Sample records for les ondes radiofrequences

  1. Evaluation de la qualite osseuse par les ondes guidees ultrasonores =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Abid, Alexandre

    La caracterisation des proprietes mecaniques de l'os cortical est un domaine d'interet pour la recherche orthopedique. En effet, cette caracterisation peut apporter des informations primordiales pour determiner le risque de fracture, la presence de microfractures ou encore depister l'osteoporose. Les deux principales techniques actuelles de caracterisation de ces proprietes sont le Dual-energy X-ray Absorptiometry (DXA) et le Quantitative Computed Tomogaphy (QCT). Ces techniques ne sont pas optimales et presentent certaines limites, ainsi l'efficacite du DXA est questionnee dans le milieu orthopedique tandis que le QCT necessite des niveaux de radiations problematiques pour en faire un outil de depistage. Les ondes guidees ultrasonores sont utilisees depuis de nombreuses annees pour detecter les fissures, la geometrie et les proprietes mecaniques de cylindres, tuyaux et autres structures dans des milieux industriels. De plus, leur utilisation est plus abordable que celle du DXA et n'engendrent pas de radiation ce qui les rendent prometteuses pour detecter les proprietes mecaniques des os. Depuis moins de dix ans, de nombreux laboratoires de recherche tentent de transposer ces techniques au monde medical, en propageant les ondes guidees ultrasonores dans les os. Le travail presente ici a pour but de demontrer le potentiel des ondes guidees ultrasonores pour determiner l'evolution des proprietes mecaniques de l'os cortical. Il commence par une introduction generale sur les ondes guidees ultrasonores et une revue de la litterature des differentes techniques relatives a l'utilisation des ondes guidees ultrasonores sur les os. L'article redige lors de ma maitrise est ensuite presente. L'objectif de cet article est d'exciter et de detecter certains modes des ondes guides presentant une sensibilite a la deterioration des proprietes mecaniques de l'os cortical. Ce travail est realise en modelisant par elements finis la propagation de ces ondes dans deux modeles osseux

  2. Dynamique et interférence de paquets d'ondes dans les atomes et dimères d'alcalins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouchene, M. A.


    (saturation regime, chirped pulse, ...) that allow us to determine the advantages and limits of this technique. In the case of molecules, the interaction of the two-pulse sequence leads to the interference of vibrational wave packets. We analyse and discuss in this case the effects of a thermal distribution of initial states on the temporal coherent control signal. Ce travail porte sur l'étude expérimentale résolue en temps de la dynamique atomique et moléculaire prenant place sur une échelle de temps femtoseconde. Il présente deux orientations distinctes et complémentaires. La première concerne l'étude de la dynamique de paquets d'ondes dans des atomes et dimères d'alcalins (K, K2) par des méthodes pompe-sonde. Dans le cas du potassium atomique le paquet d'ondes est une superposition des états de structure fine de l'état 4p et représente un paquet de spin électronique. Nous observons la dynamique de ce paquet d'ondes au cours du temps et montrons que celle-ci correspond à une inversion du sens d'orientation du spin. Le formalisme théorique des états brillants et noirs est particulièrement adapté à la description de ce type de dynamique. Nous présentons alors une méthode originale qui, tirant avantage du mouvement d'inversion du spin, permet de produire des électrons polarisés en spin à l'échelle femtoseconde. Dans le cas des molécules, le paquet d'ondes créé est une superposition d'états vibrationnels. Nous présentons les résultats d'une étude systématique de la dynamique de paquet d'ondes vibrationnel dans les états électroniques A^1Σ^+_u et 2^1Pi_g. Le signal pompe-sonde dépend alors de la compétition entre les dynamiques associées aux paquets d'ondes créés dans les deux états électroniques. La deuxième partie traite d'expériences d'interférences de paquets d'ondes dans des systèmes similaires (K, Cs, Cs2). Cette technique, complémentaire de la première, consiste à faire interagir une séquence de deux impulsions

  3. Effets non lineaires transversaux dans les guides d'ondes plans

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumais, Patrick

    Les effets non lineaires transversaux dus a l'effet Kerr optique non resonant sont etudies dans deux types de guides a geometrie plane. D'abord (au chapitre 2), l'emission de solitons spatiaux d'un guide de type canal est etudie historiquement, analytiquement et numeriquement dans le but d'en faire la conception et la fabrication, en AlGaAs, dans la region spectrale en deca de la moitie de la bande interdite de ce materiau, soit autour de 1,5 microns. Le composant, tel que concu, comporte une structure de multipuits quantiques. Le desordonnement local de cette structure permet une variation locale du coefficient Kerr dans le guide, ce qui mene a l'emission d'un soliton spatial au-dela d'une puissance optique de seuil. L'observation experimentale d'un changement en fonction de l'intensite du profil de champ a la sortie du guide realise est presentee. Deuxiemement (au chapitre 3) une technique de mesure du coefficient Kerr dans un guide plan est presentee. Cette technique consiste a mesurer le changement de transmission au travers d'un cache place a la sortie du guide en fonction de l'intensite crete a l'entree du guide plan. Une methode pour determiner les conditions optimales pour la sensibilite de la mesure est presentee, illustree de plusieurs exemples. Finalement, la realisation d'un oscillateur parametrique optique basee sur un cristal de niobate de lithium a domaines periodiquement inverses est presentee. La theorie des oscillateurs parametriques optiques est exposee avec une emphase sur la generation d'impulsions intenses a des longueurs d'onde autour de 1,5 microns a partir d'un laser Ti:saphir, dans le but d'obtenir une source pour faire les experiences sur l'emission solitonique.

  4. Comprendre. La détection des ondes gravitationnelles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Man, Catherine Nary


    Détecter les ondes gravitationnelles sur Terre est un défi fou relevé depuis les années 80. Cette infime vibration de l'espacetemps chère à Einstein et prédite par lui il y a plus de cent ans, est enfin mesurée par trois interféromètres géants dont un européen Virgo et deux américains LIGO, tous trois mis au point depuis presque deux décennies et travaillant en étroite collaboration dans tous les domaines de la physique.

  5. Lasers à électrons libres de courtes longueurs d'onde: état de l'art et perspectives

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Couprie, M. E.


    Les Lasers à Électrons Libres (LEL) sont des sources de rayonnement cohérent et accordable, basées sur l'interaction d'un faisceau d'électrons relativistes circulant dans le champ magnétique magnétique périodique et permanent créé par un “onduleur”. et d'une onde optique. L'onde lumineuse peut être issue de l'émission de rayonnement synchroton émise par le paquet d'électrons a chaque passage pour un système super-radiant en mode SASE (Self Amplified Spontaneous Emission- Emission Spontanée Auto-Amplifiée) ou issue du rayonnement synchrotron stocké dans une cavité optique, en mode oscillateur, ou d'une onde laser externe, en mode génération d'harmonique. Sous certaines conditions, l'onde lumineuse est amplifiée, au détriment de l'énergie cinétique des électrons, ce qui conduit à l'effet laser. L'état de l'art des sources Laser à Electrons Libres dans l'UV et le VUV est présenté, en indiquant les complémentarités résultant des différentes configurations tant du point de vue des sources que de leurs utilisations. Les projets de sources de courte longueur d'onde proposés sont ensuite discutés.

  6. Techniques d'inspection par ondes guidees ultrasonores d'assemblages brases dans des reacteurs aeronautiques =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Comot, Pierre

    L'industrie aeronautique, cherche a etudier la possibilite d'utiliser de maniere structurelle des joints brases, dans une optique de reduction de poids et de cout. Le developpement d'une methode d'evaluation rapide, fiable et peu couteuse pour evaluer l'integrite structurelle des joints apparait donc indispensable. La resistance mecanique d'un joint brase dependant principalement de la quantite de phase fragile dans sa microstructure. Les ondes guidees ultrasonores permettent de detecter ce type de phase lorsqu'elles sont couplees a une mesure spatio-temporelle. De plus la nature de ce type d'ondes permet l'inspection de joints ayant des formes complexes. Ce memoire se concentre donc sur le developpement d'une technique basee sur l'utilisation d'ondes guidees ultrasonores pour l'inspection de joints brases a recouvrement d'Inconel 625 avec comme metal d'apport du BNi-2. Dans un premiers temps un modele elements finis du joint a ete utilise pour simuler la propagation des ultrasons et optimiser les parametres d'inspection, la simulation a permis egalement de demontrer la faisabilite de la technique pour la detection de la quantite de phase fragile dans ce type de joints. Les parametres optimises sont la forme de signal d'excitation, sa frequence centrale et la direction d'excitation. Les simulations ont montre que l'energie de l'onde ultrasonore transmise a travers le joint aussi bien que celle reflechie, toutes deux extraites des courbes de dispersion, etaient proportionnelles a la quantite de phase fragile presente dans le joint et donc cette methode permet d'identifier la presence ou non d'une phase fragile dans ce type de joint. Ensuite des experimentations ont ete menees sur trois echantillons typiques presentant differentes quantites de phase fragile dans le joint, pour obtenir ce type d'echantillons differents temps de brasage ont ete utilises (1, 60 et 180 min). Pour cela un banc d'essai automatise a ete developpe permettant d'effectuer une analyse similaire

  7. Les métamatériaux, des micro-ondes à l'optique : théorie et applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kante, B.


    Cet article constitue une contribution originale et importante à la compréhension à la fois théorique et expérimentale des métamatériaux en micro-ondes et en infrarouge. Nous avons réalisé et caractérisé sur silicium des nano-structures metallo-diélectriques, briques de base des métamatériaux infrarouge et optique. Des caractérisations optiques exhaustives ont été réalisées pour la première fois sur ces structures en amplitude et en phase par interférométrie. Des topologies plus simples de métamatériaux d’un point de vue technologique et des performances optiques ont été introduites, et leur potentiel démontré dans la réalisation de fonctions aussi complexes que la réfraction négative, le couplage de mode plasmoniques, les nano senseurs pour la biologie et l’invisibilité électromagnétique en infrarouge. Les transformations d’espace, et le nouveau paradigme qu’elles offrent à l’optique, rendant possible une ingénierie de l’espace pour les photons ainsi que leur implémentation par métamatériaux ont été présentés par la première démonstration expérimentale d’une cape d’invisibilité non magnétique.

  8. Developpement de mesures non destructives, par ondes ultrasonores, d'epaisseurs de fronts de solidification dans les reacteurs metallurgiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Floquet, Jimmy

    Dans les cuves d'electrolyse d'aluminium, le milieu de reaction tres corrosif attaque les parois de la cuve, ce qui diminue leur duree de vie et augmente les couts de production. Le talus, qui se forme sous l'effet des pertes de chaleur qui maintiennent un equilibre thermique dans la cuve, sert de protection naturelle a la cuve. Son epaisseur doit etre controlee pour maximiser cet effet. Advenant la resorption non voulue de ce talus, les degats generes peuvent s'evaluer a plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars par cuve. Aussi, l'objectif est de developper une mesure ultrasonore de l'epaisseur du talus, car elle serait non intrusive et non destructive. La precision attendue est de l'ordre du centimetre pour des mesures d'epaisseurs comprenant 2 materiaux, allant de 5 a 20 cm. Cette precision est le facteur cle permettant aux industriels de controler l'epaisseur du talus de maniere efficace (maximiser la protection des parois tout en maximisant l'efficacite energetique du procede), par l'ajout d'un flux thermique. Cependant, l'efficacite d'une mesure ultrasonore dans cet environnement hostile reste a demontrer. Les travaux preliminaires ont permis de selectionner un transducteur ultrasonore a contact ayant la capacite a resister aux conditions de mesure (hautes temperatures, materiaux non caracterises...). Differentes mesures a froid (traite par analyse temps-frequence) ont permis d'evaluer la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans le materiau de la cuve en graphite et de la cryolite, demontrant la possibilite d'extraire l'information pertinente d'epaisseur du talus in fine. Fort de cette phase de caracterisation des materiaux sur la reponse acoustique des materiaux, les travaux a venir ont ete realises sur un modele reduit de la cuve. Le montage experimental, un four evoluant a 1050 °C, instrumente d'une multitude de capteurs thermique, permettra une comparaison de la mesure intrusive LVDT a celle du transducteur, dans des conditions proches de la mesure

  9. Symetrie en energie des spectres de l'onde de densite de charge dans le 2-hydrogene seleniure de niobium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Behmand, Behnaz

    Les mecanismes qui menent a la supraconductivite dans les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique sont encore aujourd'hui mal compris contrairement a ceux dans les supraconducteurs conventionnels. Dans les hauts-Tc, certaines modulations de la densite d'etats electroniques coexistant avec la phase supraconductrice ont ete observees, ce qui engendre des questionnements sur leur role dans la supraconductivite. En fait, plusieurs types de modulation de la densite d'etats electroniques existent, comme par exemple l'onde de densite de charge et l'onde de densite de paires. Ces deux modulations, d'origines differentes et mesurables avec la technique de spectroscopie par effet tunnel, peuvent etre differenciees avec une etude de leur symetrie. Ce memoire consistera donc a presenter l'etude de la symetrie de l'onde de densite de charge dans le 2H-NbSe2 qui est presente dans la phase supraconductrice a 300 mK. Par contre, certaines difficultes liees au principe de mesure, soit l'effet de normalisation, nuisent a l'identification de cette symetrie. La methode, pour contourner ce probleme sera alors l'element clef de ce travail.

  10. Effet de la composition des materiaux composites sur la caracterisation et detection par ondes de Lamb

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ostiguy, Pierre-Claude

    Les matériaux composites sont de plus en plus utilisés en aéronautique. Leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques et leur faible poids leur procurent un avantage certain par rapport aux matériaux métalliques. Ceux-ci étant soumis à diverses conditions de chargement et environnementales, ils sont suceptibles de subir plusieurs types d'endommagements, compromettant leur intégrité. Des méthodes fiables d'inspection sont donc nécessaires pour évaluer leur intégrité. Néanmoins, peu d'approches non destructives, embarquées et efficaces sont présentement utilisées. Ce travail de recherche se penche sur l'étude de l'effet de la composition des matériaux composites sur la détection et la caractérisation par ondes guidées. L'objectif du projet est de développer une approche de caractérisation mécanique embarquée permettant d'améliorer la performance d'une approche d'imagerie par antenne piézoélectriques sur des structures composite et métalliques. La contribution de ce projet est de proposer une approche embarquée de caractérisation mécanique par ultrasons qui ne requiert pas une mesure sur une multitude d'échantillons et qui est non destructive. Ce mémoire par articles est divisé en quatre parties, dont les parties deux A quatre présentant les articles publiés et soumis. La première partie présente l'état des connaissances dans la matière nécessaires à l'acomplissement de ce projet de maîtrise. Les principaux sujets traités portent sur les matériaux composites, propagation d'ondes, la modélisation des ondes guidées, la caractérisation par ondes guidées et la surveillance embarquée des structures. La deuxième partie présente une étude de l'effet des propriétés mécaniques sur la performance de l'algorithme d'imagerie Excitelet. L'étude est faite sur une structure isotrope. Les résultats ont démontré que l'algorithme est sensible à l'exactitude des propriétés mécaniques utilisées dans le modèle. Cette

  11. Détermination des densités de charge d'espace dans les isolants solides par la méthode de l'onde thermique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toureille, A.; Reboul, J.-P.; Merle, P.


    A non-destructive method for the measurement of space charge densities in solid insulating materials is described. This method called “ the thermal step technique ” is concerned with the diffusion of a step of heat applied to one side of the sample and with the resulting nonuniform thermal expansion. From the solution of the equation of heat, we have set up the relations between the measured current and the space charge densities. The deconvolution procedure leading to these charge densities is presented. Some results obtained with this method on XLPE and polypropylene slabs are given. Une nouvelle méthode non destructive, pour la mesure des densités de charges d'espace dans les isolants solides, est décrite. Cette méthode, dite de “ l'onde thermique ” est basée sur la diffusion d'un front de chaleur appliqué à une des faces de l'éprouvette et sur la dilatation non uniforme qui en résulte. A partir de la résolution de l'équation de la chaleur, nous avons établi les relations entre le courant mesuré et les densités de charges. Nous indiquons ensuite un procédé de déconvolution permettant de calculer ces densités de charge. Quelques résultats obtenus par cette méthode, sur des plaques de polyéthylène réticulé et polypropylène sont donnés.

  12. Methode d'identification parametrique pour la surveillance in situ des joints a recouvrement par propagation d'ondes vibratoires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Francoeur, Dany

    Cette these de doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre de projets CRIAQ (Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en aerospatiale du Quebec) orientes vers le developpement d'approches embarquees pour la detection de defauts dans des structures aeronautiques. L'originalite de cette these repose sur le developpement et la validation d'une nouvelle methode de detection, quantification et localisation d'une entaille dans une structure de joint a recouvrement par la propagation d'ondes vibratoires. La premiere partie expose l'etat des connaissances sur l'identification d'un defaut dans le contexte du Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), ainsi que la modelisation de joint a recouvrements. Le chapitre 3 developpe le modele de propagation d'onde d'un joint a recouvrement endommage par une entaille pour une onde de flexion dans la plage des moyennes frequences (10-50 kHz). A cette fin, un modele de transmission de ligne (TLM) est realise pour representer un joint unidimensionnel (1D). Ce modele 1D est ensuite adapte a un joint bi-dimensionnel (2D) en faisant l'hypothese d'un front d'onde plan incident et perpendiculaire au joint. Une methode d'identification parametrique est ensuite developpee pour permettre a la fois la calibration du modele du joint a recouvrement sain, la detection puis la caracterisation de l'entaille situee sur le joint. Cette methode est couplee a un algorithme qui permet une recherche exhaustive de tout l'espace parametrique. Cette technique permet d'extraire une zone d'incertitude reliee aux parametres du modele optimal. Une etude de sensibilite est egalement realisee sur l'identification. Plusieurs resultats de mesure sur des joints a recouvrements 1D et 2D sont realisees permettant ainsi l'etude de la repetabilite des resultats et la variabilite de differents cas d'endommagement. Les resultats de cette etude demontrent d'abord que la methode de detection proposee est tres efficace et permet de suivre la progression d'endommagement. De tres bons resultats

  13. Recuit thermique rapide de semi-conducteur par énergie micro-onde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Covas, M.; Gay, H. C.


    This paper proposes a new technique for rapid thermal annealing of semi-conductors. This technique is based on microwave energy, and offers the same advantages as the rapid thermal annealing by incoherent light, in terms of rapidity, and contamination. However, our technique reduces considerably the required energy for the annealing process. This technique has been compared to the rapid thermal by incoherent light: lab experiments, carried out on boron implanted silicon samples, showed that a power gain ratio of about 10 can be achieved. Nous proposons une méthode de recuit thermique rapide du silicium par énergie micro-onde. Cette technique offre les mêmes avantages que les traitements thermiques rapides par lumière incohérente, c'est-à-dire des durées de chauffage très brèves, limitant ainsi la diffusion des dopants, et un traitement plaquette par plaquette : les risques de contamination de tout un lot sont ainsi éliminés. De plus notre méthode requiert une faible énergie : pour parvenir à des recuits de qualité similaire à celle obtenue dans des fours de recuit rapide à lampes il faut un flux de puissance 10 fois plus faible.

  14. La réflexion des ondes électromagnétiques du milieu de gyrotropie anisotrope, avec un axe d'anisotropie et un angle d'incidence arbitraires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tchalyk, A.


    The interaction of plane electromagnetic wave with half-infinit gyrotropic media for different directions of propagation of incident microwave radiation and various directions of gyrotropic axis are investigated. The equations for calculation of wave's parameters exited in media and reflected from media-surface are obtained. On étudie l'interaction d'une onde électromagnétique plane avec un milieu gyrotrope à demi-infini dans le cas d'une direction arbitraire de propagation de la radiation électromagnétique incidente et de l'axe de gyrotropie. On a obtenu des expressions permettant de calculer les caractéristiques des ondes excitées dans et par le milieu.

  15. Analyse de plomb dans les peintures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Broll, N.; Frezouls, J.-M.


    The analysis of lead in paints was previously used for the characterisation of pigments. In this way, the analysis is able to specify the century of the painting of a work of art. Recently this technique was also used to determine the toxicity of lead paints in building. This paper compared the result of several X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, either wave length/energy dispersion laboratory apparatus or X-ray microtube/radioactive source portable equipment's. L'analyse du plomb dans les peintures a jusqu'à présent été appliquée essentiellement pour caractériser les pigments lors de leur fabrication et pour identifier des rouvres d'art. Récemment cette technique est également utilisée pour déterminer la toxicité des peintures au plomb dans les bâtiments. Nous avons comparé les performances de plusieurs spectromètres de fluorescence X, soit de laboratoire à dispersion en longueur d'onde ou à dispersion en énergie (avec tube à rayonsX), soit portable avec source radioactive ou tube à rayons X.

  16. Le point sur les amas de galaxies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pierre, M.

    galaxies jouent donc un rôle de premier plan dans toute étude cosmologique et par conséquent, sont indispensables à notre compréhension globale de l'univers. Dans l'introduction générale, nous détaillons cet aspect fondamental en montrant comment l'étude des amas peut contribuer à contraindre les scénarios cosmologiques. Une fois le contexte scientifique délimité, les chapitres suivants s'attachent à présenter les diverses propriétés des amas et leur évolution cosmique observée dans diverses longueurs d'onde principalement dans les domaines visible (galaxies), X (gaz) et radio (gaz et particules). Nous verrons que l'étude détaillée d'un amas implique celle de l'interaction entre ses différentes composantes et est un passage obligé pour remonter au paramètre ultime (ou premier) qu'est sa masse. Loin d'être un détour ennuyeux, ceci sera l'occasion d'aborder des phénomènes physiques extrêmement variés tel l'aspect multi-phases du milieu intra-amas, les sursauts de formation d'étoiles et l'évolution morphologique des galaxies capturées par les amas, ou bien encore, l'interaction entre le plasma intra-amas et les particules relativistes accélérées lors de la fusion entre deux amas. Bien sûr, pour chaque longueur d'onde, nous ne manquerons pas de décrire simplement les techniques d'observation et d'analyse mises en oeuvre ; celles-ci sont particulièrement intéressantes dans le cas de l'instrumentation spatiale. Nous terminerons en présentant des projets d'observatoires pour l'horizon 2010 et leur impact prévu sur l'étude des amas de galaxies.

  17. Étude comparative des techniques d'analyse par fluorescence X à dispersion d'énergie (ED-XRF) et à dispersion de longueur d'onde (WD-XRF), et par spectrométrie d'émission atomique à source plasma couplée par induction (ICP-AES)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rahmani, A.; Benyaïch, F.; Bounakhla, M.; Bilal, E.; Moutte, J.; Gruffat, J. J.; Zahry, F.


    Dans ce travail, nous présentons une étude comparative des techniques d'analyse par fluorescence X à dispersion d'énergie (ED-XRF) et à dispersion de longueur d'onde (WD-XRF), et par spectrométrie d'émission atomique à source plasma couplée par induction (ICP-AES). Les résultats de la calibration des spectromètres à dispersion d'énergie, à excitation par sources radioactives (55Fe, 109Cd et 241Am) et à excitation secondaire (cible secondaire Mo et Cu) du Centre National pour l'Energie, les Sciences et les Techniques Nucléaires (CNESTEN, Rabat, Maroc) sur des échantillons étalons de références de l'Agence International de l'Energie Atomique (AIEA) et du Community Bureau of Référence (BCR) ont été comparés aux résultats d'analyse des mêmes échantillons étalons par la spectrométrie X à dispersion de longueur d'onde (WD-XRF) et par spectrométrie d'émission atomique à source plasma couplé par induction (ICP-AES) au département GENERIC du centre SPIN à l'Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne (France). Les trois techniques d'analyse utilisées donnent des résultats comparables pour le dosage des éléments majeurs, alors que pour les traces on note des déviations importantes à cause des effets de matrice qui sont difficiles à corriger dans le cas de la fluorescence X.

  18. Demonstrating the Efficacy of Group Prolonged Exposure Treatment of PTSD in OEF/OIF/OND Male Veterans

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0005 TITLE: Demonstrating the Efficacy of Group Prolonged Exposure Treatment of PTSD in OEF/OIF/OND Male OEF/OIF/OND Male Veterans 5b. GRANT NUMBER W81XWH-15-1-0005 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) Janet Kathreen C’de Baca 5d. PROJECT...format. The study population is male OEF/OIF/OND veterans who will be block randomized in groups of 3 into a 10-week, 90-minute, Prolonged Exposure

  19. Fluctuations quantiques et instabilites structurales dans les conducteurs a basse dimensionalite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dikande, Alain Moise

    Un engouement particulier s'est manifeste ces dernieres annees pour les systemes electroniques fortement correles, ce en rapport avec l'immense richesse de leurs proprietes physiques. En general, ces proprietes sont induites par la presence d'interactions entre electrons qui, combinees a la structure du reseau moleculaire, donnent parfois lieu a une tres grande variete de phases electroniques et structurales ayant des incidences directes sur les phenomenes de transport dans ces materiaux. Les systemes electroniques couples a un reseau moleculaire et designes systemes electron-phonon font partie de cette classe de materiaux qui ont recemment capte l'attention, en raison notamment de la competition entre plusieurs echelles d'energie dans un environnement caracterise par une forte anisotropie cristalline et une dynamique moleculaire assez importante. En effet, en plus des proprietes electroniques et structurales particulieres la dimensionalite de ces systemes contribue egalement a leur richesse. Ainsi, une tres forte anisotropie structurale peut rehausser de facon considerable l'importance des interactions entre electrons et entre molecules constituant le reseau au point ou la physique du systeme soit regie par de tres fortes fluctuations. Ce dernier contexte est devenu un domaine a part de la physique des systemes fortement correles, a savoir celui des les phenomenes critiques quantiques . Parmi les systemes electron-phonon, on retrouve les composes inorganique KCP et organique TTF-TCNQ decouverts durant les annees 70, et explores en profondeur a cause de leur tendance vers une instabilite du type onde de densite de charge a basse temperature. Ces composes, en general designes systemes de Peierls en reference a l'instabilite de leurs structures electroniques regie par le reseau moleculaire, ont recemment connu un regain d'interet a la lumiere des nouveaux developpements dans les techniques de caracterisation des structures electroniques ainsi que sur le plan de

  20. 21 CFR 882.4725 - Radiofrequency lesion probe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion probe. 882.4725 Section 882...) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4725 Radiofrequency lesion probe. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion probe is a device connected to a radiofrequency (RF...

  1. 21 CFR 882.4725 - Radiofrequency lesion probe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion probe. 882.4725 Section 882...) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4725 Radiofrequency lesion probe. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion probe is a device connected to a radiofrequency (RF...

  2. 21 CFR 882.4725 - Radiofrequency lesion probe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion probe. 882.4725 Section 882...) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4725 Radiofrequency lesion probe. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion probe is a device connected to a radiofrequency (RF...

  3. 21 CFR 882.4725 - Radiofrequency lesion probe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion probe. 882.4725 Section 882...) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4725 Radiofrequency lesion probe. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion probe is a device connected to a radiofrequency (RF...

  4. 21 CFR 882.4725 - Radiofrequency lesion probe.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion probe. 882.4725 Section 882...) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4725 Radiofrequency lesion probe. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion probe is a device connected to a radiofrequency (RF...

  5. 47 CFR 2.801 - Radiofrequency device defined.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 1 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Radiofrequency device defined. 2.801 Section 2... MATTERS; GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Marketing of Radio-frequency Devices § 2.801 Radiofrequency device defined. As used in this part, a radiofrequency device is any device which in its operation is capable of...

  6. Relaxation diélectrique de solutions aqueuses d'éthylène glycol aux micro-ondes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vicq, G.; Delbos, G.; Forniés Marquina, J. M.; Lamkaouchi, K.


    The study of dielectric properties of aqueous solutions of ethylene glycol in the frequency range 10 MHz - 20 GHz is reported as a function of water concentration at 20 circC. Some complex permittivity measurements were carried out using a precise reflectrometric method at 1.20, 3.26 and 9.45 GHz and some others using HP 8510 B network analyser from 45 MHz to 20 GHz and measurements by time domain reflectometry (T.D.R.). The dielectric relaxation analysis shows two domains of “Debye" dispersion for pure ethylene glycol and his aqueous solutions. Using a spectral decomposition, the static and high frequency dielectric constant and the relaxation time have been determined. The dielectric behaviour is interpreted by using the concept of Schallamach, concerning the mixtures of associated-associated liquids. Les auteurs présentent des séries de résultats de mesures en hyperfréquences concernant les permittivités diélectriques de l'éthylène-glycol et de ses solutions aqueuses à 20 circC, pour diverses concentrations, entre 100 MHz et 20 GHz. Ils ont utilisé trois techniques différentes : des mesures précises à trois fréquences fixes parfaitement stabilisées en guides d'ondes 1,20 ; 3,26 et 9,45 GHz par une méthode réflectométrique ; des mesures utilisant l'analyseur de réseau vectoriel HP 8510 B fonctionnant entre 45 MHz et 20 GHz ; et des mesures par réflectométrie en domaine de temps (R.D.T.). Ils montrent que l'analyse de la relaxation peut être représentée par la superposition de deux domaines de dispersion de type “Debye" pour l'éthylène glycol et ses solutions aqueuses. Par décomposition spectrales, ils déduisent la permittivité statique, les temps de relaxation et la permittivité à fréquence infinie à 20 circC? Ils proposent que ces mélanges soient de type associé-associé suivant le concept de Schallamach, qui montre que pour des mélanges de ce type, il existe des relaxations d'agrégats contenant les deux types de mol

  7. Predicting nurses' acceptance of radiofrequency identification technology.


    Norten, Adam


    The technology of radiofrequency identification allows for the scanning of radiofrequency identification-tagged objects and individuals without line-of-sight requirements. Healthcare organizations use radiofrequency identification to ensure the health and safety of patients and medical personnel and to uncover inefficiencies. Although the successful implementation of a system incorporating radiofrequency identification technologies requires acceptance and use of the technology, some nurses using radiofrequency identification in hospitals feel like "Big Brother" is watching them. This predictive study used a theoretical model assessing the effect of five independent variables: privacy concerns, attitudes, subjective norms, controllability, and self-efficacy, on a dependent variable, nurses' behavioral intention to use radiofrequency identification. A Web-based questionnaire containing previously validated questions was answered by 106 US RNs. Multiple linear regression showed that all constructs together accounted for 60% of the variance in nurses' intention to use radiofrequency identification. Of the predictors in the model, attitudes provided the largest unique contribution when the other predictors in the model were held constant; subjective norms also provided a unique contribution. Privacy concerns, controllability, and self-efficacy did not provide a significant contribution to nurses' behavioral intention to use radiofrequency identification.

  8. Conventional Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation vs Pulsed Radiofrequency Neuromodulation of Ganglion Impar in Chronic Perineal Pain of Nononcological Origin.


    Usmani, Hammad; Dureja, G P; Andleeb, Roshan; Tauheed, Nazia; Asif, Naiyer


    Chronic nononcological perineal pain has been effectively managed by ganglion Impar block. Chemical neurolysis, cryoablation, and radiofrequency ablation have been the accepted methods of blockade. Recently, pulsed radiofrequency, a novel variant of conventional radiofrequency, has been used for this purpose. This was a prospective, randomized, double-blind study. Two different interventional pain management centers in India. To compare the efficacy of conventional radiofrequency and pulsed radiofrequency for gangliom Impar block. The patients were randomly allocated to one of two groups. In the conventional radiofrequency (CRF) group (N = 34), conventional radiofrequency ablation was done, and in the PRF pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) group (N = 31), pulsed radiofrequency ablation was done. After informed and written consent, fluoroscopy-guided ganglion Impar block was performed through the first intracoccygeal approach. The extent of pain relief was assessed by visual analog scale (VAS) at 24 hours, and at the first, third, and sixth weeks following the intervention. A questionnaire to evaluate subjective patient satisfaction was also used at each follow-up visit. In the CRF group, the mean VAS score decreased significantly from the baseline value at each follow-up visit. But in the PRF group, this decrease was insignificant except at 24-hour follow-up. Intergroup comparison also showed significantly better pain relief in the CRF group as compared with the PRF group. At the end of follow-up, 28 patients (82%) in the CRF group and four patients (13%) in the PRF group had excellent results, as assessed by the subjective patient satisfaction questionnaire. There was no complication in any patient of either study group, except for short-lived infection at the site of skin puncture in a few. Ganglion Impar block by conventional radiofrequency provided a significantly better quality of pain relief with no major side effects in patients with chronic

  9. Radiofrequency ablation versus electrocautery in tonsillectomy.


    Hall, Daniel J; Littlefield, Philip D; Birkmire-Peters, Deborah P; Holtel, Michael R


    The objective of this study was to compare the safety, difficulty of removal, and postoperative pain profile of radiofrequency ablation versus standard electrocautery removal of tonsils. A prospective, blinded study was designed to remove 1 tonsil with each of the 2 methods. Time of operation, estimated blood loss, difficulty of operation, postoperative pain, rate of postoperative hemorrhage, and the patient's preferred technique were evaluated. The operating time was significantly longer (P < 0.007) and the patients reported significantly less pain (P < 0.001) with radiofrequency ablation. There were no differences in blood loss, difficulty of operation, or postoperative hemorrhage rates. The patients preferred the radiofrequency ablation technique (P < 0.001). Radiofrequency ablation is a viable method to remove tonsillar tissue. Operating time for this procedure will likely decrease with experience. There was significantly less pain reported with radiofrequency ablation compared with standard electrocautery.

  10. 21 CFR 882.4400 - Radiofrequency lesion generator.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion generator. 882.4400 Section... (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4400 Radiofrequency lesion generator. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency lesion generator is a device used to produce...

  11. Radiofrequency Energy and Electrode Proximity Influences Stereoelectroencephalography-Guided Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation Lesion Size: An In Vitro Study with Clinical Correlation.


    Staudt, Michael D; Maturu, Sarita; Miller, Jonathan P


    Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of epileptogenic foci via stereoelectroencephalography (SEEG) electrodes has been suggested as a treatment for medically intractable epilepsy, but reported outcomes have been suboptimal, possibly because lesions generated using conventional high-energy radiofrequency parameters are relatively small. To describe a technique of delivering low energy across separate SEEG electrodes in order to create large confluent radiofrequency lesions. The size and configuration of radiofrequency lesions using different radiofrequency intensity and interelectrode distance was assessed in egg whites. Magnetic resonance images (MRI) from 3 patients who had undergone radiofrequency lesion creation were evaluated to determine the contribution of lesion intensity and electrode separation on lesion size. Electroencephalography, MRI, and clinical data were assessed before and after lesion creation. Both in Vitro and in Vivo analysis revealed that less energy paradoxically produced larger lesions, with the largest possible lesions produced when radiofrequency power was applied for long duration at less than 3 W. Linear separation of electrodes also contributed to lesion size, with largest lesions produced when electrodes were separated by a linear distance of between 5 and 12 mm. Clinical lesions produced using these parameters were large and resulted in improvement in interictal and ictal activity. Radiofrequency lesions produced using low-energy delivery between SEEG electrodes in close proximity can produce a large lesion. These findings might have advantages for treatment of focal epilepsy.

  12. Numerical Study of Primary Blast Injury to Human and Sheep Lung Induced by Simple and Complex Blast Loadings

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ont été soumis à des ondes de choc de types simple et complexe. Le but principal de cette étude est de vérifier si les dommages observés dans les...poumons du mouton correspondent à ceux de l’humain. Dans le cas d’ondes de choc simples, neuf courbes qui représentent le niveau de seuil, 1 % et 50...poumons du mouton dépendent plus de la durée et de l’orientation de l’onde de choc . Dans le cas d’ondes de choc complexes, trois courbes ont été

  13. Radiofrequency Identification

    PubMed Central

    Jones, Terry L.


    A national campaign is underway to increase the amount of time staff nurses spend at the bedside of hospitalized patients through redesign of the work environment. This kind of work redesign requires robust data depicting what nurses do and how they spend their time. Historically, these kinds of data have been difficult, costly, and time consuming to collect. Wireless capture of data on the movement of humans within the work environment (ie, time and motion) is now possible through radiofrequency identification technology. When small tracking devices the size of a quarter are affixed to their clothing, the movement of nurses throughout a patient care unit can be monitored. The duration and frequency of patient interaction are captured along with the duration of time spent in other locations of interest to include nurses’ station, supply room, medication room, doctors’ station, electronic documentation stations, family waiting rooms, and the hallway. Patterns of nurse movement and time allocation can be efficiently identified, and the effects of staffing practices, workflows, and unit layout evaluated. Integration of radiofrequency identification time and motion data with other databases enables nurse leaders to link nursing time to important cost and quality outcomes. Nurse leaders should explore the usefulness of radiofrequency identification technology in addressing data needs for nurse time and motion. PMID:22592451

  14. Light modulated electron beam driven radiofrequency emitter


    Wilson, M.T.; Tallerico, P.J.


    The disclosure relates to a light modulated electron beam-driven radiofrequency emitter. Pulses of light impinge on a photoemissive device which generates an electron beam having the pulse characteristics of the light. The electron beam is accelerated through a radiofrequency resonator which produces radiofrequency emission in accordance with the electron, hence, the light pulses.

  15. Pulse-dose radiofrequency treatment in pain management-initial experience.


    Ojango, Christine; Raguso, Mario; Fiori, Roberto; Masala, Salvatore


    Radiofrequency procedures have been used for treating various chronic pain conditions for decades. These minimally invasive percutaneous treatments employ an alternating electrical current with oscillating radiofrequency wavelengths to eliminate or alter pain signals from the targeted site. The aim of the continuous radiofrequency procedure is to increase the temperature sufficiently to create an irreversible thermal lesion on nerve fibres and thus permanently interrupt pain signals. The pulsed radiofrequency procedure utilises short pulses of radiofrequency current with intervals of longer pauses to avert a temperature increase to the level of permanent tissue damage. The goal of these pulses is to alter the processing of pain signals, but to avoid relevant structural damage to nerve fibres, as seen in the continuous radiofrequency procedure. The pulse-dose radiofrequency procedure is a technical improvement of the pulsed radiofrequency technique in which the delivery mode of the current is adapted. During the pulse-dose radiofrequency procedure thermal damage is avoided. In addition, the amplitude and width of the consecutive pulses are kept the same. The method ensures that each delivered pulse keeps the same characteristics and therefore the dose is similar between patients. The current review outlines the pulse-dose radiofrequency procedure and presents our institution's chronic pain management studies.

  16. A survey on monopolar radiofrequency treatment.


    Suh, Dong Hye; Hong, Eun Sun; Kim, Hyun Joo; Lee, Sang Jun; Kim, Hei Sung


    This questionnaire-based study was aimed to measure the level of appreciation, awareness of the special tips, and practice patterns of monopolar radiofrequency among Korean dermatologists practicing a specific monopolar radiofrequency device (Thermage® Inc., Hayward, CA). A total of 82 surveys were analyzed to show that the majority of participants (78.8%) were highly satisfied with the outcomes of monopolar radiofrequency treatment. All respondents were aware of the Eye Tip 0.25 cm 2 , and the majority knew the difference between the Face tip (blue) and the Total tip (orange). Most (86.3%) agreed to the statement that 900 shots were appropriate for facial tightening in those between the ages of 35 and 65 years. 66.2% of participants reported to have perform monopolar radiofrequency to extra-facial sites within the past year. As for the tips, the Total tip was most popular for all body sties and the Big tip was favored for the abdomen, thighs and buttock. We hope our data allow dermatologists to better utilize monopolar radiofrequency. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  17. Radio-frequency measurement in semiconductor quantum computation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Han, TianYi; Chen, MingBo; Cao, Gang; Li, HaiOu; Xiao, Ming; Guo, GuoPing


    Semiconductor quantum dots have attracted wide interest for the potential realization of quantum computation. To realize efficient quantum computation, fast manipulation and the corresponding readout are necessary. In the past few decades, considerable progress of quantum manipulation has been achieved experimentally. To meet the requirements of high-speed readout, radio-frequency (RF) measurement has been developed in recent years, such as RF-QPC (radio-frequency quantum point contact) and RF-DGS (radio-frequency dispersive gate sensor). Here we specifically demonstrate the principle of the radio-frequency reflectometry, then review the development and applications of RF measurement, which provides a feasible way to achieve high-bandwidth readout in quantum coherent control and also enriches the methods to study these artificial mesoscopic quantum systems. Finally, we prospect the future usage of radio-frequency reflectometry in scaling-up of the quantum computing models.

  18. Radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma: Mono or multipolar?


    Cartier, Victoire; Boursier, Jérôme; Lebigot, Jérôme; Oberti, Frédéric; Fouchard-Hubert, Isabelle; Aubé, Christophe


    Thermo-ablation by radiofrequency is recognized as a curative treatment for early-stage hepatocellular carcinoma. However, local recurrence may occur because of incomplete peripheral tumor destruction. Multipolar radiofrequency has been developed to increase the size of the maximal ablation zone. We aimed to compare the efficacy of monopolar and multipolar radiofrequency for the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma and determine factors predicting failure. A total of 171 consecutive patients with 214 hepatocellular carcinomas were retrospectively included. One hundred fifty-eight tumors were treated with an expandable monopolar electrode and 56 with a multipolar technique using several linear bipolar electrodes. Imaging studies at 6 weeks after treatment, then every 3 months, assessed local effectiveness. Radiofrequency failure was defined as persistent residual tumor after two sessions (primary radiofrequency failure) or local tumor recurrence during follow-up. This study received institutional review board approval (number 2014/77). Imaging showed complete tumor ablation in 207 of 214 lesions after the first session of radiofrequency. After a second session, only two cases of residual viable tumor were observed. During follow-up, there were 46 local tumor recurrences. Thus, radiofrequency failure occurred in 48/214 (22.4%) cases. By multivariate analysis, technique (P < 0.001) and tumor size (P = 0.023) were independent predictors of radiofrequency failure. Failure rate was lower with the multipolar technique for tumors < 25 mm (P = 0.023) and for tumors between 25 and 45 mm (P = 0.082). There was no difference for tumors ≥ 45 mm (P = 0.552). Compared to monopolar radiofrequency, multipolar radiofrequency improves tumor ablation with a subsequent lower rate of local tumor recurrence. © 2015 Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology Foundation and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  19. Radiofrequency Neurotomy


    ... Radiofrequency neurotomy might also be recommended to treat neck pain associated with whiplash. Risks Common side effects include: ... isn't a permanent fix for back or neck pain. Studies on the success of treatment have been ...

  20. New-generation radiofrequency technology.


    Krueger, Nils; Sadick, Neil S


    Radiofrequency (RF) technology has become a standard treatment in aesthetic medicine with many indications due to its versatility, efficacy, and safety. It is used worldwide for cellulite reduction; acne scar revision; and treatment of hypertrophic scars and keloids, rosacea, and inflammatory acne in all skin types. However, the most common indication for RF technology is the nonablative tightening of tissue to improve skin laxity and reduce wrinkles. Radiofrequency devices are classified as unipolar, bipolar, or multipolar depending on the number of electrodes used. Additional modalities include fractional RF; sublative RF; phase-controlled RF; and combination RF therapies that apply light, massage, or pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMFs). This article reviews studies and case series on these devices. Radiofrequency technology for aesthetic medicine has seen rapid advancements since it was used for skin tightening in 2003. Future developments will continue to keep RF technology at the forefront of the dermatologist's armamentarium for skin tightening and rejuvenation.

  1. 78 FR 33633 - Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., and 15, et al. Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields; Reassessment of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Limits and Policies; Final Rule and Proposed Rule #0;#0;Federal Register... Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY...

  2. Cooled radiofrequency ablation for bilateral greater occipital neuralgia.


    Vu, Tiffany; Chhatre, Akhil


    This report describes a case of bilateral greater occipital neuralgia treated with cooled radiofrequency ablation. The case is considered in relation to a review of greater occipital neuralgia, continuous thermal and pulsed radiofrequency ablation, and current medical literature on cooled radiofrequency ablation. In this case, a 35-year-old female with a 2.5-year history of chronic suboccipital bilateral headaches, described as constant, burning, and pulsating pain that started at the suboccipital region and radiated into her vertex. She was diagnosed with bilateral greater occipital neuralgia. She underwent cooled radiofrequency ablation of bilateral greater occipital nerves with minimal side effects and 75% pain reduction. Cooled radiofrequency ablation of the greater occipital nerve in challenging cases is an alternative to pulsed and continuous RFA to alleviate pain with less side effects and potential for long-term efficacy.

  3. Cooled Radiofrequency Ablation for Bilateral Greater Occipital Neuralgia

    PubMed Central

    Chhatre, Akhil


    This report describes a case of bilateral greater occipital neuralgia treated with cooled radiofrequency ablation. The case is considered in relation to a review of greater occipital neuralgia, continuous thermal and pulsed radiofrequency ablation, and current medical literature on cooled radiofrequency ablation. In this case, a 35-year-old female with a 2.5-year history of chronic suboccipital bilateral headaches, described as constant, burning, and pulsating pain that started at the suboccipital region and radiated into her vertex. She was diagnosed with bilateral greater occipital neuralgia. She underwent cooled radiofrequency ablation of bilateral greater occipital nerves with minimal side effects and 75% pain reduction. Cooled radiofrequency ablation of the greater occipital nerve in challenging cases is an alternative to pulsed and continuous RFA to alleviate pain with less side effects and potential for long-term efficacy. PMID:24716017

  4. Radiofrequency and microwave radiation in the microelectronics industry.


    Cohen, R


    The microscopic precision required to produce minute integrated circuits is dependent on several processes utilizing radiofrequency and microwave radiation. This article provides a review of radiofrequency and microwave exposures in microelectronics and of the physical and biologic properties of these types of radiation; summarizes the existing, relevant medical literature; and provides the clinician with guidelines for diagnosis and treatment of excessive exposures to microwave and radiofrequency radiation.

  5. 47 CFR 2.801 - Radiofrequency device defined.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ....801 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION GENERAL FREQUENCY ALLOCATIONS AND RADIO TREATY MATTERS; GENERAL RULES AND REGULATIONS Marketing of Radio-frequency Devices § 2.801 Radiofrequency device..., but are not limited to: (a) The various types of radio communication transmitting devices described...

  6. Modelisation de la Propagation des Ondes Sonores dans un Environnement Naturel Complexe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    L'Esperance, Andre

    Ce travail est consacre a la propagation sonore a l'exterieur dans un environnement naturel complexe, i.e. en presence de conditions reelles de vent, de gradient de temperature et de turbulence atmospherique. Plus specifiquement ce travail comporte deux objectifs. D'une part, il vise a developper un modele heuristique de propagation sonore (MHP) permettant de prendre en consideration l'ensemble des phenomenes meteorologiques et acoustiques influencant la propagation du son a l'exterieur. D'autre part, il vise a identifier dans quelles circonstances et avec quelle importance les conditions meteorologiques interviennent sur la propagation sonore. Ce travail est divise en cinq parties. Apres une breve introduction identifiant les motivations de cette etude (chapitre 1), le chapitre 2 fait un rappel des travaux deja realises dans le domaine de la propagation du son a l'exterieur. Ce chapitre presente egalement les bases de l'acoustique geometrique a partir desquelles ont ete developpees la partie acoustique du modele heuristique de propagation. En outre, on y decrit comment les phenomenes de refraction et de turbulence atmospherique peuvent etre consideres dans la theorie des rayons. Le chapitre 3 presente le modele heuristique de propagation (MHP) developpe au cours de cet ouvrage. La premiere section de ce chapitre decrit le modele acoustique de propagation, modele qui fait l'hypothese d'un gradient de celerite lineaire et qui est base sur une solution hybride d'acoustique geometrique et de theorie des residus. La deuxieme section du chapitre 3 traite plus specifiquement de la modelisation des aspects meteorologiques et de la determination des profils de celerite et des index de fluctuation associes aux conditions meteorologiques. La section 3 de ce chapitre decrit comment les profils de celerite resultants sont linearises pour les calculs dans le modele acoustique, et finalement la section 4 donne les tendances generales obtenues par le modele. Le chapitre 4 decrit

  7. 21 CFR 882.4400 - Radiofrequency lesion generator.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion generator. 882.4400 Section 882.4400 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES NEUROLOGICAL DEVICES Neurological Surgical Devices § 882.4400 Radiofrequency...

  8. Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guenneau, Sébastien; Enoch, Stefan; Colombi, Andrea; Roux, Philippe; Brule, Stéphane


    Les physiciens des ondes élaborent des modèles théoriques et numériques pour un contrôle accru de la lumière dans des matériaux structurés à l'échelle nanométrique et s'en inspirent pour contrôler les ondes mécaniques de Rayleigh dans des sols structurés à l'échelle métrique, avec des trous dans un sol ou des arbres en surface savamment agencés. Un transfert de paradigme s'opère entre les métamatériaux électromagnétiques pour la photonique et les métamatériaux sismiques pour le génie civil.

  9. Non-surgical radiofrequency facelift.


    Narins, David J; Narins, Rhoda S


    There has been considerable interest in using non-ablative methods to rejuvenate the skin. The ThermaCool TC (Thermage Inc.) is a radiofrequency (RF) device that has been introduced to induce tightening of the address the problem of skin via a uniform volumetric heating into the deep dermis tightening, resulting in a 'non-surgical facelift'. Radiofrequency produces a uniform volumetric heating into the deep dermis. Twenty treatment areas in 17 patients were treated to evaluate the efficacy and safety of RF treatment to the brow and jowls. The technique was found to produce gradual tightening in most patients, and there were no adverse effects.

  10. 21 CFR 882.4400 - Radiofrequency lesion generator.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... lesions in the nervous system or other tissue by the direct application of radiofrequency currents to... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion generator. 882.4400 Section 882.4400 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES...

  11. 21 CFR 882.4400 - Radiofrequency lesion generator.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... lesions in the nervous system or other tissue by the direct application of radiofrequency currents to... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion generator. 882.4400 Section 882.4400 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES...

  12. 21 CFR 882.4400 - Radiofrequency lesion generator.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... lesions in the nervous system or other tissue by the direct application of radiofrequency currents to... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Radiofrequency lesion generator. 882.4400 Section 882.4400 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES...

  13. Etude du champ magnetique dans les nuages moleculaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Houde, Martin


    Ce travail est une étude du champ magnétique duns l'environnement circumstellaire des étoiles jeunes. Il a pour origine la certitude qu'avait l'auteur qu'il se devait d'être possible de détecter la présence d'un champ magnétique, et de possiblement le caractériser, par le biais d'observations de profils spectraux d'espèces moléculaires ioniques. Il en découle donc qu'un des buts principaux était de prouver que cela est effectivement possible. La thèse comporte alors des éléments théoriques et expérimentaux qui sont à la fois complémentaires et intimement liés. L'aspect théorique est basé sur l'interaction mutuelle que des particules neutres et chargées peuvent avoir l'une sur l'autre daps un plasma faiblement ionisé comme ceux existants daps les nuages moléculaires sites de formation stellaire. Il appert que la présence d'un champ magnétique a un effet direct sur le comportement des ions (via la force de Lorentz) et indirect sur les molécules neutres (via les nombreuses collisions entre les deux types de particules). Une telle interaction est, comme il est maintenant bien connu, présente dans les premières étapes de la formation dune étoile. Il s'agit bien sûr de la diffusion ambipolaire. Nous montrerons qu'il existe cependant un autre type de diffusion, jusqu'ici inconnue, qui se manifeste plus tard au tours de l'évolution des nuages moléculaires. Celle-ci peut avoir un effet dramatique sur l'apparence des profils spectraux (de rotation moléculaire) des espèces ioniques lorsque comparés à ceux qu'exhibent des espèces neutres coexistantes. Mais pour ce faire, il doit y avoir existence de mouvements organisés (des flots ou jets) de matière ou encore la présence de turbulence dans les régions considérées. Une distribution de vélocité du type maxwellienne ne révèlera pas la présence du champ magnétique. Les observations, qui ont pour but de confirmer la théorie, se situent dans le domaine des longueurs d'ondes

  14. Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation for Treating Sural Neuralgia.


    Abd-Elsayed, Alaa; Jackson, Markus; Plovanich, Elizabeth


    Sural neuralgia is persistent pain in the distribution of the sural nerve that provides sensation to the lateral posterior corner of the leg, lateral foot, and fifth toe. Sural neuralgia is a rare condition but can be challenging to treat and can cause significant limitation. We present 2 cases of sural neuralgia resistant to conservative management that were effectively treated by pulsed radiofrequency ablation. A 65-year-old female developed sural neuralgia after a foot surgery and failed conservative management. She had successful sural nerve blocks, and pulsed radiofrequency ablation led to an 80% improvement in her pain. A 33-year-old female presented with sural neuralgia secondary to two falls. The patient had tried several conservative modalities with no success. We performed diagnostic blocks and pulsed radiofrequency ablation, and the patient reported 80% improvement in her pain. Pulsed radiofrequency ablation may be a safe and effective treatment for patients with sural neuralgia that does not respond to conservative therapy. However, studies are needed to elucidate its effectiveness and safety profile.

  15. Treatment of acne vulgaris with fractional radiofrequency microneedling.


    Kim, Sang Tae; Lee, Kang Hoon; Sim, Hyung Jun; Suh, Kee Suck; Jang, Min Soo


    Fractional radiofrequency microneedling is a novel radiofrequency technique that uses insulated microneedles to deliver energy to the deep dermis at the point of penetration without destruction of the epidermis. It has been used for the treatment of various dermatological conditions including wrinkles, atrophic scars and hypertrophic scars. There have been few studies evaluating the efficacy of fractional radiofrequency microneedling in the treatment of acne, and none measuring objective parameters like the number of inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions or sebum excretion levels. The safety and efficacy of fractional radiofrequency microneedling in the treatment of acne vulgaris was investigated. In a prospective clinical trial, 25 patients with moderate to severe acne were treated with fractional radiofrequency microneedling. The procedure was carried out three times at 1-month intervals. Acne lesion count, subjective satisfaction score, sebum excretion level and adverse effects were assessed at baseline and at 4, 8 and 12 weeks after the first treatment as well as 4, 8 and 12 weeks after the last treatment. Number of acne lesions (inflammatory and non-inflammatory) decreased. Sebum excretion and subjective satisfaction were more favorable at every time point compared with the baseline values (P < 0.05). Inflammatory lesions responded better than non-inflammatory lesions (P < 0.05). Adverse effects such as pinpoint bleeding, pain and erythema were noted, but were transient and not severe enough to stop treatment. Fractional radiofrequency microneedling is a safe and effective treatment for acne vulgaris. © 2014 Japanese Dermatological Association.

  16. The radiofrequency frontier: a review of radiofrequency and combined radiofrequency pulsed-light technology in aesthetic medicine.


    Sadick, Neil; Sorhaindo, Lian


    Radiofrequency (RF) and combined RF light source technologies have established themselves as safe and effective treatment modalities for several dermatologic procedures, including skin tightening, hair and leg vein removal, acne scarring, skin rejuvenation, and wrinkle reduction. This article reviews the technology, clinical applications, and recent advances of RF and combined RF light/laser source technologies in aesthetic medicine.

  17. 21 CFR 886.4100 - Radiofrequency electrosurgical cautery apparatus.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Radiofrequency electrosurgical cautery apparatus. 886.4100 Section 886.4100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... electrosurgical cautery apparatus. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency electrosurgical cautery apparatus is an AC...

  18. 21 CFR 886.4100 - Radiofrequency electrosurgical cautery apparatus.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Radiofrequency electrosurgical cautery apparatus. 886.4100 Section 886.4100 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN... electrosurgical cautery apparatus. (a) Identification. A radiofrequency electrosurgical cautery apparatus is an AC...

  19. Comb-based radiofrequency photonic filters with rapid tunability and high selectivity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Supradeepa, V. R.; Long, Christopher M.; Wu, Rui; Ferdous, Fahmida; Hamidi, Ehsan; Leaird, Daniel E.; Weiner, Andrew M.


    Photonic technologies have received considerable attention regarding the enhancement of radiofrequency electrical systems, including high-frequency analogue signal transmission, control of phased arrays, analog-to-digital conversion and signal processing. Although the potential of radiofrequency photonics for the implementation of tunable electrical filters over broad radiofrequency bandwidths has been much discussed, the realization of programmable filters with highly selective filter lineshapes and rapid reconfigurability has faced significant challenges. A new approach for radiofrequency photonic filters based on frequency combs offers a potential route to simultaneous high stopband attenuation, fast tunability and bandwidth reconfiguration. In one configuration, tuning of the radiofrequency passband frequency is demonstrated with unprecedented (~40 ns) speed by controlling the optical delay between combs. In a second, fixed filter configuration, cascaded four-wave mixing simultaneously broadens and smoothes the comb spectra, resulting in Gaussian radiofrequency filter lineshapes exhibiting an extremely high (>60 dB) main lobe to sidelobe suppression ratio and (>70 dB) stopband attenuation.

  20. Histopomorphic Evaluation of Radiofrequency Mediated Débridement Chondroplasty

    PubMed Central

    Ganguly, Kumkum; McRury, Ian D; Goodwin, Peter M; Morgan, Roy E; Augé II, Wayne K


    The use of radiofrequency devices has become widespread for surgical ablation procedures. When ablation devices have been deployed in treatment settings requiring tissue preservation like débridement chondroplasty, adoption has been limited due to the collateral damage caused by these devices in healthy tissue surrounding the treatment site. Ex vivo radiofrequency mediated débridement chondroplasty was performed on osteochondral specimens demonstrating surface fibrillation obtained from patients undergoing knee total joint replacement. Three radiofrequency systems designed to perform débridement chondroplasty were tested each demonstrating different energy delivery methods: monopolar ablation, bipolar ablation, and non-ablation energy. Treatment outcomes were compared with control specimens as to clinical endpoint and histopomorphic characteristics. Fibrillated cartilage was removed in all specimens; however, the residual tissue remaining at the treatment site displayed significantly different characteristics attributable to radiofrequency energy delivery method. Systems that delivered ablation-based energies caused tissue necrosis and collateral damage at the treatment site including corruption of cartilage Superficial and Transitional Zones; whereas, the non-ablation system created a smooth articular surface with Superficial Zone maintenance and without chondrocyte death or tissue necrosis. The mechanism of radiofrequency energy deposition upon tissues is particularly important in treatment settings requiring tissue preservation. Ablation-based device systems can cause a worsened state of articular cartilage from that of pre-treatment. Non-ablation energy can be successful in modifying/preconditioning tissue during débridement chondroplasty without causing collateral damage. Utilizing a non-ablation radiofrequency system provides the ability to perform successful débridement chondroplasty without causing additional articular cartilage tissue damage and may

  1. The efficacy and safety of combined microneedle fractional radiofrequency and sublative fractional radiofrequency for acne scars in Asian skin.


    Park, Jae Yang; Lee, Eo Gin; Yoon, Moon Soo; Lee, Hee Jung


    Microneedle fractional radiofrequency has been reported to be effective for improving wrinkles, enlarged pores and various scars. Sublative fractional radiofrequency has been shown to induce both fractional ablation of epidermis and upper dermal remodelling, which had rejuvenation effects in photoaged skin. Both modalities may have the potential synergy to improve acne scars. To evaluate the efficacy and safety of combined microneedle and sublative fractional radiofrequency for acne scars in Asian skin. Twenty subjects comprised 11 males and 9 females (mean age 23.65 ± 2.94, skin phototype III-IV) with moderate to severe acne scars. The subjects received three consecutive combined microneedle and sublative fractional radiofrequency at 4-week intervals over 12 weeks. Both blinded dermatologists and subjects assessed the clinical improvement based on the standardized photography and questionnaires, respectively. The quartile grading scale was utilized and defined as follows: grade 1, 0-25% improvement; grade 2, 26-50% improvement; grade 3, 51-75% improvement and grade 4, 76-100% improvement. All 20 subjects were assessed to have grade 2 or more clinical improvement by physicians; four (20%) had grade 4, 10 (50%) had grade 3, and six (30%) had grade 2 improvement. The subjects' grading also showed a good concordance as indicated by Kappa index of 0.695. The mean duration of post-therapy crusting was 5.2 days and post-therapy erythema lasted 2.5 days. Combined microneedle and sublative fractional radiofrequency can have a positive therapeutic effect with no serious complications and may provide a new therapeutic approach on acne scars in Asians. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  2. Radiofrequency for the Treatment of Lumbar Radicular Pain: Impact on Surgical Indications.


    Trinidad, José Manuel; Carnota, Ana Isabel; Failde, Inmaculada; Torres, Luis Miguel


    Study Design. Quasiexperimental study. Objective. To investigate whether radiofrequency treatment can preclude the need for spinal surgery in both the short term and long term. Background. Radiofrequency is commonly used to treat lumbosacral radicular pain. Only few studies have evaluated its effects on surgical indications. Methods. We conducted a quasiexperimental study of 43 patients who had been scheduled for spinal surgery. Radiofrequency was indicated for 25 patients. The primary endpoint was the decision of the patient to reject spinal surgery 1 month and 1 year after treatment (pulsed radiofrequency of dorsal root ganglion, 76%; conventional radiofrequency of the medial branch, 12%; combined technique, 12%). The primary endpoint was the decision of the patient to reject spinal surgery 1 month and 1 year after treatment. In addition, we also evaluated adverse effects, ODI, NRS. Results. We observed after treatment with radiofrequency 80% of patients rejected spinal surgery in the short term and 76% in the long term. We conclude that radiofrequency is a useful treatment strategy that can achieve very similar outcomes to spinal surgery. Patients also reported a very high level of satisfaction (84% satisfied/very satisfied). We also found that optimization of the electrical parameters of the radiofrequency improved the outcome of this technique.

  3. Radiofrequency turbinate volume reduction vs. radiofrequency-assisted turbinectomy for nasal obstruction caused by inferior turbinate hypertrophy.


    Kumar, Saumitra; Anand, Trivender Singh; Pal, Indranil


    Radiofrequency procedures are a well-accepted treatment for nasal obstruction. We conducted a randomized, noncontrolled study to compare the effectiveness of submucosal bipolar radiofrequency turbinate volume reduction (RFTVR) and bipolar radiofrequency-assisted turbinectomy (RFaT) in patients presenting with nasal obstruction caused by inferior turbinate hypertrophy. A total of 30 patients-15 males and 15 females, aged 15 to 60 years (mean: 32)-were randomly divided into one of the two homogeneous treatment groups. Outcomes were determined by comparisons of subjective symptom scores on a visual analog scale and by anterior active rhinomanometry at postoperative days 7, 14, and 28 and again at 6 months postoperatively. Both groups demonstrated significant and similar improvements in nasal airway function both subjectively and objectively. However, we noted that the incidence of adverse effects and postoperative morbidity was higher in the RFaT group. Therefore, we conclude that when surgery is indicated, RFTVR is the preferred treatment for nasal obstruction secondary to inferior turbinate hypertrophy. RFaT is equally effective, but it is associated with a slightly higher incidence of adverse effects.

  4. Direct measurement of the lethal isotherm for radiofrequency ablation of myocardial tissue.


    Wood, Mark; Goldberg, Scott; Lau, Melissa; Goel, Aneesh; Alexander, Daniel; Han, Frederick; Feinstein, Shawn


    The lethal isotherm for radiofrequency catheter ablation of cardiac myocardium is widely accepted to be 50°C, but this has not been directly measured. The purpose of this study was to directly measure the tissue temperature at the edge of radiofrequency lesions in real time using infrared thermal imaging. Fifteen radiofrequency lesions of 6 to 240 seconds in duration were applied to the left ventricular surface of isolated perfused pig hearts. At the end of radiofrequency delivery, a thermal image of the tissue surface was acquired with an infrared camera. The lesion was then stained and an optical image of the lesion was obtained. The thermal and optical images were electronically merged to allow determination of the tissue temperature at the edge of the lesion at the end of radiofrequency delivery. By adjusting the temperature overlay display to conform with the edge of the radiofrequency lesion, the lethal isotherm was measured to be 60.6°C (interquartile ranges, 59.7° to 62.4°C; range, 58.1° to 64.2°C). The areas encompassed by the lesion border in the optical image and the lethal isotherm in the thermal image were statistically similar and highly correlated (Spearman ρ=0.99, P<0.001). The lethal isotherm temperature was not related to the duration of radiofrequency delivery or to lesion size (both P>0.64). The areas circumscribed by 50°C isotherms were significantly larger than the areas of the lesions on optical imaging (P=0.002). By direct measurement, the lethal isotherm for cardiac myocardium is near 61°C for radiofrequency energy deliveries <240 seconds in duration. A 50°C isotherm overestimates lesion size. Accurate knowledge of the lethal isotherm for radiofrequency ablation is important to clinical practice as well as mathematical modeling of radiofrequency lesions.

  5. Heat sink effect on tumor ablation characteristics as observed in monopolar radiofrequency, bipolar radiofrequency, and microwave, using ex vivo calf liver model.


    Pillai, Krishna; Akhter, Javid; Chua, Terence C; Shehata, Mena; Alzahrani, Nayef; Al-Alem, Issan; Morris, David L


    Thermal ablation of liver tumors near large blood vessels is affected by the cooling effect of blood flow, leading to incomplete ablation. Hence, we conducted a comparative investigation of heat sink effect in monopolar (MP) and bipolar (BP) radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and microwave (MW) ablation devices.With a perfused calf liver, the ablative performances (volume, mass, density, dimensions), with and without heat sink, were measured. Heat sink was present when the ablative tip of the probes were 8.0 mm close to a major hepatic vein and absent when >30 mm away. Temperatures (T1 and T2) on either side of the hepatic vein near the tip of the probes, heating probe temperature (T3), outlet perfusate temperature (T4), and ablation time were monitored.With or without heat sink, BP radiofrequency ablated a larger volume and mass, compared with MP RFA or MW ablation, with latter device producing the highest density of tissue ablated. MW ablation produced an ellipsoidal shape while radiofrequency devices produced spheres.Percentage heat sink effect in Bipolar radiofrequency : Mono-polar radiofrequency : Microwave was (Volume) 33:41:22; (mass) 23:56:34; (density) 9.0:26:18; and (relative elipscity) 5.8:12.9:1.3, indicating that BP and MW devices were less affected.Percentage heat sink effect on time (minutes) to reach maximum temperature (W) = 13.28:9.2:29.8; time at maximum temperature (X) is 87:66:16.66; temperature difference (Y) between the thermal probes (T3) and the temperature (T1 + T2)/2 on either side of the hepatic vessel was 100:87:20; and temperature difference between the (T1 + T2)/2 and temperature of outlet circulating solution (T4), Z was 20.33:30.23:37.5.MW and BP radiofrequencies were less affected by heat sink while MP RFA was the most affected. With a single ablation, BP radiofrequency ablated a larger volume and mass regardless of heat sink.

  6. Heat Sink Effect on Tumor Ablation Characteristics as Observed in Monopolar Radiofrequency, Bipolar Radiofrequency, and Microwave, Using Ex Vivo Calf Liver Model

    PubMed Central

    Pillai, Krishna; Akhter, Javid; Chua, Terence C.; Shehata, Mena; Alzahrani, Nayef; Al-Alem, Issan; Morris, David L.


    Abstract Thermal ablation of liver tumors near large blood vessels is affected by the cooling effect of blood flow, leading to incomplete ablation. Hence, we conducted a comparative investigation of heat sink effect in monopolar (MP) and bipolar (BP) radiofrequency ablation (RFA), and microwave (MW) ablation devices. With a perfused calf liver, the ablative performances (volume, mass, density, dimensions), with and without heat sink, were measured. Heat sink was present when the ablative tip of the probes were 8.0 mm close to a major hepatic vein and absent when >30 mm away. Temperatures (T1 and T2) on either side of the hepatic vein near the tip of the probes, heating probe temperature (T3), outlet perfusate temperature (T4), and ablation time were monitored. With or without heat sink, BP radiofrequency ablated a larger volume and mass, compared with MP RFA or MW ablation, with latter device producing the highest density of tissue ablated. MW ablation produced an ellipsoidal shape while radiofrequency devices produced spheres. Percentage heat sink effect in Bipolar radiofrequency : Mono-polar radiofrequency : Microwave was (Volume) 33:41:22; (mass) 23:56:34; (density) 9.0:26:18; and (relative elipscity) 5.8:12.9:1.3, indicating that BP and MW devices were less affected. Percentage heat sink effect on time (minutes) to reach maximum temperature (W) = 13.28:9.2:29.8; time at maximum temperature (X) is 87:66:16.66; temperature difference (Y) between the thermal probes (T3) and the temperature (T1 + T2)/2 on either side of the hepatic vessel was 100:87:20; and temperature difference between the (T1 + T2)/2 and temperature of outlet circulating solution (T4), Z was 20.33:30.23:37.5. MW and BP radiofrequencies were less affected by heat sink while MP RFA was the most affected. With a single ablation, BP radiofrequency ablated a larger volume and mass regardless of heat sink. PMID:25738477

  7. Fractionated bipolar radiofrequency and bipolar radiofrequency potentiated by infrared light for treating striae: A prospective randomized, comparative trial with objective evaluation.


    Harmelin, Yona; Boineau, Dominique; Cardot-Leccia, Nathalie; Fontas, Eric; Bahadoran, Philippe; Becker, Anne-Lise; Montaudié, Henri; Castela, Emeline; Perrin, Christophe; Lacour, Jean-Philippe; Passeron, Thierry


    Very few treatments for striae are based on prospective randomized trials. The objective of this study was to assess the efficacy of bipolar fractional radiofrequency and bipolar radiofrequency potentiated with infrared light, alone or combined, for treating abdominal stretch marks. Bicentric prospective interventional randomized controlled trial in the department of Dermatology of University Hospital of Nice and Aesthetics Laser Center of Bordeaux, France. Men and women of age 18 years or above, who presented for the treatment of mature or immature abdominal striae were included. The patients' abdomens were divided into four equal quadrants. Bipolar radiofrequency potentiated with infrared light and fractional bipolar radiofrequency were applied, alone or combined, and compared to the remaining untreated quadrant. The main criterion of evaluation was the measurement of depth of striae, using 3D photography at 6 months follow-up. A global assessment was also rated by the physician performing the treatment and by the patients. Histological analysis and confocal laser microscopy were additionally performed. A total of 22 patients were enrolled, and 384 striae were measured. In per protocol analysis mean striae depth was decreased by 21.64%, observed at 6 months follow-up with the combined approach, compared to an increase of 1.73% in the control group (P < 0.0001). No significant difference in striae width was observed between the treated or control quadrants. Global assessment by the physician who performed the treatment and by the patient both showed greater improved with the combination treatment compared to control areas (P = 0.004 and P = 0.01, respectively). A more homogeneous interlacing pattern and thicker collagen fibers with a decreased proportion of elastic fibers was observed after treatment. Fractional bipolar radiofrequency, combined with bipolar radiofrequency potentiated by infrared light, is an effective treatment of both immature and

  8. Radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteomas: five years experience.


    Papathanassiou, Zafiria G; Petsas, Theodore; Papachristou, Dionysios; Megas, Panagiotis


    The purpose of this study is to retrospectively evaluate the efficacy of radiofrequency ablation as a curative treatment method for benign bone tumours. Twenty-nine osteoid osteomas were treated with radiofrequency ablation. Primary success rate was 89.6% and total secondary success rate was 93.1%. Mean clinical follow-up period was 26.7 months (range: 6-63 months). Statistical analysis of 25 cases of osteoid osteomas with CT follow-up revealed that post-treatment re-ossification does not correlate with clinical outcome (p = 0.14) but is strongly correlated with long-term (> or = 12 months) CT follow-up (p = 0.014). Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation was found to be an effective and safe treatment for osteoid osteomas. CT findings cannot solely differentiate between treatment successes and failures.

  9. Treatment of Benign Thyroid Nodules: Comparison of Surgery with Radiofrequency Ablation.


    Che, Y; Jin, S; Shi, C; Wang, L; Zhang, X; Li, Y; Baek, J H


    Nodular goiter is one of the most common benign lesions in thyroid nodule. The main treatment of the disease is still the traditional surgical resection, however there are many problems such as general anesthesia, surgical scar, postoperative thyroid or parathyroid function abnormalities, and high nodules recurrence rate in residual gland. The purpose of this study was to compare the efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness of 2 treatment methods, surgery and radiofrequency ablation, for the treatment of benign thyroid nodules. From May 2012 to September 2013, 200 patients with nodular goiters who underwent surgery (group A) and 200 patients treated by radiofrequency ablation (group B) were enrolled in this study. Inclusion criteria were the following: 1) cosmetic problem, 2) nodule-related symptoms, 3) hyperfunctioning nodules related to thyrotoxicosis, and 4) refusal of surgery (for group B). An internally cooled radiofrequency ablation system and an 18-ga internally cooled electrode were used. We compared the 2 groups in terms of efficacy, safety, and cost-effectiveness during a 1-year follow-up. After radiofrequency ablation, the nodule volume decreased significantly from 5.4 to 0.4 mL (P = .002) at the 12-month follow-up. The incidence of complications was significantly higher from surgery than from radiofrequency ablation (6.0% versus 1.0%, P = .002). Hypothyroidism was detected in 71.5% of patients after surgery but in none following radiofrequency ablation. The rate of residual nodules (11.9% versus 2.9%, P = .004) and hospitalization days was significantly greater after surgery (6.6 versus 2.1 days, P < .001), but the cost difference was not significant. Surgical resection and radiofrequency ablation are both effective treatments of nodular goiter. Compared with surgery, the advantages of radiofrequency ablation include fewer complications, preservation of thyroid function, and fewer hospitalization days. Therefore, radiofrequency ablation should be

  10. Radar response to crop residue cover and tillage application on postharvest agricultural surfaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    McNairn, Heather

    Les informations sur les pratiques de conservation des sols comme le labourage et la gestion des residus de culture sont requises afin d'estimer avec exactitude les risques d'erosion des sols. Quoique les micro-ondes soient sensibles aux conditions d'humidite et aux proprietes geometriques des surfaces, il n'en demeure pas moins que l'on connait encore peu sur la sensibilite des micro-ondes polarisees lineaires ou des parametres polarimetriques du ROS en fonction des caracteristiques des residus. A partir de donnees prises a l'aide d'un diffusometre monte sur un camion en 1996 et lors d'une mission SIR-C menee en 1994, cette recherche a demontre que les micro-ondes sont sensibles a la fois a la quantite et au type de couverture de residus, de meme qu'a la teneur en eau des residus. La reponse des polarisations croisees lineaires et de plusieurs parametres polarimetriques, incluant la hauteur pedestre, a permis d'observer qu'une diffusion volumique importante avait lieu en presence de vegetation senescente qui se tenait debout et pour les champs non laboures. La diffusion de surface dominait cependant pour les champs avec de faibles quantites de residus et des residus plus fins. La recherche a toutefois demontre que des conditions de surface complexes etaient crees par differentes combinaisons de residus et de pratiques de labourage. Par consequent, il faudra attendre que des donnees multi-polarisees ou polarimetriques soient acquises par les capteurs prevus a bord du satellite canadien RADARSAT-2 et du satellite ENVISAT de l'Agence spatiale europeenne avant de pouvoir completement caracteriser les champs apres la recolte.

  11. Cardiovascular risk in operators under radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.


    Vangelova, Katia; Deyanov, Christo; Israel, Mishel


    The aim of the study was to assess the long-term effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR) on the cardiovascular system. Two groups of exposed operators (49 broadcasting (BC) station and 61 TV station operators) and a control group of 110 radiorelay station operators, matched by sex and age, with similar job characteristics except for the radiofrequency EMR were studied. The EMR exposure was assessed and the time-weighted average (TWA) was calculated. The cardiovascular risk factors arterial pressure, lipid profile, body mass index, waist/hip ratio, smoking, and family history of cardiovascular disease were followed. The systolic and diastolic blood pressure (SBP and DBP), total cholesterol (TC) and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) were significantly higher in the two exposed groups. It was found that the radiofrequency EMR exposure was associated with greater chance of becoming hypertensive and dyslipidemic. The stepwise multiple regression equations showed that the SBP and TWA predicted the high TC and high LDL-C, while the TC, age and abdominal obesity were predictors for high SBP and DBP. In conclusion, our data show that the radiofrequency EMR contributes to adverse effects on the cardiovascular system.

  12. Reconfigurable radio-frequency arbitrary waveforms synthesized in a silicon photonic chip.


    Wang, Jian; Shen, Hao; Fan, Li; Wu, Rui; Niu, Ben; Varghese, Leo T; Xuan, Yi; Leaird, Daniel E; Wang, Xi; Gan, Fuwan; Weiner, Andrew M; Qi, Minghao


    Photonic methods of radio-frequency waveform generation and processing can provide performance advantages and flexibility over electronic methods due to the ultrawide bandwidth offered by the optical carriers. However, bulk optics implementations suffer from the lack of integration and slow reconfiguration speed. Here we propose an architecture of integrated photonic radio-frequency generation and processing and implement it on a silicon chip fabricated in a semiconductor manufacturing foundry. Our device can generate programmable radio-frequency bursts or continuous waveforms with only the light source, electrical drives/controls and detectors being off-chip. It modulates an individual pulse in a radio-frequency burst within 4 ns, achieving a reconfiguration speed three orders of magnitude faster than thermal tuning. The on-chip optical delay elements offer an integrated approach to accurately manipulating individual radio-frequency waveform features without constraints set by the speed and timing jitter of electronics, and should find applications ranging from high-speed wireless to defence electronics.

  13. Reconfigurable radio-frequency arbitrary waveforms synthesized in a silicon photonic chip

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Jian; Shen, Hao; Fan, Li; Wu, Rui; Niu, Ben; Varghese, Leo T.; Xuan, Yi; Leaird, Daniel E.; Wang, Xi; Gan, Fuwan; Weiner, Andrew M.; Qi, Minghao


    Photonic methods of radio-frequency waveform generation and processing can provide performance advantages and flexibility over electronic methods due to the ultrawide bandwidth offered by the optical carriers. However, bulk optics implementations suffer from the lack of integration and slow reconfiguration speed. Here we propose an architecture of integrated photonic radio-frequency generation and processing and implement it on a silicon chip fabricated in a semiconductor manufacturing foundry. Our device can generate programmable radio-frequency bursts or continuous waveforms with only the light source, electrical drives/controls and detectors being off-chip. It modulates an individual pulse in a radio-frequency burst within 4 ns, achieving a reconfiguration speed three orders of magnitude faster than thermal tuning. The on-chip optical delay elements offer an integrated approach to accurately manipulating individual radio-frequency waveform features without constraints set by the speed and timing jitter of electronics, and should find applications ranging from high-speed wireless to defence electronics. PMID:25581847

  14. Enhanced Radiofrequency Ablation With Magnetically Directed Metallic Nanoparticles.


    Nguyen, Duy T; Tzou, Wendy S; Zheng, Lijun; Barham, Waseem; Schuller, Joseph L; Shillinglaw, Benjamin; Quaife, Robert A; Sauer, William H


    Remote heating of metal located near a radiofrequency ablation source has been previously demonstrated. Therefore, ablation of cardiac tissue treated with metallic nanoparticles may improve local radiofrequency heating and lead to larger ablation lesions. We sought to evaluate the effect of magnetic nanoparticles on tissue sensitivity to radiofrequency energy. Ablation was performed using an ablation catheter positioned with 10 g of force over prepared ex vivo specimens. Tissue temperatures were measured and lesion volumes were acquired. An in vivo porcine thigh model was used to study systemically delivered magnetically guided iron oxide (FeO) nanoparticles during radiofrequency application. Magnetic resonance imaging and histological staining of ablated tissue were subsequently performed as a part of ablation lesion analysis. Ablation of ex vivo myocardial tissue treated with metallic nanoparticles resulted in significantly larger lesions with greater impedance changes and evidence of increased thermal conductivity within the tissue. Magnet-guided localization of FeO nanoparticles within porcine thigh preps was demonstrated by magnetic resonance imaging and iron staining. Irrigated ablation in the regions with greater FeO, after FeO infusion and magnetic guidance, created larger lesions without a greater incidence of steam pops. Metal nanoparticle infiltration resulted in significantly larger ablation lesions with altered electric and thermal conductivity. In vivo magnetic guidance of FeO nanoparticles allowed for facilitated radiofrequency ablation without direct infiltration into the targeted tissue. Further research is needed to assess the clinical applicability of this ablation strategy using metallic nanoparticles for the treatment of cardiac arrhythmias. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  15. Percutaneous radiofrequency treatment for refractory anteromedial pain of osteoarthritic knees.


    Ikeuchi, Masahiko; Ushida, Takahiro; Izumi, Masashi; Tani, Toshikazu


    Although severe knee osteoarthritis with refractory pain is commonly treated surgically, this is often not an option for patients with poor health status or unwillingness to undergo major surgery. We examined the efficacy of radiofrequency application to sensory nerves as a novel alternative treatment for refractory knee pain. This study was an open-label, nonrandomized, and controlled study. Patients complaining of refractory anteromedial knee pain associated with radiological osteoarthritis (moderate or severe) were included. They were assigned to one of two groups: those receiving radiofrequency thermocoagulation (N = 18) or those receiving nerve block (N = 17), depending on the time period that they were referred to the clinic. Radiofrequency current or local anesthetics was applied to the medial retinacular nerve and the infrapatellar branch of the saphenous nerve. Western Ontario McMaster Universities osteoarthritis index score, pain visual analog scale (VAS), and patient's global assessment were assessed with a minimum follow-up of 6 months.   Radiofrequency treatment significantly decreased knee pain as measured by VAS for 12 weeks compared with the control group. In terms of responders, more patients in the RF group responded to the treatment than in the control group. The differences were statistically significant at 4 weeks, 8 weeks, and 12 weeks in pain VAS. Eight patients (44%) treated with radiofrequency rated excellent or good but only three (18%) in the control group rated good, although the difference was not statistically significant. Some patients were able to benefit substantially from radiofrequency treatment. Even if its effective period is limited, radiofrequency application is a promising treatment to alleviate refractory anteromedial knee pain with osteoarthritis. Further experience and technical improvements are needed to establish its role in the management of knee osteoarthritis. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  16. Bipolar radiofrequency ablation of spinal tumors: predictability, safety and outcome.


    Gazis, Angelos N; Beuing, Oliver; Franke, Jörg; Jöllenbeck, Boris; Skalej, Martin


    Bone metastases are often the cause of tumor-associated pain and reduction of quality of life. For patients that cannot be treated by surgery, a local minimally invasive therapy such as radiofrequency ablation can be a useful option. In cases in which tumorous masses are adjacent to vulnerable structures, the monopolar radiofrequency can cause severe neuronal damage because of the unpredictability of current flow. The aim of this study is to show that the bipolar radiofrequency ablation provides an opportunity to safely treat such spinal lesions because of precise predictability of the emerging ablation zone. Prospective cohort study of 36 patients undergoing treatment at a single institution. Thirty-six patients in advanced tumor stage with primary or secondary tumor involvement of spine undergoing radiofrequency ablation. Prediction of emerging ablation zone. Clinical outcome of treated patients. X-ray-controlled treatment of 39 lesions by bipolar radiofrequency ablation. Magnetic resonance imaging was performed pre- and postinterventionally. Patients were observed clinically during their postinterventional stay. The extent of the ablation zones was predictable to the millimeter because it did not cross the peri-interventional planned dorsal and ventral boundaries in any case. No complications were observed. Ablation of tumorous masses adjacent to vulnerable structures is feasible and predictable by using the bipolar radiofrequency ablation. Damage of neuronal structures can be avoided through precise prediction of the ablation area. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Treatment of Refractory Idiopathic Supraorbital Neuralgia Using Percutaneous Pulsed Radiofrequency.


    Luo, Fang; Lu, Jingjing; Ji, Nan


    No ideal therapeutic method currently exists for refractory idiopathic supraorbital neuralgia patients who do not respond to conservative therapy, including medications and nerve blocks. Pulsed radiofrequency is a neuromodulation technique that does not produce sequelae of nerve damage after treatment. However, the efficacy of percutaneous pulsed radiofrequency for the treatment of refractory idiopathic supraorbital neuralgia is still not clear. The purpose of our study was to evaluate the efficacy and safety of pulsed radiofrequency treatment of the supraorbital nerve for refractory supraorbital neuralgia patients. We prospectively investigated the long-term effects of ultrasound-guided percutaneous pulsed radiofrequency in the treatment of 22 refractory idiopathic supraorbital neuralgia patients. A reduction in the verbal pain numeric rating scale score of more than 50% was used as the standard of effectiveness. The effectiveness rates at different time points within 2 years were calculated. After a single pulsed radiofrequency treatment, the effectiveness rate at 1 and 3 months was 77%, and the rates at 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years were 73%, 64%, and 50%, respectively. Except for a small portion of patients (23%) who experienced mild upper eyelid ecchymosis that gradually disappeared after approximately 2 weeks, no obvious complications were observed. In conclusion, the results of our study demonstrate that for patients with refractory idiopathic supraorbital neuralgia, percutaneous pulsed radiofrequency may be an effective and safe treatment choice. © 2018 World Institute of Pain.

  18. Symplicity multi-electrode radiofrequency renal denervation system feasibility study.


    Whitbourn, Robert; Harding, Scott A; Walton, Antony


    The aim of this study was to test the safety and performance of the Symplicity™ multi-electrode radio-frequency renal denervation system which was designed to reduce procedure time during renal denervation. The multi-electrode radiofrequency renal denervation system feasibility study is a prospective, non-randomised, open label, feasibility study that enrolled 50 subjects with hypertension. The study utilises a new renal denervation catheter which contains an array of four electrodes mounted in a helical configuration at 90 degrees from each other to deliver radiofrequency energy simultaneously to all four renal artery quadrants for 60 seconds. The protocol specified one renal denervation treatment towards the distal end of each main renal artery with radiofrequency energy delivered for 60 seconds per treatment. Total treatment time for both renal arteries was two minutes. The 12-month change in office systolic blood pressure (SBP) and 24-hour SBP was -19.2±25.2 mmHg, p<0.001, and -7.6±20.0 mmHg, p=0.020, respectively. There were three patients with access-site complications, none of which was related to energy delivery; all were treated successfully. No new renal artery stenosis or hypertensive emergencies occurred. The Symplicity multi-electrode radiofrequency renal denervation system was associated with a significant reduction in SBP at 12 months and minimal complications whilst it also reduced procedure time. NCT01699529.

  19. Visualizing radiofrequency-skin interaction using multiphoton microscopy in vivo.


    Tsai, Tsung-Hua; Lin, Sung-Jan; Lee, Woan-Ruoh; Wang, Chun-Chin; Hsu, Chih-Ting; Chu, Thomas; Dong, Chen-Yuan


    Redundant skin laxity is a major feature of aging. Recently, radiofrequency has been introduced for nonablative tissue tightening by volumetric heating of the deep dermis. Despite the wide range of application based on this therapy, the effect of this technique on tissue and the subsequent tissue remodeling have not been investigated in detail. Our objective is to evaluate the potential of non-linear optics, including multiphoton autofluorescence and second harmonic generation (SHG) microscopy, as a non-invasive imaging modality for the real-time study of radiofrequency-tissue interaction. Electro-optical synergy device (ELOS) was used as the radiofrequency source in this study. The back skin of nude mouse was irradiated with radiofrequency at different passes. We evaluated the effect on skin immediately and 1 month after treatment with multiphoton microscopy. Corresponding histology was performed for comparison. We found that SHG is negatively correlated to radiofrequency passes, which means that collagen structural disruption happens immediately after thermal damage. After 1 month of collagen remodeling, SHG signals increased above baseline, indicating that collagen regeneration has occurred. Our findings may explain mechanism of nonablative skin tightening and were supported by histological examinations. Our work showed that monitoring the dermal heating status of RF and following up the detailed process of tissue reaction can be imaged and quantified with multiphoton microscopy non-invasively in vivo. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ireland Ltd.

  20. Comparison of renal artery, soft tissue, and nerve damage after irrigated versus nonirrigated radiofrequency ablation.


    Sakakura, Kenichi; Ladich, Elena; Fuimaono, Kristine; Grunewald, Debby; O'Fallon, Patrick; Spognardi, Anna-Maria; Markham, Peter; Otsuka, Fumiyuki; Yahagi, Kazuyuki; Shen, Kai; Kolodgie, Frank D; Joner, Michael; Virmani, Renu


    The long-term efficacy of radiofrequency ablation of renal autonomic nerves has been proven in nonrandomized studies. However, long-term safety of the renal artery (RA) is of concern. The aim of our study was to determine if cooling during radiofrequency ablation preserved the RA while allowing equivalent nerve damage. A total of 9 swine (18 RAs) were included, and allocated to irrigated radiofrequency (n=6 RAs, temperature setting: 50°C), conventional radiofrequency (n=6 RAs, nonirrigated, temperature setting: 65°C), and high-temperature radiofrequency (n=6 RAs, nonirrigated, temperature setting: 90°C) groups. RAs were harvested at 10 days, serially sectioned from proximal to distal including perirenal tissues and examined after paraffin embedding, and staining with hematoxylin-eosin and Movat pentachrome. RAs and periarterial tissue including nerves were semiquantitatively assessed and scored. A total of 660 histological sections from 18 RAs were histologically examined by light microscopy. Arterial medial injury was significantly less in the irrigated radiofrequency group (depth of medial injury, circumferential involvement, and thinning) than that in the conventional radiofrequency group (P<0.001 for circumference; P=0.003 for thinning). Severe collagen damage such as denatured collagen was also significantly less in the irrigated compared with the conventional radiofrequency group (P<0.001). Nerve damage although not statistically different between the irrigated radiofrequency group and conventional radiofrequency group (P=0.36), there was a trend toward less nerve damage in the irrigated compared with conventional. Compared to conventional radiofrequency, circumferential medial damage in highest-temperature nonirrigated radiofrequency group was significantly greater (P<0.001). Saline irrigation significantly reduces arterial and periarterial tissue damage during radiofrequency ablation, and there is a trend toward less nerve damage. © 2014 American Heart

  1. Radiofrequency Ablation of Lung Tumors


    ... the procedure. top of page What does the equipment look like? In this procedure, computed tomography (CT) ... electrical generator and grounding pads are used. Radiofrequency equipment There are two types of needle electrodes: simple ...

  2. Radiofrequency Ablation of Liver Tumors


    ... the procedure. top of page What does the equipment look like? The equipment used in this procedure ... and grounding pads may also be used. Radiofrequency equipment There are two types of needle electrodes: simple ...

  3. Nonablative facelift in Indian skin with superpulsed radiofrequency

    PubMed Central

    Sharad, Jaishree


    Aims: To evaluate the effect of nonablative superpulsed radiofrequency used for skin tightening and improvement of skin folds in Indian patients. Settings and Design: One hundred patients in the age group of 35-65 years with laxity of skin over face and neck were taken up for study using superpulse radiofrequency. Methods and Materials: Superpulsed radiofrequency is a biterminal, monopolar device which delivers current at the frequency of 1.75 MHz. In this study, current was delivered to the tissue with a capacitive electrode with a diameter of 25 mm. Power of 100-120 W, frequency of 18 Hz and pulse width of 50 ms was used. Statistical Analysis Used: Chi-square test, nonparametric Friedman test. Results: Evaluation was done by two independent observers on the basis of comparative photographs taken before treatment and then monthly after treatment for up to 6 months. A quartile grading scale was used. Patient satisfaction scores matched the clinical improvements observed. Ninety four patients completed a 6 month follow up. The age groups taken were 31-40 years, 41-50 years, 51-60 years, and >60 years and various areas were studied. The difference in improvement in all areas except glabellar folds across all age groups was found to be statistically significant. Conclusions: Nonablative face lift with a superpulsed radiofrequency machine is a safe, convenient and quick office procedure with excellent cosmetic results. It is noninvasive and there is no downtime. It can be used in all skin types and is safe on Indian skin. Longterm studies of effect of nonablative radiofrequency treatment on Indian skin is required. PMID:23130205

  4. Percutaneous bipolar radiofrequency thermocoagulation for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation.


    Zeng, Zhenhua; Yan, Min; Dai, Yi; Qiu, Weidong; Deng, Shuo; Gu, Xinzhu


    Lumbar disc herniation is usually managed with conservative treatment or surgery. However, conservative therapy seldom yields good results, and surgery is associated with multiple complications. This study aimed to assess bipolar radiofrequency thermocoagulation for the treatment of lumbar disc herniation. A total of 168 patients with lumbar disc herniation suitable for radiofrequency thermocoagulation were enrolled and randomized to monopolar radiofrequency thermocoagulation (control group, n=84) or bipolar radiofrequency thermocoagulation (experimental group, n=84) treatment groups. Ablation sites were targeted under CT scan guidance, and consecutive radiofrequency therapy was used. One and two probes were used for monopolar and bipolar thermocoagulation, respectively. Thermocoagulation was achieved at 50°C, 60°C, and 70°C for 60s each, 80°C for 90s, and 92°C for 100s. Symptoms and complications were evaluated using the modified Macnab criteria and Visual Analog Scale at 7, 30, and 180days postoperatively. At 180days, a significantly higher efficacy rate was obtained in the experimental group compared with control patients (91.6% versus 79.7%, P<0.05). No severe complications were occurred in either group. Targeted ablation via bipolar radiofrequency thermocoagulation is efficient for lumbar disc herniation treatment, and should be further explored for broad clinical application. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. A unique complication of radiofrequency therapy to the tongue base

    PubMed Central

    Tornari, Chrysostomos; Wong, Gentle; Arora, Asit; Kotecha, Bhik


    Introduction Radiofrequency ablation treatment of the tongue base can be used either alone or as part of a multilevel approach in the treatment of snoring. This involves the generation of thermal energy around the circumvallate papillae of the tongue. Potential complications include ulceration, dysphagia, haematoma and abscess formation. Presentation of case We present the case of a 50-year-old patient who developed an anterior neck swelling following a second application of radiofrequency ablation therapy to the tongue base for snoring. This was secondary to an infection of a previously undiagnosed thyroglossal cyst. The patient made a full recovery following intravenous antibiotic therapy and ultrasound-guided needle aspiration. Discussion Thyroglossal tract remnants are thought to be present in seven percent of the adult population. An infection in a thyroglossal tract cyst has not previously been reported following radiofrequency ablation of the tongue base. Given the relatively high complication rate of tongue base radiofrequency ablation in some series, this complication may be under-recognised. Conclusion An infected thyroglossal tract cyst should be suspected in patients with anterior neck swellings following radiofrequency ablation therapy to the tongue base. We advise caution when performing this procedure on patients with known thyroglossal tract remnants though there is insufficient evidence to suggest that this procedure is contraindicated. PMID:25603484

  6. Radiofrequency for the treatment of skin laxity: mith or truth*

    PubMed Central

    de Araújo, Angélica Rodrigues; Soares, Viviane Pinheiro Campos; da Silva, Fernanda Souza; Moreira, Tatiane da Silva


    The nonablative radiofrequency is a procedure commonly used for the treatment of skin laxity from an increase in tissue temperature. The goal is to induce thermal damage to thus stimulate neocollagenesis in deep layers of the skin and subcutaneous tissue. However, many of these devices haven't been tested and their parameters are still not accepted by the scientific community. Because of this, it is necessary to review the literature regarding the physiological effects and parameters for application of radiofrequency and methodological quality and level of evidence of studies. A literature search was performed in MEDLINE, PEDro, SciELO, PubMed, LILACS and CAPES and experimental studies in humans, which used radiofrequency devices as treatment for facial or body laxity, were selected. The results showed that the main physiological effect is to stimulate collagen synthesis. There was no homogeneity between studies in relation to most of the parameters used and the methodological quality of studies and level of evidence for using radiofrequency are low. This fact complicates the determination of effective parameters for clinical use of this device in the treatment of skin laxity. The analyzed studies suggest that radiofrequency is effective, however the physiological mechanisms and the required parameters are not clear in the literature. PMID:26560216

  7. Les brulures electriques chez les voleurs de cuivre

    PubMed Central

    Belmir, R.; Fejjal, N.; Achbouk, H.; El Mazouz, S.; Gharib, N.; Abassi, A.; Belmahi, A.


    Summary Les vols de biens fabriqués avec le cuivre semblent en hausse depuis un certain temps du fait de son prix élevé de revente, ce qui est à l’origine d’une augmentation du nombre d’accidents électriques par haut voltage (AEHV) qui sont graves du fait des brûlures profondes qu’elles provoquent le long des axes vasculo-nerveux. Les Auteurs rapportent une série de neuf cas d’AEHV traités au service de chirurgie plastique et de brûlés de l’Hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat, Maroc, à travers laquelle ils étudient les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques. La population intéressée était jeune et active. Les brûlures étaient secondaires à un contact avec des câbles à haute tension lors de tentatives de vol par arrachement de conducteurs en cuivre dans les transformateurs dans 67% des cas, et lors de tentatives de coupure de caténaires alimentant les trains électriques sur le réseau ferroviaire dans 33% des cas. Le traitement des lésions électrothermiques a nécessité des interventions itératives avec amputation et désarticulation des segments de membres nécrosés dans 66% des cas, dont les suites étaient marquées par des séquelles fonctionnelles invalidantes. La prévention de ce type d’AEHV reste fondamentale. PMID:22262961

  8. Percutaneous lumbar sympathectomy: A comparison of radiofrequency denervation versus phenol neurolysis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Haynsworth, R.F. Jr.; Noe, C.E.

    A new percutaneous approach to sympathectomy using radiofrequency denervation has seemed to offer longer duration and less incidence of postsympathetic neuralgia as compared to phenol sympathetic blocks. To compare these techniques, 17 patients underwent either phenol lumbar sympathetic blocks (n = 9) or radiofrequency denervation (n = 8). Duration of sympathetic block was followed by a sweat test and temperature measurements. Results indicate that 89% of patients in the phenol group showed signs of sympathetic blockade after 8 weeks, as compared to 12% in the radiofrequency group (P less than 0.05). Although the incidence of post sympathetic neuralgia appears tomore » be less with radiofrequency denervation, further refinement of needle placement to ensure complete lesioning of the sympathetic chain will be required before the technique can offer advantages over current phenol techniques.« less

  9. The biological effects of quadripolar radiofrequency sequential application: a human experimental study.


    Nicoletti, Giovanni; Cornaglia, Antonia Icaro; Faga, Angela; Scevola, Silvia


    An experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness and safety of an innovative quadripolar variable electrode configuration radiofrequency device with objective measurements in an ex vivo and in vivo human experimental model. Nonablative radiofrequency applications are well-established anti-ageing procedures for cosmetic skin tightening. The study was performed in two steps: ex vivo and in vivo assessments. In the ex vivo assessments the radiofrequency applications were performed on human full-thickness skin and subcutaneous tissue specimens harvested during surgery for body contouring. In the in vivo assessments the applications were performed on two volunteer patients scheduled for body contouring surgery at the end of the study. The assessment methods were: clinical examination and medical photography, temperature measurement with thermal imaging scan, and light microscopy histological examination. The ex vivo assessments allowed for identification of the effective safety range for human application. The in vivo assessments allowed for demonstration of the biological effects of sequential radiofrequency applications. After a course of radiofrequency applications, the collagen fibers underwent an immediate heat-induced rearrangement and were partially denaturated and progressively metabolized by the macrophages. An overall thickening and spatial rearrangement was appreciated both in the collagen and elastic fibers, the latter displaying a juvenile reticular pattern. A late onset in the macrophage activation after sequential radiofrequency applications was appreciated. Our data confirm the effectiveness of sequential radiofrequency applications in obtaining attenuation of the skin wrinkles by an overall skin tightening.

  10. One-year results of the use of endovenous radiofrequency ablation utilising an optimised radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy protocol for the treatment of truncal superficial venous reflux.


    Badham, George E; Dos Santos, Scott J; Lloyd, Lucinda Ba; Holdstock, Judy M; Whiteley, Mark S


    Background In previous in vitro and ex vivo studies, we have shown increased thermal spread can be achieved with radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy when using a low power and slower, discontinuous pullback. We aimed to determine the clinical success rate of radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy using this optimised protocol for the treatment of superficial venous reflux in truncal veins. Methods Sixty-three patients were treated with radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy using the optimised protocol and were followed up after one year (mean 16.3 months). Thirty-five patients returned for audit, giving a response rate of 56%. Duplex ultrasonography was employed to check for truncal reflux and compared to initial scans. Results In the 35 patients studied, there were 48 legs, with 64 truncal veins treated by radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy (34 great saphenous, 15 small saphenous and 15 anterior accessory saphenous veins). One year post-treatment, complete closure of all previously refluxing truncal veins was demonstrated on ultrasound, giving a success rate of 100%. Conclusions Using a previously reported optimised, low power/slow pullback radiofrequency-induced thermotherapy protocol, we have shown it is possible to achieve a 100% ablation at one year. This compares favourably with results reported at one year post-procedure using the high power/fast pullback protocols that are currently recommended for this device.

  11. Radiofrequency amplifier based on a dc superconducting quantum interference device


    Hilbert, C.; Martinis, J.M.; Clarke, J.


    A low noise radiofrequency amplifer, using a dc SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) as the input amplifying element. The dc SQUID and an input coil are maintained at superconductivity temperatures in a superconducting shield, with the input coil inductively coupled to the superconducting ring of the dc SQUID. A radiofrequency signal from outside the shield is applied to the input coil, and an amplified radiofrequency signal is developed across the dc SQUID ring and transmitted to exteriorly of the shield. A power gain of 19.5 +- 0.5 dB has been achieved with a noise temperature of 1.0 +- 0.4 K at a frequency of 100 MHz.

  12. May radiofrequency be the best choice for III-IV degree hemorrhoids?


    Milito, Giovanni; Lisi, Giorgio; Aronadio, Elena; Campanelli, Michela; Venditti, Dario; Grande, Simona; Grande, Michele


    Hemorrhoidectomy is considered the most efficient method to treat hemorrhoids of III and IV grades. The aim of this study was to compare conventional diathermy hemorrhoidectomy and radiofrequency hemorrhoidectomy based on a large series of patients. Between June 2001 and June 2014, 1000 patients have been treated with radiofrequency hemorrhoidectomy (group A) and 500 patients have been treated with diathermy (group B) as a day-case procedure. Operating time, postoperative pain score, hospital stay, early and late postoperative complications, wound healing time and time to return to normal activities were assessed. The mean follow-up was seven years. The mean operating time for radiofrequency hemorrhoidectomy was shorter than diathermy but not significantly. Patients treated with radiofrequency had significantly less postoperative pain (measured on a Visual Analogue Scale; P=0.001), a shorter wound healing time, less time off work and postoperative complications (P=0.001) than patients who had diathermy. Neither wound healing nor mean hospital stay (day-case surgery) was significantly different. Radiofrequency hemorrhoidectomyis a valid alternative to the conventional diathermy technique, due to the reduction of operative time, postoperative pain, early and late complication rate.

  13. [Catheter ablation in patients with refractory cardiac arrhythmias with radiofrequency techniques].


    de Paola, A A; Balbão, C E; Silva Netto, O; Mendonça, A; Villacorta, H; Vattimo, A C; Souza, I A; Guiguer Júnior, N; Portugal, O P; Martinez Filho, E E


    evaluate the efficacy of radiofrequency catheter ablation in patients with refractory cardiac arrhythmias. twenty patients with refractory cardiac arrhythmias were undertaken to electrophysiologic studies for diagnosis and radiofrequency catheter ablation of their reentrant arrhythmias. Ten patients were men and 10 women with ages varying from 13 to 76 years (mean = 42.4 years). Nineteen patients had supraventricular tachyarrhythmias: One patient had atrial tachycardia and 1 atrial fibrillation with rapid ventricular rate, 5 patients had reentrant nodal tachycardia, 12 patients had reentrant atrioventricular tachycardia and 1 patient had right ventricular outflow tract tachycardia. the mean time of the procedure was 4.1 hours. The radiofrequency current energy applied was 40-50 V for 30-40 seconds. Ablation was successful in 18/20 (90%) patients; in 15/18 (83%) of successfully treated patients the same study was done for diagnosis and radiofrequency ablation. One patient had femoral arterial occlusion and was treated with no significant sequelae. During a mean follow-up of 4 months no preexcitation or reentrant tachycardia occurred. the results of our experience with radiofrequency catheter ablation of cardiac arrhythmias suggest that this technique can benefit an important number of patients with cardiac arrhythmias.

  14. N° 341-Diagnostic et prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes.


    Kives, Sari; Gascon, Suzy; Dubuc, Élise; Van Eyk, Nancy


    Passer en revue les connaissances scientifiques actuelles et formuler des recommandations relatives au diagnostic et à la prise en charge de la torsion annexielle chez les filles, les adolescentes et les femmes adultes. L'étude porte sur les facteurs de risque, la précision diagnostique, les options de prise en charge et les issues de la torsion annexielle. RéSULTATS: Nous avons examiné les études publiées en faisant des recherches dans MEDLINE, Embase, CINAHL et la Bibliothèque Cochrane à l'aide d'une terminologie contrôlée et de mots-clés appropriés (« adnexal torsion », « ovarian torsion »). Nous avons limité les résultats aux revues systématiques, aux essais contrôlés aléatoires, aux essais cliniques contrôlés et aux études d'observation. Nous avons refait les recherches de façon régulière et intégré de nouvelles données à la directive jusqu'en décembre 2014. Nous avons également étudié la littérature grise (non publiée) trouvée sur les sites Web d'organismes d'évaluation des technologies de la santé et d'autres organismes connexes, dans des collections de directives cliniques et dans des registres d'essais cliniques, et obtenue auprès d'associations nationales et internationales de médecins spécialistes. Les résultats ont été examinés et évalués par le comité CANPAGO de la Société des obstétriciens et gynécologues du Canada (SOGC), sous la direction des auteures principales. Les recommandations ont été classées selon les critères établis par le Groupe d'étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs. AVANTAGES, DéSAVANTAGES ET COûTS: L'application de la directive devrait aider les praticiens à adopter une approche de diagnostic et de prise en charge optimale en matière de torsion annexielle, à réduire au minimum les effets néfastes et à améliorer l'issue qui attend les patientes. La présente directive a été évaluée et approuvée par le Comité de pratique - gynécologie de la SOGC

  15. The Biological Effects of Quadripolar Radiofrequency Sequential Application: A Human Experimental Study

    PubMed Central

    Cornaglia, Antonia Icaro; Faga, Angela; Scevola, Silvia


    Abstract Objective: An experimental study was conducted to assess the effectiveness and safety of an innovative quadripolar variable electrode configuration radiofrequency device with objective measurements in an ex vivo and in vivo human experimental model. Background data: Nonablative radiofrequency applications are well-established anti-ageing procedures for cosmetic skin tightening. Methods: The study was performed in two steps: ex vivo and in vivo assessments. In the ex vivo assessments the radiofrequency applications were performed on human full-thickness skin and subcutaneous tissue specimens harvested during surgery for body contouring. In the in vivo assessments the applications were performed on two volunteer patients scheduled for body contouring surgery at the end of the study. The assessment methods were: clinical examination and medical photography, temperature measurement with thermal imaging scan, and light microscopy histological examination. Results: The ex vivo assessments allowed for identification of the effective safety range for human application. The in vivo assessments allowed for demonstration of the biological effects of sequential radiofrequency applications. After a course of radiofrequency applications, the collagen fibers underwent an immediate heat-induced rearrangement and were partially denaturated and progressively metabolized by the macrophages. An overall thickening and spatial rearrangement was appreciated both in the collagen and elastic fibers, the latter displaying a juvenile reticular pattern. A late onset in the macrophage activation after sequential radiofrequency applications was appreciated. Conclusions: Our data confirm the effectiveness of sequential radiofrequency applications in obtaining attenuation of the skin wrinkles by an overall skin tightening. PMID:25244081

  16. 12-month efficacy of a single radiofrequency ablation on autonomously functioning thyroid nodules.


    Bernardi, Stella; Stacul, Fulvio; Michelli, Andrea; Giudici, Fabiola; Zuolo, Giulia; de Manzini, Nicolò; Dobrinja, Chiara; Zanconati, Fabrizio; Fabris, Bruno


    Radiofrequency ablation has been advocated as an alternative to radioiodine and/or surgery for the treatment of autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules. However, only a few studies have measured radiofrequency ablation efficacy on autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules. The aim of this work was to evaluate the 12-month efficacy of a single session of radiofrequency ablation (performed with the moving shot technique) on solitary autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules. Thirty patients with a single, benign autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules, who were either unwilling or ineligible to undergo surgery and radioiodine, were treated with radiofrequency ablation between April 2012 and May 2015. All the patients underwent a single radiofrequency ablation, performed with the 18-gauge needle and the moving shot technique. Clinical, laboratory, and ultrasound evaluations were scheduled at baseline, and after 1, 3, 6, and 12 months from the procedure. A single radiofrequency ablation reduced thyroid nodule volume by 51, 63, 69, and 75 % after 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, respectively. This was associated with a significant improvement of local cervical discomfort and cosmetic score. As for thyroid function, 33 % of the patients went into remission after 3 months, 43 % after 6 months, and 50 % after 12 months from the procedure. This study demonstrates that a single radiofrequency ablation allowed us to withdraw anti-thyroid medication in 50 % of the patients, who remained euthyroid afterwards. This study shows that a single radiofrequency ablation was effective in 50 % of patients with autonomously functioning benign thyroid nodules. Patients responded gradually to the treatment. It is possible that longer follow-up studies might show greater response rates.

  17. Improvements of deep vein reflux following radiofrequency ablation for saphenous vein incompetence.


    Kim, Suh Min; Jung, In Mok; Chung, Jung Kee


    Objectives The aim of this study was to describe the changes of deep vein reflux after radiofrequency ablation for great saphenous vein incompetence. Method The data on 139 limbs which were treated with radiofrequency ablation for great saphenous vein incompetence were prospectively collected and reviewed. Results Deep vein reflux was present in 43 of 139 limbs (30.9%). There were no significant differences in the rate of successful closure, the incidence of procedure-related complications, and the improvements of symptoms and quality of life between the limbs with or without deep vein reflux. With a mean follow-up of 5.9 months, the peak reflux velocity and duration of reflux were improved in all limbs with deep vein reflux and it was completely corrected in 13 limbs (30.2%) after radiofrequency ablation. Conclusions The presence of deep vein reflux does not affect the treatment outcomes of radiofrequency ablation for great saphenous vein incompetence and is improved in all patients. Deep vein reflux is not a barrier to performing radiofrequency ablation.

  18. Optimization of the generator settings for endobiliary radiofrequency ablation.


    Barret, Maximilien; Leblanc, Sarah; Vienne, Ariane; Rouquette, Alexandre; Beuvon, Frederic; Chaussade, Stanislas; Prat, Frederic


    To determine the optimal generator settings for endobiliary radiofrequency ablation. Endobiliary radiofrequency ablation was performed in live swine on the ampulla of Vater, the common bile duct and in the hepatic parenchyma. Radiofrequency ablation time, "effect", and power were allowed to vary. The animals were sacrificed two hours after the procedure. Histopathological assessment of the depth of the thermal lesions was performed. Twenty-five radiofrequency bursts were applied in three swine. In the ampulla of Vater (n = 3), necrosis of the duodenal wall was observed starting with an effect set at 8, power output set at 10 W, and a 30 s shot duration, whereas superficial mucosal damage of up to 350 μm in depth was recorded for an effect set at 8, power output set at 6 W and a 30 s shot duration. In the common bile duct (n = 4), a 1070 μm, safe and efficient ablation was obtained for an effect set at 8, a power output of 8 W, and an ablation time of 30 s. Within the hepatic parenchyma (n = 18), the depth of tissue damage varied from 1620 μm (effect = 8, power = 10 W, ablation time = 15 s) to 4480 μm (effect = 8, power = 8 W, ablation time = 90 s). The duration of the catheter application appeared to be the most important parameter influencing the depth of the thermal injury during endobiliary radiofrequency ablation. In healthy swine, the currently recommended settings of the generator may induce severe, supratherapeutic tissue damage in the biliary tree, especially in the high-risk area of the ampulla of Vater.

  19. Optimization of the generator settings for endobiliary radiofrequency ablation

    PubMed Central

    Barret, Maximilien; Leblanc, Sarah; Vienne, Ariane; Rouquette, Alexandre; Beuvon, Frederic; Chaussade, Stanislas; Prat, Frederic


    AIM: To determine the optimal generator settings for endobiliary radiofrequency ablation. METHODS: Endobiliary radiofrequency ablation was performed in live swine on the ampulla of Vater, the common bile duct and in the hepatic parenchyma. Radiofrequency ablation time, “effect”, and power were allowed to vary. The animals were sacrificed two hours after the procedure. Histopathological assessment of the depth of the thermal lesions was performed. RESULTS: Twenty-five radiofrequency bursts were applied in three swine. In the ampulla of Vater (n = 3), necrosis of the duodenal wall was observed starting with an effect set at 8, power output set at 10 W, and a 30 s shot duration, whereas superficial mucosal damage of up to 350 μm in depth was recorded for an effect set at 8, power output set at 6 W and a 30 s shot duration. In the common bile duct (n = 4), a 1070 μm, safe and efficient ablation was obtained for an effect set at 8, a power output of 8 W, and an ablation time of 30 s. Within the hepatic parenchyma (n = 18), the depth of tissue damage varied from 1620 μm (effect = 8, power = 10 W, ablation time = 15 s) to 4480 μm (effect = 8, power = 8 W, ablation time = 90 s). CONCLUSION: The duration of the catheter application appeared to be the most important parameter influencing the depth of the thermal injury during endobiliary radiofrequency ablation. In healthy swine, the currently recommended settings of the generator may induce severe, supratherapeutic tissue damage in the biliary tree, especially in the high-risk area of the ampulla of Vater. PMID:26566429

  20. Randomized trial of radiofrequency lumbar facet denervation for chronic low back pain.


    van Kleef, M; Barendse, G A; Kessels, A; Voets, H M; Weber, W E; de Lange, S


    A prospective double-blind randomized trial in 31 patients. To assess the clinical efficacy of percutaneous radiofrequency denervation of the lumbar zygapophysial joints in reducing pain, functional disability, and physical impairment in patients with back pain originating from the lumbar zygapophysial joints. Chronic low back pain is a major health problem in the industrialized world. A treatment option is percutaneous radiofrequency denervation of the lumbar zygapophysial joints. Its clinical efficacy has never been formally tested in a controlled trial. Thirty-one patients with a history of at least 1 year of chronic low back pain were selected on the basis of a positive response to a diagnostic nerve blockade and subsequently randomly assigned to one of two treatment groups. Each patient in the radiofrequency treatment group (15 patients) received an 80 C radiofrequency lesion of the dorsal ramus of the segmental nerve roots L3, L4, and L5. Patients in the control group (n = 16) underwent an the same procedure but without use of a radiofrequency current. Both the treating physician and the patients were blinded to the group assignment. Before treatment, physical impairment, rating of pain, the degree of disability, and quality of life were assessed by a blinded investigator. Eight weeks after treatment, there were 10 success patients in the radiofrequency group (n = 15) and 6 in the sham group (n = 16). The unadjusted odds ratio was 3.3 (P = 0.05, not significant), and the adjusted odds ratio was 4.8 (P < 0.05, significant). The differences in effect on the visual analog scale scores, global perceived effect, and the Oswestry disability scale were statistically significant. Three, 6, and 12 months after treatment, there were significantly more success patients in the radiofrequency group compared with the sham group. Radiofrequency lumbar zygapophysial joint denervation results in a significant alleviation of pain and functional disability in a select group of

  1. Bipolar Radiofrequency Facet Ablation of the Lumbar Facet Capsule: An Adjunct to Conventional Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Management.


    Jacobson, Robert E; Palea, Ovidiu; Granville, Michelle


    Radiofrequency facet ablation (RFA) has been performed using the same technique for over 50 years. Except for variations in electrode size, tip shape, and change in radiofrequency (RF) stimulation parameters, using standard, pulsed, and cooled RF wavelengths, the target points have remained absolutely unchanged from the original work describing RFA for lumbar pain control. Degenerative changes in the facet joint and capsule are the primary location for the majority of lumbar segmental pathology and pain. Multiple studies show that the degenerated facet joint is richly innervated as a result of the inflammatory overgrowth of the synovium. The primary provocative clinical test to justify an RFA is to perform an injection with local anesthetic into the facet joint and the posterior capsule and confirm pain relief. However, after a positive response, the radiofrequency lesion is made not to the facet joint but to the more proximal fine nerve branches that innervate the joint. The accepted target points for the recurrent sensory branch ignore the characteristic rich innervation of the pathologic lumbar facet capsule and assume that lesioning of these recurrent branches is sufficient to denervate the painful pathologic facet joint. This report describes the additional targets and technical steps for further coagulation points along the posterior capsule of the lumbar facet joint and the physiologic studies of the advantage of the bipolar radiofrequency current in this location. Bipolar RF to the facet capsule is a simple, extra step that easily creates a large thermo-coagulated lesion in this capsule region of the pathologic facet joint. Early studies demonstrate bipolar RF to the facet capsule can provide long-term pain relief when used alone for specific localized facet joint pain, to coagulate lumbar facet cysts to prevent recurrence, and to get more extensive pain control by combining it with traditional lumbar RFA, especially when RFA is repeated.

  2. A New Radiofrequency Ablation Procedure to Treat Sacroiliac Joint Pain.


    Cheng, Jianguo; Chen, See Loong; Zimmerman, Nicole; Dalton, Jarrod E; LaSalle, Garret; Rosenquist, Richard


    Low back pain may arise from disorders of the sacroiliac joint in up to 30% of patients. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) of the nerves innervating the sacroiliac joint has been shown to be a safe and efficacious strategy. We aimed to develop a new RFA technique to relieve low back pain secondary to sacroiliac joint disorders. Methodology development with validation through prospective observational non-randomized trial (PONRT). Academic multidisciplinary health care system, Ohio, USA. We devised a guide-block to facilitate accurate placement of multiple electrodes to simultaneously ablate the L5 dorsal ramus and lateral branches of the S1, S2, and S3 dorsal rami. This was achieved by bipolar radiofrequency ablation (b-RFA) to create a strip lesion from the lateral border of the base of the sacral superior articular process (L5-S1 facet joint) to the lateral border of the S3 sacral foramen. We applied this technique in 31 consecutive patients and compared the operating time, x-ray exposure time and dose, and clinical outcomes with patients (n = 62) who have been treated with the cooled radiofrequency technique. Patients' level of pain relief was reported as < 50%, 50 - 80%, and > 80% pain relief at one, 3, 6, and 12 months after the procedure. The relationship between RFA technique and duration of pain relief was evaluated using interval-censored multivariable Cox regression. The new technique allowed reduction of operating time by more than 50%, x-ray exposure time and dose by more than 80%, and cost by more than $1,000 per case. The percent of patients who achieved > 50% pain reduction was significantly higher in the b-RFA group at 3, 6, and 12 months follow-up, compared to the cooled radiofrequency group. No complications were observed in either group. Although the major confounding factors were taken into account in the analysis, use of historical controls does not balance observed and unobserved potential confounding variables between groups so that the reported

  3. Excessive radiofrequency application: effects on capsular tissue in an animal model.


    Wolf, Brian R; Heiner, Anneliese D; Albright, John P; Nepola, James V


    Capsular attenuation has been seen after thermal capsulorrhaphy surgery. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the mechanical, histologic, and morphologic effects on capsular tissue after cumulative applications of radiofrequency energy. Ovine patellofemoral capsular tissue was treated with 1, 2, 4, or 8 applications of bipolar radiofrequency energy and then analyzed. No acute capsular ablation or destruction was seen grossly, even in the 8-application group. No definitive visual clues that excessive radiofrequency energy had been applied were seen. There was significant shrinkage and loss of tensile stiffness for all thermal application groups. Given the small sample sizes, post-application failure load, percent relaxation, and stiffness were not observed to be significantly different among the groups. Cumulative applications produced minimal further tissue shrinkage but were accompanied by larger, though not statistically significant, mechanical property losses and increased depth of tissue penetration. These findings suggest that there is no benefit to repeated applications of radiofrequency energy to capsular tissue.

  4. Radiofrequency amplifier based on a dc superconducting quantum interference device


    Hilbert, Claude; Martinis, John M.; Clarke, John


    A low noise radiofrequency amplifier (10), using a dc SQUID (superconducting quantum interference device) as the input amplifying element. The dc SQUID (11) and an input coil (12) are maintained at superconductivity temperatures in a superconducting shield (13), with the input coil (12) inductively coupled to the superconducting ring (17) of the dc SQUID (11). A radiofrequency signal from outside the shield (13) is applied to the input coil (12), and an amplified radiofrequency signal is developed across the dc SQUID ring (17) and transmitted to exteriorly of the shield (13). A power gain of 19.5.+-.0.5 dB has been achieved with a noise temperature of 1.0.+-.0.4 K. at a frequency of 100 MHz.

  5. Impact of Radiofrequency Ablation on Malignant Biliary Strictures: Results of a Collaborative Registry.


    Sharaiha, Reem Z; Sethi, Amrita; Weaver, Kristen R; Gonda, Tamas A; Shah, Raj J; Fukami, Norio; Kedia, Prashant; Kumta, Nikhil A; Clavo, Carlos M Rondon; Saunders, Michael D; Cerecedo-Rodriguez, Jorge; Barojas, Paola Figueroa; Widmer, Jessica L; Gaidhane, Monica; Brugge, William R; Kahaleh, Michel


    Radiofrequency ablation of malignant biliary strictures has been offered for the last 3 years, but only limited data have been published. To assess the safety, efficacy, and survival outcomes of patients receiving endoscopic radiofrequency ablation. Between April 2010 and December 2013, 69 patients with unresectable neoplastic lesions and malignant biliary obstruction underwent 98 radiofrequency ablation sessions with stenting. A total of 69 patients (22 male, aged 66.1 ± 13.3) were included in the registry. The etiology of malignant biliary stricture included unresectable cholangiocarcinoma (n = 45), pancreatic cancer (n = 19), gallbladder cancer (n = 2), gastric cancer (n = 1), and liver metastasis from colon cancer (n = 3). Seventy-eight percentage of patients had prior chemotherapy. All strictures were stented post-radiofrequency ablation with either plastic stents or metal stents. The mean stricture length treated was 14.3 mm. There was a statistically significant improvement in stricture diameter post-ablation (p < 0.0001). The likelihood of stricture improvement was significantly greater in pancreatic cancer-associated strictures [RR 1.8 (95 % 1.03-5.38)]. Seven patients (10 %) had adverse events, not linked directly to radiofrequency ablation. Median survival was 11.46 months (6.2-25 months). Radiofrequency ablation is effective and safe in malignant biliary obstruction and seems to be associated with improved survival.

  6. Fraxelated radiofrequency device for acne scars

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rao, Babar K.; Khokher, Sairah


    Acne scars can be improved with various treatments such as topical creams, chemical peels, dermal fillers, microdermabrasion, laser, and radiofrequency devices. Some of these treatments especially lasers and deep chemical peels can have significant side effects such as post inflammatory hyperpigmentation in darker skin types. Fraxelated RF Laser devices have been reported to have lower incidence of side effects in all skin phototypes. Nine patients between ages 18 and 35 of various skin phototypes were selected from a private practice and treated with a RF fraxelated device (E-matrix) for acne scars. Outcomes were measured by physician observation, subjective feedback received by patients, and comparison of before and after photographs. In this small group of patients with various skin phototypes, fraxelated radiofrequency device improved acne scars with minimal side effects and downtime.

  7. Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation for the treatment of women with urinary incontinence.


    Kang, Diana; Han, Julia; Neuberger, Molly M; Moy, M Louis; Wallace, Sheila A; Alonso-Coello, Pablo; Dahm, Philipp


    Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation is a relatively novel, minimally invasive device-based intervention used to treat individuals with urinary incontinence (UI). No systematic review of the evidence supporting its use has been published to date. To evaluate the efficacy of transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation, compared with other interventions, in the treatment of women with UI.Review authors sought to compare the following.• Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus no treatment/sham treatment.• Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus conservative physical treatment.• Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus mechanical devices (pessaries for UI).• Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus drug treatment.• Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus injectable treatment for UI.• Transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus other surgery for UI. We conducted a systematic search of the Cochrane Incontinence Group Specialised Register (searched 19 December 2014), EMBASE and EMBASE Classic (January 1947 to 2014 Week 50), Google Scholar and three trials registries in December 2014, along with reference checking. We sought to identify unpublished studies by handsearching abstracts of major gynaecology and urology meetings, and by contacting experts in the field and the device manufacturer. Randomised and quasi-randomised trials of transurethral radiofrequency collagen denaturation versus no treatment/sham treatment, conservative physical treatment, mechanical devices, drug treatment, injectable treatment for UI or other surgery for UI in women were eligible. We screened search results and selected eligible studies for inclusion. We assessed risk of bias and analysed dichotomous variables as risk ratios (RRs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) and continuous variables as mean differences (MDs) with 95% CIs. We rated the quality of

  8. Diode laser à cavité externe auto-alignée et contlnûment accordable en longueur d'onde

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lefevre, Herve; Martin, Philippe; Laloux, Bernard; Graindorge, Philippe; Gatti, Daniel; Mangeot, Denis


    This paper, "Diode laser à cavité externe auto-alignée et contlnûment accordable en longueur d'onde," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  9. Multisource, Phase-controlled Radiofrequency for Treatment of Skin Laxity

    PubMed Central

    Moreno-Moraga, Javier; Muñoz, Estefania; Cornejo Navarro, Paloma


    Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the correlation between degrees of clinical improvement and microscopic changes detected using confocal microscopy at the temperature gradients reached in patients treated for skin laxity with a phase-controlled, multisource radiofrequency system. Design and setting: Patients with skin laxity in the abdominal area were treated in six sessions with radiofrequency (the first 4 sessions were held at 2-week intervals and the 2 remaining sessions at 3-week intervals). Patients attended monitoring at 6, 9, and 12 months. Participants: 33 patients (all women). Measurements: The authors recorded the following: variations in weight, measurements of the contour of the treated area and control area, evaluation of clinical improvement by the clinician and by the patient, images taken using an infrared camera, temperature (before, immediately after, and 20 minutes after the procedure), and confocal microscopy images (before treatment and at 6, 9, and 12 months). The degree of clinical improvement was contrasted by two external observers (clinicians). The procedure was performed using a new phase-controlled, multipolar radiofrequency system. Results: The results reveal a greater degree of clinical improvement in patients with surface temperature increases greater than 11.5ºC at the end of the procedure and remaining greater than 4.5ºC 20 minutes later. These changes induced by radiofrequency were contrasted with the structural improvements observed at the dermal-epidermal junction using confocal microscopy. Changes are more intense and are statistically correlated with patients who show a greater degree of improvement and have higher temperature gradients at the end of the procedure and 20 minutes later. Conclusion: Monitoring and the use of parameters to evaluate end-point values in skin quality treatment by multisource, phased-controlled radiofrequency can help optimize aesthetic outcome. PMID:21278896

  10. Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields; male infertility and sex ratio of offspring.


    Baste, Valborg; Riise, Trond; Moen, Bente E


    Concern is growing about exposure to electromagnetic fields and male reproductive health. The authors performed a cross-sectional study among military men employed in the Royal Norwegian Navy, including information about work close to equipment emitting radiofrequency electromagnetic fields, one-year infertility, children and sex of the offspring. Among 10,497 respondents, 22% had worked close to high-frequency aerials to a "high" or "very high" degree. Infertility increased significantly along with increasing self-reported exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. In a logistic regression, odds ratio (OR) for infertility among those who had worked closer than 10 m from high-frequency aerials to a "very high" degree relative to those who reported no work near high-frequency aerials was 1.86 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.46-2.37), adjusted for age, smoking habits, alcohol consumption and exposure to organic solvents, welding and lead. Similar adjusted OR for those exposed to a "high", "some" and "low" degree were 1.93 (95% CI: 1.55-2.40), 1.52 (95% CI: 1.25-1.84), and 1.39 (95% CI: 1.15-1.68), respectively. In all age groups there were significant linear trends with higher prevalence of involuntary childlessness with higher self-reported exposure to radiofrequency fields. However, the degree of exposure to radiofrequency radiation and the number of children were not associated. For self-reported exposure both to high-frequency aerials and communication equipment there were significant linear trends with lower ratio of boys to girls at birth when the father reported a higher degree of radiofrequency electromagnetic exposure.

  11. Continuous Cavitation Designed for Enhancing Radiofrequency Ablation via a Special Radiofrequency Solidoid Vaporization Process.


    Zhang, Kun; Li, Pei; Chen, Hangrong; Bo, Xiaowan; Li, Xiaolong; Xu, Huixiong


    Lowering power output and radiation time during radiofrequency (RF) ablation is still a challenge. Although it is documented that metal-based magnetothermal conversion and microbubbles-based inertial cavitation have been tried to overcome above issues, disputed toxicity and poor magnetothermal conversion efficiency for metal-based nanoparticles and violent but transient cavitation for microbubbles are inappropriate for enhancing RF ablation. In this report, a strategy, i.e., continuous cavitation, has been proposed, and solid menthol-encapsulated poly lactide-glycolide acid (PLGA) nanocapsules have been constructed, as a proof of concept, to validate the role of such a continuous cavitation principle in continuously enhancing RF ablation. The synthesized PLGA-based nanocapsules can respond to RF to generate menthol bubbles via distinctive radiofrequency solidoid vaporization (RSV) process, meanwhile significantly enhance ultrasound imaging for HeLa solid tumor, and further facilitate RF ablation via the continuous cavitation, as systematically demonstrated both in vitro and in vivo. Importantly, this RSV strategy can overcome drawbacks and limitations of acoustic droplet vaporization (ADV) and optical droplet vaporization (ODV), and will probably find broad applications in further cancer theranostics.

  12. Enhanced high-energy protocol using a fractional bipolar radiofrequency device combined with bipolar radiofrequency and infrared light for improving facial skin appearance and wrinkles.


    Gold, Michael H; Biesman, Brian S; Taylor, Mark


    Fractional bipolar radiofrequency treatment and treatment with bipolar radiofrequency combined with infrared light have been shown in previous trials to safely and effectively improve the appearance of facial wrinkles. To evaluate a high-energy protocol with combined bipolar radiofrequency and infrared light energies for improvement in photoaged facial skin. Seventy-two patients presenting with mild to moderate facial wrinkles underwent a single full-face treatment (n=54) or two treatments (n=18) at 6-week intervals. Independent blinded assessment and investigator assessment were performed, using the Fitzpatrick Wrinkle and Elastosis Scale (0-9) and the Global Aesthetic Improvement scale. Patients also completed a self-assessment questionnaire concerning satisfaction with the treatment. All patients achieved some degree of improvement in their wrinkles and skin appearance, following a single treatment or two treatments with the enhanced-energy protocol. Blinded evaluation demonstrated 71% and 70% of the patients showing improvement of one unit or greater on the Fitzpatrick Scale, at the 12-week and 24-week follow-ups post-treatment, respectively. Similar results were reported by investigators. Under the Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale, investigators observed 87%, 91% and 81% of patients showing improvement at the 6-, 12-, and 24-week post-treatment end, respectively. Patients tolerated the treatments well and were satisfied with the clinical results. The enhanced-energy treatment protocol, with fractional bipolar radiofrequency treatment and treatment with bipolar radiofrequency combined with infrared light applications, yields significant improvement of skin texture, wrinkling, and overall appearance following a single treatment. The results appear gradually over time and are maintained for at least 6 months' post-treatment. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Radiofrequency Ablation Treatment in Proximity to the Gallbladder Without Subsequent Acute Cholecystitis

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Patti, Jay W.; Neeman, Ziv, E-mail:; Wood, Bradford J.


    Initial reports have suggested that proximity of liver tumors to the gallbladder may increase the risk for cholecystitis after radiofrequency ablation. A colon adenocarcinoma metastasis to the liver in contact with the gallbladder was successfully treated with radiofrequency ablation without subsequent cholecystitis.

  14. Microembolism and catheter ablation I: a comparison of irrigated radiofrequency and multielectrode-phased radiofrequency catheter ablation of pulmonary vein ostia.


    Haines, David E; Stewart, Mark T; Dahlberg, Sarah; Barka, Noah D; Condie, Cathy; Fiedler, Gary R; Kirchhof, Nicole A; Halimi, Franck; Deneke, Thomas


    Cerebral diffusion-weighted MRI lesions have been observed after catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation. We hypothesized that conditions predisposing to microembolization could be identified using a porcine model of pulmonary vein ablation and an extracorporeal circulation loop. Ablations of the pulmonary veins were performed in 18 swine with echo monitoring. The femoral artery and vein were cannulated and an extracorporeal circulation loop with 2 ultrasonic bubble detectors and a 73-μm filter were placed in series. Microemboli and microbubbles were compared between ablation with an irrigated radiofrequency system (Biosense-Webster) and a phased radiofrequency multielectrode system (pulmonary vein ablation catheter [PVAC], Medtronic, Inc, Carlsbad, CA) in unipolar and 3 blended unipolar/bipolar modes. Animal pathology was examined. The size and number of microbubbles observed during ablation ranged from 30 to 180 μm and 0 to 3253 bubbles per ablation. Microbubble volumes with PVAC (29.1 nL) were greater than with irrigated radiofrequency (0.4 nL; P=0.045), and greatest with type II or III microbubbles on transesophageal echocardiography. Ablation with the PVAC showed fewest microbubbles in the unipolar mode (P=0.012 versus bipolar). The most occurred during bipolar energy delivery with overlap of proximal and distal electrodes (median microbubble volume, 1744 nL; interquartile range, 737-4082 nL; maximum, 19 516 nL). No cerebral MRI lesions were seen, but 2 animals had renal embolization. Left atrial ablation with irrigated radiofrequency and PVAC catheters in swine is associated with microbubble and microembolus production. Avoiding overlap of electrodes 1 and 10 on PVAC should reduce the microembolic burden associated with this procedure.

  15. A Fractional Bipolar Radiofrequency Device Combined with a Bipolar Radiofrequency and Infrared Light Treatment for Improvement in Facial Wrinkles and Overall Skin Tone and Texture.


    Gold, Alan H; Pozner, Jason; Weiss, Robert


    A variety of techniques and energy-based technologies are currently utilized for the treatment of facial wrinkles. Fractional bipolar radiofrequency treatment and treatment with bipolar radiofrequency combined with infrared light have both been reported to be safe and effective for the non-invasive treatment of wrinkles and overall facial rejuvenation. A multicenter, prospective clinical trial evaluated a protocol of treatment with a device incorporating bipolar radiofrequency and infrared light followed by treatment with a fractional bipolar radiofrequency device for facial wrinkle reduction and improvement in the overall appearance of aged facial skin. Fifty-six patients with mild to moderate facial wrinkles received three full-face treatments (forehead, nose, cheeks, periorbital, and perioral areas) at 4 to 6 week intervals and were evaluated at 12 and 24 weeks after the last treatment. Clinical photographs at baseline and follow-ups were assessed by both the investigators and patients using the Global Aesthetic Improvement scale. Treatment safety was evaluated. Study participants also completed a satisfaction and improvement questionnaire. Fitzpatrick Wrinkling and Elastosis Score was decreased significantly at three months (P < .01; paired t test) and at six months (P < .001; paired t test) after the final treatment. Investigators' assessments of overall improvement in facial appearance, demonstrated 88% improvement at 12 weeks and 82% at 24 weeks after the final treatment. Subject evaluations were similar, consistently reporting improvement in wrinkles and overall facial skin appearance throughout the study, and high a degree of satisfaction with their final results. Subjects tolerated the procedures well, with only transient mild to moderate erythema and edema occurring in most patients, and without complications. A combined protocol of bipolar radiofrequency and infrared light treatment followed by fractionated bipolar radiofrequency treatment results in

  16. Technique for CT Fluoroscopy-Guided Lumbar Medial Branch Blocks and Radiofrequency Ablation.


    Amrhein, Timothy J; Joshi, Anand B; Kranz, Peter G


    The purpose of this study is to describe the procedure for CT fluoroscopy-guided lumbar medial branch blocks and facet radiofrequency ablation. CT fluoroscopic guidance allows more-precise needle tip positioning and is an alternative method for performing medial branch blocks and facet radiofrequency ablation.

  17. Noninvasive Assessment of Tissue Heating During Cardiac Radiofrequency Ablation Using MRI Thermography

    PubMed Central

    Kolandaivelu, Aravindan; Zviman, Menekhem M.; Castro, Valeria; Lardo, Albert C.; Berger, Ronald D.; Halperin, Henry R.


    Background Failure to achieve properly localized, permanent tissue destruction is a common cause of arrhythmia recurrence after cardiac ablation. Current methods of assessing lesion size and location during cardiac radiofrequency ablation are unreliable or not suited for repeated assessment during the procedure. MRI thermography could be used to delineate permanent ablation lesions because tissue heating above 50°C is the cause of permanent tissue destruction during radiofrequency ablation. However, image artifacts caused by cardiac motion, the ablation electrode, and radiofrequency ablation currently pose a challenge to MRI thermography in the heart. In the current study, we sought to demonstrate the feasibility of MRI thermography during cardiac ablation. Methods and Results An MRI-compatible electrophysiology catheter and filtered radiofrequency ablation system was used to perform ablation in the left ventricle of 6 mongrel dogs in a 1.5-T MRI system. Fast gradient-echo imaging was performed before and during radiofrequency ablation, and thermography images were derived from the preheating and postheating images. Lesion extent by thermography was within 20% of the gross pathology lesion. Conclusions MR thermography appears to be a promising technique for monitoring lesion formation and may allow for more accurate placement and titration of ablation, possibly reducing arrhythmia recurrences. PMID:20657028

  18. Sphenopalatine ganglion: block, radiofrequency ablation and neurostimulation - a systematic review.


    Ho, Kwo Wei David; Przkora, Rene; Kumar, Sanjeev


    Sphenopalatine ganglion is the largest collection of neurons in the calvarium outside of the brain. Over the past century, it has been a target for interventional treatment of head and facial pain due to its ease of access. Block, radiofrequency ablation, and neurostimulation have all been applied to treat a myriad of painful syndromes. Despite the routine use of these interventions, the literature supporting their use has not been systematically summarized. This systematic review aims to collect and summarize the level of evidence supporting the use of sphenopalatine ganglion block, radiofrequency ablation and neurostimulation. Medline, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) databases were reviewed for studies on sphenopalatine ganglion block, radiofrequency ablation and neurostimulation. Studies included in this review were compiled and analyzed for their treated medical conditions, study design, outcomes and procedural details. Studies were graded using Oxford Center for Evidence-Based Medicine for level of evidence. Based on the level of evidence, grades of recommendations are provided for each intervention and its associated medical conditions. Eighty-three publications were included in this review, of which 60 were studies on sphenopalatine ganglion block, 15 were on radiofrequency ablation, and 8 were on neurostimulation. Of all the studies, 23 have evidence level above case series. Of the 23 studies, 19 were on sphenopalatine ganglion block, 1 study on radiofrequency ablation, and 3 studies on neurostimulation. The rest of the available literature was case reports and case series. The strongest evidence lies in using sphenopalatine ganglion block, radiofrequency ablation and neurostimulation for cluster headache. Sphenopalatine ganglion block also has evidence in treating trigeminal neuralgia, migraines, reducing the needs of analgesics after endoscopic sinus surgery and reducing pain associated with nasal packing

  19. Ophthalmic branch radiofrequency thermocoagulation for atypical trigeminal neuralgia:a case report.


    Du, Shibin; Ma, Xiaoliang; Li, Xiaoqin; Yuan, Hongjie


    Trigeminal neuralgia is an intense neuralgia involving facial areas supplied by trigeminal nerve. The pain is characterized by sudden onset, short persistence, sharp or lancinating. Trigeminal neuralgia commonly affects frontal areas, infraorbital or paranasal areas, mandibular areas and teeth. While Trigeminal neuralgia affecting merely the upper eyelid is rare. Here we report a case of atypical Trigeminal neuralgia confined to the upper eyelid. The patient was pain free during the follow-up period of 6 months after unusual ophthalmic branch radiofrequency thermocoagulation. A 55-year-old female patient was diagnosed as primary trigeminal neuralgia involving the right upper eyelid. As the pain could not be controlled by drug therapy, peripheral nerve branch radiofrequency thermocoagulation was recommended. A combination of infratrochlear, supratrochlear and lacrimal radiofrequency thermocoagulation was implemented in this case. The point where the bridge of the nose abuts the supraorbital ridge and the point slightly above the lateral canthus along outer border of the orbit were selected respectively as the puncture sites. After positive diagnostic test, radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the above-mentioned nerve branches was performed respectively. The patient was pain free immediately after the treatment and during the follow-up period of 6 months. Trigeminal neuralgia is a common severe and chronic facial neuralgia which requires accurate diagnosis and effective therapy. With typical clinical symptoms, normal neurological signs, normal CT and MRI findings, the patient was diagnosed as classic trigeminal neuralgia. As the patient was drug resistant, some invasive treatments were considered. Peripheral branch neurolysis was chosen for its minimal invasiveness, convenience, low risk and not affecting further invasive treatments. According to the anatomic data and the diagnostic test results, infratrochlear, supratrochlear and lacrimal nerve were responsible

  20. Radio-Frequency and Wideband Modulation Arraying

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Brockman, M. H.


    Summing network receives coherent signals from all receivers in array. Method sums narrow-band radio-frequency (RF) carrier powers and wide-band spectrum powers of array of separate antenna/receiver systems designed for phase-locked-loop or suppressed-carrier operation.

  1. Radiofrequency neurotomy for treatment of low back pain in patients with minor degenerative spondylolisthesis.


    Klessinger, Stephan


    Degenerative spondylolisthesis is one of the major causes for low back pain. Morphological abnormalities of the zygapophysial joints are a predisposing factor in the development of degenerative spondylolisthesis. Therefore, radiofrequency neurotomy seems to be a rational therapy. To determine if radiofrequency neurotomy is effective for patients with low back pain and degenerative spondylolisthesis. Retrospective practice audit. Single spine center Charts of all patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis who underwent treatment with radiofrequency neurotomy during a time period of 3 years were reviewed. Only patients with magnetic resonance imaging confirming the diagnosis were included. Patients with a lumbar spine operation in their history, patients with neurological deficits, and patients with a follow-up less than 3 months were excluded. Patients were treated with lumbar radiofrequency neurotomy. Positive treatment response was defined as at least a 50% reduction in pain. A radiofrequency neurotomy was only performed after positive diagnostic medial branch blocks. During a time period of 3 years, 1,490 patients were treated with lumbar radiofrequency neurotomy. Forty of these patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis were included. A significant pain reduction was achieved in 65 % of the patients. This audit is retrospective and observational, and therefore does not represent a high level of evidence. However, to our knowledge, since this information has not been previously reported and no specific nonoperative treatment for lumbar pain in patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis exists, it appears to be the best available research upon which to recommend treatment and to plan higher quality studies. Zygapophysial joints are a possible source of pain in patients with spondylolisthesis. Radiofrequency neurotomy is a rational, specific nonoperative therapy in addition to other nonoperative therapy methods with a success rate of 65%. This is the first

  2. Cooled radiofrequency denervation for treatment of sacroiliac joint pain: two-year results from 20 cases

    PubMed Central

    Ho, Kok-Yuen; Hadi, Mohamed Abdul; Pasutharnchat, Koravee; Tan, Kian-Hian


    Background Sacroiliac joint pain is a common cause of chronic low back pain. Different techniques for radiofrequency denervation of the sacroiliac joint have been used to treat this condition. However, results have been inconsistent because the variable sensory supply to the sacroiliac joint is difficult to disrupt completely using conventional radiofrequency. Cooled radiofrequency is a novel technique that uses internally cooled radiofrequency probes to enlarge lesion size, thereby increasing the chance of completely denervating the sacroiliac joint. The objective of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of cooled radiofrequency denervation using the SInergy™ cooled radiofrequency system for sacroiliac joint pain. Methods The charts of 20 patients with chronic sacroiliac joint pain who had undergone denervation using the SInergy™ cooled radiofrequency system were reviewed at two years following the procedure. Outcome measures included the Numeric Rating Scale for pain intensity, Patient Global Impression of Change, and Global Perceived Effect for patient satisfaction. Results Fifteen of 20 patients showed a significant reduction in pain (a decrease of at least three points on the Numeric Rating Scale). Mean Numeric Rating Scale for pain decreased from 7.4 ± 1.4 to 3.1 ± 2.5, mean Patient Global Impression of Change was “improved” (1.4 ± 1.5), and Global Perceived Effect was reported to be positive in 16 patients at two years following the procedure. Conclusion Cooled radiofrequency denervation showed long-term efficacy for up to two years in the treatment of sacroiliac joint pain. PMID:23869175

  3. Bipolar Radiofrequency Facet Ablation of the Lumbar Facet Capsule: An Adjunct to Conventional Radiofrequency Ablation for Pain Management

    PubMed Central

    Palea, Ovidiu; Granville, Michelle


    Radiofrequency facet ablation (RFA) has been performed using the same technique for over 50 years. Except for variations in electrode size, tip shape, and change in radiofrequency (RF) stimulation parameters, using standard, pulsed, and cooled RF wavelengths, the target points have remained absolutely unchanged from the original work describing RFA for lumbar pain control. Degenerative changes in the facet joint and capsule are the primary location for the majority of lumbar segmental pathology and pain. Multiple studies show that the degenerated facet joint is richly innervated as a result of the inflammatory overgrowth of the synovium. The primary provocative clinical test to justify an RFA is to perform an injection with local anesthetic into the facet joint and the posterior capsule and confirm pain relief. However, after a positive response, the radiofrequency lesion is made not to the facet joint but to the more proximal fine nerve branches that innervate the joint. The accepted target points for the recurrent sensory branch ignore the characteristic rich innervation of the pathologic lumbar facet capsule and assume that lesioning of these recurrent branches is sufficient to denervate the painful pathologic facet joint. This report describes the additional targets and technical steps for further coagulation points along the posterior capsule of the lumbar facet joint and the physiologic studies of the advantage of the bipolar radiofrequency current in this location. Bipolar RF to the facet capsule is a simple, extra step that easily creates a large thermo-coagulated lesion in this capsule region of the pathologic facet joint. Early studies demonstrate bipolar RF to the facet capsule can provide long-term pain relief when used alone for specific localized facet joint pain, to coagulate lumbar facet cysts to prevent recurrence, and to get more extensive pain control by combining it with traditional lumbar RFA, especially when RFA is repeated. PMID

  4. Combination acetabular radiofrequency ablation and cementoplasty using a navigational radiofrequency ablation device and ultrahigh viscosity cement: technical note.


    Wallace, Adam N; Huang, Ambrose J; Vaswani, Devin; Chang, Randy O; Jennings, Jack W


    Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation and cementoplasty is an alternative palliative therapy for painful metastases involving axial load-bearing bones. This technical report describes the use of a navigational radiofrequency probe to ablate acetabular metastases from an anterior approach followed by instillation of ultrahigh viscosity cement under CT-fluoroscopic guidance. The tumor ablation databases of two institutions were retrospectively reviewed to identify patients who underwent combination acetabular radiofrequency ablation and cementoplasty using the STAR Tumor Ablation and StabiliT Vertebral Augmentation Systems (DFINE; San Jose, CA). Pre-procedure acetabular tumor volume was measured on cross-sectional imaging. Pre- and post-procedure pain scores were measured using the Numeric Rating Scale (10-point scale) and compared. Partial pain improvement was categorically defined as ≥ 2-point pain score reduction. Patients were evaluated for evidence of immediate complications. Electronic medical records were reviewed for evidence of delayed complications. During the study period, 12 patients with acetabular metastases were treated. The median tumor volume was 54.3 mL (range, 28.3-109.8 mL). Pre- and post-procedure pain scores were obtained from 92% (11/12) of the cohort. The median pre-procedure pain score was 8 (range, 3-10). Post-procedure pain scores were obtained 7 days (82%; 9/11), 11 days (9.1%; 1/11) or 21 days (9.1%; 1/11) after treatment. The median post-treatment pain score was 3 (range, 1-8), a statistically significant difference compared with pre-treatment (P = 0.002). Categorically, 73% (8/11) of patients reported partial pain relief after treatment. No immediate symptomatic complications occurred. Three patients (25%; 3/12) were discharged to hospice within 1 week of treatment. No delayed complications occurred in the remaining 75% (9/12) of patients during median clinical follow-up of 62 days (range, 14-178 days). Palliative percutaneous

  5. Long-wave plasma radiofrequency ablation for treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum.


    Baroni, Adone


    Xanthelasma palpebrarum is the most common type of xanthoma affecting the eyelids. It is characterized by asymptomatic soft yellowish macules, papules, or plaques over the upper and lower eyelids. Many treatments are available for management of xanthelasma palpebrarum, the most commonly used include surgical excision, ablative CO 2 or erbium lasers, nonablative Q-switched Nd:YAG laser, trichloroacetic acid peeling, and radiofrequency ablation. This study aims to evaluate the effectiveness of RF ablation in the treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum, with D.A.S. Medical portable device (Technolux, Italia), a radiofrequency tool working with long-wave plasma energy and without anesthesia. Twenty patients, 15 female and 5 male, affected by xanthelasma palpebrarum, were enrolled for long-wave plasma radiofrequency ablation treatment. The treatment consisted of 3/4 sessions that were carried out at intervals of 30 days. Treatments were well tolerated by all patients with no adverse effects and optimal aesthetic results. The procedure is very fast and can be performed without anesthesia because of the low and tolerable pain stimulation. Long-wave plasma radiofrequency ablation is an effective option for treatment of xanthelasma palpebrarum and adds an additional tool to the increasing list of medical devices for aesthetic treatments. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. 77 FR 74668 - Compliance Policy Guide; Radiofrequency Identification Feasibility Studies and Pilot Programs for...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...; Formerly Docket No. 2004D-0499] Compliance Policy Guide; Radiofrequency Identification Feasibility Studies... extending the expiration date of compliance policy guide (CPG) Sec. 400.210 entitled ``Radiofrequency... 74669

  7. Radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma with cooled probes and impedance-control energy delivery.


    Cantwell, Colin P; O'Byrne, John; Eustace, Stephen


    Our objective was to evaluate the efficacy of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma with cooled radiofrequency probes and impedance control energy delivery from a 200-W generator. We also compared the outcome to published data for therapy with a 5-mm noncooled probe and temperature-controlled short-duration therapy protocols. Radiofrequency ablation was performed on 11 patients with a clinical and radiologic diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. A cooled radiofrequency probe was introduced into the lesion under CT guidance. Twelve minutes of radiofrequency energy was delivered from a 200-W generator under impedance control. Postprocedural pain, function, and satisfaction were evaluated by means of an interview and questionnaire. All procedures were technically successful. No serious complication occurred. Postoperative pain was scored at a mean of 6.9 +/- 3.06 (95% confidence interval) on a numeric rating scale. Postoperative pain was rated as similar to night pain. By 1 week after therapy, all patients had resolution of pain and returned to normal activity. There was no recurrence during the follow-up period (range, 6-27 months; mean, 14.4 months). Patients rated their satisfaction as high. Radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma with a high-energy delivery technique is safe and has a high success rate. When compared with patients in a published series using 5-mm probes and manual energy control from lower-output generators, our cohort showed increased postoperative pain scores and an increased interval to symptom resolution.

  8. Radiofrequency energy in the arthroscopic treatment of knee chondral lesions: a systematic review.


    Rocco, Papalia; Lorenzo, Diaz Balzani; Guglielmo, Torre; Michele, Paciotti; Nicola, Maffulli; Vincenzo, Denaro


    Cartilage debridement is one of the recommended procedures for the management of chondral defects. Radiofrequency probes allow to debride the cartilage, but may induce subchondral bone necrosis. Medline, Cochrane and Google Scholar were searched to identify studies on arthroscopic debridement of the articular cartilage of the knee using radiofrequency chondroplasty. The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using the Coleman methodology score (CMS). Monopolar and bipolar radiofrequency devices provide significantly better clinical outcomes, especially for patients with high-grade chondral lesions, compared with mechanical shaver only. Despite the original concerns regarding subchondral bone necrosis, low complication rates are reported. Heterogeneity in terms of type of device does not allow sound comparison of the published results. There is lack of evidence on the long-term effects of radiofrequency chondroplasty. Study methodology should be improved: the average Coleman methodology score was 56.2 out of 100. More comparative, well-designed and larger cohort trials are needed to ascertain whether radiofrequency chondroplasty offers long-term benefits over other simpler and more economical alternatives. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  9. First muon acceleration using a radio-frequency accelerator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bae, S.; Choi, H.; Choi, S.; Fukao, Y.; Futatsukawa, K.; Hasegawa, K.; Iijima, T.; Iinuma, H.; Ishida, K.; Kawamura, N.; Kim, B.; Kitamura, R.; Ko, H. S.; Kondo, Y.; Li, S.; Mibe, T.; Miyake, Y.; Morishita, T.; Nakazawa, Y.; Otani, M.; Razuvaev, G. P.; Saito, N.; Shimomura, K.; Sue, Y.; Won, E.; Yamazaki, T.


    Muons have been accelerated by using a radio-frequency accelerator for the first time. Negative muonium atoms (Mu- ), which are bound states of positive muons (μ+) and two electrons, are generated from μ+'s through the electron capture process in an aluminum degrader. The generated Mu- 's are initially electrostatically accelerated and injected into a radio-frequency quadrupole linac (RFQ). In the RFQ, the Mu- 's are accelerated to 89 keV. The accelerated Mu- 's are identified by momentum measurement and time of flight. This compact muon linac opens the door to various muon accelerator applications including particle physics measurements and the construction of a transmission muon microscope.

  10. Moteurs piézo-électriques à onde progressive : I. Modélisation de la conversion d'énergie mécanique à l'interface stator/rotor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Minotti, P.; Le Moal, P.; Buchaillot, L.; Ferreira, A.


    The modeling of traveling wave type piezoelectric motors involves a large variety of mechanical and physical phenomena and therefore leads to numerous approaches and models. The latter, mainly based on phenomenological and numerical (based on Finite Element Method) analyses, are not suitable for current objectives oriented toward the development of efficient C.A.D. tools. As a result, an attempt is done to investigate analytical approaches, in order to theoretically model the mechanical energy conversion at the stator/rotor interface. This paper is the first in a serie of three articles devoted to the modeling of such rotative motors. After a short description of the operating principles specific to the piezomotors, the mechanical and tribological assumptions made for the driving mechanism of the rotor are briefly described. Then it is shown that the kinematic and dynamic modeling of the stator, combined with the static representation of the stator/rotor interface, gives an efficient way in order to perform the calculation of the loading characteristics of the driving shaft. Finally, the specifications of a new software named C.A.S.I.M.M.I.R.E., which has been recently developed on the basis of our earlier mechanical modeling, are described. In the last of these three papers, the theoretical simulations performed on SHINSEI Japanese motors will show to be close to the experimental data and that the results reported in this paper will lead to the structural optimization of future traveling wave ultrasonic motors. La modélisation des moteurs piézo-électriques à onde progressive implique une grande variété de phénomènes physiques et mécaniques. Cette variété conduit à des approches et modèles tout aussi nombreux et variés, qui reposent principalement sur des analyses phénoménologiques et numériques (Méthode Élements Finis), et ne permettent pas de répondre aux éxigences actuelles concernant le développement d'outils C.A.O. performants. Cette n

  11. Ablation effects of noninvasive radiofrequency field-induced hyperthermia on liver cancer cells.


    Chen, Kaiyun; Zhu, Shuguang; Xiang, Guoan; Duan, Xiaopeng; He, Jiwen; Chen, Guihua


    To have in-depth analysis of clinical ablation effect of noninvasive radiofrequency field-induced hyperthermia on liver cancer cells, this paper collected liver cancer patients' treatment information from 10 hospitals during January 2010 and December 2011, from which 1050 cases of patients were randomly selected as study object of observation group who underwent noninvasive radiofrequency field-induced hyperthermia treatment; in addition, 500 cases of liver cancer patients were randomly selected as study object of control group who underwent clinical surgical treatment. After treatment was completed, three years of return visit were done, survival rates of the two groups of patients after 1 year, 2 years, and 3 years were compared, and clinical effects of radiofrequency ablation of liver cancer were evaluated. Zoom results show that the two groups are similar in terms of survival rate, and the difference is without statistical significance. 125 patients in observation group had varying degrees of adverse reactions, while 253 patients in control group had adverse reactions. There was difference between groups P < 0.05, with significant statistical significance. It can be concluded that radiofrequency ablation of liver cancer is more secure. Therefore, the results of this study fully demonstrate that liver cancer treatment with noninvasive radiofrequency field-induced hyperthermia is with safety effect and satisfactory survival rate, thus with relatively high clinical value in clinical practice.

  12. Effect of Radiofrequency Endometrial Ablation on Dysmenorrhea.


    Wyatt, Sabrina N; Banahan, Taylor; Tang, Ying; Nadendla, Kavita; Szychowski, Jeff M; Jenkins, Todd R

    To examine rates of dysmenorrhea after radiofrequency endometrial ablation in patients with and without known dysmenorrhea symptoms prior to the procedure in a diverse population. Retrospective cohort study (Canadian Task Force classification II-2). Academic gynecology practice. A total of 307 women underwent endometrial ablation between 2007 and 2013 at our institution. Patients who had preoperative and postoperative pain symptom assessments as well as a description of pain timing recorded were included in our analysis. Exclusion criteria were age <19 years and operative biopsy findings consistent with complex atypical hyperplasia. The difference in preoperative and postoperative rates of dysmenorrhea was evaluated. Demographic information and other outcome variables were used to evaluate factors associated with resolution of dysmenorrhea. A total of 307 patients who underwent radiofrequency endometrial ablation were identified. After exclusions, 296 charts were examined, and 144 patients met our enrollment criteria. The mean age of the study cohort was 45.4 ± 6.2 years; 57 patients (40%) were African American, 16 (11%) had a body mass index (BMI) > 40, and 41 (29%) were of normal weight. Preoperative dysmenorrhea was reported by 100 patients (69%); 48 of these patients (48%) experienced resolution of symptoms postoperatively. Only 3 of the 44 patients (7%) without preoperative dysmenorrhea reported new-onset dysmenorrhea postoperatively. Significantly fewer patients had dysmenorrhea after compared to before radiofrequency ablation (55 of 144 [38%] vs 100 of 144 [69%]; p < .001). Resolution of dysmenorrhea after ablation was associated with reduction in bleeding volume (p = .048) but not with a reduction in frequency of bleeding (p = .12). Approximately one-half of women who undergo radiofrequency endometrial ablation to treat heavy menstrual bleeding who also have preoperative dysmenorrhea exhibit documented pain resolution after the procedure

  13. Influence of radiofrequency surgery on architecture of the palatine tonsils.


    Plzak, Jan; Macokova, Pavla; Zabrodsky, Michal; Kastner, Jan; Lastuvka, Petr; Astl, Jaromir


    Radiofrequency surgery is a widely used modern technique for submucosal volume reduction of the tonsils. So far there is very limited information on morphologic changes in the human tonsils after radiofrequency surgery. We performed histopathological study of tonsillectomy specimens after previous bipolar radiofrequency induced thermotherapy (RFITT). A total of 83 patients underwent bipolar RFITT for hypertrophy of palatine tonsils. Tonsil volume reduction was measured by 3D ultrasonography. Five patients subsequently underwent tonsillectomy. Profound histopathological examination was performed to determine the effect of RFITT on tonsillar architecture. All tonsillectomy specimens showed the intact epithelium, intact germinal centers, normal vascularization, and no evidence of increased fibrosis. No microscopic morphological changes in tonsillectomy specimens after bipolar RFITT were observed. RFITT is an effective submucosal volume reduction procedure for treatment of hypertrophic palatine tonsils with no destructive effect on microscopic tonsillar architecture and hence most probably no functional adverse effect.

  14. Systematic Review of Radiofrequency Ablation and Pulsed Radiofrequency for Management of Cervicogenic Headaches.


    Grandhi, Ravi K; Kaye, Alan David; Abd-Elsayed, Alaa


    Cervicogenic headache (CHA) is a secondary headache which has a source in the upper cervical spine. Many traditional analgesic choices lack good efficacy in managing the associated pain. As a result, in management of CHA, radiofrequency ablation (RFA) or pulse radiofrequency (PRF) has been tried with success. Our study investigated the use of RFA and PRF for the management of CHA. In the present investigation, a review of the literature was conducted using PubMed (1966 to February 2017). The quality assessment was determined using The Cochrane Risk of Bias. After initial search and consultation with experts, 34 articles were identified for initial review and 10 articles met inclusion for review. Criteria for inclusion were primarily based on identification of articles discussing cervicogenic headaches which were previously treatment resistant and occurred without any other pathology of the craniofacial region or inciting event such as trauma. This systematic review demonstrated that RFA and PRFA provide very limited benefit in the management of CHA. At present, there is no high-quality RCT and/or strong non-RCTs to support the use of these techniques, despite numerous case reports which have demonstrated benefit. This review is one of the first to provide a comprehensive overview of the use of RFA and PRF in the management of CHA.

  15. Clinical efficacy of low-temperature radiofrequency ablation of pharyngolaryngeal cyst in 84 Chinese infants.


    Wang, Zhinan; Zhang, Yamin; Ye, Yuhua; Yao, Wei; Xu, Zhongqiang; Xia, Zhongfang; Wang, Shufen; Zhou, Chengyong


    The aim of the study is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of low-temperature radiofrequency ablation of pharyngolaryngeal cyst.The study population was composed of 84 children diagnosed with pharyngolaryngeal cyst who underwent surgical treatment at the Department of Otolaryngology, Wuhan Children's Hospital, Wuhan, China, between January 1984 and December 2013. All patients were operated using a self-retaining laryngoscope and were divided into 3 groups: traditional cystectomy group (N = 9), dynamic cutting system group (N = 18), and low-temperature radiofrequency ablation group (N = 57). Clinical outcomes were analyzed to assess the efficacy of low-temperature radiofrequency ablation in treatment of pharyngolaryngeal cyst.Compared with traditional cystectomy group or dynamic cutting system group, operation time was shorter, bleeding was less and one-year recurrence rate was much lower in low-temperature radiofrequency ablation group. However, operation time and bleeding was not statistically different between traditional cystectomy and dynamic cutting system group.Low-temperature radiofrequency ablation may be an effective substitute for treating pharyngolaryngeal cyst.

  16. Clinical efficacy of low-temperature radiofrequency ablation of pharyngolaryngeal cyst in 84 Chinese infants

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Zhinan; Zhang, Yamin; Ye, Yuhua; Yao, Wei; Xu, Zhongqiang; Xia, Zhongfang; Wang, Shufen; Zhou, Chengyong


    Abstract The aim of the study is to investigate the advantages and disadvantages of low-temperature radiofrequency ablation of pharyngolaryngeal cyst. The study population was composed of 84 children diagnosed with pharyngolaryngeal cyst who underwent surgical treatment at the Department of Otolaryngology, Wuhan Children's Hospital, Wuhan, China, between January 1984 and December 2013. All patients were operated using a self-retaining laryngoscope and were divided into 3 groups: traditional cystectomy group (N = 9), dynamic cutting system group (N = 18), and low-temperature radiofrequency ablation group (N = 57). Clinical outcomes were analyzed to assess the efficacy of low-temperature radiofrequency ablation in treatment of pharyngolaryngeal cyst. Compared with traditional cystectomy group or dynamic cutting system group, operation time was shorter, bleeding was less and one-year recurrence rate was much lower in low-temperature radiofrequency ablation group. However, operation time and bleeding was not statistically different between traditional cystectomy and dynamic cutting system group. Low-temperature radiofrequency ablation may be an effective substitute for treating pharyngolaryngeal cyst. PMID:29095253

  17. Post-recurrence survival in hepatocellular carcinoma after percutaneous radiofrequency ablation.


    Facciorusso, Antonio; Del Prete, Valentina; Antonino, Matteo; Crucinio, Nicola; Neve, Viviana; Di Leo, Alfredo; Carr, Brian I; Barone, Michele


    Overall survival in hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated with percutaneous radiofrequency ablation is influenced by both recurrence and successive treatments. We investigated post-recurrence survival after radiofrequency ablation. Data on 103 early/intermediate patients initially treated with radiofrequency ablation and followed for a median of 78 months (range 68-82) were retrospectively analysed. If intrahepatic disease recurrence occurred within or contiguous to the previously treated area it was defined as local, otherwise as distant; recurrence classified as Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer stage C was defined by neoplastic portal vein thrombosis or metastases. A total of 103 patients were included (82.5% male; median age 70 years, range 39-86). During follow-up, 64 recurrences were observed. Median overall survival was 62 months (95% confidence interval: 54-78) and survival rates were 97%, 65% and 52% at 1, 4 and 5 years, respectively. Median post-recurrence survival was 22 months (95% confidence interval: 16-35). Child-Pugh score, performance status, sum of tumour diameters at recurrence and recurrence patterns were independent predictors of post-recurrence survival. In patients with hepatocellular carcinoma after radiofrequency ablation, clinical and tumour parameters assessed at relapse, in particular the type of recurrence pattern, influence post-recurrence survival. Copyright © 2014 Editrice Gastroenterologica Italiana S.r.l. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Efficacy and safety of catheter-based radiofrequency renal denervation in stented renal arteries.


    Mahfoud, Felix; Tunev, Stefan; Ruwart, Jennifer; Schulz-Jander, Daniel; Cremers, Bodo; Linz, Dominik; Zeller, Thomas; Bhatt, Deepak L; Rocha-Singh, Krishna; Böhm, Michael; Melder, Robert J


    In selected patients with hypertension, renal artery (RA) stenting is used to treat significant atherosclerotic stenoses. However, blood pressure often remains uncontrolled after the procedure. Although catheter-based renal denervation (RDN) can reduce blood pressure in certain patients with resistant hypertension, there are no data on the feasibility and safety of RDN in stented RA. We report marked blood pressure reduction after RDN in a patient with resistant hypertension who underwent previous stenting. Subsequently, radiofrequency ablation was investigated within the stented segment of porcine RA, distal to the stented segment, and in nonstented RA and compared with stent only and untreated controls. There were neither observations of thrombus nor gross or histological changes in the kidneys. After radiofrequency ablation of the nonstented RA, sympathetic nerves innervating the kidney were significantly reduced, as indicated by significant decreases in sympathetic terminal axons and reduction of norepinephrine in renal tissue. Similar denervation efficacy was found when RDN was performed distal to a renal stent. In contrast, when radiofrequency ablation was performed within the stented segment of the RA, significant sympathetic nerve ablation was not seen. Histological observation showed favorable healing in all arteries. Radiofrequency ablation of previously stented RA demonstrated that RDN provides equally safe experimental procedural outcomes in a porcine model whether the radiofrequency treatment is delivered within, adjacent, or without the stent struts being present in the RA. However, efficacious RDN is only achieved when radiofrequency ablation is delivered to the nonstented RA segment distal to the stent. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.

  19. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in patients without structural heart disease.


    Klein, L S; Shih, H T; Hackett, F K; Zipes, D P; Miles, W M


    Radiofrequency energy has been used safely and successfully to eliminate accessory pathways in patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome and the substrate for atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia. However, this form of ablation has had only limited success in eliminating ventricular tachycardia in patients with structural heart disease. In contrast, direct-current catheter ablation has been used successfully to eliminate ventricular tachycardia in patients with and without structural heart disease. The purpose of this study was to test whether radiofrequency energy can safely and effectively ablate ventricular tachycardia in patients without structural heart disease. Sixteen patients (nine women and seven men; mean age, 38 years; range, 18-55 years) without structural heart disease who had ventricular tachycardia underwent radiofrequency catheter ablation to eliminate the ventricular tachycardia. Two patients presented with syncope, nine with presyncope, and five with palpitations only. Mean duration of symptoms was 6.7 years (range, 0.5-20 years). Radiofrequency catheter ablation successfully eliminated ventricular tachycardia in 15 of 16 patients (94%). Sites of ventricular tachycardia origin included the high right ventricular outflow tract (12 patients), the right ventricular septum near the tricuspid valve (three patients), and the left ventricular septum (one patient). The only ablation failure was in a patient whose ventricular tachycardia arose from a region near the His bundle. An accurate pace map, early local endocardial activation, and firm catheter contact with endocardium were associated with successful ablation. Radiofrequency ablation did not cause arrhythmias, produced minimal cardiac enzyme rise, and resulted in no detectable change in cardiac function by Doppler echocardiography. Radiofrequency catheter ablation of ventricular tachycardia in patients without structural heart disease is effective and safe and may be considered as

  20. Pulse-Dose Radiofrequency in Athletic Pubalgia: Preliminary Results.


    Masala, Salvatore; Fiori, Roberto; Raguso, Mario; Ojango, Christine; Morini, Marco; Cuzzolino, Alessandro; Calabria, Eros; Simonetti, Giovanni


    Chronic pubalgia affects around 10% of athletes. To determine the role of pulse-dose radiofrequency (PDRF) in athletes with chronic pubalgia and investigate the causes with imaging. Prospective nonrandomized single-group study. PDRF was performed on 32 patients with a chronic pain that had been refractory to conservative therapies during the last 3 mo. The genital branches of the genitofemoral, ilioinguinal, and iliohypogastric nerves and the obturator nerve were the goals of treatment. A 10-cm, 20-gauge cannula was inserted with a percutaneous access on the upper and lower edges of the iliopubic branch. After the spindle was removed, a radiofrequency needle with a 10-mm "active tip" was inserted. The radiofrequency technique was performed with 1200 pulses at 45 V and 20-ms duration, followed by a 480-ms silent phase. The follow-up with a clinical examination was performed at 1, 3, 6, and 9 mo after the procedure. During the follow-up visits, the patients were asked to rate their pain on a 0-10 VAS scale. All of the enrolled patients completed the study. Mean VAS score before the treatment was 8.4 ± 0.6. Twenty-four patients had a reduction of pain VAS scores more than 50% during all follow-up visits and started training and physiotherapy in the days after the radiofrequency procedure. Six patients, each treated 2 times, had a reduction more than 50% of VAS scores and could start training and physiotherapy only after the 2nd procedure. One patient had no pain relief with 2 treatments. Pain intensity decreased up to 9 mo in 31 patients (mean VAS scores 3.4 ± 0.5 at 6 mo and 3.8 ± 0.9 at 9 mo). No complications were observed. PDRF is an effective and safe technique in management of chronic pubalgia in athletes.

  1. Clamp-crushing vs. radiofrequency-assisted liver resection:changes in liver function tests.


    Palibrk, Ivan; Milicic, Biljana; Stojiljkovic, Ljuba; Manojlovic, Nebojsa; Dugalic, Vladimir; Bumbasirevic, Vesna; Kalezic, Nevena; Zuvela, Marinko; Milicevic, Miroslav


    Liver resection is the gold standard in managing patients with metastatic or primary liver cancer. The aim of our study was to compare the traditional clamp-crushing technique to the radiofrequency- assisted liver resection technique in terms of postoperative liver function. Liver function was evaluated preoperatively and on postoperative days 3 and 7. Liver synthetic function parameters (serum albumin level, prothrombin time and international normalized ratio), markers of hepatic injury and necrosis (serum alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase and total bilirubin level) and microsomal activity (quantitative lidocaine test) were compared. Forty three patients completed the study (14 had clamp-crushing and 29 had radiofrequency assisted liver resection). The groups did not differ in demographic characteristics, pre-operative liver function, operative time and perioperative transfusion rate. In postoperative period, there were similar changes in monitored parameters in both groups except albumin levels, that were higher in radiofrequency-assisted liver resection group (p=0.047). Both, traditional clamp-crushing technique and radiofrequency assisted liver resection technique, result in similar postoperative changes of most monitored liver function parameters.

  2. Perivascular radiofrequency renal denervation lowers blood pressure and ameliorates cardiorenal fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Yan; Su, Linan; Zhang, Yunrong; Wang, Qiang; Yang, Dachun; Li, De; Yang, Yongjian; Ma, Shuangtao


    Background Catheter-based renal denervation (RDN) is a promising approach to treat hypertension, but innervation patterns limit the response to endovascular RDN and the post-procedural renal artery narrowing or stenosis questions the endovascular ablation strategy. This study was performed to investigate the anti-hypertensive and target organ protective effects of perivascular RDN in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Methods SHR and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were divided into sham group (n = 10), radiofrequency ablation group (n = 20) in which rats received bilateral perivascular ablation with radiofrequency energy (2 watts), and chemical (10% phenol in 95% ethanol) ablation group (n = 12). The tail-cuff blood pressure was measured before the ablation and on day 14 and day 28 after the procedure. The plasma levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen, and catecholamines, urinary excretion of electrolytes and protein, and myocardial and glomerular fibrosis were analyzed and compared among the groups on day 28 after the procedure. Results We identified that 2-watt is the optimal radiofrequency power for perivascular RDN in rats. Perivascular radiofrequency and chemical ablation achieved roughly comparable blood pressure reduction in SHR but not in WKY on day 14 and day 28 following the procedure. Radiofrequency-mediated ablation substantially destroyed the renal nerves surrounding the renal arteries of both SHR and WKY without damaging the renal arteries and diminished the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, the enzyme marker for postganglionic sympathetic nerves. Additionally, perivascular radiofrequency ablation also decreased the plasma catecholamines of SHR. Interestingly, both radiofrequency and chemical ablation decreased the myocardial and glomerular fibrosis of SHR, while neither increased the plasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogen nor affected the urinary excretion of electrolytes and protein when compared to sham group. Conclusions Radiofrequency

  3. Perivascular radiofrequency renal denervation lowers blood pressure and ameliorates cardiorenal fibrosis in spontaneously hypertensive rats.


    Wei, Shujie; Li, Dan; Zhang, Yan; Su, Linan; Zhang, Yunrong; Wang, Qiang; Yang, Dachun; Li, De; Yang, Yongjian; Ma, Shuangtao


    Catheter-based renal denervation (RDN) is a promising approach to treat hypertension, but innervation patterns limit the response to endovascular RDN and the post-procedural renal artery narrowing or stenosis questions the endovascular ablation strategy. This study was performed to investigate the anti-hypertensive and target organ protective effects of perivascular RDN in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). SHR and normotensive Wistar-Kyoto (WKY) rats were divided into sham group (n = 10), radiofrequency ablation group (n = 20) in which rats received bilateral perivascular ablation with radiofrequency energy (2 watts), and chemical (10% phenol in 95% ethanol) ablation group (n = 12). The tail-cuff blood pressure was measured before the ablation and on day 14 and day 28 after the procedure. The plasma levels of creatinine, urea nitrogen, and catecholamines, urinary excretion of electrolytes and protein, and myocardial and glomerular fibrosis were analyzed and compared among the groups on day 28 after the procedure. We identified that 2-watt is the optimal radiofrequency power for perivascular RDN in rats. Perivascular radiofrequency and chemical ablation achieved roughly comparable blood pressure reduction in SHR but not in WKY on day 14 and day 28 following the procedure. Radiofrequency-mediated ablation substantially destroyed the renal nerves surrounding the renal arteries of both SHR and WKY without damaging the renal arteries and diminished the expression of tyrosine hydroxylase, the enzyme marker for postganglionic sympathetic nerves. Additionally, perivascular radiofrequency ablation also decreased the plasma catecholamines of SHR. Interestingly, both radiofrequency and chemical ablation decreased the myocardial and glomerular fibrosis of SHR, while neither increased the plasma creatinine and blood urea nitrogen nor affected the urinary excretion of electrolytes and protein when compared to sham group. Radiofrequency-mediated perivascular RDN may become a

  4. Radiofrequency ablation versus cryoablation for atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia in children: a value comparison.


    Oster, Matthew E; Yang, Zhou; Stewart-Huey, Kay; Glanville, Michelle; Porter, Arlene; Campbell, Robert; Webb, Brad; Strieper, Margaret


    It is unclear whether cryoablation or radiofrequency ablation offers better value for treating atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia in children. We aimed to compare the value of these procedures for treating atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia in children, with value being outcomes relative to costs. We performed a retrospective cohort study of all atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia ablations for children (age⩽18 years) from July, 2009 to June, 2011 at our institution. Costs included fixed costs, miscellaneous hospital costs, and labour costs, and key outcomes were acute and long-term success (6 months) of the ablations. We conducted T-tests and regression analyses to investigate the associations between the ablation procedure type and the cost and success of the ablations. Of 96 unique cases performed by three paediatric electrophysiologists, 48 were cryoablation only, 42 radiofrequency ablation only, and six were a combination. Acute success was 100% for the cryoablation only and radiofrequency ablation only cases and 83% for the combination cases. There were no notable adverse events. The average total cost was $9636 for cryoablation cases, $9708 for radiofrequency ablation cases, and $10,967 for combination cases (p=0.51 for cryoablation only versus radiofrequency ablation only). The long-term success rate was 79.1% for cryoablation only, 92.8% for radiofrequency ablation only, and 66.7% for the combination (p=0.01 for cryoablation only versus radiofrequency ablation only), but long-term success varied notably by provider. Cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation offer similar value in the short term for the treatment of atrioventricular nodal re-entrant tachycardia in children. Differences in long-term success may vary substantially by physician, and thus may lead to differences in long-term value.

  5. Effects of radiation from a radiofrequency identification (RFID) microchip on human cancer cells.


    Lai, Henry C; Chan, Ho Wing; Singh, Narendra P


    Radiofrequency identification (RFID) microchips are used to remotely identify objects, e.g. an animal in which a chip is implanted. A passive RFID microchip absorbs energy from an external source and emits a radiofrequency identification signal which is then decoded by a detector. In the present study, we investigated the effect of the radiofrequency energy emitted by a RFID microchip on human cancer cells. Molt-4 leukemia, BT474 breast cancer, and HepG2 hepatic cancer cells were exposed in vitro to RFID microchip-emitted radiofrequency field for 1 h. Cells were counted before and after exposure. Effects of pretreatment with the spin-trap compound N-tert-butyl-alpha-phenylnitrone or the iron-chelator deferoxamine were also investigated. Results We found that the energy effectively killed/retarded the growth of the three different types of cancer cells, and the effect was blocked by the spin-trap compound or the iron-chelator, whereas an inactive microchip and energy from the external source had no significant effect on the cells. Conclusions Data of the present study suggest that radiofrequency field from the microchip affects cancer cells via the Fenton Reaction. Implantation of RFID microchips in tumors may provide a new method for cancer treatment.

  6. Atorvastatin can ameliorate left atrial stunning induced by radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation.


    Xie, Ruiqin; Yang, Yingtao; Cui, Wei; Yin, Hongning; Zheng, Hongmei; Zhang, Jidong; You, Ling


    The objective of this study was to study the functional changes of the left atrium after radiofrequency ablation treatment for atrial fibrillation and the therapeutic effect of atorvastatin. Fifty-eight patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation were randomly divided into non-atorvastatin group and atorvastatin group. Patients in the atorvastatin group were treated with atorvastatin 20 mg p.o. per night in addition to the conventional treatment of atrial fibrillation; patients in the non-atorvastatin group received conventional treatment of atrial fibrillation only. Echocardiography was performed before radiofrequency ablation operation and 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 weeks, and 4 weeks after operation. Two-dimensional ultrasound speckle tracking imaging system was used to measure the structural indexes of the left atrium. Results indicated that there was no significant change for indexes representing the structural status of the left atrium within a month after radiofrequency ablation (P > 0.05); however, there were significant changes for indexes representing the functional status of the left atrium. There were also significant changes in indexes reflecting left atrial strain status: the S and SRs of atorvastatin group were higher than those of non-atorvastatin group (P < 0.05). In summary, atorvastatin could improve left atrial function and shorten the duration of atrial stunning after radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation.

  7. MRI features after radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma with cooled probes and impedance-control energy delivery.


    Cantwell, Colin P; Kerr, Jennifer; O'Byrne, John; Eustace, Stephen


    The purposes of our study were to determine the temporal changes in MR signal in bone after radiofrequency ablation of osteoid osteoma and the size of the zone of marrow signal change produced by the radiofrequency technique and to compare the size of the zone with published data for radiofrequency ablation with manual-control protocols. Radiofrequency ablation was performed in 10 patients with a clinical and radiologic diagnosis of osteoid osteoma. A cooled radiofrequency probe was inserted in the nidus. Twelve minutes of radiofrequency energy was applied from a 200-W radiofrequency generator in an impedance-control setting. MRI with multiplanar turbo spin-echo T1-weighted and STIR sequences was performed at 1, 7, and 28 days after the procedure in seven patients. The three remaining patients had follow-up imaging at 28 days only. The images were reviewed by two radiologists who categorized the imaging features and measured the marrow zone of signal alteration when visible. The size of the zone of marrow signal change produced by the radiofrequency technique was compared with published data for radiofrequency ablation with manual-control protocols. A 1-mm band of homogeneous altered marrow signal distributed symmetrically parallel to the entire probe tract was seen earliest, at 1 day, in the femoral neck lesion treated with the 2-cm probe. The band was low signal on the T1 sequence and high signal on the STIR sequence, and the diameter of the zone was 27 mm. By 7 days, five of the seven treated bones showed a band of marrow signal alteration. By 28 days, all 10 treated bones had a band of marrow signal alteration. The interband distance at 90 degrees to the probe measured on STIR images at 28 days was a mean of 20.9 mm (confidence interval, 16.1-25.7 mm [p < 0.05]; range +/- measurement error, 10.5-35 +/- 1.64 mm) with a 1-cm probe and 30.5 mm (measurement error, +/- 0.78 mm) on T1 images without contrast material when a 2-cm exposed-tip probe was used. Higher

  8. [Sphenopalatine ganglion pulsed radiofrequency treatment in patients suffering from chronic face and head pain].


    Akbas, Mert; Gunduz, Emel; Sanli, Suat; Yegin, Arif


    There are various facial pain syndromes including trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuropathic pain and atypical facial pain syndromes. Effectiveness of the pulsed radiofrequency in managing various pain syndromes has been clearly demonstrated. There are a limited number of studies on the pulsed radiofrequency treatment for sphenopalatine ganglion in patients suffering from face and head pain. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction of pulsed radiofrequency treatment at our patients retrospectively. Infrazygomatic approach was used for the pulsed radiofrequency of the sphenopalatine ganglion under fluoroscopic guidance. After the tip of the needle reached the target point, 0.25-0.5ms pulse width was applied for sensory stimulation at frequencies from 50Hz to 1V. Paraesthesias were exposed at the roof of the nose at 0.5-0.7V. To rule out trigeminal contact that led to rhythmic mandibular contraction, motor stimulation at a frequency of 2Hz was applied. Then, four cycles of pulsed radiofrequency lesioning were performed for 120s at a temperature of 42°C. Pain relief could not be achieved in 23% of the patients (unacceptable), whereas pain was completely relieved in 35% of the patients (excellent) and mild to moderate pain relief could be achieved in 42% of the patients (good) through sphenopalatine ganglion-pulsed radiofrequency treatment. Pulsed radiofrequency of the sphenopalatine ganglion is effective in treating the patients suffering from intractable chronic facial and head pain as shown by our findings. There is a need for prospective, randomized, controlled trials in order to confirm the efficacy and safety of this new treatment modality in chronic head and face pain. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Publicado por Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  9. Sphenopalatine ganglion pulsed radiofrequency treatment in patients suffering from chronic face and head pain.


    Akbas, Mert; Gunduz, Emel; Sanli, Suat; Yegin, Arif


    There are various facial pain syndromes including trigeminal neuralgia, trigeminal neuropathic pain and atypical facial pain syndromes. Effectiveness of the pulsed radiofrequency in managing various pain syndromes has been clearly demonstrated. There are a limited number of studies on the pulsed radiofrequency treatment for sphenopalatine ganglion in patients suffering from face and head pain. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the satisfaction of pulsed radiofrequency treatment at our patients retrospectively. Infrazygomatic approach was used for the pulsed radiofrequency of the sphenopalatine ganglion under fluoroscopic guidance. After the tip of the needle reached the target point, 0.25-0.5 ms pulse width was applied for sensory stimulation at frequencies from 50 Hz to 1 V. Paraesthesias were exposed at the roof of the nose at 0.5-0.7 V. To rule out trigeminal contact that led to rhythmic mandibular contraction, motor stimulation at a frequency of 2 Hz was applied. Then, four cycles of pulsed radiofrequency lesioning were performed for 120 s at a temperature of 42°C. Pain relief could not be achieved in 23% of the patients (unacceptable), whereas pain was completely relieved in 35% of the patients (excellent) and mild to moderate pain relief could be achieved in 42% of the patients (good) through sphenopalatine ganglion-pulsed radiofrequency treatment. Pulsed radiofrequency of the sphenopalatine ganglion is effective in treating the patients suffering from intractable chronic facial and head pain as shown by our findings. There is a need for prospective, randomized, controlled trials in order to confirm the efficacy and safety of this new treatment modality in chronic head and face pain. Copyright © 2014 Sociedade Brasileira de Anestesiologia. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  10. Instrumentation optique pour l'identification per-operatoire des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Montigny, Etienne

    d'onde qui n'est pas appropriee pour la fluorescence intrinseque des parathyroides. Pour adresser cette lacune, une nouvelle source laser a balayage centree a 780nm a haute puissance (100mW) est montree. Ces developpements sont compatibles avec l'implementation de la microscopie confocale en reflectance identifiee pour l'identification des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide. Cela permet de developper un montage combinant le contraste en reflectance et en fluorescence dans le meme instrument. La microscopie confocale en reflectance possede une tres grande resolution permettant l'examen au niveau cellulaire des tissus. Cette technique souffre toutefois d'un faible rapport signal sur bruit et d'un bruit de tavelure important, reduisant l'interpretabilite des images.

  11. Direct amide formation using radiofrequency heating.


    Houlding, Thomas K; Tchabanenko, Kirill; Rahman, Md Taifur; Rebrov, Evgeny V


    We present a simple method for direct and solvent-free formation of amides from carboxylic acids and amines using radiofrequency heating. The direct energy coupling of the AC magnetic field via nickel ferrite magnetic nanoparticles enables fast and controllable heating, as well as enabling facile work-up via magnetic separation.

  12. Activation of the TRPV1 Thermoreceptor Induced by Modulated or Unmodulated 1800 MHz Radiofrequency Field Exposure.


    Ruigrok, Hermanus J; Arnaud-Cormos, Delia; Hurtier, Annabelle; Poque, Emmanuelle; de Gannes, Florence Poulletier; Ruffié, Gilles; Bonnaudin, Fabrice; Lagroye, Isabelle; Sojic, Neso; Arbault, Stéphane; Lévêque, Philippe; Veyret, Bernard; Percherancier, Yann


    The existence of effects of radiofrequency field exposure at environmental levels on living tissues and organisms remains controversial, in particular regarding potential "nonthermal" effects produced in the absence of temperature elevation. Therefore, we investigated whether TRPV1, one of the most studied thermosensitive channels, can be activated by the heat produced by radiofrequency fields and by some specific nonthermal interaction with the fields. We have recently shown that TRPV1 activation can be assessed in real-time on live cells using the bioluminescence resonance energy transfer technique. Taking advantage of this innovative assay, we monitored TRPV1 thermal and chemical modes of activation under radiofrequency exposure at 1800 MHz using different signals (CW, GSM, UMTS, LTE, Wi-Fi and WiMAX) at specific absorption rates between 8 and 32 W/kg. We showed that, as expected, TRPV1 channels were activated by the heat produced by radiofrequency field exposure of transiently-transfected HEK293T cells, but found no evidence of TRPV1 activation in the absence of temperature elevation under radiofrequency field exposure. There was no evidence either that, at fixed temperature, radiofrequency exposure altered the maximal efficacy of the agonist Capsaicin to activate TRPV1.

  13. Massive hematemesis after radiofrequency ablation of metastatic liver tumor with successful hemostasis achieved through transarterial embolization.


    Liu, Chien-An; Chiu, Nai-Chi; Chiou, Yi-You


    Hemorrhagic complications are the most common major complications that occur after radiofrequency ablation, but hematemesis as a complication after radiofrequency ablation for hepatic tumor has not been mentioned before. A hepatogastric fistula as a delayed complication is also rare. We present the case of a 77-year-old man with severe hematemesis that occurred 2 months after radiofrequency ablation of a liver metastasis of gastric cancer. A ruptured hepatic artery pseudoaneurysm and a hepatogastric fistula were confirmed through serial imaging examinations. The current case is reported in combination with 2 rare major complications after radiofrequency ablation of a liver tumor. Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  14. 78 FR 25916 - Authorization of Radiofrequency Equipment

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...] Authorization of Radiofrequency Equipment AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Proposed rule. SUMMARY: This document proposes certain changes to the Commission's equipment authorization processes to... TCBs in certifying RF equipment and post-market surveillance, as well as the Commission's role in...

  15. Pulsed Dose Radiofrequency Before Ablation of Medial Branch of the Lumbar Dorsal Ramus for Zygapophyseal Joint Pain Reduces Post-procedural Pain.


    Arsanious, David; Gage, Emmanuel; Koning, Jonathon; Sarhan, Mazin; Chaiban, Gassan; Almualim, Mohammed; Atallah, Joseph


    One of the potential side effects with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) includes painful cutaneous dysesthesias and increased pain due to neuritis or neurogenic inflammation. This pain may require the prescription of opioids or non-opioid analgesics to control post-procedural pain and discomfort. The goal of this study is to compare post-procedural pain scores and post-procedural oral analgesic use in patients receiving continuous thermal radiofrequency ablation versus patients receiving pulsed dose radiofrequency immediately followed by continuous thermal radiofrequency ablation for zygopophaseal joint disease. This is a prospective, double-blinded, randomized, controlled trial. Patients who met all the inclusion criteria and were not subject to any of the exclusion criteria were required to have two positive diagnostic medial branch blocks prior to undergoing randomization, intervention, and analysis. University hospital. Eligible patients were randomized in a 1:1 ratio to either receive thermal radiofrequency ablation alone (standard group) or pulsed dose radiofrequency (PDRF) immediately followed by thermal radiofrequency ablation (investigational group), all of which were performed by a single Board Certified Pain Medicine physician. Post-procedural pain levels between the two groups were assessed using the numerical pain Scale (NPS), and patients were contacted by phone on post-procedural days 1 and 2 in the morning and afternoon regarding the amount of oral analgesic medications used in the first 48 hours following the procedure. Patients who received pulsed dose radiofrequency followed by continuous radiofrequency neurotomy reported statistically significantly lower post-procedural pain scores in the first 24 hours compared to patients who received thermal radiofrequency neurotomy alone. These patients also used less oral analgesic medication in the post-procedural period. These interventions were carried out by one board accredited pain physician at one

  16. Radiofrequency Denervation Improves Health-Related Quality of Life in Patients with Thoracic Zygapophyseal Joint Pain.


    Hambraeus, Johan; Hambraeus, Kjerstin S; Persson, Jan


    To describe a practical approach for the diagnosis and treatment of thoracic zygapophyseal joint pain and to present preliminary clinical data on the effects of this treatment approach on health-related quality of life. An observational study. Specialist outpatient pain clinic in northern Sweden. Patients with long-term thoracic pain. We describe a method of radiofrequency denervation of thoracic zygapophyseal joints. We compared health-related quality of life between patients who underwent radiofrequency denervation of thoracic zygapophyseal joints and patients who underwent radiofrequency denervation for lumbar and cervical zygapophyseal joint pain. Treatment according to the Spine Intervention Society Guidelines was performed on the lumbar region in 178 patients and in the cervical region in 55 patients. Another 82 patients were treated in the thoracic region with our proposed technique. A survival plot of improvements in health-related quality of life revealed that all three treatments were effective in 65% or more of patients. The improvement in health-related quality of life was maintained for 12 or more months after treatment in 47% to 51% of patients. Our results suggest that radiofrequency denervation of thoracic zygapophyseal joint pain is as effective as radiofrequency denervation, the standard treatment, for lumbar and cervical zygapophyseal joint pain. If these results can be confirmed by other centers, radiofrequency denervation is likely to become more widely available for the treatment of thoracic zygapophyseal joint pain.

  17. 47 CFR 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... “Biological Effects and Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” NCRP Report No. 86... of “IEEE Standard for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic...

  18. The role of radiofrequency surgery in the treatment of hemorrhoidal disease.


    Filingeri, V; Bellini, M I; Gravante, G


    In this article we reported results obtained in our previous studies concerning application of radiofrequency (RF) in proctology and in particular for hemorrhoids treatment. We compared radiofrequency submucosal hemorrhoidectomy (RSH) and conventional Parks' hemorrhoidectomy (CPH) (group 1), radiofrequency open hemorrhoidectomy (ROH) and Milligan-Morgan hemorrhoidectomy (MMH) (group 2), radiofrequency closed hemorrhoidectomy (RCH) and Ferguson hemorrhoidectomy (FH) (group 3), combined hemorrhoidal radiocoagulation (CHR) and rubber band ligation (RBL) (group 4). In this work primary endpoints were determined as evaluation of the grade of pain felt immediately after the procedure and at the first evacuation, bleeding, operation time, readmission to work, incidence of failures and patient's satisfaction. Group 1 - In comparison to Parks' technique, use of radiofrequency scalpel reduced mean operation time (61.2 min, range 50-75, vs. 37.4 min, range 30-51; p < 0.05), first postoperative day pain score (5.9, range 3-10, vs. 4.0, range 1-10; p < 0.05), pain score at first evacuation (5.7, range 2-10, vs 4.2, range 1-8; p < 0.05) and pain score on postoperative days (3.6, range 1-9, vs. 2.8, range 1-8; p < 0.05). Group 2 - Results show a substantial similarity between these techniques, however the procedure lasted 7 minutes less with RF scalpel (18.6 min, range 16-21, vs. 25.55 min, range 20-30; p < 0.05). Group 3 - Patients treated with RF showed significant reduction in surgical time (23 min, range 21-31, vs. 33 min, range 24-35; p < 0.01), in pain at 1st post-operative day (VAS score 3.4 +/- 1.3 vs. 4.8 +/- 1.0; p < 0.05) and at the first evacuation (3.4 +/- 1.0 vs. 5.0 +/- 0.8; p < 0.05). Group 4 - The study confirmed validity of both the used techniques, however CHR seems to allow a reduction in incidence of failures. Results obtained from radiofrequency surgery compared with those achieved with classic surgery for hemorrhoidal disease show in the majority of cases

  19. Radiofrequency thermal ablation in canine femur: evaluation of coagulation necrosis reproducibility and MRI-histopathologic correlation.


    Lee, Jeong Min; Choi, Seong Hong; Park, Hee Seon; Lee, Min Woo; Han, Chang Jin; Choi, Joon-il; Choi, Ja-Young; Hong, Sung Hwan; Han, Joon Koo; Choi, Byung Ihn


    Our purposes were to determine whether a single application of radiofrequency energy to normal bone can create coagulation necrosis reproducibly and to assess the accuracy of MRI at revealing the extent of radiofrequency-induced thermal bone injury. Using a 200-W generator and a 17-gauge cooled-tip electrode, a total of 11 radiofrequency ablations were performed under fluoroscopic guidance in the distal femurs of seven dogs. Radiofrequency was applied in standard monopolar mode at 100 W for 10 min. During radiofrequency ablation, the changes in impedance and currents were recorded. MRI, including unenhanced T1- and T2-weighted images and contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted images, was performed to evaluate ablation regions. Six dogs were killed on day 4 after MRI and one dog on day 7. In all animals, radiofrequency ablation created a well-defined coagulation necrosis and no significant complications were noted. The mean long-axis diameter and the mean short-axis diameter of the coagulation zones produced were 45.9 +/- 5.5 mm and 17.7 +/- 2.7 mm, respectively. At gross examination, thermal ablation regions appeared as a central, light-brown area with a dark-brown peripheral hemorrhagic zone, which was surrounded by a pale-yellow rim. On MRI, the ablated areas showed multilayered zones with signal intensities that differed from normal marrow on unenhanced images and a perfusion defect on contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images. The maximum difference between lesion sizes on MR images, established by measuring macroscopic coagulation necrosis, was 3 mm. The correlation between the diameter of coagulation necrosis and lesion size at MRI was strong, with correlation coefficients ranging from 0.89 for unenhanced T1-weighted images and 0.97 for unenhanced T2-weighted images to 0.98 for contrast-enhanced T1-weighted images (p < 0.05). Radiofrequency ablation created well-defined coagulation necrosis in a reproducible manner, and MRI accurately determined the extent

  20. Visualizing ex vivo radiofrequency and microwave ablation zones using electrode vibration elastography

    PubMed Central

    DeWall, Ryan J.; Varghese, Tomy; Brace, Chris L.


    Purpose: Electrode vibration elastography is a new shear wave imaging technique that can be used to visualize thermal ablation zones. Prior work has shown the ability of electrode vibration elastography to delineate radiofrequency ablations; however, there has been no previous study of delineation of microwave ablations or radiological–pathological correlations using multiple observers. Methods: Radiofrequency and microwave ablations were formed in ex vivo bovine liver tissue. Their visualization was compared on shear wave velocity and maximum displacement images. Ablation dimensions were compared to gross pathology. Elastographic imaging and gross pathology overlap and interobserver variability were quantified using similarity measures. Results: Elastographic imaging correlated with gross pathology. Correlation of area estimates was better in radiofrequency than in microwave ablations, with Pearson coefficients of 0.79 and 0.54 on shear wave velocity images and 0.90 and 0.70 on maximum displacement images for radiofrequency and microwave ablations, respectively. The absolute relative difference in area between elastographic imaging and gross pathology was 18.9% and 22.9% on shear wave velocity images and 16.0% and 23.1% on maximum displacement images for radiofrequency and microwave ablations, respectively. Conclusions: Statistically significant radiological–pathological correlation was observed in this study, but correlation coefficients were lower than other modulus imaging techniques, most notably in microwave ablations. Observers provided similar delineations for most thermal ablations. These results suggest that electrode vibration elastography is capable of imaging thermal ablations, but refinement of the technique may be necessary before it can be used to monitor thermal ablation procedures clinically. PMID:23127063

  1. Les soins aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires canadiens : les considérations particulières

    PubMed Central

    Rowan-Legg, Anne


    Résumé Les familles des militaires font face à de nombreux facteurs de stress, tels que les réinstallations fréquentes, les longues pério des de séparation familiale, l’isolement géographique du réseau de soutien de la famille élargie et le déploiement en zones très dangereuses. Les enfants et les adolescents des familles des militaires vivent les mêmes trajectoires développementales et motivationnelles que leurs homologues civils, mais ils sont également aux prises avec des pressions et des facteurs de stress liés à leur développement qui sont inhabituels et qui leur sont imposés par les exigences de la vie militaire. Les effets de la vie militaire sur les familles et les enfants commencent à être admis et mieux caractérisés. Il est essentiel de comprendre les préoccupations propres aux enfants et aux adolescents des familles des militaires et de mobiliser les ressources nécessaires pour les soutenir afin de répondre à leurs besoins en matière de santé.

  2. Curative effect and mechanism of radiofrequency ablation nucleoplasty in the treatment of cervical vertigo.


    Yin, Hai-Dong; Zhang, Xin-Mei; Huang, Ming-Guang; Chen, Wei; Song, Yang; Du, Qing-Jun; Wu, Yu-Ning; Yang, Ruo-Bin


    This study aims to investigate the curative effects and mechanism of radiofrequency ablation nucleoplasty in the treatment of cervical vertigo. A total of 27 patients diagnosed with cervical vertigo from January 2012 to October 2014 received treatment of radiofrequency ablation nucleoplasty. The narrow-side vertebral artery diameters were examined by using Philips 1.5-T body dual-gradient MRI system. The haemodynamic parameters were detected by using transcranial Doppler sonography. Both of the vertebral artery diameters and haemodynamic parameters were recorded and compared before and after treatment. The curative effects in early post-operative application were evaluated according to the Nagashima standards. Radiofrequency ablation nucleoplasty was performed in a total of 59 cervical discs in 27 patients. The average operation time was 42.7 min, and the symptoms of 92.6% patients were alleviated after radiofrequency ablation nucleoplasty post-operation application. There was no significant difference in the narrow-side vertebral artery diameters before and after treatment in both Group A (p = 0.12) and Group B (p = 0.48); however, the blood flow velocity was significantly higher than that before treatment in both Group A (p = 0.01) and Group B (p = 0.03), respectively. Radiofrequency ablation nucleoplasty improves the blood flow in the narrow-side vertebral artery and illustrates the therapeutic effect on cervical vertigo in patients who have no direct compression of the vertebral artery. Advances in knowledge: Radiofrequency intradiscal nucleoplasty can be used as a minimally invasive procedure for treating cervical vertigo.

  3. Les violences conjugales à Dakar

    PubMed Central

    Soumah, Mohamed Maniboliot; Issa, Abdoul Wahab; Ndiaye, Mor; Ndoye, El Hadj Oumar; Sow, Mamadou Lamine


    L'objectif était d’évaluer les aspects épidémiologiques des violences conjugales, identifier les facteurs de risques et les différents types de violences conjugales, évaluer les conséquences des violences conjugales sur la santé des victimes, afin d'améliorer la prise en charge des victimes et la prévention du phénomène. Il s'est agit d'une étude transversale effectuée de décembre 2012 à janvier 2013 à Dakar. Les données ont été recueillies, après consentement, sur fiche d'enquête anonyme soumise à toute personne volontaire vivant en couple et résidant à Dakar. L'analyse statistique a été effectuée avec le logiciel SPSS 13.0. Le nombre de personnes victimes de violences conjugales était de 60 soit 37,30% dont 31 femmes (51,70%) et 29 hommes (48,30%). Le sex-ratio était de 0,93. Parmi les victimes, 53 étaient scolarisées soit 88,30%. Le régime matrimonial était de type monogame dans 39 cas (65%) et polygame dans 21 cas (35%). La vie en couple durait depuis moins de 11 ans dans 60% des cas et durait de 11 ans à 20 ans au plus dans 26,6% des cas. L’étude des types de violences montrait la fréquence des agressions physiques. Les armes utilisées étaient surtout les armes naturelles. Les principaux facteurs de risque de violence conjugale sont les facteurs sociodémographiques, culturels et économiques comme le jeune âge, l'inégalité du genre, les jeunes couples, la précarité, le niveau d'instruction élevé. La prise en charge des victimes et la prévention du phénomène restent insuffisantes dans nos pays. PMID:26918077

  4. [Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of hepatic metastases. Preliminary experience].


    De Baere, T; Elias, D; Ducreux, M; Dromain, C; Kuach, V; Gamal El Din, M; Sobotka, A; Lasser, P; Roche, A


    To evaluate the efficiency of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of liver metastases. Eighteen patients with 31 liver metastases, mainly from colorectal cancer, 10 - 35 mm in diameter (m = 23), underwent 26 courses of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation. Fifteen patients had previously undergone hepatectomy, and 3 patients had contra-indications to surgery. Imaging guidance was ultrasound in 21 patients, CT in 4 (tumors not seen with ultrasound), and both in 1. A generator working at 450 KHz with a maximum output power of 150 W was used to treat each lesion for 18 - 20 min. Treatment was monitored with real time ultrasound. Among the 12 patients followed more than 3 months, only one of the 24 treated lesions recurred after a mean follow up of 259 ¿ 109 days. Liver disease was controlled in 8 of the 12 patients after 90 - 509 days (m = 306). Among these 8 patients, 3 were tumor free after 559, 378 and 90 days, respectively; 2 died tumor free of non-tumoral disease (pulmonary embolism, digestive bleeding); 3 developed lung metastases treated with chemotherapy (n = 2) or surgery (n = 1). Three of the 12 patients had widespread hepatic tumor occurrence, and one patient died of these metastases. Six patients experienced mild skin burns, but no major complication was observed. Radiofrequency ablation of hepatic metastases appears safe and promising in this preliminary experience. Further investigation is needed.

  5. Single strip lesions radiofrequency denervation for treatment of sacroiliac joint pain: two years' results.


    Bellini, Martina; Barbieri, Massimo


    Sacroiliac joint pain can be managed by intra-articular injections or radiofrequency of its innervation. Single strip lesions radiofrequency denervation is a new system. The objective of this study was to present one of the first utilizations of this innovative technique. 60 patients who met the diagnostic criteria for sacroiliac joint syndrome were enrolled in the study. In total, 102 single strip lesions radiofrequency denervations were performed. Pain intensity was measured with the Oswestry low back pain disability questionnaire and the Oswestry Disability Index whose scores were assessed at 1, 3, 6 and 12 months after the procedure. 91.8 % of the 102 radiofrequency treatments resulted in a reduction of more than 50% pain intensity relief at 1 month, 81.6% at 3 months and 59.16% at 6 months. In 35.7% of cases, the relief was continuative up to 1 year. No relief was observed in 12.24% of cases. The ODI scores improved significantly 1 month after the procedure, compared with the baseline scores. The ODI scores after 6 months improved very clearly compared with the baseline scores and with the 3-month scores. Single strip lesions radiofrequency denervation using the Simplicity III probe is a potential modality for intermediate term relief for patients with sacroiliac pain.

  6. [Voice acoustic study of plasma radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of laryngeal premalignant lesions].


    Zang, Y Z; Wan, B L; Jia, X D; Wang, G K


    Objective: To study the voice function effect of low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation in the treatment of patients with laryngeal premalignant lesions. Method: Fifty cases of laryngeal premalignant lesions were treated with low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation. All of the patients were examined by electronic laryngoscopy and acoustic analysis(F0,Jitter,Shimmer,NNE,HNR) in 2 weeks,1 month,3 months after surgery. Voice acoustic results were compared with a control group of 50 normal adults for the further analysis. Result: Fifty patients with laryngeal premalignant lesions were treated by low temperature plasma radiofrequency ablation.The result showed that 47 patients(94%)were successfully decannulated without serious complications, such as dyspnea, aphonia and anterior glottic stenosis. Acoustic analysis showed that F0,Jitter,Shimmer and NNE were significantly different from normal 2 weeks after surgery( P <0.01).Voice function recovered weakly 1 month after operation( P <0.05).There were no significant differences in the vocal parameters between plasma radiofrequency ablation group and control group 3 months after surgery( P >0.05). Conclusion: Radiofrequency coblation was a safe,minimally invasive and effective surgical method and can be widely used to treat laryngeal premalignant lesions.. Copyright© by the Editorial Department of Journal of Clinical Otorhinolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery.

  7. Intraarticular Pulsed Radiofrequency to Treat Refractory Lumbar Facet Joint Pain in Patients with Low Back Pain.


    Chang, Min Cheol; Cho, Yun-Woo; Ahn, Da Hyun; Do, Kyung Hee


    Many treatment techniques have been used for refractory lumbar facet joint pain; however, their efficacy has been controversial. In this study, we investigated the clinical efficacy and safety of intra-articular pulsed radiofrequency for the treatment of refractory lumbar facet joint pain in patients with low back pain. Twenty patients with refractory lumbar facet joint pain were recruited, and each patient was treated via intra-articular pulsed radiofrequency. The treatment effects were measured with a numerical rating scale, and the technical accuracy of intra-articular pulsed radiofrequency treatment was evaluated independently by 2 radiologists. Any adverse events or complications also were checked. We performed intra-articular pulsed radiofrequency treatment at 48 levels of the lumbar facet joints in 20 patients (5 men and 15 women; mean age, 64.50 ± 10.65 years) with refractory lumbar facet joint pain. Pain scores were significantly reduced at 1 month, 3 months, and 6 months after treatment (P < 0.05). The face validity revealed good intraarticular pulsed radiofrequency results in all 20 patients, without any serious adverse effects. Treatment using intra-articular pulsed radiofrequency is an alternative to other techniques in patients with refractory lumbar facet joint pain. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. Les infestations par les poux de tête : une mise à jour clinique.


    Cummings, Carl; Finlay, Jane C; MacDonald, Noni E


    Les infestations par les poux de tête ( Pediculus humanus capitis ) ne constituent ni un risque sanitaire primaire ni un vecteur de maladie, mais représentent plutôt un problème de société au coût impor- tant. Pour diagnostiquer une infestation, il faut déceler un pou vivant. Même si les pyréthines et la perméthrine demeurent les traitements de première intention au Canada, la solution de myristate d'isopropyle et de ST-cyclométhicone et la diméticone peuvent être envisagées en deuxième intention après un échec thérapeutique démontré.

  9. Longitudinal outcomes of radiofrequency ablation versus surveillance endoscopy for Barrett's esophagus with low-grade dysplasia.


    Kahn, A; Al-Qaisi, M; Kommineni, V T; Callaway, J K; Boroff, E S; Burdick, G E; Lam-Himlin, D M; Temkit, M; Vela, M F; Ramirez, F C


    Radiofrequency ablation of Barrett's esophagus with low-grade dysplasia is recommended in recent American College of Gastroenterology guidelines, with endoscopic surveillance considered a reasonable alternative. Few studies have directly compared outcomes of radiofrequency ablation to surveillance and those that have are limited by short duration of follow-up. This study aims to compare the long-term effectiveness of radiofrequency ablation versus endoscopic surveillance in a large, longitudinal cohort of patients with Barrett's esophagus, and low-grade dysplasia.We conducted a retrospective analysis of patients with confirmed low-grade dysplasia at a single academic medical center from 1991 to 2014. Patients progressing to high-grade dysplasia or esophageal adenocarcinoma within one year of index LGD endoscopy were defined as missed dysplasia and excluded. Risk factors for progression were assessed via Cox proportional hazards model. Comparison of progression risk was conducted using a Kaplan-Meier analysis. Subset analyses were conducted to examine the effect of reintroducing early progressors and excluding patients diagnosed prior to the advent of ablative therapy. Of 173 total patients, 79 (45.7%) underwent radiofrequency ablation while 94 (54.3%) were untreated, with median follow up of 90 months. Seven (8.9%) patients progressed to high-grade dysplasia or adenocarcinoma despite ablation, compared with 14 (14.9%) undergoing surveillance (P = 0.44). This effect was preserved when patients diagnosed prior to the introduction of radiofrequency ablation were excluded (8.9% vs 13%, P = 0.68). Reintroduction of patients progressing within the first year of follow-up resulted in a trend toward significance for ablation versus surveillance (11.1% vs 23.8%, P = 0.053).In conclusion, progression to high-grade dysplasia or adenocarcinoma was not significantly reduced in the radiofrequency ablation cohort when compared to surveillance. Despite recent studies

  10. Temperature-Controlled Delivery of Radiofrequency Energy in Fecal Incontinence: A Randomized Sham-Controlled Clinical Trial.


    Visscher, Arjan P; Lam, Tze J; Meurs-Szojda, Maria M; Felt-Bersma, Richelle J F


    Controlled delivery of radiofrequency energy has been suggested as treatment for fecal incontinence. The aim of this study was to determine whether the clinical response to the radiofrequency energy procedure is superior to sham in patients with fecal incontinence. This was a randomized sham-controlled clinical trial from 2008 to 2015. This study was conducted in an outpatient clinic. Forty patients with fecal incontinence in whom maximal conservative management had failed were randomly assigned to receiving either radiofrequency energy or sham procedure. Fecal incontinence was measured using the Vaizey incontinence score (range, 0-24). The impact of fecal incontinence on quality of life was measured by using the fecal incontinence quality-of-life score (range, 1-4). Measurements were performed at baseline and at 6 months. Anorectal function was evaluated using anal manometry and anorectal endosonography at baseline and at 3 months. At baseline, Vaizey incontinence score was 16.8 (SD 2.9). At t = 6 months, the radiofrequency energy group improved by 2.5 points on the Vaizey incontinence score compared with the sham group (13.2 (SD 3.1), 15.6 (SD 3.3), p = 0.02). The fecal incontinence quality-of-life score at t = 6 months was not statistically different. Anorectal function did not show any alteration. Patients with severe fecal incontinence were included in the study, thus making it difficult to generalize the results. Both radiofrequency energy and sham procedure improved the fecal incontinence score, the radiofrequency energy procedure more than sham. Although statistically significant, the clinical impact for most of the patients was negligible. Therefore, the radiofrequency energy procedure should not be recommended for patients with fecal incontinence until patient-related factors associated with treatment success are known. See Video Abstract at

  11. Correlates of VA mental health treatment utilization among OEF/OIF/OND veterans: Resilience, stigma, social support, personality, and beliefs about treatment.


    DeViva, Jason C; Sheerin, Christina M; Southwick, Steven M; Roy, Alicia M; Pietrzak, Robert H; Harpaz-Rotem, Ilan


    Veterans of Operations Iraqi Freedom/Enduring Freedom/New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) tend not to engage in mental health care. Identifying modifiable factors related to mental health service utilization could facilitate development of interventions to increase utilization. The current study examined the relationship between mental health care utilization and measures of PTSD symptoms, resilience, stigma, beliefs about mental health care, perceived barriers to mental health care, posttraumatic growth and meaning, social support, and personality factors in a sample of 100 OEF/OIF/OND veterans with PTSD symptoms referred to VA mental health care. Participants who received psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy (PP) scored higher on measures of PTSD symptoms, stigma, and adaptive beliefs about mental health treatment, and lower on measures of resilience, postdeployment social support, emotional stability, and conscientiousness, than participants who received no treatment (NT). Participants who received psychotherapy only (PT) scored higher on a measure of PTSD symptoms than NT participants. PT participants scored higher on an emotional stability measure and lower on measures of PTSD symptoms and stigma than PP participants. Multinomial logistic regression including all variables significantly related to treatment utilization indicated that PTSD symptoms and adaptive beliefs about psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy were higher in the PT and PP groups than in the NT group, and concerns about discrimination were higher in the PP group than the NT group. Interventions targeting beliefs about mental health care could increase mental health treatment utilization among OEF/OIF/OND veterans. Concerns about stigma may affect the utilization process differently at different decision points. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  12. [Catheter ablation for paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: new generation cryoballoon or contact force sensing radiofrequency ablation?].


    Nagy, Zsófia; Kis, Zsuzsanna; Som, Zoltán; Földesi, Csaba; Kardos, Attila


    Contact force sensing radiofrequency ablation and the new generation cryoballoon ablation are prevalent techniques for the treatment of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. The authors aimed to compare the procedural and 1-year outcome of patients after radiofrequency and cryoballoon ablation. 96 patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (radiofrequency ablation: 58, cryoballoon: 38 patients; 65 men and 31 women aged 28-70 years) were enrolled. At postprocedural 1, 3, 6 and 12 months ECG, Holter monitoring and telephone interviews were performed. Procedure and fluorosocopy time were: radiofrequency ablation, 118.5 ± 15 min and 15.8 ± 6 min; cryoballoon, 73.5 ± 16 min (p<0.05) and 13.8 ± 4.,1 min (p = 0.09), respectively. One year later freedom from atrial fibrillation was achieved in 76.5% of patients who underwent radiofrequency ablation and in 81% of patients treated with cryoballoon. Temporary phrenic nerve palsy occurred in two patients and pericardial tamponade developed in one patient. In this single center study freedom from paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was similar in the two groups with significant shorter procedure time in the cryoballoon group.

  13. Pulsed Radiofrequency: A Management Option for Recurrent Trigeminal Neuralgia Following Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation.


    Liao, Chenlong; Visocchi, Massimiliano; Yang, Min; Liu, Pengfei; Li, Shiting; Zhang, Wenchuan


    Pain relief comparable with radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RFT) alone and fewer side effects than RFT have been achieved by combination treatment with pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) and short-duration RFT in trigeminal neuralgia (TN). We report the successful management of recurrent TN after RFT with single PRF in 2 patients. The RFT treatment was performed in 2-3 cycles for each division, with the lesion setting at 75°C-80°C for 90 seconds. The PRF treatment was applied for 120 seconds, with a generator output of 45 V, not exceeding a temperature of 42°C at the tip of the electrode. In case 1, pain relief was immediately achieved by RFT (75°C for 90 seconds), with moderate hypesthesia. Relapse of the triggered pain occurred 6 months later, and PRF was then applied. Long-term (18 months) pain relief without any additional pharmacologic or other treatment was reported. In case 2, a second RFT treatment at a higher temperature (80°C) was performed after recurrence after the first RFT within a week. Accompanied by worse hypesthesia, complete pain relief lasted for 6 months until the recurrence of pain was triggered by toothbrushing. PRF was then applied, and complete analgesia with long-term follow-up (28 months) was achieved. The PRF treatment for recurrent TN after RFT in this study could be viewed as a combination of PRF and RFT treatments in succession. Therefore, PRF and RFT should be considered to be complementary rather than alternative in the management of TN. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Radiofrequency Ablation in Coccydynia: A Case Series and Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Review.


    Chen, Yian; Huang-Lionnet, Julie H Y; Cohen, Steven P


    Coccydynia is a condition with a multitude of different causes, characterized by ill-defined management. There are multiple prospective studies, including several controlled trials, that have evaluated conservative therapies. Additionally, a plethora of observational studies have assessed coccygectomy, but few studies have reported results for nonsurgical interventional procedures. In this report, we describe the treatment results of 12 patients who received conventional or pulsed radiofrequency for coccydynia and systematically review the literature on management. We performed a retrospective data analysis evaluating patients who underwent pulsed or conventional radiofrequency treatment at Johns Hopkins Hospital and Walter Reed National Military Medical Center. A comprehensive literature review was also performed to contextualize these results. The mean age of patients treated was 50.25 years (SD = 11.20 years, range = 32-72 years), with the mean duration of symptoms being 3.6 years (SD = 3.36 years, range 1-10 years). There were 10 males and two females in this cohort. Among patients who received radiofrequency treatment, the average benefit was 55.5% pain relief (SD = 30.33%, range = 0-100%). Those who underwent conventional (vs pulsed radiofrequency) and who received prognostic blocks were more likely to experience a positive outcome. There were two cases of neuritis, which resolved spontaneously after several weeks. Radiofrequency ablation of the sacrococcygeal nerves may serve as a useful treatment option for patients with coccydynia who have failed more conservative measures. Further research into this therapeutic approach and its benefit for coccydynia should incorporate a control group for comparison. © 2016 American Academy of Pain Medicine. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  15. Pulsed radiofrequency on radial nerve under ultrasound guidance for treatment of intractable lateral epicondylitis.


    Oh, Dae Seok; Kang, Tae Hyung; Kim, Hyae Jin


    Lateral epicondylitis is a painful and functionally limiting disorder. Although lateral elbow pain is generally self-limiting, in a minority of people symptoms persist for a long time. When various conservative treatments fail, surgical approach is recommended. Surgical denervation of several nerves that innervate the lateral humeral epicondyle could be considered in patients with refractory pain because it denervates the region of pain. Pulsed radiofrequency is a minimally invasive procedure that improves chronic pain when applied to various neural tissues without causing any significant destruction and painful complication. This procedure is safe, minimally invasive, and has less risk of complications relatively compared to the surgical approach. The radial nerve can be identified as a target for pulsed radiofrequency lesioning in lateral epicondylitis. This innovative method of pulsed radiofrequency applied to the radial nerve has not been reported before. We reported on two patients with intractable lateral epicondylitis suffering from elbow pain who did not respond to nonoperative treatments, but in whom the ultrasound-guided pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation of the radial nerve induced symptom improvement. After a successful diagnostic nerve block, radiofrequency probe adjustment around the radial nerve was performed on the lateral aspect of the distal upper arm under ultrasound guidance and multiple pulsed treatments were applied. A significant reduction in pain was reported over the follow-up period of 12 weeks.

  16. Properties of TEM standing waves with E||B

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaghloul, H.; Buckmaster, H. A.

    This paper summarizes the known properties of E∥B TEM standing waves and shows that for such waves (i) E and B cannot be linearly polarized, (ii) E ≠ αB where α is a constant (iii) it is impossible to find a Lorentz frame where E>B, (iv) direction of the propagation vector cannot be inferred from the fields at one point of the space, (v) their behaviour under Lorentz, parity, time-reversal and gauge transformations is proper, (vi) both Lorentz invariants E2 - B2 and E·B are nonzero, (vii) the magnetic helicity may be nonzero, (viii) the magnetic field may be force-free, and (ix) kμFμv ≠ 0. It also shows how electromagnetic waves can be classified using Lorentz invariants. Cet article résume les qualités connues des ondes stationnaires E∥B TEM et montre que pour des ondes parallèles (i) E et B ne peuvent pas être polarisées linéairement, (ii) E ≠ αB où a est une constante, (iii) il est impossible de trouver une construction de Lorentz où E>B, (iv) la direction de propagation d'un vecteur ne peut pas être déduite des opérations à un point d'intervalle, (v) leur conduite sous Lorentz, parité, temps inverse et transformations de jauge est propre, (vi) les deux invariants de Lorentz E2 - B2 et E·B sont non nulles (vii) l'hélice magnétique peut être non nulle (viii) l'opération magnétique peut être de force libre et (ix) KμFμ v ≠ 0. Ceci montre aussi comment les ondes électromagnétiques peuvent être classifiées, en employant les invariants de Lorentz.

  17. TU-H-BRA-01: The Physics of High Power Radiofrequency Isolation in a Novel Compact Linear Accelerator Based MRI Guided Radiation Therapy System

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lamb, J; Low, D; Mutic, S

    Purpose: To develop a method for isolating the radiofrequency waves emanating from linear accelerator components from the magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) system of an integrated MRI-linac. Methods: An MRI-guided radiation therapy system has been designed that integrates a linear accelerator with simultaneous MR imaging. The radiofrequency waves created by the accelerating process would degrade MR image quality, so a method for containing the radiofrequency waves and isolating the MR imager from them was developed. The linear accelerator radiofrequency modulator was placed outside the room, so a filter was designed to eliminate the radiofrequency corresponding to the proton Larmour frequency ofmore » 14.7 MHz. Placing the radiofrequency emitting components in a typical Faraday cage would have reduced the radiofrequency emissions, but the design would be susceptible to small gaps in the shield due to the efficiency of the Faraday cage reflecting internal radiofrequency emissions. To reduce internal radiofrequency reflections, the Faraday cage was lined with carbon fiber sheets. Carbon fiber has the property of attenuating the radiofrequency energy so that the overall radiofrequency field inside the Faraday cage is reduced, decreasing any radiofrequency energy emitted from small gaps in the cage walls. Results: Within a 1.2 MHz band centered on the Larmor frequency, the radiofrequency (RF) leakage from the Faraday cage was measured to be −90 dB with no RF on, −40 dB with the RF on and no shield, returning to −90 dB with the RF on and shields in place. The radiofrequency filter attenuated the linear accelerator modulator emissions in the 14.7 MHz band by 70 dB. Conclusions: One of the major challenges in designing a compact linear accelerator based MRI-guided radiation therapy system, that of isolating the high power RF system from the MRI, has been solved. The measured radiofrequency emissions are sufficiently small to enable system integration. This research

  18. Radiofrequency Coblation Versus Intramural Bipolar Cautery for the Treatment of Inferior Turbinate Hypertrophy.


    Shah, Anil N; Brewster, Douglas; Mitzen, Kelly; Mullin, David


    Compare intramural bipolar electrocautery and radiofrequency coblation in the treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy with regards to objective and subjective improvement in nasal obstruction, rate and type of complications, experience during the procedure, and rate of recovery. Prospective, single-blinded study. Single tertiary medical center from 2008 to 2010. Forty-one adult patients with inferior turbinate hypertrophy refractory to medical management were treated with radiofrequency coblation in one nostril and intramural bipolar cautery in the other. Subjective and objective data, including use of a Visual Analog Scale (VAS) for subjective outcomes, acoustic rhinometry, and nasal endoscopy, were then obtained from each patient comparing the 2 techniques. Radiofrequency coblation was significantly less painful than intramural bipolar cautery during the procedure (P = .03) and during the early postoperative period (P < .02) and produced less crusting at 3 weeks (P = .009). Both interventions were similar in subjective and objective improvements in nasal obstruction as measured by acoustic rhinometry and subjective VAS outcomes. Radiofrequency coblation seems to offer an equivalent alternative to bipolar electrocautery for the treatment of inferior turbinate hypertrophy with less discomfort during the procedure and early post-operative period. © The Author(s) 2015.

  19. ["Les Impatients": expression through art].


    Lamontagne, Céline; Palardy, Lorraine


    The organization called "Les Impatients" was founded in 1992. Using a unique model, Les Impatients welcomes those with mental health issues who would like to express themselves through art. Les Impatients offers free creative workshops and encourages exchanges with the community through the sharing of its participants' creations. The name Les Impatients reinforces the idea that the organization does not consider those attending its workshops as patients, but rather creators who are eager to heal, develop their craft and find their place in society. The participants contribute to the collective objective of breaking down the stigma that surrounds mental illness.Les Impatients collaborates with various mental health organizations in Quebec, such as the Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal (IUSMM) affiliated to the Université de Montréal, Douglas Mental Health University Institute (DMHUI), the Centre de santé et services sociaux Drummond (CSSS Drummond) and the Centre de santé et services sociaux Pierre-Boucher (CSSS Pierre-Boucher). Les Impatients offers more than 48 workshops in eight different locations to around 450 participants each week.Dissemination activities, remarkable events, original projects: Les Impatients stands out through its realizations. Examples are exhibitions, collections of love letters, comic books, CD, concerts, and reading nights. The organization's originality resides in the exploration of the links between the work of the participants and that of professional artists. An illustration of this interest is the annual Parle-moi d'amour auction-exhibition, which has been one of Les Impatients' major events since 1999.As part of its mission, Les Impatients conserves the works of art created by the participants during the workshops. Its collection includes more than 15,000 works of art from Les Impatients as well as pieces donated by collectors of unconventional art, commonly known as "art brut" or "outsider art". The

  20. Radiofrequency Thermotherapy for Treating Axillary Hyperhidrosis.


    Schick, Christoph H; Grallath, Tanja; Schick, Kerstin S; Hashmonai, Moshe


    Thermotherapy has been established between conservative and surgical options as a minimally invasive method for the treatment of axillary hyperhidrosis. The objective of this study was to present radiofrequency thermotherapy (RFTT) as a safe and effective new treatment method. Thirty adult patients with pronounced axillary hyperhidrosis were treated with RFTT with noninsulated microneedles 3 times at intervals of 6 weeks. Subjective improvement was rated using the Hyperhidrosis Disease Severity Scale (HDSS) and Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI). Satisfaction and estimated reduction of sweating were monitored. Objective measurements were made using gravimetry. Adverse effects were recorded in follow-up. At the 6-month follow-up, improvement in sweating was seen in 27 patients. The HDSS dropped from 3.4 to 2.1, the DLQI improved significantly from 16 to 7. The gravimetric measurements of sweat were reduced from 221 to 33 mg/min. The average reduction of sweating was reported to be 72%. Adverse effects were generally mild and improved rapidly. Radiofrequency thermotherapy was shown to be an effective and minimally invasive treatment option for axillary hyperhidrosis. Patients described their sweating as normal. The method clearly has the potential to normalize axillary sweating.

  1. Body-contouring with radiofrequency-assisted liposuction.


    Ion, Lucian; Raveendran, Sherine S; Fu, Brian


    Liposculpturing is the most frequently performed procedure in the aesthetic clinical practice. The techniques have evolved into significant modification during the past few decades with introduction of several new devices, leading to superior outcome. Radiofrequency-assisted liposuction (RFAL) have revolutionised body contouring techniques by providing simultaneous fat liquefaction, coagulation of blood vessels, and skin tightening in the tissues. In this study we discuss our preliminary experience with RFAL in treating patients for aesthetic body contouring and patients with HIV-related lipohypertrophy. Forty-two patients were treated with RFAL for cosmetic concerns, and eight were treated for HIV-related lipohypertrophy after unsuccessful outcome with other techniques. Significant reduction of adipose tissue with marked tightening of the skin was noted in all the patients. Clinical results were impressive in terms of pain, recovery, and patient satisfaction. Remarkable improvement was observed in patients with HIV-related cervical lipohypertrophy and gynaecomastia with fibrous fatty tissue. Two patients suffered superficial burns and were managed conservatively. Our experience suggests that controlled application of radiofrequency power for liposculpturing may open up a new horizon of non-excisional lipectomy in the future.

  2. PNNL - WRF-LES - Convective - TTU

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kosovic, Branko

    This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on July 4, 2012. The dataset was used to assess the LES models for simulation of canonical convective ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.

  3. ANL - WRF-LES - Convective - TTU

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kosovic, Branko

    This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on July 4, 2012. The dataset was used to assess the LES models for simulation of canonical convective ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.

  4. LLNL - WRF-LES - Neutral - TTU

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kosovic, Branko

    This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on Aug. 17, 2012. The dataset was used to assess LES models for simulation of canonical neutral ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.

  5. ANL - WRF-LES - Neutral - TTU

    DOE Data Explorer

    Kosovic, Branko


    This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on Aug. 17, 2012. The dataset was used to assess LES models for simulation of canonical neutral ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.

  6. LANL - WRF-LES - Neutral - TTU

    DOE Data Explorer

    Kosovic, Branko


    This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a neutrally stratified atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on Aug. 17, 2012. The dataset was used to assess LES models for simulation of canonical neutral ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.

  7. LANL - WRF-LES - Convective - TTU

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kosovic, Branko

    This dataset includes large-eddy simulation (LES) output from a convective atmospheric boundary layer (ABL) simulation of observations at the SWIFT tower near Lubbock, Texas on July 4, 2012. The dataset was used to assess the LES models for simulation of canonical convective ABL. The dataset can be used for comparison with other LES and computational fluid dynamics model outputs.

  8. 47 CFR 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” NCRP Report No. 86, Sections 17.4.1,, 17.4.2... Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,” ANSI...

  9. 47 CFR 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” NCRP Report No. 86, Sections 17.4.1,, 17.4.2... Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,” ANSI...

  10. Non-exponential decoherence of radio-frequency resonance rotation of spin in storage rings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saleev, A.; Nikolaev, N. N.; Rathmann, F.; Hinder, F.; Pretz, J.; Rosenthal, M.


    Precision experiments, such as the search for electric dipole moments of charged particles using radio-frequency spin rotators in storage rings, demand for maintaining the exact spin resonance condition for several thousand seconds. Synchrotron oscillations in the stored beam modulate the spin tune of off-central particles, moving it off the perfect resonance condition set for central particles on the reference orbit. Here, we report an analytic description of how synchrotron oscillations lead to non-exponential decoherence of the radio-frequency resonance driven up-down spin rotations. This non-exponential decoherence is shown to be accompanied by a nontrivial walk of the spin phase. We also comment on sensitivity of the decoherence rate to the harmonics of the radio-frequency spin rotator and a possibility to check predictions of decoherence-free magic energies.

  11. Comparison of microbubble presence in the right heart during mechanochemical and radiofrequency ablation for varicose veins.


    Moon, K H; Dharmarajah, B; Bootun, R; Lim, C S; Lane, Tra; Moore, H M; Sritharan, K; Davies, A H


    Objective Mechanochemical ablation is a novel technique for ablation of varicose veins utilising a rotating catheter and liquid sclerosant. Mechanochemical ablation and radiofrequency ablation have no reported neurological side-effect but the rotating mechanism of mechanochemical ablation may produce microbubbles. Air emboli have been implicated as a cause of cerebrovascular events during ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy and microbubbles in the heart during ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy have been demonstrated. This study investigated the presence of microbubbles in the right heart during varicose vein ablation by mechanochemical abaltion and radiofrequency abaltion. Methods Patients undergoing great saphenous vein ablation by mechanochemical abaltion or radiofrequency ablation were recruited. During the ablative procedure, the presence of microbubbles was assessed using transthoracic echocardiogram. Offline blinded image quantification was performed using International Consensus Criteria grading guidelines. Results From 32 recruited patients, 28 data sets were analysed. Eleven underwent mechanochemical abaltion and 17 underwent radiofrequency abaltion. There were no neurological complications. In total, 39% (11/28) of patients had grade 1 or 2 microbubbles detected. Thirty-six percent (4/11) of mechanochemical abaltion patients and 29% (5/17) of radiofrequency ablation patients had microbubbles with no significant difference between the groups ( p=0.8065). Conclusion A comparable prevalence of microbubbles between mechanochemical abaltion and radiofrequency ablation both of which are lower than that previously reported for ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy suggests that mechanochemical abaltion may not confer the same risk of neurological events as ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy for treatment of varicose veins.

  12. Les enjuex éthiques entourant la recherche en santé sur les enfants

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ La recherche en santé est un devoir moral parce qu’elle est la base des soins probants prodigués par tous les dispensateurs de soins. Des politiques et des règlements précis régissent la tenue des recherches sur des humains. Il faut procéder à une évaluation éthique d’un projet de recherche donné avant de pouvoir l’entreprendre. La recherche sur les enfants pose d’énormes défis en matière de consentement éclairé et d’assentiment, de vulnérabilité et de potentiel de conflit d’intérêts (CDI). Les chercheurs en santé pédiatrique devraient prôner la participation des enfants à la recherche, tout en se montrant attentifs à en limiter les risques.

  13. Efficacy of inferior turbinoplasty with the use of CO(2) laser, radiofrequency, and electrocautery.


    Prokopakis, Emmanuel P; Koudounarakis, Eleftherios I; Velegrakis, George A


    Inferior turbinate surgery is one of the most commonly performed methods for the treatment of rhinitis symptoms, especially nasal obstruction. This is a comparative study of CO2 laser, electrocautery, and radiofrequency turbinoplasty in the treatment of rhinitis symptoms. From 1994 to 2011, 3219 patients were enrolled in the study. Two hundred eighty-three patients were lost during follow-.up. Of the remaining 2936 patients, 1066 were managed using the CO2 laser, whereas 664 and 1206 were managed with the use of radiofrequency and electrocautery, respectively. All procedures were performed under local anesthesia. Patients were asked to evaluate their symptoms with the visual analog scale (VAS) preoperatively, as well as 1 month and 1 year postoperatively. Rhinomanometry was used to objectively evaluate the effect on nasal obstruction. Mean VAS values preoperatively, regarding nasal obstruction, were 7.43 ± 0.96, 7.33 ± 0.87, and 7.64 ± 0.95 in the CO2 laser, radiofrequency, and electrocautery group, respectively. One month postoperatively, the score was significantly improved in all groups (CO2 laser, 3.44 ± 0.99; radiofrequency, 3.26 ± 0.76; electrocautery, 3.19 ± 0.79), which was almost stable in the 1st year of follow-up. Similar results were also observed in the evaluation of sneezing and rhinorrhea. Outcome did not statistically differ between the three methods. The CO2 laser, radiofrequency and electrocautery offer excellent postoperative results in turbinoplasty cases under local anesthesia.

  14. Stiff Left Atrial Syndrome: A Complication Undergoing Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation.


    Yang, Yufan; Liu, Qiming; Wu, Zhihong; Li, Xuping; Xiao, Yichao; Tu, Tao; Zhou, Shenghua


    Radiofrequency catheter ablation for atrial fibrillation is an effective approach for treating atrial fibrillation. Its complications have attracted much attention, of which the stiff left atrial syndrome is a recently discovered complication that has not been completely understood. This study aims to investigate the concept, pathologic basis, clinical characteristics, predictors, and treatment protocols of the stiff left atrial syndrome after radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. Length of Barrett's segment predicts failure of eradication in radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's esophagus: a retrospective cohort study.


    Luckett, Tyler; Allamneni, Chaitanya; Cowley, Kevin; Eick, John; Gullick, Allison; Peter, Shajan


    We aim to investigate factors that may contribute to failure of eradication of dysplastic Barrett's Esophagus among patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation treatment. A retrospective review of patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation for treatment of Barrett's Esophagus was performed. Data analyzed included patient demographics, medical history, length of Barrett's Esophagus, number of radiofrequency ablation sessions, and histopathology. Subsets of patients achieving complete eradication were compared with those not achieving complete eradication. A total of 107 patients underwent radiofrequency ablation for Barrett's Esophagus, the majority white, overweight, and male. Before treatment, 63 patients had low-grade dysplasia, and 44 patients had high-grade dysplasia or carcinoma. Complete eradication was achieved in a majority of patients (57% for metaplasia, and 76.6% for dysplasia). Failure of eradication occurred in 15.7% of patients. The median number of radiofrequency ablation treatments in patients achieving complete eradication was 3 sessions, compared to 4 sessions for failure of eradication (p = 0.06). Barrett's esophagus length of more than 5 cm was predictive of failure of eradication (p < 0.001). Radiofrequency ablation for dysplastic Barrett's Esophagus is a proven and effective treatment modality, associated with a high rate of complete eradication. Our rates of eradication from a center starting an ablation program are comparable to previously published studies. Length of Barrett's segment > 5 cm was found to be predictive of failure of eradication in patients undergoing radiofrequency ablation.

  16. Treatment of Décolletage Photoaging With Fractional Microneedling Radiofrequency.


    Lyons, Alexis; Roy, Jillian; Herrmann, Jennifer; Chipps, Lisa


    The objective of this study was to examine the efficacy and safety of a novel fractional microneedling radiofrequency device to improve the appearance of rhytides and skin laxity of the décolletage. Twelve subjects received a total of three fractional microneedling radiofrequency treatments with Endymed Intensif (EndyMed Ltd., Cesarea, Israel) at least three weeks apart. Primary outcome measure was clinical efficacy quantified by a patient survey to assess treatment satisfaction as well as a physician Global Aesthetic Improvement Scale (GAIS). Photos were taken before every treatment and at a follow-up appointment. Assessments by two board-certified dermatologists revealed an overall improvement in 67% of patients. Seventy percent of subjects rated their post-treatment skin laxity and rhytides as improved, while 60% of patients rated their skin texture as improved. Eighty percent of subjects were at least slightly satisfied with their treatment. Forty percent of subjects would recommend this treatment to others. Subjects in this study demonstrated an overall improvement in décolletage appearance in regard to skin tightening, wrinkles, and skin texture suggested by overall patient satisfaction (80%) and physician-rated GAIS improvement (67%). This study suggests that fractional microneedling radiofrequency devices are a safe and efficacious way to improve overall décolletage appearance with little down time.

    J Drugs Dermatol. 2018;17(1):74-76.


  17. Endovascular ultrasound for renal sympathetic denervation in patients with therapy-resistant hypertension not responding to radiofrequency renal sympathetic denervation.


    Stiermaier, Thomas; Okon, Thomas; Fengler, Karl; Mueller, Ulrike; Hoellriegel, Robert; Schuler, Gerhard; Desch, Steffen; Lurz, Philipp


    Recent studies have reported a considerable number of non-responders after renal sympathetic de-nervation (RSD) with radiofrequency technology. Here we report our results of repeat RSD using ultrasound in these patients. A cohort study was performed in patients who underwent ultrasound RSD after non-response to RSD with radiofrequency. Non-response was defined as mean daytime systolic blood pressure ≥140 mmHg and/or a reduction of ≤10 mmHg in ambulatory blood pressure measurement (ABPM) ≥6 months after radiofrequency denervation. ABPM was recorded at baseline, post radiofrequency RSD as well as at three and six months post ultrasound RSD. A total of 24 non-responders underwent retreatment with the ultrasound device at a mean 15.3±8.2 months after radiofrequency RSD. Ultrasound RSD was performed successfully in all patients without severe adverse events. Mean daytime systolic blood pressure changed from 161.7±14.6 mmHg at baseline to 158.5±9.5 mmHg post radiofrequency RSD and to 150.5±10.4 mmHg and 151.6±11.0 mmHg at three and six months, respectively, post ultrasound RSD (p<0.01 with repeated measures analysis of variance). The main results of post hoc testing were as follows: baseline versus post radiofrequency RSD, p=0.83; baseline versus three months post ultrasound RSD, p=0.01; and baseline versus six months post ultrasound RSD, p=0.04. Ultrasound RSD appears to be safe and an effective therapeutic approach in patients not responding to previous RSD with radiofrequency technology.

  18. Reduction of spectra exposed by the 700mm CCD camera of the Ondřejov telescope coudé spectrograph

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Skoda, Petr; Slechta, Miroslav

    We present a brief cook-book for the reduction of spectra exposed by the Ondřejov 2-meter telescope coudé spectrograph. For the data reduction, we use standard IRAF packages running on Solaris and Linux. The sequence of commands is given for the typical reduction session together with short explanation and detailed list of parameter settings. The reduction progress is illustrated by example plots.

  19. Complications associated with radiofrequency ablation of pulmonary veins.


    Madrid Pérez, J M; García Barquín, P M; Villanueva Marcos, A J; García Bolao, J I; Bastarrika Alemañ, G

    Radiofrequency ablation is an efficacious alternative in patients with symptomatic atrial fibrillation who do not respond to or are intolerant to at least one class I or class III antiarrhythmic drug. Although radiofrequency ablation is a safe procedure, complications can occur. Depending on the location, these complications can be classified into those that affect the pulmonary veins themselves, cardiac complications, extracardiac intrathoracic complications, remote complications, and those that result from vascular access. The most common complications are hematomas, arteriovenous fistulas, and pseudoaneurysms at the puncture site. Some complications are benign and transient, such as gastroparesis or diaphragmatic elevation, whereas others are potentially fatal, such as cardiac tamponade. Radiologists must be familiar with the complications that can occur secondary to pulmonary vein ablation to ensure early diagnosis and treatment. Copyright © 2016 SERAM. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Initial experience of EUS-guided radiofrequency ablation of unresectable pancreatic cancer.


    Song, Tae Jun; Seo, Dong Wan; Lakhtakia, Sundeep; Reddy, Nageshwar; Oh, Dong Wook; Park, Do Hyun; Lee, Sang Soo; Lee, Sung Koo; Kim, Myung-Hwan


    Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been used as a valuable treatment modality for various unresectable malignancies. EUS-guided radiofrequency ablation (EUS-RFA) of the porcine pancreas was reported to be feasible and safe in our previous study, suggesting that EUS-RFA may be applicable as an adjunct and effective alternative treatment method for unresectable pancreatic cancer. This study aimed to assess the technical feasibility and safety of EUS-RFA for unresectable pancreatic cancer. An 18-gauge endoscopic RFA electrode and a radiofrequency generator were used for the procedure. The length of the exposed tip of the RFA electrode was 10 mm. After insertion of the RFA electrode into the mass, the radiofrequency generator was activated to deliver 20 to 50 W ablation power for 10 seconds. Depending on tumor size, the procedure was repeated to sufficiently cover the tumor. EUS-RFA was performed successfully in all 6 patients (median age 62 years, range 43-73 years). Pancreatic cancer was located in the head (n = 4) or body (n = 2) of the pancreas. The median diameter of masses was 3.8 cm (range 3cm-9cm). Four patients had stage 3 disease, and 2 patients had stage 4 disease. After the procedure, 2 patients experienced mild abdominal pain, but there were no other adverse events such as pancreatitis or bleeding. EUS-RFA could be a technically feasible and safe option for patients with unresectable pancreatic cancer. Copyright © 2016 American Society for Gastrointestinal Endoscopy. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. The Effect of 0.02% Mitomycin C Injection into the Hair Follicle with Radiofrequency Ablation in Trichiasis Patients

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Gyu-Nam; Yoo, Woong-Sun; Kim, Seong-Jae; Han, Yong-Seop; Chung, In-Young; Park, Jong-Moon; Yoo, Ji-Myong


    Purpose To investigate the inhibitory effect of 0.02% mitomycin C on eyelash regrowth when injected to the eyelash hair follicle immediately after radiofrequency ablation. Methods We prospectively included 21 trichiasis patients from June 2011 to October 2012. Twenty eyes of 14 patients were treated with 0.02% mitomycin C to the hair follicle immediately after radiofrequency ablation in group 1, while radiofrequency ablation only was conducted in ten eyes of seven patients in group 2. Recurrences and complications were evaluated until six months after treatment. Results One hundred sixteen eyelashes of 20 eyes in group 1 underwent treatment, and 19 (16.4%) eyelashes recurred. Eighty-four eyelashes of ten eyes in group 2 underwent treatment, and 51 (60.7%) eyelashes recurred. No patients developed any complications related to mitomycin C. Conclusions Application of 0.02% mitomycin C in conjunction with radiofrequency ablation may help to improve the success rate of radiofrequency ablation treatment in trichiasis patients. PMID:24505196

  2. Histological characteristics of collagen denaturation and injuries in bipolar radiofrequency-induced colonic anastomoses.


    Zhao, Lingxi; Zhuo, Changhua; Song, Chengli; Li, Xinxiang; Zhou, Yu; Shi, Debing


    Bipolar radiofrequency-induced thermo-fusion has been explored as an advanced surgical method for intestinal anastomoses; however, the histological characteristics of collagen denaturation and injuries arising from this process remain unclear. The aim of this study was to investigate the microcosmic changes and tissue damage of fusion regions with various parameters of injury. Ex vivo colons of pigs were fused serosa-serosa on two carrier rings, which were installed on a homemade anastomotic device. Five levels of compressive pressure from 171 to 313 kPa were applied for 5s to fuse the colons under radiofrequency power of 160 W, and then the collagen denaturation of the fused region was examined by transmission electron microscopy. Light microscopy was utilized to observe histological slices that were stained with picrosirius red in order to visualize the tissue injuries under two levels of radiofrequency power (120 vs. 140 W) and operation time (5 vs. 10s). Transmission electron micrographs showed that increased compressive pressure led to thicker denatured collagen fibrils and wider gaps between each collagen fibril. Serosa adhesion regions appeared abundant in collagen. No histological differences were observed when 120 W of power was applied for 5 and 10s. Significant muscle cracking occurred when colons were fused using 140 W for 5s. When the operation time was extended to 10s, 140 W led to tight fusion and less splitting on muscles. These results suggest that higher compressive pressure results in more severe collagen unfolding and also reduces collagen crosslinking in fused colons. Improved radiofrequency power along with operation time could avoid tissue injury upon radiofrequency-induced colonic anastomoses. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  3. Measurement of intrahepatic pressure during radiofrequency ablation in porcine liver.


    Kawamoto, Chiaki; Yamauchi, Atsushi; Baba, Yoko; Kaneko, Keiko; Yakabi, Koji


    To identify the most effective procedures to avoid increased intrahepatic pressure during radiofrequency ablation, we evaluated different ablation methods. Laparotomy was performed in 19 pigs. Intrahepatic pressure was monitored using an invasive blood pressure monitor. Radiofrequency ablation was performed as follows: single-step standard ablation; single-step at 30 W; single-step at 70 W; 4-step at 30 W; 8-step at 30 W; 8-step at 70 W; and cooled-tip. The array was fully deployed in single-step methods. In the multi-step methods, the array was gradually deployed in four or eight steps. With the cooled-tip, ablation was performed by increasing output by 10 W/min, starting at 40 W. Intrahepatic pressure was as follows: single-step standard ablation, 154.5 +/- 30.9 mmHg; single-step at 30 W, 34.2 +/- 20.0 mmHg; single-step at 70 W, 46.7 +/- 24.3 mmHg; 4-step at 30 W, 42.3 +/- 17.9 mmHg; 8-step at 30 W, 24.1 +/- 18.2 mmHg; 8-step at 70 W, 47.5 +/- 31.5 mmHg; and cooled-tip, 114.5 +/- 16.6 mmHg. The radiofrequency ablation-induced area was spherical with single-step standard ablation, 4-step at 30 W, and 8-step at 30 W. Conversely, the ablated area was irregular with single-step at 30 W, single-step at 70 W, and 8-step at 70 W. The ablation time was significantly shorter for the multi-step method than for the single-step method. Increased intrahepatic pressure could be controlled using multi-step methods. From the shapes of the ablation area, 30-W 8-step expansions appear to be most suitable for radiofrequency ablation.

  4. Simplified method for esophagus protection during radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation - prospective study of 704 cases

    PubMed Central

    Mateos, José Carlos Pachón; Mateos, Enrique I Pachón; Peña, Tomas G Santillana; Lobo, Tasso Julio; Mateos, Juán Carlos Pachón; Vargas, Remy Nelson A; Pachón, Carlos Thiene C; Acosta, Juán Carlos Zerpa


    Introduction Although rare, the atrioesophageal fistula is one of the most feared complications in radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation due to the high risk of mortality. Objective This is a prospective controlled study, performed during regular radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, to test whether esophageal displacement by handling the transesophageal echocardiography transducer could be used for esophageal protection. Methods Seven hundred and four patients (158 F/546M [22.4%/77.6%]; 52.8±14 [17-84] years old), with mean EF of 0.66±0.8 and drug-refractory atrial fibrillation were submitted to hybrid radiofrequency catheter ablation (conventional pulmonary vein isolation plus AF-Nests and background tachycardia ablation) with displacement of the esophagus as far as possible from the radiofrequency target by transesophageal echocardiography transducer handling. The esophageal luminal temperature was monitored without and with displacement in 25 patients. Results The mean esophageal displacement was 4 to 9.1cm (5.9±0.8 cm). In 680 of the 704 patients (96.6%), it was enough to allow complete and safe radiofrequency delivery (30W/40ºC/irrigated catheter or 50W/60ºC/8 mm catheter) without esophagus overlapping. The mean esophageal luminal temperature changes with versus without esophageal displacement were 0.11±0.13ºC versus 1.1±0.4ºC respectively, P<0.01. The radiofrequency had to be halted in 68% of the patients without esophageal displacement because of esophageal luminal temperature increase. There was no incidence of atrioesophageal fistula suspected or confirmed. Only two superficial bleeding caused by transesophageal echocardiography transducer insertion were observed. Conclusion Mechanical esophageal displacement by transesophageal echocardiography transducer during radiofrequency catheter ablation was able to prevent a rise in esophageal luminal temperature, helping to avoid esophageal thermal lesion. In most

  5. Simplified method for esophagus protection during radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation--prospective study of 704 cases.


    Mateos, José Carlos Pachón; Mateos, Enrique I Pachón; Peña, Tomas G Santillana; Lobo, Tasso Julio; Mateos, Juán Carlos Pachón; Vargas, Remy Nelson A; Pachón, Carlos Thiene C; Acosta, Juán Carlos Zerpa


    Although rare, the atrioesophageal fistula is one of the most feared complications in radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation due to the high risk of mortality. This is a prospective controlled study, performed during regular radiofrequency catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation, to test whether esophageal displacement by handling the transesophageal echocardiography transducer could be used for esophageal protection. Seven hundred and four patients (158 F/546M [22.4%/77.6%]; 52.8 ± 14 [17-84] years old), with mean EF of 0.66 ± 0.8 and drug-refractory atrial fibrillation were submitted to hybrid radiofrequency catheter ablation (conventional pulmonary vein isolation plus AF-Nests and background tachycardia ablation) with displacement of the esophagus as far as possible from the radiofrequency target by transesophageal echocardiography transducer handling. The esophageal luminal temperature was monitored without and with displacement in 25 patients. The mean esophageal displacement was 4 to 9.1cm (5.9 ± 0.8 cm). In 680 of the 704 patients (96.6%), it was enough to allow complete and safe radiofrequency delivery (30W/40ºC/irrigated catheter or 50W/60ºC/8 mm catheter) without esophagus overlapping. The mean esophageal luminal temperature changes with versus without esophageal displacement were 0.11 ± 0.13ºC versus 1.1 ± 0.4ºC respectively, P<0.01. The radiofrequency had to be halted in 68% of the patients without esophageal displacement because of esophageal luminal temperature increase. There was no incidence of atrioesophageal fistula suspected or confirmed. Only two superficial bleeding caused by transesophageal echocardiography transducer insertion were observed. Mechanical esophageal displacement by transesophageal echocardiography transducer during radiofrequency catheter ablation was able to prevent a rise in esophageal luminal temperature, helping to avoid esophageal thermal lesion. In most cases, the esophageal displacement was

  6. Sensor Research Targets Smart Building Technology Using Radio-Frequency Websites

    a battery-free radio-frequency identification (RFID) sensor network with spatiotemporal pattern network based data fusion system for human presence sensing, with ARPA-E awarding the team $2 million over

  7. Adaptive response in animals exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields: some underlying mechanisms.


    Cao, Yi; Tong, Jian


    During the last few years, our research group has been investigating the phenomenon of adaptive response in animals exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields. The results from several separate studies indicated a significant increase in survival, decreases in genetic damage as well as oxidative damage and, alterations in several cellular processes in mice pre-exposed to radiofrequency fields and subsequently subjected to sub-lethal or lethal doses of γ-radiation or injected with bleomycin, a radiomimetic chemical mutagen. These observations indicated the induction of adaptive response providing the animals the ability to resist subsequent damage. Similar studies conducted by independent researchers in mice and rats have supported our observation on increased survival. In this paper, we have presented a brief review of all of our own and other independent investigations on radiofrequency fields-induced adaptive response and some underlying mechanisms discussed.

  8. Adaptive Response in Animals Exposed to Non-Ionizing Radiofrequency Fields: Some Underlying Mechanisms

    PubMed Central

    Cao, Yi; Tong, Jian


    During the last few years, our research group has been investigating the phenomenon of adaptive response in animals exposed to non-ionizing radiofrequency fields. The results from several separate studies indicated a significant increase in survival, decreases in genetic damage as well as oxidative damage and, alterations in several cellular processes in mice pre-exposed to radiofrequency fields and subsequently subjected to sub-lethal or lethal doses of γ-radiation or injected with bleomycin, a radiomimetic chemical mutagen. These observations indicated the induction of adaptive response providing the animals the ability to resist subsequent damage. Similar studies conducted by independent researchers in mice and rats have supported our observation on increased survival. In this paper, we have presented a brief review of all of our own and other independent investigations on radiofrequency fields-induced adaptive response and some underlying mechanisms discussed. PMID:24758897

  9. Neurohumoral indicators of efficacy radiofrequency cardiac denervation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Evtushenko, A. V., E-mail:; Evtushenko, V. V.; Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution “Research Institute for Cardiology”, Tomsk

    In this study, we compared pre- and postoperative parameters of the cardiac sympathetic innervation. The aim of the study was to examine the approaches to evaluating the quality of radiofrequency (RF)-induced cardiac denervation by using non-invasive and laboratory methods. The study included 32 people with long-lasting persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). The patients were divided into 2 groups according to the objectives of the study: group 1 (main) - 21 patients with mitral valve diseases, which simultaneously with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) AF carried out on the effects of the paraganglionic nervous plexuses by C. Pappone (2004) and N. Doll (2008) schemes.more » The second group (control) contained 11 patients with heart diseases in sinus rhythm (the RF denervation not been performed). All patients, who underwent surgical treatment, were received examination of cardiac sympathetic tone by using {sup 123}I-MIBG. All of them made blood analysis from ascending aorta and coronary sinus to determine the level of norepinephrine and its metabolites before and after cardiac denervation. Data of radionuclide examination are correlating with laboratory data.« less

  10. Neurohumoral indicators of efficacy radiofrequency cardiac denervation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Evtushenko, A. V.; Evtushenko, V. V.; Saushkina, Yu. V.; Lishmanov, Yu. B.; Pokushalov, E. A.; Sergeevichev, D. S.; Gusakova, A. M.; Suslova, T. E.; Dymbrylova, O. N.; Bykov, A. N.; Syryamkin, V. I.; Kistenev, Yu. V.; Anfinogenova, Ya. D.; Smyshlyaev, K. A.; Lotkov, A. I.; Kurlov, I. O.


    In this study, we compared pre- and postoperative parameters of the cardiac sympathetic innervation. The aim of the study was to examine the approaches to evaluating the quality of radiofrequency (RF)-induced cardiac denervation by using non-invasive and laboratory methods. The study included 32 people with long-lasting persistent atrial fibrillation (AF). The patients were divided into 2 groups according to the objectives of the study: group 1 (main) - 21 patients with mitral valve diseases, which simultaneously with radiofrequency ablation (RFA) AF carried out on the effects of the paraganglionic nervous plexuses by C. Pappone (2004) and N. Doll (2008) schemes. The second group (control) contained 11 patients with heart diseases in sinus rhythm (the RF denervation not been performed). All patients, who underwent surgical treatment, were received examination of cardiac sympathetic tone by using 123I-MIBG. All of them made blood analysis from ascending aorta and coronary sinus to determine the level of norepinephrine and its metabolites before and after cardiac denervation. Data of radionuclide examination are correlating with laboratory data.

  11. Treatment for Insomnia in Combat-Exposed OEF/OIF/OND Military Veterans: Preliminary Randomized Controlled Trial

    PubMed Central

    Germain, Anne; Richardson, Robin; Stocker, Ryan; Mammen, Oommen; Hall, Martica; Bramoweth, Adam D.; Begley, Amy; Rode, Noelle; Frank, Ellen; Haas, Gretchen; Buysse, Daniel J.


    Objective Chronic insomnia is highly prevalent among military personnel returning from Iraq and Afghanistan. We evaluated the effects of a military version of a brief behavioral treatment of insomnia (BBTI-MV) compared to an information only control (IC) condition in combat-exposed Veterans of Operations Enduring/Iraqi Freedom or Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND) on insomnia, sleep quality, and daytime symptoms of anxiety and depression. Method Forty OEF/OIF/OND Veterans (Mean age = 38.4 years old, s.d. = 11.69; 85% men; 77.5% white) were randomized to one of two conditions. BBTI-MV consisted of two in-person sessions and two telephone contacts delivered over four weeks, and included personalized recommendations to reduce insomnia. The IC condition also consisted of 2 in-person sessions two telephone contacts delivered over four weeks, and Veterans were encouraged to read written information about sleep-promoting behaviors. The Insomnia Severity Index, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, PTSD Checklist, and Beck Depression and Anxiety Inventories were completed at baseline, post-treatment, and at the six-month follow-up. Results Both interventions were associated with clinically significant improvements in insomnia, although the magnitude of improvements in sleep and rates of treatment response and remission were greater for BBTI-MV compared to IC from pre- to post-treatment. Conclusion Both BBTI-MV and the provision of information were associated with clinically significant improvements in insomnia among Veterans. Despite the preliminary nature of the findings and limitations inherent to small controlled trials, the findings suggest that both approaches may provide viable options in a stepped-care approach to the treatment of insomnia in retuning combat-exposed Veterans. Larger, confirmatory effectiveness trials are required. PMID:25194223

  12. LES versus DNS: A comparative study

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shtilman, L.; Chasnov, J. R.


    We have performed Direct Numerical Simulations (DNS) and Large Eddy Simulations (LES) of forced isotropic turbulence at moderate Reynolds numbers. The subgrid scale model used in the LES is based on an eddy viscosity which adjusts instantaneously the energy spectrum of the LES to that of the DNS. The statistics of the large scales of the DNS (filtered DNS field or fDNS) are compared to that of the LES. We present results for the transfer spectra, the skewness and flatness factors of the velocity components, the PDF's of the angle between the vorticity and the eigenvectors of the rate of strain, and that between the vorticity and the vorticity stretching tensor. The above LES statistics are found to be in good agreement with those measured in the fDNS field. We further observe that in all the numerical measurements, the trend was for the LES field to be more gaussian than the fDNS field. Future research on this point is planned.

  13. Outcomes after cryoablation vs. radiofrequency in patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: impact of pulmonary veins anatomy.


    Khoueiry, Z; Albenque, J-P; Providencia, R; Combes, S; Combes, N; Jourda, F; Sousa, P A; Cardin, C; Pasquie, J-L; Cung, T T; Massin, F; Marijon, E; Boveda, S


    Pulmonary vein isolation is the mainstay of treatment in catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF). Cryoballoon ablation has been introduced more recently than radiofrequency ablation, the standard technique in most centres. Pulmonary veins frequently display anatomical variants, which may compromise the results of cryoballoon ablation. We aimed to evaluate the mid-term outcomes of cryoballoon ablation in an unselected population with paroxysmal AF from an anatomical viewpoint. Consecutive patients with paroxysmal AF who underwent a first procedure of cryoballoon ablation or radiofrequency were enrolled in this single-centre study. All patients underwent systematic standardized follow-up. Comparisons between radiofrequency and cryoballoon ablation (Arctic Front™ or Arctic Front Advance™) were performed regarding safety and efficacy endpoints, according to pulmonary vein (PV) anatomical variants. A total of 687 patients were enrolled (376 radiofrequency and 311 cryoballoon ablation). Baseline characteristics and distribution of PV anatomical variants were generally similar in the groups. After a mean follow-up of 14 ± 8 months, there was no difference in the incidence of relapse (17.0% cryoballoon ablation vs. 14.1% radiofrequency, P = 0.25). We observed no interaction of PV anatomical variants on mid-term procedural success. Our findings suggest that mid-term outcomes of cryoballoon ablation for paroxysmal AF ablation are similar to those of radiofrequency, regardless of PV anatomy. The presence of anatomical variants of PVs should not discourage the referral of patients with paroxysmal AF for cryoballoon ablation. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2016. For permissions please email:

  14. Les recommandations thérapeutiques relatives aux effets secondaires extrapyramidaux associés à l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Doja, Asif; Belanger, Stacey; Patten, Scott


    HISTORIQUE ET OBJECTIF : L’utilisation d’antipsychotiques augmente chez les enfants. Le présent article visait à orienter les cliniciens quant à la prise en charge clinique des effets secondaires extrapyramidaux des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les publications, les entrevues avec des informateurs clés et des échanges avec les membres d’un groupe de discussion et les partenaires ont permis de déterminer les principaux secteurs cliniques d’orientation et les préférences quant à la structure des présentes recommandations. Les membres responsables des lignes directrices ont reçu le projet de recommandations, ont évalué l’information recueillie grâce à une analyse bibliographique systématique et ont utilisé un processus de groupe nominal pour parvenir à un consensus quant aux recommandations thérapeutiques. Les lignes directrices contiennent une description des anomalies neurologiques souvent observées avec l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques ainsi que les recommandations sur le moyen d’examiner et de quantifier ces anomalies. Une démarche séquentielle sur la prise en charge des anomalies neurologiques est présentée. RÉSULTATS : On peut observer plusieurs types de symptômes extrapyramidaux attribuables à l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques chez les enfants, y compris la dystonie aiguë, l’akathisie, le parkinsonisme et la dyskinésie tardive, toutes induites par les neuroleptiques, de même que la dystonie tardive, l’akathisie tardive et les dyskinésies de sevrage. La forte majorité des données probantes sur le traitement des troubles du mouvement induits par les antipsychotiques proviennent de patients adultes atteints de schizophrénie. Étant donné le peu de données pédiatriques, les recommandations découlent de publications portant tant sur des adultes que sur des enfants. Compte tenu des limites de généralisation des données provenant de sujets adultes pour des enfants, il

  15. Arrhythmia-free survival and pulmonary vein reconnection patterns after second-generation cryoballoon and contact-force radiofrequency pulmonary vein isolation.


    Buist, Thomas J; Adiyaman, Ahmet; Smit, Jaap Jan J; Ramdat Misier, Anand R; Elvan, Arif


    The aim of this study was to compare second-generation cryoballoon and contact-force radiofrequency point-by-point pulmonary vein isolation (PVI) in atrial fibrillation (AF) patients with regard to pulmonary vein reconnection and arrhythmia-free survival. Altogether, 269 consecutive patients with drug-refractory AF undergoing PVI were included and randomly allocated to second-generation cryoballoon or contact-force point-by-point radiofrequency ablation. Median follow-up duration was 389 days (interquartile range 219-599). Mean age was 59 years (71% male); 136 patients underwent cryoballoon and 133 patients underwent radiofrequency ablation. Acute electrical PVI was 100% for both techniques. Procedure duration was significantly shorter in cryoballoon vs radiofrequency (166.5 vs 184.13 min P = 0.016). Complication rates were similar (6.0 vs 6.7%, P = 1.00). Single procedure freedom of atrial arrhythmias was significantly higher in cryoballoon as compared to radiofrequency (75.2 vs 57.4%, P = 0.013). In multivariate analysis, persistent AF, AF duration, and cryoballoon ablation were associated with freedom of atrial tachyarrhythmias. The number of repeat ablation procedures was significantly lower in the cryoballoon compared to radiofrequency (15.0 vs 24.3%, P = 0.045). At repeat ablation, pulmonary vein reconnection rate was significantly lower after cryoballoon as compared to radiofrequency ablation (36.8 vs 58.1%, P = 0.003). Improved arrhythmia-free survival and more durable pulmonary vein isolation is seen after PVI using second-generation cryoballoon as compared to contact-force radiofrequency, in patients with drug-refractory paroxysmal AF. Complication rates for both ablation techniques are low.

  16. Pathological proof of cellular death in radiofrequency ablation therapy and correlation with flash echo imaging--an experiment study.


    Fujiki, Kei


    The aims of this study were to clarify the geographic distribution of complete cell death in the radiofrequency ablated area in a porcine liver experiment, and to evaluate the efficacy of ultrasonography using contrast media in detecting the area of Radiofrequency-induced cell death. Radiofrequency ablation was performed at 3 sites in each liver in seven swine with a RF2000TM radiofrequency generator using an expandable type needle electrode. The ablation area was investigated histologically by Hematoxylin-Eosin staining and NADH staining. The area of radiofrequency-induced cell death was correlated to the ultrasonographic findings using contrast media, by means of contrast harmonic imaging, flash echo imaging-subtraction and flash echo imaging-power Doppler. The ablation area showed three distinct regions. Although the HE staining did not indicate necrosis, the NADH staining showed a complete loss of cellular activity in the inner and middle layers of the ablation area. However, in the outer layer cells displaying cellular integrity were intermingled with the necrotic cells, indicating that some of the cells in this layer had a chance to survive. Further, in some cases the outer layer of the ablated area had irregular margins. The flash-echo power-doppler images were accurately correlated in size and shape to the pathologically proved region of complete cell death in the radiofrequency-induced lesions. In the marginal part of the radiofrequency ablation area, cell death was incomplete. Flash echo imaging-power doppler was a useful and sensitive real time imaging technique for accurate evaluation of the region of complete cell death.

  17. A prospective clinical study to evaluate the safety and performance of wireless localization of nonpalpable breast lesions using radiofrequency identification technology.


    Dauphine, Christine; Reicher, Joshua J; Reicher, Murray A; Gondusky, Christina; Khalkhali, Iraj; Kim, Michelle


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the safety and performance of localizing nonpalpable breast lesions using radiofrequency identification technology. Twenty consecutive women requiring preoperative localization of a breast lesion were recruited. Subjects underwent placement of both a hook wire and a radiofrequency identification tag immediately before surgery. The radiofrequency identification tag was the primary method used by the operating surgeon to localize each lesion during excision, with the hook wire serving as backup in case of tag migration or failed localization. Successful localization with removal of the intended lesion was the primary outcome measured. Tag migration and postoperative infection were also noted to assess safety. Twenty patients underwent placement of a radiofrequency identification tag, 12 under ultrasound guidance and eight with stereotactic guidance. In all cases, the radiofrequency identification tag was successfully localized by the reader at the level of the skin before incision, and the intended lesion was removed along with the radiofrequency identification tag. There were no localization failures and no postoperative infections. Tag migration did not occur before incision, but in three cases, occurred as the lesion was being retracted with fingers to make the final cut along the deep surface of the specimen. In this initial clinical study, radiofrequency tags were safe and able to successfully localize nonpalpable breast lesions. Radiofrequency identification technology may represent an alternative method to hook wire localization.

  18. [Arthroscope monitored solution of adult intramuscular injection associated gluteal muscle contracture by radiofrequency].


    Liu, Yu-Jie; Xue, Jing; Zhou, Mi; Wang, Zhi-Gang; Li, Zhong-Li; Cai, Xu; Wei, Min; Wang, Yan; Zhu, Juan-Li


    To evaluate the result of releasing adult intramuscular injection associated gluteal muscle contracture under the monitor of arthroscope by radiofrequency probe. From June 2001 to June 2005, 108 cases of bilateral gluteal muscle contracture were treated with radiofrequency colation under the arthroscope and solution with an average age of 24 years (from 18 to 40 years). There were 57 males and 51 females. Preoperatively, the course of the outline of the femur greater trochanter the sciatic nerve in buttocks and the area of gluteal muscle contracture were marked. With the patients firmly anchored in the straight lateral position, normal saline (which contains Adnephrin) was injected between the surface of contracted gluteus and subcutaneous fat to reduce bleeding in operation. The ports for the motorized shaver and radiofrequency probe were located at the edge of gluteal muscle contracture and were 5 mm superior to the greater trochanter. The 6 mm diameter port for the arthroscope was 3 cm inferior to the greater trochanter. Space was made between contracture bands and overlying subcutaneous tissue with a periosteal elevator by blunt dissection. After the anterior and posterior edge of the contracture bands were fully revealed, normal saline were filled in the space. With the monitor of arthroscope, the procedures were: removing fatty tissue from the surface of the contracture bands with motorized shaver, then cutting off the contracture bands curve and carefully probing and cutting off contracture bands which were mixed in gluteus maximus with radiofrequency probe, finally hemostasis by radiofrequency probe. In the operation flexion, adduction, internal rotation and straightening hip joint were repeated, until it got normal range of motion without snap and bleeding. Results One hundred and one patients were followed up with an average of 19 months. According to a comprehensive evaluating system, 91 cases were excellent, 7 were good, and 3 were fair. No infection

  19. A radio-frequency sheath model for complex waveforms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turner, M. M.; Chabert, P.


    Plasma sheaths driven by radio-frequency voltages occur in contexts ranging from plasma processing to magnetically confined fusion experiments. An analytical understanding of such sheaths is therefore important, both intrinsically and as an element in more elaborate theoretical structures. Radio-frequency sheaths are commonly excited by highly anharmonic waveforms, but no analytical model exists for this general case. We present a mathematically simple sheath model that is in good agreement with earlier models for single frequency excitation, yet can be solved for arbitrary excitation waveforms. As examples, we discuss dual-frequency and pulse-like waveforms. The model employs the ansatz that the time-averaged electron density is a constant fraction of the ion density. In the cases we discuss, the error introduced by this approximation is small, and in general it can be quantified through an internal consistency condition of the model. This simple and accurate model is likely to have wide application.

  20. Process for selected gas oxide removal by radiofrequency catalysts


    Cha, Chang Y.


    This process to remove gas oxides from flue gas utilizes adsorption on a char bed subsequently followed by radiofrequency catalysis enhancing such removal through selected reactions. Common gas oxides include SO.sub.2 and NO.sub.x.

  1. Radiofrequency in cosmetic dermatology.


    Beasley, Karen L; Weiss, Robert A


    The demand for noninvasive methods of facial and body rejuvenation has experienced exponential growth over the last decade. There is a particular interest in safe and effective ways to decrease skin laxity and smooth irregular body contours and texture without downtime. These noninvasive treatments are being sought after because less time for recovery means less time lost from work and social endeavors. Radiofrequency (RF) treatments are traditionally titrated to be nonablative and are optimal for those wishing to avoid recovery time. Not only is there minimal recovery but also a high level of safety with aesthetic RF treatments. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  2. Prospective, pilot evaluation of the performance of nanofractional radiofrequency for improvement of skin texture via skin resurfacing.


    Bohnert, Krista; Dorizas, Andrew; Sadick, Neil


    The latest generation of radiofrequency, nanofractional radiofrequency, allows the heat energy to be delivered through the use of pins or needles as electrodes, facilitating increased efficacy and reduced pain, downtime, and side effects. The objective of this prospective pilot clinical study was to evaluate the efficacy of nanofractional radiofrequency in skin resurfacing. Seventeen subjects were enrolled in the study, and each received three nanofractional radiofrequency (160-pin tip) treatments in the facial area at 3-week intervals. Follow-up visits were scheduled at 1 and 2 months after the final treatment. Clinical photography, patient, and investigator assessments were conducted during the treatment visits and follow-up. All subjects completed the study. At the 1- and 2-month follow-up, there was a moderate to significant improvement (2.6 and 3.5, respectively, P = .01) according to the investigator global esthetic improvement scale rating. Most subjects reported that they were satisfied or very satisfied with the outcome and level of comfort. Nanofractional radiofrequency is a safe and effective strategy for improving texture, tone, and skin laxity with high patient satisfaction and tolerable safety profile. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. J. Picard et les satellites de Saturne.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Toulmonde, M.

    Jean Picard (1620 - 1682) a observé à Paris les trois premiers satellites de Saturne récemment découverts et en a dessiné les configurations. Par la comparaison avec les théories les plus récentes des mouvements des satellites de Saturne, l'étude de ces observations et des croquis réalisés par Picard montre les très grandes qualités des satellites de Saturne, l'étude de ces observations et des croquis réalisés par Picard montre les très grande qualités d'observateur de cet astronome, créateur de l'astronométrie de précision dès 1666.

  4. Comparative Effectiveness Review of Cooled Versus Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation for the Treatment of Knee Osteoarthritis: A Systematic Review.


    Gupta, Anita; Huettner, Daniel P; Dukewich, Matthew


    Patients suffering from osteoarthritis of the knee and patients post total knee arthroplasty often develop refractory, disabling chronic knee pain. Radiofrequency ablation, including conventional, pulsed, and cooled, has recently become more accepted as an interventional technique to manage chronic knee pain in patients who have failed conservative treatment or who are not suitable candidates for surgical treatment. This systematic review aimed to analyze published studies on radiofrequency ablation to provide an overview of the current knowledge regarding variations in procedures, nerve targets, adverse events, and temporal extent of clinical benefit. A systematic review of published studies investigating conventional, pulsed, or cooled radiofrequency ablation in the setting of chronic knee pain. Medline, Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (CENTRAL) databases were reviewed for studies on radiofrequency ablation for patients with chronic knee pain through July 29, 2016. From the studies, the procedural details, outcomes after treatment, follow-up points, and complications were compiled and analyzed in this literature review. Included studies were analyzed for clinical relevance and strength of evidence was graded using either the NHLBI Quality assessment of controlled intervention studies or the NHLBI quality assessment for before-after (pre-post) studies with no control group. Seventeen total publications were identified in the search, including articles investigating conventional, pulsed, or cooled radiofrequency ablation. These studies primarily targeted either the genicular nerves or used an intraarticular approach. Of the studies, 5 were small-sized randomized controlled trials, although one involved diathermy radiofrequency ablation. There were 8 retrospective or prospective case series and 4 case reports. Utilizing the strength of evidence grading, there is a low level of certainty to suggest a superior benefit between

  5. Pulmonary venous thrombosis secondary to radiofrequency ablation of the pulmonary veins.


    López-Reyes, Raquel; García-Ortega, Alberto; Torrents, Ana; Feced, Laura; Calvillo, Pilar; Libreros-Niño, Eugenia Alejandra; Escrivá-Peiró, Juan; Nauffal, Dolores


    Pulmonary Vein Thrombosis (PVT) is a rare and underdiagnosed entity produced by local mechanical nature mechanisms, vascular torsion or direct injury to the vein. PVT has been described in clinical cases or small multicenter series mainly in relation to pulmonary vein stenosis, metastatic carcinoma, fibrosing mediastinitis, as an early surgical complication of lung transplantation lobectomy and radiofrequency ablation performed in patients with atrial fibrillation, although in some cases the cause is not known. We report the case of a 57 years old male with history of atrial fibrillation treated by radiofrequency ablation who was admitted in our center because of a two-week history of consistent pleuritic pain in the left hemithorax and low-grade hemoptysis and a lung consolidation treated as a pneumonia with antibiotic but not responding to medical therapy. In view of the poor evolution of the patient, computed tomography angiography was performed with findings of PVT and secondary venous infarction and anticoagulation therapy was optimized. At the end, pulmonary resection was performed due to hemorrhagic recurrence. PVT remains a rare complication of radiofrequency ablation and other procedures involving pulmonary veins. Clinical suspicion and early diagnosis is crucial because is a potentially life-threatening entity.

  6. Superconducting surface impedance under radiofrequency field


    Xiao, Binping P.; Reece, Charles E.; Kelley, Michael J.


    Based on BCS theory with moving Cooper pairs, the electron states distribution at 0K and the probability of electron occupation with finite temperature have been derived and applied to anomalous skin effect theory to obtain the surface impedance of a superconductor under radiofrequency (RF) field. We present the numerical results for Nb and compare these with representative RF field-dependent effective surface resistance measurements from a 1.5 GHz resonant structure.

  7. Process for selected gas oxide removal by radiofrequency catalysts


    Cha, C.Y.


    This process to remove gas oxides from flue gas utilizes adsorption on a char bed subsequently followed by radiofrequency catalysis enhancing such removal through selected reactions. Common gas oxides include SO[sub 2] and NO[sub x]. 1 figure.

  8. Complementary Effects of Negative-Pressure Wound Therapy and Pulsed Radiofrequency Energy on Cutaneous Wound Healing in Diabetic Mice.


    Chen, Bin; Kao, Huang-Kai; Dong, Ziqing; Jiang, Zhaohua; Guo, Lifei


    Negative-pressure wound therapy and pulsed radiofrequency energy are two clinical modalities used to treat soft-tissue wounds. They are purported to affect healing differently. The aim of this experimental study was to contrast the two modalities at a mechanistic level and to investigate whether their combined therapy could achieve additive and complementary effects on wound healing. Full-thickness dorsal cutaneous wounds of diabetic, db/db, mice were treated with either negative-pressure wound therapy, pulsed radiofrequency energy, or combined therapies. Macroscopic healing kinetics were examined. Epidermal regeneration (proliferation rate and length of reepithelialization) and neovascularization (blood vessel density) were investigated. Messenger RNA levels indicative of angiogenic (basic fibroblast growth factor), profibrotic (transforming growth factor-β), epidermal proliferative (keratinocyte growth factor), and extracellular matrix remodeling (collagen 1) processes were measured in wound tissues. All three treatment groups displayed faster wound healing. The negative-pressure wound therapy/pulsed radiofrequency energy combined therapy led to significantly faster healing than either the negative-pressure wound therapy or pulsed radiofrequency energy therapy alone. Epidermal regeneration and neovascularization were enhanced in all three groups. The two negative-pressure wound therapy groups (alone and combined with pulsed radiofrequency energy) demonstrated more significant increases in expression of all assayed growth factors than the pulsed radiofrequency energy group. Furthermore, the combined therapy exhibited a more profound elevation in collagen 1 expression than either of the two therapies alone. Combining the negative-pressure wound therapy and pulsed radiofrequency energy modalities can achieve additive benefits in cutaneous healing, and the two therapies can be easily used together to complement each other in clinical wound treatments.

  9. 47 CFR 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” and in supplements to... electromagnetic energy. The SAR limits to be used for evaluation are based generally on criteria published by the... with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,” ANSI/IEEE...

  10. 47 CFR 1.1310 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure limits.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... FCC Guidelines for Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” and in supplements to... electromagnetic energy. The SAR limits to be used for evaluation are based generally on criteria published by the... with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,” ANSI/IEEE...

  11. High Power Microwaves (HPM) (les Micro-ondes de forte puissance (MFP).

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the polarization vector , [C/m 2], P1 is the polarization term which is linearly dependent on the electric field, and Pnl is The soliton laser [35...which utilizes Kerr nonlinearity in the polarization vector which is nonlinearly dependent on the optical fiber, has also been demonstrated. In the case...forward propa- then applied across the cathode. If the electric gating volume harmonics of the TMO1 mode, field is of the proper polarity , a phase tran- as

  12. Benign thyroid nodule unresponsive to radiofrequency ablation treated with laser ablation: a case report.


    Oddo, Silvia; Balestra, Margherita; Vera, Lara; Giusti, Massimo


    Radiofrequency ablation and laser ablation are safe and effective techniques for reducing thyroid nodule volume, neck symptoms, and cosmetic complaints. Therapeutic success is defined as a nodule reduction > 50% between 6 and 12 months after the procedure, but a percentage of nodules inexplicably do not respond to thermal ablation. We describe the case of a young Caucasian woman with a solid benign thyroid nodule who refused surgery and who had undergone radiofrequency ablation in 2013. The nodule did not respond in terms of either volume reduction or improvement in neck symptoms. After 2 years, given the patient's continued refusal of thyroidectomy, we proposed laser ablation. The nodule displayed a significant volume reduction (- 50% from radiofrequency ablation baseline volume, - 57% from laser ablation baseline), and the patient reported a significant improvement in neck symptoms (from 6/10 to 1/10 on a visual analogue scale). We conjecture that some benign thyroid nodules may be intrinsically resistant to necrosis when one specific ablation technique is used, but may respond to another technique. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first description of the effect of performing a different percutaneous ablation technique in a nodule that does not respond to radiofrequency ablation.

  13. Les recommandations de prise en charge des complications métaboliques associées aux antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Ho, Josephine; Panagiotopoulos, Constadina; McCrindle, Brian; Grisaru, Silviu; Pringsheim, Tamara


    HISTORIQUE : Les antipsychotiques de deuxième génération s’associent souvent à des complications métaboliques. Ces médicaments sont utilisés plus souvent pour le traitement des troubles de santé mentale chez les enfants, ce qui a requis l’élaboration de lignes directrices officielles sur la surveillance de leur innocuité et de leur efficacité. Des lignes directrices ont déjà été élaborées pour surveiller les complications métaboliques et neurologiques. Afin d’aider les praticiens qui effectuent ces interventions de surveillance, une série de recommandations thérapeutiques complémentaires a été élaborée pour les cas où l’on observe des mesures ou des résultats anormaux. OBJECTIF : Créer des recommandations probantes afin de contribuer à la prise en charge des complications métaboliques chez les enfants traités au moyen d’antipsychotiques de deuxième génération. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les auteurs ont procédé à une analyse systématique des publications sur les complications métaboliques des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants. Les membres du groupe consensuel ont évalué l’information recueillie grâce à l’analyse bibliographique systématique et ont fait appel à un processus de groupe nominal pour parvenir à un consensus à l’égard de recommandations thérapeutiques. Dans la mesure du possible, ils se sont reportés aux lignes directrices existantes sur l’évaluation et le traitement des anomalies métaboliques chez les enfants. RÉSULTATS : Des recommandations probantes sont présentées pour contribuer à la prise en charge des complications métaboliques, y compris la prise de poids, l’augmentation du tour de taille, l’élévation des taux de prolactine, de cholestérol, de triglycérides et de glucose, les épreuves de fonction hépatique anormales et les études thyroïdiennes anormales. CONCLUSION : Il faut recourir à des mesures de surveillance convenables lorsqu’on prescrit

  14. Regard sur les lazarets en terre canadienne

    PubMed Central

    Milot, Jean


    Puisant dans les nombreuses références qu’offrent les publications médicales canadiennes du milieu du XIXe siècle à nos jours, l’auteur fait découvrir l’existence de lazarets en terre canadienne, décrit l’impact de la maladie sur les conditions vie des lépreux qui y étaient confinés et en souligne les contrecoups tant sur le plan physique et psychologique que social. Il présente un bref aperçu de la maladie, ses symptômes, ses signes ainsi que ses complications oculaires et rappelle les premiers moyens thérapeutiques à base d’huile de chaulmoogra introduits dans la colonie de Tracadie vers 1901. Il illustre son propos en évoquant la vie dans les lazarets de l’île de Sheldrake (1844–1848) et de Tracadie (1848–1965) au Nouveau-Brunswick, puis dans ceux des îles D’Arcy (1891–1924) et de Bentinck (1924–1957) en Colombie-Britannique. PMID:19352451

  15. Radiofrequency assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy for palliative surgical resection of locally advanced pancreatic adenocarcinoma.


    Kumar, Jayant; Reccia, Isabella; Sodergren, Mikael H; Kusano, Tomokazu; Zanellato, Artur; Pai, Madhava; Spalding, Duncan; Zacharoulis, Dimitris; Habib, Nagy


    Despite careful patient selection and preoperative investigations curative resection rate (R0) in pancreaticoduodenectomy ranges from 15% to 87%. Here we describe a new palliative approach for pancreaticoduodenectomy using a radiofrequency energy device to ablate tumor in situ in patients undergoing R1/R2 resections for locally advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma where vascular reconstruction was not feasible. There was neither postoperative mortality nor significant morbidity. Each time the ablation lasted less than 15 minutes. Following radiofrequency ablation it was observed that the tumor remnant attached to the vessel had shrunk significantly. In four patients this allowed easier separation and dissection of the ablated tumor from the adherent vessel leading to R1 resection. In the other two patients, the ablated tumor did not separate from vessel due to true tumor invasion and patients had an R2 resection. The ablated remnant part of the tumor was left in situ. Whenever pancreaticoduodenectomy with R0 resection cannot be achieved, this new palliative procedure could be considered in order to facilitate resection and enable maximum destruction in remnant tumors. Six patients with suspected tumor infiltration and where vascular reconstruction was not warranted underwent radiofrequency-assisted pancreaticoduodenectomy for locally advanced pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma. Radiofrequency was applied across the tumor vertically 5-10 mm from the edge of the mesenteric and portal veins. Following ablation, the duodenum and the head of pancreas were removed after knife excision along the ablated line. The remaining ablated tissue was left in situ attached to the vessel.

  16. Radiofrequency Ablation of Benign Thyroid Nodules and Recurrent Thyroid Cancers: Consensus Statement and Recommendations

    PubMed Central

    Na, Dong Gyu; Lee, Jeong Hyun; Jung, So Lyung; Kim, Ji-hoon; Sung, Jin Yong; Shin, Jung Hee; Kim, Eun-Kyung; Lee, Joon Hyung; Kim, Dong Wook; Park, Jeong Seon; Kim, Kyu Sun; Baek, Seon Mi; Lee, Younghen; Chong, Semin; Sim, Jung Suk; Huh, Jung Yin; Bae, Jae-Ik; Kim, Kyung Tae; Han, Song Yee; Bae, Min Young; Kim, Yoon Suk


    Thermal ablation using radiofrequency is a new, minimally invasive modality employed as an alternative to surgery in patients with benign thyroid nodules and recurrent thyroid cancers. The Task Force Committee of the Korean Society of Thyroid Radiology has developed recommendations for the optimal use of radiofrequency ablation for thyroid nodules. These recommendations are based on a comprehensive analysis of the current literature, the results of multicenter studies, and expert consensus. PMID:22438678

  17. Ultrasound-guided greater occipital nerve blocks and pulsed radiofrequency ablation for diagnosis and treatment of occipital neuralgia.


    Vanderhoek, Matthew David; Hoang, Hieu T; Goff, Brandon


    Occipital neuralgia is a condition manifested by chronic occipital headaches and is thought to be caused by irritation or trauma to the greater occipital nerve (GON). Treatment for occipital neuralgia includes medications, nerve blocks, and pulsed radiofrequency ablation (PRFA). Landmark-guided GON blocks are the mainstay in both the diagnosis and treatment of occipital neuralgia. Ultrasound is being utilized more and more in the chronic pain clinic to guide needle advancement when performing procedures; however, there are no reports of ultrasound used to guide a diagnostic block or PRFA of the GON. We report two cases in which ultrasound was used to guide diagnostic greater occipital nerve blocks and greater occipital nerve pulsed radiofrequency ablation for treatment of occipital neuralgia. Two patients with occipital headaches are presented. In Case 1, ultrasound was used to guide diagnostic blocks of the greater occipital nerves. In Case 2, ultrasound was utilized to guide placement of radiofrequency probes for pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the greater occipital nerves. Both patients reported immediate, significant pain relief, with continued pain relief for several months. Further study is needed to examine any difference in outcomes or morbidity between the traditional landmark method versus ultrasound-guided blocks and pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the greater occipital nerves.

  18. Ultrasound-Guided Greater Occipital Nerve Blocks and Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation for Diagnosis and Treatment of Occipital Neuralgia

    PubMed Central

    VanderHoek, Matthew David; Hoang, Hieu T; Goff, Brandon


    Occipital neuralgia is a condition manifested by chronic occipital headaches and is thought to be caused by irritation or trauma to the greater occipital nerve (GON). Treatment for occipital neuralgia includes medications, nerve blocks, and pulsed radiofrequency ablation (PRFA). Landmark-guided GON blocks are the mainstay in both the diagnosis and treatment of occipital neuralgia. Ultrasound is being utilized more and more in the chronic pain clinic to guide needle advancement when performing procedures; however, there are no reports of ultrasound used to guide a diagnostic block or PRFA of the GON. We report two cases in which ultrasound was used to guide diagnostic greater occipital nerve blocks and greater occipital nerve pulsed radiofrequency ablation for treatment of occipital neuralgia. Two patients with occipital headaches are presented. In Case 1, ultrasound was used to guide diagnostic blocks of the greater occipital nerves. In Case 2, ultrasound was utilized to guide placement of radiofrequency probes for pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the greater occipital nerves. Both patients reported immediate, significant pain relief, with continued pain relief for several months. Further study is needed to examine any difference in outcomes or morbidity between the traditional landmark method versus ultrasound-guided blocks and pulsed radiofrequency ablation of the greater occipital nerves. PMID:24282778

  19. Radiofrequency Lesions through Deep Brain Stimulation Electrodes in Movement Disorders: Case Report and Review of the Literature.


    Pérez-Suárez, Javier; Torres Díaz, Cristina V; López Manzanares, Lydia; Navas García, Marta; Pastor, Jesús; Barrio Fernández, Patricia; G de Sola, Rafael


    Although there are few reports of radiofrequency lesions performed through deep brain stimulation (DBS) electrodes in patients with movement disorders, experience with this method is scarce. We present 2 patients who had been previously treated with DBS of subthalamic nuclei (STN) and the ventral intermediate (VIM) nucleus of the thalamus for Parkinson's disease and essential tremor, respectively, and underwent a radiofrequency lesion through their DBS electrodes after developing a hardware infection. The authors conduct a review of the literature regarding this method. Both patients had a good clinical outcome after 20 and 8 months, respectively, as assessed by a reduction in Fahn-Tolosa-Marin Scale and Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale scores. The second patient underwent a second DBS system implantation surgery after his radiofrequency treatment to optimize his management, achieving optimal clinical control with lower current and drug requirements than before the radiofrequency intervention. No adverse effects were observed. Radiofrequency lesions through DBS electrodes allow the creation of small and localized lesions. Its effectiveness and low-risk profile, in addition to its low cost, make this procedure suitable and a possible alternative in the therapeutic repertoire for the surgical treatment of movement disorders. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  20. Perforated-Layer Implementation Of Radio-Frequency Lenses

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dolgin, Benjamin P.


    Luneberg-type radio-frequency dielectric lenses made of stacked perforated circular dielectric sheets, according to proposal. Perforation pattern designed to achieve required spatial variation of permittivity. Consists of round holes distributed across face of each sheet in "Swiss-cheese" pattern, plus straight or curved slots that break up outer parts into petals in "daisy-wheel" pattern. Holes and slots made by numerically controlled machining.

  1. Efficacy and survival analysis of percutaneous radiofrequency versus microwave ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma: an Egyptian multidisciplinary clinic experience.


    Abdelaziz, Ashraf; Elbaz, Tamer; Shousha, Hend Ibrahim; Mahmoud, Sherif; Ibrahim, Mostafa; Abdelmaksoud, Ahmed; Nabeel, Mohamed


    Hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) is a primary tumor of the liver with poor prognosis. For early stage HCC, treatment options include surgical resection, liver transplantation, and percutaneous ablation. Percutaneous ablative techniques (radiofrequency and microwave techniques) emerged as best therapeutic options for nonsurgical patients. We aimed to determine the safety and efficacy of radiofrequency and microwave procedures for ablation of early stage HCC lesions and prospectively follow up our patients for survival analysis. One Hundred and 11 patients with early HCC are managed in our multidisciplinary clinic using either radiofrequency or microwave ablation. Patients are assessed for efficacy and safety. Complete ablation rate, local recurrence, and overall survival analysis are compared between both procedures. Radiofrequency ablation group (n = 45) and microwave ablation group (n = 66) were nearly comparable as regards the tumor and patients characteristics. Complete ablation was achieved in 94.2 and 96.1% of patients managed by radiofrequency and microwave ablation techniques, respectively (p value 0.6) with a low rate of minor complications (11.1 and 3.2, respectively) including subcapsular hematoma, thigh burn, abdominal wall skin burn, and pleural effusion. Ablation rates did not differ between ablated lesions ≤ 3 and 3-5 cm. A lower incidence of local recurrence was observed in microwave group (3.9 vs. 13.5% in radiofrequency group, p value 0.04). No difference between both groups as regards de novo lesions, portal vein thrombosis, and abdominal lymphadenopathy. The overall actuarial probability of survival was 91.6% at 1 year and 86.1% at 2 years with a higher survival rates noticed in microwave group but still without significant difference (p value 0.49). Radiofrequency and microwave ablations led to safe and equivalent ablation and survival rates (with superiority for microwave ablation as regards the incidence of local recurrence).

  2. Combined ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance for radiofrequency ablation of the obturator nerve for intractable cancer-associated hip pain.


    Stone, Jonathan; Matchett, Gerald


    Management of pain from skeletal metastases is notoriously difficult. Case reports and case series have described radiofrequency ablation of the obturator nerve branches to the femoral head for treatment of intractable hip pain. Ablation of the obturator branches to the femoral head is technically difficult because of bony and vascular anatomy, including close proximity of the femoral vessels. Here we present the case of a 79-year-old woman with intractable right hip pain and inability to ambulate secondary to metastatic non-small cell lung cancer in the femoral head and acetabulum, treated with thermal radiofrequency ablation of the obturator and femoral nerve branches to the femoral head. Ablation of the obturator nerve was done via anterior placement of the radiofrequency needle under combined ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance, passing the radiofrequency needle between the femoral artery and femoral vein. Real-time ultrasound guidance was used to avoid vascular puncture. Thermal radiofrequency ablation resulted in sustained pain relief, and resumption in the ability of the patient to ambulate. From this case we suggest that an anterior approach to the obturator nerve branches to the femoral head may be technically feasible using combined ultrasound and fluoroscopic guidance to avoid vascular puncture.

  3. Radiofrequency sensory ablation as a treatment for symptomatic unilateral lumbosacral junction pseudarticulation (Bertolotti's syndrome): a case report.


    Burnham, Robert


    Describe the clinical presentation, diagnostic evaluation, and successful treatment of a case of symptomatic unilateral lumbosacral junction pseudarticulation using a novel radiofrequency nerve ablation technique. A 56-year-old female patient who had suffered with low back and right upper buttock pain for 16 years experienced incomplete relief with L4/5 facet joint radiofrequency ablation. She was found to have an elongated right L5 transverse process that articulated with the sacral ala (Bertolotti's syndrome). Fluoroscopically guided local anesthetic/corticosteroid injection into the pseudarthrosis eliminated her residual right buttock pain for the duration of the local anesthetic only. Complete pain relief was achieved by injecting local anesthetic circumferentially around the posterior pseudarthrosis articular margin. Accordingly, bipolar radiofrequency strip thermal lesions were created at the same locations. Complete pain relief and full restoration of function was achieved for 16 months postprocedure. This case report describes a novel radiofrequency technique for treating symptomatic lumbosacral junction pseudarticulation that warrants further evaluation.

  4. Comparison of Voice Quality Between Patients Who Underwent Inferior Turbinoplasty or Radiofrequency Cauterization.


    Göker, Ayşe Enise; Aydoğdu, İmran; Saltürk, Ziya; Berkiten, Güler; Atar, Yavuz; Kumral, Tolgar Lütfi; Uyar, Yavuz


    The aim of this study was to analyze and compare the vocal quality in patients who underwent either submucosal turbinectomy or radiofrequency cauterization. In this study, we enrolled 60 patients diagnosed with inferior concha hypertrophy. These patients were divided into two groups by using computer program "Research Randomizer." Of the 60 patients, 30 underwent submucosal inferior turbinoplasty and 30 underwent radiofrequency cauterization. The control group was composed of 30 healthy adults with no nasal or upper aerodigestive system pathology. The patients were checked at weeks 1, 2, and 4. Voice records were taken before the procedure and at week 4 postprocedure. The mean age of patients in the inferior turbinoplasty group was 29.4 years (range: 19-42 years); in the radiofrequency group, it was 30.30 years (range: 18-50 years). There was no statistical difference in age between groups. In the inferior turbinoplasty group, there were 16 male and 14 female patients, and in the radiofrequency group, there were 13 male and 17 female patients. There was no significant difference in the number of males and females between groups. Voice professionals, especially singers, actors, and actresses, should be informed about possible voice changes before undergoing endonasal surgery because these individuals are more sensitive to changes in resonance organs. We believe that voice quality should be regarded as a highly important parameter when measuring the success of endonasal surgery. Copyright © 2017 The Voice Foundation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Variations of melatonin and stress hormones under extended shifts and radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation.


    Vangelova, Katia Koicheva; Israel, Mishel Salvador


    We studied the time-of-day variations in urinary levels of 6-sulphatoxy-melatonin and three stress hormones in operators working fast-rotating extended shifts under radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (EMR). The excretion rate of the hormones was monitored by radioimmunoassay and spectrofluorimetry at 4-hour intervals in a group of 36 male operators comprising 12 broadcasting station operators, 12 TV station operators, and a control group of 12 satellite station operators. Measuring the time-weighted average (TWA) of EMR exposure revealed a high-level of exposure in broadcasting station operators (TWAmean= 3.10 microW/ cm2, TWAmax = 137.00 microW/cm2), a low-level in TV station operators (TWAmean = 1.89 microW/cm2, TWAmax = 5.24 microW/cm2), and a very low level in satellite station operators. The differences among the groups remained the same after confounding factors were taken into account. Radiofrequency EMR had no effect on the typical diurnal pattern of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin. High-level radiofrequency EMR exposure significantly increased the excretion rates of cortisol (p < 0.001), adrenaline (p = 0.028), and noradrenaline (p < 0.000), whereas changes under low-level exposure did not reach significance. The 24-hour excretion of cortisol and noradrenaline correlated with TWAmean and TWAmax. In conclusion, the excretion of 6-sulphatoxymelatonin retained a typical diurnal pattern under fast-rotating extended shifts and radiofrequency EMR, but showed an exposure-effect relation with stress hormones.

  6. 77 FR 43535 - Grantee Codes for Certified Radiofrequency Equipment

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Radiofrequency Equipment AGENCY: Federal Communications Commission. ACTION: Final rule. SUMMARY: This document... certify new equipment. DATES: Effective August 24, 2012. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Hugh Van Tuyl... may also be downloaded at: . Summary of the Order 1. The Commission operates an equipment...

  7. Radiofrequency ablation of liver tumors (I): biological background.


    Vanagas, Tomas; Gulbinas, Antanas; Pundzius, Juozas; Barauskas, Giedrius


    Majority of patients suffering from liver tumors are not candidates for surgery. Currently, minimal invasive techniques have become available for local destruction of hepatic tumors. Radiofrequency ablation is based on biological response to tissue hyperthermia. The aim of this article is to review available biological data on tissue destruction mechanisms. Experimental evidence shows that tissue injury following thermal ablation occurs in two distinct phases. The initial phase is direct injury, which is determined by energy applied, tumor biology, and tumor microenvironment. The temperature varies along the ablation zone and this is reflected by different morphological changes in affected tissues. The local hyperthermia alters metabolism, exacerbates tissue hypoxia, and increases thermosensitivity. The second phase - indirect injury - is observed after the cessation of heat stimulus. This phase represents a balance of several promoting and inhibiting mechanisms, such as induction of apoptosis, heat shock proteins, Kupffer cell activation, stimulation of the immune response, release of cytokines, and ischemia-reperfusion injury. A deeper understanding of the underlying mechanisms may possibly lead to refinements in radiofrequency ablation technology, resulting in advanced local tumor control and prolonged overall survival.

  8. Life-threatening hematuria requiring transcatheter embolization following radiofrequency ablation of renal cell carcinoma.


    Roach, H; Whittlestone, T; Callaway, M P


    Radiofrequency ablation is increasingly being acknowledged as a valid treatment for renal cell carcinoma in patients in whom definitive curative resection is deemed either undesirable or unsafe. A number of published series have shown the technique to have encouraging results and relatively low complication rates. In this article, we report a case of delayed life-threatening hematuria requiring transcatheter embolization of a bleeding intrarenal artery in a patient who had undergone imaging-guided radiofrequency ablation of a 3 cm renal cell carcinoma. To our knowledge, such a complication has not been reported previously.

  9. Painless, safe, and efficacious noninvasive skin tightening, body contouring, and cellulite reduction using multisource 3DEEP radiofrequency.


    Harth, Yoram


    In the last decade, Radiofrequency (RF) energy has proven to be safe and highly efficacious for face and neck skin tightening, body contouring, and cellulite reduction. In contrast to first-generation Monopolar/Bipolar and "X -Polar" RF systems which use one RF generator connected to one or more skin electrodes, multisource radiofrequency devices use six independent RF generators allowing efficient dermal heating to 52-55°C, with no pain or risk of other side effects. In this review, the basic science and clinical results of body contouring and cellulite treatment using multisource radiofrequency system (Endymed PRO, Endymed, Cesarea, Israel) will be discussed and analyzed. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  10. Extreme diffusion limited electropolishing of niobium radiofrequency cavities


    Crawford, Anthony C.


    In this study, a deeply modulated, regular, continuous, oscillating current waveform is reliably and repeatably achieved during electropolishing of niobium single-cell elliptical radiofrequency cavities. Details of the technique and cavity test results are reported here. The method is applicable for cavity frequencies in the range 500 MHz to 3.9 GHz and can be extended to multicell structures.

  11. A New Formulation for Hybrid LES-RANS Computations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Woodruff, Stephen L.


    Ideally, a hybrid LES-RANS computation would employ LES only where necessary to make up for the failure of the RANS model to provide sufficient accuracy or to provide time-dependent information. Current approaches are fairly restrictive in the placement of LES and RANS regions; an LES-RANS transition in a boundary layer, for example, yields an unphysical log-layer shift. A hybrid computation is formulated here to allow greater control over the placement of LES and RANS regions and the transitions between them. The concept of model invariance is introduced, which provides a basis for interpreting hybrid results within an LES-RANS transition zone. Consequences of imposing model invariance include the addition of terms to the governing equations that compensate for unphysical gradients created as the model changes between RANS and LES. Computational results illustrate the increased accuracy of the approach and its insensitivity to the location of the transition and to the blending function employed.

  12. Laser and radiofrequency-induced hyperthermia treatment via gold-coated magnetic nanocomposites

    PubMed Central

    Elsherbini, Alsayed AM; Saber, Mahmoud; Aggag, Mohamed; El-Shahawy, Ahmed; Shokier, Hesham AA


    Introduction The current radiofrequency ablation technique requires invasive needle placement. On the other hand, most of the common photothermal therapeutic methods are limited by lack of accuracy of targeting. Gold and magnetic nanoparticles offer the potential to heat tumor tissue selectively at the cellular level by noninvasive interaction with laser and radiofrequency. Methods Gold nanospheres and gold-coated magnetic nanocomposites were used for inducing hyperthermia to treat subcutaneous Ehrlich carcinoma implanted in female mice. Results In mice treated with gold nanospheres, tumors continued to grow but at a slow rate. In contrast, more than 50% of the tumors treated with gold-coated magnetic nanocomposites completely disappeared. Conclusion This simple and noninvasive method shows great promise as a technique for selective magnetic photothermal treatment. PMID:22114479

  13. Radiofrequency attenuator and method


    Warner, Benjamin P [Los Alamos, NM; McCleskey, T Mark [Los Alamos, NM; Burrell, Anthony K [Los Alamos, NM; Agrawal, Anoop [Tucson, AZ; Hall, Simon B [Palmerston North, NZ


    Radiofrequency attenuator and method. The attenuator includes a pair of transparent windows. A chamber between the windows is filled with molten salt. Preferred molten salts include quarternary ammonium cations and fluorine-containing anions such as tetrafluoroborate (BF.sub.4.sup.-), hexafluorophosphate (PF.sub.6.sup.-), hexafluoroarsenate (AsF.sub.6.sup.-), trifluoromethylsulfonate (CF.sub.3SO.sub.3.sup.-), bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ((CF.sub.3SO.sub.2).sub.2N.sup.-), bis(perfluoroethylsulfonyl)imide ((CF.sub.3CF.sub.2SO.sub.2).sub.2N.sup.-) and tris(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)methide ((CF.sub.3SO.sub.2).sub.3C.sup.-). Radicals or radical cations may be added to or electrochemically generated in the molten salt to enhance the RF attenuation.

  14. Radiofrequency attenuator and method


    Warner, Benjamin P [Los Alamos, NM; McCleskey, T Mark [Los Alamos, NM; Burrell, Anthony K [Los Alamos, NM; Agrawal, Anoop [Tucson, AZ; Hall, Simon B [Palmerston North, NZ


    Radiofrequency attenuator and method. The attenuator includes a pair of transparent windows. A chamber between the windows is filled with molten salt. Preferred molten salts include quarternary ammonium cations and fluorine-containing anions such as tetrafluoroborate (BF.sub.4.sup.-), hexafluorophosphate (PF.sub.6.sup.-), hexafluoroarsenate (AsF.sub.6.sup.-), trifluoromethylsulfonate (CF.sub.3SO.sub.3.sup.-), bis(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)imide ((CF.sub.3SO.sub.2).sub.2N.sup.-), bis(perfluoroethylsulfonyl)imide ((CF.sub.3CF.sub.2SO.sub.2).sub.2N.sup.-) and tris(trifluoromethylsulfonyl)methide ((CF.sub.3SO.sub.2).sub.3 C.sup.-). Radicals or radical cations may be added to or electrochemically generated in the molten salt to enhance the RF attenuation.

  15. 47 CFR 2.1093 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to 300 GHz,” ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, Copyright 1992 by the Institute of Electrical and... Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” NCRP Report No. 86, Section 17.4.5. Copyright...

  16. Example Problems in LES Combustion

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AFRL-RW-EG-TP-2016-002 Example Problems in LES Combustion Douglas V. Nance Air Force Research Laboratory Munitions...AIR FORCE RESEARCH LABORATORY MUNITIONS DIRECTORATE  Air Force...4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER Example Problem in LES Combustion 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER

  17. Effect of cell-phone radiofrequency on angiogenesis and cell invasion in human head and neck cancer cells.


    Alahmad, Yaman M; Aljaber, Mohammed; Saleh, Alaaeldin I; Yalcin, Huseyin C; Aboulkassim, Tahar; Yasmeen, Amber; Batist, Gerald; Moustafa, Ala-Eddin Al


    Today, the cell phone is the most widespread technology globally. However, the outcome of cell-phone radiofrequency on head and neck cancer progression has not yet been explored. The chorioallantoic membrane (CAM) and human head and neck cancer cell lines, FaDu and SCC25, were used to explore the outcome of cell-phone radiofrequency on angiogenesis, cell invasion, and colony formation of head and neck cancer cells, respectively. Western blot analysis was used to investigate the impact of the cell phone on the regulation of E-cadherin and Erk1/Erk2 genes. Our data revealed that cell-phone radiofrequency promotes angiogenesis of the CAM. In addition, the cell phone enhances cell invasion and colony formation of human head and neck cancer cells; this is accompanied by a downregulation of E-cadherin expression. More significantly, we found that the cell phone can activate Erk1/Erk2 in our experimental models. Our investigation reveals that cell-phone radiofrequency could enhance head and neck cancer by stimulating angiogenesis and cell invasion via Erk1/Erk2 activation. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. A new catheter design for combined radiofrequency ablation and optoacoustic treatment monitoring using copper-coated light-guides

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rebling, Johannes; Oyaga Landa, Francisco Javier; Deán-Ben, Xosé Luis; Razansky, Daniel


    Electrosurgery, i.e. the application of radiofrequency current for tissue ablation, is a frequently used treatment for many cardiac arrhythmias. Electrophysiological and anatomic mapping, as well as careful radiofrequency power control typically guide the radiofrequency ablation procedure. Despite its widespread application, accurate monitoring of the lesion formation with sufficient spatio-temporal resolution remains challenging with the existing imaging techniques. We present a novel integrated catheter for simultaneous radiofrequency ablation and optoacoustic monitoring of the lesion formation in real time and 3D. The design combines the delivery of both electric current and optoacoustic excitation beam in a single catheter consisting of copper-coated multimode light-guides and its manufacturing is described in detail. The electrical current causes coagulation and desiccation while the excitation light is locally absorbed, generating OA responses from the entire treated volume. The combined ablation-monitoring capabilities were verified using ex-vivo bovine tissue. The formed ablation lesions showed a homogenous coagulation while the ablation was monitored in realtime with a volumetric frame rate of 10 Hz over 150 seconds.

  19. Radiofrequency catheter ablation versus balloon cryoablation of atrial fibrillation: markers of myocardial damage, inflammation, and thrombogenesis.


    Antolič, Bor; Pernat, Andrej; Cvijić, Marta; Žižek, David; Jan, Matevž; Šinkovec, Matjaž


    Evidence from animal and human studies suggests that cryoablation might be associated with a lesser inflammatory response and activation of coagulation compared with radiofrequency ablation. The study was aimed at comparing the effect of cryoballoon and radiofrequency catheter ablation of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation on markers of myocardial damage, inflammation, and activation of coagulation. Forty-one patients received either cryoballoon (n = 23) or radiofrequency (n = 18) ablation of atrial fibrillation. We measured troponin I, high-sensitivity CRP, and interleukin 6 at baseline from the cubital vein, and from the right and left atrium before and after ablation, and from the cubital vein the following day. Prothrombin fragments 1 + 2, soluble P‑selectin, and D‑dimer were measured before and after ablation from both atria. We observed higher troponin I release in the cryoballoon than in the radiofrequency group (7.01 mcg/l (interquartile range [IQR]: 5.30-9.09) vs 2.32 mcg/l (IQR: 1.45-2.98), p < 0.001). The levels of inflammatory markers (high-sensitivity CRP and interleukin 6) in the two groups were comparable, as were the levels of markers of coagulation activation. Procedure duration, fluoroscopy times, and mid-term success (23 months, IQR 7-32) of the two groups were also comparable. Cryoballoon ablation of atrial fibrillation causes more significant myocardial damage, that is, more extensive ablation lesions, compared with radiofrequency catheter ablation. However, no major differences between these two ablation techniques with regard to the inflammatory response and activation of the coagulation system were observed.

  20. Radiofrequency Wire Recanalization of Chronically Thrombosed TIPS

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Majdalany, Bill S., E-mail:; Elliott, Eric D., E-mail:; Michaels, Anthony J., E-mail:

    Radiofrequency (RF) guide wires have been applied to cardiac interventions, recanalization of central venous thromboses, and to cross biliary occlusions. Herein, the use of a RF wire technique to revise chronically occluded transjugular intrahepatic portosystemic shunts (TIPS) is described. In both cases, conventional TIPS revision techniques failed to revise the chronically thrombosed TIPS. RF wire recanalization was successfully performed through each of the chronically thrombosed TIPS, demonstrating initial safety and feasibility in this application.

  1. Tunable radio-frequency photonic filter based on an actively mode-locked fiber laser.


    Ortigosa-Blanch, A; Mora, J; Capmany, J; Ortega, B; Pastor, D


    We propose the use of an actively mode-locked fiber laser as a multitap optical source for a microwave photonic filter. The fiber laser provides multiple optical taps with an optical frequency separation equal to the external driving radio-frequency signal of the laser that governs its repetition rate. All the optical taps show equal polarization and an overall Gaussian apodization, which reduces the sidelobes. We demonstrate continuous tunability of the filter by changing the external driving radio-frequency signal of the laser, which shows good fine tunability in the operating range of the laser from 5 to 10 GHz.

  2. Outcomes of Radiofrequency Ablation for Dysplastic Barrett's Esophagus: A Comprehensive Review

    PubMed Central

    Iabichino, Giuseppe; Arena, Monica; Consolo, Pierluigi; Morace, Carmela; Opocher, Enrico; Mangiavillano, Benedetto


    Barrett's esophagus is a condition in which the normal squamous lining of the esophagus has been replaced by columnar epithelium containing intestinal metaplasia induced by recurrent mucosal injury related to gastroesophageal reflux disease. Barrett's esophagus is a premalignant condition that can progress through a dysplasia-carcinoma sequence to esophageal adenocarcinoma. Multiple endoscopic ablative techniques have been developed with the goal of eradicating Barrett's esophagus and preventing neoplastic progression to esophageal adenocarcinoma. For patients with high-grade dysplasia or intramucosal neoplasia, radiofrequency ablation with or without endoscopic resection for visible lesions is currently the most effective and safe treatment available. Recent data demonstrate that, in patients with Barrett's esophagus and low-grade dysplasia confirmed by a second pathologist, ablative therapy results in a statistically significant reduction in progression to high-grade dysplasia and esophageal adenocarcinoma. Treatment of dysplastic Barrett's esophagus with radiofrequency ablation results in complete eradication of both dysplasia and of intestinal metaplasia in a high proportion of patients with a low incidence of adverse events. A high proportion of treated patients maintain the neosquamous epithelium after successful treatment without recurrence of intestinal metaplasia. Following successful endoscopic treatment, endoscopic surveillance should be continued to detect any recurrent intestinal metaplasia and/or dysplasia. This paper reviews all relevant publications on the endoscopic management of Barrett's esophagus using radiofrequency ablation. PMID:28070182

  3. Base-level management of radio-frequency radiation-protection program. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rademacher, S.E.; Montgomery, N.D.


    AFOEHL developed this report to assist the base-level aerospace medical team manage their radio-frequency radiation-protection program. This report supersedes USAFOEHL Report 80-42, 'A Practical R-F Guide for BEES.'

  4. Base-level management of radio-frequency radiation-protection program. Final report

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rademacher, S.E.; Montgomery, N.D.


    AFOEHL developed this report to assist the base-level aerospace medical team manage their radio-frequency radiation protection program. This report supersedes USAFOEHL Report 80-42, 'A practical R-F Guide for BEES.'

  5. Hα and Gaia-RVS domain spectroscopy of Be stars and interacting binaries with Ondřejov 2m telescope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Koubský, P.; Kotková, L.; Votruba, V.


    A long term project to investigate the spectral appearance over the Gaia RVS domain of a large sample of Be stars and interacting binaries has been undertaken. The aim of the Ondřejov project is to create sufficient amounts of training data in the RVS wavelength domain to complement the Bp/Rp classification of Be stars which may be observed with Gaia. The project's current status is described and sample spectra in both the Hα and RVS wavelength domains are presented and discussed.

  6. Radiofrequency Ablation versus Cryoablation in the Treatment of Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation: A Meta-Analysis

    PubMed Central

    Hachem, Ali H.; Marine, Joseph E.; Tahboub, Housam A.; Kamdar, Sana; Kanjwal, Shaffi; Soni, Ronak


    Background Pulmonary vein isolation is commonly performed using radiofrequency energy with cryoablation gaining acceptance. We performed a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials which compared radiofrequency versus cryoablation for patients with atrial fibrillation. Methods A systematic search strategy identified both published and unpublished articles from inception to November 10, 2016, in multiple databases. The primary outcomes for this meta-analysis were long-term freedom from atrial fibrillation at 12-month follow-up and overall postoperative complication rates. For all included studies, the methodological quality was assessed through the Cochrane Collaboration's tool for risk of bias. Results A total of 247 articles were identified with eight being included in this review as they satisfied the prespecified inclusion criteria. Overall, there was no significant difference in freedom from atrial fibrillation at ≥12-month follow-up between those receiving cryoballoon and radiofrequency ablation, respectively (OR = 0.98, CI = 0.67–1.43, I2 = 56%, p=0.90). Additionally, the secondary outcomes of duration of ablation, fluoroscopy time, and ablation time failed to reach significance. Cryoballoon ablation had significantly greater odds of postoperative phrenic nerve injury at 12-month follow-up. Conclusions Our meta-analysis suggests that cryoballoon ablation provides comparable benefits with regard to freedom from atrial fibrillation at medium-term follow-up, fluoroscopy time, ablation time, operative duration, and overall complication rate in comparison to radiofrequency ablation. PMID:29805800

  7. Radiofrequency denervation of the hip joint for pain management: case report and literature review.


    Gupta, Gaurav; Radhakrishna, Mohan; Etheridge, Paul; Besemann, Markus; Finlayson, Robert J


    A 55-year-old male presented with severe pain and functional limitations as a result of left hip osteoarthritis. He had failed multiple treatments while waiting for a hip arthroplasty, including physical therapy, medications, and various intra-articular injections. Thermal radiofrequency lesioning of the obturator and femoral articular branches to the hip joint was offered in the interim. To our knowledge, this is the first report to describe an inferior-lateral approach for lesioning the obturator branch, the clinical application of successive lesions to increase denervation area, and outcomes in a patient receiving a second treatment with previously good results. To discuss relevant and technical factors for this specific case, we reviewed previous literature on hip joint radiofrequency and critically evaluated previous anatomic studies in the context of radiofrequency. The first treatment provided significant benefit for a period of 6 months. A second treatment was employed providing only mild to moderate benefit until his joint replacement surgery 4 months later. Literature review revealed studies of low quality secondary to small sample sizes, patient selection methodology, inclusion of patients with heterogenous etiologies for pain, variable needle placement techniques, and lack of measurement of functional outcomes. Case report and low quality studies in existing literature. Hip joint radiofrequency denervation is a promising avenue for adjunctive treatment of hip pain. Further cadaveric studies are required to clarify a multitude of technical parameters. Once these are well defined, future clinical studies should consider pain, functional, and economic outcomes in their design.

  8. Endoscopic release of congenital muscular torticollis with radiofrequency in teenagers.


    Wang, Jun-Liang; Qi, Wei; Liu, Yu-Jie


    Congenital muscular torticollis (CMT) is due to contracture of the sternocleidomastoid muscle which may cause activity limitations of the neck, tilt of the head, craniofacial asymmetry, and deformity of the skull. The authors present their experience of arthroscopic tight fibrous band release with radiofrequency in teenagers under local anesthesia and evaluate the clinical results. A total of 69 patients who underwent arthroscopic release of CMT with radiofrequency under local anesthesia by a single surgeon could participate in this study. Before operation, surface landmarks of sternocleidomastoid muscle, bone, and neurovascular structures were marked. Local infiltrating anesthesia of the surgical region was then performed. Through a working space created by blunt dissection, the arthroscopy and radiofrequency devices were introduced. Then, the clavicular and sternal heads of the sternocleidomastoid muscle were identified and gradually transected. The patients were followed up postoperatively with Cheng's scoring system. There were 31 male patients and 38 female patients. The mean age of the patients was 16.1 years. The mean length of follow-up in this series was 36.7 months (range, 28 to 67 months). During the operation, 62 patients (89.9%) had no pain, 6 patients (8.7%) felt mild pain, and only 1 patient (1.4%) regarded the procedure as very painful. At all follow-up periods, there were no repeat arthroscopies for any of these patients. At the final follow-up, the average rotation deficit improved from 22.5° to 4.1° postoperatively, and the average lateral bending deficit improved from 14.6° to 3.3° (p < 0.05). Overall, the clinical result was good or excellent in 65 patients (94.2%), fair in 4 patients, and poor in 0 patients within the follow-up period according to Cheng's scoring system. To date, no patients had any intraoperative or postoperative complications from this procedure. The arthroscopic release with radiofrequency under local anesthesia

  9. Une vie saine et active : des directives en matière d’activité physique chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Lipnowski, Stan; LeBlanc, Claire MA


    RÉSUMÉ L’épidémie d’obésité juvénile augmente partout dans le monde. Même si les facteurs de risque d’obésité sont multifactoriels, bon nombre sont liés au mode de vie et se prêtent à une intervention. Ces facteurs incluent le comportement sédentaire et la thermogenèse sans activité physique, de même que la fréquence, l’intensité, la quantité et le type d’activité physique. Les dispensateurs de soins de première ligne sont en position idéale pour surveiller le taux d’activité physique des enfants, des adolescents et de leur famille, évaluer les choix liés au mode de vie et offrir des conseils pertinents. Le présent document de principes contient des directives visant à réduire le comportement sédentaire et à accroître le taux d’activité physique au sein de la population pédiatrique. Des recommandations d’activités physiques adaptées au développement et visant les nourrissons, les tout-petits, les enfants d’âge préscolaire, les enfants et les adolescents sont présentées. Des stratégies de promotion d’une vie saine et active sur les scènes locale, municipale, provinciale, territoriale et fédérale sont proposées.

  10. 21 CFR 870.2910 - Radiofrequency physiological signal transmitter and receiver.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Radiofrequency physiological signal transmitter and receiver. 870.2910 Section 870.2910 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES CARDIOVASCULAR DEVICES Cardiovascular Monitoring...

  11. 21 CFR 870.2910 - Radiofrequency physiological signal transmitter and receiver.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 8 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Radiofrequency physiological signal transmitter and receiver. 870.2910 Section 870.2910 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) MEDICAL DEVICES CARDIOVASCULAR DEVICES Cardiovascular Monitoring...

  12. Que nous apprennent les petits frères et sœurs sur les signes précoces d’autisme?1

    PubMed Central

    Rogers, Sally J.


    L’objectif de cette revue est de présenter une synthèse des réponses que l’on peut actuellement apporter à la question de savoir quelles sont les premières caractéristiques comportementales qui prédisent le développement de l’autisme. L’article se centre sur 5 points : la présence de Troubles du Spectre Autistique (TSA) dans des groupes de frères et sœurs puînés d’enfants déjà diagnostiqués, les patterns et caractéristiques du développement moteur, les patterns et caractéristiques du développement social et émotionnel, les patterns et caractéristiques de la communication intentionnelle verbale et non verbale, et les patterns qui marquent le début de comportements pathognomoniques de TSA. La discussion porte sur les aspects inattendus des résultats et les pistes de recherche nouvelles qu’ils peuvent engendrer. PMID:20890377

  13. Radiofrequency identification: exploiting an old technology for measuring nurse time and motion.


    Jones, Terry L


    A national campaign is underway to increase the amount of time staff nurses spend at the bedside of hospitalized patients through redesign of the work environment. This kind of work redesign requires robust data depicting what nurses do and how they spend their time. Historically, these kinds of data have been difficult, costly, and time consuming to collect. Wireless capture of data on the movement of humans within the work environment (ie, time and motion) is now possible through radiofrequency identification technology. When small tracking devices the size of a quarter are affixed to their clothing, the movement of nurses throughout a patient care unit can be monitored. The duration and frequency of patient interaction are captured along with the duration of time spent in other locations of interest to include nurses' station, supply room, medication room, doctors' station, electronic documentation stations, family waiting rooms, and the hallway. Patterns of nurse movement and time allocation can be efficiently identified, and the effects of staffing practices, workflows, and unit layout evaluated. Integration of radiofrequency identification time and motion data with other databases enables nurse leaders to link nursing time to important cost and quality outcomes. Nurse leaders should explore the usefulness of radiofrequency identification technology in addressing data needs for nurse time and motion.

  14. Immunohistopathologic demonstration of deleterious effects on growing rat testes of radiofrequency waves emitted from conventional Wi-Fi devices.


    Atasoy, Halil I; Gunal, Mehmet Y; Atasoy, Pinar; Elgun, Serenay; Bugdayci, Guler


    To investigate effects on rat testes of radiofrequency radiation emitted from indoor Wi-Fi Internet access devices using 802.11.g wireless standards. Ten Wistar albino male rats were divided into experimental and control groups, with five rats per group. Standard wireless gateways communicating at 2.437 GHz were used as radiofrequency wave sources. The experimental group was exposed to radiofrequency energy for 24 h a day for 20 weeks. The rats were sacrificed at the end of the study. Intracardiac blood was sampled for serum 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine levels. Testes were removed and examined histologically and immunohistochemically. Testis tissues were analyzed for malondialdehyde levels and prooxidant-antioxidant enzyme activities. We observed significant increases in serum 8-hydroxy-2'-deoxyguanosine levels and 8-hydroxyguanosine staining in the testes of the experimental group indicating DNA damage due to exposure (p < 0.05). We also found decreased levels of catalase and glutathione peroxidase activity in the experimental group, which may have been due to radiofrequency effects on enzyme activity (p < 0.05). These findings raise questions about the safety of radiofrequency exposure from Wi-Fi Internet access devices for growing organisms of reproductive age, with a potential effect on both fertility and the integrity of germ cells. Copyright © 2012 Journal of Pediatric Urology Company. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  15. Relation entre les caractéristiques des table-bancs et les mesures anthropométriques des écoliers au Benin

    PubMed Central

    Falola, Stève Marjelin; Gouthon, Polycarpe; Falola, Jean-Marie; Fiogbe, Michel Armand; Nigan, Issiako Bio


    Introduction Le mobilier scolaire et la posture assise en classe sont souvent impliqués dans l'apparition des douleurs rachidiennes, influant de fait sur la qualité des tâches réalisées par les apprenants. Aucune étude n'a encore vérifié le degré d'adéquation entre les caractéristiques du mobilier et celles des écoliers au Bénin. L'objectif de cette étude transversale est donc de déterminer la relation entre les dimensions des table-bancs utilisées en classe et les mesures anthropométriques des écoliers au Bénin. Methods Elle a été réalisée avec un échantillon probabiliste de 678 écoliers, âgés de 4 à 17 ans. Les mesures anthropométriques des écoliers et les mensurations relatives aux longueurs, largeurs et hauteurs des table-bancs ont été mesurées, puis intégrées aux équations proposées dans la littérature. Les pourcentages des valeurs situées hors des limitesacceptables, dérivées de l'application des équations ont été calculés. Results La largeur et la hauteur des table-bancs utilisées par les écoliers étaient plus élevées (p < 0,05) que les valeurs de référence recommandées par les structures officielles de contrôle et de production des mobiliers scolaires au Bénin. Quel que soit le sexe, il y avait une inadéquation entre la largeur du banc et la longueur fesse-poplité, puis entre la hauteur de la table et la distance coude-bancdes écoliers. Conclusion Les résultats suggèrent de prendre en compte l’évolution des mesures anthropométriques des écoliers dans la confection des table-bancs, afin de promouvoir de bonnes postures assises en classe et de réduire le risque de troubles du rachis. PMID:25317232

  16. Efficacy comparison between cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation for patients with cavotricuspid valve isthmus dependent atrial flutter: a meta-analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Yi-He; Lin, Hui; Xie, Cheng-Long; Zhang, Xiao-Ting; Li, Yi-Gang


    We perform this meta-analysis to compare the efficacy and safety of cryoablation versus radiofrequency ablation for patients with cavotricuspid valve isthmus dependent atrial flutter. By searching EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed and Cochrane electronic databases from March 1986 to September 2014, 7 randomized clinical trials were included. Acute (risk ratio[RR]: 0.93; P = 0.14) and long-term (RR: 0.94; P = 0.08) success rate were slightly lower in cryoablation group than in radiofrequency ablation group, but the difference was not statistically significant. Additionally, the fluoroscopy time was nonsignificantly reduced (weighted mean difference[WMD]: -2.83 P = 0.29), whereas procedure time was significantly longer (WMD: 25.95; P = 0.01) in cryoablation group compared with radiofrequency ablation group. Furthermore, Pain perception during the catheter ablation was substantially less in cryoabaltion group than in radiofrequency ablation group (standardized mean difference[SMD]: -2.36 P < 0.00001). Thus, our meta-analysis demonstrated that cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation produce comparable acute and long-term success rate for patients with cavotricuspid valve isthmus dependent atrial flutter. Meanwhile, cryoablation ablation tends to reduce the fluoroscopy time and significantly reduce pain perception in cost of significantly prolonged procedure time.

  17. Efficacy comparison between cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation for patients with cavotricuspid valve isthmus dependent atrial flutter: a meta-analysis

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Yi-He; Lin, Hui; Xie, Cheng-Long; Zhang, Xiao-Ting; Li, Yi-Gang


    We perform this meta-analysis to compare the efficacy and safety of cryoablation versus radiofrequency ablation for patients with cavotricuspid valve isthmus dependent atrial flutter. By searching EMBASE, MEDLINE, PubMed and Cochrane electronic databases from March 1986 to September 2014, 7 randomized clinical trials were included. Acute (risk ratio[RR]: 0.93; P = 0.14) and long-term (RR: 0.94; P = 0.08) success rate were slightly lower in cryoablation group than in radiofrequency ablation group, but the difference was not statistically significant. Additionally, the fluoroscopy time was nonsignificantly reduced (weighted mean difference[WMD]: −2.83; P = 0.29), whereas procedure time was significantly longer (WMD: 25.95; P = 0.01) in cryoablation group compared with radiofrequency ablation group. Furthermore, Pain perception during the catheter ablation was substantially less in cryoabaltion group than in radiofrequency ablation group (standardized mean difference[SMD]: −2.36; P < 0.00001). Thus, our meta-analysis demonstrated that cryoablation and radiofrequency ablation produce comparable acute and long-term success rate for patients with cavotricuspid valve isthmus dependent atrial flutter. Meanwhile, cryoablation ablation tends to reduce the fluoroscopy time and significantly reduce pain perception in cost of significantly prolonged procedure time. PMID:26039980

  18. Safety of lumbar spine radiofrequency procedures in the presence of posterior pedicle screws: technical report of a cadaver study.


    Gazelka, Halena M; Welch, Tasha L; Nassr, Ahmad; Lamer, Tim J


    To determine whether the thermal energy associated with lumbar spine radiofrequency neurotomy (RFN) performed near titanium and stainless steel pedicle screws is conducted to the pedicle screws or adjacent tissues, or both, thus introducing potential for thermal damage to those tissues. Cadaver study. Cadaver laboratory equipped with fluoroscopy, surgical spine implements, and radiofrequency generator. No live human subject; a fresh frozen (and thawed) cadaver torso was used for the study. Titanium and stainless steel pedicle screws were placed in the lumbar spine of a fresh frozen cadaver torso with real-time fluoroscopic guidance. Conventional RFN cannula placement was performed at the level of pedicle screws and a control (nonsurgically altered) lumbar level. Neurotomy was performed with conventional radiofrequency lesioning parameters. Temperatures were recorded at multiple sites through thermistor probes. Direct contact of the radiofrequency cannula with the pedicle screws during conventional RFN produced a substantial increase in temperature in the surrounding soft tissues. A small increase in temperature occurred at the same sites at the control level. Titanium and stainless steel pedicle screws are capable of sustaining large increases in temperature when the radiofrequency probe comes in contact with the screw. These results are suggestive that pedicle screws could serve as a possible source of tissue heating and thermal injury during RFN. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  19. Management of pain on hallux valgus with percutaneous intra-articular Pulse-Dose Radiofrequency.


    Masala, Salvatore; Fiori, Roberto; Calabria, Eros; Raguso, Mario; de Vivo, Dominique; Cuzzolino, Alessandro; Simonetti, Giovanni


    The purpose of our study was to investigate the role of intra-articular pulse-dose radiofrequency in management of painful hallux valgus refractory to conservative therapies. Between November 2010 and April 2012, 51 patients (15 male, 36 female) with a median age of 71.4 years were included in our clinical trial. Under fluoroscopic guidance we introduced a 22 gauge 10 cm length cannula by a percutaneous access in the first metatarsophalangeal joint and its tip was placed intra-articularly. After removing the spindle, a radiofrequency needle with a 5 mm active tip was introduced. The following parameters were used: 1200 pulses at high voltage (45 V) with 20 msec duration followed by 480 msec silent phases. A great reduction in pain intensity was documented at 1 week, 1 month and 3 months after procedures. Pain intensity increased between 5 and 8 months after treatments, so we performed a second procedure in all patients between 7 months and 9 months since the first treatment. Also in this case we obtained a great reduction of pain intensity in the first 3 months after the procedure. Pain intensity returned at preprocedural values after 9 months after second procedure. No complications were observed. Our experience shows pulse-dose radiofrequency is a safe, repeatable and effective technique for managing patients with symptomatic hallux valgus in the short and medium term. Pulse-dose radiofrequency may improve pain control and quality of life in patients with hallux valgus refractory to conservative therapies. © 2014 Asia Pacific League of Associations for Rheumatology and Wiley Publishing Asia Pty Ltd.

  20. Percutaneous radiofrequency facet capsule denervation as an alternative target in lumbar facet syndrome.


    Moussa, Wael Mohamed Mohamed; Khedr, Wael


    Percutaneous radiofrequency denervation of the medial dorsal branch is often used in chronic low back pain of intervertebral facet etiology, which is sometimes difficult to perform and recurrence of pain often ensues. We theorized that shifting the target of RF coagulation to the facet joint capsule would provide an easier target and a longer-lived pain relieving response. A prospective randomized controlled trial where 120 patients diagnosed with CLBP of a confirmed facet origin were randomly divided into three equal groups, the first was submitted to percutaneous radiofrequency coagulation of the facet joint capsule, the second underwent percuataneous denervation of the medial dorsal branch and the third did not receive radiofrequency lesioning. All the three groups received local injection of a mixture of local anesthetic and steroid. Cases were followed for up to 3 years. 87(72.5%) patients were females. By 3 months' post procedure, improvement in VAS was significantly better than pretreatment levels in all groups (p<0.05). The control group lost improvement by 1-year follow-up (p=0.017). At 2 years' follow-up, the joint capsule denervation group maintained significant improvement (p=0.033) whereas the medial branch denervation group lost its significant effect (p=0.479). By the end of follow-up period, only joint capsule denervation group kept significant improvement (p=0.026). In CLBP of facet origin, shifting the target of percutaneous radiofrequency to the facet joint capsule provides an easier technique with an extended period of pain relief compared to the medial dorsal branch of the facet joint. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  1. Health implications of exposure to radiofrequency/microwave energies

    PubMed Central

    Michaelson, S M


    ABSTRACT The rapid development of and the increase in the number and variety of devices that emit microwave/radiofrequency (MW/RF) energies has resulted in a growing interest regarding the potential effects on health of these energies. The frequency ranges considered in this review are: 300 kHz to 300 MHz (radiofrequency) and 300 MHz to 300 GHz (microwaves). Investigations have shown that exposure to certain power densities for several minutes or hours can result in pathophysiological manifestations in laboratory animals. Such effects may or may not be characterised by a measurable rise in temperature, which is a function of thermal regulatory processes and active adaptation by the animal. The end result is either a reversible or irreversible change, depending on the irradiation conditions and the physiological state of the animal. At lower power densities, evidence of pathological changes or physiological alteration is non-existent or equivocal. Much discussion, nevertheless, has taken place on the relative importance of thermal or non-thermal effects of radiofrequency and microwave radiation. Several retrospective studies have been done on human populations exposed or believed to have been exposed to MW/RF energies. Those performed in the US have not shown any relationship of altered morbidity or mortality to MW/RF exposure. Reactions referrable to the central nervous system and cardiovascular effects from exposure of man to microwave energy have been reported mostly in Eastern European publications. Individuals suffering from various ailments or psychological factors may exhibit the same dysfunctions of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems as those reported to result from exposure to MW/RF; thus it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to rule out other factors in attempting to relate MW/RF exposure to clinical conditions. There is a need to set limits on the amount of exposure to MW/RF energies that individuals can accept with safety. Operative

  2. Les effets des interfaces sur les proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches nickel/iron et cobalt/silver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Veres, Teodor

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'evolution structurale des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches Ni/Fe et nanostructures a base de Co et de l'Ag. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques. Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches ferromagnetiques/ferromagnetiques Ni/Fe. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Les analyses correlees de la structure et de la magnetoresistance nous permettront d'emettre des conclusions sur l'influence des couches tampons entre l'interface et le substrat ainsi qu'entre les couches elles-memes sur le comportement magnetique des couches F/F. La troisieme partie est consacree aux systemes a Magneto-Resistance Geante (MRG) a base de Co et Ag. Nous allons etudier l'evolution de la microstructure suite a l'irradiation avec des ions Si+ ayant une energie de 1 MeV, ainsi que les effets de ces changements sur le comportement magnetique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires. Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques

  3. Les grands accélérateurs de particules

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Patoux, A.; Perot, J.


    The different types of accelerators are recalled with emphasis on the most powerful : the synchrotron particle colliders. The use of superconductors in accelerator magnets as well as in RF cavities is discussed. The characteristics of the large accelerators, existing and planned, are given together with the level of industry involvement in their construction. Details concerning superconducting magnets and cryogenic plants are investigated. Finally, detectors, the most important tool for physics, are mentionned. Après avoir rappelé les différents types d'accélérateurs utilisés, l'accent est mis sur les plus puissants, c'est-à-dire les synchrotrons fonctionnant en anneaux de collision. Le rôle des supraconducteurs est analysé aussi bien pour les aimants que pour les cavités accélératrices. Les caractéristiques des principaux accélérateurs existants ou en projet sont données ainsi que l'implication de l'industrie dans leur fabrication. On insiste plus particulièrement sur les aimants supraconducteurs et les installations cryogéniques. Enfin les détecteurs, éléments indispensables à la physique, sont également évoqués.

  4. Is fertility reduced among men exposed to radiofrequency fields in the Norwegian Navy?


    Møllerløkken, Ole J; Moen, Bente E


    The effects of radiofrequency fields on human health are not well understood, and public concern about negative health effects has been rising. The aim of this study was to examine the relationship between workers exposed to electromagnetic fields and their reproductive health. We obtained data using a questionnaire in a cross-sectional study of naval military men, response rate 63% (n = 1487). We asked the respondents about exposure, lifestyle, reproductive health, previous diseases, work and education. An expert group categorized the work categories related to electromagnetic field exposure. We categorized the work categories "tele/communication," "electronics" and "radar/sonar" as being exposed to electromagnetic fields. Logistic regression adjusted for age, ever smoked, military education, and physical exercise at work showed increased risk of infertility among tele/communication odds ratio (OR = 1.72, 95% confidence interval 1.04-2.85), and radar/sonar odds ratio (OR = 2.28, 95% confidence interval 1.27-4.09). The electronics group had no increased risk. This study shows a possible relationship between exposure to radiofrequency fields during work with radiofrequency equipment and radar and reduced fertility. However, the results must be interpreted with caution.

  5. Quantitative measurement of radiofrequency volumetric tissue reduction by multidetector CT in patients with inferior turbinate hypertrophy.


    Bahadir, Osman; Kosucu, Polat


    To objectively assess the efficacy of radiofrequency thermal ablation of inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Thirty-five patients with nasal obstruction secondary to inferior turbinate hypertrophy were prospectively enrolled. Radiofrequency energy was delivered to four sites in each inferior turbinate. Patients were evaluated before and 8 weeks after intervention. Subjective evaluation of nasal obstruction was performed using a visual analogue scale (VAS), and objective evaluation of the turbinate volume reduction was calculated using multidetector CT. Volumetric measurements of the preoperative inferior turbinate were compared with postoperative values on both sides. The great majority of patients (91.4%) exhibited subjective postoperative improvement. Mean obstruction (VAS) improved significantly from 7.45±1.48 to 3.54±1.96. Significant turbinate volume reduction was achieved by the surgery on both right and left sides [(preoperative vs. postoperative, right: 6.55±1.62cm(3) vs. 5.10±1.47cm(3), (P<0.01); left: 6.72±1.53cm(3) vs. 5.00±1.37cm(3), (P<0.01)] respectively. Radiofrequency is a safe and effective surgical procedure in reducing turbinate volume in patients with inferior turbinate hypertrophy. Multidetector CT is an objective method of assessment in detecting radiofrequency turbinate volume reduction. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Les médicaments à libération prolongée pour les enfants et les adolescents ayant un trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité

    PubMed Central

    Feldman, M; Bélanger, S


    Le trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) touche un enfant canadien sur 20 et s’associe à un dossier scolaire et à un registre d’emploi défavorables, à des taux élevés de blessures et de consommation de drogues ou d’alcool, à des relations interpersonnelles médiocres, à de mauvaises issues en santé mentale et à une qualité de vie insatisfaisante. Des essais contrôlés démontrent que les médica-ments sont efficaces pour traiter les symptômes de TDAH tandis que des études d’observation indiquent qu’ils s’associent à de meilleures issues sociales et de santé. De nombreuses familles, ainsi que leur médecin traitant, préfèrent les médicaments à libération prolongée (LP) contre le TDAH aux médicaments à libération immédiate (LI) et à action brève. Toutefois, les préparations à LP sont souvent inabor-dables pour les familles, dont un nombre disproportionné fait partie de la strate à faible statut socioéconomique. Le présent document de principes vise à proposer une évaluation critique des données probantes sur l’efficacité relative des médicaments à LP par rapport aux médicaments à LI ainsi que des recommandations au sujet de leur utilisation convenable dans le traitement du TDAH. Lorsque les médicaments sont indiqués, il faut envisager d’utiliser des préparations à LP comme traitement de première intention contre le TDAH parce qu’elles sont plus efficaces et moins susceptibles d’être détournées. Les futures recherches et les analyses coûts-avantages doivent tenir compte à la fois de l’efficacité de médicaments dans des études contrôlées et de leur efficacité clinique en situation réelle ainsi que du potentiel de détournement et de mésusage de ces médicaments. L’industrie, les sociétés d’assurance et le gouvernement doivent collaborer pour rendre ces médicaments accessibles à tous les enfants et adolescents ayant un TDAH.

  7. Six years of evidence-based adult dissection tonsillectomy with ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar electrocautery, bipolar radiofrequency or 'cold steel' dissection.


    Ragab, S M


    To conduct an adequately powered, prospective, randomised, controlled trial comparing adult dissection tonsillectomy using either ultrasonic scalpel, bipolar electrocautery, bipolar radiofrequency or 'cold steel' dissection. Three hundred patients were randomised into four tonsillectomy technique groups. The operative time, intra-operative bleeding, post-operative pain, tonsillar fossa healing, return to full diet, return to work and post-operative complications were recorded. The bipolar radiofrequency group had a shorter mean operative time. The mean intra-operative blood loss during bipolar radiofrequency tonsillectomy was significantly less compared with cold dissection and ultrasonic scalpel tonsillectomy. Pain scores were significantly higher after bipolar electrocautery tonsillectomy. Patients undergoing bipolar electrocautery tonsillectomy required significantly more days to return to full diet and work. The bipolar electrocautery group showed significantly reduced tonsillar fossa healing during the first and second post-operative weeks. In this adult series, bipolar radiofrequency tonsillectomy was superior to ultrasonic, bipolar electrocautery and cold dissection tonsillectomies. This method combines the advantages of 'hot' and 'cold' tonsillectomy.

  8. Flexible and reversibly deformable radio-frequency antenna based on stretchable SWCNTs/PANI/Lycra conductive fabric

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, Xiaohui; Huang, Ying; Wu, Can; Mao, Leidong; Wang, Yue; Xie, Zhicheng; Liu, Caixia; Zhang, Yugang


    We demonstrated a flexible and reversibly deformable radio-frequency antenna based on SWCNTs/PANI/Lycra conductive fabric and semipermeable film for wireless wearable communications applications. The conductive fabric fabricated by using the ‘dip and dry’ process exhibits good flexibility, electrical stability, stretchability and mechanical properties, and a high electrical conductivity (with low sheet resistance of ˜35 Ω/sq) was obtained based on the SWCNTs/PANI synergistic conductive network. The morphology of the semipermeable film was investigated to further illustrate the waterproof breathable features. Meanwhile, the modeling, fabrication procedure and radiating properties of the radio-frequency textile antenna worked at 2.45 GHz were systematically illustrated. The measured reflection coefficient, VSWR and the -10 dB bandwidth is ˜-18.6 dB, 1.58 and ˜270 MHz respectively, which agreed well with the simulation results. Furthermore, the results indicate that the design methodology for the radio-frequency textile antenna could have promising applications in flexible and reversibly deformable antennas for wearable wireless communications systems.

  9. LES-ODT Simulations of Turbulent Reacting Shear Layers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoffie, Andreas; Echekki, Tarek


    Large-eddy simulations (LES) combined with the one-dimensional turbulence (ODT) simulations of a spatially developing turbulent reacting shear layer with heat release and high Reynolds numbers were conducted and compared to results from direct numerical simulations (DNS) of the same configuration. The LES-ODT approach is based on LES solutions for momentum on a coarse grid and solutions for momentum and reactive scalars on a fine ODT grid, which is embedded in the LES computational domain. The shear layer is simulated with a single-step, second-order reaction with an Arrhenius reaction rate. The transport equations are solved using a low Mach number approximation. The LES-ODT simulations yield reasonably accurate predictions of turbulence and passive/reactive scalars' statistics compared to DNS results.

  10. Révision systématique des effets de la fréquence des repas en famille sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les jeunes

    PubMed Central

    Harrison, Megan E.; Norris, Mark L.; Obeid, Nicole; Fu, Maeghan; Weinstangel, Hannah; Sampson, Margaret


    Résumé Objectif Effectuer une révision systématique des effets de repas en famille fréquents sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les enfants et les adolescents et examiner s’il existe des différences dans les résultats selon le sexe. Sources des données Des études ont été cernées à la suite d’une recherche dans MEDLINE (de 1948 à la dernière semaine de juin 2011) et dans PsycINFO (de 1806 à la première semaine de juillet 2011) à l’aide de l’interface Ovide. Les expressions et mots clés MeSH utilisés seuls ou en combinaisons étaient les suivants : family, meal, food intake, nutrition, diets, body weight, adolescent attitudes, eating behaviour, feeding behaviour et eating disorders. Les bibliographies des articles jugés pertinents ont aussi été passées en revus. Sélection des études La recherche initiale a produit 1783 articles. Pour être incluses dans l’analyse, les études devaient répondre aux critères suivants : être publiées en anglais dans une revue révisée par des pairs; porter sur des enfants ou des adolescents; traiter de l’influence des repas en famille sur les paramètres psychosociaux (p. ex. consommation de drogues et autres substances, troubles de l’alimentation, dépression) chez les enfants ou les adolescents; avoir une conception d’étude appropriée, notamment des méthodes statistiques acceptables pour l’analyse des paramètres. Quatorze articles satisfaisaient aux critères d’inclusion. Deux examinateurs indépendants ont étudié et analysé les articles. Synthèse Dans l’ensemble, les résultats font valoir que la fréquence des repas en famille est inversement proportionnelle aux troubles de l’alimentation, à la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, aux comportements violents, aux sentiments de dépression ou aux pensées suicidaires chez les adolescents. Il existe une relation positive entre de fréquents repas en famille, une bonne estime de soi et la réussite scolaire. Les

  11. Marking multi-channel silicon-substrate electrode recording sites using radiofrequency lesions.


    Brozoski, Thomas J; Caspary, Donald M; Bauer, Carol A


    Silicon-substrate multi-channel electrodes (multiprobes) have proven useful in a variety of electrophysiological tasks. When using multiprobes it is often useful to identify the site of each channel, e.g., when recording single-unit activity from a heterogeneous structure. Lesion marking of electrode sites has been used for many years. Electrolytic, or direct current (DC) lesions, have been used successfully to mark multiprobe sites in rat hippocampus [Townsend G, Peloquin P, Kloosterman F, Hetke JF, Leung LS. Recording and marking with silicon multichannel electrodes. Brain Res Brain Res Protoc 2002;9:122-9]. The present method used radio-frequency (rf) lesions to distinctly mark each of the 16 recording sites of 16-channel linear array multiprobes, in chinchilla inferior colliculus. A commercial radio-frequency lesioner was used as the current source, in conjunction with custom connectors adapted to the multiprobe configuration. In vitro bench testing was used to establish current-voltage-time parameters, as well as to check multiprobe integrity and radio-frequency performance. In in vivo application, visualization of individual-channel multiprobe recording sites was clear in 21 out of 33 sets of collicular serial-sections (i.e., probe tracks) obtained from acute experimental subjects, i.e., maximum post-lesion survival time of 2h. Advantages of the rf method include well-documented methods of in vitro calibration as well as low impact on probe integrity. The rf method of marking individual-channel sites should be useful in a variety of applications.

  12. Automated Estimation of Melanocytic Skin Tumor Thickness by Ultrasonic Radiofrequency Data.


    Andrekute, Kristina; Valiukeviciene, Skaidra; Raisutis, Renaldas; Linkeviciute, Gintare; Makstiene, Jurgita; Kliunkiene, Renata


    High-frequency (>20-MHz) ultrasound (US) is a noninvasive preoperative tool for assessment of melanocytic skin tumor thickness. Ultrasonic melanocytic skin tumor thickness estimation is not always easy and is related to the experience of the clinician. In this article, we present an automated thickness measurement method based on time-frequency analysis of US radiofrequency signals. The study was performed on 52 thin (≤1-mm) melanocytic skin tumors (46 melanocytic nevi and 6 melanomas). Radiofrequency signals were obtained with a single-element focused transducer (fundamental frequency, 22 MHz; bandwidth, 12-28 MHz). The radiofrequency data were analyzed in the time-frequency domain to make the tumor boundaries more noticeable. The thicknesses of the tumors were evaluated by 3 different metrics: histologically measured Breslow thickness, manually measured US thickness, and automatically measured US thickness. The results showed a higher correlation coefficient between the automatically measured US thickness and Breslow thickness (r= 0.83; P< .0001) than the manually measured US thickness (r = 0.68; P < .0001). The sensitivity of the automated tumor thickness measurement algorithm was 96.55%, and the specificity was 78.26% compared with histologic measurement. The sensitivity of the manually measured US thickness was 75.86%, and the specificity was 73.91%. The efficient automated tumor thickness measurement method developed could be used as a tool for preoperative assessment of melanocytic skin tumor thickness. © 2016 by the American Institute of Ultrasound in Medicine.



    Berlana, Tania; Úbeda, Alejandro


    Occupational exposure to static and radiofrequency fields emitted by nuclear magnetic resonance spectrometers was assessed through systematic field metering during operation of 19 devices in nine research centers. Whereas no measurable levels of radiofrequency radiation were registered outside the spectrometers, significant exposure to static field was detected, with maximum values recorded at the user's hand (B = 683.00 mT) and head-thorax (B = 135.70 mT) during spectrometer manipulation. All values were well below the exposure limits set by the European standard for workers protection against the effects of acute field exposure only. As for potential effects of chronic exposure, waiting for more complete knowledge, adoption of technical and operational strategies for exposure minimizing is advisable. In this respect, the data revealed that compared with standard magnetic shielding, ultrashield technology allows a 20-65-fold reduction of the field strength received by the operator. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please email:

  14. Comparison of Quadrapolar™ radiofrequency lesions produced by standard versus modified technique: an experimental model.


    Safakish, Ramin


    Lower back pain (LBP) is a global public health issue and is associated with substantial financial costs and loss of quality of life. Over the years, different literature has provided different statistics regarding the causes of the back pain. The following statistic is the closest estimation regarding our patient population. The sacroiliac (SI) joint pain is responsible for LBP in 18%-30% of individuals with LBP. Quadrapolar™ radiofrequency ablation, which involves ablation of the nerves of the SI joint using heat, is a commonly used treatment for SI joint pain. However, the standard Quadrapolar radiofrequency procedure is not always effective at ablating all the sensory nerves that cause the pain in the SI joint. One of the major limitations of the standard Quadrapolar radiofrequency procedure is that it produces small lesions of ~4 mm in diameter. Smaller lesions increase the likelihood of failure to ablate all nociceptive input. In this study, we compare the standard Quadrapolar radiofrequency ablation technique to a modified Quadrapolar ablation technique that has produced improved patient outcomes in our clinic. The methodology of the two techniques are compared. In addition, we compare results from an experimental model comparing the lesion sizes produced by the two techniques. Taken together, the findings from this study suggest that the modified Quadrapolar technique provides longer lasting relief for the back pain that is caused by SI joint dysfunction. A randomized controlled clinical trial is the next step required to quantify the difference in symptom relief and quality of life produced by the two techniques.

  15. Impedance de surface dans les supraconducteurs quasi-bidimensionnels

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Achkir, Driss Brice

    Ce travail a caractere experimental et theorique vise l'etude de l'etat supraconducteur de trois familles de composes: les supraconducteurs conventionnels, les organiques et les cuprates YBCO. Pour ce faire, nous avons utilise une technique hyperfrequence, a savoir la mesure d'impedance de surface en fonction de la temperature et du champ magnetique. Dans les supraconducteurs conventionnels, nous avons mesure pour la premiere fois le pic de "coherence" dans la partie reelle de la conductivite. Bien que predit par la theorie BCS, ce pic n'avait pas ete clairement observe en raison de difficultes techniques liees a ce type d'experience. D'autre part, la theorie d'Eliashberg appliquee a la partie reelle de la conductivite du niobium nous a revele l'importance des mesures hyperfrequences pour mieux extraire la partie basse frequence de la densite spectrale alphasp2F(omega). Cette possibilite est attrayante puisque c'est precisement la region de frequences de alphasp2F(omega) ou les donnees d'effet tunnel sont imprecises. Les resultats obtenus sur la longueur de penetration dans les organiques et les cuprates ont permis de montrer que le gap presente des lignes de zeros au niveau de Fermi ou qu'il est, a tout le moins, fortement anisotrope. En effet, la dependance en temperature de la longueur de penetration dans les cristaux purs est lineaire a basse temperature et elle devient quadratique dans les cristaux dopes. Pour le cas des supraconducteurs organiques quasi-bidimensionnels (Et)sb2X, nous avons aussi observe un maximum sur la partie reelle de la conductivite qui n'a rien a voir avec un pic de coherence. Pour ces composes, nous avons effectue une des toutes premieres etudes des fluctuations supraconductrices en temperature et en champ magnetique. Nous montrons que la paraconductivite sigmasp' due aux fluctuations presente un comportement de type Aslamazov-Larkin de nature tridimensionnelle. Ces mesures sont appuyees par les resultats theoriques d'un modele Ginzburg

  16. Criteria for Modeling in LES of Multicomponent Fuel Flow

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bellan, Josette; Selle, Laurent


    A report presents a study addressing the question of which large-eddy simulation (LES) equations are appropriate for modeling the flow of evaporating drops of a multicomponent liquid in a gas (e.g., a spray of kerosene or diesel fuel in air). The LES equations are obtained from the direct numerical simulation (DNS) equations in which the solution is computed at all flow length scales, by applying a spatial low-pass filter. Thus, in LES the small scales are removed and replaced by terms that cannot be computed from the LES solution and instead must be modeled to retain the effect of the small scales into the equations. The mathematical form of these models is a subject of contemporary research. For a single-component liquid, there is only one LES formulation, but this study revealed that for a multicomponent liquid, there are two non-equivalent LES formulations for the conservation equations describing the composition of the vapor. Criteria were proposed for selecting the multicomponent LES formulation that gives the best accuracy and increased computational efficiency. These criteria were applied in examination of filtered DNS databases to compute the terms in the LES equations. The DNS databases are from mixing layers of diesel and kerosene fuels. The comparisons resulted in the selection of one of the multicomponent LES formulations as the most promising with respect to all criteria.

  17. Pregnancy outcomes after paternal radiofrequency field exposure aboard fast patrol boats.


    Baste, Valborg; Moen, Bente E; Oftedal, Gunnhild; Strand, Leif Age; Bjørge, Line; Mild, Kjell Hansson


    To investigate adverse reproductive outcomes among male employees in the Royal Norwegian Navy exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields aboard fast patrol boats. Cohort study of Royal Norwegian Navy servicemen linked to the Medical Birth Registry of Norway, including singleton offspring born between 1967 and 2008 (n = 37,920). Exposure during the last 3 months before conception (acute) and exposure more than 3 months before conception (nonacute) were analyzed. Perinatal mortality and preeclampsia increased after service aboard fast patrol boats during an acute period and also after increased estimated radiofrequency exposure during an acute period, compared with service aboard other vessels. No associations were found between nonacute exposure and any of the reproductive outcomes. Paternal work aboard fast patrol boats during an acute period was associated with perinatal mortality and preeclampsia, but the cause is not clear.

  18. Therapeutic effect of radiofrequency ablation on children with supraventricular tachycardia and the risk factors for postoperative recurrence

    PubMed Central

    Li, Chunli; Jia, Libo; Wang, Zhenzhou; Niu, Ling; An, Xinjiang


    The present study investigated the therapeutic effect of radiofrequency ablation on children with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), and explored the risk factors for postoperative recurrence. A total of 312 patients with pediatric SVT were selected in the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University from April, 2011 to March, 2017. All the patients were subjected to radiofrequency ablation, and clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Tilt table test was performed before and after treatment, and heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and after treatment were compared. Plasma levels of D-dimer (D-D), platelet α-granule membrane protein (GMP-140) and thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay before treatment, immediately after radiofrequency oblation, and at 1, 3 and 7 days after treatment. Treatment outcomes were compared between the atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) and atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) groups. Risk factors for postoperative recurrence were analyzed. Supine position heart rate after treatment was not significantly different from that before treatment (P>0.05), while the upright position heart rate was significantly increased after treatment (P<0.05). Systolic pressures of the supine and upright positions were significantly reduced after treatment compared with the levels before (P<0.05), but no significant differences were found in diastolic blood pressure of supine and the upright position (P>0.05). No significant difference in radiofrequency ablation rate, recurrence rate and incidence of complications were found between the AVRT and AVNRT groups (P>0.05). After radiofrequency, the levels of D-D, GMP-140 and TAT ablation showed an upward trend, but decreased at day 7 to reach preoperative levels. Logistic regression analysis revealed that residual slow pathway (OR=6.718, P=0.005) and inaccurate targeting (OR=2.815, P=0.007) were

  19. Therapeutic effect of radiofrequency ablation on children with supraventricular tachycardia and the risk factors for postoperative recurrence.


    Li, Chunli; Jia, Libo; Wang, Zhenzhou; Niu, Ling; An, Xinjiang


    The present study investigated the therapeutic effect of radiofrequency ablation on children with supraventricular tachycardia (SVT), and explored the risk factors for postoperative recurrence. A total of 312 patients with pediatric SVT were selected in the Affiliated Children's Hospital of Xuzhou Medical University from April, 2011 to March, 2017. All the patients were subjected to radiofrequency ablation, and clinical data were retrospectively analyzed. Tilt table test was performed before and after treatment, and heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure before and after treatment were compared. Plasma levels of D-dimer (D-D), platelet α-granule membrane protein (GMP-140) and thrombin-antithrombin III complex (TAT) were detected by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay before treatment, immediately after radiofrequency oblation, and at 1, 3 and 7 days after treatment. Treatment outcomes were compared between the atrioventricular reentrant tachycardia (AVRT) and atrioventricular nodal reentrant tachycardia (AVNRT) groups. Risk factors for postoperative recurrence were analyzed. Supine position heart rate after treatment was not significantly different from that before treatment (P>0.05), while the upright position heart rate was significantly increased after treatment (P<0.05). Systolic pressures of the supine and upright positions were significantly reduced after treatment compared with the levels before (P<0.05), but no significant differences were found in diastolic blood pressure of supine and the upright position (P>0.05). No significant difference in radiofrequency ablation rate, recurrence rate and incidence of complications were found between the AVRT and AVNRT groups (P>0.05). After radiofrequency, the levels of D-D, GMP-140 and TAT ablation showed an upward trend, but decreased at day 7 to reach preoperative levels. Logistic regression analysis revealed that residual slow pathway (OR=6.718, P=0.005) and inaccurate targeting (OR=2.815, P=0.007) were

  20. A comparison between pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture for relieving pain in patients with chronic low back pain.


    Lin, Mu-Lien; Lin, Mu-Hung; Fen, Jun-Jeng; Lin, Wei-Tso; Lin, Chii-Wann; Chen, Po-Quang


    Many treatment options for chronic low back pain are available, including varied forms of electric stimulation. But little is known about the electricity effect between electro-acupuncture and pulsed radiofrequency. The objective of this study is to assess the difference in effectiveness of pain relief between pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture. Visual analog score (VAS) pain score, the Oswestry disability index (ODI) to measure a patient's permanent functional disability, and Short form 36 (SF-36) which is a survey used in health assessment to determine the cost-effectiveness of a health treatment, were used as rating systems to measure the pain relief and functional improvement effect of pulsed radiofrequency and electro-acupuncture, based on the methodological quality of the randomized controlled trials, the relevance between the study groups, and the consistency of the outcome evaluation. First, the baseline status before therapy shows no age and gender influence in the SF-36 and VAS score but it is significant in the ODI questionnaire. From ANOVA analyses, it is apparent that radiofrequency therapy is a significant improvement over electro-acupuncture therapy after one month. But electro-acupuncture also showed functional improvement in the lumbar spine from the ODI. This study provides sufficient evidence of the superiority of pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) therapy for low back pain relief compared with both electro-acupuncture (EA) therapy and the control group. But the functional improvement of the lumbar spine was proved under EA therapy only. Both therapies are related to electricity effects.

  1. Comments on "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and some cancers of unknown etiology: An ecological study".


    Mortazavi, S A R; Mortazavi, Ghazal; Mortazavi, S M J


    This correspondence refers to the Science of the Total Environment article by Gonzalez-Rubio et al. entitled "Radiofrequency electromagnetic fields and some cancers of unknown etiology: An ecological study". Authors of this paper have presented the findings of their preliminary epidemiological study which combined epidemiology, statistics and geographical information systems (GIS). Gonzalez-Rubio et al. have analyzed the possible link between exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields (RF-EMF) in the city of Albacete, Spain and the incidence of cancers such as lymphomas, and brain tumors. The shortcomings of this study are discussed. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Radiofrequency ablation for benign thyroid nodules.


    Bernardi, S; Stacul, F; Zecchin, M; Dobrinja, C; Zanconati, F; Fabris, B


    Benign thyroid nodules are an extremely common occurrence. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is gaining ground as an effective technique for their treatment, in case they become symptomatic. Here we review what are the current indications to RFA, its outcomes in terms of efficacy, tolerability, and cost, and also how it compares to the other conventional and experimental treatment modalities for benign thyroid nodules. Moreover, we will also address the issue of treating with this technique patients with cardiac pacemakers (PM) or implantable cardioverter-defibrillators (ICD), as it is a rather frequent occurrence that has never been addressed in detail in the literature.

  3. Effect of Radiofrequency Denervation on Pain Intensity Among Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain

    PubMed Central

    Juch, Johan N. S.; Ostelo, Raymond W. J. G.; Groeneweg, J. George; Kallewaard, Jan-Willem; Koes, Bart W.; Verhagen, Arianne P.; van Dongen, Johanna M.; Huygen, Frank J. P. M.; van Tulder, Maurits W.


    Importance Radiofrequency denervation is a commonly used treatment for chronic low back pain, but high-quality evidence for its effectiveness is lacking. Objective To evaluate the effectiveness of radiofrequency denervation added to a standardized exercise program for patients with chronic low back pain. Design, Setting, and Participants Three pragmatic multicenter, nonblinded randomized clinical trials on the effectiveness of minimal interventional treatments for participants with chronic low back pain (Mint study) were conducted in 16 multidisciplinary pain clinics in the Netherlands. Eligible participants were included between January 1, 2013, and October 24, 2014, and had chronic low back pain, a positive diagnostic block at the facet joints (facet joint trial, 251 participants), sacroiliac joints (sacroiliac joint trial, 228 participants), or a combination of facet joints, sacroiliac joints, or intervertebral disks (combination trial, 202 participants) and were unresponsive to conservative care. Interventions All participants received a 3-month standardized exercise program and psychological support if needed. Participants in the intervention group received radiofrequency denervation as well. This is usually a 1-time procedure, but the maximum number of treatments in the trial was 3. Main Outcomes and Measures The primary outcome was pain intensity (numeric rating scale, 0-10; whereby 0 indicated no pain and 10 indicated worst pain imaginable) measured 3 months after the intervention. The prespecified minimal clinically important difference was defined as 2 points or more. Final follow-up was at 12 months, ending October 2015. Results Among 681 participants who were randomized (mean age, 52.2 years; 421 women [61.8%], mean baseline pain intensity, 7.1), 599 (88%) completed the 3-month follow-up, and 521 (77%) completed the 12-month follow-up. The mean difference in pain intensity between the radiofrequency denervation and control groups at 3 months was −0

  4. Superconductive Microwave Single-Flux-Quantum Digital Circuits and Corresponding Opto-Electronic Interfaces: On-Going Studies and First Experimental Results

    DTIC Science & Technology


    UHLMANN University of Technology Ilmenau– PO Box 105565 – D-98684 Ilmenau - Germany RESUME : Les circuits numériques supraconducteurs micro-ondes...circuits RSFQ. Ce banc de mesure comporte deux types d’interfaces opto-RSFQ, basées sur des matériaux semiconducteurs et supraconducteurs , respectivement

  5. Diverse radiofrequency sensitivity and radiofrequency effects of mobile or cordless phone near fields exposure in Drosophila melanogaster.


    Geronikolou, Styliani; Zimeras, Stelios; Davos, Constantinos H; Michalopoulos, Ioannis; Tsitomeneas, Stephanos


    The impact of electromagnetic fields on health is of increasing scientific interest. The aim of this study was to examine how the Drosophila melanogaster animal model is affected when exposed to portable or mobile phone fields. Two experiments have been designed and performed in the same laboratory conditions. Insect cultures were exposed to the near field of a 2G mobile phone (the GSM 2G networks support and complement in parallel the 3G wide band or in other words the transmission of information via voice signals is served by the 2G technology in both mobile phones generations) and a 1880 MHz cordless phone both digitally modulated by human voice. Comparison with advanced statistics of the egg laying of the second generation exposed and non-exposed cultures showed limited statistical significance for the cordless phone exposed culture and statistical significance for the 900 MHz exposed insects. We calculated by physics, simulated and illustrated in three dimensional figures the calculated near fields of radiation inside the experimenting vials and their difference. Comparison of the power of the two fields showed that the difference between them becomes null when the experimental cylinder radius and the height of the antenna increase. Our results suggest a possible radiofrequency sensitivity difference in insects which may be due to the distance from the antenna or to unexplored intimate factors. Comparing the near fields of the two frequencies bands, we see similar not identical geometry in length and height from the antenna and that lower frequencies tend to drive to increased radiofrequency effects.

  6. Déprescrire les inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons

    PubMed Central

    Farrell, Barbara; Pottie, Kevin; Thompson, Wade; Boghossian, Taline; Pizzola, Lisa; Rashid, Farah Joy; Rojas-Fernandez, Carlos; Walsh, Kate; Welch, Vivian; Moayyedi, Paul


    Résumé Objectif Formuler des lignes directrices fondées sur les données probantes pour aider les cliniciens à décider du moment et de la façon sécuritaire de réduire la dose des inhibiteurs de la pompe à protons (IPP) ou d’en arrêter le traitement; se concentrer sur le niveau le plus élevé des données disponibles et obtenir les commentaires des professionnels de première ligne durant le processus de rédaction, de révision et d’adoption des lignes directrices. Méthodologie L’équipe était formée de 5 professionnels de la santé (1 médecin de famille, 3 pharmaciens et 1 gastro-entérologue) et de 5 membres sans droit de vote; les membres ont divulgué tout conflit d’intérêts. Le processus d’élaboration des lignes directrices a eu recours à l’approche GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation), de même qu’à un examen minutieux des données probantes dans le cadre de rencontres en personne, au téléphone et en ligne. Particulièrement, le processus d’élaboration des lignes directrices a inclus une revue systématique d’essais portant sur la déprescription des IPP et un examen de comptes rendus sur les torts liés à l’emploi continu des IPP. Les synthèses narratives sur les préférences des patients ainsi que les publications traitant des répercussions sur les ressources ont éclairé les recommandations. L’équipe a peaufiné le texte sur le contenu et les recommandations des lignes directrices par consensus, et a synthétisé les considérations cliniques afin de répondre aux questions courantes des cliniciens de première ligne. Une version préliminaire des lignes directrices a été distribuée aux cliniciens, puis aux associations de professionnels de la santé aux fins d’examen, et des révisions ont été apportées au texte à chaque étape. Un algorithme d’appui décisionnel a été conçu de concert avec les lignes directrices. Recommandations Les présentes lignes

  7. Temperature responsive porous silicon nanoparticles for cancer therapy - spatiotemporal triggering through infrared and radiofrequency electromagnetic heating.


    Tamarov, Konstantin; Xu, Wujun; Osminkina, Liubov; Zinovyev, Sergey; Soininen, Pasi; Kudryavtsev, Andrey; Gongalsky, Maxim; Gaydarova, Azha; Närvänen, Ale; Timoshenko, Victor; Lehto, Vesa-Pekka


    One critical functionality of the carrier system utilized in targeted drug delivery is its ability to trigger the release of the therapeutic cargo once the carrier has reached its target. External triggering is an alluring approach as it can be applied in a precise spatiotemporal manner. In the present study, we achieved external triggering through the porous silicon (PSi) nanoparticles (NPs) by providing a pulse of infrared or radiofrequency radiation. The NPs were grafted with a temperature responsive polymer whose critical temperature was tailored to be slightly above 37°C. The polymer coating improved the biocompatibility of the NPs significantly in comparison with their uncoated counterparts. Radiation induced a rapid temperature rise, which resulted in the collapse of the polymer chains facilitating the cargo release. Both infrared and radiofrequency radiation were able to efficiently trigger the release of the encapsulated drug in vitro and induce significant cell death in comparison to the control groups. Radiofrequency radiation was found to be more efficient in vitro, and the treatment efficacy was verified in vivo in a lung carcinoma (3LL) mice model. After a single intratumoral administration of the carrier system combined with radiofrequency radiation, there was clear suppression of the growth of the carcinoma and a prolongation of the survival time of the animals. The temperature responsive (TR) polymer grafted on the surface of porous silicon nanoparticles (PSi NPs) changes its conformation in response to the heating induced by infrared or radiofrequency radiation. The conformation change allows the loaded doxorubicin to escape from the pores, achieving controlled drug release from TR PSi NPs, which displayed efficacy against malignant cells both in vitro and in vivo. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Three Cycles of Radiofrequency Ablation Are More Efficacious Than Two in the Management of Morton's Neuroma.


    Brooks, David; Parr, Adam; Bryceson, William


    Morton's neuroma is a common cause of forefoot pain. Outcomes of conservative therapy are mixed and many patients undergo operative intervention. Radiofrequency ablation has recently gained favor as a treatment option, although the optimal regime is unknown. This study investigates the effectiveness of 2 versus 3 cycles of radiofrequency ablation for the treatment of Morton's neuroma. We surveyed a cohort of patients with Morton's neuroma who had progressed to radiofrequency ablation after failed conservative treatment. Patients received either 2 or 3 cycles of radiofrequency ablation by a single surgeon. We assessed patients based on their change in numerical pain rating scale, symptom improvement, complications, and progression to surgical excision through a series of telephone interviews. Outcomes between the 2 treatment arms were compared by parametric tests. Twenty-eight patients were included in the study. Eighteen patients with 21 neuromas received 2 cycles and 10 patients with 11 neuromas received 3 cycles. Mean time of follow-up was 12.9 months. Overall, 88% of patients were either very or moderately satisfied with their outcome. In patients who received 2 cycles mean numerical pain scores decreased from 7.9 ± 1.1 to 3.4 ± 2.4 postprocedure. Three patients progressed to operative excision. In patients who received 3 cycles, numerical pain scores decreased from 8.0 ± 1.0 to 1.5 ± 2.0 postprocedure. One patient progressed to operative excision. Patients who received 3 cycles had reduced medium-term pain postoperatively compared with 2 cycles (3.4 ± 2.4 vs 1.5 ± 2.0, P = .011). Radiofrequency ablation provides a high rate of patient satisfaction in the treatment of Morton's neuroma with few side effects. It appears that 3 cycles may be superior to 2 cycles but a randomized controlled trial will be required to confirm these results. Intervention, Level III: Comparative study without concurrent controls.

  9. Sucrose modulation of radiofrequency-induced heating rates and cell death.


    Pulikkathara, Merlyn; Mark, Colette; Kumar, Natasha; Zaske, Ana Maria; Serda, Rita E


    Applied radiofrequency (RF) energy induces hyperthermia in tissues, facilitating vascular perfusion This study explores the impact of RF radiation on the integrity of the luminal endothelium, and then predominately explores the impact of altering the conductivity of biologically-relevant solutions on RF-induced heating rates and cell death. The ability of cells to survive high sucrose (i.e. hyperosmotic conditions) to achieve lower conductivity as a mechanism for directing hyperthermia is evaluated. RF radiation was generated using a capacitively-coupled radiofrequency system operating at 13.56 MHz. Temperatures were recorded using a FLIR SC 6000 infrared camera. RF radiation reduced cell-to-cell connections among endothelial cells and altered cell morphology towards a more rounded appearance at temperatures reported to cause in vivo vessel deformation. Isotonic solutions containing high sucrose and low levels of NaCl displayed low conductivity and faster heating rates compared to high salt solutions. Heating rates were positively correlated with cell death. Addition of sucrose to serum similarly reduced conductivity and increased heating rates in a dose-dependent manner. Cellular proliferation was normal for cells grown in media supplemented with 125 mM sucrose for 24 hours or for cells grown in 750 mM sucrose for 10 minutes followed by a 24 h recovery period. Sucrose is known to form weak hydrogen bonds in fluids as opposed to ions, freeing water molecules to rotate in an oscillating field of electromagnetic radiation and contributing to heat induction. The ability of cells to survive temporal exposures to hyperosmotic (i.e. elevated sucrose) conditions creates an opportunity to use sucrose or other saccharides to selectively elevate heating in specific tissues upon exposure to a radiofrequency field.

  10. Pulmonary vein reconnection following catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation using the second-generation cryoballoon versus open-irrigated radiofrequency: results of a multicenter analysis.


    Aryana, Arash; Singh, Sheldon M; Mugnai, Giacomo; de Asmundis, Carlo; Kowalski, Marcin; Pujara, Deep K; Cohen, Andrew I; Singh, Steve K; Fuenzalida, Charles E; Prager, Nelson; Bowers, Mark R; O'Neill, Padraig Gearoid; Brugada, Pedro; d'Avila, André; Chierchia, Gian-Battista


    Catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation (CAAF) using the cryoballoon has emerged as an alternate strategy to point-by-point radiofrequency. However, there is little comparative data on long-term durability of pulmonary vein (PV) isolation comparing these two modalities. In this multicenter, retrospective analysis, the incidences/patterns of late PV reconnection following an index CAAF using the second-generation cryoballoon versus open-irrigated, non-force-sensing radiofrequency were examined. Of the 2002 patients who underwent a first-time CAAF, 186/1126 patients (16.5 %) ablated using cryoballoon and 174/876 patients (19.9 %) with non-contact force-guided radiofrequency required a repeat procedure at 11 ± 5 months. During follow-up, the incidence of atrial flutters/tachycardias was lower (19.9 vs. 32.8 %; p = 0.005) and fewer patients exhibited PV reconnection (47.3 vs. 60.9 %; p = 0.007) with cryoballoon versus radiofrequency. Additionally, fewer PVs had reconnected with cryoballoon versus radiofrequency (18.8 vs. 34.6 %; p < 0.001). With cryoballoon, the right inferior (p < 0.001) and left common (p = 0.039) PVs were more likely to exhibit late reconnection, versus the left superior PV with radiofrequency (p = 0.012). However, when comparing the two strategies, the left common PV was more likely to exhibit reconnection with cryoballoon, whereas all other PVs with the exception of the right inferior PV demonstrated a lower reconnection rate with cryoballoon versus radiofrequency. Lastly, in a logistic regression multivariate analysis, cryoballoon ablation and PV ablation time emerged as significant predictors of durable PV isolation at repeat procedure. In this large multicenter, retrospective analysis, CAAF using the second-generation cryoballoon was associated with improved durability of PV isolation compared to open-irrigated, non-force-sensing radiofrequency.

  11. Clinical outcomes of pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation for the treatment of occipital neuralgia.


    Choi, Hyuk Jai; Oh, In Ho; Choi, Seok Keun; Lim, Young Jin


    Occipital neuralgia is characterized by paroxysmal jabbing pain in the dermatomes of the greater or lesser occipital nerves caused by irritation of these nerves. Although several therapies have been reported, they have only temporary therapeutic effects. We report the results of pulsed radiofrequency treatment of the occipital nerve, which was used to treat occipital neuralgia. Patients were diagnosed with occipital neuralgia according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders classification criteria. We performed pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation when patients presented with clinical findings suggestive occipital neuralgia with positive diagnostic block of the occipital nerves with local anesthetics. Patients were analyzed according to age, duration of symptoms, surgical results, complications and recurrence. Pain was measured every month after the procedure using the visual analog and total pain indexes. From 2010, ten patients were included in the study. The mean age was 52 years (34-70 years). The mean follow-up period was 7.5 months (6-10 months). Mean Visual Analog Scale and mean total pain index scores declined by 6.1 units and 192.1 units, respectively, during the follow-up period. No complications were reported. Pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation of the occipital nerve is an effective treatment for occipital neuralgia. Further controlled prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the exact effects and long-term outcomes of this treatment method.

  12. Clinical Outcomes of Pulsed Radiofrequency Neuromodulation for the Treatment of Occipital Neuralgia

    PubMed Central

    Oh, In Ho; Choi, Seok Keun; Lim, Young Jin


    Objective Occipital neuralgia is characterized by paroxysmal jabbing pain in the dermatomes of the greater or lesser occipital nerves caused by irritation of these nerves. Although several therapies have been reported, they have only temporary therapeutic effects. We report the results of pulsed radiofrequency treatment of the occipital nerve, which was used to treat occipital neuralgia. Methods Patients were diagnosed with occipital neuralgia according to the International Classification of Headache Disorders classification criteria. We performed pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation when patients presented with clinical findings suggestive occipital neuralgia with positive diagnostic block of the occipital nerves with local anesthetics. Patients were analyzed according to age, duration of symptoms, surgical results, complications and recurrence. Pain was measured every month after the procedure using the visual analog and total pain indexes. Results From 2010, ten patients were included in the study. The mean age was 52 years (34-70 years). The mean follow-up period was 7.5 months (6-10 months). Mean Visual Analog Scale and mean total pain index scores declined by 6.1 units and 192.1 units, respectively, during the follow-up period. No complications were reported. Conclusion Pulsed radiofrequency neuromodulation of the occipital nerve is an effective treatment for occipital neuralgia. Further controlled prospective studies are necessary to evaluate the exact effects and long-term outcomes of this treatment method. PMID:22792425

  13. Evaluation of renal nerve morphological changes and norepinephrine levels following treatment with novel bipolar radiofrequency delivery systems in a porcine model

    PubMed Central

    Cohen-Mazor, Meital; Mathur, Prabodh; Stanley, James R.L.; Mendelsohn, Farrell O.; Lee, Henry; Baird, Rose; Zani, Brett G.; Markham, Peter M.; Rocha-Singh, Krishna


    Objective: To evaluate the safety and effectiveness of different bipolar radiofrequency system algorithms in interrupting the renal sympathetic nerves and reducing renal norepinephrine in a healthy porcine model. Methods: A porcine model (N = 46) was used to investigate renal norepinephrine levels and changes to renal artery tissues and nerves following percutaneous renal denervation with radiofrequency bipolar electrodes mounted on a balloon catheter. Parameters of the radiofrequency system (i.e. electrode length and energy delivery algorithm), and the effects of single and longitudinal treatments along the artery were studied with a 7-day model in which swine received unilateral radiofrequency treatments. Additional sets of animals were used to examine norepinephrine and histological changes 28 days following bilateral percutaneous radiofrequency treatment or surgical denervation; untreated swine were used for comparison of renal norepinephrine levels. Results: Seven days postprocedure, norepinephrine concentrations decreased proportionally to electrode length, with 81, 60 and 38% reductions (vs. contralateral control) using 16, 4 and 2-mm electrodes, respectively. Applying a temperature-control algorithm with the 4-mm electrodes increased efficacy, with a mean 89.5% norepinephrine reduction following a 30-s treatment at 68°C. Applying this treatment along the entire artery length affected more nerves vs. a single treatment, resulting in superior norepinephrine reduction 28 days following bilateral treatment. Conclusion: Percutaneous renal artery application of bipolar radiofrequency energy demonstrated safety and resulted in a significant renal norepinephrine content reduction and renal nerve injury compared with untreated controls in porcine models. PMID:24875181

  14. Results of Cryoenergy and Radiofrequency-Based Catheter Ablation for Treating Ventricular Arrhythmias Arising From the Papillary Muscles of the Left Ventricle, Guided by Intracardiac Echocardiography and Image Integration.


    Rivera, Santiago; Ricapito, Maria de la Paz; Tomas, Leandro; Parodi, Josefina; Bardera Molina, Guillermo; Banega, Rodrigo; Bueti, Pablo; Orosco, Agustin; Reinoso, Marcelo; Caro, Milagros; Belardi, Diego; Albina, Gaston; Giniger, Alberto; Scazzuso, Fernando


    Catheter radiofrequency ablation of ventricular arrhythmias (VAs) arising from the left ventricle's papillary muscles has been associated with inconsistent results. The use of cryoenergy versus radiofrequency has not been compared yet. This study compares outcomes and complications of catheter ablation of VA from the papillary muscles of the left ventricle with either cryoenergy or radiofrequency. Twenty-one patients (40±12 years old; 47% males; median ejection fraction 59±7.3%) with drug refractory premature ventricular contractions or ventricular tachycardia underwent catheter cryoablation or radiofrequency ablation. VAs were localized using 3-dimensional mapping, multidetector computed tomography, and intracardiac echocardiography, with arrhythmia foci being mapped at either the anterolateral papillary muscle or posteromedial papillary muscles of the left ventricle. Focal ablation was performed using an 8-mm cryoablation catheter or a 4-mm open-irrigated radiofrequency catheter, via transmitral approach. Acute success rate was 100% for cryoenergy (n=12) and 78% for radiofrequency (n=9; P=0.08). Catheter stability was achieved in all patients (100%) treated with cryoenergy, and only in 2 (25%) patients treated with radiofrequency (P=0.001). Incidence of multiple VA morphologies was observed in 7 patients treated with radiofrequency (77.7%), whereas none was observed in those treated with cryoenergy (P=0.001). VA recurrence at 6 months follow-up was 0% for cryoablation and 44% for radiofrequency (P=0.03). Cryoablation was associated with higher success rates and lower recurrence rates than radiofrequency catheter ablation, better catheter stability, and lesser incidence of polymorphic arrhythmias. © 2016 American Heart Association, Inc.

  15. Mathematical Modeling of Radiofrequency Ablation for Varicose Veins

    PubMed Central

    Choi, Sun Young; Kwak, Byung Kook


    We present a three-dimensional mathematical model for the study of radiofrequency ablation (RFA) with blood flow for varicose vein. The model designed to analyze temperature distribution heated by radiofrequency energy and cooled by blood flow includes a cylindrically symmetric blood vessel with a homogeneous vein wall. The simulated blood velocity conditions are U = 0, 1, 2.5, 5, 10, 20, and 40 mm/s. The lower the blood velocity, the higher the temperature in the vein wall and the greater the tissue damage. The region that is influenced by temperature in the case of the stagnant flow occupies approximately 28.5% of the whole geometry, while the region that is influenced by temperature in the case of continuously moving electrode against the flow direction is about 50%. The generated RF energy induces a temperature rise of the blood in the lumen and leads to an occlusion of the blood vessel. The result of the study demonstrated that higher blood velocity led to smaller thermal region and lower ablation efficiency. Since the peak temperature along the venous wall depends on the blood velocity and pullback velocity, the temperature distribution in the model influences ablation efficiency. The vein wall absorbs more energy in the low pullback velocity than in the high one. PMID:25587351

  16. [Treatment of simple snoring by radiofrequency velar coblation].


    Pessey, J-J; Rose, X; Michenet, F; Calmels, M-N; Lagleyre, S


    Short- and long-term evaluation of the efficacy and safety of radiofrequency velar coblation for simple snoring. From February 2000 to May 2004, 175 patients underwent a single radiofrequency session for velar coblation. All patients suffered from snoring without sleep apnea. They presented modifications of the velo-pharyngeal region but did not have tonsillar or basilingual hypertrophy. Outcome was assessed in terms of pain, changes in snoring, secondary effects and complications at three months and one, two, and three years. Secondary uvulectomy was performed in 28 patients. At three months, snoring had decreased in 82% of patients with complete resolution in 12%. Outcome remained unchanged in 70% of patients at one, two, and three years. After uvulectomy, snoring declined in 96% of patients with complete resolution in 48%. Post-treatment pain lasted less than five days in 68% of patients. Mean duration was three days. Fifteen patients developed pharyngeal paresthesia which regressed at one year. Two patients had a nasal voice and three developed necrosis of the uvula. Velar coblation is a simple treatment for snoring which can be performed in a single session. The best results are achieved in patients whose body mass index is below 25 and after secondary uvulectomy.

  17. Development of the method of aggregation to determine the current storage area using computer vision and radiofrequency identification

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Astafiev, A.; Orlov, A.; Privezencev, D.


    The article is devoted to the development of technology and software for the construction of positioning and control systems in industrial plants based on aggregation to determine the current storage area using computer vision and radiofrequency identification. It describes the developed of the project of hardware for industrial products positioning system in the territory of a plant on the basis of radio-frequency grid. It describes the development of the project of hardware for industrial products positioning system in the plant on the basis of computer vision methods. It describes the development of the method of aggregation to determine the current storage area using computer vision and radiofrequency identification. Experimental studies in laboratory and production conditions have been conducted and described in the article.

  18. Multiplexing of Radio-Frequency Single Electron Transistors

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stevenson, Thomas R.; Pellerano, F. A.; Stahle, C. M.; Aidala, K.; Schoelkopf, R. J.; Krebs, Carolyn (Technical Monitor)


    We present results on wavelength division multiplexing of radio-frequency single electron transistors. We use a network of resonant impedance matching circuits to direct applied rf carrier waves to different transistors depending on carrier frequency. A two-channel demonstration of this concept using discrete components successfully reconstructed input signals with small levels of cross coupling. A lithographic version of the rf circuits had measured parameters in agreement with electromagnetic modeling, with reduced cross capacitance and inductance, and should allow 20 to 50 channels to be multiplexed.

  19. Time-domain simulation of nonlinear radiofrequency phenomena

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jenkins, Thomas G.; Austin, Travis M.; Smithe, David N.

    Nonlinear effects associated with the physics of radiofrequency wave propagation through a plasma are investigated numerically in the time domain, using both fluid and particle-in-cell (PIC) methods. We find favorable comparisons between parametric decay instability scenarios observed on the Alcator C-MOD experiment [J. C. Rost, M. Porkolab, and R. L. Boivin, Phys. Plasmas 9, 1262 (2002)] and PIC models. The capability of fluid models to capture important nonlinear effects characteristic of wave-plasma interaction (frequency doubling, cyclotron resonant absorption) is also demonstrated.

  20. Time-domain simulation of nonlinear radiofrequency phenomena

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jenkins, Thomas G.; Austin, Travis M.; Smithe, David N.; Loverich, John; Hakim, Ammar H.


    Nonlinear effects associated with the physics of radiofrequency wave propagation through a plasma are investigated numerically in the time domain, using both fluid and particle-in-cell (PIC) methods. We find favorable comparisons between parametric decay instability scenarios observed on the Alcator C-MOD experiment [J. C. Rost, M. Porkolab, and R. L. Boivin, Phys. Plasmas 9, 1262 (2002)] and PIC models. The capability of fluid models to capture important nonlinear effects characteristic of wave-plasma interaction (frequency doubling, cyclotron resonant absorption) is also demonstrated.

  1. 47 CFR 2.1093 - Radiofrequency radiation exposure evaluation: portable devices.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... for Safety Levels with Respect to Human Exposure to Radio Frequency Electromagnetic Fields, 3 kHz to... Exposure Criteria for Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields,” NCRP Report No. 86, Section 17.4.5. Copyright... Electromagnetic Fields—RF and Microwave,” IEEE C95.3-1991. (4) For purposes of analyzing portable transmitting...

  2. Pulsed Radiofrequency Ablation Under Ultrasound Guidance for Huge Neuroma

    PubMed Central

    Jung, Il; Lee, Chang Hee; Kim, Se Hun; Kim, Jin Sun; Yoo, Byoung Woo


    Amputation neuroma can cause very serious, intractable pain. Many treatment modalities are suggested for painful neuroma. Pharmacologic treatment shows a limited effect on eliminating the pain, and surgical treatment has a high recurrence rate. We applied pulsed radiofrequency treatment at the neuroma stalk under ultrasonography guidance. The long-term outcome was very successful, prompting us to report this case. PMID:25031817

  3. Methodes de calcul des forces aerodynamiques pour les etudes des interactions aeroservoelastiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Biskri, Djallel Eddine

    L'aeroservoelasticite est un domaine ou interagissent la structure flexible d'un avion, l'aerodynamique et la commande de vol. De son cote, la commande du vol considere l'avion comme une structure rigide et etudie l'influence du systeme de commande sur la dynamique de vol. Dans cette these, nous avons code trois nouvelles methodes d'approximation de forces aerodynamiques: Moindres carres corriges, Etat minimal corrige et Etats combines. Dans les deux premieres methodes, les erreurs d'approximation entre les forces aerodynamiques approximees par les methodes classiques et celles obtenues par les nouvelles methodes ont les memes formes analytiques que celles des forces aerodynamiques calculees par LS ou MS. Quant a la troisieme methode, celle-ci combine les formulations des forces approximees avec les methodes standards LS et MS. Les vitesses et frequences de battement et les temps d'executions calcules par les nouvelles methodes versus ceux calcules par les methodes classiques ont ete analyses.

  4. The effects of 2100-MHz radiofrequency radiation on nasal mucosa and mucociliary clearance in rats.


    Aydoğan, Filiz; Aydın, Emine; Koca, Gökhan; Özgür, Elçin; Atilla, Pergin; Tüzüner, Arzu; Demirci, Şule; Tomruk, Arin; Öztürk, Göknur Güler; Seyhan, Nesrin; Korkmaz, Meliha; Müftüoğlu, Sevda; Samim, Ethem Erdal


    Nasal mucociliary clearance has an important role in voiding the airways from inhaled foreign substances. This activity could be disturbed by environmental factors such as radiofrequency radiation. The aim of the present study was to investigate short-term and relatively long-term effects of 2100-MHz radiofrequency radiation emitted by a generator, simulating a 3G-mobile phone, on the nasal septal mucosa and mucociliary clearance in rats. Thirty Wistar albino rats were divided into 4 groups. There were 6 rats in Group A and Group B, which served as the control groups (10-day and 40-day groups, respectively). Groups C (10-day exposure) and D (40-day exposure) were both composed of 9 rats; they comprised the radiofrequency radiation exposure groups. The rats in groups C and D were exposed to 2100-MHz radiofrequency radiation emitted by a generator, simulating a 3G-mobile phone, 6 hours/day, for 10 or 40 days, respectively. After exposure, nasal mucociliary clearance was measured by rhinoscintigraphy. After euthanization, the nasal septa of the animals were removed, and tissue samples of the nasal mucosa were examined using a transmission electron microscope. The differences in mucociliary clearances between groups A and C, groups B and D, and groups C and D were found to be statistically significant (p = 0.005, p < 0.001, p < 0.001, respectively). Although there were no histopathological abnormalities in the control groups, the exposure groups showed a number of degenerated and apoptotic cells, ciliary disorganization and ciliary loss in the epithelial cells, epithelial metaplasia, alteration of normal chromatin distribution and karyolysis in nuclei, changes in the basal cells, and lymphocytic infiltration. The histopathological changes were more severe in group D. Radiofrequency radiation at 2100 MHz damaged the nasal septal mucosa, and disturbed the mucociliary clearance. Ciliary disorganization and ciliary loss in the epithelial cells resulted in deterioration of

  5. Momentum-resolved radio-frequency spectroscopy of a spin-orbit-coupled atomic Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance in harmonic traps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peng, Shi-Guo; Liu, Xia-Ji; Hu, Hui; Jiang, Kaijun


    We theoretically investigate the momentum-resolved radio-frequency spectroscopy of a harmonically trapped atomic Fermi gas near a Feshbach resonance in the presence of equal Rashba and Dresselhaus spin-orbit coupling. The system is qualitatively modeled as an ideal gas mixture of atoms and molecules, in which the properties of molecules, such as the wave function, binding energy, and effective mass, are determined from the two-particle solution of two interacting atoms. We calculate separately the radio-frequency response from atoms and molecules at finite temperatures by using the standard Fermi golden rule and take into account the effect of harmonic traps within local density approximation. The total radio-frequency spectroscopy is discussed as functions of temperature and spin-orbit coupling strength. Our results give a qualitative picture of radio-frequency spectroscopy of a resonantly interacting spin-orbit-coupled Fermi gas and can be directly tested in atomic Fermi gases of 40K atoms at Shanxi University and 6Li atoms at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

  6. Trauma-Related Guilt Mediates the Relationship between Posttraumatic Stress Disorder and Suicidal Ideation in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans.


    Tripp, Jessica C; McDevitt-Murphy, Meghan E


    Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and trauma-related guilt are risk factors for suicidal ideation (SI) in veterans. Components of trauma-related guilt were examined as serial mediators of the relationship between PTSD and SI. In a sample of 53 OEF/OIF/OND combat veterans, PTSD had an indirect effect on SI through a serial mediation chain of guilt cognitions, distress, and global guilt, suggesting that trauma-related guilt via cognitions, distress, and global guilt is a pathway from PTSD to SI. Attention should be given to assessing and addressing trauma-related guilt in veterans experiencing PTSD to prevent SI. © 2016 The American Association of Suicidology.

  7. Validating LES for Jet Aeroacoustics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bridges, James; Wernet, Mark P.


    Engineers charged with making jet aircraft quieter have long dreamed of being able to see exactly how turbulent eddies produce sound and this dream is now coming true with the advent of large eddy simulation (LES). Two obvious challenges remain: validating the LES codes at the resolution required to see the fluid-acoustic coupling, and the interpretation of the massive datasets that are produced. This paper addresses the former, the use of advanced experimental techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) and Raman and Rayleigh scattering, to validate the computer codes and procedures used to create LES solutions. This paper argues that the issue of accuracy of the experimental measurements be addressed by cross-facility and cross-disciplinary examination of modern datasets along with increased reporting of internal quality checks in PIV analysis. Further, it argues that the appropriate validation metrics for aeroacoustic applications are increasingly complicated statistics that have been shown in aeroacoustic theory to be critical to flow-generated sound, such as two-point space-time velocity correlations. A brief review of data sources available is presented along with examples illustrating cross-facility and internal quality checks required of the data before it should be accepted for validation of LES.

  8. Two-treatment protocol for skin laxity using 90-Watt dynamic monopolar radiofrequency device with real-time impedance intelligence monitoring.


    McDaniel, David; Weiss, Robert; Weiss, Margaret; Mazur, Chris; Griffen, Charmaine


    Multiple devices are currently on the market that employ radiofrequency to non-invasively treat skin laxity and wrinkle reduction. The study device was a unique monopolar radiofrequency device FDA cleared for the treatment of wrinkles and rhytids. The delivery system allows constant monitoring of the real-time local skin impedance changes, which allows radiofrequency energy to be more uniformly dosed over an entire treatment area. The objective was to validate effectiveness of a modified treatment protocol for a unique monopolar radiofrequency device, which has been engineered with greater power and self-monitoring circuitry. Twenty-four female subjects received bilateral monopolar radiofrequency treatments to the mid and lower face from the sub malar region to the submentum. Subjects completed 1 and 3 month follow ups with digital imaging. Skin biopsies (on 4 subjects) and ultrasound measurements (on 12 subjects) were completed. Assessments demonstrated a reduction in skin laxity of 35%, a reduction in fine lines/wrinkles of 42%, and a reduction in the appearance of global photodamage of 33%. Expert photograding demonstrated 92% of subjects showing at least a mild improvement in skin laxity at three months post treatment. 50 MHz ultrasound measurements in 12 subjects showed an increase of 19% in skin density. Histology showed a marked increase in dermal collagen and elastin fibers in two subjects who demonstrated a clinically noticeable reduction in skin laxity and minimal changes in two subjects who demonstrated minimal clinical improvements. There were no significant adverse events reported. This modified radiofrequency device and treatment protocol was well tolerated and produced improvements in the appearance of skin laxity and overall anti-aging effects in the majority of subjects. Objective measurements including ultrasound and histology help explain the clinical outcome.

  9. Computer simulations of ions in radio-frequency traps

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williams, A.; Prestage, J. D.; Maleki, L.; Djomehri, J.; Harabetian, E.


    The motion of ions in a trapped-ion frequency standard affects the stability of the standard. In order to study the motion and structures of large ion clouds in a radio-frequency (RF) trap, a computer simulation of the system that incorporates the effect of thermal excitation of the ions was developed. Results are presented from the simulation for cloud sizes up to 512 ions, emphasizing cloud structures in the low-temperature regime.

  10. Radiofrequency ablation of fast ventricular tachycardia causing an ICD storm in an infant with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.


    Ergul, Yakup; Ozyilmaz, Isa; Bilici, Meki; Ozturk, Erkut; Haydin, Sertaç; Guzeltas, Alper


    An implantable cardioverter defibrillator (ICD) storm involves very frequent arrhythmia episodes and ICD shocks, and it is associated with poor short-term and long-term prognosis. Radiofrequency catheter ablation can be used as an effective rescue treatment for patients with an ICD storm. To our knowledge, this is the first report of an infant with hypertrophic cardiomyopathy presenting with an ICD storm and undergoing successful radiofrequency catheter ablation salvage treatment for the fast left posterior fascicular ventricular tachycardia. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  11. The efficacy and safety of using cooled radiofrequency in treating chronic sacroiliac joint pain

    PubMed Central

    Sun, Hui-Hui; Zhuang, Su-Yang; Hong, Xin; Xie, Xin-Hui; Zhu, Lei; Wu, Xiao-Tao


    Abstract Background: Cooled radiofrequency procedure is a novel minimally invasive surgical technique and has been occasionally utilized in managing chronic sacroiliac joint (SIJ) pain. A meta-analysis was conducted to systematically assess the efficacy and safety of using cooled radiofrequency in treating patients with chronic SIJ pain in terms of pain and disability relief, patients’ satisfaction degree as well as complications. Methods: Studies of using cooled radiofrequency procedure in managing SIJ pain were retrieved from Medline and Web of Science according to inclusion and exclusion criteria. Quality evaluation was conducted using Cochrane collaboration tool for randomized controlled trials and MINORS quality assessment for noncomparative trials. Statistics were managed using Review Manager 5.3. Results: Totally 7 studies with 240 eligible patients were enrolled. The overall pooled results demonstrated that pain intensity decreased significantly after cooled radiofrequency procedure compared with that measured before treatment. The mean difference (MD) was 3.81 [95% confidence intervals (95% CIs): 3.29–4.33, P < .001] and 3.78 (95% CIs: 3.31–4.25, P < .001) as measured by the Numerical Rating Scale (NRS) and Visual Analog Scale (VAS), respectively. Disability also relieved significantly after treatment compared with that measured before treatment. The MD was 18.2 (95% CIs: 12.22–24.17, P < .001) as measured by the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI). Seventy-two percent of the patients presented positive results as measured by the Global Perceived Effect (GPE). The OR was 0.01 (95% CIs: 0.00–0.05, P < .001). Only mild complications were observed in the 7 studies, including transient hip pain, soreness, and numbness. Conclusion: Cooled radiofrequency procedure can significantly relieve pain and disability with no severe complications, and majority of patients are satisfied with this technique. Thus, it is safe and effective to use this

  12. Anthropogenic radiofrequency electromagnetic fields as an emerging threat to wildlife orientation.


    Balmori, Alfonso


    The rate of scientific activity regarding the effects of anthropogenic electromagnetic radiation in the radiofrequency (RF) range on animals and plants has been small despite the fact that this topic is relevant to the fields of experimental biology, ecology and conservation due to its remarkable expansion over the past 20 years. Current evidence indicates that exposure at levels that are found in the environment (in urban areas and near base stations) may particularly alter the receptor organs to orient in the magnetic field of the earth. These results could have important implications for migratory birds and insects, especially in urban areas, but could also apply to birds and insects in natural and protected areas where there are powerful base station emitters of radiofrequencies. Therefore, more research on the effects of electromagnetic radiation in nature is needed to investigate this emerging threat. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  13. The Research of Feasibility and Efficacy of Radiofrequency Ablation in Treating Uterine Fibroids

    PubMed Central

    Luo, Xin; Shu, Shan-rong; Ma, Xue-feng; Shuai, Han-lin


    Abstract To explore the feasibility and efficacy of radiofrequency ablation in treating uterine fibroids. Ninety patients with multiple uterine fibroids, who had undergone hysterectomy were included in the study. After the uterus was resected, the temperature of 60, 80, 100°C were adopted to ablate the in vitro fibroid with each temperature dealing with 30 patients. Simultaneously, 5 patients were included, whose in vivo fibroid were ablated with the temperature of 100°C before the fibroids were removed after laparotomy. After the fibroids were ablated, the smooth muscle in the ablated center (group A), the ablated edge (group B) and 1 cm away from the ablated edge (group C) were taken. Then, the samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) to examine the histopathological changes, and immunohistochemistry was performed to detect the expression of estrogen receptor (ER) and progesterone receptor (PR). After radiofrequency ablation, the ablated lesions were round, toast tan, and dry on gross appearance. There were no obvious tissue carbonization and there were distinct boundary from periphery tissue. In vitro: On automated analysis, the average optical density of ER and PR in group A, B, and C was lower than the control group (P < 0.05), and which were gradually raised with the increased distance to electrode. In the same treatment group, ER optical density was gradually decreased with the increased temperature among 3 different groups. The PR optical density was decreased with the increased temperature under different temperatures in group A and group B, there was significant difference among groups (P < 0.05). But in group C, there was no difference in PR expression among the temperature of 60, 80, and 100°C (P > 0.05). In vivo: Compared with the control group, the average optical density of ER and PR were significantly different among group A, B, and C (P < 0.05), what's more, it was gradually raised with the increased distance to

  14. Bipolar and monopolar radiofrequency treatment of osteoarthritic knee articular cartilage: acute and temporal effects on cartilage compressive stiffness, permeability, cell synthesis, and extracellular matrix composition.


    Cook, James L; Kuroki, Keiichi; Kenter, Keith; Marberry, Kevin; Brawner, Travis; Geiger, Timothy; Jayabalan, Prakash; Bal, B Sonny


    The cellular, biochemical, biomechanical, and histologic effects of radiofrequency-generated heat on osteoarthritic cartilage were assessed. Articular cartilage explants (n=240) from 26 patients undergoing total knee arthroplasty were divided based on Outerbridge grade (I or II/III) and randomly assigned to receive no treatment (controls) or monopolar or bipolar radiofrequency at 15 or 30 W. Both potentially beneficial and harmful effects of radiofrequency treatment of articular cartilage were noted. It will be vital to correlate data from in vitro and in vivo study of radiofrequency thermal chondroplasty to determine the clinical usefulness of this technique.

  15. Pulsed radiofrequency in clinical practice - A retrospective analysis of 238 patients with chronic non-cancer pain treated at an academic tertiary pain centre.


    Lindquist, Jan; Bäckryd, Emmanuel


    Pulsed radiofrequency is a non-neurodestructive invasive pain treatment which, in contrast to conventional continuous radiofrequency treatment, does not entail nerve tissue destruction. The aim of this study was to retrospectively analyse the short-term benefits of a broad use of pulsed radiofrequency in clinical practice. The medical records of all patients treated with pulsed radiofrequency, or who received a diagnostic test block with a local anaesthetic in view of such a treatment, were retrospectively analysed. The patients had been referred to a tertiary pain centre in Sweden. The treatment effect one month after pulsed radiofrequency was retrospectively graded as follows, based on the wordings of the medical records: major improvement; minor improvement; no change; or worsened. A total of 238 patients received 587 interventions from 2009 to 2014. Chronic low back pain (CLBP) was by far the most common treatment indication (57% of patients), followed by CLBP with sciatica (9%). The age at first pulsed radiofrequency was 55 (15-94) years (mean, range), and 65% were female. Thirty-six patients (15%) underwent only a diagnostic test block using a local anaesthetic, i.e., the test block did not lead to treatment with pulsed radiofrequency. A total of 445 pulsed radiofrequency interventions were performed on 202 patients. Dichotomizing data into responders (i.e., minor or major improvement) and non-responders (i.e., worsened or no change), we found that, out of 63 responders to a median branch diagnostic test block (either at the cervical or lumbar level), 33 were responders to the first following median branch pulsed radiofrequency. Hence the positive predictive value of a median branch test block was 52%. In 127 patients, the lumbar level was targeted for median branch pulsed radiofrequency because of clinically suspected lumbar facetogenic pain. Looking at the first treatment, 30% experienced major improvement after 1 month, 16% minor improvement, 36% no change

  16. Radio-frequency low-coherence interferometry.


    Fernández-Pousa, Carlos R; Mora, José; Maestre, Haroldo; Corral, Pablo


    A method for retrieving low-coherence interferograms, based on the use of a microwave photonics filter, is proposed and demonstrated. The method is equivalent to the double-interferometer technique, with the scanning interferometer replaced by an analog fiber-optics link and the visibility recorded as the amplitude of its radio-frequency (RF) response. As a low-coherence interferometry system, it shows a decrease of resolution induced by the fiber's third-order dispersion (β3). As a displacement sensor, it provides highly linear and slope-scalable readouts of the interferometer's optical path difference in terms of RF, even in the presence of third-order dispersion. In a proof-of-concept experiment, we demonstrate 20-μm displacement readouts using C-band EDFA sources and standard single-mode fiber.

  17. Efficacy of monopolar radiofrequency on skin collagen remodeling: a veterinary study.


    Fritz, Klaus; Bernardy, Jan; Tiplica, George Sonn; Machovcova, Alena


    The aesthetic market offers various radiofrequency treatments for the reduction of wrinkles and rhytids. Even though this not an uncommon aesthetic therapy, there is considerable lack of clinical evidence on the various energy delivery systems available (unipolar, bipolar, tripolar, multipolar, etc.). The purpose of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of a monopolar radiofrequency device (Exilis Elite, BTL Industries Inc., Boston, MA, USA) on the skin collagen in an animal model. The study treatment was done on the abdominal area of the potbellied Vietnamese mini pigs in the Veterinary Research Institute facility. All pigs were treated once per week for 4 weeks. The treatment area was sized 20 × 10 cm. The surface temperature was kept in the therapeutic interval from 39 °C to 43 °C and the therapy lasted for 10 minutes after reaching the therapeutic temperature. Biopsy samples were taken before the therapy and at the 3-month follow-up. The histology samples were stained and magnified (×400) before computer processing. The collagen volume was calculated using the stereological analysis and the data were statistically processed (using the nonparametric two-sample t-test). The collagen content tissue increased from average of 9.0% before the therapy up to 25.9% after the 3-month follow-up period. The statistical comparison of 54 samples taken before and after the treatment acknowledged the significant difference (p = 0.018). The stereological analysis proved large-scale improvement of collagen in the treated area. We have observed that the monopolar radiofrequency therapy significantly increases collagen remodeling. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  18. A unified RANS–LES model: Computational development, accuracy and cost

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gopalan, Harish, E-mail:; Heinz, Stefan, E-mail:; Stöllinger, Michael K., E-mail:


    Large eddy simulation (LES) is computationally extremely expensive for the investigation of wall-bounded turbulent flows at high Reynolds numbers. A way to reduce the computational cost of LES by orders of magnitude is to combine LES equations with Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes (RANS) equations used in the near-wall region. A large variety of such hybrid RANS–LES methods are currently in use such that there is the question of which hybrid RANS-LES method represents the optimal approach. The properties of an optimal hybrid RANS–LES model are formulated here by taking reference to fundamental properties of fluid flow equations. It is shown that unifiedmore » RANS–LES models derived from an underlying stochastic turbulence model have the properties of optimal hybrid RANS–LES models. The rest of the paper is organized in two parts. First, a priori and a posteriori analyses of channel flow data are used to find the optimal computational formulation of the theoretically derived unified RANS–LES model and to show that this computational model, which is referred to as linear unified model (LUM), does also have all the properties of an optimal hybrid RANS–LES model. Second, a posteriori analyses of channel flow data are used to study the accuracy and cost features of the LUM. The following conclusions are obtained. (i) Compared to RANS, which require evidence for their predictions, the LUM has the significant advantage that the quality of predictions is relatively independent of the RANS model applied. (ii) Compared to LES, the significant advantage of the LUM is a cost reduction of high-Reynolds number simulations by a factor of 0.07Re{sup 0.46}. For coarse grids, the LUM has a significant accuracy advantage over corresponding LES. (iii) Compared to other usually applied hybrid RANS–LES models, it is shown that the LUM provides significantly improved predictions.« less

  19. Performance of an iodine-fueled radio-frequency ion-thruster

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holste, Kristof; Gärtner, Waldemar; Zschätzsch, Daniel; Scharmann, Steffen; Köhler, Peter; Dietz, Patrick; Klar, Peter J.


    Two sets of performance data of the same radio-frequency ion-thruster (RIT) have been recorded using iodine and xenon, respectively, as propellant. To characterize the thruster's performance, we have recorded the radio-frequency DC-power, required for yielding preset values of the extracted ion-beam currents, as a function of mass flow. For that purpose, an iodine mass flow system had to be developed, calibrated, and integrated into a newly-built test facility for studying corrosive propellants. The performance mappings for iodine and xenon differ significantly despite comparable operation conditions. At low mass flows, iodine exhibits the better performance. The situation changes at higher mass flows where the performance of iodine is significantly poorer than that of xenon. The reason is very likely related to the molecular nature of iodine. Our results show that iodine as propellant is compatible with RIT technology. Furthermore, it is a viable alternative as propellant for dedicated space missions. In particular, when taking into account additional benefits such as possible storage as a solid and its low price the use of iodine as propellant in ion thrusters is competitive.

  20. Accurate Depth of Radiofrequency-Induced Lesions in Renal Sympathetic Denervation Based on a Fine Histological Sectioning Approach in a Porcine Model

    PubMed Central

    Terao, Hisako; Nakamura, Shintaro; Hagiwara, Hitomi; Furukawa, Toshihito; Matsumura, Kiyoshi; Sakakura, Kenichi


    Background— Ablation lesion depth caused by radiofrequency-based renal denervation (RDN) was limited to <4 mm in previous animal studies, suggesting that radiofrequency-RDN cannot ablate a substantial percentage of renal sympathetic nerves. We aimed to define the true lesion depth achieved with radiofrequency-RDN using a fine sectioning method and to investigate biophysical parameters that could predict lesion depth. Methods and Results— Radiofrequency was delivered to 87 sites in 14 renal arteries from 9 farm pigs at various ablation settings: 2, 4, 6, and 9 W for 60 seconds and 6 W for 120 seconds. Electric impedance and electrode temperature were recorded during ablation. At 7 days, 2470 histological sections were obtained from the treated arteries. Maximum lesion depth increased at 2 to 6 W, peaking at 6.53 (95% confidence interval, 4.27–8.78) mm under the 6 W/60 s condition. It was not augmented by greater power (9 W) or longer duration (120 seconds). There were statistically significant tendencies at 6 and 9 W, with higher injury scores in the media, nerves, arterioles, and fat. Maximum lesion depth was positively correlated with impedance reduction and peak electrode temperature (Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.59 and 0.53, respectively). Conclusions— Lesion depth was 6.5 mm for radiofrequency-RDN at 6 W/60 s. The impedance reduction and peak electrode temperature during ablation were closely associated with lesion depth. Hence, these biophysical parameters could provide prompt feedback during radiofrequency-RDN procedures in the clinical setting. PMID:29440276

  1. Accurate Depth of Radiofrequency-Induced Lesions in Renal Sympathetic Denervation Based on a Fine Histological Sectioning Approach in a Porcine Model.


    Sakaoka, Atsushi; Terao, Hisako; Nakamura, Shintaro; Hagiwara, Hitomi; Furukawa, Toshihito; Matsumura, Kiyoshi; Sakakura, Kenichi


    Ablation lesion depth caused by radiofrequency-based renal denervation (RDN) was limited to <4 mm in previous animal studies, suggesting that radiofrequency-RDN cannot ablate a substantial percentage of renal sympathetic nerves. We aimed to define the true lesion depth achieved with radiofrequency-RDN using a fine sectioning method and to investigate biophysical parameters that could predict lesion depth. Radiofrequency was delivered to 87 sites in 14 renal arteries from 9 farm pigs at various ablation settings: 2, 4, 6, and 9 W for 60 seconds and 6 W for 120 seconds. Electric impedance and electrode temperature were recorded during ablation. At 7 days, 2470 histological sections were obtained from the treated arteries. Maximum lesion depth increased at 2 to 6 W, peaking at 6.53 (95% confidence interval, 4.27-8.78) mm under the 6 W/60 s condition. It was not augmented by greater power (9 W) or longer duration (120 seconds). There were statistically significant tendencies at 6 and 9 W, with higher injury scores in the media, nerves, arterioles, and fat. Maximum lesion depth was positively correlated with impedance reduction and peak electrode temperature (Pearson correlation coefficients were 0.59 and 0.53, respectively). Lesion depth was 6.5 mm for radiofrequency-RDN at 6 W/60 s. The impedance reduction and peak electrode temperature during ablation were closely associated with lesion depth. Hence, these biophysical parameters could provide prompt feedback during radiofrequency-RDN procedures in the clinical setting. © 2018 The Authors.

  2. Dynamique de nanobulles et nanoplasmas generes autour de nanoparticules plasmoniques irradiees par des impulsions ultracourtes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dagallier, Adrien

    L'emergence des lasers a impulsion ultrabreves et des nanotechnologies a revolutionne notre perception et notre maniere d'interagir avec l'infiniment petit. Les gigantesques intensites generees par ces impulsions plus courtes que les temps de relaxation ou de diffusion du milieu irradie induisent de nombreux phenomenes non-lineaires, du doublement de frequence a l'ablation, dans des volumes de dimension caracteristique de l'ordre de la longueur d'onde du laser. En biologie et en medecine, ces phenomenes sont utilises a des fins d'imagerie multiphotonique ou pour detruire des tissus vivants. L'introduction de nanoparticules plasmoniques, qui concentrent le champ electromagnetique incident dans des regions de dimensions nanometriques, jusqu'a une fraction de la longueur d'onde, amplifie les phenomenes non-lineaires tout en offrant un controle beaucoup plus precis de la deposition d'energie, ouvrant la voie a la detection de molecules individuelles en solution et a la nanochirurgie. La nanochirurgie repose principalement sur la formation d'une bulle de vapeur a proximite d'une membrane cellulaire. Cette bulle de vapeur perce la membrane de maniere irreversible,entrainant la cellule a sa mort, ou la perturbe temporairement, ce qui permet d'envisager de faire penetrer dans la cellule des medicaments ou des brins d'ADN pour de la therapie genique. C'est principalement la taille de la bulle qui va decider de l'issue de l'irradiation laser. Il est donc necessaire de controler finement les parametres du laser et la geometrie de la nanoparticule afin d'atteindre l'objectif fixe. Le moyen le plus direct a l'heure actuelle de valider un ensemble de conditions experimentales est de realiser l'experience en laboratoire,ce qui est long et couteux. Les modeles de dynamique de bulle existants ne prennent pas en compte les parametres de l'irradiation et ajustent souvent leurs conditions initiales a partir de leurs mesures experimentales, ce qui limite la portee du modele au cas pour

  3. Bipolar radiofrequency ablation with 2 × 2 electrodes as a building block for matrix radiofrequency ablation: Ex vivo liver experiments and finite element method modelling.


    Mulier, Stefaan; Jiang, Yansheng; Jamart, Jacques; Wang, Chong; Feng, Yuanbo; Marchal, Guy; Michel, Luc; Ni, Yicheng


    Size and geometry of the ablation zone obtained by currently available radiofrequency (RF) electrodes is highly variable. Reliability might be improved by matrix radiofrequency ablation (MRFA), in which the whole tumour volume is contained within a cage of x × y parallel electrodes. The aim of this study was to optimise the smallest building block for matrix radiofrequency ablation: a recently developed bipolar 2 × 2 electrode system. In ex vivo bovine liver, the parameters of the experimental set-up were changed one by one. In a second step, a finite element method (FEM) modelling of the experiment was performed to better understand the experimental findings. The optimal power to obtain complete ablation in the shortest time was 50-60 W. Performing an ablation until impedance rise was superior to ablation for a fixed duration. Increasing electrode diameter improved completeness of ablation due to lower temperature along the electrodes. A chessboard pattern of electrode polarity was inferior to a row pattern due to an electric field void in between the electrodes. Variability of ablation size was limited. The FEM correctly simulated and explained the findings in ex vivo liver. These experiments and FEM modelling allowed a better insight in the factors influencing the ablation zone in a bipolar 2 × 2 electrode RF system. With optimal parameters, complete ablation was obtained quickly and with limited variability. This knowledge will be useful to build a larger system with x × y electrodes for MRFA.

  4. Active stabilization of ion trap radiofrequency potentials

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Johnson, K. G.; Wong-Campos, J. D.; Restelli, A.


    We actively stabilize the harmonic oscillation frequency of a laser-cooled atomic ion confined in a radiofrequency (rf) Paul trap by sampling and rectifying the high voltage rf applied to the trap electrodes. We are able to stabilize the 1 MHz atomic oscillation frequency to be better than 10 Hz or 10 ppm. This represents a suppression of ambient noise on the rf circuit by 34 dB. This technique could impact the sensitivity of ion trap mass spectrometry and the fidelity of quantum operations in ion trap quantum information applications.

  5. Cervical radiofrequency neurotomy reduces central hyperexcitability and improves neck movement in individuals with chronic whiplash.


    Smith, Ashley Dean; Jull, Gwendolen; Schneider, Geoff; Frizzell, Bevan; Hooper, Robert Allen; Sterling, Michele


    This study aims to determine if cervical medial branch radiofrequency neurotomy reduces psychophysical indicators of augmented central pain processing and improves motor function in individuals with chronic whiplash symptoms. Prospective observational study of consecutive patients with healthy control comparison. Tertiary spinal intervention centre in Calgary, Alberta, Canada. Fifty-three individuals with chronic whiplash associated disorder symptoms (Grade 2); 30 healthy controls. Measures were made at four time points: two prior to radiofrequency neurotomy, and 1- and 3-months post-radiofrequency neurotomy. Measures included: comprehensive quantitative sensory testing (including brachial plexus provocation test), nociceptive flexion reflex, and motor function (cervical range of movement, superficial neck flexor activity during the craniocervical flexion test). Self-report pain and disability measures were also collected. One-way repeated measures analysis of variance and Friedman's tests were performed to investigate the effect of time on the earlier measures. Differences between the whiplash and healthy control groups were investigated with two-tailed independent samples t-test or Mann-Whitney tests. Following cervical radiofrequency neurotomy, there were significant early (within 1 month) and sustained (3 months) improvements in pain, disability, local and widespread hyperalgesia to pressure and thermal stimuli, nociceptive flexor reflex threshold, and brachial plexus provocation test responses as well as increased neck range of motion (all P < 0.0001). A nonsignificant trend for reduced muscle activity with the craniocervical flexion test (P > 0.13) was measured. Attenuation of psychophysical measures of augmented central pain processing and improved cervical movement imply that these processes are maintained by peripheral nociceptive input. Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  6. Localization of gaps during redo ablations of paroxysmal atrial fibrillation: Preferential patterns depending on the choice of cryoballoon ablation or radiofrequency ablation for the initial procedure.


    Galand, Vincent; Pavin, Dominique; Behar, Nathalie; Auffret, Vincent; Fénéon, Damien; Behaghel, Albin; Daubert, Jean-Claude; Mabo, Philippe; Martins, Raphaël P


    Pulmonary vein (PV) isolation, using cryoballoon or radiofrequency ablation, is the cornerstone therapy for symptomatic paroxysmal atrial fibrillation (AF) refractory to antiarrhythmic drugs. One-third of the patients have recurrences, mainly due to PV reconnections. To describe the different locations of reconnection sites in patients who had previously undergone radiofrequency or cryoballoon ablation, and to compare the characteristics of the redo procedures in both instances. Demographic data and characteristics of the initial ablation (cryoballoon or radiofrequency) were collected. Number and localization of reconduction gaps, and redo characteristics were reviewed. Seventy-four patients scheduled for a redo ablation of paroxysmal AF were included; 38 had been treated by radiofrequency ablation and 36 by cryoballoon ablation during the first procedure. For the initial ablation, procedural and fluoroscopy times were significantly shorter for cryoballoon ablation (147.8±52.6min vs. 226.6±64.3min [P<0.001] and 37.0±17.7min vs. 50.8±22.7min [P=0.005], respectively). Overall, an identical number of gaps was found during redo procedures of cryoballoon and radiofrequency ablations. However, a significantly higher number of gaps were located in the right superior PV for patients first ablated with radiofrequency (0.9±1.0 vs. 0.5±0.9; P=0.009). Gap localization displayed different patterns. Although not significant, redo procedures of cryoballoon ablation were slightly shorter and needed shorter durations of radiofrequency to achieve PV isolation. During redo procedures, gap localization pattern is different for patients first ablated with cryoballoon or radiofrequency ablation, and right superior PV reconnections occur more frequently after radiofrequency ablation. Redo ablation of a previous cryoballoon ablation appears to be easier. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  7. An assessment of the impact of radiofrequency interference on microwave SETI searches

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Klein, M. J.; Gulkis, S.; Olsen, E. T.; Armstrong, E. F.; Jackson, E. B.


    Investigations are carried out at JPL on radiofrequency interferences at very low levels (-130 to -180 dBm) in various bands, especially the 1-2 GHz band. Extrapolation of interferences in the years to come is attempted.

  8. An assessment of the impact of radiofrequency interference on microwave SETI searches.


    Klein, M J; Gulkis, S; Olsen, E T; Armstrong, E F; Jackson, E B


    Investigations are carried out at JPL on radiofrequency interferences at very low levels (-130 to -180 dBm) in various bands, especially the 1-2 GHz band. Extrapolation of interferences in the years to come is attempted.

  9. Diverse Radiofrequency Sensitivity and Radiofrequency Effects of Mobile or Cordless Phone near Fields Exposure in Drosophila melanogaster

    PubMed Central

    Geronikolou, Styliani; Zimeras, Stelios; Davos, Constantinos H.; Michalopoulos, Ioannis; Tsitomeneas, Stephanos


    Introduction The impact of electromagnetic fields on health is of increasing scientific interest. The aim of this study was to examine how the Drosophila melanogaster animal model is affected when exposed to portable or mobile phone fields. Methods/Results Two experiments have been designed and performed in the same laboratory conditions. Insect cultures were exposed to the near field of a 2G mobile phone (the GSM 2G networks support and complement in parallel the 3G wide band or in other words the transmission of information via voice signals is served by the 2G technology in both mobile phones generations) and a 1880 MHz cordless phone both digitally modulated by human voice. Comparison with advanced statistics of the egg laying of the second generation exposed and non-exposed cultures showed limited statistical significance for the cordless phone exposed culture and statistical significance for the 900 MHz exposed insects. We calculated by physics, simulated and illustrated in three dimensional figures the calculated near fields of radiation inside the experimenting vials and their difference. Comparison of the power of the two fields showed that the difference between them becomes null when the experimental cylinder radius and the height of the antenna increase. Conclusions/Significance Our results suggest a possible radiofrequency sensitivity difference in insects which may be due to the distance from the antenna or to unexplored intimate factors. Comparing the near fields of the two frequencies bands, we see similar not identical geometry in length and height from the antenna and that lower frequencies tend to drive to increased radiofrequency effects. PMID:25402465

  10. Skin tightening with a combined unipolar and bipolar radiofrequency device.


    Mayoral, Flor A


    Monopolar radiofrequency (RF) devices are well established treatment modalities for tightening facial skin. A 60-year-old woman presented with a desire to tighten the lax skin and improve the appearance of both upper arms. A combination unipolar and bipolar RF device may provide volume reduction as well as skin tightening in the upper arm.

  11. Image-guided radiofrequency ablation of spinal tumors: preliminary experience with an expandable array electrode.


    Grönemeyer, Dietrich H W; Schirp, Sven; Gevargez, Athour


    Metastases to the spine are a challenging problem. Percutaneous, image-guided tumor ablation with a thermal energy source, such as radiofrequency, has received increasing attention as a promising technique for the treatment of focal malignant disease. We used radiofrequency ablation for patients with unresectable, osteolytic spine metastases under computed tomographic and fluoroscopic guidance. The purpose of this study was to determine the feasibility, effectiveness, and safety of radiofrequency ablation as a palliative procedure to reduce pain and back pain-related disability in patients with vertebral and paravertebral spine tumors who were not able to benefit from radiotherapy, chemotherapy, or surgery. Between November 1999 and January 2001, 10 patients with unresectable spine metastases were treated with radiofrequency ablation. For the ablation we used a 50-W radiofrequency generator that is connected to an expandable electrode catheter (RITA Medical System Inc., Mountain View, CA). The mean patient age was 64.4 years. Metastases were ablated in the thoracic spine, the lumbar spine, and/or the sacral bone. Tumor diameter ranged from 1.5 to 9 cm. Combined computed tomographic and fluoroscopic guidance was used to guide the procedure. Operations were carried out without heavy sedation with the patient under local anesthesia only. The thermal lesion was produced by applying temperatures of 50 degrees to 120 degrees C for 8-12 minutes. Vertebroplasty was performed in four patients by use of 3 to 5.5 mL of polymethyl methacrylate. Therapy outcome was documented by magnet resonance imaging. Before the therapy and on follow-up of an average of 5.8 months, pain was assessed with the help of the Visual Analogue Scale. Back pain-related disability was measured with the Hannover Functional Ability Questionnaire. Neurologic and health status were documented on the Frankel score and the Karnofsky index. At follow-up, 9 of 10 patients reported reduced pain (Visual

  12. Radiofrequency antenna for suppression of parasitic discharges in a helicon plasma thruster experiment.


    Takahashi, Kazunori


    A radiofrequency (rf) antenna for helicon plasma thruster experiments is developed and tested using a permanent magnets helicon plasma source immersed in a vacuum chamber. A magnetic nozzle is provided by permanent magnets arrays and an argon plasma is produced by a 13.56 MHz radiofrequency helicon-wave or inductively-coupled discharge. A parasitic discharge outside the source tube is successfully suppressed by covering the rf antenna with a ceramic ring and a grounded shield; a decrease in the ion saturation current of a Langmuir probe located outside the source tube is observed and the ion saturation current on axis increases simultaneously, compared with the case of a standard uncovered rf antenna. It is also demonstrated that the covered antenna can yield stable operation of the source.

  13. New concept for treating female stress urinary incontinence with radiofrequency.


    Lordelo, Patrícia; Vilas Boas, Andrea; Sodré, Danielle; Lemos, Amanda; Tozetto, Sibele; Brasil, Cristina


    To evaluate the clinical response and adverse effects of radiofrequency on the urethral meatus in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. This phase one study included ten women with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). The evaluation consisted of 1 hour Pad tests to quantify urine loss and to assess the degree of procedure satisfaction by using the Likert scale. To evaluate safety, we observed the number of referred side effects. Average age was 53.10 years±7.08 years. In assessing the final Pad Test, 70% showed a reduction and 30% a worsening of urinary loss. Using the Pad Test one month later, there was a reduction in all patients (p=0.028). The degree of satisfaction was 90% and no side effects have been observed. One patient reported burning sensation. The treatment of SUI with radiofrequency on the urethral meatus has no adverse effects, being a low risk method that reduces urinary loss in women. However, to increase the validity of the study, larger clinical trials are warranted. Copyright® by the International Brazilian Journal of Urology.

  14. New concept for treating female stress urinary incontinence with radiofrequency

    PubMed Central

    Lordelo, Patrícia; Boas, Andrea Vilas; Sodré, Danielle; Lemos, Amanda; Tozetto, Sibele; Brasil, Cristina


    ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the clinical response and adverse effects of radiofrequency on the urethral meatus in the treatment of stress urinary incontinence in women. Materials and Methods: This phase one study included ten women with Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI). The evaluation consisted of 1 hour Pad tests to quantify urine loss and to assess the degree of procedure satisfaction by using the Likert scale. To evaluate safety, we observed the number of referred side effects. Results: Average age was 53.10 years±7.08 years. In assessing the final Pad Test, 70% showed a reduction and 30% a worsening of urinary loss. Using the Pad Test one month later, there was a reduction in all patients (p=0.028). The degree of satisfaction was 90% and no side effects have been observed. One patient reported burning sensation. Conclusion: The treatment of SUI with radiofrequency on the urethral meatus has no adverse effects, being a low risk method that reduces urinary loss in women. However, to increase the validity of the study, larger clinical trials are warranted. PMID:28727373

  15. A two-scale model of radio-frequency electrosurgical tissue ablation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Karaki, Wafaa; Rahul; Lopez, Carlos A.; Borca-Tasciuc, Diana-Andra; De, Suvranu


    Radio-frequency electrosurgical procedures are widely used to simultaneously dissect and coagulate tissue. Experiments suggest that evaporation of cellular and intra-cellular water plays a significant role in the evolution of the temperature field at the tissue level, which is not adequately captured in a single scale energy balance equation. Here, we propose a two-scale model to study the effects of microscale phase change and heat dissipation in response to radiofrequency heating on the tissue level in electrosurgical ablation procedures. At the microscale, the conservation of mass along with thermodynamic and mechanical equilibrium is applied to obtain an equation-of-state relating vapor mass fraction to temperature and pressure. The evaporation losses are incorporated in the macro-level energy conservation and results are validated with mean experimental temperature distributions measured from electrosurgical ablation testing on ex vivo porcine liver at different power settings of the electrosurgical instrument. Model prediction of water loss and its effect on the temperature along with the effect of the mechanical properties on results are evaluated and discussed.

  16. Large-signal model of the bilayer graphene field-effect transistor targeting radio-frequency applications: Theory versus experiment

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pasadas, Francisco, E-mail:; Jiménez, David


    Bilayer graphene is a promising material for radio-frequency transistors because its energy gap might result in a better current saturation than the monolayer graphene. Because the great deal of interest in this technology, especially for flexible radio-frequency applications, gaining control of it requires the formulation of appropriate models for the drain current, charge, and capacitance. In this work, we have developed them for a dual-gated bilayer graphene field-effect transistor. A drift-diffusion mechanism for the carrier transport has been considered coupled with an appropriate field-effect model taking into account the electronic properties of the bilayer graphene. Extrinsic resistances have been includedmore » considering the formation of a Schottky barrier at the metal-bilayer graphene interface. The proposed model has been benchmarked against experimental prototype transistors, discussing the main figures of merit targeting radio-frequency applications.« less

  17. Effects of Pulsed Versus Conventional Versus Combined Radiofrequency for the Treatment of Trigeminal Neuralgia: A Prospective Study.


    Elawamy, Abdelraheem; Abdalla, Esam Eldein Mohamed; Shehata, Ghaydaa A


    During radiofrequency bursts of energy are applied to nervous tissue. The clinical advantages of this treatment remain unclear. We compared the effectiveness and pain relief for idiopathic trigeminal neuralgia (TN) after continuous radiofrequency (CRF), pulsed radiofrequency (PRF), and combined continuous and pulsed radiofrequency (CCPRF) treatment of the Gasserian ganglion (GG). We conducted a randomized prospective study. Forty-three patients were included. Eleven patients were treated with PRF at 42°C for 10 minutes (PRF group), 12 patients received CRF for 270 seconds at 75 °C (CRF group), and 20 patients received PRF for 10 minutes at 42°C followed by CRF for at 60°C for 270 seconds (CCPRF group). Assuit University Hospital, Pain and Neurology outpatient clinics. Patients were assessed for pain, satisfaction, and consumption of analgesics at baseline and 7 days, one month, 6 months, 12 months, and 24 months after the procedure. The incidence of complications, anesthesia dolorosa, weakness of muscles of mastication, numbness, and technical complications, was evaluated after the procedure. Excellent pain relief was achieved after 6, 12, and 24 months, respectively in 95%, 85%, and 70% of patients with CCPRF; 75%, 75%, and reduced to 50% among patients with CRF; and 82%, reduced to 9.1%, and 0% of patients with PRF. No complications were recorded in 75% of patients in the CCPRF and PRF groups. There was one case of anesthesia dolorosa, 4 cases of masseter muscle weakness, and 5 cases of severe numbness recorded in the CRF group. There was a small number of patients in each group. The best results were observed in the CCPRF group, followed by the CRF group, and then the PRF group.Key words: Pulsed, continuous, radiofrequency, trigeminal neuralgia, Gasserian ganglion.

  18. Validating LES for Jet Aeroacoustics

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bridges, James


    Engineers charged with making jet aircraft quieter have long dreamed of being able to see exactly how turbulent eddies produce sound and this dream is now coming true with the advent of large eddy simulation (LES). Two obvious challenges remain: validating the LES codes at the resolution required to see the fluid-acoustic coupling, and the interpretation of the massive datasets that result in having dreams come true. This paper primarily addresses the former, the use of advanced experimental techniques such as particle image velocimetry (PIV) and Raman and Rayleigh scattering, to validate the computer codes and procedures used to create LES solutions. It also addresses the latter problem in discussing what are relevant measures critical for aeroacoustics that should be used in validating LES codes. These new diagnostic techniques deliver measurements and flow statistics of increasing sophistication and capability, but what of their accuracy? And what are the measures to be used in validation? This paper argues that the issue of accuracy be addressed by cross-facility and cross-disciplinary examination of modern datasets along with increased reporting of internal quality checks in PIV analysis. Further, it is argued that the appropriate validation metrics for aeroacoustic applications are increasingly complicated statistics that have been shown in aeroacoustic theory to be critical to flow-generated sound.

  19. Ressources pour les personnes atteintes de démence

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher; Feldman, Sid; Schulz, Mary


    Résumé Objectif Résumer les services offerts par la Société Alzheimer et discuter des autres sources de soutien et d’information à la disposition des personnes atteintes de démence. Sources de l’information On a fait une recension dans Ovid MEDLINE à l’aide des expressions dementia, Alzheimer disease, community health services utilization et caregiver stress. Message principal Il a été démontré qu’il est bénéfique aux patients et aux aidants si le diagnostic de la démence est posé tôt dans la maladie. Une consultation auprès de la Société Alzheimer peut aider dans la prise en charge non pharmacologique de la démence au moment du diagnostic et en tout temps durant l’évolution de la maladie. Parmi les services offerts, on peut mentionner des renseignements au sujet de la démence, le soutien aux aidants, la coordination des services communautaires et une grande diversité de ressources écrites à l’intention des patients et des aidants. Là où il est offert, le programme Premier lien peut aider avec l’orientation vers des services en minimisant la nécessité pour les patients ou les aidants de communiquer eux-mêmes avec les filiales locales de la Société. On discute aussi d’autres ressources, y compris les soins de répit et les approches technologiques pour prendre en charge l’errance. Conclusion La Société Alzheimer joue un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la démence et les médecins de famille devraient toujours envisager d’y référer leurs patients au moment du diagnostic, quelle que soit la gravité de l’état. Premier lien, quand il est accessible, peut faciliter le contact avec les services. Des ressources comme les soins de répit et les programmes de jour devraient toujours être considérés lorsqu’ils sont disponibles.

  20. Delayed vertebral body collapse after stereotactic radiosurgery and radiofrequency ablation: Case report with histopathologic-MRI correlation.


    Wallace, Adam N; Vyhmeister, Ross; Hsi, Andy C; Robinson, Clifford G; Chang, Randy O; Jennings, Jack W


    Stereotactic radiosurgery and percutaneous radiofrequency ablation are emerging therapies for pain palliation and local control of spinal metastases. However, the post-treatment imaging findings are not well characterized and the risk of long-term complications is unknown. We present the case of a 46-year-old woman with delayed vertebral body collapse after stereotactic radiosurgery and radiofrequency ablation of a painful lumbar metastasis. Histopathologic-MRI correlation confirmed osteonecrosis as the underlying etiology and demonstrated that treatment-induced vascular fibrosis and tumor progression can have identical imaging appearances. © The Author(s) 2015.

  1. La différence épidémiologique des hémorragies digestives hautes entre les hommes et les femmes

    PubMed Central

    El Mekkaoui, Amine; Saâda, Kaoutar; Mellouki, Ihssane; El Yousfi, Mounia; Aqodad, Nourdin; El Abkari, Mohammed; Ibrahimi, Adil; Benajah, Dafr-Allah


    Introduction Des différences épidémiologiques, étiologique voire pronostique des hémorragies digestives hautes (HDH) entre les deux sexes opposés ont été cité par différentes études. Méthodes Nous avons essayé de déceler ces différences à travers une analyse rétrospective nichée sur une étude prospective sur les hémorragies digestives hautes ayant inclus 945 patients. Résultats Six cents trente-sept patients étaient des hommes (67,4% Vs 32,6%). Un antécédent d'HDH était trouvé chez 24,2% des cas sans différence significative entre les deux sexes. L'âge de survenue de l'hémorragie était plus élevé chez les femmes que chez les hommes : 51,5 ans ± 18,8 Vs 47,8 ans ± 18,3 (p : 0,003). Les étiologies de l'HDH étaient différentes entre les deux sexes. Alors que l'hémorragie liée à l'HTP était la première cause chez la femme (38 % Vs 23,5 % chez l'homme, p<0,0001), c'est la pathologie ulcéreuse qui venait en premier chez l'homme (62 % Vs 36,7 % chez la femme, p<0,0001). Un besoin transfusionnel était noté chez 42,4 % des patients de sexe masculin contre 35,4 % des patientes avec un p = 0,03. Le taux de récidive et de décès global étaient de 7,5 % et de 5,7 % des cas respectivement, sans différence significative entre les deux sexes. Conclusion L'étude trouve un profil épidémiologique, clinique et étiologique différent selon le sexe des patients. PMID:23077715

  2. Stereo-electro-encephalography-Guided Radiofrequency Thermocoagulation: From In Vitro and In Vivo Data to Technical Guidelines.


    Bourdillon, Pierre; Isnard, Jean; Catenoix, Hélène; Montavont, Alexandra; Rheims, Sylvain; Ryvlin, Philippe; Ostrowsky-Coste, Karine; Mauguiere, François; Guénot, Marc


    Deep brain electrodes have been used for the past 10 years to produce bipolar stereo-electro-encephalography-guided radiofrequency thermocoagulation (SEEG RF-TC). However, this technique is based on empiric knowledge. The aim of this study is 3-fold: 1) provide in vivo animal data concerning the effect of bipolar RF-TC on brain and its safety; 2) assess the parameters of this procedure (current delivery and dipole selection) that produce the most efficient lesion; and 3) provide technical guidelines. First we achieved in vivo RF-TC on rabbit brains with several conditions (power delivered and lesioning duration) and analyzed their influence on the lesion produced. Only a difference in terms of volume was found, and type of histologic lesions was similar whatever the settings were. We then performed multiple RF-TC in vitro on egg albumen, first with several parameters of radiofrequency and then with different dipole spatial selections. The end point was the size of the radiofrequency thermolesion produced. Using unfixed parameters of radiofrequency current delivery and increasing it until the power delivered by the generator collapsed produced significantly larger lesions (P = 0.008) than other conditions. Concerning the dipole selection, the use of contiguous contacts on electrodes led to lesions with a higher volume (P = 7.7 × 10 -13 ) than those produced with noncontiguous ones. Besides the target selection in SEEG RF-TC, which is summarized on the basis of a literature review, we report the optimal parameters: Radiofrequency current must be increased until the power delivered collapses, and dipoles should be constituted by contiguous electrode contacts. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Les bons conseils de la naissance à la maternelle

    PubMed Central

    Rourke, Leslie; Leduc, Denis; Constantin, Evelyn; Carsley, Sarah; Rourke, James; Li, Patricia


    Résumé Objectif Donner un aperçu de la version 2011 du Relevé postnatal Rourke (RPR), qui comporte aussi des nouveautés dans son site web et de nouvelles initiatives connexes et qui intègre les données des ouvrages scientifiques récents sur les soins de santé préventifs à l’intention des enfants de 0 à 5 ans. Qualité des données À l’instar des versions antérieures du RPR, la nouvelle édition présente des recommandations identifiées comme se fondant sur des preuves suffisantes, acceptables ou consensuelles, selon les classifications adoptées par le Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs en 2011. Message principal De nouveaux renseignements et des recommandations sont présentés concernant la surveillance de la croissance, la nutrition et la vaccination contre la varicelle, les pneumocoques, les méningocoques et le rotavirus. Il y a maintenant de bonnes données probantes en faveur de l’adaptation canadienne des courbes de croissance de l’Organisation mondiale de la Santé, du dépistage universel des problèmes d’audition chez le nouveau-né et du recours à des stratégies de réduction de la douleur liée à la vaccination. On a mis à jour les conseils anticipatoires concernant la sécurité durant le sommeil, la supervision de la santé des enfants en foyer d’accueil, le trouble du spectre de l’alcoolisation fœtale, les facteurs de risque nécessitant le dépistage du plomb et de l’anémie, les soins dentaires et la santé buccale. Parmi les nouvelles rubriques dans le site web du RPR, on peut mentionner une section présentant des ressources pour les parents, des modifications à l’intention de populations particulières, comme les personnes vivant au Nunavut, une version du RPR qui met en évidence en un coup d’œil les modifications à la version de 2009 et une expansion de la fonction d’exploration du RPR accompagnée des hyperliens connexes menant aux renseignements pertinents. On peut

  4. Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lung metastases from colorectal carcinoma under C-arm cone beam CT guidance.


    Amouyal, G; Pernot, S; Déan, C; Cholley, B; Scotté, F; Sapoval, M; Pellerin, O


    The aim of this study was to assess the feasibility, safety and efficacy of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lung metastases from colorectal carcinoma using C-arm cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) guidance. This single-center prospective observational study was performed from August 2013 to August 2016, and included consecutive patients referred for radiofrequency ablation of lung metastases from colorectal cancer. Radiofrequency ablation procedures were performed under C-arm CBCT guidance. Feasibility was assessed by probe accuracy placement, time to accurate placement and number of C-arm CBCT acquisitions to reach the target lesion. Safety was assessed by the report of adverse event graded using the common terminology criteria for adverse events (CTCAE-V4.0). Efficacy was assessed by metastases response rate using RECIST 1.1 and 18 FDG-PET-CT tumor uptake at 6months. Fifty-four consecutive patients (32 men, 22 women) with a mean age of 63±8 (SD) years (range: 51-81years) with a total of 56 lung metastasis from colorectal metastases were treated in a single session. The mean tumor diameter was 25.6±4.5 (SD)mm (range: 17-31mm). Median time to insert the needle into the target lesion was 10min (range: 5-25min). Median number of needles repositioning and C-arm CBCT acquisition per patient was 1 (range: 0-3) and 4 (range: 3-6) respectively. The accuracy for radiofrequency ablation probe placement was 2±0.2 (SD)mm (range: 0-9mm). Pneumothorax requiring chest tube placement occurred in one patient (CTCAE-V4.0 grade 3). At 6months, all patients were alive with tumor response rate of -27% and had no significant activity on the 18 FDG-PET CT follow-up. Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation of lung metastases from colorectal cancer under C-arm CBCT guidance is feasible and safe, with immediate and short-term results similar to those obtained using conventional CT guidance. Copyright © 2017 Éditions françaises de radiologie. Published by Elsevier Masson SAS


    EPA Science Inventory

    A powerful finite difference numerical technique has been applied to the human radiofrequency dosimetry problem. The method possesses inherent advantages over the method of moments approach in that its implementation requires much less computer memory. Consequently, it has the ca...

  6. From mini-invasive to non-invasive treatment using monopolar radiofrequency: the next orthopaedic frontier.


    Whipple, Terry L


    Tendinopathy arises from a failed tendon healing process. Current non-invasive therapeutic alternatives are anti-inflammatory in nature, and outcomes are unpredictable. The benefit of invasive alternatives resides in the induction of the healing response. A new technology that uses non-invasive monopolar capacitive coupled radiofrequency has demonstrated the ability to raise temperatures in tendons and ligaments above 50 degrees C, the threshold for collagen modulation, tissue shrinkage and recruitment of macrophages, fibroblasts, and heat shock protein factors, without damaging the overlying structures, resulting in activation of the wound healing response. Monopolar capacitive-coupled radiofrequency offers a new non-invasive choice for tendinopathies and sprained ligaments. It does not interfere with subsequent surgical procedures should they become necessary.

  7. Radiofrequency ablation for unresectable locally advanced pancreatic cancer: a systematic review

    PubMed Central

    Fegrachi, Samira; Besselink, Marc G; van Santvoort, Hjalmar C; van Hillegersberg, Richard; Molenaar, Izaak Quintus


    Background: Median survival in patients with unresectable locally advanced pancreatic cancer lies in the range of 9–15 months. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) may prolong survival, but data on its safety and efficacy are scarce. Methods: A systematic literature search was performed in PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library with the syntax ‘(radiofrequency OR RFA) AND (pancreas OR pancreatic)’ for studies published until 1 January 2012. In addition, a search of the proceedings of conferences on pancreatic disease that took place during 2009–2011 was performed. Studies with fewer than five patients were excluded as they were considered to be case reports. The primary endpoint was survival. Secondary endpoints included morbidity and mortality. Results: Five studies involving a total of 158 patients with pancreatic cancer treated with RFA fulfilled the eligibility criteria. These studies reported median survival after RFA of 3–33 months, morbidity related to RFA of 4–37%, mortality of 0–19% and overall morbidity of 10–43%. Pooling of data was not appropriate as the study populations and reported outcomes were heterogeneous. Crucial safety aspects included ensuring a maximum RFA tip temperature of < 90 °C and ensuring minimum distances between the RFA probe and surrounding structures. Conclusions: Radiofrequency ablation seems to be feasible and safe when it is used with the correct temperature and at an appropriate distance from vital structures. It appears to have a positive impact on survival. Multicentre randomized trials are necessary to determine the true effect size of RFA and to minimize the impacts of selection and publication biases. PMID:23600801

  8. Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation for osteoid osteoma under guidance of threedimensional fluoroscopy.


    Arıkan, Yavuz; Yavuz, Umut; Lapcin, Osman; Sökücü, Sami; Özkan, Bilge; Kabukçuoğlu, Yavuz


    To evaluate the outcome of percutaneous radiofrequency ablation under guidance of 3-dimensional fluoroscopy in 17 patients with osteoid osteoma. Records of 11 male and 6 female consecutive patients aged 4 to 28 (mean, 13.8) years who underwent radiofrequency ablation under guidance of 3-dimensional fluoroscopy for osteoid osteoma and were followed up for a mean of 15.8 (range, 12-28) months were reviewed. All patients had been treated with analgesics but failed to achieve lasting pain relief. Visual analogue score (VAS) for pain was assessed pre- and post-operatively. Absence of pain was considered recovery. The mean operating time was 55 (range, 20-95) minutes, and the mean length of hospital stay was 2.8 (range, 2-7) days. The mean amount of radiation was 390.2 (range, 330.5-423.6) mGy/cm. Relief of pain occurred within the first 24 hours in 11 patients and by the end of the first week in 3 patients. Pain persisted in 3 patients at one month; they underwent revision surgery and achieved complete recovery. The mean VAS for pain was 7.2 (range, 6-9) in 17 patients preoperatively and decreased to 0.64 (range, 0-2) in the 14 patients with pain relief and 0.66 (range, 0-1) in the 3 patients after revision surgery. Two patients had severe discharge from the wound secondary to fat necrosis, which resolved within a week with antibiotics and local dressings. No patient had cellulitis, vasomotor instability, neurovascular injury, fracture, or deep infection. Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation under guidance of 3-dimensional fluoroscopy is a viable treatment option for osteoid osteoma.

  9. Les inconvénients de perdre du poids

    PubMed Central

    Bosomworth, N. John


    Résumé Objectif Explorer les raisons pour lesquelles la perte de poids à long terme échoue la plupart du temps et évaluer les conséquences de diverses trajectoires pondérales, y compris la stabilité, la perte et le gain. Source des données Les études qui évaluent les paramètres pondéraux dans la population sont en majorité observationnelles. Des données probantes de niveau I ont été publiées pour évaluer l’influence des interventions relatives au poids sur la mortalité et la qualité de vie. Message principal Seulement un petit pourcentage des personnes qui désirent perdre du poids réussissent à le faire de manière durable. La mortalité est la plus faible chez les personnes se situant dans la catégorie de poids élevé-normal et surpoids. La trajectoire pondérale la plus sécuritaire est la stabilité du poids avec une optimisation de la condition physique et métabolique. Il est démontré que la mortalité est plus faible chez les personnes ayant des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité si elles perdent du poids. Il est aussi établi que la qualité de vie sur le plan de la santé est meilleure chez les personnes obèses qui perdent du poids. Par contre, la perte de poids chez une personne obèse autrement en santé est associée à une mortalité accrue. Conclusion La perte de poids est recommandable seulement chez les personnes qui ont des comorbidités reliées à l’obésité. Les personnes obèses en santé qui veulent perdre du poids devraient être informées qu’il peut y avoir des risques à le faire. Une stratégie qui se traduit par un indice de masse corporelle stable avec une condition physique et métabolique optimisée, peu importe le poids, est l’option d’intervention la plus sécuritaire en ce qui concerne le poids.

  10. Superconductive radiofrequency window assembly


    Phillips, Harry Lawrence; Elliott, Thomas S.


    The present invention is a superconducting radiofrequency window assembly for use in an electron beam accelerator. The srf window assembly (20) has a superconducting metal-ceramic design. The srf window assembly (20) comprises a superconducting frame (30), a ceramic plate (40) having a superconducting metallized area, and a superconducting eyelet (50) for sealing plate (40) into frame (30). The plate (40) is brazed to eyelet (50) which is then electron beam welded to frame (30). A method for providing a ceramic object mounted in a metal member to withstand cryogenic temperatures is also provided. The method involves a new metallization process for coating a selected area of a ceramic object with a thin film of a superconducting material. Finally, a method for assembling an electron beam accelerator cavity utilizing the srf window assembly is provided. The procedure is carried out within an ultra clean room to minimize exposure to particulates which adversely affect the performance of the cavity within the electron beam accelerator.

  11. Superconductive radiofrequency window assembly


    Phillips, H.L.; Elliott, T.S.


    The present invention is a superconducting radiofrequency window assembly for use in an electron beam accelerator. The SRF window assembly has a superconducting metal-ceramic design. The SRF window assembly comprises a superconducting frame, a ceramic plate having a superconducting metallized area, and a superconducting eyelet for sealing plate into frame. The plate is brazed to eyelet which is then electron beam welded to frame. A method for providing a ceramic object mounted in a metal member to withstand cryogenic temperatures is also provided. The method involves a new metallization process for coating a selected area of a ceramic object with a thin film of a superconducting material. Finally, a method for assembling an electron beam accelerator cavity utilizing the SRF window assembly is provided. The procedure is carried out within an ultra clean room to minimize exposure to particulates which adversely affect the performance of the cavity within the electron beam accelerator. 11 figs.

  12. Superconducting radiofrequency window assembly


    Phillips, Harry L.; Elliott, Thomas S.


    The present invention is a superconducting radiofrequency window assembly for use in an electron beam accelerator. The srf window assembly (20) has a superconducting metal-ceramic design. The srf window assembly (20) comprises a superconducting frame (30), a ceramic plate (40) having a superconducting metallized area, and a superconducting eyelet (50) for sealing plate (40) into frame (30). The plate (40) is brazed to eyelet (50) which is then electron beam welded to frame (30). A method for providing a ceramic object mounted in a metal member to withstand cryogenic temperatures is also provided. The method involves a new metallization process for coating a selected area of a ceramic object with a thin film of a superconducting material. Finally, a method for assembling an electron beam accelerator cavity utilizing the srf window assembly is provided. The procedure is carried out within an ultra clean room to minimize exposure to particulates which adversely affect the performance of the cavity within the electron beam accelerator.

  13. Superconducting radiofrequency window assembly


    Phillips, H.L.; Elliott, T.S.


    The present invention is a superconducting radiofrequency window assembly for use in an electron beam accelerator. The srf window assembly has a superconducting metal-ceramic design. The srf window assembly comprises a superconducting frame, a ceramic plate having a superconducting metallized area, and a superconducting eyelet for sealing plate into frame. The plate is brazed to eyelet which is then electron beam welded to frame. A method for providing a ceramic object mounted in a metal member to withstand cryogenic temperatures is also provided. The method involves a new metallization process for coating a selected area of a ceramic object with a thin film of a superconducting material. Finally, a method for assembling an electron beam accelerator cavity utilizing the srf window assembly is provided. The procedure is carried out within an ultra clean room to minimize exposure to particulates which adversely affect the performance of the cavity within the electron beam accelerator. 11 figs.

  14. Mathematical 3D modelling and sensitivity analysis of multipolar radiofrequency ablation in the spine.


    Matschek, Janine; Bullinger, Eric; von Haeseler, Friedrich; Skalej, Martin; Findeisen, Rolf


    Radiofrequency ablation is a valuable tool in the treatment of many diseases, especially cancer. However, controlled heating up to apoptosis of the desired target tissue in complex situations, e.g. in the spine, is challenging and requires experienced interventionalists. For such challenging situations a mathematical model of radiofrequency ablation allows to understand, improve and optimise the outcome of the medical therapy. The main contribution of this work is the derivation of a tailored, yet expandable mathematical model, for the simulation, analysis, planning and control of radiofrequency ablation in complex situations. The dynamic model consists of partial differential equations that describe the potential and temperature distribution during intervention. To account for multipolar operation, time-dependent boundary conditions are introduced. Spatially distributed parameters, like tissue conductivity and blood perfusion, allow to describe the complex 3D environment representing diverse involved tissue types in the spine. To identify the key parameters affecting the prediction quality of the model, the influence of the parameters on the temperature distribution is investigated via a sensitivity analysis. Simulations underpin the quality of the derived model and the analysis approach. The proposed modelling and analysis schemes set the basis for intervention planning, state- and parameter estimation, and control. Copyright © 2016. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  15. Microendoscopic stereotactic-guided percutaneous radiofrequency trigeminal nucleotractotomy.


    Teixeira, Manoel Jacobsen; de Almeida, Fabrício Freitas; de Oliveira, Ywzhe Sifuentes Almeida; Fonoff, Erich Talamoni


    Over the past few decades, various authors have performed open or stereotactic trigeminal nucleotractotomy for the treatment of neuropathic facial pain resistant to medical treatment. Stereotactic procedures can be performed percutaneously under local anesthesia, allowing intraoperative neurological examination as a method for target refinement. However, blind percutaneous procedures in the region of the atlantooccipital transition carry a considerably high risk of vascular injuries that may bring prohibitive neurological deficit or even death. To avoid such complications, the authors present the first clinical use of microendoscopy to assist percutaneous radiofrequency trigeminal nucleotractotomy. The aim of this article is to demonstrate intradural microendoscopic visualization of the medulla oblongata through an atlantooccipital percutaneous approach. The authors present a case of severe postherpetic facial neuralgia in a patient who underwent the procedure and had satisfactory results. Stereotactic computational image planning for targeting the spinal trigeminal tract and nucleus in the posterolateral medulla was performed, allowing for an accurate percutaneous approach. Immediately before radiofrequency electrode insertion, a fine endoscope was introduced to visualize the structures in the cisterna magna. Microendoscopic visualization offered clear identification of the pial surface of the medulla oblongata and its blood vessels, the arachnoid membrane, cranial nerve rootlets and their entry zone, and larger vessels such as the vertebral arteries and the branches of the posterior inferior cerebellar artery. The initial application of this technique suggests that percutaneous microendoscopy may be useful for particular manipulation of the medulla oblongata, increasing the safety of the procedure and likely improving its effectiveness.

  16. Stochasticity of convection in Giga-LES data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De La Chevrotière, Michèle; Khouider, Boualem; Majda, Andrew J.


    The poor representation of tropical convection in general circulation models (GCMs) is believed to be responsible for much of the uncertainty in the predictions of weather and climate in the tropics. The stochastic multicloud model (SMCM) was recently developed by Khouider et al. (Commun Math Sci 8(1):187-216, 2010) to represent the missing variability in GCMs due to unresolved features of organized tropical convection. The SMCM is based on three cloud types (congestus, deep and stratiform), and transitions between these cloud types are formalized in terms of probability rules that are functions of the large-scale environment convective state and a set of seven arbitrary cloud timescale parameters. Here, a statistical inference method based on the Bayesian paradigm is applied to estimate these key cloud timescales from the Giga-LES dataset, a 24-h large-eddy simulation (LES) of deep tropical convection (Khairoutdinov et al. in J Adv Model Earth Syst 1(12), 2009) over a domain comparable to a GCM gridbox. A sequential learning strategy is used where the Giga-LES domain is partitioned into a few subdomains, and atmospheric time series obtained on each subdomain are used to train the Bayesian procedure incrementally. Convergence of the marginal posterior densities for all seven parameters is demonstrated for two different grid partitions, and sensitivity tests to other model parameters are also presented. A single column model simulation using the SMCM parameterization with the Giga-LES inferred parameters reproduces many important statistical features of the Giga-LES run, without any further tuning. In particular it exhibits intermittent dynamical behavior in both the stochastic cloud fractions and the large scale dynamics, with periods of dry phases followed by a coherent sequence of congestus, deep, and stratiform convection, varying on timescales of a few hours consistent with the Giga-LES time series. The chaotic variations of the cloud area fractions were

  17. Bimodal electric tissue ablation (BETA) - in-vivo evaluation of the effect of applying direct current before and during radiofrequency ablation of porcine liver.


    Cockburn, J F; Maddern, G J; Wemyss-Holden, S A


    To examine the effect of applying increasing amounts of direct current (DC) before and during alternating current radiofrequency ablation of porcine liver. Using a Radiotherapeutics RF3000 generator, a 9 V AC/DC transformer and a 16 G plain aluminium tube as an electrode, a control group of 24 porcine hepatic radiofrequency ablation zones was compared with 24 zones created using a bimodal electric tissue ablation (BETA) technique in three pigs. All ablations were terminated when tissue impedance rose to greater than 999 Omega or radiofrequency energy input fell below 5 W on three successive measurements taken at 1 min intervals. BETA ablations were performed in two phases: an initial phase of variable duration DC followed by a second phase during which standard radiofrequency ablation was applied simultaneously with DC. During this second phase, radiofrequency power input was regulated by the feedback circuitry of the RF3000 generator according to changes in tissue impedance. The diameters (mm) of each ablation zone were measured by two observers in two planes perpendicular to the plane of needle insertion. The mean short axis diameter of each ablation zone was subjected to statistical analysis. With increased duration of prior application of DC, there was a progressive increase in the diameter of the ablation zone (p<0.001). This effect increased sharply up to 300 s of pre-treatment after which a further increase in diameter occurred, but at a much lesser rate. A maximum ablation zone diameter of 32 mm was produced (control diameters 10-13 mm). Applying a 9 V DC to porcine liver in vivo, and continuing this DC application during subsequent radiofrequency ablation, results in larger ablation zone diameters compared with radiofrequency ablation alone.

  18. Numerical research of a 2D axial symmetry hybrid model for the radio-frequency ion thruster

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chenchen, WU; Xinfeng, SUN; Zuo, GU; Yanhui, JIA


    Since the high efficiency discharge is critical to the radio-frequency ion thruster (RIT), a 2D axial symmetry hybrid model has been developed to study the plasma evolution of RIT. The fluid method and the drift energy correction of the electron energy distribution function (EEDF) are applied to the analysis of the RIT discharge. In the meantime, the PIC-MCC method is used to investigate the ion beam current extraction character for the plasma plume region. The beam current simulation results, with the hybrid model, agree well with the experimental results, and the error is lower than 11%, which shows the validity of the model. The further study shows there is an optimal ratio for the radio-frequency (RF) power and the beam current extraction power under the fixed RIT configuration. And the beam extraction efficiency will decrease when the discharge efficiency beyond a certain threshold (about 87 W). As the input parameters of the hybrid model are all the design values, it can be directly used to the optimum design for other kinds of RITs and radio-frequency ion sources.

  19. Bi-modal radiofrequency treatment for coexisting neuralgia and neuropathy in adjacent divisions of the trigeminal nerve.


    Bhatjiwale, M; Bhatjiwale, M; Naik, L D; Chopade, P


    Trigeminal neuralgia and deafferentation neuropathic pain, or trigeminal neuropathy, are different symptomatologies, rarely reported to present together. The case of a 65-year-old gentleman suffering from trigeminal neuralgia of the maxillary and mandibular division is reported. He first underwent an infraorbital neurectomy that was complicated by deafferentation neuropathic pain, whilst his mandibular neuralgia continued. He was treated successfully for both the neuropathic and neuralgic symptoms in the same session using ultra-extended euthermic pulsed radiofrequency treatment for the maxillary division (V2) and radiofrequency thermocoagulation for the mandibular division (V3). This report is novel in describing the use of dual modalities in the same session for two distinct coexisting clinical entities in two different divisions of the same cranial nerve. The use of ultra-extended pulsed radiofrequency treatment for neuropathic pain in this case is also unique. Nearly 2years after the procedure, the patient continues to have complete pain relief. Copyright © 2018 International Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Radiofrequency ablation versus resection for Barcelona clinic liver cancer very early/early stage hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review.


    He, Zhen-Xin; Xiang, Pu; Gong, Jian-Ping; Cheng, Nan-Sheng; Zhang, Wei


    To compare the long-term survival outcomes of radiofrequency ablation and liver resection for single very early/early stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The Cochrane Library (Issue 3, 2015), Embase (1974 to March 15, 2015), PubMed (1950 to March 15, 2015), Web of Science (1900 to March 15, 2015), and Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (1978 to March 15, 2015) were searched to identify relevant trials. Only trials that compared radiofrequency ablation and liver resection for single very early stage (≤2 cm) or early stage (≤3 cm) HCC according to the Barcelona clinic liver cancer (BCLC) staging system were considered for inclusion in this review. The primary outcomes that we analyzed were the 3-year and 5-year overall survival (OS) rates, and the secondary outcomes that we analyzed were the 3-year and 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates. Review Manager 5.3 was used to perform a cumulative meta-analysis. Possible publication bias was examined using a funnel plot. A random-effects model was applied to summarize the various outcomes. Six studies involving 947 patients were identified that compared radiofrequency ablation (n=528) to liver resection (n=419) for single BCLC very early HCC. In these six studies, the rates of 3-year OS, 5-year OS, 3-year DFS, and 5-year DFS were significantly lower in the radiofrequency ablation group than in the liver resection group (risk ratio [RR] =0.90, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.83-0.98, P=0.01; RR =0.84, 95% CI: 0.75-0.95, P=0.004; RR =0.77, 95% CI: 0.60-0.98, P=0.04; and RR =0.70, 95% CI: 0.52-0.94, P=0.02, respectively). Ten studies involving 2,501 patients were identified that compared radiofrequency ablation (n=1,476) to liver resection (n=1,025) for single BCLC early HCC. In these ten studies, the rates of 3-year OS, 5-year OS, 3-year DFS, and 5-year DFS were also significantly lower in the radiofrequency ablation group than in the liver resection group (RR =0.93, 95% CI: 0.88-0.98, P=0.003; RR =0.84, 95% CI

  1. Radiofrequency ablation versus resection for Barcelona clinic liver cancer very early/early stage hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review

    PubMed Central

    He, Zhen-Xin; Xiang, Pu; Gong, Jian-Ping; Cheng, Nan-Sheng; Zhang, Wei


    Aim To compare the long-term survival outcomes of radiofrequency ablation and liver resection for single very early/early stage hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Methods The Cochrane Library (Issue 3, 2015), Embase (1974 to March 15, 2015), PubMed (1950 to March 15, 2015), Web of Science (1900 to March 15, 2015), and Chinese Biomedical Literature Database (1978 to March 15, 2015) were searched to identify relevant trials. Only trials that compared radiofrequency ablation and liver resection for single very early stage (≤2 cm) or early stage (≤3 cm) HCC according to the Barcelona clinic liver cancer (BCLC) staging system were considered for inclusion in this review. The primary outcomes that we analyzed were the 3-year and 5-year overall survival (OS) rates, and the secondary outcomes that we analyzed were the 3-year and 5-year disease-free survival (DFS) rates. Review Manager 5.3 was used to perform a cumulative meta-analysis. Possible publication bias was examined using a funnel plot. A random-effects model was applied to summarize the various outcomes. Results Six studies involving 947 patients were identified that compared radiofrequency ablation (n=528) to liver resection (n=419) for single BCLC very early HCC. In these six studies, the rates of 3-year OS, 5-year OS, 3-year DFS, and 5-year DFS were significantly lower in the radiofrequency ablation group than in the liver resection group (risk ratio [RR] =0.90, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.83–0.98, P=0.01; RR =0.84, 95% CI: 0.75–0.95, P=0.004; RR =0.77, 95% CI: 0.60–0.98, P=0.04; and RR =0.70, 95% CI: 0.52–0.94, P=0.02, respectively). Ten studies involving 2,501 patients were identified that compared radiofrequency ablation (n=1,476) to liver resection (n=1,025) for single BCLC early HCC. In these ten studies, the rates of 3-year OS, 5-year OS, 3-year DFS, and 5-year DFS were also significantly lower in the radiofrequency ablation group than in the liver resection group (RR =0.93, 95% CI: 0.88–0

  2. The efficacy of conventional radiofrequency denervation in patients with chronic low back pain originating from the facet joints: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.


    Lee, Chang-Hyun; Chung, Chun Kee; Kim, Chi Heon


    Radiofrequency denervation is commonly used for the treatment of chronic facet joint pain that has been refractory to more conservative treatments, although the evidence supporting this treatment has been controversial. We aimed to elucidate the precise effects of radiofrequency denervation in patients with low back pain originating from the facet joints relative to those obtained using control treatments, with particular attention to consistency in the denervation protocol. A meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials was carried out. Adult patients undergoing radiofrequency denervation or control treatments (sham or epidural block) for facet joint disease of the lumbar spine comprised the patient sample. Visual analog scale (VAS) pain scores were measured and stratified by response of diagnostic block procedures. We searched PubMed, Embase, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Database for randomized controlled trials regarding radiofrequency denervation and control treatments for back pain. Changes in VAS pain scores of the radiofrequency group were compared with those of the control group as well as the minimal clinically important difference (MCID) for back pain VAS. Meta-regression model was developed to evaluate the effect of radiofrequency treatment according to responses of diagnostic block while controlling for other variables. We then calculated mean differences and 95% confidence intervals (CIs) using random-effects models. We included data from seven trials involving 454 patients who had undergone radiofrequency denervation (231 patients) and control treatments such as sham or epidural block procedures (223 patients). The radiofrequency group exhibited significantly greater improvements in back pain score when compared with the control group for 1-year follow-up. Although the average improvement in VAS scores exceeded the MCID, the lower limit of the 95% CI encompassed the MCID. A subgroup of patients who responded very well to diagnostic block

  3. Effects of GSM modulated radio-frequency electromagnetic radiation on permeability of blood-brain barrier in male & female rats.


    Sırav, Bahriye; Seyhan, Nesrin


    With the increased use of mobile phones, their biological and health effects have become more important. Usage of mobile phones near the head increases the possibility of effects on brain tissue. This study was designed to investigate the possible effects of pulse modulated 900MHz and 1800MHz radio-frequency radiation on the permeability of blood-brain barrier of rats. Study was performed with 6 groups of young adult male and female wistar albino rats. The permeability of blood-brain barrier to intravenously injected evans blue dye was quantitatively examined for both control and radio-frequency radiarion exposed groups. For male groups; Evans blue content in the whole brain was found to be 0.08±0.01mg% in the control, 0.13±0.03mg% in 900MHz exposed and 0.26±0.05mg% in 1800MHz exposed animals. In both male radio-frequency radiation exposed groups, the permeability of blood-brain barrier found to be increased with respect to the controls (p<0.01). 1800MHz pulse modulated radio-frequency radiation exposure was found more effective on the male animals (p<0.01). For female groups; dye contents in the whole brains were 0.14±0.01mg% in the control, 0.24±0.03mg% in 900MHz exposed and 0.14±0.02mg% in 1800MHz exposed animals. No statistical variance found between the control and 1800MHz exposed animals (p>0.01). However 900MHz pulse modulated radio-frequency exposure was found effective on the permeability of blood-brain barrier of female animals. Results have shown that 20min pulse modulated radio-frequency radiation exposure of 900MHz and 1800MHz induces an effect and increases the permeability of blood-brain barrier of male rats. For females, 900MHz was found effective and it could be concluded that this result may due to the physiological differences between female and male animals. The results of this study suggest that mobile phone radation could lead to increase the permeability of blood-brain barrier under non-thermal exposure levels. More studies are needed

  4. Hybrid laparoscopic and robotic ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation-assisted clampless partial nephrectomy.


    Nadler, Robert B; Perry, Kent T; Smith, Norm D


    To describe a clampless approach made possible by creating an avascular plane of tissue with radiofrequency ablation. Laparoscopic partial nephrectomy is slowly gaining acceptance as a method to treat small (<4 cm) and select moderate (<7 cm) renal masses. The intricacies of laparoscopic suturing, which result in prolonged warm ischemia times, have delayed the widespread acceptance of this technique among urologists. Laparoscopic suturing to close the collecting system was done using the da Vinci robot. An avascular plane of tissue from coagulation necrosis was achieved with the Habib 4X radiofrequency ablation device and the Rita 1500X generator. Typically, we used a power setting of 50 W but have found settings as low as 25 W necessary to provide hemostasis for larger vessels. The tumor was then sharply excised with a negative margin using robotic scissors and electrocautery to facilitate tissue cutting. Retrograde injection of methylthioninium chloride and saline through an externalized ureteral catheter allowed for precise sutured closure of the collecting system. FloSeal and BioGlue were then applied, making surgical bolsters or parenchymal sutures unnecessary. Intraoperative histologic evaluation of the surgical margin and repeat resection of the tumor bed was possible because the renal hilum was not clamped, and no warm ischemia was used. This technique, which combines the improving technologies of robotic surgery, intraoperative laparoscopic ultrasonography, and radiofrequency ablation, might make more surgeons comfortable with the intricacies of laparoscopic suturing and eliminate prolonged warm ischemia times. Overall, this method should result in more patients being able to undergo minimally invasive laparoscopic partial nephrectomy.

  5. Comparison of heat induced damage at the saphenofemoral junction after ablation with 1,470 nm laser or radiofrequency.


    Ozcinar, Evren; Cakici, Mehmet; Korun, Oktay; Han, Unsal; Kiziltepe, Ugursay


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the heat induced damage at the saphenofemoral junction level according to histopathological changes after radiofrequency or 1,470 nm radial tip laser ablation. Varicose vein segments of 6-10 mm in diameter were exposed to radiofrequency (Closure Fast catheter, 7 cm heat segment, one cycle, 15 seconds, 10 Watt, 120 °C) or laser ablation (1,470 nm radial tip, continuous wave, vein diameter: 6 cm/8 cm/10 cm-power: 10 Watt-pullback speed: 2.2 mm/s, 1.7 mm/s, 1.3 mm/s-LEED: 45J/cm, 60J/cm, 75J/cm-EFE 25J/cm 2 , respectively). Approximate 2 cm segments of the vein were left untreated, then histopathological examinations of the untouched segments (5 slices: level 1 - furthest segment, level 2 - nearest segment) for heat induced damage were performed. A total damage scoring system was established, including the presence of endothelial swelling, intimal thickening, cellular vacuolisation in the muscle layer, oedema in the tunica media, and extent of necrosis. At level 1, the furthest segment of the specimen, there was no significant difference between the laser and control group, while the total damage score of the radiofrequency group was significantly higher than the control group (p < 0.01). Radiofrequency group had higher total damage score compared to the laser group at level 1 (p < 0.01), 2 (p < 0.01), and 5 (p < 0.01); while no significant difference was observed at level 3 (p = 0.46) and 4 (p = 0.13). Significant heat induced damage may be seen even if the 2 cm segment of the vessel is left unablated. Radiofrequency ablation seems to cause more histological damage than laser ablation in this ex vivo study. Further in vivo studies are necessary, in order to validate these findings.

  6. Guide de pratique clinique pour les lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères et les symptômes persistants

    PubMed Central

    Marshall, Shawn; Bayley, Mark; McCullagh, Scott; Velikonja, Diana; Berrigan, Lindsay


    Résumé Objectif Présenter les nouvelles lignes directrices sur la prise en charge des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères (LCTL) et les symptômes persistants post-commotion (SPPC) afin de renseigner et d’orienter les médecins qui prennent en charge des patients qui se remettent d’une LCTL. Qualité des données On a effectué une recherche des guides de pratique clinique existants portant sur les LCTL et une synthèse critique des ouvrages scientifiques évaluant le traitement des SPPC. Étant donné la rareté des conseils sur la prise en charge des SPPC dans les travaux sur les lésions cérébrales traumatiques, une deuxième recherche documentaire a été faite pour recenser les guides de pratique clinique et les synthèses critiques concernant la prise en charge de ces symptômes communs dans la population en général. On a convoqué des professionnels de la santé provenant de différentes disciplines et régions du Canada et de l’étranger à une conférence consensuelle d’experts pour examiner les lignes directrices et les données probantes existantes et élaborer un guide complet pour la prise en charge des LCTL et des SPPC. Message principal À l’aide d’un processus Delphi modifié, on a produit 71 recommandations portant sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge des LCTL et des SPPC. De plus, on a inclus dans le guide de nombreuses ressources et des outils pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des recommandations. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique a été élaboré pour aider les professionnels de la santé à fournir des soins fondés sur les données probantes et les pratiques exemplaires à la population complexe de personnes qui ont des SPPC à la suite d’une LCTL.

  7. Proceedings of a Workshop on the Protection of Personnel against Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Radiation Held at the Royal Air Force Establishment, Farnborough, United Kingdom, 6-8 April 1981

    DTIC Science & Technology


    setting and application of RFR safety standards, assessment of RFR levels in the military workplaces, RFR instrumentation and dosimetry , the medical...RADIOFREQUENCY BURN HAZARDS IN THE MF/HF BAND ................ ... 76 S. J. Rogers (U.K.) 3. RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION INSTRUMENTATION AND DOSIMETRY ...97 B. Audone, L. Bolla, and G. Gerbi (Italy) RADIOFREQUENCY RADIATION DOSIMETRY : A REVIEW OF THEORETICAL METHODS AND EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS

  8. Probing the fundamental limit of niobium in high radiofrequency fields by dual mode excitation in superconducting radiofrequency cavities

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Eremeev, Grigory; Geng, Rongli; Palczewski, Ari


    We have studied thermal breakdown in several multicell superconducting radiofrequency cavity by simultaneous excitation of two TM{sub 010} passband modes. Unlike measurements done in the past, which indicated a clear thermal nature of the breakdown, our measurements present a more complex picture with interplay of both thermal and magnetic effects. JLab LG-1 that we studied was limited at 40.5 MV/m, corresponding to B{sub peak} = 173 mT, in 8{pi}/9 mode. Dual mode measurements on this quench indicate that this quench is not purely magnetic, and so we conclude that this field is not the fundamental limit in SRF cavities.

  9. Thermal Ablation for Benign Thyroid Nodules: Radiofrequency and Laser

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Jeong Hyun; Valcavi, Roberto; Pacella, Claudio M.; Rhim, Hyunchul; Na, Dong Gyu


    Although ethanol ablation has been successfully used to treat cystic thyroid nodules, this procedure is less effective when the thyroid nodules are solid. Radiofrequency (RF) ablation, a newer procedure used to treat malignant liver tumors, has been valuable in the treatment of benign thyroid nodules regardless of the extent of the solid component. This article reviews the basic physics, techniques, applications, results, and complications of thyroid RF ablation, in comparison to laser ablation. PMID:21927553


    EPA Science Inventory

    Colonic and tail skin temperature of the unrestrained Fischer rat were measured immediately after a 90 min exposure to 600 MHz radiofrequency radiation in a waveguide-type system. Ambient temperature (Ta) was maintained at either 20, 28, or 35 C. The specific absorption rate (SAR...

  11. Histopathology of the tissue adhering to the multiple tine expandable electrodes used for radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma predicts local recurrence.


    Ishikawa, Toru; Kubota, Tomoyuki; Abe, Hiroyuki; Nagashima, Aiko; Hirose, Kanae; Togashi, Tadayuki; Seki, Keiichi; Honma, Terasu; Yoshida, Toshiaki; Kamimura, Tomoteru; Nemoto, Takeo; Takeda, Keiko; Ishihara, Noriko


    To assess the ability to predict the local recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma by analyzing tissues adhering to the radiofrequency ablation probe after complete ablation. From May 2002 to March 2011, tissue specimens adhering to the radiofrequency ablation probe from 284 radiofrequency ablation sessions performed for hepatocellular carcinomas ≤3 cm in size were analyzed. The specimens were classified as either viable tumor tissue or complete necrosis, and the local recurrence rates were calculated using the Kaplan-Meier method. From the tumors ≤3 cm in size, viable tissue was present in 6 (2.1%) of 284 specimens, and the local recurrence rates after 1 and 2 years of follow-up were 6.7% and 11.2%, respectively. Local recurrence developed significantly earlier in the viable tissue group. The recurrence rate was not significantly different based on whether transcatheter arterial chemoembolization was performed. The histopathology of the tissue adhering to the radiofrequency ablation probes used for hepatocellular carcinoma treatment can predict local recurrence. Additional aggressive treatment for patients with viable tissue can therefore improve the overall survival.

  12. Light effects on the multicellular magnetotactic prokaryote 'Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis' are cancelled by radiofrequency fields: the involvement of radical pair mechanisms.


    de Melo, Roger Duarte; Acosta-Avalos, Daniel


    'Candidatus Magnetoglobus multicellularis' is the most studied multicellular magnetotactic prokaryote. It presents a light-dependent photokinesis: green light decreases the translation velocity whereas red light increases it, in comparison to blue and white light. The present article shows that radio-frequency electromagnetic fields cancel the light effect on photokinesis. The frequency to cancel the light effect corresponds to the Zeeman resonance frequency (DC magnetic field of 4 Oe and radio-frequency of 11.5 MHz), indicating the involvement of a radical pair mechanism. An analysis of the orientation angle relative to the magnetic field direction shows that radio-frequency electromagnetic fields disturb the swimming orientation when the microorganisms are illuminated with red light. The analysis also shows that at low magnetic fields (1.6 Oe) the swimming orientation angles are well scattered around the magnetic field direction, showing that magnetotaxis is not efficiently in the swimming orientation to the geomagnetic field. The results do not support cryptochrome as being the responsible chromophore for the radical pair mechanism and perhaps two different chromophores are necessary to explain the radio-frequency effects.

  13. Radiofrequency electrode vibration-induced shear wave imaging for tissue modulus estimation: a simulation study.


    Bharat, Shyam; Varghese, Tomy


    Quasi-static electrode displacement elastography, used for in-vivo imaging of radiofrequency ablation-induced lesions in abdominal organs such as the liver and kidney, is extended in this paper to dynamic vibrational perturbations of the ablation electrode. Propagation of the resulting shear waves into adjoining regions of tissue can be tracked and the shear wave velocity used to quantify the shear (and thereby Young's) modulus of tissue. The algorithm used utilizes the time-to-peak displacement data (obtained from finite element analyses) to calculate the speed of shear wave propagation in the material. The simulation results presented illustrate the feasibility of estimating the Young's modulus of tissue and is promising for characterizing the stiffness of radiofrequency-ablated thermal lesions and surrounding normal tissue.

  14. Ablation of hypertrophic septum using radiofrequency energy: an alternative for gradient reduction in patient with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy?


    Riedlbauchová, Lucie; Janoušek, Jan; Veselka, Josef


    Alcohol septal ablation and surgical myectomy represent accepted therapeutic options for treatment of symptomatic patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Long-term experience with radiofrequency ablation of arrhythmogenic substrates raised a question if this technique might be effective for left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT) gradient reduction. We report on a 63-year-old patient with recurrence of symptoms 1 year after alcohol septal ablation (ASA) leading originally to a significant reduction of both symptoms and gradient. Due to a new increase of gradient in the LVOT up to 200 mm Hg with corresponding worsening of symptoms and due to refusal of surgical myectomy by the patient, endocardial radiofrequency ablation of the septal hypertrophy (ERASH) was indicated. Radiofrequency ablation was performed in the LVOT using irrigated-tip ablation catheter; the target site was identified using intracardiac echocardiography and electroanatomical CARTO mapping. ERASH caused an immediate gradient reduction due to hypokinesis of the ablated septum. At 2-month follow-up exam, significant clinical improvement was observed, together with persistent gradient reduction assessed with Doppler echocardiography. Echocardiography and magnetic resonance revealed persistent septal hypokinesis and slight thinning of the ablated region. Septal ablation using radiofrequency energy may be a promising alternative or adjunct to the treatment of hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy. Intracardiac echocardiography and electroanatomical CARTO mapping enable exact lesion placement and preservation of atrioventricular conduction.

  15. Prognostic Impact of Indocyanine Green Plasma Disappearance Rate in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Radiofrequency Ablation: A Prognostic Nomogram Study

    PubMed Central

    Azumi, Motoi; Suda, Takeshi; Terai, Shuji; Akazawa, Kouhei


    Objective Radiofrequency ablation has been used widely for the local ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma, particularly in its early stages. The study aim was to identify significant prognostic factors and develop a predictive nomogram for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who have undergone radiofrequency ablation. We also developed the formula to predict the probability of 3- and 5-year overall survival based on clinical variables. Methods We retrospectively studied 96 consecutive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who had undergone radiofrequency ablation as a first-line treatment. Independent and significant factors affecting the overall survival were selected using a Cox proportional hazards model, and a prognostic nomogram was developed based on these factors. The predictive accuracy of the nomogram was determined by Harrell's concordance index and compared with the Cancer of the Liver Italian Program score and Japan Integrated Staging score. Results A multivariate analysis revealed that age, indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate, and log(des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin) level were independent and significant factors influencing the overall survival. The nomogram was based on these three factors. The mean concordance index of the nomogram was 0.74±0.08, which was significantly better than that of conventional staging systems using the Cancer of the Liver Italian Program score (0.54±0.03) and Japan Integrated Staging score (0.59±0.07). Conclusion This study suggested that the indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate and age at radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and des-gamma-carboxy-prothrombin (DCP) are good predictors of the prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma patients after radiofrequency ablation. We successfully developed a nomogram using obtainable variables before treatment. PMID:28458303

  16. Prognostic Impact of Indocyanine Green Plasma Disappearance Rate in Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients after Radiofrequency Ablation: A Prognostic Nomogram Study.


    Azumi, Motoi; Suda, Takeshi; Terai, Shuji; Akazawa, Kouhei


    Objective Radiofrequency ablation has been used widely for the local ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma, particularly in its early stages. The study aim was to identify significant prognostic factors and develop a predictive nomogram for patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who have undergone radiofrequency ablation. We also developed the formula to predict the probability of 3- and 5-year overall survival based on clinical variables. Methods We retrospectively studied 96 consecutive patients with hepatocellular carcinoma who had undergone radiofrequency ablation as a first-line treatment. Independent and significant factors affecting the overall survival were selected using a Cox proportional hazards model, and a prognostic nomogram was developed based on these factors. The predictive accuracy of the nomogram was determined by Harrell's concordance index and compared with the Cancer of the Liver Italian Program score and Japan Integrated Staging score. Results A multivariate analysis revealed that age, indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate, and log (des-gamma-carboxy prothrombin) level were independent and significant factors influencing the overall survival. The nomogram was based on these three factors. The mean concordance index of the nomogram was 0.74±0.08, which was significantly better than that of conventional staging systems using the Cancer of the Liver Italian Program score (0.54±0.03) and Japan Integrated Staging score (0.59±0.07). Conclusion This study suggested that the indocyanine green plasma disappearance rate and age at radiofrequency ablation (RFA) and des-gamma-carboxy-prothrombin (DCP) are good predictors of the prognosis in hepatocellular carcinoma patients after radiofrequency ablation. We successfully developed a nomogram using obtainable variables before treatment.

  17. Contrôle cohérent de la dynamique de fragmentation d'agrégats alcalins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lindinger, A.; Lupulescu, C.; Le Roux, J.; Bartelt, A.; Vajda, Š.; Wöste, L.


    Les agrégats métalliques présentent des propriétés extraordinaires, en particulier chimiques et catalytiques, qui dépendent fortement de leur taille. Ce comportement en fait des candidats idéaux pour l'analyse en temps réel de processus photo-induits ultrarapides, le but ultime étant la conduite de scénarios de contrôle cohérent. Nous avons réalisé des expériences d'ionisation multiphotonique non stationnaire sur de petits agrégats alcalins de différentes tailles et dans différents états électroniques rovibrationnels, y compris leur état fondamental, sondant ainsi leur dynamique ondulatoire, leur orientation structurelle, leur transfert de charge et leur dissociation. Les processus observés dépendent grandement des paramètres du faisceau laser d'excitation, tels que sa phase, son amplitude et sa durée ; cette sensibilité plaide pour l'emploi d'un système de contrôle rétroactif permettant de générer les formes d'impulsion optimales. Les caractéristiques spectrales et temporelles de ces dernières reflètent les propriétés du système étudié ainsi que les processus photochimiques que l'irradiation y induit. Nous présentons d'abord la dynamique vibrationelle d'états électroniques excités, liés, dissociatifs et prédissociatifs, des dimères et trimères alcalins. Suit une description du principe d'observation par pompage optique par effet Raman stimulé de la dynamique d'un paquet d'onde dans l'état électronique fondamental. Puisque les paramètres de l'impulsion d'excitation influencent de façon significative le poids des différentes trajectoires dans l'espace des phases, nous avons mené des expériences sur les canaux de fragmentation concurrents d'une réaction photo-induite, en étudiant les différents embranchements des voies d'ionisation et de fragmentation de Na{2}K excité électroniquement. L'utilisation d'un algorithme évolutif, pour l'optimisation de la phase et de l'amplitude de l'onde

  18. Hybrid RANS-LES using high order numerical methods

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Henry de Frahan, Marc; Yellapantula, Shashank; Vijayakumar, Ganesh; Knaus, Robert; Sprague, Michael


    Understanding the impact of wind turbine wake dynamics on downstream turbines is particularly important for the design of efficient wind farms. Due to their tractable computational cost, hybrid RANS/LES models are an attractive framework for simulating separation flows such as the wake dynamics behind a wind turbine. High-order numerical methods can be computationally efficient and provide increased accuracy in simulating complex flows. In the context of LES, high-order numerical methods have shown some success in predictions of turbulent flows. However, the specifics of hybrid RANS-LES models, including the transition region between both modeling frameworks, pose unique challenges for high-order numerical methods. In this work, we study the effect of increasing the order of accuracy of the numerical scheme in simulations of canonical turbulent flows using RANS, LES, and hybrid RANS-LES models. We describe the interactions between filtering, model transition, and order of accuracy and their effect on turbulence quantities such as kinetic energy spectra, boundary layer evolution, and dissipation rate. This work was funded by the U.S. Department of Energy, Exascale Computing Project, under Contract No. DE-AC36-08-GO28308 with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory.

  19. Commerce de detail de l'essence automobile: Modelisation de l'impact a court terme des facteurs endogenes et exogenes sur les ventes d'essence dans les stations-service a Montreal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nguimbus, Raphael

    La determination de l'impact des facteurs sous controle et hors controle qui influencent les volumes de vente des magasins de detail qui vendent des produits homogenes et fortement substituables constitue le coeur de cette these. Il s'agit d'estimer un ensemble de coefficients stables et asymtotiquement efficaces non correles avec les effets specifiques aleatoires des sites d'essence dans le marche de Montreal (Quebec, Canada) durant is periode 1993--1997. Le modele econometrique qui est ainsi specifie et teste, isole un ensemble de quatre variables dont le prix de detail affiche dans un site d'essence ordinaire, la capacite de service du site pendant les heures de pointe, les heures de service et le nombre de sites concurrents au voisinage du site dans un rayon de deux kilometres. Ces quatre facteurs influencent les ventes d'essence dans les stations-service. Les donnees en panel avec les methodes d'estimation robustes (estimateur a distance minimale) sont utilisees pour estimer les parametres du modele de vente. Nous partons avec l'hypothese generale selon laquelle il se developpe une force d'attraction qui attire les clients automobilistes dans chaque site, et qui lui permet de realiser les ventes. Cette capacite d'attraction varie d'un site a un autre et cela est du a la combinaison de l'effort marketing et de l'environnement concurrentiel autour du site. Les notions de voisinage et de concurrence spatiale expliquent les comportements des decideurs qui gerent les sites. Le but de cette these est de developper un outil d'aide a la decision (modele analytique) pour permettre aux gestionnaires des chaines de stations-service d'affecter efficacement les ressources commerciales dans ies points de vente.

  20. Radio-Frequency Driven Dielectric Heaters for Non-Nuclear Testing in Nuclear Core Development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sims, William Herbert, III (Inventor); Godfroy, Thomas J. (Inventor); Bitteker, Leo (Inventor)


    Apparatus and methods are provided through which a radiofrequency dielectric heater has a cylindrical form factor, a variable thermal energy deposition through variations in geometry and composition of a dielectric, and/or has a thermally isolated power input.

  1. Effect of the Size of the Left Atrium on Sustained Sinus Rhythm in Patients Undergoing Mitral Valve Surgery and Concomitant Bipolar Radiofrequency Ablation for Atrial Fibrillation.


    Avdagić, Harun; Sijerčić Avdagić, Selma; Pirić Avdagić, Melika; Antonič, Miha


    Atrial fibrillation is associated with systemic embolization and complications due to anticoagulant therapy. Radiofrequency ablation has been established as an effective and safe method for the treatment of atrial fibrillation. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of the size of the left atrium on the outcome of surgical radiofrequency ablation. Forty patients scheduled for elective mitral valve surgery and radiofrequency ablation were enrolled in the study. Group 1 consisted of patients with a left atrium diameter ≤5 cm and group 2 of patients with left atrium diameter >5 cm. The primary endpoint of the study was stable sinus rhythm 6 months postoperatively. At 6 months postoperatively, sinus rhythm was present in significantly more group 1 patients as compared with group 2 patients, i.e. 15 (75%) vs. 8 (40%), p=0.025. Multivariate analysis proved the size of the left atrium to be an independent predictor of the radiofrequency ablation outcome. Accordingly, the size of the left atrium was demonstrated to be an important predictor of the outcome of radiofrequency ablation for atrial fibrillation. A lower cut-off value of surgical reduction of the atria than previously reported should be considered in order to improve the radiofrequency ablation outcome.

  2. [Application of radiofrequency vaporization in arthroscopic treatment of patellofemoral joint disorders].


    Xuan, Tao; Xu, Bin; Xu, Honggang; Wang, Hao


    To explore the treatment of patellofemoral joint disorders with radiofrequency vaporization under arthroscopy. From June 2004 to June 2007, 86 cases of patellofemoral joint disorder (98 knees) were treated by lateral retinacular release or medial retinacular tighten added, and combined with bipolar radiofrequency chondroplasty under arthroscopy. There were 30 males (34 knees) and 56 females (64 knees), aging 15-68 years (mean 40 years). The locations were left in 42 cases, right in 32 cases, both sides in 12 cases. The disease course was 3 months to 6 years (mean 30.5 months). In 98 knees, there were 28 knees of static patellar tilt, 10 knees of static patellar subluxation, 45 knees of dynamic patellar tilt and 15 knees of dynamic patellar subluxation. The Lysholm knee score preoperatively was 57.72 +/- 8.86. The patellofemoral cartilage abnormality were classified according to the Outerbridge grade (18 knees of grade I, 36 knees of grade II, 32 knees of grade III and 12 knees of grade IV). The incisions healed by first intention without complications such as infection or hemarthrosis. Seventy-five cases (82 knees) were followed up 8-37 months (mean 20.6 months). One month after operation, the patellofemoral joint pain was relieved remarkably, the knee joint activity was good and the radiological outcomes was also satisfactory. Six months after operation, the Lysholm knee score was improved significantly in patients of grades I, II and III (P < 0.05), while there was no significant change in patients of grade IV (P > 0.05). The postoperative score was 69.95 +/- 5.42 (P < 0.05). Radiofrequency vaporization chondroplasty and soft tissue balance under arthroscopy are advantageous in terms of easy operation, less injury, slight reaction and have good effect on patellofemoral joint disorders.

  3. Computational and Experimental Assessment of Jets in Cross Flow (Evaluation Numerique et Experimentale des Jets dans des Courants Transversaux)

    DTIC Science & Technology


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  4. Use of radiofrequency ablation in benign thyroid nodules: a literature review and updates.


    Wong, Kai-Pun; Lang, Brian Hung-Hin


    Successful thermal ablation using radiofrequency has been reported in various tumors including liver or kidney tumors. Nonsurgical minimally invasive ablative therapy such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been reported to be a safe and efficient treatment option in managing symptomatic cold thyroid nodules or hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules. Pressure and cosmetic symptoms have been shown to be significantly improved both in the short and long terms after RFA. For hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules, RFA is indicated for whom surgery or radioiodine are not indicated or ineffective or for those who refuse surgery or radio-iodine. Improvement of thyroid function with decreased need for antithyroid medications has been reported. Complication rate is relatively low. By reviewing the current literature, we reported its efficacy and complications and compared the efficacy of RFA relative to other ablative options such as ethanol ablation and laser ablation.

  5. Use of Radiofrequency Ablation in Benign Thyroid Nodules: A Literature Review and Updates

    PubMed Central

    Wong, Kai-Pun; Lang, Brian Hung-Hin


    Successful thermal ablation using radiofrequency has been reported in various tumors including liver or kidney tumors. Nonsurgical minimally invasive ablative therapy such as radiofrequency ablation (RFA) has been reported to be a safe and efficient treatment option in managing symptomatic cold thyroid nodules or hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules. Pressure and cosmetic symptoms have been shown to be significantly improved both in the short and long terms after RFA. For hyperfunctioning thyroid nodules, RFA is indicated for whom surgery or radioiodine are not indicated or ineffective or for those who refuse surgery or radio-iodine. Improvement of thyroid function with decreased need for antithyroid medications has been reported. Complication rate is relatively low. By reviewing the current literature, we reported its efficacy and complications and compared the efficacy of RFA relative to other ablative options such as ethanol ablation and laser ablation. PMID:24298282

  6. Measuring changes of radio-frequency dielectric properties of chicken meat during storage

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Changes in dielectric properties of stored chicken meat were tracked by using a radio-frequency dielectric spectroscopy method. For this purpose, the dielectric properties were measured with an open-ended coaxial-line probe and vector network analyzer over a broad frequency range from 200 MHz to 20...

  7. The link between radiofrequencies emitted from wireless technologies and oxidative stress.


    Dasdag, Suleyman; Akdag, Mehmet Zulkuf


    Wireless communication such as cellular telephones and other types of handheld phones working with frequencies of 900MHz, 1800MHz, 2100MHz, 2450MHz have been increasing rapidly. Therefore, public opinion concern about the potential human health hazards of short and long-term effect of exposure to radiofrequency (RF) radiation. Oxidative stress is a biochemical condition, which is defined by the imbalance between reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the anti-oxidative defense. In this review, we evaluated available in vitro and in vivo studies carried out on the relation between RF emitted from mobile phones and oxidative stress. The results of the studies we reviewed here indicated that mobile phones and similar equipment or radars can be thought as a factor, which cause oxidative stress. Even some of them claimed that oxidative stress originated from radiofrequencies can be resulted with DNA damage. For this reason one of the points to think on is relation between mobile phones and oxidative stress. However, more performance is necessary especially on human exposure studies. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Processing materials inside an atmospheric-pressure radiofrequency nonthermal plasma discharge


    Selwyn, Gary S.; Henins, Ivars; Park, Jaeyoung; Herrmann, Hans W.


    Apparatus for the processing of materials involving placing a material either placed between an radio-frequency electrode and a ground electrode, or which is itself one of the electrodes. This is done in atmospheric pressure conditions. The apparatus effectively etches or cleans substrates, such as silicon wafers, or provides cleaning of spools and drums, and uses a gas containing an inert gas and a chemically reactive gas.

  9. LES of propeller crashback

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kumar, Praveen; Mahesh, Krishnan


    Crashback is an operating condition to quickly stop a propelled vehicle, where the propeller is rotated in the reverse direction to yield a negative thrust. In crashback, the freestream interacts with the strong reverse flow from the propeller leading to massive flow separation and highly unsteady loads. We have used Large-Eddy Simulation (LES) in recent years to accurately simulate the flowfield in crashback around a stand-alone open propeller, hull-attached (posterior alone) open propeller and a ducted propeller with stator blades. This talk will discuss our work towards LES of crashback inclusive of the entire hull. The results will be compared to available experimental data, and the flow physics will be discussed. This work is supported by the Office of Naval Research.

  10. Novel Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Portal Vein Tumor Thrombus: Safety and Feasibility

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mizandari, Malkhaz; Ao, Guokun; Zhang Yaojun


    We report our experience of the safety of partial recanalization of the portal vein using a novel endovascular radiofrequency (RF) catheter for portal vein tumor thrombosis. Six patients with liver cancer and tumor thrombus in the portal vein underwent percutaneous intravascular radiofrequency ablation (RFA) using an endovascular bipolar RF device. A 0.035-inch guidewire was introduced into a tributary of the portal vein and through which a 5G guide catheter was introduced into the main portal vein. After manipulation of the guide catheter over the thrombus under digital subtraction angiography, the endovascular RF device was inserted and activated around the thrombus.more » There were no observed technique specific complications, such as hemorrhage, vessel perforation, or infection. Post-RFA portography showed partial recanalization of portal vein. RFA of portal vein tumor thrombus in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma is technically feasible and warrants further investigation to assess efficacy compared with current recanalization techniques.« less

  11. Computerized tomography-guided sphenopalatine ganglion pulsed radiofrequency treatment in 16 patients with refractory cluster headaches: Twelve- to 30-month follow-up evaluations.


    Fang, Luo; Jingjing, Lu; Ying, Shen; Lan, Meng; Tao, Wang; Nan, Ji


    Sphenopalatine ganglion percutaneous radiofrequency thermocoagulation treatment can improve the symptoms of cluster headaches to some extent. However, as an ablation treatment, radiofrequency thermocoagulation treatment also has side effects. To preliminarily evaluate the efficacy and safety of a non-ablative computerized tomography-guided pulsed radiofrequency treatment of sphenopalatine ganglion in patients with refractory cluster headaches. We included and analysed 16 consecutive cluster headache patients who failed to respond to conservative therapy from the Pain Management Center at the Beijing Tiantan Hospital between April 2012 and September 2013 treated with pulsed radiofrequency treatment of sphenopalatine ganglion. Eleven of 13 episodic cluster headaches patients and one of three chronic cluster headaches patient were completely relieved of the headache within an average of 6.3 ± 6.0 days following the treatment. Two episodic cluster headache patients and two chronic cluster headache patients showed no pain relief following the treatment. The mean follow-up time was 17.0 ± 5.5 months. All patients enrolled in this study showed no treatment-related side effects or complications. Our data show that patients with refractory episodic cluster headaches were quickly, effectively and safely relieved from the cluster period after computerized tomography-guided pulsed radiofrequency treatment of sphenopalatine ganglion, suggesting that it may be a therapeutic option if conservative treatments fail. © International Headache Society 2015.

  12. Radiofrequency ablation of accessory pathways in patients with the Wolff-Parkinson-White syndrome: the long-term mortality and risk of atrial fibrillation.


    Borregaard, Rune; Lukac, Peter; Gerdes, Christian; Møller, Dorthe; Mortensen, Peter Thomas; Pedersen, Lars; Nielsen, Jens Cosedis; Jensen, Henrik Kjærulf


    To assess the long-term mortality and occurrence of post-ablation atrial fibrillation in patients undergoing a radiofrequency ablation for the Wolff-Parkinson-White (WPW) syndrome. A retrospective cohort study of patients (N = 362) subjected to radiofrequency ablation of the WPW syndrome at Aarhus University Hospital from 1990 to 2011. A comparison cohort (N = 3619) was generated from the Danish National Board of Health Central Population Registry. We found no significant difference in all-cause mortality when comparing the WPW group with the control group [hazard ratio (HR): 0.77 and confidence interval (CI): 0.47-1.25]. After radiofrequency ablation, the WPW group had a significantly higher risk of atrial fibrillation than the control group (HR: 4.77 and CI: 3.05-7.43). Atrial fibrillation prior to ablation (HR: 4.66 and CI: 2.09-10.41) and age over 50 years (HR: 9.79 and CI: 4.29-22.36) at the time of ablation were independent risk factors for post-ablation atrial fibrillation in the WPW group. Patients with radiofrequency ablation-treated WPW syndrome have a post-ablation mortality that is similar to the background population. The risk of atrial fibrillation remains high after radiofrequency ablation of the WPW syndrome. Published on behalf of the European Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved. © The Author 2014. For permissions please email:

  13. Sciences pour les Exoplanètes et les Systèmes Planétaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roques, F.; Balança, C.; Bénilan, Y.; Griessmeier, J. M.; Marcq, E.; Navarro, T.; Renner, S.; Schneider, J.; Schott, C.


    The websites Sciences pour les Exoplanètes et les Systèmes Planétaires (SESP) and Exoplanètes present planetary and exoplanetary sciences with courses, interactive tools, and a didactic catalogue connected to the Encyclopedia These websites have been created in the context of the LabEx ESEP (Exploration Spatiale des Environnements Planétaires) and they are directed towards undergraduate level. They can be used as support for face-to-face courses and self-training. The websites will be translated and will be used to create e-learning degree courses. SESP: EXOPLANETES:

  14. Radiofrequency radiation injures trees around mobile phone base stations.


    Waldmann-Selsam, Cornelia; Balmori-de la Puente, Alfonso; Breunig, Helmut; Balmori, Alfonso


    In the last two decades, the deployment of phone masts around the world has taken place and, for many years, there has been a discussion in the scientific community about the possible environmental impact from mobile phone base stations. Trees have several advantages over animals as experimental subjects and the aim of this study was to verify whether there is a connection between unusual (generally unilateral) tree damage and radiofrequency exposure. To achieve this, a detailed long-term (2006-2015) field monitoring study was performed in the cities of Bamberg and Hallstadt (Germany). During monitoring, observations and photographic recordings of unusual or unexplainable tree damage were taken, alongside the measurement of electromagnetic radiation. In 2015 measurements of RF-EMF (Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields) were carried out. A polygon spanning both cities was chosen as the study site, where 144 measurements of the radiofrequency of electromagnetic fields were taken at a height of 1.5m in streets and parks at different locations. By interpolation of the 144 measurement points, we were able to compile an electromagnetic map of the power flux density in Bamberg and Hallstadt. We selected 60 damaged trees, in addition to 30 randomly selected trees and 30 trees in low radiation areas (n=120) in this polygon. The measurements of all trees revealed significant differences between the damaged side facing a phone mast and the opposite side, as well as differences between the exposed side of damaged trees and all other groups of trees in both sides. Thus, we found that side differences in measured values of power flux density corresponded to side differences in damage. The 30 selected trees in low radiation areas (no visual contact to any phone mast and power flux density under 50μW/m 2 ) showed no damage. Statistical analysis demonstrated that electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone masts is harmful for trees. These results are consistent with the fact

  15. Radiofrequency energy antenna coupling to common laparoscopic instruments: practical implications.


    Jones, Edward L; Robinson, Thomas N; McHenry, Jennifer R; Dunn, Christina L; Montero, Paul N; Govekar, Henry R; Stiegmann, Greg V


    Electromagnetic coupling can occur between the monopolar "Bovie" instrument and other laparoscopic instruments without direct contact by a phenomenon termed antenna coupling. The purpose of this study was to determine if, and to what extent, radiofrequency energy couples to other common laparoscopic instruments and to describe practical steps that can minimize the magnitude of antenna coupling. In a laparoscopic simulator, monopolar radiofrequency energy was delivered to an L-hook. The tips of standard, nonelectrical laparoscopic instruments (either an unlit 10 mm telescope or a 5 mm grasper) were placed adjacent to bovine liver tissue and were never in contact with the active electrode. Thermal imaging quantified the change in tissue temperature nearest the tip of the telescope or grasper at the end of a 5 s activation of the active electrode. A 5 s activation (30 watts, coagulation mode, 4 cm separation between instruments) increased tissue temperature compared with baseline adjacent to the grasper tip (2.2 ± 2.2 °C; p = 0.013) and telescope tip (38.2 ± 8.0 °C; p < 0.001). The laparoscopic telescope tip increased tissue temperature more than the laparoscopic grasper tip (p < 0.001). Lowering the generator power from 30 to 15 Watts decreased the heat generated at the telescope tip (38.2 ± 8.0 vs. 13.5 ± 7.5 °C; p < 0.001). Complete separation of the camera/light cords and the active electrode cord decreased the heat generated near the telescope tip compared with parallel bundling of the cords (38.2 ± 8.0 vs. 15.7 ± 11.6 °C; p < 0.001). Commonly used laparoscopic instruments couple monopolar radiofrequency energy without direct contact with the active electrode, a phenomenon that results in heat transfer from a nonelectrically active instrument tip to adjacent tissue. Practical steps to minimize heat transfer resulting from antenna coupling include reducing the monopolar generator power setting and avoiding of parallel bundling of the telescope and active

  16. Formation des etoiles massives dans les galaxies spirales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lelievre, Mario

    Le but de cette thèse est de décrire la formation des étoiles massives dans les galaxies spirales appartenant à divers types morphologiques. L'imagerie Hα profonde combinée à une robuste méthode d'identification des régions HII ont permis de détecter et de mesurer les propriétés (position, taille, luminosité, taux de formation d'étoiles) de plusieurs régions HII situées dans le disque interne (R < R25) de dix galaxies mais aussi à leur périphérie (R ≥ R 25). De façon générale, la répartition des régions HII ne montre aucune évidence de structure morphologique à R < R25 (bras spiraux, anneau, barre) à moins de limiter l'analyse aux régions HII les plus grosses ou les plus lumineuses. La répartition des régions HII, de même que leur taille et leur luminosité, sont toutefois sujettes à de forts effets de sélection qui dépendent de la distance des galaxies et qu'il faut corriger en ramenant l'échantillon à une résolution spatiale commune. Les fonctions de luminosité montrent que les régions HII les plus brillantes ont tendance à se former dans la portion interne du disque. De plus, l'analyse des pentes révèle une forte corrélation linéaire par rapport au type morphologique. Aucun pic n'est observé dans les fonctions de luminosité à log L-37 qui révèlerait la transition entre les régions HII bornées par l'ionisation et par la densité. Une relation cubique est obtenue entre la taille et la luminosité des régions HII, cette relation variant toutefois de façon significative entre le disque interne et la périphérie d'une même galaxie. La densité et la dynamique du gaz et des étoiles pourraient influencer de façon significative la stabilité des nuages moléculaires face à l'effondrement gravitationnel. D'une part, l'étendue du disque de régions HII pour cinq galaxies de l'échantillon coïncide avec celle de l'hydrogène atomique. D'autre part, en analysant la stabilité des disques galactiques, on conclue

  17. Outcome of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation as a non-pharmacological therapy for idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia.


    Samore, Naseer Ahmed; Imran Majeed, Syed Muhammad; Kayani, Azhar Mahmud; Bhalli, Muhammad Asif; Shabbir, Muhammad


    To determine the outcome of Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation (RFCA) as a non-pharmacological curative therapy for idiopathic Ventricular Tachycardia (VT) and to identify procedure-related complications. Descriptive study. The Armed Forces Institute of Cardiology and National Institute of Heart Diseases, Rawalpindi, from February 2001 to October 2008. Ninety eight consecutive patients with idiopathic VT, resistant to drug therapy, who underwent Electrophysiology Studies (EPS) radiofrequency catheter ablation were enrolled. Clinical and electrophysiological variables were recorded and a descriptive analysis was done. Out of the 98 patients, 79 were males (80.6%). The mean age was 33.29+11.93 years. Modes of presentation were sustained VT, Repetitive Monomorphic VT (RMVT), Non-sustained VT (NSVT) and Ventricular Premature Beats (VPBs). Right Ventricular Outflow Tract (RVOT) VT was found in 37 patients, 37 had Idiopathic Left Ventricular Tachycardia (ILVT), 20 had Left Ventricular Outflow Tract (LVOT) VT, and Inflow Right Ventricular Tachycardia (IRVT) was found in 7 patients. Other sites of origin of VT were infrequent. Eight patients had dual morphologies of VT. Atrioventricular Nodal Re-entry Tachycardia (AVNRT) was found in 8 patients. RFCA was successful in abolishing inducible VT in 88 patients. One patient developed complete AV block requiring a permanent pacemaker. Results of this study confirm a high degree of success and safety of radiofrequency catheter ablation as curative therapy for idiopathic ventricular tachycardia.

  18. Structural properties of nitrogenated amorphous carbon films: Influence of deposition temperature and radiofrequency discharge power

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lazar, G.; Bouchet-Fabre, B.; Zellama, K.; Clin, M.; Ballutaud, D.; Godet, C.


    The structural properties of nitrogenated amorphous carbon deposited by radiofrequency magnetron sputtering of graphite in pure N2 plasma are investigated as a function of the substrate temperature and radiofrequency discharge power. The film composition is derived from x-ray photoemission spectroscopy, nuclear reaction analysis and elastic recoil detection measurements and the film microstructure is discussed using infrared, Raman, x-ray photoemission and near edge x-ray absorption fine structure spectroscopic results. At low deposition temperature and low radiofrequency power, the films are soft, porous, and easily contaminated with water vapor and other atmospheric components. The concentration of nitrogen in the films is very large for low deposition temperatures (˜33.6at.% N at 150°C) but decreases strongly when the synthesis temperature increases (˜15at.% N at 450°C). With increasing deposition temperature and discharge power values, the main observed effects in amorphous carbon nitride alloys are a loss of nitrogen atoms, a smaller hydrogen and oxygen contamination related to the film densification, an increased order of the aromatic sp2 phase, and a strong change in the nitrogen distribution within the carbon matrix. Structural changes are well correlated with modifications of the optical and transport properties.

  19. L’évaluation du risque cardiaque avant l’utilisation de stimulants chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Bélanger, SA; Warren, AE; Hamilton, RM; Gray, C; Gow, RM; Sanatani, S; Côté, J-M; Lougheed, J; LeBlanc, J; Martin, S; Miles, B; Mitchell, C; Gorman, DA; Weiss, M; Schachar, R


    Les décisions en matière de réglementation et les documents scientifiques au sujet de la prise en charge du trouble de déficit de l’attention avec hyperactivité (TDAH) soulèvent des questions quant à l’innocuité des médicaments et à l’évaluation convenable à effectuer avant le traitement afin de déterminer la pertinence d’une pharmacothérapie. Ce constat est particulièrement vrai en présence de cardiopathies structurelles ou fonctionnelles. Le présent article contient l’analyse des données disponibles, y compris les publications révisées par des pairs, des données tirées du site Web de la Food and Drug Administration des États-Unis au sujet des réactions indésirables déclarées chez des enfants qui prennent des stimulants, ainsi que des données de Santé Canada sur le même problème. Des lignes directrices consensuelles sur l’évaluation pertinente sont proposées d’après l’apport des membres de la Société canadienne de pédiatrie, de la Société canadienne de cardiologie et de l’Académie canadienne de psychiatrie de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, qui possèdent notamment des compétences et des connaissances précises tant dans le secteur du TDAH que de la cardiologie pédiatrique. Le présent document de principes prône une anamnèse et un examen physique détaillés avant la prescription de stimulants et s’attarde sur le dépistage des facteurs de risque de mort subite, mais il ne contient pas de recommandations systématiques de dépistage électrocardiographique ou de consultations avec un spécialiste en cardiologie, à moins que les antécédents ou que l’examen physique ne le justifient. Le document contient un questionnaire pour repérer les enfants potentiellement vulnérables à une mort subite (quel que soit le type de TDAH ou les médicaments utilisés pour le traiter). Même si les recommandations dépendent des meilleures données probantes disponibles, le comité s’entend pour affirmer que

  20. Radiofrequency Ablation of Uterine Fibroids: a Review.


    Lee, Bruce B; Yu, Steve P


    Laparoscopic, ultrasound-guided radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is a new, FDA-cleared uterine sparing, outpatient procedure for uterine fibroids. The procedure utilizes recent technological advancements in instrumentation and imaging, allowing surgeons to treat numerous fibroids of varying size and location in a minimally invasive fashion. Early and mid-term data from multi-center clinical trials have demonstrated safety and efficacy, with resolution or improvement of symptoms and significant volume reduction. Re-intervention rates for fibroid symptoms have been low. The procedure is well tolerated with a typically uneventful and rapid recovery requiring NSAIDs only for postoperative pain. While post RFA pregnancy data are limited, the results are promising.

  1. Experimental research of radio-frequency ion thruster

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Antropov, N. N.; Akhmetzhanov, R. V.; Bogatyy, A. V.; Grishin, R. A.; Kozhevnikov, V. V.; Plokhikh, A. P.; Popov, G. A.; Khartov, S. A.


    The article is devoted to the research of low-power (300 W) radio-frequency ion thruster designed at the Moscow Aviation Institute. The main results of experimental research of the thruster using the testfacility power supplies and the power processing unit of their own design are presented. The dependence of the working fluid ionization cost on its mass flow rate at the constant ion beam current was investigated experimentally. The influence of the shape and material of the discharge chamber on the integral characteristics of the thruster was studied. The recommendations on the optimization of the thruster primary performance were developed based on the results of experimental studies.

  2. Short-Term Effects of Pulsed Radiofrequency on Chronic Refractory Cervical Radicular Pain

    PubMed Central

    Choi, Gyu-Sik; Cho, Yun-Woo; Lee, Dong-Kyu


    Objective To evaluate the short-term effectiveness of pulsed radiofrequency on the dorsal root ganglion (DRG) in patients with chronic refractory cervical radicular pain. Method Fifteen patients (13 males, 2 females; mean age, 55.9 years) with chronic radicular pain due to cervical disc herniation or foraminal stenosis refractory to active rehabilitative management, including transforaminal cervical epidural steroid injection and exercise, were selected. All patients received pulsed radiofrequency on the symptomatic cervical dorsal root ganglion and were carefully evaluated for neurologic deficits and side effects. The clinical outcomes were measured using a visual analogue scale (VAS) and a neck disability index (NDI) before treatment, one and three months after treatment. Successful pain relief was defined as a 50% or greater reduction in the VAS score as compared with the pre-treatment score. After three months, we categorized the patients' satisfaction. Results The average VAS for radicular pain was reduced significantly from 5.3 at pretreatment to 2.5 at 3 months post-treatment (p<0.05). Eleven of 15 patients (77.3%) after cervical pulsed RF stimulation reported pain relief of 50% or more at the 3 month follow-up. The average NDI was significantly reduced from 44.0% at pretreatment to 35.8% 3 months post-treatment (p<0.05). At 3 months post-treatment, eleven of fifteen patients (73.3%) were satisfied with their status. No adverse effects were observed. Conclusion The results demonstrate that the application of pulsed radiofrequency on DRG might be an effective short-term intervention for chronic refractory cervical radicular pain. Further studies, including a randomized controlled trial with long-term follow-up, are now needed. PMID:22506211

  3. Approche en soins primaires pour les problèmes de consommation de cannabis

    PubMed Central

    Turner, Suzanne D.; Spithoff, Sheryl; Kahan, Meldon


    Résumé Objectif Étudier les caractéristiques et complications cliniques de la consommation à risque de cannabis et du trouble de consommation de cannabis, et présenter un protocole en cabinet pour le dépistage, l’identification et la prise en charge de ces problèmes. Sources des données Une recherche des essais contrôlés, des études d’observation et des révisions sur l’usage de cannabis par les adolescents et les jeunes adultes; les méfaits psychiatriques et médicaux liés au cannabis; le trouble de consommation de cannabis et son traitement; et les lignes directrices sur la consommation à faible risque de cannabis a été effectuée dans PubMed. Message principal Les médecins doivent questionner tous leurs patients quant à leur usage de cannabis. Ils doivent questionner plus souvent les adolescents et jeunes adultes de même que les personnes qui présentent un risque élevé de problèmes liés au cannabis (qui ont un trouble psychiatrique ou de consommation de drogue concomitant). Les problèmes pouvant être causés par le cannabis, comme les troubles de l’humeur, la psychose et les symptômes respiratoires, devraient susciter des questions sur la consommation de cannabis. Aux patients qui rapportent un usage de cannabis, les médecins devraient poser des questions sur la fréquence et la quantité consommée, la présence de symptômes de tolérance ou de sevrage, les tentatives de réduire leur consommation et la présence de problèmes liés au cannabis. Les usagers à faible risque fument, inhalent ou ingèrent le cannabis occasionnellement sans aucun signe de dysfonctionnement scolaire, professionnel ou social; les personnes dont l’usage est problématique consomment tous les jours ou presque tous les jours, ont de la difficulté à réduire leur consommation et leur fonctionnement scolaire, professionnel et social est perturbé. Les médecins devraient offrir à tous les patients dont l’usage est problématique des conseils

  4. Le transfert de connaissances entre les mathematiques et les sciences. Une etude exploratoire aupres d'eleves de 4e secondaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samson, Ghislain


    Au moment ou dans plusieurs pays on travaille a refondre les programmes d'etudes, tant au primaire qu'au secondaire, l'interet pour le transfert renait. Un des concepts fondamentaux en apprentissage consiste en l'habilete a reutiliser de facon consciente et efficace un acquis d'une situation a une autre situation. Cette recherche emane de preoccupations professionnelles au moment ou le chercheur etait enseignant au secondaire. Au cours de ces annees, il lui a ete possible de constater que plusieurs eleves percevaient difficilement les liens presents entre les disciplines mathematiques et scientifiques. Des travaux en psychologie cognitive et plus particulierement selon une perspective du traitement de l'information ont servi de cadre de reference pour evaluer et analyser les capacites de transfert aupres d'eleves de 4e secondaire. Ce cadre de reference permet de formuler le principal objectif qui est de mieux comprendre le processus de transfert chez des eleves en situation de resolution de problemes scientifiques. Cette these s'interesse donc au transfert en tant que phenomene important du processus d'apprentissage au sens de l'integration. La methode de recherche choisie, de nature qualitative, est principalement axee sur l'evaluation de la capacite a transferer des connaissances lors d'une epreuve et d'un entretien. Pour evaluer ce potentiel de transfert, nous avons elabore deux outils: une epreuve en mathematiques et en sciences et un guide d'entretien. Pour la passation de l'epreuve, le chercheur a pu compter sur la collaboration de 130 sujets provenant de deux ecoles. L'entretien complete la prise de donnees avec 13 sujets ayant accepte de poursuivre l'etude. Les donnees recueillies par ces instruments font ensuite l'objet d'une analyse de contenu. En premier lieu, les verbatims de l'epreuve et de l'entretien ont ete transcrits, puis codifies. La correction des reponses fournies pour les problemes resolus s'est faite a partir d'une grille d

  5. Les cooperatives et l'electrification rurale du Quebec, 1945--1964

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dorion, Marie-Josee

    Cette these est consacree a l'histoire de l'electrification rurale du Quebec, et, plus particulierement, a l'histoire des cooperatives d'electricite. Fondees par vagues successives a partir de 1945, les cooperatives rurales d'electricite ont ete actives dans plusieurs regions du Quebec et elles ont electrifie une partie significative des zones rurales. Afin de comprendre le contexte de la creation des cooperatives d'electricite, notre these debute (premiere partie) par une analyse du climat sociopolitique des annees precedant la naissance du systeme cooperatif d'electrification rurale. Nous y voyons de quelle facon l'electrification rurale devient progressivement, a partir de la fin des annees 1920, une question d'actualite a laquelle les divers gouvernements qui se succedent tentent de trouver une solution, sans engager---ou si peu---les fonds de l'Etat. En ce sens, la premiere etatisation et la mise sur pied d'Hydro-Quebec, en 1944, marquent une rupture quant au mode d'action privilegie jusque-la. La nouvelle societe d'Etat se voit cependant retirer son mandat d'electrifier le monde rural un an apres sa fondation, car le gouvernement Duplessis, de retour au pouvoir, prefere mettre en place son propre modele d'electrification rurale. Ce systeme repose sur des cooperatives d'electricite, soutenues par un organisme public, l'Office de l'electrification rurale (OER). L'OER suscite de grandes attentes de la part des ruraux et c'est par centaines qu'ils se manifestent. Cet engouement pour les cooperatives complique la tache de l'OER, qui doit superviser de nouvelles societes tout en assurant sa propre organisation. Malgre des hesitations et quelques delais introduits par un manque de connaissances techniques et de personnel qualifie, les commissaires de l'OER se revelent perspicaces et parviennent a mettre sur pied un systeme cooperatif d'electrification rurale qui produit des resultats rapides. Il leur faudra cependant compter sur l'aide des autres acteurs engages

  6. Demagnetization of a complete superconducting radiofrequency cryomodule: Theory and practice


    Crawford, Anthony C.; Chandrasekaran, Saravan K.


    Here, a significant advance in magnetic field management in a fully assembled superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cryomodule has been achieved and is reported here. Demagnetization of the entire cryomodule after assembly is a crucial step toward the goal of average magnetic flux density less than 0.5 μT at the location of the superconducting radio frequency cavities. An explanation of the physics of demagnetization and experimental results are presented.

  7. Déprescription des antihyperglycémiants chez les personnes âgées

    PubMed Central

    Farrell, Barbara; Black, Cody; Thompson, Wade; McCarthy, Lisa; Rojas-Fernandez, Carlos; Lochnan, Heather; Shamji, Salima; Upshur, Ross; Bouchard, Manon; Welch, Vivian


    Résumé Objectif Formuler des lignes directrices fondées sur les données probantes afin d’aider les cliniciens à décider du moment et de la façon sécuritaire de réduire la dose des antihyperglycémiants, de mettre fin au traitement ou de passer à un autre agent chez les personnes âgées. Méthodes Nous nous sommes concentrés sur les données les plus probantes disponibles et avons cherché à obtenir les commentaires des professionnels de première ligne durant le processus de rédaction, de révision et d’adoption des lignes directrices. L’équipe était formée de 7 professionnels de la santé (2 médecins de famille, 3 pharmaciens, 1 infirmière praticienne et 1 endocrinologue) et d’une spécialiste de la méthodologie; les membres ont divulgué tout conflit d’intérêts. Nous avons eu recours à un processus rigoureux, y compris l’approche GRADE (Grading of Recommendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation) pour formuler les lignes directrices. Nous avons effectué une revue systématique dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes indiquant les bienfaits et les torts liés à la déprescription des antihyperglycémiants. Nous avons révisé les revues des torts liés à la poursuite du traitement antihyperglycémiant, et effectué des synthèses narratives des préférences des patients et des répercussions sur les ressources. Ces synthèses et évaluations de la qualité des données selon l’approche GRADE ont servi à formuler les recommandations. L’équipe a peaufiné le texte sur le contenu et les recommandations des lignes directrices par consensus et a synthétisé les considérations cliniques afin de répondre aux questions courantes des cliniciens de première ligne. Une version préliminaire des lignes directrices a été distribuée aux cliniciens et aux intervenants aux fins d’examen, et des révisions ont été apportées au texte à chaque étape. Un algorithme d’appui décisionnel a été conçu pour

  8. Des recommandations probantes pour surveiller l’innocuité des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Panagiotopoulos, Constadina; Davidson, Jana; Ho, Josephine


    HISTORIQUE : Au Canada, l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques, notamment les antipsychotiques de deuxième génération (ADG), a augmenté de façon considérable depuis cinq ans chez les enfants ayant des troubles de santé mentale. Ces médicaments ont le potentiel de causer de graves complications métaboliques et neurologiques lorsqu’on les utilise de manière chronique. OBJECTIF : Synthétiser les données probantes relatives aux effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques précis associés à l’usage d’ADG chez les enfants et fournir des recommandations probantes sur la surveillance de ces effets secondaires. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les auteurs ont procédé à une analyse systématique des essais cliniques contrôlés des ADG auprès d’enfants. Ils ont fait des recommandations à l’égard de la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG d’après un modèle de classification fondé sur le système GRADE (système de notation de l’évaluation et de l’élaboration des recommandations). Lorsque les données probantes n’étaient pas suffisantes, ils fondaient leurs recommandations sur le consensus et l’avis d’experts. Un groupe consensuel multidisciplinaire a analysé toutes les données probantes pertinentes et est parvenu à un consensus à l’égard des recommandations. RÉSULTATS : Les recommandations probantes portant sur la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG figurent dans les présentes lignes directrices. Les auteurs indiquent la qualité des recommandations relatives à des examens physiques et tests de laboratoire précis à l’égard de chaque ADG à des moments déterminés. CONCLUSION : De multiples essais aléatoires et contrôlés ont permis d’évaluer l’efficacité de bon nombre des ADG utilisés pour traiter les troubles de santé mentale en pédiatrie. Toutefois, leurs avantages ne sont pas sans risques : on observe à la fois des effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques chez les enfants traités au moyen d

  9. Computation of unsteady turbomachinery flows: Part 2—LES and hybrids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tucker, P. G.


    The choice of turbulence model can have a strong impact on results for many turbomachinery zones. Palliative corrections to them and also transition modeling can have a further profound solution impact. The spectral gaps necessary for theoretically valid URANS solutions are also lacking in certain turbomachinery zones. Large Eddy Simulation (LES) alleviates the serious area of turbulence modeling uncertainty but with an extreme increase in computational cost. However, there seems a lack of validation data to explore in depth the performance of LES and thus strategies to refine it. LES best practices are needed. Although LES is, obviously, much less model dependent than RANS, grids currently used for more practical simulations are clearly insufficiently fine for the LES model and numerical schemes not to be playing an excessively strong role. Very few turbomachinery simulations make use of properly constructed, correlated turbulence inflow. Even if this is attempted, most measurement sets are incomplete and lack an adequate basis for modeling this inflow. Gas turbines are highly complex coupled systems and hence inflow and outflow boundary condition specification needs to go beyond just synthesizing turbulent structures and preventing their reflection. Despite the strong limitations of the dissipative Smagorinsky model, it still sees the most wide spread use, generally, in excessively dissipative flow solvers. Monotone Integrated LES (MILES) related approaches, hybrid LES-RANS and more advanced LES models seem to have an equal but subservient frequency of use in turbomachinery applications. Clearly the introduction of a RANS layer can have a substantial accuracy penalty. However, it does allow LES to be rationally used, albeit in a diluted sense for industrial applications. The Reynolds numbers found in turbomachinery are substantial. However, in certain areas evidence suggests they will not be enough to ensure a long inertial subrange and hence the use of standard

  10. Insights into energy delivery to myocardial tissue during radiofrequency ablation through application of the first law of thermodynamics.


    Bunch, T Jared; Day, John D; Packer, Douglas L


    The approach to catheter-based radiofrequency ablation of atrial fibrillation has evolved, and as a consequence, more energy is delivered in the posterior left atrium, exposing neighboring tissue to untoward thermal injury. Simultaneously, catheter technology has advanced to allow more efficient energy delivery into the myocardium, which compounds the likelihood of collateral injury. This review focuses on the basic principles of thermodynamics as they apply to energy delivery during radiofrequency ablation. These principles can be used to titrate energy delivery and plan ablative approaches in an effort to minimize complications during the procedure.

  11. Treatment of abdominal cellulite and circumference reduction with radiofrequency and dynamic muscle activation.


    Wanitphakdeedecha, Rungsima; Iamphonrat, Thanawan; Thanomkitti, Kanchalit; Lektrakul, Nittaya; Manuskiatti, Woraphong


    Cellulite is a frequent skin condition for which treatment remains a challenge. A wide variety of treatments are available but most procedures offer suboptimal clinical effect and/or delayed therapeutic outcome. Only few therapeutic options have proven efficacy in the treatment of cellulite. To determine the efficacy and the safety profiles of radiofrequency and dynamic muscle activation technology in treatment of abdominal cellulite and circumference reduction. Twenty-five females with abdominal cellulite received 6 weekly radiofrequency and dynamic muscle activation treatments. Treatment areas included the abdomen and both sides of flanks. Subjects were evaluated using standardized photographs, and measurements of body weight and abdominal circumference at baseline, before every treatment visit, and 1 week and four weeks after the final treatment. Subcutaneous tissue thickness was recorded by ultrasound at baseline and 4 weeks after completion of treatment protocol. Physicians' evaluation and patient's satisfaction of clinical improvement were also measured. All subjects completed the treatment protocol and attended every follow-up visits. There was significant abdominal circumference reduction of 2.96 and 2.52 cm at 1-, and 4-week follow-up visits (p < 0.05), respectively. At four weeks after the last treatment, the average circumferential reduction was sustained. Most of the patients were rated to have 25-49% improvement at 5th treatment, and 1- and 4-week follow-up visits. Ninety-two percent of the patients were satisfied with the treatment outcome. Radiofrequency provided beneficial effects on the reduction of abdomen and cellulite appearance. The benefit of muscle activation is yet to be determined.

  12. ECG changes in factory workers exposed to 27.2  MHz radiofrequency radiation.


    Chen, Qingsong; Xu, Guoyong; Lang, Li; Yang, Aichu; Li, Shilin; Yang, Liwen; Li, Chaolin; Huang, Hanlin; Li, Tao


    To research the effect of 27.2 MHz radiofrequency radiation on electrocardiograms (ECG), 225 female workers operating radiofrequency machines at a shoe factory were chosen as the exposure group and 100 female workers without exposure from the same factory were selected as the control group. The 6 min electric field strength that the female workers were exposed to was 64.0 ± 25.2 V/m (mean ± SD), which exceeded 61 V/m, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection reference root mean square levels for occupational exposure. A statistical difference was observed between the exposed group and the control group in terms of the rate of sinus bradycardia (χ(2)  = 11.48, P = 0.003). When several known risk factors for cardiovascular disease were considered, including smoking, age, alcohol ingestion habit, and so on, the exposure duration was not an effective factor for ECG changes, sinus arrhythmia, or sinus bradycardia according to α = 0.05, while P = 0.052 for sinus arrhythmia was very close to 0.05. We did not find any statistical difference in heart rate, duration of the QRS wave (ventricular depolarization), or corrected QT intervals (between the start of the Q wave and end of the T wave) between the exposed and control groups. Occupational exposure to radiofrequency radiation was not found to be a cause of ECG changes after consideration of the confounding factors. Copyright © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. Magnétochiralité et résonances stochastiques dans les lasers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnet, C.; Bretenaker, F.; Brunel, M.; Chauvat, D.; Emile, O.; Lai, N. D.; Le Floch, A.; Ropars, G.; Ruchon, T.; Singh, K.; Thépot, J.-Y.; Vallet, M.


    Les états propres d'un laser constituent un outil de choix pour étudier les différents rôles joués par le bruit dans un système. D'une part, si on veut isoler un effet petit difficilement accessible par les méthodes classiques, ces états propres permettent de réaliser des mesures différentielles de haute précision, à condition de pouvoir éliminer les bruits mécaniques, optiques, électroniques. A titre d'exemple, nous avons utilisé les états propageant et contrapropageant d'un laser ionique en anneau pour mesurer une interaction fondamentale faible: la biréfringence magnétochirale. Cette "biréfringence" se manifeste en effet par une petite variation d'indice selon le sens de parcours de l'anneau, de l'ordre de Δ n.10^{-11}, indépendante de la polarisation. A l'opposé, les deux états propres d'un laser du type Fabry-Perot constituent un système idéal pour explorer les résonances stochastiques à deux dimensions. Les résonances stochastiques par inhibition et par rotation sont isolées en présence de bruits blancs gaussiens tant pour les bruits optiques que magnétiques. L'utilisation possible de l'émission spontanée comme bruit actif est démontrée.

  14. Les Protheses d'Expansion dans le Traitement des Sequelles de Brulures

    PubMed Central

    Tourabi, K.; Ribag, Y.; Arrob, A.; Moussaoui, A.; Ihrai, H.


    Summary Les Auteurs présentent leur protocole pour l'expansion cutanée et rapportent quatre cas colligés au service des brûlures de leur hôpital au Maroc. Ils décrivent leur technique opératoire et les résultats obtenus. L'expansion cutanée reste la méthode de choix pour la couverture des pertes de substance étendues et la correction des séquelles de brûlure, et l'expérience rapportée par les Auteurs confirme les bons résultats que l'on peut obtenir avec cette technique, y compris les résultats esthétiques. PMID:21991194

  15. Les Brulures Electriques par Haut Voltage - A Propos de 10 Cas

    PubMed Central

    Belmir, R.; Fejjal, N.; El Omari, M.; El Mazouz, S.; Gharib, N.; Abassi, A.; Belmahi, A.


    Summary Les accidents électriques par haute tension (AEHT) provoquent des brûlures profondes par effet Joule le long des axes vasculo-nerveux entre les points d'entrée et de sortie, qui sont le siège de lésions délabrantes. Les Auteurs rapportent une série de dix cas d'AEHT admis au service de chirurgie réparatrice et de brûlés de l'Hôpital Ibn Sina de Rabat à travers laquelle ils étudient les caractéristiques épidémiologiques, cliniques et thérapeutiques. Tous les patients étaient des adultes de sexe masculin dont l'âge moyen était de 31 ans. Dans 70% des cas, ces brûlures étaient secondaires à un contact avec les distributeurs d'électricité avec une surface brûlée inférieure à 20%. Le traitement des lésions électrothermiques a nécessité des interventions itératives avec amputation des segments de membres nécrosés dans 70% des cas, dont les suites étaient marquées par des séquelles fonctionnelles invalidantes. La prévention des AEHT, en particulier pour les accidents du travail au sein des professions exposées, reste fondamentale. PMID:21991124

  16. Non-Lethal Weapons The Use Radiofrequency/Microwave Energy for Stunning/Immobilization

    DTIC Science & Technology


    0.75 to 1 GHz RF fields on skeletal muscle contraction using fixed frequencies and just recently implementing frequency sweep paradigms; 4) initiation...This basic research initiative is geared ultimately toward developing effective and safe non-lethal technologies that alter skeletal muscle ... contraction and/or neural functioning via radiofrequency (RF)/microwave (MW) electromagnetic radiation. Major accomplishments included 1) near completion of

  17. Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the thoracic splanchnic nerve in functional abdominal pain syndrome -A case report-.


    Choi, Ji-Won; Joo, Eun-Young; Lee, Sang-Hyun; Lee, Chul-Joong; Kim, Tae-Hyeong; Sim, Woo-Seok


    The thoracic splanchnic nerve block has been used in managing abdominal pain, especially for pains arising from abdominal cancers. A 27-year-old male patient who had a constant abdominal pain was referred to our clinic for pain management but had no organic disease. The numeric rating scale (NRS) for pain scored 7/10. We applied a diagnostic thoracic splanchnic nerve block under the diagnosis of functional abdominal pain syndrome. Since the block reduced the pain, we applied a radiofrequency thermocoagulation at the T11 and T12 vertebral level. Thereafter, his symptoms improved markedly with pain decreasing to an NRS score of 2-3/10. Hereby, we report a successful management of functional abdominal pain via radiofrequency thermocoagulation of the thoracic splanchnic nerves.

  18. Simulation of radiofrequency ablation in real human anatomy.


    Zorbas, George; Samaras, Theodoros


    The objective of the current work was to simulate radiofrequency ablation treatment in computational models with realistic human anatomy, in order to investigate the effect of realistic geometry in the treatment outcome. The body sites considered in the study were liver, lung and kidney. One numerical model for each body site was obtained from Duke, member of the IT'IS Virtual Family. A spherical tumour was embedded in each model and a single electrode was inserted into the tumour. The same excitation voltage was used in all cases to underline the differences in the resulting temperature rise, due to different anatomy at each body site investigated. The same numerical calculations were performed for a two-compartment model of the tissue geometry, as well as with the use of an analytical approximation for a single tissue compartment. Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) therapy appears efficient for tumours in liver and lung, but less efficient in kidney. Moreover, the time evolution of temperature for a realistic geometry differs from that for a two-compartment model, but even more for an infinite homogenous tissue model. However, it appears that the most critical parameters of computational models for RFA treatment planning are tissue properties rather than tissue geometry. Computational simulations of realistic anatomy models show that the conventional technique of a single electrode inside the tumour volume requires a careful choice of both the excitation voltage and treatment time in order to achieve effective treatment, since the ablation zone differs considerably for various body sites.

  19. 78 FR 33654 - Reassessment of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields Limits and Policies

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Docket Nos. 03-137 and 13-84; FCC 13-39] Reassessment of Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic... electromagnetic fields. The Commission's further proposals reflect an effort to provide more efficient, practical... RF electromagnetic fields. The Commission underscores that in conducting this review it will work...

  20. Effects of 900 MHz radiofrequency radiation on skin hydroxyproline contents.


    Çam, Semra Tepe; Seyhan, Nesrin; Kavaklı, Cengiz; Çelikbıçak, Ömür


    The present study aimed to investigate the possible effect of pulse-modulated radiofrequency radiation (RFR) on rat skin hydroxyproline content, since skin is the first target of external electromagnetic fields. Skin hydroxyproline content was measured using liquid chromatography mass spectrometer method. Two months old male wistar rats were exposed to a 900 MHz pulse-modulated RFR at an average whole body specific absorption rate (SAR) of 1.35 W/kg for 20 min/day for 3 weeks. The radiofrequency (RF) signals were pulse modulated by rectangular pulses with a repetition frequency of 217 Hz and a duty cycle of 1:8 (pulse width 0.576 ms). A skin biopsy was taken at the upper part of the abdominal costa after the exposure. The data indicated that whole body exposure to a pulse-modulated RF radiation that is similar to that emitted by the global system for mobile communications (GSM) mobile phones caused a statistically significant increase in the skin hydroxyproline level (p = 0.049, Mann-Whitney U test). Under our experimental conditions, at a SAR less than the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection safety limit recommendation, there was evidence that GSM signals could alter hydroxyproline concentration in the rat skin.

  1. Uncertainty quantification in LES of channel flow


    Safta, Cosmin; Blaylock, Myra; Templeton, Jeremy; ...


    Here, in this paper, we present a Bayesian framework for estimating joint densities for large eddy simulation (LES) sub-grid scale model parameters based on canonical forced isotropic turbulence direct numerical simulation (DNS) data. The framework accounts for noise in the independent variables, and we present alternative formulations for accounting for discrepancies between model and data. To generate probability densities for flow characteristics, posterior densities for sub-grid scale model parameters are propagated forward through LES of channel flow and compared with DNS data. Synthesis of the calibration and prediction results demonstrates that model parameters have an explicit filter width dependence andmore » are highly correlated. Discrepancies between DNS and calibrated LES results point to additional model form inadequacies that need to be accounted for.« less

  2. Single-crystalline graphene radio-frequency nanoswitches

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Peng; Cui, Tianhong


    Growth of monolayer single-crystalline graphene (SCG) using the low-pressure chemical vapor deposition method is reported. Graphene’s superb quality and single-crystalline nature were characterized and verified by Raman microscopy, atomic force microscopy, and carrier mobility measurement. Radio-frequency (RF) nanoelectromechanical switches based on coplanar waveguide double-clamped SCG membrane were achieved, and the superb properties of SCG enable the switches to operate at a pull-in voltage as low as 1 V, with switch time in the nanosecond regime. Owing to their single-crystalline nature, the switches’ lifetime (>5000 times) is much longer than that of polycrystalline graphene ones reported. The RF devices exhibit good isolation (-30 dB at 40 GHz (Ka band)), which can be further improved by SCG’s conductivity variation due to actuation voltage.

  3. Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Field Map of Timisoara

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stefu, N.; Solyom, I.; Arama, A.


    There are many electromagnetic field (EMF) sources nowadays acting simultaneously, especially in urban areas, making the theoretical estimation of electromagnetic power at ground level very difficult. This paper reports on EMF maps built with measurements collected in Timisoara, at various radiofrequencies. A grid of 15×15 squares was built (approximate resolution 400m x 400m) and measurements of the average and maximum values of the electric field E, magnetic field H and total power density S at 0.9, 1.8 and 2.4 GHz were collected in every node of the grid. Positions of the nodes in terms of latitude and longitude were also collected. Maps were built presenting the spatial distribution of the measured quantities over Timisoara. Potential influences of EMF on public health are discussed.

  4. Sacroiliac joint pain: Prospective, randomised, experimental and comparative study of thermal radiofrequency with sacroiliac joint block.


    Cánovas Martínez, L; Orduña Valls, J; Paramés Mosquera, E; Lamelas Rodríguez, L; Rojas Gil, S; Domínguez García, M


    To compare the analgesic effects between the blockade and bipolar thermal radiofrequency in the treatment of sacroiliac joint pain. Prospective, randomised and experimental study conducted on 60 patients selected in the two hospitals over a period of nine months, who had intense sacroiliac joint pain (Visual Analogue Scale [VAS]>6) that lasted more than 3 months. Patients were randomised into three groups (n=20): Group A (two intra-articular sacroiliac injections of local anaesthetic/corticosteroid guided by ultrasound in 7 days). Group B: conventional bipolar radiofrequency "palisade". Target points were the lateral branch nerves of S1, S2, and S3, distance needles 1cm. Group C: modified bipolar radiofrequency "palisade" (needle distance >1cm). Patients were evaluated at one month, three months, and one year. Demographic data, VAS reduction, and side effects of the techniques were assessed. One month after the treatment, pain reduction was >50% in the three groups P<.001. Three and 12 months after the technique, the patients of the group A did not have a significant reduction in pain. At 3 months, almost 50% patients of the group B referred to improvement of the pain (P=.03), and <25% at 12 months, and those results were statistically significant (P=.01) compared to the baseline. Group C showed an improvement of 50% at 3 and 12 months (P<.001). All patients completed the study. Bipolar radiofrequency "palisade", especially when the distance between the needles was increased, was more effective and lasted longer, compared to join block and steroids, in relieving pain sacroiliac joint. Copyright © 2015 Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación y Terapéutica del Dolor. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  5. Cardiac magnetic resonance radiofrequency tissue tagging for diagnosis of constrictive pericarditis: A proof of concept study.


    Power, John A; Thompson, Diane V; Rayarao, Geetha; Doyle, Mark; Biederman, Robert W W


    Invasive cardiac catheterization is the venerable "gold standard" for diagnosing constrictive pericarditis. However, its sensitivity and specificity vary dramatically from center to center. Given the ability to unequivocally define segments of the pericardium with the heart via radiofrequency tissue tagging, we hypothesize that cardiac magnetic resonance has the capability to be the new gold standard. All patients who were referred for cardiac magnetic resonance evaluation of constrictive pericarditis underwent cardiac magnetic resonance radiofrequency tissue tagging to define visceral-parietal pericardial adherence to determine constriction. This was then compared with intraoperative surgical findings. Likewise, all preoperative cardiac catheterization testing was reviewed in a blinded manner. A total of 120 patients were referred for clinical suspicion of constrictive pericarditis. Thirty-nine patients were defined as constrictive pericarditis positive solely via radiofrequency tissue-tagging cardiac magnetic resonance, of whom 21 were positive, 4 were negative, and 1 was equivocal for constrictive pericarditis, as defined by cardiac catheterization. Of these patients, 16 underwent pericardiectomy and were surgically confirmed. There was 100% agreement between cardiac magnetic resonance-defined constrictive pericarditis positivity and postsurgical findings. No patients were misclassified by cardiac magnetic resonance. In regard to the remaining constrictive pericarditis-positive patients defined by cardiac magnetic resonance, 10 were treated medically, declined, were ineligible for surgery, or were lost to follow-up. Long-term follow-up of those who were constrictive pericarditis negative by cardiac magnetic resonance showed no early or late crossover to the surgery arm. Cardiac magnetic resonance via radiofrequency tissue tagging offers a unique, efficient, and effective manner of defining clinically and surgically relevant constrictive pericarditis

  6. Pilot study of bipolar radiofrequency-induced anastomotic thermofusion-exploration of therapy parameters ex vivo.


    Winter, Hanno; Holmer, Christoph; Buhr, Heinz-Johannes; Lindner, Gerd; Lauster, Roland; Kraft, Marc; Ritz, Jörg-Peter


    Vessel sealing has been well-established in surgical practice in recent years. Bipolar radiofrequency-induced thermofusion (BIRTH) of intestinal tissue might replace traditionally used staples or sutures in the near future. In this experimental study, the influence of compressive pressure, fusion temperature, and duration of heating on the quality of intestinal anastomosis was investigated to obtain the relevant major parameters for the in vivo use of this system. An experimental setup for a closed-loop temperature-controlled bipolar radiofrequency-induced thermofusion of porcine intestinal tissue was developed. Twenty-four colon samples were harvested from nine different Saalower-Kräuter pigs and then anastomosed altering compressive pressure on five different levels to explore its influence on anastomotic bursting pressure. The anastomotic bursting strength depends on the compressive pressure applied to the colonic fusion site. An optimal interval of compressive pressure (CP = 1.125 N/mm(2)) in respect of a high amount of burst pressure was detected. A correlation (r = 0.54, p = 0.015) of burst pressure to delta compression indicated that increasing colonic wall thickness probably strengthens the anastomotic fusion. This study is a first step to enlighten the major parameters of tissue fusion, though effects and interactions of various main parameters of bipolar radiofrequency-induced thermofusion of colonic tissue remain unclear. Further studies exploring the main effects and interactions of tissue and process parameters to the quality of the fusion site have to follow.

  7. Le niobate de lithium a haute temperature pour les applications ultrasons =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Castilla, Hector

    L'objectif de ce travail de maitrise en sciences appliquees est de trouver puis etudier un materiau piezoelectrique qui est potentiellement utilisable dans les transducteurs ultrasons a haute temperature. En effet, ces derniers sont actuellement limites a des temperatures de fonctionnement en dessous de 300°C a cause de l'element piezoelectrique qui les compose. Palier a cette limitation permettrait des controles non destructifs par ultrasons a haute temperature. Avec de bonnes proprietes electromecaniques et une temperature de Curie elevee (1200°C), le niobate de lithium (LiNbO 3) est un bon candidat. Mais certaines etudes affirment que des processus chimiques tels que l'apparition de conductivite ionique ou l'emergence d'une nouvelle phase ne permettent pas son utilisation dans les transducteurs ultrasons au-dessus de 600°C. Cependant, d'autres etudes plus recentes ont montre qu'il pouvait generer des ultrasons jusqu'a 1000°C et qu'aucune conductivite n'etait visible. Une hypothese a donc emerge : une conductivite ionique est presente dans le niobate de lithium a haute temperature (>500°C) mais elle n'affecte que faiblement ses proprietes a hautes frequences (>100 kHz). Une caracterisation du niobate de lithium a haute temperature est donc necessaire afin de verifier cette hypothese. Pour cela, la methode par resonance a ete employee. Elle permet une caracterisation de la plupart des coefficients electromecaniques avec une simple spectroscopie d'impedance electrochimique et un modele reliant de facon explicite les proprietes au spectre d'impedance. Il s'agit de trouver les coefficients du modele permettant de superposer au mieux le modele avec les mesures experimentales. Un banc experimental a ete realise permettant de controler la temperature des echantillons et de mesurer leur impedance electrochimique. Malheureusement, les modeles actuellement utilises pour la methode par resonance sont imprecis en presence de couplages entre les modes de vibration. Cela

  8. Modeling Gas Bubble Behaviour and Loading on a Rigid Target due to Close-Proximity Underwater Explosions: Comparison to Tests Conducted at DRDC Suffield

    DTIC Science & Technology


    rayon de bulle de type champ libre, d’une cible rigide. À cette distance de sécurité, l’onde de choc et la bulle de gaz contribuent de façon...produisent des prédictions d’impulsion améliorées pour les cibles rigides. DRDC Atlantic TM 2010-238 iii Executive summary Modeling...i Executive summary

  9. Risk assessment and management of radiofrequency radiation exposure

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dabala, Dana; Surducan, Emanoil; Surducan, Vasile


    Radiofrequency radiation (RFR) industry managers, occupational physicians, security department, and other practitioners must be advised on the basic of biophysics and the health effects of RF electromagnetic fields so as to guide the management of exposure. Information on biophysics of RFR and biological/heath effects is derived from standard texts, literature and clinical experiences. Emergency treatment and ongoing care is outlined, with clinical approach integrating the circumstances of exposure and the patient's symptoms. Experimental risk assessment model in RFR chronic exposure is proposed. Planning for assessment and monitoring exposure, ongoing care, safety measures and work protection are outlining the proper management.

  10. Risk assessment and management of radiofrequency radiation exposure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dabala, Dana; Surducan, Emanoil; Surducan, Vasile; Neamtu, Camelia


    Radiofrequency radiation (RFR) industry managers, occupational physicians, security department, and other practitioners must be advised on the basic of biophysics and the health effects of RF electromagnetic fields so as to guide the management of exposure. Information on biophysics of RFR and biological/heath effects is derived from standard texts, literature and clinical experiences. Emergency treatment and ongoing care is outlined, with clinical approach integrating the circumstances of exposure and the patient's symptoms. Experimental risk assessment model in RFR chronic exposure is proposed. Planning for assessment and monitoring exposure, ongoing care, safety measures and work protection are outlining the proper management.

  11. One-year follow-up results of intradiscal diode laser, radiofrequency, and pulsed radiofrequency therapies: a retrospective study.


    Ökmen, Korgün; Metin Ökmen, Burcu


    This study aims to investigate the efficacy of three different percutaneous intradiscal therapies in patients with chronic low back pain (CLBP) due to lumbar disc herniation (LDH). Medical files of a total of 120 patients who received percutaneous intradiscal therapy were retrospectively analyzed. All patients were divided into three groups: group L: diode laser (n = 40), group R: radiofrequency (RF) (n = 40), and group P: pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) (n = 40). The visual analogue scale (VAS) and Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) scores were calculated at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months for all patients. One-year follow-up results were as follows: group L: pre-treatment (PreT) VAS 5.6 ± -1, ODI 37.6 ± -4.7, post-treatment 12th month (PT12) VAS 2.8 ± -1.4, ODI 14.1 ± -7.1; group P: PreT VAS 6.0 ± 1, ODI 37.5 ± 5.9, PT12 VAS 3.1 ± 1.3, ODI 20.3 ± 17.0; and group R: PreT VAS 5.6 ± 1.0, ODI 37.9 ± 4.7, PT12 VAS 3.3 ± 1.4, ODI 27.2 ± 14.1. In each of the three groups, there was a statistically significant reduction in the VAS and ODI scores at 1, 3, 6, and 12 months, compared to the baseline values (p < 0.05). The highest reduction in the VAS and ODI scores was observed in group L, whereas the lowest reduction was in group R. We consider that in groups with patient selection criteria at our study; diode laser, RF, and PRF, which are administered using the percutaneous intradiscal route for CLBP patients diagnosed with LDH, may be used as an alternative treatment option.

  12. Modulation of serum BDNF levels in postherpetic neuralgia following pulsed radiofrequency of intercostal nerve and pregabalin.


    Saxena, Ashok Kumar; Lakshman, Kavitha; Sharma, Tusha; Gupta, Neha; Banerjee, Basu Dev; Singal, Archana


    To study the modulation of serum BDNF levels following integrated multimodal intervention in postherpetic neuralgia (PHN). A randomized, double-blind controlled study was undertaken among patients of thoracic PHN where 30 patients received pregabalin with pulsed radiofrequency and 30 controls received pregabalin with sham treatment. Pain intensity (visual analog scale) was reduced earlier in intervention group (15.3 ± 5.7 at the fourth week) compared with control group (16.3 ± 6.6 at the eighth week). Serum BDNF level increased with time in both the groups with overall increase more pronounced in intervention group. Integrated multimodal therapy using minimally invasive pulsed radiofrequency and pregabalin in PHN was effective in early pain reduction with elevated serum BDNF levels.

  13. Clinical and Histologic Effects of Fractional Microneedling Radiofrequency Treatment on Rosacea.


    Park, Seon Yong; Kwon, Hyuck Hoon; Yoon, Ji Young; Min, Seonguk; Suh, Dae Hun


    Fractional microneedling radiofrequency (FMR) is an emerging treatment modality, but its effect on rosacea has not been studied yet. To investigate the potential impact of FMR treatment on clinical improvement and histologic changes in rosacea patients. A 12-week, prospective, randomized, split-face clinical trial was conducted. Two sessions of FMR were performed on one side of the cheeks with 4-week interval and the other side remained untreated. Erythema index from DermaSpectrometer and a* value from Spectrophotometer CM-2002 were measured at each visit for the objective measurement of erythema. Histologic analysis of skin samples was also carried out. Clinical evaluation and photometric measurement revealed the reduction of redness in the treated side compared with untreated side and baseline. Erythema index decreased 13.6% and a* value decreased 6.8% at Week 12 compared with baseline. Reduced expression of markers related to inflammation, innate immunity, and angiogenesis was observed in immunohistochemical staining of tissue obtained after FMR treatment. Fractional microneedling radiofrequency treatment showed modest clinical and histologic improvement of rosacea, and it might be used as an alternative or in combination with other treatment methods.

  14. Influence of Mild Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) on Pain Intensity Levels in OEF/OIF/OND Veterans.


    Stojanovic, Milan P; Fonda, Jennifer; Fortier, Catherine Brawn; Higgins, Diana M; Rudolph, James L; Milberg, William P; McGlinchey, Regina E


    Mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI) and posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) are common among US veterans of Operation Enduring Freedom/Operation Iraqi Freedom/Operation New Dawn (OEF/OIF/OND). We postulated that these injuries may modulate pain processing in these individuals and affect their subjective pain levels. Cross-sectional. 310 deployed service members of OEF/OIF/OND without a lifetime history of moderate or severe TBI were included in this study. All participants completed a comprehensive evaluation for Blast Exposure, mTBI, PTSD, and Pain Levels. The Boston Assessment of TBI-Lifetime Version (BAT-L) was used to assess blast exposure and potential brain injury during military service. The Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) characterized presence and severity of PTSD. The Visual Analog Scale (VAS) was used to assess pain intensity over the previous month before the interview, with higher scores indicative of worse pain. Statistical analysis was performed by ANOVA and results were adjusted for co-morbidities, clinical characteristics and demographic data. In comparison to control participants (veterans without mTBI or current PTSD), veterans with both current PTSD and mTBI reported the highest pain intensity levels, followed by veterans with PTSD only (P < 0.0001 and P = 0.0005, respectively). Pain levels in veterans with mTBI only were comparable to control participants. Comorbid PTSD and mTBI is associated with increased self-reported pain intensity. mTBI alone was not associated with increased pain. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the American Academy of Pain Medicine 2016. This work is written by US Government employees and is in the public domain in the US.

  15. Measuring Radiofrequency and Microwave Radiation from Varying Signal Strengths

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Davis, Bette; Gaul, W. C.


    This viewgraph presentation discusses the process of measuring radiofrequency and microwave radiation from various signal strengths. The topics include: 1) Limits and Guidelines; 2) Typical Variable Standard (IEEE) Frequency Dependent; 3) FCC Standard 47 CFR 1.1310; 4) Compliance Follows Unity Rule; 5) Multiple Sources Contribute; 6) Types of RF Signals; 7) Interfering Radiations; 8) Different Frequencies Different Powers; 9) Power Summing - Peak Power; 10) Contribution from Various Single Sources; 11) Total Power from Multiple Sources; 12) Are You Out of Compliance?; and 13) In Compliance.

  16. Method and apparatus for cartilage reshaping by radiofrequency heating


    Wong, Brian J.; Milner, Thomas E.; Sobol, Emil N.; Keefe, Michael W.


    A method and apparatus for reshaping cartilage using radiofrequency heating. The cartilage temperature is raised sufficiently for stress relaxation to occur in the cartilage, but low enough so that significant denaturation of the cartilage does not occur. The RF electrodes may be designed to also function as molds, preses, clamps, or mandrills to deform the cartilage tissue. Changes in various properties of the cartilage associated with stress relaxation in the cartilage may be measured in order to provide the control signal to provide effective reshaping without denaturation.

  17. In Vivo Evaluation and Proof of Radiofrequency Safety of a Novel Diagnostic MR-Electrophysiology Catheter

    PubMed Central

    Weiss, Steffen; Wirtz, Daniel; David, Bernd; Krueger, Sascha; Lips, Oliver; Caulfield, Dennis; Pedersen, Steen Fjord; Bostock, Julian; Razavi, Reza; Schaeffter, Tobias


    An MR-electrophysiology (EP) catheter is presented that provides full diagnostic EP functionality and a high level of radiofrequency safety achieved by custom-designed transmission lines. Highly resistive wires transmit intracardiac electrograms and currents for intracardiac pacing. A transformer cable transmits the localization signal of a tip coil. Specific absorption rate simulations and temperature measurements at 1.5 T demonstrate that a wire resistance > 3 kΩ/m limits dielectric heating to a physiologically irrelevant level. Additional wires do not increase tip specific absorption rate significantly, which is important because some clinical catheters require up to 20 electrodes. It is further demonstrated that radiofrequency-induced and pacing-induced resistive heating of the wires is negligible under clinical conditions. The MR-EP catheters provided uncompromised recording of electrograms and cardiac pacing in combination with a standard EP recorder in MR-guided in vivo EP studies, and the tip coil enabled fast and robust catheter localization. In vivo temperature measurements during such a study did not detect any device-related heating, which confirms the high level of safety of the catheter, whereas unacceptable heating was found with a standard EP catheter. The presented concept for the first time enables catheters with full diagnostic EP functionality and active tracking and at the same time a sufficient level of radiofrequency safety for MRI without specific absorption rate-related limitations. PMID:21337409

  18. In vivo evaluation and proof of radiofrequency safety of a novel diagnostic MR-electrophysiology catheter.


    Weiss, Steffen; Wirtz, Daniel; David, Bernd; Krueger, Sascha; Lips, Oliver; Caulfield, Dennis; Pedersen, Steen Fjord; Bostock, Julian; Razavi, Reza; Schaeffter, Tobias


    An MR-electrophysiology (EP) catheter is presented that provides full diagnostic EP functionality and a high level of radiofrequency safety achieved by custom-designed transmission lines. Highly resistive wires transmit intracardiac electrograms and currents for intracardiac pacing. A transformer cable transmits the localization signal of a tip coil. Specific absorption rate simulations and temperature measurements at 1.5 T demonstrate that a wire resistance > 3 kΩ/m limits dielectric heating to a physiologically irrelevant level. Additional wires do not increase tip specific absorption rate significantly, which is important because some clinical catheters require up to 20 electrodes. It is further demonstrated that radiofrequency-induced and pacing-induced resistive heating of the wires is negligible under clinical conditions. The MR-EP catheters provided uncompromised recording of electrograms and cardiac pacing in combination with a standard EP recorder in MR-guided in vivo EP studies, and the tip coil enabled fast and robust catheter localization. In vivo temperature measurements during such a study did not detect any device-related heating, which confirms the high level of safety of the catheter, whereas unacceptable heating was found with a standard EP catheter. The presented concept for the first time enables catheters with full diagnostic EP functionality and active tracking and at the same time a sufficient level of radiofrequency safety for MRI without specific absorption rate-related limitations. Copyright © 2010 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  19. Long-term Nasal and Peri-oral Tightening by a Single Fractional Noninsulated Microneedle Radiofrequency Treatment

    PubMed Central


    Background: The skin tightening effects induced by non-insulated microneedle radiofrequency have proved long-lasting. Our previous three-dimensional volumetric assessment showed significant facial tightening for up to six months. However, nasal and peri-oral tightening effects lasted longer. The objective of this study was to investigate the distribution of the long-term volumetric reduction in facial area induced by a single fractional non-insulated microneedle radiofrequency treatment. Methods: Fifteen Asian patients underwent full facial skin tightening using a sharply tapered non-insulated microneedle radiofrequency applicator with a novel fractionated pulse mode. Three-dimensional volumetric assessments were performed at six and 12 months post-treatment. Patients rated their satisfaction using a 5-point scale at each follow up. Results: Objective assessments with superimposed three-dimensional color images showed significant volumetric reduction in the nasal and peri-oral areas at 12 months post-treatment in all patients. Median volumetric reductions at six and 12 months post-treatment were 13.1 and 12.3ml, respectively. All of the patients were satisfied with their results 12 months post-treatment. Side effects were not observed. Conclusions: This single fractional NIMNRF treatment provided long-lasting nasal and peri-oral tightening as shown via 3D volumetric assessment. Moreover, NIMNRF produced minimal complications, downtime, and few side effects. This approach provides safe and effective treatment of skin tightening. PMID:28367261

  20. Treatment response assessment of radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma: usefulness of virtual CT sonography with magnetic navigation.


    Minami, Yasunori; Kitai, Satoshi; Kudo, Masatoshi


    Virtual CT sonography using magnetic navigation provides cross sectional images of CT volume data corresponding to the angle of the transducer in the magnetic field in real-time. The purpose of this study was to clarify the value of this virtual CT sonography for treatment response of radiofrequency ablation for hepatocellular carcinoma. Sixty-one patients with 88 HCCs measuring 0.5-1.3 cm (mean±SD, 1.0±0.3 cm) were treated by radiofrequency ablation. For early treatment response, dynamic CT was performed 1-5 days (median, 2 days). We compared early treatment response between axial CT images and multi-angle CT images using virtual CT sonography. Residual tumor stains on axial CT images and multi-angle CT images were detected in 11.4% (10/88) and 13.6% (12/88) after the first session of RFA, respectively (P=0.65). Two patients were diagnosed as showing hyperemia enhancement after the initial radiofrequency ablation on axial CT images and showed local tumor progression shortly because of unnoticed residual tumors. Only virtual CT sonography with magnetic navigation retrospectively showed the residual tumor as circular enhancement. In safety margin analysis, 10 patients were excluded because of residual tumors. The safety margin more than 5 mm by virtual CT sonographic images and transverse CT images were determined in 71.8% (56/78) and 82.1% (64/78), respectively (P=0.13). The safety margin should be overestimated on axial CT images in 8 nodules. Virtual CT sonography with magnetic navigation was useful in evaluating the treatment response of radiofrequency ablation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. [Radiofrequency ablation of hepatocellular carcinoma].


    Widmann, Gerlig; Schullian, Peter; Bale, Reto


    Percutaneous radiofrequency ablation (RFA) is well established in the treatment of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Due to its curative potential, it is the method of choice for non resectable BCLC (Barcelona Liver Clinic) 0 and A. RFA challenges surgical resection for small HCC and is the method of choice in bridging for transplantation and recurrence after resection or transplantation. The technical feasibility of RFA depends on the size and location of the HCC and the availability of ablation techniques (one needle techniques, multi-needle techniques). More recently, stereotactic multi-needle techniques with 3D trajectory planning and guided needle placement substantially improve the spectrum of treatable lesions including large volume tumors. Treatment success depends on the realization of ablations with large intentional margins of tumor free tissue (A0 ablation in analogy to R0 resection), which has to be documented by fusion of post- with pre-ablation images, and confirmed during follow-up imaging.

  2. Multi-functional liposomes showing radiofrequency-triggered release and magnetic resonance imaging for tumor multi-mechanism therapy.


    Du, Bin; Han, Shuping; Li, Hongyan; Zhao, Feifei; Su, Xiangjie; Cao, Xiaohui; Zhang, Zhenzhong


    Recently, nanoplatforms with multiple functions, such as tumor-targeting drug carriers, MRI, optical imaging, thermal therapy etc., have become popular in the field of cancer research. The present study reports a novel multi-functional liposome for cancer theranostics. A dual targeted drug delivery with radiofrequency-triggered drug release and imaging based on the magnetic field influence was used advantageously for tumor multi-mechanism therapy. In this system, the surface of fullerene (C60) was decorated with iron oxide nanoparticles, and PEGylation formed a hybrid nanosystem (C60-Fe3O4-PEG2000). Thermosensitive liposomes (dipalmitoylphosphatidylcholine, DPPC) with DSPE-PEG2000-folate wrapped up the hybrid nanosystem and docetaxel (DTX), which were designed to combine features of biological and physical (magnetic) drug targeting for fullerene radiofrequency-triggered drug release. The magnetic liposomes not only served as powerful tumor diagnostic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents, but also as powerful agents for photothermal ablation of tumors. Furthermore, a remarkable thermal therapy combined chemotherapy multi-functional liposome nanoplatform converted radiofrequency energy into thermal energy to release drugs from thermosensitive liposomes, which was also observed during both in vitro and in vivo treatment. The multi-functional liposomes also could selectively kill cancer cells in highly localized regions via their excellent active tumor targeting and magnetic targeted abilities.

  3. Newly designed launch and entry suit (LES) modeled by technician

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Space shuttle orange launch and entry suit (LES), a partial pressure suit, is modeled by a technician. LES was designed for STS-26, the return to flight mission, and subsequent missions. Included in the crew escape system (CES) package are launch and entry helmet (LEH) with communications carrier (COMM CAP), parachute pack and harness, life raft, life preserver unit (LPU), LES gloves, suit oxygen manifold and valves, boots, and survival gear.

  4. Les tuberculomes intracraniens: à propos de 125 cas

    PubMed Central

    Moufid, Faycal; Oulali, Noureddine; El Fatemi, Nizare; Gana, Rachid; Maaqili, Rachid; Bellakhdar, Fouad


    Les tuberculomes intracrâniens représentent l'une des localisations les plus graves de la tuberculose, leur incidence varie en fonction du contexte représentant 0,2% des processus intracrâniens dans les pays occidentaux et 5 à 10% des masses intracrâniennes dans les pays en voie de développement. Nous rapportons une étude rétrospective de 125 cas. L'hypertension intracrânienne (45%) et le déficit neurologique (36%) sont les signes cliniques les plus fréquents. La lésion était localisée dans 60% des cas en sus-tentoriel et dans 40% des cas en sous-tentoriel. L'approche thérapeutique a consisté en un abord direct du tuberculome dans 67 cas (53%), une biopsie stéréotaxique dans 32 cas (25%), le traitement médical en première intention sans confirmation histologique dans 26 cas (20%). Avant 1993 notre service ne disposait pas de cadre de stéréotaxie, notre attitude thérapeutique consistait soit en un abord direct de la lésion dans 70% des cas, soit un traitement antituberculeux en première intention sans confirmation histologique (30%). Cette attitude était corrélée à une mortalité et morbidité non négligeables respectivement 3% et 10%. Après 1993; le taux d'abords direct a chuté a 38%, avec 47% de biopsies stéréotaxiques et seulement 13% des patients traités par antibacillaires sans preuve histologique. Ceci s'est accompagné d'une réduction significative de mortalité a 1,4% (p = 0,0003) et de morbidité a 2% (p = 0,0027). PMID:22937196

  5. [The influence of lumbar sympathetic ganglion radiofrequency thermocoagulation on the activation of microglia in rats with diabetic neuropathic pain].


    Zhang, J H; Yang, C X; Zhong, J Y; Zhang, L; Xiong, Q M; Wang, J; Wang, H B


    To observe the influence of lumbar sympathetic ganglion radiofrequency thermocoagulation on the activation of spinal microglia in rats with diabetic neuropathic pain (DNP). Thirty-six painful diabetic Sprague-Dawley rats induced by 60 mg/kg streptozotocin (STZ) intraperitoneal injection were randomly divided into diabetic neuropathic pain group (group DNP, n=12), Sham operation group (group Sham, n=12) and radiofrequency thermocoagulation group (group R, n=12). Meanwhile another 12 age-matched rats were allocated as normal control group (group N), rats in group N received intraperitoneal injection of equal volume of normal saline. Twenty-eight days after STZ injection, rats in group R received L3 lumbar sympathetic ganglia radiofrequency thermocoagulation on the left side under X-ray guideline after anesthesia with damage time 60 s and damage temperature 60 ℃. Rats in group Sham received puncture positioning, but not thermocoagulation therapy. The mechanical paw withdrawal threshold (PWT) were performed before STZ injection, 7, 14, 21, 28 days after STZ injection and 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 days after radiofrequency thermocoagulation, respectively. Blood glucose were performed before STZ injection, 3, 28 days after STZ injection and 1, 14days after radiofrequency thermocoagulation. After the final behavioral testing, L3-L5 spinal cord tissues were removed to exam the expression of microglia marker OX42 by Western blotting and immunofluorescence technique, and the changes in the expression of inflammation factor IL-1β, IL-6, TNF-α were detected by ELISA technique. Compared with group N, after 14, 21, 28 days of STZ injection and 1, 3, 5, 7, 14 days of radiofrequency thermocoagulation, the PWT of group DNP and group Sham decreased significantly (P<0.05); Before radiofrequency thermocoagulation, the PWT of rats in group DNP was (3.84±0.83) g, the PWT of rats in group R was (4.45±0.88) g, there was no statistically significant difference between group DNP and group R (t=1

  6. Isolation of canine coronary sinus musculature from the atria by radiofrequency catheter ablation prevents induction of atrial fibrillation.


    Morita, Hiroshi; Zipes, Douglas P; Morita, Shiho T; Wu, Jiashin


    The junction between the coronary sinus (CS) musculature and both atria contributes to initiation of atrial tachyarrhythmias. The current study investigated the effects of CS isolation from the atria by radiofrequency catheter ablation on the induction and maintenance of atrial fibrillation (AF). Using an optical mapping system, we mapped action potentials at 256 surface sites in 17 isolated and arterially perfused canine atrial tissues containing the entire musculature of the CS, right atrial septum, posterior left atrium, left inferior pulmonary vein, and vein of Marshal. Rapid pacing from each site before and after addition of acetylcholine (0.5 μmol/L) was applied to induce AF. Epicardial radiofrequency catheter ablation at CS-atrial junctions isolated the CS from the atria. Rapid pacing induced sustained AF in all tissues after acetylcholine. Microreentry within the CS drove AF in 88% of preparations. Reentries associated with the vein of Marshall (29%), CS-atrial junctions (53%), right atrium (65%), and pulmonary vein (76%) (frequently with 2-4 simultaneous circuits) were additional drivers of AF. Radiofrequency catheter ablation eliminated AF in 13 tissues before acetylcholine (P<0.01) and in 5 tissues after acetylcholine. Radiofrequency catheter ablation also abbreviated the duration of AF in 12 tissues (P<0.01). CS and its musculature developed unstable reentry and AF, which were prevented by isolation of CS musculature from atrial tissue. The results suggest that CS can be a substrate of recurrent AF in patients after pulmonary vein isolation and that CS isolation might help prevent recurrent AF. © 2014 American Heart Association, Inc.

  7. Assessment of outdoor radiofrequency electromagnetic field exposure through hotspot localization using kriging-based sequential sampling.


    Aerts, Sam; Deschrijver, Dirk; Verloock, Leen; Dhaene, Tom; Martens, Luc; Joseph, Wout


    In this study, a novel methodology is proposed to create heat maps that accurately pinpoint the outdoor locations with elevated exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMF) in an extensive urban region (or, hotspots), and that would allow local authorities and epidemiologists to efficiently assess the locations and spectral composition of these hotspots, while at the same time developing a global picture of the exposure in the area. Moreover, no prior knowledge about the presence of radiofrequency radiation sources (e.g., base station parameters) is required. After building a surrogate model from the available data using kriging, the proposed method makes use of an iterative sampling strategy that selects new measurement locations at spots which are deemed to contain the most valuable information-inside hotspots or in search of them-based on the prediction uncertainty of the model. The method was tested and validated in an urban subarea of Ghent, Belgium with a size of approximately 1 km2. In total, 600 input and 50 validation measurements were performed using a broadband probe. Five hotspots were discovered and assessed, with maximum total electric-field strengths ranging from 1.3 to 3.1 V/m, satisfying the reference levels issued by the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection for exposure of the general public to RF-EMF. Spectrum analyzer measurements in these hotspots revealed five radiofrequency signals with a relevant contribution to the exposure. The radiofrequency radiation emitted by 900 MHz Global System for Mobile Communications (GSM) base stations was always dominant, with contributions ranging from 45% to 100%. Finally, validation of the subsequent surrogate models shows high prediction accuracy, with the final model featuring an average relative error of less than 2dB (factor 1.26 in electric-field strength), a correlation coefficient of 0.7, and a specificity of 0.96. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights

  8. Effect of Radiofrequency Denervation on Pain Intensity Among Patients With Chronic Low Back Pain: The Mint Randomized Clinical Trials.


    Juch, Johan N S; Maas, Esther T; Ostelo, Raymond W J G; Groeneweg, J George; Kallewaard, Jan-Willem; Koes, Bart W; Verhagen, Arianne P; van Dongen, Johanna M; Huygen, Frank J P M; van Tulder, Maurits W


    Radiofrequency denervation is a commonly used treatment for chronic low back pain, but high-quality evidence for its effectiveness is lacking. To evaluate the effectiveness of radiofrequency denervation added to a standardized exercise program for patients with chronic low back pain. Three pragmatic multicenter, nonblinded randomized clinical trials on the effectiveness of minimal interventional treatments for participants with chronic low back pain (Mint study) were conducted in 16 multidisciplinary pain clinics in the Netherlands. Eligible participants were included between January 1, 2013, and October 24, 2014, and had chronic low back pain, a positive diagnostic block at the facet joints (facet joint trial, 251 participants), sacroiliac joints (sacroiliac joint trial, 228 participants), or a combination of facet joints, sacroiliac joints, or intervertebral disks (combination trial, 202 participants) and were unresponsive to conservative care. All participants received a 3-month standardized exercise program and psychological support if needed. Participants in the intervention group received radiofrequency denervation as well. This is usually a 1-time procedure, but the maximum number of treatments in the trial was 3. The primary outcome was pain intensity (numeric rating scale, 0-10; whereby 0 indicated no pain and 10 indicated worst pain imaginable) measured 3 months after the intervention. The prespecified minimal clinically important difference was defined as 2 points or more. Final follow-up was at 12 months, ending October 2015. Among 681 participants who were randomized (mean age, 52.2 years; 421 women [61.8%], mean baseline pain intensity, 7.1), 599 (88%) completed the 3-month follow-up, and 521 (77%) completed the 12-month follow-up. The mean difference in pain intensity between the radiofrequency denervation and control groups at 3 months was -0.18 (95% CI, -0.76 to 0.40) in the facet joint trial; -0.71 (95% CI, -1.35 to -0.06) in the sacroiliac joint

  9. Les agressions sexuelles des jeunes ayant une incapacité ou une maladie chronique

    PubMed Central

    Kaufman, M


    Pour diverses raisons, les enfants et les adolescents ayant une incapacité ou une maladie chronique sont plus vulnérables aux agressions sexuelles. Les dispensateurs de soins, de même que les parents et les éducateurs, doivent se méfier davantage de la possibilité d’agression sexuelle au sein de cette population. Les médecins, tout particulièrement, doivent prôner des politiques pour prévenir ou déceler les agressions dans les hôpitaux, les écoles et autres établissements. Ces politiques incluent le dépistage détaillé et la surveillance étroite des employés et des bénévoles, la présence d’un chaperon aux examens physiques et aux interventions thérapeutiques, la supervision des sorties et une culture qui favorise la vie privée du patient en établissement. De plus, les médecins doivent favoriser la conscience de soi et l’habilitation des patients et leur donner très tôt des conseils préventifs au sujet de la sexualité, de l’habilitation personnelle et des risques d’agression. Le présent document de principes remplace celui que la Société canadienne de pédiatrie a publié en 1997.

  10. Numerical study of the influence of water evaporation on radiofrequency ablation.


    Zhu, Qing; Shen, Yuanyuan; Zhang, Aili; Xu, Lisa X


    Radiofrequency ablation is a promising minimal invasive treatment for tumor. However, water loss due to evaporation has been a major issue blocking further RF energy transmission and correspondently eliminating the therapeutic outcome of the treatment. A 2D symmetric cylindrical mathematical model coupling the transport of the electrical current, heat, and the evaporation process in the tissue, has been developed to simulate the treatment process and investigate the influence of the excessive evaporation of the water on the treatment. Our results show that the largest specific absorption rate (QSAR) occurs at the edge of the circular surface of the electrode. When excessive evaporation takes place, the water dehydration rate in this region is the highest, and after a certain time, the dehydrated tissue blocks the electrical energy transmission in the radial direction. It is found that there is an interval as long as 65 s between the beginning of the evaporation and the increase of the tissue impedance. The model is further used to investigate whether purposely terminating the treatment for a while allowing diffusion of the liquid water into the evaporated region would help. Results show it has no obvious improvement enlarging the treatment volume. Treatment with the cooled-tip electrode is also studied. It is found that the cooling conditions of the inside agent greatly affect the water loss pattern. When the convection coefficient of the cooling agent increases, excessive evaporation will start from near the central axis of the tissue cylinder instead of the edge of the electrode, and the coagulation volume obviously enlarges before a sudden increase of the impedance. It is also found that a higher convection coefficient will extend the treatment time. Though the sudden increase of the tissue impedance could be delayed by a larger convection coefficient; the rate of the impedance increase is also more dramatic compared to the case with smaller convection

  11. Meta-analysis of bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation versus thermal balloon endometrial ablation for the treatment of heavy menstrual bleeding.


    Zhai, Yan; Zhang, Zihan; Wang, Wei; Zheng, Tingping; Zhang, Huili


    Heavy menstrual bleeding is a common problem that can severely affect quality of life. To compare bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation and thermal balloon ablation for heavy menstrual bleeding in terms of efficacy and health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Online registries were systematically searched using relevant terms without language restriction from inception to November 24, 2016. Randomized control trials or cohort studies of women with heavy menstrual bleeding comparing the efficacy of two treatments were eligible. Data were extracted. Results were expressed as risk ratios (RRs) or weighted mean differences (WMDs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs). Six studies involving 901 patients were included. Amenorrhea rate at 12 months was significantly higher after bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation than after thermal balloon ablation (RR 2.73, 95% CI 2.00-3.73). However, no difference at 12 months was noted for dysmenorrhea (RR 1.04, 95% CI 0.68-1.58) or treatment failure (RR 0.78, 95% CI 0.38-1.60). The only significant difference for HRQoL outcomes was for change in SAQ pleasure score (12 months: WMD -3.51, 95% CI -5.42 to -1.60). Bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation and thermal balloon ablation reduce menstrual loss and improve quality of life. However, bipolar radiofrequency endometrial ablation is more effective in terms of amenorrhea rate and SAQ pleasure. © 2017 International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics.

  12. The use of micro-plasma radiofrequency technology in secondary skin graft contraction: 2 case reports.


    Ding, Jin-Ping; Fang, Lin; Wang, Lian-Zhao


    Secondary skin graft contraction leading to cosmetic deformity remains a great challenge. These two case reports present serious skin graft contraction and the treatment with micro-plasma radiofrequency technology. Two patients presented with complaints of post-burn depigmentation on the forehead and the hand, respectively, and received dermabrasion and thin split-thickness skin grafting. Then, many localized contraction lesions occurred after 4 weeks. The treatment selected was non-surgical removal using micro-plasma radiofrequency technology with the following energy parameters: a roller tip at 80 watts, three passes in different directions. No complications were observed. The contracted skin was ablated without affecting the pigment distribution. The consequents were that the color, appearance, and texture of the grafted skin matched the adjacent skin well and had better patient acceptance.

  13. Mise à jour sur la vaccination contre la méningococcie invasive chez les enfants et les adolescents canadiens.


    Robinson, Joan L


    La méningococcie invasive (MI) est une maladie grave qui est souvent à l'origine d'un sepsis fulminant ou d'une méningite. Au Canada, elle est surtout attribuable aux sérogroupes B et C. Des programmes de vaccination systématique contre le méningocoque du sérogroupe C sont prévus à l'âge de 12 mois, et dans certaines régions sociosanitaires, le calendrier comprend l'administration de doses supplémentaires aux enfants plus jeunes. Les adolescents reçoivent systématiquement une dose de rappel du vaccin contre le sérogroupe C ou d'un vaccin quadrivalent (sérogroupes A, C, W et Y). L'utilisation systématique des vaccins contre le sérogroupe B n'est pas recommandée tant qu'on n'aura pas recueilli de données supplémentaires sur l'efficacité des vaccins sur le marché et la durée de la protection qu'ils confèrent. Cependant, les enfants d'au moins deux mois qui courent un risque accru de MI devraient être vaccinés contre les sérogroupes B et C dans les plus brefs délais.

  14. Le pôle de métrologie de SOLEIL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Idir, M.; Brochet, S.; Delmotte, A.; Lagarde, B.; Mercere, P.; Moreno, T.; Polack, F.; Thomasset, M.


    Le Pôle de METROLOGIE de SOLEIL a pour objet de créer sur le synchrotron SOLEIL, une plateforme constituée : - une ligne de lumière utilisant le rayonnement synchrotron (métrologie dite à la longueur d'onde) - d'un laboratoire de métrologie associé (métrologie dite ll classique gg ) Ces deux types de Métrologie sont l'une et l'autre indispensables pour soutenir l'activité de recherche instrumentale en optique X et X-UV. Ce projet de pôle de METROLOGIE ne répondra pas seulement aux besoins des groupes chargés de l'équipement du synchrotron SOLEIL en optiques et détecteurs mais aussi pour préparer, tester et mettre au point les postes expérimentaux, ce qui concerne déjà une large communauté d'utilisateurs. Il sera aussi largement ouvert, dès sa mise en service, à l'ensemble de la communauté scientifique concernée par l'instrumentation X et XUV en Ile de France, en France, voire même en Europe si la demande continue de croître plus vite que l'offre dans ce domaine. Ligne de lumière Métrologie à la longueur d'onde La ligne de lumière sera équipée de plusieurs stations permettant de mesurer, dans la plus grande partie du spectre couvert par le synchrotron, les paramètres photométriques qui caractérisent les éléments optiques, tels que : la réflectivité de surfaces, l'efficacité de diffraction des réseaux, la diffusion des surfaces ou l'efficacité des détecteurs X et X-UV et la calibration absolue. Cette installation pourra servir également à développer des instruments et des diagnostics nécessaires à la caractérisation des faisceaux de rayons X (intensité, taille, degré de cohérence, polarisation etc.) Métrologie Classique La métrologie des surfaces optiques est devenue une nécessité critique pour les laboratoires et les industries qui utilisent les photons X et X-UV (synchrotrons, centres laser, etc. .). En effet, les progrès de calcul et de conception des systèmes optiques pour ces longueurs d'onde (optiques

  15. Les déterminants du statut “perdu de vue” chez les patients pris en charge pour cancer au Maroc: situation avant le Plan Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Najdi, Adil; Berraho, Mohamed; Bendahhou, Karima; Obtel, Majdouline; Zidouh, Ahmed; Errihani, Hassan; Nejjari, Chakib


    Introduction Le cancer au Maroc représente un problème majeur de santé publique, sa prise en charge doit être globale, active et complète pour tous les patients. L'objectif de ce travail était d'estimer la fréquence des perdus de vue « PDV » en oncologie au Maroc durant la première année de suivi et de déterminer les facteurs associés à ce problème. Méthodes Par une étude rétrospective portant sur 2854 dossiers de malades hospitalisés dans les trois principaux centres d'oncologie au Maroc depuis janvier 2003 jusqu’à juin 2007 et concernant les cinq principales localisations de cancer au Maroc, nous avons cherché la date des dernières nouvelles des patients ayant un recul de 18 mois minimum afin de déterminer le statut de ces malades après un an de suivi. Résultats La moyenne d’âge était de 52±14 ans, une proportion féminine de 63%, les sujets actifs constituaient 28%, les mariés 71%, les analphabètes 51%, 70% des patients habitaient en milieu urbain et seulement 11% des malades disposaient d'une couverture sociale. La localisation cancéreuse la plus fréquente était le poumon (23,8%) suivie du colon-rectum (23,5%) puis le col (21,9%), le sein (20,4%) et les lymphomes (10,4%). Le taux des «PDV» à un an de suivi était de 48%, ce statut était significativement lié au sexe, à l’âge, au NSE et au statut matrimonial. Sur le plan médical, le statut «PDV» était lié à la localisation du cancer, au stade de diagnostic et au type de traitement reçu. Conclusion Notre étude a mis en évidence la grande ampleur du problème des PDV en cancérologie au Maroc ainsi que ces déterminants. Ces résultats incitent tous les acteurs dans le domaine de la cancérologie à collaborer ensemble pour prendre les mesures qui s'imposent pour y pallier PMID:25400850


    EPA Science Inventory

    A multidisciplinary approach was employed to assess the possible biological effects of chronic exposure of rats to 100-MHz continuous wave (CW) radiofrequency (RF) radiation. A group of 20 time-bred rats were exposed in a transverse electronmagnetic mode (TEM) transmission line t...


    EPA Science Inventory

    The authors have demonstrated that a comparative analysis of the physiological effects of exposure of laboratory mammals to radiofrequency electromagnetic radiation (RFR) may be useful in predicting exposure thresholds for humans if the effect is assumed to be due only to heating...

  18. Is Cryoballoon Ablation Preferable to Radiofrequency Ablation for Treatment of Atrial Fibrillation by Pulmonary Vein Isolation? A Meta-Analysis

    PubMed Central

    Xu, Junxia; Huang, Yingqun; Cai, Hongbin; Qi, Yue; Jia, Nan; Shen, Weifeng; Lin, Jinxiu; Peng, Feng; Niu, Wenquan


    Objective Currently radiofrequency and cryoballoon ablations are the two standard ablation systems used for catheter ablation of atrial fibrillation; however, there is no universal consensus on which ablation is the optimal choice. We therefore sought to undertake a meta-analysis with special emphases on comparing the efficacy and safety between cryoballoon and radiofrequency ablations by synthesizing published clinical trials. Methods and Results Articles were identified by searching the MEDLINE and EMBASE databases before September 2013, by reviewing the bibliographies of eligible reports, and by consulting with experts in this field. Data were extracted independently and in duplicate. There were respectively 469 and 635 patients referred for cryoballoon and radiofrequency ablations from 14 qualified clinical trials. Overall analyses indicated that cryoballoon ablation significantly reduced fluoroscopic time and total procedure time by a weighted mean of 14.13 (95% confidence interval [95% CI]: 2.82 to 25.45; P = 0.014) minutes and 29.65 (95% CI: 8.54 to 50.77; P = 0.006) minutes compared with radiofrequency ablation, respectively, whereas ablation time in cryoballoon ablation was nonsignificantly elongated by a weighted mean of 11.66 (95% CI: −10.71 to 34.04; P = 0.307) minutes. Patients referred for cryoballoon ablation had a high yet nonsignificant success rate of catheter ablation compared with cryoballoon ablation (odds ratio; 95% CI; P: 1.34; 0.53 to 3.36; 0.538), and cryoballoon ablation was also found to be associated with the relatively low risk of having recurrent atrial fibrillation (0.75; 0.3 to 1.88; 0.538) and major complications (0.46; 0.11 to 1.83; 0.269). There was strong evidence of heterogeneity and low probability of publication bias. Conclusion Our findings demonstrate greater improvement in fluoroscopic time and total procedure duration for atrial fibrillation patients referred for cryoballoon ablation than those for

  19. Les bisphosphonates dans le traitement de l’ostéoporose

    PubMed Central

    Brown, Jacques P.; Morin, Suzanne; Leslie, William; Papaioannou, Alexandra; Cheung, Angela M.; Davison, Kenneth S.; Goltzman, David; Hanley, David Arthur; Hodsman, Anthony; Josse, Robert; Jovaisas, Algis; Juby, Angela; Kaiser, Stephanie; Karaplis, Andrew; Kendler, David; Khan, Aliya; Ngui, Daniel; Olszynski, Wojciech; Ste-Marie, Louis-Georges; Adachi, Jonathan


    Résumé Objectif Exposer l’efficacité et les risques du traitement par les bisphosphonates dans la prise en charge de l’ostéoporose et décrire les patients qui seraient de bons candidats aux congés thérapeutiques. Qualité des données Une recherche dans MEDLINE (PubMed, jusqu’au 31 décembre 2012) a permis de relever les publications pertinentes pour l’inclusion. La plupart des données probantes citées sont de niveau II (tirées d’essais non randomisés, de cohorte et d’autres essais comparatifs). Message principal L’efficacité des bisphosphonates de premier recours homologués pour la prévention des fractures a été éprouvée dans le cadre d’essais cliniques randomisés et contrôlés. Cependant, l’usage clinique répandu et prolongé des bisphosphonates a donné lieu à des rapports de manifestations indésirables rares, mais graves. L’ostéonécrose maxillaire et les fractures atypiques sous-trochantériennes ou diaphysaires du fémur seraient liées à l’emploi des bisphosphonates dans le traitement de l’ostéoporose, mais ces manifestations sont extrêmement rares et lorsqu’elles surviennent, elles sont accompagnées d’autres comorbidités ou de l’emploi concomitant de médicaments. Les congés thérapeutiques ne peuvent être envisagés que chez les patients à faible risque et dans un groupe restreint de patients dont le risque de fracture est modéré après un traitement de 3 à 5 ans. Conclusion Lorsque les bisphosphonates sont prescrits à des patients dont le risque de fracture est élevé, leur effet de prévention des fractures l’emporte de loin sur leurs torts potentiels. Chez les patients qui prennent des bisphosphonates depuis 3 à 5 ans, il faut réévaluer le besoin de poursuivre le traitement.

  20. Communication between functional and denervated muscles using radiofrequency.


    Jacob, Doreen K; Stefko, Susan Tonya; Hackworth, Steven A; Lovell, Michael R; Mickle, Marlin H


    This article focuses on establishing communication between a functional muscle and a denervated muscle using a radiofrequency communications link. The ultimate objective of the project is to restore the eye blink in patients with facial nerve paralysis. Two sets of experiments were conducted using the gastrocnemius leg muscles of Sprague-Dawley rats. In the initial tests, varying magnitudes of voltages ranging from 0.85 to 2.5 V were applied directly to a denervated muscle to determine the voltage required to produce visible contraction. The second set of experiments was then conducted to determine the voltage output from an in vivo muscle contraction that could be sensed and used to coordinate a signal for actuation of a muscle in a separate limb. After designing the appropriate external communication circuitry, a third experiment was performed to verify that a signal between a functional and a denervated muscle can be generated and used as a stimulus. Voltages below 2 V at a 10-millisecond pulse width elicited a gentle, controlled contraction of the denervated muscle in vivo. It was also observed that with longer pulse widths, higher stimulation voltages were required to produce sufficient contractions. It is possible to detect contraction of a muscle, use this to generate a signal to an external base station, and subsequently cause a separate, denervated muscle to contract in response to the signal. This demonstration in vivo of a signaling system for pacing of electrical stimulation of 1 muscle to spontaneous contraction of another, separate muscle, using radiofrequency communication without direct connection, may be used in numerous ways to overcome nerve damage.

  1. Looking at the other side of the coin: the search for possible biopositive cognitive effects of the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiofrequency radiation.


    Mortazavi, Seyed Ali Reza; Tavakkoli-Golpayegani, Ali; Haghani, Masoud; Mortazavi, Seyed Mohammad Javad


    Although exposure to electromagnetic radiation in radiofrequency range has caused a great deal of concern globally, radiofrequency radiation has many critical applications in both telecommunication and non-communication fields. The induction of adaptive response phenomena by exposure to radiofrequency radiation as either increased resistance to a subsequent dose of ionizing radiation or resistance to a bacterial infection has been reported recently. Interestingly, the potential beneficial effects of mobile phone radiofrequency radiation are not only limited to the induction of adaptive phenomena. It has previously been indicated that the visual reaction time of university students significantly decreased after a 10 min exposure to radiofrequency radiation emitted by a mobile phone. Furthermore, it has been revealed that occupational exposures to radar radiations decreased the reaction time in radar workers. Based on these findings, it can be hypothesized that in special circumstances, these exposures might lead to a better response of humans to different hazards. Other investigators have also provided evidence that confirms the induction of RF-induced cognitive benefits. Furthermore, some recent reports have indicated that RF radiation may play a role in protecting against cognitive impairment in Alzheimer's disease. In this light, a challenging issue will arise if there are other RF-induced stimulating effects. It is also challenging to explore the potential applications of these effects. Further research may shed light on dark areas of the health effects of short and long-term human exposure to radiofrequency radiation.

  2. Looking at the other side of the coin: the search for possible biopositive cognitive effects of the exposure to 900 MHz GSM mobile phone radiofrequency radiation

    PubMed Central


    Although exposure to electromagnetic radiation in radiofrequency range has caused a great deal of concern globally, radiofrequency radiation has many critical applications in both telecommunication and non-communication fields. The induction of adaptive response phenomena by exposure to radiofrequency radiation as either increased resistance to a subsequent dose of ionizing radiation or resistance to a bacterial infection has been reported recently. Interestingly, the potential beneficial effects of mobile phone radiofrequency radiation are not only limited to the induction of adaptive phenomena. It has previously been indicated that the visual reaction time of university students significantly decreased after a 10 min exposure to radiofrequency radiation emitted by a mobile phone. Furthermore, it has been revealed that occupational exposures to radar radiations decreased the reaction time in radar workers. Based on these findings, it can be hypothesized that in special circumstances, these exposures might lead to a better response of humans to different hazards. Other investigators have also provided evidence that confirms the induction of RF-induced cognitive benefits. Furthermore, some recent reports have indicated that RF radiation may play a role in protecting against cognitive impairment in Alzheimer’s disease. In this light, a challenging issue will arise if there are other RF-induced stimulating effects. It is also challenging to explore the potential applications of these effects. Further research may shed light on dark areas of the health effects of short and long-term human exposure to radiofrequency radiation. PMID:24843789

  3. Revetements nanostructures pour la protection des metaux dans les environnements marins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brassard, Jean-Denis

    L'objectif de cette recherche est de verifier qu'un materiau superhydrophobe peut diminuer l'adherence et l'accumulation de la glace tout en conservant de bonnes proprietes anticorrosion. Afin de verifier cette assertion, trois familles de nouveaux revetements micros et nanostructures, identifiees par les lettres A, B, et C, ont ete developpes de facon a pouvoir en determiner l'efficacite glaciophobe en relation avec l'angle de contact particulier a chaque structure obtenue. Les revetements ont tous ete optimises pour que l'angle de contact et l'adherence au substrat soient maximaux. Les trois revetements optimises sont les suivants: Le revetement A a ete developpe pour application sur l'acier galvanise. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la structure de la couche du zinc electrodepose en surface et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par le film de silicone copolymerise nanostructure. Un temps optimal de 10 min a ete retenu pour l'electrodeposition du zinc, ce dernier maximisant l'angle de contact a 155° lorsqu'enduit d'un film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur. Le revetement B a ete developpe pour application sur un alliage d'aluminium. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la microstructure granulaire obtenue par gravure de l'aluminium immerge dans un bain de HCl et les nanorugosites sont celles creees d'un meme film nanostructure de silicone copolymerise. La valeur optimale du temps de gravure est de 8 minutes et donne l'angle de contact le plus eleve a 154°, lorsqu'enduit du meme film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur depose sur le revetement A. Le revetement C a ete developpe pour etre applique indifferemment sur tout substrat degraisse d'aluminium ou d'acier. Les microrugosites et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par les agregats de nanoparticules de ZnO rendues hydrophobes melangees au silicone qui sont pulverisees sur une couche d'appret composee de silicone et de polymethylhydrosiloxane. On obtient alors un produit composite rigide ou les

  4. Comparison of fractional microneedling radiofrequency and bipolar radiofrequency on acne and acne scar and investigation of mechanism: comparative randomized controlled clinical trial.


    Min, Seonguk; Park, Seon Yong; Yoon, Ji Young; Suh, Dae Hun


    Fractional microneedling radiofrequency (FMR) is one of the promising methods in acne treatment. Moreover, bipolar radiofrequency (BR) generates heat thereby which induces neocollagenosis. FMR may have the potential to be a safe and effective treatment for the patients both with acne and acne scar. This study was performed to compare the efficacy and safety of FMR and BR in acne and acne scar treatment. Furthermore, mechanism of the FMR treatment was investigated through skin tissues obtained from subjects. Twenty subjects with mild-to-moderate acne and acne scars were treated in a split-face manner with FMR and BR. Two sessions of treatment was done 4 weeks apart in a total 12-week prospective single-blind, randomized clinical trial. Clinical assessment and sebum measurement were carried out for the evaluation of efficacy and safety. Skin tissues were acquired for investigation of molecular changes. FMR was more effective for acne scar especially in icepick and boxcar scar compared to BR. Both inflammatory and non-inflammatory acne lesions decreased by 80 and 65 % in the FMR-treated side at the final visit of 12 weeks, respectively. FMR treatment resulted in significant reduction of sebum excretion. Both treatments showed no severe adverse effects other than erythema. The FMR showed superior efficacy in acne and acne scar compared with BR. Increased expression of TGFβ and collagen I and decreased expression of NF-κB, IL-8 are suggested to involve in the improvement of acne scar and acne lesion by FMR.

  5. Acoustic reflectors are visible in the right heart during radiofrequency ablation of varicose veins.


    Sounderajah, V; Moore, H M; Thapar, A; Lane, T R A; Fox, K; Franklin, I J; Davies, A H


    Cerebrovascular events have been noted after foam sclerotherapy for varicose veins. One hypothesis is migration of microemboli to the brain through a cardiac septal defect. The aim of this study was to identify whether acoustic reflectors are found in the right side of the heart during radiofrequency ablation of varicose veins, as neurological events are not reported during these procedures. Transthoracic echocardiography was performed during local anaesthetic radiofrequency ablation (VNUS ClosureFast) of the great saphenous vein in 14 patients. An apical view was captured at the start of the procedure, during each cycle of heating and at 1 min post-treatment. Patients were monitored for 1 h. Video loops were read by an independent cardiologist. The presence of acoustic reflectors was classified as: 0 = absent, 1 = occasional, 2 = stream, 3 = complete opacification. Loops were of diagnostic quality in 11/14 (79%) patients. After the second cycle of heating, acoustic reflectors moving through the right heart were seen in 5/11 (45%) patients. These were classified as grade 1 in four patients and grade 2 in one patient. No acoustic reflectors were seen in the left heart. No neurological symptoms were reported. Acoustic reflectors in the right heart are a common finding during radiofrequency ablation of varicose veins. Considering the prevalence of cardiac septal defects (17%), more neurological events would be expected if these particles were indeed responsible for these events. Further work is required to elicit the mechanisms underlying neurological complications following sclerotherapy. © The Author(s) 2014.

  6. A New LES/PDF Method for Computational Modeling of Turbulent Reacting Flows

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turkeri, Hasret; Muradoglu, Metin; Pope, Stephen B.


    A new LES/PDF method is developed for computational modeling of turbulent reacting flows. The open source package, OpenFOAM, is adopted as the LES solver and combined with the particle-based Monte Carlo method to solve the LES/PDF model equations. The dynamic Smagorinsky model is employed to account for the subgrid-scale motions. The LES solver is first validated for the Sandia Flame D using a steady flamelet method in which the chemical compositions, density and temperature fields are parameterized by the mean mixture fraction and its variance. In this approach, the modeled transport equations for the mean mixture fraction and the square of the mixture fraction are solved and the variance is then computed from its definition. The results are found to be in a good agreement with the experimental data. Then the LES solver is combined with the particle-based Monte Carlo algorithm to form a complete solver for the LES/PDF model equations. The in situ adaptive tabulation (ISAT) algorithm is incorporated into the LES/PDF method for efficient implementation of detailed chemical kinetics. The LES/PDF method is also applied to the Sandia Flame D using the GRI-Mech 3.0 chemical mechanism and the results are compared with the experimental data and the earlier PDF simulations. The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK), Grant No. 111M067.

  7. Direct Posterior Bipolar Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Rhizotomy: A Simpler and Safer Approach to Denervate the Facet Capsule.


    Palea, Ovidiu; Andar, Haroon M; Lugo, Ramon; Granville, Michelle; Jacobson, Robert E


    Radiofrequency cervical rhizotomy has been shown to be effective for the relief of chronic neck pain, whether it be due to soft tissue injury, cervical spondylosis, or post-cervical spine surgery. The target and technique have traditionally been taught using an oblique approach to the anterior lateral capsule of the cervical facet joint. The goal is to position the electrode at the proximal location of the recurrent branch after it leaves the exiting nerve root and loops back to the cervical facet joint. The standard oblique approach to the recurrent nerve requires the testing of both motor and sensory components to verify the correct position and ensure safety so as to not damage the slightly more anterior nerve root. Bilateral lesions require the repositioning of the patient's neck. Poorly positioned electrodes can also pass anteriorly and contact the nerve root or vertebral artery. The direct posterior approach presented allows electrode positioning over a broader expanse of the facet joint without risk to the nerve root or vertebral artery. Over a four-year period, direct posterior radiofrequency ablation was performed under fluoroscopic guidance at multiple levels without neuro-stimulation testing with zero procedural neurologic events even as high as the C2 spinal segment. The direct posterior approach allows either unipolar or bipolar lesioning at multiple levels. Making a radiofrequency lesion along the larger posterior area of the facet capsule is as effective as the traditional target point closer to the nerve root but technically easier, allowing bilateral access and safety. The article will review the anatomy and innervation of the cervical facet joint and capsule, showing the diffuse nerve supply extending into the capsule of the facet joint that is more extensive than the recurrent medial sensory branches that have been the focus of radiofrequency lesioning.

  8. Direct Posterior Bipolar Cervical Facet Radiofrequency Rhizotomy: A Simpler and Safer Approach to Denervate the Facet Capsule

    PubMed Central

    Palea, Ovidiu; Andar, Haroon M; Lugo, Ramon; Jacobson, Robert E


    Radiofrequency cervical rhizotomy has been shown to be effective for the relief of chronic neck pain, whether it be due to soft tissue injury, cervical spondylosis, or post-cervical spine surgery. The target and technique have traditionally been taught using an oblique approach to the anterior lateral capsule of the cervical facet joint. The goal is to position the electrode at the proximal location of the recurrent branch after it leaves the exiting nerve root and loops back to the cervical facet joint. The standard oblique approach to the recurrent nerve requires the testing of both motor and sensory components to verify the correct position and ensure safety so as to not damage the slightly more anterior nerve root. Bilateral lesions require the repositioning of the patient's neck. Poorly positioned electrodes can also pass anteriorly and contact the nerve root or vertebral artery. The direct posterior approach presented allows electrode positioning over a broader expanse of the facet joint without risk to the nerve root or vertebral artery. Over a four-year period, direct posterior radiofrequency ablation was performed under fluoroscopic guidance at multiple levels without neuro-stimulation testing with zero procedural neurologic events even as high as the C2 spinal segment. The direct posterior approach allows either unipolar or bipolar lesioning at multiple levels. Making a radiofrequency lesion along the larger posterior area of the facet capsule is as effective as the traditional target point closer to the nerve root but technically easier, allowing bilateral access and safety. The article will review the anatomy and innervation of the cervical facet joint and capsule, showing the diffuse nerve supply extending into the capsule of the facet joint that is more extensive than the recurrent medial sensory branches that have been the focus of radiofrequency lesioning. PMID:29765790

  9. Retrospective review of the efficacy and safety of repeated pulsed and continuous radiofrequency lesioning of the dorsal root ganglion/segmental nerve for lumbar radicular pain.


    Nagda, Jyotsna V; Davis, Craig W; Bajwa, Zahid H; Simopoulos, Thomas T


    Chronic lumbosacral radicular pain is a common source of radiating leg pain seen in pain management patients. These patients are frequently managed conservatively with multiple modalities including medications, physical therapy, and epidural steroid injections. Radiofrequency has been used to treat chronic radicular pain for over 30 years; however, there is a paucity of literature about the safety and efficacy of repeat radiofrequency lesioning. To determine the safety, success rate, and duration of pain relief of repeat pulsed radiofrequency (PRF) and continuous radiofrequency (CRF) lesioning of the dorsal root ganglion (DRG)/ sacral segmental nerves (SN) in patients with chronic lumbosacral radicular pain. Retrospective chart review Outpatient multidisciplinary pain center Medical record review of patients who were treated with pulsed and continuous radiofrequency lesioning of the lumbar dorsal root ganglia and segmental nerves and who reported initial success were evaluated for recurrence of pain and repeat radiofrequency treatment. Responses to subsequent treatments were compared to initial treatments for success rates, average duration of relief, and adverse neurologic side-effects. Retrospective chart review without a control group. Twenty-six women and 24 men were identified who received 50% pain relief or better after PRF and CRF of the lumbar DRG/ sacral SN for lumbosacral radicular pain. The mean age was 62 years (range, 25-86). The mean duration of relief for the 40 patients who had 2 treatments was 4.7 months (range 0-24; Se [standard error] 0.74). Twenty-eight patients had 3 treatments with an average duration of relief of 4.5 months (range 0-19 months; Se 0.74). Twenty patients had 4 treatments with a mean duration of relief of 4.4 months (range 0.5-18; Se 0.95) and 18 patients who had 5 or more treatments received an average duration of relief of 4.3 months (range 0.5-18; Se 1.03). The average duration of relief and success frequency remained

  10. Conservative management of a spleen trauma using radiofrequency.


    Stella, Mattia; Percivale, Andrea; Pasqualini, Massimo; Pittaluga, Michele; Gandolfo, Nicola; Pellicci, Riccardo


    Conservative operative management of a splenic injury has become more and more employed in order to preserve the immune function of the organ. A case of a rupture of the spleen successfully treated with the use of a radiofrequency thermal energy generator is eported. The parenchymal tear was coagulated by a one cooled tip needle electrode. There were no postoperative complications and the function of the spleen was preserved. The technique cannot be applied in case of lesion of the major vessels or in case of avulsion of the hilum. This technique integrates to the others to make the operative conservative management of a splenic injury more and more feasible.

  11. 75 FR 80827 - Compliance Policy Guide; Radiofrequency Identification Feasibility Studies and Pilot Programs for...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Identification (RFID) Feasibility Studies and Pilot Programs for Drugs'' to December 31, 2012. FOR FURTHER... Sec. 400.210 entitled ``Radiofrequency Identification (RFID) Feasibility Studies and Pilot Programs... FR 65750, November 23, 2007; 73 FR 78371, December 22, 2008). FDA has identified RFID as a promising...

  12. Impedance spectroscopy study of SiO2-Li2O:Nd2O3 glasses

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pereia, R.; Gozzo, C B; Guedes, I.


    In the present study, neodymium-doped lithium silicate glasses have been prepared by the conventional melt-quenching technique. The dielectric properties, electric modulus and electrical conductivity of SiO2-Li2O (SiLi-0Nd) and SiO2-Li2O:Nd2O3 (SiLi-1.35Nd) have been studied from 1 Hz to 1 MHz in the 333 423 K temperature range. At a given temperature and frequency, we observe that the resistivity increases while the conductivity accordingly decreases when neodymium ions are added to the glass matrix. The activation energy of two distinct regions was evaluated from the ln( dc)=f(1/T) plot and was found to be E1(T<363K)=0.61(0.66)eV and E2(T>363K)=1.26(1.09)eV for SiLi-0Nd (SiLi-1,35Nd). The dielectric constantmore » ( Re) decreases while the dielectric loss (tan ( )) increases under Nd2O3 doping. We also observe that for both glasses, Re and tan ( ) tend to increase with increasing temperature and decrease with increasing frequency.« less

  13. Eulerian Time-Domain Filtering for Spatial LES

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pruett, C. David


    Eulerian time-domain filtering seems to be appropriate for LES (large eddy simulation) of flows whose large coherent structures convect approximately at a common characteristic velocity; e.g., mixing layers, jets, and wakes. For these flows, we develop an approach to LES based on an explicit second-order digital Butterworth filter, which is applied in,the time domain in an Eulerian context. The approach is validated through a priori and a posteriori analyses of the simulated flow of a heated, subsonic, axisymmetric jet.

  14. Les psychoses de l’épileptique: approche clinique à propos d'un cas

    PubMed Central

    Charfi, Nada; Trigui, Dorsaf; Ben Thabet, Jihène; Zouari, Nasreddine; Zouari, Lobna; Maalej, Mohamed


    Pour discuter les liens entre épilepsie et psychose, les auteurs rapportent l'observation d'une fille âgée de 22 ans, traitée pour épilepsie fronto-temporale, adressée en psychiatrie pour des hallucinations sensorielles et cénesthésiques et un délire mystique et d'influence, apparus secondairement et non améliorés par le traitement antiépileptique. Les symptômes psychotiques, chez l’épileptique, peuvent entrer dans le cadre de psychoses intercritiques, post-critiques ou alternatives. Pour le cas rapporté, les symptômes psychotiques étaient intercritiques et chroniques. Il s'agissait vraisemblablement d'une psychose schizophréniforme. Dans ce type de psychose, une indifférence affective et une restriction des activités sont rarement rencontrés, alors que les fluctuations rapides de l'humeur sont fréquentes. Les thématiques délirantes sont assez souvent mystiques, alimentées par des hallucinations auditives et par des hallucinations visuelles inhabituelles. Les troubles négatifs sont rares. Les psychoses épileptiques n'ont pas été identifiées comme des entités nosographiques dans les systèmes de classification psychiatrique (DSM-IV et CIM-10), ce qui pose un problème de reconnaissance de ces troubles. Une collaboration entre psychiatre et neurologue devient ainsi nécessaire pour mieux comprendre cette comorbidité complexe, éviter les erreurs diagnostiques et optimiser la prise en charge. PMID:25309665

  15. Les calculs urinaires de l'enfant au Burkina Faso: à propos de 67 cas

    PubMed Central

    Ouédraogo, Isso; Napon, Aïcha Madina; Bandré, Emile; Ouédraogo, Francis Somkieta; Tapsoba, Wendlamita Toussaint; Wandaogo, Albert


    L'objectif de cette étude est de déterminer la fréquence, de décrire les circonstances de découverte, les signes cliniques et paracliniques, la composition chimique des calculs prélevés et les difficultés rencontrées dans le traitement des lithiases urinaires. Notre étude a été rétrospective sur une période de six ans (janvier 2005 à décembre 2010) et a eu pour cadre le CHUP-CDG et a concerné 67 patients âgés de moins de 15 ans opérés pour lithiases urinaires. Les calculs de la dernière année au nombre de douze ont fait l'objet d'une analyse spectrophotométrique. La lithiase urinaire figure parmi les dix premières pathologies du service de chirurgie et représente 1,32% des hospitalisations. L’âge moyen de nos patients est de deux ans et varie de 6 mois à 14 ans. La symptomatologie de la lithiase urinaire est polymorphe. Le diagnostic des lithiases urinaires a été essentiellement radiologique (ASP) dans 87, 50 des cas. Les localisations les plus fréquentes sont: vésicales (49,25%) et pyéliques (46,26%). L'ECBU a révélé une infection urinaire chez 9 patients. Les germes le plus fréquemment rencontrés sont: Klebsiella pneumoniae pneumoniae (22,22%) et staphyloccocus aureus (22,22%). Les difficultés du traitement sont dues à la modicité de nos moyens diagnostiques et à la nature chimique des calculs et le traitement a été dans tous les cas chirurgical. La composition chimique est dominée par les sels calciques notamment les oxalates, les phosphates et les carbonates. PMID:26175840

  16. Use of bipolar radiofrequency catheter ablation in treatment of cardiac arrhythmias.


    Soucek, Filip; Starek, Zdenek


    Background Arrhythmia management is a complex process involving both pharmacological and non-pharmacological approaches. Radiofrequency ablation is the pillar of non-pharmacological arrhythmia treatment. Unipolar ablation is considered to be the gold standard in the treatment of the majority of arrhythmias; however, its efficacy is limited to specific cases. In particular, the creation of deep or transmural lesions to eliminate intramurally originating arrhythmias remains inadequate. Bipolar ablation is proposed as an alternative to overcome unipolar ablation boundaries. Results Despite promising results gained from in vitro and animal studies showing that bipolar ablation is superior in creating transmural lesions, the use of bipolar ablation in daily clinical practice is limited. Several studies have been published showing that bipolar ablation is effective in the treatment of clinical arrhythmias after failed unipolar ablation, however there is inconsistency regarding safety of bipolar ablation within the available research papers. According to research evidence the most common indications for bipolar ablation use are ventricular originating rhythmic disorders in patients with structural heart disease resistant to standard radiofrequency ablation. Conclusions To allow wider clinical application the efficiency and safety of bipolar ablation need to be verified in future studies. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  17. Cost-utility analysis of great saphenous vein ablation with radiofrequency, foam and surgery in the emerging health-care setting of Thailand.


    Siribumrungwong, Boonying; Noorit, Pinit; Wilasrusmee, Chumpon; Leelahavarong, Pattara; Thakkinstian, Ammarin; Teerawattananon, Yot


    To conduct economic evaluations of radiofrequency ablation, ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy and surgery for great saphenous vein ablation. A cost-utility and cohort analysis from societal perspective was performed to estimate incremental cost-effectiveness ratio. Transitional probabilities were from meta-analysis. Direct medical, direct non-medical, indirect costs, and utility were from standard Thai costings and cohort. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis was performed to assess parameter uncertainties. Seventy-seven patients (31 radiofrequency ablation, 19 ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy, and 27 surgeries) were enrolled from October 2011 to February 2013. Compared with surgery, radiofrequency ablation costed 12,935 and 20,872 Baht higher, whereas ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy costed 6159 lower and 1558 Bath higher for outpatient and inpatient, respectively. At one year, radiofrequency ablation had slightly lower quality-adjusted life-year, whereas ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy yielded additional 0.025 quality-adjusted life-year gained. Because of costing lower and greater quality-adjusted life-year than other compared alternatives, outpatient ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy was an option being dominant. Probabilistic sensitivity analysis resulted that at the Thai ceiling threshold of 160,000 Baht/quality-adjusted life-year gained, ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy had chances of 0.71 to be cost-effective. Ultrasound-guided foam sclerotherapy seems to be cost-effective for treating great saphenous vein reflux compared to surgery in Thailand at one-year results. © The Author(s) 2015.

  18. Filter and Grid Resolution in DG-LES

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miao, Ling; Sammak, Shervin; Madnia, Cyrus K.; Givi, Peyman


    The discontinuous Galerkin (DG) methodology has proven very effective for large eddy simulation (LES) of turbulent flows. Two important parameters in DG-LES are the grid resolution (h) and the filter size (Δ). In most previous work, the filter size is usually set to be proportional to the grid spacing. In this work, the DG method is combined with a subgrid scale (SGS) closure which is equivalent to that of the filtered density function (FDF). The resulting hybrid scheme is particularly attractive because a larger portion of the resolved energy is captured as the order of spectral approximation increases. Different cases for LES of a three-dimensional temporally developing mixing layer are appraised and a systematic parametric study is conducted to investigate the effects of grid resolution, the filter width size, and the order of spectral discretization. Comparative assessments are also made via the use of high resolution direct numerical simulation (DNS) data.

  19. La planification préalable des soins pour les patients en pédiatrie

    PubMed Central


    RÉSUMÉ Les progrès médicaux et technologiques ont permis d’ac-croître les taux de survie et d’améliorer la qualité de vie des nourrissons, des enfants et des adolescents ayant des maladies chroniques mettant la vie en danger. La planifi-cation préalable des soins inclut le processus relié aux discussions sur les traitements essentiels au maintien de la survie et la détermination des objectifs des soins de longue durée. Les dispensateurs de soins pédiatriques ont l’obligation éthique d’assimiler cet aspect des soins médicaux. Le présent document de principes vise à aider les dispensateurs de soins à discuter de la planification préalable des soins des patients pédiatriques dans diverses situations. La planification préalable des soins exige des communications efficaces afin de clarifier les objectifs des soins et de s’entendre sur les traitements pertinents ou non pour réaliser ces objectifs, y compris les mesures de réanimation et les mesures palliatives.

  20. Influence of Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields on the Fertility System: Protocol for a Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


    Roozbeh, Nasibeh; Abdi, Fatemeh; Amraee, Azadeh; Atarodi Kashani, Zahra; Darvish, Leili


    Due to the increased number of users of mobile phones, tablets, and other devices over the past few years, concerns about the potential impact of mobile phones on health are growing. The influence of mobile phone exposure on male fertility has been studied in recent years. Other research has shown that electromagnetic fields (EMFs) increase macrophages in the corpus luteum and growing follicles. Due to conflicting results among studies and since no systematic review has been performed to analyze the effects of radiofrequency EMF exposure from electronic devices on the fertility system in recent years, this evidence-based study is necessary. The main objectives of this study are to determine the best evidence associated with the influence of radiofrequency EMFs on the fertility system and to provide insight into a potential mechanism using our observations. In this systematic review, the databases and gray literature will be searched with no language and date limitation. The following databases will be searched: Cochrane Library, MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, CINAHL, ProQuest, Scopus, Science Direct, Google Scholar, and other Persian databases. The combination of the Medical Subject Heading terms "radiofrequency electromagnetic" and "male reproductive system" or "female reproductive system" will be searched. Observational study designs will be included but case reports, case series, reviews, and letters to the editor will be excluded. Papers selected for retrieval will be evaluated by two independent referees for methodological validation before entering a review using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale for nonrandomized studies and cohort studies. The results of this study will be submitted to a peer-reviewed journal for publication and also presented at PROSPERO. This systematic review will provide evidence-based data on the effect of radiofrequency EMFs on the fertility system. This article will also classify the harmful effect of radiofrequency waves on primary and