Sample records for estudiantes universitarios chilenos

  1. Concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as de biologia y futuros maestros/as de Ciencia de escuela secundaria sobre la teoria de evolucion biologica por seleccion natural

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morales Ramos, Egda M.

    La teoria de evolucion biologica (TEB) por seleccion natural es uno de los conceptos unificadores mas importantes del curriculo de Biologia. En Puerto Rico se han hecho pocas investigaciones que abunden sobre las concepciones y concepciones alternativas (CA) que tienen los estudiantes universitarios/as de Biologia y los maestros/as de Ciencia del nivel secundario sobre esta teoria. La politica publica educativa actual establece mediante documentos normativos como los Estandares de contenido y Expectativas de grado del Programa de Ciencias [Puerto Rico Core Standards] la ensenanza de esta teoria. Sin embargo, no se encontraron preguntas sobre la seleccion natural en los ejercicios de practica provistos por el Departamento de Educacion para las pruebas estandarizadas lo cual puede influir para que no se ensene adecuadamente. Las preguntas de investigacion fueron 1. ¿Cuales son las concepciones y concepciones alternativas de estudiantes universitarios/as y de los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB? 2. ¿Cuales conceptos que seleccionan los estudiantes universitarios/as y los futuros maestros y maestras de Ciencia sobre la TEB coinciden con lo aceptado como valido por la comunidad cientifica? y 3. ¿Como comparan las respuestas de la prueba original. v. Entendiendo el cambio biologico que mide concepciones y CA sobre la TEB por seleccion natural, con las de la traducida al idioma espanol? Se utilizo el metodo cuantitativo con un diseno de investigacion transversal por encuesta. La tecnica principal para recopilar los datos fue una prueba con doce items, que formo parte de un instrumento para el cual se recopilaron diversas fuentes de evidencia acerca de su validez. Las muestras estuvieron formadas por 69 estudiantes de Ciencias Naturales y por 16 estudiantes futuros maestros y maestras del nivel secundario de la UPR-RP. Se utilizaron estadisticas descriptivas, analisis de Ji cuadrado y se calcularon los coeficientes alfa de Cronbach y de Spearman

  2. Desarrollo de un instrumento para medir percepciones sobre el contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia-Ramirez, Jaime Antonio

    En esta investigacion, se desarrollo un instrumento que permite medir percepciones relacionadas al contexto de constriccion del conocimiento cientifico. Se examinaron instrumentos existentes y se encontro que el VOSTS (Views on science, technology, and society), instrumento desarrollado empiricamente en Canada por Aikenhead, Ryan y Fleming, podia traducirse y validarse en el contexto cultural puertorriqueno. El instrumento es extenso, consta de 113 reactivos, cada uno con una premisa basica relacionada a la tematica ciencia, tecnologia y sociedad y un numero de alternativas relacionadas a la premisa que oscila entre siete y trece. Se delimito su utilizacion a los quince reactivos identificados por los autores como relacionados a la construccion social del conocimiento cientifico. Metodologicamente, se procedio a utilizar el modelo de adaptacion intercultural, que permite que el instrumento desarrollado satisfaga las dimensiones de equivalencia semantica, de contenido, tecnica, de criterio y conceptual, atemperado asi al instrumento original. Se cumplio con este proposito mediante la traduccion de la version original en ingles al espanol y viceversa. Se utilizaron comites para examinar la traduccion y la retro-traduccion del instrumento. Se realizo una prueba piloto con estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso, utilizando el instrumento traducido para asegurar su intelegibilidad. La confiabilidad del instrumento se determino mediante la intervencion de un panel de expertos quienes clasificaron las distintas posiciones dentro de cada reactivo en: realista, con merito e ingenua; se transformaron estas opciones en valores numericos lo que permitio establecer una escala Likert para cada una. Se suministro el instrumento a una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso con caracteristicas similares a las de la poblacion puertorriquena en cuanto a ejecucion en las pruebas de aptitud verbal y matematica del College Board. Los resultados de sus contestaciones

  3. La utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales en la ensenanza de biologia y su efecto sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en los estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Rivera, Maria M.

    Se investigo el efecto de los mapas conceptuales sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en estudiantes universitarios. La investigacion utilizo dos estrategias: mapas conceptuales individuales y mapas conceptuales colaborativos, con el fin de investigar si existen diferencias significativas en el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis. El analisis de los datos incluyo aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se desprende del estudio que el 80% de los estudiantes describen la utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales como una experiencia beneficiosa. El 70% de los estudiantes expreso que los mapas conceptuales son utiles en el aprendizaje del proceso de fotosintesis y el 61% indico que facilitan la comprension de los conceptos. Los hallazgos mas importantes del analisis cuantitativo indican que los estudiantes que utilizaron los mapas conceptuales mejoraron significativamente su desempeno en la posprueba global. Se utilizo la prueba Mann-Whitney para investigar si existian diferencias significativas en la posprueba y preprueba global, el valor de W = 1945.0, para un valor p de 0.00, lo cual establece diferencias significativas. Para determinar si existian diferencias significativas entre la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual, se realizo la prueba nuevamente. El valor de W correspondio a 490.5, que es significativo, con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual. Los datos proveen suficiente evidencia para sostener que los estudiantes que utilizaron la estrategia de mapas conceptuales individuales mejoraron el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis significativamente. Se realizo nuevamente la prueba para los resultados de posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. El valor de W correspondio a 446 con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluyo que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. Finalmente, se efectuo una

  4. Investigaccion-accion en la sala de clases sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios y su relacion reciproca con el aprendizaje de las ciencias biologicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cordova-Santiago, Lizzette Astrid

    La investigacion---accion que se llevo a cabo en la sala de clases tenia como punto de partida las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia de un grupo de estudiantes universitarios para luego examinar sus implicaciones en el proceso de aprendizaje de las Ciencias Biologicas. ¿Que se supone que hagan las creencias en relacion con el aprendizaje? ¿En que consiste incorporar este aspecto a la practica educativa universitaria? Utilizando el modelo de Kemmis y McTaggart (1987) la investigacion-accion se planteo como un proceso dinamico en cuatro momentos en espiral constituidos por la planificacion, la accion, la observacion y la reflexion. Cada una de las fases tuvo una intencion retrospectiva y prospectiva formando una espiral de autorreflexion del conocimiento y la accion. Se llevaron a cabo audio grabaciones en clases y analisis de documentos. Ademas, la profesora-investigadora hizo un portafolio para reflexionar sobre las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tienen los estudiantes y las creencias del aprendizaje que tiene la profesora y sobre como la comprension de estos elementos ayudo a mejorar su practica educativa a traves del tiempo. Los resultados obtenidos apuntan a que las creencias de la cultura de la ciencia que tiene el grupo de estudiantes son diversas. Ellos si creen que la ciencia tiene una cultura la cual describieron como: complicada y desconocida que evoluciona constantemente, que es un conjunto de metodos, que es altamente tecnologica, que resuelve problemas de salud, ayuda a interpretar la realidad del mundo que los rodea y su origen y que existen unas intersecciones entre la ciencia y el poder. Sobre las creencias del proceso de aprendizaje de la profesora-investigadora, estas senalan que el modelaje de actores, la vision de la academia que tiene ella asi como la participacion y negociacion entre todos los involucrados en el proceso educativo, son factores que inciden en el proceso de aprendizaje.

  5. Concepciones Alternativas de "Fotosintesis" en estudiantes Universitarios del curso basico de Biologia y posibles correcciones con el Modelo Educativo MODEF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Jesus Roman, Sandra

    Concepciones Alternativas de Fotosíntesis en estudiantes Universitariosdel curso básico de Biología y posibles correcciones con el Modelo Educativo MODEF El modelo educativo para la enseñanza de Fotosíntesis (MODEF) se implantó para trabajar el problema de las concepciones alternativas (CA) en un curso de Biología General. Se evaluaron los resultados en cuanto al logro del aprendizaje significativo. La pregunta central de la investigación fue: ¿Cómo aporta el modelo educativo en la didáctica y comprensión del tema de fotosíntesis? Se efectuó una investigación acción con una fase cuantitativa y una cualitativa. Para la fase cuantitativa se elaboró una prueba para determinar las concepciones alternativas, se validó y se sometió a los estudiantes que participaron en el estudio antes y después de ofrecer la unidad de metabolismo celular. Los participantes eran estudiantes de primer año de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón (UPRB). Se llevó a cabo un análisis de consistencia interna de la prueba mediante el método Alfa de Cronbach. Se analizaron las contestaciones a cada pregunta mediante la prueba de Ji cuadrado de contingencia, se efectuó la prueba de t y el coeficiente r de Pearson. La fase cualitativa incluyó la observación participativa de la investigadora- profesora, las reflexiones de los estudiantes y la información de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas que se realizaron a tres estudiantes del curso. El análisis se llevó a cabo mediante el Modelo de Wolcott. Se trabajaron diez CA de las cuales siete fueron corregidas mediante el Modelo MODEF. Las actividades más importantes para el proceso de aprendizaje incluyeron el trabajo de investigación o búsqueda de información para hacer una presentación digital, la elaboración de tablas, los mapas de conceptos, el uso de visuales o videos y las analogías para explicar conceptos o procesos. En conclusión: se recomienda el uso del Modelo MODEF para la discusión del tema de

  6. Implementacion de modulos constructivistas que atiendan "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales en temas de la fisica en estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santacruz Sarmiento, Neida M.

    Este estudio se enfoco en los "misconception" y lagunas conceptuales en temas fundamentales de Fisica como son Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de fluidos. En primer lugar se trabajo con la identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales y se analizo en detalle la forma en que los estudiantes construyen sus propias teorias de fenomenos relacionados con los temas. Debido a la complejidad en la que los estudiantes asimilan los conceptos fisicos, se utilizo el metodo de investigacion mixto de tipo secuencial explicativo en dos etapas, una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa. La primera etapa comprendio cuatro fases: (1) Aplicacion de una prueba diagnostica para identificar el conocimiento previo y lagunas conceptuales. (2) Identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas del concepto a partir del conocimiento previo. (3) Implementacion de la intervencion por medio de modulos en el topico de Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de Fluidos. (4) Y la realizacion de la pos prueba para analizar el impacto y la efectividad de la intervencion constructivista. En la segunda etapa se utilizo el metodo de investigacion cualitativo, por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada que partio de la elaboracion de un mapa conceptual y se finalizo con un analisis de datos conjuntamente. El desarrollo de este estudio permitio encontrar "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales a partir del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes participantes en los temas trabajados, que fueron atendidos en el desarrollo de las distintas actividades inquisitivas que se presentaron en el modulo constructivista. Se encontro marcadas diferencias entre la pre y pos prueba en los temas, esto se debio al requerimiento de habilidades abstractas para el tema de Estatica de Fluidos y al desarrollo intuitivo para el tema de Equilibrio Termodinamico, teniendo mejores respuestas en el segundo. Los participantes demostraron una marcada evolucion y/o cambio en sus estructuras de pensamiento, las pruebas estadisticas

  7. Conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de la ciencia y la pseudociencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reyes Medina, Hector A.

    Esta investigacion describe las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de tercer ano o mas a nivel de bachillerato de los programas de Educacion en Ciencia y Ciencias Naturales de la Universidad de Puerto Rico, Recinto de Rio Piedras, acerca de lo establecido en la literatura para distinguir el conocimiento cientifico de las creencias pseudocientificas. Este estudio se guio por un diseno tipo encuesta transversal que permitio conocer de manera consistente las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes encuestados acerca de la Ciencia y la Pseudociencia. Ademas, permitio desarrollar inferencias estadisticas relacionadas a la poblacion de estudio, sus conceptuaciones y su inclinacion teorica en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. El instrumento utilizado fue el Cuestionario acerca de las concepciones de la ciencia y la pseudocienca en estudiantes universitarios, Reyes (2015). Este cuestionario fue validado mediante la recopilacion de diversas fuentes de evidencias, entre estas se encuentran las evidencias basadas en el contenido, el proceso de respuesta, la estructura interna y de constructo. Tambien, se calculo el Alfa de Crombach para la escala total y para cada componente y se realizo un analisis de factores que demostro la presencia de seis componentes claramente definidos de acuerdo a lo esperado sobre las caracteristicas originales del instrumento. Las estadisticas utilizadas fueron descriptivas. Participaron 302 alumnos, de las facultades de educacion y ciencias naturales. Se encontro que las conceptuaciones de los estudiantes de ambas facultades se inclinan en un 66.2% a favor con lo establecido en el modelo teorico en torno al Realismo y al Racionalismo cientifico moderados. Sin embargo, aun hay un 33.8% de los estudiantes de ambas facultades que poseen conceptuaciones distintas al modelo teorico propuesto.

  8. [Not Available].


    Fehrman-Rosas, Pamela; Delgado-Sánchez, Claudia; Fuentes-Fuentes, Jessica; Hidalgo-Fernández, Andrea; Quintana-Muñoz, Carol; Yunge-Hidalgo, Wilma; Fernández-Godoy, Eloina; Durán-Agüero, Samuel


    Objetivo: asociar patrones alimentarios con la autopercepción del estado nutricional en estudiantes universitarios chilenos de Nutrición y Dietética.Material y métodos: estudio transversal en el que se evaluó a 634 estudiantes de Nutrición y Dietética, de los cuales un 86,4% eran mujeres. A cada alumno se le mostraron siete modelos anatómicos correspondientes a valores de índice de masa corporal (IMC) de 18, 22, 25, 27, 30, 35 y 40 kg/m2. Cada estudiante debía elegir el modelo con el que mejor se identificaba. Posteriormente, se realizó la evaluación antropométrica, se calculó el IMC real comparándolo posteriormente con el IMC percibido, y finalmente se le aplicó una encuesta alimentaria.Resultados: se observa que los sujetos que sobreestiman su peso presentan un menor porcentaje de cumplimiento en el consumo de frutas y verduras al día; en cambio, el mayor porcentaje de sujetos que sigue las recomendaciones se encuentra en el grupo que se ve igual. Hay unaasociación entre una buena percepción de la imagen corporal y el consumo de 3 o más porciones de frutas al día OR = 0,554 (IC 95%; 0,360-0,852), 2 o más porciones de verduras al día OR = 0,438 (IC 95%; 0,283-0,678) y un consumo de alcohol menor de una vez a la semanaOR = 0,451 (IC 95%; 0,270-0,752).Conclusión: los estudiantes que registran una ingesta adecuada de verduras y frutas autodefinen su alimentación como saludable e ideal y tienden a autopercibirse coherentemente en relación con su estado nutricional; además, estos sujetos son los que presentan una ingesta menor de alimentos poco saludables.

  9. La problematica de la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia y sus implicaciones en la educacion cientifica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jimenez Tolentino, Dinorah


    En la sociedad prevalece una tendencia generalizada hacia la inclusion de creencias y practicas pseudocientificas. Esta investigacion responde a la necesidad de analizar como la proliferacion de las pseudociencias afecta la vision que tienen los estudiantes universitarios sobre las ciencias naturales. A tales efectos, la investigadora describe las concepciones epistemologicas que tienen los estudiantes sobre las ciencias y las pseudociencias e identifica los criterios de demarcacion, entre un area y otra, que se derivan de estas concepciones. De igual modo, esta identifica las creencias y practicas pseudocientificas de mayor arraigo entre los estudiantes, destacando, a su vez, la razon de ser de las mismas. Por ultimo, la investigadora analiza las implicaciones educativas de la problematica de la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia. La investigacion es de naturaleza mixta, enmarcada en los paradigmas empirico- analitico y cualitativo. El proceso investigativo se llevo a cabo mediante la administracion del cuestionario Criterios para la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia. La parte cualitativa estuvo enmarcada en el diseno de estudio de caso, recopilando informacion mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas en dos grupos focales. La poblacion de estudio estuvo constituida por estudiantes universitarios del nivel subgraduado de la Universidad Central de Bayamon. Los resultados del estudio reflejaron las concepciones erroneas de los estudiantes sobre la naturaleza de las ciencias y las pseudociencias. Con respecto a la demarcacion entre ciencia y pseudociencia, el criterio imperante entre los universitarios es el de la verificabilidad, considerando la aplicacion del metodo cientifico como el metodo para demostrar la veracidad de las teorias cientificas. Las creencias y practicas pseudocientificas no son muy frecuentes entre los universitarios. Estos atribuyen las mismas a la prevalencia de elementos supersticiosos y al engano a que es sometida la poblacion

  10. Comprension de los conceptos de los enlaces ionico y covalente en estudiantes universitarios del primer curso de quimica general

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ballesteros Benavides, Maria Elvira

    Para este trabajo utilizamos el estudio de casos cualitativo que se llevo a cabo en una universidad privada de Puerto Rico. Empleamos como unidad de analisis el concepto de enlace quimico, ionico y covalente. Los participantes fueron los estudiantes de la seccion nocturna del curso de Quimica General I. La investigacion se desarrollo por medio de dos entrevistas de persona a persona, observaciones de las expresiones no verbales y la hoja de identificacion de conceptos. Para la triangulacion tomamos en consideracion las preconcepciones erroneas, las concepciones alternativas y el mapa de conceptos de cada participante. Preparamos un mapa de conceptos para el enlace quimico validado por un comite de expertos. Tambien, elaboramos los mapas de conceptos de los participantes que sirvieron para varios propositos: conocer la estructura conceptual, expresar los logros, hacer comparaciones e identificar la presencia de concepciones alternativas. Entre los hallazgos encontramos que todos los participantes poseen conocimiento previo de los enlaces quimicos ionico y covalente y dentro de ese conocimiento existen preconcepciones erroneas mas numerosas para el enlace ionico. Al principio del semestre el 50% de los participantes demostraron tener "carencia fuerte de conceptos" tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente. Al finalizar el semestre encontramos en el 40% de los participantes concepciones alternativas tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente y el 90% no lograron distinguir un enlace del otro. Nuestras conclusiones fueron que los participantes sin distincion del aprovechamiento academico demostraron tener la tendencia de "carencia fuerte de conceptos" tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente, presentaron dificultad al integrar los conceptos de los enlaces quimicos ionico y covalente que se pusieron de manifiesto al dar los ejemplos. Las preconcepciones erroneas contribuyen en el desarrollo de las concepciones alternativas. Ademas, los

  11. Estudio de la estructura logica utilizada en la ensenanza y el aprendizaje de los conceptos sobre el comportamiento de gases en el curso introductorio de quimica a nivel universitario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa Diaz, Agnes

    El estudio que se presenta es de caracter cualitativo, un estudio multicasos donde se estudia la estructura logica utilizada por cuatro (4) profesores universitarios que ensenan el curso introductorio de quimica, en la planificacion, presentacion y evaluacion del tema sobre el comportamiento de los gases. Se utilizaron varias fuentes de informacion como: cuestionarios de profesores y estudiantes, entrevistas, grabaciones videomagnetofonicas, materiales didacticos y una prueba conceptual, entre otros. La informacion recopilada fue analizada de acuerdo al orden logico del contenido presentado, el estilo de ensenanza del profesor, las tecnicas y estrategias utilizadas para el desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, el ambiente fisico en el salon de clase y los instrumentos de evaluacion y avaluo. El estudio demuestra que lo que los profesores piensan y planifican para hacer sus presentaciones no necesariamente es lo que ocurre en el salon de clases. El desarrollo de destrezas de pensamiento, que constituye una prioridad de los profesores, no se elaboran efectivamente. El uso de las estrategias de resolucion de problemas numericos predomino. La participacion del estudiante en el salon de clases fue limitada y no se logro demostrar el desarrollo de las destrezas de pensamiento deseadas. Aunque los profesores tienen su propio estilo de ensenanza, el orden logico del contenido presentado en clase fue el mismo o siguio muy de cerca el orden establecido por el libro de texto. Los profesores utilizaron preferentemente la tiza y la pizarra para sus presentaciones y la dinamica en el salon de clases fue esencialmente tradicional. Los profesores hicieron su presentacion y los estudiantes copiaron pasivamente la informacion. Las evaluaciones de los estudiantes fueron esencialmente, pruebas escritas de seleccion multiple de acuerdo con el estilo en que se les enseno. El avaluo fue casi inexistente. La prueba conceptual administrada revela un aprendizaje pobre en los conceptos mas

  12. Actitudes Éticas de los estudiantes y egresados en carrera de medicina con metodologías activas

    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Stepke, Fernando Lolas; Silveira, Carla Cristina Costa; Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti; Trindade, Eliane Mendonça Vilar; Guiotti, Murilo Galvão


    El presente estudio tiene por objeto desarrollar un diagnostico de la inserción integrada de la ética en la carrera de medicina brasileña con una metodología de aprendizaje basada en problemas y describir las percepciones de actitudes éticas de los estudiantes y egresados. El diseño metodológico es un estudio de caso, descriptivo y documental, con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo. La muestra de esta investigación ha sido constituida por 120 estudiantes y 40 egresados de dos promociones del Curso de Medicina de la ESCS. Este proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación - SES/DF. Los estudiantes y egresados de la ESCS demostraron un buen manejo en el abordaje de los conflictos éticos y respeto a los pacientes. Sin embargo, el análisis de sensibilidad ética mostró una fragilidad en las percepciones y aptitudes inapropiadas de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina, identificada básicamente en los años iniciales, que necesitan más discusiones sistematizadas sobre los aspectos éticos y bioéticos integrados a las actividades prácticas para estimular y fortalecer la reflexión ética de los estudiantes. PMID:20981242

  13. University Students' Conceptions about the Moon Phases. (Spanish Title: Concepciones de Estudiantes Universitários sobre Las Fases de la Luna.) Concepções de Estudantes Universitários sobre as Fases da Lua

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Fátima Oliveira Saraiva, Maria; da Silveira, Fernando Lang; Steffani, Maria Helena


    In this article we describe the development of a multiple choice test about lunar phases and analyze the results of its application to ten groups of Physics students at the UFRGS. During the improvement of the test, we noticed that the percentage of right answers about some concepts increased significantly when associated with the reformulation of the question, emphasizing the importance of being careful to avoid incorrect answers generated by unclear questions, and not by ignorance on the matter. We confirm the results of other studies that show that students have great difficulty to relate the Moon's phase with its position in the sky at given time. On the other hand, our results suggest that, in general, students of Physics understand the phenomenon of lunar phases better than the average of university students. En estese artículo se describe la elaboración de una prueba de opción múltiple sobre las fases de la Luna y se analizan los resultados de su aplicación en diez grupos de estudiantes de Física de UFRGS. Durante el mejoramiento de la prueba observamos que el porcentaje de aciertos creció considerablemente cuando considerada una nueva redacción de la pregunta, destacando el cuidado que se debe tomar a fin de evitar respuestas incorrectas generadas por preguntas poco claras y no a causa de la ignorancia de los estudiantes sobre el tema. Confirmamos los resultados de otros estudios que las mayores dificultades de los alumnos sobre el tema fases de la Luna están en relacionar la fase de la Luna con su posición en el cielo en determinado momento. Por otra parte, nuestros resultados sugieren que, en general, los estudiantes de la Física comprenden mejor el fenómeno de las fases lunares que el promedio de los estudiantes universitarios. Neste artigo descrevemos a elaboração de um teste de múltipla escolha sobre as fases da Lua e analisamos os resultados de sua aplicação em dez grupos de estudantes de Física da UFRGS. Durante o aprimoramento do

  14. Desarrollo curricular, conciencia ambiental y tecnologia para estudiantes de intermedia: Una investigacion en accion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodriguez Ramos, Teresita

    Se llevó a cabo una investigación en acción con los propósitos de 1) documentar las relaciones de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las clases de ciencias de escuela intermedia como elemento de apoyo cuando se aborda el tema ambiental y sus conceptos pertinentes, a partir de las observaciones de la investigadora, así como las entrevistas y diarios reflexivos de los estudiantes de una escuela intermedia en la zona metropolitana, y luego 2) diseñar una unidad instruccional sobre el tema ambiental que integre actividades tecnologías para el curso de ciencias de la escuela intermedia según el modelo PROCIC y las observaciones que hayan iniciado los estudiantes participantes. Finalmente, se plantearon las implicaciones educativas para el currículo del Programa de Ciencias al instrumentar este modelo de unidad mediante PROCIC, e integrado la tecnología y el tema ambiental. Los hallazgos se analizaron y se categorizaron de acuerdo con las preguntas de investigación. El hallazgo principal de la investigación aborda las cuatro relaciones centrales en las que se articula la utilización de las tecnologías y sus aplicaciones en la clase de ciencias. Estas cuatro relaciones que recogen la posición de los estudiantes son: 1) Perspectiva de los estudiantes hacia la tecnología. 2) Participación de los estudiantes en los aspectos docentes. 3) Aprendizaje estudiantil sobre el ambiente, y 4) Conciencia ambiental en relación con la vida diaria. Estas relaciones ponen de manifiesto,cómo se plantea en las implicaciones, la necesidad de más investigación en acción en la sala de clases, la importancia—como tema transversal—de la conciencia ambiental mediante la tecnología al construir conocimientos significativos dentro y fuera de la escuela, asó como, valorar la investigación y la dialogicidad en la sala de clases como actividades que obligan al reexamen de la práctica didáctica en su formas curriculares de objetivos, recursos

  15. PubMed

    Redondo Del Río, María Paz; De Mateo Silleras, Beatriz; Carreño Enciso, Laura; Marugán de Miguelsanz, José Manuel; Fernández McPhee, Marina; Camina Martín, María Alicia


    Introducción: la alimentación de los jóvenes universitarios se aleja cada vez más de la dieta mediterránea (DM). El binomio alimentación-actividad física es fundamental para mantener un adecuado estado de salud.Objetivo: comparar la ingesta en un grupo de estudiantes universitarios deportistas frente a otro que no realiza deporte habitualmente.Sujetos y métodos:estudio observacional transversal realizado en 49 voluntarios de la Universidad de Valladolid. Se determinaron peso, talla y actividad física (cuestionario GPAQ). La ingesta se evaluó a partir de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo y un registro de alimentos de 3 días. La adherencia a la DM se estimó con el Mediterranean Diet Score. Las diferencias entre las variables en función del sexo y la práctica deportiva se analizaron con la t de Student o la U-Mann-Whitney. Significación estadística: p < 0,05.Resultados: todos los sujetos presentaron normopeso, sin diferencias en función de la práctica deportiva. El nivel de actividad física fue inferior en las mujeres. En todos los estudiantes la dieta fue ligeramente hiperproteica, rica en grasas y colesterol, con un inadecuado perfil lipídico y deficiente en hidratos de carbono y fibra. Se cubren los requerimientos de micronutrientes. Destaca un escaso consumo de frutas-verdurashortalizas, cereales, aceite de oliva, pescado y frutos secos; y un exceso de carne, mantequilla, bollería-industrial, dulces, snacksy refrescos. El 50% de la muestra tiene una adherencia baja o muy baja a la DM.Conclusión: las dietas de los jóvenes universitarios no cumplen los objetivos nutricionales para la población española y presentan una adherencia media-baja a la DM, independientemente de la práctica deportiva.

  16. Estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) para explorar las concepciones alternativas relacionadas al tema estados de agregacion de la materia en estudiantes de nivel elemental =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosado Olivieri, Wilda Y.

    Gran parte de la investigacion acerca de la ensenanza de las ciencias se dedica a estudiar la forma o manera en que los estudiantes visualizan los conceptos cientificos. Para Driver (1983) esas ideas o concepciones se conocen como concepciones alternativas; las cuales pueden ocasionar dificultad para comprender los conceptos de las diferentes areas del conocimiento. El proposito de este estudio fue: (a) indagar como las distintas etapas del ABP permiten explorar las concepciones alternativas que poseen los estudiantes de nivel elemental acerca de los estados de agregacion de la materia y, (b) explorar en que medida el ABP permite identificar e incorporar las concepciones alternativas que poseen los estudiantes de nivel elemental con relacion al concepto de estados de agregacion de la materia para facilitar su aprendizaje. Con el fin de explorar las concepciones alternativas en el tema de los estados agregados de la materia se implanto la estrategia de Aprendizaje Basado en Problemas (ABP) con estudiantes de quinto grado de nivel elemental. Se utilizo la metodologia mixta con varias estrategias de recopilacion de datos, como una pre y pos prueba para elucidar el conocimiento previo y al mismo tiempo las concepciones alternativas sobre el tema bajo estudio y luego verificar el aprendizaje en los estudiantes. Asimismo, el uso de mapas conceptuales para determinar la profundidad del tema estudiado y el entrelazamiento de los conceptos Una tercera estrategia fue el grupo focal para tomar en cuenta la impresion de los estudiantes acerca del proyecto ABP. El aspecto colaborativo y cooperativo fue un factor fundamental, ya que el aprendizaje ocurrio en ese contexto educativo. Para los hallazgos de esta investigacion fue tan importante el conocimiento previo como los procesos que se generaban para que la adquisicion del mismo fuera de forma significativa y funcional (Escribano & Del Valle, 2010). La estrategia de ABP constituyo en este estudio una forma para indagar las

  17. Binge drinking: a pattern associated with a risk of problems of alcohol use among university students.


    Bedendo, André; Andrade, André Luiz Monezi; Opaleye, Emérita Sátiro; Noto, Ana Regina


    ,4); problemas acadêmicos (aOR:3,4); agir impulsivamente e se arrepender (aOR:2,9); envolver-se em brigas (aOR:2,6); dirigir após beber (aOR:2,6) e pegar carona com alguém que bebeu (aOR:1,8). Estudantes que consumiram álcool no padrão binge também apresentaram maior pontuação no Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (b=4,6; p<0,001), mais consequências negativas (b=1,0; p<0,001) e menos percepção da negatividade das consequências (b=-0,5; p<0,01). a prática de binge drinking esteve associada ao aumento das chances de manifestação de problemas relacionados ao uso de álcool. As conclusões deste estudo não podem ser reproduzidas para toda realidade brasileira. evaluar problemas asociados al uso de alcohol entre estudiantes universitarios que relataron binge drinking en comparación a estudiantes que consumieron alcohol sin binge drinking. estudio transversal entre estudiantes universitarios (N=2.408) que visitaron una página web sobre el uso de alcohol. En los análisis estadísticos, fueron incluidos modelos de regresión logística y linear. el uso de alcohol, en los últimos tres meses, fue relatado por 89,2% de los estudiantes universitarios, y entre ellos 51,6% relataron uso binge. En comparación a estudiantes universitarios que no practicaron binge, los estudiantes que presentaron ese estándar tuvieron una mayor oportunidad de relatar todos los problemas evaluados, entre ellos: incapacidad de recordar lo que sucedió (aOR:5,4); problemas académicos (aOR:3,4); actuar por impulso y arrepentirse (aOR:2,9); involucrarse en peleas (aOR:2,6); manejar después de beber (aOR:2,6) y compartieron viaje con alguien que bebió (aOR:1,8). Estudiantes que consumieron alcohol dentro del estándar binge también presentaron una mayor puntuación en el Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test (b=4,6; p<0,001), más consecuencias negativas (b=1,0; p<0,001) y menor percepción de la negatividad de las consecuencias (b=-0,5; p<0,01). la práctica de binge drinking

  18. PubMed

    Zaragoza-Martí, Ana; Sánchez-SanSegundo, Miriam; Ferrer-Cascales, Rosario


    Introducción: el trastorno por atracón o "Binge Eating Disorders" (BED) se caracteriza por el consumo de grandes cantidades de comida en un breve periodo de tiempo acompañado de una sensación de falta de control sobre la ingesta. El BED se relaciona con una alimentación poco equilibrada, contribuyendo a la aparición de diversas patologías. La alimentación y los estilos de vida desempeñan un factor clave en la prevención de estas patologías, siendo la dieta mediterránea (DM) uno de los estándares de la alimentación saludable.Objetivo: analizar la relación entre la DM y el BED en una muestra de estudiantes universitarios.Método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal en una muestra de 120 estudiantes de la Universidad de Alicante. Para establecer la relación entre el patrón de atracón y el grado de adherencia a la DM se determinó el coefi ciente de correlación r de Pearson. Los resultados se expresaron en odds ratios (OR) e intervalo de confi anza (IC) al 95%.Resultados: los sujetos con un patrón de BED presentaron menor adherencia a la DM (OR = 4,03; IC 95%, 1,80-18,69), mayores índices de exceso de peso (OR = 5,31; IC 95%, 1,81-15,64), y vidas más sedentarias (OR = 1,4; IC 95%, 0,52-4,12). El BED correlacionó negativamente con el grado de adherencia DM (r = -0,3, p < 0,01).Conclusión: el patrón de DM se asocia de manera inversa con el riesgo de sufrir trastorno por atracón y además dicho patrón de atracón se asocia significativamente con el riesgo de sufrir exceso de peso en estudiantes universitarios. Son necesarios estudios que confi rmen que la DM reduce el riesgo de sufrir trastorno por atracón.

  19. [Not Available].


    Navarro-González, Inmaculada; Ros, Gaspar; Martínez-García, Brígida; Rodríguez-Tadeo, Alejandra; Periago, M Jesús


    Introducción y objetivos: la evolución que ha experimentado en los últimos años la sociedad española ha originado una serie de cambios sociológicos y/o culturales que afectan claramente a los hábitos y preferencias alimentarias. El objetivo del presente trabajo ha sido evaluar la adherencia a la dieta mediterránea (DM) de la población universitaria en la ciudad de Murcia y la calidad de su desayuno, estableciendo la relación existente entre estas dos variables entre sí, y otras variables sociológicas analizadas.Métodos: se evaluó la adherencia a la DM en una muestra de 312 estudiantes mediante el test KIDMED, cuestionario de 16 preguntas. La calidad del desayuno fue determinada en función de la ingesta de los distintos grupos de alimentos (lácteos, cereales y frutas), de forma que se establecieron las siguientes categorías de calidad: pésima, mala, regular y buena. De cada encuestado se registraron los datos personales, lugar de origen, zona geográfica y tipo de residencia, sexo, edad, titulación universitaria, curso y las variables antropométricas (peso, altura, perímetro de cintura y cadera).Resultados: la muestra estuvo formada por 238 mujeres y 74 hombres todos ellos estudiantes universitarios de distintos títulos de grado. El 7,85% de los universitarios mostró una baja adherencia a la DM, el 48,4% media y el 43,8% alta. Los estudiantes de grado en Educación Primaria mostraron una mayor adherencia media a la DM; los estudiantes de grado en Enfermería tomaron más de una ración de verdura al día; y los de Ciencia y Tecnología de los Alimentos consumían una pieza de fruta al día. Teniendo en cuenta el sexo de los participantes, el 37,8% de las mujeres tomaban más de una verdura diaria y el 91,5% desayunaba bollería industrial; mientras que el 54,1% de los hombres tomaban frutos secos (al menos 2 o 3 veces por semana) y el 74,5% desayunaba todos los días. El 1,15% de los estudiantes mostró una calidad del desayuno pésima, el 17

  20. Design, Planning and Management of the Hospital Custody Unit at Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón.


    Fuente-Martín, C de la; Fuente Martín, B de la; Grifol-Clar, E


    The design and management of a Hospital Custody Unit at Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón, to focus the aim of this study on specialized medical care for extra-penitentiary patients who have suffered from a disease. We are building a new space to facilitate their daily lives at hospital and we want to offer a double function to the patients that consists of a custody space and a health rehabilitation space. We carried out a scientific literature search on the international and national databases, about Hospital Custody Units or Restricted Access Units. The language of the reviews that we checked was English and Spanish. We wrote the Action Guide of the Hospital Custody Unit for the design, planning and management of the Hospital Custody Unit at Hospital Universitario Fundación Alcorcón. (We included complementary bibliographic material and the Quick Guide in the Unit). The Hospital Custody Unit will be compatible with medical activity, occupational safety and the custody of patients that are in prison. We thus require consensus with police departments about custody protocols along with assistance from the clinicians' teams at penitentiary centers and referral hospitals. Furthermore, it is important to step up special care for mental health and to promote telemedicine and new technologies to streamline medical care along with coordination with healthcare professionals.


    PubMed Central

    Fernández Rodríguez, María del C.; Squiabro, José Calderón


    Se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal con el propósito de explorar actitudes de rechazo y distancia social hacia las personas gays y lesbianas (GL) en 565 universitarios. Se utilizó una escala para medir Prejuicio y otra escala para medir Distancia Social. Los participantes reflejaron niveles moderados de prejuicio y distancia social (DS) hacia las personas gays y lesbianas. Los varones (M=104.5, DT= 27.47) mostraron significativamente más prejuicio que las mujeres (M=98.8, DT= 23.41). Los hombres (M=22.7, DT= 7.00) mostraron significativamente mayor DS que las mujeres (M=21.1, DT= 5.41). Las personas que asisten con regularidad a la iglesia mostraron más prejuicio y DS que los que no asisten. Se analiza importancia de incluir el tema de la diversidad sexual a través del currículo para desmontar prejuicios hacia la comunidad homosexual. PMID:25606066

  2. Essays on Eclipses, Transits and Occultations as Teaching Tools in the Introductory Astronomy College Course. (Spanish Title: Ensayos sobre Eclipses, Tránsitos y Ocultaciones Como Herramientas de Enseñanza en el Curso Universitario Introductorio a la Astronomía.) Ensaios sobre Eclipses, Trânsitos e Ocultações Como Ferramentas de Ensino em um Curso Universitário Introdutório de Astromomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dcruz, Noella L.


    We occasionally include projects in our learner-centered introductory astronomy college course to enable non-science major students explore some astronomical concepts in more detail than otherwise. Such projects also highlight ongoing or upcoming astronomical events. We hope that students will feel more interested in astronomy through projects tied to astronomical events. In Spring 2012, we offered short essays focused on eclipses, transits and occultations to promote the rare transit of Venus that occurred on June 5th, 2012. We asked students to write two short essays from three that were offered. The essays contained descriptive and conceptual parts. They were meant to serve as teaching tools. 62% of 106 essays from 55 students earned A, B or C grades. 21% of 47 feedback survey respondents felt the essays increased their interest in astronomy. 49% of respondents felt that the essays were not educationally beneficial and should not be offered again. The most common written response to our survey indicated that students need more guidance and better preparation in writing successful essays. Since students found the conceptual parts of the essays difficult, in the future we will provide relevant activities prior to essay deadlines to help students create successful essays. Ocasionalmente, incluimos proyectos en nuestro curso de introducción a la astronomía universitario centrado en el alumno para permitir que los estudiantes de carreras no científicas exploren algunos conceptos astronómicos en más detalle que lo habitual. Estos proyectos también ponen en relevancia eventos astronómicos en curso o futuros. Esperamos que los estudiantes se sientan más interesados en la astronomía a través de proyectos vinculados a eventos astronómicos. En el período de primavera de 2012 (EUA), propusimos breves ensayos centrados en los eclipses, tránsitos y ocultaciones para promover el raro tránsito de Venus que se produjo el 5 de junio de 2012. Le pedimos a los

  3. Pedagogia artistica: la conceptualizacion y la creatividad en estudiantes de ciencias de sexto grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortiz Colon, Edwin A.

    Se realizo un estudio fenomenologico sobre la conceptualizacion, la creatividad y el valor del dibujo en propiciar un contexto creativo para el aprendizaje de ciencias de sexto grado. La conceptualizacion se interpreto como un proceso que ocurre en las relaciones que los estudiantes establecen entre los temas de estudio y las ideas principales, las experiencias previas, las creencias personales, el tiempo y el valor de la conservacion ambiental. La esencia de la creatividad se definio en funcion de la imaginacion, las destrezas, la intencion, la libertad de pensamiento y expresion y el contexto. El dibujo propicio un ambiente creativo de aprendizaje en las ciencias al facilitar el uso del pensamiento cientifico profundo, el inquirir artistico y la expresion libre.

  4. Modelo de accesibilidad de conceptos matematicos aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales en la UPR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Isidro Villamizar, Gloria Maria

    Este estudio utiliza metodologia de investigacion cualitativa, con el proposito de describir, analizar y evaluar los procesos de diseno y desarrollo de un modelo de accesibilidad que consiste en estrategias de ensenanza de las matematicas para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales matriculados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva en la UPR. Se utilizaron las siguientes estrategias para recopilar la informacion, 1) reflexiones de la investigadora en el proceso de diseno y desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas, que se registraron en un diario reflexivo. 2) entrevista semiestructurada luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas con los participantes. 3) observaciones y notas de la investigadora del trabajo de los participantes. Para obtener la informacion de los participantes se obtuvo los permisos institucionales necesarios; se seleccionaron los participantes y se validaron los instrumentos; se realizo el desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas con los participantes; y finalmente, se analizo la informacion obtenida. El diseno de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas se hizo siguiendo las recomendaciones curriculares de los temas de matematicas aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva realizado por la investigadora durante su semestre de internado. El testimonio de las voces de los participantes se obtuvo del proceso de desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas de temas seleccionados de conceptos matematicos requeridos en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva y de la entrevista semiestructurada con los participantes, luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje. Para el desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje, se utilizaron materiales tactiles adaptados, materiales tactiles disenados y materiales disponibles comercialmente. Los textos de las lecciones se imprimieron en tinta y en Braille. Se exhorta a disenar y desarrollar estrategias de ensenanza accesibles, considerando como recursos para evaluar su efectividad a

  5. [Los laboratorios de la Junta para Ampliación de Estudios e Investigaciones Científicas (J.A.E.) y la Residencia de Estudiantes (1912-1939)].


    Barona, Josep L


    The policy of promoting fellowships abroad by the JAE for young scientist had an important complement in the foundation of a series of small scientific laboratories and research centres joined basically under the National Institute of Science and the Residencia de Estudiantes. The present article offers a general perspective of the activities developed by some of those laboratories, their main protagonists and research groups, particularly those related to biomedical research. The scientific task developed by the Instituto Cajal and the Natural Sciences Museum is not directly considered, since other contributions in this monographic issue regard those institutions. The process of creation of small teaching and research laboratories since 1912 is shown, and their participation in the university experimental teaching during the 1920s, especially regarding the Residencia de Estudiantes laboratories. Among them, the Laboratory of General Physiology lead by Juan Negrín. The significance of his physiological school is shown as well as the starting point of the scientific career of Severo Ochoa.

  6. [Programme review of somatropin deficit in pediatrics at the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío].


    Lavaredas, A; de la Puerta, R; Álvarez del Vayo, C


    To develop a program review of somatropin deficit, applied in pediatrics at the Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, using two groups of patients: the ones diagnosed with deficiency of this hormone, and those born small for gestational age, with the intention of evaluating its effectiveness in the first year of treatment. Attaining a retrospective study of the cohort of patients treated with growth hormone under the above diagnoses, with cross-sectional and observational methodology, to which we applied a statistical analysis with the Statistical Package for Social Sciences®. After the beginning of the treatment, the growth rate had increased and the bone age approximated to the chronologic age. In the two treated groups in the first year of treatment were the female patients aged between 0 to 12 years with a deficit of growth hormone who responded better to therapy. We observed that the treatment instituted appeared highly effective in both groups of patients, allowing a favorable increase in height. Copyright © 2013 SEFH. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  7. Teamwork: relevance and interdependence of interprofessional education.


    Tamayo, M; Besoaín-Saldaña, A; Aguirre, M; Leiva, J


    Determine the perception of university students regarding interprofessional and interdependent work between team members in their inclusion in primary care. Analytical cross-sectional study. The sampling had a probabilistic, stratified random type with 95% confidence and 5% margin of error. Seven-hundred and four students of Public Universities in Santiago (Chile) answered self-administered questionnaire. Ninety-seven point eight of students say that interprofessional work is important; 27.1% of them declare that their university did not seem to show that their study plans were important. The professionals listed as most important in teams are physicians and nurses. Spaces for development and institutional support are key elements to promote interprofessional work. If this competence can involve each academic unit in their different formative spaces there will be a significant contribution to said promotion. Teamwork is a pending task. Determinar la percepción de estudiantes universitarios respecto al trabajo interprofesional e interdependencia entre los miembros del equipo en su inserción en la atención primaria. Estudio de tipo analítico y transversal. El muestreo fue de tipo aleatorio, probabilístico estratificado con un 95% de confianza y un 5% de margen de error. Se utilizó un cuestionario auto-administrado en 704 estudiantes de Universidades del Estado en Santiago de Chile. Un 97,8% de los estudiantes opinan que el trabajo interprofesional es importante; un 27,1% de ellos declara que su universidad no le ha entregado importancia en sus planes de estudios. Los profesionales mencionados como más importantes en el equipo son los médicos y enfermeras. Espacios de desarrollo y respaldo institucional son elementos claves para promover el trabajo interprofesional. Que esta competencia logre involucrar a cada unidad académica en sus diferentes espacios formativos será un aporte significativo en aquello. Trabajo en equipo es una tarea pendiente.

  8. El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delgado, Isabel C.

    Los modelos de eensenanza y aprendizaje constructivistas conceptualizan el aprendizaje como un proceso activo. El modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) se distingue por una serie de componentes, entre los cuales se destaca el aspecto colaborativo y cooperativo como un reto al momento de su implantacion. Son pocas las investigaciones que se concentran en este aspecto del modelo. En este estudio, se analizaron las diversas interacciones que surgen durante la implantacion de una unidad curricular sobre el tema de Geologia de Puerto Rico, la cual se diseno con el modelo ABPr cuyo enfoque es orientacion a proyectos. Particularmente, se examinaron las interacciones sociales que surgen entre los pares y entre pares y docente durante el proceso de planificacion y desarrollo de los productos finales, al igual que las interacciones entre los estudiantes y el material didactico en estas etapas del modelo. La investigacion es de tipo cualitativo e incorpora como diseno el estudio de caso. Las diversas interacciones constituyen la unidad de analisis. En el estudio participaron 19 estudiantes de 9no grado, a quienes se organizaron en 5 grupos colaborativos por temas de interes (Pangea, Placas tectonicas, Volcanes, Tsunamis y Terremotos). Las tecnicas que se utilizaron para recopilar los datos fueron: observaciones participativas, grupos focales y analisis de documentos (cuadernos reflexivos y respuestas de los estudiantes a la pregunta central del proyecto). Para el analisis de los datos se aplico la teoria de actividad (CHAT) que concentra la unidad de analisis en la actividad humana en un contexto particular. Los resultados del estudio senalan que las interacciones entre pares, entre pares y docente, asi como entre estudiantes y material didactico son fundamentales en el proceso de aprendizaje. Una mayor interaccion entre pares durante las etapas de planificar y desarrollar los productos finales de la unidad, promueve una mejor comprension de los conceptos de la

  9. Development and Validation of the Escala de Actitudes Emprendedoras para Estudiantes (EAEE).


    Oliver, Amparo; Galiana, Laura


    During the last few years, entrepreneurship has gained an important role in many economic and social policies, with the consequent growth of entrepreneurial research in many social areas. However, in the Spanish psychometric context, there is not an updated scale including recent contributions to entrepreneurship attitudes literature. The aim of this study is to present and validate a new scale named Escala de Actitudes Emprendedoras para Estudiantes-EAEE, (Entrepreneurial Attitudes Scale for Students, EASS), in two samples of high school and university Spanish students. Data comes from a cross-sectional survey of 524 high school and undergraduate students, from Valencia (Spain). Two confirmatory factor analyses (CFAs) were estimated, together with reliability and validity evidence of the scale. Results offered evidence of the adequate psychometric properties of the EASS. The CFAs showed overall and analytical adequate fit indexes (χ 2 (120) = 163.19 (p < .01), GFI = .906, CFI = .959, SRMR = .044, RMSEA = .040 [CI .022-.054]); reliability indices of the entrepreneurial attitudes were appropriate for most of the entrepreneurial attitudes (α were between .63 and .87 for the different dimensions); and external evidence relating entrepreneurial dimensions to personality traits was similar to in previous studies. The scale could be a useful instrument both for previous diagnosis and effectiveness assessment of programs on entrepreneurship promotion.

  10. Afebrile pneumonia (whooping cough) syndrome in infants at Hospital Universitario del Valle, Cali, 2001-2007

    PubMed Central

    Villegas, Dolly; Echandía-Villegas, Connie Alejandra


    Introduction: Afebrile pneumonia syndrome in infants, also called infant pneumonitis, pneumonia caused by atypical pathogens or whooping cough syndrome is a major cause of severe lower respiratory infection in young infants, both in developing countries and in developed countries. Objective: To describe children with afebrile pneumonia syndrome. Methods: Through a cross-sectional study, we reviewed the medical records of children diagnosed with afebrile pneumonia treated at Hospital Universitario del Valle, a reference center in southwestern Colombia, between June 2001 and December 2007. We obtained data on maternal age and origin, prenatal care, the childs birth, breastfeeding, vaccination status, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and complications. Results: We evaluated 101 children with this entity, noting a stationary presentation: June-August and November- December. A total of 73% of the children were under 4 months of age; the most common symptoms were: cyanotic and spasmodic cough (100%), respiratory distress (70%), and unquantified fever (68%). The most common findings: rales (crackles) (50%), wheezing and expiratory stridor (37%); 66% were classified as mild and of the remaining 33%, half of them required attention in the intensive care unit. In all, there was clinical diagnosis of afebrile pneumonia syndrome in infants, but no etiologic diagnosis was made and despite this, 94% of the children received macrolides. Conclusions: These data support the hypothesis that most of these patients acquired the disease by airway, possibly caused by viral infection and did not require the indiscriminate use of macrolides. PMID:24893051

  11. Afebrile pneumonia (whooping cough) syndrome in infants at Hospital Universitario del Valle, Cali, 2001-2007.


    Villegas, Dolly; Echandía-Villegas, Connie Alejandra; Echandía, Carlos Armando


    Afebrile pneumonia syndrome in infants, also called infant pneumonitis, pneumonia caused by atypical pathogens or whooping cough syndrome is a major cause of severe lower respiratory infection in young infants, both in developing countries and in developed countries. To describe children with afebrile pneumonia syndrome. Through a cross-sectional study, we reviewed the medical records of children diagnosed with afebrile pneumonia treated at Hospital Universitario del Valle, a reference center in southwestern Colombia, between June 2001 and December 2007. We obtained data on maternal age and origin, prenatal care, the childs birth, breastfeeding, vaccination status, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and complications. We evaluated 101 children with this entity, noting a stationary presentation: June-August and November- December. A total of 73% of the children were under 4 months of age; the most common symptoms were: cyanotic and spasmodic cough (100%), respiratory distress (70%), and unquantified fever (68%). The most common findings: rales (crackles) (50%), wheezing and expiratory stridor (37%); 66% were classified as mild and of the remaining 33%, half of them required attention in the intensive care unit. In all, there was clinical diagnosis of afebrile pneumonia syndrome in infants, but no etiologic diagnosis was made and despite this, 94% of the children received macrolides. These data support the hypothesis that most of these patients acquired the disease by airway, possibly caused by viral infection and did not require the indiscriminate use of macrolides.

  12. PubMed

    Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson; Triana-Reina, Héctor Reynaldo; Carrillo, Hugo Alejandro; Ramos-Sepúlveda, Jeison Alexander


    Objetivo: evaluar la relación entre la percepción de las barreras para la práctica de la actividad física (AF) con la presencia de obesidad abdominal (OA) en universitarios de Colombia.Métodos :estudio descriptivo y transversal en 5.663 sujetos entre 18 y 30 años de edad (3.348 hombres), pertenecientes a tres ciudades de Colombia. Se midió la circunferencia de cintura (CC) como indicador de OA y el riesgo se clasificó según valores de referencia internacionales. La autopercepción de barreras se determinó con el cuestionario Barriers to Being Active Quiz (BBAQ-21) validado en Colombia. Se calcularon razones de prevalencia (RP) entre cada dominio del cuestionario y clasificación de OA.Resultados: la prevalencia de obesidad abdominal fue del 10,4% con diferencias por sexo (7,3% hombres vs.12,6% mujeres p < 0,01). La "falta de tiempo", la "influencia social" y la "falta de habilidades" fueron las barreras más prevalentes para cesar la práctica de AF en el grupo de entrevistados con OA en ambos sexos. Al comparar los estudiantes con CC saludable, la RP de presentar OA fue mayor en el grupo de mujeres que en hombres en los dominios del cuestionario BBAQ-21 "falta de tiempo" (RP = 1,33 [IC 95% 1,11-1,60]) vs.(RP = 1,14 [IC 95% 1,03-1,26]) y "falta de recursos" (RP = 1, 93 [IC 95% 11,67-2,24])vs. (RP = 1,83 [IC 95% 1,68-1,99]), respectivamente.Conclusión: una mayor autopercepción de las barreras para realizar AF se relacionó con mayor frecuencia en el grupo con OA en universitarios de Colombia.

  13. High School Students' Previous Knowledge about the Stars. (Spanish Title: Conocimientos Previos de Estudiantes de Secundaria Acerca de Las Estrellas.) O Conhecimento Prévio de Alunos do Ensino Médio sobre as Estrelas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo


    Based on the readings of articles related to Astronomy Education published in Brazil, it was noticed a lack of research on previous knowledge of students about the physical characteristics of stars, a fact that motivated us to develop this study. Previous knowledge of 125 students (approximated 15 years old) constituted the study sample; data was collected through written questionnaires (Appendix A) for analysis. From the content analysis of these responses it was possible to achieve some inferences as, for example, many students have some difficult to develop an explanatory model on the functioning of a star; there are few who say that the stars have a certain length of existence; some students have said that stars have tips; few recognize that a star is formed by a mass of gas; some previous knowledge come from purely visual aspects; furthermore, some students do not have the habit of observing nature in detail. We see this research as a reference in which science teachers can recognize the importance of previous knowledge for practice teaching and acquire resources for planning their lessons. De la lectura de artículos relacionados con la Educación en Astronomía publicados en el Brasil, se encuentra una falta de investigaciones acerca del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes sobre las características físicas de las estrellas, hecho que nos motivó a desarrollar este estudio. Los datos analizados se obtuvieron al aplicar un cuestionario a 125 estudiantes de secundaria, para posteriormente realizar un análisis de contenido, tal cuestionario se presenta en el Anexo A. Al realizar el análisis de contenido de las respuestas obtenidas, fue posible hacer algunas inferencias, como por ejemplo; muchos estudiantes tienen dificultades para desarrollar un modelo explicativo acerca del funcionamiento de una estrella; pocos estudiantes dicen que las estrellas tienen un cierto tiempo de vida; algunos estudiantes imaginan que las estrellas tienen puntas; pocos

  14. Actitudes de Estudiantes Universitarios que Tomaron Cursos Introductorios de Estadistica y su Relacion con el Exito Academico en La Disciplina

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Colon-Rosa, Hector Wm.


    Considering the range of changes in the instruction and learning of statistics, several questions emerge regarding how those changes influence students' attitudes. Equally, other questions emerge to reflect that statistics is a fundamental course in the university academic programs because of its relevance to the professional development of the…


    PubMed Central

    Cintrón-Bou, Francheska; Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Marzán-Rodríguez, Melissa; Neilands, Torsten B.


    Existe estigma relacionado al VIH. A las personas con VIH/SIDA-PCVS se les viola sus derechos y obstaculiza su bienestar mental/físico. Profesionales de la salud-PS son fuente de apoyo primordial, sin embargo estos/as le estigmatizan. Es útil adiestrar a PS en relación al estigma social. Implantamos la intervención para reducir el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA con 507 estudiantes de medicina. Resultó ser una intervención efectiva, hubo reducción en los niveles de estigma a partir de nuestra intervención y diferencias significativas con el grupo control (p≤.05). Generar espacios de adiestramiento para atender el estigma relacionado al VIH/SIDA es pertinente para la psicología comunitaria porque colaboramos en la reducción de actitudes estigmatizantes que afectan adversamente la prevención de nuevas infecciones, la adherencia al tratamiento antirretroviral y la calidad de vida. PMID:27829690

  16. Birds of Antioquia: Georeferenced database of specimens from the Colección de Ciencias Naturales del Museo Universitario de la Universidad de Antioquia (MUA).


    Rozo, Andrea Morales; Valencia, Fernando; Acosta, Alexis; Parra, Juan Luis


    The department of Antioquia, Colombia, lies in the northwestern corner of South America and provides a biogeographical link among divergent faunas, including Caribbean, Andean, Pacific and Amazonian. Information about the distribution of biodiversity in this area is of relevance for academic, practical and social purposes. This data paper describes the dataset containing all bird specimens deposited in the Colección de Ciencias Naturales del Museo Universitario de la Universidad de Antioquia (MUA). We curated all the information associated with the bird specimens, including the georeferences and taxonomy, and published the database through the Global Biodiversity Information Facility network. During this process we checked the species identification and existing georeferences and completed the information when possible. The collection holds 663 bird specimens collected between 1940 and 2011. Even though most specimens are from Antioquia (70%), the collection includes material from several other departments and one specimen from the United States. The collection holds specimens from three endemic and endangered species (Coeligena orina, Diglossa gloriossisima, and Hypopirrhus pyrohipogaster), and includes localities poorly represented in other collections. The information contained in the collection has been used for biodiversity modeling, conservation planning and management, and we expect to further facilitate these activities by making it publicly available.

  17. [Risk factors associated with the development of perinatal asphyxia in neonates at the Hospital Universitario del Valle, Cali, Colombia, 2010-2011].


    Torres-Muñoz, Javier; Rojas, Christian; Mendoza-Urbano, Diana; Marín-Cuero, Darly; Orobio, Sandra; Echandía, Carlos


    Perinatal asphyxia is one of the main causes of perinatal mortality and morbidity worldwide and it generates high costs for health systems; however, it has modifiable risk factors. To identify the risk factors associated with the development of perinatal asphyxia in newborns at Hospital Universitario del Valle, Cali, Colombia. Incident cases and concurrent controls were examined. Cases were defined as newborns with moderate to severe perinatal asphyxia who were older than or equal to 36 weeks of gestational age, needed advanced resuscitation and presented one of the following: early neurological disorders, multi-organ commitment or a sentinel event. The controls were newborns without asphyxia who were born one week apart from the case at the most and had a comparable gestational age. Patients with major congenital malformations and syndromes were excluded. Fifty-six cases and 168 controls were examined. Premature placental abruption (OR=41.09; 95%CI: 4.61-366.56), labor with a prolonged expulsive phase (OR=31.76; 95%CI: 8.33-121.19), lack of oxytocin use (OR=2.57; 95% CI: 1.08 - 6.13) and mothers without a partner (OR=2.56; 95% CI: 1.21-5.41) were risk factors for the development of perinatal asphyxia in the study population. Social difficulties were found in a greater proportion among the mothers of cases. Proper control and monitoring of labor, development of a thorough partograph, and active searches are recommended to ensure that all pregnant women have adequate prenatal care with the provision of social support to reduce the frequency and negative impact of perinatal asphyxia.

  18. Factors associated with suicidal ideation among university students.


    Santos, Hugo Gedeon Barros Dos; Marcon, Samira Reschetti; Espinosa, Mariano Martínez; Baptista, Makilin Nunes; Paulo, Paula Mirianh Cabral de


    entre amigos, consumo de álcool e sintomas depressivos apresentaram associação com ideação suicida. Na análise múltipla permaneceu como fatores associados orientação sexual, tentativas de suicídio na família e presença de sintomas depressivos. tais achados constituem um diagnóstico situacional que possibilita a formulação de políticas acadêmicas e de ações de prevenção para o enfrentamento dessa situação no campus universitário. analizar los factores asociados a la ideación suicida en una muestra representativa de estudiantes universitarios. estudio transversal analítico, realizado con 637 estudiantes en una Universidad Federal de Mato Grosso. Fueron investigadas las variables: presencia de ideación suicida; demográficas y socioeconómicas; uso de alcohol por medio del Alcohol, Smoking and Substance Involvement Screening Test; y síntomas depresivos (Inventario de Depresión Mayor). El análisis bivariado fue realizado con el test de Chi-cuadrado y el análisis múltiple con el modelo de regresión de Poisson. se constató que 9,9% de los estudiantes tuvieron ideas suicidas en los últimos 30 días, y en el análisis bivariado las variables: clase económica; orientación sexual; práctica religiosa; intentos de suicidio en la familia y entre amigos; consumo de alcohol; y síntomas depresivos, presentaron asociación con ideación suicida. En el análisis múltiple permanecieron como factores asociados la orientación sexual, los intentos de suicidio en la familia y la presencia de síntomas depresivos. estos hallazgos constituyen un diagnóstico situacional que posibilita la formulación de políticas académicas y de acciones de prevención para enfrentar esa situación en el campus universitario.

  19. "One of the Most Uniform Races of the Entire World": Creole Eugenics and the Myth of Chilean Racial Homogeneity.


    Walsh, Sarah


    This article illuminates why Nicolás Palacios's 1904 monograph, Raza chilena: Libro escrito por un Chileno i para los Chilenos [Chilean Race: A Book Written by a Chilean for Chileans], is central to the creation of a myth of Chilean racial homogeneity at the turn of the twentieth century. Placing Palacios in the context of Latin American eugenic discourse, it demonstrates how he selected a specific racial origin story in order to accommodate his belief in racial hierarchy while also depicting race mixing in a positive light. Specifically, the article highlights how the myth of Chilean racial homogeneity elided the difference between the term "mestizo," which was applied to people of mixed racial heritage, and "white." I contend that Palacios sought to differentiate Chileans from other Latin Americans by emphasizing their racial distinctiveness. The article therefore highlights that Latin American eugenics was concerned with the creation of national narratives that historicized particular racial mixtures in order to reify and affirm national differences. As such, it connects to literature regarding the history of eugenics, race, nation, and the creation of whiteness.

  20. El aprendizaje significativo en las ciencias al participar en proyectos de investigacion cientifica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mora Polanco, Miguelena

    La ciencia es el eje fundamental a traves del cual se desarrollan las habilidades necesarias para el pensar cientifico que va a la busqueda del conocimiento cientifico. La intencion de este estudio fue indagar en el tema de investigacion cientifica desde el punto de vista de los participantes en los siguientes aspectos relacionados con la experiencia de investigacion cientifica: a) conceptos, b) proceso, c) destrezas y d) disposicion. Tambien se analizaron: a) las perspectivas del metodo cientifico, b) la estrategia de ensenanza, c) la cultura cientifica y d) la exposicion del proyecto investigativo en la Feria Cientifica; como parte del aprendizaje significativo de la ciencias de los participantes. Esta investigacion cualitativa propuso como diseno el estudio de caso. Los aspectos relacionados a la experiencia de participar en proyecto de investigacion cientifica son el fenomeno o caso bajo estudio. En el estudio participaron cinco (5) estudiantes egresados de escuela publica o privada que cursaban hasta el tercer ano de estudios universitarios, conducentes a un bachillerato en educacion secundaria en ciencias o en ciencias naturales. Las tecnicas utilizadas para recopilar los datos fueron: analisis de documentos del DEPR, revision de artefactos y entrevistas profundas. Para el analisis de los datos de las entrevistas se utilizo el modelo de Wolcott (1994). Del analisis de documentos del DEPR se identificaron areas a mejorar en las guias de las cartas circulares con relacion a la investigacion escolar y la feria cientifica. El analisis de los artefactos proveyo evidencia de como los internados, simposios e investigaciones fomentan el que los estudiantes se superen en el aspecto cognitivo, se conviertan en creadores del conocimiento, al hacer suyo los conceptos para poder explicarlos al publico. De las entrevistas los participantes manifestaron que la experiencia de investigacion fue una de aprendizaje significativo que los marco para toda la vida y les expandio su

  1. Cut-Offs and Response Criteria for the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) and Their Comparison to Widely-Used Indices of Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis.


    González-Álvaro, Isidoro; Castrejón, Isabel; Ortiz, Ana M; Toledano, Esther; Castañeda, Santos; García-Vadillo, Alberto; Carmona, Loreto


    To estimate cut-off points and to establish response criteria for the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) in patients with chronic polyarthritis. Two cohorts, one of early arthritis (Princesa Early Arthritis Register Longitudinal [PEARL] study) and other of long-term rheumatoid arthritis (Estudio de la Morbilidad y Expresión Clínica de la Artritis Reumatoide [EMECAR]) including altogether 1200 patients were used to determine cut-off values for remission, and for low, moderate and high activity through receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis. The areas under ROC (AUC) were compared to those of validated indexes (SDAI, CDAI, DAS28). ROC analysis was also applied to establish minimal and relevant clinical improvement for HUPI. The best cut-off points for HUPI are 2, 5 and 9, classifying RA activity as remission if ≤2, low disease activity if >2 and ≤5), moderate if >5 and <9 and high if ≥9. HUPI's AUC to discriminate between low-moderate activity was 0.909 and between moderate-high activity 0.887. DAS28's AUCs were 0.887 and 0.846, respectively; both indices had higher accuracy than SDAI (AUCs: 0.832 and 0.756) and CDAI (AUCs: 0.789 and 0.728). HUPI discriminates remission better than DAS28-ESR in early arthritis, but similarly to SDAI. The HUPI cut-off for minimal clinical improvement was established at 2 and for relevant clinical improvement at 4. Response criteria were established based on these cut-off values. The cut-offs proposed for HUPI perform adequately in patients with either early or long term arthritis.

  2. Cut-Offs and Response Criteria for the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) and Their Comparison to Widely-Used Indices of Disease Activity in Rheumatoid Arthritis

    PubMed Central

    Castrejón, Isabel; Ortiz, Ana M.; Toledano, Esther; Castañeda, Santos; García-Vadillo, Alberto; Carmona, Loreto


    Objective To estimate cut-off points and to establish response criteria for the Hospital Universitario La Princesa Index (HUPI) in patients with chronic polyarthritis. Methods Two cohorts, one of early arthritis (Princesa Early Arthritis Register Longitudinal [PEARL] study) and other of long-term rheumatoid arthritis (Estudio de la Morbilidad y Expresión Clínica de la Artritis Reumatoide [EMECAR]) including altogether 1200 patients were used to determine cut-off values for remission, and for low, moderate and high activity through receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis. The areas under ROC (AUC) were compared to those of validated indexes (SDAI, CDAI, DAS28). ROC analysis was also applied to establish minimal and relevant clinical improvement for HUPI. Results The best cut-off points for HUPI are 2, 5 and 9, classifying RA activity as remission if ≤2, low disease activity if >2 and ≤5), moderate if >5 and <9 and high if ≥9. HUPI’s AUC to discriminate between low-moderate activity was 0.909 and between moderate-high activity 0.887. DAS28’s AUCs were 0.887 and 0.846, respectively; both indices had higher accuracy than SDAI (AUCs: 0.832 and 0.756) and CDAI (AUCs: 0.789 and 0.728). HUPI discriminates remission better than DAS28-ESR in early arthritis, but similarly to SDAI. The HUPI cut-off for minimal clinical improvement was established at 2 and for relevant clinical improvement at 4. Response criteria were established based on these cut-off values. Conclusions The cut-offs proposed for HUPI perform adequately in patients with either early or long term arthritis. PMID:27603313

  3. Learning about the Sky from the Environment: An Experience Working Along One Year with Students of Elementary Education. (Spanish Title: Aprendiendo sobre EL Cielo Desde el Entorno: Una Experiencia Trabajando Durante un Año Junto a Estudiantes del Primario.) Aprendendo sobre o Céu a Partir do Entorno: Uma Experiência de Trabalho ao Longo de um Ano com Alunos de Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longhini, Marcos Daniel; Gomide, Hanny Angeles


    Research developed with 95 students of the 6th year of elementary education in a public school of Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. It was a continuous work from February to December 2013, which led the students to participate in activities of observation of the environment, specifically the sky, analyzing the changes occurred. We focused on the study of variations in temperature, rainfall, day length, variations in the size of the shadows and changes in the aspect of the Moon. Our focus of analysis targeted the discussion of the knowledge that these students had about the topics indicated and as they entered the stage during the implementation of the proposal. The results showed a limited perception that students have of their environment, however, lately expanded due to the undertaken activities, especially in relation to the Moon. Working with systematic measure procedures reveals the careful handling of data so that they become understandable to students, and working with the shadows points towards the students first understand how shadows are formed, and then apply this knowledge to Astronomy. Finally, we conclude that the lived process consisted of an initial step of a work that should be encouraged for the subsequent years of training of these students. Proyecto de investigación desarrollado con 95 alumnos del sexto año de primaria en una escuela pública de Uberlândia, Minas Gerais. Fue un trabajo continuo, de febrero a diciembre de 2013, que llevó a los estudiantes a participar en actividades de observación de su entorno, entre ellas, el cielo, analizando los cambios ocurridos. Nos centramos en el estudio de las variaciones en la temperatura, las precipitaciones, la duración del día, las variaciones en el tamaño de las sombras y los cambios en los aspectos de la Luna. Nuestro foco de análisis se centró en discutir el conocimiento que estos estudiantes tenían sobre los temas indicados al inicio y término de la propuesta. Los resultados mostraron una

  4. The Impact of Contemporary Conflicts Between Latin American Nations on Regional Stability and Cooperation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    of Interamerican Studies and World Affairs, Winter 88-89, pp 139-170. 20. " Bogota y Caracas Acuerdan Med iac ion, " Nuevo Heral1d (Miami), 29 March...Banco Central del Ecuador. El Ecuadur in La OPEP. Quito: Ediciones Bancentral, 1979. 8. "Bogota y Caracas Acuerdan Mediacion." Nuevo Herald (Miami...Sur. Revista Chileno de Geooolitica, Vol. 3, April 1989, pp 59-98. 69. Porse, Ernesto G. "El Conflicto de los Grandes Proyectos Hidroelectricos

  5. Materiales educativos sobre el módulo EnviroAtlas

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La EPA ha diseñado un conjunto de planes de estudios y recursos educativos EnviroAtlas para estudiantes de K-16, que potencia la herramienta EnviroAtlas, y permite a los estudiantes participar en una enseñanza práctica altamente interactiva.

  6. Satellite Moisture Retrieval Techniques. Volume 1. Technique Development and Evaluation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    M3H 5T4 ONTARIO, CANADA BIBLIOTECA INSTITUTE ANARTICO CHILENO LUIS THAYER OJEDA 814 SANTIAGO , CHILE METEORO. OFFICE LIBRARY LONDON ROAD...levels (which could in practice be determined from CO2 sounding channels). The water vapor amounts at the different tropospheric levels are the...parameters for the gases H2O, CO2 , O3, N2O, CO, CH4 and O2. Water vapor was the largest contributor to absorption for all SSH/2 channels with smaller

  7. Percepción de competencia y adiestramiento profesional especializado relativos al VIH/SIDA en estudiantes y profesionales de la salud: el estigma como un indicador de necesidad

    PubMed Central



    El proceso de estigmatización asume una devaluación de la persona debido a una característica o marca que haya sido identificada socialmente y que permita que se le describa como diferente. Desde que se desató la epidemia del VIH/SIDA, vivir con la enfermedad ha sido señalado de manera social como una marca estigmatizante. Las manifestaciones de dicha estigmatización se han documentado entre profesionales de la salud. Este estigma puede afectar los servicios de salud que las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA reciben de estos profesionales. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron explorar: 1) la percepción que tienen estudiantes y profesionales de la salud sobre su nivel de competencia para ofrecer servicios a personas que viven con VIH/SIDA, 2) las opiniones de éstos sobre el tipo de adiestramiento profesional recibido y la necesidad del mismo, y 3) la manifestación de actitudes estigmatizantes como indicadores de necesidad de adiestramiento profesional. La muestra total del estudio estuvo compuesta por 80 de diversas profesiones de la salud. Los resultados reflejan que algunos/as de los/as participantes han recibido formación en VIH pero ésta no ha sido suficiente para contrarrestar las nociones estigmatizantes. Discutimos las implicaciones de los resultados para investigaciones futuras y el desarrollo de intervenciones con vías de minimizar las nociones estigmatizantes en los escenarios de salud. PMID:20011236

  8. [Current state of multidrug resistance in tuberculosis].


    Casal, M; Gutiérrez, J; Ruiz, P


    Given the current concern about multiresistance to drugs in tuberculosis, the data from a large study in two different centers are presented. At the Hospital Universitario Reina Sofía de Córdoba 71,359 clinical isolates of Mycobacterium tuberculosis were processed and at the Centro de Referencia de Micobacterias 2,350 cultures were studied. The percentage of total multiresistance at the Hospital Universitario was 6% from 1996-1998, and 6.7% at the Centro de Referencia in 1998. Although these figures are high, they are lower than in previous years and could indicate the beginning of a decreasing trend, following years of increasing in the 1990s.

  9. Razonamiento de Estudiantes Universitarios sobre Variabilidad e Intervalos de Confianza en un Contexto Inferencial Informal = University Students' Reasoning on Variability and Confidence Intervals in Inferential Informal Context

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Inzunsa Cazares, Santiago


    This article presents the results of a qualitative research with a group of 15 university students of social sciences on informal inferential reasoning developed in a computer environment on concepts involved in the confidence intervals. The results indicate that students developed a correct reasoning about sampling variability and visualized…

  10. Apparent Motion of the Sun, Shadows of Objects and Measurement of Time in the View of Seventh Grade Students of Middle School. (Breton Title: Movimento Aparente do Sol, Sombras dos Objetos e Medição do Tempo na Visão de Alunos do Sétimo Ano do Ensino Fundamental.) Movimiento Aparente del Sol, Sombras de los Objetos y Medición del Tiempo en la Visión de Estudiantes del Séptimo Grado del Ciclo Pirmario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iria Machado, Daniel


    analemático, conduzida por um monitor. Uma proporção significativa de estudantes desconhecia inicialmente a maioria dos fenômenos tratados. A intervenção realizada colaborou para uma parte dos alunos assimilar novos conceitos, propiciando o contato com novos fenômenos e, em menor grau, a elaboração de explicações a respeito destes, indicando um potencial educativo dessa ação. Porém, a contribuição para o entendimento de algumas das ideias exploradas foi pequena, apontando para a necessidade de se fazer observações, estudos e discussões complementares. El movimiento aparente del Sol en la esfera celeste y el comportamiento de las sombras de los objetos a lo largo del tiempo son fenómenos observables en la vida cotidiana. Sin embargo, los estudiantes a menudo no tienen una adecuada comprensión de dichos problemas, e incluso pueden mostrar conceptos erróneos acerca de ellos. Por lo tanto, se realizó una investigación a fin de conocer las nociones de los estudiantes acerca de estas cuestiones y evaluar la contribución a su comprensión proporcionada por una actividad realizada con un reloj de Sol interactivo, en un entorno informal de aprendizaje. Se investigaron las ideas de 43 estudiantes del séptimo grado del ciclo primario mediante la aplicación de un test con preguntas abiertas antes y después de una actividad con un reloj de Sol analemático, dirigida por un monitor. Una proporción significativa de los estudiantes inicialmente desconocía la mayoría de los fenómenos tratados. La intervención realizada contribuyó para que los estudiantes asimilasen nuevos conceptos, proporcionando el contacto con nuevos fenómenos y, en menor medida, desarrollasen explicaciones acerca de estos, lo que indica un potencial educativo de esta acción. Sin embargo, la contribución a la comprensión de algunas de las ideas exploradas fue pequeña, lo que apunta a la necesidad de hacer observaciones, estudios y debates adicionales.

  11. Introversion/Extroversion & Teachers' Perception on Dominican EFL College Students' Performance = La Introversion/Extroversion vs. La Percepcion Profesoral en el Desempeno de Estudiantes Universitarios Dominicanos de Ingles como Lengua Extranjera

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tavarez Da Costa, Pedro


    This article discusses the relationship between introversion/extroversion and a student's performance (academic achievement) as perceived by Teachers of English as a Foreign Language in three regional centers of the Universidad Autonoma de Santo Domingo. There have been a great number of international studies already published to try to explain…

  12. Understanding differences in access and use of healthcare between international immigrants to Chile and the Chilean-born: a repeated cross-sectional population-based study in Chile

    PubMed Central


    -born (with similar health needs, i.e. horizontal inequity). Factors associated with immigrants’ access to, and use of, healthcare were sex, urban/rural status, education and country of origin. Conclusion There were significant associations between SES, and access to and use of healthcare among immigrants in Chile and a higher prevalence of no health care provision entitlement among poor and disabled immigrants compared to the Chilean-born. Changing associations between access and use of healthcare and SES among immigrants in Chile over time may reflect changes in their socio-demographic composition or in the survey methodology between 2006 and 2009. Resumen Introducción La evidencia internacional indica menor acceso y uso de servicios de salud por parte de inmigrantes, pero sus factores desencadenantes varían significativamente dependiendo del contexto. Algunas investigaciones se han desarrollado en este tema en América Latina, desde una perspectiva cualitativa. Este estudio cuantitativo exploró el auto-reporte de acceso y uso de servicios de salud de inmigrantes en Chile y los comparó con la población chilena. Métodos Análisis secundario de datos de encuesta nacional CASEN 2006 y 2009. Inmigrantes fueron comparados con chilenos en características demográficas (edad, sexo, urbano/rural, composición del hogar, etnia), estatus socioeconómico (educación, ingreso, situación contractual), tipo de previsión (pública, privada, otra, ninguna), y uso de varios servicios de atención primaria. Análisis descriptivo, estratificado, y modelos de regresión ponderados para entender factores asociados al acceso y uso de servicios de salud en STATA 11.0. Resultados Se observó un aumento de reporte de inmigrantes y de la desigualdad en el ingreso de inmigrantes entre 2006 y 2009. Hubo una disminución en la tasa de inmigrantes sin previsión y un aumento en el acceso al sistema privado. Los inmigrantes usaron más frecuentemente la atención prenatal y ginecológica, y

  13. [Sodium and potassium content of various Chilean foods].


    Alvarez de Araya, C; Farah, M; Zuccarelli, M T; Masson, L


    Sodium and potassium contents of 40 high-protein dietary products were determined in order to complete the Table de Composición Química se Alimentos Chilenos (Chemical Composition Table of Chilean Foods). These cations' level must be strictly controlled in diets of many renal and heart patients. In Chile, Nutritionists who are in charge of preparing these diets, do not have a national composition table related to the sodium and potassium content for most of the food products. Samples of fluid cow's milk, dried milk with different fat contents, some cheeses, hen eggs, bovine entrails, some meat derivates and several meat cuts, including bovine, pork, lamb and chicken were studied.

  14. 76 FR 67792 - Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., Baja California, Mexico; DOB 14 Nov 1968; Alt. DOB 14 Nov 1966; POB Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; Citizen... Costa Bella, Ensenada, Baja California, Mexico; (ENTITY) [SDNTK] 2. AUTODROMO CULIACAN RACE PARK, Blvd. Universitarios No. 196 Ote., Piso 4, Colonia Tierra Blanca, Culiacan, Sinaloa, Mexico; Carretera Libre, Culiacan...

  15. 77 FR 2347 - Additional Designations, Foreign Narcotics Kingpin Designation Act

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... identified by the President. In addition, the Secretary of the Treasury, in consultation with the Attorney.... 80010, Mexico; Boulevard Universitarios No. 789, Local 4, Colonia Villa Universidad, Culiacan, Sinaloa C.P. 80010, Mexico; Localidad San Jose del Barranco S/N, Badiraguato, Sinaloa C.P. 80500, Mexico; DOB...

  16. Genome Sequence of Klebsiella pneumoniae KpQ3, a DHA-1 β-Lactamase-Producing Nosocomial Isolate

    PubMed Central

    Tobes, Raquel; Codoñer, Francisco M.; López-Camacho, Elena; Salanueva, Iñigo J.; Manrique, Marina; Brozynska, Marta; Gómez-Gil, Rosa; Martínez-Blanch, Juan F.; Álvarez-Tejado, Miguel; Pareja, Eduardo


    Klebsiella pneumoniae KpQ3 is a multidrug-resistant isolate obtained from a blood culture of a patient in a burn unit in the Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid, Spain) in 2008. The genome contains multiple antibiotic resistance genes, including a plasmid-mediated DHA-1 cephalosporinase gene. PMID:23469341

  17. From Student Associations to CEUNE: The Development of Student Representation in Spain

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parejo, José Luis; Lorente, Javier


    The forms of students' political participation in the administration of higher education in Spain have evolved throughout history. Spain has developed from a period characterised by the corporatist model of Sindicato Espanõl Universitario--as a single syndicate of students controlled by the Franco Regime--towards the emergence of a student…

  18. Management of postoperative pain in abdominal surgery in Spain. A multicentre drug utilization study

    PubMed Central

    Vallano, Antonio; Aguilera, Cristina; Arnau, Josep Maria; Baños, Josep-Eladi; Laporte, Joan-Ramon


    Participating centres: Hospital Universitario San Juan, Alicante: Maria Jesús Olaso, Javier Agulló, Clara Faura. Hospital Torrecárdenas, Almería: Carmen Fernández Sánchez, Miguel Lorenzo Campos, Juan Manuel Rodríguez Alonso. Hospital Quirúrgic Adriano, Barcelona: Carmen Alerany Pardo, Paquita Alvarez González, Teresa Martín Benito. Hospital Universitari del Mar-IMIM, Barcelona: Magí Farré, Maite Terán. Corporació Sanitària Parc Taulí, Sabadell: Montserrat Cañellas, Sergio Zavala, Josep Planell. Hospital Universitari de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau: Gonzalo Calvo, Rosa Morros, Silvia Mateo. Hospital General Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona: Carmen Bosch, María José Martínez. Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Málaga: Maribel Lucena, José Antonio González, Gabriel Carranque. Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos, Madrid: Emilio Vargas, Amparo Gil López-Oliva, Míriam García Mateos. Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, Santander: Mario González, Antonio Cuadrado. Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Macarena, Sevilla: Juan Antonio Durán, Pilar Máyquez, María Isabel Serrano. Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío, Sevilla: Jaume Torelló, Juan Ramón Castillo, María de las Nieves Merino. Aims Postoperative pain is common in hospital-admitted patients. Its management is determined by different therapeutic traditions and by the attitudes of health professionals in each hospital. The aim of this study was to describe the patterns of prescription and administration of analgesic drugs used for postoperative pain after abdominal surgery in Spanish hospitals, to know the prevalence and the severity of postoperative pain, and to determine the extent of variability in the management of postoperative pain among the participating centres. Methods The study was a multicentre descriptive cross-sectional drug utilization study in 12 Spanish hospitals. The subjects were an unselected sample of consecutive patients undergoing abdominal

  19. CLAVE: Revista Especializada de ASOVELE (Asociacion Venezolana para la Ensenanza de la Lengua), 1997-1998 (CLAVE: Specialized Magazine of ASOVELE [Venezuelan Association for Language Teaching], 1997-1998).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rondon, Adolfo, Ed.; Serron, Sergio, Ed.


    These two issues of the journal "CLAVE" contain these articles in Spanish with one article in English: "La ensenanza de la lingua materna" (Pablo Arnaez); "Saben resumir los alumnos universitarios de nuevo ingreso?" (Marisol Garcia); "El desempeno en la escritura de cartas argumentativas y cuentos en alumnos de octavo grado" (Yolanda Perez, Maria…

  20. [Not Available].


    Díaz, Toni; Ficapal-Cusí, Pilar; Aguilar-Martínez, Alicia


    Introducción: a pesar de la relevancia nutricional del desayuno para el desarrollo y su asociación a un mejor aprendizaje y rendimiento escolar, numerosos estudios ponen en evidencia que en muchos casos se omite o se hace mal.Objetivo: determinar la calidad del desayuno de estudiantes de entre 10 y 16 años con intención de determinar en qué momento sería conveniente realizar programas educativos sobre la importancia de esta comida y cómo mejorar su calidad.Método: estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal a partir de un cuestionario con preguntas cerradas acerca de los hábitos de alimentación en el desayuno en estudiantes de educación primaria y secundaria.Resultados y conclusión: solo el 18,5% de los estudiantes realiza un desayuno de buena calidad y su mala calidad va aumentando progresivamente con los cursos y se asocia al hecho de desayunar solo. En ambos niveles educativos los alimentos más consumidos en casa pertenecen al grupo de los lácteos y los cereales, mientras que en el centro escolar, el bocadillo resulta el desayuno más habitual; no obstante se observan diferencias entre primaria y secundaria en cuanto al consumo de fruta y bebidas azucaradas, entre otros.Conclusión: sería interesante valorar la instauración de programas de desayuno escolar incluyendo en ellos no solo a estudiantes de primaria, sino también, y especialmente, a adolescentes pues son estos quienes omiten esta comida en mayor proporción. Las intervenciones deberían orientarse a corregir las desviaciones más habituales observadas en cada uno de los niveles educativos.

  1. Physical activity and overweight among adolescents on the Texas-Mexico border

    PubMed Central

    Pérez, Adriana; Reininger, Belinda M.; Flores, Maria Isabel Aguirre; Sanderson, Maureen; Roberts, Robert E.


    overweight and are overweight. Implementation of interventions on healthful dietary choices and participation in physical education classes and sports teams are essential for reducing the extremely high prevalence of overweight among students on both sides of the Texas/Mexico border. ABSTRACT. Spanish. Objetivo: Investigar si hay diferencias en las asociaciones entre la actividad física y el sobrepeso observadas en estudiantes de dos zonas colindantes en la frontera mexicanoestadounidense: estudiantes de la ciudad de Matamoros, México, y estudiantes mexicanoestadounidenses del valle a lo largo de la desembocadura del Río Bravo (VRB) en la parte sur del estado de Texas. Dada la consabida prevalencia extremadamente alta de sobrepeso en adolescentes mexicanoestadounidenses, los autores queríamos determinar si el sobrepeso también se ha convertido en un problema entre adolescentes mexicanos. Métodos: Estudiantes de 6 escuelas (n = 653), que comprenden 11% de los estudiantes de noveno grado en Matamoros durante 2002–2003, y estudiantes de 13 bachilleratos (n = 4 736), que comprenden 22% de los estudiantes de noveno grado del VRB durante 2000–2001, contestaron cuestionarios. Se llevó a cabo una regresión logística politómica a fin de calcular el riesgo de estar en riesgo de tener sobrepeso (≥85.° percentil a <95.° percentil de índice de masa corporal (IMC) para la edad y el sexo) y el riesgo de tener sobrepeso (≥95.° percentil de índice de masa corporal (IMC) para la edad y el sexo), frente a un peso normal, que se asociaban con distintos grados de actividad física. En aras de la sencillez, en la clasificación del peso normal también se abarcó la insuficiencia de peso. Resultados: Un mayor porcentaje de adolescentes estaban en riesgo de sufrir sobrepeso en el VRB (17%) que en Matamoros (15%). Los porcentajes de adolescentes de VRB y de Matamoros que tenían sobrepeso fueron idénticos (17%). Los varones adolescentes en el VRB (razón de posibilidades [RP

  2. No Anticorrelation between Cyclotron Line Energy and X-ray Flux in 4U 0115+634

    DTIC Science & Technology


    University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 92093, USA 10 Instituto Universitario de Física Aplicada a las Ciencias y las Tecnologías, University of...Space Agency CNES through CNRS. S.M.N. and J.M.T. acknowledge support from the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia , Tecnología e Innovación (MCINN) through

  3. Establishing the Empirical Relationship Between Non-Science Majoring Undergraduate Learners' Spatial Thinking Skills and Their Conceptual Astronomy Knowledge. (Spanish Title: Estableciendo Una Relación Empírica Entre el Razonamiento Espacial de los Estudiantes de Graduación de Carreras no Científicas y su Conocimento Conceptual de la Astronomía.) Estabelecendo Uma Relação Empírica Entre o RacioCínio Espacial dos Estudantes de Graduação EM Carreiras Não Científicas e Seu Conhecimento Conceitual da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heyer, Inge; Slater, Stephanie J.; Slater, Timothy F.


    The astronomy education community has tacitly assumed that learning astronomy is a conceptual domain resting upon spatial thinking skills. As a first step to formally identify an empirical relationship, undergraduate students in a non-major introductory astronomy survey class at a mediumsized, Ph.D. granting, mid-western US university were given pre- and post-astronomy conceptual diagnostics and spatial reasoning diagnostics, Instruments used were the "Test Of Astronomy Standards" and "What Do You Know?" Using only fully matched data for analysis, our sample consisted of 86 undergraduate non-science majors. Students' normalized gains for astronomy surveys were low at .26 and .13 respectively. Students' spatial thinking was measured using an instrument designed specifically for this study. Correlations between the astronomy instruments' pre- to post-course gain scores and the spatial assessment instrument show moderate to strong relationships suggesting the relationship between spatial reasoning and astronomy ability can explain about 25% of the variation in student achievement. La comunidad de educación en astronomía ha supuesto de forma tácita que el aprendizaje de la astronomía consiste en un dominio conceptual fundamentado en el razonamiento espacial. Como un primer paso para identificar formalmente una relación empírica entre estas dos cosas, utilizamos como muestra los estudantes de graduación de carreras no científicas de un curso experimental en una universidad norteamericana del medioeste de porte mediano con programa de Doctorado em curso, en el cual estos estudiantes se sometieron a un diagnóstico de razonamiento espacial y conceptos astronómicos antes e después del mismo. Las herramientas utilizadas fueron el Test Of Astronomy Standards (TOAST) y el cuestionario What do you know? Utilizando solo los datos completamente consistentes para este análisis, nuestra muestra consistió en 86 estudantes de graduación. Las mejoras, depués de

  4. A Comparison of Chinese and Colombian University EFL Students Regarding Learner Autonomy (Comparación entre estudiantes universitarios de inglés chinos y colombianos con respecto a su autonomía como aprendices)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Buendía Arias, Ximena Paola


    This research seeks to gain deeper understanding of learner autonomy in English as a Foreign Language students from different cultures through the identification and analysis of similarities and differences between Chinese and Colombian students from two public universities: Tianjin Foreign Studies University in China and Universidad Surcolombiana…

  5. Iranian EFL and Indian ESL College Students' Beliefs about Reading Strategies in L2 (Creencias de estudiantes universitarios iraníes EFL e hindúes ESL acerca de las estrategias de lectura en L2)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Karbalaei, Alireza


    The notion of "learner beliefs" has garnered much attention in the field of second language acquisition. Although different studies have been conducted to study learners' beliefs about language learning, little research has looked into the issue of L2 readers' beliefs and their relations to reading strategies. This study investigated…

  6. Cross-cultural adaptation of the Chilean version of the Voice Symptom Scale - VoiSS.


    Ruston, Francisco Contreras; Moreti, Felipe; Vivero, Martín; Malebran, Celina; Behlau, Mara

    This research aims to accomplish the cross-cultural equivalence of the Chilean version of the VoiSS protocol through its cultural and linguistic adaptation. After the translation of the VoiSS protocol to Chilean Spanish by two bilingual speech therapists and its back translation to English, we compared the items of the original tool with the previous translated version. The existing discrepancies were modified by a consensus committee of five speech therapists and the translated version was entitled Escala de Sintomas Vocales - ESV, with 30 questions and five answers: "Never", "Occasionally", "Sometimes", "Most of the time", "Always". For cross-cultural equivalence, the protocol was applied to 15 individuals with vocal problems. In each question the option of "Not applicable" was added to the answer choices for identification of the questions not comprehended or not appropriate for the target population. Two individuals had difficulty answering two questions, which made it necessary to adapt the translation of only one of them. The modified ESV was applied to three individuals with vocal problems, and there were incomprehensible inappropriate questions for the Chilean culture. The ESV reflects the original English version, both in the number of questions and the limitations of the emotional and physical domains. There is now a cross-cultural equivalence of VoiSS in Chilean Spanish, titled ESV. The validation of the ESV for Chilean Spanish is ongoing. RESUMEN Este estudio tuvo como objetivo realizar la equivalencia cultural de la versión Chilena del protocolo Voice Symptom Scale - VoiSS por medio de su adaptación cultural y lingüística. Después de la traducción del VoiSS para el Español Chileno, por dos fonoaudiólogos bilingües, y de la retro traducción para el inglés, se realizó una comparación de los ítems del instrumento original con la versión traducida, surgiendo discrepancias; tales divergencias fueron resueltas por un comité compuesto por

  7. Revision curricular a partir de un analisis comparativo de las discrepancias en los curriculos de una escuela de optometria en Puerto Rico con las competencias requeridas para las agencias de revalida y acreditacion 2004

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera Pacheco, Andres

    El proposito de esta investigacion, un estudio cualitativo de caso, fue comparar y contrastar el curriculo vigente de la Escuela de Optometria de la UIAPR con las competencias y estandares requeridos por las agencias de acreditacion y de revalida. Con este proposito, decidimos realizar una revision y un analisis de documentos: el prontuario de cada uno de los cursos de los curriculos implantados en el 1993 y en el 2001; las competencias y estandares establecidos por las agencias de revalida y de acreditacion; y las estadisticas en las que se analiza el porcentaje de estudiantes que aprueban cada una de las partes de los examenes de revalida entre el 1998 al 2003. Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas para dar apoyo y complementar la revision y el analisis de estos documentos. Los participantes de las entrevistas fueron tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2004 (ultima clase del curriculo del 1993); tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2005 (primera clase graduanda del curriculo vigente) y tres profesores y/o directores de los Departamentos de Ciencias Basicas, Ciencias Clinicas y Cuidado al Paciente. Esta investigacion se enmarco en el modelo de evaluacion curricular de discrepancia de Malcolm Provus y en el modelo de desarrollo basado en competencias. Uno de los hallazgos mas importantes del estudio es que los cambios que se implantaron al curriculo del 2001 no han logrado que los estudiantes mejoren su ejecucion en los examenes de revalida. Por otro lado, se encontro que el curriculo vigente atiende completamente los estandares de la practica de Optometria, pero no las competencias. Esta informacion fue validada mediante el uso de una tabla de cotejo para el analisis de los cursos y de la informacion obtenida de las entrevistas. El estudio determina y concluye que existen discrepancias entre los prontuarios de los cursos del curriculo y las competencias requeridas por la agencia de revalida. Segundo, que el Departamento de Ciencias Basicas es el

  8. Spirituality and Cultural Identification Among Latino and Non-Latino College Students

    PubMed Central

    Campesino, Maureen; Belyea, Michael; Schwartz, Gary


    The purposes of this study were to examine (a) differences in spiritual perspectives and practices of Latino and non-Latino young adults and (b) the cultural relevance of the Latino Spiritual Perspective Scale (LSPS). Studies indicate that spiritual perspectives are embedded within cultural group norms and vary significantly across ethnic groups. A cross-sectional survey design was used with a convenience sample of 223 Latino and non-Latino university students in the Southwestern United States. The Spiritual Perspective Scale (SPS), the LSPS, the Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale, and a demographic questionnaire were used. Latinos scored significantly higher than non-Latinos in both measures of spiritual perspectives. Self-reported behavioral measures, such as frequency of personal prayer, were also higher among the Latino group. Latino cultural identification was the only significant predictor of LSPS scores. Findings from this study indicate that spirituality among Latinos has meanings specific to the cultural group context. These findings have implications for nursing research involving the conceptualization and measurement of spirituality among multiethnic groups. Los propósitos de este estudio eran examinar: (a) diferencias en perspectivas espirituales y prácticas de jóvenes Latinos y no Latinos; y (b) la relevancia cultural de la Escala de la Perspectiva Espiritual Latina. Estudios indican que perspectivas espirituales están incrustadas entre normas culturales del grupo y varían considerablemente entre grupos étnicos. Un diseño transversal y de encuesta fue utilizado con una muestra de conveniencia de 233 estudiantes universitarios Latinos y no Latinos en el Suroeste de los Estados Unidos. La Escala de la Perspectiva Espiritual (EPE), la Escala de la Perspectiva Espiritual Latina (EPEL), la Escala Ortogonal de Identificación Cultural, y un cuestionario demográfico fueron utilizados. Los Latinos calificaron considerablemente más alto que los

  9. Spirituality and Cultural Identification Among Latino and Non-Latino College Students.


    Campesino, Maureen; Belyea, Michael; Schwartz, Gary


    The purposes of this study were to examine (a) differences in spiritual perspectives and practices of Latino and non-Latino young adults and (b) the cultural relevance of the Latino Spiritual Perspective Scale (LSPS). Studies indicate that spiritual perspectives are embedded within cultural group norms and vary significantly across ethnic groups. A cross-sectional survey design was used with a convenience sample of 223 Latino and non-Latino university students in the Southwestern United States. The Spiritual Perspective Scale (SPS), the LSPS, the Orthogonal Cultural Identification Scale, and a demographic questionnaire were used. Latinos scored significantly higher than non-Latinos in both measures of spiritual perspectives. Self-reported behavioral measures, such as frequency of personal prayer, were also higher among the Latino group. Latino cultural identification was the only significant predictor of LSPS scores. Findings from this study indicate that spirituality among Latinos has meanings specific to the cultural group context. These findings have implications for nursing research involving the conceptualization and measurement of spirituality among multiethnic groups.Los propósitos de este estudio eran examinar: (a) diferencias en perspectivas espirituales y prácticas de jóvenes Latinos y no Latinos; y (b) la relevancia cultural de la Escala de la Perspectiva Espiritual Latina. Estudios indican que perspectivas espirituales están incrustadas entre normas culturales del grupo y varían considerablemente entre grupos étnicos. Un diseño transversal y de encuesta fue utilizado con una muestra de conveniencia de 233 estudiantes universitarios Latinos y no Latinos en el Suroeste de los Estados Unidos. La Escala de la Perspectiva Espiritual (EPE), la Escala de la Perspectiva Espiritual Latina (EPEL), la Escala Ortogonal de Identificación Cultural, y un cuestionario demográfico fueron utilizados. Los Latinos calificaron considerablemente más alto que los no

  10. A Novel 3D Hybrid FEM-PO Technique for the Analysis of Scattering Problems

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Magdalena Salazar-Palma3 Tapan K. Sarkar4 1Departamento de Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones , Universidad Politécnica de Madrid 2Departamento de...Teoría de la Señal y Comunicaciones , Universidad de Alcalá Escuela Politécnica, Campus Universitario, Ctra. Madrid-Barcelona Km. 33.600 28806 Alcalá de...NUMBER 7. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME(S) AND ADDRESS(ES) Departamento de Ingeniería Audiovisual y Comunicaciones , Universidad Politécnica de

  11. The legacy of care as reflexive learning.


    García, Marta Rodríguez; Moya, Jose Luis Medina


    to analyze whether the tutor's use of reflexive strategies encourages the students to reflect. The goal is to discover what type of strategies can help to achieve this and how tutors and students behave in the practical context. a qualitative and ethnographic focus was adopted. Twenty-seven students and 15 tutors from three health centers participated. The latter had received specific training on reflexive clinical tutoring. The analysis was developed through constant comparisons of the categories. the results demonstrate that the tutors' use of reflexive strategies such as didactic questioning, didactic empathy and pedagogical silence contributes to encourage the students' reflection and significant learning. reflexive practice is key to tutors' training and students' learning. analisar se o uso de estratégias reflexivas por parte da tutora de estágio clínico estimula a reflexão nos estudantes. A intenção é descobrir qual tipo de estratégias podem ajudar a fazê-lo e como as tutoras e os estudantes se comportam no contexto prático. foi adotado um enfoque qualitativo de cunho etnográfico em que participaram 27 estudantes e 15 tutores de três centros de saúde que haviam recebido formação específica sobre tutoria clínica reflexiva. A análise foi realizada por meio de comparações constantes das categorias. os resultados demonstram que o uso de estratégias reflexivas como a interrogação didática, a empatia didática e o silêncio pedagógico por parte das tutoras, contribui para fomentar a reflexão do estudante e sua aprendizagem significativa. a prática reflexiva é a chave para a formação dos tutores e para a aprendizagem dos estudantes. analizar si el uso de estrategias reflexivas por parte de la tutora de prácticas clínicas fomenta la reflexión en los estudiantes. Se trata de conocer qué tipo de estrategias pueden ayudar a hacerlo y cómo se comportan tutoras y estudiantes en el contexto práctico. se ha utilizado un enfoque

  12. Effectiveness of surgical treatment in chronic migraine.


    Amaya-Blas, Francisco Javier; Mecott, Gabriel A; Marfil-Rivera, Alejandro; Tamayo-Esquivel, María de Lourdes; García-Pérez, Mauricio Manuel; Chacón-Moreno, Hernán; Pérez-Porras, Sergio; Coutiño, Rosa; Castro-Góvea, Yanko


    Migraine affects more than 35 million people in the United States of America, and 10% of the population in the world. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of surgical treatment in chronic migraine with frontal or occipital trigger areas. We designed a pilot, proof of concept, and prospective study to analyze the effectiveness of surgical release of trigger nerves in severe frontal or occipital chronic migraines. The study was approved by the Ethics and Investigation Committee of Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González (Monterrey, N.L., Mexico). We included patients diagnosed with chronic migraine by the neurology service of Hospital Universitario Dr. José Eleuterio González that attended our consult from March to December 2012. The patients were assessed by the MIDAS questionnaire and the diagnosis confirmed by injecting 2% lidocaine in the trigger sites. We realized a superior palpebral approach in frontal migraines to resection the glabellar muscles and an occipital approach to free the greater occipital nerve bilaterally. We evaluated complete and partial clinical response measuring the frequency, intensity, and duration of migraine episodes. We included three patients with Stage IV (severe incapacitating) frontal or occipital chronic migraines. Two were occipital trigger sites and one frontal. We obtained complete clinical response in two patients and a partial response in one. Pain intensity decreased in all patients. Surgical treatment is effective in Stage IV (severe incapacitating) frontal or occipital trigger chronic migraines. Copyright: © 2018 Permanyer.

  13. A novel method of placing right ventricular leads in patients with persistent left superior vena cava using a conventional j stylet.


    Mora, Guillermo


    Locating pacemaker electrodes can become complicated by congenital abnormalities such as persistent left superior vena cava (LSVC). To evaluate a technique for the implanting of ventricular electrode in patients with persistent LSVC. The study was carried out from June 2001 to June 2010 involving all patients who were admitted to the Hospital Universitario Mayor, Instituto de Corazon de Bogota and Hospital Universitario Clinica San Rafael (Bogota-Colombia) for implanting pacemakers or cardiac defibrillators. LSVC was diagnosed by fluoroscopic observation (anterior-posterior view) of the course of the stylet. Four steps were followed: 1) Move the electrode with a straight stylet to the right atrium. 2) Change the straight stylet by a conventional J stylet and push the electrode to the lateral or anterolateral wall of the right atrium. 3) Remove the guide 3-5 cm and 4) Push the electrode which crosses the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle and finally deploy the active fixation mechanism. A total of 1198 patients were admitted for pacemaker or cardiac defibrillator implant during the 9-year study period, 1114 received a left subclavian venous approach. There were 573 males and 541 females. Persistent LSVC was found in five patients (0.45%) Fluoroscopy time for implanting the ventricular electrode ranged from 60 to 250 seconds, 40 to 92 minutes being taken to complete the whole procedure. We present a simple and rapid technique for electrode placement in patients with LSVC using usual J guide and active fixation electrodes with high success.

  14. [Results of a health education intervention in the continuity of breastfeeding].


    Molinero Diaz, Patricia; Burgos Rodríguez, María José; Mejía Ramírez de Arellano, Mercedes


    evaluate the efficacy of a nursing intervention based on active observation and resolution of the problems of breastfeeding in the period 24-48h post-partum as regards stopping breastfeeding in mothers who gave birth in Hospital General Universitario, Ciudad Real. A clinical trial was conducted on 100 healthy women who had given birth to a healthy baby in the maternity unit of the Hospital General Universitario Ciudad Real. The results showed that 39.8% of women have problems, and 72% need help to initiate the breastfeeding. Approximately 79.9% continue with breastfeeding after hospital discharge as a result of our intervention. Breastfeeding was stopped by 31.1% of the control group, and by 10.9% in the experimental group (nursing intervention), with significant differences being observed in both groups, with RR 1.29 and 95% CI; 1.04-1.61. Hypogalactia (low milk production) was the most frequent reason for stopping, with no differences in both groups. At 3 months, 16.9% had stopped breastfeeding in the control group, and 9% in the experimental group. At 6 months, 19.3% of the control group did not continue with breastfeeding versus 15.9% in the experimental group. Action, and not only intervention, protocols in the period 48h pospartum when there were problems with breastfeeding were effective for initiation breastfeeding at hospital discharge. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  15. [Medical movement in Mexico. To 50 years. Open file].


    Sandoval-Gutiérrez, José Luis


    Gutiérrez-Samperio hace una excelente narrativa del movimiento denominado «blanco» hace medio siglo, encabezado por médicos y otros trabajadores de salud, principalmente enfermeras. Es importante revisar los logros y limitaciones que dicho fenómeno alcanzó. Por ejemplo, actualmente el residente que cursa una especialidad cuenta con un reconocimiento institucional, universitario y de profesiones al término de su formación, además de tener una beca económica (probablemente insuficiente) y días de vacaciones programados.

  16. Como preparar un programa de informacion sobre la asistencia economica (Planning a Financial Aid Awareness Program).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Department of Education, Washington, DC.

    This booklet, written in Spanish, is intended to be used with a set of slides as part of a presentation to students on "How To Apply for Federal Student Aid" ("Como Solicitar la Asistencia Economica Federal para Estudiantes"). The first part of the book is a script based on the slides. After the script is a guide to hosting a financial aid…

  17. Inclusion of Astronomy Themes in an Inovative Approach of Informal Physics Teaching for High School Students. (Spanish Title: Inclusión de Temas Astronómicos en Uma Abordaje Innovadora de la Enseñanza Informal de Física Para Estudiantes de Secumdaria.) Inclusão de Temas Astronômicos Numa Abordagem Inovadora do Ensino Informal de Física Para Estudantes do Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tiara Mota, Aline; de Morais Bonomini, Iracema Ariel; Meloni Martins Rosado, Ricardo


    The current work reports on an experience on Astronomy education at the Federal University of Itajubá through an extra-curricular course offered for High School students. This initiative was motivated by the low attention paid to the Astronomy subjects at this stage of the Brazilian Formal Education, in spite that the National Curricular Parameters (PCN and PCN+, in Brazil) point out the importance of their inclusion Este artículo relata una experiencia en la enseñanza de la astronomía efectuada en la Universidad Federal de Itajubá en la forma de un curso de extensión orientado para los estudiantes del colegio secundario. Esta iniciativa surgió de constatar la poca atención dada a la Astronomía en esta etapa de la Educación formal brasileña, a pesar que los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCN y PCN+, en Brasil) destacan la importancia de su inclusión. Este artigo relata uma experiência em ensino de Astronomia realizada na Universidade Federal de Itajubá na forma de um curso de extensão voltado para alunos do Ensino Médio. Esta iniciativa surgiu da pouca atenção que se dá à Astronomia nesta etapa da Educação embora os Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN e PCN+) apontem a importância de sua inclusão.

  18. Experiencias y repercusión de una formación en ética de investigación

    PubMed Central

    Rupaya, Carmen Rosa García


    El presente artículo tiene como propósito describir los logros y repercusiones de la capacitación en ética de la investigación que brinda el Centro Interdisciplinario de Estudios en Bioética de la Universidad de Chile, sirviendo de estímulo, motivación y orientación a profesionales que requieren conocer y aplicar las normas y el raciocinio conducente a la deliberación de los problemas en esta disciplina. Asimismo, describe cómo este conocimiento genera un efecto multiplicador en aspectos tales como la participación en un comité de ética de la investigación (CEI), organización de cursos y creación y desarrollo de líneas de investigación, que repercuten en publicaciones realizadas con estudiantes de posgrado. Relata además los contenidos y estrategias didácticas que pueden ser empleados en cursos de ética y bioética para estudiantes de estomatología y concluye mencionando la aplicación práctica de esta capacitación en los ámbitos docente, institucional y de investigación. PMID:24482556

  19. Student Rights and Responsibilities. Derechos y Responsabilidades de Estudiantes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Washington Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia.

    Developed to enable teachers, counselors, and administrators in local school districts to provide Mexican American parents and students with needed information regarding student rights and responsibilities, this Spanish translation for the state of Washington provides general information concerning state regulations which school districts and…

  20. Observations on kangaroo baby care.


    Mukasa, G K


    The author's visit to "kangaroo care" programs in Guatemala and Colombia has led Uganda's University of Kampala to consider the introduction of this innovation in its neonatal special care unit. Such programs, which place premature infants in direct contact with their mother's skin during breastfeeding, represents a simple, inexpensive strategy for infant survival in developing countries and eliminates the need for mechanical incubators. Research conducted at the Hospital Universitario de Valle in Cali, Colombia, found that falls in the infant's body temperature. In the Latin American programs, premature infants are entered into the breastfeeding program immediately after delivery.

  1. [Diagnostic hysteroscopy indications and results in Complexo Hospitalario Universitario De Ourense].


    Pato-Mosquera, Mónica; Vázquez-Rodríguez, Marta; Pérez-Adán, Marta; García-García, María Jesús; Blanco-Pérez, Susana


    Diagnostic hysteroscopy is an endoscopic technique that allows the evaluation of the endocervical canal and uterine cavity. To evaluate indications, complications and referral to operative hysteroscopy. To analyze the correlation between sonographic display, hysteroscopy findings and histological diagnosis. Retrospective and descriptive study of 904 patients who underwent diagnostic hysteroscopy between January 1, 2008 and June 30, 2012. The most frequent indication was sonographic detection of endometrial polyps (75% were premenopausal and 71.2% postmenopausal). The complication rate associated with the test was 11.4%. The reduction experimented in operative hysteroscopies was from 31.2% in 2008 to 12.2% between January and June 2012. When a polyp or a myoma was detected by sonography, diagnostic hysteroscopy showed them in 64.4% y 62.5% of the cases, respectively. The correlation between hysteroscopic findings and histopathologic diagnosis was 77.7% for normal endometrium, 77.9% for polyps, 17.8% for hyperplasic appearance and 100% for carcinoma suspicion. Diagnostic hysteroscopy is a safe technique that allows small interventions avoiding operative hysteroscopies. There is a good relation between hysteroscopic visual inspection and anatomopathologic diagnosis, but biopsy should be taken except if normal endometrium is visualized.


    PubMed Central



    Health literacy in patients attending a University Hospital. Low level of health literacy is associated with poor communication between patients and clinicians and with increased hospitalization rates, less frequent screening for cancer, poor control of diabetes, and disproportionately high rates of disease and mortality. Despite the importance of health literacy in medicine, there is no information about its prevalence in Latin America. The aim of this study was to assess the prevalence of inadequate health literacy in a random sample of patients, at a University Hospital where a descriptive study was performed during 2007. Health literacy was assessed through the Short Assessment of Health Literacy for Spanish-speaking Adults. Participants were randomly selected from the ambulatory clinic and from the medical inpatient ward during 2007.There were a total of 2345 patients potentially eligible during the time of the study, 234 were approached after random selection and 229 patients were interviewed (98% response); 54.6% of respondents were women and 62% were recruited from the ambulatory clinic. The respondents had a median age of 56 years. The prevalence of inadequate health literacy was 30.1% (69 patients). Patients with ≤ 7 years of formal education had more risk of having inadequate health literacy compared with those with > 12 years of education OR = 45.1 (IC 9.6-211.6). We found a high prevalence of inadequate health literacy, being strongly associated with the level of formal education. It is important that health care providers know the implications of health literacy and its consequences. PMID:20053602

  3. [Case reports of drug-induced liver injury in a reference hospital of Zulia state, Venezuela].


    Mengual-Moreno, Edgardo; Lizarzábal-García, Maribel; Ruiz-Soler, María; Silva-Suarez, Niniveth; Andrade-Bellido, Raúl; Lucena-González, Maribel; Bessone, Fernando; Hernández, Nelia; Sánchez, Adriana; Medina-Cáliz, Inmaculada


    Drug-induced liver injury (DILI) is an important cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide, with varied geographical differences. The aim of this prospective, descriptive, cross-sectional study was to identify and characterize cases of DILI in a hospital of Zulia state, Venezuela. Thirteen patients with a presumptive diagnosis of DILI attended by the Department of Gastroenterology, Hospital Universitario, Zulia state, Venezuela, from December-2012 to December-2013 were studied. Ibuprofen (n = 3; 23.1%), acetaminophen (n = 3; 23.1), isoniazid (n = 2; 15.4%) and Herbalife products (n = 2; 15.4%) were the main drugs involved with DILI. Acetaminophen and ibuprofen showed a mixed pattern of liver injury (n = 3; 23.1%) and isoniazid presented a hepatocellular pattern (n = 2; 15.4%). The CIOMS/RUCAMS allowed the identification of possible (n = 7; 53.9%), probable (n = 4; 30.8%) and highly-probable cases (n = 2; 15.4%) of DILI. Amoxicillin/clavulanate, isoniazid, isotretinoin, methotrexate and Herbalife nutritional products were implicated as highly-probable and probable agents. The highest percentage of DILI corresponded to mild cases that recovered after the discontinuation of the agent involved (n = 9; 69.3%). The consumption of Herbalife botanical products is associated with probable causality and fatality (n = 1; 7.7%). In conclusion, the frequency of DILI cases controlled by the Department of Gastroenterology of the Hospital Universitario of Maracaibo was low, being ibuprofen, acetaminophen, isoniazid and products Herbalife the products most commonly involved. It is recommended to continue with the prospective registration of cases, with an extended follow up monitoring period and to facilitate the incorporation of other hospitals in the Zulia State and Venezuela.

  4. Espanol comercial para estudiantes posgraduados (Commercial Spanish for Postgraduate Students).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Valdivieso, Jorge H.


    Describes a commercial Spanish language program for postgraduate students of business administration that attempts to fulfill the immediate professional needs of all students. The content of intermediate and advanced courses is discussed, and a list of textbooks for Spanish commercial correspondence is included. (TR)

  5. Como reembolsar sus prestamos para estudiantes (Repaying Your Student Loans).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Federal Student Aid (ED), Washington, DC.

    This guide, written in Spanish, discusses how to repay student loans. Following a general introduction, the guide discusses the grace period before repayment and repayment requirements. Repayment plans are described for Perkins Loans, Direct Loans, and Federal Family Education Loans. Repayment options are discussed, including consolidation,…

  6. Paginas del Estudiante de Espanol (Pages for the Spanish Student)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Picazo, Alfredo Carballo


    A complete lesson suitable for high school Spanish classes. A passage is presented, on which comprehension and vocabulary exercises are based. The grammar section deals with the subjunctive with "si" and the gerund and is accompanied by many exercises. (Text is in Spanish.) (AMH)

  7. Profesionalismo: Un estudio fenomenologico sobre experiencias de universitarios en programas de salud

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lopez Ortiz, Wilma J.

    Some studies suggest that, upon admission, medicine programs students display eagerness for community service, aspirations to be useful, and to contribute to society's well-being. Those same studies reflect that qualities of idealism, moral nature, and internal motivation, suffer a subsequent diminishing. The researchers inferred that the main reason for this process of change in the mood and disposition of these future physicians lies in the modeling they receive from medical professionals throughout clinical learning activities, by way of behavior and relationships exhibited during daily interaction with peers, patients and the students themselves. This phenomenological study used a cross-sectional sample to explore the experiences of future health workers as they went through didactic and clinical phases of their training curriculum. The study employed semi-structured interviews and reflective journals to explore those experiences and to discover the meanings ascribed by the participants. The analysis revealed that the students defined "professionalism" in terms of scientific knowledge, commitment, respect for human dignity, comradeship, courtesy, empathy, integrity, altruism, motivation. They also described their feelings as they went through the didactic and clinical experiences, and recognized as very important the extracurricular activities of community service, describing them as useful opportunities which contributed to understand their work in terms of a mission dedicated to the achievement of the social benefit. From their individual perspectives, the clinical environment could, in general, be described as congruent with those characteristics of professionalism. During the study we had the opportunity to share, in a little deeper way, the environment... the world... of this small group of young students as we went on trying to decipher their feelings and thoughts. At the end, we realized the richness of their sensibilities, we perceived the intensity of their moral and ethical convictions, we were able to understand their concerns, worries, struggles and efforts. This life event had profound and significant repercussions in our personal and professional life. As a result, and from now on, we will no longer look at our young scholars and apprentices without imagining a noble spirit, with goals which at times could seem unattainable... without completely visualizing or conceiving real hope for a better country.

  8. Estudio de impacto presupuestal de Daclatasvir asociado a Asunaprevir desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud público chileno.


    Vargas, C; Espinoza, M A; Giglio, A; Soza, A


    To assess the impact on the 2015 national health budget of incorporating Daclatasvir/Asunaprevir (DCV / ASV) for the treatment of Hepatitis C genotype 1b (HC1b) in Chile. A Chilean HC1b patients cohort was modelled using local prevalence and incidence data. Two scenarios were built and compared, one were all patients receive Peginterferon/Ribavirin (PR) and another were all patients are treated with DCV/ASV. The analysis was conducted from the perspective of public health system of Chile assuming 100% reimbursement and a time horizon of 5 years. Costs associated with drug treatment, adverse events, other relevant resources and costs associated with disease complications were used. At a total DCV/ASV treatment price of USD $55,039, an additional of USD $65,6MM are required during the first year (prevalent cases) equivalent to 0.71% of the 2015 national health budget. From year 2 (incident cases), an additional of USD $12,3MM are needed (0.13% of the 2015 health budget). A price reduction of 33% (USD $36,693), requires an additional of USD $38,2MM the first year and USD $7,16MM from the second year (0.11% and 0.6% of the health budget). If the treatment price is reduced further (USD $18,347), an additional USD $10,9MM are required for the first year and USD $2,03MM from the second year (0.3% and 0.057% of the 2015 heath budget). The impact on the health budget ranges between 0.3% and 0.71% the first year and decreases to less than 0.15% from the second year considering the price assessed price range. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  9. Espanol avanzado para estudiantes de literatura (Advanced Spanish for Literature Students)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Steel, Brian


    Spanish foreign language teaching should aim at the following: 1) adequate reading-comprehension ability; 2) fluency in spoken and written Spanish; and 3) ability to recognize linguistic characteristics in literature, which would serve as a basis for further graduate stylistic research. (Text is in Spanish.) (Author/DS)

  10. ELL Students and the Library or ELL Estudiantes en la Biblioteca

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moorefield-Lang, Heather; Anaya, Gabriela; Shirk, Dawn


    Like middle school students, adults would never want to go into a new school not being able to speak the language. Most teachers aren't signing up to teach in Mexico or China unless they know how to speak with their fellow educators and their students. But English Language Learners (ELL) don't have the choices that teachers do. They have been…

  11. Paginas del estudiante de espanol (Study Pages for the Spanish Student)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carballo Picazo, Alfredo


    This Spanish lesson consists of an essay on the use of "usted" and "tu," followed by a series of exercises including questions on the text, vocabulary, grammar and the use of the subjunctive. (Text is in Spanish.) (CHK)

  12. Paginas del estudiante de espanol (Pages for the Student of Spanish)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carballo Picazo, Alfredo


    The fifteenth in a series of workbook lessons, this consists of a passage in Spanish concerning the Spanish city of Avila. Following are exercises on vocabulary and passives in English and Spanish to be completed by the student. (Text is in English and Spanish.) (CK)

  13. Las dificultades de sentir: el rol de las emociones en la estigmatización del VIH/SIDA

    PubMed Central



    Resumen El Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) han sido motivo de estigmatización para las personas que viven con ellos. Esta estigmatización se ha estudiado consecuentemente desde la perspectiva de opiniones de agentes estigmatizantes. Estas opiniones han obviado sistemáticamente el rol de las emociones en el proceso de estigmatización. Llevamos a cabo este estudio con el propósito de identificar el rol de las emociones en el proceso de estigmatización de las personas que viven con el virus (PVVS) por parte de profesionales de la salud. Para lograr este objetivo utilizamos un diseño exploratorio y cualitativo en el cual utilizamos la técnica de entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 80 profesionales de la salud y estudiantes de las siguientes especialidades: psicología, trabajo social, medicina y enfermería. Los resultados reflejaron la existencia de emociones asociadas al VIH/SIDA tales como pena, lástima, compasión, asco, fobia y miedo entre los/as profesionales y estudiantes que participaron. Las personas participantes evidenciaron la necesidad de controlar sus emociones al interactuar con PVVS. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de explorar aquellos factores que mediatizan las emociones, tales como el contexto social en que se manifiestan y ante quiénes se revelan, para lograr entender a cabalidad el estigma que rodea al VIH/SIDA. PMID:20212916

  14. PubMed

    Marzán-Rodríguez, Melissa; Varas-Díaz, Nelson


    El Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana (VIH) y el Síndrome de Inmunodeficiencia Adquirida (SIDA) han sido motivo de estigmatización para las personas que viven con ellos. Esta estigmatización se ha estudiado consecuentemente desde la perspectiva de opiniones de agentes estigmatizantes. Estas opiniones han obviado sistemáticamente el rol de las emociones en el proceso de estigmatización. Llevamos a cabo este estudio con el propósito de identificar el rol de las emociones en el proceso de estigmatización de las personas que viven con el virus (PVVS) por parte de profesionales de la salud. Para lograr este objetivo utilizamos un diseño exploratorio y cualitativo en el cual utilizamos la técnica de entrevistas semiestructuradas a profundidad. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 80 profesionales de la salud y estudiantes de las siguientes especialidades: psicología, trabajo social, medicina y enfermería. Los resultados reflejaron la existencia de emociones asociadas al VIH/SIDA tales como pena, lástima, compasión, asco, fobia y miedo entre los/as profesionales y estudiantes que participaron. Las personas participantes evidenciaron la necesidad de controlar sus emociones al interactuar con PVVS. Los resultados apuntan a la necesidad de explorar aquellos factores que mediatizan las emociones, tales como el contexto social en que se manifiestan y ante quiénes se revelan, para lograr entender a cabalidad el estigma que rodea al VIH/SIDA.

  15. Sky Observation with the Use of the Software Stellarium for Teaching Astronomy in Classes of Youth and Adult Education. (Spanish Title: Observación del Cielo con la Utilización del Software Stellarium en Las Clases de Educación de Jóvenes y Adultos.) Observação do Céu Aliada À Utilização do Software Stellarium no Ensino de Astronomia em Turmas de Educação de Jovens e Adultos (EJA)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oliveira Bernardes, Adriana


    The aim of this paper is to present a project developed through a partnership between the Astronomy Club of Itaocara Marcos Pontes (CAIMP) and Jaime de Souza Queiroz College, both located in the town of Itaocara, in the Northwest Fluminense, to disseminate Astronomy in adult education (Education for Youth and Adult). Given the interdisciplinary nature of Astronomy, we have developed this work to motivate the learning of this science by students in adult education, who attend the subjects Chemistry, Physics and Biology. Initially, we conducted a research in the school to assess the prior knowledge of Astronomy class of adult education, noting that there is little knowledge of basic concepts of the discipline. With these data, we were able to elaborate several activities that would enable a greater involvement of students with this science, performing in the school a work of improvement of scientific literacy, whose activities will be presented in this article. El objetivo de este artículo es presentar los resultados de un proyecto realizado por el Club de Astronomía de Itaocara "Marcos Pontes" (CAIMP), conjuntamente con el Colegio Estatal" Jaime de Souza Queiroz", ambos de la ciudad de Itaocara (Noroeste Fluminense - RJ, Brasil), para la difusión de la Astronomía entre los estudiantes, tanto adultos como adolescentes. Teniendo en cuenta la naturaleza interdisciplinaria de la Astronomía, se determinó motivar el estudio de esta ciencia en los estudiantes adultos de nivel secundario matriculados en las asignaturas de Química, Física y Biología. Como primer paso, se investigó el grado de conocimiento sobre astronomía del estudiante. Este estudio inicial mostró niveles de conocimiento muy bajos de los conceptos básicos de esta ciencia, muchos de los cuales deberían haber sido asimilados dentro del plan curricular del curso de Física. Este estudio previo permitió determinar las actividades adecuadas para promover un mayor envolvimiento de los estudiantes

  16. [R-ALERGO. Allergy-healthy routes in Valencia].


    Temes Cordovez, Rafael R; Moya Fuero, Alfonso; Martí Garrido, Jaume; Perales Chordá, Carolina; Díaz Palacios, Miguel; Hernández Fernández de Rojas, Dolores


    R-ALERGO is a project developed by researchers from the Universitat Politècnica de València and the Hospital Universitario La Fe (Valencia, Spain). The main objective of the project is to create a mobile application identifying, within the city of Valencia, the most favorable routes for allergic individuals. The application is developed using nine environmental variables with a potential effect on the development of clinical manifestations in allergic individuals. The application combines the use of spatial analysis based on network technology and implemented with a geographic information system software. The first 01 version is under evaluation for a Healthy app hallmark. The next step in this project is to design a clinical validation process to test its usefulness in allergic individuals. Copyright © 2015 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  17. Motivacion y estudiantes de secundaria (Motivation and Middle School Students). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anderman, Lynley Hicks; Midgley, Carol

    Research has shown a decline in motivation and performance for many children as they move from elementary school into middle school; however, research has also shown that the nature of motivational change on entry to middle school depends on characteristics of the learning environment in which students find themselves. This Digest outlines some…

  18. Computer and laboratory simulation in the teaching of neonatal nursing: innovation and impact on learning.


    Fonseca, Luciana Mara Monti; Aredes, Natália Del' Angelo; Fernandes, Ananda Maria; Batalha, Luís Manuel da Cunha; Apóstolo, Jorge Manuel Amado; Martins, José Carlos Amado; Rodrigues, Manuel Alves


    game e-Baby, software instrucional de semiologia e semiotécnica e simulação em laboratório. Para a avaliação do curso e caracterização dos estudantes utilizou-se instrumentos de coleta de dados desenvolvidos para este estudo. Utilizou-se estatística não paramétrica: Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon. O uso de tecnologias digitais validadas e de simulação em laboratório evidenciou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,001) na aprendizagem dos participantes. O curso foi avaliado como muito satisfatório pelos mesmos. A simulação em laboratório isoladamente não representou diferença significativa no aprendizado. a aprendizagem cognitiva dos participantes aumentou significativamente. Considera-se que o uso de tecnologia foi responsável por parte do sucesso do curso, denotando ser uma importante ferramenta de inovação didática e motivação da aprendizagem na área da saúde. evaluar el aprendizaje cognitivo de estudiantes de enfermería en evaluación clínica neonatal, a partir de un curso semipresencial, utilizando simulación por computador y en laboratorio; comparar el aprendizaje cognitivo de los estudiantes, entre grupo control y experimental, comprobando la simulación en el laboratorio; y evaluar el curso semipresencial extracurricular ofrecido sobre evaluación clínica del bebé pretérmino, de acuerdo a los estudiantes. estudio casi experimental con 14 estudiantes portugueses, conteniendo preprueba, prueba intermedia y postprueba. Las tecnologías ofrecidas en el curso fueron serious game e-Baby, programa de instrucción en semiología y semiotecnia, y simulación en laboratorio. Para la evaluación del curso y caracterización de los estudiantes se utilizaron instrumentos de recolección de datos desarrollados para este estudio. Se utilizó la estadística no-paramétrica de Mann-Whitney y Wilcoxon. el uso de tecnologías digitales validadas y de simulación en laboratorio evidenció diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,001) en

  19. Solar Physics Topics in High School: Analysis of a Course with Practical Activities at Dietrich Schiel Observatory. (Spanish Title: Temas de Física Solar Para Estudiantes de Escuelas Secundarias: un Análisis de un Curso con Enfoque Práctico en el Observatorio Dietrich Schiel.) Tópicos de Física Solar no Ensino Médio: Análise de um Curso com Atividades Práticas no Observatório Dietrich Schiel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Calbo Aroca, Silvia; Donizete Colombo, Pedro, Jr.; Celestino Silva, Cibelle


    This work analyses results obtained in a solar physics course for high school students promoted at the Dietrich Schiel Observatory of the University of São Paulo (USP). The course was elaborated by the authors with the intention of investigating student's concepts about the Sun, teaching topics of modern physics related to the Sun and providing students with knowledge about our star as well. The methodology of data gathering consisted of audio and video records of classes and of semi-structured interviews, and analysis of answers to written questionnaires. The results showed that most high school students conceived the Sun as made of fire, while sunspots were thought to be holes in the Sun. Even though some students did know that a spectrum is formed using a prism or diffraction grating, most of them ignored the nature of the observed spectral lines. Through the course, this topic was developed by means of a practical approach with solar and lamp spectra observations. The results obtained in the course point to the importance of science centers as partners in formal education. In this specific case, the Solar Room at the Dietrich Schiel Observatory is as a favorable environment for teaching modern physics in high school. Este artículo analiza los resultados obtenidos en un curso sobre la física solar, auspiciado por el Observatorio Dietrich Schiel de la USP para estudiantes de las escuelas secundarias. El curso fue diseñado por los autores con la intención de investigar las concepciones sobre el sol, enseñar temas relacionados con la física moderna del Sol y conocimientos generales sobre el astro rey. La metodología utilizada para la recolección de datos consistió en grabar, en audio y video, las clases, las entrevistas semi-estructuradas y las respuestas a los cuestionarios escritos. Los resultados mostraron que la mayoría de los participantes conciben el Sol como constituido por fuego y las manchas solares en la superficie solar como agujeros. Aunque

  20. Merit Pay, Scientific Production and Comision Nacional Evaluadora de la Acitividad Investigadora del Profesorado Universitario

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Polo, Gema; de las Heras, Gustavo


    Some authors have given the CNEAI (National Commission for the Evaluation of Research Activity) a notorious role in the promotion of scientific research in Spain when considering the requirements for this institution as one of the essential elements in the increase of the Spanish scientific production in the last few years. We hereby expose that…

  1. Implementation of a management information system for hospital use at the Policlinico Universitario A. Gemelli.


    Mobilia, G


    First, the experience with the implementation of HISs at the "Policlinico Gemelli", is reported. They were adopted since long for management support. In fact, they are playing an increasingly relevant role in health care facilities. Subsequently, operational applications are described with particular reference to the most recent ones, implemented within European projects with partial EEC financing. They are very useful to the medical and nursing personnel and for patient data management during treatment. Finally, the accounting system for cost centers, using, processing and integrating data of all used information systems, is described. It affords a low cost aggregation of all information about costs and services required for the management of four-hundred elementary operating units which constitute the structure. This system is representative of all managerial information of the "Policlinico" which is included in monthly reports, also described. They are sent to the Direction and managers of the organizational units. The system is a strategic tool of the utmost importance for rapid and effective management.

  2. Indice de Indices en la Biblioteca de Hunter College para el Estudiante Hispano.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Talero Bielsa, Alberto; And Others

    Designed for Spanish-speaking students of Hunter College of the City University of New York, this guide explains the use of 70 English-language indexes found in the college library. The explanations are given in Spanish in order to simplify the process of library research for students who are not completely comfortable with English. Each index is…

  3. Ayuda economica: Guia para estudiantes, 2001-2002 (Financial Aid: Student Guide, 2001-2002).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Student Financial Assistance (ED), Washington, DC.

    This guide, written in Spanish, describes federal student aid programs for postsecondary education and how to apply for them. It begins by outlining sources for learning about student aid, such as school financial aid administrators, state higher education agencies, foundations, organizations related to particular fields of interest and toll-free…



    Sagredo, José Miguel García


    Here we report the results of prenatal diagnosis at the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal since its opening in 1979 to 2010, establishing a parallelism between the different methodologies for screening and prenatal diagnosis, clinical indications, and demographic changes. It shows how the indications have varied as to the structure of the population did. These changes have been possible thanks to the fact that the screening and prenatal diagnosis methods have allowed it. Demonstrating, once again, how procedures evolve with technology and adapt to the demography. This evolution has allowed to make a more effective prenatal diagnosis because the clinical indications have been more precise what has allowed to detect the same number of fetuses with chromosomal abnormalities by performing less invasive procedures, which has led to an optimization of prenatal diagnosis saving resources and personnel and, above all, avoiding unnecessary fetal losses.

  5. [Assessment of surveys of adolescents about smoking and the use of alcohol and cannabis in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; Saltó, Esteve; Cabezas, Carmen


    Monitoring health-related behaviors in adolescence requires instruments capable of providing valid data The objective of this paper is to review and assess existing information sources on smoking and alcohol and cannabis use by age and sex among adolescents in Spain. A search was carried out for studies with repeated observations over time, and their methods and characteristics reviewed. For each study, the number of surveys, their frequency and their sample size are assessed, as well as the instrument used, the available indicators, and the availability, accessibility and comparability of the information. Five sources of information providing data over extended periods of time with accessible data are identified: the National survey on drug use in secondary-school children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria; ESTUDES); the Health behavior in school-aged children study (ECERSHBSC); the Monitoring system for risk factors associated with non-transmissible diseases in young people (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a poblacion juvenil; SIVFRENT-J); the Study of risk factors in secondary school children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria; FRESC); and the Monitoring study of health behaviors in adolescents (Estudio de monitorizacion de las conductas de salud de los adolescents; EMCSAT). Two of the surveys cover the whole of Spain, one is regional, and two are city-specific. All use solid methods and representative sampling techniques. In some, changes have occurred that make comparison of the evolution of some indicators difficult. Report accessibility is variable; comparability is limited for some surveys. Some provide almost no stratified data. There are valuable sources of data, but all have shortcomings. Changing the measurement instrument in a survey for comparison with others raises dilemmas as to the internal comparability of series.

  6. [Changes in smoking prevalence among adolescents in Spain].


    Villalbí, Joan R; Suelves, Josep M; García-Continente, Xavier; Saltó, Esteve; Ariza, Carles; Cabezas, Carmen


    To analyse information on adolescent use of tobacco in Spain from different school surveys. Data on daily smoking prevalence by sex at the end of compulsory education is extracted and figures are compared, analysing trends. The five representative studies on adolescents in Spain are reviewed: The National Survey on Drug Use in Secondary School Children (Encuesta estatal sobre uso de drogas en estudiantes de secundaria (ESTUDES); Survey of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC-ECERS); Surveillance System of Risk Factors Associated With Non-Transmittable diseases in the Young Population (Sistema de Vigilancia de Factores de Riesgo Asociados a Enfermedades No Transmisibles dirigido a población Juvenil)(SIVFRENT-J); Study of Risk Factors in Secondary School Children (Estudio de factores de riesgo en estudiantes de secundaria) (FRESC); Surveillance Study of Health Behaviour in Adolescents (Estudio de Monitorización de las Conductas de Salud de los Adolescentes) (EMCSAT). The prevalence of daily smokers varies among studies, in boys from 8.5 to 13.3% and in girls from 12.7 to 16.4%. Although some series show variations, the trend from 1993 to 2008 is downwards. With data from recent years, weighted annual declines in smoking prevalence in adolescence can be estimated to be 6.47% for boys and 6.96% for girls. There is a decreasing pattern in adolescent daily smoking prevalence in Spain from the different existing studies, which provide consistent data, although surveillance must be kept due to fluctuations. This is in agreement with tobacco sales statistics and health surveys in the adult population. However, the pace of change should be more rapid and constant. © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  7. Curso: Auxiliar de Farmacia. Guia. Farmacia Teorica: Manual del Estudiante. Matematica General: Manual del Estudiante. Documento de Trabajo (Pharmacy Assistant Course Guide. Theoretical Pharmacy Student Manual. General Mathematics Student Manual. Working Document).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puerto Rico State Dept. of Education, Hato Rey. Area for Vocational and Technical Education.

    The three parts of this document are intended for a 3-semester course for pharmacy assistants. The course guide contains the following sections: occupational description; educational philosophy; general objectives; tasks/competencies for each unit; course organization; brief description of the topics; student standards; and evaluation methods.…

  8. [Silent myocardial ischemia in patients with transient ischemic attacks].


    Sánchez Valiente, S; Mostacero, E; del Río, A; Morales, F


    Given evidence that ischemic heart disease is the most frequent cause of death in patients with cerebrovascular disease, we used ergometrics to screen 80 patients with TIA for silent myocardial ischemia (SMI) at the neurological unit of Hospital Clínico Universitario in Zaragoza, Spain. The patients were compared with a control group of 80 with no signs of heart disease. Neither the patients nor the controls had ever shown clinical signs of coronary ischemia and their baseline electrocardiograms were normal. Stress test results were positive in 25 (31%) of the TIA patients, and in 4 (5%) (p < 0.001) of the controls, showing that the prevalence of SMI is significantly higher in TIA patients than in the general population. Hiperlipidemia (75% testing positive versus 43% negative, p < 0.01) and diabetes (31% testing positive versus 13% negative, p < 0.01) were the risk factors statistically related with a positive stress test.

  9. Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland with Four Morphological Features.


    Rosero, David S; Alvarez, Ramiro; Gambó, Paula; Alastuey, María; Valero, Alberto; Torrecilla, Nerea; Roche, A Belén; Simón, Sara


    Acinic cell carcinoma arising in salivary glands is a rare tumor, accounting for 2% to 5% of the primary neoplasms of the parotid gland. When these tumors are well-differentiated, the neoplasia has innocuous aspect, due to the similarity to normal parotid tissue. This makes the diagnosis difficult. Initially the malignancy of this tumor was uncertain; however, recent studies have declared it as malignant. The female / male ratio is 3:2. The nodule usually presents as solitary and well defined shape. Several authors have used different terms to describe histomorphological patterns of these tumors. Four descriptive categories (solid, microcystic, papillary-cystic and follicular) are useful for pathologists. Here we report a case of a 49 yr old man with a left parotid nodule of 5 cm. Parotidectomy was performed at the Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, in Zaragoza (Spain). The microscopy showed a tumor with acinic semblance, having the four morphologic patterns previously described. The morphological and immunohistochemical study was consistent with the diagnosis of acinic cell carcinoma.

  10. Recessive Dystrophic Epidermolysis Bullosa and Pregnancy.


    Boria, F; Maseda, R; Martín-Cameán, M; De la Calle, M; de Lucas, R


    Dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa is a rare inherited disease caused by mutations in the COL7A1 gene. Its recessive variant (recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa) is characterized by the absence or considerably reduced expression of type VII collagen, which leads to marked fragility of the skin and mucous membranes and subsequent blister formation, whether spontaneously or following minimal injury. There have been very few reports of this disease in pregnant women. We present 2 cases of pregnant women with recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa managed in our High-Risk Pregnancy Unit at Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain. Both patients underwent full-term cesarean delivery, with no further complications for mother or child. Although recessive dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa increases the risk of maternal complications, a patient is not advised against pregnancy. With adequate monitoring, these patients can fulfil their desire to become mothers. Copyright © 2017 AEDV. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  11. Safety and Traceability in Patient Healthcare through the Integration of RFID Technology for Intravenous Mixtures in the Prescription-Validation-Elaboration-Dispensation-Administration Circuit to Day Hospital Patients.


    Martínez Pérez, María; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Dafonte, Carlos


    This work presents the integration of the RFID technology with the aim of ensuring the traceability of patients and minimization of adverse events during the process of prescription-validation-elaboration-dispensation-administration of medication by means of the implementation of various passive and active WIFI RFID systems in the Pharmacy and Day Hospital services of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña. Obtaining patient traceability and using the patient/drug binomial during this process allows us to minimize the occurrence of adverse events. The key points in this work are the unmistakably unique identification and accurate real time location of the controlled items (patients and medication). RFID technology has proved to be invaluable in assisting with the everyday clinical practice of a hospital, and has been successfully implemented in this environment and others. In services such as the day hospital, the implementation of said technology is further justified by the high costs of the service and the high risk to the patient.

  12. Safety and Traceability in Patient Healthcare through the Integration of RFID Technology for Intravenous Mixtures in the Prescription-Validation-Elaboration-Dispensation-Administration Circuit to Day Hospital Patients

    PubMed Central

    Martínez Pérez, María; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Dafonte, Carlos


    This work presents the integration of the RFID technology with the aim of ensuring the traceability of patients and minimization of adverse events during the process of prescription-validation-elaboration-dispensation-administration of medication by means of the implementation of various passive and active WIFI RFID systems in the Pharmacy and Day Hospital services of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña. Obtaining patient traceability and using the patient/drug binomial during this process allows us to minimize the occurrence of adverse events. The key points in this work are the unmistakably unique identification and accurate real time location of the controlled items (patients and medication). RFID technology has proved to be invaluable in assisting with the everyday clinical practice of a hospital, and has been successfully implemented in this environment and others. In services such as the day hospital, the implementation of said technology is further justified by the high costs of the service and the high risk to the patient. PMID:27483269

  13. Trends in Lung Cancer Incidence in a Healthcare Area.


    Molina, Antonio J; García-Martínez, Lidia; Zapata-Alvarado, Julio; Alonso-Orcajo, Nieves; Fernández-Villa, Tania; Martín, Vicente


    The aim of this study was to identify trends in the incidence of lung cancer in the Leon Healthcare Area. All cases of cancer among residents of the Leon healthcare catchment area listed in the hospital-based tumor registry of the Centro Asistencial Universitario de Leon (CAULE) between 1996 and 2010 were included. Gross incidence rates over 3-year intervals were calculated and adjusted for the worldwide and European populations. A total of 2,491 cases were included. In men, incidence adjusted for the European population rose from 40.1 new cases per 100,000 population (1996-1998) to 61.8 (2005-2007), and then fell to 54.6 (2008-2010). In women, incidence tripled from 3.0 (1996-1998) to 9.2 new cases per 100,000 (2008-2010). Although lung cancer is an avoidable disease, it is a serious problem in the Leon Healthcare Area. Of particular concern is the rising incidence among women. Copyright © 2015 SEPAR. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  14. Glacial Hazards in Chile: Processes, Assessment, Mitigation and Risk Management Strategies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Glasser, N. F.; Wilson, R.; Casassa, G., Sr.; Reynolds, J.; Harrison, S.; Shannon, S. R.; Schaefer, M.; Iribarran, P.


    Glacial Lake Outburst Floods (GLOFs) are capable of travelling considerable distances from their source and they represent one of the most important glacial hazards. In line with observations in other parts of the world, the frequency of GLOF events in Chile has increased in recent decades highlighting the need to quantify the flood risk posed to downstream areas. This poster presents the work of the `Glacial Hazards in Chile' project which aims to (1) better understand the processes that govern the development of GLOFs in Chile, (2) estimate the socio-economic effects of GLOFs in Chile, and (3) provide a GLOF risk assessment framework that can be applied to Chile and other lower income countries globally. As an initial step towards the completion of these aims, we have recently compiled the first glacial lake inventory for the central and Patagonian Andes, which details the temporal development of glacial lakes in this region over the past three decades. This analysis was used to identify two lakes of interest that were visited during a fieldwork expedition in February 2017. The first of these, Lago Chileno in Patagonia, has recently produced a large GLOF causing significant damage to the downstream floodplain, whilst the second was identified as one of the fastest growing lakes in the central Andes. Both these lakes were surveyed using aerial imagery acquired with a drone and a custom-built bathymetry boat, data from which will help to improve our understanding of the physical processes associated with glacial lake development and failure within the Chilean Andes.

  15. Providing Meaningful Learning for Students of the Sixth Grade of Middle School: a Study on the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Propiciando Aprendizagem Significativa Para Alunos do Sexto Ano do Ensino Fundamental: um Estudo sobre as Fases da Lua.) Propiciando el Aprendizaje Significativo Para Alumnos del Sexto Nivel de la Educación General Básica: un Estudio sobre Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; Samudio Pérez, Carlos Ariel; da Rosa, Cleci Werner; Heineck, Renato


    ía del Aprendizaje Significativo de David Ausubel, se buscó desenvolver la propuesta a partir de un modelo didáctico que simula las Fases de la Luna, usando como base las concepciones previas de los estudiantes. Los indicios del aprendizaje fueron verificados a través de registros de memorias de la actividad. Por los resultados obtenidos creemos que la propuesta alcanzó sus objetivos, una vez que los estudiantes consiguieron identificar y transferir el fenómeno de las fases de la Luna para nuevos contextos. Así, se concluye que una metodología con enfoque en un contenido significativo para el estudiante es fundamental para la construcción y comprensión genuina de lo que está siendo aprendido.

  16. Guia para estudiantes: Ayuda economica, 2002-2003 (The Student Guide: Financial Aid, 2002-2003).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Department of Education, Washington, DC. Student Financial Assistance.

    This Spanish-language publication explains what federal student financial aid is and what types of student aid are available. The introductory section, "Student Aid at a Glance," presents information about what student aid is, who gets it, and how to get it. The second section discusses "Finding out about Student Aid." The next…

  17. The Practice of Research of a Basic Education Teacher Involving Mental Models of the Phases of the Moon and Eclipses. (Spanish Title: La Práctica de Investigación de un Maestro de Educación BÁsica con El Uso de los Modelos Mentales de Las Fases de la Luna Y Eclipses.) A Prática de Pesquisa de um Professor do Ensino Fundamental Envolvendo Modelos Mentais de Fases da Lua e Eclipses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pessôa Queiroz, Glória; Jubitipan Borges de Sousa, Carlos; Auxiliadora Delgado Machado, Maria


    The inclusion of basic education teachers in the survey domain is a controversial issue and fully debated in the academy. The opportunity for a collective work that incorporated school teachers from a public school to a university's group of physics teaching at university allowed us to glimpse the redefinition of the function of a science teacher (a coauthor of this paper) by himself, such that now he includes research on the knowledge construction by students in his teacher practice. The formation of inter-institutional groups for action planning and research in these areas has proved productive for the task of knowledge construction to support educational processes in school, while the university enriches its collection of experiences critically validated, and can consider the results in teachers initial and continued education. The active participation of the teacher in a research group at the university led him to reflect on the possible didactical ways to be described, analyzed and communicated to other teachers. The construction of a pedagogy that took into account the mental models of students on the basic topics of astronomy, and the changes developed resulting from the lessons taught, led to far-reaching consequences on the pedagogy adopted by the teacher, who incorporates now a new vision of science and alternative forms to dialogue with students, essential components for a researcher in Science Education. La inclusión de los maestros de la escuela básica en el universo de la investigación es polémica y está en amplio debate en el mundo académico. La oportunidad de trabajo colectivo de los maestros de una escuela pública en Río de Janeiro con un grupo universitario de enseñanza de la física nos ha permitido vislumbrar la redefinición de la función de un maestro de ciencias (uno de los coautores de este documento) por él mismo, ahora para incluir la investigación sobre la construcción del conocimiento por los alumnos en su práctica como

  18. PubMed

    Hernández Mosqueira, Claudio; Hernández Vasquez, Dagoberto; Caniuqueo Vargas, Alexis; Castillo Quezada, Humberto; Fernandes Da Silva, Sandro; Pavez-Adasme, Gustavo; Martínez Salazar, Cristian; Cárcamo-Oyarzún, Jaime; Fernandes Filho, José


    Introducción: Chile en las últimas décadas ha experimentado un cambio en su perfil epidemiológico nutricional, pasando de una situación caracterizada por una elevada prevalencia de desnutrición y enfermedades infecciosas/parasitarias a otro completamente distinto, en donde las enfermedades crónicas y degenerativas presentan una elevada prevalencia.Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio es elaborar tablas de referencia de aspectos antropométricos y de condición física en estudiantes varones de 10 a 14 años de la ciudad de Chillán.Método: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. La muestra se compone de 1250 varones con edades entre los 10 y 14 años. Para la confección de las tablas de referencia se utilizó estadística descriptiva y estas fueron divididas en cinco clasificaciones desde muy malo, malo, media, bueno y muy bueno, teniendo como parámetro la edad.Resultados: observamos niveles importantes de sobrepeso que se asociaron con bajo desempeño físico, lo que plantea la urgencia de realizar un seguimiento en el tiempo con herramientas de fácil aplicación como la presente batería; con el fin de detectar a tiempo a los niños que tienen bajos niveles de condición física y tomar medidas orientadas a estimular o mejorar la capacidad física como factores protectores de promoción de la salud y como ayuda en la prevención de enfermedades crónicas relacionadas con el sobrepeso u obesidad.Conclusión: en este trabajo se han establecido valores de referencia para posteriores estudios en cuanto a la condición física orientada a la salud en estudiantes varones de 10 a 14 años de la ciudad de Chillán, que permitirán evaluar e interpretar correctamente la condición física orientada a la salud de este grupo etario.

  19. Sunspots and the Newcomb-Benford Law. (Spanish Title: Manchas Solares y la Ley de Newcomb-Benford.) Manchas Solares e a Lei de Newcomb-Benford

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alves, Mauro A.; Lyra, Cássia S.


    The Newcomb-Benford's Law (LNB) of first digits is introduced to high school students in an extracurricular activity through the study of sunspots. The LNB establishes that the first digits of various sets of data describing natural occurrences are not distributed uniformly, but according to a logarithmic distribution of probability. The LNB is counter-intuitive and is a good example of how mathematics applied to the study of natural phenomena can provide surprising and unexpected results serving also as a motivating agent in the study of physical sciences. En este trabajo se describe una actividad extracurricular donde se presenta a los estudiantes la ley de los primeros dígitos de Newcomb-Benford (LNB) con el estudio de manchas solares. La LNB establece que los primeros dígitos de algunos tipos de dados de ocurrencia natural no están distribuidos en manera uniforme, pero sí de acuerdo con una distribución logarítmica de probabilidad. La LNB es contra-intuitiva y es un excelente ejemplo de como las matemáticas aplicadas al estudio de fenómenos naturales pueden sorprender al estudiante, sirviendo también como elemento motivador en la educación de ciencias y de matemáticas. Este trabalho descreve uma atividade extracurricular na qual a lei dos primeiros dígitos de Newcomb-Benford (LNB) é introduzida a estudantes através do estudo de manchas solares. A LNB estabelece que os primeiros dígitos de vários tipos de conjunto de dados de ocorrência natural não são distribuídos de maneira uniforme, mas sim de acordo com uma distribuição logarítmica de probabilidade. A LNB é contra-intuitiva e é um ótimo exemplo de como a matemática aplicada ao estudo de fenômenos naturais pode fornecer resultados surpreendentes e inesperados, servindo também como um agente motivador no ensino de ciências e matemática.

  20. Perfilando a los estudiantes en relacion con la violencia (Profiling Students for Violence). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lumsden, Linda

    This digest in Spanish discusses student profiling and describes strategies for reducing the risk of violence in schools. "Student profiling" refers to a process in which checklists of behaviors and personal characteristics associated with youth who have perpetrated violence are used to determine a student's potential for future…

  1. Como Solicitar la Asistencia Economica Federal para Estudiantes (How To Apply for Federal Student Aid).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Federal Student Aid (ED), Washington, DC.

    This guide, written in Spanish, discusses reasons for going to college, how to pay for college, and how to apply for federal student aid in a series of brief, clear illustrations. Following outlines of financial benefits of college, college costs, and space to note costs for the student's area, the guide outlines these steps in the application…

  2. Special Education: Parent and Student Rights = Educacion Especial: Los Derechos de los Padres y Estudiantes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Texas Education Agency, Austin. Div. of Special Education Programs.

    Intended for parents of children with possible disabilities in Texas, these two combined booklets (one in English and one in Spanish) outline the step-by-step process qualifying the child for special education services and explain the parent's rights and responsibilities under federal and state law. Introductory material includes a letter to…

  3. Addressing critical issues in the development of an Oncology Information System.


    Urda, D; Ribelles, N; Subirats, J L; Franco, L; Alba, E; Jerez, J M


    This paper presents the experience on the design and implementation of a user-centered Oncology Information System developed for the Medical Oncology Department at the "Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria", in Málaga, Spain. The project focused on the aspects considered in the literature as critical factors for a successful deployment and usage of a health information system. System usability, adequate technology, integration of clinical routines, real-time statistical analysis of data, information confidentiality and standard protocol-based external interconnection were the key aspects considered. The developed system is based on a web application with a modular and layered architecture accounting for usability, ease of maintenance and further system development. Evaluation of system usability was carried at three and fifteen months after system deployment to analyze the advantages/disadvantages experienced by the end-users. A thorough prior analysis of clinical activities and workflows, the use of the adequate technology, and the availability of data analysis tools will almost guarantee success in the deployment of an Oncology Information System. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Documenting Modern Mexican Architectural Heritage for Posterity: Barragan's Casa Cristo, in Guadalajara, Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mezzino, D.; Pei, W.; Santana Quintero, M.; Reyes Rodriguez, R.


    This contribution describes the results of an International workshop on documentation of historic and cultural heritage developed jointly between Universidad de Guadalajara's Centro Universitario de Arte, Arquitectura y Diseño (CUAAD) and Carleton University's Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Program. The objective of the workshop was to create a learning environment for emerging heritage professionals through the use of advanced recording techniques for the documentation of modern architectural heritage in Guadalajara, Mexico. The selected site was Casa Cristo, one of the several architectural projects by Luis Barragán in Guadalajara. The house was built between 1927 and 1929 for Gustavo R. Cristo, mayor of the city. The style of the building reflects the European influences derived from the architect's travel experience, as well as the close connection with local craftsmanship. All of these make the house an outstanding example of modern regional architecture. A systematic documentation strategy was developed for the site, using different survey equipment and techniques to capture the shape, colour, spatial configuration, and current conditions of Casa Cristo for its eventual rehabilitation and conservation.

  5. [Breast feeding: an effective method to prevent breast cancer].


    Aguilar Cordero, Maria J; González Jiménez, E; Álvarez Ferre, J; Padilla López, C A; Mur Villar, N; García López, P A; Valenza Peña, Maria C


    Breast cancer is the most common gynecological tumor in young women in Western countries. Its profound implications for health and an increasingly early age of diagnosis have been carefully analyzed its causes and possible preventive measures, making their study in a primary goal of epidemiological research. We reviewed medical records pertaining to 504 female patients aged 19 to 91 years. All of them were diagnosed and treated for breast cancer between 2003-2008 at the Hospital Universitario "San Cecilio" of Granada (Spain). We found a significant correlation (p = 0.001) between the age of cancer diagnosis, length of breastfeeding, and the existence of personal and family history for cancer. By contrast, there were no statistically significant differences test (t-test) between the average age of diagnosis of cancer and having had offspring or not (t = 0.559, p = 0.576). Breastfeeding for periods of longer than six months, not only provides children with many health benefits, but may also protect the mother from serious diseases, such as breast cancer.

  6. Direct Endonasal Approach with Partial Upper Posterior Septectomy. A “Rescue Flap” Technique Modification

    PubMed Central

    Sotomayor-González, Arturo; Díaz-Martínez, Armando José; Radillo-Gil, Ramón; García-Estrada, Everardo; Morales-Gómez, Jesús Alberto; Palacios-Ortiz, Isaac Jair; Pérez-Cárdenas, Samuel; Arteaga-Treviño, Mauricio; De León, Ángel Martínez-Ponce


    Objective Report a modification of the “rescue flap” technique using a direct endonasal approach with a partial superior septectomy for approaching pituitary tumors developed in our institution. Design Prospective study. Setting Hospital Universitario “Dr. José Eleuterio González,” Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Main Outcome Measures Since April 2015, we have performed 19 cases employing a direct endonasal approach with partial superior septectomy. Results and a technical note are described below. Results Nineteen patients were included in this report. Six patients presented transoperatory cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, so a nasoseptal rescue flap was harvested. No patients developed postoperative CSF leak in this group. Two patients were submitted to a second surgical procedure. Nasoseptal flap was harvested without complications. In both patients, the size of the flap was enough to cover the dural defect and avoid CSF leak. Conclusion Direct endonasal approach with a partial posterior septectomy allows enough exposition of the sphenoidal sinus while preserving the nasoseptal septum with the possibility of a successful rescue flap when needed. PMID:28321383

  7. Direct Endonasal Approach with Partial Upper Posterior Septectomy. A "Rescue Flap" Technique Modification.


    Sotomayor-González, Arturo; Díaz-Martínez, Armando José; Radillo-Gil, Ramón; García-Estrada, Everardo; Morales-Gómez, Jesús Alberto; Palacios-Ortiz, Isaac Jair; Pérez-Cárdenas, Samuel; Arteaga-Treviño, Mauricio; De León, Ángel Martínez-Ponce


    Objective  Report a modification of the "rescue flap" technique using a direct endonasal approach with a partial superior septectomy for approaching pituitary tumors developed in our institution. Design  Prospective study. Setting  Hospital Universitario "Dr. José Eleuterio González," Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León. Main Outcome Measures  Since April 2015, we have performed 19 cases employing a direct endonasal approach with partial superior septectomy. Results and a technical note are described below. Results  Nineteen patients were included in this report. Six patients presented transoperatory cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) leak, so a nasoseptal rescue flap was harvested. No patients developed postoperative CSF leak in this group. Two patients were submitted to a second surgical procedure. Nasoseptal flap was harvested without complications. In both patients, the size of the flap was enough to cover the dural defect and avoid CSF leak. Conclusion  Direct endonasal approach with a partial posterior septectomy allows enough exposition of the sphenoidal sinus while preserving the nasoseptal septum with the possibility of a successful rescue flap when needed.

  8. Acinic Cell Carcinoma of the Parotid Gland with Four Morphological Features

    PubMed Central

    Rosero, David S; Alvarez, Ramiro; Gambó, Paula; Alastuey, María; Valero, Alberto; Torrecilla, Nerea; Roche, A. Belén; Simón, Sara


    Acinic cell carcinoma arising in salivary glands is a rare tumor, accounting for 2% to 5% of the primary neoplasms of the parotid gland. When these tumors are well-differentiated, the neoplasia has innocuous aspect, due to the similarity to normal parotid tissue. This makes the diagnosis difficult. Initially the malignancy of this tumor was uncertain; however, recent studies have declared it as malignant. The female / male ratio is 3:2. The nodule usually presents as solitary and well defined shape. Several authors have used different terms to describe histomorphological patterns of these tumors. Four descriptive categories (solid, microcystic, papillary-cystic and follicular) are useful for pathologists. Here we report a case of a 49 yr old man with a left parotid nodule of 5 cm. Parotidectomy was performed at the Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet, in Zaragoza (Spain). The microscopy showed a tumor with acinic semblance, having the four morphologic patterns previously described. The morphological and immunohistochemical study was consistent with the diagnosis of acinic cell carcinoma. PMID:27499783

  9. Evaluation of a Tracking System for Patients and Mixed Intravenous Medication Based on RFID Technology.


    Martínez Pérez, María; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Dafonte, Carlos


    At present, one of the primary concerns of healthcare professionals is how to increase the safety and quality of the care that patients receive during their stay in hospital. This is particularly important in the administration of expensive and high-risk medicines with which it is fundamental to minimize the possibility of adverse events in the process of prescription-validation-preparation/dosage-dispensation-administration of intravenous mixes. This work is a detailed analysis of the evaluation, carried out by the health personnel involved in the Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) system developed in the Day Hospital and Pharmacy services of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC). The RFID system is evaluated by analyzing surveys completed by said health personnel, since their questions represent the key indicators of the patient care process (safety, cost, adequacy with the clinical practice). This work allows us to conclude, among other things, that the system tracks the patients satisfactorily and that its cost, though high, is justified in the context of the project context (use of dangerous and costly medication).

  10. Evaluation of a Tracking System for Patients and Mixed Intravenous Medication Based on RFID Technology

    PubMed Central

    Martínez Pérez, María; Vázquez González, Guillermo; Dafonte, Carlos


    At present, one of the primary concerns of healthcare professionals is how to increase the safety and quality of the care that patients receive during their stay in hospital. This is particularly important in the administration of expensive and high-risk medicines with which it is fundamental to minimize the possibility of adverse events in the process of prescription-validation-preparation/dosage-dispensation-administration of intravenous mixes. This work is a detailed analysis of the evaluation, carried out by the health personnel involved in the Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) system developed in the Day Hospital and Pharmacy services of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario A Coruña (CHUAC). The RFID system is evaluated by analyzing surveys completed by said health personnel, since their questions represent the key indicators of the patient care process (safety, cost, adequacy with the clinical practice). This work allows us to conclude, among other things, that the system tracks the patients satisfactorily and that its cost, though high, is justified in the context of the project context (use of dangerous and costly medication). PMID:27916915

  11. Mitigation of Disagreement in Peer Review among L2 Learners and Native Speakers in a College Writing Class (Mitigación del Impacto de las Opiniones de Desacuerdo en el Proceso de Revisión por Pares entre Estudiantes de una Segunda Lengua y Hablantes Nativos en una Clase de Escritura a Nivel Universitario)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Christoffersen, Katherine O'Donnell


    Peer review is now a commonplace practice in process-oriented writing instruction. A crucial aspect of peer review is assessing another classmate's work, which encompasses the act of disagreement. Given its prevalence in the classroom, it is necessary to analyze how L2 learners mitigate disagreement in the context of peer review with other L2…

  12. Multidisciplinary Approach in Hepatocellular Carcinoma in a Level II Hospital: The First Decade of Hospital Universitario Fundacion Alcorcon.


    Loinaz Segurola, C; LIedó Navarro, J L; Burgos, R de la Cruz; Martín Ríos, D; Ochando Cerdán, F; Alonso López, S; Martel Villagrán, J; Gutiérrez Garcia, M L; Fernandez Cebrián, J M; Fernández Rodríguez, C


    Mean survival in hepatocellular carcinoma remains low. Many efforts have been done during the last years through screening, diagnosis and treatment to improve the results. The aim of this work is to present the experience of our hospital multidisciplinary group during the first decade of this century. The patients with hepatocellullar carcinoma presented at the multidisciplinary meeting from 1999 to 2009 were prospectively studied. According to the tumor and functional status they were treated through the current available guidelines by transplant, partial hepatectomy, local/regional procedures, systemic or symptomatic treatment. One hundred and forty two patients were studied. Median tumor size was 3 cm. A single tumor was diagnosed in 64.8% of the patients. Eighteen patients had liver resection (6 transplantation and 12 with partial resection), 53 tumors were not treated due to advanced stage or liver dysfunction, and in the remaining patients radiofrequency, ethanol or embolization treatments were used, single or combined. a multidisciplinary approach of hepatocellular carcinoma in a second level hospital with trained professionals permits a diagnosis in early tumoral and functional stages in the majority of patients, and a variety of possible treatments with adequate survival outcomes.

  13. Astronomy, Art and Mythology in a Public Elementary School in Itaocara/rj. (Spanish Title: Astronomía, Arte y Mitologia en el Ensino Fundamental en Una Escuela de la Red Estatal en ITAOCARA/RJ.) Astronomia, Arte e Mitologia no Ensino Fundamental em Escola da Rede Estadual em ITAOCARA/RJ

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Oliveira Bernardes, Adriana; Ramos dos Santos, Arleidimar


    Volunteer advisors at Itaocara Astronomy Club Marcos Pontes(CAIMP), in their majority high school students, introduced students at Teotônio Brandão Vilela Elementary School to basic concepts in Astronomy, Physics, and Mythology. Computer Science, Arts, puppetry, and educational videos were used to stimulate students to share their feelings and test their knowledge of the concepts presented. The work done by the volunteers helped boost the student's self-esteem and improved their oral skills by applying their knowledge of Physics and Astronomy in Lab experiments. The main goals of the CAIMP are the possibility of including astronomy in Elementary school curricula and developing an interdisciplinary work involving Astronomy, Arts, and Mythology. Through tests and reports, the students who participated in the Brazilian Astronomy Olympics, showed an increase in their knowldge of the sujects presented during the volunteer work. Durante el curso de un trabajo voluntario con estudiantes de nivel primario (1 º a 4 º grado), los guías de Astronomía miembros del CAIMP (Club de Astronomía de Itaocara "Marcos Puentes"), en su mayoría estudiantes secundarios, desarrollaron un trabajo de introducción a las Ciencias y Astronomía con alumnos del colegio estatal Teotônio Vilela Brandão. A través de talleres de informática, artes, videos educativos y teatro de títeres, los estudiantes pudieron expresar sus conocimientos y emociones frente a las leyendas mitológicas con las que se inició el trabajo de introducción. La labor desarrollada por los guías con los alumnos promovió la integración entre las aulas del colegio haciéndolos participar en actividades con el fin de estimular su expresión verbal y aumentar su autoestima. Trabajando diversas formas de expresión, los alumnos pudieron realizar experimentos y conocer algunos conceptos de Física y Astronomía al mismo tiempo que adquirían autonomía para la libre expresión de sus sentimientos y de los

  14. Translation and cross-cultural adaptation of the Clinical Competence Questionnaire for use in Brazil.


    Kwiatkoski, Danielle Ritter; Mantovani, Maria de Fátima; Pereira, Evani Marques; Bortolato-Major, Carina; Mattei, Ângela Taís; Peres, Aida Maris


    Questionnaire foi traduzido e adaptado a estudantes brasileiros, e as propriedades psicométricas da versão em português do questionário apresentaram consistência interna satisfatória quanto à amostra estudada. traducir y adaptar transculturalmente el Clinical Competence Questionnaire para uso de los estudiantes brasileños que concluyen la graduación en enfermería, así como para medir las propiedades psicométricas del cuestionario. estudio metodológico realizado en seis etapas: traducción del instrumento Clinical Competence Questionnaire, obtención de consenso de las traducciones, retrotraducción, análisis por el comité de especialistas, pretest y presentación del proceso de adaptación transcultural para los desarrolladores. Las propiedades psicométricas fueron medidas utilizando el alfa de Cronbach, coeficiente de correlación intraclase e índice de validez de contenido. el instrumento fue traducido, adaptado transculturalmente y su versión final estuvo constituida por 48 ítems. El coeficiente alfa de Cronbach fue de 0,90; el índice de concordancia de los ítems fue de 99% para los estudiantes y de 98% para los evaluadores. el Clinical Competence Questionnaire fue traducido y adaptado para uso de estudiantes brasileños; las propiedades psicométricas, de la versión en portugués del cuestionario, presentaron consistencia interna satisfactoria encontrada en la muestra estudiada.

  15. Astronomy in High School: Using a Mini-Planetarium to Understand Details of the Apparent Movement of Stars. (Spanish Title: Astronomía en la Escuela Secundaria: Comprendiendo los Detalles del Movimiento Aparente de Las Estrellas con un Miniplanetario.) Astronomia no Ensino Médio: Compreendendo Detalhes do Movimento Aparente das Estrelas com um Miniplanetário

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    dos Santos Leão, Demetrius


    The aim of this article is to present part of the results obtained by the intervention made from the author's Master degree project, which consisted in the development of a set of Astronomy classes for first year of High School students from a private school in the "Distrito Federal", Brasilia, Brazil, making use of a didactical material called mini-planetarium (MP) as the main resource. Using Paulo Freire's contextualization and dialogicity ideas as a theoretical framework guided by these lessons, it was proposed to the students the assembly and application of that resource in a planetarium session. During the project, some subjects such as the apparent trajectory of stars through Brasilia's sky, the location of the cardinal points beginning from the Southern Cross constellation, the color of stars and the stars being seen from a particular place were emphasized. It was found that the students showed an improvement of their understanding about these subjects, as well as a significant excitement with the developed methodology. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar algunos de los resultados obtenidos en el proyecto de la tesis de maestría del autor, que incluyó el desarrollo de algunas clases de Astronomía, con estudiantes del primer año del bachillerato de una escuela privada del Distrito Federal (Brasilia, Brasil), utilizando como materia prima didáctica el recurso llamado miniplanetario (MP). Utilizando como base teórica orientadora de esas clases las ideas de contextualización y dialógica de Paulo Freire, fue propuesto a los estudiantes el montaje y la utilización de este recurso en una función de planetario. Durante el proyecto, se enfatizaron asuntos tales como la trayectoria aparente de las estrellas del cielo de Brasilia, la ubicación de los puntos cardinales a partir de la constelación de la Cruz del Sur, los colores de las estrellas y las estrellas vistas desde una localidad determinada. Se constató que los estudiantes mostraron una mejora

  16. Directrices de los Servicios de Salud para Estudiantes Migratorios (Guidelines for Health Services for Migrant Students).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Dept. of Education, Sacramento. Bureau of Community Services and Migrant Education.

    To promote uniformity and continuity, standards have been established for planning, implementing, and evaluating student health programs provided by grade K-12 migrant education programs throughout California. In this Spanish language edition, state-mandated health requirements, the rationale for supplemental services, methods of providing…

  17. Actitudes y practicas educativas hacia la inclusion de estudiantes con impedimentos en la ensenanza de Ciencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vargas Rodriguez, Mayra

    This research is about the attitudes and educational practices towards inclusion of students with disabilities in science classroom. Four research questions were raised: (1) What are the attitudes of science teachers about the inclusion of students with disabilities?, (2) What is the relationship between attitudes and teachers demographics characteristics?, (3) What are the factors that influence the attitudes of science teachers? and (4) What does the Science teachers do in their educational practices to teach students with disabilities? A mixed design of two phases was performed to answer this question. In the first phase a questionnaire was submit to 79 Science teachers from the middle and high school level. This questionnaire with the title Attitudes and educational practices towards inclusion of students with disabilities in Science teaching was developed by the researcher. In the second phase a focus group was conducted with Science and Special Education teachers. Also, two structured interviews by telephone were conducted. The findings indicate that the attitudes of science teachers who participated in the first phase of this research seems to be neutral. However, in their responses to the interview or focus group the attitudes were perceived negative. This attitudes are influences by a number of factors that hinder the process of inclusion. Using a nonparametric test with a chi-square test, it was determined that the number of students in a classroom is one of the factors that have a significant relationship with attitudes. The modifications that Science teachers do in their educational practices these will depend on the discapacities. But usually the modification will be in the evaluation of the students. Using assessments as a technique. Also, individualized instruction and peers are educational practices that highlight.

  18. INFORME: Un Proyecto Especial para Estudiantes Muy Especiales (Report: A Special Project for Very Special Students).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrera, Rosa


    Discusses a special education program for children with lower intelligence quotients and emotional problems, to study introductory level Spanish with a teacher whose native language is Spanish. In addition to language content, the classes included instruction in social science. The program assisted these children in improving their knowledge of…

  19. [In Process Citation].


    López-Fuenzalida, Antonio; Rodríguez Canales, Carolina; Reyes Ponce, Álvaro; Contreras Molina, Ángela; Fernández Quezada, Javiera; Aguirre Polanco, Carolina


    Introducción: dado el incremento del sobrepeso y obesidad infantil, es relevante estudiar no solo las consecuencias metabólicas, sino también aquellas de índole musculoesqueléticas que pueden afectar la funcionalidad motriz, como es el pie plano, en esta población. Objetivo: identificar la asociación entre el estado nutricional y la prevalencia de pie plano en niños y niñas chilenos de 6 a 10 años. Métodos: el z-score del índice de masa corporal (IMC) y el registro y análisis de las huellas plantares según la metodología de Hernández-Corvo fue llevado a cabo en 388 escolares (52,3% niñas). Un test de diferencia para dos proporciones fue utilizado para evaluar las diferencias entre los grupos. Se considera una significancia estadística con p ≤ 0,05. Resultados: la prevalencia del exceso de peso fue de más del 40%. Esta prevalencia fue más alta en las niñas (47,8%) que en los niños (42,7%). La prevalencia de pie plano en todos los niños fue del 17%, presentando valores más elevados el pie derecho (18,3%) que el izquierdo (15,7%). Hay un incremento significativo de la prevalencia de pie plano en los niños obesos en relación con los niños con sobrepeso y normopeso. Conclusión: el estado nutricional está asociado con incrementos en la prevalencia de pie plano en niños. En la población infantil de 6 a 10 años de edad, la obesidad está asociada con la alteración morfológica del pie.

  20. Astronomy Teaching and Teachers Continuing Education: the Interdisciplinarity during a Total Lunar Eclipse. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza de la Astronomía y la Formación Continua de Profesores: la Interdisciplinariedad Durante un Eclipse Total de Luna.) Educação EM Astronomia E Formação Continuada de Professores: a Interdisciplinaridade Durante um Eclipse Lunar TOTAL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Langhi, Rodolfo


    This paper describes how 67 teachers from 23 cities, could awaken, in students, the scientific interest, using a natural astronomical phenomenon: a total lunar eclipse. Before and after of eclipse, meetings for continuing education were characterized by interdisciplinarity of astronomy and the importance of these observations. Working groups were formed by teachers and students, who organized the survey data, mobilizing the people in their cities. The results point ways about how to provide the scientific culture and the motivation to learn science in students, using approaches between the following communities: scientific, amateur and school. En este artículo se describe cómo 67 profesores de 23 ciudades, despertó el interés científico en los estudiantes mediante un fenómeno astronómico: un eclipse total de Luna. Antes y después del eclipse, reuniones para la formación continua se centraron en la interdisciplinariedad de la astronomía, y la importancia de las observaciones de este tipo de fenómeno. Profesores y estudiantes formaron grupos de trabajo para investigar datos durante el eclipse, con el participación de la comunidad en sus ciudades. Los resultados apuntan a las opciones que conducen a la cultura científica y la motivación para aprender la ciencia, utilizando las relaciones de los siguientes grupos: científicos, aficionados y la escuela. Este texto relata como 67 professores, provenientes de 23 cidades, puderam despertar, nos alunos, o interesse científico utilizando um fenômeno natural astronômico: um eclipse lunar total. O evento foi precedido e procedido por encontros de formação continuada, onde se caracterizou a interdisciplinaridade da astronomia e a importância das observações de fenômenos como estes. Grupos de trabalho foram formados por professores e alunos, que se organizaram para o levantamento conjunto de dados durante o fenômeno, além do envolvimento da comunidade em suas respectivas cidades. Os resultados apontam

  1. La preparacion en ciencia de los candidatos a maestros del nivel elemental primario segun la reforma de la educacion cientifica en Puerto Rico: Una propuesta de secuencia curricular

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodriguez Plaza, Evelyn

    El proposito de esta investigacion fue identificar los componentes de la preparacion en ciencia que deben recibir los estudiantes del Bachillerato en Artes en Educacion Elemental, Nivel Primario, de acuerdo a los documentos que dirigen la reforma de la educacion cientifica en Puerto Rico. Tambien, se identificaron los componentes de los cursos que forman parte de la preparacion en ciencia de estos estudiantes. Se compararon los componentes de la preparacion en ciencia y los componentes de los cursos para determinar congruencias y discrepancias. Con los datos recopilados se identificaron los componentes de los cursos de una secuencia curricular para la preparacion en ciencia de los candidatos a maestros del nivel elemental primario. La secuencia curricular que se propone en esta investigacion incluye cursos de contenido cientifico y de metodologia en la ensenanza de la ciencia disenados para satisfacer las necesidades de los candidatos. Se recomienda que en los procesos para el diseno, la implantacion y la evaluacion de estos cursos participen profesores de ciencia, profesores de educacion y maestros del nivel elemental primario. Todos los cursos de la secuencia curricular deben tener un enfoque constructivista. Las experiencias educativas que se incluyan en los cursos deben aspirar a desarrollar en los candidatos los atributos de la cultura cientifica y actitudes positivas hacia la ciencia y hacia la ensenanza de esta disciplina. El modelaje por parte de los profesores que ensenen los cursos de la secuencia curricular es fundamental en el desarrollo profesional de los candidatos. Se recomienda que en los cursos de contenido cientifico se estudien los conceptos y los conocimientos cientificos que forman parte del curriculo de Kindergarten a tercer grado de forma integrada y con una profundidad universitaria. Estos cursos deben tener un enfoque interdisciplinario e incluir el estudio de la naturaleza de la ciencia y un componente de laboratorio para desarrollar los



    Soto-Rodríguez, Anxela; Pérez-Fernandez, Ma Reyes


    Set up the stress prevalence and burnout syndrome in different units of nursing staff of the Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Ourense (CHUOU) and analyse which factors cause it. It has been designed a transversal, descriptive study by performing three assessment instruments: questionnaire of social-demographic variables; Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), and Nursing Stress Scale (NSS), to a 117 nursing staff of CHUOU as population. The average age was 39.23 years old and 83.8% were women. The average scoring in the emotional exhaustion dimension was 24.44, in the component of depersonalization was 7.58, and in the personal accomplishment was 34.50. Moreover, 89.7% suffer stress related with work environment. The average score in the dimension of emotional exhaustion was 24.44, the depersonalization of 7.58 and the personal accomplishment of 34.50. The 89.7% suffered from work-related stress. Nursing staff present high burnout syndrome and stress. It has been observed a higher vulnerability to the syndrome from subjects with temporary contract and rotary shift. There has been statistically significant differences in young nursing staff and less career seniority, whom present hiqher stress levels.

  3. Detection of carbapenemases and other mechanisms of enzymatic resistance to β-lactams in Enterobacteriaceae with diminished susceptibility to carbapenems in a tertiary care hospital.


    Gómara, Marta; López-Calleja, Ana Isabel; Iglesia, Berta María Pilar Vela; Cerón, Isabel Ferrer; López, Antonio Rezusta; Pinilla, María José Revillo


    Our objective was to characterize the enzymatic β-lactam resistance in clinical Enterobacteriaceae isolates with diminished susceptibility to carbapenems from 2013 to 2014 at Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet. A total of 63 clinical isolates were analyzed for the presence of carbapenemases (KPC, OXA-48 and MBL), ESBLs and AmpC enzymes by combined disk methods and PCR detection of carbapenemase-encoding and beta-lactamase-encoding genes. Fifteen isolates had a phenotypic test compatible with carbapenemase production; two of these were confirmed by PCR as OXA-48 producers. ESBL detection was positive in 27 isolates (43%); plasmid-mediated AmpC was detected in nine isolates (14.2%) and derepressed AmpC β-lactamase was present in 18 isolates (28%). During the study period, the decreased susceptibility to carbapenems in Enterobacteriaceae in our area was not due to true carbapenemases but rather to β-lactamase activity (82.5% were ESBL or AmpC producers), probably in combination with decreased permeability of the outer membrane. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  4. [Influence of promotional material on hand hygiene in the safety culture of a tertiary hospital].


    Molina-Cabrillana, J; Dorta-Hung, M E; Otero Sanz, L; Henández Vera, J R; Martín-Rodríguez, M M; García de Carlos, P


    In order to increase safety culture about hand hygiene by means of messages and reminders about its importance in preventing nosocomial infections, we developed a new set of materials in the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno-Infantil of Las Palmas, Gran Canaria, constitued by two centres with 450 beds each and acredited for medical internal residents training. We hired a well-known caricaturist, who adapted the messages to the local way of speaking, by using characters that used to appear in his artwork in the local newspaper. Also, we continued to work with other graphic design professionals. We monitored adherence and consumption of products for hand rubbing. We noted an increase in both indicators in the following months after the implementation of this strategy. Moreover, we revised the infrastructures for hand hygiene, and were able to demonstrate improvements in most of the patient care areas. The material was well accepted by professionals, patients and visitors. No other interventions were made, so we think improvements can be attributable to this strategy in our setting. Copyright © 2016 SECA. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  5. Compression of the right coronary artery by an aortic pseudoaneurysm after infective endocarditis: an unusual case of myocardial ischemia.


    Lacalzada-Almeida, Juan; De la Rosa-Hernández, Alejandro; Izquierdo-Gómez, María Manuela; García-Niebla, Javier; Hernández-Betancor, Iván; Bonilla-Arjona, Juan Alfonso; Barragán-Acea, Antonio; Laynez-Cerdeña, Ignacio


    A 61-year-old male with a prosthetic St Jude aortic valve size 24 presented with heart failure symptoms and minimal-effort angina. Eleven months earlier, the patient had undergone cardiac surgery because of an aortic root dilatation and bicuspid aortic valve with severe regurgitation secondary to infectious endocarditis by Coxiela burnetii and coronary artery disease in the left circumflex coronary artery. Then, a prosthesis valve and a saphenous bypass graft to the left circumflex coronary artery were placed. The patient was admitted to the Cardiology Department of Hospital Universitario de Canarias, Tenerife, Spain and a transthoracic echocardiography was performed that showed severe paraprosthetic aortic regurgitation and an aortic pseudoaneurysm. The 64-slice multidetector computed tomography confirmed the pseudoaneurysm, originating from the right sinus of Valsalva, with a compression of the native right coronary artery and a normal saphenous bypass graft. On the basis of these findings, we performed surgical treatment with a favorable postoperative evolution. In our case, results from complementary cardiac imaging techniques were crucial for patient management. The multidetector computed tomography allowed for a confident diagnosis of an unusual mechanism of coronary ischemia.

  6. [Detection of Entamoeba histolytica and Entamoeba dispar by PCR in children, less than five years of age with diarrhea, in Maracaibo, Venezuela. A preliminary study].


    Bracho Mora, Angela; Rivero de Rodríguez, Zulbey; Arraiz, Nailet; Villalobos, Rafael; Urdaneta, Haydee


    To determine the prevalence of Entamoeba histolytica as a producer of diarrhea, a study was conducted in children, less than five years of age, with diarrhea who attended several out patient clinics of the Servicio Aut6nomo Hospital Universitario, Maracaibo, Venezuela. A macroscopic and microscopic examination with physiological saline, lugol and Kinyoun staining were performed to the stool samples obtained. The remainder of the sample was frozen until DNA extraction, and PCR amplification was performed separately for E. histolytica and E. dispar. Microscopic examination showed no trophozoites and/or cysts of Entamoeba histolytica/dispar/moshkovskii, or intestinal coccidians in any of the 50 samples analyzed. Parasites detected were Giardia lamblia (6%), Blastocystis sp. (4%), Pentatrichomonas hominis (2%), Ascaris lumbricoides (2%) and Trichuris trichiura (2%). By PCR, six samples (12%) had DNA of E. dispar and two (4%) had DNA from E. histolytica; no child showed association of both amoebae. The two children who had E. histolytica were one-year-old. E. dispar was detected in younger children. We suggest that the prevalence of E. histolytica in children under five years is really low.

  7. Sleep disturbance: a forgotten syndrome in patients with Chiari I malformation.


    Ferré Masó, A; Poca, M A; de la Calzada, M D; Solana, E; Romero Tomás, O; Sahuquillo, J


    Chiari type I malformation (CM-I) is characterised by caudal ectopia of the cerebellar tonsils through the foramen magnum. This is associated with brain stem, high spinal cord, and cranial nerve compression phenomena. The most frequent symptoms are occipital headaches and dizziness. Less well-known symptoms are sleep disorders and nocturnal respiratory abnormalities. MEDLINE and information from patients evaluated at the Neurosurgery and Clinical Neurophysiology Departments at Hospital Universitario Vall d'Hebron. Review article based on data obtained from MEDLINE articles since 1966, using combinations of the following keywords: «Chiari malformation» or «Arnold-Chiari malformation» and «sleep apnea» or «sleep disorders». CM-I patients show a higher prevalence of sleep disorders than that observed in the general population. Some studies report a 50% prevalence of sleep apnea-hypopnea syndrome (SAHS), probably associated with sudden death in some cases. These results support analysing sleep respiratory parameters in theses patients. Identifying SAHS symptoms may help optimise treatment, thereby improving quality of life and prognosis. Copyright © 2010 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  8. Las experiencias clinicas de los estudiantes de enfermeria: Estudio de caso hacia la integracion de la mentoria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera Rodriguez, Ivelisse

    Clinical experiences are an essential part of the training of future nursing professionals. The period of clinical experience aims to develop in the student the necessary skills to practice as a nursing professional, when the academic program ends. This case study aimed to understand the opinion and explore the perception of faculty, clinical instructors, and nursing students on the meaning, contributions and challenges presented during clinical experiences. Among the themes explored in the focus groups were the meaning and importance to learning about the profession of clinical experiences, teaching strategies used during the practice scenarios, didactic relationships developed among students, clinical instructors, and teachers. The goal was to learn from all participants about what they do, their expectations, and the challenges presented during the clinical experiences. A qualitative, descriptive and contextual research design was followed, which required conducting six focus groups to collect the information from the perspective of all the participants. Faculty, clinical instructors, and nursing students participated each in two focus groups. Collected data were transcribed, coded and analyzed in order to organize it under themes related to the research framework. The qualitative analysis of the focus groups revealed that nursing faculty and clinical instructors perceived clinical experiences as a very important element in the training of nursing students, but that coordination between the academy and practice scenarios is disconnected and needs improvement. They also expressed that they use various learning strategies during the clinical experiences, however, they recognize it needs more structure and suggested mentoring as a strategy to consider. They affirmed that mentoring could contribute positively to enhance the teaching-learning process. Clinical instructors understand they perform mentoring roles, but they would like to have a more defined role and structured process. Nursing students, also, recognized the importance of clinical experiences in their professional training. They expressed the need to improve the communication between the academy and the practice scenarios in order to reduce the levels of anxiety they experience when entering the clinical experiences. Nursing students also expressed the need to consider the use of different teaching strategies, such as mentoring, to improve clinical experiences.

  9. Development of Educational Resources to Include the Teaching of Astronomy in the First Years of the Basic Education. (Spanish Title: Desarrollo de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Incluir la Enseñanza de la Astronomía en los Primeros Años de la Educación Básica.) Desenvolvimento de Recursos Pedagógicos Para Inserir o Ensino de Astronomia nas Séries Iniciais do Ensino Fundamental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Silva Morett, Samara; de Oliveira Souza, Marcelo


    In this report will be presented the development of educational resources for the presentation of concepts of astronomy in the early grades of elementary school. This material is composed by presentations developed with the use of new technological resources, by the development of experiments and by the presentation of curiosities related to this field. The experiments were constructed with low cost material in order to allow the students involved to rework them in other occasions. The material presented aims to emphasize the relationship between Astronomy and the daily life of students. The inclusion of Astronomy in elementary school is a way to demonstrate to students how this area is present in an active way in their daily lives. The classes involved in the project participated in a survey with the aim of providing information about the prior knowledge they had about topics in astronomy that were considered during the project. With the experiments conducted, and the aid of new technologies, the astronomical concepts were presented to students of 4th and 5th years of basic education of a municipal school of Campos dos Goytacazes (RJ). After the presentations new data collections were carried out with the aim of verifying the level of learning obtained and it was observed that the method used was an important tool to aid the process of teaching and learning. The project obtained good results. En este informe se presenta el desarrollo de recursos pedagógicos para la presentación de los conceptos de la astronomía en los primeros grados de la escuela primaria. Este material consiste en las presentaciones hechas con el uso de nuevos recursos tecnológicos, haciendo experimentos y análisis de objetos de interés relacionados con este ámbito. Los experimentos fueron construidos con material de bajo costo a fin de que los estudiantes involucrados podrían rehacer en otras ocasiones. El material presentado tiene como objetivo destacar la relación entre la astronom


    PubMed Central



    This article aims to describe the experience of Proyecto VIAS - RIMI (Violence & Asthma - Research Infrastructure in Minority Institutions) of Universidad del Este in Puerto Rico to achieve one of its main objectives: the development and promotion of mentoring in research. It describes the way the project has operationalized the mentoring process to empower mentees, as well as the innovative ways in which university professors have received training to become better mentors. The authors argue that mentoring has been fundamental to achieve the goals of the students who have participated in the project and recommend continuing such initiatives in academia. PMID:27066161

  11. [Prediction instrument for obesity in adolescents at the Policlínico Universitario "Manuel González Díaz", 2013-2014].


    Piña Borrego, Carlos Enrique; Fernández Fernández, María de Lourdes; Fonte Rodríguez, Norge; Piña Rodríguez, Lorena Karla

    Obesity is one of the principal non declarable diseases affecting children and adolescents. With the objective of developing a predictive instrument to identify high-risk adolescents with obesity, a cohort prospective study was carried out at the Policlinic "Manuel González Díaz", Bahía Honda City from 2013-2014. It was developed in three stages. In the first stage, 1800 adolescents from 10-19 years of age were included. The prevalence was identified and the most relevant characteristics of obesity were described (defined as body mass index >97 th percentile according to age and sex). In the second stage we identified the possibility of the diagnosis of factors that increase the probability of obesity. The third stage elaborated and validated an obesity predictor instrument from the results of the initial stages. To apply the instrument to sample A for internal elaboration and validation, sensitivity was 77.78% and specificity was 86.11%. Area under the curve (AUC) receiver operating characteristic (ROC) was 0.86, whereas for sample B the sensitivity was 79.63% and specificity was 92.13%. Positive predictive value (PPV) was 83.5% and negative predictive value (NPV) was 90.05%. The instrument allows predicting the risk for developing obesity in adolescents with acceptable sensitivity and high specificity. Its routine application will be interesting in pediatric health consultations. Copyright © 2014 Hospital Infantil de México Federico Gómez. Publicado por Masson Doyma México S.A. All rights reserved.

  12. Psychometric properties of the Attitudes Scale facing Alcohol and Alcoholism in nursing students.


    Vargas, Divane de; Rocha, Fernanda Mota


    to verify the psychometric properties of the Attitudes Scale facing Alcohol and Alcoholism (EAFAA) and people with disorders related to the use of alcohol in nursing students. a convenience sample (n=420) completed the EAFAA, the data were submitted to Exploratory Factor Analysis (EFA) and Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA). the EFA resulted in an instrument composed of 48 items divided into four factors. The CFA has established the validity of the factorial structure. The internal consistency of the scale was considered adequate (α=0.85) presenting a sensitivity of 70% and specificity of 75%. the EAFAA constitutes a reliable instrument to identify the attitudes of nursing students towards alcohol, alcoholism and persons with disorders related to alcohol use. verificar as propriedades psicométricas da Escala de Atitudes Frente ao Álcool, ao Alcoolismo e as pessoas com transtornos relacionados ao uso do Álcool em estudantes de enfermagem. uma amostra de conveniência (n=420) completou a EAFAA, os dados foram submetidos à Análise Fatorial Exploratória (AFE) e Análise Fatorial Confirmatória (AFC). a AFE resultou em um instrumento composto por 48 itens divididos em quatro fatores. A AFC estabeleceu a validade da estrutura fatorial. A consistência interna da escala foi considerada adequada (α=0,85) apresentando sensibilidade de 70% e especificidade de 75%. a EAFAA constitui-se em um instrumento confiável para identificar as atitudes de estudantes de enfermagem frente ao álcool, ao alcoolismo e a pessoa com transtornos relacionados ao uso de álcool. verificar las propiedades psicométricas de la escala de actitudes frente al alcohol, al alcoholismo y a las personas con trastornos por consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de enfermería. una muestra por conveniencia (n=420) completó la EAFAA, cuyos datos se sometieron a un análisis factorial exploratorio (AFE) y un análisis factorial confirmatorio (AFC). el AFE dio como resultado un instrumento compuesto por

  13. An optimization design proposal of automated guided vehicles for mixed type transportation in hospital environments

    PubMed Central

    González, Domingo; Espinosa, María del Mar; Domínguez, Manuel


    Aim The aim of this paper is to present an optimization proposal in the automated guided vehicles design used in hospital logistics, as well as to analyze the impact of its implementation in a real environment. Method This proposal is based on the design of those elements that would allow the vehicles to deliver an extra cart by the towing method. So, the proposal intention is to improve the productivity and the performance of the current vehicles by using a transportation method of combined carts. Results The study has been developed following concurrent engineering premises from three different viewpoints. First, the sequence of operations has been described, and second, a proposal of design of the equipment has been undertaken. Finally, the impact of the proposal has been analyzed according to real data from the Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega in Valladolid (Spain). In this particular case, by the implementation of the analyzed proposal in the hospital a reduction of over 35% of the current time of use can be achieved. This result may allow adding new tasks to the vehicles, and according to this, both a new kind of vehicle and a specific module can be developed in order to get a better performance. PMID:28562681

  14. Acute parvovirus B19 infection in adults: a retrospective study of 49 cases.


    Rodríguez Bandera, A I; Mayor Arenal, M; Vorlicka, K; Ruiz Bravo-Burguilllos, E; Montero Vega, D; Vidaurrázaga Díaz-Arcaya, C


    Our aim was to describe the epidemiologic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics of acute parvovirus B19 infection in adults. This study describes all cases of acute parvovirus B19 infection in patients older than 18 years of age who were treated at Hospital Universitario La Paz in Madrid, Spain, in 2012. Forty-nine adults were treated for acute parvovirus B19 infection. Most were young women who were infected in the spring or early summer. In over half the cases skin lesions were key diagnostic signs.We saw the full range of types of rash of purplish exanthems that were fairly generalized; vasculitis was relatively common (in >18%). Mild or moderate abnormalities in blood counts and indicators of liver dysfunction resolved spontaneously in all but 2 immunocompromised patients, who developed chronic anemia. This is the largest case series of acute parvovirus B19 infection published to date. This infection should be suspected on observing signs of purplish skin rashes, no matter the location or pattern of distribution, or vasculitis, especially if accompanied by fever and joint pain in young women in the spring. Measures to avoid infection should be recommended to individuals at risk. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and AEDV. All rights reserved.

  15. Economic impact of the new oral treatments for multiple sclerosis.


    Álvarez Ayuso, L; Rodríguez Marrodán, B; Blasco Quílez, M R; García-Merino, J A; Sánchez Guerrero, A


    Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic disease affecting the central nervous system and is characterised by inflammation, demyelination, gliosis, and axonal damage. The introduction of dimethyl fumarate and teriflunomide has led to an increase in the number of alternative first-line therapies for MS. The objective of this study was to evaluate the economic impact of the incorporation of new oral therapies at the reference unit (CSUR) at Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda. We performed a retrospective observational study including patients diagnosed with MS, who underwent treatment with disease-modifying drugs in 2015 and were followed up for a minimum mean time of one year. Data were collected from patients' electronic clinical histories and the pharmacy service's programme for dispensing drugs to outpatients. Evaluating the cost of changing 125 patients' treatment from other drugs to dimethyl fumarate and teriflunomide, and comparing this with the cost that would have resulted from maintaining their previous treatment, demonstrated a total saving of €169,107.31 over the study period. In addition to contributing new therapeutic alternatives, dimethyl fumarate and teriflunomide produced an economic saving in MS treatment at our hospital. Copyright © 2017 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  16. Efficacy and economic impact evaluation of a navigation system for assisted lung biopsy

    PubMed Central

    Giannatiempo, Sara; Petitti, Tommasangelo; Zobel, Bruno B.; Grasso, Rosario F.; Guglielmelli, Eugenio


    This Letter reports on the testing and assessment of an optical computed tomography-navigation system for percutaneous lung interventional, SIRIO, showing how the lesion diameter affects the bioptic procedure. Clinical data, relating to 501 patients, were collected at the Department of Interventional Radiology of Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico. This Letter shows that the diameter of lesion affects only the procedure duration (50.91 ± 18.87 min for lesions of diameter ≤20 mm and 44.98 ± 19.43 min for lesions of diameter >20 and ≤40 mm). For the nodules with a diameter ≤20 mm, there is a significant increase in the duration of the procedure (for each mm less the time increases by 6 s). Other parameters like the mean effective radiation dose and the presence of a diagnostic or non-diagnostic specimen do not depend, instead, on the lesion size. The economic analysis based on the biopsy procedure with SIRIO shows the necessity to adopt a new reimbursement system for percutaneous biopsy performed using navigation systems to stimulate their use to get important non-economic gains such as early diagnosis, reduction of the absorbed dose of X-rays and increasing number of lung cancers in a curable early stage. PMID:29750112

  17. Efficacy and economic impact evaluation of a navigation system for assisted lung biopsy.


    Giannatiempo, Sara; Carpino, Giorgio; Petitti, Tommasangelo; Zobel, Bruno B; Grasso, Rosario F; Guglielmelli, Eugenio


    This Letter reports on the testing and assessment of an optical computed tomography-navigation system for percutaneous lung interventional, SIRIO, showing how the lesion diameter affects the bioptic procedure. Clinical data, relating to 501 patients, were collected at the Department of Interventional Radiology of Policlinico Universitario Campus Bio-Medico. This Letter shows that the diameter of lesion affects only the procedure duration (50.91 ± 18.87 min for lesions of diameter ≤20 mm and 44.98 ± 19.43 min for lesions of diameter >20 and ≤40 mm). For the nodules with a diameter ≤20 mm, there is a significant increase in the duration of the procedure (for each mm less the time increases by 6 s). Other parameters like the mean effective radiation dose and the presence of a diagnostic or non-diagnostic specimen do not depend, instead, on the lesion size. The economic analysis based on the biopsy procedure with SIRIO shows the necessity to adopt a new reimbursement system for percutaneous biopsy performed using navigation systems to stimulate their use to get important non-economic gains such as early diagnosis, reduction of the absorbed dose of X-rays and increasing number of lung cancers in a curable early stage.

  18. [Skin reactivity frequency to aeroallergens in patients with clinical symptoms of allergic disease].


    Rojas-Méndez, Isabel Cristina; Arana-Muñoz, Oswaldo; López-García, Aída Inés; Rivero-Yeverino, Daniela; Caballero-López, Chrystopherson Gengyny; Papaqui-Tapia, Sergio; Camero-Martínez, Heriberto; Vázquez-Rojas, Elizabeth


    Allergic diseases diagnosis must be based on adequate allergological anamnesis and an immunological sensitization test; the most sensitive and specific is the skin prick test. To determine the frequency of skin reactivity to aeroallergens, by age groups, in patients of the Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology of the Hospital Universitario de Puebla, in Mexico. A cross-sectional study was conducted that included patients aged 2 to 64 years with symptoms suggestive of allergic disease, in which skin prick tests with aeroallergens were performed; the diagnostic criteria were those of international guidelines. Frequencies, percentages and dispersion measures were calculated. Of 173 patients, 63 % were females. Mean age was 22.3 years. The frequency of skin reactivity for Quercus sp. was 12.72 %, for Periplaneta americana, 9.83 %, for Dermatophagoides farinae, 9.25 %, for Cynodon dactylon, 8.09 %, for Blatella germanica, 8.09 %, for Holcus halepensis, 6.94 %, for Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus, 6.36 %, for Schinus molle, 5.78 %, for Fraxinus uhdei, 5.20 %, for Lolium perenne, 5.20 %, for Ambrosia eliator, 5.20 % and for Artemisa tridentata, 4.62 %. Although Dermatophagoides are the most frequently reported aeroallergens, the most common aeroallergen in this study was pollen, probably owing to geographical and environmental factors, although this was not observed in the analysis by age groups.

  19. [Phenotypic variations of susceptibility in Klebsiella pneumoniae strains of nosocomial origin and their association with biofilm formation].


    Barreto, Silvio; Zambrano, María; Araque, María


    Klebsiella pneumoniae is the principal opportunist pathogen associated with nosocomial infections. The morbidity and mortality produced by this microorganism is related mostly to antimicrobial resistance and its capacity to form biofilms. In this study, the phenotypic variations of susceptibility in 50 Klebsiella pneumoniae strains (26 betaLEE-producer and 24 no betaLEE-producer) isolated from pediatric patients with nosocomial septicemia at the High-risk Neonatal Unit of the Instituto Aut6nomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes, Mérida, Venezuela and their associations with biofilm formation were analyzed. These strains were biochemically identified by standard microbiology methods. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined by minimal inhibitory concentration and biofilm formation was detected by spectrophotometric techniques. Most of betaLEE strains were frequently associated with resistance markers such as tobramycin, kanamycin, tetracycline, chloramphenicol (38% each), streptomycin (36%) and netilmicin (34%). The predominant multiresistent phenotype was composed of betaLEE+ -AMG-TET-CLF (30%). 18% of K. pneumoniae strains were sensible to the antibiotics tested. Formation of biofilm was observed in 77.8% and 96.2% of sensible and resistent strains, respectively. There was no statistic relation between phenotipic variations of susceptibility and biofilm formation (p > = 0.05). However, both characteristics of K. pneumoniae should be evaluated to determine the therapeutic conduct to treat patients with nosocomial infection.

  20. Design and development of a nutritional assessment application for smartphones and tablets with Android OS.


    Carnero Gregorio, Miguel; Blanco Ramos, Montserrat; Obeso Carillo, Gerardo Andrés; García Fontán, Eva; Álvarez González, Miguel Ángel; Cañizares Carretero, Miguel Ángel


    To design and develop a nutritional application for smartphones and tablets with Android operating system for using to in- and outpatients that need a nutritional assessment. To check the validity of the results of such software. The application was compiled for version 2.1 of the Android operating system from Google. A cohort of 30 patients was included for evaluating the reliability of the application. The calculations were performed by staff of the Nutrition Unit of the Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Vigo, manually and through e-Nutrimet software on a smartphone and a tablet. Concordance was absolute between results of different methods obtained using e-Nutrimet on a smartphone and a tablet (Fleiss index κ= 1). The same level of concordance was obtained by comparing handmade and e-Nutrimet made results. The degree of correlation is good, and it would be extended to all healthcare staff who wants to determine whether a patient has malnutrition, or not. The nutritional assessment software e-Nutrimet does not replace healthcare staff in any case, but could be an important aid in assessing patients who may be in risk of malnutrition, saving time of evaluation. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  1. An optimization design proposal of automated guided vehicles for mixed type transportation in hospital environments.


    González, Domingo; Romero, Luis; Espinosa, María Del Mar; Domínguez, Manuel


    The aim of this paper is to present an optimization proposal in the automated guided vehicles design used in hospital logistics, as well as to analyze the impact of its implementation in a real environment. This proposal is based on the design of those elements that would allow the vehicles to deliver an extra cart by the towing method. So, the proposal intention is to improve the productivity and the performance of the current vehicles by using a transportation method of combined carts. The study has been developed following concurrent engineering premises from three different viewpoints. First, the sequence of operations has been described, and second, a proposal of design of the equipment has been undertaken. Finally, the impact of the proposal has been analyzed according to real data from the Hospital Universitario Rio Hortega in Valladolid (Spain). In this particular case, by the implementation of the analyzed proposal in the hospital a reduction of over 35% of the current time of use can be achieved. This result may allow adding new tasks to the vehicles, and according to this, both a new kind of vehicle and a specific module can be developed in order to get a better performance.

  2. The systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) to identify infected patients in the emergency room.


    Jaimes, Fabián; Garcés, Jenny; Cuervo, Jorge; Ramírez, Federico; Ramírez, Jorge; Vargas, Andrea; Quintero, Claudia; Ochoa, Jorge; Tandioy, Fabio; Zapata, Láder; Estrada, Juan; Yepes, Maria; Leal, Hiulber


    Evaluation of the usefulness of criteria for systemic inflammatory response syndrome (SIRS) compared with the final diagnosis of infection in patients admitted to the emergency room of two university-based hospitals. Longitudinal cohort study. Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paul and Hospital General de Medellín, Medellín, Colombia. PATIENTS. Seven hundred thirty-four patients with suspected infection as main diagnosis for admittance into the emergency room. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive values and likelihood ratios (LR) of SIRS criteria at admission were determined using, as gold standards, the diagnosis at the time of discharge based on clinical history and evolution, and microbiological confirmation of infection. SIRS criteria were met by 503 patients (68.5%); the discharge diagnosis of infection was found in 657 (89.4%) and 276 (37%) had microbiological confirmation. SIRS criteria exhibited a sensitivity of 69%, specificity of 35%, positive predictive value (PPV) of 90%, negative predictive value (NPV) of 12% and positive LR of 1.06. There were no differences between the two gold standards. The finding of two or more SIRS criteria was of little usefulness for diagnosis of infection. It is necessary to work with new criteria and probably with biological markers, in order to obtain a simple, precise and operative definition of the sepsis phenomenon.

  3. Allergic contact dermatitis due to cosmetics: A clinical and epidemiological study in a tertiary hospital.


    Zaragoza-Ninet, V; Blasco Encinas, R; Vilata-Corell, J J; Pérez-Ferriols, A; Sierra-Talamantes, C; Esteve-Martínez, A; de la Cuadra-Oyanguren, J


    The incidence of allergic contact dermatitis (ACD) to cosmetics in the general population is rising with the increasing use of cosmetic products and their proliferation and diversification. The aims of this study were to determine the prevalence of ACD to cosmetics in our setting, analyze changes over time, describe the clinical and epidemiological features of this allergic reaction, and identify the allergens and cosmetics involved. We performed a prospective study at the skin allergy unit in Hospital General Universitario de Valencia in Spain between 2005 and 2013 and compared our findings with data collected retrospectively for the period 1996 to 2004. The 5419 patients who underwent patch testing during these 2 periods were included in the study. The mean prevalence of ACD to cosmetics increased from 9.8% in the first period (1996-2004) to 13.9% in the second period (2005-2013). A significant correlation was found between ACD to cosmetics and female sex but not atopy. Kathon CG (blend of methylchloroisothiazolinone and methylisothiazolinone), fragrances, and paraphenylenediamine were the most common causes of ACD to cosmetics during both study periods, and acrylates and sunscreens were identified as emerging allergens during the second period. Copyright © 2016 AEDV. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Los estudiantes que se mudan de escuela y el logro academico (Student Mobility and Academic Achievement). ERIC Digest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rumberger, Russell W.

    Student mobility (students moving from one school to another for reasons other than being promoted to the next school level) is widespread in the United States. This Spanish-language Digest examines the research on the academic consequences of mobility for elementary school students and discusses what schools and parents can do to mitigate the…

  5. Practicas de las Relacioenes Formales e Informales de los Profesores con los Estudiantes Que Inciden en la Persistencia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arroyo, Rosa


    This work includes three models of retention for higher education. The study was performed at a private university, with 144 students of second semester second year. The theme is formal and informal relationships between students and their professors. The statics analysis was performed with SPSS 19 and STAT 12. [The dissertation citations…

  6. Impacto de Dos Métodos Alternativos de Asignación de Costos Indirectos Estructurales de Hospitales Públicos Chilenos en el Costo Final de Producción de Servicios Sanitarios.


    Luis Roberto, Reveco Sepúlveda; Carlos Alberto, Vallejos Vallejos; Patricio Reinaldo, Valdes Garcia; Herenia Gutiérrez Ponce


    The main goal of this study is to measure the impact of two alternative methods of overhead cost allocation of chilean public hospitals into the final production cost of 256 health care services which are recurrent in health problems whose burden of disease is high in Chile. A purposively sample of six important hospitals of metropolitan region in Chile was considered. A survey was applied to them in order to collect analytic cost data of resource use (labor, medical supplies and use of capital) in the production of health care services. The data of overhead cost (electricity, central heating, laundry, administrative support, transport, maintenance, etc.) were obtained from the Information System of each hospital. The final cost of each health care service was calculated from the perspective of health public system, in two ways: (1) using a proxy rate of common use, and (2) using overhead cost rates as a result of a step-down methodology. The final costs calculated with each method were compared and analized. Considering that the gold standard method for allocation of overhead cost is the step-down methodology, the results using proxy rate revealed that 185 services (72,3%) are under costing, and 71 health care services (27,7%) are over costing. The use of proxy rates to allocate overhead costs into the final cost lead to important under costing and over costing of health services. This finding is important at least by two reasons: (1) for the management of hospitals, (2) in economic evaluations, the variations in cost can modify the ratio of cost-effectiveness, cost-utility or cost-benefit, influencing the health public decision. Copyright © 2012 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Medición de placas astrométricas obtenidas con el telescopio Astrográfico de La Plata

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    di Sisto, R. P.; Orellana, R.

    El Observatorio de La Plata cuenta con un gran número de placas de asteroides y cometas obtenidas con el telescopio astrográfico, que cubren gran parte del cielo del hemisferio sur. En 1996 se recopilaron y clasificaron 2187 placas (Beca para estudiantes de la AAA 1996) de las cuales 2031 corresponden a asteroides. Los datos de cada placa se volcaron en una base de datos creada para facilitar su manejo y preservar la información. A partir de este trabajo se revisaron los MPC electrónicos y se identificaron aquellas placas de asteroides pertenecientes a nuestra base de datos cuyos resultados no fueron publicados en los mismos. De un total de 400 placas que no aparecían publicadas sobresalía un paquete constituído por 40 placas obtenidas en 1977. Estas últimas fueron reducidas utilizando las posiciones y movimientos propios de las estrellas de referencia obtenidas del catálogo SAO 2000 dadas para el sistema FK5. Las posiciones calculadas fueron enviadas y publicadas en los Minor Planet Circulars (MPC).

  8. Stress sources in nursing practice. Evolution during nursing training.


    Zupiria Gorostidi, Xabier; Huitzi Egilegor, Xabier; Jose Alberdi Erice, Mari; Jose Uranga Iturriotz, Mari; Eizmendi Garate, Inma; Barandiaran Lasa, Maite; Sanz Cascante, Xabier


    A cohort study was carried out in order to evaluate the evolution of nursing students' perception of stressors associated with clinical practice. Sixty-nine students answered the KEZKAK questionnaire about nursing stressors [Zupiria X., Uranga M.J., Alberdi, M.J., Barandiaran, M., 2003b. Kezkak: cuestionario bilingüe de estresores de los estudiantes de enfermería en las prácticas clínicas. Gac. Sanit. 17 (1), 37-51.] at four stages of their studies. The most powerful stressors identified by students both at the beginning and at the end of their studies were: lack of competence, uncertainty and impotence, being harmed by the relationship with patients, emotional involvement, lack of control in relationships with patients, contact with suffering, relationships with tutors and companions, and overload. Nevertheless, most of the stressors were found to lose stressor power during the course of nursing training. The evolution of the perception of stressor power and its implications for nurse training are discussed, and some recommendations based on our findings are provided.

  9. College Choices Guide for Migrant Students and Parents = Guia de Elecciones de Universidades para Estudiantes Migrantes y sus Padres.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eddy/Northeast Health, Troy, NY.

    This brief guide is a planning outline to help migrant students and parents prepare for, choose, and apply to college. The first section, "Thinking About College," offers specific tips for each grade from 9-12; discusses high school graduation requirements and college admission requirements, using Johnston County (North Carolina) schools and the…

  10. Financial Aid for Students Workbook, 1994-95 School Year = Ayuda Financiera para Estudiantes, Libreta del Ano Escolar 1994-95.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California Student Aid Commission, Sacramento.

    Presented in both English and Spanish language formats, this workbook explains how California residents can qualify for and obtain student financial aid in the form of federal and state grants and loans, work-study programs, institutional grants, federal campus-based programs, and the Federal Family Education Loan Program loans. A calendar of…

  11. Significant Learning Experiences for English Foreign Language Students (Experiencias significativas para estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Becerra, Luz María; McNulty, Maria


    This action research examines experiences that students in a grade 10 EFL class had with redesigning a grammar-unit into a topic-based unit. Strategies were formulating significant learning goals and objectives, and implementing and reflecting on activities with three dimensions of Dee Fink's (2003) taxonomy of significant learning: the human…

  12. Clinical magnification and residual refraction after implantation of a double intraocular lens system in patients with macular degeneration.


    Amselem, Luis; Diaz-Llopis, Manuel; Felipe, Adelina; Artigas, Jose M; Navea, Amparo; García-Delpech, Salvador


    To evaluate the efficacy of a standard double intraocular lens (IOL) system (IOL-Vip) in patients with low vision and central scotoma due to macular degeneration and assess the predictability of the residual refraction and magnification. Ophthalmology Department, Hospital General Universitario, Valencia, Spain. This interventional prospective noncomparative case series comprised 13 consecutive surgical procedures in 10 patients with central scotoma. Follow-up was 12 months. Evaluation included the difference between preoperative and postoperative best corrected visual acuity (BCVA), refraction, position of the IOLs, endothelial cell density, and occurrence of postoperative complications. Residual refraction and eye magnification were calculated using a theory developed in a previous study, and the values were compared with the clinical results. The mean BCVA was 1.37 logMAR preoperatively and 0.68 logMAR 1 year postoperatively. The mean best corrected clinical gain was 44%. There was no statistically significant difference between the clinically evaluated and theoretically calculated residual refractions (P = .17). No intraoperative or postoperative complications occurred. Implantation of the double IOL system improved BCVA in patients with low vision due to advanced maculopathy. The results were best in myopic patients (long eyes); patients with hyperopia (short eyes) had high residual refraction. The postoperative clinical gain and residual refraction were predictable, showing the feasibility of implanting a customized double IOL.

  13. Dermatofibroma of the face: a clinicopathologic study of 20 cases.


    Estela, J R; Rico, M T; Pérez, A; Unamuno, B; Garcías, J; Cubells, L; Alegre, V


    Dermatofibroma is one of the most common benign skin tumors. It typically develops on the lower limbs between the third and fifth decade of life and is more common in women. Clinical diagnosis is often straightforward. Dermatofibromas are associated with a very low rate of local recurrence following excision. To describe the clinical and histologic features of dermatofibroma of the face based on our experience. Descriptive retrospective study of the clinicopathologic features of dermatofibromas of the face diagnosed at the dermatology department of Hospital General Universitario de Valencia between 1990 and 2012. Twenty cases of dermatofibroma of the face (1.11% of all dermatofibromas diagnosed) were studied. The age at onset varied widely, from 28 to 84 years. The mean age at onset was 57.15 years and the median was 54 years. There were 11 women and 9 men. Mean follow-up was 83 months and there were no local recurrences. All the tumors were confined to the papillary and reticular dermis and the storiform pattern was the most common growth pattern observed. This study of facial dermatofibromas diagnosed at our hospital over a period of 22 years suggests that the face is an uncommon site but that dermatofibromas in this location behave similarly to those occurring elsewhere on the body. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L. and AEDV. All rights reserved.

  14. LQAS usefulness in an emergency department.


    de la Orden, Susana Granado; Rodríguez-Rieiro, Cristina; Sánchez-Gómez, Amaya; García, Ana Chacón; Hernández-Fernández, Tomás; Revilla, Angel Abad; Escribano, Dolores Vigil; Pérez, Paz Rodríguez


    This paper aims to explore lot quality assurance sampling (LQAS) applicability and usefulness in the evaluation of quality indicators in a hospital emergency department (ED) and to determine the degree of compliance with quality standards according to this sampling method. Descriptive observational research in the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón (HGUGM) emergency department (ED). Patients older than 15 years, diagnosed with dyspnoea, chest pain, urinary tract colic or bronchial asthma attending the HGUGM ED from December 2005 to May 2006, and patients admitted during 2005 with exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease or acute meningitis were included in the study. Sample sizes were calculated using LQAS. Different quality indicators, one for each process, were selected. The upper (acceptable quality level (AQL)) and lower thresholds (rejectable quality level (RQL)) were established considering risk alpha = 5 per cent and beta = 20 per cent, and the minimum number of observations required was calculated. It was impossible to reach the necessary sample size for bronchial asthma and urinary tract colic patients. For chest pain, acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, and acute meningitis, quality problems were detected. The lot was accepted only for the dyspnoea indicator. The usefulness of LQAS to detect quality problems in the management of health processes in one hospital's ED. The LQAS could complement traditional sampling methods.

  15. Objectively assessed physical activity levels in Spanish cancer survivors.


    Ruiz-Casado, Ana; Verdugo, Ana Soria; Solano, María J Ortega; Aldazabal, Itziar Pagola; Fiuza-Luces, Carmen; Alejo, Lidia Brea; del Hierro, Julio R Padilla; Palomo, Isabel; Aguado-Arroyo, Oscar; Garatachea, Nuria; Cebolla, Héctor; Lucia, Alejandro


    To objectively assess physical activity (PA) levels in a cohort of Spanish cancer survivors. Descriptive, cross-sectional. The Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada and two healthcare centers in Madrid, Spain. 204 cancer survivors and 115 adults with no history of cancer. Participants wore a triaxial accelerometer for seven or more consecutive days to assess PA levels. Body mass index (BMI), indirect indicators of adiposity (waist circumference, waist-to-hip ratio), and cardiorespiratory fitness also were determined. Light, moderate, vigorous, and total PA (sum of the former). Most (94%) of the cancer survivors met international recommendations for moderate PA, but very few (3%) fulfilled those (75 minutes or more per week) for vigorous PA. Except for lower total (minute per day, p=0.048) and vigorous PA levels (p<0.001 for both minute per day and minute per week) recorded in the cancer survivors group, no between-group differences were detected (p>0.05). A high percentage of the survivors (33%) were obese (BMI greater than 30 kg/m2), and many also showed poor cardiorespiratory fitness (45% were below the 8 metabolic equivalent threshold). Although cancer survivors overall met international PA recommendations for a healthy lifestyle, their BMI and cardiorespiratory profiles were not within the healthy range. Cancer survivors need to be informed about healthy lifestyle habits and should be regularly monitored.

  16. [Prevalence of myasthenia gravis in Antioquia, Colombia].


    Sánchez, J L; Uribe, C S; Franco, A F; Jiménez, M E; Arcos-Burgos, O M; Palacio, L G

    Myasthenia gravis (MG), considered the commonest of all the illnesses that affect neuromuscular transmission, is a disorder in which the autoimmune system attacks the post synaptic acetylcholine receptor proteins in the end plate terminal; it is characterised by weakness and skeletal muscle fatigue, with no anomalies in reflexes, sensitivity or coordination. Epidemiological indicators, such as incidence and prevalence, are not known in Colombia. AIMS. To determine the prevalence of MG among the inhabitants of Antioquia, through the use of the capture recapture method. The capture recapture method was used for two sources, the Instituto Neurológico de Antioquia and the Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Pa l, which are the most important institutions for the diagnosis of neurological diseases in Antioquia. MG prevalence was calculated using the following formula: p= n/N 105. We examined the data from the period between 1 July 1995 and 30 June 2000 with the aim of identifying subjects who fitted the profile of MG sufferers. General MG prevalence in Antioquia was 27.7 cases per million inhabitants (CI 95%= 23.2 32.2). The male/female ratio was 1:3.77. The estimated prevalence of MG is lower than that reported in United States and other temperate regions, where it varies between 60 and 150 cases per million. The prevalence of MG is low in Antioquia, as in other tropical areas

  17. [Implementation of a post-discharge surgical site infection system in herniorrhaphy and mastectomy procedures].


    San Juan Sanz, Isabel; Díaz-Agero-Pérez, Cristina; Robustillo-Rodela, Ana; Pita López, María José; Oliva Iñiguez, Lourdes; Monge-Jodrá, Vicente


    Monitoring surgical site infection (SSI) performed during hospitalization can underestimate its rates due to the shortening in hospital stay. The aim of this study was to determine the actual rates of SSI using a post-discharge monitoring system. All patients who underwent herniorraphy or mastectomy in the Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal from 1 January 2011 to 31 December 2011 were included. SSI data were collected prospectively according to the continuous quality improvement indicators (Indicadores Clinicos de Mejora Continua de la Calidad [INCLIMECC]) monitoring system. Post-discharge follow-up was conducted by telephone survey. A total of 409patients were included in the study, of whom 299 underwent a herniorraphy procedure, and 110 underwent a mastectomy procedure. For herniorrhaphy, the SSI rate increased from 6.02% to 7.6% (the post-discharge survey detected 21.7% of SSI). For mastectomy, the SSI rate increased from 1.8% to 3.6% (the post-discharge survey detected 50% of SSI). Post-discharge monitoring showed an increased detection of SSI incidence. Post-discharge monitoring is useful to analyze the real trend of SSI, and evaluate improvement actions. Post-discharge follow-up methods need to standardised. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L.U. y Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  18. [Spontaneous speech prosody and discourse analysis in schizophrenia and Fronto Temporal Dementia (FTD) patients].


    Martínez, Angela; Felizzola Donado, Carlos Alberto; Matallana Eslava, Diana Lucía


    Patients with schizophrenia and Frontotemporal Dementia (FTD) in their linguistic variants share some language characteristics such as the lexical access difficulties, disordered speech with disruptions, many pauses, interruptions and reformulations. For the schizophrenia patients it reflects a difficulty of affect expression, while for the FTD patients it reflects a linguistic issue. This study, through an analysis of a series of cases assessed Clinic both in memory and on the Mental Health Unit of HUSI-PUJ (Hospital Universitario San Ignacio), with additional language assessment (analysis speech and acoustic analysis), present distinctive features of the DFT in its linguistic variants and schizophrenia that will guide the specialist in finding early markers of a differential diagnosis. In patients with FTD language variants, in 100% of cases there is a difficulty understanding linguistic structure of complex type; and important speech fluency problems. In patients with schizophrenia, there are significant alterations in the expression of the suprasegmental elements of speech, as well as disruptions in discourse. We present how depth language assessment allows to reassess some of the rules for the speech and prosody analysis of patients with dementia and schizophrenia; we suggest how elements of speech are useful in guiding the diagnosis and correlate functional compromise in everyday psychiatrist's practice. Copyright © 2014 Asociación Colombiana de Psiquiatría. Publicado por Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  19. [Study protocol of a prevention of recurrent suicidal behaviour program based on case management (PSyMAC)].


    Sáiz, Pilar A; Rodríguez-Revuelta, Julia; González-Blanco, Leticia; Burón, Patricia; Al-Halabí, Susana; Garrido, Marlen; García-Alvarez, Leticia; García-Portilla, Paz; Bobes, Julio


    Prevention of suicidal behaviour is a public health priority in the European Union. A previous suicide attempt is the best risk predictor for future attempts, as well as completed suicides. The primary aim of this article is to describe a controlled study protocol designed for prevention of recurrent suicidal behaviour that proposes case management, and includes a psychoeducation program, as compared with the standard intervention (PSyMAC). Patients admitted from January 2011 to June 2013 to the emergency room of the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias were evaluated using a protocol including sociodemographic, psychiatric, and psychosocial assessment. Patients were randomly assigned to either a group receiving continuous case management including participation in a psychoeducation program (experimental group), or a control group receiving standard care. The primary objective is to examine whether or not the period of time until recurrent suicidal behaviour in the experimental group is significantly different from that of the control group. PSyMAC proposes low cost and easily adaptable interventions to the usual clinical setting that can help to compensate the shortcoming of specific action protocols and suicidal behaviour prevention programs in our country. The evaluation of PSyMAC results will determine their real effectivity as a case-magament program to reduce suicidal risk. Copyright © 2013 SEP y SEPB. Published by Elsevier España. All rights reserved.

  20. En torno al rechazo, la salud mental y la resiliencia en un grupo de jóvenes universitarios gays, lesbianas y bisexuales.


    Del C Fernández Rodríguez, María; Calle, Fernando Vázquez


    These descriptive cross-sectional study explores aspects related to mental health and resilience in 44 youth identified as gays, lesbians and bisexuals (GLB). A survey and a semi structured interviews were conducted. Approximately one in three young people surveyed showed suicidal thoughts. The 18.2% of all young people carried out suicide attempts, which represented about 50% of those who expressed suicidal thoughts. Young people respondents with suicidal thoughts reported a mean score significantly lower on scales of mental health and vitality, but a higher score on the scale of perceived stigma. 75% of GLB youth respondents exhibited high levels of self-esteem and resilience. These findings account for the inherent complexity related to be accepted as gay, lesbian or bisexual, since the person wants to express himself, even with the social costs that entails and implies.

  1. En torno al rechazo, la salud mental y la resiliencia en un grupo de jóvenes universitarios gays, lesbianas y bisexuales

    PubMed Central

    del C. Fernández Rodríguez, María; Calle, Fernando Vázquez


    These descriptive cross-sectional study explores aspects related to mental health and resilience in 44 youth identified as gays, lesbians and bisexuals (GLB). A survey and a semi structured interviews were conducted. Approximately one in three young people surveyed showed suicidal thoughts. The 18.2% of all young people carried out suicide attempts, which represented about 50% of those who expressed suicidal thoughts. Young people respondents with suicidal thoughts reported a mean score significantly lower on scales of mental health and vitality, but a higher score on the scale of perceived stigma. 75% of GLB youth respondents exhibited high levels of self-esteem and resilience. These findings account for the inherent complexity related to be accepted as gay, lesbian or bisexual, since the person wants to express himself, even with the social costs that entails and implies. PMID:25664146

  2. Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Nursing Student Satisfaction Scale for use with Brazilian nursing students.


    Hirsch, Carolina Domingues; Barlem, Edison Luiz Devos; Barlem, Jamila Geri Tomaschewski; Dalmolin, Graziele de Lima; Pereira, Liliane Alves; Ferreira, Amanda Guimarães


    identificados três constructos: Currículo e ensino; Interações sociais/profissionais e Ambiente de aprendizagem. O instrumento apresentou consistência interna satisfatória, com alfa de Cronbach 0,93 para o instrumento, e entre 0,88 e 0,89 para as dimensões. o Nursing Student Satisfaction Scale - versão brasileira é um instrumento válido e fidedigno para ser utilizado na avaliação da satisfação dos acadêmicos com o curso graduação em enfermagem, contemplando as atividades de ensino, currículo, interação social profissional e o ambiente de aprendizagem. adaptar culturalmente y validar el instrumento Nursing Student Satisfaction Scale (NSSS) para utilización en el contexto brasileño por estudiantes de enfermería. estudio cuantitativo, de tipo exploratorio y descriptivo, con delineamiento transversal, realizado con 123 estudiantes de pré-grado en enfermería de una universidad pública en el sur de Brasil. Se realizó la adaptación cultural del instrumento según recomendaciones internacionales y su validación para utilización en el contexto brasileño, a través del análisis factorial y del Alpha de Cronbach. mediante evaluación de un comité de especialistas y realización de un pretest, la validez aparente y de contenido del instrumento fueron considerados satisfactorios. A partir del análisis factorial, fueron identificados tres constructos: Currículo y enseñanza; Interacciones sociales/profesionales y Ambiente de aprendizaje. El instrumento presentó consistencia interna satisfactoria, con Alpha de Cronbach de 0,93 para el instrumento, y entre 0,88 y 0,89 para las dimensiones. el Nursing Student Satisfaction Scale- versión brasileña es un instrumento válido y fidedigno para ser utilizado en la evaluación de la satisfacción de los estudiantes con el curso de pré-grado en enfermería, contemplando las actividades de enseñanza, currículo, interacción social profesional y del ambiente de aprendizaje.

  3. Conexiones: Guia para Padres y Estudiantes. Directorio de Servicios y Programas de Educacion Especial de las Escuelas Publicas de Boston.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Celuzza, Paul W., Ed.; Clayton, Shelley Bakst, Ed.

    Intended for handicapped students and their parents, the booklet presents a guide in Spanish to special education services in the Boston public schools. Chapter 766, the Massachusetts law guaranteeing free appropriate public education to every child, is focused on. Section 1 discusses such evaluation aspects as early childhood screening, referral,…

  4. Factors associated to clinical learning in nursing students in primary health care: an analytical cross-sectional study.


    Serrano-Gallardo, Pilar; Martínez-Marcos, Mercedes; Espejo-Matorrales, Flora; Arakawa, Tiemi; Magnabosco, Gabriela Tavares; Pinto, Ione Carvalho


    aprendizagem clínica. Foram realizadas análises univariadas, bivariadas e multivariadas (regressão linear múltipla). a taxa de resposta foi de 91,8%. O processo de tutoria mais indicado foi o de "preceptor-professor" (45,2%). As Práticas Clínicas foram avaliadas como "ótimas" por 55,1%, o relacionamento com a equipe-preceptor foi considerado bom por 80,4% dos casos e a classificação média para a aprendizagem clínica foi de 7,89. O modelo de regressão linear múltipla, com mais capacidade explicativa incluiu as variáveis "ano acadêmico" (coeficiente de beta = 1.042 para alunos do terceiro ano), "área de cuidados de saúde primários" (coeficiente de beta = 0,308 para a Área B) e "percepção de práticas clínicas" (beta coeficiente = - 0,204 para uma percepção menos que ótima). O momento dentro do programa acadêmico, a localização e percepção das Práticas Clínicas foram associados com a aprendizagem clínica dos alunos. A percepção dos alunos sobre a qualidade do lugar das Práticas Clínicas foi positiva e um bom relacionamento da equipe-preceptor é uma questão de relevância. identificar la percepción del alumnado de enfermería sobre la calidad de las Prácticas Clínicas y evaluar la influencia de los diferentes procesos de tutoría en el aprendizaje clínico. estudio analítico transversal realizado con estudiantes de segundo y tercer año de enfermería (n = 122) en el aprendizaje clínico en los servicios de atención primaria de salud. La Herramienta de Evaluación de Prácticas Clínicas (Clinical Placement Evaluation Tool) y un índice sintético de las actitudes y habilidades (escala de 0 a 10) se calcularon para puntuar el aprendizaje clínico. Se realizaron análisis univariados, bivariados, multivariados (regresión lineal múltiple). la tasa de respuesta fue del 91,8%. El proceso de tutoría más comúnmente identificado fue "preceptor-profesor" (45,2%). Las Prácticas Clínicas se evaluaron como "óptimas" en un 55,1%, la relaci

  5. Outbreak of acute hepatitis A in the health area served by the Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria (HUVV): a change in epidemiology.


    García Ferreira, Alejandro José; Ortega Alonso, Aida; Cobos Rodríguez, Julia; Bardón de Tena, Paula; Calderón Cid, Miguel; García García, Alberto Manuel; García Escaño, María Dolores; Alcántara Benitez, Ramiro; Clavijo Frutos, Encarnacíon; García-Cortés, Miren; Andrade, Raúl


    In 2016, an outbreak of hepatitis A was identified in the Malaga province among patients with specific epidemiological characteristics, which were predominantly males. This is a report of 51 subjects with acute hepatitis A and a mean age of 35.7 years, 90% were male and 55% of cases were men who had had sex with other men within the last two months. Half of them required hospitalization for significant coagulopathy at diagnosis and no cases progressed to fulminant failure or encephalopathy. Four patients had ascites at the time of diagnosis. This outbreak adds to those reported in the United Kingdom and the Netherlands with a similar number of cases and epidemiology. These studies highlight the importance of epidemiological surveillance, the need for vaccination in this particular at risk population and the need for informative campaigns in order to prevent this disease.

  6. Feedback Cheerleader, Mean-Spirited Feedback Estudio Critico Discursivo De Ideologias Sobre El Feedback Escrito En Un Departamento Universitario De Espanol En Estados Unidos

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dominguez-Mujica, Maria Eugenia


    The aim of this research is to investigate ideologies that monitor and control styles of written feedback as well as discursive resources used in the expression of those ideologies. Using socio-cognitive analysis, a development of critical discourse studies, I have analyzed 44 sessions of chat on the Internet, 78 journal notes, 31 emails and 12…

  7. Acculturation of Greek Americans: Change and continuity in cognitive schemas guiding intimate relationships.


    Koutrelakos, James


    significatives pour le groupe d'Américains, tandis qu'il semble y avoir un patron chez les professionels grecs à rejeter plus fortement la faible ouverture de soi comparativement aux étudiants grecs. Enfin, les femmes se montrent plus rejetantes à la fois en ce qui concerne la faible ouverture de soi et le sacrifice de soi dans les relations intimes comparativement aux hommes. Les femmes plus âgées sont plus fortement en désaccord avec le principe de sacrifice de soi, tandis que les hommes plus âgés y adhèrent davantage à mesure qu'ils vieillissent. El estudio compara griegos estadounidenses con griegos y estadounidenses blancos de por lo menos tres generaciones respecto a qué tanto se sentían representados por dos esquemas cognitivos de las relaciones íntimas. Los griegos estadounidenses muestran mayor rechazo a revelar poco sobre sí mismos en las relaciones íntimas que los griegos, pero no difieren de éstos en cuanto a qué tanto se sacrificarían por la pareja. En contraste, los griegos estadounidenses no difirieron de los estadounidenses en su rechazo a revelar poco sobre sí mismos a la pareja y apoyaron más el auto sacrificio en las relaciones íntimas que los estadounidenses. Estos hallazgos se interpretaron como indicativos de que los griegos estadounidenses se han aculturado a una orientación más individualista en términos de qué tanto revelan sobre sí mismos, a la vez que han mantenido una orientación colectivista respecto al auto sacrificio en las relaciones íntimas. La edad, el grupo cultural, y la condición de estudiante o profesional interactuaron con el rechazo a revelar poco sobre sí mismo y mostró que la edad y la diferencia en la condición de estudiante o profesional eran más pronunciadas entre los tres grupos culturales que al interior de cada uno de éstos. Reveló que el hallazgo inicial sobre la diferencia entre griegos y estadounidenses se basaba en las calificaciones de los estudiantes; los profesionales, con una excepci

  8. [Service use patterns among adults with mental health problems in Chile].


    Vicente, Benjamín; Kohn, Robert; Saldivia, Sandra; Rioseco, Pedro; Torres, Silverio


    To describe the patterns in the use of general health services and specialized health services among adults with mental health problems in Chile, as well as those persons' level of satisfaction with the services. The overall objective was to optimize the use of the limited resources available for mental health care in the countries of the Americas, especially Chile. The diagnoses and the patterns of use of mental health services were obtained from the Chilean Study of Psychiatric Prevalence (Estudio Chileno de Prevalencia Psiquiátrica). That representative research on the adult population of Chile was based on a stratified random sample of 2,987 people 15 years old and older, done over the period of 1992 to 1999. The psychiatric diagnoses were obtained using the Composite International Diagnostic Interview (CIDI). The interviewees were also asked about their use of general health care services and of mental health services in the preceding six months, as well as any barriers to accessing the services. More than 44% of the interviewees had had contact with some type of health service during the six months prior to the study, but only 5.6% received specialized care. Those who presented with a diagnosis of obsessive-compulsive disorder or of panic disorder consulted more frequently, but not in specialized centers. Consumption of substances such as alcohol and drugs as well as antisocial personality disorder were associated with a low level of consultation. When asked about sources of assistance for mental health problems, the majority of the interviewees mentioned only the formal health care system. More than 75% of the interviewees said that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the care that they had received. Our results confirm the existence of a wide gap between the need for care and the treatment that is actually received. The informal and folkloric alternative resources (priests, family members, healers, herbalists, etc.) were used less frequently than is

  9. Mafic enclaves in dacitic domes and their relation with La Poruña scoria cone, Central Andes, northern Chile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    González-Maurel, O. P.; Gallmeyer, G.; Godoy, B.; Menzies, A.; le Roux, P. J.; Harris, C.


    ógico Chileno, 2: 307 - 310; Tierney et al., 2016. Geology, 44(8): 683 - 686; Wörner et al., 2000. Revista Geológica de Chile, 27(2): 205 - 240

  10. Vocal Changes Following Thyroid Surgery: Prospective Study of Objective and Subjective Parameters.


    Delgado-Vargas, Beatriz; Lloris Romero-Salazar, Azucena; Cobeta, Ignacio


    Vocal changes are frequent following a surgical procedure to the thyroid gland. Even though they are a recognized morbidity, their bases are yet to be defined as well as their effect on vocal parameters. This study investigates the objective and subjective changes that occur after the surgery. This study is a prospective analysis of consecutive cases. This study was conducted in a single-center tertiary care facility. Patients programmed for any thyroid procedure in Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal were enrolled consecutively to perform the vocal analysis before and after the surgery from April 2014 to April 2016. Patients were divided according to the vocal fold motility, and their vocal and aerodynamic parameters were obtained by means of electroglottography and phonatory aerodynamic system. Patients filled in the 10-item Voice Handicap Index (VHI-10) questionnaire. Statistical analysis was performed comparing vocal and aerodynamic parameters and quality of life before and after the surgery. 218 patients met inclusion criteria and completed the protocol. A total of 86.6% of the sample showed no vocal motility impairment, whereas the rest of the patients showed a paresis or a paralysis. Maximum phonatory time and VHI-10 questionnaire showed a statistically significant difference (P < 0.05) between groups. No differences were assessed regarding other vocal parameters. Efforts are still needed to understand the groundings and magnitude of the vocal changes after a thyroid surgery. Copyright © 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. [Not Available].


    Ballesteros-Pomar, María; Villar-Taibo, Rocío; Calleja-Fernández, Alicia; Pintor-de-la-Maza, Begoña; Álvarez-Del-Campo, Cecilia; Vidal-Casariego, Alfonso; Cano-Rodríguez, Isidoro


    Los datos del estudio PREDYCES® nos revelaron que en España la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad (DRE) afecta a uno de cada cuatro pacientes hospitalizados. Esta cifra aumenta hasta el 36,8% en los pacientes hematológicos. Se calcula que un 20% de los pacientes oncológicos muere por complicaciones relacionadas con la DRE. Nuestro grupo se planteó en 2011 comenzar la implantación de un cribado nutricional en los servicios con mayor riesgo de DRE. La presente revisión trata de describir todo el proceso que hemos seguido para mejorar la situación nutricional en los pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Hematología del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León (CAULE), mayoritariamente con diagnóstico de neoplasias hematológicas. En un primer estudio piloto, detectamos una alta prevalencia de desnutrición, que tendió a aumentar durante la hospitalización. Además, solo el 8,3% los enfermos valorados recibieron algún tipo de soporte nutricional y no se estaban cubriendo sus necesidades ni calóricas ni proteicas, lo que se asociaba a un peor pronóstico. Por este motivo, nos decidimos a implantar de manera sistemática un cribado y una intervención nutricional adecuada, que comenzó en 2011 y que ha recibido el reconocimiento como Buena Práctica del Sistema Nacional de Salud.

  12. Value of digital exploration for diagnosing injuries to the left side of the diaphragm caused by stab wounds.


    Morales, C H; Villegas, M I; Angel, W; Vásquez, J J


    The digital exploration of stab wounds in the left thoracoabdominal region allows the early diagnosis of diaphragmatic lesions. Diagnostic test study. The digital exploration of the diaphragm was compared with laparotomy (the gold standard) and thoracoscopy. The study setting was the Hospital Universitario San Vicente de Paúl (Medellín, Colombia). This is a referral trauma center for the general community. The study included 82 consecutive patients who were admitted to our institution during a 12-month period with injuries caused by stab wounds to the left thoracoabdominal region and who did not have indications for immediate surgery. Digital exploration of the wound was performed by the attending surgeon in the emergency department. If a lesion of the diaphragm was identified, a laparotomy was performed; if no diaphragmatic lesion was found, a diagnostic left thoracoscopy and/or laparotomy was performed. Results of the laparotomy (n = 63) or thoracoscopy (n = 19) were used as the standard of reference for the determination of sensitivity, specificity, and predictive values of digital exploration. The integrity of the diaphragm was determined by digital exploration through the stab wound. Sensitivity, specificity, predictive value, and likelihood ratio were calculated. For the detection of diaphragmatic lesions, digital exploration demonstrated a sensitivity of 96%, a specificity of 83.3%, a positive predictive value of 91%, and a negative predictive value of 93.7%. Digital exploration is a reliable method for the detection of injuries to the left side of the diaphragm caused by stab wounds.

  13. [Staphylococcus aureus nasal colonization in medical students: importance in nosocomial transmission].


    López-Aguilera, Sara; Goñi-Yeste, María Del Mar; Barrado, Laura; González-Rodríguez-Salinas, M Carmen; Otero, Joaquín R; Chaves, Fernando


    Staphylococcus aureus is the main pathogen causing nosocomial infections. Health professionals, including medical students, could be a source of transmission. The aims of the study were to determine the rate of nasal carriage of S.aureus susceptible and resistant to methicillin (MRSA) and evaluate the knowledge and adherence that students had about hand hygiene. The study included medical students attached to the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre (Madrid, Spain). We collected samples from both nasal vestibules, and the antimicrobial susceptibility was determined on all isolates. Data collection was performed using a self-administered questionnaire that included risk factors for colonization, hygiene habits and knowledge of hand hygiene protocols. Of the 140 students included, 55 (39.3%) were colonized by S.aureus, and 3 (2,1%) by MRSA. The exposure to antibiotics in the last 3 months was lower in colonized students (12.3% vs. 25.9%, P=.03). Self-assessment showed that 56.4% of students almost never washed their hands before to attending to the first patient, and only 38.6% always washed after examining patients. More than a third (35.7%) ignored the hand hygiene protocol, and 38.6% had not received specific formation. Medical students should be included in hospital infection control programs. Hand hygiene training should be given to students before they begin their practices in the hospital. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  14. Development of ISO 13606 archetypes for the standardisation of data registration in the Primary Care environment.


    Barros Castro, Jesús; Lamelo Alfonsín, Alejandro; Prieto Cebreiro, Javier; Rimada Mora, Dolores; Carrajo García, Lino; Vázquez González, Guillermo


    On daily procedures, companies and organizations produce a wide quantity of data. Medical information doubles every five years approximately, and most of this information has no structure and cannot be utilised. Information obtained during Primary Health Care (PC) consultations is expected to be standardized and organised following instructions made by archetype 13606 of the International Organization for Standardization (ISO) in order to guarantee the Continuity of Care as well as the potential use of these data for secondary purposes, such as investigation or statistics. This study was designed to investigate the feasibility of representing the information collected in Primary Care consultations in a structured and normalized way. A key difference to other approaches is that the intended solution is, to the best of our knowledge, the first one to register all the information collected in this area. The participation of the Primary Health Care service (PC) from Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña (CHUAC) has been of vital importance in this project as it has provided the necessary clinical knowledge and it has allowed us to verify the effectiveness obtained in actual environments. The archetypes developed can be reused in a wide range of projects. As an example of use, we have used these archetypes to create an intelligent system that generates organised reports based on the information dictated on a medical consultation which, afterwards, can be analysed from an analytical point of view.

  15. [Changes in the epidemiology of gastroenteritis caused by Salmonella during 2005-2014 in Salamanca, Spain].


    Cores-Calvo, Olaia; Valero-Juan, Luis Félix; García-Sánchez, Enrique; García-Sánchez, José Elias; García-García, María Inmaculada


    In Spain there are not many updated population studies about salmonellosis, despite being one of the most common etiologies of acute gastroenteritis (AGEs) caused by bacteria in the world. The aim of the study was to know the most relevant epidemiological features of AGEs produced by Salmonella spp. between 2005 and 2014 in Salamanca (Spain). Descriptive cross-sectional study carried out through review of the clinical microbiologic records at Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca. Culture, isolation, identification and serotyping were performed according to standard methodology. Salmonella was isolated in 1,477 patients, representing 47.7% of all positive stool cultures and 53.3% of all income bacterial AGE. The average prevalence was 42.1 cases/100,000 people per year. The mean age was 23 ± 28 years and the median 7 years. 40.2% of all isolates occurred in children under 5 years, with an average prevalence of 45.1 cases/ 10,000 people per year. Overall, the most frequently isolated serotype was S. Typhimurium with 57%, followed by S. Enteritidis with 35.8%. The prevalence of Salmonella decreased over time. The group aged 0-4 years had the highest rate throughout the period. However, Salmonella produced the highest percentage of hospitalizations for bacterial AGE. In recent years, S. Typhimurium serotype has replaced S. Enteritidis serotype and predominates in younger patients. It is observed under-reporting of cases of salmonellosis produced in Salamanca despite being mandatory notification of these since 2007.

  16. [Risk of developmental dysplasia of the hip in patients subjected to the external cephalic version].


    Sarmiento Carrera, Nerea; González Colmenero, Eva; Vázquez Castelo, José Luis; Concheiro Guisán, Ana; Couceiro Naveira, Emilio; Fernández Lorenzo, José Ramón


    Developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH) refers to the spectrum of abnormalities of maturation and development of the hip. Breech presentation is associated with DDH. This risk factor can be modified by external cephalic version (ECV). The aim of this study is to evaluate the incidence of DDH in patients who successfully underwent ECV, as well as to evaluate need for these children (breech for a period during gestation) to be included in the DDH screening protocol. A prospective cohort study was conducted in the Hospital Universitario de Vigo from January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. It included children born in cephalic presentation after a successful ECV, as well as children born in breech presentation. They all were screened for DDH by ultrasound examination of the hip. Out of a total of 122 newborns included in the study, ECV was attempted on 67 (54.9%), of which 35 (52.2%) were successful. Out of the 14 children diagnosed with DDH, 3 of those born in cephalic presentation after a successful ECV were found to be normal on physical examination. Successful ECV is associated with a lower incidence of DDH as regards breech presentation. However, these patients should be included in the DDH screening protocol for the early detection of this disorder. Copyright © 2017 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. Maternal underweight and perinatal outcomes: a restrospective cohort study


    Vilar Sánchez, Ángel; Fernández Alba, Juan Jesús; González Macías, María Del Carmen; Paublete Herrera, María Del Carmen; Carnicer Fuentes, Concepción; Carral San Laureano, Florentino; Torrejón Cardoso, Rafael; Moreno Corral, Luis Javier


    Introduction: Some studies have linked maternal underweight with adverse perinatal outcomes such as spontaneous abortion, abruptio placentae, small for gestational age newborn, intrauterine growth retardation and preterm birth. Objective: To determine the influence of maternal underweight in the onset of labor, route of delivery, birth weight, Apgar score and preterm birth. Methods: Retrospective cohort study. We included pregnant women from the Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real. Period of study: 2002-2011. Study group: underweight at the beginning of gestation (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2). Control group: pregnant women with normal body mass index (BMI) at the beginning of gestation (18.5-24.9 kg/m2). The risk (OR) of induction of labor, cesarean section, small for gestational age newborn, macrosomia, 5’ Apgar score < 7, and preterm birth was calculated. Results: The prevalence of underweight was 2.5% versus 58.9% of pregnant women who had a normal BMI. We found no significant differences in the rate of induction of labor, fetal macrosomia, Apgar at 5’ < 7 or preterm delivery. Maternal underweight was associated with a decreased risk of caesarean section (adjusted OR 0.45, 95% CI 0.22 to 0.89) and an increased risk of small for gestational age newborn (adjusted OR 1.74; 95% CI 1.05 to 2.90). Conclusions: Maternal underweight at the start of pregnancy is associated with a lower risk of caesarean section and a greater risk of small for gestational age newborns (birth weight < P10).

  18. [Epidemiology of Staphylococcus aureus nosocomial infections in a high-risk neonatal unit].


    Velazco, Elsa; Nieves, Beatriz; Araque, María; Calderas, Zoila


    Nosocomial infections are a significant cause of morbidity and mortality throughout the world. In developing countries it is difficult to carry out effective surveillance and control programs for this type of infection because of the cost in both human and material resources. These considerations prompted us to perform a prospective study to determine the epidemiologic and microbiologic characteristics of nosocomial infections due to Staphylococcus aureus in the High-risk Neonatal Unit (HRNU) of the Instituto Autónomo Hospital Universitario de Los Andes (IAHULA), during the period of November 1997 to October 1998. Among a total of 120 microorganisms, 24 (20%) strains of Staphylococcus aureus were isolated; 47% were recovered from blood and 33% from conjunctive samples. Among the cases of conjunctivitis, S. aureus was the only pathogen isolated in 42%. Twenty of the 24 Staphylococcus aureus strains (83%) were methicillin-resistant (MRSA). According to their resistance profiles, we established 12 groups of strains from neonates with nosocomial infections and 1 group of strains from the two carriers among the healthcare personnel detected by microbiological screening. The MeRGmR pattern was the most frequent. Plasmid analysis disclosed two profiles, each having a plasmid molecular weight over 23.130 bp. The MRSA strains isolated from the neonates and those isolated from the carriers showed the same plasmid profile. This suggests that the healthcare personnel may have acted as reservoirs of the MRSA strains found in neonates with nosocomial infection.

  19. Attitudes and Discourse: Spanish Practitioners' and Undergraduates' Survey Results (Actitudes y discurso: resultados de encuestas a profesionales y estudiantes de medicina)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrando-Rodrigo, Isabel


    The emergence of English as the international language of communication has increased the attention and concern given its teaching and learning. This survey-based study explores the attitudes of Spanish practitioners and undergraduate students towards English as the vehicular language in the field of medicine and towards Medical Electronic…

  20. Atlas de aves: Un metodo para documentar distribucion y seguir poblaciones

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Robbins, C.S.; Dowell, B.A.; Dawson, D.K.; Alvarez-Lopez, Humberto; Kattan, Gustavo; Murcia, Carolina


    Los Atlas de Aves son proyectos nacionales o regionalies para trazar en mapas la distribucion en reproduccion de cada especie de ave. Ese procedimiento se esta usando en Europa, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Norteamerica, y partes de Africa. El tama?o de los cuadrados varia de medio grado de latitud y Iongitud hasta 5 x 5 km. El trabajo de campo de cada proyecto exige aproxlmadamente cinco a?os, pero los aficionados pueden llevar a cabo la mayor parte del trabajo. Es posible almacenar los resultados en un computador personal. Hay muchos beneficios: (I) se presenta la distribucion corriente de las aves de la nacion, del estado, o de la Iocalidad; (2) se desarrolla nueva informacion especialmente sobre especies raras o en peligro; (3) se descubren areas que tienen una avlfauna sobresaliente o habitats raros y ayuda a su proteccion, (4) se documentan cambios de dlstribucion; (5) se pueden usar para documentar cambios de poblacion, especialmente en los tropicos donde otros metodos son mas dificiles de usar porque hay muchas especies y no hay muchos observadores calificados en la identificacion de sonidos de las aves; (6) son proyectos buenos de investigacion para estudiantes graduados; (7) los turistas y los jefes de excursiones de historia natural pueden contribuir con muchas informaciones

  1. Diseno de una Actividad de Aprendizaje Basada en la Argumentacion Dialogica en un curso Virtual de Biotecnologia y su Incidencia en el Desarrollo de Competencias Cientificas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortiz Benavides, Fedra Lorena

    El proposito de la investigacion fue evaluar la efectividad de una actividad de aprendizaje basado en la argumentacion dialogica en linea y su incidencia en el desarrollo de competencias cientificas. Se fundamenta en la teoria del aprendizaje socio cultural de Vigotsky (1984), los principios del diseno instruccional de la cognicion situada por Hung y Der-Thang (2001) y como estrategia se aplico la argumentacion dialogica utilizando el Modelo Argumentativo de Toulmin MAT (1984). El diseno experimental comparo dos grupos de estudiantes A y B en el curso virtual de Biotecnologia. El grupo A (experimental) desarrollo la discusion a partir de la estrategia disenada para este estudio y el grupo B (control) realizo la discusion desde las actividades tradicionales. El desarrollo de la competencia argumentativa se valoro con el instrumento de evaluacion para argumentacion dialogica en linea propuesta por Clark y Sampson (2008). La evaluacion de las competencias cientificas se realizo a partir de una postprueba. Los datos fueron analizados con pruebas estadisticas no parametricas. Los resultados de la investigacion, indicaron diferencias significativas en el nivel de la competencia argumental en el grupo experimental en comparacion al grupo control. Igualmente se demostro que existe una relacion positiva entre el nivel de desarrollo de la competencia argumentativa y el nivel de desarrollo de las competencias cientificas.

  2. Estudio participativo para el desarrolllo de un instrumento de observación de violencia escolar

    PubMed Central

    Medina Santiago, Nilda G.; Rivera, Tania Cruz; Rodríguez, Maryanes Trenche; Báez Ávila, Loggina S.


    La violencia en las escuelas es reconocida como un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial que impacta negativamente el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo, en Puerto Rico las estadísticas oficiales y los medios de comunicación generalmente se enfocan en hechos aislados de violencia extrema donde se utilizan armas o se destruye propiedad y no recogen formas de violencia más comunes que suelen ocurrir a diario en las escuelas. En este estudio se utilizó el Instrumento de Observación de Violencia Escolar (INOVE), preparado con el insumo de las comunidades escolares participantes del Proyecto VIAS (Violence and Asthma Health Disparity Network) de la Universidad del Este (UNE), para recopilar información acerca de las características de la violencia en dos escuelas puertorriqueñas. Entre los hallazgos del estudio se destacan diferencias por sexo en cuanto a categorías de violencia observadas y la observación de agresividad en juegos e interacciones entre estudiantes. Los datos recopilados han servido de base para la toma de decisiones en cuanto a la prevención de la violencia en las escuelas participantes y tienen implicaciones para el desarrollo de estrategias y programas de prevención. PMID:29643972

  3. School Motivation Questionnaire for the Portuguese population: structure and psychometric studies.


    Cordeiro, Pedro Miguel Gomes; Figueira, Ana Paula Couceiro; da Silva, José Tomás; Matos, Lennia


    It is presented the structure and psychometric studies of the "School Motivation Questionnaire". The SMQ is a self-report questionnaire with 101 items, organized in sixteen scales that measure the students' goal orientations, the perceived classroom goal structures, the perceived teacher's autonomy support and the use of learning strategies. Twelve scales are adapted from the "Learning Climate Questionnaire", "Perceptions of Instrumentality" and "Cuestionário a Estudiantes". Four scales and five additional items are created new. The psychometric studies rely on a convenience sample consisting of 9th and 12th grade students (N = 485) of Portuguese schools. The factorial and construct validity, verified through several exploratory factorial analyses to the data, presents a final solution of six factors, labelled Strategies (F1), Teacher Extrinsic Goals (F2), Student Extrinsic Goals, Externally Regulated (F3) Teacher Intrinsic Goals (F4), Student Extrinsic Goals, Internally Regulated (F5), and Student Intrinsic Goals (F6). The six-factor solution explains a significant variance of the scale results (53.95%). Good coefficients of internal consistency are obtained for all factors, never below (.858; F6). In sum there is strong evidence to support the multi-dimensionality of SMQ, upholding that the data obtained is exploratory and applies for future validation studies.

  4. A Diagnostic Assessment for the Teaching of Astronomy. (Spanish Title: Una Evaluación Diagnóstica Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomia.) Uma Avaliação Diagnóstica Para o Ensino da Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pacifico Ribeiro de Assis Silveira, Felipa; Soares Gomes de Sousa, Célia Maria; Moreira, Antonio


    This article aims to present the results of a diagnostic evaluation, used as a tool for collecting data on prior knowledge of scientific concepts needed to understand the topic "Earth and Universe", from a group comprised of 47 students of 6th grade. The educational method of diagnosing the student's prior knowledge before teaching them is founded on the Meaningful Learning theory, proposed by David Ausubel. The diagnostic evaluation consisted of 25 questions; the answers were analyzed and categorized, making possible their interpretation, which allows us to understand the meanings assigned by the student to these concepts. It follows from the diagnostic evaluation, that the majority of students surveyed had difficulties in exposing scientific concepts on the topic "Earth and Universe" when starting the 6th grade. However, we identified relevant ideas and representations that contributed to the re-signification of scientific concepts proposed for the teaching of the subject in this grade. The results of diagnostic evaluation served as reference to the organization of the syllabus, making possible the learning process by matching the sequence of teaching to the students" characteristics and context of the classroom. It is expected that other researchers in this topic can also use the instrument presented in this paper. Este artículo tiene como objetivo presentar los resultados de una evaluación diagnóstica, utilizada como una herramienta para recoger datos sobre el conocimiento previo de los conceptos científicos necesarios para comprender el tema "Tierra y Universo", de un grupo compuesto por 47 alumnos de 6º grado de la escuela primaria. La acción pedagógica del diagnóstico de los conocimientos previos del estudiante antes de enseñarles está justificada por la teoría del Aprendizaje Significativo, propuesta por David Ausubel. La evaluación de diagnóstico consistió en 25 preguntas, las respuestas fueron analizadas y clasificadas objetivando-se su

  5. The Understanding of Astronomy Concepts by Students from Basic Education of a Public School. (Spanish Title: El Entendimiento de Conceptos de Aastronmía Por Los Alumnos de Educación Básica en Una Escuela Pública.) O Entendimento de Conceitos de Astronomia Por Alunos da Educação Básica: O Caso de Uma Escola Pública Brasileira

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iria Machado, Daniel; dos Santos, Carlos


    We present the results obtained in a research on the comprehension of basic astronomical concepts, in which 561 students from fifth grade middle school to third grade high school of a public school of the city of Foz do Iguaçu (Brazil) took part. A test with 20 multiple-choice questions was applied to indentify the most common conceptions expressed by the students. This test was elaborated based on the literature about misconceptions and covered the following topics: the day-night cycle; the time zones; the seasons of the year; the phases of the Moon; the movement of the Moon; the apparent movement of the Sun in the celestial sphere; the eclipses; the dimensions and distances in the Universe; the brightness of the stars and its observation from Earth. Though a small progress was verified in the proportion of scientifically acceptable answers when comparing the eighth grade of middle school to the fifth, and the third grade of high school to the first, there was an overall predominance of alternative conceptions regarding most of the explored subjects, which persisted up to the last year of secondary school. The comparison to data found in this research made in other socio-cultural contexts revealed, in many aspects, similar notions and difficulties revealed by the students. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación sobre la comprensión de conceptos astronómicos básicos, en la cual participaron 561 estudiantes que cursaban entre el quinto grado de la enseñanza primaria y el tercer año de la enseñanza secundaria de una escuela pública de la ciudad de Foz do Iguaçu (Brasil). Se utilizó un test de 20 preguntas de opción múltiple para identificar las concepciones más comunes expresadas por los estudiantes. Este instrumento de recolección de datos se desarrolló en base a la literatura sobre las concepciones alternativas y trató los siguientes temas: el ciclo día-noche, los husos horarios, las estaciones del año, las fases de la Luna, el

  6. Real-time PCR assay for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis

    PubMed Central

    Cárdenas Bernal, Ana María; Giraldo-Cadavid, Luis Fernando; Prieto Diago, Enrique; Santander, Sandra Paola


    Abstract Introduction: The diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis requires an invasive and time-consuming reference method. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is rapid, but validation in pleural tuberculosis is still weak. Objective: To establish the operating characteristics of real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) hybridization probes for the diagnosis of pleural tuberculosis. Methods: The validity of the RT-PCR hybridization probes was evaluated compared to a composite reference method by a cross-sectional study at the Hospital Universitario de la Samaritana. 40 adults with lymphocytic pleural effusion were included. Pleural tuberculosis was confirmed (in 9 patients) if the patient had at least one of three tests using the positive reference method: Ziehl-Neelsen or Mycobacterium tuberculosis culture in fluid or pleural tissue, or pleural biopsy with granulomas. Pleural tuberculosis was ruled out (in 31 patients) if all three tests were negative. The operating characteristics of the RT-PCR, using the Mid-P Exact Test, were determined using the OpenEpi 2.3 Software (2009). Results: The RT-PCR hybridization probes showed a sensitivity of 66.7% (95% CI: 33.2%-90.7%) and a specificity of 93.5% (95% CI: 80.3%-98.9%). The PPV was 75.0% (95% CI: 38.8%-95.6%) and a NPV of 90.6% (95% CI: 76.6%-97.6%). Two false positives were found for the test, one with pleural mesothelioma and the other with chronic pleuritis with mesothelial hyperplasia. Conclusions: The RT-PCR hybridization probes had good specificity and acceptable sensitivity, but a negative value cannot rule out pleural tuberculosis. PMID:29021638

  7. [Dermatology consultations in an emergency department prior to establishment of emergency dermatology cover].


    Martínez-Martínez, M L; Escario-Travesedo, E; Rodríguez-Vázquez, M; Azaña-Defez, J M; Martín de Hijas-Santos, M C; Juan-Pérez-García, L


    an increasing number of patients seek emergency treatment for dermatologic complaints. The aim of this study was to assess the characteristics of skin complaints seen in an emergency department prior to establishment of specialist dermatology cover. a retrospective, descriptive study was undertaken using data on urgent dermatology cases seen by nonspecialist physicians in the emergency department of Hospital General Universitario de Albacete, Spain, in 2008. a total of 3662 patients with skin diseases were seen (2.59% of all emergency cases; approximately 10 patients per day). The mean age was 27.73 years and there was a slight predominance of female patients. Children and adolescents accounted for 5.85% of cases. A total of 96 different conditions were diagnosed and 84% of cases corresponded to one of 21 different diagnostic entities, urticaria being the most frequent (19.27%). The 96 diagnoses were grouped into 16 categories to facilitate analysis. According to this classification, most patients had infectious diseases (47.49%), followed by urticaria and angioedema (20.13%), "nonspecific diagnosis" (11.93%), and "descriptive diagnosis" (6.49%). In 4.8% of cases, the patient was admitted, most frequently for cellulitis. in nonspecialist emergency services, the number of different diagnoses is small in relation to the number of patients seen and the proportion of nonspecific and descriptive diagnoses is relatively large. In our opinion, an on-call dermatologist should be made available within emergency departments in order to offer a higher quality of care to patients with skin conditions. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier España, S.L. y AEDV. All rights reserved.

  8. Colorectal surgery and surgical site infection: is a change of attitude necessary?


    Elia-Guedea, Manuela; Cordoba-Diaz de Laspra, Elena; Echazarreta-Gallego, Estibaliz; Valero-Lazaro, María Isabel; Ramirez-Rodriguez, Jose Manuel; Aguilella-Diago, Vicente


    Surgical site infection (SSI) can be as high as 30% in patients undergoing colorectal surgery and is associated with an increase in morbidity and mortality. The aim of this study is to evaluate the impact of a set of simple preventive measures that have resulted in a reduction in surgical site infection in colorectal surgery. Prospective study with two groups of patients treated in the colorectal unit of the "Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa" hospital in Zaragoza. One group was subject to our measures from February to May 2015. The control group was given conventional treatment within a time period of 3 months before the set of measures were implemented. One hundred forty-nine patients underwent a major colorectal surgical procedure. Seventy (47%) belonged to the control group and were compared to the remaining 79 patients (53% of the total), who were subject to our treatment bundle in the period tested. Comparing the two groups revealed that our set of measures led to a general reduction in SSI (31.4 vs. 13.6%, p = 0.010) and in superficial site infection (17.1 vs. 2.5%, p = 0.002). As a consequence, the postoperative hospital stay was shortened (10.0 vs. 8.0 days, p = 0.048). However, it did not, the number of readmissions nor the re-operation rate. SSI was clearly related to open surgery. The preventive set of measures applied in colorectal surgery led to a significant reduction of the SSI and of the length of hospital stay.

  9. [Decrease in hospitalizations due to polyvalent medical day hospital].


    Escobar, M A; García-Egido, A A; Carmona, R; Lucas, A; Márquez, C; Gómez, F


    The day hospital is an alternative to hospitalization. This alternative improves accessibility and comfort of the patients, and avoids hospitalizations. Nevertheless, the efficacy of the polyvalent medical day hospital in avoiding hospitalizations has not been evaluated. To analyze hospital stays avoided by the polyvalent medical day hospital of a university hospital of the Andalusian Health Service. An observational prospective study of the patients studied and/or treated in the polyvalent medical day hospital of the Hospital Universitario Puerto Real over a one year period. A total of 9640 patients were attended to, with 1413 procedures and 4921 i.v. treatments. There were 3182 visits to the priority consultation of the polyvalent medical day hospital. The most frequent consultation complaints were constitutional symptoms (15.9%) and anemia (14.5%). After the first visit, 21.5% of the patients were discharged and fewer than 3% were hospitalized. Hospitalization was avoided in 16.8% of the patients, there being a 6.0% decrease in the need for hospital beds (5.0% reduction in the internal medicine unit). Inadequate hospitalizations and 30-day readmissions decreased 93.3% and 4.2%, respectively. The most frequent diagnosis was neoplasm (26.0%), and most of the beds freed up were generated by patients diagnosed of neoplasm (26.7%). With this type of polyvalent medical day hospital, we have observed improved efficiency of health care, freeing up hospital beds by reducing hospitalizations, inadequate hospitalizations and re-admissions in the medical units involved. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  10. Dependence for basic and instrumental activities of daily living after hip fractures.


    González-Zabaleta, Jorge; Pita-Fernandez, Salvador; Seoane-Pillado, Teresa; López-Calviño, Beatriz; Gonzalez-Zabaleta, Jose Luis


    The objective of the study is to determine basic activities of daily living (Barthel Index) and instrumental activities of daily living (Lawton-Brody Index) before and after hip fracture. Follow-up study of patients (n=100) with hip fracture, operated at Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña (Spain). Period January/2009-December/2011. Demographic characteristic of the patients, Charlson Index, Glomerular filtration rate, Barthel index, Lawton index, type of proximal femur fracture and surgical treatment delay were recorded. Multivariate regression was performed. Informed patient consent and ethical review approval were obtained. Before fracture were independent for activities of daily living (ADL) a 38.0%, at 90 days were 15.4%. The Barthel index score decreased from 75.2±28.2 to 56.5±31.8) (p<0.0001). If we consider the age, gender, comorbidity (Charlson index), renal function, fracture type and surgical delay objectify the only independent variable to predict dependency effect is age. If we also consider the Barthel score objectify the variable that significantly modifies that score at 90 days is the baseline value of the index. The prevalence of independence for instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) at the baseline moment is 11% and at 90 days is decreased to 2.2%. There is a decrease in the independence effect in all activities. The variable predictor of independence for all activities after taking into consideration age, sex, comorbidity, fracture type, surgical delay and renal function is the baseline score of the Barthel and Lawton index. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Alfabetización astronómica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tignanelli, H.

    A fines de 1991, en una revista de educación en ciencias, José L. Sérsic reflexionaba acerca de los problemas que enfrentaría la enseñanza de los conocimientos astronómicos en nuestro país, en los umbrales del Siglo XXI. Entonces postulaba como un objetivo mínimo, que los jóvenes deberían mostrar signos claros de que se hallan astronómicamente alfabetizados. Era el año en que se realizaba por primera vez una Asamblea General de I.A.U. en Buenos Aires, una oportunidad de singulares características para la comunidad astronómica local y, simultáneamente el comienzo de un cambio radical en la estructura del sistema educativo argentino. ?`Contempla ese cambio el objetivo que postulara Sérsic? ?`Estamos en condiciones de afirmar que estamos en camino de lograrlo? ?`Con qué parámetros?. Presentamos aquí un panorama general sobre algunas de las acciones realizadas en función de alcanzar esa alfabetización científica, analizando exclusivamente la actividad de enseñanza hasta el nivel universitario, sin detenernos en el mismo, ya que lo consideramos una instancia superior e independiente de aquella alfabetización. Tampoco nos referiremos a la tarea de difusión, divulgación o popularización de la Astronomía, ya que su condición de asistemática y subjetiva no es evaluable en términos de la formación integral de un individuo.

  12. Dermoscopic features of skin lesions in patients with mastocytosis.


    Vano-Galvan, Sergio; Alvarez-Twose, Iván; De las Heras, Elena; Heras, Elena De Las; Morgado, J M; Matito, Almudena; Sánchez-Muñoz, Laura; Plana, Maria N; Planas, Maria Nieves; Jaén, Pedro; Orfao, Alberto; Escribano, Luis


    To evaluate dermoscopic features in a group of 127 patients with mastocytosis in the skin and to investigate the relationship between different dermoscopic patterns and other clinical and biological characteristics of the disease. Clinical and laboratory data were compared among patients with mastocytosis grouped according to the different dermoscopic patterns. Patients were selected from the Instituto de Estudios de Mastocitosis de Castilla La Mancha and the Department of Dermatology of Hospital Universitario Ramón y Cajal from April 1 through September 30, 2009. Patients Overall, 127 consecutive patients (70 females [55.1%] and 57 males [44.9%]; median age, 17 years; range, 0-81 years) with mastocytosis in the skin were included in the study. Evaluation of dermoscopic patterns and investigation of potential predictive factors for more symptomatic forms of the disease according to the need for daily antimediator therapy. Four distinct dermoscopic patterns were observed: yellow-orange blot, pigment network, reticular vascular pattern, and (most frequently) light-brown blot. A reticular vascular pattern was identified in all telangiectasia macular eruptiva and some maculopapular mastocytosis. In turn, all patients with mastocytoma displayed the yellow-orange blot pattern. The reticular vascular dermoscopic pattern was associated with the need for daily antimediator therapy; this pattern, together with serum tryptase levels and plaque-type mastocytosis, represented the best combination of independent factors to predict the need for maintained antimediator therapy. Dermoscopy is a feasible method for the subclassification of mastocytosis. Of note, a reticular vascular pattern is more frequently associated with the need for antimediator therapy.

  13. [Opinion of healthcare professionals on patient safety in a primary level hospital].


    Skodová, M; Velasco Rodríguez, M J; Fernández Sierra, M A


    To identify the patient safety (PS) culture perceived by health professionals of the Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves (HUVN) in Granada. A descriptive cross-sectional study of professionals working in HUVN using the Spanish version of the questionnaire Hospital Survey On Patient Safety Culture (AHRQ), in July-August 2008. The sample size was estimated as 476 surveys (included 60% losses). The response rate was 62.8% (299 questionnaires). In the previous 12 months, 90.2% of professionals had not notified any adverse event (AE). The average perception of PS was 6.57 ± 1.82 (scale 0-10). Teamwork in the unit for PS was the best rated dimension (66.9%). There was a positive correlation (c. Pearson) between the perception of PS and the years that professionals had worked in specialisation (0.21), hospital (0.197) and unit (0.138), respectively (all, p < 0.05). According to category, the physicians have reported an AE with a likelihood 32.26 times greater than the assistants and technicians (p < 0.05). The PS perception dimension was viewed favourably by 34.1%. The management support (3.7%) and staffing (9%) were the main areas for improvement. The perception of PS at HUVN is good, even if the communication of errors is poor. The main area for improvement is a non-punitive communication of errors. It is advisable to promote a campaign to raise public awareness of the problem, to perform training programs for professionals and to implement systems for recording adverse events. Copyright © 2010 SECA. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  14. Fluid overload and kidney failure in children with severe sepsis and septic shock: A cohort study.


    Naveda Romero, Omar E; Naveda Meléndez, Andrea F


    In children with sepsis, fluid overload as a result of an aggressive fluid replacement or excessive fluid administration may result in kidney impairment and increased mortality. Objective. To determine the association between fluid overload and the rate of kidney failure in a group of children with severe sepsis and septic shock. This was a prospective cohort study conducted in the intensive care unit of Hospital Universitario de Pediatría “Dr. Agustín Zubillaga” (Barquisimeto, Lara State, Venezuela), between March 2013 and May 2016, in children with severe sepsis or septic shock. One hundred and forty-nine patients were included in the analysis. Sepsis predominated in 59.7% of cases; patients' average age was 6.4 ± 3.3 years old, their average weight was 17.8 ± 3.6 kg, 30.2% had fluid overload, and overall mortality was 25.5%. Kidney failure occurred in 16.1% of cases. A binary logistic regression model was used to identify fluid overload (odds ratio [OR]: 1.5; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-4.9, p = 0.028) and shock for more than 2 days (OR: 1.7; 95% CI: 1.3-6.3, p = 0.039) as independent predictors of kidney failure. In addition, a significant increase in the risk of mortality among children with kidney failure and fluid overload was observed as per the Kaplan-Meier method (p= 0.019). Fluid overload and shock for more than 2 days increase the risk for kidney failure in critically ill children with severe sepsis and septic shock.

  15. [Natural killer cell cytotoxic activity in critical pediatric patients with suspected hemophagocytic syndrome].


    Martínez, I; Fernández, L; Valentín, J; Castillo, C; Chamorro, C; Pérez-Martínez, A


    To determine the role of natural killer (NK) cytotoxic activity in patients with suspected hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis syndrome (HLH). A prospective study was conducted from September 2008 to February 2014. The study was carried out in the Hematological Oncology Laboratory of Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid (Spain). We analyzed 30 peripheral blood samples from intensive care patients with suspected HLH. There were 18 males and 12 females, with a mean age of 4.7 years (range 0.2-22). NK cell cytotoxicity was compared with healthy controls according to age and sex. In vitro NK cell cytotoxicity against the K562 cell line was determined by time-resolved fluorescence (Europium-TDA) under resting conditions, after interleukin 15 stimulation, and following block with Fas ligand antibody. NK cell cytotoxicity. A total of 20 patients showed a significant decrease of NK cell activity compared with controls (P=.001). Nine of these patients were diagnosed with primary HLH. A total of 10 patients were diagnosed with secondary HLH. Cytotoxic activity was normal in 10 subjects. None of them were diagnosed with HLH. Interleukin 15 stimulation increased NK cell cytotoxicity in secondary HLH, and blocking Fas ligand on NK cells decreased cytotoxic activity in primary HLH patients (P=.001). In our experience, NK cell cytotoxic activity measured by time-resolved fluorescence is a simple and useful clinical diagnostic test for HLH. Interleukin 15 stimulation and Fas ligand blocking on NK cells could help differentiate between primary and secondary HLH. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and SEMICYUC. All rights reserved.

  16. Symptom clusters in advanced cancer.


    Jiménez, Ana; Madero, Rosario; Alonso, Alberto; Martínez-Marín, Virginia; Vilches, Yolanda; Martínez, Beatriz; Feliu, Marta; Díaz, Leyre; Espinosa, Enrique; Feliu, Jaime


    Patients with advanced cancer often experience multiple concurrent symptoms. Few studies have explored symptom clusters (SCs) in this population. The aim of the present study was to explore SCs in advanced cancer, evaluate the characteristics associated with various clusters, and determine their relationship to survival. This study included patients in the palliative care program of the Hospital Universitario La Paz from 2003 to 2005. The Edmonton Symptom Assessment System and a supplement including 13 other symptoms were used to detect symptoms. Principal component analysis was performed to determine symptom relationships and compare SCs with associated parameters. In total, 406 patients were included, 61% men and 39% women. The median age was 66.4 (range 18-95). The most common primaries were gastrointestinal (35%), lung (25%), genitourinary (8%), breast (5%), and head and neck (5%) carcinomas. The following clusters were identified: confusion (cognitive impairment, agitation, urinary incontinence), neuropsychological (anxiety, depression, and insomnia), anorexia-cachexia (anorexia, weight loss, and tiredness), and gastrointestinal (nausea and vomiting). The presence of these SCs was influenced by primary cancer site, gender, age, and performance status. Survival was related to the number of SCs present in a given patient: zero SC, 52 days; one SC, 38 days; two SCs, 23 days; and three to four SCs, 19 days; P < 0.001. Different SCs can be identified in patients with advanced cancer. These SCs are influenced by primary cancer site, gender, age, and Eastern Cooperative Oncology Group performance status, and they can have prognostic value. Copyright © 2011 U.S. Cancer Pain Relief Committee. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. [Dual diagnosis in psychiatric inpatients: prevalence and general characteristics].


    Rodríguez-Jiménez, Roberto; Aragüés, María; Jiménez-Arriero, Miguel Angel; Ponce, Guillermo; Muñoz, Antonio; Bagney, Alexandra; Hoenicka, Janet; Palomo, Tomás


    Comorbidity between a substance use disorder (SUD) and another psychiatric disorder is known as dual diagnosis. It is of great relevance due to its important clinical consequences and costs of care. There are practically no published studies on dual diagnosis prevalence in patients admitted to psychiatric hospitalization units in general hospitals (PHUGH) in our country. The objectives were to estimate the prevalence of dual diagnosis in psychiatric inpatients admitted consecutively to a Psychiatric Hospitalization Unit (Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain) in one year, to compare clinical and sociodemographic variables between the dual diagnosis group (DD group) and the group with a psychiatric disorder but no SUD (PD group), and to study the types of substances used. This is a retrospective study, based on the review of the clinical charts of the 257 patients admitted to this PHUGH in one year. The results showed that, excluding nicotine dependence, 24.9% of our inpatients had a SUD as well as another psychiatric disorder. A statistically significant predominance of men was found in the DD group, as well as a younger age at the time of the study, at the beginning of their psychiatric attention and on their first psychiatric admission, and they had received diagnoses of schizophrenia or related psychoses more often than the PD group, who had mostly affective disorders. The substances most frequently used in the DD group were alcohol (78.1%), cannabis (62.5%), and cocaine (51.6%). Due to the high prevalence and repercussions of dual diagnosis, it would be advisable to have specialized therapeutic programs for its treatment.

  18. Clinical presentation and treatment of septic arthritis in children.


    Moro-Lago, I; Talavera, G; Moraleda, L; González-Morán, G

    The aim of this study is to determine the epidemiological features, clinical presentation, and treatment of children with septic arthritis. A retrospective review was conducted on a total of 141 children with septic arthritis treated in Hospital Universitario La Paz (Madrid) between the years 2000 to 2013. The patient data collected included, the joint affected, the clinical presentation, the laboratory results, the appearance, Gram stain result, and the joint fluid culture, as well as the imaging tests and the treatment. Most (94%) of the patients were less than 2 years-old. The most common location was the knee (52%), followed by the hip (21%). The septic arthritis was confirmed in 53%. No type of fever was initially observed in 49% of them, and 18% had an ESR (mm/h) or CRP (mg/l) less than 30 in the initial laboratory analysis. The joint fluid was purulent in 45% and turbid in 12%. The Gram stain showed bacteria in 4%. The fluid culture was positive in 17%. Staphylococcus aureus was the most common pathogen found, followed by Streptococcus agalactiae, Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Kingella kingae. Antibiotic treatment was intravenous administration for 7 days, followed by 21 days orally. Surgery was performed in 18% of cases. The diagnosis was only confirmed in 53% of the patients. Some of the confirmed septic arthritis did not present with the classical clinical/analytical signs, demonstrating that the traumatologist or paediatrician requires a high initial level of clinical suspicion of the disease. Copyright © 2017 SECOT. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Influence of meteorological conditions on hospital admission in patients with acute coronary syndrome with and without ST-segment elevation: Results of the AIRACOS study.


    Dominguez-Rodriguez, A; Juarez-Prera, R A; Rodríguez, S; Abreu-Gonzalez, P; Avanzas, P


    Evaluate whether the meterological parameters affecting revenues in patients with ST-segment and non-ST-segment elevation ACS. A prospective cohort study was carried out. Coronary Care Unit of Hospital Universitario de Canarias We studies a total of 307 consecutive patients with a diagnosis of ST-segment and non-ST-segment elevation ACS. We analyze the average concentrations of particulate smaller than 10 and 2.5μm diameter, particulate black carbon, the concentrations of gaseous pollutants and meteorological parameters (wind speed, temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure) that were exposed patients from one day up to 7 days prior to admission. None. Demographic, clinical, atmospheric particles, concentrations of gaseous pollutants and meterological parameters. A total of 138 (45%) patients were classified as ST-segment and 169 (55%) as non-ST-segment elevation ACS. No statistically significant differences in exposure to atmospheric particles in both groups. Regarding meteorological data, we did not find statistically significant differences, except for higher atmospheric pressure in ST-segment elevation ACS (999.6±2.6 vs. 998.8±2.5 mbar, P=.008). Multivariate analysis showed that atmospheric pressure was significant predictor of ST-segment elevation ACS presentation (OR: 1.14, 95% CI: 1.04-1.24, P=.004). In the patients who suffer ACS, the presence of higher number of atmospheric pressure during the week before the event increase the risk that the ST-segment elevation ACS. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and SEMICYUC. All rights reserved.

  20. [New methodological advances: algorithm proposal for management of Clostridium difficile infection].


    González-Abad, María José; Alonso-Sanz, Mercedes


    Clostridium difficile infection (CDI) is considered the most common cause of health care-associated diarrhea and also is an etiologic agent of community diarrhea. The aim of this study was to assess the potential benefit of a test that detects glutamate dehydrogenase (GDH) antigen and C. difficile toxin A/B, simultaneously, followed by detection of C. difficile toxin B (tcdB) gene by PCR as confirmatory assay on discrepant samples, and to propose an algorithm more efficient. From June 2012 to January 2013 at Hospital Infantil Universitario Niño Jesús, Madrid, the stool samples were studied for the simultaneous detection of GDH and toxin A/B, and also for detection of toxin A/B alone. When results between GDH and toxin A/B were discordant, a single sample for patient was selected for detection of C. difficile toxin B (tcdB) gene. A total of 116 samples (52 patients) were tested. Four were positive and 75 negative for toxigenic C. difficile (Toxin A/B, alone or combined with GDH). C. difficile was detected in the remaining 37 samples but not toxin A/B, regardless of the method used, except one. Twenty of the 37 specimens were further tested for C. difficile toxin B (tcdB) gene and 7 were positive. The simultaneous detection of GDH and toxin A/B combined with PCR recovered undiagnosed cases of CDI. In accordance with our data, we propose a two-step algorithm: detection of GDH and PCR (in samples GDH positive). This algorithm could provide a superior cost-benefit ratio in our population.

  1. Relationship between target organ damage and blood pressure, retinal vessel calibre, oxidative stress and polymorphisms in VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes in patients with hypertension: a case-control study protocol (LOD-Hipertension).


    Gomez-Marcos, Manuel A; Gonzalez-Sarmiento, Rogelio; Recio-Rodríguez, José I; Agudo-Conde, Cristina; Gamella-Pozuelo, Luis; Perretta-Tejedor, Nuria; Martínez-Salgado, Carlos; García-Ortiz, Luis


    Target organ damage (TOD) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The study objectives were to analyse the relationship of TOD to blood pressure, size of retinal arteries and veins, oxidative stress and different polymorphisms in the VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes in participants with hypertension. A case-control study to analyse the relationship between clinical, biochemical and genetic parameters and presence of cardiac, vascular and renal TOD in 486 patients with hypertension. Participants with TOD will be considered as cases, and those without TOD will be enrolled as controls. This will be a collaborative study conducted by the groups of Primary Care, Cardiovascular and Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases of the Instituto de Investigación Biomédica of Salamanca (IBSAL). Assessment of cardiac, renal and vascular TOD. Measurement of peripheral and central blood pressure, size of eye fundus arteries and veins, and oxidative stress, and polymorphisms in the VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes. The study will be conducted after approval is obtained from the Ethics Committee of Hospital Clínico Universitario of Salamanca. All study participants will sign an informed consent to agree to participate in the study, and another consent to agree on the genetic study, in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the WHO standards for observational studies. The results of this study will allow for an understanding of the relationship of the different TODs with blood pressure, retinal artery and vein diameters, oxidative stress and polymorphisms in VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes. Clinical Trials. gov Identifier: NCT02022618.

  2. A validity study of the Spanish-World Health Organization Quality of Life short version instrument in persons with traumatic spinal cord injury.


    Salvador-De La Barrera, Sebastián; Mora-Boga, Rubén; Ferreiro-Velasco, Mª Elena; Seoane-Pillado, Teresa; Montoto-Marqués, Antonio; Rodríguez-Sotillo, Antonio; Pertega Díaz, Sonia


    This was a psychometric study. To determine the validity of the Spanish version of the World Health Organization Quality of Life instrument (WHOQOL-BREF) for its use in persons with traumatic spinal cord injury and, as secondary objectives, to correlate the results with variables such as functional status, psychological well-being, and social support. Spinal Cord Injury Unit, Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de A Coruña, Galicia (Spain). Fifty-four people with spinal cord injury were enrolled in this study. Relevant variables were analyzed based on the scores reported by each participant in the Spanish versions of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire, the Spinal Cord Independence Measure, the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), and the Duke-UNC Functional and Social Support Questionnaire. Both parametric and non-parametric tests were used to compare various variables. The instrument's internal consistency and test-retest reliability were also confirmed. The mean scores of each domain of the WHOQOL-BREF were lower, but nonsignificant, among people who need help to perform activities of daily living. The correlation between the scores obtained in the "Psychological" domain and the items of the HADS scale was significant. Significant differences were also observed when comparing the results of the "Social relationships" and "Environment" domains among people with low scores in the Duke questionnaire. Both an adequate consistency (Cronbach's α: 0.887) and test-retest reliability were demonstrated. The Spanish version of the WHOQOL-BREF questionnaire is useful and reliable to evaluate the quality of life of persons with spinal cord injuries in our population of Spanish-speaking people.

  3. Prolonged fasting with fluid therapy is related to poorer outcomes in medical patients.


    Kyriakos, Georgios; Calleja-Fernández, Alicia; Ávila-Turcios, Dalia; Cano-Rodríguez, Isidoro; Ballesteros Pomar, María D; Vidal-Casariego, Alfonso


    An inadequate fluid therapy can worsen the outcomes of surgical patients, but there are no data in medical patients. The aim of this study was to determine the adequacy of fluid therapy in hospitalised patients of medical wards, and its influence on outcomes. Cross-sectional study including nil-per-os patients admitted in medical wards of the Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León. The administered fluid therapy was compared with the standardised requirements. Nutritional status was evaluated with Subjective Global Assessment. Fasting was considered inappropriate if it lasted > 7 days in well-nourished, and >5 days in malnourished patients if nutritional support had not been provided. Fluid therapy lasted 4 (IQR = 2) days, and fasting was inadequately maintained in 27% of patients. Fluid requirements were correctly fulfilled, but patients received an excess of sodium (+58.4%) and chloride (+62.2%), and potassium administration was insufficient (-35.1%). Glucose supply was 68.8 (29.2) g/d, and 99% received < 130 g/d. Patients with an inadequate duration of fasting had a longer hospital stay after adjusting for sex, age, nutritional status, infused volume, electrolytes, glucose and diseases. Only malnutrition predicted mortality during hospitalisation (OR 10.5; 95%CI 1.3 to 83.2), when multivariate analysis was performed. Fasting medical patients receive an inadequate supply of glucose and electrolytes. Prolonged fluid therapy and malnutrition may worsen the outcomes of these patients, independently of other conditions like age or diseases. Copyright © AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2013. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  4. Is the Dark Side of the Moon Ever Illuminated by the Sun? (Breton Title: O Lado Escuro da Lua Nunca Apanha Sol?) El Lado Oscuro de la Luna Nunca Toma Sol?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Giovannini, Odilon; Pellenz, Daiana; Catelli, Francisco


    This work presents the elaboration of an answer to the question "Is the dark side of the moon ever illuminated by the sun?", in which issues related to the students' conceptions, how they arise, and the core elements that constitute a "good answer" are considered. These issues are initially elaborated from a literature review of the research in the field; then, and also based on this review, a didactic model that involves the relative motions of the Earth - Moon - Sun system is proposed. A description of the application of this model in a learning environment within middle school students is described. This work confirms the students' initial concepts described in the literature; on the other hand, the questions asked by students during the activity provide evidence that meaningful learning, at least to some degree, has occurred. Este trabalho apresenta a elaboração de uma resposta à pergunta "O lado escuro da Lua nunca apanha sol?" na qual são consideradas questões relacionadas às concepções iniciais dos alunos, de onde elas surgem e os elementos centrais que constituem uma "boa resposta". Essas questões são tratadas, inicialmente, a partir de uma revisão da literatura sobre pesquisas na área e, em seguida, também com base nessa revisão, um objeto modelo didático que envolve os movimentos relativos do sistema Terra - Lua - Sol é proposto. Uma descrição detalhada da aplicação deste modelo em um ambiente de aprendizagem com alunos do ensino fundamental é relatada. As concepções iniciais apresentadas na literatura se confirmam e os questionamentos feitos pelos estudantes por ocasião da aplicação do modelo fornecem indícios de que uma aprendizagem significativa, pelo menos em algum grau, ocorreu. El artículo se presenta el desarrollo de una respuesta a la pregunta "¿El lado oscuro de la luna nunca toma sol?", en la que se consideran algunas cuestiones vinculadas que se refieren a las concepciones iniciales de los estudiantes, dónde surgen

  5. Sistema de Transferencia de Archivos para Estudiantes Migrantes: Un Mejor Entendimiento para Padres. (Migrant Student Record Transfer System: A Better Understanding for Parents).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jaramillo, Senaida I.

    When migrant children are enrolled in the Migrant Education Program, they are also enrolled in the Migrant Student Record Transfer System (MSRTS), a national system which accumulates educational and health information for each child on a computer located in Little Rock, Arkansas. The system affords teachers the opportunity to review the records,…

  6. Factors Affecting Academic Resilience in Middle School Students: A Case Study (Factores que Afectan la Resiliencia Académica en Estudiantes de Bachillerato)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rojas Flórez, Luisa Fernanda


    This research was carried out with the purpose of identifying how and which risk and protective factors affect academic outcomes. The study explored how different family and individual environmental factors foster academic resilience. The exploratory study took place with a group of six students from a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. The school…

  7. Proyecto para la participacion de los padres de los estudiantes con competencia limitada en ingles (LEP) (Limited English Proficient (LEP) Parent Involvement Project).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pecoraro, Diane; Phommasouvanh, Bounlieng

    The Limited English Proficient (LEP) Parent Involvement Project, a collaborative project between two state agencies, aims to help refugee and immigrant parents to be effective in their new American culture. Materials are provided that were developed for use in various adult education settings such as English-as-a-Second-Language (ESL) classes,…

  8. [80 years of soial service in medicine].


    Hace 80 años, la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional, en voz de su director, Gustavo Baz Prada, hizo una propuesta que pronto se convirtió en realidad y finalmente en norma, la que desde entonces se conoce como SS. Esta iniciativa se vio como una manera para que los estudiantes de medicina del último año retribuyeran a la sociedad una parte de lo que esta invirtió en su educación, consolidaran su formación mediante la exposición a las realidades de todos los días en los medios más necesitados, se pusieran a prueba sobre sus verdaderas capacidades para atender pacientes y participaran en la solución de un problema de atención sanitaria que en ese entonces era mucho más apremiante que ahora. Unos años después, los recién egresados de otras licenciaturas (pasantes) también fueron incorporados a esta estrategia y, al fin, se reconoció formalmente como una responsabilidad de las instituciones educativas. Las aportaciones del SS a la salud de las personas y a la formación de los médicos han sido incuestionables, y la experiencia humana que ha representado para quienes lo han vivido ha dejado marcas indelebles.

  9. Experiencias, Sentido y Significado de la Consejeria en Justicia Social a Nivel Universitario: Estudio de Caso Cualitativo Mediante Tres Narrativas De Consejeros Profesionales en Educacion Superior

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Santiago Tosado, Virginia


    The purpose of the study was to understand and profoundly describe the nature of social justice practice, as is comes up from the experience of three professional counselors whose working settings are the academic arena. Detailed descriptions are presented concerning the meanings and sense of counseling for social justice, as the interviews…

  10. IBD-related work disability in the community: Prevalence, severity and predictive factors. A cross-sectional study

    PubMed Central

    Ramos, Alexis; Sicilia, Beatriz; Vergara, Mercedes; Figuerola, Ariadna; Motos, Jaume; Sastre, Adoración; Villoria, Albert; Gomollón, Fernando


    Background and aims Data on the prevalence of work disability in patients with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are heterogeneous. As most studies have been performed in selected, often severe, IBD patients, the true prevalence of disability in the community remains controversial. The aim of this cross-sectional study was to evaluate the prevalence and severity of disability and its predictive factors in a community-based IBD population. Patients and methods Patients recorded in the community-based IBD register at the Hospital Universitario de Burgos were contacted. After informed consent they completed a set of questionnaires including demographic, clinical, disability and quality of life data. The statistical study was performed using SPSS 21. Results A total of 293 patients were included – 151 Crohn's disease (CD), 142 ulcerative colitis (UC), 137 female, mean age: 45 ± 11 years, mean time since diagnosis: 10.6 ± 11 years. Twelve patients (4.1%) had a work-disability pension. In addition, 93 (32%) of all patients had an officially recognized disability degree, which was generally moderate (n = 73, 25%) or severe (N = 16, 5%). Age, time since IBD diagnosis, CD, perianal disease, incontinence, active disease, the need for anti-TNF or psychological treatment, previous surgeries and the number of diagnostic tests and medical visits in the previous year were predictors of disability. Major predictors of qualifying for a disability pension were age, IBD activity, incontinence, need for biological drugs and ostomy. Conclusion Mild to moderate work disability is frequent in IBD. However, only a minority of patients develop severe disability qualifying them for a pension. PMID:26279841

  11. Subclinical Synovitis Measured by Ultrasound in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients With Clinical Remission Induced by Synthetic and Biological Modifying Disease Drugs.


    Cruces, Marcos; Al Snih, Soham; Serra-Bonett, Natalí; Rivas, Juan C


    Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients with disease in clinical remission might show subclinical synovitis, which can be related to the progress of structural joint damage. To determine and compare the degree of synovial inflammation by ultrasound (US) in patients with RA in clinical remission, treated with DMARD or combination therapy with DMARD and anti-TNF. Hospital-based cross-sectional study of 58 patients with RA in sustained remission for at least 6 months by DAS28 <2.6, who attended the Rheumatology Service at the Hospital Universitario de Caracas. Patients underwent clinical, functional, and laboratory assessments. Ultrasound was performed in hands measuring synovial effusion, synovial hypertrophy and power Doppler signal; using a semiquantitative 4-point scale of 0=none to 3=severe. Chi-square and t-test were used to compare the clinical, functional, laboratory and US assessments between the DMARD (N=37) and combination therapy with DMARD and anti-TNF (N=21) groups. A p-value <0.05 was considered statistically significant. Out of 58 patients, 25.9% had remission by US and 74.1% had synovial effusion or hypertrophy or positive power Doppler signal. Non-significant differences in US synovitis between the two groups were found. Persistent US activity was evident in a high percentage of rheumatoid arthritis patients in clinical remission by DAS28. No differences in subclinical synovitis measured by US were found between patients with DMARD and anti-TNF-induced clinical remission. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Reumatología y Colegio Mexicano de Reumatología. All rights reserved.

  12. Municipal distribution and trends in bladder cancer incidence in health area of León, Spain (1996-2010).


    del Canto, M; García-Martínez, L; Fernández-Villa, T; Molina, A J; Campanario, F; García-Sanz, M; López-Abente, G; Honrado, E; Martín-Sánchez, V


    Spain is a country where bladder cancer incidence and mortality rates are some of the highest in the world. The aim of this study is to know the incidence, trends and geographical distribution of bladder cancer in the health area of León. the new cases of bladder cancer (CIE-188) in patients residing in the health area of León and registered in the Hospital Tumor Registry of the Centro Asistencial Universitario in León (Spain) between 1996-2010 were included in this study. Triennial crude incidence and adjusted incidence rates to the worldwide and European population were calculated. Population data of the municipalities of Leon (Spain) were obtained from National Institute of Statistic of Spain (INE, Instituto Nacional de Estadística). Data were disaggregated by sex-groups and five-year age groups. Spatial distribution of smoothed municipal relative risks (RR) of bladder cancer was carried out using a Besag, York and Mollié model. Bayesian model were used to calculate the posterior probability (PP) of RR greater than one. 1.573 cases were included. Incidence rates standardized to European population increased among men from 20,8/100.000 (1996-98) to 33,1/100.000 (2006-2008) and among women these rates increased from 1,9/100.000 to 5,9/100.000 for the same period of time. No relevant differences were found in the municipal distribution of the incidences. bladder cancer incidence rates are high in the European context. Rising trends in incidence in both sexs, particularly in women are observed. Copyright © 2014 AEU. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  13. [Use of alternative medicine in the treatment of allergic diseases].


    Félix Berumen, José Alfredo; González Díaz, Sandra Nora; Canseco González, Carlos; Arias Cruz, Alfredo


    The alternative medicine and the complementary medicine are forms of treatment very spread and frequently demanded by patients with allergic diseases. According to recent studies, homeopathy, acupuncture and herbal medicine are the most commonly used types of alternative medicine. To know the frequency in the use of different types of alternative medicine for the treatment of allergic diseases in patients attended at the Centro Regional de Alergia e Immunologia Clínica of the Hospital Universitario de Monterrey, Nuevo León. A transversal, descriptive and observational study was done by the use of questionnaires applied to patients and/or patients' relatives attended in this Center. This survey included questions to focus the investigation in the use of a Iternative medicine for the treatment of any allergic disease. The data analysis was done by descriptive statistics. Four hundred one questionnaires were applied. The average age of the patients was of 14 years (range from 1 to 73 years). Fourty-seven percent (189 patients) were female and 58.2% (212 patients) were male. The diagnoses included: allergic rhinitis in 215 patients (53.6), asthma in 97 (24.2%), rhinitis and asthma in 73 (18.2) and atopic dermatitis in 16 (4%). Out of the patients 34.4% (138) had used at least one type of alternative medicine for the treatment of their allergic disease. Homeopathy was the most commonly used type of alternative medicine (78.2%), followed by the natural medicine (31.5%). Alternative medicine for the treatment of allergic diseases is frequent in patients who attend to this center. Homeopathy and the natural medicine are the most used.

  14. [Effect of periodontal therapy on the subgingival microbiota in preeclamptic patients].


    Jaramillo, Adriana; Arce, Roger; Contreras, Adolfo; Herrera, Julián A


    Few studies have described subgingival microbiota in pregnant women with mild preeclampsia. Clinical periodontal and subgingival microbiota changes were identified in pregnant women with mild preeclampsia after periodontal treatment. In a secondary analysis of a randomized clinical trial, 57 preeclamptic women were studied at Hospital Universitario del Valle in Cali, Colombia. Thirty one women were randomized to the periodontal intervention group (subgingival scaling and planing ultrasonic and manual) during pregnancy and 26 to the control group (supragingival prophylaxis). Periodontal clinical parameters and subgingival microbiota were characterized at the time of acceptance into the study and again at postpartum. Eight periodontopathic bacteria and 2 herpesviruses were assessed by polymerase chain reaction. Chi-square, McNemar or Student's t tests were used, with a significance level of p≤0.05. Both groups were comparable in the clinical and microbiological variables at baseline. Periodontal treatment reduced the average pocket depth in the intervention group from 2.4±0.3 to 2.3±0.2 mm (p<0.001) and in control group 2.6±0.4 to 2.44±0.4 mm, (p<0.001) and bleeding index 16.4±1.5% to 7.9±0.7% in the intervention group(p<0.001) and 17.1±1.8% to 10±0.9% in the control group (p=0.002). The frequency of detection of microorganisms did not differ significantly between groups. Scaling/root planning and supragingival prophylaxis significantly reduced the probing depth and gingival bleeding index. Periodontal treatment was not more effective than prophylaxis in reducing periodontopathic organisms or herpesvirus.

  15. Genotype distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) in histological sections of cervical intraepithelial neoplasia and invasive cervical carcinoma in Madrid, Spain

    PubMed Central


    Background Human Papillomavirus (HPV) genotype distribution and co-infection occurrence was studied in cervical specimens from the city of Madrid (Spain), as a contribution to the knowledge of Human Papillomavirus genotype distribution and prevalence of carcinogenic HPV types in cervical lesions in Spain. Methods A total of 533 abnormal specimens, from the Hospital General Universitario “Gregorio Marañón” of Madrid, were studied. These included 19 benign lesions, 349 cervical intraepithelial neoplasias 1 (CIN1), 158 CIN2-3 and 7 invasive cervical carcinomas (ICC). HPV genotyping was performed using PCR and tube array hybridization. Results We detected 20 different HPV types: 13 carcinogenic high-risk HPV types (HR-HPVs), 2 probably carcinogenic high-risk HPV types (PHR-HPVs) and 5 carcinogenic low-risk HPV types (LR-HPVs). The most frequent HPV genotypes found in all specimens were HPV16 (26.0%), 31 (10.7%) and 58 (8.0%). HPV 18 was only detected in 5.0%. Co-infections were found in 30.7% of CIN 1 and 18.4% cases of CIN2-3. The highest percentage of HR HPVs was found in those specimens with a CIN2-3 lesion (93.7%). Conclusion As our study shows the current tetravalent vaccine could be effective in our geographical area for preventing all the invasive cervical carcinomas. In addition, upon the estimates of the important presence of other HR-HPV types – such as 31, 58, 33 and 52 – in different preneoplasic lesions the effectiveness of HPV vaccination in our geographical area, and others with similar genotype distribution, should be limited. PMID:23167826

  16. [Epidemiology of maxillofacial fractures due to traffic accidents in Medellin (Colombia)].


    Agudelo-Suárez, Andrés A; Duque-Serna, Francisco Levi; Restrepo-Molina, Lucas; Martínez-Herrera, Eliana


    To characterize maxillofacial fractures due to traffic accidents in patients attending the Hospital Universitario San Vicente Fundación (Medellin-Colombia) from 1998 to 2010. A descriptive study (n =1609) was carried out with information from the medical records of patients meeting the inclusion criteria established by the general objective of the study. The variables consisted of sex, age, year, type and number of fractures, and type of vehicle. A descriptive analysis of the variables was performed and the frequency of fractures due to traffic accidents was calculated according to year and sex. Crude and adjusted odds ratios (aOR) were estimated to establish associations among age, type of vehicle, and the presence of two or more fractures with stratification by sex. The frequency of maxillofacial fractures due to traffic accidents increased in 2007 (men: n=198, women: n=35) and decreased from 2008 to 2010 in both sexes. Fractures were more frequent in persons aged <35 years (80%) and in men (82%). The highest frequency of fractures was observed in motorists. Male users of motorcycles (aOR=1.41; confidence interval 95% [95%CI]: 1.02- 1.94) and bicycles (aOR=1.61; 95%CI: 1.01- 2.56) were more likely to report two or more fractures compared with pedestrians, after adjustment for other variables. Most maxillofacial fractures occurred in men and in motorists. Future studies should analyze other determinants affecting the epidemiology of maxillofacial fractures. Strategies should be designed to improve the use of protective elements and drivers' knowledge and practices. Copyright © 2014 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  17. The relationship between neonatal hyperbilirubinemia and sensorineural hearing loss.


    Corujo-Santana, Cándido; Falcón-González, Juan Carlos; Borkoski-Barreiro, Silvia Andrea; Pérez-Plasencia, Daniel; Ramos-Macías, Ángel


    Severe jaundice that requires exchange transfusion has become a relatively rare situation today. About 60% of full term neonates and 80% of premature ones will suffer from jaundice within the first week of life. Hyperbilirubinemia at birth is a risk factor associated with hearing loss that is usually further linked to other factors that might have an effect on hearing synergistically. This study aimed to identify the relationship between hyperbilirubinemia at birth as a risk factor for sensorineural hearing loss in children born at Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Insular Materno-Infantil de Gran Canaria, in the 2007-2011 period. This was a retrospective study of 796 newborns that had hyperbilirubinemia at birth, using transient evoked otoacoustic emissions and evoked auditory brainstem response. Hundred eighty-five newborns (23.24%) were referred for evoked auditory brainstem response. Hearing loss was diagnosed for 35 (4.39%): 18 neonates (51.43%) with conductive hearing loss and 17 (48.57%) with sensorineural hearing loss, 3 of which were diagnosed as bilateral profound hearing loss. Half of the children had other risk factors associated, the most frequent being exposure to ototoxic medications. The percentage of children diagnosed with sensorineural hearing loss that suffered hyperbilirubinemia at birth is higher than for the general population. Of those diagnosed, none had levels of indirect bilirubin≥20mg/dl, only 47% had hyperbilirubinemia at birth as a risk factor and 53% had another auditory risk factor associated. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringología y Patología Cérvico-Facial. All rights reserved.

  18. Numerical and clinical precision of continuous glucose monitoring in Colombian patients treated with insulin infusion pump with automated suspension in hypoglycemia.


    Gómez, Ana M; Marín Sánchez, Alejandro; Muñoz, Oscar M; Colón Peña, Christian Alejandro


    Insulin pump therapy associated with continuous glucose monitoring has shown a positive clinical impact on diabetes control and reduction of hypoglycemia episodes. There are descriptions of the performance of this device in other populations, but its precision and accuracy in Colombia and Latin America are unknown, especially in the routine outpatient setting. Data from 33 type 1 and type 2 diabetes patients with sensor-augmented pump therapy with threshold suspend automation, MiniMed Paradigm® Veo™ (Medtronic, Northridge, California), managed at Hospital Universitario San Ignacio (Bogotá, Colombia) and receiving outpatient treatment, were analyzed. Simultaneous data from continuous glucose monitoring and capillary blood glucose were compared, and their precision and accuracy were calculating with different methods, including Clarke error grid. Analyses included 2,262 continuous glucose monitoring -reference paired glucose values. A mean absolute relative difference of 20.1% was found for all measurements, with a value higher than 23% for glucose levels ≤75mg/dL. Global compliance with the ISO criteria was 64.9%. It was higher for values >75mg/dl (68.3%, 1,308 of 1,916 readings), than for those ≤ 75mg/dl (49.4%, 171 of 346 readings). Clinical accuracy, as assessed by the Clarke error grid, showed that 91.77% of data were within the A and B zones (75.6% in hypoglycemia). A good numerical accuracy was found for continuous glucose monitoring in normo and hyperglycemia situations, with low precision in hypoglycemia. The clinical accuracy of the device was adequate, with no significant safety concerns for patients. Copyright © 2015 SEEN. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  19. Has clinical activity in paediatric neurology changed in the past 11 years?


    Martínez Menéndez, B; Escolar Escamilla, E; Pinel González, A; Cerezo García, M; Martínez Sarries, F J; Morlán Gracia, L

    We believe that the demand for paediatric neurology (PN) care has increased over the past decade, and that reasons for requesting consultations have also changed. The objective of this study is to complete a registry study to profile the demand for PN care in 2013 and compare results to those from a study performed in 2002. A prospective registry of PN healthcare activities was completed at Hospital Universitario de Getafe in 2013. Results were compared with those from a prospective registry study conducted in 2002. The number of visits increased from 1,300 in 2002 to 1,982 in 2013 (a 52.46% increase), and from 32.6 visits per 1,000 children to 57.48 (a 76.32% increase). Outpatient consultations accounted for 92.2% of all PN consultations in 2013. Currently, attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is the most frequent diagnosis (27.6% in 2013 vs. 8.1% in 2002). Although the percentage of headache consultations has decreased (19% in 2013 vs. 22% in 2002), headache was still the most common reason for an initial visit in 2013 (32.1%), followed by ADHD (19.1%). Epilepsy remains the most frequent diagnosis in hospitalised patients (30.3% in 2013 vs. 36.7% in 2002). PN is fundamentally an outpatient activity that has increased considerably in recent years. This increase is mainly due to neurodevelopmental disorders, especially ADHD. We might state that the role of ADHD in PN is comparable to that of dementia in general neurology. Copyright © 2014 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. [Analysis of neurological assistance demand in immigrant population].


    Martínez, A Miralles; Tejedor, E Díez


    Immigration has been a growing phenomenon in recent years due to the aging of the population and demographic pressure of immigration in Spain. This study has aimed to know the community out-patient neurological care pressure of the immigrant population and the differences between them and the Spanish population. A descriptive, prospective and observational study of neurological out-patient care in the community of the population covered by the Hospital Universitario La Paz over 12 consecutive months was performed. We analyzed three community out-patient clinics of neurology. The variables analyzed were: demographic (age, gender, nationality, stay time in Spain), care variables (visit type, source of consultation, existence of previous diagnosis and attendance at neurological citation) and diagnostic variables (diagnostic group defined in the ICD-9 M). Of the 4,771 visits analyzed, 8.26% (393) were immigrants. They accounted for a younger population 37.4 +/- 15.2 years, with a larger percentage of women (70.7%; p<0.001). The countries with the greater number of immigrants attended were Ecuador (21.9%) and Colombia (9.9%). Referral to the emergency department was greater for the immigrant patients (p=0.042). Failure to come to the appointment was greater among the immigrant patients (p=0 0.001). Diagnosis of headache and epilepsy were significantly more prevalent in the immigrant population, but syncope, poorly-defined signs and symptoms of those being studied and absence of neurological disorders were more frequent in the Spanish group. Neurological assistance demand of the immigrant population is that expected according to their demographic weight. The most frequent diagnostic groups among the immigrants are headache and epilepsy.

  1. Analysis and evaluation of the effectiveness of epidural analgesia and its relationship with eutocic or dystocic delivery.


    Sánchez-Migallón, V; Sánchez, E; Raynard, M; Miranda, A; Borràs, R M

    Numerous studies have demonstrated the difference in the verbal rating scale with regard to obstructed labour and induced labour, so that obstructed labour and foetal macrosomia have been related to a greater sensation of pain during labour, particularly in the first stage. Even the epidural analgesia is linked to the need for instrumented or caesarean section due to foetal obstruction. The goal of the study is to analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of epidural analgesia in normal versus obstructed labour. One hundred and eighty pregnant women were included in an observational, analytical, longitudinal and prospective study, that was performed in the Obstetrics Department of the Hospital Universitario Dexeus. All the nulliparous or multiparous over 36 weeks of pregnancy, after 3cm of cervical dilatation in spontaneous or induced labor were included. All the patients were given epidural analgesia according to protocol. The basic descriptive methods were used for the univariate statistical analysis of the sample and the Mann-Whitney U test was used for the comparison of means between both groups. The correlations between variables were studied by means of the Spearman coefficient of correlation. The differences regarded as statistically significant are those whose P<.05. In our population there were no statistically significant differences in the effectiveness of epidural analgesia in normal versus obstructed labour. Patients who got epidural analgesia and had obstructed labors have the same degree of verbal rating scale as patients that do not had obstructed labors (P>.05). Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  2. Translation and Validation of the Multidimensional Dyspnea-12 Questionnaire.


    Amado Diago, Carlos Antonio; Puente Maestu, Luis; Abascal Bolado, Beatriz; Agüero Calvo, Juan; Hernando Hernando, Mercedes; Puente Bats, Irene; Agüero Balbín, Ramón


    Dyspnea is a multidimensional symptom, but this multidimensionality is not considered in most dyspnea questionnaires. The Dyspnea-12 takes a multidimensional approach to the assessment of dyspnea, specifically the sensory and the affective response. The objective of this study was to translate into Spanish and validate the Dyspnea-12 questionnaire. The original English version of the Dyspnea-12 questionnaire was translated into Spanish and backtranslated to analyze its equivalence. Comprehension of the text was verified by analyzing the responses of 10 patients. Reliability and validation of the questionnaire were studied in an independent group of COPD patients attending the pulmonology clinics of Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla, diagnosed and categorized according to GOLD guidelines. The mean age of the group (n=51) was 65 years and mean FEV1 was 50%. All patients understood all questions of the translated version of Dyspnea-12. Internal consistency of the questionnaire was α=0.937 and intraclass correlation coefficient was=.969; P<.001. Statistically significant correlations were found with HADS (anxiety r=.608 and depression r=.615), mMRC dyspnea (r=.592), 6MWT (r=-0.445), FEV1 (r=-0.312), all dimensions of CRQ-SAS (dyspnea r=-0.626; fatigue r=-0.718; emotional function r=-0.663; mastery r=-0.740), CAT (r=0.669), and baseline dyspnea index (r=-0.615). Dyspnea-12 scores were 10.32 points higher in symptomatic GOLD groups (B and D) (P<.001). The Spanish version of Dyspnea-12 is a valid and reliable instrument to study the multidimensional nature of dyspnea. Copyright © 2017 SEPAR. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  3. Relationship between target organ damage and blood pressure, retinal vessel calibre, oxidative stress and polymorphisms in VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes in patients with hypertension: a case–control study protocol (LOD-Hipertensión)

    PubMed Central

    Gomez-Marcos, Manuel A; Gonzalez-Sarmiento, Rogelio; Recio-Rodríguez, José I; Agudo-Conde, Cristina; Gamella-Pozuelo, Luis; Perretta-Tejedor, Nuria; Martínez-Salgado, Carlos; García-Ortiz, Luis


    Introduction Target organ damage (TOD) is associated with increased cardiovascular risk. The study objectives were to analyse the relationship of TOD to blood pressure, size of retinal arteries and veins, oxidative stress and different polymorphisms in the VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes in participants with hypertension. Methods and analysis A case–control study to analyse the relationship between clinical, biochemical and genetic parameters and presence of cardiac, vascular and renal TOD in 486 patients with hypertension. Participants with TOD will be considered as cases, and those without TOD will be enrolled as controls. This will be a collaborative study conducted by the groups of Primary Care, Cardiovascular and Metabolic and Degenerative Diseases of the Instituto de Investigación Biomédica of Salamanca (IBSAL). Assessment of cardiac, renal and vascular TOD. Measurement of peripheral and central blood pressure, size of eye fundus arteries and veins, and oxidative stress, and polymorphisms in the VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes. Ethics and dissemination The study will be conducted after approval is obtained from the Ethics Committee of Hospital Clínico Universitario of Salamanca. All study participants will sign an informed consent to agree to participate in the study, and another consent to agree on the genetic study, in compliance with the Declaration of Helsinki and the WHO standards for observational studies. The results of this study will allow for an understanding of the relationship of the different TODs with blood pressure, retinal artery and vein diameters, oxidative stress and polymorphisms in VAV-2 and VAV-3 genes. Trial registration number Clinical Trials. gov Identifier: NCT02022618. PMID:24699462

  4. [Male sterility and its association with genital disease and environmental factors].


    Merino Ruiz, M C; De León Cervantes, M G; García Flores, R F


    Semen quality may be affected by many factors, as there is evidence that conditions as varicocele, criptorquidia, orchitis and bacterian infections; as well as to exposure to physical agents as heat, or chemical substances, or ingestion of alcohol and drugs, may affect semen quality. The objective of this study is to investigate the risk implied in the exposure to these factors on the semen quality. The study was carried out in a prospective way in a group of males at Clínica de Infertilidad, Unidad de Biología de la Reproducción del Hospital Universitario Dr. J.E. González. Ninety nine males were studied, they received an intentioned questionnaire about antecedents of exposure to environmental factors, and urologic resolved pathology. Espermatobioscopy was done and it was classified according to OMS. Two groups were formed, one with the individuals with normal espermatobioscopy (n = 25); and the abnormal ones (n = 74). The statistical Incidences Reason, square Xi and Atributable Risk, were applied in order to determine the impact that different factors may have on semen quality. The found alterations in semen were astenozoospermia (n = 58); hypospermia (n = 22); oligozoospermia (n = 18); teratozoospermia (n = 7); polizoospermia (n = 7); and azoospermia (n = 6). The results of the mentioned statistical tests, show that in these alterations there is an associated risk factor to the use of tobacco, exposure to chemical substances, to physical aggresors; and anatomic anomalies previously corrected. It is considered that obtention of this information is a great help because once the unfavorable factors are eliminated, the environment is improved in order to obtain an espermatogenesis in optimal conditions.

  5. [Motivations and emotional experiences of the first hospital multidisciplinary team trained to care for people with Ebola in Andalusia, Spain (2014-2016)].


    Casado-Mejía, Rosa; Brea-Ruiz, Ma Teresa; Torres-Enamorado, Dolores; Albar-Marín, Ma Jesús; Botello-Hermosa, Alicia; Santos-Casado, María; Casado-Rojas, Irene


    The Hospital Universitario Virgen del Rocío (HUVR) of Seville was chosen as the reference Andalusian site to treat possible cases of Ebola. After the health alert (WHO, 2014), a voluntary group of healthcare and non-healthcare professionals was set up, which, after being trained, treated a possible case. In this light, the aim is to understand the motivations and emotional experiences of this group and to identify the facilitators of and obstacles to its operation. Qualitative, interpretative and phenomenological study. Observation unit: professional team of the HUVR trained to treat Ebola cases. Analysis units: teamwork, motivations and emotions. Three interviews with key informants were conducted, as well as three discussion groups involving 23 of the 60 team members (2014-2016). A content analysis of the motivations, emotions and elements affecting the team's operation was conducted with QSRNUDISTVivo10. data sources, techniques and disciplinary perspectives were triangulated. The results were presented to the team, which duly agreed with the findings. Training, professional responsibility, professional self-esteem, risk appetite or loyalty to the leader stood out as motivations to voluntarily join the team. Emotional experiences evolved from fear and stress to self-pressure control, while essential elements for the team's operation were found to be calmness and confidence based on training and teamwork. Family, source department, resources, communication media and emotional management were facilitators of or obstacles to the team's success. An understanding of the key motivational and influential factors may be important in the management of effective and successful multidisciplinary teams during health alerts. Copyright © 2016 SESPAS. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  6. [Rationale, design and methodology of physical attributes identification of the fear of falling syndrome (FISTAC study)].


    Esbrí Víctor, Mariano; Huedo Rodenas, Isabel; López Utiel, Melisa; Martínez Reig, Marta; López Jiménez, Esther; Herizo Muñoz, María Ángeles; Sánchez Nievas, Ginés; Abizanda Soler, Pedro

    The aim of this study was to identify the physical determining factors of the Fear of Falling Syndrome (FoF) in older adults with a history of falls. An observational study was conducted on 183 subjects older than 64 years with a fall in the previous year, with data collected from the geriatrics outpatient clinic of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario from Albacete, Spain. Sociodemographic and anthropometric data, as well as comorbidity, drugs usually taken, functional status, physical function, frailty, cognitive and affective status were collected. Muscle mass was measured using bioimpedancy meter (BIA), and densitometry (DXA), strength with digital hand-held JAMAR dynamometer and with a Leg-press machine, muscle potency with a T-Force instrument, gait variability with the Gait-Rite instrument, and postural stability with the Neurocom Balance Master posturograph were also determined. An analysis was performed to determine if the FoF is associated with physical impairments adjusted for the study covariates. The study included 140 subjects with FoF, and 43 without it. The mean age was 78.4 years, and 147 were women. Posturography could be measured in 182 participants, DXA in 117, BIA in 165, and muscle potency in 146. FoF was associated with female sex, frailty, depressed mood, social risk, muscle strength and power, physical function, number of drugs used, and orthostatic hypotension in the overall sample. After adjusting for sex, only frailty, depressed mood, and number of drugs remained associated. Rationale, design, and methods of the FISTAC study are presented. Copyright © 2016 SEGG. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  7. Sirviendo a los estudiantes sordos que tienen Los implantes cocleares. Hoja de consejos de PEPNet (Serving Deaf Students Who Have Cochlear Implants. PEPNet Tipsheet)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Clark, Catherine


    This version of "Serving Deaf Students Who Have Cochlear Implants. PEPNet Tipsheet," written in Spanish, describes how cochlear implants (CIs) work. CIs are complex electronic devices surgically implanted under the skin behind the ear. These devices utilize electrodes placed in the inner ear (the cochlea) to stimulate the auditory nerve of…

  8. Educando a Estudiantes con Diversidades Linguisticas y Culturales (Educating Linguistically and Culturally Diverse Students). Que Ningun Nino se Quede Atras (No Child Left Behind).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students (ED), Washington, DC.

    The brochure, written in Spanish, briefly outlines the U.S. Department of Education's most recent policy on educating students with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. It states the Department's mission, describes today's student population, and outlines the role of the Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement and…

  9. Television Viewing = Lo que los padres de estudiantes dotados necesitan saber sobre ver...television. What Parents of Gifted Students Need To Know about...Series.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Siegle, Del, Ed.

    This booklet (Practitioner's Guide), in both an English version and a Spanish version, is intended to help parents apply the findings of research to parental mediation of television viewing by their children, including gifted children. Research facts are briefly summarized and implications for the home are drawn. Suggestions for parents are…

  10. Struggling Authorial Identity of Second Language University Academic Writers in Mexico (La lucha de identidad de escritores académicos universitarios de segunda lengua en México)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Crawford, Troy; Mora Pablo, Irasema; Lengeling, M. Martha


    This paper explores the different factors that appear to affect the on-going construction of second language authorial identity in a professional academic environment in Mexico. Through narrative research methodology from a qualitative paradigm, the everyday struggles of two university professors to maintain their professional status in second…

  11. The Role of Discussion Boards in a University Blended Learning Program (El papel de los foros de discusión en un programa universitario de aprendizaje mixto)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    González Moreno, Rosa Isabel


    Discussion boards as tools in blended "English language" learning programs have unique characteristics when compared to other synchronous and asynchronous communication tools that are different. Therefore, it is important to investigate the way they operate, their role within a given program and the students', teachers' and tutors'…

  12. PubMed

    Rodríguez, Yarimar Rosa; Díaz, Nelson Varas


    El proceso de estigmatización asume una devaluación de la persona debido a una característica o marca que haya sido identificada socialmente y que permita que se le describa como diferente. Desde que se desató la epidemia del VIH/SIDA, vivir con la enfermedad ha sido señalado de manera social como una marca estigmatizante. Las manifestaciones de dicha estigmatización se han documentado entre profesionales de la salud. Este estigma puede afectar los servicios de salud que las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA reciben de estos profesionales. Los objetivos de esta investigación fueron explorar: 1) la percepción que tienen estudiantes y profesionales de la salud sobre su nivel de competencia para ofrecer servicios a personas que viven con VIH/SIDA, 2) las opiniones de éstos sobre el tipo de adiestramiento profesional recibido y la necesidad del mismo, y 3) la manifestación de actitudes estigmatizantes como indicadores de necesidad de adiestramiento profesional. La muestra total del estudio estuvo compuesta por 80 de diversas profesiones de la salud. Los resultados reflejan que algunos/as de los/as participantes han recibido formación en VIH pero ésta no ha sido suficiente para contrarrestar las nociones estigmatizantes. Discutimos las implicaciones de los resultados para investigaciones futuras y el desarrollo de intervenciones con vías de minimizar las nociones estigmatizantes en los escenarios de salud.

  13. Pediatric Allergic Contact Dermatitis: Clinical and Epidemiological Study in a Tertiary Hospital.


    Ortiz Salvador, J M; Esteve Martínez, A; Subiabre Ferrer, D; Victoria Martínez, A M; de la Cuadra Oyanguren, J; Zaragoza Ninet, V

    Few epidemiological studies have investigated the incidence of allergic contact dermatitis in children. Underdiagnosis has been observed in some studies, with many cases in which the condition is not suspected clinically and patch tests are not performed. However, the prevalence of pediatric sensitization to allergens has been reported to be as high as 20%, and the diagnosis should therefore be contemplated as a possibility in this age group. We performed a retrospective analysis of the skin allergy database of the Dermatology Department of Consorcio Hospital General Universitario de Valencia. Children between 0 and 16 years of age diagnosed with allergic contact dermatitis in the previous 15 years (between 2000 and 2015) were included in the analysis. Epidemiological (age, sex, history of atopy) and clinical (site of the lesions, allergen series applied, positive reactions, and their relevance) variables were gathered. Patch tests had been performed on 4,593 patients during the study period. Of these, 265 (6%) were children aged between 0 and 16 years. A positive reaction to at least one of the allergens tested was observed in 144 (54.3%) patients in that group. The allergens most frequently identified were the following (in decreasing order of frequency): thiomersal, cobalt chloride, colophony, paraphenylenediamine, potassium dichromate, mercury, and nickel. The sensitization was considered relevant in 177 (61.3%) cases. More than half of the children studied showed sensitization to 1 or more allergens, with a high percentage of relevant sensitizations. All children with a clinical suspicion of allergic contact dermatitis should be referred for patch testing. As no standardized test series have been developed for this age group, a high level of clinical suspicion and knowledge of the allergens most commonly involved are required when selecting the allergens to be tested. Copyright © 2017 AEDV. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  14. Climatic effects on decomposing litter and substrate chemistry along climatological gradients.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Berg, B.


    Climatic effects on decomposing litter and substrate chemistry along climatological gradients. B. Berg, Dipartimento Biologia Strutturale e Funzionale, Complesso Universitario, Monte San Angelo, via Cintia, I-80126 Napoli, Italy and Department of Forest Ecology, P.O. Box 27, University of Helsinki, FIN-00014, Helsinki, Finland. Studies of several processes, using climatic gradients do provide new information as compared with studies at e.g. a single site. Decomposition of plant litter in such gradients give response in decomposition rates to natural climate conditions. Thus Scots pine needle litter incubated in a climate gradient with annual average temperature (AVGT) ranging from -0.5 to 6.8oC had a highly significant increase in initial mass-loss rate with R2 = 0.591 (p<0.001) and a 5o increase in temperature doubled the mass-loss rate. As a contrast - needle litter of Norway spruce incubated in the same transect had no significant response to climate and for initial litter a 5o increase increased mass-loss rate c. 6%. For more decomposed Scots pine litter we could see that the effect of temperature on mass-loss rate gradually decreased until it disappeared. Long-term decomposition studies revealed differences in litter decomposition patterns along a gradient, even for the same type of litter. This could be followed by using an asymptotic function that gave, (i) a measure a maximum level of decomposition, (ii) the initial decomposition rate. Over a gradient the calculated maximum level of decomposition decreased with increasing AVGT. Other gradient studies revealed an effect of AVGT on litter chemical composition. Pine needle litter from stands under different climate conditions had nutrient concentrations related to AVGT. Thus N, P, K, and S were positively related to AVGT and Mn negatively, all of them significantly. This information may be used to explain the changing pattern in decomposition over the gradient.

  15. Has the aetiology of ischaemic stroke changed in the past decades? Analysis and comparison of data from current and historical stroke databases.


    Sánchez-Larsen, Á; García-García, J; Ayo-Martín, O; Hernández-Fernández, F; Díaz-Maroto, I; Fernández-Díaz, E; Monteagudo, M; Segura, T


    We aimed to determine whether the aetiology of ischaemic stroke has changed in recent years and, if so, to ascertain the possible reasons for these changes. We analysed the epidemiological history and vascular risk factors of all patients diagnosed with ischaemic stroke at Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete (CHUA) from 2009 to 2014. Ischaemic stroke subtypes were established using the TOAST criteria. Our results were compared to data from the classic Stroke Data Bank (SDB); in addition, both series were compared to those of other hospital databases covering the period between the two. We analysed 1664 patients (58% were men) with a mean age of 74 years. Stroke aetiology in both series (CHUA, SDB) was as follows: atherosclerosis (12%, 9%), small-vessel occlusion (13%, 25%), cardioembolism (32%, 19%), stroke of other determined aetiology (3%, 4%), and stroke of undetermined aetiology (40%, 44%). Sixty-three percent of the patients from the CHUA and 42% of the patients from the SDB were older than 70 years. Cardioembolic strokes were more prevalent in patients older than 70 years in both series. Untreated hypertension was more frequent in the SDB (SDB = 31% vs CHUA = 10%). The analysis of other databases shows that the prevalence of cardioembolic stroke is increasing worldwide. Our data show that the prevalence of lacunar strokes is decreasing worldwide whereas cardioembolic strokes are increasingly more frequent in both our hospital and other series compared to the SDB. These differences may be explained by population ageing and the improvements in management of hypertension and detection of cardioembolic arrhythmias in stroke units. Copyright © 2016 Sociedad Española de Neurología. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  16. [Prenatal treatment with magnesium sulphate: Initial clinical outcomes in pre-term infants less than 29 weeks and correlation with neonatal magnesium levels].


    García Alonso, Laura; Pumarada Prieto, Marcelino; González Colmenero, Eva; Concheiro Guisán, Ana; Suárez Albo, María; Durán Fernández-Feijoo, Cristina; González Durán, Luisa; Fernández Lorenzo, José Ramón


    Antenatal magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) administration has shown to be effective in minimising cerebral palsy and severe motor dysfunction at the age of 2 years. The aim of this study is to analyse the initial clinical outcome of preterm neonates less than 29 weeks who have received prenatal MgSO 4 , as well as to determine the relationship between the magnesium dose delivered to the mother and the magnesium concentration in the neonates. A prospective cohort study was conducted on neonates of less than 29 weeks gestation admitted to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) of Hospital Universitario de Vigo from December 2012 to July 2015. Comparative analysis was performed on the perinatal outcomes, neonatal morbidity, mortality, and magnesium levels between the groups of neonates exposed to magnesium sulphate and the control group. A total of 42 neonates were included in the study. The mothers of 28 of them had received MgSO4 as a neuroprotective agent. Statistical significance was obtained in the mortality variable. There were no significant differences in the rest of studied variables. There was a significant correlation between the full dose of MgSO4 received by the mother and the levels of magnesium in the neonate in the first 24hours of life (r 2 0.436; P<.001). A lower mortality was observed in the group that had been exposed to MgS04. No significant side effects were found as a result of administering of MgS04. The MgS04 dose received by mother has a linear relationship with the magnesium levels obtained in neonates. Copyright © 2016 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  17. [Secondary Preventive Program of atherosclerosis in a university hospital. Results and predictors of clinical course].


    Pintó, Xavier; Meco, José F; Corbella, Emili; Figueras, Rosaura; Pallarés, Carlos; Esplugas, Enric; Castiñeiras, María J; Marrugat, Jaume; Pujol, Ramon


    Lipid therapeutic goals are not achieved in a high percentage of patients with coronary artery disease (CAD). We describe in this paper the methodology and results of the Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge Atherosclerosis Secondary Preventive Program (PPSHB), which is aimed at preventing ischemic recurrences by controlling atherogenic factors. From January 1992 to December 1996, 882 patients with acute CAD entered the PPSHB and were seen on at least 2 occasions at the Unidad de Lípidos y Arteriosclerosis during a mean period of 10.4 (3.8) months. In 753 patients data on clinical follow-up were available. Follow-up data were collected by telephone interview and review of medical records. During the follow-up period at the Unidad de Lípidos y Arteriosclerosis, 71.9% of patients achieved the therapeutic goals or their LDLc improved >= 15%. These results were seen in 83.6%, 78.7% and 83.6% of patients with regard to HDLc, triglycerides and HDLc/LDLc ratio, respectively, while the percentage of patients receiving lipid-lowering drugs increased from 28% to 69%. During a follow-up of 33.7 (15.9) months, death (all causes; mean survival time: 20 [13.4] months) occurred in 41 patients (5.4%). On the other hand, hospitalization for cardiovascular disease was required in 113 patients (15%) during a mean follow-up until the first admission of 18.4 (14.2) months. The main independent predictor of unfavourable clinical course was not to reach the HDLc/LDLc ratio goal (HDLc/LDLc >= 0.27 or an increase >= 15%; OR = 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1-4.03). A systematic secondary preventive strategy may help achieve an adequate control of dyslipidemia in most CAD patients. In these patients, achieving the HDLc/LDLc therapeutic goal is associated with a less than half risk of hospitalization for cardiovascular disease or death from any cause.

  18. [GeSIDA quality care indicators associated with mortality and hospital admission for the care of persons infected by HIV/AIDS].


    Delgado-Mejía, Elena; Frontera-Juan, Guillem; Murillas-Angoiti, Javier; Campins-Roselló, Antoni Abdon; Gil-Alonso, Leire; Peñaranda-Vera, María; Ribas Del Blanco, María Angels; Martín-Pena, María Luisa; Riera-Jaume, Melchor


    In 2010, the AIDS Study Group (Grupo de Estudio del SIDA [GESIDA]) developed 66 quality care indicators. The aim of this study is to determine which of these indicators are associated with mortality and hospital admission, and to perform a preliminary assessment of a prediction rule for mortality and hospital admission in patients on treatment and follow-up. A retrospective cohort study was conducted in the Hospital Universitario Son Espases (Palma de Mallorca, Spain). Eligible participants were patients with human immunodeficiency syndrome≥18 years old who began follow-up in the Infectious Disease Section between 1 January 2000 and 31 December 2012. A descriptive analysis was performed to evaluate anthropometric variables, and a logistic regression analysis to assess the association between GESIDA indicators and mortality/admission. The mortality probability model was built using logistic regression. A total of 1,944 adults were eligible (median age: 37 years old, 78.8% male). In the multivariate analysis, the quality of care indicators associated with mortality in the follow-up patient group were the items 7, 16 and 20, and in the group of patients on treatment were 7, 16, 20, 35, and 38. The quality of care indicators associated with hospital admissions in the follow-up patients group were the same as those in the mortality analysis, plus number 31. In the treatment group the associated quality of care indicators were items 7, 16, 20, 35, 38, and 40. Some GeSIDA quality of care indicators were associated with mortality and/or hospital admissions. These indicators are associated with delayed diagnosis, regular monitoring, prevention of infections, and control of comorbidities. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. and Sociedad Española de Enfermedades Infecciosas y Microbiología Clínica. All rights reserved.

  19. [Predictive factors of clinically significant drug-drug interactions among regimens based on protease inhibitors, non-nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors and raltegravir].


    Cervero, Miguel; Torres, Rafael; Jusdado, Juan José; Pastor, Susana; Agud, Jose Luis


    To determine the prevalence and types of clinically significant drug-drug interactions (CSDI) in the drug regimens of HIV-infected patients receiving antiretroviral treatment. retrospective review of database. Centre: Hospital Universitario Severo Ochoa, Infectious Unit. one hundred and forty-two participants followed by one of the authors were selected from January 1985 to December 2014. from their outpatient medical records we reviewed information from the last available visit of the participants, in relation to HIV infection, comorbidities, demographics and the drugs that they were receiving; both antiretroviral drugs and drugs not related to HIV infection. We defined CSDI from the information sheet and/or database on antiretroviral drug interactions of the University of Liverpool ( and we developed a diagnostic tool to predict the possibility of CSDI. By multivariate logistic regression analysis and by estimating the diagnostic performance curve obtained, we identified a quick tool to predict the existence of drug interactions. Of 142 patients, 39 (29.11%) had some type of CSDI and in 11.2% 2 or more interactions were detected. In only one patient the combination of drugs was contraindicated (this patient was receiving darunavir/r and quetiapine). In multivariate analyses, predictors of CSDI were regimen type (PI or NNRTI) and the use of 3 or more non-antiretroviral drugs (AUC 0.886, 95% CI 0.828 to 0.944; P=.0001). The risk was 18.55 times in those receiving NNRTI and 27,95 times in those receiving IP compared to those taking raltegravir. Drug interactions, including those defined as clinically significant, are common in HIV-infected patients treated with antiretroviral drugs, and the risk is greater in IP-based regimens. Raltegravir-based prescribing, especially in patients who receive at least 3 non-HIV drugs could avoid interactions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Detection of Helicobacter pylori DNA in the oral cavity and gastroduodenal system of a Venezuelan population.


    Berroteran, Alejandra; Perrone, Marianella; Correnti, María; Cavazza, Maria E; Tombazzi, Claudio; Goncalvez, Rosa; Lecuna, Vicente


    Dental plaque has been suggested as a reservoir for Helicobacter pylori but the hypothesis that the oral microflora may be a permanent reservoir of H. pylori is still controversial. The aims of this study were to determine the presence of H. pylori DNA in the gastric antrum and dental plaque of a Venezuelan population by PCR and to investigate the relationship between this infection and the oral hygiene index. Thirty-two patients from the Hospital Universitario de Caracas, attending for routine gastroscopy, and 20 asymptomatic subjects (control group) were evaluated. The patients' gingiva and plaque were assessed by the gingival and plaque indices of Sillness and Löe. Supragingival plaque was analysed by a PCR for a specific internal urease gene. Gastric antrum biopsies were taken for histological examination and PCR. H. pylori was detected in antral samples from 24 (75%) of 32 patients, all of whom had chronic gastritis. H. pylori was also detected in dental plaque samples of 12 (37.5%) of the 32 patients. In 7 (58%) of these 12 patients, H. pylori was identified in the gastric biopsy. Seven patients with chronic gastritis carried H. pylori in dental plaque and antral samples. Of these patients, four also had dysplasia and one had metaplasia. Three subjects in the control group were positive by PCR. In the present study there was no correlation between H. pylori infection and dental hygiene, dental caries, periodontal disease or use of dentures. The oral cavity may be a reservoir for H. pylori infection and oral secretions may be an important means of transmission of this micro-organism. H. pylori in dental plaque may represent a risk factor for gastrointestinal re-infection and ulcer relapse after antibiotic therapy.

  1. [Has the use of antipyretics been modified after the introduction of different concentrations of ibuprofen into the market?].


    García Blanes, C P; Rodríguez-Cantón Pascual, P; Morales-Carpi, C; Morales-Olivas, F J


    Due to the emergence of new pharmaceutical presentations of ibuprofen (40 mg/ml), an analysis was made on the use of antipyretics in pediatric outpatient in Spain. A cross-sectional, observational, descriptive study was carried out on a sample of children under 14 years old with treated febrile syndrome, seen in the Emergency Room of the Hospital General Universitario de Valencia from November 2012 to January 2013. Of the 217 children included, 144 were treated with paracetamol or ibuprofen, 69 received both drugs, and one received paracetamol and metamizol. There were 58.7% of exposures to paracetamol and 40.9% to ibuprofen. The parents decided the use of antipyretics in 63.2% of cases. In 98 exposures the dose was different from that authorized in the labeling of the drug (off-label use). Ibuprofen was used off-label in 40.2% of cases, mostly by underdosing (35.9%). Paracetamol was used off-label in 29.8% of cases, predominantly overdose (26.8%), with the difference being statistically significant. No significant differences were observed in the off-label use in either monotherapy or combined use. There were also no differences when antipyretics prescribed by doctors or given directly by parents were evaluated separately. The majority of children with treated febrile syndrome seen in the Emergency Room were receiving antipyretic drugs after a parental decision. Paracetamol is the most commonly used drug and one in three children received it simultaneously with ibuprofen. The antipyretics were used off label in one-third of the cases. Off label use of ibuprofen is increasing, and is probably due to the existence of different pharmaceutical presentations. Copyright © 2013 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  2. [A lower adherence to Mediterranean diet is associated with a poorer self-rated health in university population].


    Barrios-Vicedo, Ricardo; Navarrete-Muñoz, Eva Maria; García de la Hera, Manuela; González-Palacios, Sandra; Valera-Gran, Desirée; Checa-Sevilla, José Francisco; Gimenez-Monzo, Daniel; Vioque, Jesús


    A higher adherence to Mediterranean diet is considered as a protective factor against the large number of deaths attributable to the main chronic degenerative diseases in developed countries. Self-rated health is established as a good indicator of population health status and as a predictor of mortality. Studies exploring the relationship between the adherence to Mediterranean diet and self-rated health are scarce, especially, in young adults. Our aim was to explore the factors related, specially the adherence to a priori-defined Mediterranean diet with self-rated health in a cohort of Spanish university students. We analyzed data from 1110 participants of Spanish DiSA-UMH (Dieta, Salud y Antropometría en universitarios de la Universidad Miguel Hernández) study. Diet was assessed using a validated food frequency questionnaire and the adherence to Mediterranean diet was calculated using the relative Mediterranean Diet Score (rMED; score range: 0-18) according to the consumption of 9 dietary components. Self-rated health was gathered from the question: "In general, how do you consider your health to be? (Excellent, good, fair, poor, very poor). Information on sociodemographic and lifestyle characteristics was also collected. Multinomial logistic regression (using relative risk ratio, RRR) was used to analyze the association between the adherence to Mediterranean diet (low rMED: 0-6 points; medium: 7-10 points; high: 11-18 points) and self-rated health (Excellent (reference), good and fair/ poor/very poor). A low, medium or high adherence to Mediterranean diet conformed to 26.8%, 58.7% and 14.4% of participants, which of them reported an excellent (23.1%), good (65.1%) and fair/poor or very poor health, respectively. In multivariate analysis, a lower adherence to Mediterranean diet was significantly (p. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  3. [Fear and preoperative anxiety behaviour and pain intensity perceived after knee arthroscopy].


    Anguita-Palacios, M Carmen; Talayero-San-Miguel, Marta; Herrero-Cereceda, Salomé; Martín-Cadenas, Mar; Pardo-Cuevas, Pilar; Gil-Martínez, Alfonso


    The aim of this study was to investigate the short-term (24hours) association between postoperative pain and preoperative psychological variables (anxiety, pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia) in a sample of knee arthroscopy ambulatory surgery. Observational cross-sectional study, conducted with 40 adult subjects who underwent knee arthroscopy in the surgical area of Cantoblanco Hospital (Hospital Universitario La Paz) in Madrid. The fear-avoidance beliefs and anxiety were assessed using validated questionnaires of pain catastrophizing, kinesiophobia and anxiety. Pre and post-surgical pain and perceived disability were evaluated by the Verbal Numeric Scale. Mean age of the sample (22 men and 18 women) was 52.85±14.21 without significant differences between gender. No statistically significant data for the association between variables of kinesiofobia, anxiety and pain catastrophizing and the intensity of perceived pain by the postoperative knee arthroscopy patient were found. Length of surgery in our study has a correlation with the immediate post-surgical pain (r=0.468; P=.002) and there is a relationship between age and pain intensity at 24hours (r=-0.329; P=.038), and between age and perceived disability (r=-0.314; P=.049). An association between catastrophizing and kinesiophobia scales (r=0.337; P=.033) is obtained likewise. In conclusion, preoperative fear-avoidance beliefs like pain anxiety or pain catastrophizing and kinesiophobia were not associated with acute postoperative pain in our study. Analyses of secondary pain related outcomes, however, indicated that reduced time of surgery may contribute to enhance clinical postoperative pain. If confirmed and replicated in larger samples, this may potentially enable clinicians to improve postoperative pain management in future patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  4. Incidence of Anal Dysplasia in a Population of High-Risk Women: Observations at a Cervical Pathology Unit.


    Oliver-Pérez, María de Los Reyes; Bravo Violeta, Victoria; Legorburu Alonso, Beatriz; Betancor Pérez, Diana; Bebia Conesa, Vicente; Jiménez López, Jesús S


    This study aimed to evaluate the incidence of anal dysplasia in women at high risk of developing those lesions and to assess the relationships between positive anal cytology and different risk factors. We performed an observational cross-sectional study involving a patient survey and chart review. The study was conducted at the cervical pathology unit at the Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain, from 2011 to 2015. Patients were 215 women aged 18 to 65 years old with risk factors for anal dysplasia, for whom anal evaluation was indicated. Anal cytology was performed in all patients. High-resolution anoscopy and anal biopsy were used to investigate abnormalities. All patients completed a survey regarding sexual practices. The patients' demographic and clinical data were collected by using a retrospective chart review. The main outcome measure was the incidence of anal dysplasia in this population. Of the 215 patients, 45 (21.0%) presented with cytological abnormalities (atypical squamous cells of undetermined significance, 13.5%; low-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, 5.6%; high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesion, 1.9%). Anoscopy was performed in 31 patients (14.4%) and 2 patients (0.9%) had abnormal findings. One case (0.5%) of low-grade anal intraepithelial neoplasia was identified. Only immunosuppression (p = .01) and smoking status (p = .02) were significantly correlated with positive anal cytology results. Limitations of the study include the small single-center sample, a lack of controls, the retrospective design, potential survey response biases, and the nonstandardized survey. The incidence of abnormal cytological findings was 21.0%, whereas low-grade anal intraepithelial was confirmed in 0.5% of the patients. There is a higher incidence of cytological abnormalities among immunosuppressed women and smokers.

  5. Cost-effectiveness of omalizumab in severe persistent asthma in Spain: a real-life perspective.


    Levy, Alberto Nahon; García A Ruiz, Antonio J; García-Agua Soler, Nuria; Sanjuan, María Victoria Hidalgo


    To determine the cost-effectiveness of omalizumab compared with routine clinical practice in the treatment and control of severe persistent asthma. Cost-effectiveness analysis using pre- and post-treatment with omalizumab after 10 months of 47 patients diagnosed with uncontrolled severe persistent asthma attended by the Pneumology Service, Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Victoria, Malaga. Effectiveness was assessed by the number of emergency room (ER) visits for exacerbations and quality-adjusted life years (QALY) gained. The costs of treatment with omalizumab and ER visits were analyzed using the National Health System perspective. Results are expressed in cost per QALY gained and cost per ER visit avoided (costs €2012). Exacerbations with ER visits decreased significantly (p < 0.001) after 10 months of omalizumab treatment compared with the previous 10 months [7.94 (6.52-9.37) vs 0.19 (0.03-0.35)]. Health utilities increased significantly (p < 0.001) during the same period [0.5967 (0.5722-0.6212) vs 0.7566 (0.7232-0.7900)], representing 0.1333 (0.1053-0.1612) QALYs gained (p < 0.001).The mean cost per patient was €1850.78 (1519.46-2182.10) in the 10 months before treatment and €5431.87 (4930.72-5933.02) after 10 months of omalizumab treatment. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs) were €462.08/exacerbation avoided (347.65-606.22) and €26 864.89/QALY gained (21 632.07-33 859.49). Our results confirm that adding omalizumab to the treatment of patients with uncontrolled severe persistent asthma reduces the number of exacerbations with ER visits and increases health-related quality of life after 10 months of treatment and produces ICERs favorable to omalizumab and acceptable from the health system perspective.

  6. [Sensory evaluation of enteral nutritional supplements].


    Granell Vidal, Lina; Sánchez Juan, Carlos; Alfonso García, Antonio


    Enteral nutrition (EN) is indicated in patients who, although they may not eat enough food, maintain a sufficient function to receive, digest and absorb nutrients digestive system. Oral Nutritional Supplements (SON) are nutritionally complete or incomplete formulas (depending on whether or not provide all the nutrients needed to serve as the sole source of nutrients), which supplement inadequate oral diet. This study aims to evaluate the organoleptic characteristics of hyperproteic, normoproteic and fiber-enriched oral SON. SON test, carried out at the Department of Endocrinology and Nutrition Consortium Hospital General Universitario de Valencia from October 2012 to February 2013. 137 SON were evaluated in total, of which 47 were hyperproteic, 46 normoproteic and 44 enriched in fiber. Of the SON evaluated in the group of hyperproteic the following 3 SON obtained the best scores: Fresenius Prot Energy Drink® (21,27, vanilla flavor), Avant Standard Nut® (20.3 , strawberry flavor) and Resource® Protein (20.01, chocolate flavor) In the group of normoproteic SON the 3 best rated were: Ensure Plus® (22.3, banana flavor), Ensure Plus® (21.9, peach flavor) and Fresubin Energy Drink® (21, strawberry flavor) In the group of fiber-enriched the 3 SON most appreciated were: 2 Kcal Fresubin Fibre Drink® (23.78, vanilla flavor), Ensure Plus® TwoCal (22.9, banana flavor) and Fortimel Compact® (21.5, strawberry flavor) The study aims to guide clinicians on what SON may be more acceptable to the patient, so that the SON serve their purpose and restore or improve nutritional status, as the SON intervention is safe and cost - effective, since they improve both the functionality and quality of life. Copyright AULA MEDICA EDICIONES 2014. Published by AULA MEDICA. All rights reserved.

  7. Lineage Analysis of Circulating Trypanosoma cruzi Parasites and Their Association with Clinical Forms of Chagas Disease in Bolivia

    PubMed Central

    del Puerto, Ramona; Nishizawa, Juan Eiki; Kikuchi, Mihoko; Iihoshi, Naomi; Roca, Yelin; Avilas, Cinthia; Gianella, Alberto; Lora, Javier; Gutierrez Velarde, Freddy Udalrico; Renjel, Luis Alberto; Miura, Sachio; Higo, Hiroo; Komiya, Norihiro; Maemura, Koji; Hirayama, Kenji


    Background The causative agent of Chagas disease, Trypanosoma cruzi, is divided into 6 Discrete Typing Units (DTU): Tc I, IIa, IIb, IIc, IId and IIe. In order to assess the relative pathogenicities of different DTUs, blood samples from three different clinical groups of chronic Chagas disease patients (indeterminate, cardiac, megacolon) from Bolivia were analyzed for their circulating parasites lineages using minicircle kinetoplast DNA polymorphism. Methods and Findings Between 2000 and 2007, patients sent to the Centro Nacional de Enfermedades Tropicales for diagnosis of Chagas from clinics and hospitals in Santa Cruz, Bolivia, were assessed by serology, cardiology and gastro-intestinal examinations. Additionally, patients who underwent colonectomies due to Chagasic magacolon at the Hospital Universitario Japonés were also included. A total of 306 chronic Chagas patients were defined by their clinical types (81 with cardiopathy, 150 without cardiopathy, 100 with megacolon, 144 without megacolon, 164 with cardiopathy or megacolon, 73 indeterminate and 17 cases with both cardiopathy and megacolon). DNA was extracted from 10 ml of peripheral venous blood for PCR analysis. The kinetoplast minicircle DNA (kDNA) was amplified from 196 out of 306 samples (64.1%), of which 104 (53.3%) were Tc IId, 4 (2.0%) Tc I, 7 (3.6%) Tc IIb, 1 (0.5%) Tc IIe, 26 (13.3%) Tc I/IId, 1 (0.5%) Tc I/IIb/IId, 2 (1.0%) Tc IIb/d and 51 (25.9%) were unidentified. Of the 133 Tc IId samples, three different kDNA hypervariable region patterns were detected; Mn (49.6%), TPK like (48.9%) and Bug-like (1.5%). There was no significant association between Tc types and clinical manifestations of disease. Conclusions None of the identified lineages or sublineages was significantly associated with any particular clinical manifestations in the chronic Chagas patients in Bolivia. PMID:20502516

  8. Effect of phosphate fertilization on the bioavailability of iron in calcareous soils

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sánchez-Rodríguez, A. R.; del Campillo, M. C.; Barrón, V.; Torrent, J.


    Iron (Fe) chlorosis is the most important nutritional problem in sensitive plant species cultivated in calcareous soils, its main symptoms being interveinal yellowing in the younger leaves due to lack of chlorophyll and reduced growth. Fe chlorosis has been related to the content of poorly crystalline Fe oxides in soil. The effect of other nutrients, especially phosphorus (P), is, however, a matter of debate. In this work we examined whether fertilization with P alters the availability of Fe to sensitive plants growing in two different Fe chlorosis-inducing calcareous soils. Phosphate at rates of 0 (control), 25, 50, 100 and 200 mg P kg-1 soil was applied to pots where six-months-old olive trees cv. Arbequina were grown. The experiment lasted three years and took place in a shaded house. Chlorophyll concentration in the young leaves was estimated with the SPAD value (using a Minolta apparatus) three-four times per year. Furthermore, shoot length, dry weight of annual pruning and mineral element concentration were measured at the end of each year. In one of the soils, SPAD and leaf Fe concentration decreased with increasing P dose. However in the other soil, SPAD was not correlated with the rate of applied P. In both soils, potassium and zinc concentrations in plants fertilized with P were lower than those in the control plants. This work was funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation, Projects: AGL 2005-06691-C02-01 and AGL 2008-05053-C02-02, and the European Regional Development Funds. ARSR acknowledges the finnancial support from the Spanish Ministry of Education as a fellow of the program "Training of University Teachers" (Formación del Profesorado Universitario, AP2008-04716)

  9. Special Issue "Natural Hazards' Impact on Urban Areas and Infrastructure" in Natural Hazards

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bostenaru Dan, M.


    In 2006 and 2007, at the 3rd and 4th General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union respectivelly, the session on "Natural Hazards' Impact on Urban Areas and Infrastructure" was convened by Maria Bostenaru Dan, then at the Istituto Universitario di Studi Superiori di Pavia, ROSE School, Italy, who conducts research on earthquake management and Heidi Kreibich from the GFZ Potsdam, Germany, who conducts research on flood hazards, in 2007 being co-convened also by Agostino Goretti from the Civil Protection in Rome, Italy. The session initially started from an idea of Friedemann Wenzel from the Universität Karlsruhe (TH), Germany, the former speaker of the SFB 461 "Strong earthquakes", the university where also Maria Bostenaru graduated and worked and which runs together with the GFZ Potsdam the CEDIM, the Center for Disaster Management and Risk Reduction Technology. Selected papers from these two sessions as well as invited papers from other specialists were gathered for a special issue to be published in the journal "Natural Hazards" under the guest editorship of Heidi Kreibich and Maria Bostenaru Dan. Unlike the former special issue, this one contains a well balanced mixture of many hazards: climate change, floods, mountain hazards like avalanches, volcanoes, earthquakes. Aim of the issue was to enlarge the co-operation prospects between geosciences and other professions in field of natural hazards. Earthquake engineering and engineering seismology are seen more frequently co-operating, but in field of natural hazards there is a need to co-operate with urban planners, and, looking to the future, also in the field of integrated conservation, which implies co-operation between architecture and urban planning for the preservation of our environment. Integrated conservation is stipulated since the 1970s, which are the years when the participatism, and so the involvment of social sciences started.

  10. PubMed

    López, Ana Cristina; Cecchetto, Eugenio; Aguirre, Ana Noemí; Ontiveros, Marina Celeste; Roitter, Claudia Valentina; Garcia, Adelaida Judith; Bernet, Jorgelina; Aguirre, Jorge Alberto


    El objetivo del estudio fue describir características clínicas, sociodemográficas y hábitos en adultos con diabetes mellitus y estudiar su asociación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Se seleccionó una muestra de 311 pacientes del Programa de Diabetes de una obra social universitaria, de la provincia de Córdoba. Se analizaron los datos a como proporciones y los componentes físico y mental del cuestionario SF-36® . El 57,4% alcanzó un nivel de instrucción terciario o universitario. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más prevalente (86,8%), seguida por dislipemia (50,6%) y obesidad (46,5%). El 24,8% tenía complicación macrovascular y el 29% microvascular. En el componente físico (CF) de calidad de vida las mujeres tuvieron una chance 4,2 veces mayor de reportar un valor inferior en relación a los varones. Entre los 50 y los 70 años se triplicó y los mayores de  70 años tuvieron 4 veces peor una puntuación en el CF respecto a los más jóvenes. Las complicaciones macro y microvasculares y los que reportaron menos de 2 hábitos de vida saludables tuvieron el doble de chances de puntuar por debajo del promedio general en el CF. La asociación entre complicaciones y peor calidad de vida es un motivo más para alcanzar un buen control metabólico, optimizar el manejo de factores de riesgo, evitando o retrasando la aparición de complicaciones.

  11. Use of Health Resources and Healthcare Costs associated with Frailty: The FRADEA Study.


    García-Nogueras, I; Aranda-Reneo, I; Peña-Longobardo, L M; Oliva-Moreno, J; Abizanda, P


    Frailty is associated with adverse health outcomes, but its association with hospital healthcare costs has not been analyzed. The main objective was to estimate the adjusted annual costs and use of hospital healthcare resources in frail older adults compared to non frail ones. FRADEA Study. Mean follow-up 1044 days (SD 314). Albacete city, Spain. 830 adults ≥70 years. Age, sex, comorbidity measured with the Charlson index and Fried´s Frailty phenotype as independent variables, and use of hospital resources (hospital admissions, emergency visits, and specialist visits), and hospital healthcare costs as outcome variables. Outcome data were collected from Minimum Data Set of the Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Albacete. The cost base year was 2013. Logistic regression and two-part models were used to analyze the association between frailty and the use of healthcare resources. Generalized Linear Models were applied to estimate the impact of frailty and comorbidity on the healthcare costs. The average cost associated with the use of health resources was 1,922€/year. Frail participants had an average total cost of health resources of 2,476€/year, pre-frail 2,056€/year, and non-frail 1,217€/year. 67% of the total health cost was associated with hospital admission cost, 29% with specialist visits cost and 4% with emergency visits cost. Frailty and comorbidity were the most important factors associated with the use of hospital healthcare resources. Adjusted healthcare costs were 592€/year and 458€/year greater in frail and pre-frail participants respectively, compared to non-frail ones, and having a Charlson index ≥ 3, was associated with an increased costs of 2,289€/year. Frailty and comorbidity are meaningful and complementary associated with increased hospital healthcare resources use, and related costs.

  12. Estudiantes con discapacidades preparandose para la educacion postsecundaria: Conozca sus derechos y responsabilidades (Students with Disabilities Preparing for Postsecondary Education: Know Your Rights and Responsibilities).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office for Civil Rights (ED), Washington, DC.

    This pamphlet, in Spanish, intended for postsecondary students with disabilities, explains the rights and responsibilities of these students and the obligations of a postsecondary school to provide academic adjustments. The federal legislation on which the information is based is described. Information for students is presented in question and…

  13. Arrecifes de Coral: Una Coleccion de Actividades en Espanol para Estudiantes de Escuela Intermedia (Coral Reefs: A Spanish Compilation of Activities for Middle School Students).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Walker, Sharon H.; Newton, R. Amanda; Ortiz, Alida

    This activity book for middle school students on coral reefs is divided into 10 sections. Section 1 is the introduction. Section 2 describes what coral reefs are while section 3 describes how coral reefs reproduce and grow. Section 4 describes where coral reefs are found, and section 5 describes life on a coral reef. Section 6 describes the…

  14. Preparing the High School Classroom for Migrant English Language Learners (Preparación del aula de secundaria para estudiantes migrantes que aprenden inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rouse, Megan Elizabeth


    In United States schools, the rate of immigrant English language learners is rapidly rising, affecting the lives of both students and teachers. This article will discuss the best ways to facilitate the students' language learning in a school setting; the type of structure, goals, and standards that can be expected; as well as ways to change the…

  15. Donde Estan los Estudiantes Puertorriquenos/os Exitosos? [Where Are the Academically Successful Puerto Rican Students?]: Success Factors of High-Achieving Puerto Rican High School Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Antrop-Gonzalez, Rene; Velez, William; Garrett, Tomas


    This article describes the 4 success factors that 10 working class Puerto Rican urban high school students attributed to their high academic achievement. These success factors were (a) the acquisition of social capital through religiosity and participation in school and community-based extracurricular activities, (b) having a strong Puerto Rican…

  16. El uso de las simulaciones educativas en la ensenanza de conceptos de ciencias y su importancia desde la perspectiva de los estudiantes candidatos a maestros

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Crespo Ramos, Edwin O.

    This research was aimed at establishing the differences, if any, between traditional direct teaching and constructive teaching through the use of computer simulations and their effect on pre-service teachers. It's also intended to gain feedback on the users of these simulations as providers of constructive teaching and learning experiences. The experimental framework used a quantitative method with a descriptive focus. The research was guided by two hypothesis and five inquiries. The data was obtained from a group composed of twenty-nine students from a private Metropolitan University in Puerto Rico and elementary school pre-service teachers. They were divided into two sub-groups: experimental and control. Two means were used to collect data: tests and surveys. Quantitative data was analyzed through test "t" for paired samples and the non-parametric Wilcoxon test. The results of the pre and post tests do not provide enough evidence to conclude that using the simulations as learning tools was more effective than traditional teaching. However, the quantitative results obtained were not enough to reject or dismiss the hypothesis Ho1. On the other hand, an overall positive attitude towards these simulations was obtained from the surveys. The importance of including hands-on activities in daily lesson planning was proven and well recognized among practice teachers. After participating and working with these simulations, the practice teachers expressed being convinced that they would definitely use them as teaching tools in the classroom. Due to these results, hypothesis Ho2 was rejected. Evidence also proved that practice teachers need further professional development to improve their skills in the application of these simulations in the classroom environment. The majority of these practice teachers showed concern about not being instructed on important aspects of the use of simulation as part of their college education curriculum towards becoming teachers.

  17. Modelos Interactivos en el Proceso de la Ensenanza y el Aprendizaje en el Nivel Universitario (Interactive Models in the Process of Teaching and Learning at the University Level).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carrasquillo, Angela; Lopez, Carmen

    This article, written in Spanish (with an abstract in English) presents an overview of recommended interactive instructional models at the college level. The first section lists characteristics of a reflective college professor stressing that reflection revolves around the students, the curriculum, the methodology, and the college's overall…

  18. Reviving Erathostenes. (Breton Title: Revivendo Eratóstenes.) Reviviendo a Eratóstenes.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira, Paulo Cesar R.


    problemas. Como parte de las conmemoraciones del Año Internacional de la Física y con el objetivo principal de introducir a los estudiantes secundarios al método científico, la Fundación Planetario Rio de Janeiro, en conjunto con diversas instituciones de Brasil y de Europa, coordinó la actividad denominada "Reviviendo a Eratóstenes" cuyo objetivo consistió en la determinación de la cincunferencia de la Tierra. Para esto se utilizó un procedimiento semejante al empleado por Eratóstenes hace más de 2.000 años, con algunas adaptaciones. Este trabajo expone y analiza el método empleado, con la intención de aplicarlo en las escuelas. La posibilidad de trabajar en lugares situados en diferentes meridianos permite una mejor comprensión de los conceptos más abstractos, tales como coordenadas y husos horarios. La precisión de los resultados resultó razonable, mejorando para aquellas ciudades mas apartadas. Finalmente, una de las conclusiones más importantes es la de la percepción, por parte de los estudiantes, de la importancia de la colaboración (en este caso internacional) para resolver problemas.

  19. The Intergenerational Transmission of Smoking Across Three Cohabitant Generations: A Count Data Approach.


    Escario, José-Julián; Wilkinson, Anna V


    This paper examines the extent to which parent and grandparent smoking influences adolescent smoking and its quantitative implications for tobacco control. It extends similar prior studies by investigating the effects on the probability of becoming a smoker and on the number of cigarettes smoked. Count regressions were used to assess the intergenerational transmission of smoking across three cohabitant generations, simultaneously, using data from the 2010 survey "Encuesta Estatal Sobre Uso De Drogas en Estudiantes de Enseñanzas Secundarias". This survey, of 32,234 students, constitutes a representative sample of Spanish students between 14 and 18 years of age. Living with a mother who smokes, a father who smokes, or a grandparent who smokes reduces the odds of being a non-smoker by 36.1% (OR 0.639), 26.1% (OR 0.739) and 20.3% (OR 0.797), respectively. Parental smoking increases cigarette consumption levels among adolescents. Having a cohabitant mother who smokes increases the number of cigarettes smoked by children by around 18.7% (IRR 1.187), while having a cohabitant father who smokes increases the number by around 12.1% (IRR 1.121). Estimates support the hypothesis that visibility of smoking among parents and grandparents is a strong predictor of smoking among adolescents. Accordingly, quitting smoking by parents and grandparents before children become adolescents appears to be a powerful means to both reduce smoking rates among adolescents and the number of cigarettes smoked by smokers; such decisions appear to exert a stronger influence on the prevalence of smoking and consumption levels than exposure to smoking prevention campaigns at school.

  20. La Enseñanza/Aprendizaje del Modelo Sol-Tierra Análisis de la Situación Actual y Propuesta de Mejora Para la Formación de los Futuros Profesores de Primaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martínez Sebastià, Bernat


    This work is an extened summary of the autor's PhD thesis. It deals with the teaching of astronomy (day/night, seasons) in primary school. At first, students teachers' undestanding of astronomical concepts related to Sun-Earth system have been analysed. Taking into account the results of the previous analysis and using a socio-constructivist approach a teaching sequence has been designed. This sequence has been tested with different groups of students teachers showing an improvement in their undestanding of elementary astronomical concepts. El trabajo que presentamos es un resumen extenso de la tesis doctoral del autor. El enfoque utilizado ha sido tratar de ligar la investigación sobre las ideas, razonamientos y obstáculos de los profesores de primaria con la planificación de la enseñanza del modelo Sol-Tierra que permite explicar el ciclo día/noche y las estaciones. En primer lugar, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis crítico de los resultados que se obtienen en el aprendizaje de los contenidos astronómicos en la enseñanza habitual. En segundo lugar se ha diseñado un curriculum potencialmente superador de esta situación desde una orientación que concibe la enseñanza y el aprendizaje como un proceso de construcción de conocimientos en una estructura problematizada. Finalmente, esta secuencia didáctica ha sido experimentada con diferentes grupos de estudiantes de magisterio, mostrando una mejora relevante en la comprensión de los conceptos astronómicos fundamentales.

  1. Recent Changes in UC Admissions Policies. Parent/Student Guide = Unos cambios recientes en los reglamentos de ingreso de la universidad de California. Guia de padres/estudiantes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    EdSource, Inc., Palo Alto, CA.

    This parent/student guide describes recent changes in admissions policies at the University of California (UC). Traditionally, UC admitted the top 12.5% of high school graduating seniors, but beginning in 2001, the top 4% of students in the graduating class of every high school are eligible if they have completed 11 specific "a-f"…

  2. Steppin' On Up: A Post-Secondary Guide for Migrant Students = Tomando Accion: Una Guia para los Estudiantes Migrantes Sobre Que Hacer Despues de la Escuela Secundaria.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Western Stream Migrant Education Program Coordination Center, Portland, OR.

    This bilingual guide (English and Spanish) provides information for migrant students on postsecondary education. The guide includes information on: (1) career planning, involving self-exploration, occupational exploration, and strategies for reaching career objectives; (2) planning for postsecondary education during high school, including a…

  3. What's in a Word? Elementary Students Learn a Lesson in the Language of Respect. Los Estudiantes de Primaria Aprenden una Leccion en el Lenguaje del Respeto.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maddalozzo, Rebecca


    Describes how one elementary teacher helped students in her class and in the entire school see through ethnic biases and feel proud of being bilingual or having bilingual friends. Her efforts taught the children that bilingual students are very much like their non-bilingual classmates in being unique people with talents that should be respected.…

  4. Percepcion de los profesores universitarios acerca del concepto cultura cientifica y de sus implicaciones en el nuevo bachillerato del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramos Pastrana, Nilsa

    El Senado Academico del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico aprobo en el ano academico 2005-2006 la Certificacion 46, que contiene los lineamientos de un nuevo bachillerato. Este nuevo bachillerato introdujo cambios significativos en el curriculo tradicional. Entre ellos se encuentra la reduccion del componente de educacion general y el de Ciencias Biologicas en particular. La reduccion de creditos en el componente de Ciencias Biologicas ha obligado a reevaluar el concepto de cultura cientifica que desarrollan esos cursos. El proposito del estudio consistio en auscultar las percepciones de los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Educacion y Estudios Generales del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en torno al concepto de cultura cientifica, los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas y la reduccion de creditos en el nuevo bachillerato. Las preguntas que guiaron la investigacion fueron: ¿cuales son las percepciones que tienen los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Ciencias Sociales, Estudios Generales, Ciencias Naturales, Humanidades y Educacion, en torno al concepto de cultura cientifica y los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas? ¿cuales son las percepciones que tienen los profesores de Ciencias Biologicas en torno al concepto cultura cientifica y los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas? ¿existen diferencias significativas por facultad, genero, experiencia, rango y nombramiento en las percepciones que tienen los profesores del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico sobre los elementos que caracterizan la cultura cientifica y los contenidos biologicos que deben tener los egresados del Recinto? ¿que implicaciones curriculares tienen estos testimonios en el desarrollo del concepto de cultura cientifica en el nuevo bachillerato? Para realizar la investigacion se utilizo una metodologia cuantitativa y la herramienta para lograrlo fue una encuesta. La encuesta se analizo estadisticamente mediante analisis de frecuencias y por cientos, prueba ANOVA, prueba t, pruebas Post Hoc de Tukey y de Levene. Tambien se realizo nuevamente una prueba de confiabilidad mediante el alfa de Cronbach. Los resultados reflejaron que los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Educacion, Humanidades, Estudios Generales y el Departamento de Ciencias Biologicas tienen una percepcion muy positiva del concepto de cultura cientifica, los contenidos curriculares de Ciencias Biologicas y del nuevo bachillerato.

  5. Modelo Pedagogico de Educacion Primaria para Adultos: Guia General de Apoyo para el Estudiante de Primaria (Pedagogical Model for Adult Primary Education: General Guide for the Student).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This book, part of a Mexican series of instructional materials, is directed toward people over the age of 15 who are interested in beginning, continuing or finishing their basic education. It explains the pedagogical model developed for adult education in Mexico based on the following features: (1) the content of the textbooks must be useful for…

  6. Guia para Evaluar y Ubicar a Estudiantes de Idiomas Minoritarios. Para Padres/sobre Padres (A Guide to Assessing and Placing Language Minority Students. For Parents/about Parents).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schwartz, Wendy

    This guide helps parents understand how schools assess their child's English language ability and suggests ways for them to help schools place their children in the most useful language program. All districts must decide which students to test, and then how to test them. Some schools attempt to find out the English skills of all students, and…

  7. Molecular epidemiology of coagulase-negative bloodstream isolates: detection of Staphylococcus epidermidis ST2, ST7 and linezolid-resistant ST23.


    Martínez-Meléndez, Adrián; Morfín-Otero, Rayo; Villarreal-Treviño, Licet; Camacho-Ortíz, Adrián; González-González, Gloria; Llaca-Díaz, Jorge; Rodríguez-Noriega, Eduardo; Garza-González, Elvira


    The mechanisms contributing to persistence of coagulase-negative staphylococci are diverse; to better understanding of their dynamics, the characterization of nosocomial isolates is needed. Our aim was to characterize phenotypic and molecular characteristics of Staphylococcus epidermidis and Staphylococcus haemolyticus human blood isolates from two tertiary care hospitals in Mexico, the Hospital Universitario in Monterrey and the Hospital Civil in Guadalajara. Antimicrobial susceptibility was determined. Biofilm formation was assessed by crystal violet staining. Detection of the ica operon and Staphylococcal Cassette Chromosome mec typing were performed by PCR. Clonal relatedness was determined by Pulsed-fiel gel electrophoresis and Multi locus sequence typing. Methicillin-resistance was 85.5% and 93.2% for S. epidermidis and S. haemolyticus, respectively. Both species showed resistance >70% to norfloxacin, clindamycin, levofloxacin, trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole, and erythromycin. Three S. epidermidis and two S. haemolyticus isolates were linezolid-resistant (one isolate of each species was cfr+). Most isolates of both species were strong biofilm producers (92.8% of S. epidermidis and 72.9% of S. haemolyticus). The ica operon was amplified in 36 (43.4%) S. epidermidis isolates. SCCmec type IV was found in 47.2% of the S. epidermidis isolates and SCCmec type V in 14.5% of S. haemolyticus isolates. No clonal relatedness was found in either species. Resistance to clindamycin, levofloxacin, erythromycin, oxacillin, and cefoxitin was associated with biofilm production for both species (p<0.05). A G2576T mutation in 23S rRNA gene was detected in an S. haemolyticus linezolid-resistant isolate. All linezolid-resistant S. epidermidis isolates belonged to ST23; isolate with SCCmec type IV belonged to ST7, and isolate with SCCmec type III belonged to ST2. This is the first report of ST7 in Mexico. There was a high genetic diversity in both species, though both species shared

  8. [In Process Citation].


    Almeida Dos Santos, Alyne Dayana; Sabino Pinho, Cláudia Porto; Santos do Nascimento, Alexsandra Camila; Oliveira Costa, Ana Carolina


    Introducción: la sarcopenia se define como un síndrome geriátrico, multifactorial, caracterizado por la pérdida progresiva de masa muscular esquelética, asociada a consecuencias graves, tales como comorbideces, mala calidad de vida y mortandad. Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la sarcopenia en ancianos atendidos ambulatoriamente. Métodos: estudio transversal y observacional realizado con pacientes ancianos de ambos sexos atendidos en ambulatorio geriátrico, entre junio y diciembre de 2014, en un hospital universitario ubicado en el nordeste brasileño. Se determinó la sarcopenia a través de la masa muscular (circunferencia de la pantorrilla < 31 cm), fuerza muscular (evaluada por la fuerza de prensión palmar < 30 kg para hombres y < 20 kg para mujeres) y velocidad de marcha (< 0,8 metros/segundo). Entre las variables de asociación, se consideraron aspectos socioeconómicos y demográficos, variables clínicas, estilo de vida y antropometría. La tabulación y análisis de los datos se realizaron por medio del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 13.0. Resultados: la muestra se compuso de 50 pacientes, con promedio de edad de 73,9 (± 7,4) años, en la que se verificó una prevalencia de sarcopenia del 18%. La sarcopenia fue más prevalente en individuos con edad ≥ 80 años (p = 0,012), en los ancianos con bajo peso según el IMC (p < 0,001), con desnutrición de acuerdo con la CB (p = 0,004) y en los pacientes sin hipertensión arterial (p = 0,027), no encontrándose asociación con variables socioeconómicas, clínicas y del estilo de vida. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de la sarcopenia fue significativa y semejante a la descrita por otros autores, encontrándose asociación con la edad avanzada, desnutrición y ausencia de hipertensión.

  9. [Not Available].


    Chivu, Elena Cristina; Artero-Fullana, Ana; Alfonso García, Antonio; Sánchez Juan, Carlos


    Introducción: conociendo la elevada prevalencia de la desnutrición hospitalaria, se hace necesaria su detección precoz. Cuando, por diversos motivos, no es posible realizar una valoración completa del estado nutricional, se recomienda el empleo de herramientas validadas de cribado nutricional. Estas ayudarían a detectar de forma rápida a aquellos pacientes que necesiten de un tratamiento nutricional.Objetivos: determinar la prevalencia del riesgo de desnutrición, en el Hospital General Universitario de Valencia, empleando para ello la herramienta de cribado nutricional HEMAN y comprobar si la implementación de esta herramienta en la práctica clínica, sería lo más adecuado.Métodos: estudio transversal, realizado sobre una muestra de 1.099 pacientes ingresados en un hospital terciario. A todos ellos se les realizó el cribado nutricional HEMAN a las 24-48 horas del ingreso. Las variables cualitativas se compararon mediante Chi-cuadrado, y las cuantitativas mediante el test t de Student.Resultados: la prevalencia del riesgo de desnutrición fue del 33,5%. Los pacientes que resultaron positivos en el cribado (HEMAN ≥ 3), tenían mayor edad que los pacientes normonutridos, referían pérdidas de peso entre el 5-10%, el 55,2% disminuyó su ingesta a menos del 50% de la habitual. Además, ingresaron con patologías consideradas de leves a moderadas. La utilización del método HEMAN como herramienta de cribado, resultó ser práctica y efectiva, y ayudó a disminuir el tiempo empleado con cada paciente encuestado evaluado.Conclusiones: se detectó una elevada prevalencia de riesgo de desnutrición entre los pacientes evaluados, por lo tanto se hace imprescindible la utilización de métodos de cribado nutricional en la rutina diaria del hospital, para ello recomendamos especialmente la utilización del método HEMAN.

  10. Harmonization of clinical laboratories in Africa: a multidisciplinary approach to identify innovative and sustainable technical solutions.


    Putoto, Giovanni; Cortese, Antonella; Pecorari, Ilaria; Musi, Roberto; Nunziata, Enrico


    In an effective and efficient health system, laboratory medicine should play a critical role. This is not the case in Africa, where there is a lack of demand for diagnostic exams due to mistrust of health laboratory performance. Doctors with Africa CUAMM (Collegio Universitario Aspiranti Medici Missionari) is a non-profit organization, working mainly in sub-Saharan Africa (Angola, Ethiopia, Mozambique, Sierra Leone, South Sudan, Tanzania and Uganda) to help and sustain local health systems. Doctors with Africa CUAMM has advocated the need for a harmonized model for health laboratories to assess and evaluate the performance of the facilities in which they operate. In order to develop a harmonized model for African health laboratories, previous attempts at strengthening them through standardization were taken into consideration and reviewed. A survey with four Italian clinicians experienced in the field was then performed to try and understand the actual needs of health facilities. Finally a market survey was conducted to find new technologies able to update the resulting model. Comparison of actual laboratories with the developed standard - which represents the best setting any African health laboratory could aim for - allowed shortcomings in expected services to be identified and interventions subsequently prioritized. The most appropriate equipment was proposed to perform the envisaged techniques. The suitability of appliances was evaluated in consideration of recognized international recommendations, reported experiences in the field, and the availability of innovative solutions that can be performed on site in rural areas, but require minimal sample preparation and little technical expertise. The present work has developed a new, up-to-date, harmonized model for African health laboratories. The authors suggest lists of procedures to challenge the major African health problems - HIV/AIDS, malaria, tubercolosis (TB) - at each level of pyramidal health system. This



    Muñoz-Calero Franco, Paloma; Sánchez Sánchez, Blanca; Rodríguez Criado, Natalia; Pinilla Santos, Berta; Bravo Herrero, Sandra; Cruz Fourcade, José Fernando; Martín Aragón, Rubén


    patients with severe mental ilness such as schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder and bipolar disorder die at least 20 years earlier than general population. Despite preventive strategies, cardiovascular disease is the first cause of death. analyse the percentage of patients with a high body mass index, metabolic syndrome and their cardiovascular risk at 10 years in patients with a diagnosis, based in DSM-IV criteria for schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder or bipolar disorder. These patients were hospitalized because and acute condition of their mental ilness in the Brief Hospitalization Unit of Hospital Universitario de Móstoles between November of 2014 and June of 2015. in 53 patients, 34 with a diagnosis of schizophrenia, 16 with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder and 3 with a schizoaffective disorder, weight, size abdominal perimeter measures and blood pressure were collected. The body mass index was assesed. Blood tests were taken and we use sugar, triglycerides, total cholesterol and HDL cholesterol levels as paramethers for the ATP III and Framingham criteria. We also review the clinical history of the patients and lifestyle and use of toxic substances were registered. 51% of the patients were men and 49% were women. The average age was 40. 38% of the patients were overweighed, 22% obese and 4% had morbid obesity. 26% of the patients had metabolic syndrome, the clinical evolution of the majority of these patients was of more tan 10 years and they also have been treated with different antypsychotics and antidepressants. Using the Framingham criteria, 11% of the patients had a cardiovascular risk higher than 10 % in the next 10 years. overweight and its consequences in patients with a severe mental ilness are intimately related with their lifestyle, disparities in the access to health resources, the clinical evolution of the disease and pharmacotherapy. Strategies to promote physical health in these patients in the spanish health sistme are insufficient

  12. Recurrence of cystic echinococcosis in an endemic area: a retrospective study.


    Velasco-Tirado, Virginia; Romero-Alegría, Ángela; Belhassen-García, Moncef; Alonso-Sardón, Montserrat; Esteban-Velasco, Carmen; López-Bernús, Amparo; Carpio-Perez, Adela; Jimenez López, Marcelo Fernando; Muñoz Bellido, Juan Luis; Muro, Antonio; Cordero-Sanchez, Miguel; Pardo-Lledias, Javier; Muñoz-Bellvis, Luis


    Cystic echinococcosis (CE) is a chronic, complex and neglected zoonotic disease. CE occurs worldwide. In humans, it may result in a wide spectrum of clinical manifestations, ranging from asymptomatic infection to fatal disease. Clinical management procedures have evolved over decades without adequate evaluation. Despite advances in surgical techniques and the use of chemotherapy, recurrence remains one of the major problems in the management of hydatid disease. The aim of this study was to determine the frequency of CE recurrence and the risk factors involved in recurrence. A descriptive longitudinal-retrospective study was designed. We reviewed all patients diagnosed with CE according to ICD-9 (code 122-0 to 122-9) criteria admitted at Complejo Asistencial Universitario de Salamanca, Spain, between January 1998 and December 2015. Among the 217 patients studied, 25 (11.5%) had a hydatid recurrence after curative intention treatment. Median duration of recurrence's diagnosis was 12.35 years (SD: ±9.31). The likelihood of recurrence was higher [OR = 2.7; 95% CI, 1.1-7.1; p < 0.05] when the cyst was located in organs other than liver and lung, 22.6% (7/31) vs 14.2% (31/217) in the cohort. We detected a chance of recurrence [OR = 2.3; 95% CI, 1.4-6.5; p > 0.05] that was two times higher in those patients treated with a combination of antihelminthic treatments and surgical intervention (20/141, 14.2%) than in patients treated with surgical intervention alone (5/76, 6.6%). Despite advances in diagnosis and therapeutic techniques in hydatid disease, recurrence remains one of the major problems in the management of hydatid disease. The current management and treatment of recurrences is still largely based on expert opinion and moderate-to-poor quality of evidence. Consequently, large prospective and multicenter studies will be needed to provide definitive recommendations for its clinical management.

  13. Juxtarenal aortic aneurysm with hostile neck anatomy: midterm results of minilaparotomy versus f-EVAR.


    Barillà, D; Sobocinski, J; Stilo, F; Maurel, B; Spinelli, F; Haulon, S


    The aim of this study was to compare the results of complex aneurysm (hostile neck anatomies) repair in high-risk patients with two minimally invasive techniques, fenestrated endografting (f-EVAR where EVAR stands for endovascular aneurysm repair) and minilaparotomy. All high-risk patients (N.=50, group 1) with hostile neck abdominal aortic aneurysms (AAAs) operated in the vascular surgery department of the "Policlinico Universitario G. Martino" of Messina (Italy) during a 5-year period (January 2006-December 2010) were cross-matched with 50 similar patients (group 2) treated in the Vascular Surgery Department of the "Hopital Cardiologique" University of Lille (France) with similar anatomies, comorbidities and risk factors. The patients in group 1 underwent open minilaparotomy surgery, and the patients in group 2 were treated with f-EVAR. The aim of our study was to compare perioperative complications, survival and reintervention rates. Perioperative cardiac complications occurred in 5 patients (10%) in group 1, and 1 patient (2%) in group 2 (P<0.092). Renal impairment not requiring permanent hemodialysis was significantly higher in group 1 (14% vs. 2% P<0.027), as well as respiratory complications (32% vs. 2% P<0.0001). Five patients (10%) in group 1 underwent reintervention vs. 4 patients in group 2 (P<0.7268). There was no statistically significant difference for survival rates at 30 days (92% in group 1 and 96% in group 2; P=0.399); at six months (90% vs. 96%; P=0.239); at one year (90% vs. 96%; P=0.239); and at two years (84% vs. 94%; P=0.110). However, we observed statistically significant differences in survival rates at three years (74% vs. 94%; P<0.006); at four years (70% vs. 86%; P<0.005); and at five years (65% vs. 68%; P<0.003). Our results showed that both techniques are effective in the treatment of AAA with hostile neck in high-risk patients. Although operative mortality rate was not statistically different, f-EVAR showed better results in terms of

  14. [Burnout syndrome among nursing staff at a hospital in Madrid].


    Albaladejo, Romana; Villanueva, Rosa; Ortega, Paloma; Astasio, P; Calle, M E; Domínguez, V


    The term "burnout" is related to a situation arising increasingly more often among the professionals performing their duties by way of a long-term, direct, people-to-people relationship, which includes all healthcare professionals. This study is aimed at determining the prevalence of the Burnout syndrome and of the three components involved therein (emotional exhaustion, impersonalization and lack of personal fulfillment) among the nursing staff at the "Hospital Clínico Universitario San Carlos" in Madrid and the relationship thereof to certain socio-demographic, job-related and institutional factors. A cross-sectional study was conducted among the professionals assigned to the nursing staff at the above-mentioned hospital. The variables involved were gathered by means of a questionnaire prepared by those conducting this study. The Burnout syndrome was measured by means of the Maslach Burnout Inventory, in the validated Spanish version thereof. The nursing staff is more impersonalized (p=0.004) and less fulfilled (p=0.036) than the nursing assistant/technician group. When the results of the four scales by units were analyzed, burnout was found to be greater among the nursing staff assigned to oncology and emergency care units (p=0.001), the impersonalization in the emergency rooms (p=0.007), and Burnout is once again greater in the oncology and emergency units (p=0.000). Those professionals who answered that there was little recognition of their nursing care scored worst regarding Burnout and the three aspects thereof (p =0.000). The lower the degree of on-the-job satisfaction, the higher the scores on the four scales (p=0.000). The conclusion which may be drawn from this study is that the profile of a person affected by Burnout is that of a professional with on-the-job experience who nevertheless considers very little recognition to be given to their caregiving and a high degree of dissatisfaction with the way in which their workplaces are managed.

  15. Human papillomavirus genotypes in human immunodeficiency virus-positive patients with anal pathology in Madrid, Spain

    PubMed Central


    Background We studied anal specimens to determine the distribution of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes and co-infection occurrence. This information will contribute to the knowledge of HPV genotype distributions and provide an estimate of the prevalence of different oncogenic HPV genotypes found in patients in Madrid (Spain). Methods We studied a total of 82 anal biopsies from the Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón of Madrid. These included 4 specimens with benign lesions, 52 specimens with low-grade anal squamous intraepithelial lesion, 24 specimens with high-grade anal squamous intraepithelial lesions and 2 specimens with invasive anal carcinoma. HPV genotyping was performed with PCR amplification and reverse dot blot hybridization. Results We detected 33 different HPV genotypes, including 16 HPVs associated with a high risk of carcinogenesis, 3 HPVs associated with a highly likely risk of carcinogenesis and 14 HPVs associated with a low-risk of carcinogenesis. In two specimens, an uncharacterized HPV genotype was detected. The most frequent HPV genotypes found were HPV-16 (10.3%; 95% CI: 6.6%-15.1%), HPV-52 (8.5%; 95% CI: 5.2%-13%) and HPV-43/44 (7.6%; 95% CI: 4.5%-11.9%). HPV-18 was only detected in 0.9% (95% CI: 0.1%-3.2%) of the total viruses detected in all lesions. HPV co-infections were found in 83.9% of all types of lesions. The majority of cases (90.2%) were concomitantly infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Conclusion The prevalence of high-risk carcinogenic genotypes in anal pathological samples was remarkable. Therefore, further studies that include a greater number of samples, particularly invasive carcinoma cases are needed to evaluate the potential influence of these HPV genotypes in the appearance of anal carcinomas. Also, the influence of other accompanying infections should be evaluated clarify the appearance of this type of carcinoma. Virtual slides The virtual slide(s) for this article can be found here

  16. Rationale and study design for an individualised perioperative open-lung ventilatory strategy with a high versus conventional inspiratory oxygen fraction (iPROVE-O2) and its effects on surgical site infection: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial.


    Ferrando, Carlos; Soro, Marina; Unzueta, Carmen; Canet, Jaume; Tusman, Gerardo; Suarez-Sipmann, Fernando; Librero, Julian; Peiró, Salvador; Pozo, Natividad; Delgado, Carlos; Ibáñez, Maite; Aldecoa, César; Garutti, Ignacio; Pestaña, David; Rodríguez, Aurelio; García Del Valle, Santiago; Diaz-Cambronero, Oscar; Balust, Jaume; Redondo, Francisco Javier; De La Matta, Manuel; Gallego, Lucía; Granell, Manuel; Martínez, Pascual; Pérez, Ana; Leal, Sonsoles; Alday, Kike; García, Pablo; Monedero, Pablo; Gonzalez, Rafael; Mazzinari, Guido; Aguilar, Gerardo; Villar, Jesús; Belda, Francisco Javier


    Surgical site infection (SSI) is a serious postoperative complication that increases morbidity and healthcare costs. SSIs tend to increase as the partial pressure of tissue oxygen decreases: previous trials have focused on trying to reduce them by comparing high versus conventional inspiratory oxygen fractions (FIO 2 ) in the perioperative period but did not use a protocolised ventilatory strategy. The open-lung ventilatory approach restores functional lung volume and improves gas exchange, and therefore it may increase the partial pressure of tissue oxygen for a given FIO 2 . The trial presented here aims to compare the efficacy of high versus conventional FIO 2 in reducing the overall incidence of SSIs in patients by implementing a protocolised and individualised global approach to perioperative open-lung ventilation. This is a comparative, prospective, multicentre, randomised and controlled two-arm trial that will include 756 patients scheduled for abdominal surgery. The patients will be randomised into two groups: (1) a high FIO 2 group (80% oxygen; FIO 2 of 0.80) and (2) a conventional FIO 2 group (30% oxygen; FIO 2 of 0.30). Each group will be assessed intra- and postoperatively. The primary outcome is the appearance of postoperative SSI complications. Secondary outcomes are the appearance of systemic and pulmonary complications. The iPROVE-O2 trial has been approved by the Ethics Review Board at the reference centre (the Hospital Clínico Universitario in Valencia). Informed consent will be obtained from all patients before their participation. If the approach using high FIO 2 during individualised open-lung ventilation decreases SSIs, use of this method will become standard practice for patients scheduled for future abdominal surgery. Publication of the results is anticipated in early 2019. NCT02776046; Pre-results. © Article author(s) (or their employer(s) unless otherwise stated in the text of the article) 2017. All rights reserved. No commercial use is

  17. Desarrollo de la Escala sobre el Estigma Relacionado con el VIH/SIDA para Profesionales de la Salud mediante el uso de métodos mixtos123

    PubMed Central

    Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Neilands, Torsten B.; Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent; Cintrón Bou, Francheska N.


    El estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA continúa siendo un obstáculo para la prevención primaria y secundaria del VIH. Las consecuencias para las personas que viven con la enfermedad han sido muy documentadas y continúan siendo una gran preocupación para las personas que proveen servicios de salud y para aquellas que investigan el tema. Estas consecuencias son preocupantes cuando el estigma emana de profesionales de la salud porque se puede limitar el acceso a los servicios. Uno de los principales obstáculos para la investigación del estigma relacionado con el VIH en Puerto Rico es la falta de instrumentos cuantitativos para evaluar las manifestaciones del estigma entre profesionales de la salud. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue desarrollar y probar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala sobre el estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA culturalmente apropiada para personas que proveen servicios de salud puertorriqueñas y desarrollar una versión corta de la escala que pudiera usarse en escenarios clínicos con tiempo limitado. El instrumento desarrollado estuvo basado en evidencia cualitativa recopilada entre profesionales y estudiantes de profesiones de la salud puertorriqueños/as (n=80) y administrado a una muestra de 421 profesionales de la salud en adiestramiento. La escala contenía 12 dimensiones del estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA. El análisis cuantitativo corroboró 11 de ellas, teniendo como resultado un instrumento con validez y confiabilidad satisfactoria. Estas dimensiones, a su vez, fueron subcomponentes de un factor de estigma general superior. PMID:20333258

  18. Proveer igualdad de oportunidades educativas para los estudiantes con conocimientos limitados del idioma ingles (Providing Equality of Educational Opportunity for Students with Limited Knowledge of the English Language).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office for Civil Rights (ED), Washington, DC.

    This brochure, entirely in Spanish, provides information on federal policy concerning equal educational opportunity for limited-English-proficient (LEP) individuals. It first summarizes the provisions of Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, and the subsequent major Civil Rights Office directives concerning that legislation. It then outlines…

  19. Role of Systematic Formative Assessment on Students' Views of Their Learning (El papel de la evaluación formativa en las percepciones de los estudiantes sobre su aprendizaje)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Areiza Restrepo, Hugo Nelson


    This article presents a partial report of a small qualitative research study that explored the students' views of their learning during and after the implementation of formative procedures such as self-assessment, feedback, and conferences. The article also includes their perceptions about this implementation. The research was carried out with a…

  20. Cultural adaptation and validation of the Portuguese version of the Nursing Clinical Facilitators Questionnaire.


    Frederico-Ferreira, Maria Manuela; Camarneiro, Ana Paula Forte; Loureiro, Cândida Rosalinda Exposto da Costa; Ventura, Maria Clara Amado Apóstolo


    álido para obter informação fidedigna acerca da percepção dos estudantes de enfermagem relativamente ao tipo de orientação tida em contexto clínico, revelando-se importante para melhoria das práticas pedagógicas. llevar a cabo la adaptación cultural al portugués del Nursing Clinical Facilitators Questionnaire (NCFQ), diseñado por el Centre for Learning and Teaching, University of Technology Sydney, y validar este instrumento. este estudio metodológico implicó la adaptación cultural del cuestionario usando la traducción, la retrotraducción, la comparación semántica, la equivalencia idiomática y conceptual, y la validación usando una muestra de 767 estudiantes del segundo curso del Programa de Enfermería mediante análisis de validez y de fiabilidad. la validez del constructo presentó una solución bifactorial según el método de rotación Varimax. Además, hubo una consistencia interna total alta para el cuestionario (alfa de Cronbach de 0,977) y para los factores encontrados (de 0,966 y 0,952, respectivamente). la versión en portugués cuenta con buenas características psicométricas y, por lo tanto, es adecuada para obtener información fiable sobre la percepción de los estudiantes de enfermería sobre el tipo de supervisión proporcionada en la práctica clínica, y esta versión es adecuada para la mejora de las prácticas pedagógicas.

  1. Mixed-Methods Study that Examines Nine Science Teachers' Perceptions of Slooh Robotic Telescope for Teaching Astronomy. (Breton Title: Métodos Mistos de Estudo que Examinam a Percepção de Nove Professores de Ciências sobre o Telescópio Robótico Slooh Para Ensino de Astronomia.) Métodos Mixtos de Estudio que Examinan la Percepcion de Nueve Profesores de Ciencias sobre EL Telescopio Robótico Slooh Para la Enseñanza de la Astronomía

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gershun, Daniel C.; Slater, Timothy F.; Berryhill, Katie J.


    ção em sala de aula", "Impacto no Instrutor" e "Questões logísticas". A análise desses temas sugere que Slooh pode proporcionar um ambiente de aprendizagem interativo e social com capacidade de incorporar temas interdisciplinares. Aunque estudios previos muostraron que los telescopios robóticos tienen el potencial de mejorar el aprendizaje del estudiante, hay relativamente poca investigación centrada en las percepciones de lós profesores respecto de esta tecnología. Este estudio investiga: "¿cuál es el mérito académico de la utilización de telescopios robóticos SLOOH para enseñar astronomía según la percepción de los profesores de ciências?" Nuestra muestra está formada por nueve profesores de ciencias de estudiantes entre 13 a 18 años pre-y post-tests, entrevistas, y. encuestas se recogieron durante dos semanas de un curso on-line de verano sobre los telescopios robóticos. Si bien lós tests antes y después de las pruebas no revelaron un aumento estadísticamente significativo en el conocimiento de contenido astronómico, el análisis de lós datos cualitativos reveló cinco temas que describen los aspectos más importantes de la utilización de SLOOH de acuerdo con los participantes:. "Imágenes", "Interface", "aplicación en el aula", "Impacto en el Instructor" y "problemas logísticos" . El análisis de estos temas sugiere que SLOOH puede proporcionar un ambiente de aprendizaje interactivo y social, con capacidad para incorporar temas transversales.

  2. [In Process Citation].


    Blázquez, Ferrán Padrós; Navarro Contreras, Gabriela; Garcidueñas Gallegos, Diana; Fulgencio Juárez, Mónica


    Introducción: la obesidad es una enfermedad asociada a diferentes trastornos físicos y emocionales que inciden en la calidad de vida y que representan un problema de elevada prevalencia en el mundo. La etiología es múltiple y compleja; se ha señalado la culpa como consecuencia del sobrepeso y, al mismo tiempo, como factor asociado al aumento de peso. En México no existen instrumentos para evaluar la culpa por obesidad y sobrepeso en niños y adolescentes. Objetivos: analizar la fiabilidad y validez de la Escala de Culpa por Obesidad o Sobrepeso para Niños y Adolescentes (ECOSNA) en población de Morelia (México). Material y métodos: se elaboró una versión preliminar basada en la bibliografía que se sometió a la revisión de jueces expertos. La escala obtenida de 6 ítems se aplicó a una muestra de 1.418 estudiantes de educación básica de 7 a 15 años. Se realizó un análisis factorial confir- matorio y se estudió la relación de la escala con otras variables como autoestima, sintomatología depresiva y ansiedad. Resultados: la escala resultó unifactorial, se obtuvo un índice alfa de Cronbach de 0,853. La escala ECOSNA mostró una correlación moderada e inversa con la escala de autoestima, y directa y baja con la sintomatología depresiva y la ansiedad clínica. Conclusión: los datos empíricos indican que la escala presenta una validez y confiabilidad satisfactorias.

  3. Environmental restoration and waste management: An introduction. Student edition; Restauracion ambiental y administracion de residuos nucleares: Introduccion; Edicion estudiantil (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available

    For more than 40 years, the United States has produced nuclear weapons. These production activities generated both radioactive and hazardous waste and often contaminated the environment. For many years, the public was unaware of the problem and unable to do anything about it. All of this has changed. In response to recent public outcry, the former Secretary of Energy, Retired Admiral James D. Watkins, established the Office of Environmental Restoration and Waste Management (EM) in November 1989. The creation of EM was the first step toward correcting contamination problems from the past 40 years In this booklet, we at DOE,more » through the efforts of the students at Oak Hills High School of Cincinnati, Ohio, will introduce you to EM and encourage your involvement in this major program within the Department of Energy. [Espanol] Durante mas de 40 anos, los Estados Unidos fabricaron armamentos nucleares. Esta produccion genero residuos radiactivos y peligrosos y, en muchos casos, contaminaron el medio ambiente. Durante mucho tiempo, el publico norteamericano no tenia conocimiento de este problema y no pudo hacer nada para solucionarlo. Todo esto ha cambiado. Respondiendo a crecientes protestas publicas, el ex Secretario de Energia Almirante James D. Watkins, establecio en noviembre de 1989 la Subsecretaria de Administracion Ambiental. La creacion de esta Subsecretaria fue el primer paso que dio el Departamento de Energia para corregir los problemas de contaminacion ambiental de los ultimos 40 anos. En esta publicacion, los que trabajamos en el Departamento de Energia con la ayuda de los estudiantes de la Escuela Secundaria de Oak Hills, Cincinnati, Ohio, te introduciermos a la administracion ambiental y alentamos tu participacion en este programa de fundamental importancia en el Departamento de Energia.« less

  4. La Provision de una Igualdad de Oportunidades Educativas para los Estudiantes con Conocimientos Limitados del Idioma Ingles (The Provision of an Equal Education Opportunity to Limited English Proficient Students).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office for Civil Rights (ED), Washington, DC.

    This federal policy statement outlines policy on provision of education to limited-English-speaking school children. First, it describes briefly the demographics of this population and the academic difficulties faced by them, and the recent federal initiative for broadened educational opportunity, America 2000: An Education Strategy. Then,…

  5. Guia para estudiantes: Ayuda economica del Departamento de Educacion de los Estados Unidos, 2003-2004 (The Student Guide: Financial Aid from the U.S. Department of Education, 2003-2004).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Office of Federal Student Aid (ED), Washington, DC.

    This Spanish language publication explains what federal student financial aid is and the types of student financial aid that are available. The guide opens with an overview of federal student financial aid, and then discusses how to find out about student aid. A section of general information discusses eligibility and dependency. Types of federal…

  6. Encouraging Students to Enhance Their Listening Performance (Cómo animar a los estudiantes para que mejoren su desempeño en comprensión oral por sí mismos)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hernández-Ocampo, Sonia Patricia; Vargas, Sonia Patricia


    Spanish-speaking students constantly complain about the difficulty they have comprehending spoken English. It seems teachers do not often provide them with strategies to alleviate that. This article reports on a pedagogical experience carried out at a Colombian university to help pre-service teachers at an intermediate level of English to improve…

  7. Self-Access Language Learning: Students' Perceptions of and Experiences within This New Mode of Learning (Aprendizaje de idiomas mediante la modalidad de autoacceso: percepciones y experiencias de los estudiantes)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herrera Díaz, Luz Edith


    With the aim of fostering autonomy in learning, both innovations, the self-access centre and the mode of learning derived from it, were adopted in the context of the study (Language Centre in the University of Veracruz, Mexico). Based on a case study, I have adopted a qualitative perspective to do this research, which aimed to know how the…

  8. Impact of the incorporation of tyrosine kinase inhibitor agents on the treatment of patients with a diagnosis of advanced renal cell carcinoma: study based on experience at the Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias.


    Muriel, Carolina; Esteban, Emilio; Corral, Norberto; Fonseca, Paula J; Luque, María; Berros, José Pablo; Fernández, Yolanda; Blay, Pilar; Fra, Joaquín; Villanueva, Noemí; Sanmamed, Miguel; Pardo, Pablo; Izquierdo, Marta; Vieitez, José María; Estrada, Enrique; Lacave, Ángel J


    For nearly the past two decades, cytokines (CKs) have been the only systemic treatment option available for advanced renal cell carcinoma (RCC). In recent years, tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs) have demonstrated clinical activity on this tumour. Our purpose is to describe one centre's experience with the use of CKs and TKIs in the treatment of patients with advanced RCC. This study was designed as a retrospective chart review of RCC patients who were treated with CKs and/or TKIs in our department between July 1996 and June 2008. Efficacy and toxicity were assessed using World Health Organization (WHO) criteria. The Kaplan-Meier method was used to estimate progression-free (PFS) and overall (OS) survival. Ninety-four patients were classified into three groups depending on the modality of treatment administered: 46 were treated with CKs alone and/or chemotherapy (27 with immunotherapy, one with chemotherapy and 18 with both), 28 with TKIs alone (25 with sunitinib and 13 with sorafenib) and 20 with TKIs in second-line treatment following failure with CKs (17 with sunitinib, eight with sorafenib, four with bevacizumab and one with lapatinib). The median age was 60 years in the CK group and 65 and 62, respectively, in TKI in first and second-line treatment groups. Eighty-five percent of patients treated with CKs and 75% in the TKI group in first-line treatment and 80% in second-line treatment were men. Overall, 89% of patients had favourable risk, and 11% had intermediate risk. All patients were considered evaluable for toxicity. The main grade 3-4 (%) toxicity was asthenia for both groups, (ten in TKIs and 15 in CKs). Other grade 1-2 toxicities were mucositis (39), bleeding (8), hypertension (19), skin toxicity (33) and hypothyroidism (12.5) associated with TKIs; and anaemia (33), cough (29), asthenia (39) and emesis (14) associated with CKs. The objective response rate among 80 patients evaluable for activity was 10.6% with CKs and 46.5% and 35%, respectively, with TKIs in first- and second-line treatments. Disease stabilisation with CKs was recorded at 59% of patients and with TKIs 25% and 50% in first- and second-line treatment groups, respectively. The median progression-free survival (PFS) with CKs was 122 days [95% confidence interval (CI) 82-162] and with TKIs 201 days (65-337) in the first and 346 days (256-436) in second-line treatment groups. The median overall survival (OS) was 229 days (142-316) and 2,074 days (1,152-2,996) for patients treated with CKs and TKIs. Our results are in line with the activity and survival rates previously reported in the literature regarding the use of TKIs for patients with advanced RCC in first- and second-line treatment, which has demonstrated an acceptable toxicity level.

  9. [Vulvovaginitis caused by Candida spp. and Trichomonas vaginalis in sexually active women].


    Azzam-W, Maha; Cermeño-Vivas, Julman R; Orellán-García, Yida; Penna, Salvador J


    Vulvovaginitis accounts for 20 to 30% of gynecological diseases and it is observed in women from 20 to 30 years of age. It has a higher frequency in women using oral contraceptives and during the third trimester of pregnancy. The aim of this research was to assess the prevalence of Candida spp and Trichomonas vaginalis in patients with the diagnosis of vulvovaginitis from the Gynecology Service in Hospital Universitario "Ruiz y Páez" in Ciudad Bolívar and Hospital "Raúl Leoni" in San Félix (Bolívar State, Venezuela). Two hundred women with symptoms of vulvovaginitis were examined, and samples were taken from the uterocervical cul-de-sac. Each patient was asked to fill a questionnaire. The following studies were made in each sample: a) fresh wet mount examination, b) orange acridine and Giemsa stains for Trichomonas and c) culture for the identification of yeasts. The latter were identified by means of the germinal tube assay, resistance to actidione and the presence of clamidospores in rice-cream agar and sugar utilization test, using the commercial kit ID32C (BioMérieux). Only in 57 women of 200 patients with vulvovaginitis the causative agent was demonstrated; Candida spp was present in 84.2% (n = 48) and Trichomonas vaginalis in 14% (n = 8). A single case of Zygosaccharomyces spp (1.8%) was detected. The age group mainly affected was that of 25-35 years old, the 38.6% of the studied population. Candida species detected were: C. albicans in 87% of cases (n = 42), C. glabrata, in 10.42% (n = 5), and C. guillermondii, in 2.08 (n = 1). Vaginal flux, vulvar pruritus and leucorrhoea were observed in significant number of patients with vulvovaginal candidiasis. The use of antibiotics was considered predisposing factor for Trichomonas vaginalis infection. The relationship between age and the etiological agent was not statistically significant. Due to the low specificity of clinical manifestations of infections caused by Candida spp and Trichomonas vaginalis, we

  10. Ultra-Sensitive C-Reactive Protein (US-CRP) in Patients With Periodontal Disease and Risk of Acute Myocardial Infarction.


    Uriza, Catalina Latorre; Arregoces, Francina Escobar; Porras, Juliana Velosa; Camargo, Maria Beatriz Ferro; Morales, Alvaro Ruiz


    The purpose of this study was to determine if the US-CRP values associated with periodontal disease are risk markers for Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) and to determine if the US-CRP levels associated with recent AMI are higher in patients with Periodontal disease. In order to meet the goal of the study, a case control study design was conducted. The analysis sample consisted of 401 adults (30 - 75 years old), living in Bogota D.C., Colombia, from the Hospital Universitario San Ignacio, the Faculty of Dentistry at the Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, and the Fundacion Cardio Infantil. Patients with current infections, antibiotic use in the last 3 months, periodontal treatment at least six months before the baseline of this study, mouth ulcerations caused by any type of prosthesis, candidiasis, stomatitis, or less than 7 teeth in mouth were excluded. Periodontal examination for the case group and the control group was conducted by three previously calibrated examiners. Periodontal disease was diagnosed by the presence of bleeding on probing and attachment loss. The Chronic Periodontitis diagnosis was confirmed with these clinical signs, according to the 1999 Armitage classification. The assessment of the US-CRP was performed using the IMMULITE method containing one monoclonal and one polyclonal anti-CRP antibody. This method provides a measurement range of 0.1 - 500 mg/L. Statistical analysis of variables was performed with OR and confidence intervals. A multivariate analysis was performed to determine the association between the US-CRP increase, periodontal disease and acute myocardial infarction, adjusting for smoking and other confounding factors identified in the analysis. The study population was constituted by 401 patients, 56.1% (225) males, with a mean age of 52.6. When groups were compared it was observed that, in those patients with AMI and chronic severe or moderate periodontitis, 24.2% had HDL-C values lower than 40 mg/dl, 78.8% had LDL-C values

  11. Traumatismo craneoencefálico leve

    PubMed Central

    Ortega Zufiría, José Manuel; Prieto, Noemí Lomillos; Cuba, Bernardino Choque; Degenhardt, Martin Tamarit; Núñez, Pedro Poveda; López Serrano, María Remedios; López Raigada, Azahara Belén


    Resumen Introducción y objetivo: El TCE leve representa un problema sanitario de enorme interés debido a que un número significativo de enfermos con trauma leve desarrollará complicaciones potencialmente mortales. El objetivo de este estudio ha sido describir una serie amplia de pacientes adultos, mayores de 14 años, que sufren TCE leve, atendidos en el Hospital Universitario de Getafe, entre los años 2010 y 2015 (n = 2480), estudiar el perfil epidemiológico y analizar el diagnóstico y el tratamiento efectuados, así como establecer los principales factores pronósticos que influyen en el resultado final. Método: Se ha realizado un estudio retrospectivo, de revisión de historias clínicas, analizando los resultados con estudio estadístico bivariable y multivariable. Resultados: El TCE leve es más frecuente en varones, y el mecanismo causante más común en nuestro medio es el accidente de tráfico. Se propone un modelo de clasificación de pacientes según grupos de riesgo, que los subdivide en riesgo bajo, intermedio o alto, que se correlaciona bien con la probabilidad de desarrollar complicación intracraneal, y, consecuentemente, con el resultado final. Se discute la indicación de la radiografía simple de cráneo y de la Tomografía Computarizada (TC), así como del ingreso hospitalario para observación neurológica. Conclusiones: En este estudio, la presencia de focalidad neurológica en la exploración clínica, la edad, las alteraciones de la coagulación y la existencia de fractura en la radiografía simple se relacionan con mayor posibilidad de desarrollar lesiones traumáticas intracraneales y con peor pronóstico final. La escala de Glasgow para el Coma es deficitaria en la determinación del resultado final del paciente que sufre TCE, porque no considera variables tales como la amnesia o la pérdida de conocimiento, muy frecuentes en el traumatismo craneoencefálico leve. PMID:29430327

  12. [In Process Citation].


    Alarcón Hormazábal, Manuel; Delgado Floody, Pedro; Castillo Mariqueo, Lidia; Thuiller Lepelegy, Nicole; Bórquez Becerra, Pablo; Sepúlveda Mancilla, Carlos; Rebolledo Quezada, Sara


    Introducción: existe una alta prevalencia de sedentarismo, sobrepeso y obesidad en jóvenes universitarios. Objetivo: el propósito del estudio fue determinar los efectos de un programa de entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensidad (HIIT) sobre el perfil antropométrico, glicemia basal y VO 2 máx (consumo máximo de oxígeno) de jóvenes sedentarios con malnutrición por exceso. Material y métodos: 6 mujeres y 2 hombres (2 obesos y 6 con sobrepeso) se sometieron a un programa de entrenamiento de alta intensidad de 8 semanas de duración (3 sesiones/semana). Se evaluó en ayuno y posterior a 72 horas de la última intervención; peso, índice de masa corporal (IMC), contorno de cintura (CC), perímetro de cadera y glicemia de basal. El VO 2 máx fue evaluado en condiciones normales previo a la primera sesión. Resultados: las variables de estudio no presentaron cambios significativos (p > 0,05), pero reportaron disminuciones porcentuales. El peso disminuyó un 0,18%, el IMC un 0,27%, el CC 2,67%, el perímetro de cadera un 1,15%, y el VO 2 máx un 0,48%. La glicemia basal presentó la mayor disminución, pasó de 95,13 ± 23,91 a 89,88 ± 12,45 mg/dl (5,52%), estabilizando y mejorando sus niveles en cada uno de los participantes. Conclusiones: el programa de entrenamiento intervalado de alta intensidad fue factible de realizar sin resultados adversos para la salud de los participantes, la glicemia basal mostró la mayor variación, estabilizando sus valores en los participantes, lo que es un indicador positivo dentro del programa. Es necesario seguir investigando sobre esta metodología HIIT y aumentar los tiempos de estudio para ver los cambios que se pueden producir en distintos parámetros metabólicos, antropométricos y físicos en población con malnutrición por exceso.

  13. PTGER4 gene variant rs76523431 is a candidate risk factor for radiological joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis patients: a genetic study of six cohorts.


    Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Luis; Ivorra-Cortes, Jose; Carmona, F David; Martín, Javier; Balsa, Alejandro; van Steenbergen, Hanna W; van der Helm-van Mil, Annette H M; González-Álvaro, Isidoro; Fernandez-Gutiérrez, Benjamín


    Prostaglandin E receptor 4 (PTGER4) is implicated in immune regulation and bone metabolism. The aim of this study was to analyze its role in radiological joint damage in rheumatoid arthritis (RA). Six independent cohorts of patients with RA of European or North American descent were included, comprising 1789 patients with 5083 sets of X-rays. The Hospital Clínico San Carlos Rheumatoid Arthritis, Princesa Early Arthritis Register Longitudinal study, and Hospital Universitario de La Paz early arthritis (Spain) cohorts were used as discovery cohorts, and the Leiden Early Arthritis Clinic (The Netherlands), Wichita (United States), and National Databank for Rheumatic Diseases (United States and Canada) cohorts as replication cohorts. First, the PTGER4 rs6896969 single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) was genotyped using TaqMan assays and available Illumina Immunochip data and studied in the discovery and replication cohorts. Second, the PTGER4 gene and adjacent regions were analyzed using Immunochip genotyping data in the discovery cohorts. On the basis of pooled p values, linkage disequilibrium structure of the region, and location in regions with transcriptional properties, SNPs were selected for replication. The results from discovery, replication, and overall cohorts were pooled using inverse-variance-weighted meta-analysis. Influence of the polymorphisms on the overall radiological damage (constant effect) and on damage progression over time (time-varying effect) was analyzed. The rs6896969 polymorphism showed a significant association with radiological damage in the constant effect pooled analysis of the discovery cohorts, although no significant association was observed in the replication cohorts or the overall pooled analysis. Regarding the analysis of the PTGER4 region, 976 variants were analyzed in the discovery cohorts. From the constant and time-varying effect analyses, 12 and 20 SNPs, respectively, were selected for replication. Only the rs76523431 variant

  14. First Year University Students' Use of Formulaic Sequences in Oral and Written Descriptions (El uso de secuencias formulaicas de estudiantes de primer año en descripciones orales y escritas)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gómez Burgos, Eric


    The present article investigates the use of first year university students' formulaic sequences in written and oral texts in an English as a foreign language context. The corpus of the study consists of eight descriptive texts--four written and four oral--which were composed of four students of English Pedagogy at a university in Santiago, Chile.…

  15. Supplement for Curriculum Guide for Mathematics: Spanish-Speaking Students, Grades 4-6 = Supplemento de la guia didactica de matematicas para los estudiantes de habla hispana, cuatro-sexto grados. Field Test.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL.

    This supplementary math curriculum guide for use with Spanish-speaking, fouth through sixth grade students in Chicago public schools employs a contrastive analysis approach. Lessons are presented for objectives for which the instructional strategies used in the United States differ from those used in Spanish-speaking countries. (Objectives for…

  16. Using Songs to Encourage Sixth Graders to Develop English Speaking Skills (Uso de canciones para motivar a los estudiantes de grado sexto a desarrollar habilidades orales en inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Duarte Romero, Mónica Duarte; Tinjacá Bernal, Luz Mery; Carrero Olivares, Marilú


    This article contains the procedures and findings of an investigation carried out by a team of teachers with the purpose of motivating students to speak English. We observed students' lack confidence to talk and that they had little motivation toward learning English. Thus, we used songs as a main resource in conjunction with different kind of…

  17. Percepciones de los estudiantes de education en Venezuela sobre su preparacion e intervencion en violencia domestica. [Perceptions of Education Students in Venezuela about Their Preparation and Intervention in Domestic Violence].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McArthur, Anna P.; Cellitti, Anarella; Perez de Linares, Sonia


    This study investigated Venezuelan university students' perceptions regarding domestic violence and possible encounters with domestic violence in programs for young children. Students indicated that they expected to encounter only those situations they were prepared to confront, indicating needs for curriculum changes in teacher-training programs.…

  18. Modelo Pedagogico de Educacion Primaria para Adultos: Manual para el Asesor de Estudiantes Libres. Primera Parte (A Pedagogical Model for Adult Primary Education: Manual for the Student Advisor. Part One).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Instituto Nacional para la Educacion de los Adultos, Mexico City (Mexico).

    This guide, part of a Mexican series of instructional materials, is intended for advisors of students participating in an adult education program offered through public and private organizations in communities in Mexico. The first part of the program comprises Spanish and math; the second, education for family life, education for community life,…

  19. The Role of Collaborative Work in the Development of Elementary Students' Writing Skills (El papel del trabajo colaborativo en el desarrollo de las habilidades de escritura de estudiantes de primaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yate González,Yuly Yinneth; Saenz, Luis Fernando; Bermeo, Johanna Alejandra; Castañeda Chaves, Andrés Fernando


    In this article we report the findings of a two-phase action research study focused on the role of collaborative work in the development of elementary students' writing skills at a Colombian school. This was decided after having identified the students' difficulties in the English classes related to word transfer, literal translation, weak…

  20. Cuaderno de Recetas Ilustradas para Jovenes con Impedimentos--Para Estudiantes con Impedimentos Leves v Moderados (Notebook of Illustrated Recipes for Youth with Disabilities--For Students with Light and Moderate Disabilities).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puerto Rico State Dept. of Education, Hato Rey. Office of Special Education.

    This collection of recipes has been prepared with attention to the needs of students with disabilities who lack reading skills sufficient to be able to use ordinary cookbooks. Presentation in this illustrated form helps them understand the processes of food preparation as it introduces a basic culinary vocabulary. The teacher can use this…

  1. El mejorar del lenguaje y la aprendizaje de los estudiantes que son sordos. Hoja de consejos de PEPNet (Improving the Language and Learning of Students Who Are Deaf. PEPNet Tipsheet)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Livingston, Sue


    This version of "Improving the Language and Learning of Students Who Are Deaf. PEPNet Tipsheet," written in Spanish, offers some suggestions on improving the language and learning of students who are deaf. The saying "Good teaching is good teaching" holds considerable truth when thinking about exemplary practices used in educating students who are…

  2. The Role That Socioaffective Practices Play in Third Graders' Autonomous Learning (El papel de las prácticas socioafectivas en el aprendizaje autónomo de estudiantes de tercer grado)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Perdomo Toro, Jhonatan; Rico González, Ángela Milena; Huepa Salcedo, Nury Catherine


    In this article we describe and analyze how autonomous learning emerges in third graders' socioaffective practices as reconstructed in written narratives. Results were obtained by analyzing and reflecting on classroom observation, interviews and written narratives done by the students which let us appreciate different behaviors and reactions the…

  3. Supplement for Curriculum Guide for Mathematics: Spanish-Speaking Students, Grades 7-8 = Supplemento de la guia didactica de matematicas para los estudiantes de habla hispana, septimo y octavo grados. Field Test.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL.

    This supplementary math curriculum guide for use with Spanish-speaking students in Chicago public schools' seventh and eighth grade classes employs a contrastive analysis approach. Lessons are presented for objectives for which the instructional strategies used in the United States differ from those in Spanish-speaking countries. (Objectives for…

  4. Supplement for Curriculum Guide for Mathematics: Spanish-Speaking Students, Grades 2-3 = Supplemento de la guia didactica de matematicas para los estudiantes de habla hispana, segundo y tercer grados. Field Test.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chicago Board of Education, IL.

    A contrastive analysis approach is used in this supplementary math curriculum guide for Spanish-speaking second and third grade students in Chicago public schools. Lessons are presented for those objectives for which the instructional strategies used in the United States differ from those used in Spanish-speaking countries. (Objectives for which…

  5. Collaborative Project Work Development in a Virtual Environment with Low-Intermediate Undergraduate Colombian Students (Desarrollo de trabajo colaborativo en un ambiente virtual con estudiantes colombianos de pregrado de nivel intermedio-bajo)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Salinas Vacca, Yakelin


    This paper reports on an exploratory, descriptive, and interpretive study in which the roles of discussion boards, the students, the teacher, and the monitors were explored as they constructed a collaborative class project in a virtual environment. This research was conducted in the virtual program of a Colombian public university. Data were…

  6. Adult EFL Reading Selection: Influence on Literacy (Procesos de selección de lecturas en estudiantes adultos de inglés como lengua extranjera y su influencia en la habilidad lectora)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Basallo Gómez, Juan Sebastián


    This paper is about the impact of systematic reading selection used to promote English as foreign language learning in adult students. A qualitative action research methodology was used to carry out this project. Ten class sessions were designed to provide students an opportunity to select texts according to criteria based upon their language…

  7. Beliefs of Chilean University English Teachers: Uncovering Their Role in the Teaching and Learning Process (Creencias de profesores universitarios de inglés: descubriendo su papel en el proceso de enseñanza y aprendizaje)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Díaz Larenas, Claudio; Alarcón Hernández, Paola; Vásquez Neira, Andrea; Pradel Suárez, Boris; Ortiz Navarrete, Mabel


    Beliefs continue to be an important source to get to know teachers' thinking processes and pedagogical decisions. Research in teachers' beliefs has traditionally come from English-speaking contexts; however, a great deal of scientific work has been written lately in Brazil, Mexico, Colombia, and Argentina. This study elicits 30 Chilean university…

  8. PubMed

    Caamaño Navarrete, Felipe; Delgado Floody, Pedro; Jerez Mayorga, Daniel; Osorio Poblete, Aldo


    Introducción: bajos niveles de actividad física, moderada y vigorosa, son un factor de riesgo conductual importante en la obesidad en niños.Objetivo: el objetivo del estudio fue determinar el estado nutricional y la condición física de escolares, comparando los resultados obtenidos por género, obesidad y rendimiento físico.Material y métodos:578 escolares: 308 hombres de 11,22 ± 1,93 años y 270 mujeres de 10,93 ± 1,92 años participaron en la investigación. Fueron evaluados: índice de masa corporal (IMC), porcentaje de masa grasa (%MG), contorno de cintura (CC), razón cintura-estatura (RCE) y rendimiento físico según los test del Estudio Nacional de Educación Física de la Agencia de Calidad de la Educación de Chile.Resultados: el %MG fue mayor en la mujeres (p < 0,001). En el test de abdominales y en el de Navette el rendimiento fue mayor en los hombres, y en el test de flexo-extensiones de brazo el rendimiento fue mayor en las mujeres (p < 0,05). Los escolares en categoría de obeso presentaron inferiores resultados en los test de: abdominales, salto largo, flexo-extensiones de brazo y Navette (p < 0,001). El VO2MAX fue menor en los sujetos con obesidad (p < 0,001). Los estudiantes que necesitan mejorar 3 o 4 test presentan mayor RCE (p < 0,001) y %MG (p < 0,001). Existe una asociación negativa entre la RCE y el VO2MAX (-0,543, p < 0,001).Conclusiones: existe una elevada prevalencia de sobrepeso y obesidad. Además, se aprecia un bajo rendimiento físico asociado a esta condición. Los escolares que necesitan mejorar 3 o 4 test de la condición física presentan mayores promedios de %MG y RCE; esta última variable es un potente indicador de riesgo cardiovascular.

  9. The Meanings of Astronomical Observation: An Analysis on the Basis of Relationship with Knowledge. (Spanish Title: Los Sentidos de la Observación Astronómica: un Análisis sobre la Base de la Relación con el Saber.) Os Sentidos da Observação Astronômica: Uma Análise com Base na Relação com o Saber

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Klein, Alberto Eduardo; de Mello Arruda, Sergio; Meneghello Passos, Marinez; Vinicius Domenes Zapparoli, Ferdinando


    This article presents results of a research which aimed to understand the meanings that people construct for astronomical observation. The subjects, students and school teachers, initially received some instruction on how to view astronomical objects through the telescope. After the observation was realized, they were interviewed. The data analysis allowed the creation of 12 categories, later interpreted on the basis of relationship with knowledge (relation to the world, with himself and with others), as presented by Bernard Charlot. Este artículo presenta los resultados de una investigación que tuvo como objetivo comprender los sentidos que las personas construyen para la observación astronómica. Los sujetos, los estudiantes y maestros de escuela, recibieron inicialmente algunas instrucciones sobre cómo ver los objetos astronómicos a través del telescopio. Al término de la observación, fueron entrevistados. El análisis de datos permitió la creación de 12 categorías que más tarde fueron interpretadas sobre la base de la relación con el conocimiento (relación con el mundo, consigo mismo y con los demás), tal como presentado por Bernard Charlot. Este artigo apresenta resultados de uma pesquisa que objetivou entender quais os sentidos que as pessoas constroem para a observação astronômica. Os sujeitos da pesquisa, estudantes e professores do ensino médio, receberam inicialmente alguma instrução sobre como visualizar os objetos astronômicos através do telescópio. Após a realização da observação, eles foram entrevistados. A análise dos dados permitiu a elaboração de 12 categorias que foram posteriormente interpretadas com base nas relações com o saber (relação com o mundo, consigo mesmo e com o outro), conforme apresentadas por Bernard Charlot.

  10. The Effect of Direct and Indirect Corrective Feedback on Students' Spelling Errors (El efecto de la retroalimentación directa e indirecta sobre los errores de ortografía de los estudiantes)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baleghizadeh, Sasan; Dadashi, Mehdi


    The study presented here is an attempt to examine the role of indirect feedback in promoting junior high school students' spelling accuracy in English. It compares the effect of direct feedback with indirect feedback on students' written work dictated by their teacher from their textbooks. Two classes were selected from the Zanjanrood District in…

  11. Adolescent Students' Intercultural Awareness When Using Culture-Based Materials in the English Class (La conciencia intercultural de estudiantes adolescentes al usar materiales con contenido cultural en la clase de inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Castañeda Usaquén, Mireya Esther


    This article reports on a qualitative and interpretative case study conducted at a high school located in the southeast of Bogotá. The case is comprised of a group of fifty-one eighth graders who had had little contact with English. It aimed at exploring how these adolescents made sense of the culture-based materials implemented in the English…

  12. Engaging Foreign Language Learners in a Web 2.0-Mediated Collaborative Learning Process (Inclusión de estudiantes de lenguas extranjeras en procesos colaborativos de aprendizaje mediados por la web 2.0)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cote Parra, Gabriel Eduardo


    The purpose of this action research was to explore the types of interactions that foreign language learners experience while using a wiki as a supporting tool for a face-to-face research course. This design allowed me to play a dual role: first, I studied my own classroom setting and students. Second, I implemented a pedagogical intervention based…

  13. The Impact of Different Types of Journaling Techniques on EFL Learners' Self-Efficacy (El impacto de diferentes tipos de diario en la autosuficiencia de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baleghizadeh, Sasan; Mortazavi, Mahboobeh


    This article reports on an investigation of the impact of different methods of journaling on self-efficacy of learners of English as a foreign language. Sixty upper-intermediate Iranian English language learners were randomly assigned to three experimental conditions, namely no-feedback, teacher-feedback, and peer-feedback, and one control…

  14. Lesson's-learned from a 2003-2006 USA-Honduras NGO and University Geosciences Education Partnership in Land use Land / Land Cover Change Analysis using Remote Sensing and GPS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ford, R. E.


    Between 2004 and 2006 the Loma Linda University ESSE21 Mesoamerican Project (Earth System Science Education for the 21st Century) collaborated with a series of academic, NGO (nongovernmental) and government agencies, including a USAID (United States Agency for International Development) integrated environmental resource management project to: a) build the human and technical capacity of local partners in the use of geospatial technologies, e.g. GIS, GPS, Remote Sensing, b) improve their capacity to apply these tools to biodiversity, health, sustainability, protected-area management, and other NRM (Natural Resource Management) decision-making needs and problems, and c) establish long term institutional relationships for teacher/student exchange, including development of joint curricula and research projects focused on health geoinformatics as well as sustainable development. Much of this has contributed toward a new "geotourism" effort adopted by Honduras called the SAVE Honduras strategy (Scientific, Academic, Volunteer, Educational). A central element of this initiative is to increase joint collaborative research and learning together by students and faculty at US universities working with Honduran institutions (private and public). See SAVE Strategy page = In the presentation we describe our experience over the last three years collaborating with key partners such as the Central American Observatory of Suyapa based at the UNAH (Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras) which has opened a new GIS/Remote Sensing Laboratory. We also collaborated closely with CURLA (Centro Universitario Regional del Litoral Atlántico) located near La Ceiba--a land grant-type institution- -to support outreach and extension activities by students and staff to local-level NGOs and community groups dealing with conservation, hazards mitigation, biodiversity, fisheries and related problems. We have also participated in joint "informal

  15. Randomized clinical trial to evaluate the effect of fecal microbiota transplant for initial Clostridium difficile infection in intestinal microbiome.


    Camacho-Ortiz, Adrián; Gutiérrez-Delgado, Eva María; Garcia-Mazcorro, Jose F; Mendoza-Olazarán, Soraya; Martínez-Meléndez, Adrián; Palau-Davila, Laura; Baines, Simon D; Maldonado-Garza, Héctor; Garza-González, Elvira


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of fecal donor-unrelated donor mix (FMT-FURM) transplantation as first-line therapy for C. difficile infection (CDI) in intestinal microbiome. We designed an open, two-arm pilot study with oral vancomycin (250mg every 6 h for 10-14 days) or FMT-FURM as treatments for the first CDI episode in hospitalized adult patients in Hospital Universitario "Dr. Jose Eleuterio Gonzalez". Patients were randomized by a closed envelope method in a 1: 1 ratio to either oral vancomycin or FMT-FURM. CDI resolution was considered when there was a reduction on the Bristol scale of at least 2 points, a reduction of at least 50% in the number of bowel movements, absence of fever, and resolution of abdominal pain (at least two criteria). From each patient, a fecal sample was obtained at days 0, 3, and 7 after treatment. Specimens were cultured to isolate C. difficile, and isolates were characterized by PCR. Susceptibility testing of isolates was performed using the agar dilution method. Fecal samples and FMT-FURM were analyzed by 16S rRNA sequencing. We included 19 patients; 10 in the vancomycin arm and 9 in the FMT-FURM arm. However, one of the patients in the vancomycin arm and two patients in the FMT-FURM arm were eliminated. Symptoms resolved in 8/9 patients (88.9%) in the vancomycin group, while symptoms resolved in 4/7 patients (57.1%) after the first FMT-FURM dose (P = 0.26) and in 5/7 patients (71.4%) after the second dose (P = 0.55). During the study, no adverse effects attributable to FMT-FURM were observed in patients. Twelve isolates were recovered, most isolates carried tcdB, tcdA, cdtA, and cdtB, with an 18-bp deletion in tcdC. All isolates were resistant to ciprofloxacin and moxifloxacin but susceptible to metronidazole, linezolid, fidaxomicin, and tetracycline. In the FMT-FURM group, the bacterial composition was dominated by Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria at all-time points and the microbiota were remarkably

  16. PubMed

    Fernández Alba, Juan Jesús; Paublete Herrera, María Del Carmen; González Macías, María Del Carmen; Carral San Laureano, Florentino; Carnicer Fuentes, Concepción; Vilar Sánchez, Ángel; Torrejón Cardoso, Rafael; Moreno Corral, Luis Javier


    Introducción: el sobrepeso y la obesidad se asocian a una mayor probabilidad de que el parto finalice en cesárea. Dado que dicho incremento del riesgo podría estar sesgado por variables de confusión como la diabetes o la hipertensión, en el presente trabajo pretendemos determinar si este riesgo persiste tras ser ajustado por numerosas variables de control.Objetivo: determinar si el sobrepeso y/o la obesidad son factores de riesgo independientes para que el parto finalice en cesárea.Métodos: estudio de cohortes retrospectivo. Se han incluido gestantes adscritas al Hospital Universitario de Puerto Real. Periodo de estudio: 2002-2011. Se incluyeron dos grupos de estudio: sobrepeso al inicio de la gestación (IMC entre 25 y 29,9) y obesidad al inicio de la gestación (IMC ≥ 30). Grupo ontrol: IMC al inicio de la gestación normal (entre 18,5 y 24,9). El riesgo de cesárea fue analizado mediante un estudio de regresión logística múltiple incluyendo como covariables: edad materna, parto inducido, diabetes gestacional, diabetes pregestacional, macrosomía, hipertensión arterial, nuliparidad, cesárea anterior, parto pretérmino y parto postérmino.Resultados: de los 18.243 partos registrados, el IMC al inicio de la gestación constaba en 4.711 casos (25,8%). El 26,1% presentaban sobrepeso, el 12,4% obesidad y el 58,9% IMC normal. Sin ajustar por variables control, se asociaron a un incremento del riesgo de cesárea: sobrepeso (OR 1,48; IC95% 1,27-1,73); obesidad grado 1 (OR 2,09; IC95% 1,66-2,64); obesidad grado 2 (OR 3,23; IC95% 2,31-4,53); obesidad grado 3 (OR 2,57; IC95% 1,56-4,22). El riesgo aumentado se mantuvo significativo en el análisis multivariante: sobrepeso (OR 1,51; IC95% 1,24-1,84); obesidad (OR 2,15; IC95% 1,67-2,76).Conclusiones: encontramos una asociación significativa e independiente entre el sobrepeso/obesidad maternos y la finalización del parto mediante cesárea incluso ajustando por numerosas variables de control como: edad materna

  17. Immediate reactions to iodinated contrast media.


    Morales-Cabeza, Cristina; Roa-Medellín, Dasha; Torrado, Inés; De Barrio, Manuel; Fernández-Álvarez, Carmen; Montes-Aceñero, Juan Francisco; De La Riva, Inmaculada; Prieto-García, Alicia


    Immediate hypersensitivity reactions (IHRs) to iodinated contrast media (ICMs) remain a common clinical concern. Positive skin test and basophil activation test results suggest a specific IgE-mediated mechanism in some cases. Skin test and controlled challenge test (CCT) are useful to manage these patients. To study clinical and allergologic features of IHRs to ICMs in a Spanish tertiary hospital during a 7-year period. Demographic and clinical data concerning the reaction were recorded. Patients treated at the Allergy Department of Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Marañón, Madrid, Spain, underwent skin tests. In those with positive results, CCTs with an alternative skin-test-negative ICM was performed. Global reaction rate was calculated and compared for each ICM. A total of 342 reactions occurred in 329 patients. Cutaneous symptoms were the most common (87.7%). A total of 196 patients underwent an allergy workup, 15 (7.6%) of whom had positive skin test results. Reactions were more severe in patients with positive vs negative skin test results (grade 1, 46.7% vs 73.6%; grade 2, 33.3% vs 20.9%; grade 3, 20% vs 5.46%; P < .05). Three patients had cross-reactivity to 3 ICMs, all including ioversol and iomeprol. Six patients allergic to iopamidol tolerated ioversol and 1 tolerated iomeprol. Four patients allergic to ioversol and 1 allergic to iomeprol tolerated iopamidol. The global reaction rate was 0.2%, differing for each ICM (iopamidol, 0.14%; ioversol, 0.2%; and iomeprol, 0.4%; P < .001). Positive skin test results were found in a low percentage of patients in whom skin test-based CCT identified an alternative non-cross-reactive ICM. Low-grade cross-reactivity was found, especially between iopamidol and ioversol. Reactions were more severe in patients with positive skin test results. The reaction rate was greater for iomeprol compared with iopamidol (reaction rate, 2.8%) and ioversol (reaction rate, 2%). This study identified a possible underlying

  18. Precipitation effects on aerosol concentration in the background EMEP station of Zarra (Valencia), Spain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Calvo, Ana Isabel; San Martín, Isabel; Castro, Amaya; Alonso-Blanco, Elisabeth; Alves, Célia; Duarte, Márcio; Fernández-González, Sergio; Fraile, Roberto


    of weather associated with each particular synoptic situation, a Circulation Weather Type (CWT) classification was applied. Acknowledgment: This work has been funded by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation (Grant TEC2010-19241-C02-01). S. Fernández-González acknowledges the grant from the "Programa de Formación de Profesorado Universitario (FPU)" awarded by the Spanish Ministry of Education.

  19. Negligencia en la Educacion de Estudiantes Mexico-Americanos en el Distrito Escolar Unificado Lucia Mar, Pismo Beach, California. (Educational Neglect of Mexican-American Students in Lucia Mar Unified School District, Pismo Beach, California.)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Advisory Committee to the United States Commission on Civil Rights.

    California State Advisory Committee (SAC) of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights held hearings in Santa Maria, California (May 20, 1972) to collect information on civil rights problems of Mexican American students in the Lucia Mar School District. Major issues were community complaints about the arrest of 26 Mexican American students and some…

  20. The Shadow of a Gnomon Along a Year: Routine Observations and Teaching of Apparent Motion of the Sun and the Four Seasons. (Spanish Title: La Sombra de un Gnomon lo Largo de un Año: Observaciones de Rutina y la Enseñanza del Movimiento Aparente del Sol y Las Cuatro Estaciones.) A Sombra de um Gnômon ao Longo de um Ano: Observações Rotineiras e o Ensino do Movimento Aparente do Sol E das Quatro Estações

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trogello, Anderson Giovani; Danhoni Neves, Marcos Cesar; de Carvalho Rutz da Silva, Sani


    Many misconceptions are recognized among the various groups of students, especially in the elementary school. Among them, the apparent motion of the Sun, in spite of its daily occurrence, is subject to varied interpretations. Thus, the observation and recording of the motion of the stars in the celestial vault is a necessary task for astronomy education. The work presented here proposes the presentation of the results of observations of the apparent movement of the sun by marking the shadow of a vertical gnomon by the students in a class of sixth graders of elementary rural school of Paraná. The project itself was conducted in four stages, on dates near the March equinox, the June solstice, the September equinox and the December solstice. In addition, lectures were developed in the classroom. Such methods sought to build concepts around the apparent movement of the Sun and the alternation of the seasons. Given the results of the activities, an evaluation was applied and the data demonstrated a desired student learning such as: the recognition of the cardinal points, the description of the apparent solar motion and the occurrence of the seasons and their alternation from astronomical observations at naked eye. Muchos conceptos aternativos son conocidos entre los distintos grupos de alumnos, sobre todo en la educación básica. Entre ellos, el movimiento aparente del Sol, por más cotidiano que sea, se presta a interpretaciones variadas. Por lo tanto, observar y registrar el movimiento de las estrellas en la bóveda celeste se torna una tarea necesaria para la educación en astronomía. El trabajo que aquí se presenta propone la presentación de los resultados de la observación del movimiento aparente del sol a través de la marcación de la sombra del gnomon vertical a cargo de los estudiantes en una división de sexto grado de de la escuela primaria rural de Paraná. El proyecto en sí se llevó a cabo en cuatro etapas, en fechas cercanas al equinoccio de marzo

  1. Caracteristicas de los Estudiantes de Ciencias Agricolas y de Economia Domestica de la Universidad de Puerto Rico (Characteristics of the Agricultural Science and Home Economics Students of the University of Puerto Rico). Publicacion 135.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lube, Edna Droz; Calero, Reinaldo

    As part of a U.S. Department of Agriculture research project on young adults, a questionnaire was distributed in the fall of 1977 to all agriculture science and home economics students at the University of Puerto Rico in order to determine their personal and parental backgrounds; work, college, and high school experiences; life goals and attitudes…

  2. EFL Students' Perceptions about a Web-Based English Reading Comprehension Course (Percepciones de estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera acerca de un curso de comprensión lectora apoyado en la red)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gómez Flórez, Érica; Pineda, Jorge Eduardo; Marín García, Natalia


    Web-based distance education is an innovative modality of instruction in Colombia. It is characterized by the separation of the teacher and learners, the use of technological tools and the students' autonomy development. This paper reports the findings of a case study that explores students' perceptions about an English reading comprehension…

  3. Oral Testimony from the Hispanic Community of Greater Boston; Programa Para el Desarrollo de un Curriculo Universitario en Estudios Etnicos Puertorriquenos y Cubanos (Program for the Development of a University Curriculum in Puerto Rican and Cuban Ethnic Studies).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Forbes, Robert J., Ed.

    The oral testimony presented in this document was designed to supplement materials, strategies, and recommendations contained in "Guidelines for the Development of a Program in Puerto Rican and Cuban Ethnic Heritage Studies at the Post-Secondary Level" (Curry College, 1976). Part 1, "The Hispanic Media," consists of interviews…

  4. Proving the Orbits of the Galilean Moons Through Astrophotography. (Spanish Title: Comprobando Las Órbitas de Las Lunas Galileanas a Través de la Astrofotografía.) Evidenciando as Órbitas das Luas Galileanas Atravéd da Astrofotografia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo


    An activity related to the observation of the Galilean moons and to amateur astrophotography is presented in this work. Through the reading of excerpts of the book Sidereus Nuncius (Sidereal Messenger), by Galileo, it is possible to trace a methodology to observe the planet and its natural satellites and, with the aid of the astrophotography, to analyze the field recordings. Moreover, it is possible to compare the images obtained after plotting the relative positions of these moons to prove their orbits. This activity can be conducted by teachers, students and amateur astronomers, in order to develop their capabilities of observation of astronomical phenomena. Se presenta en este trabajo una actividad relacionada a la observación de las lunas Galileanas y a la astrofotografía amateur. A través de la lectura de tramos de la obra Sidereus Nuncius (El Mensajero Sideral) de Galileo, es posible trazar una metodología para la observación del planeta y de sus satélites naturales y, con el auxilio de la astrofotografía, analizar las anotaciones de campo. Además, es posible comparar las imágenes obtenidas con el gráfico de las posiciones relativas de estas lunas para comprobar sus órbitas. Esa actividad puede ser realizada por maestros, estudiantes y astrónomos amateurs, de forma a desarrollar sus capacidades de observación de los fenómenos astronómicos. Uma atividade relacionada à observação das luas Galileanas e à astrofotografia amadora é apresentada neste trabalho. Através da leitura de trechos da obra Sidereus Nuncius (Mensageiro Sideral), de Galileu, é possível traçar uma metodologia para a observação do planeta e de seus satélites naturais e, com o auxílio da astrofotografia, analisar as anotações de campo. Além disso, é possível comparar as imagens obtidas com o gráfico das posições relativas destas luas para evidenciar suas órbitas. Essa atividade pode ser realizada por professores, estudantes e astrônomos amadores, de forma a

  5. High School Student's Alternative Conceptions About the Phenomenon of the Formation of the Moon Phases. (Spanish Title: Concepciones Alternativas de Alumnos de Educación Media Sobre el Fenómeno de Formación de las Fases de La Luna.) Concepções Alternativas de Alunos do Ensino Médio Sobre o Fenômeno de Formação das Fases da Lua

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Iachel, Gustavo; Langhi, Rodolfo; Fernandes Scalvi, Rosa Maria


    Forty students, at ages between 14 and 18 years old, from three schools in Bauru city, were questioned about their alternative conceptions concerning the phenomenon of formation of the Moon Phases. It was observed that some of the pupils confound the phenomenon of the formation of the Moon Phases with the phenomenon of the formation of the lunar eclipses, others are unaware of the reason of the phenomenon, they present incoherent alternative conceptions of the reality or incomplete conceptions. The results found here are aimed at the teachers of Elementary Education and can be used as a subsidy for future development of new pedagogical methods. Cuarenta estudiantes, con edad entre 14 y 18 años, pertenecientes a tres escuelas de la ciudad de Bauru, fueron cuestionados sobre sus concepciones alternativas acerca del fenómeno de la formación de las fases de la Luna. Fue observado que algunos alumnos confunden el fenómeno de formación de las fases de la Luna con el fenómeno de formación de los eclipses lunares, otros desconocen el motivo delfenómeno, presentan concepciones alternativas incoherentes con la realidad o bien presentan concepciones incompletas. Los resultados aquí encontrados son destinados a los profesores de la Enseñanza Básica y podrán ser usados como ayuda para el futuro desarrollo de nuevos métodos pedagógicos. Quarenta estudantes, com idades entre 14 e 18 anos, pertencentes a três escolas da cidade de Bauru, foram questionados sobre suas concepções alternativas acerca do fenômeno de formação das fases da Lua. Foi observado que alguns dos alunos confundem o fenômeno da formação das fases da Lua com o fenômeno da formação dos eclipses lunares, outros desconhecem o motivo do fenômeno, apresentam concepções alternativas incoerentes com a realidade ou então concepções incompletas. Os resultados aqui encontrados são destinados aos professores do Ensino Básico e poderão ser usados como subsídio parafuturo desenvolvimento de

  6. Exploring Elementary Students' Power and Solidarity Relations in an EFL Classroom (Exploración de las relaciones de poder y solidaridad entre estudiantes de primaria en la clase de inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Méndez, Tatiana; García, Andrea


    This article derives from a critical discourse analysis study that reports the characteristics of elementary school students' power and solidarity relations in English as a foreign language classroom in Bogotá, Colombia, while we were doing our teaching English as a foreign language practicum. The study was based on theories of power and…

  7. Fields without Borders: An Anthology of Documentary Writing and Photography by Student Action with Farmworkers' Interns = Campos sin Fronteras: Una Antologia de Obras Escritas y Fotografia por Estudiantes Internos de Accion Estudiantil con Trabajadores Agricolas.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Manly, Libby, Ed.; Okie, Alejandra, Ed.; Wiggins, Melinda, Ed.

    In this booklet, essays and poems, presented both in English and in Spanish, portray the feelings, conditions, and economic plight of migrant and seasonal farmworkers in North and South Carolina, often in their own words. A preface describes Student Action with Farmworkers summer internships in which college students spend 10 weeks working with…

  8. The Impact of Explicit Feedback on EFL High School Students Engaged in Writing Tasks (El Impacto De La Retroalimentación Explícita en Tareas De Escritura en Lengua Inglesa De Estudiantes De Secundaria)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Correa Pérez, Roxanna; Martínez Fuentealba, Mariela; Molina De La Barra, María; Silva Rojas, Jessica; Torres Cisternas, Mirta


    The aim of this article is to examine the impact of feedback on content and organization in writing tasks developed by learners of English as a foreign language. The type of study is qualitative and the research design is a case study. One study involved three students and a female teacher, and the second consisted of three students and a male…

  9. The Impact of Conferencing Assessment on EFL Students' Grammar Learning (Impacto de la evaluación mediante conferencias en el aprendizaje de la gramática en estudiantes de inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baleghizadeh, Sasan; Zarghami, Zahra


    This article reports on a study that was carried out in order to examine the impact of conferencing assessment on students' learning of English grammar. Forty-two Iranian intermediate university students were randomly assigned to an experimental and a control group. The participants in the experimental group took part in four individual and four…

  10. Psychopathological features in Noonan syndrome.


    Perrino, Francesca; Licchelli, Serena; Serra, Giulia; Piccini, Giorgia; Caciolo, Cristina; Pasqualetti, Patrizio; Cirillo, Flavia; Leoni, Chiara; Digilio, Maria Cristina; Zampino, Giuseppe; Tartaglia, Marco; Alfieri, Paolo; Vicari, Stefano


    Noonan syndrome (NS) is an autosomal dominant disorder characterized by short stature, skeletal and haematological/lymphatic defects, distinctive facies, cryptorchidism, and a wide spectrum of congenital heart defects. Recurrent features also include variable cognitive deficits and behavioural problems. Recent research has been focused on the assessment of prevalence, age of onset and characterization of psychiatric features in this disorder. Herein, we evaluated the prevalence of attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), anxiety and depressive symptoms and syndromes in a cohort of individuals with clinical and molecular diagnosis of NS. The Kiddie Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia for School-Age Children Present and Lifetime version (K-SADS PL) has been used for the assessment of psychiatric disorders according to Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-IV). Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children (MASC) and the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI) have been assessed for the evaluation of anxiety and depressive symptoms and syndromes, whereas Conners Teacher and Parent Rating Scales-long version (CRS-R) have been used to evaluate ADHD. The study included 27 individuals (67% males) with an average age of 10.4 years (range 6-18 years) receiving molecular diagnosis of NS or a clinically related condition, evaluated and treated at the Neuropsychiatric Unit of Children's Hospital Bambino Gesù and at the Center for Rare Diseases of Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli, in Rome. Twenty individuals showed mutations in PTPN11, five in SOS1 and two in SHOC2. The mean IQ was 94 (Standard Deviation = 17, min = 56, max = 130). Seventy percent of the individuals (n = 19; 95% Confidence Interval = 52-85%) showed ADHD features, with six individuals reaching DSM-IV-TR criteria for ADHD disorder, and thirteen showing subsyndromal traits. Symptoms or syndrome of anxiety were present in 37% of the cohort

  11. Cost-effectiveness of laparoscopic versus open appendectomy in developing nations: a Colombian analysis.


    Ruiz-Patiño, Alejandro; Rey, Samuel; Molina, German; Dominguez, Luis Carlos; Rugeles, Saul


    Colombia is a developing nation in need for efficient resource administration in fields such as health care, where innovation is constant. Since the introduction of laparoscopic appendectomy (LA), direct costs have been increasing without definitive results in terms of clinical outcomes. The objective of this study is to determine the cost-effectiveness of open appendectomy (OA) versus LA and thereby help surgeons in clinical decision-making in a limited resource setting. A retrospective cost-effectiveness analysis comparing OA versus multiport LA during 2013 in a third-level university hospital (Hospital Universitario San Ignacio) in Bogota, Colombia was performed. Effectiveness was determined as the number of days in additional length of stay (LOS) due to the complications saved. A total of 377 clinical histories were collected by the authors and analyzed for the following variables: surgery type, conversion to open laparotomy, complications (surgical site infection, reintervention, and readmission), hospital LOS, and total cost of hospitalization for initial surgery and subsequent complications-related hospitalizations. The total accumulative costs and LOS for OA and LA plus complications were estimated. The cost-effectiveness threshold was set at US $46 (139,000 Colombian Peso [COP]), the cost of an additional day in LOS. An incremental cost-effectiveness ratio was calculated for OA as the comparator and LA as the intervention. The number of LA was 130 and of OA was 247. The two groups were balanced in terms of population characteristics. Complication rate was 13.7 % for OA and 10.4% for LA (P < 0.05), and LOS was 2 days for LA and OA (P = 0.9). No conversions from LA to OA were recorded. The total costs for complications for OA were US $8523 (25,569,220 COP) and US 3385 (10,157,758 COP) for LA. Cumulative costs including cost of surgery and complications and LOS for OA were US $65,753 (197,259,310 COP) and 297, respectively. Similarly, for LA were US $66

  12. La Spezia and the research network for outreach and education in marine sciences.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Locritani, Marina; Furia, Stefania; Giacomazzi, Fabio; Merlino, Silvia; Mori, Anna; Nacini, Francesca; Nardi, Elisabetta; Stroobant, Mascha; Talamoni, Roberta; Zocco, Olivia


    La Spezia is a small town located in the southeastern corner of the Liguria Region (Italy). The close relationship with the sea conditioned the ancient and recent activities of the town that embraces the namesake gulf. The Gulf of La Spezia overlooks on the Liguria Sea which is characterized by a high biodiversity, due to the heritage of coastal habitats, where numerous interesting species to preserve live, often a priority for the EC Directives. Therefore, along the Liguria arc, five coastal Marine Protected Areas have been instituted, two of them insist in La Spezia Province: the Marine Protected Areas of Cinque Terre National Park and Porto Venere Regional Park, both included in the UNESCO World Heritage Site. Moreover, the importance of the cetacean communities in the Ligurian Sea led to the establishment of the Cetacean Sanctuary. Resulting from a positive geographic coincidence, six Research Institutions are located in La Spezia: CMRE-NATO (Centre for Maritime Research and Experimentation, formerly NURC-NATO Undersea Research Centre), CNR (National Research Council), CSSN (Naval Experimentation and Support Centre - Navy), ENEA (Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development), INGV (National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology), Polo Universitario Marconi (University of Genoa - seat of La Spezia). These Institutions share a long time experience of work at sea and in coastal environments according to their different scientific interests (biology, engineering, geology, physic, and oceanography). Moreover, in 2009 the Liguria Region promoted the institution of the Liguria Cluster of Marine Technologies (Distretto Ligure delle Tecnologie Marine), whose core target is the regional development of marine technologies and science. This unique concentration of Research Institutes, Marine Protected Areas and sea activities (civil and military) brought to implement a collaborative network among the scientific and territorial

  13. Evolution of the Astronomy Concepts Along Basic Education Cycle. (Breton Title: Evolução dos Conceitos de Astronomia no Decorrer da Educação Básica.) La Evolución de los Conceptos de Astronomía Durante la Educación Básica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; da Rosa, Cleci Werner; Becker da Rosa, Álvaro; Samudio Pèrez, Carlos Ariel


    a base para futuras discussões relacionadas à atuação dessas instâncias como meio de promover mudanças ativistas na estrutura curricular, proporcionando, mais efetivamente, a educação em astronomia no ensino básico. Si bien la astronomía es considerada una de las ciencias más antiguas de la humanidad y aunque la comprensión de sus conceptos haya traído enormes avances para la ciencia y, consecuentemente, para la sociedad, se observa que una parte significativa de personas se encuentran al margen de estos conocimientos. De acuerdo con los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales para la Educación Básica, corresponde a la escuela la difusión de los conceptos científicamente correctos, entre ellos los relacionados al área de astronomía. Sobre esta cuestión, se presenta una investigación realizada con 140 estudiantes del noveno año de la enseñanza fundamental y con 120 estudiantes del tercer año de la enseñanza de nivel medio de cuatro escuelas de la región de Passo Fundo/RS. Se pretendía averiguar, por medio de un cuestionario compuesto de preguntas abiertas y de opción múltiple, el conocimiento de este grupo de alumnos sobre términos y fenómenos astronómicos básicos y, también, si el índice de aciertos crece en la medida que los alumnos avanzan a los diferentes y sucesivos años de la enseñanza fundamental y media. De modo general, los resultados demuestran que la enseñanza de astronomía en la educación básica muestra deficiencias. De los 20 asuntos investigados, 17 revelan índices de aciertos semejantes en las respuestas dadas por los estudiantes de nivel básico y medio, mostrando que muchas concepciones equivocadas permanecen a lo largo de la educación básica. Esto hace evidente que estos temas no son - o son poco - abordados durante esos niveles de escolarización. Así, puede concluirse que la discusión de los conceptos relacionados a la astronomía debe recibir un mayor énfasis en cuanto al abordaje de los diferentes

  14. Developing Mathematical Resilience: Students' Voice about the Use of ICT in Classroom (El desarrollo de la capacidad de resiliencia matemática: La voz de los estudiantes sobre el uso de las TIC en la aula)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mota, Ana Isabel; Oliveira, Hélia; Henriques, Ana


    Introduction: Mathematical resilience is assumed as one of the most important areas in school context and whose focus should be given priority, due to the distress exhibited by students when learning and understanding basic knowledge in mathematics year after year. The main goal of this research was to study how students attending middle schools…

  15. Successful Approaches to Helping Students--Including English Learners--Succeed in Elementary School. Parent Guide = Enfoques exitosos para ayudar a los estudiantes--incluyendo a los que aprenden ingles--a triunfar en la escuela primaria. Guia de padres

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    EdSource, 2007


    This guide informs parents about some instructional practices that work well for all elementary school students, in particular English learners. It includes questions parents can ask teachers and principals to help them understand how their children's school approaches teaching and learning. Both English and Spanish versions of the document are…

  16. The Use of Blogs in English Language Learning: A Study of Student Perceptions (El uso de bitácoras o "blogs" en el aprendizaje del idioma inglés: un estudio sobre las percepciones del estudiante)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ahluwalia, Gurleen; Gupta, Deepti; Aggarwal, Deepak


    In this article we present an investigation that focused on the students' perception of using Blogs as a means to supplement in-class language learning activities. Blogs are easy to manage and enable students to publish their work in a chronological manner. They help students to engage in online exchanges and promote learner autonomy. This study…

  17. Students' Perceptions of the Impact of CLIL in a Mexican BA Program (Percepciones de los estudiantes sobre el impacto de la enseñanza de contenido-lengua integrados en un programa de pregrado en México)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Asomoza, Alejandra Nuñez


    Content and language integrated learning is an innovative pedagogical approach used in educational institutions worldwide. This study considers information and experiences from various settings in order to explore content and language integrated learning within the Mexican context. This study reports the perceptions of students in a BA program.…

  18. Opportunities at Independent Colleges and Universities in New York State through the Higher Education Opportunity Program = Las Oportunidades en las Instituciones Independendientes de Nivel Universitario en el Estado de Nueva York a traves de los Programas de Oportunidades Educativas Universitarias.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York State Education Dept., Albany. Bureau of Higher Education Opportunity Programs.

    A guide to the opportunities at private colleges and universities in New York State through the Higher Education Opportunity Program (HEOP) is presented. The HEOP is designed to meet the special needs of students from disadvantaged backgrounds through screening, testing, counseling, tutoring, teaching, and financial assistance. Generally, students…

  19. Speaking, writing, and memory span in children: output modality affects cognitive performance.


    Grabowski, Joachim


    franceses quiénes compararon la ejecución en la capacidad de retención en la memoria oral y escrita. Las dificultades observadas en niños, pero no en adultos, en procesos de bajo nivel en la escritura pueden derivarse de la inadecuación grafomotriz u ortográfica. Informamos sobre cinco experimentos diseñados para replicar y ampliar los resultados originales. Primero, los resultados franceses fueron replicados con éxito para alemanes en tercer curso y para estudiantes universitarios. Después, los cambios evolutivos en costes cognitivos en la escritura fueron estudiados durante la educación primaria, comparando la ejecución de los alumnos del segundo y cuarto curso. Posteriormente, demostramos que las formas de escribir no practicadas, que se han inducido experimentalmente, conducen a la disminución de la ejecución en la memoria también en adultos, lo cual apoya la hipótesis de que la falta de la automatización grafomotriz es la responsable de los efectos encontrados en niños. Sin embargo, la escritura a mano muestra resultados más claros que la escritura a máquina. Por último, hemos intentado separar la influencia de la grafomotricidad frente a las dificultades ortográficas componiendo las palabras señalando en una "pizarra de ortografía". Este intento, sin embargo, no ha tenido éxito, probablemente porque señalar letras ha introducido otros costes de bajo nivel. Resumiendo, a lo largo de los cuatro años de la educación primaria, los niños alemanes muestran peor ejecución en retención en memoria en la escritura, en comparación con el recuerdo oral, con un incremento general en ambas modalidades. Por tanto, al final de la educación primaria, la escritura no ha igualado todavía el habla en cuanto a los costes cognitivos. Por consiguiente, las conclusiones están relacionadas con la cuestión de cómo evaluar cualquier tipo de conocimiento o habilidades mediante la producción de lenguaje. Les processus de bas niveau de la production du langage

  20. About to Graduate from High School? Consider Career Education Opportunities. EdSource Student/Parent Guide = Estas por graduarte de la escuela preparatoria? Considera oportunidades para seguir tu educacion de carrera. EdSource guia de estudiantes y padres

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    EdSource, 2006


    Getting a sound education is important to a student's ability to make a good living in a field they will enjoy. For many students graduating from high school, that includes high quality career technical (or vocational) education tailored to a specific job. In California, such programs are available in a wide range of fields, from healthcare to the…

  1. Costura Basica (Principios Basicos para el Estudiante con Impedimentos Leves y Moderados) Documento de Trabajo Guia Curricular para el Curso. Basic Sewing (Basic Principles for the Student with Light and Moderate Disabilities. Course Curriculum Guide. Working Document).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puerto Rico State Dept. of Education, Hato Rey. Office of Special Education.

    This guide has been prepared by the Puerto Rico Department of Public Instruction for special education teachers teaching domestic sewing. It includes informative and easy to comprehend material for students of both sexes with mild to moderate disabilities. The material is developed through varied strategies and activities that relate to the…

  2. Report of the procedure of voluntary interruption of pregnancy at a university hospital in Uruguay.


    Bentancor, Ana; Hernández, Ana Laura; Godoy, Yamile; Dapueto, Juan J


    To describe the constitution and operation of a voluntary interruption of pregnancy team of a university hospital, from the outlook of the mental health team. In this case study, the following aspects were analyzed: 1) historical background; 2) implementation of Law 18,897 of October 22, 2012; and 3) functioning of the program at the Hospital de Clínicas of the Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), taking into account three dimensions: structure, process, and results. Between December 2012 and November 2013, a total of 6,676 voluntary interruptions of pregnancy were reported in Uruguay; out of these, 80 were conducted at the Hospital de Clínicas. The patients' demographic data agreed with those reported at the national level: Of the total patients, 81.0% were aged over 19 years; 6.2% decided to continue with the pregnancy; and only 70.0% attended the subsequent control and received advice on contraception. In its implementation year in Uruguay, we can assess the experience as positive from the point of view of women's health. Our experience as a mental health team at the Hospital de Clínicas, inserted into the multidisciplinary voluntary interruption of pregnancy team, is in the process of assessment and reformulation of practices. Describir la conformación y funcionamiento de un equipo de interrupción voluntaria del embarazo de un hospital universitario, desde la mirada del equipo de salud mental. En este estudio de caso, se analizan los siguientes aspectos: 1) antecedentes históricos; 2) implementación de la Ley 18.897 de 22 de octubre de 2012; y 3) funcionamiento del programa en el Hospital de Clínicas de la Facultad de Medicina (Universidad de la República, Uruguay), teniendo en cuenta tres dimensiones (estructura, proceso y resultados). Entre diciembre de 2012 y noviembre de 2013, se reportaron en Uruguay un total de 6.676 interrupciones voluntarias del embarazo; de ellas, 80 se llevaron a cabo en el Hospital de Clínicas. Los

  3. Exploring Knowledge of English Speaking Strategies in 8th and 12th Graders (Exploración del conocimiento de las estrategias de expresión oral en inglés en estudiantes de los grados octavo y doceavo)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Diaz Larenas, Claudio


    This article presents a research study that analyses eighth and twelfth graders' knowledge of speaking strategies to communicate in English. The Oral Communication Strategy Inventory, developed by Nakatani in 2006, was applied to 108 students belonging to the public, semi-public and private educational sectors in Chile. The findings show that 8th…

  4. Un estudio de evaluacion educativa manipulativos en el aprendizaje de las matematicas con estudiantes hispanos adquiriendo ingles academico como segunda lengua (A Study of the Use of Manipulatives in the Assessment of Mathematics Instruction with ESL Hispanic Students).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lara-Alecio, Rafael; Parker, Richard; Aviles, Claudia; Mason, Samantha; Irby, Beverly J.


    As an alternative form of mathematics assessment for use with limited-English-proficient students, 14 mathematics tasks using manipulatives were administered to 45 Hispanic students in grades 1-3 and readministered 2-3 weeks later. Test reliability and validity, task difficulty, and the relationship among test subscales across grades were…

  5. Developing Academic Literacy and Voice: Challenges Faced by a Mature ESL Student and Her Instructors (Desarrollo del discurso académico y la voz: retos de una estudiante de inglés como segunda lengua y sus profesores)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Correa, Doris


    Drawing on critical, socio-cultural and sociolinguistic theories of writing, text and voice, this ethnographic study examines the challenges that a mature ESL student and her instructors in a university course on Spanish Language Media face as they co-construct a common understanding of academic literacy and voice in an undergraduate General…

  6. EFL Teenagers' Social Identity Representation in a Virtual Learning Community on Facebook (Representación de la identidad social de los estudiantes adolescentes de inglés como lengua extranjera en una comunidad de aprendizaje virtual en Facebook)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jiménez Guamán, Laura Verónica


    In this article I report the findings of a descriptive and interpretative qualitative study carried out in a public school in Bogotá, Colombia. The study aimed at analyzing, describing and exploring teenage students' social identity representation as observed in their participation in a learning community on Facebook. Data were collected from…

  7. Reaching Higher. A Parent's Guide to the Washington Assessment of Learning. Revised = Para llegar mas arriba. Una guia para padres sobre la evaluacion del aprendizaje de los estudiantes del estado de Washington (Washington Assessment of Student Learning). Revisado.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Washington Office of the State Superintendent of Public Instruction, Olympia.

    This guide in English and Spanish is designed to answer questions parents may have about the Washington Assessment of Student Learning (WASL), including how it will help improve their children's education, how it is scored, and how to use the information it provides. In Washington, clear educational goals for subject content, thinking skills, and…

  8. Exploring Conceptions about Writing and Learning: Undergraduates' Patterns of Beliefs and the Quality of Academic Writing (Acercamiento a las concepciones sobre la escritura y el aprendizaje: patrones de creencias de los universitarios y la calidad de su redacción académica)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martínez-Fernández, J. R.; Corcelles, M.; Bañales, G.; Castelló, M.; Gutiérrez-Braojos, C.


    Introduction: In this study, the conceptions of learning and writing of a group of undergraduates enrolled in a teacher education programme were identified. The relationship between them were analysed, and a set of patterns of beliefs about learning and writing were defined. Finally, the relation between these patterns and the quality of a text…

  9. Teacher Activities and Adolescent Students' Participation in a Colombian EFL Classroom (Actividades de enseñanza y participación de estudiantes adolescentes en una clase de enseñanza de inglés como lengua extranjera en Colombia)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Caicedo, Jefferson


    The present study concerns the activities teachers develop and ninth-graders' participation in responses to those activities. The objectives of this study were to identify and describe the types of teaching activities developed and how students respond to them and to show how the target language is used in the classroom. The data collection was…

  10. Student-Teachers' Teaching Techniques: Actors in Pupils' Extrinsic Motivation as They Speak (Técnicas de enseñanza de los docentes practicantes: actores en la motivación extrínseca de los estudiantes a la hora de hablar)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Báez Dueñas, Leidy Tatiana; Chacón Vargas, Leidy Marcela


    This article describes a research project we carried out in order to study the role of student-teachers' teaching techniques as regards their pupils' extrinsic motivation as they partake in communicative speaking activities at a public school in Tunja, Colombia. Data were gathered by means of field notes, focus groups and student-teachers'…

  11. Metacognitive Awareness and Comprehension Monitoring in Reading Ability of Iranian EFL Learners (Monitoreo de la conciencia metacognitiva y de la comprensión en la habilidad lectora de estudiantes iraníes de inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Khonamri, Fatemeh; Mahmoudi Kojidi, Elahe


    We report an investigation on the relationship between metacognitive awareness of reading strategies and comprehension monitoring of language learners in English as a foreign language context. Participants were thirty first year university students majoring in electronics. They completed a questionnaire aimed at discerning the strategies that…

  12. The situation of nursing education in Latin America and the Caribbean towards universal health.


    Cassiani, Silvia Helena De Bortoli; Wilson, Lynda Law; Mikael, Sabrina de Souza Elias; Peña, Laura Morán; Grajales, Rosa Amarilis Zarate; McCreary, Linda L; Theus, Lisa; Agudelo, Maria Del Carmen Gutierrez; Felix, Adriana da Silva; Uriza, Jacqueline Molina de; Gutierrez, Nathaly Rozo


    ,63, indicando que os estudantes têm mais experiências clínicas nos cenários hospitalares. Os resultados sugeriram necessidade de aprimoramento relacionada ao acesso à Internet; tecnologia da informação; acesso para portadores de deficiências; avaliação do programa, do corpo docente e dos estudantes; e aos métodos de ensino/aprendizagem. há heterogeneidade na educação em enfermagem na América Latina e no Caribe. Os currículos de enfermagem incluem, geralmente, os princípios e valores da Saúde Universal e da atenção primária à saúde, bem como aqueles princípios subjacentes às modalidades de educação transformativa, como o desenvolvimento de pensamento crítico e complexo, a solução de problemas, a tomada de decisão clínica baseada em evidências, e aprendizagem contínua. No entanto, é preciso promover uma mudança de paradigma na educação em enfermagem que inclua mais treinamento na atenção primária à saúde. evaluar la situación de la educación en enfermería y analizar en qué grado los programas de educación de enfermería a nivel de grado en América Latina y el Caribe están preparando a los graduados para contribuir al logro de la Salud Universal. se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal, cuantitativo, descriptivo y exploratorio en 25 países. participaron en el estudio 246 escuelas de enfermería. El porcentaje de profesores con títulos de doctorado fue de 31,3%; pero, si se excluye a Brasil esta cifra se reduce a 8,3%. La proporción de la experiencia clínica adquirida en los servicios de atención primaria de salud en relación con la adquirida en servicios hospitalarios fue de 0,63, lo que indica que los estudiantes adquieren la mayor parte de su experiencia clínica en entornos hospitalarios. Los resultados mostraron una necesidad de mejorar el acceso a internet; la tecnología de la información; la accesibilidad para las personas discapacitadas; la evaluación de los programas, de los profesores y de los estudiantes; y los m

  13. Un Marco Abierto: Un Manual de Matematicas y Ciencas Utilizando Inteligencias Multiples Disenado para Estudiantes Bilingues de Educacion General y Especial (An Open Framework: A Math and Science Manual Utilizing Multiple Intelligences Designed for Bilingual Students in General and Special Education).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    New York City Board of Education, Brooklyn, NY. Office of Bilingual Education.

    This manual incorporates a Multiple Intelligences perspective into its presentation of themes and lesson ideas for Spanish-English bilingual elementary school students in grades 4-8 and is designed for both gifted and special education uses. Each unit includes practice activities, semantic maps to illustrate and help organize ideas as well as…

  14. Promoting Tenth Graders' Reading Comprehension of Academic Texts in the English Class (Promoción de la comprensión de lectura de textos académicos de estudiantes de grado décimo en la clase de inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Quiroga Carrillo, Claudia


    This article reports on an action research project conducted in a public school in Bogotá, Colombia, with tenth grade students. We decided to develop it because of the students' needs as well as the em phasis of the PEI (Proyecto Educativo Institucional = School Institutional Project), which is based on the requisite of improving reading…

  15. Quality of nursing documentation before and after the Hospital Accreditation in a university hospital.


    Nomura, Aline Tsuma Gaedke; Silva, Marcos Barragan da; Almeida, Miriam de Abreu


    , haciendo uso del Quality of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes - Versión brasileña (Q-DIO- Versión brasileña). estudio observacional de intervenciones realizado en un hospital universitario. Los registros de enfermería de 112 historias clínicas del período anterior y 112 historias clínicas del período posterior a la acreditación hospitalaria se compararon mediante el instrumento Q-DIO - Versión brasileña. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente. se observó una mejora significativa de la calidad de los registros de enfermería. Cuando se evaluó la puntuación total del instrumento, se observó una mejora significativa en 24 de los 29 ítenes (82,8%). hubo un compromiso con el cambio en la cultura por medio de las intervenciones realizadas, lo que resultó en la conquista del sello de calidad garantizado por la Joint Commission International.

  16. PubMed

    Rivera, Souhail Malavé; Díaz, Nelson Varas


    Las profesiones de la salud tienen un papel social dual. Por un lado, velan por el mantenimiento de la salud de la población protegiendo el bien común. Por el otro, dictaminan las formas saludables, y por lo tanto socialmente apropiadas, de ser, actuar y pensar. Este último papel, está más ligado al control social de la población que a una preocupación altruista hacia la misma. A través de esta supervisión y control, se construyen los sujetos a los cuales todos/as debemos aspirar a ser para gozar de aceptación social. Los/as profesionales de la salud han jugado un rol protagónico en dicho proceso, siendo los agentes que delimitan y definen lo que es enfermo vs. saludable, útil vs. inútil, apropiado vs. inapropiado. En el caso de la epidemia del VIH, este esfuerzo se ha hecho cada vez más vigente ya que estos/as profesionales juegan un papel importante en el tratamiento de las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA (PVVS). Sin embargo, su función está plasmada de definiciones que sirven para criminalizar a las PVVS. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la manera en que una muestra de profesionales de la salud en Puerto Rico construyen a las PVVS. Con este propósito, entrevistamos 80 profesionales de la salud y estudiantes de estas profesiones. Estas entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas y sometidas a un análisis de discurso. Los resultados reflejaron que según las personas participantes: 1) la PVVS no es una persona "normal" o funcional bajo los estándares sociales debido a que su salud no se los permite, 2) representa una carga para la sociedad incluyendo familiares, amigos/as, el mundo del trabajo, e incluso para el gobierno, 3) debe ser vigilada porque representa un riesgo para la persona seronegativa que es descrita como saludable y productiva, y 4) necesita que su salud y conducta sexual sean controladas por vía legal y/o por las personas que representan las instituciones sociales, como lo son los/as profesionales de la salud. En este art

  17. On the Formation of a Study Group to the Realization of Workshops for Teachers: Astronomy in Basic Education in Umuarama-Pr (Spanish Title: De la Formación de un Grupo de Estudios a la Realización de los Talleres Para los Profesores: la Astronomía en la Educación Básica en Umuarama-Pr ) Da Formação de um Grupo de Estudos À Realização de Oficinas Para Professores: a Astronomia na Educação Básica em Umuarama-Pr

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Belusso, Diane; Akira Sakai, Otávio


    In this article, we aimed to present the activities developed by the Astronomy Study Group (ASG) to contribute to the dissemination and improvement of the astronomy teaching-learning. The results of a research carried out in schools of Umuarama-PR are shown, with the intention of checking the students' knowledge and interest in relation to Astronomy. It is reported the realization of workshops for Science teachers linked to the Education Regional Nucleus. The research and the workshop execution promoted the direct contact of the study group with the community; the results were used to diagnose the state of astronomy teaching-learning, in the basic education in Umuarama-PR. En este artículo se intenta presentar las actividades desarrolladas por el Grupo de Estudios de Astronomía (GEA) y contribuir para la divulgación y mejoría de la enseñanza-aprendizaje de la Astronomía. Se presentan los resultados de una investigación realizada en las escuelas de Umuarama-PR, con la intención de determinar el grado de conocimiento y el interés de los estudiantes en relación a la astronomía. Se relata la realización de talleres de capacitación para los profesores de ciencias vinculados al Núcleo Regional del Educación. La ejecución de la investigación y de los talleres promovió el contacto directo del grupo de estudios con la comunidad; los resultados sirvieron de diagnóstico de la enseñanza aprendizaje de la astronomía en la educación básica en Umuarama-PR. Neste artigo, objetiva-se apresentar as atividades desenvolvidas pelo Grupo de Estudos de Astronomia (GEA) e contribuir para a divulgação e melhoria do ensino-aprendizagem de astronomia. São apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa realizada nas escolas de Umuarama-PR, com o intuito de averiguar o conhecimento e o interesse dos estudantes em relação à astronomia. Relata-se a realização de oficinas de capacitação para professores de ciências vinculados ao Núcleo Regional de Educação. A

  18. Alfabetización en Astronomía de docentes de Educación Primaria y de Educación Secundaria en La Plata

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Biasi, M. S.; Orellana, R. B.


    La educación de este siglo tiene como uno de sus retos alcanzar la alfabetización cientfica de todos los ciudadanos para que comprendan y tomen decisiones sobre el mundo natural y sus cambios originados por la actividad humana utilizando el conocimiento científico. En esta misión los docentes de los niveles obligatorios de enseñanza juegan un papel clave por su rol de agentes multiplicadores del conocimiento. Se requiere, entonces de una adecuada alfabetización en ciencias de los docentes o, como mínimo, que dominen los temas científicos a enseñar. En el campo de la Astronomía, numerosas investigaciones han señalado que maestros de primaria y estudiantes de profesorados poseen una escasa formación en estos temas (Camino 1995 y 1999, Gangui 2010), que frecuentemente presentan a los alumnos concepciones alternativas o no científicas de los fenómenos astronómicos cotidianos (Kriner 2004, Vega Navarro 2007, Gangui et al 2010); a lo que se suma la presentación confusa o errónea de algunos temas astronómicos en los textos escolares (Kriner 2004). Desde 2011, la Facultad de Ciencias Astronómicas y Geofísicas, UNLP, ofrece un curso de capacitación destinado a fortalecer y actualizar los contenidos académicos y didácticos de los docentes del distrito La Plata utilizando diversas estrategias didácticas. Los contenidos comprenden los temas astronómicos de los diseños curriculares vigentes. La evaluación diagnóstica de los conocimientos previos de los docentes cursantes sobre los contenidos de mayor presencia en los diseños curriculares mostró resultados similares a las investigaciones arriba mencionadas. Referente a los movimientos de la Tierra, en promedio, el 54% poseía conceptos erróneos y el 16% no los sabía; con referencia a la Luna el 56% poseía conceptos erróneos y un 4% no los sabía. Los resultados del curso mostraron que el 95% de los docentes revirtió sus conceptos previos erróneos, que adquirió criterios para la búsqueda de

  19. Determining the Shape of the Orbit of Mars in the High School. (Spanish Title: Determinación de la Forma de la Órbita de Marte en la Escuela Secundaria.) Determinando a Forma da Órbita de Marte no Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dutra, Carlos Maximiliano; Rossini Goulart, Andressa


    In the present work, in order to supply the lacks of practical activities related to the content of Kepler's Laws in high school physics textbooks, we present a practical activity to determine the shape of the orbit of Mars. In this activity the student can experience the discovery the shape of the orbit of Mars in a way similar to that realized by Johannes Kepler combining the physical concepts with geometry. We applied the activity to eighteen high school teachers participating in a Postgraduate Course in Science Education. After two hours of work the group obtained the shape of the orbit of Mars and estimated its orbital parameters with a relative error less than 14%. En el presente trabajo y con el objetivo de reducir la escasez de actividades prácticas relacionadas con el contenido de las leyes de Kepler en libros de texto de física de la escuela secundaria, se presenta una actividad práctica para determinar la forma de la órbita de Marte. En esta actividad el estudiante puede vivir la experiencia de descubrir la forma de la órbita de Marte de una manera similar a la realizada por Johannes Kepler combinando los conceptos físicos con la geometría. Aplicamos la actividad a dieciocho maestros de escuelas secundarias en un Curso de Especialización en Enseñanza de las Ciencias. Después de dos horas de trabajo el grupo obtuvo la forma de la órbita de Marte com error inferior al 14% en los parámetros orbitales. No presente trabalho, visando suprir a deficiência de atividades práticas relacionadas ao conteúdo de Leis de Kepler nos livros-textos de Física do 1º ano do Ensino Médio, apresentamos uma atividade prática de determinação da órbita de Marte. O aluno, combinando conceitos físicos com a geometria poderá vivenciar a experiência da descoberta da forma da órbita de Marte de modo similar ao realizado por Johannes Kepler. Aplicamos a metodologia proposta junto a dezoito professores do Curso de Especialização em Educação em Ciências e

  20. Regulando la Enfermedad a través de la Definición y la Restricción: Profesionales de la Salud Hablan sobre el VIH/SIDA1

    PubMed Central

    Rivera, Souhail Malavé; Díaz, Nelson Varas


    Resumen Las profesiones de la salud tienen un papel social dual. Por un lado, velan por el mantenimiento de la salud de la población protegiendo el bien común. Por el otro, dictaminan las formas saludables, y por lo tanto socialmente apropiadas, de ser, actuar y pensar. Este último papel, está más ligado al control social de la población que a una preocupación altruista hacia la misma. A través de esta supervisión y control, se construyen los sujetos a los cuales todos/as debemos aspirar a ser para gozar de aceptación social. Los/as profesionales de la salud han jugado un rol protagónico en dicho proceso, siendo los agentes que delimitan y definen lo que es enfermo vs. saludable, útil vs. inútil, apropiado vs. inapropiado. En el caso de la epidemia del VIH, este esfuerzo se ha hecho cada vez más vigente ya que estos/as profesionales juegan un papel importante en el tratamiento de las personas que viven con VIH/SIDA (PVVS). Sin embargo, su función está plasmada de definiciones que sirven para criminalizar a las PVVS. El objetivo de este estudio fue explorar la manera en que una muestra de profesionales de la salud en Puerto Rico construyen a las PVVS. Con este propósito, entrevistamos 80 profesionales de la salud y estudiantes de estas profesiones. Estas entrevistas fueron grabadas, transcritas y sometidas a un análisis de discurso. Los resultados reflejaron que según las personas participantes: 1) la PVVS no es una persona “normal” o funcional bajo los estándares sociales debido a que su salud no se los permite, 2) representa una carga para la sociedad incluyendo familiares, amigos/as, el mundo del trabajo, e incluso para el gobierno, 3) debe ser vigilada porque representa un riesgo para la persona seronegativa que es descrita como saludable y productiva, y 4) necesita que su salud y conducta sexual sean controladas por vía legal y/o por las personas que representan las instituciones sociales, como lo son los/as profesionales de la salud

  1. Principios de Nutricion y Alimentacion del Adolescente (Para Estudiantes con Impedimentos Leves y Moderados). Guia Curricular para el Curso Documento de Trabajar. Principles of Nutrition and Food for the Adolescent (For Students with Light and Moderate Disabilities. Course Curriculum Guide. Working Document).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Puerto Rico State Dept. of Education, Hato Rey. Office of Special Education.

    This curriculum guide, in Spanish, consists of a compilation of concepts, activities, and skills for the student with disabilities who receives services from the special education programs of Puerto Rico. Lesson plans cover the basic principles of nutrition, food handling, and food preparation for adolescents. The following units are presented…

  2. Hispanic Youth--Dropout Prevention. Report of the Task Force on the Participation of Hispanic Students in Vocational Education Programs = La Joventud Hispana. Reporte del Grupo Especial. La Investigacion de la Participacion de los Estudiantes Hispanos en la Educacion Relativa a la Vocacion.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Idaho State Dept. of Education, Boise. Div. of Vocational Education.

    An Idaho task force of Hispanic Americans, industry representatives, and education leaders studied the reasons Hispanic students were not enrolling in and completing vocational education programs. The task force sponsored a series of community meetings to identify reasons and solutions. Approximately 40-60 parents, students, and other interested…

  3. Improving Eleventh Graders' Reading Comprehension through Text Coding and Double Entry Organizer Reading Strategies (Mejoramiento de la comprensión lectora de estudiantes de grado once mediante las estrategias de lectura de codificación de texto y organizador de doble entrada)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mahecha, Rocío; Urrego, Stella; Lozano, Erika


    In this article we report on an innovation project developed with a group of eleventh graders at a public school in Bogotá. Its aim was to encourage students to improve reading comprehension of texts in English. It was conducted taking into account students' needs, interests and level of English. To do it, we implemented two reading strategies:…

  4. Are Japanese groups more competitive than Japanese individuals? A cross-cultural validation of the interindividual-intergroup discontinuity effect.


    Takemura, Kosuke; Yuki, Masaki


    -à-face avec leur opposant avant de prendre leur décision. De plus, les participants de la condition entre groupes avaient également la possibilité de converser librement avec les membres de leur propre groupe. Les résultats se sont révélés semblables à ceux des études antérieures réalisées aux États-Unis; les groupes ont fait des choix plus compétitifs que les individus. En outre, ni la magnitude de l'effet de discontinuité, ni la fréquence des choix compétitifs faits par les groupes n'étaient plus grands chez les Japonais comparativement à la majorité des études antérieures menées aux États-Unis. Ces résultats soutiennent la robustesse interculturelle de l'effet de discontinuité entre les individus et entre les groupes. Aussi, fait intéressant, ils contredisent la simple distinction entre l'individualisme et le collectivisme. Les implications pour des études sur les cultures et les processus de groupe sont discutées. El efecto de discontinuidad entre individuos y entre grupos es la tendencia a que las relaciones entre grupos sean más competitivas que las relaciones entre individuos. Se ha observado con insistencia en estudios conducidos en Estados Unidos, una sociedad caracterizada como "individualista". En el presente estudio, se exploró si el efecto se repetía en una sociedad "colectivista" como la japonesa. Desde la perspectiva tradicional de la psicología trans cultural, que subraya la naturaleza colectivista de los pueblos asiáticos, se esperaba que el efecto de discontinuidad fuese mayor en Japón que en Estados Unidos. Por otra parte, con base en los hallazgos empíricos recientes que sugieren que los estadounidenses no están menos orientados al grupo que los de este asiático, se esperaba que el efecto de discontinuidad no fuera mayor en Japón que en los Estados Unidos. Ciento sesenta estudiantes universitarios japoneses participaron en un juego del dilema de un prisionero de diez ensayos repetidos: veintiséis sesiones entre

  5. Vulnerability to alcohol consumption, spiritual transcendence and psychosocial well-being: test of a theory.


    Heredia, Luz Patricia Díaz; Sanchez, Alba Idaly Muñoz


    vulnerabilidad, autotrascendencia y bienestar en la población adulta joven y el efecto de cada una de estas variables en la adopción de conductas de bajo riesgo de consumo. estudio de abordaje cuantitativo, trasversal de tipo correlacional que utilizó el análisis estadístico de Ecuaciones Estructurales para la comprobación de la relación entre las variables. se evidenció relación inversa entre la vulnerabilidad al consumo de alcohol y la trascendencia espiritual (β-0.123, p 0.025) y una relación directa positiva entre la trascendencia espiritual y el bienestar psicosocial (β 0.482, p 0.000). las relaciones de las variables trascendencia espiritual, vulnerabilidad al consumo de alcohol y bienestar psicosocial, fundamentadas en la Teoría de Reed, son confirmadas en el grupo poblacional de adultos jóvenes universitarios, concluyendo que es posible alcanzar el bienestar psicosocial cuando se incrementa la trascendencia espiritual, en tanto que la vulnerabilidad al consumo de alcohol se reduce.

  6. [Steroid and xenobiotic receptor (SXR), multidrug resistance gene (MDR1) and GSTs, SULTs and CYP polymorphism expression in invasive bladder cancer, analysis of their expression and correlation with other prognostic factors].


    Rioja Zuazu, J; Bandrés Elizalde, E; Rosell Costa, D; Rincón Mayans, A; Zudaire Bergera, J; Gil Sanz, M J; Rioja Sanz, L A; García Foncillas, J; Berián Polo, J M


    Steroid and Xenobiotic Receptor (SXR) has demonstrated its activation by numerous drugs, including cytochrome P450 potent inducers like rifampicina or cotrimazol. The role of SXR is well known, and lies regulating in a positive manner cytochrome P450 3A4 (CYP3A4) transcription and the multidrug resistance gene (MDR1), it's considered a key in the xenobiotic detoxification mechanism, being involved in all phases of the detoxification process. Enzymes involved in Policyclic Aromatic hidrocarbures (PAH) metabolism and degradation are polymorphic in humans, including glutation S-transferases (GSTs), N-acetiltransferases (NATs), sulfotransferases (SULTs)1A1 and cytochrome p450 (CYP)1B1. The objectives we've planned are: 1. Analyze the expression of the transcription factor SXR and MDR1 in bladder by means of RT-PCR real time, both in normal bladder and in tumoral bladder. 2. Analyze the relation between clinical and pathological factors with the expression of SXR and MDR1. 3. Analyze the expression of the polymorphims CYP1B1, GSTM1 GSTT1 and SULT1A1 and their correlation with different clinic-pathological and molecular factors. In a prospective way the size of the sample was estimated. In 67 patients from two institutions (Hospital Universitario Miguel Servet (49 HUMS) and Clinica Universitaria de Navarra (18 CUN)), diagnosed of invasive bladder cancer and treated by means of radical cystectomy, were determined the expression of both SXR and MDR1 by means of real time PCR, as well as the polymorphisms CYP1B1, GSTM1 GSTT1 y SULT1A1 by means of RFLP (Restriction fragment length polymorphism). Correlations with other prognostic factors by contingency tables were performed. Average follow up was 23.7 months with a median of 28.26 months. Of the 67 patients studied, 31 patients (46.3) presented disease progression, in form of local recurrence or in distant metastasis or both. With a average time to progression of 12.4 months and a median of 10 months, with a range of 1

  7. Using a Blog to Guide Beginner Students to Use Adjectives Appropriately When Writing Descriptions in English (El uso de una bitácora o "blog" para guiar a estudiantes principiantes en el uso apropiado de los adjetivos cuando escriben descripciones en inglés)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lizarazo Jara, Omar Yesid


    Beginner students often have difficulties using adjectives when they write descriptions in English. This article focuses on the procedures used to help my sixth grade students understand and use adjectives in the correct order by using a blog. To achieve the objective of the project I decided to implement an innovation in and out of class…

  8. Viviremos! On the Road to Healthy Living: A Bilingual Curriculum on AIDS and HIV Prevention for Migrant Students (Grades 6-12) = El Camino Hacia la Salud: Un Programa de Estudio Bilingue sobre la Prevencion del SIDA y del VIH para Estudiantes Migrantes (Grados 6-12).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    VAMOS (Villarreal Analytical Management and Organizational Services), San Marcos, TX.

    This curriculum provides the basic information everyone needs to avoid HIV infection, but was specifically designed for Latino farmworker students in grades 6-7. The student materials are written in Spanish and English and may be used with older student or young adults, or in English-as-a-second-language courses. An introduction provides…

  9. El Cambiante panorama demografico de la poblacion estudiantil en los departamentos de lenguas: soluciones efectivas a nivel universitario y recomendaciones para su implementacion en la escuela secundaria (The Changing Demographics of the Student Population in Foreign Language Departments: Effective University-Level Solutions and Recommendations for Their Implementation in Secondary Schools).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Castro, Obdulia


    Describes an interdisciplinary program offering modified Spanish classes to students with special needs. Through preliminary identification, eligible students are signed up for classes. Exemplifies an effective way to confront problems related to a more diverse student population; to comply with regulations imposed by the Americans with…

  10. Indigenous Students' Attitudes towards Learning English through a Virtual Program: A Study in a Colombian Public University (Actitudes de estudiantes indígenas frente al aprendizaje de inglés a través de un programa virtual: un estudio en una universidad pública colombiana)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cuasialpud Canchala, Ruth Elena


    This article reports an exploratory study carried out at a public university in Bogotá, Colombia, with two indigenous students who took a level I virtual English-course during the second term of 2008 and the first term of 2009. The aim was to analyse their attitudes towards the learning of English through the virtual modality. Interviews,…

  11. Pronunciation Instruction and Students' Practice to Develop Their Confidence in EFL Oral Skills (La instrucción de la pronunciación y la práctica de los estudiantes para el desarrollo de la confianza en habilidades orales en inglés como lengua extranjera)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tlazalo Tejeda, Ana Cristina; Basurto Santos, Nora M.


    The aim of this article is to inform on research intended to find out how pronunciation instruction of English as a foreign language was handled in the language classroom with elementary students and also understand if pronunciation instruction had an impact on students' confidence when using it. In order to do this, a qualitative case study was…

  12. Resonances and Tides in Natural Satellites Systems. (Breton Title: Ressonâncias e Marés em Sistemas de Satélites Naturais.) Resonancias y Mareas en Sistemas de Satélites Naturales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Callegari, Nelson, Jr.


    sica, e não a descrição detalhada dos conceitos aqui discutidos. Describimos en este trabajo algunos aspectos de la dinámica de resonancias de movimientos promedio. Será dado un énfasis mayor al caso de las resonancias entre satélites regulares de los planetas gigantes, aunque también son discutidos brevemente algunos aspectos de la física de resonancias en sistemas panetarios extrasolares. La importancia del estudio de las resonancias en sistemas de satélites es discutida más detalladamente através de ejemplos, mostrando cómo ciertas resonancias y los efectos de disipación por mareas pueden ser la clave de parte de la explicación de algunos fenómenos aún no comprendidos en el Sistema Solar. Entre varios ejemplos se destacan el problema de la superficie remodelada del satélite Enceladus, la existencia de volcanes activos en Io y la posible existencia de un océano subterráneo en Europa. Este trabajo tiene como objetivo la divulgación de algunos tópicos en Mecánica Celeste y Planetología para un público universitario de ciencias exactas, en particular Astronomía y Física, y no la descripción detallada de los conceptos aquí discutidos.

  13. Autologous cell therapy with CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells for refractory Asherman's syndrome and endometrial atrophy: a pilot cohort study.


    Santamaria, Xavier; Cabanillas, Sergio; Cervelló, Irene; Arbona, Cristina; Raga, Francisco; Ferro, Jaime; Palmero, Julio; Remohí, Jose; Pellicer, Antonio; Simón, Carlos


    Could cell therapy using autologous peripheral blood CD133+ bone marrow-derived stem cells (BMDSCs) offer a safe and efficient therapeutic approach for patients with refractory Asherman's syndrome (AS) and/or endometrial atrophy (EA) and a wish to conceive? In the first 3 months, autologous cell therapy, using CD133+ BMDSCs in conjunction with hormonal replacement therapy, increased the volume and duration of menses as well as the thickness and angiogenesis processes of the endometrium while decreasing intrauterine adhesion scores. AS is characterized by the presence of intrauterine adhesions and EA prevents the endometrium from growing thicker than 5 mm, resulting in menstruation disorders and infertility. Many therapies have been attempted for these conditions, but none have proved effective. This was a prospective, experimental, non-controlled study. There were 18 patients aged 30-45 years with refractory AS or EA were recruited, and 16 of these completed the study. Medical history, physical examination, endometrial thickness, intrauterine adhesion score and neoangiogenesis were assessed before and 3 and 6 months after cell therapy. After the initial hysteroscopic diagnosis, BMDSC mobilization was performed by granulocyte-CSF injection, then CD133+ cells were isolated through peripheral blood aphaeresis to obtain a mean of 124.39 million cells (range 42-236), which were immediately delivered into the spiral arterioles by catheterization. Subsequently, endometrial treatment after stem cell therapy was assessed in terms of restoration of menses, endometrial thickness (by vaginal ultrasound), adhesion score (by hysteroscopy), neoangiogenesis and ongoing pregnancy rate. The study was conducted at Hospital Clínico Universitario of Valencia and IVI Valencia (Spain). All 11 AS patients exhibited an improved uterine cavity 2 months after stem cell therapy. Endometrial thickness increased from an average of 4.3 mm (range 2.7-5) to 6.7 mm (range 3.1-12) ( ITALIC! P = 0

  14. Como Lo Hago Yo: Mielomeningocele En Bolivia

    PubMed Central

    Dabdoub, Carlos F.; Dabdoub, Carlos B.; Villavicencio, Ramiro; Quevedo, Germán


    Introducción: Las malformaciones del tubo neural (MTN) representan la segunda causa más frecuente de anomalías congénitas, luego de las cardiopatías. En este grupo se destaca el mielomeningocele (MMC) por su mayor incidencia, y por ser la más incapacitante y la más compleja entre todas las demás malformaciones del sistema nervioso c`entral (SNC). En Bolivia, como en muchos países de Sudamérica, los bajos niveles socio-culturales y la debilidad en el sistema sanitario, hacen que su incidencia y su morbilidad, sean mayores que en las naciones más desarrolladas. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y descriptivo de 70 casos de MMC, atendidos por un equipo multidisciplinario en el Hospital Universitario Japonés (HUJ) de Santa Cruz de la Sierra, entre 2008-2011. De ellos, 60 fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Resultados: Se realizaron controles prenatales sólo en 27 mujeres (38.6%), diagnosticándose una disrafia espinal en apenas dos casos (7.4%). La edad de ingreso del MMC en su mayoría fue después de las 24 horas (65.6%), predominando su localización en la región lumbosacra (64.3%). De ellos, 67.2% eran abiertos, presentando un 32.9% un daño neurológico motor parcial mientras que 47.1% tenían paraplejia por debajo de la lesión. De los 70 casos, tres (4.3%) no fueron intervenidos, por presentar defectos congénitos severos o estado general grave. Las principales complicaciones posoperatorias inmediatas fueron: dehiscencia de sutura y/o infección de la herida (16.6%), fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo (LCR) (10%) e infección del SNC (11.7%). La mortalidad general y postoperatoria fue de 7.1% y 3.3%, respectivamente. Al mes de vida presentaban hidrocefalia un 80% de los pacientes operados, colocándose una derivación ventriculoperitoneal (DVP) de presión media. De 9 pacientes que tuvieron un acompanamiento de dos o más años, seis presentaron una médula anclada, que fueron intervenidas quirúrgicamente. Conclusi

  15. The effects of work on the health of nurses who work in clinical surgery departments at university hospitals.


    Silva, Rosângela Marion da; Zeitoune, Regina Célia Gollner; Beck, Carmem Lúcia Colomé; Martino, Milva Maria Figueiredo de; Prestes, Francine Cassol


    em clínica cirúrgica nas instituições hospitalares pesquisadas produz efeitos danosos à saúde. analizar los efectos del trabajo en la salud de enfermeros que actúan en clínicas quirúrgicas de hospitales universitarios, relacionándolos a daños físicos, sociales y psicológicos. estudio cuantitativo, transversal, realizado entre 2012 y 2013, en cuatro instituciones de un estado de la región sur de Brasil. La muestra estuvo compuesta por 65 enfermeros que respondieron preguntas sobre los hábitos de vida y datos sociodemográficos; se uso la Escala de Evaluación de Daños Relacionados al Trabajo. Las asociaciones fueron verificadas con el test Chi-Cuadrado y Exacto de Fisher y las correlaciones con el test de Spearmann. prevaleció la enfermedad física, encontrando asociación entre los factores Daños Sociales y Psicológicos y las variables: práctica de actividades físicas, accidente de trabajo y opción por el turno de trabajo. Se evidenció correlación entre Daños Sociales y Psicológicos. el trabajo realizado por enfermeros, que actúan en clínica quirúrgica en las instituciones hospitalarias investigadas, produce efectos que perjudican a la salud.

  16. Earth and Heavens: Two Separate Universes? (Spanish Title: Tierra y Cielos: ¿Dos Universos Separados?) Terra e Céus: Dois Universos Separados?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrascosa, Jaime; Gil-Pérez, Daniel; Solbes, Jordi; Vilches, Amparo


    The study of gravitation constitutes an exceptional occasion to show the richness and complexity of science and technology, contemplating, among other things: the problematic situations which are at the heart of the scientific knowledge, the difficulties encountered in the construction of knowledge and, especially, the necessity of overcoming "common-sense evidence" that proclaimed the existence of an insurmountable barrier between Earth and Heavens, hindering scientific development during many centuries. In this paper we present a program of activities to orient the study of Gravitation atUpperHigh School, favoring students' participation in the reconstruction of this first scientific revolution and giving them the opportunity to see the importance of Astronomy both in the history of science and today. El estudio de la gravitación constituye una ocasión excepcional para mostrar la ciencia y la tecnología en toda su riqueza y complejidad, considerando, entre otros aspectos:

  17. Las situaciones problemáticas relevantes que llevaron a la construcción de los conocimientos,
  18. las dificultades de todo tipo con las que hubo que enfrentarse y, muy en particular,
  19. la necesidad de superar las "evidencias de sentido común" que establecían una supuesta barrera infranqueable entre la Tierray los Cielos y que obstaculizaron durante siglos el desarrollo científico.
  20. En este trabajo presentamos un programa de actividades para el estudio de la gravitación en la secundaria superior, orientado a favorecer la participación de los estudiantes, en alguna medida, en la reconstrucción de este proceso que constituyó la denominada primera gran revolución científica y asomándonos al estudio de una de las ciencias más antiguas, la Astronomía, que hoy sigue despertando gran interés. O estudo da gravitação constitui uma ocasião excepcional para mostrar a ciência e a tecnologia em toda sua riqueza e

  21. Estudio epidemiológico de sucesos traumáticos, trastorno de estrés post-traumático y otros trastornos psiquiátricos en una muestra representativa de Chile

    PubMed Central

    Pérez Benítez, Carlos I.; Vicente, Benjamin; Zlotnick, Caron; Kohn, Robert; Johnson, Jennifer; Valdivia, Sandra; Rioseco, Pedro


    RESUMEN Durante la década de 1990 en los Estados Unidos (EU), el conocimiento sobre el trastorno de estrés post-traumático (TEPT) evolucionó de estudios específicos en un principio, sobre veteranos de guerra y sobre víctimas de desastres, a estudios epidemiológicos más tarde, sin embargo, la epidemiología del TEPT en países en desarrollo ha sido un área poco estudiada hasta ahora. Los expertos en el área de trauma han propuesto que los sucesos traumáticos que ocurren en la niñez son más perjudiciales para la salud mental que aquellos que ocurren más tarde en la vida. Este trabajo revisa los resultados de un estudio epidemiológico llevado a cabo en Chile. Específicamente, se revisan los resultados sobre las tasas de prevalencia del TEPT, traumas asociados más frecuentemente con él, así como la comorbilidad de este trastorno con otros trastornos psiquiátricos a lo largo de la vida. Igualmente se analizaron las diferencias del TEPT en cada sexo, así como la exposición a traumas en una muestra representativa de chilenos. Además se comparó la prevalencia de trastornos psiquiátricos en personas que sufrieron su primer trauma durante la niñez, durante la edad adulta, o que no reportaron traumas durante su vida. En estos estudios epidemiológicos se usaron módulos del TEPT y trastorno de personalidad antisocial (TPA) de la entrevista diagnóstica siguiendo los criterios del DSM-III-R (DIS–III-R). Para evaluar el resto de los trastornos psiquiátricos se usó la Entrevista Diagnóstica Internacional Compuesta (CIDI). Estos instrumentos fueron administrados en tres ciudades chilenas a 2390 personas mayores de 15 años. Para estimar los errores estándares (EE) debido al diseño de la muestra y a la necesidad de ajuste se usó el método Taylor de linearización seriada. También se usó un análisis de regresión logística para examinar la relación entre el TEPT, los factores demográficos de riesgo y el tipo de trauma. Además se utilizó la

  22. Self-Programmed Counseling and Self-Programmed Control Manual. A Guide to Self-Image Development with Emphasis on the Chicano Student. Student's Guide = Manual de Sistema de Consejo Auto Programado y Control Auto Programado. Una Guia Para el Desarrollo de La Imagen Propia Con un Enfasis en el Estudiante Chicano.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mireles, S. Raymond

    Self-Programmed Counseling, the instructor's guidance, and Self-Programmed Control (SPC), the student's response, was initially developed by Title III Project USTED (United Students and Teachers for Educational Development) for Mexican American college students on academic probation to use on a non-credit, special group counseling basis. As part…

  23. An Approach to Integration: The Integration of Language and Content to Promote L2 Learner Autonomy at the College Level (Un Acercamiento a la Integración: El Aprendizaje Integrado de Lengua y Contenidos para Promover la Autonomía del Estudiante de Lengua Extranjera en la Universidad)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oliva Parera, Pablo M.; Núñez Delgado, María Pilar


    This article reports the preliminary findings of an action research on the effects of autonomy on a group of university students at the post-graduate level taking their first Spanish course through the Content and Language Learning (CLIL) methodology. The participants, whose Spanish was at the low/mid intermediate level (ACTFL, 2012), were exposed…

  24. Clinical simulation with dramatization: gains perceived by students and health professionals.


    Negri, Elaine Cristina; Mazzo, Alessandra; Martins, José Carlos Amado; Pereira, Gerson Alves; Almeida, Rodrigo Guimarães Dos Santos; Pedersoli, César Eduardo


    simulação clínica com ganhos nas diversas áreas de saúde e, também, interprofissionais. identificar en la literatura cuales los beneficios por los estudiantes y profesionales del área de salud, usándose la simulación clínica con recursos de dramatización. revisión integradora de la literatura, aplicándose la metodología propuesta por el Instituto Joanna Briggs (JBI), con búsqueda en las bases de datos: Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, Web of Science, National Library of Medicine, Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature, The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Scientific Electronic Library Online. fueron analizados 53 estudios, que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión establecidos. Entre los diversos beneficios obtenidos, se destacan la satisfacción, autoconfianza, conocimiento, empatía, realismo, disminución del nivel de ansiedad, conforto, comunicación, motivación, capacidad de reflexión y de pensamiento crítico y trabajo en equipo. las evidencias demuestran la amplia posibilidad de uso de la dramatización en el contexto de simulación clínica con beneficios en las diversas áreas de salud, y también interprofesionales.

  1. Analyzing the Effect of Technology-Based Intervention in Language Laboratory to Improve Listening Skills of First Year Engineering Students (El uso de la tecnología en el laboratorio de idiomas para el mejoramiento de las habilidades de escucha de estudiantes de ingeniería de primer año)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pasupathi, Madhumathi


    First year students pursuing engineering education face problems with their listening skills. Most of the Indian schools use a bilingual method for teaching subjects from primary school through high school. Nonetheless, students entering university education develop anxiety in listening to classroom lectures in English. This article reports an…

  2. Promoting Learner Autonomy through Teacher-Student Partnership Assessment in an American High School: A Cycle of Action Research (El papel de la evaluación negociada en el desarrollo de la autonomía del estudiante en la escuela secundaria norteamericana: un ciclo de investigación-acción)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Picón Jácome, Édgar


    In this article I present some findings of an action research study intended to find out to what extent a teacher-student partnership in writing assessment could promote high school students' autonomy. The study was conducted in a U.S. school. Two main action strategies in the assessment process were the use of symbols as the form of feedback…

  3. Tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas

    PubMed Central

    Tornero, O. Berbel; García, J.A. Ortega; Tortajada, J. Ferrís i; Castell, J. García; Colomer, J. Donat i; Soldin, O.P.; Soler, J.L. Fuster


    Introducción La asociación entre tumores y malformaciones congénitas está bien establecida, pero no existen datos exclusivos en el período neonatal y se desconocen los mecanismos subyacentes que generan dicha relación. Objetivos Este trabajo tiene dos objetivos: primero, analizar la frecuencia de los tumores neonatales asociados a malformaciones congénitas, y segundo, comentar las posibles hipótesis etiopatogénicas de la relación entre ambas entidades. Materiales y método Estudio retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de los tumores neonatales, en el Hospital Universitario Materno- Infantil La Fe de Valencia, desde enero de 1990 hasta diciembre de 1999. Selección y descripción de las variedades histológicas asociadas a malformaciones congénitas. Éstas se han agrupado siguiendo los criterios de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades CIE-9, códigos 740.0–759.9. Revisión sistemática bibliográfica de los últimos 25 años, obtenida del Medline, Cancerlit, Index Citation Science y Embase. El perfil de búsqueda utilizado fue la combinación de “neonatal/congenital-tumors/cancer/neoplasms” y “congenital malformations/birth defects”. Resultados Se identificaron 72 tumores neonatales (2,8 % del total de tumores pediátricos diagnosticados en dichos años) y 15 de ellos (20,8 %) asociados a malformaciones congénitas, enfermedades o síndromes congénitos. Las asociaciones entre tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas fueron las siguientes: a) angioma en 3 pacientes: con dos cardiopatías congénitas y una atresia de coanas-laringomalacia; b) neuroblastoma en 2 pacientes: uno con riñón en herradura y anomalías vertebrales, y otro con cardiopatía congénita; c) teratoma en 2 pacientes: uno con fisura palatina y anomalías vertebrales, y otro con metatarso varo; d) tumor del sistema nervioso central en un paciente con hernia de Bochdaleck; e) tumor cardíaco en 4 pacientes con esclerosis tuberosa; f) leucemia aguda en un

  4. Measurement of the area of venous ulcers using two software programs.


    Eberhardt, Thaís Dresch; Lima, Suzinara Beatriz Soares de; Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias; Borges, Eline de Lima; Weiller, Teresinha Heck; Fonseca, Graziele Gorete Portella da


    as mensurações, existe excelente correlação intraclasse e de concordância entre os softwares, os quais parecem ser mais precisos na mensuração de feridas com área > 10 cm². o uso de ambos os softwares é indicado para a mensuração de úlceras venosas, parecendo ser mais precisos quando utilizados para mensurar feridas com área > 10 cm². comparar la medida del área de úlceras venosas por medio de los softwares AutoCAD(r) e Image Tool. se trata de un estudio de evaluación de reproducibilidad de pruebas, realizado en un ambulatorio de angiología de un hospital universitario. Los datos fueron recolectados de 21 pacientes con úlceras venosas, en el período de marzo a julio de 2015, por medio de formulario de recolección y fotografías de las heridas. Cinco enfermeros (evaluadores) del Grupo de Estudios de Lesiones de Piel del hospital participaron de la investigación. Las heridas fueron medidas en ambos softwares. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de: Coeficiente de correlación intraclase, Coeficiente de correlación de concordancia y Procedimiento de Bland y Altman. La investigación respetó los aspectos éticos de acuerdo con la legislación vigente. los tamaños de las úlceras presentaron gran amplitud, sin embargo, sin diferencia significativa entre las medidas; existe excelente correlación intraclase y de concordancia entre los softwares, los que parecen ser más precisos en medidas de heridas con área > 10 cm². el uso de ambos softwares es indicado para medir úlceras venosas, pareciendo ser más precisos cuando utilizados para medir heridas con área > 10 cm².

  5. Development and validation of the Hospitality Axiological Scale for Humanization of Nursing Care.


    Galán González-Serna, José María; Ferreras-Mencia, Soledad; Arribas-Marín, Juan Manuel


    instrumento desenvolvido apresentou uma validade adequada e uma consistência interna elevada. Com base na consistência de suas propriedades psicométricas, é possível afirmar que a escala proporciona uma medida confiável da hospitalidade. Também foi possível determinar as dimensões ou fontes que a compõem: o respeito, a responsabilidade, a qualidade e o cuidado transpessoal. desarrollar y validar una escala que permita evaluar la actitud enfermera ante la hospitalidad para la humanización de enfermería. Participantes: la muestra la componen 499 profesionales de enfermería y estudiantes de los dos últimos niveles académicos de la titulación de Grado en Enfermería. mediante abordaje metodológico, se ha desarrollado y validado un instrumento para evaluar valores éticos relacionados con la hospitalidad. Posteriormente, se ha formulado un modelo de medida de las dimensiones que conforman el constructo hospitalidad. la Escala Axiológica de la Hospitalidad ha mostrado una alta consistencia interna, con un Alfa de Cronbach=0.901. La validación del instrumento de medida se realizó mediante las técnicas de análisis factorial, exploratorio y confirmatorio, que presentaron unos buenos índices de bondad de ajuste. el instrumento desarrollado ha presentado una adecuada validez y una alta consistencia interna. Sus adecuadas propiedades psicométricas permiten afirmar que la escala aporta una medición fiable de la hospitalidad. También ha permitido determinar las dimensiones o fuentes que la conforman: el respeto, la responsabilidad, la calidad y el cuidado transpersonal.

  6. Influence of sociodemographic and clinical characteristics on the quality of life of patients with schizophrenia.


    Pinho, Lara Guedes de; Pereira, Anabela; Chaves, Cláudia


    características sociodemográficas e clínicas influenciam a qualidade de vida dos indivíduos com esquizofrenia, pelo que devem ser consideradas na avaliação psiquiátrica e no planejamento das estratégias adaptadas e eficazes à sua reabilitação psicossocial. Evaluar la calidad de vida de los individuos portugueses con esquizofrenia y relacionarla con aspectos sociodemográficos y clínicos. Estudio cuantitativo de naturaleza transversal realizado con portadores de esquizofrenia, residentes en todo el territorio continental de Portugal, habiendo sido aplicado un cuestionario sociodemográfico y clínico y la Quality of Life Scale versión reducida (QLS7PT). Se realizaron pruebas paramétricas y no paramétricas para evaluar la correlación entre las variables. La muestra fue constituida por 282 participantes. Los resultados apuntan a una mejor calidad de vida de quienes residen en residencias autónomas o con los padres, los empleados / estudiantes, con trastorno por menos tiempo y menor edad, con 12 años de escolaridad y no medicados con neurolépticos de primera generación. Los resultados indican que algunas características sociodemográficas y clínicas influyen en la calidad de vida de los individuos con esquizofrenia, por lo que deben ser consideradas en la evaluación psiquiátrica y en la planificación de las estrategias adaptadas y eficaces a su rehabilitación psicosocial.

  7. Los padres como consejeros o coparticipes en la toma de decisiones. Serie E: El logro de la participacion de los padres, cuaderno III. Edicion para el estudiante. Cuadernos para el entrenamiento de maestros de educacion bilingue. (Parents as Advisors or Participants in Decision Making. Series E: Success with Parent Participation, Book III. Student Edition. Bilingual Education Teacher Training Packet).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rodriguez, Rodolfo, Comp.

    The student version of a learning module for teacher training in bilingual education is one of three focusing on promoting parent participation in the school system, and concentrates specifically on the role of parents as counselors and co-participants in decisionmaking. An introductory section discussing the overall objectives of the materials is…

  8. The Impact of Regional Differences on Elementary School Teachers' Attitudes towards Their Students' Use of Code Switching in a South Texas School District (El impacto de las diferencias regionales en las actitudes de docentes de primaria respecto a la alternancia de códigos por parte de los estudiantes en un distrito escolar del sur de Texas)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nava Gómez, Guadalupe Nancy; García, Hilda


    This study focused on investigating whether the teachers' geographical distribution influences their attitudes towards their students' use of code switching. The study was guided by the following research question: Are there differences between teachers' opinions of the north elementary schools and teachers' opinions of the south elementary…

  9. Lo que Piensan los Estudiantes y Profesores Sobre la Calidad de la Educacion Superior. Estudio Comparativo en 5 Instituciones de Educacion Superior--dos publicas y tres privadas--en Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico (What Students and Faculties Think about the Quality of Higher Education. Comparative Study of 5 Higher Education Institutions--Two Public and Three Private--in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yanez, Maria Lorena Hernandez

    This study, written in Spanish, compared attitudes of students (N=302) and faculty (N=28) at five institutions of higher education (two public and three private) in Guadalajara, Jalisco, Mexico. The study explored first, whether respondents believed there are significant quality differences between private and public universities and, second, what…

  10. Domestic violence on children: development and validation of an instrument to evaluate knowledge of health professionals.


    Oliveira, Lanuza Borges; Soares, Fernanda Amaral; Silveira, Marise Fagundes; Pinho, Lucinéia de; Caldeira, Antônio Prates; Leite, Maísa Tavares de Souza


    significante até o nível de 5% para as duas variáveis selecionadas, tempo de formação e tempo na Estratégia Saúde da Família. o instrumento apresentou-se válido e, deste modo , pode ser usado como ferramenta promissora para desenvolver ou direcionar as ações em saúde pública e avaliação do conhecimento sobre a violência doméstica contra a criança. elaborar y validar un instrumento para evaluación del conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud sobre la violencia doméstica ejercida contra el niño. estudio realizado con 194 profesionales: médicos, enfermeros y cirujanos dentistas. Para elaboración de los ítems e identificación de las dimensiones, se realizó una revisión de la literatura. La validación aparente y de contenido fueron realizadas por medio del análisis de tres especialistas y de 27 profesores universitarios del área de la salud del niño. Para la validación de constructo, se evaluó el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, y la prueba Kappa fue usada para verificar la reproductibilidad. La validación de criterio fue realizada con uso de la prueba t de Student. el instrumento final presentó 56 ítems, el alfa Cronbach fue de 0,734, la prueba Kappa reveló concordancia superior a 0,6 para la mayoría de los ítems, y la prueba t de Student presentó valor estadísticamente significativo hasta el nivel de 5% para las dos variables seleccionadas: tiempo de graduación y tiempo en el programa Estrategia Salud de la Familia. el instrumento se presentó válido y, de ese modo, puede ser usado como herramienta promisora para desarrollar o dirigir acciones de salud pública y evaluar el conocimiento sobre la violencia doméstica contra el niño.

  11. Factors associated with the healing of complex surgical wounds in the breast and abdomen: retrospective cohort study.


    Borges, Eline Lima; Pires, José Ferreira; Abreu, Mery Natali Silva; Lima, Vera Lúcia de Araújo; Silva, Patrícia Aparecida Barbosa; Soares, Sônia Maria


    a 15 dias, enquanto uso de cobertura hidrocoloide e tela de Marlex estiveram associados a um menor risco de cicatrização. a taxa de cura da ferida foi considerada elevada, e esteve associada ao tipo de intervenção cirúrgica, consumo de etanol, tipo de cobertura, extensão e tempo de existência da ferida. Condutas preventivas podem ser implementadas durante o acompanhamento da evolução do fechamento da ferida cirúrgica complexa, com possibilidades de intervenção nos fatores de risco modificáveis. estimar la tasa de cicatrización de herida quirúrgica compleja y sus factores asociados. cohorte retrospectivo de 2003 a 2014 con 160 pacientes de ambulatorio de un hospital universitario brasileño. Los datos fueron obtenidos por medio de consulta a las fichas médicas. La función de supervivencia fue estimada por el método de Kaplan-Meier y el modelo de regresión de Cox para estimar el riesgo de ocurrencia de cicatrización. la tasa de cicatrización de la herida quirúrgica compleja fue 67,8% (IC 95%: 60,8-74,9). Los factores asociados a un mayor riesgo de cicatrización de la herida fueron cirugía de sectorectomía / cuadrantectomía, consumo de más de 20 gramos/día de etanol, extensión de la herida menor que 17,3 cm2 y tiempo de existencia de la herida antes del tratamiento en ambulatorio inferior a 15 días; en lo que se refiere al uso de cubrimiento hidrocoloide y tela de Marlex estuvieron asociados a un menor riesgo de cicatrización. la tasa de cura de la herida fue considerada elevada, y estuvo asociada al tipo de intervención quirúrgica, consumo de etanol, tipo de cubrimiento, extensión y tiempo de existencia de la herida. Conductas preventivas pueden ser implementadas durante el acompañamiento de la evolución del cierre de la herida quirúrgica compleja, con posibilidades de intervenir sobre los factores de riesgo modificables.

  12. The effects of acupressure on labor pains during child birth: randomized clinical trial.


    Mafetoni, Reginaldo Roque; Shimo, Antonieta Keiko Kakuda


    ções, por 20 minutos, e a intensidade da dor avaliada por meio de uma Escala Analógica Visual (EAV). as médias de dor pela EAV não foram diferentes nos três grupos na admissão (p-valor=0,0929), porém foram menores no grupo de acupressão imediatamente após (p-valor=<0,0001) e com 1 h do tratamento (p-valor=0,0001) ao se comparar com placebo e controle. a acupressão no ponto sanyinjiao se mostrou uma medida útil no alívio da dor, não invasiva e um meio de melhorar a qualidade dos cuidados a parturiente. Registro: RBR-9mhs8r. analizar los efectos de la acupresión, en el punto sanyinjiao, sobre el dolor en la fase activa del trabajo de parto, en embarazadas atendidas en maternidad pública. ensayo clínico controlado y aleatorio, simple ciego y de carácter pragmático. Fueron seleccionadas 156 mujeres con edad gestacional ≥ 37 semanas, dilatación cervical ≥ 4 cm y con dos o más contracciones en 10 minutos. Las embarazadas fueron divididas aleatoriamente en tres grupos en un hospital universitario del interior del estado de Sao Paulo, Brasil, para recibir acupresión, placebo o participar como control. La acupresión fue aplicada en el punto sanyinjiao durante las contracciones, por 20 minutos; la intensidad del dolor fue evaluada por medio de una Escala Analógica Visual (EAV). los promedios del dolor por la EAV no fueron diferentes en los tres grupos en la admisión (valor p=0,0929), sin embargo fueron menores en el grupo de acupresión inmediatamente después (valor p=<0,0001) y también después de 1 hora del tratamiento (valor p=0,0001) al compararse con el placebo y control. la acupresión en el punto sanyinjiao se mostró una medida útil en el alivio del dolor, no invasiva y un medio de mejorar la calidad de los cuidados la parturienta. Registro: RBR-9mhs8r.

  13. Professional nursing practice in critical units: assessment of work environment characteristics.


    Maurício, Luiz Felipe Sales; Okuno, Meiry Fernanda Pinto; Campanharo, Cássia Regina Vancini; Lopes, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira; Belasco, Angélica Gonçalves Silva; Batista, Ruth Ester Assayag


    assess the autonomy, control over environment, and organizational support of nurses' work process and the relationships between physicians and nurses in critical care units. cross-sectional study conducted with 162 nurses working in the intensive care units and emergency service of a university hospital. The workers' satisfaction with their work environment was assessed using Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, translated and adapted for the Brazilian culture. average age was 31.6 ± 3.9 years; 80.2% were women; 68.5% Caucasians and 71.6% worked in intensive care units. The nurses considered autonomy (2.38 ± 0.64) and their relationship with physicians (2.24 ± 0.62) to be characteristics of the work environment that favored professional practice. Control over environment (2.78 ± 0.62) and organizational support (2.51 ± 0.54), however, were considered to be unfavorable. No statistically significant differences were found between the units based on the scores obtained by the professionals on the Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised. autonomy, relationship between physicians and nurses, and organizational support were considered by the units to be characteristics that favored nurses' professional practices. On the other hand, control over environment and organizational support were considered unfavorable. evaluar la autonomía, el control sobre el ambiente, el soporte organizacional del proceso de trabajo de los enfermeros y las relaciones entre médicos y enfermeros, en unidades críticas. estudio transversal realizado en 162 enfermeros de las unidades de terapia intensiva y del servicio de emergencia de un hospital universitario. La evaluación de la satisfacción del profesional con el ambiente de trabajo fue realizada utilizando el Brazilian Nursing Work Index - Revised, traducido y adaptado para la cultura brasileña. el promedio de edad fue 31,6 ± 3,9 años, 80,2% eran mujeres, 68,5% blancos y 71,6% trabajaban en la unidad de terapia intensiva. Los

  14. A Proposed Activity for a Meaningful Learning about the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Uma Proposta de Atividade Para a Aprendizagem Significativa sobre as Fases da Lua.) Una Actividad Propuesta Para EL Aprendizaje Significativo Acerca de Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martins, Bruno Andrade; Langhi, Rodolfo


    ínua avaliação durante o processo, culmina com a elaboração de uma história em quadrinhos envolvendo as fases da Lua. Portanto, o objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar uma proposta de atividade didática diferenciada sustentada pelos princípios teóricos da aprendizagem significativa aplicada ao ensino das fases da Lua durante as aulas de Física no ensino médio. En este trabajo se presenta uno de los contenidos de la Astronomía y el evidente fracaso en la enseñanza del tema en la escuela secundaria, a pesar del hecho que los documentos oficiales apuntan para la necesidad de trabajar contenidos de Astronomía en este nivel. Entre los conceptos alternativos en Astronomía que los alumnos secundarios llevan consigo, aún después de terminados los estudios, destacamos aquí el fenómeno de las fases de la Luna. El desarrollo de diferentes estrategias en relación con los métodos tradicionales, dirigidas al proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje en este tema fue considerado en este trabajo como uno de los resultados obtenidos a la luz de los referenciales del aprendizaje significativo, tal como fueron fundamentados por Ausubel. Según la propuesta que aquí se presenta, la participación activa de los estudiantes en la ejecución de una actividad experimental y otras actividades educativas destinadas a la evaluación continua durante el proceso culminó en la elaboración de una historieta respecto de las fases de la Luna. Por lo tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es presentar una propuesta de actividad de enseñanza diferenciada con el apoyo de los principios teóricos del aprendizaje significativo aplicado a la enseñanza de las fases de la luna durante las clases de física del ciclo secundario.

  15. The Astronomy Club of Araranguá: Educating Science Teachers as Science Communicators. (Breton Title: Clube de Astronomia de AraranguÁ: a Formação de Professores de Ciências Como Divulgadores Científicos. ) Club de Astronomía de Araranguá: la Formación del Profesorado Como Comunicadores de la Ciencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damasio, Felipe; Allain, Olivier; Antunes Rodrigues, Adriano


    -se na Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa, sempre procurando alcançar a pré-disposição em aprender e produzir material potencialmente significativo, as duas condições necessárias para que a aprendizagem significativa ocorra. El estudio relatado en este trabajo se lleva a cabo desde 2009 en el Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnología de Santa Catarina, campus Araranguá. En él se busca formar a comunicadores de la ciencia durante la formación inicial de los docentes Licenciatura en Ciencias Naturales con especialidad en Física, y también promover acciones de divulgación científica para el público en general en la región de Araranguá a través de un club de astronomía llamado CA2 (Clube de Astronomia Araranguá). Entres las acciones de los estudiantes que se promueven están: producción de videos, programas de radio, conferencias, observaciones nocturnas, la preparación y exposición de carteles, la educación en física para los niños, actividades de formación permanente del profesorado y enseñanza de la física de con el tema generador Astronomía. El trabajo de la formación del profesorado y la difusión de club científico se basa en la teoría del aprendizaje significativo, buscando siempre la predisposición para aprender y producir material potencialmente significativo, las dos condiciones necesarias para que ocurra el aprendizaje significativo.

  16. Astrophysics in Schools: Playing with Observational Data. (Spanish Title: Astrofísica Escolar: Jugando con Datos Observacionales.) Astrofísica Escolar: Brincando com Dados Observacionais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Navone, Hugo D.; Scancich, Miriam; Vázquez, Rubén A.


    principales dimensiones educativas que emergen del mismo. La propuesta está destinada a alumnos del último año de nivel medio y primeros años de la universidad, y a estudiantes y profesores de Institutos de Formación Docente. Las puestas en práctica realizadas muestran que la propuesta es viable, que moviliza inquietudes en torno a temáticas de Astrofísica y que se fortalece al adquirir un carácter lúdico y cooperativo. A utilização de registros observacionais na construção de seqüências didáticas em Astrofísica Escolar não é algo usual no ensino médio. Tampouco o é uma abordagem de temáticas dentro do contexto da Natureza da Ciência. Agrega-se a estas carências a falta de propostas que estimulem a utilização do computador como um laboratório para estudar a natureza. Os aspectos mencionados expõem a existência de um desajuste entre ciência escolar e ciência avançada, estabelecendo a necessidade de elaborar projetos educativos simples que promovam o diálogo interdisciplinar entre ambos campos do conhecimento. Partindo destes pressupostos, este trabalho apresenta a reformulação escolar do problema abordado por Hubble -a relação entre redshift e distância das galáxias- e se exploram as principais dimensões educativas que emergem do mesmo. A proposta está destinada a alunos do último ano do nível médio, primeiros anos do curso superior e a estudantes e professores de Institutos de Formação Docente. As atividades práticas realizadas mostram que a proposta é viável, que mobiliza inquietudes em torno da temática e da Astrofísica e que se fortalece ao adquirir um caráter lúdico e cooperativo.

  17. Factors associated with poor sleep quality in women with cancer.


    Mansano-Schlosser, Thalyta Cristina; Ceolim, Maria Filomena


    to analyze the factors associated with poor sleep quality, its characteristics and components in women with breast cancer prior to surgery for removing the tumor and throughout the follow-up. longitudinal study in a teaching hospital, with a sample of 102 women. The following were used: a questionnaire for sociodemographic and clinical characterization, the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index; the Beck Depression Inventory; and the Herth Hope Scale. Data collection covered from prior to the surgery for removal of the tumor (T0) to T1, on average 3.2 months; T2, on average 6.1 months; and T3, on average 12.4 months. Descriptive statistics and the Generalized Estimating Equations model were used. depression and pain contributed to the increase in the score of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and hope, to the reduction of the score - independently - throughout follow-up. Sleep disturbances were the component with the highest score throughout follow-up. the presence of depression and pain, prior to the surgery, contributed to the increase in the global score of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, which indicates worse quality of sleep throughout follow-up; greater hope, in its turn, influenced the reduction of the score of the Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index. analizar los factores asociados a la mala calidad del sueño, sus características y componentes en mujeres con cáncer de mama, antes de la cirugía de retirada del tumor y a lo largo del seguimiento. estudio longitudinal, en hospital universitario con muestra de 102 mujeres. Fueron utilizados: un cuestionario de caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica; el Índice de Calidad del Sueño de Pittsburgh; el Inventario de Depresión de Beck; y la Escala de Esperanza de Herth. La recolección comprendió los momentos: antes de la cirugía de retirada del tumor (T0), en (T1) en promedio 3,2 meses, en (T2) en promedio 6,1 meses y en (T3) en promedio 12,4 meses. Se utilizó estadística descriptiva y el modelo de

  18. The effects of progressive muscular relaxation as a nursing procedure used for those who suffer from stress due to multiple sclerosis.


    Novais, Paolla Gabrielle Nascimento; Batista, Karla de Melo; Grazziano, Eliane da Silva; Amorim, Maria Helena Costa


    íodo de oito semanas. O grupo experimental foi orientado a realizar diariamente o Relaxamento Muscular Progressivo. Após oito semanas de intervenção avaliou-se novamente os níveis de estresse. Para análise dos dados foi utilizado o pacote Estatístico para Ciências Sociais-versão 19.0. a aplicação do Teste t demonstrou uma diminuição significante dos escores da Escala de Stress Percebido no grupo experimental (p<0,001), evidenciando diminuição nos níveis de estresse após a prática do relaxamento. a intervenção Relaxamento Muscular Progressivo contribui para redução dos níveis de estresse em pessoas com Esclerose Múltipla, podendo ser incluída como prática na assistência de enfermagem prestada a esses pacientes. NCT 02673827. evaluar el efecto del Relajamiento Muscular Progresivo, como intervención de Enfermería en los niveles de estrés en personas con Esclerosis Múltiple. ensayo clínico aleatorio conducido en un ambulatorio de Neurología de un Hospital Universitario. La muestra estuvo constituida por 40 pacientes acompañados en ambulatorio (20 en el grupo control y 20 en el experimental). Se empleó la técnica de Relajamiento Muscular Progresivo. Las variables de control fueron recolectadas por la técnica de entrevista con registro en formulario y se aplicó la Escala de Estrés Percibido. Fueron realizados cinco encuentros quincenales en un período de ocho semanas. El grupo experimental fue orientado a realizar diariamente el Relajamiento Muscular Progresivo. Después de ocho semanas de intervención se evaluó nuevamente los niveles de estrés. Para analizar los datos fue utilizado el programa Estadístico para Ciencias Sociales versión 19.0. la aplicación de la Prueba t demostró una disminución significativa de los puntajes de la Escala de Estrés Percibido en el grupo experimental (p<0,001), evidenciando la disminución de los niveles de estrés después de la práctica del relajamiento. la intervención Relajamiento Muscular

  19. Pharmaceutical interventions in medications prescribed for administration via enteral tubes in a teaching hospital.


    Ferreira, Carolina Justus Buhrer; Plodek, Caroline Koga; Soares, Franciny Kossemba; Andrade, Rayza Assis de; Teleginski, Fernanda; Rocha, Maria Dagmar da


    administração para 294 medicamentos via sondas enterais; fluxograma decisório; procedimentos operacionais-padrão de diluição e unitarização de formas farmacêuticas orais e de administração de medicamentos via sondas enterais. Na Fase 2 investigou-se, retrospectivamente, erros em 872 medicamentos prescritos via sondas enterais, em 293 prescrições de pacientes internados de março a junho. Seguiu-se capacitação das equipes sobre diretrizes estabelecidas. Na Fase 3 investigou-se, prospectivamente, erros e intervenções farmacêuticas em 945 medicamentos prescritos via sondas enterais, em 292 prescrições de pacientes internados de agosto a setembro. Dados coletados, em formulário estruturado, foram compilados no programa Microsoft Office Excel(r) e calculadas as frequências. foram observados 786 erros, 63,9% (502) na Fase 2 e 36,1% (284) na Fase 3. Na Fase 3 verificou-se redução na frequência de prescrição de medicamentos, via sondas enterais, contraindicados e sem informações disponíveis. diretrizes e intervenções farmacêuticas foram determinantes na prevenção dos erros de medicamentos via sondas enterais. analizar el impacto de directrices sobre errores en medicamentos prescritos para administración vía sondas enterales. estudio cuantitativo, en tres fases, realizado en una clínica médica-neurología y en unidad de terapia intensiva de un hospital general universitario. En la Fase 1 se elaboró: protocolo de dilución, reenvasado - transformación y administración para 294 medicamentos vía sondas enterales; diagrama de flujo de decisión; procedimientos operacionales estándar de dilución y reenvasado - transformación de formas farmacéuticas orales y de administración de medicamentos vía sondas enterales. En la Fase 2 se investigó, retrospectivamente, errores en 872 medicamentos prescritos vía sondas enterales, en 293 prescripciones de pacientes internados de marzo a junio. La continuación, capacitación de los equipos sobre

  20. Critical thinking: concept analysis from the perspective of Rodger's evolutionary method of concept analysis.


    Carbogim, Fábio da Costa; Oliveira, Larissa Bertacchini de; Püschel, Vilanice Alves de Araújo


    fator relacionado, tomada de decisão. Pela ordem, os atributos, antecedentes e consequentes mais frequentes, foram: capacidade de análise, formação do estudante de enfermagem e tomada de decisão clínica. Como implicação do PC, destaca-se o alcance de resultados efetivos na assistência ao paciente, família e comunidade. o PC é uma habilidade cognitiva que envolve análise, raciocínio lógico e julgamento clínico, orientado para resolução de problemas e destacando-se na formação e prática do enfermeiro com vistas à tomada de decisão clínica acurada e alcance de resultados efetivos. analizar el concepto de Pensamiento Crítico (PC), en la perspectiva evolucionista de Rodgers. investigación documental realizada en las bases de datos Cinahl, Lilacs, Bdenf y Dedalus, utilizando las palabras clave pensamiento crítico y Enfermería, sin delimitación de año de publicación. Los datos fueron analizados conforme etapas del modelo conceptual de Rodgers. Se incluyeron libros y artículos completos, publicados en portugués, inglés o español, que abordaban el PC en la enseñanza y práctica de Enfermería, excluyendo estudios que no abordasen aspectos relacionados al concepto del PC. la muestra estuvo constituida por 42 trabajos. Como término sustituto, se destacó el pensamiento analítico y, como factor relacionado la toma de decisiones. Por orden, los atributos, antecedentes y consecuentes más frecuentes, fueron: capacidad de análisis, formación del estudiante de enfermería y toma de decisiones clínicas. Como implicación del PC, se destaca el alcance de resultados efectivos en la asistencia al paciente, familia y comunidad. el PC es una habilidad cognitiva que envuelve análisis, raciocinio lógico y juzgamiento clínico, es orientado para la resolución de problemas y se destaca en la formación y práctica del enfermero, objetivando la toma de decisiones clínicas precisas y la obtención de resultados efectivos.

  1. Satisfaction with medication in coronary disease treatment: psychometrics of the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication.


    Liberato, Ana Carolina Sauer; Rodrigues, Roberta Cunha Matheus; São-João, Thaís Moreira; Alexandre, Neusa Maria Costa; Gallani, Maria Cecília Bueno Jayme


    ão através da Morisky Self-Reported Measure of Medication Adherence Scale [Medida de Auto-Relato de Adesão ao Tratamento Medicamentoso] e proporção de aderência. Os efeitos Teto e Chão foram analisados considerando os 15% piores e 15% melhores escores possíveis obtidos no TSQM; Praticidade foi avaliada pelo tempo gasto na aplicação do TSQM durante a entrevista; Aceitabilidade foi verificada pela proporção de itens não respondidos e participantes que responderam todos os itens; Confiabilidade foi verificada com o coeficiente alfa de Cronbach e Validade através da validade de construto convergente entre o TSQM e as medidas de adesão. o TSQM foi facilmente aplicado. O efeito teto foi encontrado no domínio efeitos colaterais e o efeito chão foi encontrado nos domínios efeitos colaterais e satisfação global. Evidência de confiabilidade foi próxima de satisfatória em todos os domínios. A validade de construto convergente foi parcialmente apoiada. a versão brasileira do TSQM apresenta evidência de aceitabilidade e praticidade embora sua validade tenha sido pouco apoiada e consistência interna adequada foi observada em um domínio. testar las propiedades psicométricas de la versión brasileña del Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication - TSQM (versión 1.4), considerando los efectos techo y suelo, factibilidad, aceptabilidad, confiabilidad y validez. participantes con enfermedad coronaria (n=190) fueron reclutados de una clínica ambulatoria de cardiología en un hospital universitario en el sudeste de Brasil y entrevistados para evaluar su satisfacción con la medicación con el TSQM (versión 1.4) y su adhesión con la Morisky Self-Reported Measure of Medication Adherence Scale y proporción de adhesión. Los efectos techo y suelo fueron analizados considerando los 15% peores y mejores puntuaciones en el TSQM; la factibilidad fue evaluada por el tiempo gasto durante las entrevistas de TSQM; la aceptabilidad por la proporción de ítems no

  2. Measurement of Family-centered care perception and parental stress in a neonatal unit.


    Balbino, Flávia Simphronio; Balieiro, Maria Magda Ferreira Gomes; Mandetta, Myriam Aparecida


    ão brasileira e Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, foram aplicados com 132 pais de recém-nascidos internados e 57 profissionais da equipe. houve melhora estatisticamente significante na percepção dos pais na maioria dos itens avaliados (p≤0,05) e para os profissionais em relação ao acolhimento da família na unidade neonatal (p= 0,041) e a compreensão da vivência da família com a hospitalização (p=0,050). Houve redução dos escores médios do estresse parental, com maior queda na Alteração do Papel de Pais de 4,2 para 3,8 (p=0,048). as intervenções realizadas melhoraram a percepção de pais e de profissionais da equipe de saúde sobre o Cuidado Centrado no Paciente e Família e contribuíram para a redução do estresse parental. evaluar los efectos de la implementación del Modelo del Cuidado Centrado en el Paciente y la Familia en la percepción de los padres y profesionales de la salud y en lo estrés parental. estudio cuasi-experimental con grupos no equivalentes para evaluar los efectos de la intervención en la percepción de los padres; y grupos equivalentes para evaluar la percepción de los profesionales de la salud, desarrollado en la unidad neonatal de un hospital universitario en el municipio de Sao Paulo. Los instrumentos de Percepción del Cuidado Centrado en el Paciente y la Familia- Padres versión brasileña, Percepción del Cuidado Centrado en el Paciente y la Familia-Equipo versión brasileña y Parental Stress Scale: Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, se aplicaron a 132 padres de los recién nacidos hospitalizados y 57 profesional del equipo. se observó una mejoría estadísticamente significativa en la percepción de los padres en la mayoría de los ítems evaluados (p = 0,05) y para los profesionales en relación con el cuidado de la familia en la unidad neonatal (p = 0,041) y la comprensión de la experiencia de la familia con la hospitalización (p = 0,050). Hubo una reducción en las puntuaciones medias de estrés de los

  3. Los manuales de quimica en Espana (1788--1845): Protagonistas, terminologia, clasificaciones y orden pedagogico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Munoz Bello, Maria Rosa

    ultimas decadas pues los trabajos mas recientes han mostrado la labor creativa que se desarrolla en las aulas de ciencias, su importante influencia en la configuracion de las sucesivas generaciones de cientificos y, por ello, la necesidad de prestar atencion a los profesores y estudiantes de ciencias, a los autores, impresores y editores de los libros de texto y otros personajes poco conocidos. Siguiendo estas tendencias, se revisa los principales protagonistas de la edicion de los libros de texto: (1) Los editores, impresores y libreros (incluyendo tambien la regulacion del mercado editorial), (2) Los autores y los traductores de las obras, (3) Los publicos destinatarios. Se ofrece una descripcion general de las principales tendencias y retratos colectivos que se combinan con detalles de algunos de los protagonistas y situaciones particulares que pueden ser reveladoras de cuestiones importantes que no pueden ser abordadas mediante graficas o estadisticas. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

  4. Astronomical Perception of the Secondary School's Students in São Paulo's State School in Suzano City. (Spanish Title: Percepción Astronómica de Alumnos de la Enseñanza Media de la Red Estatal de San Pablo en la Ciudad de Suzano.) Percepção Astronômica de um Grupo de Alunos do Ensino Médio da Rede Estadual de São Paulo da Cidade de Suzano

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    França de Oliveira, Edilene; Voelzke, Marcos Rincon; Amaral, Luis Henrique


    Although Astronomy is one of the oldest Sciences in the world and many of its concepts are popular, it is possible to observe that a major part of the students do not know about them. This work aims to analyse the basic knowledge of the secondary school's students of a state school in the city of Suzano, related to the astronomical phenomena, which surround them. It was carried out a questionnaire of multiple choice to 34 students from the first grade, night classes, of the state school Batista Renzi. From the sample, 34 students, only 29.4% of them could understand the succession of the days; 20.6% could explain the seasons of the year and 20.6% had some idea about celestial objects nearer to the Earth. In turn, 67.6% correctly classified the Sun as a star; 55.9% related the Big Bang to the origin of Universe; only 20.6% identified the light-year as an unit of distance and 32.4% recognized a falling star as a meteor. The actual analysis was expanded to more 310 students of other classes, grades and periods of the same school. In this first stage, it can be noted the students' little discernment of the astronomical events and mainly the great confusion about the appropriate meaning of popular astronomical terms. Aunque la Astronomía es una de las ciencias más antiguas de la humanidad y muchos de los conceptos astronómicos son populares, se observa que una parcela significativa de los estudiantes se encuentra al margen de estas informaciones. El presente trabajo pretende analizar el nivel de conocimiento básico de los alumnos de la Enseñanza Media de la Red Estatal de la ciudad de Suzano con relación a los fenómenos astronómicos que los rodean. Con este objetivo fue elaborado un formulario constando de preguntas de selección múltipla, aplicado en el primer año nocturno de la Escuela Estatal Batista Renzi. En un universo de 34 alumnos se constató que solamente 29,4% comprendían la sucesión de los días; 20,6% explicaron correctamente las estaciones del

  5. Teaching and Popularization of Astronomy in Latin America by the Liada Perspective. (Spanish Title: Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Astronomía en la América Latina en la Perspectiva de la Liada.) Ensino e Divulgação da Astronomia na América Latina na Perspectiva da Liada

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, Paulo Sergio


    The goal of this work is to present an analysis of the developed activities of the Teaching and Popularization Section (SEDA) of the Liga Ibero-Americana de Astronomía (LIADA). After a history of the LIADA, are presented the projects of the section that have the support of 16 coordinators from most Latin-American countries. The projects that aim to attract the attention of the general public, teachers and students to encourage the observation and send reports to be posted at the Internet page are presented. More specifically, the projects and reports related with eclipses ocurriesd since the year 2000. Using the available files on the page of the section, an analysis and discussion about their importance for scientific education is done. It is presented a data form as a suggestion for reports buy individuais or institutions and the importance of the systematization of experiences to give more visibility and changes of informations in the area. It is concluded with an assessment of the projects, their potential and limitations, as well as suggestions of future projects looking for more interaction between the Latin American countries and making the Section available to this goal.

    Esto trabajo visa divulgar y analizar las actividades de La Sección de Enseñanza y Divulgación de la Astronomía (SEDA) de la Liga Iberoamericana de Astronomía (LIADA). Después de un histórico da la LIADA, son presentados los diversos proyectos de la Sección que cuenta con la colaboración de los coordinadores locales en la mayoría de los países de la América Latina. Son presentados los proyectos que visan chamar la atención de público en general, estudiantes y profesores para la observación del cielo e posterior envío de los relatos para colocación en la página de La Sección en la Internet. Más específicamente son analizados los proyectos y relatos relacionados con los eclipses ocurridos desde el año 2000. Utilizando-se los ficheros

  6. [Tuberculin reactivity among ninth-grade schoolchildren in the city of Havana, Cuba].


    Borroto Gutiérrez, Susana M; González Ochoa, Edilberto; Armas Pérez, Luisa; Urbino López-Chávez, Amelia; Martínez, Ana Maribel; Llanes, María Josefa; Sevy Court, José; Carreras Corzo, Libertad


    infección tuberculosa en escolares de 14 años de Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Métodos. Mediante un muestreo monoetápico por conglomerados se aplicaron 1 936 pruebas de Mantoux (tuberculina) a estudiantes de noveno grado del curso escolar 1999-2000 (cohorte de los nacidos en 1985) de 20 escuelas secundarias básicas seleccionadas aleatoriamente en Ciudad de La Habana, Cuba. Las pruebas se realizaron según la técnica estándar recomendada por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y se evaluaron a las 72 horas. Se calcularon los porcentajes de reactividad y el diámetro medio de las induraciones cutáneas en la cohorte y según el sexo. Las comparaciones de medias y porcentajes se realizaron mediante la prueba de ji al cuadrado con 95% de confiabilidad. Se usó el programa Epi Info v. 6.0. Resultados. Noventa y seis por ciento de las pruebas leídas fueron negativas (0-4 mm), 2,5% fueron dudosas (5-9 mm) y 1,5% resultaron positivas ( >/= 10 mm). El porcentaje de reactividad disminuyó a 0,1% cuando se utilizó un valor de corte de 15 mm. El diámetro medio de las induraciones fue de 0,41 mm y no se detectó ninguna diferencia estadísticamente significativa en función del sexo. Conclusiones. La proporción de personas que reaccionaron a la tuberculina, usando como punto de corte un diámetro de induración cutánea de 10 mm, fue muy baja (1,5%) en este estudio y mucho más baja (0,1%) cuando se utilizó 15 mm como punto de corte. Si se toma en cuenta la baja frecuencia de tuberculosis bacilífera en Cuba y que hay una relación inversa entre el tiempo transcurrido desde la aplicación de la vacuna a base del bacilo de Calmette-Guérin (BCG) y la intensidad de la respuesta a la tuberculina, las reacciones cutáneas con un diámetro de induración >/= 10 mm podrían ser la expresión de una infección natural, por lo que, en ese caso, la prevalencia puntual de infección tuberculosa en este grupo de escolares sería de 1,5%.

  7. Groundwater contamination in the basement-complex area of Ile-Ife, southwestern Nigeria: A case study using the electrical-resistivity geophysical method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adepelumi, A. A.; Ako, B. D.; Ajayi, T. R.


    chantillons d'eau ont été prélevés à une profondeur de 5,0 m dans 20 puits tests et analysés pour la qualité. Les concentrations en Cr, Cd, Pb, Zn et Cu sont légèrement au-dessus des valeurs recommandées par l'OMS. Des panaches d'eau contaminée provenant de bassins d'eaux usées ont été délimités. Les profils géoélectriques mettent en évidence quatre couches, qui sont successivement en profondeurs croissantes une argile latéritique, un sable ou un sable argileux, le substratum altéré, puis fissuré, et enfin le substratum non altéré. Les niveaux 3 et 4 les plus profonds constituent l'aquifère principal, de 3,1-67,1 m d'épaisseur. La distribution des éléments dans les effluents d'égouts confirme l'existence d'une communication hydrologique entre les bassins d'épandage et la nappe. Les eaux souterraines sont contaminées, comme le prouvent les résultats des prélèvements et de la géophysique. Par conséquent, les résultats démontrent la fiabilité de la méthode géophysique de résistivité électrique pour la détection et la cartographie de panaches de pollution dans un environnement de socle cristallin. Resumen. Se ha efectuado un estudio hidrogeológico ambiental en el punto de vertido de las aguas residuales del Campus Universitario de Obafemi Awolowo, en Ile-Ife (Nigeria). El objetivo era determinar la validez del método de la resistividad eléctrica para delimitar penachos de contaminación en un medio rocoso. Se utilizó 50 estaciones con un Terrameter ABEM SAS 300C, utilizando la matriz de Wenner. Se interpretó los resultados por medio de una técnica iterativa automática. Se recogieron muestras de agua a una profundidad de 5 m en 20 pozos de ensayo, las cuales fueron posteriormente analizadas en laboratorio. Las concentraciones de cromo, cadmio, plomo, cinc y cobre son ligeramente superiores a los valores guía de la Organización Mundial de la Salud. Se delineó el penacho de agua contaminada procedente de las balsas de aguas

  8. Chronic respiratory disease in adults treated for tuberculosis in Khartoum, Sudan.


    Osman, R K; Mortimer, K; Bjune, G; El Sony, A I


    juillet 2013 et le 30 décembre 2013. Les données ont été recueillies grâce à des questionnaires standardisés ainsi qu'à une spirométrie avant et après bronchodilatateur. Résultats : L'âge moyen des cas et des témoins a été de 44,0 ans (DS 8,5) et 44,5 ans (DS 8,61), respectivement, avec 27,2% de femmes dans les deux groupes. Des symptômes respiratoires chroniques comme une toux chronique (OR 6,67 ; IC95% 2,98-14,90 ; P < 0,001) et la présence d'une obstruction chronique des voies aériennes (OR 12,39 ; IC%95 1,56-98,40 ; P = 0,02) ont été tous deux fortement associés à des antécédents de TBP après ajustement sur les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Conclusion : Les caractéristiques cliniques des MRC sont fortement associées à des antécédents de TBP. Une approche intégrée visant à améliorer la prise en charge de ces pathologies fréquentes devrait être envisagée. Marco de referencia: La enfermedad pulmonar crónica (EPC) es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad. Aunque la epidemia mundial de EPC rivaliza con la epidemia de tuberculosis (TB) en muchos entornos de países con bajos y medianos recursos, el riesgo de aparición de EPC asociado con la TB se ha descrito cabalmente en los países con una alta carga de morbilidad por TB. Métodos: Entre el 28 de julio y el 30 de diciembre del 2013, participaron en el estudio 136 pacientes con antecedente de tuberculosis pulmonar (TBP) y baciloscopia positiva del esputo que habían recibido tratamiento en el consultorio de neumología del Hospital Universitario Omdurman de Jartún, en Sudán, y 136 testigos sanos de la comunidad, emparejados en función de la edad y el sexo. Se recogieron datos mediante cuestionarios normalizados y se practicó una espirometría antes y despuès una prueba de broncodilatación. Resultados: El promedio de la edad en el grupo de los casos fue 44,0 (desviación estándar 8,5 años) y en el grupo de testigos fue 44,5 años (8,6 años); la proporción de

  9. Dispositional optimism among American and Jordanian college students: are Westerners really more upbeat than Easterners?


    Khallad, Yacoub


    risque et d'auto-protection (e.g., la ceinture de sécurité, la vitesse au volant, l'usage de tabac), sur les facteurs sociaux et démographiques (e.g., le sexe, le statut socio-économique, la religiosité). Les résultats ont indiqué que l'optimisme dispositionnel était plus fort chez les américains en comparaison aux participants jordaniens. Des analyses séparées de l'optimisme versus le pessimisme ont montré que les participants jordaniens n'étaient pas pessimistes mais pas moins optimistes que leurs homologues américains. Il n'y avait pas de corrélations significatives entre l'optimisme dispotionnel et le sexe, le statut socio-économique et la religiosité. Les niveaux d'optimisme dispotionnel affichés par les jordaniens dans cette étude sont inconsistents avec les affirmations passées d'un occident optimiste et d'un orient pessimiste et suggèrent que les processus d'auto-amélioration pourraient ne pas être restreints aux occidentaux ou aux groupes hautement individualistes. Les résultats n'ont pas dévoilé une association entre l'optimise dispotionnel et les comportements de risque ou les comportements d'auto-protection. Des analyses de régression multiples ont indiqué que le contexte culturel et le sexe sont les meilleurs prédicteurs de ces comportements. Les implications de ces résultats sont discutées. El presente estudio se basó en la evaluación de algunas conclusiones de investigaciones anteriores, basadas principalmente en comparaciones de habitantes de norteamericanos con habitantes del Asia del este, en las que se proponía que mientras los occidentales tienden a ser optimistas, los orientales tienden a ser pesimistas. En dos muestras de estudiantes de la escuela superior europeo-americanos y jordanos se administró un cuestionario que consiste en preguntas que miden el optimismo disposicional junto con preguntas que evalúan conductas de riesgo y de autoprotección (p.e., uso de cinturón de seguridad, velocidad de manejo, fumar

  10. PREFACE: XII Latin American workshop on plasma physics (17-21 September 2007, Caracas, Venezuela)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Puerta, Julio


    ller, Laura Beiras, Juan Contreras, Gabriel Torrente, Aimée Guerrero, Francisco Jose Blanco Tovar, and last but not least, my son Johann Puerta. Without their generous help and great effort, it would have been impossible for me to organize, reach all the goals and finally, successfully realize the workshop. We are also grateful for the financial support of CLAF (Centro Latino American de Fisica), Fonacit (Fondo Nacional de Ciencia Investigacion y Tecnología), IVIC (Instituto Venezolano de Investigaciones Cientificos), Fundacion Banco Mercantil, whose sponsorship and finnacial support were vital to the realization of the event. We would like to thank La Universidad del Zulia, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Instituto Universitario de Tecnología, IDEA (Instituto de Estudios Avanzados), and Asociación de Amigos de la Universidad Simón Bolivar for their help and support in different ways for the good results we achieved in most of the meetings and the participation of their students who attend the Workshops. Finally we appreciate very much the Ministry for Science and Technology (Ministerio del Poder Popular para la Ciencia y la Tecnología) for their contribution to the workshops and to the publication process. We are under the impression that our meeting was successful, as we expected, and we are thankful for the collaboration of our Institution, and the close relation we had with all the physics researchers of Latin America and abroad (Europe, USA, Australia and Russia). Lastly, many thanks to the invited speakers for their lectures presented which have given a whole overview of the state of the art in different areas of the Physics of Plasma.

  11. Chronic respiratory disease in adults treated for tuberculosis in Khartoum, Sudan

    PubMed Central

    Mortimer, K.; Bjune, G.; El Sony, A. I.


    juillet 2013 et le 30 décembre 2013. Les données ont été recueillies grâce à des questionnaires standardisés ainsi qu'à une spirométrie avant et après bronchodilatateur. Résultats : L'âge moyen des cas et des témoins a été de 44,0 ans (DS 8,5) et 44,5 ans (DS 8,61), respectivement, avec 27,2% de femmes dans les deux groupes. Des symptômes respiratoires chroniques comme une toux chronique (OR 6,67 ; IC95% 2,98–14,90 ; P < 0,001) et la présence d'une obstruction chronique des voies aériennes (OR 12,39 ; IC%95 1,56–98,40 ; P = 0,02) ont été tous deux fortement associés à des antécédents de TBP après ajustement sur les facteurs de confusion potentiels. Conclusion : Les caractéristiques cliniques des MRC sont fortement associées à des antécédents de TBP. Une approche intégrée visant à améliorer la prise en charge de ces pathologies fréquentes devrait être envisagée. Marco de referencia: La enfermedad pulmonar crónica (EPC) es una causa importante de morbilidad y mortalidad. Aunque la epidemia mundial de EPC rivaliza con la epidemia de tuberculosis (TB) en muchos entornos de países con bajos y medianos recursos, el riesgo de aparición de EPC asociado con la TB se ha descrito cabalmente en los países con una alta carga de morbilidad por TB. Métodos: Entre el 28 de julio y el 30 de diciembre del 2013, participaron en el estudio 136 pacientes con antecedente de tuberculosis pulmonar (TBP) y baciloscopia positiva del esputo que habían recibido tratamiento en el consultorio de neumología del Hospital Universitario Omdurman de Jartún, en Sudán, y 136 testigos sanos de la comunidad, emparejados en función de la edad y el sexo. Se recogieron datos mediante cuestionarios normalizados y se practicó una espirometría antes y despuès una prueba de broncodilatación. Resultados: El promedio de la edad en el grupo de los casos fue 44,0 (desviación estándar 8,5 años) y en el grupo de testigos fue 44,5 años (8,6 años); la proporción de

  12. Relation of runoff and soil erosion to weather types in the Mediterranean basin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nadal-Romero, Estela; Peña-Angulo, Dhais


    Nadal-Romero, E. (1), Peña-Angulo, D. (1), Albaladejo, J. (2), Andreu, V. (3), Bahri, H. (4), Bagarello, V. (5), Batalla, R., (6), Bienes, R. (7), Campo, J. (3), Campo-Bescós, M.A. (8), Canatario, A. (9), Cantón, Y. (10), Casali, J. (8), Castillo, V. (2), Cid, P. (11), Cortesi, N. (12), Desir, G. (13), Díaz, E. (2), Ferreira, C. (14), Ferro, V. (5), Giménez, R. (8), Gimeno, E. (3), Gómez, J.A. (15), Gómez-Gutiérrez, A. (16), González-Hidalgo, J.C. (1), Klotz, S. (17) Kosmas, C. (18), Lana-Renault, N. (19), Lasanta, T. (20), Lázaro, R., (21), Le Bissonnais, Y. (22), Le Bouteiller, C. (17), Licciardello, F. (23), López-Tarazón, J.A. (24), Lucía, A. (25), Marín, C. (13), Marqués, M.J., (26) Martínez-Fernández, J. (27), Martínez-Mena, M. (2), Martínez-Murillo, J.F. (28), Mateos, L. (15), Novara, A. (5), Pachecho, E. (29), Raclot, D. (22), Rodríguez-Blanco, M.L. (30), Romero-Díaz, A. (31), Rubio, J.L. (3), Ruiz-Sinoga, J.D. (28), Schnabel, S. (16), Simonneaux, V. (32), Solé-Benet, A. (21), Taguas, E.V. (33), Taboada-Castro, M.M. (30), Taboada-Casto, M.T. (30), Todisco, F. (34), Úbeda, X. (29), Varouchakis, E. A. (35), Zabaleta, A. (36), Zorn, M. (37) (1) Departamento de Geografía, Instituto Universitario de Ciencias Ambientales (IUCA), Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain (2) Soil and water conservation research group, CEBAS-CSIC, Murcia, Spain (3) Degradación y conservación de suelos, Centro de Investigación sobre Desertificación (CIDE), Valencia, Spain (4) INRGREF, Tunis, Tunisia (5) Department of Scienze Agrarie e Forestali, University of Palermo, viale delle scienze, Palermo, Italy (6) Department de Medi Ambient, Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain (7) Departamento Investigación Aplicada y Extensión Agraria. Instituto Madrileño de Investigación y Desarrollo Rural, Agrario y Alimentario (IMIDRA), Madrid, Spain (8) Escuela Técnica Superior de Ingeniería Agrónoma, Universidad Pública de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain (9) Polytechnic

  13. Comparison of brain mechanisms underlying the processing of Chinese characters and pseudo-characters: an event-related potential study.


    Wang, Ting; Li, Hong; Zhang, Qinglin; Tu, Shen; Yu, Caiyun; Qiu, Jiang


    450 ms, une plus grande négativité (N360) fut observée pour les pseudo-caractères comparativement aux caractères des régions du scalp au-dessus des régions médianes fronto-centrales. L'analyse dipôle a localisé le générateur de N360 dans le cortex para-hippocampique droit. Ainsi, le N360 pourrait être une composante N400 et refléter une activation sémantique de haut niveau sur la base des traitements orthographique, phonologique et perceptuel-sémantique. La mayoría de los caracteres chinos están compuestos por un radical semántico a la izquierda y un radical fonético a la derecha. El radical semántico puede proporcionar información semántica y el radical fonético puede proporcionar información relacionada con la pronunciación del carácter entero. Los pseudo-caracteres consistieron en diferentes partes sub-léxicas de los caracteres reales chinos y como consecuencia, también tenían radicales semánticos y fonéticos. Pero éstos no se podían leer y tampoco tenían un significado real. Para investigar los patrones de la activación cortical espaciotemporal subyacentes de los procesamientos ortográfico, fonológico y semántico de los caracteres chinos, utilizamos potencial relacionado con eventos (ERPs) para explorar el procesamiento de caracteres chinos y pseudo-caracteres mientras que 14 sanos estudiantes chinos veían los caracteres de forma pasiva. Los resultados demostraron que ambos, caracteres y pseudo-caracteres chinos evocaban potenciales negativos con picos alrededor de los 120 ms (N120), lo cual parece reflejar distinción inicial ortográfica y evaluación. Además, los pseudo-caracteres chinos provocaban una desviación ERP más positiva (P220) en comparación con los caracteres chinos entre 200-250 ms después de la aparición de los estímulos. Esto fue parecido a RP (potenciales de reconocimiento) y puede reflejar un proceso de integración del procesamiento fonológico y semántico basado en la información ortogr

  14. Motivational beliefs, cognitive engagement, and achievement in language and mathematics in elementary school children.


    Metallidou, Panagiota; Vlachou, Anastasia


    'auto-efficacité. En effet, l'auto-efficacité s'est avérée être le prédicteur le plus significatif non seulement de la performance mais aussi de l'utilisation d'une stratégie cognitive et régulatoire. Des différences sexuelles dans la motivation et dans l'utilisation d'une stratégie n'ont pas été rapportées alors qu'il s'est avéré que la motivation variait principalement en fonction de l'âge. L'utilité de ces résultats pour la promotion d'une grande clarté entre les cadres motivationnel et métacognitif et les idées pour les études futures sont discutées. Se examinó, en una muestra de 263 niños griegos de quinto y sexto años de la escuela primaria, las diferencias contextuales en las pautas con las que se dan las relaciones entre varios componentes motivacionales, cognitivos y meta cognitivos del aprendizaje autorregulado y el desempeño en dos áreas clave del currículo, lenguaje y matemáticas. También se investigó las diferencias de edad y género. Se pidió a los alumnos que respondieran el Cuestionario de Estrategias Motivadas para el Aprendizaje (Pintrich & De Groot, 1990 ), compuesto por cinco factores: (a) Auto eficacia, (b) Valor Intrínseco, (c) Ansiedad ante los Exámenes, (d) Empleo de Estrategias Cognitivas, y (e) Estrategias Autorreguladas. Respondieron a los enunciados del cuestionario sobre una escala Likert de 7 puntos en términos de su conducta en las clases de matemáticas y lenguaje por separado. Es más, se pidió a sus profesores que evaluaran el desempeño de cada uno de sus estudiantes en Lenguaje Griego y Matemáticas de acuerdo con una escala comparativa de 1 a 20 puntos, en relación con el resto del grupo escolar. Los resultados del estudio indicaron pocas diferencias en la pauta que describen las relaciones entre los componentes de autorregulación al interior de y entre ambas áreas de estudio y, al mismo tiempo, revelaron un carácter específico del contexto de los componentes de la autorregulación con diferencias en el