Sample records for du rat nouveau-ne

  1. Les conjonctivites néonatales dans le canton de Glidji au Sud du Togo: une étude transversale à propos de 159 nouveau-nés

    PubMed Central

    Kokou, Vonor; Nidain, Maneh; Kassoula, Nononsaa Batomguela; Kwassi, Fiaty- Amenouvor; Meba, Banla; Patrice, Balo Komi


    Introduction Le but de l’étude était décrire les aspects épidémiologiques des conjonctivites néonatales dans le canton de Glidji au Sud du Togo. Methodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale dans les 4 Unités Sanitaires Périphériques du canton de Glidji du 19 Mars au 13 Mai 2009 soit 8 semaines. Tous les nouveau-nés ont été inclus et la conjonctivite néonatale était définie par la présence chez un nouveau-né d'au moins deux des signes suivants: hyperhémie conjonctivale, œdème palpébral, chémosis, sécrétions purulentes, larmoiement. Les paramètres étudiés étaient l’âge, le sexe, les facteurs de risque, les antécédents, la présence ou non de conjonctivite, les germes en causes et l’évolution sous traitement. Resultats Sur la période, 159 nouveau-nés ont été examinés. L’âge moyen était de 10,9 jours avec des extrêmes de 0 à 28 jours. Il y avait 80 garçons pour 79 filles soit un sex-ratio de 1,01. Sur les 159 nouveau-nés, 7 cas de conjonctivite ont été diagnostiqués soit une prévalence de 4,4%. Les facteurs de risque identifiés étaient l'accouchement par voie basse et la présence d'IST chez la mère pendant la grossesse. Sur les 7 cas de conjonctivite, l'examen cytobactériologique a permis d'isoler le staphylococcus aureus dans 2 cas. L’évolution des cas de conjonctivite sous traitement était favorable avec régression des signes dès le 3è jour. Conclusion Les conjonctivites néonatales avaient une prévalence de 4,4% dans le canton de Glidji au sud du Togo et le staphylocoque doré était le germe en cause. Leur prévention passe par un bon suivi lors de la consultation prénatale et l'instillation de collyre antibiotique à la naissance PMID:27642383

  2. Portage vaginal du streptocoque du groupe B chez la femme enceinte au niveau de la région de Marrakech

    PubMed Central

    Bassir, Ahlam; Dhibou, Hanane; Farah, Majdi; Mohamed, Lharmis; Amal, Addebous; Nabila, Souraa; Abderahim, Aboulfalah; Asmouki, Hamid; Soummani, Abderraouf


    Introduction Le streptocoque du groupe B est le principal agent impliqué dans les infections materno-fœtales, les septicémies et les méningites du nouveau-né à terme. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de portage maternel du streptocoque du groupe B (SGB) à terme. Méthodes Un prélèvement vaginal a été réalisé de manière prospective chez 275 parturientes lors de l'entrée en salle d'accouchement sur une période de 06 mois. Résultats Le taux de portage était de 20,2%. Le portage était variable en fonction de l’âge gestationnel, il constitue 57.5% entre 37 et 38 semaines d'aménorrhée. Aucun des facteurs de risque n'a était statistiquement prédictif du portage maternel du SGB. Conclusion Le dépistage doit être réalisé à partir de 37 semaines d'aménorrhée, et comme le portage est intermittent, un prélèvement négatif ne garantirait pas que le portage soit négatif à l'accouchement. PMID:27222693

  3. Evaluation d'une approche pedagogique respectant les facons d'apprendre des filles en sciences et en TIC en 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lirette-Pitre, Nicole T.


    La reussite scolaire des filles les amene de plus en plus a poursuivre une formation postsecondaire et a exercer des professions qui demandent un haut niveau de connaissances et d'expertise scientifique. Toutefois, les filles demeurent toujours tres peu nombreuses a envisager une carriere en sciences (chimie et physique), en ingenierie ou en TIC (technologie d'information et de la communication), soit une carriere reliee a la nouvelle economie. Pour plusieurs filles, les sciences et les TIC ne sont pas des matieres scolaires qu'elles trouvent interessantes meme si elles y reussissent tres bien. Ces filles admettent que leurs experiences d'apprentissage en sciences et en TIC ne leur ont pas permis de developper un interet ni de se sentir confiante en leurs habiletes a reussir dans ces matieres. Par consequent, peu de filles choisissent de poursuivre leurs etudes postsecondaires dans ces disciplines. La theorie sociocognitive du choix carriere a ete choisie comme modele theorique pour mieux comprendre quelles variables entrent en jeu lorsque les filles choisissent leur carriere. Notre etude a pour objet la conception et l'evaluation de l'efficacite d'un materiel pedagogique concu specifiquement pour ameliorer les experiences d'apprentissage en sciences et en TIC des filles de 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick. L'approche pedagogique privilegiee dans notre materiel a mis en oeuvre des strategies pedagogiques issues des meilleures pratiques que nous avons identifiees et qui visaient particulierement l'augmentation du sentiment d'auto-efficacite et de l'interet des filles pour ces disciplines. Ce materiel disponible par Internet a l'adresse est directement en lien avec le programme d'etudes en sciences de la nature de 9e annee du Nouveau-Brunswick. L'evaluation de l'efficacite de notre materiel pedagogique a ete faite selon deux grandes etapes methodologiques: 1) l'evaluation de l'utilisabilite et de la convivialite du materiel et 2

  4. Mise à jour sur le nouveau vaccin 9-valent pour la prévention du virus du papillome humain

    PubMed Central

    Yang, David Yi; Bracken, Keyna


    Résumé Objectif Informer les médecins de famille quant à l’efficacité, à l’innocuité, aux effets sur la santé publique et à la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent contre le virus du papillome humain (VPH). Qualité des données Des articles pertinents publiés dans PubMed jusqu’en mai 2015 ont été examinés et analysés. La plupart des données citées sont de niveau I (essais randomisés et contrôlés et méta-analyses) ou de niveau II (études transversales, cas-témoins et épidémiologiques). Des rapports et recommandations du gouvernement sont aussi cités en référence. Message principal Le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH, qui offre une protection contre les types 6, 11, 16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52 et 58 du VPH, est sûr et efficace et réduira encore plus l’incidence des infections à VPH, de même que les cas de cancer lié au VPH. Il peut également protéger indirectement les personnes non immunisées par l’entremise du phénomène d’immunité collective. Un programme d’immunisation efficace peut prévenir la plupart des cancers du col de l’utérus. Les analyses montrent que la rentabilité du vaccin 9-valent chez les femmes est comparable à celle du vaccin quadrivalent original contre le VPH (qui protège contre les types 6, 11, 16 et 18 du VPH) en usage à l’heure actuelle. Toutefois, il faut investiguer plus en profondeur l’utilité d’immuniser les garçons avec le vaccin 9-valent contre le VPH. Conclusion en plus d’être sûr, le vaccin 9-valent protège mieux contre le VPH que le vaccin quadrivalent. Une analyse coûtefficacité en favorise l’emploi, du moins chez les adolescentes. Ainsi, les médecins devraient recommander le vaccin 9-valent à leurs patients plutôt que le vaccin quadrivalent contre le VPH.

  5. Analyse de la prise en charge du nouveau-né dans le cadre de la stratégie nationale de subvention des accouchements et des soins obstétricaux et néonatals d'urgence au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Pédiatrique Charles de Gaulle, Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso)

    PubMed Central

    Ouédraogo, Solange Odile Yugbaré; Yougbaré, Nestor; Kouéta, Fla; Dao; Ouédraogo, Moussa; Lougué, Claudine; Ludovic, Kam; Traoré, Ramata Ouédraogo; Yé, Diarra


    Introduction Il s'agit d'analyser la prise en charge du nouveau-né dans le cadre de la stratégie na-tionale de subvention des accouchements et des soins obstétricaux et néonatals d'urgence mis en place par le gouvernement du Burkina Faso en 2006. Méthodes Nous avons menée une étude à visée descriptive et analytique comportant un volet ré-trospectif du 01 janvier 2006 au 31 décembre 2010 portant sur les paramètres épidémiologiques, cliniques des nouveau-nés hospitalisés et un volet prospectif du 3 octobre 2011 au 29 février 2012 par une entrevue des accompagnateurs des nouveau-nés et des prestataires des services de santé. Résultats Les hospitalisations ont augmenté de 43,65% entre 2006 à 2010 Le taux de mortalité néo-natale hospitalière qui était de 11,04% a connu une réduction moyenne annuelle de 3,95%. L'entrevue a porté sur 110 accompagnateurs et 76 prestataires. La majorité des prestataires (97,44%) et des ac-compagnateurs (88,18%) étaient informés de la stratégie mais n'avait pas une connaissance exacte de sa définition. Les prestataires (94,74%) ont signalé des ruptures de médicaments, consommables médicaux et des pannes d’ appareils de laboratoire et d'imagerie. Parmi les accompagnateurs (89%) disaient être satisfaits des services offerts et (72,89%) trouvaient les coûts abordables mais évoquaient les difficultés du transport. Conclusion: La subvention a amélioré la prise en charge du nou-veau-né mais son optimisation nécessiterait une meilleur information et implication de tous les acteurs. Conclusion La subvention a amélioré la prise en charge du nouveau-né mais son optimisation nécessiterait une meilleur information et implication de tous les acteurs. PMID:26161166

  6. Decreased norepinephrine (NE) uptake in cerebral cortex and inferior colliculus of genetically epilepsy prone (GEP) rats

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Browning, R.A.; Rigler-Daugherty, S.K.; Long, G.


    GEP rats are characterized by an enhanced susceptibility to seizures caused by a variety of stimuli, most notably sound. Pharmacological treatments that reduce the synaptic concentration of NE increase seizure severity in GEP rats while elevations in NE have the opposite effect. GEP rats also display a widespread deficit in brain NE concentration suggesting that their increased seizure susceptibility is related to a deficit in noradrenergic transmission. The authors have compared the kinetics of /sup 3/H-NE uptake in the P/sub 2/ synaptosomal fraction isolated from the cerebral cortex of normal and GEP-rats. Although the apparent Kms were not significantly differentmore » (Normal +/- SEM:0.37 +/-; GEP +/- SEM: 0.29 +/-, the Vmax for GEP rats was 48% lower than that of normal rats (Normal +/- SEM: 474 +/- 45 fmole/mg/4min; GEP +/- SEM: 248 +/- 16 fmole/mg/4min). Because of the possible role of the inferior colliculus (IC) in the initiation of sound-induced seizures in GEP rats, the authors measured synaptosomal NE uptake in the IC using a NE concentration of 50 nM. The IC synaptosomal NE uptake was found to be 35% lower in GEP than in normal rats. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that a deficit in noradrenergic transmission is related to the increased seizure susceptibility of GEP rats.« less

  7. Utilisation d'images aeroportees a tres haute resolution spatiale pour l'estimation de la vigueur des peuplements forestiers du nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Louis, Ognel Pierre

    Le but de cette etude est de developper un outil permettant d'estimer le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des peuplements forestiers de la region de Gounamitz au nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick via des donnees d'inventaires forestiers et des donnees de teledetection. Pour ce faire, un marteloscope de 100m x 100m et 20 parcelles d'echantillonnages ont ete delimites. A l'interieur de ces derniers, le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des arbres ayant un DHP superieur ou egal a 9 cm a ete determine. Afin de caracteriser le risque de perte de vigueur des arbres, leurs positions spatiales ont ete repertoriees a partir d'un GPS en tenant compte des defauts au niveau des tiges. Pour mener a bien ce travail, les indices de vegetation et de textures et les bandes spectrales de l'image aeroportee ont ete extraits et consideres comme variables independantes. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur obtenu par espece d'arbre a travers les inventaires forestiers a ete considere comme variable dependante. En vue d'obtenir la superficie des peuplements forestiers de la region d'etude, une classification dirigee des images a partir de l'algorithme maximum de vraisemblance a ete effectuee. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur par type d'arbre a ensuite ete estime a l'aide des reseaux de neurones en utilisant un reseau dit perceptron multicouches. Il s'agit d'un modele de reseau de neurones compose de : 11 neurones sur la couche d'entree, correspondant aux variables independantes, 35 neurones sur la couche cachee et 4 neurones sur la couche de sortie. La prediction a partir des reseaux de neurones produit une matrice de confusion qui permet d'obtenir des mesures quantitatives d'estimation, notamment un pourcentage de classification globale de 91,7% pour la prediction du risque de perte de vigueur du peuplement de resineux et de 89,7% pour celui du peuplement de feuillus. L'evaluation de la performance des reseaux de neurones fournit une valeur de MSE globale de 0,04, et une

  8. Un nouveau cristal laser largement accordable le BOYS dopé à l'ytterbium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chénais, S.; Druon, F.; Balembois, F.; Georges, P.; Gaumé, R.; Aka, G.; Viana, B.; Vivien, D.


    Nous avons étudié les performances laser en pompage par diode de puissance d'un nouveau cristal : le Sr3Y(BO3)3 (acronyme : BOYS), dopé à l'ytterbium. Son spectre d'émission particulièrement large en fait un matériau particulièrement prometteur pour la réalisation de lasers femtosecondes directement pompés par diode. Ses performances ont été comparées à celles d'un verre phosphate ainsi qu'à celles du cristal d' Yb:GdCOB dans les mêmes conditions. Nous démontrons que, tant du point de vue de l'efficacité laser que de la tenue aux fortes puissances, GdCOB et BOYS sont supérieurs au verre ; le BOYS est de surcroît plus accordable (sur 50 nm), mais son comportement thermique limite a priori son usage à des puissances de pompe modérées.

  9. Rôle de l'hydrogène dans le procédé de purification du silicium par plasma thermique inductif

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Erin, J.; Morvan, D.; Amouroux, J.


    The use of the thermal process for purification of silicon led to a material with the chemical purity required for phototovoltaic applications. In this paper, the various properties of ArH2 plasma mixtures are briefly reviewed and the effect of hydrogen percentage in an argon plasma used for melting and purifying silicon is pointed out. Physico-chemical analysis of the purified silicon showed that hydrogen diffused in the material and could passivate crystal defects by formation of stable chemical bonds such as Si-H. La technique de purification du silicium sous plasma thermique permet d'aboutir à un matériau de pureté chimique requise pour l'industrie photovoltaïque. Dans ce travail, nous soulignerons le rôle de l'hydrogène intervenant dans les propriétés du plasma en rappelant les caractéristiques des plasmas Ar-H2 utilisés pour fondre et purifier le silicium. Les caractéristiques physico-chimiques du silicium purifié montrent que l'hydrogène diffuse dans le matériau et est en mesure de cicatriser les défauts cristallins par formation de liaisons chimiques stables de type Si-H.

  10. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique: une localisation exceptionnelle

    PubMed Central

    Hamdane, Mohamed Moncef; Bougrine, Fethi; Msakni, Issam; Dhaoui-Ghozzi, Amen; Bouziani, Ammar


    L’ hydatidose est une anthropo-zoonose due au développement chez l'homme de la forme larvaire du taenia Echinococcus granulosis. La plupart des kystes hydatiques se localisent dans le foie et les poumons. Le kyste hydatique du cordon spermatique est extrêmement rare avec seulement 4 cas rapportés dans la littérature. Les auteurs rapportent dans cet article un nouveau cas d'hydatidose du cordon spermatique. Il s'agissait d'un homme de 40 ans qui consultait pour des douleurs scrotales évoluant depuis huit mois. L'examen clinique a mis en évidence une tuméfaction mobile, inguino-scrotale, droite. L’échographie testiculaire a objectivé une hernie inguinale droite associée à deux kystes épididymaires bilatéraux. Le patient a été opéré pour cure de son hernie avec découverte en per-opératoire d'un kyste du cordon spermatique qui a été réséqué. L'examen anatomopathologique a conclu à une hydatidose du cordon spermatique. PMID:22384304

  11. Effect of low-power (He-Ne) laser on acute mucosal ulceration induced by indomethacin in rats

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Djavid, Gholam-reza E.; Erfani, Rebecca; Amoohashemi, Nasim; Pazoki, Mahbobeh; Aghaee, Sanaz; Toroudi, Hamidreza P.


    Background: Low-level laser has been used for treatment of ulcer, as well as, pain relief and inflammatory processes. In the present work, the effect of low power laser on mucosal gastric ulceration-induced by indomethacin in rats has been investigated. Materials and Methods: 16 male Sprague Dawley rats were divided into control (8 rats) and laser exposed group (8 rats). After using ether for anesthesia, 30 mg/kg indomethacin was injected subcutaneously. Exposed stomachs received 30 J He-Ne laser. Five hours later animals were killed and their stomachs were checked and observed for presence of ulceration. Results and Discussion: Gastric mucosal ulceration index was significantly greater in the laser-exposed group than control group. (P=0.02) This experiment suggests that low power He-Ne laser intensified acute mucosal ulcer formation by indomethacin. Changes in the prostaglandin content ofthe stomach may be responsible for these results.

  12. Two-generation reproductive toxicity study of implanted depleted uranium (DU) in CD rats.


    Arfsten, D P; Still, K R; Wilfong, E R; Johnson, E W; McInturf, S M; Eggers, J S; Schaeffer, D J; Bekkedal, M Y-V


    Depleted uranium (DU) munitions and armor plating have been used in several conflicts over the last 17 yr, including the Persian Gulf War and the Iraq War. Because of its effectiveness and availability, DU will continue to be used in military applications into the foreseeable future. There is much controversy over the use of DU in weapons and equipment because of its potential radiological and toxic hazards, and there is concern over the chronic adverse health effects of embedded DU shrapnel in war veterans and bystanders. This study evaluated the effects of long-term implantation of DU on the reproductive success of F0 generation adults and development and survival of subsequent F1 and F2 generations in a two-generation reproductive toxicity study. F0 generation Sprague-Dawley rats, 8 wk of age, were surgically implanted with 0, 4, 8, 12, or 20 DU pellets (1 x 2 mm). Inert implant control animals were implanted with 12 or 20 tantallum (Ta) pellets. The F0 generation was then mated at 120 d post DU implantation. In the F0 generation, when measured on postimplantation d 27 and 117, uranium was present in the urine of DU-implanted animals in a dose-dependent manner. F0 reproductive success was similar across treatment groups and the maternal retrieval test revealed no changes in maternal behavior. DU implantation exerted no effect on the survival, health, or well-being of the F0 generation. Necropsy results of F0 animals were negative with the exception of a marked inflammatory response surrounding the implanted DU pellets. For the F1 generation, measures of F1 development through postnatal day (PND) 20 were unremarkable and no gross abnormalities were observed in F1 offspring. No uranium was detected in whole-body homogenates of PND 4 or PND 20 pups. Necropsy findings of F1 PND 20 pups were negative and no instances of ribcage malformation were observed in F1 PND 20 pups. Body weight and body weight gain of F1 rats through PND 120 were similar across treatment

  13. Developpement d'une methode de Monte Carlo dependante du temps et application au reacteur de type CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mahjoub, Mehdi

    La resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann demeure une etape importante dans la prediction du comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire. Malheureusement, la resolution de cette equation presente toujours un defi pour une geometrie complexe (reacteur) tout comme pour une geometrie simple (cellule). Ainsi, pour predire le comportement d'un reacteur nucleaire,un schema de calcul a deux etapes est necessaire. La premiere etape consiste a obtenir les parametres nucleaires d'une cellule du reacteur apres une etape d'homogeneisation et condensation. La deuxieme etape consiste en un calcul de diffusion pour tout le reacteur en utilisant les resultats de la premiere etape tout en simplifiant la geometrie du reacteur a un ensemble de cellules homogenes le tout entoure de reflecteur. Lors des transitoires (accident), ces deux etapes sont insuffisantes pour pouvoir predire le comportement du reacteur. Comme la resolution de l'equation de Boltzmann dans sa forme dependante du temps presente toujours un defi de taille pour tous types de geometries,un autre schema de calcul est necessaire. Afin de contourner cette difficulte, l'hypothese adiabatique est utilisee. Elle se concretise en un schema de calcul a quatre etapes. La premiere et deuxieme etapes demeurent les memes pour des conditions nominales du reacteur. La troisieme etape se resume a obtenir les nouvelles proprietes nucleaires de la cellule a la suite de la perturbation pour les utiliser, au niveau de la quatrieme etape, dans un nouveau calcul de reacteur et obtenir l'effet de la perturbation sur le reacteur. Ce projet vise a verifier cette hypothese. Ainsi, un nouveau schema de calcul a ete defini. La premiere etape de ce projet a ete de creer un nouveau logiciel capable de resoudre l'equation de Boltzmann dependante du temps par la methode stochastique Monte Carlo dans le but d'obtenir des sections efficaces qui evoluent dans le temps. Ce code a ete utilise pour simuler un accident LOCA dans un reacteur nucleaire de type

  14. Polymorphisme de l'apolipoprotéine E dans la population du nord du Maroc: fréquence et influence sur les paramètres lipidiques

    PubMed Central

    Benyahya, Fatiha; Barakat, Amina; Ghailani, Naima; Bennani, Mohcine


    Introduction L'objectif de ce travail est de déterminer les fréquences alléliques et génotypiques des sites polymorphes situés dans le gène de l'apolipoprotéine E (apo E) ainsi que leur impact sur les paramètres cliniques et lipidiques dans un échantillon de la population du nord du Maroc cliniquement diagnostiqué ADH. Méthodes Le génotype de l'apo E a été analysé par séquençage direct chez 46 patients cliniquement diagnostiqués ADH selon les critères standards. Résultats Les fréquences des allèles epsilon 3, epsilon 2 et epsilon 4 ont été respectivement 78.3%, 2.2% et 19.6%. La fréquence de l'allèle epsilon 4 est très élevée chez la population du nord du Maroc en comparaison avec les populations des autres régions marocaines. Elle est similaire à celle rapportée dans les pays de l'Europe du nord. Les taux du cholestérol total, du cholestérol LDL ainsi que la présence des xanthomes et les maladies cardiovasculaires ne différent pas entre les génotypes de l'apoE. En revanche, les résultats ont montré une influence de l'allèle epsilon4 sur le taux des triglycérides chez les sujets obèses. Conclusion Le génotype de l'apoE ne peut expliquer le phénotype clinique et biochimique présenté par des patients du Nord du Maroc cliniquement diagnostiqués ADH. PMID:24396563

  15. Facteurs de risque de mortalité chez les nouveaux-nés transférés au service de néonatologie de l'Hôpital Jason Sendwe de Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Katamea, Tina; Mukuku, Olivier; Kamona, Lewis; Mukelenge, Kethye; Mbula, Otikeke; Baledi, Lambert; Ntambwe, Emile; Mutombo, Augustin Mulangu; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotsho; Luboya, Oscar Numbi


    Introduction La mortalité néonatale reste préoccupante dans notre milieu et plusieurs facteurs dont ceux liés à l'organisation du transfert de nouveau-nés au niveau des structures de prise en charge y contribuent. Les objectifs de notre étude sont de déterminer la fréquence du transfert néonatal extrahospitalier à l'unité de néonatologie et identifier les facteurs de risque de mortalité dans notre milieu. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude prospective et analytique menée sur une période de douze mois allant du 1er Janvier 2012 au 31 décembre 2012 ayant ciblé tous les nouveau-nés transférés des maternités extérieurs, traités et suivis dans le service de néonatologie de l'hôpital Sendwe. Les caractéristiques maternelles (âge, parité, état-civil, profession, niveau d’étude, antécédents médicaux et toxicologiques) et perpartales (âge gestationnel, état de la poche des eaux, voie d'accouchement) et néonataux (âge lors du transfert, sexe, poids de naissance, moyen de transfert, motif de transfert et évolution (guérison ou décès)) ont été étudiés. La saisie et l'analyse des données ont été faites sur le logiciel Epi Info 2011 (version et le seuil de signification de 5%. Résultats La fréquence du transfert néonatal extrahospitalier est de 12,9%. La mortalité était significativement liée à la profession (vendeuse ou travailleuse) de la mère (OR = 7,43 (1,38-39,97)), au niveau d’étude élevé (OR = 4,22 (1,18-15,10)), à l’âge gestationnel <37 SA (OR=3,21 (1,46-7,06)), à l’accouchement par voie basse de manière dystocique (OR=6,50 (1,54-27,38)), au sexe masculin du nouveau-né (OR=2,43 (1,08-5,46)), au poids de naissance <1500 grammes (OR=15,3 (5,73-40,78)) et à la prématurité comme motif de transfert (OR=5,56 (1,47-20,98)). Conclusion Le bilan de la mortalité néonatale est lourd dans les pays en développement où les nouveau-nés continuent de mourir pour des causes souvent évitables. La r

  16. Reflux gastro œsophagiens du prématuré: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Ndour, Daouda


    Le reflux gastro-œsophagien (RGO) est un problème fréquent en néonatologie. Le RGO est souvent incriminé dans diverses manifestations cliniques survenant chez le prématuré. Diverses réponses reflexes physiologiques fournissent un lien biologique possible entre le reflux gastro-œsophagien; l'apnée et les bradycardies du prématuré sans que lien de causalité ne soit clairement établi. En outre les explorations et le traitement proposés chez le prématuré présentant un reflux sont très discutés. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nouveau-né prématuré admis en soins intensifs néonatals et présentant des épisodes d'apnées et de bradycardies. L'examen clinique et les résultats des explorations étaient normaux. Le diagnostic de reflux gastro œsophagien compliqué d'apnée et de bradycardie a été retenu. Le diagnostic de RGO est difficile à confirmer malgré l'arsenal des examens complémentaires. Le traitement médicamenteux n'a pas montré de réel intérêt pour l'amélioration des symptômes et devrait être réservé aux formes sévères. Nous nous proposons à partir de ce cas clinique de faire une revue de la littérature pour une mise au point sur les différents aspects du problème. PMID:28293359

  17. Facteurs de risque de faible poids de naissance en milieu semi-rural de Kamina, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Kangulu, Ignace Bwana; Umba, Elie Kilolo Ngoy; Nzaji, Michel Kabamba; Kayamba, Prosper Kalenga Mwenze


    Introduction Le faible poids de naissance constitue un problème majeur de santé publique, aussi bien dans les pays développés que dans les pays en développement, de par son ampleur et sa forte association avec la morbidité et la mortalité infantiles. Méthodes Il s’agit d’une étude cas-témoins rétrospective menée sur les différents facteurs de risque de faible poids de naissance(FPN) en milieu semi-rural de Kamina chez les accouchées et leurs nouveau-nés respectifs enregistrés de la période allant de janvier 2009 à décembre 2010. Résultats Cette étude a répertorié 69 cas des nouveau-nés de FPN sur 483 accouchements enregistrés (14,3%). Les facteurs associés au FPN déterminés dans ce travail sont l’âge maternel inférieur à 18 ans (OR=7,62, IC=3.46-16.8) et supérieur à 35 ans (OR=2,04;IC=0.91-4.46), la primiparité(OR=2,48;IC=1.18-5.21) et le non suivi des consultations prénatales (OR=5,50;IC=2.00-15.03), la prématurité avec grossesse âgée de moins de 37 semaines d’aménorrhée, la grossesse multiple (OR=30,94) et le sexe féminin du nouveau-né. Conclusion Cette étude a démontré que l’âge maternel inférieur à 18 ans et supérieur à 35 ans, le non suivi des consultations prénatales, la primiparité et la prématurité, la grossesse multiple et le sexe féminin du nouveau-né sont les facteurs associés au faible poids de naissance. PMID:25237417

  18. Morbidité et mortalité des nouveau-nés hospitalisés sur 10 années à la Clinique El Fateh-Suka (Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso)

    PubMed Central

    Nagalo, Kisito; Dao, Fousséni; Tall, François Housséini; Yé, Diarra


    Introduction La mortalité néonatale demeure un problème majeur de santé publique dans les pays en développement. Notre étude avait pour but de déterminer la morbidité et la mortalité des nouveau-nés à Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Méthodes Une étude rétrospective sur 10 années a permis d'inclure tous les nouveau-nés admis dans l'Unité de Néonatologie de la Clinique El Fateh-Suka. Résultats Au total, 697 nouveau-nés étaient hospitalisés sur la période d'étude. Les principaux diagnostics étaient les infections néonatales (23.5%), les anomalies liées à la durée de la gestation et à la croissance du fætus (17.9%) et le paludisme congénital (15.1%). Les 91 (13.1%) décès étaient dus aux anomalies liées à la durée de la grossesse et à la croissance du fætus (46.1%), à l'hypoxie intra-utérine et à l'asphyxie obstétricale (20,9%) et aux infections néonatales (17.6%). Ces décès survenaient dans 81.3% dans les 72 heures, dans 93.4% des cas dans la première semaine d'hospitalisation. Le facteur de risque associé à ces décès était la voie basse d'accouchement (p = 0.02). Conclusion Cette étude a identifié des pathologies évitables déjà décrites comme les principales causes d'hospitalisations et de décès néonatals. La voie basse d'accouchement était le facteur de risque associé à ces décès, ce qui n'avait pas encore été rapporté. Les efforts pour améliorer la qualité des services de soins périnatals doivent être intensifiés afin de réduire la mortalité néonatale dans les pays en développement. PMID:23785558

  19. Des proprietes de l'etat normal du modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lemay, Francois

    Depuis leur decouverte, les etudes experimentales ont demontre que les supra-conducteurs a haute temperature ont une phase normale tres etrange. Les proprietes de ces materiaux ne sont pas bien decrites par la theorie du liquide de Fermi. Le modele de Hubbard bidimensionnel, bien qu'il ne soit pas encore resolu, est toujours considere comme un candidat pour expliquer la physique de ces composes. Dans cet ouvrage, nous mettons en evidence plusieurs proprietes electroniques du modele qui sont incompatibles avec l'existence de quasi-particules. Nous montrons notamment que la susceptibilite des electrons libres sur reseau contient des singularites logarithmiques qui influencent de facon determinante les proprietes de la self-energie a basse frequence. Ces singularites sont responsables de la destruction des quasi-particules. En l'absence de fluctuations antiferromagnetiques, elles sont aussi responsables de l'existence d'un petit pseudogap dans le poids spectral au niveau de Fermi. Les proprietes du modele sont egalement etudiees pour une surface de Fermi similaire a celle des supraconducteurs a haute temperature. Un parallele est etabli entre certaines caracteristiques du modele et celles de ces materiaux.

  20. Status of the KM3NeT project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Margiotta, A.


    KM3NeT is a deep-sea research infrastructure being constructed in the Mediterranean Sea. It will be installed at three sites: KM3NeT-Fr, offshore Toulon, France, KM3NeT-It, offshore Portopalo di Capo Passero, Sicily (Italy) and KM3NeT-Gr, offshore Pylos, Peloponnese, Greece. It will host the next generation Cherenkov neutrino telescope and nodes for a deep sea multidisciplinary observatory, providing oceanographers, marine biologists, and geophysicists with real time measurements. The neutrino telescope will search for Galactic and extra-Galactic sources of neutrinos, complementing IceCube in its field of view. The detector will have a modular structure and consists of six building blocks, each including about one hundred Detection Units (DUs). Each DU will be equipped with 18 multi-PMT digital optical modules. The first phase of construction has started and shore and deep-sea infrastructures hosting the future KM3NeT detector are being prepared in France near Toulon and in Italy, near Capo Passero in Sicily. The technological solutions for KM3NeT and the expected performance of the detector are presented and discussed.

  1. Histological effects of He-Ne laser on the healing of experimental colon anastomoses in the rat

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Asencio-Arana, Francisco; Torres-Gil, Vicente; Martinez-Soriano, Francisco; Perez-Sarrio, R.


    Despite technical advances, the incidence of anastomotic leaks in elective colorectal surgery remains around 14%, Recent studies suggest that the use of low energy lasers may enhance wound healing in different tissues in a selective, nondestructive manner. Based on these findings we have attempted to provide experimental background on the histological effects of He-Ne laser during the early stages of healing in 70 colonic anastornoses performed on rats, The irradiation of the anastomoses by two doses of 3.6 J/cm produces an increase in the populations of round cells and fibroblasts of the scar tissue, an increase in new vessel formation and a significant improvement in epithelialization. This suggests that the irradiation of colonic wounds with He-Ne lasers can result in an enhancement of healing.

  2. Photodynamic effect produced by HeNe radiation in Harderian glands of Wistar rats: an experimental model for PDT studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    dos Reis, Edmyr R.; Nicola, Ester M. D.; Metze, Konradin; Nicola, Jorge H.


    In rats, the Harderian Gland secret Protoporphirin IX which is retained at acinar lumina. Since this photosensitizer is important for PDT of malignant tumors, we propose to study this gland as a model to help understanding PDT with endogenous photosensitizers. Twenty Wistar SPF adult rats were submitted to surgical exposure of both Harderian glands, revealing red fluorescence upon UV, characterizing the protoporphirin IX presence. After that, one gland of each pair (one kept as control) was irradiated with an 8 mW HeNe (6328 angstrom) for 45 minutes, delivering about 2.7 joules/mm2. After 24 hours a group of 10 animals were scarified and the glands removed for histological analysis. The remaining animals were subjected to the same procedure but the glands were removed immediately after laser treatment. Histological and fluorescence analysis immediately after laser irradiation showed cell fragmentation with loss of acinar architecture with diffusion of protoporphirin in the cytoplasm of damaged cells, as well as interstitial edema. After 24 hours these alterations were more pronounced with accentuated loss of intraluminal protoporphirin and beginning of leukocytic demarcation of necrotic areas. The innate Harderian glands of rats, exposed to HeNe laser, showed a similar behavior as tumor tissue under PDT.

  3. [Study of reports to the departmental home of disabled children placed in social assistance to children in the Bouches-du-Rhône].


    de Montaigne, L; Bernard, O; Da Fonseca, D; Gaudart, J; Richardson, A; Soffer, M; Chabrol, B; Dubus, J-C; Bosdure, E


    By the end of 2011, 275,000 children in France were included in the Aide sociale à l'enfance (ASE, Child Welfare System). Half of these children were entrusted to public care. There is limited data on these children. The MDPH (Maison départementale des personnes handicapées) is an administrative body assisting in the care of disabled children, through material, financial, and human means. Analyzing MDPH medical records can provide medical information about these children. The aim of this study was to describe the characteristics of children left to the ASE with a record at MDPH in Bouches-du-Rhône. We extracted administrative data from two registers, the ASE register and the MDPH register. The MDPH medical files of each patient were analyzed and their medical information was coded: gestational age, deficiencies, and pathologies. In Bouches-du-Rhône, 2965 children were entrusted, 506 (17%) of whom were known by the MDPH: 30.6% of the entrusted children known by MDPH were taken into foster care and 48% were in residential group homes. Half of the MDPH notifications concerned a referral to a school or medico-social institution. By analyzing the medical data, we observed an average of 2.1 deficiencies per child. The types of deficiencies were distributed as follows: 35.9% were psychological deficiencies, 26.4% were speech deficiencies, and 21.6% were intellectual cognitive deficiencies. The most common pathology was mental and behavioral disorder (71% of diagnoses). The MDPH notification rate in children entrusted to public care was seven times higher than in the general population. Overall, explaining the relation between child abuse and neglect and disability is difficult. The psychopathology of these children is complex. These results show the importance of specific medical monitoring for these children. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier SAS.

  4. New Heteroceratidae (Ammonoidea) from the late Barremian deepening succession of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône, France)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frau, Camille; Delanoy, Gérard; Masse, Jean-Pierre; Lanteaume, Cyprien; Tendil, Anthony J. B.


    Investigation of the late Barremian deepening succession of the Provence platform, cropping out south of Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône, France), has yielded a new ammonite fauna belonging to the Martelites sarasini Subzone (Martelites sarasini Zone). The fauna is dominated by representatives of the Heteroceratidae Spath, characterized by different patterns of coiling, high intraspecific variabilities and dwarfism. These heteroceratids are distinctive and utterly different from all previously known taxa, and this justifies the introduction of the new taxa Heteroceras denizoti sp. nov., Heteroceras veratiae sp. nov., Calanquites gen. nov., based on Imerites katsharavai Rouchadzé; Giovaraites gen. nov., based on Giovaraites massiliae gen. et sp. nov., Barguesiella gen. nov., based on Barguesiella goudesense gen. et sp. nov. and the closely allied Barguesiella mantei gen. et sp. nov. The occurrence of the latter species at the top of the Maiolica Formation in Italy questions its early Aptian age assumed in the literature. The newly described fauna could be considered as the first case of micromorphy in the Heteroceratidae. Its biostratigraphy, palaeoenvironmental and palaeobiogeographical significance are discussed.

  5. Amelioration de l'efficacite energetique du procede d'electrolyse de l'aluminium conception d'un nouveau bloc cathodique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blais, Mathieu

    Au Quebec, les alumineries sont de grandes consommatrices d'energie electrique, soit pres de 14 % de la puissance installee d'Hydro-Quebec. Dans ce contexte, des petits gains en efficacite energetique des cuves d'electrolyse pourraient avoir un impact important sur la reduction globale de la consommation d'electricite. Le projet de maitrise decrit dans cette etude repond a la problematique suivante : comment l'optimisation de la geometrie d'un bloc cathodique en vue d'uniformiser la densite de courant peut augmenter l'efficacite energetique et la duree de vie de la cuve d'aluminium? Le but premier du projet est de modifier la geometrie en vue d'ameliorer le comportement thermoelectrique des blocs cathodiques et d'accroitre par le fait meme l'efficacite energetique du procede de production d'aluminium. La mauvaise distribution de la densite de courant dans la cuve est responsable de certains problemes energetiques ayant des impacts negatifs sur l'economie et l'environnement. Cette non-uniformite de la distribution du courant induit une usure prematuree de la surface de la cathode et contribue a reduire la stabilite magnetohydrodynamique de la nappe de metal liquide. Afin de quantifier les impacts que peut avoir l'uniformisation de la densite de courant a travers le bloc cathodique, un modele d'un bloc cathodique d'une cuve de la technologie AP-30 a ete concu et analyse par elements finis. A partir de son comportement thermoelectrique et de donnees experimentales d'une cuve AP-30 tirees de la litterature, une correlation entre le profil de densite de courant a la surface du bloc et le taux d'erosion local au meme endroit a ete creee. Cette relation correspond au modele predictif de la duree de vie de tout bloc du meme materiau a partir de son profil de densite de courant. Ensuite, une programmation a ete faite incorporant dans une meme fonction cout les impacts economiques de la duree de vie, de la chute de voltage cathodique et de l'utilisation de nouveaux materiaux

  6. Information non précise sur la taille du pénis en République Démocratique du Congo: à propos de 21 sources

    PubMed Central

    Mulenga, Philippe Cilundika; Kazadi, Alex Bukasa


    Introduction La taille du pénis constitue une préoccupation de beaucoup des gens actuellement et certains ne sont pas satisfaits de la dimension de leur pénis comme le montre l’étude de Tiggemann en 2008. Il existe relativement peu d'études sur le pénis en érection. Cela peut refléter les tabous culturels des chercheurs ou des médecins en interaction avec les hommes qui sont dans un état d’excitation sexuelle. Toutes fois, il est important pour les personnes qui annoncent des détails sur la taille du pénis d’annoncer d’abord les repères de la mesure du pénis puis ensuite donner les chiffres que proposent les chercheurs. Méthodes Notre enquête de type descriptif transversale s’est effectuée dans les deux grandes villes de la République Démocratique du Congo à savoir la ville de Kinshasa et la ville de Lubumbashi, pendant une période de deux ans soit de Mai 2014 à Mai 2016. Au total, 21 sources d’information ont constitué notre échantillon dont 8 à Kinshasa et 13 à Lubumbashi et nous avons trouvé cela suffisant car les sujets à caractère sexuel sont souvent rares chez nous. Les paramètres étudiés étaient: la nature de la source, la précision de la technique de la mesure, la présence de référence bibliographique, la longueur annoncée du pénis. Résultats La majorité des sources d’information sont faites des émissions de radio et de télévision (23,8%), ceci pourra s’expliquer par le fait que dans notre milieu il y a de plus en plus des chaines de radio et télévision et surtout dans les grandes villes. Concernant la précision de la technique de la mesure du pénis lors du partage du message sur la taille du pénis, l’étude nous montre que la majorité des sources d’information ne signale pas cela lorsqu’elles annoncent la taille du pénis au public soit 85,7%. Plusieurs sources ne déclarent pas les références bibliographiques (57,1%). Lorsqu’on regarde même les chiffres de la taille du p

  7. Etude de facteurs de risque de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant dans la stratégie « option A » à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Mudekereza, Rachel; Karaj, Eugénie; Odimba, Etienne Bwana Fwamba; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotshio


    Introduction L'infection à VIH chez la femme enceinte a pour principal risque la contamination du nouveau-né. L'objectif est de déterminer le taux de transmission du VIH de la mère à l'enfant (TME) dans la ville de Lubumbashi et en évaluer les facteurs de risque. Méthodes Il s'agissait d'une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique de 157 accouchées séropositives au VIH et de leurs enfants dans 12 structures sanitaires de Lubumbashi (RDCongo) du 1er octobre 2012 au 31 décembre 2013. Les paramètres sociodémographiques, cliniques et les données relatives aux activités de PTME du VIH ont été étudiés. Les statistiques usuelles ont été utilisées pour analyser les résultats. Le seuil de significativité a été fixé à une valeur de p < 0,05. Résultats Le taux de transmission verticale du VIH était de 12,7% (20/157). Il n'y avait pas d'association significative entre les caractéristiques sociodémographiques maternelles telles que l’âge, la parité, le niveau d’étude, la profession et l’état-civil et la TME (p>0,05). La transmission verticale du VIH était significativement associée aux facteurs suivants: le stade clinique 3 de l'OMS (OR=5,18 (1,5-18,1)), la présence d'infection opportuniste (OR=8,7 (2,7-27,8)), le dépistage lors de l'accouchement (OR=6,3 (1,0-39,0)) ou au cours de l'allaitement (OR=7,1 (1,1-76,7)), au taux de CD4 maternel <350/mm3 (OR=2,9 (1,1-7,7)), l'absence de thérapie antirétrovirale chez la mère (OR=19,9 (4,8-81,9)), la naissance avant terme (OR=4,7 (1,4-16,0)), la rupture prématurée de membranes (OR=45,0 (7,4-454,6)), le faible poids de naissance (OR=5,6 (1,9-16,7)), la notion de réanimation néonatale (OR=12,4 (3,8-40,1)), la non administration de la névirapine à la naissance (OR=26,4 (7,6-92,3)) et l'alimentation mixte (OR=12,6 (1,3-115,9)). Le sexe du nourrisson et le mode d'accouchement n’étaient pas non plus associés à la transmission verticale du VIH (p>0,05). Conclusion Le taux

  8. Novel pharmacokinetic studies of the Chinese formula Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang in MCAO rats.


    Zhu, Huaxu; Qian, Zhilei; He, Feng; Liu, Mengzhu; Pan, Linmei; Zhang, Qichun; Tang, Yuping


    Our previous studies showed that after oral administration of an Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang (HLJDT) decoction, there is a higher concentration of the pure components, berberine, baicalin and gardenoside in the plasma of Middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) rats than in sham-operated rats, The aim of the present study was to determine whether these components could be reliably measured in MCAO rat tissues. First, the plasma concentration-time profiles of berberine, palmatine, baicalin, baicalein and gardenoside were characterised in MCAO rats after oral administration of the aqueous extract of HLJDT. Subsequently, liver, lung and kidney tissues were obtained from sudden death MCAO rats in the absorption phase (0.25 h), the distribution phase (1.0 h) and the elimination phase (8.0 h) after administration of the HLJDT aqueous extract. An HPLC method was developed and validated for the determination of the distribution characteristics of berberine, palmatine, baicalin, baicalein and gardenoside simultaneously from the above-mentioned rat tissues. The results indicated that berberine, palmatine, baicalin and baicalein distributed rapidly and accumulated at high levels in the lung, while gardenoside distributed widely in the lung and the kidney. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report to describe the distribution of the active ingredients derived from HLJDT in MCAO rat tissues. The tissue distribution results provide a biopharmaceutical basis for the design of the clinic application of HLJDT in cerebrovascular disease. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  9. Du-Zhong (Eucommia ulmoides Oliv.) Cortex Extract Alleviates Lead Acetate-Induced Bone Loss in Rats.


    Qi, Shanshan; Zheng, Hongxing; Chen, Chen; Jiang, Hai


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the protective effect of Du-Zhong cortex extract (DZCE) on lead acetate-induced bone loss in rats. Forty female Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into four groups: group I (control) was provided with distilled water. Group II (PbAc) received 500 ppm lead acetate in drinking water for 60 days. Group III (PbAc+DZCE) received 500 ppm lead acetate in drinking water, and given intragastric DZCE (100 mg/kg body weight) for 60 days. Group IV (DZCE) was given intragastric DZCE (100 mg/kg body weight) for 60 days. The bone mineral density, serum biochemical markers, bone histomorphology, and bone marrow adipocyte parameters were analyzed using dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry, biochemistry, histomorphometry, and histopathology, respectively. The results showed that the lumbar spine and femur bone mineral density was significantly decreased in PbAc group compared with the control (P < 0.05); however, this decrease was inhibited by the intake of Du-Zhong cortex extract (P < 0.05, vs. PbAc group; P > 0.05, vs. control and DZCE group). Serum calcium and serum phosphorus in the PbAc+DZCE group were greater than that in the PbAc group (P < 0.05). The PbAc group had higher ALP, osteocalcin, and RANKL than the control group (P < 0.01), and they were significantly lower in the PbAc+DZCE group compared with the PbAc group. There were no significant differences of ALP, osteocalcin, and RANKL among the PbAc+DZCE, control, and DZCE groups (P > 0.05). Serum OPG and OPG/RANKL ration were significantly higher in the PbAc+DZCE group than that in the PbAc group (P < 0.05). The bone histomorphometric analyses showed that bone volume and trabecular thickness in the femoral trabecular bone were significantly lower in the PbAc group than that in the control group, but those were restored in the PbAc+DZCE groups. The bone marrow adipocyte number, percent adipocyte volume per tissue volume (AV/TV), and mean

  10. Analyse de la dégradation thermique du Poly(éther éther cétone)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Courvoisier, Emilie; Bicaba, Yoann; Colin, Xavier


    La dégradation thermique du PEEK a été étudiée à l'état caoutchoutique dans de larges intervalles de température (entre 180 et 320 °C) et de pression partielle d'oxygène (entre 0,21 et 50 bars). Tout d'abord, les mécanismes de vieillissement thermique ont été analysés et élucidés par spectroscopie IRTF et par calorimétrie différentielle (DSC) sur des films de PEEK suffisamment minces (entre 10 et 60 μm d'épaisseur) pour s'affranchir totalement des effets de la diffusion d'oxygène. L'oxydation se produit sur les cycles aromatiques provoquant la croissance de cinq nouvelles bandes d'absorption IR centrées à 3650, 3525, 1780, 1740 et 1718 cm-1 et attribuées aux vibrations d'élongation des liaisons O-H du phénol et de l'acide benzoïque, et des liaisons C-O de l'anhydride benzoïque, du benzoate de phényle et de la fluorénone respectivement. De plus, l'oxydation conduit à une large prédominance de la réticulation sur les coupures de chaîne (augmentation de Tg) empêchant le recuit du PEEK, en particulier lorsque la température d'exposition est supérieure au pied du pic de fusion. Enfin, les conséquences de l'oxydation sur les propriétés élastiques ont été analysées et élucidées par micro-indentation sur des sections droites préalablement polies de plaquettes de PEEK de 3 mm d'épaisseur. Les variations du module d'Young et du taux de cristallinité se corrèlent parfaitement, vérifiant ainsi la relation de Tobolsky.

  11. Zsolnai Állami Főreáliskola, Art Nouveau Building and its Painted Decorations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grúňová, Zuzana; Borošová Michalcová, Miloslava


    The historic art nouveau building of the former high school in Žilina - Zsolnai Állami Főreáliskola - is nowadays one of the University of Žilina buildings. Empty, awaiting much needed renovation is school building a subject of the various researches of its art-historical and architectural features. Paper deals with wall painting as a one type decoration among preserved ones in this building. Lack of funds during its initial building and decoration works created rather limited amount motifs and simple technologies. If the whole scope of architectural works of Orth and Somló architectural studio (and the whole set of art nouveau buildings in Žilina) is taken into account, even these simple, but elegant painting in well thought palette of colours could be valuable basis for renovation.

  12. Analyse de la dégradation thermique du Poly(éther imide)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Courvoisier, Emilie; Bicaba, Yoann; Colin, Xavier


    La dégradation thermique du PEI a été étudiée dans de larges intervalles de température (entre 180 et 250 °C) et de pression partielle d'oxygène (entre 0,21 et 50 bars). Tout d'abord, les mécanismes de vieillissement thermique ont été analysés et élucidés par spectroscopie IRTF et par calorimétrie différentielle (DSC) sur des films de PEI suffisamment minces (entre 10 et 60 μm d'épaisseur) pour s'affranchir totalement des effets de la diffusion d'oxygène. Comme attendu, et par analogie avec d'autres polymères aromatiques de structure chimique similaire, l'oxydation se produit préférentiellement sur les groupes méthyle de l'unité isopropylidène du motif bisphenol A, causant la disparition de leur bande d'absorption IR caractéristique à 2970 cm-1 et la croissance d'une nouvelle bande d'absorption IR centrée à 3350 cm-1 et attribuée aux groupes alcool. De plus, l'oxydation conduit successivement à une prédominance relative des coupures de chaîne (diminution de Tg) et de la réticulation (augmentation de Tg). Enfin, les conséquences de l'oxydation sur les propriétés élastiques ont été analysées et élucidées par micro-indentation sur des sections droites préalablement polies de plaquettes de PEI de 3 mm d'épaisseur. Cependant, l'augmentation du module d'Young dans la couche superficielle oxydée est principalement due à un vieillissement physique.

  13. Evidence for a jacketed nematic polymer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hardouin, F.; Mery, S.; Achard, M. F.; Noirez, L.; Keller, P.


    The evidence for a “jacketed” structure at the scale of the chain dimensions in the nematic phase of a “side-on fixed” liquid crystal polysiloxane is reported by using small angle neutron scattering. We relate this anisotropy of chain conformation to the first measurements of the rotational viscosity coefficient in this new type of liquid crystal side-chain polymer. Par des mesures de diffusion des neutrons aux petits angles nous montrons l'existence, pour un polysiloxane “ en haltère ”, d'une structure “ chemisée ” à l'échelle de l'organisation global d'une chaîne en phase nématique. On constate que cette anisotropie de forme du polymère a des conséquences sur l'évolution du coefficient de viscosité de torsion mesuré pour la première fois dans ce nouveau type de polymère à chaînes latérales.

  14. Chronic intermittent hypoxia alters NE reactivity and mechanics of skeletal muscle resistance arteries.


    Phillips, Shane A; Olson, E B; Lombard, Julian H; Morgan, Barbara J


    Although arterial dilator reactivity is severely impaired during exposure of animals to chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH), few studies have characterized vasoconstrictor responsiveness in resistance arteries of this model of sleep-disordered breathing. Sprague-Dawley rats were exposed to CIH (10% inspired O2 fraction for 1 min at 4-min intervals; 12 h/day) for 14 days. Control rats were housed under normoxic conditions. Diameters of isolated gracilis muscle resistance arteries (GA; 120-150 microm) were measured by television microscopy before and during exposure to norepinephrine (NE) and angiotensin II (ANG II) and at various intraluminal pressures between 20 and 140 mmHg in normal and Ca2+-free physiological salt solution. There was no difference in the ability of GA to constrict in response to ANG II (P = 0.42; not significant; 10(-10)-10(-7) M). However, resting tone, myogenic activation, and vasoconstrictor responses to NE (P < 0.001; 10(-9)-10(-6) M) were reduced in CIH vs. controls. Treatment of rats with the superoxide scavenger 4-hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetramethylpiperidine 1-oxyl (tempol; 1 mM) in the drinking water restored myogenic responses and NE-induced constrictions of CIH rats, suggesting that elevated superoxide production during exposure to CIH attenuates vasoconstrictor responsiveness to NE and myogenic activation in skeletal muscle resistance arteries. CIH also leads to an increased stiffness and reduced vessel wall distensibility that were not correctable with oral tempol treatment.

  15. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  16. Contributions to the Mosquito Fauna of Southeast Asia. XI. A Proposed Reclassification of Neoculex Dyar Based Principally on the Male Terminalia

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Diptera, CuIicidae) de la region ethiopienne. Description de Culex (neoculex) garioui sp. n. moustique nouveau du Cameroun. Bull. Sot. Path. exot. 59...Description de Neoculex ZupZantei sp. n. Bull. Sot. Path. exot. 48:862-866. HAMON, J., HOLSTEIN, M. & E. RIVOLA 1957. Descri tion d’un nouveau moustique

  17. Regulation of Peripheral Catecholamine Responses to Acute Stress in Young Adult and Aged F-344 Rats.


    McCarty; Pacak; Goldstein; Eisenhofer


    Young adult (3-month-old) and aged (24-month-old) Fischer-344 male rats received i.v. infusions of 3H-labeled norepinephrine (NE) and epinephrine (EPI) to examine the effects of aging on the neuronal uptake of NE and sympathoadrenal release of NE and EPI. Spillovers of NE and EPI into plasma and their clearance from the circulation were estimated from plasma concentrations of endogenous and 3H-labeled NE and EPI. The efficiency of neuronal uptake was assessed from changes in plasma clearance of NE and concentrations of its intraneuronal metabolite, dihydroxyphenylglycol (DHPG), during immobilization stress or neuronal uptake blockade with desipramine. Stress-induced increases in plasma NE and higher plasma NE concentrations in aged compared to young adult rats were due to both decreases in NE clearance and increases in NE spillover. EPI spillover and clearance were reduced in aged compared to young adult rats, so that plasma EPI levels did not differ between groups. Young adult and aged rats had similar desipramine-induced decreases in NE clearance, whereas desipramine-sensitive decreases and stress-induced increases in plasma DHPG were larger in aged rats. This indicates that neuronal uptake is intact and that increased NE spillover at rest and during stress in aged rats reflects increased NE release from sympathetic nerves. The results show that aging is associated with divergent decreases in EPI release from the adrenal medulla and increases in NE release from sympathetic nerves. Increased plasma concentrations of NE in aged compared to young adult rats also result from decreased circulatory clearance of NE, but this does not reflect any age-related impairment of NE reuptake.

  18. Registration of NE Trailblazer C-1, NE Trailblazer C0, NE Trailblazer C2, NE Trailblazer C3, NE Trailblazer C4, and NE Trailblazer C5 Switchgrass Germplasms

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    NE Trailblazer C-1 (GP-101, PI 672015), NE Trailblazer C0 (GP-100, PI 672014), NE Trailblazer C2 (GP-102, PI 672016), NE Trailblazer C3 (GP-103, PI 672017), NE Trailblazer C4 (GP-104, PI 672018), and NE Trailblazer C5 (GP-105, PI 672019) switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) germplasms were released by ...

  19. Elaboration du Ge mesoporeux et etude de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue d'applications photovoltaiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tutashkonko, Sergii

    Le sujet de cette these porte sur l'elaboration du nouveau nanomateriau par la gravure electrochimique bipolaire (BEE) --- le Ge mesoporeux et sur l'analyse de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue de son utilisation dans des applications photovoltaiques. La formation du Ge mesoporeux par gravure electrochimique a ete precedemment rapportee dans la litterature. Cependant, le verrou technologique important des procedes de fabrication existants consistait a obtenir des couches epaisses (superieure a 500 nm) du Ge mesoporeux a la morphologie parfaitement controlee. En effet, la caracterisation physico-chimique des couches minces est beaucoup plus compliquee et le nombre de leurs applications possibles est fortement limite. Nous avons developpe un modele electrochimique qui decrit les mecanismes principaux de formation des pores ce qui nous a permis de realiser des structures epaisses du Ge mesoporeux (jusqu'au 10 mum) ayant la porosite ajustable dans une large gamme de 15% a 60%. En plus, la formation des nanostructures poreuses aux morphologies variables et bien controlees est desormais devenue possible. Enfin, la maitrise de tous ces parametres a ouvert la voie extremement prometteuse vers la realisation des structures poreuses a multi-couches a base de Ge pour des nombreuses applications innovantes et multidisciplinaires grace a la flexibilite technologique actuelle atteinte. En particulier, dans le cadre de cette these, les couches du Ge mesoporeux ont ete optimisees dans le but de realiser le procede de transfert de couches minces d'une cellule solaire a triple jonctions via une couche sacrificielle en Ge poreux. Mots-cles : Germanium meso-poreux, Gravure electrochimique bipolaire, Electrochimie des semi-conducteurs, Report des couches minces, Cellule photovoltaique

  20. Evaluation du niveau de connaissance des patients sur la gestion du traitement par les antis vitamines K dans le service de cardiologie de Ouagadougou

    PubMed Central

    Samadoulougou, André; Temoua Naibe, Dangwé; Mandi, Germain; Yameogo, Relwendé Aristide; Kabore, Elisé; Millogo, Georges; Yameogo, Nobila Valentin; Kologo, Jonas Koudougou; Thiam/Tall, Anna; Toguyeni, Boubacar Jean Yves; Zabsonre, Patrice


    Introduction Les antivitamines K (AVK), traitement anticoagulant oral le plus largement prescrit, posent un réel problème de santé publique du fait de leur risque iatrogène. L'objectif de cette étude était de préciser le niveau de connaissance des patients sur la gestion de leur traitement par les AVK. Méthodes Il s'est agi d'une enquête transversale descriptive réalisée au CHU-Yalgado Ouédraogo, sur une période de 03 mois : du 1er mars au 31 mai 2012. Un questionnaire a été administré aux patients bénéficiant d'un traitement AVK depuis au moins un mois. Résultats Soixante-dix patients ont été inclus dans l'étude dont 30 hommes. L'âge moyen était de 49 ans ± 16 ans. Les cardiopathies et la maladie thromboembolique veineuse justifiant l'institution du traitement AVK étaient retrouvées respectivement dans 58,6% et 41,4% des cas. Le nom de l'AVK et la raison exacte du traitement étaient connus respectivement dans 91,4% et 67,1% des cas. Plus de la moitié des patients (68,6%) savaient que les AVK rendaient le sang plus fluide. Quarante-six patients (65,7%) citaient l'INR comme examen biologique de surveillance du traitement et seulement 28 patients (40%) connaissaient les valeurs cibles. La majorité des patients ne connaissait pas les risques encourus en cas de surdosage (72,8%) et de sous-dosage (71,4%). Une automédication par anti-inflammatoire non stéroïdien était signalée par 18 patients (25,7%). Les choux (74,3%) et la laitue (62,9%), aliments à consommer avec modération, étaient les plus cités. Conclusion Les connaissances des patients sur la gestion des AVK étaient fragmentaires et insuffisantes pour assurer la sécurité et l'efficacité du traitement. La création d'un programme d'éducation thérapeutique sur les AVK s'avère alors nécessaire. PMID:25870741

  1. Identification d'une loi thermo-élasto-viscoplastique en vue de la modélisation du laminage à chaud du cuivre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Moureaux, P.; Moto Mpong, S.; Remy, M.; Bouffioux, C.; Lecomte-Beckers, J.; Habraken, A. M.


    la mise au point d'un modèle de simulation de la dernière passe du laminage à chaud du cuivre ne présente à priori pas de problème du point de vue numérique pour un code d'éléments finis non linéaire. La collecte d'informations précises tant sur le procédé industriel que sur le comportement du matériau est par contre une opération non triviale. Cet article présente les diverses méthodes expérimentales mises en œuvre pour caractériser le matériau : essais de compression à chaud, mesures d'analyse thermique différentielle, essais de dilatométrie et de diffusivité. Les méthodes permettant d'identifier les paramètres de la loi élasto-visco-plastique de type Norton-Hoff à partir des essais sont présentées et une analyse bibliographique investigue le problème de la détermination du module de Young à haute température. Tant les hypothèses supplémentaires relatives au procédé et nécessaires au modèle que les résultats finaux sont résumés.

  2. Implanted depleted uranium fragments cause soft tissue sarcomas in the muscles of rats.

    PubMed Central

    Hahn, Fletcher F; Guilmette, Raymond A; Hoover, Mark D


    In this study, we determined the carcinogenicity of depleted uranium (DU) metal fragments containing 0.75% titanium in muscle tissues of rats. The results have important implications for the medical management of Gulf War veterans who were wounded with DU fragments and who retain fragments in their soft tissues. We compared the tissue reactions in rats to the carcinogenicity of a tantalum metal (Ta), as a negative foreign-body control, and to a colloidal suspension of radioactive thorium dioxide ((232)Th), Thorotrast, as a positive radioactive control. DU was surgically implanted in the thigh muscles of male Wistar rats as four squares (2.5 x 2.5 x 1.5 mm or 5.0 x 5.0 x 1.5 mm) or four pellets (2.0 x 1.0 mm diameter) per rat. Ta was similarly implanted as four squares (5.0 x 5.0 x 1.1 mm) per rat. Thorotrast was injected at two sites in the thigh muscles of each rat. Control rats had only a surgical implantation procedure. Each treatment group included 50 rats. A connective tissue capsule formed around the metal implants, but not around the Thorotrast. Radiographs demonstrated corrosion of the DU implants shortly after implantation. At later times, rarifactions in the radiographic profiles correlated with proliferative tissue responses. After lifetime observation, the incidence of soft tissue sarcomas increased significantly around the 5.0 x 5.0 mm squares of DU and the positive control, Thorotrast. A slightly increased incidence occurred in rats implanted with the 2.5 x 2.5 mm DU squares and with 5.0 x 5.0 mm squares of Ta. No tumors were seen in rats with 2.0 x 1.0 mm diameter DU pellets or in the surgical controls. These results indicate that DU fragments of sufficient size cause localized proliferative reactions and soft tissue sarcomas that can be detected with radiography in the muscles of rats. PMID:11781165

  3. TIBePO4 : un nouveau phosphate ferroélectrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wallez, G.; Jaulmes, S.; Elfakir, A.; Quarton, M.


    The thallium-beryllium monophosphate is related to the β-SiO2 tridymite structural kind. The phase II, stable at room temperature, is found to have orthorhombic symmetry mm2. It sustains a displacive transformation at 919 ^{circ}C leading to centric phase I with symmetry mmm. In the low-temperature form, the 6s^2 electron pair of TI+ cation is oriented along polar axis, inducing a significant distortion of the oxygen framework ; the ferroelectric nature of phase II is pointed out by the strong increase of the dielectric stiffness around Curie temperature. Phase transition results of bound rotations of PO4 and BeO4 tetrahedra, the rise of symmetry order leading to the loss of hybridization of the lone pair. According to the displacive transition mechanism, both thermal and dielectric properties show typical second order features. L'orthophosphate de thallium-béryllium cristallise selon le type structural " tridymite β-SiO2 déformée ". La phase II, stable à l'ambiante, présente une symétrie orthorhombique mm2 ; elle subit une transformation displacive à 919 ^circC vers la forme prototype I centrosymétrique (mmm). Dans la variété ferroélectrique, le doublet électronique 6s^2 de l'ion Tl^+, orienté selon l'axe polaire, provoque une importante déformation de la charpente oxygénée ; le caractère ferroélectrique est mis en évidence par le fort accroissement de la permittivité diélectrique au voisinage de la température de Curie. La transition procède par des rotations engrenées des tétraèdres PO4 et BeO4, l'accroissement de symétrie impliquant la déshybridation du doublet 6s^2. Observée sous ses aspects thermique et diélectrique, cette transition apparaît comme un phénomène du second ordre, conformément à son caractère displacif.

  4. Education relative a l'environnement (ERE): Une etude des representations sociales et des pratiques educatives d'enseignants de science et technologie du secondaire en contexte de formation continue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Collard-Fortin, Ugo

    Le developpement des sciences/technologie a tres clairement contribue a ce que ce dernier domaine de savoirs jouisse d'une place de choix au sein de notre societe. Au-dela des progres de notre civilisation inherents a ce dernier developpement, cette croissance amena avec elle un lot d'ineluctables dommages collateraux, contribuant en corollaire a l'emergence de diverses problematiques environnementales inquietantes pour lesquelles les valeurs ainsi que le mode de fonctionnement de la societe occidentale contemporaine sont largement tributaires. C'est entre autres en reponse a cet etat de fait que la recente vague de reforme de l'Education conduisit a l'integration, dans les curricula de sciences/technologie, de contenus relavant d'education relative a l'environnement (ERE). Face au changement, les enseignants de sciences ont du s'approprier ce nouveau programme afm de l'enseigner a leurs eleves. Toutefois, l'analyse de la situation montre que les prescriptions du programme en matiere d'ERE ne se sont pas toujours traduites en de reelles actions dans la pratique. Le contexte de notre etude s'est interesse aux pratiques educatives de l'ERE ainsi qu'a la representation sociale qui en decoule. Notre recherche aborde plus specifiquement la problematique de la modification de ces derniers objets chez les enseignants de sciences et technologie du deuxieme cycle du secondaire. Pour y arriver, nous avons propose a un groupe de trois praticiens de participer a une activite, en communaute de pratique, de formation continue orientee autour de thematiques ERE. Cette recherche developpement, s'inscrivant dans un paradigme qualitatif/interpretatif, s'est appuyee sur une cueillette de donnees effectuee a partir d'entrevues semi-dirigees, d'observations en situation et d'un groupe de discussion, au debut et a la fm de la formation continue. Les donnees brutes ont ete soumises a une demarche d'analyse inductive et ont genere diverses categories etayant nos objets de recherche

  5. L'Abondance du Deutérium, de l'Ultraviolet au Visible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hébrard, Guillaume


    Dans le cadre du modèle standard du Big Bang, le deutérium est l'élément dont l'abondance primordiale est la plus sensible à la densité baryonique de l'Univers. Cet élément est uniquement créé lors de la nucléosynthèse primordiale, quelques minutes après le Big Bang ; aucune théorie standard n'en prédit actuellement d'autres sources significatives. Au contraire, étant brûlé dans les étoiles, son abondance D/H décroît au cours de l'évolution cosmique. Les mesures de D/H apportent ainsi des contraintes sur les modèles de Big Bang et d'évolution chimique des galaxies. On peut distinguer trois types de mesures de D/H: les abondances primordiale, proto-solaire et interstellaire, respectivement représentatives de l'Univers il y a environ 15 milliards d'années, 4.5 milliards d'années et à l'époque actuelle. Si l'évolution du deutérium semble qualitativement claire, les résultats concernant ces trois types d'abondance ne convergent pas pour l'instant vers trois valeurs bien définies. Les travaux entrepris durant cette thèse sont reliés à la mesure de l'abondance interstellaire du deutérium. Celle-ci s'obtient habituellement par l'observation spectroscopique en absorption des séries de Lyman de l'hydrogène et du deutérium. Ces observations se font dans le domaine ultraviolet, au moyen d'observatoires spatiaux. Les résultats présentés ici ont été obtenus avec le Télescope spatial Hubble puis le satellite FUSE, récemment mis en orbite. D'autre part, une nouvelle méthode d'observation du deutérium a été proposée, dans le domaine visible à partir de télescopes au sol. Ce travail a mené aux premières détections et à l'identification de la série de Balmer du deutérium, observée en émission dans des régions HII avec le Télescope Canada-France-Hawaii et le Very Large Telescope. On-line Thesis, Guillaume Hébrard

  6. The Ne3LS Network, Québec's initiative to evaluate the impact and promote a responsible and sustainable development of nanotechnology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Endo, Charles-Anica; Emond, Claude; Battista, Renaldo; Parizeau, Marie-Hélène; Beaudry, Catherine


    The spectacular progress made by nanosciences and nanotechnologies elicits as much hope and fear. Consequently, a great number of research and training initiatives on the ethical, environmental, economic, legal and social issues regarding nanotechnology development (Ne3LS) are emerging worldwide. In Québec, Canada, a Task Force was mandated by NanoQuébec to conceive a Ne3LS research and training strategy to assess those issues. This Task Force brought together experts from universities, governments or industry working in nanosciences and nanotechnologies or in Ne3LS. Their resulting action plan, made public in November 2006, contained several recommendations, including the creation of a knowledge network (Ne3LS Network). In the following years, after consulting with numerous key players concerned with the possible impacts of nanosciences and nanotechnologies in Québec, the Ne3LS Network was launched in January 2010 in partnership with the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la nature et les technologies, the Fonds québécois de la recherche sur la société et la culture and the Fonds de la recherche en santé du Québec, NanoQuébec, the Institut de recherche Robert-Sauvé en santé et en sécurité du travail as well as the University of Montreal. Its objectives are to 1) Foster the development of Ne3LS research activities (grants and fellowships); 2) Spearhead the Canadian and international Ne3LS network; 3) Take part in the training of researchers and experts; 4) Encourage the creation of interactive tools for the general public; 5) Facilitate collaboration between decision-makers and experts; 6) Involve the scientific community through a host of activities (symposium, conferences, thematic events); 7) Build multidisciplinary research teams to evaluate the impact of nanotechnology.

  7. Pontine norepinephrine content after motor cortical ablation in rats.


    Gonzalez-Pina, Rigoberto; Bueno-Nava, Antonio; Montes, Sergio; Alfaro-Rodriguez, Alfonso; Gonzalez-Maciel, Angélica; Reynoso-Robles, Rafael; Ayala-Guerrero, Fructuoso


    It has been reported that norepinephrine (NE) plays an important role in recovery after brain damage. However, the role of the pons, the site where the norepinephrinergic locus coeruleus (LC) is located, has not been elucidated. In order to study the changes in the pontine NE content in either noninjured, injured or recovered rats, we used 35 animals trained to walk across to a walkway where their footprints were recorded. Subsequently, 17 trained rats were sham-operated while 18 were injured by means of an ablation of the right motor cortex representative of the hindlimb. From the injured rats, 6 were sacrificed 6 hr before surgery in order to obtain the pons, while all the remaining rats were recorded in the walkway 6, 24 and 48 hr post-surgery. Then, rats were sacrificed by decapitation, the pons was removed and each hemisphere was prepared for the chromatographic analysis of NE. Results showed that after cortical brain damage, the length of the stride decreased while the angle of the stride increased 6 hr post-surgery. Recovery was observed after 24 hr. NE increased in the pons after 6 hr and returned to normal levels when rats had recovered. This suggests that cortical damage elicits NE changes in the LC that could reorganize the system to lead the recovery process. Such findings must be taken in account when pharmacotherapy with antidepressants or antipsychotics that act on norepinephrine-containing neuronal systems are prescribed in patients after stroke.

  8. Meningeal norepinephrine produces headache behaviors in rats via actions both on dural afferents and fibroblasts.


    Wei, Xiaomei; Yan, Jin; Tillu, Dipti; Asiedu, Marina; Weinstein, Nicole; Melemedjian, Ohannes; Price, Theodore; Dussor, Gregory


    Stress is commonly reported to contribute to migraine although mechanisms by which this may occur are not fully known. The purpose of these studies was to examine whether norepinephrine (NE), the primary sympathetic efferent transmitter, acts on processes in the meninges that may contribute to the pain of migraine. NE was applied to rat dura using a behavioral model of headache. Primary cultures of rat trigeminal ganglia retrogradely labeled from the dura mater and of rat dural fibroblasts were prepared. Patch-clamp electrophysiology, Western blot, and ELISA were performed to examine the effects of NE. Conditioned media from NE-treated fibroblast cultures was applied to the dura using the behavioral headache model. Dural injection both of NE and media from NE-stimulated fibroblasts caused cutaneous facial and hindpaw allodynia in awake rats. NE application to cultured dural afferents increased action potential firing in response to current injections. Application of NE to dural fibroblasts increased phosphorylation of ERK and caused the release of interleukin-6 (IL-6). These data demonstrate that NE can contribute to pro-nociceptive signaling from the meninges via actions on dural afferents and dural fibroblasts. Together, these actions of NE may contribute to the headache phase of migraine. © International Headache Society 2015.

  9. Impacts de l`élévation du niveau de la mer sur l'évolution future d'une côte basse à lagune de la péninsule du Cap Bon (Nord-Est de la Tunisie): approche cartographique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brahmi, Noura; Dhieb, Mohsen; Chedly Rabia, Mohamed


    La submersion marine est l'une des principales menaces qui pèsent sur les zones humides littorales de la péninsule du Cap Bon. Or, cette menace est amenée à se renforcer en raison du réchauffement climatique qui entraînera une élévation du niveau marin et vraisemblablement un renforcement de l'intensité des tempêtes et des cyclones tropicaux d'ici à l'horizon 2100. L'objectif a donc été d'évaluer la vulnérabilité de la lagune face à la submersion. Dans cette optique, après avoir identifié les enjeux liés à l'élévation du niveau de la mer pour la lagune, nous avons dressé une cartographie prévisionnelle des risques de submersion par l'intermédiaire d'une application cartographique basée sur une modélisation numérique de terrain et analysé les impacts potentiels de ce phénomène. La cartographie est donc amenée à devenir centrale pour l'étude de l'impact du risque de la submersion marine sur les lagunes côtières et la gestion de ces espaces dans les décennies à venir. La cartographie de l'aléa submersion marine a montré que l'ouverture épisodique de brèches lors des tempêtes pourrait entraîner la submersion de l'ensemble du domaine lagunaire et aurait un impact morphogénique essentiel. En effet, le phénomène d'une accélération de l'élévation du niveau marin et d'un renforcement des tempêtes génère le morcellement du cordon littoral qui sépare la lagune de la mer. Par ailleurs, les pertes de matériel sédimentaire pour la plage augmenteront, dans la mesure où, lors d'une tempête, une grande partie des matériaux déplacés par les vagues dans les étangs par submersion ou par ouverture d'une brèche, ne peut être récupérée par la suite. Tout ceci constitue un facteur d'accélération du recul ou de disparition de la plage déjà très érodée. Les impacts de cette submersion pourraient être importants en absence de mesures préventives. Elle aurait ainsi des répercussions profondes sur les syst

  10. Bases anatomiques des lésions de l’artère pudendale externe lors de la chirurgie des varices du membre pelvien

    PubMed Central

    Gaye, Magaye; Ndiaye, Assane; Dieng, Papa Adama; Ndiaye, Aynina; Ba, Papa Salmane; Diatta, Souleymane; Ciss, Amadou Gabriel; Ndoye, Jean Marc Ndiaga; Diop, Mamadou; Ndiaye, Abdoulaye; Ndiaye, Mouhamadou; Dia, Abdarahmane


    Introduction L’artère pudendale externe est une branche collatérale de l’artère fémorale commune qui est destinée à la vascularisation du pénis ou du clitoris. Ses rapports avec la crosse de la grande veine saphène et de ses afférences, dans le trigone fémoral, sont très étroits. Cette situation fait qu’elle est souvent lésée lors de la crossectomie et de l’éveinage de la grande veine saphène. Ces lésions peuvent être à l’origine d’une dysfonction sexuelle. Méthodes Il s’agit d’une dissection de 22 régions inguinales chez 13 hommes et 9 femmes qui ont bénéficié d’un abord chirurgical du trigone fémoral. La distribution et les rapports de l’artère pudendale externe par rapport à la crosse de la grande veine saphène sont étudiés. Résultats L’artère pudendale externe unique est la plus fréquente. Toutes les artères pudendales externes ont pour origine l’artère fémorale commune. Le rapport le plus fréquent est le sous croisement de la crosse de la grande veine saphène par une artère pudendale externe unique. Par ailleurs, on a un précroisement, un croisement alterné et des rapports avec la veine fémorale commune et des afférences de la crosse de la grande veine saphène. Certaines techniques chirurgicales exposent plus ou moins à une lésion de l’artère pudendale externe. Conclusion Ce travail confirme les données antérieures mais montre encore quelques particularités sur les rapports entre la crosse de la grande veine saphène et l’artère pudendale externe. PMID:27795794

  11. Comparison of the triple-point temperatures of {sup 20}Ne, {sup 22}Ne and normal Ne

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nakano, T.; Tamura, O.; Nagao, K.


    At the National Metrology Institute of Japan (NMIJ), the triple points of {sup 20}Ne and {sup 22}Ne were realized using modular sealed cells, Ec3Ne20 and Ec8Ne22, made by the Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRiM) in Italy. The difference of the triple-point temperatures of {sup 20}Ne and {sup 22}Ne was estimated by using the sub-range of standard platinum resistance thermometers (SPRTs) calibrated by NMIJ on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). The melting curves obtained with the Ec3Ne20 and Ec8Ne22 cells show narrow widths (0.1 mK) over a wide range of the inverse of the melted fraction (1/F) frommore » 1/F=1 to 1/F=10. The liquidus point T{sub tp} estimated by the melting curves from F∼0.5 to F∼0.85 using the Ec8Ne22 is 0.146 29 (4) K higher than that using the Ec3Ne20 cell, which is in good agreement with that observed by INRiM using the same cells. After correction of the effect of impurities and other isotopes for Ec3Ne20 and Ec8Ne22 cells, the difference of T{sub tp} between pure {sup 20}Ne and pure {sup 22}Ne is estimated to be 0.146 61 (4) K, which is consistent with the recent results reported elsewhere. The sub-ranges of SPRTs computed by using the triple point of {sup 20}Ne or {sup 22}Ne realized by the Ec3Ne20 cell or the Ec8Ne22 cell in place of the triple point of Ne for the defining fixed point of the ITS-90 are in good agreement with those realized on the basis of the ITS-90 at NMIJ within 0.03 mK, which is much smaller than the non-uniqueness and the sub-range inconsistency of SPRTs.« less

  12. Correlation of catecholamine levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis and reduced sexual behavior in middle-aged male rats.


    Chen, Joyce C; Tsai, Houng-Wei; Yeh, Kuei-Ying; Tai, Mei-Yun; Tsai, Yuan-Feen


    The correlation between dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) levels in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) and male sexual behavior was examined in middle-aged rats. Male rats (18-19 months) were divided into: (a) Group MIE, consisting of rats showing mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations; (b) Group MI, composed of rats showing mounts and intromissions, but no ejaculation; and (c) Group NC, consisting of noncopulators. Young adult rats (4-5 months) displaying complete copulatory behavior were used as the control. Tissue levels of DA, NE, and DA metabolites in the BNST were measured by high-pressure liquid chromatography. DA, but not NE, levels in MIE rats were significantly lower than those in young controls. DA and NE levels in MIE rats were significantly higher than those in NC rats. These results suggest that DA and NE in the BNST might play an important role in the control of male sexual behavior in middle-aged rats.

  13. Effets du Parecoxib dans la Prévention des Adhérences abdominales postopératoires: étude expérimentale randomisée chez les rats

    PubMed Central

    Arung, Willy; Tshilombo, François; Odimba, Etienne


    Introduction Bien d’études ont été menées sur les adhérences intrapéritonéales, mais aucune unanimité n'est encore acquise sur leur prévention. Le but de notre étude a été d’évaluer le potentiel effet d'un antiinflammatoire, parecoxib dans la prévention des adhérences ainsi que sur la cicatrisation chez des rats. Méthodes Dans un modèle expérimental d'adhérences postopératoires secondaires à des lésions péritonéales par brûlure, 30 rats furent randomisés en trois groupes suivant le mode d'administration de parecoxib (groupe contrôle; intrapéritonéal; intramusculaire. Résultats Le parecoxib a significativement diminué la quantité (p < .05) et la sévérité (p < .01) des adhérences postopératoires dans les deux modèles expérimentaux. Au total, 21 rats ont développé des adhérences, respectivement 9 (100%) dans le groupe A, 5 (50%) dans le groupe B et 7 (70%) dans le groupe C (p = 0.05). Du point de vue de la formation des adhérences au site du traumatisme, dix-neuf rats en ont développé: 9 (100%) dans le groupe A et 5 (50%) pour chacun de deux autres groupes B et C. Une différence significative a été constatée en comparant ces groupes deux à deux: A vs B (p < 0.05); A vs C (p < 0,05). Parecoxib n'a pas compromis la cicatrisation intestinale, ni cutanée. Conclusion Cette étude a montré que le parecoxib pouvait réduire la formation des adhérences postopératoires. La confirmation de la sécurité du parecoxib sur les anastomoses intestinales doit être investiguée au cours d'autres expérimentations. PMID:26966478

  14. Chemical renal denervation in the rat.


    Consigny, Paul M; Davalian, Dariush; Donn, Rosy; Hu, Jie; Rieser, Matthew; Stolarik, Deanne


    The recent success of renal denervation in lowering blood pressure in drug-resistant hypertensive patients has stimulated interest in developing novel approaches to renal denervation including local drug/chemical delivery. The purpose of this study was to develop a rat model in which depletion of renal norepinephrine (NE) could be used to determine the efficacy of renal denervation after the delivery of a chemical to the periadventitial space of the renal artery. Renal denervation was performed on a single renal artery of 90 rats (n = 6 rats/group). The first study determined the time course of renal denervation after surgical stripping of a renal artery plus the topical application of phenol in alcohol. The second study determined the efficacy of periadventitial delivery of hypertonic saline, guanethidine, and salicylic acid. The final study determined the dose-response relationship for paclitaxel. In all studies, renal NE content was determined by liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry. Renal NE was depleted 3 and 7 days after surgical denervation. Renal NE was also depleted by periadventitial delivery of all agents tested (hypertonic saline, salicylic acid, guanethidine, and paclitaxel). A dose response was observed after the application of 150 μL of 10(-5) M through 10(-2) M paclitaxel. We developed a rat model in which depletion of renal NE was used to determine the efficacy of renal denervation after perivascular renal artery drug/chemical delivery. We validated this model by demonstrating the efficacy of the neurotoxic agents hypertonic saline, salicylic acid, and guanethidine and increasing doses of paclitaxel.

  15. L'atteinte vésicale au cours de la neurofibromatose de Von Recklinghausen

    PubMed Central

    Benazzouz, Mohamed Hicham; Hajjad, Tilila; Essatara, Younes; El Sayegh, Hachem; Iken, Ali; Benslimane, Lounis; Nouini, Yassine


    La neurofibromatose de type 1 ou maladie de Von Recklinghausen est une maladie génétique autosomique dominante en rapport avec des mutations dans le gène suppresseur de tumeur NF1. L'atteinte uro-génitale au cours de cette maladie est rare et moins de 80 cas ont été rapportés à ce jour dans la littérature mondiale. Les auteurs rapportent un nouveau cas d'atteinte vésicale découverte fortuitement au cours du suivi d'une patiente atteinte de la maladie de Von Recklinghausen. A travers cette observation et une revue de la littérature les auteurs discutent également les difficultés diagnostiques, thérapeutiques ainsi que les modalités de suivi dans cette maladie. PMID:25328590

  16. Une localisation exceptionnelle de la tuberculose vertébrale Mal de Pott sous-occipital

    PubMed Central

    Yahyaoui, Sana; Majdoub, Senda; Zaghouani, Houneida; Fradj, Hosni Ben; Bakir, Dejla; Bouajina, Elyes; Kraiem, Chakib


    Le mal de Pott est la forme la plus commune de la tuberculose osseuse touchant essentiellement le rachis dorso-lombaire. La localisation sous-occipitale reste exceptionnelle. Le diagnostic de cette entité est le plus souvent tardif ce qui expose à des complications graves. Les radiographies standard ne sont parlantes qu’à un stade tardif de la maladie, d'où l'intérêt de l'imagerie moderne notamment la tomodensitométrie (TDM) et l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM) qui permettent un diagnostic précoce. Nous rapportons un nouveau cas de tuberculose sous-occipitale. Le diagnostic était posé sur l'imagerie en coupe et confirmé histologiquement à la biopsie transorale. Sont rappelés les aspects en imagerie de cette localisation particulière du mal de Pott. PMID:23819005

  17. [Care pathway of children managed by the Bouches-du-Rhone Child Welfare Services].


    Martin, Anaïs; Jego-Sablier, Maeva; Prudhomme, Johanne; Champsaur, Laurence


    To describe the care pathway of children managed by the Bouches-du-Rhône Child Welfare Services and to propose ways to improve this care pathway. ESSPER-ASE 13 survey is a descriptive and cross-sectional survey carried out between April 2013 and April 2014, which included 1,092 children under the age of 18 years placed in a Bouches-du-Rhône Child Welfare Services children's home or foster care. This survey studied the physical and mental health and the medical follow-up characteristics of these children. This article focuses on care pathway data. 82% of children were followed by general practitioners, while 15% of children, essentially children under the age of 6 years in child care, were followed by Maternal and Infant Protection (Protection Maternelle et Infantile). The care pathway of these children involved multiple actors and was dominated by psychological follow-up. On average, the children were followed by 2 professionals (specialist or paramedical professional) in addition to the medical examiner. In terms of prevention, children's immunization coverage rates were better than national rates. Coordination of the numerous actors is essential, including the creation of a referring physician.

  18. [Effects of the scalp acupuncture at baihui (DU20) through qubin (GB7) on the expressions of GDNF VEGF in the brain tissue of rats with acute intracerebral hemorrhage].


    Zhang, Guo-Wei; Zou, Wei; Liu, Fang


    To observe the effects of the scalp acupuncture at Baihui (DU20) through Qubin (GB7) on the expressions of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the brain tissue of rats with acute intracerebral hemorrhage (AICH). Totally 150 healthy male Wistar rats were used to prepare the intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH) model. They were randomly divided into the model group, the acupuncture group, and the Western medicine group, 50 in each group. Rats in each group were then randomly divided into five subgroups, i. e., 6 h, day 1, day 2, day 3, and day 7, 10 in each subgroup. Another 10 normal rats were recruited as the blank control group. Rats in the acupuncture group were acupunctured at Baihui (DU20) through Qubin (GB7) on the lesion side. Rats in the Western medicine group were administered with aniracetam diluent 1 mL by gastrogavage, 3 times daily. Rats in the model group were bound the same way as those in the acupuncture group 30 min daily, and then administered with normal saline 1 mL by gastrogavage, 3 times daily. The expressions of GDNF and VEGF in the brain tissue of the rats in each group were detected using in situ hybridization and immunohistochemical methods. Compared with the blank control group, the number of GDNF positive cells in the model group increased at 6 h-3 days, and the number of VEGF positive cells in the model group increased at each time point, showing statistical difference (P<0.01). The numbers of GDNF positive cells increased in the acupuncture group at each time point, showing statistical difference when compared with those of the model group and the Western medicine group (P<0.01). There was no statistical difference between the model group and the Western medicine group at each time point (P>0.05). Compared with the model group, the number of VEGF positive cells in the acupuncture group decreased at 6 h -3 days. The VEGF positive cells increased at day 7 and were higher than that

  19. Mutation dune NOD2 chez les patients marocains atteints de la maladie de Crohn: prévalence, étude génotypique et corrélation au phénotype de la maladie

    PubMed Central

    Tamzaourte, Mouna; Errabih, Ikram; Krami, Hayat; Maha, Fadlouallah; Maria, Lahmiri; Benzzoubeir, Nadia; Ouazzani, Laaziza; Sefiani, Ahmed; Ouazzani, Houria


    L'objectif était de déterminer la prévalence des mutations dune NOD2/CARD15 dans un groupe de patients Marocains atteint de Maladie de Crohn et étudier sa corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique. Etude transversale cas témoin menée sur une durée de 16 mois. Ont été inclus 101 patients atteints de la maladie de Crohn, entre Janvier 2012 et Avril 2013 ainsi qu'un groupe contrôle de 107 patients. L'analyse génétique a consisté à rechercher 3 variants dune NOD2: p.Arg702Trp, p.Gly908Arg et p.Leu1007fsins. Puis une étude de corrélation génotype-expression phénotypique a été menée. L'analyse génétique des patients atteint de maladie de crohn a mis en évidence la présence de la mutation NOD2 chez 14 patients (13,77%) contre 7 patients (6,53%) du groupe témoin. L'étude de la fréquence des différents allèles a retrouvé la mutation de p.Gly908Arg dans 6,43%, p.Leu1007fsins dans 0,99% et p.Arg702Trp dans 0,49% contre respectivement 2,80%, 0% et 0,46% dans le groupe témoin. L'étude de la corrélation génotype, expression phénotypique a démontré que la mutation CARD15 est corrélée à une localisation iléo-caecale de la maladie, à une présentation fistulisante et sténosante ainsi qu'à une évolution sévère avec recours fréquent à la chirurgie et aux immunosuppresseurs. La prévalence de la mutation NOD2/ CARD15 dans notre série est faible. Cette mutation est corrélée à une forme grave de la maladie. PMID:28819537

  20. Development of Measures of Effectiveness and Performance from Cognitive Work Analysis Products

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2012 DRDC Atlantic CR 2011...le nouveau concept du système. Ce rapport vise à déterminer si les résultats du travail de conception peuvent aider à élaborer des mesures de ...l’information (IIDS). Le contrat actuel comportait deux objectifs : élaborer des mesures de l’efficacité (MOE) et du rendement (MOP) pour

  1. Flood characterization in Rhône prodelta sediments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mulder, Thierry; Joumes, Margot; Bassetti, Maria-Angela; Berné, Serge; Martinez, Philippe; Schneider, Jean-Luc


    Measurements on twin cores (RHSKS58 and RHSKS25) collected during the Rhosos cruise (2008) on the Rhone prodelta allowed to correlate specific sedimentary beds with historical floods of the Rhône River (1671AD-1986AD) using 137Cs and 206Pb/207Pb and large occurrence of freshwater ostracods of fluvial origin (Fanget, 2013 ; Fanget et al. 2013). Interpretation of short half-time radio-isotopes (210Pbxs), grain-size measurements with high-frequency sampling steps, together with the analysis of thin sections on indurated sediments and the measurement of major chemical elements using X-ray fluorescence (XRF) allowed to accurately characterize these flood beds. A few measurements of organic carbon and delta 13C have also been made. Major floods are characterized by grain-size variations that can either show a classical hyperpycnal sequence (with successive coarsening-up and fining-up units) or a classical turbidite sequence (fining-up trend). In any case, floods are characterized by an enrichment in quartz grains, a decrease in delta 13C values and an increase in organic matter content correlated with higher proportion of plant fragments. This testifies for a sudden continental input. Typical hyperpycnal sequences have been correlated with the change in daily discharge at the Rhône River mouth for floods between 1920 and 2000. These sequences are correlated with chemical elements that characterize a detrital input (high Ti/Ca, Si/Ca). The classical turbidites could result either from the distal transformation of hyperpycnal flows, from the rapid progradation of mouth bars, or more simply from the settling of turbulent clouds generated by prodelta slope failures during period of high sediment accumulation rates. Additional clay-rich beds could be correlated to the particle fall-out from hypopycnal plumes during low-magnitude floods. Fanget, A.-S. (2013). Enregistrements des changements rapides de l'environnement et du climat dans les sédiments holocènes du Golfe du

  2. Xiao Yao San Improves Depressive-Like Behaviors in Rats with Chronic Immobilization Stress through Modulation of Locus Coeruleus-Norepinephrine System.


    Ding, Xiu-Fang; Zhao, Xiao-Hua; Tao, Yang; Zhong, Wei-Chao; Fan, Qin; Diao, Jian-Xin; Liu, Yuan-Liang; Chen, Yu-Yao; Chen, Jia-Xu; Lv, Zhi-Ping


    Most research focuses on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, and hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPGA) axis systems of abnormalities of emotions and behaviors induced by stress, while no studies of Chinese herbal medicine such as Xiao Yao San (XYS) on the mechanisms of locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system have been reported. Therefore, experiments were carried out to observe mechanism of LC-NE system in response to chronic immobilization stress (CIS) and explore the antidepressant effect of XYS. Rat model was established by CIS. LC morphology in rat was conducted. The serum norepinephrine (NE) concentrations and NE biosynthesis such as tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), and corticotrophin-releasing-factor (CRF) in LC were determined. Results showed that there were no discernible alterations in LC in rats. The serum NE concentrations, positive neurons, mean optical density (MOD), and protein levels of TH, DBH, and CRF in model group were significantly increased compared to the control group. But XYS-treated group displayed a significantly decreased in NE levels and expressions of TH, DBH, and CRF compared to the model group. In conclusion, CIS can activate LC-NE system to release NE and then result in a significant decrease in rats. XYS treatment can effectively improve depressive-like behaviors in rats through inhibition of LC-NE neurons activity.

  3. Xiao Yao San Improves Depressive-Like Behaviors in Rats with Chronic Immobilization Stress through Modulation of Locus Coeruleus-Norepinephrine System

    PubMed Central

    Ding, Xiu-Fang; Zhao, Xiao-Hua; Tao, Yang; Zhong, Wei-Chao; Fan, Qin; Diao, Jian-Xin; Liu, Yuan-Liang; Chen, Yu-Yao; Chen, Jia-Xu; Lv, Zhi-Ping


    Most research focuses on the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis, and hypothalamus-pituitary-gonadal (HPGA) axis systems of abnormalities of emotions and behaviors induced by stress, while no studies of Chinese herbal medicine such as Xiao Yao San (XYS) on the mechanisms of locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system have been reported. Therefore, experiments were carried out to observe mechanism of LC-NE system in response to chronic immobilization stress (CIS) and explore the antidepressant effect of XYS. Rat model was established by CIS. LC morphology in rat was conducted. The serum norepinephrine (NE) concentrations and NE biosynthesis such as tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), dopamine-β-hydroxylase (DBH), and corticotrophin-releasing-factor (CRF) in LC were determined. Results showed that there were no discernible alterations in LC in rats. The serum NE concentrations, positive neurons, mean optical density (MOD), and protein levels of TH, DBH, and CRF in model group were significantly increased compared to the control group. But XYS-treated group displayed a significantly decreased in NE levels and expressions of TH, DBH, and CRF compared to the model group. In conclusion, CIS can activate LC-NE system to release NE and then result in a significant decrease in rats. XYS treatment can effectively improve depressive-like behaviors in rats through inhibition of LC-NE neurons activity. PMID:25610478

  4. Behavioral and Neural Discrimination of Speech Sounds After Moderate or Intense Noise Exposure in Rats

    PubMed Central

    Reed, Amanda C.; Centanni, Tracy M.; Borland, Michael S.; Matney, Chanel J.; Engineer, Crystal T.; Kilgard, Michael P.


    Objectives Hearing loss is a commonly experienced disability in a variety of populations including veterans and the elderly and can often cause significant impairment in the ability to understand spoken language. In this study, we tested the hypothesis that neural and behavioral responses to speech will be differentially impaired in an animal model after two forms of hearing loss. Design Sixteen female Sprague–Dawley rats were exposed to one of two types of broadband noise which was either moderate or intense. In nine of these rats, auditory cortex recordings were taken 4 weeks after noise exposure (NE). The other seven were pretrained on a speech sound discrimination task prior to NE and were then tested on the same task after hearing loss. Results Following intense NE, rats had few neural responses to speech stimuli. These rats were able to detect speech sounds but were no longer able to discriminate between speech sounds. Following moderate NE, rats had reorganized cortical maps and altered neural responses to speech stimuli but were still able to accurately discriminate between similar speech sounds during behavioral testing. Conclusions These results suggest that rats are able to adjust to the neural changes after moderate NE and discriminate speech sounds, but they are not able to recover behavioral abilities after intense NE. Animal models could help clarify the adaptive and pathological neural changes that contribute to speech processing in hearing-impaired populations and could be used to test potential behavioral and pharmacological therapies. PMID:25072238

  5. Ca(2+)-channel blockade in rat thoracic aorta by protopine isolated from Corydalis tubers.


    Ko, F N; Wu, T S; Lu, S T; Wu, Y C; Huang, T F; Teng, C M


    The pharmacological properties and mechanism of the action of protopine on isolated rat thoracic aorta were examined. It inhibited norepinephrine (NE, 3 microM)-induced tonic contraction in rat thoracic aorta in a concentration-dependent manner (25-100 micrograms/ml). The phasic contraction caused by NE was inhibited only by a high concentration of protopine (100 micrograms/ml). At the plateau of NE-induced tonic contraction, the addition of protopine also caused relaxation. This relaxing effect of protopine was not antagonized by indomethacin (20 microM) or methylene blue (50 microM), and it still existed in denuded rat aorta or in the presence of nifedipine (2-100 microM). Protopine also inhibited high potassium (60 mM)-induced, calcium-dependent (0.03-3 mM) contraction of rat aorta in a concentration-dependent manner. Neither cAMP nor cGMP level was changed by protopine. Both the formation of inositol monophosphate caused by NE and the phasic contraction induced by caffeine were also not affected by protopine. 45Ca2+ influx caused by either NE or K+ was inhibited by protopine concentration-dependently. It is concluded that protopine relaxed the rat thoracic aorta mainly by suppressing the Ca2+ influx through both voltage- and receptor-operated calcium channels.

  6. Male sexual behavior and catecholamine levels in the medial preoptic area and arcuate nucleus in middle-aged rats.


    Chen, Joyce C; Tsai, Houng-Wei; Yeh, Kuei-Ying; Tai, Mei-Yun; Tsai, Yuan-Feen


    The correlation between male sexual behavior and catecholamine levels in the medial preoptic area (MPOA) and arcuate nucleus (ARN) was studied in middle-aged rats. Male rats (18-19 months) were assigned to three groups: (1) Group MIE, consisting of rats showing mounts, intromissions, and ejaculations; (2) Group MI, consisting of rats showing mounts and intromissions, but no ejaculation; and (3) Group NC, consisting of non-copulators showing no sexual behavior. Young adult rats (4-5 months) displaying complete copulatory behavior were used as the control group. Dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) tissue levels in the MPOA and ARN were measured by high pressure liquid chromatography with electrochemical detection. There were no differences between MIE rats and young controls in DA or NE tissue levels in these two brain areas. Furthermore, no differences were found between the MI and NC groups in DA or NE tissue levels in either the MPOA or ARN. DA tissue levels in the MPOA and ARN in the MI and NC groups were significantly lower than those in the MIE group. NE tissue levels in the MPOA of the NC group were significantly lower than those in the MIE group, but no differences in NE tissue levels in the ARN were seen between the four groups. These results suggest that, in male rats, complete male sexual performance is related to tissue levels of DA, but not of NE, in the MPOA and/or ARN. Furthermore, ejaculatory behavior might be associated with critical DA tissue levels in the MPOA and/or ARN in middle-aged rats.

  7. Reboxetine Improves Auditory Attention and Increases Norepinephrine Levels in the Auditory Cortex of Chronically Stressed Rats

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Valenzuela, Catherine; Gárate-Pérez, Macarena F.; Sotomayor-Zárate, Ramón; Delano, Paul H.; Dagnino-Subiabre, Alexies


    Chronic stress impairs auditory attention in rats and monoamines regulate neurotransmission in the primary auditory cortex (A1), a brain area that modulates auditory attention. In this context, we hypothesized that norepinephrine (NE) levels in A1 correlate with the auditory attention performance of chronically stressed rats. The first objective of this research was to evaluate whether chronic stress affects monoamines levels in A1. Male Sprague–Dawley rats were subjected to chronic stress (restraint stress) and monoamines levels were measured by high performance liquid chromatographer (HPLC)-electrochemical detection. Chronically stressed rats had lower levels of NE in A1 than did controls, while chronic stress did not affect serotonin (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) levels. The second aim was to determine the effects of reboxetine (a selective inhibitor of NE reuptake) on auditory attention and NE levels in A1. Rats were trained to discriminate between two tones of different frequencies in a two-alternative choice task (2-ACT), a behavioral paradigm to study auditory attention in rats. Trained animals that reached a performance of ≥80% correct trials in the 2-ACT were randomly assigned to control and stress experimental groups. To analyze the effects of chronic stress on the auditory task, trained rats of both groups were subjected to 50 2-ACT trials 1 day before and 1 day after of the chronic stress period. A difference score (DS) was determined by subtracting the number of correct trials after the chronic stress protocol from those before. An unexpected result was that vehicle-treated control rats and vehicle-treated chronically stressed rats had similar performances in the attentional task, suggesting that repeated injections with vehicle were stressful for control animals and deteriorated their auditory attention. In this regard, both auditory attention and NE levels in A1 were higher in chronically stressed rats treated with reboxetine than in vehicle

  8. Dysfonctionnements radio-induits du transport colique chez le rat

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    François, A.; Lebrun, F.; Ksas, B.; Aigueperse, J.; Gourmelon, P.; MacNaughton, W. K.; Griffiths, N. M.


    The symptom commonly associated with whole body irradiation is diarrhoea, a still quite obscure phenomenon, which leads to decreased chance of cure of irradiated people. The aim of this study was to provide evidence for dysfunction of intestinal water and electrolyte transport regulation by the enteric nervous system after exposure to ionising radiation. This study shows decreased capacity of enteric nervous system to influence colonic transport 3days after irradiation, correlated to a diminished response to a neurotransmitter: serotonin. Radio-induced diarrhea may result from epithelial structural injury but also from impaired regulatory processes of intestinal transport. L'un des symptômes majeurs d'une irradiation corporelle totale ou abdominale est l'apparition de diarrhées, dont les causes sont encore mal connues, et qui mettent en jeu le pronostique vital de l'individu irradié. Cette étude vise à mettre en évidence l'atteinte de la régulation du transport intestinal d'eau et d'électrolytes par les rayonnements ionisants. On observe une diminution de la capacité du système nerveux entérique à influencer le transport colique 3jours après irradiation, corrélée à une diminution de la réponse épithéliale à un neurotransmetteur : la sérotonine. Les diarrhées radio-induites résulteraient d'une atteinte structurelle de l'épithélium mais également des processus de régulation du transport intestinal.

  9. Injured nerve-derived COX2/PGE2 contributes to the maintenance of neuropathic pain in aged rats.


    Ma, Weiya; Chabot, Jean-Guy; Vercauteren, Freya; Quirion, Remi


    Neuropathic pain (NeP) is a debilitating disease afflicting mostly the aged population. Inflammatory responses in injured nerves play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of NeP. Injured nerve derived cyclooxygenase 2/prostaglandin E2 (COX2/PGE2) contributes to the genesis of NeP at the early stage in young rats. Here we show that COX2/PGE2 is involved in the maintenance of NeP at a chronic stage in aged rats. Eighteen months after partial sciatic nerve ligation (PSNL), NeP remained prominent in aged rats. COX2 expressing macrophages and PGE2 levels were increased in injured nerves. PGE2 receptors (EP1 and EP4) and pain-related ion channel transient receptor potential vanilloid-1 (TRPV1) were increased in the ipsilateral dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons of aged PSNL rats. Perineural injection of a selective COX2 inhibitor NS-398 relieved NeP, reversed PSNL increased expression of EP1, EP4 and TRPV1 and suppressed the levels of pain-related peptide substance P and calcitonin gene-related peptide in DRG neurons. These data suggest that injured nerve-derived PGE2 contributes to the maintenance of NeP at the chronic stage in aged rats. Chronically facilitating the synthesis of pain-related molecules in nociceptive DRG neurons is a novel mechanism underpinning the contribution of PGE2. Copyright 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Validation of SO2 Retrievals from the Ozone Monitoring Instrument over NE China

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Krotkov, Nickolay A.; McClure, Brittany; Dickerson, Russell R.; Carn, Simon A.; Li, Can; Bhartia, Pawan K.; Yang, Kai; Krueger, Arlin J.; Li, Zhanqing; Levelt, Pieternel F.; hide


    The Dutch-Finnish Ozone Monitoring Instrument (OMI) launched on the NASA Aura satellite in July 2004 offers unprecedented spatial resolution, coupled with contiguous daily global coverage, for space-based UV measurements of sulfur dioxide (SO2). We present a first validation of the OMI SO2 data with in situ aircraft measurements in NE China in April 2005. The study demonstrates that OMI can distinguish between background SO2 conditions and heavy pollution on a daily basis. The noise (expressed as the standard deviation,sigma) is approximately 1.5 DU (Dobson units; 1 DU = 2.69 10 (exp 16) molecules/cm (exp 2)) for instantaneous field of view boundary layer (PBL) SO2 data. Temporal and spatial averaging can reduce the noise to sigma approximetly 0.3 DU over a remote region of the South Pacific; the long-term average over this remote location was within 0.1 DU of zero. Under polluted conditions collection 2 OMI data are higher than aircraft measurements by a factor of two. Improved calibrations of the radiance and irradiance data (collection 3) result in better agreement with aircraft measurements on polluted days. The air mass corrected collection 3 data still show positive bias and sensitivity to UV absorbing aerosols. The difference between the in situ data and the OMI SO2 measurements within 30 km of the aircraft profiles was about 1 DU, equivalent to approximately 5 ppb from 0 to 3000 m altitude. Quantifying the SO2 and aerosol profiles and spectral dependence of aerosol absorption between 310 and 330 nm are critical for an accurate estimate of SO2 from satellite UV measurements.

  11. Ne-20/Ne-22 in the Martian Atmosphere: New Evidence from Martian Meteorites

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Park, J.; Nyquist, L. E.; Herzog, G. F.; Nagao, K.; Mikouchi, T.; Kusakabe, M.


    Analyses of Ne trapped in "pods" of impact melt in the Elephant Moraine 79001 (EET 79001) Martian meteorite led to suggest (Ne-20/Ne-22) approx.10 in the Martian atmosphere (MA). In contrast, obtained trapped (Ne-20/Ne-22)Tr approx.7 from an impact melt vein in Yamato 793605 (Y-793605) and concluded that the isotopic composition of Martian Ne remained poorly defined. A "pyroxene-rich" separate from Dhofar 378 (Dho 378) analyzed gave a comparatively high trapped Ne concentration and (Ne-20/Ne-22) = 7.3+/-0.2 in agreement with the Y-793605 value. We explore the hypothesis that Martian Ne was trapped in the Dho 378 meteorite in a manner similar to entrapment of terrestrial Ne in tektites strengthening the "Martian atmosphere" interpretation. We also report new data for Northwest Africa 7034 (NWA 7034) that are consistent with the Ne data for Dho 378.

  12. Etude par resistivite electrique du comportement d'un alliage amorphe Fe 40Ni 38Mo 4B 18 deforme par traction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoang, Long Phan; Sacovy, Paulette; Delaplace, Jean


    Des rubans d'alliages amorphes Metglas du type Fe 40Ni 38Mo 4B 18 à l'état brut de trempe ont été déformés par traction à la température ambiante et l'on a suivi les variations de la résistance électrique des échantillons au cours de la déformation. Il ressort de ces essais que la déformation plastique qui est de l'ordre de 0.5% avant rupture ne se produit pas de faĉon homogène dans l'échantillon. Les mesures électriques effectuées au cours de la déformation mettent en évidence dans le domaine élastique un effet d'élastorésistance, relativement important ( K ≠ 1); elles montrent que dans le domaine plastique la déformation permanente des échantillons s'accompagne d'une diminution de la résistivité électrique du matériau. Deux hypothèses sont discutées pour expliquer cet effet inattendu, l'un qui fait appel à l'existence de volumes libres, l'autre qui suppose une cristallisation localisée du matériau sous l'effet de la contrainte.

  13. Le syndrome du canal d’Alcock ou névralgie pudendale : un diagnostic à ne pas méconnaître

    PubMed Central

    Ziouziou, Imad; Bennani, Hassan; Zizi, Mohamed; Karmouni, Tarik; Khader, Khalid El; Koutani, Abdellatif; Andaloussi, Ahmed Iben Attya


    Résumé Le syndrome du canal d’Alcock – ou névralgie pudendale – est lié à la compression chronique du nerf pudendal dans la fossette ischiorectale ou au niveau du ligament sacroépineux. Le diagnostic du syndrome d’Alcock est surtout clinique. Les examens complémentaires sont dominés par les explorations électrophysiologiques et le test de bloc anesthésique. Le diagnostic repose sur des critères bien précis, soit les critères de Nantes. La prise en charge doit être globale, comprenant un traitement médicamenteux, des infiltrations, des techniques de neuromodulation, et dans les cas graves ou résistants, un traitement chirurgical qui consiste à libérer le nerf pudendal. Les névralgies pudendales peuvent être rencontrées après traitement d’une incontinence urinaire d’effort par bande-lettes sous-urétrales (TVT). Ce syndrome motive des consultations en urologie, car la douleur intéresse le territoire du périnée et des organes génitaux. Des signes urinaires peuvent aussi accompagner cette douleur. Il est donc judicieux de connaître cette pathologie. PMID:23914265

  14. Kyste épidermoïde du quatrième ventricule: à propos d’un cas

    PubMed Central

    El Saqui, Abderrazzak; Aggouri, Mohamed; Benzagmout, Mohamed; Chakour, Khalid; Chaoui, Mohamed El Faiz


    Les kystes épidermoïdes sont des tumeurs bénignes rares développées à partir d'inclusions ectodermiques. Ils siègent habituellement au niveau de l'angle ponto-cérébelleux, la région para-sellaire et la fosse temporale. Leur siège au niveau du quatrième ventricule est exceptionnel. Nous rapportons le cas d'une patiente de 47 ans admise pour un syndrome d'hypertension intracrânienne associé à des troubles de la marche. Le diagnostic de kyste épidermoïde du V4 fut évoqué sur les données de l'IRM en séquences de diffusion puis confirmé en per opératoire et en histologie. L'exérèse chirurgicale a été subtotale en raison d'une adhérence de la capsule à la partie supérieure du plancher du V4. Après un recul de 36 mois, la patiente ne manifeste aucun signe de ré-évolution tumorale. PMID:28690753

  15. Increasing CNS norepinephrine levels by the precursor L-DOPS facilitates beam-walking recovery after sensorimotor cortex ablation in rats.


    Kikuchi, K; Nishino, K; Ohyu, H


    The present investigation was conducted to document a role of L-threo-3,4-dihydroxyphenylserine (L-DOPS), precursor of L-norepinephrine (NE), in the functional recovery from beam-walking performance deficits in rats after unilateral sensorimotor cortex ablation. L-DOPS was administered simultaneously with benserazide (BSZ; a peripheral aromatic amino acid decarboxylase inhibitor), and the regional contents of NE in the cerebral cortex, hippocampus, and cerebellum were assayed. Behavioral recovery was demonstrated by the rats treated with L-DOPS and BSZ, and the rate of recovery was significantly different from that of either BSZ-treated or vehicle-treated control rats. The NE tissue levels in the three discrete regions of the rat brain were significantly elevated in the experimental rats receiving both L-DOPS and BSZ. The present studies indicate that increasing NE levels by the precursor L-DOPS may be responsible for facilitating behavioral recovery from beam-walking performance deficits in rats, and further suggest that L-DOPS may become one of the candidate compounds for further clinical human trials promoting functional recovery after injuries to the cerebral cortex.

  16. Reconstruction d’une Carbonisation du Pouce par Lambeau Chinois

    PubMed Central

    Khales, A.; Achbouk, J.A.; Moussaoui, A.; Belmir, R.; Tourabi, K.; Oufkir, A.; Ihrai, H.


    Summary La main en tant qu’organe majeur de la préhension peut être le siège de brûlures graves qui compromettent sa fonction. Bien qu’elle ne représente que 2% de la surface corporelle la brûlure de la main est grave et difficile à traiter, vu la vulnérabilité et la complexité de son appareil locomoteur. Nous rapportons dans ce travail le cas d’un patient victime d’une carbonisation de la main. Huit mois après le parage et la couverture par lambeau inguinal, le patient bénéficie d’une reconstruction du pouce par lambeau chinois associé à une greffe osseuse. Le résultat s’est avéré satisfaisant. Le lambeau chinois prouve par son apport vasculaire et par sa facilité technique qu’il est un moyen très intéressant dans la reconstruction du pouce - ou des doigts en général - surtout dans un contexte de brûlure. PMID:21991226

  17. Le carcinome neuro-endocrine cutané primitif: à propos d'un nouveau cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Boukind, Samira; Elatiqi, Oumkeltoum; Dlimi, Meriem; Elamrani, Driss; Benchamkha, Yassine; Ettalbi, Saloua


    Le carcinome neuro- endocrine cutané primitif (CNEC) est une tumeur cutanée rare et agressive du sujet âgé, favorisée par le soleil et l'immunodépression. Elle est caractérisée par une évolution agressive avec un fort taux de récidive, une évolution ganglionnaire régionale et un risque de métastases à distance. Nous rapportons un cas de cette tumeur chez un patient âgé de 67 ans sous forme d'un placard nodulaire hémorragique mesurant 16 /14 cm. Le patient a bénéficié d'une exérèse chirurgicale large avec couverture de la perte de substance par un lambeau musculo-cutané du muscle grand dorsal, un curage ganglionnaire axillaire et une radiothérapie adjuvante. Après un recul de 2 ans et 2 mois, le patient est toujours vivant sans métastase ni récidive. La littérature étant pauvre, la prise en charge diagnostique et thérapeutique est controversée et donc hétérogène. Globalement le pronostic est mauvais, et certains paramètres corrélés au pronostic sont précisés. PMID:26185585

  18. Neuroprotective effect of curcumin in arsenic-induced neurotoxicity in rats.


    Yadav, Rajesh S; Shukla, Rajendra K; Sankhwar, Madhu Lata; Patel, Devendra K; Ansari, Reyaz W; Pant, Aditya B; Islam, Fakhrul; Khanna, Vinay K


    Our recent studies have shown that arsenic-induced neurobehavioral toxicity is protected by curcumin by modulating oxidative stress and dopaminergic functions in rats. In addition, the neuroprotective effect of curcumin has been investigated on arsenic-induced alterations in biogenic amines, their metabolites and nitric oxide (NO), which play an important role in neurotransmission process. Decrease in the levels of dopamine (DA, 28%), norepinephrine (NE, 54%), epinephrine (EPN, 46%), serotonin (5-HT, 44%), 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC, 20%) and homovanillic acid (HVA, 31%) in corpus striatum; DA (51%), NE (22%), EPN (47%), 5-HT (25%), DOPAC (34%) and HVA (41%) in frontal cortex and DA (35%), NE (35%), EPN (29%), 5-HT (54%), DOPAC (37%) and HVA (46%) in hippocampus, observed in arsenic (sodium arsenite, 20 mg/kg body weight, p.o., 28 days) treated rats exhibited a trend of recovery in rats simultaneously treated with arsenic and curcumin (100 mg/kg body weight, p.o., 28 days). Increased levels of NO in corpus striatum (2.4-fold), frontal cortex (6.1-fold) and hippocampus (6.2-fold) in arsenic-treated rats were found decreased in rats simultaneously treated with arsenic and curcumin. It is evident that curcumin modulates levels of brain biogenic amines and NO in arsenic-exposed rats and these results further strengthen its neuroprotective efficacy. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Investigation de l'anisotropie du gap supraconducteur dans les composes Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2, Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2, LiFeAs et Fe1-deltaTe(1-x)Se(x)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reid, Jean-Philippe

    ommaire La structure du gap supraconducteur et sa modulation sont intimement liees au potentiel d'interaction responsable de l'appariement des electrons d'un supraconducteur. Ainsi, l'etude de la structure du gap-SC et de sa modulation permettent de faire la lumiere sur la nature du mecanisme d'appariement des electrons. A cet egard, les resultats experimentaux des supraconducteurs a base de fer ne cadrent pas dans un seul ensemble, ce qui est en opposition au gap-SC universel des cuprates. Dans ce qui suit, nous presenterons une etude systematique du gap-SC pour plusieurs pnictides. En effet, en utilisant la conductivite thermique, une sonde directionnelle du gap-SC, nous avons ete en mesure de reveler la structure du gap-SC pour les composes suivants : Ba1-xKxFe 2As2, Ba(Fe1-xCo x)2As2, LiFeAs et Fe1-deltaTe 1-xSex. L'etude de ces quatre composes, de trois differentes familles structurales, a pu etablir un tableau partiel mais tres exhaustif de la structure du gap-SC de pnictides. En effet, tel qu'illustre dans cette these, ces quatre composes ne possedent aucun noeud dans leur structure du gap-SC a dopage optimal. Toutefois, a une concentration differente de celle optimale pour les composes K-Ba122 et Co-Ba122, des noeuds apparaissent sur la surface de Fermi, aux extremites 'du dome supraconducteur. Ceci suggere fortement que, pour ces composes, la presence de noeuds sur la surface de Fermi est nuisible a la phase supraconductrice. Mots-cles: Supraconducteurs a base de fer, Pnictides, Structure du gap supraconducteur, Conductivite thermique

  20. Évolution nycthémérale des composantes biochimiques du phytoplancton de la retenue du barrage Idriss premier (Fès, Maroc)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bahhou, J.; Alaoui Mhamdi, M.


    The diel changes of the biochemical composition of the phytoplankton were studied in the Idriss first reservoir (located on the Inaouen river at thirty Km from the city of Fes, Morrocco) during September 1994. Several biomass and metabolic indicators (proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, chlorophyll a and primary production) were assessed every fourth hour over tow days (7, 8 and 9 September). Since the Protein/Carbohydrates ratio (P/C) is largely recognised as a good integrator of the metabolic functions of the cells, we examined its distribution pattern concomitantly with aforementioned parameters. The results demonstrated enhanced P/C ratios clearly indicating that nutrients were sufficiently available for growth. In addition, this index showed a diel significant variation with levels higher in the night than in the day. Moreover, these results suggest that phytoplankton species during the night used the day-synthesised carbohydrates to insure the cell metabolic functioning. The P/C presents relatively high values in proposition to the ones that have been recorded in temperate regions, and seems to be related to azotic inputs of the Inaouen river. Dans le but de parfaire nos connaissances sur le fonctionnement du sous écosystème phytoplancton, nous nous sommes intéressés à étudier son cycle nycthéméral et son métabolisme cellulaire dans la retenue du barrage Idriss premier. Cette dernière, construite sur l'Oued Inaouène, est située à une trentaine de Km de la ville de Fès. Au cours de ce cycle, les prélèvements ont été effectués selon une séquence temporelle de 4 heures pendant 48 heures, les 7, 8 et 9 septembre 1994. L'étude de l'évolution des composantes biochimiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques à savoir les protéines, les glucides et les lipides a permis de mettre en évidence des variations nycthémérales importantes. Ces variations sont d'autant plus importantes que les variations spatiales observées entre les profondeurs. De plus

  1. Quels sont les problemes ethiques souleves par l’augmentation des capacites cognitives dans le cadre de la defense : cadre legal francais, position ethique du service de sante des armees francais

    DTIC Science & Technology


    pourtant été systématisée. L’observation que, même si chaque homme est unique, il n’en partage pas moins un certain nombre de caractéristiques avec ses...occidental du comportement normal d’un homme , c’est-à-dire ce en deçà de quoi il ne peut déroger au risque de sortir du statut d’homme. Ainsi, le... de garantir les conditions de vie harmonieuse dans la société des hommes . Ainsi, l’éthique individuelle du citoyen français se niche dans un ensemble

  2. Production du baryon Sigma+ dans les collisions e+e- au LEP

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Joly, Andre

    Les mécanismes de production des baryons dans les interactions e+e- font l'objet de nombreuses études. De plus, les modes de production des baryons étranges semblent faire appel A des processus spécifiques, qui sont encore mal compris. Notre étude de la production des baryons Σ+ dans les interactions e+e- nous permet de formuler certaines remarques sur l'état des connaîssances acquises sur le sujet. Une methode de reconstruction originale et des critères de sélection spécifiques ont été développés afin d'identifier des baryons Σ+ de haute Energie ( ES+ > 5 GeV), partir de leur canal de désintégration en un proton et un π0 (S+-->p+p0 ). Trois mesures principales sont réalisées à partir de notre échantillon de baryons reconstruits. Le nombre mesuré de baryons Σ+ produits par événement e +e- à 91 GeV est de: =0.102+/-0.006(stat.) +/-0.008(syst.) +/-0.003(extrap.) où les erreurs sont dues à la statistique, aux systématiques et à la procédure d'extrapolation. Ce résultat est en accord avec ceux obtenus précédemment, mais avec des erreurs réduites. La section efficace différentielle en fonction de l'energie est mesurée et comparée aux prédictions des principaux générateurs Monte-Carlo (JETSET7.4(MOPS), JETSET7.4 et HERWIG5.9). A haute énergie, HERWIG ne semble pas reproduire les mesures, aussi bien que les deux versions de JETSET. Enfin, la position du maximum de la section efficace différentielle de production des baryons Σ+ en fonction de l'impulsion est mesurée. On trouve: overlinexoverlineS+=2.32+/- 0.47 Une étude spécifique du générateur JETSET7.4(MOPS) est réalisee, afin de mieux comprendre les mécanismes de production de l'étrangeté et du spin dans la production des baryons. Aucun générateur ne semble capable de décrire de manière simultanée la production du spin et de l'étrangeté.

  3. Norepinephrine Activates Dopamine D4 Receptors in the Rat Lateral Habenula

    PubMed Central

    Root, David H.; Hoffman, Alexander F.; Good, Cameron H.; Zhang, Shiliang; Gigante, Eduardo


    The lateral habenula (LHb) is involved in reward and aversion and is reciprocally connected with dopamine (DA)-containing brain regions, including the ventral tegmental area (VTA). We used a multidisciplinary approach to examine the properties of DA afferents to the LHb in the rat. We find that >90% of VTA tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) neurons projecting to the LHb lack vesicular monoamine transporter 2 (VMAT2) mRNA, and there is little coexpression of TH and VMAT2 protein in this mesohabenular pathway. Consistent with this, electrical stimulation of LHb did not evoke DA-like signals, assessed with fast-scan cyclic voltammetry. However, electrophysiological currents that were inhibited by L741,742, a DA-D4-receptor antagonist, were observed in LHb neurons when DA uptake or degradation was blocked. To prevent DA activation of D4 receptors, we repeated this experiment in LHb slices from DA-depleted rats. However, this did not disrupt D4 receptor activation initiated by the dopamine transporter inhibitor, GBR12935. As the LHb is also targeted by noradrenergic afferents, we examined whether GBR12935 activation of DA-D4 receptors occurred in slices depleted of norepinephrine (NE). Unlike DA, NE depletion prevented the activation of DA-D4 receptors. Moreover, direct application of NE elicited currents in LHb neurons that were blocked by L741,742, and GBR12935 was found to be a more effective blocker of NE uptake than the NE-selective transport inhibitor nisoxetine. These findings demonstrate that NE is released in the rat LHb under basal conditions and that it activates DA-D4 receptors. Therefore, NE may be an important regulator of LHb function. PMID:25716845

  4. Scattering study of the Ne + NeH+(v0 = 0, j0 = 0) → NeH+ + Ne reaction on an ab initio based analytical potential energy surface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koner, Debasish; Barrios, Lizandra; González-Lezana, Tomás; Panda, Aditya N.


    Initial state selected dynamics of the Ne + NeH+(v0 = 0, j0 = 0) → NeH+ + Ne reaction is investigated by quantum and statistical quantum mechanical (SQM) methods on the ground electronic state. The three-body ab initio energies on a set of suitably chosen grid points have been computed at CCSD(T)/aug-cc-PVQZ level and analytically fitted. The fitting of the diatomic potentials, computed at the same level of theory, is performed by spline interpolation. A collinear [NeHNe]+ structure lying 0.72 eV below the Ne + NeH+ asymptote is found to be the most stable geometry for this system. Energies of low lying vibrational states have been computed for this stable complex. Reaction probabilities obtained from quantum calculations exhibit dense oscillatory structures, particularly in the low energy region and these get partially washed out in the integral cross section results. SQM predictions are devoid of oscillatory structures and remain close to 0.5 after the rise at the threshold thus giving a crude average description of the quantum probabilities. Statistical cross sections and rate constants are nevertheless in sufficiently good agreement with the quantum results to suggest an important role of a complex-forming dynamics for the title reaction.

  5. Renaud Paulian et le programme du CNRS sur les hautes montagnes à Madagascar: étage vs domaine

    PubMed Central

    Guillaumet, Jean-Louis; Betsch, Jean-Marie; Callmander, Martin W.


    Résumé Le programme intitulé « Étude des écosystémes montagnards dans la région malgache» (RCP 225/CNRS; responsable: Recteur Renaud Paulian) avait pour ambition de dégager leurs caractères généraux, l'origine des éléments constitutifs et de tester la validité d'un Domaine malgache des Hautes Montagnes proposé par Humbert dès 1951. De 1970 à 1973, trois campagnes (Andringitra; Chaînes anosyennes et Ankaratra; Itremo, Ibity et Marojejy) ont permis une caractérisation écologique des milieux particuliers ainsi que des analyses de systématique sur certains taxa connus pour leur intérêt biogéographique. La succession altitudinale des formations végétales, définies par des critères physionomiques et structuraux, est précisée par massif. Le dernier étage caractérisé par le fourré éricoïde et ses groupements associés ne correspond pas à l'Étage des Hautes Montagnes de l'Est africain. Des groupes de la faune (invertébrés hexapodes: Collemboles et Dermaptères) indiquent une disjonction entre les massifs du Nord (Tsaratanana, Marojejy), ceux du Centre et du Sud; des éléments de la flore (Pandanaceae, Araliaceae, Asteraceae) sont en cours d'analyse dans le même sens. Le Domaine des Hautes montagnes à Madagascar est une réalité écologique mais ne peut être défini floristiquement; chaque massif montagneux est une entité phytogéographique d'étages de végétation interdépendants inclus dans les différents Sous-Domaines du Centre. Les groupes peu mobiles de la faune indiquent globalement une dépendance trophique et bioclimatique (effet tampon du climat intraforestier) vis-à-vis des étages de végétation, mais peuvent réagir à des microclimats locaux par des décalages à leurs limites. PMID:21731422

  6. The Central Logic Board for the KM3NeT detector: Design and production

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Musico, P.; KM3NeT Collaboration


    The KM3NeT deep sea neutrino observatory will include a very large number of multi-Photomultiplier (PMT) optical modules (DOM) to detect the Cherenkov light generated by secondary particles produced in neutrino interactions. The Central Logic Board (CLB) has been developed to acquire timing and amplitude information from the PMT signals, implementing time-to-digital conversion (TDC) with time over threshold (TOT) technique. The board is also used to configure all the DOM subsystems, to assist in the DOM position and orientation, calibration and to monitor temperature and humidity in the DOM itself. All the collected data are transmitted to shore using a wide-bandwidth optical network. Moreover, through the optical network, all the DOMs are kept synchronized in time within 1 ns precision using the White Rabbit (WR) Precision Time Protocol (PTP) over an Ethernet connection. A large Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has been adopted to implement all the specifications witht the requested performances. The CLB will be also used in the base container of the detection unit (DU) to set-up and monitor all the requested functionalities: in this scenario a dedicated firmware and software will be deployed on board. The design has been started in early 2013 and several prototypes have been developed. After deep test carried on in different EU laboratories, the final mass production batch of 600 boards has been ordered and built: all the CLB are now ready for integration in the DOMs and base containers. The first two KM3NeT DU will be deployed in summer 2015 and all other units are in advanced stage of integration.

  7. An analysis of the effects of acute and chronic fluoxetine on extracellular norepinephrine in the rat hippocampus during stress.


    Page, M E; Abercrombie, E D


    The locus coeruleus (LC) noradrenergic system is activated by a range of arousing and stressful stimuli. The serotonergic inputs to this structure have been shown to attenuate LC activation under some conditions. The present study examined the effect of fluoxetine, a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI) known to be a clinically effective antidepressant, on basal and stress-induced norepinephrine (NE) release. Basal and stress-induced NE efflux in the rat hippocampus were assessed using in vivo microdialysis techniques. The effect of a 30 minute tailpinch stressor on extracellular concentration of NE was compared in rats treated with fluoxetine either once prior to tailpinch or twice daily for 14 days and, respectively, in unhandled controls and vehicle-treated control animals. A single fluoxetine injection prior to tailpinch did not significantly alter the tailpinch-induced increase of extracellular NE as compared to naive controls. However, there was an enhanced NE response to tailpinch in chronic fluoxetine versus chronic vehicle-treated control rats. Thus, acute blockade of 5-HT uptake by fluoxetine does not affect NE release in response to tailpinch stress. Chronic fluoxetine administration, however, results in a potentiated evoked response of the LC-NE system. One action of chronic fluoxetine, which may relate to therapeutic efficacy, is an increase in responsivity of LC neurons.

  8. Norepinephrine content in discrete brain areas and neurohypophysial vasopressin in rats after a 9-d spaceflight (SLS-1)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fareh, Jeannette; Cottet-Emard, Jean-Marie; Pequignot, Jean-Marc; Jahns, Gary; Meylor, John; Viso, Michel; Vassaux, Didier; Gauquelin, Guillemette; Gharib, Claude


    The norepinephrine (NE) content in discrete brain areas and the vasopressin content in the neurohypophysial system were assessed in rats after a 9-d spaceflight and after a recovery period. The NE content in the locus coeruleus decreased significantly in spaceflight rats, but showed no difference between control and flight animals after a 9-d recovery. These findings were probably due to an acute stress undergone during landing. The NE content was unchanged in the A2 and A5 cell groups. In rats flown aboard SLS-1, the vasopressin content was increased in the posterior pituitary, and was significantly decreased in the hypothalamus. We conclude that the NE depletion in the locus coeruleus and the alteration in vasopressin release were consistent with an acute stress, likely occurring during and/or after landing. These changes tend to mask the actual neuroendocrine modifications caused by microgravity.

  9. Pharmacodynamic action and mechanism of Du Liang soft capsule, a traditional Chinese medicine capsule, on treating nitroglycerin-induced migraine.


    Hou, Min; Tang, Qing; Xue, Qiang; Zhang, Xiaona; Liu, Yang; Yang, Sheng; Chen, Liechun; Xu, Xiaoyu


    Du Liang soft capsule (DL) is a traditional Chinese medicine for treating migraines; it is made from two Chinese herbs, including LigusticumstriatumDC., root; Angelica dahurica (Hoffm.) Benth. & Hook.f. ex Franch. & Sav., root. In the present study, we aimed to elucidate the pharmacodynamic action of DL and its mechanism in an animal model of migraines induced by glyceryl trinitrate (GTN). Sixty rats were randomly divided into six groups, including a normal control group, model control group, positive group (Sumatriptan 0.006gkg -1 ), and three DL groups (0.44, 1.31 and 3.93gkg -1 ). All rats were intragastrically treated with the corresponding treatment for 7 consecutive days, and they were subcutaneously injected with GTN (10mgkg -1 ) 30min after the last treatment, except in the normal control group. After model establishment, the behaviors of all rats, including head scratching, cage climbing, and the development of red ears were observed continuously by digital camera every 30min for 3h. Four hours after GTN treatment, all rats were anaesthetized and the blood and tissue samples were collected. Plasma calcitonin gene related to peptide (CGRP) and endothelin (ET) levels were measured using the radioimmunoassay method, and serum NO was determined by the colorimetric method. Afterwards, the brainstem tissues were dissected and washed with physiological saline, and divided evenly into two parts. One part was used to test the monoamine levels, including levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT), norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA), by the fluorometric method, and the other part was used to determine the nuclear factor kappaB (NF-κB) p65, nuclear c-fos, inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS), interleukin (IL)-1β (IL-1β), and cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) levels by Western blot analysis. In the pharmacodynamic action assay, DL (1.31 and 3.93gkg -1 ) greatly improved the abnormal behaviors of migraine rats, including head scratching and cage climbing, and the development

  10. Production of Ne Auger electrons by Ne/+/ bombardment of Mg and Al surfaces

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ferrante, J.; Pepper, S. V.


    A description is given of experiments which provide evidence for the production of an inner shell vacancy in the Ne by the asymmetric Ne-Mg and Ne-Al collision. In addition, autoionization states of neutral Ne have been observed. These states are to be distinguished from the more usual case in Auger electron spectroscopy of de-excitation of an ion with a core vacancy. The experiments involved the bombardment of Mg and Al surfaces with Ne(+) ions. A LEED-Auger system equipped with an ion gun and a four-grid retarding potential analyzer operated in the usual dN(E)/dE mode was used.

  11. [Protective effects of polysacchride of Spirulina platensis and Sargassum thunbeergii on vascular of alloxan induced diabetic rats].


    Huang, Zhi-xuan; Mei, Xue-ting; Xu, Dong-hui; Xu, Shi-bo; Lv, Jun-yi


    To study the protective effects of polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis and Sargassum thunbeergii on vascular of alloxan (ALX) induced diabetic rats. With the doses of polysaccharide of Spirulina platensis (PSP) and Sargassum thunbeergii (PST) compound (1:1) 12.261, 36.783, 110.349 mg x kg(-1) by i.g. administration to alloxan induced diabetic rats respectively for 6 weeks. Then the blood glucose and the TC, HDL-C, TG, NO, ET in serum were detected. The contraction and relaxation response to NE and ACh in aortic rings of the alloxan induced diabetic rats has been studied. The results showed the compound of PSP and PST could decrease the blood glucose and the TC, TG, NO, ET in serum and increase HDL-C than in the alloxan induced diabetic rats. The contraction responses to NE in aortic rings of the alloxan induced diabetic rats were significantly elevated in the normal rats, and the responses to ACh were significantly lower. PSP and PST compound could significantly lower the responses to NE and significantly elevate the responses to ACh in aortic rings of the alloxan induced diabetic rats. PSP and PST compound could decrease blood glucose and could protect the vascular of alloxan induced diabetic rats.

  12. World heritage site - Bien du Patrimoine Mondial - Kluane/Wrangell-St. Elias/Glacier Bay/Tatshenshini-Alsek

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Labay, Keith A.; Wilson, Frederic H.


    The four parks depicted on this map make up a single World Heritage Site that covers 24.3 million acres. Together, they comprise the largest internationally protected land-based ecosystem on the planet. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) established the World Heritage Program in 1972 for the identification and protection of the world?s irreplaceable natural and cultural resources. World Heritage Sites are important as storehouses of memory and evolution, as anchors for sustainable tourism and community, and as laboratories for the study and understanding of the earth and culture. This World Heritage Site protects the prominent mountain ranges of Kluane, Wrangell, Saint Elias, and Chugach. It includes many of the tallest peaks on the continent, the world's largest non-polar icefield, extensive glaciers, vital watersheds, and expanses of dramatic wilderness. [Les quatre parcs figurant sur cette carte ne constituent qu?un seul site du patrimoine mondial recouvrant plus de 99 millions de km2, ce qui en fait le plus grand ecosysteme terrestre protege par loi internationale. En 1972, L?UNESCO (l?organisation des Nations Unies pour les sciences, l'education et la culture) a etabli le programme du patrimoine mondial afin d?identifier et de proteger les ressources naturelles et culturelles irremplacables de notre plan?te. Si les sites du patrimoine mondial sont si importants c'est parce qu'ils representent a la fois des livres ouverts sur l?histoire de la Terre, le point de depart du tourisme durable et du developpement des collectivites, des laboratoires pour etudier et comprendre la nature et la culture. Ce site du patrimoine mondial assure la protection des chaines de montagnes de Kluane, Wrangell, Saint Elias, et Chugach. On y trouve plusieurs des plus hauts sommets du continent, le plus grand champ de glace non-polaire du monde, d?immenses glaciers, des bassins hydrologiques essentiels, et de la nature sauvage a perte de vue.

  13. AL-1576, an aldose reductase inhibitor (ARI), did not prevent the decrease of norepinephrine turnover in diabetic rats.


    Yen, T T; Fuller, R W; Broderick, C L; Hemrick-Luecke, S K; Perry, K W


    ONO-2235 [(E)-3-carboxymethyl-5-[(2E)-2-methyl-3-phenyl-propenylidene]rhodanine], an ARI, was reported to prevent significantly the decrease of norepinephrine (NE) turnover in three tissues of streptozotocin (STZ)-diabetic rats (1). To examine whether the partial restoration of NE turnover by ONO-2235 is related to its ARI activity, the effect of another ARI, AL-1576 [spiro(2,7-difluoro-9H-fluoren-9, 4'-imidazoline)-2'5'-dione], on NE turnover in STZ rats was investigated. STZ caused an accumulation of sorbitol in the lens and decreased NE turnover in interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT), heart and pancreas. AL-1576 totally prevented the accumulation of sorbitol in the lens but had no effect on the decreased NE turnover in all three tissues. These results suggest that the partial prevention of NE turnover decrease by ONO-2235 may not have been mediated by its ARI activity.

  14. The effect of the steroid sulfatase inhibitor (p-O-sulfamoyl)-tetradecanoyl tyramine (DU-14) on learning and memory in rats with selective lesion of septal-hippocampal cholinergic tract.


    Babalola, P A; Fitz, N F; Gibbs, R B; Flaherty, P T; Li, P-K; Johnson, D A


    Dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate (DHEAS), is an excitatory neurosteroid synthesized within the CNS that modulates brain function. Effects associated with augmented DHEAS include learning and memory enhancement. Inhibitors of the steroid sulfatase enzyme increase brain DHEAS levels and can also facilitate learning and memory. This study investigated the effect of steroid sulfatase inhibition on learning and memory in rats with selective cholinergic lesion of the septo-hippocampal tract using passive avoidance and delayed matching to position T-maze (DMP) paradigms. The selective cholinergic immunotoxin 192 IgG-saporin (SAP) was infused into the medial septum of animals and then tested using a step-through passive avoidance paradigm or DMP paradigm. Peripheral administration of the steroid sulfatase inhibitor, DU-14, increased step-through latency following footshock in rats with SAP lesion compared to both vehicle treated control and lesioned animals (p<0.05). However, in the DMP task, steroid sulfatase inhibition impaired acquisition in lesioned rats while having no effect on intact animals. These results suggest that steroid sulfatase inhibition facilitates memory associated with contextual fear, but impairs acquisition of spatial memory tasks in rats with selective lesion of the septo-hippocampal tract. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Changes in hepatic gene expression and serum metabolites after oral administration of overdosed vitamin-E-loaded nanoemulsion in rats.


    Park, Chae Young; Jang, Chul Ho; Lee, Do Yup; Cho, Hyung Taek; Kim, Young Jun; Park, Yoo Heon; Imm, Jee-Young


    Vitamin-E-loaded nanoemulsion (Vit E-NE) was produced, and the effects of repeated oral administration of Vit E-NE (2 g/kg/day) for five days on hepatic gene expression and serum metabolites were investigated in rats. The mean particle diameter and zeta potential of Vit E-NE was 112 nm and 56 mV, respectively. Vit E-NE administered rats showed significantly higher triglyceride content than of standard diet (control) or Vit E control emulsion (Vit E-CE) group but no toxicity symptoms were found in blood biochemical analysis. Next generation sequencing analysis of rat liver revealed that several genes related to energy and xenobiotic metabolism (CYP1A1 and glutathione S-transferase) were significantly altered. Serum metabolites (B-hydroxybutyrate and palmitoleic acid) indicating ketone body production and activation of stearoyl-CoAdesaturase were significantly increased by administration of Vit E-NE. The results of this study suggest that excessive consumption of edible nano-sized food ingredients can possibly cause adverse effects. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  16. Norepinephrine activates NF-κB transcription factor in cultured rat pineal gland.


    Villela, Darine; de Sá Lima, Larissa; Peres, Rafael; Peliciari-Garcia, Rodrigo Antonio; do Amaral, Fernanda Gaspar; Cipolla-Neto, José; Scavone, Cristóforo; Afeche, Solange Castro


    The circadian rhythm in mammalian pineal melatonin secretion is modulated by norepinephrine (NE) released at night. NE interaction with β1-adrenoceptors activates PKA that phosphorylates the transcription factor CREB, leading to the transcription and translation of the arylalkylamine-N-acetyltransferase (AANAT) enzyme. Several studies have reported the interplay between CREB and the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) and a circadian rhythm for this transcription factor was recently described in the rat pineal gland. In this work we studied a direct effect of NE on NF-κB activation and the role played by this factor on melatonin synthesis and Aanat transcription and activity. Cultured rat pineal glands were incubated in the presence of two different NF-κB inhibitors, pyrrolidine-dithiocarbamate or sodium salicylate, and stimulated with NE. Melatonin content was quantified by HPLC with electrochemical detection. AANAT activity was measured by a radiometric assay and the expression of Aanat mRNA was analyzed by real-time PCR. Gel shift assay was performed to study the NF-κB activation in cultured rat pineal glands stimulated by NE. Our results showed that the p50/p50 homodimer of NF-κB is activated by NE and that it has a role in melatonin synthesis, acting on Aanat transcription and activity. Here we present evidence that NF-κB is an important transcription factor that acts, directly or indirectly, on Aanat transcription and activity leading to a modulation of melatonin synthesis. NE plays a role in the translocation of NF-κB p50/p50 homodimer to the nucleus of pinealocytes, thus probably influencing the nocturnal pineal melatonin synthesis. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Preconditioning with the traditional Chinese medicine Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang initiates HIF-1α-dependent neuroprotection against cerebral ischemia in rats.


    Zhang, Qichun; Bian, Huimin; Li, Yu; Guo, Liwei; Tang, Yuping; Zhu, Huaxu


    Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang (HLJDT) is a classical heat-clearing and detoxicating formula of traditional Chinese medicine that is widely used to treat stroke. The present study was designed to investigate the effects of HLJDT preconditioning on neurons under oxygen and glucose deprivation (OGD) and rats subjected to middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO). A stroke model of rats was obtained through MCAO. Following HLJDT preconditioning, the cerebral infarction volume, cerebral water content, and neurological deficient score were determined. Cerebral cortical neurons cultured in vitro were preconditioned with HLJDT and then subjected to OGD treatment. The release of lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) from neurons was detected. The levels of hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) and PI3K/Akt signaling were analyzed by western blotting, and the levels of erythropoietin (EPO) and vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in the supernatant of the neurons and the plasma of MCAO rats were measured through a radioimmunological assay. The apoptosis and proliferation of neurons were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. HLJDT preconditioning significantly reduced the cerebral infarction volume and cerebral water content and ameliorated the neurological deficient score of MCAO rats. In addition, HLJDT preconditioning protected neurons against OGD. Increased HIF-1α, EPO, and VEGF levels and the activation of PI3K/Akt signaling were observed as a result of HLJDT preconditioning. Furthermore, HLJDT preconditioning was found to inhibit ischemia-induced neuron apoptosis and to promote neuron proliferation under conditions of ischemia/reperfusion. Both rats and neurons subjected to HLJDT preconditioning were able to resist ischemia/reperfusion or hypoxia injury through the inhibition of apoptosis and the enhancement of proliferation, and these effects were primarily dependent on the activation of the PI3K/Akt signaling pathway and HIF-1α. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights

  18. Étude vibrationnelle du 3,4'-bitriazole et de quelques-uns de ses dérivés C-monosubstitués

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ouijja, N.; Guédira, F.; Zaydoun, S.; Aouial, M.; Saidi Idrissi, M.; Lautié, A.


    The vibrational study of 3,4'-bitriazole, 5-methyl-3,4'-bitriazole and 5-bromo-3,4'- bitriazole is reported and an assignment of their fundamentals is proposed on the basis of the existence of only one form in the solid state. The substitution of the hydrogen in 3 position of the \\{1H\\} triazolic ring by 4-triazolyl group induces a decrease in the strength of the NH...N hydrogen bond comparatively to 1,2,4-triazole and its C-monosubstituted derivatives. The introduction of a substituent in position 5 of the biheterocycle increases the strength of the self association mainly when the substituent is an electron-attractor group. Using the νN-H wave number values, the estimation of N...N distances in these derivatives is possible. The distinction between the triazolic ring' s vibrations and those of 4-triazolyl group seems impossible, probably because of the conjugation of the two rings. The higher frequency value obtained for the intercyclic bond stretching mode in the BrbTA is explained by an important conjugation and a shorter C-N bond in this case. L'étude vibrationnelle des 3,4'-bitriazole, 5-méthyl-3,4'-bitriazole et 5-bromo-3,4'- bitriazole a été effectuée et une attribution de leurs vibrations fondamentales a été proposée sur la base de l'existence d'une seule forme à l'état solide. La substitution de l'hydrogène en position 3 du cycle triazolique \\{1H\\} par un groupement 4-triazolyle entraîne une diminution de la force de la liaison hydrogène NH...N comparativement au 1,2,4-triazole et à ses dérivés C-monosubstitués. L'introduction d'un substituant en position 5 du bihétérocycle augmente la force de l'autoassociation surtout dans le cas où le substituant est un groupement attracteur d'électrons. A partir des fréquences νNH, l'estimation des distances N...N dans ces dérivés a été effectuée. La distinction entre les vibrations du cycle triazolique et celles du groupement 4-triazolyle semble impossible, probablement à cause de la

  19. Protective effect of agmatine on ischemia/reperfusion-induced renal injury in rats.


    Sugiura, Takahiro; Tsutsui, Hidenobu; Takaoka, Masanori; Kobuchi, Shuhei; Hayashi, Kentaro; Fujii, Toshihide; Matsumura, Yasuo


    Enhanced renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) during ischemic period and the renal venous norepinephrine (NE) overflow after reperfusion play important roles in the development of ischemic/reperfusion (I/R)-induced acute renal failure (ARF) in rats. This study evaluated whether agmatine, which is known to reduce sympathetic nerve activity and NE overflow by electrical stimulation, would prevent the I/R-induced renal dysfunction. Ischemic ARF was induced by clamping the left renal artery and vein for 45 minutes followed by reperfusion 2 weeks after the contralateral nephrectomy. Intravenous (IV) injection of agmatine (100 and 300 micromol/kg) to ischemic ARF rats dose-dependently suppressed the enhanced RSNA and attenuated the I/R-induced renal dysfunction and histological damage. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) injection of agmatine (600 nmol/kg) to ischemic ARF rats suppressed the enhanced RSNA during the ischemic period and attenuated the I/R-induced renal injury. Furthermore, both IV and ICV injection of agmatine significantly suppressed the renal venous NE overflow after the reperfusion. These results indicate that agmatine prevents the development of I/R-induced renal injury, and the effect is accompanied by suppression of the enhanced RSNA during ischemic period and NE overflow from renal sympathetic nerve endings.

  20. Restoring Spinal Noradrenergic Inhibitory Tone Attenuates Pain Hypersensitivity in a Rat Model of Parkinson's Disease

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Bing; Chen, Li-Hua


    In the present study, we investigated whether restoring descending noradrenergic inhibitory tone can attenuate pain in a PD rat model, which was established by stereotaxic infusion of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) into the bilateral striatum (CPu). PD rats developed thermal and mechanical hypersensitivity at the 4th week after surgery. HPLC analysis showed that NE content, but not dopamine or 5-HT, significantly decreased in lumbar spinal cord in PD rats. Additional noradrenergic depletion by injection of N-(2-chloroethyl)-N-ethyl-2-bromobenzylamine (DSP-4) aggravated pain hypersensitivity in PD rats. At the 5th week after injection of 6-OHDA, systemic treatment with pharmacological norepinephrine (NE) precursor droxidopa (L-DOPS) or α2 adrenoceptor agonist clonidine significantly attenuated thermal and mechanical pain hypersensitivity in PD rats. Furthermore, application of norepinephrine (NE) and 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) reuptake inhibitors duloxetine, but not 5-HT selective reuptake inhibitors sertraline, significantly inhibited thermal and mechanical pain hypersensitivity in PD rats. Systemic administration of Madopar (L-DOPA) or the D2/D3 agonist pramipexole slightly inhibited the thermal, but not mechanical, hypersensitivity in PD rats. Thus, our study revealed that impairment of descending noradrenergic system may play a key role in PD-associated pain and restoring spinal noradrenergic inhibitory tone may serve as a novel strategy to manage PD-associated pain. PMID:27747105

  1. KM3NeT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Jong, M.


    KM3NeT is a large research infrastructure, that will consist of a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea. The main objective of KM3NeT is the discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe. A further physics perspective is the measurement of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. A corresponding study, ORCA, is ongoing within KM3NeT. A cost effective technology for (very) large water Cherenkov detectors has been developed based on a new generation of low price 3-inch photo-multiplier tubes. Following the successful deployment and operation of two prototypes, the construction of the KM3NeT research infrastructure has started. The prospects of the different phases of the implementation of KM3NeT are summarised.

  2. Le contrôle des infections au cabinet du pédiatre

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ La transmission des infections au cabinet du pédiatre est de plus en plus préoccupante. Le présent document expose les voies de transmission des infections et les principes sous-jacents aux mesures actuelles pour contrôler les infections. Pour prévenir les infections, il faut bien concevoir le cabinet et adopter des politiques administratives et de triage convenables, de même que des pratiques de base pour les soins de tous les patients (p. ex., hygiène des mains, port de gants, de masques, de lunettes de protection et d’une blouse d’hôpital pour des interventions précises; nettoyage, désinfection et stérilisation convenables des surfaces et du matériel, y compris les jouets, et techniques d’asepsie en cas d’interventions effractives) et des précautions additionnelles en cas d’infections précises. Le personnel doit avoir reçu les vaccins pertinents, et les personnes infectées doivent respecter les politiques de restriction au travail.

  3. Regulation of transepithelial ion transport in the rat late distal colon by the sympathetic nervous system.


    Zhang, X; Li, Y; Zhang, X; Duan, Z; Zhu, J


    The colorectum (late distal colon) is innervated by the sympathetic nervous system, and many colorectal diseases are related to disorders of the sympathetic nervous system. The sympathetic regulation of colorectal ion transport is rarely reported. The present study aims to investigate the effect of norepinephrine (NE) in the normal and catecholamine-depleted condition to clarify the regulation of the sympathetic adrenergic system in ion transport in the rat colorectum. NE-induced ion transport in the rats colorectum was measured by short-circuit current (I(sc)) recording; the expression of beta-adrenoceptors and NE transporter (NET) were quantified by real-time PCR, and western blotting. When the endogenous catecholamine was depleted by reserpine, the baseline I(sc) in the colorectum was increased significantly comparing to controls. NE evoked downward deltaI(sc) in colorectum of treated rats was 1.8-fold of controls. The expression of beta(2)-adrenoceptor protein in the colorectal mucosa was greater than the control, though the mRNA level was reduced. However, NET expression was significantly lower in catecholamine-depleted rats compared to the controls. In conclusion, the sympathetic nervous system plays an important role in regulating basal ion transport in the colorectum. Disorders of sympathetic neurotransmitters result in abnormal ion transport, beta-adrenoceptor and NET are involved in the process.

  4. Exposure to heavy charged particles affects thermoregulation in rats

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kandasamy, S.B.; Hunt, W.A.; Dalton, T.K.


    Rats exposed to 0.1-5 Gy of heavy particles ({sup 56}Fe, {sup 40}Ar, {sup 20}Ne or {sup 4}He) showed dose-dependent changes in body temperature. Lower doses of all particles produced hyperthermia, and higher doses of {sup 20}Ne and {sup 56}Fe produced hypothermia. Of the four HZE particles, {sup 56}Fe particles were the most potent and {sup 4}He particles were the least potent in producing changes in thermoregulation. The {sup 20}Ne and {sup 40}Ar particles produced an intermediate level of change in body temperature. Significantly greater hyperthermia was produced by exposure to 1 Gy of {sup 20}Ne, {sup 40}Ar and {sup 56}Femore » particles than by exposure to 1 Gy of {sup 60}Co {gamma} rays. Pretreating rats with the cyclo-oxygenase inhibitor indomethacin attenuated the hyperthermia produced by exposure to 1 Gy of {sup 56}Fe particles, indicating that prostaglandins mediate {sup 56}Fe-particle-induced hyperthermia. The hypothermia produced by exposure to 5 Gy of {sup 56}Fe particles is mediated by histamine and can be attenuated by treatment with the antihistamines mepyramine and cimetidine. 15 refs., 4 figs.« less

  5. Early life stress sensitizes the renal and systemic sympathetic system in rats.


    Loria, Analia S; Brands, Michael W; Pollock, David M; Pollock, Jennifer S


    We hypothesized that maternal separation (MS), an early life stress model, induces a sensitization of the sympathetic system. To test this hypothesis, we evaluated the renal and systemic sympathetic system in 12- to 14-wk-old male control or MS rats with the following parameters: 1) effect of renal denervation on conscious renal filtration capacity, 2) norepinephrine (NE) content in key organs involved in blood pressure control, and 3) acute systemic pressor responses to adrenergic stimulation or ganglion blockade. MS was performed by separating pups from their mothers for 3 h/day from day 2 to 14; controls were nonhandled littermates. Glomerular filtration rate (GFR) was examined in renal denervated (DnX; within 2 wk) or sham rats using I¹²⁵-iothalamate plasma clearance. MS-DnX rats showed significantly increased GFR compared with MS-SHAM rats (3.8 ± 0.4 vs. 2.4 ± 0.2 ml/min, respectively, P < 0.05), whereas DnX had no effect in controls, indicating that renal nerves regulate GFR in MS rats. NE content was significantly increased in organ tissues from MS rats (P < 0.05, n = 6-8), suggesting a sensitization of the renal and systemic sympathetic system. Conscious MS rats displayed a significantly greater increase in mean arterial pressure (MAP) in response to NE (2 μg/kg ip) and a greater reduction in MAP in response to mecamylamine (2 mg/kg ip, P < 0.05, n = 4) monitored by telemetry, indicating that MS rats exhibit exaggerated responses to sympathetic stimulation. In conclusion, these data indicate that MS sensitizes the renal and systemic sympathetic system ultimately impairing blood pressure regulation.

  6. Etude thermo-hydraulique de l'ecoulement du moderateur dans le reacteur CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehdi Zadeh, Foad

    Etant donne la taille (6,0 m x 7,6 m) ainsi que le domaine multiplement connexe qui caracterisent la cuve des reacteurs CANDU-6 (380 canaux dans la cuve), la physique qui gouverne le comportement du fluide moderateur est encore mal connue de nos jours. L'echantillonnage de donnees dans un reacteur en fonction necessite d'apporter des changements a la configuration de la cuve du reacteur afin d'y inserer des sondes. De plus, la presence d'une zone intense de radiations empeche l'utilisation des capteurs courants d'echantillonnage. En consequence, l'ecoulement du moderateur doit necessairement etre etudie a l'aide d'un modele experimental ou d'un modele numerique. Pour ce qui est du modele experimental, la fabrication et la mise en fonction de telles installations coutent tres cher. De plus, les parametres de la mise a l'echelle du systeme pour fabriquer un modele experimental a l'echelle reduite sont en contradiction. En consequence, la modelisation numerique reste une alternative importante. Actuellement, l'industrie nucleaire utilise une approche numerique, dite de milieu poreux, qui approxime le domaine par un milieu continu ou le reseau des tubes est remplace par des resistances hydrauliques distribuees. Ce modele est capable de decrire les phenomenes macroscopiques de l'ecoulement, mais ne tient pas compte des effets locaux ayant un impact sur l'ecoulement global, tel que les distributions de temperatures et de vitesses a proximite des tubes ainsi que des instabilites hydrodynamiques. Dans le contexte de la surete nucleaire, on s'interesse aux effets locaux autour des tubes de calandre. En effet, des simulations faites par cette approche predisent que l'ecoulement peut prendre plusieurs configurations hydrodynamiques dont, pour certaines, l'ecoulement montre un comportement asymetrique au sein de la cuve. Ceci peut provoquer une ebullition du moderateur sur la paroi des canaux. Dans de telles conditions, le coefficient de reactivite peut varier de maniere

  7. Mesure optimale de tilt et déplacement d'un faisceau gaussien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delaubert, V.; Treps, N.; Fabre, C.; Harb, C.; Lam, P. K.; Bachor, H.


    Nous réalisons une expérience de mesure optimale de petits déplacements d'un faisceau gaussien TEM{00}, basée sur une détection homodyne employant un oscillateur local TEM{10}. Nous montrons une amélioration de 56% du signal détecté par rapport à une détection à deux zones. Ce nouveau dispositif permet également de mesurer de façon optimale de petites valeurs de tilt, la quantité conjuguée du déplacement. Enfin, nous montrons que la compression du mode TEM{10} du faisceau incident permet une mesure de déplacement au delà de la limite quantique standard.

  8. KM3NeT

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jong, M. de; Leiden Institute of Physics, Leiden University, Leiden; Collaboration: KM3NeT Collaboration


    KM3NeT is a large research infrastructure, that will consist of a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea. The main objective of KM3NeT is the discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe. A further physics perspective is the measurement of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos. A corresponding study, ORCA, is ongoing within KM3NeT. A cost effective technology for (very) large water Cherenkov detectors has been developed based on a new generation of low price 3-inch photo-multiplier tubes. Following the successful deployment and operation of two prototypes, the construction of the KM3NeT research infrastructure hasmore » started. The prospects of the different phases of the implementation of KM3NeT are summarised.« less

  9. Acetaminophen induces xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes in rat: Impact of a uranium chronic exposure.


    Rouas, Caroline; Souidi, Maâmar; Grandcolas, Line; Grison, Stephane; Baudelin, Cedric; Gourmelon, Patrick; Pallardy, Marc; Gueguen, Yann


    The extensive use of uranium in civilian and military applications increases the risk of human chronic exposure. Uranium is a slightly radioactive heavy metal with a predominantly chemical toxicity, especially in kidney but also in liver. Few studies have previously shown some effects of uranium on xenobiotic-metabolizing enzymes (XME) that might disturb drug pharmacokinetic. The aim of this study was to determine whether a chronic (9 months) non-nephrotoxic low dose exposure to depleted uranium (DU, 1mg/rat/day) could modify the liver XME, using a single non-hepatotoxic acetaminophen (APAP) treatment (50mg/kg). Most of XME analysed were induced by APAP treatment at the gene expression level but at the protein level only CYP3A2 was significantly increased 3h after APAP treatment in DU-exposed rats whereas it remained at a basal level in unexposed rats. In conclusion, these results showed that a chronic non-nephrotoxic DU exposure specially modify CYP3A2 after a single therapeutic APAP treatment. Copyright © 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Radionécrose cérébrale chez des patients irradiés pour cancers du nasopharynx: à propos de 3 cas

    PubMed Central

    El Mazghi, Abderrahman; Lalya, Issam; Loukili, Kaoutar; El Kacemi, Hanan; Kebdani, Taieb; Hassouni, Khalid


    La radionécrose cérébrale est une complication tardive, iatrogène, relativement rare de la radiothérapie qui survient après plus de six mois suivant le début du traitement. Elle pourrait s'expliquer par la conjonction de lésions vasculaires, gliales et d'ordre immunologiques. Elle peut mettre en jeu le pronostic fonctionnel et vital du malade. La prévention de cette affection redoutable est fondamentale vu l'absence de traitement potentiellement efficace. Nous rapportons 03 nouveaux cas, chez des patients traités par chimiothérapie d'induction puis radio- chimiothérapie concomitante pour des cancers localement avancés du nasopharynx. Le diagnostic a été orienté par l'IRM spectroscopique et l’évolution était favorable sous corticothérapie dans les 03 cas. PMID:25722784

  11. Approche de prise en charge du trouble du spectre de l’autisme

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Patrick F.; Thomas, Roger E.; Lee, Patricia A.


    Résumé Objectif Se pencher sur les critères diagnostiques du trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) comme les définit le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux, cinquième édition (DSM-V), et concevoir une approche de prise en charge du TSA à l’aide du cadre CanMEDS–Médecine familiale (CanMEDS-MF). Sources d’information Le DSM-V, publié par l’American Psychiatric Association en mai 2013, énonce de nouveaux critères diagnostiques du TSA. Le cadre CanMEDS-MF du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada fournit un plan d’orientation pour la prise en charge complexe du TSA. Nous avons utilisé des données recueillies par le Centers for Disease Control and Prevention afin de déterminer la prévalence du TSA, ainsi que la revue systématique et méta-analyse détaillée effectuée par le National Institute for Health and Care Excellence du R.-U. pour ses lignes directrices sur le TSA dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes issues de plus de 100 interventions. Message principal Selon les données du Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, la prévalence du TSA se chiffrait à 1 sur 88 en 2008 aux États-Unis. La classification du TSA dans la quatrième édition du DSM incluait l’autisme, le syndrome d’Asperger, le trouble envahissant du développement et le trouble désintégratif de l’enfance. La dernière révision du DSM-V réunit tous ces troubles sous la mention TSA, avec différents niveaux de sévérité. La prise en charge du TSA est complexe; elle exige les efforts d’une équipe multidisciplinaire ainsi que des soins continus. Les rôles CanMEDS-MF fournissent un cadre de prise en charge. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont au cœur de l’équipe de soins multidisciplinaire pour le TSA, et le cadre CanMEDS-MF tient lieu de plan détaillé pour guider la prise en charge d’un enfant atteint de TSA et aider la famille de cet enfant.

  12. Ictères pathologiques du nouveau-né à l'hôpital Bonzola de Mbuji-Mayi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Mutombo, André Kabamba; Mukuku, Olivier; Kabulo, Benjamin Kasongo; Mutombo, Augustin Mulangu; Ngeleka, Alain Mutombo; Mutombo, Junior Dibwe; Kabuya, Maguy Sangaji; Kayembe, Celestin Mukoko; Luboya, Oscar Numbi


    L'ictère néonatal, bien qu'il soit souvent très banal, ne doit pas pour autant être négligé car il peut relever des étiologies variées et avoir des significations différentes au point de devenir pathologique. Au cours d'une étude rétro-prospective descriptive, les auteurs analysent les aspects épidemio-cliniques, thérapeutiques et évolutifs des ictères néonataux pathologiques à l'Unité des Urgences Néonatales de Bonzola à Mbuji-Mayi (RD Congo) sur une période de 5 ans. La fréquence est de 4,9% avec une incidence annuelle de 24 cas/an. La prédominance masculine est notée avec un sexe ratio de 1,1. Ces ictères sont précoces (31,1%) et tardif (17,5%). Les principales causes sont dans 81,6% des cas dominées par les infections (42,5%) et, incompatibilité fœto-maternelle (39,1%). La symptomatologie habituelle est notée: ictère franc et pâleur cutanéo-muqueuse (100%), urines jaunes foncées (62,5%), signes neurologiques (42,5%) et généraux (47,5%). Le traitement était à la fois étiologique (60%) et symptomatique ou d'appoint (40%) et a consisté dans l'association antibiotiques avec transfusion et/ou exsanguino-transfusion (24,2%), antibiothérapie seule (35,8%), inducteurs enzymatiques (35%) et photothérapie (5%). L’évolution a été bonne dans 82,3% des cas contre 9,3% des décès. PMID:25883730

  13. The Four-Herb Chinese Medicine Formula Tuo-Li-Xiao-Du-San Accelerates Cutaneous Wound Healing in Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Rats through Reducing Inflammation and Increasing Angiogenesis

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Xiao-na; Ma, Ze-jun; Wang, Ying; Li, Yu-zhu; Sun, Bei; Guo, Xin; Pan, Cong-qing; Chen, Li-ming


    Impaired wound healing in diabetic patients is a serious complication that often leads to amputation or even death with limited effective treatments. Tuo-Li-Xiao-Du-San (TLXDS), a traditional Chinese medicine formula for refractory wounds, has been prescribed for nearly 400 years in China and shows good efficacy in promoting healing. In this study, we explored the effect of TLXDS on healing of diabetic wounds and investigated underlying mechanisms. Four weeks after intravenous injection of streptozotocin, two full-thickness excisional wounds were created with a 10 mm diameter sterile biopsy punch on the back of rats. The ethanol extract of TLXDS was given once daily by oral gavage. Wound area, histological change, inflammation, angiogenesis, and collagen synthesis were evaluated. TLXDS treatment significantly accelerated healing of diabetic rats and improved the healing quality. These effects were associated with reduced neutrophil infiltration and macrophage accumulation, enhanced angiogenesis, and increased collagen deposition. This study shows that TLXDS improves diabetes-impaired wound healing. PMID:27057551

  14. Scattering study of the Ne + NeH{sup +}(v{sub 0} = 0, j{sub 0} = 0) → NeH{sup +} + Ne reaction on an ab initio based analytical potential energy surface

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Koner, Debasish; Panda, Aditya N., E-mail:; Barrios, Lizandra


    Initial state selected dynamics of the Ne + NeH{sup +}(v{sub 0} = 0, j{sub 0} = 0) → NeH{sup +} + Ne reaction is investigated by quantum and statistical quantum mechanical (SQM) methods on the ground electronic state. The three-body ab initio energies on a set of suitably chosen grid points have been computed at CCSD(T)/aug-cc-PVQZ level and analytically fitted. The fitting of the diatomic potentials, computed at the same level of theory, is performed by spline interpolation. A collinear [NeHNe]{sup +} structure lying 0.72 eV below the Ne + NeH{sup +} asymptote is found to be the most stablemore » geometry for this system. Energies of low lying vibrational states have been computed for this stable complex. Reaction probabilities obtained from quantum calculations exhibit dense oscillatory structures, particularly in the low energy region and these get partially washed out in the integral cross section results. SQM predictions are devoid of oscillatory structures and remain close to 0.5 after the rise at the threshold thus giving a crude average description of the quantum probabilities. Statistical cross sections and rate constants are nevertheless in sufficiently good agreement with the quantum results to suggest an important role of a complex-forming dynamics for the title reaction.« less

  15. Developpement d'un catalyseur nickel-alumine efficace pour le reformage de diesel a la vapeur d'eau et etude du systeme reactionnel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fauteux-Lefebvre, Clemence

    Le developpement de sources d'energie alternatives fiables et efficaces est aujourd'hui une necessite. L' interet dans le reformage d'hydrocarbures liquides est ainsi croissant puisqu'il s'agit d'une voie pour l'alimentation des piles a combustible. Les piles a combustible ont une efficacite pour la conversion d'energie en electricite plus grande que celle des moteurs a combustion et font ainsi partie de la recherche de solution en efficacite energetique. Ces piles consomment de l'hydrogene comme combustible pour produire de l'electricite, d'ou l'interet pour le reformage. En effet, cette reaction permet de produire de l'hydrogene et du monoxyde de carbone (un autre combustible des piles a combustible a electrolyte solide) a partir d'hydrocarbure liquide, notamment le diesel. Les piles pourraient donc etre integrees avec une unite de reformage leur fournissant directement le combustible necessaire a partir de diesel. Dans ce projet de recherche, un nouveau catalyseur de nickel sous forme de spinelle nickel-alumine (spinelle NiAl2O4 sur support d'alumine et de zircone stabilisee avec yttria) a ete developpe et teste en laboratoire pour du reformage de propane, d'hydrocarbures liquides et de diesel, a la vapeur d'eau. Par ailleurs, une methode d'ajout des reactifs novatrice a ete utilisee afin de diminuer la pyrolyse precedant le reformage, en utilisant une emulsion. Les resultats de reformage d'hydrocarbures purs ont montre des concentrations tres pres de l'equilibre thermodynamique et une activite constante sans desactivation du catalyseur ni formation de carbone, et ce avec des ratios H2O/C de moins de 2.5 et des temperatures d'operation variant entre 630 °C et 750 °C. Lors de tests effectues en utilisant du diesel fossile, a 705°C, avec un debit volumique des reactifs de plus de 50 000 cm3gcat-1h-1 et un ratio H2O/C de moins de 2.5, l'activite a ete maintenue pendant plus de 15 heures, malgre une operation en cycles. L'analyse du catalyseur apres cette

  16. Cancer métaplasique du sein: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Babahabib, Moulay Abdellah; Chennana, Adil; Hachi, Aymen; Kouach, Jaoud; Moussaoui, Driss; Dhayni, Mohammed


    Les carcinomes métaplasiques du sein sont des tumeurs rares. Ils constituent un groupe hétérogène de tumeurs définis selon l'organisation mondiale de la santé comme étant un carcinome canalaire infiltrant mais comportant des zones de remaniements métaplasiques (de type épidermoïde, à cellules fusiformes, chondroïde et osseux ou mixte), qui varient de quelques foyers microscopiques à un remplacement glandulaire complet. Les aspects cliniques et radiologiques ne sont pas spécifiques. Le traitement associe la chirurgie, la radiothérapie et la chimiothérapie. L'hormonothérapie n'a pas de place. Le pronostic est sombre. L'histopathologie combinée à l'immunohistochimie permet de poser un diagnostic sure. Etant donné que la prise en charge thérapeutique est limitée, une nouvelle approche moléculaire pourrait modifier cette contribution faible et mal cernée des traitements systémiques classiques. Les patientes atteintes de carcinome métaplasique mammaire pourraient bénéficier de traitements ciblés, ce qui reste à confirmer par des essais cliniques. PMID:25870723

  17. Silymarin ameliorates experimentally induced depressive like behavior in rats: Involvement of hippocampal BDNF signaling, inflammatory cytokines and oxidative stress response.


    Thakare, Vishnu N; Aswar, Manoj K; Kulkarni, Yogesh P; Patil, Rajesh R; Patel, Bhoomika M


    Silymarin is a polyphenolic flavonoid of Silybum marianum, exhibited neuroprotection and antidepressant like activity in acute restraint stressed mice. The main objective of the present study is to investigate possible antidepressant like activity of silymarin in experimentally induced depressive behavior in rats. The depressive behaviors were induced in rats by olfactory bulbectomized (OBX) technique. Wistar rats were administered with silymarin at a dose of 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg, by per oral in OBX and sham operated rats. Behavioral (ambulatory and rearing activity and immobility time), neurochemical [serotonin (5-HT), dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) level], biochemical (MDA formation, IL-6, TNF-α and antioxidants) changes in hippocampus and cerebral cortex along with serum corticosterone were investigated. Rats subjected to OBX elicited significant increase in immobility time, ambulatory and rearing behaviors, reduced BDNF level, 5-HT, DA, NE and antioxidant parameters along with increased serum corticosterone, MDA formation, IL-6, and TNF-α in hippocampus and cerebral cortex compared to sham operated rats. Administration of with silymarin significantly attenuated immobility time, ambulatory and rearing behaviors, serum corticosterone and improved BDNF expression, 5-HT, DA, NE and antioxidant paradigms in cerebral cortex as well as hippocampus. In addition, silymarin attenuated IL-6, and TNF-α significantly in hippocampus and cerebral cortex in OBX rats. Thus, silymarin exhibits anti-depressant-like activity in OBX rats due to alterations in several neurotransmitters, endocrine and immunologic systems, including BDNF, 5-HT, DA, NE, MDA formation, IL-6, and TNF-α in hippocampus and cerebral cortex as well as serum corticosterone. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Intérêt de la scintigraphie lymphatique et place de la chirurgie dans les chylothorax congénitaux

    PubMed Central

    Methlouthi, Jihène; Mahdhaoui, Nabiha; Bellalah, Manel; Selsabil, Nouir; Hedia, Ayache; Sfar, Raja; Essabah, Habib; Abdellatif, Nouri; Sonia, Nouri; Hassen, Seboui


    Le chylothorax est défini par l'accumulation du liquide lymphatique dans la cavité pleurale. Il existe 3 catégories distinctes chez le nouveau-né: les chylothorax congénitaux (CC), les chylothorax malformatifs ou syndromiques (CM) et les chylothorax post-opératoires (CO). Bien que rare, le chylothorax représente la cause la plus fréquente des épanchements pleuraux en période néonatale. Son diagnostic positif est facile par analyse du liquide pleural, mais son mécanisme et surtout l'intégrité du canal thoracique et ses collatérales est parfois difficile à préciser. La lymphoscintigraphie représente l'examen de choix dans le diagnostic etipathogénique. Ce moyen de diagnostic peut être couplé, si possible, au SPECT-CT (single photon emission tomography/computed tomography) permettant de donner des renseignements plus précis, notamment sur le plan anatomique. Sa prise en charge repose sur le drainage du liquide pleural, la suppression des graisses alimentaires et la nutrition parentérale. Le recours à la chirurgie est préconisé devant l'échec du traitement médical. Nous rapportons l'observation d'un nouveau-né porteur d'un chylothorax unilatéral, n'ayant pas répondu au traitement médical. La lymphoscintigraphie avait permis de diagnostiquer le mécanisme étiopathogénique et par conséquent, de guider le traitement chirurgical. PMID:28154676

  19. Analyse de L'ancrage des Vortex Intergrains pour le Yttrium BARYUM(2) CUIVRE(3) OXYGENE(7) Polycristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fournier, Patrick

    Le Modele de l'Etat Critique Generalise (MECG) est utilise pour decrire les proprietes magnetiques et de transport du YBa_2Cu_3O _7 polycristallin. Ce modele empirique permet de relier la densite de courant critique a la densite de lignes de flux penetrant dans la region intergrain. Deux techniques de mesures sont utilisees pour caracteriser nos materiaux. La premiere consiste a mesurer le champ au centre d'un cylindre creux en fonction du champ magnetique applique pour des temperatures comprises entre 20 et 85K. En variant l'epaisseur de la paroi du cylindre creux, il est possible de suivre l'evolution des cycles d'hysteresis et de determiner des champs caracteristiques qui varient en fonction de cette dimension. En utilisant un lissage des resultats experimentaux, nous determinons J _{co}, H_ {o} et n, les parametres du MECG. La forme des cylindres, avec une longueur comparable au diametre externe, entrai ne la presence d'un champ demagnetisant qui peut etre inclus dans le modele theorique. Ceci nous permet d'evaluer la fraction du volume ecrante, f _{g}, ainsi que le facteur demagnetisant N. Nous trouvons que J_{ co}, H_{o} et f_{g} dependent de la temperature, tandis que n et N (pour une epaisseur de paroi fixe) n'en dependent pas. La deuxieme technique consiste a mesurer le courant critique de lames minces en fonction du champ applique pour differentes temperatures. Nous utilisons un montage que nous avons developpe permettant d'effectuer ces mesures en contact direct avec le liquide refrigerant, i.e. dans l'azote liquide. Nous varions la temperature du liquide en variant la pression du gaz au-dessus du bain d'azote. Cette methode nous permet de balayer des temperatures entre 65K et la temperature critique du materiau ({~ }92K). Nous effectuons le lissage des courbes de courant critique en fonction du champ applique encore a l'aide du MECG, pour a nouveau obtenir ses parametres. Pour trois echantillons avec des traitements thermiques differents, les parametres

  20. The ameliorating effects of long-term electroacupuncture on cardiovascular remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats

    PubMed Central


    Background The purpose of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effects of long-term electroacupuncture at BaiHui (DU20) and ZuSanLi (ST36) on cardiovascular remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and underlying mechanisms. Methods 6-weeks-old SHR or Wistar male rats were randomly, divided into 6 groups: the control group (SHR/Wistar), the non-acupoint electroacupuncture stimulation group (SHR-NAP/Wistar-NAP) and the electroacupuncture stimulation at DU20 and ST36 group (SHR-AP/Wistar-AP), 24 rats in each group. Rats were treated with or without electroacupuncture at DU20 and ST36, once every other day for a period of 8 weeks. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured once every 2 weeks. By the end of the 8th week, the left ventricular structure and function were assessed by echocardiography. The content of angiotensin II (Ang II), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) in the plasma was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Histological studies on the heart and the ascending aorta were performed. The expression of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R), endothelin-1 type A receptor (ETAR), eNOS and iNOS in rat myocardium and ascending aorta was investigated by Western blotting. Results The MAP in SHR increased linearly over the observation period and significantly reduced following electroacupuncture as compared with sham control SHR rats, while no difference in MAP was observed in Wistar rats between electroacupuncture and sham control. The aortic wall thickness, cardiac hypertrophy and increased collagen level in SHR were attenuated by long term electroacupuncture. The content of Ang II, ET-1 in the plasma decreased, but the content of NO increased after electroacupuncture stimulation in SHR. Long term electroacupuncture significantly inhibited the expression of AT1R, ETAR and iNOS, whereas increased eNOS expression, in myocardium and ascending aorta of SHR. Conclusions The long term electroacupuncture stimulation at DU

  1. The ameliorating effects of long-term electroacupuncture on cardiovascular remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats.


    Huo, Ze-Jun; Li, Quan; Tian, Gui-Hua; Zhou, Chang-Man; Wei, Xiao-Hong; Pan, Chun-Shui; Yang, Lei; Bai, Yan; Zhang, You-Yi; He, Ke; Wang, Chuan-She; Li, Zhi-Gang; Han, Jing-Yan


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the inhibitory effects of long-term electroacupuncture at BaiHui (DU20) and ZuSanLi (ST36) on cardiovascular remodeling in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) and underlying mechanisms. 6-weeks-old SHR or Wistar male rats were randomly, divided into 6 groups: the control group (SHR/Wistar), the non-acupoint electroacupuncture stimulation group (SHR-NAP/Wistar-NAP) and the electroacupuncture stimulation at DU20 and ST36 group (SHR-AP/Wistar-AP), 24 rats in each group. Rats were treated with or without electroacupuncture at DU20 and ST36, once every other day for a period of 8 weeks. The mean arterial pressure (MAP) was measured once every 2 weeks. By the end of the 8th week, the left ventricular structure and function were assessed by echocardiography. The content of angiotensin II (Ang II), endothelin-1 (ET-1) and nitric oxide (NO) in the plasma was determined using enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Histological studies on the heart and the ascending aorta were performed. The expression of angiotensin II type 1 receptor (AT1R), endothelin-1 type A receptor (ETAR), eNOS and iNOS in rat myocardium and ascending aorta was investigated by Western blotting. The MAP in SHR increased linearly over the observation period and significantly reduced following electroacupuncture as compared with sham control SHR rats, while no difference in MAP was observed in Wistar rats between electroacupuncture and sham control. The aortic wall thickness, cardiac hypertrophy and increased collagen level in SHR were attenuated by long term electroacupuncture. The content of Ang II, ET-1 in the plasma decreased, but the content of NO increased after electroacupuncture stimulation in SHR. Long term electroacupuncture significantly inhibited the expression of AT1R, ETAR and iNOS, whereas increased eNOS expression, in myocardium and ascending aorta of SHR. The long term electroacupuncture stimulation at DU20 and ST36 relieves the increased MAP

  2. Acceptabilité du test VIH proposé aux nourrissons dans les services pédiatriques, en Côte d'Ivoire, Significations pour la couverture du diagnostic pédiatrique

    PubMed Central

    Oga, Maxime; Brou, Hermann; Dago-Akribi, Hortense; Coffie, Patrick; Amani-Bossé, Clarisse; Ékouévi, Didier; Yapo, Vincent; Menan, Hervé; Ndondoki, Camille; Timité-Konan, M.; Leroy, Valériane


    Résumé Problème: Le dépistage VIH chez les enfants a rarement été au centre des préoccupations des chercheurs. Quand le dépistage pédiatrique a retenu l'attention, cela a été pour éclairer seulement sur les performances diagnostiques en ignorant même que le test pédiatrique comme bien d'autres peut s'accepter ou se refuser. Cet article met au cœur de son analyse les raisons qui peuvent expliquer qu'on accepte ou qu'on refuse de faire dépister son enfant. Objectif: Etudier chez les parents, les mères, les facteurs explicatifs de l'acceptabilité du test VIH des nourrissons de moins de six mois. Méthodes: Entretien semi-directif à passages répétés avec les parents de nourrissons de moins de six mois dans les formations sanitaires pour la pesée/vaccination et les consultations pédiatriques avec proposition systématique d'un test VIH pour leur nourrisson. Résultats: Nous retenons que la réalisation effective du test pédiatrique du VIH chez le nourrisson repose sur trois éléments. Primo, le personnel de santé par son discours (qui dénote de ses connaissances et perceptions même sur l'infection) orienté vers les mères influence leur acceptation ou non du test. Secundo, la mère qui par ses connaissances et perceptions même sur le VIH, dont le statut particulier, l'impression de bien-être chez elle et son enfant influence toute réalisation du test pédiatrique VIH. Tertio, l'environnement conjugal de la mère, particulièrement caractérisé par les rapports au sein du couple, sur la facilité de parler du test VIH et sa réalisation chez les deux parents ou chez la mère seulement sont autant de facteurs qui influencent la réalisation effective du dépistage du VIH chez l'enfant. Le principe préventif du VIH, et le désir de faire tester l'enfant ne suffisent pas à eux seuls pour aboutir à sa réalisation effective, selon certaines mères confrontées au refus du conjoint. A l'opposé, les autres mères refusant la r

  3. Diagnostic moléculaire du complexe Mycobacterium tuberculosis résistant à l'isoniazide et à la rifampicine au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Désire, Ilboudo; Cyrille, Bisseye; Florencia, Djigma; Souba, Diande; Albert, Yonli; Valerie, Bazie Jean Telesphore; Rebecca, Compaore; Charlemagne, Gnoula; Tamboura, Djibril; Rémy, Moret; Virginio, Pietra; Simplice, Karou Damintoti; Martial, Ouedraogo; Jacques, Simpore


    Introduction Cette étude a eu pour objectifs de diagnostiquer la tuberculose pulmonaire par l'examen microscopique et par la PCR des crachats et de déterminer les bases moléculaires de la résistance à la rifampicine et à l'isoniazide. Méthodes Le diagnostic du Complexe Mycobacterium Tuberculosis (CMTB) a été effectué par microscopie après coloration au Ziehl Nielsen et par PCR en temps réel en utilisant le kit d'identification du complexe MTB (Sacace Biotechnologie, Italie). Les résistances à la Rifampicine et à l'Isoniazide ont été étudiées par la technique de la PCR en utilisant le kit MTB résistance 8 (Sacace, Biotechnologie). Résultats Sur les 59 patients diagnostiqués pour la tuberculose pulmonaire, 59,3% étaient positifs en microscopie optique et 44,1% étaient positifs par PCR en Temps réel. Les résistances à la rifampicine (rpoB) et à l'isoniazide (katG et inhA) ont été observées chez 9 patients. La résistance à la rifampicine était due aux mutations (Asp516Val, Ser531Trp, Leu533Pro) et celle à l'isoniazide par les substitutions Ser315Thr dune katG et C209T dune inhA. Les multi résistances à la rifampicine et à l'isoniazide ont été observées dans 55,5% des échantillons et concernaient les associations: ropBAsp513Val + inhAC209T et rpoBLeu533Pro + katGSer315Thr. Conclusion La PCR en temps réel qui permet l'identification des allèles mutants rpoB, katG et inhA de M. tuberculosis est un outil de diagnostic épidémiologique de grande importance car elle permet de déterminer le niveau de résistance à la rifampicine et à l'isoniazide. PMID:26491516

  4. Enhanced sympathetic nerve activity induced by neonatal colon inflammation induces gastric hypersensitivity and anxiety-like behavior in adult rats.


    Winston, John H; Sarna, Sushil K


    Gastric hypersensitivity (GHS) and anxiety are prevalent in functional dyspepsia patients; their underlying mechanisms remain unknown largely because of lack of availability of live visceral tissues from human subjects. Recently, we demonstrated in a preclinical model that rats subjected to neonatal colon inflammation show increased basal plasma norepinephrine (NE), which contributes to GHS through the upregulation of nerve growth factor (NGF) expression in the gastric fundus. We tested the hypothesis that neonatal colon inflammation increases anxiety-like behavior and sympathetic nervous system activity, which upregulates the expression of NGF to induce GHS in adult life. Chemical sympathectomy, but not adrenalectomy, suppressed the elevated NGF expression in the fundus muscularis externa and GHS. The measurement of heart rate variability showed a significant increase in the low frequency-to-high frequency ratio in GHS vs. the control rats. Stimulus-evoked release of NE from the fundus muscularis externa strips was significantly greater in GHS than in the control rats. Tyrosine hydroxylase expression was increased in the celiac ganglia of the GHS vs. the control rats. We found an increase in trait but not stress-induced anxiety-like behavior in GHS rats in an elevated plus maze. We concluded that neonatal programming triggered by colon inflammation upregulates tyrosine hydroxylase in the celiac ganglia, which upregulates the release of NE in the gastric fundus muscularis externa. The increase of NE release from the sympathetic nerve terminals concentration dependently upregulates NGF, which proportionately increases the visceromotor response to gastric distention. Neonatal programming concurrently increases anxiety-like behavior in GHS rats. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  5. Etude de l'affaiblissement du comportement mecanique du pergelisol du au rechauffement climatique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Buteau, Sylvie

    Le rechauffement climatique predit pour les prochaines decennies, aura des impacts majeurs sur le pergelisol qui sont tres peu documentes pour l'instant. La presente etude a pour but d'evaluer ces impacts sur les proprietes mecaniques du pergelisol et sa stabilite a long terme. Une nouvelle technique d'essai de penetration au cone a taux de deformation controle, a ete developpee pour caracteriser en place le pergelisol. Ces essais geotechniques et la mesure de differentes proprietes physiques ont ete effectues sur une butte de pergelisol au cours du printemps 2000. Le developpement et l'utilisation d'un modele geothermique 1D tenant compte de la thermodependance du comportement mecanique ont permis d'evaluer que les etendues de pergelisol chaud deviendraient instables a la suite d'un rechauffement de l'ordre de 5°C sur cent ans. En effet, la resistance mecanique du pergelisol diminuera alors rapidement jusqu'a 11,6 MPa, ce qui correspond a une perte relative de 98% de la resistance par rapport a un scenario sans rechauffement.

  6. Sivelestat sodium hydrate attenuates acute lung injury by decreasing systemic inflammation in a rat model of severe burns.


    Xiao, X-G; Zu, H-G; Li, Q-G; Huang, P


    Patients with severe burns often develop acute lung injury (ALI), systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) often complicates with ALI. Sivelestat sodium hydrate is an effective drug against ALI. However, the mechanisms of this beneficial effect are still poorly understood. In the current study, we evaluate the effects of sivelestat sodium hydrate on systemic and local inflammatory parameters (neutrophil elastase [NE], interleukin [IL]-8, matrix metalloproteinase [MMP] 2 and 9) in a rat model of severe burns and ALI. And to analyze the correlations between expression of NE and IL-8 and acute lung injury. 48 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were divided into 3 groups: normal control group, severe burns injury group and severe burns treated with sivelestat sodium hydrate group (SSI). The lung water content and PaO2 were detected in each group. Pathological manifestations in each group were observed for pathology scoring in SD rats with acute lung injury. ELISA was used for detecting expression of NE and IL-8 in serum and BAL specimens of SD rats in each group. RT-PCR was used to detect mRNA expression of NE and IL-8 in lung tissues of each group. Western blotting was used for detecting protein expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in lung tissues of each group. SPSS 18.0 was used for statistical analysis. The PaO2 was significantly increased after sivelestat sodium hydrate intravenous injection. Pathological score and water content of lung tissue were significantly decreased in SSI group compared with severe burns injury group, slightly higher than that normal control group. NE and IL-8 levels significantly decreased in serum, BAL and lung tissue specimens after sivelestat sodium hydrate intravenous injection; Expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 were significantly up-regulated in severe burns group and showed no significantly changed after sivelestat sodium hydrate intravenous injection. In a rat model of severe burns and ALI, administration of sivelestat sodium hydrate improved

  7. "Normal Planetary" Ne-Q in Chelyabinsk and Mars

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nyquist, L. E.; Park, J.; Nagao, K.; Haba, M. K.; Mikouchi, T.; Kusakabe, M.; Shih, C.-Y.; Herzog, G. F.


    Chelyabinsk contains “Q”-noble gases. Martian shergottite Dhofar 378 contains trapped 20Ne/22Ne = 7.3±0.3, derivable from Q-Ne with 20Ne/22Ne = 10.67 via fractionation by solar wind induced sputtering. Martian juvenile Ne is suggested to be Q-Ne.

  8. Les campagnes communautaires de promotion du depistage VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : perceptions des usagers au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Desclaux, Alice; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Somé, Jean-François; Makhlouf-Obermeyer, Carla


    Résumé La politique actuelle de lutte contre le sida qui repose sur l’extension de l’accès aux traitements et à la prévention exige qu’une proportion élevée de la population connaisse son statut en matière de VIH. Pour cela, l’OMS a proposé le développement de stratégies communautaires délivrant le dépistage et le conseil au-delà des services de soins, comme le test à domicile ou les campagnes de sensibilisation et dépistage de grande envergure, appliqués en Afrique australe et de l’Est. Pour définir les stratégies pertinentes dans des régions de basse prévalence comme l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les expériences communautaires de promotion du dépistage doivent y être évaluées. Cet article présente une évaluation des campagnes au Burkina Faso du point de vue des usagers. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur les pratiques et l’éthique du dépistage dans quatre pays africains (MATCH), une enquête qualitative spécifique a été menée pendant la campagne de 2008, auprès de personnes ayant fait le test pendant la campagne, ayant fait le test hors campagne ou n’ayant pas fait le test. Les appréciations sont globalement très favorables aux campagnes, notamment à cause de l’information dispensée, l’accessibilité des sites, la gratuité du test, la qualité des services et l’effet d’entrainement. Les limites ou critiques sont essentiellement liées à l’affluence ou à la crainte de ne pas être soutenu en cas de résultat positif. La démarche de recours au test ne fait plus l’objet de suspicion, au moins pendant la campagne. Cette « normalisation » du recours au test et la mobilisation collective facilitent des pratiques en groupe, ce qui peut rendre difficile de garder son statut VIH secret. L’évaluation des campagnes par les usagers les présente comme une opportunité pour accéder facilement au test et pour communiquer à ce sujet dans divers espaces sociaux à partir des informations délivrées sur le VIH

  9. Role of neutrophil elastase in lung injury induced by burn-blast combined injury in rats.


    Chai, Jia-ke; Cai, Jian-hua; Deng, Hu-ping; Zou, Xiao-fang; Liu, Wei; Hu, Qing-gang; Shen, Chuan-an; Yin, Hui-nan; Zhang, Xi-bo; Chi, Yun-fei; Ma, Li; Feng, Rui


    Neutrophil elastase (NE) takes part in the pathogenesis of acute lung injury. However, its role in lung injury of burn-blast combined injury is unclear. Our objective was to assess the role of NE, and effect of sivelestat, a specific NE inhibitor, in lung injury induced by burn-blast combined injury in rats. One hundred and sixty male Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly subjected to burn-blast combined injury (BB) group, burn-blast combined injury plus sivelestat treatment (S) group or control (C) group. Blood gas, protein concentration and NE activity in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF), pulmonary myeloperoxidase (MPO) activity, serum concentrations of TNF-α and IL-8, etc. were investigated from 0 h to 7 d post-injury. In BB group, PaO2 decreased, while NE activity in BALF, total protein concentration in BALF, pulmonary MPO activity and W/D ratio, serum concentrations of TNF-α and IL-8 increased with neutrophil infiltration, progressive bleeding and pulmonary oedema. Compared with BB group, sivelestat treatment decreased the NE activity and ameliorated the above indexes. Sivelestat, exerts a protective effect in lung injury after burn-blast combined injury through inhibiting NE activity to decrease pulmonary vascular permeability, neutrophil sequestration, and production of TNF-α and IL-8. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd and ISBI. All rights reserved.

  10. Syndrome naviculo-capital de Fenton (à propos d’un nouveau cas)

    PubMed Central

    Bennis, Azzelarab; Benabbouha, Abdellatif; Ouzaa, Mohammed Reda; Lamkhanter, Adil; Benchakroun, Mohammed; Jaafar, Abdelouahab


    La fracture scapho-capitale ou syndrome naviculo-capital de Fenton, est une lésion très rare, souvent méconnue. Elle résulte d'un traumatisme du poignet de haute énergie. Son mécanisme est controversé. Les auteurs rapportent l'observation d'un patient,qui a présenté dans les suites d’un accident de la voie publique une fracture du scaphoïde associée à une fracture du capitatum, du triquetrum et de la styloïde cubitale. La voie d'abord dorsale, a permis une réduction et une contention par embrochage de la première rangée, indépendamment de la deuxième rangée. Les ligaments interosseux scapho-lunaire et lunaro-triquétral étaient intacts. Une immobilisation plâtrée antébrachio-palmaire a été mise en place pour 12 semaines. La rééducation a durée six mois. A deux ans de recul, le score fonctionnel de Cooney était bon et l'ensemble des fractures a consolidé sans aucune désaxation intracarpienne. La reprise du travail était au huitième mois après l’accident. Scapho-capitate fracture or Fenton’s naviculo-capitate fracture syndrome is a very rare and often ignored lesion. It is caused by a high-energy traumatic injury to the wrist. Its mechanism is controversial. This study reports the case of a patient with scaphoid fracture associated with fracture of the capitatum, triquetrum and ulnar styloid due to public road accident. Dorsal approach allowed reduction and containment by internal fixation in the first row, regardless the second row. Scapholunate interosseous ligaments and luno-triquetral were intact. The patient underwent antebrachial-palmar plaster immobilization for 12 weeks. Rehabilitation program lasted for six months. Cooney’s wrist function score was good and all fractures consolidated without intracarpal malalignment at 2 years follow up. The patient resumed work in the eighth month after the road accident. PMID:28690721

  11. Sterile Neutrino Searches in MiniBooNE and MicroBooNE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ignarra, Christina M.

    Tension among recent short baseline neutrino experiments has pointed toward the possible need for the addition of one or more sterile (non-interacting) neutrino states into the existing neutrino oscillation framework. This thesis fi rst presents the motivation for sterile neutrino models by describing the short-baseline anomalies that can be addressed with them. This is followed by a discussion of the phenomenology of these models. The MiniBooNE experiment and results are then described in detail, particularly the most recent antineutrino analysis. This will be followed by a discussion of global fits to world data, including the anomalous data sets. Lastly, futuremore » experiments will be addressed, especially focusing on the MicroBooNE experiment and light collection studies. In particular, understanding the degradation source of TPB, designing the TPB-coated plates for MicroBooNE and developing lightguide collection systems will be discussed. We find an excess of events in the MiniBooNE antineutrino mode results consistent with the LSND anomaly, but one that has a di fferent energy dependence than the low-energy excess reported in neutrino mode. This disagreement creates tension within global fi ts which include up to three sterile neutrinos. The low-energy excess will be addressed by the MicroBooNE experiment, which is expected to start taking data in early 2015. Tension among existing experiments calls for additional, more decisive future experiments.« less

  12. Continuous opacity from Ne^-

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    John, T. L.


    Free-free absorption coefficients of the negative neon ion are calculated by the phase-shift approximation based on multiconfiguration Hartree-Fock continuum wave functions. These wave functions accurately account for electron-neon correlation and polarization, and yield scattering cross-sections in excellent agreement with the latest experimental values. The coefficients are expected to give the best current estimates of Ne^- continuous absorption. We find that Ne^- makes only a small contribution (less than 0.3 per cent) to stellar opacities, including hydrogen-deficient stars with enhanced Ne abundances.

  13. Alignment relaxation of Ne*(2pi [J = 1]) atoms in He-Ne* glow discharges

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bahrim, Cristian; Khadilkar, Vaibhav; Matsukuma, Hiraku; Hasuo, Masahiro


    Alignment relaxation of the Ne*(2p5 3p; 2pi [J = 1]) atoms (where i = 2, 5, 7 or 10) induced by collisions with He atoms in glow discharges at 77 K < T < 1,000 K are reported. Close-coupling many-channel quantum calculations using a model potential for the Ne*(2p5 3p) - He system are compared with measurements of the alignment relaxation using the LIFS technique and the Hanle effect. The addition of the dipole polarization potential of the Ne*(2pi [J = 1]) atoms to the spin-orbit coupling and the electrostatic interaction between Ne* and He atoms leads to good agreement between theory and experiment.

  14. Differential effects of dietary fats on sympathetic nervous system activity in the rat.


    Young, J B; Walgren, M C


    Fat feeding stimulates sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activity in rats. To determine if fats vary in their potency as stimulants of the SNS, [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE) turnover was measured in heart and interscapular brown adipose tissue (IBAT) of animals fed lab chow diets supplemented with safflower oil, coconut oil, or medium-chain triglycerides (MCT). At 5 days, all three fats accelerated [3H]NE turnover in heart and did so equally, but only when the fat supplement represented an increase in energy intake. However, after 14 days, safflower oil and coconut oil but not MCT increased [3H]NE turnover in heart compared with turnover rates obtained in animals fed isoenergetic amounts of chow. Furthermore, the stimulatory effect of safflower oil on [3H]NE turnover was statistically greater than that seen in animals fed equivalent amounts of coconut oil. In vivo synthesis of NE assessed by accumulation of dopamine (DA) in heart following inhibition of dopamine-beta-hydroxylase (D beta H) was likewise highest in safflower oil-fed rats and lowest in those fed MCT. Thus, sympathetic activation by dietary fat varies among different fats, suggesting a role for fatty acid intake in dietary regulation of the SNS.

  15. Huanglian-Jie-Du-Tang Extract Ameliorates Depression-Like Behaviors through BDNF-TrkB-CREB Pathway in Rats with Chronic Unpredictable Stress

    PubMed Central

    Ye, Yi-Lu; Zhong, Kai; Liu, Dan-Dan; Xu, Jing; Pan, Bei-Bei; Yu, Yue-Ping


    Neuroinflammation is considered as one of the common pathogeneses of depression. Huanglian-Jie-Du-Tang (HJDT) is a traditional Chinese herbal formula. The present study investigates the antidepressant-like effect of HJDT and its possible mechanism in rats. Rats were given HJDT (2, 4, and 8 g/kg, intragastrically), paroxetine (1.8 mg/kg, intragastrically), or an equivalent volume of saline for 42 days. The depression-related behaviors, including sucrose preference test (SPT), open field test (OFT), novel objective recognition task (NORT), and forced swimming test (FST), were detected. 5-Hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and dopamine (DA) contents, microglial activation, proinflammatory cytokines, and brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), tropomyosin receptor kinases B (TrkB), and cAMP-responsive element binding protein (CREB) expression were investigated. The results indicated HJDT (2 and 4 g/kg) dramatically ameliorated the depression-like behaviors. Also HJDT decreased the number of microglia and the proinflammatory cytokines in hippocampus. Western-blotting analysis displayed HJDT upregulated BDNF, TrkB, and pCREB/CREB expression in hippocampus. Particularly, pCREB DNA activity enhanced with HJDT treatment in hippocampus. But there was no difference in the 5-HT and DA contents with HJDT treatment. In conclusion, it was supposed that HJDT might be a potential Chinese medicine decoction for treating or alleviating complex symptoms of depression through BDNF-TrkB-CREB pathway. PMID:28694833

  16. The effects of hindlimb unweighting on the capacitance of rat small mesenteric veins

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dunbar, S. L.; Berkowitz, D. E.; Brooks-Asplund, E. M.; Shoukas, A. A.


    Microgravity is associated with an impaired cardiac output response to orthostatic stress. Mesenteric veins are critical in modulating cardiac filling through venoconstriction. The purpose of this study was to determine the effects of simulated microgravity on the capacitance of rat mesenteric small veins. We constructed pressure-diameter relationships from vessels of 21-day hindlimb-unweighted (HLU) rats and control rats by changing the internal pressure and measuring the external diameter. Pressure-diameter relationships were obtained both before and after stimulation with norepinephrine (NE). The pressure-diameter curves of HLU vessels were shifted to larger diameters than control vessels. NE (10(-4) M) constricted veins from control animals such that the pressure-diameter relationship was significantly shifted downward (i.e., to smaller diameters at equal pressure). NE had no effect on vessels from HLU animals. These results indicate that, after HLU, unstressed vascular volume may be increased and can no longer decrease in response to sympathetic stimulation. This may partially underlie the mechanism leading to the exaggerated fall in cardiac output and stroke volume seen in astronauts during an orthostatic stress after exposure to microgravity.

  17. Unsaturated Fatty Acids Supplementation Reduces Blood Lead Level in Rats

    PubMed Central

    Skoczyńska, Anna; Wojakowska, Anna; Nowacki, Dorian; Bobak, Łukasz; Turczyn, Barbara; Smyk, Beata; Szuba, Andrzej; Trziszka, Tadeusz


    Some dietary factors could inhibit lead toxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary compounds rich in unsaturated fatty acids (FA) on blood lead level, lipid metabolism, and vascular reactivity in rats. Serum metallothionein and organs' lead level were evaluated with the aim of assessing the possible mechanism of unsaturated FA impact on blood lead level. For three months, male Wistar rats that were receiving drinking water with (100 ppm Pb) or without lead acetate were supplemented per os daily with virgin olive oil or linseed oil (0.2 mL/kg b.w.) or egg derived lecithin fraction: “super lecithin” (50 g/kg b.w.). Mesenteric artery was stimulated ex vivo by norepinephrine (NE) administered at six different doses. Lecithin supplementation slightly reduced pressor responses of artery to NE. Lead administered to rats attenuated the beneficial effect of unsaturated FA on lipid metabolism and vascular reactivity to adrenergic stimulation. On the other hand, the super lecithin and linseed oil that were characterized by low omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (about 1) reduced the blood lead concentration. This effect was observed in lead poisoned rats (p < 0.0001) and also in rats nonpoisoned with lead (p < 0.05). PMID:26075218

  18. Unsaturated fatty acids supplementation reduces blood lead level in rats.


    Skoczyńska, Anna; Wojakowska, Anna; Nowacki, Dorian; Bobak, Łukasz; Turczyn, Barbara; Smyk, Beata; Szuba, Andrzej; Trziszka, Tadeusz


    Some dietary factors could inhibit lead toxicity. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of dietary compounds rich in unsaturated fatty acids (FA) on blood lead level, lipid metabolism, and vascular reactivity in rats. Serum metallothionein and organs' lead level were evaluated with the aim of assessing the possible mechanism of unsaturated FA impact on blood lead level. For three months, male Wistar rats that were receiving drinking water with (100 ppm Pb) or without lead acetate were supplemented per os daily with virgin olive oil or linseed oil (0.2 mL/kg b.w.) or egg derived lecithin fraction: "super lecithin" (50 g/kg b.w.). Mesenteric artery was stimulated ex vivo by norepinephrine (NE) administered at six different doses. Lecithin supplementation slightly reduced pressor responses of artery to NE. Lead administered to rats attenuated the beneficial effect of unsaturated FA on lipid metabolism and vascular reactivity to adrenergic stimulation. On the other hand, the super lecithin and linseed oil that were characterized by low omega-6 to omega-3 ratio (about 1) reduced the blood lead concentration. This effect was observed in lead poisoned rats (p < 0.0001) and also in rats nonpoisoned with lead (p < 0.05).

  19. Effect of the Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown essential oil and its main constituents, citral and limonene, on the tracheal smooth muscle of rats.


    Carvalho, Poliana M M; Macêdo, Cícero A F; Ribeiro, Tiago F; Silva, Andressa A; Da Silva, Renata E R; de Morais, Luís P; Kerntopf, Marta R; Menezes, Irwin R A; Barbosa, Roseli


    The Lippia alba (Mill.) N.E. Brown (Verbenaceae) species, has effects sedative, analgesic and spasmolytic properties. This study had as its main objective to evaluate the essential oil of L. alba (EOLa) effect and that of its main constituents, citral and limonene, over tracheal smooth muscle from Wistar rats. EOLa, citral and limonene promoted relaxation of tracheal smooth muscle in contractions induced by potassium (60 mM K + ), presenting an EC 50 of 148 ± 7 μg/mL for the EOLa, 136 ± 7 μg/mL for citral and 581 ± 7 μg/mL for limonene. In contractions induced by Acetylcholine (Ach; 10 μM) the EC 50 for the EOLa and citral were of 731 ± 5 μg/mL and 795 ± 9 μg/mL, respectively. In preparations pre-incubated with 1000 μg/mL of the EOLa and citral, both agents were found to block the influx of BaCl 2 by VOCCs. This study demonstrated that the EOLa and its main component citral present antispasmodic effect over tracheal smooth muscle of rats.

  20. Mesure de haute resolution de la fonction de distribution radiale du silicium amorphe pur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laaziri, Khalid


    Cette these porte sur l'etude de la structure du silicium amorphe prepare par irradiation ionique. Elle presente des mesures de diffraction de rayons X sur de la poudre de silicium cristallin, du silicium amorphe relaxe et non relaxe, ainsi que tous les developpements mathematiques et physiques necessaires pour extraire la fonction de distribution radiale correspondant a chaque echantillon. Au Chapitre I, nous presentons une methode de fabrication de membranes minces de silicium amorphe pur. Il y a deux etapes majeures lors du processus de fabrication: l'implantation ionique, afin de creer une couche amorphe de plusieurs microns et l'attaque chimique, pour enlever le reste du materiau cristallin. Nous avons caracterise premierement les membranes de silicium amorphe par spectroscopie Raman pour verifier qu'il ne reste plus de trace de materiau cristallin dans les films amorphes. Une deuxieme caracterisation par detection de recul elastique (ERD-TOF) sur ces memes membranes a montre qu'il y a moins de 0.1% atomique de contaminants tels que l'oxygene, le carbone, et l'hydrogene. Au Chapitre II, nous proposons une nouvelle methode de correction de la contribution inelastique "Compton" des spectres de diffusion totale afin d'extraire les pics de diffusion elastique, responsable de la diffraction de Bragg. L'article presente tout d'abord une description simplifiee d'une theorie sur la diffusion inelastique dite "Impulse Approximation" (IA) qui permet de calculer des profils de Compton en fonction de l'energie et de l'angle de diffusion 2theta. Ces profils sont utilises comme fonction de lissage de la diffusion Compton experimentale. Pour lisser les pics de diffusion elastique, nous avons utilise une fonction pic de nature asymetrique. Aux Chapitre III, nous exposons de maniere detaillee les resultats des experiences de diffraction de rayons X sur les membranes de silicium amorphe et la poudre de silicium cristallin que nous avons preparees. Nous abordons aussi les

  1. MicroBooNE: The Search For The MiniBooNE Low Energy Excess

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kaleko, David

    This thesis describes work towards the search for a low energy excess in MicroBooNE. What MicroBooNE is, what the low energy excess is, and how one searches for the latter in the former will be described in detail.

  2. Tumeur stromale du mésentère: une cause inhabituelle d'une masse abdominale

    PubMed Central

    Tarchouli, Mohamed; Bounaim, Ahmed; Boudhas, Adil; Ratbi, Moulay Brahim; Ndjota, Bobby Nguele; Ali, Abdelmounaim Ait; Sair, Khalid


    Les tumeurs stromales gastro-intestinales (GIST) sont les tumeurs mésenchymateuses les plus fréquentes du tractus digestif. Elles représentent une entité nosologique individualisée depuis la découverte de l'expression quasi-constante de la protéine c-Kit détectée par la coloration immunohistochimique de l'antigène CD117. Des tumeurs avec les mêmes caractéristiques morphologiques et immuno-phénotypiques peuvent rarement apparaître en dehors du tractus gastro-intestinal. Nous rapportons le cas d'une jeune patiente de 34 ans présentant une masse tumorale mésentérique se révélant être de nature stromale sans aucun contact avec la paroi intestinale. Il s'agit d'une localisation très rare des tumeurs stromales à laquelle il faut penser en préopératoire afin d'avoir une conduite thérapeutique adaptée et efficace. PMID:26327998

  3. Norepinephrine-evoked salt-sensitive hypertension requires impaired renal sodium chloride cotransporter activity in Sprague-Dawley rats.


    Walsh, Kathryn R; Kuwabara, Jill T; Shim, Joon W; Wainford, Richard D


    Recent studies have implicated a role of norepinephrine (NE) in the activation of the sodium chloride cotransporter (NCC) to drive the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. However, the interaction between NE and increased salt intake on blood pressure remains to be fully elucidated. This study examined the impact of a continuous NE infusion on sodium homeostasis and blood pressure in conscious Sprague-Dawley rats challenged with a normal (NS; 0.6% NaCl) or high-salt (HS; 8% NaCl) diet for 14 days. Naïve and saline-infused Sprague-Dawley rats remained normotensive when placed on HS and exhibited dietary sodium-evoked suppression of peak natriuresis to hydrochlorothiazide. NE infusion resulted in the development of hypertension, which was exacerbated by HS, demonstrating the development of the salt sensitivity of blood pressure [MAP (mmHg) NE+NS: 151 ± 3 vs. NE+HS: 172 ± 4; P < 0.05]. In these salt-sensitive animals, increased NE prevented dietary sodium-evoked suppression of peak natriuresis to hydrochlorothiazide, suggesting impaired NCC activity contributes to the development of salt sensitivity [peak natriuresis to hydrochlorothiazide (μeq/min) Naïve+NS: 9.4 ± 0.2 vs. Naïve+HS: 7 ± 0.1; P < 0.05; NE+NS: 11.1 ± 1.1; NE+HS: 10.8 ± 0.4). NE infusion did not alter NCC expression in animals maintained on NS; however, dietary sodium-evoked suppression of NCC expression was prevented in animals challenged with NE. Chronic NCC antagonism abolished the salt-sensitive component of NE-mediated hypertension, while chronic ANG II type 1 receptor antagonism significantly attenuated NE-evoked hypertension without restoring NCC function. These data demonstrate that increased levels of NE prevent dietary sodium-evoked suppression of the NCC, via an ANG II-independent mechanism, to stimulate the development of salt-sensitive hypertension. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  4. The 20Ne(d,p) 21Ne Transfer Reaction in Relation to the s-Process Abundances

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Nsangu, C. T.; Laird, A. M.; Parikh, A.


    A study of the Ne-20(d,p)Ne-21 transfer reaction was performed using the Quadrupole Dipole Dipole Dipole (Q3D) magnetic spectrograph in Garching, Germany. The experiment probed excitation energies in Ne-21 ranging from 6.9 MeV to 8.5 MeV. The aim was to investigate the spectroscopic information of Ne-21 within the Gamow window of core helium burning in massive stars. Further information in this region will help reduce the uncertainties on the extrapolation down to Gamow window cross sections of the O-17(alpha,gamma)Ne-21 reaction. In low metallicity stars, this reaction has a direct impact on s-process abundances by determining the fate of O-16 as eithermore » a neutron poison or a neutron absorber. The experiment used a 22-MeV deuteron beam, with intensities varying from 0.5-1 mu A, and an implanted target of Ne-20 of 7 mu g/cm(2) in 40 mu g/cm(2) carbon foils. Sixteen Ne-21 peaks have been identified in the E-x = 6.9-8.5 MeV range, of which only thirteen peaks correspond to known states. Only the previously-known E-x = 7.960 MeV state was observed within the Gamow window.« less

  5. Noise stimulation decreases the concentration of norepinephrine in the rat cochlea.


    Vicente-Torres, M A; Gil-Loyzaga, P


    The present study was designed to analyze, by using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), the effect of acoustic stimulation on the cochlear concentration of norepinephrine (NE). Independently of the rat strain (Long-Evans or Wistar strains), NE concentration decreased about 18% when animals were exposed to white noise (90 dB SPL for 1 h). The same decrease was observed in animals perfused by aortic pathway to remove the blood, indicating that this decrease corresponds exclusively to a neurophysiological process. In fact, these findings could indicate that noise stimulation is involved in the NE release from sympathetic fibers innervating the cochlea. This likely release of NE supports that sympathetic fibers play a functional role in cochleae exposed to noisy situations.

  6. Geochronometry and thermochronometry using nucleogenic 21Ne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Farley, K. A.; Flowers, R. M.; Vasconcelos, P. M.


    Nucleogenic 21Ne is produced by the interaction of α particles with 18O. While the cross section for this reaction is small (about 1 α in 25 million participates), 21Ne excesses can be measured in a variety of minerals, forming the basis of (U-Th)/Ne chronometry. Previous work focused on thermochronometry of U, Th rich trace minerals. For example, Gautheron et al. (2005) studied nucleogenic Ne in zircon and inferred a closure temperature of ~400 C. Our preliminary Ne diffusion data on Durango apatite suggests Tc ~280 C. The method can also be applied to phases with much lower U and Th contents in which the 21Ne is measurable on old and/or large specimens. We have obtained (U-Th)/Ne ages on ~50 mg samples of iron oxides with ppm-level U and Th and Ne ages of 50-500 Ma. For example, hematites from the Neoproterozoic (?) Urucum BIF yield a 21Ne age of 470 ± 15 Ma and post-depositional hydrothermal hematite in the Redwall Limestone in the Grand Canyon yields an age of 251 ± 11 Ma. In both cases (U-Th)/He ages are more than 100 Myr younger. Outstanding issues with this method are 1) the diffusivity of Ne - are we measuring cooling ages or formation ages?, 2) how well known is the production rate?, and 3) in what minerals is the air component sufficiently small to permit precision measurements of 21Ne excesses?

  7. L’identification et traitement du trouble panique avec ou sans agoraphobie

    PubMed Central

    Foldes-Busque, Guillaume; Marchand, André; Landry, Pierre


    RÉSUMÉ OBJECTIF Renseigner les médecins de première ligne au sujet de l’identification précoce, du diagnostic et du traitement du trouble panique avec ou sans agoraphobie (TP/A). QUALITÉ DES DONNÉES Les données et recommandations présentées proviennent d’une recension des écrits scientifiques réalisée via les banques de données PsycLIT, PsyINFO et MEDLINE (1985 à 2006) en utilisant les descripteurs panic disorder, psychotherapy, psychosocial treatment, treatment et pharmacotherapy. Les recommandations formulées par les auteurs s’appuient sur des données probantes provenant d’études d’excellente qualité. Les informations concernant le diagnostic et l’évaluation du TP/A proviennent d’études épidémiologiques récentes, de consensus et d’opinions d’experts. PRINCIPAL MESSAGE Le TP/A est un trouble psychiatrique souvent rencontré en médecine de première ligne, mais il est fréquemment sous-diagnostiqué et sous-traité. L’identification précoce de ce trouble demande une attention particulière aux symptômes médicalement inexpliqués et, le cas échéant, le médecin doit utiliser des questions spécifiques permettant d’identifier d’éventuelles attaques de panique et de cerner leur signification pour le patient. Le traitement de premier choix pour ce trouble est une psychothérapie d’orientation cognitivo-comportementale administrée par un psychologue ou un psychiatre spécialisé. Si de telles ressources ne sont pas disponibles, le médecin peut opter pour un traitement psychopharmacologique. CONCLUSION Les médecins de famille peuvent jouer un rôle central dans l’identification et le traitement des patients souffrant d’un TP/A. PMID:17934032

  8. Integrated pharmacokinetics of major bioactive components in MCAO rats after oral administration of Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang.


    Zhu, Huaxu; Qian, Zhilei; Li, Huan; Guo, Liwei; Pan, Linmei; Zhang, Qichun; Tang, Yuping


    Huang-Lian-Jie-Du-Tang (HLJDT, or Oren-gedoku-to in Japanese), an important multi-herb remedy in China and other Asia countries, has been used clinically to treat cerebral ischemia for decades. According to the previous studies we have reported, an HPLC method was developed and validated for determination of berberine, palmatine, baicalin, baicalein and geniposide simultaneously in MCAO rat plasma after administration of HLJDT aqueous extract. A classified integral pharmacokinetic method was put forward after having compared the integrated concentration-time profile with that of single component. An AUC based weighting approach was used for integrated principle. The results indicated the classified integral pharmacokinetic profile of index components from HLJDT could reveal the pharmacokinetic behavior of original components, and was corresponding to the holistic pharmacological effects of anti-ischemia with HLJDT. This study was aimed to explore an approach that could be applied to integrate the pharmacokinetic behavior of different components derived from HLJDT. The integrated pharmacokinetic results also provided more information for further understanding of the clinical cerebrovascular disease in use of HLJDT. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  9. Place du traitement chirurgical sous circulation extracorporelle à cœur battant dans les cancers du rein avec envahissement cave supra-diaphragmatique: à propos de sept cas

    PubMed Central

    Lahyani, Mounir; Karmouni, Tarik; Elkhader, Khalid; Koutani, Abdellatif; Andaloussi, Ahmed Ibn Attya


    Ce travail vise à analyser les résultats de la néphrectomie avec thrombectomie atrio-cave sous circulation extracorporelle (CEC) chez sept patients ayant un cancer du rein avec envahissement cave supra-diaphragmatique et de discuter les indications opératoires. Sept patients, six hommes et une femme dont l’âge varie entre 46ans et 65ans, ont été opérés d'un cancer du rein avec extension atrio-cave. L’écho-doppler a toujours permis la mise en évidence de l'extension veineuse mais la limite supérieure du thrombus était formellement identifiée par l'examen tomodensitométrique quatre fois, et par la résonance magnétique nucléaire dans tous les cas. Tous les patients ont été opérés sous CEC à cœur battant en normothermie. Un seul décès postopératoire est survenu. La durée du séjour en réanimation a été de 4,5 jours. Cinq patients ont eu à distance une dissémination métastatique. Cinq malades ont eu une médiane de survie de 11,5 mois (de 7 à16). Un malade a subi une métastasectomie pulmonaire 6 mois après la néphrectomie. L'exérèse des thrombi atrio-caves a été facilitée par la CEC avec une mortalité et une morbidité postopératoires acceptables mais les résultats à distance ont été décevants. Cette intervention ne peut être proposée qu'aux patients n'ayant aucune extension locorégionale et générale décelable, ce qui souligne l'importance des examens morphologiques préopératoires. PMID:25995777

  10. BooNE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McKenney, S.; Smith, D.; Koutsoliotas, S.; Church, E.; Stancu, I.; Vandalen, G. J.; Johnson, R. A.; Bugel, L.; Conrad, J. M.; Formaggio, J.; Shaevitz, M. H.; Tamminga, B.; Zimmerman, E.; Bhat, C.; Brown, B. C.; Ford, R.; Kasper, P.; Kourbanis, I.; Malensek, A.; Marsh, W.; Martin, P.; Mills, F.; Moore, C.; Russell, A.; Stefanski, R.; Eitel, K.; Garvey, G. T.; Hawker, E.; Louis, W. C.; Mills, G. B.; Sandberg, V.; Sapp, B.; Tayloe, R.; White, D. H.; Imlay, R.; Kim, H. J.; Malik, A.; Metcalf, W.; Sung, M.; Azemoon, T.; Ball, R.; Berbeco, R.; Riles, K.; Roe, B. P.; Wadia, N.; Yamamoto, J.; Bazarko, A. O.; Meyers, P. D.; Shoemaker, F. C.


    The phenomenon of neutrino oscillations, where a neutrino of one type spontaneously transforms into a neutrino of another type, has important and far-reaching consequences for particle physics and cosmology. For this phenomenon to occur, at least one neutrino must be massive and the heretofore observed lepton flavor conservation law must be violated. There are, at present, several results that indicate neutrino oscillations and it is not clear how and if these experimental results are indicative of the situation that actually obtains in Nature. There is evidence for a deficit of electrons neutrinos observed emanating from the sun. There is evidence for a deficit of electron neutrinos compared to muon neutrinos created in the upper atmosphere. And, there is an excess of electron antineutrinos observed in a beam of muon antineutrinos by the LSND experiment. The Booster Neutrino Experiment (BooNE) will focus on the final observation by definitely testing the LSND result. BooNE has been approved to run at Fermilab and is currently under construction. If the LSND result is due to oscillations, the first stage of the experiment (miniBooNE) will observe approximately 1000 oscillation events in the first calendar year of operation.

  11. speed-ne: Software to simulate and estimate genetic effective population size (Ne ) from linkage disequilibrium observed in single samples.


    Hamilton, Matthew B; Tartakovsky, Maria; Battocletti, Amy


    The genetic effective population size, N e , can be estimated from the average gametic disequilibrium (r2^) between pairs of loci, but such estimates require evaluation of assumptions and currently have few methods to estimate confidence intervals. speed-ne is a suite of matlab computer code functions to estimate Ne^ from r2^ with a graphical user interface and a rich set of outputs that aid in understanding data patterns and comparing multiple estimators. speed-ne includes functions to either generate or input simulated genotype data to facilitate comparative studies of Ne^ estimators under various population genetic scenarios. speed-ne was validated with data simulated under both time-forward and time-backward coalescent models of genetic drift. Three classes of estimators were compared with simulated data to examine several general questions: what are the impacts of microsatellite null alleles on Ne^, how should missing data be treated, and does disequilibrium contributed by reduced recombination among some loci in a sample impact Ne^. Estimators differed greatly in precision in the scenarios examined, and a widely employed Ne^ estimator exhibited the largest variances among replicate data sets. speed-ne implements several jackknife approaches to estimate confidence intervals, and simulated data showed that jackknifing over loci and jackknifing over individuals provided ~95% confidence interval coverage for some estimators and should be useful for empirical studies. speed-ne provides an open-source extensible tool for estimation of Ne^ from empirical genotype data and to conduct simulations of both microsatellite and single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data types to develop expectations and to compare Ne^ estimators. © 2018 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. L’évaluation du risque cardiaque avant l’utilisation de stimulants chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Bélanger, SA; Warren, AE; Hamilton, RM; Gray, C; Gow, RM; Sanatani, S; Côté, J-M; Lougheed, J; LeBlanc, J; Martin, S; Miles, B; Mitchell, C; Gorman, DA; Weiss, M; Schachar, R


    Les décisions en matière de réglementation et les documents scientifiques au sujet de la prise en charge du trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) soulèvent des questions quant à l’innocuité des médicaments et à l’évaluation convenable à effectuer avant le traitement afin de déterminer la pertinence d’une pharmacothérapie. Ce constat est particulièrement vrai en présence de cardiopathies structurelles ou fonctionnelles. Le présent article contient l’analyse des données disponibles, y compris les publications révisées par des pairs, des données tirées du site Web de la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis au sujet des réactions indésirables déclarées chez des enfants qui prennent des stimulants, ainsi que des données de Santé Canada sur le même problème. Des lignes directrices consensuelles sur l’évaluation pertinente sont proposées d’après l’apport des membres de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie, de la Société canadienne de cardiologie et de l’Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, qui possèdent notamment des compétences et des connaissances précises tant dans le secteur du TDAH que de la cardiologie pédiatrique. Le présent document de principes prône une anamnèse et un examen physique détaillés avant la prescription de stimulants et s’attarde sur le dépistage des facteurs de risque de mort subite, mais il ne contient pas de recommandations systématiques de dépistage électrocardiographique ou de consultations avec un spécialiste en cardiologie, à moins que les antécédents ou que l’examen physique ne le justifient. Le document contient un questionnaire pour repérer les enfants potentiellement vulnérables à une mort subite (quel que soit le type de TDAH ou les médicaments utilisés pour le traiter). Même si les recommandations dépendent des meilleures données probantes disponibles, le comité s’entend pour affirmer que

  13. The Locus Coeruleus–Norepinephrine System Mediates Empathy for Pain through Selective Up-Regulation of P2X3 Receptor in Dorsal Root Ganglia in Rats

    PubMed Central

    Lü, Yun-Fei; Yang, Yan; Li, Chun-Li; Wang, Yan; Li, Zhen; Chen, Jun


    Empathy for pain (vicariously felt pain), an ability to feel, recognize, understand and share the painful emotions of others, has been gradually accepted to be a common identity in both humans and rodents, however, the underlying neural and molecular mechanisms are largely unknown. Recently, we have developed a rat model of empathy for pain in which pain can be transferred from a cagemate demonstrator (CD) in pain to a naïve cagemate observer (CO) after 30 min dyadic priming social interaction. The naïve CO rats display both mechanical pain hypersensitivity (hyperalgesia) and enhanced spinal nociception. Chemical lesions of bilateral medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) abolish the empathic pain response completely, suggesting existence of a top-down facilitation system in production of empathy for pain. However, the social transfer of pain was not observed in non-cagemate observer (NCO) after dyadic social interaction with a non-cagemate demonstrator (NCD) in pain. Here we showed that dyadic social interaction with a painful CD resulted in elevation of circulating norepinephrine (NE) and increased neuronal activity in the locus coeruleus (LC) in the CO rats. Meanwhile, CO rats also had over-expression of P2X3, but not TRPV1, in the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). Chemical lesion of the LC-NE neurons by systemic DSP-4 and pharmacological inhibition of central synaptic release of NE by clonidine completely abolished increase in circulating NE and P2X3 receptor expression, as well as the sympathetically-maintained development of empathic mechanical hyperalgesia. However, in the NCO rats, neither the LC-NE neuronal activity nor the P2X3 receptor expression was altered after dyadic social interaction with a painful NCD although the circulating corticosterone and NE were elevated. Finally, in the periphery, both P2X3 receptor and α1 adrenergic receptor were found to be involved in the development of empathic mechanical hyperalgesia. Taken together with our previous results

  14. Differential effects of inhalation exposure to PM2.5 on hypothalamic monoamines and corticotrophin releasing hormone in lean and obese rats.


    Balasubramanian, Priya; Sirivelu, Madhu P; Weiss, Kathryn A; Wagner, James G; Harkema, Jack R; Morishita, Masako; Mohankumar, P S; Mohankumar, Sheba M J


    Acute exposure to airborne pollutants, especially particulate matter (PM2.5) is known to increase hospital admissions for cardiovascular conditions, increase cardiovascular related mortality and predispose the elderly and obese individuals to cardiovascular conditions. The mechanisms by which PM2.5 exposure affects the cardiovascular system is not clear. Since the autonomic system plays an important role in cardiovascular regulation, we hypothesized that PM2.5 exposure most likely activates the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of the hypothalamus to cause an increase in sympathetic nervous system and/or stress axis activity. We also hypothesized that these changes may be sustained in obese rats predisposing them to higher cardiovascular risk. To test this, adult male Brown Norway (BN) rats were subjected to one day or three days of inhalation exposures to filtered air (FA) or concentrated air particulate (CAP) derived from ambient PM2.5. Corpulent JCR-LA rats were exposed to FA or CAP for four days. Animals were sacrificed 24h after the last inhalation exposure. Their brains were removed, frozen and sectioned. The PVN and median eminence (ME) were microdissected. PVN was analyzed for norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and 5-hydroxy-indole acetic acid (5-HIAA) levels using HPLC-EC. ME was analyzed for corticotrophin releasing hormone (CRH) levels by ELISA. One day exposure to CAP increased NE levels in the PVN and CRH levels in the ME of BN rats. Repeated exposures to CAP did not affect NE levels in the PVN of BN rats, but increased NE levels in JCR/LA rats. A similar pattern was observed with 5-HIAA levels. DA levels on the other hand, were unaffected in both BN and JCR/LA strains. These data suggest that repeated exposures to PM2.5 continue to stimulate the PVN in obese animals but not lean rats. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. La grossesse chez les hémodialysées chroniques

    PubMed Central

    Doukkali, Bouchra; Bahadi, Abdelaali; Rafik, Hicham; Kabbaj, Driss; Benyahia, Mohamed


    La survenue d'une grossesse en hémodialyse chronique (HDC) est rare, mais depuis la description du premier cas par Confortini en 1971, plusieurs observations ont été rapportées. L'hémodialyse a considérablement amélioré la fertilité de ces patientes. Nous rapportons l'expérience de douze grossesses survenues entre 1999 et 2014, chez douze patientes d’âge médian 34 ans (22-44), en hémodialyse (HD) depuis 40 mois (3-72), l’âge gestationnel moyen de diagnostic est de 16 semaines d'aménorrhée, la grossesse était compliquée dans 50% des cas par un hydramnios. Le terme moyen est de 35 semaine d'aménorrhée (SA) et l'accouchement a été réalisé dans 90% des grossesses par voie basse. Le poids moyen des nouveau-nés est de 1800g. De telles grossesses sont à haut risque du fait de la fréquence des complications. Elles devraient être contrôlées par les équipes multidisciplinaires, et la consultation prénatal ne devrait pas être négligée. L'objectif de ce travail est de rapporter notre expérience concernant la survenue d'une grossesse chez les patientes dialysées et de la confronter aux données de la littérature. PMID:26113944

  16. Evaluation du traitement antirétroviral chez les femmes enceintes VIH-1 positif, sur la transmission de l'infection de la mère à l'enfant: cas du Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou, au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Soubeiga, Serge Theophile; Compaore, Rebecca; Djigma, Florencia; Zagre, Nicaise; Assengone, Elsa; Traore, Lassina; Diarra, Birama; Bisseye, Cyrille; Ouermi, Djeneba; Sagna, Tani; Karou, Simplice; Pietra, Virginio; Simpore, Jacques


    Introduction L'infection au VIH chez les nouveau-nés par leur mère peut être réduite grâce à des programmes de prévention de transmission mère-enfant du VIH (PTME). L'objectif dans cette étude était d’évaluer le traitement antirétroviral chez les femmes enceintes VIH-1 positif sur la transmission mère-enfant de l'infection au Centre Médical Saint Camille de Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. Méthodes Des échantillons de spot de sang total ont été collectés chez 160 enfants âgés de 6 semaines, nés de mères VIH-1 positif et chez 40 enfants âgés de 2 à 13 mois provenant d'orphelinats et dont les mères étaient inconnues. Ces échantillons ont été testés avec le kit Abbott Real Time HIV-1 Qualitative. Un questionnaire a permis de connaitre les âges et les fonctions des femmes enceintes. Résultats Les femmes enceintes avaient un âge moyen global de 29,50±5,19 ans. Au total, 50,5% (101/200) ont été mises sous combinaison AZT/3TC/NVP et 29,5% (59/200) étaient sous prophylaxie (AZT/3TC). Le taux de transmission verticale du VIH-1 était de 0,0% (0/160) (p < 0,001) chez les enfants dont les mères étaient sous combinaison AZT/3TC/NVP ou sous prophylaxie AZT/3TC et de 15,0% (6/40) chez les enfants orphelins qui n’étaient pas inclus dans le protocole de la PTME. Conclusion Selon les résultats, le protocole de la PTME est efficace et réduit très significativement le risque de transmission du VIH-1 de la mère à l'enfant. De plus, le dépistage par PCR, des enfants orphelins infectés verticalement par le VIH, permet leur prise en charge thérapeutique précoce. PMID:26301003

  17. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes

    PubMed Central

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    HISTORIQUE : De 20 % à 30 % des Canadiens qui vivent avec le VIH sont co-infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), lequel est responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité importantes. La prise en charge du VIH et du VHC est plus complexe en raison de l’évolution accélérée de la maladie hépatique, du choix et des critères d’initiation de la thérapie antirétrovirale et du traitement anti-VHC, de la prise en charge de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies, des obstacles socioéconomiques et des interactions entre les nouvelles thérapies antivirales à action directe du VHC et les antirétroviraux OBJECTIF : Élaborer des normes nationales de prise en charge des adultes co-infectés par le VHC et le VIH dans le contexte canadien. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Le Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada a réuni un groupe d’experts possédant des compétences cliniques en co-infection par le VIH et le VHC pour réviser les publications à jour ainsi que les lignes directrices et les protocoles en place. Après une vaste sollicitation afin d’obtenir des points de vue, le groupe de travail a approuvé des recommandations consensuelles, qu’il a caractérisées au moyen d’une échelle de qualité des preuves fondée sur la classe (bienfaits par rapport aux préjudices) et sur la catégorie (degré de certitude). RÉSULTATS : Toutes les personnes co-infectées par le VIH et le VHC devraient subir une évaluation en vue de recevoir un traitement du VHC. Les personnes qui ne sont pas en mesure d’entreprendre un traitement du VHC devraient être soignées pour le VIH afin de ralentir l’évolution de la maladie hépatique. La norme de traitement du VHC de génotype 1 est un régime comprenant de l’interféron pégylé et de la ribavirine dosée en fonction du poids, associés à un inhibiteur de la protéase du VHC. Pour les génotypes 2 ou 3, une bithérapie classique est recommandée pendant 24 semaines s

  18. Effect of Zuogui Pill () on monoamine neurotransmitters and sex hormones in climacteric rats with panic attack.


    Li, Xiao-Yu; Wang, Xiao-Yun


    To explore the effects of Chinese medicine prescription Zuogui Pill (, ZGP) on monoamine neurotransmitters and sex hormones in climacteric rats with induced panic attacks. Forty-eight climacteric female rats were randomized into 6 groups with 8 rats in each group: the control group, the model group, the low-, medium- and high-dose ZGP groups and the alprazolam group. Rats in the low-, medium- and high-dose ZGP groups were administered 4.725, 9.45, or 18.9 g/kg ZGP by gastric perfusion, respectively. The alprazolam group was treated by gastric perfusion with 0.036 mg/kg alprazolam. The control and model groups were treated with distilled water. The animals were pretreated once daily for 8 consecutive weeks. The behaviors of rats in the open fifield test and the elevated T-maze (ETM) were observed after induced panic attack, and the levels of brain monoamine neurotransmitters and the plasma levels of sex hormones were measured. Compared with the control group, the mean ETM escape time and the levels of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) and noradrenalin (NE) of the model group were signifificantly reduced (P<0.05), Compared with the model group, the mean ETM escape time and the 5-HT and NE levels of all the ZGP groups increased signifificantly (P<0.05 or P<0.01). However, no signifificant difference was observed in the levels of sex hormones between the groups. Pretreatment with ZGP in climacteric rats may improve the behavior of panic attack, which may be related to increased 5-HT and NE in the brain.

  19. Identification et prise en charge des femmes ayant des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Heisey, Ruth; Carroll, June C.


    Résumé Objectif Résumer les meilleures données portant sur les stratégies d’identification et de prise en charge des femmes qui présentent des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein. Sources d’information Une recherche a été effectuée sur PubMed à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, guidelines, risk, family history, management et magnetic resonance imaging screening, entre 2000 et 2016. La plupart des données sont de niveau II. Message principal Une bonne anamnèse familiale est essentielle lors de l’évaluation du risque de cancer du sein afin d’identifier les femmes qui sont candidates à une recommandation en counseling génétique pour un éventuel test génétique. On peut sauver des vies en offrant aux femmes porteuses d’une mutation au gène BRCA des interventions chirurgicales de réduction des risques (mastectomie bilatérale prophylactique, salpingo-ovariectomie bilatérale). Il faut encourager toutes les femmes qui présentent des antécédents familiaux de cancer du sein à demeurer actives et à limiter leur consommation d’alcool à moins de 1 verre par jour; certaines femmes sont admissibles à la chimioprévention. Il faut offrir aux femmes dont le risque à vie de cancer du sein est de 20 à 25 % ou plus un dépistage poussé par imagerie par résonance magnétique en plus d’une mammographie. Conclusion Une vie saine et la chimioprévention (chez les candidates) pourraient réduire l’incidence du cancer du sein; le dépistage poussé pourrait entraîner une détection plus précoce. Le fait d’aiguiller des femmes porteuses d’une mutation au BRCA vers la chirurgie de réduction des risques sauve des vies. PMID:27737991

  20. Regulation of period 1 expression in cultured rat pineal

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fukuhara, Chiaki; Dirden, James C.; Tosini, Gianluca


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the in vitro expression of Period 1 (Per1), Period 2 (Per2) and arylalkylamine N-acetyltransferase (AA-NAT) genes in the rat pineal gland to understand the mechanism(s) regulating the expression of these genes in this organ. Pineals, when maintained in vitro for 5 days, did not show circadian rhythmicity in the expression of any of the three genes monitored. Norepinephrine (NE) induced AA-NAT and Per1, whereas its effect on Per2 was negligible. Contrary to what was observed in other systems, NE stimulation did not induce circadian expression of Per1. The effect of NE on Per1 level was dose- and receptor subtype-dependent, and both cAMP and cGMP induced Per1. Per1 was not induced by repeated NE - or forskolin - stimulation. Protein synthesis was not necessary for NE-induced Per1, but it was for reduction of Per1 following NE stimulation. Per1 transcription in pinealocytes was activated by BMAL1/CLOCK. Our results indicate that important differences are present in the regulation of these genes in the mammalian pineal. Copyright 2002 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  1. The NeXus data format.


    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A; Bernstein, Herbert J; Brewster, Aaron S; Campbell, Stuart I; Clausen, Björn; Cottrell, Stephen; Hoffmann, Jens Uwe; Jemian, Pete R; Männicke, David; Osborn, Raymond; Peterson, Peter F; Richter, Tobias; Suzuki, Jiro; Watts, Benjamin; Wintersberger, Eugen; Wuttke, Joachim


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamline. This is a very important use case. Second, it defines standards in the form of application definitions for the exchange of data between applications. NeXus provides structures for raw experimental data as well as for processed data.

  2. The NeXus data format

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A.; Bernstein, Herbert J.


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamline. This is a very important use case. Second, it defines standards in the form of application definitionsmore » for the exchange of data between applications. NeXus provides structures for raw experimental data as well as for processed data.« less

  3. Effets de l'humidite sur la propagation du delaminage dans un composite carbone/epoxy sollicite en mode mixte I/II

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    LeBlanc, Luc R.

    Les materiaux composites sont de plus en plus utilises dans des domaines tels que l'aerospatiale, les voitures a hautes performances et les equipements sportifs, pour en nommer quelques-uns. Des etudes ont demontre qu'une exposition a l'humidite nuit a la resistance des composites en favorisant l'initiation et la propagation du delaminage. De ces etudes, tres peu traitent de l'effet de l'humidite sur l'initiation du delaminage en mode mixte I/II et aucune ne traite des effets de l'humidite sur le taux de propagation du delaminage en mode mixte I/II dans un composite. La premiere partie de cette these consiste a determiner les effets de l'humidite sur la propagation du delaminage lors d'une sollicitation en mode mixte I/II. Des eprouvettes d'un composite unidirectionnel de carbone/epoxy (G40-800/5276-1) ont ete immergees dans un bain d'eau distillee a 70°C jusqu'a leur saturation. Des essais experimentaux quasi-statiques avec des chargements d'une gamme de mixites des modes I/II (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% et 100%) ont ete executes pour determiner les effets de l'humidite sur la resistance au delaminage du composite. Des essais de fatigue ont ete realises, avec la meme gamme de mixite des modes I/II, pour determiner 1'effet de 1'humidite sur l'initiation et sur le taux de propagation du delaminage. Les resultats des essais en chargement quasi-statique ont demontre que l'humidite reduit la resistance au delaminage d'un composite carbone/epoxy pour toute la gamme des mixites des modes I/II, sauf pour le mode I ou la resistance au delaminage augmente apres une exposition a l'humidite. Pour les chargements en fatigue, l'humidite a pour effet d'accelerer l'initiation du delaminage et d'augmenter le taux de propagation pour toutes les mixites des modes I/II. Les donnees experimentales recueillies ont ete utilisees pour determiner lesquels des criteres de delaminage en statique et des modeles de taux de propagation du delaminage en fatigue en mode mixte I/II proposes dans la

  4. Noradrenergic facilitation of shock-probe defensive burying in lateral septum of rats, and modulation by chronic treatment with desipramine.


    Bondi, Corina O; Barrera, Gabriel; Lapiz, M Danet S; Bedard, Tania; Mahan, Amy; Morilak, David A


    We have previously shown that acute stress-induced release of norepinephrine (NE) facilitates anxiety-like behavioral responses to stress, such as reduction in open-arm exploration on the elevated-plus maze and in social behavior on the social interaction test. Since these responses represent inhibition of ongoing behavior, it is important to also address whether NE facilitates a response that represents an activation of behavior. Correspondingly, it is unknown how a chronic elevation in tonic steady-state noradrenergic (NA) neurotransmission induced by NE reuptake blockade might alter this acute modulatory function, a regulatory process that may be pertinent to the anxiolytic effects of NE reuptake blockers such as desipramine (DMI). Therefore, in this study, we investigated noradrenergic modulation of the shock-probe defensive burying response in the lateral septum (LS). In experiment 1, shock-probe exposure induced an acute 3-fold increase in NE levels measured in LS of male Sprague-Dawley rats by microdialysis. Shock-probe exposure also induced a modest rise in plasma ACTH, taken as an indicator of perceived stress, that returned to baseline more rapidly in rats that were allowed to bury the probe compared to rats prevented from burying by providing them with minimal bedding, indicating that the active defensive burying behavior is an effective coping strategy that reduces the impact of acute shock probe-induced stress. In experiment 2, blockade of either alpha(1)- or beta-adrenergic receptors in LS by local antagonist microinjection immediately before testing reduced defensive burying and increased immobility. In the next experiment, chronic DMI treatment increased basal extracellular NE levels in LS, and attenuated the acute shock probe-induced increase in NE release in LS relative to baseline. Chronic DMI treatment decreased shock-probe defensive burying behavior in a time-dependent manner, apparent only after 2 weeks or more of drug treatment. Moreover

  5. The MiniBooNE detector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, A. A.; Anderson, C. E.; Bartoszek, L. M.; Bazarko, A. O.; Brice, S. J.; Brown, B. C.; Bugel, L.; Cao, J.; Coney, L.; Conrad, J. M.; Cox, D. C.; Curioni, A.; Djurcic, Z.; Finley, D. A.; Fleming, B. T.; Ford, R.; Garcia, F. G.; Garvey, G. T.; Green, C.; Green, J. A.; Hart, T. L.; Hawker, E.; Imlay, R.; Johnson, R. A.; Karagiorgi, G.; Kasper, P.; Katori, T.; Kobilarcik, T.; Kourbanis, I.; Koutsoliotas, S.; Laird, E. M.; Linden, S. K.; Link, J. M.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Louis, W. C.; Mahn, K. B. M.; Marsh, W.; Martin, P. S.; McGregor, G.; Metcalf, W.; Meyer, H.-O.; Meyers, P. D.; Mills, F.; Mills, G. B.; Monroe, J.; Moore, C. D.; Nelson, R. H.; Nguyen, V. T.; Nienaber, P.; Nowak, J. A.; Ouedraogo, S.; Patterson, R. B.; Perevalov, D.; Polly, C. C.; Prebys, E.; Raaf, J. L.; Ray, H.; Roe, B. P.; Russell, A. D.; Sandberg, V.; Sands, W.; Schirato, R.; Schofield, G.; Schmitz, D.; Shaevitz, M. H.; Shoemaker, F. C.; Smith, D.; Soderberg, M.; Sorel, M.; Spentzouris, P.; Stancu, I.; Stefanski, R. J.; Sung, M.; Tanaka, H. A.; Tayloe, R.; Tzanov, M.; Van de Water, R.; Wascko, M. O.; White, D. H.; Wilking, M. J.; Yang, H. J.; Zeller, G. P.; Zimmerman, E. D.; MiniBooNE Collaboration


    The MiniBooNE neutrino detector was designed and built to look for ν→ν oscillations in the (sin 2θ,Δm) parameter space region where the LSND experiment reported a signal. The MiniBooNE experiment used a beam energy and baseline that were an order of magnitude larger than those of LSND so that the backgrounds and systematic errors would be completely different. This paper provides a detailed description of the design, function, and performance of the MiniBooNE detector.

  6. La supraconductivité a 100 ans !

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lebrun, Philippe


    Il y a 100 ans, le 8 avril 1911, une découverte majeure était réalisée : celle de la supraconductivité. La supraconductivité est la caractéristique qu’ont certains métaux et alliages de perdre toute résistance électrique en dessous d’une température donnée. Cette renversante découverte, réalisée de manière presque fortuite par Kammerlingh Onnes de l’Université de Leyde (Pays-Bas) et son étudiant Gilles Holst, a ouvert un nouveau champ de recherche en physique et de fabuleuses perspectives d’applications technologiques. Du point de vue scientifique, la supraconductivité est en effet l’une des rares manifestations de la physique quantique à l’échelle macroscopique.  Du point de vuemore » des retombées techniques, elle est porteuse d’applications majeures dans le domaine de la santé, des communications et de l’énergie. 100 ans après, les physiciens n’ont toujours pas fini d’explorer ce phénomène et ses applications. Le CERN abrite des applications de la supraconductivité à des échelles inédites. L’accélérateur de particules LHC, avec ses milliers d’aimants supraconducteurs répartis sur 27 kilomètres de circonférence, est en effet la plus grande application mondiale de la supraconductivité. Il ne pourrait exister sans elle. Le CERN fête donc la découverte de la supraconductivité avec une conférence exceptionnelle donnée par Philippe Lebrun. Au cours de cette conférence, l’expérience historique de Kammerlingh Onnes sera reproduite. Philippe Lebrun racontera l’histoire de cette étonnante découverte, en la replaçant dans le contexte scientifique de l’époque. Il racontera les développements scientifiques et les applications du premier siècle de la supraconductivité. Conférence en français Merci de bien vouloir vous inscrire au : +41 22 767 76 76 ou« less

  7. Changes in vascular reactivity induced by acute hyperthyroidism in isolated rat aortae.


    Honda, H; Iwata, T; Mochizuki, T; Kogo, H


    Hyperthyroidism was induced by subcutaneous injections of L-thyroxine (T(4)) (500 mg/kg/day) for 3 days in order to study whether adrenergic and muscarinic receptor-mediated vascular responses alter at an early stage of the disease. T(4) treatment was sufficient to induce a significant degree of thyroid weight loss, tachycardia, cardiac hypertrophy, and an elevation in serum T(4) levels. The tension of aortic ring preparations isolated from rats was measured isometrically to investigate the influence of acute hyperthyroidism. The contractions induced by norepinephrine (NE) were significantly suppressed in aortic rings from rats treated with T(4) compared with control rats. N(G)-nitro-L-arginine (L-NOARG), an inhibitor of nitric oxide synthase (NOS), significantly enhanced NE-induced contraction in aortic rings from both control and T(4)-treated rats, and the enhancement was greater in rats treated with T(4) than control rats. The relaxations induced by either acetylcholine (ACh) or sodium nitroprusside (SNP) were also significantly enhanced by T(4) treatment. L-NOARG abolished the relaxation induced by ACh in aortic rings from both control and T(4)-treated rats. L-NOARG shifted SNP-induced relaxation curves of aortic rings from those of control rats to the left, but not with rats treated with T(4). T(4) treatment showed no influence on the amount of endothelial NOS (eNOS) protein. These results suggest that vascular responses alter at an early stage of hyperthyroidism and that it may be due to a modification in the NO system which is independent from the amount of eNOS protein.

  8. GABA receptors in the region of the dorsomedial hypothalamus of rats regulate anxiety in the elevated plus-maze test. II. Physiological measures.


    Shekhar, A; Sims, L S; Bowsher, R R


    In the previous report, we had shown that blockade and enhancement of GABAA receptors in the DMH of rats increased or decreased the level of anxiety, respectively, as measured by the elevated plus-maze test. The present study was conducted to assess the effects of enhancing GABAA neurotransmission in the DMH of rats on the physiological concomitants of anxiety such as increases in heart rate (HR), blood pressure (BP) and plasma norepinephrine (NE) levels while the animals were placed on the elevated plus-maze. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were equipped with arterial and venous catheters and stereotaxically implanted with microinjection cannulae in the cardiostimulatory region of the DMH where injection of bicuculline methiodide (BMI) elicited increases in heart rate under anesthesia. After recovery, rats were injected with either saline or the GABAA agonist muscimol and their HR, BP and plasma NE responses were measured when confined in the open or the closed arm of the elevated plus-maze. Injection of muscimol into the DMH reduced the increases seen in HR, BP and plasma NE when the rats were confined to either the closed or the open arms in addition to decreasing 'anxiety' in the plus-maze. Injection of muscimol into the areas of the hypothalamus surrounding the DMH did not significantly affect the changes in HR, BP and plasma NE in the plus-maze. Blocking the changes in HR and BP elicited by microinjecting GABAergic drugs into the DMH of rats, with systemic injections of a combination of atropine and the beta-blocker atenolol, did not block the behavioral effects of the GABAergic drugs in the plus-maze test.

  9. The NeXus data format


    Könnecke, Mark; Akeroyd, Frederick A.; Bernstein, Herbert J.; ...


    NeXus is an effort by an international group of scientists to define a common data exchange and archival format for neutron, X-ray and muon experiments. NeXus is built on top of the scientific data format HDF5 and adds domain-specific rules for organizing data within HDF5 files, in addition to a dictionary of well defined domain-specific field names. The NeXus data format has two purposes. First, it defines a format that can serve as a container for all relevant data associated with a beamline. This is a very important use case. Second, it defines standards in the form of application definitionsmore » for the exchange of data between applications. As a result, NeXus provides structures for raw experimental data as well as for processed data.« less

  10. Elevated body temperature and increased blood vessel sensitivity in spontaneously hypertensive rats.


    Price, J M; Wilmoth, F R


    Body temperature (BT) was significantly greater in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) than in Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats regardless of the time of day, length of rectal probe, sex, age, or commercial vendor. Bath temperature (theta) for excised aortic rings was controlled by a thermoelectric Peltier module with an accuracy of 0.1 degree C. At peak force in individual contractions of norepinephrine (NE) dose-response experiments, theta was changed from 37 to 39 degrees C. Active and resting wall tension (Tw) were increased, and the mean effective dose (ED50) was decreased in the SHR aorta with and without endothelium. For the WKY aorta, active and resting Tw were increased, but ED50 was the same with and without endothelium. These results were supported by experiments where theta was decreased from 39 to 37 degrees C and by experiments on Sprague-Dawley rats. Potassium dose-response experiments with aorta from SHR and WKY rats show an increase in sensitivity at 39 degrees C, but active Tw is the same at 39 and 37 degrees C. When compared at the BT of each rat, the NE ED50 was lower and resting Tw was higher in the SHR aorta than in the WKY aorta, but active Tw was the same.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  11. Metabolomics-based mechanisms exploration of Huang-Lian Jie-Du decoction on cerebral ischemia via UPLC-Q-TOF/MS analysis on rat serum.


    Zhu, Baojie; Cao, Huiting; Sun, Limin; Li, Bo; Guo, Liwei; Duan, Jinao; Zhu, Huaxu; Zhang, Qichun


    Huang-Lian Jie-Du decoction (HLJDD), a traditional formula of Chinese medicine constituted with Rhizoma Coptidis, RadixScutellariae, CortexPhellodendri amurensis and Fructus Gardeniae, exhibits unambiguous therapeutic effect on cerebral ischemia via multi-targets action. Further investigation, however, is still required to explore the relationship between those mechanisms and targets through system approaches. Rats of cerebral ischemia were completed by middle cerebral artery occlusion (MCAO) with reperfusion. Following evaluation of pharmacological actions of HLJDD on MCAO rats, the plasma samples from rats of control, MCAO and HLJDD-treated MCAO groups were prepared strictly and subjected to ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time of flight mass spectrometry for metabolites analysis. The raw mass data were imported to MassLynx software for peak detection and alignment, and further introduced to EZinfo 2.0 software for orthogonal projection to latent structures analysis, principal component analysis and partial least-squares-discriminant analysis. The metabolic pathways assay of those potential biomarkers were performed with MetaboAnalyst through the online database, HMDB, Metlin, KEGG and SMPD. Those intriguing metabolic pathways were further investigated via biochemical assay. HLJDD ameliorated the MCAO-induce cerebral damage and blocked the severe inflammation response. There were nineteen different biomarkers identified among control, MCAO and HLJDD-treated MCAO groups. Ten metabolic pathways were proposed from these significant metabolites. Incorporation with the biochemical assay of cerebral tissue, modulation of metabolic stress, regulation glutamate/GABA-glutamine cycle and enhancement of cholinergic neurons function were explored that involved in the actions of HLJDD on cerebral ischemia. HLJDD achieves therapeutic action on cerebral ischemia via coordinating the basic pathophysiological network of metabolic stress, glutamate metabolism

  12. Increased noradrenergic activity in prefrontal cortex slices of an animal model for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder--the spontaneously hypertensive rat.


    Russell, V; Allie, S; Wiggins, T


    Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) are used as a model for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) since SHR are hyperactive and they show defective sustained attention in behavioral tasks. Using an in vitro superfusion technique we showed that norepinephrine (NE) release from prefrontal cortex slices of SHR was not different from that of their Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) control rats when stimulated either electrically or by exposure to buffer containing 25 mM K(+). The monoamine vesicle transporter is, therefore, unlikely to be responsible for the deficiency in DA observed in SHR, since, in contrast to DA, vesicle stores of NE do not appear to be depleted in SHR. In addition, alpha(2)-adrenoceptor mediated inhibition of NE release was reduced in SHR, suggesting that autoreceptor function was deficient in prefrontal cortex of SHR. So, while DA neurotransmission appears to be down-regulated in SHR, the NE system appears to be under less inhibitory control than in WKY suggesting hypodopaminergic and hypernoradrenergic activity in prefrontal cortex of SHR. These findings are consistent with the hypothesis that the behavioral disturbances of ADHD are the result of an imbalance between NE and DA systems in the prefrontal cortex, with inhibitory DA activity being decreased and NE activity increased relative to controls.

  13. Aspects descriptifs du VIH/SIDA chez les sujets âgés de 50 ans et plus suivis au Centre de Traitement Agréé de Bafoussam - Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Mbopi-Kéou, François-Xavier; Djomassi, Lucienne Dempouo; Monebenimp, Francisca


    Introduction La littérature scientifique dispose de très peu de données relatives à l’épidémiologie du VIH chez les sujets âgés en Afrique subsaharienne. Au Cameroun, les caractéristiques épidémiologiques de l'infection par le VIH chez les sujets âgés de 50 ans et plus ne sont pas documentées. Méthodes Dans une étude de cohorte rétrospective et une enquête transversale, nous avons comparé les caractéristiques clinico-biologiques et la survie post thérapeutique des patients âgés de 50 ans et plus, sous traitement antirétroviral au Centre de Traitement Agrée de Bafoussam - Cameroun, aux adultes plus jeunes. Résultats L’âge moyen était de 39 ans, les extrêmes étant 17 et 88 ans. Les sujets âgés de 50 ans et plus représentaient 14,1% des cas. Les plus âgés étaient moins bien informés sur les modes de transmission du virus (p = 0,04). Leur séropositivité au VIH était le plus souvent découverte au décours d'une infection opportuniste (p = 0,02). La fréquence de comorbidité était significativement plus élevée chez les personnes âgées de 50 ans et plus (p < 10-5). Nous n'avons pas retrouvé une association statistiquement significative entre l'observance thérapeutique et l’âge (p = 0,83). La survie post-thérapeutique n’était pas significativement liée à l’âge (p = 0,81). Conclusion Les sujets âgés ne sont pas à l'abri du VIH. La promotion du dépistage et les programmes d’éducation sanitaire relatifs au VIH/SIDA devraient être renforcés au sein de cette communauté déjà affaiblie par le poids de l’âge, afin de réduire l'incidence du SIDA et de leur assurer prise en charge précoce. PMID:23133707

  14. Distribution of cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript in ureters and urinary bladder of hypertensive rats.


    Janiuk, I; Kasacka, I


    Cocaine and amphetamine regulated transcript (CART), a neuropeptide of the central and peripheral nervous system plays an essential role in maintaining body homeostasis by regulating body temperature, orexia, digestive motility and blood pressure. Very few studies describe the relationship of hyperten¬sion with CART. Therefore, the present research was undertaken to identify, locate and determine the number of CART-immunopositive neuroendocrine cells (NE) and structures in the urinary bladder and ureter of rats with experimentally induced nephrogenic hypertension. The experiments were conducted on 20 Wistar rats in which hypertension was experimentally induced by applying a clamp on the left renal artery based on the two kidney, one clip experimental model (2K1C). After 6 weeks, fragments of the ureters and urinary bladder were sampled from rats with permanent hypertension. Immunohisto¬chemical analyses revealed a salient effect of renovascular hypertension on the neuroendocrine system of rat ureters and urinary bladder. Differences in the number of neuroendocrine cells and in the density of CART-positive structures were identified between the hypertensive and normotensive (control) rats. Hypertension greatly increased the number of NE cells and the density of CART- immunoreactive (IR) structures in the analysed urinary system organs.

  15. Cholesterol 7alpha-hydroxylase (CYP7A1) activity is modified after chronic ingestion of depleted uranium in the rat.


    Racine, R; Grandcolas, L; Grison, S; Stefani, J; Delissen, O; Gourmelon, P; Veyssière, G; Souidi, M


    Depleted uranium (DU) is a radioactive heavy metal derived from the nuclear energy production. Its wide use in civilian and military items increases the risk of its environmental dissemination, and thus the risk of internal contamination of populations living in such contaminated territories. Previous studies have shown that vitamin D and cerebral cholesterol metabolisms were affected following chronic ingestion of DU. Even more than the brain, the liver is a crucial organ in cholesterol homeostasis since it regulates cholesterol distribution and elimination at body level. The aim of this work was to assess the impact of a low-level chronic ingestion of DU on hepatic cholesterol metabolism. Rats were contaminated with DU in their drinking water at a concentration of 40mg/l for 9 months. The major effect induced by DU was a decrease of CYP7A1 specific activity (-60%) correlated with a matching decrease of its product 7alpha-hydroxycholesterol in the plasma. Hepatic gene expression of transporters ABC A1, ABC G5, ABC G8 and of nuclear receptor RXR was increased, whereas that of catabolism enzyme CYP7B1 was decreased. Thus, after a chronic ingestion of DU, rats experience a modulation of cholesterol catabolism but overcome it, since their cholesterolemia is preserved and no pathology is declared.

  16. Photoionization of Ne8+

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pindzola, M. S.; Abdel-Naby, Sh. A.; Robicheaux, F.; Colgan, J.


    Single and double photoionization cross sections for Ne8+ are calculated using a non-perturbative fully relativistic time-dependent close-coupling method. A Bessel function expansion is used to include both dipole and quadrupole effects in the radiation field interaction and the repulsive interaction between electrons includes both the Coulomb and Gaunt interactions. The fully correlated ground state of Ne8+ is obtained by solving a time-independent inhomogeneous set of close-coupled equations. Propagation of the time-dependent close-coupled equations yields single and double photoionization cross sections for Ne8+ at energies easily accessible at advanced free electron laser facilities. This work was supported in part by grants from NSF and US DoE. Computational work was carried out at NERSC in Oakland, California, NICS in Knoxville, Tennessee, and OLCF in Oak Ridge, Tennessee.

  17. Effects of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase inhibitors on uptake and release of norepinephrine and dopamine from rat brain

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Liang, N.Y.; Hower, J.A.; Borchardt, R.T.


    Inhibitors of phenylethanolamine N-methyltransferase (PNMT) and amphetamine were evaluated for their effects on the uptake of (TH)-norepinephrine (TH-NE) and the release of endogenous NE and dopamine (DA) from chopped rat brain tissues. Unlike amphetamine, all of PNMT inhibitors tested produced only slight inhibition of (TH)-NE uptake into chopped cerebral cortex. 2,3-Dichloro-alpha-methylbenzylamine (DCMB) and 7,8-dichloro-1,2,3,4-tetrahydroisoquinoline (SKF64139), but not 2-cyclooctyl-2-hydroxyethylamine (CONH) and 1-aminomethylcycloundecanol (CUNH) produced slight release of endogenous NE and DA from chopped hypothalami, but their effects were less pronounced than those produced by amphetamine.

  18. Brazilin isolated from the heartwood of Caesalpinia sappan L induces endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxation of rat aortic rings

    PubMed Central

    Yan, Yu; Chen, Yu-cai; Lin, Yi-huang; Guo, Jing; Niu, Zi-ran; Li, Li; Wang, Shou-bao; Fang, Lian-hua; Du, Guan-hua


    Aim: Brazilin is one of the major constituents of Caesalpinia sappan L with various biological activities. This study sought to investigate the vasorelaxant effect of brazilin on isolated rat thoracic aorta and explore the underlying mechanisms. Methods: Endothelium-intact and -denuded aortic rings were prepared from rats. The tension of the preparations was recorded isometrically with a force displacement transducer connected to a polygraph. The phosphorylation levels of ERK1/2 and myosin light chain (MLC) were analyzed using Western blotting assay. Results: Application of brazilin (10–100 μmol/L) dose-dependently relaxed the NE- or high K+-induced sustained contraction of endothelium-intact aortic rings (the EC50 was 83.51±5.6 and 79.79±4.57 μmol/L, respectively). The vasorelaxant effect of brazilin was significantly attenuated by endothelium removal or by pre-incubation with L-NAME, methylene blue or indomethacin. In addition, pre-incubation with brazilin dose-dependently attenuated the vasoconstriction induced by KCl, NE or Ang II. Pre-incubation with brazilin also markedly suppressed the high K+-induced extracellular Ca2+ influx and NE-induced intracellular Ca2+ release in endothelium-denuded aortic rings. Pre-incubation with brazilin dose-dependently inhibited the NE-stimulated phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and MLC in both endothelium-intact and -denuded aortic rings. Conclusion: Brazilin induces relaxation in rat aortic rings via both endothelium-dependent and -independent ways as well as inhibiting NE-stimulated phosphorylation of ERK1/2 and MLC. Brazilin also attenuates vasoconstriction via blocking voltage- and receptor-operated Ca2+ channels. PMID:26564314

  19. The du Bois sign.


    Voelpel, James H; Muehlberger, Thomas


    According to the current literature, the term "du Bois sign" characterizes the condition of a shortened fifth finger as a symptom of congenital syphilis, Down syndrome, dyscrania, and encephalic malformation. Modern medical dictionaries and text books attribute the eponym to the French gynecologist Paul Dubois (1795-1871). Yet, a literature analysis revealed incorrect references to the person and unclear definitions of the term. Our findings showed that the origin of the term is based on observations made by the Swiss dermatologist Charles du Bois (1874-1947) in connection with congenital syphilis. In addition, a further eponymical fifth finger sign is closely associated with the du Bois sign. In conclusion, the du Bois sign has only limited diagnostic value and is frequently occurring in the normal healthy population.

  20. Malformations congénitales à Lubumbashi (République Démocratique du Congo): à propos de 72 cas observés et plaidoyer en faveur du développement d'un Registre National des Malformations Congénitales et d'un Centre National de Référence de Génétique Humaine

    PubMed Central

    Lubala, Toni Kasole; Shongo, Mick Yapongombo; Munkana, Arthur Ndundula; Mutombo, Augustin Mulangu; Mbuyi, Sébastien Musanzayi; wa Momat, Félix Kitenge


    En République Démocratique du Congo, les malformations congénitales constituent un véritable problème de santé publique. En effet, elles relancent le débat sur les effets de l'intensification de l'activité minière sur la santé de la reproduction. De 2009 à 2010, nous avons calculé une prévalence de 5.84 pour 1000 naissances. Les malformations du système nerveux central étaient les plus fréquentes (2.029 pour 1000) suivies des malformations des membres (1.055 pour 1000), et des fentes oro-faciales (0.811 pour 1000). Ces données sont certainement largement sous-estimées et les causes y relatives en République Démocratique du Congo ne sont ni surveillées, ni prévenues dans le cadre d'une politique gouvernementale. La mise en place d'un registre national et d'un centre national de génétique humaine de référence pourrait constituer un cadre rigoureux, organisé et structuré de surveillance et de prévention des malformations congénitales. PMID:23396951

  1. Acai fruit improves motor and cognitive function in aged rats

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Aged rats show impaired performance on motor and cognitive tasks that require the use of spatial learning and memory. In previous studies, we have shown the beneficial effects of various berry fruits (blueberries, strawberries, and blackberries) in reversing age-related deficits in behavioral and ne...

  2. Using a probabilistic approach in an ecological risk assessment simulation tool: test case for depleted uranium (DU).


    Fan, Ming; Thongsri, Tepwitoon; Axe, Lisa; Tyson, Trevor A


    A probabilistic approach was applied in an ecological risk assessment (ERA) to characterize risk and address uncertainty employing Monte Carlo simulations for assessing parameter and risk probabilistic distributions. This simulation tool (ERA) includes a Window's based interface, an interactive and modifiable database management system (DBMS) that addresses a food web at trophic levels, and a comprehensive evaluation of exposure pathways. To illustrate this model, ecological risks from depleted uranium (DU) exposure at the US Army Yuma Proving Ground (YPG) and Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG) were assessed and characterized. Probabilistic distributions showed that at YPG, a reduction in plant root weight is considered likely to occur (98% likelihood) from exposure to DU; for most terrestrial animals, likelihood for adverse reproduction effects ranges from 0.1% to 44%. However, for the lesser long-nosed bat, the effects are expected to occur (>99% likelihood) through the reduction in size and weight of offspring. Based on available DU data for the firing range at APG, DU uptake will not likely affect survival of aquatic plants and animals (<0.1% likelihood). Based on field and laboratory studies conducted at APG and YPG on pocket mice, kangaroo rat, white-throated woodrat, deer, and milfoil, body burden concentrations observed fall into the distributions simulated at both sites.

  3. Chronic nicotine administration differentially affects neurotransmitter release from rat striatal slices.


    Yu, Z J; Wecker, L


    The objective of these experiments was to determine whether the chronic administration of nicotine, at a dose regimen that increases the density of nicotine binding sites, alters the nicotine-induced release of [3H]-dopamine ([3H]DA), [3H]norepinephrine ([3H]NE), [3H]-serotonin ([3H]5-HT), or [3H]acetylcholine ([3H]ACh) from rat striatal slices. For these experiments, rats received subcutaneous injections of either saline or nicotine bitartrate [1.76 mg (3.6 mumol)/kg, dissolved in saline] twice daily for 10 days, and neurotransmitter release was measured following preloading of the tissues with [3H]DA, [3H]NE, [3H]5-HT, or [3H]choline. Chronic nicotine administration did not affect the accumulation of tritium by striatal slices, the basal release of radioactivity, or the 25 mM KCl-evoked release of neurotransmitter. Superfusion of striatal slices with 1, 10, and 100 microM nicotine increased [3H]DA release in a concentration-dependent manner, and release from slices from nicotine-injected animals was significantly (p < 0.05) greater than release from saline-injected controls; release from the former increased to 132, 191, and 172% of release from the controls following superfusion with 1, 10, and 100 microM nicotine, respectively. Similarly, [3H]5-HT release increased in a concentration-related manner following superfusion with nicotine, and release from slices from nicotine-injected rats was significantly (p < 0.05) greater than that from controls. [3H]5-HT release from slices from nicotine-injected rats evoked by superfusion with 1 and 10 microM nicotine increased to 453 and 217%, respectively, of release from slices from saline-injected animals. The nicotine-induced release of [3H]NE from striatal slices was also concentration dependent but was unaffected by chronic nicotine administration.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  4. The effects of prolonged administration of norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors on long-term potentiation in dentate gyrus, and on tests of spatial and object recognition memory in rats.


    Walling, Susan G; Milway, J Stephen; Ingram, Matthew; Lau, Catherine; Morrison, Gillian; Martin, Gerard M


    Phasic norepinephrine (NE) release events are involved in arousal, novelty detection and in plasticity processes underlying learning and memory in mammalian systems. Although the effects of phasic NE release events on plasticity and memory are prevalently documented, it is less understood what effects chronic NE reuptake inhibition and sustained increases in noradrenergic tone, might have on plasticity and cognitive processes in rodent models of learning and memory. This study investigates the effects of chronic NE reuptake inhibition on hippocampal plasticity and memory in rats. Rats were administered NE reuptake inhibitors (NRIs) desipramine (DMI; 0, 3, or 7.5mg/kg/day) or nortriptyline (NTP; 0, 10 or 20mg/kg/day) in drinking water. Long-term potentiation (LTP; 200 Hz) of the perforant path-dentate gyrus evoked potential was examined in urethane anesthetized rats after 30-32 days of DMI treatment. Short- (4-h) and long-term (24-h) spatial memory was tested in separate rats administered 0 or 7.5mg/kg/day DMI (25-30 days) using a two-trial spatial memory test. Additionally, the effects of chronically administered DMI and NTP were tested in rats using a two-trial, Object Recognition Test (ORT) at 2- and 24-h after 45 and 60 days of drug administration. Rats administered 3 or 7.5mg/kg/day DMI had attenuated LTP of the EPSP slope but not the population spike at the perforant path-dentate gyrus synapse. Short- and long-term memory for objects is differentially disrupted in rats after prolonged administration of DMI and NTP. Rats that were administered 7.5mg/kg/day DMI showed decreased memory for a two-trial spatial task when tested at 4-h. In the novel ORT, rats receiving 0 or 7.5mg/kg/day DMI showed a preference for the arm containing a Novel object when tested at both 2- and 24-h demonstrating both short- and long-term memory retention of the Familiar object. Rats that received either dose of NTP or 3mg/kg/day DMI showed impaired memory at 2-h, however this

  5. Vasorelaxant effect of formononetin in the rat thoracic aorta and its mechanisms.


    Zhao, Yan; Chen, Bai-Nian; Wang, Shou-Bao; Wang, Shao-Hua; Du, Guan-Hua


    The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of formononetin and the related mechanisms on isolated rat thoracic aorta. Formononetin concentration dependently relaxed aortic rings precontracted with norepinephrine (NE, 1 μM) or KCl (80 mM). Pretreatment with formononetin noncompetitively inhibited contractile responses of aortas to NE and KCl. The vasorelaxant effect of formononetin partially relied on intact endothelia, which was significantly attenuated by incubation with N(ω)-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (100 μM). In endothelium-denuded rings, glibenclamide (10 μM) and tetraethylammonium (5 mM) showed slight reduction in the vasorelaxant effect of formononetin. Moreover, formononetin reduced NE-induced transient contraction in Ca²⁺-free solution and inhibited the vasocontraction induced by increasing external calcium in medium plus 80 mM KCl. Our results suggested that formononetin induced relaxation in rat aortic rings through an endothelium-dependent manner via nitric oxide synthesis pathway, and also involving an endothelium-independent vasodilatation by the blockade of Ca²⁺ channels. The opening of K⁺ channels might also be one of the mechanisms of formononetin-induced vasorelaxation.

  6. "Cirque du Freak."

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rivett, Miriam


    Considers the marketing strategies that underpin the success of the "Cirque du Freak" series. Describes how "Cirque du Freak" is an account of events in the life of schoolboy Darren Shan. Notes that it is another reworking of the vampire narrative, a sub-genre of horror writing that has proved highly popular with both adult and…

  7. Les carcinomes epidermoïdes du scrotum: à propos de 7 cas avec revue de la litterature

    PubMed Central

    Halfya, Ayoub; Elmortaji, Khalid; Redouane, Rabii; fethi, Meziane; Rafik, Amine; Mohamed, Ezzoubi; Abdessamad, Chlihi


    Quoique rare le carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum a un mauvais pronostic. Les Carcinomes du scrotum induite et - liées au travail sont moins fréquentes en raison d'une meilleure hygiène, vêtements de protection, et la sensibilisation de la cancérogénicité des huiles industrielles. L’épidémie à l'HPV a induit une augmentation de l'incidence. Le traitement de dépend toujours exérèse locale de la lésion primaire. La radiothérapie a peu de bénéfice thérapeutique dans le traitement d'un carcinome épidermoïde du scrotum. La bléomycine peut être utile comme traitement adjuvant pour les maladies ilio-inguinal généralisée avant la tentative exérèse, même si cela n'a pas encore été prouvé. Entre janvier 2011 au 1er janvier 2013, 7 patients atteints de carcinome épidermoïde ont été pris en charge, Trois patients ont présenté une localisation ganglionnaire. Les sept patients ont eu un traitement chirurgical par exérèse large avec reconstruction, Deux patients ont été adressé pour chimiothérapie.2 patients ont présenté une récidive, dont un est décédé. PMID:26113906

  8. Study of the 20,22Ne+20,22Ne and 10,12,13,14,15C+12C Fusion Reactions with MUSIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Avila, M. L.; Rehm, K. E.; Almaraz-Calderon, S.; Carnelli, P. F. F.; DiGiovine, B.; Esbensen, H.; Hoffman, C. R.; Jiang, C. L.; Kay, B. P.; Lai, J.; Nusair, O.; Pardo, R. C.; Santiago-Gonzalez, D.; Talwar, R.; Ugalde, C.


    A highly efficient MUlti-Sampling Ionization Chamber (MUSIC) detector has been developed for measurements of fusion reactions. A study of fusion cross sections in the 10,12,13,14,15C+12C and 20,22Ne+20,22Ne systems has been performed at ATLAS. Experimental results and comparison with theoretical predictions are presented. Furthermore, results of direct measurements of the 17O(α, n)20Ne, 23Ne(α, p)26Mg and 23Ne(α, n)26Al reactions will be discussed.

  9. Role of 5-hydroxytryptamine in the regulation of brain neuropeptides in normal and diabetic rat

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kolta, Malak G.; Williams, Byron B.; Soliman, Karam F. A.


    The effect of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) alteration on brain dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), beta-endorphin (beta-E), and immunoreactive insulin was studied in Sprague-Dawley diabetic and control rats. Diabetes was induced using alloxan (45 mg/kg), 15 days prior to sacrificing. Both control and diabetic animals were treated with either p-chlorophenylalanine (PCPA, 300 mg/kg) three days prior to sacrificing or fluoxetine (10 mg/kg) twice daily for three days. PCPA treatment significantly decreased brain content of 5-HT and 5-hydroxyindolel acetic acid, while it caused significant increase and decrease in brain beta-E and insulin levels, respectively, in both normal and diabetic rat. Meanwhile, the administration of fluoxetine resulted in significant increase in brain content of 5-HT, DA, NE and insulin but significant decline of beta-E in diabetic and saline control rats. The results of this experiment indicate that 5-HT may be regulating both beta-E and insulin regardless of the availability of pancreatic insulin.

  10. Desipramine increases cardiac parasympathetic activity via α2-adrenergic mechanism in rats.


    Kawada, Toru; Akiyama, Tsuyoshi; Shimizu, Shuji; Fukumitsu, Masafumi; Kamiya, Atsunori; Sugimachi, Masaru


    Desipramine (DMI) is a blocker of neuronal norepinephrine (NE) uptake transporter. Although intravenous DMI has been shown to cause centrally-mediated sympathoinhibition and peripheral NE accumulation, its parasympathetic effect remains to be elucidated. We hypothesized that intravenous DMI activates the cardiac vagal nerve via an α 2 -adrenergic mechanism. Using a cardiac microdialysis technique, changes in myocardial interstitial acetylcholine (ACh) levels in the left ventricular free wall in response to intravenous DMI (1mg·kg -1 ) were examined in anesthetized rats. In rats with intact vagi (n=7), intravenous DMI increased ACh from 1.67±0.43 to 2.48±0.66nM (P<0.01). In rats with vagotomy (n=5), DMI did not significantly change ACh (from 0.92±0.16 to 0.85±0.23nM). In rats with intact vagi pretreated with intravenous yohimbine (2mg·kg -1 ), DMI did not significantly change ACh (from 1.25±0.23 to 1.13±0.15nM). In conclusion, while DMI is generally considered to be an agent that predominantly affects sympathetic neurotransmission, it can activate the cardiac vagal nerve via α 2 -adrenergic stimulation in experimental settings in vivo. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. Chronic desipramine treatment alters tyrosine hydroxylase but not norepinephrine transporter immunoreactivity in norepinephrine axons in the rat prefrontal cortex

    PubMed Central

    Erickson, Susan L.; Gandhi, Anjalika R.; Asafu-Adjei, Josephine K.; Sampson, Allan R.; Miner, LeeAnn; Blakely, Randy D.; Sesack, Susan R.


    Pharmacological blockade of norepinephrine (NE) reuptake is clinically effective in treating several mental disorders. Drugs that bind to the NE transporter (NET) alter both protein levels and activity of NET and also the catecholamine synthetic enzyme tyrosine hydroxylase (TH). We examined the rat prefrontal cortex (PFC) by electron microscopy to determine whether the density and subcellular distribution of immunolabeling for NET and colocalization of NET with TH within individual NE axons were altered by chronic treatment with the selective NE uptake inhibitor desipramine (DMI). Following DMI treatment (21 days, 15 mg/kg/day), NET-immunoreactive (-ir) axons were significantly less likely to colocalize TH. This finding is consistent with reports of reduced TH levels and activity in the locus coeruleus after chronic DMI and indicates a reduction of NE synthetic capacity in the PFC. Measures of NET expression and membrane localization, including the number of NET-ir profiles per tissue area sampled, the number of gold particles per NET-ir profile area, and the proportion of gold particles associated with the plasma membrane, were similar in DMI and vehicle treated rats. These findings were verified using two different antibodies directed against distinct epitopes of the NET protein. The results suggest that chronic DMI treatment does not reduce NET expression within individual NE axons in vivo or induce an overall translocation of NET protein away from the plasma membrane in the PFC as measured by ultrastructural immunogold labeling. Our findings encourage consideration of possible postranslational mechanisms for regulating NET activity in antidepressant-induced modulation of NE clearance. PMID:21208501

  12. Prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang à Kisangani, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Bassandja, Jacques Ossinga; Agasa, Salomon Batina; Likwela, Joris Losimba


    Introduction Le paludisme transfusionnel est une réalité en Afrique Sub-saharienne, en raison des transfusions sanguines répétées, peu ou non contrôlées et où les donneurs sont en majorité potentiellement porteurs d'hématozoaires. L'objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang à Kisangani. Méthodes Une étude transversale a été menée au Centre Provincial de Transfusion Sanguine à Kisangani du 1er Décembre 2012 au 31 Mars 2013 et a concerné 480 donneurs bénévoles de sang. Résultats La prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang était de 28,3%. Plasmodium falciparum était l'espèce la plus répandue (96,3%). Près de la moitié des donneurs avait une parasitémie supérieure à 2000 parasites/µl. Les facteurs qui étaient significativement associés à la parasitémie étaient le jeune âge, le 1er don, et la non utilisation de la moustiquaire imprégnée d'insecticide à longue durée (MILD). Conclusion Les résultats de cette étude montrent que la prévalence du portage asymptomatique du plasmodium chez les donneurs bénévoles de sang était élevée, constituant ainsi un risque important de transmission du parasite aux receveurs souvent en mauvais état général. Cependant, l'utilisation de la MILD et la fidélisation des donneurs bénévoles semblent constituer des moyens utiles de réduction du risque de portage asymptomatique du Plasmodium. Une sensibilisation et éventuellement des distributions ciblées de MILD aux donneurs, en particuliers les plus jeunes, pourraient réduire considérablement le portage du Plasmodium parmi les donneurs de sang et ainsi réduire le risque de paludisme transfusionnel. PMID:25328616

  13. The neuroprotective effects of intravascular low level laser irradiation on cerebral ischemia rats

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qiu, Yongming; Lu, Zhaofeng; Wang, Zhongguang; Jiang, Jiyao


    The effects of intravascular low level laser irradiation of He-Ne on rat MCAo-induced cerebral injury were studied. The results showed that control rats (subjected to MCAo injury without laser treatment) at 7d exhibited striatal and cortical brain infarction in the right hemisphere from approximately 3 to 11mm from the front pole. the total infarct volume in this group was 34.5+/-8.1mm3. For experimental rats (with laser management), the total infarct volume was 29.0+/-9.0mm3. P was gained less than 0.05. The neurological score of control group was 4.7+/-0.6 and it was 5.2+/-1.0 in experimental group, comparison by statistical analysis showed P less than 0.05. The cerebral pathological damages in the control group were more severe than in experimental group. We concluded that the intravascular low level laser irradiation has no remarked complication and is helpful to reduce ischemic damage. There is clinically potential for the application of intravascular He-Ne low level laser irradiation in ischemia stroke.

  14. Dynamics of gas phase Ne{sup *} + NH{sub 3} and Ne{sup *} + ND{sub 3} Penning ionisation at low temperatures

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jankunas, Justin; Bertsche, Benjamin; Osterwalder, Andreas, E-mail:


    Two isotopic chemical reactions, Ne{sup *} + NH{sub 3}, and Ne{sup *} + ND{sub 3}, have been studied at low collision energies by means of a merged beams technique. Partial cross sections have been recorded for the two reactive channels, namely, Ne{sup *} + NH{sub 3} → Ne + NH{sub 3}{sup +} + e{sup −}, and Ne{sup *} + NH{sub 3} → Ne + NH{sub 2}{sup +}+ H + e{sup −}, by detecting the NH{sub 3}{sup +} and NH{sub 2}{sup +} product ions, respectively. The cross sections for both reactions were found to increase with decreasing collision energy, E{sub coll},more » in the range 8 μeV < E{sub coll} < 20 meV. The measured rate constant exhibits a curvature in a log(k)-log(E{sub coll}) plot from which it is concluded that the Langevin capture model does not properly describe the Ne{sup *} + NH{sub 3} reaction in the entire range of collision energies covered here. Calculations based on multichannel quantum defect theory were performed to reproduce and interpret the experimental results. Good agreement was obtained by including long range van der Waals interactions combined with a 6-12 Lennard-Jones potential. The branching ratio between the two reactive channels, Γ=([NH{sub 2}{sup +}])/([NH{sub 2}{sup +}]+[NH{sub 3}{sup +}]) , is relatively constant, Γ ≈ 0.3, in the entire collision energy range studied here. Possible reasons for this observation are discussed and rationalized in terms of relative time scales of the reactant approach and the molecular rotation. Isotopic differences between the Ne{sup *} + NH{sub 3} and Ne{sup *} + ND{sub 3} reactions are small, as suggested by nearly equal branching ratios and cross sections for the two reactions.« less

  15. Gou-teng (from Uncaria rhynchophylla Miquel)-induced endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxations in the isolated rat aorta.


    Kuramochi, T; Chu, J; Suga, T


    Gou-teng is a drug used for treatment of hypertension in Chinese medicine. Its antihypertensive action has been previously confirmed in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR). Here, its vasorelaxing effect and the mechanisms of actions were studied in vitro. Gou-teng extract (GTE) relaxed the norepinephrine (NE)-precontracted aortic ring preparations isolated from Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY) with and without intact endothelium; the latter was significantly less sensitive than the former. The GTE-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation was significantly inhibited by NG-monomethyl-L-arginine (NMMA) in a dose-dependent manner while indomethacin did not affect the relaxation. Atropine inhibited the acetylcholine (ACh)-induced endothelium-dependent relaxation but did not the GTE-induced one. Furthermore, once GTE was applied, the following NE-induced contraction was significantly reduced even after repeated washout. NMMA effectively reduced and rather reversed this residual effect of GTE. From these results, it is concluded that GTE relaxes the NE-precontracted rat aorta through endothelium-dependent and, to lesser extent, -independent mechanisms. The endothelium-dependent component would be mediated by EDRF/NO pathway in which the muscarinic cholinoceptors were not involved. Thus, GTE appears to be a potent and long-lasting vasodilator mainly through EDRF/NO release.

  16. Influence of He-Ne laser radiation on biogenic amines content and cytochemical parameters of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in short-term stress

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brill, Gregory E.; Dobrovolsky, Gennady A.; Romanova, Tatyana P.; Porozova, Svetlana G.; Brill, Alexander G.


    In experiments on white male rats short-term immobilization- sound stress was modelled. Decrease of glycogen content and myeloperoxidase activity, increase of lysosomal cationic proteins level and NBT-test parameters as well as fall of adrenaline, dopamine and 5-hydroxytryptamine amount in polymorphonuclear leukocytes were observed. Preliminary transcutaneous He-Ne laser irradiation modified metabolic reaction of leukocytes to stress and prevented stress- induced decrease of biogenic amines content in cells.

  17. Conversion du methanol en ethanol par carbonylation suivie d'hydrogenolyse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gaucher, Melissa

    Ce projet de maîtrise s'inscrit dans le cadre des nouvelles filières énergétiques renouvelables et s'effectue au sein de la Chaire de recherche industrielle sur l'éthanol cellulosique créée par trois partenaires industriels (Enerkem, CRB et Ethanol Greenfield) et le gouvernement du Québec en collaboration avec l'Université de Sherbrooke. La stratégie d'un des partenaires, Enerkem, est de convertir par gazéification des résidus de biomasse non homogène en Syngas, ce gaz est ensuite converti en méthanol puis en éthanol. L'objectif principal de ce projet est la conversion catalytique de l'acétate en alcool. Un catalyseur commercial, composé de cuivre et de chrome, a permis l'obtention des conversions de plus de 95 % et une sélectivité pour l'éthanol de plus de 50 % avec l'acétate de méthyle, de 99 % avec l'acétate d'éthyle et de 50 % avec l'acétate de butyle. Les conditions optimales trouvées impliquent une température de 215 °C, une pression de 350 psig, une vitesse spatiale de 1800 h -1 H2 STP et un ratio H2 : Acétate de 7. Un catalyseur alternatif, à base de cuivre et de zinc, a aussi été testé. L'objectif secondaire est la carbonylation du méthanol en acétate. Cette étape a été réalisée en phase gazeuse où des rendements très élevés, soit plus de 2000 kg d'acétate de méthyle par kg de métal précieux à l'heure (kg AM/ kg métal précieux/h), ont été obtenus. Les conditions d'opérations testées impliquent une température variant entre 200-240 °C, une pression entre 250-600 psig, des ratios McOH : CO de 1 à 2,5. Mots clés: Carbonylation, Éthanol, Hydrogénolyse, Catalyse hétérogène.

  18. L’effet du yoga chez les patients atteints de cancer

    PubMed Central

    Côté, Andréanne; Daneault, Serge


    Résumé Objectif Déterminer si le yoga thérapeutique améliore la qualité de vie de patients atteints de cancer. Sources des données Recherche effectuée avec la base de données MEDLINE (1950–2010) en utilisant les mots-clés yoga, cancer et quality of life. Sélection des études Priorité accordée aux études cliniques randomisées contrôlées évaluant l’effet du yoga sur différents symptômes susceptibles de se présenter chez des patients atteints de cancer en Amérique du Nord. Synthèse Quatre études cliniques randomisées contrôlées ont d’abord été analysées, puis 2 études sans groupe-contrôle. Trois études réalisées en Inde et au Proche-Orient ont également apporté des éléments intéressants au plan méthodologique. Les interventions proposées comprenaient des séances de yoga d’une durée et d’une fréquence variables. Les paramètres mesurés variaient également d’une étude à l’autre. Plusieurs symptômes ont connu des améliorations significatives avec le yoga (meilleure qualité du sommeil, diminution des symptômes anxieux ou dépressifs, amélioration du bien-être spirituel, etc.). Il a aussi semblé que la qualité de vie, dans sa globalité ou dans certaines de ses composantes spécifiques, s’améliorait. Conclusion La variété des effets bénéfiques produits, l’absence d’effet secondaire et le rapport coût-bénéfice avantageux du yoga thérapeutique en fait une intervention intéressante à suggérer par les médecins de famille aux patients atteints de cancer. Certaines lacunes méthodologiques ont pu diminuer la puissance statistique des études présentées, à commencer par la taille restreinte des échantillons et par l’assiduité variable des patients soumis à l’intervention. Il est également possible que les échelles de mesure utilisées ne convenaient pas à ce type de situation et de clientèle pour qu’en soit dégagé un effet significatif. Toutefois, les commentaires

  19. The influence of microwave radiation from cellular phone on fetal rat brain.


    Jing, Ji; Yuhua, Zhang; Xiao-qian, Yang; Rongping, Jiang; Dong-mei, Guo; Xi, Cui


    The increasing use of cellular phones in our society has brought focus on the potential detrimental effects to human health by microwave radiation. The aim of our study was to evaluate the intensity of oxidative stress and the level of neurotransmitters in the brains of fetal rats chronically exposed to cellular phones. The experiment was performed on pregnant rats exposed to different intensities of microwave radiation from cellular phones. Thirty-two pregnant rats were randomly divided into four groups: CG, GL, GM, and GH. CG accepted no microwave radiation, GL group radiated 10 min each time, GM group radiated 30 min, and GH group radiated 60 min. The 3 experimental groups were radiated 3 times a day from the first pregnant day for consecutively 20 days, and on the 21st day, the fetal rats were taken and then the contents of superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px), malondialdehyde (MDA), noradrenaline (NE), dopamine (DA), and 5-hydroxyindole acetic acid (5-HT) in the brain were assayed. Compared with CG, there were significant differences (P<0.05) found in the contents of SOD, GSH-Px, and MDA in GM and GH; the contents of SOD and GSH-Px decreased and the content of MDA increased. The significant content differences of NE and DA were found in fetal rat brains in GL and GH groups, with the GL group increased and the GH group decreased. Through this study, we concluded that receiving a certain period of microwave radiation from cellular phones during pregnancy has certain harm on fetal rat brains.

  20. DuCLOX-2/5 Inhibition Attenuates Inflammatory Response and Induces Mitochondrial Apoptosis for Mammary Gland Chemoprevention

    PubMed Central

    Gautam, Swetlana; Rawat, Atul K.; Sammi, Shreesh R.; Roy, Subhadeep; Singh, Manjari; Devi, Uma; Yadav, Rajnish K.; Singh, Lakhveer; Rawat, Jitendra K.; Ansari, Mohd N.; Saeedan, Abdulaziz S.; Kumar, Dinesh; Pandey, Rakesh; Kaithwas, Gaurav


    The present study is a pursuit to define implications of dual cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2) and 5-lipoxygenase (5-LOX) (DuCLOX-2/5) inhibition on various aspects of cancer augmentation and chemoprevention. The monotherapy and combination therapy of zaltoprofen (COX-2 inhibitor) and zileuton (5-LOX inhibitor) were validated for their effect against methyl nitrosourea (MNU) induced mammary gland carcinoma in albino wistar rats. The combination therapy demarcated significant effect upon the cellular proliferation as evidenced through decreased in alveolar bud count and restoration of the histopathological architecture when compared to toxic control. DuCLOX-2/5 inhibition also upregulated levels of caspase-3 and caspase-8, and restored oxidative stress markers (GSH, TBARs, protein carbonyl, SOD and catalase). The immunoblotting and qRT-PCR studies revealed the participation of the mitochondrial mediated death apoptosis pathway along with favorable regulation of COX-2, 5-LOX. Aforementioned combination restored the metabolic changes to normal when scrutinized through 1H NMR studies. Henceforth, the DuCLOX-2/5 inhibition was recorded to import significant anticancer effects in comparison to either of the individual treatments. PMID:29681851

  1. Different pattern of brain pro-/anti-oxidant activity between depleted and enriched uranium in chronically exposed rats.


    Lestaevel, P; Romero, E; Dhieux, B; Ben Soussan, H; Berradi, H; Dublineau, I; Voisin, P; Gourmelon, P


    Uranium is not only a heavy metal but also an alpha particle emitter. The main toxicity of uranium is expected to be due to chemiotoxicity rather than to radiotoxicity. Some studies have demonstrated that uranium induced some neurological disturbances, but without clear explanations. A possible mechanism of this neurotoxicity could be the oxidative stress induced by reactive oxygen species imbalance. The aim of the present study was to determine whether a chronic ingestion of uranium induced anti-oxidative defence mechanisms in the brain of rats. Rats received depleted (DU) or 4% enriched (EU) uranyl nitrate in the drinking water at 2mg(-1)kg(-1)day(-1) for 9 months. Cerebral cortex analyses were made by measuring mRNA and protein levels and enzymatic activities. Lipid peroxidation, an oxidative stress marker, was significantly enhanced after EU exposure, but not after DU. The gene expression or activity of the main antioxidant enzymes, i.e. superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx), increased significantly after chronic exposure to DU. On the contrary, oral EU administration induced a decrease of these antioxidant enzymes. The NO-ergic pathway was almost not perturbed by DU or EU exposure. Finally, DU exposure increased significantly the transporters (Divalent-Metal-Transporter1; DMT1), the storage molecule (ferritin) and the ferroxidase enzyme (ceruloplasmin), but not EU. These results illustrate that oxidative stress plays a key role in the mechanism of uranium neurotoxicity. They showed that chronic exposure to DU, but not EU, seems to induce an increase of several antioxidant agents in order to counteract the oxidative stress. Finally, these results demonstrate the importance of the double toxicity, chemical and radiological, of uranium.

  2. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: le cas du pouvoir thermoelectrique et celui de l'effet orbital d'un champ magnetique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arsenault, Louis-Francois

    Les applications reliees a la generation d'energie motivent la recherche de materiaux ayant un fort pouvoir thermoelectrique (S). De plus, S nous renseigne sur certaines proprietes fondamentales des materiaux, comme, par exemple, la transition entre l'etat coherent et incoherent des quasi-particules lorsque la temperature augmente. Empiriquement, la presence de fortes interactions electron-electron peut mener a un pouvoir thermoelectrique geant. Nous avons donc etudie le modele le plus simple qui tient compte de ces fortes interactions, le modele de Hubbard. La theorie du champ moyen dynamique (DMFT) est tout indiquee dans ce cas. Nous nous sommes concentres sur un systeme tridimensionnel (3d) cubique a face centree (fcc), et ce, pour plusieurs raisons. A) Ce type de cristal est tres commun dans la nature. B) La DMFT donne de tres bons resultats en 3d et donc ce choix sert aussi de preuve de principe de la methode. C) Finalement, a cause de la frustration electronique intrinseque au fcc, celui-ci ne presente pas de symetrie particule-trou, ce qui est tres favorable a l'apparition d'une grande valeur de S. Ce travail demontre que lorsque le materiau est un isolant a demi-remplissage a cause des fortes interactions (isolant de Mott), il est possible d'obtenir de grands pouvoirs thermoelectriques en le dopant legerement. C'est un resultat pratique important. Du point de vue methodologique, nous avons montre comment la limite de frequence infinie de S et l'approche dite de Kelvin, qui considere la limite de frequence nulle avant la limite thermodynamique pour S, donnent des estimations fiables de la vraie limite continue (DC) dans les domaines de temperature appropriee. Ces deux approches facilitent grandement les calculs en court-circuit ant la necessite de recourir a de problematiques prolongements analytiques. Nous avons trouve que la methode de calcul a frequence infinie fonctionne bien lorsque les echelles d'energie sont relativement faibles. En d'autres termes

  3. MicroBooNE Detector Move


    Flemming, Bonnie; Rameika, Gina


    On Monday, June 23, 2014 the MicroBooNE detector -- a 30-ton vessel that will be used to study ghostly particles called neutrinos -- was transported three miles across the Fermilab site and gently lowered into the laboratory's Liquid-Argon Test Facility. This video documents that move, some taken with time-lapse camerad, and shows the process of getting the MicroBooNE detector to its new home.

  4. Atmospheric 21Ne abundance determined by the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Honda, M.; Zhang, X.; Phillips, D.; Hamilton, D.; Deerberg, M.; Schwieters, J. B.


    Analyses of noble gas isotopes by multi-collector, high resolution mass spectrometry have the potential to revolutionise applications in the cosmo-geo-sciences. The Helix-MC Plus noble gas mass spectrometer installed at the Australian National University (ANU) is equipped with unique high mass resolution collectors [mass resolution (MR): ~1,800 and mass resolving power (MRP): ~8,000], including fixed axial (Ax), adjustable high mass (H2) and adjustable low mass (L2) detectors. The high mass resolution of the L2, Ax and H2 collectors permits complete separation of 20Ne (measured on L2 detector) from doubly charged interfering 40Ar (required MR of 1,777), 1H19F (MR = 1450), 1H218O (MR = 894) and partial separation of the 21Ne peak (on Ax detector) from interfering 20Ne1H (MR = 3,271), and 22Ne (on H2 detector) from interfering doubly charged CO2 (MR = 6,231). Because of the high MRP of ~8,000, 21Ne can be measured, essentially without interference from 20Ne1H, by setting the magnet position on a 20Ne1H interference-free position. This capability provides an important opportunity to re-evaluate the 21Ne abundance in the atmosphere. Our analyses demonstrate that 20Ne1H contributes ~4% to atmospheric 21Ne measurements, with the corresponding production ratio of 20Ne1H to 20Ne being ~1E-4. We calculate a new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne ratio of 0.00287 relative to an atmospheric 22Ne/20Ne ratio of 0.102; this new value is distinctly lower than the current IUPAC recommended 21Ne/20Ne value of 0.00298. There are several significant implications ensuing from the newly determined atmospheric 21Ne abundance. For example, in the area of Earth sciences the most critical issue relates to cosmogenic 21Ne surface exposure ages, which involve the calculation of 21Ne concentrations from excess 21Ne, relative to the atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne ratio. For young samples, where cosmogenic 21Ne contents are small and the 21Ne/20Ne ratio is close to the atmospheric value, the revised value could

  5. Fabrication par injection flexible de pieces coniques pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shebib Loiselle, Vincent

    Les materiaux composites sont presents dans les tuyeres de moteurs spatiaux depuis les annees soixante. Aujourd'hui, l'avenement des tissus tridimensionnels apporte une solution innovatrice au probleme de delamination qui limitait les proprietes mecaniques de ces composites. L'utilisation de ces tissus necessite toutefois la conception de procedes de fabrication mieux adaptes. Une nouvelle methode de fabrication de pieces composites pour des applications aerospatiales a ete etudiee tout au long de ce travail. Celle-ci applique les principes de l'injection flexible (procede Polyflex) a la fabrication de pieces coniques de fortes epaisseurs. La piece de validation a fabriquer represente un modele reduit de piece de tuyere de moteur spatial. Elle est composee d'un renfort tridimensionnel en fibres de carbone et d'une resine phenolique. La reussite du projet est definie par plusieurs criteres sur la compaction et la formation de plis du renfort et sur la formation de porosites de la piece fabriquee. Un grand nombre d'etapes ont ete necessaires avant la fabrication de deux pieces de validation. Premierement, pour repondre au critere sur la compaction du renfort, la conception d'un outil de caracterisation a ete entreprise. L'etude de la compaction a ete effectuee afin d'obtenir les informations necessaires a la comprehension de la deformation d'un renfort 3D axisymetrique. Ensuite, le principe d'injection de la piece a ete defini pour ce nouveau procede. Pour en valider les concepts proposes, la permeabilite du renfort fibreux ainsi que la viscosite de la resine ont du etre caracterisees. A l'aide de ces donnees, une serie de simulations de l'ecoulement pendant l'injection de la piece ont ete realisees et une approximation du temps de remplissage calculee. Apres cette etape, la conception du moule de tuyere a ete entamee et appuyee par une simulation mecanique de la resistance aux conditions de fabrication. Egalement, plusieurs outillages necessaires pour la fabrication

  6. 18Ne Excited States Two-Proton Decay

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Napoli, M.; Rapisarda, E.; Raciti, G.; Cardella, G.; Amorini, F.; Giacoppo, F.; Sfienti, C.


    Two-proton radioactivity studies have been performed on excited states of 18Ne produced by 20Ne fragmentation at the FRS of the Laboratori Nazionali del Sud and excited via Coulomb excitation on a 209Pb target. The 18Ne levels decay has been studied by complete kinematical reconstruction. In spite of the low statistic, the energy and angular correlations of the emitted proton pairs indicate the presence of 2He emission toghether with the democratic decay.

  7. Technique distribuee de gestion de la charge sur le reseau electrique et ring-tree: Un nouveau systeme de communication P2P

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ayoub, Simon

    Le reseau de distribution et de transport de l'electricite se modernise dans plusieurs pays dont le Canada. La nouvelle generation de ce reseau que l'on appelle smart grid, permet entre autre l'automatisation de la production, de la distribution et de la gestion de la charge chez les clients. D'un autre cote, des appareils domestiques intelligents munis d'une interface de communication pour des applications du smart grid commencent a apparaitre sur le marche. Ces appareils intelligents pourraient creer une communaute virtuelle pour optimiser leurs consommations d'une facon distribuee. La gestion distribuee de ces charges intelligentes necessite la communication entre un grand nombre d'equipements electriques. Ceci represente un defi important a relever surtout si on ne veut pas augmenter le cout de l'infrastructure et de la maintenance. Lors de cette these deux systemes distincts ont ete concus : un systeme de communication peer-to-peer, appele Ring-Tree, permettant la communication entre un nombre important de noeuds (jusqu'a de l'ordre de grandeur du million) tel que des appareils electriques communicants et une technique distribuee de gestion de la charge sur le reseau electrique. Le systeme de communication Ring-Tree inclut une nouvelle topologie reseau qui n'a jamais ete definie ou exploitee auparavant. Il inclut egalement des algorithmes pour la creation, l'exploitation et la maintenance de ce reseau. Il est suffisamment simple pour etre mis en oeuvre sur des controleurs associes aux dispositifs tels que des chauffe-eaux, chauffage a accumulation, bornes de recharges electriques, etc. Il n'utilise pas un serveur centralise (ou tres peu, seulement lorsqu'un noeud veut rejoindre le reseau). Il offre une solution distribuee qui peut etre mise en oeuvre sans deploiement d'une infrastructure autre que les controleurs sur les dispositifs vises. Finalement, un temps de reponse de quelques secondes pour atteindre 1'ensemble du reseau peut etre obtenu, ce qui est

  8. Identification des risques professionnels dans l'industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo


    Introduction Le but de cette étude est de mettre en évidence les facteurs de risques professionnels liés aux conditions de travail. Méthodes Cette étude qualitative basée sur les entretiens de groupe a été réalisée par une équipe pluridisciplinaire dans l'industrie textile de la région du Est de la RDC; comprenant un médecin de travail, un médecin de santé publique, un toxicologue, deux infirmiers du centre hospitalier de l'usine, un représentant du comité d'hygiène et un technicien de prévention. La démarche méthodologique a consisté en des entretiens en groupe, des observations et visites guidées de lieux de travail de l'entreprise. Résultats Dans la culture du coton, les effets d'une forte exposition aux pesticides peuvent entraîner des intoxications aiguës, chroniques et voire le décès. Les autres risques sont les accidents de travail, les maladies professionnelles, les troubles psychologiques. Dans l'industrie, les travailleurs sont exposés aux risques liés à l'empoussiérage des fibres de coton, aux facteurs des risques traumatiques, physiques (bruits, vibration) et chimiques (acides forts, bases fortes, solvants et colorants minéraux), ainsi qu'aux risques psychosociaux. La pollution de l'environnement et l’écotoxicité inhérente à ces activités restent l'effet de l'usage des grandes quantités d'intrants agricoles, engrais et produits phytosanitaires. Conclusion Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence les différents facteurs de risques auxquelles sont soumis les travailleurs textiles; ainsi que les risques environnementaux liés à cette activité. Cela est de nature à permettre la mise sur pied d'une stratégie efficace de prévention et de protection des travailleurs. PMID:25977736

  9. Monitoring the Secretory Behavior of the Rat Adrenal Medulla by High-Performance Liquid Chromatography-Based Catecholamine Assay from Slice Supernatants

    PubMed Central

    De Nardi, Frédéric; Lefort, Claudie; Bréard, Dimitri; Richomme, Pascal; Legros, Christian; Guérineau, Nathalie C.


    Catecholamine (CA) secretion from the adrenal medullary tissue is a key step of the adaptive response triggered by an organism to cope with stress. Whereas molecular and cellular secretory processes have been extensively studied at the single chromaffin cell level, data available for the whole gland level are much scarcer. We tackled this issue in rat by developing an easy to implement experimental strategy combining the adrenal acute slice supernatant collection with a high-performance liquid chromatography-based epinephrine and norepinephrine (NE) assay. This technique affords a convenient method for measuring basal and stimulated CA release from single acute slices, allowing thus to individually address the secretory function of the left and right glands. Our data point that the two glands are equally competent to secrete epinephrine and NE, exhibiting an equivalent epinephrine:NE ratio, both at rest and in response to a cholinergic stimulation. Nicotine is, however, more efficient than acetylcholine to evoke NE release. A pharmacological challenge with hexamethonium, an α3-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist, disclosed that epinephrine- and NE-secreting chromaffin cells distinctly expressed α3 nicotinic receptors, with a dominant contribution in NE cells. As such, beyond the novelty of CA assays from acute slice supernatants, our study contributes at refining the secretory behavior of the rat adrenal medullary tissue, and opens new perspectives for monitoring the release of other hormones and transmitters, especially those involved in the stress response. PMID:28993760

  10. Evolution des quasiparticules nodales du cuprate supraconducteur YBa2Cu3Oy en conductivite thermique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rene de Cotret, Samuel

    Ce memoire presente des mesures de conductivite thermique sur les supraconducteurs YBCO et Tl-2201 afin de statuer sur la presence possible d'un point critique quantique (QCP) dans le diagramme de phase de cuprates. Ce point critique quantique serait a l'origine de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi, d'un large cylindre de trous en de petites poches de trous et d'electrons. La conductivite thermique dans le regime T → 0 permet d'extraire une quantite purement electronique liee aux vitesses de Fermi et du gap, au noeud. Une discontinuite dans cette quantite pourrait signaler la traversee du dopage critique qui reconstruit la surface de Fermi. Plusieurs sondes experimentales distinguent une transition de phase ou un crossover a T* a temperature finie. D'autres sondes mettent en evidence une transition de phase sous l'effet d'un champ magnetique. La presence ou non de cet ordre, a temperature et champ magnetique nul questionne la communaute depuis plusieurs annees. Dans cette etude, nous detectons une variation brusque de kappa0/T a p = 0.18 dans YBCO et a p = 0.20 dans Tl-2201. Ces sauts sont interpretes comme un signe de la transition a temperature nulle et sont en faveur d'un QCP. Le manque de donnees d'un meme materiau a ces dopages ne permet pas de valider hors de tout doute l'existence d'un point critique quantique. Le modele theorique YRZ decrit aussi bien les donnees de conductivite thermique. Des pistes de travaux experimentaux a poursuivre sont proposees pour determiner la presence ou non du QCP de facon franche. Mots-cles : Supraconducteurs, cuprates, conductivite thermique, point critique quantique.

  11. Endocrine effects of lifelong exposure to low-dose depleted uranium on testicular functions in adult rat.


    Legendre, Audrey; Elie, Christelle; Ramambason, Camille; Manens, Line; Souidi, Maamar; Froment, Pascal; Tack, Karine


    Environmental toxicant exposure can induce disorders in sex steroidogenesis during fetal gonad development. Our previous study demonstrated that chronic adult exposure to a supra environmental concentration of depleted uranium (DU) does not impair testicular steroidogenesis in rats. In this study, we investigated the effects of lifelong exposure (embryo - adult) to low-dose DU (40 or 120mgL -1 ) on adult rat testicular steroidogenesis and spermatogenesis. A significant content of uranium was detected in testis and epididymis in the DU 120mgL -1 group and the assay in epididymal spermatozoa showed a significant content in both groups. No major defect was observed in testicular histology except a decrease in the number of basal vacuoles in the DU groups. Moreover, plasma Follicle-Stimuling Hormone [FSH] and Luteinizing Hormone [LH] levels were increased only in the DU 120mgL -1 group and intratesticular estradiol was decreased in both groups. Testosterone level was reduced in plasma and testis in the DU 40mgL -1 group. These modulations could be explained by an observed decrease in gene expression of luteinizing hormone receptor (LHR), and enzymes involved in steroid production and associated signal transduction (StAR, cyp11a1, cyp17a1, 3βhsd, 17βhsd, TGFβ1, AR). Several genes specific to germ cells and cell junctions of the blood-testis barrier were also modulated. In conclusion, these data show that fetal life is a critical window for chronic uranium exposure and that the endocrine activities of low-dose uranium could disrupt steroidogenesis through the hypothalamic-pituitary-testicular axis. Further investigation should be so useful in subsequent generations to improve risk assessment of uranium exposure. Copyright © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  12. Alterations in monoamines level in discrete brain regions and other peripheral tissues in young and adult male rats during experimental hyperthyroidism.


    Hassan, Wafaa A; Rahman, Taghride Abdel; Aly, Mona S; Shahat, Asmaa S


    The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of experimentally-induced hyperthyroidism on dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) levels in different brain regions as well as in blood plasma, cardiac muscle and adrenal gland of young and adult male albino rats (60 rats of each age). Hyperthyroidism was induced by daily s.c. injection of L-thyroxine (L-T4, 500 μg/kg body wt.) for 21 consecutive days. Induction of hyperthyroidism caused a significant elevation in DA and 5-HT levels in most of the tissues studied of both young and adult animals after 7, 14, and 21 days. NE content significantly decreased after 21 days in most of the brain regions examined and after 14 and 21 days in blood plasma of young rats following hyperthyroidism. In adult rats, NE content decreased after 14 and 21 days in cardiac muscle and after 21 days only in adrenal gland. It may be suggested that the changes in monoamines level induced by hyperthyroidism may be due to disturbance in the synthesis, turnover and release of these amines through the neurons impairment or may attributed to an alteration pattern of their synthesis and/or degradative enzymes or changes in the sensitivity of their receptors. Copyright © 2013 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Alterations in Skeletal Muscle Microcirculation of Head-Down Tilted Rats

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Musacchia, X. J.; Stepke, Bernhard; Fleming, John T.; Joshua, Irving G.


    In this study we assessed the function of microscopic blood vessels in skeletal muscle (cremaster muscle) for alterations which may contribute to the observed elevation of blood pressure associated with head-down tilted whole body suspension (HDT/WBS), a model of weightlessness. Arteriolar baseline diameters, vasoconstrictor responses to norepinephrine (NE) and vasodilation to nitroprusside (NP) were assessed in control rats, rats suspended for 7 or 14 day HDT/WBS rats, and rats allowed to recover for 1 day after 7 days HDT/WBS. Neither baseline diameters nor ability to dilate were influenced by HDT/WBS. Maximum vasoconstriction to norepinephrine was significantly greater in arterioles of hypertensive 14 day HDT/WBS rats. This first study of the intact microvasculature in skeletal muscle indicates that an elevated contractility of arterioles to norepinephrine in suspended rats, and suggests an elevated peripheral resistance in striated muscle may contribute to the increase in blood pressures among animals subjected to HDT/WBS.

  14. [Effect of electroacupuncture of "Xiaohai" (SI 8) and "Xiajuxu" (ST 39) on serum TNF-α and duodenal high mobility group protein B 1 levels in duodenal ulcer rats].


    Zhang, Hong; Wang, Zhen-zhen; Zhang, Yu-chen; Yang, Lu-jia; Deng, Shi-feng; Ai, Kun; Zhang, Zhi-ping


    To observe the effect of electroacupuncture (EA) stimulation of "Xiaohai" (SI 8) and "Xiajuxu" (ST 39) on serum TNF-α and duodenal high mobility group protein B 1 (HMGB 1) levels in rats with duodenal ulcer (DU), so as to analyze its underlying mechanism in improving DU. Forty SD rats were randomly divided into normal control, model, Xiaohai (SI 8) and Xiajuxu (ST 39) groups (n=10 in each group). The DU model was established by intramuscular injection of 10% Cysteamine hydrochloride (300 mg/kg), followed by taking water containing 1% Cysteamine hydrochloride for 48 h. EA (10 Hz/50 Hz, 1-3 mA) was applied to bilateral SI 8 and ST 39 for 30 min, once a day for 10 days. The DU score (0-5 score) was evaluated according to Moraes' method. Serum TNF-α content was determined by ELISA and duodenal HMGB 1 expression was measured by immunohistochemistry. Compared to the normal control group, the DU score, serum TNF-α content, and duodenal HMGB 1 expression level of the model group were significantly higher (P<0.01). Following EA intervention, the increased DU score, serum TNF-α content, and duodenal HMGB 1 expression level were considerably down-regulated in the two EA groups in comparison with the model group (P<0.01, P<0.05) except HMGB 1 in the SI 8 group (P>0.05), and the effect of EA of "Xiajuxu" (ST 39), the lower-He point, was remarkably superior to that of "Xiaohai" (SI 8) in reducing DU score and TNF-α content (P<0.01). EA stimulation of SI 8 and ST 39 can improve duodenal ulceration in DU rats, which may be related to its effect in down-regulating serum TNF-α and duodenal HMGB 1 expression. The therapeutic effect of ST 39 is markedly better than SI 8 in relieving duodenal ulceration.

  15. Spondylodiscite granulomateuse: surtout la tuberculose mais ne pas omettre le lymphome

    PubMed Central

    Zinebi, Ali; Rkiouak, Adil; Akhouad, Yousef; Reggad, Ahmed; Kasmy, Zohour; Boudlal, Mostafa; Lho, Abdelhamid Nait; Rabhi, Moncef; Sinaa, Mohamed; Ennibi, Khalid; Chaari, Jilali


    Les douleurs lombaires relèvent d'étiologies multiples dont le diagnostic peut être source de grandes difficultés. Le lymphome rachidien primitif est rare et son diagnostic nécessite une biopsie souvent scanoguidée. Un homme de 30 ans, était hospitalisé pour lombalgies inflammatoires évoluant dans un contexte d'altération de l'état général avec à l'examen des douleurs à la palpation des apophyses épineux L2L3, sans syndrome tumoral périphérique. Le bilan biologique montrait un syndrome inflammatoire. Le bilan morphologique était en faveur d'une spondylodiscite. La première biopsie montrait une ostéite granulomateuse. L'aggravation clinique et radiologique sous anti bacillaire a mené à reconsidérer le diagnostic et la deuxième biopsie confirme le diagnostic du lymphome. Le diagnostic de tuberculose osseuse en particulier vertébrale nécessite une confirmation bactériologique et ou histologique pour ne pas méconnaître un lymphome osseux primitif. PMID:28292061

  16. Stratégie transfusionnelle des hémorragies graves du post-partum: étude rétrospective à propos de 47 cas

    PubMed Central

    Khouadja, Hosni; Rouissi, Wissem; Mahjoub, Mohamed; Sakhri, Jaballah; Beletaifa, Dhafer; Jazia, Khaled Ben


    Introduction L’hémorragie du post-partum est la principale cause de morbi-mortalité maternelle dans le monde. La prise en charge est multidisciplinaire. La stratégie transfusionnelle est capitale jouant un rôle majeur dans le pronostic maternel. L’objectif de ce travail a été de déterminer le rapport PFC/CGR lors de la prise en charge des hémorragies graves du post-partum. Méthodes Une étude Etude rétrospective sur une période de 4 ans (2009-2012) a été réalisée dans un centre de maternité de référence de niveau III du centre-Est tunisien. Elle a inclut les parturientes admises pour une hémorragie sévère du post-partum définit par la nécessité d’une transfusion de plus de 04 CGR durant les 3 premières heures ou de plus de 10 CGR durant les 24 premières heures de prise en charge. Résultats Notre étude a inclut 47 parturientes. Le diagnostic de l’HPP a été fait devant un saignement vaginal dans 28 cas et suite à une césarienne dans 19 cas. En préopératoire le taux d’Hb a été de 6.3 g/dl. Le rapport transfusionnel (PFC/CGR) a été de 1/0.7. Conclusion Au cours de notre prise en charge, le rapport transfusionnel a été plus élevé que les recommandations récentes de la littérature stipulant une administration précoce et massive de PFC avec un ratio PFC/CGR compris entre 1/2 et 1/1. L’administration du fibrinogène (Fbg) et de l’acide tranexamique doit être précoce. L’emploi du facteur VII activé recombinant (rFVIIa) doit rester une solution ultime de prise en charge. PMID:28292131

  17. Command and Control (C2) Agility (Agilite du commandement et du controle (C2))

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de la rigueur et de l’emploi des méthodes de mesure et d’amélioration de l’agilité du C2. Le spectre des missions... Control and Intelligence (C2I) Section DRDC Valcartier 2459 de la Bravoure Road Québec (Québec) G3J 1X5 CANADA Email: Micheline.Belanger@drdc...Agilité du commandement et du contrôle (C2) (STO-TR-SAS-085) Synthèse L’agilité est la capacité à effectuer avec succès, s’occuper de

  18. Flaxseed oil as a neuroprotective agent on lead acetate-induced monoamineric alterations and neurotoxicity in rats.


    Abdel Moneim, Ahmed E


    Lead remains a considerable occupational and public health problem, which is known to cause a number of adverse effects in both man and animals. Here, the neuroprotective effect of flaxseed oil (1,000 mg/kg) on lead acetate (20 mg/kg) induced alternation in monoamines and brain oxidative stress was examined in rats. The levels of lead, dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT), lipid peroxidation, nitrite/nitrate (NO), and glutathione (GSH) were determined; also, the activity of acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and Na(+)-K(+)-ATPase were estimated on different brain regions of adult male albino rats. The level of lead was markedly elevated in different brain regions of rats. This leads to enhancement of lipid peroxidation and NO production in brain with concomitant reduction in AChE activity and GSH level. In addition, the levels of DA, NE, and 5-HT were decreased in the brain. These findings were associated with BAX over expression. Treatment of rats with flaxseed oil induced a marked improvement in most of the studied parameters as well as the immunohistochemistry features. These data indicated that dietary flaxseed oil provide protection against lead-induced oxidative stress and neurotoxic effects.

  19. Le niobate de lithium a haute temperature pour les applications ultrasons =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Castilla, Hector

    implique de posseder plusieurs echantillons de differentes formes afin d'isoler chaque mode principal de vibration. De plus, ces modeles ne prennent pas bien en compte les harmoniques et modes en cisaillement. C'est pourquoi un nouveau modele analytique couvrant tout le spectre frequentiel a ete developpe afin de predire les resonances en cisaillement, les harmoniques et les couplages entre les modes. Neanmoins, certains modes de resonances et certains couplages ne sont toujours pas modelises. La caracterisation d'echantillons carres a pu etre menee jusqu'a 750°C. Les resultats confirment le caractere prometteur du niobate de lithium. Les coefficients piezoelectriques sont stables en fonction de la temperature et l'elasticite et la permittivite ont le comportement attendu. Un effet thermoelectrique ayant un effet similaire a de la conductivite ionique a ete observe ce qui ne permet pas de quantifier l'impact de ce dernier. Bien que des etudes complementaires soient necessaires, l'intensite des resonances a 750°C semble indiquer que le niobate de lithium peut etre utilise pour des applications ultrasons a hautes frequences (>100 kHz).

  20. Moxonidine-induced central sympathoinhibition improves prognosis in rats with hypertensive heart failure.


    Honda, Nobuhiro; Hirooka, Yoshitaka; Ito, Koji; Matsukawa, Ryuichi; Shinohara, Keisuke; Kishi, Takuya; Yasukawa, Keiji; Utsumi, Hideo; Sunagawa, Kenji


    Enhanced central sympathetic outflow is an indicator of the prognosis of heart failure. Although the central sympatholytic drug moxonidine is an established therapeutic strategy for hypertension, its benefits for hypertensive heart failure are poorly understood. In the present study, we investigated the effects of central sympathoinhibition by intracerebral infusion of moxonidine on survival in a rat model of hypertensive heart failure and the possible mechanisms involved. As a model of hypertensive heart failure, we fed Dahl salt-sensitive rats an 8% NaCl diet from 7 weeks of age. Intracerebroventricular (ICV) infusion of moxonidine (moxonidine-ICV-treated group [Mox-ICV]) or vehicle (vehicle-ICV-treated group [Veh-ICV]) was performed at 14-20 weeks of age, during the increased heart failure phase. Survival rates were examined, and sympathetic activity, left ventricular function and remodelling, and brain oxidative stress were measured. Hypertension and left ventricular hypertrophy were established by 13 weeks of age. At around 20 weeks of age, Veh-ICV rats exhibited overt heart failure concomitant with increased urinary norepinephrine (uNE) excretion as an index of sympathetic activity, dilated left ventricle, decreased percentage fractional shortening, and myocardial fibrosis. Survival rates at 21 weeks of age (n = 28) were only 23% in Veh-ICV rats, and 76% (n = 17) in Mox-ICV rats with concomitant decreases in uNE, myocardial fibrosis, collagen type I/III ratio, brain oxidative stress, and suppressed left ventricular dysfunction. Moxonidine-induced central sympathoinhibition attenuated brain oxidative stress, prevented cardiac dysfunction and remodelling, and improved the prognosis in rats with hypertensive heart failure. Central sympathoinhibition can be effective for the treatment of hypertensive heart failure.

  1. Algorithmes et architectures pour ordinateurs quantiques supraconducteurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blais, Alexandre

    Depuis sa formulation, la theorie de l'information a ete basee, implicitement, sur les lois de la physique classique. Une telle formulation est toutefois incomplete puisqu'elle ne tient pas compte de la realite quantique. Au cours des vingt dernieres annees, l'expansion de la theorie de l'information englobant les effets purement quantiques a connu un interet grandissant. La realisation d'un systeme de traitement de l'information quantique, un ordinateur quantique, presente toutefois de nombreux defis. Dans ce document, on s'interesse a differents aspects concernant ces defis. On commence par presenter des concepts algorithmiques comme l'optimisation de calculs quantiques et le calcul quantique geometrique. Par la suite, on s'interesse au design et a differents aspects de l'utilisation de qubits bases sur les jonctions Josephson. En particulier, un nouveau design de qubit supraconducteur est suggere. On presente aussi une approche originale pour l'interaction entre qubits. Cette approche est tres generale puisqu'elle peut etre appliquee a differents designs de qubits. Finalement, on s'interesse a la lecture des qubits supraconducteurs de flux. Le detecteur suggere ici a l'avantage de pouvoir etre decouple du qubit lorsqu'il n'y a pas de mesure en cours.

  2. Infrared and Microwave Spectra of Ne-WATER Complex

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Xunchen; Thomas, Javix; Xu, Yunjie; Hou, Dan; Li, Hui


    The binary complex of rare gas atom and water is an ideal model to study the anisotropic potential energy surface of van der Waals interaction and the large amplitude motion. Although Xe-H_2O, Kr-H_2O, Ar-H_2O, Ar-D_2O and even Ne-D_2O complexes were studied by microwave or high resolution infrared spectroscopy, the lighter Ne-H_2O complex has remained unidentified. In this talk, we will present the theoretical and experimental investigation of the Ne-H_2O complex. A four-dimension PES for H_2O-Ne which only depended on the intramolecular (Q2) normal-mode coordinate of H2O monomer was calculated in this work to determine the rovibrational energy levels and mid-infrared transitions. Aided with the calculated transitions, we were able to assigned the high resolution mid-infrared spectra of both 20Ne-H_2O and 22Ne-H_2O complexes that are generated with a pulsed supersonic molecular beam in a multipass direct absorption spectrometer equiped with an external cavity quantum cascade laser at 6 μm. Several bands of both para and ortho Ne-H2O were assigned and fitted using the Hamiltonian with strong Coriolis and angular-radical coupling terms. The predicted groud state energy levels are then confirmed by the J=1-0 and J=2-1 transitions measurement using a cavity based Fourier transform microwave spectrometer.

  3. Élimination du bore du silicium par plasma inductif sous champ électrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Combes, R.; Morvan, D.; Picard, G.; Amouroux, J.


    We analyzed purification mechanisms of silicon by inductive plasma with a fluoride slag. The aim is to study boron elimination from doped electronic grade silicon in function of the nature of the slag to obtain a photovoltaic grade silicon. The steady began with the calculation and the comparison of the stability diagram of boron compounds in presence of CaF2, BaF2 and MgF2. This study led us to conclude that BaF2 is the better slag for silicon purification. This has been confirmed by experience. In a second time, we made purifications under electric bias to enhance slag efficiency. We noticed that BaF2 is more sensitive to electric bias than other slags. Nous avons analysé le mécanisme de purification du silicium sous plasma inductif en présence d'un laitier fluoré. L'objectif principal est d'étudier l'élimination du bore du silicium électronique dopé en fonction de la nature du fluorure pour obtenir un silicium de qualité photovoltaïque. L'étude a commencé par l'établissement et la comparaison de diagrammes des composés du bore en présence de CaF2, de MgF2 et de BaF2. Nous avons déduit de cette première étude que BaF2 est le meilleur laitier pour la purification du silicium. Ceci a été corroboré par l'expérience. Nous avons ensuite opéré en présence d'un champ électrique dans le but d'améliorer encore l'efficacité des laitiers. Nous avons constaté que BaF2 est plus sensible au champ électrique que les deux autres laitiers utilisés.

  4. Dark Forces at DAΦNE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Curciarello, F.


    The DAΦNE Φ-factory is an ideal place to search for forces beyond the Standard Model. By using the KLOE detector, limits on U-boson coupling ɛ2 of the order of 10-5 ÷ 10-7 and on the αD × ɛ2 product have been set through the study of the Φ Dalitz decay, Uγ events and the Higgsstrahlung process. An improvement of these limits is expected thanks to the KLOE detector and DAΦNE upgrades of KLOE-2.

  5. Croissance de couches de Si{1-x}Ge{x} par réaction chimique a partir d'une phase gazeuse : étude thermodynamique et analyse du transfert de matière

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rouch, H.; Pons, M.; Bernard, C.; Madar, R.


    The growth of Si{1-x}Gex layers at a high temperature (1300 K) and low pressure (315 Pa) (by chemical vapour deposition) was studied by a thermodynamic approach and a mass transport analysis using simplifying assumptions. The results showed that the thermodynamic analysis does not permit alone to explain the experimental measurements concerning the composition of the layer. The mass transport analysis showed that thermodiffusion would be of importance on layer composition and uniformity for large substrates. La croissance de couches de Si{1-x}Gex à haute température (1300 K) et basse pression (315 Pa) par réaction chimique à partir d'une phase gazeuse a été étudiée à l'aide d'une approche thermodynamique et de l'analyse du transfert de matière pour laquelle des hypothèses très simplificatrices ont été émises. Les résultats ont montré que l'analyse thermodynamique, seule, ne permet pas d'interpréter les mesures concernant la composition du matériau déposé. Quant à l'étude du transfert de matière, elle a montré que la thermodiffusion jouait un rôle important sur la composition du matériau déposé ainsi que sur l'uniformité du dépôt sur des substrats de grandes dimensions.

  6. Role of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase in angiotensin II regulation of norepinephrine neuromodulation in brain neurons of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.


    Yang, H; Raizada, M K


    Chronic stimulation of norepinephrine (NE) neuromodulation by angiotensin II (Ang II) involves activation of the Ras-Raf-MAP kinase signal transduction pathway in Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat brain neurons. This pathway is only partially responsible for this heightened action of Ang II in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) brain neurons. In this study, we demonstrate that the MAP kinase-independent signaling pathway in the SHR neuron involves activation of PI3-kinase and protein kinase B (PKB/Akt). Ang II stimulated PI3-kinase activity in both WKY and SHR brain neurons and was accompanied by its translocation from the cytoplasmic to the nuclear compartment. Although the magnitude of stimulation by Ang II was comparable, the stimulation was more persistent in the SHR neuron compared with the WKY rat neuron. Inhibition of PI3-kinase had no significant effect in the WKY rat neuron. However, it caused a 40-50% attenuation of the Ang II-induced increase in norepinephrine transporter (NET) and tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) mRNAs and [3H]-NE uptake in the SHR neuron. In contrast, inhibition of MAP kinase completely attenuated Ang II stimulation of NET and TH mRNA levels in the WKY rat neuron, whereas it caused only a 45% decrease in the SHR neuron. However, an additive attenuation was observed when both kinases of the SHR neurons were inhibited. Ang II also stimulated PKB/Akt activity in both WKY and SHR neurons. This stimulation was 30% higher and lasted longer in the SHR neuron compared with the WKY rat neuron. In conclusion, these observations demonstrate an exclusive involvement of PI3-kinase-PKB-dependent signaling pathway in a heightened NE neuromodulatory action of Ang II in the SHR neuron. Thus, this study offers an excellent potential for the development of new therapies for the treatment of centrally mediated hypertension.

  7. Consequences experimentales des effets des fluctuations du vide sur la fluorescence parametrique et la generation du second harmonique en milieu confine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robichaud, Luc

    Les fluctuations du vide, qui consistent en l'apparition momentanee de particules, ce qui est permit par le principe d'incertitude de Heisenberg, joue un role primordial dans les processus photoniques, en particulier les processus non-lineaires. Par la manipulation de ces fluctuations du vide a l'aide de confinement optique, on retrouve deux phenomenes particuliers : l'intensification de la fluorescence parametrique (Walker, 2008) et l'inhibition de la generation du second harmonique (Collette, 2013). Dans ce travail, on presente les resultats dans le cas classique ; c'est-a-dire sans fluctuations du vide et confinement. Par la suite, on presente les effets des fluctuations du vide et du confinement, ce qui mene aux deux effets mentionnes. Dans le cas de la fluorescence parametrique, le bruit quantique sur le champ interne et externe est calcule, le role du desaccord de phase dans le modele est expose et une generalisation tridimensionnelle est etudiee afin de generaliser la conception du modele d'un cas unidimensionnel a un cas tridimensionnel planaire. Dans le cas de la generation du second harmonique, les difficultes d'un modele purement tridimensionnel sont exposees et ensuite le cas limite planaire est etudie.

  8. Problématique de la prise en charge des cancers du sein au Sénégal: une approche transversale

    PubMed Central

    Gueye, Serigne Modou Kane; Gueye, Mamour; Coulbary, Sophie Aminata; Diouf, Alassane; Moreau, Jean Charles


    L’heure où les thérapeutiques innovantes se multiplient dans le cancer du sein, des pays moins nantis comme le Sénégal accusent encore un retard considérable dans la prise en charge globale de ce type de cancer. Au Sénégal, même si la prise en charge des cancers du sein avancés est actuellement bien codifiée, les résultats en terme de survie et de morbidités sont encore médiocres vu les retards diagnostiques et les traitements mutilants, parfois onéreux et mal tolérés, devenus nécessaires. Pour ces cancers avancés, les défis qui restent à relever résident dans l’érection de centres de soins palliatifs et le développement de la pluridisciplinarité pour améliorer la qualité de vie et l’accompagnement des malades. En revanche, pour les cancers infracliniques ou potentiellement guérissables, les défis restent immenses car il s’agira de les dépister, de bien les localiser et les diagnostiquer aussitôt (biopsie écho guidée ou stéréotaxique) mais également de les opérer de façon précise et entière (repérage – exérèse in sano et radiographie de pièce opératoire) tout en limitant les complications comme celles du curage classique (biopsie du ganglion sentinelle). Il s’agit là autant d’objectifs auxquels nos structures de santé ne sont pas toujours préparées. Cette mise au point est une analyse situationnelle sur les écueils contextuels qui grèvent encore la prise en charge globale des cancers du sein au Sénégal. PMID:28154696

  9. Neutrophil elastase contributes to the development of ischemia/reperfusion-induced liver injury by decreasing the production of insulin-like growth factor-I in rats.


    Kawai, Miho; Harada, Naoaki; Takeyama, Hiromitsu; Okajima, Kenji


    Neutrophil elastase (NE) decreases the endothelial production of prostacyclin (PGI(2)) through the inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (NOS) activation and thereby contributes to the development of ischemia/reperfusion (I/R)-induced liver injury. We previously demonstrated that calcitonin gene-related peptide (CGRP) released from sensory neurons increases the insulin-like growth factor- I (IGF-I) production and thereby reduces I/R-induced liver injury. Because PGI(2) is capable of stimulating sensory neurons, we hypothesized that NE contributes to the development of I/R-induced liver injury by decreasing IGF-I production. In the present study, we examined this hypothesis in rats subjected to hepatic I/R. Ischemia/reperfusion-induced decreases of hepatic tissue levels of CGRP and IGF-I were prevented significantly by NE inhibitors, sivelestat, and L-658, 758, and these effects of NE inhibitors were reversed completely by the nonselective cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin (IM) and the nonselective NOS inhibitor L-NAME but not by the selective inducible NOS inhibitor 1400W. I/R-induced increases of hepatic tissue levels of caspase-3, myeloperoxidase and the number of apoptotic cells were inhibited by NE inhibitors, and these effects of NE inhibitors were reversed by IM and L-NAME but not by 1400W. Administration of iloprost, a stable PGI(2) analog, produced effects similar to those induced by NE inhibitors. Taken together, these observations strongly suggest that NE may play a critical role in the development of I/R-induced liver injury by decreasing the IGF-I production through the inhibition of sensory neuron stimulation, which may lead to an increase of neutrophil accumulation and hepatic apoptosis through activation of caspase-3 in rats.

  10. Flight Test Techniques

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la Fkace i lintegration et aux eisais des sous-systimes avioniques qui est devenu le nouveau centre dinttrdt des essas en vol.*.es sysitmes avion rnse au point des systimes i forte composante logicielle. Le Symposium a examine ces questions de premidre importance, en commencset Par un toi...d’horizon des differents programmes d’essai civils et militaires. Les demiires methodologies d’essa en dynamjue du v, et en systemes ont diti revues. Un

  11. Conflict and Conflict Resolution in the Sahel: The Tuareg Insurgency in Mali

    DTIC Science & Technology


    another exodus of Tuaregs—this time from Qadhafi’s military forces. The dissolution of the Libyan- financed Islamic Legion in the late 1980s and the...Liberation of Azawad) FIAA = Le Front Islamique Arabe de l’Azawad (The Islamic Arab Front of Azawad) FPLA MPA ARLA FIAA Indep. units TOTAL 150 120...Afrique, 1580, April 10-16, 1991, pp. 18-23. 10. Quoting new finance minister Zoumana Sako, Sennen Andriamirado, "Les premiers pas du nouveau regime

  12. The role of the anterodorsal thalami nuclei in the regulation of adrenal medullary function, beta-adrenergic cardiac receptors and anxiety responses in maternally deprived rats under stressful conditions.


    Suárez, M M; Rivarola, M A; Molina, S M; Levin, G M; Enders, J; Paglini, P


    Maternal separation can interfere with growth and development of the brain and represents a significant risk factor for adult psychopathology. In rodents, prolonged separation from the mother affects the behavioral and endocrine responses to stress for the lifetime of the animal. Limbic structures such as the anterodorsal thalamic nuclei (ADTN) play an important role in the control of neuroendocrine and sympathetic-adrenal function. In view of these findings we hypothesized that the function of the ADTN may be affected in an animal model of maternal deprivation. To test this hypothesis female rats were isolated 4.5 h daily, during the first 3 weeks of life and tested as adults. We evaluated plasma epinephrine (E) and norepinephrine (NE), cardiac adrenoreceptors and anxiety responses after maternal deprivation and variable chronic stress (VCS) in ADTN-lesioned rats. Thirty days after ADTN lesion, in non-maternally deprived rats basal plasma NE concentration was greater and cardiac beta-adrenoreceptor density was lower than that in the sham-lesioned group. Maternal deprivation induced a significant increase in basal plasma NE concentration, which was greater in lesioned rats, and cardiac beta-adrenoreceptor density was decreased in lesioned rats. After VCS plasma catecholamine concentration was much greater in non-maternally deprived rats than in maternally-deprived rats; cardiac beta-adrenoreceptor density was decreased by VCS in both maternally-deprived and non-deprived rats, but more so in non-deprived rats, and further decreased by the ADTN lesion. In the plus maze test, the number of open arm entries was greater in the maternally deprived and in the stressed rats. Thus, sympathetic-adrenal medullary activation produced by VCS was much greater in non-deprived rats, and was linked to a down regulation of myocardial beta-adrenoceptors. The ADTN are not responsible for the reduced catecholamine responses to stress in maternally-deprived rats. Maternal deprivation or

  13. Investigation of the chamber correction factor (k(ch)) for the UK secondary standard ionization chamber (NE2561/NE2611) using medium-energy x-rays.


    Rosser, K E


    This paper evaluates the characteristics of ionization chambers for the measurement of absorbed dose to water for medium-energy x-rays. The values of the chamber correction factor, k(ch), used in the IPEMB code of practice for the UK secondary standard (NE2561/NE2611) ionization chamber are derived and their constituent factors examined. The comparison of the chambers' responses in air revealed that of the chambers tested only the NE2561, NE2571 and NE2505 exhibit a flat (within 5%) energy response in air. Under no circumstances should the NACP, Sanders electron chamber, or any chamber that has a wall made of high atomic number material, be used for medium-energy x-ray dosimetry. The measurements in water reveal that a chamber that has a substantial housing, such as the PTW Grenz chamber, should not be used to measure absorbed dose to water in this energy range. The value of k(ch) for an NE2561 chamber was determined by measuring the absorbed dose to water and comparing it with that for an NE2571 chamber, for which k(ch) data have been published. The chamber correction factor varies from 1.023 +/- 0.03 to 1.018 +/- 0.001 for x-ray beams with HVL between 0.15 and 4 mm Cu. The values agree with that for an NE2571 chamber within the experimental uncertainty. The corrections due to the stem, waterproof sleeve and replacement of the phantom material by the chamber for an NE2561 chamber are described.

  14. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la lombalgie aiguë du patient africain

    PubMed Central

    Elleuch, Mohamed; El Maghraoui, Abdellah; Griene, Brahim; Nejmi, Mati; Ndongo, Souhaibou; Serrie, Alain


    La lombalgie aiguë est la pathologie rhumatismale la plus fréquente en Afrique. L’épidémiologie et la présentation clinique ne diffèrent pas de celles observées sur les autres continents. En revanche, les aspects psycho-sociaux, la disponibilité des traitements, l'accès aux soins et le poids culturel des médecines traditionnelles sont autant de spécificités qui ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts en rhumatologie pour la prise en charge du patient africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 11 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. Leur ambition est d'améliorer la prise en charge de la lombalgie aigue par une évaluation initiale clinique pertinente, une diminution des examens radiologiques inutiles, une prescription médicamenteuse adéquate et l'abandon de procédures invasives inappropriées. PMID:26955427

  15. Neutron unbound states in 28 Ne and 25 F

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Smith, J. K.; Baumann, T.; Brown, B. A.


    Unbound states in Ne-28 and F-25 were populated in the reaction of a 102 MeV/nucleon Na-29 beam on a beryllium target. The measured decay energy of 32(22) keV in the Ne-27+n system corresponds to an unbound excited state in Ne-28 at 3.86(11) MeV. This is the first measured unbound state of Ne-28. The decay energy of the F-24+n system was measured as 300(170) keV. This places the second measured unbound state of F-25 at 4.66(17) MeV.

  16. Effets thermoelectrique et thermomagnetique du yttrium barium copper oxide monocristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghamlouche, Hassan


    Des la decouverte des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique, les recherches se sont intensifiees afin de comprendre les mecanismes qui sont a l'origine des proprietes de ces materiaux L'etat mixte, tout comme l'etat supraconducteur pur et l'etat normal, a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux de recherche. En particulier, la structure des vortex a l'etat mixte, et leur mouvement sous l'effet d'une force quelconque, etaient et restent le centre de preoccupation. Les effets thermoelectrique (Seebeck) et thermomagnetique (Nernst) sont parmi les differentes mesures qui peuvent donner de l'information sur les etats des vortex a l'etat mixte. L'avantage essentiel de ces deux effets est l'absence d'un courant electrique applique. Ce dernier peut donner des perturbations indesirables durant les mesures. D'autre pari, nous avons utilise la methode CA (Courant Alternatif) pour effectuer nos mesures. Cette methode est caracterisee par une meilleure resolution par rapport a la methode CC (Courant Continu) conventionnelle. Nous avons etudie autant des echantillons macles que des echantillons sans macles. D'abord nous avons teste notre montage a champ magnetique nul. Nous avons alors montre que le pic rapporte par certains dans l'effet Seebeck a la transition supraconductrice ne correspond pas a une realite physique mais a un artefact experimental. On avait associe ce pic aux fluctuations. Par la suite, nous avons mis en evidence et etudie pour la premiere fois avec les effets Seebeck et Nernst le phenomene de la fusion du reseau de vortex grace a des mesures sur les echantillons sans macles. Cette etude s'est faite pour deux concentrations d'oxygene differentes et pour un gradient de temperature parallele, consecutivement, aux deux axes cristallographiques dans le plan ab. Finalement, nous avons etudie l'effet des plans de maclage sur le mouvement des vortex. Ceci a ete realise en appliquant le gradient de temperature selon trois directions differentes (0, 45 et 90°) avec

  17. The effect of pulsed electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone on the levels of monoamine neurotransmitters in four different areas of rat brain.


    Aboul Ezz, H S; Khadrawy, Y A; Ahmed, N A; Radwan, N M; El Bakry, M M


    The use of mobile phones is rapidly increasing all over the world. Few studies deal with the effect of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on monoamine neurotransmitters in the different brain areas of adult rat. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of EMR on the concentrations of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) in the hippocampus, hypothalamus, midbrain and medulla oblongata of adult rats. Adult rats were exposed daily to EMR (frequency 1800 MHz, specific absorption rate 0.843 W/kg, power density 0.02 mW/cm2, modulated at 217 Hz) and sacrificed after 1, 2 and 4 months of daily EMR exposure as well as after stopping EMR for 1 month (after 4 months of daily EMR exposure). Monoamines were determined by high performance liquid chromatography coupled with fluorescence detection (HPLC-FD) using their native properties. The exposure to EMR resulted in significant changes in DA, NE and 5-HT in the four selected areas of adult rat brain. The exposure of adult rats to EMR may cause disturbances in monoamine neurotransmitters and this may underlie many of the adverse effects reported after EMR including memory, learning, and stress.

  18. Le role du phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) dans les variations des proprietes optiques des eaux du Saint-Laurent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mas, Sebastien

    Les mesures satellitaires de couleur des oceans sont largement determinees par les proprietes optiques inherentes (IOPs) des eaux de surface. D'autre part, le phytoplancton de petite taille (<20 mum) est le plus souvent dominant dans les oceans, et peut donc etre une source importante de variation des IOPs dans les oceans. Dans ce contexte, le but principal de ce doctorat etait de definir l'impact du phytoplancton (<20 mum) sur les variations des proprietes optiques de l'Estuaire et du Golfe du Saint-Laurent (Canada). Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, il etait necessaire de determiner en milieu controle les facteurs de variabilite des proprietes optiques cellulaires et des IOPs du phytoplancton (<20 mum) des eaux du Saint-Laurent, et d'evaluer la contribution du phytoplancton (<20 mum) aux proprietes optiques totales des eaux du Saint-Laurent. Des experiences en laboratoire ont montre que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques soumises a un cycle jour-nuit, ainsi qu'a des changements concomitants d'intensite lumineuse, peuvent contribuer significativement a la variabilite des proprietes optiques observee en milieu naturel. D'autres experiences ont, quant a elles, mis en evidence que les variations des proprietes optiques des cellules phytoplanctoniques dues aux phases de croissance peuvent alterer les IOPs des oceans, particulierement pendant les periodes de floraison. De plus, la presence de bacteries et de particules detritiques peut egalement affecter la variabilite des IOPs totales, notamment la diffusion. Au printemps, dans l'Estuaire et le Golfe du Saint-Laurent, la contribution du phytoplancton <20 mum aux IOPs presentait des differences regionales evidentes pour les proprietes d'absorption et de diffusion. En plus de la variabilite spatiale, les proprietes optiques cellulaires presentaient des variations journalieres, et ce particulierement pour le picophytoplancton. Enfin, la plupart des differences observees dans les

  19. L'effet Peltier appliqué à la conception et la réalisation d'un nouveau capteur de débit massique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wattiau, F.; Gaviot, E.; Thery, P.


    éalisation d'un nouveau capteur de débit massique basé sur l'effet Peltier. Le capteur en forme de circuit imprimé bimétallique, comporte plusieurs pistes métalliques continues parallèles entre elles et partiellement recouvertes par un grand nombre de dépôts électrolytiques de nature différente. Un tel circuit se comporte comme un circuit thermoélectrique classique dans lequel les parties homogènes non recouvertes par le dépôt électrolytique constituent le premier conducteur du couple, les parties plaquées constituant le second conducteur. La méthode de mesure consiste à faire passer un courant électrique dans une ou plusieurs pistes constituant le circuit émetteur de façon à générer par effet Peltier des gradients thermiques qui seront détectés par un circuit détecteur identique placé à proximité. Dans le cas particulier d'un fluide au repos, la f.e.m. détectée par le circuit détecteur dépend de la conductivité thermique du fluide. Lorsque le fluide est en mouvement relatif par rapport au circuit, il est possible de détecter une f.e.m. dépendant en grandeur et en signe de la vitesse d'écoulement du fluide. A titre d'application un capteur de débit massique a été réalisé en plaçant les circuits thermoélectriques dans une canalisation parcourue par le fluide en mouvement.

  20. Rupture simultanée du ligament croisé antérieur et du ligament patellaire: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Achkoun, Abdessalam; Houjairi, Khalid; Quahtan, Omar; Hassoun, Jalal; Arssi, Mohamed; Rahmi, Mohamed; Garch, Abdelhak


    La rupture simultanée du tendon rotulien et du ligament croisé antérieur est une lésion relativement rare. Son diagnostic peut facilement manquer lors de l'examen initial. Les options de traitement incluent la réparation immédiate du tendon rotulien avec soit la reconstruction simultanée ou différée de ligament croisé antérieur. Nous rapportons le cas d'une rupture combinée du tendon rotulien et du ligament croisé antérieur chez un jeune footballeur de 22 ans. Une approche de traitement en deux temps a été effectuée avec un excellent résultat fonctionnel. PMID:27366288

  1. La reconstruction du sourcil par greffon composite du cuir chevelu: une astuce pour faciliter la technique

    PubMed Central

    El Omari, Mounia; El Mazouz, Samir; Gharib, Noureddine; EL Abbassi, Abdallah


    Les sourcils jouent un rôle important dans l’équilibre esthétique du visage. Leur reconstruction ou ophriopoïése, après séquelle de brûlure fait partie intégrante du programme de réhabilitation de la face brûlée. Plusieurs techniques ont été décrites. Nous insistons ici sur l'intérêt d'une technique simple, à la portée de tous les chirurgiens, et dont la méthode et les résultats peuvent être améliorés par un dessin bien planifié des zones donneuse et receveuse: la greffe composite prélevée au niveau du cuir chevelu dessinée à l'aide d'un calque du sourcil controlatéral. PMID:26401195

  2. The Characterization of Deqi during Moxibustion in Stroke Rats

    PubMed Central

    Lv, Zhimai; Liu, Zhongyong; Huang, Dandan; Chen, Rixin; Xie, Dingyi


    The efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion is closely related to Deqi phenomenons, which are some subjective feelings. However, no one has reported the objective characterization of Deqi. Our preliminary research has found a phenomenon of tail temperature increasing (TTI) obviously in some stroke rats by suspended moxibustion at the acupoint dà zhuī (DU 14), which is similar to one characterization of Deqi during moxibustion that moxibustion heat is transferred from the original moxibustion acupoint to the other areas of the body. We wonder whether TTI is the objective indicator of Deqi characterization in animals. The present study showed that the stroke rat's recovery was also associated with TTI phenomenon. This suggests that TTI phenomenon is one objective characterization of the Deqi in stroke rats. Application of the TTI phenomenon contributes to explore the physiological mechanism of Deqi. PMID:24194777

  3. The Characterization of Deqi during Moxibustion in Stroke Rats.


    Lv, Zhimai; Liu, Zhongyong; Huang, Dandan; Chen, Rixin; Xie, Dingyi


    The efficacy of acupuncture and moxibustion is closely related to Deqi phenomenons, which are some subjective feelings. However, no one has reported the objective characterization of Deqi. Our preliminary research has found a phenomenon of tail temperature increasing (TTI) obviously in some stroke rats by suspended moxibustion at the acupoint dà zhuī (DU 14), which is similar to one characterization of Deqi during moxibustion that moxibustion heat is transferred from the original moxibustion acupoint to the other areas of the body. We wonder whether TTI is the objective indicator of Deqi characterization in animals. The present study showed that the stroke rat's recovery was also associated with TTI phenomenon. This suggests that TTI phenomenon is one objective characterization of the Deqi in stroke rats. Application of the TTI phenomenon contributes to explore the physiological mechanism of Deqi.

  4. Electroacupuncture ameliorates post-stroke learning and memory through minimizing ultrastructural brain damage and inhibiting the expression of MMP-2 and MMP-9 in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injured rats.


    Lin, Ruhui; Yu, Kunqiang; Li, Xiaojie; Tao, Jing; Lin, Yukun; Zhao, Congkuai; Li, Chunyan; Chen, Li-Dian


    The aim of the present study was to investigate the potential neuroprotective effects of electroacupuncture (EA) in the treatment of cerebral ischemia/reperfusion (I/R) injury, and to elucidate the association between this neuroprotective effect and brain ultrastructure and expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)‑2 and 9. Rats underwent focal cerebral I/R injury by arterial ligation and received in vivo therapeutic EA at the Baihui (DU20) and Shenting (DU24) acupoints. The therapeutic efficacy was then evaluated following the surgery. The results of the current study demonstrated that EA treatment significantly ameliorated neurological deficits and reduced cerebral infarct volume compared with I/R injured rats. Furthermore, EA improved the learning and memory ability of rats following I/R injury, inhibited blood brain barrier breakdown and reduced neuronal damage in the ischemic penumbra. Furthermore, EA attenuated ultrastructural changes in the brain tissue following ischemia and inhibited MMP‑2/MMP‑9 expression in cerebral I/R injured rats. The results suggest that EA ameliorates anatomical deterioration, and learning and memory deficits in rats with cerebral I/R injury.

  5. Comparison of electromagnetic and nuclear dissociation of 17Ne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wamers, F.; Marganiec, J.; Aksouh, F.; Aksyutina, Yu.; Alvarez-Pol, H.; Aumann, T.; Beceiro-Novo, S.; Bertulani, C. A.; Boretzky, K.; Borge, M. J. G.; Chartier, M.; Chatillon, A.; Chulkov, L. V.; Cortina-Gil, D.; Emling, H.; Ershova, O.; Fraile, L. M.; Fynbo, H. O. U.; Galaviz, D.; Geissel, H.; Heil, M.; Hoffmann, D. H. H.; Hoffman, J.; Johansson, H. T.; Jonson, B.; Karagiannis, C.; Kiselev, O. A.; Kratz, J. V.; Kulessa, R.; Kurz, N.; Langer, C.; Lantz, M.; Le Bleis, T.; Lehr, C.; Lemmon, R.; Litvinov, Yu. A.; Mahata, K.; Müntz, C.; Nilsson, T.; Nociforo, C.; Ott, W.; Panin, V.; Paschalis, S.; Perea, A.; Plag, R.; Reifarth, R.; Richter, A.; Riisager, K.; Rodriguez-Tajes, C.; Rossi, D.; Savran, D.; Schrieder, G.; Simon, H.; Stroth, J.; Sümmerer, K.; Tengblad, O.; Typel, S.; Weick, H.; Wiescher, M.; Wimmer, C.


    The Borromean drip-line nucleus 17Ne has been suggested to possess a two-proton halo structure in its ground state. In the astrophysical r p -process, where the two-proton capture reaction 15O(2 p ,γ )17Ne plays an important role, the calculated reaction rate differs by several orders of magnitude between different theoretical approaches. To add to the understanding of the 17Ne structure we have studied nuclear and electromagnetic dissociation. A 500 MeV/u 17Ne beam was directed toward lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets. Oxygen isotopes in the final state were measured in coincidence with one or two protons. Different reaction branches in the dissociation of 17Ne were disentangled. The relative populations of s and d states in 16F were determined for light and heavy targets. The differential cross section for electromagnetic dissociation (EMD) shows a continuous internal energy spectrum in the three-body system 15O+2 p . The 17Ne EMD data were compared to current theoretical models. None of them, however, yields satisfactory agreement with the experimental data presented here. These new data may facilitate future development of adequate models for description of the fragmentation process.

  6. Toxicité sérotoninergique résultant d’une interaction médicamenteuse entre le bleu de méthylène et les inhibiteurs de la recapture de la sérotonine

    PubMed Central

    Charbonneau, Annie


    RÉSUMÉ Contexte : Le bleu de méthylène est employé en pratique pour diverses raisons médicales. Des données récentes ont évoqué une interaction potentielle avec les inhibiteurs de la recapture de la sérotonine, pouvant conduire à une toxicité sérotoninergique. Objectif : Décrire le risque de toxicité sérotoninergique associé à l’interaction entre le bleu de méthylène et les inhibiteurs de la recapture de la sérotonine. Sources de l’information : Les publications pertinentes ont été ciblées systématiquement au moyen des moteurs de recherche MEDLINE (1946 au 21 mars 2013) et Embase (1974 à 2013, semaine 11) en utilisant les mots clés suivants : methylene blue, methylthioninium, monoamine oxidase inhibitors, serotonin reuptake inhibitors et serotonin syndrome. Aucune restriction touchant l’indication du bleu de méthylène ou la langue n’a été appliquée. Les références des publications ont également été analysées. Sélection des études et extraction des données : Dix-huit études de cas et deux séries de cas systématiques ont été sélectionnées. Aucune étude clinique aléatoire n’a encore été publiée. Synthèse des résultats : La première étude de cas à avoir soupçonné une interaction entre le bleu de méthylène et les inhibiteurs de la recapture de la sérotonine est parue en 2003. Dix-sept autres études de cas décrivant le même type d’interaction ont par la suite été rapportées. Les deux séries de cas ont regroupé les données de quelques 325 parathyroïdectomies où le bleu de méthylène avait été employé comme agent colorant. Les 17 patients qui ont présenté une toxicité du système nerveux central prenaient tous en période préopératoire des inhibiteurs de recapture de la sérotonine. Conclusion : Lorsqu’il est administré en concomitance avec des inhibiteurs de recapture de la sérotonine, le bleu de méthylène peut conduire à une toxicité sérotoninergique à une dose aussi

  7. α1- and α2-adrenergic receptors in the retrotrapezoid nucleus differentially regulate breathing in anesthetized adult rats.


    Oliveira, Luiz M; Moreira, Thiago S; Kuo, Fu-Shan; Mulkey, Daniel K; Takakura, Ana C


    Norepinephrine (NE) is a potent modulator of breathing that can increase/decrease respiratory activity by α1-/α2-adrenergic receptor (AR) activation, respectively. The retrotrapezoid nucleus (RTN) is known to contribute to central chemoreception, inspiration, and active expiration. Here we investigate the sources of catecholaminergic inputs to the RTN and identify respiratory effects produced by activation of ARs in this region. By injecting the retrograde tracer Fluoro-Gold into the RTN, we identified back-labeled catecholaminergic neurons in the A7 region. In urethane-anesthetized, vagotomized, and artificially ventilated male Wistar rats unilateral injection of NE or moxonidine (α2-AR agonist) blunted diaphragm muscle activity (DiaEMG) frequency and amplitude, without changing abdominal muscle activity. Those inhibitory effects were reduced by preapplication of yohimbine (α2-AR antagonist) into the RTN. Conversely, unilateral RTN injection of phenylephrine (α1-AR agonist) increased DiaEMG amplitude and frequency and facilitated active expiration. This response was blocked by prior RTN injection of prazosin (α1-AR antagonist). Interestingly, RTN injection of propranolol (β-AR antagonist) had no effect on respiratory inhibition elicited by applications of NE into the RTN; however, the combined blockade of α2- and β-ARs (coapplication of propranolol and yohimbine) revealed an α1-AR-dependent excitatory response to NE that resulted in increase in DiaEMG frequency and facilitation of active expiration. However, blockade of α1-, α2-, or β-ARs in the RTN had minimal effect on baseline respiratory activity, on central or peripheral chemoreflexes. These results suggest that NE signaling can modulate RTN chemoreceptor function; however, endogenous NE signaling does not contribute to baseline breathing or the ventilatory response to central or peripheral chemoreceptor activity in urethane-anesthetized rats. Copyright © 2016 the American Physiological Society.

  8. [Changes of neurotransmitter, lipid peroxide and their metabolic related enzyme activities in the brain of rats exposed to noise and vitamin E].


    Sakuma, N


    Effects of noise on locomotor activities were analysed in rat. In addition, changes in lipid peroxide (LPX), their metabolic related enzyme activities, and neurotransmitter in the rat brain due to noise exposure and the effects of vitamin E on the rats were studied. The results obtained were as follows: After white noise exposure of 95 dB (A), the locomotor activities of rat increased. But 3 weeks after noise exposure, the activities began to decrease. LPX and glutathione peroxidase (GSH-Px) activities in hypothalamus and cortex increased at the 14th day after noise exposure or at the 21st day after noise exposure. Superoxide dismutase (SOD) activities increased in hippocampus at the 4th day after noise exposure, and decreased in midbrain and thalamus at the 14th day and the 21th day after noise exposure. Norepinephrine (NE) increased in hypothalamus at the 1st day, the 2nd day and the 7th day after noise exposure, and increased in striatum at the 7th day after noise exposure, in cortex at the 4th day and the 7th day after exposure. At the 14th day after noise exposure, NE decreased in cerebellum, in medulla and pons, in midbrain and thalamus, and in cortex. In cortex NE also decreased at the 21st day after noise exposure. Serotonin increased in hypothalamus and in midbrain and thalamus at the 1st and 4th day after noise exposure, and increased in striatum at the 7th day after noise exposure. Decrease in serotonin was observed in cerebellum at the 14th day after noise exposure. Vitamin E decreased LPX in rat brain and the liver.

  9. Connaissances des médecins généralistes de Mohammedia (Maroc) concernant le dépistage du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Zine, Karima; Nani, Samira; Lahmadi, Imad Ait; Maaroufi, Abderrahmane


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique majeur au Maroc. C'est le premier cancer chez la femme. L'objectif de ce travail était d'évaluer les connaissances des médecins généralistes (MG) en matière de dépistage du cancer du sein dans la préfecture de Mohammedia Maroc. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, descriptive, exhaustive incluant les 97 MG exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Mohammedia. Résultats Le taux de participation était de 87%. L'âge moyen des MG était de 49,6 ± 8,1. Quatre-vingt pour cent (n=55) des MG ont donné une incidence incorrecte, 77,6% (n=85) ont reconnu l'existence d'un plan national de prévention et de contrôle du cancer (PNPCC) au Maroc, et 67,1 des MG ont rapporté l'existence d'un registre du cancer au Maroc. Le secteur d'activité était associé significativement avec les connaissances des MG sur le PNPCC et sur l'existence d'un guide de détection précoce du cancer du sein avec respectivement (p=0,003 et p=0,001). Une association significative entre l'ancienneté et l'existence d'un guide de détection précoce du cancer du sein et d'un registre du cancer du sein a été retrouvée avec (respectivement p=0,005 et p=0.002). Conclusion À la lumière de ces résultats il faudra renforcer les connaissances et les pratiques des MG par la promotion de la formation initiale et continue sur le dépistage. PMID:27800098

  10. Pseudarthrose de l'extrémité inférieure du fémur traitée par mégaprothèse: à propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Elidrissi, Mohammed; Hammou, Nassereddine; Shimi, Mohammed; Elibrahimi, Abdelhalim; Elmrini, Abdelmajid


    Les pseudarthroses de l'extrémité distale du fémur sont relativement rares du fait de la qualité de la vascularisation de cette région. La prise en charge d'une telle complication pose un certain nombre de difficultés. Le traitement chirurgical fait appel à plusieurs techniques conservatrices, le traitement par prothèse peut s'avérer utile quand la perte de substance est importante chez le sujet âgé. L'objectif de ce travail est de discuter l'intérêt de la mégaprothèse du genou dans le traitement de la pseudarthrose de l'extrémité distale du fémur, à travers l’étude de l'observation d'une patiente et revue de la littérature. Il s'agit d'une patiente âgée de 62 ans qui présente une pseudarthrose de l'extrémité distale du fémur gauche. Sur le plan clinique la patiente présente des douleurs du genou gauche, avec gène fonctionnelle importante. Le score de l'IKS préopératoire était de 60. Elle a bénéficié d'un remplacement prothétique par une mégaprothèse du genou. En postopératoire la flexion du genou était à 90°, le score de l'IKS était de 130. A travers l’étude de cette observation, et la revue de la littérature, nous pensons que l'utilisation de mégaprothèse du genou, constitue une solution efficace et durable pour le traitement des pseudarthroses du fémur distal et particulièrement chez le sujet âgé. Cette technique permet de répondre aux impératifs d'un tel aléa de la consolidation: lutter contre la douleur et garantir une mobilité satisfaisante permettant de répondre aux besoins de la vie quotidienne du patient et ainsi améliorer sa qualité de vie. PMID:24396555

  11. Preclinical and clinical characterization of the selective 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist DU-125530 for antidepressant treatment.


    Scorza, M C; Lladó-Pelfort, L; Oller, S; Cortés, R; Puigdemont, D; Portella, M J; Pérez-Egea, R; Alvarez, E; Celada, P; Pérez, V; Artigas, F


    The antidepressant efficacy of selective 5-HT reuptake inhibitors (SSRI) and other 5-HT-enhancing drugs is compromised by a negative feedback mechanism involving 5-HT(1A) autoreceptor activation by the excess 5-HT produced by these drugs in the somatodendritic region of 5-HT neurones. 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonists augment antidepressant-like effects in rodents by preventing this negative feedback, and the mixed β-adrenoceptor/5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist pindolol improves clinical antidepressant effects by preferentially interacting with 5-HT(1A) autoreceptors. However, it is unclear whether 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonists not discriminating between pre- and post-synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors would be clinically effective. We characterized the pharmacological properties of the 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist DU-125530 using receptor autoradiography, intracerebral microdialysis and electrophysiological recordings. Its capacity to accelerate/enhance the clinical effects of fluoxetine was assessed in a double-blind, randomized, 6 week placebo-controlled trial in 50 patients with major depression ( identifier NCT01119430). DU-125530 showed equal (low nM) potency to displace agonist and antagonist binding to pre- and post-synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors in rat and human brain. It antagonized suppression of 5-hydroxytryptaminergic activity evoked by 8-OH-DPAT and SSRIs in vivo. DU-125530 augmented SSRI-induced increases in extracellular 5-HT as effectively as in mice lacking 5-HT(1A) receptors, indicating a silent, maximal occupancy of pre-synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptors at the dose used. However, DU-125530 addition to fluoxetine did not accelerate nor augment its antidepressant effects. DU-125530 is an excellent pre- and post-synaptic 5-HT(1A) receptor antagonist. However, blockade of post-synaptic 5- HT(1A) receptors by DU-125530 cancels benefits obtained by enhancing pre-synaptic 5-hydroxytryptaminergic function. © 2011 The Authors. British Journal of

  12. Profil étiologique des surdités neurosensorielle sévère et profonde de l'enfant dans la région du centre-nord du Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Ridal, Mohammed; Outtasi, Naouar; Taybi, Zainab; Boulouiz, Redouan; Chaouki, Sanae; Boubou, Meryem; Maaroufi, Mustapha; Benmansour, Najib; Zaki, Zouheir; Ouldim, Karim; Barakat, Hamid; Hida, Mustapha; Tizniti, Siham; El Alami, Mohamed Noreddine


    Introduction Le diagnostic d'une surdité profonde est possible dès les premiers jours de vie. Or, le développement du langage et l'intégration scolaire et professionnelle ne sont pas possible que si la surdité est prise en charge précocement. L’établissement d'un diagnostc étiologique a des implications pronostiques et thérapeutiques. Méthodes C'est une étude rétrospective allant de Juin 2009 au mois de Janvier 2012 ayant recensé 250 cas d'enfants porteurs d'une surdité sévère et profonde. Résultats La moyenne d’âge au moment de l'annonce du diagnostic est de 3.7 ans. Les étiologies prédominantes sont les surdités génétiques dans 35.6% suivies des surdités acquises dans 30.8% des cas. Dans 34.4% des cas aucune étiologie n'a pu être retrouvée. Conclusion Cette étude met en évidence la prédominance éventuelle de causes génétiques de la surdité neurosensorielle de l'enfant au Maroc, et souligne la nécessité d'améliorer les politiques de prévention des maladies infectieuses et de dépistage de la surdité néonatale. Cependant, des analyses moléculaires plus ciblées et la réalisation d'un scanner des rochers systématiques sont nécessaires pour évaluer plus précisément la contribution des étiologies génétiques. PMID:25018837

  13. Prévention de la transmission mère-enfant du VIH/sida au Bénin: le consentement des femmes au dépistage est-il libre et éclairé ?

    PubMed Central

    Kêdoté, N.M.; Brousselle, A.; Champagne, F.; Laudy, D.


    Résumé Introduction Dans les politiques internationales et nationales sur le VIH/sida, le consentement libre et éclairé est reconnu comme une composante essentielle des programmes de dépistage. Le consentement libre et éclairé implique pour les femmes enceintes d’obtenir des informations sur le programme de prévention de la transmission du VIH de la mère à l’enfant (PTME), de les comprendre et de faire un choix autonome après avoir évalué les risques et avantages. Cependant, aucune évaluation du programme de PTME ne s’est intéressée au consentement. L’objectif de cet article est d’explorer le caractère libre et éclairé du consentement des femmes enceintes quant au dépistage et à leurs motivations à faire le test. Méthode Nous avons utilisé des données récoltées dans le cadre d’une analyse d’implantation du programme de PTME au Bénin. Cette analyse s’appuie sur un devis d’étude de cas multiples incluant six maternités choisies parmi les 56 sites fonctionnels. Spécifiquement pour l’analyse du consentement, nous avons associé les données provenant d’une enquête à celles d’une recherche qualitative. Résultats Hormis trois cas de dépistage à l’insu, le caractère volontaire du consentement au test est respecté sur les sites de PTME. Vingt-neuf cas de refus ont été identifiés. Les raisons les plus souvent évoquées par les femmes enceintes sont la peur du résultat positif et de ses conséquences sur la vie familiale dans 55,2 % des cas et l’attente de l’accord ou du désaccord du mari dans 27,6 % des cas. Si globalement le consentement a été volontaire sur tous les sites, son caractère éclairé est moins probant. PMID:27840660

  14. neXtA5: accelerating annotation of articles via automated approaches in neXtProt.


    Mottin, Luc; Gobeill, Julien; Pasche, Emilie; Michel, Pierre-André; Cusin, Isabelle; Gaudet, Pascale; Ruch, Patrick


    The rapid increase in the number of published articles poses a challenge for curated databases to remain up-to-date. To help the scientific community and database curators deal with this issue, we have developed an application, neXtA5, which prioritizes the literature for specific curation requirements. Our system, neXtA5, is a curation service composed of three main elements. The first component is a named-entity recognition module, which annotates MEDLINE over some predefined axes. This report focuses on three axes: Diseases, the Molecular Function and Biological Process sub-ontologies of the Gene Ontology (GO). The automatic annotations are then stored in a local database, BioMed, for each annotation axis. Additional entities such as species and chemical compounds are also identified. The second component is an existing search engine, which retrieves the most relevant MEDLINE records for any given query. The third component uses the content of BioMed to generate an axis-specific ranking, which takes into account the density of named-entities as stored in the Biomed database. The two ranked lists are ultimately merged using a linear combination, which has been specifically tuned to support the annotation of each axis. The fine-tuning of the coefficients is formally reported for each axis-driven search. Compared with PubMed, which is the system used by most curators, the improvement is the following: +231% for Diseases, +236% for Molecular Functions and +3153% for Biological Process when measuring the precision of the top-returned PMID (P0 or mean reciprocal rank). The current search methods significantly improve the search effectiveness of curators for three important curation axes. Further experiments are being performed to extend the curation types, in particular protein-protein interactions, which require specific relationship extraction capabilities. In parallel, user-friendly interfaces powered with a set of JSON web services are currently being

  15. neXtA5: accelerating annotation of articles via automated approaches in neXtProt

    PubMed Central

    Mottin, Luc; Gobeill, Julien; Pasche, Emilie; Michel, Pierre-André; Cusin, Isabelle; Gaudet, Pascale; Ruch, Patrick


    The rapid increase in the number of published articles poses a challenge for curated databases to remain up-to-date. To help the scientific community and database curators deal with this issue, we have developed an application, neXtA5, which prioritizes the literature for specific curation requirements. Our system, neXtA5, is a curation service composed of three main elements. The first component is a named-entity recognition module, which annotates MEDLINE over some predefined axes. This report focuses on three axes: Diseases, the Molecular Function and Biological Process sub-ontologies of the Gene Ontology (GO). The automatic annotations are then stored in a local database, BioMed, for each annotation axis. Additional entities such as species and chemical compounds are also identified. The second component is an existing search engine, which retrieves the most relevant MEDLINE records for any given query. The third component uses the content of BioMed to generate an axis-specific ranking, which takes into account the density of named-entities as stored in the Biomed database. The two ranked lists are ultimately merged using a linear combination, which has been specifically tuned to support the annotation of each axis. The fine-tuning of the coefficients is formally reported for each axis-driven search. Compared with PubMed, which is the system used by most curators, the improvement is the following: +231% for Diseases, +236% for Molecular Functions and +3153% for Biological Process when measuring the precision of the top-returned PMID (P0 or mean reciprocal rank). The current search methods significantly improve the search effectiveness of curators for three important curation axes. Further experiments are being performed to extend the curation types, in particular protein–protein interactions, which require specific relationship extraction capabilities. In parallel, user-friendly interfaces powered with a set of JSON web services are currently being

  16. Ion and neutral energy flux distributions to the cathode in glow discharges in Ar/Ne and Xe/Ne mixtures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Capdeville, H.; Pédoussat, C.; Pitchford, L. C.


    The work presented in the article is a study of the heavy particle (ion and neutral) energy flux distributions to the cathode in conditions typical of discharges used for luminous signs for advertising ("neon" signs). The purpose of this work is to evaluate the effect of the gas mixture on the sputtering of the cathode. We have combined two models for this study: a hybrid model of the electrical properties of the cathode region of a glow discharge and a Monte Carlo simulation of the heavy particle trajectories. Using known sputtering yields for Ne, Ar, and Xe on iron cathodes, we estimate the sputtered atom flux for mixtures of Ar/Ne and Xe/Ne as a function of the percent neon in the mixture.

  17. Neurotransmitter alteration in a testosterone propionate-induced polycystic ovarian syndrome rat model.


    Chaudhari, Nirja K; Nampoothiri, Laxmipriya P


    Polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS), one of the leading causes of infertility seen in women, is characterized by anovulation and hyperandrogenism, resulting in ovarian dysfunction. In addition, associations of several metabolic complications like insulin resistance, obesity, dyslipidemia and psychological co-morbidities are well known in PCOS. One of the major factors influencing mood and the emotional state of mind is neurotransmitters. Also, these neurotransmitters are very crucial for GnRH release. Hence, the current study investigates the status of neurotransmitters in PCOS. A PCOS rat model was developed using testosterone. Twenty-one-day-old rats were subcutaneously injected with 10 mg/kg body weight of testosterone propionate (TP) for 35 days. The animals were validated for PCOS characteristics by monitoring estrus cyclicity, serum testosterone and estradiol levels and by histological examination of ovarian sections. Neurotransmitter estimation was carried out using fluorometric and spectrophotometric methods. TP-treated animals demonstrated increased serum testosterone levels with unaltered estradiol content, disturbed estrus cyclicity and many peripheral cysts in the ovary compared to control rats mimicking human PCOS. Norepinephrine (NE), dopamine, serotonin, γ-amino butyric acid (GABA) and epinephrine levels were significantly low in TP-induced PCOS rats compared to control ones, whereas the activity of acetylcholinesterase in the PCOS brain was markedly elevated. Neurotransmitter alteration could be one of the reasons for disturbed gonadotropin-releasing hormone (GnRH) release, consequently directing the ovarian dysfunction in PCOS. Also, decrease in neurotransmitters, mainly NE, serotonin and dopamine (DA) attributes to mood disorders like depression and anxiety in PCOS.

  18. Impact of experimental hypothyroidism on monoamines level in discrete brain regions and other peripheral tissues of young and adult male rats.


    Hassan, Wafaa A; Aly, Mona S; Rahman, Taghride Abdel; Shahat, Asmaa S


    The levels of dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE) and serotonin (5-HT) in different brain regions as well as in blood plasma, cardiac muscle and adrenal gland of young and adult male albino rats were measured following experimentally induced hypothyroidism. Hypothyroidism induced by daily oral administration of propylthiouracil (PTU, 5mg/kg body wt) caused a significant reduction in DA levels in most of the tissues examined of both young and adult rats after 21 and 28 days, in NE levels after all the time intervals studied in young rats, and after 21 and 28 days in adult rats. 5-HT exhibited a significant reduction in the selected brain regions and blood plasma after 21 and 28 days and in cardiac muscle after all the time intervals in the two age groups of animals. It may be suggested that the changes in monoamine levels induced by hypothyroidism may be due to disturbance in the synthesis and release of these amines through the neurons impairment or may be due to an alteration pattern of their synthesizing and/or degradative enzymes. Copyright © 2013 ISDN. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  19. Cirque du Monde en tant qu’intervention en santé

    PubMed Central

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Résumé Objectif Présenter le programme Cirque du Monde du Cirque du Soleil et son potentiel en tant qu’intervention en soins de santé de première ligne pour les médecins de famille. Sources des données Une revue de la littérature menée dans les bases de données PubMed, Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, La Presse, Eureka, Google Scholar et Érudit à l’aide des mots-clés circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde et Cirque du Soleil. Une initiative à Montréal nommée Espace Transition qui s’inspire directement de Cirque du Monde. Communication personnelle avec le conseiller principal en formation en cirque social du Cirque du Soleil. Sélection d’études Les 50 premiers articles ou sites Internet répertoriés pour chaque mot-clé dans chacune des bases de données ciblées ont été révisés sur la base des titres et des résumés, s’il s’agissait d’un article, ou sur la base du titre et du contenu de la page, s’il s’agissait d’une page Internet. Ensuite, les articles et les sites Internet qui étudiaient un aspect du cirque social ou qui présentaient une intervention impliquant le cirque étaient retenus pour une révision. Aucune contrainte d’année de publication n’a été appliquée étant donné qu’on cherchait une littérature générale sur le cirque social. Synthèse Aucun article n’a été trouvé sur le cirque social en tant qu’intervention en santé. Nous avons trouvé une étude sur l’utilisation du cirque en tant qu’intervention en milieu scolaire. Cette étude a démontré une augmentation de l’estime personnelle des enfants grâce à l’intervention. Nous avons trouvé une étude sur l’utilisation du cirque en tant qu’intervention sur une réserve amérindienne. Cette étude présente des résultats qualitatifs non spécifiques au programme du cirque social. Les autres articles répertoriés n’étaient que des descriptions du cirque social. Un site web concernant l’utilisation du cirque social pour

  20. Adrenergic signaling mediates mechanical hyperalgesia through activation of P2X3 receptors in primary sensory neurons of rats with chronic pancreatitis.


    Wang, Shusheng; Zhu, Hong-Yan; Jin, Yi; Zhou, Youlang; Hu, Shufen; Liu, Tong; Jiang, Xinghong; Xu, Guang-Yin


    The mechanism of pain in chronic pancreatitis (CP) is poorly understood. The aim of this study was designed to investigate roles of norepinephrine (NE) and P2X receptor (P2XR) signaling pathway in the pathogenesis of hyperalgesia in a rat model of CP. CP was induced in male adult rats by intraductal injection of trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid (TNBS). Mechanical hyperalgesia was assessed by referred somatic behaviors to mechanical stimulation of rat abdomen. P2XR-mediated responses of pancreatic dorsal root ganglion (DRG) neurons were measured utilizing calcium imaging and whole cell patch-clamp-recording techniques. Western blot analysis and immunofluorescence were performed to examine protein expression. TNBS injection produced a significant upregulation of P2X3R expression and an increase in ATP-evoked responses of pancreatic DRG neurons. The sensitization of P2X3Rs was reversed by administration of β-adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol. Incubation of DRG neurons with NE significantly enhanced ATP-induced intracellular calcium signals, which were abolished by propranolol, and partially blocked by protein kinase A inhibitor H-89. Interestingly, TNBS injection led to a significant elevation of NE concentration in DRGs and the pancreas, an upregulation of β2-adrenergic receptor expression in DRGs, and amplification of the NE-induced potentiation of ATP responses. Importantly, pancreatic hyperalgesia was markedly attenuated by administration of purinergic receptor antagonist suramin or A317491 or β2-adrenergic receptor antagonist butoxamine. Sensitization of P2X3Rs, which was likely mediated by adrenergic signaling in primary sensory neurons, contributes to pancreatic pain, thus identifying a potential target for treating pancreatic pain caused by inflammation. Copyright © 2015 the American Physiological Society.

  1. Measurement of 17F(d ,n )18Ne and the impact on the 17F(p ,γ )18Ne reaction rate for astrophysics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuvin, S. A.; Belarge, J.; Baby, L. T.; Baker, J.; Wiedenhöver, I.; Höflich, P.; Volya, A.; Blackmon, J. C.; Deibel, C. M.; Gardiner, H. E.; Lai, J.; Linhardt, L. E.; Macon, K. T.; Rasco, B. C.; Quails, N.; Colbert, K.; Gay, D. L.; Keeley, N.


    Background: The 17F(p ,γ )18Ne reaction is part of the astrophysical "hot CNO" cycles that are important in astrophysical environments like novas. Its thermal reaction rate is low owing to the relatively high energy of the resonances and therefore is dominated by direct, nonresonant capture in stellar environments at temperatures below 0.4 GK. Purpose: An experimental method is established to extract the proton strength to bound and unbound states in experiments with radioactive ion beams and to determine the parameters of direct and resonant capture in the 17F(p ,γ )18Ne reaction. Method: The 17F(d ,n )18Ne reaction is measured in inverse kinematics using a beam of the short-lived isotope 17F and a compact setup of neutron, proton, γ -ray, and heavy-ion detectors called resoneut. Results: The spectroscopic factors for the lowest l =0 proton resonances at Ec .m .=0.60 and 1.17 MeV are determined, yielding results consistent within 1.4 σ of previous proton elastic-scattering measurements. The asymptotic normalization coefficients of the bound 21+ and 22+ states in 18Ne are determined and the resulting direct-capture reaction rates are extracted. Conclusions: The direct-capture component of the 17F(p ,γ )18Ne reaction is determined for the first time from experimental data on 18Ne.

  2. Participation des médecins généralistes de la province de Benimellal (Maroc) dans le dépistage du cancer du col

    PubMed Central

    Nani, Samira; Benallal, Mohamed; Hassoune, Samira; Kissi, Dounia; Maaroufi, Abderrahmane


    Introduction Au Maroc, chaque année il y aurait environ 2000 nouveaux cas de cancer du col et les 2/3 des cas sont pris en charge à un stade très avancé. Nous avons mené une étude transversale, exhaustive incluant les 71 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Benimellal. Le but était d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude transversale, exhaustive incluant les 71 médecins généralistes exerçant dans les établissements de soins de santé de base du secteur public et privé de la province de Benimellal. Le but était d’évaluer leurs connaissances et leur participation au dépistage du cancer du col. Résultats Le niveau de connaissance était relativement modeste, 22 médecins généraliste avaient répondu à la question sur l'incidence du cancer du col au Maroc, Parmi eux (81,8%) avaient donné une réponse incorrecte. L'Herpes Papilloma virus comme facteur de risque du cancer du col a été identifié par seulement 21% des médecins généralistes. La participation au dépistage était également défaillante, 92,8% n'avaient jamais pratiqué le FCV chez leurs patientes à cause principalement du manque de formation (95,5%). Conclusion Les résultats montrent la nécessité d'améliorer les connaissances théoriques et pratique des médecins généralistes concernant le dépistage du cancer du col. PMID:23785557

  3. Séroprévalence et facteurs associés à l’acceptation du Conseil et Dépistage Volontaire du VIH chez l’enfant à Lubumbashi, République Démocratique du Congo

    PubMed Central

    Ngwej, Dieudonné Tshikwej; Mukuku, Olivier; Malonga, Françoise Kaj; Luboya, Oscar Numbi; Kakoma, Jean-Baptiste Sakatolo; Wembonyama, Stanis Okitotsho


    Résumé Introduction Malgré le dépistage du VIH proposé lors de la naissance ou au cours des consultations préscolaires, la proportion des enfants qui croissent ou décèdent sous statut sérologique au VIH inconnu est importante en République Démocratique du Congo (RDC). L’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la séroprévalence au cours d’un dépistage volontaire et d’identifier les facteurs associés à l’acceptation du conseil et dépistage du VIH (CDV) en dehors de la maladie ou de toute exposition au VIH dans une population pédiatrique à Lubumbashi, RDC. Méthodes Il s’agissait d’une étude prospective transversale à visée analytique menée du 1er août 2006 au 31 septembre 2007. Elle avait été réalisée dans 4 centres communautaires de CDV répartis dans 4 zones de santé de la ville de Lubumbashi en RDC (Lubumbashi, Ruashi, Kampemba et de Kenya). L’étude avait consisté à faire le dépistage volontaire du VIH chez les enfants de moins de 15 ans. Les caractéristiques sociodémographiques et les paramètres relatifs au conseil et dépistage volontaire ont été étudiés. Les analyses statistiques descriptives usuelles et une régression logistique ont été réalisées. Résultats Sur 463 enfants dépistés du VIH, 41 (8,9%; IC 95%: 6,5%-11,9%) ont été testés positifs. L’acceptation du conseil et dépistage volontaire du VIH en dehors de la maladie ou de l’exposition au VIH était significativement plus élevée lorsque l’enfant était âgé de plus de 2 ans (Odds ratio ajusté (ORa) = 3,6 [IC 95%: 1,1-12,2]), lorsque le statut sérologique du VIH des parents était négatif ou inconnu (ORa = 27,4 [IC 95%: 9,4-80,0]), lorsque l’un ou l’autre ou les deux parents biologiques étaient en vie (ORa = 24,9 [IC 95%: 2,4-250,8]) et lorsque la connaissance du lieu de dépistage était fait par des moyens autres que le professionnel de santé (ORa = 2,9 [IC 95%: 1,0-7,9]). Conclusion Notre étude montre une forte

  4. [The role of glycine binding site in NMDA receptor--interactions between NMDA and D-serine in artificial anoxia/agycemia rat hippocampus].


    Kawasaki, Kazuyoshi; Ogawa, Seturou


    NMDA receptor contributes to cause neuronal death in anoxic condition. It is not known how a part of NMDA receptors, NMDA-binding site and/or glycine-binding site, influence neuronal damage in rats' hippocampus in vitro. Rats' hippocampus, labeled with norepinephrine (3H-NE), was incubated in artificial cerebrospinal fluid (aCSF) and we measured 3H-NE in superfusion solution and remaining tissue. Glucose was eliminated from aCSF and 95% N2 + 5% CO2 produced the anoxic state. The amount of 3H-NE release increased in anoxia with NMDA (NMDA-binding site agonist), while there was no influence on NMDA receptor in non-anoxic state even after D-serine (glycine-binding site agonist) has been administered. The 3H-NE was released more when D-serine (100 mu mM) and NMDA (100 mu mM) were administered together than when only D-serine (10 mu mM, 100 mu mM, 1000 mu mM) in anoxia or NMDA (10 mu mM, 100 mu mM, 1000 mu mM) in anoxia was administered. Glycine-binding site agonist alone does not act significantly but ion channels in NMDA receptor open more and become more effective when both glycine-binding site agonist and NMDA-binding site agonist exist, suggesting that there are interactions between NMDA-binding site and glycine-binding site in NMDA-receptor during anoxia.

  5. L'Aventure du LHC

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)



    Cette présentation s’adressera principalement aux personnes qui ont construit le LHC. La construction du LHC fut longue et difficile. De nombreux problèmes sont apparus en cours de route. Tous ont été résolus grâce au dévouement et à l’engagement du personnel et des collaborateurs. Je reviendrai sur les coups durs et les réussites qui ont marqués ces 15 dernières années et je vous montrerai combien cette machine, le fruit de vos efforts, est extraordinaire.

  6. Measurement of the reaction 18O(α,n)21Ne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Best, A.; Falahat, S.; Görres, J.; Couder, M.; deBoer, R.; Güray, R. T.; Kontos, A.; Kratz, K.-L.; LeBlanc, P. J.; Li, Q.; O'Brien, S.; Özkan, N.; Sonnabend, K.; Talwar, R.; Uberseder, E.; Wiescher, M.


    Background: The reaction 18O(α,n)21Ne is a part of the reaction chains leading to the production of 19F and 22Ne during He burning in low-mass and massive AGB stars, respectively. Additionally, it has been observed as a strong background source in the measurement of other (α,n) reactions.Purpose: Previously low-energy 18O(α,n)21Ne cross section data have only been available in a non-peer-reviewed form. An improved measurement of this reaction has been done to both clarify its astrophysical influence as well as to provide background yield data for future (α,n) experiments.Method: The 18O(α,n(0+1)) reaction has been measured with a moderating neutron detector. In addition the (α,n1γ) channel has been measured independently by observation of the characteristic 350.7 keV γ transition in 21Ne. The reaction cross section at energies above Eα=1100 keV was determined by a simultaneous R-matrix fit to both channels. The strengths of the two lowest-energy resonances at Eα=959 keV and Eα=1066 keV were analyzed separately using individual Breit-Wigner fits.Results: The cross section of both reaction channels, 18O(α,n0)21Ne and 18O(α,n1γ)21Ne, was determined from the threshold energies at 851 keV and 1280 keV, respectively, to 2300 keV. A new reaction rate has been deduced for the temperature range of 0.1 GK to 10 GK. A previously reported resonance at Eα=888 keV is explained as background from the contaminant reaction 17O(α,n)20Ne.Conclusions: In general, our reaction rate is slightly lower than the reaction rates in recent compilations. At temperatures below 0.2 GK the present rate is significantly lower because it could be shown that the lowest reported resonance is background from the reaction 17O(α,n)20Ne that has been wrongly assigned to 18O(α,n)21Ne.

  7. Reconstructing Michel Electrons in the MicroBooNE Detector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caratelli, David


    MicroBooNE is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) neutrino detector located in the Booster Neutrino Beamline at Fermilab which began collecting neutrino data in October 2015. MicroBooNE aims to explore the low-energy excess in the νe spectrum reported by MiniBooNE as well as perform ν-Ar cross-section measurements. In this talk, we present the current status of reconstructing Michel electrons from cosmic ray muons in the MicroBooNE detector. These Michel electrons are distributed uniformly inside the detector, and serve as a natural and powerful calibration source to study the detector's response for low energy (10s of MeV) interactions as a function of position. We have developed a reconstruction software tool to successfully identify such Michel electrons which could be of benefit to LArTPC experiments generically.

  8. Non-destructive analysis of DU content in the NIF hohlraums

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gharibyan, Narek; Moody, Ken J.; Shaughnessy, Dawn A.


    The advantage of using depleted uranium (DU) hohlraums in high-yield deuterium-tritium (DT) shots at the National Ignition Facility (NIF) is addressed by Döppner, et al., in great detail [1]. This DU based hohlraum incorporates a thin layer of DU, ~7 μm thick, on the inner surface along with a thin layer of a gold coating, ~0.7 μm thick, while the outer layer is ~22 μm thick gold. A thickness measurement of the DU layer can be performed using an optical microscope where the total DU weight can be computed provided a uniform DU layer. However, the uniformity of the thicknessmore » is not constant throughout the hohlraum since CAD drawing calculations of the DU weight do not agree with the computed values from optical measurements [2]. Therefore, a non-destructive method for quantifying the DU content in hohlraums has been established by utilizing gamma-ray spectroscopy. The details of this method, along with results from several hohlraums, are presented in this report.« less

  9. Changes in responsiveness to serotonin on rat ventromedial hypothalamic neurons after food deprivation.


    Nishimura, F; Nishihara, M; Torii, K; Takahashi, M


    The effects of food deprivation on responsiveness of neurons in the ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus (VMH) to serotonin (5-HT), norepinephrine (NE), gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), and neuropeptide Y (NPY) were investigated using brain slices in vitro along with behavioral changes in vivo during fasting. Adult male rats were fasted for 48 h starting at the beginning of the dark phase (lights on: 0700-1900 h). The animals showed a significant loss of body weight on the second day of fasting and an increase in food consumption on the first day of refeeding. During fasting, voluntary locomotor activity was significantly increased in the light phase but not during the dark phase. Plasma catecholamine levels were not affected by fasting. In vitro electrophysiological study showed that, in normally fed rats, 5-HT and NE induced both excitatory and inhibitory responses, while GABA and NPY intensively suppressed unit activity in the VMH. Food deprivation for 48 h significantly changed the responsiveness of VMH neurons to 5-HT, for instance, the ratio of neurons whose activity was facilitated by 5-HT was significantly decreased. The responsiveness of VMH neurons to NE, GABA, and NPY was not affected by food deprivation. These results suggest that food deprivation decreases the facilitatory response of VMH neurons to 5-HT, and that this change in responsiveness to 5-HT is at least partially involved in the increase in food intake motivation and locomotor activity during fasting.

  10. Increased PI3-kinase in presympathetic brain areas of the spontaneously hypertensive rat.


    Veerasingham, Shereeni J; Yamazato, Masanobu; Berecek, Kathleen H; Wyss, J Michael; Raizada, Mohan K


    Existing evidence led us to hypothesize that increases in p85alpha, a regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase, in presympathetic brain areas contribute to hypertension. PI3-kinase p85alpha, p110alpha, and p110delta mRNA was 1.5- to 2-fold higher in the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR) compared with their controls, Wistar Kyoto rats (WKY). The increase in p85alpha/p110delta was attenuated in SHR treated with captopril, an angiotensin (Ang)-converting enzyme inhibitor, from in utero to 6 months of age. In the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM), p110delta mRNA was approximately 2-fold higher in SHR than in WKY. Moreover, the increases in mRNA were associated with higher PI3-kinase activity in both nuclei. The functional relevance was studied in neuronal cultures because SHR neurons reflect the augmented p85alpha mRNA and PI3-kinase activity. Expression of a p85 dominant-negative mutant decreased norepinephrine (NE) transporter mRNA and [3H]NE uptake by approximately 60% selectively in SHR neurons. In summary, increased p85alpha/p110delta expression in the PVN and RVLM is associated with increased PI3-kinase activity in the SHR. Furthermore, normalized PI3-kinase p85alpha/p110delta expression within the PVN might contribute to the overall effect of captopril, perhaps attributable to a consequent decrease in NE availability.

  11. Effect of electroacupuncture on the expression of mTOR and eIF4E in hippocampus of rats with vascular dementia.


    Zhu, Yanzhen; Zeng, Yanjun; Wang, Xuan; Ye, Xiaobao


    Clinically, electroacupuncture is proved to be an effective therapy for vascular dementia; however, their mechanisms remain uncertain. The aim of the current study was to investigate the mechanism of electroacupuncture therapy for vascular dementia. One month after a vascular dementia animal model was established by bilateral occlusion of common carotid arteries, electroacupuncture treatment was given at "Baihui" (DU20), "Dazhui" (DU14), and "Shenshu" (BL23). Morris water maze was used to assess the learning and memory ability of rats. Western blot assay was performed to detect the expression of mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) and eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E (eIF4E) in hippocampus of rats. Morris water maze test showed that electroacupuncture improved the learning ability of vascular dementia rats. Western blot assay revealed that the expression level of mTOR and eIF4E in the electroacupuncture group and sham-operated group was higher than that in the vascular dementia group (P < 0.05). In conclusion, the decreasing expression of mTOR and eIF4E plays important roles in the pathogenesis of vascular dementia. Electroacupuncture improves learning and memory ability by up-regulating expression of mTOR and eIF4E in the hippocampus of vascular dementia rats.

  12. Impaired Purinergic Neurotransmission to Mesenteric Arteries in DOCA-salt Hypertensive Rats

    PubMed Central

    Demel, Stacie L.; Galligan, James J.


    Sympathetic nerves release norepinephrine (NE) and ATP onto mesenteric arteries. In DOCA-salt hypertensive rats, there is increased arterial sympathetic neurotransmission due in part to impaired α2-AR function and impaired prejunctional regulation of NE release. Prejunctional regulation of the purinergic component of sympathetic neuroeffector transmission in hypertension is less well understood. We hypothesized that α2-AR dysfunction alters purinergic neurotransmission to arteries in DOCA-salt hypertensive rats. Mesenteric artery preparations were maintained in vitro and intracellular electrophysiological methods were used to record excitatory junction potentials (EJPs) from smooth muscle cells (SMCs). EJP amplitude was reduced in SMCs from DOCA-salt (4 ± 1 mV) compared to control arteries (9 ± 1 mV; P<0.05). When using short trains of electrical stimulation (0.5 Hz, 5 pulses), the α2-AR antagonist, yohimbine (1 μM), potentiated EJPs in control more than in DOCA-salt arteries (180 ± 35 % vs. 86 ± 7 %; P<0.05). NE (0.1 − 3 μM), the α2-AR agonist UK 14,304 (0.001−0.1 μM), the A1 adenosine receptor agonist CPA (0.3 − 100 μM) and the N-type calcium channel blocker ω–conotoxin (0.0003 − 0.1 μM) decreased EJP amplitude equally well in control and DOCA-salt arteries. Trains of stimuli (10 Hz) depleted ATP stores more completely and the latency to EJP recovery was longer in DOCA-salt compared to control arteries. These data indicate that there is reduced purinergic input to mesenteric arteries of DOCA-salt rats. This is not due to increased inhibition of ATP release via prejunctional α2-ARs or adenosine receptors, but rather a decrease in ATP bioavailability in sympathetic nerves. These data highlight the potential importance of altered neural regulation of resistance arteries as a therapeutic target for drug treatment of hypertension. PMID:18606906

  13. Formulation, caracterisation, modelisation et prevision du comportement thermomecanique des pieces plastiques et composites de fibres de bois : Application aux engrenages =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mijiyawa, Faycal

    Cette etude permet d'adapter des materiaux composites thermoplastiques a fibres de bois aux engrenages, de fabriquer de nouvelles generations d'engrenages et de predire le comportement thermique de ces engrenages. Apres une large revue de la litterature sur les materiaux thermoplastiques (polyethylene et polypropylene) renforces par les fibres de bois (bouleau et tremble), sur la formulation et l'etude du comportement thermomecanique des engrenages en plastique-composite; une relation a ete etablie avec notre presente these de doctorat. En effet, beaucoup d'etudes sur la formulation et la caracterisation des materiaux composites a fibres de bois ont ete deja realisees, mais aucune ne s'est interessee a la fabrication des engrenages. Les differentes techniques de formulation tirees de la litterature ont facilite l'obtention d'un materiau composite ayant presque les memes proprietes que les materiaux plastiques (nylon, acetal...) utilises dans la conception des engrenages. La formulation des materiaux thermoplastiques renforces par les fibres de bois a ete effectuee au Centre de recherche en materiaux lignocellulosiques (CRML) de l'Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres (UQTR), en collaboration avec le departement de Genie Mecanique, en melangeant les composites avec deux rouleaux sur une machine de type Thermotron-C.W. Brabender (modele T-303, Allemand) ; puis des pieces ont ete fabriquees par thermocompression. Les thermoplastiques utilises dans le cadre de cette these sont le polypropylene (PP) et le polyethylene haute densite (HDPE), avec comme renfort des fibres de bouleau et de tremble. A cause de l'incompatibilite entre la fibre de bois et le thermoplastique, un traitement chimique a l'aide d'un agent de couplage a ete realise pour augmenter les proprietes mecaniques des materiaux composites. Pour les composites polypropylene/bois : (1) Les modules elastiques et les contraintes a la rupture en traction des composites PP/bouleau et PP/tremble evoluent

  14. Cluster folding analysis of 20Ne+16O elastic transfer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamada, Sh.; Keeley, N.; Kemper, K. W.; Rusek, K.


    The available experimental data for the 20Ne+16O system in the energy range where the effect of α -cluster transfer is well observed are reanalyzed using the cluster folding model. The cluster folding potential, which includes both real and imaginary terms, reproduces the data at forward angles and the inclusion of the 16O(20Ne,16O)20Ne elastic transfer process provides a satisfactory description of the backward angles. The spectroscopic factor for the 20Ne→16O+α overlap was extracted and compared with other values from the literature. The present results suggest that the (20Ne,16O ) reaction might be an alternative means of exploring the α -particle structure of nuclei.


    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sgouros, O.; Soukeras, V.; Pakou, A.; Patronis, N.; Zerva, K.; Keeley, N.; Strojek, I.; Trzcińska, A.; Piasecki, E.; Rusek, K.; Stiliaris, E.; Mazzocco, M.


    New data for the quasielastic scattering of 20Ne from a 28Si target at incident energies of 42.5 MeV and 52.3 MeV and for the 28Si(20Ne, 24Mg)24Mg, 28Si(20Ne, 16O)32S and 28Si(20Ne, 12C)36Ar transfer reactions at 52.3 MeV are reported. Oscillations are observed in the backward angle quasielastic scattering data at 52.3 MeV and the 28Si(20Ne, 12C)36Ar transfer cross-sections are of the same magnitude as those for single-α stripping. Coupled reaction channels (CRC) calculations are unable to describe either the quasielastic or the 28Si(20Ne, 12C)36Ar transfer data assuming a sequential α transfer process with α-particle form factors from the literature. The addition of direct 8Be cluster transfer can provide a reasonable description of both data sets, but only with much larger spectroscopic factors than suggested by simple structure calculations or the large 8Be emission thresholds of 20Ne, 28Si and 36Ar, suggesting that the observed structure is of resonance-like origin. An optical model analysis of the quasielastic scattering data is also reported.

  16. Active faults and minor plates in NE Asia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kozhurin, Andrey I.; Zelenin, Egor A.


    Stated nearly 40 yr ago the uncertainty with plate boundaries location in NE Asia (Chapman, Solomon, 1976) still remains unresolved. Based on the prepositions that a plate boundary must, first, reveal itself in linear sets of active structures, and, second, be continuous and closed, we have undertaken interpretation of medium-resolution KH-9 Hexagon satellite imageries, mostly in stereoscopic regime, for nearly the entire region of NE Asia. Main findings are as follows. There are two major active fault zones in the region north of the Bering Sea. One of them, the Khatyrka-Vyvenka zone, stretches NE to ENE skirting the Bering Sea from the Kamchatka isthmus to the Navarin Cape. Judging by the kinematics of the Olyutorsky 2006 earthquake fault, the fault zones move both right-laterally and reversely. The second active fault zone, the Lankovaya-Omolon zone, starts close to the NE margin of the Okhotsk Sea and extends NE up to nearly the margin of the Chukcha Sea. The fault zone is mostly right-lateral, with topographically expressed cumulative horizontal offsets amounting to 2.5-2.6 km. There may be a third NE-SW zone between the major two coinciding with the Penzhina Range as several active faults found in the southern termination of the Range indicate. The two active fault zones divide the NE Asia area into two large domains, which both could be parts of the Bering Sea plate internally broken and with uncertain western limit. Another variant implies the Khatyrka-Vyvenka zone as the Bering Sea plate northern limit, and the Lankovaya-Omolon zone as separating an additional minor plate from the North-American plate. The choice is actually not crucial, and more important is that both variants leave the question of where the Bering Sea plate boundary is in Alaska. The Lankovaya-Omolon zone stretches just across the proposed northern boundary of the Okhorsk Sea plate. NW of the zone, there is a prominent left-lateral Ulakhan fault, which is commonly interpreted to be a

  17. High-frequency electroacupuncture evidently reinforces hippocampal synaptic transmission in Alzheimer's disease rats

    PubMed Central

    Li, Wei; Kong, Li-hong; Wang, Hui; Shen, Feng; Wang, Ya-wen; Zhou, Hua; Sun, Guo-jie


    The frequency range of electroacupuncture in treatment of Alzheimer's disease in rats is commonly 2–5 Hz (low frequency) and 50–100 Hz (high frequency). We established a rat model of Alzheimer's disease by injecting β-amyloid 1–42 (Aβ1–42) into the bilateral hippocampal dentate gyrus to verify which frequency may be better suited in treatment. Electroacupuncture at 2 Hz or 50 Hz was used to stimulate Baihui (DU20) and Shenshu (BL23) acupoints. The water maze test and electrophysiological studies demonstrated that spatial memory ability was apparently improved, and the ranges of long-term potentiation and long-term depression were increased in Alzheimer's disease rats after electroacupuncture treatment. Moreover, the effects of electroacupuncture at 50 Hz were better than that at 2 Hz. These findings suggest that high-frequency electroacupuncture may enhance hippocampal synaptic transmission and potentially improve memory disorders in Alzheimer's disease rats. PMID:27335565

  18. Profil bactériologique du pied diabétique et son impact sur le choix des antibiotiques

    PubMed Central

    Zemmouri, Adil; Tarchouli, Mohamed; Benbouha, Abdellatif; Lamkinsi, Tarik; Bensghir, Mustapha; Elouennass, Mostafa; Haimeur, Cherqui


    Introduction Analyse du profil bactériologique des pieds diabétiques pris en charge à l'hôpital militaire de Rabat et son influence sur l'antibiothérapie de première intention. Méthodes Etude prospective non randomisée étalée sur 18 mois, ayant concerné 105 patients. Après recueil des données et en attente des résultats bactériologiques nos patients ont été divisés en deux groupes: un groupe a été mis sous Amoxicilline + Acide clavulanique + Gentamycine (59 patients) et un groupe sous Ertapénème±Gentamycine (46 patients). Résultats L’étude a regroupé 85 hommes et 20 femmes (sexe ratio = 4.26). L’âge moyen est de 64.4 ans. La gangrène a été observée chez 79% des malades; elle était humide-donc surinfectée en principe- dans 43% des cas. Par ailleurs, 67% des malades ont un chiffre de globules blancs 12000 définissant une infection sévère. L'ostéolyse a été mise en évidence chez 27% de nos patients. Parmi les différentes techniques de prélèvements: 81% ont été profonds dont 21% de biopsie osseuse per opératoire et 14% de prélèvements combinés. 42% de ces prélèvements sont poly microbiens et 21% sont stériles. Les résultats bactériologiques viennent confirmer la prédominance des bactéries aérobies à Gram positif. Le taux de remplacement de l'Ertapénème est de 22% contre un taux de 50% pour l'Amoxiclav. Conclusion L'antibiothérapie ne doit être instaurée qu'en cas d'infection du pied diabétique diagnostiquée sur les critères cliniques établis par les consensus internationaux récents. Le respect des mesures de lutte contre la diffusion de la résistance bactérienne s'avère primordiale. PMID:27386024

  19. The Fermilab Short-Baseline Program: MicroBooNE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Schukraft, Anne


    The MicroBooNE experiment is the first of three detectors of the Fermilab short-baseline neutrino program that started operation in the Booster Neutrino Beamline in October 2015 [1]. When completed, the three-detector lineup will explore short-baseline neutrino oscillations and will be sensitive to sterile neutrino scenarios. MicroBooNE in itself is now starting its own physics program, with the measurement of neutrino-argon cross sections in the ~1GeV range being one of its main physics goals. These proceedings describe the status of the detector, the start of operation, and the automated reconstruction of the first neutrino events observed with MicroBooNE. Prospects for upcomingmore » cross section measurements are also given.« less

  20. Utilisation de l'essai comete et du biomarqueur gamma-H2AX pour detecter les dommages induits a l'ADN cellulaire par le 5-bromodeoxyuridine post-irradiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    La Madeleine, Carole

    Ce memoire est presente a la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante de l'Universite de Sherbrooke en vue de l'obtention du grade de maitre es sciences (M.Sc.) en radiobiologie (2009). Un jury a revise les informations contenues dans ce memoire. Il etait compose de professeurs de la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante soit : Darel Hunting PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Leon Sanche PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Richard Wagner PhD, membre du programme (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie) et Guylain Boissonneault PhD, membre exterieur au programme (departement de biochimie). Le 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), un analogue halogene de la thymidine reconnu depuis les annees 60 comme etant un excellent radiosensibilisateur. L'hypothese la plus repandue au sujet de l'effet radio sensibilisant du BrdU est qu'il augmente le nombre de cassures simple et double brin lorsqu'il est incorpore dans l'ADN de la cellule et expose aux radiations ionisantes. Toutefois, de nouvelles recherches semblent remettre en question les observations precedentes. Ces dernieres etudes ont confirme que le BrdU est un bon radiosensibilisateur, car il augmente les dommages radio-induits dans l'ADN. Mais, c'est en etant incorpore dans une region simple brin que le BrdU radiosensibilise l'ADN. Ces recherches ont egalement revele pour la premiere fois un nouveau type de dommages produits lors de l'irradiation de l'ADN contenant du BrdU : les dimeres interbrins. Le but de ces travaux de recherche est de determiner si la presence de bromodeoxyuridine dans l'ADN augmente l'induction de bris simple et / ou double brin chez les cellules irradiees en utilisant de nouvelles techniques plus sensibles et specifiques que celles utilisees auparavant. Pour ce faire, les essais cometes et la detection des foci H2AX phosphorylee pourraient permettre d'etablir les effets engendres par

  1. 75 FR 29653 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Beatrice, NE

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Beatrice, NE. Decommissioning of the Shaw non-directional beacon (NDB) at Beatrice Municipal Airport... airspace for the Beatrice, NE area. Decommissioning of the Shaw NDB and cancellation of the NDB approach at...

  2. Time-dependent wave-packet quantum dynamics study of the Ne + D2(+) (v0 = 0-2, j0 = 0) → NeD(+) + D reaction: including the coriolis coupling.


    Yao, Cui-Xia; Zhang, Pei-Yu


    The dynamics of the Ne + D2(+) (v0 = 0-2, j0 = 0) → NeD(+) + D reaction has been investigated in detail by using an accurate time-dependent wave-packet method on the ground 1(2)A' potential energy surface. Comparisons between the Coriolis coupling results and the centrifugal-sudden ones reveal that Coriolis coupling effect can influence reaction dynamics of the NeD2(+) system. Integral cross sections have been evaluated for the Ne + D2(+) reaction and its isotopic variant Ne + H2(+), and a considerable intermolecular isotopic effect has been found. Also obvious is the great enhancement of the reactivity due to the reagent vibrational excitation. Besides, a comparison with previous theoretical results is also presented and discussed.

  3. Atomoxetine, a selective norepinephrine reuptake inhibitor, improves short-term histological outcomes after hypoxic-ischemic brain injury in the neonatal male rat.


    Toshimitsu, Masatake; Kamei, Yoshimasa; Ichinose, Mari; Seyama, Takahiro; Imada, Shinya; Iriyama, Takayuki; Fujii, Tomoyuki


    Despite the recent progress of perinatal medicine, perinatal hypoxic-ischemic (HI) insult remains an important cause of brain injury in neonates, and is pathologically characterized by neuronal loss and the presence of microglia. Neurotransmitters, such as norepinephrine (NE) and glutamate, are involved in the pathogenesis of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy via the interaction between neurons and microglia. Although it is well known that the monoamine neurotransmitter NE acts as an anti-inflammatory agent in the brain under pathological conditions, its effects on perinatal HI insult remains elusive. Atomoxetine, a selective NE reuptake inhibitor, has been used clinically for the treatment of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder in children. Here, we investigated whether the enhancement of endogenous NE by administration of atomoxetine could protect neonates against HI insult by using the neonatal male rat model. We also examined the involvement of microglia in this process. Unilateral HI brain injury was induced by the combination of left carotid artery dissection followed by ligation and hypoxia (8% O 2 , 2 h) in postnatal day 7 (P7) male rat pups. The pups were randomized into three groups: the atomoxetine treatment immediately after HI insult, the atomoxetine treatment at 3 h after HI insult, or the vehicle treatment group. The pups were euthanized on P8 and P14, and the brain regions including the cortex, striatum, hippocampus, and thalamus were evaluated by immunohistochemistry. HI insult resulted in severe brain damage in the ipsilateral hemisphere at P14. Atomoxetine treatment immediately after HI insult significantly increased NE levels in the ipsilateral hemisphere at 1 h after HI insult and reduced the neuronal damage via the increased phosphorylation of cAMP response element-binding protein (pCREB) in all brain regions examined. In addition, the number of microglia was maintained under atomoxetine treatment compared with that of the vehicle

  4. Modulation of myocardial mitochondrial mechanisms during severe polymicrobial sepsis in the rat.


    Chopra, Mani; Golden, Honey B; Mullapudi, Srinivas; Dowhan, William; Dostal, David E; Sharma, Avadhesh C


    We tested the hypothesis that 5-Hydroxydecanoic acid (5HD), a putative mitoK(ATP) channel blocker, will reverse sepsis-induced cardiodynamic and adult rat ventricular myocyte (ARVM) contractile dysfunction, restore mitochondrial membrane permeability alterations and improve survival. Male Sprague-Dawley rats (350-400 g) were made septic using 400 mg/kg cecal inoculum, ip. Sham animals received 5% dextrose water, ip. The Voltage Dependent Anion Channels (VDAC1), Bax and cytochrome C levels were determined in isolated single ARVMs obtained from sham and septic rat heart. Mitochondria and cytosolic fractions were isolated from ARVMs treated with norepinephrine (NE, 10 µmoles) in the presence/absence of 5HD (100 µmoles). A continuous infusion of 5HD using an Alzet pump reversed sepsis-induced mortality when administered at the time of induction of sepsis (-40%) and at 6 hr post-sepsis (-20%). Electrocardiography revealed that 5HD reversed sepsis-induced decrease in the average ejection fraction, Simpsons+m Mode (53.5±2.5 in sepsis and 69.2±1.2 at 24 hr in sepsis+5HD vs. 79.9±1.5 basal group) and cardiac output (63.3±1.2 mL/min sepsis and 79.3±3.9 mL/min at 24 hr in sepsis+5HD vs. 85.8±1.5 mL/min basal group). The treatment of ARVMs with 5HD also reversed sepsis-induced depressed contractility in both the vehicle and NE-treated groups. Sepsis produced a significant downregulation of VDAC1, and upregulation of Bax levels, along with mitochondrial membrane potential collapse in ARVMs. Pretreatment of septic ARVMs with 5HD blocked a NE-induced decrease in the VDAC1 and release of cytochrome C. The data suggest that Bax activation is an upstream event that may precede the opening of the mitoK(ATP) channels in sepsis. We concluded that mitoK(ATP) channel inhibition via decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and reduced release of cytochrome C provided protection against sepsis-induced ARVM and myocardial contractile dysfunction.

  5. Effects of long-term lithium and desipramine treatment upon clonidine-induced inhibition of /sup 3/H-norepinephrine release from rat hippocampal slices

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Spengler, R.N.; Hollingsworth, P.J.; Smith, C.B.


    Long-term treatment with antidepressant agents alters the specific binding of /sup 3/H-clonidine, an alpha/sub 2/ adrenoreceptor agonist, to neural membranes isolated from specific areas of the rat brain. The purpose of the present study was to determine whether these changes in binding of /sup 3/H-clonidine represent an alteration in the functional state of the presynaptic alpha/sub 2/ adrenorecepotr. Hippocampal slices were incubated with /sup 3/H-norepinephrine (/sup 3/H-NE, 330 nM0 for 20 min, washed with fresh buffer for 30 min and then stimulated (4 Hz, 2 msec duration, 2 min) at 12 min intervals. Cumulative concentration-effect curves were determined of /supmore » 3/H-NE. Rats were injected, i.p., twice daily for 14 days with lithium chloride (105 mg/kg), desipramine HCl (10 mg/kg) or saline. In controls, the EC50 for clonidine was 2.3 +/- 1.0 nM (n = 3). After lithium treatment, the clonidine concentration-effect curve was shifted to the right, and the EC50 as 12.1 +/- 4.3 nM. Desipramine treatment nearly abolished the inhibitory effect of clonidine upon the release of /sup 3/H-NE by field stimulation. These observations indicate that the long-term administration of desipramine and lithium produce a functional subsensitivity of the alpha/sub 2/ adrenoreceptor which regulates norepinephrine release in the rat brain.« less

  6. Stellar reaction rate for {sup 22}Mg+p->{sup 23}Al from the asymptotic normalization coefficient in the mirror nuclear system {sup 22}Ne+n->{sup 23}Ne

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Al-Abdullah, T.; Physics Department, Hashemite University, Zarqa 13115; Carstoiu, F.


    The production of {sup 22}Na in ONe novae can be influenced by the {sup 22}Mg(p,gamma){sup 23}Al reaction. To investigate this reaction rate at stellar energies, we have determined the asymptotic normalization coefficient (ANC) for {sup 22}Mg+p->{sup 23}Al through measurements of the ANCs in the mirror nuclear system {sup 22}Ne+n->{sup 23}Ne. The peripheral neutron-transfer reactions {sup 13}C({sup 12}C,{sup 13}C){sup 12}C and {sup 13}C({sup 22}Ne,{sup 23}Ne){sup 12}C were studied. The identical entrance and exit channels of the first reaction make it possible to extract independently the ground-state ANC in {sup 13}C. Our experiment gives C{sub p{sub 1/2}}{sup 2}({sup 13}C)=2.24+-0.11 fm{sup -1}, whichmore » agrees with the value obtained from several previous measurements. The weighted average for all the obtained C{sub p{sub 1/2}}{sup 2} is 2.31+-0.08 fm{sup -1}. This value is adopted to be used in obtaining the ANCs in {sup 23}Ne. The differential cross sections for the reaction {sup 13}C({sup 22}Ne,{sup 23}Ne){sup 12}C leading to the J{sup {pi}}=5/2{sup +} and 1/2{sup +} states in {sup 23}Ne have been measured at 12 MeV/u. Optical model parameters for use in the DWBA calculations were obtained from measurements of the elastic scatterings {sup 22}Ne+{sup 13}C and {sup 22}Ne+{sup 12}C. The extracted ANC for the ground state in {sup 23}Ne, C{sub d{sub 5/2}}{sup 2}=0.86+-0.08+-0.12 fm{sup -1}, is converted to its corresponding value in {sup 23}Al using mirror symmetry to give C{sub d{sub 5/2}}{sup 2}({sup 23}Al)=(4.63+-0.77)x10{sup 3} fm{sup -1}. The astrophysical S factor S(0) for the {sup 22}Mg(p,gamma) reaction was determined to be 0.96+-0.11 keV b. The consequences for nuclear astrophysics are discussed.« less

  7. Study of Electromagnetic Interactions with the MicroBooNE Detector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caratelli, David; MicroBooNE Collaboration


    MicroBooNE is an experiment which employs the Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) detector technology to study neutrinos produced with the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. As for any accelerator-based detector interested in studying neutrino oscillations, it is essential to be able to identify and reconstruct the kinematic properties of electrons and photons produced in μν and νe interactions. We report current progress in reconstructing electron and photon electromagnetic (EM) showers using data from the MicroBooNE LArTPC. These studies cover EM showers in the tens to hundreds of MeV energy range; they lay the foundation for MicroBooNE's investigation of the excess of low-energy EM events reported by MiniBooNE, and are of interest to the wider LArTPC neutrino community.

  8. Cirque du Monde as a health intervention

    PubMed Central

    Fournier, Cynthia; Drouin, Mélodie-Anne; Marcoux, Jérémie; Garel, Patricia; Bochud, Emmanuel; Théberge, Julie; Aubertin, Patrice; Favreau, Gil; Fleet, Richard


    Abstract Objective To present Cirque du Soleil’s social circus program, Cirque du Monde, to explore its potential as a primary health care tool for family physicians. Data sources A review of the literature in PubMed, the Cochrane Library, PsycINFO, LaPresse, Eureka, Google Scholar, and Érudit using the key words circus, social circus, Cirque du Monde, and Cirque du Soleil; a Montreal-based initiative, Espace Transition, modeled on Cirque du Monde; and personal communication with Cirque du Soleil’s Social Circus Training Advisor. Study selection The first 50 articles or websites identified for each key word in each of the databases were examined on the basis of their titles and abstracts in the case of articles, and on the basis of their titles and page content in the case of websites. Articles and websites that explored an aspect of social circuses or that described an intervention that involved circuses were then retained for analysis. Because all literature on social circuses was searched, no criterion for year of publication was used. Synthesis No articles on the social circus as a health intervention were found. One study on the use of the circus as an intervention in schools was identified. It demonstrated an increase in self-esteem in the children who took part. One study on the use of the circus in a First Nations community was found; it contained nonspecific, qualitative findings. The other articles identified were merely descriptions of social circuses. One website was identified on the use of the social circus to help youth who had been treated in a hospital setting for major psychiatric disorders to re-enter the community. The team in the pediatric psychiatry department at Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Sainte-Justine, the children’s hospital in Montreal, Que, was contacted; they were leading this project, called Espace Transition. The unpublished preliminary findings of its pilot project demonstrate substantial improvements in overall patient

  9. Prédiction du comportement à long terme des matériaux polymères

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lemaire, J.


    Most of the world activity on research, development and control of polymer durability is still based on empirical techniques developed in the early ages of polymer uses. Those techniques should be critically analysed considering the state of the art in the fundamental understanding of these complex phenomena. A more rational approach is described, especially to predict the lifetime of polymeric materials in environmental conditions. That approach is based on the recognition of the chemical evolution mechanisms. Les activités de recherche, développement et contrôle de durabilité des matériaux polymères sont encore, pour une part très importante, basées sur l'emploi de techniques empiriques dont les principes ont été énoncés dès le début de l'exploitation de ces matériaux. Une analyse critique de ces méthodes s'impose aujourd'hui en tenant compte de l'avancement des connaissances. Une approche plus rationnelle est décrite, approche basée sur la reconnaissance des mécanismes d'évolution chimique. A titre d'exemple, le mécanisme d'évolution du PVC sous contraintes conjuguées de l'UV, de la chaleur et de l'oxygène, est décrit. Des études récentes de photooxydation de polymères conducteurs au sein de polyéthylène sont également succinctement rapportées.

  10. Effect of long-term caloric restriction on brain monoamines in aging male and female Fischer 344 rats.


    Kolta, M G; Holson, R; Duffy, P; Hart, R W


    The present study examines the changes in central monoamines and their metabolites in aged male and female rats after long-term caloric restriction. Fischer 344 rats of both sexes (n = 5-10/group) were maintained on one of two dietary regimens: ad libitum NIH 31 diet or 60% by weight of the ad lib. intake (restricted), supplemented with vitamins and minerals. Animals received these diets from the age of 14 weeks until killed at 22.25 months of age. Caudate nucleus (CN), hypothalamus (HYPO), olfactory bulb (OB) and nucleus accumbens (NA) were assayed for content of norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA) and its metabolites (dihydroxyphenylacetic acid, DOPAC, and homovanillic acid, HVA) and serotonin (5-HT) and its metabolite 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA) using HPLC/EC. Relative to the ad lib. group, restricted rats of both sex showed significant decreases in NE content in CN, HYPO and OB. DA and 5-HT content were decreased significantly in the CN and HYPO. No significant changes were found in the levels of DA metabolites in all brain regions studied. While the 5-HIAA level was significantly reduced in the HYPO and NA of the female restricted rats, it was increased several-fold in the OB of the male restricted animals. These preliminary results suggest that long-term caloric restriction alters brain monoamine concentrations, an effect which may in turn modify the normal rate of aging.

  11. Beyond standard model searches in the MiniBooNE experiment


    Katori, Teppei; Conrad, Janet M.


    Tmore » he MiniBooNE experiment has contributed substantially to beyond standard model searches in the neutrino sector. he experiment was originally designed to test the Δ m 2 ~ 1 eV 2 region of the sterile neutrino hypothesis by observing ν e ( ν - e ) charged current quasielastic signals from a ν μ ( ν - μ ) beam. MiniBooNE observed excesses of ν e and ν - e candidate events in neutrino and antineutrino mode, respectively. o date, these excesses have not been explained within the neutrino standard model ( ν SM); the standard model extended for three massive neutrinos. Confirmation is required by future experiments such as MicroBooNE. MiniBooNE also provided an opportunity for precision studies of Lorentz violation. he results set strict limits for the first time on several parameters of the standard-model extension, the generic formalism for considering Lorentz violation. Most recently, an extension to MiniBooNE running, with a beam tuned in beam-dump mode, is being performed to search for dark sector particles. In addition, this review describes these studies, demonstrating that short baseline neutrino experiments are rich environments in new physics searches.« less

  12. Oral methylphenidate alleviates the fine motor dysfunction caused by chronic postnatal manganese exposure in adult rats.


    Beaudin, Stéphane A; Strupp, Barbara J; Lasley, Stephen M; Fornal, Casimir A; Mandal, Shyamali; Smith, Donald R


    Developmental manganese (Mn) exposure is associated with motor dysfunction in children and animal models, but little is known about the underlying neurochemical mechanisms or the potential for amelioration by pharmacotherapy. We investigated whether methylphenidate (MPH) alleviates fine motor dysfunction due to chronic postnatal Mn exposure, and whether Mn exposure impairs brain extracellular dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE) in the prefrontal cortex (PFC) and striatum in adult animals. Rats were orally exposed to 0 or 50 mg Mn/kg/day from postnatal day 1 until the end of the study (PND 145). The staircase test was used to assess skilled forelimb function. Oral MPH (2.5 mg/kg/day) was administered daily 1 h before staircase testing for 16 days. DA and NE levels were measured by dual probe microdialysis. Results show that Mn exposure impaired reaching and grasping skills and the evoked release of DA and NE in the PFC and striatum of adult rats. Importantly, oral MPH treatment fully alleviated the fine motor deficits in the Mn-exposed animals, but did not affect forelimb skills of control rats not exposed to Mn. These results suggest that catecholaminergic hypofunctioning in the PFC and striatum may underlie the Mn-induced fine motor dysfunction, and that oral MPH pharmacotherapy is an effective treatment approach for alleviating this dysfunction in adult animals. The therapeutic potential of MPH for the treatment of motor dysfunction in Mn-exposed children and adults appears promising pending further characterization of MPH efficacy in other functional areas (eg, attention) believed to be affected by developmental Mn exposure. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society of Toxicology. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  13. Agnostic stacking of intergalactic doublet absorption: measuring the Ne VIII population

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frank, Stephan; Pieri, Matthew M.; Mathur, Smita; Danforth, Charles W.; Shull, J. Michael


    We present a blind search for doublet intergalactic metal absorption with a method dubbed `agnostic stacking'. Using a forward-modelling framework, we combine this with direct detections in the literature to measure the overall metal population. We apply this novel approach to the search for Ne VIII absorption in a set of 26 high-quality COS spectra. We probe to an unprecedented low limit of log N>12.3 at 0.47≤z ≤1.34 over a path-length Δz = 7.36. This method selects apparent absorption without requiring knowledge of its source. Stacking this mixed population dilutes doublet features in composite spectra in a deterministic manner, allowing us to measure the proportion corresponding to Ne VIII absorption. We stack potential Ne VIII absorption in two regimes: absorption too weak to be significant in direct line studies (12.3 < log N < 13.7), and strong absorbers (log N > 13.7). We do not detect Ne VIII absorption in either regime. Combining our measurements with direct detections, we find that the Ne VIII population is reproduced with a power-law column density distribution function with slope β = -1.86 ^{+0.18 }_{ -0.26} and normalization log f_{13.7} = -13.99 ^{+0.20 }_{ -0.23}, leading to an incidence rate of strong Ne VIII absorbers dn/dz =1.38 ^{+0.97 }_{ -0.82}. We infer a cosmic mass density for Ne VIII gas with 12.3 < log N < 15.0 of Ω _{{{Ne {VIII}}}} = 2.2 ^{+1.6 }_{ _-1.2} × 10^{-8}, a value significantly lower that than predicted by recent simulations. We translate this density into an estimate of the baryon density Ωb ≈ 1.8 × 10-3, constituting 4 per cent of the total baryonic mass.

  14. Les traumatismes de l’étage antérieur de la base du crane: à propos d'une série de 136 cas

    PubMed Central

    Bouchaouch, Abdelali; Hassani, Fahd Derkaoui; Abboud, Hilal; Mukengeshay, Jeff Ntalaja; El Fatemi, Nizare; Gana, Rachid; El Maaqili, Moulay Rchid; El Abbadi, Najia; Bellakhdar, Fouad


    Les traumatismes de l’étage antérieur de la base du crâne représentent 15 à 20% des traumatismes crâniens en général. Ils menacent les structures neuro-encéphaliques sus jacentes et sont très souvent responsables de brèches ostéo-méningées exposant au risque infectieux. Notre travail a concerné 136 dossiers exploitables de traumatisme de l’étage antérieur de la base du crâne colligés sur une période de 10 ans entre janvier 2003 et décembre 2012. Le diagnostic a été suspecté devant les signes cliniques évocateurs (ecchymose péri-orbitaire, rhinorrhée…) et a été confirmé dans la plupart des cas par la TDM. Le traitement idéal est la fermeture chirurgicale de la brèche en association aux moyens médicaux (vaccination, anti-épileptiques, mesures de réanimation…) Le moment idéal de la réparation est au-delà de la 72ème heure après la diminution de l'oedème cérébral en cas d'absence d'une lésion intracrânienne nécessitant une intervention en urgence. Notre équipe ne pratiquant pas la voie endoscopique, l'abord frontal est souvent indiqué. Le pronostic dépend des lésions cérébrales associées et surtout de la présence d'une brèche dont le diagnostic et la réparation doivent être les plus rapides et les plus précis possibles. Ainsi toute rhinorrhée post-traumatique nécessite une exploration systématique, le timing idéal: c'est la disparition de l'oedème cérébral pour faciliter l'exploration, ceci est en général possible à partir de la 72ème heure sauf dans les cas associés à une autre lésion intra crânienne nécessitant une exploration en urgence. PMID:26327992

  15. Half-life of the superallowed β+ emitter Ne18

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grinyer, G. F.; Smith, M. B.; Andreoiu, C.; Andreyev, A. N.; Ball, G. C.; Bricault, P.; Chakrawarthy, R. S.; Daoud, J. J.; Finlay, P.; Garrett, P. E.; Hackman, G.; Hyland, B.; Leslie, J. R.; Morton, A. C.; Pearson, C. J.; Phillips, A. A.; Schumaker, M. A.; Svensson, C. E.; Valiente-Dobón, J. J.; Williams, S. J.; Zganjar, E. F.


    The half-life of Ne18 has been determined by detecting 1042-keV γ rays in the daughter F18 following the superallowed-Fermi β+ decay of samples implanted at the center of the 8πγ-ray spectrometer, a spherical array of 20 HPGe detectors. Radioactive Ne18 beams were produced on-line, mass-separated, and ionized using an electron-cyclotron-resonance ionization source at the ISAC facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada. This is the first high-precision half-life measurement of a superallowed Fermi β decay to utilize both a large-scale HPGe spectrometer and the isotope separation on-line technique. The half-life of Ne18, 1.6656 ± 0.0019 s, deduced following a 1.4σ correction for detector pulse pile-up, is four times more precise than the previous world average. As part of an investigation into potential systematic effects, the half-life of the heavier isotope Ne23 was determined to be 37.11 ± 0.06 s, a factor of 2 improvement over the previous precision.

  16. High-Resolution Spectroscopy of [Ne II] Emission from AA Tau and GM Aur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Najita, Joan R.; Doppmann, Greg W.; Bitner, Martin A.; Richter, Matthew J.; Lacy, John H.; Jaffe, Daniel T.; Carr, John S.; Meijerink, Rowin; Blake, Geoffrey A.; Herczeg, Gregory J.; Glassgold, Alfred E.


    We present high-resolution (R = 80,000) spectroscopy of [Ne II] emission from two young stars, GM Aur and AA Tau, which have moderate to high inclinations. The emission from both sources appears centered near the stellar velocity and is broader than the [Ne II] emission measured previously for the face-on disk system TW Hya. These properties are consistent with a disk origin for the [Ne II] emission we detect, with disk rotation (rather than photoevaporation or turbulence in a hot disk atmosphere) playing the dominant role in the origin of the line width. In the non-face-on systems, the [Ne II] emission is narrower than the CO fundamental emission from the same sources. If the widths of both diagnostics are dominated by Keplerian rotation, this suggests that the [Ne II] emission arises from larger disk radii on average than does the CO emission. The equivalent width of the [Ne II] emission we detect is less than that of the spectrally unresolved [Ne II] feature in the Spitzer spectra of the same sources. Variability in the [Ne II] emission or the mid-infrared continuum, a spatially extended [Ne II] component, or a very (spectrally) broad [Ne II] component might account for the difference in the equivalent widths. Based on observations obtained at the Gemini Observatory, which is operated by the Association of Universities for Research in Astronomy, Inc., under a cooperative agreement with the NSF on behalf of the Gemini partnership: the National Science Foundation (United States), the Science and Technology Facilities Council (United Kingdom), the National Research Council (Canada), CONICYT (Chile), the Australian Research Council (Australia), Ministrio da Cincia e Tecnologia (Brazil), and SECYT (Argentina).

  17. EUGÈNE'HOM: a generic similarity-based gene finder using multiple homologous sequences

    PubMed Central

    Foissac, Sylvain; Bardou, Philippe; Moisan, Annick; Cros, Marie-Josée; Schiex, Thomas


    EUGÈNE'HOM is a gene prediction software for eukaryotic organisms based on comparative analysis. EUGÈNE'HOM is able to take into account multiple homologous sequences from more or less closely related organisms. It integrates the results of TBLASTX analysis, splice site and start codon prediction and a robust coding/non-coding probabilistic model which allows EUGÈNE'HOM to handle sequences from a variety of organisms. The current target of EUGÈNE'HOM is plant sequences. The EUGÈNE'HOM web site is available at PMID:12824408

  18. L'Aventure du LHC




    Cette présentation s’adressera principalement aux personnes qui ont construit le LHC. La construction du LHC fut longue et difficile. De nombreux problèmes sont apparus en cours de route. Tous ont été résolus grâce au dévouement et à l’engagement du personnel et des collaborateurs. Je reviendrai sur les coups durs et les réussites qui ont marqués ces 15 dernières années et je vous montrerai combien cette machine, le fruit de vos efforts, est extraordinaire.

  19. Coulomb and nuclear excitations of narrow resonances in 17Ne


    Marganiec, J.; Wamers, F.; Aksouh, F.; ...


    New experimental data for dissociation of relativistic 17Ne projectiles incident on targets of lead, carbon, and polyethylene targets at GSI are presented. Special attention is paid to the excitation and decay of narrow resonant states in 17Ne. Distributions of internal energy in the 15O+p +p three-body system have been determined together with angular and partial-energy correlations between the decay products in different energy regions. The analysis was done using existing experimental data on 17Ne and its mirror nucleus 17N. The isobaric multiplet mass equation is used for assignment of observed resonances and their spins and parities. A combination of datamore » from the heavy and light targets yielded cross sections and transition probabilities for the Coulomb excitations of the narrow resonant states. Finally, the resulting transition probabilities provide information relevant for a better understanding of the 17Ne structure.« less

  20. Photoionization of Ne Atoms and Ne + Ions Near the K Edge: PrecisionSpectroscopy and Absolute Cross-sections


    Müller, Alfred; Bernhardt, Dietrich; Borovik, Alexander; ...


    Single, double, and triple photoionization of Ne + ions by single photons have been investigated at the synchrotron radiation source PETRA III in Hamburg, Germany. Absolute cross-sections were measured by employing the photon-ion merged-beams technique. Photon energies were between about 840 and 930 eV, covering the range from the lowest-energy resonances associated with the excitation of one single K-shell electron up to double excitations involving one K- and one L-shell electron, well beyond the K-shell ionization threshold. Also, photoionization of neutral Ne was investigated just below the K edge. The chosen photon energy bandwidths were between 32 and 500 meV,more » facilitating the determination of natural line widths. The uncertainty of the energy scale is estimated to be 0.2 eV. For comparison with existing theoretical calculations, astrophysically relevant photoabsorption cross-sections were inferred by summing the measured partial ionization channels. Discussion of the observed resonances in the different final ionization channels reveals the presence of complex Auger-decay mechanisms. The ejection of three electrons from the lowest K-shell-excited Ne + (1s2s 2p 6 2S 1/2) level, for example, requires cooperative interaction of at least four electrons.« less

  1. Dedicated Caravan Sites for French Gens du Voyage

    PubMed Central


    Abstract In France, gens du voyage (“people who travel” or “travellers”) is a term used by the government to categorize various itinerant populations, the majority of which are diverse Romani groups. People categorized as gens du voyage are legally required to reside in particular locations called “dedicated caravan sites.” Parliamentary debates about these dedicated caravan sites have clarified that one of the objectives of such sites is to help fulfill the gens du voyage’s right to health. However, there is a significant gap between the officially stated goals of such sites and the reality of life within them. This paper draws on research finding that the conditions in most dedicated caravan sites do not conform with the rights of gens du voyage to acceptable sanitary conditions and other underlying determinants of health. PMID:29302165

  2. Perspectives of the KM3NeT project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Margiotta, A.; KM3NeT Collaboration


    KM3NeT is a large distributed research infrastructure that comprises a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea with user ports for Earth and Sea sciences. The main objectives of KM3NeT are the discovery and subsequent observation of high-energy neutrino sources in the Universe (ARCA) and the determination of the mass hierarchy of neutrinos (ORCA). Technically, the network of telescopes will consist of building blocks of 115 vertical detection units anchored at the seabed and connected to shore via a deep sea electro-optical cable. Each detection unit carries 18 optical modules equipped with 31 3; photomultipliers. Two configurations for the building blocks are defined to optimally detect neutrinos in different ranges of energy. The modular technical design of the KM3NeT telescope allows for a progressive implementation and for data taking even with an incomplete detector. The first phase of implementation has started. The next phase foresees the installation of three building blocks: two building blocks, for a total instrumented volume of 1 km3 (ARCA), at the KM3NeT-It site, at a depth of 3500 m, about 100 km offshore Capo Passero, Sicily. The main scientific goals of the ARCA detector is the exploration of the neutrino sky with unprecedented resolution, searching for neutrinos coming from defined sources or sky regions, like the Galactic Plane. It will also look for diffuse high energy neutrino fluxes following the indication provided by the IceCube signal. The third building block, with a more compact distribution of the optical modules, will be deployed at the KM3NeT-Fr site, 40 km offshore Toulon at a depth of 2500 m (ORCA). The main objective of ORCA is studying the neutrino mass-hierarchy problem and exploring the low energy region of the spectrum. The status of the first phase of the KM3NeT implementation is described and a survey of the physics potentiality of the telescope is given in this contribution, with particular emphasis on

  3. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Perevalov, Denis


    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for v μ → v e neutrino oscillations at Δm 2 ~ 1 eV 2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy E v ~ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0 x 10 21 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semiinclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral currentmore » π 0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current π +, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (vN → vN) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Δs, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (vp → vp) from NCE neutron (vn → vn) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Δs measurement. In this thesis MiniBooNE reports the NCE (n+p) cross-section, the measurement of the

  4. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic interactions measurement in MiniBooNE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perevalov, Denis

    The MiniBooNE experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) was designed to search for numu → nu e neutrino oscillations at Deltam 2 ˜ 1 eV2 using an intense neutrino flux with an average energy Enu ˜ 700 MeV. From 2002 to 2009 MiniBooNE has accumulated more than 1.0x1021 protons on target (POT) in both neutrino and antineutrino modes. MiniBooNE provides a perfect platform for detailed measurements of exclusive and semi-inclusive neutrino cross-sections, for which MiniBooNE has the largest samples of events up to date, such as neutral current elastic (NCE), neutral current pi 0, charged current quasi-elastic (CCQE), charged current pi +, and other channels. These measured cross-sections, in turn, allow to improve the knowledge of nucleon structure. This thesis is devoted to the study of NCE interactions. Neutrino-nucleus neutral current elastic scattering (nuN → nu N) accounts for about 18% of all neutrino interactions in MiniBooNE. Using a high-statistics, high purity sample of NCE interactions in MiniBooNE, the flux-averaged NCE differential cross-section has been measured and is being reported here. Further study of the NCE cross-section allowed for probing the structure of nuclei. The main interest in the NCE cross-section is that it may be sensitive to the strange quark contribution to the nucleon spin, Deltas, this however requires a separation of NCE proton (nup → nu p) from NCE neutron (nun → nun ) events, which in general is a challenging task. MiniBooNE uses a Cherenkov detector, which imposes restrictions on the measured nucleon kinematic variables, mainly due to the impossibility to reconstruct the nucleon direction below the Cherenkov threshold. However, at kinetic energies above this threshold MiniBooNE is able to identify NCE proton events that do not experience final state interactions (FSI). These events were used for the Deltas measurement. In this thesis MiniBooNE reports the NCE (n+p) cross-section, the measurement

  5. Plate Tectonic Cycling and Whole Mantle Convection Modulate Earth's 3He/22Ne Ratio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dygert, N. J.; Jackson, C.; Hesse, M. A.; Tremblay, M. M.; Shuster, D. L.; Gu, J.


    3He and 22Ne are not produced in the mantle or fractionated by partial melting, and neither isotope is recycled back into the mantle by subduction of oceanic basalt or sediment. Thus, it is a surprise that large 3He/22Ne variations exist within the mantle and that the mantle has a net elevated 3He/22Ne ratio compared to volatile-rich planetary precursor materials. Depleted subcontinental lithospheric mantle and mid-ocean ridge basalt (MORB) mantle have distinctly higher 3He/22Ne compared to ocean island basalt (OIB) sources ( 4-12.5 vs. 2.5-4.5, respectively) [1,2]. The low 3He/22Ne of OIBs approaches chondritic ( 1) and solar nebula values ( 1.5). The high 3He/22Ne of the MORB mantle is not similar to solar sources or any known family of meteorites, requiring a mechanism for fractionating He from Ne in the mantle and suggesting isolation of distinct mantle reservoirs throughout geologic time. We model the formation of a MORB source with elevated and variable 3He/22Ne though diffusive exchange between dunite channel-hosted basaltic liquids and harzburgite wallrock beneath mid-ocean ridges. Over timescales relevant to mantle upwelling beneath spreading centers, He may diffuse tens to hundreds of meters into wallrock while Ne is relatively immobile, producing a regassed, depleted mantle lithosphere with elevated 3He/22Ne. Subduction of high 3He/22Ne mantle would generate a MORB source with high 3He/22Ne. Regassed, high 3He/22Ne mantle lithosphere has He concentrations 2-3 orders of magnitude lower than undegassed mantle. To preserve the large volumes of high 3He/22Ne mantle required by the MORB source, mixing between subducted and undegassed mantle reservoirs must have been limited throughout geologic time. Using the new 3He/22Ne constraints, we ran a model similar to [3] to quantify mantle mixing timescales, finding they are on the order of Gyr assuming physically reasonable seafloor spreading rates, and that Earth's convecting mantle has lost >99% of its primordial

  6. 76 FR 16530 - Establishment of Class E Airspace; Creighton, NE

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-1170; Airspace Docket No. 10-ACE-13] Establishment of Class E Airspace; Creighton, NE AGENCY: Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), DOT. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This action establishes Class E airspace... Federal Register a notice of proposed rulemaking to establish Class E airspace for Creighton, NE, creating...

  7. [Economic evaluation of the new national breast cancer screening programme in France: application to the Bouche-du-Rhone district].


    Giorgi, Roch; Reynaud, Julie; Wait, Suzanne; Seradour, Brigitte


    The purpose is to measure the costs of the new national breast cancer screening programme in France and to compare these with those of the previous programme in the Bouches-du-Rhône district. Direct screening costs and costs related to diagnosis and assessment were collected. Costs are presented by screening period, by organisms involved in the screening program and by corresponding phase within the screening process. The total cost of the screening program total cost has increased from 5587487 euros to 9345469 euros between the two campaigns. The main reasons are the investment costs in the new screening program, the increase in the target population and the increased fee for programs. This study presents a first estimate of the costs related to the new national breast cancer screening program. Results of this study may help to guide future decisions on the further development of breast cancer screening in France.

  8. KM3NeT/ARCA sensitivity to point-like neutrino sources

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trovato, A.; KM3NeT Collaboration


    KM3NeT is network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea aiming at the discovery of cosmic neutrino sources (ARCA) and the determination of the neutrino mass hierarchy (ORCA). The geographical location of KM3NeT in the Northern hemisphere allows to observe most of the Galactic Plane, including the Galactic Centre. Thanks to its good angular resolution, prime targets of KM3NeT/ARCA are point-like neutrino sources and in particular galactic sources.

  9. Precise determination of cosmogenic Ne in CREU-1 quartz standard, using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamilton, D.; Honda, M.; Zhang, X.; Phillips, D.; Matchan, E.


    The Helix-MC Plus multi-collector noble gas mass spectrometer at the Australian National University is uniquely equipped with three high mass resolution collectors on H2, Axial and L2 positions. Their mass resolution and mass resolving power are as high as 1,800 and 8,000, respectively. The Helix-MC Plus can totally separate 20Ne+ from 40Ar++ isobaric interference and also partially separate 21Ne+ from 20NeH+ and 22Ne+ from 12C16O2++. By adjusting collector positions, we are able to measure interference-free Ne isotope intensities and have re-determined the 21Ne abundance in air [1]. Analyses by Honda et al. [1] demonstrated that 20Ne1H contributes approximately 2% to previously determined atmospheric 21Ne values [2], and a new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne ratio of 0.002906 was calculated. Using the Helix-MC Plus mass spectrometer, we measured Ne abundances in the CREU-1 quartz standard [3] and determined cosmogenic concentrations by subtraction of atmospheric Ne with the new atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne value. The average concentration of cosmogenic 21Ne determined from four repeated analyses is 338 ± 12 × 106 atom/g (2σ). This compares with the average concentration of 348 ± 10 × 106 atom/g (2σ) from 45 analyses determined by several laboratories [3], where Ne isotope analyses were undertaken by conventional low resolution mass spectrometers and atmospheric Ne was subtracted using the conventional atmospheric 21Ne/20Ne [2]. On this basis, for a sample with abundant cosmogenic Ne, like CREU-1 quartz, previously measured by low mass resolution mass spectrometers are likely valid and their geological implications are unaffected. However, for low 21Ne concentration samples, combining new generation of mass spectrometers as well as the new atmospheric ratio may have significance for cosmogenic 21Ne surface exposure dating. References: [1] Honda M., et. al., International Journal of Mass Spectrometry, 387, 1 (2015). [2] Eberhardt P., et. al., Zeitschrift fur Naturforschung, 20

  10. Maternal separation diminishes α-adrenergic receptor density and function in renal vasculature from male Wistar-Kyoto rats.


    Loria, Analia S; Osborn, Jeffrey L


    Adult rats exposed to maternal separation (MatSep) are normotensive but display lower glomerular filtration rate and increased renal neuroadrenergic drive. The aim of this study was to determine the renal α-adrenergic receptor density and the renal vascular responsiveness to adrenergic stimulation in male rats exposed to MatSep. In addition, baroreflex sensitivity was assessed to determine a component of neural control of the vasculature. Using tissue collected from 4-mo-old MatSep and control rats, α 1 -adrenergic receptors (α 1 -ARs) were measured in renal cortex and isolated renal vasculature using receptor binding assay, and the α-AR subtype gene expression was determined by RT-PCR. Renal cortical α 1 -AR density was similar between MatSep and control tissues (B max = 44 ± 1 vs. 42 ± 2 fmol/mg protein, respectively); however, MatSep reduced α 1 -AR density in renal vasculature (B max = 47 ± 4 vs. 62 ± 4 fmol/mg protein, P < 0.05, respectively). In a separate group of rats, the pressor, bradycardic, and renal vascular constrictor responses to acute norepinephrine injection (NE, 0.03-0.25 μg/μl) were determined under anesthesia. Attenuated NE-induced renal vasoconstriction was observed in rats exposed to MatSep compared with control ( P < 0.05). A third group of rats was infused at steady state with the α 1 agonist phenylephrine (10 μg/min iv) and vasodilator sodium nitroprusside (5 μg/min iv). The difference between the change in heart rate/mean arterial pressure slopes was indicative of reduced baroreflex sensitivity in MatSep vs. control rats (-0.45 ± 0.04 vs. -0.95 ± 0.07 beats·min -1 ·mmHg -1 , P < 0.05). These data support the notion that reduced α-adrenergic receptor expression and function in the renal vasculature could develop secondary to MatSep-induced overactivation of the renal neuroadrenergic tone. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  11. α1-Adrenoceptors in the hippocampal dentate gyrus involved in learning-dependent long-term potentiation during active-avoidance learning in rats.


    Lv, Jing; Zhan, Su-Yang; Li, Guang-Xie; Wang, Dan; Li, Ying-Shun; Jin, Qing-Hua


    The hippocampus is the key structure for learning and memory in mammals and long-term potentiation (LTP) is an important cellular mechanism responsible for learning and memory. The influences of norepinephrine (NE) on the modulation of learning and memory, as well as LTP, through β-adrenoceptors are well documented, whereas the role of α1-adrenoceptors in learning-dependent LTP is not yet clear. In the present study, we measured extracellular concentrations of NE in the hippocampal dentate gyrus (DG) region using an in-vivo brain microdialysis and high-performance liquid chromatography techniques during the acquisition and extinction of active-avoidance behavior in freely moving conscious rats. Next, the effects of prazosin (an antagonist of α1-adrenoceptor) and phenylephrine (an agonist of the α1-adrenoceptor) on amplitudes of field excitatory postsynaptic potential were measured in the DG region during the active-avoidance behavior. Our results showed that the extracellular concentration of NE in the DG was significantly increased during the acquisition of active-avoidance behavior and gradually returned to the baseline level following extinction training. A local microinjection of prazosin into the DG significantly accelerated the acquisition of the active-avoidance behavior, whereas a local microinjection of phenylephrine retarded the acquisition of the active-avoidance behavior. Furthermore, in all groups, the changes in field excitatory postsynaptic potential amplitude were accompanied by corresponding changes in active-avoidance behavior. Our results suggest that NE activation of α1-adrenoceptors in the hippocampal DG inhibits active-avoidance learning by modulation of synaptic efficiency in rats.

  12. Chaotic He-Ne laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuusela, Tom A.


    A He-Ne laser is an example of a class A laser, which can be described by a single nonlinear differential equation of the complex electric field. This laser system has only one degree of freedom and is thus inherently stable. A He-Ne laser can be driven to the chaotic condition when a large fraction of the output beam is injected back to the laser. In practice, this can be done simply by adding an external mirror. In this situation, the laser system has infinite degrees of freedom and therefore it can have a chaotic attractor. We show the fundamental laser equations and perform elementary stability analysis. In experiments, the laser intensity variations are measured by a simple photodiode circuit. The laser output intensity time series is studied using nonlinear analysis tools which can be found freely on the internet. The results show that the laser system with feedback has an attractor of a reasonably high dimension and that the maximal Lyapunov exponent is positive, which is clear evidence of chaotic behaviour. The experimental setup and analysis steps are so simple that the studies can even be implemented in the undergraduate physics laboratory.

  13. Étude des déterminants individuels de l’adoption du dossier de santé électronique du Québec

    PubMed Central

    Mezni, H; M-P, Gagnon; Duplantie, J


    Résumé Objectif Selon des études précédentes, les dossiers de santé électroniques peuvent améliorer l’efficacité, la sécurité et la qualité de la prise en charge médicale. Cependant, les prestataires de soins restent réticents quant à son utilisation, ce qui limite son impact sur le système de santé. La présente étude avait pour objectif d’évaluer les perceptions des médecins face au dossier de santé du Québec. Méthodes À partir d’une revue de la littérature sur les facteurs influençant l’adoption des nouvelles technologies de l’information et des communications (NTIC) en général et de la cybersanté en particulier, nous avons élaboré un questionnaire semi-structuré. Au total, 12 médecins utilisateurs potentiels du dossier de santé du Québec (DSQ) ont complété et retourné le questionnaire. Par la suite, nous avons opéré une analyse thématique de contenu, suivie par une théorisation des concepts obtenus. Résultats L’intention d’adopter le DSQ est influencée positivement par l’utilité perçue, la facilité d’utilisation perçue, la démonstrabilité des résultats, la compatibilité du système avec la pratique et l’autoefficacité informatique perçue par les médecins. Inversement, la résistance au changement influence négativement l’adoption du DSQ par les médecins. Conclusion L’identification des déterminants de l’adoption du dossier de santé du Québec est cruciale pour les responsables du secteur de la santé au Québec. Il sera ainsi possible de saisir les attentes des utilisateurs potentiels et d’ajuster les stratégies d’implantation en vue de favoriser une meilleure intégration de cette technologie dans les pratiques médicales. PMID:27867453

  14. Design and construction of the MicroBooNE detector

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Acciarri, R.; Adams, C.; An, R.

    This paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported.

  15. Design and construction of the MicroBooNE detector


    Acciarri, R.; Adams, C.; An, R.; ...


    This paper describes the design and construction of the MicroBooNE liquid argon time projection chamber and associated systems. MicroBooNE is the first phase of the Short Baseline Neutrino program, located at Fermilab, and will utilize the capabilities of liquid argon detectors to examine a rich assortment of physics topics. In this document details of design specifications, assembly procedures, and acceptance tests are reported.

  16. ReNE: A Cytoscape Plugin for Regulatory Network Enhancement

    PubMed Central

    Politano, Gianfranco; Benso, Alfredo; Savino, Alessandro; Di Carlo, Stefano


    One of the biggest challenges in the study of biological regulatory mechanisms is the integration, americanmodeling, and analysis of the complex interactions which take place in biological networks. Despite post transcriptional regulatory elements (i.e., miRNAs) are widely investigated in current research, their usage and visualization in biological networks is very limited. Regulatory networks are commonly limited to gene entities. To integrate networks with post transcriptional regulatory data, researchers are therefore forced to manually resort to specific third party databases. In this context, we introduce ReNE, a Cytoscape 3.x plugin designed to automatically enrich a standard gene-based regulatory network with more detailed transcriptional, post transcriptional, and translational data, resulting in an enhanced network that more precisely models the actual biological regulatory mechanisms. ReNE can automatically import a network layout from the Reactome or KEGG repositories, or work with custom pathways described using a standard OWL/XML data format that the Cytoscape import procedure accepts. Moreover, ReNE allows researchers to merge multiple pathways coming from different sources. The merged network structure is normalized to guarantee a consistent and uniform description of the network nodes and edges and to enrich all integrated data with additional annotations retrieved from genome-wide databases like NCBI, thus producing a pathway fully manageable through the Cytoscape environment. The normalized network is then analyzed to include missing transcription factors, miRNAs, and proteins. The resulting enhanced network is still a fully functional Cytoscape network where each regulatory element (transcription factor, miRNA, gene, protein) and regulatory mechanism (up-regulation/down-regulation) is clearly visually identifiable, thus enabling a better visual understanding of its role and the effect in the network behavior. The enhanced network produced by ReNE

  17. Laser sans mode et étoile laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pique, J.-P.; Farinotti, S.; Fesquet, V.


    Nous décrivons la chaîne laser étudiée dans le cadre du projet Etoile-Laser-Polychromatique pour l'Optique-Adaptative (ELP-OA). Cette chaîne est constituée d'un oscillateur sans-mode, d'un préamplificateur intra-cavité et d'un amplificateur. L'objectif fixé est : 20 W de puissance moyenne, avec un taux de répétition de 15 kHz et une largeur d'impulsion de 40 ns. Nous montrons que l'aspect sans-mode de cette chaîne permet de s'affranchir du phénomène de saturation de l'atome de sodium. Nous avons mesuré un gain de 5 sur l'intensité de l'étoile monochromatique D{2}. Un facteur 30 est attendu sur l'intensité de la composante UV de l'étoile polychromatique.

  18. L'Amsaga (Mauritanie), fragment Archéen du Craton Ouest-Africain: observations et hypothèses nouvelles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Auvray, B.; Burg, J. P.; Caruba, Ch.; Dars, R.; Lo, K.


    L'Amsaga (R.I. Mauritanie) au NW du Craton Ouest-Africain, constitue la partie méridionale du soubassement de la Dorsale Reguibat. Cette région est constituée de deux ensembles principaux séparés par und grand accident mylonitique SW-NE. A l'Ouest, il s'agit d'un domaine granulitique (granulites ortho et para avec intrusions charnockitiques) et migmatitiques (migmatites ortho de type TTG); a l'Est, on retrouve les mêmes migmatites dont les produits de fusion (monzogranites a muscovite) recoupent et metamorphisent une série volcano-sedimentaire située dans le faciès amphibolite. Les contrastes pétrologiques et structuraux entre ces deux domaines sont discutés en fonction de la signification et de l'âge de l'accident qui les sépare (chevauchement ou décrochement). Dans le bloc ouest, les relations entre granulites et migmatites conduisent a envisager deux hypothèses (1) Un socle granodioritique (TTG) et sa couverture volcano-sédimentaire sont impliqués dans un même événement tectonométamorphique, mais dans des conditions de PH 2O variables. (2) Un seul ensemble supra-crustal (à soubassement inconnu) est intrudé, au cours d'une même phase de tectogenèse, par des magmas à caractères géochimiques voisins, mais cristallisant sous forme de TTG ou de charnockites suivant les conditions de leur mise en place.

  19. Is there a role for antioxidants in prevention of pulmonary hypoplasia in nitrofen-induced rat model of congenital diaphragmatic hernia?


    Cigdem, Murat Kemal; Kizil, Goksel; Onen, Abdurrahman; Kizil, Murat; Nergiz, Yusuf; Celik, Yusuf


    Many studies suggest a role for antioxidants in the prevention of lung hypoplasia in nitrofen-induced rat models with congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). This study investigates the oxidative status and the histological outcome of prenatal administration of vitamins E and C with synergistic effect, and effect of N-acetylcysteine (NAC) to improve lung maturation of nitrofen-induced rats. CDH was induced by maternal administration of a single oral dose of nitrofen on day 9.5 of gestation, and the Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into five groups: nitrofen (N), nitrofen + vitamin C (NC), nitrofen + vitamin E (NE), nitrofen + vitamin C + vitamin E (NCE) and nitrofen + NAC (NNAC). A control group in which only vehicle was administered was included. Cesarean section was performed on day 21. Body weight (BW) and total lung weight (LW) of all fetuses with CDH were recorded; lung histological evaluation was performed, and protein content of lungs, determination of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances, and the protein carbonyls in tissue samples were determined. A total of 133 rat fetuses with CDH were investigated. The body weight and the lung weight of fetuses of all groups that were exposed to nitrofen were significantly decreased than of the control group (P < 0.05). The animals exposed to nitrofen with different antioxidants showed increased protein levels in lung tissue. However, in the NCE and the NNAC groups, protein levels were significantly increased than in the others. Malondialdehyde levels significantly decreased in the NCE and the NNAC groups when compared with the NC and the NE groups. In addition, the NCE and NNAC groups decreased protein oxidation to control levels, and no significant difference was observed between control and these two antioxidants groups. The N, NC, NE and NNAC groups showed minimal improvement in lung histology; the NCE groups showed the most improvement in lung histology when compared with the other nitrofen plus

  20. Dietary effects on insulin and nutrient metabolism in mesenteric lymph node cells, splenocytes, and pancreatic islets of BB rats.


    Scott, F W; Olivares, E; Sener, A; Malaisse, W J


    The present studies were performed to determine if a protective diet has different effects on the metabolic activity or function of islet cells, as well as the metabolic activity of mesenteric lymph node (MLN) cells and spleen cells, from BioBreeding (BB) rats. Diabetes-prone BB (BBdp) rats and control non-diabetes-prone BB (BBc) rats were fed for about 20 days either a mainly plant-based diabetogenic diet, NIH-07 (NIH), or a protective semipurified diet with hydrolyzed casein (HC) as the amino acid source. At 6 to 8 weeks of age, BBdp rats had high plasma D-glucose and low insulin concentrations, low insulin content, and low metabolic and secretory responses to D-glucose in isolated pancreatic islets. Islet metabolism, as measured by accumulation of 14C-acidic metabolites, amino acids, and the ratio of D-[U-14C]glucose oxidation and D-[5-3H]glucose utilization was increased in control rats fed HC (P < .05); a similar trend in BBdp rats was not significant. Feeding the HC diet increased islet insulin content (P < .01) by 13% in BBdp and 23% in BBc rats; other metabolic and hormonal variables were unaffected. Compared with BBc rats, BBdp rats displayed higher rates of L-[U-14C]glutamine oxidation, D-[5-3H]glucose utilization, and D-[U-14C]glucose oxidation in MLN cells, but not in splenocytes. There was a dramatic decrease of L-[U-14C]glutamine oxidation in MLN cells from BBc and BBdp rats fed HC. Glycolysis was decreased in control rats. We conclude that the protection afforded by feeding BBdp rats a HC diet is associated with increased insulin in target beta cells and downregulation of metabolic activity in gut-associated MLN cells. Metabolic activity in splenocytes, cells representative of the systemic immune system, was less affected. These data suggest that diet-induced metabolic changes occur in the islets and nearby cells of the gut immune system in the period before classic insulitis. Changes in the islets were smaller in comparison to the dramatic

  1. Event identification for KM3NeT/ARCA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heid, Thomas; KM3NeT Collaboration


    KM3NeT is a large research infrastructure consisting of a network of deep-sea neutrino telescopes. KM3NeT/ARCA will be the instrument detecting high-energy neutrinos with energies above 100 TeV. This instrument gives a new opportunity to observe the neutrino sky with very high angular resolution to be able to detect neutrino point sources. Furthermore it will be possible to probe the flavour composition of neutrino fluxes, and hence production mechanisms, with so-far unreached precision. Neutrinos produce different event topologies in the detector according to their flavour, interaction channel and deposited energy. Machine-learning algorithms are able to learn features of topologies to discriminate them. In previous analyses only two event types were regarded, namely the shower and track topology. With good timing resolution and precise reconstruction algorithms it is possible to separate into more event types, for example the double bang topology produced by tau neutrinos. The final goal is to distinguish all three neutrino flavors as much as possible. To resolve this issue the KM3NeT collaboration uses deep neural networks trained with Monte Carlo events of all neutrino types. This contribution shows the ability of KM3NeT/ARCA to classify events in more than two neutrino event topologies. Furthermore, the borders between detectable classes are shown, such as the minimum distance the tau has to travel before decaying into a tau neutrino to be detected as double bang event.

  2. Effect of methylphenidate treatment during adolescence on norepinephrine transporter function in orbitofrontal cortex in a rat model of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

    PubMed Central

    Somkuwar, Sucharita S.; Kantak, Kathleen M.; Dwoskin, Linda P.


    Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is associated with hypofunctional medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) and orbitofrontal cortex (OFC). Methylphenidate (MPH) remediates ADHD, in part, by inhibiting the norepinephrine transporter (NET). MPH also reduces ADHD-like symptoms in Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRs), a model of ADHD. However, effects of chronic MPH treatment on NET function in mPFC and OFC in SHR have not been reported. In the current study, long-term effects of repeated treatment with a therapeutically relevant oral dose of MPH during adolescence on NET function in subregions of mPFC (cingulate gyrus, prelimbic cortex and infralimbic cortex) and in the OFC of adult SHR, Wistar-Kyoto (WKY, inbred control) and Wistar (WIS, outbred control) rats were determined using in vivo voltammetry. Following local ejection of norepinephrine (NE), uptake rate was determined as peak amplitude (Amax) x first-order rate constant (k-1). In mPFC subregions, no strain or treatment effects were found in NE uptake rate. In OFC, NE uptake rate in vehicle-treated adult SHR was greater than in adult WKY and WIS administered vehicle. MPH treatment during adolescence normalized NE uptake rate in OFC in SHR. Thus, the current study implicates increased NET function in OFC as an underlying mechanism for reduced noradrenergic transmission in OFC, and consequently, the behavioral deficits associated with ADHD. MPH treatment during adolescence normalized NET function in OFC in adulthood, suggesting that the therapeutic action of MPH persists long after treatment cessation and may contribute to lasting reductions in deficits associated with ADHD. PMID:25680322

  3. Validation of NE-TWIGS for tolerant hardwood stands in Ontario


    Jacek Bankowski; Daniel C. Dey; Eric Boysen; Murray Woods; Jim Rice


    The individual-tree, distance-independent stand growth simulator NE-TWIGS has been tested for Ontario's tolerant hardwood stands using data from long-term permanent sample plots. NE-TWIGS provides reliable short-term (5-year) predictions of stand basal area (modelling efficiency from 77% to 99%), but in longer projections the efficiency of the model drops...

  4. Modulation of Myocardial Mitochondrial Mechanisms during Severe Polymicrobial Sepsis in the Rat

    PubMed Central

    Chopra, Mani; Golden, Honey B.; Mullapudi, Srinivas; Dowhan, William; Dostal, David E.; Sharma, Avadhesh C.


    Background We tested the hypothesis that 5-Hydroxydecanoic acid (5HD), a putative mitoKATP channel blocker, will reverse sepsis-induced cardiodynamic and adult rat ventricular myocyte (ARVM) contractile dysfunction, restore mitochondrial membrane permeability alterations and improve survival. Methodology/Principal Findings Male Sprague-Dawley rats (350–400 g) were made septic using 400 mg/kg cecal inoculum, ip. Sham animals received 5% dextrose water, ip. The Voltage Dependent Anion Channels (VDAC1), Bax and cytochrome C levels were determined in isolated single ARVMs obtained from sham and septic rat heart. Mitochondria and cytosolic fractions were isolated from ARVMs treated with norepinephrine (NE, 10 µmoles) in the presence/absence of 5HD (100 µmoles). A continuous infusion of 5HD using an Alzet pump reversed sepsis-induced mortality when administered at the time of induction of sepsis (−40%) and at 6 hr post-sepsis (−20%). Electrocardiography revealed that 5HD reversed sepsis-induced decrease in the average ejection fraction, Simpsons+m Mode (53.5±2.5 in sepsis and 69.2±1.2 at 24 hr in sepsis+5HD vs. 79.9±1.5 basal group) and cardiac output (63.3±1.2 mL/min sepsis and 79.3±3.9 mL/min at 24 hr in sepsis+5HD vs. 85.8±1.5 mL/min basal group). The treatment of ARVMs with 5HD also reversed sepsis-induced depressed contractility in both the vehicle and NE-treated groups. Sepsis produced a significant downregulation of VDAC1, and upregulation of Bax levels, along with mitochondrial membrane potential collapse in ARVMs. Pretreatment of septic ARVMs with 5HD blocked a NE-induced decrease in the VDAC1 and release of cytochrome C. Conclusion The data suggest that Bax activation is an upstream event that may precede the opening of the mitoKATP channels in sepsis. We concluded that mitoKATP channel inhibition via decreased mitochondrial membrane potential and reduced release of cytochrome C provided protection against sepsis-induced ARVM and myocardial

  5. Brain stem hypoplasia associated with Cri-du-Chat syndrome.


    Hong, Jin Ho; Lee, Ha Young; Lim, Myung Kwan; Kim, Mi Young; Kang, Young Hye; Lee, Kyung Hee; Cho, Soon Gu


    Cri-du-Chat syndrome, also called the 5p-syndrome, is a rare genetic abnormality, and only few cases have been reported on its brain MRI findings. We describe the magnetic resonance imaging findings of a 1-year-old girl with Cri-du-Chat syndrome who showed brain stem hypoplasia, particularly in the pons, with normal cerebellum and diffuse hypoplasia of the cerebral hemispheres. We suggest that Cri-du-Chat syndrome chould be suspected in children with brain stem hypoplasia, particularly for those with high-pitched cries.

  6. Les cooperatives et l'electrification rurale du Quebec, 1945--1964

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dorion, Marie-Josee

    dans l'electrification, les organismes publics et les compagnies privees d'electricite. Cette periode de demarrage et d'organisation, traitee dans la deuxieme partie de la these, se termine en 1947-48, au moment ou l'OER et les cooperatives raffermissent leur maitrise du systeme cooperatif d'electrification rurale. Les annees 1948 a 1955 (troisieme partie de these) correspondent a une periode de croissance pour le mouvement cooperatif. Cette partie scrute ainsi le developpement des cooperatives, les vastes chantiers de construction et l'injection de millions de dollars dans l'electrification rurale. Cette troisieme partie prend egalement acte des premiers signes que quelque chose ne va pas si bien dans le monde cooperatif. Nous y verrons egalement les ruraux a l'oeuvre: comme membres, d'abord, mais aussi en tant que benevoles, puis a l'emploi des cooperatives. La quatrieme et derniere partie, les annees 1956 a 1964, aborde les changements majeurs qui ont cours dans l'univers cooperatif; il s'agit d'une ere nouvelle et difficile pour le mouvement cooperatif, dont les reseaux paraissent inadaptes aux changements de profil de la consommation d'electricite des usagers. L'OER sent alors le besoin de raffermir son controle des cooperatives, car il pressent les problemes et les defis auxquels elles auront a faire face. Notre etude se termine par l'acquisition des cooperatives par Hydro-Quebec, en 1963-64. Fondee sur des sources riches et variees, notre demarche propose un eclairage inedit sur une dimension importante de l'histoire de l'electricite au Quebec. Elle permet, ce faisant, de saisir les rouages et l'action de l'Etat sous un angle particulier, avant sa profonde transformation amorcee au cours des annees 1960. De meme, elle apporte quelques cles nouvelles pour une meilleure comprehension de la dynamique des milieux ruraux de cette periode.

  7. [Protective mechanism on the vascular pathological process in diabetes mellitus rats by Rheum officeinale].


    Tian, Feng-Sheng; Li, Zhen-Bin; Wang, Yuan-Song; Su, Xiu-Hai; Li, Wen-Dong; Wang, Xiao-Yun


    To explore the protective mechanism of officeihale on the vascular pathological process in diabetes mellitus (DM) rats. After the DM rat model was established, 24 DM rats were randomly divided into model group (12 DM rats) and Rheum officeinale group (12 DM rats). Rheum officeinale was orally given in 10 g kg(-1) per day, and the other two groups were given equal pure water. 8 weeks later, blood samples were collected to determine the level of nitric oxide (NO) and endothelin-1 (ET-1). Thoracic aortic rings was prepared to observe the inhibiting effect of Ach with different concentration on contraction caused by NE. Another part of aorta was made to observe the expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 by method of SP immunohistochemistry staining, Rheum officeinale group obviously decreased the level of ET-1 and increased the NO compared with model group (P <0.05). The expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 could be obviously inhibited in Rheum officeinale group compared with model group. (P <0.05). Rheum officeinale could decrease the level of ET-1 with increased the NO in diabetes rats, and inhibit the expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1, which may be mechanisms of protecting the endothelium of vessel in diabetes rats.

  8. Cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe

    PubMed Central

    Azeddine, Lachkar; Aabach, Ahmed; Chouai, Mohamed; Elayoubi, Fahd; Ghailan, Mohamed Rachid


    Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe se définit comme une accumulation de kératine en regard d’une érosion osseuse de nature ostéitique. C’est une entité otologique rare ou peut diagnostiquée. Le but de notre travail est d’illustrer sur la base d’un cas un cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe. Il s’agit d’un patient âgé de 65 ans diabétique et hypertendu sous traitement, présentant depuis 3 mois une otalgie droite intense, insomniante, avec hypoacousie, otorrhée purulente minime et paralysie faciale droite grade V. Le diagnostic évoqué était dans un premier temps celui d’otite externe maligne. Il a été mis sous traitement antibiotique sans amélioration. L’examen otologique a trouvé une lésion ulcéro-bourgeonnante de la paroi postérieure du méat acoustique externe droit, une biopsie systématique de la lésion a été pratiquée et a conclu à un cholestéatome. Le patient a bénéficié d’une tympanoplastie en technique ouverte. Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe est rare, la symptomatologie clinique n’est pas spécifique, le scanner des rocher est d’un grand apport pour le diagnostic positif montrant un cratère osseux du méat acoustique externe. Le traitement dépend de l’extension des lésions allant des simples soins locaux à une tympanoplastie en technique ouverte. Le cholestéatome du méat acoustique externe peut revêtir plusieurs aspects, et prêter confusion avec d’autres pathologies du méat acoustique externe. PMID:28154624

  9. Cancer du sein au Maroc: profil phénotypique des tumeurs

    PubMed Central

    Khalil, Ahmadaye Ibrahim; Bendahhou, Karima; Mestaghanmi, Houriya; Saile, Rachid; Benider, Abdellatif


    Le cancer du sein est le plus fréquent chez la femme et figure parmi les principales causes de mortalité liées au cancer. La curabilité de ce type tumoral est en augmentation, grâce aux programmes de dépistage et aux progrès thérapeutiques, qui ont certes augmenté la survie des patients. Mais des défis restent à relever en rapport avec l’instabilité phénotypique des cellules cancéreuses. L’objectif de ce travail est d’étudier le profil phénotypique du cancer du sein chez les patients pris en charge au Centre Mohammed VI pour le traitement des Cancers, durant les années 2013-2014. Il s’agit d’une étude transversale sur deux années, incluant les cas du cancer du sein pris en charge au Centre. Le recueil des données était fait à partir des dossiers des patients et analysés par le logiciel Epi Info. 1277 patients ont été pris en charge au sein de notre centre. 99,5% des cas de sexe féminin, l’âge moyen était 50,20 ± 11,34 ans. Le type histologique le plus fréquent était le carcinome canalaire infiltrant (80,7% des cas). Le stade diagnostic était précoce (56,9%). Le phénotype moléculaire le plus fréquent était le luminal A (41,4% des cas). Le luminal B, le HER2 et les triples négatifs étaient dans respectivement 10,4%, 6,3%, 11,2% des cas. L’étude du phénotype tumoral des patients atteints du cancer du sein permet l’orientation du clinicien dans le choix du traitement, et des décideurs dans la planification de programmes de lutte contre cette pathologie. PMID:28292037

  10. No 129-L'exercice physique pendant la grossesse et le postpartum.


    Davies, Gregory A L; Wolfe, Larry A; Mottola, Michelle F; MacKinnon, Catherine


    Énoncer une directive canadienne visant à informer les fournisseurs de soins obstétricaux des répercussions, pour la mère, le fœtus et le nouveau-né, des exercices de conditionnement aerobique et musculaire pendant la grossesse. RéSULTATS ATTENDUS: Effets sur la morbidité maternelle, fœtale et néonatale et mesures de la forme physique maternelle. Une recherche sur MEDLINE des articles, publiés en anglais de 1966 à 2002, appartenant aux catégories suivantes : études sur le conditionnement aérobique et musculaire chez des femmes ne faisant pas jusque-là d'exercice et chez des femmes actives avant leur grossesse, ainsi que des études sur les répercussions du conditionnement aérobique et musculaire sur les issues précoces et tardives de la grossesse ou sur les issues néonatales; rapports de synthèse et méta-analyses portant sur l'exercice pendant la grossesse. Les résultats recueillis ont été revus par la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (Comité de la pratique clinique - obstétrique), avec la participation de la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice, et ils ont été classés suivant les critères d'évaluation des preuves établis par le Groupe de travail canadien sur l'examen de santé périodique. VALIDATION: Cette directive a été approuvée par le Comité de pratique clinique - obstétrique de la SOGC, par le Comité exécutif et par le Conseil de la SOGC, ainsi que par le Conseil d'administration de la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice. PARRAINé PAR: la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada et par la Société canadienne de physiologie de l'exercice. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  11. Hémophilie B mineure révélée par une hémorragie cérébrale: à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Naji, Abdelhalim; Rkain, Maria; Amrani, Rim; Benajiba, Noufissa


    L'hémorragie intracrânienne (HIC) du nouveau-né à terme est une pathologie rare, leur prévalence est estimée à 2% des naissances vivantes. Les manifestations cliniques sont variables et non spécifique. Les causes d'HIC sont multiples et souvent intriquées, les mécanismes physiopathologiques principaux sont la dysrégulation du débit cérébral, une obstruction des vaisseaux ou une coagulation intravasculaire; ou une lésion directe par traumatisme. Nous rapportons le cas d'un nourrisson d'un mois qui a été admis dans notre service pour prendre en charge des convulsions associées à une pâleur cutanéomuqueuse, suite à laquelle l'examen biologique a mis fortuitement en faveur une hémophilie mineure sur une maladie hémorragique tardive. PMID:26491519

  12. Echinacoside induces rat pulmonary artery vasorelaxation by opening the NO-cGMP-PKG-BKCa channels and reducing intracellular Ca2+ levels

    PubMed Central

    Gai, Xiang-yun; Wei, Yu-hai; Zhang, Wei; Wuren, Ta-na; Wang, Ya-ping; Li, Zhan-qiang; Liu, Shou; Ma, Lan; Lu, Dian-xiang; Zhou, Yi; Ge, Ri-li


    Aim: Sustained pulmonary vasoconstriction as experienced at high altitude can lead to pulmonary hypertension (PH). The main purpose of this study is to investigate the vasorelaxant effect of echinacoside (ECH), a phenylethanoid glycoside from the Tibetan herb Lagotis brevituba Maxim and Cistanche tubulosa, on the pulmonary artery and its potential mechanism. Methods: Pulmonary arterial rings obtained from male Wistar rats were suspended in organ chambers filled with Krebs-Henseleit solution, and isometric tension was measured using a force transducer. Intracellular Ca2+ levels were measured in cultured rat pulmonary arterial smooth muscle cells (PASMCs) using Fluo 4-AM. Results: ECH (30–300 μmol/L) relaxed rat pulmonary arteries precontracted by noradrenaline (NE) in a concentration-dependent manner, and this effect could be observed in both intact endothelium and endothelium-denuded rings, but with a significantly lower maximum response and a higher EC50 in endothelium-denuded rings. This effect was significantly blocked by L-NAME, TEA, and BaCl2. However, IMT, 4-AP, and Gli did not inhibit ECH-induced relaxation. Under extracellular Ca2+-free conditions, the maximum contraction was reduced to 24.54%±2.97% and 10.60%±2.07% in rings treated with 100 and 300 μmol/L of ECH, respectively. Under extracellular calcium influx conditions, the maximum contraction was reduced to 112.42%±7.30%, 100.29%±8.66%, and 74.74%±4.95% in rings treated with 30, 100, and 300 μmol/L of ECH, respectively. After cells were loaded with Fluo 4-AM, the mean fluorescence intensity was lower in cells treated with ECH (100 μmol/L) than with NE. Conclusion: ECH suppresses NE-induced contraction of rat pulmonary artery via reducing intracellular Ca2+ levels, and induces its relaxation through the NO-cGMP pathway and opening of K+ channels (BKCa and KIR). PMID:25864652

  13. L'Anti-Atlas occidental du Maroc: étude sédimentologique et reconstitutions paléogéographiques au Cambrien inférieur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benssaou, M.; Hamoumi, N.


    L'étude lithostratigraphique en sédimentologique des formations du Cambrien inférieur de l'Anti-Atlas occidental (Maroc) a permis de mettre en évidence la diversité extrême des faciès allant des faciès continentaux jusqu'au faciès franchement marins. La répartition verticale de ces faciès ainsi que leurs associations ont permis de (i) proposer un nouveau découpage de la succession en formations lithostratigraphiques, (ii) reconstituer les milieux de dépôt (système fluviatile, lacs, fan-deltas, milieu littoral, plate-forme dominée par des constructions stromatolitiques et récifales et plate-forme dominée par les tempêtes) et (iii) établir des modèles paléogéographiques retraçant les différentes étapes d'évolution de ce bassin qui fait partie de la plate-forme nord-gondwanienne au Cambrien inférieur. Lithostratigraphical and sedimentological studies of the Early Cambrian formations in the western Anti-Atlas (Morocco) evidence their large diversity of facies ranging from continental to clearly marine. Vertical distribution and associations of facies afford opportunities to (i) suggest a new classification of the sedimentary sequence in terms of lithostratigraphic formations, (ii) restore the depositional environments (fluvial system, lake, delta fan, coast, stromatolite and reef-dominated platform, tempest-dominated platform), and (iii) establish palæogeographic models displaying the different evolutionary stages of this basin that constituted a part of the Lower Cambrian north-Gondwanian platform.

  14. La matério-vigilance dans un Centre Hospitalo-Universitaire du Centre-Est tunisien: enquête auprès des médecins

    PubMed Central

    Mahjoub, Mohamed; Jedidi, Maher; Masmoudi, Tasnim; Bouafia, Nabiha; Njah, Mansour


    Introduction Pour la meilleure gestion des risques en milieu hospitalier et l’amélioration de la qualité et la sécurité de nos soins, le CHU de Sousse (Tunisie), a mis en place, suite aux recommandations de l’ANCSEP (Agence Nationale de Contrôle Sanitaire et Environnementale des Produits) un système de matério-vigilance (MV). En Tunisie l’absence d’un cadre réglementaire organisant la MV est l’obstacle majeur à l’implication des soignants à ce système. L’objectif de cette étude est de déterminer les connaissances, attitudes et pratiques des médecins du CHU quant à la mise en place du système de MV. Méthodes Etude descriptive de type CAP (connaissances, attitudes et pratiques) transversale auprès de tous les médecins titulaires exerçant au CHU de Sousse (Tunisie) qui sont utilisateurs des dispositifs médicaux (DMs) lors de leur pratique d’activité de soin. Un questionnaire auto-administré, préétabli et pré-testé a été établi. Saisie et l’analysée des données par logiciel SPSS20.0. Résultats Le taux de réponse de 51,9 % (183/95), un manque des connaissances relatif à la MV a été rapporté. Plus de la moitié des répondants ne connaissent pas le correspondant local de son établissement et l’existence d’un formulaire standardisé de signalement. Concernant les attitudes, 89,5 % notifient l’intérêt de mise en place du système de MV et 37,5 % reconnaissent que le signalement doit émaner du soignant constatant l’incident. Pour les pratiques, la majorité confirment l’absence d’une gestion organisée de la maintenance des DMs dans leurs services. 90,5 % expriment leurs souhaits de recevoir une information mais peu d’entre eux expriment leurs désirs de suivre une formation (57,9 %). Conclusion Un manque d’information et de formation dans un domaine pourtant sensible et devant être lourdement réglementé est soulevé. La promulgation de textes réglementaires est nécessaire afin de promouvoir le

  15. Le Phénomène Wolf-Rayet au Sein des Etoiles chaudes de Populations I et II: Histoire des Vents stellaires et Impact sur la Structure nébulaire circumstellaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grosdidier, Yves


    Les spectres des étoiles Wolf-Rayet pop. I (WR) présentent de larges raies en émission dues à des vents stellaires chauds en expansion rapide (vitesse terminale de l'ordre de 1000 km/s). Le modèle standard des étoiles WR reproduit qualitativement le profil général et l'intensité des raies observées. Mais la spectroscopie intensive à moyenne résolution de ces étoiles révèle l'existence de variations stochastiques dans les raies (sous-pics mobiles en accélération échelles de temps: environ 10-100 min.). Ces variations ne sont pas comprises dans le cadre du modèle standard et suggèrent une fragmentation intrinsèque des vents. Cette thèse de doctorat présente une étude de la variabilité des raies spectrales en émission des étoiles WR pop. II; la question de l'impact d'un vent WR fragmenté sur le milieu circumstellaire est aussi étudiée: 1) à partir du suivi spectroscopique intensif des raies CIIIl5696 et CIVl5801/12, nous analysons quantitativement (via le calcul des Spectres de Variance Temporelle) les vents issus de 5 étoiles centrales de nébuleuses planétaires (NP) galactiques présentant le phénomène WR; 2) nous étudions l'impact de la fragmentation des vents issus de deux étoiles WR pop. I sur le milieu circumstellaire via: i) l'imagerie IR (NICMOS2/HST) de WR 137, et ii) l'imagerie H-alpha (WFPC2/HST) et l'interférométrie Fabry-Perot H-alpha (SIS-CFHT) de la nébuleuse M 1-67 (étoile centrale: WR 124). Les principaux résultats sont les suivants: VENTS WR POP. II: (1) Nous démontrons la variabilité spectroscopique intrinsèque des vents issus des noyaux de NP HD 826 ([WC 8]), BD +30 3639 ([WC 9]) et LSS 3169 ([WC 9]), observés durant respectivement 22, 15 et 1 nuits, et rapportons des indications de variabilité pour les noyaux [WC 9] HD 167362 et He 2-142. Les variabilités de HD 826 et BD +30 3639 apparaissent parfois plus soutenues (``bursts'' qui se maintiennent durant plusieurs nuits); (2) La cinématique des sous

  16. In Vivo Detection of Hyperoxia-Induced Pulmonary Endothelial Cell Death Using 99mTc-Duramycin

    PubMed Central

    Audi, Said H.; Jacobs, Elizabeth R.; Zhao, Ming; Roerig, David L.; Haworth, Steven T.; Clough, Anne V.


    Introduction: 99mTc-duramycin, DU, is a SPECT biomarker of tissue injury identifying cell death. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of DU imaging to quantify capillary endothelial cell death in rat lung injury resulting from hyperoxia exposure as a model of acute lung injury. Methods: Rats were exposed to room air (normoxic) or >98% O2 for 48 or 60 hours. DU was injected i.v. in anesthetized rats, scintigraphy images were acquired at steady-state, and lung DU uptake was quantified from the images. Post-mortem, the lungs were removed for histological studies. Sequential lung sections were immunostained for caspase activation and endothelial and epithelial cells. Results: Lung DU uptake increased significantly (p < 0.001) by 39% and 146% in 48-hr and 60-hr exposed rats, respectively, compared to normoxic rats. There was strong correlation (r2 = 0.82, p = 0.005) between lung DU uptake and the number of cleaved caspase 3 (CC3) positive cells, and endothelial cells accounted for more than 50% of CC3 positive cells in the hyperoxic lungs. Histology revealed preserved lung morphology through 48 hours. By 60 hours there was evidence of edema, and modest neutrophilic infiltrate. Conclusions: Rat lung DU uptake in vivo increased after just 48 hours of >98% O2 exposure, prior to the onset of any substantial evidence of lung injury. These results suggest that apoptotic endothelial cells are the primary contributors to the enhanced DU lung uptake, and support the utility of DU imaging for detecting early endothelial cell death in vivo. PMID:25218023

  17. In vivo detection of hyperoxia-induced pulmonary endothelial cell death using (99m)Tc-duramycin.


    Audi, Said H; Jacobs, Elizabeth R; Zhao, Ming; Roerig, David L; Haworth, Steven T; Clough, Anne V


    (99m)Tc-duramycin, DU, is a SPECT biomarker of tissue injury identifying cell death. The objective of this study is to investigate the potential of DU imaging to quantify capillary endothelial cell death in rat lung injury resulting from hyperoxia exposure as a model of acute lung injury. Rats were exposed to room air (normoxic) or >98% O2 for 48 or 60 hours. DU was injected i.v. in anesthetized rats, scintigraphy images were acquired at steady-state, and lung DU uptake was quantified from the images. Post-mortem, the lungs were removed for histological studies. Sequential lung sections were immunostained for caspase activation and endothelial and epithelial cells. Lung DU uptake increased significantly (p<0.001) by 39% and 146% in 48-hr and 60-hr exposed rats, respectively, compared to normoxic rats. There was strong correlation (r(2)=0.82, p=0.005) between lung DU uptake and the number of cleaved caspase 3 (CC3) positive cells, and endothelial cells accounted for more than 50% of CC3 positive cells in the hyperoxic lungs. Histology revealed preserved lung morphology through 48 hours. By 60 hours there was evidence of edema, and modest neutrophilic infiltrate. Rat lung DU uptake in vivo increased after just 48 hours of >98% O2 exposure, prior to the onset of any substantial evidence of lung injury. These results suggest that apoptotic endothelial cells are the primary contributors to the enhanced DU lung uptake, and support the utility of DU imaging for detecting early endothelial cell death in vivo. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Stress response in rat brain after different durations of noise exposure.


    Samson, James; Sheeladevi, Rathinasamy; Ravindran, Rajan; Senthilvelan, Manohar


    The alteration in the levels of plasma corticosterone, brain norepinephrine (NE), and expression of brain heat shock proteins (Hsp70) after different durations of noise exposure (acute, 1 day; sub-acute, 15 days; chronic, 30 days) has been studied to analyze their role in combating time-dependent stress effects of noise. Broadband white noise (100dB) exposure to male Wistar albino rats significantly increased the levels of plasma corticosterone and NE in all three durations of noise exposure. The sustained increase observed in their levels in the chronic group suggests that animals are not getting adapted to noise even after 30 days of exposure. The important role of Hsp70 in combating noise induced stress is evident from the significant increase in its expression after chronic exposure, while there was a reciprocal decrease in the NE and corticosterone when compared with their levels after acute and sub-acute noise exposure. This clearly indicates that the time-dependent stress response to noise exposure is a complex mechanism involving highly interconnected systems such as hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, heat shock proteins and may have serious implications in vital organs, particularly in the brain when there is a prolonged noise exposure.

  19. CFD Simulations of a Ferry in Head Seas

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la durée de vie en fatigue globale du navire. Il est important, pour la conception, l’exploitation et la gestion du cycle de ...vibration de frottement qui exerce une contrainte sur la structure de coque primaire et qui a un effet défavorable sur la durée de vie en fatigue globale du ...laquelle ne peut simuler directement la physique du tossage. Le présent rapport contient les résultats d’une étude faisant

  20. Application de l'A.D.L, pour la mesure du champ de vitesses instationnaires de llecoulement a Ilechappement d'un moteur a combustion interne

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boutrif, M. S.; Thelliez, M.


    We present experimental results of instantaneous velocity measurement, which were obtained by application of the laser Doppler anemometry (L.D.A.) at the exhaust pipe of a reciprocating engine under real working conditions. First of all, we show that the instantaneous velocity is monodimensional along a straight exhaust pipe, and that the boundary layer develops within a 2mm thickness. We also show that the cylinder discharges in two phases : the blow down period and the final part of exhaust stroke. We also make obvious, that the flow escapes very quickly : its velocity varies between - 100m/s and 200m/s within a period shorter than 1ms ; thereby, we do record the acoustic resonance phenomenon, when the engine speed is greater than 3 000rpm. Finally, we show that in the exhaust pipe the apparent fluctuation - i.e. the cyclic dispersion and the actual turbulence - may reach 15%. Nous présentons des résultats expérimentaux du champ de vitesses instationnaires, obtenus par adaptation et application de la vélocimétrie laser interférentielle communément appelée à effet Doppler (L.D.A.), à l'échappement d'un moteur altematif à combustion inteme en fonctionnement nominal. Tout d'abord, nous montrons que dans un tube d'échappement long et droit, la vitesse instantanée est bien monodimensionnelle et que l'écoulement occupe la quasitotalité de la section droite géométrique du tube (une couche limite d'épaisseur inférieure à 2mm se développe très près de la paroi du tube). Nous pouvons également décrire la vidange du cylindre du moteur étudié en deux phases principales : bouffée d'échappement et refoulement des gaz brûlés par le piston. Nous mettons de même en évidence l'état très pulsé de l'écoulement, puisqu'en un intervalle de temps inférieur à 1ms, la vitesse de l'écoulement varie de - 100m/s à 200m/s ; nous enregistrons ainsi l'apparition du phénomène de résonance acoustique à des vitesses de rotation supérieures à 3 500

  1. Properties, use and health effects of depleted uranium (DU): a general overview.


    Bleise, A; Danesi, P R; Burkart, W


    Depleted uranium (DU), a waste product of uranium enrichment, has several civilian and military applications. It was used as armor-piercing ammunition in international military conflicts and was claimed to contribute to health problems, known as the Gulf War Syndrome and recently as the Balkan Syndrome. This led to renewed efforts to assess the environmental consequences and the health impact of the use of DU. The radiological and chemical properties of DU can be compared to those of natural uranium, which is ubiquitously present in soil at a typical concentration of 3 mg/kg. Natural uranium has the same chemotoxicity, but its radiotoxicity is 60% higher. Due to the low specific radioactivity and the dominance of alpha-radiation no acute risk is attributed to external exposure to DU. The major risk is DU dust, generated when DU ammunition hits hard targets. Depending on aerosol speciation, inhalation may lead to a protracted exposure of the lung and other organs. After deposition on the ground, resuspension can take place if the DU containing particle size is sufficiently small. However, transfer to drinking water or locally produced food has little potential to lead to significant exposures to DU. Since poor solubility of uranium compounds and lack of information on speciation precludes the use of radioecological models for exposure assessment, biomonitoring has to be used for assessing exposed persons. Urine, feces, hair and nails record recent exposures to DU. With the exception of crews of military vehicles having been hit by DU penetrators, no body burdens above the range of values for natural uranium have been found. Therefore, observable health effects are not expected and residual cancer risk estimates have to be based on theoretical considerations. They appear to be very minor for all post-conflict situations, i.e. a fraction of those expected from natural radiation.

  2. Urodynamic and molecular characteristics of detrusor underactivity in a rat cryoinjury model and effects of low energy shock wave therapy.


    Chuang, Yao-Chi; Tyagi, Pradeep; Wang, Hung-Jen; Huang, Chao-Cheng; Lin, Chih-Chieh; Chancellor, Michael B


    Low energy shock wave (LESW) has been shown to facilitate tissue regeneration and reduce inflammation. We investigated the effects of LESW in an underactive (DU) model induced by cryoinjury of rat detrusor. Forty-six female Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into sham, cryoinjury with or without LESW (0.12 mJ/mm 2 ; 200 pulses). Under halothane anesthesia, a low midline incision was made and a cryoinjury of detrusor was induced by placing an aluminum rod (chilled with dry ice) for 30 s on the serosal side of the bladder filled with 1 mL sterile saline bilaterally. Awake cystometrogram (CMG), molecular and histopathology studies were performed on Day 8 or 15 after cryoinjury. Significant urodynamic, histological, and molecular changes induced by cryoinjury of rat detrusor were detected on Day 8 and decrease in the contraction amplitude (54.3%), a significant increase in wet bladder weight (64.1%), edematous changes, muscle thinning and downregulation of α-SMA, IL-6, and upregulation of COX-2. LESW reversed the cryoinjury induced histological and COX-2 expression to cause a 49.0% increase in the contraction amplitude (P < 0.05). LESW induced cell proliferation was revealed by increased CD31 and Ki67 immunostaining. The effect of cryoinjury on urodynamic and histological changes was maintained till Day 15. The cryoinjury of rat detrusor models myogenic DU, which is partially reversed by LESW. LESW may afford a simple, non-invasive modality to facilitate tissue regeneration and improve voiding function in myogenic detrusor underactivity. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. Treatment of ovarian cancer by targeting the tumor stem cell-associated carbohydrate antigen, Sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau.


    Starbuck, Kristen; Al-Alem, Linah; Eavarone, David A; Hernandez, Silvia Fatima; Bellio, Chiara; Prendergast, Jillian M; Stein, Jenna; Dransfield, Daniel T; Zarrella, Bianca; Growdon, Whitfield B; Behrens, Jeff; Foster, Rosemary; Rueda, Bo R


    Recurrent ovarian cancer (OvCa) is thought to result in part from the inability to eliminate rare quiescent cancer stem cells (CSCs) that survive cytotoxic chemotherapy and drive tumor resurgence. The Sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau antigen (STn) is a carbohydrate moiety present on protein markers of CSCs in pancreatic, colon, and gastric malignancies. We have demonstrated that human OvCa cell lines contain varying levels of cells that independently express either STn or the ovarian CSC marker CD133. Here we determine co-expression of STn and CD133 in a subset of human OvCa cell lines. Analyses of colony and sphere forming capacity and of response to standard-of-care cytotoxic therapy suggest a subset of OvCa STn + cells display some CSC features. The effect of the anti-STn antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) S3F-CL-MMAE and 2G12-2B2-CL-MMAE on OvCa cell viability in vitro and in vivo was also assessed. Treatment with S3F-CL-MMAE reduced the viability of two of three OvCa cell lines in vitro and exposure to either S3F-CL-MMAE or 2G12-2B2-CL-MMAE reduced OVCAR3-derived xenograft volume in vivo , depleting STn + tumor cells. In summary, STn + cells demonstrate some stem-like properties and specific therapeutic targeting of STn in ovarian tumors may be an effective clinical strategy to eliminate both STn + CSC and STn + non-CSC populations.

  4. Underwater acoustic positioning system for the SMO and KM3NeT - Italia projects

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Viola, S.; Barbagallo, G.; Cacopardo, G.

    In the underwater neutrino telescopes, the positions of the Cherenkov light sensors and their movements must be known with an accuracy of few tens of centimetres. In this work, the activities of the SMO and KM3NeT-Italia teams for the development of an acoustic positioning system for KM3NeT-Italia project are presented. The KM3NeT-Italia project foresees the construction, within two years, of 8 towers in the view of the several km{sup 3}-scale neutrino telescope KM3NeT.

  5. Zonal NePhRO scoring system: a superior renal tumor complexity classification model.


    Hakky, Tariq S; Baumgarten, Adam S; Allen, Bryan; Lin, Hui-Yi; Ercole, Cesar E; Sexton, Wade J; Spiess, Philippe E


    Since the advent of the first standardized renal tumor complexity system, many subsequent scoring systems have been introduced, many of which are complicated and can make it difficult to accurately measure data end points. In light of these limitations, we introduce the new zonal NePhRO scoring system. The zonal NePhRO score is based on 4 anatomical components that are assigned a score of 1, 2, or 3, and their sum is used to classify renal tumors. The zonal NePhRO scoring system is made up of the (Ne)arness to collecting system, (Ph)ysical location of the tumor in the kidney, (R)adius of the tumor, and (O)rganization of the tumor. In this retrospective study, we evaluated patients exhibiting clinical stage T1a or T1b who underwent open partial nephrectomy performed by 2 genitourinary surgeons. Each renal unit was assigned both a zonal NePhRO score and a RENAL (radius, exophytic/endophytic properties, nearness of tumor to the collecting system or sinus in millimeters, anterior/posterior, location relative to polar lines) score, and a blinded reviewer used the same preoperative imaging study to obtain both scores. Additional data points gathered included age, clamp time, complication rate, urine leak rate, intraoperative blood loss, and pathologic tumor size. One hundred sixty-six patients underwent open partial nephrectomy. There were 37 perioperative complications quantitated using the validated Clavien-Dindo system; their occurrence was predicted by the NePhRO score on both univariate and multivariate analyses (P = .0008). Clinical stage, intraoperative blood loss, and tumor diameter were all correlated with the zonal NePhRO score on univariate analysis only. The zonal NePhRO scoring system is a simpler tool that accurately predicts the surgical complexity of a renal lesion. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Beam production of 18Ne with in-flight method for alpha scattering at CRIB

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duy, N. N.; Chae, K. Y.; Cha, S. M.; Yamaguchi, H.; Abe, K.; Bae, S. H.; Binh, D. N.; Choi, S. H.; Hahn, K. I.; Hayakawa, S.; Hong, B.; Iwasa, N.; Kahl, D.; Khiem, L. H.; Kim, A.; Kim, D. H.; Kim, E. J.; Kim, G. W.; Kim, M. J.; Kwak, K.; Kwag, M. S.; Lee, E. J.; Lim, S. I.; Moon, B.; Moon, J. Y.; Park, S. Y.; Phong, V. H.; Shimizu, H.; Yang, L.; Ge, Z.; Hao, T. V. Nhan


    We conducted a measurement of 18Ne + α scattering in inverse kinematics, in order to search for experimental evidence of α-cluster structure in 22Mg above the alpha threshold (Ethr = 8 . 14 MeV) and determine the astrophysical rates of the 18Ne(α, p)21Na reaction under the conditions of break-out from the Hot-CNO cycle. A high intensity 18Ne beam at 2.54 AMeV was successfully produced at CRIB (CNS Radioactive Ion Beam separator) of the Center for Nuclear Study, the University of Tokyo. This paper presents the in-flight production of the radioactive 18Ne beam by using the production reaction 3He(16O, 18Ne)n with a windowed cryogenic gas target, which was employed in the mentioned resonant α-scattering experiment.

  7. Modulation of the release of ( sup 3 H)norepinephrine from the base and body of the rat urinary bladder by endogenous adrenergic and cholinergic mechanisms

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Somogyi, G.T.; de Groat, W.C.

    Modulation of (3H)NE release was studied in rat urinary bladder strips prelabeled with (3H)NE. (3H)NE uptake occurred in strips from the bladder base and body, but was very prominent in the base where the noradrenergic innervation is most dense. Electrical field stimulation markedly increased (3H)NE outflow from the superfused tissue. The quantity of (3H)NE release was approximately equal during three consecutive periods of stimulation. Activation of presynaptic muscarinic receptors by 1.0 microM oxotremorine reduced (3H)NE release to 46% of the control. Atropine (1 microM) blocked the effect of oxotremorine and increased the release to 147% of predrug control levels. Activationmore » of presynaptic alpha-2 adrenoceptors by 1 microM clonidine reduced (3H)NE release to 55% of control. Yohimbine blocked the action of clonidine and increased the release to 148% of control. The release of (3H)NE from the bladder base and body was increased by both 1 microM atropine (to 167% and 174% of control, respectively) and 1 microM yohimbine (to 286% and 425% of control, respectively). Atropine and yohimbine administered in combination had similar facilitatory effects as when administered alone. We conclude that the release of (3H)NE from adrenergic nerve endings in electrically stimulated bladder strips is modulated via endogenous transmitters acting on both muscarinic and alpha-2 adrenergic presynaptic receptors and that the latter provide the most prominent control.« less

  8. Long-term potentiation in the dentate gyrus in freely moving rats is reinforced by intraventricular application of norepinephrine, but not oxotremorine.


    Almaguer-Melian, William; Rojas-Reyes, Yeneissy; Alvare, Armando; Rosillo, Juan C; Frey, Julietta U; Bergado, Jorge A


    Growing evidence suggests that processes of synaptic plasticity, such as long-term potentiation (LTP) occurring in one synaptic population, can be modulated by consolidating afferents from other brain structures. We have previously shown that an early-LTP lasting less than 4 h (E-LTP) in the dentate gyrus can be prolonged by stimulating the basolateral amygdala, the septum or the locus coeruleus within a specific time window. Pharmacological experiments have suggested that noradregeneric (NE) and/or cholinergic systems might be involved in these effects. We have therefore investigated whether the direct intraventricular application of agonists for NE- or muscarinic receptors is able to modulate synaptic plasticity. E-LTP was induced at the dentate gyrus of freely moving rats using a mild tetanization protocol that induces only an E-LTP. NE or oxotremorine (OXO) were applied icv 10 min after the tetanus. Results show that low doses of NE (1.5 and 5 nM) effectively prolong LTP. A higher dose (50 nM) was not effective. None of the OXO doses employed (5, 25, and 50 nM) showed similar effects. These results stress the importance of transmitter-specific modulatory influences on the time course of synaptic plasticity, in particular NE whose application mimics the reinforcing effect of directly stimulating limbic structures on LTP.

  9. Etude du champ magnetique dans les nuages moleculaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Houde, Martin


    Ce travail est une étude du champ magnétique duns l'environnement circumstellaire des étoiles jeunes. Il a pour origine la certitude qu'avait l'auteur qu'il se devait d'être possible de détecter la présence d'un champ magnétique, et de possiblement le caractériser, par le biais d'observations de profils spectraux d'espèces moléculaires ioniques. Il en découle donc qu'un des buts principaux était de prouver que cela est effectivement possible. La thèse comporte alors des éléments théoriques et expérimentaux qui sont à la fois complémentaires et intimement liés. L'aspect théorique est basé sur l'interaction mutuelle que des particules neutres et chargées peuvent avoir l'une sur l'autre daps un plasma faiblement ionisé comme ceux existants daps les nuages moléculaires sites de formation stellaire. Il appert que la présence d'un champ magnétique a un effet direct sur le comportement des ions (via la force de Lorentz) et indirect sur les molécules neutres (via les nombreuses collisions entre les deux types de particules). Une telle interaction est, comme il est maintenant bien connu, présente dans les premières étapes de la formation dune étoile. Il s'agit bien sûr de la diffusion ambipolaire. Nous montrerons qu'il existe cependant un autre type de diffusion, jusqu'ici inconnue, qui se manifeste plus tard au tours de l'évolution des nuages moléculaires. Celle-ci peut avoir un effet dramatique sur l'apparence des profils spectraux (de rotation moléculaire) des espèces ioniques lorsque comparés à ceux qu'exhibent des espèces neutres coexistantes. Mais pour ce faire, il doit y avoir existence de mouvements organisés (des flots ou jets) de matière ou encore la présence de turbulence dans les régions considérées. Une distribution de vélocité du type maxwellienne ne révèlera pas la présence du champ magnétique. Les observations, qui ont pour but de confirmer la théorie, se situent dans le domaine des longueurs d

  10. La supraconductivité a 100 ans !


    Lebrun, Philippe


    Il y a 100 ans, le 8 avril 1911, une découverte majeure était réalisée : celle de la supraconductivité. La supraconductivité est la caractéristique qu’ont certains métaux et alliages de perdre toute résistance électrique en dessous d’une température donnée. Cette renversante découverte, réalisée de manière presque fortuite par Kammerlingh Onnes de l’Université de Leyde (Pays-Bas) et son étudiant Gilles Holst, a ouvert un nouveau champ de recherche en physique et de fabuleuses perspectives d’applications technologiques. Du point de vue scientifique, la supraconductivité est en effet l’une des rares manifestations de la physique quantique à l’échelle macroscopique.  Du point de vue des retombées techniques, elle est porteuse d’applications majeures dans le domaine de la santé, des communications et de l’énergie. 100 ans après, les physiciens n’ont toujours pas fini d’explorer ce phénomène et ses applications. Le CERN abrite des applications de la supraconductivité à des échelles inédites. L’accélérateur de particules LHC, avec ses milliers d’aimants supraconducteurs répartis sur 27 kilomètres de circonférence, est en effet la plus grande application mondiale de la supraconductivité. Il ne pourrait exister sans elle. Le CERN fête donc la découverte de la supraconductivité avec une conférence exceptionnelle donnée par Philippe Lebrun. Au cours de cette conférence, l’expérience historique de Kammerlingh Onnes sera reproduite. Philippe Lebrun racontera l’histoire de cette étonnante découverte, en la replaçant dans le contexte scientifique de l’époque. Il racontera les développements scientifiques et les applications du premier siècle de la supraconductivité. Conférence en français Merci de bien vouloir vous inscrire au : +41 22 767 76 76

  11. A simple kinetic model of a Ne-H2 Penning-plasma laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petrov, G. M.; Stefanova, M. S.; Pramatarov, P. M.


    A simple kinetic model of the Ne-H2 Penning-Plasma Laser (PPL) (NeI 585.3 nm) is proposed. The negative glow of a hollow cathode discharge at intermediate pressures is considered as the active medium. The balance equations for the upper and lower laser levels, electrons, ions and electron energy are solved. The dependences of the laser gain on the discharge conditions (Ne and H2 partial pressures, discharge current) are calculated and measured. The calculated values are in a good agreement with the experimental data.

  12. Le traumatisme du colon: l'expérience du CHU Hassan II de Fès

    PubMed Central

    Benjelloun, El Bachir; Hafid, Hasnai; Karim, Ibnmajdoub; Ousadden, Abdelmalek; Mazaz, Khalid; Taleb, Kahlid Ait


    Introduction Les traumatismes du colon sont associés à un risque majeur de complications septiques et de mortalité. Le but de notre étude est d’évaluer les circonstances, la prise en charge, le suivi et les facteurs pronostic de morbidité postopératoire des malades victimes d'un traumatisme colique. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective sur une série de 49 patients opérés pour des plaies coliques aux services de chirurgie viscérale du CHU HASSAN II de Fès sur une période de 8 ans de juillet 2003 à juillet 2011. Résultats L’âge moyen de nos patients était de 25ans (16-70) avec une nette prédominance masculine (93.8%). Les plaies coliques secondaires à un traumatisme par arme blanche représentent 85% des cas (42 patients), suivi par les plaies iatrogènes au cours d'une coloscopie chez 6 patients (13%), puis les contusions abdominales chez 1 patient (2%). Les parties du cadre colique les plus touchées étaient le colon transverse chez 19 patients (38%) et le colon descendant chez 12 patients (24, 5%). Le colon sigmoïde était le segment le plus touché au cours d'une coloscopie4/6. Quarante-deux patients (85%) ont eu une suture primaire des plaies coliques, six patients (13%) une diversion fécale et un patient (2%) une résection-anastomose. Deux patients (4%) sont décédés suite à un choc septique. La morbidité globale était de 38,7% dominé essentiellement par l'infection de la paroi chez 14 patients et une péritonite post opératoire chez 3 patients. L'analyse univarié a montré une différence significatif en terme d'infection de la paroi entre le groupe colostomie versus suture simple (50% vs 20,9% p<0,05). L'atteinte du colon gauche et la réalisation d'une colostomie sont associés à un risque plus élevés de complications postopératoires. Conclusion La suture primaire peut être effectuée avec un faible taux de complications postopératoire chez la majorité des patients suite à un traumatisme du colon. PMID

  13. Effects of aging on vasoconstrictor and mechanical properties of rat skeletal muscle arterioles

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Muller-Delp, Judy; Spier, Scott A.; Ramsey, Michael W.; Lesniewski, Lisa A.; Papadopoulos, Anthony; Humphrey, J. D.; Delp, Michael D.


    Exercise capacity and skeletal muscle blood flow during exercise are reduced with advancing age. This reduction in blood flow capacity may be related to increased reactivity of skeletal muscle resistance vessels to vasoconstrictor stimuli. The purpose of this study was to test the hypothesis that aging results in increased vasoconstrictor responses of skeletal muscle resistance arterioles. First-order (1A) arterioles (90-220 microm) from the gastrocnemius and soleus muscles of young (4 mo) and aged (24 mo) Fischer-344 rats were isolated, cannulated, and pressurized via hydrostatic reservoirs. Vasoconstriction in response to increases in norepinephrine (NE; 1 x 10(-9)-1 x 10(-4) M) and KCl (20-100 mM) concentrations and increases in intraluminal pressure (10-130 cmH(2)O) were evaluated in the absence of flow. Responses to NE and KCl were similar in both soleus and gastrocnemius muscle arterioles from young and aged rats. In contrast, active myogenic responses to changes in intraluminal pressure were diminished in soleus and gastrocnemius arterioles from aged rats. To assess whether alterations in the mechanical properties of resistance arterioles underlie altered myogenic responsiveness, passive diameter responses to pressure and mechanical stiffness were evaluated. There was no effect of age on the structural behavior (passive pressure-diameter relationship) or stiffness of arterioles from either the soleus or gastrocnemius muscles. These results suggest that aging does not result in a nonspecific decrease in vasoconstrictor responsiveness of skeletal muscle arterioles. Rather, aging-induced adaptations of vasoreactivity of resistance arterioles appear to be limited to mechanisms that are uniquely involved in the signaling of the myogenic response.

  14. Noradrenergic synaptic function in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis varies in animal models of anxiety and addiction.


    McElligott, Zoé A; Fox, Megan E; Walsh, Paul L; Urban, Daniel J; Ferrel, Martilias S; Roth, Bryan L; Wightman, R Mark


    Lewis rats show increased anxiety-like behaviors and drug consumption compared with Sprague-Dawley rats. Prior work suggests norepinephrine (NE) signaling in the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis (BNST) could have a role in mediating these phenotypes. Here, we investigated NE content and dynamics in the ventral BNST (vBNST) using fast-scan cyclic voltammetry in these two rat strains. We found that NE release evoked by electrical stimulus and its subsequent uptake was dysregulated in the more anxious Lewis rats. Because addiction is a multifaceted disease influenced by both genetic and environmental factors, we hypothesized NE dynamics would vary in these strains after the induction of a physical dependence on morphine. Following naloxone-precipitated morphine withdrawal, NE release and uptake dynamics were not changed in Lewis rats but were significantly altered in Sprague-Dawley rats. The alterations in Sprague-Dawley rats were accompanied by an increase in anxiety-like behavior in those animals as measured with the elevated plus maze. These studies suggest novel mechanisms involved in the development of affective disorders, and highlight the noradrenergic system in the vBNST as a common substrate for the manifestation of pathological anxiety and addiction.

  15. Low-lying dipole modes in 26,28Ne in the quasiparticle relativistic random phase approximation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Li-Gang; Ma, Zhong-Yu


    The low-lying isovector dipole strengths in the neutron-rich nuclei 26Ne and 28Ne are investigated in the quasiparticle relativistic random phase approximation. Nuclear ground-state properties are calculated in an extended relativistic mean field theory plus Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer (BCS) method where the contribution of the resonant continuum to pairing correlations is properly treated. Numerical calculations are tested in the case of isovector dipole and isoscalar quadrupole modes in the neutron-rich nucleus 22O. It is found that in the present calculation, low-lying isovector dipole strengths at Ex<10MeV in nuclei 26Ne and 26Ne exhaust about 4.9% and 5.8% of the Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn dipole sum rule, respectively. The centroid energy of the low-lying dipole excitation is located at 8.3 MeV in 26Ne and 7.9 MeV in 28Ne.

  16. Energy utilization of a low carbohydrate diet fed genetically obese rats and mice.


    Thenen, S W; Mayer, J


    Genetically obese Zucker rats, ob/ob mice and non-obese littermates were fed low carbohydrate (2%, 48%, and 50% of energy as carbohydrate, protein, and fat, respectively) and control (60%, 19%, and 21%, as carobhydrate, protein, and fat) diets. The oxidation of the energy components of these diets was measured by adding D-[U-14C]glucose, L-[U-14C]glutamic acid, and glyceryl tri-[1-14C]oleate to test meals given intragastrically and collecting respiratory CO2 for 4 hours. The animals responded to the low carbohydrate diet by oxidizing less glucose and more glutamic acid, but these amounts were proportional to dietary carbohydrate and protein composition, In contrast, the animals oxidized both higher amounts and percentages of glyceryl trioleate when fed the low carbohydrate diet. Obese Zucker rats oxidized less fat than non-obese rats when fed both diets, while obese mice oxidized fat to the same extent as non-obese mice. Feeding the low carbohydrate diet significantly increased body weight in the obese mice, but not in obese rats and non-obese mice and rats. The effect of obesity and the low carbohydrate diet on food intake, serum glucose and lipid values and CO2 production are also reported.

  17. Middle and late quaternary oceanography and climatology of the Zaire-Congo fan and the adjacent Eastern Angola basin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jansen, J. H. F.; Van Weering, T. C. E.; Gieles, R.; Van Iperen, J.

    La stratigraphie quaternaire du delta profond du Zaïre est établie sur la base des variations verticales des teneurs en carbonate, de l'analyse micropalaéontologique et des datations 14C et 230Th de 33 carottes. La vitesse des accumulations carbonatées et non carbonatées considérée en même temps que la conservation des carbonates nous conduit à distinguer les trois principaux facteurs à l'origine des concentrations en carbonate: production, dissolution et dilution par les particules non carbonatées. Les plus fortes productions carbonatées interviennent pendant les optima climatiques des interglaciaires tandis que les plus petites teneurs en carbonates sont probablement aussi liées à une augmentation de l'accumulation calcaire. Les fluctuations sont amplifiées par les effects de la dissolution qui est intense pendant les glaciaires et par les changements du rythme de la sédimentation terrigène. Dans la partie centrale du delta profond, un lobe de forte production carbonatée est localisé en permanence, il n'est pas associé à une zone de forte production de phytoplancton. Ce lobe est la conséquence d'un fort développement du zooplancton qui, pendant l'Holocène et les périodes interglaciaires, se multiplie à partir de cette floraison côtière de phytoplancton. Pendant les glaciaires, l'intensification de la circulation océanique déplace la zone des courants ascendants vers la latitude du delta du Zaïre. Dans deux carottes voisines de la bordure externe du plateau, une forte production en carbonates est observée entre 27 000 et 15 400 ans BP, elle est liée aux courants ascendants provoqués par l'intensification du courant de Benguela, et à une diminution de la sédimentation non carbonatée de de l'enfouissement du carbone organique à ˜ 14 500 ans BP. Une forte accumulation carbonatée se prolonge jusqu'à ˜12 500 ans BP, ce qui résulte un pic de conservation carbonatée à 14 000 ans BP qui n'est pas lié à un phénomène oc

  18. Comparative evaluation of NeQuick and IRI models over Polar Regions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pietrella, Marco; Nava, Bruno; Pezzopane, Michael; Migoya-Orue, Yenca; Scotto, Carlo


    In the framework of the AUSPICIO (AUtomatic Scaling of Polar Ionograms and Cooperative Ionospheric Observations) project, the ionograms recorded at Hobart (middle latitude), Macquarie Island, Livingstone Island and Comandante Ferraz (middle-high latitude) and those recorded at the ionospheric observatories of Casey, Mawson, Davis, and Scott Base (Antarctic Polar Circle), have been taken into account to study the capability of NeQuick-2 and IRI-2012 models in predicting the behavior of the ionosphere, mainly in the polar region. In particular, the applicability of NeQuick-2 and IRI-2012 models was evaluated under two different modes: a) as assimilative models ingesting the foF2 and hmF2 measurements obtained from the electron density profiles provided by the Adaptive Ionospheric Profiler (AIP); b) as climatological models taking as input F10.7 solar activity index. The results obtained from the large number of comparisons made for each ionospheric observatory when NeQuick-2 and IRI-2012 models work according to the two modes above mentioned, reveal that the best description of the ionosphere electron density at the polar regions is provided when peak parameter data are ingested in near-real-time into NeQuick-2 and IRI-2012 models which, indeed, are not always able to represent efficiently the behavior of the ionosphere over the polar regions when operating in long term prediction mode. The statistical analysis results expressed in terms of root mean square errors (r.m.s.e.) for each ionospheric observatory show that, outside the Antarctic Polar Circle (APC), NeQuick-2 performance is better than the IRI-2012 performance; on the contrary, inside the APC IRI-2012 model performs better than NeQuick-2.

  19. Annealing of (DU-10Mo)-Zr Co-Rolled Foils

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pacheco, Robin Montoya; Alexander, David John; Mccabe, Rodney James


    Producing uranium-10wt% molybdenum (DU-10Mo) foils to clad with Al first requires initial bonding of the DU-10Mo foil to zirconium (Zr) by hot rolling, followed by cold rolling to final thickness. Rolling often produces wavy (DU-10Mo)-Zr foils that should be flattened before further processing, as any distortions could affect the final alignment and bonding of the Al cladding to the Zr co-rolled surface layer; this bonding is achieved by a hot isostatic pressing (HIP) process. Distortions in the (DU-10Mo)-Zr foil may cause the fuel foil to press against the Al cladding and thus create thinner or thicker areas in the Almore » cladding layer during the HIP cycle. Post machining is difficult and risky at this stage in the process since there is a chance of hitting the DU-10Mo. Therefore, it is very important to establish a process to flatten and remove any waviness. This study was conducted to determine if a simple annealing treatment could flatten wavy foils. Using the same starting material (i.e. DU-10Mo coupons of the same thickness), five different levels of hot rolling and cold rolling, combined with five different annealing treatments, were performed to determine the effect of these processing variables on flatness, bonding of layers, annealing response, microstructure, and hardness. The same final thickness was reached in all cases. Micrographs, textures, and hardness measurements were obtained for the various processing combinations. Based on these results, it was concluded that annealing at 650°C or higher is an effective treatment to appreciably reduce foil waviness.« less

  20. Effets de l'interaction avec l'oxygène sur le comportement de couches semi-conductrices de ZnO, SnO{2} et CdSe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ain-Souya, A.; Ghers, M.; Haddad, A.; Tebib, W.; Rehamnia, R.; Messsalhi, A.; Bounouala, M.; Djouama, M. C.


    Les propriétés superficielles des matériaux solides diffèrent de celles du volume. A la surface, des défauts de différentes natures peuvent être présents. Ils permettent à la surface d'être interactive avec le milieu ambiant. Les multiples interactions entre les états de surface et des éléments du milieu extérieur peuvent modifier les propriétés superficielles. Ce travail étudie la régénération de couches semi-conductrices après adsorption isotherme d'oxygène à différentes températures effectuées entre 20 ° C et 300 ° C. Les matériaux qui ont servi à l'étude sont des couches de ZnO, SnO{2} et CdSe. Celles de CdSe ont été obtenues par co-évaporation, sous vide, de cadmium et de sélénium. Les échantillons de ZnO et SnO{2} ont été élaborés par oxydation, à des températures respectives de 450 ° C et 200 ° , de Zn et Sn déposés par électrolyse et par évaporation sous vide. Les matériaux évaporés ont été déposés sur des plaquettes en verre, les autres ont été électrodéposés sur des substrats métalliques. Les variations des propriétés électriques des couches ont été suivies par mesure de leur résistance électrique superficielle R. Les courbes LogR = f (103 /T (K)), relevées sous vide à différentes températures, sont caractéristiques d'un comportement de semi-conducteur. Des essais d'adsorption d'O{2} à différentes températures montrent des variations considérables de R. En effet, la chimisorption forte d'un gaz par une surface semi-conductrice est telle que l'échange électronique entre adsorbant et adsorbat provoque la formation d'une zone de charge d'espace modifiant la conduction superficielle. Les résultats mettent en évidence des domaines de température de plus haute sensibilité à l'oxygène. Pour le CdSe, certaines désorptions isothermes ont été suffisantes pour une régénération totale des échantillons. Les couches de ZnO ont souvent nécessité des désorptions programm

  1. Detection of Ne VIII in an Intervening Multiphase Absorption System Toward 3C 263

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Narayanan, Anand; Wakker, Bart P.; Savage, Blair D.


    We report the detection of Ne VIII in an intervening multiphase absorption line system at z = 0.32566 in the Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer spectrum of the quasar 3C 263 (zem = 0.646). The Ne VIII λ770 Å detection has a 3.9σ significance. At the same velocity, we also find absorption lines from C IV, O III, O IV, and N IV. The line parameter measurements yield log [N(Ne VIII) cm-2] = 13.98+0.10 -0.13 and b = 49.8 ± 5.5 km s-1. We find that the ionization mechanism in the gas phase giving rise to the Ne VIII absorption is inconsistent with photoionization. The absorber has a multiphase structure, with the intermediate ions produced in cool photoionized gas and the Ne VIII most likely in a warm collisionally ionized medium in the temperature range (0.5-1.0) × 106 K. This is the second ever detection of an intervening Ne VIII absorption system. Its properties resemble the previous Ne VIII absorber reported by Savage and colleagues. Direct observations of H I and O VI are needed to better constrain the physical conditions in the collisionally ionized gas phase of this absorber. Based on observations with the NASA-CNES-CSA Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer operated by Johns Hopkins University, supported by NASA contract NAS5-32985.

  2. Frequency measurement of the 260-THz (1. 15-. mu. m) He--Ne laser

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jennings, D.A.; Petersen, F.R.; Evenson, K.M.


    Absolute infrared frequency measurement has been extended to 260 THz with the measurement of the strong laser line in /sup 20/Ne. The frequency was synthesized in nonlinear crystals of CdGeAs/sub 2/ and Ag/sub 3/AsS/sub 3/ from stabilized CO/sub 2/ lasers and the laser line in /sup 20//sub Ne.Themeasuredfrequencyis/ Ne,1.15mum/ =260.103 284 (30) THz.

  3. First-forbidden β decay of ^17N and ^17Ne.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Millener, D. J.


    By measuring positrons in coincidence with 495-keV γ rays de-exciting the 1/2^+ first-excited state of ^17F, Borge et al.(M. J. B. Borge et al.), Phys. Lett. B 317, 25 (1993). have obtained a branch of 1.65(16)% for the first-forbidden β^+ decay of ^17Ne to the 1/2^+ state. This is a very interesting result because the measured branch is roughly a factor of two larger than expected on the basis of nuclear matrix elements which reproduce the corresponding β^- branch of 3.0%(A. R. Poletti and J. G. Pronko, Phys. Rev. C 8), 1285 (1973);D. E. Alburger and D. H. Wilkinson, Phys. Rev. C 13, 835 (1976). in the decay of ^17N. Recently, Ozawa et al.(A. Ozawa et al.), preprint RIKEN-AF-NP-238. have confirmed the magnitude of the β branch in ^17Ne decay, obtaining a value of 1.44(16)% by a method which utilizes a 32 MeV/A radioactive beam of ^17Ne. It is shown that differences, due to charge-dependent effects, in the ^17N and ^17Ne ground-state wave functions account for both β-decay branches.

  4. NeXML: rich, extensible, and verifiable representation of comparative data and metadata.


    Vos, Rutger A; Balhoff, James P; Caravas, Jason A; Holder, Mark T; Lapp, Hilmar; Maddison, Wayne P; Midford, Peter E; Priyam, Anurag; Sukumaran, Jeet; Xia, Xuhua; Stoltzfus, Arlin


    In scientific research, integration and synthesis require a common understanding of where data come from, how much they can be trusted, and what they may be used for. To make such an understanding computer-accessible requires standards for exchanging richly annotated data. The challenges of conveying reusable data are particularly acute in regard to evolutionary comparative analysis, which comprises an ever-expanding list of data types, methods, research aims, and subdisciplines. To facilitate interoperability in evolutionary comparative analysis, we present NeXML, an XML standard (inspired by the current standard, NEXUS) that supports exchange of richly annotated comparative data. NeXML defines syntax for operational taxonomic units, character-state matrices, and phylogenetic trees and networks. Documents can be validated unambiguously. Importantly, any data element can be annotated, to an arbitrary degree of richness, using a system that is both flexible and rigorous. We describe how the use of NeXML by the TreeBASE and Phenoscape projects satisfies user needs that cannot be satisfied with other available file formats. By relying on XML Schema Definition, the design of NeXML facilitates the development and deployment of software for processing, transforming, and querying documents. The adoption of NeXML for practical use is facilitated by the availability of (1) an online manual with code samples and a reference to all defined elements and attributes, (2) programming toolkits in most of the languages used commonly in evolutionary informatics, and (3) input-output support in several widely used software applications. An active, open, community-based development process enables future revision and expansion of NeXML.

  5. Performance comparison of NE213 detectors for their application in moisture measurement


    Naqvi; Nagadi; Rehman; Kidwai


    The pulse shape discrimination (PSD) characteristic and neutron detection efficiency of NE213 detectors have been measured for their application in moisture measurements using 252Cf and 241Am-Be sources. In PSD studies, neutron peak to valley (Pn/V) ratio and figure of merit M were measured at four different bias values for cylindrical 50, 125 and 250 mm diameter NE213 detectors. The result of this study has shown that better PSD performance with the NE213 detector can be achieved with a smaller volume detector in conjunction with a neutron source with smaller gamma-ray/neutron ratio. The neutron detection efficiency of the 125 mm diameter NE213 detector for 241Am-Be and 252Cf source spectra was determined at 0.85, 1.25 and 1.75 MeV bias energies using the experimental neutron detection efficiency data of the same detector over 0.1-10 MeV energy range. Due to different energy spectra of the 241Am-Be and 252Cf sources, integrated efficiency of the 125 mm diameter NE213 detector for the two sources shows bias dependence. At smaller bias, 252Cf source has larger efficiency but as the bias is increased, the detector has larger efficiency for 241Am-Be source. This study has revealed that NE213 detector has better performance (such as PSD and neutron detection efficiency) in simultaneous detection of neutron and gamma-rays in moisture measurements, if it is used in conjunction with 241Am-Be source at higher detector bias.

  6. An alternative for cost-effective remediation of depleted uranium (DU) at certain environmental restoration sites.


    Miller, M; Galloway, B; VanDerpoel, G; Johnson, E; Copland, J; Salazar, M


    Numerous sites in the United States and around the world are contaminated with depleted uranium (DU) in various forms. A prevalent form is fragmented DU originating from various scientific tests involving high explosives and DU during weapon development programs, at firing practice ranges, or war theaters where DU was used in armor-piercing projectiles. The contamination at these sites is typically very heterogeneous, with discreet, visually identifiable DU fragments mixed with native soil. That is, the bulk-averaged DU activity is quite low, while specific DU fragments, which are distinct from the soil matrix, have much higher specific activity. DU is best known as a dark, black metal that is nearly twice as dense as lead, but DU in the environment readily weathers (oxidizes) to a distinctive bright yellow color that is readily visible. While the specific activity (amount of radioactivity per mass of soil) of DU is relatively low and presents only a minor radiological hazard, the fact that it is radioactive and visually identifiable makes it desirable to remove the DU "contamination" from the environment. The typical approach to conducting this DU remediation is to use radiation detection instruments to identify the contaminant and separate it from the adjacent soil, packaging it for disposal as radioactive waste. This process can be performed manually or by specialized, automated equipment. Alternatively, in certain situations a more cost-effective approach might be simple mechanical or gravimetric separation of the DU fragments from the host soil matrix. At SNL/NM, both the automated and simple mechanical approaches have recently been employed. This paper discusses the pros/cons of the two approaches.

  7. W.E.B. DuBois and the Concepts of Race and Class.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Green, Dan S.; Smith, Earl


    Summarizes and analyzes W.E.B. DuBois's publications on race and class, particularly as he observed the relationships between White and Black Americans from about 1890 to the 1960s. Contends that DuBois's work has been seriously underrated and cites William J. Wilson's work as corroborating and extending DuBois's theories. (CJM)

  8. NE-TWIGS update: Incorporating tree quality


    Daniel A. Yaussy


    A method to distribute tree quality was incorporated into the NE-TWIGS individual-tree growth and yield simulator. The program uses potential tree grade to allow changes in actual tree grade over time. Volume is reported by grade and value is calculated using tree grades. Example screens are shown.

  9. 75 FR 64971 - Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Central City, NE

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-0837; Airspace Docket No. 10-ACE-10] Proposed Establishment of Class E Airspace; Central City, NE...: This action proposes to establish Class E airspace at Central City, NE. Controlled airspace is necessary to accommodate new Standard Instrument Approach Procedures (SIAP) at Central City Municipal--Larry...

  10. Sustainable growth, the DuPont way.


    Holliday, C


    Like many manufacturers, DuPont traditionally has grown by making more and more "stuff." And its business growth has been proportional to the amount of raw materials and energy used--as well as the resulting waste and emissions from operations. Over the years, though, DuPont became aware that cheap supplies of nonrenewable resources wouldn't be endlessly available and that the earth's ecosystems couldn't indefinitely absorb the waste and emissions of production and consumption. Chad Holliday, chairman and CEO of DuPont, believes strongly in the challenge of sustainable growth and makes the business case for it: By using creativity and scientific knowledge effectively, he says, companies can provide strong returns for shareholders and grow their businesses--while also meeting the human needs of societies around the world and reducing the environmental footprint of their operations and products. In fact, a focus on sustainability can help identify new products, markets, partnerships, and intellectual property and lead to substantial business growth. Holliday describes how DuPont developed a three-pronged strategy to translate the concept of sustainability into nuts-and-bolts business practices. Focusing on integrated science, knowledge intensity, and productivity improvement, the strategy was accompanied by a new way to measure progress quantitatively. Sustainable growth should be viewed not as a program for stepped-up environmental performance but as a comprehensive way of doing business, one that delivers tremendous economic value and opens up new opportunities. Ultimately, companies will find that they can generate substantial business value through sustainability while both enhancing the quality of life around the world and protecting the environment.

  11. NeXT Application Development Workshop. [Use and Design of Instructional Applications on the NeXT Computer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kiel, Don; And Others

    Instructional applications for NeXT computers were developed by nine faculty members from the biology, mathematics and computer science, fine arts, chemistry, physics and astronomy, and geology departments as part of a grant awarded to the California State University at Los Angeles. These notes provide a schedule of events and reports from a 2-day…

  12. The discriminative stimulus effects of a nicotine-ethanol compound in rats: Extinction with the parts differs from the whole.


    Troisi, Joseph R; Dooley, Thomas F; Craig, Elizabeth M


    Nicotine and ethyl alcohol (EtOH) interact neurophysiologically and induce internal sensory states that contribute to their coabuse. Evaluating the combined internal sensory effects of nicotine and alcohol may be important for understanding this nexus. With rats, this investigation used an operant drug discrimination procedure to establish discriminative stimulus control with a mixture of nicotine plus EtOH (NE) at doses of nicotine (0.3 mg/kg) and EtOH (1.0 g/kg) that have previously been shown to be equally salient (Gauvin & Holloway, 1993). In Experiment (Exp) 1 the NE compound mixture continued to evoke responding despite extinction of responding with nicotine and EtOH alone. In Exp 2 the NE mixture was reliably discriminated from the nicotine and EtOH elements. Experiment 3 showed that the discriminative functions of the NE mixture emerged when the nicotine and EtOH elements were combined following their initial establishment as separate discriminative stimuli; however, nicotine evoked more control than EtOH. Extinction of responding with the NE mixture impacted rates of responding with nicotine and EtOH alone. The results of the all three studies parallel findings with exteroceptive Pavlovian literature in showing that extinction of responding with the elemental parts does not appear to impact the whole-but, extinction with the whole appears to affect its parts. The multielement discriminative function of a NE mixture appears to be a "unique cue" that differs qualitatively from nicotine or EtOH alone. Associative factors related to compound conditioning (i.e., configural learning) play an important role in mediating the discriminative functions of drug mixtures.

  13. Focal mechanisms and the stress regime in NE and SW Tanzania, East Africa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brazier, Richard A.; Nyblade, Andrew A.; Florentin, Juliette


    We report 12 new focal mechanisms from earthquakes in NE and SW Tanzania where the stress regime within the East African rift system is not well constrained. Focal mechanisms for events at the intersection of the Lake Tanganyika and Rukwa rifts in SW Tanzania indicate a complicated stress pattern with possible dextral strike-slip motion on some faults but oblique motion on others (either sinistral on NW striking faults or dextral on NE striking faults). Within the Rukwa rift, focal mechanisms indicate normal dip-slip motion with NE-SW opening. In NE Tanzania where the Eastern rift impinges on the margin of the Tanzania Craton, fault motions are consistent with a zone of distributed block faults and sub E-W extension. All twelve earthquakes likely nucleated within the crust.

  14. RadNet Air Data From Omaha, NE

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This page presents radiation air monitoring and air filter analysis data for Omaha, NE from EPA's RadNet system. RadNet is a nationwide network of monitoring stations that measure radiation in air, drinking water and precipitation.

  15. RadNet Air Data From Kearney, NE

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This page presents radiation air monitoring and air filter analysis data for Kearney, NE from EPA's RadNet system. RadNet is a nationwide network of monitoring stations that measure radiation in air, drinking water and precipitation.

  16. RadNet Air Data From Lincoln, NE

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This page presents radiation air monitoring and air filter analysis data for Lincoln, NE from EPA's RadNet system. RadNet is a nationwide network of monitoring stations that measure radiation in air, drinking water and precipitation.

  17. Lambeaux autofermants pour le traitement des brulures electriques du scalp par haut voltage

    PubMed Central

    Hafidi, J.; El Mazouz, S.; El Mejatti, H.; Fejjal, N.; Gharib, N.E.; Abbassi, A.; Belmahi, A.M.


    Summary Les brûlures électriques par haut voltage sont responsables de gros dégâts tissulaires en immédiat et dans les jours suivant l’accident du fait de la chaleur importante dégagée par effet joule et de la thrombose microvasculaire évolutive. Les pertes de substances du scalp secondaires à ces brûlures nécessitent une couverture par lambeaux vu la destruction du périoste et du calvarium en regard. De juin 1997 à juin 2008, 15 patients ont été traités pour des pertes de substance du scalp secondaires à des brûlures électriques par haut voltage de diamètre allant de 8 à 11 cm et siégeant dans la région tonsurale. Ces patients ont été opérés dans la première semaine suivant l’accident. Les pertes de substance du scalp de taille moyenne secondaires à ces brûlures peuvent être couvertes per primam de façon fiable par des lambeaux locaux axialisés et multiples. Nous relatons l’expérience du Service de Chirurgie Plastique du Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Ibn-Sina, Rabat, Maroc, dans la gestion et la prise en charge de ces brûlures. PMID:22262963

  18. Beam dynamics studies at DAΦNE: from ideas to experimental results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zobov, M.; DAΦNE Team


    DAΦNE is the electron-positron collider operating at the energy of Φ-resonance, 1 GeV in the center of mass. The presently achieved luminosity is by about two orders of magnitude higher than that obtained at other colliders ever operated at this energy. Careful beam dynamic studies such as the vacuum chamber design with low beam coupling impedance, suppression of different kinds of beam instabilities, investigation of beam-beam interaction, optimization of the beam nonlinear motion have been the key ingredients that have helped to reach this impressive result. Many novel ideas in accelerator physics have been proposed and/or tested experimentally at DAΦNE for the first time. In this paper we discuss the advanced accelerator physics studies performed at DAΦNE.

  19. Low-lying dipole resonance in neutron-rich Ne isotopes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoshida, Kenichi; van Giai, Nguyen


    Microscopic structure of the low-lying isovector dipole excitation mode in neutron-rich Ne26,28,30 is investigated by performing deformed quasiparticle-random-phase-approximation (QRPA) calculations. The particle-hole residual interaction is derived from a Skyrme force through a Landau-Migdal approximation. We obtain the low-lying resonance in Ne26 at around 8.6 MeV. It is found that the isovector dipole strength at Ex<10 MeV exhausts about 6.0% of the classical Thomas-Reiche-Kuhn dipole sum rule. This excitation mode is composed of several QRPA eigenmodes, one is generated by a ν(2s1/2-12p3/2) transition dominantly and the other mostly by a ν(2s1/2-12p1/2) transition. The neutron excitations take place outside of the nuclear surface reflecting the spatially extended structure of the 2s1/2 wave function. In Ne30, the deformation splitting of the giant resonance is large, and the low-lying resonance overlaps with the giant resonance.

  20. Modelisation des emissions de particules microniques et nanometriques en usinage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khettabi, Riad

    La mise en forme des pieces par usinage emet des particules, de tailles microscopiques et nanometriques, qui peuvent etre dangereuses pour la sante. Le but de ce travail est d'etudier les emissions de ces particules pour fins de prevention et reduction a la source. L'approche retenue est experimentale et theorique, aux deux echelles microscopique et macroscopique. Le travail commence par des essais permettant de determiner les influences du materiau, de l'outil et des parametres d'usinage sur les emissions de particules. E nsuite un nouveau parametre caracterisant les emissions, nomme Dust unit , est developpe et un modele predictif est propose. Ce modele est base sur une nouvelle theorie hybride qui integre les approches energetiques, tribologiques et deformation plastique, et inclut la geometrie de l'outil, les proprietes du materiau, les conditions de coupe et la segmentation des copeaux. Il ete valide au tournage sur quatre materiaux: A16061-T6, AISI1018, AISI4140 et fonte grise.

  1. Survie au cancer du sein à Rabat (Maroc) 2005-2008

    PubMed Central

    Mechita, Nada Bennani; Tazi, Mohammed Adnane; Er-Raki, Abdelouahed; Mrabet, Mustapha; Saadi, Asma; Benjaafar, Noureddine; Razine, Rachid


    Introduction Le cancer du sein représente un problème de santé publique au Maroc. L’objectif de ce travail était d’estimer le taux de survie au cancer du sein chez les patientes habitant la ville de Rabat. Méthodes Etude pronostique réalisée chez les patientes diagnostiquées pour cancer du sein de 2005 à 2008, habitant la ville de Rabat et enregistrées au registre des cancers de Rabat. La date d’inclusion dans l’étude correspondait à la date de confirmation histologique du cancer. L’estimation de la survie a été réalisée par la méthode de Kaplan Meier, et la comparaison entre les différentes classes d’une variable a été réalisée par le test de log rank. L’étude des facteurs associés à la survie a été effectuée par le modèle de Cox. Résultats Durant la période d’étude 628 cas de cancer du sein ont été collectés. Le pourcentage de décès était de 19,9%. La survie globale à un an était de 97,1%, elle était de 89,2% à 3 ans et de 80,6 % à 5 ans. En analyse multivariée la survie au cancer du sein était statistiquement moins bonne chez les patientes âgées de plus de 70 ans (p<0,001), ayantune grande taille de tumeur (p<0,001), un stade avancé d’adénopathies (p=0,007), présentant des métastases (p<0,001) et non traitées par hormonothérapie (p=0,002). Conclusion Une grande taille de la tumeur et la présence de métastases sont des facteurs de mauvais pronostic du cancer du sein d’où la nécessité de renforcer les programmes de dépistage. PMID:28292106

  2. MicroBooNE and its Cross Section Measurement

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tsai, Yun-Tse


    MicroBooNE (the Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment) is a short-baseline neutrino experiment based on the technology of a liquid-argon time-projection chamber (LArTPC), and has recently completed its first year of data-taking in the Fermilab Booster Neutrino Beam. It aims to address the anomalous excess of events with an electromagnetic final state in MiniBooNE, to measure neutrino-argon interaction cross sections, and to provide relevant R\\&D for the future LArTPC experiments, such as DUNE. In these proceedings, we present the first reconstructed energy spectrum of Michel electrons from cosmic muon decays, the first kinematic distributions of the candidate muon tracks frommore » $$\

  3. Anti-depressant effect of hesperidin in diabetic rats.


    El-Marasy, Salma A; Abdallah, Heba M I; El-Shenawy, Siham M; El-Khatib, Aiman S; El-Shabrawy, Osama A; Kenawy, Sanaa A


    This study aimed to investigate the anti-depressant effect of hesperidin (Hsp) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Additionally, the effect of Hsp on hyperglycaemia, oxidative stress, inflammation, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), and brain monoamines in diabetic rats was also assessed. The Wistar rats in the experimental groups were rendered hyperglycaemic with a single dose of STZ (52.5 mg·(kg body mass)(-1), by intraperitoneal injection). The normal group received the vehicle only. Hyperglycaemic rats were treated with Hsp (25.0, 50.0, or 100.0 mg·(kg body mass)(-1)·day(-1), per oral) and fluoxetine (Flu) (5.0 mg·(kg body mass)(-1)·day(-1), per oral) 48 h after the STZ injection, for 21 consecutive days. The normal and STZ control groups received the vehicle (distilled water). Behavioral and biochemical parameters were then assessed. When Hsp was administered to the STZ-treated rats, this reversed the STZ-induced increase in immobility duration in the forced swimming test (FST) and attenuated hyperglycaemia, decreased malondialdehyde (MDA), increased reduced glutathione (GSH) decreased interleukin-6 (IL-6), and increased BDNF levels in the brain. Treatment with Hsp attenuated STZ-induced neurochemical alterations, as indicated by increased levels of monoamines in the brain, namely, norepinephrine (NE), dopamine (DA), and serotonin (5-hydroxytryptamine; 5-HT). All of these effects of Hsp were similar to those observed with the established anti-depressant Flu. This study shows that Hsp exerted anti-depressant effect in diabetic rats, which may have been partly mediated by its amelioration of hyperglycaemia as well as its anti-oxidant and anti-inflammatory activities, the enhancement of neurogenesis, and changes in the levels of monoamines in the brain.

  4. DU Processing Efficiency and Reclamation: Plasma Arc Melting

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Imhoff, Seth D.; Aikin, Jr., Robert M.; Swenson, Hunter

    The work described here corresponds to one piece of a larger effort to increase material usage efficiency during DU processing operations. In order to achieve this goal, multiple technologies and approaches are being tested. These technologies occupy a spectrum of technology readiness levels (TRLs). Plasma arc melting (PAM) is one of the technologies being investigated. PAM utilizes a high temperature plasma to melt materials. Depending on process conditions, there are potential opportunities for recycling and material reclamation. When last routinely operational, the LANL research PAM showed extremely promising results for recycling and reclamation of DU and DU alloys. The currentmore » TRL is lower due to machine idleness for nearly two decades, which has proved difficult to restart. This report describes the existing results, promising techniques, and the process of bringing this technology back to readiness at LANL.« less

  5. NeXML: Rich, Extensible, and Verifiable Representation of Comparative Data and Metadata

    PubMed Central

    Vos, Rutger A.; Balhoff, James P.; Caravas, Jason A.; Holder, Mark T.; Lapp, Hilmar; Maddison, Wayne P.; Midford, Peter E.; Priyam, Anurag; Sukumaran, Jeet; Xia, Xuhua; Stoltzfus, Arlin


    Abstract In scientific research, integration and synthesis require a common understanding of where data come from, how much they can be trusted, and what they may be used for. To make such an understanding computer-accessible requires standards for exchanging richly annotated data. The challenges of conveying reusable data are particularly acute in regard to evolutionary comparative analysis, which comprises an ever-expanding list of data types, methods, research aims, and subdisciplines. To facilitate interoperability in evolutionary comparative analysis, we present NeXML, an XML standard (inspired by the current standard, NEXUS) that supports exchange of richly annotated comparative data. NeXML defines syntax for operational taxonomic units, character-state matrices, and phylogenetic trees and networks. Documents can be validated unambiguously. Importantly, any data element can be annotated, to an arbitrary degree of richness, using a system that is both flexible and rigorous. We describe how the use of NeXML by the TreeBASE and Phenoscape projects satisfies user needs that cannot be satisfied with other available file formats. By relying on XML Schema Definition, the design of NeXML facilitates the development and deployment of software for processing, transforming, and querying documents. The adoption of NeXML for practical use is facilitated by the availability of (1) an online manual with code samples and a reference to all defined elements and attributes, (2) programming toolkits in most of the languages used commonly in evolutionary informatics, and (3) input–output support in several widely used software applications. An active, open, community-based development process enables future revision and expansion of NeXML. PMID:22357728

  6. Treatment of ovarian cancer by targeting the tumor stem cell-associated carbohydrate antigen, Sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau

    PubMed Central

    Starbuck, Kristen; Al-Alem, Linah; Eavarone, David A.; Hernandez, Silvia Fatima; Bellio, Chiara; Prendergast, Jillian M.; Stein, Jenna; Dransfield, Daniel T.; Zarrella, Bianca; Growdon, Whitfield B.; Behrens, Jeff; Foster, Rosemary; Rueda, Bo R.


    Recurrent ovarian cancer (OvCa) is thought to result in part from the inability to eliminate rare quiescent cancer stem cells (CSCs) that survive cytotoxic chemotherapy and drive tumor resurgence. The Sialyl-Thomsen-nouveau antigen (STn) is a carbohydrate moiety present on protein markers of CSCs in pancreatic, colon, and gastric malignancies. We have demonstrated that human OvCa cell lines contain varying levels of cells that independently express either STn or the ovarian CSC marker CD133. Here we determine co-expression of STn and CD133 in a subset of human OvCa cell lines. Analyses of colony and sphere forming capacity and of response to standard-of-care cytotoxic therapy suggest a subset of OvCa STn+ cells display some CSC features. The effect of the anti-STn antibody-drug conjugates (ADCs) S3F-CL-MMAE and 2G12-2B2-CL-MMAE on OvCa cell viability in vitro and in vivo was also assessed. Treatment with S3F-CL-MMAE reduced the viability of two of three OvCa cell lines in vitro and exposure to either S3F-CL-MMAE or 2G12-2B2-CL-MMAE reduced OVCAR3-derived xenograft volume in vivo, depleting STn+ tumor cells. In summary, STn+ cells demonstrate some stem-like properties and specific therapeutic targeting of STn in ovarian tumors may be an effective clinical strategy to eliminate both STn+ CSC and STn+ non-CSC populations. PMID:29796189

  7. New Advanced Mass Casualty Breathing System for Oxygen Therapy: Phase 1

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of National Defence, 2006 © Sa Majesté la Reine , représentée par le ministre de la Défense nationale, 2006 DRDC Toronto TM 2006-201 i...Toronto a été chargé d’examiner la performance du masque PulmanexMD Hi-OxMD (Hi-Ox) à des débits d’oxygène (O2) de 4 litres par minute (L·min-1) en...d’examiner la performance du masque PulmanexMD Hi-OxMD (Hi-Ox) à des débits d’oxygène (O2) de 4 litres par minute (L·min-1). Le masque Hi-Ox est un

  8. Half-life of the superallowed {beta}{sup +} emitter {sup 18}Ne

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Grinyer, G. F.; Andreoiu, C.; Finlay, P.

    The half-life of {sup 18}Ne has been determined by detecting 1042-keV {gamma} rays in the daughter {sup 18}F following the superallowed-Fermi {beta}{sup +} decay of samples implanted at the center of the 8{pi}{gamma}-ray spectrometer, a spherical array of 20 HPGe detectors. Radioactive {sup 18}Ne beams were produced on-line, mass-separated, and ionized using an electron-cyclotron-resonance ionization source at the ISAC facility at TRIUMF in Vancouver, Canada. This is the first high-precision half-life measurement of a superallowed Fermi {beta} decay to utilize both a large-scale HPGe spectrometer and the isotope separation on-line technique. The half-life of {sup 18}Ne, 1.6656 {+-} 0.0019 s,more » deduced following a 1.4{sigma} correction for detector pulse pile-up, is four times more precise than the previous world average. As part of an investigation into potential systematic effects, the half-life of the heavier isotope {sup 23}Ne was determined to be 37.11 {+-} 0.06 s, a factor of 2 improvement over the previous precision.« less

  9. 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne breakout reaction and impact on X-ray bursts.


    Tan, W P; Fisker, J L; Görres, J; Couder, M; Wiescher, M


    The breakout reaction 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne, which regulates the flow between the hot CNO cycle and the rp process, is critical for the explanation of the burst amplitude and periodicity of x-ray bursters. We report on the first successful measurement of the critical alpha-decay branching ratios of relevant states in 19Ne populated via 19F(3He,t)19Ne. Based on the experimental results and our previous lifetime measurements of these states, we derive the first experimental rate of 15O(alpha,gamma)19Ne. The impact of our experimental results on the burst pattern and periodicity for a range of accretion rates is analyzed.

  10. Perinatal methadone exposure affects dopamine, norepinephrine, and serotonin in the weanling rat.


    Robinson, S E; Maher, J R; Wallace, M J; Kunko, P M


    On gestational day 7 pregnant rats were implanted with osmotic minipumps containing either methadone hydrochloride (initial dose, 9 mg/kg/day) or sterile water. Their offspring were cross-fostered so that they were exposed to methadone prenatally and/or postnatally. On postnatal day 21, dopamine (DA), norepinephrine (NE), serotonin (5-HT), and their metabolites were analyzed. Perinatal methadone exposure disrupted dopaminergic, noradrenergic, and serotonergic activity in a brain region- and gender-specific fashion. The ratio of the DA metabolite 3,4-dihydroxyphenylacetic acid (DOPAC) to DA was reduced in the frontal cortex of males exposed to methadone postnatally. No effects of perinatal methadone exposure were observed on DA and DOPAC in the striatum. The ratio of 3-methoxy-4-hydroxyphenylglycol (MOPEG) to NE in the hippocampus was increased significantly in males exposed to methadone prenatally. Striatal and parietal cortical 5-hydroxyindoleacetic acid (5-HIAA), but not its ratio to 5-HT, was increased slightly in rats exposed to methadone postnatally. Although parietal cortical 5-HT, 5-HIAA, and 5-hydroxytryptophan were all affected by perinatal methadone exposure, the ratios of metabolite and precursor to 5-HT were not affected. Effects of methadone exposure appeared to depend upon the developmental stage at which exposure occurred and did not appear to result from the phenomenon of neonatal withdrawal. Changes in activity of these three neurotransmitter systems may contribute to the effect of perinatal methadone on the activity of other neurons, such as cholinergic neurons.

  11. Hippocampal gene expression in a rat model of depression after electroacupuncture at the Baihui and Yintang acupoints

    PubMed Central

    Duan, Dongmei; Yang, Xiuyan; Ya, Tu; Chen, Liping


    Preliminary basic research and clinical findings have demonstrated that electroacupuncture therapy exhibits positive effects in ameliorating depression. However, most studies of the underlying mechanism are at the single gene level; there are few reports regarding the mechanism at the whole-genome level. Using a rat genomic gene-chip, we profiled hippocampal gene expression changes in rats after electroacupuncture therapy. Electroacupuncture therapy alleviated depression-related manifestations in the model rats. Using gene-chip analysis, we demonstrated that electroacupuncture at Baihui (DU20) and Yintang (EX-HN3) regulates the expression of 21 genes. Real-time PCR showed that the genes Vgf, Igf2, Tmp32, Loc500373, Hif1a, Folr1, Nmb, and Rtn were upregulated or downregulated in depression and that their expression tended to normalize after electroacupuncture therapy. These results indicate that electroacupuncture at Baihui and Yintang modulates depression by regulating the expression of particular genes. PMID:25206746

  12. Search for Sterile Neutrinos Using the MiniBooNE Beam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sorel, Michel


    The possible existence of light sterile neutrinos in Nature is motivated, and the prospects to extend sterile neutrino searches beyond current limits is substantiated, using the MiniBooNE neutrino beam and detector at Fermilab. We report on the neutrino flux predictions for the MiniBooNE experiment, on the characterization of the charged-current, quasi-elastic interactions of muon neutrinos ({nu}{sub {mu}}n {yields} {mu}{sup -}p) observed, and on the experiment's sensitivity to sterile neutrinos via muon neutrino disappearance.

  13. Cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone au Maroc: caractéristiques épidémiologiques et cliniques

    PubMed Central

    Boufettal, Houssine; Samouh, Naïma


    Préciser la fréquence, les facteurs de risque et le pronostic du cancer du sein bilatéral, à partir d'une étude rétrospective de 22 cas de cancer du sein bilatéral synchrone dans un pays du Maghreb. De 2002 à 2010, 625 patientes étaient prises en charge pour cancer du sein au service de Gynécologie-Obstétrique «C» du centre hospitalier universitaire de Casablanca. 22 cas de cancer bilatéral synchrone étaient diagnostiqués. Nos résultats sont comparés avec ceux de la littérature. La fréquence de la bilatéralité du cancer du sein synchrone était de 3,52% (22/625). L'intervalle de temps moyen entre les deux cancers est de 4 mois (0 à 6 mois). Les patientes âgées de moins de 40 ans lors du premier cancer avaient six fois plus de risque de développer un cancer au niveau du sein controlatéral que les femmes âgées de plus de 40 ans. Les patientes atteintes d'une tumeur T3 ou T4 avaient un risque neuf fois plus élevé que les autres. 90,9% (2/22) des cas des premiers cancers sont des adénocarcinomes infiltrants. Les types histologiques du premier et du douzième cancer étaient identiques dans 86,4% (19/22) des cas. Quant au pronostic, il dépend à la fois du stade du premier et du deuxième cancer et le traitement de ce dernier doit obéir aux mêmes règles du traitement du premier cancer. L'incidence du cancer bilatéral synchrone du sein est de 3,52% dans notre série. Le cancer du sein unilatéral constitue un facteur de risque de développement d'un cancer du sein controlatéral. Une surveillance à vie est nécessaire au cours d'un cancer du sein pour détecter un cancer controlatéral. PMID:26090066

  14. Neuroprotective effect of curcumin on hippocampal injury in 6-OHDA-induced Parkinson's disease rat.


    Yang, Jiaqing; Song, Shilei; Li, Jian; Liang, Tao


    Clinically, Parkinson's disease (PD)-related neuronal lesions commonly occur. The purpose of this study is to investigate potential therapeutic effect of curcumin against hippocampal damage of 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA)-PD rat model. These results showed that curcumin significantly increased the body weight of 6-OHDA-impaired rats (P<0.01), and reversed the anhedonia in rats induced by 6-OHDA impairment (P<0.01). Meanwhile, behavioral manifestations of curcumin-treated PD rats were effectively ameliorated as shown in open field test (P<0.01). In addition, curcumin increased the contents of monoaminergic neurotransmitters (P<0.01), such as dopamine (DA) and norepinephrine (NE), in hippocampal homogenate through high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) assay. Curcumin effectively alleviated the 6-OHDA-induced hippocampal damage as observed in hematoxylin-eosin (H&E) staining. Furthermore, curcumin obviously up-regulated hippocampal brain derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), TrkB, phosphatidylinositide 3-kinases (PI3K) protein expressions, respectively as shown in Western blot analysis. These findings demonstrated that curcumin mediated the neuroprotection against 6-OHDA-induced hippocampus neurons in rats, which the underlying mechanism is involved in activating BDNF/TrkB-dependent pathway for promoting neural regeneration of hippocampal tissue. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  15. Les inconvénients de perdre du poids

    PubMed Central

    Bosomworth, N. John


    Résumé Objectif Explorer les raisons pour lesquelles la perte de poids à long terme échoue la plupart du temps et évaluer les conséquences de diverses trajectoires pondérales, y compris la stabilité, la perte et le gain. Source des données Les études qui évaluent les paramètres pondéraux dans la population sont en majorité observationnelles. Des données probantes de niveau I ont été publiées pour évaluer l’influence des interventions relatives au poids sur la mortalité et la qualité de vie. Message principal Seulement un petit pourcentage des personnes qui désirent perdre du poids réussissent à le faire de manière durable. La mortalité est la plus faible chez les personnes se situant dans la catégorie de poids élevé-normal et surpoids. La trajectoire pondérale la plus sécuritaire est la stabilité du poids avec une optimisation de la condition physique et métabolique. Il est démontré que la mortalité est plus faible chez les personnes ayant des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité si elles perdent du poids. Il est aussi établi que la qualité de vie sur le plan de la santé est meilleure chez les personnes obèses qui perdent du poids. Par contre, la perte de poids chez une personne obèse autrement en santé est associée à une mortalité accrue. Conclusion La perte de poids est recommandable seulement chez les personnes qui ont des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité. Les personnes obèses en santé qui veulent perdre du poids devraient être informées qu’il peut y avoir des risques à le faire. Une stratégie qui se traduit par un indice de masse corporelle stable avec une condition physique et métabolique optimisée, peu importe le poids, est l’option d’intervention la plus sécuritaire en ce qui concerne le poids.

  16. Turnover of Biogenic Amines in the Hypothalamus of Rats during Pyrogen Fever

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Penn, P. E.; Williams, B. A.


    Many pharmacological studies have implicated the biogenic amines in the hypothalamus as playing a role in the production of fever, but few investigations of endogenous neurochemicals have been made during fever. Turnover rates of transmitters utilizing radioactive precursors may be one of the most accurate measurements of activity in brain regions. The present study was designed to measure the turnover of 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) norepinephrine (NE) and dopamine (DA) in the hypothalamus of rats during pyrogen fever. Salmonella typhosa (Wyeth, 8 units) was previously found in our laboratory to produce a significant hyperthermia in most rats by 2.5 hours. This pyrogen (N = l2) or saline control (N = 8) was injected intraperitoneally and the rats killed 2.75 hours later. Rectal temperatures (Tr) were monitored continuously with thermocouples taped to the tail and recorded automatically every 3 minutes. Half of each group received an injection of radioactive precursors, (3)H-tryptophan (0.5 mCi) and (3)H-tryptophan (1.0 mCi), via an indwelling jugular catheter 60 minutes before killing, and the other half at 90 minutes. The rats were killed by near freezing in liquid nitrogen and the brains dissected in the cold. Turnover was measured by the method of Lane (Life Sci 21, 1101, 1977). At the time of killing most of the pyrogen group showed a significant (p < .02) increase (mean +/- s.e.m.) in Tr above pre injection levels (0.75 +/- 0.13 C, N = 10). The saline group showed no change (-0.025 +/- 0.16, N = 8), and the difference between groups was also significant. No significant differences were found in the levels of the amines between the pyrogen and saline groups. A significant difference was found in the specific activity of NE between the 60 minute pyrogen and saline groups (4.41 +/- 0.41 vs 2.6 +/- 0.51 dpm/pmole) but no change in turnover. This suggests an increased accumulation of (3)H-NE in the pyrogen group, but no change in utilization. An increased turnover

  17. Les nouveaux critères de la Maladie d’Alzheimer – Perspective gériatrique*

    PubMed Central

    Molin, Pierre; Rockwood, Kenneth


    RÉSUMÉ Deux nouvelles séries de critères pour le diagnostic de la maladie d’Alzheimer sont maintenant en vigueur, incluant une série publiée en 2014. Un « nouveau lexique » conceptualisant la maladie a également été proposé. En 2012, la Conférence consensuelle canadienne affirmait que, pour l’instant, ni les nouveaux critères ni la nouvelle terminologie ne modifiaient la pratique en première ligne. Néanmoins, pour les consultants spécialisés en démence, l’avènement de ces critères ouvre la porte à de nombreux défis et occasions. En général, les nouveaux critères accordent une place grandissante aux biomarqueurs. Toutefois, les évidences qui sous-tendent leur utilisation demeurent incomplètes. L’étude de sujets provenant de la communauté ayant raffiné notre compréhension des critères neuropathologiques des démences, il est probable que notre expérience avec les biomarqueurs en bénéficierait également. Pour l’instant, ces critères sont réservés à la recherche. Cependant, leur adoption à plus large échelle est pressentie, particulièrement aux États-Unis. Les gériatres canadiens doivent être conscients de la terminologie maintenant utilisée et du changement fondamental qui en découle : un diagnostic de maladie d’Alzheimer ne requiert plus un diagnostic de démence. Dans l’attente de nouvelles données – auxquelles les gériatres peuvent contribuer – il y a lieu de faire preuve de prudence dans l’adoption des nouveaux critères, car ils sont susceptibles de moins bien s’appliquer aux personnes âgées. PMID:27403215

  18. Adolescent Social Stress Produces an Enduring Activation of the Rat Locus Coeruleus and Alters its Coherence with the Prefrontal Cortex

    PubMed Central

    Zitnik, Gerard A; Curtis, Andrè L; Wood, Susan K; Arner, Jay; Valentino, Rita J


    Early life stress is associated with the development of psychiatric disorders. Because the locus coeruleus-norepinephrine (LC-NE) system is a major stress-response system that is implicated in psychopathology, developmental differences in the response of this system to stress may contribute to increased vulnerability. Here LC single unit and network activity were compared between adult and adolescent rats during resident-intruder stress. In some rats, LC and medial prefrontal cortex (mPFC) coherence was quantified. The initial stress tonically activated LC neurons and induced theta oscillations, while simultaneously decreasing LC auditory-evoked responses in both age groups. Stress increased LC-mPFC coherence within the theta range. With repeated exposures, adolescent LC neuronal and network activity remained elevated even in the absence of the stressor and were unresponsive to stressor presentation. In contrast, LC neurons of adult rats exposed to repeated social stress were relatively inhibited in the absence of the stressor and mounted robust responses upon stressor presentation. LC sensory-evoked responses were selectively blunted in adolescent rats exposed to repeated social stress. Finally, repeated stress decreased LC-mPFC coherence in the high frequency range (beta and gamma) while maintaining strong coherence in the theta range, selectively in adolescents. Together, these results suggest that adaptive mechanisms that promote stress recovery and maintain basal activity of the brain norepinephrine system in the absence of stress are not fully developed or are vulnerable stress-induced impairments in adolescence. The resulting sustained activation of the LC-NE system after repeated social stress may adversely impact cognition and future social behavior of adolescents. PMID:26361057

  19. Dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur

    PubMed Central

    Harris, Susan R.


    Résumé Objectif Décrire le test HINT (Harris Infant Neuromotor Test), un test d’évaluation du développement neuromoteur chez les nourrissons publié en 2010, qui s’appuie sur les normes canadiennes et peut être utilisé pour dépister les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de la vie. Qualité des données D’abondantes recherches ont été publiées sur la fiabilité intra-évaluateur, inter-évaluateur et test-retest ainsi que sur la validité convergente, prédictive, du contenu et des groupes connus du test HINT, de même que sur la sensibilité, la spécificité et les valeurs prédictives négatives et positives des inquiétudes des parents, telles qu’évaluées par le test HINT. La plupart des données probantes sont de niveau II. Message principal Il est important de diagnostiquer les retards du développement moteur durant la première année de vie, car ils sont souvent le signe de retards du développement généralisés ou de déficiences précises, telles que la paralysie cérébrale. Les inquiétudes des parents quant au développement moteur de leur enfant sont une valeur prédictive robuste de diagnostics subséquents de retard du développement moteur. Conclusion Seul le dépistage précoce des retards du développement moteur, initialement par l’entremise d’outils de dépistage comme le test HINT, permet de recommander le patient à une intervention précoce qui profiterait tant à l’enfant qu’à sa famille. PMID:27521405

  20. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: DuPont Imaging Department in Parlin, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    DuPont has owned and operated a chemical manufacturing plant on Cheesequake Road in Parlin, New Jersey, since 1904. DuPont manufactured a variety of products at the plant including, photographic films, automotive paints, pigments, adhesives, thinners,

  1. Laser Interferometric Measurements of the Physical Properties for He, ne Gases and Their Mixture

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abdel-Moniem, N. M.; El-Masry, M. M.; El-Bradie, B.; El-Mekawy, F. M.


    A Mach-Zehner interferometer MZI illuminated with He-Ne Laser 632.8nm is used for measuring the refractive index for He, Ne gases and their mixture HeNe. The measurements are carried out at different pressures and temperatures. The error factors of the refractive index measurements for He, Ne and HeNe gases are equal to ±1.7×10-5, ±9.5×10-6 and ±7.25×10-5 respectively. Some calculations of the electrical properties are carried out such as the optical permittivity dielectric susceptibility and specific refractivity from the determination of the refractive index. Also, the molecular radii of the gases under investigation are computed then the transport coefficients (diffusion. viscosity and thermal conductivity) are calculated. All of these calculations are carried out at different pressures and temperatures. The experimental results of refractive index for the above mixture are compared with the results estimated using one of the mixing rules and a good agreement is achieved. Also, some physical parameters are compared with other values in another literatures.

  2. Three New Low-Energy Resonances in the 22Ne(p, γ )23Na Reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cavanna, Francesca; Depalo, Rosanna

    The neon-sodium (NeNa) cycle drives the synthesis of the elements between 20Ne and 27Al, through a series of proton capture reactions that start from 20Ne, to end with sodium synthesis. This cycle is active in red giant stars (RGB), asymptotic giant branch stars (AGB), in novae as well as in type Ia supernovae. In order to reproduce the observed elemental abundances, the cross sections of the reactions involved in the nucleosynthesis process should be accurately known. The 22Ne(p, γ )23Na reaction rate was very uncertain because of a large number of unobserved resonances lying in the Gamow window. For proton energies below 400 keV, in the literature there were only upper limits for the resonance strengths. A new direct study of the 22Ne(p, γ )23Na reaction has been performed at the Laboratory for Underground Nuclear Astrophysics (LUNA) in Gran Sasso using a windowless gas target and two high-purity germanium detectors. Several resonances have been observed for the first time in a direct experiment.

  3. Description de Nosopsyllus (N.) Atsbi n. sp. (Siphonaptera : Ceratophyllidae) d’Éthiopie et révision de l’espèce affine N. (N.) Incisus (Jordan & Rothschild, 1913) ; discussion biogéographique

    PubMed Central

    Beaucournu, J.-C.; Meheretu, Y.; Welegerima, K.; Mergey, T.; Laudisoit, A.


    Nous décrivons un Nosopsyllus s. sto. nouveau du nord de l’Éthiopie, N. atsbi, montrant des ressemblances phylétiques avec N. incisus (Jordan & Rothschild, 1913), espèce cantonnée à la partie orientale de la région afrotropicale. Ceci nous conduit à revoir les populations classées comme incisus sur l’unique critère de la sétation du télomère (trois fortes soies marginales, au lieu des deux classiquement observées dans ces genre et sous-genre). Il apparaît que N. incisus s. sto. est connu au nord-est de la République Démocratique du Congo, au Kenya, au Burundi et en Tanzanie. Au nord et au sud de cette région (centre de l’Éthiopie, d’une part, Zambie et Malawi, d’autre part), deux taxa sont morphologiquement à part et nous les érigeons au rang de sous-espèces : Nosopsyllus (N.) incisus traubi n. ssp. et N. (N.) incisus lewisi n. ssp. À l’heure actuelle, le “complexe incisus” est riche de quatre taxa, à savoir, du nord au sud, N. atsbi n. sp., N. incisus traubi n. ssp., N. incisus incisus (Jordan & Rothschild, 1913) et N. incisus lewisi n. ssp. PMID:22314238

  4. Atomic Data and Spectral Line Intensities for Ne III

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhatia, A. K.; Thomas, R. J.; Landi, E.; Fisher, Richard R. (Technical Monitor)


    Electron impact collision strengths, energy levels, oscillator strengths and spontaneous radiative decay rates are calculated for Ne III. The configurations used are 2s(sup 2) 2p(sup 4),2s2p(sup 5),2s(sup 2) 2p(sup 3)3s, and 2s(sup 2)3p(sup 3)3d giving rise to 57 fine-structure levels in intermediate coupling. Collision strengths are calculated at five incident energies, 5, 10, 15, 20, and 25 Ry. Excitation rate coefficients are calculated by assuming a Maxwellian electron velocity distribution at an electron temperature of logT,(K)=5.0, corresponding to maximum abundance of Ne III. Using the excitation rate coefficients and the radiative transition rates, statistical equilibrium equations for level populations are solved at electron densities covering the range of 10(exp 8)-10(exp 14) per cubic centimeter. Relative spectral line intensities are calculated. Proton excitation rates between the lowest three levels have been included in the statistical equilibrium equations. The predicted Ne III line intensities are compared with SERTS rocket measurements of a solar active region and of a laboratory EUV light source.

  5. Electron impact excitation of NeIII intercombination lines

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Daw, Adrian; McLaughlin, Brendan M.; Bell, Kenneth L.


    Observations on the spectra of doubly ionized neon (NeIII) have been recently recorded below 25O Å(A. E. Livington, R. Buttner, A. S. Zacarias, B. Kraus, K-H Schartner, F. Folkmann and P. H. Mokler, J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 14) 522-525 (1997).. This work together with previous studies give line intensies which may be used as density diagnostics but required accurate collision strengths and transition probabilities for their interpretation. Recent studies on electron collisions with NeIII ions using the R-matrix approach (B. M. McLaughlin and K. L. Bell, J. Phys. B. 33), 597 (2000). for Δ n=0 transitions, illustrated the importance of including n=3 and 4 levels in the calculations compared to previous work. (K. Butler and C. Mendoza, Mon. Not. R. Astr. Soc. 208), 17 (1984). Particular emphasis is now placed on transitions to the intercombination 2s^22p^3[^4S^o]3s ^3,5S^o levels and to the other n=3 levels where comparison can be made with previous distorted-wave work. The calculations of fine-structure transitions by electron impact, to and within these multiplets of NeIII provide much needed accurate data for astrophysical models. Further details and a comprehensive set of results will be presented at the meeting.

  6. [Probing Planck-scale Physics with a Ne-21/He-3 Zeeman Maser

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The Ne-21/He-3 Zeeman maser is a recently developed device which employs co-located ensembles of Ne-21 and He-3 atoms to provide sensitive differential measurements of the noble gas nuclear Zeeman splittings as a function of time, thereby greatly attenuating common-mode systematic effects such as uniform magnetic field variations. The Ne-21 maser will serve as a precision magnetometer to stabilize the system's static magnetic field, while the He-3 maser is used as a sensitive probe for violations of CPT and Lorentz symmetry by searching for small variations in the 3He maser frequency as the spatial orientation of the apparatus changes due to the rotation of the Earth (or placement on a rotating table). In the context of a general extension of the Standard Model of particle physics, the Ne-21/He-3 maser will provide the most sensitive search to date for CPT and Lorentz violation of the neutron: better than 10(exp -32) GeV, an improvement of more than an order of magnitude over past experiments. This exceptional precision will offer a rare opportunity to probe physics at the Planck scale. A future space-based Ne-21/He-3 maser or related device could provide even greater sensitivity to violations of CPT and Lorentz symmetry, and hence to Planck-scale physics, because of isolation from dominant systematic effects associated with ground-based operation, and because of access to different positions in space-time.

  7. Additive Effects of Intermittent Hypobaric Hypoxia and Endurance Training on Bodyweight, Food Intake, and Oxygen Consumption in Rats.


    Cabrera-Aguilera, Ignacio; Rizo-Roca, David; Marques, Elisa A; Santocildes, Garoa; Pagès, Teresa; Viscor, Gines; Ascensão, António A; Magalhães, José; Torrella, Joan Ramon


    Cabrera-Aguilera, Ignacio, David Rizo-Roca, Elisa A. Marques, Garoa Santocildes, Teresa Pagès, Gines Viscor, António A. Ascensão, José Magalhães, and Joan Ramon Torrella. Additive effects of intermittent hypobaric hypoxia and endurance training on bodyweight, food intake, and oxygen consumption in rats. High Alt Med Biol 00:000-000, 2018.-We used an animal model to elucidate the effects of an intermittent hypobaric hypoxia (IHH) and endurance exercise training (EET) protocol on bodyweight (BW), food and water intake, and oxygen consumption. Twenty-eight young adult male rats were divided into four groups: normoxic sedentary (NS), normoxic exercised (NE), hypoxic sedentary (HS), and hypoxic exercised (HE). Normoxic groups were maintained at an atmospheric pressure equivalent to sea level, whereas the IHH protocol consisted of 5 hours per day for 33 days at a simulated altitude of 6000 m. Exercised groups ran in normobaric conditions on a treadmill for 1 hour/day for 5 weeks at a speed of 25 m/min. At the end of the protocol, both hypoxic groups showed significant decreases in BW from the ninth day of exposure, reaching final 10% (HS) to 14.5% (HE) differences when compared with NS. NE rats also showed a significant weight reduction after the 19th day, with a decrease of 7.4%. The BW of hypoxic animals was related to significant hypophagia elicited by IHH exposure (from 8% to 12%). In contrast, EET had no effect on food ingestion. Total water intake was not affected by hypoxia but was significantly increased by exercise. An analysis of oxygen consumption at rest (mL O 2 /[kg·min]) revealed two findings: a significant decrease in both hypoxic groups after the protocol (HS, 21.7 ± 0.70 vs. 19.1 ± 0.78 and HE, 22.8 ± 0.80 vs. 17.1 ± 0.90) and a significant difference at the end of the protocol between NE (21.3 ± 0.77) and HE (17.1 ± 0.90). These results demonstrate that IHH and EET had an additive effect on BW loss, providing

  8. 3. DETAIL OF WEST TOWER, LOOKING NE. Philadelphia & ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    3. DETAIL OF WEST TOWER, LOOKING NE. - Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, Pedestrian Suspension Bridge, Foot of Sixth Street at Schuylkill River (formerly spanned Philadelphia & Reading main line at Reading Depot), Reading, Berks County, PA

  9. Macrosomie fœtale à Lubumbashi: facteurs de risque et pronostic maternel et périnatal

    PubMed Central

    Luhete, Prosper Kakudji; Mukuku, Olivier; Kiopin, Patrick Mubinda; Tambwe, Albert Mwembo; Kayamba, Prosper Kalenga Muenze


    Introduction La macrosomie fœtale est habituellement définie par un poids de naissance supérieur ou égal à 4000 grammes. L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la fréquence de la macrosomie, d'identifier les facteurs étiologiques et d’évaluer le pronostic maternel et périnatal. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude cas-témoins menéeau sein des maternités de 10 hôpitaux généraux de référence de la ville de Lubumbashi en République Démocratique du Congoentre le 1er décembre 2013 et le 31 mars 2014. Les accouchées ont été réparties en deux groupes, en fonction du poids de naissance de leurs nouveau-nés: groupe I (≥4000 grammes ou plus) et groupe II (2500 à 3500 grammes). Les caractéristiques maternelles, l'environnement obstétrical ainsi que le pronostic maternel et périnatal ont été étudiés et comparés dans les deux groupes. Les données ont été analysées à l'aide du logiciel Épi info version 7.1. Les différences étaient jugées significatives pour un seuil de p<0,05. Résultats Au total, 668 mères et leurs nouveau-nés ont été inclus dont 167 macrosomes et 501témoins. L'incidence de la macrosomie fœtale était de 5,7%. Comparativement aux mères de témoins, nous avons trouvé que les mères des nouveau-nés macrosomes étaient plus âgées, multipares, multigestes, obèses, diabétiques et avaient antérieurement donné naissance à un macrosome. Les taux de césarienne et de délivrance pathologique étaient significativement élevés chez les mères de macrosomes que chez celles de témoins. Lesexe masculin était significativement plus prédominant chez macrosomes que chez les témoins. La dystocie des épaules étaitenregistrée uniquement dans le groupe des macrosomes. Conclusion La prévalence de l'accouchement d'un macrosome à Lubumbashi est de 5,7%. La macrosomie est souvent à l'origine de complications maternelles et périnatales. La réduction de ces dernières passe par une meilleure connaissance des

  10. Anti-inflammatory and carbonic anhydrase restoring actions of yam powder (Dioscorea spp) contribute to the prevention of cysteamine-induced duodenal ulcer in a rat model.


    Park, Jong-Min; Kim, Yoon-Jae; Kim, Ju-Seung; Han, Young-Min; Kangwan, Napapan; Hahm, Ki Baik; Kim, Tae-Sok; Kwon, Oran; Kim, Eun-Hee


    Increased acid output, accompanied with a defective defense system, is considered a fundamental pathogenesis of duodenal ulcer (DU). However, relapse of DU occurs despite proton pump inhibitors and H2 receptor antagonists, hence imposing the enforcement of the defense system. Dried powder of the yam tuber (Dioscorea spp) has been used in traditional folk medicine as a nutritional fortification. We hypothesized that dried-yam powder would prevent DU through improvement of anti-inflammatory actions and carbonic anhydrase (CA) activity. Therefore, we investigated the preventive effects of dried-yam powder against the cysteamine-induced DU and elucidated the underlying mechanisms. Duodenal ulcers were induced in Sprague-Dawley rats by intragastric administration of 500 mg/kg cysteamine-HCl. The dried-yam powder was used as a pretreatment before the cysteamine-HCl. The number and size of DU were measured. The expressions of inflammation mediators were checked in duodenal tissues, and the expressions of CAs and malondialdehyde levels were also examined. Cysteamine provoked perforated DU, whereas dried-yam powder significantly prevented DU as much as pantoprazole and significantly reduced the incidence of perforation. The messenger RNA expressions of cyclooxygenase-2 and inducible nitric oxide synthase were remarkably decreased in the yam group compared with the cysteamine group, and the serum levels of proinflammatory cytokines including interleukin-1β, interleukin-6, and tumor necrosis factor were significantly attenuated in the yam group. Cysteamine significantly decreased the expression of CAs, whereas yam treatment significantly preserved the expressions of CA IX, XII, and XIV. In conclusion, dried-yam powder exerts a significant protective effect against cysteamine-induced DU by lowering the activity of inflammatory cytokines and free radicals and restoring the activity of CAs, except in CA IV. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and α 2 adrenergic receptors mediate heroin withdrawal-potentiated startle in rats.


    Park, Paula E; Vendruscolo, Leandro F; Schlosburg, Joel E; Edwards, Scott; Schulteis, Gery; Koob, George F


    Anxiety is one of the early symptoms of opioid withdrawal and contributes to continued drug use and relapse. The acoustic startle response (ASR) is a component of anxiety that has been shown to increase during opioid withdrawal in both humans and animals. We investigated the role of corticotropin-releasing factor (CRF) and norepinephrine (NE), two key mediators of the brain stress system, on acute heroin withdrawal-potentiated ASR. Rats injected with heroin (2 mg/kg s.c.) displayed an increased ASR when tested 4 h after heroin treatment. A similar increase in ASR was found in rats 10-20 h into withdrawal from extended access (12 h) to i.v. heroin self-administration, a model that captures several aspects of heroin addiction in humans. Both the α 2 adrenergic receptor agonist clonidine (10 μg/kg s.c.) and CRF1 receptor antagonist N,N-bis(2-methoxyethyl)-3-(4-methoxy-2-methylphenyl)-2,5-dimethyl-pyrazolo[1,5-a] pyrimidin-7-amine (MPZP; 20 mg/kg s.c.) blocked heroin withdrawal-potentiated startle. To investigate the relationship between CRF1 and α 2 adrenergic receptors in the potentiation of the ASR, we tested the effect of MPZP on yohimbine (1.25 mg/kg s.c.)-potentiated startle and clonidine on CRF (2 μg i.c.v.)-potentiated startle. Clonidine blocked CRF-potentiated startle, whereas MPZP partially attenuated but did not reverse yohimbine-potentiated startle, suggesting that CRF may drive NE release to potentiate startle. These results suggest that CRF1 and α 2 receptors play an important role in the heightened anxiety-like behaviour observed during acute withdrawal from heroin, possibly via CRF inducing the release of NE in stress-related brain regions.

  12. Evaluation d'un scenario d'apprentissage favorisant la mobilisation des habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blanchard, Samuel F. J.

    Les resultats au Programme international pour le suivi des acquis des eleves (PISA) demontrent que les jeunes neobrunswickois francophones se classent b un niveau significativement inferieur comparaiivement aux eleves anglophones du Nouveau-Brunswick, aux eleves des autres provinces canadiennes et se classent sous la moyenne internationale de tous les pays participants quant b la culture scientifique. L'evaluation de cette culture scientifique est basee sur une serie de savoirs, de savoir-faire et de savoir-etre reliee au processus d'enquete scolaire. Le processus d'enquete scolaire est une approche b l'apprentissage ou les eleves effectuent des recherches d'informations, discutent d'idees et entreprennent des investigations pour augmenter leur comprehension d'un probleme ou d'un sujet. Les recherches demontrent que le processus d'enquete scolaire est rarement une composante pedagogique importante de la salle de classe et les recherches portant sur l'implantation du processus d'enquete scolaire recommandent de rendre ce dernier plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants. Afin de rendre le processus d'enquete plus accessible aux enseignantes et aux enseignants, notre recherche porte sur l'evaluation de la valeur pedagogique d'un scenario d'apprentissage (PhaRoboS) concu specialement pour creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions a mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Les retombees de cette evaluation nous permettront d'offrir des pistes de remediations afin d'aider plus d'enseignantes et d'enseignants b creer un environnement dans lequel les eleves auront plusieurs occasions b mobiliser les habiletes reliees au processus d'enquete. Cette evaluation s'est faite a partir d'une methodologie inspiree de l'evaluation pour fin d'amelioration d'un objet pedagogique. L'analyse des donnees qualitatives recueillies aupres des eleves et de leur enseignante d'une ecole francophone du Nouveau-Brunswick semble montrer que

  13. 76 FR 53020 - Nebraska Disaster #NE-00041

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Disaster Declaration 12738 and 12739] Nebraska Disaster NE-00041 AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: This is a Notice of the Presidential declaration of a major disaster for the State of Nebraska (FEMA-4013-DR), dated 08/12/2011. Incident: Flooding...

  14. Experimental Constraints on He, Ne, and Ar Solubility in Serpentinite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krantz, J. A.; Parman, S. W.; Kelley, S. P.; Smye, A.; Jackson, C.; Cooper, R. F.


    Experiments have been performed to constrain the solubility of He, Ne, and Ar in natural samples of antigorite from three locations. Geochemical analyses of exhumed subduction zone material [1] and well gases [2] indicate that noble gases are recycled from the surface of the earth into the mantle. The mechanism by which uncharged atoms can be bound to a mineral and subsequently recycled remains unclear, but recent experimental work suggests that ring structures in silicate minerals are ideal sites for noble gases [3]. Serpentine contains such ring structures and is abundant in subducting slabs, providing significant potential for control of the recycling of noble gases. Experiments were performed in a cold seal pressure vessel at 350°C using a mix of equal parts He, Ne, and Ar as the pressure media (Brown University, USA). Pressures varied from 0.15 to 1.13 kbar total pressure and durations varied from 20 to 188 hours. Samples were analyzed by UV laser ablation, noble gas mass spectrometry (Open University, UK). He and Ne reached equilibrium during the experiments and both exhibit Henrian behavior. Data from the cleanest sample reduces the error by approximately an order of magnitude over previous work [3] and confirms that He is significantly more soluble (HCHe=6.05x10-10 mol/g/bar) than Ne (HCNe=5.12x10-12 mol/g/bar) in antigorite. Preliminary data from the cleanest sample suggests that Ar is more soluble than both He and Ne (HCAr=1.94x10-10 mol/g/bar). This provides a mechanism for fractionation of noble gases during recycling. 1. Kendrick, M.A., Scambelluri, M., Honda, M., Phillips, D., Nature Geoscience, 4, 807-812, 2011 2. Holland, G., and Ballentine, C.J., Nature, 441, 186-191, 2006 3. Jackson, C.R.M., Parman, S.W., Kelley, S.P., Cooper, R.F., GCA, 159, 1-15, 2015

  15. Integration des sciences et de la langue: Creation et experimentation d'un modele pedagogique pour ameliorer l'apprentissage des sciences en milieu francophone minoritaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cormier, Marianne

    Les faibles resultats en sciences des eleves du milieu francophone minoritaire, lors d'epreuves au plan national et international, ont interpelle la recherche de solutions. Cette these avait pour but de creer et d'experimenter un modele pedagogique pour l'enseignement des sciences en milieu linguistique minoritaire. En raison de la presence de divers degres de francite chez la clientele scolaire de ce milieu, plusieurs elements langagiers (l'ecriture, la discussion et la lecture) ont ete integres a l'apprentissage scientifique. Nous avions recommande de commencer le processus d'apprentissage avec des elements langagiers plutot informels (redaction dans un journal, discussions en dyades...) pour progresser vers des activites langagieres plus formelles (redaction de rapports ou d'explications scientifiques). En ce qui a trait a l'apprentissage scientifique, le modele preconisait une demarche d'evolution conceptuelle d'inspiration socio-constructiviste tout en s'appuyant fortement sur l'apprentissage experientiel. Lors de l'experimentation du modele, nous voulions savoir si celui-ci provoquait une evolution conceptuelle chez les eleves, et si, simultanement, le vocabulaire scientifique de ces derniers s'enrichissait. Par ailleurs, nous cherchions a comprendre comment les eleves vivaient leurs apprentissages dans le cadre de ce modele pedagogique. Une classe de cinquieme annee de l'ecole de Grande-Digue, dans le Sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick, a participe a la mise a l'essai du modele en etudiant les marais sales locaux. Lors d'entrevues initiales, nous avons remarque que les connaissances des eleves au sujet des marais sales etaient limitees. En effet, s'ils etaient conscients que les marais etaient des lieux naturels, ils ne pouvaient pas necessairement les decrire avec precision. Nous avons egalement constate que les eleves utilisaient surtout des mots communs (plantes, oiseaux, insectes) pour decrire le marais. Les resultats obtenus indiquent que les eleves ont

  16. Results of the first detection units of KM3NeT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Biagi, Simone; KM3NeT Collaboration


    The KM3NeT collaboration is building a km3-scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The current phase of construction comprises the deep-sea and onshore infrastructures at two installation sites and the installation of the first detection units for the "ARCA" (Astroparticle Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) and "ORCA" (Oscillation Research with Cosmics in the Abyss) detector. At the KM3NeT-It site, 80 km offshore Capo Passero, Italy, the first 32 detection units for the ARCA detector are being installed and at the KM3Net-Fr site, 40 km offshore Toulon, France, 7 detection units for the ORCA detector will be deployed. The second phase of KM3NeT foresees the completion of ARCA for neutrino astronomy at energies above TeV and ORCA for neutrino mass hierarchy studies at energies in the GeV range. The basic element of the KM3NeT detector is the detection unit. In the ARCA geometry, the detection unit is a 700 m long vertical structure hosting 18 optical modules. Each optical module comprises 31 3 in photomultiplier tubes, instruments to monitor environmental parameters, and the electronic boards for the digitisation of the PMT signals and the management of data acquisition. In their final configuration, both ARCA and ORCA will be composed of about 200 detection units. The first detection unit was installed at the KM3NeT-It site in December 2015. It is active and taking data since its connection to the subsea network. The time of arrival and the duration of photon hits on each of the photomultipliers is measured with a time resolution of 1 ns and transferred onshore where the measurements are processed, triggered and stored on disk. A time calibration procedure, based on data recorded with flashing LED beacons during dedicated periods, allows for time synchronisation of the signals from the optical modules at the nanosecond level. In May 2016, an additional detection unit was installed at the KM3NeT-It site. The first results with two active detection units

  17. Hazardous Waste Cleanup: E.I. DuPont de Nemours & Company in Pompton Lakes, New Jersey

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    E.I. DuPont De Nemours & Company is located at 2000 Cannonball Road, Pompton Lakes, New Jersey. The DuPont Pompton Lakes Works site (DuPont) occupies approximately 570 acres of land in Pompton Lakes and Wanaque.

  18. Neurochemical and neuroanatomic effects of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) in rats

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Virus, R.; Commins, D.; Vosmer, G.


    Rats injected s.c. twice daily for 4 consecutive days with 10,20, or 40 mg/kg MDMA or saline and sacrificed 2 weeks after the last injection showed dose-dependent reductions in serotonin (5-HT) concentrations in hypothalamus, hippocampus (HIP), striatum (STR), somatosensory cortex (SC) and other cortical areas (CTX). 5-HT depletion was maximal in HIP (11.5 +/- 1.7%) and SC (15.3 +/- 3.2%, p<0.001 in both cases) at the 40 mg/kg MDMA dose. Forty mg/kg MDMA also reduced the amounts of dopamine (DA) in STR (78.2 +/- 6.4%, p<0.001) and of norepinephrine (NE) in HIP (74.5 +/- 6.4%, P<0.025) and CTX (77.9 +/-more » 6.1%, p<0.05). In addition, 20 mg/kg MDMA markedly reduced the number of (/sup 3/H)5-HT uptake sites (V/sub max/ 35.2% of control) without affecting the affinity (K/sub m/) in HIP. Fink-Heimer staining showed that rats injected s.c. twice daily for 2 days with 80 mg/kg MDMA had greater degeneration of nerve terminals in STR (p<0.005) and pyramidal cells in Layer III of SC (p<0.01) than did control rats. These results clearly suggest that repeated exposure to MDMA selectively damages serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system of rats.« less

  19. Experimental Constraints on He, Ne, Ar Behavior at Mantle Conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jackson, C.; Kelley, S. P.; Parman, S. W.; Cooper, R. F.


    We have experimentally constrained He, Ne and Ar mineral-melt partitioning for olivine, enstatite and spinel under mantle P-T conditions. The experiments were run in a piston cylinder apparatus. Run products were analyzed by UV laser ablation microprobe (UVLAMP). Our data (Ol, Opx, Sp), along with literature data (Cpx), suggest He, Ne and Ar are incompatible during mantle melting. Gem quality crystals of En100, Sp and Fo90 were polished using colloidal silica and loaded along with a MgO rich, synthetic MORB powder into a graphite inner and Pt outer capsule. Within the inner capsule, crystals were faced against graphite, an identical crystal or polished glassy carbon. Equal pressures (40-60 total bars) of He, Ne and Ar were loaded into the outer capsule before it was welded closed. The run conditions were 1450C and 1-2 GPa for 10 hrs (Brown University). Depth profiles of the mineral faces were obtained using a 193 nm excimer laser (Open University). The large crystal area and short wavelength laser allows for measurements with high depth resolution and concentration precision: a 400 um aperture with 150 nm ablation depth can provide a detection limit (3 sigma > blank) of ~500 ppb He, ~1 ppm Ne and ~500 ppb Ar. Three mineral ablation pits were imaged using a white light interferometer at Tufts University and indicate an ablation rate of ~25 nm/pulse. Glass ablation rates are estimated using previous measurements. The melts were generally understaturated with respect to He, Ne and Ar (1-10, 3-200 and 4-1000 PPM, respectively). Concentrations in the minerals were mostly below detection limits. Where detectable, near surface gas concentrations visually correlate with the amount of adhering graphite. This could be due to trapped/adsorbed gas in the graphite or to surface deformation produced by the graphite. The surface with the least adhering graphite and smoothest surface (faced against glassy carbon) shows no observable near surface enrichment of He, Ne or Ar. Given

  20. Localisation inhabituelle de la tuberculose: ostéoarthrite tuberculose du pouce

    PubMed Central

    Mortaji, Aziz; Koulali, Khalid; Galuia, Farid


    L'ostéoarthrite tuberculose est rare au niveau des doigts. Nous rapportons une observation d'atteinte du pouce chez un patient de 55 ans. Il avait présenté une tuméfaction douloureuse du pouce droit suite à un traumatisme du pouce. L’étude bactériologique et une biopsie avaient permis de confirmer le diagnostic. Un traitement antibacillaire de 12 mois avait donné des résultats satisfaisants. Les particularités de la prise en charge sont discutées par rapport aux données de la littérature. PMID:25932075

  1. Facteurs d’ambiance dans l’industrie textile en République Démocratique du Congo: état de lieu

    PubMed Central

    Kitronza, Panda Lukongo; Philippe, Mairiaux


    Introduction Ce travail vise à faire une évaluation des nuisances dans le milieu de travail du secteur textile en République Démocratique du Congo. Méthodes Nous avons effectué une étude transversale et analytique. Sur 257 travailleurs sélectionnés par échantillonnage systématique, 229 travailleurs ont été retenus. 223 postes de travail ont fait l'objet de mesures pour le bruit, l'éclairage, et la chaleur. Les informations recueillies l'ont été à partir de la consultation des documents de l'entreprise, de l'interrogatoire mené par questionnaire dirigé portant essentiellement sur les renseignements socio professionnels et par des mesurages. L'analyse descriptive a été faite pour les données sociodémographiques et professionnelles et l'approche analytique pour les mesurages. Résultats Dans cette entreprise 88% des travailleurs sont des ouvriers. Le département de tissage englobe presque 68% des travailleurs. La plupart travaillent en trois pauses (85%). La population d'étude est majoritairement masculine à 85%, vieillissante avec 52% de plus de 40 ans et instruite (80%). Dans l'entreprise, seuls 12,1 % des postes de travail respectent les normes en matière de bruit et 18 % des postes en matière d'éclairage. 94% des postes ne respectent pas les normes en matière de chaleur pour un travail lourd. Conclusion Notre étude a permis de mettre en évidence les nuisances au sein de l'industrie, montrant un écart important par rapport aux normes prescrites pour les nuisances mesurées. Ces résultats est un plaidoyer pour développer des mesures de prévention appropriées. Ils sont à confronter à ceux d'autres études plus approfondies dans ce milieu. PMID:28154733

  2. A digital intensity stabilization system for HeNe laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wei, Zhimeng; Lu, Guangfeng; Yang, Kaiyong; Long, Xingwu; Huang, Yun


    A digital intensity stabilization system for HeNe laser is developed. Based on a switching power IC to design laser power supply and a general purpose microcontroller to realize digital PID control, the system constructs a closed loop to stabilize the laser intensity by regulating its discharge current. The laser tube is made of glass ceramics and its integrated structure is steady enough to eliminate intensity fluctuations at high frequency and attenuates all intensity fluctuations, and this makes it easy to tune the control loop. The control loop between discharge current and photodiode voltage eliminates the long-term drifts. The intensity stability of the HeNe laser with this system is 0.014% over 12 h.

  3. Resonant interatomic Coulombic decay in HeNe: Electron angular emission distributions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mhamdi, A.; Trinter, F.; Rauch, C.; Weller, M.; Rist, J.; Waitz, M.; Siebert, J.; Metz, D.; Janke, C.; Kastirke, G.; Wiegandt, F.; Bauer, T.; Tia, M.; Cunha de Miranda, B.; Pitzer, M.; Sann, H.; Schiwietz, G.; Schöffler, M.; Simon, M.; Gokhberg, K.; Dörner, R.; Jahnke, T.; Demekhin, Ph. Â. V.


    We present a joint experimental and theoretical study of resonant interatomic Coulombic decay (RICD) in HeNe employing high resolution cold target recoil ion momentum spectroscopy and ab initio electronic structure and nuclear dynamics calculations. In particular, laboratory- and molecular-frame angular emission distributions of RICD electrons are examined in detail. The exciting-photon energy-dependent anisotropy parameter β (ω ) , measured for decay events that populate bound HeNe+ ions, is in agreement with the calculations performed for the ground ionic state X2Σ1/2 + . A contribution from the a2Π3 /2 final ionic state is found to be negligible. For the He +Ne+ fragmentation channel, the observed laboratory-frame angular distribution of RICD electrons is explained by a slow homogeneous dissociation of bound vibrational levels of the final ionic state A2Π1 /2 into vibrational continua of the lower lying states X2Σ1/2 + and a2Π3 /2 . Our calculations predict that the angular distributions of RICD electrons in the body-fixed dipole plane provide direct access to the electronic character (i.e., symmetry) of intermediate vibronic resonances. However, because of the very slow dissociation of the A2Π1 /2 state, the molecular-frame angular distributions of RICD electrons in the He +Ne+ fragmentation channel are inaccessible to our coincidence experiment.

  4. Statistical mechanics study on wetting behaviors of Ne on Mg surface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, S.; Zhang, M.


    Wetting behavior of Ne adsorbed on a Mg surface, first investigated by means of a grand canonical Monte Carlo method in a previous publication (M. J. Bojan, G. Stan, S. Curtarolo, W. A. Steele, and M. W. Cole, Phys. Rev. E, 1999, 59, 864), is again studied by means of classical density functional theory. The Ne-Ne interaction is taken to be of the Lennard-Jones form, while the Ne-surface interaction is derived from an electronic density functional theory. The wetting phase diagram is calculated, and the isotherm shapes, energy and structural properties of the adsorbed films are examined. The present calculations indicate that the system exhibits first-order pre-wetting transition at temperatures above a wetting temperature of Tw≈24 K, and below a critical pre-wetting temperature of Tpwc≈25.09 K. The present findings include (i) in the pre-wetting temperature region, the pre-wetting transition is mixed with many layering transitions; after pre-wetting, the film thickness discontinuously increases (due to frequent occurrences of the layering transitions) and eventually diverges as the chemical potential approaches and eventually equals the saturation value. (ii) Occurrence of the layering transition remains above Tpwc, and the increase of the film thickness with the chemical potential is discontinuous. (iii) Below the wetting temperature, the layering transitions frequently occur and tend to gather together more closely as the saturation is approached.

  5. Progress On Neutrino-Proton Neutral-Current Scattering In MicroBooNE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pate, Stephen


    The MicroBooNE Experiment at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory, an 89-ton active mass liquid argon time projection chamber, affords a unique opportunity to observe low-more » $Q^2$ neutral-current neutrino-proton scattering events. Neutral-current neutrino-proton scattering at $Q^2 < 1$ GeV$^2$ is dominated by the proton's axial form factor, which can be written as a combination of contributions from the up, down, and strange quarks: $$G_A(Q^2) = \\frac{1}{2}[-G_A^u(Q^2)+G_A^d(Q^2)+G_A^s(Q^2)]$$. The contribution from up and down quarks has been established in past charged-current measurements. The contribution from strange quarks at low $Q^2$ remains unmeasured; this is of great interest since the strange quark contribution to the proton spin can be determined from the low-$Q^2$ behavior: $$\\Delta S = G_A^s(Q^2=0)$$. MicroBooNE began operating in the Booster Neutrino Beam in October 2015. I will present the status in observing isolated proton tracks in the MicroBooNE detector as a signature for neutral-current neutrino-proton events. The sensitivity of the MicroBooNE experiment for measuring the strange quark contribution to the proton spin will be discussed.« less

  6. Evaluation of the effect of implanted depleted uranium on male reproductive success, sperm concentration, and sperm velocity

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Arfsten, Darryl P.; Schaeffer, David J.; Johnson, Eric W.

    Depleted uranium (DU) projectiles have been used in battle in Iraq and the Balkans and will continue to be a significant armor-penetrating munition for the US military. As demonstrated in the Persian Gulf War, battle injury from DU projectiles and shrapnel is a possibility, and removal of embedded DU fragments from the body is not always practical because of their location in the body or their small size. Previous studies in rodents have demonstrated that implanted DU mobilizes and translocates to the gonads, and natural uranium may be toxic to spermatazoa and the male reproductive tract. In this study, themore » effects of implanted DU pellets on sperm concentration, motility, and male reproductive success were evaluated in adult (P1) Sprague-Dawley rats implanted with 0, 12, or 20, DU pellets of 1x2 mm or 12 or 20 tantalum (Ta) steel pellets of 1x2 mm. Twenty DU pellets of 1x2 mm (760 mg) implanted in a 500-g rat are equal to approximately 0.2 pound of DU in a 154-lb (70-kg) person. Urinary analysis found that male rats implanted with DU were excreting uranium at postimplantation days 27 and 117 with the amount dependent on dose. No deaths or evidence of toxicity occurred in P1 males over the 150-day postimplantation study period. When assessed at postimplantation day 150, the concentration, motion, and velocity of sperm isolated from DU-implanted animals were not significantly different from those of sham surgery controls. Velocity and motion of sperm isolated from rats treated with the positive control compound {alpha}-chlorohydrin were significantly reduced compared with sham surgery controls. There was no evidence of a detrimental effect of DU implantation on mating success at 30-45 days and 120-145 days postimplantation. The results of this study suggest that implantation of up to 20 DU pellets of 1x2 mm in rats for approximately 21% of their adult lifespan does not have an adverse impact on male reproductive success, sperm concentration, or sperm velocity.« less

  7. CLIPS on the NeXT computer

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Charnock, Elizabeth; Eng, Norman


    This paper discusses the integration of CLIPS into a hybrid expert system neural network AI tool for the NeXT computer. The main discussion is devoted to the joining of these two AI paradigms in a mutually beneficial relationship. We conclude that expert systems and neural networks should not be considered as competing AI implementation methods, but rather as complimentary components of a whole.

  8. Origin of Ne emission line of very luminous soft X-ray transient MAXI J0158–744

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ohtani, Yukari; Morii, Mikio; Shigeyama, Toshikazu


    We investigate the mechanism that reproduced notable spectral features at the ignition phase of the nova explosion observed for a super-Eddington X-ray transient source MAXI J0158–744 in the Small Magellanic Cloud. These features include a strong Ne IX emission line at 0.92 keV with large equivalent widths of 0.32{sub −0.11}{sup +0.21} keV and the absence of the Ne X line at 1.02 keV. In this paper, we calculate the radiative transfer using a Monte Carlo code, taking into account the line blanketing effect due to transitions of N, O, Ne, Mg, and Al ions in an accelerating wind emanating frommore » a white dwarf with a structure based on a spherically symmetric stationary model. We found that the strong Ne IX line can be reproduced if the mass fraction of Ne is enhanced to 10{sup –3} or more and if that of O is reduced to ∼5 × 10{sup –9} or less and that the absence of other lines, including Ne X ions at higher energies, can be also reproduced by the line blanketing effect. This enhancement of the Ne mass fraction indicates that the ejecta are enriched by Ne dredged up from the surface of the white dwarf composed of O, Ne, and Mg rather than C and O, as already pointed out in previous work. We argue that the CNO cycle driving this nova explosion converted most of C and O into N and thus reduced the O mass fraction.« less

  9. Potential surface for the collinear collision of Ne and H/sub 2//sup +/. [eendoergicity, surface parametrization

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hayes, E.F.; Siu, A.K.Q.; Chapman, F.M. Jr.


    A potential energy surface for the Ne--H/sub 2//sup +/ reaction has been obtained in the LCAO--MO--SCF approximation. Analysis of the surface indicates that the reaction Ne+H/sub 2//sup +/..-->..NeH/sup +/+H should proceed with an endoergicity of 12 kcal/mole, in agreement with the experimental results of Chupka and Russell. Several procedures for parameterizing a diatomics-in-molecules (DIM) representation of the NeH/sub 2//sup +/ surface are considered. The results show that an accurate representation of the SCF surface can be obtained from the DIM model using a minimum of diatomic and triatomic data. (AIP)

  10. Interaction of excited He and Ne rare gas metastable atoms with the CHF2Cl molecule

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chérid, M.; Ben Arfa, M.; Driss Khodja, M.


    We studied the Penning ionization of the CHF2Cl molecule with He and Ne metastable atoms (He* and Ne*). We measured the electron kinetic energy and the time-of-flight mass spectra; we also determined the branching ratio for the parent ion and charged CHF+2, CHFCl+, HCF+/CF+ and Cl+ fragments. These data led us to discuss the dissociation channels for all the energetically-accessible electronic states of the ionized molecule. We evidenced a marked contrast in the fragment ion proportions for Ne*-CHF2Cl and He*-CHF2Cl systems, and related it to the difference in polarizability and internal energy of the He* and Ne* atoms.

  11. Le schwannome malin du nerf grand sciatique chez l'enfant

    PubMed Central

    Lechqar, Maryem; Elbiache, Imad; Atarraf, Karima; Bouabdellah, Youssef; Afifi, My Abderahman


    Le schwannome malin est une tumeur très rare chez l'enfant (1 à 2% des tumeurs des tissus mous), elle se développe au dépend des cellules de schwanne. Dans ce travail, les auteurs rapportent un cas de schwannome malin développé au dépend du nerf grand sciatique. La radiographie de la cuisse de face et de profil était normale. L'imagerie par résonance magnétique a identifié une lésion le long du trajet du nerf grand sciatique. La tumeur a été réséquée en totalité emportant le nerf grand sciatique. L'examen anatomo-pathologique a confirmé le diagnostic. PMID:23133710

  12. Cyclic estrogenic fluctuation influences synaptic transmission of the medial vestibular nuclei in female rats.


    Pettorossi, Vito E; Frondaroli, Adele; Grassi, Silvarosa


    The estrous cycle in female rats influences the basal synaptic responsiveness and plasticity of the medial vestibular nucleus (MVN) neurons through different levels of circulating 17β-estradiol (cE(2)). The aim of this study was to verify, in the female rat, whether cyclic fluctuations of cE(2) influence long-term synaptic effects induced by high frequency afferent stimulation (HFS) in the MVN, since we found that HFS in the male rat induces fast long-term potentiation (fLTP), which depends on the neural synthesis of E(2) (nE(2)) from testosterone (T). We analyzed the field potential (FP) evoked in the MVN by vestibular afferent stimulation, under basal conditions, and after HFS, in brainstem slices of female rats during high levels (proestrus, PE) and low levels (diestrus, DE) of cE(2). Selective blocking agents of converting T enzymes were used. Unlike in the male rat, HFS induced three effects: fLTP through T conversion into E(2), and slow LTP (sLTP) and long-term depression (LTD), through T conversion into DHT. The occurrence of these effects depended on the estrous cycle phase: the frequency of fLTP was higher in DE, and those of sLTP and LTD were higher in PE. Conversely, the basal FP was also higher in PE than in DE.

  13. Analysis of ISO NE Balancing Requirements: Uncertainty-based Secure Ranges for ISO New England Dynamic Inerchange Adjustments

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Etingov, Pavel V.; Makarov, Yuri V.; Wu, Di

    The document describes detailed uncertainty quantification (UQ) methodology developed by PNNL to estimate secure ranges of potential dynamic intra-hour interchange adjustments in the ISO-NE system and provides description of the dynamic interchange adjustment (DINA) tool developed under the same contract. The overall system ramping up and down capability, spinning reserve requirements, interchange schedules, load variations and uncertainties from various sources that are relevant to the ISO-NE system are incorporated into the methodology and the tool. The DINA tool has been tested by PNNL and ISO-NE staff engineers using ISO-NE data.

  14. Les accidents du travail dans le transport urbain en commun de la ville province de Kinshasa, République Démocratique du Congo: une étude transversale descriptive

    PubMed Central

    Wangata, Jemima; Elenge, Myriam; De Brouwer, Christophe


    Introduction Le transport en commun urbain constitue un secteur où les travailleurs sont très exposés aux accidents du travail. Cette étude visait une description épidémiologique des accidents du travail dans le secteur informel du transport en commun à Kinshasa en vue d'apporter les pistes d'amélioration de la sécurité des travailleurs dans cette activité. Méthodes Un questionnaire sur les accidents du travail, administré en Décembre 2012 a permis d'explorer les tendances significatives entre les accidents et leurs circonstances, leurs facteurs associés, leurs conséquences au sein d'une population des travailleurs (n = 472) du transport en commun à Kinshasa. Résultats Durant les 12 derniers précédant l’étude 76.5% des travailleurs ont connu au moins un accident du travail, 54,8% ont connu un arrêt d'au moins 1jour. Les accidents liés à la circulation routière étaient plus important suivis des chutes. Les facteurs ayant montré des différences significatives étaient le travail sous l'influence de l'alcool et le port des équipements de protection individuelle. Les plaies (46,3%) et les contusions (39,4%) étaient les lésions les plus courantes. Les membres supérieurs (51,3%) et inférieurs (30,7%) étaient les plus atteints. 76,6% des travailleurs ont assumé seuls leur prise en charge médicale. Conclusion L'incidence des accidents du travail dans ce secteur est très élevée. La mise en place d'une politique de prévention et gestion de différents facteurs associés ainsi qu'un système de déclaration d'accidents est nécessaire dans ce secteur. Les patrons ainsi que les politiques devraient veiller à une prise en charge médicale correcte pour des travailleurs accidentés. PMID:25667703

  15. Source localization (LORETA) of the error-related-negativity (ERN/Ne) and positivity (Pe).


    Herrmann, Martin J; Römmler, Josefine; Ehlis, Ann-Christine; Heidrich, Anke; Fallgatter, Andreas J


    We investigated error processing of 39 subjects engaging the Eriksen flanker task. In all 39 subjects a pronounced negative deflection (ERN/Ne) and a later positive component (Pe) were observed after incorrect as compared to correct responses. The neural sources of both components were analyzed using LORETA source localization. For the negative component (ERN/Ne) we found significantly higher brain electrical activity in medial prefrontal areas for incorrect responses, whereas the positive component (Pe) was localized nearby but more rostral within the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC). Thus, different neural generators were found for the ERN/Ne and the Pe, which further supports the notion that both error-related components represent different aspects of error processing.

  16. Une forme exceptionnelle de la luxation perilunaire du carpe

    PubMed Central

    Elouakili, Issam; Ouchrif, Younes; Najib, Abdeljaouad; Ouakrim, Redouane; Lamrani, Omar; Kharmaz, Mohammed; Ismael, Farid; Lahlou, Abdo; Elouadghiri, Mohammed; El Bardouni, Ahmed; Mahfoud, Mustapha; Berrada, Mohammed Saleh; El Yaccoubi, Mouradh


    Les luxations périlunaires (LPL) du carpe sont des lésions extrêmement rares, qui peuvent passer inaperçue en raison d'un tableau clinique souvent trompeur, des radiographies en profil non strict ou d'interprétation difficile. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une luxation périlunaire stade III selon la classification de Witvoët et Allieu chez un patient de 32 ans, il s'agit d'une forme encore plus rare voire exceptionnelle et qui peut induire de sérieux problèmes en raison de la sévérité des dommages ligamentaires et du risque de nécrose du semilunaire plus important dans ce type de lésions. Le traitement est toujours chirurgical et doit être réalisé dans les plus brefs délais afin d’éviter les complications. PMID:25404968

  17. Marihuana: A Conversation with NIDA's Robert L. DuPont.


    Maugh, T H


    Robert L. DuPont, director of the National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA), made headlines recently when he became one of the first Administration officials publicly to recommend a liberalization of marihuana laws. The occasion was a press conference accompanying the release of Marihuana and Health, NIDA's fifth annual report to the Congress on marihuana research. Recently, Science talked with DuPont and asked him to elaborate on those views. DuPont, a 40-year-old Harvard M.D., served as Director of the District of Columbia's Narcotics Treatment Administration from 1970 to 1973, where he conducted a comprehensive program for treatment of heroin addiction. In June 1973, Richard Nixon appointed him director of the White House Special Action Office for Drug Abuse Prevention. He held that position until the office was terminated on 30 June 1975. He has been director of NIDA since September 1973.

  18. Niveaux d'étude du cerveau, et sagesse physique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toulouse, Gérard


    The brain is a complex spatio-temporal affair. Several brain theories propose the definition of three superposed levels of study. But physics, though the experience of condensed matter physics, suggests that it is unwise to enforce onto brain theories a unified hierarchical scheme, the inspiration for which seems to come from the realm of sub-molecular physics. Le cerveau est une affaire spatio-temporelle complexe. Plusieurs théories du cerveau proposent de définir trois niveaux d'études superposés. Mais la physique, à travers l'expérience de la physique de la matière condensée, suggère qu'il n'est pas sage d'imposer sur les théories du cerveau un schéma hiérarchique unifié, dont l'inspiration semble provenir du domaine de la physique sub-moléculaire.

  19. 75 FR 35104 - Nebraska Disaster Number NE-00035

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Disaster Declaration 12136 and 12137] Nebraska Disaster Number NE-00035 AGENCY: Small Business Administration. ACTION: Amendment 1. SUMMARY: This is an amendment of the... declaration remains unchanged. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 59002 and 59008) James E...

  20. Broad NE 8 lambda 774 emission from quasars in the HST-FOS snapshot survey (ABSNAP)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hamann, Fred; Zuo, Lin; Tytler, David


    We discuss the strength and frequency of broad Ne VIII lambda 774 emission from quasars measured in the Hubble Space Telescope Faint Object Spectrograph (HST-FOS) snapshot survey (Absnap). Five sources in the survey have suitable redshifts (0.86 less than or equal to Z(sub em) less than or equal to 1.31), signal-to-noise ratios and no Lyman limit absorptions. Three of the five sources have a strong broad emission line near 774 A (rest), and the remaining two sources have a less securely measured line near this wavelength. We identify these lines with Ne VIII lambda 774 based on the measured wavelengths and theoretical estimates of various line fluxes (Hamann et al. 1995a). Secure Ne VIII detections occur in both radio-loud and radio-quiet sources. We tentatively conclude that broad Ne VIII lambda 774 emission is common in quasars, with typical strengths between approximately 25% and approximately 200% of O VI lambda 1034. These Ne VIII lambda 774 measurements imply that the broad emission line regions have a much hotter and more highly ionized component than previously recognized. They also suggest that quasar continua have substantial ionizing flux out to energies greater than 207 eV (greater than 15.2 ryd, lambda less than 60 A). Photoionization calculations using standard incident spectra indicate that the Ne VIII emission requires ionization parameters U greater than or = 5, total column densities N(sub H) greater than or = 10(sub 22)/sq cm and covering factors greater than or = 25%. The temperatures could be as high as approximately 10(exp 5) K. If the gas is instead collisionally ionized, strong Ne VIII would imply equilibrium temperatures in the range approximately 400,000 less than or approximately = T(sub e) less than or approximately = 10(exp 6) K. In either case, the highly ionized Ne VIII emission regions would appear as X-ray 'warm absorbers' if they lie along our line of sight to the X-ray continuum source.

  1. The {sup 17}F(p,{gamma}){sup 18}Ne3{sup +} resonance state studied with the {sup 16}O({sup 3}He,n){sup 18}Ne reaction

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Parpottas, Y.; Grimes, S.M.; Brune, C.R.


    The astrophysically important 3{sup +} resonance of the {sup 17}F(p,{gamma}){sup 18}Ne reaction has been studied with the {sup 16}O({sup 3}He,n){sup 18}Ne reaction. High-resolution measurements were carried out for three different kinematic configurations. We find an excitation energy of 4527(4) keV and a proton width of 17(4) keV for the 3{sup +} state. Measured differential cross sections were compared with Hauser-Feshbach predictions to assign the spin of the 4527-keV state and confirm the spin assignments of the two known levels in this region. Our results differ from the earlier {sup 16}O({sup 3}He,n){sup 18}Ne findings of Garcia et al. [Phys. Rev. Cmore » 43, 2012 (1991)], but they agree well with the {sup 17}F(p,p){sup 17}F measurements of Bardayan et al. [Phys. Rev. C 62, 055804 (2002)].« less

  2. Overview of DOE-NE Proliferation and Terrorism Risk Assessment

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sadasivan, Pratap


    Research objectives are: (1) Develop technologies and other solutions that can improve the reliability, sustain the safety, and extend the life of current reactors; (2) Develop improvements in the affordability of new reactors to enable nuclear energy; (3) Develop Sustainable Nuclear Fuel Cycles; and (4) Understand and minimize the risks of nuclear proliferation and terrorism. The goal is to enable the use of risk information to inform NE R&D program planning. The PTRA program supports DOE-NE's goal of using risk information to inform R&D program planning. The FY12 PTRA program is focused on terrorism risk. The program includes a mixmore » of innovative methods that support the general practice of risk assessments, and selected applications.« less

  3. A Relation between the Mid-Infrared [Ne v] 14.3 Micrometers and [Ne III] 15.6 Micrometer Lines in Active Galactic Nuclei

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gorjian, V.; Cleary, K.; Werner, M. W.; Lawrence, C. R.


    We present a strong correlation between the [Ne v] 14.3 mm and [Ne III] 15.6 mm emission lines arising from the narrow-line regions (NLRs) of active galactic nuclei (AGNs), spanning 4 orders of magnitude in luminosity. The data are compiled primarily from Spitzer Space Telescope observations of nearby Seyfert galaxies (median z p 0.01) and 3C radio sources (median z p 0.52). This correlation is consistent with earlier studies in the optical/UV bands showing that line ratios arising in the NLRs are remarkably constant across AGNs. We also show that the correlation allows only a very narrow range in ionization parameter for simple photoionization models. The observed correlation will place tight constraints on alternative models, which predict constant line ratios over a broader range in ionization parameter.

  4. Etude du comportement et de la modélisation viscoplastique du zircaloy 4recristallisé sous chargements monotones et cycliques uni et multiaxes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delobelle, P.; Robinet, P.


    à la température ambiante ainsi que l'indépendance du rapport R^p = \\varepsilon^p_{θθ}/\\varepsilon^ p_{{^-_-}{^-_-} } avec la température laissent supposer que l'ensemble des coefficients d'anisotropie ne dépendent pas de la température. Par contre, la fluidité de cet alliage présente un minimum très marqué au voisinage de 300 ^{circ}C. Ce comportement est imputable au vieillissement dynamique fréquemment observé dans les solutions solides d'insertion. Lors d'un chargement cyclique hors phase (traction-torsion déphasée à 90^{circ}) ce matériau présente un léger durcissement supplémentaire. On propose l'extension au cas du zircaloy 4 de la formulation d'un modèle viscoplastique unifié développé et identifié par ailleurs sur d'autres matériaux initialement isotropes. D'une manière générale, l'introduction de l'anisotropie dans ce modèle s'effectue par l'intermédiaire de quatre tenseurs d'ordre 4 affectant les directions d'écoulement [ M] , les parties linéaires des écrouissages cinématiques [ N] , ainsi que les restaurations dynamiques [ Q] et statiques [ R] de ces mêmes variables d'écrouissage. L'identification de ce modèle est discutée et réalisée à 350 ^{circ}C. On montre l'adéquation du formalisme à appréhender l'ensemble des caractéristiques mécaniques de cet alliage.

  5. The relationship of leaf rust resistance gene Lr13 and hybrid necrosis gene Ne2m on wheat chromosome 2BS.


    Zhang, Peng; Hiebert, Colin W; McIntosh, Robert A; McCallum, Brent D; Thomas, Julian B; Hoxha, Sami; Singh, Davinder; Bansal, Urmil


    Genetic and mutational analyses of wheat leaf rust resistance gene Lr13 and hybrid necrosis gene Ne2 m indicated that they are the same gene. Hybrid necrosis in wheat characterized by chlorosis and eventual necrosis of plant tissues in certain wheat hybrids is controlled by the interaction of complementary dominant genes Ne1 and Ne2 located on chromosome arms 5BL and 2BS, respectively. Multiple alleles at each locus can be identified by differences in necrotic phenotypes when varieties are crossed with a fixed accession of the other genotype. Some of at least five Ne2 alleles were described as s (strong), m (medium) and w (weak); alleles of Ne1 were similarly described. Ne2m causes moderate necrosis in hybrids with genotypes having Ne1s. Ne2 is located on chromosome arm 2BS in close proximity to Lr13. Most wheat lines with Ne2m carry Lr13, and all wheat lines with Lr13 appear to carry Ne2m. To further dissect the relationship between Lr13 and Ne2m, more than 350 crosses were made between cv. Spica (Triticum aestivum) or Kubanka (T. durum) carrying Ne1s and recombinant inbred lines or doubled haploid lines from three crosses segregating for Lr13. F1 plants from lines carrying Lr13 crossed with Spica (Ne1s) always showed progressive necrosis; those lacking Lr13 did not. Four wheat cultivars/lines carrying Lr13 were treated with the mutagen EMS. Thirty-five susceptible mutants were identified; eight were distinctly less glaucous and late maturing indicative of chromosome 2B or sub-chromosome loss. Hybrids of phenotypically normal Lr13 mutant plants crossed with Spica did not produce symptoms of hybrid necrosis. Thus, Lr13 and one particular Ne2m allele may be the same gene.

  6. 76 FR 76337 - Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 47 CFR Part 73 [MB Docket No. 11-192, RM-11646; DA 11-1924] Television Broadcasting Services; Lincoln, NE AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Proposed..., 2012, and reply comments on or before January 23, 2012. ADDRESSES: Federal Communications Commission...

  7. 75 FR 55618 - Nebraska Disaster Number NE-00038.

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Disaster Declaration 12238 and 12239] Nebraska Disaster Number NE-00038. AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Amendment 2. SUMMARY: This is an amendment of... declaration remains unchanged. (Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance Numbers 59002 and 59008) Roger B...

  8. 75 FR 55619 - Nebraska Disaster Number NE-00038

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION [Disaster Declaration 12238 and 12239] Nebraska Disaster Number NE-00038 AGENCY: U.S. Small Business Administration. ACTION: Amendment 1. SUMMARY: This is an amendment of... Numbers 59002 and 59008) Roger B. Garland, Acting Associate Administrator for Disaster Assistance. [FR Doc...

  9. Differential acute and chronic response of protein kinase C in cultured neonatal rat heart myocytes to alpha 1-adrenergic and phorbol ester stimulation.


    Henrich, C J; Simpson, P C


    Both alpha 1-adrenergic agonists (e.g. norepinephrine, NE*) and tumor-promoting phorbol esters (e.g. phorbol myristate acetate, PMA) are known to activate protein kinase C (PKC) (Abdel-Latif, 1986, Niedel and Blackshear, 1986). However, alpha 1 agonists and PMA produce very different effects on cardiac function (see Simpson, 1985; Benfey, 1987; Meidell et al., 1986; Leatherman et al., 1987; Yuan et al., 1987; for examples). PKC activation in heart cells has been studied only for PMA treated perfused heart (Yuan et al., 1987). Therefore, acute activation and chronic regulation of PKC by NE and PMA were compared in cultured neonatal rat heart myocytes. NE acutely and transiently activated PKC, as measured by translocation of PKC activity to the cell particulate fraction (Niedel and Blackshear, 1986). Particulate PKC activity peaked at 23% of total after NE for 30 s, as compared with 8% for control (P less than 0.001). By contrast, acute PKC activation by PMA was more pronounced and persistent, with particulate PKC activity 62% of total at 5 min (P less than 0.001). Calcium/lipid-independent kinase activity increased acutely with PMA, but not with NE. Chronic treatment with NE (24 to 48 h) increased total per cell PKC activity and 3H-phorbol dibutyrate (PDB) binding sites, an index of the number of PKC molecules (Niedel and Blackshear, 1986), by 30 to 60% over control (all P less than 0.05 to 0.01). In contrast with NE, chronic treatment with PMA down-regulated PKC, reducing total per cell PKC activity and 3H-PDB binding sites to 3% and 12% of control, respectively (P less than 0.01).(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  10. 1. 3/4 VIEW, LOOKING NE. Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    1. 3/4 VIEW, LOOKING NE. - Philadelphia & Reading Railroad, Pedestrian Suspension Bridge, Foot of Sixth Street at Schuylkill River (formerly spanned Philadelphia & Reading main line at Reading Depot), Reading, Berks County, PA

  11. 10. Reagan's Tub Mill and Roadway looking NE. Great ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    10. Reagan's Tub Mill and Roadway looking NE. - Great Smoky Mountains National Park Roads & Bridges, Roaring Fork Motor Nature Trail, Between Cherokee Orchard Road & U.S. Route 321, Gatlinburg, Sevier County, TN

  12. Kyste épidermoïde du testicule : Étude de cas

    PubMed Central

    Diarra, Alkadri; Elammari, Jalal Eddine; Kassogue, Amadou; El Fassi, Mohammed Jamal; Farih, My Hassan


    Résumé Le kyste épidermoïde (KE) du testicule est une tumeur bénigne rare. Le diagnostic peut être évoqué par l’échographie et l’IRM. En cas de lésion unique de petite taille, il est possible d’effectuer une chirurgie conservatrice. Ce traitement nécessite une confirmation anatomopathologique. Le présent article fait état de l’observation d’un patient de 34 ans ayant été admis en consultation d’urologie pour désir d’enfant. Le diagnostic de KE associé à une varicocèle gauche a été retenu. L’énucléation du kyste avec cure de varicocèle a été réalisée sans complications postopératoires. Une revue de la littérature nous a permis de mettre en évidence les différents aspects du KE du testicule et les méthodes thérapeutiques envisageables. PMID:24282476

  13. Treatment of spontaneously hypertensive rats with rosiglitazone and/or enalapril restores balance between vasodilator and vasoconstrictor actions of insulin with simultaneous improvement in hypertension and insulin resistance.


    Potenza, Maria A; Marasciulo, Flora L; Tarquinio, Mariela; Quon, Michael J; Montagnani, Monica


    Spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs) exhibit endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance. Reciprocal relationships between endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance may contribute to hypertension by causing imbalanced regulation of endothelial-derived vasodilators (e.g., nitric oxide) and vasoconstrictors (e.g., endothelin-1 [ET-1]). Treatment of SHRs with rosiglitazone (insulin sensitizer) and/or enalapril (ACE inhibitor) may simultaneously improve hypertension, insulin resistance, and endothelial dysfunction by rebalancing insulin-stimulated production of vasoactive mediators. When compared with WKY control rats, 12-week-old vehicle-treated SHRs were hypertensive, overweight, and insulin resistant, with elevated fasting levels of insulin and ET-1 and reduced serum adiponectin levels. In mesenteric vascular beds (MVBs) isolated from vehicle-treated SHRs and preconstricted with norepinephrine (NE) ex vivo, vasodilator responses to insulin were significantly impaired, whereas the ability of insulin to oppose vasoconstrictor actions of NE was absent (versus WKY controls). Three-week treatment of SHRs with rosiglitazone and/or enalapril significantly reduced blood pressure, insulin resistance, fasting insulin, and ET-1 levels and increased adiponectin levels to values comparable with those observed in vehicle-treated WKY controls. By restoring phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase-dependent effects, rosiglitazone and/or enalapril therapy of SHRs also significantly improved vasodilator responses to insulin in MVB preconstricted with NE ex vivo. Taken together, our data provide strong support for the existence of reciprocal relationships between endothelial dysfunction and insulin resistance that may be relevant for developing novel therapeutic strategies for the metabolic syndrome.

  14. Basal levels of metabolic activity are elevated in Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS): measurement of regional activity of cytochrome oxidase and lactate dehydrogenase by histochemistry.


    Dufour, Franck; Koning, Estelle; Nehlig, Astrid


    The Genetic Absence Epilepsy Rats from Strasbourg (GAERS) are considered an isomorphic, predictive, and homologous model of human generalized absence epilepsy. It is characterized by the expression of spike-and-wave discharges in the thalamus and cortex. In this strain, basal regional rates of cerebral glucose utilization measured by the quantitative autoradiographic [(14)C]2-deoxyglucose technique display a widespread consistent increase compared to a selected strain of genetically nonepileptic rats (NE). In order to verify whether these high rates of glucose metabolism are paralleled by elevated activities of the enzymes of the glycolytic and tricarboxylic acid cycle pathways, we measured by histochemistry the regional activity of the two key enzymes of glucose metabolism, lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) for the anaerobic pathway and cytochrome oxidase (CO) for the aerobic pathway coupled to oxidative phosphorylation. CO and LDH activities were significantly higher in GAERS than in NE rats in 24 and 28 of the 30 brain regions studied, respectively. The differences in CO and LDH activity between both strains were widespread, affected all brain systems studied, and ranged from 12 to 63%. The data of the present study confirm the generalized increase in cerebral glucose metabolism in GAERS, occurring both at the glycolytic and at the oxidative step. However, they still do not allow us to understand why the ubiquitous mutation(s) generates spike-and-wave discharges only in the thalamocortical circuit.

  15. Superomniphobic Surfaces for Military Applications: Nano- and Micro-Fabrication Methods. Chapter 2: Investigation of Wear for Superhydrophobic Surfaces and Development of New Coatings

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Queen in Right of Canada, as represented by the Minister of National Defence, 2011 © Sa Majesté la Reine (en droit du Canada), telle que représentée par...alors que dans d’autres, elles sont faibles (Ra, Rq, Rz) et ne permettent pas d’extraire les diverses transitions qui surviennent au cours du...existe une corrélation élevée entre certains paramètres de rugosité et les étapes de transition au cours du mouillage de la surface. On observe aussi que

  16. Les Vietnamiens de Paris: L’Integration sans l’Assimilation et la Conservation de l’Identite Culturelle (The Vietnamese of Paris: Integration without Assimilation and Conservation of Cultural Identity)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    il du - un m67iange des deux clo"t~s ou d’un autre facteur comme les liens historiques entre la France et 1’Asie du Sud-Est. Dans toutes ces hypotheses...commun par la famille et des amis.72 Personne ne voulait discuter la m6thode de la ton- tine. Mais la tontine existe au sein de la communaute...ingme steiriotype). Mais de plus, cette communaute’ be’neficle du fait qu’i1 eziste des liens historiques entre la France et le Vietnam. Ces liens

  17. Evidence that simulated microgravity may alter the vascular nonreceptor tyrosine kinase second messenger pathway

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kahwaji, C. I.; Sheibani, S.; Han, S.; Siu, W. O.; Kaka, A. H.; Fathy, T. M.; el-Abbadi, N. H.; Purdy, R. E.


    Simulated microgravity (hind limb unweighting; HU) reduces maximal contractile capacity to norepinephrine (NE) but not 5-hydroxytryptamine (5-HT) in the rat abdominal aorta of male Wistar rats. Our earlier study showed that voltage-operated calcium channels, the MAPK pathway [1], and vasoconstrictive prostaglandins contribute to the NE-induced contraction of control (C) but not HU, aorta rings. Genistein, a general tyrosine kinase inhibitor, caused a significant reduction in vascular contractility in C but not HU arteries. The present study explored the role of protein kinase C (PKC) and extracellular receptor-activated kinase 1 and 2 (ERK1/2) in the HU-induced vascular hyporesponsiveness to NE. Microgravity was simulated in Wistar rats by 20 day HU. The abdominal aorta was removed from control and HU rats, cut into 3 mm rings, and mounted in tissue baths to measure isometric contraction. Protein levels were determined using Western blot analysis. PD98059, a selective MAPKK inhibitor, caused a marked inhibition of NE-induced contraction in both C and HU arteries. Calphostin C, a PKC inhibitor, completely abolished the contractile response to NE in both C and HU tissues. Phosphorylated (activated) ERK1/2 protein mass was greater in C, compared to HU, aortas, and was reduced by genistein only in C tissues. MAPK total protein levels in the rat aorta were increased in the HU-treated, compared to C, animals. These results indicate that PKC represents an early transduction step in the contractile response to NE in the rat abdominal aorta. That inhibition of the step immediately before activation of MAPK reduced contraction in both C and HU tissues, while general tyrosine kinase inhibition with genistein blocked only the control responses, suggests that a nonreceptor tyrosine kinase may be involved in HU-induced vascular hyporesponsiveness to NE.

  18. A new ab initio potential energy surface for the Ne-H 2 interaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lique, François


    A new accurate three-dimensional potential energy surface for the Ne-H 2 system, which explicitly takes into account the r-dependence of the H 2 vibration, was determined from ab initio calculations. It was obtained with the single and double excitation coupled-cluster method with noniterative perturbational treatment of triple excitation [CCSD(T)]. Calculations was been performed using the augmented correlation-consistent polarized quintuple zeta basis set (aug-cc-pV5Z) for the three atoms. We checked the accuracy of the present ab initio calculations. We have determined, using the new Ne-H 2 potential energy surface, differential cross-sections for the rotational excitation of the H 2 and D 2 molecules in collision with Ne and we have compared them with experimental results of Faubel et al. [M. Faubel, F.A. Gianturco, F. Ragnetti, L.Y. Rusin, F. Sondermann, U. Tappe, J.P. Toennies, J. Chem. Phys. 101 (1994) 8800]. The overall agreement confirms that the new potential energy surface can be used for the simulation of molecular collisions and/or molecular spectroscopy of the van der Waals complex Ne-H 2.

  19. Speaking Truth to Power: Du Bois as Educator and Community Activist

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Grant, Carl A.; Grant, Paul D.


    This article uses W. E. B. Du Bois's work as an education and community activist to discuss race, oppression, and speaking-back to power in this time of racialized policies enacted by the Trump administration. This article centers a comparative discussion of the racialization of democracy by presidents Wilson and Trump to show the ways Du Bois was…

  20. NeXOS, developing and evaluating a new generation of insitu ocean observation systems.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delory, Eric; del Rio, Joaquin; Golmen, Lars; Roar Hareide, Nils; Pearlman, Jay; Rolin, Jean-Francois; Waldmann, Christoph; Zielinski, Oliver


    Ocean biological, chemical or physical processes occur over widely varying scales in space and time: from micro- to kilometer scales, from less than seconds to centuries. While space systems supply important data and information, insitu data is necessary for comprehensive modeling and forecasting of ocean dynamics. Yet, collection of in-situ observation on these scales is inherently challenging and remains generally difficult and costly in time and resources. This paper address the innovations and significant developments for a new generation of insitu sensors in FP7 European Union project "Next generation, Cost- effective, Compact, Multifunctional Web Enabled Ocean Sensor Systems Empowering Marine, Maritime and Fisheries Management" or "NeXOS" for short. Optical and acoustics sensors are the focus of NeXOS but NeXOS moves beyond just sensors as systems that simultaneously address multiple objectives and applications are becoming increasingly important. Thus NeXOS takes a perspective of both sensors and sensor systems with significant advantages over existing observing capabilities via the implementation of innovations such as multiplatform integration, greater reliability through better antifouling management and greater sensor and data interoperability through use of OGC standards. This presentation will address the sensor system development and field-testing of the new NeXOS sensor systems. This is being done on multiple platforms including profiling floats, gliders, ships, buoys and subsea stations. The implementation of a data system based on SWE and PUCK furthers interoperability across measurements and platforms. This presentation will review the sensor system capabilities, the status of field tests and recommendations for long-term ocean monitoring.

  1. Characterization of the ETEL and HZC 3-inch PMTs for the KM3NeT project

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bormuth, R.; Samtleben, D.; Classen, L., E-mail:


    The KM3NeT collaboration constructs a multi-cubic-kilometer scale neutrino telescope in the Mediterranean Sea. The telescope’s detection units, deployed in the deep sea, will be instrumented with facet like Digital Optical Modules (DOMs), each housing 31 three-inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs) and readout electronics inside of 17-inch pressure resistant glass sphere. Two companies, ET Enterprises Ltd (ETEL) from UK and HZC from China developed new 3-inch PMTs to meet KM3NeT requirements. 126 PMTs of types D783KFLA, D792KFLA, and D793KFLA from ETEL and 7 PMTs of type XP53 from HZC have been delivered to KM3NeT and tested by the KM3NeT groups of NIKHEF-Amsterdammore » and ECAP-Erlangen. Tests have been performed to measure the main PMT parameters listed in the KM3NeT specifications, such as gain, transit time spread, dark rate, fraction of spurious pulses, and quantum efficiency. Methods and results are presented in this report.« less

  2. Watershed Data Management (WDM) database for West Branch DuPage River streamflow simulation, DuPage County, Illinois, January 1, 2007, through September 30, 2013

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Bera, Maitreyee


    The U.S. Geological Survey (USGS), in cooperation with the DuPage County Stormwater Management Department, maintains a database of hourly meteorological and hydrologic data for use in a near real-time streamflow simulation system. This system is used in the management and operation of reservoirs and other flood-control structures in the West Branch DuPage River watershed in DuPage County, Illinois. The majority of the precipitation data are collected from a tipping-bucket rain-gage network located in and near DuPage County. The other meteorological data (air temperature, dewpoint temperature, wind speed, and solar radiation) are collected at Argonne National Laboratory in Argonne, Ill. Potential evapotranspiration is computed from the meteorological data using the computer program LXPET (Lamoreux Potential Evapotranspiration). The hydrologic data (water-surface elevation [stage] and discharge) are collected at U.S.Geological Survey streamflow-gaging stations in and around DuPage County. These data are stored in a Watershed Data Management (WDM) database.This report describes a version of the WDM database that is quality-assured and quality-controlled annually to ensure datasets are complete and accurate. This database is named WBDR13.WDM. It contains data from January 1, 2007, through September 30, 2013. Each precipitation dataset may have time periods of inaccurate data. This report describes the methods used to estimate the data for the periods of missing, erroneous, or snowfall-affected data and thereby improve the accuracy of these data. The other meteorological datasets are described in detail in Over and others (2010), and the hydrologic datasets in the database are fully described in the online USGS annual water data reports for Illinois (U.S. Geological Survey, 2016) and, therefore, are described in less detail than the precipitation datasets in this report.

  3. Regard sur les lazarets en terre canadienne

    PubMed Central

    Milot, Jean


    Puisant dans les nombreuses références qu’offrent les publications médicales canadiennes du milieu du XIXe siècle à nos jours, l’auteur fait découvrir l’existence de lazarets en terre canadienne, décrit l’impact de la maladie sur les conditions vie des lépreux qui y étaient confinés et en souligne les contrecoups tant sur le plan physique et psychologique que social. Il présente un bref aperçu de la maladie, ses symptômes, ses signes ainsi que ses complications oculaires et rappelle les premiers moyens thérapeutiques à base d’huile de chaulmoogra introduits dans la colonie de Tracadie vers 1901. Il illustre son propos en évoquant la vie dans les lazarets de l’île de Sheldrake (1844–1848) et de Tracadie (1848–1965) au Nouveau-Brunswick, puis dans ceux des îles D’Arcy (1891–1924) et de Bentinck (1924–1957) en Colombie-Britannique. PMID:19352451

  4. Rapport sur l'état du patrimoine astronomique dans les observatoires français de la fin du XIXè siècle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damm, E.; Pécontal, E.


    Suite au colloque sur la sauvegarde du patrimoine astronomique organisé par le MAEE et la SAF, sous l'égide de l'UNESCO, qui a conduit à l'adoption de la Déclaration de Paris, les directeurs d'observatoires institutionnels qui étaient absents du colloque ont ressenti le besoin de discuter de ces conclusions prises en leur nom. L'initiative d'organiser une réunion des directeurs des Observatoires des Sciences de l'Univers (OSU) à ce sujet le 30 janvier 2012 a été prise par François Vernotte, directeur de l'Observatoire de Besançon. Le présent compte-rendu de visite résulte d'une initiative spontanée d'Emmanuel Pécontal, astronome responsable du Patrimoine à l'observatoire de Lyon, et d'Evelyne Damm, membre de la Commission Nationale de classement des Monuments Historiques (CNMH) et élue à la communauté d'agglomération des Portes de l'Essonne oû est sis l'observatoire de Camille Flammarion.

  5. Enabling Grid Computing resources within the KM3NeT computing model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Filippidis, Christos


    KM3NeT is a future European deep-sea research infrastructure hosting a new generation neutrino detectors that - located at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea - will open a new window on the universe and answer fundamental questions both in particle physics and astrophysics. International collaborative scientific experiments, like KM3NeT, are generating datasets which are increasing exponentially in both complexity and volume, making their analysis, archival, and sharing one of the grand challenges of the 21st century. These experiments, in their majority, adopt computing models consisting of different Tiers with several computing centres and providing a specific set of services for the different steps of data processing such as detector calibration, simulation and data filtering, reconstruction and analysis. The computing requirements are extremely demanding and, usually, span from serial to multi-parallel or GPU-optimized jobs. The collaborative nature of these experiments demands very frequent WAN data transfers and data sharing among individuals and groups. In order to support the aforementioned demanding computing requirements we enabled Grid Computing resources, operated by EGI, within the KM3NeT computing model. In this study we describe our first advances in this field and the method for the KM3NeT users to utilize the EGI computing resources in a simulation-driven use-case.

  6. Identification des objets et detection de leur alignement en utilisant la technologie RFID

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rahma, Zayoud

    De nos jours, les vehicules motorises sont essentiels dans notre vie quotidienne, d'ou la necessite de leur approvisionnement en carburant. L'approvisionnement en carburant peut entrainer certains inconvenients, tels que: les files d'attente, la disponibilite non-continuelle du carburant et les fraudes. Les problemes d'attente et de disponibilite non-continuelle du carburant peuvent etre facilement resolus en allant a une autre station d'essence aux alentours si disponibles. Par contre le probleme de fraudes est plus difficile a resoudre. De ce fait, decoule notre solution qui consiste a developper un systeme intelligent pour la gestion d'approvisionnement en carburant afin de remedier a ce probleme de fraudes. Pour des raisons de surete, il faut eviter les risques d'etincelles dans l'environnement du carburant. En particulier, il convient de ne pas utiliser un systeme utilisant 1'electricite proche de la pompe, du tuyau ou du reservoir du carburant du vehicule. Nous avons choisi la technologie RFID (Radio Frequency IDentification) et avons opte pour l'utilisation des etiquettes passives, etant donne que les etiquettes semi-passives ou actives contiennent une batterie electrique et sont nettement plus cheres. Un vehicule motorise sera identifie avec une etiquette RFID passive collee au-dessus du goulot de son reservoir. Deux autres etiquettes RFID seront placees sur le pistolet de sorte que le flux du carburant ne sera autorise que lorsque les trois etiquettes sont alignees. Notre travail etait a la demande d'une entreprise petroliere ayant une chaine internationale de stations de carburant. Le travail consiste en la conception, par la recherche, du systeme requis et s'articule sur l'optimisation de la topologie des antennes et des etiquettes de sorte que le systeme juge qu'il y a alignement lorsque le bec du pistolet est fonce dans le goulot du reservoir, et par consequent autorise le versement du carburant. Dans tous les autres cas, le systeme doit juger qu'il n

  7. Locke and Du Bois: Two Major Black Voices Muzzled by Philanthropic Organizations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fitchue, M. Anthony


    In 1935, the Howard University philosopher Alain Locke asked W. E. B. Du Bois to contribute to an adult education project for African Americans. Censorship by white-controlled foundations forced Locke to reject the Du Bois essay to protect contributions for causes of great importance to blacks. (Author/SLD)

  8. Cosmogenic Ne-21 Production Rates in H-Chondrites Based on Cl-36 - Ar-36 Ages

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Leya, I.; Graf, Th.; Nishiizumi, K.; Guenther, D.; Wieler, R.


    We measured Ne-21 production rates in 14 H-chondrites in good agreement with model calculations. The production rates are based on Ne-21 concentrations measured on bulk samples or the non-magnetic fraction and Cl-36 - Ar-36 ages determined from the metal phase.

  9. Nuclear structure and reaction properties of Ne, Mg and Si isotopes with RMF densities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Panda, R. N.; Sharma, Mahesh K.; Patra, S. K.


    We have studied nuclear structure and reaction properties of Ne, Mg and Si isotopes, using relativistic mean field (RMF) densities, in the framework of Glauber model. Total reaction cross-section σR for Ne isotopes on 12C target have been calculated at incident energy 240 MeV. The results are compared with the experimental data and with the recent theoretical study [W. Horiuchi et al., Phys. Rev. C 86, 024614 (2012)]. Study of σR using deformed densities have shown a good agreement with the data. We have also predicted total reaction cross-section σR for Ne, Mg and Si isotopes as projectiles and 12C as target at different incident energies.

  10. Calibrating the MicroBooNE Photomultiplier Tube (PMT) Array with Michel Electrons from Cosmic Ray Muons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Greene, Amy


    MicroBooNE is a neutrino experiment at Fermilab designed to investigate the 3σ low-energy electron candidate events measured by the MiniBooNE experiment. Neutrinos from the Booster Neutrino Beam are detected by a 89-ton liquid argon time projection chamber, which is expected to start taking data in 2014. MicroBooNE measures both the ionization electrons and scintillation light produced by neutrino interactions in the liquid argon. The scintillation light is collected by an array of 30 PMTs located at one side of the detector. This array can be calibrated using Michel electrons from stopping cosmic ray muons, by fitting the measured PMT response with the theoretical expectation. I will report on the progress of the PMT calibration software that has been developed using the MicroBooNE Monte Carlo.

  11. Ionospheric Correction Based on Ingestion of Global Ionospheric Maps into the NeQuick 2 Model

    PubMed Central

    Yu, Xiao; She, Chengli; Zhen, Weimin; Bruno, Nava; Liu, Dun; Yue, Xinan; Ou, Ming; Xu, Jisheng


    The global ionospheric maps (GIMs), generated by Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL) and Center for Orbit Determination in Europe (CODE) during a period over 13 years, have been adopted as the primary source of data to provide global ionospheric correction for possible single frequency positioning applications. The investigation aims to assess the performance of new NeQuick model, NeQuick 2, in predicting global total electron content (TEC) through ingesting the GIMs data from the previous day(s). The results show good performance of the GIMs-driven-NeQuick model with average 86% of vertical TEC error less than 10 TECU, when the global daily effective ionization indices (Az) versus modified dip latitude (MODIP) are constructed as a second order polynomial. The performance of GIMs-driven-NeQuick model presents variability with solar activity and behaves better during low solar activity years. The accuracy of TEC prediction can be improved further through performing a four-coefficient function expression of Az versus MODIP. As more measurements from earlier days are involved in the Az optimization procedure, the accuracy may decrease. The results also reveal that more efforts are needed to improve the NeQuick 2 model capabilities to represent the ionosphere in the equatorial and high-latitude regions. PMID:25815369

  12. Damage repair effect of He-Ne laser on wheat exposed to enhanced ultraviolet-B radiation.


    Yang, Liyan; Han, Rong; Sun, Yi


    We explored the use of He-Ne laser on alleviating the effects of ultraviolet-B (UV-B) light on winter wheat development. Triticum aestivum L. cv. Linyuan 077038 seeds were irradiated with either UV-B (10.08 kJ m(-2) d(-1)) (enhanced UV-B) or a combination of UV-B light and the He-Ne laser (5.43 mW mm(-2)). Plants also were exposed to the He-Ne laser alone. Our results showed that enhanced UV-B produced negative effects on seed germination and seedling development. Germination rate and shoot growth decreased compared with the control. Root development was inhibited, and root length was decreased. Chlorophyll content and expression of peroxidase (POD) isozymes and their activity decreased. Seedling height and shoot biomass dropped significantly compared to the control. Implementing the He-Ne laser partially alleviated the injury of enhanced UV-B radiation, because germination rate and shoot growth were enhanced together with root development. Chlorophyll content and POD expression and activity increased. Seedling height and shoot biomass were increased. Furthermore, the use of the He-Ne laser alone showed a favorable effect on seedling growth compared with the control. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Hyperfine structure of excited states and quadrupole moment of Ne-21 using laser-induced line-narrowing techniques.

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ducas, T. W.; Feld, M. S.; Ryan, L. W., Jr.; Skribanowitz, N.; Javan, A.


    Observation results are presented on the optical hyperfine structure in Ne-21 obtained with the aid of laser-induced line-narrowing techniques. The output from a long stabilized single-mode 1.15-micron He-Ne laser focused into an external sample cell containing Ne-21 was used in implementing these techniques. Their applicability is demonstrated for optical hyperfine structure observation in systems whose features are ordinarily masked by Doppler broadening.

  14. Pulmonary response to inhaled Kevlar aramid synthetic fibers in rats.


    Lee, K P; Kelly, D P; Kennedy, G L


    Groups of male rats were exposed to specially prepared ultrafine Kevlar pulp fibers (du Pont's registered trademark for certain aramid fibers) at atmospheric concentrations of either 0.1, 0.5, 3.0, or 18 mg/m3 for 2 weeks. Rats were killed at 0 and 2 weeks and 3 and 6 months postexposure (PE) except the rats exposed to 18 mg/m3, which were killed 0, 4, and 14 days and 1, 3, and 6 months PE. Another group of male rats was exposed to 18 mg/m3 (respirable dust approximately 2.5 mg/m3) of commercial Kevlar fibers for 2 weeks and were killed at 0 and 2 weeks and 3 and 6 months PE. Inhaled ultrafine Kevlar fibers were mostly phagocytized by alveolar macrophages (dust cells) in the alveolar ducts and adjoining alveoli after exposure to either 0.1 or 0.5 micrograms/m3. Most dust cells had disappeared and lungs showed a normal appearance throughout 6 months PE. The pulmonary response almost satisfied the biological criteria for a nuisance dust. Rats exposed to 3 mg/m3 ultrafine Kevlar fibers revealed occasional patchy thickening of alveolar ducts with dust cells and inflammatory cells but with no collagen fibers deposited throughout 6 months PE. After exposure to 18 mg/m3 ultrafine Kevlar, the respiratory bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and adjoining alveoli showed granulomatous lesions with dust cells by 2 weeks PE. The granulomatous lesions converted to patchy fibrotic thickening with dust cells after 1 month PE. The fibrotic lesions were markedly reduced in cellularity, size, and numbers from 3 to 6 months PE but revealed networks of reticulum fibers with slight collagen fiber deposition.

  15. The Control Unit of KM3NeT data acquisition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bozza, Cristiano


    The KM3NeT Collaboration is building a new generation of neutrino telescopes in the Mediterranean Sea. With the telescopes, scientists will search for cosmic neutrinos to study highly energetic objects in the Universe, while one neutrino detector will be dedicated to measure the properties of the high-energy neutrino particles themselves. Control of the KM3NeT data acquisition processes is handled by the KM3NeT Control Unit, which has been designed to maximise the detector live time. The Control Unit features software programs with different roles, following the philosophy of having no single point of failure. While all programs are interconnected, each one can also work alone for most of the time in case other services are unavailable. All services run on the Common Language Runtime, which ensures portability, flexibility and automatic memory management. Each service has an embedded Web server, providing a user interface as well as programmatic access to data and functions. Data to and from detector components for monitoring and management purposes are transmitted using a custom designed protocol. The Control Unit is interfaced to one or more Message Dispatchers to control the data acquisition chain. A Data Base Interface provides fast and fault-tolerant connection to a remote Data Base.

  16. Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) (Language de gestion du champ de bataille (C-BML)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de gestion du champ de bataille (C-BML)) NMSG-048 Final Report. This document...BML) (Langage de gestion du champ de bataille (C-BML)) NMSG-048 Final Report. This document contains information authorized by NATO RTA for...Technical Readiness Level (TRL) that is consistent with an operational deployment. ES - 2 RTO-TR-MSG-048 Langage de gestion du champ de

  17. Hématome spontané du méso de l'angle colique droit et du colon transverse compliquant un traitement par anti vitamine K: à propos d'un cas et revue de la littérature

    PubMed Central

    Traoré, Ibrahim Alain; Zaré, Cyprien; Barro, Sié Drissa; Guibla, Ismaël


    L'hématome spontané du méso de l'angle colique droit et du transverse est une complication rare du traitement anticoagulant par antivitamine K. Nous rapportons un cas d'hématome spontané du méso de l'angle colique droit et du transverse associé à un hémopéritoine de grande abondance chez un patient traité par antivitamine K pour embolie pulmonaire consécutive à une fracture des plateaux tibiaux droits. Le diagnostic doit être fait en urgence. L’échographie abdominale et la tomodensitométrie confirment le diagnostic. Le traitement non opératoire est la règle. Le traitement chirurgical est indiqué en cas de complications telles que la rupture de l'hématome. PMID:27217878

  18. The characterization and molecular structure of hepatoproliferin: a liver regeneration factor from rat hepatocytes.


    Oosthuizen, Mathys M J; Lambrechts, Hugo


    Hepatoproliferin (HPF) was purified from regenerating rat livers as an oligomeric entity (big-HPF) from which the monomeric form (small-HPF) could be obtained using disaggregating conditions. By using a solid-phase ion-exchange method, small-HPF was forced to dissociate into two charged ionic species, namely norepinephrine (NE) and a sulfonated disaccharide with a molecular structure consisting of D-glucuronic acid bound to glucosamine 2,6-disulfate by a beta-glycosidic linkage having a beta, 1 --> 4 configuration. Monomeric HPF stemmed from the formation of three electrostatic bonds between the protonated amine groups of three norepinephrines, of which two bind to the deprotonated sulfonic groups of glucosamine 2,6-disulfate and one to the deprotonated carboxylic group of glucuronic acid, to constitute a tightly associated complex with a molecular mass of 1046 Da. This represents one of the two purified isoforms of small-HPF. The other isoform, which has a lower molecular mass of 877 Da, lack one NE, leaving the weaker carboxylic group of glucuronic acid unoccupied, to constitute a more acidic form of HPF.

  19. Characterization of FaDu-R, a radioresistant head and neck cancer cell line, and cancer stem cells.


    Cho, Kwang-Jae; Park, Eun-Ji; Kim, Min-Sik; Joo, Young-Hoon


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of CSC on insensitivity to radiotherapy in HNSCC. A radioresistant cell line, FaDu-R, was established using fractionated ionizing radiation. Cells with high and low CD44/ALDH activity were isolated. FaDu-R cells demonstrated significantly increased cell viability after radiation exposure compared with parental cells. CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu-R cells demonstrated significantly faster wound closure (p<0.05) and more efficient invasion (p<0.05) compared to the CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu cells or the CD44 low /ALDH low FaDu-R cells. There was a significant difference in tumor volume between the CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu-R cells and the CD44 high /ALDH high FaDu cells (p<0.05) as well as the CD44 low /ALDH low FaDu-R cells (p<0.05). Cancer stem cells (CSC) were associated with invasion and tumorigenesis in a radioresistant head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) cell line. This concept might help to improve the understanding of these mechanisms and to develop drugs that can overcome radioresistance during radiotherapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Genetics Home Reference: cri-du-chat syndrome


    ... Pinkel D. High-resolution mapping of genotype-phenotype relationships in cri du chat syndrome using array comparative ... for Links Data Files & API Site Map Subscribe Customer Support Copyright Privacy Accessibility FOIA Viewers & ...


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    13. WEST END, LOOKING NE, PHILADELPHIA ZOO LION SCULPTURE IN FOREGROUND. - Connecting Railway, Schuylkill River Bridge, Spanning Schuylkill River, north of Girard Avenue Bridge, Philadelphia, Philadelphia County, PA

  2. Neutrino flux prediction at MiniBooNE

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aguilar-Arevalo, A. A.; Anderson, C. E.; Bazarko, A. O.; Brice, S. J.; Brown, B. C.; Bugel, L.; Cao, J.; Coney, L.; Conrad, J. M.; Cox, D. C.; Curioni, A.; Djurcic, Z.; Finley, D. A.; Fleming, B. T.; Ford, R.; Garcia, F. G.; Garvey, G. T.; Green, C.; Green, J. A.; Hart, T. L.; Hawker, E.; Imlay, R.; Johnson, R. A.; Karagiorgi, G.; Kasper, P.; Katori, T.; Kobilarcik, T.; Kourbanis, I.; Koutsoliotas, S.; Laird, E. M.; Linden, S. K.; Link, J. M.; Liu, Y.; Liu, Y.; Louis, W. C.; Mahn, K. B. M.; Marsh, W.; Martin, P. S.; McGregor, G.; Metcalf, W.; Meyers, P. D.; Mills, F.; Mills, G. B.; Monroe, J.; Moore, C. D.; Nelson, R. H.; Nguyen, V. T.; Nienaber, P.; Nowak, J. A.; Ouedraogo, S.; Patterson, R. B.; Perevalov, D.; Polly, C. C.; Prebys, E.; Raaf, J. L.; Ray, H.; Roe, B. P.; Russell, A. D.; Sandberg, V.; Schirato, R.; Schmitz, D.; Shaevitz, M. H.; Shoemaker, F. C.; Smith, D.; Soderberg, M.; Sorel, M.; Spentzouris, P.; Stancu, I.; Stefanski, R. J.; Sung, M.; Tanaka, H. A.; Tayloe, R.; Tzanov, M.; van de Water, R.; Wascko, M. O.; White, D. H.; Wilking, M. J.; Yang, H. J.; Zeller, G. P.; Zimmerman, E. D.


    The booster neutrino experiment (MiniBooNE) searches for νμ→νe oscillations using the O(1GeV) neutrino beam produced by the booster synchrotron at the Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory). The booster delivers protons with 8 GeV kinetic energy (8.89GeV/c momentum) to a beryllium target, producing neutrinos from the decay of secondary particles in the beam line. We describe the Monte Carlo simulation methods used to estimate the flux of neutrinos from the beam line incident on the MiniBooNE detector for both polarities of the focusing horn. The simulation uses the Geant4 framework for propagating particles, accounting for electromagnetic processes and hadronic interactions in the beam line materials, as well as the decay of particles. The absolute double differential cross sections of pion and kaon production in the simulation have been tuned to match external measurements, as have the hadronic cross sections for nucleons and pions. The statistical precision of the flux predictions is enhanced through reweighting and resampling techniques. Systematic errors in the flux estimation have been determined by varying parameters within their uncertainties, accounting for correlations where appropriate.

  3. Norepinephrine and Learning-Induced Plasticity in Infant Rat Olfactory System

    PubMed Central

    Sullivan, Regina M.; Wilson, Donald A.; Leon, Michael


    Postnatal olfactory learning produces both a conditioned behavioral response and a modified olfactory bulb neural response to the learned odor. The present report describes the role of norepinephrine (NE) on both of these learned responses in neonatal rat pups. Pups received olfactory classical conditioning training from postnatal days (PN) 1-18. Training consisted of 18 trials with an intertrial interval of 24 hr. For the experimental group, a trial consisted of a pairing of unconditioned stimulus (UCS, stroking/tactile stimulation) and the conditioned stimulus (CS, odor). Control groups received either only the CS (Odor only) or only the UCS (Stroke only). Within each training condition, pups were injected with either the NE β-receptor agonist isoproterenol (1, 20, or 4 mg/kg), the NE β-receptor antagonist propranolol (10, 20, 40 mg/kg), or saline 30 min prior to training. On day 20, pups received one of the following tests: (1) behavioral conditioned responding, (2) injection with 14C-2-deoxyglucase (2-DG) and exposed to the CS odor, or (3) tested for olfactory bulb mitral/tufted cell single-unit responses to the CS odor. The results indicated that training with either: (1) Odor-Stroke-Saline, (2) Odor-Stroke-lsoproterenol-Propranolol, or (3) Odor only-lsoproterenol (2 mg/kg) was sufficient to produce a learned behavioral odor preference, enhanced uptake of 14C-2-DG in the odor-specific foci within the bulb, and a modified output signal from the bulb as measured by single-cell recordings of mitral/tufted cells. Moreover, propranolol injected prior to Odor-Stroke training blocked the acquisition of both the learned behavior and olfactory bulb responses. PMID:2585063

  4. Modelisation frequentielle de la permittivite du beton pour le controle non destructif par georadar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bourdi, Taoufik

    Le georadar (Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)) constitue une technique de controle non destructif (CND) interessante pour la mesure des epaisseurs des dalles de beton et la caracterisation des fractures, en raison de ses caracteristiques de resolution et de profondeur de penetration. Les equipements georadar sont de plus en plus faciles a utiliser et les logiciels d'interpretation sont en train de devenir plus aisement accessibles. Cependant, il est ressorti dans plusieurs conferences et ateliers sur l'application du georadar en genie civil qu'il fallait poursuivre les recherches, en particulier sur la modelisation et les techniques de mesure des proprietes electriques du beton. En obtenant de meilleures informations sur les proprietes electriques du beton aux frequences du georadar, l'instrumentation et les techniques d'interpretation pourraient etre perfectionnees plus efficacement. Le modele de Jonscher est un modele qui a montre son efficacite dans le domaine geophysique. Pour la premiere fois, son utilisation dans le domaine genie civil est presentee. Dans un premier temps, nous avons valide l'application du modele de Jonscher pour la caracterisation de la permittivite dielectrique du beton. Les resultats ont montre clairement que ce modele est capable de reproduire fidelement la variation de la permittivite de differents types de beton sur la bande de frequence georadar (100 MHz-2 GHz). Dans un deuxieme temps, nous avons montre l'interet du modele de Jonscher en le comparant a d'autres modeles (Debye et Debye-etendu) deja utilises dans le domaine genie civil. Nous avons montre aussi comment le modele de Jonscher peut presenter une aide a la prediction de l'efficacite de blindage et a l'interpretation des ondes de la technique GPR. Il a ete determine que le modele de Jonscher permet de donner une bonne presentation de la variation de la permittivite du beton dans la gamme de frequence georadar consideree. De plus, cette modelisation est valable pour differents

  5. Prediction du profil de durete de l'acier AISI 4340 traite thermiquement au laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maamri, Ilyes

    Les traitements thermiques de surfaces sont des procedes qui visent a conferer au coeur et a la surface des pieces mecaniques des proprietes differentes. Ils permettent d'ameliorer la resistance a l'usure et a la fatigue en durcissant les zones critiques superficielles par des apports thermiques courts et localises. Parmi les procedes qui se distinguent par leur capacite en terme de puissance surfacique, le traitement thermique de surface au laser offre des cycles thermiques rapides, localises et precis tout en limitant les risques de deformations indesirables. Les proprietes mecaniques de la zone durcie obtenue par ce procede dependent des proprietes physicochimiques du materiau a traiter et de plusieurs parametres du procede. Pour etre en mesure d'exploiter adequatement les ressources qu'offre ce procede, il est necessaire de developper des strategies permettant de controler et regler les parametres de maniere a produire avec precision les caracteristiques desirees pour la surface durcie sans recourir au classique long et couteux processus essai-erreur. L'objectif du projet consiste donc a developper des modeles pour predire le profil de durete dans le cas de traitement thermique de pieces en acier AISI 4340. Pour comprendre le comportement du procede et evaluer les effets des differents parametres sur la qualite du traitement, une etude de sensibilite a ete menee en se basant sur une planification experimentale structuree combinee a des techniques d'analyse statistiques eprouvees. Les resultats de cette etude ont permis l'identification des variables les plus pertinentes a exploiter pour la modelisation. Suite a cette analyse et dans le but d'elaborer un premier modele, deux techniques de modelisation ont ete considerees, soient la regression multiple et les reseaux de neurones. Les deux techniques ont conduit a des modeles de qualite acceptable avec une precision d'environ 90%. Pour ameliorer les performances des modeles a base de reseaux de neurones, deux

  6. Familes en Mutation dans une Societe en Mutation: Actes du Colloque, Bruxelles, 8-10 fevrier, 1992 (Families in Transition in a Society in Transition: Conference Proceedings, Brussels, February 8-10, 1992).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization, Paris (France). International Council of Women.

    This collection of essays on the family includes: "Discours d'ouverture" [Opening Speech] (L. Boeykens); "Transformer la famille, transformer l'homme et la femme, transformer la societe" [Transform the Family, Transform the Man and the Woman, Transform Society] (H. Sokalski); and "Vers un nouveau contrat social. Le role des femmes dans la famille"…

  7. Tracing tetraether lipids from source to sink in the Rhône River system (NW Mediterranean)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kim, Jung-Hyun; Ludwig, Wolfgang; Buscail, Roselyne; Dorhout, Denise; Sinninghe Damste, Jaap


    In this study, we investigated soils and river suspended particulate matter (SPM) collected in the Rhône and its tributary basins as well as marine surface sediments taken in the Rhône prodelta (Gulf of Lions, NW Mediterranean). Thereby, we traced the signal of branched glycerol dialkyl glycerol tetraethers (brGDGTs) from the source to sink via the Rhône River and its tributaries and identified sources of brGDGTs in rivers and marine sediments. Soil pH rather than the mean annual air temperature (MAAT) explains most of the observed variances of the brGDGT distribution in our soil dataset. The observed changes in the distribution of brGDGTs in the river SPM indicate that brGDGTs brought by the river to the sea are primarily derived from the lower Rhône and its tributary soils, even though in situ production in the river itself cannot be excluded. In marine surface sediments, it appears that the input of riverine brGDGTs is the primary source of brGDGTs in the Rhône prodelta, although the brGDGT composition may be further modified by the in situ production in the marine environment. More work is required to assess fully whether brGDGTs can be used to reconstruct the terrestrial paleoenvironmental changes using marine sediment cores taken in the Rhône prodelta close to the river mouth.

  8. NeEMO: a method using residue interaction networks to improve prediction of protein stability upon mutation.


    Giollo, Manuel; Martin, Alberto J M; Walsh, Ian; Ferrari, Carlo; Tosatto, Silvio C E


    The rapid growth of un-annotated missense variants poses challenges requiring novel strategies for their interpretation. From the thermodynamic point of view, amino acid changes can lead to a change in the internal energy of a protein and induce structural rearrangements. This is of great relevance for the study of diseases and protein design, justifying the development of prediction methods for variant-induced stability changes. Here we propose NeEMO, a tool for the evaluation of stability changes using an effective representation of proteins based on residue interaction networks (RINs). RINs are used to extract useful features describing interactions of the mutant amino acid with its structural environment. Benchmarking shows NeEMO to be very effective, allowing reliable predictions in different parts of the protein such as β-strands and buried residues. Validation on a previously published independent dataset shows that NeEMO has a Pearson correlation coefficient of 0.77 and a standard error of 1 Kcal/mol, outperforming nine recent methods. The NeEMO web server can be freely accessed from URL: NeEMO offers an innovative and reliable tool for the annotation of amino acid changes. A key contribution are RINs, which can be used for modeling proteins and their interactions effectively. Interestingly, the approach is very general, and can motivate the development of a new family of RIN-based protein structure analyzers. NeEMO may suggest innovative strategies for bioinformatics tools beyond protein stability prediction.

  9. Measurement of a Neutrino-Induced Charged Current Single Neutral Pion Cross Section at MicroBooNE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hackenburg, Ariana

    Micro Booster Neutrino Experiment (MicroBooNE) is a Liquid Argon Time Projection Chamber (LArTPC) operating in the Booster Neutrino Beamline at Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory. MicroBooNE's physics goals include studying short baslinemore » $$\

  10. Cartographie T

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cote, Jean-Charles

    Les cartographies T1 par séquences d'échos stimulés et Look- Locker sont les plus communément utilisées pour mesurer les temps de relaxation T 1 en imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). Elles ont des performances d'usage clinique, ne prenant que quelques minutes pour produire une carte des valeurs de T1. Ces séquences demeurent cependant très sensibles à la précision des pulses radiofréquences (RF) qui réorientent l'aimantation pour produire les signaux mesurés. Les pulses RF rectangulaires régulièrement utilisés en IRM produisent un basculement de l'aimantation directement proportionnel à l'intensité du champ magnétique B 1 produit par l'antenne émettrice. Les antennes cliniques ont des distributions de champs B1 qui fluctuent énormément. En exemple, l'antenne servant à produire des images de la tête possède un champ B1 qui est distribué dans son volume utile sur une plage allant de 0,5 à 1,2 relativement à son centre. Cette variation spatiale de B1 entraîne des erreurs systématiques sur les valeurs ajustées de T1 dépassant les 50%. Le développement d'un nouveau concept d'excitation RF à approche tangentielle ayant des propriétés adiabatiques pouvant remplacer les demi-passages adiabatiques (AHP) et son utilisation sous la forme d'un BIR-4-S2 (B1-Insensitive Rotation-4 AHP-Sequentialized 2 steps) dans les séquences de cartographie T1 a permis de réduire à moins de 10% les erreurs systématiques dans le cas mesuré par échos stimulés compensés et à moins de 5% pour le Look-Locker. Le BIR-4-S2 possède une imprécision sur l'angle de basculement de moins de 5° sur une plage relative allant de 0,75 à 1,75 autour d'un champ de référence B1 ref, pour un choix de basculement sur 360°. Et, contrairement aux pulses adiabatiques, il demeure un pulse RF tridimentionnel (3D) à faible puissance pouvant être utilisé à répétition cliniquement sans risque d'échauffement dangereux pour les patients. La séquence d

  11. Uranyl nitrate-exposed rat alveolar macrophages cell death: Influence of superoxide anion and TNF α mediators

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Orona, N.S.; Tasat, D.R., E-mail:; School of Dentistry, University of Buenos Aires, M. T. de Alvear 2142


    Uranium compounds are widely used in the nuclear fuel cycle, military and many other diverse industrial processes. Health risks associated with uranium exposure include nephrotoxicity, cancer, respiratory, and immune disorders. Macrophages present in body tissues are the main cell type involved in the internalization of uranium particles. To better understand the pathological effects associated with depleted uranium (DU) inhalation, we examined the metabolic activity, phagocytosis, genotoxicity and inflammation on DU-exposed rat alveolar macrophages (12.5–200 μM). Stability and dissolution of DU could differ depending on the dissolvent and in turn alter its biological action. We dissolved DU in sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO{submore » 3} 100 mM) and in what we consider a more physiological vehicle resembling human internal media: sodium chloride (NaCl 0.9%). We demonstrate that uranyl nitrate in NaCl solubilizes, enters the cell, and elicits its cytotoxic effect similarly to when it is diluted in NaHCO{sub 3}. We show that irrespective of the dissolvent employed, uranyl nitrate impairs cell metabolism, and at low doses induces both phagocytosis and generation of superoxide anion (O{sub 2}{sup −}). At high doses it provokes the secretion of TNFα and through all the range of doses tested, apoptosis. We herein suggest that at DU low doses O{sub 2}{sup −} may act as the principal mediator of DNA damage while at higher doses the signaling pathway mediated by O{sub 2}{sup −} may be blocked, prevailing damage to DNA by the TNFα route. The study of macrophage functions after uranyl nitrate treatment could provide insights into the pathophysiology of uranium‐related diseases. -- Highlights: ► Uranyl nitrate effect on cultured macrophages is linked to the doses and independent of its solubility. ► At low doses uranyl nitrate induces generation of superoxide anion. ► At high doses uranyl nitrate provokes secretion of TNFα. ► Uranyl nitrate induces apoptosis

  12. Ages of the Xinghuadukou Group in the Erguna Block, NE China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, X.; Hou, W.


    The Xinghuadukou group is outcropped in the Erguna block (EB) of NE China, which is an important component of the eastern segment of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). This group was previously classified as Paleoproterozoic in age. However, recent studies reported Paleozoic ages from the meta-volcanic rocks, Paleoproterozoic to Neoarchean detrital zircon ages from the meta-sedimentary rocks and Neoproterozoic ages from the granitoids. The tectonic affinity of the EB is still debated. In order to clarify the aforementioned issues, 19 samples were collected from the Xinghuadukou group from the Mohe region in NE China. All samples underwent gneiss facies metamorphism, including two-mica granitic gneiss and quartz biotite gneiss. Based on the protolith discrimination diagram of Si—(al+fm)-(c+alk) system, 7 samples originated from sedimentary rocks and the other 12 of igneous origin. The orthogneiss samples were plotted as diorite, granodiorite and granite respectively in TAS, showing felsic character (SiO2 57% - 74%). One orthogneiss and one paragneiss samples were chosen to conduct the LA-ICP-MS U-Pb zircon age analysis. Apart from one zircon with the age of 742 Ma shows evident metamorphic rim, all zircons from the orthogneiss show euhedral to subhedral prismatic shape and typical concentric or oscillatory structure indicating the igneous origin. The concordant age of 2478±26 Ma was generated, indicating the existence of the near Archean basement of the EB. The detrital zircons from the paragneiss produced age populations cluster at 0.6, 0.8, 1.9, 2.6 and 2.7 Ga, lacking of the Grenville event age. The youngest zircon age is 395 Ma, taken as the maximum depositional age of the sedimentary protolith. According to the new data obtained, it is suggested that the Xinghuadukou group comprises the early Paleoproterozoic granite-gneiss, which proves the granitic basement of the Erguna block. The sedimentary rocks formed overlying the basement during the early

  13. Introducing an osteopathic approach into neonatology ward: the NE-O model.


    Cerritelli, Francesco; Martelli, Marta; Renzetti, Cinzia; Pizzolorusso, Gianfranco; Cozzolino, Vincenzo; Barlafante, Gina


    Several studies showed the effect of osteopathic manipulative treatment on neonatal care in reducing length of stay in hospital, gastrointestinal problems, clubfoot complications and improving cranial asymmetry of infants affected by plagiocephaly. Despite several results obtained, there is still a lack of standardized osteopathic evaluation and treatment procedures for newborns recovered in neonatal intensive care unit (NICU). The aim of this paper is to suggest a protocol on osteopathic approach (NE-O model) in treating hospitalized newborns. The NE-O model is composed by specific evaluation tests and treatments to tailor osteopathic method according to preterm and term infants' needs, NICU environment, medical and paramedical assistance. This model was developed to maximize the effectiveness and the clinical use of osteopathy into NICU. The NE-O model was adopted in 2006 to evaluate the efficacy of OMT in neonatology. Results from research showed the effectiveness of this osteopathic model in reducing preterms' length of stay and hospital costs. Additionally the present model was demonstrated to be safe. The present paper defines the key steps for a rigorous and effective osteopathic approach into NICU setting, providing a scientific and methodological example of integrated medicine and complex intervention.

  14. Scalp acupuncture attenuates neurological deficits in a rat model of hemorrhagic stroke.


    Liu, Hao; Sun, Xiaowei; Zou, Wei; Leng, Mengtong; Zhang, Beng; Kang, Xiaoyu; He, Tao; Wang, Hui


    Hemorrhagic stroke accounts for approximately 15% of all stroke cases, and is associated with high morbidity and mortality. Limited human studies suggested that scalp acupuncture could facilitate functional recovery after cerebral hemorrhage. In the current study, we used an animal model of cerebral hemorrhage to examine the potential effects of scalp acupuncture. Adult male Sprague-Dawley rats received autologous blood (50μL) into the right caudate nucleus on the right side under pentobarbital anesthesia, and then received scalp acupuncture (DU20 through GB7 on the lesion side) or sham acupuncture (1cm to the right side of the acupoints) (n=10 per group). A group of rats receiving autologous blood into the caudate nucleus but no other intervention, as well as a group of rats receiving anesthesia but no blood injection to the brain (n=10 per group) were included as additional controls. Composite neuroscore, corner turn test, forelimb placing test, wire hang task and beam walking were used to evaluate the behavior of rats. Hematoxylin and Eosin (HE) staining was used to observe the histopathological changes. Western blot was used to detect the content of tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and nuclear factor-KappaB (NFκB) protein expression. Scalp acupuncture attenuated neurological deficits (p<0.01 or <0.05 vs. sham acupuncture using a variety of behavioral tests) at 1-7days after the treatment. The brain content of TNF-α and NFκB was decreased (p<0.01 for both). Scalp acupuncture could improve neurological deficits in a rat model of hemorrhagic stroke. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Numerical Analysis of Parasitic Crossing Compensation with Wires in DA$$\\Phi$$NE

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Valishev, A.; Shatilov, D.; Milardi, C.


    Current-bearing wire compensators were successfully used in the 2005-2006 run of the DAΦNE collider to mitigate the detrimental effects of parasitic beam-beam interactions. A marked improvement of the positron beam lifetime was observed in machine operation with the KLOE detector. In view of the possible application of wire beam-beam compensators for the High Luminosity LHC upgrade, we revisit the DAΦNE experiments. We use an improved model of the accelerator with the goal to validate the modern simulation tools and provide valuable input for the LHC upgrade project.

  16. Tracing of the Rhône River within Lake Geneva using stable isotope composition of water

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cotte, Gabriel; Vennemann, Torsten


    Determining the hydrodynamics of lake water is essential for a better understanding of nutrient transport but also of the distribution of potential pollutants through water reservoirs. The objective of this study is to understand the mixing of Rhône River water within Lake Geneva. During summer and autumn, when the lake thermally well stratified, the Rhône River water can potentially flow more or less directly towards and finally out of the "Petit Lac" (small lake basin close to Geneva) more than 55 km from its mouth. During winter, when stratification is weakened, the water from the Rhône River mixes more diffusively with the water of Lake Geneva. The aim of this study is to determine the path of the Rhône River through the lake more precisely and identify the thermal and meteorologic conditions favourable for different types of flows as suggested by physical circulation models of the Rhône River interflows. Waters are sampled from different North-South transects across the lake. Bathymetric profiles are measured for temperature, pH, conductivity and oxygen concentrations. In addition, the H- and O-isotope compositions of water, the C-isotope composition of dissolved inorganic carbon and the major ions are analysed. Sampling campaigns are carried out every two months to study the hydrodynamics of the lake at varying thermal conditions. The isotopic composition of water was already proven to be a powerful tool to trace the Rhône River interflow within the lake (Halder et al., 2013) but the details of this interflow remain debatable. It is the aim of the present study to use the isotopic tracer method in much more detailed cross-sections as a tool to both test and verify interflow models based on wind patterns and thermal dispersion of the waters. The chosen cross-sections, to be sampled regularly and "event-based", that is after extended periods of similar meteorological conditions, should allow for more precise estimates of the path of the Rhône water

  17. Influence of simulated microgravity on the sympathetic response to exercise

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Woodman, C. R.; Kregel, K. C.; Tipton, C. M.


    Rats exposed to simulated conditions of microgravity exhibit reductions in aerobic exercise capacity that may be due to an impaired ability of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) to mediate an increase in cardiac output and to redistribute blood flow. The purpose of this study was to quantify the sympathetic response to exercise in rats after exposure to 14 days of simulated microgravity or control conditions. To achieve this aim, rats were exposed to 14 days of head-down suspension (HDS) or cage control (CC) conditions. On day 14, norepinephrine (NE) synthesis was blocked with alpha-methyl-p-tyrosine, and the rate of NE depletion after synthesis blockade was used to estimate SNS activity in the left ventricle, spleen, and soleus muscle during treadmill exercise at 75% of maximal oxygen uptake. When compared with CC rats, the sympathetic response to exercise in HDS rats was characterized by a lower rate of NE depletion in the left ventricle (-82%) and spleen (-42%). The rate of NE depletion in the soleus muscle was 47% higher. These differences could contribute to the decrement in aerobic capacity of HDS rats by impairing their ability to augment cardiac output and to redirect blood flow to actively contracting skeletal muscle during exercise.

  18. Simulation of Crab Waist Collisions In DA$$\\Phi$$NE With KLOE-2 Interaction Region

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zobov, M.; Drago, A.; Gallo, A.


    After the successful completion of the SIDDHARTA experiment run with crab waist collisions, the electron-positron collider DAΦNE has started routine operations for the KLOE-2 detector. The new interaction region also exploits the crab waist collision scheme, but features certain complications including the experimental detector solenoid, compensating anti-solenoids, and tilted quadrupole magnets. We have performed simulations of the beam-beam collisions in the collider taking into account the real DAΦNE nonlinear lattice. In particular, we have evaluated the effect of crab waist sextupoles and beam-beam interactions on the DAΦNE dynamical aperture and energy acceptance, and estimated the luminosity that can be potentiallymore » achieved with and without crab waist sextupoles in the present working conditions. A numerical analysis has been performed in order to propose possible steps for further luminosity increase in DAΦNE such as a better working point choice, crab sextupole strength optimization, correction of the phase advance between the sextupoles and the interaction region. The proposed change of the e- ring working point was implemented and resulted in a significant performance increase.« less

  19. Atomic Data and Spectral Line Intensities for Ne III

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bhatia, A. K.; Thomas, R. J.; Landi, E.; Fisher, Richard R. (Technical Monitor)


    A number of satellites and rockets have been launched to observe radiation from the Sun and other astrophysical objects. Line radiation is emitted when the electron impact excited levels decay to the lower levels by photon emission. From this radiation, the physical parameters such as electron temperature and density of the astrophysical plasma, elemental abundance, and opacity can be inferred. Ne III lines have been observed in H II regions, Ne-rich filaments in supernovae, and planetary nebulae. The allowed line at 489.50 Angstroms due to the transition 2s(sup 2) 2p(sup 5) (sup 3) P2 (goes to) 2s(sup 2)2p(sup 4)(sup 3)P2 has been identified in the solar spectrum by Vernazza and Reeves using Skylab observations. Other Ne III lines in the solar EUV spectrum have been reported by Thomas and Neupert based on observations from the Solar EUV Rocket Telescope and Spectrograph (SERTS) instrument. Atomic data for Ne III have been calculated by using a set of programs developed at, University College, London. The Superstructure and Distorted Wave (DW) programs have been updated over the years. In the Superstructure program, configuration interaction can be taken into account and radial functions are calculated in a modified Thomas-Fermi-Amaldi potential. This is a statistical potential and depends on parameters lambda 1 which are determined by optimizing the weighted sum of term energies. They are found to be lambda(sub 0)=1.2467, lambda(sub 1)=1.1617, and lambda(sub 2)=1.0663. The relativistic corrections are included by using the Breit-Pauli Hamiltonian as a perturbation to the nonrelativistic Hamiltonian. The same potential is used to calculate reactance matrices in the DW approximation in LS coupling. Collision strengths in intermediate coupling are obtained by using term coupling coefficients obtained from the Superstructure program. In this calculation, the configurations used are 2s(sup 2)2p(sup 4), 2s2p(sup 5), 2s(sup 2)2p(sup 3)3s, 2s(sup 2)p(sup 3)3d giving rise

  20. College of DuPage Planning Process: College of DuPage Planning, the Foundation for Decision Making.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    College of DuPage, Glen Ellyn, IL. Office of Research and Planning.

    At College of DuPage (CD), in Glen Ellyn, Illinois, institutional planning is a multi-level, on-going process involving continuous college-wide input. The nine schematic levels in the CD planning process are interconnected and progress from global and broad-based issues, answering such questions as why the college exists, to concrete levels…