°, 3°, 6°, 9.8° and 12° respectively. The diffuser angle of the original model is 9.8°. The conclusions were drawn that when the diffuser angle increases, the underbody flow and especially the wake change greatly and the pressure change correspondingly; as a result, the total aerodynamic drag coefficients of car first decrease and then increases, while the total aerodynamic lift coefficients decrease.

  20. Impact of time-of-day on diffusivity measures of brain tissue derived from diffusion tensor imaging.


    Thomas, Cibu; Sadeghi, Neda; Nayak, Amrita; Trefler, Aaron; Sarlls, Joelle; Baker, Chris I; Pierpaoli, Carlo


    Diurnal fluctuations in MRI measures of structural and functional properties of the brain have been reported recently. These fluctuations may have a physiological origin, since they have been detected using different MRI modalities, and cannot be explained by factors that are typically known to confound MRI measures. While preliminary evidence suggests that measures of structural properties of the brain based on diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) fluctuate as a function of time-of-day (TOD), the underlying mechanism has not been investigated. Here, we used a longitudinal within-subjects design to investigate the impact of time-of-day on DTI measures. In addition to using the conventional monoexponential tensor model to assess TOD-related fluctuations, we used a dual compartment tensor model that allowed us to directly assess if any change in DTI measures is due to an increase in CSF/free-water volume fraction or due to an increase in water diffusivity within the parenchyma. Our results show that Trace or mean diffusivity, as measured using the conventional monoexponential tensor model tends to increase systematically from morning to afternoon scans at the interface of grey matter/CSF, most prominently in the major fissures and the sulci of the brain. Interestingly, in a recent study of the glymphatic system, these same regions were found to show late enhancement after intrathecal injection of a CSF contrast agent. The increase in Trace also impacts DTI measures of diffusivity such as radial and axial diffusivity, but does not affect fractional anisotropy. The dual compartment analysis revealed that the increase in diffusivity measures from PM to AM was driven by an increase in the volume fraction of CSF-like free-water. Taken together, our findings provide important insight into the likely physiological origins of diurnal fluctuations in MRI measurements of structural properties of the brain. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Establishment of a Physical Model for Solute Diffusion in Hydrogel: Understanding the Diffusion of Proteins in Poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) Hydrogel.


    Zhou, Yuhang; Li, Junjie; Zhang, Ying; Dong, Dianyu; Zhang, Ershuai; Ji, Feng; Qin, Zhihui; Yang, Jun; Yao, Fanglian


    Prediction of the diffusion coefficient of solute, especially bioactive molecules, in hydrogel is significant in the biomedical field. Considering the randomness of solute movement in a hydrogel network, a physical diffusion RMP-1 model based on obstruction theory was established in this study. The physical properties of the solute and the polymer chain and their interactions were introduced into this model. Furthermore, models RMP-2 and RMP-3 were established to understand and predict the diffusion behaviors of proteins in hydrogel. In addition, zwitterionic poly(sulfobetaine methacrylate) (PSBMA) hydrogels with wide range and fine adjustable mesh sizes were prepared and used as efficient experimental platforms for model validation. The Flory characteristic ratios, Flory-Huggins parameter, mesh size, and polymer chain radii of PSBMA hydrogels were determined. The diffusion coefficients of the proteins (bovine serum albumin, immunoglobulin G, and lysozyme) in PSBMA hydrogels were studied by the fluorescence recovery after photobleaching technique. The measured diffusion coefficients were compared with the predictions of obstruction models, and it was found that our model presented an excellent predictive ability. Furthermore, the assessment of our model revealed that protein diffusion in PSBMA hydrogel would be affected by the physical properties of the protein and the PSBMA network. It was also confirmed that the diffusion behaviors of protein in zwitterionic hydrogels can be adjusted by changing the cross-linking density of the hydrogel and the ionic strength of the swelling medium. Our model is expected to possess accurate predictive ability for the diffusion coefficient of solute in hydrogel, which will be widely used in the biomedical field.

  2. Effects of Impeller-Diffuser Interaction on Centrifugal Compressor Performance

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tan, Choon S.


    This research program focuses on characterizing the effect of impeller-diffuser interactions in a centrifugal compressor stage on its performance using unsteady threedimensional Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes simulations. The computed results show that the interaction between the downstream diffuser pressure field and the impeller tip clearance flow can account for performance changes in the impeller. The magnitude of performance change due to this interaction was examined for an impeller with varying tip clearance followed by a vaned or vaneless diffuser. The impact of unsteady impeller-diffuser interaction, primarily through the impeller tip clearance flow, is reflected through a time-averaged change in impeller loss, blockage and slip. The results show that there exists a tip clearance where the beneficial effect of the impeller-diffuser interaction on the impeller performance is at a maximum. A flow feature that consists of tip flow back leakage was shown to occur at design speed for the centrifugal compressor stage. This flow phenomenon is described as tip flow that originates in one passage, flows downstream of the impeller trailing edge and then returns to upstream of the impeller trailing edge of a neighboring passage. Such a flow feature is a source of loss in the impeller. A hypothesis is put forth to show that changing the diffuser vane count and changing impeller-diffuser gap has an analogous effect on the impeller performance. The centrifugal compressor stage was analyzed using diffusers of different vane counts, producing an impeller performance trend similar to that when the impeller-diffuser gap was varied, thus supporting the hypothesis made. This has the implication that the effect impeller performance associated with changing the impeller-diffuser gap and changing diffuser vane count can be described by the non-dimensional ratio of impeller-diffuser gap to diffuser vane pitch. A procedure is proposed and developed for isolating impeller passage

  3. Inter-diffusion analysis of joint interface of tungsten-rhenium couple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hua, Y. F.; Li, Z. X.; Zhang, X.; Du, J. H.; Huang, C. L.; Du, M. H.


    The tungsten-rhenium couple was prepared by using glow plasma physical vapor deposition (PVD) on the isotropic fine grained graphite (IG) substrates. Diffusion anneals of the tungsten-rhenium couple were conducted at the temperature from 1100 °C to 1400 °C to investigate the inter-diffusion behaviors. The results showed that the thickness of the inter-diffusion zone increased with increasing annealing temperature. The relationship between the inter-diffusion coefficient and the annealing temperature accorded with the Arrhenius manner. The value of inter-diffusion activation energies was 189 kJ/mole (1.96 eV). The service time of tungsten-rhenium multilayer diffusion barrier was limited by the inter-diffusion for rhenium and tungsten rather than the diffusion of carbon in rhenium.

  4. The role of fractional time-derivative operators on anomalous diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tateishi, Angel A.; Ribeiro, Haroldo V.; Lenzi, Ervin K.


    The generalized diffusion equations with fractional order derivatives have shown be quite efficient to describe the diffusion in complex systems, with the advantage of producing exact expressions for the underlying diffusive properties. Recently, researchers have proposed different fractional-time operators (namely: the Caputo-Fabrizio and Atangana-Baleanu) which, differently from the well-known Riemann-Liouville operator, are defined by non-singular memory kernels. Here we proposed to use these new operators to generalize the usual diffusion equation. By analyzing the corresponding fractional diffusion equations within the continuous time random walk framework, we obtained waiting time distributions characterized by exponential, stretched exponential, and power-law functions, as well as a crossover between two behaviors. For the mean square displacement, we found crossovers between usual and confined diffusion, and between usual and sub-diffusion. We obtained the exact expressions for the probability distributions, where non-Gaussian and stationary distributions emerged. This former feature is remarkable because the fractional diffusion equation is solved without external forces and subjected to the free diffusion boundary conditions. We have further shown that these new fractional diffusion equations are related to diffusive processes with stochastic resetting, and to fractional diffusion equations with derivatives of distributed order. Thus, our results suggest that these new operators may be a simple and efficient way for incorporating different structural aspects into the system, opening new possibilities for modeling and investigating anomalous diffusive processes.

  5. Holographic diffuser by use of a silver halide sensitized gelatin process

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Sun Il; Choi, Yoon Sun; Ham, Yong Nam; Park, Chong Yun; Kim, Jong Man


    Diffusers play an important role in liquid-crystal display (LCD) application as a beam-shaping device, a brightness homogenizer, a light-scattering device, and an imaging screen. The transmittance and diffusing angle of the diffusers are the critical aspects for the applications to the LCD. The holographic diffusers by use of various processing methods have been investigated. The diffusing characteristics of different diffusing materials and processing methods have been evaluated and compared. The micro-structures of holographic diffusers have been investigated by use of using scanning electron microscopy. The holographic diffusers by use of the silver halide sensitized gelatin (SHSG) method have the structural merits for the improvement of the quality of diffusers. The features of holographic diffuser were exceptional in terms of transmittance and diffusing angle. The replication method by use of the SHSG process can be directly used for the manufacturing of diffusers for the display application.

  6. Ag out-surface diffusion in crystalline SiC with an effective SiO 2 diffusion barrier

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Xue, H.; Xiao, H. Y.; Zhu, Z.


    For applications of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles in high temperature reactors, release of radioactive Ag isotope ( 110mAg) through the SiC coating layer is a safety concern. In order to understand the diffusion mechanism, Ag ion implantations near the surface and in the bulk were performed by utilizing different ion energies and energy-degrader foils. High temperature annealing was carried out on the as-irradiated samples to study the possible out-surface diffusion. Before and after annealing, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements were employed to obtain the elemental profiles of the implanted samples. Our results suggestmore » little migration of buried Ag in the bulk, and an out-diffusion of the implanted Ag in the near-surface region of single crystal SiC. It is also found that a SiO 2 layer, which was formed during annealing, may serve as an effective barrier to reduce or prevent Ag out diffusion through the SiC coating layer.« less

  7. Ag Out-surface Diffusion In Crystalline SiC With An Effective SiO2 Diffusion Barrier

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Xue, H.; Xiao, Haiyan Y.; Zhu, Zihua


    For applications of tristructural isotropic (TRISO) fuel particles in high temperature reactors, release of radioactive Ag isotope (110mAg) through the SiC coating layer is a safety concern. To understand the diffusion mechanism, Ag ion implantations near the surface and in the bulk were performed by utilizing different ion energies and energy-degrader foils. High temperature annealing was carried out on the as-irradiated samples to study the possible out-surface diffusion. Before and after annealing, Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) and secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) measurements were employed to obtain the elemental profiles of the implanted samples. The results suggest little migration ofmore » buried Ag in the bulk, and an out-diffusion of the implanted Ag in the near-surface region of single crystal SiC. It is also found that a SiO2 layer, which was formed during annealing, may serve as an effective barrier to reduce or prevent Ag out diffusion through the SiC coating layer.« less

  8. Diffusion of Hydrogen and Helium in Inconel 625

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Palosz, W.; Gillies, D.; Lehoczky, S.


    Diffusion parameters for hydrogen and helium in Inconel 625 were investigated. The dependence of permeability of hydrogen in the temperature range 310 - 750 C is given. Solubility of hydrogen at 1 atm in the range 640 - 860 C was determined and diffusivity of the gas was calculated. Experiments with diffusion and solubility at 0.09 atm suggest a molecular mechanism of solution of hydrogen in the material. Diffusivity of helium was estimated at less than 10(exp -18) sq cm/s (at 1040 C).

  9. Diffusion orientation transform revisited.


    Canales-Rodríguez, Erick Jorge; Lin, Ching-Po; Iturria-Medina, Yasser; Yeh, Chun-Hung; Cho, Kuan-Hung; Melie-García, Lester


    Diffusion orientation transform (DOT) is a powerful imaging technique that allows the reconstruction of the microgeometry of fibrous tissues based on diffusion MRI data. The three main error sources involving this methodology are the finite sampling of the q-space, the practical truncation of the series of spherical harmonics and the use of a mono-exponential model for the attenuation of the measured signal. In this work, a detailed mathematical description that provides an extension to the DOT methodology is presented. In particular, the limitations implied by the use of measurements with a finite support in q-space are investigated and clarified as well as the impact of the harmonic series truncation. Near- and far-field analytical patterns for the diffusion propagator are examined. The near-field pattern makes available the direct computation of the probability of return to the origin. The far-field pattern allows probing the limitations of the mono-exponential model, which suggests the existence of a limit of validity for DOT. In the regimen from moderate to large displacement lengths the isosurfaces of the diffusion propagator reveal aberrations in form of artifactual peaks. Finally, the major contribution of this work is the derivation of analytical equations that facilitate the accurate reconstruction of some orientational distribution functions (ODFs) and skewness ODFs that are relatively immune to these artifacts. The new formalism was tested using synthetic and real data from a phantom of intersecting capillaries. The results support the hypothesis that the revisited DOT methodology could enhance the estimation of the microgeometry of fiber tissues.

  10. Diapycnal Transport and Pattern Formation in Double-Diffusive Convection

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of knowledge. The effects of turbulent-dominated and purely double-diffusive regimes are compared to dual turbulent/double-diffusive systems presented to remedy this dearth of knowledge. The effects of turbulent-dominated and purely double-diffusive regimes are compared to dual...8 2. Double-Diffusion: The Constant Flux Ratio Model ..........................9 3. The Combined Effects of

  11. Communication: Coordinate-dependent diffusivity from single molecule trajectories

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Berezhkovskii, Alexander M.; Makarov, Dmitrii E.


    Single-molecule observations of biomolecular folding are commonly interpreted using the model of one-dimensional diffusion along a reaction coordinate, with a coordinate-independent diffusion coefficient. Recent analysis, however, suggests that more general models are required to account for single-molecule measurements performed with high temporal resolution. Here, we consider one such generalization: a model where the diffusion coefficient can be an arbitrary function of the reaction coordinate. Assuming Brownian dynamics along this coordinate, we derive an exact expression for the coordinate-dependent diffusivity in terms of the splitting probability within an arbitrarily chosen interval and the mean transition path time between the interval boundaries. This formula can be used to estimate the effective diffusion coefficient along a reaction coordinate directly from single-molecule trajectories.

  12. The complex fluid dynamics of simple diffusion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vold, Erik


    Diffusion as the mass transport process responsible for mixing fluids at the atomic level is often underestimated in its complexity. An initial discontinuity between two species of different atomic masses exhibits a mass density discontinuity under isothermal pressure equilibrium implying equal species molar densities. The self-consistent kinetic transport processes across such an interface leads to a zero sum of mass flux relative to the center of mass and so diffusion alone cannot relax an initially stationary mass discontinuity nor broaden the density profile at the interface. The diffusive mixing leads to a molar imbalance which drives a center of mass velocity which moves the heavier species toward the lighter species leading to the interfacial density relaxation. Simultaneously, the species non-zero molar flux modifies the pressure profile in a transient wave and in a local perturbation. The resulting center of mass velocity has two components; one, associated with the divergence of the flow, persists in the diffusive mixing region throughout the diffusive mixing process, and two, travelling waves at the front of the pressure perturbations propagate away from the mixing region. The momentum in these waves is necessary to maintain momentum conservation in the center of mass frame. Thus, in a number of ways, the diffusive mixing provides feedback into the small scale advective motions. Numerical methods which diffuse all species assuming P-T equilibrium may not recover the subtle dynamics of mass transport at an interface. Work performed by the LANS, LLC, under USDOE Contract No. DE-AC52-06NA25396, funded by the (ASC) Program.

  13. Permanganate diffusion and reaction in sedimentary rocks.


    Huang, Qiuyuan; Dong, Hailiang; Towne, Rachael M; Fischer, Timothy B; Schaefer, Charles E


    In situ chemical oxidation using permanganate has frequently been used to treat chlorinated solvents in fractured bedrock aquifers. However, in systems where matrix back-diffusion is an important process, the ability of the oxidant to migrate and treat target contaminants within the rock matrix will likely determine the overall effectiveness of this remedial approach. In this study, a series of diffusion experiments were performed to measure the permanganate diffusion and reaction in four different types of sedimentary rocks (dark gray mudstone, light gray mudstone, red sandstone, and tan sandstone). Results showed that, within the experimental time frame (~2 months), oxidant migration into the rock was limited to distances less than 500 μm. The observed diffusivities for permanganate into the rock matrices ranged from 5.3 × 10(-13) to 1.3 × 10(-11) cm(2)/s. These values were reasonably predicted by accounting for both the rock oxidant demand and the effective diffusivity of the rock. Various Mn minerals formed as surface coatings from reduction of permanganate coupled with oxidation of total organic carbon (TOC), and the nature of the formed Mn minerals was dependent upon the rock type. Post-treatment tracer testing showed that these Mn mineral coatings had a negligible impact on diffusion through the rock. Overall, our results showed that the extent of permanganate diffusion and reaction depended on rock properties, including porosity, mineralogy, and organic carbon. These results have important implications for our understanding of long-term organic contaminant remediation in sedimentary rocks using permanganate. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  14. MODIS Solar Diffuser Attenuation Screen Modeling Results

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Waluschka, Eugene; Xuong, Xiaoxiong; Guenther, Bruce; Barnes, William


    On-orbit calibration of the reflected solar bands on the EOS Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) is accomplished by have the instrument view a high reflectance diffuse surface illuminated by the sun. For some of the spectral bands this proves to be much too bright a signal that results in the saturation of detectors designed for measuring low reflectance (ocean) surfaces signals. A mechanical attenuation device in the form of a pin hole screen is used to reduce the signals to calibrate these bands. The sensor response to solar illumination of the SD with and without the attenuation screen in place will be presented. The MODIS detector response to the solar diffuser is smooth when the attenuation screen is absent, but has structures up to a few percent when the attenuation screen is present. This structure corresponds to non-uniform illumination from the solar diffuser. Each pin hole produces a pin-hole image of the sun on the solar diffuser, and there are very many pin hole images of the sun on the solar diffuser for each MODIS detector. Even though there are very many pin-hole images of the sun on the solar diffuser, it is no longer perfectly uniformly illuminated. This non-uniformly illuminated solar diffuser produces intensity variation on the focal planes. The results of a very detailed simulation will be discussed which show how the illumination of the focal plane changes as a result of the attenuation, and the impacts on the calibration will be discussed.

  15. Information diffusion, Facebook clusters, and the simplicial model of social aggregation: a computational simulation of simplicial diffusers for community health interventions.


    Kee, Kerk F; Sparks, Lisa; Struppa, Daniele C; Mannucci, Mirco A; Damiano, Alberto


    By integrating the simplicial model of social aggregation with existing research on opinion leadership and diffusion networks, this article introduces the constructs of simplicial diffusers (mathematically defined as nodes embedded in simplexes; a simplex is a socially bonded cluster) and simplicial diffusing sets (mathematically defined as minimal covers of a simplicial complex; a simplicial complex is a social aggregation in which socially bonded clusters are embedded) to propose a strategic approach for information diffusion of cancer screenings as a health intervention on Facebook for community cancer prevention and control. This approach is novel in its incorporation of interpersonally bonded clusters, culturally distinct subgroups, and different united social entities that coexist within a larger community into a computational simulation to select sets of simplicial diffusers with the highest degree of information diffusion for health intervention dissemination. The unique contributions of the article also include seven propositions and five algorithmic steps for computationally modeling the simplicial model with Facebook data.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Williamson, David; Martel, Hugo; Kawata, Daisuke, E-mail:


    We perform a series of smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations of isolated dwarf galaxies to compare different metal mixing models. In particular, we examine the role of diffusion in the production of enriched outflows and in determining the metallicity distributions of gas and stars. We investigate different diffusion strengths by changing the pre-factor of the diffusion coefficient, by varying how the diffusion coefficient is calculated from the local velocity distribution, and by varying whether the speed of sound is included as a velocity term. Stronger diffusion produces a tighter [O/Fe]–[Fe/H] distribution in the gas and cuts off the gas metallicity distributionmore » function at lower metallicities. Diffusion suppresses the formation of low-metallicity stars, even with weak diffusion, and also strips metals from enriched outflows. This produces a remarkably tight correlation between “metal mass-loading” (mean metal outflow rate divided by mean metal production rate) and the strength of diffusion, even when the diffusion coefficient is calculated in different ways. The effectiveness of outflows at removing metals from dwarf galaxies and the metal distribution of the gas is thus dependent on the strength of diffusion. By contrast, we show that the metallicities of stars are not strongly dependent on the strength of diffusion, provided that some diffusion is present.« less

  17. Diffusion of oxygen in cork.


    Lequin, Sonia; Chassagne, David; Karbowiak, Thomas; Simon, Jean-Marc; Paulin, Christian; Bellat, Jean-Pierre


    This work reports measurements of effective oxygen diffusion coefficient in raw cork. Kinetics of oxygen transfer through cork is studied at 298 K thanks to a homemade manometric device composed of two gas compartments separated by a cork wafer sample. The first compartment contains oxygen, whereas the second one is kept under dynamic vacuum. The pressure decrease in the first compartment is recorded as a function of time. The effective diffusion coefficient D(eff) is obtained by applying Fick's law to transient state using a numerical method based on finite differences. An analytical model derived from Fick's law applied to steady state is also proposed. Results given by these two methods are in close agreement with each other. The harmonic average of the effective diffusion coefficients obtained from the distribution of 15 cork wafers of 3 mm thickness is 1.1 × 10(-9) m(2) s(-1) with a large distribution over four decades. The statistical analysis of the Gaussian distribution obtained on a 3 mm cork wafer is extrapolated to a 48 mm cork wafer, which length corresponds to a full cork stopper. In this case, the probability density distribution gives a mean value of D(eff) equal to 1.6 × 10(-9) m(2) s(-1). This result shows that it is possible to obtain the effective diffusion coefficient of oxygen through cork from short time (few days) measurements performed on a thin cork wafer, whereas months are required to obtain the diffusion coefficient for a full cork stopper. Permeability and oxygen transfer rate are also calculated for comparison with data from other studies.

  18. National Seminar on the Diffusion of New Instructional Materials and Practices. 5.0 Characteristics of the Communications Network: What are the Mechanisms Within the Diffusion System That Encourage or Discourage the Diffusion of Innovation?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Social Science Education Consortium, Inc., Boulder, CO.

    In this document conference participants consider characteristics of the communications network for diffusion of new instructional materials and practices. Responses to these questions are presented: What are the communication mechanisms within the diffusion system that encourage or discourage the diffusion of innovation? What role do journal…

  19. Diffusion and related transport mechanisms in brain tissue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nicholson, Charles


    Diffusion plays a crucial role in brain function. The spaces between cells can be likened to the water phase of a foam and many substances move within this complicated region. Diffusion in this interstitial space can be accurately modelled with appropriate modifications of classical equations and quantified from measurements based on novel micro-techniques. Besides delivering glucose and oxygen from the vascular system to brain cells, diffusion also moves informational substances between cells, a process known as volume transmission. Deviations from expected results reveal how local uptake, degradation or bulk flow may modify the transport of molecules. Diffusion is also essential to many therapies that deliver drugs to the brain. The diffusion-generated concentration distributions of well-chosen molecules also reveal the structure of brain tissue. This structure is represented by the volume fraction (void space) and the tortuosity (hindrance to diffusion imposed by local boundaries or local viscosity). Analysis of these parameters also reveals how the local geometry of the brain changes with time or under pathological conditions. Theoretical and experimental approaches borrow from classical diffusion theory and from porous media concepts. Earlier studies were based on radiotracers but the recent methods use a point-source paradigm coupled with micro-sensors or optical imaging of macromolecules labelled with fluorescent tags. These concepts and methods are likely to be applicable elsewhere to measure diffusion properties in very small volumes of highly structured but delicate material.

  20. Anomalous surface diffusion of protons on lipid membranes.


    Wolf, Maarten G; Grubmüller, Helmut; Groenhof, Gerrit


    The cellular energy machinery depends on the presence and properties of protons at or in the vicinity of lipid membranes. To asses the energetics and mobility of a proton near a membrane, we simulated an excess proton near a solvated DMPC bilayer at 323 K, using a recently developed method to include the Grotthuss proton shuttling mechanism in classical molecular dynamics simulations. We obtained a proton surface affinity of -13.0 ± 0.5 kJ mol(-1). The proton interacted strongly with both lipid headgroup and linker carbonyl oxygens. Furthermore, the surface diffusion of the proton was anomalous, with a subdiffusive regime over the first few nanoseconds, followed by a superdiffusive regime. The time- and distance dependence of the proton surface diffusion coefficient within these regimes may also resolve discrepancies between previously reported diffusion coefficients. Our simulations show that the proton anomalous surface diffusion originates from restricted diffusion in two different surface-bound states, interrupted by the occasional bulk-mediated long-range surface diffusion. Although only a DMPC membrane was considered in this work, we speculate that the restrictive character of the on-surface diffusion is highly sensitive to the specific membrane conditions, which can alter the relative contributions of the surface and bulk pathways to the overall diffusion process. Finally, we discuss the implications of our findings for the energy machinery. Copyright © 2014 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Can Disorder Enhance Incoherent Exciton Diffusion?


    Lee, Elizabeth M Y; Tisdale, William A; Willard, Adam P


    Recent experiments aimed at probing the dynamics of excitons have revealed that semiconducting films composed of disordered molecular subunits, unlike expectations for their perfectly ordered counterparts, can exhibit a time-dependent diffusivity in which the effective early time diffusion constant is larger than that of the steady state. This observation has led to speculation about what role, if any, microscopic disorder may play in enhancing exciton transport properties. In this article, we present the results of a model study aimed at addressing this point. Specifically, we introduce a general model, based upon Förster theory, for incoherent exciton diffusion in a material composed of independent molecular subunits with static energetic disorder. Energetic disorder leads to heterogeneity in molecule-to-molecule transition rates, which we demonstrate has two important consequences related to exciton transport. First, the distribution of local site-specific hopping rates is broadened in a manner that results in a decrease in average exciton diffusivity relative to that in a perfectly ordered film. Second, since excitons prefer to make transitions that are downhill in energy, the steady state distribution of exciton energies is biased toward low-energy molecular subunits, those that exhibit reduced diffusivity relative to a perfectly ordered film. These effects combine to reduce the net diffusivity in a manner that is time dependent and grows more pronounced as disorder is increased. Notably, however, we demonstrate that the presence of energetic disorder can give rise to a population of molecular subunits with exciton transfer rates exceeding those of subunits in an energetically uniform material. Such enhancements may play an important role in processes that are sensitive to molecular-scale fluctuations in exciton density field.

  2. An accurate computational method for the diffusion regime verification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhokh, Alexey A.; Strizhak, Peter E.


    The diffusion regime (sub-diffusive, standard, or super-diffusive) is defined by the order of the derivative in the corresponding transport equation. We develop an accurate computational method for the direct estimation of the diffusion regime. The method is based on the derivative order estimation using the asymptotic analytic solutions of the diffusion equation with the integer order and the time-fractional derivatives. The robustness and the computational cheapness of the proposed method are verified using the experimental methane and methyl alcohol transport kinetics through the catalyst pellet.

  3. Diffusion with social reinforcement: The role of individual preferences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tur, Elena M.; Zeppini, Paolo; Frenken, Koen


    The debate on diffusion in social networks has traditionally focused on the structure of the network to understand the efficiency of a network in terms of diffusion. Recently, the role of social reinforcement has been added to the debate, as it has been proposed that simple contagions diffuse better in random networks and complex contagions diffuse better in regular networks. In this paper, we show that individual preferences cannot be overlooked: complex contagions diffuse better in regular networks only if the large majority of the population is biased against adoption.

  4. NMR-based diffusion lattice imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laun, Frederik Bernd; Müller, Lars; Kuder, Tristan Anselm


    Nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) diffusion experiments are widely employed as they yield information about structures hindering the diffusion process, e.g., about cell membranes. While it has been shown in recent articles that these experiments can be used to determine the shape of closed pores averaged over a volume of interest, it is still an open question how much information can be gained in open well-connected systems. In this theoretical work, it is shown that the full structure information of connected periodic systems is accessible. To this end, the so-called "SEquential Rephasing by Pulsed field-gradient Encoding N Time intervals" (SERPENT) sequence is used, which employs several diffusion encoding gradient pulses with different amplitudes. Two two-dimensional solid matrices that are surrounded by an NMR-visible medium are considered: a hexagonal lattice of cylinders and a rectangular lattice of isosceles triangles.

  5. Communication: Probing anomalous diffusion in frequency space

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stachura, Sławomir; Synchrotron Soleil, L’Orme de Merisiers, 91192 Gif-sur-Yvette; Kneller, Gerald R., E-mail:

    Anomalous diffusion processes are usually detected by analyzing the time-dependent mean square displacement of the diffusing particles. The latter evolves asymptotically as W(t) ∼ 2D{sub α}t{sup α}, where D{sub α} is the fractional diffusion constant and 0 < α < 2. In this article we show that both D{sub α} and α can also be extracted from the low-frequency Fourier spectrum of the corresponding velocity autocorrelation function. This offers a simple method for the interpretation of quasielastic neutron scattering spectra from complex (bio)molecular systems, in which subdiffusive transport is frequently encountered. The approach is illustrated and validated by analyzing molecularmore » dynamics simulations of molecular diffusion in a lipid POPC bilayer.« less

  6. Lateral diffusion contributes to FRET from lanthanide-tagged membrane proteins

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lan, Tien-Hung; Wu, Guangyu; Lambert, Nevin A., E-mail:


    Diffusion can enhance Förster resonance energy transfer (FRET) when donors or acceptors diffuse distances that are similar to the distances separating them during the donor's excited state lifetime. Lanthanide donors remain in the excited state for milliseconds, which makes them useful for time-resolved FRET applications but also allows time for diffusion to enhance energy transfer. Here we show that diffusion dramatically enhances FRET between membrane proteins labeled with lanthanide donors. This phenomenon complicates interpretation of experiments that use long-lived donors to infer association or proximity of mobile membrane proteins, but also offers a method of monitoring diffusion in membrane domainsmore » in real time in living cells. - Highlights: • Diffusion enhances TR-FRET from membrane proteins labeled with lanthanide donors. • Diffusion-dependent FRET can overshadow FRET due to oligomerization or clustering. • FRET studies using lanthanide-tagged membrane proteins should consider diffusion. • FRET from lanthanide donors can be used to monitor membrane protein diffusion.« less

  7. Binary Mixtures of Particles with Different Diffusivities Demix.


    Weber, Simon N; Weber, Christoph A; Frey, Erwin


    The influence of size differences, shape, mass, and persistent motion on phase separation in binary mixtures has been intensively studied. Here we focus on the exclusive role of diffusivity differences in binary mixtures of equal-sized particles. We find an effective attraction between the less diffusive particles, which are essentially caged in the surrounding species with the higher diffusion constant. This effect leads to phase separation for systems above a critical size: A single close-packed cluster made up of the less diffusive species emerges. Experiments for testing our predictions are outlined.

  8. Random diffusion and leverage effect in financial markets.


    Perelló, Josep; Masoliver, Jaume


    We prove that Brownian market models with random diffusion coefficients provide an exact measure of the leverage effect [J-P. Bouchaud et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87, 228701 (2001)]. This empirical fact asserts that past returns are anticorrelated with future diffusion coefficient. Several models with random diffusion have been suggested but without a quantitative study of the leverage effect. Our analysis lets us to fully estimate all parameters involved and allows a deeper study of correlated random diffusion models that may have practical implications for many aspects of financial markets.

  9. A hybrid continuous-discrete method for stochastic reaction-diffusion processes.


    Lo, Wing-Cheong; Zheng, Likun; Nie, Qing


    Stochastic fluctuations in reaction-diffusion processes often have substantial effect on spatial and temporal dynamics of signal transductions in complex biological systems. One popular approach for simulating these processes is to divide the system into small spatial compartments assuming that molecules react only within the same compartment and jump between adjacent compartments driven by the diffusion. While the approach is convenient in terms of its implementation, its computational cost may become prohibitive when diffusive jumps occur significantly more frequently than reactions, as in the case of rapid diffusion. Here, we present a hybrid continuous-discrete method in which diffusion is simulated using continuous approximation while reactions are based on the Gillespie algorithm. Specifically, the diffusive jumps are approximated as continuous Gaussian random vectors with time-dependent means and covariances, allowing use of a large time step, even for rapid diffusion. By considering the correlation among diffusive jumps, the approximation is accurate for the second moment of the diffusion process. In addition, a criterion is obtained for identifying the region in which such diffusion approximation is required to enable adaptive calculations for better accuracy. Applications to a linear diffusion system and two nonlinear systems of morphogens demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of the new hybrid method.

  10. A hybrid continuous-discrete method for stochastic reaction–diffusion processes

    PubMed Central

    Zheng, Likun; Nie, Qing


    Stochastic fluctuations in reaction–diffusion processes often have substantial effect on spatial and temporal dynamics of signal transductions in complex biological systems. One popular approach for simulating these processes is to divide the system into small spatial compartments assuming that molecules react only within the same compartment and jump between adjacent compartments driven by the diffusion. While the approach is convenient in terms of its implementation, its computational cost may become prohibitive when diffusive jumps occur significantly more frequently than reactions, as in the case of rapid diffusion. Here, we present a hybrid continuous-discrete method in which diffusion is simulated using continuous approximation while reactions are based on the Gillespie algorithm. Specifically, the diffusive jumps are approximated as continuous Gaussian random vectors with time-dependent means and covariances, allowing use of a large time step, even for rapid diffusion. By considering the correlation among diffusive jumps, the approximation is accurate for the second moment of the diffusion process. In addition, a criterion is obtained for identifying the region in which such diffusion approximation is required to enable adaptive calculations for better accuracy. Applications to a linear diffusion system and two nonlinear systems of morphogens demonstrate the effectiveness and benefits of the new hybrid method. PMID:27703710

  11. Self-diffusion in compressively strained Ge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kawamura, Yoko; Uematsu, Masashi; Hoshi, Yusuke; Sawano, Kentarou; Myronov, Maksym; Shiraki, Yasuhiro; Haller, Eugene E.; Itoh, Kohei M.


    Under a compressive biaxial strain of ˜ 0.71%, Ge self-diffusion has been measured using an isotopically controlled Ge single-crystal layer grown on a relaxed Si0.2Ge0.8 virtual substrate. The self-diffusivity is enhanced by the compressive strain and its behavior is fully consistent with a theoretical prediction of a generalized activation volume model of a simple vacancy mediated diffusion, reported by Aziz et al. [Phys. Rev. B 73, 054101 (2006)]. The activation volume of (-0.65±0.21) times the Ge atomic volume quantitatively describes the observed enhancement due to the compressive biaxial strain very well.

  12. Sparse Solution of Fiber Orientation Distribution Function by Diffusion Decomposition

    PubMed Central

    Yeh, Fang-Cheng; Tseng, Wen-Yih Isaac


    Fiber orientation is the key information in diffusion tractography. Several deconvolution methods have been proposed to obtain fiber orientations by estimating a fiber orientation distribution function (ODF). However, the L 2 regularization used in deconvolution often leads to false fibers that compromise the specificity of the results. To address this problem, we propose a method called diffusion decomposition, which obtains a sparse solution of fiber ODF by decomposing the diffusion ODF obtained from q-ball imaging (QBI), diffusion spectrum imaging (DSI), or generalized q-sampling imaging (GQI). A simulation study, a phantom study, and an in-vivo study were conducted to examine the performance of diffusion decomposition. The simulation study showed that diffusion decomposition was more accurate than both constrained spherical deconvolution and ball-and-sticks model. The phantom study showed that the angular error of diffusion decomposition was significantly lower than those of constrained spherical deconvolution at 30° crossing and ball-and-sticks model at 60° crossing. The in-vivo study showed that diffusion decomposition can be applied to QBI, DSI, or GQI, and the resolved fiber orientations were consistent regardless of the diffusion sampling schemes and diffusion reconstruction methods. The performance of diffusion decomposition was further demonstrated by resolving crossing fibers on a 30-direction QBI dataset and a 40-direction DSI dataset. In conclusion, diffusion decomposition can improve angular resolution and resolve crossing fibers in datasets with low SNR and substantially reduced number of diffusion encoding directions. These advantages may be valuable for human connectome studies and clinical research. PMID:24146772

  13. Modeling diffusion and reaction in soils: 9. The Buckingham-Burdine-Campbell equation for gas diffusivity in undisturbed soil

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Moldrup, P.; Olesen, T.; Yamaguchi, T.


    Accurate description of gas diffusivity (ratio of gas diffusion coefficients in soil and free air, D{sub s}/D{sub 0}) in undisturbed soils is a prerequisite for predicting in situ transport and fate of volatile organic chemicals and greenhouse gases. Reference point gas diffusivities (R{sub p}) in completely dry soil were estimated for 20 undisturbed soils by assuming a power function relation between gas diffusivity and air-filled porosity ({epsilon}). Among the classical gas diffusivity models, the Buckingham (1904) expression, equal to the soil total porosity squared, best described R{sub p}. Inasmuch, as their previous works implied a soil-type dependency of D{sub s}/D{submore » 0}({epsilon}) in undisturbed soils, the Buckingham R{sub p} expression was inserted in two soil-type-dependent D{sub s}/D{sub 0}({epsilon}) models. One D{sub s}/D{sub 0}({epsilon}) model is a function of pore-size distribution (the Campbell water retention parameter used in a modified Burdine capillary tube model), and the other is a calibrated, empirical function of soil texture (silt + sand fraction). Both the Buckingham-Burdine-Campbell (BBC) and the Buckingham/soil texture-based D{sub s}/D{sub 0}({epsilon}) models described well the observed soil type effects on gas diffusivity and gave improved predictions compared with soil type independent models when tested against an independent data set for six undisturbed surface soils. This study emphasizes that simple but soil-type-dependent power function D{sub s}/D{sub 0}({epsilon}) models can adequately describe and predict gas diffusivity in undisturbed soil. The authors recommend the new BBC model as basis for modeling gas transport and reactions in undisturbed soil systems.« less

  14. [From Brownian motion to mind imaging: diffusion MRI].


    Le Bihan, Denis


    The success of diffusion MRI, which was introduced in the mid 1980s is deeply rooted in the powerful concept that during their random, diffusion-driven movements water molecules probe tissue structure at a microscopic scale well beyond the usual image resolution. The observation of these movements thus provides valuable information on the structure and the geometric organization of tissues. The most successful application of diffusion MRI has been in brain ischemia, following the discovery that water diffusion drops at a very early stage of the ischemic event. Diffusion MRI provides some patients with the opportunity to receive suitable treatment at a very acute stage when brain tissue might still be salvageable. On the other hand, diffusion is modulated by the spatial orientation of large bundles of myelinated axons running in parallel through in brain white matter. This feature can be exploited to map out the orientation in space of the white matter tracks and to visualize the connections between different parts of the brain on an individual basis. Furthermore, recent data suggest that diffusion MRI may also be used to visualize rapid dynamic tissue changes, such as neuronal swelling, associated with cortical activation, offering a new and direct approach to brain functional imaging.

  15. pH imaging reveals worsened tissue acidification in diffusion kurtosis lesion than the kurtosis/diffusion lesion mismatch in an animal model of acute stroke.


    Wang, Enfeng; Wu, Yin; Cheung, Jerry S; Zhou, Iris Yuwen; Igarashi, Takahiro; Zhang, XiaoAn; Sun, Phillip Zhe


    Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) has been commonly used in acute stroke examination, yet a portion of DWI lesion may be salvageable. Recently, it has been shown that diffusion kurtosis imaging (DKI) defines the most severely damaged DWI lesion that does not renormalize following early reperfusion. We postulated that the diffusion and kurtosis lesion mismatch experience heterogeneous hemodynamic and/or metabolic injury. We investigated tissue perfusion, pH, diffusion, kurtosis and relaxation from regions of the contralateral normal area, diffusion lesion, kurtosis lesion and their mismatch in an animal model of acute stroke. Our study revealed significant kurtosis and diffusion lesion volume mismatch (19.7 ± 10.7%, P < 0.01). Although there was no significant difference in perfusion and diffusion between the kurtosis lesion and kurtosis/diffusion lesion mismatch, we showed lower pH in the kurtosis lesion (pH = 6.64 ± 0.12) from that of the kurtosis/diffusion lesion mismatch (6.84 ± 0.11, P < 0.05). Moreover, pH in the kurtosis lesion and kurtosis/diffusion mismatch agreed well with literature values for regions of ischemic core and penumbra, respectively. Our work documented initial evidence that DKI may reveal the heterogeneous metabolic derangement within the commonly used DWI lesion.

  16. Undergraduate Laboratory Module on Skin Diffusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Norman, James J.; Andrews, Samantha N.; Prausnitz, Mark R.


    To introduce students to an application of chemical engineering directly related to human health, we developed an experiment for the unit operations laboratory at Georgia Tech examining diffusion across cadaver skin in the context of transdermal drug delivery. In this laboratory module, students prepare mouse skin samples, set up diffusion cells…

  17. Boron diffusion in silicon devices


    Rohatgi, Ajeet; Kim, Dong Seop; Nakayashiki, Kenta; Rounsaville, Brian


    Disclosed are various embodiments that include a process, an arrangement, and an apparatus for boron diffusion in a wafer. In one representative embodiment, a process is provided in which a boric oxide solution is applied to a surface of the wafer. Thereafter, the wafer is subjected to a fast heat ramp-up associated with a first heating cycle that results in a release of an amount of boron for diffusion into the wafer.

  18. Diffusion of Conserved Charges in Relativistic Heavy Ion Collisions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greif, Moritz; Fotakis, Jan. A.; Denicol, Gabriel S.; Greiner, Carsten


    We demonstrate that the diffusion currents do not depend only on gradients of their corresponding charge density, but that the different diffusion charge currents are coupled. This happens in such a way that it is possible for density gradients of a given charge to generate dissipative currents of another charge. Within this scheme, the charge diffusion coefficient is best viewed as a matrix, in which the diagonal terms correspond to the usual charge diffusion coefficients, while the off-diagonal terms describe the coupling between the different currents. In this Letter, we calculate for the first time the complete diffusion matrix for hot and dense nuclear matter, including baryon, electric, and strangeness charges. We find that the baryon diffusion current is strongly affected by baryon charge gradients but also by its coupling to gradients in strangeness. The electric charge diffusion current is found to be strongly affected by electric and strangeness gradients, whereas strangeness currents depend mostly on strange and baryon gradients.

  19. Control of reaction-diffusion equations on time-evolving manifolds.


    Rossi, Francesco; Duteil, Nastassia Pouradier; Yakoby, Nir; Piccoli, Benedetto


    Among the main actors of organism development there are morphogens, which are signaling molecules diffusing in the developing organism and acting on cells to produce local responses. Growth is thus determined by the distribution of such signal. Meanwhile, the diffusion of the signal is itself affected by the changes in shape and size of the organism. In other words, there is a complete coupling between the diffusion of the signal and the change of the shapes. In this paper, we introduce a mathematical model to investigate such coupling. The shape is given by a manifold, that varies in time as the result of a deformation given by a transport equation. The signal is represented by a density, diffusing on the manifold via a diffusion equation. We show the non-commutativity of the transport and diffusion evolution by introducing a new concept of Lie bracket between the diffusion and the transport operator. We also provide numerical simulations showing this phenomenon.

  20. Isotope effect of mercury diffusion in air

    PubMed Central

    Koster van Groos, Paul G.; Esser, Bradley K.; Williams, Ross W.; Hunt, James R.


    Identifying and reducing impacts from mercury sources in the environment remains a considerable challenge and requires process based models to quantify mercury stocks and flows. The stable isotope composition of mercury in environmental samples can help address this challenge by serving as a tracer of specific sources and processes. Mercury isotope variations are small and result only from isotope fractionation during transport, equilibrium, and transformation processes. Because these processes occur in both industrial and environmental settings, knowledge of their associated isotope effects is required to interpret mercury isotope data. To improve the mechanistic modeling of mercury isotope effects during gas phase diffusion, an experimental program tested the applicability of kinetic gas theory. Gas-phase elemental mercury diffusion through small bore needles from finite sources demonstrated mass dependent diffusivities leading to isotope fractionation described by a Rayleigh distillation model. The measured relative atomic diffusivities among mercury isotopes in air are large and in agreement with kinetic gas theory. Mercury diffusion in air offers a reasonable explanation of recent field results reported in the literature. PMID:24364380

  1. The angular distribution of diffusely backscattered light

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vera, M. U.; Durian, D. J.


    The diffusion approximation predicts the angular distribution of light diffusely transmitted through an opaque slab to depend only on boundary reflectivity, independent of scattering anisotropy, and this has been verified by experiment(M.U. Vera and D.J. Durian, Phys. Rev. E 53) 3215 (1996). Here, by contrast, we demonstrate that the angular distribution of diffusely backscattered light depends on scattering anisotropy as well as boundary reflectivity. To model this observation scattering anisotropy is added to the diffusion approximation by a discontinuity in the photon concentration at the source point that is proportional to the average cosine of the scattering angle. We compare the resulting predictions with random walk simulations and with measurements of diffusely backscattered intensity versus angle for glass frits and aqueous suspensions of polystyrene spheres held in air or immersed in a water bath. Increasing anisotropy and boundary reflectivity each tend to flatten the predicted distributions, and for different combinations of anisotropy and reflectivity the agreement between data and predictions ranges from qualitatively to quantitatively good.

  2. Isotope effect of mercury diffusion in air.


    Koster van Groos, Paul G; Esser, Bradley K; Williams, Ross W; Hunt, James R


    Identifying and reducing impacts from mercury sources in the environment remains a considerable challenge and requires process based models to quantify mercury stocks and flows. The stable isotope composition of mercury in environmental samples can help address this challenge by serving as a tracer of specific sources and processes. Mercury isotope variations are small and result only from isotope fractionation during transport, equilibrium, and transformation processes. Because these processes occur in both industrial and environmental settings, knowledge of their associated isotope effects is required to interpret mercury isotope data. To improve the mechanistic modeling of mercury isotope effects during gas phase diffusion, an experimental program tested the applicability of kinetic gas theory. Gas-phase elemental mercury diffusion through small bore needles from finite sources demonstrated mass dependent diffusivities leading to isotope fractionation described by a Rayleigh distillation model. The measured relative atomic diffusivities among mercury isotopes in air are large and in agreement with kinetic gas theory. Mercury diffusion in air offers a reasonable explanation of recent field results reported in the literature.

  3. The Social Origins of Networks and Diffusion.


    Centola, Damon


    Recent research on social contagion has demonstrated significant effects of network topology on the dynamics of diffusion. However, network topologies are not given a priori. Rather, they are patterns of relations that emerge from individual and structural features of society, such as population composition, group heterogeneity, homophily, and social consolidation. Following Blau and Schwartz, the author develops a model of social network formation that explores how social and structural constraints on tie formation generate emergent social topologies and then explores the effectiveness of these social networks for the dynamics of social diffusion. Results show that, at one extreme, high levels of consolidation can create highly balkanized communities with poor integration of shared norms and practices. As suggested by Blau and Schwartz, reducing consolidation creates more crosscutting circles and significantly improves the dynamics of social diffusion across the population. However, the author finds that further reducing consolidation creates highly intersecting social networks that fail to support the widespread diffusion of norms and practices, indicating that successful social diffusion can depend on moderate to high levels of structural consolidation.

  4. Surface diffusion of cyclic hydrocarbons on nickel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silverwood, I. P.; Armstrong, J.


    Surface diffusion of adsorbates is difficult to measure on realistic systems, yet it is of fundamental interest in catalysis and coating reactions. quasielastic neutron scattering (QENS) was used to investigate the diffusion of cyclohexane and benzene adsorbed on a nickel metal sponge catalyst. Molecular dynamics simulations of benzene on a model (111) nickel surface showed localised motion with diffusion by intermittent jumps. The experimental data was therefore fitted to the Singwi-Sjölander model and activation energies for diffusion of 4.0 kJ mol-1 for benzene and 4.3 kJ mol-1 for cyclohexane were calculated for the two dimensional model. Limited motion out-of plane was seen in the dynamics simulations and is discussed, although the resolution of the scattering experiment is insufficient to quantify this. Good agreement is seen between the use of a perfect crystal as a model for a disordered system over short time scales, suggesting that simple models are adequate to describe diffusion over polycrystalline metal surfaces on the timescale of QENS measurement.

  5. Information diffusion in structured online social networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Pei; Zhang, Yini; Qiao, Fengcai; Wang, Hui


    Nowadays, due to the word-of-mouth effect, online social networks have been considered to be efficient approaches to conduct viral marketing, which makes it of great importance to understand the diffusion dynamics in online social networks. However, most research on diffusion dynamics in epidemiology and existing social networks cannot be applied directly to characterize online social networks. In this paper, we propose models to characterize the information diffusion in structured online social networks with push-based forwarding mechanism. We introduce the term user influence to characterize the average number of times that messages are browsed which is incurred by a given type user generating a message, and study the diffusion threshold, above which the user influence of generating a message will approach infinity. We conduct simulations and provide the simulation results, which are consistent with the theoretical analysis results perfectly. These results are of use in understanding the diffusion dynamics in online social networks and also critical for advertisers in viral marketing who want to estimate the user influence before posting an advertisement.

  6. Anomalous plasma diffusion and the magnetopause boundary layer

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Treumann, Rudolf A.; Labelle, James; Haerendel, Gerhard; Pottelette, Raymond


    An overview of the current state of anomalous diffusion research at the magnetopause and its role in the formation of the magnetopause boundary layer is presented. Plasma wave measurements in the boundary layer indicate that most of the relevant unstable wave modes contribute negligibly to the diffusion process at the magnetopause under magnetically undisturbed northward IMF conditions. The most promising instability is the lower hybrid drift instability, which may yield diffusion coefficients of the right order if the highest measured wave intensities are assumed. It is concluded that global stationary diffusion due to wave-particle interactions does not take place at the magnetopause. Microscopic wave-particle interaction and anomalous diffusion may contribute to locally break the MD frozen-in conditions and help in transporting large amounts of magnetosheath plasma across the magnetospheric boundary.

  7. Counterion self-diffusion in polyelectrolyte solutions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schipper, F. J. M.; Hollander, J. G.; Leyte, J. C.


    The self-diffusion coefficient of 0953-8984/9/50/019/img1, tetra-methylammonium 0953-8984/9/50/019/img2, tetra-ethylammonium 0953-8984/9/50/019/img3, tetra-propylammonium 0953-8984/9/50/019/img4 and tetra-butylammonium 0953-8984/9/50/019/img5 in solutions of the weak polymethacrylic acid (PMA) were measured with PFG NMR. No additional salt was present in any of the experiments. The polyion concentration and degree of neutralization were varied. The maximum relative counterion self-diffusion coefficient against polyion concentration, that was reported earlier, was observed for both alkali and tetra-alkylammonium 0953-8984/9/50/019/img6 counterions. We propose that the maximum is due to the combination of the obstruction by the polyion and the changing counterion distribution at increasing polyion concentration. An explanation of this proposal is offered in terms of the Poisson - Boltzmann - Smoluchowski (PBS) model for polyelectrolytes. Qualitative agreement of this model with experiment was found for the dependence of the counterion self-diffusion coefficient on the degree of neutralization of the polyion, on counterion radius and on polyion concentration, over a concentration range from 0.01 to 1 0953-8984/9/50/019/img7. Adaption of the theoretical obstruction, to fit the self-diffusion data of the solvent, also greatly improves the model predictions on the counterion self-diffusion.

  8. Diffusion-limited mixing by incompressible flows

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miles, Christopher J.; Doering, Charles R.


    Incompressible flows can be effective mixers by appropriately advecting a passive tracer to produce small filamentation length scales. In addition, diffusion is generally perceived as beneficial to mixing due to its ability to homogenize a passive tracer. However we provide numerical evidence that, in cases where advection and diffusion are both actively present, diffusion may produce negative effects by limiting the mixing effectiveness of incompressible optimal flows. This limitation appears to be due to the presence of a limiting length scale given by a generalised Batchelor length (Batchelor 1959 J. Fluid Mech. 5 113–33). This length scale limitation may in turn affect long-term mixing rates. More specifically, we consider local-in-time flow optimisation under energy and enstrophy flow constraints with the objective of maximising the mixing rate. We observe that, for enstrophy-bounded optimal flows, the strength of diffusion may not impact the long-term mixing rate. For energy-constrained optimal flows, however, an increase in the strength of diffusion can decrease the mixing rate. We provide analytical lower bounds on mixing rates and length scales achievable under related constraints (point-wise bounded speed and rate-of-strain) by extending the work of Lin et al (2011 J. Fluid Mech. 675 465–76) and Poon (1996 Commun. PDE 21 521–39).

  9. Multiple echo multi-shot diffusion sequence.


    Chabert, Steren; Galindo, César; Tejos, Cristian; Uribe, Sergio A


    To measure both transversal relaxation time (T2 ) and diffusion coefficients within a single scan using a multi-shot approach. Both measurements have drawn interest in many applications, especially in skeletal muscle studies, which have short T2 values. Multiple echo single-shot schemes have been proposed to obtain those variables simultaneously within a single scan, resulting in a reduction of the scanning time. However, one problem with those approaches is the associated long echo read-out. Consequently, the minimum achievable echo time tends to be long, limiting the application of these sequences to tissues with relatively long T2 . To address this problem, we propose to extend the multi-echo sequences using a multi-shot approach, so that to allow shorter echo times. A multi-shot dual-echo EPI sequence with diffusion gradients and echo navigators was modified to include independent diffusion gradients in any of the two echoes. The multi-shot approach allows us to drastically reduce echo times. Results showed a good agreement for the T2 and mean diffusivity measurements with gold standard sequences in phantoms and in vivo data of calf muscles from healthy volunteers. A fast and accurate method is proposed to measure T2 and diffusion coefficients simultaneously, tested in vitro and in healthy volunteers. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Comments on the Diffusive Behavior of Two Upwind Schemes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wood, William A.; Kleb, William L.


    The diffusive characteristics of two upwind schemes, multi-dimensional fluctuation splitting and locally one-dimensional finite volume, are compared for scalar advection-diffusion problems. Algorithms for the two schemes are developed for node-based data representation on median-dual meshes associated with unstructured triangulations in two spatial dimensions. Four model equations are considered: linear advection, non-linear advection, diffusion, and advection-diffusion. Modular coding is employed to isolate the effects of the two approaches for upwind flux evaluation, allowing for head-to-head accuracy and efficiency comparisons. Both the stability of compressive limiters and the amount of artificial diffusion generated by the schemes is found to be grid-orientation dependent, with the fluctuation splitting scheme producing less artificial diffusion than the finite volume scheme. Convergence rates are compared for the combined advection-diffusion problem, with a speedup of 2.5 seen for fluctuation splitting versus finite volume when solved on the same mesh. However, accurate solutions to problems with small diffusion coefficients can be achieved on coarser meshes using fluctuation splitting rather than finite volume, so that when comparing convergence rates to reach a given accuracy, fluctuation splitting shows a speedup of 29 over finite volume.

  11. Water diffusion in silicate glasses: the effect of glass structure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuroda, M.; Tachibana, S.


    Water diffusion in silicate melts (glasses) is one of the main controlling factors of magmatism in a volcanic system. Water diffusivity in silicate glasses depends on its own concentration. However, the mechanism causing those dependences has not been fully understood yet. In order to construct a general model for water diffusion in various silicate glasses, we performed water diffusion experiments in silica glass and proposed a new water diffusion model [Kuroda et al., 2015]. In the model, water diffusivity is controlled by the concentration of both main diffusion species (i.e. molecular water) and diffusion pathways, which are determined by the concentrations of hydroxyl groups and network modifier cations. The model well explains the water diffusivity in various silicate glasses from silica glass to basalt glass. However, pre-exponential factors of water diffusivity in various glasses show five orders of magnitude variations although the pre-exponential factor should ideally represent the jump frequency and the jump distance of molecular water and show a much smaller variation. Here, we attribute the large variation of pre-exponential factors to a glass structure dependence of activation energy for molecular water diffusion. It has been known that the activation energy depends on the water concentration [Nowak and Behrens, 1997]. The concentration of hydroxyls, which cut Si-O-Si network in the glass structure, increases with water concentration, resulting in lowering the activation energy for water diffusion probably due to more fragmented structure. Network modifier cations are likely to play the same role as water. With taking the effect of glass structure into account, we found that the variation of pre-exponential factors of water diffusivity in silicate glasses can be much smaller than the five orders of magnitude, implying that the diffusion of molecular water in silicate glasses is controlled by the same atomic process.

  12. Performance testing of a prototype Pd-Ag diffuser

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Morgan, G. A.; Hodge, B. J.

    The fusion fuel cycle has gained significant attention over the last decade as interest in fusion programs has increased. One of the critical components of the fusion process is the tritium fuel cycle. The tritium fuel cycle is designed to supply and recycle process tritium at a specific throughput rate. One of the most important processes within the tritium fuel cycle is the clean-up of the of the process tritium. This step will initially separate the hydrogen isotopes (H2, D2, and T2) from the rest of the process gas using Pd-Ag diffusers or permeators. The Pd-Ag diffuser is an integralmore » component for any tritium purification system; whether part of the United States’ defense mission or fusion programs. Domestic manufacturers of Pd-Ag diffusers are extremely limited and only a few manufacturers exist. Johnson-Matthey (JM) Pd-Ag diffusers (permeators) have previously been evaluated for the separation of hydrogen isotopes from non-hydrogen gas species in the process. JM is no longer manufacturing Pd-Ag diffusers and a replacement vendor needs to be identified to support future needs. A prototype Pd-Ag diffuser has been manufactured by Power and Energy, and is considered a potential replacement for the JM diffuser for tritium service. New diffuser designs for a tritium facility for any fusion energy applications must be characterized by evaluating their operating envelope prior to installation in a tritium processing facility. The prototype Pd-Ag diffuser was characterized to determine the overall performance as a function of the permeation of hydrogen through the membrane. The tests described in this report consider the effects of feed gas compositions, feed flow rates, pump configuration and internal tube pressure on the permeation of H2 through the Pd-Ag tubes.« less

  13. Distribution of randomly diffusing particles in inhomogeneous media

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Yiwei; Kahraman, Osman; Haselwandter, Christoph A.


    Diffusion can be conceptualized, at microscopic scales, as the random hopping of particles between neighboring lattice sites. In the case of diffusion in inhomogeneous media, distinct spatial domains in the system may yield distinct particle hopping rates. Starting from the master equations (MEs) governing diffusion in inhomogeneous media we derive here, for arbitrary spatial dimensions, the deterministic lattice equations (DLEs) specifying the average particle number at each lattice site for randomly diffusing particles in inhomogeneous media. We consider the case of free (Fickian) diffusion with no steric constraints on the maximum particle number per lattice site as well as the case of diffusion under steric constraints imposing a maximum particle concentration. We find, for both transient and asymptotic regimes, excellent agreement between the DLEs and kinetic Monte Carlo simulations of the MEs. The DLEs provide a computationally efficient method for predicting the (average) distribution of randomly diffusing particles in inhomogeneous media, with the number of DLEs associated with a given system being independent of the number of particles in the system. From the DLEs we obtain general analytic expressions for the steady-state particle distributions for free diffusion and, in special cases, diffusion under steric constraints in inhomogeneous media. We find that, in the steady state of the system, the average fraction of particles in a given domain is independent of most system properties, such as the arrangement and shape of domains, and only depends on the number of lattice sites in each domain, the particle hopping rates, the number of distinct particle species in the system, and the total number of particles of each particle species in the system. Our results provide general insights into the role of spatially inhomogeneous particle hopping rates in setting the particle distributions in inhomogeneous media.

  14. A model describing diffusion in prostate cancer.


    Gilani, Nima; Malcolm, Paul; Johnson, Glyn


    Quantitative diffusion MRI has frequently been studied as a means of grading prostate cancer. Interpretation of results is complicated by the nature of prostate tissue, which consists of four distinct compartments: vascular, ductal lumen, epithelium, and stroma. Current diffusion measurements are an ill-defined weighted average of these compartments. In this study, prostate diffusion is analyzed in terms of a model that takes explicit account of tissue compartmentalization, exchange effects, and the non-Gaussian behavior of tissue diffusion. The model assumes that exchange between the cellular (ie, stromal plus epithelial) and the vascular and ductal compartments is slow. Ductal and cellular diffusion characteristics are estimated by Monte Carlo simulation and a two-compartment exchange model, respectively. Vascular pseudodiffusion is represented by an additional signal at b = 0. Most model parameters are obtained either from published data or by comparing model predictions with the published results from 41 studies. Model prediction error is estimated using 10-fold cross-validation. Agreement between model predictions and published results is good. The model satisfactorily explains the variability of ADC estimates found in the literature. A reliable model that predicts the diffusion behavior of benign and cancerous prostate tissue of different Gleason scores has been developed. Magn Reson Med 78:316-326, 2017. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. © 2016 International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine.

  15. The equilibrium-diffusion limit for radiation hydrodynamics


    Ferguson, J. M.; Morel, J. E.; Lowrie, R.


    The equilibrium-diffusion approximation (EDA) is used to describe certain radiation-hydrodynamic (RH) environments. When this is done the RH equations reduce to a simplified set of equations. The EDA can be derived by asymptotically analyzing the full set of RH equations in the equilibrium-diffusion limit. Here, we derive the EDA this way and show that it and the associated set of simplified equations are both first-order accurate with transport corrections occurring at second order. Having established the EDA’s first-order accuracy we then analyze the grey nonequilibrium-diffusion approximation and the grey Eddington approximation and show that they both preserve this first-order accuracy.more » Further, these approximations preserve the EDA’s first-order accuracy when made in either the comoving-frame (CMF) or the lab-frame (LF). And while analyzing the Eddington approximation, we found that the CMF and LF radiation-source equations are equivalent when neglecting O(β 2) terms and compared in the LF. Of course, the radiation pressures are not equivalent. It is expected that simplified physical models and numerical discretizations of the RH equations that do not preserve this first-order accuracy will not retain the correct equilibrium-diffusion solutions. As a practical example, we show that nonequilibrium-diffusion radiative-shock solutions devolve to equilibrium-diffusion solutions when the asymptotic parameter is small.« less

  16. Laser inscription of pseudorandom structures for microphotonic diffuser applications.


    Alqurashi, Tawfiq; Alhosani, Abdulla; Dauleh, Mahmoud; Yetisen, Ali K; Butt, Haider


    Optical diffusers provide a solution for a variety of applications requiring a Gaussian intensity distribution including imaging systems, biomedical optics, and aerospace. Advances in laser ablation processes have allowed the rapid production of efficient optical diffusers. Here, we demonstrate a novel technique to fabricate high-quality glass optical diffusers with cost-efficiency using a continuous CO2 laser. Surface relief pseudorandom microstructures were patterned on both sides of the glass substrates. A numerical simulation of the temperature distribution showed that the CO2 laser drills a 137 μm hole in the glass for every 2 ms of processing time. FFT simulation was utilized to design predictable optical diffusers. The pseudorandom microstructures were characterized by optical microscopy, Raman spectroscopy, and angle-resolved spectroscopy to assess their chemical properties, optical scattering, transmittance, and polarization response. Increasing laser exposure and the number of diffusing surfaces enhanced the diffusion and homogenized the incident light. The recorded speckle pattern showed high contrast with sharp bright spot free diffusion in the far field view range (250 mm). A model of glass surface peeling was also developed to prevent its occurrence during the fabrication process. The demonstrated method provides an economical approach in fabricating optical glass diffusers in a controlled and predictable manner. The produced optical diffusers have application in fibre optics, LED systems, and spotlights.

  17. Metallic diffusion measured by a modified Knudsen technique

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fray, D. J.


    Diffusion coefficient of a metal in high temperature system is determined. From the measurement of the weight loss from a Knudsen cell, the vapor pressure of the escaping species can be calculated. If the only way this species can enter the Knudsen cell is by diffusion through a foil, the weight loss is diffusion flux.

  18. Diffusive dynamics of nanoparticles in ultra-confined media


    Jacob, Jack Deodato; Conrad, Jacinta; Krishnamoorti, Ramanan; ...


    Differential dynamic microscopy (DDM) was used to investigate the diffusive dynamics of nanoparticles of diameter 200 400 nm that were strongly confined in a periodic square array of cylindrical nanoposts. The minimum distance between posts was 1.3 5 times the diameter of the nanoparticles. The image structure functions obtained from the DDM analysis were isotropic and could be fit by a stretched exponential function. The relaxation time scaled diffusively across the range of wave vectors studied, and the corresponding scalar diffusivities decreased monotonically with increased confinement. The decrease in diffusivity could be described by models for hindered diffusion that accountedmore » for steric restrictions and hydrodynamic interactions. The stretching exponent decreased linearly as the nanoparticles were increasingly confined by the posts. Altogether, these results are consistent with a picture in which strongly confined nanoparticles experience a heterogeneous spatial environment arising from hydrodynamics and volume exclusion on time scales comparable to cage escape, leading to multiple relaxation processes and Fickian but non-Gaussian diffusive dynamics.« less

  19. Diffusion of multiple species with excluded-volume effects.


    Bruna, Maria; Chapman, S Jonathan


    Stochastic models of diffusion with excluded-volume effects are used to model many biological and physical systems at a discrete level. The average properties of the population may be described by a continuum model based on partial differential equations. In this paper we consider multiple interacting subpopulations/species and study how the inter-species competition emerges at the population level. Each individual is described as a finite-size hard core interacting particle undergoing brownian motion. The link between the discrete stochastic equations of motion and the continuum model is considered systematically using the method of matched asymptotic expansions. The system for two species leads to a nonlinear cross-diffusion system for each subpopulation, which captures the enhancement of the effective diffusion rate due to excluded-volume interactions between particles of the same species, and the diminishment due to particles of the other species. This model can explain two alternative notions of the diffusion coefficient that are often confounded, namely collective diffusion and self-diffusion. Simulations of the discrete system show good agreement with the analytic results.

  20. Post-processing interstitialcy diffusion from molecular dynamics simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bhardwaj, U.; Bukkuru, S.; Warrier, M.


    An algorithm to rigorously trace the interstitialcy diffusion trajectory in crystals is developed. The algorithm incorporates unsupervised learning and graph optimization which obviate the need to input extra domain specific information depending on crystal or temperature of the simulation. The algorithm is implemented in a flexible framework as a post-processor to molecular dynamics (MD) simulations. We describe in detail the reduction of interstitialcy diffusion into known computational problems of unsupervised clustering and graph optimization. We also discuss the steps, computational efficiency and key components of the algorithm. Using the algorithm, thermal interstitialcy diffusion from low to near-melting point temperatures is studied. We encapsulate the algorithms in a modular framework with functionality to calculate diffusion coefficients, migration energies and other trajectory properties. The study validates the algorithm by establishing the conformity of output parameters with experimental values and provides detailed insights for the interstitialcy diffusion mechanism. The algorithm along with the help of supporting visualizations and analysis gives convincing details and a new approach to quantifying diffusion jumps, jump-lengths, time between jumps and to identify interstitials from lattice atoms.

  1. Serial diffusion-weighted imaging in subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.


    Kanemura, Hideaki; Aihara, Masao


    Subacute sclerosing panencephalitis may be associated with clinical features of frontal lobe dysfunction. We previously reported that frontal lobe volume falls significantly as clinical stage progresses, using three-dimensional magnetic resonance imaging-based brain volumetry. The hypothesis that frontal volume increases correlate with clinical improvement, however, was not tested in our previous study. Therefore, we reevaluated our patient with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, to determine whether apparent diffusion coefficient maps can characterize the clinical course of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis. We studied an 8-year-old boy with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis, using serial diffusion-weighted imaging magnetic resonance imaging, and measured the regional apparent diffusion coefficient. The regional apparent diffusion coefficient of the frontal lobe decreased significantly with clinical progression, whereas it increased to within normal range during clinical improvements. The apparent diffusion coefficient of the other regions did not change. These results suggest that the clinical signs of patients with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis are attributable to frontal lobe dysfunction, and that apparent diffusion coefficient measurements may be useful in predicting the clinical course of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis.

  2. NMR investigation of water diffusion in different biofilm structures.


    Herrling, Maria P; Weisbrodt, Jessica; Kirkland, Catherine M; Williamson, Nathan H; Lackner, Susanne; Codd, Sarah L; Seymour, Joseph D; Guthausen, Gisela; Horn, Harald


    Mass transfer in biofilms is determined by diffusion. Different mostly invasive approaches have been used to measure diffusion coefficients in biofilms, however, data on heterogeneous biomass under realistic conditions is still missing. To non-invasively elucidate fluid-structure interactions in complex multispecies biofilms pulsed field gradient-nuclear magnetic resonance (PFG-NMR) was applied to measure the water diffusion in five different types of biomass aggregates: one type of sludge flocs, two types of biofilm, and two types of granules. Data analysis is an important issue when measuring heterogeneous systems and is shown to significantly influence the interpretation and understanding of water diffusion. With respect to numerical reproducibility and physico-chemical interpretation, different data processing methods were explored: (bi)-exponential data analysis and the Γ distribution model. Furthermore, the diffusion coefficient distribution in relation to relaxation was studied by D-T 2 maps obtained by 2D inverse Laplace transform (2D ILT). The results show that the effective diffusion coefficients for all biofilm samples ranged from 0.36 to 0.96 relative to that of water. NMR diffusion was linked to biofilm structure (e.g., biomass density, organic and inorganic matter) as observed by magnetic resonance imaging and to traditional biofilm parameters: diffusion was most restricted in granules with compact structures, and fast diffusion was found in heterotrophic biofilms with fluffy structures. The effective diffusion coefficients in the biomass were found to be broadly distributed because of internal biomass heterogeneities, such as gas bubbles, precipitates, and locally changing biofilm densities. Thus, estimations based on biofilm bulk properties in multispecies systems can be overestimated and mean diffusion coefficients might not be sufficiently informative to describe mass transport in biofilms and the near bulk. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. The diffusive finite state projection algorithm for efficient simulation of the stochastic reaction-diffusion master equation.


    Drawert, Brian; Lawson, Michael J; Petzold, Linda; Khammash, Mustafa


    We have developed a computational framework for accurate and efficient simulation of stochastic spatially inhomogeneous biochemical systems. The new computational method employs a fractional step hybrid strategy. A novel formulation of the finite state projection (FSP) method, called the diffusive FSP method, is introduced for the efficient and accurate simulation of diffusive transport. Reactions are handled by the stochastic simulation algorithm.

  4. Defusing Diffusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dou, Remy; Hogan, DaNel; Kossover, Mark; Spuck, Timothy; Young, Sarah


    Diffusion has often been taught in science courses as one of the primary ways by which molecules travel, particularly within organisms. For years, classroom teachers have used the same common demonstrations to illustrate this concept (e.g., placing drops of food coloring in a beaker of water). Most of the time, the main contributor to the motion…

  5. C Diffusion in Fe: Isotope Effects and Other Complexities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watson, E. B.; Muller, T.; Trail, D.; Van Orman, J. A.; Papineau, D.


    Carbon is a minor but significant component of iron meteorites, and probably also of planetary cores, including that of Earth. Given the dynamical nature of core-forming processes, C diffusion in the metal phase may play a role in C equilibration between Fe-Ni metal and silicate, carbide or oxide at some stage. Despite its relevance to steel-making, C diffusion in Fe is not well characterized over the range of conditions of interest in planetary bodies, and the likelihood of an isotope mass effect on C diffusion has not been explored. The prospect of incomplete diffusive equilibration of carbon in Fe-Ni raises the possibility that carbon isotopes might be fractionated by diffusion during core formation and evolution-perhaps to an extent that could affect the C isotope ratio of the bulk silicate Earth. Here we report results of preliminary experiments addressing the isotopic mass effect on C diffusion in Fe. Initial low-pressure experiments were conducted by placing a layer of ^{13}C-enriched graphite ( 20% ^{13}C) at the end of a high-purity, polycrystalline Fe cylinder in a silica glass container. These diffusion couples were run in a piston-cylinder apparatus at 1.5 GPa and 1000-1100^{o}C for several hours, and the resulting C-uptake profiles in the Fe cylinders were measured by EPMA and SIMS. In traverses moving away from the original C-Fe interface, total carbon decreases monotonically and becomes significantly lighter, indicating that ^{12}C diffuses faster than ^{13}C. Preliminary estimates of β in the relative isotope diffusivity relation D_{1}/D_{2} = [M_{2}/M_{1}]^{β} (where D is diffusivity and M is mass of isotopes 1 and 2) suggest values as high as 0.5, corresponding to predictions for gaseous diffusion. Isotope mass effects approaching this magnitude have been observed previously for diffusion in metals, and are expected to be highest for interstitial diffusion. Such a high β value will lead to major C isotope fractionation in some partial

  6. A double medium model for diffusion in fluid-bearing rock

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, H. F.


    The concept of a double porosity medium to model fluid flow in fractured rock has been applied to model diffusion in rock containing a small amount of a continuous fluid phase that surrounds small volume elements of the solid matrix. The model quantifies the relative role of diffusion in the fluid and solid phases of the rock. The fluid is the fast diffusion path, but the solid contains the volumetrically significant amount of the diffusing species. The double medium model consists of two coupled differential equations. One equation is the diffusion equation for the fluid concentration; it contains a source term for change in the average concentration of the diffusing species in the solid matrix. The second equation represents the assumption that the change in average concentration in a solid element is proportional to the difference between the average concentration in the solid and the concentration in the fluid times the solid-fluid partition coefficient. The double medium model is shown to apply to laboratory data on iron diffusion in fluid-bearing dunite and to measured oxygen isotope ratios at marble-metagranite contacts. In both examples, concentration profiles are calculated for diffusion taking place at constant temperature, where a boundary value changes suddenly and is subsequently held constant. Knowledge of solid diffusivities can set a lower bound to the length of time over which diffusion occurs, but only the product of effective fluid diffusivity and time is constrained for times longer than the characteristic solid diffusion time. The double medium results approach a local, grain-scale equilibrium model for times that are large relative to the time constant for solid diffusion.

  7. Connection between encounter volume and diffusivity in geophysical flows

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rypina, Irina I.; Smith, Stefan G. Llewellyn; Pratt, Larry J.


    Trajectory encounter volume - the volume of fluid that passes close to a reference fluid parcel over some time interval - has been recently introduced as a measure of mixing potential of a flow. Diffusivity is the most commonly used characteristic of turbulent diffusion. We derive the analytical relationship between the encounter volume and diffusivity under the assumption of an isotropic random walk, i.e., diffusive motion, in one and two dimensions. We apply the derived formulas to produce maps of encounter volume and the corresponding diffusivity in the Gulf Stream region of the North Atlantic based on satellite altimetry, and discuss the mixing properties of Gulf Stream rings. Advantages offered by the derived formula for estimating diffusivity from oceanographic data are discussed, as well as applications to other disciplines.

  8. Detailed flow measurements in a centrifugal compressor vaneless diffuser

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pinarbasi, A.; Johnson, M.W.


    Hot-wire anemometer measurements have been made in the vaneless diffuser of a 1-m-dia low-speed backswept centrifugal compressor using a phase lock loop technique. Radial, tangential, and axial velocity measurements have been made on eight measurement planes through the diffuser. The flow field at the diffuser entry clearly shows the impeller jet-wake flow pattern and the blade wakes. The passage wake is located on the shroud side of the diffuser and mixes out slowly as the flow moves through the diffuser. The blade wakes, on the other hand, distort and mix out rapidly in the diffuser. Contours of turbulent kinetic energymore » are also presented on each of the measurement stations, from which the regions of turbulent mixing can be deduced.« less

  9. Helium Diffusion in Natural Xenotime

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Anderson, A. J.; Hodges, K. V.; Van Soest, M. C.; Hanchar, J. M.


    Xenotime (nominally YPO4) occurs as an accessory mineral in felsic igneous rocks, pegmatites, and gneisses, often incorporating weight percent levels of U, Th, and REEs. Although commonly used for precise U-Pb geochronology, xenotime is seldom used for (U-Th)/He thermochronometry despite the fact that its high radionuclide content allows for the rapid accumulation of radiogenic He that could potentially allow for the precise dating of very young cooling events in active geologic settings. Xenotime's likely high concentrations of radiogenic 4He also make it a promising candidate for laser microprobe (U-Th)/He dating. Unfortunately, limited data are currently available for He diffusion in xenotime, and previous experimental studies of natural and synthetic xenotime have led to discrepant results (1). Published estimates of the (U-Th)/He closure temperature for xenotime based on these experiments range from 60˚C to 300˚C. In this contribution, we report new results for incremental step heating `bulk' 4He diffusion experiments on a fragment of a natural xenotime crystal from the Torghar district of the Khyber Agency in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas of Pakistan. Laser ablation 238U/206Pb dating of this crystal yields a crystallization age of 28.82 ± 0.13 Ma. The results of our He diffusion experiments- which display excellent linearity on an Arrhenius plot assuming a spherical geometry - indicate kinetic parameters of E 133 kJ/mol and ln(D0/a2) 10.9 s-1. Our results imply a preliminary (U-Th)/He closure temperature of 80˚C for xenotime crystals with a diffusion dimension of 220 μm. This closure temperature is much lower than that previously estimated for natural xenotime (1), and it is possible, perhaps likely, that He diffusion in natural xenotime crystals display a strong compositional dependency (1). Nevertheless, our experimental data suggest that near-end member (YPO4) xenotime has an intrinsic helium diffusivity consistent with a closure temperature

  10. Diffusion of pent-1-ene (1); air (2)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Winkelmann, J.

    This document is part of Subvolume A `Gases in Gases, Liquids and their Mixtures' of Volume 15 `Diffusion in Gases, Liquids and Electrolytes' of Landolt-Börnstein Group IV `Physical Chemistry'. It is part of the chapter of the chapter `Diffusion in Pure Gases' and contains data on diffusion of (1) pent-1-ene; (2) air

  11. Thermodynamic evaluation of mass diffusion in ionic mixtures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kagan, Grigory; Tang, Xian-Zhu


    The thermodynamic technique of Landau and Lifshitz originally developed for inter-species diffusion in a binary neutral gas mixture is extended to a quasi-neutral plasma with two ion species. It is shown that, while baro- and electro-diffusion coefficients depend on the choice of the thermodynamic system, prediction for the total diffusive mass flux is invariant.

  12. Anisotropic Diffusion Despeckling for High Resolution SAR Images

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Chiang Mai , Thailand 323 Data Processing B-4.2 Anisotropic Diffusion Despeckling for High...18 324 25th ACRS 2004 Chiang Mai , Thailand B-4.2 Data Processing 2 NONLINEAR DIFFUSION FILTERING 2.1...edge-enhancing diffusion model is adopted. |)(|1 σϕ ug ∇= 2.02 =ϕ (4) 25th ACRS 2004 Chiang Mai , Thailand 325 Data

  13. Measurement of hyperpolarized gas diffusion at very short time scales

    PubMed Central

    Carl, Michael; Wilson Miller, G.; Mugler, John P.; Rohrbaugh, Scott; Tobias, William A.; Cates, Gordon D.


    We present a new pulse sequence for measuring very-short-time-scale restricted diffusion of hyperpolarized noble gases. The pulse sequence is based on concatenating a large number of bipolar diffusion-sensitizing gradients to increase the diffusion attenuation of the MR signal while maintaining a fundamentally short diffusion time. However, it differs in several respects from existing methods that use oscillating diffusion gradients for this purpose. First, a wait time is inserted between neighboring pairs of gradient pulses; second, consecutive pulse pairs may be applied along orthogonal axes; and finally, the diffusion-attenuated signal is not simply read out at the end of the gradient train but is periodically sampled during the wait times between neighboring pulse pairs. The first two features minimize systematic differences between the measured (apparent) diffusion coefficient and the actual time-dependent diffusivity, while the third feature optimizes the use of the available MR signal to improve the precision of the diffusivity measurement in the face of noise. The benefits of this technique are demonstrated using theoretical calculations, Monte-Carlo simulations of gas diffusion in simple geometries, and experimental phantom measurements in a glass sphere containing hyperpolarized 3He gas. The advantages over the conventional single-bipolar approach were found to increase with decreasing diffusion time, and thus represent a significant step toward making accurate surface-to-volume measurements in the lung airspaces. PMID:17936048

  14. How a Nanodroplet Diffuses on Smooth Surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Chu; Huang, Jizu; Li, Zhigang


    In this study, we investigate how nanodroplets diffuse on smooth surfaces through molecular dynamics (MD) simulations and theoretical analyses. The simulations results show that the surface diffusion of nanodroplet is different from that of single molecules and solid nanoparticles. The dependence of nanodroplet diffusion coefficient on temperature is surface wettability dependent, which undergoes a transition from linear to nonlinear as the surface wettability is weakened due to the coupling of temperature and surface energy. We also develop a simple relation for the diffusion coefficient by using the contact angle and contact radius of the droplet. It works well for different surface wettabilities and sized nanodroplets, as confirmed by MD simulations. This work was supported by the Research Grants Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region under Grant No. 615312.

  15. Effect of screens in wide-angle diffusers

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Schubauer, G B; Spangenberg, W G


    An experimental investigation at low airspeeds was made of the filling effect observed when a screen or similar resistance is placed across a diffuser. The filling effect is found to be real in that screens can prevent separation or restore separated flow in diffusers even of extreme divergence and to depend principally on screen location and pressure-drop coefficient of the screen. Results are given for three different diffusers of circular cross section with a variety of screen arrangements. Effects of single screens and multiple screens are shown. The mechanics of the filling effect is explained, and possible efficiencies are discussed. Results of arrangements of multiple screens in wide-angle diffusers are given to show a possible application to damping screens as used in wind tunnels to reduce turbulence. (author)

  16. Diffusion, Viscosity and Crystal Growth in Microgravity

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Myerson, Allan S.


    The diffusivity of TriGlycine Sulfate (TGS), Potassium Dihydrogen Phosphate (KDP), Ammonium Dihydrogen Phosphate (ADF) and other compounds of interest to microgravity crystal growth, in supersaturated solutions as a function of solution concentration, 'age' and 'history was studied experimentally. The factors that affect the growth of crystals from water solutions in microgravity have been examined. Three non-linear optical materials have been studied, potassium dihydrogen phosphate (KDP), ammonium dihydrogen phosphate (ADP) and triglycine sulfate (TGC). The diffusion coefficient and viscosity of supersaturated water solutions were measured. Also theoretical model of diffusivity and viscosity in a metastable state, model of crystal growth from solution including non-linear time dependent diffusivity and viscosity effect and computer simulation of the crystal growth process which allows simulation of the microgravity crystal growth were developed.

  17. Axial and radial diffusivity in preterm infants who have diffuse white matter changes on magnetic resonance imaging at term-equivalent age.


    Counsell, Serena J; Shen, Yuji; Boardman, James P; Larkman, David J; Kapellou, Olga; Ward, Philip; Allsop, Joanna M; Cowan, Frances M; Hajnal, Joseph V; Edwards, A David; Rutherford, Mary A


    Diffuse excessive high signal intensity (DEHSI) is observed in the majority of preterm infants at term-equivalent age on conventional MRI, and diffusion-weighted imaging has shown that apparent diffusion coefficient values are elevated in the white matter (WM) in DEHSI. Our aim was to obtain diffusion tensor imaging on preterm infants at term-equivalent age and term control infants to test the hypothesis that radial diffusivity was significantly different in the WM in preterm infants with DEHSI compared with both preterm infants with normal-appearing WM on conventional MRI and term control infants. Diffusion tensor imaging was obtained on 38 preterm infants at term-equivalent age and 8 term control infants. Values for axial (lambda1) and radial [(lambda2 + lambda3)/2] diffusivity were calculated in regions of interest positioned in the central WM at the level of the centrum semiovale, frontal WM, posterior periventricular WM, occipital WM, anterior and posterior portions of the posterior limb of the internal capsule, and the genu and splenium of the corpus callosum. Radial diffusivity was elevated significantly in the posterior portion of the posterior limb of the internal capsule and the splenium of the corpus callosum, and both axial and radial diffusivity were elevated significantly in the WM at the level of the centrum semiovale, the frontal WM, the periventricular WM, and the occipital WM in preterm infants with DEHSI compared with preterm infants with normal-appearing WM and term control infants. There was no significant difference between term control infants and preterm infants with normal-appearing WM in any region studied. These findings suggest that DEHSI represents an oligodendrocyte and/or axonal abnormality that is widespread throughout the cerebral WM.

  18. Fluctuations in diffusion processes in microgravity.


    Mazzoni, Stefano; Cerbino, Roberto; Vailati, Alberto; Giglio, Marzio


    It has been shown recently that diffusion processes exhibit giant nonequilibrium fluctuations (NEFs). That is, the diffusing fronts display corrugations whose length scale ranges from the molecular to the macroscopic one. The amplitude of the NEF diverges following a power law behavior proportional to q(-4) (where q is the wave vector). However, fluctuations of wave number smaller than a critical "rolloff" wave vector are quenched by the presence of gravity. It is therefore expected that in microgravity conditions, the amplitude of the NEF should be boosted by the absence of the buoyancy-driven restoring force. This may affect any diffusion process performed in microgravity, such as the crystallization of a protein solution induced by the diffusion of a salt buffer. The aim of GRADFLEX (GRAdient-Driven FLuctuation EXperiment), a joint project of ESA and NASA, is to investigate the presence of NEFs arising in a diffusion process under microgravity conditions. The project consists of two experiments. One is carried out by UNIMI (University of Milan) and INFM (Istituto Nazionale per la Fisica della Materia) and is focused on NEF in a concentration diffusion process. The other experiment is performed by UCSB (University of California at Santa Barbara) concerning temperature NEF in a simple fluid. In the UNIMI part of the GRADFLEX experimental setup, NEFs are induced in a binary mixture by means of the Soret effect. The diagnostic method is an all-optical quantitative shadowgraph technique. The power spectrum of the induced NEFs is obtained by the processing of the shadowgraph images. A detailed description of the experimental apparatus as well as the ground-based experimental results is presented here for the UNIMI-INFM experiment. The GRADFLEX payload is scheduled to fly on the FOTON M3 capsule in April 2007.

  19. Oscillatory Extinction Of Spherical Diffusion Flames

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Law, C. K.; Yoo, S. W.; Christianson, E. W.


    Since extinction has been observed in an oscillatory manner in Le greater than 1 premixed flames, it is not unreasonable to expect that extinction could occur in an unsteady manner for diffusion flames. Indeed, near-limit oscillations have been observed experimentally under microgravity conditions for both candle flames and droplet flames. Furthermore, the analysis of Cheatham and Matalon on the unsteady behavior of diffusion flames with heat loss, identified an oscillatory regime which could be triggered by either a sufficiently large Lewis number (even without heat loss) or an appreciable heat loss (even for Le=1). In light of these recent understanding, the present investigation aims to provide a well-controlled experiment that can unambiguously demonstrate the oscillation of diffusion flames near both the transport- and radiation-induced limits. That is, since candle and jet flames are stabilized through flame segments that are fundamentally premixed in nature, and since premixed flames are prone to oscillate, there is the possibility that the observed oscillation of these bulk diffusion flames could be triggered and sustained by the oscillation of the premixed flame segments. Concerning the observed oscillatory droplet extinction, it is well-known that gas-phase oscillation in heterogeneous burning can be induced by and is thereby coupled with condensed-phase unsteadiness. Consequently, a convincing experiment on diffusion flame oscillation must exclude any ingredients of premixed flames and other sources that may either oscillate themselves or promote the oscillation of the diffusion flame. The present experiment on burner-generated spherical flames with a constant reactant supply endeavored to accomplish this goal. The results are further compared with those from computational simulation for further understanding and quantification of the flame dynamics and extinction.

  20. Measurement of radon diffusion in polyethylene based on alpha detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rau, Wolfgang


    Radon diffusion in different materials has been measured in the past. Usually the diffusion measurements are based on a direct determination of the amount of radon that diffuses through a thin layer of material. Here we present a method based on the measurement of the radon daughter products which are deposited inside the material. Looking at the decay of 210Po allows us to directly measure the exponential diffusion profile characterized by the diffusion length. In addition we can determine the solubility of radon in PE. We also describe a second method to determine the diffusion constant based on the short-lived radon daughter products 218Po and 214Po, using the identical experimental setup. Measurements for regular polyethylene (PE) and High Molecular Weight Polyethylene (HMWPE) yielded diffusion lengths of (1.3±0.3) mm and (0.8±0.2) mm and solubilities of 0.5±0.1 and 0.7±0.2, respectively, for the first method; the diffusion lengths extracted from the second method are noticeably larger which may be caused by different experimental conditions during diffusion.