Sample records for im kontakt mit

  1. Hinderniserkennung und -verfolgung mit einer PMD-kamera im automobil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schamm, Thomas; Vacek, Stefan; Natroshvilli, Koba; Marius Zöllner, J.; Dillmann, Rüdiger

    Die Detektion von Hindernissen vor dem Automobil ist eine Hauptanforderung an moderne Fahrerassistenzsysteme (FAS). In dieser Arbeit wird ein System vorgestellt, das mit Hilfe einer PMDKamera (Photomischdetektor) Hindernisse auf der Fahrspur erkennt und deren relevante Parameter bestimmt. Durch die PMD-Kamera werden zunächst 3D-Tiefenbilder der Fahrzeugumwelt generiert. Nach einem initialen Filterprozess werden im Tiefenbild mit Hilfe eines Bereichswachstumsverfahrens Hindernisse gesucht. Zur Stabilisierung des Verfahrens und zur Parameterberechnung wird ein Kaiman Filter eingesetzt. Das Ergebnis ist eine Liste aller Hindernisse im Fahrbereich des Automobils.

  2. Grundlegende Steuerungsverfahren im heterogenen Logistiknetz mit Kanban

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Lödding, Hermann; Möller, Niklas; Rücker, Thomas; Schneider, Herfried M.; Zäh, Michael F.

    In vielen Unternehmen werden heterogene (verschiedene) Steuerungen in einem abgestimmten Konzept kombiniert. Je nach Anwendungsfall und Rahmenbedingungen werden Kombinationen allgemein bekannter Steuerungen oder Steuerungsvarianten gemischt eingesetzt, um eine optimale Steuerung für unterschiedliche Fälle zu erreichen. Hierbei stehen neben den bekannten und weit verbreiteten Methoden, wie Material Requirements Planning (MRP) oder Kanban, auch weniger bekannte oder neue Methoden zur Auswahl, wie die Produktionssteuerung mit dezentraler, bestandsorientierter Fertigungsregelung (DBF). Kanban ist ein simples und effizientes Steuerungskonzept, das in der klassischen Form für spezifische einfache Anwendungsfälle umsetzbar ist. Hochentwickelte Steuerungsalgorithmen können helfen, komplexe Abläufe optimal abzubilden. Mit einer grundlegenden Vereinfachung der Abläufe kann allerdings in vielen Fällen ein wesentlich stärkerer und umfassender Verbesserungseffekt erzielt werden. Die wesentliche Fragestellung sollte folglich lauten: Warum ist der Ablauf nicht mit einer einfachen Steuerung wie Kanban abzubilden? Um die Vorteile des Konzepts auch in untypischen Bereichen anwenden zu können, sind jedoch verschiedene Varianten oder Kanban-ähnliche Steuerungsmethoden entstanden. Darüber hinaus sind in der Praxis hybride Steuerungen im Einsatz, welche so kombiniert werden, dass die Zusammensetzung anspruchsvolle Eigenschaftsbilder noch exakt abbildet. In der Praxis basieren die Steuerungsentscheidungen nur zu einem kleinen Teil auf den eigentlichen Steuerungsalgorithmen, wie sie uns das MRP-System zur Verfügung stellt. Moderne Steuerungswelten" schließen alle relevanten Informationsquellen in eine heterogene Entscheidungsmatrix mit ein. Letztlich zählt nicht, ob die Entscheidung auf den Informationen aus dem MRP-System oder auf Softfacts basierend getroffen wurde, sondern nur, ob die Entscheidung erfolgreich war.

  3. Kombinierte Hoch-/Niedrig-Dosis-Therapie mit systemischen Glukokor-tikoiden bei schweren Verlaufsformen der Alopecia areata im Kindesalter.


    Jahn-Bassler, Karin; Bauer, Wolfgang Michael; Karlhofer, Franz; Vossen, Matthias G; Stingl, Georg


    Schwere Verlaufsformen der Alopecia areata (AA) im Kindesalter sind aufgrund limitierter Optionen therapeutisch herausfordernd. Systemische, hochdosierte Glukokortikoide weisen die schnellste Ansprechrate auf, nach dem Absetzen kommt es allerdings zu Rezidiven. Eine längerfristige Hochdosis-Anwendung ist aufgrund der zu erwartenden Nebenwirkungen nicht empfehlenswert. Eine dauerhafte Steroiderhaltungstherapie unterhalb der Cushing-Schwellen-Dosis nach Bolustherapie könnte die Krankheitsaktivität ohne Nebenwirkungen längerfristig unterdrücken. Im Rahmen einer offenen Anwendungsbeobachtung wurden 13 Kinder mit schweren Formen der AA in diese Studie eingeschlossen. Bei sieben Kindern lag eine AA totalis/universalis vor, bei sechs eine multifokale AA mit Befall von mehr als 50 % der Kopfhaut. Das Therapieregime sah eine initiale Prednisolon-Dosierung von 2 mg/kg Körpergeweicht (KG) vor und wurde innerhalb von neun Wochen auf eine Erhaltungsdosierung unter der individuellen Cushing-Schwelle reduziert. Der Nachbeobachtungszeitraum betrug ein bis drei Jahre. Wir beobachteten in 62 % aller Fälle ein komplettes Nachwachsen der Haare. Die mittlere Dauer bis zum Ansprechen lag bei 6,6 Wochen und konnte mit der Erhaltungstherapie über den gesamten Beobachtungszeitraum aufrechterhalten werden. An Nebenwirkungen wurden ausschließlich eine Gewichtszunahme (1-3 kg) bei allen Behandelten sowie eine milde Steroidakne in 23 % der Fälle beobachtet. Die kombinierte Hoch-/Niedrig-Dosis-Therapie mit systemischen Glukokortikoiden mittels Prednisolon zeigte eine hohe, dauerhafte Ansprechrate ohne signifikante Nebenwirkungen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit von Fumarsäureestern in Kombination mit Phototherapie bei Patienten mit moderater bis schwerer Plaque-Psoriasis (FAST).


    Weisenseel, Peter; Reich, Kristian; Griemberg, Wiebke; Merten, Katharina; Gröschel, Christine; Gomez, Natalie Nunez; Taipale, Kirsi; Bräu, Beate; Zschocke, Ina


    Die Behandlung von Psoriasis-Patienten mit einer Kombination aus Fumarsäureestern (FSE, Fumaderm ® ) und Phototherapie (UV) ist verbreitet, wurde aber im Rahmen von Studien wenig untersucht. Bisher liegen lediglich Daten aus einer kleinen Pilotstudie vor. Intention dieser Studie war, eine FSE/UV-Kombinationsbehandlung an einem größeren Patientenkollektiv mit mittelschwerer bis schwerer Psoriasis zu untersuchen. In dieser prospektiven, multizentrischen, nichtinterventionellen Studie wurden Daten von Patienten mit FSE/UV-Kombinationstherapie hinsichtlich der Wirksamkeit (PGA' PASI, DLQI, EQ-5D), Sicherheit und Dosierung über einen Zeitraum von zwölf Monaten erfasst und mit Daten einer retrospektiven Studie mit FSE-Monotherapie verglichen. Es wurden Daten von 363 Patienten ausgewertet. Unter der Kombinationstherapie verbesserten sich alle Wirksamkeitsparameter deutlich. Im Vergleich zur Monotherapie mit FSE konnte durch die Kombination mit UV ein schnellerer Wirkeintritt erzielt werden, wobei nach zwölf Monaten kein Unterschied in der Wirksamkeit bestand. Die Dauer und Art der Phototherapie zeigte keinen Einfluss auf die Wirksamkeitsparameter. Allgemein wurde die Kombinationstherapie gut vertragen. Unerwünschte Ereignisse wurden bei 7 % der Patienten berichtet. Die FSE/UV Kombinationstherapie zeigt eine gute Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit und kann zu einem schnelleren Wirkeintritt führen. Eine Kombinationstherapie erscheint vor allem in den ersten drei Monaten der FSE Behandlung sinnvoll. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Tinea capitis: Erregerspektrum und Epidemiologie im zeitlichen Wandel.


    Ziegler, Wiebke; Lempert, Sigrid; Goebeler, Matthias; Kolb-Mäurer, Annette


    Die Tinea capitis ist die häufigste Dermatomykose des Kindesalters. Das Erregerprofil zeigt unterschiedliche geographische Verteilungsmuster und variiert im Laufe der Zeit. Zwischen 1990-2014 an der Würzburger Universitätsklinik für Dermatologie erhobene Daten von 150 Patienten mit mykologisch gesicherter Tinea capitis wurden hinsichtlich Alter, Geschlecht und Erregerspektrum analysiert und über zwei Zeiträume von jeweils 12,5 Jahren miteinander verglichen. Obwohl eine Tinea capitis am häufigsten bei Kindern der Altersgruppe zwischen 0 und 5 Jahren diagnostiziert wurde, lag der Anteil betroffener Erwachsener mit 16 % höher als bislang berichtet. Der zoophile Dermatophyt Microsporum canis konnte am häufigsten als Erreger der Tinea capitis identifiziert werden, jedoch war ein Anstieg von Infektionen mit den anthropophilen Pilzen Trichophyton tonsurans und Trichophyton rubrum zu verzeichnen. Tendenziell sank der Anteil zoophiler im Verhältnis zu den anthropophilen Erregern. Im zeitlichen Verlauf zeigte sich eine zunehmende Heterogenität des Erregerspektrums: Dermatophyten wie Trichophyton soudanense und Trichophyton violaceum, Trichophyton anamorph von Arthroderma benhamiae sowie Trichophyton schoenleinii und Microsporum audouinii konnten erstmalig bzw. nach langer Zeit wieder erneut isoliert werden. Wenngleich Microsporum-canis-Infektionen noch dominieren, sind zunehmend anthropophile Erreger nachzuweisen. Angesichts des unerwartet hohen Anteils von Erwachsenen sollte eine Tinea capitis in allen Altersgruppen differenzialdiagnostisch in Betracht gezogen werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Intraläsionale Therapie niedrig maligner primär kutaner B-Zell-Lymphome mit Anti-CD20-Antikörper: Nebenwirkungen korrelieren mit gutem klinischen Ansprechen.


    Eberle, Franziska C; Holstein, Julia; Scheu, Alexander; Fend, Falko; Yazdi, Amir S


    Die intraläsionale Gabe von Anti-CD20-Antikörpern (Rituximab) wurde als effektive Therapieoption für Patienten mit niedrig malignen primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphomen beschrieben. Bis heute wurden allerdings keine Parameter identifiziert, welche reproduzierbar ein gutes klinisches Ansprechen dieser Therapie vorhersagen. Ziel dieser Studie ist, sowohl das klinische Ansprechen und die unerwünschten Nebenwirkungen als auch die Patientenwahrnehmung hinsichtlich intraläsionaler Injektionen von anti-CD20-Antikörpern zur Behandlung indolenter primär kutaner B-Zell-Lymphome im Vergleich mit anderen Therapien zu evaluieren. Elf Patienten mit einem primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphom, namentlich primär kutanes Keimzentrumslymphom (n = 9) und primär kutanes Marginalzonenlymphom (n = 2), welche mittels intraläsionalem Anti-CD20-Antikörper behandelt wurden, wurden retrospektiv evaluiert hinsichtlich der Ansprechrate und unerwünschter Nebenwirkungen sowie in Bezug auf deren Selbsteinschätzung dieser und anderer Therapien des primär kutanen B-Zell-Lymphoms. Patienten, deren primär kutanes B-Zell-Lymphom mittels intraläsionaler Gabe von Anti-CD20-Antikörper behandelt wurde, zeigten ein komplettes oder partielles Ansprechen in 45 % beziehungsweise 27 % aller Patienten. Speziell Patienten mit grippeähnlichen Symptomen nach erfolgter Injektion zeigten ein gutes Ansprechen. Die Mehrheit der Patienten empfand die Therapie mit Rituximab als die beste Therapie im Vergleich zu anderen Therapien wie beispielsweise chirurgische Exzision oder Radiotherapie. Intraläsionales Rituximab ist eine effektive Therapie mit hoher Patientenzufriedenheit. Starke therapiebedingte Nebenwirkungen wie Fieber, Schüttelfrost und Kopfschmerzen nach Gabe von Rituximab könnten als Indikator für gute Wirksamkeit dienen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Einleitung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ha, Suk-Woo; Wintermantel, Erich

    Der Aufbau des menschlichen Körpers ist derart komplex, dass die vollständige funktionelle Substitution seiner Strukturen mit künstlichen Werkstoffen und Bauteilen unwahrscheinlich ist. Die meisten heute klinisch eingesetzten Implantate ersetzen in der Regel einfache mechanische oder andere physikalische Funktionen des menschlichen Körpers, die aufgrund eines singulären Defektes im Gewebe oder als Ergebnis einer chronischen Erkrankung substituiert werden müssen. Gelenkprothesen beispielsweise übertragen Lasten, eine künstliche intraokulare Linse ermöglicht Lichttransmission und eine künstliche Arterie sorgt für die Aufrechterhaltung der Blutversorgung. Neben der Funktionserfüllung müssen die medizinisch eingesetzten Werkstoffe zusätzlich den Anforderungen der Körperverträglichkeit genügen, die die vollständige und dauerhafte Aufnahme des Implantates im Körper zum Ziel hat. Die Erkenntnisse der Werkstoffwissenschaft und deren Umsetzung in neue Produkte hat die Entwicklung und Fortschritte in der Medizin und in der Chirurgie entscheidend geprägt. Werkstoffe stehen in ihrem klinischen Einsatz als Temporärimplantate (z. B. Kathetersysteme) sowie als Langzeitimplantate (z. B. Hüftgelenksimplantate oder Herzschrittmacher) in direktem Kontakt mit den Geweben des Körpers und müssen deshalb biokompatibel sein.

  8. Transplantate und Implantate im Mittelohrbereich - Teil 1 (Stand 2002)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kempf, Hans-Georg; Lenarz, Thomas; Eckert, Karl-Ludwig

    In Deutschland leben ungefähr 12 Millionen Menschen, die an einer ein- oder beidseitigen Schwerhörigkeit leiden. Diese kann angeboren oder im Laufe des Lebens erworben sein. Klinisch und therapeutisch wichtig ist die Unterscheidung, ob die Ursache der Schwerhörigkeit im Bereich des Mittelohres, d. h. der Schallübertragung, oder im Bereich des Innenohres, der Hörnerven und der zentralen Hörbahnabschnitte, d. h. der Schallempfindung, liegt. 2,5 Millionen Schwerhörige haben dabei das Problem der Schallübertragung, d.h. die Störung liegt im Mittelohrbereich, und hier kann man in der Regel mit operativen, mikrochirurgisch durchgeführten Massnahmen helfen [1, 2]. Im Vordergrund steht als Ursache hier die chronische Mittelohrentzündung, die sich als Perforation des Trommelfells, als Defekt oder Unterbrechung der Gehörknöchelchen oder auch als Cholesteatom, einer sogenannte Knocheneiterung äussern kann [3]. Therapeutisch und damit als Prinzip der operativen Hörverbesserung steht primär der Verschluss des Trommelfells oder eine Rekonstruktion der Gehörknöchelchen an.

  9. Kompressionstherapie - Versorgungspraxis: Informationsstand von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum.


    Protz, Kerstin; Heyer, Kristina; Dissemond, Joachim; Temme, Barbara; Münter, Karl-Christian; Verheyen-Cronau, Ida; Klose, Katharina; Hampel-Kalthoff, Carsten; Augustin, Matthias


    Eine Säule der kausalen Therapie bei Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum ist die Kompressionstherapie. Sie unterstützt die Abheilung, reduziert Schmerzen und Rezidive und steigert die Lebensqualität. Bislang existieren kaum wissenschaftliche Daten zu dem Versorgungsstand und fachspezifischem Wissen von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum. Standardisierte Fragebögen wurden bundesweit in 55 Pflegediensten, 32 Arztpraxen, vier Wundzentren und -sprechstunden sowie einem Pflegetherapiestützpunkt von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum bei Erstvorstellung anonym ausgefüllt. Insgesamt nahmen 177 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 69,4 Jahre; 75,1 % Frauen) teil. Ein florides Ulcus cruris venosum bestand im Mittel 17 Monate. 31,1 % hatten keine Kompressionstherapie, 40,1 % Binden und 28,8 % Strümpfe. Bei der Bestrumpfung hatten 13,7 % Kompressionsklasse III, 64,7 % Kompressionsklasse II und 19,6 % Kompressionsklasse I. 70,6 % legten die Strümpfe nach dem Aufstehen an, 21,1 % trugen sie Tag und Nacht. 39,2 % bereiteten die Strümpfe Beschwerden. Lediglich 11,7 % hatten eine An- und Ausziehhilfe. Die Binden wurden im Mittel 40,7 Wochen getragen und bei 69 % nicht unterpolstert. Bei 2,8 % wurde der Knöchel- und Waden-Umfang zur Erfolgskontrolle gemessen. Venensport machten 45,9 %. Ein Drittel hatte keine Kompressionsversorgung, obwohl diese eine Basismaßnahme der Therapie des Ulcus cruris venosum ist. Zudem ist deren korrekte Auswahl und Anwendung angesichts der langen Bestandsdauer der Ulzerationen zu hinterfragen. Weiterführende Fachkenntnisse bei Anwendern und Verordnern sowie Patientenschulungen sind erforderlich. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. [Leben im Eismeer - Tauchuntersuchungen zur Biologie arktischer Meerespflanzen und Meerestiere


    Lippert; Karsten; Wiencke


    Die Maske wird nochmals auf Dichtigkeit überprüft, der Knoten der Sicherungsleine mit zwei halben Schlägen fixiert, dann rutscht die Taucherin von der Eiskante in das kalte Wasser. Eine halbe Stunde vergeht, bevor ihr Kopf wieder aus dem Eisloch auftaucht und sie ein großes Sammelnetz nach oben reicht, gefüllt mit verschiedenen Arten von Makroalgen. Obwohl noch große Flächen des Kongsfjordes im arktischen Spitzbergen zugefroren sind und das Festland von einer dicken Schneedecke bedeckt ist, hat unter Wasser in den Algenwäldern bereits der Sommer und damit die Saison der Meeresbiologen begonnen.

  11. Gerbstoffe aus Potentilla officinalis wirken entzündungshemmend im UV-Erythem-Test und bei Anwendung auf atopischer Haut.


    Hoffmann, Julia; Wölfle, Ute; Schempp, Christoph M; Casetti, Federica


    Das Rhizom von Potentilla officinalis (PO) ist reich an Gerbstoffen und wird traditionell zur äußerlichen Behandlung von Entzündungen der Haut und der Schleimhäute verwendet. Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die Bestätigung der antiinflammatorischen Eigenschaften von PO mittels eines UV-Erythem-Tests und einer klinischen Anwendungsstudie bei atopischer Haut. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung eines PO-Extrakts (standardisiert auf 2 % Trockensubstanz) wurde in einer prospektiven, randomisierten, placebokontrollierten Doppelblindstudie mit 40 gesunden Erwachsenen im UV-Erythem-Test im Vergleich zu 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat untersucht. Im Rahmen einer prospektiven nicht kontrollierten Studie wurde die Wirkung und Verträglichkeit der 2 % PO-Creme an zwölf Erwachsenen und zwölf Kindern mit atopischer Haut nach Anwendung über zwei Wochen in einem definierten Testareal anhand eines Teil-SCORAD untersucht. Zusätzlich wurde die Beeinflussung der Hautrötung im Testareal photometrisch gemessen. Im UV-Erythem-Test zeigte die PO-Creme eine signifikante Reduktion des Erythemindex im Vergleich zum Vehikel. Die antiinflammatorische Wirkung des Verums entsprach der der 1 % Hydrocortisonacetat-Creme. Die klinische Studie bei Atopikern zeigte eine signifikante Abnahme des Teil-SCORAD und des Erythems im Testareal. Es wurden keine Unverträglichkeitsreaktionen beobachtet. PO als 2%ige Zubereitung besitzt entzündungshemmende Eigenschaften und ist wirksam und gut verträglich auf atopischer Haut. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Krankheitsverlauf, medizinische Versorgung und Lebensqualität von Patienten mit kongenitalen melanozytären Nävi - Auswertung des deutschsprachigen KMN-Registers.


    Elisabeth Wramp, Maria; Langenbruch, Anna; Augustin, Matthias; Zillikens, Detlef; Krengel, Sven


    Kongenitale melanozytäre Nävi (KMN) bedeuten für Patienten und Familien eine psychologische Belastung und bergen zudem medizinische Risiken. Das 2005 gegründete deutschsprachige KMN-Register wurde nun einer Zwischenauswertung bezüglich des Krankheitsverlaufes, der medizinischen Versorgung und der Lebensqualität unterzogen. 100 Patienten, die sich in den Jahren 2005 bis 2012 mit einem Erstmeldebogen registriert hatten, wurde im Rahmen einer prospektiven Kohortenstudie Anfang 2013 ein Folgemeldebogen zugesandt. Außerdem wurden mithilfe standardisierter Fragebögen Daten zu Lebensqualität (dermatology life quality index, DLQI) und Stigmatisierungserfahrungen (perceived stigmatization questionnaire, PSQ; social comfort questionnaire, SCQ) erhoben. 83 % der Patienten oder deren Eltern antworteten (Altersdurchschnitt 11,2 Jahre, Median 6 Jahre; mittleres Follow-up 4,4 Jahre). Im Gesamtkollektiv wurden vier Melanome diagnostiziert, davon zwei zerebrale Melanome im Kindesalter, ein kutanes Melanom im Erwachsenenalter und eines, das sich als proliferierender Knoten erwies. Bei vier Kindern wurde eine neurokutane Melanozytose festgestellt, drei davon mit neurologischer Symptomatik. Chirurgisch behandelt wurden 88 % (73/83). Achtundsiebzig Prozent der Befragten berichteten eine geringe oder keine Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität. Die wahrgenommene Stigmatisierung beziehungsweise Beeinträchtigung des sozialen Wohlbefindens war generell ebenfalls gering. Die Ergebnisse geben einen Überblick über die Situation von Patienten mit KMN in Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz. Ein Melanom entwickelte sich in 3 %, eine ZNS-Beteiligung bestand in 4 % der Fälle. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. Reisen im freien Fall - Teil 2: Das Zwillingsparadoxon aus dem Blickwinkel der ART

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sonne, Bernd; Weiß, Reinhard


    Nachdem wir uns mit den Prinzipien der ART und einigen Beispielen vertraut gemacht haben, kommen wir nun zur Berechnung des Zwillingsparadoxons aus Sicht des reisenden Zwillings. Dabei spielt das Äquivalenzprinzip eine große Rolle. Deshalb wird die Bewegungssituation noch einmal erläutert, diesmal aus Sicht von Katrin. Sie befindet sich in ihrem System S'in Ruhe. In ihrem System läuft die Zeit t'ab. Nach dem Start fühlt Katrin jedoch eine Kraft, die sie als Gravitationskraft interpretieren kann. Sie merkt es daran, dass sie in den Sitz gedrückt wird. Nach einiger Zeit werden die Triebwerke abgeschaltet, und das Raumschiff fliegt mit konstanter Geschwindigkeit weiter, Phase 2. Anschließend wird der Schub der Triebwerke solange umgekehrt, bis das Raumschiff irgendwo mit der Geschwindigkeit null am Umkehrpunkt U landet, Phase 3 (Abb. 15.1). Die Erde, auf der sich Michael befindet, bewegt sich mit x'(t') aus Sicht von Katrin im freien Fall von ihr weg, s. das Experiment mit dem steigenden Fahrstuhl in Abschn. 13.2.1.

  14. ABCB1-Gen-Polymorphismus in einer polnischen Kohorte ist mit Risiko für bullöses Pemphigoid assoziiert.


    Rychlik-Sych, Mariola; Barańska, Małgorzata; Dudarewicz, Michał; Skrętkowicz, Jadwiga; Żebrowska, Agnieszka; Owczarek, Jacek; Waszczykowska, Elżbieta


    Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen, das für das P-Glykoprotein kodiert, können die intrazelluläre Konzentration von Xenobiotika beeinflussen und so zur Entwicklung von Autoimmunerkrankungen, einschließlich des bullösen Pemphigoids (BP), beitragen. In der vorliegenden Studie sollte untersucht werden, ob in einer polnischen Kohorte die C3435T- und G2677T/A-Polymorphismen im ABCB1-Gen mit dem Risiko für ein BP assoziiert sind. Die Studie umfasste 71 Patienten mit BP und 156 gesunde Probanden. Der C3435T-Polymorphismus wurde mittels PCR-RFLP bestimmt und der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus mittels Allel-spezifischer PCR. Es gab zwar keine Korrelation zwischen dem C3435-Polymorphismus und dem BP-Risiko, aber wir konnten eine derartige Assoziation hinsichtlich des G2677T/A-Polymorphismus nachweisen. Das relative Risiko eines BP war bei Personen mit dem 2677TA-Genotyp um mehr als den Faktor fünf erhöht (OR = 5,52; p = 0,0063) und bei Trägern des 2677TT-Genotyps mehr als verdoppelt (OR = 2,40; p = 0,0076). Mit 2,40 (p = 0,000018) war die OR bei Trägern des 2677T-Allels ebenfalls erhöht. Die höhere Prävalenz des 2677GG-Genotyps und des 2677G-Allels bei der Kontrollgruppe sowie eine OR < 1,0 (0,22 beziehungsweise 0,33) legen eine Schutzfunktion des 2677G-Allels hinsichtlich der Ausbildung eines BP nahe. Die Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie zeigen, dass der G2677T/A-Polymorphismus im ABCB1-Gen das Risiko für die Entstehung eines BP beeinflussen könnte. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. Magnetisches Tracking für die Navigation mit dem da Vinci® Surgical System

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nickel, Felix; Wegner, Ingmar; Kenngott, Hannes; Neuhaus, Jochen; Müller-Stich, Beat P.; Meinzer, Hans-Peter; Gutt, Carsten N.

    In dieser Studie wurde untersucht ob in einem typischen OP-Aufbau mit dem da Vinci® Telemanipulator elektromagnetisches Tracking für die Realisation eines Navigationssystems eingesetzt werden kann. Hierfür wurde in einem realen OP-Aufbau untersucht, wie stark metallische und ferromagnetisch wirksame Objekte wie Operationstisch und Telemanipulator das elektromagnetische Feld des Trackingsystems beeinflussen. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass der Telemanipulator nur unwesentlich die Störung des Magnetfeldes durch den OP-Tisch verstärkt. Insbesondere die Bewegung der Instrumente im Trackingvolumen verursachte keine zusätzliche relevante Störung des Magnetfeldes. Bei Begrenzung des Trackingvolumens auf eine Länge von 190 mm, Höhe von 200mm und Breite von 400 mm war der maximale Fehler in diesem Bereich an allen Messpunkten kleiner 10 mm. Der Einsatz von elektromagnetischem Tracking für die Navigation mit dem da Vinci® Surgical System ist somit in einem begrenzten Arbeitsvolumen mit hinreichender Genauigkeit möglich.

  16. Oberflächenstrukturierung metallischer Werkstoffe, z. B. für stents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stöver, Michael; Wintermantel, Erich

    Eine topologische Oberflächenmodifikation von metallischen Implantaten kann aus verschiedenen Gründen sinnvoll sein. Im Allgemeinen lassen sich zwei Hauptziele unterscheiden. Zum einen dienen Oberflächen dazu, bestimmte Zellreaktionen zu forcieren. Die Anwendungsbeispiele reichen hier von sehr rauen Oberflächen in Fällen wo eine gute Integration eines Permanentimplantates in das Gewebe erwünscht ist bis hin zu glatt polierten Oberflächen. Letztere werden in erster Linie dort eingesetzt, wo das Implantat in direktem Kontakt mit Blut ist. Ein Beispiel für die Erforderlichkeit einer hohen Rauheit (Rz > 100 μm) sind meist aus Titan gefertigte Schäfte von Gelenksimplantaten [1,2]. Die Autoren machten den Vorschlag, die Aufrauung von Titan- und Edelstahl-Stents analog der Aufrauung bei Hüftprothesenschäften zu versuchen, um eine noch bessere Biokompatibilität zu erreichen. [7, 8 ,9]. Sehr glatte Oberflächen, in der Regel mit Rz Werten von unter 0,1 μm, sind z. B. bei Herzklappenprothesen und der Innenseite von Gefäßstützen gefordert. Mittlere Rauheiten werden oft bei temporären Implantaten eingesetzt, in die in reguliertem Maße Gewebe einwachsen, allerdings keine unlösbare Verbindung bilden sollen. Sehr genau eingestellt werden müssen auch die Oberflächentopographien bei Implantaten in sehr empfindlichen Gebieten wie z. B. der Gehirnregion. Hierbei muss eine gute Verankerung im Gewebe vorhanden sein, um ein Verrutschen des Implantates zu verhindern. Zum anderen darf keine überschüssige Zellproliferation entstehen, um ein Einwachsen in sensible Regionen zu verhindern. Zum anderen werden Oberflächenmikrostrukturen genutzt, um Wirkstoffe in Implantate einzubringen, die lokal über einen bestimmten Zeitraum freigesetzt werden sollen. Als wichtigste Wirkstoffe sind hier Antibiotika und entzündungshemmende Mittel sowie im kardiovaskulären Bereich Proliferationshemmer zu nennen.

  17. Ustekinumab in der Therapie der Pustulosis palmoplantaris - Eine Fallserie mit neun Patienten.


    Buder, Valeska; Herberger, Katharina; Jacobi, Arnd; Augustin, Matthias; Radtke, Marc Alexander


    Die Pustulosis palmoplantaris ist eine chronisch entzündliche Hauterkrankung, die mit bedeutenden Einschränkungen der Lebensqualität und der Belastbarkeit einhergeht. Aufgrund von Zulassungsbeschränkungen und einem häufig therapierefraktären Verlauf sind die Behandlungsmöglichkeiten limitiert. Nach zuvor frustranen Therapien erhielten 9 Patienten mit Pustulosis palmoplantaris nach Ausschluss einer latenten Tuberkulose Ustekinumab (45 mg Ustekinumab bei < 100 kg Körpergewicht [KG], 90 mg Ustekinumab > 100 kg KG) in Woche 0, 4, 12 und 24. Reguläre Visiten erfolgten nach 4 und 12 Wochen, im weiteren Verlauf alle 12 Wochen. Das Durchschnittsalter bei Therapiebeginn betrug 48 Jahre. Drei Patienten waren männlich. Bei n  =  4 Patienten (44,4 %) wurde eine Verbesserung um 75 % des Palmoplantar-Psoriasis-Area-Severity-Index (PPPASI) erreicht. Insgesamt verbesserte sich der PPPASI nach 24 Wochen durchschnittlich um 71,6 %. Eine komplette Abheilung zeigte sich bei n  =  2 Patienten nach 24 Wochen. Bis auf lokale Injektionsreaktionen und leichte Infekte wurden keine unerwünschten Wirkungen beobachtet. Die Fallserie ist ein weiterer Beleg für die Wirksamkeit und Verträglichkeit von Ustekinumab in der Therapie der Pustulosis palmoplantaris. Zur Beurteilung der Langzeitwirkung und -sicherheit sowie der Wirksamkeit einer intermittierenden Therapie sind kontrollierte Studiendaten sowie Beobachtungen im Rahmen von Patientenregistern notwendig. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. [Postoperative adjuvante Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album ssp. album) bei Hündinnen mit Mammatumoren].


    Biegel, Ulrike; Stratmann, Nina; Knauf, Yvonne; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Wehrend, Axel


    Hintergrund: Canine Mammatumoren (CMT) sind wegen ihrer Häufigkeit und hohen Malignitätsrate eine Herausforderung für die Veterinärmedizin. Bisher ist noch keine postoperative adjuvante Therapie als wirksamer Standard etabliert und in den nächsten Jahren wohl auch nicht zu erwarten. Zusätzlich ist die Frage nach der Verträglichkeit einer adjuvanten Therapie mit Erhaltung oder Verbesserung der Lebensqualität (LQ) wichtig. Die Therapie mit Mistelextrakten (Viscum album L.; VAE) ist in der Humanonkologie nach adjuvanter Tumorbasistherapie (Chemotherapie und Bestrahlung) eine sehr häufig verwendete, zusätzliche adjuvante Behandlungsmethode. Auch bei verschiedenen Tierarten werden inzwischen Mistelpräparate in der Onkologie erfolgreich angewendet. Methoden: Überprüfung von Wirkung und Nutzen einer postoperativen, adjuvanten Misteltherapie beim CMT sowie Erfassung der LQ unter der VAE-Behandlung. Ausgewertet wurden 56 Hündinnen mit Mammaadenokarzinom, 33 ausschließlich operierte Kontrolltiere und 23 operierte Tiere, die adjuvant VAE erhielten. Ergebnisse: Die mediane Überlebenszeit (MST) aller Tiere (n = 56) betrug 32 Monate (Interquartilbereich 13-51 Monate). Im deskriptiven Vergleich der Überlebenszeiten (ST) nach Kaplan-Meier waren nach 12, 24, 36 bzw. 48 Monaten noch 24, 20, 15 bzw. 5 Hündinnen (entsprechend 72,7%, 60,6%, 45,1%, 12,4%) der Kontrollgruppe sowie 19, 14, 11 und 1 Hündin (82,6%, 60,9%, 47,8%, 4,3%) der VAE-Gruppe am Leben. Die VAE-Therapie führte zu einem geringeren Gesamtversterberisiko, das statistisch nicht signifikant war (Hazard Ratio (HR) 0,530, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,222-1,262; p = 0,15). Tendenziell (p = 0,07) zeigte sich eine Verringerung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos auf 25% (HR 0,251, 95%-KI 0,056-1,122). Schlussfolgerungen: Es kann eine Tendenz zur Senkung des tumorbedingten Sterberisikos der VAE-Gruppe bei guter Verträglichkeit der Therapie angenommen werden. Die LQ der Tiere blieb über die gesamte

  19. Ein Entscheidungsmodell zur Weitergabe persönlicher Daten im Internet

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Treiblmaier, Horst

    In den vergangenen zwei Jahrzehnten wandelte sich das Internet von einer Spielwiese für technikbegeisterte Computerspezialisten zu einem vielseitig einsetzbaren weltweiten Netzwerk für Privatpersonen und Unternehmen. Maßgeblichen Anteil daran besaß die rasante Entwicklung des World Wide Web (WWW), das, durch die Möglichkeit multimediale Inhalte zu vermitteln, für einen großen Teil der Bevölkerung industrialisierter Länder zu einem wesentlichen Bestandteil des täglichen Lebens wurde. Dass diese Entwicklung noch lange nicht abgeschlossen ist, zeigt die derzeitige Diskussion zum Thema Web 2.0 bzw. 3.0. Waren es in den letzten Jahren die hohen Umsatzzuwächse im E-Commerce und multimedial gestaltete Webseiten in Kombination mit aufwändigen Applikationen, die für ständig steigende Nutzerzahlen im World Wide Web sorgten, so wird dieser Innovationsschub nunmehr durch eine Vielzahl von Anwendungen fortgesetzt, die sich durch die zunehmende Vernetzung der Nutzer untereinander auszeichnen.

  20. Kommunikation mit Mitarbeitern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spychala, Anne; Fleischmann, Jürgen

    Kommunikation ist der Austausch von Nachrichten und Informationen zwischen Mitarbeitern eines Unternehmens (O'Hair et al. 1997). Dieser Austausch kann persönlich, aber z.B. auch per Telefon, E-Mail oder durch Computersysteme erfolgen. In diesem Kapitel betrachten wir die persönliche Kommunikation zwischen Vorgesetzten und Mitarbeitern. Zur persönlichen Kommunikation mit Mitarbeitern zählen sowohl formelle Gespräche mit Mitarbeitern als auch eher informelle Gespräche zwischen Tür und Angel. Die Gespräche können dabei mit einzelnen Mitarbeitern (z.B. jährliches Mitarbeitergespräch) oder mit Gruppen von Mitarbeitern (z.B. regelmäßige Projekt- oder Teambesprechungen) stattfinden.

  1. [Osteopathie bei gastroösophagealem Reflux mit Hiatushernie: Ein Fallbericht gemäß der CARE-Leitlinie].


    Rotter, Gabriele; Brinkhaus, Benno


    Hintergrund: Das Vorhandensein einer Hiatushernie kann das Auftreten einer gastroösophagealen Refluxerkrankung (GERD) als Komplikation bedingen. Konventionelle medizinische Therapiemaßnahmen können zu unerwünschten Ereignissen und Rezidiven führen. Bisher sind die Effekte von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei Hiatushernie und GERD nicht bekannt. Fallbericht: Eine 59-jährige Patientin mit endoskopisch diagnostizierter chronischer Gastritis, GERD und Hiatushernie beklagte einen persistierenden gastroösophagealen Reflux trotz konventionell-medizinischer konservativer Therapie. Die osteopathische Diagnostik ergab eine funktionelle Störung im Bereich des Magens und der Kardia mit einer Beteiligung zugehöriger Reflexzonen. Nach einer osteopathischen Behandlung als individuelle, befundorientierte Therapie ließen die Beschwerden erheblich nach. Die Hiatushernie war nach einer dieser Behandlung endoskopisch nicht mehr nachweisbar. Schlussfolgerungen: Dieser Fallbericht schildert die Symptomreduktion einer GERD nach osteopathischer Behandlung. In der endoskopischen Folgeuntersuchung fand sich die initial diagnostizierte Hiatushernie nicht mehr, diese Befund änderung könnte jedoch auf die unterschiedlichen Untersucher zurückgeführt werden. Prospektive kontrollierte klinische Studien sind notwendig, um den Stellenwert von osteopathischen Behandlungen bei GERD mit Hiatushernie zu untersuchen. © 2017 The Author(s). Published by S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  2. MIT: Shaping the Future.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Manning, Kenneth R., Ed.

    This book provides 16 essays by faculty and staff of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) concerning what MIT is like today and offering a guide to its possible future. Emphasis is placed on local, national, and global issues, providing a current sampling of the state of concerns and opinions around MIT. Topics include the question of…

  3. Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei Operationen an der Haut vor und nach Publikation der entsprechenden S3-Leitlinie.


    Gaskins, Matthew; Dittmann, Martin; Eisert, Lisa; Werner, Ricardo Niklas; Dressler, Corinna; Löser, Christoph; Nast, Alexander


    Laut einer Befragung im Jahre 2012 war der Umgang mit Antithrombotika bei dermatochirurgischen Eingriffen in Deutschland sehr heterogen. 2014 wurde erstmals eine evidenzbasierte Leitlinie zu diesem Thema veröffentlicht. Es wurde eine anonyme Befragung derselben Stichprobe zum Umgang mit Antithrombotika sowie zu Kenntnissen der Leitlinie durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse wurden als relative Häufigkeiten berichtet und denen aus 2012 gegenübergestellt. 208 Antwortbögen wurden ausgewertet (Rücklaufquote: 36,6 %). Die große Mehrheit der Dermatologen erklärte, kleinere Eingriffe unter Fortführung der Therapie mit Phenprocoumon, niedrig dosierter Acetylsalicylsäure (≤ 100 mg) und Clopidogrel sowie mit direkten oralen Antikoagulanzien durchzuführen. Bei größeren Eingriffen war der Umgang hingegen weiterhin heterogen, insbesondere unter niedergelassenen Dermatologen. Der Anteil der Dermatologen, die Phenprocoumon, Acetylsalicylsäure und Clopidogrel leitlinienkonform verwendeten, hat sich insgesamt vergrößert. Führten 2012 beispielsweise 53,8 % der Klinikärzte bzw. 36,3 % der niedergelassenen Dermatologen eine große Exzision unter Fortführung der Therapie mit niedrig dosierter Acetylsalicylsäure durch, taten dies 2017 90,2 % bzw. 57,8 % (Phenprocoumon: 33,8 % bzw. 11,9 % auf 63,9 % bzw. 29,9 %; Clopidogrel: 36,9 % bzw. 23,2 % auf 63,9 % bzw. 30,6 %). Unter den Klinikärzten war ein hoher Anteil mit der Leitlinie vertraut und fand diese hilfreich. Eine Zunahme des leitlinienkonformen Verhaltens war bei allen Eingriffen zu verzeichnen. Bei größeren Eingriffen zeigte sich trotz deutlicher Verbesserung die Notwendigkeit verstärkter Anstrengungen zur Leitlinienumsetzung bzw. zur Identifizierung von Implementierungsbarrieren. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  4. Plattenepithelkarzinom in Verbindung mit einer roten Tätowierung.


    Schmitz, Inge; Prymak, Oleg; Epple, Matthias; Ernert, Carsten; Tannapfel, Andrea


    Obwohl Tätowierungen in den letzten Jahren außerordentlich beliebt geworden sind, wurde in der Literatur bisher nur über wenige Fälle schwerer Reaktionen berichtet, die zu einer malignen Transformation führten. Dies steht im Kontrast zu der praktisch unüberschaubaren Zahl an Tätowierungen weltweit. Die Zusammensetzung der für Tätowierungen verwendeten Farbstoffe variiert stark, und selbst gleiche Farbtöne können unterschiedliche Komponenten enthalten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, auf welche Weise Tätowierungen möglicherweise Hautkrebs auslösen können. Wir berichten über den seltenen Fall einer 24-jährigen Frau, bei der sich sieben Monate nachdem sie eine Tätowierung auf dem Fußrücken erhalten hatte in unmittelbarer Nähe des verwendeten roten Farbstoffs ein Plattenepithelkarzinom entwickelte. Die Komplikationen begannen mit einer unspezifischen Schwellung. Die Läsion wurde histologisch untersucht. Die Zusammensetzung des inkorporierten Farbstoffs wurde mittels Rasterelektronenmikroskopie in Kombination mit energiedispersiver Elementanalyse analysiert. Zur weiteren Charakterisierung wurden Thermogravimetrie und Pulverdiffraktometrie eingesetzt. Der Tätowierungsfarbstoff enthielt hauptsächlich Bariumsulfat; Spuren von Al, S, Ti, P, Mg und Cl ließen sich ebenfalls nachweisen. Bei der Analyse zeigten sich Pigmentgranula unterschiedlicher Größe. In seltenen Fällen kann Tätowierungstinte karzinogene Effekte haben, die multifaktoriell zu sein scheinen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Analyse der pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von Patienten mit Psoriasis-Arthritis auf Basis von Routinedaten der Gesetzlichen Krankenversicherung.


    Sondermann, Wiebke; Ventzke, Julia; Matusiewicz, David; Körber, Andreas


    Die Psoriasis-Arthritis (PsA) gehört zu den chronisch entzündlichen Gelenkerkrankungen. Trotz zahlreicher versorgungswissenschaftlicher Studien in Deutschland liegen zur pharmazeutischen Versorgungssituation von PsA-Patienten bisher kaum aktuelle Ergebnisse vor. Mit Hilfe einer systematischen Literaturrecherche sowie anhand von Routinedaten der Allgemeinen Ortskrankenkasse (AOK) Rheinland/Hamburg wird ein aktueller Überblick über die pharmazeutische Versorgung von PsA-Patienten in Deutschland gegeben. Selektiert wurden Versicherte aus dem ambulanten und stationären Bereich, die im 1. und 2. Quartal des Jahres 2014 die gesicherte Abrechnungsdiagnose Psoriasis-Arthritis L40.5+ aufwiesen. Anschließend wurden auf Basis dieser "vorab definierten" Kohorte die Arzneimitteldaten für 5 Jahre (01.01.2010-31.12.2014) abgerufen. Es konnten insgesamt n  =  3205 Versicherte (45 % männlich, 55 % weiblich) der AOK Rheinland/Hamburg mit einer gesicherten PsA-Diagnose selektiert werden. Das Durchschnittsalter betrug 58,9 Jahre. 53,7 % der PsA-Patienten wurden mit systemischen PsA-relevanten Arzneimitteln versorgt. Nichtsteroidale Antirheumatika (NSAR) wurden am häufigsten verordnet, gefolgt von systemischen Glucocorticoiden. Von den selektierten PsA-Patienten, die eine Systemtherapie erhielten, wurden 72,1 % mittels einer Disease-modifying-antirheumatic-Drug (DMARD)-Monotherapie behandelt, gefolgt von der Kombinationstherapie aus DMARDs und Biologika (20,9 %). Die pharmakologische Therapie der PsA muss eine Gewährleistung zwischen adäquater Versorgung der PsA mit Verhinderung der Krankheitsprogression und ökonomischer Verantwortung darstellen. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Die Struktur von schlankem Materialfluss mit Lean Production Kanban und Innovationen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Scheid, Wolf-Michael

    In der Literatur wird Materialfluss überwiegend in Spezialdisziplinen betrachtet, etwa der Steuerungslogik, der Logistiktechnik oder dem Supply Chain Management. Ein charakterisierendes Merkmal des Materialflusses ist jedoch, dass er sich aus vielfältigen Einzelbausteinen zusammensetzt, die alle harmonisch abgestimmt sein müssen. Die maximal erreichbare Effizienz wird nicht durch Höchstleistungen in dem einen oder anderen Spezialthema bestimmt, sondern durch das schwächste Glied im gesamten komplexen Netzwerk. Den Schnittstellen zwischen den betroffenen Fachbereichen in einem Unternehmen kommt hier eine ganz besondere Bedeutung zu: Erst ein harmonischer Einklang ermöglicht hohe Effektivität. Dies setzt umfassendes Verständnis für interdisziplinäre Notwendigkeiten, ein hohes Maß an Abstimmung mit den operativen Prozessen und letztlich einen einvernehmlichen Umgang und den Respekt vor den Problemstellungen des Anderen voraus.

  7. Identifikationsverfahren zur Analyse von EEG-Signalen bei Epilepsie mit Reaktions-Diffusions Netzwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gollas, F.; Tetzlaff, R.


    Partielle Differentialgleichungen des Reaktions-Diffusions-Typs beschreiben Phänomene wie Musterbildung, nichtlineare Wellenausbreitung und deterministisches Chaos und werden oft zur Untersuchung komplexer Vorgänge auf den Gebieten der Biologie, Chemie und Physik herangezogen. Zellulare Nichtlineare Netzwerke (CNN) sind eine räumliche Anordnung vergleichsweise einfacher dynamischer Systeme, die eine lokale Kopplung untereinander aufweisen. Durch eine Diskretisierung der Ortsvariablen können Reaktions-Diffusions-Gleichungen häufig auf CNN mit nichtlinearen Gewichtsfunktionen abgebildet werden. Die resultierenden Reaktions-Diffusions-CNN (RD-CNN) weisen dann in ihrer Dynamik näherungsweise gleiches Verhalten wie die zugrunde gelegten Reaktions-Diffusions-Systeme auf. Werden RD-CNN zur Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen herangezogen, so besteht die Möglichkeit festzustellen, ob das gefundene Netzwerk lokale Aktivität aufweist. Die von Chua eingeführte Theorie der lokalen Aktivität Chua (1998); Dogaru und Chua (1998) liefert eine notwendige Bedingung für das Auftreten von emergentem Verhalten in zellularen Netzwerken. Änderungen in den Parametern bestimmter RD-CNN könnten auf bevorstehende epileptische Anfälle hinweisen. In diesem Beitrag steht die Identifikation neuronaler Strukturen anhand von EEG-Signalen durch Reaktions-Diffusions-Netzwerke im Vordergrund der dargestellten Untersuchungen. In der Ergebnisdiskussion wird insbesondere auch die Frage nach einer geeigneten Netzwerkstruktur mit minimaler Komplexität behandelt.

  8. [Cardiodoron® bei Patienten mit Schlafstörungen - Ergebnisse einer prospektiven Beobachtungsstudie].


    Rother, Claudia; Schnelle, Martin

    Hintergrund: Schlafstörungen gehören zu den häufigsten gesundheitlichen Problemen der heutigen Zeit. Stress und die dadurch bedingte innere Anspannung sowie eine unrhythmische Lebensführung z.B. durch Schichtarbeit sind bekannte auslösende Faktoren. Weniger bekannt ist, dass auch funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden zu Störungen des Schlafs führen können und dass deren Behandlung zu einer Verbesserung der Schlafqualität beiträgt. Ganzheitlich betrachtet geht es daher um die Wiederherstellung einer gesunden Rhythmik, insbesondere des Herz-/Atem- sowie des Schlaf-Wach-Rhythmus, die Cardiodoron®, eine Heilpflanzenkomposition aus Primula veris, Hyoscyamus niger und Onopordum acanthium, unterstützt. Patienten und Methoden: Mittels einer prospektiven, multizentrischen Beobachtungsstudie sollte ermittelt werden, wie sich funktionelle Herz-Kreislauf-Beschwerden und/oder Schlafstörungen unter der Behandlung mit Cardiodoron® (Dilution) über 3-6 Monate entwickeln. Im Zeitraum von September 2009 bis März 2012 dokumentierten 92 Ärzte 501 Patienten, von denen 380 über Schlafstörungen klagten und deren Daten in dieser Publikation näher betrachtet werden. Nach einer Aufnahmeuntersuchung erfolgte nach 90 Tagen eine Abschlussuntersuchung und bei Fortführung der Therapie nach nochmals 90 Tagen eine Follow-up-Untersuchung. Neben 30 ärztlicherseits bewerteten Symptomen beurteilten die Patienten ihr Befinden mittels Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index (PSQI) nach Buysse und der Beschwerden-Liste nach von Zerssen (B-L und B-L'). Ergebnisse: Unter der Cardiodoron®-Therapie gingen bei guter Verträglichkeit sowohl die Ausprägung der Schlafstörungen (um 65% von 2,0 auf 0,7 Punkte) als auch die erfassten 30 Symptome (um 59% von 24,3 auf 9,9 Punkte) deutlich zurück (p < 0,01). Weiterhin reduzierten sich der PSQI und der Gesamtwert der Beschwerden-Liste signifikant (p < 0,0001) um 60% bzw. 56% (von 12,2 auf 4,8 bzw. von 25,6 auf 11,4 Punkte). Schlussfolgerungen: Bei

  9. I'm a Map, I'm a Green Tree

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anderson, Daniel


    I'm talking about the ways we represent ourselves and our world. I've put some thoughts on the topic together here--a gathering that enacts new media creating and takes up conceptual layers like metaphors, models, and composing. The primary sources are videos from the Get a Mac campaign, aka I'm a Mac; I'm a PC ads. Posthuman concepts blending…

  10. Stochastic noise characteristics in matrix inversion tomosynthesis (MITS).


    Godfrey, Devon J; McAdams, H P; Dobbins, James T Third


    Matrix inversion tomosynthesis (MITS) uses known imaging geometry and linear systems theory to deterministically separate in-plane detail from residual tomographic blur in a set of conventional tomosynthesis ("shift-and-add") planes. A previous investigation explored the effect of scan angle (ANG), number of projections (N), and number of reconstructed planes (NP) on the MITS impulse response and modulation transfer function characteristics, and concluded that ANG = 20 degrees, N = 71, and NP = 69 is the optimal MITS imaging technique for chest imaging on our prototype tomosynthesis system. This article examines the effect of ANG, N, and NP on the MITS exposure-normalized noise power spectra (ENNPS) and seeks to confirm that the imaging parameters selected previously by an analysis of the MITS impulse response also yield reasonable stochastic properties in MITS reconstructed planes. ENNPS curves were generated for experimentally acquired mean-subtracted projection images, conventional tomosynthesis planes, and MITS planes with varying combinations of the parameters ANG, N, and NP. Image data were collected using a prototype tomosynthesis system, with 11.4 cm acrylic placed near the image receptor to produce lung-equivalent beam hardening and scattered radiation. Ten identically acquired tomosynthesis data sets (realizations) were collected for each selected technique and used to generate ensemble mean images that were subtracted from individual image realizations prior to noise power spectra (NPS) estimation. NPS curves were normalized to account for differences in entrance exposure (as measured with an ion chamber), yielding estimates of the ENNPS for each technique. Results suggest that mid- and high-frequency noise in MITS planes is fairly equivalent in magnitude to noise in conventional tomosynthesis planes, but low-frequency noise is amplified in the most anterior and posterior reconstruction planes. Selecting the largest available number of projections (N

  11. Ganzheitliche Digitalisierungsansätze im Stadtwerk: Von der Strategie bis zur Umsetzung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dudenhausen, Roman; Hahn, Heike

    Digitalisierung muss im Stadtwerk dazu führen, Kundenerwartungen, die heutzutage schon vielfach durch digitales Know-how und Erfahrungen geprägt sind, in einzigartiger Weise zu entsprechen - in Form digitaler Kundenkontaktpunkte, automatisierter Prozesse oder plattformbasierter Geschäftsmodelle. Eine große Rolle spielen dabei unternehmensweit nutzbare Informationen, die eine 360-Grad-Sicht auf den Kunden ermöglichen. Nur in dieser Kombination werden sich nachhaltig Wettbewerbsvorteile generieren lassen. Manch ein Kunde wird die Lust, einen Prozess zu Ende zu gehen, schon vor dem Abschluss verlieren, wenn er nicht unmittelbar und ohne die digitale Welt zu verlassen zum Ziel kommt. Eine nur "halb digitale Kundenerfahrung" wird weder zu Neugeschäft noch zur positiven emotionalen Bindung zwischen Kunden und Stadtwerk führen. Nicht zu unterschätzen sind zudem Erwartungen hinsichtlich zukünftiger Geschäftsmodelle, aus denen sich disruptive Bedrohungen für die herkömmlichen Strom- und Gasangebote ergeben werden. Erste innovative Ansätze finden sich bereits im Markt, die erahnen lassen, dass zurzeit viel diskutierte Technologien wie die Blockchain nicht mehr nur hypothetischer Natur sind. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der Digitalisierung erfolgt dabei sinnvollerweise in einem unternehmensweit abgestimmten Rahmen, der eine zielgerichtete und ganzheitliche Vorgehensweise ermöglicht.

  12. Exploring Surfaces of Nanomaterials - MIT Spectrum Websites

    Topics About Search for: Search Massachusetts Institute of Technology Yang Shao-Horn is tackling the inspired by them to work here." Learn More Yang Shao-Horn Topics battery Energy Materials Science Latest Stories Spectrum Issues Topics About Popular Latest MIT Campaign for a Better World MIT Campaign

  13. [Kombinierte Anwendung von Strahlentherapie und adjuvanter Therapie mit einem Mistelextrakt (Viscum album L.) zur Behandlung des oralen malignen Melanoms beim Hund: Eine retrospektive Studie].


    von Bodungen, Uta; Ruess, Katja; Reif, Marcus; Biegel, Ulrike


    Hintergrund: Orale maligne Melanome (OMM) des Hundes zeichnen sich durch schnelles Wachstum, lokale Invasion und hohe Metastasierungsraten aus. Extrakte auf Basis von Viscum album L. (VAE) werden zunehmend in der Krebstherapie sowohl in der Human- als auch in der Veterinärmedizin eingesetzt. Ziel unserer Studie war es zu untersuchen, inwieweit die adjuvante Therapie mit VAE eine therapeutische Option zur Behandlung von OMM ist. Besonderes Augenmerk galt dabei der Überlebenszeit und möglichen Nebenwirkungen. Tiere und Methoden: 26 Hunde mit OMM, die in einem der größten veterinäronkologischen Zentren der Schweiz allesamt eine Strahlentherapie erhielten (teilweise nach operativer Tumorresektion) wurden in die retrospektive Studie eingeschlossen: 18 Hunde wurden mit VAE behandelt (1 ml VAE (Iscador®) in ansteigenden Konzentrationen von 0,1 bis 20 mg/ml subkutan 3-mal pro Woche (VAE-Gruppe), 8 erhielten keine adjuvante Behandlung (Vergleichsgruppe). Wir verglichen die Größenentwicklung der OMM sowie die Überlebenszeit. Ergebnisse: Patienten mit Bestrahlung und adjuvanter VAE-Therapie zeigten mit 236 Tagen eine signifikant längere mediane Überlebenszeit im Vergleich zu Patienten mit Bestrahlung, aber ohne adjuvante VAE-Therapie (49 Tage; Log-Rank-Test: p = 0,0047). Die VAE-Therapie verlängerte die Überlebenszeit um mehr als zwei Drittel (Hazard Ratio (HR) = 0,30, 95%-Konfidenzintervall (KI) 0,11-0,86; p = 0,024), während ein höheres Tumorstadium gemäß UICC (Union internationale contre le cancer) einen statistischen Trend zur Verdopplung des Sterberisikos zeigte (UICC-Stadium III/IV vs. I/II: HR = 2,12, 95%-KI 0,88-5,12; p = 0,095). Zwei Patienten zeigten milde Nebenwirkungen während der VAE-Behandlung. Einer der beiden zeigte 1 Tag lang ein selbstlimitiertes Fieber, bei dem anderen Patienten reduzierten wir die Dosis von einem konzentrierteren zu einem weniger konzentrierten VAE (Serie 0) aufgrund von Müdigkeit, die daraufhin verschwand

  14. Kompressionstherapie bei Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum.


    Dissemond, Joachim; Assenheimer, Bernd; Bültemann, Anke; Gerber, Veronika; Gretener, Silvia; Kohler-von Siebenthal, Elisabeth; Koller, Sonja; Kröger, Knut; Kurz, Peter; Läuchli, Severin; Münter, Christian; Panfil, Eva-Maria; Probst, Sebastian; Protz, Kerstin; Riepe, Gunnar; Strohal, Robert; Traber, Jürg; Partsch, Hugo


    Wund-D.A.CH. ist der Dachverband deutschsprachiger Fachgesellschaften, die sich mit den Thematiken der Wundbehandlung beschäftigen. Experten verschiedener Fachgesellschaften aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz haben nun einen aktuellen Konsens der Kompressionstherapie für Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum erstellt. In Europa ist das Ulcus cruris venosum eine der häufigsten Ursachen für chronische Wunden. Neben der konservativen und interventionellen Wund- und Venentherapie, ist die Kompressionstherapie die Basis der Behandlungsstrategien. Die Kompressionstherapie kann heute mit sehr unterschiedlichen Materialien und Systemen durchgeführt werden. Während in der Entstauungsphase insbesondere Verbände mit Kurzzugbinden oder Mehrkomponentensysteme zur Anwendung kommen, sind es anschließend überwiegend Ulkus-Strumpfsysteme. Eine weitere, bislang wenig verbreitete Alternative sind adaptive Kompressionsbandagen. Insbesondere für die Rezidivprophylaxe werden medizinische Kompressionsstrümpfe empfohlen. Durch die Vielzahl der heute zur Verfügung stehenden Behandlungsoptionen, kann für nahezu alle Patienten ein Konzept entwickelt werden, dass sich an den individuellen Bedürfnissen und Fähigkeiten orientiert und daher auch akzeptiert und durchgeführt wird. Die Kompressionstherapie ist für die Behandlung von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum essentiell. In den letzten Jahren sind viele verschiedene Therapieoptionen verfügbar, die in den deutschsprachigen Ländern unterschiedlich angewendet oder durchgeführt werden. Daher soll dieser Expertenkonsens dazu beitragen, konkrete Empfehlungen für die praktische Durchführung der Kompressionstherapie von Patienten mit Ulcus cruris venosum darzustellen. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  15. MPD work at MIT

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Martinez-Sanchez, Manuel


    MPD work at MIT is presented in the form of the view-graphs. The following subject areas are covered: the MIT program, its goals, achievements, and roadblocks; quasi one-dimensional modeling; two-dimensional modeling - transport effects and Hall effect; microscopic instabilities in MPD flows and modified two stream instability; electrothermal stability theory; separation of onset and anode depletion; exit plane spectroscopic measurements; phenomena of onset as performance limiter; explanations of onset; geometry effects on onset; onset at full ionization and its consequences; relationship to anode depletion; summary on self-field MPD; applied field MPD - the logical growth path; the case for AF; the challenges of AF MPD; and recommendations.

  16. Wrestling with Pedagogical Change: The TEAL Initiative at MIT

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Breslow, Lori


    In the late 1990s, the physics department at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) had a problem. The department was responsible for teaching the two required physics courses that are part of the General Institute Requirements (GIRs), MIT's core curriculum--Physics I (mechanics, or in MIT parlance, 8.01) and Physics II (electricity and…

  17. 23 CFR 500.111 - IMS.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 23 Highways 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false IMS. 500.111 Section 500.111 Highways FEDERAL HIGHWAY... SYSTEMS Management Systems § 500.111 IMS. An effective IMS for intermodal facilities and systems provides... the various land-based transportation facilities and systems. An IMS should include, at a minimum: (a...

  18. Minimally invasive thyroidectomy (MIT): indications and results.


    Docimo, Giovanni; Salvatore Tolone, Salvatore; Gili, Simona; d'Alessandro, A; Casalino, G; Brusciano, L; Ruggiero, Roberto; Docimo, Ludovico


    To establish if the indication for different approaches for thyroidectomy and the incision length provided by means of pre-operative assessment of gland volume and size of nodules resulted in safe and effective outcomes and in any notable aesthetic or quality-of-life impact on patients. Ninehundred eightytwo consecutive patients, undergoing total thyroidectomy, were enrolled. The thyroid volume and maximal nodule diameter were measured by means of ultrasounds. Based on ultrasounds findings, patients were divided into three groups: minimally invasive video assisted thyroidectomy (MIVAT), minimally invasive thyroidectomy (MIT) and conventional thyroidectomy (CT) groups. The data concerning the following parameters were collected: operative time, postoperative complications, postoperative pain and cosmetic results. The MIVAT group included 179 patients, MIT group included 592 patients and CT group included 211 patients. Incidence of complications did not differ significantly in each group. In MIVAT and MIT group, the perception of postoperative pain was less intense than CT group. The patients in the MIVAT (7±1.5) and MIT (8±2) groups were more satisfied with the cosmetic results than those in CT group (5±1.3) (p= <0.05). The MIT is a technique totally reproducible, and easily convertible to perform surgical procedures in respect of the patient, without additional complications, increased costs, and with better aesthetic results.

  19. MIT-Skywalker: On the use of a markerless system.


    Goncalves, Rogerio S; Hamilton, Taya; Krebs, Hermano I


    This paper describes our efforts to employ the Microsoft Kinect as a low cost vision control system for the MIT-Skywalker, a robotic gait rehabilitation device. The Kinect enables an alternative markerless solution to control the MIT-Skywalker and allows a more user-friendly set-up. A study involving eight healthy subjects and two stroke survivors using the MIT-Skywalker device demonstrates the advantages and challenges of this new proposed approach.

  20. MIT Space Engineering Research Center

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Crawley, Edward F.; Miller, David W.


    The Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) at MIT, started in Jul. 1988, has completed two years of research. The Center is approaching the operational phase of its first testbed, is midway through the construction of a second testbed, and is in the design phase of a third. We presently have seven participating faculty, four participating staff members, ten graduate students, and numerous undergraduates. This report reviews the testbed programs, individual graduate research, other SERC activities not funded by the Center, interaction with non-MIT organizations, and SERC milestones. Published papers made possible by SERC funding are included at the end of the report.

  1. Aktuelle Entwicklungen - Orthopädische Implantate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riner, Marc A.

    Die guten Resultate und langen Standzeiten von bis zu 15 und 20 Jahren von implantierten Hüftendoprothesen führen dazu, immer jüngere Patienten mit einem Hüftgelenkersatz zu behandeln. Die Versorgung von jungen aktiven Patienten mit einer Hüftendoprothese stellt jedoch eine besondere Herausforderung dar [1]. Trotz umfangreicher Materialentwicklungen, Designoptimierungen und Verbesserungen der Operationstechnik, haben sich die Standzeiten der Prothesen zwar wesentlich verbessert, ist jedoch bei jungen Patienten verglichen mit denen von älteren Patienten deutlich verkürzt [2, 3]. Zudem kann die Hüftprothesenverankerung durch Knochenresektion im Rahmen der Erstimplantation, Adaptionsvorgängen im Knochen (stress shielding) aufgrund unphysiologischer Krafteinleitung, abriebbedingte Osteolyse und während der Implantat- bzw. Knochenzemententfernung auftretende knöcherne Defekte zu unbefriedigende Reimplantationsbedingungen im Fall einer Revision führen [4]. Dies hat in jüngerer Zeit zur Entwicklung von verschiedenen Endoprothesensystemen mit einem möglichst geringen Knochenverlust und damit einhergehenden verbesserten Rückzugsmöglichkeit im Revisionsfall geführt. Bei den knochensparend verankerten Hüftprothesen werden allgemein zwei Typen, die Schenkelhalsprothese und der Oberflächenersatz, unterschieden.

  2. The development of form two mathematics i-Think module (Mi-T2)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yao, Foo Jing; Abdullah, Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee; Tien, Lee Tien


    This study aims to develop a training module i-THINK Mathematics Form Two (Mi-T2) to increase the higher-order thinking skills of students. The Mi-T2 training module was built based on the Sidek Module Development Model (2001). Constructivist learning theory, cognitive learning theory, i-THINK map and higher order thinking skills were the building blocks of the module development. In this study, researcher determined the validity and reliability of Mi-T2 module. The design being used in this study was descriptive study. To determine the needs of Mi-T2 module, questionnaires and literature review were used to collect data. When the need of the module was determined, the module was built and a pilot study was conducted to test the reliability of the Mi-T2 module. The pilot study was conducted at a secondary school in North Kinta, Perak. A Form Two class was selected to be the sample study through clustered random sampling. The pilot study was conducted for two months and one topic had been studied. The Mi-T2 module was evaluated by five expert panels to determine the content validity of the module. The instruments being used in the study were questionnaires about the necessity of the Mi-T2 module for guidance, questionnaires about the validity of the module and questionnaires concerning the reliability of the module. Statistical analysis was conducted to determine the validity and reliability coefficients of the Mi-T2 module. The content validity of Mi-T2 module was determined by Cohen's Kappa's (1968) agreement coefficient and the reliability of Mi-T2 module was determined by Cronbach Alpha's value scale. The content validity of Mi-T2 module was 0.89 and the Cronbach Alpha's value of Mi-T2 module was 0.911.

  3. Physik gestern und heute: Visualisierung mit der Schlierenmethode

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heering, Peter


    Der Name des österreichischen Forschers Ernst Mach ist heute noch mit der Schallgeschwindigkeit verbunden. Diese Auszeichnung resultiert aus Machs Untersuchungen, wie sich Projektile mit Überschallgeschwindigkeit durch die Luft bewegen. Gerade in jüngster Zeit hat die Anwendung derartiger Methoden durch technische Modifikationen wieder einen Aufschwung erfahren.

  4. MIT-CSR XIS Project

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    This report outlines the proposers' progress toward MIT's contribution to the X-Ray Imaging Spectrometer (XIS) experiment on the Japanese ASTRO-E mission. The report discusses electrical system design, mechanical system design, and ground support equipment.

  5. Magnetosphere - Ionosphere - Thermosphere (MIT) Coupling at Jupiter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yates, J. N.; Ray, L. C.; Achilleos, N.


    Jupiter's upper atmospheric temperature is considerably higher than that predicted by Solar Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) heating alone. Simulations incorporating magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling effects into general circulation models have, to date, struggled to reproduce the observed atmospheric temperatures under simplifying assumptions such as azimuthal symmetry and a spin-aligned dipole magnetic field. Here we present the development of a full three-dimensional thermosphere model coupled in both hemispheres to an axisymmetric magnetosphere model. This new coupled model is based on the two-dimensional MIT model presented in Yates et al., 2014. This coupled model is a critical step towards to the development of a fully coupled 3D MIT model. We discuss and compare the resulting thermospheric flows, energy balance and MI coupling currents to those presented in previous 2D MIT models.

  6. Historisches Rätsel Physik mit Gewehr und Eiern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loos, Andreas


    Es fing schon gut an: Mit zehn Jahren saß der begabte Junge bereits in der Universität, wo ihn kein Geringerer als sein Vater persönlich unterrichtete. Damit schlug dieser zwei Fliegen mit einer Klappe: Sein Sohn lernte etwas Gescheites, und er war zugleich in sicherer Obhut.

  7. MIT domain of Vps4 is a Ca2+-dependent phosphoinositide-binding domain.


    Iwaya, Naoko; Takasu, Hirotoshi; Goda, Natsuko; Shirakawa, Masahiro; Tanaka, Toshiki; Hamada, Daizo; Hiroaki, Hidekazu


    The microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain is a small protein module that is conserved in proteins of diverged function, such as Vps4, spastin and sorting nexin 15 (SNX15). The molecular function of the MIT domain is protein-protein interaction, in which the domain recognizes peptides containing MIT-interacting motifs. Recently, we identified an evolutionarily related domain, 'variant' MIT domain at the N-terminal region of the microtubule severing enzyme katanin p60. We found that the domain was responsible for binding to microtubules and Ca(2+). Here, we have examined whether the authentic MIT domains also bind Ca(2+). We found that the loop between the first and second α-helices of the MIT domain binds a Ca(2+) ion. Furthermore, the MIT domains derived from Vps4b and SNX15a showed phosphoinositide-binding activities in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner. We propose that the MIT domain is a novel membrane-associating domain involved in endosomal trafficking.

  8. Azelainsäure 20 % Creme: Auswirkung auf Lebensqualität und Krankheitsaktivität bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit Acne vulgaris.


    Kainz, Julius Thomas; Berghammer, Gabriele; Auer-Grumbach, Piet; Lackner, Verena; Perl-Convalexius, Sylvia; Popa, Rodica; Wolfesberger, Barbara


    Zur Wirksamkeit von Aknetherapien und deren Auswirkungen auf die Lebensqualität erwachsener Patienten liegen kaum Daten vor. ZIEL: Erhebung der Wirkung von Azelainsäure 20 % Creme (Skinoren ® ) auf Akne-Schweregrad und krankheitsbedingte Lebensqualität. Nichtinterventionelle Studie bei erwachsenen Patientinnen mit leichter bis mittelschwerer Akne. Wirksamkeitsparameter waren DLQI sowie Akne-Schweregrad im Gesicht, am Dekolleté sowie am Rücken im Gesamturteil des Prüfarztes (IGA-Skala: Grad 1 = annähernd reine Haut; 2 = leichte Akne; 3 = mittelschwere Akne). Visiten waren zu Studienbeginn sowie nach 4-8 und zwölf Wochen geplant. Von den 251 eingeschlossenen Patientinnen lag zu Studienbeginn bei 59 %, 31 % bzw. 10 % ein IGA-Grad von 1, 2 bzw. 3 vor; die am häufigsten betroffene Hautpartie war das Gesicht (IGA-Grad 2 oder 3: 79 %). Nach zwölf Behandlungswochen war eine signifikante Besserung der Acne vulgaris im Gesicht (IGA-Grad 0 oder 1: 82 %) sowie auf Dekolleté und Rücken feststellbar. Der mediane DLQI-Wert sank von neun zu Studienbeginn auf fünf nach zwölf Behandlungswochen. Neunzig Prozent der behandelnden Ärzte und Patientinnen beurteilten die Verträglichkeit der Behandlung als sehr gut oder gut. Die Anwendung von 20%iger Azelainsäure-Creme führt bei erwachsenen Frauen zu einer signifikanten Besserung der Acne vulgaris und der krankheitsbedingten Lebensqualität. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. Kanban - der Weg ist das Ziel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aull, Florian; Berlak, Joachim; Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Fischäder, Holm; Gerlach, Joachim; Henneberg, Jens; Kapalla, Klaus; Kress, Oliver; Kuttler, Robert; Schneider, Herfried M.; Schürle, Philipp; Stellpflug, Franz-Josef; Wannenwetsch, Ralph; Wulz, Johannes; Zäh, Michael F.

    Wenn man aktuell Produktionsbereiche in Deutschland und Europa besucht, fallen im Zusammenhang mit modernen Produktionsmethoden immer öfter die Begriffe Kanban (jap. Karte, Signal) und Pull-Produktion, und dies nicht ohne Stolz, da diese mit dem schillernden Vorbild des Toyota Produktionssystems in Zusammenhang stehen. Tatsächlich ist Kanban ein integraler Bestandteil moderner Produktionssysteme. Blickt man aber im Rahmen von Prozessanalysen hinter die Fassaden", d. h. in die tägliche Praxis der Arbeitsprozesse, wird man schnell desillusioniert - die viel gepriesenen klassischen Kanban-Regeln werden im Tagesgeschäft nicht eingehalten.

  10. Supply Chain Management (SCM) mit Kanban

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beer, Anja; Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Gerth, Wolf-Michael; Graßy, Mario; Herron, Colin; Schmidt, Peter; Seidl, Florian; Wittmann, Claus-Eduard

    Nach Schätzungen von Mercer Management Consulting und dem Fraunhofer Institut wird der Wertschöpfungsanteil in der Automobilindustrie von durchschnittlich 35 % im Jahr 2002 auf 23 % im Jahr 2015 sinken [Merc 04]. Der Trend, die Produktionstiefe oder allgemeiner, die Wertschöpfungstiefe, zu reduzieren, hat zur Folge, dass die Kaufteile den größeren Teil der Wertschöpfung einnehmen. Die Optimierungspotentiale und der Einfluss auf die Kosten wandern immer mehr zu den Lieferanten, vor allem bei größeren Unternehmen oder Konzernen. Lieferanten-Philosophien, die auf oberflächlichen Verbindungen zu Lieferanten aufbauen, um immer optimal und schnell den günstigsten Teilepreis zu erhalten, haben sich in vielen Sparten oder Produktbereichen, z. B. im Maschinenbau, im besten Fall als kurzfristig erfolgreich erwiesen. Kooperative und nachhaltige Strategien sind der erfolgversprechendere Weg, zumindest mittelbis langfristig. In der Realität wird sehr wenig in Supply Chain-Konzepte investiert und die Umsetzungen sind daher vielmals oberflächlich.

  11. Uber Phosphorylierung im Licht

    PubMed Central

    Warburg, Otto


    Während bisher der Zusammenhang zwischen Dehydrierung und Phosphorylierung im Licht nur für die stöchiometrischen Chinonreactionen bewiesen worden war, ist nunmehr auch für die katalytischen Chinonreactionen, die aeroben wie die anaeroben, gezeigt worden, dass die Dehydrierung die Phosphorylierung bewirkt. Eine andere Phosphorylierung, als die Phosphorylierung durch Dehydrierung gibt es in den grünen Grana nicht. Natürlich entsteht nunmehr die Frage, welche Substanz das Substrat von Dehydrierung und Phosphorylierung ist. Da die Grana keine Dunkelatmung haben und deshalb im Dunkeln nicht phosphorylieren können, auch nicht nach Zusatz von Chinon, so muss das gesuchte Substrat im Licht entstehen; und da der Photolyt der Granareactionen eine Kohlensäureverbindung ist, so muss das gesuchte Substrat eine im Licht entstehende Kohlenstoffverbindung sein. Wegen der Gärungen und dem einzigen bisher bekannten chemischen Mechanismus der Phosphorylierung durch Dehydrierung (4) denkt man an Triosephosphat. Aber chemisch ist jeder Aldehyd möglich. PMID:14004907

  12. Helicobacter sp. MIT 01-6451 infection during fetal and neonatal life in laboratory mice.


    Yamanaka, Hitoki; Nakanishi, Tai; Takagi, Toshikazu; Ohsawa, Makiko; Kubo, Noriaki; Yamamoto, Naoto; Takemoto, Takahira; Ohsawa, Kazutaka


    Helicobacter sp. MIT 01-6451 has been detected in SPF mice kept in Japan. To characterize strain MIT 01-6451, its infection route during fetal and neonatal life and effects on pregnancy were investigated using immunocompetent and immunodeficient mouse strains (BALB/c, C57BL/6, and SCID). MIT 01-6451 was detected in the uterus, vagina, and mammary glands of 50% of infected SCID mice, whereas these tissues were all negative in immunocompetent mice. No fetal infections with MIT 01-6451 were detected at 16-18 days after pregnancy in any mouse strain. In newborn mice, MIT 01-6451 was detected in intestinal tissue of C57BL/6 and SCID mice at 9-11 days after birth, but not in BALB/c mice. The IgA and IgG titers to MIT 01-6451 in sera of C57BL/6 female mice were significantly lower than those of BALB/c mice. Although no significant differences in the number of newborns per litter were observed between MIT 01-6451-infected and MIT 01-6451-free dams, the birth rate was lower in infected SCID mice than in control SCID mice. The present results indicated that MIT 01-6451 infects newborn mice after birth rather than by vertical transmission to the fetus via the placenta and that MIT 01-6451 infection shows opportunistically negative effects on the birth rate. In addition, the maternal immune response may affect infection of newborn mice with MIT 01-6451 through breast milk.

  13. Helicobacter sp. MIT 01-6451 infection during fetal and neonatal life in laboratory mice

    PubMed Central

    Yamanaka, Hitoki; Nakanishi, Tai; Takagi, Toshikazu; Ohsawa, Makiko; Kubo, Noriaki; Yamamoto, Naoto; Takemoto, Takahira; Ohsawa, Kazutaka


    Helicobacter sp. MIT 01-6451 has been detected in SPF mice kept in Japan. To characterize strain MIT 01-6451, its infection route during fetal and neonatal life and effects on pregnancy were investigated using immunocompetent and immunodeficient mouse strains (BALB/c, C57BL/6, and SCID). MIT 01-6451 was detected in the uterus, vagina, and mammary glands of 50% of infected SCID mice, whereas these tissues were all negative in immunocompetent mice. No fetal infections with MIT 01-6451 were detected at 16–18 days after pregnancy in any mouse strain. In newborn mice, MIT 01-6451 was detected in intestinal tissue of C57BL/6 and SCID mice at 9–11 days after birth, but not in BALB/c mice. The IgA and IgG titers to MIT 01-6451 in sera of C57BL/6 female mice were significantly lower than those of BALB/c mice. Although no significant differences in the number of newborns per litter were observed between MIT 01-6451-infected and MIT 01-6451-free dams, the birth rate was lower in infected SCID mice than in control SCID mice. The present results indicated that MIT 01-6451 infects newborn mice after birth rather than by vertical transmission to the fetus via the placenta and that MIT 01-6451 infection shows opportunistically negative effects on the birth rate. In addition, the maternal immune response may affect infection of newborn mice with MIT 01-6451 through breast milk. PMID:26134357

  14. Evaluation of the MIT RMID 1000 system for the identification of Listeria species.


    Ricardi, John; Haavig, David; Cruz, Lasaunta; Paoli, George; Gehring, Andrew


    The Micro Imaging Technology (MIT) 1000 Rapid Microbial Identification (RMID) System is a device that uses the principles of light scattering coupled with proprietary algorithms to identify bacteria after being cultured and placed in a vial of filtered water. This specific method is for pure culture identification of Listeria spp. A total of 81 microorganisms (55 isolates) were tested by the MIT 1000 System, of which 25 were Listeria spp. and 30 a variety of other bacterial species. In addition, a total of 406 tests over seven different ruggedness parameters were tested by the MIT 1000 System to determine its flexibility to the specifications stated in the MIT 1000 System User Guide in areas where they might be deviated by a user to shorten the test cycle. Overall, MIT concluded that the MIT 1000 System had an accuracy performance that should certify this Performance Test Method for the identification of Listeria spp. This report discusses the tests performed, results achieved, and conclusions, along with several reference documents to enable a higher understanding of the technology used by the MIT 1000 System.

  15. Vergleich von rekombinanten Vaccinia- und DNA-Vektoren zur Tumorimmuntherapie im C57BL/6-Mausmodell

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Johnen, Heiko


    In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurden Tumorimpfstoffe auf der Basis des Plasmid-Vektors pCI, modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) und MVA-infizierten dendritischen Zellen entwickelt und durch Sequenzierung, Western blotting und durchflußzytometrische Analyse überprüft. Die in vivo Wirksamkeit der Vakzinen wurde in verschiedenen Tumormodellen in C57BL/6 Mäusen verglichen. Die auf dem eukaryotischen Expressionsvektor pCI basierende DNA-Vakzinierung induzierte einen sehr wirksamen, antigenspezifischen und langfristigen Schutz vor Muzin, CEA oder beta-Galactosidase exprimierenden Tumoren. Eine MVA-Vakzinierung bietet in den in dieser Arbeit durchgeführten Tumormodellen keinen signifikanten Schutz vor Muzin oder beta-Galactosidase exprimierenden Tumoren. Sowohl humane, als auch murine in vitro generierte dendritische Zellen lassen sich mit MVA – im Vergleich zu anderen viralen Vektoren – sehr gut infizieren. Die Expressionsrate der eingefügten Gene ist aber gering im Vergleich zur Expression in permissiven Wirtszellen des Virus (embryonale Hühnerfibroblasten). Es konnte gezeigt werden, daß eine MVA-Infektion dendritischer Zellen ähnliche Auswirkungen auf den Reifezustand humaner und muriner dendritischer Zellen hat, wie eine Infektion mit replikationskompetenten Vakzinia-Stämmen, und außerdem die Hochregulation von CD40 während der terminalen Reifung von murinen dendritischen Zellen inhibiert wird. Die während der langfristigen in vitro Kultur auf CEF-Zellen entstandenen Deletionen im MVA Genom führten zu einer starken Attenuierung und dem Verlust einiger Gene, die immunmodulatorische Proteine kodieren, jedoch nicht zu einer Verminderung des zytopathischen Effekts in dendritischen Zellen. Die geringe Expressionsrate und die beobachtete Inhibition der Expression kostimulatorischer Moleküle auf dendritischen Zellen kann für eine wenig effektive Induktion einer Immunantwort in MVA vakzinierten Tieren durch cross priming oder die direkte Infektion

  16. Δim-lacunary statistical convergence of order α

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Altınok, Hıfsı; Et, Mikail; Işık, Mahmut


    The purpose of this work is to introduce the concepts of Δim-lacunary statistical convergence of order α and lacunary strongly (Δim,p )-convergence of order α. We establish some connections between lacunary strongly (Δim,p )-convergence of order α and Δim-lacunary statistical convergence of order α. It is shown that if a sequence is lacunary strongly (Δim,p )-summable of order α then it is Δim-lacunary statistically convergent of order α.

  17. Mishap Investigation Team (MIT) - Barksdale AFB, Louisiana

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stepaniak, Philip


    The Shuttle Program is organized to support a Shuttle mishap using the resources of the MIT. The afternoon of Feb. 1, 2003, the MIT deployed to Barksdale AFB. This location became the investigative center and interim storage location for crewmembers received from the Lufkin Disaster Field Office (DFO). Working under the leadership of the MIT Lead, the medical team executed a short-term plan that included search, recovery, and identification including coordination with the Armed Forces Institute of Pathology Temporary operations was set up at Barksdale Air Force Base for two weeks. During this time, coordination with the DFO field recovery teams, AFIP personnel, and the crew surgeons was on going. In addition, the crewmember families and NASA management were updated daily. The medical team also dealt with public reports and questions concerning biological and chemical hazards, which were coordinated with SPACEHAB, Inc., Kennedy Space Center (KSC) Medical Operations and the Johnson Space Center (JSC) Space Medicine office. After operations at Barksdale were concluded the medical team transitioned back to Houston and a long-term search, recovery and identification plan was developed.

  18. Phylogenetic relationships of the Gomphales based on nuc-25S-rDNA, mit-12S-rDNA, and mit-atp6-DNA combined sequences


    Admir J. Giachini; Kentaro Hosaka; Eduardo Nouhra; Joseph Spatafora; James M. Trappe


    Phylogenetic relationships among Geastrales, Gomphales, Hysterangiales, and Phallales were estimated via combined sequences: nuclear large subunit ribosomal DNA (nuc-25S-rDNA), mitochondrial small subunit ribosomal DNA (mit-12S-rDNA), and mitochondrial atp6 DNA (mit-atp6-DNA). Eighty-one taxa comprising 19 genera and 58 species...

  19. Der Einfluss der Digitalisierung auf die Organisation eines Unternehmens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walter, Wolfram M.

    Die Digitalisierung schreitet mit großen Schritten voran. Dies wirkt sich nicht nur auf die Gesellschaft im Grundsatz, sondern auch auf das Verhalten der Kunden aus. Neue Kommunikationswege beschleunigen die Interaktion zwischen Unternehmen und Verbraucher. Im Vergleich mit großen Internetfirmen werden etablierte Dienstleistungsunternehmen - vom Energieversorger bis zu Versicherungen - stark unter Druck gesetzt, sich noch intensiver mit dem Kundenservice auseinanderzusetzen. Dies wird nur möglich sein, wenn sich die Organisationen entsprechend positionieren und sich frühzeitig auf die Veränderungen einstellen. Hieraus ergeben sich mehr Chancen als Risiken, zumal es nicht nur neue Prozesse, sondern auch neue Berufsbilder geben wird.

  20. IMS - MS Data Extractor

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    An automated drift time extraction and computed associated collision cross section software tool for small molecule analysis with ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS). The software automatically extracts drift times and computes associated collision cross sections for small molecules analyzed using ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) based on a target list of expected ions provided by the user.

  1. λ (Δim) -statistical convergence of order α

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Colak, Rifat; Et, Mikail; Altin, Yavuz


    In this study, using the generalized difference operator Δim and a sequence λ = (λn) which is a non-decreasing sequence of positive numbers tending to ∞ such that λn+1 ≤ λn+1, λ1 = 1, we introduce the concepts of λ (Δim) -statistical convergence of order α (α ∈ (0, 1]) and strong λ (Δim) -Cesàro summablility of order α (α > 0). We establish some connections between λ (Δim) -statistical convergence of order α and strong λ (Δim) -Cesàro summablility of order α. It is shown that if a sequence is strongly λ (Δim) -Cesàro summable of order α, then it is λ (Δim) -statistically convergent of order β in case 0 < α ≤ β ≤ 1.

  2. Advanced Interval Management (IM) Concepts of Operations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barmore, Bryan E.; Ahmad, Nash'at N.; Underwood, Matthew C.


    This document provides a high-level description of several advanced IM operations that NASA is considering for future research and development. It covers two versions of IM-CSPO and IM with Wake Mitigation. These are preliminary descriptions to support an initial benefits analysis

  3. Produktionslogistik mit ERP-Systemen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bauer, Jürgen

    Im Folgenden werden die Teilprozesse der Produktionslogistik bei Eigenfertigung unter Einsatz des ERP-Systems SAP R/3 beschrieben. Dabei wird die häufigste Fertigungsart, die kundenanonyme Losfertigung, zugrundegelegt.

  4. Description of the Main Ionospheric Trough by the SM-MIT Model. European Longitudinal Sector

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Leshchinskaya, T. Yu.; Pustovalova, L. V.


    Due to the selection of exsisting ionospheric models for incorporation into the created System of Ionospheric Monotoring and Prediction of the Russian Federation, the model of the main ionospheric trough (SM-MIT) is tested with the data from ground-based ionospheric observations in the European longitudinal sector. It is shown that the SM-MIT model does not give an increase in accuracy in comparison to the foF2 monthly median upon a description of the equatorial wall of the MIT. The model describes the foF2 values in the MIT minimum with higher accuracy than the foF2 monthly median or the median IRI model; however, at the same time, the deviations of the model foF2 values from the observed values are high enough: 20-30%. In the MIT minimum, the decrease in the model foF2 values relative to the median values is on average only 10%, which is substantially less than the observed depth of MIT in the evening sector. The verification results have shown that the available SM-MIT model must be completed for practical use.

  5. Astronomie für Alle. Einführung in die Himmelsbeobachtung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neckel, Thorsten; Neumann, Martin; Staude, Jakob


    Contents: Abenteuer Astronomie - Aufbruch zu fremden Welten. Orientierung am Himmel. Das Teleskop - Dein Blick ins All. Der Erdmond. Wir beobachten unseren Mond. Planeten - Unsere Nachbarn im All. Himmelsleuchten in dunkler Nacht - Das Zodiakallicht. Vagabunden im Sonnensystem. Meteore und Feuerkugeln. Meteorite - Faszinierende Materie aus dem Weltall. Kometen - Eisige Zeugen der Urzeit. Der hellste Stern an unserem Himmel. Auf der Sonne ist 'was los! Kosmische Schattenspiele - Sonnen- und Mondfinsternisse. Ferne Sonnen. Die Tiefen des Kosmos - Sternhaufen, Gasnebel und Galaxien. Astrophotographie mit stehender Kamera. Astrophotographie mit nachgeführter Kamera. Der Kosmos im Computer - Software für Hobbyastronomen. Signale aus dem Kosmos - Radioastronomie für Einsteiger.

  6. Wie die Sonne ins Kraftwerk kommt: Solarthermische Kraftwerke

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pitz-Paal, Robert


    Solarthermische Kraftwerke sammeln wie riesige Brenngläser die Sonnenstrahlung und treiben damit eine Wärmekraftmaschine an. Drei Konstruktionsprinzipien haben sich heute durchgesetzt. Bereits im kommerziellen Einsatz sind Systeme mit schwenkbaren, verspiegelten Parabolrinnen, die das Sonnenlicht auf ein zentrales Absorberrohr konzentrieren. Durch dieses fließt ein Wärmetransportmedium. Beim Zentral-Receiver-System fokussiert ein Feld verstellbarer Spiegel das Sonnenlicht auf die Spitze eines Turms. Dort sitzt ein Receiver, den ein Wärmetransportmedium durchströmt. Für kleine, dezentrale Anlagen eignen sich Dish-Stirling-Systeme. Das sind schwenkbare, paraboloide Spiegelschüsseln mit einem Stirling-Motor im Brennpunkt. Zentral-Receiver- und Dish-Stirling-Systeme sind noch im Entwicklungsstadium.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Quality assurance (QA) of information technology (IT) and Information Management (IM) systems help to ensure that the end product is of known quality and integrity. As the complexity of IT & IM processes increase, so does the need for regular QA evaluation.

    The areas revi...

  8. Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) and Mass Spectrometry

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shvartsburg, Alexandre A.


    In a media of finite viscosity, the Coulomb force of external electric field moves ions with some terminal speed. This dynamics is controlled by “mobility” - a property of the interaction potential between ions and media molecules. This fact has been used to separate and characterize gas-phase ions in various modes of ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) developed since 1970. Commercial IMS devices were introduced in 1980-s for field detection of volatile traces such as explosives and chemical warfare agents. Coupling to soft-ionization sources, mass spectrometry (MS), and chromatographic methods in 1990-s had allowed IMS to handle complex samples, enabling newmore » applications in biological and environmental analyses, nanoscience, and other areas. Since 2003, the introduction of commercial systems by major instrument vendors started bringing the IMS/MS capability to broad user community. The other major development of last decade has been the differential IMS or “field asymmetric waveform IMS” (FAIMS) that employs asymmetric time-dependent electric field to sort ions not by mobility itself, but by the difference between its values in strong and weak electric fields. Coupling of FAIMS to conventional IMS and stacking of conventional IMS stages have enabled two-dimensional separations that dramatically expand the power of ion mobility methods.« less

  9. Announcing the Availability of the MIT SMASS and SMASSIR Data Sets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Binzel, R. P.; Bus, S. J.; Burbine, T. H.; Rivkin, A. S.


    We announce the release of visible and near-infrared reflectance spectroscopy measurements for nearly 2000 asteroids obtained by the MIT Small Main-Belt Asteroid Spectroscopic Survey (SMASS) program. Data are being released via Additional information is contained in the original extended abstract.

  10. MIT - Massachusetts Institute of Technology Websites

    energy cancer diversity global industry public service Solve The MIT Campaign for a Better World give to produce electricity Drug-carrying nanoparticles could help fight brain cancer Drug-carrying nanoparticles could help fight brain cancer New dispatching approach optimizes a city's taxi fleet New dispatching

  11. MIT January Operational Internship Experience

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bosanac, Natasha; DeVivero, Charlie; James, Jillian; Perez-Martinez, Carla; Pino, Wendy; Wang, Andrew; Willett, Ezekiel; Williams, Kwami


    This viewgraph presentation describes the MIT January Operational Internship Experience (JOIE) program. The topics include: 1) Landing and Recovery; 2) Transportation; 3) Shuttle Processing; 4) Constellation Processing; 5) External Tank; 6) Launch Pad; 7) Ground Operations; 8) Hypergolic Propellants; 9) Environmental; 10) Logistics; 11) Six Sigma; 12) Systems Engineering; and 13) Human Factors.

  12. Synthesis and DNA binding properties of 1-(3-aminopropyl)-imidazole-containing triamide f-Im*PyIm: a novel diamino polyamide designed to target 5'-ACGCGT-3'.


    Satam, Vijay; Babu, Balaji; Porte, Alexander; Savagian, Mia; Lee, Megan; Smeltzer, Thomas; Liu, Yang; Ramos, Joseph; Wilson, W David; Lin, Shicai; Kiakos, Kostantinos; Hartley, John A; Lee, Moses


    A novel diamino/dicationic polyamide f-Im(*)PyIm (5) that contains an orthogonally positioned aminopropyl chain on an imidazole (Im(*)) moiety was designed to target 5'-ACGCGT-3'. The DNA binding properties of the diamino polyamide 5, determined by CD, ΔT(M), DNase I footprinting, SPR, and ITC studies, were compared with those of its monoamino/monocationic counterpart f-ImPyIm (1) and its diamino/dicationic isomer f-ImPy(*)Im (2), which has the aminopropyl group attached to the central pyrrole unit (Py(*)). The results gave evidence for the minor groove binding and selectivity of polyamide 5 for the cognate sequence 5'-ACGCGT-3', and with strong affinity (K(eq)=2.3×10(7) M(-1)). However, the binding affinities varied according to the order: f-ImPy(*)Im (2)>f-ImPyIm (1)≥f-Im(*)PyIm (5) confirming that the second amino group can improve affinity, but its position within the polyamide can affect affinity. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Isothermal aging of IM7/8320 and IM7/5260

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Martin, Roderick H.; Siochi, Emilie J.; Gates, Thomas S.


    Isothermal aging was conducted on two composite systems being considered as possible candidates for the next generation supersonic transport. The composite systems were IM7/5260, a carbon/thermoset, and IM7/8320, a carbon/amorphous thermoplastic. The materials were isothermally aged for a total of 5000 hours at 125 C and 175 C. These temperatures are approximately equivalent to the upper skin temperatures of an aircraft flying at Mach 2.0 and Mach 2.4, respectively. The variations of the following properties were determined as a function of aging time: weight loss, moduli, glass transition temperature, microcracking, and modulus and strength of a +/- 45 laminate. The difficulties and accuracy of strain measurements are also discussed.

  14. Mobile-IT Education (MIT.EDU): M-Learning Applications for Classroom Settings

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sung, M.; Gips, J.; Eagle, N.; Madan, A.; Caneel, R.; DeVaul, R.; Bonsen, J.; Pentland, A.


    In this paper, we describe the Mobile-IT Education (MIT.EDU) system, which demonstrates the potential of using a distributed mobile device architecture for rapid prototyping of wireless mobile multi-user applications for use in classroom settings. MIT.EDU is a stable, accessible system that combines inexpensive, commodity hardware, a flexible…

  15. MIT ASTROMAG 1.7 meter disk magnet design report

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Marston, P. G.; Hale, J. R.; Vieira, R.; Zhukovsky, A.; Titus, P. H.; Sullivan, J. D.; Dawson, A. M.


    MIT has proposed a magnet design for ASTROMAG, which has demonstrated substantial improvement in performance as compared with the present HEAO baseline design. Several advantages of the MIT disk design are listed along with design characteristics. Details of field contours and active field regions are shown along with comparisons with other designs. Three alternative design configurations for the ASTROMAG disk coils are summarized. The parameters of the conductors are listed and basic parameters for each of the complete systems are shown.

  16. Summation of IMS Volume Frequencies.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gordillo, Frank

    A computer program designed to produce summary information on the data processing volume of the Southwest Regional Laboratory's (SWRL) Instructional Management System (IMS) is described. Written in FORTRAN IV for use on an IBM 360 Model 91, the program sorts IMS input data on the basis of run identifier and on the basis of classroom identification…

  17. Biotechnology Process Engineering Center at MIT Home Websites

    BPEC Definition 77 Massachusetts Avenue, Building 16 Room 429, Cambridge, MA 02139 Telephone (617 Leadership Council Facilities | Umbrella Programs | Events | News | Links | MIT | National Science Foundation

  18. A New IMS Based Inter-working Solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhu, Zhongwen; Brunner, Richard

    With the evolution of third generation network, more and more multimedia services are developed and deployed. Any new service to be deployed in IMS network is required to inter-work with existing Internet communities or legacy terminal users in order to appreciate the end users, who are the main drivers for the service to succeed. The challenge for Inter-working between IMS (IP Multimedia Subsystem) and non-IMS network is “how to handle recipient’s address”. This is because each network has its own routable address schema. For instance, the address for Google Talk user is, which is un-routable in IMS network. Hereafter a new Inter-working (IW) solution between IMS and non-IMS network is proposed for multimedia services that include Instant Messaging, Chat, and File transfer, etc. It is an end-to-end solution built on IMS infrastructure. The Public Service Identity (PSI) defined in 3GPP standard (3rd Generation Partnership Project) is used to allow terminal clients to allocate this IW service. When sending the SIP (Session Initial Protocol) request out for multimedia services, the terminal includes the recipient’s address in the payload instead of the “Request-URI” header. In the network, the proposed solution provides the mapping rules between different networks in MM-IW (Multimedia IW). The detailed technical description and the corresponding use cases are present. The comparison with other alternatives is made. The benefits of the proposed solution are highlighted.

  19. Education Outreach at M.I.T. Plasma Science and Fusion Center

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivenberg, P.; Censabella, V.


    At the MIT PSFC student and staff volunteers work together to increase the public's knowledge of fusion and plasma-related experiments. Seeking to generate excitement about science, engineering and mathematics, the PSFC holds a number of outreach activities throughout the year, including Middle and High School Outreach Days and the Mr. Magnet program. During the past year, in collaboration with the MIT Museum, the PSFC reprogrammed their C-Mod, Jr Video Game to be operated via the keyboard instead of joysticks. The game will eventually be available on the web and on disc. The PSFC maintains a Home Page on the World Wide Web, which can be reached at

  20. Long-lived mitochondrial (Mit) mutants of Caenorhabditis elegans utilize a novel metabolism.


    Butler, Jeffrey A; Ventura, Natascia; Johnson, Thomas E; Rea, Shane L


    The Caenorhabditis elegans mitochondrial (Mit) mutants have disrupted mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) functionality, yet, surprisingly, they are long lived. We have previously proposed that Mit mutants supplement their energy needs by exploiting alternate energy production pathways normally used by wild-type animals only when exposed to hypoxic conditions. We have also proposed that longevity in the Mit mutants arises as a property of their new metabolic state. If longevity does arise as a function of metabolic state, we would expect to find a common metabolic signature among these animals. To test these predictions, we established a novel approach monitoring the C. elegans exometabolism as a surrogate marker for internal metabolic events. Using HPLC-ultraviolet-based metabolomics and multivariate analyses, we show that long-lived clk-1(qm30) and isp-1(qm150) Mit mutants have a common metabolic profile that is distinct from that of aerobically cultured wild-type animals and, unexpectedly, wild-type animals cultured under severe oxygen deprivation. Moreover, we show that 2 short-lived mitochondrial ETC mutants, mev-1(kn1) and ucr-2.3(pk732), also share a common metabolic signature that is unique. We show that removal of soluble fumarate reductase unexpectedly increases health span in several genetically defined Mit mutants, identifying at least 1 alternate energy production pathway, malate dismutation, that is operative in these animals. Our study suggests long-lived, genetically specified Mit mutants employ a novel metabolism and that life span may well arise as a function of metabolic state.

  1. Statistik in Naturwissenschaft und Technik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wilrich, Peter-Theodor

    Mit dem Aufschwung von Naturwissenschaft und Technik zu Beginn des 19. Jahrhunderts entstand die mathematische Statistik, angeregt aus der Geodäsie (wie die Methode der kleinsten Quadrate) und der Anthropologie (wie die statistische Analyse mehrdimensionaler Beobachtungen und ihrer stochastischen Abhängigkeiten). Im Gegensatz zu den Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, in denen Daten vorwiegend aus Beobachtungsstudien gewonnen werden, stehen in den Naturwissenschaften Experimente im Vordergrund. Daher gehört die statistische Versuchsplanung zu den insbesondere in Naturwissenschaft und Technik angewendeten statistischen Methoden, aber auch die Extremwertstatistik und Lebensdaueranalysen sowie die Methoden der räumlichen Statistik (insbesondere in der Umweltforschung). Im 20. Jahrhundert wurden Stichprobenpläne und Regelkarten (Kontrollkarten) zur Prozessregelung als Hilfsmittel der statistischen Qualitätssicherung entwickelt. Diese Methodenbündel, mit denen sich der Ausschuss Statistik in Naturwissenschaft und Technik immer wieder befasst, werden im Folgenden vorgestellt.

  2. Designs of LiMIT as a Limiter in the EAST Tokamak

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Szott, Matthew; Christenson, Michael; Kalathiparambil, Kishor; Ruzic, David


    Liquid metal plasma facing components (PFCs) provide a constantly refreshing, self-healing surface that can reduce erosion and thermal stress damage to prolong device lifetime, and additionally decrease edge recycling, reduce impurities, and enhance plasma performance. The Liquid Metal Infused Trench (LiMIT) system, developed at UIUC, has demonstrated thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic (TEMHD) driven flow of liquid lithium through series of solid trenches. This TEMHD effect drives liquid lithium in fusion systems using the plasma heat flux and the toroidal magnetic field, and the surface tension of the liquid lithium maintains a fresh surface on top of the solid trenches. LiMIT has been successfully tested at UIUC as well as HT-7 and Magnum PSI at heat fluxes up to 3 MW/m2. The next step is demonstrating system viability in full-scale fusion-relevant conditions. In collaboration with a team in Hefei, design and testing has begun for a large scale LiMIT system that will act as a limiter in EAST. The designs improve upon previous versions of LiMIT tested at Illinois and incorporate lessons learned from earlier tests of liquid metal PFCs at EAST. Existing infrastructure is used to load and supply lithium to the system, and the LiMIT trenches will help maintain a smooth, fresh surface as well as aid in propelling the lithium out of direct plasma flux to improve heat transfer. Supported by DOE/ALPS DE-FG02-99ER54515.

  3. Musikalische Akustik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meyer, Jürgen

    Im weitesten Sinne umfasst die musikalische Akustik alle Themenbereiche, in denen Akustik und Musik in irgendeiner Form miteinander verbunden sind oder zumindest gleichzeitig eine Rolle spielen (Meyer 2004a). Im Mittelpunkt steht dabei die Akustik der Musikinstrumente und Gesangsstimmen, die sich mit der physikalischen Funktionsweise einschließlich der Einflussmöglichkeiten des Spielers auf die Tongestaltung und mit der Schallabstrahlung einschließlich der Klangeigenarten und der Richtungsabhängigkeit befasst (Meyer 2004b, Fletcher u. Rossing 1991). Sobald dabei klangästhetische Gesichtspunkte mit ins Spiel kommen, ist eine Einbeziehung psychoakustischer Aspekte unumgänglich. Erst auf dieser Grundlage ist eine qualitative Bewertung von Instrumenten möglich, die es den Instrumentenbauern erlaubt, anhand objektiver Kriterien bautechnische Veränderungen zur Verbesserung ihrer Instrumente vorzunehmen.

  4. THOR Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Retinò, Alessandro


    Turbulence Heating ObserveR (THOR) is the first mission ever flown in space dedicated to plasma turbulence. The Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) onboard THOR will provide the first high-time resolution measurements of mass-resolved ions in near-Earth space, focusing on hot ions in the foreshock, shock and magnetosheath turbulent regions. These measurements are required to study how kinetic-scale turbulent fluctuations heat and accelerate different ion species. IMS will measure the full three-dimensional distribution functions of main ion species (H+, He++, O+) in the energy range 10 eV/q to 30 keV/q with energy resolution DE/E down to 10% and angular resolution down to 11.25˚ . The time resolution will be 150 ms for O+, 300 ms for He++ and ˜ 1s for O+, which correspond to ion scales in the the foreshock, shock and magnetosheath regions. Such high time resolution is achieved by mounting four identical IMS units phased by 90˚ in the spacecraft spin plane. Each IMS unit combines a top-hat electrostatic analyzer with deflectors at the entrance together with a time-of-flight section to perform mass selection. Adequate mass-per-charge resolution (M/q)/(ΔM/q) (≥ 8 for He++ and ≥ 3 for O+) is obtained through a 6 cm long Time-of-Flight (TOF) section. IMS electronics includes a fast sweeping high voltage board that is required to make measurements at high cadence. Ion detection includes Micro Channel Plates (MCPs) combined with Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for charge amplification and discrimination and a discrete Time-to-Amplitude Converter (TAC) to determine the ion time of flight. A processor board will be used to for ion events formatting and will interface with the Particle Processing Unit (PPU), which will perform data processing for THOR particle detectors. The IMS instrument is being designed and will be built and calibrated by an international consortium of scientific institutes from France, USA, Germany and Japan and Switzerland.

  5. MIT Lincoln Laboratory 2010 Facts

    DTIC Science & Technology


    currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2010 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00-00-2010 to 00-00-2010 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE MIT control ; air and missile defense; communications and information technology; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems...advanced electronics; tactical systems; homeland protection and biological/chemical defense; and air traffic control . Two of the Laboratory’s principal

  6. Retrospektive Analyse von Zufallsbefunden, die bei Patienten mit kutanem malignen Malignom durch (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-PET/CT erhoben wurden.


    Conrad, Franziska; Winkens, Thomas; Kaatz, Martin; Goetze, Steven; Freesmeyer, Martin


    Bei der (18) F-Fluordeoxyglucose-Positronenemissionstomographie/Computertomographie (FDG-PET/CT) ergeben sich häufig Zufallsbefunde. In der vorliegenden Studie konzentrierten wir uns auf mittels FDG-PET/CT erhaltene Zufallsbefunde bei Patienten mit kutanem Melanom und überprüften deren Relevanz hinsichtlich weiterer diagnostischer Maßnahmen und Interventionen. Die Krankenakten von 181 konsekutiven Melanom-Patienten wurden retrospektiv ausgewertet, um das Management von Zufallsbefunden zu dokumentieren. Der Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf den histologischen Befunden. Bei 33 von 181 (18 %) Patienten lagen 39 relevante Zufallsbefunde vor, und zwar im Kolorektalbereich (n = 15 Patienten), in der Schilddrüse (n = 8), der Prostata (n = 2), dem Bewegungsapparat (n = 2), in Lymphknoten (n = 2), der Parotis (n = 1), den Mandeln (n = 1), den Nieren (n = 1) und der Gallenblase (n = 1). Bei 25 Patienten schlossen sich weitere diagnostische Verfahren an, wobei in 21 Fällen ein klinisches Korrelat nachgewiesen wurde. Bei 16 von 21 Patienten ergab sich eine Neoplasie, darunter fünf maligne Läsionen (vier Kolonkarzinome und ein Prostatakarzinom). Die Malignome wurden frühzeitig diagnostiziert und in der Mehrzahl der Fälle erfolgreich entfernt. Der Einsatz der FDG-PET/CT als Routine-Diagnostik wird in den Leitlinien empfohlen und ist indiziert bei malignem Melanom ab Stadium IIC. In dieser Studie wurden auf effektive Weise ansonsten nicht erkannte Krebserkrankungen, insbesondere Kolonkarzinome, detektiert. In den meisten Fällen war eine frühe Intervention möglich. Zufallsbefunde durch FDG-PET/CT sollten, unter Berücksichtigung des Zustands und der Wünsche des Patienten, mit den geeigneten diagnostischen Maßnahmen abgeklärt werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. Knocking down mitochondrial iron transporter (MIT) reprograms primary and secondary metabolism in rice plants

    PubMed Central

    Vigani, Gianpiero; Bashir, Khurram; Ishimaru, Yasuhiro; Lehmann, Martin; Casiraghi, Fabio Marco; Nakanishi, Hiromi; Seki, Motoaki; Geigenberger, Peter; Zocchi, Graziano; Nishizawa, Naoko K.


    Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, and its reduced bioavailability strongly impairs mitochondrial functionality. In this work, the metabolic adjustment in the rice (Oryza sativa) mitochondrial Fe transporter knockdown mutant (mit-2) was analysed. Biochemical characterization of purified mitochondria from rice roots showed alteration in the respiratory chain of mit-2 compared with wild-type (WT) plants. In particular, proteins belonging to the type II alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases accumulated strongly in mit-2 plants, indicating that alternative pathways were activated to keep the respiratory chain working. Additionally, large-scale changes in the transcriptome and metabolome were observed in mit-2 rice plants. In particular, a strong alteration (up-/down-regulation) in the expression of genes encoding enzymes of both primary and secondary metabolism was found in mutant plants. This was reflected by changes in the metabolic profiles in both roots and shoots of mit-2 plants. Significant alterations in the levels of amino acids belonging to the aspartic acid-related pathways (aspartic acid, lysine, and threonine in roots, and aspartic acid and ornithine in shoots) were found that are strictly connected to the Krebs cycle. Furthermore, some metabolites (e.g. pyruvic acid, fumaric acid, ornithine, and oligosaccharides of the raffinose family) accumulated only in the shoot of mit-2 plants, indicating possible hypoxic responses. These findings suggest that the induction of local Fe deficiency in the mitochondrial compartment of mit-2 plants differentially affects the transcript as well as the metabolic profiles in root and shoot tissues. PMID:26685186

  8. Scratch that: MIT's Mitchel Resnick Says Kids Should Do It for Themselves

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Traylor, Scott


    Mitchel Resnick is a researcher, inventor, and professor at MIT's Media Laboratory in Cambridge, MA, and the founder of the Lifelong Kindergarten Group at MIT. He is the lead innovator behind many cutting-edge learning technologies and projects for children, including the Computer Clubhouse, PicoCrickets, and the wildly successful consumer…

  9. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Annual Report 2013

    DTIC Science & Technology


    A small-scale demonstration FPGA is currently being fabricated in the Microelectronics Laboratory, and a larger array is being designed for fabri ...year, the first Friday of February is a day to call attention to heart disease . Efforts of the six-member team, MIT Lincoln Laboratory for the Heart

  10. MIT-Skywalker: Evaluating comfort of bicycle/saddle seat.


    Goncalves, Rogerio S; Hamilton, Taya; Daher, Ali R; Hirai, Hiroaki; Krebs, Hermano I


    The MIT-Skywalker is a robotic device developed for the rehabilitation of gait and balance after a neurological injury. This device has been designed based on the concept of a passive walker and provides three distinct training modes: discrete movement, rhythmic movement, and balance training. In this paper, we present our efforts to evaluate the comfort of a bicycle/saddle seat design for the system's novel actuated body weight support device. We employed different bicycle and saddle seats and evaluated comfort using objective and subjective measures. Here we will summarize the results obtained from a study of fifteen healthy subjects and one stroke patient that led to the selection of a saddle seat design for the MIT-Skywalker.

  11. Assessing International Product Design and Development Graduate Courses: The MIT-Portugal Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dori, Yehudit Judy; Silva, Arlindo


    The Product Design and Development (PDD) course is part of the graduate curriculum in the Engineering Design and Advanced Manufacturing (EDAM) study in the MIT-Portugal Program. The research participants included about 110 students from MIT, EDAM, and two universities in Portugal, Instituto Superior Técnico-Universidade Técnica de Lisboa (IST) and…

  12. The MIT Program, Competition, and Ethics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bradt, Hale V.


    The MIT program in x-ray astronomy was, and still is, diverse and productive. Bruno Rossi and later George Clark, as the nominal leaders of the “x-ray astronomy group” created a “hands-off” culture wherein individual researchers could develop their own independent programs. Walter Lewin, Claude Canizares, and I as well as those in the next academic generations, e.g., Saul Rappaport and George Ricker, were able to thrive in this environment. MIT researchers were principal investigators or providers of x-ray instruments on sounding rockets and balloons in the 1960s and then in later years on nine satellite missions, OSO-7, SAS-3, HEAO-1, Einstein, ASCA, RXTE, Chandra, HETE-2, and Suzaku. Such a diverse program involved collaborations with other institutions and of course striving for primacy in discovery and competition for NASA resources. Looking back, I see a high degree of ethical behavior among the observational x-ray community during those years. In competition, we remembered that we might well be collaborating the following year and behaved accordingly. Many of us in the x-ray community had been friends since graduate school days and did not want to lose those relationships. Am I viewing the past through rose colored glasses? I think not. A vignette on this topic: In 1967, I was debating vigorously with Herb Gursky of AS&E about which institution, MIT or AS&E, should be the lead on the fourth paper (Oda et al. 1967, ApJ 148, L5) based on data from the 1966 AS&E rocket flight which had led to Allan Sandage’s (and Japanese) identification of Sco X-1 (Sandage, et al. 1966, ApJ. 146, 316). I and my Italian colleague, Gianfranco Spada, and our Japanese colleague, Minoru Oda, both then visiting MIT, had actively supported that flight. After one rather heated discussion with Herb about this, - I was the heated one; he always remained calm - he left my office saying: “Hale, however this comes out, let’s remain friends.” I treasured that comment and

  13. MIT Lincoln Laboratory 2011 Facts

    DTIC Science & Technology


    currently valid OMB control number. 1. REPORT DATE 2011 2. REPORT TYPE 3. DATES COVERED 00-00-2011 to 00-00-2011 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE MIT Lincoln...primary mission areas—space control ; air and missile defense; communication systems; intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance systems; advanced...electronics; tactical systems; homeland protection and chemical and biological defense; cyber security; and air traffic control . Two of the

  14. Knocking down mitochondrial iron transporter (MIT) reprograms primary and secondary metabolism in rice plants.


    Vigani, Gianpiero; Bashir, Khurram; Ishimaru, Yasuhiro; Lehmann, Martin; Casiraghi, Fabio Marco; Nakanishi, Hiromi; Seki, Motoaki; Geigenberger, Peter; Zocchi, Graziano; Nishizawa, Naoko K


    Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, and its reduced bioavailability strongly impairs mitochondrial functionality. In this work, the metabolic adjustment in the rice (Oryza sativa) mitochondrial Fe transporter knockdown mutant (mit-2) was analysed. Biochemical characterization of purified mitochondria from rice roots showed alteration in the respiratory chain of mit-2 compared with wild-type (WT) plants. In particular, proteins belonging to the type II alternative NAD(P)H dehydrogenases accumulated strongly in mit-2 plants, indicating that alternative pathways were activated to keep the respiratory chain working. Additionally, large-scale changes in the transcriptome and metabolome were observed in mit-2 rice plants. In particular, a strong alteration (up-/down-regulation) in the expression of genes encoding enzymes of both primary and secondary metabolism was found in mutant plants. This was reflected by changes in the metabolic profiles in both roots and shoots of mit-2 plants. Significant alterations in the levels of amino acids belonging to the aspartic acid-related pathways (aspartic acid, lysine, and threonine in roots, and aspartic acid and ornithine in shoots) were found that are strictly connected to the Krebs cycle. Furthermore, some metabolites (e.g. pyruvic acid, fumaric acid, ornithine, and oligosaccharides of the raffinose family) accumulated only in the shoot of mit-2 plants, indicating possible hypoxic responses. These findings suggest that the induction of local Fe deficiency in the mitochondrial compartment of mit-2 plants differentially affects the transcript as well as the metabolic profiles in root and shoot tissues. © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Experimental Biology.

  15. IMS R and D program at Canada customs

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pilon, Pierre; Mungham, Tony; Ng, Lay-Keow; Lawrence, Andre


    Over the last few years, Revenue Canada, in collaboration with Barringer Instruments Limited, has been involved in the development of a field-usable ion mobility spectrometer (IMS) for the detection of drugs of abuse. This work has culminated in the manufacturing and commercialization by Barringer of the Ionscan 350 instruments, now in use by various law enforcement agencies worldwide. Although IMS exhibits a very strong and distinctive response toward some nitrogen containing drugs, e.g., cocaine, like all separation techniques it has inherent limitations, namely moderate resolution and low chemical signal to noise ratio which may affect the reliability of IMS-based drug detectors. A program is in place at the Laboratory and Scientific Services Directorate (LSSD) to investigate the applicability of various digital signal processing (DSP) techniques to IMS output signals. The application of neural network techniques to overlapping IMS peaks is presented.

  16. MIT gets good marks for fighting gender discrimination

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gwynne, Peter


    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has made "significant progress" in increasing the number of female faculty members, with their numbers in science and engineering almost doubling over the last decade.

  17. Binding of Substrates to the Central Pore of the Vps4 ATPase Is Autoinhibited by the Microtubule Interacting and Trafficking (MIT) Domain and Activated by MIT Interacting Motifs (MIMs).


    Han, Han; Monroe, Nicole; Votteler, Jörg; Shakya, Binita; Sundquist, Wesley I; Hill, Christopher P


    The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) pathway drives reverse topology membrane fission events within multiple cellular pathways, including cytokinesis, multivesicular body biogenesis, repair of the plasma membrane, nuclear membrane vesicle formation, and HIV budding. The AAA ATPase Vps4 is recruited to membrane necks shortly before fission, where it catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III lattice. The N-terminal Vps4 microtubule-interacting and trafficking (MIT) domains initially bind the C-terminal MIT-interacting motifs (MIMs) of ESCRT-III subunits, but it is unclear how the enzyme then remodels these substrates in response to ATP hydrolysis. Here, we report quantitative binding studies that demonstrate that residues from helix 5 of the Vps2p subunit of ESCRT-III bind to the central pore of an asymmetric Vps4p hexamer in a manner that is dependent upon the presence of flexible nucleotide analogs that can mimic multiple states in the ATP hydrolysis cycle. We also find that substrate engagement is autoinhibited by the Vps4p MIT domain and that this inhibition is relieved by binding of either Type 1 or Type 2 MIM elements, which bind the Vps4p MIT domain through different interfaces. These observations support the model that Vps4 substrates are initially recruited by an MIM-MIT interaction that activates the Vps4 central pore to engage substrates and generate force, thereby triggering ESCRT-III disassembly. © 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  18. Binding of Substrates to the Central Pore of the Vps4 ATPase Is Autoinhibited by the Microtubule Interacting and Trafficking (MIT) Domain and Activated by MIT Interacting Motifs (MIMs)*

    PubMed Central

    Han, Han; Monroe, Nicole; Votteler, Jörg; Shakya, Binita; Sundquist, Wesley I.; Hill, Christopher P.


    The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) pathway drives reverse topology membrane fission events within multiple cellular pathways, including cytokinesis, multivesicular body biogenesis, repair of the plasma membrane, nuclear membrane vesicle formation, and HIV budding. The AAA ATPase Vps4 is recruited to membrane necks shortly before fission, where it catalyzes disassembly of the ESCRT-III lattice. The N-terminal Vps4 microtubule-interacting and trafficking (MIT) domains initially bind the C-terminal MIT-interacting motifs (MIMs) of ESCRT-III subunits, but it is unclear how the enzyme then remodels these substrates in response to ATP hydrolysis. Here, we report quantitative binding studies that demonstrate that residues from helix 5 of the Vps2p subunit of ESCRT-III bind to the central pore of an asymmetric Vps4p hexamer in a manner that is dependent upon the presence of flexible nucleotide analogs that can mimic multiple states in the ATP hydrolysis cycle. We also find that substrate engagement is autoinhibited by the Vps4p MIT domain and that this inhibition is relieved by binding of either Type 1 or Type 2 MIM elements, which bind the Vps4p MIT domain through different interfaces. These observations support the model that Vps4 substrates are initially recruited by an MIM-MIT interaction that activates the Vps4 central pore to engage substrates and generate force, thereby triggering ESCRT-III disassembly. PMID:25833946

  19. IMS Seismic and Infrasound Stations Instrumental Challenges

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Starovoit, Y. O.; Dricker, I. G.; Marty, J.


    The IMS seismic network is a set of monitoring facilities including 50 primary stations and 120 auxiliary stations. Besides the difference in the mode of data transmission to the IDC, technical specifications for seismographic equipment to be installed at both types of stations are essentially the same. The IMS infrasound network comprises 60 facilities with the requirement of continuous data transmission to IDC. The objective of this presentation is to report instrumental challenges associated with both seismic and infrasound technologies. In context of specifications for IMS seismic stations it was stressed that verification seismology is concerned with searching of reliable methods of signal detections at high frequencies. In the meantime MS/mb screening criteria between earthquakes and explosions relies on reliable detection of surface waves. The IMS seismic requirements for instrumental noise and operational range of data logger are defined as certain dB level below minimum background within the required frequency band from 0.02 to 16Hz. The type of sensors response is requested to be flat either in velocity or acceleration. The compliance with IMS specifications may thus introduce a challenging task when low-noise conditions have been recorded at the site. It means that as a station noise PSD approaches the NLNM it requires a high sensitive sensor to be connected to a quiet digitizer which may cause a quick system clip and waste of the available dynamic range. The experience has shown that hybrid frequency response of seismic sensors where combination of flat to velocity and flat to acceleration portions of the sensor frequency response may provide an optimal solution for utilization of the dynamic range and low digitizer noise floor. Vast efforts are also being undertaken and results achieved in the infrasound technology to standardize and optimize the response of the Wind-Noise Reduction System within the IMS infrasound passband from 0.02-4Hz and to deploy

  20. Thin layer chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (TLC-IMS).


    Ilbeigi, Vahideh; Tabrizchi, Mahmoud


    Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is a fast and sensitive analytical method which operates at the atmospheric pressure. To enhance the capability of IMS for the analysis of mixtures, it is often used with preseparation techniques, such as GC or HPLC. Here, we report for the first time the coupling of the thin-layer chromatography and IMS. A variety of coupling schemes were tried that included direct electrospray from the TLC strip tip, indirect electrospray from a needle connected to the TLC strip, introducing the moving solvent into the injection port, and, the simplest way, offline introduction of scratched or cut pieces of strips into the IMS injection port. In this study a special solvent tank was designed and the TLC strip was mounted horizontally where the solvent would flow down. A very small funnel right below the TLC tip collected the solvent and transferred it to a needle via a capillary tubing. Using the TLC-ESI-IMS technique, acceptable separations were achieved for two component mixtures of morphine-papaverine and acridine-papaverine. A special injection port was designed to host the pieces cut off the TLC. The method was successfully used to identify each spot on the TLC by IMS in a few seconds.

  1. Physik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gerthsen, Christian; Vogel, Helmut

    Die siebzehnte Auflage des Gerthsen ist zugleich die sechste in der Bearbeitung Helmut Vogels. Der Autor bereichert das klassische Studien- und Nachschlagewerk mit einem neuen Kapitel zur nichtlinearen Dynamik (auch Chaos und Fraktale werden besprochen) sowie acht instruktiven Farbtafeln. Daneben gibt es wieder kleinere Ergänzungen und Korrekturen. Wo die Darstellung wegen der selbstauferlegten Beschränkung im Umfang nicht alle Themen behandeln kann, helfen die mehr als zahlreichen Übungsaufgaben, die im Band Vogel, Probleme aus der Physik, ISBN 3-540-51217-9, mit Beiheft nun auch zur 17. Auflage verwendbar, ausführlich besprochen werden.

  2. Nanomedical strategy to prolong survival period, heighten cure rate, and lower systemic toxicity of S180 mice treated with MTX/MIT.


    Song, Ning; Zhao, Ming; Wang, Yuji; Hu, Xi; Wu, Jianhui; Jiang, Xueyun; Li, Shan; Cui, Chunying; Peng, Shiqi


    In spite of the usual combination form of methotrexate (MTX)/mitoxantrone (MIT) and various complex combination regimens of MTX/MIT with other anticancer drugs, the survival period, cure rate, and systemic toxicity still need to be improved. For this purpose, a nanostructured amino group-modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNN)-MTX/MIT was designed. In the preparation, the surface of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) was modified with amino groups to form MSNN. The covalent modification of the amino groups on the surface of MSNN with MTX resulted in MSNN-MTX. The loading of MIT into the surface pores of MSNN-MTX produced nanostructured MSNN-MTX/MIT. Compared with the usual combination form (MTX/MIT), nanostructured MSNN-MTX/MIT increased the survival period greatly, heightened the cure rate to a great extent, and lowered the systemic toxicity of the treated S180 mice, significantly. These superior in vivo properties of nanostructured MSNN-MTX/MIT over the usual combination form (MTX/MIT) were correlated with the former selectively releasing MTX and MIT in tumor tissue and inside cancer cells in vitro. The chemical structure and the nanostructure of MSNN-MTX/MIT were characterized using infrared and differential scanning calorimeter spectra as well as transmission electron microscope images, respectively.

  3. Nanomedical strategy to prolong survival period, heighten cure rate, and lower systemic toxicity of S180 mice treated with MTX/MIT

    PubMed Central

    Song, Ning; Zhao, Ming; Wang, Yuji; Hu, Xi; Wu, Jianhui; Jiang, Xueyun; Li, Shan; Cui, Chunying; Peng, Shiqi


    In spite of the usual combination form of methotrexate (MTX)/mitoxantrone (MIT) and various complex combination regimens of MTX/MIT with other anticancer drugs, the survival period, cure rate, and systemic toxicity still need to be improved. For this purpose, a nanostructured amino group-modified mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNN)−MTX/MIT was designed. In the preparation, the surface of mesoporous silica nanoparticles (MSNs) was modified with amino groups to form MSNN. The covalent modification of the amino groups on the surface of MSNN with MTX resulted in MSNN−MTX. The loading of MIT into the surface pores of MSNN−MTX produced nanostructured MSNN−MTX/MIT. Compared with the usual combination form (MTX/MIT), nanostructured MSNN−MTX/MIT increased the survival period greatly, heightened the cure rate to a great extent, and lowered the systemic toxicity of the treated S180 mice, significantly. These superior in vivo properties of nanostructured MSNN−MTX/MIT over the usual combination form (MTX/MIT) were correlated with the former selectively releasing MTX and MIT in tumor tissue and inside cancer cells in vitro. The chemical structure and the nanostructure of MSNN−MTX/MIT were characterized using infrared and differential scanning calorimeter spectra as well as transmission electron microscope images, respectively. PMID:27621591

  4. Trace concentrations of imazethapyr (IM) affect floral organs development and reproduction in Arabidopsis thaliana: IM-induced inhibition of key genes regulating anther and pollen biosynthesis.


    Qian, Haifeng; Li, Yali; Sun, Chongchong; Lavoie, Michel; Xie, Jun; Bai, Xiaocui; Fu, Zhengwei


    Understanding how herbicides affect plant reproduction and growth is critical to develop herbicide toxicity model and refine herbicide risk assessment. Although our knowledge of herbicides toxicity mechanisms at the physiological and molecular level in plant vegetative phase has increased substantially in the last decades, few studies have addressed the herbicide toxicity problematic on plant reproduction. Here, we determined the long-term (4-8 weeks) effect of a chiral herbicide, imazethapyr (IM), which has been increasingly used in plant crops, on floral organ development and reproduction in the model plant Arabidopsis thaliana. More specifically, we followed the effect of two IM enantiomers (R- and S-IM) on floral organ structure, seed production, pollen viability and the transcription of key genes involved in anther and pollen development. The results showed that IM strongly inhibited the transcripts of genes regulating A. thaliana tapetum development (DYT1: DYSFUNCTIONAL TAPETUM 1), tapetal differentiation and function (TDF1: TAPETAL DEVELOPMENT AND FUNCTION1), and pollen wall formation and developments (AMS: ABORTED MICROSPORES, MYB103: MYB DOMAIN PROTEIN 103, MS1: MALE STERILITY 1, MS2: MALE STERILITY 2). Since DYT1 positively regulates 33 genes involved in cell-wall modification (such as, TDF1, AMS, MYB103, MS1, MS2) that can catalyze the breakdown of polysaccharides to facilitate anther dehiscence, the consistent decrease in the transcription of these genes after IM exposure should hamper anther opening as observed under scanning electron microscopy. The toxicity of IM on anther opening further lead to a decrease in pollen production and pollen viability. Furthermore, long-term IM exposure increased the number of apurinic/apyrimidinic sites (AP sites) in the DNA of A. thaliana and also altered the DNA of A. thaliana offspring grown in IM-free soils. Toxicity of IM on floral organs development and reproduction was generally higher in the presence of the R-IM

  5. LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder is a command line software application which searches for possible molecular ion signatures in multidimensional liquid chromatography, ion mobility spectrometry, and mass spectrometry data by clustering deisotoped peaks with similar monoisotopic mass values, charge states, elution times, and drift times. The software application includes an algorithm for detecting multiple conformations and co-eluting species in the ion mobility dimension. LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder is designed to create an output file with detected features that includes associated information about the detected features.

  6. A Learning Design Ontology Based on the IMS Specification

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Amorim, Ricardo R.; Lama, Manuel; Sanchez, Eduardo; Riera, Adolfo; Vila, Xose A.


    In this paper, we present an ontology to represent the semantics of the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification, a meta-language used to describe the main elements of the learning design process. The motivation of this work relies on the expressiveness limitations found on the current XML-Schema implementation of the IMS LD conceptual model. To…

  7. Mit1 Transcription Factor Mediates Methanol Signaling and Regulates the Alcohol Oxidase 1 (AOX1) Promoter in Pichia pastoris.


    Wang, Xiaolong; Wang, Qi; Wang, Jinjia; Bai, Peng; Shi, Lei; Shen, Wei; Zhou, Mian; Zhou, Xiangshan; Zhang, Yuanxing; Cai, Menghao


    The alcohol oxidase 1 (AOX1) promoter (P AOX1) of Pichia pastoris is the most powerful and commonly used promoter for driving protein expression. However, mechanisms regulating its transcriptional activity are unclear. Here, we identified a Zn(II)2Cys6-type methanol-induced transcription factor 1 (Mit1) and elucidated its roles in regulating PAOX1 activity in response to glycerol and methanol. Mit1 regulated the expression of many genes involved in methanol utilization pathway, including AOX1, but did not participate in peroxisome proliferation and transportation of peroxisomal proteins during methanol metabolism. Structural analysis of Mit1 by performing domain deletions confirmed its specific and critical role in the strict repression of P AOX1 in glycerol medium. Importantly, Mit1, Mxr1, and Prm1, which positively regulated P AOX1 in response to methanol, were bound to P AOX1 at different sites and did not interact with each other. However, these factors cooperatively activated P AOX1 through a cascade. Mxr1 mainly functioned during carbon derepression, whereas Mit1 and Prm1 functioned during methanol induction, with Prm1 transmitting methanol signal to Mit1 by binding to the MIT1 promoter (P MIT1), thus increasingly expressing Mit1 and subsequently activating P AOX1. © 2016 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  8. [R]MIT Research Centre at Delft University of Technology: A Bridge between Research, Education, Society and Profession

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Zijlstra, Hielkje


    In 2006, we launched the [R]MIT Research Centre (Modification, Intervention Transformation) at the Faculty of Architecture at Delft University of Technology. [R]MIT was founded to respond to the need for an integrated, multi-disciplinary approach to the transformation of the built environment. [R]MIT aims to bring momentum to the renewal of…

  9. Development of a human-specific B. thetaiotaomicron IMS ...

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Immunomagnetic separation/adenosine triphosphate (IMS/ATP) assays utilize paramagnetic beads and target-specific antibodies to isolate target organisms. Following isolation, adenosine tri-phosphate (ATP) is extracted from the target population and quantified. An inversely-coupled (Inv-IMS/ATP)assay for detection of Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron was developed and applied for rapid detection of human-associated fecal contamination in surface waters in Baja California. Specificity of the assay was tested against challenge solutions of varying concentrations of dog, gull, horse and chicken feces, and a field validation survey of coastal and WWTP effluent water quality in Rosarito and Enseneda, Baja California was conducted. Inv IMS/ATP measurements made shown to be specific and sensitive to human fecal contamination. At test concentrations of less than 1000 MPN ENT/100 mL, sensitivity and specificity of the assay both exceeded 80%. Moreover, the Inv-IMS/ATP assay yielded measurements of viable B. thetaiotaomicron that were comparable to the HF183 human marker in complex surface waters impacted with both wastewater and runoff, and the Inv-IMS/ATP assay was able to effectively differentiate between surface waters impacted with adequately and inadequately treated wastewater. The Inv-IMS/ATP assays shows promise for rapid evaluation of recreational water quality in areas where access to more expensive methods is limited and in areas where water quality in unpredicta

  10. Verantwortlicher Umgang mit Antibiotika: Notwendigkeit der Antibiotikareduktion in der Aknetherapie.


    Gollnick, Harald P M; Buer, Jan; Beissert, Stefan; Sunderkätter, Cord


    Der übermäßige oder unkritische weltweite Einsatz von Antibiotika in der Medizin hat die Ausbreitung von Antibiotikaresistenzen beschleunigt. In einigen Bereichen sind viele Antibiotika bei bakteriellen Infektionen, die zuvor noch gut auf antibakterielle Wirkstoffe reagierten, mittlerweile wirkungslos geworden. Dermatologen/Venerologen setzten orale und topische Antibiotika bei der Behandlung von Acne vulgaris routinemäßig ein, obwohl Akne weder eine infektiöse Erkrankung ist noch alleine durch das Propionibacterium getriggert wird. Vielmehr ist sie eine komplexe, chronische entzündliche Hauterkrankung, die durch verschiedene pathogenetische Faktoren wie follikuläre Hyperkeratose, erhöhter Sebumproduktion, bakterielle Proliferation und Entzündung zustande kommt. Folglich sollte eine erfolgreiche Therapie auf die Bekämpfung verschiedener pathogenetischer Faktoren und nicht nur auf die von Propionibacterium acnes abzielen. Daher wurden topische Retinoide und Benzoylperoxid als Mittel der ersten Wahl definiert. Monotherapien mit lokalen Antibiotika sollten insgesamt vermieden werden. Systemische Antibiotika der Tetrazyklin-Gruppe haben bei bestimmen Krankheitsstadien ihren Sinn, ihre Wirkung könnte aber eher auf der antientzündlichen als auf der antibiotischen Reaktion beruhen. Gesundheitsbehörden ermahnen alle Gesundheitsdienstleister, den Einsatz von Antibiotika einzuschränken. Das Nutzen-Risiko-Verhältnis muss bei der Entscheidung für oder gegen eine antibiotische Therapie bei einem einzelnen Patienten immer auch in Bezug auf das öffentliche Interesse am Erhalt der Wirksamkeit von Antibiotika abgewogen werden. Im Folgenden werden das aktuelle Krankheitskonzept zu Acne vulgaris und die sich daraus ableitenden Konsequenzen für den Einsatz von Antibiotika vorgestellt. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  11. Implantate im Mittelohrbereich - Teil 2 (Ergänzungen 2007)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stieve, M.; Lenarz, Thomas

    In Deutschland leben ca. 12 Millionen Menschen, die an einer ein- oder beidseitigen Schwerhörigkeit leiden. Diese kann angeboren oder im Laufe des Lebens erworben sein. Klinisch und therapeutisch wichtig ist die Unterscheidung hinsichtlich des Schädigungsortes im Bereich des Mittelohres, d. h. eine Schalleitungsschwerhörigkeit, oder im Bereich des Innenohres, d. h. eine Schallempfindungsschwerhörigkeit, wobei hier der Schädigungsort auch am Hörnerven oder in den zentralen Hörabschnitten liegen kann. Therapeutisch lassen sich sowohl Schwerhörigkeiten im Bereich des Mittelohres als auch im Innenohr und sogar im Hirnstammbereich (Hirnstammimplantat) behandeln. 1,9 Millionen Schwerhörige haben eine Erkrankung im Mittelohrbereich, d. h. der Schall kann nur ungenügend auf das Innenohr übertragen werden. Die Ursache besteht meist in einer chronischen Mittelohrentzündung, die zu einer Zerstörung des Trommelfells und der Gehörknöchelchenkette geführt haben. Therapeutisch und damit als Prinzip der operativen Hörverbesserung steht primär der Verschluß des Trommelfells oder eine Rekonstruktion der Gehörknöchelchen. Mittelohroperationen werden mikrochirurgisch unter dem Operationsmikroskop durchgeführt, wobei zunächst durch eine sanierende Operation der Entzündungsprozeß entfernt wird und nach einer Ausheilungszeit die Gehörknöchelchenkette durch künstliche Prothesen rekonstruiert werden kann.

  12. (Im)migrant Voices: An Ethnographic Inquiry into Contemporary (Im)migrant Issues Faced by (Im)migrant University Students

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cantu, Elizabeth A.


    This dissertation examines contemporary issues that 18 (im)migrant university students faced during a time of highly militarized U.S.-Mexico border relations while living in Arizona during the time of this dissertation research. Utilizing critical race theory and public sphere theory as theoretical frameworks, the project addresses several related…

  13. Unfallaufnahme und Datenerhebung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brösdorf, Klaus-Dieter; Moser, Andreas; Burg, Jürgen

    Unfälle ereignen sich in unterschiedlichen Schweregraden. Man unterscheidet zwischen Unfälle mit nur Sachschaden und in Unfälle mit Personenschaden. Gemäß Statistik [1] machten in Deutschland im Jahr 2005 Unfälle mit Personenschaden (336.619) etwa 15 % der Gesamtanzahl der polizeilich erfassten Unfälle (2.253.992) aus. In den amtlichen Statistiken sind nur polizeilich erfasste Unfälle enthalten. Eine größere Zahl von Unfällen, insbesondere leichtere Unfälle, wird offensichtlich polizeilich nicht gemeldet. Mit den Daten der Versicherungswirtschaft wird die Anzahl der Kfz-Schäden pro Jahr in Deutschland mit 8.673.000 angegeben [2].

  14. Mit1 Transcription Factor Mediates Methanol Signaling and Regulates the Alcohol Oxidase 1 (AOX1) Promoter in Pichia pastoris*

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Xiaolong; Wang, Qi; Wang, Jinjia; Bai, Peng; Shi, Lei; Shen, Wei; Zhou, Mian; Zhou, Xiangshan; Zhang, Yuanxing; Cai, Menghao


    The alcohol oxidase 1 (AOX1) promoter (PAOX1) of Pichia pastoris is the most powerful and commonly used promoter for driving protein expression. However, mechanisms regulating its transcriptional activity are unclear. Here, we identified a Zn(II)2Cys6-type methanol-induced transcription factor 1 (Mit1) and elucidated its roles in regulating PAOX1 activity in response to glycerol and methanol. Mit1 regulated the expression of many genes involved in methanol utilization pathway, including AOX1, but did not participate in peroxisome proliferation and transportation of peroxisomal proteins during methanol metabolism. Structural analysis of Mit1 by performing domain deletions confirmed its specific and critical role in the strict repression of PAOX1 in glycerol medium. Importantly, Mit1, Mxr1, and Prm1, which positively regulated PAOX1 in response to methanol, were bound to PAOX1 at different sites and did not interact with each other. However, these factors cooperatively activated PAOX1 through a cascade. Mxr1 mainly functioned during carbon derepression, whereas Mit1 and Prm1 functioned during methanol induction, with Prm1 transmitting methanol signal to Mit1 by binding to the MIT1 promoter (PMIT1), thus increasingly expressing Mit1 and subsequently activating PAOX1. PMID:26828066

  15. Biotechnology Process Engineering Center at MIT - Overview Websites

    laboratories. Biotechnology-related research in the labs of over 15 faculty members in the Biological 60,000 square feet for biotechnology-related engineering research. This centralization and consolidation wider array of equipment and facilities available in other MIT labs and Centers. Some examples include

  16. Overview of IMS infrasound station and engineering projects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marty, J.; Doury, B.; Kramer, A.; Martysevich, P.


    The Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBTO) has a continuous interest in enhancing its capability in acoustic source detection, localization and characterization. The infrasound component of the International Monitoring System (IMS) constitutes the only worldwide ground-based infrasound network. It consists of sixty stations, among which forty-eight are already certified and continuously transmit data to the International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna, Austria. Each infrasound station is composed of an array of infrasound sensors capable of measuring micro-pressure changes produced at ground level by infrasonic waves. The characteristics of infrasonic waves are computed in near real-time by IDC automatic detection software and are used as an input to IDC source categorization and localization algorithms. The PTS is continuously working towards the completion and sustainment of the IMS infrasound network. The objective of this presentation is to review the main activities performed in the IMS infrasound network over the last five years. This includes construction, installation, certification, major upgrade and revalidation activities. Major technology development projects to improve the reliability and robustness of IMS infrasound stations as well as their compliance with IMS Operational Manual requirements will also be presented. This includes advances in array geometry, wind noise reduction, system calibration, meteorological data as well as power and communication infrastructures. Finally the impact of all these changes on the overall detection capability of the IMS infrasound network will be highlighted.

  17. Smartes System für die Energiewende - der Übertragungsnetzbetreiber in der digitalen Zukunft

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pflaum, Rainer; Egeler, Tobias

    Die Übertragungsnetze stellen eine zuverlässige Versorgung von Haushalt, Gewerbe und Industrie mit elektrischer Energie sicher und sind damit Grundlage einer modernen Wirtschaft und Gesellschaft. Die mittlerweile unumkehrbaren Entwicklungen der nationalen und europäischen Energiewende stellen den Übertragungsnetzbetreiber in seinen Kernaufgaben, dem Bau und Betrieb von Netzen, dem Markt- und Netzzugang und der Integration der erneuerbaren Energien vor neue und große Herausforderungen. Verbrauchsnahe dezentrale Erzeugung wie verbrauchsferne zentrale Erzeugung muss im Sinne der Gewährleistung der Systemstabilität gemanagt und in Einklang mit dem Verbrauch gebracht werden. Erneuerbare Energien müssen zudem in einem solchen System ihren Beitrag zur System- und Marktintegration leisten. All das erfordert mehr Daten, um in einem Gesamtsystem dynamische Reaktionsmöglichkeiten gewährleisten zu können. Erst die "Digitalisierung" schafft dabei die notwendigen Voraussetzungen die Komplexität zu stemmen. Die Digitalisierung stellt daher ein Kernelement dieses Wandels des Übertragungsnetzbetreibers dar, die einerseits mit zum Entstehen der neuen Herausforderungen beiträgt, andererseits aber auch hilft Werkzeuge bereitzustellen, diesen Herausforderungen zu begegnen. Im folgenden Beitrag wird aufgezeigt, wie die Digitalisierung die Aufgaben und Instrumente des Übertragungsnetzbetreibers verändern. Ausgehend von den heutigen Aufgaben eines Übertragungsnetzbetreibers und dem gültigen Rechtsrahmen werden unter dem Begriff "Notwendiges Set für morgen" smarte Elemente und Werkzeuge beschrieben, die bereits heute im Einsatz sind oder in den nächsten Jahren notwendig werden. Im Anschluss erfolgt anhand einiger Beispiele aus unterschiedlichen Bereichen eine Konkretisierung der Einsatzzwecke der Digitalisierung beim Übertragungsnetzbetreiber. Ein kurzer Ausblick mit Fokus auf den weiteren Veränderungsprozess rundet den Beitrag ab.

  18. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Annual Report 2010

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Research and Development Center (FFRDC) and a DoD Research and Development Laboratory. The Laboratory conducts research and development pertinent to...year, the Laboratory restruc- tured three divisions to focus research and development in areas that are increasingly important to the nation...the Director 3 Collaborations with MIT campus continue to grow, leveraging the strengths of researchers at both the Laboratory and campus. The

  19. Development of a plug-type IMS-MS instrument and its applications in resolving problems existing in in-situ detection of illicit drugs and explosives by IMS.


    Du, Zhenxia; Sun, Tangqiang; Zhao, Jianan; Wang, Di; Zhang, Zhongxia; Yu, Wenlian


    Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) which acts as a rapid analysis technique is widely used in the field detection of illicit drugs and explosives. Due to limited separation abilities of the pint-sized IMS challenges and problems still exist regarding high false positive and false negative responses due to the interference of the matrix. In addition, the gas-phase ion chemistry and special phenomena in the IMS spectra, such one substance showing two peaks, were not identified unambiguously. In order to explain or resolve these questions, in this paper, an ion mobility spectrometry was coupled to a mass spectrometry (IMS-MS). A commercial IMS is embedded in a custom-built ion chamber shell was attached to the mass spectrometer. The faraday plate of IMS was fabricated with a hole for the ions to passing through to the mass spectrometer. The ion transmission efficiency of IMS-MS was optimized by optimizing the various parameters, especially the distance between the faraday plate and the cone of mass spectrum. This design keeps the integrity of the two original instruments and the mass spectrometry still works with multimode ionization source (i.e., IMS-MS, ESI-MS, APCI-MS modes). The illicit drugs and explosive samples were analyzed by the IMS-MS with 63 Ni source. The results showed that the IMS-MS is of high sensitivity. The ionization mechanism of the illicit drug and explosive samples with 63 Ni source were systematically studied. In addition, the interferent which interfered the detection of cocaine was identified as dibutyl phthalate (DBP) by this platform. The reason why the acetone solution of amphetamine showed two peaks was explained. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  20. Craniota, Wirbel- oder Schädeltiere

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schultze, Hans-Peter

    Zu den Craniota zählen alle Chordatiere, die eine dreiteilige Regionalisierung des Körpers in Kopf, Rumpf und Schwanz aufweisen. Der Kopf umfasst (1) das Neurocranium mit Gehirn und komplexen Sinnesorganen zur Wahrnehmung der Umgebung, (2) das Viscerocranium zur Nahrungsaufnahme und zur Ventilation der Kiemen bei den primär wasserlebenden Craniota und (3) das Dermatocranium (S. 38). Letzteres entsteht durch Verknöcherungen im Bindegewebe des Integuments, es dient dem Schutz des Kopfes und trägt im Mundbreich die Zähne. Zusammen bilden die drei Skelettstrukturen die funktionelle Einheit Schädel (Cranium). Außer der (somatischen) Rumpfmuskulatur und dem Axialskelett liegen im Rumpf Kreislauf-, Atmungs-, Verdauungs-, Exkretions- und Fortpflanzungsorgane. Der Schwanz, der Abschnitt hinter der Afteröffnung, die das Ende der Leibeshöhle markiert, dient mit Muskeln und Schwanzflosse der Fortbewegung.

  1. Biotechnology Process Engineering Center at MIT - Overview Websites

    ADVISORY BOARD Under an academic paradigm set forth by the National Science Foundation for National Engineering Research Centers, BPEC exists as a partnership with industry. Regular two-way information flow sabbaticals at MIT and student internships at our industrial partners. We have selected an elite group of

  2. Prospective pilot trial of PerMIT versus standard anticoagulation service management of patients initiating oral anticoagulation.


    Borgman, Mark P; Pendleton, Robert C; McMillin, Gwendolyn A; Reynolds, Kristen K; Vazquez, Sara; Freeman, Andrew; Wilson, Andrew; Valdes, Roland; Linder, Mark W


    We performed a randomised pilot trial of PerMIT, a novel decision support tool for genotype-based warfarin initiation and maintenance dosing, to assess its efficacy for improving warfarin management. We prospectively studied 26 subjects to compare PerMIT-guided management with routine anticoagulation service management. CYP2C9 and VKORC1 genotype results for 13 subjects randomly assigned to the PerMIT arm were recorded within 24 hours of enrolment. To aid in INR interpretation, PerMIT calculates estimated loading and maintenance doses based on a patient's genetic and clinical characteristics and displays calculated S-warfarin plasma concentrations based on planned or administered dosages. In comparison to control subjects, patients in the PerMIT study arm demonstrated a 3.6-day decrease in the time to reach a stabilised INR within the target therapeutic range (4.7 vs. 8.3 days, p = 0.015); a 12.8% increase in time spent within the therapeutic interval over the first 25 days of therapy (64.3% vs. 55.3%, p = 0.180); and a 32.9% decrease in the frequency of warfarin dose adjustments per INR measurement (38.3% vs. 57.1%, p = 0.007). Serial measurements of plasma S-warfarin concentrations were also obtained to prospectively evaluate the accuracy of the pharmacokinetic model during induction therapy. The PerMIT S-warfarin plasma concentration model estimated 62.8% of concentrations within 0.15 mg/l. These pilot data suggest that the PerMIT method and its incorporation of genotype/phenotype information may help practitioners increase the safety, efficacy, and efficiency of warfarin therapeutic management.

  3. Biotechnology Process Engineering Center at MIT Home Websites

    has provided a focal point for biotechnology research and education at MIT. Prominent examples include to be one of the most crucial interdisciplinary research centers connected to BE; a significant and providing support for research and education at the nexus of biology, engineering, and materials

  4. DynaMIT: the dynamic motif integration toolkit

    PubMed Central

    Dassi, Erik; Quattrone, Alessandro


    De-novo motif search is a frequently applied bioinformatics procedure to identify and prioritize recurrent elements in sequences sets for biological investigation, such as the ones derived from high-throughput differential expression experiments. Several algorithms have been developed to perform motif search, employing widely different approaches and often giving divergent results. In order to maximize the power of these investigations and ultimately be able to draft solid biological hypotheses, there is the need for applying multiple tools on the same sequences and merge the obtained results. However, motif reporting formats and statistical evaluation methods currently make such an integration task difficult to perform and mostly restricted to specific scenarios. We thus introduce here the Dynamic Motif Integration Toolkit (DynaMIT), an extremely flexible platform allowing to identify motifs employing multiple algorithms, integrate them by means of a user-selected strategy and visualize results in several ways; furthermore, the platform is user-extendible in all its aspects. DynaMIT is freely available at PMID:26253738

  5. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Annual Report 2009

    DTIC Science & Technology


    unclassified c. THIS PAGE unclassified Standard Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 MIt lincoln laboratory Massachusetts Institute...Climate-change monitoring that will be conducted by assessing the utility of using very-long-wave infrared radiation for space-based sensing and by... radiation to detect trace explosives on a person’s hair were investigated. An ultrasensitive THz receiver leverages mature technology at the near-infrared

  6. Digital Transformation Canvas - Übersicht behalten und Handlungsfelder gestalten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Köster, Michael; Mache, Tobias

    Im Beitrag "Digital Transformation Canvas - Übersicht behalten und Handlungsfelder gestalten" wird zunächst grob auf die wesentlichen Herausforderungen, die mit der zunehmenden Digitalisierung einhergehen, eingegangen. Anschließend werden ausgewählte Konzepte des Business Transformation Management vorgestellt, die sich mit der grundlegenden Weiterentwicklung von Organisationen - wie es die Digitalisierung erfordert - auseinandersetzen. Eine detaillierte Einführung in die Methodik des Business Transformation Canvas, der sich mit den unterschiedlichsten Gestaltungsfeldern der Transformation auseinandersetzt und ein Framework für Transformationsprojekte darstellt, rundet den Beitrag ab. Er schließt mit einem Fazit und Ausblick.

  7. Praktische Festigkeitsberechnungen im Maschinenbau

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Böge, Gert; Böge, Wolfgang

    Ziel aller Festigkeitsberechnungen ist die Ermittlung der vorhandenen Spannung und der Nachweis, dass ein konstruiertes Bauteil mit Sicherheit "hält". Seine geforderte oder erwartete Tragfähigkeit muss unter allen denkbaren Umständen gewährleistet sein, es darf z. B. auch bei Dauerbelastung in der vorgeschriebenen Lebensdauer nicht brechen oder seine Form bleibend so verändern, dass es seine Funktion nicht mehr ausreichend erfüllt.

  8. Biotechnology Process Engineering Center at MIT Home Websites

    Research Summary Research Details of Project A (Stem Cell Vehicle Subthrust) and Project B (Targeted ) 253-0805 | Facsimile (617) 253-2400 | e-mail: Current NSF ERC-Supported Research Vehicle Subthrust) Other Projects Related to NSF-Funded Research (coming soon) Home | People | Education

  9. Coherent ambient infrasound recorded by the global IMS network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matoza, R. S.; Landes, M.; Le Pichon, A.; Ceranna, L.; Brown, D.


    The International Monitoring System (IMS) includes a global network of infrasound arrays, which is designed to detect atmospheric nuclear explosions anywhere on the planet. The infrasound network also has potential application in detection of natural hazards such as large volcanic explosions and severe weather. Ambient noise recorded by the network includes incoherent wind noise and coherent infrasound. We present a statistical analysis of coherent infrasound recorded by the IMS network. We have applied broadband (0.01 to 5 Hz) array processing systematically to the multi-year IMS historical dataset (2005-present) using an implementation of the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) algorithm in log-frequency space. We show that IMS arrays consistently record coherent ambient infrasound across the broad frequency range from 0.01 to 5 Hz when wind-noise levels permit. Multi-year averaging of PMCC detection bulletins emphasizes continuous signals such as oceanic microbaroms, as well as persistent transient signals such as repetitive volcanic, surf, or anthropogenic activity (e.g., mining or industrial activity). While many of these continuous or repetitive signals are of interest in their own right, they may dominate IMS array detection bulletins and obscure or complicate detection of specific signals of interest. The new PMCC detection bulletins have numerous further applications, including in volcano and microbarom studies, and in IMS data quality assessment.

  10. The knockdown of OsVIT2 and MIT affects iron localization in rice seed.


    Bashir, Khurram; Takahashi, Ryuichi; Akhtar, Shamim; Ishimaru, Yasuhiro; Nakanishi, Hiromi; Nishizawa, Naoko K


    The mechanism of iron (Fe) uptake in plants has been extensively characterized, but little is known about how Fe transport to different subcellular compartments affects Fe localization in rice seed. Here, we discuss the characterization of a rice vacuolar Fe transporter 2 (OsVIT2) T-DNA insertion line (osvit2) and report that the knockdown of OsVIT2 and mitochondrial Fe transporter (MIT) expression affects seed Fe localization. osvit2 plants accumulated less Fe in their shoots when grown under normal or excess Fe conditions, while the accumulation of Fe was comparable to that in wild-type (WT) plants under Fe-deficient conditions. The accumulation of zinc, copper, and manganese also changed significantly in the shoots of osvit2 plants. The growth of osvit2 plants was also slow compared to that of WT plants. The concentration of Fe increased in osvit2 polished seeds. Previously, we reported that the expression of OsVIT2 was higher in MIT knockdown (mit-2) plants, and in this study, the accumulation of Fe in mit-2 seeds decreased significantly. These results suggest that vacuolar Fe trafficking is important for plant Fe homeostasis and distribution, especially in plants grown in the presence of excess Fe. Moreover, changes in the expression of OsVIT2 and MIT affect the concentration and localization of metals in brown rice as well as in polished rice seeds.

  11. MitProNet: A Knowledgebase and Analysis Platform of Proteome, Interactome and Diseases for Mammalian Mitochondria

    PubMed Central

    Mao, Song; Chai, Xiaoqiang; Hu, Yuling; Hou, Xugang; Tang, Yiheng; Bi, Cheng; Li, Xiao


    Mitochondrion plays a central role in diverse biological processes in most eukaryotes, and its dysfunctions are critically involved in a large number of diseases and the aging process. A systematic identification of mitochondrial proteomes and characterization of functional linkages among mitochondrial proteins are fundamental in understanding the mechanisms underlying biological functions and human diseases associated with mitochondria. Here we present a database MitProNet which provides a comprehensive knowledgebase for mitochondrial proteome, interactome and human diseases. First an inventory of mammalian mitochondrial proteins was compiled by widely collecting proteomic datasets, and the proteins were classified by machine learning to achieve a high-confidence list of mitochondrial proteins. The current version of MitProNet covers 1124 high-confidence proteins, and the remainders were further classified as middle- or low-confidence. An organelle-specific network of functional linkages among mitochondrial proteins was then generated by integrating genomic features encoded by a wide range of datasets including genomic context, gene expression profiles, protein-protein interactions, functional similarity and metabolic pathways. The functional-linkage network should be a valuable resource for the study of biological functions of mitochondrial proteins and human mitochondrial diseases. Furthermore, we utilized the network to predict candidate genes for mitochondrial diseases using prioritization algorithms. All proteins, functional linkages and disease candidate genes in MitProNet were annotated according to the information collected from their original sources including GO, GEO, OMIM, KEGG, MIPS, HPRD and so on. MitProNet features a user-friendly graphic visualization interface to present functional analysis of linkage networks. As an up-to-date database and analysis platform, MitProNet should be particularly helpful in comprehensive studies of complicated


    PubMed Central

    Butler, Jeffrey A.; Mishur, Robert J.; Bhaskaran, Shylesh; Rea, Shane L.


    SUMMARY Mit mutations that disrupt function of the mitochondrial electron transport chain can, inexplicably, prolong Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan. In this study we use a metabolomics approach to identify an ensemble of mitochondrial-derived α-ketoacids and α-hydroxyacids that are produced by long-lived Mit mutants but not by other long-lived mutants or by short-lived mitochondrial mutants. We show that accumulation of these compounds is dependent upon concerted inhibition of three α-ketoacid dehydrogenases that share dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) as a common subunit, a protein previously linked in humans with increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease. When the expression of DLD in wild type animals was reduced using RNA interference we observed an unprecedented effect on lifespan - as RNAi dosage was increased lifespan was significantly shortened but, at higher doses, it was significantly lengthened, suggesting DLD plays a unique role in modulating length of life. Our findings provide novel insight into the origin of the Mit phenotype. PMID:23173729

  13. Einfluss des Internets auf das Informations-, Einkaufs- und Verkehrsverhalten

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nerlich, Mark R.; Schiffner, Felix; Vogt, Walter

    Mit Daten aus eigenen Erhebungen können das einkaufsbezogene Informations- und Einkaufsverhalten im Zusammenhang mit den verkehrlichen Aspekten (Distanzen, Verkehrsmittel, Wegekopplungen) dargestellt werden. Die Differenzierung in die drei Produktkategorien des täglichen, mittelfristigen und des langfristigen Bedarfs berücksichtigt in erster Linie die Wertigkeit eines Gutes, die seine Erwerbshäufigkeit unmittelbar bestimmt. Der Einsatz moderner IKT wie das Internet eröffnet dem Endverbraucher neue Möglichkeiten bei Information und Einkauf. Die verkehrliche Relevanz von Online-Shopping wird deutlich, wenn man berücksichtigt, dass im Mittel rund 17% aller Online-Einkäufe, die die Probanden durchgeführt haben, Einkäufe in Ladengeschäften ersetzen. Dies gilt in verstärktem Maße für Online-Informationen: etwa die Hälfte hätte alternativ im stationären Einzelhandel stattgefunden. Da der Erwerb von Gütern des täglichen Bedarfs häufig nahräumlich und in relevantem Anteil nicht-motorisiert erfolgen kann, sind in diesem Segment - im Gegensatz zum mittel- und langfristigen Bedarf - nur geringe Substitutionseffekte zu beobachten.

  14. IMS applications analysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    This report examines the market potential of a miniature, hand-held Ion Mobility Spectrometer. Military and civilian markets are discussed, as well as applications in a variety of diverse fields. The strengths and weaknesses of competing technologies are discussed. An extensive Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) bibliography is included. The conclusions drawn from this study are: (1) There are a number of competing technologies that are capable of detecting explosives, drugs, biological, or chemical agents. The IMS system currently represents the best available compromise regarding sensitivity, specificity, and portability. (2) The military market is not as large as the commercial market, butmore » the military services are more likely to invest R and D funds in the system. (3) Military applications should be addressed before commercial applications are addressed. (4) There is potentially a large commercial market for rugged, hand-held Ion Mobility Spectrometer systems. Commercial users typically do not invest R and D funds in this type of equipment rather, they wait for off-the-shelf availability.« less

  15. Evaluation of Gas Chromatography/Mini-IMS to Detect VOCs

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Limero, Thomas; Reese, Eric; Peters, Randy; James, John T.; Billica, Roger (Technical Monitor)


    The Toxicology Laboratory at Johnson Space Center (JSC) has pioneered the use of gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (GC/IMS) for measuring target volatile organic compounds (VOCs) aboard spacecraft. Graseby Dynamics, under contract to NASA/Wyle, has built several volatile organic analyzers (VOA) based on GC/IMS. Foremost among these have been the volatile organic analyzer-risk mitigation unit and the two flight VOA units for International Space Station (ISS). The development and evaluation of these instruments has been chronicled through presentations at the International Conference on Ion Mobility Spectrometry over the past three years. As the flight VOA from Graseby is prepared for operation on ISS at JSC, it is time to begin evaluations of technologies for the next generation VOA, Although the desired instrument characteristics for the next generation unit are the same as the current unit, the requirements are much more stringent. As NASA looks toward future missions beyond Earth environs, a premium will be placed upon small, light, reliable, autonomous hardware. It is with these visions in mind that the JSC Toxicology Laboratory began a search for the next generation VOA. One technology that is a candidate for the next generation VOA is GC/IMS. The recent miniaturization of IMS technology permits it to compete with other, inherently small, technologies such as chip-sized sensor arrays. This paper will discuss the lessons learned from the VOA experience and how that has shaped the design of a potential second generation VOA based upon GC/IMS technology. Data will be presented from preliminary evaluations of GC technology and the mini-IMS when exposed to VOCs likely to be detected aboard spacecraft. Results from the evaluation of an integrated GC/mini-IMS system will be shown if available.

  16. Choosing the Right Free IM Providers and Clients for Your Library

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Izenstark, Amanda K.


    With virtual library services increasing, public services librarians may find themselves with questions such as: What instant messaging services (IM) are available? Which IM service would best suit my patrons' needs? Which IM service best suits my library's technology profile? This column describes the features and functionality of major instant…

  17. Evaluation of IMS - Swedish Laser road tester : final report.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    A test of the IMS - Swedish Laser road tester was conducted in September 1988. The vehicle mounted laser equipment was used to survey pavement conditions on sections of Oregon's Interstate and non-interstate highway system. : The IMS laser equipment ...

  18. Verbesserte Visualisierung der Koronararterien in MSCT-Daten mit direkter Vergleichbarkeit zur Angiographie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lacalli, Christina; Jähne, Marion; Wesarg, Stefan

    In diesem Beitrag stellen wir neue, automatisierte Verfahren zur Visualisierung der Koronararterien einerseits und für eine direkte Vergleichbarkeit mit konventionellen Angiogrammen andererseits vor. Unser Ansatz umfasst Methoden für die automatische Extraktion des Herzens aus kontrastverstärkten CT-Daten, sowie für die Maskierung grosser kontrastmittelgefüllter Kavitäten des Herzens, um die Sichtbarkeit der Koronararterien bei der Darstellung mittels Volumenrendering zu verbessern. Zum direkten Vergleich mit konventionellen Angiographien wurde ein Verfahren zur automatischen Generierung von Projektionsansichten aus den CT-Daten entwickelt.

  19. IM Nor monitoring requested for HST COS observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Waagen, Elizabeth O.


    Dr. Ed Sion (Villanova University) and colleagues have requested AAVSO observers' assistance in monitoring the symbiotic-type recurrent nova IM Nor in support of observations with the Hubble Space Telescope Cosmic Origins Spectrograph scheduled for 2017 February 13 - 17 UT. These observations are part of a study on short orbital period recurrent novae as Supernovae Type Ia progenitors. It is essential to know 24 hours prior to the HST COS observations that IM Nor is not in outburst, in order to protect the instrumentation. Also, photometry is needed throughout the HST window to insure knowledge of the brightness of the system. Observers are asked to monitor IM Nor with nightly snapshot images (V preferred) from now through February 20, and to report their observations promptly. It will be especially important to know the brightness of IM Nor each night through February 17 UT. Finder charts with sequence may be created using the AAVSO Variable Star Plotter ( Observations should be submitted to the AAVSO International Database. See full Alert Notice for more details.

  20. MIT Orients Course Materials Online to K-12

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cavanagh, Sean


    Many science and mathematics educators across the country are taking advantage of a Web site created by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), the famed research university located in Cambridge, Massachusetts, which offers free video, audio, and print lectures and course material taken straight from the school's classes. Those resources…

  1. Spritzgießen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bürkle, Erwin; Ammer, Daniel; Würtele, Martin

    Kunststoffe zu spritzgießen ist eine der fortschrittlichsten Verarbeitungstechnologien. Durch Spritzgießen, ein Verfahren der Urformtechnik werden Formteile in der Regel mit komplexer Geometrie vollautomatisch hergestellt. Ausgehend vom Verfahrensablauf werden Thermoplaste, Duroplaste oder Kautschuk in einer Spritzgießmaschine aus dem Feststoffzustand heraus aufgeschmolzen, in einen formgebenden Hohlraum (Werkzeug) eingespritzt, dort verdichtet, abgekühlt oder zur Reaktion gebracht und dann als Formteil aus dem Werkzeug ausgeworfen. Etwa 60 % aller Kunststoffverarbeitungsmaschinen sind Spritzgießmaschinen (Abb. 26.1). Auf ihnen werden Formteile mit sehr niedrigen Massen im mg-Bereich bis hin zu großen Massen in zwei - z. T. sogar auch dreistelligen kg-Bereich hergestellt. Der Prozess des Spritzgießens nutzt in idealer Weise das besondere physikalische Verhalten der Kunststoffe. In einem verhältnismäßig einfachen Prozess werden durch Erwärmen des Kunststoffes und der nachfolgenden Formgebung im Schmelzezustand mit abschließender Abkühlung in einem formgebenden Werkzeug direkt gebrauchsfertige Formteile hergestellt [1, 31].

  2. Literature and best practices scan : Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The state of Wisconsin operates one of the nation's most effective inspection/maintenance (I/M) programs. In Wisconsin's I/M program, vehicles registered in the Milwaukee metropolitan area are subjected to a transient emission test using the IM240 te...

  3. Flexible Authoring and Delivery of Online Courses Using IMS Learning Design

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hermans, Henry; Janssen, José; Koper, Rob


    Since the publication of the IMS Learning Design (IMS LD) specification in 2003, many initiatives have been undertaken to build authoring tools that are simple enough to be used by non-technical instructors and teachers. IMS LD's technical complexity is believed to be a major burden for the adoption of the specification. We have developed a new…

  4. A metabolic signature for long life in the Caenorhabditis elegans Mit mutants.


    Butler, Jeffrey A; Mishur, Robert J; Bhaskaran, Shylesh; Rea, Shane L


    Mit mutations that disrupt function of the mitochondrial electron transport chain can, inexplicably, prolong Caenorhabditis elegans lifespan. In this study we use a metabolomics approach to identify an ensemble of mitochondrial-derived α-ketoacids and α-hydroxyacids that are produced by long-lived Mit mutants but not by other long-lived mutants or by short-lived mitochondrial mutants. We show that accumulation of these compounds is dependent on concerted inhibition of three α-ketoacid dehydrogenases that share dihydrolipoamide dehydrogenase (DLD) as a common subunit, a protein previously linked in humans with increased risk of Alzheimer's disease. When the expression of DLD in wild-type animals was reduced using RNA interference we observed an unprecedented effect on lifespan - as RNAi dosage was increased lifespan was significantly shortened, but, at higher doses, it was significantly lengthened, suggesting that DLD plays a unique role in modulating length of life. Our findings provide novel insight into the origin of the Mit phenotype. © 2012 The Authors Aging Cell © 2012 Blackwell Publishing Ltd/Anatomical Society of Great Britain and Ireland.

  5. Developing an effective IM/IT strategy.


    Kramer, Sarah; Walker, Joanne; Falk, Will


    Healthcare organizations and systems around the world lag far behind banking, manufacturing, travel and other industries in their use of information management/information technology (IM/IT) to deliver high-quality products and services. Across Canada, healthcare organizations, as well as governments, understand that information and information technology are needed to deliver quality care and to sustain our publicly funded health system. However, insufficient funding, few experienced resources, lack of strong leadership and absence of clear business/clinical rationale have restricted innovation and advancement in the use of IM/IT to improve healthcare delivery and patient outcomes.

  6. Nagelbefall kann bei Patienten mit Psoriasis auf eine Enthesiopathie hinweisen.


    Castellanos-González, Maria; Joven, Beatriz Esther; Sánchez, Julio; Andrés-Esteban, Eva María; Vanaclocha-Sebastián, Francisco; Romero, Pablo Ortiz; Díaz, Raquel Rivera


    Obwohl subklinische Enthesiopathie ein gut etabliertes diagnostisches Merkmal der Psoriasisarthritis (PsA) ist, wird sie häufig übersehen, da viele Patienten asymptomatisch sind. Gäbe es klinische Hinweise auf das Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie, würde dies den Klinikern die Möglichkeit eröffnen, eine PsA frühzeitig zu diagnostizieren. Es wurde eine monozentrische prospektive Studie mit insgesamt 90 Psoriasis-Patienten durchgeführt, um mittels Ultraschall das Vorliegen von Enthesenanomalien zu untersuchen und eine Korrelation mit dem Befall der Nägel festzustellen. Enthesenanomalien wurden bei 23 Patienten (25,5 %) gefunden, von denen 19 (82,6 %) Nagelbefall aufwiesen. Bei 4 Patienten waren die Nägel nicht betroffen. Enthesiopathie lag bei 31,1 % (19/61) der Patienten mit Onychopathie vor, von den Patienten ohne Nagelbefall litten nur 13,8 % (4/29) an Enthesiopathie (p = 0,07). Zwischen dem Target-NAPSI-Score und dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie bestand eine signifikante Korrelation. Eine signifikante Korrelation bestand darüber hinaus auch zwischen dem Vorliegen einer Enthesiopathie und der Anzahl der betroffenen Nägel (p = 0,035). Klinische Belege für eine Onychopathie können der Schlüssel für die frühe Diagnose einer Enthesiopathie bei Psoriasis-Patienten sein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  7. MIT Clean Energy Prize: Final Technical Report May 12, 2010 - May 11, 2011

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Snyder, Chris; Campbell, Georgina; Salony, Jason


    The MIT Clean Energy Prize (MIT CEP) is a venture creation and innovation competition to encourage innovation in the energy space, specifically with regard to clean energy. The Competition invited student teams from any US university to submit student-led ventures that demonstrate a high potential of successfully making clean energy more affordable, with a positive impact on the environment. By focusing on student ventures, the MIT CEP aims to educate the next generation of clean energy entrepreneurs. Teams receive valuable mentoring and hard deadlines that complement the cash prize to accelerate development of ventures. The competition is a year-long educationalmore » process that culminates in the selection of five category finalists and a Grand Prize winner and the distribution of cash prizes to each of those teams. Each entry was submitted in one of five clean energy categories: Renewables, Clean Non-Renewables, Energy Efficiency, Transportation, and Deployment.« less

  8. Digitalisierung im Verteilnetz: Evolution oder Revolution anhand konkreter Beispiele

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krone, Oliver; Bachmann, Maurus

    Durch die Integration der neuen erneuerbaren Energien steht das Stromnetz vor großen Herausforderungen. Das Energiesystem als Gesamtes und die Verteilnetze im Speziellen werden smart. Anhand konkreter Beispiele wird aufgezeigt, wie die Digitalisierung im Elektrizitätsnetz voranschreitet. Diese Entwicklung ist eine Evolution, nicht aber eine Revolution.

  9. THOR Ion Mass Spectrometer instrument - IMS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Retinò, Alessandro; Kucharek, Harald; Saito, Yoshifumi; Fraenz, Markus; Verdeil, Christophe; Leblanc, Frederic; Techer, Jean-Denis; Jeandet, Alexis; Macri, John; Gaidos, John; Granoff, Mark; Yokota, Shoichiro; Fontaine, Dominique; Berthomier, Matthieu; Delcourt, Dominique; Kistler, Lynn; Galvin, Antoniette; Kasahara, Satoshi; Kronberg, Elena


    Turbulence Heating ObserveR (THOR) is the first mission ever flown in space dedicated to plasma turbulence. Specifically, THOR will study how turbulent fluctuations at kinetic scales heat and accelerate particles in different turbulent environments within the near-Earth space. To achieve this goal, THOR payload is being designed to measure electromagnetic fields and particle distribution functions with unprecedented resolution and accuracy. Here we present the Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) instrument that will measure the full three-dimensional distribution functions of near-Earth main ion species (H+, He+, He++ and O+) at high time resolution (~ 150 ms for H+ , ~ 300 ms for He++) with energy resolution down to ~ 10% in the range 10 eV/q to 30 keV/q and angular resolution ~ 10°. Such high time resolution is achieved by mounting multiple sensors around the spacecraft body, in similar fashion to the MMS/FPI instrument. Each sensor combines a top-hat electrostatic analyzer with deflectors at the entrance together with a time-of-flight section to perform mass selection. IMS electronics includes a fast sweeping high voltage board that is required to make measurements at high cadence. Ion detection includes Micro Channel Plates (MCP) combined with Application-Specific Integrated Circuits (ASICs) for charge amplification, discrimination and time-to-digital conversion (TDC). IMS is being designed to address many of THOR science requirements, in particular ion heating and acceleration by turbulent fluctuations in foreshock, shock and magnetosheath regions. The IMS instrument is being designed and will be built by an international consortium of scientific institutes with main hardware contributions from France, USA, Japan and Germany.

  10. Unusual terahertz spectral weight and conductivity dynamics of the insulator-metal transition in Pr0.5Nd0.5NiO3 thin films

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santhosh Kumar, K.; Das, Sarmistha; Eswara Phanindra, V.; Rana, D. S.


    The metal-insulator transition (MIT) in correlated systems is a central phenomenon that possesses potential for several emerging technologies. We investigate the kinetics of such MIT in perovskite nickelates by studying the terahertz (THz) low-energy charge dynamics in orthorhombic and tetragonal symmetries of Pr0.5Nd0.5NiO3 thin films. The THz conductivity of the orthorhombic thin film is dominated by Drude behavior in the entire temperature range, albeit a dominant anomaly at and around the MIT region. The tetragonal thin film exhibits different overall THz conductivity dynamics though, i.e. of a Drude-Smith (DS) type in the entire temperature range, the DS coefficient signifying dominant backscattering peaks in the MIT region. While the overall THz dynamics profile is different for the two films, a unique yet similar sensitivity of the I-M transition regions of both films to THz frequencies underlines the fundamental origin of the bi-critical phase around MIT of the nickelates. The peculiar behavior around the I-M transition, as evaluated in the framework of a percolative path approximation based Dyre expression, emphasizes the importance of critical metallic volume fraction (f c) for the percolation conduction, as an f c of ~0.645 obtained for the present case, along with evidence for the absence of super-heating.

  11. Insight into the adsorption profiles of the Saprolegnia monoica chitin synthase MIT domain on POPA and POPC membranes by molecular dynamics simulation studies.


    Kuang, Guanglin; Liang, Lijun; Brown, Christian; Wang, Qi; Bulone, Vincent; Tu, Yaoquan


    The critical role of chitin synthases in oomycete hyphal tip growth has been established. A microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain was discovered in the chitin synthases of the oomycete model organism, Saprolegnia monoica. MIT domains have been identified in diverse proteins and may play a role in intracellular trafficking. The structure of the Saprolegnia monoica chitin synthase 1 (SmChs1) MIT domain has been recently determined by our group. However, although our in vitro assay identified increased strength in interactions between the MIT domain and phosphatidic acid (PA) relative to other phospholipids including phosphatidylcholine (PC), the mechanism used by the MIT domain remains unknown. In this work, the adsorption behavior of the SmChs1 MIT domain on POPA and POPC membranes was systematically investigated by molecular dynamics simulations. Our results indicate that the MIT domain can adsorb onto the tested membranes in varying orientations. Interestingly, due to the specific interactions between MIT residues and lipid molecules, the binding affinity to the POPA membrane is much higher than that to the POPC membrane. A binding hotspot, which is critical for the adsorption of the MIT domain onto the POPA membrane, was also identified. The lower binding affinity to the POPC membrane can be attributed to the self-saturated membrane surface, which is unfavorable for hydrogen-bond and electrostatic interactions. The present study provides insight into the adsorption profile of SmChs1 and additionally has the potential to improve our understanding of other proteins containing MIT domains.

  12. Frequency downconversion and phase noise in MIT.


    Watson, S; Williams, R J; Griffiths, H; Gough, W; Morris, A


    High-frequency (3-30 MHz) operation of MIT systems offers advantages in terms of the larger induced signal amplitudes compared to systems operating in the low- or medium-frequency ranges. Signal distribution at HF, however, presents difficulties, in particular with isolation and phase stability. It is therefore valuable to translate received signals to a lower frequency range through heterodyne downconversion, a process in which relative signal amplitude and phase information is in theory retained. Measurement of signal amplitude and phase is also simplified at lower frequencies. The paper presents details of measurements on a direct phase measurement system utilizing heterodyne downconversion and compares the relative performance of three circuit configurations. The 100-sample average precision of a circuit suitable for use as a receiver within an MIT system was 0.008 degrees for input amplitude -21 dBV. As the input amplitude was reduced from -21 to -72 dBV variation in the measured phase offset was observed, with the offset varying by 1.8 degrees. The precision of the circuit deteriorated with decreasing input amplitude, but was found to provide a 100-sample average precision of <0.022 degrees down to an input amplitude of -60 dBV. The characteristics of phase noise within the system are discussed.

  13. Unfälle mit Kleintransportern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tschirschwitz, Christian

    Auf einer außerörtlichen Bundesstraße geriet ein mit vier Personen besetzter Pkw Toyota Corolla aus letztlich nicht vollständig geklärten Gründen ins Schleudern. Nachdem sich das Fahrzeug beträchtlich entgegen dem Uhrzeigersinn ausgedreht hatte, prallte ein entgegenkommender Kleintransporter VW T4 frontal an die rechte Flanke des Toyota. Der Transporter wurde gedreht, ausgehoben und durch einen Pkw Ford Escort unterfahren. Alle Fahrzeuge kamen in Kollisionsortnähe zum Endstand. Die vier Toyota-Insassen wurden getötet. Aus den anderen Fahrzeugen wurden sechs Personen überwiegend schwer verletzt. Unbeteiligte Zeugen waren nicht vorhanden.

  14. Computerunterstütztes Modellieren mit Musiknetzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levens, Ulla

    In der folgenden Ausführung geht es um eine Anwendung von Petri-Netzen im Bereich Musik. Ausgehend von der Implementierung einer speziellen Anwendung, dem Programmsystem ScoreSynth, wird das zugrundeliegende Konzept erläutert und anschließend an einem kleinen Beispiel veranschaulicht. Dieser Beitrag ist ein Auszug aus [Lev95b].

  15. Validation of the Omron MIT Elite blood pressure device in a pregnant population with large arm circumference.


    James, Lauren; Nzelu, Diane; Hay, Anna; Shennan, Andrew; Kametas, Nikos A


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the accuracy of the Omron MIT Elite automated device in pregnant women with an arm circumference of or above 32 cm, using the British Hypertension Society validation protocol. Blood pressure was measured sequentially in 46 women of any gestation requiring the use of a large cuff (arm circumference ≥32 cm) alternating between the mercury sphygmomanometer and the Omron MIT Elite device. The Omron MIT Elite achieved an overall D/D grade with a mean of the device-observer difference being 7.17±6.67 and 9.31±6.59 for systolic and diastolic blood pressure respectively. Interobserver accuracy was 94.6% for systolic and 95% for diastolic readings within 5 mmHg. The Omron MIT Elite overestimates blood pressure and has failed the British Hypertension Society protocol requirements. Therefore, it cannot be recommended for use in pregnant women with an arm circumference of or above 32 cm.

  16. CDDO-Im protects from acetaminophen hepatotoxicity through induction of Nrf2-dependent genes

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Reisman, Scott A.; Buckley, David B.; Tanaka, Yuji

    CDDO-Im is a synthetic triterpenoid recently shown to induce cytoprotective genes through the Nrf2-Keap1 pathway, an important mechanism for the induction of cytoprotective genes in response to oxidative stress. Upon oxidative or electrophilic insult, the transcription factor Nrf2 translocates to the nucleus, heterodimerizes with small Maf proteins, and binds to antioxidant response elements (AREs) in the upstream promoter regions of various cytoprotective genes. To further elucidate the hepatoprotective effects of CDDO-Im, wild-type and Nrf2-null mice were pretreated with CDDO-Im (1 mg/kg, i.p.) or vehicle (DMSO), and then administered acetaminophen (500 mg/kg, i.p.). Pretreatment of wild-type mice with CDDO-Im reduced livermore » injury caused by acetaminophen. In contrast, hepatoprotection by CDDO-Im was not observed in Nrf2-null mice. CDDO-Im increased Nrf2 protein expression and Nrf2-ARE binding in wild-type, but not Nrf2-null mice. Furthermore, CDDO-Im increased the mRNA expression of the Nrf2 target genes NAD(P)H: quinone oxidoreductase-1 (Nqo1); glutamate-cysteine ligase, catalytic subunit (Gclc); and heme-oxygenase-1 (Ho-1), in both a dose- and time-dependent manner. Conversely, CDDO-Im did not induce Nqo1, Gclc, and Ho-1 mRNA expression in Nrf2-null mice. Collectively, the present study shows that CDDO-Im pretreatment induces Nrf2-dependent cytoprotective genes and protects the liver from acetaminophen-induced hepatic injury.« less

  17. CurrMIT: A Tool for Managing Medical School Curricula.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Salas, Albert A.; Anderson, M. Brownell; LaCourse, Lisa; Allen, Robert; Candler, Chris S.; Cameron, Terri; Lafferty, Debra


    The Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) Curriculum Management & Information Tool (CurrMIT) is a relational database containing curriculum information from medical schools throughout the United States and Canada. This article gives an overview of the technology upon which the system is built and the training materials and workshops…

  18. Flight Crew Survey Responses from the Interval Management (IM) Avionics Phase 2 Flight Test

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Baxley, Brian T.; Swieringa, Kurt A.; Wilson, Sara R.; Roper, Roy D.; Hubbs, Clay E.; Goess, Paul A.; Shay, Richard F.


    The Interval Management (IM) Avionics Phase 2 flight test used three aircraft over a nineteen day period to operationally evaluate a prototype IM avionics. Quantitative data were collected on aircraft state data and IM spacing algorithm performance, and qualitative data were collected through end-of-scenario and end-of-day flight crew surveys. The majority of the IM operations met the performance goals established for spacing accuracy at the Achieve-by Point and the Planned Termination Point, however there were operations that did not meet goals for a variety of reasons. While the positive spacing accuracy results demonstrate the prototype IM avionics can contribute to the overall air traffic goal, critical issues were also identified that need to be addressed to enhance IM performance. The first category was those issues that impacted the conduct and results of the flight test, but are not part of the IM concept or procedures. These included the design of arrival and approach procedures was not ideal to support speed as the primary control mechanism, the ground-side of the Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration (ATD-1) integrated concept of operations was not part of the flight test, and the high workload to manually enter the information required to conduct an IM operation. The second category was issues associated with the IM spacing algorithm or flight crew procedures. These issues include the high frequency of IM speed changes and reversals (accelerations), a mismatch between the deceleration rate used by the spacing algorithm and the actual aircraft performance, and some spacing error calculations were sensitive to normal operational variations in aircraft airspeed or altitude which triggered additional IM speed changes. Once the issues in these two categories are addressed, the future IM avionics should have considerable promise supporting the goals of improving system throughput and aircraft efficiency.

  19. 40 CFR 51.352 - Basic I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ...% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (10) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate. (11... 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate... Requirements § 51.352 Basic I/M performance standard. (a) Basic I/M programs shall be designed and implemented...

  20. 40 CFR 51.352 - Basic I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ...% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (10) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate. (11... 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate... Requirements § 51.352 Basic I/M performance standard. (a) Basic I/M programs shall be designed and implemented...

  1. 40 CFR 51.352 - Basic I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ...% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (10) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate. (11... 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate... Requirements § 51.352 Basic I/M performance standard. (a) Basic I/M programs shall be designed and implemented...

  2. 40 CFR 51.352 - Basic I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ...% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (10) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate. (11... 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate... Requirements § 51.352 Basic I/M performance standard. (a) Basic I/M programs shall be designed and implemented...

  3. 40 CFR 51.352 - Basic I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ...% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (10) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate. (11... 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver rate. A 0% waiver rate... Requirements § 51.352 Basic I/M performance standard. (a) Basic I/M programs shall be designed and implemented...

  4. Optical design of the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone telescope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tran, Huan; Johnson, Brad; Dragovan, Mark; Bock, James; Aljabri, Abdullah; Amblard, Alex; Bauman, Daniel; Betoule, Marc; Chui, Talso; Colombo, Loris; Cooray, Asantha; Crumb, Dustin; Day, Peter; Dickenson, Clive; Dowell, Darren; Golwala, Sunil; Gorski, Krzysztof; Hanany, Shaul; Holmes, Warren; Irwin, Kent; Keating, Brian; Kuo, Chao-Lin; Lee, Adrian; Lange, Andrew; Lawrence, Charles; Meyer, Steve; Miller, Nate; Nguyen, Hien; Pierpaoli, Elena; Ponthieu, Nicolas; Puget, Jean-Loup; Raab, Jeff; Richards, Paul; Satter, Celeste; Seiffert, Mike; Shimon, Meir; Williams, Brett; Zmuidzinas, Jonas


    The Experimental Probe of Inflationary Cosmology - Intermediate Mission (EPIC-IM) is a concept for the NASA Einstein Inflation Probe satellite. EPIC-IM is designed to characterize the polarization properties of the Cosmic Microwave Background to search for the B-mode polarization signal characteristic of gravitational waves generated during the epoch of Inflation in the early universe. EPIC-IM employs a large focal plane with 11,000 detectors operating in 9 wavelength bands to provide 30 times higher sensitivity than the currently operating Planck satellite. The optical design is based on a wide-field 1.4 m crossed-Dragone telescope, an aperture that allows not only comprehensive measurements of Inflationary B-mode polarization, but also measurements of the E-mode and lensing polarization signals to cosmological limits, as well as all-sky maps of Galactic polarization with unmatched sensitivity and angular resolution. The optics are critical to measuring these extremely faint polarization signals, and any design must meet demanding requirements on systematic error control. We describe the EPIC-IM crossed Dragone optical design, its polarization properties, and far-sidelobe response.

  5. IMS: a new technology to develop a telemedicine system.


    Uceda, J D; Elena, M; Blasco, S; Tarrida, C L; Quero, J M


    The emergent IMS (Internet Protocol Multimedia Subsystem) technology appears to improve the current communication technologies. Its characteristics, such as Quality of Service (QoS), make it an advantageous system for innovative applications. Providing integrated services to users is one of the main reasons for the existence of IMS. Operators provide the technology as an open source, to be able to use services developed by researchers. Combining and integrating them, users will receive completely new services. Our proposal of use for IMS is the development of a telemedicine platform, designed to support not only remote biological signal monitoring, but value-added services for diagnosis and medical care, both of these working in real time.

  6. A two-stage extraction procedure for insensitive munition (IM) explosive compounds in soils.


    Felt, Deborah; Gurtowski, Luke; Nestler, Catherine C; Johnson, Jared; Larson, Steven


    The Department of Defense (DoD) is developing a new category of insensitive munitions (IMs) that are more resistant to detonation or promulgation from external stimuli than traditional munition formulations. The new explosive constituent compounds are 2,4-dinitroanisole (DNAN), nitroguanidine (NQ), and nitrotriazolone (NTO). The production and use of IM formulations may result in interaction of IM component compounds with soil. The chemical properties of these IM compounds present unique challenges for extraction from environmental matrices such as soil. A two-stage extraction procedure was developed and tested using several soil types amended with known concentrations of IM compounds. This procedure incorporates both an acidified phase and an organic phase to account for the chemical properties of the IM compounds. The method detection limits (MDLs) for all IM compounds in all soil types were <5 mg/kg and met non-regulatory risk-based Regional Screening Level (RSL) criteria for soil proposed by the U.S. Army Public Health Center. At defined environmentally relevant concentrations, the average recovery of each IM compound in each soil type was consistent and greater than 85%. The two-stage extraction method decreased the influence of soil composition on IM compound recovery. UV analysis of NTO established an isosbestic point based on varied pH at a detection wavelength of 341 nm. The two-stage soil extraction method is equally effective for traditional munition compounds, a potentially important point when examining soils exposed to both traditional and insensitive munitions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. Zeitlicher Verlauf der avaskulären Nekrose des Hüftkopfes bei Patienten mit Pemphigus vulgaris.


    Balighi, Kamran; Daneshpazhooh, Maryam; Aghazadeh, Nessa; Saeidi, Vahide; Shahpouri, Farzam; Hejazi, Pardis; Chams-Davatchi, Cheyda


    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) wird in der Regel mit systemischen Corticosteroiden und Immunsuppressiva behandelt. Avaskuläre Nekrose (AVN) des Hüftkopfes ist eine gut bekannte schwerere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Therapie. Die Charakteristika dieser schweren Komplikation bei PV sind nach wie vor unbekannt. Nicht kontrollierte, retrospektive Untersuchung aller PV-bedingten AVN-Fälle, die in einer iranischen Klinik für bullöse Autoimmunerkrankungen zwischen 1985 und 2013 diagnostiziert wurden. Anhand der Krankenakten von 2321 untersuchten PV-Patienten wurden 45 Fälle (1,93 %) von femoraler AVN identifiziert. Dreißig davon waren Männer. Das mittlere Alter bei der Diagnose der AVN betrug 47,4 ± 14,2 Jahre. Der mittlere Zeitraum zwischen der Diagnose des PV und dem Einsetzen der AVN lag bei 25,3 ± 18,3 Monaten. Mit Ausnahme von acht Fällen (17,8 %) setzte die AVN bei der Mehrheit der Patienten innerhalb von drei Jahren nach Diagnose des PV ein. Die mittlere kumulative Dosis von Prednisolon bei Patienten mit AVN betrug 13.115,8 ± 7041,1 mg. Zwischen der Prednisolon-Gesamtdosis und dem Zeitraum bis zum Einsetzen der AVN bestand eine starke Korrelation (p = 0,001). Bei Patienten mit Alendronateinnahme in der Vorgeschichte war dieser Zeitraum signifikant kürzer (p = 0,01). Die AVN ist eine schwere Komplikation einer Corticosteroid-Behandlung bei Patienten mit PV. Sie wird bei 2 % der Patienten beobachtet und tritt vor allem in den ersten drei Behandlungsjahren auf. Bei Patienten, die höhere Dosen von Prednisolon erhalten, setzt die AVN tendenziell früher ein. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. Measuring cognitive change with ImPACT: the aggregate baseline approach.


    Bruce, Jared M; Echemendia, Ruben J; Meeuwisse, Willem; Hutchison, Michael G; Aubry, Mark; Comper, Paul


    The Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Test (ImPACT) is commonly used to assess baseline and post-injury cognition among athletes in North America. Despite this, several studies have questioned the reliability of ImPACT when given at intervals employed in clinical practice. Poor test-retest reliability reduces test sensitivity to cognitive decline, increasing the likelihood that concussed athletes will be returned to play prematurely. We recently showed that the reliability of ImPACT can be increased when using a new composite structure and the aggregate of two baselines to predict subsequent performance. The purpose of the present study was to confirm our previous findings and determine whether the addition of a third baseline would further increase the test-retest reliability of ImPACT. Data from 97 English speaking professional hockey players who had received at least 4 ImPACT baseline evaluations were extracted from a National Hockey League Concussion Program database. Linear regression was used to determine whether each of the first three testing sessions accounted for unique variance in the fourth testing session. Results confirmed that the aggregate baseline approach improves the psychometric properties of ImPACT, with most indices demonstrating adequate or better test-retest reliability for clinical use. The aggregate baseline approach provides a modest clinical benefit when recent baselines are available - and a more substantial benefit when compared to approaches that obtain baseline measures only once during the course of a multi-year playing career. Pending confirmation in diverse samples, neuropsychologists are encouraged to use the aggregate baseline approach to best quantify cognitive change following sports concussion.

  9. Embryonic expression of zebrafish MiT family genes tfe3b, tfeb, and tfec.


    Lister, James A; Lane, Brandon M; Nguyen, Anhthu; Lunney, Katherine


    The MiT family comprises four genes in mammals: Mitf, Tfe3, Tfeb, and Tfec, which encode transcription factors of the basic-helix-loop-helix/leucine zipper class. Mitf is well-known for its essential role in the development of melanocytes, however the functions of the other members of this family, and of interactions between them, are less well understood. We have now characterized the complete set of MiT genes from zebrafish, which totals six instead of four. The zebrafish genome contain two mitf (mitfa and mitfb), two tfe3 (tfe3a and tfe3b), and single tfeb and tfec genes; this distribution is shared with other teleosts. We present here the sequence and embryonic expression patterns for the zebrafish tfe3b, tfeb, and tfec genes, and identify a new isoform of tfe3a. These findings will assist in elucidating the roles of the MiT gene family over the course of vertebrate evolution. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  10. ImSET: Impact of Sector Energy Technologies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Roop, Joseph M.; Scott, Michael J.; Schultz, Robert W.


    This version of the Impact of Sector Energy Technologies (ImSET) model represents the ''next generation'' of the previously developed Visual Basic model (ImBUILD 2.0) that was developed in 2003 to estimate the macroeconomic impacts of energy-efficient technology in buildings. More specifically, a special-purpose version of the 1997 benchmark national Input-Output (I-O) model was designed specifically to estimate the national employment and income effects of the deployment of Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) -developed energy-saving technologies. In comparison with the previous versions of the model, this version allows for more complete and automated analysis of the essential featuresmore » of energy efficiency investments in buildings, industry, transportation, and the electric power sectors. This version also incorporates improvements in the treatment of operations and maintenance costs, and improves the treatment of financing of investment options. ImSET is also easier to use than extant macroeconomic simulation models and incorporates information developed by each of the EERE offices as part of the requirements of the Government Performance and Results Act.« less

  11. Crystal structure of the 25 kDa subunit of human cleavage factor Im

    PubMed Central

    Coseno, Molly; Martin, Georges; Berger, Christopher; Gilmartin, Gregory; Keller, Walter; Doublié, Sylvie


    Cleavage factor Im is an essential component of the pre-messenger RNA 3′-end processing machinery in higher eukaryotes, participating in both the polyadenylation and cleavage steps. Cleavage factor Im is an oligomer composed of a small 25 kDa subunit (CF Im25) and a variable larger subunit of either 59, 68 or 72 kDa. The small subunit also interacts with RNA, poly(A) polymerase, and the nuclear poly(A)-binding protein. These protein–protein interactions are thought to be facilitated by the Nudix domain of CF Im25, a hydrolase motif with a characteristic α/β/α fold and a conserved catalytic sequence or Nudix box. We present here the crystal structures of human CF Im25 in its free and diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) bound forms at 1.85 and 1.80 Å, respectively. CF Im25 crystallizes as a dimer and presents the classical Nudix fold. Results from crystallographic and biochemical experiments suggest that CF Im25 makes use of its Nudix fold to bind but not hydrolyze ATP and Ap4A. The complex and apo protein structures provide insight into the active oligomeric state of CF Im and suggest a possible role of nucleotide binding in either the polyadenylation and/or cleavage steps of pre-messenger RNA 3′-end processing. PMID:18445629

  12. Data collection in IMS: It's not as easy as it looks

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Davis, Dennis M.; Maswadeh, Waleed; Shoff, Donald B.; Harden, Charles S.; Snyder, A. Peter


    Data collection in Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) is not as easy an endeavor as it appears. Despite the advent of high speed personal computers and fast analog-to-digital converters (ADC's), care must be taken to ensure that reliable data are obtained in a timely fashion. This is especially true in hyphenated techniques, e.g. GC-IMS, where the amount of data increases dramatically when gas chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry (GC-IMS) data is being collected. Using the Graseby GC-IMS, with a gate repetition rate of 33 Hz, it is theoretically possible to collect 33 spectra per second. This collection rate is not realistically obtained due to a number of factors. Among these factors are inaccuracy of the timing signal from the IMS, the necessity to store the data, disk input/output limitations, disk operating system limitations, and program overhead. Taking these factors into account, we have achieved a data collection rate of 20 spectra per second. This paper will describe these problems, demonstrate the practical effects these problems present, and present methods for minimizing these effects.

  13. MIT Mints a Valuable New Form of Academic Currency

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Carey, Kevin


    The Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) has invented or improved many world-changing things--radar, information theory, and synthetic self-replicating molecules, to name a few. Last month the university announced, to mild fanfare, an invention that could be similarly transformative, this time for higher education itself. It is called MITx.…

  14. Educational Outreach at the M.I.T. Plasma Fusion Center

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Censabella, V.


    Educational outreach at the MIT Plasma Fusion Center consists of volunteers working together to increase the public's knowledge of fusion and plasma-related experiments. Seeking to generate excitement about science, engineering and mathematics, the PFC holds a number of outreach activities throughout the year, such as Middle and High School Outreach Days. Outreach also includes the Mr. Magnet Program, which uses an interactive strategy to engage elementary school children. Included in this year's presentation will be a new and improved C-MOD Jr, a confinement video game which helps students to discover how computers manipulate magnetic pulses to keep a plasma confined for as long as possible. Also on display will be an educational toy created by the Cambridge Physics Outlet, a PFC spin-off company. The PFC maintains a Home Page on the World Wide Web, which can be reached at

  15. FeP(Im)–AB Bonding Energies Evaluated with A Large Number of Density Functionals (P = porphine, Im = imidazole, AB = CO, NO, and O2)

    PubMed Central

    Liao, Meng-Sheng; Huang, Ming-Ju; Watts, John D.


    Sixty-four (64) density functionals, ranging from GGA, meta-GGA, hybrid GGA to hybrid meta-GGA, were tested to evaluate the FeP(Im)-AB bonding energies (Ebond) in the heme model complexes FeP(Im)(AB) (P = porphine, Im = imidazole, AB = CO, NO, and O2). The results indicate that an accurate prediction of Ebond for the various ligands to heme is difficult with the DFT methods; usually a functional successful for one system does not perform equally well for the other system(s). Relatively satisfactory results for the various FeP(Im)-AB bonding energies are obtained with the meta-GGA funtionals BLAP3 and Bmτ1; they yield Ebond values of ca.1.1, 1.2, and 0.4 eV for AB = CO, NO, and O2, respectively, which are in reasonable agreement with experimental data (0.78 – 0.85 eV for CO, 0.99 eV for NO, and 0.44 – 0.53 eV for O2). The other functionals show more or less deficiency for one or two of the systems. The performances of the various functionals in describing the spin-state energetics of the five-coordinate FeP(Im) complex were also examined. PMID:22228914

  16. Global R&D through the Intelligent Manufacturing Systems (IMS) program

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huray, Paul G.


    The industry-led, international intelligent manufacturing systems (IMS) program provides a special vehicle for joint research and development between government, industry and academia in the United States, Canada, Japan, Australia, and Europe. Since its beginning in 1989, the IMS program has progressed through a feasibility phase which demonstrated that international legal barriers, trade issues, and intellectual property problems could be overcome. The program is constructed to provide higher quality design, customized products, shorter delivery cycles and lower costs. Interactions between partner companies have led to new business opportunities for mutual profit and some claim to have learned strategic information about their international competitors. The IMS program is growing through the participation of hundreds of corporate and university partners who share responsibilities in specific projects and jointly reap benefits for their manufacturing products and processes. The logic for choosing or not choosing the IMS mechanisms will be discussed and R and D projects will be identified.

  17. Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics: Report on Activities (UCLA/MIT), 2009-2010

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Troy Carter


    The final 'phaseout' year of the CMPD ended July 2010; a no cost extension was requested until May 2011 in order to enable the MIT subcontract funds to be fully utilized. Research progress over this time included verification and validation activities for the BOUT and BOUT++ code, studies of spontaneous reconnection in the VTF facility at MIT, and studies of the interaction between Alfven waves and drift waves in LAPD. The CMPD also hosted the 6th plasma physics winter school in 2010 (jointly with the NSF frontier center the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization, significant funding came from NSF for thismore » most recent iteration of the Winter School).« less

  18. Center for Multiscale Plasma Dynamics: Report on Activities (UCLA/MIT), 2009-2010

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Carter, Troy Alan


    The final “phaseout” year of the CMPD ended July 2010; a no cost extension was requested until May 2011 in order to enable the MIT subcontract funds to be fully utilized. Research progress over this time included verification and validation activities for the BOUT and BOUT++ code, studies of spontaneous reconnection in the VTF facility at MIT, and studies of the interaction between Alfv´en waves and drift waves in LAPD. The CMPD also hosted the 6th plasma physics winter school in 2010 (jointly with the NSF frontier center the Center for Magnetic Self-Organization, significant funding came from NSF for thismore » most recent iteration of theWinter School).« less

  19. Development and evaluation of form three mathematics i-Think module (Mi-T3) on algebraic formulae topic

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sam, Sazilah; Abdullah, Mohd Faizal Nizam Lee


    This article introduces the Form Three Mathematics i-Think Module (Mi-T3). The main objective of this Mi-T3 is to assist form three students develop their higher order thinking skills (HOTS). The Sidek Module Development Model (SMDM) and eight innovative thinking maps (i-Think) were applied as a guideline in developing Mi-T3. A validation stage was carried out by eight experts, and content validation achievement more than 90% obtained. A group of form three students and teachers was piloted to check the module's reliability through one to one and small group evaluation and Cronbach Alpha more than 0.90 was obtained. Implications of the study are discussed in this article.

  20. Biokompatible Metalle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ha, Suk-Woo; Wintermantel, Erich

    Metalle als Implantatwerkstoffe werden in der Medizin für zwei Hauptanwendungen eingesetzt: für Prothesen des totalen Gelenkersatzes wie beispielsweise Hüft-, Knie- und Schulterprothesen und für Fixationselemente zur Stabilisierung von Frakturen. Beispiele hierfür sind Osteosyntheseplatten, Marknägel, Schrauben, Drähte und Stents. Eine der ersten Anwendungen von Metallen im menschlichen Körper war die Fixation von Fragmenten eines gebrochenen Humerus (Oberarmknochen) mit einem Metalldraht durch zwei französische Physiker im Jahr 1775 [1]. Ausführliche Untersuchungen zur Verträglichkeit von Metallen im menschlichen Körper wurden bereits im frühen 19. Jahrhundert durchgeführt. Von den untersuchten Werkstoffen verursachten die edlen Metalle wie Gold, Silber und Platin aufgrund ihrer Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Körperverträglichkeit die geringsten Reizungen im menschlichen Körper. Die klinische Anwendung der Edelmetalle war jedoch wegen der geringen mechanischen Eigenschaften beschränkt. Andere Metalle wie Messing, Kupfer oder Eisen wiesen vergleichsweise höhere Festigkeitswerte auf, sie waren jedoch aufgrund der geringen Korrosionsbeständigkeit und Biokompatibilität nicht für den klinischen Einsatz geeignet. Ein weiteres Problem stellte die Gefahr der Infektion durch unsterile Instrumente und Implantate dar. Gegen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts hielt die antiseptische Operationsmethode Einzug in die Kliniken, die z. B. erfolgreiche Operationen mit Silberdraht ermöglichte.

  1. Teaching practical leadership in MIT satellite development class: CASTOR and Exoplanet projects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Babuscia, Alessandra; Craig, Jennifer L.; Connor, Jane A.


    For more than a decade, the Aeronautics and Astronautics Department at MIT has offered undergraduate students the opportunity of conceiving, developing, implementing and operating new spacecraft's missions. During a three term class, junior and senior students experience all the challenges of a true engineering team project: design, analysis, testing, technical documentation development, team management, and leadership. Leadership instruction is an important part of the curricula; through the development of leadership skills, students learn to manage themselves and each other in a more effective way, increasing the overall productivity of the team. Also, a strong leadership education is a key factor in improving the abilities of future engineers to be effective team members and leaders in the companies and agencies in which they will work. However, too often leadership instruction is presented in an abstract way, which does not provide students with suggestions for immediate applicability. As a consequence, students underestimate the potential that leadership education can have on the development of their projects. To counteract that effect, a new approach for teaching "practical" leadership has been developed. This approach is composed of a set of activities developed to improve students' leadership skills in the context of a project. Specifically, this approach has been implemented in the MIT satellite development class. In that class, students experienced the challenges of building two satellites: CASTOR and Exoplanet. These two missions are real space projects which will be launched in the next two years, and which involve cooperation with different entities (MIT, NASA, and Draper). Hence, the MIT faculty was interested in developing leadership activities to improve the productivity of the teams in a short time. In fact, one of the key aspects of the approach proposed is that it can be quickly implemented in a single semester, requiring no more than 4 h of

  2. Direct analysis of organic priority pollutants by IMS

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Giam, C. S.; Reed, G. E.; Holliday, T. L.; Chang, L.; Rhodes, B. J.


    Many routine methods for monitoring of trace amounts of atmospheric organic pollutants consist of several steps. Typical steps are: (1) collection of the air sample; (2) trapping of organics from the sample; (3) extraction of the trapped organics; and (4) identification of the organics in the extract by GC (gas chromatography), HPLC (High Performance Liquid Chromatography), or MS (Mass Spectrometry). These methods are often cumbersome and time consuming. A simple and fast method for monitoring atmospheric organics using an IMS (Ion Mobility Spectrometer) is proposed. This method has a short sampling time and does not require extraction of the organics since the sample is placed directly in the IMS. The purpose of this study was to determine the responses in the IMS to organic 'priority pollutants'. Priority pollutants including representative polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs), phthalates, phenols, chlorinated pesticides, and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCB's) were analyzed in both the positive and negative detection mode at ambient atmospheric pressure. Detection mode and amount detected are presented.

  3. Clinical accuracy of inflationary oscillometry in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia: Omron-MIT Elite.


    Chung, Y; Brochut, M C; de Greeff, A; Shennan, A H


    To evaluate the accuracy of the Omron MIT Elite in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia according to the British Hypertension Society protocol (BHS). Prospective observational study. Antenatal clinics and wards at St. Thomas' Hospital (London, UK). Forty-five pregnant women including 15 with pre-eclampsia. Nine sequential same arm blood pressure (BP) measurements were taken from each woman by trained observers, alternating between mercury sphygmomanometry and the test device. Grading criteria of the BHS protocol (A/B grade=pass; C/D=fail). The Omron MIT Elite achieved a grade A/A in both pregnancy and pre-eclampsia. The mean difference (SD) between the mercury standard and the device in pregnancy was -1.1 (5.2)mmHg and 1.5 (4.8)mmHg for systolic and diastolic BP respectively compared to 0.2 (5.3)mmHg and 2.2 (5.5)mmHg in pre-eclampsia. The Omron MIT Elite can be recommended for use in pregnancy and pre-eclampsia according to the BHS protocol. To date, this is the most accurate automated BP device validated in pre-eclampsia. Copyright © 2012. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  4. Distinct mechanisms of recognizing endosomal sorting complex required for transport III (ESCRT-III) protein IST1 by different microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domains.


    Guo, Emily Z; Xu, Zhaohui


    The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery is responsible for membrane remodeling in a number of biological processes including multivesicular body biogenesis, cytokinesis, and enveloped virus budding. In mammalian cells, efficient abscission during cytokinesis requires proper function of the ESCRT-III protein IST1, which binds to the microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domains of VPS4, LIP5, and Spartin via its C-terminal MIT-interacting motif (MIM). Here, we studied the molecular interactions between IST1 and the three MIT domain-containing proteins to understand the structural basis that governs pairwise MIT-MIM interaction. Crystal structures of the three molecular complexes revealed that IST1 binds to the MIT domains of VPS4, LIP5, and Spartin using two different mechanisms (MIM1 mode versus MIM3 mode). Structural comparison revealed that structural features in both MIT and MIM contribute to determine the specific binding mechanism. Within the IST1 MIM sequence, two phenylalanine residues were shown to be important in discriminating MIM1 versus MIM3 binding. These observations enabled us to deduce a preliminary binding code, which we applied to provide CHMP2A, a protein that normally only binds the MIT domain in the MIM1 mode, the additional ability to bind the MIT domain of Spartin in the MIM3 mode. © 2015 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  5. Distinct Mechanisms of Recognizing Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport III (ESCRT-III) Protein IST1 by Different Microtubule Interacting and Trafficking (MIT) Domains


    Guo, Emily Z.; Xu, Zhaohui


    The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery is responsible for membrane remodeling in a number of biological processes including multivesicular body biogenesis, cytokinesis, and enveloped virus budding. In mammalian cells, efficient abscission during cytokinesis requires proper function of the ESCRT-III protein IST1, which binds to the microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domains of VPS4, LIP5, and Spartin via its C-terminal MIT-interacting motif (MIM). In this paper, we studied the molecular interactions between IST1 and the three MIT domain-containing proteins to understand the structural basis that governs pairwise MIT-MIM interaction. Crystal structures of the three molecular complexes revealed thatmore » IST1 binds to the MIT domains of VPS4, LIP5, and Spartin using two different mechanisms (MIM1 mode versus MIM3 mode). Structural comparison revealed that structural features in both MIT and MIM contribute to determine the specific binding mechanism. Within the IST1 MIM sequence, two phenylalanine residues were shown to be important in discriminating MIM1 versus MIM3 binding. Finally, these observations enabled us to deduce a preliminary binding code, which we applied to provide CHMP2A, a protein that normally only binds the MIT domain in the MIM1 mode, the additional ability to bind the MIT domain of Spartin in the MIM3 mode.« less

  6. Distinct Mechanisms of Recognizing Endosomal Sorting Complex Required for Transport III (ESCRT-III) Protein IST1 by Different Microtubule Interacting and Trafficking (MIT) Domains*

    PubMed Central

    Guo, Emily Z.; Xu, Zhaohui


    The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) machinery is responsible for membrane remodeling in a number of biological processes including multivesicular body biogenesis, cytokinesis, and enveloped virus budding. In mammalian cells, efficient abscission during cytokinesis requires proper function of the ESCRT-III protein IST1, which binds to the microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domains of VPS4, LIP5, and Spartin via its C-terminal MIT-interacting motif (MIM). Here, we studied the molecular interactions between IST1 and the three MIT domain-containing proteins to understand the structural basis that governs pairwise MIT-MIM interaction. Crystal structures of the three molecular complexes revealed that IST1 binds to the MIT domains of VPS4, LIP5, and Spartin using two different mechanisms (MIM1 mode versus MIM3 mode). Structural comparison revealed that structural features in both MIT and MIM contribute to determine the specific binding mechanism. Within the IST1 MIM sequence, two phenylalanine residues were shown to be important in discriminating MIM1 versus MIM3 binding. These observations enabled us to deduce a preliminary binding code, which we applied to provide CHMP2A, a protein that normally only binds the MIT domain in the MIM1 mode, the additional ability to bind the MIT domain of Spartin in the MIM3 mode. PMID:25657007

  7. Coupling of the Magnetosphere-Ionosphere/Thermosphere and Oxygen Outflow-- MIT Mission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fu, S.


    The goal of the MIT mission is to understand the coupling of the magnetosphere and ionosphere from the prospective of particles. It will focus on the outflow of the ionosphere particles (mainly oxygen ions) from the Earth, including the acceleration mechanisms of oxygen ions and their relative importance in different regions, the importance of these ions while transferred into the magnetosphere and the roles they played in magnetosphere activities. A constellation of four satellites orbiting at three elliptical orbits will provide the unique opportunities to observed there ions at three different altitude with temporal changes of the flux of these particles and the magnetic field environments. The conceptual design of the spacecraft and a summary of the payload will be presented. The MIT mission was selected as one of the five candidates for the upcoming mission plan in China.

  8. Crystal Structure of the 25 kDa Subunit of Human Cleavage Factor I{m}

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Coseno,M.; Martin, G.; Berger, C.

    Cleavage factor Im is an essential component of the pre-messenger RNA 3'-end processing machinery in higher eukaryotes, participating in both the polyadenylation and cleavage steps. Cleavage factor Im is an oligomer composed of a small 25 kDa subunit (CF Im25) and a variable larger subunit of either 59, 68 or 72 kDa. The small subunit also interacts with RNA, poly(A) polymerase, and the nuclear poly(A)-binding protein. These protein-protein interactions are thought to be facilitated by the Nudix domain of CF Im25, a hydrolase motif with a characteristic {alpha}/{beta}/{alpha} fold and a conserved catalytic sequence or Nudix box. We present heremore » the crystal structures of human CF Im25 in its free and diadenosine tetraphosphate (Ap4A) bound forms at 1.85 and 1.80 Angstroms, respectively. CF Im25 crystallizes as a dimer and presents the classical Nudix fold. Results from crystallographic and biochemical experiments suggest that CF Im25 makes use of its Nudix fold to bind but not hydrolyze ATP and Ap4A. The complex and apo protein structures provide insight into the active oligomeric state of CF Im and suggest a possible role of nucleotide binding in either the polyadenylation and/or cleavage steps of pre-messenger RNA 3'-end processing.« less

  9. Out-Life Characteristics of IM7/977-3 Composites

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miller, Sandi G.; Sutter, James K.; Hou, Tan-Hung; Scheiman, Daniel A.; Martin, Richard E.; Maryanski, Michael; Schlea, Michelle; Gardner, John M.; Schiferl, Zack R.


    The capability to manufacture large structures leads to weight savings and reduced risk relative to joining smaller components. However, manufacture of increasingly large composite components is pushing the out-time limits of epoxy/ carbon fiber prepreg. IM7/977-3 is an autoclave processable prepreg material, commonly used in aerospace structures. The out-time limit is reported as 30 days by the manufacturer. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the material processability and composite properties of 977-3 resin and IM7/977-3 prepreg that had been aged at room temperature for up to 60 days. The effects of room temperature aging on the thermal and visco-elastic properties of the materials were investigated. Neat resin was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry to characterize thermal properties and change in activation energy of cure. Neat resin was also evaluated by rheometry to characterize its processability in composite fabrication. IM7/977-3 prepreg was evaluated by dynamic mechanical analysis to characterize the curing behavior. Prepreg tack was also evaluated over 60 days. The overall test results suggested that IM7/977-3 was a robust material that offered quality laminates throughout this aging process when processed by autoclave.

  10. Building Adaptive Game-Based Learning Resources: The Integration of IMS Learning Design and

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burgos, Daniel; Moreno-Ger, Pablo; Sierra, Jose Luis; Fernandez-Manjon, Baltasar; Specht, Marcus; Koper, Rob


    IMS Learning Design (IMS-LD) is a specification to create units of learning (UoLs), which express a certain pedagogical model or strategy (e.g., adaptive learning with games). However, the authoring process of a UoL remains difficult because of the lack of high-level authoring tools for IMS-LD, even more so when the focus is on specific topics,…

  11. Pulsation research during the IMS. [International Magnetospheric Study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hughes, W. J.


    After describing the development status of the field of magnetic pulsations in 1975, before the initiation of the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS), attention is given to the IMS's novel observational results and an attempt is made to identify the most effective research methods employed. It is found that the most fruitful work involved small-scale collaboration between a few individuals or a few groups possessing complementary data sets. Consideration is restricted to research on the long period pulsations which can be broadly classified as field line resonances. Recommendations are made for future research efforts.

  12. Response of the coupled M-I-T system to the March 17, 2015 solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement event

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ozturk, D. S.; Zou, S.; Slavin, J. A.; Ridley, A. J.


    When the solar wind dynamic pressure is enhanced, it could perturb the global magnetosphere-ionosphere-thermosphere (M-I-T) system. The most notable indicators of such disruptions are changes in Field-Aligned Currents (FACs), ionospheric convection patterns and magnetic perturbations observed by ground magnetometers. The link between dynamic pressure enhancements and FACs has been well established, but studies on how these FACs affect the ionosphere-thermosphere system are very limited. In order to understand the large-scale dynamic processes in the M-I-T system due to the solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement, we study the 17 March 2015 event in detail. This is one of the most geoeffective events of the solar cycle 24 with Dst minimum of -222 nT. The Wind spacecraft recorded a two-step increment in the solar wind dynamic pressure, from 2 nPa to 12 nPa within 3 minutes, while the IMF Bz stayed northward. We used the University of Michigan Block Adaptive Tree Solarwind Roe Upwind Scheme (BATS'R'US), global MHD code to study the generation and propagation of perturbations associated with the compression of the magnetosphere. To effectively represent the coupled magnetosphere-ionosphere system, we included the Global Magnetosphere (GM), Inner Magnetosphere (IM) and Ionospheric electrodynamic (IE) modules. 600 uniformly distributed virtual magnetometers are included in the simulation to identify the magnetic perturbations associated with the FAC pairs as well as their temporal and spatial variations. In addition, we used the IE module output to drive the University of Michigan Global Ionosphere Thermosphere Model (GITM) to study how the I-T system responds to dynamic pressure enhancement. We show that as a result of the solar wind dynamic pressure enhancement, two pair of perturbation FACs develop in addition to the NBZ current system. These FACs significantly alter the ionospheric convection profile and create elongated vortices that propagate from dayside to

  13. The My Meal Intake Tool (M-MIT): Validity of a Patient Self- Assessment for Food and Fluid Intake at a Single Meal.


    McCullough, J; Keller, H


    Hospital malnutrition is an under-recognized issue that leads to a variety of adverse outcomes, especially for older adults. Food/fluid intake (FFI) monitoring in hospital can be used to identify those who are improving and those who need further treatment. Current monitoring practices such as calorie counts are impractical for all patients and a patient-completed tool, if valid, could support routine FFI monitoring. The aim of this research was to determine whether the patient-completed My Meal Intake Tool (M-MIT) can accurately represent FFI at a single meal. Cross-sectional, multi-site. Four acute care hospitals in Canada. 120 patients (65+ yrs, adequate cognition). Participants completed M-MIT for a single meal. Food and fluid waste was visually estimated by a research dietitian at each hospital. Sensitivity (Se), specificity (Sp) and overall agreement were calculated for both food and fluid intake by comparing M-MIT and dietitian estimations to determine criterion validity of M-MIT. Patient and research dietitian comments were used to make revisions to the M-MIT. Using a cut-point of ≤50% intake, Se was 76.2% and 61.9% and Sp was 74.0% and 80.5% for solid and fluids respectively (p<0.001). M-MIT identified a greater proportion of participants (37.2%) as having low FFI (≤50%) than dietitians (25.0%), as well as a greater proportion identified with low fluid intake (28.3% vs. 24.6%). Modest revisions were made to improve the tool. This study has demonstrated initial validity of M-MIT for use in older patients with adequate cognition. Use of M-MIT could promote FFI monitoring as a routine practice to make clinical decisions about care.

  14. Autolytic activity of human calpain 7 is enhanced by ESCRT-III-related protein IST1 through MIT-MIM interaction.


    Osako, Yohei; Maemoto, Yuki; Tanaka, Ryohei; Suzuki, Hironori; Shibata, Hideki; Maki, Masatoshi


    Calpain 7, a mammalian ortholog of yeast Cpl1/Rim13 and fungal PalB, is an atypical calpain that lacks a penta-EF-hand domain. Previously, we reported that a region containing a tandem repeat of microtubule-interacting and transport (MIT) domains in calpain 7 interacts with a subset of endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT)-III-related proteins, suggesting involvement of calpain 7 in the ESCRT system. Although yeast and fungal calpains are thought to be involved in alkaline adaptation via limited proteolysis of specific transcription factors, proteolytic activity of calpain 7 has not been demonstrated yet. In this study, we investigated the interaction between calpain 7 and a newly reported ESCRT-III family member, increased sodium tolerance-1 (IST1), which possesses two different types of MIT-interacting motifs (MIM1 and MIM2). We found that glutathione-S-transferase (GST)-fused tandem MIT domains of calpain 7 (calpain 7MIT) pulled down FLAG-tagged IST1 expressed in HEK293T cells. Coimmunoprecipitation assays with various deletion or point mutants of epitope-tagged calpain 7 and IST1 revealed that both repetitive MIT domains and MIMs are required for efficient interaction. Direct MIT-MIM binding was confirmed by a pulldown experiment with GST-fused IST1 MIM and purified recombinant calpain 7MIT. Furthermore, we found that the GST-MIM protein enhances the autolysis of purified Strep-tagged monomeric green fluorescent protein (mGFP)-fused calpain 7 (mGFP-calpain 7-Strep). The autolysis was almost completely abolished by 10 mmN-ethylmaleimide but only partially inhibited by 1 mm leupeptin or E-64. The putative catalytic Cys290-substituted mutant (mGFP-calpain 7(C290S)-Strep) showed no autolytic activity. These results demonstrate for the first time that human calpain 7 is proteolytically active, and imply that calpain 7 is activated in the ESCRT system. © 2010 The Authors Journal compilation © 2010 FEBS.

  15. Windkraftanlagen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Surek, Dominik

    Windturbinenanlagen nutzen die kinetische Energie des Windes bei Geschwindigkeiten von c=4 m/s bis 25 m/s in Nabenhöhe des Windrades zur Stromerzeugung. Die oben genannten Windgeschwindigkeiten liegen im Grenzschichtbereich der ebenen Strömung (Abb. 67.1), die bei Höhen von h=100 m bis 1000 m liegen und in Großstädten mit Skylines bis 2000 m. Die größten Windturbinentürme erreichen gegenwärtig Nabenhöhen von h=160 m und Windraddurchmesser von d=130 m, d. h. mit Flügellängen von L=65 m. Die Windturbinen werden vorrangig mit 3 Schaufeln ausgeführt. Windturbinen mit einer und zwei Schaufeln waren Versuchsgeräte. Die Drehzahl von Windturbinen für Leistungen von P_{T}=2 MW betragen n=12 bis 20 min{}^{-1}. Das Windrad entzieht dem Wind mit der Anströmgeschwindigkeit c 1 nach Betz die Geschwindigkeitsdifferenz c2=(2/3) c1. Der Rest der Windgeschwindigkeit wird für die Abströmung des Windes im Leebereich c3=c1/3 benötigt. Durch den Entzug der Geschwindigkeit im Laufrad bläht sich der Abströmdurchmesser auf d3> d1 auf, der bei der Installation von Windturbinen zu beachten ist (Abb. 67.2) [Gasch und Twele(2013)]. Um die Windturbinen bei starkem Wind von c {}1> 25 m/s zu schützen, werden die Laufschaufeln durch Pitch- oder Stall-Anlagen aus dem Wind gedreht, so dass die Strömung an den Schaufeln abreißt und das Windrad in die Ruhestellung gelangt. Bei der Windgeschwindigkeit c1=25 m/s bis 34 m/s wird der Windrotor abgeschaltet. Die zulässige Maximalgeschwindigkeit liegt aus Festigkeitsgründen etwa bei . Die aktive Blattverdrehung (Pitchregelung) stellt eine Blattwinkelregelung dar, wobei die Profilnase in die Anströmung gedreht wird. Sie benötigen für die Drehzahlreduzierung keine mechanische Bremse.

  16. Associations Between United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and Internal Medicine In-Training Examination (IM-ITE) Scores

    PubMed Central

    Zeger, Scott L.; Kolars, Joseph C.


    Background Little is known about the associations of previous standardized examination scores with scores on subsequent standardized examinations used to assess medical knowledge in internal medicine residencies. Objective To examine associations of previous standardized test scores on subsequent standardized test scores. Design Retrospective cohort study. Participants One hundred ninety-five internal medicine residents. Methods Bivariate associations of United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Steps and Internal Medicine In-Training Examination (IM-ITE) scores were determined. Random effects analysis adjusting for repeated administrations of the IM-ITE and other variables known or hypothesized to affect IM-ITE score allowed for discrimination of associations of individual USMLE Step scores on IM-ITE scores. Results In bivariate associations, USMLE scores explained 17% to 27% of the variance in IME-ITE scores, and previous IM-ITE scores explained 66% of the variance in subsequent IM-ITE scores. Regression coefficients (95% CI) for adjusted associations of each USMLE Step with IM-ITE scores were USMLE-1 0.19 (0.12, 0.27), USMLE-2 0.23 (0.17, 0.30), and USMLE-3 0.19 (0.09, 0.29). Conclusions No single USMLE Step is more strongly associated with IM-ITE scores than the others. Because previous IM-ITE scores are strongly associated with subsequent IM-ITE scores, appropriate modeling, such as random effects methods, should be used to account for previous IM-ITE administrations in studies for which IM-ITE score is an outcome. PMID:18612735

  17. Associations between United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) and Internal Medicine In-Training Examination (IM-ITE) scores.


    McDonald, Furman S; Zeger, Scott L; Kolars, Joseph C


    Little is known about the associations of previous standardized examination scores with scores on subsequent standardized examinations used to assess medical knowledge in internal medicine residencies. To examine associations of previous standardized test scores on subsequent standardized test scores. Retrospective cohort study. One hundred ninety-five internal medicine residents. Bivariate associations of United States Medical Licensing Examination (USMLE) Steps and Internal Medicine In-Training Examination (IM-ITE) scores were determined. Random effects analysis adjusting for repeated administrations of the IM-ITE and other variables known or hypothesized to affect IM-ITE score allowed for discrimination of associations of individual USMLE Step scores on IM-ITE scores. In bivariate associations, USMLE scores explained 17% to 27% of the variance in IME-ITE scores, and previous IM-ITE scores explained 66% of the variance in subsequent IM-ITE scores. Regression coefficients (95% CI) for adjusted associations of each USMLE Step with IM-ITE scores were USMLE-1 0.19 (0.12, 0.27), USMLE-2 0.23 (0.17, 0.30), and USMLE-3 0.19 (0.09, 0.29). No single USMLE Step is more strongly associated with IM-ITE scores than the others. Because previous IM-ITE scores are strongly associated with subsequent IM-ITE scores, appropriate modeling, such as random effects methods, should be used to account for previous IM-ITE administrations in studies for which IM-ITE score is an outcome.

  18. Gebrauch von Komplementärmedizin bei Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom unter Therapie mit Ipilimumab innerhalb einer klinischen Studie.


    Huebner, Jutta; Mohr, Peter; Simon, Jan-Christoph; Fluck, Michael; Berking, Carola; Zimmer, Lisa; Loquai, Carmen


    In Deutschland wenden 40-90 % aller Krebspatienten Methoden der komplementären and alternativen Medizin (KAM) an. Bis dato gibt es kein Datenmaterial zum Einsatz der KAM bei Melanompatienten. Das Ziel unserer Studie war es, Daten über den Gebrauch, die Informationsquellen und Ziele von Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom zu erfassen. Einhundertsechsundfünfzig Patienten aus 25 Studienzentren nahmen an der DecOG-MM-PAL Multibasket Studie teil. Die beteiligten Personen wurden auch gebeten, an einer Nebenstudie teilzunehmen, die ihren Gebrauch von KAM erfassen sollte. Dazu wurde während der Behandlung ein standardisierter Fragebogen zu genau festgelegten Zeitpunkten ausgeteilt. Insgesamt gingen 55 Fragebögen von 32 (21 %) Melanompatienten ein. Von diesen gaben 17 (53 %) ein Interesse an KAM an, und sieben (22 %) machten von KAM Gebrauch. Die Hauptinformationsquellen (31 %) waren Familienmitglieder und Freunde, gefolgt von Ärzten (19 %). Die Hauptgründe für die Anwendung von KAM waren die Stärkung des Immunsystems (41 %) und des Körpers (34 %). Nahrungsergänzungsmittel (Vitamine und Spurenelemente) wurden am häufigsten angewendet (28 %). Eine relativ hohe Anzahl an Patienten mit metastasierendem Melanom machte trotz Teilnahme an einer klinischen Studie von KAM Gebrauch. Wechselwirkungen könnten durch biologisch basierte KAM auftreten, und hier besonders bei immunmodulierenden KAM- Strategien. Um Risiken zu vermeiden, sollte die Kommunikation zwischen den Ärzten und den Patienten verbessert werden. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  19. Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy in group (MIT-G) for young adults with personality disorders: A pilot randomized controlled trial.


    Popolo, Raffaele; MacBeth, Angus; Canfora, Flaviano; Rebecchi, Daniela; Toselli, Cecilia; Salvatore, Giampaolo; Dimaggio, Giancarlo


    Young adults with personality disorders (PD) other than borderline are in urgent need of validated treatments to help them in managing important life transitions. Therapeutic interventions focused upon social and interpersonal difficulties may facilitate these individuals in maximizing opportunities for employment, forming stable romantic relationships, and belong to social groups. It is also important that they are offered evidence-based, first-line time-limited treatments in order to maximize effectiveness and reduce costs. We developed a 16-session programme of group-based Metacognitive Interpersonal Therapy (MIT-G) including psychoeducation on the main interpersonal motives, an experiential component enabling practice of awareness of mental states; and use of mentalistic knowledge for purposeful problem-solving. We report a feasibility, acceptability, and clinical significance randomized clinical trial. Participants meeting inclusion criteria were randomized to receive MIT-G (n = 10) or waiting list+TAU (n = 10). Dropout rate was low and session attendance high (92.19%). Participants in the MIT-G arm had symptomatic and functional improvements consistent with large effect sizes. In the MIT-G arm similarly large effects were noted for increased capacity to understand mental states and regulate social interactions using mentalistic knowledge. Results were sustained at follow-up. Our findings suggest potential for applying MIT-G in larger samples to further test its effectiveness in reducing PD-related symptoms and problematic social functioning. © 2018 The British Psychological Society.

  20. Information management system study results. Volume 1: IMS study results

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The information management system (IMS) special emphasis task was performed as an adjunct to the modular space station study, with the objective of providing extended depth of analysis and design in selected key areas of the information management system. Specific objectives included: (1) in-depth studies of IMS requirements and design approaches; (2) design and fabricate breadboard hardware for demonstration and verification of design concepts; (3) provide a technological base to identify potential design problems and influence long range planning (4) develop hardware and techniques to permit long duration, low cost, manned space operations; (5) support SR&T areas where techniques or equipment are considered inadequate; and (6) permit an overall understanding of the IMS as an integrated component of the space station.

  1. Deletion of PdMit1, a homolog of yeast Csg1, affects growth and Ca(2+) sensitivity of the fungus Penicillium digitatum, but does not alter virulence.


    Zhu, Congyi; Wang, Weili; Wang, Mingshuang; Ruan, Ruoxin; Sun, Xuepeng; He, Meixian; Mao, Cungui; Li, Hongye


    GDP-mannose:inositol-phosphorylceramide (MIPC) and its derivatives are important for Ca(2+) sensitization of Saccharomyces cerevisiae and for the virulence of Candida albicans, but its role in the virulence of plant fungal pathogens remains unclear. In this study, we report the identification and functional characterization of PdMit1, the gene encoding MIPC synthase in Penicillium digitatum, one of the most important pathogens of postharvest citrus fruits. To understand the function of PdMit1, a PdMit1 deletion mutant was generated. Compared to its wild-type control, the PdMit1 deletion mutant exhibited slow radial growth, decreased conidia production and delayed conidial germination, suggesting that PdMit1 is important for the growth of mycelium, sporulation and conidial germination. The PdMit1 deletion mutant also showed hypersensitivity to Ca(2+). Treatment with 250 mmol/l Ca(2+) induced vacuole fusion in the wild-type strain, but not in the PdMit1 deletion mutant. Treatment with 250mmol/lCaCl2 upregulated three Ca(2+)-ATPase genes in the wild-type strain, and this was significantly inhibited in the PdMit1 deletion mutant. These results suggest that PdMit1 may have a role in regulating vacuole fusion and expression of Ca(2+)-ATPase genes by controlling biosynthesis of MIPC, and thereby imparts P. digitatum Ca(2+) tolerance. However, we found that PdMit1 is dispensable for virulence of P. digitatum. Copyright © 2015 Institut Pasteur. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  2. MIT Lincoln Laboratory Takes the Mystery Out of Supercomupting

    DTIC Science & Technology


    analysis, designing sensors, and developing algorithms. In 2008, the Lincoln demonstrated the largest single problem ever run on a computer using ... computation . As we design and prototype these devices, the use of leading–edge engineering practices have become the de facto standard. This includes...MIT Lincoln Laboratory Takes the Mystery Out of Supercomputing By Dr. Jeremy Kepner 1 The introduction of multicore and manycore processors

  3. The Kubo-Greenwood expression and 2d MIT transport

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Castner, Theodore


    The 2d MIT in GaAs heterostructures (p- and n-type)features a mobility that drops continuously as the reduced density x= n/nc-1 is decreased. The Kubo-Greenwood result [1] predicts μ = (eɛh/hnc)α^2(x) where α is a normalized DOS. α(x)is obtained from the data [p-type, Gao et al. [2]; n-type Lilly et al. [3

  4. Aufbau des humanoiden Roboters BART III

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Resetov, Dimitri; Pietsch, Björn; Gerth, Wilfried

    Der vorliegende Beitrag präsentiert den humanoiden Roboter BART III, der am Institut für Regelungstechnik als eine robuste und erweiterbare Plattform für weiterführende Grundlagenforschung zur zweibeinigen Fortbewegung entwickelt wurde. Im Gegensatz zu den bisher am IRT genutzten Robotern BARt-UH und LISA besitzt der neue Roboter einen beweglichen Oberkörper mit einem Bauchgelenk und Armen. BART III besitzt insgesamt 19 aktive Freiheitsgrade, 12 davon im Unterkörper. Ein weiteres Merkmal des Roboters ist die im gesamten Körper verteilte Ansteuerelektronik, die neben der lokalen Motorregelung diverse sicherheitsrelevante Funktionen übernimmt.

  5. Down-conversion IM-DD RF photonic link utilizing MQW MZ modulator.


    Xu, Longtao; Jin, Shilei; Li, Yifei


    We present the first down-conversion intensity modulated-direct detection (IM-DD) RF photonic link that achieves frequency down-conversion using the nonlinear optical phase modulation inside a Mach-Zehnder (MZ) modulator. The nonlinear phase modulation is very sensitive and it can enable high RF-to-IF conversion efficiency. Furthermore, the link linearity is enhanced by canceling the nonlinear distortions from the nonlinear phase modulation and the MZ interferometer. Proof-of-concept measurement was performed. The down-conversion IM-DD link demonstrated 28dB improvement in distortion levels over that of a conventional IM-DD link using a LiNbO3 MZ modulator.

  6. Comments on the MIT Assessment of the Mars One Plan

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, Harry W.


    The MIT assessment of the Mars One mission plan reveals design assumptions that would cause significant difficulties. Growing crops in the crew chamber produces excessive oxygen levels. The assumed in-situ resource utilization (ISRU) equipment has too low a Technology Readiness Level (TRL). The required spare parts cause a large and increasing launch mass logistics burden. The assumed International Space Station (ISS) Environmental Control and Life Support (ECLS) technologies were developed for microgravity and therefore are not suitable for Mars gravity. Growing food requires more mass than sending food from Earth. The large number of spares is due to the relatively low reliability of ECLS and the low TRL of ISRU. The Mars One habitat design is similar to past concepts but does not incorporate current knowledge. The MIT architecture analysis tool for long-term settlements on the Martian surface includes an ECLS system simulation, an ISRU sizing model, and an analysis of required spares. The MIT tool showed the need for separate crop and crew chambers, the large spare parts logistics, that crops require more mass than Earth food, and that more spares are needed if reliability is lower. That ISRU has low TRL and ISS ECLS was designed for microgravity are well known. Interestingly, the results produced by the architecture analysis tool - separate crop chamber, large spares mass, large crop chamber mass, and low reliability requiring more spares - were also well known. A common approach to ECLS architecture analysis is to build a complex model that is intended to be all-inclusive and is hoped will help solve all design problems. Such models can struggle to replicate obvious and well-known results and are often unable to answer unanticipated new questions. A better approach would be to survey the literature for background knowledge and then directly analyze the important problems.

  7. Electrocardiogram‐gated coronary CT angiography dose estimates using ImPACT

    PubMed Central

    Asada, Yasuki; Matsubara, Kosuke; Suzuki, Shouichi; Koshida, Kichiro; Matsunaga, Yuta; Haba, Tomonobu; Kawaguchi, Ai; Toyama, Hiroshi; Kato, Ryoichi


    The primary study objective was to assess radiation doses using a modified form of the Imaging Performance Assessment of Computed Tomography (CT) scanner (ImPACT) patient dosimetry for cardiac applications on an Aquilion ONE ViSION Edition scanner, including the Ca score, target computed tomography angiography (CTA), prospective CTA, continuous CTA/cardiac function analysis (CFA), and CTA/CFA modulation. Accordingly, we clarified the CT dose index (CTDI) to determine the relationship between heart rate (HR) and X‐ray exposure. As a secondary objective, we compared radiation doses using modified ImPACT, a whole‐body dosimetry phantom study, and the k‐factor method to verify the validity of the dose results obtained with modified ImPACT. The effective dose determined for the reference person (4.66 mSv at 60 beats per minute (bpm) and 33.43 mSv at 90 bpm) were approximately 10% less than those determined for the phantom study (5.28 mSv and 36.68 mSv). The effective doses according to the k‐factor (0.014 mSv·mGy−1·cm−1; 2.57 mSv and 17.10 mSv) were significantly lower than those obtained with the other two methods. In the present study, we have shown that ImPACT, when modified for cardiac applications, can assess both absorbed and effective doses. The results of our dose comparison indicate that modified ImPACT dose assessment is a promising and practical method for evaluating coronary CTA. PACS number(s): 87.57.Q‐, 87.59.Dj, 87.57.uq PMID:27455500

  8. Results from an Interval Management (IM) Flight Test and Its Potential Benefit to Air Traffic Management Operations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Baxley, Brian; Swieringa, Kurt; Berckefeldt, Rick; Boyle, Dan


    NASA's first Air Traffic Management Technology Demonstration (ATD-1) subproject successfully completed a 19-day flight test of an Interval Management (IM) avionics prototype. The prototype was built based on IM standards, integrated into two test aircraft, and then flown in real-world conditions to determine if the goals of improving aircraft efficiency and airport throughput during high-density arrival operations could be met. The ATD-1 concept of operation integrates advanced arrival scheduling, controller decision support tools, and the IM avionics to enable multiple time-based arrival streams into a high-density terminal airspace. IM contributes by calculating airspeeds that enable an aircraft to achieve a spacing interval behind the preceding aircraft. The IM avionics uses its data (route of flight, position, etc.) and Automatic Dependent Surveillance-Broadcast (ADS-B) state data from the Target aircraft to calculate this airspeed. The flight test demonstrated that the IM avionics prototype met the spacing accuracy design goal for three of the four IM operation types tested. The primary issue requiring attention for future IM work is the high rate of IM speed commands and speed reversals. In total, during this flight test, the IM avionics prototype showed significant promise in contributing to the goals of improving aircraft efficiency and airport throughput.

  9. Structural Fine-Tuning of MIT-Interacting Motif 2 (MIM2) and Allosteric Regulation of ESCRT-III by Vps4 in Yeast.


    Kojima, Rieko; Obita, Takayuki; Onoue, Kousuke; Mizuguchi, Mineyuki


    The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) facilitates roles in membrane remodeling, such as multivesicular body biogenesis, enveloped virus budding and cell division. In yeast, Vps4 plays a crucial role in intraluminal vesicle formation by disassembling ESCRT proteins. Vps4 is recruited by ESCRT-III proteins to the endosomal membrane through the interaction between the microtubule interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain of Vps4 and the C-terminal MIT-interacting motif (MIM) of ESCRT-III proteins. Here, we have determined the crystal structure of Vps4-MIT in a complex with Vps20, a member of ESCRT-III, and revealed that Vps20 adopts a unique MIM2 conformation. Based on structural comparisons with other known MIM2s, we have refined the consensus sequence of MIM2. We have shown that another ESCRT-III protein, Ist1, binds to Vps4-MIT via its C-terminal MIM1 with higher affinity than Vps2, but lacks MIM2 by surface plasmon resonance. Surprisingly, the Ist1 MIM1 competed with the MIM2 of Vfa1, a regulator of Vps4, for binding to Vps4-MIT, even though these MIMs bind in non-overlapping sites on the MIT. These findings provide insight into the allosteric recognition of MIMs of ESCRT-III by Vps4 and also the regulation of ESCRT machinery at the last step of membrane remodeling. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Instrumentation and data analysis design for evaluating mechanic performance in decentralized I/M programs

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ashby, H.A.; Carlson, T.R.; Husson, L.


    Significant reductions in motor vehicle emissions are possible through the implementation of inspection and maintenance (I/M) programs. However, the potential benefits of I/M are obviously not achieved when specific inspection requirements are ignored or improperly performed. In addition, I/M benefits may be substantially reduced when improper repair procedures are used on vehicles which fail the test. In order for the ''theoretical'' benefits of I/M to be achieved, certain program design and enforcement procedures are necessary. The use of instrumentation and data analysis methods capable of identifying individuals who are improperly performing inspections and repairs is critical.

  11. Sentinel-Lymphknoten-Biopsie des Melanoms mittels Indocyaningrün und "FOVIS"-System.


    Göppner, Daniela; Nekwasil, Stephan; Jellestad, Anne; Sachse, Alexander; Schönborn, Karl-Heinz; Gollnick, Harald


    Der Nachweis metastatischer Infiltrate im Sentinel-Lymphkoten (SLN) gilt als wesentlicher prognostischer Faktor des Melanoms. Alternativ zur Farbstoffmethode mit Patentblau zum Goldstandard der SLN-Biopsie (SLNB) mittels Radiokolloid wird die fluoreszenzoptische Darstellung mit Hilfe von Indocyaningrün (ICG) und Nahinfrarot (NIR)-Kamerasystem kommuniziert. Im Vergleich zur konventionellen Methode wurde die Wertigkeit des ICG-/NIR-Verfahrens in Abhängigkeit vom Body-Mass-Index (BMI) des Patienten und der Konzentration von ICG bezüglich der Visualisierung des Lymphabstroms und des SLNs untersucht. An zehn Patienten wurde die SLNB mittels Technetium-99m, Patentblau und ICG durchgeführt. Die Fluoreszenz-Darstellung von Lymphbahnen und SLN erfolgte in Echtzeit mittels der NIR-Kameratechnik "FOVIS". Je nach erzielter Bildqualität wurde ICG in einer Dosis von 0,25 mg bis 2,5 mg intrakutan appliziert. Neun der zehn SLN wurden fluoreszenzoptisch identifiziert (90 %), alle zehn radioaktiv (100 %), nur acht (80 %) mittels ICG-Grünfärbung bzw. Patenblau-Markierung. Transdermal wurde ein SLN dargestellt (10 %). In Korrelation zum BMI waren höhere ICG-Mengen, bis zu 2,5 mg intrakutan absolut, in der Darstellung der Lymphbahnen von Vorteil. Die SLN-Fluoreszenzmarkierung mit dem ICG/NIR-Kamera-System "FOVIS" stellt eine sichere Alternative zur Farbstoffmethode mit Patentblau ergänzend zur Radiokolloidmethode mit Technetium-99m dar. Weitere Studien zur optimalen Dosierung von ICG und transdermalen Bildgebung in Relation zum BMI sind notwendig. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Elastolysen und Hauterkrankungen mit Verlust der elastischen Fasern.


    Tronnier, Michael


    Die elastischen Fasern sind neben den kollagenen Fasern der wichtigste Bestandteil des Bindegewebsgerüstes der Haut. Eine Verminderung oder ein Verlust der elastischen Fasern ist bei einer Vielzahl von klinisch sich unterschiedlich präsentierenden Erkrankungen, hereditär oder erworben, beschrieben. Bei den Erkrankungen, die mit einer Entzündung einhergehen ist die Elastophagozytose ein wichtiges histologisches Merkmal. Die Therapie der Erkrankungen dieser Gruppe ist grundsätzlich schwierig. © 2018 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  13. A Systems Approach to Healthcare Innovation Using the MIT Hacking Medicine Model.


    Gubin, Tatyana A; Iyer, Hari P; Liew, Shirlene N; Sarma, Aartik; Revelos, Alex; Ribas, João; Movassaghi, Babak; Chu, Zen M; Khalid, Ayesha N; Majmudar, Maulik D; Lee, Christopher Xiang


    MIT Hacking Medicine is a student, academic, and community-led organization that uses systems-oriented "healthcare hacking" to address challenges around innovation in healthcare. The group has organized more than 80 events around the world that attract participants with diverse backgrounds. These participants are trained to address clinical needs from the perspective of multiple stakeholders and emphasize utility and implementation viability of proposed solutions. We describe the MIT Hacking Medicine model as a potential method to integrate collaboration and training in rapid innovation techniques into academic medical centers. Built upon a systems approach to healthcare innovation, the time-compressed but expertly guided nature of the events could enable more widely accessible preliminary training in systems-level innovation methodology, as well as creating a structured opportunity for interdisciplinary congregation and collaboration. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Blutpräparate und therapeutische Anwendung (Hämotherapie)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burkhart, Jürgen; Leimbach, Rainer; Nagl, Detlev; Weinauer, Franz

    Die Geschichte der Blutübertragung lässt sich bis in das Altertum verfolgen - wenn auch hier das Blut nicht in die Blutgefäße eingebracht, sondern als Trank verabreicht wurde. Im alten Rom stürmten die Zuschauer in die Kampfarena, um das Blut verletzter Gladiatoren zu trinken, in dem Gedanken, deren Stärke würde in sie überfließen. So wurden auch Greise mit dem Blut von Jünglingen behandelt. Der Glaube, mit dem Blut würden Eigenschaften des Spenders übertragen, muss wohl auch bei dem Versuch mitgewirkt haben, Verbrecher durch Übertragung von Schafsblut "lammfromm“ zu machen. Zu Beginn der Mensch-zu-Mensch-Übertragung wurde Blut mittels eines Röhrchens von Blutgefäß zu Blutgefäß transfundiert. Diese im Mittelalter neu erprobte Form basierte auf der Entdeckung des Blutkreislaufes durch William Harvey (1578-1657). Es überwog allerdings noch die Blutübertragung vom Tier auf den Menschen, die nicht selten mit dem Tod beider Beteiligter endete. In der aufklärerischen Phase der französischen Revolution wurde diese Art der Blutübertragung deshalb verboten.

  15. The IMS Software Integration Platform

    DTIC Science & Technology


    products to incorporate all data shared by the IMS applications. Some entities (time-series, images, a algorithm -specific parameters) must be managed...dbwhoanii, dbcancel Transaction Management: dbcommit, dbrollback Key Counter Assignment: dbgetcounter String Handling: cstr ~to~pad, pad-to- cstr Error...increment *value; String Maniputation: int cstr topad (array, string, arraylength) char *array, *string; int arrayjlength; int pad tocstr (string

  16. Sensitivity and specificity of the online version of ImPACT in high school and collegiate athletes.


    Schatz, Philip; Sandel, Natalie


    The utility of postconcussion neurocognitive testing versus symptom data has been debated. The sensitivity of the desktop version of the Immediate Post-concussion assessment and cognitive testing (ImPACT) tool has been documented, but psychometric properties of the recently released online version of ImPACT have yet to be fully established. To document the sensitivity of the online ImPACT version in samples of (1) symptomatic concussed (high school and collegiate) athletes, and (2) asymptomatic concussed (high school and collegiate) athletes suspected of hiding their concussions. Cohort study; level of evidence, 3. A total of 81 athletes observed to sustain a concussion by a certified athletic trainer or team physician, a finding that was confirmed with reported postconcussion symptoms, completed the ImPACT test within 3 days of injury. Data were compared with an independent sample of 81 athletes who completed preseason baseline cognitive assessments using ImPACT and who were matched (with concussed athletes) on the basis of sex, age, sport, concussion history, and absence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and learning disability. An independent group of 37 athletes who were also observed to sustain a concussion completed ImPACT within 3 days of injury. These athletes reported no postconcussion symptoms but were noted for suspected invalid response patterns on ImPACT (impulse control index >30 and verbal memory index <69%). The subscale data from the assessments (excluding those contributing to the aforementioned indices) were compared with a matched sample of 37 athletes who completed preseason baseline cognitive assessments in ImPACT (using the same criteria described above). Data from the ImPACT online version yielded 91.4% sensitivity and 69.1% specificity. For asymptomatic athletes suspected of hiding their concussion, data from ImPACT yielded 94.6% sensitivity and 97.3% specificity. The online version of the ImPACT tool is a valid measure of

  17. 78 FR 37571 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on May 30, 2013... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (``IMS Global'') has [[Page 37572

  18. TAF-4 is required for the life extension of isp-1, clk-1 and tpk-1 Mit mutants.


    Khan, Maruf H; Ligon, Melissa; Hussey, Lauren R; Hufnal, Bryce; Farber, Robert; Munkácsy, Erin; Rodriguez, Amanda; Dillow, Andy; Kahlig, Erynn; Rea, Shane L


    While numerous life-extending manipulations have been discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, one that remains most enigmatic is disruption of oxidative phosphorylation. In order to unravel how such an ostensibly deleterious manipulation can extend lifespan, we sought to identify the ensemble of nuclear transcription factors that are activated in response to defective mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) function. Using a feeding RNAi approach, we targeted over 400 transcription factors and identified 15 that, when reduced in function, reproducibly and differentially altered the development, stress response, and/or fecundity of isp-1(qm150) Mit mutants relative to wild-type animals. Seven of these transcription factors--AHA-1, CEH-18, HIF-1, JUN-1, NHR-27, NHR-49 and the CREB homolog-1 (CRH-1)-interacting protein TAF-4--were also essential for isp-1 life extension. When we tested the involvement of these seven transcription factors in the life extension of two other Mit mutants, namely clk-1(qm30) and tpk-1(qm162), TAF-4 and HIF-1 were consistently required. Our findings suggest that the Mit phenotype is under the control of multiple transcriptional responses, and that TAF-4 and HIF-1 may be part of a general signaling axis that specifies Mit mutant life extension.

  19. TAF-4 is required for the life extension of isp-1, clk-1 and tpk-1 Mit mutants

    PubMed Central

    Hufnal, Bryce; Farber, Robert; Munkácsy, Erin; Rodriguez, Amanda; Dillow, Andy; Kahlig, Erynn; Rea, Shane L.


    While numerous life-extending manipulations have been discovered in the nematode Caenorhabditis elegans, one that remains most enigmatic is disruption of oxidative phosphorylation. In order to unravel how such an ostensibly deleterious manipulation can extend lifespan, we sought to identify the ensemble of nuclear transcription factors that are activated in response to defective mitochondrial electron transport chain (ETC) function. Using a feeding RNAi approach, we targeted over 400 transcription factors and identified 15 that, when reduced in function, reproducibly and differentially altered the development, stress response, and/or fecundity of isp-1(qm150) Mit mutants relative to wild-type animals. Seven of these transcription factors – AHA-1, CEH-18, HIF-1, JUN-1, NHR-27, NHR-49 and the CREB homolog-1 (CRH-1)-interacting protein TAF-4 – were also essential for isp-1 life extension. When we tested the involvement of these seven transcription factors in the life extension of two other Mit mutants, namely clk-1(qm30) and tpk-1(qm162), TAF-4 and HIF-1 were consistently required. Our findings suggest that the Mit phenotype is under the control of multiple transcriptional responses, and that TAF-4 and HIF-1 may be part of a general signaling axis that specifies Mit mutant life extension. PMID:24107417

  20. MIT research in telerobotics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sheridan, T. B.


    Ongoing MIT research in telerobotics (vehicles capable of some autonomous sensing and manipulating, having some remote supervisory control by people) and teleoperation (vehicles for sensing and manipulating which are fully controlled remotely by people) is discussed. The current efforts mix human and artificial intelligence/control. The idea of adjustable impedance at either end of pure master-slave teleoperation, and simultaneous coordinated control of teleoperator/telerobotic systems which have more than six degrees of freedom (e.g., a combined vehicle and arm, each with five or six DOF) are discussed. A new cable-controlled parallel link arm which offers many advantages over conventional arms for space is briefly described. Predictor displays to compensate for time delay in teleoperator loops, the use of state estimation to help human control decisions in space, and ongoing research in supervisory command language are covered. Finally, efforts to build a human flyable real-time dynamic computer-graphic telerobot simulator are described. These projects represent most, but not all, of the telerobotics research in our laboratory, supported by JPL, NASA Ames and NOAA.

  1. Stenting und technische Stentumgebung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoffstetter, Marc; Pfeifer, Stefan; Schratzenstaller, Thomas; Wintermantel, Erich

    In hoch entwickelten Industrieländern stehen laut Weltgesundheitsorganisation (WHO) Herz-Kreislauf-Erkrankungen und speziell die Koronare Herzkrankheit (KHK) an erster Stelle der Todesursachen. In Deutschland betrug die Zahl der erfassten, an KHK erkrankten Personen ohne Berücksichtigung der Dunkelziffer allein im Jahre 2001 über 473.000. Die KHK war im Jahre 2003 mit 92.673 erfassten Todesfällen immer noch die häufigste Todesursache, obgleich in Deutschland die Häufigkeit der Koronarinterventionen zur Behandlung der KHK zwischen 1984 und 2003 um fast das 80fache von 2.809 auf 221.867 Eingriffe pro Jahr gestiegen ist [1]. Neben der hohen Zahl an Todesfällen haben die betroffenen Personen durch chronische Schmerzen und eingeschränkte körperliche Leistungsfähigkeit zusätzlich eine starke Beeinträchtigung der Lebensqualität [2].In Folge dessen wird die erkrankte Person häufig zum Pflegefall was neben den gesundheitlichen Aspekten auch eine sozioökonomische Komponente in Form der fehlenden Arbeitskraft und den auftretenden Pflegekosten nach sich zieht. Die Kosten für die Behandlung der KHK in Deutschland beliefen sich im Jahre 2002 laut Statistischem Bundesamt auf rund 6,9 Mrd. €. Verglichen mit ähnlichen Zahlen der USA dürfte sich der entstandene Schaden für die deutsche Volkswirtschaft im zwei- bis dreistelligen Milliardenbereich bewegen [3].

  2. Season of infectious mononucleosis and risk of multiple sclerosis at different latitudes; the EnvIMS Study.


    Lossius, Andreas; Riise, Trond; Pugliatti, Maura; Bjørnevik, Kjetil; Casetta, Ilaria; Drulovic, Jelena; Granieri, Enrico; Kampman, Margitta T; Landtblom, Anne-Marie; Lauer, Klaus; Magalhaes, Sandra; Myhr, Kjell-Morten; Pekmezovic, Tatjana; Wesnes, Kristin; Wolfson, Christina; Holmøy, Trygve


    Seasonal fluctuations in solar radiation and vitamin D levels could modulate the immune response against Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) infection and influence the subsequent risk of multiple sclerosis (MS). Altogether 1660 MS patients and 3050 controls from Norway and Italy participating in the multinational case-control study of Environmental Factors In Multiple Sclerosis (EnvIMS) reported season of past infectious mononucleosis (IM). IM was generally reported more frequently in Norway (p=0.002), but was associated with MS to a similar degree in Norway (odds ratio (OR) 2.12, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.64-2.73) and Italy (OR 1.72, 95% CI 1.17-2.52). For all participants, there was a higher reported frequency of IM during spring compared to fall (p<0.0005). Stratified by season of IM, the ORs for MS were 1.58 in spring (95% CI 1.08-2.31), 2.26 in summer (95% CI 1.46-3.51), 2.86 in fall (95% CI 1.69-4.85) and 2.30 in winter (95% CI 1.45-3.66). IM is associated with MS independently of season, and the association is not stronger for IM during spring, when vitamin D levels reach nadir. The distribution of IM may point towards a correlation with solar radiation or other factors with a similar latitudinal and seasonal variation.

  3. Sampling Technique for Robust Odorant Detection Based on MIT RealNose Data

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Duong, Tuan A.


    This technique enhances the detection capability of the autonomous Real-Nose system from MIT to detect odorants and their concentrations in noisy and transient environments. The lowcost, portable system with low power consumption will operate at high speed and is suited for unmanned and remotely operated long-life applications. A deterministic mathematical model was developed to detect odorants and calculate their concentration in noisy environments. Real data from MIT's NanoNose was examined, from which a signal conditioning technique was proposed to enable robust odorant detection for the RealNose system. Its sensitivity can reach to sub-part-per-billion (sub-ppb). A Space Invariant Independent Component Analysis (SPICA) algorithm was developed to deal with non-linear mixing that is an over-complete case, and it is used as a preprocessing step to recover the original odorant sources for detection. This approach, combined with the Cascade Error Projection (CEP) Neural Network algorithm, was used to perform odorant identification. Signal conditioning is used to identify potential processing windows to enable robust detection for autonomous systems. So far, the software has been developed and evaluated with current data sets provided by the MIT team. However, continuous data streams are made available where even the occurrence of a new odorant is unannounced and needs to be noticed by the system autonomously before its unambiguous detection. The challenge for the software is to be able to separate the potential valid signal from the odorant and from the noisy transition region when the odorant is just introduced.

  4. Teaching ``The Physics of Energy'' at MIT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jaffe, Robert


    New physics courses on energy are popping up at colleges and universities across the country. Many require little or no previous physics background, aiming to introduce a broad audience to this complex and critical problem, often augmenting the scientific message with economic and policy discussions. Others are advanced courses, focussing on highly specialized subjects like solar voltaics, nuclear physics, or thermal fluids, for example. About two years ago Washington Taylor and I undertook to develop a course on the ``Physics of Energy'' open to all MIT students who had taken MIT's common core of university level calculus, physics, and chemistry. By avoiding higher level prerequisites, we aimed to attract and make the subject relevant to students in the life sciences, economics, etc. --- as well as physical scientists and engineers --- who want to approach energy issues in a sophisticated and analytical fashion, exploiting their background in calculus, mechanics, and E & M, but without having to take advanced courses in thermodynamics, quantum mechanics, or nuclear physics beforehand. Our object was to interweave teaching the fundamental physics principles at the foundations of energy science with the applications of those principles to energy systems. We envisioned a course that would present the basics of statistical, quantum, and fluid mechanics at a fairly sophisticated level and apply those concepts to the study of energy sources, conversion, transport, losses, storage, conservation, and end use. In the end we developed almost all of the material for the course from scratch. The course debuted this past fall. I will describe what we learned and what general lessons our experience might have for others who contemplate teaching energy physics broadly to a technically sophisticated audience.

  5. Long-term reliability of ImPACT in professional ice hockey.


    Echemendia, Ruben J; Bruce, Jared M; Meeuwisse, Willem; Comper, Paul; Aubry, Mark; Hutchison, Michael


    This study sought to assess the test-retest reliability of Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) across 2-4 year time intervals and evaluate the utility of a newly proposed two-factor (Speed/Memory) model of ImPACT across multiple language versions. Test-retest data were collected from non-concussed National Hockey League (NHL) players across 2-, 3-, and 4-year time intervals. The two-factor model was examined using different language versions (English, French, Czech, Swedish) of the test using a one-year interval, and across 2-4 year intervals using the English version of the test. The two-factor Speed index improved reliability across multiple language versions of ImPACT. The Memory factor also improved but reliability remained below the traditional cutoff of .70 for use in clinical decision-making. ImPACT reliabilities remained low (below .70) regardless of whether the four-composite or the two-factor model was used across 2-, 3-, and 4-year time intervals. The two-factor approach increased ImPACT's one-year reliability over the traditional four-composite model among NHL players. The increased stability in test scores improves the test's ability to detect cognitive changes following injury, which increases the diagnostic utility of the test and allows for better return to play decision-making by reducing the risk of exposing an athlete to additional trauma while the brain may be at a heightened vulnerability to such trauma. Although the Speed Index increases the clinical utility of the test, the stability of the Memory index remains low. Irrespective of whether the two-factor or traditional four-composite approach is used, these data suggest that new baselines should occur on a yearly basis in order to maximize clinical utility.

  6. Educational Outreach at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivenberg, Paul; Thomas, Paul


    At the MIT PSFC student and staff volunteers work together to increase the public's knowledge of fusion science and plasma technology. Seeking to generate excitement in young people about science and engineering, the PSFC hosts a number of educational outreach activities and tours throughout the year, including Middle and High School Outreach Days. The PSFC also has an in-school science demonstration program on the theme of magnetism. As ''Mr. Magnet'' Technical Supervisor Paul Thomas brings a truck-load of hands-on demonstrations to K-12 schools, challenging students to help him with experiments. While teaching fundamentals of magnetism and electricity he shows that science is fun for all, and that any student can have a career in science. This year he taught at 75 schools and other events, reaching 30,000 teachers and students. He has expanded his teaching to include an interactive demonstration of plasma, encouraging participants to investigate plasma properties with audiovisual, electromagnetic, and spectroscopic techniques. The PSFC's continuing involvement with the MIT Museum and the Boston Museum of Science also helps familiarize the public with the fourth state of matter.

  7. Qualität auf dem Prüfstand

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaelis, Michael

    An einem Wochenende im Dezember 2009 beendete der chinesische Eisenbahn-Vizeminister Hu Yadong in Begleitung einer hochrangigen Delegation aus Experten des Department of Safety seines Ministeriums eine mehrtägige Europareise mit einem Besuch in der Konzernzentrale des weltweit führenden Herstellers von Bremssystemen für Schienen- und Nutzfahrzeuge in München. Schon in wenigen Jahren wird China über die weltweit größte Flotte an Hochgeschwindigkeitszügen verfügen und dabei sind Sicherheit und Qualität vorrangige Anforderungen. Knorr-Bremse liefert 100% der Bremsanlagen dieser Züge und hat vor kurzem mit rund 500 Millionen Euro den größten Auftrag in der Firmengeschichte erhalten. Das Unternehmen wird zusammen mit seinen chinesischen Partnern insgesamt 2.720 neue Wagen des chinesischen Hochgeschwindigkeitszuges CRH3 mit Brems- und Türsystemen ausrüsten.

  8. Internationalizing Practical ChE Education: The M.I.T. Practice School in Japan.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    O'Connor, Andrea J.; Kandas, Angelo W.; Natori, Yukikazu; Hatton, T. Alan


    Describes the establishment, benefits, and difficulties of an overseas branch of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) chemical engineering Practice School for student internship study at the Mitsubishi Chemical Corporation's Mizushima Plant in Kurashiki, Japan. (WRM)

  9. Report outlines gender equity progress at MIT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Showstack, Randy

    In 1994, 3 tenured women faculty at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology's (MIT) School of Sciences who were concerned about unequal treatment and the small percentage of women faculty there convinced the university to establish a committee to examine the issue.Now 5 years later, and after much research and focus on the issue, working conditions have improved and women faculty at the school total more than 10%, still a low number but a significant increase compared to a total that had been fairly fixed at about 8% for at least the last decade, according to a new report by the Committee on Women Faculty.

  10. Strahlungsfeldbedingungen bei der Ionisationsdosimetrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krieger, Hanno

    Bei der Dosimetrie von Photonenstrahlungen mit luftgefüllten Ionisationskammern werden in diesem Kapitel zwei Grenzfälle unterschieden. Der eine Fall ist die Bedingung des so genannten Sekundärelektronengleichwichts im Kammervolumen. In diesem Fall bestimmen ausschließlich die Photonen im Messvolumen die dosimetrische Anzeige. Der zweite Grenzfall ist gegeben, wenn das Luftvolumen und die Kammer das Strahlungsfeld im Phantom so wenig stören, dass der Sekundärelektronenfluss unverändert bleibt. Diese Bedingungen nennt man BRAGG-GRAY-Bedingungen. Beide Grenzfälle sind in der Praxis nur näherungsweise zu verwirklichen. Abweichungen müssen durch entsprechende Korrekturen oder Kalibrierungen berücksichtigt werden.

  11. [Ion mobility spectrometer (IMS): a novel online monitor of trace volatile organic compounds].


    Li, Fang; Xie, Zhi-yong; Schmidt, H; Sielemann, S; Baumbach, J I


    The principle, character and developments of the instrument of ion mobility spectrometry are introduced, the applications of IMS to chemical warfare agents, explosives, drugs, environments monitoring and on-site industrial sensing are discussed, and some work on IMS in ISAS is represented.

  12. Graduate Training and Potential Employment for Political Scientists: The MIT Perspective.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Altshuler, Alan

    This paper presents ideas on ways to help graduate students in political science to become more marketable for nonacademic positions. It also includes background information on the changing employment market for Ph.D.'s. These ideas were discussed at a 1980 meeting of teachers, graduate students, and recent Ph.D.'s at MIT. The purpose of the…

  13. Aus Wirtschaft und Betrieb. Biomasse: Gewinnung und Verarbeitung mit Profilschal-maschinen


    P. Koch


    1963 wurden in den Südstaaten der USA nur 30% der oberund unterirdischen Biomasse der geernteten sog. Southern pines für Schnittholz und Zellstoff verwertet bzw. als getrockneies, gehobletes und abgelängtes Schnittholz oder als Kraftpapier verkauft. Keine der zusammen mit den Kiefern vorkommenden Laubholzarten wurde bisher in nennenswertem Umfan verwertet. Auch heute...

  14. Die physikalischen Umweltwissenschaften und das Militär Zur Erforschung Grönlands im Kalten Krieg

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heymann, Matthias

    Die modernen Umweltwissenschaften stehen heute im Mittelpunkt von Forschungsförderung und öffentlicher Aufmerksamkeit. Im Zuge des seit den 1970er Jahren erwachten Interesses am globalen Wandel der Umwelt und den damit verknüpften Problemen, ist ihre Bedeutung rasch gestiegen. Viele Wurzeln der modernen Umweltwissenschaften liegen jedoch im Kalten Krieg.

  15. [COPD und Klangtherapie: Pilotstudie zur Wirksamkeit einer Behandlung mit Körpertambura bei COPD-Patienten].


    Hartwig, Bernhard; Schmidt, Stefan; Hartwig, Isabella


    Hintergrund: Erkrankungen der Atemorgane treten mit steigendem Alter öfter auf, nehmen weltweit zu und sind häufige Ursachen für Morbidität und Mortalität. In dieser Pilotstudie wurde der Frage nachgegangen, ob eine einmalige 10-minütige Behandlung mit einer Körpertambura eine signifikante und effektive Verbesserung der Lungenfunktion von Patienten mit chronisch-obstruktiver Lungenerkrankung (COPD; GOLD-Stadium A oder B) erbringen kann. Patienten und Methoden: 54 Probanden konnten je zur Hälfte in eine Behandlungsgruppe (Körpertambura) und eine aktive Kontrollgruppe (Atemtherapie) randomisiert werden. Eine Bestimmung der Lungenfunktionsmessparameter «Einsekundenkapazität» (FEV1) und «inspiratorische Vitalkapazität» (IVC) zu den Zeitpunkten T1 (Baseline), T2 (direkt nach Behandlung) und als Follow-up etwa 3 Wochen nach T1 (T3). Ergebnisse: Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte sich der Kontrollgruppe in beiden Werten signifikant überlegen. Die Zeit-×-Gruppe-Interaktion (Varianzanalyse) ergab p = 0,001 (FEV1) bzw. p = 0,04 (IVC). Die Behandlungsgruppe zeigte bei beiden Werten eine Verbesserung von klinischer Relevanz. Schlussfolgerung: Diese Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Klangbehandlung mittels einer Körpertambura - neben den schulmedizinischen, leitliniengerechten Therapien - eine zusätzliche, nebenwirkungsarme, aber durchaus klinisch wirksame Option für die Behandlung von COPD-Patienten darstellen kann, um deren Lebensqualität zu stabilisieren und zu verbessern. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  16. Evaluation of the Indian Migration Study Physical Activity Questionnaire (IMS-PAQ): a cross-sectional study.


    Sullivan, Ruth; Kinra, Sanjay; Ekelund, Ulf; Bharathi, A V; Vaz, Mario; Kurpad, Anura; Collier, Tim; Reddy, K Srinath; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Ebrahim, Shah; Kuper, Hannah


    Socio-cultural differences for country-specific activities are rarely addressed in physical activity questionnaires. We examined the reliability and validity of the Indian Migration Study Physical Activity Questionnaire (IMS-PAQ) in urban and rural groups in India. A sub-sample of IMS participants (n = 479) was used to examine short term (≤ 1 month [n = 158]) and long term (> 1 month [n = 321]) IMS-PAQ reliability for levels of total, sedentary, light and moderate/vigorous activity (MVPA) intensity using intraclass correlation (ICC) and kappa coefficients (k). Criterion validity (n = 157) was examined by comparing the IMS-PAQ to a uniaxial accelerometer (ACC) worn ≥ 4 days, via Spearman's rank correlations (ρ) and k, using Bland-Altman plots to check for systematic bias. Construct validity (n = 7,000) was established using linear regression, comparing IMS-PAQ against theoretical constructs associated with physical activity (PA): BMI [kg/m2], percent body fat and pulse rate. IMS-PAQ reliability ranged from ICC 0.42-0.88 and k = 0.37-0.61 (≤ 1 month) and ICC 0.26 to 0.62; kappa 0.17 to 0.45 (> 1 month). Criterion validity was ρ = 0.18-0.48; k = 0.08-0.34. Light activity was underestimated and MVPA consistently and substantially overestimated for the IMS-PAQ vs. the accelerometer. Criterion validity was moderate for total activity and MVPA. Reliability and validity were comparable for urban and rural participants but lower in women than men. Increasing time spent in total activity or MVPA, and decreasing time in sedentary activity were associated with decreasing BMI, percent body fat and pulse rate, thereby demonstrating construct validity. IMS-PAQ reliability and validity is similar to comparable self-reported instruments. It is an appropriate tool for ranking PA of individuals in India. Some refinements may be required for sedentary populations and women in India.

  17. MiT family translocation renal cell carcinoma.


    Argani, Pedram


    The MiT subfamily of transcription factors includes TFE3, TFEB, TFC, and MiTF. Gene fusions involving two of these transcription factors have been identified in renal cell carcinoma (RCC). The Xp11 translocation RCCs were first officially recognized in the 2004 WHO renal tumor classification, and harbor gene fusions involving TFE3. The t(6;11) RCCs harbor a specific Alpha-TFEB gene fusion and were first officially recognized in the 2013 International Society of Urologic Pathology (ISUP) Vancouver classification of renal neoplasia. These two subtypes of translocation RCC have many similarities. Both were initially described in and disproportionately involve young patients, though adult translocation RCC may overall outnumber pediatric cases. Both often have unusual and distinctive morphologies; the Xp11 translocation RCCs frequently have clear cells with papillary architecture and abundant psammomatous bodies, while the t(6;11) RCCs frequently have a biphasic appearance with both large and small epithelioid cells and nodules of basement membrane material. However, the morphology of these two neoplasms can overlap, with one mimicking the other. Both of these RCCs underexpress epithelial immunohistochemical markers like cytokeratin and epithelial membrane antigen (EMA) relative to most other RCCs. Unlike other RCCs, both frequently express the cysteine protease cathepsin k and often express melanocytic markers like HMB45 and Melan A. Finally, TFE3 and TFEB have overlapping functional activity as these two transcription factors frequently heterodimerize and bind to the same targets. Therefore, on the basis of clinical, morphologic, immunohistochemical, and genetic similarities, the 2013 ISUP Vancouver classification of renal neoplasia grouped these two neoplasms together under the heading of "MiT family translocation RCC." This review summarizes our current knowledge of these recently described RCCs. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Introducing the MIT Regional Climate Model (MRCM)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Eltahir, Elfatih A. B.; Winter, Jonathn M.; Marcella, Marc P.; Gianotti, Rebecca L.; Im, Eun-Soon


    During the last decade researchers at MIT have worked on improving the skill of Regional Climate Model version 3 (RegCM3) in simulating climate over different regions through the incorporation of new physical schemes or modification of original schemes. The MIT Regional Climate Model (MRCM) features several modifications over RegCM3 including coupling of Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS), a new surface albedo assignment method, a new convective cloud and rainfall auto-conversion scheme, and a modified boundary layer height and cloud scheme. Here, we introduce the MRCM and briefly describe the major model modifications relative to RegCM3 and their impact on the model performance. The most significant difference relative to the RegCM3 original configuration is coupling the Integrated Biosphere Simulator (IBIS) land-surface scheme (Winter et al., 2009). Based on the simulations using IBIS over the North America, the Maritime Continent, Southwest Asia and West Africa, we demonstrate that the use of IBIS as the land surface scheme results in better representation of surface energy and water budgets in comparison to BATS. Furthermore, the addition of a new irrigation scheme to IBIS makes it possible to investigate the effects of irrigation over any region. Also a new surface albedo assignment method used together with IBIS brings further improvement in simulations of surface radiation (Marcella and Eltahir, 2013). Another important feature of the MRCM is the introduction of a new convective cloud and rainfall auto-conversion scheme (Gianotti and Eltahir, 2013). This modification brings more physical realism into an important component of the model, and succeeds in simulating convective-radiative feedback improving model performance across several radiation fields and rainfall characteristics. Other features of MRCM such as the modified boundary layer height and cloud scheme, and the improvements in the dust emission and transport representations will be discussed.

  19. Factor Structure of ImPACT® in Adolescent Student Athletes.


    Gerrard, Paul B; Iverson, Grant L; Atkins, Joseph E; Maxwell, Bruce A; Zafonte, Ross; Schatz, Philip; Berkner, Paul D


    ImPACT ® (Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing) is a computerized neuropsychological screening battery, which is widely used to measure the acute effects of sport-related concussion and to monitor recovery from injury. This study examined the factor structure of ImPACT ® in several samples of high school student athletes. We hypothesized that a 2-factor structure would be present in all samples. A sample of 4,809 adolescent student athletes was included, and subgroups with a history of treatment for headaches or a self-reported history of learning problems or attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder were analyzed separately. Exploratory principal axis factor analyses with Promax rotations were used. As hypothesized, both the combination of Verbal Memory and Visual Memory Composite scores loaded on one (Memory) factor, while Visual Motor Speed and Reaction Time loaded on a different (Speed) factor, in the total sample and in all subgroups. These results provide reasonably compelling evidence, across multiple samples, which ImPACT ® measures 2 distinct factors: memory and speed. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  20. Hot-spot residues at the E9/Im9 interface help binding via different mechanisms.


    Wong, Sergio E; Baron, Riccardo; McCammon, J Andrew


    Protein-protein association involves many interface interactions, but they do not contribute equally. Ala scanning experiments reveal that only a few mutations significantly lower binding affinity. These key residues, which appear to drive protein-protein association, are called hot-spot residues. Molecular dynamics simulations of the Colicin E9/Im9 complex show Im9 Glu41 and Im9 Ser50, both hot-spots, bind via different mechanisms. The results suggest that Im9 Ser50 restricts Glu41 in a conformation auspicious for salt-bridge formation across the interface. This type of model may be helpful in engineering hot-spot clusters at protein-protein interfaces and, consequently, the design of specificity.

  1. 78 FR 22297 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on March 19, 2013... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (``IMS Global'') has filed written...

  2. 75 FR 51114 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on July 13, 2010... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications... research project. Membership in this group research project remains open, and IMS Global Learning...

  3. 76 FR 18797 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on March 3, 2011... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications... research project. Membership in this group research project remains open, and IMS Global Learning...

  4. 77 FR 34069 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on May 2, 2012... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications... remains open, and IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. intends to file additional written notifications...

  5. 77 FR 66635 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993; IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993; IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on October 9, 2012... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. (``IMS Global'') has filed written...

  6. Appeals Court Gives MIT Another Chance to Prove Benefits of Overlap Group.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jaschik, Scott


    A federal appeals court has given the Massachusetts Institute of Technology another chance to prove in court that the Overlap Group, of which MIT was a member, did not violate antitrust laws. The group of 23 colleges set common financial-aid awards for students admitted to more than one institution. (MSE)

  7. 76 FR 34252 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993; IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993; IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on May 9, 2011... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications... in this group research project remains open, and IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. intends to file...

  8. 77 FR 54611 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on July 16, 2012... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications.... Membership in this group research project remains open, and IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. intends to...

  9. Industrial Maintenance Technology (IM-TEC). Student Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fusch, Gene E.

    This student manual explains an innovative strategy through which Bellingham Technical College's (Washington) evening Industrial Electrician and Millwright Apprenticeships were aggregated with workforce upgrade course offerings to form the college's first evening degree program in Industrial Maintenance Technology (IM-TEC). Section 1 contains a…

  10. Design and Modeling of a Liquid Lithium LiMIT Loop

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Szott, Matthew; Christenson, Michael; Stemmley, Steven; Ahn, Chisung; Andruczyk, Daniel; Ruzic, David


    The use of flowing liquid lithium in plasma facing components has been shown to reduce erosion and thermal stress damage, prolong device lifetime, decrease edge recycling, reduce impurities, and increase plasma performance, all while providing a clean and self-healing surface. The Liquid Metal Infused Trench (LiMIT) system has proven the concept of controlled thermoelectric magnetohydrodynamic-driven lithium flow for use in fusion relevant conditions, through tests at UIUC, HT-7, and Magnum PSI. As the use of liquid lithium in fusion devices progresses, emphasis must now be placed on full systems integration of flowing liquid metal concepts. The LiMIT system will be upgraded to include a full liquid lithium loop, which will pump lithium into the fusion device, utilize TEMHD to drive lithium through the vessel, and remove lithium for filtration and degassing. Flow control concepts recently developed at UIUC - including wetting control, dryout control, and flow velocity control - will be tested in conjunction in order to demonstrate a robust system. Lithium loop system requirements, designs, and modeling work will be presented, along with plans for installation and testing on the HIDRA device at UIUC. This work is supported by DOE/ALPS DE-FG02-99ER54515.

  11. ImSyn: photonic image synthesis applied to synthetic aperture radar, microscopy, and ultrasound imaging

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turpin, Terry M.; Lafuse, James L.


    ImSynTM is an image synthesis technology, developed and patented by Essex Corporation. ImSynTM can provide compact, low cost, and low power solutions to some of the most difficult image synthesis problems existing today. The inherent simplicity of ImSynTM enables the manufacture of low cost and reliable photonic systems for imaging applications ranging from airborne reconnaissance to doctor's office ultrasound. The initial application of ImSynTM technology has been to SAR processing; however, it has a wide range of applications such as: image correlation, image compression, acoustic imaging, x-ray tomographic (CAT, PET, SPECT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), microscopy, range- doppler mapping (extended TDOA/FDOA). This paper describes ImSynTM in terms of synthetic aperture microscopy and then shows how the technology can be extended to ultrasound and synthetic aperture radar. The synthetic aperture microscope (SAM) enables high resolution three dimensional microscopy with greater dynamic range than real aperture microscopes. SAM produces complex image data, enabling the use of coherent image processing techniques. Most importantly SAM produces the image data in a form that is easily manipulated by a digital image processing workstation.

  12. AMANDA and D0 as a Test Environment for the LHC Computing Grid (in German)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Harenberg, Torsten


    Die Suche nach den Grundbausteinen der Materie und nach den Kräften, die zwischen ihnen wirken, ist das Forschungsgebiet der Hochenergiephysik. Mit immer größer werdenden Teilchenbeschleunigern erreicht man immer tiefer gehende Erkenntnisse und dringt dabei in Energiebereiche vor, wie sie kurz nach dem Urknall herrschten. Im Moment ist das Tevatron am Fermilab der energ piereichste Teilchenbeschleuniger der Welt mit einer Schwerpunktsenergie von √s = 1, 96 TeV. Um die bei diesen hohen Energien entstehende Anzahl von Teilchen zu messen, sind auch immer höher auflösende Detektoren nötig. Dem wurde dadurch Rechnung getragen, dass mit der Steigerung der Schwerpunktsenergie am Tevatron auch diemore » Detektoren DØ und CDF1) teilweise erneuert wurden.« less

  13. Geology of ultra-high-pressure rocks from the Dabie Shan, Eastern China

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schmid, Robert


    Inversion der Ersteinsätze gründet, konnte zusätzlich erstellt werden. Dieses Modell bildet deutlich die unterschiedlichen Lithologien auf beiden Seiten der Tan Lu Störung ab. Sedimente östlich der Störung zeigen Geschwindigkeiten von 3.4 - 5.0 km* s^-1, wohingegen die Gneise im Westen 5.2 - 6.0 km*s^-1 aufweisen. Die Geometrie der Geschwindigkeits-Isolinien kann als Ausdruck der Strukturen der Gesteine angenommen werden. Somit zeigen die Sedimente ein nordwestliches Einfallen zur Störung hin, wohingegen isoklinale Falten in den Gneisen abgebildet werden. Geländedaten aus der UHP Einheit des Dabie Shan ermöglichen die Definition von Grundgebirgs- und Deckeinheiten, die Teile des ehemaligen passiven Kontinentalrandes des Yangtze Kratons repräsentieren. Eine der Deckeinheiten, die Changpu Einheit, besitzt nach wie vor einen stratigraphischen Kontakt zu den Grundgebirgs-Gneisen. Der anderen Einheit hingegen, der Ganghe Einheit, fehlt ein entsprechendes Grundgebirge. Diese Einheit steht vielmehr über einen Blasto-Mylonit in tektonischem Kontakt zum Grundgebirge der vorherigen. Die Changpu Einheit baut sich aus kalk-arenitischen Metasedimenten auf, die mit Metabasalten assoziiert sind. Die Ganghe Einheit wird von arenitisch-vulkanoklastischen Metasedimenten, die ebenfalls mit metabasaltischen Gesteinen vergesellschaftet sind, dominiert. Das Grundgebirge baut sich aus diversen felsischen Gneisen auf, die von reliktisch eklogitfaziell bis grünschieferfaziell ausgeprägt sind, und in denen, zusätzlich zu Metabasalten, sporadisch mafisch-ultramafische Meta-Plutone auftreten. Mit Ausnahme der Ganghe Einheit, führen die Metabasite Coesit und belegen somit das UHP Ereignis. Die Mineralchemie der analysierten Proben dokumentiert deutliche Variationen in der Zusammensetzung der Hauptminerale, Granat und Omphazit, was entweder unterschiedliche Protolithe oder unterschiedliche Grade von Stoffaustausch mit den Wirtsgesteinen reflektiert. Gehalte von dreiwertigem Eisen in

  14. Regional climate projection of the Maritime Continent using the MIT Regional Climate Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    IM, E. S.; Eltahir, E. A. B.


    Given that warming of the climate system is unequivocal (IPCC AR5), accurate assessment of future climate is essential to understand the impact of climate change due to global warming. Modelling the climate change of the Maritime Continent is particularly challenge, showing a high degree of uncertainty. Compared to other regions, model agreement of future projections in response to anthropogenic emission forcings is much less. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal behaviors of climate projections seem to vary significantly due to a complex geographical condition and a wide range of scale interactions. For the fine-scale climate information (27 km) suitable for representing the complexity of climate change over the Maritime Continent, dynamical downscaling is performed using the MIT regional climate model (MRCM) during two thirty-year period for reference (1970-1999) and future (2070-2099) climate. Initial and boundary conditions are provided by Community Earth System Model (CESM) simulations under the emission scenarios projected by MIT Integrated Global System Model (IGSM). Changes in mean climate as well as the frequency and intensity of extreme climate events are investigated at various temporal and spatial scales. Our analysis is primarily centered on the different behavior of changes in convective and large-scale precipitation over land vs. ocean during dry vs. wet season. In addition, we attempt to find the added value to downscaled results over the Maritime Continent through the comparison between MRCM and CESM projection. Acknowledgements.This research was supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore through the Singapore MIT Alliance for Research and Technology's Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling interdisciplinary research program.

  15. An IMS Station life cycle from a sustainment point of view

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brely, Natalie; Gautier, Jean-Pierre; Foster, Daniel


    The International Monitoring System (IMS) is to consist of 321 monitoring facilities, composed of four different technologies with a variety of designs and equipment types, deployed in a range of environments around the globe. The International Monitoring System is conceived to operate in perpetuity through maintenance, replacement and recapitalization of IMS facilities' infrastructure and equipment when the end of service life is reached [CTBT/PTS/INF.1163]. Life Cycle techniques and modellization are being used by the PTS to plan and forecast life cycle sustainment requirements of IMS facilities. Through historical data analysis, Engineering inputs and Feedback from experienced Station Operators, the PTS currently works towards increasing the level of confidence on these forecasts and sustainment requirements planning. Continued validation, feedback and improvement of source data from scientific community and experienced users is sought and essential in order to ensure limited effect on data availability and optimal costs (human and financial).

  16. 40 CFR 52.2348 - National Highway Systems Designation Act Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 4 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false National Highway Systems Designation Act Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs. 52.2348 Section 52.2348 Protection of... and Maintenance (I/M) Programs. (a) On March 15, 1996 the Governor of Utah submitted a revised I/M...

  17. 40 CFR 52.2348 - National Highway Systems Designation Act Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 40 Protection of Environment 4 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false National Highway Systems Designation Act Motor Vehicle Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Programs. 52.2348 Section 52.2348 Protection of... and Maintenance (I/M) Programs. (a) On March 15, 1996 the Governor of Utah submitted a revised I/M...

  18. [Homöopathisch-phytotherapeutische Behandlung des Reizdarmsyndroms mit Magen-Darm-Entoxin N®: Eine Anwendungsbeobachtung].


    Märtens, Diane; Range, Natasha; Günnewich, Nils; Gruber, Nicola; Schmidt, Stefan

    Hintergrund: In dieser Anwendungsbeobachtung wird zum ersten Mal die Behandlung des Reizdarmsyndroms (RDS) mit einem homöopathisch-phytotherapeutischen Komplexpräparat beschrieben. Methodik: Ziel der 6-wöchigen Therapie mit dem Magen-Darm-Entoxin N® war die Reduzierung der RDS-Symptomatik sowie die Verbesserung der Lebensqualität. Zielkriterien waren die Veränderungen in der Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Severity Scoring System (IBS-SSS) und der Irritable Bowel Syndrome - Quality-of-Life Scale (IBS-QoL). Die Patient/innen (N = 41; Alter 44,0 ± 15,74 Jahre) wurden zu gleichen Teilen in einer Hausarztpraxis (N = 20) und einer Heilpraktikerpraxis (N = 21) rekrutiert. Ergebnisse: Der IBS-QoL-Score verringerte sich signifikant (prä: 35,9 ± 16,3; post: 20,1 ± 13,4; t = 8,504; p < 0,001). Die Effektstärke betrug 1,34 (Cohens d). Der IBS-SSS-Score verringerte sich ebenfalls signifikant (prä: 239,4 ± 83,4; post: 123,7 ± 80,9; t = 7,825; p < 0,001) mit einer Effektstärke von d = 1,24. Die Neben- und Wechselwirkungen waren minimal und signifikante Unterschiede zwischen beiden Praxen wurden nicht gefunden. Schlussfolgerungen: Magen-Darm-Entoxin N® ist eine sichere und sinnvolle Therapieoption bei der Behandlung des RDS. Allerdings sollten randomisierte kontrollierte Studien folgen, um die Spezifizität der Ergebnisse dieser Anwendungsbeobachtung zu stützen. © 2017 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  19. Evaluation of the Indian Migration Study Physical Activity Questionnaire (IMS-PAQ): a cross-sectional study

    PubMed Central


    Background Socio-cultural differences for country-specific activities are rarely addressed in physical activity questionnaires. We examined the reliability and validity of the Indian Migration Study Physical Activity Questionnaire (IMS-PAQ) in urban and rural groups in India. Methods A sub-sample of IMS participants (n = 479) was used to examine short term (≤1 month [n = 158]) and long term (> 1 month [n = 321]) IMS-PAQ reliability for levels of total, sedentary, light and moderate/vigorous activity (MVPA) intensity using intraclass correlation (ICC) and kappa coefficients (k). Criterion validity (n = 157) was examined by comparing the IMS-PAQ to a uniaxial accelerometer (ACC) worn ≥4 days, via Spearman's rank correlations (ρ) and k, using Bland-Altman plots to check for systematic bias. Construct validity (n = 7,000) was established using linear regression, comparing IMS-PAQ against theoretical constructs associated with physical activity (PA): BMI [kg/m2], percent body fat and pulse rate. Results IMS-PAQ reliability ranged from ICC 0.42-0.88 and k = 0.37-0.61 (≤1 month) and ICC 0.26 to 0.62; kappa 0.17 to 0.45 (> 1 month). Criterion validity was ρ = 0.18-0.48; k = 0.08-0.34. Light activity was underestimated and MVPA consistently and substantially overestimated for the IMS-PAQ vs. the accelerometer. Criterion validity was moderate for total activity and MVPA. Reliability and validity were comparable for urban and rural participants but lower in women than men. Increasing time spent in total activity or MVPA, and decreasing time in sedentary activity were associated with decreasing BMI, percent body fat and pulse rate, thereby demonstrating construct validity. Conclusion IMS-PAQ reliability and validity is similar to comparable self-reported instruments. It is an appropriate tool for ranking PA of individuals in India. Some refinements may be required for sedentary populations and women in India. PMID:22321669

  20. Luminescent Copper(I) Halide Butterfly Dimers Coordinated to [Au(CH3imCH2py)2]BF4 and [Au(CH3imCH2quin)2]BF4

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Catalano, V.; Moore, A; Shearer, J


    The coordination chemistry of copper(I) halides to the homoleptic, N-heterocyclic carbene Au(I) complexes [Au(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}quin){sub 2}]BF{sub 4} and [Au(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}py){sub 2}]BF{sub 4} was explored. The reaction of CuX (X = Cl, Br, I) with either [Au(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}quin){sub 2}]BF{sub 4} or [Au(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}py){sub 2}]BF{sub 4} produces trimetallic complexes containing Cu{sub 2}X{sub 2}-butterfly copper clusters coordinated to the two imine moieties. The triangular arrangement of the metals places the gold(I) center in close proximity ({approx}2.5-2.6 {angstrom}) to the centroid of the Cu-Cu vector. The Cu-Cu separations vary as a function of bridging halide with the shortest Cu-Cu separationsmore » of {approx}2.5 {angstrom} found in the iodo-complexes and the longest separations of 2.9 {angstrom} found in the bridging chloride complexes. In all six complexes the Au-Cu separations range from {approx}2.8 to 3.0 {angstrom}. In the absence of halides, the dimetallic complex [AuCu(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}py){sub 2}(NCCH{sub 3}){sub 2}](BF{sub 4}){sub 2}, containing a long Au-Cu distance of {approx}4.72 {angstrom} is formed. Additionally, as the byproduct of the reaction of CuBr with [Au(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}quin){sub 2}]BF{sub 4} the deep-red, dimetallic compound, AuCuBr{sub 2}(CH{sub 3}imCH{sub 2}quin){sub 2}, was isolated in very low yield. All of these complexes were studied by NMR spectroscopy, mass spectrometry, and the copper containing species were additionally characterized by X-ray crystallography. In solution the copper centers dissociate from the gold complexes, but as shown by XANES and EXAFS spectroscopy, at low temperature the Cu-Cu linkage is broken, and the individual copper(I) halides reposition themselves to opposite sides of the gold complex while remaining coordinated to one imine moiety. In the solid state all of the complexes are photoluminescent, though the nature of the excited state was not determined.« less

  1. An IMS-Based Middleware Solution for Energy-Efficient and Cost-Effective Mobile Multimedia Services

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bellavista, Paolo; Corradi, Antonio; Foschini, Luca

    Mobile multimedia services have recently become of extreme industrial relevance due to the advances in both wireless client devices and multimedia communications. That has motivated important standardization efforts, such as the IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) to support session control, mobility, and interoperability in all-IP next generation networks. Notwithstanding the central role of IMS in novel mobile multimedia, the potential of IMS-based service composition for the development of new classes of ready-to-use, energy-efficient, and cost-effective services is still widely unexplored. The paper proposes an original solution for the dynamic and standard-compliant redirection of incoming voice calls towards WiFi-equipped smart phones. The primary design guideline is to reduce energy consumption and service costs for the final user by automatically switching from the 3G to the WiFi infrastructure whenever possible. The proposal is fully compliant with the IMS standard and exploits the recently released IMS presence service to update device location and current communication opportunities. The reported experimental results point out that our solution, in a simple way and with full compliance with state-of-the-art industrially-accepted standards, can significantly increase battery lifetime without negative effects on call initiation delay.

  2. Evaluation of the MIT-Scan-T2 for non-destructive PCC pavement thickness determination.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The MIT-Scan-T2 device is marketed as a non-destructive way to determine pavement thickness on both : HMA and PCC pavements. PCC pavement thickness determination is an important incentivedisincentive : measurement for the Iowa DOT and contractors. Th...

  3. The MIT high resolution X-ray spectroscopy instruments on AXAF

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Canizares, C. R.; Dewey, D.; Galton, E. B.; Markert, T. H.; Smith, Henry I.; Schattenburg, M. L.; Woodgate, B. E.; Jordan, S.


    The general design and performance characteristics of MIT's two dispersive spectrometers, the Bragg Crystal Spectrometer (BCS) and the High Energy Transmission Grating Spectrometer (HETG), now being developed for the Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility (AXAF), are described. Particular attention is given to the development of the critical technologies incorporated into these instruments, including BCS diffractors, imaging gas flow proportional counters, and grating elements for the HETG. The principal stages and the current status of the developments are reviewed.

  4. MIT-KSC space life sciences telescience testbed

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    A Telescience Life Sciences Testbed is being developed. The first phase of this effort consisted of defining the experiments to be performed, investigating the various possible means of communication between KSC and MIT, and developing software and hardware support. The experiments chosen were two vestibular sled experiments: a study of ocular torsion produced by Y axis linear acceleration, based on the Spacelab D-1 072 Vestibular Experiment performed pre- and post-flight at KSC; and an optokinetic nystagmus (OKN)/linear acceleration interaction experiment. These two experiments were meant to simulate actual experiments that might be performed on the Space Station and to be representative of space life sciences experiments in general in their use of crew time and communications resources.

  5. Comparative costs of the Mouse Inoculation Test (MIT) and Virus Isolation in Cell Culture (VICC) for use in rabies diagnosis in Brazil.


    Bones, Vanessa C; Gameiro, Augusto H; Castilho, Juliana G; Molento, Carla F M


    The decision to use laboratory animals rather than in vitro methods is frequently based on the financial costs involved, so the objective of our study was to compare the costs of performing the Mouse Inoculation Test (MIT) and Virus Isolation in Cell Culture (VICC) for use in rabies diagnosis in Brazil. Based on observations of laboratory routines at the Pasteur Institute, São Paulo, we listed the fixed cost (FC) and variable cost (VC) items necessary to perform both tests. Considering that 200 MITs are equivalent to 350 VICC assays, in terms of facilities and staff-hours needed per month, we calculated, for both tests, the average total cost per sample, the costs of the implementation of the laboratory structure, and the costs of routine use. With regard to absolute values, the total cost was mainly influenced by FC items, as they represented 60% of the cost for the MIT and 86% of the cost for VICC. A sample analysed by the MIT costs around 205% more than one analysed by using VICC. The MIT costs 74% and 406% more than VICC, when implementation costs and routine use per month, respectively, are taken into account. Our results can assist in the resolution of costing disputes that could hinder the replacement of animals for rabies diagnosis in Brazil. The method demonstrated here might also be useful for cost comparisons in other situations where animal use still continues when validated alternatives exist. 2015 FRAME.

  6. Effects of Prior Aging at 191 C on Creep Response of IM7/BMI 5250-4

    DTIC Science & Technology



  7. Quantum Statistics of the Toda Oscillator in the Wigner Function Formalism

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vojta, Günter; Vojta, Matthias

    Classical and quantum mechanical Toda systems (Toda molecules, Toda lattices, Toda quantum fields) recently found growing interest as nonlinear systems showing solitons and chaos. In this paper the statistical thermodynamics of a system of quantum mechanical Toda oscillators characterized by a potential energy V(q) = Vo cos h q is treated within the Wigner function formalism (phase space formalism of quantum statistics). The partition function is given as a Wigner- Kirkwood series expansion in terms of powers of h2 (semiclassical expansion). The partition function and all thermodynamic functions are written, with considerable exactness, as simple closed expressions containing only the modified Hankel functions Ko and K1 of the purely imaginary argument i with = Vo/kT.Translated AbstractQuantenstatistik des Toda-Oszillators im Formalismus der Wigner-FunktionKlassische und quantenmechanische Toda-Systeme (Toda-Moleküle, Toda-Gitter, Toda-Quantenfelder) haben als nichtlineare Systeme mit Solitonen und Chaos in jüngster Zeit zunehmend an Interesse gewonnen. Wir untersuchen die statistische Thermodynamik eines Systems quantenmechanischer Toda-Oszillatoren, die durch eine potentielle Energie der Form V(q) = Vo cos h q charakterisiert sind, im Formalismus der Wigner-Funktion (Phasenraum-Formalismus der Quantenstatistik). Die Zustandssumme wird als Wigner-Kirkwood-Reihe nach Potenzen von h2 (semiklassische Entwicklung) dargestellt, und aus ihr werden die thermodynamischen Funktionen berechnet. Sämtliche Funktionen sind durch einfache geschlossene Formeln allein mit den modifizierten Hankel-Funktionen Ko und K1 des rein imaginären Arguments i mit = Vo/kT mit großer Genauigkeit darzustellen.

  8. E9-Im9 Colicin DNase−Immunity Protein Biomolecular Association in Water: A Multiple-Copy and Accelerated Molecular Dynamics Simulation Study

    PubMed Central


    Protein−protein transient and dynamic interactions underlie all biological processes. The molecular dynamics (MD) of the E9 colicin DNase protein, its Im9 inhibitor protein, and their E9-Im9 recognition complex are investigated by combining multiple-copy (MC) MD and accelerated MD (aMD) explicit-solvent simulation approaches, after validation with crystalline-phase and solution experiments. Im9 shows higher flexibility than its E9 counterpart. Im9 displays a significant reduction of backbone flexibility and a remarkable increase in motional correlation upon E9 association. Im9 loops 23−31 and 54−64 open with respect to the E9-Im9 X-ray structure and show high conformational diversity. Upon association a large fraction (∼20 nm2) of E9 and Im9 protein surfaces become inaccessible to water. Numerous salt bridges transiently occurring throughout our six 50 ns long MC-MD simulations are not present in the X-ray model. Among these Im9 Glu31−E9 Arg96 and Im9 Glu41−Lys89 involve interface interactions. Through the use of 10 ns of Im9 aMD simulation, we reconcile the largest thermodynamic impact measured for Asp51Ala mutation with Im9 structure and dynamics. Lys57 acts as an essential molecular switch to shift Im9 surface loop towards an ideal configuration for E9 inhibition. This is achieved by switching Asp60−Lys57 and Asp62−Lys57 hydrogen bonds to Asp51−Lys57 salt bridge. E9-Im9 recognition involves shifts of conformational distributions, reorganization of intramolecular hydrogen bond patterns, and formation of new inter- and intramolecular interactions. The description of key transient biological interactions can be significantly enriched by the dynamic and atomic-level information provided by computer simulations. PMID:19053689

  9. Plasma IMS Composition Measurements for Europa, Ganymede, and the Jovian System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sittler, E. C., Jr.; Cooper, J. F.; Hartle, R. E.; Paterson, W. R.; Christian, E. R.; Lipatov, A. S.; Mahaffy, P R.; Paschalidis, N.; Sarantos, M.; Coplan, M. A.; hide


    NASA and ESA are now planning a reduced version of the joint Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM), potentially including a radically descoped Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) but still with magnetometer and plasma instruments. Similar field and plasma instrumentation would also reside on ESA's Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter (JGO), which conceivably could carry out multiple flybys of Europa before entering orbit at Ganymede. We are developing the 3D Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) designed to measure both major and minor ion species within the high radiation environment of Jupiter's magnetosphere and the icy Galilean moons. The IMS covers the energy range from 10 eV to 30 keY, wide field-of-view (FOV) capability and 10-60 sec time resolution for major ions. This instrument has two main goals: 1) measure the plasma interaction between Europa and Jupiter's magnetosphere and 2) infer the global surface composition to trace elemental and significant isotopic levels; these goals are also applicable for in-situ measurements at Ganymede and Callisto, and remotely everywhere via the iogenic plasma for 10. The first goal supports the magnetometer (MAG) measurements, primarily directed at detection of Europa's sub-surface ocean, while the second goal gives information about transfer of material between the Galilean moons, e.g. mainly from 10 to the other moons, and further allows detection of oceanic materials emergent to the moon surfaces from subsurface layers putatively including salt water oceans. Outgassed exospheric materials are probed by the IMS by measuring pickup ions accelerated up to spacecraft altitudes of approximately 100-200 km in electric fields extending through the local magnetospheric environment and moon exosphere to the surface. Our 3D hybrid kinetic model of the moon-magnetosphere interaction is used to construct a global model of electric and magnetic fields for tracing of pickup ion trajectories back to the sources at approximate surface resolution of 100 km. We

  10. Plasma IMS Composition Measurements for Europa, Ganymede, and the Jovian Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sittler, E.; Cooper, J.; Hartle, R.; Paterson ,W.; Christian, E.; Mahaffy, P.; Paschalidis, N.; Lipatov, A.; Sarantos, M.; Coplan, M.; hide


    NASA and ESA are now planning a reduced version of the joint Europa Jupiter System Mission (EJSM), potentially including a radically descoped Jupiter Europa Orbiter (JEO) but still with magnetometer and plasma instruments. Similar field and plasma instrumentation would also reside on ESA's Jupiter Ganymede Orbiter (JGO), which conceivably could carry out multiple flybys of Europa before entering orbit at Ganymede. We are developing the 3D Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS) designed to measure both major and minor ion species within the high radiation environment of Jupiter s magnetosphere and the icy Galilean moons. The IMS covers the energy range from 10 eV to 30 keV, wide field-ofview (FOV) capability and 10-60 sec time resolution for major ions. This instrument has two main goals: 1) measure the plasma interaction between Europa and Jupiter s magnetosphere and 2) infer the global surface composition to trace elemental and significant isotopic levels; these goals are also applicable for in-situ measurements at Ganymede and Callisto, and remotely everywhere via the iogenic plasma for Io. The first goal supports the magnetometer (MAG) measurements, primarily directed at detection of Europa's sub-surface ocean, while the second goal gives information about transfer of material between the Galilean moons, e.g. mainly from Io to the other moons, and further allows detection of oceanic materials emergent to the moon surfaces from subsurface layers putatively including salt water oceans. Outgassed exospheric materials are probed by the IMS by measuring pickup ions accelerated up to spacecraft altitudes of approximately 100-200 km in electric fields extending through the local magnetospheric environment and moon exosphere to the surface. Our 3D hybrid kinetic model of the moon-magnetosphere interaction is used to construct a global model of electric and magnetic fields for tracing of pickup ion trajectories back to the sources at approximate surface resolution of 100 km. We

  11. First Observations of a Stellar Occultation by KBO (50000) Quaoar from MIT's George R. Wallace, Jr., Astrophysical Observatory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sallum, Stephanie; Brothers, T.; Elliot, J. L.; Person, M. J.; Bosh, A. S.; Zangari, A.; Zuluaga, C.; Levine, S.; Bright, L.; Sheppard, S.; Tilleman, T.


    Here we report the first recorded observations of a stellar occultation by Kuiper Belt Object (KBO) (50000) Quaoar. We detected a single-chord stellar occultation by Quaoar of a magnitude 16.2 star designated 26029635 UCAC2 (2MASS ID 1275509401), which occurred on 11 February 2011 UT. The prediction of the occultation was made using long baseline astrometric observations of Quaoar from several sites as part of the MIT Planetary Astronomy Laboratory's continuing effort to improve KBO positions for occultation prediction. The successful observations were made with a Celestron C14 0.36 m telescope and an SBIG STL-1001E CCD camera on a Paramount ME robotic mount. These observations show that a relatively accessible level of astronomical equipment, of the class often used by amateur astronomers, can be used to record KBO occultations. The data were taken at MIT's George R. Wallace, Jr., Astrophysical Observatory in Westford, MA. A light curve was generated from the data using aperture photometry on the individual images and is presented here. This light curve is being analyzed by Person et al. (this meeting) to provide constraints on Quaoar's size. We also discuss various observing strategies that could be used in the future to optimize the data from this type of event. This work was supported in part by grant NNX10AB27G to MIT from NASA's Planetary Astronomy Division. Student participation was supported in part by NSF's REU program, MIT's Undergraduate Research Opportunities Program, NASA's Massachusetts Space Grant, and the George R. Wallace, Jr., Astrophysical Observatory.

  12. PVD-Beschichtungstechnologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lake, Markus K.

    Die PVD-Technologie umfasst eine Reihe von Beschichtungsverfahren zur Abscheidung von Metallen, Legierungen oder chemischen Verbindungen durch Zufuhr von thermischer Energie oder durch Teilchenbeschuss im Hochvakuum. PVDVerfahren gestatten u. a. die Beschichtung bei niedrigen Prozesstemperaturen, so dass thermisch sensible Substrate, z. B. wärmebehandelte Stähle oder ausgewählte Kunststoffe, beschichtet werden können. Insbesondere mit dem Magnetron Sputter Ion Plating-Verfahren (MSIP-Verfahren) und mit dem Arc Ion Plating-Verfahren (AIP-Verfahren) ist es möglich, thermisch vorbehandelte Werkstoffe zu beschichten, ohne den eingestellten Wärmebehandlungszustand (Härte, Spannungszustand) zu verändern. Ferner können endbearbeitete Bauteile mit der PVD-Technologie beschichtet werden, da die eingesetzten PVD-Verfahren die Ausgangsoberfläche konturgetreu abbilden, ohne dass eine Nachbearbeitung erforderlich wird.

  13. Airbag-Systeme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kramer, Florian

    Heutige Pkw sind zum Schutz der Insassen bei Frontalkollisionen zu etwa 90 % fahrerseitig und zu ca. 70 % auf der Beifahrerseite mit Airbags ausgestattet, während die Seiten-Airbags zum Schutz des Kopfes und des Thorax von Insassen bei Seitenkollisionen nur mit ungefähr 40 bis 50% vertreten sind [1]. Weitere Schutzmaßnahmen wie Fuß- und Fond-Airbags befinden sich im Entwicklungsstadium, ihr Einsatz in der Serie ist umstritten und wird sich, wenn überhaupt, nur in Einzelfällen durchsetzen. In Bild C3-1 sind Airbags dargestellt, die heute serienmäßig in Pkw anzutreffen sind.

  14. Analytische Geometrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kemnitz, Arnfried

    Der Grundgedanke der Analytischen Geometrie besteht darin, dass geometrische Untersuchungen mit rechnerischen Mitteln geführt werden. Geometrische Objekte werden dabei durch Gleichungen beschrieben und mit algebraischen Methoden untersucht. Behandelt werden folgende Themen: Koordinatensysteme: Kartesisches Koordinatensystem der Ebene und des Raumes, Polarkoordinatensystem der Ebene, Zusammenhang zwischen kartesischen und Polarkoordinaten; Geraden: Geradengleichungen, Abstände von Geraden; Kreise: Kreisgleichungen, Kreisberechnungen; Kugeln; Kegelschnitte; Ellipsen; Hyperbeln; Parabeln; Anwendungen von Kegelschnitten aus Technik und Mathematik; Vektoren: Definitionen, Addition, Multiplikation, Komponentendarstellung in der Ebene und im Raum, Skalarprodukt, Vektorprodukt. Zu den einzelnen Themenkreisen sind Beispiele aufgeführt. Wichtige Regeln und Gesetze sind durch Umrandung besonders kenntlich gemacht.

  15. Novel potential diagnostic test for Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex using combined immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and PCR-CTPP.


    Intorasoot, S; Tharinjaroen, C S; Phunpae, P; Butr-Indr, B; Anukool, U; Intachai, K; Orrapin, S; Apiratmateekul, N; Arunothong, S; Suthachai, V; Saengsawang, K; Khamnoi, P; Pata, S; Kasinrerk, W; Tragoolpua, K


    To exploit immunomagnetic separation combined with PCR with confronting two-pair primers (IMS-PCR-CTPP) as a rapid method for detection of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex (MTC) and identification of Mycobacterium bovis from sputum specimens. Monoclonal antibody (mAb) against the mycobacterial antigen, 85B (Ag85B), was coupled with magnetic particles for specific immunomagnetic separation (IMS) of Mycobacterium spp. Immunofluorescence assay indicated the capability of mAb to bind to Ag85B in both the recombinant and the native form. The IMS combined with PCR-CTPP targeting the mycobacterial lep B gene was further implemented using 133 sputum samples with acid-fast bacilli grading from negative to 3+. The results showed the sensitivity and specificity of IMS-PCR-CTPP vs gold standard culture method were 89·9 and 88·6% respectively. The IMS-PCR-CTPP method shortens the time for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis from months to a day. This method is also suitable for investigation of MTC and epidemiological study of Myco. bovis in sputum specimens. This study is the first report emphasizing the combination of IMS and PCR-CTPP for the detection of MTC and simultaneous identification of Myco. bovis from sputum. It could be used for TB diagnosis in resource-limited countries with high TB burden. © 2016 The Society for Applied Microbiology.

  16. Ökophysik: Plaudereien über das Leben auf dem Land, im Wasser und in der Luft

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nachtigall, W.

    Prof. em. Dr. rer. nat. Werner Nachtigall, geb. 1934, war als Zoophysiologe und Biophysiker Leiter des Zoologischen Instituts der Universität des Saarlandes in Saarbrücken. In Forschung und Ausbildung hat er sich insbesondere mit Aspekten der Technischen Biologie und Bionik befasst und mit seinen Forschergruppen viele Basisdaten insbesondere zur Ökologie, Physiologie und Physik des Fliegens und Schwimmens aber auch zur Stabilität beispielsweise der Gräser erarbeitet. Lebewesen überraschen immer wieder durch ihre "Biodiversität", ihre hochspezifischen Ausgestaltungen und Anpassungen.

  17. Miniature GC-Minicell Ion Mobility Spectrometer (IMS) for In Situ Measurements in Astrobiology Planetary Missions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kojiro, Daniel R.; Stimac, Robert M.; Kaye, William J.; Holland, Paul M.; Takeuchi, Norishige


    Astrobiology flight experiments require highly sensitive instrumentation for in situ analysis of volatile chemical species and minerals present in the atmospheres and surfaces of planets, moons, and asteroids. The complex mixtures encountered place a heavy burden on the analytical instrumentation to detect and identify all species present. The use of land rovers and balloon aero-rovers place additional emphasis on miniaturization of the analytical instrumentation. In addition, smaller instruments, using tiny amounts of consumables, allow the use of more instrumentation and/or ionger mission life for stationary landers/laboratories. The miniCometary Ice and Dust Experiment (miniCIDEX), which combined Gas Chromatography (GC) with helium Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS), was capable of providing the wide range of analytical information required for Astrobiology missions. The IMS used here was based on the PCP model 111 IMS. A similar system, the Titan Ice and Dust Experiment (TIDE), was proposed as part of the Titan Orbiter Aerorover Mission (TOAM). Newer GC systems employing Micro Electro- Mechanical System (MEMS) based technology have greatly reduced both the size and resource requirements for space GCs. These smaller GCs, as well as the continuing miniaturization of Astrobiology analytical instruments in general, has highlighted the need for smaller, dry helium IMS systems. We describe here the development of a miniature, MEMS GC-IMS system (MEMS GC developed by Thorleaf Research Inc.), employing the MiniCell Ion Mobility Spectrometer (IMS), from Ion Applications Inc., developed through NASA's Astrobiology Science and Technology Instrument Development (ASTID) Program and NASA s Small Business Innovative Research (SBIR) Program.

  18. Criteria Underlying the Formation of Alternative IMS Configurations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dave, Ashok

    To assist the formation of IMS (Instructional Management System) configurations, three categories of characteristics are developed and explained. Categories 1 and 2 emphasize automation, and the necessity of forming workable configurations to carry out instructional management for Southwest Regional Laboratory developed instructional and/or…

  19. The Conceptual Structure of IMS Learning Design Does Not Impede Its Use for Authoring

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Derntl, M.; Neumann, S.; Griffiths, D.; Oberhuemer, P.


    IMS Learning Design (LD) is the only available interoperability specification in the area of technology enhanced learning that allows the definition and orchestration of complex activity flows and resource environments in a multirole setting. IMS LD has been available since 2003, and yet it has not been widely adopted either by practitioners or by…

  20. Detecting and Cataloging Global Explosive Volcanism Using the IMS Infrasound Network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matoza, R. S.; Green, D. N.; LE Pichon, A.; Fee, D.; Shearer, P. M.; Mialle, P.; Ceranna, L.


    Explosive volcanic eruptions are among the most powerful sources of infrasound observed on earth, with recordings routinely made at ranges of hundreds to thousands of kilometers. These eruptions can also inject large volumes of ash into heavily travelled aviation corridors, thus posing a significant societal and economic hazard. Detecting and counting the global occurrence of explosive volcanism helps with progress toward several goals in earth sciences and has direct applications in volcanic hazard mitigation. This project aims to build a quantitative catalog of global explosive volcanic activity using the International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound network. We are developing methodologies to search systematically through IMS infrasound array detection bulletins to identify signals of volcanic origin. We combine infrasound signal association and source location using a brute-force, grid-search, cross-bearings approach. The algorithm corrects for a background prior rate of coherent infrasound signals in a global grid. When volcanic signals are identified, we extract metrics such as location, origin time, acoustic intensity, signal duration, and frequency content, compiling the results into a catalog. We are testing and validating our method on several well-known case studies, including the 2009 eruption of Sarychev Peak, Kuriles, the 2010 eruption of Eyjafjallajökull, Iceland, and the 2015 eruption of Calbuco, Chile. This work represents a step toward the goal of integrating IMS data products into global volcanic eruption early warning and notification systems. Additionally, a better characterization of volcanic signal detection helps improve understanding of operational event detection, discrimination, and association capabilities of the IMS network.

  1. Computer-Aided Teaching Using MATLAB/Simulink for Enhancing an IM Course With Laboratory Tests

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bentounsi, A.; Djeghloud, H.; Benalla, H.; Birem, T.; Amiar, H.


    This paper describes an automatic procedure using MATLAB software to plot the circle diagram for two induction motors (IMs), with wound and squirrel-cage rotors, from no-load and blocked-rotor tests. The advantage of this approach is that it avoids the need for a direct load test in predetermining the IM characteristics under reduced power.…

  2. Rethinking the Relationship Between Academia and Industry: Qualitative Case Studies of MIT and Stanford.


    Zhu, Fengliang; Hawk, Soaring


    As knowledge has become more closely tied to economic development, the interrelationship between academia and industry has become stronger. The result has been the emergence of what Slaughter and Leslie call academic capitalism. Inevitably, tensions between academia and industry arise; however, universities such as MIT and Stanford with long traditions of industry interaction have been able to achieve a balance between academic and market values. This paper describes the strategies adopted by MIT and Stanford to achieve this balance. The results indicate that implicit culture is a stronger determinant of balance than are explicit rules. Finally, the author proposes a concept of balance to reconsider the relationship between academia and industry: today's universities, particularly those with strengths in engineering and management, are both symbiotic and interdependent with industry. A reasonable attitude toward the university-industry relationship is that of balance rather than strict separation. Universities can thus establish effective mechanisms to reach a balance between conflicting values.

  3. Betriebsführung multimodaler Energiesysteme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mackensen, Reinhard

    Die Transformation des Energiesystems von einer zentral geprägten, unidirektional orientierten und in unterschiedliche Sektoren separierten Struktur hin zu einer umfassenden, multimodalen, dezentralen und flexiblen Erzeuger- und Verbraucherlandschaft findet auf verschiedenen Ebenen statt. Randbedingung bei dieser Umwälzung ist immer die Einhaltung der Teilziele Versorgungssicherheit, Wirtschaftlichkeit und Effizienz. Im Einzelnen schlägt sich diese Transformation in einer Diversifizierung der Akteurslandschaft durch die Mechanismen des Unbundling nieder. Weiterhin finden eine Dezentralisierung der Erzeugerlandschaft und damit eine Substitution von mehrheitlich fossil betriebener Großkraftwerkstechnologie durch eine Vielzahl dezentraler Erzeuger mit zumeist regenerativem Charakter statt. Dieser Wandel hat im Wesentlichen zwei Hauptkonsequenzen. Zum einen ergeben sich durch dezentrale, flächige Verteilung der Erzeuger neue Anforderungen an den Energieaustausch, bspw. aus der Erweiterung der Stromnetze für einen bidirektionalen Energieaustausch, zum anderen werden Abstimmungsmechanismen erforderlich, welche die fluktuierende Einspeisung derart mit dem Verbrauch in Waage hält, dass sowohl elektrische Netzrestriktionen, die Qualität der Versorgung und Aspekte der Energieeffizienz und damit der Wirtschaftlichkeit berücksichtigt werden. Mögliche Antworten auf die mit dieser Betrachtung einhergehenden Fragen liegen in der Konzeption eines multimodalen Energiesystems, also in der Gesamtbetrachtung der Sektoren Strom, Wärme und Verkehr. Dieses Kapitel soll Mechanismen darlegen und Wege aufzeigen, wie eine solche Konzeption gestaltet werden kann und wie solche komplexen Systeme in der Praxis betrieben werden können.

  4. Online Hydrogen-Deuterium Exchange Traveling Wave Ion Mobility Mass Spectrometry (HDX-IM-MS): a Systematic Evaluation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cryar, Adam; Groves, Kate; Quaglia, Milena


    Hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS) is an important tool for measuring and monitoring protein structure. A bottom-up approach to HDX-MS provides peptide level deuterium uptake values and a more refined localization of deuterium incorporation compared with global HDX-MS measurements. The degree of localization provided by HDX-MS is proportional to the number of peptides that can be identified and monitored across an exchange experiment. Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has been shown to improve MS-based peptide analysis of biological samples through increased separation capacity. The integration of IMS within HDX-MS workflows has been commercialized but presently its adoption has not been widespread. The potential benefits of IMS, therefore, have not yet been fully explored. We herein describe a comprehensive evaluation of traveling wave ion mobility integrated within an online-HDX-MS system and present the first reported example of UDMSE acquisition for HDX analysis. Instrument settings required for optimal peptide identifications are described and the effects of detector saturation due to peak compression are discussed. A model system is utilized to confirm the comparability of HDX-IM-MS and HDX-MS uptake values prior to an evaluation of the benefits of IMS at increasing sample complexity. Interestingly, MS and IM-MS acquisitions were found to identify distinct populations of peptides that were unique to the respective methods, a property that can be utilized to increase the spatial resolution of HDX-MS experiments by >60%. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

  5. Kv1.3 channel blocker (ImKTx88) maintains blood-brain barrier in experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis.


    Huang, Jie; Han, Song; Sun, Qi; Zhao, Yipeng; Liu, Junchen; Yuan, Xiaolu; Mao, Wenqian; Peng, Biwen; Liu, Wanhong; Yin, Jun; He, Xiaohua


    Disruption of blood-brain barrier (BBB) and subsequent infiltration of auto-reactive T lymphocytes are major characteristics of multiple sclerosis (MS) and experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE). Kv1.3 channel blockers are demonstrated potential therapeutic effects on MS patients and EAE models, maybe via reducing activation of T cells. However, it remains to be explored whether Kv1.3 channel blockers maintain integrity of BBB in MS model. In this study, ImKTx88, a highly selective Kv1.3 channel blocker, was used to determine the role of Kv1.3 channel in the pathogenesis of EAE, particularly in the maintenance of BBB. ImKTx88 ameliorated pathological severity in the EAE rats, and reduced extravasation into CNS. ImKTx88 also ameliorated the severity of loss or redistribution of tight junction proteins, and inhibited over-expression of ICAM-1 and VCAM-1 in the brain from EAE rats. Furthermore ImKTx88 protection was associated with activation of Ang-1/Tie-2 axis, and might be due to decreased IL-17 production. ImKTx88 may be a novel therapeutic agent for MS treatment by stabilizing the BBB.

  6. MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-IMS)-application of spatial proteomics for ovarian cancer classification and diagnosis.


    Gustafsson, Johan O R; Oehler, Martin K; Ruszkiewicz, Andrew; McColl, Shaun R; Hoffmann, Peter


    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) allows acquisition of mass data for metabolites, lipids, peptides and proteins directly from tissue sections. IMS is typically performed either as a multiple spot profiling experiment to generate tissue specific mass profiles, or a high resolution imaging experiment where relative spatial abundance for potentially hundreds of analytes across virtually any tissue section can be measured. Crucially, imaging can be achieved without prior knowledge of tissue composition and without the use of antibodies. In effect MALDI-IMS allows generation of molecular data which complement and expand upon the information provided by histology including immuno-histochemistry, making its application valuable to both cancer biomarker research and diagnostics. The current state of MALDI-IMS, key biological applications to ovarian cancer research and practical considerations for analysis of peptides and proteins on ovarian tissue are presented in this review.

  7. MALDI (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization) Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) of skin: Aspects of sample preparation.


    de Macedo, Cristiana Santos; Anderson, David M; Schey, Kevin L


    MALDI (matrix assisted laser desorption ionization) Imaging Mass Spectrometry (IMS) allows molecular analysis of biological materials making possible the identification and localization of molecules in tissues, and has been applied to address many questions on skin pathophysiology, as well as on studies about drug absorption and metabolism. Sample preparation for MALDI IMS is the most important part of the workflow, comprising specimen collection and preservation, tissue embedding, cryosectioning, washing, and matrix application. These steps must be carefully optimized for specific analytes of interest (lipids, proteins, drugs, etc.), representing a challenge for skin analysis. In this review, critical parameters for MALDI IMS sample preparation of skin samples will be described. In addition, specific applications of MALDI IMS of skin samples will be presented including wound healing, neoplasia, and infection. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. I'm Positive: Growing Up with Self-Esteem.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kansas State Univ., Manhattan. Cooperative Extension Service.

    This document presents "I'm Positive: Growing Up With Self-Esteem," an informal, personal study course designed to strengthen the reader's ability to nurture self-esteem in children from birth through adolescence. Special emphasis is given to four parenting skills: acceptance, encouragement, empowerment, and love. Weekly activities are provided…

  9. A Synthetic Triterpenoid CDDO-Im Inhibits Tumorsphere Formation by Regulating Stem Cell Signaling Pathways in Triple-Negative Breast Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Wahler, Joseph; Liby, Karen T.; Sporn, Michael B.; Suh, Nanjoo


    Triple-negative breast cancer is associated with poor prognosis because of a high rate of tumor recurrence and metastasis. Previous studies demonstrated that the synthetic triterpenoid, CDDO-Imidazolide (CDDO-Im) induced cell cycle arrest and apoptosis in triple-negative breast cancer. Since a small subpopulation of cancer stem cells has been suggested to be responsible for drug resistance and metastasis of tumors, our present study determined whether the effects of CDDO-Im in triple-negative breast cancer are due to the inhibition of a cancer stem cell subpopulation. CDDO-Im treatment markedly induced cell cycle arrest at G2/M-phase and apoptosis in the triple-negative breast cancer cell lines, SUM159 and MDA-MB-231. Because SUM159 cells were more sensitive to CDDO-Im than MDA-MB-231 cells, the effects of CDDO-Im on the cancer stem cell subpopulation were further investigated in SUM159 cells. SUM159 cells formed tumorspheres in culture, and the cancer stem cell subpopulation, CD24−/EpCAM+ cells, was markedly enriched in SUM159 tumorspheres. The CD24−/EpCAM+ cells in SUM159 tumorspheres were significantly inhibited by CDDO-Im treatment. CDDO-Im also significantly decreased sphere forming efficiency and tumorsphere size in both primary and secondary sphere cultures. PCR array of stem cell signaling genes showed that expression levels of many key molecules in the stem cell signaling pathways, such as Notch, TGF-β/Smad, Hedgehog and Wnt, were significantly down-regulated by CDDO-Im in SUM159 tumorspheres. Protein levels of Notch receptors (c-Notch1, Notch1 and Notch3), TGF-β/Smad (pSmad2/3) and Hedgehog downstream effectors (GLI1) also were markedly reduced by CDDO-Im. In conclusion, the present study demonstrates that the synthetic triterpenoid, CDDO-Im, is a potent anti-cancer agent against triple-negative breast cancer cells by targeting the cancer stem cell subpopulation. PMID:25229616

  10. Von Donuts und Zucker: Mit Neutronen biologische Makromoleküle erforschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    May, Roland P.


    Für die Erforschung von Biomolekülen bieten Neutronen einzigartige Eigenschaften. Vor allem ihre unterschiedliche Wechselwirkung mit dem natürlichen Wasserstoff und seinem schweren Isotop Deuterium ermöglicht tiefe Einblicke in Struktur, Funktion und Dynamik von Proteinen, Nukleinsäuren und Biomembranen. Bei vielen Fragestellungen zur Strukturaufklärung gibt es kaum oder keine Alternative zum Neutron. Das Institut Laue-Langevin trägt Bahnbrechendes zum Erfolg der Neutronen-Methoden in der Biologie bei.

  11. Method for Estimating Evaporative Potential (IM/CLO) from ASTM Standard Single Wind Velocity Measures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    IM/CLO) FROM ASTM STANDARD SINGLE WIND VELOCITY MEASURES DISCLAIMER The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views of the...USARIEM TECHNICAL REPORT T16-14 METHOD FOR ESTIMATING EVAPORATIVE POTENTIAL (IM/CLO) FROM ASTM STANDARD SINGLE WIND VELOCITY...ASTM STANDARD SINGLE WIND VELOCITY MEASURES Adam W. Potter Biophysics and Biomedical Modeling Division U.S. Army Research Institute of Environmental

  12. Vom Urknall zum Durchknall

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Unzicker, Alexander

    Lautstarker Applaus erhob sich im Salon III/IV des Marriott-Hotels von Crystal City im amerikanischen Bundesstaat Virginia. In dem überfüllten Konferenzraum starrten alle wie gebannt auf die Leinwand, wo nicht mehr zu sehen war als ein nüchternes Diagramm aus zahlreichen Punkten und einer geschwungenen Kurve. Nureine eigenartige Personengruppe konnte sich davon zu Emotionen hinreißen lassen - Physiker auf der Jahrestagung der Astronomischen Gesellschaft, die ihren Begeisterungssturm noch minutenlang fortsetzten. Was war geschehen? Die im Diagramm aufgetragenen Daten bestätigten mit einer nie da gewesenen Genauigkeit ein fundamentales Naturgesetz zur Wärmeabstrahlung von heißen Körpern. 1900 von Max Planck entdeckt, leuchtete es nun in geradezu mathematischer Reinheit auf. Noch sensationeller war der Ursprung der Daten - Mikrowellensignale verschiedener Frequenzen, die nicht aus einem irdischen Labor stammten, sondern von einem heißen Urzustand des Universums! Ein Feuerball aus Wasserstoff und Helium, noch ohne jegliche Strukturen, die irgendwann Leben ermöglichen sollten, ließ damals seinem Licht freien Lauf. Mehr als zehn Milliarden Jahre war es bis zu den Detektoren des vom Menschen gebauten Satelliten COBE unterwegs, der wenige Tage zuvor die Daten übertragen hatte. Wenn ich das alles wie einen Film in meiner Vorstellung ablaufen lasse, bekomme ich immer eine Gänsehaut, als würde ich die inzwischen extrem abgekühlte Strahlung tatsächlich spüren. Ihre Gleichverteilung im Raum macht uns auch deutlich, dass wir uns nicht einbilden dürfen, an einem besonderen Ort im Universum zu leben - intelligente Aliens könnten sich seitdem überall entwickelt haben! Sollten sie - was nicht wahrscheinlich ist - uns wirklich von Zeit zu Zeit über die Schulter schauen, dann hätten sie an jenem Nachmittag des 13. Januar 1990, als der Vortrag stattfand, bestimmt anerkennend mit ihrem großen Kopf genickt.

  13. Automatische Kamerapositionierung für intra-operative Visualisierungen in der onkologischen Leberchirurgie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mühler, Konrad; Hansen, Christian; Neugebauer, Mathias; Preim, Bernhard

    In diesem Beitrag wird ein Verfahren vorgestellt, mit dessen Hilfe automatisch gute Blickpunkte auf dreidimensionale Planungsmodelle für die Leberchirurgie berechnet werden können. Das Verfahren passt die Position der virtuellen Kamera während einer Operation dynamisch an, insbesondere im Falle einer Aktualisierung von onkologischen Planungsdaten durch neue intra-operative Befunde.

  14. IMS Version 3 Student Data Base Maintenance Program.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brown, John R.

    Computer routines that update the Instructional Management System (IMS) Version 3 student data base which supports the Southwest Regional Laboratory's (SWRL) student monitoring system are described. Written in IBM System 360 FORTRAN IV, the program updates the data base by adding, changing and deleting records, as well as adding and deleting…

  15. Zuverlässigkeit digitaler Schaltungen unter Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kleeberger, V. B.; Schlichtmann, U.


    Die kontinuierlich fortschreitende Miniaturisierung in integrierten Schaltungen führt zu einem Anstieg des intrinsischen Rauschens. Um den Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen auf die Zuverlässigkeit zukünftiger digitaler Schaltungen analysieren zu können, werden Methoden benötigt, die auf CAD-Verfahren wie Analogsimulation statt auf abschätzenden Berechnungen beruhen. Dieser Beitrag stellt eine neue Methode vor, die den Einfluss von intrinsischem Rauschen in digitalen Schaltungen für eine gegebene Prozesstechnologie analysieren kann. Die Amplituden von thermischen, 1/f und Schrotrauschen werden mit Hilfe eines SPICE Simulators bestimmt. Anschließend wird der Einfluss des Rauschens auf die Schaltungszuverlässigkeit durch Simulation analysiert. Zusätzlich zur Analyse werden Möglichkeiten aufgezeigt, wie die durch Rauschen hervorgerufenen Effekte im Schaltungsentwurf mit berücksichtigt werden können. Im Gegensatz zum Stand der Technik kann die vorgestellte Methode auf beliebige Logikimplementierungen und Prozesstechnologien angewendet werden. Zusätzlich wird gezeigt, dass bisherige Ansätze den Einfluss von Rauschen bis um das Vierfache überschätzen.

  16. Digitale Transformation, aber wie? - Von der Spielwiese zur Umsetzungsplanung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaiser, Thomas

    Es besteht wohl kaum Anlass zur Annahme, dass die seit Jahrzehnten etablierten Markt- und Technologiestrukturen der Energiewirtschaft sich nicht in einem radikalen Ablöseprozess mit Gewinnern und Verlierern befinden. Aber Vorsicht - vordergründig bereits verloren erscheinende Geschäftsmodelle erfahren im Zuge der Digitalisierung einerseits noch intensiveren Wettbewerbsdruck, können aber andererseits von diesem "technologischen Jungbrunnen" profitieren, um verlorenes Terrain zurückzugewinnen. Im folgenden Kapitel wird ein Managementzyklus aufgezeigt, der in Anlehnung an die bereits erfolgreiche Implementierung digitaler R/Evolutionen anderer Branchen aufzeigt, wie die Geschäftsleitung systematisch kostenbewusst und zielorientiert die Digitalisierung umsetzen kann.

  17. Ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) for on- and offline analysis of atmospheric gas and aerosol species

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krechmer, Jordan E.; Groessl, Michael; Zhang, Xuan; Junninen, Heikki; Massoli, Paola; Lambe, Andrew T.; Kimmel, Joel R.; Cubison, Michael J.; Graf, Stephan; Lin, Ying-Hsuan; Budisulistiorini, Sri H.; Zhang, Haofei; Surratt, Jason D.; Knochenmuss, Richard; Jayne, John T.; Worsnop, Douglas R.; Jimenez, Jose-Luis; Canagaratna, Manjula R.


    Measurement techniques that provide molecular-level information are needed to elucidate the multiphase processes that produce secondary organic aerosol (SOA) species in the atmosphere. Here we demonstrate the application of ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) to the simultaneous characterization of the elemental composition and molecular structures of organic species in the gas and particulate phases. Molecular ions of gas-phase organic species are measured online with IMS-MS after ionization with a custom-built nitrate chemical ionization (CI) source. This CI-IMS-MS technique is used to obtain time-resolved measurements (5 min) of highly oxidized organic molecules during the 2013 Southern Oxidant and Aerosol Study (SOAS) ambient field campaign in the forested SE US. The ambient IMS-MS signals are consistent with laboratory IMS-MS spectra obtained from single-component carboxylic acids and multicomponent mixtures of isoprene and monoterpene oxidation products. Mass-mobility correlations in the 2-D IMS-MS space provide a means of identifying ions with similar molecular structures within complex mass spectra and are used to separate and identify monoterpene oxidation products in the ambient data that are produced from different chemical pathways. Water-soluble organic carbon (WSOC) constituents of fine aerosol particles that are not resolvable with standard analytical separation methods, such as liquid chromatography (LC), are shown to be separable with IMS-MS coupled to an electrospray ionization (ESI) source. The capability to use ion mobility to differentiate between isomers is demonstrated for organosulfates derived from the reactive uptake of isomers of isoprene epoxydiols (IEPOX) onto wet acidic sulfate aerosol. Controlled fragmentation of precursor ions by collisionally induced dissociation (CID) in the transfer region between the IMS and the MS is used to validate MS peak assignments, elucidate structures of oligomers, and confirm the

  18. An LC-IMS-MS Platform Providing Increased Dynamic Range for High-Throughput Proteomic Studies

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Baker, Erin Shammel; Livesay, Eric A.; Orton, Daniel J.


    A high-throughput approach and platform using 15 minute reversed-phase capillary liquid chromatography (RPLC) separations in conjunction with ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) measurements was evaluated for the rapid analysis of complex proteomics samples. To test the separation quality of the short LC gradient, a sample was prepared by spiking twenty reference peptides at varying concentrations from 1 ng/mL to 10 µg/mL into a tryptic digest of mouse blood plasma and analyzed with both a LC-Linear Ion Trap Fourier Transform (FT) MS and LC-IMS-TOF MS. The LC-FT MS detected thirteen out of the twenty spiked peptides that had concentrations ≥100 ng/mL.more » In contrast, the drift time selected mass spectra from the LC-IMS-TOF MS analyses yielded identifications for nineteen of the twenty peptides with all spiking level present. The greater dynamic range of the LC-IMS-TOF MS system could be attributed to two factors. First, the LC-IMS-TOF MS system enabled drift time separation of the low concentration spiked peptides from the high concentration mouse peptide matrix components, reducing signal interference and background, and allowing species to be resolved that would otherwise be obscured by other components. Second, the automatic gain control (AGC) in the linear ion trap of the hybrid FT MS instrument limits the number of ions that are accumulated to reduce space charge effects, but in turn limits the achievable dynamic range compared to the TOF detector.« less

  19. [Vegetarische und vegane Ernährung bei Kindern - Stand der Forschung und Forschungsbedarf].


    Keller, Markus; Müller, Stine


    Die Praxis vegetarischer Ernährungsformen ist in Deutschland im letzten Jahrzehnt deutlich angestiegen. Allerdings ist der Anteil vegetarischer und veganer Kinder dabei unbekannt. Studien mit Erwachsenen zeigen das präventive Potenzial, aber auch potenzielle Schwachstellen pflanzenbasierter Kostformen. Die Vorteile und Risiken einer vegetarischen bzw. veganen Ernährung im Kindesalter wurden bisher jedoch relativ selten untersucht. Außerdem lassen das unterschiedliche Alter der Kinder, das heterogene Studiendesign sowie die teilweise geringe Probandenzahl der Studien keine verbindlichen Aussagen zu. In dieser Übersichtsarbeit werden die Ergebnisse der wenigen Studien zu vegetarisch und vegan ernährten Kindern (< 12 Jahren) in Nordamerika und Europa zusammengefasst. Demnach lag die Zufuhr von Nahrungsenergie und Makronährstoffen vegetarischer und veganer Kinder meist näher an den Empfehlungen der Fachgesellschaften als die Ernährung gleichaltriger Mischkostkinder. Ebenso wiesen vegetarisch und vegan ernährte Kinder eine höhere Zufuhr von und bessere Versorgung mit verschiedenen Vitaminen und Mineralstoffen auf. Häufiger zeigten sich jedoch Defizite bei Vitamin B12, Zink, Kalzium, Eisen und Vitamin D. Das Wachstum und die Entwicklung vegetarisch und vegan ernährter Kinder entsprachen weitgehend den Referenzstandards, wobei sie dazu tendierten, leichter, schlanker und (< 5 Jahren) auch kleiner zu sein. Aufgrund der unzureichenden Studienlage besteht erheblicher Forschungsbedarf zu den Auswirkungen einer vegetarischen und veganen Ernährung im Kindesalter. © 2016 S. Karger GmbH, Freiburg.

  20. Detection capability of the IMS seismic network based on ambient seismic noise measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gaebler, Peter J.; Ceranna, Lars


    All nuclear explosions - on the Earth's surface, underground, underwater or in the atmosphere - are banned by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). As part of this treaty, a verification regime was put into place to detect, locate and characterize nuclear explosion testings at any time, by anyone and everywhere on the Earth. The International Monitoring System (IMS) plays a key role in the verification regime of the CTBT. Out of the different monitoring techniques used in the IMS, the seismic waveform approach is the most effective technology for monitoring nuclear underground testing and to identify and characterize potential nuclear events. This study introduces a method of seismic threshold monitoring to assess an upper magnitude limit of a potential seismic event in a certain given geographical region. The method is based on ambient seismic background noise measurements at the individual IMS seismic stations as well as on global distance correction terms for body wave magnitudes, which are calculated using the seismic reflectivity method. From our investigations we conclude that a global detection threshold of around mb 4.0 can be achieved using only stations from the primary seismic network, a clear latitudinal dependence for the detection threshold can be observed between northern and southern hemisphere. Including the seismic stations being part of the auxiliary seismic IMS network results in a slight improvement of global detection capability. However, including wave arrivals from distances greater than 120 degrees, mainly PKP-wave arrivals, leads to a significant improvement in average global detection capability. In special this leads to an improvement of the detection threshold on the southern hemisphere. We further investigate the dependence of the detection capability on spatial (latitude and longitude) and temporal (time) parameters, as well as on parameters such as source type and percentage of operational IMS stations.

  1. How is health-related "deservingness" reckoned? Perspectives from unauthorized im/migrants in Tel Aviv.


    Willen, Sarah S


    Do unauthorized im/migrants have a right to health? Do they deserve health care, or health protection, or access to the social determinants of good health? Are they party to prevailing social contracts, or does their exclusion from mainstream systems of health promotion, prevention, and care "make sense"? Questions like these, which generate considerable attention in multiple spheres of scholarship, policy, and public debate, revolve around an issue that merits substantially greater consideration among social scientists of health: health-related "deservingness." In addition to putting the issue of health-related deservingness squarely on the map as an object of analysis, this article further argues that we cannot focus solely on those with power, influence, and public voice. Rather, we also must investigate how deservingness is reckoned in relation to--and, furthermore, from the perspectives of-- unauthorized im/migrants and members of other groups commonly constructed in public and policy discourse as undeserving. Additionally, we must consider the complicated relationship between universalizing juridical arguments about formal entitlement to health rights, on one hand, and situationally specific, vernacular moral arguments about deservingness, on the other. The paper analyzes findings from a 29-month mixed-methods study conducted in Tel Aviv, Israel, that approached unauthorized im/migrants as subjects, rather than simply objects, of ethical deliberation. Participants' conceptions of health-related deservingness are investigated using two sources of data: (1) quantitative findings from a self-administered, closed-ended survey conducted with 170 im/migrant patients at an NGO-run Open Clinic (2002-2003), and (2) qualitative findings from the larger ethnographic study of which the survey was part (2000-2010). The study findings both (1) contradict commonly circulating assumptions that unauthorized im/migrants are "freeloaders," and (2) highlight the need for

  2. The (Im)possibility of the Project: Radford Address

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Green, Bill


    In this address, the author engages both with the possibility "and" the impossibility of the educational project--and suggests something of what it means to say this. His presentation is specifically addressed to the theme of the (im)possibility of the educational project. He draws from philosophy, literature, psychoanalysis and history,…

  3. MitBASE : a comprehensive and integrated mitochondrial DNA database. The present status

    PubMed Central

    Attimonelli, M.; Altamura, N.; Benne, R.; Brennicke, A.; Cooper, J. M.; D’Elia, D.; Montalvo, A. de; Pinto, B. de; De Robertis, M.; Golik, P.; Knoop, V.; Lanave, C.; Lazowska, J.; Licciulli, F.; Malladi, B. S.; Memeo, F.; Monnerot, M.; Pasimeni, R.; Pilbout, S.; Schapira, A. H. V.; Sloof, P.; Saccone, C.


    MitBASE is an integrated and comprehensive database of mitochondrial DNA data which collects, under a single interface, databases for Plant, Vertebrate, Invertebrate, Human, Protist and Fungal mtDNA and a Pilot database on nuclear genes involved in mitochondrial biogenesis in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. MitBASE reports all available information from different organisms and from intraspecies variants and mutants. Data have been drawn from the primary databases and from the literature; value adding information has been structured, e.g., editing information on protist mtDNA genomes, pathological information for human mtDNA variants, etc. The different databases, some of which are structured using commercial packages (Microsoft Access, File Maker Pro) while others use a flat-file format, have been integrated under ORACLE. Ad hoc retrieval systems have been devised for some of the above listed databases keeping into account their peculiarities. The database is resident at the EBI and is available at the following site: . The impact of this project is intended for both basic and applied research. The study of mitochondrial genetic diseases and mitochondrial DNA intraspecies diversity are key topics in several biotechnological fields. The database has been funded within the EU Biotechnology programme. PMID:10592207

  4. MIT-Skywalker: considerations on the Design of a Body Weight Support System.


    Gonçalves, Rogério Sales; Krebs, Hermano Igo


    To provide body weight support during walking and balance training, one can employ two distinct embodiments: support through a harness hanging from an overhead system or support through a saddle/seat type. This paper presents a comparison of these two approaches. Ultimately, this comparison determined our selection of the body weight support system employed in the MIT-Skywalker, a robotic device developed for the rehabilitation/habilitation of gait and balance after a neurological injury. Here we will summarize our results with eight healthy subjects walking on the treadmill without any support, with 30% unloading supported by a harness hanging from an overhead system, and with a saddle/seat-like support system. We compared the center of mass as well as vertical and mediolateral trunk displacements across different walking speeds and support. The bicycle/saddle system had the highest values for the mediolateral inclination, while the overhead harness body weight support showed the lowest values at all speeds. The differences were statistically significant. We selected the bicycle/saddle system for the MIT-Skywalker. It allows faster don-and-doff, better centers the patient to the split treadmill, and allows all forms of training. The overhead harness body weight support might be adequate for rhythmic walking training but limits any potential for balance training.

  5. Geschichtlicher Überblick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bölke, Klaus-Peter

    Die Nachweise einer schadlosen Ableitung von Abwässern lassen sich bis weit in die Vergangenheit zurückverfolgen. Sie waren bereits zur damaligen Zeit eine Forderung zur Pflege der öffentlichen Reinlichkeit. Der Kanalisationsbau ist auch immer ein Ausdruck der Kultur eines Volkes gewesen. So kann festgestellt werden, dass im Zusammenhang mit der Hochkultur eines Volkes auch der Kanalbau ein vorherrschendes Thema war. Der Kanalbau steht auch in einem engen Zusammenhang mit dem Wasserleitungsbau. Es ist nur logisch, dass dort wo Wasser teilweise aus großer Entfernung herangeführt worden ist, dieses dann nach Gebrauch auch wieder schadlos beseitigt werden musste.

  6. Zwischen Commonsense und Wissenschaft Mathematik in der Erziehungsphilosophie A. N. Whiteheads

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sölch, Dennis

    Obwohl Whitehead heute wie selbstverständlich als Philosoph rezipiert wird, so hat er seine wissenschaftliche Laufbahn doch als Mathematiker begonnen. Lange Zeit war er gemeinsam mit Bertrand Russell als Autor der Principia Mathematica unter Mathematikern und mathematischen Logikern deutlich besser bekannt als unter Philosophen. Doch selbst von denjenigen, die sich mit Whiteheads Überlegungen zur Metaphysik, zur Wissenschaftsgeschichte und zur Theologie befassen, werden seine Schriften zur Philosophie von Erziehung und Bildung häufig kaum beachtet. So entgeht es leicht, dass Whitehead nicht nur ein auf theoretischem Gebiet brillanter Mathematiker war, sondern sein theoretisches Fachwissen im Hinblick auf pädagogische und didaktische Relevanz fortwährend reflektiert hat.

  7. 75 FR 66791 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on September 30....C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications....r.l. has [[Page 66792

  8. Brennstoffzellentechnik

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kurzweil, Peter

    Brennstoffzellen "verbrennen" einen Brennstoff nicht mit einer Feuererscheinung unter Freisetzung von Wärme. Anders als ihr Name vermuten lässt, wird üblicherweise Wasserstoff wie in einer Batterie durch elektrochemische Vorgänge verstromt statt verbrannt. Brennstoffzellen wandeln die im Brennstoff gespeicherte chemische Energie direkt in Elektrizität — ohne Umweg über Wärme!

  9. Tokamak und Stellarator - zwei Wege zur Fusionsenergie: Fusionsforschung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Milch, Isabella


    Im Laufe der Fusionsforschung haben sich zwei Bautypen für ein zukünftiges Kraftwerk als besonders aussichtsreich erwiesen: Tokamak und Stellarator. Mit dem geplanten Tokamak-Experimentalreaktor ITER steht die internationale Fusionsforschung vor der Demonstration eines Energie liefernden Plasmas. Parallel soll die in Greifswald entstehende Forschungsanlage Wendelstein 7-X die Kraftwerkstauglichkeit des alternativen Bauprinzips der Stellaratoren zeigen.

  10. Teleoperation experiments with a Utah/MIT hand and a VPL DataGlove

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Clark, D.; Demmel, J.; Hong, J.; Lafferriere, Gerardo; Salkind, L.; Tan, X.


    A teleoperation system capable of controlling a Utah/MIT Dextrous Hand using a VPL DataGlove as a master is presented. Additionally the system is capable of running the dextrous hand in robotic (autonomous) mode as new programs are developed. The software and hardware architecture used is presented and the experiments performed are described. The communication and calibration issues involved are analyzed and applications to the analysis and development of automated dextrous manipulations are investigated.

  11. MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-IMS)—Application of Spatial Proteomics for Ovarian Cancer Classification and Diagnosis

    PubMed Central

    Gustafsson, Johan O. R.; Oehler, Martin K.; Ruszkiewicz, Andrew; McColl, Shaun R.; Hoffmann, Peter


    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) allows acquisition of mass data for metabolites, lipids, peptides and proteins directly from tissue sections. IMS is typically performed either as a multiple spot profiling experiment to generate tissue specific mass profiles, or a high resolution imaging experiment where relative spatial abundance for potentially hundreds of analytes across virtually any tissue section can be measured. Crucially, imaging can be achieved without prior knowledge of tissue composition and without the use of antibodies. In effect MALDI-IMS allows generation of molecular data which complement and expand upon the information provided by histology including immuno-histochemistry, making its application valuable to both cancer biomarker research and diagnostics. The current state of MALDI-IMS, key biological applications to ovarian cancer research and practical considerations for analysis of peptides and proteins on ovarian tissue are presented in this review. PMID:21340013

  12. 75 FR 64694 - Approval for Expanded Manufacturing Authority; Foreign-Trade Subzone 33E; DNP IMS America...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Manufacturing Authority; Foreign-Trade Subzone 33E; DNP IMS America Corporation (Thermal Transfer Ribbon Printer..., grantee of FTZ 33, has requested an expansion of the scope of manufacturing authority on behalf of DNP IMS... scope of manufacturing authority under zone procedures to include activity related to thermal transfer...

  13. Power-efficient method for IM-DD optical transmission of multiple OFDM signals.


    Effenberger, Frank; Liu, Xiang


    We propose a power-efficient method for transmitting multiple frequency-division multiplexed (FDM) orthogonal frequency-division multiplexing (OFDM) signals in intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM-DD) optical systems. This method is based on quadratic soft clipping in combination with odd-only channel mapping. We show, both analytically and experimentally, that the proposed approach is capable of improving the power efficiency by about 3 dB as compared to conventional FDM OFDM signals under practical bias conditions, making it a viable solution in applications such as optical fiber-wireless integrated systems where both IM-DD optical transmission and OFDM signaling are important.

  14. LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder: detecting multidimensional liquid chromatography, ion mobility and mass spectrometry features in complex datasets.


    Crowell, Kevin L; Slysz, Gordon W; Baker, Erin S; LaMarche, Brian L; Monroe, Matthew E; Ibrahim, Yehia M; Payne, Samuel H; Anderson, Gordon A; Smith, Richard D


    The addition of ion mobility spectrometry to liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry experiments requires new, or updated, software tools to facilitate data processing. We introduce a command line software application LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder that searches for molecular ion signatures in multidimensional liquid chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (LC-IMS-MS) data by clustering deisotoped peaks with similar monoisotopic mass, charge state, LC elution time and ion mobility drift time values. The software application includes an algorithm for detecting and quantifying co-eluting chemical species, including species that exist in multiple conformations that may have been separated in the IMS dimension. LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder is available as a command-line tool for download at The Microsoft.NET Framework 4.0 is required to run the software. All other dependencies are included with the software package. Usage of this software is limited to non-profit research to use (see README). Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online.

  15. Star in Deep Freeze Chills Theory, MIT Researchers Report

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    CAMBRIDGE, Mass. -- Like a frozen turkey that just won't thaw, a strange star near the center of the Milky Way is surprising MIT experts and colleagues with its remarkably low temperature. The odd behavior is chilling current theories of stellar physics. A famously battered neutron star named KS 1731-260 appears no hotter than some of its tranquil brethren, despite enduring the heat of constant thermonuclear explosions with the force of billions of hydrogen bombs every second across a region only a few miles wide for the past 12 years. Dr. Rudi Wijnands, an astrophysicist at MIT's Center for Space Research, used the Chandra X-ray Observatory to measure the temperature of the neutron star at a very opportune moment, only months after the nuclear war apparently ended and the smoke cleared. He presented his team's findings September 5 in Washington, D.C. at a scientific conference entitled "Two Years of Science with Chandra." "Twelve years of constant thermonuclear explosions: One would think that would heat things up," said Wijnands. "This leaves us wondering whether some neutron stars are in the freezer for a much longer time than previously thought and consequently take a long time to heat up, or whether they cool down incredibly fast. Either explanation has profound implications for our field." Neutron stars are the dense, core remains of stars once many times more massive than our Sun. They are created in dazzling supernovas, in which the outer shell of the star explodes into space, and the core, containing about as much mass as the Sun, implodes and collapses into a sphere no wider than Cambridge, Massachusetts. Despite their tiny size, neutron stars are visible in several ways. One is through accretion. Neutron stars are a strong source of gravity. When they exist in binary star systems, such as KS 1731-260, they can attract the gas from what is often a "healthy" hydrogen-burning companion star (although the nature of KS 1731-260's companion is not clear.) Gas

  16. Ab initio treatment of fully open-shell medium-mass nuclei with the IM-SRG

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stroberg, Ragnar; Calci, Angelo; Holt, Jason; Navratil, Petr; Bogner, Scott; Hergert, Heiko; Roth, Robert; Schwenk, Achim


    The in-medium similarity renormalization group (IM-SRG) is a recently-developed theoretical many-body framework which - like the coupled cluster and the self-consistent Green's function approaches - allows for the treatment of medium-mass nuclei using interactions fit at the few-body level. I will give a brief overview of how the IM-SRG may be used to decouple a shell-model type valence space. I will then describe a recent development for the approximate treatment of residual 3N forces in the valence space which extends the reach of IM-SRG to essentially all medium-mass nuclei, and I will present some selected results spanning isotopic chains from beryllium (Z=4) to nickel (Z=28). Finally, I will discuss the consistent treatment of transition operators, highlighting the potential for future applications in electroweak physics.

  17. 77 FR 12881 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on February 6, 2012... seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications... Global Learning Consortium, Inc. intends to file additional written notifications disclosing all changes...

  18. LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder. Detecting Multidimensional Liquid Chromatography, Ion Mobility, and Mass Spectrometry Features in Complex Datasets

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Crowell, Kevin L.; Slysz, Gordon W.; Baker, Erin Shammel


    We introduce a command line software application LC-IMS-MS Feature Finder that searches for molecular ion signatures in multidimensional liquid chromatography-ion mobility spectrometry-mass spectrometry (LC-IMS-MS) data by clustering deisotoped peaks with similar monoisotopic mass, charge state, LC elution time, and ion mobility drift time values. The software application includes an algorithm for detecting and quantifying co-eluting chemical species, including species that exist in multiple conformations that may have been separated in the IMS dimension.

  19. A Unidimensional Instrument for Measuring Internal Marketing Concept in the Higher Education Sector: IM-11 Scale

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yildiz, Suleyman Murat; Kara, Ali


    Purpose: Although the existing internal marketing (IM) scales include various scale items to measure employee motivation, they fall short of incorporating the needs and expectations of service sector employees. Hence, the purpose of this study is to present a practical instrument designed to measure the IM construct in the higher education sector.…

  20. The implementation of the Plan Esperanza and response to the imPACT Review.


    Vidaurre, Tatiana; Santos, Carlos; Gómez, Henry; Sarria, Gustavo; Amorin, Edgar; López, Marga; Regalado, Roxana; Manrique, Javier; Tarco, Duniska; Ayestas, Carlos; Calderón, Mónica; Mas, Luis; Neciosup, Silvia; Salazar, Miriam; Chávez, Juan Carlos; Ubillus, Milward; Limache, Abel; Ubillus, José Carlos; Navarro, Jeannie; Sarwal, Kavita; Sutcliffe, Simon; Gutiérrez-Aguado, Alfonso; Silva, Marianela; Mena, Amalia; Guillén, María Eugenia; Castañeda, Carlos; Abugattas, Julio


    Following the implementation of the National Cancer Prevention and Control Results-based Budget Programme (PpR Cancer-024) in 2011, the Peruvian Government approved the Plan Esperanza-a population-based national cancer control plan-in 2012. Legislation that ensured full government-supported funding for people who were otherwise unable to access or afford care and treatment accompanied the Plan. In 2013, the Ministry of Health requested an integrated mission of the Programme of Action for Cancer Therapy (imPACT) report to strengthen cancer control in Peru. The imPACT Review, which was executed in 2014, assessed Peru's achievements in cancer control, and areas for improvement, including cancer control planning, further development of population-based cancer registration, increased prevention, early diagnosis, treatment and palliative care, and the engagement and participation of civil society in the health-care system. This Series paper gives a brief history of the development of the Plan Esperanza, describes the innovative funding model that supports it, and summarises how funds are disseminated on the basis of disease, geography, and demographics. An overview of the imPACT Review, and the government's response in the context of the Plan Esperanza, is provided. The development and execution of the Plan Esperanza and the execution of and response to the imPACT Review demonstrates the Peruvian Government's commitment to fighting cancer across the country, including in remote and urban areas. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Epidemiologie, Prävention und Früherkennung des Zervixkarzinoms

    PubMed Central

    Wentzensen, Nicolas


    Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Persistierende Infektionen mit humanen Papillomviren sind die notwendige Ursache des Zervixkarzinoms. Die Entwicklung von HPV-basierten Präventionsverfahren, der HPV Impfung und der HPV-Testung, führt derzeit zu umfangreichen Veränderungen von Zervixkarzinom-Vorsorgeprogrammen. Eine Dekade nach Einführung der HPV-Imfpung in vielen Ländern werden bereits Reduktionen von HPV-Infektionen und Krebsvorstufen in jungen Frauen beobachtet. Der Fokus liegt jetzt auf der Integration von neuen Testverfahren im Screening von Populationen mit zunehmenden Impfraten. Ergebnisse und Schlussfolgerung Ein erfolgreiches Zervixkarzinom-Vorsorgeprogramm besteht aus verschiedenen Komponenten, vom primären Screening über die Triage zur Kolposkopie mit Biopsie, um Frauen mit Kresbvorstufen zu identifizieren, die eine therapeutische Intervention benötigen. Im primären Screening wird eine kleine Gruppe von Frauen mit erhöhtem Risiko für eine Krebsvorstufe identifiziert, während die grosse Mehrheit kein erhöhtes Risiko hat. Je nach primärem Testverfahren werden in screen-positiven Frauen zusätzliche Triage-Tests durchgeführt, um zu entscheiden, wer zur Kolposkopie überwiesen werden sollte. Derzeit gibt es drei verschiedene Ansätze für das primäre Zervixkarzinomscreening: Die Zervix-Zytologie, die HPV-Testung, und die HPV-Zytologie Ko-Testung. Zahlreiche Triage-Tests für HPV-positive Frauen werden derzeit untersucht, darunter sind die Zytologie, HPV-Genotypisierung, p16/Ki-67 Zytologie, und diverse Methylierungstests. Die steigende Anzahl an Optionen für die Früherkennung des Zervixkarzinoms stellt eine Herausforderung für klinische Leitlinien dar. Die zunehmende Komplexität von Vorsorgeprogrammen kann zur Verunsicherung von Ärzten und von am Screening teilnehmenden Frauen führen. Die Präzisions-Prävention des Zervixkarzinoms ist eine neuer Ansatz, der umfangreiche Risikodaten basierend auf der individuellen Vorgeschichte und von

  2. 76 FR 79217 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on November 28....C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. has filed written notifications... Global Learning Consortium, Inc. intends to file additional written notifications disclosing all changes...

  3. Invalid performance and the ImPACT in national collegiate athletic association division I football players.


    Szabo, Ashley J; Alosco, Michael L; Fedor, Andrew; Gunstad, John


    Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) is a computerized cognitive test battery commonly used for concussion evaluation. An important aspect of these procedures is baseline testing, but researchers have suggested that many users do not use validity indices to ensure adequate effort during testing. No one has examined the prevalence of invalid performance for college football players. To examine the prevalence of invalid scores on ImPACT testing. Cross-sectional study. National Collegiate Athletic Association Division I university. A total of 159 athletes (age = 20.3 ± 1.41 years; range = 17.8-23.7 years) from a Division I collegiate football team participated. An informational intervention regarding the importance of concussion testing to promote safety was administered before testing for the most recent season. We examined preseason ImPACT testing data across a 3-year period (total assessments = 269). Based on invalid and sandbagging indices denoted by the ImPACT manual, protocols were examined to indicate how many invalid indices each athlete had. A total of 27.9% (n = 75) of assessments were suggestive of invalid scores, with 4.1% (n = 11) suggesting invalid responding only, 17.5% (n = 47) indicating "sandbagging" only, and 6.3% (n = 17) showing both invalid and sandbagging responding. The informational intervention did not reduce the prevalence of invalid responding. These findings highlight the need for further information about the ImPACT validity indices and whether they truly reflect poor effort. Future work is needed to identify practices to reliably target and reduce invalid responding.

  4. Lasers, their development, and applications at M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rediker, R. H.; Melngailis, I.; Mooradian, A.


    A historical account of the work on lasers at MIT Lincoln Laboratory is presented. Highlighted are the efforts that led to the coinvention of the semiconductor laser and the Laboratory's later role in establishing the feasibility of GaInAsP/InP semiconductor lasers for use in fiber telecommunications at 1.3-1.5 micron wavelengths. Descriptions of other important developments include tunable lead-salt semiconductor and solid-state lasers for spectroscopy and LIDAR applications, respectively, as well as ultrastable CO2 lasers for coherent infrared radar.

  5. Consequences of localized frustration for the folding mechanism of the IM7 protein

    PubMed Central

    Sutto, Ludovico; Lätzer, Joachim; Hegler, Joseph A.; Ferreiro, Diego U.; Wolynes, Peter G.


    In the laboratory, IM7 has been found to have an unusual folding mechanism in which an “on-pathway” intermediate with nonnative interactions is formed. We show that this intermediate is a consequence of an unusual cluster of highly frustrated interactions in the native structure. This cluster is involved in the binding of IM7 to its target, Colicin E7. Redesign of residues in this cluster to eliminate frustration is predicted by simulations to lead to faster folding without the population of an intermediate ensemble. PMID:18077415

  6. Collaborative Research: Calibration for IMS Stations in Eastern Asia

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Atomnaya Energia , Vol.87, Issue 3, 1989 (in Russian). 142 BondAr, I. Combining 1-D models for regional calibration, in Proceedings of a Workshop on IMS...Zelentsov and V.N. Mikhailov, Characteristics of 96 underground nuclear explosions at the Semipalatinsk Test Site, Atomaya Energia , (in Russian), Vol. 67

  7. Specific interaction of IM30/Vipp1 with cyanobacterial and chloroplast membranes results in membrane remodeling and eventually in membrane fusion.


    Heidrich, Jennifer; Thurotte, Adrien; Schneider, Dirk


    The photosynthetic light reaction takes place within the thylakoid membrane system in cyanobacteria and chloroplasts. Besides its global importance, the biogenesis, maintenance and dynamics of this membrane system are still a mystery. In the last two decades, strong evidence supported the idea that these processes involve IM30, the inner membrane-associated protein of 30kDa, a protein also known as the vesicle-inducing protein in plastids 1 (Vipp1). Even though we just only begin to understand the precise physiological function of this protein, it is clear that interaction of IM30 with membranes is crucial for biogenesis of thylakoid membranes. Here we summarize and discuss forces guiding IM30-membrane interactions, as the membrane properties as well as the oligomeric state of IM30 appear to affect proper interaction of IM30 with membrane surfaces. Interaction of IM30 with membranes results in an altered membrane structure and can finally trigger fusion of adjacent membranes, when Mg 2+ is present. Based on recent results, we finally present a model summarizing individual steps involved in IM30-mediated membrane fusion. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Lipid order/lipid defects and lipid-control of protein activity edited by Dirk Schneider. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Einsatz und Wirksamkeit von Systemtherapien bei Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis: Erste Ergebnisse des deutschen Neurodermitis-Registers TREATgermany.


    Schmitt, Jochen; Abraham, Susanne; Trautmann, Freya; Stephan, Victoria; Fölster-Holst, Regina; Homey, Bernhard; Bieber, Thomas; Novak, Natalija; Sticherling, Michael; Augustin, Matthias; Kleinheinz, Andreas; Elsner, Peter; Weidinger, Stephan; Werfel, Thomas


    Versorgungsregister dienen der Erfassung des Einsatzes und der Wirksamkeit von Therapien unter realen Versorgungsbedingungen und sind als Basis einer evidenzbasierten Gesundheitsversorgung unverzichtbar. Das deutsche Neurodermitis-Register TREATgermany wurde als weltweit erstes Register für Patienten mit schwerer Neurodermitis 2011 initiiert. Erwachsene mit schwerer Neurodermitis (aktuelle/frühere antientzündliche Systemtherapie und/oder objektiver SCORAD ≥ 40) werden über einen Zeitraum von 24 Monaten prospektiv beobachtet. Anhand validierter Erhebungsinstrumente werden die klinische Erkrankungsschwere (EASI, SCORAD), Lebensqualität (DLQI), Symptome, globale Erkrankungsschwere sowie die Patientenzufriedenheit erfasst und die durchgeführten Therapien dokumentiert. Die vorliegende Analyse beschreibt die Charakteristika, Therapiewahl und Wirksamkeit der eingesetzten antiinflammatorischen Systemtherapien der bis Oktober 2014 eingeschlossenen Patienten. An fünf Zentren wurden insgesamt 78 Patienten (Durchschnittsalter 39 Jahre, 61 % männlich) eingeschlossen. Bei den Patienten besteht eine hohe Inanspruchnahme ambulanter und stationärer Leistungen. Ciclosporin war das am häufigsten eingesetzte Systemtherapeutikum und zeigte die höchste klinische Effektivität (EASI-50-Ansprechrate 51 %; EASI-75-Ansprechrate 34 % nach zwölfwöchiger Therapie). Azathioprin, Methotrexat (MTX), Prednisolon oral, Mycophenolat, Alitretinoin und Leflunomid wurden ebenfalls bei einzelnen Patienten eingesetzt. Die vorliegende Registerauswertung gibt wichtige Hinweise zur derzeitigen Versorgung von Erwachsenen mit schwerer Neurodermitis in Deutschland, dokumentiert die hohe Erkrankungslast, den Nutzen vorhandener Therapien und den Bedarf an weiteren, effektiven und in der Langzeitanwendung sicheren Therapieoptionen. © 2017 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  9. 75 FR 35088 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Correction The document appearing on June 4... Global Learning Consortium, Inc.; In the second line, first paragraph, INS should read as IMS; In the...

  10. Interactive Web-Based and Hands-On Engineering Education: A Freshman Aerospace Design Course at MIT.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Newman, Dava J.

    "Introduction to Aerospace and Design" is a 3-hour per week freshman elective course at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) that culminates in a Lighter-Than-Air (LTA) vehicle design competition, exposing freshmen to the excitement of aerospace engineering design typically taught in the junior or senior years. In addition to the…

  11. Engineering and development projects for the sustainment and enhancement of the IMS infrasound network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marty, J.; Martysevich, P.; Kramer, A.; Haralabus, G.


    The Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) has a continuous interest in enhancing its capability in infrasound source localization and characterization. This capability is based on the processing of data recorded by the infrasound network of the International Monitoring System (IMS). This infrasound network consists of sixty stations, among which forty-five are already certified and continuously transmit data to the International Data Center (IDC) in Vienna, Austria. Each infrasound station is composed of an array of infrasound sensors capable of measuring micro-pressure changes produced at ground level by infrasonic waves. It is the responsibility of the Engineering and Development Section of the IMS Division to ensure the highest quality for IMS infrasound data. This includes the design of robust and reliable infrasound stations, the use of accurate and calibrated infrasound measuring chains, the installation of efficient wind noise reduction systems and the implementation of quality-control tools. The purpose of this paper is to present ongoing PTS infrasound engineering and development projects related to the testing and validation of wind noise reduction system models, the implementation of infrasound data QC tools, the definition of guidelines for the design of IMS power supply systems and the development of a portable infrasound calibrator and of field kits for site survey and certification.

  12. Personen- und Güterverkehr

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flämig, Heike; Gertz, Carsten; Mühlhausen, Thorsten

    Im Jahr 2010 war in Deutschland der Verkehrssektor für fast 20 % der energiebedingten Treibhausgase verantwortlich. Das Klima hat sich bereits so weit verändert, dass zur Sicherung der Funktion der Verkehrssysteme auch Anpassungsmaßnahmen notwendig sind. Diese Maßnahmen müssen durch verkehrsreduzierende bzw. -beeinflussende Maßnahmen ergänzt werden. Ausgehend von den Emissionen im Verkehrssektor und möglichen Minderungen schlägt das Kapitel den Bogen zu Optionen der Anpassung an den Klimawandel, die ausführlich und konkret dargestellt werden. Besonders betrachtet werden die mannigfaltigen Gefahren der Rückkopplung sowie die vielfältigen Wechselwirungen mit anderen Themengebieten und Sektoren.

  13. A two-factor theory for concussion assessment using ImPACT: memory and speed.


    Schatz, Philip; Maerlender, Arthur


    We present the initial validation of a two-factor structure of Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) using ImPACT composite scores and document the reliability and validity of this factor structure. Factor analyses were conducted for baseline (N = 21,537) and post-concussion (N = 560) data, yielding "Memory" (Verbal and Visual) and "Speed" (Visual Motor Speed and Reaction Time) Factors; inclusion of Total Symptom Scores resulted in a third discrete factor. Speed and Memory z-scores were calculated, and test-retest reliability (using intra-class correlation coefficients) at 1 month (0.88/0.81), 1 year (0.85/0.75), and 2 years (0.76/0.74) were higher than published data using Composite scores. Speed and Memory scores yielded 89% sensitivity and 70% specificity, which was higher than composites (80%/62%) and comparable with subscales (91%/69%). This emergent two-factor structure has improved test-retest reliability with no loss of sensitivity/specificity and may improve understanding and interpretability of ImPACT test results.

  14. MIT Project Apophis: Surface Evaulation & Tomography (SET) Mission Study for the April 2029 Earth Encounter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Binzel, R. P.; Earle, A. M.; Vanatta, M.; Miller, D. W.


    Nature is providing a once-per-thousand year opportunity to study the geophysical outcome induced on an unprecedentedly large (350 meter) asteroid making an extremely close passage by the Earth (inside the distance of geosynchronous satellites) on Friday April 13, 2029. The aircraft carrier-sized (estimated 20 million metric ton) asteroid is named Apophis. While many previous spacecraft missions have studied asteroids, none has ever had the opportunity to study "live" the outcome of planetary tidal forces on their shapes, spin states, surface geology, and internal structure. Beyond the science interest directly observing this planetary process, the Apophis encounter provides an invaluable opportunity to gain knowledge for any eventuality of a known asteroid found to be on a certain impact trajectory. MIT's Project Apophis [1] is our response to nature's generous opportunity by developing a detailed mission concept for sending a spacecraft to orbit Apophis with the objectives of surveying its surface and interior structure before, during, and after its 2029 near-Earth encounter. The Surface Evaluation & Tomography (SET) mission concept we present is designed toward accomplishing three key science objectives: (1) bulk physical characterization, (2) internal structure, and (3) long-term orbit tracking. For its first mission objective, SET will study Apophis' bulk properties, including: shape, size, mass, volume, bulk density, surface geology, and composition, rotation rate, and spin state. The second mission objective is to characterize Apophis' internal structure before and after the encounter to determine its strength and cohesion - including tidally induced changes. Finally, the third objective studies the process of thermal re-radiation and consequential Yarkovsky drift, whose results will improve orbit predictions for Apophis as well as other potentially hazardous asteroids. [1]

  15. 75 FR 14191 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on February 16....C. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), IMS Global Learning Consortium Inc. has filed written notifications..., Westlake Village, CA have been added as parties to this venture. Also, LearnGauge, LLC, Okemos, MI; Inigral...

  16. 76 FR 4723 - Notice Pursuant to the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Correction In notice document 2011-78 appearing... sixth lines, ``INS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.'' should read ``IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc.''. 3. On the same page, in the third column, in the 15th and 16th lines, ``INS Global Learning...

  17. Infektion mit Epstein-Barr-Virus und Tumor-Entstehung beim Menschen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kirchner, H.


    The Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV) is the only infectious agent for which a close association with human malignant tumors has been clearly demonstrated. These tumors are one type of nasopharyngeal carcinoma which is frequent in parts of East Asia and the Burkitt lymphoma which predominantly occurs in parts of Africa and New Guinea. Nonetheless, the EBV is the causative agent of infectious mononucleosis (IM), a benign, self-limiting lymphoproliferative disease of adolescents. The major difference between the countries in which the EBV-induced tumors occur and those in which IM occurs is the late primary EBV infection in the latter, whereas primary infection with EBV occurs in the first year of life in the former. All theories of viral carcinogenesis have to explain the long latency period between primary infection and tumor growth and how an ubiquitous virus may be oncogenic. Thus, invariably, one has to assume a role of cofactors, which may be of cytogenetic nature or may be represented by additional infections or by chemical agents. Since most modern theories of carcinogenesis consider a multi-step development of tumors, the theory that infection with an ubiquitous virus at the right time of life represents one step to carcinogenesis seems to be tenable.

  18. Usability of a Runtime Environment for the Use of IMS Learning Design in Mixed Mode Higher Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Klebl, Michael


    Starting from the first public draft of IMS Learning Design in November 2002, a research project at the Catholic University Eichstaett-Ingolstadt in Germany was dedicated to the conceptual examination and empirical review of IMS Learning Design Level A. A prototypical runtime environment called "lab005" was developed. It was built based…

  19. VoIM-Mediated Cooperative Tasks for English Language Learners

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chinnery, George M.


    The use of telephones--even mobile phones--in language learning is not unique (see Chinnery 2006). The literature is also The literature is also replete with imaginative ideas on how to apply Internet chat software like instant messengers (IM) to language learning. A more recent technological development of use to educators is Internet telephony,…

  20. 40 CFR 51.351 - Enhanced I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver... 2001 and newer vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year... which will be achieved by the I/M program design in the SIP to those of the model program described in...

  1. 40 CFR 51.351 - Enhanced I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver... 2001 and newer vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year... which will be achieved by the I/M program design in the SIP to those of the model program described in...

  2. 40 CFR 51.351 - Enhanced I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver... 2001 and newer vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year... which will be achieved by the I/M program design in the SIP to those of the model program described in...

  3. 40 CFR 51.351 - Enhanced I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver... 2001 and newer vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year... which will be achieved by the I/M program design in the SIP to those of the model program described in...

  4. 40 CFR 51.351 - Enhanced I/M performance standard.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year vehicles. (11) Waiver... 2001 and newer vehicles. (10) Stringency. A 20% emission test failure rate among pre-1981 model year... which will be achieved by the I/M program design in the SIP to those of the model program described in...

  5. Adaptively loaded IM/DD optical OFDM based on set-partitioned QAM formats.


    Zhao, Jian; Chen, Lian-Kuan


    We investigate the constellation design and symbol error rate (SER) of set-partitioned (SP) quadrature amplitude modulation (QAM) formats. Based on the SER analysis, we derive the adaptive bit and power loading algorithm for SP QAM based intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM/DD) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM). We experimentally show that the proposed system significantly outperforms the conventional adaptively-loaded IM/DD OFDM and can increase the data rate from 36 Gbit/s to 42 Gbit/s in the presence of severe dispersion-induced spectral nulls after 40-km single-mode fiber. It is also shown that the adaptive algorithm greatly enhances the tolerance to fiber nonlinearity and allows for more power budget.

  6. Polymorphous Computing Architecture (PCA) Kernel Benchmark Measurements on the MIT Raw Microprocessor

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Robert Graybill . A Raw hoard for the use of this project was provided by the Computer Architecture Croup at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology...simulator is presented by MIT as being an accurate model of the Raw chip, we have found that it does not accurately model the board. Our comparison...G4 processor, model 7410. with a 32 kbyte level-1 cache on-chip and a 2 Mbyte L2 cache connected through a 250 MH/ bus [12]. Each node has 256 Mbyte

  7. Recent im/migration to Canada linked to unmet health needs among sex workers in Vancouver, Canada: Findings of a longitudinal study

    PubMed Central

    Sou, Julie; Goldenberg, Shira M.; Duff, Putu; Nguyen, Paul; Shoveller, Jean; Shannon, Kate


    Despite universal health care in Canada, sex workers (SW) and im/migrants experience suboptimal health care access. In this analysis, we examined the correlates of unmet health needs among SWs in Metro Vancouver over time. Data from a longitudinal cohort of women SWs (AESHA) was used. Of 742 SWs, 25.5% reported unmet health needs at least once over the 4-year study period. In multivariable logistic regression using generalized estimating equations, recent im/migration had the strongest impact on unmet health needs; long-term im/migration, policing, and trauma were also important determinants. Legal and social supports to promote im/migrant SWs’ access to health care are recommended. PMID:28300492

  8. Trouble and Triumph: German Life-Turkish Tradition in Renan Demirkan's "Schwarzer Tee mit drei Stuck Zucker"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ebert, Reika


    This paper explores Demirkan's narrative strategies in "Schwarzer Tee mit drei Stuck Zucker" to negotiate issues of a life between two cultures and traditions. Based on Bhabha's insights that mainstream culture needs intellectual and artistic infusion from the margins of a society in order to remain vital; and that cultural production…

  9. How Much Have They Retained? Making Unseen Concepts Seen in a Freshman Electromagnetism Course at MIT

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dori, Yehudit Judy; Hult, Erin; Breslow, Lori; Belcher, John W.


    The introductory freshmen electromagnetism course at MIT has been taught since 2000 using a studio physics format entitled TEAL--Technology Enabled Active Learning. TEAL has created a collaborative, hands-on environment where students carry out desktop experiments, submit web-based assignments, and have access to a host of visualizations and…

  10. Medizintechnik in der Tumororthopädie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burgkart, Rainer; Gollwitzer, Hans; Holzapfel, Boris; Rudert, Maximilian; Rechl, Hans; Gradinger, Reiner

    Die Behandlung der Knochentumoren unterlag in den letzten 20 Jahren einem raschen und stetigen Wandel, was zum einen auf die verbesserten Therapieerfolge durch den Einsatz von neoadjuvanten Therapieformen zurückzuführen ist, und andererseits von medizintechnischen Entwicklungen bezüglich moderner Schnittbilddiagnostik, neuer 3D Operationsplanungsverfahren wie das Rapid Prototyping und adaptiv modularer Tumorendoprothesensystemen u. a. begleitet wurde. Gerade die technischen Entwicklungen haben dazu geführt, daß im Bereich der Extremitäten und der Wirbelsäule radikalere Eingriffe durchgeführt werden können, was die lokale Tumorkontrolle wesentlich verbessert hat. In zunehmenden Maße werden deshalb nicht nur Kurzzeiterfolge sondern auch mittel- und langfristige Fortschritte bei der Behandlung der malignen Knochentumoren einschließlich der Metastasenbehandlung erreicht. Grundlage der Therapie ist dabei immer primär die Sicherung der Diagnose mittels Biopsie und die bildgebende sowie histologische Stadieneinteilung des malignen Tumors. Nach der Tumorresektion kann die Rekonstruktion biologisch oder mit Endoprothesensystemen erfolgen. Gerade die weiterentwickelten modularen Systeme führen zu guten funktionellen Ergebnissen mit langen Standzeiten und einer reduzierten Komplikationsrate. Individuell angefertigte Implantate sind vor allem im Bereich der Rekonstruktion komplexer Beckentumoren von großer klinischer Bedeutung.

  11. SERS-based inverse molecular sentinel (iMS) nanoprobes for multiplexed detection of microRNA cancer biomarkers in biological samples

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Crawford, Bridget M.; Wang, Hsin-Neng; Fales, Andrew M.; Bowie, Michelle L.; Seewaldt, Victoria L.; Vo-Dinh, Tuan


    The development of sensitive and selective biosensing techniques is of great interest for clinical diagnostics. Here, we describe the development and application of a surface enhanced Raman scattering (SERS) sensing technology, referred to as "inverse Molecular Sentinel (iMS)" nanoprobes, for the detection of nucleic acid biomarkers in biological samples. This iMS nanoprobe involves the use of plasmonic-active nanostars as the sensing platform for a homogenous assay for multiplexed detection of nucleic acid biomarkers, including DNA, RNA and microRNA (miRNA). The "OFF-to-ON" signal switch is based on a non-enzymatic strand-displacement process and the conformational change of stem-loop (hairpin) oligonucleotide probes upon target binding. Here, we demonstrate the development of iMS nanoprobes for the detection of DNA sequences as well as a modified design of the nanoprobe for the detection of short (22-nt) microRNA sequences. The application of iMS nanoprobes to detect miRNAs in real biological samples was performed with total small RNA extracted from breast cancer cell lines. The multiplex capability of the iMS technique was demonstrated using a mixture of the two differently labeled nanoprobes to detect miR-21 and miR-34a miRNA biomarkers for breast cancer. The results of this study demonstrate the feasibility of applying the iMS technique for multiplexed detection of nucleic acid biomarkers, including short miRNAs molecules.

  12. Effectiveness of onsite wastewater reuse system in reducing bacterial contaminants measured with human-specific IMS/ATP and qPCR.


    Agidi, Senyo; Vedachalam, Sridhar; Mancl, Karen; Lee, Jiyoung


    Water shortages and the drive to recycle is increasing interest in reuse of reclaimed wastewater. Timely and cost-effective ways to detect fecal pollutants prior to reuse increases confidence of residents and neighbors concerned about reuse of reclaimed wastewater. The on-site wastewater treatment and reuse systems (OWTRS) used in this study include a septic tank, peat bioreactor, ClO(2) disinfection and land spray irrigation system. Bacteroides fragilis, Escherichia coli and Enterococcus spp., were tested with immunomagnetic separation/ATP bioluminescence (IMS/ATP), qPCR and culture-based methods. The results displayed a 2-log reduction in fecal bacteria in the peat bioreactor and a 5-log reduction following chloride dioxide disinfection. The fecal bacteria levels measured by IMS/ATP correlated with qPCR results: HuBac 16S (R(2) = 0.903), Bf-group 16S (R(2) = 0.956), gyrB (R(2) = 0.673), and Ent 23S (R(2) = 0.724). This is the first study in which the newly developed human-specific IMS/ATP and previously developed IMS/ATP were applied for determining OWTRS efficiency. Results of the study revealed that IMS/ATP is a timely and cost-effective way to detect fecal contaminants, and results were validated with qPCR and culture based methods. The new IMS/ATP can also be applied broadly in the detection of human-originated fecal contamination. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Excellence in Research: Creative Organizational Responses at Berkeley, Harvard, MIT, and Stanford. ASHE 1985 Annual Meeting Paper.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gardiner, John J.

    Research environments of four leading universities were studied: University of California at Berkeley (UC-Berkeley), Harvard University, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), and Stanford University. Attention was directed to organizational responses for encouraging collaboration in research at these leading universities, as well as to…

  14. 78 FR 79498 - Notice Pursuant to The National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993-IMS Global...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF JUSTICE Antitrust Division Notice Pursuant to The National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993--IMS Global Learning Consortium, Inc. Notice is hereby given that, on November 22, 2013, pursuant to Section 6(a) of the National Cooperative Research and Production Act of 1993, 15 U.S.C. Sec. 4301 et seq. (``the Act''), IMS...

  15. Automation of PCXMC and ImPACT for NASA Astronaut Medical Imaging Dose and Risk Tracking

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bahadori, Amir; Picco, Charles; Flores-McLaughlin, John; Shavers, Mark; Semones, Edward


    To automate astronaut organ and effective dose calculations from occupational X-ray and computed tomography (CT) examinations incorporating PCXMC and ImPACT tools and to estimate the associated lifetime cancer risk per the National Council on Radiation Protection & Measurements (NCRP) using MATLAB(R). Methods: NASA follows guidance from the NCRP on its operational radiation safety program for astronauts. NCRP Report 142 recommends that astronauts be informed of the cancer risks from reported exposures to ionizing radiation from medical imaging. MATLAB(R) code was written to retrieve exam parameters for medical imaging procedures from a NASA database, calculate associated dose and risk, and return results to the database, using the Microsoft .NET Framework. This code interfaces with the PCXMC executable and emulates the ImPACT Excel spreadsheet to calculate organ doses from X-rays and CTs, respectively, eliminating the need to utilize the PCXMC graphical user interface (except for a few special cases) and the ImPACT spreadsheet. Results: Using MATLAB(R) code to interface with PCXMC and replicate ImPACT dose calculation allowed for rapid evaluation of multiple medical imaging exams. The user inputs the exam parameter data into the database and runs the code. Based on the imaging modality and input parameters, the organ doses are calculated. Output files are created for record, and organ doses, effective dose, and cancer risks associated with each exam are written to the database. Annual and post-flight exposure reports, which are used by the flight surgeon to brief the astronaut, are generated from the database. Conclusions: Automating PCXMC and ImPACT for evaluation of NASA astronaut medical imaging radiation procedures allowed for a traceable and rapid method for tracking projected cancer risks associated with over 12,000 exposures. This code will be used to evaluate future medical radiation exposures, and can easily be modified to accommodate changes to the risk

  16. I'm a Scientist, Get Me out of Here! (Australia)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Teaching Science, 2012


    The May event of I'm a Scientist, Get Me Out of Here! harnessed fifteen scientists in three general zones, engaging almost 800 students from twenty two schools across the country, generating 624 answered questions, 406 comments and fifty three live-chat sessions. (Contains 4 photos.)

  17. Application of Matrix-Assisted Laser Desorption/Ionization Time-of-Flight Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-TOF IMS) for Premalignant Gastrointestinal Lesions

    PubMed Central

    Ko, Kwang Hyun; Kwon, Chang Il; Park, So Hye; Han, Na Young; Lee, Hoo Keun; Kim, Eun Hee


    Imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is currently receiving large attention from the mass spectrometric community, although its use is not yet well known in the clinic. As matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight (MALDI)-IMS can show the biomolecular changes in cells as well as tissues, it can be an ideal tool for biomedical diagnostics as well as the molecular diagnosis of clinical specimens, especially aimed at the prompt detection of premalignant lesions much earlier before overt mass formation, or for obtaining histologic clues from endoscopic biopsy. Besides its use for pathologic diagnosis, MALDI-IMS is also a powerful tool for the detection and localization of drugs, proteins, and lipids in tissue. Measurement of parameters that define and control the implications, challenges, and opportunities associated with the application of IMS to biomedical tissue studies might be feasible through a deep understanding of mass spectrometry. In this focused review series, new insights into the molecular processes relevant to IMS as well as other field applications are introduced. PMID:24340253

  18. ImTK: an open source multi-center information management toolkit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alaoui, Adil; Ingeholm, Mary Lou; Padh, Shilpa; Dorobantu, Mihai; Desai, Mihir; Cleary, Kevin; Mun, Seong K.


    The Information Management Toolkit (ImTK) Consortium is an open source initiative to develop robust, freely available tools related to the information management needs of basic, clinical, and translational research. An open source framework and agile programming methodology can enable distributed software development while an open architecture will encourage interoperability across different environments. The ISIS Center has conceptualized a prototype data sharing network that simulates a multi-center environment based on a federated data access model. This model includes the development of software tools to enable efficient exchange, sharing, management, and analysis of multimedia medical information such as clinical information, images, and bioinformatics data from multiple data sources. The envisioned ImTK data environment will include an open architecture and data model implementation that complies with existing standards such as Digital Imaging and Communications (DICOM), Health Level 7 (HL7), and the technical framework and workflow defined by the Integrating the Healthcare Enterprise (IHE) Information Technology Infrastructure initiative, mainly the Cross Enterprise Document Sharing (XDS) specifications.

  19. ALMA Observations of Polarization from Dust Scattering in the IM Lup Protoplanetary Disk

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hull, Charles L. H.; Yang, Haifeng; Li, Zhi-Yun; Kataoka, Akimasa; Stephens, Ian W.; Andrews, Sean; Bai, Xuening; Cleeves, L. Ilsedore; Hughes, A. Meredith; Looney, Leslie; Pérez, Laura M.; Wilner, David


    We present 870 μm ALMA observations of polarized dust emission toward the Class II protoplanetary disk IM Lup. We find that the orientation of the polarized emission is along the minor axis of the disk, and that the value of the polarization fraction increases steadily toward the center of the disk, reaching a peak value of ∼1.1%. All of these characteristics are consistent with models of self-scattering of submillimeter-wave emission from an optically thin inclined disk. The distribution of the polarization position angles across the disk reveals that, while the average orientation is along the minor axis, the polarization orientations show a significant spread in angles; this can also be explained by models of pure scattering. We compare the polarization with that of the Class I/II source HL Tau. A comparison of cuts of the polarization fraction across the major and minor axes of both sources reveals that IM Lup has a substantially higher polarization fraction than HL Tau toward the center of the disk. This enhanced polarization fraction could be due a number of factors, including higher optical depth in HL Tau, or scattering by larger dust grains in the more evolved IM Lup disk. However, models yield similar maximum grain sizes for both HL Tau (72 μm) and IM Lup (61 μm, this work). This reveals continued tension between grain-size estimates from scattering models and from models of the dust emission spectrum, which find that the bulk of the (unpolarized) emission in disks is most likely due to millimeter-sized (or even centimeter-sized) grains.

  20. OOPS, Turning MIT Opencourseware into Chinese: An Analysis of a Community of Practice of Global Translators

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Mimi Miyoung; Lin, Meng-Fen Grace; Bonk, Curtis J.


    An all-volunteer organization called the Opensource Opencourseware Prototype System (OOPS), headquartered in Taiwan, was initially designed to translate open source materials from MIT OpenCourseWare (OCW) site into Chinese. Given the recent plethora of open educational resources (OER), such as the OCW, the growing use of such resources by the…

  1. Novel gene fusion of PRCC-MITF defines a new member of MiT family translocation renal cell carcinoma: clinicopathological analysis and detection of the gene fusion by RNA sequencing and FISH.


    Xia, Qiu-Yuan; Wang, Xiao-Tong; Ye, Sheng-Bing; Wang, Xuan; Li, Rui; Shi, Shan-Shan; Fang, Ru; Zhang, Ru-Song; Ma, Heng-Hui; Lu, Zhen-Feng; Shen, Qin; Bao, Wei; Zhou, Xiao-Jun; Rao, Qiu


    MITF, TFE3, TFEB and TFEC belong to the same microphthalmia-associated transcription factor family (MiT). Two transcription factors in this family have been identified in two unusual types of renal cell carcinoma (RCC): Xp11 translocation RCC harbouring TFE3 gene fusions and t(6;11) RCC harbouring a MALAT1-TFEB gene fusion. The 2016 World Health Organisation classification of renal neoplasia grouped these two neoplasms together under the category of MiT family translocation RCC. RCCs associated with the other two MiT family members, MITF and TFEC, have rarely been reported. Herein, we identify a case of MITF translocation RCC with the novel PRCC-MITF gene fusion by RNA sequencing. Histological examination of the present tumour showed typical features of MiT family translocation RCCs, overlapping with Xp11 translocation RCC and t(6;11) RCC. However, this tumour showed negative results in TFE3 and TFEB immunochemistry and split fluorescence in-situ hybridisation (FISH) assays. The other MiT family members, MITF and TFEC, were tested further immunochemically and also showed negative results. RNA sequencing and reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction confirmed the presence of a PRCC-MITF gene fusion: a fusion of PRCC exon 5 to MITF exon 4. We then developed FISH assays covering MITF break-apart probes and PRCC-MITF fusion probes to detect the MITF gene rearrangement. This study both proves the recurring existence of MITF translocation RCC and expands the genotype spectrum of MiT family translocation RCCs. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  2. Microwave Assisted Synthesis of Py-Im Polyamides

    PubMed Central


    Microwave synthesis was utilized to rapidly build Py-Im polyamides in high yields and purity using Boc-protection chemistry on Kaiser oxime resin. A representative polyamide targeting the 5′-WGWWCW-3′ (W = A or T) subset of the consensus Androgen and Glucocorticoid Response Elements was synthesized in 56% yield after 20 linear steps and HPLC purification. It was confirmed by Mosher amide derivatization of the polyamide that a chiral α-amino acid does not racemize after several additional coupling steps. PMID:22578091

  3. MIT's interferometer CST testbed

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hyde, Tupper; Kim, ED; Anderson, Eric; Blackwood, Gary; Lublin, Leonard


    The MIT Space Engineering Research Center (SERC) has developed a controlled structures technology (CST) testbed based on one design for a space-based optical interferometer. The role of the testbed is to provide a versatile platform for experimental investigation and discovery of CST approaches. In particular, it will serve as the focus for experimental verification of CSI methodologies and control strategies at SERC. The testbed program has an emphasis on experimental CST--incorporating a broad suite of actuators and sensors, active struts, system identification, passive damping, active mirror mounts, and precision component characterization. The SERC testbed represents a one-tenth scaled version of an optical interferometer concept based on an inherently rigid tetrahedral configuration with collecting apertures on one face. The testbed consists of six 3.5 meter long truss legs joined at four vertices and is suspended with attachment points at three vertices. Each aluminum leg has a 0.2 m by 0.2 m by 0.25 m triangular cross-section. The structure has a first flexible mode at 31 Hz and has over 50 global modes below 200 Hz. The stiff tetrahedral design differs from similar testbeds (such as the JPL Phase B) in that the structural topology is closed. The tetrahedral design minimizes structural deflections at the vertices (site of optical components for maximum baseline) resulting in reduced stroke requirements for isolation and pointing of optics. Typical total light path length stability goals are on the order of lambda/20, with a wavelength of light, lambda, of roughly 500 nanometers. It is expected that active structural control will be necessary to achieve this goal in the presence of disturbances.

  4. PREFACE: 3rd International Meeting on Silicene (IMS-3)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kara, Abdelkader; Enriquez, Hanna; Lemaire, Jean Louis; Oughaddou, Hamid


    Silicene, the new supernova material Silicon is formed in a large amount during supernova nucleo-synthesis and it is the 8th most common chemical element in the universe. Today modern electronics make large use of bulk silicon, which has consequently an extremely large impact on the world industry and economy. The need for more powerful, faster and less energy-consuming integrated circuits requires in the future the use of nanotechnologies. The ultimate step concerning silicon is silicene (the 2D silicon-based analogue of graphene). This material is of paramount importance as it requires the use of the same technologies and production lines as silicon. Even if theoreticians had predicted its possible existence, it is only in 2010 that a team of pioneers from CINAM-France, ISMO-France and UCF-USA has presented for the first time the experimental evidence of the formation of silicene. Since then research is exploding (like a supernova!) both on the experimental and theoretical sides, with the main aim of replacing bulk silicon with this potentially revolutionary material. However, before any possible industrial use, it has first to be prepared or synthesized in various stripe and sheet shapes on insulating surfaces on which its physical and chemical properties have to be analyzed in detail. A second step is its chemical functionalization through various dopants to achieve different tasks, expected or not yet imagined. Chemists and physicists, experimentalists and theoreticians are involved in this thrilling work. A wide array of techniques, from the subtle chemistry reaction networks, to all those of experimental surface science (from synchrotron radiation to scanning tunneling microscopy) as well as those of theoretical chemistry (from {\\it ab initio} to density functional theory calculations) are involved. Big progress has been made since 2010 and the success of this third International Meeting on Silicene (IMS-3) is demonstrated by the present proceedings

  5. Recent im/migration to Canada linked to unmet health needs among sex workers in Vancouver, Canada: Findings of a longitudinal study.


    Sou, Julie; Goldenberg, Shira M; Duff, Putu; Nguyen, Paul; Shoveller, Jean; Shannon, Kate


    Despite universal health care in Canada, sex workers (SWs) and im/migrants experience suboptimal health care access. In this analysis, we examined the correlates of unmet health needs among SWs in Metro Vancouver over time. Data from a longitudinal cohort of women SWs (An Evaluation of Sex Workers Health Access [AESHA]) were used. Of 742 SWs, 25.5% reported unmet health needs at least once over the 4-year study period. In multivariable logistic regression using generalized estimating equations, recent im/migration had the strongest impact on unmet health needs; long-term im/migration, policing, and trauma were also important determinants. Legal and social supports to promote im/migrant SWs' access to health care are recommended.

  6. Evaluation of Preproduction Hardware Components for IMS Station Upgrades to Reduce Manufacturers Development Time

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hart, Darren; Pearce, Nathan; Starovoit, Yuri; Guralp, Cansun


    Since the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty was opened for signature in 1996, nearly 80% of the network has been certified as operational, and those stations are sending data to the International Data Centre (IDC) in Vienna. Several International Monitoring System (IMS) monitoring facilities have been in operation for close to 15 years, and several certified stations are facing equipment obsolescence issues. The search for engineering solutions to replace obsolete hardware components is guided by two primary goals: 1) be compliant with IMS minimum technical requirements and 2) be able to be integrated with the existing system. To reduce the development and verification time necessary to address obsolescence in equipment, the PTS has requested the preproduction testing of the recently revised Guralp CMG-DM24AM digitizer. Performing preproduction testing has helped in identifying issues, which Guralp Systems has resolved. In our poster, we will review the reasons for the digitizer updates, present results of the preproduction testing of the Guralp digitizer, and comment on the value this process has provided to the IMS operation.

  7. SlCOR413IM1: A novel cold-regulation gene from tomato, enhances drought stress tolerance in tobacco.


    Ma, Xiaocui; Wang, Guodong; Zhao, Weiyang; Yang, Minmin; Ma, Nana; Kong, Fanying; Dong, Xinchun; Meng, Qingwei


    Drought stress adversely affects plant growth, development, and productivity. Genes functioning in plant response to drought stress are essential for drought tolerance. In this study, SlCOR413IM1, a cold-regulated gene isolated from Solanum lycopersium, was transferred to Nicotiana tabacum to investigate its function under drought stress. The subcellular localisation of SlCOR413IM1-GFP fusion protein in Arabidopsis protoplasts suggested that SlCOR413IM1 is a chloroplast protein. Expression analyses revealed that SlCOR413IM1 responded to drought and cold stresses. Under drought stress, transgenic plants maintained the high maximum photochemical efficiency, net photosynthetic rate (Pn) and D1 protein content of photosystem II (PSII). Compared with wild-type (WT) plants, transgenic plants showed higher superoxide dismutase (SOD) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activities and proline and soluble sugar content, which reduced reactive oxygen species (ROS) generation. However, the high SOD and APX activities in transgenic plants were independent of their transcription levels. Moreover, the transgenic plants exhibited better seed germination, water status and survival, as well as lower malondialdehyde (MDA) content and relative electrical conductivity (REC) than WT plants under drought stress. Taken together, these data demonstrated that overexpression of SlCOR413IM1 enhanced drought stress tolerance in transgenic tobacco. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier GmbH.

  8. Using the IMS infrasound network for the identification of mountain-associated waves and gravity waves hotspots

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hupe, Patrick; Ceranna, Lars; Pilger, Christoph; Le Pichon, Alexis


    The infrasound network of the International Monitoring System (IMS) has been established for monitoring the atmosphere to detect violations of the Comprehensive nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). The IMS comprises 49 certified infrasound stations which are globally distributed. Each station provides data for up to 16 years. Due to the uniform distribution of the stations, the IMS infrasound network can be used to derive global information on atmospheric dynamics' features. This study focuses on mountain-associated waves (MAWs), i.e. acoustic waves in the frequency range between approximately 0.01 Hz and 0.05 Hz. MAWs can be detected in infrasound data by applying the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation (PMCC) algorithm. As a result of triangulation, global hotspots of MAWs can be identified. Previous studies on gravity waves indicate that global hotspots of gravity waves are similar to those found for MAWs by using the PMCC algorithm. The objective of our study is an enhanced understanding of the excitation sources and of possible interactions between MAWs and gravity waves. Therefore, spatial and temporal correlation analyses will be performed. As a preceding step, we will present (seasonal) hotspots of MAWs as well as hotspots of gravity waves derived by the IMS infrasound network.

  9. The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility for Diagnostic Development for OMEGA, Z, and the NIF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parker, C. E.; Gatu Johnson, M.; Birkel, A.; Kabadi, N. V.; Lahmann, B.; Milanese, L. M.; Simpson, R. A.; Sio, H.; Sutcliffe, G. D.; Wink, C.; Frenje, J. A.; Li, C. K.; Seguin, F. H.; Petrasso, R. D.; Leeper, R.; Ruiz, C. L.; Sangster, T. C.


    The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility utilizes a 135-keV linear electrostatic ion accelerator, DT and DD neutron sources, and two x-ray sources for development and characterization of nuclear diagnostics for OMEGA, Z, and the NIF. The accelerator generates DD and D3He fusion products through the acceleration of D+ ions onto a 3He-doped Erbium-Deuteride target. Accurately characterized fusion product rates of around 106 s-1 are routinely achieved. The DT and DD neutron sources generate up to 6x108, and 1x107 neutrons/s, respectively. One x-ray generator is a thick-target W source with a peak energy of 225 keV and a maximum dose rate of 12 Gy/min; the other uses Cu, Mo, or Ti elemental tubes to generate x-rays with a maximum energy of 40 keV. Diagnostics developed and calibrated at this facility include CR-39-based charged-particle spectrometers, neutron detectors, and the particle Time-Of-Flight (pTOF) and Magnetic PTOF CVD-diamond-based bang time detectors. The accelerator is also a valuable hands-on tool for graduate and undergraduate education at MIT. This work was supported in part by the U.S. DoE, SNL, LLE and LLNL.

  10. The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility for Diagnostic Development for OMEGA, Z, and the NIF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sio, H.; Gatu Johnson, M.; Birkel, A.; Doeg, E.; Frankel, R.; Kabadi, N. V.; Lahmann, B.; Manzin, M.; Simpson, R. A.; Parker, C. E.; Sutcliffe, G. D.; Wink, C.; Frenje, J. A.; Li, C. K.; Seguin, F. H.; Petrasso, R. D.; Leeper, R.; Hahn, K.; Ruiz, C. L.; Sangster, T. C.; Hilsabeck, T.


    The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility utilizes a 135-keV, linear electrostatic ion accelerator; DT and DD neutron sources; and two x-ray sources for development and characterization of nuclear diagnostics for OMEGA, Z, and the NIF. The accelerator generates DD and D3He fusion products through the acceleration of D+ ions onto a 3He-doped Erbium-Deuteride target. Accurately characterized fusion product rates of around 106 s- 1 are routinely achieved. The DT and DD neutron sources generate up to 6×108 and 1×107 neutrons/s, respectively. One x-ray generator is a thick-target W source with a peak energy of 225 keV and a maximum dose rate of 12 Gy/min; the other uses Cu, Mo, or Ti elemental tubes to generate x-rays with a maximum energy of 40 keV. Diagnostics developed and calibrated at this facility include CR-39-based charged-particle spectrometers, neutron detectors, and the particle Time-Of-Flight (pTOF) and Magnetic PTOF CVD-diamond-based bang time detectors. The accelerator is also a valuable hands-on tool for graduate and undergraduate education at MIT. This work was supported in part by the U.S. DoE, SNL, LLE and LLNL.

  11. ImNet: a fiber optic network with multistar topology for high-speed data transmission

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vossebuerger, F.; Keizers, Andreas; Soederman, N.; Meyer-Ebrecht, Dietrich


    ImNet is a fiber-optic local area network, which has been developed for high speed image communication in Picture Archiving and Communication Systems (PACS). A comprehensive analysis of image communication requirements in hospitals led to the conclusion that there is a need for networks which are optimized for the transmission of large datafiles. ImNet is optimized for this application in contrast to current-state LANs. ImNet consists of two elements: a link module and a switch module. The point-to-point link module can be up to 4 km by using fiber optic cable. For short distances up to 100 m a cheaper module using shielded twisted pair cable is available. The link module works bi-directionally and handles all protocols up to OSI-Level 3. The data rate per link is up to 140 MBit/s (clock rate 175 MHz). The switch module consists of the control unit and the cross-point-switch array. The array has up to fourteen interfaces for link modules. Up to fourteen data transfers each with a maximal transfer rate of 400 MBit/s can be handled at the same time. Thereby the maximal throughput of a switch module is 5.6 GBit/s. Out of these modules a multi-star network can be built i.e., an arbitrary tree structure of stars. This topology allows multiple transmissions at the same time as long as they do not require identical links. Therefore the overall throughput of ImNet can be a multiple of the datarate per link.

  12. Using barometric time series of the IMS infrasound network for a global analysis of thermally induced atmospheric tides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hupe, Patrick; Ceranna, Lars; Pilger, Christoph


    The International Monitoring System (IMS) has been established to monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty and comprises four technologies, one of which is infrasound. When fully established, the IMS infrasound network consists of 60 sites uniformly distributed around the globe. Besides its primary purpose of determining explosions in the atmosphere, the recorded data reveal information on other anthropogenic and natural infrasound sources. Furthermore, the almost continuous multi-year recordings of differential and absolute air pressure allow for analysing the atmospheric conditions. In this paper, spectral analysis tools are applied to derive atmospheric dynamics from barometric time series. Based on the solar atmospheric tides, a methodology for performing geographic and temporal variability analyses is presented, which is supposed to serve for upcoming studies related to atmospheric dynamics. The surplus value of using the IMS infrasound network data for such purposes is demonstrated by comparing the findings on the thermal tides with previous studies and the Modern-Era Retrospective analysis for Research and Applications Version 2 (MERRA-2), which represents the solar tides well in its surface pressure fields. Absolute air pressure recordings reveal geographical characteristics of atmospheric tides related to the solar day and even to the lunar day. We therefore claim the chosen methodology of using the IMS infrasound network to be applicable for global and temporal studies on specific atmospheric dynamics. Given the accuracy and high temporal resolution of the barometric data from the IMS infrasound network, interactions with gravity waves and planetary waves can be examined in future for refining the knowledge of atmospheric dynamics, e.g. the origin of tidal harmonics up to 9 cycles per day as found in the barometric data sets. Data assimilation in empirical models of solar tides would be a valuable application of the IMS infrasound

  13. Vfa1 binds to the N-terminal microtubule-interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain of Vps4 and stimulates its ATPase activity.


    Vild, Cody J; Xu, Zhaohui


    The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) are responsible for multivesicular body biogenesis, membrane abscission during cytokinesis, and retroviral budding. They function as transiently assembled molecular complexes on the membrane, and their disassembly requires the action of the AAA-ATPase Vps4. Vps4 is regulated by a multitude of ESCRT and ESCRT-related proteins. Binding of these proteins to Vps4 is often mediated via the microtubule-interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain of Vps4. Recently, a new Vps4-binding protein Vfa1 was identified in a yeast genetic screen, where overexpression of Vfa1 caused defects in vacuolar morphology. However, the function of Vfa1 and its role in vacuolar biology were largely unknown. Here, we provide the first detailed biochemical and biophysical study of Vps4-Vfa1 interaction. The MIT domain of Vps4 binds to the C-terminal 17 residues of Vfa1. This interaction is of high affinity and greatly stimulates the ATPase activity of Vps4. The crystal structure of the Vps4-Vfa1 complex shows that Vfa1 adopts a canonical MIT-interacting motif 2 structure that has been observed previously in other Vps4-ESCRT interactions. These findings suggest that Vfa1 is a novel positive regulator of Vps4 function.

  14. Vfa1 Binds to the N-terminal Microtubule-interacting and Trafficking (MIT) Domain of Vps4 and Stimulates Its ATPase Activity*

    PubMed Central

    Vild, Cody J.; Xu, Zhaohui


    The endosomal sorting complexes required for transport (ESCRT) are responsible for multivesicular body biogenesis, membrane abscission during cytokinesis, and retroviral budding. They function as transiently assembled molecular complexes on the membrane, and their disassembly requires the action of the AAA-ATPase Vps4. Vps4 is regulated by a multitude of ESCRT and ESCRT-related proteins. Binding of these proteins to Vps4 is often mediated via the microtubule-interacting and trafficking (MIT) domain of Vps4. Recently, a new Vps4-binding protein Vfa1 was identified in a yeast genetic screen, where overexpression of Vfa1 caused defects in vacuolar morphology. However, the function of Vfa1 and its role in vacuolar biology were largely unknown. Here, we provide the first detailed biochemical and biophysical study of Vps4-Vfa1 interaction. The MIT domain of Vps4 binds to the C-terminal 17 residues of Vfa1. This interaction is of high affinity and greatly stimulates the ATPase activity of Vps4. The crystal structure of the Vps4-Vfa1 complex shows that Vfa1 adopts a canonical MIT-interacting motif 2 structure that has been observed previously in other Vps4-ESCRT interactions. These findings suggest that Vfa1 is a novel positive regulator of Vps4 function. PMID:24567329

  15. Ein Konzept für den energieeffizienten Betrieb von Mobilfunknetzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bayer, N.; von Hugo, D.


    Der flächendeckende Betrieb mehrerer Mobilfunknetze unterschiedlicher Technologie in einem Land sorgt aufgrund der ständigen Bereithaltung von Übertragungskapazität für Dienste mit zunehmend höherem Datenvolumenbedarf für einen erheblichen Energieverbrauch. Das Forschungsförderungsprojekt ComGreen hat sich zur Aufgabe gesetzt, durch lastadaptiven Betrieb und intelligente dynamische Rekonfiguration des Funkzugangsnetzes zur Energieeinsparung beizutragen. Konzept, Herausforderungen, ausgewählte Ergebnisse von Simulationen und prototypischem Betrieb werden ebenso wie typische Erwartungswerte des künftigen Energieverbrauchs im Mobilfunkbereich vorgestellt. Sowohl Berechnungen als auch Messungen zeigen, dass durch kontext-basierte dynamische Rekonfiguration von zellularen Funknetzen Energieeinsparungen im Bereich von 25-40 % ermöglicht werden.

  16. Neuausrichtung und Konsolidierung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grohmann, Heinz

    Mit der Wahl von Wolfgang Wetzel zum Vorsitzenden der Deutschen Statistischen Gesellschaft im Jahre 1972 begann eine 32jährige Ära, in der die praktische und die theoretische Statistik in einem ausgewogenen Verhältnis gepflegt wurden. Ein regelmäßiger vierjähriger Wechsel im Vorsitz stärkte die Gemeinschaft und die praktische wie die wissenschaftliche Arbeit gleichermaßen. Die jährlichen Hauptversammlungen behandelten gesellschaftlich aktuelle wie zukunftsorientierte Themen, und die Ausschüsse sowie weitere Veranstaltungen gaben Gelegenheit zur Förderung und Pflege einer Vielzahl von Arbeitsgebieten der Statistik. Darüber wird nicht nur in diesem Kapitel, sondern auch in den Teilen II und III des Bandes berichtet.

  17. Digitalisierung als Inkubator für die Energieversorgung von morgen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnold, Christian; Postina, Matthias

    Neue Treiber der Digitalisierung bestimmen die Geschicke der etablierten Unternehmen im Energiebereich, dabei haben diese in vielen Fällen noch nicht einmal adäquat auf die altbekannten Treiber der Energiewende reagiert. Eine ganze Branche ist im Umbruch, alte Erlösmodelle brechen ein und Einigkeit scheint bei den Verantwortlichen nur in der Frage zu herrschen, wie in Zukunft noch Geld verdient werden kann. Dieser Beitrag erklärt die prägenden Treiber der Veränderung, analysiert die Ausgangslage und nennt Herausforderungen der Branche. Darüber hinaus legt er den Fokus auf die Betrachtung der neuen digitalen Wertschöpfung. Dazu wird ein Modell eingeführt, welches von der klassischen Wertschöpfungskette über datenbasierte Geschäftsmodelle im Energiesystem bis hin zum Internet of Smart Services reicht. Mit dem Modell geben die Autoren gleichsam Einblick in das geplante Energiewendeprojekt enera.

  18. Use of ion-mobility mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) to map polyoxometalate Keplerate clusters and their supramolecular assemblies.


    Robbins, Philip J; Surman, Andrew J; Thiel, Johannes; Long, De-Liang; Cronin, Leroy


    We present the high-resolution (HRES-MS) and ion-mobility (IMS-MS) mass spectrometry studies of icosahedral nanoscale polyoxometalate-based {L(30)}{(Mo)Mo(5)} Keplerate clusters, and demonstrate the use of IMS-MS to resolve and map intact nanoclusters, and its potential for the discovery of new structures, in this case the first gas phase observation of 'proto-clustering' of higher order Keplerate supramolecular aggregates.

  19. "I'm Sorry + Naming the Offense": A Format for Apologizing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cirillo, Letizia; Colón de Carvajal, Isabel; Ticca, Anna Claudia


    The present article focuses on "I'm sorry + naming the offense"-formatted apologies occurring in phone calls in English. Apologies of this kind "emerge" and are oriented to as relevant actions when addressing an apologizable that is not the main business in ongoing talk. The sequential analysis of apologies and responses to…

  20. Detection of designer drugs in human hair by ion mobility spectrometry (IMS).


    Keller, T; Miki, A; Regenscheit, P; Dirnhofer, R; Schneider, A; Tsuchihashi, H


    Since its inception in the early 1970s under the name plasma chromatography, ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) has undergone great changes. It is now utilized more and more in forensic science laboratories where it is used to detect explosives and environmental pollutants [1-4] as well as its use in detecting drugs of abuse [5-8]. Although IMS is known for nearly 30 years now [9], relatively few cases of the application of ion mobility spectrometry to the analysis of human hair have been reported [10-12]. The authors report a new and quick method to rapidly screen and determine MDMA ('ecstasy', 'Adam') and MDEA ('Eve') in human hair. The proposed method using trihexylamine as internal standard resulted in a rapid procedure useful in screening human hair specimens for designer drugs.

  1. 49 CFR 174.63 - Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2014-10-01 2014-10-01 false Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car tanks. 174.63 Section 174.63 Transportation Other....63 Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

  2. 49 CFR 174.63 - Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car tanks. 174.63 Section 174.63 Transportation Other....63 Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

  3. 49 CFR 174.63 - Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2011-10-01 2011-10-01 false Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car tanks. 174.63 Section 174.63 Transportation Other....63 Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

  4. 49 CFR 174.63 - Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2013-10-01 2013-10-01 false Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car tanks. 174.63 Section 174.63 Transportation Other....63 Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

  5. 49 CFR 174.63 - Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 49 Transportation 2 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car tanks. 174.63 Section 174.63 Transportation Other....63 Portable tanks, IM portable tanks, IBCs, Large Packagings, cargo tanks, and multi-unit tank car...

  6. Quantitative Analyse und Visualisierung der Herzfunktionen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sauer, Anne; Schwarz, Tobias; Engel, Nicole; Seitel, Mathias; Kenngott, Hannes; Mohrhardt, Carsten; Loßnitzer, Dirk; Giannitsis, Evangelos; Katus, Hugo A.; Meinzer, Hans-Peter

    Die computergestützte bildbasierte Analyse der Herzfunktionen ist mittlerweile Standard in der Kardiologie. Die verfügbaren Produkte erfordern meist ein hohes Maß an Benutzerinteraktion und somit einen erhöhten Zeitaufwand. In dieser Arbeit wird ein Ansatz vorgestellt, der dem Kardiologen eine größtenteils automatische Analyse der Herzfunktionen mittels MRT-Bilddaten ermöglicht und damit Zeitersparnis schafft. Hierbei werden alle relevanten herzphysiologsichen Parameter berechnet und mithilfe von Diagrammen und Graphen visualisiert. Diese Berechnungen werden evaluiert, indem die ermittelten Werte mit manuell vermessenen verglichen werden. Der hierbei berechnete mittlere Fehler liegt mit 2,85 mm für die Wanddicke und 1,61 mm für die Wanddickenzunahme immer noch im Bereich einer Pixelgrösse der verwendeten Bilder.

  7. Kommunale Energieversorger als wesentliche Akteure der Digitalisierung - Strategien und Handlungsoptionen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reiche, Katherina

    Die Digitalisierung erfasst sämtliche Bereiche des Lebens und Wirtschaftens. Auch die Kommunalwirtschaft - insbesondere die kommunale Energiewirtschaft - sieht sich perspektivisch disruptiven Entwicklungen gegenüber. Stadtwerke haben bereits viele Herausforderungen erfolgreich gemeistert und stehen auch der Digitalisierung positiv gegenüber. Vielerorts gestalten kommunale Unternehmen den digitalen Wandel bereits aktiv mit. Dieser Artikel arbeitet die Assets kommunaler Unternehmen heraus und zeigt Strategien und Handlungsoptionen zum Umgang mit der digitalen Transformation für kommunale Energieversorgungsunternehmen auf. Dabei zeigt sich, dass das politische und regulatorische Umfeld für das positive Gelingen der Digitalisierung entscheidend sind. Kommunale Unternehmen benötigen die gleichen Marktzugangsbedingungen wie andere Akteure. Ferner profitieren kommunale Unternehmen von einigen Wettbewerbsvorteilen, etwa hohen Vertrauenswerten ihrer Kunden und umfangreiches Know-how im Datenmanagement.

  8. Structural Determinants of Health among Im/Migrants in the Indoor Sex Industry: Experiences of Workers and Managers/Owners in Metropolitan Vancouver

    PubMed Central

    Krüsi, Andrea; Zhang, Emma; Chettiar, Jill; Shannon, Kate


    Background Globally, im/migrant women are overrepresented in the sex industry and experience disproportionate health inequities. Despite evidence that the health impacts of migration may vary according to the timing and stage of migration (e.g., early arrival vs. long-term migration), limited evidence exists regarding social and structural determinants of health across different stages of migration, especially among im/migrants engaged in sex work. Our aim was to describe and analyze the evolving social and structural determinants of health and safety across the arrival and settlement process for im/migrants in the indoor sex industry. Methods We analyzed qualitative interviews conducted with 44 im/migrant sex workers and managers/owners working in indoor sex establishments (e.g., massage parlours, micro-brothels) in Metropolitan Vancouver, Canada in 2011; quantitative data from AESHA, a larger community-based cohort, were used to describe socio-demographic and social and structural characteristics of im/migrant sex workers. Results Based on quantitative data among 198 im/migrant workers in AESHA, 78.3% were Chinese-born, the median duration in Canada was 6 years, and most (86.4%) serviced clients in formal indoor establishments. Qualitative narratives revealed diverse pathways into sex work upon arrival to Canada, including language barriers to conventional labour markets and the higher pay and relative flexibility of sex work. Once engaged in sex work, fear associated with police raids (e.g., immigration concerns, sex work disclosure) and language barriers to sexual negotiation and health, social and legal supports posed pervasive challenges to health, safety and human rights during long-term settlement in Canada. Conclusions Findings highlight the critical influences of criminalization, language barriers, and stigma and discrimination related to sex work and im/migrant status in shaping occupational health and safety for im/migrants engaged in sex work

  9. Erhöhtes Lungenkrebs-Risiko bei Ekzempatienten: eine landesweite Kohortenstudie in Taiwan.


    Juan, Chao-Kuei; Shen, Jui-Lung; Lin, Cheng-Li; Kim, Karen Wang; Chen, Wen-Chi


    Der Zusammenhang zwischen Lungenkrebs und Ekzemen bleibt umstritten. Frühere Studien haben zu widersprüchlichen Ergebnissen geführt. Diese retrospektive populationsbasierte Kohortenstudie zielt darauf ab, das Risiko von Lungenkrebs im Zusammenhang mit Ekzemen abzuklären. In der Forschungsdatenbank der taiwanesischen nationalen Krankenversicherung identifizierten wir 43719 Patienten, bei denen in den Jahren 2000 bis 2010 ein Ekzem neu diagnostiziert wurde. Die Vergleichskohorte bildeten 87438 zufällig ausgewählte, altersangepasste Patienten ohne Ekzem. Die Fälle aus diesen beiden Kohorten wurden bis 2011 verfolgt. Zur Kalkulation des Lungenkrebsrisikos bei Ekzempatienten wurde die Cox-Regression verwendet. Die Datenbank enthielt keine Informationen über Raucherstatus, Alkoholkonsum, sozioökonomischen Status oder Familienanamnese. Nach der Bereinigung um Alter und Komorbidität hatte die Population mit Ekzemen ein um 2,80 erhöhtes Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs gegenüber der Vergleichskohorte (bereinigte Hazard-Ratio 2,80, 95 % Konfidenzinterval 2,59-3,03). Ekzempatienten mit Begleiterkrankungen, darunter Asthma, chronisch obstruktive Lungenerkrankungen, alkoholbedingten Leberschäden oder Diabetes, hatten ein höheres Lungenkrebsrisiko als Patienten ohne Ekzeme oder Komorbidität. Ekzeme gehen mit einem höheren Risiko für die Entwicklung von Lungenkrebs einher. Weitere Studien mit umfassenderen Informationen über weitere potentielle Einflussfaktoren sind sinnvoll. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  10. CAMECA IMS 1300-HR3: The New Generation Ion Microprobe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peres, P.; Choi, S. Y.; Renaud, L.; Saliot, P.; Larson, D. J.


    The success of secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) in Geo- and Cosmo-chemistry relies on its performance in terms of: 1) very high sensitivity (mandatory for high precision measurements or to achieve low detection limits); 2) a broad mass range of elemental and isotopic species, from low mass (H) to high mass (U and above); 3) in-situ analysis of any solid flat polished surface; and 4) high spatial resolution from tens of microns down to sub-micron scale. The IMS 1300-HR3 (High Reproducibility, High spatial Resolution, High mass Resolution) is the latest generation of CAMECA's large geometry magnetic sector SIMS (or ion microprobe), successor to the internationally recognized IMS 1280-HR. The 1300-HR3delivers unmatched analytical performance for a wide range of applications (stable isotopes, geochronology, trace elements, nuclear safeguards and environmental studies…) due to: • High brightness RF-plasma oxygen ion source with enhanced beam density and current stability, dramatically improving spatial resolution, data reproducibility, and throughput • Automated sample loading system with motorized sample height (Z) adjustment, significantly increasing analysis precision, ease-of-use, and productivity • UV-light microscope for enhanced optical image resolution, together with dedicated software for easy sample navigation (developed by University of Wisconsin, USA) • Low noise 1012Ω resistor Faraday cup preamplifier boards for measuring low signal intensities In addition, improvements in electronics and software have been integrated into the new instrument. In order to meet a growing demand from geochronologists, CAMECA also introduces the KLEORA, which is a fully optimized ion microprobe for advanced mineral dating derived from the IMS 1300-HR3. Instrumental developments as well as data obtained for stable isotope and U-Pb dating applications will be presented in detail.

  11. I'm Sorry "About That": Apologies, Indexicals, and (Unnamed) Offenses

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Margutti, Piera; Traverso, Véronique; Pugliese, Rosa


    We investigate an apology format, "I'm sorry about it/that," where indexical terms (pronouns) refer to the offense rather than naming it. We identified two subsets in our collection of indexical apologies. In one, indexicals are subsequent either to the offense formulation or to an apology-relevant event; in the second, indexicals are…

  12. Understanding the Self-Directed Online Learning Preferences, Goals, Achievements, and Challenges of MIT OpenCourseWare Subscribers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bonk, Curtis J.; Lee, Mimi Miyoung; Kou, Xiaojing; Xu, Shuya; Sheu, Feng-Ru


    This research targeted the learning preferences, goals and motivations, achievements, challenges, and possibilities for life change of self-directed online learners who subscribed to the monthly OpenCourseWare (OCW) e-newsletter from MIT. Data collection included a 25-item survey of 1,429 newsletter subscribers; 613 of whom also completed an…

  13. U.S. Army Institute of Surgical Research Annual Research Progress Report for Fiscal Year 1989

    DTIC Science & Technology


    inhibits dihydropteroate synthase. Antimicrob Agents Chemother (in press). 3. Klotz IM and Morrison RT: The antibacterial activity of sulfonamidwirkung. Chem Ber 75:711-9, 1942. 5. Misiek M, Buck RE, Pursiano TA, et al: Antibacterial activity of phosphanilic acid, alone and in...10, associated inhalation injury, survived. Seven were returned to active duty. Less than three months later, early on the morning of 4 June 1989, at a

  14. Kundenfokus: Startpunkt für die digitale Transformation bei Stadtwerken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fett, Perry; Küller, Philipp

    Big Data, Internet der Dinge, Mobile Computing und soziale Medien - die modernen Informationstechnologien durchdringen den Alltag der meisten Menschen und lösen hierdurch eine digitale Transformation aus. Im Unternehmenskontext manifestiert sich die Digitalisierung durch eine neue Qualität der wissensbasierten Entscheidungsunterstützung und der Automatisierung bzw. Autonomisierung der Geschäftsprozesse. Für Stadtwerke gilt es nun, die Chancen der Digitalisierung zu ihren Gunsten zu nutzen. Ein Startpunkt könnte hierbei sein, wie Stadtwerke zukünftig mit ihren Kunden interagieren. Ausgelöst durch die Liberalisierung der Märkte rückt der Kunde heute stärker in den Mittelpunkt - die Energiewirtschaft steht nun vor der Herausforderung, dem Wettbewerb einen Schritt voraus zu sein und dem Kunden ein absolut positives Kundenerlebnis (Customer Experience) sowohl als Maßnahme zur Kundenbindung als auch zum Kundenaufbau zu bieten. Das vorliegende Kapitel zeigt hierfür die Erfolgskriterien für die gelungene Etablierung des Kundenfokus im eigenen Unternehmen auf. Mit dem Customer-Focus-Cycle-Modell von Fujitsu, angelehnt an den Deming-Kreislauf, wird ein allgemeingültiger Ansatz für ein mögliches Vorgehen beim Aufbau des Kundenfokus vorgestellt. Die sechs Phasen werden dabei anhand praktischer Beispiele erläutert und geben zudem Hinweise zu Methoden und Tools. Aus dem vorgestellten "Werkzeugkasten" wird ferner die Customer-Journey-Methode im Detail erläutert. Weiter soll das präsentierte Reifegradmodell Unternehmen dabei unterstützen, den eigenen Status quo festzustellen und die persönlichen Ziele auf dem Weg zur kundenzentrierten Organisation festzulegen.

  15. Spatially resolved chemical analysis of cicada wings using laser-ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS).


    Román, Jessica K; Walsh, Callee M; Oh, Junho; Dana, Catherine E; Hong, Sungmin; Jo, Kyoo D; Alleyne, Marianne; Miljkovic, Nenad; Cropek, Donald M


    Laser-ablation electrospray ionization (LAESI) imaging mass spectrometry (IMS) is an emerging bioanalytical tool for direct imaging and analysis of biological tissues. Performing ionization in an ambient environment, this technique requires little sample preparation and no additional matrix, and can be performed on natural, uneven surfaces. When combined with optical microscopy, the investigation of biological samples by LAESI allows for spatially resolved compositional analysis. We demonstrate here the applicability of LAESI-IMS for the chemical analysis of thin, desiccated biological samples, specifically Neotibicen pruinosus cicada wings. Positive-ion LAESI-IMS accurate ion-map data was acquired from several wing cells and superimposed onto optical images allowing for compositional comparisons across areas of the wing. Various putative chemical identifications were made indicating the presence of hydrocarbons, lipids/esters, amines/amides, and sulfonated/phosphorylated compounds. With the spatial resolution capability, surprising chemical distribution patterns were observed across the cicada wing, which may assist in correlating trends in surface properties with chemical distribution. Observed ions were either (1) equally dispersed across the wing, (2) more concentrated closer to the body of the insect (proximal end), or (3) more concentrated toward the tip of the wing (distal end). These findings demonstrate LAESI-IMS as a tool for the acquisition of spatially resolved chemical information from fragile, dried insect wings. This LAESI-IMS technique has important implications for the study of functional biomaterials, where understanding the correlation between chemical composition, physical structure, and biological function is critical. Graphical abstract Positive-ion laser-ablation electrospray ionization mass spectrometry coupled with optical imaging provides a powerful tool for the spatially resolved chemical analysis of cicada wings.

  16. Contaminant screening of wastewater with HPLC-IM-qTOF-MS and LC+LC-IM-qTOF-MS using a CCS database.


    Stephan, Susanne; Hippler, Joerg; Köhler, Timo; Deeb, Ahmad A; Schmidt, Torsten C; Schmitz, Oliver J


    Non-target analysis has become an important tool in the field of water analysis since a broad variety of pollutants from different sources are released to the water cycle. For identification of compounds in such complex samples, liquid chromatography coupled to high resolution mass spectrometry are often used. The introduction of ion mobility spectrometry provides an additional separation dimension and allows determining collision cross sections (CCS) of the analytes as a further physicochemical constant supporting the identification. A CCS database with more than 500 standard substances including drug-like compounds and pesticides was used for CCS data base search in this work. A non-target analysis of a wastewater sample was initially performed with high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) coupled to an ion mobility-quadrupole-time of flight mass spectrometer (IM-qTOF-MS). A database search including exact mass (±5 ppm) and CCS (±1 %) delivered 22 different compounds. Furthermore, the same sample was analyzed with a two-dimensional LC method, called LC+LC, developed in our group for the coupling to IM-qTOF-MS. This four dimensional separation platform revealed 53 different compounds, identified over exact mass and CCS, in the examined wastewater sample. It is demonstrated that the CCS database can also help to distinguish between isobaric structures exemplified for cyclophosphamide and ifosfamide. Graphical Abstract Scheme of sample analysis and database screening.

  17. The Development of Cockpit Display and Alerting Concepts for Interval Management (IM) in a Near-Term Environment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Baxley, Brian T.; Shay, Richard F.; Swieringa, Kurt A.


    The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Langley Research Center (LaRC) Interval Management (IM) research team has conducted a wide spectrum of work in the recent past, ranging from development and testing of the concept, procedures, and algorithm. This document focuses on the research and evaluation of the IM pilot interfaces, cockpit displays, indications, and alerting concepts for conducting IM spacing operations. The research team incorporated knowledge of human factors research, industry standards for cockpit design, and cockpit design philosophies to develop innovative displays for conducting these spacing operations. The research team also conducted a series of human-in-the-loop (HITL) experiments with commercial pilots and air traffic controllers, in as realistic a high-density arrival operation environment as could be simulated, to evaluate the spacing guidance display features and interface requirements needed to conduct spacing operations.

  18. Utility of the ImPACT test with deaf adolescents.


    Reesman, Jennifer; Pineda, Jill; Carver, Jenny; Brice, Patrick J; Zabel, T Andrew; Schatz, Philip


    The goals of the study included empirical examination of the utility of the Immediate and Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) test with adolescents who are deaf or hard-of-hearing and to investigate patterns of performance at baseline that may arise in the assessment of this population. Baseline assessment of student-athletes has been conducted on a widespread scale with focus on performance of typically developing student-athletes and some clinical groups, though to date no studies have examined adolescents who are deaf or hard-of-hearing. Retrospective and de-identified ImPACT baseline test used with deaf and hard-of-hearing high-school student-athletes (N = 143; 66% male, mean age = 16.11) was examined. Review indicated significant differences in some composite scores between the deaf and hard-of-hearing group and hearing normative comparisons. A possible marker of task misunderstanding was identified to occur more frequently within the deaf and hard-of-hearing sample (13% in deaf sample vs. .31% in hearing sample). Results may provide support for the consideration and use of additional measures to ensure comprehension of task demands when considering this tool for use with deaf and hard-of-hearing adolescents.

  19. Analyzing Electric Field Morphology Through Data-Model Comparisons of the GEM IM/S Assessment Challenge Events

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Liemohn, Michael W.; Ridley, Aaron J.; Kozyra, Janet U.; Gallagher, Dennis L.; Thomsen, Michelle F.; Henderson, Michael G.; Denton, Michael H.; Brandt, Pontus C.; Goldstein, Jerry


    The storm-time inner magnetospheric electric field morphology and dynamics are assessed by comparing numerical modeling results of the plasmasphere and ring current with many in situ and remote sensing data sets. Two magnetic storms are analyzed, April 22,2001 and October 21-23,2001, which are the events selected for the Geospace Environment Modeling (GEM) Inner Magnetosphere/Storms (IM/S) Assessment Challenge (IMSAC). The IMSAC seeks to quantify the accuracy of inner magnetospheric models as well as synthesize our understanding of this region. For each storm, the ring current-atmosphere interaction model (RAM) and the dynamic global core plasma model (DGCPM) were run together with various settings for the large-scale convection electric field and the nightside ionospheric conductance. DGCPM plasmaspheric parameters were compared with IMAGE-EUV plasmapause extractions and LANL-MPA plume locations and velocities. RAM parameters were compared with Dst*, LANL-MPA fluxes and moments, IMAGE-MENA images, and IMAGE-HENA images. Both qualitative and quantitative comparisons were made to determine the electric field morphology that allows the model results to best fit the plasma data at various times during these events. The simulations with self-consistent electric fields were, in general, better than those with prescribed field choices. This indicates that the time-dependent modulation of the inner magnetospheric electric fields by the nightside ionosphere is quite significant for accurate determination of these fields (and their effects). It was determined that a shielded Volland-Stern field description driven by the 3-hour Kp index yields accurate results much of the time, but can be quite inconsistent. The modified Mcllwain field description clearly lagged in overall accuracy compared to the other fields, but matched some data sets (like Dst*) quite well. The rankings between the simulations varied depending on the storm and the individual data sets, indicating that

  20. Air Force Information Management (IM): A 1990 Snapshot and 1995 Future Look at Air Force IM Needs and Preferred Education/Training Approaches

    DTIC Science & Technology


    small powerful computers to businesses and homes on an international scale (29:74). Relatively low cost, high computing power , and ease of operation performed. In large part, today’s AF IM professional has been inundated with powerful new technologies which were rapidly introduced and inserted...state that, "In a survey of five years of MIS research, we fouind the averane levels of statistical power to be relatively low (5:104). In their own

  1. A Multilevel Shape Fit Analysis of Neutron Transmission Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naguib, K.; Sallam, O. H.; Adib, M.; Ashry, A.

    A multilevel shape fit analysis of neutron transmission data is presented. A multilevel computer code SHAPE is used to analyse clean transmission data obtained from time-of-flight (TOF) measurements. The shape analysis deduces the parameters of the observed resonances in the energy region considered in the measurements. The shape code is based upon a least square fit of a multilevel Briet-Wigner formula and includes both instrumental resolution and Doppler broadenings. Operating the SHAPE code on a test example of a measured transmission data of 151Eu, 153Eu and natural Eu in the energy range 0.025-1 eV accquired a good result for the used technique of analysis.Translated AbstractAnalyse von Neutronentransmissionsdaten mittels einer VielniveauformanpassungNeutronentransmissionsdaten werden in einer Vielniveauformanpassung analysiert. Dazu werden bereinigte Daten aus Flugzeitmessungen mit dem Rechnerprogramm SHAPE bearbeitet. Man erhält die Parameter der beobachteten Resonanzen im gemessenen Energiebereich. Die Formanpassung benutzt eine Briet-Wignerformel und berücksichtigt Linienverbreiterungen infolge sowohl der Meßeinrichtung als auch des Dopplereffekts. Als praktisches Beispiel werden 151Eu, 153Eu und natürliches Eu im Energiebereich 0.025 bis 1 eV mit guter Übereinstimmung theoretischer und experimenteller Werte behandelt.

  2. Generic Service Integration in Adaptive Learning Experiences Using IMS Learning Design

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de-la-Fuente-Valentin, Luis; Pardo, Abelardo; Kloos, Carlos Delgado


    IMS Learning Design is a specification to capture the orchestration taking place in a learning scenario. This paper presents an extension called Generic Service Integration. This paradigm allows a bidirectional communication between the course engine in charge of the orchestration and conventional Web 2.0 tools. This communication allows the…

  3. The Global Detection Capability of the IMS Seismic Network in 2013 Inferred from Ambient Seismic Noise Measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gaebler, P. J.; Ceranna, L.


    All nuclear explosions - on the Earth's surface, underground, underwater or in the atmosphere - are banned by the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). As part of this treaty, a verification regime was put into place to detect, locate and characterize nuclear explosion testings at any time, by anyone and everywhere on the Earth. The International Monitoring System (IMS) plays a key role in the verification regime of the CTBT. Out of the different monitoring techniques used in the IMS, the seismic waveform approach is the most effective technology for monitoring nuclear underground testing and to identify and characterize potential nuclear events. This study introduces a method of seismic threshold monitoring to assess an upper magnitude limit of a potential seismic event in a certain given geographical region. The method is based on ambient seismic background noise measurements at the individual IMS seismic stations as well as on global distance correction terms for body wave magnitudes, which are calculated using the seismic reflectivity method. From our investigations we conclude that a global detection threshold of around mb 4.0 can be achieved using only stations from the primary seismic network, a clear latitudinal dependence for the detection thresholdcan be observed between northern and southern hemisphere. Including the seismic stations being part of the auxiliary seismic IMS network results in a slight improvement of global detection capability. However, including wave arrivals from distances greater than 120 degrees, mainly PKP-wave arrivals, leads to a significant improvement in average global detection capability. In special this leads to an improvement of the detection threshold on the southern hemisphere. We further investigate the dependence of the detection capability on spatial (latitude and longitude) and temporal (time) parameters, as well as on parameters such as source type and percentage of operational IMS stations.

  4. Untersuchung der Störwirkung von LTE auf SRD Anwendungen bei 868 MHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Welpot, M.; Wunderlich, S.; Gaspard, I.


    Moderne Hausautomatisierungssysteme, Alarmanlagen oder auch Funk-Zugangssysteme in Haus und Automobil setzen auf frei nutzbare Frequenzen in ISM/SRD-Bändern. Die rasante Zunahme an privaten und kommerziell genutzten Applikationen im SRD-Band bei 868 MHz und der Ausbau der LTE-Mobilfunknetze im Frequenzbereich unterhalb von 1 GHz ("Digital Dividend") wirft zunehmend die Frage nach der Funkverträglichkeit dieser Systeme untereinander auf. Während die SRD-Funkmodule auf eine geringe Sendeleistung von ~ +14 dBm beschränkt sind (Ralf and Thomas, 2009), beträgt die maximale LTE-Sendeleistung im Uplink nach (ETSI-Norm, 2011) +23 dBm. Zusammen mit der Einführung von LTE im Frequenzbereich unterhalb 1 GHz als DSL-Ersatz vor allem in ländlichen Gebieten, ergibt sich damit als mögliches Störszenario, dass durch die Aussendung des LTE-Endgerätes im Bereich von ca. 850 MHz die SRD-Funkverbindungen bei 868 MHz insbesondere dann gestört werden, wenn die Antennen beider Funksysteme räumlich nahe zueinander angeordnet sind und folglich nur eine geringe zusätzliche Entkopplung der Systeme bieten. In der vorliegenden Arbeit wird das LTE-Störpotential auf SRD-Empfänger praxisnah untersucht.

  5. IMS Infrasound Monitoring Test Site at Trafelberg, Austria: Preliminary Results from In-Situ Response Measurements of Infrasound Elements

    DTIC Science & Technology


    IMS INFRASOUND MONITORING TEST SITE AT TRAFELBERG, AUSTRIA: PRELIMINARY RESULTS FROM IN-SITU RESPONSE MEASUREMENTS OF INFRASOUND ELEMENTS Thomas...The International Monitoring System (IMS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear Test-Ban Treaty Organization (CTBTO) has a unique infrasound test site...all four infrasound elements at I99 were made from 0.008 Hz to several Hz. For all four elements, from 0.01 to 0.1 Hz, the measured magnitude and

  6. MIT Laboratory for Computer Science Progress Report 20 - July 1982 - Jun 1983,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    system by the Programming Technology Group. Research in the second and largest area entitled Machines, Languages , and Systems, strives to discover and...utilization and cost effectiveness . For example, the Programming Methodology Group and the Real Time Systems Group are developing languages and...100 Megabits per second when implemented with the 1.2[im. n- well cMOS process. 3. LANGUAGES 3.1. Demand Driven Evaluation In his engineer’s thesis

  7. Biologie statt Philosophie? Evolutionäre Kulturerklärungen und ihre Grenzen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Illies, Christian

    Vor über siebzig Jahren fand man in einer Höhle nahe Hohlenstein-Stadel, im heutigen Baden-Württemberg, eine Frau, die keiner bekannten Spezies und nicht einmal eindeutig den Hominiden zugeordnet werden konnte. Wegen ihres Aussehens wurde sie schon bald als "Löwenfrau“ bekannt (unterdessen wird sie als "Löwenmensch“ bezeichnet, da die in solchen Fragen Klarheit schaffenden Geschlechtsteile bei der Figur fehlen und in Zeiten von gender mainstreaming derartige Festlegungen gerne vermieden werden), denn sie hatte eine menschlich-aufrechte, unbehaarte Gestalt mit weiblichen Rundungen, aber zugleich eine Mähne, sowie Augen, Ohren und Schnauze eines Löwen. Eine sehr weitläufige Verwandte des Minotaurus, so schien es, und doch wesentlich älter als alle Bewohner des Olymps, denn vermutlich wurde die knapp 30 cm große Skulptur bereits in der Altsteinzeit vor etwa 32.000 Jahren aus Mammut-Elfenbein geschnitzt. Wir wissen nicht, ob sie kultischen Zwecken diente oder ein Kind mit ihr spielte, ob sie als Glücksbringer für die Jagd oder als Schamanin mit Löwenmaske verehrt und gefürchtet wurde. Aber die Löwenfrau legt nahe, dass der Mensch schon im Morgendämmern seiner Kultur über die eigene Nähe, aber auch Distanz zum Tier nachgedacht haben muss. Die Frage nach der menschlichen Selbstverortung begegnet uns in dieser Figur, und sie bestimmt viele Zeugnisse menschlichen Nachdenkens, welche uns die Altertumswissenschaften vorlegen. Mit dem Begriff "animal rationale“, wie er unter Bezug auf Aristoteles geprägt wurde, findet sie schließlich ihre klassische, für das Abendland lange Zeit maßgebliche Antwort: Der Mensch als Tier, dessen spezifisches Merkmal die Vernunftbegabtheit ist, die ihn zugleich von allen anderen Tieren abgrenzt und über sie stellt. Aber wo genau verläuft die Grenze? Und wie kann der Mensch beides zugleich sein? Die aristotelische Definition beantwortet diese Fragen nach der Doppelnatur nicht, sondern erhebt das offene R

  8. AirMSPI Level 1B2 V006 New Data for the NASA/JPL/Caltech ImPACT-PM Campaign

    Atmospheric Science Data Center


    AirMSPI Level 1B2 V006 New Data for the NASA/JPL/Caltech ImPACT-PM Campaign ImPACT-PM Wednesday, May 16, 2018 The NASA Langley Atmospheric Science Data Center (ASDC) and Jet Propulsion ... flight campaign.   AirMSPI flies in the nose of NASA's high-altitude ER-2 aircraft. The instrument was built by JPL and the ...

  9. Auf dem Weg zur digitalen Fakultät - moderne IT Infrastruktur am Beispiel des Physik-Departments der TU München

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Homolka, Josef

    Der Geschäftsbetrieb einer Universität ist durch zunehmende Digitalisierung und Nutzung elektronischer Medien gekennzeichnet. Die Einführung immer leistungsfähigerer zentraler IT-Systeme führt zu einer komplexen Vielfalt heterogener Benutzer- und Administrationsschnittstellen. Zur Schaffung einer umfassenden benutzerfreundlichen und nahtlosen IT-Infrastruktur ist die Beteiligung aller organisatorischen Einheiten und Ebenen erforderlich. Am Physik-Departement der Technischen Universität München wurden unter Integration eigener Ressourcen mit zentralen Ressourcen, die im Rahmen des IntegraTUM Projektes entwickelt und bereitgestellt wurden, existierende Dienste weiterentwickelt und neue Angebote aufgebaut. Das System, bestehend aus den Komponenten Netzwerk, Arbeitsplatzrechner, Serverinfrastruktur, E-Mail-Service, WWWDienst, Datenhaltung und Software wurde für die Nutzerkreise Studenten und Mitarbeiter im Hinblick auf Anwenderfreundlichkeit und nahtlosen Zugriff optimiert.

  10. Enhancement in sample collection for the detection of MDMA using a novel planar SPME (PSPME) device coupled to ion mobility spectrometry (IMS).


    Gura, Sigalit; Guerra-Diaz, Patricia; Lai, Hanh; Almirall, José R


    Trace detection of illicit drugs challenges the scientific community to develop improved sensitivity and selectivity in sampling and detection techniques. Ion mobility spectrometry (IMS) is one of the prominent trace detectors for illicit drugs and explosives, mostly due to its portability, high sensitivity and fast analysis. Current sampling methods for IMS rely on wiping suspected surfaces or withdrawing air through filters to collect particulates. These methods depend greatly on the particulates being bound onto surfaces or having sufficient vapour pressure to be airborne. Many of these compounds are not readily available in the headspace due to their low vapour pressure. This research presents a novel SPME device for enhanced air sampling and shows the use of optimized IMS by genetic algorithms to target volatile markers and/or odour signatures of illicit substances. The sampling method was based on unique static samplers, planar substrates coated with sol-gel polydimethyl siloxane (PDMS) nanoparticles, also known as planar solid-phase microextraction (PSPME). Due to its surface chemistry, high surface area and capacity, PSPME provides significant increases in sensitivity over conventional fibre SPME. The results show a 50-400 times increase in the detection capacity for piperonal, the odour signature of 3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA). The PSPME-IMS technique was able to detect 600 ng of piperonal in a 30 s extraction from a quart-sized can containing 5 MDMA tablets, while detection using fibre SPME-IMS was not attainable. In a blind study of six cases suspected to contain varying amounts of MDMA in the tablets, PSPME-IMS successfully detected five positive cases and also produced no false positives or false negatives. One positive case had minimal amounts of MDMA resulting in a false negative response for fibre SPME-IMS.

  11. First evidence of external disc photoevaporation in a low mass star forming region: the case of IM Lup

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haworth, Thomas J.; Facchini, Stefano; Clarke, Cathie J.; Cleeves, L. Ilsedore


    We model the radiatively driven flow from IM Lup - a large protoplanetary disc expected to be irradiated by only a weak external radiation field (at least 104 times lower than the ultraviolet field irradiating the Orion Nebula Cluster proplyds). We find that material at large radii (>400 au) in this disc is sufficiently weakly gravitationally bound that significant mass-loss can be induced. Given the estimated values of the disc mass and accretion rate, the viscous time-scale is long (˜10 Myr) so the main evolutionary behaviour for the first Myr of the disc's lifetime is truncation of the disc by photoevaporation, with only modest changes effected by viscosity. We also produce approximate synthetic observations of our models, finding substantial emission from the flow that can explain the CO halo observed about IM Lup out to ≥1000 au. Solutions that are consistent with the extent of the observed CO emission generally imply that IM Lup is still in the process of having its disc outer radius truncated. We conclude that IM Lup is subject to substantial external photoevaporation, which raises the more general possibility that external irradiation of the largest discs can be of significant importance even in low mass star forming regions.

  12. Sterblichkeit: der paradoxe Kunstgriff des Lebens - Eine Betrachtung vor dem Hintergrund der modernen Biologie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Verbeek, Bernhard

    Leben gibt es auf der Erde seit fast 4 Mio. Jahren, trotz allen Katastrophen. Die Idee des Lebens scheint unsterblich. Der Tod aber offenbar auch. Jedes Lebewesen ist davon bedroht, ja für Menschen und andere "höhere“ Lebewesen ist er im Lebensprogramm eingebaut - todsicher. Diese Tatsache ist alles andere als selbstverständlich. Ist sie überhaupt kompatibel mit dem Prinzip der Evolution, nach dem der am besten Angepasste überlebt?

  13. Neurocognitive performance and symptom profiles of Spanish-speaking Hispanic athletes on the ImPACT test.


    Ott, Summer; Schatz, Philip; Solomon, Gary; Ryan, Joseph J


    This study documented baseline neurocognitive performance of 23,815 athletes on the Immediate Post-Concussion Assessment and Cognitive Testing (ImPACT) test. Specifically, 9,733 Hispanic, Spanish-speaking athletes who completed the ImPACT test in English and 2,087 Hispanic, Spanish-speaking athletes who completed the test in Spanish were compared with 11,955 English-speaking athletes who completed the test in English. Athletes were assigned to age groups (13-15, 16-18). Results revealed a significant effect of language group (p < .001; partial η(2) = 0.06) and age (p < .001; partial η(2) = 0.01) on test performance. Younger athletes performed more poorly than older athletes, and Spanish-speaking athletes completing the test in Spanish scored more poorly than Spanish-speaking and English-speaking athletes completing the test in English, on all Composite scores and Total Symptom scores. Spanish-speaking athletes completing the test in English also performed more poorly than English-speaking athletes completing the test in English on three Composite scores. These differences in performance and reported symptoms highlight the need for caution in interpreting ImPACT test data for Hispanic Americans.

  14. Study of Out-Time on the Processing and Properties of IM7/977-3 Composites

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Miller, Sandi G.; Sutter, James K.; Scheiman, Daniel A.; Maryanski, Michael; Schlea, Michelle


    The capability to manufacture large structures leads to weight savings and reduced risk relative to joining smaller components. However, manufacture of increasingly large composite components is pushing the out-life limits of epoxy/ carbon fiber prepreg. IM7/977-3 is an autoclave processable prepreg material, commonly used in aerospace structures. The out-life limit is reported as 30 days by the manufacturer. The purpose of this work was to evaluate the material processability and composite properties of 977-3 resin and IM7/977-3 prepreg that had been aged at room temperature for up to 60 days. The neat resin was evaluated by differential scanning calorimetry, DSC, to characterize cure behavior of the aged material, as well as any change in activation energy. The rise in the modulus of the uncured prepreg was monitored throughout the 60 days by dynamic mechanical analysis, DMA. Composite panels made of the fresh and aged prepreg material were also characterized by DMA. The overall test results suggested that IM7/977-3 was a robust material that offered quality laminates throughout this aging process when processed by autoclave.

  15. The neurosciences research program at MIT and the beginning of the modern field of neuroscience.


    Adelman, George


    The interdisciplinary field, "neuroscience," began at MIT in 1962 with the founding of the Neurosciences Research Program (NRP) by Francis O. Schmitt and a group of US and international scientists - physical, biological, medical, and behavioral - interested in understanding the brain basis of behavior and mind. They organized and held specialist meetings of basic topics in neuroscience, and the journal and book publications over the next 20 years, based on these meetings, helped establish the new field.

  16. Assessment of processing speed in children with mild TBI: a "first look" at the validity of pediatric ImPACT.


    Newman, Julie B; Reesman, Jennifer H; Vaughan, Christopher G; Gioia, Gerard A


    Deficit in the speed of cognitive processing is a commonly identified neuropsychological change in children recovering from a mild TBI. However, there are few validated child assessment instruments that allow for serial assessment over the course of recovery in this population. Pediatric ImPACT is a novel measure that purports to assess cognitive speed, learning, and efficiency in this population. The current study sought to validate the use of this new measure by comparing it to traditional paper and pencil measures of processing speed. One hundred and sixty-four children (71% male) age 5-12 with mild TBI evaluated in an outpatient concussion clinic were administered Pediatric ImPACT and other neuropsychological test measures as part of a flexible test battery. Performance on the Response Speed Composite of Pediatric ImPACT was more strongly associated with other measures of cognitive processing speed, than with measures of immediate/working memory and learning/memory in this sample of injured children. There is preliminary support for convergent and discriminant validity of Pediatric ImPACT as a measure for use in post-concussion evaluations of processing speed in children.

  17. Dynamische Motorvermessung mit verschiedenen Methoden und Modellen

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schreiber, Alexander

    Die stark zunehmenden gesetzlichen und wirtschaftlichen Vorgaben zur Senkung von Kraftstoffverbrauch und Abgasemissionen stellen große Anforderungen an die weitere Entwicklung von Benzin- und Dieselmotoren. Hierbei sind grundlegende Fortschritte durch Konstruktion und auslegungsbedingte Maßnahmen im Bereich der Einspritzung, Gemischaufbereitung, Aufladung, Brennverfahren und Abgasnachbehandlung zu erreichen. Ein wesentlicher Teil dieser Verbesserungen wird jedoch durch eine Zunahme von Variabilitäten erreicht wie z.B. verstellbaren Vor-, Haupt- und Nacheinspritzungen, variablem Raildruck, variablen Nockenwellensteuerwinkeln, Ventilhüben, Drall-/Tumbleklappen sowie verstellbaren Abgasturbinen, Abgasrückführströmen und Abgasnachbehandlungssystemen. Dadurch steigt die Zahl der Stellglieder (Aktoren) stark an. Hinzu kommen zusätzliche Sensoren wie z.B. für Luftzahl, NOx, Brennraumdruck, Abgastemperatur und Abgasdruck. Deshalb nimmt der Umfang der Steuerungs-, Regelungs- und Diagnosefunktionen in der Motorelektronik (ECU) stark zu. Bild 7-1 zeigt als Beispiel den Signalfluss für die gesteuerten und geregelten Größen eines Dieselmotors in einer beispielhaften Prüfstandsumgebung.

  18. Systeme mit veränderlicher Teilchenzahl, Gasentartung

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Heintze, Joachim

    Bisher haben wir die Zustandsgrößen ν (Zahl der Mole) und N (Zahl der Teilchen im System) als konstant betrachtet. In diesem Kapitel wollen wir untersuchen, wie sich Veränderungen von ν bzw. von N beschreiben lassen. Dazu werden wir eine neue thermodynamische Größe einführen, das chemische Potential μ. Als Beispiele für die Veränderung von Teilchenzahlen werden wir diffusive Prozesse und chemische Reaktionen betrachten. Am Ende des Kapitels werden wir die quantenmechanische Gasentartung diskutieren, bei der das chemische Potential ebenfalls eine Rolle spielt. Wir werden feststellen, dass es nicht schwierig ist, einige Eigenschaften dieses interessanten Materiezustands zu verstehen. Wir behandeln das Thema bereits hier und nicht erst in der Quantenphysik am Ende des Buches, weil es in die Wärmelehre gehört und weil auf dieser Grundlage die elektrischen Eigenschaften von Metallen in Bd. III/9 leicht diskutiert werden können.

  19. NENIMF: Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility - A Multi-User Facility for SIMS Microanalysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Layne, G. D.; Shimizu, N.


    The MIT-Brown-Harvard Regional Ion Microprobe Facility was one of the earliest multi-user facilities enabled by Dan Weill's Instrumentation and Facilities Program - and began with the delivery of a Cameca IMS 3f ion microprobe to MIT in 1978. The Northeast National Ion Microprobe Facility (NENIMF) is the direct descendant of this original facility. Now housed at WHOI, the facility incorporates both the original IMS 3f, and a new generation, high transmission-high resolution instrument - the Cameca IMS 1270. Purchased with support from NSF, and from a consortium of academic institutions in the Northeast (The American Museum of Natural History, Brown University, The Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, MIT, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, WHOI) - this latest instrument was delivered and installed during 1996. NENIMF continues to be supported by NSF EAR I&F as a multi-user facility for geochemical research. Work at NENIMF has extended the original design strength of the IMS 1270 for microanalytical U-Pb zircon geochronology to a wide variety of novel and improved techniques for geochemical research. Isotope microanalysis for studies in volcanology and petrology is currently the largest single component of facility activity. This includes the direct measurement of Pb isotopes in melt inclusions, an application developed at NENIMF, which is making an increasingly significant contribution to our understanding of basalt petrogenesis. This same technique has also been extended to the determination of Pb isotopes in detrital feldspar grains, for the study of sedimentary provenance and tectonics of the Himalayas and other terrains. The determination of δ11B in volcanic melt inclusions has also proven to be a powerful tool in the modeling of subduction-related magmatism. The recent development of δ34S and δ37Cl determination in glasses is being applied to studies of the behavior of these volatile elements in both natural and experimental systems. Other recent undertakings

  20. LLIMAS: Revolutionizing integrating modeling and analysis at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Doyle, Keith B.; Stoeckel, Gerhard P.; Rey, Justin J.; Bury, Mark E.


    MIT Lincoln Laboratory's Integrated Modeling and Analysis Software (LLIMAS) enables the development of novel engineering solutions for advanced prototype systems through unique insights into engineering performance and interdisciplinary behavior to meet challenging size, weight, power, environmental, and performance requirements. LLIMAS is a multidisciplinary design optimization tool that wraps numerical optimization algorithms around an integrated framework of structural, thermal, optical, stray light, and computational fluid dynamics analysis capabilities. LLIMAS software is highly extensible and has developed organically across a variety of technologies including laser communications, directed energy, photometric detectors, chemical sensing, laser radar, and imaging systems. The custom software architecture leverages the capabilities of existing industry standard commercial software and supports the incorporation of internally developed tools. Recent advances in LLIMAS's Structural-Thermal-Optical Performance (STOP), aeromechanical, and aero-optical capabilities as applied to Lincoln prototypes are presented.

  1. MIT-NASA/KSC space life science experiments - A telescience testbed

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Oman, Charles M.; Lichtenberg, Byron K.; Fiser, Richard L.; Vordermark, Deborah S.


    Experiments performed at MIT to better define Space Station information system telescience requirements for effective remote coaching of astronauts by principal investigators (PI) on the ground are described. The experiments were conducted via satellite video, data, and voice links to surrogate crewmembers working in a laboratory at NASA's Kennedy Space Center. Teams of two PIs and two crewmembers performed two different space life sciences experiments. During 19 three-hour interactive sessions, a variety of test conditions were explored. Since bit rate limits are necessarily imposed on Space Station video experiments surveillance video was varied down to 50 Kb/s and the effectiveness of PI controlled frame rate, resolution, grey scale, and color decimation was investigated. It is concluded that remote coaching by voice works and that dedicated crew-PI voice loops would be of great value on the Space Station.

  2. Der Einfluss von Alitretinoin auf die Lebensqualität bei Patienten mit schwerem chronischen Handekzem: FUGETTA - Beobachtungsstudie unter Praxisbedingungen.


    Augustin, Matthias; Thaçi, Diamant; Kamps, Anja


    Alitretinoin ist die einzige zugelassene Behandlung für schweres chronisches Handekzem (CHE), das refraktär gegenüber potenten topischen Corticosteroiden ist. Bei dieser Studie (FUGETTA) wurde die Wirksamkeit von leitliniengerecht angewendetem oralem Alitretinoin sowie dessen Einfluss auf die Lebensqualität (LQ) bei Patienten mit schwerem refraktärem CHE beurteilt. Multizentrische, offene, nichtinterventionelle Beobachtungsstudie, durchgeführt in Deutschland. Die Patienten wurden nach Ermessen ihres behandelnden Arztes mit Alitretinoin 10 mg oder 30 mg einmal täglich über maximal 24 Wochen behandelt. Die Wirksamkeit wurde anhand des Physician Global Assessment (PGA) und des Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) bewertet. Zudem wurden unerwünschte Ereignisse (UE) erfasst. Die Studienpopulation bestand aus 658 Patienten (30 mg: n = 581; 10 mg: n = 77). Bei Beobachtungsbeginn litten die meisten Patienten (83 %) gemäß PGA an einem schweren CHE. Bei Beobachtungsende war das Handekzem bei 48 % der Patienten gemäß PGA vollständig oder fast vollständig abgeheilt (30 mg: 49 %; 10 mg: 43 %). Die mittlere Verbesserung des DLQI-Scores in Woche 24 betrug 58 % (30 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,4 [8,04]) und 70 % (10 mg: mittlere [SD] Veränderung gegenüber dem Ausgangswert -10,8 [7,29]). Die Gesamtinzidenz von NW war niedrig und in den beiden Gruppen ähnlich. Alitretinoin führte zu einer schnellen, deutlichen Verbesserung der LQ bei Patienten mit schwerem CHE. © 2016 Deutsche Dermatologische Gesellschaft (DDG). Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  3. The mini-CIDEX GC/IMS: Analysis of cometary ice and dust

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kojiro, Daniel R.; Carle, Glenn C.; Humphry, Donald E.; Shao, Maxine; Takeuchi, Nori


    Comets are recognized as among the most scientifically important objects in the solar system. They are presumed relics of the early primitive material in the solar nebula and are believed to have provided a general enrichment of volatiles to the inner solar system. The Cometary Coma Chemical Composition (C4) Mission, a proposed Discovery-Class Mission, will analyze materials released into the coma, providing information leading to the understanding of the chemical composition and make-up of the cometary nucleus. As one of two scientific instruments in the C4 spacecraft, an advanced and streamlined version of the Cometary Ice and Dust Experiment (CIDEX), a mini-CIDEX, will employ an X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) spectrometer to determine bulk elemental composition of cometary dust grains and a Gas Chromatograph/Ion Mobility Spectrometer (GC/IMS) for determination of the molecular composition of dust and ices following stepwise pyrolysis and combustion. A description of the mini-CIDEX IMS will be provided as well as data from analyses conducted using the mini-CIDEX breadboard instrument.

  4. InstanceCollage: A Tool for the Particularization of Collaborative IMS-LD Scripts

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Villasclaras-Fernandez, Eloy D.; Hernandez-Gonzalo, Julio A.; Hernandez-Leo, Davinia; Asensio-Perez, Juan I.; Dimitriadis, Yannis; Martinez-Mones, Alejandra


    Current research work in e-learning and more specifically in the field of CSCL (Computer Supported Collaborative Learning) deals with design of collaborative activities, according to computer-interpretable specifications, such as IMS Learning Design, and their posterior enactment using LMSs (Learning Management Systems). A script that describes…

  5. The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility for education and advanced diagnostics development for OMEGA, Z and the NIF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petrasso, R.; Gatu Johnson, M.; Armstrong, E.; Han, H. W.; Kabadi, N.; Lahmann, B.; Orozco, D.; Rojas Herrera, J.; Sio, H.; Sutcliffe, G.; Frenje, J.; Li, C. K.; Séguin, F. H.; Leeper, R.; Ruiz, C. L.; Sangster, T. C.


    The MIT HEDP Accelerator Facility utilizes a 135-keV linear electrostatic ion accelerator, a D-T neutron source and two x-ray sources for development and characterization of nuclear diagnostics for OMEGA, Z, and the NIF. The ion accelerator generates D-D and D-3He fusion products through acceleration of D ions onto a 3He-doped Erbium-Deuteride target. Fusion reaction rates around 106 s-1 are routinely achieved, and fluence and energy of the fusion products have been accurately characterized. The D-T neutron source generates up to 6 × 108 neutrons/s. The two x-ray generators produce spectra with peak energies of 35 keV and 225 keV and maximum dose rates of 0.5 Gy/min and 12 Gy/min, respectively. Diagnostics developed and calibrated at this facility include CR-39 based charged-particle spectrometers, neutron detectors, and the particle Time-Of-Flight (pTOF) and Magnetic PTOF CVD-diamond-based bang time detectors. The accelerator is also a vital tool in the education of graduate and undergraduate students at MIT. This work was supported in part by SNL, DOE, LLE and LLNL.

  6. [Evaluation of the Musical Concentration Training with Pepe (MusiKo mit Pepe) for children with attention deficits].


    Rothmann, Kathrin; Hillmer, Jana-Mareike; Hosser, Daniela


    This study evaluates the Musical Concentration Training with Pepe ("MusiKo mit Pepe") for children aged 5 to 10 years with attention deficits. Using a pre-post-control design (N = 108), changes in attention capacity are measured by the Test of Attentional Performance for Children (KiTAP), whereas changes in the quality of life are assessed with the Children's Questionnaire (KINDL-R). Additionally, we utilized the Symptom Checklist for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (FBB-ADHS) and for Conduct Disorder (FBB-SSV) of the Diagnostic System of Mental Disorders in Children and Adolescents II based on ICD-10 and DSM-IV as well as the Child Behavior Checklist and the Teacher's Report Form (CBCL, TRF). Significant pre-post effects were found in both attention and quality of life for children treated by the training compared to controls. Moreover, significant reductions were detected in ADHD symptomatology in parents' and teachers' ratings, and in internal problems in parents' ratings. The effectiveness of the intervention was not affected by age, sex, intelligence, or migration background. The music-based training "MusiKo mit Pepe" is an effective intervention for children with attention deficits, pending replication of these findings in future studies.

  7. Elemente moderner, schlanker Produktionssysteme

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bartholomay, Christian; Boppert, Julia; Dickmann, Eva; Dickmann, Philipp; Gröbner, Michael; Harting, Lothar; Leikep, Sabine; Michels, Friedhelm; Pfister, Johannes; Reitz, Andreas; Schedlbauer, Michael; Takeda, Hitoshi; Thews, Michael; Wilbert, Fred

    Meilensteine der modernen Produktion mit Lean Production, Total Quality Management, Six Sigma, Supply Chain Management, Lean Management und Lean Enterprise können zu effizienteren Abläufen führen. In der betrieblichen Praxis existiert jedoch eine Vielzahl von Zielkonflikten basierend auf Richtlinien von Material Requirements Planning- (MRP), Controlling- und anderen Systemen. Nur wenige Spezialisten in größeren Unternehmen sind im Stande, die Komplexität über die Grenzen eines Fachgebiets hinaus im Detail zu verstehen. Fachübergreifendes Verständnis scheitert an der Komplexität der Gesamtproblematik. Entscheidungen verschiedenster Fachbereiche begrenzen die maximal erreichbare Effizienz des Materialflusses. Logistik und Materialfluss werden daher in vielen Unternehmen als unabdingbare Kernkompetenz verstanden. Um eine schlanke Produktion, einen optimalen Materialfluss und somit minimale Produktkosten zu erreichen, sind folglich vielfältige andere Fachthemen als Vorraussetzungen zu beherrschen. Erst dann ist es in der Produktionslogistik möglich, im Vergleich zu einem Top-Benchmark erfolgreich zu sein. Um im täglichen Konkurrenzkampf die Nase auch morgen noch vorne zu haben" ist es nötig, über den Preis hinaus auch noch völlig andere Problemstellungen zu beherrschen.

  8. Surface modification of graphene using HBC-6ImBr in solution-processed OLEDs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cheng, Tsung-Chin; Ku, Ting-An; Huang, Kuo-You; Chou, Ang-Sheng; Chang, Po-Han; Chang, Chao-Chen; Yue, Cheng-Feng; Liu, Chia-Wei; Wang, Po-Han; Wong, Ken-Tsung; Wu, Chih-I.


    In this work, we report a simple method for solution-processed organic light emitting devices (OLEDs), where single-layer graphene acts as the anode and the hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronene exfoliating agent (HBC-6ImBr) provides surface modification. In SEM images, the PEDOT:PSS solution fully covered the graphene electrode after coating with HBC-6ImBr. The fabricated solution-processed OLEDs with a single-layer graphene anode showed outstanding brightness at 3182 cd/m2 and current efficiency up to 6 cd/A which is comparable to that of indium tin oxide films, and the OLED device brightness performance increases six times compared to tri-layer graphene treated with UV-Ozone at the same driving voltage. This method can be used in a wide variety of solution-processed organic optoelectronics on surface-modified graphene anodes.

  9. Application of Ion Mobility Spectrometry (IMS) in forensic chemistry and toxicology with focus on biological matrices

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bernhard, Werner; Keller, Thomas; Regenscheit, Priska


    The IMS (Ion Mobility Spectroscopy) instrument 'Ionscan' takes advantage of the fact that trace quantities of illicit drugs are adsorbed on dust particles on clothes, in cars and on other items of evidence. The dust particles are collected on a membrane filter by a special attachment on a vacuum cleaner. The sample is then directly inserted into the spectrometer and can be analyzed immediately. We show casework applications of a forensic chemistry and toxicology laboratory. One new application of IMS in forensic chemistry is the detection of psilocybin in dried mushrooms without any further sample preparation.

  10. Seismicity of Central Asia as Observed on Three IMS Stations

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and BVAR are all high-quality seismic arrays . Noise levels at the stations are generally acceptable for the period reviewed, except during the...following conditions: (1) a 4.5-Hz intermittent noise source at MKAR, (2) periodic high-frequency bursts on portions of the SONM array , and (3) a...seismic events (including single station events) observable on three central Asian IMS seismic array stations: Makanchi, Kazakhstan (MKAR); Songino

  11. Knowledge Base for Automatic Generation of Online IMS LD Compliant Course Structures

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pacurar, Ecaterina Giacomini; Trigano, Philippe; Alupoaie, Sorin


    Our article presents a pedagogical scenarios-based web application that allows the automatic generation and development of pedagogical websites. These pedagogical scenarios are represented in the IMS Learning Design standard. Our application is a web portal helping teachers to dynamically generate web course structures, to edit pedagogical content…

  12. Spectral amplitude code label switching system for IM, DQPSK and PDM-DQPSK with frequency swept coherent detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Isaac, Aboagye Adjaye; Yongsheng, Cao; Fushen, Chen


    We present and compare the outcome of implicit and explicit labels using intensity modulation (IM), differential quadrature phase shift keying (DQPSK), and polarization division multiplexed (PDM-DQPSK). A payload bit rate of 1, 2, and 5 Gb/s is considered for IM implicit labels, while payloads of 40, 80, and 112 Gb/s are considered in DQPSK and PDM-DQPSK explicit labels by stimulating a 4-code 156-Mb/s SAC label. The generated label and payloads are observed by assessing the eye diagram, received optical power (ROP), and optical signal to noise ratio (OSNR).

  13. The Characterization of Laser Ablation Patterns and a New Definition of Resolution in Matrix Assisted Laser Desorption Ionization Imaging Mass Spectrometry (MALDI-IMS).


    O'Rourke, Matthew B; Raymond, Benjamin B A; Padula, Matthew P


    Matrix assisted laser desorption ionization imaging mass spectrometry (MALDI-IMS) is a technique that has seen a sharp rise in both use and development. Despite this rapid adoption, there have been few thorough investigations into the actual physical mechanisms that underlie the acquisition of IMS images. We therefore set out to characterize the effect of IMS laser ablation patterns on the surface of a sample. We also concluded that the governing factors that control spatial resolution have not been correctly defined and therefore propose a new definition of resolution. Graphical Abstract ᅟ.

  14. Persian adaptation of a questionnaire of environmental risk factors in multiple sclerosis (EnvIMS-Q).


    Sahraian, Mohammad Ali; Naghshineh, Hoda; Shati, Mohsen; Jahromi, Soodeh Razeghi; Rezaei, Niloofar


    It seems that gene-environment interaction play most important role in Multiple Sclerosis development. Increasing the incidence and prevalence of MS during the recent decades in the low prevalence area such as Iran is explained better by environment factors. Environmental Risk Factors in Multiple Sclerosis (the 'EnvIMS-Q') is a 6-page self-administered questionnaire for case control studies. the objectives of study are validation and adaptation of the EnvIMS-Q' then development of a Persian version for case control studies in Persian population. This questionnaire translated literally and in culturally relevant form, then content validation process was done by three groups' experts. According to giving rating to each item, each section and the whole instrument, we calculated their content validation indexes and also added some new questions and a new section to EnvIMS-Q. Finally, we analyzed repeatability of the answers within a 4 weeks interval. Relevancy and clarity indexes of all items were more than 80%. Scale relevancy index equaled 99% and scale clarity index equaled 97%. Repeatability of most items was acceptable. the use of standardized validated questionnaires will assist the researchers to perform local studies on the role of environmental factors on the basis of reliable data. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. National Dam Safety Program. Lake Sonoma Dam (NJ 0193), Passaic River Basin, Branch of Burnt Meadow Brook, Passaic County, New Jersey. Phase I Inspection Report.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    iron pipe through the dam approximately 42 feet right of the spillway. The flow through the pipe is controlled by a manually operated gate valve located...NATIONAL DAM SAFETY PROGRAM. LAKE SONOMA DAM (NJ 0193). PASSAIC-ETC(U) MAR 80 J P TALERICO DACW MI-T9-C-0011 UNCLASSIFIED NLmhhIEIIIEEEEEI...IIIIIIIIIIEEEE EIIIEEEEEIIEI IIIIEEEEEEEEEE PASS~AIC RIVER BASIN BRANCH OF BURNT MEADOW BROOK PASSAIC COUNTY, NEW JERSEY LA0 O0IM DAM NJi 00193 PHASE 1 INPCTO

  16. The Synthetic Triterpenoid CDDO-Im Inhibits Fatty Acid Synthase Expression and Has Antiproliferative and Proapoptotic Effects in Human Liposarcoma Cells

    PubMed Central

    Hughes, David T.; Martel, Peter M.; Kinlaw, William B.; Eisenberg, Burton L.


    Liposarcomas constitute a rare group of tumors of mesenchymal origin that are often poorly responsive to therapy. This study characterizes a novel human liposarcoma cell line (LiSa-2) and defines the mechanism of its response to a synthetic triterpenoid. Fatty acid synthase (FAS) is a key enzyme of de-novo fatty acid synthesis and is highly expressed in both human liposarcoma tissue specimens and LiSa-2 cells. Treatment of the LiSa-2 cell line with the synthetic triterpenoid 2-cyano-3,12-dioxooleana-1,9-dien-28-oic imidazolide (CDDO-Im) markedly inhibited FAS mRNA expression, FAS protein production and FAS gene promoter activity. As expected, fatty acid synthesis was down regulated, but there was no effect on cellular fatty acid uptake or glycerol-3-phosphate synthesis suggesting a selective inhibition of endogenous fatty acid synthesis. Importantly, CDDO-Im produced a dose-dependent apoptotic effect in the LiSa-2 cell line, and simultaneous treatment with CDDO-Im and the fatty acid synthase inhibitor Cerulenin produced a synergistic cytotoxic effect. Thus, CDDO-Im and Cerulenin act at different loci to inhibit long chain fatty acid synthesis in liposarcoma cells. This study’s demonstration of CDDO-Im inhibition of FAS and Spot 14 (S14) expression is the first report of triterpenoid compounds affecting the fatty acid synthesis pathway. The observed dependence of liposarcomas on lipogenesis to support their growth and survival provides a novel approach to the treatment of liposarcomas with agents that target fatty acid production. PMID:18259941

  17. Use of graphics in decision aids for telerobotic control: (Parts 5-8 of an 8-part MIT progress report)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sheridan, Thomas B.; Roseborough, James B.; Das, Hari; Chin, Kan-Ping; Inoue, Seiichi


    Four separate projects recently completed or in progress at the MIT Man-Machine Systems Laboratory are summarized. They are: a decision aid for retrieving a tumbling satellite in space; kinematic control and graphic display of redundant teleoperators; real time terrain/object generation: a quad-tree approach; and two dimensional control for three dimensional obstacle avoidance.

  18. Summary and recommendations for the NASA/MIT workshop on short haul air transport

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Simpson, R. W.


    The material is summarized that was covered by the MIT/NASA Waterville Valley workshop which dealt with the institutional, socio-economic, operational and technological problems associated with introducing new forms of short haul domestic air transportation. It was found that future air systems hold great potential in satisfying society's needs for a low noise, low landspace, high access, high speed, large network system for public travel over distances between 5 and 500 miles. It is concluded that quiet air systems are necessary for obtaining community approval, and is recommended that extremely high priority be assigned to the development of quiet aircraft for future short haul air systems.

  19. Use and Effectiveness of Continuous Subcutaneous Insulin Infusion (CSII) and Multiple Daily Insulin Injection Therapy (MIT) in Children, Adolescents and Young Adults with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.


    Schiel, R; Burgard, D; Perenthaler, T; Stein, G; Kramer, G; Steveling, A


    Today continuous subcutaneous insulin infusion (CSII) is frequently used in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus. The present cross-sectional trial aimed to document current practice, quality of diabetes control and incidence of acute complications in different age-groups under CSII vs. multiple daily insulin injection therapy (MIT). Moreover the survey analyzed socio-demographic backgrounds of the patients. A total of 901 patients (age 11.5±4.0, diabetes duration 4.0±3.6 years) was entered in the database. Clinical data, laboratory parameters and, using a standardized questionnaire, socio-demographic data were assessed. For age-related analyses patients were allocated to 4 groups: pre-school children (< 6 years), pre-adolescents (≥ 6 and<11 years), adolescents (≥ 11 and<16 years) and young adults (≥ 16 and<22 years). Of the cohort n=194 had a CSII, n=707 had a MIT. Patients with CSII vs. MIT had a longer diabetes duration, they used more frequently insulin analogues, performed more frequently blood-glucose self-tests and had a lower insulin dosage per kilogram body weight. In respect of HbA1c, the mean amplitude of blood-glucose excursions, but also of lipids, creatinine, microalbuminuria and blood pressure, there were no differences in neither age-group between patients with CSII and MIT. In patients with CSII and MIT, there was a tendency (p<0.05) towards an increase in HbA1c in adolescents and young adults and there was a decrease (p<0.05 for tendency) in the frequency of hypoglycaemia from the age group of young adults to pre-school children. Adolescents and young adults with CSII had a higher educational level. Pre-adolescents, adolescents and young adults with CSII have also better diabetes-related knowledge. Moreover, in all age-groups, the parents of patients with CSII had mostly a lower unemployment rate and higher educational levels. The present analyses demonstrate that in all age-groups CSII provides convenient and

  20. Adaptively loaded SP-offset-QAM OFDM for IM/DD communication systems.


    Zhao, Jian; Chan, Chun-Kit


    In this paper, we propose adaptively loaded set-partitioned offset quadrature amplitude modulation (SP-offset-QAM) orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) for low-cost intensity-modulation direct-detection (IM/DD) communication systems. We compare this scheme with multi-band carrier-less amplitude phase modulation (CAP) and conventional OFDM, and demonstrate >40 Gbit/s transmission over 50-km single-mode fiber. It is shown that the use of SP-QAM formats, together with the adaptive loading algorithm specifically designed to this group of formats, results in significant performance improvement for all these three schemes. SP-offset-QAM OFDM exhibits greatly reduced complexity compared to SP-QAM based multi-band CAP, via parallelized implementation and minimized memory length for spectral shaping. On the other hand, this scheme shows better performance than SP-QAM based conventional OFDM at both back-to-back and after transmission. We also characterize the proposed scheme in terms of enhanced tolerance to fiber intra-channel nonlinearity and the potential to increase the communication security. The studies show that adaptive SP-offset-QAM OFDM is a promising IM/DD solution for medium- and long-reach optical access networks and data center connections.

  1. Von eingebetteten Systemen zu Cyber-Physical Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wedde, Rorst F.; Lehnhoff, Sebastian; Rehtanz, Christian; Krause, Olav

    Das Hauptanliegen des Papiers ist, ein Paradigma für Probleme mit neuartigen Integrationsanforderungen für Forschung und Entwicklung in verteilten eingebetteten Echtzeitsystemen zu motivieren und vorzustellen, nämlich den Begriff Cyber-Physical Systems. Bei einer in letzter Zeit stark zunehmenden Anzahl von Realzeitanwendungen können ohne die Berücksichtigung solcher Forderungen keine praktisch brauchbaren Lösungen erwartet werden. Einige Anwendungsfelder werden angesprochen. Im Einzelnen werden dann für Elektroautos, die mit erneuerbaren Energien betrieben werden sollen, einerseits die Management-, verteilte Verhandlungs- und Verteilungsprobleme der benötigten Energie in einem bottom-up Ansatz gelöst. Andererseits wird als Teil unserer Projektarbeit die Bereitstellung von Reserveenergie für den allgemeinen Bedarf durch Autobatterien vorgestellt. Es zeigt sich, dass dies effizienter und wesentlich kurzfristiger in unserem verteilten Vorgehen geschehen kann als in traditionellen Verfahren.

  2. Mikrodaten und statistische Auswertungsmethoden

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hujer, Reinhard

    Mit der zunehmenden Verfügbarkeit immer größerer Querschnitts- und Längschnittsdatensätze für Personen, Haushalte und Betriebe sowie deren Verknüpfungen hat sich die mikroökonometrische Forschung in den vergangenen Jahren rasant weiterentwickelt. Dies gilt sowohl aus methodischer als auch aus empirischer, anwendungsorientierter Sicht. Mikrodaten und mikroökonometrische Ansätze dienen dazu, aktuelle, politikrelevante Fragen aufzugreifen, sie zu analysieren und fundierte politische Empfehlungen zu geben, beispielsweise im Rahmen der Arbeitsmarkt- und Sozialpolitik, der Finanzanalyse und der Marketingforschung. Die Deutsche Statistische Gesellschaft (DStatG) und deren Mitglieder haben sich in den Ausschüssen und in Hauptversammlungen kontinuierlich mit den Weiterentwicklungen der mikroökonometrischen Methodik und den empirischen Anwendungen befasst. Zahlreiche Publikationen von Mitgliedern der DStatG haben entscheidend zum kritischen Diskurs und zum wissenschaftlichen Fortschritt in diesem Bereich beigetragen.

  3. MC21 analysis of the MIT PWR benchmark: Hot zero power results

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kelly Iii, D. J.; Aviles, B. N.; Herman, B. R.


    MC21 Monte Carlo results have been compared with hot zero power measurements from an operating pressurized water reactor (PWR), as specified in a new full core PWR performance benchmark from the MIT Computational Reactor Physics Group. Included in the comparisons are axially integrated full core detector measurements, axial detector profiles, control rod bank worths, and temperature coefficients. Power depressions from grid spacers are seen clearly in the MC21 results. Application of Coarse Mesh Finite Difference (CMFD) acceleration within MC21 has been accomplished, resulting in a significant reduction of inactive batches necessary to converge the fission source. CMFD acceleration has alsomore » been shown to work seamlessly with the Uniform Fission Site (UFS) variance reduction method. (authors)« less

  4. Multi-model Ensemble Regional Climate Projection of the Maritime Continent using the MIT Regional Climate Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kang, S.; IM, E. S.; Eltahir, E. A. B.


    In this study, the future change in precipitation due to global warming is investigated over the Maritime Continent using the MIT Regional Climate Model (MRCM). A total of nine 30-year projections under multi-GCMs (CCSM, MPI, ACCESS) and multi-scenarios of emissions (Control, RCP4.5, RCP8.5) are dynamically downscaled using the MRCM with 12km horizontal resolution. Since downscaled results tend to systematically overestimate the precipitation regardless of GCM used as lateral boundary conditions, the Parametric Quantile Mapping (PQM) is applied to reduce this wet bias. The cross validation for the control simulation shows that the PQM method seems to retain the spatial pattern and temporal variability of raw simulation, however it effectively reduce the wet bias. Based on ensemble projections produced by dynamical downscaling and statistical bias correction, a reduction of future precipitation is discernible, in particular during dry season (June-July-August). For example, intense precipitation in Singapore is expected to be reduced in RCP8.5 projection compared to control simulation. However, the geographical patterns and magnitude of changes still remain uncertain, suffering from statistical insignificance and a lack of model agreement. Acknowledgements This research is supported by the National Research Foundation Singapore under its Campus for Research Excellence and Technological Enterprise programme. The Center for Environmental Sensing and Modeling is an interdisciplinary research group of the Singapore-MIT Alliance for Research and Technology

  5. The ultraviolet spectrum of the eclipsing binary IM Aurigae

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bruhweiler, F. C.; Feibelman, W. A.; Kondo, Y.


    Low dispersion IUE spectra have been obtained at primary and secondary minima, together with a high dispersion spectrum near maximum, for the eclipsing Algol-type IM Aurigae system. The weak, sharp absorption features noted at two distinct velocities in the high dispersion data are attributed to circumbinary gaseous shells and/or gas streams between the stellar components. The implications of these results for the recently observed increase in O-C values of the primary minimum, which prompted this UV spectral search for evidence of a recent mass-loss event, are discussed.

  6. Signal Processing for Indian and Pakistan Nuclear Tests Recorded at IMS Stations Located in Israel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gitterman, Y.; Pinsky, V.; Hofstetter, R.

    - In compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban-Treaty (CTBT) the International Monitoring System (IMS) was designed for detection and location of the clandestine Nuclear Tests (NT). Two auxiliary IMS seismic stations MRNI and EIL, deployed recently, were subjected to detectability, travel-time calibration and discrimination analysis. The study is based on the three recent 1998 underground nuclear explosions: one of India and two of Pakistan, which provided a ground-truth test of the existing IMS. These events, attaining magnitudes of 5.2, 4.8 and 4.6 correspondingly, were registered by many IMS and other seismic stations.The MRNI and EIL broadband (BB) stations are located in Israel at teleseismic distances (from the explosions) of 3600, 2800 and 2700km, respectively, where the signals from the tests are already weak. The Indian and the second Pakistan NT were not detected by the short-period Israel Seismic Network (ISN), using standard STA/LTA triggering. Therefore, for the chosen IMS stations we compare the STA/LTA response to the results of the more sensitive Murdock-Hutt (MH) and the Adaptive Statistically Optimal Detector (OD) that showed triggering for these three events. The second Pakistan NT signal arrived at the ISN and the IMS stations in the coda of a strong Afghanistan earthquake and was further disturbed by a preceding signal from a local earthquake. However, the NT signal was successfully extracted at EIL and MRNI stations using MH and OD procedures. For comparison we provide the signal analysis of the cooperating BB station JER, with considerably worse noise conditions than EIL and MRNI, and show that OD can detect events when the other algorithms fail. Using the most quiet EIL station, the most sensitive OD and different bandpass filters we tried in addition to detect the small Kazakh chemical 100-ton calibration explosion of 1998, with magnitude 3.7 at a distance approaching 4000km. The detector response curve showed uprising in the

  7. The Role of Ki 'Im in Orchestrating Contrastive Focus in Biblical Hebrew

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Park, Grace Jeongyeon


    The so-called compound use of ki 'im has been interpreted mainly either with exceptive ("except" or "unless") or adversative meaning ("but" or "rather"), although it has sometimes also been interpreted in other ways such as "only" or "surely". These various meanings have been applied…

  8. Frequent statistics of link-layer bit stream data based on AC-IM algorithm

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Chenghong; Lei, Yingke; Xu, Yiming


    At present, there are many relevant researches on data processing using classical pattern matching and its improved algorithm, but few researches on statistical data of link-layer bit stream. This paper adopts a frequent statistical method of link-layer bit stream data based on AC-IM algorithm for classical multi-pattern matching algorithms such as AC algorithm has high computational complexity, low efficiency and it cannot be applied to binary bit stream data. The method's maximum jump distance of the mode tree is length of the shortest mode string plus 3 in case of no missing? In this paper, theoretical analysis is made on the principle of algorithm construction firstly, and then the experimental results show that the algorithm can adapt to the binary bit stream data environment and extract the frequent sequence more accurately, the effect is obvious. Meanwhile, comparing with the classical AC algorithm and other improved algorithms, AC-IM algorithm has a greater maximum jump distance and less time-consuming.

  9. Evaluation of SDS depletion using an affinity spin column and IMS-MS detection

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hengel, Shawna M.; Floyd, Erica A.; Baker, Erin Shammel


    While the use of detergents is necessary for a variety of protein isolation preparation protocols, often prior to mass spectral (MS) analysis, they are not compatible with MS analysis due to ion suppression and adduct formation. This manuscript describes optimization of detergent removal, using commercially available SDS depletion spin columns containing an affinity resin, providing for both increased protein recovery and thorough SDS removal. Ion mobility spectrometry coupled with mass spectrometry (IMS-MS) allowed for a concurrent analysis of both analyte and detergent. In the case of both proteins and peptides, higher detergent concentrations than previously reported provided an increase ofmore » sample recovery; however there was a limit as SDS was detected by IMS-MS at higher levels of SDS indicating incomplete detergent depletion. The results also suggest optimal conditions for SDS removal are dependent on the sample concentration. Overall, this study provides a useful guide for proteomic studies where SDS is required for efficient sample preparation.« less

  10. Berechnung verkehrlicher Substitutionseffekte im Personenverkehr bei Online-Shopping

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nerlich, Mark R.; Schiffner, Felix; Vogt, Walter; Rauh, Jürgen; Breidenbach, Petra

    Für Güter des täglichen, mittelfristigen und langfristigen Bedarfs sowie für das Beispiel Baumarktartikel wird das Potenzial für Personenverkehrsaufwand von Einkaufsaktivtäten quantitativ abgeschätzt. Die entwickelten Algorithmen behandeln die einkaufsvorbereitende Information und den eigentlichen Einkauf, d.h. den Erwerb eines Gutes, separat. Informationsaktivitäten haben insbesondere bei höherwertigen Gütern einen hohen Stellenwert und damit auch verkehrliche Relevanz. Wie Berechnungen zeigen, spart Online-Shopping Informations- und Einkaufsverkehrsaufwand im Pkw-Verkehr ein. Die notwendigen Eingangsdaten wie differenzierte Informations- und Einkaufshäufigkeiten sowie verkehrliche Parameter zu Verkehrsmittelwahl, Entfernungen und Wegekopplungen wurden aus eigenen Erhebungen gewonnen.

  11. IMP3 can predict aggressive behaviour of lung adenocarcinoma

    PubMed Central


    with IMP3 overexpression more often had distant metastases than patients with negative IMP3, 55.5% versus 33.3% (P = 0.033). Non solid subtypes with IMP3 overexpression developed distant metastasis more common than non solid subtypes with negative IMP3, 72% versus 35% (P = 0.028). Conclusions Expression of IMP3 correlates with solid subtype and with distant metastases regardless of histological subtype of lung adenocarcinoma. Virtual slides Zusammenfassung Hintergrund Das Lungenkarzinom kommt meistens als nicht resektabler Tumor vor und die Diagnose kann nur in kleinen Biopsaten oder zytologisch gestellt werden. In der Gruppe der nicht kleinzelligen Lungenkarzinome kann der nicht anders spezifizierte Adenokarzinom Phänotyp mit Hilfe der Antikörper TTF-1 und Napsin A diagnostiziert werden. Die Expression des onkoföetalen Proteins IMP3 ist bei humanen Karzinomen mit agressivem Verhalten und metastatischem Potential verbunden. In dieser Studie korreliert die Expression von IMP3 mit TTF-1, Napsin A, histologischem Typ und klinischem Staging des Lungenkarzinoms. Wir waren daran interessiert, ob Fernmetastasen mit IMP3 Überexpression assoziiert sind, unabhängig von der histologischen Subtyp von Adenokarzinom. Methode In der retrospektiven Studie wurden die von 2006 bis 2009 im Klinischem Krankenhaus Split, Kroatien diagnostizerte Adenokarzinome der Lunge von 105 Patienten analysiert. Die klinischen Daten stammten aus der Abteilung für Pulmologie und im Falle des Todes vom Todesregister. Die Paraffinblöcke der primären Lungenbiopsate dieser Patienten wurden im Institut für Pathologie mit der indirekter Enzym - Immunohistochemie mittels Kombination der Antikörper gegen IMP3, Napsin A und TTF1 untersucht. 15 Fälle aus der Analyse aufgrund unzureichender Material ausgeschlossen. Es wurde eine statistische Untersuchung durchgeführt und Werte weniger als 0.05 P wurden als statistisch signifikant

  12. The (Im)Materiality of Literacy: The Significance of Subjectivity to New Literacies Research

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Burnett, Cathy; Merchant, Guy; Pahl, Kate; Rowsell, Jennifer


    This article deconstructs the online and offline experience to show its complexities and idiosyncratic nature. It proposes a theoretical framework designed to conceptualise aspects of meaning-making across on- and offline contexts. In arguing for the "(im)materiality" of literacy, it makes four propositions which highlight the complex…

  13. Development of an immunomagnetic separation-polymerase chain reaction (IMS-PCR) assay specific for Enterocytozoon bieneusi in water samples.


    Sorel, N; Guillot, E; Thellier, M; Accoceberry, I; Datry, A; Mesnard-Rouiller, L; Miégeville, M


    Microsporidia have become widely recognized as important human pathogens. Among Microsporidia, Enterocytozoon bieneusi is responsible for severe gastrointestinal disease. To date, no current therapy has been proven effective. Their mode of transmission and environmental occurrence are poorly documented because of the lack of detection methods that are both species-specific and sensitive. In this study, we developed a sensitive and specific molecular method to detect E. bieneusi spores in water samples. The molecular assay combined immunomagnetic separation (IMS) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification to detect E. bieneusi spores. A comparison was made of IMS magnetic beads coated with two different monoclonal antibodies, one specific for the Encephalitozoon genus that cross-reacts with E. bieneusi and the other specific only for the E. bieneusi species itself. Immunotech beads coated with the antibody specific for E. bieneusi were found to be the most effective combination. The highly specific IMS-PCR assay developed in this study provides a rapid and sensitive means of screening water samples for the presence of E. bieneusi spores.

  14. Determination of the Nucleon-Nucleon Interaction in the ImQMD Model by Nuclear Reactions at Fermi Energy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Cheng; Tian, Jun-Long; Wang, Ning


    The nucleon-nucleon interaction is investigated by using the ImQMD model with the three sets of parameters IQ1, IQ2 and IQ3 in which the corresponding incompressibility coefficients of nuclear matter are different. Fusion excitation function and the charge distribution of fragments are calculated for reaction systems 40Ca+40Ca at different incident energies. It is found that obvious differences in the charge distribution were observed at the energy region 10-25A MeV by adopting the three sets of parameters, while the results were close to each other at energy region of 30-45A MeV for the reaction system. It indicates that the Fermi energy region is a sensitive energy region to explore the N-N interaction. The fragment multiplicity spectrum for 238U+197Au at 15A MeV are reproduced by the ImQMD model with the set of parameter IQ3. It is concluded that charge distribution of the fragments and the fragment multiplicity spectrum are good observables for studying N-N interaction, and IQ3 is a suitable set of parameters for the ImQMD model.

  15. Post-installation activities in the Comprehensive Nuclear Test Ban Treaty (CTBT) International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vivas Veloso, J. A.; Christie, D. R.; Hoffmann, T. L.; Campus, P.; Bell, M.; Langlois, A.; Martysevich, P.; Demirovik, E.; Carvalho, J.; Kramer, A.; Wu, Sean F.


    The provisional operation and maintenance of IMS infrasound stations after installation and subsequent certification has the objective to prepare the infrasound network for entry into force of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT). The goal is to maintain and fine tune the technical capabilities of the network, to repair faulty equipment, and to ensure that stations continue to meet the minimum specifications through evaluation of data quality and station recalibration. Due to the globally dispersed nature of the network, this program constitutes a significant undertaking that requires careful consideration of possible logistic approaches and their financial implications. Currently, 11 of the 60 IMS infrasound stations are transmitting data in the post-installation Testing & Evaluation mode. Another 5 stations are under provisional operation and are maintained in post-certification mode. It is expected that 20% of the infrasound network will be certified by the end of 2002. This presentation will focus on the different phases of post-installation activities of the IMS infrasound program and the logistical challenges to be tackled to ensure a cost-efficient management of the network. Specific topics will include Testing & Evaluation and Certification of Infrasound Stations, as well as Configuration Management and Network Sustainment.

  16. Non-Destructive Impermeability Testing of Land-Based Sewage Systems (zerstoerungsfreie dichtheitspruefung con grundstuecksentwaesserungsleitungen)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    CYberdeckungsh6he zunehmen. Ffr die Stabilitdt des Str ~mungszustandes ist dagegen ein weniger empfindlicher Ansaugstutzen von Vorteil, weil geringe Schwankungen im...Gerinnestr() mung mit einem Laser-Doppler- Anemometer und einem Pitot-Rohr Ltd. BD Dipl.-Ing. B. Ftirmaier M6glichkeiten der Verwertung von HausmUll und...GrundstticksentwAsserungsleitungen ISBN 3-486-26517-2 * diese Hefte k6nnen beim Oldenbourg Industrieverlag GmbH, Rosenheimer Str . 145, 81671 MUnchen bezogen werden (Preis pro Heft: 35,00 DM, Stand 2001)

  17. Was leistet ein Sportler? Kraft, Leistung und Energie im Muskel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thaller, Sigrid; Mathelitsch, Leopold


    Der Leistungsbegriff ist im Sport weiter gefasst als in der Physik. In beiden Fällen liegt der Fokus jedoch auf einer pro Zeiteinheit erfolgten Energieumsetzung. Allerdings gibt die rein physikalische Leistung nicht immer Auskunft über den Energieumsatz der Muskeln. Die Muskelkraft hängt von der Kontraktionsgeschwindigkeit des Muskels ab. Ein Muskel verhält sich also anders als eine Feder. Für den Hochleistungssport müssen die Energieumsätze der Muskeln durch spezielle Trainings- und Nahrungsprogramme optimiert werden.

  18. Low Noise Results From IMS Site Surveys: A Preliminary New High-Frequency Low Noise Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ebeling, C.; Astiz, L.; Starovoit, Y.; Tavener, N.; Perez, G.; Given, H. K.; Barrientos, S.; Yamamoto, M.; Hfaiedh, M.; Stewart, R.; Estabrook, C.


    Since the establishment of the Provisional Technical Secretariat (PTS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) Organization, a vigorous seismic site survey program has been carried out to identify locations as necessary for International Monitoring System (IMS) primary and auxiliary seismic stations listed in Annex 1 to the Protocol to the CTBT. The IMS Seismic Section maintains for this purpose a small pool of seismic equipment comprised of Guralp CMG-3T and CMG-3ESP and Streckeisen STS-2 broadband seismometers, and Reftek and Guralp acquisition systems. Seismic site surveys are carried out by conducting continuous measurements of ground motion at temporary installations for approximately five to seven days. Seismometer installation methods, which depend on instrument type and on local conditions, range from placement within small cement-floored subsurface vaults to near-surface burial. Data are sampled at 40 Hz. Seismic noise levels are evaluated through the analysis of power spectral density distributions. Eleven 10.5-minute-long representative de-trended and mean-removed segments each of daytime and night-time data are chosen randomly, but reviewed to avoid event contamination. Fast Fourier Transforms are calculated for the five windows in each of these segments generated using a 50% overlap for Hanning-tapered sections ~200 s long. Instrument responses are removed. To date, 20 site surveys for primary and auxiliary stations have been carried out by the IMS. The sites surveyed represent a variety of physical and geological environments on most continents. The lowest high frequency (>1.4 Hz) noise levels at five sites with igneous or metamorphic geologies were as much as 6 dB below the USGS New Low Noise Model (NLNM) developed by Peterson (1993). These sites were in Oman (local geology consisting of Ordovician metasediments), Egypt (Precambrian granite), Niger (early Proterozoic tonalite and granodiorite), Saudi Arabia (Precambian metasediments), and

  19. imDEV: a graphical user interface to R multivariate analysis tools in Microsoft Excel

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Interactive modules for data exploration and visualization (imDEV) is a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet embedded application providing an integrated environment for the analysis of omics data sets with a user-friendly interface. Individual modules were designed to provide toolsets to enable interactive ...

  20. Investigating Perfect Timesharing: The Relationship between IM-Compatible Tasks and Dual-Task Performance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Halvorson, Kimberly M.; Ebner, Herschel; Hazeltine, Eliot


    Why are dual-task costs reduced with ideomotor (IM) compatible tasks (Greenwald & Shulman, 1973; Lien, Proctor & Allen, 2002)? In the present experiments, we first examine three different measures of single-task performance (pure single-task blocks, mixed blocks, and long stimulus onset asynchrony [SOA] trials in dual-task blocks) and two…

  1. Theoretical predictor for candidate structure assignment from IMS data of biomolecule-related conformational space.


    Schenk, Emily R; Nau, Frederic; Fernandez-Lima, Francisco


    The ability to correlate experimental ion mobility data with candidate structures from theoretical modeling provides a powerful analytical and structural tool for the characterization of biomolecules. In the present paper, a theoretical workflow is described to generate and assign candidate structures for experimental trapped ion mobility and H/D exchange (HDX-TIMS-MS) data following molecular dynamics simulations and statistical filtering. The applicability of the theoretical predictor is illustrated for a peptide and protein example with multiple conformations and kinetic intermediates. The described methodology yields a low computational cost and a simple workflow by incorporating statistical filtering and molecular dynamics simulations. The workflow can be adapted to different IMS scenarios and CCS calculators for a more accurate description of the IMS experimental conditions. For the case of the HDX-TIMS-MS experiments, molecular dynamics in the "TIMS box" accounts for a better sampling of the molecular intermediates and local energy minima.

  2. The standoff aerosol active signature testbed (SAAST) at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Richardson, Jonathan M.; Aldridge, John C.


    Standoff LIDAR detection of BW agents depends on accurate knowledge of the infrared and ultraviolet optical elastic scatter (ES) and ultraviolet fluorescence (UVF) signatures of bio-agents and interferents. MIT Lincoln Laboratory has developed the Standoff Aerosol Active Signature Testbed (SAAST) for measuring ES cross sections from BW simulants and interferents at all angles including 180º (direct backscatter). Measurements of interest include the dependence of the ES and UVF signatures on several spore production parameters including growth medium, sporulation protocol, washing protocol, fluidizing additives, and degree of aggregation. Using SAAST, we have made measurements of the ES signature of Bacillus globigii (atropheaus, Bg) spores grown under different growth methods. We have also investigated one common interferent (Arizona Test Dust). Future samples will include pollen and diesel exhaust. This paper presents the details of the SAAST apparatus along with the results of recent measurements.

  3. Integrated optomechanical analysis and testing software development at MIT Lincoln Laboratory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stoeckel, Gerhard P.; Doyle, Keith B.


    Advanced analytical software capabilities are being developed to advance the design of prototypical hardware in the Engineering Division at MIT Lincoln Laboratory. The current effort is focused on the integration of analysis tools tailored to the work flow, organizational structure, and current technology demands. These tools are being designed to provide superior insight into the interdisciplinary behavior of optical systems and enable rapid assessment and execution of design trades to optimize the design of optomechanical systems. The custom software architecture is designed to exploit and enhance the functionality of existing industry standard commercial software, provide a framework for centralizing internally developed tools, and deliver greater efficiency, productivity, and accuracy through standardization, automation, and integration. Specific efforts have included the development of a feature-rich software package for Structural-Thermal-Optical Performance (STOP) modeling, advanced Line Of Sight (LOS) jitter simulations, and improved integration of dynamic testing and structural modeling.


    EPA Science Inventory

    EPA Methods 1622 and 1623 are the benchmarks for detection of Cryptosporidium spp. oocysts in water. These methods consist of filtration, elution, purification by immunomagnetic separation (IMS), and microscopic analysis after staining with a fluorescein isothiocyanate conjugate...

  5. Microdosimetric intercomparison of BNCT beams at BNL and MIT.


    Burmeister, Jay; Riley, Kent; Coderre, Jeffrey A; Harling, Otto K; Ma, Ruimei; Wielopolski, Lucian; Kota, Chandrasekhar; Maughan, Richard L


    Microdosimetric measurements have been performed at the clinical beam intensities in two epithermal neutron beams, the Brookhaven Medical Research Reactor and the M67 beam at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Research Reactor, which have been used to treat patients with Boron Neutron Capture Therapy (BNCT). These measurements offer an independent assessment of the dosimetry used at these two facilities, as well as provide information about the radiation quality not obtainable from conventional macrodosimetric techniques. Moreover, they provide a direct measurement of the absorbed dose resulting from the BNC reaction. BNC absorbed doses measured within this study are approximately 15% lower than those estimated using foil activation at both MIT and BNL. Finally, an intercomparison of the characteristics and radiation quality of these two clinical beams is presented. The techniques described here allow an accurate quantitative comparison of the physical absorbed dose as well as a measure of the biological effectiveness of the absorbed dose delivered by different epithermal beams. No statistically significant differences were observed in the predicted RBEs of these two beams. The methodology presented here can help to facilitate the effective sharing of clinical results in an effort to demonstrate the clinical utility of BNCT.

  6. IM-TORNADO: A Tool for Comparison of 16S Reads from Paired-End Libraries

    PubMed Central

    Jeraldo, Patricio; Kalari, Krishna; Chen, Xianfeng; Bhavsar, Jaysheel; Mangalam, Ashutosh; White, Bryan; Nelson, Heidi; Kocher, Jean-Pierre; Chia, Nicholas


    Motivation 16S rDNA hypervariable tag sequencing has become the de facto method for accessing microbial diversity. Illumina paired-end sequencing, which produces two separate reads for each DNA fragment, has become the platform of choice for this application. However, when the two reads do not overlap, existing computational pipelines analyze data from read separately and underutilize the information contained in the paired-end reads. Results We created a workflow known as Illinois Mayo Taxon Organization from RNA Dataset Operations (IM-TORNADO) for processing non-overlapping reads while retaining maximal information content. Using synthetic mock datasets, we show that the use of both reads produced answers with greater correlation to those from full length 16S rDNA when looking at taxonomy, phylogeny, and beta-diversity. Availability and Implementation IM-TORNADO is freely available at and produces BIOM format output for cross compatibility with other pipelines such as QIIME, mothur, and phyloseq. PMID:25506826

  7. IM-TORNADO: a tool for comparison of 16S reads from paired-end libraries.


    Jeraldo, Patricio; Kalari, Krishna; Chen, Xianfeng; Bhavsar, Jaysheel; Mangalam, Ashutosh; White, Bryan; Nelson, Heidi; Kocher, Jean-Pierre; Chia, Nicholas


    16S rDNA hypervariable tag sequencing has become the de facto method for accessing microbial diversity. Illumina paired-end sequencing, which produces two separate reads for each DNA fragment, has become the platform of choice for this application. However, when the two reads do not overlap, existing computational pipelines analyze data from read separately and underutilize the information contained in the paired-end reads. We created a workflow known as Illinois Mayo Taxon Organization from RNA Dataset Operations (IM-TORNADO) for processing non-overlapping reads while retaining maximal information content. Using synthetic mock datasets, we show that the use of both reads produced answers with greater correlation to those from full length 16S rDNA when looking at taxonomy, phylogeny, and beta-diversity. IM-TORNADO is freely available at and produces BIOM format output for cross compatibility with other pipelines such as QIIME, mothur, and phyloseq.

  8. AQUAdexIM: highly efficient in-memory indexing and querying of astronomy time series images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hong, Zhi; Yu, Ce; Wang, Jie; Xiao, Jian; Cui, Chenzhou; Sun, Jizhou


    Astronomy has always been, and will continue to be, a data-based science, and astronomers nowadays are faced with increasingly massive datasets, one key problem of which is to efficiently retrieve the desired cup of data from the ocean. AQUAdexIM, an innovative spatial indexing and querying method, performs highly efficient on-the-fly queries under users' request to search for Time Series Images from existing observation data on the server side and only return the desired FITS images to users, so users no longer need to download entire datasets to their local machines, which will only become more and more impractical as the data size keeps increasing. Moreover, AQUAdexIM manages to keep a very low storage space overhead and its specially designed in-memory index structure enables it to search for Time Series Images of a given area of the sky 10 times faster than using Redis, a state-of-the-art in-memory database.

  9. Completing and sustaining IMS network for the CTBT Verification Regime

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meral Ozel, N.


    The CTBT International Monitoring System is to be comprised of 337 facilities located all over the world for the purpose of detecting and locating nuclear test explosions. Major challenges remain, namely the completion of the network where most of the remaining stations have either environmental, logistical and/or political issues to surmont (89% of the stations have already been built) and the sustainment of a reliable and state-of the-art network covering 4 technologies - seismic, infrasound , hydroacoustic and radionuclide. To have a credible and trustworthy verification system ready for entry into force of the Treaty, the CTBTO is protecting and enhancing its investment of its global network of stations and is providing effective data to the International Data Centre (IDC) and Member States. Regarding the protection of the CTBTO's investment and enhanced sustainment of IMS station operations, the IMS Division is enhancing the capabilities of the monitoring system by applying advances in instrumentation and introducing new software applications that are fit for purpose. Some examples are the development of noble gas laboratory systems to process and analyse subsoil samples, development of a mobile noble gas system for onsite inspection purposes, optimization of Beta Gamma detectors for Xenon detection, assessing and improving the efficiency of wind noise reduction systems for infrasound stations, development and testing of infrasound stations with a self-calibrating capability, and research into the use of modular designs for the hydroacoustic network.

  10. Educational Outreach at the MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thomas, P.; Rivenberg, P.; Censabella, V.


    At the MIT PSFC, student and staff volunteers work together to increase the public's knowledge of fusion science and plasma technology. Seeking to generate excitement in young people about science and engineering, the PSFC hosts a number of educational outreach activities throughout the year, including Middle and High School Outreach Days. The PSFC also has an in-school science-demonstration program on the theme of magnetism. As ``Mr. Magnet," Technical Supervisor Paul Thomas brings a truck-load of hands-on demonstrations to K-12 schools, challenging students to help him with experiments. While teaching fundamentals of magnetism and electricity he shows that science is fun for all, and that any student can have a career in science. This year he reached 82 schools -- 30,000 teachers and students. He has recently expanded his teaching to include an interactive demonstration of plasma, encouraging participants to investigate plasma properties with audiovisual, electromagnetic, and spectroscopic techniques. He has also developed a workshop for middle school on how to build an electromagnet.

  11. Using the Personal Competence Manager as a Complementary Approach to IMS Learning Design Authoring

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vogten, Hubert; Koper, Rob; Martens, Harrie; van Bruggen, Jan


    In this article TENCompetence will be presented as a framework for lifelong competence development. More specifically, the relationship between the TENCompetence framework and the IMS Learning Design (LD) specification is explored. LD authoring has proven to be challenging and the toolset currently available is targeting expert users mostly…

  12. PubMed

    Albers, Andreas E; Kaufmann, Andreas M



  13. T-phase and tsunami signals recorded by IMS hydrophone triplets during the 2011 Tohoku earthquake

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Matsumoto, H.; Haralabus, G.; Zampolli, M.; Ozel, N. M.; Yamada, T.; Mark, P. K.


    A hydrophone station of the International Monitoring System (IMS) of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) is used to estimate the back-azimuth of T-phase signals generated by the 2011 Tohoku earthquake. Among the 6 IMS hydrophone stations required by the Treaty, 5 stations consist of two triplets, with the exception of HA1 (Australia), which has only one. The hydrophones of each triplet are suspended in the SOFAR channel and arranged to form an equilateral triangle with each side being approximately two kilometers long. The waveforms from the Tohoku earthquake were received at HA11, located on Wake Island, which is located approximately 3100 km south-east of the earthquake epicenter. The frequency range used in the array analysis was chosen to be less than 0.375 Hz, which assumed the target phase velocity to be 1.5 km/s for T-phases. The T-phase signals that originated from the seismic source however show peaks in the frequency band above one Hz. As a result of the inter-element distances of 2 km, spatial aliasing is observed in the frequency-wavenumber analysis (F-K analysis) if the entire 100 Hz bandwidth of the hydrophones is used. This spatial aliasing is significant because the distance between hydrophones in the triplet is large in comparison to the ratio between the phase velocity of T-phase signals and the frequency. To circumvent this spatial aliasing problem, a three-step processing technique used in seismic array analysis is applied: (1) high-pass filtering above 1 Hz to retrieve the T-phase, followed by (2) extraction of the envelope of this signal to highlight the T-phase contribution, and finally (3) low-pass filtering of the envelope below 0.375 Hz. The F-K analysis provides accurate back-azimuth and slowness estimations without spatial aliasing. Deconvolved waveforms are also processed to retrieve tsunami components by using a three-pole model of the frequency-amplitude-phase (FAP) response below 0.1 Hz and the measured sensor response

  14. FORS am Very Large Telescope der Europäischen Südsternwarte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)


    Erstes wissenschaftliches Beobachtungsinstrument liefert eindrucksvolle Bilder Entsprechend dem straffen Zeitplan wird das ESO Very Large Teleskop Projekt (VLT-Projekt) auf dem Cerro Paranal in Nord-Chile verwirklicht: die volle Betriebsbereitschaft des ersten der vier 8,2m-Einzelteleskope wird Anfang des nächsten Jahres erreicht sein. Am 15. September 1998 wurde ein weiterer wichtiger Meilenstein erfolgreich, rechtzeitig und innerhalb des Kostenplans erreicht. Nur wenige Tage nach seiner Montage am ersten 8,2m-Einzelteleskop des VLT (UT1) konnte FORS1 ( FO cal R educer and S pectrograph) als erstes einer Gruppe leistungsfähiger und komplexer wissenschaftlicher Instrumente seine Beobachtungstätigkeit beginnen. Von Anfang an konnte es eine Reihe exzellenter astronomischer Bilder aufnehmen. Dieses bedeutende Ereignis eröffnet eine Fülle neuer Möglichkeiten für die europäische Astronomie. FORS - ein Höhepunkt an Komplexität FORS1 und das zukünftige Zwillingsinstrument (FORS2) sind das Ergebnis einer der eingehendsten und fortschrittlichsten technologischen Studien, die je für ein Instrument der bodengebundenen Astronomie durchgeführt wurden. Dieses einzigartige Instrument ist nun im Cassegrain-Fokus installiert und verschwindet beinahe, trotz seiner Dimensionen von 3 x 1.5m (Gewicht 2.3t), unterhalb des riesigen 53 m 2 großen Zerodurspiegels. Um die große Spiegelfläche und die hervorragende Bildqualität von UT1 optimal auszunützen, wurde FORS speziell so konstruiert, daß es die lichtschwächsten und entferntesten Objekte im Weltall untersuchen kann. Bald wird dieses komplexe VLT-Instrument den europäischen Astronomen erlauben, die derzeitigen Beobachtungshorizonte entscheidend zu erweitern. Die beiden FORS-Instrumente sind Vielzweck-Beobachtungsinstrumente, die in mehreren unterschiedlichen Beobachtungsarten eingesetzt werden können. Beispielsweise können Bilder mit zwei verschiedenen Abbildungsmaßstäben (Vergrößerungen) sowie Spektren mit

  15. Global scale stratospheric processes as measured by the infrasound IMS network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Le Pichon, A.; Ceranna, L.; Kechut, P.


    IMS infrasound array data are routinely processed at the International Data Center (IDC). The wave parameters of the detected signals are estimated with the Progressive Multi-Channel Correlation method (PMCC). This new implementation of the PMCC algorithm allows the full frequency range of interest (0.01-5 Hz) to be processed efficiently in a single computational run. We have processed continuous recordings from 41 certified IMS stations from 2005 to 2010. We show that microbaroms are the dominant source of signals and are near-continuously globally detected. The observed azimuthal seasonal trend correlates well with the variation of the effective sound speed ratio which is a proxy for the combined effects of refraction due to sound speed gradients and advection due to along-path wind on infrasound propagation. A general trend in signal backazimuth is observed between winter and summer, driven by the seasonal reversal of the stratospheric winds. Combined with propagation modeling, we show that such an analysis enables a characterization of the wind and temperature structure above the stratosphere and may provide detailed information on upper atmospheric processes (e.g., large-scale planetary waves, stratospheric warming effects). We correlate perturbations and deviations from the seasonal trend to short time-scale variability of the atmosphere. We discuss the potential benefit of long-term infrasound monitoring to infer stratospheric processes for the first time on a global scale.

  16. MALDI FTICR IMS of Intact Proteins: Using Mass Accuracy to Link Protein Images with Proteomics Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spraggins, Jeffrey M.; Rizzo, David G.; Moore, Jessica L.; Rose, Kristie L.; Hammer, Neal D.; Skaar, Eric P.; Caprioli, Richard M.


    MALDI imaging mass spectrometry is a highly sensitive and selective tool used to visualize biomolecules in tissue. However, identification of detected proteins remains a difficult task. Indirect identification strategies have been limited by insufficient mass accuracy to confidently link ion images to proteomics data. Here, we demonstrate the capabilities of MALDI FTICR MS for imaging intact proteins. MALDI FTICR IMS provides an unprecedented combination of mass resolving power (~75,000 at m/z 5000) and accuracy (<5ppm) for proteins up to ~12kDa, enabling identification based on correlation with LC-MS/MS proteomics data. Analysis of rat brain tissue was performed as a proof-of-concept highlighting the capabilities of this approach by imaging and identifying a number of proteins including N-terminally acetylated thymosin β4 ( m/z 4,963.502, 0.6ppm) and ATP synthase subunit ɛ ( m/z 5,636.074, -2.3ppm). MALDI FTICR IMS was also used to differentiate a series of oxidation products of S100A8 ( m/z 10,164.03, -2.1ppm), a subunit of the heterodimer calprotectin, in kidney tissue from mice infected with Staphylococcus aureus. S100A8 - M37O/C42O3 ( m/z 10228.00, -2.6ppm) was found to co-localize with bacterial microcolonies at the center of infectious foci. The ability of MALDI FTICR IMS to distinguish S100A8 modifications is critical to understanding calprotectin's roll in nutritional immunity.

  17. Quantensprung Digitalisierung - Energiewirtschaft im 21. Jahrhundert

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thyen, Elmar

    Die Energiewende wird ohne eine umfassende Digitalisierung der Energiewirtschaft Stückwerk bleiben. Die historisch gewachsene, aus hunderten fossilen Großkraftwerken getriebene Energieversorgung hat sich durch den Zubau von mehr als einer Millionen dezentraler Erzeugungseinheiten innerhalb der vergangenen 15 Jahren radikal verändert. Zum Ausgleich von Last und Erzeugung, aber auch zum Aufbau neuer Geschäftsfelder ist die digitale Technik unverzichtbar. Ihre Möglichkeiten scheinen nahezu unbegrenzt, ihre Rolle wird in einer zukünftig nahezu vollständig elektrifizierten Gesellschaft zunehmend wichtiger werden. Neue Anbieter drängen auf den Markt und setzen die traditionelle Energiewirtschaft unter Druck. Energieversorger, die sich dem Wandel nicht stellen, drohen den Anschluss zu verpassen. Noch werden Verbundunternehmen und Stadtwerke von weitreichenden regulatorischen Vorgaben geschützt. Beispiele aus anderen Branchen zeigen aber, dass die Digitalisierung im Stande ist, regulatorische Mechanismen außer Kraft zu setzen. Zugleich verhindert die enge Regulierung und ein falsch verstandener Datenschutzbegriff in Deutschland die Entwicklung neuer Geschäftsmodelle, die energie- und volkswirtschaftlich sinnvoll wären.

  18. Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Provision in the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This document is a memorandum regarding Vehicle Emission Inspection and Maintenance (I/M) Provision in Fixing America's Surface Transportation (FAST) Act, which provides long-term funding certainty for surface transportation infrastructure planning

  19. Status report on the establishment of the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT) International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vivas Veloso, J. A.; Christie, D. R.; Campus, P.; Bell, M.; Hoffmann, T. L.; Langlois, A.; Martysevich, P.; Demirovik, E.; Carvalho, J.; Kramer, A.


    The infrasound component of the International Monitoring System (IMS) for Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty verification aims for global detection and localization of low-frequency sound waves originating from atmospheric nuclear explosions. The infrasound network will consist of 60 array stations, distributed as evenly as possible over the globe to assure at least two-station detection capability for 1-kton explosions at any point on earth. This network will be larger and more sensitive than any other previously operated infrasound network. As of today, 85% of the site surveys for IMS infrasound stations have been completed, 25% of the stations have been installed, and 8% of the installations have been certified and are transmitting high-quality continuous data to the International Data Center in Vienna. By the end of 2002, 20% of the infrasound network is expected to be certified and operating in post-certification mode. This presentation will discuss the current status and progress made in the site survey, installation, and certification programs for IMS infrasound stations. A review will be presented of the challenges and difficulties encountered in these programs, together with practical solutions to these problems.

  20. Survey of pickup ion signatures in the vicinity of Titan using CAPS/IMS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Regoli, L. H.; Coates, A. J.; Thomsen, M. F.; Jones, G. H.; Roussos, E.; Waite, J. H.; Krupp, N.; Cox, G.


    Pickup ion detection at Titan is challenging because ion cyclotron waves are rarely detected in the vicinity of the moon. In this work, signatures left by freshly produced pickup heavy ions (m/q ˜ 16 to m/q ˜ 28) as detected in the plasma data by the Cassini Plasma Spectrometer/Ion Mass Spectrometer (CAPS/IMS) instrument on board Cassini are analyzed. In order to discern whether these correspond to ions of exospheric origin, one of the flybys during which the reported signatures were observed is investigated in detail. For this purpose, ion composition data from time-of-flight measurements and test particle simulations to constrain the ions' origin are used. After being validated, the detection method is applied to all the flybys for which the CAPS/IMS instrument gathered valid data, constraining the region around the moon where the signatures are observed. The results reveal an escape region located in the anti-Saturn direction as expected from the nominal corotation electric field direction. These findings provide new constraints for the area of freshly produced pickup ion escape, giving an approximate escape rate of 3.3-2+3×1023 ions· s-1.

  1. Analyse der Literatur zu Klimawirkungen in Deutschland: ein Gesamtbild mit Lücken

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fleischhauer, Mark; Greiving, Stefan; Lindner, Christian; Lückenkötter, Johannes; Schauser, Inke

    Dieses Kapitel präsentiert Ergebnisse einer umfassenden Literaturauswertung zu relevanten Klimawirkungen für Deutschland, die im Rahmen des Projekts "Netzwerk Vulnerabilität" vorgenommen wurde. Es zeigt auf, dass ein aggregiertes Gesamtbild der Klimawirkungen für Deutschland als Grundlage für Folgenabschätzungen und Anpassungsplanungen noch nicht gezeichnet werden kann, da eine große Bandbreite an Ansätzen zur Bewertung von Vulnerabilitäten oder Klimawandelfolgen existiert und die gegenwärtig vorhandenen Klimawirkungs- und Vulnerabilitätsstudien von großer Heterogenität gekennzeichnet sind. Als erster Schritt wird deshalb eine Zusammenschau bereits vorhandener Ansätze geliefert.

  2. Incorporating atmospheric uncertainties into estimates of the detection capability of the IMS infrasound network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Le Pichon, Alexis; Ceranna, Lars; Taillepied, Doriane


    To monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), a dedicated network is being deployed. Multi-year observations recorded by the International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound network confirm that its detection capability is highly variable in space and time. Today, numerical modeling techniques provide a basis to better understand the role of different factors describing the source and the atmosphere that influence propagation predictions. Previous studies estimated the radiated source energy from remote observations using frequency dependent attenuation relation and state-of-the-art specifications of the stratospheric wind. In order to account for a realistic description of the dynamic structure of the atmosphere, model predictions are further enhanced by wind and temperature error distributions as measured in the framework of the ARISE project ( In the context of the future verification of the CTBT, these predictions quantify uncertainties in the spatial and temporal variability of the IMS infrasound network performance in higher resolution, and will be helpful for the design and prioritizing maintenance of any arbitrary infrasound monitoring network.

  3. Incorporating atmospheric uncertainties into estimates of the detection capability of the IMS infrasound network

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Le Pichon, Alexis; Blanc, Elisabeth; Rüfenacht, Rolf; Kämpfer, Niklaus; Keckhut, Philippe; Hauchecorne, Alain; Ceranna, Lars; Pilger, Christoph; Ross, Ole


    To monitor compliance with the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty (CTBT), a dedicated network is being deployed. Multi-year observations recorded by the International Monitoring System (IMS) infrasound network confirm that its detection capability is highly variable in space and time. Today, numerical modeling techniques provide a basis to better understand the role of different factors describing the source and the atmosphere that influence propagation predictions. Previous studies estimated the radiated source energy from remote observations using frequency dependent attenuation relation and state-of-the-art specifications of the stratospheric wind. In order to account for a realistic description of the dynamic structure of the atmosphere, model predictions are further enhanced by wind and temperature error distributions as measured in the framework of the ARISE project ( In the context of the future verification of the CTBT, these predictions quantify uncertainties in the spatial and temporal variability of the IMS infrasound network performance in higher resolution, and will be helpful for the design and prioritizing maintenance of any arbitrary infrasound monitoring network.

  4. IM-19: a new flexible microporous gallium based-MOF framework with pressure- and temperature-dependent openings.


    Chaplais, Gérald; Simon-Masseron, Angélique; Porcher, Florence; Lecomte, Claude; Bazer-Bachi, Delphine; Bats, Nicolas; Patarin, Joël


    Five metal-organic frameworks (MOFs) based on the same three-dimensional gallium terephthalate network (IM-19) are described, and an incommensurate structure (for the as-synthesized form) as well as two remarkable guest-free polymorphs (open and closed) are highlighted.

  5. Sorrell v. IMS Health: issues and opportunities for informaticians

    PubMed Central

    Petersen, Carolyn; DeMuro, Paul; Goodman, Kenneth W; Kaplan, Bonnie


    In 2011, the US Supreme Court decided Sorrell v. IMS Health, Inc., a case that addressed the mining of large aggregated databases and the sale of prescriber data for marketing prescription drugs. The court struck down a Vermont law that required data mining companies to obtain permission from individual providers before selling prescription records that included identifiable physician prescription information to pharmaceutical companies for drug marketing. The decision was based on constitutional free speech protections rather than data sharing considerations. Sorrell illustrates challenges at the intersection of biomedical informatics, public health, constitutional liberties, and ethics. As states, courts, regulatory agencies, and federal bodies respond to Sorrell, informaticians’ expertise can contribute to more informed, ethical, and appropriate policies. PMID:23104048

  6. Implantate in der Augenheilkunde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dresp, Joachim H.

    Im Bereich der Augenheilkunde findet sich die weltweit am häufigsten ausgeführte chirurgische Massnahme, die operative Behandlung des Grauen Stars: die Katarakt. Bei der Katarakt handelt es sich um eine Eintrübung der natürlichen Augenlinse, die sich je nach Stadium der Erkrankung leicht opak, über milchig bis zu bräunlich präsentiert. Mit dieser Zunahme der Undurchlässigkeit für das sichtbare Licht geht eine Abnahme des Sehvermögens einher, die bis zur totalen Erblindung führen kann. Bedingt durch die sehr eingeschränkten chirurgischen Möglichkeiten in den Ländern der Dritten Welt ist die Katarakt die Erblindungsursache Nummer 1 in der Welt. Ganz im Gegensatz hierzu ist in den industrialisierten Ländern Europas, Amerikas und Asiens die Katarakt-OP die sicherste chirurgische Intervention. In der Augenheilkunde werden Implantate aller drei Aggregatszustände verwendet.

  7. Sonderverfahren des Spritzgießens

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaeli, Walther; Lettowsky, Christoph

    Das Spritzgießen ist neben der Extrusion das wichtigste Verarbeitungsverfahren für Kunststoffe [1]. Das Verfahren hat sich seit seinen Ursprüngen Ende des 19. Jahrhunderts bis heute stetig weiterentwickelt [2]. In neuerer Zeit steigt die Anzahl komplexer Anwendungen, die die gezielte Kombination verschiedener Funktionalitäten in einem Formteil erfordern. Das Standard-Spritzgießen kann diese Anforderungen immer weniger befriedigen. Daher gewinnen die Sonderverfahren des Spritzgießens zunehmend an Bedeutung [3]. Ihre Anzahl beträgt inzwischen über 100. Die Aufgabe des Anwenders ist es, aus der Vielzahl der möglichen Verfahren, ein anforderungsgerechtes auszuwählen, das sowohl unter technischen wie wirtschaftlichen Gesichtspunkten die optimale Lösung darstellt. Dies setzt die ständige Auseinandersetzung mit Entwicklungstendenzen im Bereich der Spritzgießtechnologie voraus. Daher soll im folgenden Abschnitt ein Überblick über die wichtigsten Spritzgieß-Sonderverfahren gegeben werden.

  8. Characterization of developmental immature fiber (im) mutant and Texas Marker-1 (TM-1) cotton fibers by Attenuated Total Reflection Fourier Transform Infrared (ATR FT-IR) spectroscopy

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    The immature fiber (im) mutant is one type of cotton fiber mutants with unique characteristics of non-fluffy cotton bolls. Compared to its near-isogenic wild type Texas Marker-1 (TM-1), im fiber has thin secondary cell wall and is less mature. In this work, we applied the previously proposed princip...

  9. Sticktechnologie für medizinische Textilien und Tissue Engineering

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karamuk, Erdal; Mayer, Jörg; Wintermantel, Erich

    Textile Strukturen werden in grossem Ausmass als medizinische Implantate eingesetzt, um Weich- und Hartgewebe zu unterstützen oder zu ersetzen. Im Tissue Engineering gewinnen sie an Bedeutung als scaffolds, um biologische Gewebe in vitro zu züchten für anschliessende Implantation oder extrakorporale Anwendungen. Textilien sind gewöhnlich anisotrope zweidimensionale Strukturen mit hoher Steifigkeit in der Ebene und geringer Biegesteifigkeit. Durch eine Vielzahl textiler Prozesse und durch entsprechende Wahl des Fasermaterials ist es möglich, Oberfläche, Porosität und mechanische Anisotropie in hohem Masse zu variieren. Wegen ihrer einzigartigen strukturellen und mechanischen Eigenschaften können faserbasierte Materialien in weitem Masse biologischem Gewebe nachgeahmt werden [1]. Gesticke erweitern das Feld von technischen und besonders medizinischen Textilien, denn sie vereinen sehr hohe strukturelle Variabilität mit der Möglichkeit, mechanische Eigenschaften in einem grossen Bereich einzustellen, um so die mechanischen Anforderungen des Empfängergewebes zu erfüllen (Abb. 42.1).

  10. Einstellung und Wissen von Lehramtsstudierenden zur Evolution - ein Vergleich zwischen Deutschland und der Türkei

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Graf, Dittmar; Soran, Haluk

    Es wird eine Untersuchung vorgestellt, in der Wissen und Überzeugungen von Lehramtsstudierenden aller Fächer zum Thema Evolution an zwei Universitäten in Deutschland und der Türkei erhoben worden sind. Die Befragung wurde in Dortmund und in Ankara durchgeführt. Es stellte sich heraus, dass ausgeprägte Defizite im Verständnis der Evolutionsmechanismen herrschen. Viele Studierende, insbesondere aus der Türkei, sind nicht von der Faktizität der Evolution überzeugt. Dies gilt sowohl für Studierende mit Fach Biologie als auch für Studierende mit anderen Fächern. Näher untersucht worden sind die Faktoren, die die Überzeugungen zur Evolution beeinflussen können, was ja in Anbetracht der hohen Ablehnungsrate der Evolution von besonderem Interesse ist. Das Vertrauen in die Wissenschaft spielt hierbei eine besondere Rolle: Wer der Wissenschaft vertraut, ist auch eher von der Evolution überzeugt, als diejenigen, die skeptisch gegenüber der Wissenschaft sind.

  11. Qualitätsmanagement in molekularbiologischen Laboratorien

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schulze, Manuela

    Jedes Laboratorium führt Untersuchungen nach bestem Wissen und Gewissen durch, und jeder Analytiker weiß von sich, dass er/sie gute Arbeit macht. Trotzdem können Analysen des gleichen Probenmaterials in verschiedenen Laboren zu unterschiedlichen Ergebnissen führen. Sofern es sich dabei nicht um Untersuchungen im Bereich der Nachweisgrenze und damit letztlich um statistisch bedingte Unterschiede oder Inhomogenitäten im Probenmaterial handelt, trägt dies nicht zur Vertrauenswürdigkeit von analytischen Untersuchungsergebnissen bei. Mit der zunehmenden Globalisierung der Märkte rückt die gegenseitige Anerkennung von analytischen Resultaten immer stärker in den Vordergrund. Die Vergleichbarkeit von Laborresultaten wird erleichtert, wenn sich die Laboratorien auf die gleichen Richtlinien zur Vorgehensweise und Handhabung ihrer Arbeiten verständigen. Im Bereich der Laboruntersuchungen von Lebensmitteln, Futtermitteln und Saatgut ist als derartige Rischt-Schnur die EN ISO/IEC 17025 [1] anerkannt. Diese Norm enthält alle Anforderungen, die Prüflaboratorien erfüllen müssen, wenn sie nachweisen wollen, dass sie ein Qualitätsmanagementsystem betreiben, technisch (meint: fachlich) kompetent und fähig sind, fachlich fundierte Ergebnisse zu erzielen.

  12. Entropy Generation/Availability Energy Loss Analysis Inside MIT Gas Spring and "Two Space" Test Rigs

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ebiana, Asuquo B.; Savadekar, Rupesh T.; Patel, Kaushal V.


    The results of the entropy generation and availability energy loss analysis under conditions of oscillating pressure and oscillating helium gas flow in two Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) test rigs piston-cylinder and piston-cylinder-heat exchanger are presented. Two solution domains, the gas spring (single-space) in the piston-cylinder test rig and the gas spring + heat exchanger (two-space) in the piston-cylinder-heat exchanger test rig are of interest. Sage and CFD-ACE+ commercial numerical codes are used to obtain 1-D and 2-D computer models, respectively, of each of the two solution domains and to simulate the oscillating gas flow and heat transfer effects in these domains. Second law analysis is used to characterize the entropy generation and availability energy losses inside the two solution domains. Internal and external entropy generation and availability energy loss results predicted by Sage and CFD-ACE+ are compared. Thermodynamic loss analysis of simple systems such as the MIT test rigs are often useful to understand some important features of complex pattern forming processes in more complex systems like the Stirling engine. This study is aimed at improving numerical codes for the prediction of thermodynamic losses via the development of a loss post-processor. The incorporation of loss post-processors in Stirling engine numerical codes will facilitate Stirling engine performance optimization. Loss analysis using entropy-generation rates due to heat and fluid flow is a relatively new technique for assessing component performance. It offers a deep insight into the flow phenomena, allows a more exact calculation of losses than is possible with traditional means involving the application of loss correlations and provides an effective tool for improving component and overall system performance.

  13. Entwicklung von umwelt- und naturschutzgerechten Verfahren der landwirtschaftlichen Landnutzung für das Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meyer-Aurich, Andreas


    Mit der vorliegenden Arbeit werden exemplarisch Chancen und Grenzen der Integration von Umwelt- und Naturschutz in Verfahren der ackerbaulichen Landnutzung aufgezeigt. Die Umsetzung von Zielen des Umwelt- und Naturschutzes in Verfahren der Landnutzung ist mit verschiedenen Schwierigkeiten verbunden. Diese liegen zum einen in der Konkretisierung der Ziele, um diese umsetzen zu können, zum anderen in vielfach unzulänglichem Wissen über den Zusammenhang zwischen unterschiedlichen Formen der Landnutzung und insbesondere den biotischen Naturschutzzielen. Zunächst wird die Problematik der Zielfestlegung und Konkretisierung erörtert. Das Umweltqualitätszielkonzept von Fürst et al. (1992) stellt einen Versuch dar, Ziele des Umwelt- und Naturschutzes zu konkretisieren. Dieses Konzept haben Heidt et al. (1997) auf einen Landschaftsausschnitt von ca. 6000 ha im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin im Nordosten Brandenburgs angewendet. Eine Auswahl der von Heidt et al. (1997) formulierten Umweltqualitätsziele bildet die Basis dieser Arbeit. Für die ausgewählten Umweltqualitätsziele wurden wesentliche Einflussfaktoren der Landnutzung identifiziert und ein Bewertungssystem entwickelt, mit dem die Auswirkungen von landwirtschaftlichen Anbauverfahren auf diese Umweltqualitätsziele abgebildet werden können. Die praktizierte Landnutzung von 20 Betrieben im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin wurde von 1994 bis 1997 hinsichtlich ihrer Auswirkungen auf die Umweltqualitätsziele analysiert. Die Analyse ergab ein sehr differenziertes Bild, das zum Teil Unterschiede in der Auswirkung auf die Umweltqualitätsziele für den Anbau einzelner Kulturen oder für bestimmte Betriebstypen zeigte. Es zeigte sich aber auch, dass es bei der Gestaltung des Anbaus einzelner Kulturarten große Unterschiede gab, die für Umweltqualitätsziele Bedeutung haben. Neben der Analyse der Landnutzung im Biosphärenreservat Schorfheide-Chorin wurde ein System entwickelt, mit dem die modellhafte

  14. IM and Q-D Rules: An Analysis by French Club MURAT

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and Q-D Rules: An Analysis by French Club Murat 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT NUMBER...IM(1) AND Q-D RULES: AN ANALYSIS BY FRENCH CLUB MURAT by Jean ISLER (2) - Jean G. GOLIGER (3) - Daniel BOCHAND (4) Georges QUEROL (5) - Louis PICARD...6) and Joël FERRON (7) CLUB MURAT - BP 129 78 148 VELIZY CEDEX - FRANCE Tel : (33) - (1) Fax : (33) - (1) ABSTRACT The

  15. MiT Family Translocation-Associated Renal Cell Carcinoma: A Contemporary Update With Emphasis on Morphologic, Immunophenotypic, and Molecular Mimics.


    Magers, Martin J; Udager, Aaron M; Mehra, Rohit


    Translocation-associated renal cell carcinoma (t-RCC) is a relatively uncommon subtype of renal cell carcinoma characterized by recurrent gene rearrangements involving the TFE3 or TFEB loci. TFE3 and TFEB are members of the microphthalmia transcription factor (MiT) family, which regulates differentiation in melanocytes and osteoclasts, and MiT family gene fusions activate unique molecular programs that can be detected immunohistochemically. Although the overall clinical behavior of t-RCC is variable, emerging molecular data suggest the possibility of targeted approaches to advanced disease. Thus, distinguishing t-RCC from its morphologic, immunophenotypic, and molecular mimics may have important clinical implications. The differential diagnosis for t-RCC includes a variety of common renal neoplasms, particularly those demonstrating clear cell and papillary features; in addition, because of immunophenotypic overlap and/or shared molecular abnormalities (ie, TFE3 gene rearrangement), a distinctive set of nonepithelial renal tumors may also warrant consideration. Directed ancillary testing is an essential aspect to the workup of t-RCC cases and may include a panel of immunohistochemical stains, such as PAX8, pancytokeratins, epithelial membrane antigen, carbonic anhydrase IX, HMB-45, and Melan-A. Dual-color, break-apart fluorescent in situ hybridization for TFE3 or TFEB gene rearrangement may be helpful in diagnostically challenging cases or when molecular confirmation is needed.

  16. Decoupling of ammonium regulation and ntcA transcription in the diazotrophic marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium sp. IMS101

    PubMed Central

    Post, Anton F; Rihtman, Branko; Wang, Qingfeng


    Nitrogen (N) physiology in the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101 was studied along with transcript accumulation of the N-regulatory gene ntcA and of two of its target genes: napA (nitrate assimilation) and nifH (N2 fixation). N2 fixation was impaired in the presence of nitrite, nitrate and urea. Strain IMS101 was capable of growth on these combined N sources at <2 μ but growth rates declined at elevated concentrations. Assimilation of nitrate and urea was impaired in the presence of ammonium. Whereas ecologically relevant N concentrations (2–20 μ) suppressed growth and assimilation, much higher concentrations were required to affect transcript levels. Transcripts of nifH accumulated under nitrogen-fixing conditions; these transcript levels were maintained in the presence of nitrate (100 μ) and ammonium (20 μ). However, nifH transcript levels were below detection at ammonium concentrations >20 μ. napA mRNA was found at low levels in both N2-fixing and ammonium-utilizing filaments, and it accumulated in filaments grown with nitrate. The positive effect of nitrate on napA transcription was abolished by ammonium additions of >200 μ. This effect was restored upon addition of the glutamine synthetase inhibitor -methionin--sulfoximine. Surprisingly, ntcA transcript levels remained high in the presence of ammonium, even at elevated concentrations. These findings indicate that ammonium repression is decoupled from transcriptional activation of ntcA in Trichodesmium IMS101. PMID:21938021

  17. Decoupling of ammonium regulation and ntcA transcription in the diazotrophic marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium sp. IMS101.


    Post, Anton F; Rihtman, Branko; Wang, Qingfeng


    Nitrogen (N) physiology in the marine cyanobacterium Trichodesmium IMS101 was studied along with transcript accumulation of the N-regulatory gene ntcA and of two of its target genes: napA (nitrate assimilation) and nifH (N(2) fixation). N(2) fixation was impaired in the presence of nitrite, nitrate and urea. Strain IMS101 was capable of growth on these combined N sources at <2 μM but growth rates declined at elevated concentrations. Assimilation of nitrate and urea was impaired in the presence of ammonium. Whereas ecologically relevant N concentrations (2-20 μM) suppressed growth and assimilation, much higher concentrations were required to affect transcript levels. Transcripts of nifH accumulated under nitrogen-fixing conditions; these transcript levels were maintained in the presence of nitrate (100 μM) and ammonium (20 μM). However, nifH transcript levels were below detection at ammonium concentrations >20 μM. napA mRNA was found at low levels in both N(2)-fixing and ammonium-utilizing filaments, and it accumulated in filaments grown with nitrate. The positive effect of nitrate on napA transcription was abolished by ammonium additions of >200 μM. This effect was restored upon addition of the glutamine synthetase inhibitor L-methionin-DL-sulfoximine. Surprisingly, ntcA transcript levels remained high in the presence of ammonium, even at elevated concentrations. These findings indicate that ammonium repression is decoupled from transcriptional activation of ntcA in Trichodesmium IMS101.


    EPA Science Inventory

    U.S. EPA Method 1623 is used to detect and quantify Cruptosporidum spp. oocysts in ater. The protocol consists of filtration, immunomagnetic separation (IMS), staining with a fluorescent antibody, and microscopic analysis. Microscopic analysis includes detection by fluorescent ...

  19. ODE/IM correspondence and the Argyres-Douglas theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ito, Katsushi; Shu, Hongfei


    We study the quantum spectral curve of the Argyres-Douglas theories in the Nekrasov-Sahashvili limit of the Omega-background. Using the ODE/IM correspondence we investigate the quantum integrable model corresponding to the quantum spectral curve. We show that the models for the A 2 N -type theories are non-unitary coset models ( A 1)1 × ( A 1) L /( A 1) L+1 at the fractional level L=2/2N+1-2 , which appear in the study of the 4d/2d correspondence of N = 2 superconformal field theories. Based on the WKB analysis, we clarify the relation between the Y-functions and the quantum periods and study the exact Bohr-Sommerfeld quantization condition for the quantum periods. We also discuss the quantum spectral curves for the D and E type theories.

  20. IM-16: A new microporous germanosilicate with a novel framework topology containing d4r and mtw composite building units

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lorgouilloux, Yannick; Dodin, Mathias; Paillaud, Jean-Louis


    The synthesis and the structure of IM-16 a new germanosilicate with a novel zeolitic topology prepared hydrothermally with the ionic liquid 3-ethyl-1-methyl-3H-imidazol-1-ium as the organic structure-directing agent are reported. The structure of calcined and partially rehydrated IM-16 of chemical formula |(H{sub 2}O){sub 0.16}|[Si{sub 3.47}Ge{sub 2.53}O{sub 12}] was solved from powder XRD data in space group Cmcm with a=15.0861(2) A, b=17.7719(3) A, c=19.9764(3) A, V=5355.84(12) A{sup 3} (Z=16). This new zeolite framework type contains 10-MRs channels and may be described from the d4r and mtw composite building units. - Graphical abstract: The synthesis and the structure of IM-16 a new germanosilicatemore » with a novel zeolitic topology prepared hydrothermally with the ionic liquid 3-ethyl-1-methyl-3H-imidazol-1-ium as the organic structure-directing agent are reported. This new zeolite framework type contains 10-MRs channels and may be described from the d4r and mtw composite building units.« less