Sample records for medio del uso

  1. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD 192281

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Cappa, C.; Cichowolski, S.; Pineault, S.; St-Louis, N.

    Una de las causas que modifica la estructura y dinámica del medio interestelar es la acción que los vientos de las estrellas de gran masa ejercen sobre el mismo. En este trabajo, mediante el uso de datos interferométricos obtenidos en la banda de radio en la transición de 21-cm del Hidrógeno neutro y de imágenes de la emisión de continuo en las bandas de 408 y 1420 MHz, de imágenes HIRES del satélite IRAS en 60 y 100 micrones, y de observaciones de continuo obtenidas con radiotelescopios de disco simple en 2695, 4850 y 8350 MHz se ha realizado un estudio multifrecuencia de los efectos que los vientos estelares de HD 192281, una estrella de tipo espectral O5 Vn((f))p, han tenido sobre el medio interestelar que rodea a la misma.

  2. Estudio multifrecuencia del medio interestelar cercano a HD 192281

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.; Cappa, C. E.; Cichowolski, S.; Pineault, S.; St-Louis, N.

    Una de las causas que modifica la estructura y dinámica del medio interestelar es la acción que los vientos de las estrellas de gran masa ejercen sobre el mismo. En este trabajo, mediante el uso de datos interferométricos obtenidos en la banda de radio en la transición de λ˜21-cm del hidrógeno neutro y de imágenes de la emisión de continuo en las bandas de 408 y 1420 MHz, de imágenes HIRES del satélite IRAS en 60 y 100μm, y de observaciones de continuo obtenidas con radiotelescopios de disco simple en 2695, 4850 y 8350 MHz se ha realizado un estudio multifrecuencia de los efectos que los vientos estelares de HD 192281, una estrella de tipo espectral O5,Vn((f))p, han tenido sobre el medio interestelar que rodea a la misma.

  3. Los plaguicidas y la contaminacion del medio ambiente Venezolano

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Stickel, L.F.; Stickel, W.H.


    RESUMEN DE RECOMENDACIONES Recomendaciones para el Programa de Investigacion: 1. Establecer un sistema de muestreo biologico para detectar los niveles tendencias de los productos quimicos toxicos en un peque?o numero de si tios representativos. 2. Mantener continua vigilancia de la contaminacion ambiental, mediante la seleccion acertadamente dirigida de las zonas afectadas y de las fuentes de contaminacion. 3. Realizar estudios acerca de las poblaciones de animales silvestres, y del exito de los procesos reproductivos de las especies o grupos clayes de animales que se consideran mas gravemente afectados. 4. Preparar recomendaciones para una accion gubernamental de proteccion al hombre, a la fauna silvestre y al medio ambiente. Recomendaciones para la Accion Administrativa: 1. Establecer limites a la tolerancia de los residuos de plaguicidas en los alimentos. Constituye una medida clave para disminuir la contaminacion ambiental. 2. Establecer normas de calidad del agua para las corrientes, represas, la gos y otros cuerpos. Es la segunda medida clave para reducir la contaminacion del ambiente 3. Exigir un tratamiento adecuado de los efluentes industriales, especialmente antes de que se construyan las nuevas plantas. 4. Exigir a los agricultores que en el uso de plaguicidas sigan los consejos tecnicos autorizados y negar a los vendedores el derecho a recomendar productos por su cuenta. 5. Tomar medidas para recoger y eliminar los recipientes y sobrantes de los plaguicidas.

  4. Moléculas orgánicas obtenidas en simulaciones experimentales del medio interestelar.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muñoz-Caro, Guillermo Manuel

    Las nubes moleculares son regiones de formación de estrellas, con temperaturas cinéticas entre 10-50 K y densidades de 103-106 átomos cm-3. Su materia está formada por gas y polvo interestelar. Estas partículas de polvo están cubiertas por una fina capa de hielo, de unos 0.01 μm, que contiene H2O y a menudo CO, CO2, CH3OH y NH3. El hielo es presumiblemente irradiado por fotones ultravioleta y rayos cósmicos en las zonas poco profundas de las nubes moleculares y las regiones circunestelares. En un sistema de vacío, P ˜ 10-7 mbar, simulamos la deposición de hielo a partir de 10 K y la irradiación ultravioleta por medio de una lámpara de descarga de hidrógeno activada con microondas. La evolución del hielo se observa por medio de un espectrómetro infrarrojo. De este modo es posible determinar la composición del hielo observado en el medio interestelar y predecir la presencia de moléculas aún no detectadas en el espacio, que han sido producto del procesamiento del hielo en nuestros experimentos. También es posible calentar el sistema hasta temperatura ambiente para sublimar el hielo depositado. Cuando el hielo ha sido previamente irradiado, se observa un residuo compuesto por moléculas orgánicas complejas, algunas prebióticas, como varios ácidos carboxílicos, aminas, amidas, ésteres y en menor proporción moléculas heterocíclicas y aminoácidos. Algunas de estas moléculas podrían detectarse en estado gaseoso por medio de observaciones milimétricas y de radio. También podrían estar presentes en el polvo cometario, cuyo análisis químico está planeado por las misiones Stardust y Rosetta. Mientras tanto, nuestro grupo está llevando a cabo el análisis de partículas de polvo interplanetario (IDPs), algunas de las cuales pueden ser de origen cometario. Al igual que ocurre con los productos obtenidos por irradiación del hielo en nuestros experimentos, algunas IDPs son ricas en material orgánico que contiene oxígeno.

  5. Uso Del Condón en Adolescentes Nahuas, un Modelo Explicativo.


    Tirado, María de Los Ángeles Meneses; Benavides-Torres, Raquel A; Navarro, Sergio Meneses; de la Colina, Juan Antonio Doncel; Rodríguez, Dora Julia Onofre; Hernández, Francisco Javier Baéz


    En México, la población indígena supera los siete millones de habitantes, en Puebla el grupo más representativo es el Náhuatl. Sin embargo, las condiciones de vida, salud, educación y transporte son precarias para esta población. En los adolescentes, las responsabilidades como el matrimonio, la familia y los compromisos ante la comunidad, favorecen conductas de riesgo sexual que dificultan su desarrollo económico, social y reproductivo. El objetivo fue proponer un modelo explicativo del uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Método. Bajo el marco de la teoría social cognitiva, el concepto de valores culturales de Leininger y el proceso de la sustracción teórica, se desarrolló este artículo. Se muestran las relaciones del modelo con las proposiciones y los factores que influyen en el uso del condón para este grupo específico. Finalmente, el modelo explica las variables de interés, los niveles de abstracción y las relaciones entre sí en el contexto náhuatl. El siguiente paso será implementar los indicadores empíricos para conocer el grado de influencia de los factores personales y ambientales hacia el uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Resultados que aportarán información para el desarrollo del conocimiento en enfermería y la reducción de riesgo sexual de esta población.

  6. [Trattamento farmacologico del disturbo da uso di alcol. Evidenze scientifiche].


    Attilia, Fabio; Perciballi, Roberta; Rotondo, Claudia; Capriglione, Ida; Iannuzzi, Silvia; Attilia, Maria Luisa; Vitali, Mario; Alessandrini, Giovanni; Scamporrino, Maria Concetta Marcella; Fiore, Marco; Ceccanti, Mauro


    RIASSUNTO. La terapia farmacologica nei pazienti con disturbo da uso di alcol riveste un ruolo centrale nel progetto terapeutico, altamente contestualizzato in un approccio multidisciplinare. Sebbene i trattamenti non farmacologici per la dipendenza da alcol risultino ben strutturati e in continua evoluzione, dal punto di vista medico le possibilità di intervento sono realmente ristrette, con poche molecole a disposizione approvate per il disturbo da uso di alcol: nello specifico, l'acamprostato, il naltrexone e, più recentemente, il nalmefene tra gli anticraving; il disulfiram tra gli avversivanti. Nuovi approcci sperimentali stanno cercando di ampliare tale gamma attraverso l'utilizzo di farmaci off-label. Evidenze scientifiche devono supportare l'indicazione terapeutica, quest'ultima deve dimostrarsi "cucita" sulle esigenze del paziente e sulle comorbilità presenti tenendo conto del profilo bio-psico-sociale individuale. Fondamentale risulta il follow-up per valutare la ritenzione in trattamento e il monitoraggio degli outcome alcologici.

  7. Local magnitude scale for Valle Medio del Magdalena region, Colombia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Londoño, John Makario; Romero, Jaime A.


    A local Magnitude (ML) scale for Valle Medio del Magdalena (VMM) region was defined by using 514 high quality earthquakes located at VMM area and inversion of 2797 amplitude values of horizontal components of 17 stations seismic broad band stations, simulated in a Wood-Anderson seismograph. The derived local magnitude scale for VMM region was: ML =log(A) + 1.3744 ∗ log(r) + 0.0014776 ∗ r - 2.397 + S Where A is the zero-to-peak amplitude in nm in horizontal components, r is the hypocentral distance in km, and S is the station correction. Higher values of ML were obtained for VMM region compared with those obtained with the current formula used for ML determination, and with California formula. With this new scale ML values are adjusted to local conditions beneath VMM region leading to more realistic ML values. Moreover, with this new ML scale the seismicity caused by tectonic or fracking activity at VMM region can be monitored more accurately.

  8. [La diagnosi del disturbo da uso di alcol dal punto di vista psicologico].


    Coriale, Giovanna; Fiorentino, Daniela; Porrari, Raffaella; Battagliese, Gemma; Capriglione, Ida; Cereatti, Federica; Iannuzzi, Silvia; Mauri, Benilde; Galli, Domenica; Fiore, Marco; Attilia, Maria Luisa; Ceccanti, Mauro


    RIASSUNTO. Il disturbo da uso di alcol (DUA) è uno dei disturbi psichiatrici più comuni nella popolazione generale. Il DUA è caratterizzato da un pattern di bere eccessivo, che si mantiene nonostante gli effetti negativi che l'alcol ha sul funzionamento lavorativo, sulla salute, sulle problematiche legali, sull'educazione e sulla vita sociale. Attualmente, il modello bio-psico-sociale è quello che spiega meglio il DUA. Infatti, molte ricerche hanno fornito evidenze su come il DUA sia una patologia multidimensionale. Variabili biologiche, psicologiche e socio-culturali entrano in gioco nell'eziologia, nella natura, nel mantenimento e nel cambiamento nel tempo del disturbo. La fase diagnostica è un momento importante del processo di cura, perché il successo del trattamento dipende in larga misura dall'esattezza e dall'adeguatezza della diagnosi. La diagnosi clinica si basa su una valutazione globale del funzionamento del paziente e utilizza il colloquio e gli strumenti psicometrici come mezzo di raccolta di informazioni. Questo articolo fornirà una panoramica delle dimensioni psicologiche più importanti da valutare e sui migliori strumenti psicometrici da usare per una diagnosi adeguata.

  9. Acerca del moho

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    El moho forma parte del medio ambiente natural. Afuera del hogar, el moho juega un papel en la naturaleza al desintegrar materias organicas tales como las hojas que se han caido o los arboles muertos. El moho puede crecer adentro del hogar cuando las espor

  10. Mini-mastoidectomía para anastomosis hipogloso-facial con sección parcial del nervio hipogloso

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Socolovsky, Mariano; Martins, Carolina; Rhoton, Albert


    Introducción: La anastomosis hipogloso-facial es la técnica de elección para la reparación de la parálisis facial cuando no se dispone de un cabo proximal sano del nervio facial. La técnica de anastomosis mediante fresado mastoideo y sección parcial del hipogloso minimiza la atrofia lingual sin sacrificar resultados a nivel facial. Método: La porción mastoidea del nervio facial transcurre por la pared anterior de la AM, a un promedio de 18+/-3 mm de profundidad respecto de la pared lateral. Se debe reconocer la cresta supramastoidea, desde la cual se marca una línea vertical paralela al eje mayor de la AM, 1 cm por detrás de la pared posterior del CAE El fresado se comienza desde la línea medio mastoidea hasta la pared posterior del CAE. Una vez encontrado el nervio facial en el tercio medio del canal mastoideo, el mismo es seguido hacia proximal y distal. Resultados: El abordaje descripto permite acceder al nervio facial intratemporal en su porción mastoidea, y efectuar un fresado óseo sin poner en riesgo al nervio o a estructuras vasculares cercanas. Se trata de un procedimiento técnicamente más sencillo que los abordajes amplios habitualmente utilizados al hueso temporal; no obstante su uso debe ser restringido mayormente a la anastomosis hipogloso-facial. Conclusión: Esta es una técnica relativamente sencilla, que puede ser reproducida por cirujanos sin mayor experiencia en el tema, luego de su paso por el laboratorio de anatomía. PMID:23596555

  11. Actitudes de los candidatos y maestros de ciencias en servicio acerca del uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bayuelo, Ezequiel

    Este estudio examino y comparo las actitudes de los candidatos a maestros de ciencias y los maestros de ciencias en servicio acerca de la utilizacion de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. Tambien identifico y diferencio el uso que ellos dan a estas herramientas en las clases de ciencias. Este estudio presenta un diseno descriptivo exploratorio. Constituyeron la muestra trescientos diez sujetos que fueron candidatos a maestros de ciencias o maestros de ciencias en servicio. Para recoger los datos se construyo y valido un cuestionario de treinta y un itemes. Se utilizaron las pruebas estadisticas no parametricas Kruskal Wallis y Chi-cuadrado (test de homogeneidad) para establecer las diferencias entre las actitudes de los sujetos con relacion al uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. Los hallazgos evidenciaron que son positivas y muy parecidas las actitudes de los candidatos a maestros y maestros en servicio hacia el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas. No hubo diferencias entre los candidatos y maestros en servicio en terminos de las actitudes de confianza y empatia hacia el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en las clases de ciencias. En aspectos como el uso del banco de datos bibliografico Eric y el uso de las herramientas computadorizadas en actividades educativas como explorar conceptos, conceptuar, aplicar lo aprendido y hacer asignaciones hubo diferencias estadisticamente significativas entre los candidatos y los maestros en servicio. Al comparar las frecuencias observadas con las esperadas hubo mas maestros en servicio y menos candidatos que indicaron usar el anterior banco de datos y las herramientas computadorizadas en las mencionadas actividades educativas.

  12. Evaluación de la utilidad diagnóstica de la versión española del cuestionario al informador «AD8»☆

    PubMed Central

    Pardo, C. Carnero; de la Vega Cotarelo, R.; Alcalde, S. López; Aparicio, C. Martos; Carrillo, R. Vílchez; Gavilán, E. Mora; Galvin, J.E.


    Introducción El AD8 es un cuestionario al informador breve que puede ser autoaplicado y facilita la identificación de deterioro cognitivo (DC); nuestro objetivo es evaluar la utilidad diagnóstica (UD) de una versión española. Material y métodos Estudio transversal en una muestra clínica de díadas paciente/ informador, 330 sujetos con sospecha de DC o demencia (DEM) y 71 controles. Se ha evaluado la consistencia interna (α de Cronbach) y la validez (correlaciones parciales con estadio GDS, Fototest e índice funcional [IF]). La UD se ha evaluado para no DC vs DC (GDS 3–4) por medio del área bajo la curva ROC (aROC) y se ha considerado mejor punto de corte aquel que hacía máximo el índice de Youden. Resultados En la muestra, 105 no tenían DC, 99 tenían DC sin DEM y 203 DEM. La consistencia interna es alta (α 0,90, IC del 95%, 0,89–0,92), al igual que las correlaciones con GDS (r = 0,72, p < 0,001), Fototest (r = −0,61, p < 0,001) e IF (r = 0,59, p < 0,001). El aROC del AD8 es 0,90 (IC del 95%, 0,86–0,93), sin diferencia significativa con la del Fototest (aROC 0,93, IC del 95%, 0,89–0,96); el mejor punto de corte es 3/4 con sensibilidad de 0,93 (IC del 95%, 0,88–0,96), especificidad de 0,81 (IC del 95%, 0,72–0,88) y el 88,8% de las clasificaciones correctas. El uso conjunto de AD8 y Fototest mejora de forma significativa la UD de ambos (aROC 0,96, IC del 95%, 0,93–0,98, p < 0,05). Conclusiones La versión española del AD8 conserva las cualidades psicométricas y la UD de la versión original; su uso combinado con el Fototest mejora de forma significativa la UD de ambos. PMID:22652137

  13. Conservacion de truchas del Pacifico


    Brooke E. Penaluna


    La historia de las truchas del Pacífico, pertenecientes al género Oncorhynchus, es una historia muy interesante que se basa en la persistencia y diversificación de sus especies debido, en gran parte, al dinamismo propio que existe en su medio ambiente. Desde el oeste de Norteamérica, extendiéndose hasta el este de Asia, las truchas del Pacífico han experimentado la...

  14. Impacts of Climate Change on Colombia’s National and Regional Security

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Peru, and Chile have relatively diverse, industrialized economies and greater domestic resources and state capaci- ties for adaptation. Bolivia...Change on Colombia’s National and Regional Security References 1 Colombia, Sistema de Informacion sobre el Uso del Agua en la Agricultura y el Medio...Jul 2009. "El cambio climatico en Colombia." Unpublished report shared with authors. IDEAM. 26 "El agua para 40 millones de personas esta en riesgo

  15. El uso de la neuromodulación para el tratamiento del temblor

    PubMed Central

    Bendersky, Damián; Ajler, Pablo; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Introducción: El temblor puede ser un desorden incapacitante y el tratamiento de primera línea para estos pacientes es farmacológico. Sin embargo, este tratamiento puede llevar a una reducción satisfactoria del temblor en sólo el 50% de los pacientes con temblor esencial. La talamotomía era el tratamiento de elección para el temblor refractario al tratamiento médico hasta que comenzó a utilizarse la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) del núcleo ventral intermedio (Vim) del tálamo. En la actualidad, raramente se realiza la talamotomía. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de las indicaciones, resultados, parámetros de programación y técnica quirúrgica de la ECP del Vim para el tratamiento del temblor. Resultados: Aunque los resultados clínicos son similares usando la talamotomía o la ECP del Vim, la primera causa más efectos adversos que la última. Además, la ECP puede ser usada bilateralmente, mientras que la talamotomía tiene un alto riesgo de causar disartria cuando se realiza de ambos lados. La ECP del Vim logró una adecuada mejoría del temblor en varias series de pacientes con temblor causado por temblor esencial, enfermedad de Parkinson o esclerosis múltiple. Además del Vim, hay otros blancos que están siendo usados por varios autores, tales como la zona incerta y las radiaciones prelemniscales. Conclusión: La ECP del Vim es un tratamiento útil para el temblor incapacitante refractario al tratamiento médico. Es esencial realizar una precisa selección de pacientes, así como utilizar una técnica quirúrgica correcta. Aún se desconoce el mejor blanco estereotáctico para el temblor, aunque el Vim es el más usado. PMID:25165613

  16. Medio ambiente y cáncer pediátrico en la Región de Murcia (España): integrando la historia clínica medioambiental en un sistema de información geográfica

    PubMed Central

    Ortega-García, J.A.; López-Hernández, F.A.; Sobrino-Najul, E.; Febo, I.; Fuster-Soler, J.L.


    Introducción Medio Ambiente y Cáncer Pediátrico (CP) en la Región de Murcia (RM) es un proyecto de investigación, cuya principal meta es el desarrollo de una cuidadosa historia ambiental pediátrica (HAP) y el uso de sistemas de información geográfica (SIG) para crear mapas de incidencia y analizar la distribución geográfica del CP en la RM. El objetivo es presentar la metodología, el estudio descriptivo y los primeros resultados sobre la incidencia espacial y temporal del CP en la RM (España). Material y métodos Estudio descriptivo y de georreferenciación de todos los casos de CP menores de 15 años, diagnosticados entre el 1 de enero de 1998 y el 31 de diciembre de 2009. Se han asociado a cada caso tres direcciones postales, durante el embarazo, en el período posnatal y en el momento del diagnóstico. También se han utilizado las siguientes variables: sexo, fechas de nacimiento y diagnóstico y el diagnóstico patológico. Resultados No se observa un incremento en la tendencia de la incidencia del CP. La tasa cruda de incidencia fue de 14,3 casos por 100.000 niños menores de 15 años. La razón de incidencia estandarizada es más elevada en el noroeste de la RM. El 30% tienen un domicilio previo al diagnóstico distinto al del embarazo. Conclusiones La integración de la información temporal y espacial de la HAP en un SIG permitirá la identificación y el estudio de conglomerados espacio-temporales a través de un sistema de vigilancia medioambiental que ayude a ponderar la importancia de los factores de riesgo asociados. PMID:21315667

  17. Vigilando la Calidad del Agua de los Grandes Rios de la Nacion: El Programa NASQAN del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lurry, Dee L.; Reutter, David C.; Wells, Frank C.; Rivera, M.C.; Munoz, A.


    La Oficina del Estudio Geologico de los Estados Unidos (U.S. Geological Survey, 0 USGS) ha monitoreado la calidad del agua de la cuenca del Rio Grande (Rio Bravo del Norte) desde 1995 como parte de la rediseiiada Red Nacional para Contabilizar la Calidad del Agua de los Rios (National Stream Quality Accounting Network, o NASOAN) (Hooper and others, 1997). EI programa NASOAN fue diseiiado para caracterizar las concentraciones y el transporte de sedimento y constituyentes quimicos seleccionados, encontrados en los grandes rios de los Estados Unidos - incluyendo el Misisipi, el Colorado y el Columbia, ademas del Rio Grande. En estas cuatro cuencas, el USGS opera actualmente (1998) una red de 40 puntos de muestreo pertenecientes a NASOAN, con un enfasis en cuantificar el flujo en masa (la cantidad de material que pasa por la estacion, expresado en toneladas por dial para cada constituyente. Aplicacando un enfoque consistente, basado en la cuantificacion de flujos en la cuenca del Rio Grande, el programa NASOAN esta generando la informacion necesaria para identificar fuentes regionales de diversos contaminantes, incluyendo sustancias qui micas agricolas y trazas elementos en la cuenca. EI efecto de las grandes reservas en el Rio Grande se puede observar segun los flujos de constituyentes discurren a 10 largo del rio. EI analisis de los flujos de constituyentes a escala de la cuenca proveera los medios para evaluar la influencia de la actividad humana sobre las condiciones de calidad del agua del Rio Grande.

  18. Medio Communication: A Conceptualization.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blake, Reed H.

    The classification of communication activity into interpersonal and mass communication is inadequate. A third category, "medio" communication, is also needed. Examples of this third type include point-to-point telecommunication (such as the telephone or mobile radio), surveillance telecommunication, and closed-circuit television. Medio…

  19. Radio-Observaciones del OH EN la Coma del Cometa Halley Desde EL Hemisferio Sur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, A. M.; Bajaja, E.; Morras, R.; Cersosimo, J. C.; Martin, M. C.; Arnal, E. M.; Poppel, W. G. L.; Colomb, F. R.; Mazzaro, J.; Olalde, J. C.; Boriakoff, V.; Mirabel, I. F.


    Se utilizó una antena de 30 metros del Instituto Argentino de Radioastronomía para observaciones diarias Cf ebrero a abril de 1986) de la transición en 1667 MHz ( λ = 18 cm) del OH en la coma del cometa Halley. De las observaciones realizadas se concluye: 1) El número promedio de moléculas de OH en la coma durante 37 días de observación fue de (8.9±3.5)x1034 moléculas, lo que implica una tasa de producción promedio de OH de 1.8x1029 moléculas seg-1 y consecuentemente una pérdida de masa promedio de 17±6 toneladas seg-1 . Este valor está de acuerdo con las mediciones realizadas por las sondas Vega y Giotto. 2) El monitoreo desde el lAR revela la existencia de variaciones bruscas en los flujos de absorción del OH. Estas variaciones son consistentes con los modelos que representan la producción gaseosa a partir de ejecciones y/o desprendimientos discretos de materia congelada del núcleo. 3) Las variaciones en la densidad de flujo son consistentes con las estimaciones de los tiem- pos de vida medios del H2O y del OH en presencia del campo de radiación solar. 4) Se encuentra una correlación entre la intensidad del flujo absorbido y anisotropías en Ia dinamica de la coma.

  20. [Trattamento del disturbo da uso di alcol da un punto di vista psicologico].


    Coriale, Giovanna; Fiorentino, Daniela; De Rosa, Francesca; Solombrino, Simona; Scalese, Bruna; Ciccarelli, Rosaria; Attilia, Fabio; Vitali, Mario; Musetti, Alessia; Fiore, Marco; Ceccanti, Mauro


    RIASSUNTO. L'elaborazione del piano di trattamento rappresenta un momento molto delicato e complesso del processo terapeutico del disturbo da abuso di alcol (DUA). È la fase in cui le informazioni raccolte da un'équipe di professionisti (medici, psicologi e assistenti sociali) (modello bio-psico-sociale del DUA) vengono messe insieme per decidere il percorso terapeutico più adatto. Per quanto riguarda la parte psicologica, è di notevole importanza scegliere un trattamento clinico in grado di ridurre al minimo la mancata adesione al trattamento e, per i soggetti che rimangono in trattamento, di garantirne l'efficacia. Se da una parte, le tecniche psicoanalitiche e comportamentali hanno fornito le basi della terapia psicologica dell'alcolismo, dall'altra, gli approcci basati sull'evidenza scientifica sono stati elaborati a partire dai principi del colloquio motivazionale e della terapia cognitivo-comportamentale. In questo articolo viene fornita una panoramica dei trattamenti che sono risultati più efficaci nel trattare il DUA e delle modalità temporali più adeguate per monitorare l'efficacia del trattamento.

  1. Mejoras en la exactitud del reloj de ángulo horario del telescopio de 2,15 mts de CASLEO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aballay, J. L.; Pereyra, P. F.; Marún, A. H.

    Para aumentar la exactitud en el control del ángulo horario del telescopio, se está implementando el uso de un reloj con una precisión de 1/100 seg. En conjunto con el encoder que otorga la posición con un acierto de 0,012 seg. de arco, se podrá implementar otro dígito en el reloj de ángulo horario con la posibilidad de ver las décimas. Esto, sumado a la precisión ya lograda en declinación, permitirá realizar offsets con mayor exactitud.

  2. Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons produced by electrocautery smoke and the use of personal protective equipment 1.


    Claudio, Caroline Vieira; Ribeiro, Renata Perfeito; Martins, Júlia Trevisan; Marziale, Maria Helena Palucci; Solci, Maria Cristina; Dalmas, José Carlos


    analyze the concentration of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in electrocautery smoke in operating rooms and the use of personal protective equipment by the intraoperative team when exposed to hydrocarbons. exploratory and cross-sectional field research conducted in a surgery center. Gases were collected by a vacuum suction pump from a sample of 50 abdominal surgeries in which an electrocautery was used. A form was applied to identify the use of personal protective equipment. Gases were analyzed using chromatography. Descriptive statistics and Spearman's test were used to treat data. there were 17 (34%) cholecystectomies with an average duration of 136 minutes, while the average time of electrocautery usage was 3.6 minutes. Airborne hydrocarbons were detected in operating rooms in 100% of the surgeries. Naphthalene was detected in 48 (96.0%) surgeries and phenanthrene in 49 (98.0%). The average concentration of these compounds was 0.0061 mg/m3 and a strong correlation (0.761) was found between them. The intraoperative teams did not use respirator masks such as the N95. electrocautery smoke produces gases that are harmful to the health of the intraoperative team, which is a concern considering the low adherence to the use of personal protective equipment. analizar las concentraciones de hidrocarburos policíclicos aromáticos provenientes del humo del electrocauterio en salas quirúrgicas y el uso de equipamientos de protección individual por parte del equipo intraoperatorio, cuando expuestos a los hidrocarburos. investigación de campo, exploratoria y transversal realizada en un centro quirúrgico. En la muestra, compuesta por 50 cirugías abdominales con uso de electrocauterio, los gases fueron recolectados con una bomba de succión de vacío. Se aplicó un formulario para identificar el uso de los equipamientos de protección. Se realizó la lectura de los gases por medio de cromatografía. Los datos fueron analizados con la estadística descriptiva y el test de

  3. Aceptabilidad del diagnóstico rápido casero para HIV entre hombres gay y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (G&HSH) de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires

    PubMed Central

    Balán, Iván C.; Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Marone, Rubén O.; Pando, María A.; Barreda, Victoria; Ávila, María M.


    Resumen El uso del diagnóstico rápido para HIV en Argentina, así como otros países de Latinoamérica, ha sido limitado hasta el momento. Este trabajo reporta los resultados provenientes de un estudio cualitativo realizado entre hombres gays y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (G&HSH) de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El objetivo principal del mismo fue conocer las ventajas y desventajas que los hombres G&HSH perciben en relación al diagnóstico rápido casero para HIV. Se realizaron ocho grupos focales con 73 participantes en los cuales se discutió acerca de las ventajas y desventajas del uso de los diagnósticos rápidos. Las respuestas fueron codificadas utilizando un programa para análisis de datos cualitativos (NVivo) y analizadas temáticamente. Los participantes describieron numerosas ventajas sobre el uso del diagnóstico rápido casero, aunque algunos reportaron importantes preocupaciones dentro de las cuales se destaca la posibilidad de impulsos suicidas si alguien recibe un resultado positivo estando solo. En términos generales se observó una gran aceptabilidad para el uso del diagnóstico rápido si el mismo es realizado por personal de salud en lugares acondicionados para este fin. PMID:25284951

  4. Aceptabilidad del diagnóstico rápido casero para HIV entre hombres gay y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (G&HSH) de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires.


    Balán, Iván C; Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Marone, Rubén O; Pando, María A; Barreda, Victoria; Avila, María M


    El uso del diagnóstico rápido para HIV en Argentina, así como otros países de Latinoamérica, ha sido limitado hasta el momento. Este trabajo reporta los resultados provenientes de un estudio cualitativo realizado entre hombres gays y otros hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (G&HSH) de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. El objetivo principal del mismo fue conocer las ventajas y desventajas que los hombres G&HSH perciben en relación al diagnóstico rápido casero para HIV. Se realizaron ocho grupos focales con 73 participantes en los cuales se discutió acerca de las ventajas y desventajas del uso de los diagnósticos rápidos. Las respuestas fueron codificadas utilizando un programa para análisis de datos cualitativos (NVivo) y analizadas temáticamente. Los participantes describieron numerosas ventajas sobre el uso del diagnóstico rápido casero, aunque algunos reportaron importantes preocupaciones dentro de las cuales se destaca la posibilidad de impulsos suicidas si alguien recibe un resultado positivo estando solo. En términos generales se observó una gran aceptabilidad para el uso del diagnóstico rápido si el mismo es realizado por personal de salud en lugares acondicionados para este fin.

  5. Seguridad del paciente en Radioterapia Intraoperatoria: Impacto de los elementos controlados por el Radiofisico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarjuelo, Juan Lopez

    Introduccion: En la administracion de la radioterapia intervienen profesionales y equipos de tratamiento, por lo que existe el riesgo de error y se precisa que dicho equipamiento funcione conforme a lo esperado. A los radiofisicos les corresponde participar en las actividades de garantia o aseguramiento de la calidad, incluyendo el control de calidad de los equipos, y en la evaluacion de los riesgos asociados. La radioterapia intraoperatoria (RIO) es una tecnica radioterapica de intensificacion de dosis, altamente selectiva, dirigida a volumenes anatomicos restringidos durante el tratamiento quirurgico oncologico, basada en la administracion de una dosis absorbida alta por medio de un haz de electrones tras el examen visual directo del lecho tumoral. Como incorporar los ultimos avances en el refuerzo de la seguridad en radioterapia es una tarea ambiciosa y compleja, resulta mas concreta y de inmediata aplicacion su introduccion en la RIO. El objetivo es analizar los elementos que reducen los riesgos y aumentan la seguridad en la RIO y su dosimetria, y valorar la funcion del radiofisico en esta labor. Material y metodos: Se emplearon el planificador Radiance de GMV y el acelerador lineal de los tratamientos de RIO Elekta Precise, controlado con el verificador diario de haces Daily QA Check 1090 y medido con las camaras de ionizacion PPC 40, FC65-G y FC65-P de PTW-Freiburg, a su vez verificadas con fuentes radiactivas adecuadas de estroncio-90 modelos CDP y CDC de IBA Dosimetry. Se realizo un analisis de modos de fallo y efectos (failure mode and effect analysis, FMEA) con el fin de identificar los elementos que forman la RIO y aplicar las herramientas necesarias para la minimizacion de los riesgos y la mejora de la seguridad en la tecnica. Se estudiaron las verificaciones diarias de dicho acelerador Precise con el control estadistico de procesos (statistical process control, SPC) y se simularon intervenciones para devolverlo al estado llamado en control. El SPC

  6. Uso de Sustancias en Mujeres con Desventaja Social: Riesgo para el Contagio de VIH/SIDA

    PubMed Central

    Cianelli, R.; Ferrer, L; Bernales, M.; Miner, S.; Irarrázabal, L.; Molina, Y.


    Antecedentes La caracterización epidemiológica en Chile apunta a feminización, pauperización y heterosexualización de la epidemia del VIH, lo que implica un mayor riesgo para las mujeres en desventaja social. Si a esto se suma la utilización de sustancias, la vulnerabilidad de este grupo frente al VIH/SIDA aumenta. Objetivo Describir el uso de sustancias en mujeres con desventaja social e identificar factores de riesgo de contagio de VIH, asociados a este consumo. Material y Método 52 mujeres fueron entrevistadas como parte del proyecto “Testeando una intervención en prevención de VIH/SIDA en mujeres chilenas” GRANT # RO1 TW 006977. Se describen variables sociodemográficas y de consumo de sustancias a través de estadísticas descriptivas y se analiza la relación entre variables a través de pruebas de correlación. Resultados Los resultados indican un perfil sociodemográfico que sitúa a las mujeres en situación de vulnerabilidad frente al contagio de VIH/SIDA, con alto índice de uso de sustancias que acentúa el riesgo. Conclusiones Los hallazgos apuntan a la necesidad de considerar intervenciones que se enfoquen en la prevención de VIH en mujeres, abordando los riesgos asociados al consumo de sustancias. PMID:21197380

  7. Contribución al flujo infrarrojo de las estrellas Be de la recombinación dielectrónica del MgII

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cruzado, A.; di Rocco, H.; Ringuelet, A.

    Para evaluar la contribución del proceso de recombinación dielectrónica del átomo de MgII al exceso de flujo infrarrojo observado en las estrellas Be, calculamos la energía emitida en las líneas originadas por este proceso. Se evaluaron los efectos de las condiciones físicas del medio, como la temperatura electrónica y la densidad electrónica, sobre el flujo emitido. Se consideró también la influencia de una posible opacidad.

  8. Estrategia innovadora enfocada en parejas del mismo sexo para disminuir la infección del VIH en hombres Latinos

    PubMed Central

    Martinez, Omar; Wu, Elwin; Sandfort, Theo; Shultz, Andrew Z.; Capote, Jonathan; Chávez, Silvia; Moya, Eva; Dodge, Brian; Morales, Gabriel; Porras, Antonio; Ovejero, Hugo


    Resumen El VIH es un problema de salud importante dentro de la comunidad latina de los Estados Unidos. Gracias a los esfuerzos de prevención, los niveles de contagio entre los latinos se han mantenido estables por más de una década. Sin embargo, esta población sigue siendo afectada a niveles muy altos, en particular entre hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), de origen latino y que hablan principalmente el idioma español. Existen varios factores que contribuyen a la transmisión del VIH entre esta población, como son: el uso de drogas; la violencia dentro de la pareja; la presencia de infecciones de transmisión sexual; relaciones sexuales sin protección, dentro y fuera de la pareja; el evadir la búsqueda de recursos (prueba y tratamiento adecuado) por temor a ser discriminado o por su estatus migratorio; la escasez de recursos económicos o estado de pobreza y los patrones relacionados a la migración. En particular, Investigaciones Epidemiológicas de Comportamientos han determinado: cómo algunas dinámicas en parejas están directamente asociadas a los comportamientos sexuales de riesgos. En consecuencia, es necesaria mayor investigación para identificar esas dinámicas, y a su vez, realizar intervenciones dirigidas a la reducción de conductas de riesgo enfocadas en parejas de hombres del mismo sexo. En este escrito, se describe la importancia del uso de las relaciones de pareja como estrategia en la reducción de la trasmisión del VIH/SIDA en HSH de origen latino y que hablan principalmente el idioma español en los Estados Unidos. PMID:25580466

  9. Inventario mundial de la calidad del carbon mineral (WoCQI) [The world coal quality inventory (WoCQI)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Finkelman, R.B.; Lovern, V.S.


    Los oficiales encargados de la politica comercial de cada pais requieren informacion clara y precisa sobre el recurso del carbon mineral, particularmente sobre sus propiedades y caracteristicas, para tomar decisiones bien fundamentadas con respecto al mejor uso de los recursos naturales, necesidades de importacion y oportunidades de exportacion, objetivos de politica interna y externa, oportunidades de transferencia tecnologica, posibilidades de inversion externa, estudios ambientales y de salud, y asuntos relacionados con el uso de productos secundarios y su disposicion.

  10. The flight performance of the Galileo orbiter USO

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Morabito, D. D.; Krisher, T. P.; Asmar, S. W.


    Results are presented from an analysis of radio metric data received by the DSN stations from the Galileo spacecraft using an Ultrastable Oscillator (USO) as a signal source. These results allow the health and performance of the Galileo USO to be evaluated, and are used to calibrate this Radio Science instrument and the data acquired for Radio Science experiments such as the Red-shift Observation, Solar Conjunction, and Jovian occultations. Estimates for the USO-referenced spacecraft-transmitted frequency and frequency stability were made for 82 data acquisition passes conducted between launch (October 1989) and November 1991. Analyses of the spacecraft-transmitted frequencies show that the USO is behaving as expected. The USO was powered off and then back on in August 1991 with no adverse effect on its performance. The frequency stabilities measured by Allan deviation are consistent with expected values due to thermal wideband noise and the USO itself at the appropriate time intervals. The Galileo USO appears to be healthy and functioning normally in a reasonable manner.

  11. The flight performance of the Galileo orbiter USO

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Morabito, D. D.; Krisher, T. P.; Asmar, S. W.


    Results are presented in this article from an analysis of radio metric data received by the DSN stations from the Galileo spacecraft using an Ultrastable Oscillator (USO) as a signal source. These results allow the health and performance of the Galileo USO to be evaluated, and are used to calibrate this Radio Science instrument and the data acquired for Radio Science experiments such as the Redshift Observation, Solar Conjunction, and Jovian occultations. Estimates for the USO-referenced, spacecraft-transmitted frequency and frequency stability were made for 82 data acquisition passes conducted between launch (Oct. 1989) and Nov. 1991. Analyses of the spacecraft-transmitted frequencies show that the USO is behaving as expected. The USO was powered off and then back on in Aug. 1991 with no adverse effect on its performance. The frequency stabilities measured by Allan deviation are consistent with expected values due to thermal wideband noise and the USO itself at the appropriate time intervals. The Galileo USO appears to be healthy and functioning normally in a reasonable manner.


    PubMed Central

    Curioso, Walter H.; Blas, Magaly M.; Kurth, Ann E.; Klausner, Jeffrey D.


    Avances tecnológicos innovadores como Internet, computadoras personales de bolsillo, teléfonos celulares y otros equipos son un arsenal en crecimiento en el esfuerzo de impedir y controlar el VIH y otras infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS). A pesar que existe una diversidad de tecnologías de información y comunicación en diferentes etapas de desarrollo para la prevención del VIH e ITS, la investigación en esta área se encuentra aún en crecimiento, y el impacto en la incidencia de enfermedad, las evaluaciones con diseños rigurosos y los estudios económicos todavía son muy limitados. Sin embargo, algunas de estas evidencias son prometedoras y poseen un gran potencial para su uso en nuestro medio. En este artículo hemos realizado una revisión sistemática de la literatura relacionada con el uso de la tecnología aplicada a la prevención y control del VIH e ITS. De ser usada apropiadamente, esta tecnología podría mejorar la vigilancia del VIH y otras ITS, diagnóstico, notificación de parejas, prevención, manejo clínico, y capacitación de profesionales de la salud. PMID:26339254

  13. Special Report: Travels with Winnefeld: USO Tour Websites

    : USO April 2012 Top Stories USO Tour Brings Ramstein Troops, Families Together Service members and USO celebrities paid a surprise visit to wounded warriors at an aeromedical staging facility on Ramstein Air Base in Germany. Story USO Spring Tour Entertains Troops in Afghanistan Nearly 400 excited

  14. Digitalización de diapositivas del Sol en H α

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Missio, H.; Montenegro, C.; Montenegro, R.

    El objetivo de este trabajo ha sido el de obtener imágenes digitalizadas de las diapositivas tomadas del Sol en luz de hidrógeno de la línea correspondiente a Hα, y de esta manera llegar a convertir las mismas a un archivo digital para poder ser tratadas luego por computadora y poder contabilizar con exactitud, mediante un programa adecuado para tal fin, las zonas activas del Sol en la imagen digitalizada. En principio, para llegar a esto se pensó en la utilización de medios accesibles, y como detector se utilizó un fototransistor ubicado dentro de un soporte rectangular sobre dos ejes de desplazamiento X e Y. Se han obtenido con este procedimiento imágenes de buena calidad, construídas a partir de tres datos digitalizados en cada barrido que aportan la posición X e Y y la intensidad del pixel en ese punto indicada en 255 tonos de grises.

  15. Determinacion del error sistematico del momentum de muones producidos por interacciones neutrino-nucleon en el detector MINER$$\

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Diaz Bautista, Gonzalo A.

    El Modelo Estandar describe todas las partculas observadas en el naturaleza hasta el momento as como las caractersticas que gobiernan a las interacciones fundamentales entre ellas. En especial es posible identicar a las interacciones electromagnetica y debil, las cuales bajo determinadas condiciones de temperatura y energa pueden ser descritas a traves de una sola teora que engloba a ambas. A esta teora se le denomina electrodebil y tiene como nalidad caracterizar las propiedades de la interaccion maniesta a partir de la mezcla de las interacciones electromagnetica y debil, la que tambien lleva como nombre interaccion electrodebil. Particularmente, los neutrinos sonmore » de especial interes ya que, por un lado, interactuan por medio de la interaccion debil muy raramente en comparacion con otras partculas y, por el otro, no son acertadamente descritos por el Modelo Estandar. Por medio de observaciones experimentales que demostraban que los neutrinos cambian de sabor al propagarse, fenomeno llamado oscilaciones de neutrinos, se pudo llegar a la conclusion de que la implicancia de este fenomeno da como consecuencia que los neutrinos efectivamente s tienen masa, algo que entra en contradiccion con la descripcion inicial del Modelo Estandar, el cual los describe como partculas sin masa. Es de esta manera que las oscilaciones de neutrinos han sido y siguen siendo en la actualidad objeto de interes en la Fsica de Altas Energas tanto teorica como experimental. A n de poder realizar mediciones precisas de oscilaciones de neutrinos, los experimentos encargados de estas mediciones deben tratar de reducir sus incertidumbres en lo posible. Una de estas proviene de la caracterizacion de las secciones de choque de los neutrinos cuando interactuan con la materia, particularmente los nucleones al interior de los nucleos atomicos. El experimento MINERA esta orientado, entre otras cosas, a hacer una correcta caracterizacion de secciones de choque neutrino-nucleon por medio del

  16. Calidad de Imagen del Telescopio UNAM212

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cobos, F. J.; Teiada de Vargas, C.


    El telescopio UNAM2l2, del Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, situado en la Sierra de San Pedro Mártir (Baja California, México), cumplira en un futuro muy cercano siete años de uso para fines de investigación astronómica. Aunque en este tiempo no se ha efectuado un estudio sistemático acerca de su comportamiento óptico y de los factores que influyen en la calidad de las imágenes, se han realizado pruebas diversas, estudios parciales y reuniones especificas, cuyos resultados no siempre se han difundido ampliamente y generalmente no se han presentado por escrito. Es por ello que hemos creido necesario intentar una recopilación de la información existente para poder con ella establecer un diagnóstjco que, aunque no sea definitivo, sirva de base para futuros trabajos tendientes a optimizar el comportamiento óptico del telescopio. Es evidente que un buen número de las conclusiones que se presentan son resultado del trabajo de muchas personas ó de esfuerzos colectivos. Asimismo, hemos tratado de localizar información bibliográfica que pueda ser de utilidad. Nuestro objetivo primordial ha consistido en centrarnos en la óptica del telescopio y su calidad, pero también se han considerado otros aspectos que puedan afectar las imágenes obtenidas tales como: celda del primario, `seeing' local y externo, flexiones posibles en la estructura mecánica del telescopio, etc.

  17. Measurements of Ultra-Stable Oscillator (USO) Allan Deviations in Space

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Enzer, Daphna G.; Klipstein, William M.; Wang, Rabi T.; Dunn, Charles E.


    Researchers have used data from the GRAIL mission to the Moon to make the first in-flight verification of ultra-stable oscillators (USOs) with Allan deviation below 10 13 for 1-to-100-second averaging times. USOs are flown in space to provide stable timing and/or navigation signals for a variety of different science and programmatic missions. The Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory (GRAIL) mission is flying twin spacecraft, each with its own USO and with a Ka-band crosslink used to measure range fluctuations. Data from this crosslink can be combined in such a way as to give the relative time offsets of the two spacecrafts USOs and to calculate the Allan deviation to describe the USOs combined performance while orbiting the Moon. Researchers find the first direct in-space Allan deviations below 10(exp -13) for 1-to-100-second averaging times comparable to pre-launch data, and better than measurements from ground tracking of an X-band carrier coherent with the USO. Fluctuations in Earth s atmosphere limit measurement performance in direct-to-Earth links. Inflight USO performance verification was also performed for GRAIL s parent mission, the Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE), using both Kband and Ka-band crosslinks.

  18. Comparación de la efectividad de ranibizumab intravítreo para el tratamiento del edema macular diabético en ojos vitrectomizados y no vitrectomizados.


    Koyanagi, Yoshito; Yoshida, Shigeo; Kobayashi, Yoshiyuki; Kubo, Yuki; Yamaguchi, Muneo; Nakama, Takahito; Nakao, Shintaro; Ikeda, Yasuhiro; Ohshima, Yuji; Ishibashi, Tatsuro; Sonoda, Kohhei


    Objetivo: Comparar la efectividad de ranibizumab intravítreo (RIV) para el tratamiento del edema macular diabético (EMD) en ojos con y sin vitrectomía previa. Procedimientos: Evaluamos de manera prospectiva la mejor agudeza visual corregida (MAVC) y el grosor macular central (GMC) tras el tratamiento con RIV durante 6 meses. Resultados: No se observaron diferencias significativas en la MAVC o GMC inicial en ninguno de los dos grupos. En el grupo no vitrectomizado (n = 15), los cambios medios en la MAVC y GMC hasta el sexto mes de tratamiento con respecto al valor inicial resultaron significativos (p < 0,01). En el grupo vitrectomizado (n = 10), se observó una mejora más lenta, y la mejora media en la MAVC no resultó significativa (p = 0,5), aunque la media en la disminución del GMC sí que lo fue (p < 0,05). No se observaron diferencias significativas en los cambios medios en la MAVC y el GMC entre ambos grupos a los 6 meses del tratamiento. Conclusiones: La diferencia en la efectividad de RIV entre ambos grupos no resultó significativa. Ranibizumab intravítreo puede ser una opción de tratamiento incluso en pacientes vitrectomizados con EMD. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  19. Distribución del continuo ultravioleta e infrarrojo en estrellas Be

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cruzado, A.; Ringuelet, A.; di Rocco, H.

    Estamos interesados en interpretar los excesos de flujo infrarrojo y/o ultravioleta observados en estrellas Be con respecto al de estrellas B normales, así como su posible correlación. Una envoltura rodeando la estrella distingue una estrella Be de una B normal; para explicar las observaciones es necesario entonces tener en cuenta todos los posibles procesos físicos que en ella tienen lugar. Adoptando un modelo atmosférico específico, hemos estudiado el proceso de recombinación dielectrónica de metales como MgII y FeII, teniendo en cuenta la posible influencia de la opacidad del medio en el flujo emitido.

  20. Archaeological Sites Inventory of the Training Area 10 and 12 Portions of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site, Las Animas County, Colorado. Volume 2

    DTIC Science & Technology


    the Hartville Uplift source) and obsidian. The source location for this obsidian is the Jemez Mountains of New Mexico (Cerro del Medio dome, Appendix...Mountain (Polvadera Peak, Obsidian Ridge, and Cerro del Medio sources in New Mexico ), Malad (Idaho) and Yellowstone (Wyoming) obsidian, Plate...5LA8308, 61 14 160 8 39 157 48 nm nm nm nm nm Cerro del Medio . FS # 15 ±7 ±4 ±5 ±3 ±4 ±4 ±3 New Mexico 5LA8309, 73 21 151 8 41 150 49 nm nm nm nm nm Cerro

  1. Using inertial measurement units to identify medio-lateral ground reaction forces due to walking and swaying

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brownjohn, James Mark William; Chen, Jun; Bocian, Mateusz; Racic, Vitomir; Shahabpoor, Erfan


    Horizontal ground reaction forces (GRFs) due to human walking and swaying have been investigated (respectively) through direct measurements using a treadmill and a set of force plates. These GRFs have also been measured (or estimated) indirectly using acceleration data provided by inertial measurement units (IMUs). One motivation for this research has been the lack of published data on these two forms of loading that are generated by movements of the human body in the medio-lateral plane perpendicular to the direction of walking or the direction faced during swaying. The other motivation, following from successful developments in applying IMUs to in-situ vertical GRF measurements, has been to identify best practice for estimating medio-lateral GRFs outside the constraints of a laboratory. Examination of 852 treadmill measurements shows that medio-lateral GRFs at the first sub-harmonic of pacing rate can exceed 10% of body weight. Using a smaller and more recent set of measurements including motion capture, it has been shown that IMUs can be used to reconstruct these GRFs using a linear combination of body accelerations at each of the lower back and sternum positions. There are a number of potential applications for this capability yet to be explored, in particular relating to footbridge performance. A separate set of measurements using force plates has shown that harmonic components of medio-lateral dynamic load factors due to on the spot swaying can approach 50% of body weight. Such forces provide a capability to excite horizontal vibration modes of large civil structures with frequencies below 2 Hz that are problematic for mechanical excitation. As with walking, the ability to use IMUs to estimate medio-lateral swaying GRFs outside laboratory constraints has been demonstrated. As for walking a pair of IMUs is needed, but the best linear combination varies strongly between individuals, according to swaying style. In-situ application of indirect measurement has

  2. 76 FR 57983 - Notice of the Availability of the Draft Framework for the U.S.-Mexico Environmental Program...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...]a de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (Mexico's Secretariat of Environment and Natural Resources..., El Paso, TX 79902. Fax: (915) 544-6026. Secretaria del Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales (SEMARNAT...). ACTION: Notice. SUMMARY: The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and the Secretaria de Medio...

  3. Study on US/O3 mechanism in p-chlorophenol decomposition

    PubMed Central

    Xu, Xian-wen; Xu, Xin-hua; Shi, Hui-xiang; Wang, Da-hui


    Study on the effects of sonolysis, ozonolysis and US/O3 system on the decomposition of p-chlorophenol in aqueous solutions indicated that in the cases of US/O3 system, individual ozonolysis and sonolysis, the decomposition rate of p-chlorophenol reached 78.78%, 56.20%, 2.79% after a 16-min reaction while its CODcr (chemical oxygen demand) removal rate was 97.02%, 62.17%, 3.67% after a 120-min reaction. The decomposition reaction of p-chlorophenol follows pseudo-first-order kinetics. The enhancement factors of p-chlorophenol and its CODcr under US/O3 system reached 63% and 237% respectively. The main intermediates during the decomposition include catechol, hydroquinone, p-benzoquinone, phenol, fumaric acid, maleic acid, oxalic acid and formic acid. The decomposition mechanism of p-chlorophenol was also discussed. PMID:15909343

  4. Neuromuscular response of hip-spanning and low back muscles to medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation during gait.


    Solomonow-Avnon, Deborah; Levin, Daniel; Elboim-Gabyzon, Michal; Rozen, Nimrod; Peled, Eli; Wolf, Alon


    Footwear-generated medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation has been shown to have potential positive effects on gait parameters of hip osteoarthritis patients, ultimately reducing maximum joint reaction forces. The objective of this study was to investigate effects of medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation on muscle activity of hip-spanning and back muscles during gait in bilateral hip osteoarthritis patients. Foot center of pressure was shifted along the medio-lateral foot axis using a foot-worn biomechanical device allowing controlled center of pressure manipulation. Sixteen female bilateral hip osteoarthritis patients underwent electromyography analysis while walking in the device set to three parasagittal configurations: neutral (control), medial, and lateral. Seven hip-spanning muscles (Gluteus Medius, Gluteus Maximus, Tensor Fascia Latae, Rectus Femoris, Semitendinosis, Biceps Femoris, Adductor Magnus) and one back muscle (Erector Spinae) were analyzed. Magnitude and temporal parameters were calculated. The amplitude and temporal parameter varied significantly between foot center of pressure positions for 5 out of 8 muscles each for either the more or less symptomatic leg in at least one subphase of the gait cycle. Medio-lateral foot center of pressure manipulation significantly affects neuromuscular pattern of hip and back musculature during gait in female hip bilateral osteoarthritis patients. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  5. El efecto de la panfotocoagulación con láser en edema macular diabético con el fotocoagulador Pascal® versus el láser de argón convencional.


    Mahgoub, Mohamed M; Macky, Tamer A


    Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de la panfotocoagulación (PFC) en el edema macular diabético (EMD) en pacientes con retinopatía diabética proliferativa (RDP) con el fotocoagulador Pascal® (FP) vs. un fotocoagulador con láser de argón convencional (FLAC). Métodos: Se aleatorizó el uso de FP o FLAC en ochenta ojos con RDP y EMD con afectación central de la mácula. Ambos grupos tuvieron una evaluación de base de mejor agudeza visual corregida y fueron examinados con tomografía de coherencia óptica y angiografía con fluoresceína. Resultados: El número medio de disparos de láser en los grupos de FP y FLAC fue 1.726,10 y 752,00 en la sesión 1 y 1.589,00 y 830,00 (p < 0,001) en la sesión 2, respectivamente. El grosor foveal central (GFC) medio antes de comenzar el estudio fue 306 ± 100 y 314 ± 98 en los grupos de FP y FLAC, respectivamente. A las 8 semanas, el GFC medio fue 332 ± 116 y 347 ± 111 en los grupos de FP y FLAC, respectivamente (p > 0,05). La MAVC media fue similar durante el periodo de estudio y no hubo ninguna diferencia significativa entre los grupos (p > 0,05). Conclusiones: El FP y el FLAC mostraron efectos similares en el EMD en ojos con RDP y fueron igualmente seguros sin un aumento significativo del GFC. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  6. Notch activates Wnt-4 signalling to control medio-lateral patterning of the pronephros.


    Naylor, Richard W; Jones, Elizabeth A


    Previous studies have highlighted a role for the Notch signalling pathway during pronephrogenesis in the amphibian Xenopus laevis, and in nephron development in the mammalian metanephros, yet a mechanism for this function remains elusive. Here, we further the understanding of how Notch signalling patterns the early X. laevis pronephros anlagen, a function that might be conserved in mammalian nephron segmentation. Our results indicate that early phase pronephric Notch signalling patterns the medio-lateral axis of the dorso-anterior pronephros anlagen, permitting the glomus and tubules to develop in isolation. We show that this novel function acts through the Notch effector gene hrt1 by upregulating expression of wnt4. Wnt-4 then patterns the proximal pronephric anlagen to establish the specific compartments that span the medio-lateral axis. We also identified pronephric expression of lunatic fringe and radical fringe that is temporally and spatially appropriate for a role in regulating Notch signalling in the dorso-anterior region of the pronephros anlagen. On the basis of these results, along with data from previous publications, we propose a mechanism by which the Notch signalling pathway regulates a Wnt-4 function that patterns the proximal pronephric anlagen.

  7. Validation of Universal Scale in Oral Surgery (USOS) for Patient's Psycho-emotional Status Rating.


    Astramskaite, Inesa; Pinchasov, Ginnady; Gervickas, Albinas; Sakavicius, Dalius; Juodzbalys, Gintaras


    There aren't any objective methods that may help in standard evaluation of oral surgery patient's psycho-emotional status. Without any standardized evaluation, two main problems appear: heterogeneity between studies and ineffective patient's evaluation. Therefore, Universal Scale in Oral Surgery (USOS) for patient's psycho-emotional status rating has previously been proposed by authors. The aim of present study is to assess the clinical effectivity and validate the Universal Scale in Oral Surgery in case of outpatient tooth extraction for adult healthy patients. Clinical trial to validate the USOS for patient's psycho-emotional status rating was performed. In total 90 patients, that came for outpatient dental extraction to Lithuanian University of Health Sciences Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Department ambulatory, were enrolled in clinical trial. Patients filled self-reported questionnaires before the procedure. Operating surgeon rated USOS for patient's psycho-emotional status rating doctor's part questionnaire after the procedure. 4 - 6 weeks later all patients were asked to fill USOS for patient's psycho-emotional status rating questionnaire retrospectively. According to the statistical analysis, the final composition of USOS for patient's psycho-emotional status rating that would fit to reliability coefficient should be composed from 6 patient part questions and 3 general doctor part questions. Universal Scale in Oral Surgery for patient's psycho-emotional status rating is a novel, doctor and patient rated scale which is suitable for clinical and scientific usage.

  8. F-35 Force Development Evaluation and Weapons School Beddown Environmental Impact Statement

    DTIC Science & Technology


    deficiencias encontradas después del despliegue del sistema; ♦ explora medios no materiales (por ejemplo, tácticas) para satisfacer requisitos...del adecuado desempeño del avión en combate al proporcionar entrenamiento, información sobre las capacidades operativas y nuevos requisitos. Además

  9. Análisis de costo de la enfermedad, del tratamiento, las complicaciones e intervenciones de la hipercolesterolemia en México en 2016.


    Baeza-Cruz, German; Peniche-Otero, Gustavo; Alva-Esqueda, Mónica E; Naranjo-Muedano, Mariana; Soria-Suárez, Noé; Morales-Flores, Héctor J


    Describir los costos y el impacto económico de la atención de pacientes diagnosticados con hipercolesterolemia en México en el año 2016. METODOLOGíA: Se desarrolla una evaluación económica del tipo análisis de costo de la enfermedad donde se cuantifican los recursos médicos utilizados para el tratamiento de la hipercolesterolemia así como para sus complicaciones. Los costos de los recursos médicos utilizados son obtenidos de los costos unitarios por nivel de atención del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS) así como de las licitaciones publicadas en el portal de compras del IMSS. El uso de recursos se obtiene mediante un panel de expertos y para el porcentaje de presencia de las complicaciones se efectúa una revisión de literatura. Los costos médicos directos son estimados multiplicando la frecuencia de uso por el costo unitario, agrupándolos y obteniendo así los costos individuales de cada recurso médico. Los casos de hipercolesterolemia en prevención secundaria con enfermedad coronaria y enfermedad cardiovascular representan un mayor costo promedio anual ($111,835.19, D.E. $84,276.37), seguido de la hipercolesterolemia en prevención secundaria con enfermedad coronaria sin enfermedad cardiovascular ($56,352.13, D.E. $29,004.04), los cuales no incluyen los costos generados por las complicaciones. El resto de los grupos de hipercolesterolemia representan una carga económica menor. La carga económica de la hipercolesterolemia representa en promedio por caso al año $258,761.37, esto traducido a los aproximadamente 445,075 de casos diagnosticados y tratados al año representaría un impacto económico en el sistema de salud de más de ciento quince mil millones ($115,168,331,355.11). Copyright © 2018. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  10. 78 FR 31840 - Safety Zone; USO Patriotic Festival Air Show, Atlantic Ocean; Virginia Beach, VA

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; USO Patriotic Festival Air Show, Atlantic Ocean; Virginia Beach, VA AGENCY: Coast... provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the USO Patriotic Festival Air Show. This action... Patriotic Festival Air Show, Atlantic Ocean; Virginia Beach, VA. (a) Regulated Area. The following area is a...

  11. International Space Station USOS Crew Quarters Development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Broyan, James Lee, Jr.; Borrego, Melissa Ann; Bahr, Juergen F.


    The International Space Station (ISS) United States Operational Segment (USOS) currently provides a Temporary Sleep Station (TeSS) as crew quarters for one crewmember in the Laboratory Module. The Russian Segment provides permanent crew quarters (Kayutas) for two crewmembers in the Service Module. The TeSS provides limited electrical, communication, and ventilation functionality. A new permanent rack sized USOS ISS Crew Quarters (CQ) is being developed. Up to four CQs can be installed into the Node 2 element to increase the ISS crewmember size to six. The new CQs will provide private crewmember space with enhanced acoustic noise mitigation, integrated radiation reduction material, controllable airflow, communication equipment, redundant electrical systems, and redundant caution and warning systems. The rack sized CQ is a system with multiple crewmember restraints, adjustable lighting, controllable ventilation, and interfaces that allow each crewmember to personalize their CQ workspace. Providing an acoustically quiet and visually isolated environment, while ensuring crewmember safety, is critical for obtaining crewmember rest and comfort to enable long term crewmember performance. The numerous human factor, engineering, and program considerations during the concept, design, and prototyping are outlined in the paper.


    PubMed Central

    Gonzales, Gustavo F.; Zevallos, Alisson; Gonzales-Castañeda, Cynthia; Nuñez, Denisse; Gastañaga, Carmen; Cabezas, César; Naeher, Luke; Levy, Karen; Steenland, Kyle


    RESUMEN El presente artículo es una revisión sobre la contaminación del agua, el aire y el efecto del cambio climático en la salud de la población peruana. Uno de los principales contaminantes del aire es el material particulado menor de 2,5 μ (PM 2,5), en la ciudad de Lima, anualmente 2300 muertes prematuras son atribuibles a este contaminante. Otro problema es la contaminación del aire domiciliario por el uso de cocinas con combustible de biomasa, donde la exposición excesiva a PM 2,5 dentro de las casas es responsable de aproximadamente 3000 muertes prematuras anuales entre adultos, con otro número desconocido de muertes entre niños debido a infecciones respiratorias. La contaminación del agua tiene como principales causas los desagües vertidos directamente a los ríos, minerales (arsénico) de varias fuentes, y fallas de las plantas de tratamiento. En el Perú, el cambio climático puede impactar en la frecuencia y severidad del fenómeno de El Niño oscilación del sur (ENSO) que se ha asociado con un incremento en los casos de enfermedades como cólera, malaria y dengue. El cambio climático incrementa la temperatura y puede extender las áreas afectadas por enfermedades transmitidas por vectores, además de tener efecto en la disponibilidad del agua y en la contaminación del aire. En conclusión, el Perú, pasa por una transición de factores de riesgo ambientales, donde coexisten riesgos tradicionales y modernos, y persisten los problemas infecciosos y crónicos, algunos de los cuales se asocian con problemas de contaminación de agua y de aire. PMID:25418656

  13. Concepciones Alternativas de "Fotosintesis" en estudiantes Universitarios del curso basico de Biologia y posibles correcciones con el Modelo Educativo MODEF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Jesus Roman, Sandra

    Concepciones Alternativas de Fotosíntesis en estudiantes Universitariosdel curso básico de Biología y posibles correcciones con el Modelo Educativo MODEF El modelo educativo para la enseñanza de Fotosíntesis (MODEF) se implantó para trabajar el problema de las concepciones alternativas (CA) en un curso de Biología General. Se evaluaron los resultados en cuanto al logro del aprendizaje significativo. La pregunta central de la investigación fue: ¿Cómo aporta el modelo educativo en la didáctica y comprensión del tema de fotosíntesis? Se efectuó una investigación acción con una fase cuantitativa y una cualitativa. Para la fase cuantitativa se elaboró una prueba para determinar las concepciones alternativas, se validó y se sometió a los estudiantes que participaron en el estudio antes y después de ofrecer la unidad de metabolismo celular. Los participantes eran estudiantes de primer año de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón (UPRB). Se llevó a cabo un análisis de consistencia interna de la prueba mediante el método Alfa de Cronbach. Se analizaron las contestaciones a cada pregunta mediante la prueba de Ji cuadrado de contingencia, se efectuó la prueba de t y el coeficiente r de Pearson. La fase cualitativa incluyó la observación participativa de la investigadora- profesora, las reflexiones de los estudiantes y la información de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas que se realizaron a tres estudiantes del curso. El análisis se llevó a cabo mediante el Modelo de Wolcott. Se trabajaron diez CA de las cuales siete fueron corregidas mediante el Modelo MODEF. Las actividades más importantes para el proceso de aprendizaje incluyeron el trabajo de investigación o búsqueda de información para hacer una presentación digital, la elaboración de tablas, los mapas de conceptos, el uso de visuales o videos y las analogías para explicar conceptos o procesos. En conclusión: se recomienda el uso del Modelo MODEF para la discusión del tema de

  14. Comportamiento del Helio en estrellas químicamente peculiares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malaroda, S. M.; López García, Z.; Leone, F.; Catalano, F.

    Las estrellas químicamente peculiares (CP) se caracterizan por tener deficiencias y sobreabundancias de algunos elementos químicos de hasta 106 veces la abundancia solar. Además presentan variaciones en las líneas espectrales. Se piensa que ello se debe a que los campos magnéticos presentes en este tipo de estrellas son principalmente dipolares, con un eje de simetría diferente del eje de rotación. La distribución de los elementos sobreabundantes y deficientes no es homogénea sobre la superficie estelar y las variaciones observadas serían una consecuencia directa de la rotación estelar. Entre los elementos con abundancia anómala se encuentra el Helio, cuyas líneas tienen intensidades que no son consistentes con una abundancia normal, que no puede ser determinada del modo usual, o sea, considerando una atmósfera con composición solar. Con el fin de determinar la abundancia de este elemento, se inició un estudio de estrellas anómalas de Helio, Hew y He strong. Además se determinarán las abundancias de otros elementos anómalos como ser el Si, Cr, Mg, Mn y Fe. Las mismas se determinan del modo tradicional, o sea: a) medida de los anchos equivalentes de las líneas de los distintos elementos analizados; b) adopción de la temperatura efectiva, gravedad y abundancia del Helio; c) cálculo del modelo de atmósfera d) comparación con las observaciones y reinicio de un proceso iterativo hasta lograr un acuerdo entre todos los parámetros analizados. Las observaciones se llevaron a cabo en el Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito. Se observaron setenta y ocho estrellas anómalas de Helio. En este momento se está procediendo a calcular las abundancias correspondientes a los distintos elementos químicos. Para ello se hace uso de los modelos de Kurucz, ATLAS9. Los cálculos NLTE de las líneas de Helio se llevan a cabo con el programa MULTI y se compararán con los realizados con el programa WIDTH9 de Kurucz (LTE), con el objeto de resaltar la importancia de

  15. The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion

    PubMed Central

    Daszkiewicz, Karol; Witkowski, Wojciech; Chróścielewski, Jacek; Ferenc, Tomasz; Baczkowski, Boguslaw


    Objective The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. Methods One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then prepared. Nonlinear static analyses with a fixed flexion/extension movement for a compressive load of 1000 N were performed. The additional analyses for those models with a constrained medio-lateral relative bone translation allowed for an evaluation of the influence of this translation on a meniscus external shift. Results It was observed that a decrease in the meniscus height caused a decrease in the contact area, together with a decrease in the contact force between the flattened meniscus and the cartilage. For the models with an increased meniscus height, a maximal value of force acting on the meniscus in a medio-lateral direction was obtained. The results have shown that the meniscus external shift was approximately proportional to the meniscus slope angle, but that relationship was modified by a medio-lateral relative bone translation. It was found that the translation of the femur relative to the tibia may be dependent on the geometry of the menisci. Conclusions The results have suggested that a change in the meniscus geometry in the cross sectional plane can considerably affect not only the meniscal external shift, but also the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint as well as the congruency of the knee joint. PMID:29447236

  16. The influence of a change in the meniscus cross-sectional shape on the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint and meniscal extrusion.


    Luczkiewicz, Piotr; Daszkiewicz, Karol; Witkowski, Wojciech; Chróścielewski, Jacek; Ferenc, Tomasz; Baczkowski, Boguslaw


    The purpose of this study was to evaluate the influence of a change in the meniscus cross sectional shape on its position and on the biomechanics of a knee joint. One main finite element model of a left knee joint was created on the basis of MRI images. The model consisted of bones, articular cartilages, menisci and ligaments. Eight variants of this model with an increased or decreased meniscus height were then prepared. Nonlinear static analyses with a fixed flexion/extension movement for a compressive load of 1000 N were performed. The additional analyses for those models with a constrained medio-lateral relative bone translation allowed for an evaluation of the influence of this translation on a meniscus external shift. It was observed that a decrease in the meniscus height caused a decrease in the contact area, together with a decrease in the contact force between the flattened meniscus and the cartilage. For the models with an increased meniscus height, a maximal value of force acting on the meniscus in a medio-lateral direction was obtained. The results have shown that the meniscus external shift was approximately proportional to the meniscus slope angle, but that relationship was modified by a medio-lateral relative bone translation. It was found that the translation of the femur relative to the tibia may be dependent on the geometry of the menisci. The results have suggested that a change in the meniscus geometry in the cross sectional plane can considerably affect not only the meniscal external shift, but also the medio-lateral translation of the knee joint as well as the congruency of the knee joint.

  17. International Space Station USOS Waste and Hygiene Compartment Development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Link, Dwight E., Jr.; Broyan, James Lee, Jr.; Gelmis, Karen; Philistine, Cynthia; Balistreri, Steven


    The International Space Station (ISS) currently provides human waste collection and hygiene facilities in the Russian Segment Service Module (SM) which supports a three person crew. Additional hardware is planned for the United States Operational Segment (USOS) to support expansion of the crew to six person capability. The additional hardware will be integrated in an ISS standard equipment rack structure that was planned to be installed in the Node 3 element; however, the ISS Program Office recently directed implementation of the rack, or Waste and Hygiene Compartment (WHC), into the U.S. Laboratory element to provide early operational capability. In this configuration, preserved urine from the WHC waste collection system can be processed by the Urine Processor Assembly (UPA) in either the U.S. Lab or Node 3 to recover water for crew consumption or oxygen production. The human waste collection hardware is derived from the Service Module system and is provided by RSC-Energia. This paper describes the concepts, design, and integration of the WHC waste collection hardware into the USOS including integration with U.S. Lab and Node 3 systems.

  18. Ponte en onda: prende la energía limpia, (Spanish) Get Current (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)


    Cambiar a tecnologías de energía limpia significa que fortalecemos la economía y protegemos al medio ambiente. Este libreto de actividades educativas para todas las edades promueve el uso consciente de la energía, con datos de distintas formas de energía aplicables y una variedad de rompecabezas y crucigramas en temas energéticos.

  19. Uso de terreno urbano y rural en Puerto Rico


    Sebastian Martinuzzi; William A. Gould; Olga M. Ramos Gonzalez; Maya Quinones; Michael E. Jimenez


    El Proyecto de Analisis de Gap de Puerto Rico (PRGAP) (Gould et al. 2008) desarrollo tres usos de terrenos para Puerto Rico: Urbano, Suburbano, y Rural (Martinuzzi et al. 2007). Estas regiones tambien pueden ser consideradas como urbano, densamente-poblado rural, y escasamente-poblado rural, o como urbano y area silvestre con una interfase de area silvestre-urbana. La...

  20. Special Report: Travels with Winnefeld: USO Tour Websites

    Kaneohe Bay - Hawaii Osan Air Base - South Korea CIA Factbook - Diego Garcia Bagram Air Base - Afghanistan Naval Support Activity - Bahrain Naval Support Activity Naples - Italy Ramstein Air Base - Germany Photo Attacked in Seoul Stars Bring Piece of Home to Bagram Airfield During USO Spring Troop Visit Forward Base

  1. Education Through Aerospace Components. (Spanish Title: Educación Através de Elementos Aeroespaciales.) Educação Através de Elementos Aeroespaciais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barbosa Loureda, Oswaldo; Sobral de Araújo, Jéssyca B.


    Education is a field that needs development. For such purposes, there are various methods and tools that suggest ideas in favor of the improvement of the Brazilian people in the pedagogical, psychological and cultural aspects. Teaching is an act that demands a lot of care and responsibility; the behavior and performance of an individual in the society is the result of way that people was educated. However, the area of hard sciences demands a special attention, because the acquired knowledge is essential for the personal development of the individual and the technological future of the country. As an alternative or complementary tool for education it is suggested the use of aerospace element, since they show a vast amount of subjects qualitatively dealing with abilities of great importance for the future professional life of the students. A new Race happens, however this time the goal is not the Moon, but knowledge. El área educacional es un campo que necesita desarrollo. Para esto se dispone de diversos métodos y medios que pueden implantar ideas en pro del avance del pueblo brasilero en los aspectos pedagógicos, psicológicos y culturales. Alfabetizar es un acto que exige mucho cuidado y responsabilidad; el comportamento y desempeño de un individuo en la sociedad es el resultado de la manera en que fue educado. En particular, el área de ciencias exactas exige especial atención, pues los conocimientos adquiridos son imprescindibles para el desarrollo personal del individuo y también para el futuro tecnológico del País. Como medio alternativo o complementar de enseñanza se sugiere el uso de elementos aeroespaciales, debido a que compreende una vasta cantidad de disciplinas cualitativamente involucradas en la adquisición de habilidades de gran importancia para su vida profesional futura. Una nueva Carrera está em marcha, sin embargo esta vez la meta no es la Luna, sino el conocimiento. A área educacional é um campo que necessita de desenvolvimento. Para

  2. DEL phenotype.


    Kwon, Dong H; Sandler, S G; Flegel, Willy A


    DEL red blood cells (RBCs) type as D- by routine serologic methods and are transfused routinely, without being identified as expressing a very weak D antigen, to D- recipients. DEL RBCs are detected only by adsorption and elution of anti-D or by molecular methods. Most DEL phenotypes have been reported in population studies conducted in East Asia, although DEL phenotypes have been detected also among Caucasian individuals. Approximately 98 percent of DEL phenotypes in East Asians are associated with the RHD*DEL1 or RHD*01EL.01 allele. The prevalence of DEL phenotypes has been reported among D- Han Chinese (30%), Japanese (28%), and Korean (17%) populations. The prevalence of DEL phenotypes is significantly lower among D- Caucasian populations (0.1%). Among the 3-5 percent of African individuals who are D-, there are no reports of the DEL phenotype. Case reports from East Asia indicate that transfusion of DEL RBCs to D- recipients has been associated with D alloimmunization. East Asian immigrants constitute 2.1 percent of the 318.9 million persons residing in the United States, and an estimated 2.8 percent are blood donors. Using these statistics, we estimate that 68-683 units of DEL RBCs from donors of East Asian ancestry are transfused as D- annually in the United States. Given the reports from East Asia of D alloimmunization attributed to transfusion of DEL RBCs, one would expect an occasional report of D alloimmunization in the United States following transfusion of DEL RBCs to a D- recipient. If such cases do occur, the most likely reason that they are not detected is the absence of active post-transfusion monitoring for formation of anti-D.

  3. El medio interestelar alrededor de estrellas Of

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caballero, N.; Cappa, C.

    Se analiza la distribución del hidrógeno neutro interestelar en la vecindad de algunas estrellas Of con el fin de investigar la presencia de burbujas de H I vinculadas a las estrellas. Se determinan los parámetros físicos de las burbujas de H I encontradas y se comparan con estructuras similares vinculadas a estrellas Wolf-Rayet. El estudio se lleva a cabo en base a datos pertenecientes al relevamiento de Weaver y Willians (1973).

  4. La interacción de estrellas WN con el medio circundante

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, M.; Cappa, C.; Rizzo, J. R.; Cichovolski, S.

    Se presentan resultados preliminares de un estudio de la distribución del hidrógeno neutro en los alrededores de estrellas WR de la serie del nitrógeno. Los datos observacionales de la línea de 21 cm provienen de un relevamineto de baja resolución angular (36'), así como de observaciones de resolución angular intermedia (9') tomadas con el radiotelescopio de Effelsberg. Este análisis ha permitido detectar cavidades y envolturas de H I en expansión vinculadas a las estrellas que componen la muestra.

  5. Medio-lateral postural instability in subjects with tinnitus.


    Kapoula, Zoi; Yang, Qing; Lê, Thanh-Thuan; Vernet, Marine; Berbey, Nolwenn; Orssaud, Christophe; Londero, Alain; Bonfils, Pierre


    Many patients show modulation of tinnitus by gaze, jaw or neck movements, reflecting abnormal sensorimotor integration, and interaction between various inputs. Postural control is based on multi-sensory integration (visual, vestibular, somatosensory, and oculomotor) and indeed there is now evidence that posture can also be influenced by sound. Perhaps tinnitus influences posture similarly to external sound. This study examines the quality of postural performance in quiet stance in patients with modulated tinnitus. Twenty-three patients with highly modulated tinnitus were selected in the ENT service. Twelve reported exclusively or predominately left tinnitus, eight right, and three bilateral. Eighteen control subjects were also tested. Subjects were asked to fixate a target at 40 cm for 51 s; posturography was performed with the platform (Technoconcept, 40 Hz) for both the eyes open and eyes closed conditions. For both conditions, tinnitus subjects showed abnormally high lateral body sway (SDx). This was corroborated by fast Fourrier Transformation (FFTx) and wavelet analysis. For patients with left tinnitus only, medio-lateral sway increased significantly when looking away from the center. Similarly to external sound stimulation, tinnitus could influence lateral sway by activating attention shift, and perhaps vestibular responses. Poor integration of sensorimotor signals is another possibility. Such abnormalities would be accentuated in left tinnitus because of the importance of the right cerebral cortex in processing both auditory-tinnitus eye position and attention.

  6. Third Supplement to ’A Catalog of the Mosquitoes of the World’ (Diptera: Culicidae)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Type loc.: Jabilla. Quesedas del Medio . Apure State. Venezuela (holotype 6: DERM). isabelae Duret Harbach et a!. 1991:194 (holotype 6: change A to Venezuela. Bol. Dir. Ma- Morphological and genetic characteriza- laniol. Saneam. Ambient . 27:94-104. A tion of the Aedes (Och/croiatius) commuflis...Fam- in]" (Diptera: Culicidae) por medio de tar- ily Culicidae. pp. 191-218. In: N.L. Even- jetas perforadas. Physis (B. Aires) 17:535- huis (ed

  7. Conceptos Basicos Sobre el Propano (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    El propano provee energia a mas de 143.000 vehiculos en los Estados Unidos y 23 millones en todo el mundo. Flotas de todos los Estados Unidos han implementado con exito el uso de vehiculos que funcionan con gas propano, y en la actualidad varios funcionan gracias a este gas, incluyendo autobuses escolares, lanzaderas y autobuses publicos, asi como tambien furgonetas, taxis, vehiculos utilizados por las fuerzas del orden, barredoras de calles y camiones para uso profesional. El propano tambien se utiliza con frecuencia en aplicaciones fuera de la carretera, tales como montacargas, podadoras y equipos de uso profesional y otrosmore » equipos agricolas. Las ventajas del propano incluyen la disponibilidad interna, su rendimiento y el hecho de que genera menos emisiones de gases contaminantes que otras alternativas energeticas.« less

  8. Adaptación al español y validación de criterio de una escala para la tamización de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en la primera infancia.


    Cano, Luz Helena; Acosta, María Natalia; Pulido, Adriana


    Introducción. La detección temprana del riesgo de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en niños puede contribuir al desarrollo de estrategias que promuevan la salud mental desde la primera infancia. En Colombia no existe una herramienta validada para dicha detección.Objetivos. Seleccionar, adaptar y establecer la validez de criterio de una escala de tamización de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en niños menores de seis años.Materiales y métodos. A partir de una revisión de la literatura y un consenso de expertos, se seleccionó la herramienta Early Childhood Screening Assessment (ECSA). Posteriormente, se llevó a cabo su adaptación lingüística y se determinó la validez de criterio mediante una curva de características de recibidor-operador (Receiver Operating Characteristic, ROC), y se la comparó con el cuestionario Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1,5-5). En el estudio participaron 206 cuidadores de niños entre el año y medio y los seis años de edad de la ciudad de Tunja y el municipio de Sopó.Resultados. La puntuación del ECSA presentó una buena correlación con la puntuación t total del CBCL 1,5-5 (ro de Spearman=0,75; p<0,01). La escala ECSA tuvo una sensibilidad de 86 % y una especificidad de 82 % al establecer un punto de corte de 24 para la población estudiada.Conclusión. En este primer estudio de adaptación y validación de la versión en español de la escala ECSA, se detectaron buenos valores de sensibilidad y especificidad para la tamización de problemas emocionales y del comportamiento en la primera infancia.

  9. Measurement of the area of venous ulcers using two software programs.


    Eberhardt, Thaís Dresch; Lima, Suzinara Beatriz Soares de; Lopes, Luis Felipe Dias; Borges, Eline de Lima; Weiller, Teresinha Heck; Fonseca, Graziele Gorete Portella da


    as mensurações, existe excelente correlação intraclasse e de concordância entre os softwares, os quais parecem ser mais precisos na mensuração de feridas com área > 10 cm². o uso de ambos os softwares é indicado para a mensuração de úlceras venosas, parecendo ser mais precisos quando utilizados para mensurar feridas com área > 10 cm². comparar la medida del área de úlceras venosas por medio de los softwares AutoCAD(r) e Image Tool. se trata de un estudio de evaluación de reproducibilidad de pruebas, realizado en un ambulatorio de angiología de un hospital universitario. Los datos fueron recolectados de 21 pacientes con úlceras venosas, en el período de marzo a julio de 2015, por medio de formulario de recolección y fotografías de las heridas. Cinco enfermeros (evaluadores) del Grupo de Estudios de Lesiones de Piel del hospital participaron de la investigación. Las heridas fueron medidas en ambos softwares. Los datos fueron analizados por medio de: Coeficiente de correlación intraclase, Coeficiente de correlación de concordancia y Procedimiento de Bland y Altman. La investigación respetó los aspectos éticos de acuerdo con la legislación vigente. los tamaños de las úlceras presentaron gran amplitud, sin embargo, sin diferencia significativa entre las medidas; existe excelente correlación intraclase y de concordancia entre los softwares, los que parecen ser más precisos en medidas de heridas con área > 10 cm². el uso de ambos softwares es indicado para medir úlceras venosas, pareciendo ser más precisos cuando utilizados para medir heridas con área > 10 cm².

  10. Produccion Gaseosa del Cometa Halley: Erupciones Y Fotodisociacion del Radical OH

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, A. M.; Mirabel, I. F.


    RESUMEN:En este trabajo informamos la detecci6n de 20 erupciones en la li'nea de =18cm (1667MHz) del radical OH en el Cometa Halley.Las observaciones incluyen todos los monitoreos existentes y se extienden desde 120 dias antes del perihelio hasta 90 dias despues.Se detectan bruscos crecimientos en el flujo medido,hasta un factor 1O,seguidos por decaimientos lentos asociados con la fotodisociaci6n del OH. Se obtuvieron valores para el tiempo de vida fotoquimico del OH y del H2O basandose en el modelo desarrollado previamente por Silva(1988). Esos tiempos de vida estan de acuerdo con predicciones teoricas y con las observaciones en el Ultravioleta, y los resultados, los que son fuertemente dependientes de la velocidad heliocentrica del Coineta (variando hasta un factor 6), han sido calculados para varios rangos de velocidad entre +28 y -28 km/seg. Key wo'L :

  11. Mapa Geologico de Venezuela a Escala 1:750,000

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Hackley, Paul C.; Urbani, Franco; Karlsen, Alex W.; Garrity, Christopher P.


    Se presenta un mapa geologico digital de Venezuela sobre un fondo de relieve sombreado. Los datos geologicos e hidrologicos del norte del rio Orinoco proceden de la digitalizacion de mapas geologicos en papel a escala 1:500.000. Estos datos fueron integrados con el mapa geologico digital del Escudo de Guayana Venezolano, a su vez derivado de hojas en papel a escala 1:500.000. La informacion sobre los tipos de fallas mostrados en el mapa es igual que en las fuentes originales. Los poligonos geologicos fueron atribuidos por edad, litologia y nombre de la unidad siguiendo el Codigo geologico de Venezuela. Se incorporaron revisiones significativas de la geologia de la Cordillera de la Costa a partir de las nuevas hojas integradas a escala 1:25.000. Toda esta informacion geologico-estructural se sobrepuso a una imagen de relieve sombreado, producida por el procesamiento de los datos de radar interferometrico con 90 m (3 arcosegundos) de resolucion espacial obtenidos por la mision topografica de radar del transbordador espacial (SRTM). Las areas de la base de datos del SRTM carentes de informacion fueron llenadas por medio de la interpolacion de los datos de las celdas adyacentes. Para producir la imagen de relieve sombreado se uso una direccion de iluminacion de 315 deg con un angulo de 65 deg sobre el horizonte. La proyeccion usada en el mapa es conica equidistante, con latitudes de 4 y 9 deg norte como paralelos estandar y una longitud de 66 deg al oeste como meridiano central. Los datos en el mapa proceden primordialment de hojas a escala 1:500.000 y el producto esta preparado para una impresion optima en escala 1:750.000. Los usuarios pueden obtener ampliaciones mayores, sin embargo no se garantiza la precision del mapa a escalas mas detalladas. Especialmente en la region de Guayana, al sobreponer los mapas geologicos sobre la reciente imagen SRTM, se notan grandes discrepancias no sistematicas tanto en contactos como en fallas. Esto es debido a que los mapas

  12. El medio interestelar alrededor de estrellas Of: HD 108

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cappa, C.; Testori, J. C.

    Hemos analizado la distribución del hidrógeno neutro interestelar en la vecindad de la estrella Of HD 108 en base a perfiles de la línea de 21 cm. Estos datos nos han permitido encontrar una probable burbuja interestelar asociada a la estrella. Comparamos estos resultados con la emisión en otros rangos espectrales y estimamos los principales parámetros físicos de la estructura.

  13. Síntesis del estado del conocimiento del ciclo de carbono en ecosistemas boscosos de los Estados Unidos


    Michael G. Ryan; Mark E. Harmon; Richard A. Birdsey; Christian P. Giardina; Linda S. Heath; Richard A. Houghton; Robert B. Jackson; Duncan C. McKinley; James F. Morrison; Brian C. Murray; Diane E. Pataki; Kenneth E. Skog


    Los bosques juegan un papel central en el ciclo de carbono de los Estados Unidos y global. El secuestro de carbono de los bosques de los Estados Unidos, a través de su crecimiento y la cosecha de productos madereros, compensa en la actualidad entre un 12 y un 19% de las emisiones de carbono asociadas al uso de combustible fósil de dicho país. El ciclo natural de un...

  14. Obtenga más información sobre la etiqueta Safer Choice

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Entérese más acerca del programa EPA Diseño para el medio ambiente, incluyendo información sobre su historia, proyectos anteriores y otros programas de la EPA que están relacionados con este programa.

  15. Presentación del estudio "Links" de hombres que tienes sexo con hombres en Buenos Aires, Argentina.


    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Avila, María M; Balán, Iván C; Marone, Rubén; Pando, María A; Barreda, Victoria


    Estudios previos en Buenos Aires reportaron altas prevalencias de HIV entre HSH, con valores que oscilan entre 9 y 14% durante casi 10 años de continuo testeo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de factores relacionados al comportamiento de alto riesgo para transmisión del HIV entre HSH entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento y factores emocionales, socioculturales y ambientales. Por otro lado se realizó la estimación de prevalencia e incidencia de HIV utilizando RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling), así como la presencia de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual. Por último se evaluaron los hábitos de testeo para HIV indagando que factores facilitan o impiden su realización. El estudio constó de dos fases, en primer lugar una fase cualitativa y posteriormente una fase cuantitativa con una duración total de 4 años y medio. Durante la fase cualitativa se realizaron 44 entrevistas individuales en profundidad, 8 grupos focales y 10 observaciones etnográficas (hoteles, baños públicos ("teteras"), cines pornográficos, fiestas privadas, dark rooms y discotecas). Durante la fase cuantitativa del estudio se realizó el reclutamiento de 500 participantes que provinieron de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, así como del Gran Buenos Aires. El reclutamiento se comenzó con 16 participantes llamados semillas. Se realizó el diagnóstico de infección por HIV, hepatitis B y C (HBV y HCV), Treponema pallidum, Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV) y Chlamidias. La colaboración establecida entre los grupos de trabajo enfocados en áreas diversas posibilitó el abordaje conjunto de nuevas estrategias de investigación antes no exploradas en nuestro país. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación serán progresivamente publicados en sucesivos números de Actualizaciones en SIDA.

  16. La estructura dinámica del cinturón de Kuiper interior y la formación de Urano y Neptuno

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melita, M. D.; Brunini, A.

    De acuerdo a los más recientes estudios sobre la formación de Urano y Neptuno, éstos podrían haber sufrido una importante migración radial hacia el exterior, debido al intercambio de momento angular con los planetesimales presentes en esa región durante las últimas etapas de la formación del Sistema Solar. Esta migración radial habría tenido importantes consecuencias sobre la presente estructura dinámica del cinturón cometario de Kuiper. Tal como lo reflejan las observaciones, la mayoría de los cuerpos observados en el cinturón de Kuiper se encuentran en resonancia de movimientos medios exteriores con Neptuno, hecho que también se refleja en la presente órbita de Plutón. En el presente trabajo se estudia tanto numérica como analíticamente la influencia de la variación de las masas de Urano y Neptuno durante el proceso de migración sobre las probabilidades de captura en algunas de las resonancias exteriores de Neptuno. Se estudia también la influencia de encuentros gravitacionales mutuos sobre la estabilidad de las órbitas resonantes. Este estudio ofrece argumentos de plausibilidad para explicar por qué ninguno de los objetos descubiertos en el cinturón de Kuiper se encontraría en la resonancia 2:1.

  17. Comprension de los conceptos de los enlaces ionico y covalente en estudiantes universitarios del primer curso de quimica general

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ballesteros Benavides, Maria Elvira

    Para este trabajo utilizamos el estudio de casos cualitativo que se llevo a cabo en una universidad privada de Puerto Rico. Empleamos como unidad de analisis el concepto de enlace quimico, ionico y covalente. Los participantes fueron los estudiantes de la seccion nocturna del curso de Quimica General I. La investigacion se desarrollo por medio de dos entrevistas de persona a persona, observaciones de las expresiones no verbales y la hoja de identificacion de conceptos. Para la triangulacion tomamos en consideracion las preconcepciones erroneas, las concepciones alternativas y el mapa de conceptos de cada participante. Preparamos un mapa de conceptos para el enlace quimico validado por un comite de expertos. Tambien, elaboramos los mapas de conceptos de los participantes que sirvieron para varios propositos: conocer la estructura conceptual, expresar los logros, hacer comparaciones e identificar la presencia de concepciones alternativas. Entre los hallazgos encontramos que todos los participantes poseen conocimiento previo de los enlaces quimicos ionico y covalente y dentro de ese conocimiento existen preconcepciones erroneas mas numerosas para el enlace ionico. Al principio del semestre el 50% de los participantes demostraron tener "carencia fuerte de conceptos" tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente. Al finalizar el semestre encontramos en el 40% de los participantes concepciones alternativas tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente y el 90% no lograron distinguir un enlace del otro. Nuestras conclusiones fueron que los participantes sin distincion del aprovechamiento academico demostraron tener la tendencia de "carencia fuerte de conceptos" tanto para el enlace ionico como para el covalente, presentaron dificultad al integrar los conceptos de los enlaces quimicos ionico y covalente que se pusieron de manifiesto al dar los ejemplos. Las preconcepciones erroneas contribuyen en el desarrollo de las concepciones alternativas. Ademas, los


    EPA Science Inventory

    A travs de su historia, la Agencia de Proteccin del Medio Ambiente estadounidense (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, EPA) ha evaluado distintas tecnologas para determinar su efectividad en el monitoreo, la prevencin, el control, y la limpieza de la contaminacin ambiental. Sin...

  19. Middle Ear Infections (For Parents)


    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Middle Ear Infections KidsHealth / For Parents / Middle Ear Infections What's ... en español Infecciones del oído medio What Are Middle Ear Infections? Ear infections happen when viruses or bacteria ...

  20. Civil-Military Relations in Latin America: The Hedgehog and the Fox Revisited

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and the Fox Revisited Thomas C. Bruneau Naval Postgraduate School, Estados Unidos Resumen El siguiente artículo propone un nuevo enfoque hacia el...puede lograr solamente por medio de la creación de instituciones que incorporan y personifican conocimientos y mecanismos de control tanto del poder...ejecutivo como legislativo del estado democrático. Abstract This article argues for a new focus in the study of civil-military relations. It seeks to

  1. Correlating field and laboratory rates of particle abrasion, Rio Medio, Sangre de Cristo Mountains, New Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Polito, P. J.; Sklar, L. S.


    River bed sediments commonly fine downstream due to a combination of particle abrasion, selective transport of finer grains, and fining of the local sediment supply from hillslopes and tributaries. Particle abrasion rates can be directly measured in the laboratory using tumbling barrels and annular flumes, however, scaling experimental particle abrasion rates to the field has proven difficult due to the confounding effects of selective transport and local supply variations. Here we attempt to correlate laboratory and field rates of particle abrasion in a field setting where these confounding effects can be controlled. The Rio Medio, which flows westward from the crest of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains in north central New Mexico, is one of several streams studied by John P. Miller in the early 1960's. Several kilometers downstream of its headwaters, the river crosses the Picuris-Pecos fault. Upstream of the fault the river receives quartzite, sandstone and shale clasts from the Ortega Formation, while downstream sediments are supplied by the Embudo Granite. Because the upstream lithologies are not resupplied downstream of the fault, any observed fining of these clasts should be due only to abrasion and selective transport. We hypothesize that we can account for the effects of selective transport by comparing relative fining rates for the different upstream lithologies from both the field and a laboratory tumbler. By correlating laboratory abrasion rates with rock strength, we can predict the relative fining rates due solely to abrasion expected in the field; differences between the predicted and observed fining rates could then be attributed to selective transport. We used point counts to measure bed surface sediment grain size distributions at 15 locations along a 25 kilometer reach of the Rio Medio, beginning just downstream of the fault and ending upstream of a developed area with disturbed channel conditions. We recorded intermediate particle diameter as well

  2. Esquizofrenia y trastorno en el consumo de sustancias: prevalencia y characterísticas sociodemográficas en la población Latina

    PubMed Central

    Jiménez-Castro, Lorena; Raventós-Vorst, Henriette; Escamilla, Michael


    El interés por comprender la co-morbilidad de la esquizofrenia y el trastorno en el uso de sustancias, ha aumentado debido al incremento de este diagnóstico, a los efectos negativos observados en el sujeto y a los costos en los servicios de salud. Este trastorno dual puede tener efectos dramáticos en el curso clínico del trastorno psicótico tales como: mayores recaídas, re-hospitalizaciones, síntomas más severos, no adherencia al tratamiento antipsicótico, cambios marcados del humor, aumento en el grado de hostilidad e ideación suicida, así como alteraciones en otras áreas del funcionamiento incluyendo violencia, victimización, indigencia y problemas legales. La literatura proveniente en particular de Estados Unidos y Europa sugiere que el rango de prevalencia para este diagnóstico puede oscilar entre el 10% hasta el 70%. En este estudio, revisamos la prevalencia del diagnóstico dual de esquizofrenia y trastorno en el uso sustancias, así como sus características sociodemográficas, con base en la literatura disponible alrededor del mundo dando énfasis en la poblacion latina. A pesar de que este diagnóstico es ampliamente aceptado, se conoce poco sobre su prevalencia en la población latina, sobre los factores ambientales, demográficos, clínicos y otras características de estos individuos. Un mejor conocimiento sobre este diagnóstico permitiría mejorar los métodos para la detección y adecuada valoración del trastorno en el uso de sustancias en personas con trastornos metales severos como la esquizofrenia. PMID:21404151

  3. Presentación del estudio “Links” de hombres que tienes sexo con hombres en Buenos Aires, Argentina

    PubMed Central

    Carballo-Diéguez, Alex; Ávila, María M; Balán, Iván C.; Marone, Rubén; Pando, María A.; Barreda, Victoria


    Resumen Estudios previos en Buenos Aires reportaron altas prevalencias de HIV entre HSH, con valores que oscilan entre 9 y 14% durante casi 10 años de continuo testeo. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue la evaluación de factores relacionados al comportamiento de alto riesgo para transmisión del HIV entre HSH entre los que se incluyen el conocimiento y factores emocionales, socioculturales y ambientales. Por otro lado se realizó la estimación de prevalencia e incidencia de HIV utilizando RDS (Respondent Driven Sampling), así como la presencia de otras infecciones de transmisión sexual. Por último se evaluaron los hábitos de testeo para HIV indagando que factores facilitan o impiden su realización. El estudio constó de dos fases, en primer lugar una fase cualitativa y posteriormente una fase cuantitativa con una duración total de 4 años y medio. Durante la fase cualitativa se realizaron 44 entrevistas individuales en profundidad, 8 grupos focales y 10 observaciones etnográficas (hoteles, baños públicos (“teteras”), cines pornográficos, fiestas privadas, dark rooms y discotecas). Durante la fase cuantitativa del estudio se realizó el reclutamiento de 500 participantes que provinieron de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires, así como del Gran Buenos Aires. El reclutamiento se comenzó con 16 participantes llamados semillas. Se realizó el diagnóstico de infección por HIV, hepatitis B y C (HBV y HCV), Treponema pallidum, Virus Papiloma Humano (HPV) y Chlamidias. La colaboración establecida entre los grupos de trabajo enfocados en áreas diversas posibilitó el abordaje conjunto de nuevas estrategias de investigación antes no exploradas en nuestro país. Los resultados más relevantes de esta investigación serán progresivamente publicados en sucesivos números de Actualizaciones en SIDA. PMID:25264397

  4. Quality of nursing documentation before and after the Hospital Accreditation in a university hospital.


    Nomura, Aline Tsuma Gaedke; Silva, Marcos Barragan da; Almeida, Miriam de Abreu


    , haciendo uso del Quality of Nursing Diagnoses, Interventions and Outcomes - Versión brasileña (Q-DIO- Versión brasileña). estudio observacional de intervenciones realizado en un hospital universitario. Los registros de enfermería de 112 historias clínicas del período anterior y 112 historias clínicas del período posterior a la acreditación hospitalaria se compararon mediante el instrumento Q-DIO - Versión brasileña. Los datos fueron analizados estadísticamente. se observó una mejora significativa de la calidad de los registros de enfermería. Cuando se evaluó la puntuación total del instrumento, se observó una mejora significativa en 24 de los 29 ítenes (82,8%). hubo un compromiso con el cambio en la cultura por medio de las intervenciones realizadas, lo que resultó en la conquista del sello de calidad garantizado por la Joint Commission International.

  5. Estimaciones de cambio climatico para Michoacan: Implicaciones para el sector agropecuario y forestal y para la conservacion de la Mariposa Monarca [In Spanish


    Cuauhtemoc Saenz-Romero; Gerald E. Rehfeldt; Nicholas L. Crookston; Pierre Duval; Jean Beaulieu


    El cambio climatico, conocido comunmente como calentamiento global, es el incremento de la temperatura a nivel mundial y los cambios que de ello derivan, causados por el "efecto invernadero" del bioxido de carbono (CO2) y otros gases emitidos a la atmosfera. El uso de combustibles fosiles (carbon y derivados del petroleo, como gasolina, diesel, combustoleo y...

  6. Calibración del retardo ionosférico en observaciones astrométricas y geodésicas a partir de observaciones GPS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, C.; Kleusberg, A.; Arias, E. F.; de Biasi, M. S.

    Los parámetros astrométricos y geodésicos de precisión se determinan hoy mediante la observación con técnicas espaciales (VLBI, GPS y LSR). Las técnicas VLBI y GPS operan en la banda de microondas y en ella la ionósfera terrestre es dispersiva. Las señales que provienen de las radiofuentes y de los satélites atraviesan la ionósfera, donde el índice de refracción difiere de la unidad en una cantidad que es proporcional a la densidad de electrones libres e inversamente proporcional al cuadrado de la frecuencia de la onda portadora. Actualmente el International GPS Service for Geodynamics (IGS) mantiene operacional una red global integrada por más de 50 estaciones equipadas con receptores GPS de alta performance; las observaciones diarias son accesibles a los usuarios mediante ftp. La posibilidad de utilizar estas observaciones en un monitoreo continuo de la ionósfera fue señalada por diversos autores, razón por la cual en los últimos años se ha invertido un significativo esfuerzo en la producción de mapas ionosféricos regionales y globales. En el presente trabajo se utilizan 28 estaciones cuyas observaciones mapean la mayor parte de la ionósfera global. Los resultados obtenidos demuestran la posibilidad de obtener mapas ionosféricos globales con una resolución de medio día y con una precisión de (1.5 nseg (rms)). Dichos mapas proveen valores medios globales para el intervalo ajustado. Los residuos del ajuste por mínimos cuadrados constituyen una señal a partir de la cual pueden estudiarse mejor las variaciones geográficas de la ionósfera y las componentes estadísticas de su variación temporal.

  7. Espectroscopia del Cometa Halley

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Naranjo, O.; Fuenmayor, F.; Ferrin, L.; Bulka, P.; Mendoza, C.


    Se reportan observaciones espectroscópicas del cometa Halley. Los espectros fueron tomados usando el espectrógrafo del telescopio reflector de 1 metro del Observatorio Nacional de Venezuela. Se utilizó óptica azul, con una red de difracción de 600 lineas/min, obteniéndose una dispersión de 74.2 A/mm y una resolución de 2.5 A, en el rango espectral de 3500 a 6500 A. Seis placas fueron tomadas con emulsión IIa-O y dos con IIa-D. Los tiempos de exposición fueron entre 10 y 150 minutos. El cometa se encontraba entre 0.70 y 1.04 UA del Sol, y entre 1.28 y 0.73 UA de la Tierra. Las emisiones más prominentes en el espectro, son las del CN, C2, y C3. Otras emisiones detectadas corresponden a CH, NH2 y Na. Los espectros muestran un fuerte continuo, indicando un contenido significativo de polvo. Se detectó mayor intensidad del contínuo, en la dirección anti solar, lo cual es evidencia de la cola de polvo.

  8. Magnetic Turbulence in Clusters of Galaxies

    DTIC Science & Technology


    plasmas que nos permiten confrontar conceptos teóricos del origen del campo magnético con observaciones detalladas. La turbulencia magnética en...GALAXIES T. A. Enßlin,1 T. Clarke,2 C. Vogt,3 A. Waelkens,1 A. A. Schekochihin4 RESUMEN Los cúmulos de galaxias son grandes laboratorios de turbulencia en...éstos cúmulos puede ser estudiada a través de la emisión radio-sincrotrón del medio intra-cúmulo en forma de rélicas y halos de los cúmulos. El

  9. Intertextual Sexual Politics: Illness and Desire in Enrique Gomez Carrillo's "Del amor", "del dolor y del vicio" and Aurora Caceres's "La rosa muerta"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    LaGreca, Nancy


    This study explores the intertextuality between Aurora Caceres's "La rosa muerta" (1914) and the novel "Del amor, del dolor y del vicio" (1898) by her ex-husband, Enrique Gomez Carrillo. Caceres strategically mentions Gomez Carrillo's novel in "La rosa muerta" to invite a reading of her work in dialogue with his. Both narratives follow the sexual…


    EPA Science Inventory

    High-Resolution airborne color video data were used to evaluate the accuracy of a land cover map of the upper San Pedro River watershed, derived from June 1997 Landsat Thematic Mapper data. The land cover map was interpreted and generated by Instituto del Medio Ambiente y el Bes...

  11. Desarrollo y validación de una nueva tecnología, basada en arginina al 1.5%, un compuesto de calcio insoluble y fluoruro, para el uso diario en la prevención y tratamiento de la caries dental.


    Cummins, D


    este artículo discute brevemente la prevalencia de caries, la naturaleza multifactorial de su etiología, el riesgo de caries y el papel y eficacia del fluoruro. Resalta también la investigación sobre el metabolismo bacteriano, que ha aportado conocimientos sobre la defensa natural oral contra la caries y la base para el desarrollo de una nueva tecnología para la prevención diaria y el tratamiento de la caries. Por último, se resume la evidencia que respalda que la tecnología complementa y mejora la eficacia anti-caries de la crema dental con fluoruro. los datos globales muestran que a pesar de la exitosa introducción del fluoruro, la caries dental es una enfermedad prevalente. La experiencia de caries depende del balance entre el consumo de azúcares, la higiene oral y el uso del fluoruro. Hay tres conceptos científicos que son fundamentales en las nuevas mediciones para detectar, tratar y monitorear la caries: (1) la caries dental es un proceso dinámico, (2) la caries dental es un proceso continuo de etapas que van desde reversible (pre-clínica) hasta irreversible (lesiones clínicamente detectables), y (3) el proceso de la caries es un balance de factores patológicos y protectores que pueden modularse para el manejo de la caries. El fluoruro funciona como factor protector al detener y revertir el proceso de la caries, pero el fluoruro no previene los factores patológicos que inician el proceso. Se ha identificado una tecnología novedosa, basada en arginina y un compuesto insoluble de calcio, que está dirigida a la placa dental para prevenir la iniciación del proceso de caries al reducir los factores patológicos. Como los mecanismos de acción de la arginina y el fluoruro son altamente complementarios, se ha desarrollado un nuevo dentífrico que combina la arginina y el fluoruro, y se ha probado clínicamente que brinda una prevención superior contra la caries. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Estrellas Wolf-Rayet y el medio interestelar: huellas de una fuerte interacción

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cichowolski, S.; Arnal, E. M.

    Se presentan resultados observacionales de un estudio de la distribución de hidrógeno neutro en los alrededores de estrellas Wolf-Rayet (WR) galácticas. Los datos de la línea de 21 cm provienen de observaciones de resolución angular intermedia (9') tomadas con el radiotelescopio de Effelsberg. La muestra está compuesta por cuatro WR de la serie del nitrógeno (WN): WR130, WR131, WR155, WR156 y tres WR de la serie del carbono (WC): WR154, WR117 y WR126. Este análisis ha permitido detectar cavidades y envolturas de HI en expansión presumiblemente vinculadas a dichas estrellas.

  13. Comportamiento dinámico de asteroides en la resonancia 2:1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    López García, F.; Brunini, A.

    El propósito de este trabajo es mostrar los resultados obtenidos del estudio del movimiento de asteroides cercanos a la conmensurabilidad 2:1 con el movimiento medio de Júpiter, analizando el comportamiento de órbitas de asteroides reales y ficticios. Se analizan los tiempos de Lyapunov obtenidos a partir de la integración de las ecuaciones del movimiento. Se han estudiado la órbitas utilizando el modelo de cinco cuerpos y se han considerado los casos planar y espacial. Las simulaciones numéricas se realizaron utilizando integradores simpléticos y el intervalo de tiempo de integración fue de T = 107 años.

  14. Discusión de las aproximaciones utilizadas en el estudio de la recombinación dielectrónica de los metales en envolturas estelares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cruzado, A.; di Rocco, H. O.; Ringuelet, A.

    Se calcularon nuevos parámetros atómicos del MgI reemplazando los niveles de energía teóricos por los observados. Con ellos se calculó nuevamente el flujo originado en la Recombinación Dielectrónica (RD) del MgII y se comparó con resultados anteriores. Se evaluó también la posible influencia de diferentes fuentes de opacidad, en el flujo originado en la RD de los metales en atmósferas extendidas de estrellas tempranas. En particular, se calculó la profundidad óptica de las líneas de MgI para diferentes condiciones físicas del medio.

  15. International Space Station USOS Potable Water Dispenser On-Orbit Functionality Versus Design

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Toon, Katherine P.; Lovell, Randal W.


    The International Space Station (ISS) currently provides potable water dispensing for rehydrating crewmember food and drinking packages. There is one system located in the United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) and one system in the Russian Segment. Shuttle mission STS-126 delivered the USOS Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) to ISS on ULF2; subsequent activation occurred on November 2008. The PWD is capable of supporting an ISS crew of six, but nominally supplies only half this crew size. The PWD design provides incremental quantities of hot and ambient temperature potable water to US food and beverage packages. PWD receives iodinated water from the US Water Recovery System (WRS) Fuel Cell Water Bus, which feeds from the Water Processing Assembly (WPA). The PWD removes the biocidal iodine to make the water potable prior to dispensing. A heater assembly contained within the unit supplies up to 2.0 L of hot water (65 to 93 ?C) every 30 min. During a single meal, this quantity of water supports three to four crewmembers? food rehydration and beverages. The unit design has a functional life expectancy of 10 years, with replacement of limited life items, such as filters. To date, the PWD on-orbit performance is acceptable. Since activation of the PWD, there were several differences between on-orbit functionality and expected performance of hardware design. The comparison of on-orbit functionality to performance of hardware design is discussed for the following key areas: 1) microbial contamination, 2) no-dispense and water leakage scenarios, and 3) under-dispense scenarios.

  16. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  17. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  18. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  19. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  20. 33 CFR 80.1118 - Marina Del Rey, CA.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... NAVIGATION RULES COLREGS DEMARCATION LINES Pacific Coast § 80.1118 Marina Del Rey, CA. (a) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey Breakwater South Light 1 to Marina Del Rey Light 4. (b) A line drawn from Marina Del Rey... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Marina Del Rey, CA. 80.1118...

  1. Sobre o uso das séries de Puiseux em mecanica celeste

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miloni, O. I.


    Neste trabalho é apresentada uma demonstração do uso dos diferentes desenvolvimentos em séries para as equações de perturbação em Mecânica Celeste no marco Hamiltoniano. Em trabalhos clássicos como os de Poincaré (Poincaré, 1893) por exemplo, já esta planteado o uso de potências não inteiras no pequeno parâmetro, o que evidencia a não analiticidade das funções quando uma ressonância ocorre. Nestes trabalhos os desenvolvimentos são na raíz quadrada da massa de Júpiter (o pequeno parâmetro). Mais recentemente (Ferraz-Mello, 1985) outros tipos de desenvolvimentos foram aplicados modificando substancialmente as ordens de grandeza e a velocidade de convergência das séries. Com esta abordagem, os desenvolvimentos foram expressados em termos da raíz cúbica do pequeno parâmetro. Neste trabalho apresentamos um enfoque geral, onde os diferentes tipos de desenvolvimentos em séries de Puiseux (Valiron, 1950) são obtidos a partir da aplicação de Teorema de Preparação de Weierstrass (Goursat, 1916) considerando a equação de Hamilton-Jacobi como uma equação algébrica. Os resultados são aplicados ao problema restrito dos três corpos em ressonância de primeira ordem e, dependendo da grandeza da excentricidade do asteróide em relação à de Júpiter, obtemos os diferentes desenvolvimentos, em raíz quadrada ou raíz cúbica da massa de Júpiter.

  2. International Space Station USOS Potable Water Dispenser On-Orbit Functionality vs Design

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Toon, Katherine P.; Lovell, Randal W.


    The International Space Station (ISS) currently provides potable water dispensing for rehydrating crewmembers food and drinking packages with one system located in the United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) and one system in the Russian Segment. The USOS Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) was delivered to ISS on ULF2, Shuttle Mission STS-126, and was subsequently activated in November 2008. The PWD activation on ISS is capable of supporting an ISS crew of six but nominally supplies only half the crew. The PWD is designed to provide incremental quantities of hot and ambient temperature potable water to US style food packages. PWD receives iodinated water from the US Laboratory Fuel Cell Water Bus, which is fed from the Water Processing Assembly (WPA). The PWD removes the biocidal iodine to make the water potable prior to dispensing. A heater assembly contained within the unit supplies up to 2.0 liters of hot water (65 to 93oC) every thirty minutes. This quantity supports three to four crewmembers to rehydrate their food and beverages from this location during a single meal. The unit is designed to remain functional for up to ten years with replacement of limited life items such as filters. To date, the PWD on-orbit performance has been acceptable. Since activation of the PWD, there have been several differences between on-orbit functionality and expected performance of hardware design. The comparison of on-orbit functionality to performance of hardware design is outlined for the following key areas: microbiology, PWD to food package water leakage, no-dispense scenarios, under-dispense scenarios, and crewmember feedback on actual on-orbit use.

  3. Manual del McVCO 1999

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    McChesney, P.J.


    El McVCO es un generador de frecuencias basado en un microcontrolador que reemplaza al oscilador controlado por voltaje (VCO) utilizado en telemetría analógica de datos sísmicas. Acepta señales de baja potencia desde un sismómetro y produce una señal subportadora modulada en frecuencia adecuada para enlaces telefónicos o vía radio a un lugar remoto de recolección de datos. La frecuencia de la subportadora y la ganancia pueden ser seleccionadas mediante un interruptor. Tiene la opción de poder operar con dos canales para la observación con ganancia alta y baja. El McVCO fue diseñado con el propósito de mejorar la telemetría analógica de las señales dentro de la Pacific Northwest Seismograph Network (PNSN) (Red Sismográfica del Noroeste del Pacífico). Su desarrollo recibió el respaldo del Programa de Geofísica de la Universidad de Washington y del "Volcano Hazards and Earthquake Hazards programs of the United States Geological Survey (USGS) (Programa de Investigaciones de Riesgos Volcánicos y Programa de Investigaciones de Riesgos Sísmicos de los EEUU). Cientos de instrumentos se han construido e instalado. Además de utilizarlo el PNSN, el McVCO es usado por el Observatorio Vulcanológico de Alaska para monitorear los volcanes aleutianos y por el USGS Volcano Disaster Assistance Program (Programa de Ayuda en las Catástrofes Volcánicas del USGS) para responder a crisis volcánicas en otros países. Este manual cubre el funcionamiento del McVCO, es una referencia técnica para aquellos que necesitan saber con más detalle cómo funciona el McVCO, y cubre una serie de temas que requieren un trato explícito o que derivan del despliegue del instrumento.

  4. Ácaros del mango

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Los ácaros constituyen un grupo abundante y diverso que ocupa diferentes hábitats en árboles frutales y la estructura y disposición del follaje y ramas del mango, contribuyen significativamente a que se presente gran diversidad de ácaros benéficos y dañinos asociados a esta especie frutal. En Colomb...

  5. Torres del Paine National Park

    NASA Image and Video Library


    Grinding glaciers and granite peaks mingle in Chile’s Torres del Paine National Park. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on NASA’s Earth Observing-1 (EO-1) satellite captured this summertime image of the park on January 21, 2013. This image shows just a portion of the park, including Grey Glacier and the mountain range of Cordillera del Paine. The rivers of glacial ice in Torres del Paine National Park grind over bedrock, turning some of that rock to dust. Many of the glaciers terminate in freshwater lakes, which are rich with glacial flour that colors them brown to turquoise. Skinny rivers connect some of the lakes to each other (image upper and lower right). Cordillera del Paine rises between some of the wide glacial valleys. The compact mountain range is a combination of soaring peaks and small glaciers, most notably the Torres del Paine (Towers of Paine), three closely spaced peaks emblematic of the mountain range and the larger park. By human standards, the mountains of Cordillera del Paine are quite old. But compared to the Rocky Mountains (70 million years old), and the Appalachians (about 480 million years), the Cordillera del Paine are very young—only about 12 million years old. A study published in 2008 described how scientists used zircon crystals to estimate the age of Cordillera del Paine. The authors concluded that the mountain range was built in three pulses, creating a granite laccolith, or dome-shaped feature, more than 2,000 meters (7,000 feet) thick. NASA Earth Observatory image created by Jesse Allen and Robert Simmon, using Advanced Land Imager data from the NASA EO-1 team. Caption by Michon Scott. Instrument: EO-1 - ALI View more info: Credit: NASA Earth Observatory NASA image use policy. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center enables NASA’s mission through four scientific endeavors: Earth Science, Heliophysics, Solar System Exploration, and Astrophysics. Goddard plays a leading role in NASA

  6. Tezacaftor/Ivacaftor in Subjects with Cystic Fibrosis and F508del/F508del-CFTR or F508del/G551D-CFTR.


    Donaldson, Scott H; Pilewski, Joseph M; Griese, Matthias; Cooke, Jon; Viswanathan, Lakshmi; Tullis, Elizabeth; Davies, Jane C; Lekstrom-Himes, Julie A; Wang, Linda T


    Tezacaftor (formerly VX-661) is an investigational small molecule that improves processing and trafficking of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in vitro, and improves CFTR function alone and in combination with ivacaftor. To evaluate the safety and efficacy of tezacaftor monotherapy and of tezacaftor/ivacaftor combination therapy in subjects with cystic fibrosis homozygous for F508del or compound heterozygous for F508del and G551D. This was a randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind, multicenter, phase 2 study (NCT01531673). Subjects homozygous for F508del received tezacaftor (10 to 150 mg) every day alone or in combination with ivacaftor (150 mg every 12 h) in a dose escalation phase, as well as in a dosage regimen testing phase. Subjects compound heterozygous for F508del and G551D, taking physician-prescribed ivacaftor, received tezacaftor (100 mg every day). Primary endpoints were safety through Day 56 and change in sweat chloride from baseline through Day 28. Secondary endpoints included change in percent predicted FEV 1 (ppFEV 1 ) from baseline through Day 28 and pharmacokinetics. The incidence of adverse events was similar across treatment arms. Tezacaftor (100 mg every day)/ivacaftor (150 mg every 12 h) resulted in a 6.04 mmol/L decrease in sweat chloride and 3.75 percentage point increase in ppFEV 1 in subjects homozygous for F508del, and a 7.02 mmol/L decrease in sweat chloride and 4.60 percentage point increase in ppFEV 1 in subjects compound heterozygous for F508del and G551D from baseline through Day 28 (P < 0.05 for all). These results support continued clinical development of tezacaftor (100 mg every day) in combination with ivacaftor (150 mg every 12 h) in subjects with cystic fibrosis. Clinical trial registered with (NCT01531673).

  7. Kurt Gödels Brünner Verwandte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Müller, Dora


    The author of this memoir Dora Müller (born 1920) belongs - as well as Kurt Gödel-to the German minority playing an important role in the past life of Brno. The marriage of his son included her among the Gödels collaterals. She was chemist, but also pianist, historician, participant of antinacist movement and iniciator of Czech-German understanding after war. Following her personal experiences, remembrances of Gödels relatives and documental materials, she evokes the atmosphere of broader family milieu of Kurt Gödel.

  8. Altered biomechanical strategies and medio-lateral control of the knee represent incomplete recovery of individuals with injury during single leg hop.


    Roos, Paulien E; Button, Kate; Sparkes, Valerie; van Deursen, Robert W M


    Anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) injury can result in failure to return to pre-injury activity levels and future osteoarthritis predisposition. Single leg hop is used in late rehabilitation to evaluate recovery and inform treatment but biomechanical understanding of this activity is insufficient. This study investigated single leg hop for distance aiming to evaluate if ACL patients had recovered: (1) landing strategies and (2) medio-lateral knee control. We hypothesized that patients with reconstructive surgery (ACLR) would have more similar landing strategies and knee control to healthy controls than patients treated conservatively (ACLD). 16 ACLD and 23 ACLR subjects were compared to 20 healthy controls (CONT). Kinematic and ground reaction force data were collected while subjects hopped their maximum distance. The main output parameters were hop distance, peak knee flexor angles and extensor moments and Fluency (a measure introduced to represent medio-lateral knee control). Statistical differences between ACL and control groups were analyzed using a general linear model univariate analysis, with COM velocity prior to landing as covariate. Hop distance was the smallest for ACLD and largest for CONT (p<0.001; ACLD 57.1±14.1; ACLR 75.1±17.8; CONT 77.7±14.07% height). ACLR used a similar kinematic strategy to CONT, but had a reduced peak knee extensor moment (p<0.001; ACLD 0.32±0.14; ACLR 0.31±0.16; CONT 0.42±0.13 BW.height). Fluency was reduced in both ACLD and ACLR (p=0.006; ACLD 0.13±0.34; ACLR 0.14±0.34; CONT 0.17±0.41s). Clinical practice uses hopping distance to evaluate ACL patients' recovery. This study demonstrated that aspects such as movement strategies and knee control need to be evaluated. © 2013 Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  9. Analisis experimental de la propagacion en redes de area corporal para la banda de ultra wideband. experimental characterization of the propagation in ultra wideband body area networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia Serna, Ruben Gregorio

    Diferentes dispositivos capaces de obtener informacion sobre parametros fisiologicos, cinematicos o contextuales del cuerpo pueden interconectarse de manera inalambrica dando lugar a las denominadas Redes de Area Corporal Inalambricas (WBAN, Wireless Body Area Networks). De entre las posibles tecnologias para establecer los enlaces, Ultra Wideband (UWB) esta captando cada vez un mayor interes debido a caracteristicas tales como el bajo nivel de potencia de transmision requerido (bajo nivel de exposicion a campos electromagneticos), el alto ancho de banda disponible y la alta resolucion temporal/espacial. El diseno de sistemas centrados en el cuerpo requiere de modelos de canal que describan de manera precisa la propagacion de senales en este tipo de entornos. Esta tesis se plantea con el objetivo de contribuir al estudio experimental de la propagacion en sistemas centrados en el cuerpo operando en la banda UWB. En primer lugar, se presenta un marco introductorio a las redes WBAN, sus elementos constitutivos, bandas de frecuencia, estandarizacion y modelos de canal. Ademas, se introducen los fundamentos de la tecnologia UWB y sus aplicaciones en este area. Seguidamente, se analiza en terminos de las perdidas de propagacion y la dispersion de retardo la propagacion en el canal off-body entre un transmisor fijo y un dispositivo receptor colocado sobre la superficie del cuerpo de un sujeto. Se considera la influencia de diferentes aspectos, tales como el entorno de medidas, la posicion de colocacion de una antena sobre el cuerpo y la postura adoptada por un sujeto. Finalmente, se analiza el canal de propagacion in-body considerando el movimiento relativo entre dos dispositivos causado por efecto de la respiracion. Las condiciones de propagacion en el interior del cuerpo se emulan por medio de un phantom liquido para UWB y la caracterizacion se plantea tanto en frecuencia, en terminos del modelado de la forma y el ensanchamiento del espectro Doppler, como en tiempo, por

  10. The novel c.247_249delTTC (p.F83del) GJB2 mutation in a family with prelingual sensorineural deafness.


    Petersen, Michael B; Grigoriadou, Maria; Koutroumpe, Maria; Kokotas, Haris


    Non-syndromic hearing loss is one of the most common hereditary determined diseases in human, and the disease is a genetically heterogeneous disorder. Mutations in the GJB2 gene, encoding connexin 26 (Cx26), are a major cause of non-syndromic recessive hearing impairment in many countries and are largely dependent on ethnic groups. Due to the high frequency of the c.35delG GJB2 mutation in the Greek population, we have previously suggested that Greek patients with sensorineural, non-syndromic deafness should be tested for the c.35delG mutation and the coding region of the GJB2 gene should be sequenced in c.35delG heterozygotes. Here we present on the clinical and molecular genetic evaluation of a family suffering from prelingual, sensorineural, non-syndromic deafness. A novel c.247_249delTTC (p.F83del) GJB2 mutation was detected in compound heterozygosity with the c.35delG GJB2 mutation in the proband and was later confirmed in the father, while the mother was homozygous for the c.35delG GJB2 mutation. We conclude that compound heterozygosity of the novel c.247_249delTTC (p.F83del) and the c.35delG mutations in the GJB2 gene was the cause of deafness in the proband and his father. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Estudio del CH interestelar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Olano, C.; Lemarchand, G.; Sanz, A. J.; Bava, J. A.

    El objetivo principal de este proyecto consiste en el estudio de la distribución y abundancia del CH en nubes interestelares a través de la observación de las líneas hiperfinas del CH en 3,3 GHz. El CH es una molécula de amplia distribución en el espacio interestelar y una de las pocas especies que han sido observadas tanto con técnicas de radio como ópticas. Desde el punto de vista tecnológico se ha desarrollado un cabezal de receptor que permitirá la realización de observaciones polarimétricas en la frecuencia de 3,3 GHz, con una temperatura del sistema de 60 K y un ancho de banda de 140 MHz, y que será instalado en el foco primario de la antena parabólica del IAR. El cabezal del receptor es capaz de detectar señales polarizadas, separando las componentes de polarización circular derecha e izquierda. Para tal fin el cabezal consta de dos ramas receptoras que amplificarán la señal y la trasladarán a una frecuencia más baja (frecuencia intermedia), permitiendo de esa forma un mejor transporte de la señal a la sala de control para su posterior procesamiento. El receptor además de tener características polarimétricas, podrá ser usado en el continuo y en la línea, utilizando las ventajas observacionales y de procesamiento de señal que actualmente posee el IAR.

  12. Role of medio-dorsal frontal and posterior parietal neurons during auditory detection performance in rats.


    Bohon, Kaitlin S; Wiest, Michael C


    To further characterize the role of frontal and parietal cortices in rat cognition, we recorded action potentials simultaneously from multiple sites in the medio-dorsal frontal cortex and posterior parietal cortex of rats while they performed a two-choice auditory detection task. We quantified neural correlates of task performance, including response movements, perception of a target tone, and the differentiation between stimuli with distinct features (different pitches or durations). A minority of units--15% in frontal cortex, 23% in parietal cortex--significantly distinguished hit trials (successful detections, response movement to the right) from correct rejection trials (correct leftward response to the absence of the target tone). Estimating the contribution of movement-related activity to these responses suggested that more than half of these units were likely signaling correct perception of the auditory target, rather than merely movement direction. In addition, we found a smaller and mostly not overlapping population of units that differentiated stimuli based on task-irrelevant details. The detection-related spiking responses we observed suggest that correlates of perception in the rat are sparsely represented among neurons in the rat's frontal-parietal network, without being concentrated preferentially in frontal or parietal areas.

  13. Características del viento en estrellas Be derivadas del perfil Hα

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rohrmann, R.; Cidale, L.

    El estudio teórico de perfiles Hα y su variabilidad en estrellas Be ha sido frecuentemente desarrollado en base a modelos de envolturas circunestelares inhomogéneas, donde la geometría del material es responsable de la forma del perfil dependiendo de la dirección de observación. Nosotros damos una interpretación alternativa y proponemos que la mayoría de las propiedades de esta línea tienen origen en la base de un viento estelar y de una estructura cromosférica anexa a la fotósfera. Encontramos que típicos perfiles Hα en Be, como son los llamados pole-on y winebottle, pueden ser reproducidos cualitativamente sin recurrir a la existencia de una envoltura asimétrica. Analizamos como la línea Hα permite identificar la posible estructura del viento en la región donde éste se inicia.

  14. Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, South America

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The Mitre Peninsula is the easternmost tip of Tierra del Fuego, Argentina, (54.5S, 65.5W). Early winter snow can be seen on this south tip of the Andes Mountains. These same mountains continue underwater to Antarctica. The Strait of Magellan, separating the South American mainland from Tierra del Fuego is off the scene to the north and west, but the Strait of LeMaire, separating Tierra del Fuego from the Isla de los Estados can be seen.

  15. Poblaciones de los niveles atómicos en condiciones de no equilibrio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cruzado, A.

    El objetivo de este trabajo es encontrar la distribución de los átomos en los diferentes niveles de energía. Con el propósito de encontrar resultados generales y de amplia aplicación, hemos planteado las ecuaciones de equilibrio estadístico como función del número atómico del elemento a considerar y de las condiciones físicas del medio (temperatura y densidad). Así también se ha intentado tener en cuenta todos los niveles atómicos considerando explícitamente aquellos con un número cuántico principal menor que un cierto valor n y calculando una expresión aproximada para estimar la influencia de los demás.

  16. Unidades del paisaje de Puerto Rico: la influencia del clima, el substrato y la topografia


    William Gould; Michael E. Jimenez; Gary Potts; Maya Quinones; Sebastian Martinuzzi


    El mapa de unidades del paisaje de Puerto Rico representa variaciones climaticas, topograficas y del substrato mediante la integracion de seis zonas climaticas (Ewel y Whitmore, 1973), seis substratos (Bawiec, 2001; USGS, 2005), cinco posiciones topograficas, o topoformas (Martinuzzi et al. 2007), y cuerpos de agua (USGS 2005). Los substratos representan el conjunto...

  17. Revista Interamericana de Educacion de Adultos, 2003 (Interamerican Review of Adult Education, 2003).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Guerra, Alfonso Rangel, Ed.


    This journal offers a collection of Spanish-language articles, including: "Educacion a Distancia y Uso de las Tecnologias: Experiencias Desafios y Oportunidades Educativas para Jovenes y Adultos" (Ma. Mercedes Ruiz); "Volver a a Educacion Fundamental? Notas para una Arquelogia de los Mandatos Fundacionales del CREFAL" (Jorge…

  18. Analisis del contenido curricular de los Documentos Normativos del Programa de Ciencias en el area de biologia para la escuela superior del sistema de educacion publica de Puerto Rico: 1993-2012

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davila Montanez, Melissa

    Esta investigacion de naturaleza cualitativa se ocupo de realizar un analisis de contenido documental de los Documentos Normativos del Programa de Ciencias en el area de biologia de la escuela superior del sistema de educacion publica de Puerto Rico del periodo 1993-2012. Los documentos analizados fueron: Guia Curricular, 1995; Marco Curricular, 2003; Estandares de Excelencia, 1996, 2000 y Estandares de Contenido y Expectativas de Grado, 2007. Se indago si hubo cambios en significados en los Componentes Estructurales: Naturaleza de la ciencia, Paradigmas para la ensenanza de la ciencia, Funcion del curriculo formal, Mision de la ensenanza de la ciencia; Contenidos, destrezas y competencias, Estrategias de ensenanza y Evaluacion/Assessment del aprendizaje. El analisis sugiere que no hubo cambios sustanciales en los significados de los Componentes Estructurales. Los documentos estudiados muestran mayormente caracteristicas similares, aunque los documentos mas recientes eran mas descriptivos, explicativos y especificos.

  19. Factores que Influencian la Adquisición de Infecciones de Transmisión Sexual y VIH en Mujeres Jóvenes Chilenas que Participaron en la Intervención Online I-STIPI

    PubMed Central

    Villegas, Natalia; Cianelli, Rosina; Santisteban, Daniel; Lara, Loreto; Vargas, Jessica


    Resumen El objetivo de este estudio descriptivo de corte transversal fue investigar los siguientes factores asociados a la prevención de las infecciones de transmisión sexual (ITS) y el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH): (a) conocimientos, (b) actitudes, (c) autoeficacia, (d) vulnerabilidad, (e) conductas de riesgo, (f) conductas de prevención, y (g) uso de internet en mujeres chilenas entre 18 y 24 años. Se utilizó un cuestionario estructurado disponible en un sitio web seguro para la recolección de datos que incluyó preguntas relacionadas con la prevención de ITS/VIH. Los resultados del estudio indicaron que las mujeres jóvenes están en riesgo de adquirir ITS/VIH y tienen necesidades especiales para la prevención. La familiaridad y frecuencia del uso de internet en esta población puede ser utilizado para la prevención de ITS/VIH. PMID:27257190

  20. Estudio teórico del CO2. Orbitales de valencia y del ``core''

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Olalla Gutiérrez, E.

    Hemos calculado las intensidades de las transiciones E1 a los miembros de las series de Rydberg con origen en los orbitales ``no enlazantes'' del dióxido de carbono, especie de conocida relevancia atmosférica. Se han computado, asimismo, los continuos de fotoionización correspondientes a los distintos canales de ionización, representándolos como densidad espectral de fuerza de oscilador frente a la energía del fotón incidente; mostramos los resultados df/dE para la fotoionización total de esta especie en el intervalo 15-60 eV. Todos los cálculos se han llevado a cabo mediante la formulación Molecular del Método de los Orbitales de Defecto Cuántico, MQDO [1,2]. La calidad de los resultados que presentamos se ha evaluado en base a la comparación con los datos, tanto experimentales como teóricos, disponibles en la bibliografía. El acuerdo encontrado es altamente satisfactorio

  1. Visiting the Gödel universe.


    Grave, Frank; Buser, Michael


    Visualization of general relativity illustrates aspects of Einstein's insights into the curved nature of space and time to the expert as well as the layperson. One of the most interesting models which came up with Einstein's theory was developed by Kurt Gödel in 1949. The Gödel universe is a valid solution of Einstein's field equations, making it a possible physical description of our universe. It offers remarkable features like the existence of an optical horizon beyond which time travel is possible. Although we know that our universe is not a Gödel universe, it is interesting to visualize physical aspects of a world model resulting from a theory which is highly confirmed in scientific history. Standard techniques to adopt an egocentric point of view in a relativistic world model have shortcomings with respect to the time needed to render an image as well as difficulties in applying a direct illumination model. In this paper we want to face both issues to reduce the gap between common visualization standards and relativistic visualization. We will introduce two techniques to speed up recalculation of images by means of preprocessing and lookup tables and to increase image quality through a special optimization applicable to the Gödel universe. The first technique allows the physicist to understand the different effects of general relativity faster and better by generating images from existing datasets interactively. By using the intrinsic symmetries of Gödel's spacetime which are expressed by the Killing vector field, we are able to reduce the necessary calculations to simple cases using the second technique. This even makes it feasible to account for a direct illumination model during the rendering process. Although the presented methods are applied to Gödel's universe, they can also be extended to other manifolds, for example light propagation in moving dielectric media. Therefore, other areas of research can benefit from these generic improvements.

  2. Extensión del Formalismo de Orbitales de Defecto Cuántico al tratamiento del efecto Stark (SQDO).

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Menéndez, J. M.; Martín, I.; Velasco, A. M.

    El estudio experimental de las interacciones de átomos Rydberg altamente excitados con campos eléctricos ha experimentado un creciente interés durante las dos últimas décadas debido, en gran medida, al desarrollo de nuevas técnicas para crear y estudiar átomos Rydberg en el laboratorio. Acompañando a estas nuevas técnicas experimentales, es necesario el desarrollo de modelos teóricos que nos permitan contrastar sus medidas y conocer mejor los fundamentos de los mismos. Desde el punto de vista teórico el conocimiento del desdoblamiento de los niveles energéticos de un átomo en función de la magnitud del campo eléctrico aplicado (lo que se conoce como mapa Stark) es el mejor punto de partida para la descripción del sistema y un prerrequisito fundamental para el cálculo de distintas propiedades atómicas en presencia del campo eléctrico tales como intensidades de transición, umbrales de ionización de campo eléctrico, tiempos de vida, posición y anchura de cruces evitados, etc. En este trabajo presentamos la adaptación del método de orbitales de defecto cuántico [1,2,3] al tratamiento del efecto Stark (SQDO) [4] y su aplicación al cálculo de los desdoblamientos energéticos y fuerzas de oscilador de estados Rydberg en los átomos de Li, Na y K. El propósito de este estudio es, por un lado, desarrollar métodos fiables para la determinación de propiedades atómicas en presencia de campos eléctricos y, por otro, mostrar la fiabilidad de las funciones de onda QDO en la descripción del efecto Stark en sistemas atómicos.

  3. del universes in string theory

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barrow, John D.; Dabrowski, Mariusz P.


    We show that homogeneous Gödel spacetimes need not contain closed timelike curves in low-energy-effective string theories. We find exact solutions for the Gödel metric in string theory for the full O(α') action including both dilaton and axion fields. The results are valid for bosonic, heterotic and super-strings. To first order in the inverse string tension α', these solutions display a simple relation between the angular velocity of the Gödel universe, Ω, and the inverse string tension of the form α'=1/Ω2 in the absence of the axion field. The generalization of this relationship is also found when the axion field is present.

  4. Genes del receptor variable beta de células T en células circulantes de pacientes con lupus eritematoso generalizado y sus familiares sanos.


    Jakez-Ocampo, Juan; Paulín-Vera, Carmen María; Rivadeneyra-Espinoza, Liliana; Gómez-Martín, Diana; Carrillo-Maravilla, Eduardo; Lima, Guadalupe; Vargas-Rojas, María Inés; Pérez-Romano, Beatriz; Calva-Cevenini, Gabriella; García-Carrasco, Mario; Ruiz-Argüelles, Alejandro; Llorente, Luis

    Se investigó la proporción de la expresión génica del receptor variable beta de células T (Vβ TCR) en linfocitos periféricos CD3+ en pacientes con lupus eritematoso generalizado (LEG) familiar y no familiar. El repertorio de Vβ TCR se estudió en 14 familias que presentaban más de un miembro con LEG. El uso de Vβ TCR en pacientes con LEG (n = 27) se comparó con el de los miembros sanos de estas familias (n = 47), con 37 pacientes con LEG esporádico y con 15 controles sanos. La expresión del repertorio de Vβ TCR se estudió por citometría de flujo multiparamétrica utilizando un arreglo de 24 diferentes anticuerpos monoclonales específicos de genes familiares para Vβ TCR. Se encontró el mismo perfil de expresión en las comparaciones entre los casos de LEG esporádico y familiar, así como en los consanguíneos sanos de las familias multicasos, que incluía una expresión incrementada de Vβ 5.2, Vβ 11 y Vβ 16, y una menor expresión de Vβ 3, Vβ4, Vβ 7.1 y Vβ 7. De manera interesante, solo Vβ 17 se expresó de modo diferente entre casos familiares y esporádicos de LEG. Igualmente, la expresión incrementada de Vβ 9 fue el distintivo entre los casos de LEG familiar (casos y consanguíneos sanos) y los controles sanos. Estos resultados refuerzan la noción de que el perfil final del repertorio Vβ TCR observado en LEG familiar y no familiar parece surgir de la interacción de factores genéticos, ambientales e inmunorreguladores, además de que pueden explicar las alteraciones inmunitarias que se observan en los consanguíneos sanos de pacientes con LEG. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  5. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dolan, Sean Gregory; Berryman, Judy; Shackley, M. Steven

    Eden projectile points associated with the Cody complex are underrepresented in the late Paleoindian record of the American Southwest. EDXRF analysis of an obsidian Eden point from a site in Sierra County, New Mexico demonstrates this artifact is from the Cerro del Medio (Valles Rhyolite) source in the Jemez Mountains. Lastly, we contextualize our results by examining variability in obsidian procurement practices beyond the Cody heartland in southcentral New Mexico.

  6. JPRS Report, Environmental Issues

    DTIC Science & Technology


    been coordinated by the National Environ- mental Policy Commission [Comision Nacional de Politica Ambiental ]. The first step was the creation of a...May 91 [Text] Santiago, 30 May (EFE)—The Permanent South Pacific Commission (CPPS), which comprises Colombia, Chile, Ecuador , and Peru, has lodged a...decisions. We are adopting measures that will create the State Secretariat for the Environment [Secretaria de Estado del Medio Ambiente ], which will be

  7. The source provenance of an obsidian Eden point from Sierra County, New Mexico


    Dolan, Sean Gregory; Berryman, Judy; Shackley, M. Steven


    Eden projectile points associated with the Cody complex are underrepresented in the late Paleoindian record of the American Southwest. EDXRF analysis of an obsidian Eden point from a site in Sierra County, New Mexico demonstrates this artifact is from the Cerro del Medio (Valles Rhyolite) source in the Jemez Mountains. Lastly, we contextualize our results by examining variability in obsidian procurement practices beyond the Cody heartland in southcentral New Mexico.

  8. Environmental Assessment: Multiple Projects at Laughlin Air Force Base, Texas

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ambiente . Se cs~ buscando Ia opiru6n del publico sobre esta propuesta Los comentarios debe:n ser entrcgados por medio escrito anl·es de la £echa limite...and Recreation NAAQS National Ambient Air Quality Standards NEPA National Environmental Policy Act NO2 nitrogen dioxide NOI Notice of Intent NOT...2 Table 3-2 National Ambient Air Quality Standards ............................................................ 3-8 Table 3-3 2003 Basewide

  9. Final Report (OO-ERD-056) MEDIOS: Modeling Earth Deformation Using Interferometric Observations from Space

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vincent, P; Walter, B; Zucca, J


    This final report summarizes the accomplishments of the 2-year LDRD-ER project ''MEDIOS: Modeling Earth Deformation using Interferometric Observations from Space'' (00-ERD-056) which began in FY00 and ended in FY01. The structure of this report consists of this summary part plus two separate journal papers, each having their own UCRL number, which document in more detail the major results in two (of three) major categories of this study. The two categories and their corresponding paper titles are (1) Seismic Hazard Mitigation (''Aseismic Creep Events along the Southern San Andreas Fault System''), and (2) Ground-based Nuclear Explosion Monitoring, or GNEM (''New Signaturesmore » of Underground Nuclear Tests Revealed by Satellite Radar Interferometry''). The third category is Energy Exploitation Applications and does not have a separate journal article associated with it but is described briefly. The purpose of this project was to develop a capability within the Geophysics and Global Security Division to process and analyze InSAR data for the purposes of constructing more accurate ground deformation source models relevant to Hazards, Energy, and NAI applications. Once this was accomplished, an inversion tool was to be created that could be applied to many different types (sources) of surface deformation so that accurate source parameters could be determined for a variety of subsurface processes of interest to customers of the GGS Division. This new capability was desired to help attract new project funding for the division.« less

  10. Incidence of phlebitis associated with the use of peripheral IV catheter and following catheter removal.


    Urbanetto, Janete de Souza; Peixoto, Cibelle Grassmann; May, Tássia Amanda


    cateter e, com a flebite pós-infusão, a punção em antebraço. Os medicamentos Ceftriaxona, Claritromicina e Oxacilina foram associados à flebite pós-infusão. este estudo possibilitou investigar a associação de fatores de risco e a ocorrência de flebites durante o uso e após a retirada do cateter. A frequência da flebite pós-infusão foi maior do que o número de flebites durante a permanência do cateter, sendo as de grau III e II, respectivamente, as mais frequentes. Podem ser elucidados aspectos relacionados à flebite pós-infusão, considerando-se poucos estudos abordam o tema sob esta perspectiva. investigar la incidencia de flebitis y la asociación de factores de riesgo con su ocurrencia durante el uso y después de la retirada del catéter intravenoso periférico (CIP) (flebitis post-infusión) en adultos hospitalizados. estudio de cohorte con 171 pacientes con CIP, totalizando 361 punciones. Fueron recolectadas variables sociodemográficas y relacionadas al catéter. Análisis estadístico descriptivo y analítico. de los pacientes, 51,5% eran hombres y el promedio de edad fue de 56,96 años. La incidencia de flebitis durante el uso del CIP fue de 1,25% y de post-infusión fue de 1,38%. Se asoció la flebitis durante el uso del CIP al tiempo de permanencia del catéter y con la post-infusión (punción en el antebrazo). Los medicamentos Ceftriaxona, Claritromicina y Oxacilina fueron asociados a la flebitis post-infusión. este estudio posibilitó investigar la asociación de factores de riesgo y la ocurrencia de flebitis durante el uso y después de la retirada del catéter. La frecuencia de la flebitis post-infusión fue mayor que el número de flebitis asociada a la permanencia del catéter, siendo las de grado III y II, respectivamente, las más frecuentes. Se trato de elucidar aspectos relacionados a la flebitis post-infusión, considerando que existen pocos estudios que abordan el tema bajo esta perspectiva.

  11. Studies on magnetocaloric and magnetic coupling effects =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Amaral, Joao Cunha de Sequeira

    O presente trabalho apresenta novas metodologias desenvolvidas para a analise das propriedades magneticas e magnetocaloricas de materiais, sustentadas em consideracoes teoricas a partir de modelos, nomeadamente a teoria de transicoes de fase de Landau, o modelo de campo medio molecular e a teoria de fenomeno critico. Sao propostos novos metodos de escala, permitindo a interpretacao de dados de magnetizacao de materiais numa perspectiva de campo medio molecular ou teoria de fenomeno critico. E apresentado um metodo de estimar a magnetizacao espontanea de um material ferromagnetico a partir de relacoes entropia/magnetizacao estabelecidas pelo modelo de campo medio molecular. A termodinamica das transicoes de fase magneticas de primeira ordem e estudada usando a teoria de Landau e de campo medio molecular (modelo de Bean-Rodbell), avaliando os efeitos de fenomenos fora de equilibrio e de condicoes de mistura de fase em estimativas do efeito magnetocalorico a partir de medidas magneticas. Efeitos de desordem, interpretados como uma distribuicao na interaccao magnetica entre ioes, estabelecem os efeitos de distribuicoes quimicas/estruturais nas propriedades magneticas e magnetocaloricas de materiais com transicoes de fase de segunda e de primeira ordem. O uso das metodologias apresentadas na interpretacao das propriedades magneticas de variados materiais ferromagneticos permitiu obter: 1) uma analise quantitativa da variacao de spin por iao Gadolinio devido a transicao estrutural do composto Gd5Si2Ge2, 2) a descricao da configuracao de cluster magnetico de ioes Mn na fase ferromagnetica em manganites da familia La-Sr e La-Ca, 3) a determinacao dos expoentes criticos β e δ do Niquel por metodos de escala, 4) a descricao do efeito da pressao nas propriedades magneticas e magnetocaloricas do composto LaFe11.5Si1.5 atraves do modelo de Bean-Rodbell, 5) uma estimativa da desordem em manganites ferromagneticas com transicoes de segunda e primeira ordem, 6) uma descricao de

  12. PubMed

    De Abajo Larriba, Ana Beatriz; Méndez Rodríguez, Enrique; González-Gallego, Javier; Capón Álvarez, Jessica; Díaz Rodríguez, Ángel; Peleteiro Cobo, Beatriz; Mahmoud Atoui, Omar; De Abajo Olea, Serafín; Martínez de Mandojana Hernández, Juan; Lumbreras González, Víctor


    Objetivos: estimar el porcentaje de pacientes con EPOC adiestrados en la consulta para el manejo de inhaladores en la provincia de León.Métodos: estudio epidemiológico, transversal, multicéntrico (30 centros de salud de la provincia de León). Incluyó pacientes mayores de 35 años diagnosticados y tratados de EPOC. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, hábitat, datos antropométricos, estado nutricional, tabaquismo, espirometría postboroncodilatadora, disnea (mMRC), reagudizaciones, gravedad (Índice Bodex), hospitalizaciones, tratamiento, seguimiento y caracterización del fenotipo (GesEOPC 2014). Los resultados se expresan con sus IC al 95,5%.Resultados: se incluyeron 833 pacientes, el 85,8% varones, con edad media de 64,69 (53,66-75,61) años y 20,65 (4,47-36,8) años evolución de la EPOC. Empleaban 1,88 (1,64-2,16) dispositivos inhaladores de media, p = 0,006, (57% de forma correcta, 23% regular y el 20% incorrecta). El 20,9% no recibieron adiestramiento para usar inhaladores frente al 79,1% adiestrados, p < 0,001, (9,4% por neumólogos, 20,3% enfermeras y 43,5% médicos familia, p = 0,002). Los pacientes bien adiestrados realizan mejor el tratamiento, en el 60,60% (58,91-62,29), p = 0,002. No hubo diferencias significativas en el adiestramiento por tabaquismo, gravedad, ingresos hospitalarios, ni calidad de vida, obteniendo una reducción significativa del número de agudizaciones, siendo de 1,59 (1,12-2,15) reagudizaciones medias en el grupo adiestrado frente a 3,29 (2,50-4,11) en los no adiestrados, p = 0,002.Conclusiones: el nivel de adiestramiento en el uso de inhaladores en los pacientes con EPOC es insuficiente en nuestro medio. La mejor formación de los profesionales y la simplificación de los dispositivos contribuirán a que un mayor número de pacientes realicen el tratamiento de forma adecuada.

  13. Anti-angiogenic VEGFAxxxb transcripts are not expressed in the medio-basal hypothalamus of the seasonal sheep

    PubMed Central

    Lomet, Didier; Piégu, Benoît; Wood, Shona H.


    This study investigated Vegfa expression in the pars tuberalis (PT) of the pituitary and medio-basal hypothalamus (MBH) of sheep, across seasons and reproductive states. It has recently been proposed that season impacts alternative splicing of Vegfa mRNA in the PT, which shifts the balance between angiogenic VEGFAxxx and anti-angiogenic VEGFAxxxb isoforms (with xxx the number of amino acids of the mature VEGFA proteins) to modulate seasonal breeding. Here, we used various RT-PCR methodologies and analysis of RNAseq datasets to investigate seasonal variation in expression and splicing of the ovine Vegfa gene. Collectively, we identify 5 different transcripts for Vegfa within the ewe PT/MBH, which correspond to splicing events previously described in mouse and human. All identified transcripts encode angiogenic VEGFAxxx isoforms, with no evidence for alternative splicing within exon 8. These findings led us to investigate in detail how “Vegfaxxxb-like” PCR products could be generated by RT-PCR and misidentified as endogenous transcripts, in sheep and human HEK293 cells. In conclusion, our findings do not support the existence of anti-angiogenic VEGFAxxxb isoforms in the ovine PT/MBH and shed new light on the interpretation of prior studies, which claimed to identify Vegfaxxxb isoforms by RT-PCR. PMID:29746548

  14. Walking patterns of hip arthroplasty patients: some observations on the medio-lateral excursions of the trunk.


    Vogt, L; Brettmann, K; Pfeifer, K; Banzer, W


    This study examined the angular gait kinematics of the trunk and the pelvis in the frontal plane and their amount of side-to-side asymmetry in patients after total hip replacement arthroplasty. The angular gait kinematics of 12 male hip arthroplasty patients (53-70 years) were compared to ten age-matched and ten young (24-35 years) male control subjects. Average step times and medio-lateral oscillation amplitudes of the pelvic and thoracic recordings were calculated for each step. Between successive steps the asymmetry ratio was computed and the mean angle around which the side-to-side oscillations occurred was compared to the angle in a symmetrical standing trial. ANOVA indicated no significant side differences in relative step cycle durations. Patients and senior controls had significantly (p<0.01) less pelvis side-to-side displacements than the younger controls. No significant between-group differences could be detected for the average asymmetry ratio. However, during walking the patients showed a significantly (p<0.01) increased lateral thorax and pelvis deviation. Hip replacement patients' thoracic and pelvic position is characterized by a lateral shift throughout the gait cycle, while left and right symmetry of angular movements amplitudes remain at about the same value of unimpaired subjects.

  15. Antiplasmodial and Cytotoxic Activity of Raw Plant Extracts as Reported by Knowledgeable Indigenous People of the Amazon Region (Vaupés Medio in Colombia).


    Pabón, Adriana; Ramirez, Otoniel; Ríos, Alexandra; López, Ena; de Las Salas, Briegel; Cardona, Felipe; Blair, Silvia


    The in vitro antiplasmodial activity of 122 raw extracts prepared in ethanol and water from 35 medicinal plants reported by the Cubeo indigenous village of the Amazon region (Vaupés Medio in Colombia) was evaluated for efficacy against 3D7 (sensitive to chloroquine) and FCR-3 (resistant to chloroquine) Plasmodium falciparum strains. Five percent of these extracts presented a significant antiplasmodial activity (< 5 µg/mL) and 83 % of them were not cytotoxic. These findings highlight the importance of investigating traditional medicinal plants implemented by these ancestral communities of the Amazon region as well as their potential to become a source of new drugs against malaria. Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  16. Morphology, geology and geochemistry of the "Salar del Gran Bajo del Gualicho" (Rio Negro, Argentina)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Angelucci, A.; Barbieri, M.; Brodtkorb, A.; Ciccacci, S.; Civitelli, G.; De Barrio, R.; Di, Filippo M.; Fredi, P.; Friedman, I.; Lombardi, S.; Schalamuk, A.I.; Toro, B.


    A multidisciplinary study of the Gran Bajo del Gualicho area (Rio Negro - Argentina) was carried out; the aim was to delineate its geological and geomorphological evolution and to estabilish the genesis of salts filling the depression. Climatic conditions were analized first to individuate their role in the present morphogenetic processes; moreover the main morphological features of present landscape were examined as well as the stratigraphy of the outcropping formations, and of the Gran Bajo del Gualicho Formation in particular. Finally, a possible geomorphological evolution of the studied area was traced. Geophysical analyses allowed to estabilish that the paleosurface shaped on the crystalline basement is strongly uneven and shows evidence of the strong tectonic phases it underwent. The result of isotope analyses confirmed that the salt deposits on the Gran Bajo del Gualicho bottom were produced by fresh water evaporation, while strontium isotope ratio suggested that such waters were responsible for solubilization of more ancient evaporitic deposits.

  17. International Space Station USOS Crew Quarters On-orbit vs Design Performance Comparison

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Broyan, James Lee, Jr.; Borrego, Melissa Ann; Bahr, Juergen F.


    The International Space Station (ISS) United States Operational Segment (USOS) received the first two permanent ISS Crew Quarters (CQ) on Utility Logistics Flight Two (ULF2) in November 2008. Up to four CQs can be installed into the Node 2 element to increase the ISS crewmember size to six. The CQs provide private crewmember space with enhanced acoustic noise mitigation, integrated radiation reduction material, communication equipment, redundant electrical systems, and redundant caution and warning systems. The racksized CQ is a system with multiple crewmember restraints, adjustable lighting, controllable ventilation, and interfaces that allow each crewmember to personalize their CQ workspace. The deployment and initial operational checkout during integration of the ISS CQ to the Node is described. Additionally, the comparison of on-orbit to original design performance is outlined for the following key operational parameters: interior acoustic performance, air flow rate, temperature rise, and crewmember feedback on provisioning and restraint layout.

  18. A Reappraising of Cosmography: the Interface Between Astronomical and Geographic Studies. (Breton Title: Releitura do Conceito de Cosmografia: a Interface Entre os Estudos Astronômicos e Geográficos.) Una Relectura del Concepto de Cosmografía: la Interfase Entre los Estudios Astronómicos y Geográficos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Azevedo Sobreira, Paulo Henrique


    The concept of "Cosmography" is in disuse since the 80s of the last century, but the astronomical themes previously discussed in the school subjects of Geography and Cosmography remain in current textbooks. The use of term "Cosmography" was rescued in this research, and the study of its re-signification prompted the appearance of the term Geographic Cosmography. The Geographic Cosmography is a field of studies of the Geography, whose set of knowledge and skills is predominantly scholar. It studies the interface between terrestrial and celestial knowledge, and assigns a geographic significance to them. It examines human and natural relationships with Sidereal Space and its consequences for society and nature. O conceito de "Cosmografia" está em desuso desde os anos 80 do século XX, mas os temas astronômicos anteriormente abordados nas disciplinas escolares de Cosmografia e de Geografia permanecem nos atuais livros didáticos. O uso do termo "Cosmografia" foi resgatado nesta pesquisa e o estudo de sua ressignificação proporcionou o surgimento do termo Cosmografia Geográfica. A Cosmografia Geográfica é um campo de estudos da Geografia, cujo conjunto de conhecimentos e habilidades é predominantemente escolar. Estuda a interface entre os conhecimentos terrestres e os celestes e lhes atribui significância geográfica. Analisa as relações humanas e naturais com o Espaço Sideral e suas consequências para a sociedade e a natureza.

    Aunque el concepto de "Cosmografía" no se usa desde la década de los '80 del siglo pasado, los temas astronómicos que se enseñaban anteriormente en las asignaturas escolares de Cosmografía y de Geografía permanecen en los actuales libros didácticos. El uso del término "Cosmografía" fue rescatado en esta investigación y el estudio de su resignificación proporcionó el surgimiento del término Cosmografía Geográfica. La Cosmografía Geográfica es un campo de estudio de la Geografía, donde

  19. Nevado del Huila, Columbia

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Nevado del Huila Volcano in Colombia is actually a volcanic chain running north to south, capped by a glacier. With peaks ranging in height from 2,600 to 5,780 meters (8,530 to 18,960 feet), Nevado del Huila is a stratovolcano composed of alternating layers of hardened lava, solidified ash, and volcanic rocks. Its first recorded eruption occurred in the mid-sixteenth century. The long-dormant volcano erupted again in mid-April 2007. A few months before the eruption, the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA's Terra satellite captured this image of Nevado del Huila, on February 23, 2007. In this image, the bright white area just east of the central summit is ice. Immediately west of the summit are bare rocks, appearing as blue-gray. West of those rocks, white reappears, but this patch of white results from clouds hovering in the nearby valley. In the east, the colors turn to brown (indicating bare rock) and bright green (indicating vegetation). ASTER photographed Nevado del Huila near the end of a long phase of quietude. On April 17, 2007, local authorities recorded seismic activity associated with rock fracturing on the volcano's central summit, according to the ReliefWeb Website. Activity intensified the following day with an eruption and mudflows, forcing thousands of nearby residents to evacuate. As the Associated Press reported, the eruption caused avalanches and floods that wiped away both houses and bridges. It marked the volcano's first recorded eruption since the Spanish colonized the area five centuries earlier. NASA image created by Jesse Allen, using data provided courtesy of the NASA/GSFC/MITI/ERSDAC/JAROS, and U.S./Japan ASTER Science Team.

  20. Expresiones de afecto de madres bilingües, Bilingual mothers' expressions of affect

    PubMed Central

    Shiro, Martha


    En la interacción de 10 madres bilingües con sus hijos de 30 meses se analiza la expresión de afectividad en L1 y en L2. Se identificaron las expresiones de emoción, volición y actitud epistémica en 30 interacciones espontáneas: i. 10 madres (español L1) hablando en L1; ii. 10 madres (español L1) hablando en inglés L2; y iii. 10 madres (inglés L1) hablando en L1. Los resultados sugieren que los usos de L2 difieren de los de L1 (inglés o español): la expresión de volición y actitud epistémica se asemeja al inglés L1, mientras que la expresión de las emociones se acerca al español L1. Estos hallazgos permiten explicar los usos del lenguaje expresivo de los bilingües y ayudan a determinar sus efectos en el desarrollo del lenguaje PMID:25844004

  1. Calidad del aire interior en las escuelas

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    EPA ha desarrollado el Programa de Herramientas de Calidad del Aire Interior para las Escuelas para reducir la exposición a los contaminantes ambientales en las mismas a través de la adopción voluntaria de las prácticas para manejar la calidad del aire int

  2. Trastornos mentales y consumo de drogas en la población víctima del conflicto armado en tres ciudades de Colombia.


    Castaño, Guillermo; Sierra, Gloria; Sánchez, Daniela; Torres, Yolanda; Salas, Carolina; Buitrago, Carolina


    Introducción. La violencia en sus diferentes modalidades incrementa el riesgo de trastornos mentales y de consumo de drogas.Objetivos. Estimar la prevalencia de los trastornos mentales, del uso y abuso de drogas, así como los factores asociados en víctimas de desplazamiento forzado en tres ciudades colombianas.Materiales y métodos. Se hizo un estudio de prevalencia en una muestra de 1.026 personas entre los 13 y los 65 años de edad, a quienes se entrevistó utilizando el instrumento Composite International Diagnostic Interview y el Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, así como un cuestionario sobre el consumo de drogas modificado a partir de la encuesta del Sistema Interamericano de Datos Uniformes sobre Drogas de la Comisión Interamericana para el Control del Abuso de Drogas de la Organización de Estados Americanos, y otro sobre aspectos relacionados con el desplazamiento forzado. El análisis se hizo mediante el programa estadístico SPSS™, versión 21.Resultados. La prevalencia de vida de los trastornos mentales fue la siguiente: fobia específica, 17,7 %; depresión mayor, 16,4 %; estrés postraumático, 9,9 %; trastorno oposicionista desafiante, 8,9 %; ansiedad por separación, 7,2 %; trastornos de conducta, 5,8 %, y déficit de atención, 5,6 %. La prevalencia de vida del consumo de alcohol fue de 68,7 %; de tabaco, 31,3 %, de marihuana, 11,2 %, de cocaína, 3,5 %, de basuco, 2,0 %, de inhalables, 2,3 %, y de medicamentos ansiolíticos sin receta, 2,5 %, en tanto que 0,7 % de los entrevistados se había inyectado drogas. El presentar cualquiera de los trastornos mentales se asoció con el sexo femenino (odds ratio, OR=1,61; IC95% 1,21-2,14), así como el haber sido sometido a más de un desplazamiento forzado (OR=1,47; IC95 1,05-2,05). El consumo de cualquiera de las drogas se asoció con ser hombre (OR=5,38; IC95% 2,35-12,34).Conclusiones. La alta prevalencia de trastornos mentales y de consumo de

  3. Medio-lateral Knee Fluency in Anterior Cruciate Ligament-Injured Athletes During Dynamic Movement Trials

    PubMed Central

    Panos, Joseph A.; Hoffman, Joshua T.; Wordeman, Samuel C.; Hewett, Timothy E.


    Background Correction of neuromuscular impairments after anterior cruciate ligament injury is vital to successful return to sport. Frontal plane knee control during landing is a common measure of lower-extremity neuromuscular control and asymmetries in neuromuscular control of the knee can predispose injured athletes to additional injury and associated morbidities. Therefore, this study investigated the effects of anterior cruciate ligament injury on knee biomechanics during landing. Methods Two-dimensional frontal plane video of single leg drop, cross over drop, and drop vertical jump dynamic movement trials was analyzed for twenty injured and reconstructed athletes. The position of the knee joint center was tracked in ImageJ software for 500 milliseconds after landing to calculate medio-lateral knee motion velocities and determine normal fluency, the number of times per second knee velocity changed direction. The inverse of this calculation, analytical fluency, was used to associate larger numerical values with fluent movement. Findings Analytical fluency was decreased in involved limbs for single leg drop trials (P=0.0018). Importantly, analytical fluency for single leg drop differed compared to cross over drop trials for involved (P<0.001), but not uninvolved limbs (P=0.5029). For involved limbs, analytical fluency values exhibited a stepwise trend in relative magnitudes. Interpretation Decreased analytical fluency in involved limbs is consistent with previous studies. Fluency asymmetries observed during single leg drop tasks may be indicative of abhorrent landing strategies in the involved limb. Analytical fluency differences in unilateral tasks for injured limbs may represent neuromuscular impairment as a result of injury. PMID:26895446

  4. Optomechanical and thermal design of the Multi-Application Solar Telescope for USO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denis, Stefan; Coucke, Pierre; Gabriel, Eric; Delrez, Christophe; Venkatakrishnan, Parameshwaran


    The Multi-Application Solar Telescope (MAST) is a 50 cm diameter class telescope to be installed on the Udaipur Solar Observatory's Island on the Lake Fatehsagar in Udaipur, India. It is dedicated to solar observation. The telescope is designed, manufactured, assembled and installed on-site by the belgian company AMOS SA for the Udaipur Solar Observatory (USO), an academic division of the Physical Research Laboratory (PRL) in India. Despite its limited size, the telescope is expected to be competitive with respect to worldwide large and costly projects thanks to its versatility regarding science goals and also thanks to its demanding optomechanical and thermal specification. This paper describes the optomechanical and thermal design of this telescope and presents solutions adopted by AMOS to meet the specific requirements. The optical configuration of the telescope is based on an afocal off-axis gregorian combination integrated on an Alt.-Az. mechanical mount, with a suite of flat folding mirrors to provide the required stationary collimated beam.

  5. May Gödel's Ideas Be Addressed Philosophically?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dokulil, Miloš


    del emphasised philosophy as an important tool in science. Much less is known about his religious background. We should bear in mind that our evaluational perspective differs very much from the one in which Gödel lived. He was personally sure that there must be another existence after death-an afterlife (''of unlimited life span''). As a ''Baptized Lutheran'' he did not include ''Trinity'' in his creed. He was also certain that mind is separate from matter. This text tries to include Libet's ''readiness potential'' into the debate concerning the specificity of the mind. Neither Gödel's identification of materialism with mechanism nor his vision of the ''spirit'' are a viable solution of the problem.

  6. Modos de produccion cientifica: Culturas y metodologias de investigacion en la Universidad de Cadiz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Ramos, Ana M.


    Este trabajo de investigacion supone un modelo teorico de caracter aplicado, que proporciona la oportunidad de evaluar la produccion cientifica de los investigadores. Se encuadra dentro de la tradiccion de la estadistica aplicada y la sociologia del conocimiento. Atiende especialmente a dos conjuntos de temas de interes, por una parte, las caracteristicas principales que determinan el nivel y tipo de produccion academica producida por las unidades de investigacion y por los propios investigadores; por otra, la utilizacion que se hace de los metodos y tecnicas de investigacion puesto que de ello tambien depende el modo de produccion cientifica. Los puntos novedosos de esta tesis son: la medicion cuantitativa del objeto de estudio, la suma de los productos y las condiciones externas a la produccion del conocimiento mas otros elementos internos como las caracteristicas de los investigadores y la metodologia utilizada para desarrollar sus trabajos; y, finalmente, el uso de las nuevas tecnologias. El aprovechamiento de los recursos estadisticos y las fuentes de informacion secundarias se complementan con el diseno propio de una encuesta donde se implementa las caracteristicas descritas en un capitulo anterior sobre los metodos cientificos mas idoneos descritos en los principales manuales y articulos cientificos desde distintas disciplinas de conocimiento. Dicha encuesta ha sido desarrollada como un programa propio y en base a los mas innovadores usos de la tecnologia en la metodologia de encuestas.

  7. Nuevas Perspectivas en la Efficiencia del Uso Nirogeno en Vaca Lecheras

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Dairy cows utilize feed crude protein (CP) with greater efficiency than other ruminants, but still excrete about 2 to 3 times more nitrogen (N) in manure than they secrete in milk. This increases milk production costs plus environmental N pollution. Optimizing microbial protein formation in the rume...

  8. Efecto del Programa de Entrenamiento “Manejo del Dolor” en la Documentación de Enfermería en el Expediente Electrónico

    PubMed Central

    Monsiváis, María Guadalupe Moreno; Guzmán, Ma. Guadalupe Interial; Flores, Paz Francisco Sauceda; Arreola, Leticia Vázquez


    Resumen En el presente trabajo se muestra la importancia de entrenar al personal de enfermería para mejorar la documentación en el expediente electrónico. Se eligió el manejo del dolor por ser un área prioritaria; una alta proporción de pacientes en período post operatorio cursa con dolor, por lo tanto, la documentación debe ser útil para la toma de decisiones clínicas. Se implementó un programa de entrenamiento denominado “Manejo del Dolor” dirigido al personal de enfermería. Se utilizó la tecnología de la información como herramienta para fortalecer el conocimiento con base en la revisión sistemática de la literatura; el personal de enfermería participante seleccionó la mejor evidencia; posteriormente se trabajó en la transferencia de este conocimiento a la práctica a través del diseño de un protocolo para el manejo del dolor. Se concluye que el conocimiento del manejo del dolor es fundamental para que enfermería documente con mayor precisión sus intervenciones. PMID:24199106

  9. Relaciones entre el sueño y la adicción

    PubMed Central

    Cañellas, Francesca; de Lecea, Luis


    Resumen La interacción entre los trastornos del sueño y el abuso de sustancias es ya conocida, pero seguramente más compleja de lo que se pensaba. Existe tanto una relación positiva entre tener un trastorno por uso de substancias y sufrir un trastorno de sueño, como viceversa. Los efectos sobre el sueño dependen de la substancia utilizada, pero se ha demostrado que tanto durante su uso como en período de abstinencia los consumidores tienen diferentes problemas de sueño y fundamentalmente un sueño más fragmentado. Sabemos que hay que tener en cuenta los problemas de sueño para evitar recaídas en la adicción. Investigaciones recientes indican que el sistema hipocretinérgico definido por el neuropéptido hipocretina/orexina (Hcrt/ox), localizado en el hipotálamo lateral e implicado entre otros en la regulación del ciclo sueño-vigilia, jugaría un papel importante en las conductas adictivas. Diferentes estudios han demostrado interacciones entre el sistema hipocretinérgico, los circuitos de respuesta aguda al estrés y los sistemas de recompensa. También sabemos que la activación optogenética selectiva del sistema hipocretinérgico incrementa la probabilidad de la transición del sueño a la vigilia, y también es suficiente para iniciar un comportamiento compulsivo de recaída adictiva. La activación del sistema hipocretinérgico podría explicar la hipervigilia asociada al estrés y a la adicción. El mayor conocimiento de esta interacción permitiría entender mejor los mecanismos de la adicción y encontrar nuevas estrategias para el tratamiento de las adicciones. PMID:23241715

  10. The impact of the use of different types of gloves and bare hands for preparation of clean surgical instruments.


    Bruna, Camila Quartim de Moraes; Souza, Rafael Queiroz de; Massaia, Irineu Francisco Silva; Cruz, Áurea Silveira; Graziano, Kazuko Uchikawa


    implica em aumento dos custos do processo e da geração de resíduos, além do potencial risco alergênico ao látex. determinar si existen diferencias en la seguridad de la preparación del instrumental quirúrgico relacionadas con el uso de diferentes tipos de guantes y de las manos desnudas y evaluar la carga microbiológica de estos preparados sin guantes. experimento de laboratorio con enfoque pragmático, en el que las muestras fueron manejadas con diferentes tipos de guantes y las manos desnudas. Además, un ensayo de citotoxicidad se llevó a cabo mediante el método de difusión en agar. Otras muestras fueron sometidas a análisis microbiológico después de haber sido manipuladas sin guantes. ninguna de las muestras presentó efecto citotóxico. Todos los cultivos microbiológicos mostraron crecimiento de microorganismos, pero ningún microorganismo ha sido recuperado después de la esterilización en autoclave. no hubo diferencias en las respuestas citotóxicas con respecto al uso de diferentes tipos de guantes y de las manos desnudas en el manejo del instrumental quirúrgico limpio, lo que podría conllevar riesgo de yatrogenia. Es de destacar que el uso de guantes implica un aumento de los costos del proceso y la generación de residuos, además del potencial riesgo alergénico al látex.

  11. Reflexión bioética sobre el uso de organismos genéticamente modificados

    PubMed Central

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    El presente artículo reflexiona desde los 4 principios de la bioética el uso comercial de organismos genéticamente modificados. Se cuestiona fundamentalmente la falta de transferencia de tecnología entre el mundo desarrollado y en desarrollo y el que el presente sistema de patentamiento de organismos vivos modificados fomenta intereses comerciales y no da debida importancia al desarrollo sostenible de la agricultura y ganadería en los países en desarrollo, donde más se necesita. Se reflexiona sobre la importancia que tiene evaluar los riesgos antes de introducirse en el mercado organismos genéticamente modificados y la necesidad de regulación en los países. PMID:21927675

  12. 33 CFR 110.65 - Indian River Bay, Del.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2012-07-01 2012-07-01 false Indian River Bay, Del. 110.65 Section 110.65 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY ANCHORAGES ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Special Anchorage Areas § 110.65 Indian River Bay, Del. Beginning at a point bearing...


    PubMed Central

    Villaverde, Jorge Alarcón; Romaní, Franco Romaní; Torres, Silvia Montano; Zunt, Joseph R.


    La infección por el virus linfotrópico humano de células T tipo 1 (HTLV-1) ha sido descrita en muchas áreas del mundo, como en los países del Caribe, Japón, África, Oceanía y en Sudamérica. En la presente revisión definimos la endemicidad del HTLV-1 en el país, planteando cuatro criterios epidemiológicos. Luego discutimos el tema central de la revisión: la transmisión vertical del HTLV-1, que en nuestro país sería uno de los principales mecanismos de transmisión. Dentro del desarrollo de este aspecto en particular, presentamos una estimación de la tasa de transmisión vertical y los factores de riesgo asociados con la transmisión vertical sobre la base de una revisión exhaustiva de estudios nacionales y extranjeros. Con esta revisión pretendemos dar una primera aproximación al estudio de la trasmisión vertical de HTLV-1, un aspecto poco estudiado en nuestro medio. PMID:21537777

  14. El Atlas del Bosque Nacional El Yunque


    Maya Quiñones; Isabel K. Parés-Ramos; William A. Gould; Grizelle Gonzalez; Kathleen McGinley; Pedro. Ríos


    Esta publicación es un esfuerzo colaborativo entre el Instituto Internacional de Dasonomía Tropical y el Bosque Nacional El Yunque para proveer mapas y análisis de información espacial actualizados sobre una importante reserva natural en Puerto Rico y el único bosque tropical dentro del Sistema de Bosques Nacionales de los Estados Unidos. El Atlas del Bosque Nacional...

  15. Observatorio Astronómico De Cantabria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Domínguez, R. M.; Carrera, F. J.

    The Astronomical Observatory of Cantabria is a center of the Consejería de Medio Ambiente del Gobierno de Cantabria managed by the Centro de Investigación del Medio Ambiente (CIMA), an autonomous organism which depends on such Consejería. The development of different activities of the Observatory is a joint collaboration between the University of Cantabria and the Agrupación Astronómica Cántabra (AstroCantabria). As part of the University of Cantabria, the Instituto de Física de Cantabria (IFCA, CSIC-UC) is in charge of the direction, management and coordination of scientific, observational, educational and outreach activities of the Observatory. AstroCantabria takes care of the outreach activities for the general public as well as the astronomical observations. In addition, it is responsible for the calibration and maintenance of the astronomical instrumentation of the Observatory. The Astronomical Observatory of Cantabria is located on the Southern edge of the Comunidad Autónoma de Cantabria, on the high plateau of La Lora (Valderredible county), at an altitude of 1,080m, with longitude 3∘ 56 ' 36' W and latitude 42∘ 46 ' 18' N. Rocamundo is the closest town. The Observatory aims to become a center of reference for scientific, observational, educational and public outreach activities in Cantabria. In the near future, an observational proposal system for outside users will be set in place.

  16. 33 CFR 110.65 - Indian River Bay, Del.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2013-07-01 2013-07-01 false Indian River Bay, Del. 110.65... ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Special Anchorage Areas § 110.65 Indian River Bay, Del. Beginning at a point bearing... State highway bridge across Indian River Inlet; thence 174°, 600 feet; thence 264°, 800 feet; thence 354...

  17. 33 CFR 110.65 - Indian River Bay, Del.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Indian River Bay, Del. 110.65... ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Special Anchorage Areas § 110.65 Indian River Bay, Del. Beginning at a point bearing... State highway bridge across Indian River Inlet; thence 174°, 600 feet; thence 264°, 800 feet; thence 354...

  18. 33 CFR 110.65 - Indian River Bay, Del.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Indian River Bay, Del. 110.65... ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Special Anchorage Areas § 110.65 Indian River Bay, Del. Beginning at a point bearing... State highway bridge across Indian River Inlet; thence 174°, 600 feet; thence 264°, 800 feet; thence 354...

  19. 33 CFR 110.65 - Indian River Bay, Del.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 1 2014-07-01 2014-07-01 false Indian River Bay, Del. 110.65... ANCHORAGE REGULATIONS Special Anchorage Areas § 110.65 Indian River Bay, Del. Beginning at a point bearing... State highway bridge across Indian River Inlet; thence 174°, 600 feet; thence 264°, 800 feet; thence 354...

  20. International Space Station USOS Potable Water Dispenser Development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shaw, Laura A.; Barreda, Jose L.


    The International Space Station (ISS) Russian Segment currently provides potable water dispensing capability for crewmember food and beverage rehydration. All ISS crewmembers rehydrate Russian and U.S. style food packages from this location. A new United States On-orbit Segment (USOS) Potable Water Dispenser (PWD) is under development. This unit will provide additional potable water dispensing capability to support an onorbit crew of six. The PWD is designed to provide incremental quantities of hot and ambient temperature potable water to U.S. style food packages. It will receive iodinated water from the Fuel Cell Water Bus in the U.S. Laboratory element. The unit will provide potable-quality water, including active removal of biocidal iodine prior to dispensing. A heater assembly contained within the unit will be able to supply up to 2.0 liters of hot water (65 to 93oC) every thirty minutes. This quantity will allow three to four crewmembers to rehydrate their food and beverages from this location during a single meal. The unit is designed to remain functional for up to ten years with replacement of limited life items such as filters. It will be the size of two stacked Shuttle Middeck lockers (approximately the size of two small suitcases) and integrated into a science payload rack in the U.S. Laboratory element. Providing potable-quality water at the proper temperature for food and beverage reconstitution is critical to maintaining crew health and well-being. The numerous engineering challenges as well as human factors and safety considerations during the concept, design, and prototyping are outlined in this paper.

  1. Del-1 Expression as a Potential Biomarker in Triple-Negative Early Breast Cancer.


    Lee, Soo Jung; Lee, Jeeyeon; Kim, Wan Wook; Jung, Jin Hyang; Park, Ho Yong; Park, Ji-Young; Chae, Yee Soo


    A differential diagnostic role for plasma Del-1 was proposed for early breast cancer (EBC) in our previous study. We examined tumoral Del-1 expression and analyzed its prognostic impact among patients with EBC. Del-1 mRNA expression was assessed in breast epithelial and cancer cells. Meanwhile, the tumoral expression of Del-1 was determined based on tissue microarrays and immunohistochemistry results from 440 patients. While a high Del-1 mRNA expression was found in all the breast cancer cell lines, the expression was significantly higher in MDA-MB-231. Tumoral expression of Del-1 was also significantly associated with a negative expression of estrogen receptor or progesterone receptor, and low expression of Ki-67, particularly in the case of triple-negative breast cancer (TNBC) (p < 0.036). Furthermore, a correlation was found between Del-1 expression and an aggressive histological grade, nuclear mitosis, and polymorphism, suggesting a possible role in tumor progression. In the survival analysis, a worse distant disease-free survival trend was noted for the group overexpressing Del-1. While all the investigated breast cancer cell lines exhibited Del-1 expression, the expression rate and intensity were specifically prominent in TNBC. In addition, based on its relationship to an unfavorable histology and worse survival trend, Del-1 could act as a molecular target in TNBC patients. © 2018 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  2. A Bibliography of References in Natural Water Photochemistry

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Impacto ambiental do la derrama, del Pozo IXTOC-I sobre 91 zooplancton. I.P.N. Falk-Peterson, I.-B., Saethre, L. J. and LUnning, S., 1982. Toxic effects of...larvas, postlarvas, jueveniles y adultos do camaron y adultos do osti6n y pulpo por medio de biosensayos. Cientffica y Ticnica. Universidad de Sonora...spill: Flaking of surface mousse in the Gulf of Mexico . Nature 290: 235-238. Payne, J., 1984.t Physical/chemical weathering of petroleum in the marine

  3. Forensic applicability of multi-allelic InDels with mononucleotide homopolymer structures.


    Zhang, Shu; Zhu, Qiang; Chen, Xiaogang; Zhao, Yuancun; Zhao, Xiaohong; Yang, Yiwen; Gao, Zehua; Fang, Ting; Wang, Yufang; Zhang, Ji


    Insertion/deletion polymorphisms (InDels), which possess the characteristics of low mutation rates and a short amplicon size, have been regarded as promising markers for forensic DNA analysis. InDels can be classified as bi-allelic or multi-allelic, depending on the number of alleles. Many studies have explored the use of bi-allelic InDels in forensic applications, such as individual identification and ancestry inference. However, multi-allelic InDels have received relatively little attention. In this study, InDels with 2-6 alleles and a minor allele frequency ≥0.01, in Chinese Southern Han (CHS), were retrieved from the 1000 Genomes Project Phase III. Based on the structural analysis of all retrieved InDels, 17 multi-allelic markers with mononucleotide homopolymer structures were selected and combined in one multiplex PCR reaction system. Sensitivity, species specificity and applicability in forensic case work of the multiplex were analyzed. A total of 218 unrelated individuals from a Chinese Han population were genotyped. The combined discriminatory power (CDP), the combined match probability (CMP) and the cumulative probability of exclusion (CPE) were 0.9999999999609, 3.91E-13 and 0.9956, respectively. The results demonstrated that this InDel multiplex panel was highly informative in the investigated population and most of the 26 populations of the 1000 Genomes Project. The data also suggested that multi-allelic InDel markers with monomeric base pair expansions are useful for forensic applications. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved. This article is protected by copyright. All rights reserved.

  4. Meningococco B: controllo di due focolai epidemici mediante vaccinazione

    PubMed Central


    Riassunto La problematica di un efficace approccio vaccinale nei confronti del Meningococco B (MenB) è stata superata identificando con la metodica della "reverse vaccinology" alcuni antigeni capaci di indurre una risposta verso la maggior parte dei ceppi di MenB circolanti nel mondo. Il nuovo vaccino MenB a 4 componenti (4CMenB) è stato autorizzato in Europa, Australia e Canada, ed è entrato nei calendari di immunizzazione pediatrica internazionali: Australia, Canada, UK. In Italia, le prime regioni che hanno raccomandato la vaccinazione contro il MenB sono state Basilicata e Puglia. La gestione di epidemie/focolai epidemici richiede la messa in atto di una risposta rapida da parte delle autorità sanitarie nei confronti di una emergenza sanitaria ad elevato impatto, anche emotivo, sulla popolazione, come recentemente dimostrato in due università americane. Alla dichiarazione di focolaio epidemico in atto, in entrambi i contesti si è attivata una procedura per l'uso del vaccino 4CMenB non ancora autorizzato negli USA. È stato così possibile organizzare gli interventi di profilassi attiva nei due campus universitari, adottando il primo impiego su larga scala del nuovo vaccino 4CMenB e conseguendo, in tempi relativamente brevi, elevati tassi di copertura vaccinale. A fronte di circa 14000 studenti immunizzati con almeno una dose, non è stata segnalata alcuna problematica di eventi avversi conseguenti all'immunizzazione; ad oggi non si sono verificati casi nei soggetti che hanno ricevuto il vaccino. Come conseguenza dei due focolai descritti, è oggi in corso la valutazione da parte dell'FDA per l'estensione dell'uso del vaccino 4CMenB negli Stati Uniti negli adolescenti e giovani adulti. PMID:25916017

  5. DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jones, J.

    The Department of Energy of the United States of America works to guarantee provisions of safe energy, reliable and economically accessible to support to one developing economy and to protect the atmosphere. These suggestions and ideas to increase the energy efficiency in their house represent simple ways in which our citizens can contribute to preserve the atmosphere at world-wide level, to reduce the level of contamination of the air and to reserve our natural resources for future generations. [Spanish] El Departamento de Energa de los Estados Unidos de America trabaja para garantizar suministros de energa seguros, confiables y econmicamente accesiblesmore » para apoyar a una economa en desarrollo y proteger el medio ambiente. Estas sugerencias e ideas para aumentar la eficiencia energetica en su casa representan maneras sencillas en que nuestros ciudadanos pueden contribuir a preservar el medio ambiente a nivel mundial, a reducir el nivel de contaminacin del aire y a reservar nuestros recursos naturales para las generaciones futuras.« less

  6. GEONETCast Americas Websites

    -channel CIIFEN Centro Internacional para la Investigación del Fenómeno de El Niño / International Conocimiento y Uso de la Biodiversidad / National Commission for Knowledge and Use of Biodiversity Sub-channel Center for the Investigation of the El Niño Phenomenon Sub-channel CMACast Regional GEOENTCast Component

  7. Design, aerodynamics and autonomy of the DelFly.


    de Croon, G C H E; Groen, M A; De Wagter, C; Remes, B; Ruijsink, R; van Oudheusden, B W


    One of the major challenges in robotics is to develop a fly-like robot that can autonomously fly around in unknown environments. In this paper, we discuss the current state of the DelFly project, in which we follow a top-down approach to ever smaller and more autonomous ornithopters. The presented findings concerning the design, aerodynamics and autonomy of the DelFly illustrate some of the properties of the top-down approach, which allows the identification and resolution of issues that also play a role at smaller scales. A parametric variation of the wing stiffener layout produced a 5% more power-efficient wing. An experimental aerodynamic investigation revealed that this could be associated with an improved stiffness of the wing, while further providing evidence of the vortex development during the flap cycle. The presented experiments resulted in an improvement in the generated lift, allowing the inclusion of a yaw rate gyro, pressure sensor and microcontroller onboard the DelFly. The autonomy of the DelFly is expanded by achieving (1) an improved turning logic to obtain better vision-based obstacle avoidance performance in environments with varying texture and (2) successful onboard height control based on the pressure sensor.

  8. Muscle dysmorphia: detection of the use-abuse of anabolic adrogenic steroids in a Spanish sample.


    González-Martí, Irene; Fernández-Bustos, Juan Gregorio; Contreras Jordán, Onofre Ricardo; Sokolova, Marina


    Debido a una distorsión en la imagen corporal, las personas que padecen Dismorfia Muscular se perciben menos musculosas de lo que son en realidad. Con el fin de aumentar su musculatura, algunas de estas personas hacen uso de hormonas cuya función principal es la del aumento del tamaño muscular. Por lo que el objetivo de este estudio es conocer la prevalencia del uso de hormonas en personas afectadas por Dismorfia Muscular. 562 hombres y 172 mujeres fisicoculturistas y levantadores de pesas, a los que se le administraron diferentes cuestionarios para conocer, primero si padecían el trastorno, y después en qué porcentaje usaban hormonas la muestra afectada. Para la creación de los modelos de regresión de la dismorfia muscular fueron empleadas las técnicas estadísticas de árboles de decisión (R = 0.78 y R2 = 0.62). Los resultados indican que casi un 50% de participantes, afectados por este trastorno, hacen uso de estas drogas. Due to a distortion in the body image, the people who suffer from muscle dysmorphia have the self-perception of being less muscular than they currently are. With the aim of increasing their muscular development, they resort to the use of AAS. The purpose of the present study is to know the prevalence of the use of AAS in a Spanish sample affected by muscle dysmorphia. 562 male and 172 female bodybuilders and weightlifters were provided with different questionnaires in order to know, firstly, if they suffered from this disorder and, secondly, the percentage of the participants affected who use these substances. Decision trees and regression was applied to create explanatory models for muscle dysmorphia (R = 0.78 and R2 = 0.62). The results show that almost 50% of the participants, male and female, affected by this disorder use this kind of drugs.

  9. Case Study: del Amo Bioventing

    EPA Science Inventory

    The attached presentation discusses the fundamentals of bioventing in the vadose zone. The basics of bioventing are presented. The experience to date with the del Amo Superfund Site is presented as a case study.

  10. Percepcion de los profesores universitarios acerca del concepto cultura cientifica y de sus implicaciones en el nuevo bachillerato del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ramos Pastrana, Nilsa

    El Senado Academico del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico aprobo en el ano academico 2005-2006 la Certificacion 46, que contiene los lineamientos de un nuevo bachillerato. Este nuevo bachillerato introdujo cambios significativos en el curriculo tradicional. Entre ellos se encuentra la reduccion del componente de educacion general y el de Ciencias Biologicas en particular. La reduccion de creditos en el componente de Ciencias Biologicas ha obligado a reevaluar el concepto de cultura cientifica que desarrollan esos cursos. El proposito del estudio consistio en auscultar las percepciones de los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Humanidades, Ciencias Sociales, Ciencias Naturales, Educacion y Estudios Generales del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en torno al concepto de cultura cientifica, los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas y la reduccion de creditos en el nuevo bachillerato. Las preguntas que guiaron la investigacion fueron: ¿cuales son las percepciones que tienen los profesores de las Facultades de Administracion de Empresas, Ciencias Sociales, Estudios Generales, Ciencias Naturales, Humanidades y Educacion, en torno al concepto de cultura cientifica y los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas? ¿cuales son las percepciones que tienen los profesores de Ciencias Biologicas en torno al concepto cultura cientifica y los contenidos disciplinares del curso de Ciencias Biologicas? ¿existen diferencias significativas por facultad, genero, experiencia, rango y nombramiento en las percepciones que tienen los profesores del Recinto de Rio Piedras de la Universidad de Puerto Rico sobre los elementos que caracterizan la cultura cientifica y los contenidos biologicos que deben tener los egresados del Recinto? ¿que implicaciones curriculares tienen estos testimonios en el desarrollo del concepto de cultura cientifica en el nuevo bachillerato? Para realizar la

  11. An evaluation of Delaware's DelTrac program : building an integrated transportation management system

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The DelTrac deployment experience included both successes and unmet challenges. Programmatically, the DelTrac approach to managing ITS has been successful at creating a great deal of integration and cooperation between organizations at DelDOT. Stakeh...

  12. Evaluation of Noise Effects in Auditory Function in Spanish Military Pilots

    DTIC Science & Technology


    traumatismo sonoro crónico. Su incidencia en el medio aéreo. 131 Curso de Aptitud para el Ascenso a Comandante. Escuela Superior del E.A. Madrid 1991...FAYALA M.: Détèrorations audiométriques chez le pilote militaire en Tunisie. Méd. Aéro. Spat., Tome XXX, Nº 119 - 1991. [13] LORENTE J.: El...14] LORENTE J.M.: “Cambios auditivos en los pilotos de las Fuerzas Armadas. Revisión bibliográfica.” Revista Universitaria de Sanidad. Vol. 1, Núm. 1

  13. CHEK2 1100delC and male breast cancer in the Netherlands.


    Wasielewski, Marijke; den Bakker, Michael A; van den Ouweland, Ans; Meijer-van Gelder, Marion E; Portengen, Henk; Klijn, Jan G M; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Foekens, John A; Schutte, Mieke


    Mutations in the breast cancer susceptibility genes BRCA1, BRCA2, and CHEK2 are known risk factors for female breast cancer. Mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 also are associated with male breast cancer (MBC). Similarly, it had been suggested in the original CHEK2 identification report that the CHEK2 1100delC mutation confers an increased risk for MBC. Here, we have evaluated the risk of CHEK2 1100delC for MBC by genotyping CHEK2 1100delC in 23 familial and 71 unselected Dutch MBC cases. None of the 23 familial MBC cases carried the CHEK2 1100delC mutation. In contrast, CHEK2 1100delC was present in 3 of the 71 (4.2%) unselected MBC cases, which was significantly more prevalent than the 1.1% Dutch population frequency assessed in 1,692 individuals (P = 0.05, OR = 4.1, 95% CI 1.2-14.3). Our data suggest that, in the Netherlands, CHEK2 1100delC is associated with an increased risk for MBC.

  14. Field measurements of del13C in ecosystem respiration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van Asperen, Hella; Sabbatini, Simone; Nicolini, Giacomo; Warneke, Thorsten; Papale, Dario; Notholt, Justus


    Stable carbon isotope del13C-measurements are extensively used to study ecological and biogeochemical processes in ecosystems. Above terrestrial ecosystems, atmospheric del13C can vary largely due to photosynthetic fractionation. Photosynthetic processes prefer the uptake of the lighter isotope 12C (in CO2), thereby enriching the atmosphere in 13C and depleting the ecosystem carbon. At night, when ecosystem respiratory fluxes are dominant, 13C-depleted CO2 is respired and thereby depletes the atmospheric del13C-content. Different ecosystems and different parts of one ecosystem (type of plant, leaves, and roots) fractionate and respire with a different del13C-ratio signature. By determining the del13C-signature of ecosystem respiration in temporal and spatial scale, an analysis can be made of the composition of respiratory sources of the ecosystem. A field study at a dry cropland after harvest (province of Viterbo, Lazio, Italy) was performed in the summer of 2013. A FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) was set up to continuously measure CO2-, CH4-, N2O-, CO- and del13C-concentrations. The FTIR was connected to 2 different flux measurements systems: a Flux Gradient system (sampling every half hour at 1.3m and 4.2m) and 2 flux chambers (measured every hour), providing a continuous data set of the biosphere-atmosphere gas fluxes and of the gas concentrations at different heights. Keeling plot intercept values of respiratory CO2, measured by the Flux Gradient system at night, were determined to be between -25‰ and -20‰. Keeling plot intercept values of respiratory CO2, measured by the flux chamber system, varied between -24‰ and -29‰, and showed a clear diurnal pattern, suggesting different (dominant) respiratory processes between day and night.

  15. [Strengths and future of the Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social].


    Fajardo-Dolci, Germán


    The journals of medicine arose as a communication tool more than 200 years ago. At the beginning, their nature was local; later, their aim was to spread medical information along the nation; and, finally, they sought to reach the world distribution. The Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social was published for the first time 52 years ago, and it has walked its way from local to international distribution. This journal has 23 000 subscribers, it is included in Medline and it reached a 0.112 SCImago Journal Rank in 2012. Its website receives around 200 000 visits monthly and 45 % are foreign visits. In the future, the peer review system is going to be strengthened, and the journal is going to offer audio, video, and applications to reinforce interactive participation between authors, readers in order to reach modernity and draw young new attention.

  16. Influence of fear of falling on anticipatory postural control of medio-lateral stability during rapid leg flexion.


    Yiou, E; Deroche, T; Do, M C; Woodman, T


    During leg flexion from erect posture, postural stability is organized in advance during "anticipatory postural adjustments" (APA). During these APA, inertial forces are generated that propel the centre of gravity (CoG) laterally towards stance leg side. This study examined how fear of falling (FoF) may influence this anticipatory postural control of medio-lateral (ML) stability. Ten young healthy participants performed a series of leg flexions at maximal velocity from low and high surface heights (6 and 66 cm above ground, respectively). In this latter condition with increased FoF, stance foot was placed at the lateral edge of the support surface to induce maximal postural threat. Results showed that the amplitude of ML inertial forces generated during APA decreased with FoF; this decrease was compensated by an increase in APA duration so that the CoG position at time of swing foot-off was located further towards stance leg side. With these changes in ML APA, the CoG was propelled in the same final (unipodal) position above stance foot as in condition with low FoF. These results contrast with those obtained in the literature during quiet standing which showed that FoF did not have any influence on the ML component of postural control. It is proposed that ML APA are modified with increased FoF, in such a way that the risk of a sideway fall induced by the large CoG motion is attenuated.

  17. Velocidades radiales en Collinder 121

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, M.; Morrell, N.

    Se han llevado a cabo observaciones espectroscópicas de unas treinta estrellas que son posibles miembros del cúmulo abierto Collinder 121. Las mismas fueron realizadas con el telescopio de 2.15m del Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (CASLEO). El análisis de las velocidades radiales derivadas del material obtenido, confirma la realidad de Collinder 121, al menos desde el punto de vista cinemático. La velocidad radial baricentral (LSR) del cúmulo es de +17 ± 3 km.s-1. Esta velocidad coincide, dentro de los errores, con la velocidad radial (LSR) de la nebulosa anillo S308, la cual es de ~20 ± 10 km.s-1. Como S308 se encuentra físicamente asociada a la estrella Wolf-Rayet HD~50896, es muy probable que esta última sea un miembro de Collinder 121. Desde un punto de vista cinemático, la supergigante roja HD~50877 (K3Iab) también pertenecería a Collinder 121. Basándonos en la pertenencia de HD~50896 a Collinder 121, y en la interacción encontrada entre el viento de esta estrella y el medio interestelar circundante a la misma, se estima para este cúmulo una distancia del orden de 1 kpc.

  18. JPRS Report, Reference Aid: Glossary of Acronyms and Abbreviations of Spain

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Emigraciön INSS Instituto Nacional de la Seguridad Social INTA Instituto Nacional de Tecnica Aeroespacial INTUSA Industrias Turisticas, S. A. INUR...Marconi Espafiola, S. A. META (plan de) Modernizaciön del Ejercito de Tierra MFCS Medidas destinadas a Fomentar la Confianza y Seguridad MIL...Favored-Nations System S/R (S/Ref.) su referenda your reference SS Seguridad Social SSUPC Sistema de Seguimiento de Uso de la Celula Social

  19. Three Dimensional Modeling of Breaking

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Three Dimensional Modeling of Breaking Robert A. Dalrymple Dept of Civil Engineering The Johns Hopkins University 3400 North Charles Street...University,Dept of Civil Engineering,3400 North Charles Street,Baltimore,MD,21218 8. PERFORMING ORGANIZATION REPORT NUMBER 9. SPONSORING/MONITORING...R.A. Dalrymple, A.J.C. Crespo, and D. Cerquiero, "Uso de la Tecnica SPH para el Estudio de la Interaccion entre Olas y Estructuras," Ingenieria del

  20. Caracterización espectroscópica de hielos de interés atmosférico y astrofísico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Escribano, R.

    En años recientes se ha incrementado el estudio de procesos físicos y químicos que tienen lugar en la superficie o el interior de hielos, tanto en medios astrofísicos como en la atmósfera terrestre y en otros cuerpos del sistema solar. Se ha comprobado que las partículas heladas actúan como catalizadores de reacciones químicas, que no ocurrirían en su ausencia. En la atmósfera terrestre, es bien conocida la importancia de partículas de hidratos de ácido nítrico, formando las llamadas nubes estratosféricas polares, en los procesos de destrucción de ozono estratosférico. En hielos astrofísicos, átomos como H, C, N y O pueden adherirse o introducirse en la estructura cristalina o amorfa del hielo, y dar lugar a reacciones de formación de moléculas evitando su barrera de activación. Existen partículas heladas en el medio interestelar formando parte de las llamadas nubes moleculares densas y frías, con valores del orden de 106 átomos de H por cm3 y temperaturas entre 3 y 90 K. Alrededor de protoestrellas, pueden formarse hielos de distinta composición, polares o apolares, en las zonas de alejamiento y temperatura decreciente a partir del núcleo caliente. Por su parte, los cometas están formados por un núcleo de hielo y rocas, sobre el que se encuentran adheridas moléculas gaseosas, y una cola, formada por los gases liberados por efecto del calentamiento debido a la radiación solar incidente. En nuestro sistema solar, los polos de La Tierra y de Marte están cubiertos de hielo, así como la mayoría de los cuerpos externos. Los satélites de Júpiter han sido estudiados detalladamente, y se han encontrado en ellos, y en Tritón (satélite de Neptuno), hielos de moléculas como SON2, CO2, N2, CH4 y otros. Para la caracterización espectroscópica de estos hielos se precisan medidas en el laboratorio, aún conociendo la imposibilidad intrínseca de reproducir exactamente las condiciones en que se formaron y se encuentran en los medios astrof

  1. Estereotipos Sexuales y su Relación con Conductas Sexuales Riesgosas1,2,3

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Jiménez, David; Orengo-Aguayo, Rosaura E.


    Resumen Los estereotipos sexuales son creencias generalmente aceptadas y poco cuestionadas que podrían contribuir a cómo los hombres y las mujeres debemos expresar nuestra sexualidad. Los objetivos de este estudio eran identificar cuántos hombres y mujeres heterosexuales en Puerto Rico endosaban ciertos estereotipos acerca de la sexualidad masculina y femenina y explorar la relación entre el endoso de estos estereotipos sexuales y las actitudes hacia el condón masculino y su uso en relaciones sexuales vaginales Llevamos a cabo un estudio descriptivo-correlacional mediante el cual le administramos dos escalas, una sobre sexualidad masculina y otra sobre sexualidad femenina a un grupo de 429 personas heterosexuales. Encontramos que los hombres endosaron estereotipos sexuales masculinos y femeninos más que las mujeres y que estos tienden a tener una visión más conservadora respecto a la sexualidad femenina que la que tienen sobre su propia sexualidad. Las mujeres, por otra parte, tienden a ver su propia sexualidad y la sexualidad masculina en términos menos estereotipados y más equitativos. También encontramos que a mayor endoso de creencias tradicionales sobre la sexualidad masculina y femenina, peor la actitud hacia el uso del condón masculino. Sin embargo, el endosar estereotipos sexuales masculinos y/o femeninos no se relacionó con el uso del condón. Estos hallazgos contradicen la literatura que sugiere que estos estereotipos sexuales y de género resultan en conductas sexuales de alto riesgo, lo cual tiene implicaciones importantes para el desarrollo e implementación de programas de prevención. PMID:24575164

  2. Pastoral del Nino: Bringing the Abundant Life to Paraguayan Children

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Austin, Ann Berghout; Aquino, Cyle; Burro, Elizabeth


    Pastoral del Nino is transforming children's lives in rural Paraguay. Part of Pastoral Social (Catholic Social Services), Pastoral del Nino's primary focus is to bring "vida en abundancia" (the abundant life) to families by ensuring that mothers survive childbirth and children reach their first birthdays. In addition, the organization…

  3. Perk Ablation Ameliorates Myelination in S63del-Charcot–Marie–Tooth 1B Neuropathy

    PubMed Central

    Musner, Nicolò; Sidoli, Mariapaola; Zambroni, Desireè; Del Carro, Ubaldo; Ungaro, Daniela; D’Antonio, Maurizio; Feltri, Maria L.


    In peripheral nerves, P0 glycoprotein accounts for more than 20% of myelin protein content. P0 is synthesized by Schwann cells, processed in the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and enters the secretory pathway. However, the mutant P0 with S63 deleted (P0S63del) accumulates in the ER lumen and induces a demyelinating neuropathy in Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease type 1B (CMT1B)–S63del mice. Accumulation of P0S63del in the ER triggers a persistent unfolded protein response. Protein kinase RNA-like endoplasmic reticulum kinase (PERK) is an ER stress sensor that phosphorylates eukaryotic initiation factor 2 alpha (eIF2alpha) in order to attenuate protein synthesis. We have shown that increasing phosphophorylated-eIF2alpha (P-eIF2alpha) is a potent therapeutic strategy, improving myelination and motor function in S63del mice. Here, we explore the converse experiment: Perk haploinsufficiency reduces P-eIF2alpha in S63del nerves as expected, but surprisingly, ameliorates, rather than worsens S63del neuropathy. Motor performance and myelin abnormalities improved in S63del//Perk+/− compared with S63del mice. These data suggest that mechanisms other than protein translation might be involved in CMT1B/S63del neuropathy. In addition, Perk deficiency in other cells may contribute to demyelination in a non–Schwann-cell autonomous manner. PMID:27095827

  4. Sistemas de cúmulos globulares extragalácticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Forte, J. C.

    Se describen las características de los sistemas de cúmulos globulares asociados a galaxias elípticas en una variedad de medios y, en particular, aquellas vinculadas con la distribución espacial, frecuencia específica y composición química. Esta discusión se hace dentro de un conjunto de esquemas orientados a explicar las primeras fases de la formación de las galaxias dominantes en cúmulos y del rol de los sistemas de cúmulos globulares en esos procesos.

  5. [Medical movement in Mexico. To 50 years. Open file].


    Sandoval-Gutiérrez, José Luis


    Gutiérrez-Samperio hace una excelente narrativa del movimiento denominado «blanco» hace medio siglo, encabezado por médicos y otros trabajadores de salud, principalmente enfermeras. Es importante revisar los logros y limitaciones que dicho fenómeno alcanzó. Por ejemplo, actualmente el residente que cursa una especialidad cuenta con un reconocimiento institucional, universitario y de profesiones al término de su formación, además de tener una beca económica (probablemente insuficiente) y días de vacaciones programados.

  6. Pedagogia artistica: la conceptualizacion y la creatividad en estudiantes de ciencias de sexto grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortiz Colon, Edwin A.

    Se realizo un estudio fenomenologico sobre la conceptualizacion, la creatividad y el valor del dibujo en propiciar un contexto creativo para el aprendizaje de ciencias de sexto grado. La conceptualizacion se interpreto como un proceso que ocurre en las relaciones que los estudiantes establecen entre los temas de estudio y las ideas principales, las experiencias previas, las creencias personales, el tiempo y el valor de la conservacion ambiental. La esencia de la creatividad se definio en funcion de la imaginacion, las destrezas, la intencion, la libertad de pensamiento y expresion y el contexto. El dibujo propicio un ambiente creativo de aprendizaje en las ciencias al facilitar el uso del pensamiento cientifico profundo, el inquirir artistico y la expresion libre.

  7. Deficits in medio-lateral balance control and the implications for falls in individuals with multiple sclerosis.


    Morrison, S; Rynders, C A; Sosnoff, J J


    A major health concern faced by individuals with Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is the heightened risk of falling. Reasons for this increased risk can often be traced back to declines in neurophysiological mechanisms underlying balance control and/or muscular strength. The aim of this study was to assess differences between persons with MS and age-matched healthy adults in regards to their falls risk, strength, reactions and directional control of balance. Twenty-two persons with multiple sclerosis (mean age 56.3±8.9 years) and 22 age-matched healthy adults (mean age 59.1±7.1 years) participated in the study. Assessments of falls risk, balance, fear of falling, lower limb strength, and reaction time were performed. Balance control was assessed under four conditions where the combined effects of vision (eyes open/closed) and standing surface (firm/pliable surface) were evaluated. Results demonstrated that, in comparison to healthy older adults, persons with MS had a significantly higher falls risk, slower reaction times, and weaker lower- limb strength. For balance, persons with MS exhibited greater overall COP motion in both the medio-lateral (ML) and anterior-posterior (AP) directions compared to older adults. Additionally, during more challenging balance conditions, persons from the MS group exhibited greater ML motion compared to sway in the AP direction. Overall, the results confirm that persons with MS are often at a heightened risk of falling, due to the multitude of neuromuscular changes brought about by this disease process. However, the increased ML sway for the MS group could reflect a decreased ability to control side-to-side motion in comparison to controlling AP sway. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  8. Multiplex pyrosequencing of InDel markers for forensic DNA analysis.


    Bus, Magdalena M; Karas, Ognjen; Allen, Marie


    The capillary electrophoresis (CE) technology is commonly used for fragment length separation of markers in forensic DNA analysis. In this study, pyrosequencing technology was used as an alternative and rapid tool for the analysis of biallelic InDel (insertion/deletion) markers for individual identification. The DNA typing is based on a subset of the InDel markers that are included in the Investigator ® DIPplex Kit, which are sequenced in a multiplex pyrosequencing analysis. To facilitate the analysis of degraded DNA, the polymerase chain reaction (PCR) fragments were kept short in the primer design. Samples from individuals of Swedish origin were genotyped using the pyrosequencing strategy and analysis of the Investigator ® DIPplex markers with CE. A comparison between the pyrosequencing and CE data revealed concordant results demonstrating a robust and correct genotyping by pyrosequencing. Using optimal marker combination and a directed dispensation strategy, five markers could be multiplexed and analyzed simultaneously. In this proof-of-principle study, we demonstrate that multiplex InDel pyrosequencing analysis is possible. However, further studies on degraded samples, lower DNA quantities, and mixtures will be required to fully optimize InDel analysis by pyrosequencing for forensic applications. Overall, although CE analysis is implemented in most forensic laboratories, multiplex InDel pyrosequencing offers a cost-effective alternative for some applications. © 2016 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  9. Multi-InDel Analysis for Ancestry Inference of Sub-Populations in China

    PubMed Central

    Sun, Kuan; Ye, Yi; Luo, Tao; Hou, Yiping


    Ancestry inference is of great interest in diverse areas of scientific researches, including the forensic biology, medical genetics and anthropology. Various methods have been published for distinguishing populations. However, few reports refer to sub-populations (like ethnic groups) within Asian populations for the limitation of markers. Several InDel loci located very tightly in physical positions were treated as one marker by us, which is multi-InDel. The multi-InDel shows potential as Ancestry Inference Marker (AIM). In this study, we performed a genome-wide scan for multi-InDels as AIM. After examining the FST distributions in the 1000 Genomes Database, 12 candidates were selected and validated for eastern Asian populations. A multiplexed assay was developed as a panel to genotype 12 multi-InDel markers simultaneously. Ancestry component analysis with STRUCTURE and principal component analysis (PCA) were employed to estimate its capability for ancestry inference. Furthermore, ancestry assignments of trial individuals were conducted. It proved to be very effective when 210 samples from Han and Tibetan individuals in China were tested. The panel consisting of multi-InDel markers exhibited considerable potency in ancestry inference, and was suggested to be applied in forensic practices and genetic population studies. PMID:28004788

  10. Observaciones del CH interestelar y el continuo en 3,3 GHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Olano, C. A.; Combi, J. A.; Pöppel, W.; Benaglia, P.; Sanz, A. J.; Bava, J. A.

    Se informa sobre el proyecto que se lleva a cabo en el IAR con el propósito de observar las líneas hiperfinas del estado fundamental del CH y el continuo en la banda de 3,3 GHz. El nuevo receptor construído en nuestro laboratorio para tal fin se instaló sobre uno de los radiotelescopios, funcionando conjuntamente con los sistemas de procesamiento actuales del IAR. Los resultados de las primeras observaciones, realizadas tanto en las líneas espectrales como en el continuo sobre fuentes conocidas, fueron satisfactorios.

  11. Genetic modifiers of CHEK2*1100delC-associated breast cancer risk.


    Muranen, Taru A; Greco, Dario; Blomqvist, Carl; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Khan, Sofia; Hogervorst, Frans; Verhoef, Senno; Pharoah, Paul D P; Dunning, Alison M; Shah, Mitul; Luben, Robert; Bojesen, Stig E; Nordestgaard, Børge G; Schoemaker, Minouk; Swerdlow, Anthony; García-Closas, Montserrat; Figueroa, Jonine; Dörk, Thilo; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Hall, Per; Li, Jingmei; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Bermisheva, Marina; Kristensen, Vessela; Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Investigators, Nbcs; Peto, Julian; Dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Couch, Fergus J; Olson, Janet E; Hillemans, Peter; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Brauch, Hiltrud; Hamann, Ute; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marme, Frederik; Meindl, Alfons; Schmutzler, Rita K; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Sawyer, Elinor J; Tomlinson, Ian; Lambrechts, Diether; Moisse, Matthieu; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Martens, John W M; Fasching, Peter A; Beckmann, Matthias W; Andrulis, Irene L; Knight, Julia A; Investigators, kConFab/Aocs; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Giles, Graham G; Milne, Roger L; Brenner, Hermann; Arndt, Volker; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Rudolph, Anja; Devilee, Peter; Seynaeve, Caroline; Hopper, John L; Southey, Melissa C; John, Esther M; Whittemore, Alice S; Bolla, Manjeet K; Wang, Qin; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Dennis, Joe; Easton, Douglas F; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Nevanlinna, Heli


    CHEK2*1100delC is a founder variant in European populations that confers a two- to threefold increased risk of breast cancer (BC). Epidemiologic and family studies have suggested that the risk associated with CHEK2*1100delC is modified by other genetic factors in a multiplicative fashion. We have investigated this empirically using data from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC). Using genotype data from 39,139 (624 1100delC carriers) BC patients and 40,063 (224) healthy controls from 32 BCAC studies, we analyzed the combined risk effects of CHEK2*1100delC and 77 common variants in terms of a polygenic risk score (PRS) and pairwise interaction. The PRS conferred odds ratios (OR) of 1.59 (95% CI: 1.21-2.09) per standard deviation for BC for CHEK2*1100delC carriers and 1.58 (1.55-1.62) for noncarriers. No evidence of deviation from the multiplicative model was found. The OR for the highest quintile of the PRS was 2.03 (0.86-4.78) for CHEK2*1100delC carriers, placing them in the high risk category according to UK NICE guidelines. The OR for the lowest quintile was 0.52 (0.16-1.74), indicating a lifetime risk close to the population average. Our results confirm the multiplicative nature of risk effects conferred by CHEK2*1100delC and the common susceptibility variants. Furthermore, the PRS could identify carriers at a high lifetime risk for clinical actions.Genet Med advance online publication 06 October 2016.

  12. Uso de la punción lumbar en la evaluación de sepsis neonatal tardía en recién nacidos de bajo peso al nacer

    PubMed Central

    Zea-Vera, A; Turín, CG; Rueda, MS; Guillén-Pinto, D; Medina-Alva, P; Tori, A; Rivas, M; Zegarra, J; Castañeda, A; Cam, L; Ochoa, TJ


    RESUMEN El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar el uso de la punción lumbar (PL) en las sospechas de sepsis neonatal tardía. Se recomienda realizar una PL en la evaluación de toda sospecha de sepsis neonatal tardía. Se utilizó una cohorte de 414 neonatos con peso al nacer <2000g en tres hospitales de Lima. Se realizó la PL en 45/214 (21,0%) sospechas de sepsis y en 13/48 (27,1%) sepsis confirmadas por hemocultivo. Se diagnosticó meningitis en 8/214 (3,7%) sospechas y en 8/45 (17,5%) episodios en los que se realizó la PL. El tiempo de tratamiento de los episodios sin PL fue similar a los episodios de sepsis con meningitis descartada y menor a los episodios de meningitis. El uso de la PL es bajo, lo que puede resultar en meningitis no diagnosticadas y tratadas inadecuadamente. Es necesario reforzar la importancia de la PL en la evaluación de sepsis neonatal. PMID:27656928

  13. Understanding differences in access and use of healthcare between international immigrants to Chile and the Chilean-born: a repeated cross-sectional population-based study in Chile

    PubMed Central


    -born (with similar health needs, i.e. horizontal inequity). Factors associated with immigrants’ access to, and use of, healthcare were sex, urban/rural status, education and country of origin. Conclusion There were significant associations between SES, and access to and use of healthcare among immigrants in Chile and a higher prevalence of no health care provision entitlement among poor and disabled immigrants compared to the Chilean-born. Changing associations between access and use of healthcare and SES among immigrants in Chile over time may reflect changes in their socio-demographic composition or in the survey methodology between 2006 and 2009. Resumen Introducción La evidencia internacional indica menor acceso y uso de servicios de salud por parte de inmigrantes, pero sus factores desencadenantes varían significativamente dependiendo del contexto. Algunas investigaciones se han desarrollado en este tema en América Latina, desde una perspectiva cualitativa. Este estudio cuantitativo exploró el auto-reporte de acceso y uso de servicios de salud de inmigrantes en Chile y los comparó con la población chilena. Métodos Análisis secundario de datos de encuesta nacional CASEN 2006 y 2009. Inmigrantes fueron comparados con chilenos en características demográficas (edad, sexo, urbano/rural, composición del hogar, etnia), estatus socioeconómico (educación, ingreso, situación contractual), tipo de previsión (pública, privada, otra, ninguna), y uso de varios servicios de atención primaria. Análisis descriptivo, estratificado, y modelos de regresión ponderados para entender factores asociados al acceso y uso de servicios de salud en STATA 11.0. Resultados Se observó un aumento de reporte de inmigrantes y de la desigualdad en el ingreso de inmigrantes entre 2006 y 2009. Hubo una disminución en la tasa de inmigrantes sin previsión y un aumento en el acceso al sistema privado. Los inmigrantes usaron más frecuentemente la atención prenatal y ginecológica, y

  14. El Planetario Móvil de la Municipalidad de la ciudad de Córdoba

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Suárez, F. E.; Campos, M.; Goldes, G. V.; Carranza, G. J.; Romero, R.; Juri, H. O.

    Se describen las características y operatoria del nuevo Planetario Móvil. Se trata de un equipamiento de propiedad de la Municipalidad de la Ciudad de Córdoba que es operado por personal y en el predio de la Universidad, en virtud de un convenio suscripto entre ambas instituciones. El planetario consta de una cúpula inflable y de un proyector con programas alternativos que incluyen temas de astronomía, geografía, biología y medio ambiente, entre otros. En la actualidad opera en las instalaciones del Pabellón Argentina de la Ciudad Universitaria y recibe delegaciones escolares de todo el territorio provincial. El Planetario Móvil es parte de un proyecto más amplio de divulgación científica en el cual interactúan la Universidad y el Municipio.

  15. Una propuesta para el desarrollo de un arreglo de síntesis de apertura

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnal, E. M.

    Los estudios llevados a cabo en la transición del hidrógeno neutro a λ~21-cm han contribuído a incrementar nuestro conocimiento acerca de las propiedades globales del medio interestelar, sea este galáctico o extragaláctico. Avances en este campo han sido provocados, a menudo, por la puesta en servicio de radiotelescopios que poseen una mayor resolución angular. Aquí se presenta una propuesta para desarrollar un nuevo instrumento, un interferómetro, que permitirá abrir nuevas líneas de investigación. Este instrumento combinará la técnica de síntesis de apertura con la de espectroscopía de correlación digital, para alcanzar una resolución angular de 1' y un campo de visión de ~1o.7.

  16. The Cuernos del Paine mountains in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, during NASA's AirSAR 2004 campaign

    NASA Image and Video Library


    The Cuernos del Paine mountains in Torres del Paine National Park, Chile, during NASA's AirSAR 2004 campaign. AirSAR 2004 is a three-week expedition in Central and South America by an international team of scientists that is using an all-weather imaging tool, called the Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR), located onboard NASA's DC-8 airborne laboratory. Scientists from many parts of the world are combining ground research with NASA's AirSAR technology to improve and expand on the quality of research they are able to conduct. Founded in 1959, Torres del Paine National Park encompasses 450,000 acres in the Patagonia region of Chile. This region is being studied by NASA using a DC-8 equipped with an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR) developed by scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This is a very sensitive region that is important to scientists because the temperature has been consistently rising causing a subsequent melting of the region’s glaciers. AirSAR will provide a baseline model and unprecedented mapping of the region. This data will make it possible to determine whether the warming trend is slowing, continuing or accelerating. AirSAR will also provide reliable information on ice shelf thickness to measure the contribution of the glaciers to sea level.

  17. Modelo semi-empírico de protuberancia solar a partir del diagnóstico de densidades

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cirigliano, D.; Vial, J. C.; Rovira, M.

    A partir de la observación del espectro del quintuplete de C III alrededor de 1175 Å, se ha realizado el diagnóstico de la densidad y presión electrónica, basado en el cálculo del cociente de las intensidades observadas. Una vez establecida la densidad electrónica, y con el cálculo de las velocidades Doppler, hemos investigado el flujo de masa en la protuberancia en función de la temperatura. Estableciendo como hipótesis la conservación del número de partículas que ingresan y salen del cuerpo de la protuberancia, se investiga la variación del área de un tubo de flujo semi-empírico en función de la temperatura. A partir de dicho diagnóstico, se examina el comportamiento del radio del tubo magnético en función de la temperatura, los que dan cuenta de la abertura de las líneas de campo magnético que confinan el plasma y de la divergencia del campo magnético en diferentes alturas de la atmósfera solar.

  18. Breast tumors from CHEK2 1100delC-mutation carriers: genomic landscape and clinical implications.


    Muranen, Taru A; Greco, Dario; Fagerholm, Rainer; Kilpivaara, Outi; Kämpjärvi, Kati; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Blomqvist, Carl; Heikkilä, Päivi; Borg, Ake; Nevanlinna, Heli


    Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2) is a moderate penetrance breast cancer risk gene, whose truncating mutation 1100delC increases the risk about twofold. We investigated gene copy-number aberrations and gene-expression profiles that are typical for breast tumors of CHEK2 1100delC-mutation carriers. In total, 126 breast tumor tissue specimens including 32 samples from patients carrying CHEK2 1100delC were studied in array-comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and gene-expression (GEX) experiments. After dimensionality reduction with CGHregions R package, CHEK2 1100delC-associated regions in the aCGH data were detected by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The linear model was fitted to GEX data with R package limma. Genes whose expression levels were associated with CHEK2 1100delC mutation were detected by the bayesian method. We discovered four lost and three gained CHEK2 1100delC-related loci. These include losses of 1p13.3-31.3, 8p21.1-2, 8p23.1-2, and 17p12-13.1 as well as gains of 12q13.11-3, 16p13.3, and 19p13.3. Twenty-eight genes located on these regions showed differential expression between CHEK2 1100delC and other tumors, nominating them as candidates for CHEK2 1100delC-associated tumor-progression drivers. These included CLCA1 on 1p22 as well as CALCOCO1, SBEM, and LRP1 on 12q13. Altogether, 188 genes were differentially expressed between CHEK2 1100delC and other tumors. Of these, 144 had elevated and 44, reduced expression levels.Our results suggest the WNT pathway as a driver of tumorigenesis in breast tumors of CHEK2 1100delC-mutation carriers and a role for the olfactory receptor protein family in cancer progression. Differences in the expression of the 188 CHEK2 1100delC-associated genes divided breast tumor samples from three independent datasets into two groups that differed in their relapse-free survival time. We have shown that copy-number aberrations of certain genomic regions are associated with CHEK2 mutation 1100delC. On these regions, we identified

  19. Breast tumors from CHEK2 1100delC-mutation carriers: genomic landscape and clinical implications

    PubMed Central


    Introduction Checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2) is a moderate penetrance breast cancer risk gene, whose truncating mutation 1100delC increases the risk about twofold. We investigated gene copy-number aberrations and gene-expression profiles that are typical for breast tumors of CHEK2 1100delC-mutation carriers. Methods In total, 126 breast tumor tissue specimens including 32 samples from patients carrying CHEK2 1100delC were studied in array-comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH) and gene-expression (GEX) experiments. After dimensionality reduction with CGHregions R package, CHEK2 1100delC-associated regions in the aCGH data were detected by the Wilcoxon rank-sum test. The linear model was fitted to GEX data with R package limma. Genes whose expression levels were associated with CHEK2 1100delC mutation were detected by the bayesian method. Results We discovered four lost and three gained CHEK2 1100delC-related loci. These include losses of 1p13.3-31.3, 8p21.1-2, 8p23.1-2, and 17p12-13.1 as well as gains of 12q13.11-3, 16p13.3, and 19p13.3. Twenty-eight genes located on these regions showed differential expression between CHEK2 1100delC and other tumors, nominating them as candidates for CHEK2 1100delC-associated tumor-progression drivers. These included CLCA1 on 1p22 as well as CALCOCO1, SBEM, and LRP1 on 12q13. Altogether, 188 genes were differentially expressed between CHEK2 1100delC and other tumors. Of these, 144 had elevated and 44, reduced expression levels. Our results suggest the WNT pathway as a driver of tumorigenesis in breast tumors of CHEK2 1100delC-mutation carriers and a role for the olfactory receptor protein family in cancer progression. Differences in the expression of the 188 CHEK2 1100delC-associated genes divided breast tumor samples from three independent datasets into two groups that differed in their relapse-free survival time. Conclusions We have shown that copy-number aberrations of certain genomic regions are associated with CHEK2 mutation

  20. Max Brödel: his art, legacy, and contributions to neurosurgery through medical illustration.


    Patel, Smruti K; Couldwell, William T; Liu, James K


    Max Brödel is considered the father of modern medical illustration. This report reviews his contributions to neurosurgery as a medical illustrator. Max Brödel, a young artist from Leipzig, Germany, was hired at Johns Hopkins Hospital in 1894, where he illustrated an operative textbook of gynecology for Howard A. Kelly. Although Brödel did not have any formal medical training, he quickly acquired knowledge of anatomy, pathology, physiology, and surgery. Brödel's extraordinary illustrations were characterized by an aerial perspective that conveyed the surgeon's operative viewpoint and precise surgical anatomy. He masterfully incorporated tissue realism with cross-sectional anatomy to accentuate concepts while maintaining topographical accuracy. Brödel's reputation spread quickly and resulted in collaborations with prominent surgeons, such as Cushing, Halsted, and Dandy. Cushing, who also possessed artistic talent, became a pupil of Brödel and remained a very close friend. In 1911, Brödel was appointed the director of the Department of Art as Applied to Medicine at Johns Hopkins, the first academic department of its kind in the world. For the next several decades, he trained generations of renowned medical illustrators. Just as Osler, Halsted, and Cushing passed their skills and knowledge to future leaders of medicine and surgery, Brödel did the same for the field of medical illustration. The advancement of neurosurgical education has been greatly facilitated by Max Brödel's artistic contributions. His unique ability to synthesize art and medicine resulted in timeless illustrations that remain indispensable to surgeons. The art produced by his legacy of illustrators continues to flourish in neurosurgical literature today.

  1. Genetic modifiers of CHEK2*1100delC associated breast cancer risk

    PubMed Central

    Muranen, Taru A.; Greco, Dario; Blomqvist, Carl; Aittomäki, Kristiina; Khan, Sofia; Hogervorst, Frans; Verhoef, Senno; Pharoah, Paul D.P.; Dunning, Alison M.; Shah, Mitul; Luben, Robert; Bojesen, Stig E.; Nordestgaard, Børge G.; Schoemaker, Minouk; Swerdlow, Anthony; García-Closas, Montserrat; Figueroa, Jonine; Dörk, Thilo; Bogdanova, Natalia V.; Hall, Per; Li, Jingmei; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Bermisheva, Marina; Kristensen, Vessela; Borresen-Dale, Anne-Lise; Peto, Julian; dos Santos Silva, Isabel; Couch, Fergus J.; Olson, Janet E.; Hillemans, Peter; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Brauch, Hiltrud; Hamann, Ute; Burwinkel, Barbara; Marme, Frederik; Meindl, Alfons; Schmutzler, Rita K.; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S.; Sawyer, Elinor J.; Tomlinson, Ian; Lambrechts, Diether; Moisse, Matthieu; Lindblom, Annika; Margolin, Sara; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Martens, John W.M.; Fasching, Peter A.; Beckmann, Matthias W.; Andrulis, Irene L.; Knight, Julia A.; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Ziogas, Argyrios; Giles, Graham G.; Milne, Roger L.; Brenner, Hermann; Arndt, Volker; Mannermaa, Arto; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Rudolph, Anja; Devilee, Peter; Seynaeve, Caroline; Hopper, John L.; Southey, Melissa C.; John, Esther M.; Whittemore, Alice S.; Bolla, Manjeet K.; Wang, Qin; Michailidou, Kyriaki; Dennis, Joe; Easton, Douglas F.; Schmidt, Marjanka K.; Nevanlinna, Heli


    Purpose CHEK2*1100delC is a founder variant in European populations conferring a 2–3 fold increased risk of breast cancer (BC). Epidemiologic and family studies have suggested that the risk associated with CHEK2*1100delC is modified by other genetic factors in a multiplicative fashion. We have investigated this empirically using data from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium (BCAC). Methods With genotype data of 39,139 (624 1100delC carriers) BC patients and 40,063 (224) healthy controls from 32 BCAC studies, we analyzed the combined risk effects of CHEK2*1100delC and 77 common variants in terms of a polygenic risk score (PRS) and pairwise interaction. Results The PRS conferred an odds ratio (OR) of 1.59 [95% CI 1.21–2.09] per standard deviation for BC for CHEK2*1100delC carriers and 1.58 [1.55–1.62] for non-carriers. No evidence for deviation from the multiplicative model was found. The OR for the highest quintile of the PRS was 2.03 [0.86–4.78] for CHEK2*1100delC carriers placing them to the high risk category according to UK NICE guidelines. OR for the lowest quintile was 0.52 [0.16–1.74], indicating life-time risk close to population average. Conclusion Our results confirm the multiplicative nature of risk effects conferred by CHEK2*1100delC and the common susceptibility variants. Furthermore, the PRS could identify the carriers at a high life-time risk for clinical actions. PMID:27711073

  2. Are probiotics effective to prevent traveler’s diarrhea?


    Pinos, Yazmín; Castro-Gutiérrez, Victoria; Rada, Gabriel


    La diarrea aguda es la enfermedad más común que afecta a los viajeros, principalmente aquellos que se dirigen a regiones de alto riesgo. El uso de probióticos podría prevenir su aparición, sin embargo, los datos que apoyan su uso no son consistentes y no se recomiendan en las guías clínicas actuales. Utilizando la base de datos Epistemonikos, la cual es mantenida mediante búsquedas en múltiples bases de datos, identificamos cuatro revisiones sistemáticas que en conjunto incluyen siete estudios aleatorizados pertinentes a esta pregunta. Realizamos un metanálisis y tablas de resumen de los resultados utilizando el método GRADE. Concluimos que los probióticos podrían prevenir la diarrea del viajero, pero la certeza de la evidencia es baja.

  3. del metrics with chronology protection in Horndeski gravities

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Geng, Wei-Jian; Li, Shou-Long; Lü, H.; Wei, Hao


    del universe, one of the most interesting exact solutions predicted by General Relativity, describes a homogeneous rotating universe containing naked closed time-like curves (CTCs). It was shown that such CTCs are the consequence of the null energy condition in General Relativity. In this paper, we show that the Gödel-type metrics with chronology protection can emerge in Einstein-Horndeski gravity. We construct such exact solutions also in Einstein-Horndeski-Maxwell and Einstein-Horndeski-Proca theories.

  4. Determinacion de Caracteristicas Opticas del Telescopio OAN150

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Galan, M. J.; Cobos, F. J.


    En el Observatorio de Calar Alto, en Almería, España, está ubicado un telescopio de 15O-cms de diámetro -construído por REOSC- perteneciente al Observatorio Astronómico Nacional, con sede en Madrid, España. La infraestructura técnica del OAN ha sido tradicionalmente débil y actualmente se está haciendo un esfuerzo por fortalecerla. Existe una información muy limitada del telescopio en general; de su óptica en particular se conocían los valores de los parámetros principales pero sin saber si éstos corresponden a valores teóricos ó de construcción. Por ello se consideró necesario iniciar una investigación para conocer en detalle los valores reales de las componentes ópticas del telescopio, obteniéndose algunos resultados de interés. El primario del telescopio OANl5O es aproximadamente F/3 y el siste ma en su conjunto es F/8.2, con su sistema corrector de campo. En términos generales, la imagen es satisfactoria en todo el campo y, sin sistema corrector, la imagen axial también es buena. En un futuro muy cercano se piensa diseñar instrumentación adicional para este telescopio. Conocer con mayor precisión sus características puede ser de gran utilidad para tal fin, pues se efectúan los cálculos considerando conjuntamente al telescopio y al instrumento.

  5. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Reduces VX-809 Stimulated F508del-CFTR Chloride Secretion by Airway Epithelial Cells

    PubMed Central

    Stanton, Bruce A.; Coutermarsh, Bonita; Barnaby, Roxanna; Hogan, Deborah


    Background P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that chronically infects the lungs of 85% of adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Previously, we demonstrated that P. aeruginosa reduced wt-CFTR Cl secretion by airway epithelial cells. Recently, a new investigational drug VX-809 has been shown to increase F508del-CFTR Cl secretion in human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells, and, in combination with VX-770, to increase FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) by an average of 3-5% in CF patients homozygous for the F508del-CFTR mutation. We propose that P. aeruginosa infection of CF lungs reduces VX-809 + VX-770- stimulated F508del-CFTR Cl secretion, and thereby reduces the clinical efficacy of VX-809 + VX-770. Methods and Results F508del-CFBE cells and primary cultures of CF-HBE cells (F508del/F508del) were exposed to VX-809 alone or a combination of VX-809 + VX-770 for 48 hours and the effect of P. aeruginosa on F508del-CFTR Cl secretion was measured in Ussing chambers. The effect of VX-809 on F508del-CFTR abundance was measured by cell surface biotinylation and western blot analysis. PAO1, PA14, PAK and 6 clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa (3 mucoid and 3 non-mucoid) significantly reduced drug stimulated F508del-CFTR Cl secretion, and plasma membrane F508del-CFTR. Conclusion The observation that P. aeruginosa reduces VX-809 and VX-809 + VX-770 stimulated F508del CFTR Cl secretion may explain, in part, why VX-809 + VX-770 has modest efficacy in clinical trials. PMID:26018799

  6. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Reduces VX-809 Stimulated F508del-CFTR Chloride Secretion by Airway Epithelial Cells.


    Stanton, Bruce A; Coutermarsh, Bonita; Barnaby, Roxanna; Hogan, Deborah


    P. aeruginosa is an opportunistic pathogen that chronically infects the lungs of 85% of adult patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF). Previously, we demonstrated that P. aeruginosa reduced wt-CFTR Cl secretion by airway epithelial cells. Recently, a new investigational drug VX-809 has been shown to increase F508del-CFTR Cl secretion in human bronchial epithelial (HBE) cells, and, in combination with VX-770, to increase FEV1 (forced expiratory volume in 1 second) by an average of 3-5% in CF patients homozygous for the F508del-CFTR mutation. We propose that P. aeruginosa infection of CF lungs reduces VX-809 + VX-770- stimulated F508del-CFTR Cl secretion, and thereby reduces the clinical efficacy of VX-809 + VX-770. F508del-CFBE cells and primary cultures of CF-HBE cells (F508del/F508del) were exposed to VX-809 alone or a combination of VX-809 + VX-770 for 48 hours and the effect of P. aeruginosa on F508del-CFTR Cl secretion was measured in Ussing chambers. The effect of VX-809 on F508del-CFTR abundance was measured by cell surface biotinylation and western blot analysis. PAO1, PA14, PAK and 6 clinical isolates of P. aeruginosa (3 mucoid and 3 non-mucoid) significantly reduced drug stimulated F508del-CFTR Cl secretion, and plasma membrane F508del-CFTR. The observation that P. aeruginosa reduces VX-809 and VX-809 + VX-770 stimulated F508del CFTR Cl secretion may explain, in part, why VX-809 + VX-770 has modest efficacy in clinical trials.

  7. International Space Station USOS Crew Quarters Ventilation and Acoustic Design Implementation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Broyan, James Lee, Jr.


    The International Space Station (ISS) United States Operational Segment (USOS) has four permanent rack sized ISS Crew Quarters (CQ) providing a private crewmember space. The CQ uses Node 2 cabin air for ventilation/thermal cooling, as opposed to conditioned ducted air from the ISS Temperature Humidity Control System or the ISS fluid cooling loop connections. Consequently, CQ can only increase the air flow rate to reduce the temperature delta between the cabin and the CQ interior. However, increasing airflow causes increased acoustic noise so efficient airflow distribution is an important design parameter. The CQ utilized a two fan push-pull configuration to ensure fresh air at the crewmember s head position and reduce acoustic exposure. The CQ interior needs to be below Noise Curve 40 (NC-40). The CQ ventilation ducts are open to the significantly louder Node 2 cabin aisle way which required significantly acoustic mitigation controls. The design implementation of the CQ ventilation system and acoustic mitigation are very inter-related and require consideration of crew comfort balanced with use of interior habitable volume, accommodation of fan failures, and possible crew uses that impact ventilation and acoustic performance. This paper illustrates the types of model analysis, assumptions, vehicle interactions, and trade-offs required for CQ ventilation and acoustics. Additionally, on-orbit ventilation system performance and initial crew feedback is presented. This approach is applicable to any private enclosed space that the crew will occupy.

  8. Genomic profiling of CHEK2*1100delC-mutated breast carcinomas.


    Massink, Maarten P G; Kooi, Irsan E; Martens, John W M; Waisfisz, Quinten; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne


    CHEK2*1100delC is a moderate-risk breast cancer susceptibility allele with a high prevalence in the Netherlands. We performed copy number and gene expression profiling to investigate whether CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers harbor characteristic genomic aberrations, as seen for BRCA1 mutated breast cancers. We performed high-resolution SNP array and gene expression profiling of 120 familial breast carcinomas selected from a larger cohort of 155 familial breast tumors, including BRCA1, BRCA2, and CHEK2 mutant tumors. Gene expression analyses based on a mRNA immune signature was used to identify samples with relative low amounts of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs), which were previously found to disturb tumor copy number and LOH (loss of heterozygosity) profiling. We specifically compared the genomic and gene expression profiles of CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers (n = 14) with BRCAX (familial non-BRCA1/BRCA2/CHEK2*1100delC mutated) breast cancers (n = 34) of the luminal intrinsic subtypes for which both SNP-array and gene expression data is available. High amounts of TILs were found in a relatively small number of luminal breast cancers as compared to breast cancers of the basal-like subtype. As expected, these samples mostly have very few copy number aberrations and no detectable regions of LOH. By unsupervised hierarchical clustering of copy number data we observed a great degree of heterogeneity amongst the CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers, comparable to the BRCAX breast cancers. Furthermore, copy number aberrations were mostly seen at low frequencies in both the CHEK2*1100delC and BRCAX group of breast cancers. However, supervised class comparison identified copy number loss of chromosomal arm 1p to be associated with CHEK2*1100delC status. In conclusion, in contrast to basal-like BRCA1 mutated breast cancers, no apparent specific somatic copy number aberration (CNA) profile for CHEK2*1100delC breast cancers was found. With the possible exception of copy

  9. Summary of a Gas Transport Tracer Test in the Deep Cerros Del Rio Basalts, Mesita del Buey, Los Alamos NM.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Stauffer, Philip H.; Rahn, Thomas A.; Ortiz, John Philip

    Here we describe results from a tracer test in the Cerros del Rio basalt beneath Mesita del Buey, Technical Area 54 (TA-54) at Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL or the Laboratory). This report follows from plans outlined in our previous Tracer Test Work Plan (LANL 2016). These activities were conducted by LANL to further characterize subsurface properties of the Cerros del Rio basalts at Material Disposal Area (MDA) L (Figure 1.1-1). The work presented follows from the “Interim Measures Work Plan for Soil-Vapor Extraction of Volatile Organic Compounds from Material Disposal Area L, Technical Area 54, Revision 1,” submitted tomore » the New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) in September 2014 (LANL 2014). Remediation of the MDA L vapor plume by soil-vapor extraction (SVE) is recommended as part of the final remedy in the “Corrective Measures Evaluation Report for Material Disposal Area L, Solid Waste Management Unit 54-006, at Technical Area 54, Revision 2” to meet a remedial action objective of preventing groundwater from being impacted above a regulatory standard by the transport of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) to groundwater through soil vapor (LANL 2011).« less

  10. Manipulating proteostasis to repair the F508del-CFTR defect in cystic fibrosis.


    Esposito, Speranza; Tosco, Antonella; Villella, Valeria R; Raia, Valeria; Kroemer, Guido; Maiuri, Luigi


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a lethal monogenic disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene that entails the (diagnostic) increase in sweat electrolyte concentrations, progressive lung disease with chronic inflammation and recurrent bacterial infections, pancreatic insufficiency, and male infertility. Therapies aimed at restoring the CFTR defect have emerged. Thus, a small molecule which facilitates chloride channel opening, the potentiator Ivacaftor, has been approved for the treatment of CF patients bearing a particular class of rare CFTR mutations. However, small molecules that directly target the most common misfolded CFTR mutant, F508del, and improve its intracellular trafficking in vitro, have been less effective than expected when tested in CF patients, even in combination with Ivacaftor. Thus, new strategies are required to circumvent the F508del-CFTR defect. Airway and intestinal epithelial cells from CF patients bearing the F508del-CFTR mutation exhibit an impressive derangement of cellular proteostasis, with oxidative stress, overactivation of the tissue transglutaminase (TG2), and disabled autophagy. Proteostasis regulators such as cysteamine can rescue and stabilize a functional F508del-CFTR protein through suppressing TG2 activation and restoring autophagy in vivo in F508del-CFTR homozygous mice, in vitro in CF patient-derived cell lines, ex vivo in freshly collected primary patient's nasal cells, as well as in a pilot clinical trial involving homozygous F508del-CFTR patients. Here, we discuss how the therapeutic normalization of defective proteostasis can be harnessed for the treatment of CF patients with the F508del-CFTR mutation.

  11. The Neuro-Mechanical Processes That Underlie Goal-Directed Medio-Lateral APA during Gait Initiation.


    Honeine, Jean-Louis; Schieppati, Marco; Crisafulli, Oscar; Do, Manh-Cuong


    Gait initiation (GI) involves passing from bipedal to unipedal stance. It requires a rapid movement of the center of foot pressure (CoP) towards the future swing foot and of the center of mass (CoM) in the direction of the stance foot prior to the incoming step. This anticipatory postural adjustment (APA) allows disengaging the swing leg from the ground and establishing favorable conditions for stepping. This study aimed to describe the neuro-mechanical process that underlies the goal-directed medio-lateral (ML) APA. We hypothesized that controlled knee flexion of the stance leg contributes to the initial ML displacement of the CoP and to the calibration of the first step. Fourteen subjects initiated gait starting from three different initial stance widths of 15 cm (Small), 30 cm (Medium), and 45 cm (Large). Optoelectronic, force platform and electromyogram (EMG) measurements were performed. During APA, soleus activity diminished bilaterally, while tibialis anterior (TA) activity increased, more so in the stance leg than in the swing leg, and to a larger extent with increasing initial stance width. Knee flexion of the stance leg was observed during APA and correlated with the ML CoP displacement towards the swing leg. ML CoP and CoM displacements during APA increased with increasing stance width. The activity of stance-leg TA was correlated with the degree of knee flexion. Swing-leg tensor fasciae latae (TFL) was also active during APA. Across subjects, when stance-leg tibialis activity was low, TFL activity was large and vice versa. The modulation of the ML CoP position during APA allowed the gravity-driven torque to place the CoM just lateral to the stance foot during step execution. Accordingly, the gravity-driven torque, the ML CoM velocity during step execution, and the step width at foot contact (FC) were lower in the Small and greater in the Large condition. Consequently, the position of the stepping foot at FC remained close to the sagittal plane in all

  12. The Neuro-Mechanical Processes That Underlie Goal-Directed Medio-Lateral APA during Gait Initiation

    PubMed Central

    Honeine, Jean-Louis; Schieppati, Marco; Crisafulli, Oscar; Do, Manh-Cuong


    Gait initiation (GI) involves passing from bipedal to unipedal stance. It requires a rapid movement of the center of foot pressure (CoP) towards the future swing foot and of the center of mass (CoM) in the direction of the stance foot prior to the incoming step. This anticipatory postural adjustment (APA) allows disengaging the swing leg from the ground and establishing favorable conditions for stepping. This study aimed to describe the neuro-mechanical process that underlies the goal-directed medio-lateral (ML) APA. We hypothesized that controlled knee flexion of the stance leg contributes to the initial ML displacement of the CoP and to the calibration of the first step. Fourteen subjects initiated gait starting from three different initial stance widths of 15 cm (Small), 30 cm (Medium), and 45 cm (Large). Optoelectronic, force platform and electromyogram (EMG) measurements were performed. During APA, soleus activity diminished bilaterally, while tibialis anterior (TA) activity increased, more so in the stance leg than in the swing leg, and to a larger extent with increasing initial stance width. Knee flexion of the stance leg was observed during APA and correlated with the ML CoP displacement towards the swing leg. ML CoP and CoM displacements during APA increased with increasing stance width. The activity of stance-leg TA was correlated with the degree of knee flexion. Swing-leg tensor fasciae latae (TFL) was also active during APA. Across subjects, when stance-leg tibialis activity was low, TFL activity was large and vice versa. The modulation of the ML CoP position during APA allowed the gravity-driven torque to place the CoM just lateral to the stance foot during step execution. Accordingly, the gravity-driven torque, the ML CoM velocity during step execution, and the step width at foot contact (FC) were lower in the Small and greater in the Large condition. Consequently, the position of the stepping foot at FC remained close to the sagittal plane in all

  13. [Not Available].


    Sendrós Madroño, José M


    La atención nutricional en el paciente oncohematológico debe formar parte del tratamiento global del paciente. Las alteraciones debidas a la localización de la neoplasia y los efectos secundarios del tratamiento oncoespecífico muchas veces dificultan o impiden la alimentación oral. Esto puede dar lugar a una desnutrición y es de gran importancia su detección, valoración e intervención temprana. El primer paso en la intervención nutricional es el consejo dietético. Este artículo muestra qué aspectos deben tenerse en cuenta para poder elaborar un consejo dietético y la importancia de que este sea individualizado. Se describen como ejemplo cuatro situaciones especiales, donde es necesario trasladar las recomendaciones nutricionales a un plan dietético. También se incide en el uso de los probióticos en pacientes inmunocomprometidos.

  14. Pesticide Safety for Farmworkers = Uso Seguro de Pesticidas para los Trabajadores del Campo.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Poli, Bonnie; Fluker, Sam S.

    A booklet for farmworkers and employers uses illustrations and simple text in English and Spanish to inform about the dangers, precautions, and use of pesticides. Topics covered include methods of pesticide absorption; signs/symptoms of pesticide poisoning; first aid; residues; appropriate work clothes; safe and unsafe pesticide practices; how to…

  15. The Human 343delT HSPB5 Chaperone Associated with Early-onset Skeletal Myopathy Causes Defects in Protein Solubility*

    PubMed Central

    Mitzelfelt, Katie A.; Limphong, Pattraranee; Choi, Melinda J.; Kondrat, Frances D. L.; Lai, Shuping; Kolander, Kurt D.; Kwok, Wai-Meng; Dai, Qiang; Grzybowski, Michael N.; Zhang, Huali; Taylor, Graydon M.; Lui, Qiang; Thao, Mai T.; Hudson, Judith A.; Barresi, Rita; Bushby, Kate; Jungbluth, Heinz; Wraige, Elizabeth; Geurts, Aron M.; Benesch, Justin L. P.; Riedel, Michael; Christians, Elisabeth S.; Minella, Alex C.; Benjamin, Ivor J.


    Mutations of HSPB5 (also known as CRYAB or αB-crystallin), a bona fide heat shock protein and molecular chaperone encoded by the HSPB5 (crystallin, alpha B) gene, are linked to multisystem disorders featuring variable combinations of cataracts, cardiomyopathy, and skeletal myopathy. This study aimed to investigate the pathological mechanisms involved in an early-onset myofibrillar myopathy manifesting in a child harboring a homozygous recessive mutation in HSPB5, 343delT. To study HSPB5 343delT protein dynamics, we utilize model cell culture systems including induced pluripotent stem cells derived from the 343delT patient (343delT/343delT) along with isogenic, heterozygous, gene-corrected control cells (WT KI/343delT) and BHK21 cells, a cell line lacking endogenous HSPB5 expression. 343delT/343delT and WT KI/343delT-induced pluripotent stem cell-derived skeletal myotubes and cardiomyocytes did not express detectable levels of 343delT protein, contributable to the extreme insolubility of the mutant protein. Overexpression of HSPB5 343delT resulted in insoluble mutant protein aggregates and induction of a cellular stress response. Co-expression of 343delT with WT prevented visible aggregation of 343delT and improved its solubility. Additionally, in vitro refolding of 343delT in the presence of WT rescued its solubility. We demonstrate an interaction between WT and 343delT both in vitro and within cells. These data support a loss-of-function model for the myopathy observed in the patient because the insoluble mutant would be unavailable to perform normal functions of HSPB5, although additional gain-of-function effects of the mutant protein cannot be excluded. Additionally, our data highlight the solubilization of 343delT by WT, concordant with the recessive inheritance of the disease and absence of symptoms in carrier individuals. PMID:27226619

  16. Comportamiento Sexual y Autoeficacia para la Negociación de Sexo Más Seguro en Personas Heterosexuales

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Jiménez, David; Santiago-Rivas, Marimer; Serrano-García, Irma


    La autoeficacia se le ha identificado como uno de los factores que puede facilitar o dificultar llevar a cabo sexo más seguro. Estudios revelan que las personas que están el relaciones estables usan métodos de protección menos frecuente que quienes tienen parejas casuales. Realizamos un estudio con 447 personas heterosexuales activas sexualmente. Les administramos un cuestionario dirigido a medir el comportamiento sexual, el uso del condón masculino y la práctica de la masturbación mutua, y la autoeficacia para llevar a cabo estas conductas. Los resultados reflejan que los hombres están más activos sexualmente y que el uso del condón y la práctica de la masturbación mutua como alternativa de sexo más seguro es muy baja. En los casos donde se usa el condón esta práctica es realizada en su mayoría por las personas que se encuentran en una relación de pareja casual. No obstante, los/las participantes tienen altos niveles de autoeficacia hacia ambas prácticas. Aunque la autoeficacia es uno de los factores que incide en decidir llevar a cabo sexo más seguro, ésta no es suficiente para que esta meta se logre. PMID:22837585

  17. 63. G.F.H., photographer July 30, 1932 DEL NORTE COUNTY, SECTION ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    63. G.F.H., photographer July 30, 1932 DEL NORTE COUNTY, SECTION A, HIGHWAY 1. 1-DN A #124, STA. 164=00 SHOWING DRAINAGE CONDITIONS, G.F.H., 7-30-32. - Redwood National & State Parks Roads, California coast from Crescent City to Trinidad, Crescent City, Del Norte County, CA

  18. Del(20q) in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: A therapy-related abnormality involving lymphoid or myeloid cells

    PubMed Central

    Yin, C. Cameron; Tang, Guilin; Lu, Gary; Feng, Xiaoli; Keating, Michael J.; Medeiros, L. Jeffrey; Abruzzo, Lynne V.


    Del(20q), a common cytogenetic abnormality in myeloid neoplasms, is rare in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We report 64 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and del(20q), as the sole abnormality in 40, a stemline abnormality in 21, and a secondary abnormality in 3 cases. FISH analysis revealed an additional high-risk abnormality, del(11q) or del(17p), in 27/64 (42%) cases. In most cases, the leukemic cells showed atypical cytologic features, unmutated IGHV genes and ZAP70 positivity. The del(20q) was detected only after chemotherapy in all 27 cases with initial karyotypes available. With a median follow-up of 90 months, 30 patients (47%) died, most as a direct consequence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eight patients developed a therapy-related myeloid neoplasm, seven with a complex karyotype. Combined morphologic and FISH analysis for del(20q) performed in 12 cases without morphologic evidence of a myeloid neoplasm localized the del(20q) to the chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in 5 (42%) cases, and to myeloid/erythroid cells in 7 (58)% cases. The del(20q) was detected in myeloid cells in all 4 cases of myelodysplastic syndrome. In aggregate, these data indicate that chronic lymphocytic leukemia with del(20q) acquired after therapy is heterogeneous. In cases with morphologic evidence of dysplasia, the del(20q) likely resides in the myeloid lineage. However, in cases without morphologic evidence of dysplasia, the del(20q) may represent clonal evolution and disease progression. Combining morphologic analysis with FISH for del(20q) or performing FISH on immunomagnetically-selected subpopulations to localize the cell population with this abnormality may help guide patient management. PMID:25953391

  19. Gene expression profiling assigns CHEK2 1100delC breast cancers to the luminal intrinsic subtypes.


    Nagel, Jord H A; Peeters, Justine K; Smid, Marcel; Sieuwerts, Anieta M; Wasielewski, Marijke; de Weerd, Vanja; Trapman-Jansen, Anita M A C; van den Ouweland, Ans; Brüggenwirth, Hennie; van I Jcken, Wilfred F J; Klijn, Jan G M; van der Spek, Peter J; Foekens, John A; Martens, John W M; Schutte, Mieke; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne


    CHEK2 1100delC is a moderate-risk cancer susceptibility allele that confers a high breast cancer risk in a polygenic setting. Gene expression profiling of CHEK2 1100delC breast cancers may reveal clues to the nature of the polygenic CHEK2 model and its genes involved. Here, we report global gene expression profiles of a cohort of 155 familial breast cancers, including 26 CHEK2 1100delC mutant tumors. In line with previous work, all CHEK2 1100delC mutant tumors clustered among the hormone receptor-positive breast cancers. In the hormone receptor-positive subset, a 40-gene CHEK2 signature was subsequently defined that significantly associated with CHEK2 1100delC breast cancers. The identification of a CHEK2 gene signature implies an unexpected biological homogeneity among the CHEK2 1100delC breast cancers. In addition, all 26 CHEK2 1100delC tumors classified as luminal intrinsic subtype breast cancers, with 8 luminal A and 18 luminal B tumors. This biological make-up of CHEK2 1100delC breast cancers suggests that a relatively limited number of additional susceptibility alleles are involved in the polygenic CHEK2 model. Identification of these as-yet-unknown susceptibility alleles should be aided by clues from the 40-gene CHEK2 signature.

  20. Insertion of Astronomy as a High School Subject. (Spanish Title: Inserción de Astronomia Como Materia del Ciclo Secundario.) Inserção da Astronomia Como Disciplina Curricular do Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dias, Claudio André C. M.; Santa Rita, Josué R.


    Astronomy is considered among the first sciences that man dominated, however, the basic skills for the construction of knowledge, relatively to the contents "Earth and the Universe" are not being developed properly for the majority of students concluding the high school level. The students are concluding this teaching cycle without proper knowledge of several subjects in the area of Astronomy, which are mandatory in the national Curricular National Parameters (PCN). Because of this discrepancy, this work stresses the need of the incorporation of a specific subject of Astronomy in the high school, in order to reduce the gap between what is taught and which should be taught. La Astronomía es considerada una de las primeras ciencias que el hombre dominó. Sin embargo, las habilidades básicas para la construcción del conocimento, relativo al eje temático "Tierra y Universo", no vienen siendo trabajadas adecuadamente con la mayoría de los alumnos que concluyen el ciclo escolar medio. Los alumnos están concluyendo este nivel de enseñanza sin conocimentos de varios temas en el área de Astronomía, que son obligatorios según los Parámetros Curriculares Nacionales (PCN). En virtud de esta discrepancia, este trabajo enfatiza la necesidad de incorporar una disciplina específica de Astronomía em el ciclo medio, em pro de la reducción de las distorsiones entre lo que es enseñado y lo que se debe enseñar. A Astronomia é considerada uma das primeiras ciências que o homem dominou, porém as competências básicas para a construção do conhecimento, relativo ao eixo temático "Terra e Universo", não vêm sendo trabalhadas a contento com a maioria dos alunos que concluem o ensino médio. Os alunos estão concluindo este nível de ensino sem conhecimento de vários temas na área de Astronomia, que são obrigatórios nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCN). Em virtude desta discrepância, este trabalho vem evidenciar a necessidade da incorporação de uma

  1. Eruptive Massive Vector Particles of 5-Dimensional Kerr-Gödel Spacetime

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Övgün, A.; Sakalli, I.


    In this paper, we investigate Hawking radiation of massive spin-1 particles from 5-dimensional Kerr-Gödel spacetime. By applying the WKB approximation and the Hamilton-Jacobi ansatz to the relativistic Proca equation, we obtain the quantum tunneling rate of the massive vector particles. Using the obtained tunneling rate, we show how one impeccably computes the Hawking temperature of the 5-dimensional Kerr-Gödel spacetime.

  2. Del(20q) in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia: a therapy-related abnormality involving lymphoid or myeloid cells.


    Yin, C Cameron; Tang, Guilin; Lu, Gary; Feng, Xiaoli; Keating, Michael J; Medeiros, L Jeffrey; Abruzzo, Lynne V


    Deletion 20q (Del(20q)), a common cytogenetic abnormality in myeloid neoplasms, is rare in chronic lymphocytic leukemia. We report 64 patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia and del(20q), as the sole abnormality in 40, a stemline abnormality in 21, and a secondary abnormality in 3 cases. Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) analysis revealed an additional high-risk abnormality, del(11q) or del(17p), in 25/64 (39%) cases. In most cases, the leukemic cells showed atypical cytologic features, unmutated IGHV (immunoglobulin heavy-chain variable region) genes, and ZAP70 positivity. The del(20q) was detected only after chemotherapy in all 27 cases with initial karyotypes available. With a median follow-up of 90 months, 30 patients (47%) died, most as a direct consequence of chronic lymphocytic leukemia. Eight patients developed a therapy-related myeloid neoplasm, seven with a complex karyotype. Combined morphologic and FISH analysis for del(20q) performed in 12 cases without morphologic evidence of a myeloid neoplasm localized the del(20q) to the chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells in 5 (42%) cases, and to myeloid/erythroid cells in 7 (58)% cases. The del(20q) was detected in myeloid cells in all 4 cases of myelodysplastic syndrome. In aggregate, these data indicate that chronic lymphocytic leukemia with del(20q) acquired after therapy is heterogeneous. In cases with morphologic evidence of dysplasia, the del(20q) likely resides in the myeloid lineage. However, in cases without morphologic evidence of dysplasia, the del(20q) may represent clonal evolution and disease progression. Combining morphologic analysis with FISH for del(20q) or performing FISH on immunomagnetically selected sub-populations to localize the cell population with this abnormality may help guide patient management.

  3. 62. R.L.T., photographer November 1, 1934 DEL NORTE COUNTY, SECTION ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    62. R.L.T., photographer November 1, 1934 DEL NORTE COUNTY, SECTION D, HIGHWAY 1. REDWOOD CLEARING ON EXISTING LINE, 1-DN-71-A #26, R.L.T. 11-1-34. Stamped office copy. - Redwood National & State Parks Roads, California coast from Crescent City to Trinidad, Crescent City, Del Norte County, CA

  4. 60. C.J.T., photographer December 23, 1955 KLAMATH RIVER BRIDGE, DEL ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    60. C.J.T., photographer December 23, 1955 KLAMATH RIVER BRIDGE, DEL NORTE COUNTY, SECTION A, HIGHWAY 1. DN-1-A #538, KLAMATH RIVER BR. FROM SO. END, 12/23/55, C.J.T. - Redwood National & State Parks Roads, California coast from Crescent City to Trinidad, Crescent City, Del Norte County, CA

  5. Implementacion de modulos constructivistas que atiendan "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales en temas de la fisica en estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santacruz Sarmiento, Neida M.

    Este estudio se enfoco en los "misconception" y lagunas conceptuales en temas fundamentales de Fisica como son Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de fluidos. En primer lugar se trabajo con la identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales y se analizo en detalle la forma en que los estudiantes construyen sus propias teorias de fenomenos relacionados con los temas. Debido a la complejidad en la que los estudiantes asimilan los conceptos fisicos, se utilizo el metodo de investigacion mixto de tipo secuencial explicativo en dos etapas, una cuantitativa y otra cualitativa. La primera etapa comprendio cuatro fases: (1) Aplicacion de una prueba diagnostica para identificar el conocimiento previo y lagunas conceptuales. (2) Identificacion de "misconceptions" y lagunas del concepto a partir del conocimiento previo. (3) Implementacion de la intervencion por medio de modulos en el topico de Equilibrio Termodinamico y Estatica de Fluidos. (4) Y la realizacion de la pos prueba para analizar el impacto y la efectividad de la intervencion constructivista. En la segunda etapa se utilizo el metodo de investigacion cualitativo, por medio de una entrevista semiestructurada que partio de la elaboracion de un mapa conceptual y se finalizo con un analisis de datos conjuntamente. El desarrollo de este estudio permitio encontrar "misconceptions" y lagunas conceptuales a partir del conocimiento previo de los estudiantes participantes en los temas trabajados, que fueron atendidos en el desarrollo de las distintas actividades inquisitivas que se presentaron en el modulo constructivista. Se encontro marcadas diferencias entre la pre y pos prueba en los temas, esto se debio al requerimiento de habilidades abstractas para el tema de Estatica de Fluidos y al desarrollo intuitivo para el tema de Equilibrio Termodinamico, teniendo mejores respuestas en el segundo. Los participantes demostraron una marcada evolucion y/o cambio en sus estructuras de pensamiento, las pruebas estadisticas

  6. Acceptability of an Embodied Conversational Agent-based Computer Application for Hispanic Women

    PubMed Central

    Wells, Kristen J.; Vázquez-Otero, Coralia; Bredice, Marissa; Meade, Cathy D.; Chaet, Alexis; Rivera, Maria I.; Arroyo, Gloria; Proctor, Sara K.; Barnes, Laura E.


    There are few Spanish language interactive, technology-driven health education programs. Objectives of this feasibility study were to: 1) learn more about computer and technology usage among Hispanic women living in a rural community; and 2) evaluate acceptability of the concept of using an embodied conversational agent (ECA) computer application among this population. A survey about computer usage history and interest in computers was administered to a convenience sample of 26 women. A sample video prototype of a hospital discharge ECA was administered followed by questions to gauge opinion about the ECA. Data indicate women exhibited both a high level of computer experience and enthusiasm for the ECA. Feedback from community is essential to ensure equity in state of the art dissemination of health information. Hay algunos programas interactivos en español que usan la tecnología para educar sobre la salud. Los objetivos de este estudio fueron: 1) aprender más sobre el uso de computadoras y tecnología entre mujeres Hispanas que viven en comunidades rurales y 2) evaluar la aceptabilidad del concepto de usar un programa de computadora utilizando un agente de conversación encarnado (ECA) en esta población. Se administro una encuesta sobre el historial de uso y del interés de aprender sobre computadoras fue a 26 mujeres por muestreo de conveniencia. Un ejemplo del prototipo ECA en forma de video de un alta hospitalaria fue administrado y fue seguido por preguntas sobre la opinión que tenían del ECA. Los datos indican que las mujeres mostraron un alto nivel de experiencia con las computadoras y un alto nivel de entusiasmo sobre el ECA. La retroalimentación de la comunidad es esencial para asegurar equidad en la diseminación de información sobre la salud con tecnología de punta. PMID:26671558

  7. CHEK2 (∗) 1100delC Mutation and Risk of Prostate Cancer.


    Hale, Victoria; Weischer, Maren; Park, Jong Y


    Although the causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown, previous studies support the role of genetic factors in the development of prostate cancer. CHEK2 plays a critical role in DNA replication by responding to double-stranded breaks. In this review, we provide an overview of the current knowledge of the role of a genetic variant, 1100delC, of CHEK2 on prostate cancer risk and discuss the implication for potential translation of this knowledge into clinical practice. Currently, twelve articles that discussed CHEK2 (∗)1100delC and its association with prostate cancer were identified. Of the twelve prostate cancer studies, five studies had independent data to draw conclusive evidence from. The pooled results of OR and 95% CI were 1.98 (1.23-3.18) for unselected cases and 3.39 (1.78-6.47) for familial cases, indicating that CHEK2 (∗)1100delC mutation is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer. Screening for CHEK2(∗)1100delC should be considered in men with a familial history of prostate cancer.

  8. CHEK2 ∗1100delC Mutation and Risk of Prostate Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Park, Jong Y.


    Although the causes of prostate cancer are largely unknown, previous studies support the role of genetic factors in the development of prostate cancer. CHEK2 plays a critical role in DNA replication by responding to double-stranded breaks. In this review, we provide an overview of the current knowledge of the role of a genetic variant, 1100delC, of CHEK2 on prostate cancer risk and discuss the implication for potential translation of this knowledge into clinical practice. Currently, twelve articles that discussed CHEK2 ∗1100delC and its association with prostate cancer were identified. Of the twelve prostate cancer studies, five studies had independent data to draw conclusive evidence from. The pooled results of OR and 95% CI were 1.98 (1.23–3.18) for unselected cases and 3.39 (1.78–6.47) for familial cases, indicating that CHEK2 ∗1100delC mutation is associated with increased risk of prostate cancer. Screening for CHEK2∗1100delC should be considered in men with a familial history of prostate cancer. PMID:25431674

  9. The Cuernos del Paine mountains in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, photographed during NASA's AirSAR 2004 campaign

    NASA Image and Video Library


    The Cuernos del Paine mountains in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile, photographed during NASA's AirSAR 2004 campaign. AirSAR 2004 is a three-week expedition in Central and South America by an international team of scientists that is using an all-weather imaging tool, called the Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR), located onboard NASA's DC-8 airborne laboratory. Scientists from many parts of the world are combining ground research with NASA's AirSAR technology to improve and expand on the quality of research they are able to conduct. Founded in 1959, Torres del Paine National Park encompasses 450,000 acres in the Patagonia region of Chile. This region is being studied by NASA using a DC-8 equipped with an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR) developed by scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This is a very sensitive region that is important to scientists because the temperature has been consistently rising causing a subsequent melting of the region’s glaciers. AirSAR will provide a baseline model and unprecedented mapping of the region. This data will make it possible to determine whether the warming trend is slowing, continuing or accelerating. AirSAR will also provide reliable information on ice shelf thickness to measure the contribution of the glaciers to sea level.

  10. El ``Aula del Cel'': astronomy approaching high school

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ortiz-Gil, A.; Gómez Collado, M.; Gallego Calvente, A. T.

    The “Aula del Cel” is a project carried out by the Astronomical Obsevatory of the University of Valencia, Spain. It offers high-school teachers a tool for teaching Astronomy to 10 to 17 year-old students. Different programs, experiments, and audiovisual presentations have been prepared by a team formed both by professional astronomers and teachers, and are offered in a format chosen to suit each particular age and curriculum group. Special sessions have been designed for students with special needs (for example blind or autistic children) in close contact with the pedagogical teams responsible for their education. Nearly three thousand students have already visited the “Aula del Cel” over the first six months that it has been offered to the school community.

  11. CHEK2*1100delC homozygosity in the Netherlands—prevalence and risk of breast and lung cancer

    PubMed Central

    Huijts, Petra EA; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Balliu, Brunilda; Houwing-Duistermaat, Jeanine J; Meijers, Caro M; Blom, Jannet C; Ozturk, Bahar; Krol-Warmerdam, Elly MM; Wijnen, Juul; Berns, Els MJJ; Martens, John WM; Seynaeve, Caroline; Kiemeney, Lambertus A; van der Heijden, Henricus F; Tollenaar, Rob AEM; Devilee, Peter; van Asperen, Christi J


    The 1100delC mutation in the CHEK2 gene has a carrier frequency of up to 1.5% in individuals from North-West Europe. Women heterozygous for 1100delC have an increased breast cancer risk (odds ratio 2.7). To explore the prevalence and clinical consequences of 1100delC homozygosity in the Netherlands, we genotyped a sporadic breast cancer hospital-based cohort, a group of non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer families, and breast tumors from a tumor tissue bank. Three 1100delC homozygous patients were found in the cohort of 1434 sporadic breast cancer patients, suggesting an increased breast cancer risk for 1100delC homozygotes (odds ratio 3.4, 95% confidence interval 0.4–32.6, P=0.3). Another 1100delC homozygote was found in 592 individuals from 108 non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer families, and two more were found after testing 1706 breast tumors and confirming homozygosity on their wild-type DNA. Follow-up data was available for five homozygous patients, and remarkably, three of them had developed contralateral breast cancer. A possible relationship between 1100delC and lung cancer risk was investigated in 457 unrelated lung cancer patients but could not be confirmed. Due to the small number of 1100delC homozygotes identified, the breast cancer risk estimate associated with this genotype had limited accuracy but is probably higher than the risk in heterozygous females. Screening for CHEK2 1100delC could be beneficial in countries with a relatively high allele frequency. PMID:23652375

  12. Primer registro para Peru del genero Nielsonia Young, 1977 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Cicadellinae: Cicadellini)

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    En este articulo se reporta por primera vez para el Peru una especies del genero Nielsonia Young, 1977, de material procedente del Departamento de Tumbes. El genero ha sido reportada anteriormente de Ecuador, como unico registro para Sudamerica, y America Central. El unico especimen hembra encontra...

  13. Ectopsocidae (Psocodea: 'Psocoptera') from Valle del Cauca and NNP Gorgona, Colombia.


    Manchola, Oscar Fernando Saenz; Obando, Ranulfo González; Aldrete, Alfonso N García


    The results of a survey of the psocid family Ectopsocidae in Valle del Cauca and NNP Gorgona, are here presented. Fifteen species were identified, in the genera Ectopsocus (14 species), and Ectopsocopsis (one species); four of the Ectopsocus species are new to science and are here described and illustrated. The male of E. thorntoni García Aldrete is here described. Records of Ectopsocopsis cryptomeriae (Enderlein), Ectopsocus briggsi McLachlan, E. californicus Banks, E. columbianus Badonnel, E. maindroni Badonnel, E. meridionalis Ribaga, E. pilosus Badonnel, E. richardsi Pearman, E. titschacki Jentsch, and E. vilhenai Badonnel, are provided. Ten species were found only in Valle del Cauca, two species were found only in the NNP Gorgona, and three species were found at both sites. The specimens studied are deposited in the Entomological Museum, Universidad del Valle, Santiago de Cali, Colombia (MUSENUV).

  14. Foco Nasmyth para el telescopio 2,15mts. de CASLEO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Casagrande, A. R.

    En principio, este proyecto intenta lograr el mayor aprovechamiento posible del instrumental que se dispone, buscando la manera de optimizar y hacer más eficiente el servicio que brinda el CASLEO a la comunidad astronómica. El mismo consiste en utilizar dispositivos ya existentes en el telescopio, y darle una utilidad. Tal es el caso del camino óptico destinado al foco Coude. Si tenemos en cuenta que disponemos de un tercer espejo Coude, con todos sus mecanismos automatizados, (actualmente sin uso), una distancia apropiada del plano focal, el espacio y el lugar físico necesario para instalar un periférico, es posible la habilitación de un foco Nasmyth en el telescopio 2,15mts. El hecho de contar con este nuevo foco, redundará en importantes beneficios. En primer lugar, posibilitará la observación, casi simultánea, con dos instrumentos. Otro aspecto a tener en cuenta, es que disminuirá el frecuente cambio del instrumental periférico, motivo este que degrada su ideal puesta a punto. Por último, también de interés, es de destacar su escaso costo de ejecución.

  15. Desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina: factores de riesgo, mecanismo y control terapéutico.


    Clemens, Christoph R; Eter, Nicole


    Los desgarros del epitelio pigmentario de la retina (EPR) se asocian en la mayoría de los casos con los desprendimientos vascularizados del EPR debido a una degeneración macular asociada a la edad (DMAE), y normalmente implican una pérdida adversa de la agudeza visual. Estudios recientes indican que ha habido un aumento en la incidencia de desgarros del EPR desde la introducción de fármacos anti-factor de crecimiento del endotelio vascular (anti-VEGF) así como una asociación temporal entre el desgarro y la inyección intravítrea. Dado que el número de pacientes con DMAE y el número de inyecciones anti-VEGF va en aumento, tanto la dificultad de prevenir desgarros del EPR como el tratamiento tras la formación de los desgarros han adquirido una mayor relevancia. De forma paralela, la evolución de la imagenología de la retina ha contribuido de manera significativa a comprender mejor el desarrollo de los desgarros del EPR en los últimos años. Esta revisión resume los conocimientos que se poseen actualmente sobre el desarrollo, los factores pronósticos y las estrategias terapéuticas de los desgarros del EPR antes y después de que estos se formen. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  16. Late Miocene ignimbrites at the southern Puna-northern Sierras Pampeanas border (˜27°S): Stratigraphic correlation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Montero-López, Carolina; Guzmán, Silvina; Barrios, Fabiola


    New field observations and petrographic and geochemical data of pyroclastic deposits exposed along the Las Papas valley (border between southern Puna and northern Sierras Pampeanas, Argentina) and further north, lead us to propose a new stratigraphic correlation and classification of the late Miocene volcanism in this area. We redefine the Las Papas, Las Juntas, Aguada Alumbrera and Rosada ignimbrites and define the Agua Caliente and Del Medio ignimbrites. The whole set of ignimbrites are rhyolites and less frequently dacites of calc-alkaline affinity. In the present contribution we divide ignimbrites into the Agua Negra and Rincón groups, based mainly on their geochemical signature. The Agua Negra Group is formed by the Las Papas and Las Juntas ignimbrites, indurated and welded, lithic-rich, with crystal-poor pumices and crystal-rich matrix. The Rincón Group comprises the Agua Caliente, Aguada Alumbrera, Rosada and Del Medio ignimbrites, with variable welding degrees, lithic and crystal content. The greater enrichment of crystals in the matrix in comparison with the crystal content in pumices indicates significant elutriation during flow transport and thus volume estimations are to be considered lower bounds for the actual erupted volume. The total minimum estimated volume for the ignimbrites of the Agua Negra and Rincón groups is 2.8 km3 (2.3 km3 DRE). Field relationships and new analytical data indicate that the different acid ignimbrites that crop out in this small area are related to at least two different magma chambers. The widespread Quaternary volcanism in this area covers the older deposits, thus making it difficult to recognize the volcanic centers that produced these late Miocene ignimbrites.

  17. Mecanismos cinéticos y distribuciones energéticas de iones (H3+, N2H+, CH3+...) en plasmas fríos de H2/N2/CH4

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tanarro, I.; Herrero, V. J.; Islyaikin, A.; Tabarés, F. L.; Tafalla, D.

    En este trabajo se presenta el estudio espectrométrico de los plasmas levemente ionizados generados en una descarga continua a baja presión de H2 con trazas de N2 y CH4, orientado principalmente a identificar la naturaleza y distribución energética de los iones que en ella se producen, y a asignar algunos de los mecanismos cinéticos elementales de formación y destrucción de tales especies. Alguno de los iones mayoritarios de estos plasmas, como el H3+, presenta gran interés desde el punto de vista de la Astrofísica por su prevista intervención en la química de las ionosferas planetarias y del medio interestelar, al actuar como sustancia intermedia en la formación de gran variedad de especies moleculares; si bien, dada su pequeña concentración, su observación real en el espacio se demoró hasta la pasada década de los años 90, cuando fue detectado por primera vez en la atmósfera de Júpiter y en otros objetos estelares. Del mismo modo que los trabajos espectroscópicos de laboratorio resultan indispensables para la posterior identificación de las especies observadas en el espacio, es de esperar que la asignación de los procesos cinéticos más importantes que tienen lugar en los plasmas generados en reactores de descarga, como los aquí presentados, permitan extrapolar los resultados así obtenidos al esclarecimiento de los mecanismos fisico-químicos participantes en otros medios observables únicamente a larga distancia.

  18. 33 CFR 334.110 - Delaware Bay off Cape Henlopen, Del.; naval restricted area.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ..., Del.; naval restricted area. 334.110 Section 334.110 Navigation and Navigable Waters CORPS OF....110 Delaware Bay off Cape Henlopen, Del.; naval restricted area. (a) The area. Beginning at a point on... regulations in this section shall be enforced by the Commandant, Fourth Naval District, and such agencies as...

  19. Modeling landscapes and past vegetation patterns of New Mexico's Rio Del Oso Valley


    Richard D. Periman


    Humans have interacted with the landscape and ecosystem of New Mexico's Rio del Oso Valley for thousands of years. Throughout the Holocene, various cultures have dramatically affected and altered the Rio del Oso. An interdisciplinary research approach, incorporating geomorphology, paleobotany, archaeology, and history, provides a broad range of methodologies and...

  20. El Alcalde José Carlos Aponte Dalmau del Municipio de Carolina es nombrado a formar parte del Comité Asesor de Gobiernos Locales de la EPA a nivel de todos los Estados Unidos

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Comunicado de prensa de la EPA: El Alcalde José Carlos Aponte Dalmau del Municipio de Carolina es nombrado a formar parte del Comité Asesor de Gobiernos Locales de la EPA a nivel de todos los Estados Unidos

  1. El bosque estatal del nuevo milenio antes y después del huracán Georges


    A.E. Lugo; E. Román Nunci; M. Quinones; H. Marcano Vega; I. Vicéns


    We studied changes that occurred between 1997 and 2005 on a secondary wet subtropical urban forest in the University of Puerto Rico’s Botanical Garden (Bosque Estatal del Nuevo Milenio). Hurricane Georges passed south of the forest on November 21, 1998 with 127 km/h winds. The study consisted of identifying species in 40 plots of 254 m2 each, measuring the diameter at...

  2. Relaxing USOS Solar Array Constraints for Russian Vehicle Undocking

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Menkin, Evgeny; Schrock, Mariusz; Schrock, Rita; Zaczek, Mariusz; Gomez, Susan; Lee, Roscoe; Bennet, George


    With the retirement of Space Shuttle cargo delivery capability and the ten year life extension of the International Space Station (ISS) more emphasis is being put on preservation of the service life of ISS critical components. Current restrictions on the United States Orbital Segment (USOS) Solar Array (SA) positioning during Russian Vehicle (RV) departure from ISS nadir and zenith ports cause SA to be positioned in the plume field of Service Module thrusters and lead to degradation of SAs as well as potential damage to Sun tracking Beta Gimbal Assemblies (BGA). These restrictions are imposed because of the single fault tolerant RV Motion Control System (MCS), which does not meet ISS Safety requirements for catastrophic hazards and dictates 16 degree Solar Array Rotary Joint position, which ensures that ISS and RV relative motion post separation, does lead to collision. The purpose of this paper is to describe a methodology and the analysis that was performed to determine relative motion trajectories of the ISS and separating RV for nominal and contingency cases. Analysis was performed in three phases that included ISS free drift prior to Visiting Vehicle separation, ISS and Visiting Vehicle relative motion analysis and clearance analysis. First, the ISS free drift analysis determined the worst case attitude and attitude rate excursions prior to RV separation based on a series of different configurations and mass properties. Next, the relative motion analysis calculated the separation trajectories while varying the initial conditions, such as docking mechanism performance, Visiting Vehicle MCS failure, departure port location, ISS attitude and attitude rates at the time of separation, etc. The analysis employed both orbital mechanics and rigid body rotation calculations while accounting for various atmospheric conditions and gravity gradient effects. The resulting relative motion trajectories were then used to determine the worst case separation envelopes during

  3. The role of economic analysis in groundwater management in semi-arid regions: the case of Nigeria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Acharya, Gayatri

    The aim of this paper is to use an economic framework to derive decision making rules for river basin management with a focus on groundwater resources. Using an example from northern Nigeria, the paper provides an example of how decision making for sustainable water resources management may be facilitated by comparing net benefits and costs across a river basin. It is argued that economic tools can be used to assess the value of water resources in different uses, identify and analyze management scenarios, and provide decision rules for the sustainable use and management of surface and ground water resources in the region. L'objet de cet article est l'utilisation d'un cadre économique pour établir des règles de prise de décision pour la gestion d'un bassin versant prenant en compte les ressources en eau souterraine. À partir d'un exemple du Nigéria septentrional, cet article explique comment une prise de décision pour la gestion durable de ressources en eau peut être facilitée en comparant les bénéfices nets et les coûts sur tout le bassin versant. Il est montré que les outils économiques peuvent être utilisés pour établir la valeur des ressources en eau dans les différents usages, pour identifier et analyser des scénarios de gestion et pour fournir des règles de décision pour un usage et une gestion durables des ressources en eaux de surface et souterraines dans la région. El objetivo de este artículo es utilizar un enfoque económico para deducir reglas de toma de decisión en la gestión de cuencas, haciendo énfasis en los recursos subterráneos. Por medio de un ejemplo del Norte de Nigeria, se ilustra cómo la toma de decisiones orientadas a la gestión sustentable de los recursos hídricos puede ser facilitada si se compara los beneficios netos y los costes en toda la cuenca. Se argumenta que las herramientas económicas pueden servir para establecer el valor de los recursos hídricos destinados a usos diferentes, para identificar y

  4. Antagonistic effects of IL-17 and D-resolvins on endothelial Del-1 expression through a GSK-3β-C/EBPβ pathway.


    Maekawa, Tomoki; Hosur, Kavita; Abe, Toshiharu; Kantarci, Alpdogan; Ziogas, Athanasios; Wang, Baomei; Van Dyke, Thomas E; Chavakis, Triantafyllos; Hajishengallis, George


    Del-1 is an endothelial cell-secreted anti-inflammatory protein. In humans and mice, Del-1 expression is inversely related to that of IL-17, which inhibits Del-1 through hitherto unidentified mechanism(s). Here we show that IL-17 downregulates human endothelial cell expression of Del-1 by targeting a critical transcription factor, C/EBPβ. Specifically, IL-17 causes GSK-3β-dependent phosphorylation of C/EBPβ, which is associated with diminished C/EBPβ binding to the Del-1 promoter and suppressed Del-1 expression. This inhibitory action of IL-17 can be reversed at the GSK-3β level by PI3K/Akt signalling induced by D-resolvins. The biological relevance of this regulatory network is confirmed in a mouse model of inflammatory periodontitis. Intriguingly, resolvin-D1 (RvD1) confers protection against IL-17-driven periodontal bone loss in a Del-1-dependent manner, indicating an RvD1-Del-1 axis against IL-17-induced pathological inflammation. The dissection of signalling pathways regulating Del-1 expression provides potential targets to treat inflammatory diseases associated with diminished Del-1 expression, such as periodontitis and multiple sclerosis.

  5. An unexpected effect of TNF-α on F508del-CFTR maturation and function

    PubMed Central

    Bitam, Sara; Urbach, Valérie; Sermet-Gaudelus, Isabelle; Hinzpeter, Alexandre; Edelman, Aleksander


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a multifactorial disease caused by mutations in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene ( CFTR), which encodes a cAMP-dependent Cl - channel. The most frequent mutation, F508del, leads to the synthesis of a prematurely degraded, otherwise partially functional protein. CFTR is expressed in many epithelia, with major consequences in the airways of patients with CF, characterized by both fluid transport abnormalities and persistent inflammatory responses. The relationship between the acute phase of inflammation and the expression of wild type (WT) CFTR or F508del-CFTR is poorly understood. The aim of the present study was to investigate this effect. The results show that 10 min exposure to TNF-alpha (0.5-50ng/ml) of F508del-CFTR-transfected HeLa cells and human bronchial cells expressing F508del-CFTR in primary culture (HBE) leads to the maturation of F508del-CFTR and induces CFTR chloride currents. The enhanced CFTR expression and function upon TNFα is sustained, in HBE cells, for at least 24 h. The underlying mechanism of action involves a protein kinase C (PKC) signaling pathway, and occurs through insertion of vesicles containing F508del-CFTR to the plasma membrane, with TNFα behaving as a corrector molecule. In conclusion, a novel and unexpected action of TNFα has been discovered and points to the importance of systematic studies on the roles of inflammatory mediators in the maturation of abnormally folded proteins in general and in the context of CF in particular. PMID:26594334

  6. Weyl fermions in a family of Gödel-type geometries with a topological defect

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia, G. Q.; Oliveira, J. R. De S.; Furtado, C.

    In this paper, we study Weyl fermions in a family of Gödel-type geometries in Einstein general relativity. We also consider that these solutions are embedded in a topological defect background. We solve the Weyl equation and find the energy eigenvalues and eigenspinors for all three cases of Gödel-type geometries where a topological defect is passing through them. We show that the presence of a topological defect in these geometries contributes to the modification of the spectrum of energy. The energy zero modes for all three cases of the Gödel geometries are discussed.

  7. General nonextremal rotating charged Gödel black holes in minimal five-dimensional gauged supergravity.


    Wu, Shuang-Qing


    I present the general exact solutions for nonextremal rotating charged black holes in the Gödel universe of five-dimensional minimal supergravity theory. They are uniquely characterized by four nontrivial parameters: namely, the mass m, the charge q, the Kerr equal rotation parameter a, and the Gödel parameter j. I calculate the conserved energy, angular momenta, and charge for the solutions and show that they completely satisfy the first law of black hole thermodynamics. I also study the symmetry and separability of the Hamilton-Jacobi and the massive Klein-Gordon equations in these Einstein-Maxwell-Chern-Simons-Gödel black hole backgrounds.

  8. La implantacion del enfoque constructivista en el aula de ciencia: Estudio de caso multiple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arroyo Betancourt, Luz I.

    Esta investigacion estudia la implantacion del enfoque constructivista en tres aulas de ciencia del contexto puertorriqueno. Se auscultaron las practicas educativas que utilizan maestras consideradas constructivistas y la correspondencia de sus practicas educativas con los elementos esenciales de la didactica que proponen los teoricos de los planteamientos constructivistas. Se ausculto, ademas, a que vision del enfoque constructivista responden las expresiones de las maestras acerca de su practica educativa y como compara con su quehacer, a la luz de los elementos esenciales de las visiones constructivistas piagetiana, social y radical. Se utilizo el diseno de estudio descriptivo de caso multiple. El estudio se baso en entrevistas a profundidad, revision de documentos y observacion no participativa a la sala de clases. El contexto fueron tres escuelas publicas de la Region Educativa de San Juan, una elemental, una intermedia y una superior. Los resultados confirmaron que la transicion hacia el enfoque constructivista es un proceso que toma tiempo, dedicacion y la participacion en adiestramientos y readiestramientos acerca del nuevo enfoque. Las maestras coinciden en la mayoria de las practicas educativas que utilizan para implantar el enfoque constructivista de ensenanza y difieren en algunas debido, probablemente, a que han tenido que adaptarlas a los correspondientes niveles de ensenanza: elemental, intermedio y superior. Dos de las maestras planifican por conceptos generadores, mientras que una de ellas planifica siguiendo la guia que recibe del Departamento de Educacion. Difieren ademas, en el enfasis que confieren al inquirir cientifico. Con relacion a la correspondencia entre la vision manifestada por las maestras a la luz de las visiones piagetiana, social y radical, aparentemente, las preguntas del protocolo de entrevistas no lograron evocar la informacion con suficiente profundidad, por lo que la investigadora tuvo que inferir las visiones de las

  9. Estimaciones de Prevalencia del VIH por Género y Grupo de Riesgo en Tijuana, México: 2006

    PubMed Central

    Iñiguez-Stevens, Esmeralda; Brouwer, Kimberly C.; Hogg, Robert S.; Patterson, Thomas L.; Lozada, Remedios; Magis-Rodriguez, Carlos; Elder, John P.; Viani, Rolando M.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.


    OBJETIVO Estimar la prevalencia del VIH en adultos de 15-49 años de edad en Tijuana, México - en la población general y en subgrupos de riesgo en el 2006. METODOS Se obtuvieron datos demográficos del censo Mexicano del 2005, y la prevalencia del VIH se obtuvo de la literatura. Se construyó un modelo de prevalencia del VIH para la población general y de acuerdo al género. El análisis de sensibilidad consistió en estimar errores estándar del promedio-ponderado de la prevalencia del VIH y tomar derivados parciales con respecto a cada parámetro. RESULTADOS La prevalencia del VIH es 0.54%(N = 4,347) (Rango: 0.22%–0.86%, (N = 1,750–6,944)). Esto sugiere que 0.85%(Rango: 0.39%–1.31%) de los hombres y 0.22%(Rango: 0.04%–0.40%) de las mujeres podrían ser VIH-positivos. Los hombres que tienen sexo con hombres (HSH), las trabajadoras sexuales usuarias de drogas inyectables (MTS-UDI), MTS-noUDI, mujeres UDI, y los hombres UDI contribuyeron las proporciones más elevadas de personas infectadas por el VIH. CONCLUSIONES El número de adultos VIH-positivos entre subgrupos de riesgo en la población de Tijuana es considerable, marcando la necesidad de enforcar las intervenciones de prevención en sus necesidades específicas. El presente modelo estima que hasta 1 en cada 116 adultos podrían ser VIH-positivos. PMID:19685824

  10. An evening at "La Clinica del Pueblo".


    Shefsky, M L


    This article describes a typical evening at the Clinica del Pueblo in the Hispanic neighborhood of Adams-Morgan in Washington, D.c. The Clinical del Pueblo began operating in 1983 in response to the urgen medical needs of Central American refugees arriving in the Washington D.c. area. The refugees bring with them severe trauma, fear, and health problems caused by the civil was and exacerbated by inadequate or non-existant health services. Approximately 80,000 Salvadoran refugees live in the area. They do not receive adequate health care for 3 reasons. 1) Because the US goverment is unwilling to recognize them as true refugees, they live with the constant threat of deportatin back to the violence from which they have fled. 2) Refugees lack the ability to pay for private care. 3) Langauage and culture create frightening barriers to health care for the refugees. For those who do seek care, these barriers can lead to the inadequate or incomplete diagnoses and poor compliance and follow-up. Plenty International and the Central American Refugee Center responded to these problems by organizing a free clinic to provide not only medical care but also a training course for volunteers. The director of the clinic organizes the course, the classes are taught by a variety of people including the clinic's volunteer physicians, nurses, and public health educators as well as graduates of previus training courses and people from the wider community. The services of the clinic reach only a small portion of the population in need. However, the fact that free medical services are now available to some Central American refugees make the Clinica del Pueblo an important program.

  11. The novel complex allele [A238V;F508del] of the CFTR gene: clinical phenotype and possible implications for cystic fibrosis etiological therapies.


    Diana, Anna; Polizzi, Angela Maria; Santostasi, Teresa; Ratclif, Luigi; Pantaleo, Maria Giuseppina; Leonetti, Giuseppina; Iusco, Danila Rosa; Gallo, Crescenzio; Conese, Massimo; Manca, Antonio


    Few mutations in cis have been annotated for F508del homozygous patients. Southern Italy patients who at a first analysis appeared homozygous for the F508del mutation (n=63) or compound heterozygous for the F508del and another mutation in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene (n=155) were searched for the A238V mutation in exon 6. The allelic frequency of the complex allele [A238V;F508del] was 0.04. When the whole data set was used (comprised also of 56 F508del/F508del and 34 F508del/other mutation controls), no differences reached the statistical significance in the clinical parameters, except chloride concentrations which were lower in [A238V;F508del]/other mutation compared with F508del/other mutation (P=0.03). The two study groups presented less complications than the control groups. Within the minimal data set (34 F508del/F508del, 27 F508del/other mutation, 4 [A238V;F508del]/F508del cases and 5 [A238V;F508del]/other mutation cases); that is, presenting all the variables in each patient, forced expiratory volume in 1 s and forced vital capacity presented a trend to lower levels in the study groups in comparison with the F508del/F508del group, and C-reactive protein approximated statistically significant higher levels in the [A238V;F508del]/other mutation as compared with F508del/F508del patients (P=0.09). The analysis of statistical dependence among the variables showed a significant anticorrelation between chloride and body mass index in the [A238V;F508del]/other mutation group. In conclusion, the complex allele [A238V;F508del] seems to be associated with less general complications than in the control groups, on the other hand possibly giving a worse pulmonary phenotype and higher systemic/local inflammatory response. These findings have implications for the correct recruitment and clinical response of F508del patients in the clinical trials testing the new etiological drugs for cystic fibrosis.

  12. Misura de Massa e Larghezza degli Stati $$x_1$$ e $$x_2$$ del Charmonio Formati in Interazioni $$p - \\bar{p}$$

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pallavicini, Marco


    Oggetto di questa tesi è la misura di alcune caratteristiche fisiche ( massa, larghezza, e larghezza parziale in p - p) degli stati 3 Pi e 3 A del charmonio, - overo del sistema legato di un quark "charm" e del suo antiquark-, nell'ambito dell'esperimento E-760, installato nell'accumulatore di antiprotoni del Fermilab (U.S.A).

  13. Archivo de placas astrométricas del Observatorio de La Plata

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    di Sisto, R.; Orellana, R. B.

    Se ha realizado una base de datos con las placas fotográficas obtenidas con el Astrográfico del Observatorio de La Plata. Se han clasificado un total de 3000 placas obtenidas para asteroides y cometas. El acceso a la base de datos se hará por FTP y la misma contendrá la siguiente información: fecha y tiempo de exposición, coordenadas del centro de placa, tipo de emulsión fotográfica, estado de la placa, objeto fotografiado.

  14. Gonadal dysgenesis, Turner syndrome with 46,XX,del(18p)3

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Telvi, L.; Ion, R.; Bernheim, A.


    The authors report a case of a female infant with gonadal dysgenesis, clinical features of Turner syndrome and a de novo del(18p). The factors controlling gonadal dysgenesis and Turner syndrome are unknown to date. The genes involved could be located not only on X chromosome but also on autosomes. The present case suggests that one of these genes is situated on the short arm of chromosome 18. We conclude that patients with del(18p) syndrome should be evaluated for gonadal dysgenesis.

  15. Mejoras en el apuntado del telescopio de 2,15 mts de CASLEO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aballay, J. L.; Casagrande, A. R.; Pereyra, P. F.; Marún, A. H.

    Con el objeto de optimizar el funcionamiento del telescopio de 2,15 mts. de CASLEO, se están eliminando los motores de calar, de guía y mecánica asociada. Para ésto, se están diseñando dos electrónicas que gobernarán, solamente, el motor de slew y el de tracking. Con el control del motor de slew se realizarán las funciones de slew y calar, controlando desde una PC la placa que maneja las rampas de velocidad. De este modo, el movimiento será programado y por lo tanto, más suave y preciso. Con el control del motor de tracking, a través de un generador de frecuencias programable desde una PC, se proveerá los movimientos necesarios para el tracking y guía.

  16. [Recommendations to improve the scientific communication process in the Revista Médica del IMSS].


    Álvarez, Ivón


    In order to improve the position of the Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social among the different journals, in this editorial we enumerate a series of recommendations to ameliorate the practices of the different actors who participate in the scientific communication process of this journal.

  17. Electromagnetically Inferred Structure of the Caja del Rio Plateau, New Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Layton, M. E.; Speed, C.; Shukla, M.; Vila, A.; Chon, E.; Kitamikado, C.; Feucht, D. W.; Bedrosian, P.; Pellerin, L.


    Magnetotelluric (MT) and transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were acquired by students from the Summer of Applied Geophysical Experience (SAGE) to construct structural models in and around the Caja del Rio Plateau, New Mexico. The Caja del Rio is located on the La Bajada-Jemez constriction that separates the Española and Santa Domingo basins in the Rio Grande Rift. The Rio Grande Rift, the result of tectonic extensional forces, extends approximately north-south across northern New Mexico. MT data collected in 2016 were merged with that from previous years to make up an 11 km north line and a 16 km south line extending from the west side of the Caja Del Rio to the east off the plateau in the Old Buckman Road area. The resistivity distributions revealed in one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) inverse models show some robust features. Models of the north are interpreted as a top resistive layer (<500m) of Tertiary volcanoclastic rock, to a central conductive layer (600-200m) of Mesozoic and Paleozoic sediments of the Santa Fe group to crystalline basement rock. Models for the south line show low resistivity for the first 3 to 5 km and then transitions into higher resistivity values consistent with the models for the north line. At a period of 100 seconds induction arrows (Parkinson's convention) point in the northwest direction towards the conductive Valles Caldera. The MT models are consistent with geologic interpretations of the stratigraphic units. In addition, models disclose an additional conductive layer below the basement that we interpret as the mid-crustal conductor. Transient electromagnetic (TEM) data were collected in seven locations atop the Caja del Rio plateau in an attempt to identify the basal contact of the Cerros del Rio volcanic field, which, in turn, allow for the thickness of these basaltic and andesitic deposits to be mapped across the plateau. One-dimensional inverse models produced from the TEM data were aligned and interpreted

  18. International Conference on Marine Corrosion and Fouling (5th), held 19-23 May 1980, Barcelona (Spain).

    DTIC Science & Technology


    aguas de puertos i talianos." C.A. Viviani and L.H. Disalvo ( Chile ) :,"Biofouling in a north-central Chilean coastal bay." A.F.A. Ghobashy and A.K. Hassan...34Estudio del mechanismo de formaci6n de incrustationes en enfriadores por el uso de agua de mer." S.M. Coelho de Souza Medeiros Bastos and L.R...naval con cubierta de pinturas en agua de mar sintetica." T. Skoulikidis and P. Vassiliou (Greece): "Kinetic data on the leaching of 152?- antifouling

  19. Field Measurements of Respiratory Del13CO2 and Photodegradation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van Asperen, H.; Sabbatini, S.; Nicolini, G.; Warneke, T.; Papale, D.; Notholt, J.


    Carbon decomposition dynamics have been studied in a variety of ecosystems and its variation can mostly be explained in terms of environmental variables (e.g. temperature and precipitation). However, carbon dynamics in arid, water limited regions have shown to be very different and are still largely unknown. Several studies have indicated the importance of photodegradation, the direct breakdown of organic matter by sunlight, in these arid regions. A FTIR (Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrometer) was set up to continuously measure concentrations of CO2, CH4, N2O, CO as well as del13C in CO2. The FTIR was connected to 2 different flux measurement systems: a Flux Gradient system and 2 flux chambers, providing a continuous data set of gas concentrations and biosphere-atmosphere gas fluxes at different heights and scales. Field measurements showed photodegradation induced carbon fluxes. Also, respiratory del13CO2 was determined by use of Keeling plots, and was determined to vary between -25‰ and -21‰. A clear diurnal pattern in respiratory del13CO2 was found, suggesting either different (dominant) respiratory processes between day and night or the effect of diffusive fractionation.

  20. Ecos del Cosmos: A radio astroexperience at the Universitat de Valencia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marco, E.; Ballesteros, F. J.; Ortiz-Gil, A.


    During the last three years Ecos del Cosmos has been a radio program dedicated to spreading astronomical hot news to the Universitat de València community and beyond, and also topics of general astronomical interest. To do this, this program by Ràdio Universitat has conducted live interviews with researchers, explored relationships of astronomy with humanities and society, performed contests and explained in a simple way the main monthly ephemerides. A version of Ecos del Cosmos was broadcasted in the Onda Cero’s summer program ''Jelo en verano''conducted by Arturo Tellez.

  1. Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917) and the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the trench warfare.


    Riva, Michele Augusto; Caramella, Michela; Turato, Massimo; Cesana, Giancarlo


    The year 2017 marks the centenary of the death of the Italian scientist Pier Diego Siccardi (1880-1917), one of Luigi Devoto's assistants at the "Clinica del Lavoro" in Milan. To commemorate Siccardi and to describe the activities of the physicians of the "Clinica del Lavoro" during World War I. A comprehensive analysis was conducted on scientific papers written by Pier Diego Siccardi and by other physicians belonging to the Clinica del Lavoro, in the period 1915-1918. During the Great War, the Clinica del Lavoro became a military hospital, even though it indirectly maintained a role in Occupational Health, assisting women who had started to work to replace the men sent to the front. Devoto and his assistants were drafted as Army doctors, but continued their research activities while at the front; focusing on the diseases that affected the soldiers, mainly infections. Bleeding fevers and jaundice were endemic among Italian troops, but their etiology was unknown. Pier Diego Siccardi identified this syndrome as an infection caused by a spirochete, and was the first one to isolate the infectious agent. Siccardi prematurely died of the same disease as a consequence of a laboratory accident, which provided further confirmation for his research. The heroic life of Siccardi and his tragic death testify the important activities of the scientists of the "Clinica del Lavoro" in the years of the Great War.

  2. DelPhiPKa web server: predicting pKa of proteins, RNAs and DNAs.


    Wang, Lin; Zhang, Min; Alexov, Emil


    A new pKa prediction web server is released, which implements DelPhi Gaussian dielectric function to calculate electrostatic potentials generated by charges of biomolecules. Topology parameters are extended to include atomic information of nucleotides of RNA and DNA, which extends the capability of pKa calculations beyond proteins. The web server allows the end-user to protonate the biomolecule at particular pH based on calculated pKa values and provides the downloadable file in PQR format. Several tests are performed to benchmark the accuracy and speed of the protocol. The web server follows a client-server architecture built on PHP and HTML and utilizes DelPhiPKa program. The computation is performed on the Palmetto supercomputer cluster and results/download links are given back to the end-user via http protocol. The web server takes advantage of MPI parallel implementation in DelPhiPKa and can run a single job on up to 24 CPUs. The DelPhiPKa web server is available at © The Author 2015. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  3. Meta-analysis of CHEK2 1100delC variant and colorectal cancer susceptibility.


    Xiang, He-ping; Geng, Xiao-ping; Ge, Wei-wei; Li, He


    Cell cycle checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2) gene has been inconsistently associated with colorectal cancer (CRC), particularly the 1100delC variant. To generate large-scale evidence on whether the CHEK2 1100delC variant is associated with CRC susceptibility we have conducted a meta-analysis. Data were collected from the following electronic databases: PubMed, Excerpta Medica Database and Chinese Biomedical Literature Database, with the last report up to November 2010. The odds ratio (OR) and its 95% confidence interval (95% CI) were used to assess the strength of association. We evaluated the contrast of carriers versus non-carriers. Meta-analysis was performed in a fixed/random effect model by using the software Review Manager 4.2. A total of six studies including 4194 cases and 10,010 controls based on the search criteria were involved in this meta-analysis. A significant association of the CHEK2 1100delC variant with unselected CRC was found (OR=2.11, 95% CI=1.41-3.16, P=0.0003). We also found an association of the CHEK2 1100delC variant with familial CRC (OR=2.80, 95% CI=1.74-4.51, P<0.0001). However, the association was not established for sporadic CRC (OR=1.45, 95% CI=0.49-4.30, P=0.50). This meta-analysis demonstrates that the CHEK2 1100delC variant may be an important CRC-predisposing gene, which increases CRC risk. Copyright © 2011. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. DelPhiForce web server: electrostatic forces and energy calculations and visualization.


    Li, Lin; Jia, Zhe; Peng, Yunhui; Chakravorty, Arghya; Sun, Lexuan; Alexov, Emil


    Electrostatic force is an essential component of the total force acting between atoms and macromolecules. Therefore, accurate calculations of electrostatic forces are crucial for revealing the mechanisms of many biological processes. We developed a DelPhiForce web server to calculate and visualize the electrostatic forces at molecular level. DelPhiForce web server enables modeling of electrostatic forces on individual atoms, residues, domains and molecules, and generates an output that can be visualized by VMD software. Here we demonstrate the usage of the server for various biological problems including protein-cofactor, domain-domain, protein-protein, protein-DNA and protein-RNA interactions. The DelPhiForce web server is available at: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics online. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press. All rights reserved. For Permissions, please e-mail:

  5. DelPhi web server v2: incorporating atomic-style geometrical figures into the computational protocol.


    Smith, Nicholas; Witham, Shawn; Sarkar, Subhra; Zhang, Jie; Li, Lin; Li, Chuan; Alexov, Emil


    A new edition of the DelPhi web server, DelPhi web server v2, is released to include atomic presentation of geometrical figures. These geometrical objects can be used to model nano-size objects together with real biological macromolecules. The position and size of the object can be manipulated by the user in real time until desired results are achieved. The server fixes structural defects, adds hydrogen atoms and calculates electrostatic energies and the corresponding electrostatic potential and ionic distributions. The web server follows a client-server architecture built on PHP and HTML and utilizes DelPhi software. The computation is carried out on supercomputer cluster and results are given back to the user via http protocol, including the ability to visualize the structure and corresponding electrostatic potential via Jmol implementation. The DelPhi web server is available from

  6. CHEK2 c.1100delC allele is rarely identified in Greek breast cancer cases.


    Apostolou, Paraskevi; Fostira, Florentia; Papamentzelopoulou, Myrto; Michelli, Maria; Panopoulos, Christos; Fountzilas, George; Konstantopoulou, Irene; Voutsinas, Gerassimos E; Yannoukakos, Drakoulis


    The CHEK2 gene encodes a protein kinase that plays a crucial role in maintenance of genomic integrity and the DNA repair mechanism. CHEK2 germline mutations are associated with increased risk of breast cancer and other malignancies. From a clinical perspective, the most significant mutation identified is the c.1100delC mutation, which is associated with an approximately 25% lifetime breast cancer risk. The distribution of this mutation shows wide geographical variation; it is more prevalent in the Northern European countries and less common, or even absent, in Southern Europe. In order to estimate the frequency of the CHEK2 c.1100delC mutation in Greek breast cancer patients, we genotyped 2,449 patients (2,408 females and 41 males), which was the largest series ever tested for c.1100delC. The mean age of female and male breast cancer diagnosis was 49 and 59 years, respectively. All patients had previously tested negative for the Greek BRCA1 founder and recurrent mutations. The CHEK2 c.1100delC mutation was detected in 0.16% (4 of 2,408) of females, all of whom were diagnosed with breast cancer before the age of 50 years. Only one c.1100delC carrier was reported with breast cancer family history. The present study indicates that the CHEK2 c.1100delC mutation does not contribute substantially to hereditary breast cancer in patients of Greek descent. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Haplotype analysis of the 185delAG BRCA1 mutation in ethnically diverse populations

    PubMed Central

    Laitman, Yael; Feng, Bing-Jian; Zamir, Itay M; Weitzel, Jeffrey N; Duncan, Paul; Port, Danielle; Thirthagiri, Eswary; Teo, Soo-Hwang; Evans, Gareth; Latif, Ayse; Newman, William G; Gershoni-Baruch, Ruth; Zidan, Jamal; Shimon-Paluch, Shani; Goldgar, David; Friedman, Eitan


    The 185delAG* BRCA1 mutation is encountered primarily in Jewish Ashkenazi and Iraqi individuals, and sporadically in non-Jews. Previous studies estimated that this is a founder mutation in Jewish mutation carriers that arose before the dispersion of Jews in the Diaspora ∼2500 years ago. The aim of this study was to assess the haplotype in ethnically diverse 185delAG* BRCA1 mutation carriers, and to estimate the age at which the mutation arose. Ethnically diverse Jewish and non-Jewish 185delAG*BRCA1 mutation carriers and their relatives were genotyped using 15 microsatellite markers and three SNPs spanning 12.5 MB, encompassing the BRCA1 gene locus. Estimation of mutation age was based on a subset of 11 markers spanning a region of ∼5 MB, using a previously developed algorithm applying the maximum likelihood method. Overall, 188 participants (154 carriers and 34 noncarriers) from 115 families were included: Ashkenazi, Iraq, Kuchin-Indians, Syria, Turkey, Iran, Tunisia, Bulgaria, non-Jewish English, non-Jewish Malaysian, and Hispanics. Haplotype analysis indicated that the 185delAG mutation arose 750–1500 years ago. In Ashkenazim, it is a founder mutation that arose 61 generations ago, and with a small group of founder mutations was introduced into the Hispanic population (conversos) ∼650 years ago, and into the Iraqi–Jewish community ∼450 years ago. The 185delAG mutation in the non-Jewish populations in Malaysia and the UK arose at least twice independently. We conclude that the 185delAG* BRCA1 mutation resides on a common haplotype among Ashkenazi Jews, and arose about 61 generations ago and arose independently at least twice in non-Jews. PMID:22763381

  8. Detecting a hierarchical genetic population structure via Multi-InDel markers on the X chromosome

    PubMed Central

    Fan, Guang Yao; Ye, Yi; Hou, Yi Ping


    Detecting population structure and estimating individual biogeographical ancestry are very important in population genetics studies, biomedical research and forensics. Single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) has long been considered to be a primary ancestry-informative marker (AIM), but it is constrained by complex and time-consuming genotyping protocols. Following up on our previous study, we propose that a multi-insertion-deletion polymorphism (Multi-InDel) with multiple haplotypes can be useful in ancestry inference and hierarchical genetic population structures. A validation study for the X chromosome Multi-InDel marker (X-Multi-InDel) as a novel AIM was conducted. Genetic polymorphisms and genetic distances among three Chinese populations and 14 worldwide populations obtained from the 1000 Genomes database were analyzed. A Bayesian clustering method (STRUCTURE) was used to discern the continental origins of Europe, East Asia, and Africa. A minimal panel of ten X-Multi-InDels was verified to be sufficient to distinguish human ancestries from three major continental regions with nearly the same efficiency of the earlier panel with 21 insertion-deletion AIMs. Along with the development of more X-Multi-InDels, an approach using this novel marker has the potential for broad applicability as a cost-effective tool toward more accurate determinations of individual biogeographical ancestry and population stratification. PMID:27535707

  9. [The Revista Médica del IMSS in the 2017 Healthcare Book Fair].


    Ramiro-H, Manuel; Acosta-Pérez, L; Cruz-Aranda, J E; García-Damián, J J; Miguel-Reyes, R; González-Martínez, R


    On August, the second edition of the Healthcare Book Fair took place, sponsored by the Facultad de Medicina of UNAM. Again, the Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social participated with a stand where we promoted it, talked about the different indexes where our journal is included, explained its objective and scope, and finally talked about its nature as an open access journal, which is aimed to the clinical staff of the different health institutions of our country.

  10. Resultados del relevamiento de HI en el Cielo Austral: 3. Relevamiento de Nubes de Alta Velocidad

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morras, R.; Bajaja, E.; Arnal, E. M.; Pöppel, W. G. L.

    Los resultados del relevamiento de HI del Hemisferio Austral fueron reprocesados con el fin de incrementar su sensibilidad. Así, se utilizó esta nueva base de datos con el fin de obtener un nuevo relevamiento de Nubes de Alta Velocidad en el cielo austral. El ruido r.m.s. alcanzado es de 0.015-0.020 K, con una resolución espectral de 8 km/seg. El cubrimiento espacial del relevamiento mejora en un factor 16 al realizado por Bajaja et al (1985).

  11. Lo Gnomone Clementino Astronomia Meridiana in Basilica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sigismondi, Costantino


    Costruito per chiara volontà del papa 70 anni dopo il caso Galileo, lo Gnomone Clementino è un grande telescopio solare che non fa uso di lenti a 92 anni dall’invenzione del cannocchiale. Queste due caratteristiche basterebbero da sole a giustificare l’interesse verso questo strumento. L’astronomia meridiana è alla base dell’astrometria e dell’astrofisica moderna. Lo Gnomone Clementino sta oggi all’astronomia, come il veliero “Amerigo Vespucci” sta alla Marina Italiana. E’ possibile svolgere ogni genere di osservazione e studio su questo strumento, e dal 2002 vi tengo lezioni teorico-pratiche del corso di Storia dell’Astronomia e La Terra nel Sistema Solare della Sapienza, Università di Roma, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia. Questo testo aggiunge alcuni tasselli alla ricerca storica sulla meridiana, appoggiandosi, com’è naturale, sulle spalle di giganti che mi hanno preceduto in questi studi. In particolare la misura dell’azimut della meridiana, ed il suo inquadramento tra gli strumenti simili ed alcuni studi di astrometria sui dati del 1701-1703 di Bianchini, che sono apparsi fin’ora soltanto su riviste specializzate ed in Inglese vengono qui proposti in Italiano e semplificati, per valorizzare sempre più questa straordinaria opera d’arte e di scienza.

  12. [La Medicina del Lavoro: 100 volumes].


    Zocchetti, C


    With these pages La Medicina del Lavoro starts its 100th volume, so we have yet another historical occasion to celebrate the oldest occupational health journal in the world that is still publishing. Over the last few years we have had many occasions to celebrate, for example several anniversaries of the Journal (the 80th volume in 1989, 90 years in 1992, 100 years in 2001); the centenary of the foundation of the Clinica del Lavoro "Luigi Devoto" of Milan in 2001; the celebration of the 300 years' anniversary of the publication of De Morbis Artificum Diatriba by Bernardino Ramazzini, and we obviously hope to continue for many years to come in this positive outlook. One hundred volumes makes for a very large collection, with the highs and lows ofthe Journal's history (here we mean the variations in number of pages and physical size of the Journal). It is thanks to the Editors-in-chief(there have been very few so we can cite them all: Luigi Devoto, 1901-1936; Luigi Preti, 1936-1941; Enrico Vigliani, 1943-1992; e Vito Foà, 1992 to the present); the contributors who in various ways and with varying degrees of commitment but always with an exceptional personal participation, that it has been possible to reach 100 volumes, starting with C. Moreschi who, along with Luigi Devoto, was the first and sole editor at the Journal's foundation; up to the present extended and impressive editorial board; the printers (from the first. Tipografia Cooperativa, Via dei Molini in Pavia, to the latest: Casa Editrice Mattioli in Fidenza); the sponsors, including the most evident who, via advertising (rather limited as a matter offact), directly gave information about themselves, but also those who have often been or are behind the scenes, ensuring fundamental support which is not visible; content. articles, news, events, reports, ideas, opinions, photographs, tables, numbers... etc, which are really impossible to sum up. But the true collection which, for obvious reasons, cannot be

  13. Relevamiento total del hemisferio sur celeste en la frecuencia de 1420 MHz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bava, J. A.; Colomb, F. R.; Hurrel, E.; Larrarte, J. J.; Sanz, A. J.; Testori, J. C.; Reich, P.; Reich, W.; Wielebinski, R.

    En el presente artículo se describe el relevamiento del cielo en el Hemisferio Sur Celeste en la frecuencia de 1420 MHz para declinaciones δ<= -19o realizado con la Antena II de 30 metros de diámetro del IAR. Este relevamiento posee igual sensibilidad (3xr.m.s=50 mK) que el realizado en el Hemisferio Norte con el radiotelescopio de 25 metros de Stockert de la Universidad de Bonn, operado por el Max-Planck Institute für Radioastronomie ( Reich W., 1982, A&ASS 48, 219; Reich P. and Reich W., 1986, A&ASS 63, 205). Con los datos obtenidos por ambos radiotelescopios se posee una base de datos de todo el cielo en esta frecuencia. En esta publicación presentamos los detalles del sistema receptor, técnicas de observación y reducción de datos, calibración y discusión de los errores en los resultados.

  14. Restoration of CFTR function in patients with cystic fibrosis carrying the F508del-CFTR mutation

    PubMed Central

    Stefano, Daniela De; Villella, Valeria R; Esposito, Speranza; Tosco, Antonella; Sepe, Angela; Gregorio, Fabiola De; Salvadori, Laura; Grassia, Rosa; Leone, Carlo A; Rosa, Giuseppe De; Maiuri, Maria C; Pettoello-Mantovani, Massimo; Guido, Stefano; Bossi, Anna; Zolin, Anna; Venerando, Andrea; Pinna, Lorenzo A; Mehta, Anil; Bona, Gianni; Kroemer, Guido; Maiuri, Luigi; Raia, Valeria


    Restoration of BECN1/Beclin 1-dependent autophagy and depletion of SQSTM1/p62 by genetic manipulation or autophagy-stimulatory proteostasis regulators, such as cystamine, have positive effects on mouse models of human cystic fibrosis (CF). These measures rescue the functional expression of the most frequent pathogenic CFTR mutant, F508del, at the respiratory epithelial surface and reduce lung inflammation in CftrF508del homozygous mice. Cysteamine, the reduced form of cystamine, is an FDA-approved drug. Here, we report that oral treatment with cysteamine greatly reduces the mortality rate and improves the phenotype of newborn mice bearing the F508del-CFTR mutation. Cysteamine was also able to increase the plasma membrane expression of the F508del-CFTR protein in nasal epithelial cells from F508del homozygous CF patients, and these effects persisted for 24 h after cysteamine withdrawal. Importantly, this cysteamine effect after washout was further sustained by the sequential administration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea flavonoid, both in vivo, in mice, and in vitro, in primary epithelial cells from CF patients. In a pilot clinical trial involving 10 F508del-CFTR homozygous CF patients, the combination of cysteamine and EGCG restored BECN1, reduced SQSTM1 levels and improved CFTR function from nasal epithelial cells in vivo, correlating with a decrease of chloride concentrations in sweat, as well as with a reduction of the abundance of TNF/TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor) and CXCL8 (chemokine [C-X-C motif] ligand 8) transcripts in nasal brushing and TNF and CXCL8 protein levels in the sputum. Altogether, these results suggest that optimal schedules of cysteamine plus EGCG might be used for the treatment of CF caused by the F508del-CFTR mutation. PMID:25350163

  15. Restoration of CFTR function in patients with cystic fibrosis carrying the F508del-CFTR mutation.


    De Stefano, Daniela; Villella, Valeria R; Esposito, Speranza; Tosco, Antonella; Sepe, Angela; De Gregorio, Fabiola; Salvadori, Laura; Grassia, Rosa; Leone, Carlo A; De Rosa, Giuseppe; Maiuri, Maria C; Pettoello-Mantovani, Massimo; Guido, Stefano; Bossi, Anna; Zolin, Anna; Venerando, Andrea; Pinna, Lorenzo A; Mehta, Anil; Bona, Gianni; Kroemer, Guido; Maiuri, Luigi; Raia, Valeria


    Restoration of BECN1/Beclin 1-dependent autophagy and depletion of SQSTM1/p62 by genetic manipulation or autophagy-stimulatory proteostasis regulators, such as cystamine, have positive effects on mouse models of human cystic fibrosis (CF). These measures rescue the functional expression of the most frequent pathogenic CFTR mutant, F508del, at the respiratory epithelial surface and reduce lung inflammation in Cftr(F508del) homozygous mice. Cysteamine, the reduced form of cystamine, is an FDA-approved drug. Here, we report that oral treatment with cysteamine greatly reduces the mortality rate and improves the phenotype of newborn mice bearing the F508del-CFTR mutation. Cysteamine was also able to increase the plasma membrane expression of the F508del-CFTR protein in nasal epithelial cells from F508del homozygous CF patients, and these effects persisted for 24 h after cysteamine withdrawal. Importantly, this cysteamine effect after washout was further sustained by the sequential administration of epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), a green tea flavonoid, both in vivo, in mice, and in vitro, in primary epithelial cells from CF patients. In a pilot clinical trial involving 10 F508del-CFTR homozygous CF patients, the combination of cysteamine and EGCG restored BECN1, reduced SQSTM1 levels and improved CFTR function from nasal epithelial cells in vivo, correlating with a decrease of chloride concentrations in sweat, as well as with a reduction of the abundance of TNF/TNF-alpha (tumor necrosis factor) and CXCL8 (chemokine [C-X-C motif] ligand 8) transcripts in nasal brushing and TNF and CXCL8 protein levels in the sputum. Altogether, these results suggest that optimal schedules of cysteamine plus EGCG might be used for the treatment of CF caused by the F508del-CFTR mutation.

  16. Screening for F508del as a first step in the molecular diagnosis of cystic fibrosis.


    Marson, Fernando Augusto de Lima; Bertuzzo, Carmen Silvia; Ribeiro, Maria Ângela Gonçalves de Oliveira; Ribeiro, Antônio Fernando; Ribeiro, José Dirceu


    To determine the relevance of screening for the F508del mutation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator gene as a first step in the genetic diagnosis of cystic fibrosis (CF) by associating the genotype with various clinical variables. We evaluated 180 CF patients regarding the F508del mutation. The clinical data were obtained from the medical records of the patients and from interviews with their parents or legal guardians. Of the 180 patients studied, 65 (36.1%) did not carry the F508del mutation (group 0 [G0]), 67 (37.2%) were F508del heterozygous (G1), and 48 (26.7%) were F508del homozygous (G2). All three groups showed associations with the clinical variables. Homozygosis was associated with younger patients, younger age at CF diagnosis, and younger age at the first isolation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa (PA), as well as with higher prevalence of pancreatic insufficiency (PI) and non-mucoid PA (NMPA) colonization. In comparison with G1+G2 patients, G0 patients were older; first experienced clinical symptoms, digestive disease, and pulmonary disease at an older age; were older at CF diagnosis and at first PA isolation; and had a lower prevalence of PI and meconium ileus, as well as of colonization by NMPA, mucoid PA, and Burkholderia cepacia. In G1 patients, values were intermediate for age at CF diagnosis; age at first PA isolation, first pulmonary symptoms, and first clinical manifestations; MPA colonization; and OR for PI. The identification of F508del in 63.9% of the patients studied showed that this can be a useful tool as a first step in the genetic diagnosis of CF. The F508del genotype was associated with clinical severity of the disease, especially with the variables related to CF onset.

  17. Estudio participativo para el desarrolllo de un instrumento de observación de violencia escolar

    PubMed Central

    Medina Santiago, Nilda G.; Rivera, Tania Cruz; Rodríguez, Maryanes Trenche; Báez Ávila, Loggina S.


    La violencia en las escuelas es reconocida como un problema de salud pública a nivel mundial que impacta negativamente el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. Sin embargo, en Puerto Rico las estadísticas oficiales y los medios de comunicación generalmente se enfocan en hechos aislados de violencia extrema donde se utilizan armas o se destruye propiedad y no recogen formas de violencia más comunes que suelen ocurrir a diario en las escuelas. En este estudio se utilizó el Instrumento de Observación de Violencia Escolar (INOVE), preparado con el insumo de las comunidades escolares participantes del Proyecto VIAS (Violence and Asthma Health Disparity Network) de la Universidad del Este (UNE), para recopilar información acerca de las características de la violencia en dos escuelas puertorriqueñas. Entre los hallazgos del estudio se destacan diferencias por sexo en cuanto a categorías de violencia observadas y la observación de agresividad en juegos e interacciones entre estudiantes. Los datos recopilados han servido de base para la toma de decisiones en cuanto a la prevención de la violencia en las escuelas participantes y tienen implicaciones para el desarrollo de estrategias y programas de prevención. PMID:29643972

  18. Identificación de los miembros del cúmulo NGC 2516

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Elía, G. C.; Orellana, R. B.

    El cúmulo abierto NGC 2516 (α = 7h 58m y δ = -60o 45') tiene una edad de, aproximadamente, 150 Myr. El análisis de este sistema es particularmente importante en el Hemisferio Sur debido a su abundancia de estrellas peculiares y muy estudiado aplicando técnicas fotométricas, pero muy poco analizado desde el punto de vista astrométrico. A partir de una placa obtenida en el Observatorio Astronómico de La Plata y observaciones más actuales, nos hemos abocado al estudio de los movimientos propios de este cúmulo con el fin de determinar la pertenencia al mismo de las estrellas del campo de dicho cúmulo. Luego de llevar a cabo la determinación de los movimientos propios de todas las estrellas a partir de las posiciones obtenidas de la placa existente en el Observatorio de La Plata de 1914 y leídas con la MAMA en París, las observaciones realizadas con el círculo meridiano de San Fernando que se encuentra en el Observatorio Félix Aguilar de San Juan y las posiciones existentes en los catálogos AC 2000, Tycho, USNO y UCAC, programamos el método de Vasilevsky y Sanders para determinar la pertenencia de las estrellas de la región al cúmulo en cuestión. En un paso posterior, se realizó una modificación al método anterior para la determinación de los miembros. En esta modificación se consideró la densidad de las estrellas del cúmulo y la densidad de estrellas de campo. Esto permitió evaluar la pertenencia, no sólo a partir del movimiento propio de las estrellas, sino también a partir de la posición de las mismas con respecto al centro del cúmulo. También se consideró la dependencia de los parámetros con la magnitud. Los resultados así obtenidos fueron comparados con otras investigaciones de movimientos propios de la región del cúmulo. El movimiento propio absoluto del cúmulo fue comparado con el obtenido a partir de los catálogos estelares. Se encontró que los resultados coincidían para estrellas brillantes (magnitud más brillante que

  19. PubMed

    Damián-Bastidas, Narda; Chala-Florencio, Roni J; Chávez-Blanco, Ricardo; Mayta-Tristán, Percy


    Introducción: el etiquetado nutricional ayuda a los consumidores a realizar elecciones más saludables. Sin embargo, este es poco leído, mal interpretado o no usado.Objetivos: evaluar la frecuencia y los factores asociados a la lectura, el uso y la interpretación de etiquetas nutricionales en usuarios de gimnasios en la ciudad de Huancayo, Perú.Materiales y métodos: estudio de corte transversal en 385 usuarios de una cadena de gimnasios. Se midió la interpretación con un test a partir de dos etiquetas, lectura reportada (frecuentemente o no) y el uso reportado para elegir un producto (frecuentemente o no), así como variables demográficas, dietéticas y relacionadas con el gimnasio. Se evaluó la asociación calculando las razones de prevalencias ajustadas en base a las variables significativas del modelo bivariado.Resultados: los participantes tuvieron una edad media de 27,8 ± 9,3 años, 44,7% fueron varones, 49,4% contaron con educación universitaria. El 27,5% reporta leer frecuentemente y dentro de estos el 55,7% reporta usarlas frecuentemente, asimismo el 17,4% sabe interpretar. La lectura se asoció con factores dietéticos y de uso de gimnasio y la interpretación con capacitación previa de lectura de la etiqueta. El uso fue principalmente para seleccionar productos bajos en grasa total (65,1%), alto en proteínas (64,2%) y en menor proporción, productos bajos en sodio (47,2%).Conclusiones: la frecuencia de lectura, el uso y la interpretación de etiquetas nutricionales en usuarios de gimnasio de Huancayo es baja. La capacitación previa de lectura es un factor necesario para una elección saludable. Es necesario establecer estrategias educativas para enseñar a interpretar de forma adecuada las etiquetas nutricionales.

  20. Modeling visibility in the Paso del Norte (PDN) Region

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Medina Calderon, Richard

    Poor visibility is a subject of growing public concern throughout the U.S, and an active area of research. Its societal impacts on air quality, aviation transport and traffic are significant. Aerosols play a fundamental role in the attenuation of solar radiation, and also affect visibility. The scattering and extinction coefficients of aerosol particles in the Paso del Norte Region have been calculated using the T- matrix model in conjunction with a laser particle counter. Inter-comparison of the model's results of the scattering and absorption coefficients against the corresponding data from a Photoacustic extinctiometer instrument (which measures in-situ absorption and scattering coefficients of aerosol particles) shows excellent agreement. In addition, the volume-weighted method is used to determine the composite index of refraction which is representative of the aerosols for the Paso del Norte Region to obtain information of the type of aerosol particles present in the Region. The Single Scattering Albedo has also been retrieved using this methodology to obtain further insight into the type of aerosols present on a given day. Finally, the Koschmieder equation has been used to calculate the visual range or visibility, and was correlated with the PM2.5 and PM10 particle concentration present in the Region. Our methodology will allow a better understanding of the size and type of aerosol particles that are most detrimental to the visibility for the Paso Del Norte Region.

  1. Highly preferential association of NonF508del CF mutations with the M470 allele.


    Ciminelli, B M; Bonizzato, A; Bombieri, C; Pompei, F; Gabaldo, M; Ciccacci, C; Begnini, A; Holubova, A; Zorzi, P; Piskackova, T; Macek, M; Castellani, C; Modiano, G; Pignatti, P F


    On the basis of previous findings on random individuals, we hypothesized a preferential association of CF causing mutations with the M allele of the M470V polymorphic site of the CFTR gene. We have determined the M/V-CF mutation haplotype in a series of 201 North East Italian and 73 Czech CF patients who were not F508del homozygotes, as F508del was already known to be fully associated with the M allele. Out of 358 not F508del CF genes, 84 carried the V allele and 274 the less common M allele. In the N-E Italian population, MM subjects have a risk of carrying a CF causing mutation 6.9x greater than VV subjects when F508del is excluded and 15.4x when F508del is included. In the Czech population a similar, although less pronounced, association is observed. Besides the possible biological significance of this association, the possibility of exploiting it for a pilot screening program has been explored in a local North East Italian population for which CF patients were characterized for their CF mutation. General M470V genotyping followed by common CF mutation screening limited to couples in which each partner carries at least one M allele would need testing only 39% of the couples, which contribute 89% of the total risk, with a cost benefit.

  2. Age- and Tumor Subtype–Specific Breast Cancer Risk Estimates for CHEK2*1100delC Carriers

    PubMed Central

    Hogervorst, Frans; van Hien, Richard; Cornelissen, Sten; Broeks, Annegien; Adank, Muriel A.; Meijers, Hanne; Waisfisz, Quinten; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Schutte, Mieke; van den Ouweland, Ans; Hooning, Maartje; Andrulis, Irene L.; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antonenkova, Natalia N.; Antoniou, Antonis C.; Arndt, Volker; Bermisheva, Marina; Bogdanova, Natalia V.; Bolla, Manjeet K.; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brenner, Hermann; Brüning, Thomas; Burwinkel, Barbara; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Couch, Fergus J.; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S.; Czene, Kamila; Dunning, Alison M.; Fasching, Peter A.; Figueroa, Jonine; Fletcher, Olivia; Flyger, Henrik; Galle, Eva; García-Closas, Montserrat; Giles, Graham G.; Haeberle, Lothar; Hall, Per; Hillemanns, Peter; Hopper, John L.; Jakubowska, Anna; John, Esther M.; Jones, Michael; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Knight, Julia A.; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Kristensen, Vessela; Lee, Andrew; Lindblom, Annika; Lubinski, Jan; Mannermaa, Arto; Margolin, Sara; Meindl, Alfons; Milne, Roger L.; Muranen, Taru A.; Newcomb, Polly A.; Offit, Kenneth; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Peto, Julian; Pharoah, Paul D.P.; Robson, Mark; Rudolph, Anja; Sawyer, Elinor J.; Schmutzler, Rita K.; Seynaeve, Caroline; Soens, Julie; Southey, Melissa C.; Spurdle, Amanda B.; Surowy, Harald; Swerdlow, Anthony; Tollenaar, Rob A.E.M.; Tomlinson, Ian; Trentham-Dietz, Amy; Vachon, Celine; Wang, Qin; Whittemore, Alice S.; Ziogas, Argyrios; van der Kolk, Lizet; Nevanlinna, Heli; Dörk, Thilo; Bojesen, Stig; Easton, Douglas F.


    Purpose CHEK2*1100delC is a well-established breast cancer risk variant that is most prevalent in European populations; however, there are limited data on risk of breast cancer by age and tumor subtype, which limits its usefulness in breast cancer risk prediction. We aimed to generate tumor subtype- and age-specific risk estimates by using data from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium, including 44,777 patients with breast cancer and 42,997 controls from 33 studies genotyped for CHEK2*1100delC. Patients and Methods CHEK2*1100delC genotyping was mostly done by a custom Taqman assay. Breast cancer odds ratios (ORs) for CHEK2*1100delC carriers versus noncarriers were estimated by using logistic regression and adjusted for study (categorical) and age. Main analyses included patients with invasive breast cancer from population- and hospital-based studies. Results Proportions of heterozygous CHEK2*1100delC carriers in controls, in patients with breast cancer from population- and hospital-based studies, and in patients with breast cancer from familial- and clinical genetics center–based studies were 0.5%, 1.3%, and 3.0%, respectively. The estimated OR for invasive breast cancer was 2.26 (95%CI, 1.90 to 2.69; P = 2.3 × 10−20). The OR was higher for estrogen receptor (ER)–positive disease (2.55 [95%CI, 2.10 to 3.10; P = 4.9 × 10−21]) than it was for ER-negative disease (1.32 [95%CI, 0.93 to 1.88; P = .12]; P interaction = 9.9 × 10−4). The OR significantly declined with attained age for breast cancer overall (P = .001) and for ER-positive tumors (P = .001). Estimated cumulative risks for development of ER-positive and ER-negative tumors by age 80 in CHEK2*1100delC carriers were 20% and 3%, respectively, compared with 9% and 2%, respectively, in the general population of the United Kingdom. Conclusion These CHEK2*1100delC breast cancer risk estimates provide a basis for incorporating CHEK2*1100delC into breast cancer risk prediction models and into

  3. Estudio fenomenologico del conocimiento curricular y conocimiento de contenido en maestros de matematica a nivel secundario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cardona Tomassini, Ivan Javier

    En esta investigacion se estudio el fenomeno del conocimiento de contenido y el conocimiento curricular de maestros de matermaticas y como estos dos componentes se reflejan en su conocimiento pedagogico del contenido. El conocimiento de contenido es el conocimiento que tienen los maestros de los contenidos de una disciplina y sobre la estructura de su organizacion (Shulman, 1986). El conocimiento curricular es el conocimiento que los maestros poseen sobre los componentes de un curriculo disenado para ensenar un topico de una materia especifica a un nivel particular, la variedad de instrumentos instruccionales disponibles para implementar el mismo y como utilizar los instrumentos curriculares disponibles (Ball & Bass, 2003; Choppin, 2009; Hill, Rowan, & Ball, 2005). Este estudio se enmarca en el paradigma cualitativo, teniendo como diseno el estudio fenomenologico (Lucca y Berrios, 2009; McMillan, 2004). Los participantes fueron seis maestros de matermaticas del nivel superior (10mo a 12mo grado). Al momento de la investigacion los participantes ensenaban en escuelas publicas o privadas de Puerto Rico. Para recolectar la informacion se utilizo un grupo focal en donde los maestros resolvieron seis ejercicios matematicos y posteriormente reflexionaron en forma grupal sobre las soluciones. Tambien se realizo un analisis de documentos de planificacion y se llevaron a cabo entrevistas semiestructuradas. Se exploraron los contenidos relacionados a la ecuacion de una recta, rectas verticales y horizontales, suma y multiplicacion de polinomios, resolucion de ecuaciones cuadraticas y distancia entre dos puntos del plano cartesiano. Los resultados muestran que los participantes tienen dominio procesal de los contenidos correspondientes a las rectas verticales y horizontales, la suma y multiplicacion de polinomios, el calculo distancia entre dos puntos del plano cartesiano. Sin embargo, se noto cierta dificultad en la explicacion conceptual de los contenidos relacionados a la

  4. Age- and Tumor Subtype-Specific Breast Cancer Risk Estimates for CHEK2*1100delC Carriers.


    Schmidt, Marjanka K; Hogervorst, Frans; van Hien, Richard; Cornelissen, Sten; Broeks, Annegien; Adank, Muriel A; Meijers, Hanne; Waisfisz, Quinten; Hollestelle, Antoinette; Schutte, Mieke; van den Ouweland, Ans; Hooning, Maartje; Andrulis, Irene L; Anton-Culver, Hoda; Antonenkova, Natalia N; Antoniou, Antonis C; Arndt, Volker; Bermisheva, Marina; Bogdanova, Natalia V; Bolla, Manjeet K; Brauch, Hiltrud; Brenner, Hermann; Brüning, Thomas; Burwinkel, Barbara; Chang-Claude, Jenny; Chenevix-Trench, Georgia; Couch, Fergus J; Cox, Angela; Cross, Simon S; Czene, Kamila; Dunning, Alison M; Fasching, Peter A; Figueroa, Jonine; Fletcher, Olivia; Flyger, Henrik; Galle, Eva; García-Closas, Montserrat; Giles, Graham G; Haeberle, Lothar; Hall, Per; Hillemanns, Peter; Hopper, John L; Jakubowska, Anna; John, Esther M; Jones, Michael; Khusnutdinova, Elza; Knight, Julia A; Kosma, Veli-Matti; Kristensen, Vessela; Lee, Andrew; Lindblom, Annika; Lubinski, Jan; Mannermaa, Arto; Margolin, Sara; Meindl, Alfons; Milne, Roger L; Muranen, Taru A; Newcomb, Polly A; Offit, Kenneth; Park-Simon, Tjoung-Won; Peto, Julian; Pharoah, Paul D P; Robson, Mark; Rudolph, Anja; Sawyer, Elinor J; Schmutzler, Rita K; Seynaeve, Caroline; Soens, Julie; Southey, Melissa C; Spurdle, Amanda B; Surowy, Harald; Swerdlow, Anthony; Tollenaar, Rob A E M; Tomlinson, Ian; Trentham-Dietz, Amy; Vachon, Celine; Wang, Qin; Whittemore, Alice S; Ziogas, Argyrios; van der Kolk, Lizet; Nevanlinna, Heli; Dörk, Thilo; Bojesen, Stig; Easton, Douglas F


    CHEK2*1100delC is a well-established breast cancer risk variant that is most prevalent in European populations; however, there are limited data on risk of breast cancer by age and tumor subtype, which limits its usefulness in breast cancer risk prediction. We aimed to generate tumor subtype- and age-specific risk estimates by using data from the Breast Cancer Association Consortium, including 44,777 patients with breast cancer and 42,997 controls from 33 studies genotyped for CHEK2*1100delC. CHEK2*1100delC genotyping was mostly done by a custom Taqman assay. Breast cancer odds ratios (ORs) for CHEK2*1100delC carriers versus noncarriers were estimated by using logistic regression and adjusted for study (categorical) and age. Main analyses included patients with invasive breast cancer from population- and hospital-based studies. Proportions of heterozygous CHEK2*1100delC carriers in controls, in patients with breast cancer from population- and hospital-based studies, and in patients with breast cancer from familial- and clinical genetics center-based studies were 0.5%, 1.3%, and 3.0%, respectively. The estimated OR for invasive breast cancer was 2.26 (95%CI, 1.90 to 2.69; P = 2.3 × 10(-20)). The OR was higher for estrogen receptor (ER)-positive disease (2.55 [95%CI, 2.10 to 3.10; P = 4.9 × 10(-21)]) than it was for ER-negative disease (1.32 [95%CI, 0.93 to 1.88; P = .12]; P interaction = 9.9 × 10(-4)). The OR significantly declined with attained age for breast cancer overall (P = .001) and for ER-positive tumors (P = .001). Estimated cumulative risks for development of ER-positive and ER-negative tumors by age 80 in CHEK2*1100delC carriers were 20% and 3%, respectively, compared with 9% and 2%, respectively, in the general population of the United Kingdom. These CHEK2*1100delC breast cancer risk estimates provide a basis for incorporating CHEK2*1100delC into breast cancer risk prediction models and into guidelines for intensified screening and follow-up. © 2016

  5. Effect of the F508del genotype on outcomes of endoscopic sinus surgery in children with cystic fibrosis.


    Do, Bao Anh Julie; Lands, Larry C; Saint-Martin, Christine; Mascarella, Marco A; Manoukian, John J; Daniel, Sam J; Nguyen, Lily H P


    Numerous authors have sought to describe genotype-phenotype correlations in cystic fibrosis (CF), notably to pancreatic insufficiency and lung disease. However, few studies have focused on the association between the F508del genotype and response to sinus surgery. The objective of this study is to assess the effect of the F508del genotype on sinonasal disease severity and outcomes following functional endoscopic sinus surgery (FESS) in a pediatric population. A retrospective chart review of 153 children with CF seen at a tertiary care pediatric hospital from 1995 to 2008 was performed. Patients were classified into one of three groups according to F508del genotype, either as homozygous, heterozygous or not carrying a F508del mutation. The sinonasal disease phenotype of the three groups was compared based on clinical and radiological findings, extent of endoscopic sinus surgery and rate of revision surgery. The relationship between the F508del genotype and pancreatic insufficiency was confirmed (p<0.05). There was no association between the F508del genotype and increased need for FESS (p=0.75). Moreover, no association was established between F508del homozygosity and presence of nasal polyps, Lund-Mackay score, extent of surgery or length of postoperative hospitalization. The rates of revision surgery did not differ significantly among the three genotypes analyzed (p=0.59). There is no clear association between the F508del genotype and an increased need for FESS, extent of surgery, or revision surgery. Given the phenotypic variability of sinonasal disease in patients with CF, a prospective study is needed to better understand outcomes following FESS and the contribution of gene modifiers to this effect. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. [Seventy years of medicine in the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social].


    Fajardo-Ortiz, Guillermo


    The purpose of these lines is to remember and refer some of the historical landmarks in the evolution of the medical services of the Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (IMSS, according to its initials in Spanish) since it was founded, in 1943. We also want to bring to the reader's attention that the dimensions and impacts on health that IMSS has achieved, throughout its history, have strengthened the citizenship, as well as social sustainability. Also, those impacts have determined the creation and the reinforcement of human capital in México. Throughout this concise balance, all the controversy surrounding the foundation of the Institute is being recalled (the protest in the Mexico City Zócalo, or the attack to an hospital in San Ángel -a neighborhood located in the Southwest of Mexico City-), as well as the way the IMSS incorporated several words into the vocabulary of Mexicans. We also remember the previous antecedent of the Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social, as well as the Revista de Enfermería, and the emblematic Archives of Medical Research. The IMSS has 70 years of achievements, seven decades covered.

  7. Medición de densidades medias de meteoritos: test del método de inmersión

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Steren, G.

    Se evaluó una técnica simple para medir las densidades medias de meteoritos, basada en el Método de Arquímedes y que utiliza cuentas de vidrio de 40μ en lugar de un fluído esto presenta la ventaja de no ser intrusivo ni químicamente reactivo (D.Britt and G.Consolmagno, 1996, B.A.A.S.28,1106). El estudio, realizado en junio de este año por participantes de la VI Escuela de Verano del Observatorio del Vaticano, empleó 37 muestras de la colección del Observatorio del Vaticano, de las cuales 26 eran Condritas, 1 Pallasita y 1 Howardita; algunas de ellas ya habian sido estudiadas por otras técnicas aunque también se incluyeron muestras no estudiadas anteriormente.

  8. A chemical corrector modifies the channel function of F508del-CFTR.


    Kim Chiaw, Patrick; Wellhauser, Leigh; Huan, Ling Jun; Ramjeesingh, Mohabir; Bear, Christine E


    The deletion of Phe-508 (F508del) constitutes the most prevalent cystic fibrosis-causing mutation. This mutation leads to cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) misfolding and retention in the endoplasmic reticulum and altered channel activity in mammalian cells. This folding defect can however be partially overcome by growing cells expressing this mutant protein at low (27 degrees C) temperature. Chemical "correctors" have been identified that are also effective in rescuing the biosynthetic defect in F508del-CFTR, thereby permitting its functional expression at the cell surface. The mechanism of action of chemical correctors remains unclear, but it has been suggested that certain correctors [including 4-cyclohexyloxy-2-(1-[4-(4-methoxy-benzenesulfonyl)-piperazin-1-yl]-ethyl)-quinazoline (VRT-325)] may act to promote trafficking by interacting directly with the mutant protein. To test this hypothesis, we assessed the effect of VRT-325 addition on the channel activity of F508del-CFTR after its surface expression had been "rescued" by low temperature. It is noteworthy that short-term pretreatment with VRT-325 [but not with an inactive analog, 4-hydroxy-2-(1-[4-(4-methoxy-benzenesulfonyl)-piperazin-1-yl]-ethyl)-quinazoline (VRT-186)], caused a modest but significant inhibition of cAMP-mediated halide flux. Furthermore, VRT-325 decreased the apparent ATP affinity of purified and reconstituted F508del-CFTR in our ATPase activity assay, an effect that may account for the decrease in channel activity by temperature-rescued F508del-CFTR. These findings suggest that biosynthetic rescue mediated by VRT-325 may be conferred (at least in part) by direct modification of the structure of the mutant protein, leading to a decrease in its ATP-dependent conformational dynamics. Therefore, the challenge for therapy discovery will be the design of small molecules that bind to promote biosynthetic maturation of the major mutant without compromising its activity in

  9. DK phocomelia phenotype (von Voss-Cherstvoy syndrome) caused by somatic mosaicism for del(13q).


    Bamforth, J S; Lin, C C


    DK phocomelia (von Voss-Cherstvoy syndrome) is a rare condition characterized by radial ray defects, occipital encephalocoele, and urogenital abnormalities. Lubinsky et al. [1994: Am J Med Genet 52:272-278] pointed out similarities between this and the del(13q) syndrome. To date, all reported cases of DK phocomelia have been apparently normal chromosomally. We report on a case of DK phocomelia in which the proposita had normal lymphocyte chromosomes, but was mosaic in fibroblasts for del(13)(q12). Fibroblast chromosomes studies on other cases of DK phocomelia have not been reported: this raises the possibility that some cases of DK phocomelia may be somatic mosaics for del(13)(q12).

  10. Cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento: el estado del arte

    PubMed Central

    Yampolsky, Claudio; Bendersky, Damián


    Introducción: La cirugía de los trastornos del comportamiento (CTC) se está convirtiendo en un tratamiento más común desde el desarrollo de la neuromodulación. Métodos: Este artículo es una revisión no sistemática de la historia, indicaciones actuales, técnicas y blancos quirúrgicos de la CTC. Dividimos su historia en 3 eras: la primera comienza en los inicios de la psicocirugía y termina con el desarrollo de las tícnicas estereotácticas, cuando comienza la segunda era. Ésta se caracteriza por la realización de lesiones estereotácticas. Nos encontramos transitando la tercera era, que comienza cuando la estimulación cerebral profunda (ECP) comienza a ser usada en CTC. Resultados: A pesar de los errores graves cometidos en el pasado, hoy en día, la CTC está renaciendo. Los trastornos psiquiátricos que se más frecuentemente se tratan con cirugía son: depresión refractaria, trastorno obsesivo-compulsivo y síndrome de Tourette. Además, algunos pacientes con agresividad fueron tratados quirúrgicamente. Hay varios blancos estereotácticos descriptos para estos trastornos. La estimulación vagal puede ser usada también para depresión. Conclusión: Los resultados de la ECP en estos trastornos parecen alentadores. Sin embargo, se necesitan más estudios randomizados para establecer la efectividad de la CTC. Debe tenerse en cuenta que una apropiada selección de pacientes nos ayudará a realizar un procedimiento más seguro así como también a lograr mejores resultados quirúrgicos, conduciendo a la CTC a ser más aceptada por psiquiatras, pacientes y sus familias. Se necesita mayor investigación en varios temas como: fisiopatología de los trastornos del comportamiento, indicaciones de CTC y nuevos blancos quirúrgicos. PMID:25165612

  11. Excess breast cancer risk in first degree relatives of CHEK2∗1100delC positive familial breast cancer cases.


    Adank, Muriel A; Verhoef, Senno; Oldenburg, Rogier A; Schmidt, Marjanka K; Hooning, Maartje J; Martens, John W M; Broeks, Annegien; Rookus, Matti; Waisfisz, Quinten; Witte, Birgit I; Jonker, Marianne A; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne


    The CHEK2∗1100delC mutation confers a relative risk of two for breast cancer (BC) in the general population. This study aims to explore the excess cancer risk due to the CHEK2∗1100delC mutation within a familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer setting. Cancer incidences were compared between first degree relatives of 107 familial breast cancer patients positive for the CHEK2∗1100delC mutation (CHEK2 positive families) and first degree relatives of 314 familial breast cancer patients without the CHEK2∗1100delC mutation (CHEK2 negative families). All families were derived from the same pool of familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer families (n=2554). Medical information of 2188 first degree relatives of these families was analysed for cancer risk. CHEK2∗1100delC status of relatives was unknown. Increased breast cancer risk (hazard ratio (HR) 2.0 (95% confidence interval (CI): 1.4-2.7), p<0.001) was observed in sisters of CHEK2∗1100delC positive index cases compared to sisters of CHEK2∗1100delC negative index cases. HR was 1.6 (95% CI: 1.0-2.4) for mothers of CHEK2 positive versus negative index cases (p=0.041). For second primary breast cancers HR was increased in CHEK2∗1100delC positive index cases (HR 2.1, 95% CI: 1.3-3.3, p=0.003) and their sisters (HR 2.6, 95% CI: 1.1-6.1, p=0.025). There is an excess breast cancer risk in first degree relatives of CHEK2∗1100delC positive non-BRCA1/2 familial breast cancer patients compared to non-CHEK2∗1100delC familial breast cancer relatives. Genotyping for the CHEK2∗1100delC mutation in a familial breast cancer setting contributes to optimal clinical surveillance in countries in which this mutation is prevalent. Carriers and female relatives are eligible for stringent breast surveillance programs. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Detección automática de NEOs en imágenes CCD utilizando la transformada de Hough

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ruétalo, M.; Tancredi, G.

    El interés y la dedicación por los objetos que se acercan a la órbita de la Tierra (NEOs) ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos años, tanto que se han iniciado varias campañas de búsqueda sistemática para aumentar la población identificada de éstos. El uso de placas fotográficas e identificación visual está siendo sustituído, progresivamente, por el uso de cámaras CCD y paquetes de detección automática de los objetos en las imágenes digitales. Una parte muy importante para la implementación exitosa de un programa automatizado de detección de este tipo es el desarrollo de algoritmos capaces de identificar objetos de baja relación señal-ruido y con requerimientos computacionales no elevados. En el presente trabajo proponemos la utilización de la transformada de Hough (utilizada en algunas áreas de visión artificial) para detectar automáticamente trazas, aproximadamente rectilíneas y de baja relación señal-ruido, en imágenes CCD. Desarrollamos una primera implementación de un algoritmo basado en ésta y lo probamos con una serie de imágenes reales conteniendo trazas con picos de señales de entre ~1 σ y ~3 σ por encima del nivel del ruido de fondo. El algoritmo detecta, sin inconvenientes, la mayoría de los casos y en tiempos razonablemente adecuados.

  13. Reliability and construct validity of the Instrument to Measure the Impact of Valve Heart Disease on the Patient's Daily Life.


    Anjos, Daniela Brianne Martins Dos; Rodrigues, Roberta Cunha Matheus; Padilha, Kátia Melissa; Pedrosa, Rafaela Batista Dos Santos; Gallani, Maria Cecília Bueno Jayme


    édio de 9,9 minutos e com 110% de respostas, respectivamente. Constatados efeitos teto e chão para todos os domínios, principalmente efeito chão. A confiabilidade foi testada por meio do teste-teste de repetição, obtendo-se evidências de estabilidade temporal da medida. Foram constatadas correlações negativas significantes de moderada a forte magnitude entre o escore da questão genérica sobre o impacto da doença e os escores do IDCV, o que aponta para validade de construto convergente do instrumento. o Instrumento para Mensuração do Impacto da Doença no Cotidiano do Valvopata apresentou evidências de confiabilidade e validade quando aplicado em pacientes com valvopatia. evaluar la viabilidad, aceptabilidad y los efectos techo y suelo, estimar la confiabilidad y verificar la validez de constructo convergente del Instrumento para Medir el Impacto en lo Cotidiano (IDCV) del sujeto con valvulopatías mitral y/o aórtica. los datos fueron obtenidos de 86 pacientes con valvulopatías por medio de tres etapas: una entrevista presencial para caracterización sociodemográfica y clínica y las otras dos realizadas por medio de contacto telefónico para las aplicaciones del instrumento (test y test de repetición). en cuanto a la viabilidad y aceptabilidad, el instrumento fue aplicado con un tiempo promedio de 9,9 minutos y con 110% de respuestas, respectivamente. Fueron constatados los efectos techo y suelo para todos los dominios, principalmente el efecto suelo. La confiabilidad fue comprobada por medio del test de repetición, obteniéndose evidencias de estabilidad temporal de la medida. Fueron constatadas correlaciones negativas significativas de moderada a fuerte magnitud entre el puntaje de la pregunta genérica sobre el impacto de la enfermedad y los puntajes del IDCV, lo que apunta para la validez de constructo convergente del instrumento. el instrumento para medir el impacto de la valvulopatía en lo cotidiano del sujeto, presentó evidencias de

  14. Astronomía Gamma desde El Leoncito

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rovero, A. C.; Colombo, E.; Sahade, J.; Weekes, T. C.

    La astronomía gamma, en el extremo de energías detectadas hasta el presente, se encuentra en desarrollo en muchas partes del mundo y proporciona resultados sorprendentes a medida que la tecnología avanza en el desarrollo de nuevos detectores. La técnica Cherenkov Atmosférica es la utilizada para la detección, mediante telescopios en tierra, del efecto secundario causado por la radiación gamma de muy altas energías (E ≈ TeV). Por medio de telescopios o arreglos de detectores y utilizando la técnica mencionada, se han podido detectar algunas fuentes puntuales de mucha importancia astrofísica como la Nebulosa del Cangrejo y la galaxia de núcleo activo Markarian 421. El sistema instalado en San Juan, en cooperación con el grupo de Radiación Gamma del Observatorio Whipple, está constituído por tres colectores de 1.5m que registran pulsos de luz generados por las cascadas de partículas producidas por rayos cósmicos de todo tipo al entrar en la atmósfera terrestre. El sistema opera por barrido en ascención recta de la fuente observada que, para esta etapa del experimento, es el Centro Galáctico. Esta fuente extensa es conocida como emisor gamma de energías inferiores al TeV y ha sido observada anteriormente en este rango de energía desde el hemisferio norte pero con elevaciones bajas, situación no óptima para este tipo de técnica. Se presentan los primeros resultados del análisis de los datos obtenidos observando la región del Centro Galáctico, luego de dos años de observaciones, así como una descripción de la técnica Cherenkov Atmosférica y del equipo utilizado en la experiencia.

  15. Species identification in forensic samples using the SPInDel approach: A GHEP-ISFG inter-laboratory collaborative exercise.


    Alves, Cíntia; Pereira, Rui; Prieto, Lourdes; Aler, Mercedes; Amaral, Cesar R L; Arévalo, Cristina; Berardi, Gabriela; Di Rocco, Florencia; Caputo, Mariela; Carmona, Cristian Hernandez; Catelli, Laura; Costa, Heloísa Afonso; Coufalova, Pavla; Furfuro, Sandra; García, Óscar; Gaviria, Anibal; Goios, Ana; Gómez, Juan José Builes; Hernández, Alexis; Hernández, Eva Del Carmen Betancor; Miranda, Luís; Parra, David; Pedrosa, Susana; Porto, Maria João Anjos; Rebelo, Maria de Lurdes; Spirito, Matteo; Torres, María Del Carmen Villalobos; Amorim, António; Pereira, Filipe


    DNA is a powerful tool available for forensic investigations requiring identification of species. However, it is necessary to develop and validate methods able to produce results in degraded and or low quality DNA samples with the high standards obligatory in forensic research. Here, we describe a voluntary collaborative exercise to test the recently developed Species Identification by Insertions/Deletions (SPInDel) method. The SPInDel kit allows the identification of species by the generation of numeric profiles combining the lengths of six mitochondrial ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene regions amplified in a single reaction followed by capillary electrophoresis. The exercise was organized during 2014 by a Working Commission of the Spanish and Portuguese-Speaking Working Group of the International Society for Forensic Genetics (GHEP-ISFG), created in 2013. The 24 participating laboratories from 10 countries were asked to identify the species in 11 DNA samples from previous GHEP-ISFG proficiency tests using a SPInDel primer mix and control samples of the 10 target species. A computer software was also provided to the participants to assist the analyses of the results. All samples were correctly identified by 22 of the 24 laboratories, including samples with low amounts of DNA (hair shafts) and mixtures of saliva and blood. Correct species identifications were obtained in 238 of the 241 (98.8%) reported SPInDel profiles. Two laboratories were responsible for the three cases of misclassifications. The SPInDel was efficient in the identification of species in mixtures considering that only a single laboratory failed to detect a mixture in one sample. This result suggests that SPInDel is a valid method for mixture analyses without the need for DNA sequencing, with the advantage of identifying more than one species in a single reaction. The low frequency of wrong (5.0%) and missing (2.1%) alleles did not interfere with the correct species identification, which demonstrated the

  16. Rescue of murine F508del CFTR activity in native intestine by low temperature and proteasome inhibitors.


    Wilke, Martina; Bot, Alice; Jorna, Huub; Scholte, Bob J; de Jonge, Hugo R


    Most patients with Cystic Fibrosis (CF) carry at least one allele with the F508del mutation, resulting in a CFTR chloride channel protein with a processing, gating and stability defect, but with substantial residual activity when correctly sorted to the apical membranes of epithelial cells. New therapies are therefore aimed at improving the folding and trafficking of F508del CFTR, (CFTR correctors) or at enhancing the open probability of the CFTR chloride channel (CFTR potentiators). Preventing premature breakdown of F508del CFTR is an alternative or additional strategy, which is investigated in this study. We established an ex vivo assay for murine F508del CFTR rescue in native intestinal epithelium that can be used as a pre-clinical test for candidate therapeutics. Overnight incubation of muscle stripped ileum in modified William's E medium at low temperature (26°C), and 4 h or 6 h incubation at 37°C with different proteasome inhibitors (PI: ALLN, MG-132, epoxomicin, PS341/bortezomib) resulted in fifty to hundred percent respectively of the wild type CFTR mediated chloride secretion (forskolin induced short-circuit current). The functional rescue was accompanied by enhanced expression of the murine F508del CFTR protein at the apical surface of intestinal crypts and a gain in the amount of complex-glycosylated CFTR (band C) up to 20% of WT levels. Sustained rescue in the presence of brefeldin A shows the involvement of a post-Golgi compartment in murine F508del CFTR degradation, as was shown earlier for its human counterpart. Our data show that proteasome inhibitors are promising candidate compounds for improving rescue of human F508del CFTR function, in combination with available correctors and potentiators.

  17. CHEK2*1100delC and risk of malignant melanoma: Danish and German studies and meta-analysis.


    Weischer, Maren; Heerfordt, Ida M; Bojesen, Stig E; Eigentler, Thomas; Garbe, Claus; Röcken, Martin; Hölmich, Lisbet Rosenkrantz; Schmidt, Henrik; Klyver, Helle; Bastholt, Lars; Nordestgaard, Børge G


    It is possible that reduced function of DNA repair and cell-cycle control genes increases the individual susceptibility to malignant melanoma. As CHEK2 is a cell-cycle master controller, we tested the hypothesis that heterozygosity for the frameshift alteration CHEK2*1100delC is associated with increased risk of malignant melanoma. First, we performed case-control studies of 1,152 Danish and 752 German individuals with malignant melanoma compared with 9,142 Danish and 3,718 German controls. Second, we performed a meta-analysis of CHEK2*1100delC and malignant melanoma, involving 2,619 cases and 17,481 controls. Third, we examined the risk of malignant melanoma associated with CHEK2*1100delC heterozygosity in an analysis stratified for sun exposure, as well as for subtype and location on the body. The odds ratios for malignant melanoma for CHEK2(*)1100del heterozygotes compared with those for noncarriers were 2.01 (95% confidence interval (CI), 1.03-3.91) in Danes, 1.42 (95% CI, 0.46-4.31) in Germans, and 1.79 (95% CI, 1.02-3.17) in Danes and Germans combined. In a meta-analysis, the odds ratio of malignant melanoma for CHEK2*1100delC heterozygotes compared with that for noncarriers was 1.81 (95% CI, 1.07-3.05). Stratifications did not alter these results. CHEK2*1100delC heterozygotes have a twofold risk of malignant melanoma compared with noncarriers.

  18. Absence of CHEK2*1100delC mutation in families with hereditary breast cancer in North America.


    Iniesta, Maria D; Gorin, Michael A; Chien, Ling-Chen; Thomas, Samantha M; Milliron, Kara J; Douglas, Julie A; Merajver, Sofia D


    The CHEK2*1100delC mutation has been reported to confer a twofold increased risk of breast cancer among carriers. The frequency of the mutation varies among populations. The highest frequency has been described in Northern and Eastern European countries; the frequency may be much lower in North America. In this study, our aim was to determine the frequency of CHEK2*1100delC in members of breast cancer families who tested negative for a deleterious mutation in BRCA1/2 at the University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center. We genotyped 102 members from 90 families for CHEK2*1100delC. Most of these families had several cases of breast cancer or ovarian cancer (or both), as well as multiple members with other cancer types in a single lineage. No CHEK2*1100delC mutations were detected in any of the 102 individuals, including 51 women diagnosed with breast cancer at an early age (<45 years), 8 women with bilateral breast cancer, 3 men with breast cancer, and 8 women with ovarian cancer. Our data are consistent with the reported very low frequency of CHEK2*1100delC mutations in North American populations (compared with Northern Europe), rendering CHEK2*1100delC such an unlikely culprit in BRCA1/2 negative families that routine testing of these families appears unwarranted. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Conservation, Pollution. Environment Booklet 3. Teacher's Edition=Conservacion, contaminacion. Libro del medio ambiente 3. Manual para El Maestro.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Univ., Los Angeles. National Dissemination and Assessment Center.

    The booklet is part of a grade 10-12 social studies series produced for bilingual education. The series consists of six major thematic modules, with four to five booklets in each. The interdisciplinary modules are based on major ideas and designed to help students understand some major human problems and make sound, responsive decisions to improve…

  20. Urban Ecosystems. Environment Booklet 4. Teacher's Edition =Ecosist urbanos. Libro del medio ambiente 4. Manual para El Maestro.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Univ., Los Angeles. National Dissemination and Assessment Center.

    The booklet is part of a grade 10-12 social studies series produced for bilingual education. The series consists of six major thematic modules, with four to five booklets in each. The interdisciplinary modules are based on major ideas and are designed to help students understand some major human problems and make sound, responsive decisions to…

  1. The INMA-INfancia y Medio Ambiente-(Environment and Childhood) project: More than 10 years contributing to environmental and neuropsychological research.


    Gascon, Mireia; Guxens, Mònica; Vrijheid, Martine; Torrent, Maties; Ibarluzea, Jesús; Fano, Eduardo; Llop, Sabrina; Ballester, Ferran; Fernández, Mariana F; Tardón, Adonina; Fernández-Somoano, Ana; Sunyer, Jordi


    In 2003 the INMA-INfancia y Medio Ambiente (Environment and Childhood) project, a Spanish national network of birth cohorts including more than 3500 participants, was set up with the aim to assess the health impacts of pre- and postnatal environmental exposures on children. The project has published more than 60 papers on maternal and environmental factors related to neuropsychological development in children, one of the main research interests within the project. With the present review, we evaluate the evidence provided by the INMA project on this topic and discuss how the data can contribute to cover the challenges that children's environmental health research will face in the coming years. The INMA project has contributed to provide increasing evidence of the association between prenatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants (POPs) and child neuropsychological development, but it has also shown, using innovative methodologies, that postnatal exposure to these compounds does not play a role in this association. The project has also contributed to show the detrimental influence of certain air pollutants on child neuropsychological development, as well as how a balanced maternal fish intake can protect from the potential adverse effects of prenatal exposure to mercury. Also, the project has contributed to the understanding of impacts of nutritional factors including supplement intake and vitamin D levels during pregnancy and the role of breastfeeding on the neuropsychological benefits. INMA findings underscore the importance of continued research on the delineation of the sensitive windows of exposure both during pregnancy and postnatally and on the combined effects of environmental exposures, denoted the exposome. In terms of health policy, INMA findings have important implications for the development of public health policies to advance the health and development of children. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier GmbH. All rights reserved.

  2. Domestic violence on children: development and validation of an instrument to evaluate knowledge of health professionals.


    Oliveira, Lanuza Borges; Soares, Fernanda Amaral; Silveira, Marise Fagundes; Pinho, Lucinéia de; Caldeira, Antônio Prates; Leite, Maísa Tavares de Souza


    significante até o nível de 5% para as duas variáveis selecionadas, tempo de formação e tempo na Estratégia Saúde da Família. o instrumento apresentou-se válido e, deste modo , pode ser usado como ferramenta promissora para desenvolver ou direcionar as ações em saúde pública e avaliação do conhecimento sobre a violência doméstica contra a criança. elaborar y validar un instrumento para evaluación del conocimiento de los profesionales de la salud sobre la violencia doméstica ejercida contra el niño. estudio realizado con 194 profesionales: médicos, enfermeros y cirujanos dentistas. Para elaboración de los ítems e identificación de las dimensiones, se realizó una revisión de la literatura. La validación aparente y de contenido fueron realizadas por medio del análisis de tres especialistas y de 27 profesores universitarios del área de la salud del niño. Para la validación de constructo, se evaluó el coeficiente alfa de Cronbach, y la prueba Kappa fue usada para verificar la reproductibilidad. La validación de criterio fue realizada con uso de la prueba t de Student. el instrumento final presentó 56 ítems, el alfa Cronbach fue de 0,734, la prueba Kappa reveló concordancia superior a 0,6 para la mayoría de los ítems, y la prueba t de Student presentó valor estadísticamente significativo hasta el nivel de 5% para las dos variables seleccionadas: tiempo de graduación y tiempo en el programa Estrategia Salud de la Familia. el instrumento se presentó válido y, de ese modo, puede ser usado como herramienta promisora para desarrollar o dirigir acciones de salud pública y evaluar el conocimiento sobre la violencia doméstica contra el niño.

  3. Reproductive biology of the Del Norte salamander (Plethodon elongatus).


    Clara A. Wheeler; Hartwell H. Welsh Jr.; Lisa M. Ollivier


    We examined seasonal reproductive patterns of the Del Norte Salamander, Plethodon elongatus, in mixed conifer and hardwood forests of northwestern California and southwestern Oregon. Seasonal size differences in reproductive structures suggested that maximum spermatogenic activity occurred during the late summer, with spermatozoa transfer to the...

  4. New records of fishes at Isla del Coco, Costa Rica

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Garrison, V.H.


    Isla del Coco lies at 5 degrees 32'N latitude, 87 degrees 04'W longitude and is the sole peak of the Cocos Ridge exposed above sea level. This isolated island formed approximately 2 million years ago. It rises 575 m above the surface of the sea and covers 46 km2 (Castillo et aI., 1988). Five hundred km to the NNE is Costa Rica; 630 km SSW are the Galapagos Islands; 650 km to the E is Isla Malpelo, Colombia; and approximately 8,000 km W lie the Line Islands. Costa Rica claimed Isla del Coco in 1832 and declared it a National Park in 1978. The area of the park was increased to include the adjacent waters 5 km offshore in 1984 and 25 km offshore in 1991.

  5. Apoyo a Estudios Geodinamicos con GPS en Guatemala

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robles, V. R.


    El Instituto Geografico Nacional de Guatemala implemento 17 estaciones GNSS en el año 2009, como un proyecto de credito mixto de donacion de equipamiento del Gobierno de Suiza, el cual, este equipamiento de estaciones CORS GNSS es un sistema de recepción y transmisión de datos crudos GPS RInex que utiliza la tecnologia Spider Web de Leica, asi mismo este sistema esta sirviendo para el espablecimiento de un marco geodesico nacional de coordenadas geodesicas oficiales, el cual se calculan u obtienen las velocidades en tiempos temporales programados de las 17 Estaciones CORS. La infraestructura del marco geodesico de Guatemala esta sirviendo de base para las aplicaciones de estudios geodinamicos como el monitoreo de del desplazamiento de las placas tectonicas por medio de un estudio que se inicio en el año de 1999, llamado medicion con GPS el sistema de Fallas de los rios Polochic Motagua de Guatemala, tambien para un estudio que se implemento para deformación de corteza terrestre local en un Volcan Activo de Guatemala llamado Pacaya. Para el estudio de medicion con GPS en el sistema de falla de los Rios del polochic Motagua se implementaron 16 puntos para medir con GPS de dos frecuencias en el año de 1999, el cual, tres puntos son estaciones geodesicas CORS IGS llamados GUAT, ELEN y HUEH, despues en el año de 2003 se hizo otra medicion en un total de 20 puntos, que permitió calcular las velocidades de desplazamieinto de los puntos en mención, usando como referencia el modelo NUVEL 1A de DeMets de la placa de Norteamerica. Este estudio fue en cooperación internacional por la universidad de Nice de Francia y el IGNde Francia. Para el estudio del monitoreo con GPS del volcan activo de Guatemala, se implementaron cuatro puntos al rededor del volcan, el cual, se realizan cuatro mediciones al año, que permiten determinar axialmente la distancias entre los puntos, y rebisar estadisticamente cual es el comportamiento de las distancias en funcion del tiempo, si

  6. The CHEK2 del5395 is a founder mutation without direct effects for cancer risk in the latvian population.


    Plonis, J; Kalniete, D; Nakazawa-Miklasevica, M; Irmejs, A; Vjaters, E; Gardovskis, J; Miklasevics, E


    Our objective was to determine: 1) whether the checkpoint kinase 2 ( CHEK2 ) del5395 (g.27417113-27422508 del, NC_000022.11) is a founder mutation in the Latvian population, 2) if there is an association between CHEK2 del5395 mutation and cancer risk, and 3) and whether the CHEK2 del5395 mutation impacts cancer predisposition in Chernobyl disaster liquidators (the civil and military personnel who were called upon to deal with consequences of the 1986 nuclear disaster) as well as geriatric populations. We recruited 438 breast cancer patients, 568 colorectal cancer patients, 399 ovarian cancer patients, 419 prostate cancer patients, 526 healthy blood donors, 480 Chernobyl disaster liquidators and 444 geriatric cancer-free participants. DNA samples were isolated from blood samples and subjected to multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The truncation of del5395 was estimated by fragment size of the multiplex PCR.All groups were compared to the healthy blood donors using Fisher's exact test. All p values were two-sided and the odds ratios (OR) calculated by two-by-two table. In cancer groups, the del5395 mutation was most frequently observed in the ovarian cancer group (1.00%, OR = 1.32). In control groups, the del5395 mutation was most frequent (0.76%) in the healthy donors, which exceeded its frequency in the Chernobyl liquidators group and the geriatric group by 0.01 and 0.08%, respectively. For all groups, the OR appeared to be >1 only in ovarian cancer patients. However, OR rates showed no statistical significance in either cancer or control groups, with the p value fluctuating within the range of 0.39-1.00. The CHEK2 gene del5395 is a founder mutation in the Latvian population, which, however, does not have a direct impact on genetic predisposition toward colorectal, breast, ovarian and prostate cancer.

  7. Association Between CHEK2*1100delC and Breast Cancer: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis.


    Liang, Mingming; Zhang, Yun; Sun, Chenyu; Rizeq, Feras Kamel; Min, Min; Shi, Tingting; Sun, Yehuan


    The association between the checkpoint kinase 2*1100delC (CHEK2*1100delC) and breast cancer has been extensively explored. In light of the recent publication of studies on these specific findings, particularly regarding male patients with breast cancer, we performed an updated meta-analysis to investigate a more reliable estimate. This meta-analysis included 26 published studies selected in a search of electronic databases up to January 2018, including 118,735 breast cancer cases and 195,807 controls. Odds ratios (ORs) with 95% confidence intervals (CIs) were used to assess the association between 1100delC and breast cancer. Meta-analysis results suggested that 1100delC contributed to an increased breast cancer risk in overall populations (OR 2.89; 95% CI 2.63-3.16). Subgroup analysis found ORs of 3.13 (95% CI 1.94-5.07) for male breast cancer, 2.88 (95% CI 2.63-3.16) for female breast cancer, 2.87 (95% CI 1.85-4.47) for early-onset breast cancer, 2.92 (95% CI 2.65-3.22) for invasive breast cancer, and 3.21 (95% CI 2.41-4.29) for familial breast cancer. The sensitivity analysis suggested that results of this meta-analysis were generally robust. CHEK2*1100delC is associated with an increased risk of both female and male breast cancer.

  8. [Genetic polymorphism and forensic application of 30 InDel loci of Han population in Beijing].


    Bai, Ru-Feng; Jiang, Li-Zhe; Zhang, Zhong; Shi, Mei-Sen


    To study the genetic diversities of 30 insertion-deletion (InDel) polymorphisms loci of Han population in Beijing, and to evaluate their forensic application, 210 unrelated healthy individuals of Han population in Beijing were investigated to determine the distributions of allele frequencies by using Investigator DIP system. The PCR products were detected with ABI 3130 XL Genetic Analyzer. Forensic parameters were calculated with relevant statistical analysis software. As a result, after the Bonferroni correction at a 95% significance level, there were no significant departures from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium or significant linkage disequilibrium between the loci. The power of discrimination (DP) varies between 0.2690 (HLD118) and 0.6330 (HLD45), and the combined discrimination power (TDP) for the 30 InDel loci is 0.999999999985. The combined power of exclusion was 0.98771049 in trio cases (CPE(trio)) and 0.94579456 in duo cases (CPE(duo)). The parentage testing of 32 cases revealed no mutations happened to 30 InDel loci. Multiplex detection of the 30 InDel loci revealed a highly polymorphic genetic distribution in Beijing Han population, which represents a complementary tool in human identification studies, especially in challenging DNA cases.

  9. Computer and laboratory simulation in the teaching of neonatal nursing: innovation and impact on learning.


    Fonseca, Luciana Mara Monti; Aredes, Natália Del' Angelo; Fernandes, Ananda Maria; Batalha, Luís Manuel da Cunha; Apóstolo, Jorge Manuel Amado; Martins, José Carlos Amado; Rodrigues, Manuel Alves


    game e-Baby, software instrucional de semiologia e semiotécnica e simulação em laboratório. Para a avaliação do curso e caracterização dos estudantes utilizou-se instrumentos de coleta de dados desenvolvidos para este estudo. Utilizou-se estatística não paramétrica: Mann-Whitney e Wilcoxon. O uso de tecnologias digitais validadas e de simulação em laboratório evidenciou diferença estatisticamente significativa (p=0,001) na aprendizagem dos participantes. O curso foi avaliado como muito satisfatório pelos mesmos. A simulação em laboratório isoladamente não representou diferença significativa no aprendizado. a aprendizagem cognitiva dos participantes aumentou significativamente. Considera-se que o uso de tecnologia foi responsável por parte do sucesso do curso, denotando ser uma importante ferramenta de inovação didática e motivação da aprendizagem na área da saúde. evaluar el aprendizaje cognitivo de estudiantes de enfermería en evaluación clínica neonatal, a partir de un curso semipresencial, utilizando simulación por computador y en laboratorio; comparar el aprendizaje cognitivo de los estudiantes, entre grupo control y experimental, comprobando la simulación en el laboratorio; y evaluar el curso semipresencial extracurricular ofrecido sobre evaluación clínica del bebé pretérmino, de acuerdo a los estudiantes. estudio casi experimental con 14 estudiantes portugueses, conteniendo preprueba, prueba intermedia y postprueba. Las tecnologías ofrecidas en el curso fueron serious game e-Baby, programa de instrucción en semiología y semiotecnia, y simulación en laboratorio. Para la evaluación del curso y caracterización de los estudiantes se utilizaron instrumentos de recolección de datos desarrollados para este estudio. Se utilizó la estadística no-paramétrica de Mann-Whitney y Wilcoxon. el uso de tecnologías digitales validadas y de simulación en laboratorio evidenció diferencia estadísticamente significativa (p=0,001) en

  10. Healing war wounds and perfuming exile: the use of vegetal, animal, and mineral products for perfumes, cosmetics, and skin healing among Sahrawi refugees of Western Sahara

    PubMed Central


    exilio: el uso de productos vegetales, animales y minerales con fines de perfumería, cosmética y curativos de la piel entre los refugiados saharauis del Sáhara Occidental. Antecedentes Durante la última década ha habido un creciente interés en los estudios etnobiológicos de los conocimientos y prácticas de las personas que migran. Dentro de esta tendencia, los estudiosos han prestado relativamente menor atención a las personas desplazadas y a los refugiados: a la pérdida, el mantenimiento y la adaptación de sus conocimientos etnobiológicos, y su importancia para el bienestar de los refugiados. Este estudio se centra en los cosméticos y remedios para curar problemas de la piel tradicionalmente utilizados por los refugiados saharauis en los campamentos de desplazados al sudoeste de Argelia. Métodos Los métodos de investigación que se utilizaron son: una encuesta estructurada con 37 familias de refugiados, entrevistas semi-estructuradas con 77 refugiados, 24 entrevistas retrospectivas con refugiados e informantes conocedores, y una colección de muestra de las plantas y productos citados. Resultados Se registró el uso de 55 especies vegetales, nueve especies animales, y seis productos minerales utilizados en tres principales categorías de usos: 1) Recursos contra los problemas de salud característicos del entorno desértico donde una vez vivieron los saharauis como nómadas y donde ahora viven como refugiados (por ejemplo problemas en los ojos); 2) Remedios para heridas que reflejan la historia reciente de guerra de guerrilla de los nómadas saharauis; y 3) Cosméticos y productos utilizados para el cuidado del cuerpo, decoración y perfumes (por ejemplo, atención al cabello, limpieza de dientes, uso del henna) y como aromatizantes del aire al interior de las tiendas, que son ampliamente utilizados en la vida y las prácticas sociales cotidianas de los refugiados. Conclusiones En la discusión, se analizan los cambios que se han producido en los patrones

  11. Haptoglobin genotyping of Vietnamese: global distribution of HP del, complete deletion allele of the HP gene.


    Soejima, Mikiko; Agusa, Tetsuro; Iwata, Hisato; Fujihara, Junko; Kunito, Takashi; Takeshita, Haruo; Lan, Vi Thi Mai; Minh, Tu Binh; Takahashi, Shin; Trang, Pham Thi Kim; Viet, Pham Hung; Tanabe, Shinsuke; Koda, Yoshiro


    The haptoglobin (HP) gene deletion allele (HP(del)) is responsible for anhaptoglobinemia and a genetic risk factor for anaphylaxis reaction after transfusion due to production of the anti-HP antibody. The distribution of this allele has been explored by several groups including ours. Here, we studied the frequency of HP(del) in addition to the distribution of common HP genotypes in 293 Vietnamese. The HP(del) was encountered with the frequency of 0.020. The present result suggested that this deletion allele is restricted to East and Southeast Asians. Thus, this allele seems to be a potential ancestry informative marker for these populations. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. CDC25AQ110del: A Novel Cell Division Cycle 25A Isoform Aberrantly Expressed in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Younis, Rania H.; Cao, Wei; Lin, Ruxian; Xia, Ronghui; Liu, Zhenqiu; Edelman, Martin J.; Mei, Yuping; Mao, Li; Ren, Hening


    Objective Lung cancer remains number one cause of cancer related deaths worldwide. Cell cycle deregulation plays a major role in the pathogenesis of Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). CDC25A represents a critical cell cycle regulator that enhances cell cycle progression. In this study we aimed to investigate the role of a novel CDC25A transcriptional variant, CDC25AQ110del, on the regulation of the CDC25A protein, and its impact on prognosis of NSCLC patients. Methodology/Principal Findings Here we report a novel CDC25A transcript variant with codon 110 (Glutamine) deletion, that we termed CDC25AQ110del in NSCLC cells. In 9 (75%) of the 12 NSCLC cell lines, CDC25AQ110del expression accounted for more than 20% of the CDC25A transcripts. Biological effects of CDC25AQ110del were investigated in H1299 and HEK-293F cells using UV radiation, flowcytometry, cyclohexamide treatment, and confocal microscopy. Compared to CDC25Awt, CDC25AQ110del protein had longer half-life; cells expressing CDC25AQ110del were more resistant to UV irradiation and showed more mitotic activity. Taqman-PCR was used to quantify CDC25AQ110del expression levels in 88 primary NSCLC tumor/normal tissue pairs. In patients with NSCLC, Kaplan Meier curves showed tumors expressing higher levels of CDC25AQ110del relative to the adjacent lung tissues to have significantly inferior overall survival (P = .0018). Significance Here we identified CDC25AQ110del as a novel transcriptional variant of CDC25A in NSCLC. The sequence-specific nature of the abnormality could be a prognostic indicator in NSCLC patients as well as a candidate target for future therapeutic strategies. PMID:23071577

  13. Correction of the F508del-CFTR protein processing defect in vitro by the investigational drug VX-809

    PubMed Central

    Van Goor, Fredrick; Hadida, Sabine; Grootenhuis, Peter D. J.; Burton, Bill; Stack, Jeffrey H.; Straley, Kimberly S.; Decker, Caroline J.; Miller, Mark; McCartney, Jason; Olson, Eric R.; Wine, Jeffrey J.; Frizzell, Ray A.; Ashlock, Melissa; Negulescu, Paul A.


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is caused by mutations in the CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene that impair the function of CFTR, an epithelial chloride channel required for proper function of the lung, pancreas, and other organs. Most patients with CF carry the F508del CFTR mutation, which causes defective CFTR protein folding and processing in the endoplasmic reticulum, resulting in minimal amounts of CFTR at the cell surface. One strategy to treat these patients is to correct the processing of F508del-CFTR with small molecules. Here we describe the in vitro pharmacology of VX-809, a CFTR corrector that was advanced into clinical development for the treatment of CF. In cultured human bronchial epithelial cells isolated from patients with CF homozygous for F508del, VX-809 improved F508del-CFTR processing in the endoplasmic reticulum and enhanced chloride secretion to approximately 14% of non-CF human bronchial epithelial cells (EC50, 81 ± 19 nM), a level associated with mild CF in patients with less disruptive CFTR mutations. F508del-CFTR corrected by VX-809 exhibited biochemical and functional characteristics similar to normal CFTR, including biochemical susceptibility to proteolysis, residence time in the plasma membrane, and single-channel open probability. VX-809 was more efficacious and selective for CFTR than previously reported CFTR correctors. VX-809 represents a class of CFTR corrector that specifically addresses the underlying processing defect in F508del-CFTR. PMID:21976485

  14. DelPhi Web Server: A comprehensive online suite for electrostatic calculations of biological macromolecules and their complexes

    PubMed Central

    Sarkar, Subhra; Witham, Shawn; Zhang, Jie; Zhenirovskyy, Maxim; Rocchia, Walter; Alexov, Emil


    Here we report a web server, the DelPhi web server, which utilizes DelPhi program to calculate electrostatic energies and the corresponding electrostatic potential and ionic distributions, and dielectric map. The server provides extra services to fix structural defects, as missing atoms in the structural file and allows for generation of missing hydrogen atoms. The hydrogen placement and the corresponding DelPhi calculations can be done with user selected force field parameters being either Charmm22, Amber98 or OPLS. Upon completion of the calculations, the user is given option to download fixed and protonated structural file, together with the parameter and Delphi output files for further analysis. Utilizing Jmol viewer, the user can see the corresponding structural file, to manipulate it and to change the presentation. In addition, if the potential map is requested to be calculated, the potential can be mapped onto the molecule surface. The DelPhi web server is available from PMID:24683424

  15. Combined effects of VX-770 and VX-809 on several functional abnormalities of F508del-CFTR channels.


    Kopeikin, Z; Yuksek, Z; Yang, H-Y; Bompadre, S G


    The most common cystic fibrosis-associated mutation, the deletion of phenylalanine 508 (F508del), results in channels with poor membrane expression and impaired function. VX-770, a clinically approved drug for treatment of CF patients carrying the G551D mutation, and VX-809, a corrector shown in vitro to increase membrane expression of mutant channels, are currently undergoing clinical trials, but functional data at the molecular level is still lacking. The effect of VX-770 and VX-809 on the multiple functional defects of F508del-CFTR was assessed via excised inside-out patch-clamp experiments. VX-770 completely restores the low opening-rate of F508del-CFTR, with smaller open-time increase, in temperature-corrected and VX-809-treated channels. The shorter locked-open time of hydrolysis-deficient F508del-CFTR is also prolonged by VX-770. VX-809 does not improve channel function by itself as previously reported. The results from these studies can be interpreted as an equilibrium shift toward the open-channel conformation of F508del-CFTR channels. Copyright © 2014 European Cystic Fibrosis Society. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. [Bibliometric analysis of Revista Médica del IMSS in the Scopus database for the period between 2005-2013].


    García-Gómez, Francisco; Ramírez-Méndez, Fernando


    To analyze the number of articles of Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social (Rev Med Inst Mex Seguro Soc) in the Scopus database and describe principal quantitative bibliometric indicators of scientific publications during the period between 2005 to 2013. Scopus database was used limited to the period between 2005 to 2013. The analysis cover mainly title of articles with the title of Revista Médica del Instituto Mexicano del Seguro Social and its possible modifications. For the analysis, Scopus, Excel and Access were used. 864 articles were published during the period between 2005 to 2013 in the Scopus database. We identified authors with the highest number of contributions including articles with the highest citation rate and forms of documents cited. We also divided articles by subjects, types of documents and other bibliometric indicators which characterize the publications. The use of Scopus brings the possibility of analyze with an external tool the visibility of the scientific production published in the Revista Médica del IMSS. The use of this database also contributes to identify the state of science in México, as well as in the developing countries.

  17. Reconversion Militar del Ejercito en la Frontera Dominico-Haitiana (Military Restructuring of the Army on the Dominican-Haitian Border)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Estado Mayor del Ejército de EE. UU. en cumplimiento parcial de los requisitos para la obtención del grado de MAESTRÍA EN CIENCIAS Y ARTES...MILITARES Estudios Generales Por MAYOR FELIPE CÉSPEDES TEJERA, EJÉRCITO NACIONAL DOMINICANO Licenciado en Ciencias Sociales, Universidad...ANSI Std. Z39.18 ii MAESTRÍA EN ARTES Y CIENCIAS MILITARES PÁGINA DE APROBACIÓN DE LA TESIS Nombre del Candidato: Mayor Felipe Céspedes Tejera

  18. Characterization of nasal potential difference in cftr knockout and F508del-CFTR mice.


    Saussereau, Emilie Lyne; Roussel, Delphine; Diallo, Siradiou; Debarbieux, Laurent; Edelman, Aleksander; Sermet-Gaudelus, Isabelle


    Treatments designed to correct cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) defects must first be evaluated in preclinical experiments in the mouse model of cystic fibrosis (CF). Mice nasal mucosa mimics the bioelectric defect seen in humans. The use of nasal potential difference (V(TE)) to assess ionic transport is a powerful test evaluating the restoration of CFTR function. Nasal V(TE) in CF mice must be well characterized for correct interpretation. We performed V(TE) measurements in large-scale studies of two mouse models of CF--B6;129 cftr knockout and FVB F508del-CFTR--and their respective wild-type (WT) littermates. We assessed the repeatability of the test for cftr knockout mice and defined cutoff points distinguishing between WT and F508del-CFTR mice. We determined the typical V(TE) values for CF and WT mice and demonstrated the existence of residual CFTR activity in F508del-CFTR mice. We characterized intra-animal variability in B6;129 mice and defined the cutoff points for F508del-CFTR chloride secretion rescue. Hyperpolarization of more than -2.15 mV after perfusion with a low-concentration Cl(-) solution was considered to indicate a normal response. These data will make it possible to interpret changes in nasal V(TE) in mouse models of CF, in future preclinical studies.

  19. Forensic efficiency and genetic variation of 30 InDels in Vietnamese and Nigerian populations.


    Du, Weian; Peng, Zhiyong; Feng, Chunlei; Zhu, Bofeng; Wang, Bangchao; Wang, Yue; Liu, Chao; Chen, Ling


    Insertion/deletion polymorphisms (InDels) are ubiquitous diallelic genetic markers that have drawn increasing attention from forensic researchers. Here, we investigated 30 InDel loci in Vietnamese and Nigerian populations and evaluated their usefulness in forensic genetics. The polymorphic information content of these populations ranged, respectively, from 0.164 to 0.375 and from 0.090 to 0.375 across loci. After Bonferroni correction, no significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found, except for HLD97 in the Nigerian population. The cumulative power of exclusion for all 30 loci in the Vietnamese and Nigerian populations was 0.9870 and 0.9676, respectively, indicating that this InDel set is not suitable for paternity testing in these populations, but could be included as a supplement. For the Vietnamese and the Nigerian populations, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.5917 and 0.6268, and the combined discrimination power of the 30 loci was 0.9999999999767 and 0.9999999999603, respectively. These findings indicated that these InDels may be suitable for personal forensic identification in the studied populations. The results of D A distance, phylogenetic tree, principal component, and cluster analyses were consistent and indicated a clear pattern of regional distribution. Moreover, the Vietnamese population was shown to have close genetic relationships with the Guangdong Han and Shanghai Han populations.

  20. Forensic efficiency and genetic variation of 30 InDels in Vietnamese and Nigerian populations

    PubMed Central

    Du, Weian; Peng, Zhiyong; Feng, Chunlei; Zhu, Bofeng; Wang, Bangchao; Wang, Yue; Liu, Chao; Chen, Ling


    Insertion/deletion polymorphisms (InDels) are ubiquitous diallelic genetic markers that have drawn increasing attention from forensic researchers. Here, we investigated 30 InDel loci in Vietnamese and Nigerian populations and evaluated their usefulness in forensic genetics. The polymorphic information content of these populations ranged, respectively, from 0.164 to 0.375 and from 0.090 to 0.375 across loci. After Bonferroni correction, no significant deviation from Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium was found, except for HLD97 in the Nigerian population. The cumulative power of exclusion for all 30 loci in the Vietnamese and Nigerian populations was 0.9870 and 0.9676, respectively, indicating that this InDel set is not suitable for paternity testing in these populations, but could be included as a supplement. For the Vietnamese and the Nigerian populations, the mean observed heterozygosity was 0.5917 and 0.6268, and the combined discrimination power of the 30 loci was 0.9999999999767 and 0.9999999999603, respectively. These findings indicated that these InDels may be suitable for personal forensic identification in the studied populations. The results of DA distance, phylogenetic tree, principal component, and cluster analyses were consistent and indicated a clear pattern of regional distribution. Moreover, the Vietnamese population was shown to have close genetic relationships with the Guangdong Han and Shanghai Han populations. PMID:29179488

  1. Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation in children with heart disease and del22q11 syndrome: a review of the Extracorporeal Life Support Organization Registry.


    Prodhan, P; Gossett, J M; Rycus, P T; Gupta, P


    The study objective was to evaluate outcomes among children with del22q11 (DiGeorge) syndrome supported on ECMO for heart disease. The ELSO registry database was queried to include all children <18 years undergoing heart surgery for either common atrio-ventricular canal, tetralogy of Fallot, truncus arteriosus or transposition of the great vessels and interrupted aortic arch and requiring ECMO, from 1998-2011. The outcomes evaluated included mortality, ECMO duration and length of hospital stay in patients with del22q11 syndrome and with no del22q11 syndrome. Eighty-eight ECMO runs occurred in children with del22q11 syndrome while 2694 ECMO runs occurred in children without del22q11 syndrome. For patients with heart defects receiving ECMO, del22q11 syndrome did not confer a significant mortality risk or an increased risk of infectious complications before or while on ECMO support. Neither the duration of ECMO nor mechanical ventilation prior to ECMO deployment were prolonged in patients with del22q11 syndrome compared to the controls. © The Author(s) 2015.

  2. Developing market class specific InDel markers from next generation sequence data in Phaseolus vulgaris L.


    Moghaddam, Samira Mafi; Song, Qijian; Mamidi, Sujan; Schmutz, Jeremy; Lee, Rian; Cregan, Perry; Osorno, Juan M; McClean, Phillip E


    Next generation sequence data provides valuable information and tools for genetic and genomic research and offers new insights useful for marker development. This data is useful for the design of accurate and user-friendly molecular tools. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a diverse crop in which separate domestication events happened in each gene pool followed by race and market class diversification that has resulted in different morphological characteristics in each commercial market class. This has led to essentially independent breeding programs within each market class which in turn has resulted in limited within market class sequence variation. Sequence data from selected genotypes of five bean market classes (pinto, black, navy, and light and dark red kidney) were used to develop InDel-based markers specific to each market class. Design of the InDel markers was conducted through a combination of assembly, alignment and primer design software using 1.6× to 5.1× coverage of Illumina GAII sequence data for each of the selected genotypes. The procedure we developed for primer design is fast, accurate, less error prone, and higher throughput than when they are designed manually. All InDel markers are easy to run and score with no need for PCR optimization. A total of 2687 InDel markers distributed across the genome were developed. To highlight their usefulness, they were employed to construct a phylogenetic tree and a genetic map, showing that InDel markers are reliable, simple, and accurate.

  3. Developing market class specific InDel markers from next generation sequence data in Phaseolus vulgaris L.

    PubMed Central

    Moghaddam, Samira Mafi; Song, Qijian; Mamidi, Sujan; Schmutz, Jeremy; Lee, Rian; Cregan, Perry; Osorno, Juan M.; McClean, Phillip E.


    Next generation sequence data provides valuable information and tools for genetic and genomic research and offers new insights useful for marker development. This data is useful for the design of accurate and user-friendly molecular tools. Common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) is a diverse crop in which separate domestication events happened in each gene pool followed by race and market class diversification that has resulted in different morphological characteristics in each commercial market class. This has led to essentially independent breeding programs within each market class which in turn has resulted in limited within market class sequence variation. Sequence data from selected genotypes of five bean market classes (pinto, black, navy, and light and dark red kidney) were used to develop InDel-based markers specific to each market class. Design of the InDel markers was conducted through a combination of assembly, alignment and primer design software using 1.6× to 5.1× coverage of Illumina GAII sequence data for each of the selected genotypes. The procedure we developed for primer design is fast, accurate, less error prone, and higher throughput than when they are designed manually. All InDel markers are easy to run and score with no need for PCR optimization. A total of 2687 InDel markers distributed across the genome were developed. To highlight their usefulness, they were employed to construct a phylogenetic tree and a genetic map, showing that InDel markers are reliable, simple, and accurate. PMID:24860578


    PubMed Central

    Litewka, Sergio; Goodman, Kenneth; Braunschweiger, y Paul


    El Programa CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) es un curso basado en Internet y desarrollado por voluntarios, que brinda material educacional sobre protección de sujetos humanos en investigaciones biomédicas y de conducta, buenas prácticas clínicas, conducta responsable de la investigación y trato humanitario a animales de laboratorio. Es un esfuerzo conjunto del Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center y la Universidad de Miami. Con la colaboración de expertos locales, gran parte del contenido se ha adaptado para América Latina, se ha traducido al español y portugués y se han establecido acuerdos de colaboración con instituciones especializadas en bioética en Chile, Brasil, Costa Rica y Perú. Los autores presentan una metodología accesible para la capacitación en ética de la investigación y una justificación de su uso y difusión en América Latina PMID:21687817

  5. PubMed

    Litewka, Sergio; Goodman, Kenneth; Braunschweiger, Y Paul


    El Programa CITI (Collaborative Institutional Training Initiative) es un curso basado en Internet y desarrollado por voluntarios, que brinda material educacional sobre protección de sujetos humanos en investigaciones biomédicas y de conducta, buenas prácticas clínicas, conducta responsable de la investigación y trato humanitario a animales de laboratorio. Es un esfuerzo conjunto del Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center y la Universidad de Miami.Con la colaboración de expertos locales, gran parte del contenido se ha adaptado para América Latina, se ha traducido al español y portugués y se han establecido acuerdos de colaboración con instituciones especializadas en bioética en Chile, Brasil, Costa Rica y Perú. Los autores presentan una metodología accesible para la capacitación en ética de la investigación y una justificación de su uso y difusión en América Latina.

  6. 78 FR 30268 - Del Norte County Resource Advisory Committee

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Schools and Community Self-Determination Act (Pub. L. 112-141) (the Act) and operates in compliance with... to review prior year project's progress. Should the Secure Rural Schools Act be reauthorized, the.... ADDRESSES: The meetings will be held at the Del Norte County Unified School District, Redwood Room, 301 West...

  7. Casimir force in the Gödel space-time and its possible induced cosmological inhomogeneity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khodabakhshi, Sh.; Shojai, A.


    The Casimir force between two parallel plates in the Gödel universe is computed for a scalar field at finite temperature. It is observed that when the plates' separation is comparable with the scale given by the rotation of the space-time, the force becomes repulsive and then approaches zero. Since it has been shown previously that the universe may experience a Gödel phase for a small period of time, the induced inhomogeneities from the Casimir force are also studied.

  8. Combination of t(4;14), del(17p13), del(1p32) and 1q21 gain FISH probes identifies clonal heterogeneity and enhances the detection of adverse cytogenetic profiles in 233 newly diagnosed multiple myeloma.


    Smol, Thomas; Dufour, Annika; Tricot, Sabine; Wemeau, Mathieu; Stalnikiewicz, Laure; Bernardi, Franck; Terré, Christine; Ducourneau, Benoît; Bisiau, Hervé; Daudignon, Agnès


    Our aim was to set the FISH combination of del(17p13), t(4;14), 1q21 gain and del(1p32), four adverse cytogenetic factors rarely evaluated together, and compare our technical thresholds with those defined in the literature. Two hundred thirty-three patients with MM at diagnosis were studied using FISH to target 4 unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities: 17p13 deletion, t(4;14) translocation, 1p32 deletion and 1q21 gain. Technical thresholds were determined for each probe using isolated CD138-expressing PC from patients without MM. The FISH analysis identified abnormalities in 79.0% of patients. Del(17p13) was detected in 15.0% of cases, t(4;14) in 11.5%, 1q21 gain in 37.8% and del(1p32) in 8.7%. Adding 1p32/1q21 FISH probes has enabled us to identify adverse cytogenetic profiles in 39.0% of patients without del(17p13) or t(4;14). Clonal heterogeneity was observed in 51.1% of patients as well as an increase in the number of adverse abnormalities when related clones were greater than or equal to 2 (85.1% against 45.6%). FISH allowed detecting accumulation of adverse abnormalities and clonal heterogeneity in MM with a combination of 4 probes. The impacts of these two parameters need to be evaluated, and could be included in future cytogenetic classifications.

  9. Construction and validation of a tool to Assess the Use of Light Technologies at Intensive Care Units.


    Marinho, Pabliane Matias Lordelo; Campos, Maria Pontes de Aguiar; Rodrigues, Eliana Ofélia Llapa; Gois, Cristiane Franca Lisboa; Barreto, Ikaro Daniel de Carvalho


    to construct and validate a tool to assess the use of light technologies by the nursing team at Intensive Care Units. methodological study in which the tool was elaborated by means of the psychometric method for construction based on the categorization of health technologies by Merhy and Franco, from the National Humanization Policy, using the Nursing Intervention Classification taxonomy to categorize the domains of the tool. Agreement Percentages and Content Validity Indices were used for the purpose of validation. The result of the application of the Interrater Agreement Percentage exceeded the recommended level of 80%, highlighting the relevance for the proposed theme in the assessment, with an agreement rate of 99%. the tool was validated with four domains (Bond, Autonomy, Welcoming and Management) and nineteen items that assess the use of light technologies at Intensive Care Units. construir e validar um instrumento para avaliação do uso de tecnologias leves, pela equipe de enfermagem, em Unidades de Terapia Intensiva. estudo metodológico no qual o instrumento foi elaborado utilizando o método psicométrico para construção com base na categorização das tecnologias em saúde de Merhy e Franco, da Política Nacional de Humanização, utilizando-se a taxonomia Nursing Intervention Classification para categorizar os domínios do instrumento. Utilizou-se o Percentual de Concordância e o Índice de Validade de Conteúdo (IVC) para validação. o resultado da aplicação do Percentual de Concordância entre os juízes foi superior ao recomendado de 80%, havendo destaque na avaliação da pertinência ao tema proposto, apresentando um percentual de concordância de 99%. o instrumento foi validado com quatro domínios (Vínculo, Autonomia, Acolhimento e Gestão) e dezenove itens que avaliam o uso das tecnologias leves em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva. construir y validar un instrumento para evaluación del uso de tecnologías leves, por el equipo de enfermer

  10. Development of the TabacoQuest app for computerization of data collection on smoking in psychiatric nursing.


    Oliveira, Renata Marques de; Duarte, Alexandre Freitas; Alves, Domingos; Furegato, Antonia Regina Ferreira


    investigación sobre el uso de tabaco entre pacientes psiquiátricos y la población en general. investigación aplicada con el desarrollo tecnológico de un aplicativo para recolección de datos en tablet Android. Para su desarrollo, se consideraron tres criterios: seguridad de los datos, beneficios para los participantes y optimización del tiempo de los investigadores. Se realizaron pruebas con 20 participantes ficticios y un test piloto final. los datos del aplicativo almacenados en el banco de datos del tablet son exportados para planilla Excel. Recursos: calculadora, cronómetro, funcionamiento off-line, lógica de ramificación, validación de campos y tabulación automática. el aplicativo evita errores humanos y aumenta la calidad de los datos al validarlos durante la entrevista, también permite realizar una tabulación automática y torna las entrevistas menos agotadoras. Su éxito incentivará su uso y el de otros recursos computacionales por parte de los enfermeros, como herramienta de investigación.

  11. El diseño final del espectrógrafo de banco (EBASIM) para CASLEO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simmons, J.; Levato, H.

    Utilizando el código de óptica ACCOS V se ha finalizado el diseño del espectrógrafo de banco para CASLEO. En una comunicación anterior habíamos indicado que utilizaríamos un colimador de 150 mm de diámetro con un radio de curvatura de 1540 mm. Para el espejo cámara, que tiene un diámetro de 200 mm, el radio de curvatura es de 1200 mm, ambos radios con una tolerancia no mayor a los 3 mm. En la presente, se informa sobre los detalles finales del cálculo del espectrógrafo que incluye el cómputo para 5 longitudes de onda diferentes y alrededor de 100 rayos. En todos los casos el 75 % de energía está dentro de un diámetro de 13 micrones. El diseño ha sido probado entre 3500 Å hasta 9000 Å con resultados satisfactorios.

  12. [Effectiveness of azacitidine in chronic myelomonocytic leukemia harboring del(20q) - a case report].


    Manabe, Masahiro; Okita, Junya; Takakuwa, Teruhito; Harada, Naonori; Aoyama, Yasutaka; Kumura, Takeo; Ohta, Tadanobu; Furukawa, Yoshio; Mugitani, Atsuko


    A 7 1-year-old man was admitted to our hospital with leukocytosis and anemia. Chronic myelomonocytic leukemia (CMML)harboring del(20q)was diagnosed by peripheral blood examination and bone marrow aspiration. The patient was subsequently treated with azacitidine, which resulted in rapid disappearance of monocytosis and resolved his dependency on red cell transfusion. With regard to the chromosomal abnormality, although del(20q)is estimated to be encountered in approximately 0.7-1.0% of all CMML cases, its significance in prognosis has not been fully analyzed. Hence, more such cases need to be evaluated to elucidate the therapeutic outcome of CMML involving del(20q). In addition, the Wilms tumor-1(WT 1)level in the patient gradually decreased after the initiation of azacitidine therapy. This phenomenon of WT1 decrease synchronizing with the patient's clinical improvement might reflect therapeutic efficacy with regard to the clinical course, as had been observed in acute myeloid leukemia and myelodysplastic syndrome.


    EPA Science Inventory

    EPA has developed a technology transfer handbook for the EMPACT Paso del Norte Project. The EMPACT Paso del Norte Environmental Monitoring Project is a mobile vehicle emissions project that involves the international community of El Paso, TX; Sundland Park, NM; and Juarez, Mexico...

  14. Estudio teórico de moléculas de interés en Astrofísica: compuestos binarios policarbonados

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Largo-Cabrerizo, A.

    Se han detectado en el espacio distintos compuestos binarios policarbonados (que se pueden formular como CnX), algunos de ellos con elementos de la primera fila del sistema periódico, pero también existen otros que contienen elementos de la segunda fila, como azufre o silicio. La información experimental sobre estos últimos compuestos es escasa, por lo que los estudios teóricos son especialmente valiosos en este campo. En esta comunicación presentaremos los avances mas recientes que sobre el tema ha realizado nuestro grupo. Incidiremos particularmente en dos aspectos. En primer lugar resumiremos los estudios en los que hemos intentado proporcionar información estructural sobre carburos metálicos formados por sodio, magnesio, aluminio o calcio, que pueda ser de ayuda a la hora de caracterizar estas moléculas en laboratorio como paso previo a su eventual detección en el espacio. Un aspecto importante dentro de este primer apartado es el análisis de las propiedades moleculares en función del tamaño del sistema (cuantificado en el numero de átomos de carbono) con el objeto de intentar sistematizar su estudio. En segundo lugar comentaremos brevemente algunos de los estudios realizados sobre posibles reacciones que pueden ser vías de síntesis de este tipo de compuestos en el medio interestelar.

  15. Faculty Activity Analysis in the Universidad Tecnica Del Estado Campuses.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Karadima, Oscar

    An analysis of academic activities of college faculty at the eight campuses of Chile's Universidad Tecnica del Estado was conducted. Activities were grouped into seven categories: direct teaching, indirect teaching, research, community services, faculty development, academic administration, and other activities. Following the narrative…

  16. Lack of effect of the alpha2C-adrenoceptor Del322-325 polymorphism on inhibition of cyclic AMP production in HEK293 cells.


    Montgomery, M D; Bylund, D B


    The alpha(2C)-adrenoceptor has multiple functions, including inhibiting release of noradrenaline from presynaptic nerve terminals. A human alpha(2C) polymorphism, Del322-325, a potential risk factor for heart failure, has been reported to exhibit reduced signalling in CHO cells. To further understand the role of the Del322-325 polymorphism on receptor signalling, we attempted to replicate and further study the reduced signalling in HEK293 cells. Human alpha(2C) wild-type (WT) and Del322-325 adrenoceptors were stably transfected into HEK293 cells. Radioligand binding was performed to determine affinities for both receptors. In intact cells, inhibition of forskolin-stimulated cyclic AMP production by WT and Del322-325 clones with a range of receptor densities (200-2320 protein) was measured following agonist treatment. Noradrenaline, brimonidine and clonidine exhibited similar binding affinities for WT and Del322-325. Brimonidine and clonidine also had similar efficacies and potencies for both receptors for the inhibition of cyclic AMP production at all receptor densities tested. A linear regression analysis comparing efficacy and potency with receptor expression levels showed no differences in slopes between WT and Del322-325. The alpha(2C) WT and Del322-325 adrenoceptors exhibited similar binding properties. Additionally, inhibition of cyclic AMP production by Del322-325 was similar to that of WT over a range of receptor densities. Therefore, in intact HEK293 cells, the alpha(2C)-Del322-325 polymorphism does not exhibit reduced signalling to adenylyl cyclase and may not represent a clinically important phenotype.

  17. Pío del Río Hortega and the discovery of the oligodendrocytes

    PubMed Central

    Pérez-Cerdá, Fernando; Sánchez-Gómez, María Victoria; Matute, Carlos


    Pío del Río Hortega (1882–1945) discovered microglia and oligodendrocytes (OLGs), and after Ramón y Cajal, was the most prominent figure of the Spanish school of neurology. He began his scientific career with Nicolás Achúcarro from whom he learned the use of metallic impregnation techniques suitable to study non-neuronal cells. Later on, he joined Cajal’s laboratory. and Subsequently, he created his own group, where he continued to develop other innovative modifications of silver staining methods that revolutionized the study of glial cells a century ago. He was also interested in neuropathology and became a leading authority on Central Nervous System (CNS) tumors. In parallel to this clinical activity, del Río Hortega rendered the first systematic description of a major polymorphism present in a subtype of macroglial cells that he named as oligodendroglia and later OLGs. He established their ectodermal origin and suggested that they built the myelin sheath of CNS axons, just as Schwann cells did in the periphery. Notably, he also suggested the trophic role of OLGs for neuronal functionality, an idea that has been substantiated in the last few years. Del Río Hortega became internationally recognized and established an important neurohistological school with outstanding pupils from Spain and abroad, which nearly disappeared after his exile due to the Spanish civil war. Yet, the difficulty of metal impregnation methods and their variability in results, delayed for some decades the confirmation of his great insights into oligodendrocyte biology until the development of electron microscopy and immunohistochemistry. This review aims at summarizing the pioneer and essential contributions of del Río Hortega to the current knowledge of oligodendrocyte structure and function, and to provide a hint of the scientific personality of this extraordinary and insufficiently recognized man. PMID:26217196

  18. CHEK2*1100delC Variant and BRCA1/2-Negative Familial Breast Cancer - A Family-Based Genetic Association Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AD_________________ Award Number: DAMD17-03-1-0774 TITLE: CHEK2 *1100delC Variant and BRCA1/2...NUMBER CHEK2 *1100delC Variant and BRCA1/2-Negative Familial Breast Cancer - A Family- Based Genetic Association Study 5b. GRANT NUMBER DAMD17...association between the CHEK2 *1100delC gene variant and breast cancer among BRCA1/2-negative families. Vital to DNA replication and normal growth of breast

  19. The Cuernos del Paine mountains in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile provide a backdrop to a herd of guanacos during NASA's AirSAR 2004 campaign

    NASA Image and Video Library


    The Cuernos del Paine mountains in Torres del Paine National Park in Chile provide a backdrop to a herd of guanacos during NASA's AirSAR 2004 campaign. AirSAR 2004 is a three-week expedition in Central and South America by an international team of scientists that is using an all-weather imaging tool, called the Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR), located onboard NASA's DC-8 airborne laboratory. Scientists from many parts of the world are combining ground research with NASA's AirSAR technology to improve and expand on the quality of research they are able to conduct. Founded in 1959, Torres del Paine National Park encompasses 450,000 acres in the Patagonia region of Chile. This region is being studied by NASA using a DC-8 equipped with an Airborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (AirSAR) developed by scientists from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory. This is a very sensitive region that is important to scientists because the temperature has been consistently rising causing a subsequent melting of the region’s glaciers. AirSAR will provide a baseline model and unprecedented mapping of the region. This data will make it possible to determine whether the warming trend is slowing, continuing or accelerating. AirSAR will also provide reliable information on ice shelf thickness to measure the contribution of the glaciers to sea level.

  20. Generalized Gödel universes in higher dimensions and pure Lovelock gravity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dadhich, Naresh; Molina, Alfred; Pons, Josep M.


    The Gödel universe is a homogeneous rotating dust with negative Λ which is a direct product of a three-dimensional pure rotation metric with a line. We would generalize it to higher dimensions for Einstein and pure Lovelock gravity with only one N th-order term. For higher-dimensional generalization, we have to include more rotations in the metric, and hence we shall begin with the corresponding pure rotation odd (d =2 n +1 )-dimensional metric involving n rotations, which eventually can be extended by a direct product with a line or a space of constant curvature for yielding a higher-dimensional Gödel universe. The considerations of n rotations and also of constant curvature spaces is a new line of generalization and is being considered for the first time.

  1. The effect of the common c.2299delG mutation in USH2A on RNA splicing.


    Lenassi, Eva; Saihan, Zubin; Bitner-Glindzicz, Maria; Webster, Andrew R


    Recessive variants in the USH2A gene are an important cause of both Usher syndrome and nonsyndromic retinitis pigmentosa. A single base-pair deletion in exon 13 (c.2299delG, p.Glu767Serfs*21) is considered the most frequent mutation of USH2A. It is predicted to generate a premature termination codon and is presumed to lead to nonsense mediated decay. However the effect of this variant on RNA has not been formally investigated. It is not uncommon for exonic sequence alterations to cause aberrant splicing and the aim of the present report is to evaluate the effect of c.2299delG on USH2A transcripts. Nasal cells represent the simplest available tissue to study splicing defects in USH2A. Nasal brushing, RNA extraction from nasal epithelial cells and reverse transcription PCR were performed in five Usher syndrome patients who were homozygous for c.2299delG, two unaffected c.2299delG heterozygotes and seven control individuals. Primers to amplify between exons 12 and 15 and exons 10 and 14 were utilised. Significant variability was observed between different RT-PCR experiments. Importantly, in controls, PCR product of the expected size were amplified on all occasions (13/13 experiments); for patients this was true in only 4/14 experiments (Fisher exact test p = 0.0002). Bioinformatics tools predict the c.2299delG change to disrupt an exonic splicing enhancer and to create an exonic splicing silencer within exon 13. Here, we report an effect of the common c.2299delG mutation on splicing of exons 12 and 13 of USH2A. Future studies are expected to provide important insights into the contribution of this effect on the phenotype. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  2. Cosmogenic Radionuclides in the Campo Del Cielo Iron Meteorite

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Liberman, R. G.; FernandezNiello, J. O.; Reedy, R. C.; Fifield, L. K.; diTada, M. L.


    Cosmogenic Be-10, Al-26, Cl-36, Ca-41, and Ni-59 were measured in the Campo del Cielo iron meteorite. Our results led us to conclude that the pre-atmospheric radius might have been approximately 2 m. Comparisons with other big bodies are also presented. Additional information is contained in the original extended abstract.

  3. Determinacion de periodos fundamentales del suelo mediante vibraciones ambientales en el municipio de Humacao, Puerto Rico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cintron Aponte, Rommel

    La tecnica de Nakamura ha sido utilizada a nivel mundial para determinar periodos fundamentales del suelo. La tecnica consiste en calcular y graficar cocientes espectrales H/V de vibraciones ambientales registradas sobre el suelo. Mediciones de vibraciones ambientales fueron tomadas en 151 lugares dentro del municipio de Humacao, localizado al este de Puerto Rico. Los datos se procesaron utilizando espectros de Fourier y espectros de potencia. La tecnica fue validada al compararla con los resultados de cocientes espectrales H/V de registros de sismos debiles y tambien con una modelacion numerica realizada con datos de un ensayo "downhole". Las graficas de los cocientes espectrales H/V fueron divididas en casos y grupos, los cuales dependen de la facilidad para identificar el periodo fundamental pico y amplitudes en frecuencias menores de 1 Hz, respectivamente. Los resultados obtenidos con ambos espectros fueron comparados y se concluye que los mismos se complementan para proveer resultados mas confiables. Se crearon mapas de periodos fundamentales, factores de amplitud, isoperiodos y clasificacion sismica de sitio. Los mapas de isoperiodos fueron realizados en las zonas mas pobladas sobre depositos de suelo. El mapa de periodos fundamentales del suelo mostro buena correlacion con la geologia local. El mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de periodos de sitio fue comparado con el mapa de clasificacion sismica derivado de barrenos geotecnicos. El mapa de clasificacion obtenido de periodos puede sobreestimar un poco algunas clasificaciones del suelo. Sin embargo, este mapa puede proveer un estimado aproximado de la velocidad de onda de corte promedio del suelo hasta una profundidad de 100 pies (30 metros).

  4. Prevalence of 2314delG mutation in Spanish patients with Usher syndrome type II (USH2).


    Beneyto, M M; Cuevas, J M; Millán, J M; Espinós, C; Mateu, E; González-Cabo, P; Baiget, M; Doménech, M; Bernal, S; Ayuso, C; García-Sandoval, B; Trujillo, M J; Borrego, S; Antiñolo, G; Carballo, M; Nájera, C


    The Usher syndrome (USH) is a group of autosomal recessive diseases characterized by congenital sensorineural hearing loss and retinitis pigmentosa. Three clinically distinct forms of Usher syndrome have so far been recognized and can be distinguished from one another by assessing auditory and vestibular function. Usher syndrome type II (USH2) patients have congenital moderate-to-severe nonprogressive hearing loss, retinitis pigmentosa, and normal vestibular function. Genetic linkage studies have revealed genetic heterogeneity among the three types of USH, with the majority of USH2 families showing linkage to the USH2A locus in 1q41. The USH2A gene (MIM 276901) has been identified: three mutations, 2314delG, 2913delG, and 4353-54delC, were initially reported in USH2A patients, the most frequent of which is the 2314delG mutation. It has been reported that this mutation can give rise to typical and atypical USH2 phenotypes. USH2 cases represent 62% of all USH cases in the Spanish population, and 95% of these cases have provided evidence of linkage to the USH2A locus. In the present study, the three reported mutations were analyzed in 59 Spanish families with a diagnosis of USH type II. The 2314delG was the only mutation identified in our population: it was detected in 25% of families and 16% of USH2 chromosomes analyzed. This study attempts to estimate the prevalence of this common mutation in a homogeneous Spanish population.

  5. An experiment of formation of charmoni states in annihilation P-Pbarra. Un esperimento di formazione di stati del charmonio in annichilazione P-Pbarra (in Italian)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pallavicini, Marco


    Oggetto di questa tesi e la misura di alcune caratteristiche fisiche (massa, larghezza, e larghezza parziale in p -more » $$\\bar{p}$$) degli stati 3P 1 e 3P 2 del charmonio, -ovvero del sistema legato di un quark "charm" e del suo antiquark-, nell'amito dell'esperimento E-760, installato nell'accumulatore di antiprotoni del Fermilab.« less

  6. Segundo Catálogo Estelar del Hemisferio Sur con Astrolabio Fotoeléctrico PAII

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Manrique, W. T.; Podestá, R. C.; Alonso, E.; Actis, E. V.; Pacheco, A. M.; Bustos, G.; Lizhi, L.; Zezhi, W.; Fanmiao, Z.; Hongqi, W.; Perdomo, R.

    Recordamos que entre el Observatorio Astronómico ``Félix Aguilar'', el Observatorio Astronómico de Beijing y el Observatorio Astronómico de La Plata, se ha convenido en desarrollar un Proyecto de Investigación conjunto, para la observación sistemática de estrellas en el Hemisferio Sur, con el objeto de la elaboración de un Catálogo Estelar Global utilizando un Astrolabio Fotoeléctrico PAII del Observatorio de Beijing, que ha sido usado con éxito en la República de China. En este trabajo se presenta el Segundo Catálogo Estelar del Hemisferio Sur, derivado de las observaciones realizadas con el PAII instalado en el OAFA, durante el períiodo Febrero de 1992 a Marzo de 1997. En este lapso se han observado mas de 400000 pasajes estelares, obteniéndose las correcciones Δ α y Δ δ de 5241 estrellas del FK4, FK5, FK5 Ext., SRS, CAMC y GC. Las precisiones medias son del orden de ± 3,2 ms en ascensión recta y ±0."057 en declinación. Rango de magnitudes : 2,0 a 11,5 Rango de declinaciones : -3o a -60o Epoca Media : 1994.9 Se analizan los residuos en función de la magnitud y tipo espectral, correcciones de grupo y frecuencia de distribución Δ α y Δ δ.

  7. Interdisciplinary Unit: La Isla del Encanto (The Enchanted Island).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ford-Guerrera, Rebecca

    This document presents a series of 14 lesson plans in an interdisciplinary Spanish unit on "La isla del encanto/The Enchanted Island." The materials were prepared for students in grades 5 or 6 who have had basic Spanish instruction in previous grades. The students should also be familiar with basic concepts in English such as math…

  8. Association of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR 677C>T) and thymidylate synthase (TSER and TS 1494del6) polymorphisms with premature ovarian failure in Korean women.


    Rah, HyungChul; Jeon, Young Joo; Choi, Youngsok; Shim, Sung Han; Yoon, Tae Ki; Choi, Dong Hee; Cha, Sun Hee; Kim, Nam Keun


    The aim of our study was to investigate whether methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (MTHFR) gene variant (MTHFR 677C>T) and thymidylate synthase (TS) gene variants (TS enhancer region [TSER] and TS 1494del6) confer a risk for premature ovarian failure (POF). We genotyped 136 POF patients and 236 controls among Korean women for the three single nucleotide polymorphism sites using polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. Differences in the MTHFR 677C>T, TSER, and TS 1494del6 genotype frequencies between POF patients and controls were compared, and odds ratios (ORs) and 95% CIs were determined as a measure of the strength of the association between genotypes and POF. The MTHFR 677CT and CT + TT variant genotypes were more frequent in POF patients than in controls (OR, 2.249; 95% CI, 1.317-3.843; and OR, 2.132; 95% CI, 1.268-3.585, respectively). The combined genotype frequencies of MTHFR 677CT + TT/TSER 3R3R and 677CT + TT/TS 1494del6 del6/del6 were higher in patients than in controls (OR, 2.300; 95% CI, 1.219-4.337; and OR, 3.314; 95% CI, 1.623-6.767, respectively). The T-3R-del6 and T-2R-del6 (MTHFR 677C>T/TSER/TS 1494del6) haplotypes were more frequent in patients (OR, 1.450; 95% CI, 1.050-2.002; and OR, 2.911; 95% CI, 1.191-7.117, respectively), whereas the C-2R-del6 haplotype was less frequent in patients (OR, 0.372; 95% CI, 0.152-0.912). The T-del6 (MTHFR 677/TS 1494del6) haplotype frequency was higher among patients (OR, 1.653; 95% CI, 1.206-2.266), whereas the C-del6 haplotype frequency was lower among patients (OR, 0.700; 95% CI, 0.516-0.950). We did not find an association between TSER or TS 1494del6 polymorphisms and POF. Our data suggest that the MTHFR 677T allele may increase the risk for POF, which could lead to the development of novel genetic markers for predicting the risk of POF in patients.

  9. Prevalencia y tamizaje del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad en Costa Rica

    PubMed Central

    Weiss, Nicholas T.; Schuler, Jovita; Monge, Silvia; McGough, James J.; Chavira, Denise; Bagnarello, Monica; Herrera, Luis Diego; Mathews, Carol A.


    Resumen La investigación tuvo como propósito estimar la prevalencia del Trastorno por Déficit de Atención con Hiperactividad (TDAH) en Costa Rica y determinar si la versión en español del cuestionario Swanson Nolan and Pelham Scale IV (SNAP-IV) es un instrumento de tamizaje útil en una población de niños y niñas escolares costarricenses. El instrumento fue entregado a padres y maestros de 425 niños entre 5 y 13 años de edad (promedio = 8.8). Todos fueron evaluados con el instrumento Swanson, Kotkin, Agler, M-Flynn and Pelham Scale (SKAMP). Su diagnóstico fue confirmado con una entrevista clínica. La sensibilidad y la especificidad del SNAP-IV fueron evaluadas como predictores de criterios de diagnóstico según el DSM-IV. La prevalencia puntual en la muestra del TDAH fue del 5%. El tamizaje más preciso lo hizo el SNAP-IV completado por el maestro en un corte de 20%, con una sensibilidad de 96% y una especificidad de un 82%. La sensibilidad de los instrumentos completados por los padres fue más baja que aquella de los maestros. El SNAP-IV completado por las maestras con un corte aislando el 20% de los mayores puntajes categorizó correctamente a un 87% de los sujetos. PMID:22432094

  10. Systematically frameshifting by deletion of every 4th or 4th and 5th nucleotides during mitochondrial transcription: RNA self-hybridization regulates delRNA expression.


    Seligmann, Hervé


    In mitochondria, secondary structures punctuate post-transcriptional RNA processing. Recently described transcripts match the human mitogenome after systematic deletions of every 4th, respectively every 4th and 5th nucleotides, called delRNAs. Here I explore predicted stem-loop hairpin formation by delRNAs, and their associations with delRNA transcription and detected peptides matching their translation. Despite missing 25, respectively 40% of the nucleotides in the original sequence, del-transformed sequences form significantly more secondary structures than corresponding randomly shuffled sequences, indicating biological function, independently of, and in combination with, previously detected delRNA and thereof translated peptides. Self-hybridization decreases delRNA abundances, indicating downregulation. Systematic deletions of the human mitogenome reveal new, unsuspected coding and structural informations. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. [Not Available].


    Flores Navarro-Pérez, Carmen; González-Jiménez, Emilio; Schmidt-RioVilla, Jacqueline; Meneses-Echávez, José Francisco; Correa-Bautista, Jorge Enrique; Correa-Rodríguez, María; Ramírez-Vélez, Robinson


    Objetivos: los objetivos de este estudio fueron analizar el nivel nutricional en una población de niños y adolescentes colombianos y determinar la posible relación entre el nivel nutricional y el estado nutricional según el índice de masa corporal (IMC) y la circunferencia de cintura (CC).Material y métodos: estudio transversal en 6.383 niños y adolescentes de entre 9 y 17,9 años de edad, de Bogotá, Colombia. Se aplicó de manera autodiligenciada el cuestionario Krece Plus validado en el estudio enKid como indicador del nivel nutricional con las categorías alto (test ≥ 9), medio (test 6-8) y bajo (test ≤ 5). Se tomaron medidas de peso, talla, CC, y se calculó el IMC como marcadores del estado nutricional.Resultados: de la población general, el 57,9% eran chicas (promedio de edad 12,7 ± 2,3 años). En todas las categorías del IMC, más del 50% de chicos y chicas siguen una dieta de muy baja calidad, que empeora progresivamente con el avance en edad. En ambos sexos, se observaron tendencias entre un nivel nutricional muy bajo con el desarrollo de sobrepeso. Asimismo, la obesidad abdominal por CC se relacionó con una puntuación baja en el Krece Plus en ambos sexos.Conclusiones: en escolares de Bogotá, una dieta de muy baja calidad se relacionó con alteraciones del estado nutricional (IMC y CC), especialmente entre chicas y adolescentes. Estos resultados deben alentar el desarrollo de intervenciones orientadas a mejorar los hábitos nutricionales entre los escolares colombianos.

  12. Life Support Systems. Environment Booklet 1. Teacher's Edition=Sistemas vitales. Libro del medio ambiente 1. Manual para El Maestro.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    California State Univ., Los Angeles. National Dissemination and Assessment Center.

    The booklet is part of a grade 10-12 social studies series produced for bilingual education. The series consists of six major thematic modules, with four to five booklets in each. The interdisciplinary modules are based on major ideas and designed to help students understand some major human problems and make sound, responsive decisions to improve…

  13. Null geodesics and wave front singularities in the Gödel space-time

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kling, Thomas P.; Roebuck, Kevin; Grotzke, Eric


    We explore wave fronts of null geodesics in the Gödel metric emitted from point sources both at, and away from, the origin. For constant time wave fronts emitted by sources away from the origin, we find cusp ridges as well as blue sky metamorphoses where spatially disconnected portions of the wave front appear, connect to the main wave front, and then later break free and vanish. These blue sky metamorphoses in the constant time wave fronts highlight the non-causal features of the Gödel metric. We introduce a concept of physical distance along the null geodesics, and show that for wave fronts of constant physical distance, the reorganization of the points making up the wave front leads to the removal of cusp ridges.

  14. Functional characterization of a basic helix-loop-helix (bHLH) transcription factor GhDEL65 from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum).


    Shangguan, Xiao-Xia; Yang, Chang-Qing; Zhang, Xiu-Fang; Wang, Ling-Jian


    Cotton fiber is proposed to share some similarity with the Arabidopsis thaliana leaf trichome, which is regulated by the MYB-bHLH-WD40 transcription complex. Although several MYB transcription factors and WD40 family proteins in cotton have been characterized, little is known about the role of bHLH family proteins in cotton. Here, we report that GhDEL65, a bHLH protein from cotton (Gossypium hirsutum), is a functional homologue of Arabidopsis GLABRA3 (GL3) and ENHANCER OF GLABRA3 (EGL3) in regulating trichome development. Transcripts of GhDEL65 were detected in 0 ∼ 1 days post-anthesis (DPA) ovules and abundant in 3-DPA fibers, implying that GhDEL65 may act in early fiber development. Ectopic expression of GhDEL65 in Arabidopsis gl3 egl3 double mutant partly rescued the trichome development, and constitutive expression of GhDEL65 in wild-type plants led to increased trichome density on rosette leaves and stems, mainly by activating the transcription of two key positive regulators of trichome development, GLABRA1 (GL1) and GLABRA2 (GL2), and suppressed the expression of a R3 single-repeat MYB factor TRIPTYCHON (TRY). GhDEL65 could interact with cotton R2R3 MYB transcription factors GhMYB2 and GhMYB3, as well as the WD40 protein GhTTG3, suggesting that the MYB-bHLH-WD40 protein complex also exists in cotton fiber cell, though its function in cotton fiber development awaits further investigation. © 2016 Scandinavian Plant Physiology Society.

  15. Desarrollo de la Escala sobre el Estigma Relacionado con el VIH/SIDA para Profesionales de la Salud mediante el uso de métodos mixtos123

    PubMed Central

    Varas-Díaz, Nelson; Neilands, Torsten B.; Guilamo-Ramos, Vincent; Cintrón Bou, Francheska N.


    El estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA continúa siendo un obstáculo para la prevención primaria y secundaria del VIH. Las consecuencias para las personas que viven con la enfermedad han sido muy documentadas y continúan siendo una gran preocupación para las personas que proveen servicios de salud y para aquellas que investigan el tema. Estas consecuencias son preocupantes cuando el estigma emana de profesionales de la salud porque se puede limitar el acceso a los servicios. Uno de los principales obstáculos para la investigación del estigma relacionado con el VIH en Puerto Rico es la falta de instrumentos cuantitativos para evaluar las manifestaciones del estigma entre profesionales de la salud. El objetivo principal de este estudio fue desarrollar y probar las propiedades psicométricas de una escala sobre el estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA culturalmente apropiada para personas que proveen servicios de salud puertorriqueñas y desarrollar una versión corta de la escala que pudiera usarse en escenarios clínicos con tiempo limitado. El instrumento desarrollado estuvo basado en evidencia cualitativa recopilada entre profesionales y estudiantes de profesiones de la salud puertorriqueños/as (n=80) y administrado a una muestra de 421 profesionales de la salud en adiestramiento. La escala contenía 12 dimensiones del estigma relacionado con el VIH/SIDA. El análisis cuantitativo corroboró 11 de ellas, teniendo como resultado un instrumento con validez y confiabilidad satisfactoria. Estas dimensiones, a su vez, fueron subcomponentes de un factor de estigma general superior. PMID:20333258

  16. Impacto del Seguro Popular en el gasto catastrófico y de bolsillo en el México rural y urbano, 2005–2008

    PubMed Central

    Sosa-Rubí, Sandra G; Salinas-Rodríguez, Aarón; Galárraga, Omar


    Objetivo Estimar el efecto del Seguro Popular (SP) sobre la incidencia del gasto catastrófico en salud (GCS) y sobre el gasto de bolsillo en salud (GBS) en el mediano plazo. Material y métodos Con base en la Encuesta de Evaluación del Seguro Popular (2005–2008), se analizaron los resultados del efecto del SP en la cohorte rural para dos años de seguimiento (2006 y 2008) y en la cohorte urbana para un año (2008). Resultados A nivel conglomerado no se detectaron efectos del SP. A nivel hogar se encontró que el SP tiene un efecto protector en el GCS y en el GBS en consulta externa y hospitalización en zonas rurales; y efectos significativos en la reducción de GBS en consulta externa en zonas urbanas. Conclusiones El SP se muestra como un programa efectivo para proteger a los hogares contra gastos de bolsillo por motivos de salud en el mediano plazo. PMID:22282205

  17. Wave maps from Gödel's universe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barletta, Elisabetta; Dragomir, Sorin; Magliaro, Marco


    Using a result by Koch (1988 Trans. Am. Math. Soc. 307 827-41) we realize Gödel's universe G_{α }^{4}=({{{R}}^{4}},{{g}_{α}}) as the total space of a principal {R}-bundle over a strictly pseudo-convex CR manifold M3 and exploit the analogy between {{g}_{Yalpha;}} and Fefferman's metric {{F}_{θ}} (Fefferman 1976 Ann. Math. 103 395-416 104 393-4) to show that for any {R}-invariant wave map Φ of G_{α}^{4} into a Riemannian manifold N, the corresponding base map φ :{{M}^{3}}\\to N is subelliptic harmonic, with respect to a canonical choice of contact form θ on M3. We show that the subelliptic Jacobi operator J_{b}^{φ} of ϕ has a discrete Dirichlet spectrum on any bounded domain D\\subset {{M}^{3}} supporting the Poincaré inequality on \\mathop{W}\\limits^{\\circ }{}_{H}^{1,2}(D,{{φ}^{-1}}TN) and Kondrakov compactness, i.e. compactness of the embedding \\mathop{W}\\limits^{\\circ }{}_{H}^{1,2}(D,{{φ }^{-1}}TN)\\hookrightarrow {{L}^{2}}(D,{{φ}^{-1}}TN). We exhibit an explicit solution π :G_{α}^{4}\\to {{M}^{3}} to the wave map system on G_{α}^{4}, of index in{{d}^{Ω}}(π)\\geqslant 1 for any bounded domain Ω \\subset G_{α}^{4}. Mounoud's distance (Mounoud 2001 Differ. Geom. Appl. 15 47-57) d_{{{G}_{0}}, Ω }^{∞}({{g}_{α }}, {{F}_{θ}}) is bounded below by a constant depending only on the rotation frequency of Gödel's universe, thus giving a measure of the bias of {{g}_{α}} from being Fefferman like in the region Ω \\subset {{{R}}^{4}}.

  18. Biotic association and palaeoenvironmental reconstruction of the "Loma del Pterodaustro" fossil site (Early Cretaceous, Argentina)

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Chiappe, L.; Rivarola, D.; Cione, A.; Fregenal-Martinez, M.; Sozzi, H.; Buatois, L.; Gallego, O.; Laza, J.; Romero, E.; Lopez-Arbarello, A.; Buscalioni, A.; Marsicano, C.; Adamonis, S.; Ortega, F.; McGehee, S.; Di, Iorio O.


    A sedimentological analysis of the basal section of the Early Cretaceous, lacustrine Lagarcito Formation at "Loma del Pterodaustro" (San Luis, Argentina) and a summary of its biological components are presented. Three sedimentological facies can be recognized in the basal sequence of the Lagarcito Formation. Fossil remains are particularly abundant in laminated claystones of a facies interpreted as deposits formed in offshore areas of the lake. The preservation of delicate structures allows recognition of these deposits as a Konservat Lagersta??tte. Up to now, rocks at "Loma del Pterodaustro" have yielded plants, conchostracans, semionotid and pleuropholid fishes, pterodactyloid pterosaurs, and a variety of invertebrate traces. The chronology of the Lagarcito Formation is discussed and it is concluded that this unit is of Albian age. The palaeoenvironment of deposition of the basal sequence of the Lagarcito Formation at "Loma del Pterodaustro" is interpreted as a perennial, shallow lake developed within an alluvial plain, under semiarid climatic conditions.

  19. Integrated global background monitoring network. Preliminary results from Torres del Paine and Olympic National Parks

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wiersma, G.B.; Kohler, A.; Boelcke, C.


    During 1984, a pilot project was initiated for monitoring pollution at Torres del Paine National Park in southern Chile and Olympic National Park in the United States. These are two of three initial sites that are to be established as part of an integrated global backgound monitoring network. Eventually, the plan is to establish a world-wide system of such sites. We collected and analyzed samples of the soil, water, air, and two species of plants (moss and lichen). We also collected and analyzed samples of the forest litter. We compared the samples of soil and vegetation against reference samples. Wemore » also compared samples of soil, vegetation, and of organic material from Torres del Paine against similar samples from Olympic and Sequoia-Kings Canyon National Parks in the United States. Although the data is preliminary, it is in agreement with out initial hypothesis that Torres del Paine and Olympic National Parks are not a polluted sites.« less

  20. Development and validation of an automated delirium risk assessment system (Auto-DelRAS) implemented in the electronic health record system.


    Moon, Kyoung-Ja; Jin, Yinji; Jin, Taixian; Lee, Sun-Mi


    A key component of the delirium management is prevention and early detection. To develop an automated delirium risk assessment system (Auto-DelRAS) that automatically alerts health care providers of an intensive care unit (ICU) patient's delirium risk based only on data collected in an electronic health record (EHR) system, and to evaluate the clinical validity of this system. Cohort and system development designs were used. Medical and surgical ICUs in two university hospitals in Seoul, Korea. A total of 3284 patients for the development of Auto-DelRAS, 325 for external validation, 694 for validation after clinical applications. The 4211 data items were extracted from the EHR system and delirium was measured using CAM-ICU (Confusion Assessment Method for Intensive Care Unit). The potential predictors were selected and a logistic regression model was established to create a delirium risk scoring algorithm to construct the Auto-DelRAS. The Auto-DelRAS was evaluated at three months and one year after its application to clinical practice to establish the predictive validity of the system. Eleven predictors were finally included in the logistic regression model. The results of the Auto-DelRAS risk assessment were shown as high/moderate/low risk on a Kardex screen. The predictive validity, analyzed after the clinical application of Auto-DelRAS after one year, showed a sensitivity of 0.88, specificity of 0.72, positive predictive value of 0.53, negative predictive value of 0.94, and a Youden index of 0.59. A relatively high level of predictive validity was maintained with the Auto-DelRAS system, even one year after it was applied to clinical practice. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  1. La utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales en la ensenanza de biologia y su efecto sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en los estudiantes universitarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gonzalez Rivera, Maria M.

    Se investigo el efecto de los mapas conceptuales sobre el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis en estudiantes universitarios. La investigacion utilizo dos estrategias: mapas conceptuales individuales y mapas conceptuales colaborativos, con el fin de investigar si existen diferencias significativas en el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis. El analisis de los datos incluyo aspectos cualitativos y cuantitativos. Se desprende del estudio que el 80% de los estudiantes describen la utilizacion de los mapas conceptuales como una experiencia beneficiosa. El 70% de los estudiantes expreso que los mapas conceptuales son utiles en el aprendizaje del proceso de fotosintesis y el 61% indico que facilitan la comprension de los conceptos. Los hallazgos mas importantes del analisis cuantitativo indican que los estudiantes que utilizaron los mapas conceptuales mejoraron significativamente su desempeno en la posprueba global. Se utilizo la prueba Mann-Whitney para investigar si existian diferencias significativas en la posprueba y preprueba global, el valor de W = 1945.0, para un valor p de 0.00, lo cual establece diferencias significativas. Para determinar si existian diferencias significativas entre la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual, se realizo la prueba nuevamente. El valor de W correspondio a 490.5, que es significativo, con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluye que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo individual. Los datos proveen suficiente evidencia para sostener que los estudiantes que utilizaron la estrategia de mapas conceptuales individuales mejoraron el dominio del proceso de fotosintesis significativamente. Se realizo nuevamente la prueba para los resultados de posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. El valor de W correspondio a 446 con un valor p de 0.00. Se concluyo que existen diferencias significativas entre la ejecucion de la posprueba y preprueba del grupo colaborativo. Finalmente, se efectuo una

  2. Violación del Principio de Equivalencia en Teorías con Dilatón de Cuerdas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Landau, S. J.; Sisterna, P. D.; Vucetich, H.

    Se estudian las violaciones al Principio de Equivalencia en Teorías con Dilatón de Cuerdas. En estos modelos, algunas de las constantes fundamentales dependen del espacio y del tiempo. Se muestra que los experimentos de caída libre no tienen aún precisión como para poner límites a los parámetros de la teoría.

  3. History and use of del Nido cardioplegia solution at Boston Children's Hospital.


    Matte, Gregory S; del Nido, Pedro J


    Cardioplegia is an integral and essential method of myocardial protection for patients of all ages requiring cardiac surgery in which the heart must be stopped. Numerous cardioplegia solutions and delivery methods have been developed. The del Nido cardioplegia solution has been in use for 18 years at Boston Children's Hospital. This is a unique four parts crystalloid to one part whole blood formulation that is generally used in a single-dose fashion. Although the formulation was originally developed for use in pediatric and infant patients, its use for adult cardiac surgery has been expanding. National and international inquiries to our institution regarding this cardioplegia have been increasing over the last 2 years. We present the developmental history, supporting theory, and current protocol for use of what is now referred to as del Nido cardioplegia.

  4. F508del-CFTR rescue: a matter of cell stress response.


    Nieddu, Erika; Pollarolo, Benedetta; Merello, Luisa; Schenone, Silvia; Mazzei, Mauro


    Cystic fibrosis (CF) is a common inherited fatal disease affecting 70,000 people worldwide, with a median predicted age of survival of approximately 38 years. The deletion of Phenylalanine in position 508 of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (F508del-CFTR) is the most common mutation in CF patients: the deleted protein, not properly folded, is degraded. To date no commercial drugs are available. Low temperature, some osmolytes and conditions able to induce heat shock protein 70 (Hsp70) expression and heat shock cognate 70 (Hsc70) inhibition result in F508del-CFTR rescue, hence restoring its physiological function: this review sheds light on the correlation between these several evidences. Interestingly, all these approaches have a role in the cell stress response (CSR), a set of cell reactions to stress. In addition, unpredictably, F508del-CFTR rescue has to be considered in the frame of CSR: entities that induce - or are induced during - the CSR are, in general, also able to correct trafficking defect of CFTR. Specifically, the low temperature induces, by definition, a CSR; osmolytes, such as glycerol and trimethylamine N-oxide (TMAO), are products of the CSR; pharmacological correctors, such as Matrine and 4-phenylbutirric acid (4PBA), down-regulate the constitutive Hsc70 in favor of an up-regulation of the inducible chaperone Hsp70, another component of the CSR. The identification of a common mechanism of action for different types of correctors could drive the discovery of new active molecules in CF, overcoming methods clinically inapplicable, such as the low temperature.

  5. A review on Balanites aegyptiaca Del (desert date): phytochemical constituents, traditional uses, and pharmacological activity

    PubMed Central

    Chothani, Daya L.; Vaghasiya, H. U.


    Balanites aegyptiaca Del. (Zygophyllaceae), known as ‘desert date,’ is spiny shrub or tree up to l0 m tall, widely distributed in dry land areas of Africa and South Asia. It is traditionally used in treatment of various ailments i.e. jaundice, intestinal worm infection, wounds, malaria, syphilis, epilepsy, dysentery, constipation, diarrhea, hemorrhoid, stomach aches, asthma, and fever. It contains protein, lipid, carbohydrate, alkaloid, saponin, flavonoid, and organic acid. Present review summarizes the traditional claims, phytochemistry, and pharmacology of B. aegyptiaca Del reported in scientific literature. PMID:22096319

  6. Meningiomas del foramen magno: Reporte de 12 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Roman, Guillermo; Rivadeneira, Conrado


    Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de meningiomas del foramen magno (MFM), de localización anterior o lateral, operados con técnicas microquirúrgicas. Método: Desde Junio de 2005 a Diciembre de 2016, 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de MFM fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Se evaluó: edad, sexo, localización de la lesión (anterior o lateral), sintomatología, tipo de abordaje utilizado y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los pacientes intervenidos, 8 fueron mujeres y 4 varones. La edad promedio fue de 47 años. La localización fue anterior en 8 casos y lateral en 4 casos. La sintomatología más frecuente fue dolor occipito-cervical (8 casos), seguido de tetraparesia (3 casos). En los pacientes con MFM de localización anterior se realizó un abordaje extremo-lateral transcondilar (ELTC), mientras que en los tumores laterales el abordaje fue extremo-lateral retrocondilar (ELRC). En 10 casos la resección fue completa. En dos pacientes fue necesario dejar una pequeña lámina de meningioma sobre la arteria vertebral y a nivel del foramen yugular. Como complicaciones postoperatorias, 3 pacientes presentaron una paresia del XII nervio craneano y 2 pacientes paresia del XI nervio craneano; además, 1 paciente presentó una fístula de LCR. Conclusión: La cirugía de los MFM de localización anterior y lateral puede ser realizada de forma segura y efectiva. Es necesario: a) buen conocimiento anatómico de la región; b) disecar los músculos de la nuca en 2 planos, exponiendo el triángulo suboccipital y la arteria vertebral (AV); 3) realizar un abordaje ELRC en los tumores laterales, y ELTC en los tumores anteriores; y 4) buena técnica microquirúrgica. PMID:29142778

  7. Synthetic Spectral Analysis of the Far Ultraviolet Spectra of the Old Nova HR Del

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robertson, Jordan; Sion, E.


    We present a synthetic spectral analysis of the archival IUE far ultraviolet spectra of the post-nova, HR Del (Nova Del 1967). The system has an estimated white dwarf mass of 0.55 Msun (Ritter and Kolb 2003), orbital period P_orb = 0.214165 days, estimated orbital inclination of 40 degrees (Keurster 1988) and distance determinations in the literature ranging from 970 pc to 285 pc. The spectra reveal P Cygni profiles indicative of wind outflow from the disk and closely resemble the IUE spectra of UX UMa nova-likes, which have never had recorded outbursts. We de-reddened the archival IUE spectra using E(B-V) = 0.16. Our synthetic spectral analysis utilized optically thick, steady state accretion disk models and white dwarf model atmospheres that we constructed using TLUSTY and SYNSPEC (Hubeny 1988, Hubeny and Lanz (1995). Our input parameters were the white dwarf mass, inclination and a range of accretion rates for which we found the best-fitting model. We report the results of our model fitting and compare HR Del with other post-novae at comparable times past their nova outburst. This work was supported by NSF grant 0807892 to Villanova University

  8. La meridiana di Egnazio Danti nella Torre dei Venti in Vaticano: un'icona della riforma Gregoriana del calendario

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sigismondi, Costantino


    La Torre dei Venti domina l’angolo Sud Ovest del cortile della Pigna (nell'area dei Musei Vaticani), ed è inclusa negli ambienti dell'Archivio Segreto Vaticano. Non è aperta al pubblico, ma è universalmente nota per la fama che da oltre quattrocento anni la circonda, legata alle vicende della riforma Gregoriana del calendario. La meridiana tracciata da padre Egnazio Danti (1536-1586) nella torre dei Venti, fu visitata anche da Gregorio XIII, probabilmente il 21 marzo 1581 come suppone il padre Stein, per convincersi dell'anticipo ormai arrivato a dieci giorni dell'equinozio di primavera sulla data che il concilio di Nicea aveva fissato al 21 marzo per il computo pasquale. La ricognizione astrometrica del febbraio-marzo 2009 fatta dall'autore viene qui presentata.

  9. Increasing the Endoplasmic Reticulum Pool of the F508del Allele of the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane Conductance Regulator Leads to Greater Folding Correction by Small Molecule Therapeutics.


    Chung, W Joon; Goeckeler-Fried, Jennifer L; Havasi, Viktoria; Chiang, Annette; Rowe, Steven M; Plyler, Zackery E; Hong, Jeong S; Mazur, Marina; Piazza, Gary A; Keeton, Adam B; White, E Lucile; Rasmussen, Lynn; Weissman, Allan M; Denny, R Aldrin; Brodsky, Jeffrey L; Sorscher, Eric J


    Small molecules that correct the folding defects and enhance surface localization of the F508del mutation in the Cystic Fibrosis Transmembrane conductance Regulator (CFTR) comprise an important therapeutic strategy for cystic fibrosis lung disease. However, compounds that rescue the F508del mutant protein to wild type (WT) levels have not been identified. In this report, we consider obstacles to obtaining robust and therapeutically relevant levels of F508del CFTR. For example, markedly diminished steady state amounts of F508del CFTR compared to WT CFTR are present in recombinant bronchial epithelial cell lines, even when much higher levels of mutant transcript are present. In human primary airway cells, the paucity of Band B F508del is even more pronounced, although F508del and WT mRNA concentrations are comparable. Therefore, to augment levels of "repairable" F508del CFTR and identify small molecules that then correct this pool, we developed compound library screening protocols based on automated protein detection. First, cell-based imaging measurements were used to semi-quantitatively estimate distribution of F508del CFTR by high content analysis of two-dimensional images. We evaluated ~2,000 known bioactive compounds from the NIH Roadmap Molecular Libraries Small Molecule Repository in a pilot screen and identified agents that increase the F508del protein pool. Second, we analyzed ~10,000 compounds representing diverse chemical scaffolds for effects on total CFTR expression using a multi-plate fluorescence protocol and describe compounds that promote F508del maturation. Together, our findings demonstrate proof of principle that agents identified in this fashion can augment the level of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) resident "Band B" F508del CFTR suitable for pharmacologic correction. As further evidence in support of this strategy, PYR-41-a compound that inhibits the E1 ubiquitin activating enzyme-was shown to synergistically enhance F508del rescue by C18, a small

  10. Cayler cardiofacial syndrome and del 22q11: Part of the CATCH22 phenotype

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Giannotti, A.; Digilio, M.C.; Marino, B.


    The authors report evidence supporting the hypothesis that del(22)(q11) can be a pathogenetic mechanism for the association between hypoplasia of the depressor anguli oris muscle (DAOM) and conotruncal cardiac malformations. A series of over 180 patients was investigated with deletions of 22q11 with conotruncal defects. About 2/3 of these patients had isolated, nonfamilial cardiac defects. Hemizygosity was searched using the HD7k probe and densitometric analysis. In the patients with molecular evidence of del(22)(q11), hemizygosity was confirmed also using fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) with SC11.1 probe. No deletion was found in the parents of hemizygous patients. 16 refs.

  11. [Tierra del Fuego: the scientific-political construction of exclusion and counter-image of the ideal city dweller].


    Nacach, Gabriela


    Due to its late incorporation into the national State, the social, economic and political setting of the Argentine province Tierra del Fuego differed from that of the rest of the national territory. In the construction of dependent otherness, objectifications and representations were imposed by state-related and non-state-related institutions, among other agencies. In this context, the Salesian mission of La Candelaria and Ushuaia's Jail for recidivists stand out as spaces in which biopolitics was concretised. The native population and criminals in Tierra del Fuego were those to be subjugated. The thesis of the extinction of the Indian and the simultaneous exaltation of the criminal as the subject of progress identified the scientific and political mechanisms by which the exclusion of certain social groups (Tierra del Fuego's indigenous population) and the inclusion of others (criminals) were regulated.

  12. Atypical E2F transcriptional repressor DEL1 acts at the intersection of plant growth and immunity by controlling the hormone salicylic acid.


    Chandran, Divya; Rickert, Joshua; Huang, Yingxiang; Steinwand, Michael A; Marr, Sharon K; Wildermuth, Mary C


    In plants, the activation of immunity is often inversely correlated with growth. Mechanisms that control plant growth in the context of pathogen challenge and immunity are unclear. Investigating Arabidopsis infection with the powdery mildew fungus, we find that the Arabidopsis atypical E2F DEL1, a transcriptional repressor known to promote cell proliferation, represses accumulation of the hormone salicylic acid (SA), an established regulator of plant immunity. DEL1-deficient plants are more resistant to pathogens and slightly smaller than wild-type. The resistance and size phenotypes of DEL1-deficient plants are due to the induction of SA and activation of immunity in the absence of pathogen challenge. Moreover, Enhanced Disease Susceptibility 5 (EDS5), a SA transporter required for elevated SA and immunity, is a direct repressed target of DEL1. Together, these findings indicate that DEL1 control of SA levels contributes to regulating the balance between growth and immunity in developing leaves. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Taos Smart Growth Implementation Assistance: Concepts for the Paseo del Pueblo Sur Corridor

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    This report describes a technical assistance project with Taos, NM, to help make development along State Highway 68, the Paseo del Pueblo Sur commercial corridor, economically stronger and more attractive.

  14. Analysis of density and epitopes of D antigen on the surface of erythrocytes from DEL phenotypic individuals carrying the RHD1227A allele.


    Gu, Juan; Sun, An-Yuan; Wang, Xue-Dong; Shao, Chao-Peng; Li, Zheng; Huang, Li-Hua; Pan, Zhao-Lin; Wang, Qing-Ping; Sun, Guang-Ming


    The characteristics of the D antigen are important as they influence the immunogenicity of D variant cells. Several studies on antigenic sites have been reported in normal D positive, weak D and partial D cases, including a comprehensive analysis of DEL types in Caucasians. The aim of this study was to assess D antigen density and epitopes on the erythrocyte surface of Asian type DEL phenotypic individuals carrying the RHD1227A allele in the Chinese population. A total of 154 DEL phenotypic individuals carrying the RHD1227A allele were identified through adsorption and elution tests and polymerase chain reaction analysis with sequence-specific primers in the Chinese population. D antigen density on the erythrocyte surface of these individuals was detected using a flow cytometric method. An erythrocyte sample with known D antigen density was used as a standard. Blood samples from D-negative and D-positive individuals were used as controls. In addition, D antigen epitopes on the erythrocyte surface of DEL individuals carrying the RHD1227A allele were investigated with 18 monoclonal anti-D antibodies specific for different D antigen epitopes. The means of the median fluorescence intensity of D antigen on the erythrocyte membrane surface of D-negative, D-positive and DEL individuals were 2.14±0.25, 193.61±11.43 and 2.45±0.82, respectively. The DEL samples were estimated to have approximately 22 D antigens per cell. The samples from all 154 DEL individuals reacted positively with 18 monoclonal anti-D antibodies specific for different D antigen epitopes. In this study, D antigen density on the erythrocyte surface of DEL individuals carrying the RHD1227A allele was extremely low, there being only very few antigenic molecules per cell, but the D antigen epitopes were grossly complete.

  15. Tratamiento Quirúrgico de los Meningiomas del Foramen Óptico, Técnicay Resultados de una Serie de 18 Pacientes

    PubMed Central

    Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Ajler, Pablo; Campero, Álvaro; Landriel, Federico; Sposito, Maximiliano; Carrizo, Antonio


    Introducción: los meningiomas del foramen óptico producen un rápido deterioro de la función visual aún cuando su tamaño es pequeño, por eso su diagnóstico y manejo difiere del resto de los meningiomas clinoideos. El propósito de este estudio es presentar la técnica y los resultados de nuestro manejo quirúrgico de meningiomas foraminales (MF). Pacientes y Métodos: se llevó a cabo una revisión de las historias clínicas de 47 pacientes con meningiomas primarios intraorbitarios. Se realizaron 52 cirugías en los pacientes con MF. Se empleó una craneotomía fronto-orbitaria, seguida de una descompresión extradural del canal óptico, resección del componente intraorbitario y exploración intradural del nervio óptico. Resultados: de los 12 pacientes con MF que presentaban la visión conservada, la agudeza visual fue preservada en 7 casos, mejoró en 2, y empeoró en 3. En 18 pacientes, el principal síntoma fue exoftalmos y en 35 pacientes ceguera unilateral. Ocurrieron 6 recurrencias, 2 a 10 años después de la resección quirúrgica. Cinco de ellos fueron reoperados. Se indicó radioterapia después de la recurrencia en 3 pacientes. Conclusión: el manejo de los MF continúa siendo controvertido y frecuentemente se propone un tratamiento conservador. Basados en nuestros hallazgos de frecuente extensión intracraneal, proponemos realizar una resección total o subtotal del tumor, preservando el nervio óptico en pacientes con visión prequirúrgica conservada. PMID:25165616

  16. Heat flow and thermal processes in the Jornada delMuerto, New Mexico

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Reiter, M.


    Most heat flow data in rifts are uncertain largely because of hydrologic disturbances in regions of extensive fracturing. Estimates of heat flow in deep petroleum tests within a large basin of the Rio Grande rift, which has suffered little syn-rift fracturing, may begin to provide clearer insight into the relationships between high heat flow and crustal thinning processes. The Jornada del Muerto is a large basin located in the Rio Grande rift of south central New Mexico. The region of interest within the Jornada del Muerto is centered about 30 km east of the town of Truth or Consequences, and is approximately 60 km north-south by 30 km east-west. High heat flows are estimated for the region. Values increase from about 90 mWm(-2) in the northern part of the study area to about 125 mWm(-2) in the southern part. These high heat flows are rather enigmatic because in the immediate vicinities of the sites there is little evidence of Cenozoic volcanism or syn-rift extensional tectonics. It is suggested that the geothermal anomaly in the southern Jornada del Muerto (approx. 125 to approx. 95 mWm(-2) results from some type of mass movement-heat transfer mechanism operating in the crust just below the elastic layer. This conclusion is consistent with the geologic and geophysical data which describe a thin crust, apparently devoid of features indicative of extensional-tectonics in the upper part of the lastic crust.

  17. Accounting for the Impact of Conservation on Human Well-Being

    PubMed Central

    Milner-Gulland, EJ; Mcgregor, JA; Agarwala, M; Atkinson, G; Bevan, P; Clements, T; Daw, T; Homewood, K; Kumpel, N; Lewis, J; Mourato, S; Palmer Fry, B; Redshaw, M; Rowcliffe, JM; Suon, S; Wallace, G; Washington, H; Wilkie, D


    Los conservacionistas cada vez más se comprometen con el concepto del bienestar humano para mejorar el diseño y la evaluación de sus intervenciones. Desde la convención de la influyente Comisión Sarkozy en 2009, los investigadores del desarrollo han estado refinando las conceptualizaciones y los marcos de trabajo para entender y medir el bienestar humano y están comenzando a convergir con un entendimiento común de cuál es la mejor forma de hacer esto. En la conservación el término bienestar humano tiene un uso amplio, pero existe la necesidad de la orientación en su operación para medir los impactos de las intervenciones de la conservación sobre la gente. Presentamos un marco de trabajo para entender el bienestar humano que podría ser útil particularmente en la conservación. El marco de trabajo incluye tres condiciones: cumplir con las necesidades, perseguir objetivos y experimentar una calidad satisfactoria de vida. Resumimos algunas de las complejidades involucradas en la evaluación de los efectos del bienestar de las intervenciones de la conservación con el entendimiento de que el bienestar varía entre la gente, en el tiempo y con las prioridades del evaluador. Los retos clave para la investigación de los impactos del bienestar de las intervenciones de la conservación incluyen la necesidad de crear una colección de estudios de caso para trazar lecciones generalizables: hacer uso del potencial de la tecnología moderna para apoyar la investigación del bienestar; y contextualizar espacial y temporalmente las evaluaciones de los impactos de la conservación sobre el bienestar dentro del marco más amplio del cambio social. Existen caminos que atraviesan la confusión que rodea al término bienestar, y los marcos de trabajo existentes, como el del acercamiento de Bienestar en Países en Desarrollo, pueden ayudar a los conservacionistas a negociar los obstáculos de la operación del concepto. Los conservacionistas tienen la oportunidad de

  18. Cambios históricos en el aporte terrígeno de la cuenca del Río de la Plata sobre la plataforma interna Uruguaya

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marrero, Analía; Tudurí, Adriana; Pérez, Laura; Cuña, Caroline; Muniz, Pablo; Lopes Figueira, Rubens; Michaelovitch de Mahiques, Michel; Alves de Lima Ferreira, Paulo; Pittauerová, Daniela; Hanebuth, Till; García Rodríguez, Felipe


    El Río de la Plata (RdlP) presenta significativas variaciones naturales (hidrodinámicas y oceanográficas) asociadas a diferentes condiciones climáticas. El propósito de este trabajo es inferir los cambios de aportes continentales de sedimentos y su relación con las variaciones hidrológicas del Río de la Plata, a través del análisis de proxies sedimentológicos y geoquímicos en testigos de sedimentos de la plataforma interna uruguaya que registran los últimos 100 años, aproximadamente. A partir de la datación por 210Pb de dos testigos de sedimentos (GeoB 13813-4 y BAR1) se reconstruyó la geocronología del ambiente, y se relacionó con datos de las forzantes climáticas Pacific Decadal Oscillation, El Niño/La Niña Southern Oscillation, Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation, y las anomalías hidrológicas de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay. Los valores más positivos y estables del Southern Oscillation Index, los cuales corresponden a fases La Niña, se observan en el periodo correspondiente entre 1910-1970, respecto al resto de la serie, donde se aprecia una mayor variabilidad y una tendencia hacia valores más negativos (eventos El Niño). Se hicieron dendrogramas (clustering) jerárquicos para ambos testigos. Para el testigo GeoB 13813-4, se utilizó la relación Ca/Ti y la granulometría, mientras que para BAR1 se recurrió a variables granulométricas y la tasa de sedimentación. El mayor aporte continental hacia la región de la plataforma adyacente al Río de la Plata registrado a partir del año 1970, podría ser el factor principal de los agrupamientos observados en los clusters para ambos testigos. Las agrupaciones mostraron una diferenciación en la década de 1970, lo que estaría asociado al aumento de los caudales de los ríos Paraná y Uruguay, durante las últimas tres décadas del siglo XX. Por otra parte se observa que la granulometría del testigo BAR1 presentó un mayor tamaño de grano y más variabilidad que en el caso del testigo Geo

  19. Prevalence of 185delAG and 5382insC mutations in BRCA1, and 6174delT in BRCA2 in women of Ashkenazi Jewish origin in southern Brazil

    PubMed Central

    Dillenburg, Crisle Vignol; Bandeira, Isabel Cristina; Tubino, Taiana Valente; Rossato, Luciana Grazziotin; Dias, Eleonora Souza; Bittelbrunn, Ana Cristina; Leistner-Segal, Sandra


    Certain mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are frequent in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Several factors contribute to this increased frequency, including consanguineous marriages and an event known as a “bottleneck”, which occurred in the past and caused a drastic reduction in the genetic variability of this population. Several studies were performed over the years in an attempt to elucidate the role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in susceptibility to breast cancer. The aim of this study was to estimate the carrier frequency of certain common mutations in the BRCA1 (185delAG and 5382insC) and BRCA2 (6174delT) genes in an Ashkenazi Jewish population from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Molecular analyses were done by PCR followed by RFLP (ACRS). The carrier frequencies for BRCA1 185delAG and 5382insC were 0.78 and 0 respectively, and 0.4 for the BRCA2 6174deT mutation. These findings are similar to those of some prior studies but differ from others, possibly due to excluding individuals with a personal or family history of cancer. Our sample was drawn from the community group and included individuals with or without a family or personal history of cancer. Furthermore, increased dispersion among Ashkenazi subpopulations may be the result of strong genetic drift and/or admixture. It is therefore necessary to consider the effects of local admixture on the mismatch distributions of various Jewish populations. PMID:23055798

  20. Prevalence of 185delAG and 5382insC mutations in BRCA1, and 6174delT in BRCA2 in women of Ashkenazi Jewish origin in southern Brazil.


    Dillenburg, Crisle Vignol; Bandeira, Isabel Cristina; Tubino, Taiana Valente; Rossato, Luciana Grazziotin; Dias, Eleonora Souza; Bittelbrunn, Ana Cristina; Leistner-Segal, Sandra


    Certain mutations in BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes are frequent in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. Several factors contribute to this increased frequency, including consanguineous marriages and an event known as a "bottleneck", which occurred in the past and caused a drastic reduction in the genetic variability of this population. Several studies were performed over the years in an attempt to elucidate the role of BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes in susceptibility to breast cancer. The aim of this study was to estimate the carrier frequency of certain common mutations in the BRCA1 (185delAG and 5382insC) and BRCA2 (6174delT) genes in an Ashkenazi Jewish population from Porto Alegre, Brazil. Molecular analyses were done by PCR followed by RFLP (ACRS). The carrier frequencies for BRCA1 185delAG and 5382insC were 0.78 and 0 respectively, and 0.4 for the BRCA2 6174deT mutation. These findings are similar to those of some prior studies but differ from others, possibly due to excluding individuals with a personal or family history of cancer. Our sample was drawn from the community group and included individuals with or without a family or personal history of cancer. Furthermore, increased dispersion among Ashkenazi subpopulations may be the result of strong genetic drift and/or admixture. It is therefore necessary to consider the effects of local admixture on the mismatch distributions of various Jewish populations.

  1. High precision ages from the Torres del Paine Intrusion, Chile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michel, J.; Baumgartner, L.; Cosca, M.; Ovtcharova, M.; Putlitz, B.; Schaltegger, U.


    The upper crustal bimodal Torres del Paine Intrusion, southern Chile, consists of the lower Paine-Mafic- Complex and the upper Paine-Granite. Geochronologically this bimodal complex is not well studied except for a few existing data from Halpern (1973) and Sanchez (2006). The aim of this study is to supplement the existing data and to constrain the age relations between the major magmatic pulses by applying high precision U-Pb dating on accessory zircons and 40Ar/39Ar-laser-step-heating-ages on biotites from the Torres del Paine Intrusion. The magmatic rocks from mafic complex are fine to medium-grained and vary in composition from quartz- monzonites to granodiorites and gabbros. Coarse-grained olivine gabbros have intruded these rocks in the west. The granitic body is represented by a peraluminous, biotite-orthoclase-granite and a more evolved leucocratic granite in the outer parts towards the host-rock. Field observations suggest a feeder-zone for the granite in the west and that the granite postdates the mafic complex. Two granite samples of the outermost margins in the Northeast and South were analyzed. The zircons were dated by precise isotope-dilution U-Pb techniques of chemically abraded single grains. The data are concordant within the analytical error and define weighted mean 206/238U ages of 12.59 ± 0.03 Ma and 12.58 ± 0.01 Ma for the two samples respectively. A 40Ar/39Ar-age for the second sample yield a date of 12.37 ± 0.11 Ma. Three 40Ar/39Ar -ages of biotites were obtained for rocks belonging to the mafic complex. A hbl-bio- granodiorite from the central part, approximately 150 m below the subhorizontal contact with the granite, gives an age of 12.81 ± 0.11 Ma. A hbl-bio-granodiorite and an olivine-gabbro west of the feeder-zone date at 12.42 ± 0.14 Ma and 12.49 ± 0.11 Ma, respectively. The obtained older age of 12.81 Ma for the granodiorite in the central part is consistent with structural relationships of brittle fracturing of the mafic

  2. Variation in mangrove forest structure and sediment characteristics in Bocas del Toro, Panama

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Lovelock, C.E.; Feller, Ilka C.; McKee, K.L.; Thompson, R.


    Mangrove forest structure and sediment characteristics were examined in the extensive mangroves of Bocas del Toro, Republic of Panama. Forest structure was characterized to determine if spatial vegetation patterns were repeated over the Bocas del Toro landscape. Using a series of permanent plots and transects we found that the forests of Bocas del Toro were dominated by Rhizophora mangle with very few individuals of Avicennia germinans and Laguncularia racemosa. Despite this low species diversity, there was large variation in forest structure and in edaphic conditions (salinity, concentration of available phosphorus, Eh and sulphide concentration). Aboveground biomass varied 20-fold, from 6.8 Mg ha-1 in dwarf forests to 194.3 Mg ha-1 in the forests fringing the land. But variation in forest structure was predictable across the intertidal zone. There was a strong tree height gradient from seaward fringe (mean tree height 3.9 m), decreasing in stature in the interior dwarf forests (mean tree height 0.7 m), and increasing in stature in forests adjacent to the terrestrial forest (mean tree height 4.1 m). The predictable variation in forest structure emerges due to the complex interactions among edaphic and plant factors. Identifying predictable patterns in forest structure will aid in scaling up the ecosystem services provided by mangrove forests in coastal landscapes. Copyright 2005 College of Arts and Sciences.

  3. CHEK2*1100delC homozygosity is associated with a high breast cancer risk in women.


    Adank, Muriel A; Jonker, Marianne A; Kluijt, Irma; van Mil, Saskia E; Oldenburg, Rogier A; Mooi, Wolter J; Hogervorst, Frans B L; van den Ouweland, Ans M W; Gille, Johan J P; Schmidt, Marjanka K; van der Vaart, Aad W; Meijers-Heijboer, Hanne; Waisfisz, Quinten


    Mutations in the CHEK2 gene confer a moderately increased breast cancer risk. The risk for female carriers of the CHEK2*1100delC mutation is twofold increased. Breast cancer risk for carrier women is higher in a familial breast cancer setting which is due to coinheritance of additional genetic risk factors. This study investigated the occurrence of homozygosity for the CHEK2*1100delC allele among familial breast cancer cases and the associated breast cancer risk. Homozygosity for the CHEK2*1100delC allele was identified in 8/2554 Dutch independent familial non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer cases. The genotype relative risk for breast cancer of homozygous and heterozygous familial breast cancer cases was 101.34 (95% CI 4.47 to 121 000) and 4.04 (95% CI 0.88 to 21.0), respectively. Female homozygotes appeared to have a greater than twofold increased breast cancer risk compared to familial CHEK2*1100delC heterozygotes (p=0.044). These results and the occurrence of multiple primary tumours in 7/10 homozygotes indicate a high cancer risk in homozygous women from non-BRCA1/2 families. Intensive breast surveillance is therefore justified in these homozygous women. It is concluded that diagnostic testing for biallelic mutations in CHEK2 is indicated in non-BRCA1/2 breast cancer families, especially in populations with a relatively high prevalence of deleterious mutations in CHEK2.

  4. Optimal time travel in the Gödel universe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Natário, José


    Using the theory of optimal rocket trajectories in general relativity, recently developed in Henriques and Natário (2011), we present a candidate for the minimum total integrated acceleration closed timelike curve in the Gödel universe, and give evidence for its minimality. The total integrated acceleration of this curve is lower than Malament's conjectured value (Malament 1984), as was already implicit in the work of Manchak (Gen. Relativ. Gravit. 51-60, 2011); however, Malament's conjecture does seem to hold for periodic closed timelike curves.

  5. [Not Available].


    Curilem Gatica, Cristian; Almagià Flores, Atilio; Rodríguez Rodríguez, Fernando; Yuing Farias, Tuillang; Berral de la Rosa, Francisco; Martínez Salazar, Cristian; Jorquera Aguilera, Carlos; Bahamondes Ávila, Carlos; Soís Urra, Patricio; Cristi Montero, Carlos; Bruneau Chávez, José; Pinto Aguilante, Juan; Niedmann Brunet, Luis


    El índice de masa corporal (IMC) otorga uno de los índices más usados para determinar el estado nutricional de la población a nivel mundial, donde a pesar de existir recomendaciones claras y definidas para su interpretación como el sexo, edad, raza, entre otros, normalmente se estandariza su clasificación, independiente de las variables, aumentando el error en el resultado y en la clasificación del estado nutricional.El uso de la composición corporal a través de la antropometría entrega mayor información que el IMC, siendo la masa grasa y la masa muscular los principales resultados útiles.Este artículo presenta una revisión de las ecuaciones existentes y propone aquellas más simples y con menor error de estimación para ser usadas como una herramienta que reemplace o complemente al IMC, favoreciendo una mejor comprensión e interpretación del estado nutricional y nivelde actividad física en niños y adolescentes.

  6. 78 FR 74008 - Amendment of Class E Airspace; Del Rio, TX

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Laughlin Air Force Base (AFB). The FAA is taking this action to enhance the safety and management of... at Laughlin AFB, Del Rio, TX. An additional segment to the north is needed to contain approach category E military aircraft conducting circling approaches to the airport, to retain the safety and...

  7. From badge of pride to cause of stigma: combatting mal del pinto in Mexico.


    Carrillo, Ana María


    Mal del pinto is a dermatological disease characterized by discoloured patches of skin on the face and body. It has been present in what is now the territory of Mexico from before the Spanish conquest up to recent times. Though early concerns for mal del pinto as a public health problem can be traced back to the late 19th century, no campaign to combat the disease was undertaken until the second half of the 20th. Thanks to the effectiveness of treatment with penicillin, the fight against this illness--which was once assumed as a symbol of pride--enjoyed a broader acceptance among the population that other health campaigns. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  8. Descripción del coronógrafo a ser instalado en Argentina (MICA)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stenborg, G.; Francile, C.; Schwenn, R.; Epple, A.; Rovira, M.

    El ``Coronógrafo de espejo para Argentina'' es un telescopio solar terrestre a ser colocado en el Observatorio Astronómico Félix Aguilar (El Leoncito), antes de finalizar 1996, como parte de un programa de ciencia bilateral entre Alemania y Argentina. Eclipses fotográficos de alta resolución han revelado que la corona solar es altamente estructurada y variable. De hecho, está contínuamente deformada y moldeada por los movimientos convectivos de los extremos de los arcos magnéticos en la fotosfera, estando, en muchas oportunidades, afectada por explosivas liberaciones de energía. MICA, en conjunción con otros telescopios solares espaciales y terrestres, tratará de contribuir al entendimiento de cuestiones fundamentales de la física solar. Entre ellas: cómo la corona está siendo calentada, dónde y cómo el viento solar es acelerado, qué causa los transitorios coronales, etc. Para ello investigará la distribución de los parámetros del plasma y su evolución con el tiempo, la estructura espacial de la corona en fina y gran escala, procesos que ocurren en los transitorios coronales y factores que los disparan, etc. Para responder a estas cuestiones MICA observará la atmósfera solar por sobre el limbo entre 1.1 y 2 radios solares aproximadamente, usando un nuevo tipo de sistema coronográfico que permite suprimir el brillo del disco solar suficientemente bien, tomando las imágenes con una cámara CCD de 1024x1024 pixels, codificada en 12 bits, pudiendo el mismo ser operado en forma remota. En la presente exposición describiremos las características del instrumento, cómo será controlado y qué esperamos observar basados en las imágenes obtenidas por los telescopios de similares características LASCO C1 a bordo del SOHO y PICO (ubicado en el Observatorio de Pic du Midi, Francia).

  9. 77 FR 4897 - Safety Zone; M/V Del Monte Live-Fire Gun Exercise, James River, Isle of Wight, VA

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; M/V Del Monte Live-Fire Gun Exercise, James River, Isle of Wight, VA AGENCY: Coast... provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the live-fire gun exercises on the M/V Del Monte... associated with the live-fire gun exercise. DATES: This rule is effective in the CFR on February 1, 2012...

  10. 76 FR 31848 - Safety Zone; M/V Del Monte Live-Fire Gun Exercise, James River, Isle of Wight, Virginia

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ...-AA00 Safety Zone; M/V Del Monte Live-Fire Gun Exercise, James River, Isle of Wight, Virginia AGENCY... provide for the safety of life on navigable waters during the live-fire gun exercises on the M/V Del Monte... associated with the live-fire gun exercise. DATES: This rule will be effective from 11 a.m. June 6, 2011...

  11. The CFTR trafficking mutation F508del inhibits the constitutive activity of SLC26A9.


    Bertrand, Carol A; Mitra, Shalini; Mishra, Sanjay K; Wang, Xiaohui; Zhao, Yu; Pilewski, Joseph M; Madden, Dean R; Frizzell, Raymond A


    Several members of the SLC26A family of anion transporters associate with CFTR, forming complexes in which CFTR and SLC26A functions are reciprocally regulated. These associations are thought to be facilitated by PDZ scaffolding interactions. CFTR has been shown to be positively regulated by NHERF-1, and negatively regulated by CAL in airway epithelia. However, it is unclear which PDZ-domain protein(s) interact with SLC26A9, a SLC26A family member found in airway epithelia. We have previously shown that primary, human bronchial epithelia (HBE) from non-CF donors exhibit constitutive anion secretion attributable to SLC26A9. However, constitutive anion secretion is absent in HBE from CF donors. We examined whether changes in SLC26A9 constitutive activity could be attributed to a loss of CFTR trafficking, and what role PDZ interactions played. HEK293 coexpressing SLC26A9 with the trafficking mutant F508del CFTR exhibited a significant reduction in constitutive current compared with cells coexpressing SLC26A9 and wt CFTR. We found that SLC26A9 exhibits complex glycosylation when coexpressed with F508del CFTR, but its expression at the plasma membrane is decreased. SLC26A9 interacted with both NHERF-1 and CAL, and its interaction with both significantly increased with coexpression of wt CFTR. However, coexpression with F508del CFTR only increased SLC26A9's interaction with CAL. Mutation of SLC26A9's PDZ motif decreased this association with CAL, and restored its constitutive activity. Correcting aberrant F508del CFTR trafficking in CF HBE with corrector VX-809 also restored SLC26A9 activity. We conclude that when SLC26A9 is coexpressed with F508del CFTR, its trafficking defect leads to a PDZ motif-sensitive intracellular retention of SLC26A9. Copyright © 2017 the American Physiological Society.

  12. Evaluation of HLA-G 14-bp ins/del and +3142G>C polymorphisms with susceptibility to recurrent spontaneous abortion.


    Hashemi, Mohammad; Mokhtari, Mojgan; Khazaeian, Safura; Bahari, Gholamreza; Rezaei, Maryam; Nakhaee, Alireza; Taheri, Mohsen


    HLA-G is critically important for successful implantation during pregnancy. Increasing evidence supposed that HLA-G plays a key role in tolerance of the semi-allogeneic graft in pregnancy by inhibiting the cytotoxic functions of T and NK cells. The present study aimed to evaluate the impact of HLA-G rs1063320 (+3142G>C) and 14-bp insertion (ins)/deletion (del) polymorphisms on recurrent spontaneous abortion (RSA). Genomic DNA from 93 RSA patients and 93 normal fertile women was isolated using the salting out method. Genotyping of HLA-G +3142G>C and 14-bp ins/del variants was done by polymerase chain reaction restriction fragment length polymorphism (PCR-RFP) and PCR method, respectively. The HLA-G +3142G>C polymorphism increased the risk of RSA in codominant (OR = 2.39, 95%CI = 1.27-4.49, p = 0.010, GC vs GG; OR = 3.28, 95%CI = 1.16-9.72, p = 0.040, CC vs GG) and dominant (OR = 2.52, 95%CI = 1.37-4.64, p = 0.004, GC + CC vs GG) tested inheritance models. HLA-G rs1063320 C allele was associated with increased risk of RSA (OR = 1.84, 95%CI = 1.20-2.83, p = 0.007). The del/del genotype as well as del allele of 14-bp ins/del variant increased that risk of RSA (OR = 3.02, 95%CI = 1.23-7.41, p = 0.025 and OR = 1.65, 95%CI = 1.09-2.50, p = 0.022, respectively). In summary, our results showed that HLA-G gene polymorphisms significantly increased the risk of RSA in a sample of the Iranian population. Copyright © 2017. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  13. The Frequency of c.550delA Mutation of the CANP3 Gene in the Polish LGMD2A Population.


    Dorobek, Małgorzata; Ryniewicz, Barbara; Kabzińska, Dagmara; Fidziańska, Anna; Styczyńska, Maria; Hausmanowa-Petrusewicz, Irena


    Limb girdle muscular dystrophy 2A (LGMD2A) is the most frequent LGMD variant in the European population, representing about 40% of LGMD. The c.550delA mutation in the CANP3 (calcium activated neutral protease 3) gene is the most commonly reported mutation in LGMD2A. Prevalence of this mutation in the Polish population has not been previously investigated. The aim of this study was to identify and estimate the frequency of the c.550delA mutation in Polish LGMD2A patients. Polymerase chain reaction-sequencing analysis, restriction fragment length polymorphism polymerase chain reaction method. We analyzed 76 families affected with LGMD and identified 62 probands with mutations in the CANP3 gene. C.550delA was the most common mutation identified, being found in 78% of the LGMD2A families. The remaining mutations observed multiple times were as follows: c.598-612del15ntd; c.2242C>T; c.418dupC; c.1356insT, listed in terms of decreasing frequency. Two novel variants in the CANP3 gene, that is, c.700G>A Gly234Arg and c.661G>A Gly221Ser were also characterized. Overall, mutations in the LGMD2A gene were estimated to be present in 81% of patients with the LGMD phenotype who were without sarcoglycans and dysferlin deficiency on immunocytochemical analysis. The frequency of the heterozygous c.550delA mutation in the healthy Polish population was estimated at 1/124. The c.550delA is the most frequent CANP3 mutation in the Polish population, thus sequencing of exon 4 of this gene could identify the majority of LGMD2A patients in Poland.

  14. Experience the magic of light and color: outreach activity by Universidad del Valle student chapter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valdes, Claudia; Reyes, Camilo; Osorio, Alberto; Solarte, Efrain


    During 2007, the Universidad del Valle Student Chapter presented a proposal for developing an educational outreach activity for children from an underprivileged zone to the Optical Society of America Foundation (OSAF) and to SPIE. The activity was carried out jointly by OSA and SPIE Universidad del Valle Student Chapters in the hillsides of Santiago de Cali, in a zone known as "Pueblo Joven" during 2008. It was aimed to boys and girls with ages between 8 and 13 years and was called "Experience the magic of light and color". The main purpose was to bring the children some basic concepts on optics and to encourage them to explore science through optics. The Universidad del Valle Student Chapters designed a series of talks and practical workshops where children participated in hands-on experiments that easily explain the fundamental concepts of light phenomena. Afterwards the children presented their achievements in a small science fair offered to the community and tried to explain in their own words what they learned and built. In this work, we present the most successful experimental designs and the educational standards we tried to develop with this activity.

  15. En otras palabras: Perfeccionamiento del espanol por medio de la traduccion (In Other Words: Perfecting Spanish Language Skills through Translation).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lunn, Patricia V.; Lunsford, Ernest J.

    This publication, written primarily in Spanish, is an activity book designed to teach Spanish through translation based on the theory that, in order to produce an acceptable translation, students must focus their attention on lexical and grammatical detail. The book combines incisive grammar explanations, relevant lexical information, and a wide…

  16. Rethinking stratigraphy and site formation of the Pleistocene deposit at Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar (Caravaca de la Cruz, Spain)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Angelucci, Diego E.; Anesin, Daniela; López Martínez, Mariano; Haber Uriarte, María; Rodríguez Estrella, Tomás; Walker, Michael J.


    Cueva Negra del Estrecho del Río Quípar (Caravaca de la Cruz, Murcia, Spain), hereinafter Cueva Negra, is a key-site for understanding the early peopling of Europe. Since 1990, systematic excavation has revealed an intriguing assemblage of lithic and faunal remains, and hominin teeth. It was deposited 0.99-0.78 Ma according to palaeomagnetic and biostratigraphical data; pollen data indicate warm moist conditions. Recently, possible evidence of thermal alteration was detected in a deep part of the deposit. We report here on our revision of the Cueva Negra stratigraphy, and offer information on site formation processes, based on new field observations and preliminary data from soil micromorphology. The Cueva Negra succession comprises three main stratigraphical complexes. Complex 1 is late Holocene. Complexes 2 and 3 are Pleistocene and are formed mainly of alluvial sediment, with subordinate inputs from the cave walls. Complexes 2 and 3 were accumulated almost without interruption, being separated by an erosive surface truncating a thin alluvial soil developed at the top of Complex 3. Our initial micromorphological findings indicate that anthropic inputs are mostly in derived positions, very likely having undergone inward displacement from the mouth of the rock-shelter.

  17. Costo- Efectividad Del Uso Profiláctico Del Factor Estimulante De Colonias De Granulocitos En Adultos Con Leucemia Linfoblástica Aguda en Colombia.


    Casadiego Rincón, Elkin Javier; Díaz Rojas, Jorge Augusto; Bermúdez, Carlos Daniel; Martínez, Víctor Prieto


    To assess the cost-effectiveness of prophylactic administration of Granulocyte Colony-Stimulating Factor (G-CSF) compared with no use of it, during the induction phase of chemotherapy in Adults with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (ALL) in Colombia. A decision tree with a time horizon of 30 days was built under colombian health system perspective including only direct costs. The costs of procedures and medications were taken from official sources and an institution of national reference of oncology services. The safety and effectiveness data were taken from the literature and two Colombian cohorts with patients older than 15 years. The unit of outcome was the proportion of deaths avoided. Base-case results on a clinical trial indicate that using factor is a dominant strategy. The variable that most impacted the outcome was the incidence of febrile neutropenia. Considering a threshold of $22.228 USD in 80% of cases using factor was cost effective. However, the use of factor is not cost-effective for the country for incidences of febrile neutropenia > 48%. It was not possible to establish cost-effectiveness of pegfilgrastim because no information was found. As per Colombian data, the use of prophylactic factor under chemotherapeutic induction in adults with ALL, turns out to be not cost effective. The difference in the results suggests the need of a careful extrapolation of information from clinical trials (ideal world) for developing economic evaluations in Colombia. Copyright © 2016 International Society for Pharmacoeconomics and Outcomes Research (ISPOR). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. The CHEK2 1100delC allelic variant is not present in familial and sporadic breast cancer cases from Moroccan population.


    Marouf, Chaymaa; Hajji, Omar; Diakité, Brehima; Tazzite, Amal; Jouhadi, Hassan; Benider, Abdellatif; Nadifi, Sellama


    The cell-cycle checkpoint kinase 2 (CHEK2) is an important signal transducer of cellular responses to DNA damage, whose defects has been associated with increased risk for breast cancer. The CHEK2 1100delC mutation has been reported to confer a twofold increased risk of breast cancer among carriers. The frequency of the mutation varies among populations. The highest frequency has been described in Northern and Eastern European countries. However, the 1100delC mutation has been investigated in different case-control studies and none in Moroccan population. The aim of this study was to evaluate the prevalence of this variant and determine its contribution to the development of breast cancer in sporadic cases and also in members of breast cancer families who tested negative or positive for a deleterious mutation in BRCA1/BRCA2. In this case-control study we performed the CHEK2 1100delC mutation analysis by ASO-PCR in 134 breast cancer patients and 114 unaffected control individuals. Most of these families had several cases of breast cancer or ovarian cancer (or both). No CHEK2 1100delC mutations were detected in any of 134 individuals, including 59 women diagnosed with breast cancer at an early age (<40 years), 10 women with bilateral breast cancer, and 6 women with ovarian cancer. Our preliminary genetic analysis are consistent with the reported very low frequency of CHEK2 1100delC mutation in North American populations (compared with Northern Europe), rendering CHEK2 1100delC such as an unlikely to be major breast cancer susceptibility genes.

  19. Plan Multinacional de Educacion del Adulto (Multinational Plan for Adult Education).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eduplan Informa, 1971


    This document contains part of the final report from the first meeting of the Inter-American Council on Education, Science, and Culture, held in Vina del Mar, Chile, in 1970. The report presents general policy and guidelines which should be followed in the establishment of adult elementary education programs. The general discussion covers literacy…

  20. Ceratopetalum (Cunoniaceae) fruits of Australasian affinity from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Patagonia, Argentina

    PubMed Central

    Hermsen, Elizabeth J


    Abstract Background and Aims Radially symmetrical, five-winged fossil fruits from the highly diverse early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora of Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina, are named, described and illustrated. The main goals are to assess the affinities of the fossils and to place them in an evolutionary, palaeoecological and biogeographic context. Methods Specimens of fossil fruits were collected from the Tufolitas Laguna del Hunco. They were prepared, photographed and compared with similar extant and fossil fruits using published literature. Their structure was also evaluated by comparing them with that of modern Ceratopetalum (Cunoniaceae) fruits through examination of herbarium specimens. Key Results The Laguna del Hunco fossil fruits share the diagnostic features that characterize modern and fossil Ceratopetalum (symmetry, number of fruit wings, presence of a conspicuous floral nectary and overall venation pattern). The pattern of the minor wing (sepal) veins observed in the Patagonian fossil fruits is different from that of modern and previously described fossil Ceratopetalum fruits; therefore, a new fossil species is recognized. An apomorphy (absence of petals) suggests that the fossils belong within crown-group Ceratopetalum. Conclusions The Patagonian fossil fruits are the oldest known record for Ceratopetalum. Because the affinities, provenance and age of the fossils are so well established, this new Ceratopetalum fossil species is an excellent candidate for use as a calibration point in divergence dating studies of the family Cunoniaceae. It represents the only record of Ceratopetalum outside Australasia, and further corroborates the biogeographic connection between the Laguna del Hunco flora and ancient and modern floras of the Australasian region. PMID:28110267

  1. "Gioco del Mondo" an Alpine Hopscotch Game and Prehistoric Cosmology. (Italian Title: Il "Gioco del Mondo" e il cosmo preistorico)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ragazzi, G.


    "Gioco del Mondo" ("Hopscotch game" in Anglo-Saxon countries), is a children's game in which the memory of a knowledge belonging to the prehistory of western thought is preserved. The path of the game is an image of the cosmos. The jumps allow the player to move from one region to another in the cosmos, in order to retrieve the pebble, wich is interpreted as a symbol of the human soul. The game is the imitation of a healing ritual in which a shaman brings back the soul kidnapped by a spirit from in his headquarters in a region of the cosmos.

  2. Photography and Neobaroque Imaginary in Julio Cortázar's "Las babas del diablo": Can the Neobaroque Name a Photograph?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hakobyan, Liana


    This article examines Julio Cortázar's short story "Las babas del diablo" from a visual perspective and at the intersection of Roland Barthes's ideas on photography and Severo Sarduy's theory on the Neobaroque. I propose that in "Las babas del diablo" photography and the Neobaroque--two seemingly unrelated concepts--interact…

  3. 78 FR 52716 - Proposed Amendment of Class E Airspace; Del Rio, TX

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., Del Rio, TX. An additional segment to the north is needed to contain approach category E military aircraft conducting circling approaches to the airport, to retain the safety and management of IFR aircraft... to enhance the safety and management of Instrument Flight Rules (IFR) operations for instrument...

  4. Determining sex and life stage of Del Norte salamanders from external cues


    Lisa Ollivier; Hartwell H. Welsh Jr


    Life stage determination for many western plethodontids often requires dissection of the specimen. Availability of reliable external measures that could be applied under field conditions would enhance future studies of the genus Plethodon. We examined preserved specimens of the Del Norte Salamander, Plethodon elongatus, taken from...

  5. Aplicación del Teorema de Nekhorochev para tiempos de estabilidad en Mecánica Celeste

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Miloni, O.; Núñez, J.; Brunini, A.

    En Mecánica Celeste, uno de los problemas centrales consiste en la determinación de los tiempos de estabilidad. El teorema de Nekhorochev proporciona un método para dicho estudio, para un sistema determinado por un hamiltoniano descripto en las variables acción-ángulo. El trabajo consiste en la acotación tanto del potencial perturbador y de la matriz hessiana del hamiltoniano integrable para determinar luego el tiempo de estabilidad de dicho sistema, donde por estabilidad se entiende la separación en norma infinito en el espacio de las acciones.

  6. History and Use of del Nido Cardioplegia Solution at Boston Children’s Hospital

    PubMed Central

    Matte, Gregory S.; del Nido, Pedro J.


    Abstract: Cardioplegia is an integral and essential method of myocardial protection for patients of all ages requiring cardiac surgery in which the heart must be stopped. Numerous cardioplegia solutions and delivery methods have been developed. The del Nido cardioplegia solution has been in use for 18 years at Boston Children’s Hospital. This is a unique four parts crystalloid to one part whole blood formulation that is generally used in a single-dose fashion. Although the formulation was originally developed for use in pediatric and infant patients, its use for adult cardiac surgery has been expanding. National and international inquiries to our institution regarding this cardioplegia have been increasing over the last 2 years. We present the developmental history, supporting theory, and current protocol for use of what is now referred to as del Nido cardioplegia. PMID:23198389

  7. Estudio del comportamiento tribologico y de las interacciones de superficie de nuevos nanofluidos ionicos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Espinosa Rodriguez, Tulia

    tribocorrosion processes. The formation of a coating layer on magnesium alloys from phosphonate imidazolium ionic liquids by immersion and by chronoamperometry has been described. The new coatings reduce the abrasive wear in the magnesium-aluminium alloy but they are not effective in the magnesium-zinc alloy, which prevent the formation of continuous coatings. Los liquidos ionicos son sales liquidas a temperatura ambiente o bajas temperaturas que presentan excelentes propiedades fisico-quimicas. En el presente trabajo se estudian como lubricantes en problemas tribologicos complejos como la lubricacion de metales contra si mismos, el desarrollo de lubricantes base agua y de nuevas superficies autolubricadas. Cuando no es posible reducir la friccion y desgaste mediante lubricacion, como en las aleaciones de magnesio, los liquidos ionicos se han estudiado como precursores de recubrimientos protectores. Se han determinado las interacciones superficiales y los procesos de corrosion sobre cobre y sobre acero con diferentes liquidos ionicos proticos y aproticos para desarrollar nuevos lubricantes y aditivos. En el contacto cobre/cobre, excepto el liquido ionico protico derivado del oleato, todos los liquidos ionicos estudiados presentan mejor comportamiento tribologico que el lubricante comercial Polialfaolefina 6. En el contacto acero/zafiro, los nuevos liquidos ionicos proticos son buenos lubricantes cuando se utilizan en estado puro, y, como aditivos en agua, generan peliculas adsorbidas sobre la superficie del metal reduciendo la friccion y el desgaste tras la evaporacion del agua. Para evitar el periodo de alta friccion inicial en presencia de agua, se han generado peliculas superficiales de liquido ionico sobre el acero en condiciones estaticas. El mejor comportamiento lubricante tanto en el contacto cobre/cobre como en el contacto acero/zafiro se obtiene para el liquido ionico protico derivado del anion adipato, con dos grupos carboxilicos. Las interacciones de los grupos

  8. The Role of mDia1 in the Aberrant Innate Immune Signaling in del(5q) Myelodysplastic Syndromes

    DTIC Science & Technology


    especially in cells with sensitized innate immune signaling8,9,20. To analyze whether treatment of DAMPs could induce the over-production of pro...AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-15-1-0335 TITLE: The Role of mDia1 in the Aberrant Innate Immune Signaling in del(5q) Myelodysplastic Syndromes...TITLE AND SUBTITLE 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER WThe Role of mDia1 in the Aberrant Innate Immune Signaling in del(5q) Myelodysplastic Syndromes 5b. GRANT

  9. Role of casein kinase 1A1 in the biology and targeted therapy of del(5q) MDS

    PubMed Central

    Schneider, Rebekka K.; Ademà, Vera; Heckl, Dirk; Järås, Marcus; Mallo, Mar; Lord, Allegra M.; Chu, Lisa P.; McConkey, Marie E.; Kramann, Rafael; Mullally, Ann; Bejar, Rafael; Solé, Francesc; Ebert, Benjamin L.


    Summary The Casein kinase 1A1 gene (CSNK1A1) is a putative tumor suppressor gene located in the common deleted region for del(5q) myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). We generated a murine model with conditional inactivation of Csnk1a1 and found that Csnk1a1 haploinsufficiency induces hematopoietic stem cell expansion and a competitive repopulation advantage whereas homozygous deletion induces hematopoietic stem cell failure. Based on this finding, we found that heterozygous inactivation of Csnk1a1 sensitizes cells to a CSNK1 inhibitor relative to cells with two intact alleles. In addition, we identified recurrent somatic mutations in CSNK1A1 on the non-deleted allele of patients with del(5q) MDS. These studies demonstrate that CSNK1A1 plays a central role in the biology of del(5q) MDS and is a promising therapeutic target. PMID:25242043

  10. The c.301_302delAG PROP1 gene mutation in Romanian patients with multiple pituitary hormone deficiency.


    Lazea, Cecilia; Grigorescu-Sido, Paula; Popp, Radu; Legendre, Marie; Amselem, Serge; Al-Khzouz, Camelia; Bucerzan, Simona; Creţ, Victoria; Crişan, Mirela; Brad, Cristian


    To establish the frequency of the c.301_302 delAG mutation of the PROP1 gene in Romanian patients with multiple pituitary hormone deficiency (MPHD). Somatic assessment, hormonal test, bone age, magnetic resonance imaging of the pituitary gland, and molecular diagnosis were performed in 26 patients with MPHD (7 patients with familial form of MPHD and 19 patients with sporadic form of MPHD). The c.301_302delAG mutation was detected in the homozygous state in 10 patients belonging to 5 unrelated families (7 patients with familial history of MPHD and 3 patients with sporadic form of MPHD). Those 10 patients presented variable pituitary hormone deficiency and pituitary morphology. The c.301_302delAG homozygous genotype had a high frequency of 38% (10/26), reaching 100% (7/7) in group with familial cases of MPHD and 16% (3/19) in group with sporadic forms of MPHD.

  11. Cytogenetic and molecular predictors of response in patients with myeloid malignancies without del[5q] treated with lenalidomide

    PubMed Central


    Background While lenalidomide (LEN) shows high efficacy in myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) with del[5q], responses can be also seen in patients presenting without del[5q]. We hypothesized that improved detection of chromosomal abnormalities with new karyotyping tools may better predict response to LEN. Design and methods We have studied clinical, molecular and cytogenetic features of 42 patients with MDS, myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN), MDS/MPN overlap syndromes and secondary acute myeloid leukemia (sAML) without del[5q] by metaphase cytogenetics (MC) who underwent therapy with LEN. Results Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH) or single nucleotide polymorphism array (SNP-A)-based karyotyping marginally increased the diagnostic yield over MC, detecting 2/42 (4.8%) additional cases with del[5q], one of whom were responded to LEN. Responses were more often observed in patients with a normal karyotype by MC (60% vs abnormal MC; 17%, p = .08) and those with gain of chromosome 8 material by either of all 3 karyotyping methods (83% vs all other chromosomal abnormalities; 44% p = .11). However, 5 out of those 6 patients received combined LEN/AZA therapy and it may also suggest those with gain of chromosome 8 material respond well to AZA. The addition of FISH or SNP-A did not improve the predictive value of normal cytogenetics by MC. Mutational analysis of TET2, UTX, CBL, EZH2, ASXL1, TP53, RAS, IDH1/2, and DNMT-3A was performed on 21 of 41 patients, and revealed 13 mutations in 11 patients, but did not show any molecular markers of responsiveness to LEN. Conclusions Normal karyotype and gain of chromosome 8 material was predictive of response to LEN in non-del[5q] patients with myeloid malignancies. PMID:22390313



    Mondragón, Liliana; Monroy, Zuraya; Ito, Ma Emily; Medina-Mora, Dra Ma Elena


    El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las disyuntivas entre los principios de beneficencia y autonomía, que se presentan en la relación médico-paciente, durante la terapéutica del intento de suicidio.La investigación se realizó en dos hospitales psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. La muestra incluyó a tres sujetos con intento de suicidio, mayores de 18 años, que eran atendidos en consulta externa a causa de una lesión autoinfligida en el último año, y a tres psiquiatras que trataban a estos pacientes. La información se obtuvo previo consentimiento informado en entrevistas individuales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de discurso argumentado para encontrar los significados que los participantes otorgaron a los principios bioéticos y las posibles disyuntivas entre éstos.Las discordancias entre la beneficencia y la autonomía estuvieron relacionadas con el beneficio del tratamiento, el respeto por los valores y las creencias de los pacientes, entre otros. Este trabajo presenta consideraciones éticas relevantes en el escenario clínico, al ofrecer al psiquiatra un análisis bioético que le permita actuar de acuerdo con la beneficencia y respetando la autonomía del paciente frente a casos de intento de suicidio y, de esta forma procurar una mejor atención para ellos.

  13. First record of Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester, 1880 (Hydrozoa, Limnomedusae) in a natural freshwater lagoon of Uruguay, with notes on polyp stage in captivity.


    Ramos, A S J C; Peronti, A L B G; Kondo, T; Lemos, R N S


    The freshwater cnidarian Craspedacusta sowerbii Lankester 1880, has invaded lakes and ponds as well as artificial water bodies throughout the world. The first record in Uruguay corresponding to the jellyfish was made in 1961 in two artificial fountains, with no mention of the polyp form. Although local reports of other related polyp species have been made, information on the benthic form of C. sowerbii is lacking. Here we report the finding of live frustules, solitary individuals, medusae and colonies from a natural lagoon in August 2010, allowing us to observe the morphology and behavior of the polyp stage in captivity. In addition, molecular identification and remarks on the potencial path of introduction are presented. This is the first record in Uruguay of both polyp and medusa stages of C. sowerbii in a natural water body, Del Medio Lagoon (Dpto. de Florida), Uruguay.

  14. [Not Available].


    San Mauro Martin, Ismael; Mendive Dubourdieu, Paula; Paredes Barato, Víctor; Garicano Vilar, Elena


    Introducción: la tradición de la comida picante desempeña un papel muy importante en el gusto por este tipo de comida y su tolerancia. Las preferencias alimentarias muestran influencia genética y ambiental.Objetivos: estudiar la tolerancia y el gusto por el picante de tres poblaciones, y la influencia hereditaria y del ambiente.Métodos:se realizó una encuesta a 522 sujetos, de tres continentes (Asia, Europa y Latinoamérica) en tres idiomas (español, inglés y chino) a través de Internet. Se realizaron preguntas acerca de la tolerancia al picante, el gusto por los alimentos picantes, su uso, la edad de comienzo de consumo, el gusto del padre y de la madre y si ella lo consumía durante el embarazo y/o lactancia.Resultados: existe diferencia entre el gusto por el picante del hijo y el sexo (p < 0,001), la tolerancia (p < 0,001) y, solo en el sexo femenino, el gusto de la madre por el picante (p < 0,001), su consumo durante el embarazo (p < 0,001) y la lactancia (p = 0,005) y el gusto del padre por el picante (p = 0,003). Existe correlación entre el continente de residencia (p = 0,007) y de nacimiento (p = 0,012) y la tolerancia a los alimentos picantes.Conclusión: la influencia de los progenitores, el género y la composición corporal se relacionaron con gustos y tolerancias diferentes.

  15. Las ideologias, las ciencias naturales y sus implicaciones en la educacion cientifica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lozada Roldan, Sandra

    Este estudio ausculto las concepciones epistemologicas de los docentes de ciencia del nivel secundario con relacion a las ideologias y las ciencias naturales. Tambien examino las posiciones de los docentes ante asuntos publicos relacionados a la ciencia. Para propositos de este estudio se diseno y se valido el cuestionario con el cual se obtuvieron los resultados. La investigacion es de tipo cuantitativa y se utilizo como diseno la encuesta. El cuestionario se administro en varias actividades de desarrollo profesional para maestros de ciencia. Un total de 78 maestros del nivel secundario respondieron el cuestionario. Para analizar los datos obtenidos se utilizaron estadisticas descriptivas como la distribucion de frecuencia y el porciento. Ademas se establecieron codigos y categorias para describir las posiciones de los maestros ante asuntos publicos relacionados a la ciencia. Los analisis demostraron que entre los docentes participantes de este estudio prevalecen ciertas concepciones epistemologicas adecuadas acerca de las ciencias naturales, a la luz de la literatura consultada. Entre estas concepciones se destacan las siguientes: a) la filosofia materialista de las ciencias naturales, b) la naturaleza tentativa y constructivista del conocimiento cientifico, c) el uso de una metodologia que garantiza cierto grado de objetividad y con el que se justifican y validan los enunciados cientificos y d) la funcion instrumental del conocimiento cientifico. Sin embargo, entre los docentes participantes de este estudio prevalecen ciertas concepciones epistemologicas erroneas acerca de las ciencias naturales, a la luz de la literatura consultada. Entre estas concepciones se destacan las siguientes: a) tendencia inductivista en el que las teorias cientificas comienzan con observaciones que establecen generalizaciones, b) secuencia jerarquica de la metodologia cientifica. Ademas, entre los docentes participantes de este estudio prevalecen concepciones epistemologicas adecuadas

  16. The Torres del Paine intrusion as a model for a shallow magma chamber

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baumgartner, Lukas; Bodner, Robert; Leuthold, Julien; Muntener, Othmar; Putlitz, Benita; Vennemann, Torsten


    The shallow magmatic Torres del Paine Intrusive Complex (TPIC) belongs to a series of sub-volcanic and plutonic igneous bodies in Southern Chile and Argentina. This trench-parallel belt is located in a transitional position between the Patagonia Batholith in the West, and the alkaline Cenozoic plateau lavas in the East. While volumetrically small amounts of magmatism started around 28 my ago in the Torres del Paine area, and a second period occurred between 17-16 Ma, it peaked with the TPIC 12.59-12.43 Ma ago. The spectacular cliffs of the Torres del Paine National park provide a unique opportunity to study the evolution of a very shallow magma chamber and the interaction with its host rocks. Intrusion depth can be estimated based on contact metamorphic assemblages and granite solidus thermobarometry to 750±250 bars, corresponding to an intrusion depth of ca. 3km, ca. 500m above the base of the intrusion. Hornblende thermobarometry in mafic rocks agrees well with these estimates (Leuthold et al., 2014). The TPIC is composed of a granitic laccolith emplaced over 90ka (Michel et al., 2008) in 3 major, several 100m thick sheets, forming an overall thickness of nearly 2 km. Contacts are sharp between sheets, with the oldest sheet on the top and the youngest on the bottom (Michel et al., 2008). The granitic laccolith is under-plated by a ca. 400m thick mafic laccolith, built up over ca. 50ka (Leuthold et al. 2012), constructed from the bottom up. Granitic and mafic sheets are themselves composed of multiple metric to decametric pulses, mostly with ductile contacts between them, resulting in outcrop patterns resembling braided stream sediments. The contact of the TPIC with the Cretaceous flysch sediments document intrusion mechanism. Pre-existing sub-horizontal fold axes are rotated in the roof of the TPIC, clearly demonstrating ballooning of the roof; no ballooning was observed in the footwall of the intrusion. Extension during ballooning of the roof is indicated by

  17. Aquifer-storage change in the lower Canada del Oro Subbasin, Pima County, Arizona, 1996-98

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Pool, D.R.


    Aquifer storage was monitored using gravity methods in the Lower Canada del Oro subbasin from 1996 through 1998 to determine areas of infiltration and amounts of recharge along the Canada del Oro Wash after major surface flow and to estimate aquifer-storage change and specific-yield values for the regional aquifer.  Both purposes were addressed by periodic monitoring of changes in aquifer storage and water levels at a network of gravity stations and monitor wells.  Water levels and gravity were also monitored near an active withdrawal well for several months for the purpose of estimating specific yield of the aquifer within the cone of water-leel depression at the well.

  18. Atlas de aves: Un metodo para documentar distribucion y seguir poblaciones

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Robbins, C.S.; Dowell, B.A.; Dawson, D.K.; Alvarez-Lopez, Humberto; Kattan, Gustavo; Murcia, Carolina


    Los Atlas de Aves son proyectos nacionales o regionalies para trazar en mapas la distribucion en reproduccion de cada especie de ave. Ese procedimiento se esta usando en Europa, Australia, Nueva Zelanda, Norteamerica, y partes de Africa. El tama?o de los cuadrados varia de medio grado de latitud y Iongitud hasta 5 x 5 km. El trabajo de campo de cada proyecto exige aproxlmadamente cinco a?os, pero los aficionados pueden llevar a cabo la mayor parte del trabajo. Es posible almacenar los resultados en un computador personal. Hay muchos beneficios: (I) se presenta la distribucion corriente de las aves de la nacion, del estado, o de la Iocalidad; (2) se desarrolla nueva informacion especialmente sobre especies raras o en peligro; (3) se descubren areas que tienen una avlfauna sobresaliente o habitats raros y ayuda a su proteccion, (4) se documentan cambios de dlstribucion; (5) se pueden usar para documentar cambios de poblacion, especialmente en los tropicos donde otros metodos son mas dificiles de usar porque hay muchas especies y no hay muchos observadores calificados en la identificacion de sonidos de las aves; (6) son proyectos buenos de investigacion para estudiantes graduados; (7) los turistas y los jefes de excursiones de historia natural pueden contribuir con muchas informaciones

  19. Evolución de estrellas enanas blancas en el contexto de una constante de gravitación G variable en el tiempo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benvenuto, O. G.; Althaus, L. G.; Torres, D. F.

    En este trabajo se estudia por primera vez de manera autoconsistente la evolución de las estrellas enanas blancas en el caso de una constante de gravitación G variable en el tiempo. Teniendo en cuenta que: 1) las enanas blancas son en general estrellas muy viejas y 2) su fuente de energía es básicamente de origen térmico y gravitacional, estos objetos son en principio muy adecuados para analizar distintas teorías de gravitación. Los cálculos que aquí presentamos fueron realizados utilizando nuestro código de evolución estelar, el cual calcula la evolución de estrellas enanas blancas por medio del esquema iterativo de Henyey. Dicho código, basado en una descripción física muy detallada, ha sido modificado para tener en cuenta la variación del valor de G. Encontramos que un G variable (decreciente en el tiempo) modifica fuertemente la evolución de las enanas blancas, conduciendo a un rápido enfriamiento de la estrella. Nuestros resultados son comparados con recientes datos observacionales sobre la función de luminosidad de las enanas blancas.

  20. GPS, punto de contacto entre la Astronomía y otras disciplinas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perdomo, R.

    En los primeros años de la pasada década, un grupo de Astrónomos de La Plata iniciaron trabajos de investigación en Geodesia Satelital. En esta presentación se propone repasar sus principales logros y situarlos en el contexto del desarrollo de la disciplina a nivel mundial. Por entonces las aplicaciones prácticas de la disciplina eran indirectas y solo evidentes para los especialistas. Los errores del Posicionamiento Satelital eran de varios metros y en posicionamiento relativo, del orden de medio metro. Estos resultados se lograban al cabo de varios días de medición continuada. En los años siguientes, el sistema GPS alcanzó su nivel operacional y produjo una revolución tanto en lo relacionado con los tiempos de medición como con las precisiones. El grupo de La Plata se desarrolló simultáneamente con GPS, lo que posibilitó su participación actual en diversos temas vigentes: aplicaciones de alta precisión para la materialización de sistemas terrestres de referencia, monitoreo de movimientos de la corteza, contribución con servicios internacionales para la determinación de movimientos tectónicos globales y regionales, monitoreo de la ionósfera a partir de la propagación de las señales, determinación de la ondulación del geoide a escala local, etc. También se generaron muchas aplicaciones prácticas algunas en tiempo real: navegación, apoyo a imágenes aéreas o satelitales, aplicaciones a la agricultura, catastro y ordenamiento territorial, apoyo a relevamientos geofísicos, etc.

  1. Ceratopetalum (Cunoniaceae) fruits of Australasian affinity from the early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora, Patagonia, Argentina.


    Gandolfo, María A; Hermsen, Elizabeth J


    Radially symmetrical, five-winged fossil fruits from the highly diverse early Eocene Laguna del Hunco flora of Chubut Province, Patagonia, Argentina, are named, described and illustrated. The main goals are to assess the affinities of the fossils and to place them in an evolutionary, palaeoecological and biogeographic context. Specimens of fossil fruits were collected from the Tufolitas Laguna del Hunco. They were prepared, photographed and compared with similar extant and fossil fruits using published literature. Their structure was also evaluated by comparing them with that of modern Ceratopetalum (Cunoniaceae) fruits through examination of herbarium specimens. The Laguna del Hunco fossil fruits share the diagnostic features that characterize modern and fossil Ceratopetalum (symmetry, number of fruit wings, presence of a conspicuous floral nectary and overall venation pattern). The pattern of the minor wing (sepal) veins observed in the Patagonian fossil fruits is different from that of modern and previously described fossil Ceratopetalum fruits; therefore, a new fossil species is recognized. An apomorphy (absence of petals) suggests that the fossils belong within crown-group Ceratopetalum . The Patagonian fossil fruits are the oldest known record for Ceratopetalum . Because the affinities, provenance and age of the fossils are so well established, this new Ceratopetalum fossil species is an excellent candidate for use as a calibration point in divergence dating studies of the family Cunoniaceae. It represents the only record of Ceratopetalum outside Australasia, and further corroborates the biogeographic connection between the Laguna del Hunco flora and ancient and modern floras of the Australasian region. © The Author 2017. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Annals of Botany Company.



    Barreda, Victoria; Carballo-Dieguez, Alex; Marone, Rubén; Balán, Iván; Pando, María Ángeles; Avila, María Mercedes


    A partir de un relevamiento de tipo etnográfico, se describen lugares de encuentro de HSH en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus prácticas sexuales. El reconocimiento de tales espacios, así como las características que asumen en ellos los encuentros sexuales entre los HSH, plantean obstáculos específicos en la adopción de comportamientos preventivos y, asimismo, generan nuevos desafíos para las actividades de prevención. Se plantean las dificultades y debates conceptuales que la misma categoría presenta, y sus consecuencias en el abordaje preventivo y teórico-metodológico para las ciencias sociales. Además, se proponen nuevos interrogantes acerca de los alcances y las limitaciones del modelo preventivo del VIH/Sida para HSH.

  3. El contexto de la familia y el vecindario en la salud de los ancianos del estudio EPESE hispano

    PubMed Central

    Reyes-Ortiz, Carlos A.; Camacho, María E.; Eschbach, Karl; Markides, Kyriakos S.


    RESUMEN En este artículo se discute el papel de la familia y el vecindario en la salud de los ancianos méjico-americanos del estudio EPESE (Established Populations for Epidemiologic Studies of the Elderly) hispano. La paradoja epidemiológica consiste en que, a pesar de estar en desventaja socioeconómica, los ancianos hispanos tienen mortalidad relativamente menor que los ancianos de raza blanca. Esto es especialmente cierto cuando el anciano vive en los vecindarios donde hay un porcentaje alto de méjico-americanos. La familia también juega un papel importante en estos ancianos al disminuir el riesgo de institucionalización o de morbilidad. Asimismo, el estrés originado en problemas económicos o al depender económicamente de la familia, habiendo inmigrado en edades tardías, puede sobrepasar la capacidad de amortiguamiento del estrés y afectar la salud del anciano méjico-americano. PMID:25190897

  4. Study of InDel genetic markers with forensic and ancestry informative interest in PALOP's immigrant populations in Lisboa.


    Inácio, Ana; Costa, Heloísa Afonso; da Silva, Cláudia Vieira; Ribeiro, Teresa; Porto, Maria João; Santos, Jorge Costa; Igrejas, Gilberto; Amorim, António


    The migratory phenomenon in Portugal has become one of the main factors for the genetic variability. In the last few years, a new class of autosomal insertion/deletion markers-InDel-has attracted interest in forensic genetics. Since there is no data for InDel markers of Portuguese-speaking African countries (PALOP) immigrants living in Lisboa, our aim is the characterization of those groups of individuals by typing them with at least 30 InDel markers and to compare different groups of individuals/populations. We studied 454 bloodstain samples belonging to immigrant individuals from Angola, Guinea-Bissau, and Mozambique. DNA extraction was performed with the Chelex® 100 method. After extraction, all samples were typed with the Investigator® DIPplex method. Through the obtained results, allelic frequencies show that all markers are at Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, and we can confirm that those populations show significant genetic distances between themselves, between them, and the host Lisboa population. Because of this, they introduce genetic variability in Lisboa population.

  5. Diabetes mellitus and drug abuse during pregnancy and the risk for orofacial clefts and related abnormalities.


    Trindade-Suedam, Ivy Kiemle; Kostrisch, Lília Maria von; Pimenta, Luiz André Freire; Negrato, Carlos Antônio; Franzolin, Solange Braga; Trindade, Alceu Sergio


    observada entre el abuso de drogas y la ocurrencia de hendiduras y otras malformaciones craneofaciales (p=0,028) (OR=2,87; 95%IC=1,1-7,4). la DM y el abuso de drogas durante el embarazo aumentan el riesgo de MCF y de anomalías relacionadas; se enfatiza la importancia del diagnóstico precoz de DM y la prevención del abuso de drogas, especialmente entre las mujeres embarazadas. avaliar a prevalência de diabetes mellitus (DM) e o uso de drogas em mães de crianças com fissuras orofaciais (FOF). 325 mulheres que tiveram filhos (0-3 anos) com fissuras foram entrevistadas. Os dados referentes tipo de diabetes, uso de drogas lícitas / ilícitas durante a gravidez, circunferência abdominal e glicemia em jejum na primeira consulta pré-natal foram coletados. vinte e sete por cento das mulheres tinham DM. Destes, 89% tinham DM gestacional, 5,5% DM tipo 1 e 5,5% DM tipo 2. A prevalência de DM em mães de crianças com FOF foi de 27%, significativamente mais elevado que a média da população brasileira que é de 7,6% (p <0,01) (OR = 4,5, IC de 95% = 3,5-5,8). Com relação ao uso de drogas, 32% das mães eram usuárias drogas durante a gravidez e uma correlação positiva foi observada entre o uso de drogas e a ocorrência de FOF e anomalias relacionadas (p = 0,028) (OR = 2,87; IC95% = 1,1-7,4). DM e uso de drogas durante a gravidez aumentam o risco de FOF e anomalias relacionadas e o diagnóstico precoce de DM e a prevenção do uso de drogas, especialmente em mulheres grávidas, devem ser enfatizados.

  6. Population Differentiations and Phylogenetic Analysis of Tibet and Qinghai Tibetan Groups Based on 30 InDel Loci.


    Guo, Yuxin; Shen, Chunmei; Meng, Haotian; Dong, Qian; Kong, Tingting; Yang, Chunhua; Wang, Hongdan; Jin, Rui; Zhu, Bofeng


    In recent years, Insertion/Deletion (InDel) polymorphisms have become a hot area of forensic research. In this study, 30 InDel loci were selected to investigate the genetic polymorphisms of Tibetan groups, which are from Tibet Autonomous Region and Qinghai province of China, and explore the genetic relationships between Tibetan groups and other groups. Allele frequencies of the 30 InDel loci ranged from 0.1219 (HLD111) to 0.5609 (HLD57) in the Tibet Tibetan group and 0.1639 (HLD118) to 0.5655 (HLD124) in the Qinghai Tibetan group. The combined power of discrimination, matching probability, and power of exclusion were 0.999999999986, 0.999999988, and 0.9913 in the Tibet Tibetan group, respectively, and 0.99999999999204, 0.9999999796, and 0.9862 in the Qinghai Tibetan group. The results of principal component analysis, phylogenetic tree, and population structure demonstrated that the four Tibetan groups (Tibetan1, Tibetan2, Tibet, and Qinghai Tibetan groups) clustered together and had relatively close genetic relationships with nine Asian groups and then European and Amerindian groups.

  7. Clinical ascertainment of Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) and prevalence of the major mutation, 657del5, in three Slav populations.


    Varon, R; Seemanova, E; Chrzanowska, K; Hnateyko, O; Piekutowska-Abramczuk, D; Krajewska-Walasek, M; Sykut-Cegielska, J; Sperling, K; Reis, A


    Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is a chromosomal instability disorder, clinically characterised by microcephaly, immunodeficiency, radiosensitivity and a very high predisposition to lymphoid malignancy. Recently, it was demonstrated that mutations in the NBS1 gene are responsible for NBS. Most of the NBS patients known so far are of Slav origin and carry a major founder mutation 657del5 in exon 6 of the NBS1 gene. In this study we estimated the prevalence of the 657del5 mutation in the Czech Republic, Poland and the Ukraine. We found an unexpectedly high carrier frequency of the 657del5 mutation (1/177) in the three Slav populations, a factor that may contribute to cancer frequency in those countries. In addition, we show that NBS patients are often diagnosed late and therefore receive inappropriate therapy.

  8. Errores fotométricos debido al uso del filtro anular de mediana en imágenes CCD

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gil-Hutton, R.; Cañada, M.; Noel, N.

    El filtro anular de mediana tiene la importante propiedad de tener una escala claramente definida, lo que permite remover de una imagen CCD todos los objetos con tamaños menores a esta escala, independientemente de su morfología particular, y reemplazarlos por el correspondiente ``background" local. Este filtro es de gran utilidad para remover gradientes de fondo, ``fringing" y halos de objetos extendidos mediante el simple procedimiento de restar a la imagen original una imagen filtrada, repitiendo el proceso las veces que sea necesario. En este trabajo se presentan resultados sobre los errores que introduce este filtro en la fotometría de objetos con diferente relación S/N y su aplicación a imágenes con gradientes de fondo y ``fringing".

  9. Soilscapes in the dynamic tropical environments: The case of Sierra Madre del Sur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krasilnikov, P. V.; García-Calderón, N. E.; Ibáñez-Huerta, A.; Bazán-Mateos, M.; Hernández-Santana, J. R.


    The paper gives an analysis of the pattern of soil cover of the Sierra Madre del Sur, one of the most complex physiographic regions of Mexico. It presents the results of the study of four latitudinal traverses across the region. We show that the distribution of soils in the Sierra Madre del Sur is associated with major climatic gradients, namely by vertical bioclimatic zonality in the mountains and by the effect of mountain shadow. Altitudinal distribution of soil-bioclimatic belts is complex due to non-uniform gradients of temperature and rainfall, and varies with the configuration of the mountain range. The distribution of soils is associated with the erosion and accumulation rates both on mountain slopes and in river valleys. The abundance of poorly developed soils in (semi)arid areas was ascribed to high erosion rate rather than to low pedogenetic potential. The formation of soil mosaic at a larger scale might be ascribed to the complex net of gully erosion and to the system of seismically triggered landslides of various ages. In the valleys, the distribution of soils depends upon the dynamics of sedimentation and erosion, which eventually exposes paleosols. Red-colored clayey sediments are remains of ancient weathering and pedogenesis. Their distribution is associated mainly with the intensity of recent slope processes. The soil cover pattern of the Sierra Madre del Sur cannot be explained by simplified schemes of bioclimatic zonality. The soil ranges can be explained by the distribution of climates, lithology, complex geological history of the region, and recent geomorphological processes.

  10. Oxygen isotope evidence for submarine hydrothermal alteration of the Del Puerto ophiolite, California

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Schiffman, P.; Williams, A.E.; Evarts, R.C.


    The oxygen isotope compositions and metamorphic mineral assemblages of hydrothermally altered rocks from the Del Puerto ophiolite and overlying volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks at the base of the Great Valley sequence indicate that their alteration occurred in a submarine hydrothermal system. Whole rock ??18O compositions decrease progressively down section (with increasing metamorphic grade): +22.4??? (SMOW) to +13.8 for zeolite-bearing volcaniclastic sedimentary rocks overlying the ophiolite; +19.6 to +11.6 for pumpellyite-bearing metavolcanic rocks in the upper part of the ophiolite's volcanic member; +12.3 to +8.1 for epidote-bearing metavolcanic rocks in the lower part of the volcanic member; +8.5 to +5.7 for greenschist facies rocks from the ophiolite's plutonic member; +7.6 to +5.8 for amphibolite facies or unmetamorphosed rocks from the plutonic member. Modelling of fluid-rock interaction in the Del Puerto ophiolite indicates that the observed pattern of upward enrichment in whole rock ??18O can be best explained by isotopic exchange with discharging 18O-shifted seawater at fluid/rock mass ratios near 2 and temperatures below 500??C. 18O-depleted plutonic rocks necessarily produced during hydrothermal circulation were later removed as a result of tectonism. Submarine weathering and later burial metamorphism at the base of the Great Valley sequence cannot by itself have produced the zonation of hydrothermal minerals and the corresponding variations in oxygen isotope compositions. The pervasive zeolite and prehnite-pumpellyite facies mineral assemblages found in the Del Puerto ophiolite may reflect its origin near an island arc rather than deep ocean spreading center. ?? 1984.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    2. COURSE OF THE LATERAL THROUGH DEL NORTHWEST MAR PARK. - Highline Canal, Sand Creek Lateral, Beginning at intersection of Peoria Street & Highline Canal in Arapahoe County (City of Aurora), Sand Creek lateral Extends 15 miles Northerly through Araphoe County, City & County of Denver, & Adams County to its end point, approximately 1/4 mile Southest of intersectioin of D Street & Ninth Avenue in Adams County (Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Commerce City Vicinity), Commerce City, Adams County, CO

  12. Revision curricular a partir de un analisis comparativo de las discrepancias en los curriculos de una escuela de optometria en Puerto Rico con las competencias requeridas para las agencias de revalida y acreditacion 2004

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera Pacheco, Andres

    El proposito de esta investigacion, un estudio cualitativo de caso, fue comparar y contrastar el curriculo vigente de la Escuela de Optometria de la UIAPR con las competencias y estandares requeridos por las agencias de acreditacion y de revalida. Con este proposito, decidimos realizar una revision y un analisis de documentos: el prontuario de cada uno de los cursos de los curriculos implantados en el 1993 y en el 2001; las competencias y estandares establecidos por las agencias de revalida y de acreditacion; y las estadisticas en las que se analiza el porcentaje de estudiantes que aprueban cada una de las partes de los examenes de revalida entre el 1998 al 2003. Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas para dar apoyo y complementar la revision y el analisis de estos documentos. Los participantes de las entrevistas fueron tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2004 (ultima clase del curriculo del 1993); tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2005 (primera clase graduanda del curriculo vigente) y tres profesores y/o directores de los Departamentos de Ciencias Basicas, Ciencias Clinicas y Cuidado al Paciente. Esta investigacion se enmarco en el modelo de evaluacion curricular de discrepancia de Malcolm Provus y en el modelo de desarrollo basado en competencias. Uno de los hallazgos mas importantes del estudio es que los cambios que se implantaron al curriculo del 2001 no han logrado que los estudiantes mejoren su ejecucion en los examenes de revalida. Por otro lado, se encontro que el curriculo vigente atiende completamente los estandares de la practica de Optometria, pero no las competencias. Esta informacion fue validada mediante el uso de una tabla de cotejo para el analisis de los cursos y de la informacion obtenida de las entrevistas. El estudio determina y concluye que existen discrepancias entre los prontuarios de los cursos del curriculo y las competencias requeridas por la agencia de revalida. Segundo, que el Departamento de Ciencias Basicas es el

  13. Targeted Metabolomics Reveals Early Dominant Optic Atrophy Signature in Optic Nerves of Opa1delTTAG/+ Mice.


    Chao de la Barca, Juan Manuel; Simard, Gilles; Sarzi, Emmanuelle; Chaumette, Tanguy; Rousseau, Guillaume; Chupin, Stéphanie; Gadras, Cédric; Tessier, Lydie; Ferré, Marc; Chevrollier, Arnaud; Desquiret-Dumas, Valérie; Gueguen, Naïg; Leruez, Stéphanie; Verny, Christophe; Miléa, Dan; Bonneau, Dominique; Amati-Bonneau, Patrizia; Procaccio, Vincent; Hamel, Christian; Lenaers, Guy; Reynier, Pascal; Prunier-Mirebeau, Delphine


    Dominant optic atrophy (MIM No. 165500) is a blinding condition related to mutations in OPA1, a gene encoding a large GTPase involved in mitochondrial inner membrane dynamics. Although several mouse models mimicking the disease have been developed, the pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for retinal ganglion cell degeneration remain poorly understood. Using a targeted metabolomic approach, we measured the concentrations of 188 metabolites in nine tissues, that is, brain, three types of skeletal muscle, heart, liver, retina, optic nerve, and plasma in symptomatic 11-month-old Opa1delTTAG/+ mice. Significant metabolic signatures were found only in the optic nerve and plasma of female mice. The optic nerve signature was characterized by altered concentrations of phospholipids, amino acids, acylcarnitines, and carnosine, whereas the plasma signature showed decreased concentrations of amino acids and sarcosine associated with increased concentrations of several phospholipids. In contrast, the investigation of 3-month-old presymptomatic Opa1delTTAG/+ mice showed no specific plasma signature but revealed a significant optic nerve signature in both sexes, although with a sex effect. The Opa1delTTAG/+ versus wild-type optic nerve signature was characterized by the decreased concentrations of 10 sphingomyelins and 10 lysophosphatidylcholines, suggestive of myelin sheath alteration, and by alteration in the concentrations of metabolites involved in neuroprotection, such as dimethylarginine, carnitine, spermine, spermidine, carnosine, and glutamate, suggesting a concomitant axonal metabolic dysfunction. Our comprehensive metabolomic investigations revealed in symptomatic as well as in presymptomatic Opa1delTTAG/+ mice, a specific sensitiveness of the optic nerve to Opa1 insufficiency, opening new routes for protective therapeutic strategies.

  14. Poblacion estelar joven embebida en la nube molecular galactica asociada a la fuente IRAS 18236-1205

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Romero, Ricardo Retes


    En esta tesis presento una metodología de seleccion y estudio de la población estelar embebida en la nube molecular galactica asociada a la fuente IRAS 18236-1205. La fuente IRAS posee colores de region Ultra Compacta HII (UCHII) y tiene deteccióon en monosulfuro de carbono (CS), trazador molecular de alta densidad, lo cual da la posibilidad de definir la nube molecular asociada hacia esta region. Lo anterior muestra que esta es buena candidata a región de formación estelar masiva. La metodología de seleccion de la población embebida, est à basada por una parte, en la distribución del gas molecular monoxido de carbono (13CO) asociado a la fuente IRAS, nube molecular seleccionada del mapeo Galactic Ring Survey (GRS) realizado en 13CO. Otros pasos de la seleccion, se basan en los diagramas color-color y color-magnitud con datos del cercano infrarrrojo de 2MASS. Para el estudio de la componente estelar se usaron los catalogos de fuentes puntuales en el cercano, medio y lejano infrarrojo de 2MASS, SPITZER e IRAS, respectivamente. De los diagramas color-color y color-magnitud, usando datos de 2MASS, se construyo un criterio fotométrico para identificar los objetos estelares j ovenes embebidos en la region molecular. Aplicando modelos a la distribución espectral de energía (SED) de algunos ellos, se encontraron parametros estelares de objetos estelares j ovenes embebidos de masa intermedia y alta. Adicionalmente, se encontro un objeto de masa ´ intermedia no identifiado por el catalogo de 2MASS y su efecto sobre el medio interestelar, emision en la banda de [4.5] μm de IRAC-Spitzer asociado a un outflow. Dos de los objetos seleccionados por el criterio fotometrico resultaron ser objetos estelares jovenes de alta e intermedia masa (B1V/B2V y B8V/A0V respectivamente), los cuales deben estar asociados a la emision radiativa responsable de los colores de región UC HII. Otro objeto estelar joven de baja masa (F0V/F5V) fue encontrado en la region de estudio

  15. Espectroscopía Espacial en el IR-Lejano

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Goicoechea, Javier R.; Cernicharo, J.

    Debido a la opacidad atmosférica, el dominio IR--lejano del espectro electromagnético ha sido la última ventana en ser utilizada por la Astrofísica Molecular. El potencial que supone abrir este nuevo rango de frecuencias a través de la espectroscopía molecular ha comenzado a ser explotado con el Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). La sensibilidad de la instrumentación embarcada en dicho satélite no tiene comparación alguna con las escasas misiones espaciales, o a bordo de aviones, realizadas con anterioridad a su lanzamiento. En particular, casi todo el rango operativo de ISO en el IR--lejano no había sido explorado. El espectro IR--lejano de las fuentes más representativas de la galaxia era desconocido y los principales emisores de radiación, las moléculas, estaban por identificar. Las observaciones en el IR--lejano están especialmente indicadas para el estudio del gas caliente en las nubes moleculares del medio interestelar y en el interior de las envolturas circunestelares alrededor de estrellas evolucionadas. Algunas de estas fuentes; Sgr B2 en el Centro Galáctico y las Proto--Nebulosas Planetarias, constituyen uno de los objetos más paradigmáticos en nuestra comprensión de la complejidad química de La Galaxia. En esta contribución se presentan los resultados espectroscópicos más importantes de algunas de estas fuentes astronómicas.

  16. Cámara CCD Directa con el Telescopio de 2.15 m del CASLEO: algunos diagnósticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cellone, S. A.

    Se efectuaron algunas pruebas con la cámara CCD (+ Reductor Focal) instalada en el foco Cassegrain del Telescopio de 2.15 m del Complejo Astronómico El Leoncito (CASLEO). Las conclusiones más significativas son: Los tiempos de exposición efectivos difieren de los nominales en una fracción apreciable de segundo. En exposiciones de menos de 3 segundos, la iluminación no es pareja en todo el detector. En consecuencia, se recomiendan los pasos a seguir por los astrónomos tanto durante la observación como en la reducción de sus datos.

  17. Seven new species of Loneura Navás (Insecta: Psocodea: 'Psocoptera': Ptiloneuridae) from Valle del Cauca, Colombia.


    Nieto, Julián Alexander Mendivil; Aldrete, Alfonso Neri García; Obando, Ranulfo González


    Seven species of Loneura from natural areas of Valle del Cauca, Colombia, are described and illustrated. The female of L. andina is described for the first time. Two additional species, known only from the National Natural Park Gorgona (Cauca), are also recorded in Valle del Cauca. The new species are assigned to the infrageneric groups known in the genus. An identification key to males of Loneura is included.


    PubMed Central

    Mondragón, Liliana; Monroy, Zuraya; Ito, Ma. Emily; Medina-Mora, Dra. Ma. Elena


    El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las disyuntivas entre los principios de beneficencia y autonomía, que se presentan en la relación médico-paciente, durante la terapéutica del intento de suicidio. La investigación se realizó en dos hospitales psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. La muestra incluyó a tres sujetos con intento de suicidio, mayores de 18 años, que eran atendidos en consulta externa a causa de una lesión autoinfligida en el último año, y a tres psiquiatras que trataban a estos pacientes. La información se obtuvo previo consentimiento informado en entrevistas individuales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de discurso argumentado para encontrar los significados que los participantes otorgaron a los principios bioéticos y las posibles disyuntivas entre éstos. Las discordancias entre la beneficencia y la autonomía estuvieron relacionadas con el beneficio del tratamiento, el respeto por los valores y las creencias de los pacientes, entre otros. Este trabajo presenta consideraciones éticas relevantes en el escenario clínico, al ofrecer al psiquiatra un análisis bioético que le permita actuar de acuerdo con la beneficencia y respetando la autonomía del paciente frente a casos de intento de suicidio y, de esta forma procurar una mejor atención para ellos. PMID:20830214

  19. Spatial and temporal constraints on regional-scale groundwater flow in the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin, Atacama Desert, Chile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jayne, Richard S.; Pollyea, Ryan M.; Dodd, Justin P.; Olson, Elizabeth J.; Swanson, Susan K.


    Aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin (Atacama Desert, northern Chile) are the sole source of water for the coastal city of Iquique and the economically important mining industry. Despite this, the regional groundwater system remains poorly understood. Although it is widely accepted that aquifer recharge originates as precipitation in the Altiplano and Andean Cordillera to the east, there remains debate on whether recharge is driven primarily by near-surface groundwater flow in response to periodic flood events or by basal groundwater flux through deep-seated basin fractures. In addressing this debate, the present study quantifies spatial and temporal variability in regional-scale groundwater flow paths at 20.5°S latitude by combining a two-dimensional model of groundwater and heat flow with field observations and δ18O isotope values in surface water and groundwater. Results suggest that both previously proposed aquifer recharge mechanisms are likely influencing aquifers within the Pampa del Tamarugal Basin; however, each mechanism is operating on different spatial and temporal scales. Storm-driven flood events in the Altiplano readily transmit groundwater to the eastern Pampa del Tamarugal Basin through near-surface groundwater flow on short time scales, e.g., 100-101 years, but these effects are likely isolated to aquifers in the eastern third of the basin. In addition, this study illustrates a physical mechanism for groundwater originating in the eastern highlands to recharge aquifers and salars in the western Pampa del Tamarugal Basin over timescales of 104-105 years.

  20. The p.Leu167del Mutation in APOE Gene Causes Autosomal Dominant Hypercholesterolemia by Down-regulation of LDL Receptor Expression in Hepatocytes.


    Cenarro, Ana; Etxebarria, Aitor; de Castro-Orós, Isabel; Stef, Marianne; Bea, Ana M; Palacios, Lourdes; Mateo-Gallego, Rocío; Benito-Vicente, Asier; Ostolaza, Helena; Tejedor, Teresa; Martín, César; Civeira, Fernando


    The p.Leu167del mutation in the APOE gene has been associated with hyperlipidemia. Our objective was to determine the frequency of p.Leu167del mutation in APOE gene in subjects with autosomal dominant hypercholesterolemia (ADH) in whom LDLR, APOB, and PCSK9 mutations had been excluded and to identify the mechanisms by which this mutant apo E causes hypercholesterolemia. The APOE gene was analyzed in a case-control study. The study was conducted at a University Hospital Lipid Clinic. Two groups (ADH, 288 patients; control, 220 normolipidemic subjects) were included. We performed sequencing of APOE gene and proteomic and cellular experiments. To determine the frequency of the p.Leu167del mutation and the mechanism by which it causes hypercholesterolemia. In the ADH group, nine subjects (3.1%) were carriers of the APOE c.500_502delTCC, p.Leu167del mutation, cosegregating with hypercholesterolemia in studied families. Proteomic quantification of wild-type and mutant apo E in very low-density lipoprotein (VLDL) from carrier subjects revealed that apo E3 is almost a 5-fold increase compared to mutant apo E. Cultured cell studies revealed that VLDL from mutation carriers had a significantly higher uptake by HepG2 and THP-1 cells compared to VLDL from subjects with E3/E3 or E2/E2 genotypes. Transcriptional down-regulation of LDLR was also confirmed. p.Leu167del mutation in APOE gene is the cause of hypercholesterolemia in the 3.1% of our ADH subjects without LDLR, APOB, and PCSK9 mutations. The mechanism by which this mutation is associated to ADH is that VLDL carrying the mutant apo E produces LDLR down-regulation, thereby raising plasma low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels.

  1. On the first occupational medicine initiatives in Mexico: The Real del Monte miners’ hospital.


    Gómez, José Luis; Rodríguez-Paz, Carlos Agustín


    Despite the legislation of Otto von Bismarck (1815-1898) on social security rights formulated in 1883 in Germany where it is stated that it is the duty of the State to promote the welfare of all members of society, particularly the weakest and most needy, using the means available to them, and the proposals of laws against accidents issued on April 30, 1904 in the State of Mexico in 1904, in the Mexico of the Porfirio Díaz era, providing workers with formal medical care was not contemplated, except in the case of some railway companies, hospitals for the care of patients with occupational diseases were not built. One of these exceptions was the Hospital del Mineral del Real del Monte de Pachuca, founded in the late nineteenth century and after the mining company passed to the Americans in 1906, it was agreed that the company acquired the hospital and equated it with the medical and surgical advances of the time for immediate care of injuries, especially of the orthopedic type, which enabled not only the healing of wounds, but also rehabilitation. This hospital is one of the oldest in Mexico with regard to three disciplines: orthopedics, occupational medicine and rehabilitation. It ceased to operate in 1982, and currently it is a museum with a rich collection of documents and instruments related to the aforementioned disciplines. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud.

  2. X-ray detection of Nova Del 2013 with Swift

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Castro-Tirado, Alberto J.; Martin-Carrillo, Antonio; Hanlon, Lorraine


    Continuous X-ray monitoring by Swift of Nova Del 2013 (see CBET #3628) shows an increase of X-ray emission at the source location compared to previous observations (ATEL #5283, ATEL #5305) during a 3.9 ksec observation at UT 2013-08-22 12:05. With the XRT instrument operating in window timing mode, 744 counts were extracted from a 50 pixel long source region and 324 counts from a similar box for a background region, resulting in a 13-sigma detection with a net count rate of 0.11±0.008 counts/sec.

  3. Evaporación dinámica del cinturón de asteroides original

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunini, A.

    Hemos integrado numéricamente un enjambre de 3000 partículas en la región del cinturón de asteroides, sujetas a las perturbaciones gravitatorias de Júpiter y Saturno. Al cabo de 107 años, se han formado ya todos los gaps de Kirkwood observados en el cinturón actual. El grupo en la resonancia 3/2 es, aunque en menor grado, también visible. Los tiempos de Lyapunov computados para los asteroides sobrevivientes, nos ha permitido encontrar la fracción de ellos que es capaz de sobrevivir por toda la edad del sistema solar, merced a la aplicacion de la relación empírica que vincula dichos tiempos al tiempo en el cual se manifiestan grandes transiciones orbitales. La fracción de supervivientes es de aproximadamente 1/100. El resto de la masa faltante en el cinturón, es atribuible a colisiones catastróficas con cometas en etapas primordiales.

  4. Dinámica y crecimiento de los granos de polvo en la nebulosa protoplanetaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de La Fuente Marcos, Carlos


    En el escenario estándar de la formación planetaria, los planetesimales (cuerpos de tamaño kilométrico) crecen a partir de granos de polvo, similares a los interestelares, embebidos en un disco gaseoso denominado nebulosa protoplanetaria. Durante esta etapa, los movimientos del gas pueden tener gran influencia en la dinámica y el crecimiento de los granos de polvo, dado que el flujo kepleriano del gas frena el movimiento de los mismos haciendo que caigan hacia el Sol, y la turbulencia inhibe la inestabilidad gravitacional de la capa de polvo. Aunque se acepta que los planetesimales fueron los elementos constituyentes de los planetas, todavía se desconoce cómo se produjo la formación de los mismos. Por esta razón, en los estudios más recientes, existe un renovado interés por comprender mejor la evolución de la capa de polvo inmersa en el disco gaseoso de la Nebulosa. El gas que fluye en el disco puede engendrar estructuras carentes de simetría axial, como por ejemplo ondas espirales y vórtices, a partir de gran variedad de mecanismos de excitación e inestabilidad. En 1995, Barge y Sommeria pusieron de manifiesto que la existencia de vórtices gaseosos persistentes en la nebulosa solar tendría importantes consecuencias sobre la formación de los planetesimales y el posterior crecimiento de los planetas gigantes. La investigación desarrollada en esta Tesis analiza la relación entre el polvo y el gas debida al acoplamiento por fricción dinámica entre ambos; en concreto, se estudia el efecto del flujo medio del gas sobre la dinámica de las partículas de polvo. El primer objetivo es investigar en profundidad los procesos de captura y crecimiento de los granos de polvo dentro de un vórtice y su posible relevancia en cuanto a la formación de los planetesimales. El segundo objetivo es la exploración de los efectos de ondas espirales propagándose en el disco gaseoso sobre la dinámica y el crecimiento de las partículas. La presencia de líneas de


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    3. 1939 DROP STRUCTURE IN DEL MAR PARK SURMOUNTED BY RECENT PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE. - Highline Canal, Sand Creek Lateral, Beginning at intersection of Peoria Street & Highline Canal in Arapahoe County (City of Aurora), Sand Creek lateral Extends 15 miles Northerly through Araphoe County, City & County of Denver, & Adams County to its end point, approximately 1/4 mile Southest of intersectioin of D Street & Ninth Avenue in Adams County (Rocky Mountain Arsenal, Commerce City Vicinity), Commerce City, Adams County, CO

  6. Discovering research value in the Campo del Cielo, Argentina, meteorite craters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cassidy, William A.; Renard, Marc L.


    The Campo del Cielo meteorite crater field in Argentina contains at least 20 small meteorite craters, but a recent review of the field data and a remote sensing study suggest that there may be more. The fall occurred ˜4000 years ago into a uniform loessy soil, and the craters are well enough preserved so that some of their parameters of impact can be determined after excavation. The craters were formed by multi-ton fragments of a type IA meteoroid with abundant silicate inclusions. Relative to the horizontal, the angle of infall was ˜9°. Reflecting the low angle of infall, the crater field is elongated with apparent dimensions of 3 × 18.5 km. The largest craters are near the center of this ellipse. This suggests that when the parent meteoroid broke apart, the resulting fragments diverged from the original trajectory in inverse relation to their masses and did not undergo size sorting due to atmospheric deceleration. The major axis of the crater field as we know it extends along N63°E, but the azimuths of infall determined by excavation of Craters 9 and 10 are N83.5°E and N75.5°E, respectively. This suggests that the major axis of the crater field is not yet well determined. The three or four largest craters appear to have been formed by impacts that disrupted the projectiles, scattering fragments around the outsides of the craters and leaving no large masses within them; these are relatively symmetrical in shape. Other craters are elongated features with multi-ton masses preserved within them and no fragmentation products outside. There are two ways in which field research on the Campo del Cielo crater field is found to be useful. (1) Studies exist that have been used to interpret impact craters on planetary surfaces other than the Earth. This occurrence of a swarm of projectiles impacting at known angles and similar velocities into a uniform target material provides an excellent field site at which to test the applicability of those studies. (2) Individual

  7. Desarrollo de un instrumento para medir percepciones sobre el contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia-Ramirez, Jaime Antonio

    En esta investigacion, se desarrollo un instrumento que permite medir percepciones relacionadas al contexto de constriccion del conocimiento cientifico. Se examinaron instrumentos existentes y se encontro que el VOSTS (Views on science, technology, and society), instrumento desarrollado empiricamente en Canada por Aikenhead, Ryan y Fleming, podia traducirse y validarse en el contexto cultural puertorriqueno. El instrumento es extenso, consta de 113 reactivos, cada uno con una premisa basica relacionada a la tematica ciencia, tecnologia y sociedad y un numero de alternativas relacionadas a la premisa que oscila entre siete y trece. Se delimito su utilizacion a los quince reactivos identificados por los autores como relacionados a la construccion social del conocimiento cientifico. Metodologicamente, se procedio a utilizar el modelo de adaptacion intercultural, que permite que el instrumento desarrollado satisfaga las dimensiones de equivalencia semantica, de contenido, tecnica, de criterio y conceptual, atemperado asi al instrumento original. Se cumplio con este proposito mediante la traduccion de la version original en ingles al espanol y viceversa. Se utilizaron comites para examinar la traduccion y la retro-traduccion del instrumento. Se realizo una prueba piloto con estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso, utilizando el instrumento traducido para asegurar su intelegibilidad. La confiabilidad del instrumento se determino mediante la intervencion de un panel de expertos quienes clasificaron las distintas posiciones dentro de cada reactivo en: realista, con merito e ingenua; se transformaron estas opciones en valores numericos lo que permitio establecer una escala Likert para cada una. Se suministro el instrumento a una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso con caracteristicas similares a las de la poblacion puertorriquena en cuanto a ejecucion en las pruebas de aptitud verbal y matematica del College Board. Los resultados de sus contestaciones

  8. Guía para la evaluación del riesgo de los polinizadores

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    La Guía para la evaluación del riesgo de los polinizadores de la EPA es parte de una estrategia de la evaluación de los riesgos que presentan los pesticidas para las abejas a fin de mejorar la protección de los polinizadores.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Ambient air VOC samples were collected at surface air quality monitoring sites, near sources of interest, and aloft on the US (El Paso) and Mexican (Ciudad Juarez) side of the border during a six-week period of the 1996 Paso del Norte Ozone Study. Samples were collected at five...

  10. Ozone studies in the Paso del Norte region

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Becerra-Davila, Fernando

    The Paso del Norte region forms the largest contiguous bi-national conglomerate on the US-Mexico border. With a combined population of around 2 million inhabitants, the Paso del Norte region is isolated, more than 500 km away from the nearest urban area of comparable size, thus making it an ideal location for air quality studies of an isolated urban environment. The meteorological conditions leading to a high ozone episode in this region, such as the historical ozone episode of June 2006, are analyzed. It is well known that stagnation and minimal winds, high temperatures, and pressure ridges over the region are conducive to high ozone episodes. In addition, the planetary boundary height is studied to understand its impact on high ozone episodes. Several studies report that ground level ozone non-attainment regulations could be caused not only by local emissions, but also by atmospheric transport. In this work the atmospheric advection of pollutants into the region is analyzed using HYSPLIT backward trajectories. Furthermore, a novel backward trajectory clustering technique is implemented for the summer of 2006. The "ozone weekend effect" (OWE) is a phenomenon by which in some geographical regions ambient ozone concentrations tend to be higher on weekends than on weekdays, despite the lower emissions of ozone precursors during those days. The observed local OWE has never previously been studied in terms of the photolysis rates of four of the main ozone precursors. In this research a novel method that allows the calculation of actinic fluxes, photolysis frequencies and photolysis rates with a high degree of accuracy and reliability has been developed. This method utilizes a combination of the experimental data available for this region in conjunction with a radiative transfer model (TUV model). Three weekend-weekday cases during summers 2006, 2009 and 2010 are studied in this work. In this research, the photolysis impact on the local OWE is studied. The results

  11. [Heterozygous carriers of Slavic mutation 657del5 of NBN gene in patients with colorectal cancer].


    Seemanová, Eva; Hoch, Jirí; Seeman, Pavel


    Nijmegen breakage syndrome (NBS) is one of the chromosomal instability syndromes due to DNA repair disorder. The syndrome is autosomal recessive determined, in homozygotes is characterized by many disorders including high predisposition to lymphoreticular malignancy in childhood and adolescence. Laboratory findings represent low level of immunoglobulins, B and T lymphocytes, increased sensitivity to the mutagens, especially hyperradiosensitivity and increased chromosomal instability. Heterozygotes show also elevated radiosensitivity and have an increased cancer risk in adult age. There is no predilection of the malignancy. Colorectal cancer was found often among the relatives of patients with NBS. Majority of the NBS patients are of the Central and Eastern European origin and carry the common founder mutation 657del5 in the NBN gene. The formation of second malignancy both in homozygotes and heterozygotes can be prevented by excluding any radiation. The aim of study is estimation of frequency of 657del5 heterozygotes among patients with colorectal cancer. Within a group of 161 patients with colorectal cancer 5 heterozygotes with 657del5 mutation were registered, e.g. 5-times higher incidence than expected. The elemental prevention in patients with proved positivity of Slavic mutation in NBN gene is to exclude any radiation.

  12. Nursing Taxonomies in Spain: Research Themes Presented at the AENTDE Conferences Over a 16-Year Period.


    Guirao-Goris, Silamani J Adolf; Lluch-Canut, Maria Teresa; Martín-Iglesias, Susana; Quero-Rufián, Aurora; Roldán Merino, Juan Francisco


    To identify the types of studies of nursing taxonomies and priority research themes presented at AENTDE conferences between 1996 and 2012. Four hundred oral communications and posters and 27 lectures presented at the AENTDE meetings were reviewed by means of a descriptive analysis of the types of studies conducted and a content analysis of priority research themes. The most commonly presented studies were descriptions of the implementation of nursing taxonomies, which accounted for 27.4% of the total over the 16-year period. However, their prevalence fell from 31.8% in 1996 to 9.1% in 2012. Basic research studies accounted for 17.4% of studies overall but were the most frequent in 2012, when their proportion had risen to 37.5%. The prevalence of basic research studies increased notably over the 16-year period. Content validity studies rose in number, while face validity studies fell. Studies of the practical implementation of taxonomies also declined. Identificar los tipos de estudios de taxonomías enfermeras y los temas de investigación prioritarios presentados en las convenciones de AENTDE desde 1996 a 2012. MÉTODO: Se revisaron 400 comunicaciones y 27 ponencias presentadas a 9 simposiums de AENTDE realizando un análisis del tipo de estudio y un análisis de contenido de los temas. Los estudios más frecuentes son las experiencias de implantación de las taxonomías enfermeras con un porcentaje medio de un 27.4% que partiendo de un 31.8% en 1996 disminuyó a un 9,1% en 2012. La investigación básica tienen un porcentaje medio del 17.4% obteniéndose el mayor porcentaje en 2012 con un 37,5%. CONCLUSIÓN: La prevalencia de los estudios de investigación básica se incrementó notablemente durante el período de 16 años. Los estudios de validez de contenido aumentaron en número, mientras que los estudios de validez aparente cayeron. Los estudios sobre la aplicación práctica de las taxonomías también disminuyeron. © 2016 NANDA International, Inc.

  13. Highly efficient and exact method for parallelization of grid-based algorithms and its implementation in DelPhi

    PubMed Central

    Li, Chuan; Li, Lin; Zhang, Jie; Alexov, Emil


    The Gauss-Seidel method is a standard iterative numerical method widely used to solve a system of equations and, in general, is more efficient comparing to other iterative methods, such as the Jacobi method. However, standard implementation of the Gauss-Seidel method restricts its utilization in parallel computing due to its requirement of using updated neighboring values (i.e., in current iteration) as soon as they are available. Here we report an efficient and exact (not requiring assumptions) method to parallelize iterations and to reduce the computational time as a linear/nearly linear function of the number of CPUs. In contrast to other existing solutions, our method does not require any assumptions and is equally applicable for solving linear and nonlinear equations. This approach is implemented in the DelPhi program, which is a finite difference Poisson-Boltzmann equation solver to model electrostatics in molecular biology. This development makes the iterative procedure on obtaining the electrostatic potential distribution in the parallelized DelPhi several folds faster than that in the serial code. Further we demonstrate the advantages of the new parallelized DelPhi by computing the electrostatic potential and the corresponding energies of large supramolecular structures. PMID:22674480

  14. Frequency of the CHEK2 1100delC mutation among women with breast cancer: an international study.


    Zhang, Shiyu; Phelan, Catherine M; Zhang, Phil; Rousseau, Francois; Ghadirian, Parviz; Robidoux, Andre; Foulkes, William; Hamel, Nancy; McCready, David; Trudeau, Maureen; Lynch, Henry; Horsman, Douglas; De Matsuda, Maria Lourdes Leon; Aziz, Zeba; Gomes, Magda; Costa, Mauricio Magalhaes; Liede, Alexander; Poll, Aletta; Sun, Ping; Narod, Steven A


    A founder allele in the CHEK2 gene (1100delC) has been associated with an elevated risk of breast cancer. This allele is responsible for the majority of CHEK2-associated breast cancers in women from northern European countries; however, within Europe, it seems to be rare in countries that are close to the Mediterranean. The frequency of the 1100delC allele has not been measured in non-White populations. We measured the frequency of the CHEK2 founder allele in 3,882 breast cancer patients and 8,609 controls from various countries. The allele was not seen among Asian patients (from Pakistan or the Philippines) and was present in 1 of 155 cases from Brazil. Among White women, the allele was present in 1.5% of 825 familial cases of breast cancer and in 0.7% of 1,106 patients with nonfamilial breast cancer. The allele was equally frequent in Jewish and non-Jewish patients. We estimate that the CHEK2 1100delC allele is associated with an odds ratio of 2.6 for breast cancer, which corresponds to a lifetime risk of approximately 24% in Ontario.

  15. En cumplimiento con la orden ejecutiva del presidente Trump sobre la Independencia Energética

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Acciones reglamentarias tomadas por la EPA, incluyendo audiencias públicas, para implementar la Orden Ejecutiva sobre la Independencia Energética y la propuesta derogación del Plan de Energía Limpia.

  16. Application of the Angular Overlap Model to Lanthanide Phthalocyanines (Aplicacion Del Modelo de Traslape Angular a Ftalocinaninas de Lantanidos)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    metilicos. Esto trae a la teoria del campo ligante el concepto de grupos funcionales. En este trabajo se us6 el enfoque del MTA desarrollado por...susceptibilidades magne’ticas se hizo de acuerdo a la teoria de perturbaciones usando la ecuacio’n de Van Vleckc. Es importante recordar que a pesar de...en el anillo pirrolico la deslocalizacio’n en el grupo imina es peque? a, y el sistema no se altera mucho debido a la donaci6n W. A partir de lus

  17. Impact of the F508del mutation on ovine CFTR, a Cl− channel with enhanced conductance and ATP-dependent gating

    PubMed Central

    Cai, Zhiwei; Palmai-Pallag, Timea; Khuituan, Pissared; Mutolo, Michael J; Boinot, Clément; Liu, Beihui; Scott-Ward, Toby S; Callebaut, Isabelle; Harris, Ann; Sheppard, David N


    Cross-species comparative studies are a powerful approach to understanding the epithelial Cl− channel cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), which is defective in the genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF). Here, we investigate the single-channel behaviour of ovine CFTR and the impact of the most common CF mutation, F508del-CFTR, using excised inside-out membrane patches from transiently transfected CHO cells. Like human CFTR, ovine CFTR formed a weakly inwardly rectifying Cl− channel regulated by PKA-dependent phosphorylation, inhibited by the open-channel blocker glibenclamide. However, for three reasons, ovine CFTR was noticeably more active than human CFTR. First, single-channel conductance was increased. Second, open probability was augmented because the frequency and duration of channel openings were increased. Third, with enhanced affinity and efficacy, ATP more strongly stimulated ovine CFTR channel gating. Consistent with these data, the CFTR modulator phloxine B failed to potentiate ovine CFTR Cl− currents. Similar to its impact on human CFTR, the F508del mutation caused a temperature-sensitive folding defect, which disrupted ovine CFTR protein processing and reduced membrane stability. However, the F508del mutation had reduced impact on ovine CFTR channel gating in contrast to its marked effects on human CFTR. We conclude that ovine CFTR forms a regulated Cl− channel with enhanced conductance and ATP-dependent channel gating. This phylogenetic analysis of CFTR structure and function demonstrates that subtle changes in structure have pronounced effects on channel function and the consequences of the CF mutation F508del. Key points Malfunction of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), a gated pathway for chloride movement, causes the common life-shortening genetic disease cystic fibrosis (CF). Towards the development of a sheep model of CF, we have investigated the function of sheep CFTR. We found that

  18. Construccion/Communicacion y Medios Publicitarios. Libro del Profesor (Construction/Communication & Media. Teacher's Guide). B5. CHOICE (Challenging Options in Career Education).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mid-Hudson Migrant Education Center, New Paltz, NY.

    The guide, written in Spanish, comprises the fourth grade unit of a career education curriculum for migrant students. Focus of the unit is on the tools and tasks of workers in 11 jobs in the construction, communication, and media occupational clusters: heavy equipment operator, architect, mason, carpenter, plumber, electrician, telephone line…

  19. The USH2A c.2299delG mutation: dating its common origin in a Southern European population

    PubMed Central

    Aller, Elena; Larrieu, Lise; Jaijo, Teresa; Baux, David; Espinós, Carmen; González-Candelas, Fernando; Nájera, Carmen; Palau, Francesc; Claustres, Mireille; Roux, Anne-Françoise; Millán, José M


    Usher syndrome type II is the most common form of Usher syndrome. USH2A is the main responsible gene of the three known to be disease causing. It encodes two isoforms of the protein usherin. This protein is part of an interactome that has an essential role in the development and function of inner ear hair cells and photoreceptors. The gene contains 72 exons spanning over a region of 800 kb. Although numerous mutations have been described, the c.2299delG mutation is the most prevalent in several populations. Its ancestral origin was previously suggested after the identification of a common core haplotype restricted to 250 kb in the 5′ region that encodes the short usherin isoform. By extending the haplotype analysis over the 800 kb region of the USH2A gene with a total of 14 intragenic single nucleotide polymorphisms, we have been able to define 10 different c.2299delG haplotypes, showing high variability but preserving the previously described core haplotype. An exhaustive c.2299delG/control haplotype study suggests that the major source of variability in the USH2A gene is recombination. Furthermore, we have evidenced twice the amount of recombination hotspots located in the 500 kb region that covers the 3′ end of the gene, explaining the higher variability observed in this region when compared with the 250 kb of the 5′ region. Our data confirm the common ancestral origin of the c.2299delG mutation. PMID:20145675

  20. Outbreak of Paratyphoid Fever Among Naval Personnel in Peru (Brote de Fiebre Paratifoidea Entre Personal de la Marina Del Peru.)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    son menosde 2Okniquecaiusania nvar comun Cs la tifoidea cldsica producida por S parte de las infecciones hunanas La fiebre Isv’lht la parat-foidea. par...TITLE (Include Secunty Clasifi4tin) Brote de Fiebre Parutifoidea Entre Personal de la Marina del Peru 1.PERSON4AL AUTHORCS) Pazzagllia G; Wgnall FS...CLASSIFIATIO F THIS PAGE All othe~redmtons areobolete. ZINCLASSIITIED Best Avai~lable Copy BROTE Dl FIEBRE PARATIFOIDEA ENTRE PERSONAL DE1 LA MARINA DEL PERU G

  1. How the early voltage clamp studies of José del Castillo inform "modern" neuroscience.


    Zottoli, Steven J


    The description of ionic currents that flow across the membrane of the squid giant axon during an action potential sparked an interest in determining whether there were similar currents in vertebrates. The preparation of choice was the node of Ranvier in single myelinated fibers in frog. José del Castillo spent 3 years on the United States mainland from 1956 to 1959. During that time, he collaborated with Jerome Y. Lettvin and John W. Moore. I discuss how these individuals met one another and some of their scientific discoveries using the voltage clamp to study squid giant axons and frog nodes. Much of this work was conducted at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, MA, and I attempt to convey a sense of the unique scientific "melting pot" that existed at the Marine Biological Laboratory and the broader effect that del Castillo had on "modern" neuroscience.

  2. Composición química de cúmulos globulares galácticos: metalicidades derivadas a partir de fotometría de Washington

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Torres, M. C.; Clariá, J. J.

    Se presentan temperaturas efectivas y abundancias de 183 gigantes rojas en 7 cúmulos globulares galácticos, derivadas a partir de fotometría de Washington realizada en Cerro Tololo. Las metalicidades provienen de una calibración que tiene en cuenta la disminución de sensibilidad de algunos índices con la temperatura. Los valores medios de [Fe/H] obtenidos oscilan entre -1.2 y -2.15, con errores típicos del orden de 0.2 salvo un par de excepciones. Teniendo en cuenta que el índice (C-T1) es significativamente más sensible a la metalicidad que (V-I), se presenta una calibración de abundancia basada en el color (C-T1)o de la rama gigante roja para una determinada magnitud absoluta M(T1). Las abundancias derivadas confirman en general la escala de Zinn (1985, ApJ, 293, 424).

  3. Potential forensic use of a 33 X-InDel panel in the Argentinean population.


    Caputo, Mariela; Amador, M A; Santos, S; Corach, D


    Polymorphic genetic markers located on the X chromosome might become a complement in particular forensic identification when the biological kinship are deficient. We analyzed forensic statistical parameters of 33 X-chromosome InDel polymorphisms in a sample of 320 individuals from Argentina. The X-chromosome InDel polymorphism (X-InDel) panel was amplified in a single multiplex PCR reaction. Hardy-Weinberg Equilibrium was determined in the female cohort, whereas the male cohort was used to calculate linkage disequilibrium (LD) tested by an extension of Fisher's exact test, D', and Chi-square values. Regarding LD, 15 markers were organized and grouped into six blocks containing two or three linked loci each, namely block I (MID356-MID357), block II (MID448804-MID3703-MID218), block III (MID3705-MID3706-MID304737), block IV (MID197147-MID3754), block V (MID3664-MID284601-MID103547), and block VI (MID3763-MID3728). The haplotype diversity was higher than 0.99 in all cases. Blocks III and VI showed the highest match probability in the studied population, whereas block II showed the lowest. The accumulated power of discrimination was 99.9999991 % in women and 99.9992925 % in men. The mean exclusion chance in trios and duos were 99.9891736 and 99.6099391 %, respectively. Since 15 markers are associated as haplotypic blocks, for a conservative treatment of the data, statistical evaluation should consider their haplotypic frequencies and the remaining 18 markers can be evaluated as independent loci.

  4. Aspetti deontologici e giuridici della Responsabilità professionale del chirurgo in Italia. Evoluzione storica a partire dal '900.


    Picardi, Nicola


    È pleonastico ricordare che ogni individuo raziocinante delle essere responsabile delle sue azioni: deve agire con la coscienza degli scopi che si propone evitando possibili conseguenze negative dei suoi atti. In ambito medico questo tipo di responsabilità è codificata con le norme della "deontologia". Per secoli l'arte terapeutica è stata praticata da individui dotati di una particolare vocazione ed una particolare cultura acquisita da Maestri dell'arte ancor prima che dalla propria esperienza, con nozioni di erboristeria e di elementari conoscenze anatomiche e di fisiologia, circondati da un'aura sacerdotale e da un rispetto derivante dal timore e dall'ammirazione per il coraggio e auspicabilmente dai successi, e facendo riferimento nell'occidente mediterraneo alle regole operative fissate nel Giuramento di Ippocrate, di significato tra il sacro ed il deontologico. Lo sviluppo delle tecniche anestesiologiche a partire dalla seconda metà dell'800 ha determinato l'ampliamento delle iniziative chirurgiche di tipo elettivo, a fianco con gli storici interventi in emergenza per la cura di lesioni traumatiche, ancor prima delle acquisizioni riguardanti le infezioni. Con l'espansione del campo di azione della chirurgia, le possibili complicanze ed i possibili insuccessi hanno fatto da contrappeso ai sentimenti di rispetto e di fiducia nei confronti dei chirurghi, giungendo a far assimilare in tali casi la loro opera quale causa all'origine di danni, provocati rientrando quindi nella categoria dei reati sottoposti alla Legge penale. Così, al termine deontologico di "responsabilità" valido per ogni iniziativa ed ogni professione, per i medici è venuto ad associarsi la qualifica di "professionale", con un significato di presunta colpevolezza. Da una parte le regole deontologiche si sono ampliate, ed hanno coinvolto direttamente il paziente nella fase decisionale delle terapie chirurgiche, formalizzate programmaticamente in moderni codici deontologici ed

  5. PubMed

    Camporro, Fernando Astur; Gutierrez Magaldi, Ignacio; Bulacio, Exequiel


    Introducción: El tabaquismo es la primera causa evitable de muerte en el mundo. El cigarrillo electrónico (CE), es un dispositivo que simula a los cigarrillos convencionales y permite inhalar nicotina y otras sustancias de forma vaporizada, sin combustión de tabaco. Su conocimiento por parte de la población general, así como su comercialización y consumo viene en constante aumento. Es utilizado en todo el mundo con el objetivo de disminuir el consumo de tabaco, lograr su abandono o poder utilizarlo en lugares públicos donde el consumo de cigarrillos convencionales está prohibido. Efectos nocivos sobre la salud: Su utilización se ha asociado a neumonía lipoidea e irritación de la vía aérea superior y toxicidad por nicotina. Presenta sustancias cancerígenas como nitrosaminas, formaldeido y metales como el niquel, cromo y plomo. Aumenta la resistencia de la vía aérea, efecto que es similar al que se produce después de la inhalación del humo del tabaco. Eficacia para dejar de fumar: No hay hasta el momento trabajos que demuestren con poder estadístico y buena metodología que este producto sea eficaz para dejar de fumar.  Conclusiones: De acuerdo a la evidencia disponible, no podemos descartar que el uso del cigarrillo electrónico no tenga riesgos para la salud. La seguridad y eficacia de los cigarrillos electrónicos como ayuda para el abandono del hábito tabáquico no han sido demostradas.

  6. Use of black vulture (Coragyps atratus) in complementary and alternative therapies for cancer in Colombia: A qualitative study

    PubMed Central


    Background Although Coragyps atratus has been used as a traditional therapy for patients with cancer, the scientific literature does not contain enough information on how this therapy is used or the mechanisms that explain this therapeutic practice. Objectives To understand the methods of use and the reasons given by patients and caregivers for the use of Coragyps atratus in cancer treatment. Methods This study used a qualitative design based on twenty in-depth interviews of patients with cancer or caregivers of patients with the disease. The analysis of the text was based on an inductive thematic approach. Results Resistance to disease and immune enhancement are properties attributed to Coragyps atratus when used for cancer treatment. The most recommended method of use is fresh blood ingestion, and the associated mechanism of action is transfer of immune factors to the individual who consumes it. Conclusions Use of Coragyps atratus as a treatment for cancer is a popular alternative therapy in Colombia. More studies are needed to understand the clinical effects of this intervention in cancer patients. Spanish abstract Introducción Aunque Coragyps atratus se usa tradicionalmente como terapia para pacientes con cáncer, no existe suficiente información en la literatura científica sobre su forma de utilización ni sobre los mecanismos explicativos que subyacen a esta práctica terapéutica. Objetivos Conocer métodos de utilización y mecanismos explicativos dados por los pacientes y cuidadores de pacientes sobre el uso de Coragyps atratus en el tratamiento del cáncer. Materiales y métodos Diseño cualitativo basado en veinte entrevistas en profundidad de pacientes con cáncer o cuidadores de pacientes con esta enfermedad. Análisis de texto basado en enfoque temático inductivo. Resultados Al Coragyps atratus se le atribuyen propiedades de resistencia y fortalecimiento del sistema inmune de personas enfermas de cáncer. La forma de utilización mas común es la

  7. High genetic structure and low mitochondrial diversity in bottlenose dolphins of the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro, Panama: A population at risk?

    PubMed Central

    Tezanos-Pinto, Gabriela; Islas-Villanueva, Valentina; Correa-Cárdenas, Camilo A.


    The current conservation status of the bottlenose dolphin (Tursiops truncatus) under the IUCN is ‘least concern’. However, in the Caribbean, small and localized populations of the ‘inshore form’ may be at higher risk of extinction than the ‘worldwide distributed form’ due to a combination of factors including small population size, high site fidelity, genetic isolation, and range overlap with human activities. Here, we study the population genetic structure of bottlenose dolphins from the Archipelago of Bocas del Toro in Panama. This is a small population characterized by high site fidelity and is currently heavily-impacted by the local dolphin-watching industry. We collected skin tissue samples from 25 dolphins to study the genetic diversity and structure of this population. We amplified a portion of the mitochondrial Control Region (mtDNA-CR) and nine microsatellite loci. The mtDNA-CR analyses revealed that dolphins in Bocas del Toro belong to the ‘inshore form’, grouped with the Bahamas-Colombia-Cuba-Mexico population unit. They also possess a unique haplotype new for the Caribbean. The microsatellite data indicated that the Bocas del Toro dolphin population is highly structured, likely due to restricted movement patterns. Previous abundance estimates obtained with mark-recapture methods reported a small population of 80 dolphins (95% CI = 72–87), which is similar to the contemporary effective population size estimated in this study (Ne = 73 individuals; CI = 18.0 - ∞; 0.05). The combination of small population size, high degree of genetic isolation, and intense daily interactions with dolphin-watching boats puts the Bocas del Toro dolphin to at high risk of extinction. Despite national guidelines to regulate the dolphin-watching industry in Bocas del Toro and ongoing educational programs for tour operators, only in 2012 seven animals have died due to boat collisions. Our results suggest that the conservation status of bottlenose dolphins in

  8. General anesthetic octanol and related compounds activate wild-type and delF508 cystic fibrosis chloride channels

    PubMed Central

    Marcet, Brice; Becq, Frédéric; Norez, Caroline; Delmas, Patrick; Verrier, Bernard


    Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl− channel is defective during cystic fibrosis (CF). Activators of the CFTR Cl− channel may be useful for therapy of CF. Here, we demonstrate that a range of general anesthetics like normal-alkanols (n-alkanols) and related compounds can stimulate the Cl− channel activity of wild-type CFTR and delF508-CFTR mutant. The effects of n-alkanols like octanol on CFTR activity were measured by iodide (125I) efflux and patch-clamp techniques on three distinct cellular models: (1) CFTR-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells, (2) human airway Calu-3 epithelial cells and (3) human airway JME/CF15 epithelial cells which express the delF508-CFTR mutant. Our data show for the first time that n-alkanols activate both wild-type CFTR and delF508-CFTR mutant. Octanol stimulated 125I efflux in a dose-dependent manner in CFTR-expressing cells (wild-type and delF508) but not in cell lines lacking CFTR. 125I efflux and Cl− currents induced by octanol were blocked by glibenclamide but insensitive to 4,4′-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2′-disulfonic acid, as expected for a CFTR Cl− current. CFTR activation by octanol was neither due to cell-to-cell uncoupling properties of octanol nor to an intracellular cAMP increase. CFTR activation by octanol requires phosphorylation by protein kinase-A (PKA) since it was prevented by H-89, a PKA inhibitor. n-Alkanols chain length was an important determinant for channel activation, with rank order of potencies: 1-heptanol<1-octanol<2-octanol<1-decanol. Our findings may be of valuable interest for developing novel therapeutic strategies for CF. PMID:14967738

  9. General anesthetic octanol and related compounds activate wild-type and delF508 cystic fibrosis chloride channels.


    Marcet, Brice; Becq, Frédéric; Norez, Caroline; Delmas, Patrick; Verrier, Bernard


    1. Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) Cl(-) channel is defective during cystic fibrosis (CF). Activators of the CFTR Cl(-) channel may be useful for therapy of CF. Here, we demonstrate that a range of general anesthetics like normal-alkanols (n-alkanols) and related compounds can stimulate the Cl(-) channel activity of wild-type CFTR and delF508-CFTR mutant. 2. The effects of n-alkanols like octanol on CFTR activity were measured by iodide ((125)I) efflux and patch-clamp techniques on three distinct cellular models: (1). CFTR-expressing Chinese hamster ovary cells, (2). human airway Calu-3 epithelial cells and (3). human airway JME/CF15 epithelial cells which express the delF508-CFTR mutant. 3. Our data show for the first time that n-alkanols activate both wild-type CFTR and delF508-CFTR mutant. Octanol stimulated (125)I efflux in a dose-dependent manner in CFTR-expressing cells (wild-type and delF508) but not in cell lines lacking CFTR. (125)I efflux and Cl(-) currents induced by octanol were blocked by glibenclamide but insensitive to 4,4'-diisothiocyanatostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid, as expected for a CFTR Cl(-) current. 4. CFTR activation by octanol was neither due to cell-to-cell uncoupling properties of octanol nor to an intracellular cAMP increase. CFTR activation by octanol requires phosphorylation by protein kinase-A (PKA) since it was prevented by H-89, a PKA inhibitor. 5. n-Alkanols chain length was an important determinant for channel activation, with rank order of potencies: 1-heptanol<1-octanol<2-octanol<1-decanol. Our findings may be of valuable interest for developing novel therapeutic strategies for CF.


    PubMed Central

    Barreda, Victoria; Carballo-Dieguez, Alex; Marone, Rubén; Balán, Iván; Pando, María Ángeles; Ávila, María Mercedes


    Resumen A partir de un relevamiento de tipo etnográfico, se describen lugares de encuentro de HSH en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus prácticas sexuales. El reconocimiento de tales espacios, así como las características que asumen en ellos los encuentros sexuales entre los HSH, plantean obstáculos específicos en la adopción de comportamientos preventivos y, asimismo, generan nuevos desafíos para las actividades de prevención. Se plantean las dificultades y debates conceptuales que la misma categoría presenta, y sus consecuencias en el abordaje preventivo y teórico-metodológico para las ciencias sociales. Además, se proponen nuevos interrogantes acerca de los alcances y las limitaciones del modelo preventivo del VIH/Sida para HSH. PMID:21874154


    PubMed Central

    Rupaya, Carmen Rosa García


    Se revisan aspectos de la inclusión de la ética y bioética en la formación de pre y posgrado del cirujano-dentista en Perú. Desde el punto de vista de la formación del docente, se analiza la presencia de normatividad ética en la investigación científica que genera la universidad, así como los conocimientos y actitudes vinculados con la ética y bioética en la formación del odontólogo. Se concluye que es un compromiso fomentar un cambio de paradigma, a través de un movimiento masivo que involucre los ámbitos familiar, profesional y académico, con el n de integrar la reflexión ética en nuestro diario proceder. PMID:19946384

  12. The Impacts of Social Media on Citizen Security Behavior in Mexico

    DTIC Science & Technology


    consumo -de-medios- digitales -2010. 72 Guillermo Perezbolde V, “Twitter en México 2011, slide 9 of 16,” Mente Digital Presentation, June 9, 2011, http...recent times.68 67 Millward Brown, “Estudio de Consumo de Medios Digitales en México 2010,” IAB...México, consumo -de-medios- digitales -2010. 68 Ibid. 28 Figure 2.3. Devices Used to Connect to the

  13. Redescripcion de la hembra y descripcion del macho de Pseudomethoca argyrocephala (Hymenoptera Mutillidae)


    J.A. Genaro; J.A. Torres


    La especie Pseudomethoca argyrocephala fue descrita muy brevemente a partir de una hembra colectada en St. John, Islas Vfrgenes (Gerstaecker, 1874). Su presencia, inadvertida por la ausencia de ejemplares en las principales colecciones y la deposicion del holotipo en algun museo de Alemania, posiblemente motivo la omision en una clave para las especies antillanas (...

  14. El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delgado, Isabel C.

    unidad, segun evidencia los productos finales del ABPr. La interaccion con el docente es muy importante para mediar los conflictos y desacuerdos que surgen como parte de las interacciones entre pares. Por lo tanto, el uso de diversas estrategias de andamiaje por parte del docente durante las reuniones de los grupos colaborativos es esencial para el exito del modelo ABPr.

  15. Los Protectores del Planeta: actividades para niños y recursos educativos sobre reciclaje

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Información sobre el Club Protectores del Planeta que enseña cómo reducir la basura desde el punto de origen, cómo reciclar y conservar los recursos naturales. La información incluye recursos educativos para el salón de clases.

  16. Natural radionuclides in the rocks of the Valle del Cervo Pluton in Piedmont.


    Sesana, Lucia; Fumagalli, Marco; Carnevale, Mauro; Polla, Giancarla; Facchini, Ugo; Colombo, Annita; Tunesi, Annalisa; De Capitani, Luisa; Rusconi, Rosella


    Monitoring of the gamma radiation in Valle del Cervo Pluton was performed by determining U and Th contents in the main rock types cropping out over the entire area and pertaining to the granitic complex, syenitic complex and monzonitic complex. In particular, syenitic rocks were largely used as building and ornamental materials (e.g. Sienite della Balma). All the samples are fresh and do not present joints or fractures filled with U minerals. In the crushed samples the activity of uranium varies from 346 to 764 Bq/kg. Concentration of thorium varies from 202 to 478 Bq/kg. For all the analysed rocks uranium activity is higher than thorium one. The lowest value of radioactive concentration is referred to rocks of the granitic complex. The most active rocks are syenites. The data confirm the high activities of Valle del Cervo rock types, strongly connected with high K content of the source magma (geochemical signature); on the contrary, the activity seems to be not related to the location of the samples.

  17. [Detection of Aedes albopictus (Skuse) (Diptera: Culicidae) in the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia].


    Cuéllar-Jiménez, María Elena; Velásquez-Escobar, Olga Lucía; González-Obando, Ranulfo; Morales-Reichmann, Carlos Andrés


    Aedes albopictus is the second most important dengue virus vector in the Asian southeast after Aedes aegypti. Its entrance into the Americas occurred in 1985, and laboratory studies performed show its potential as a vector in this continent as well. In Colombia, this species has been reported in Leticia (Amazonas) in 1998 and Buenaventura (Valle del Cauca) in 2001. The latest discoveries show that this mosquito continues to advance toward the country's interior. To inform that the presence of A. albopictus is documented in the city of Cali, Valle del Cauca, Colombia. Since 2002, weekly sampling has been performed using larval traps located at seventeen stations. The identification of the A. albopictus species, was carried out in the Unidad de Entomología, Laboratorio de Salud Pública Departamental. These identifications were confirmed in the Entomology Laboratory at Universidad del Valle and the National Institute of Health in Bogotá. From April to June of 2006, larvae of A. albopictus were found in six sampling stations located between northwest and northeast of Cali, one of them in the suburban area of the Yumbo city. The control of A. aegypti and A. albopictus must be integrated into a single program. The surveillance in the cities and nearest departments must be intensified with the objective of limiting the advancement of A. albopictus.

  18. Assessing Glacier Hazards At Ghiacciaio Del Belvedere, Macugnaga, Italian Alps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haeberli, W.; Chiarle, M.; Mortara, G.; Mazza, A.

    The uppermost section of the Valle Anzasca behind and above the community of Macugnaga in the Italian Alps is one of the most spectacular high-mountain land- scapes in Europe, with gigantic rock walls and numerous steep hanging glaciers. Its main glacier, Ghiacciaio del Belvedere at the foot of the huge Monte Rosa east face, is a heavily debris-covered glacier flowing on a thick sediment bed. Problems with floods, avalanches and debris flows from this ice body have been known for extended time periods. Most recently, however, the evolution of this highly dynamic environ- ment has become more dramatic. An outburst of Lago delle Locce, an ice-dammed lake at the confluenec of the tributary Ghiacciaio delle Locce with Ghiacciaio del Belvedere, caused heavy damage in 1979 and necessitated site investigation and con- struction work to be done for flood protection. The intermittent glacier growth ten- dency in the 1970es induced strong bulging of the glacier surface and, in places, caused the glacier tongue to override historical morains and to destroy newly-grown forest stands. A surge-type flow acceleration started in the lower parts of the Monte- Rosa east face during summer 2000, leading to strong crevassing and deformation of Ghiacciaio del Belvedere and extreme bulging of its orographic right margin. High water pressure and accelerated movement lasted into winter 2001/2002: the ice now started overriding the LIA moraine near Rifugio Zamboni of the CAI. In addition but rather independently, a most active detachment zone for rock falls and debris flows developed for several years now in the east face of Monte Rosa, somewhat more to the south of the accelerated glacier movement and at an altitude where relatively warm permafrost must be expected. Besides the scientific interest in these phenomena, the growing hazard potential to the local infrastructure must be considered seriously. Es- pecially potentials for the destabilization of large rock and ice masses in the

  19. Update of the GJB2/DFNB1 mutation spectrum in Russia: a founder Ingush mutation del(GJB2-D13S175) is the most frequent among other large deletions

    PubMed Central

    Bliznetz, Elena A; Lalayants, Maria R; Markova, Tatiana G; Balanovsky, Oleg P; Balanovska, Elena V; Skhalyakho, Roza A; Pocheshkhova, Elvira A; Nikitina, Natalya V; Voronin, Sergey V; Kudryashova, Elena K; Glotov, Oleg S; Polyakov, Alexander V


    Although mutations in the GJB2 gene sequence make up the majority of variants causing autosomal-recessive non-syndromic hearing loss, few large deletions have been shown to contribute to DFNB1 deafness. Currently, genetic testing for DFNB1 hearing loss includes GJB2 sequencing and DFNB1 deletion analysis for two common large deletions, del(GJB6-D13S1830) and del(GJB6-D13S1854). Here, we report frequency in Russia, clinical significance and evolutionary origins of a 101 kb deletion, del(GJB2-D13S175), recently identified by us. In multiethnic cohort of 1104 unrelated hearing loss patients with biallelic mutations at the DFNB1 locus, the del(GJB2-D13S175) allele frequency of up to 0.5% (11/2208) was determined and this allele was shown to be predominantly associated with profound sensorineural hearing loss. Additionally, eight previously unpublished GJB2 mutations were described in this study. All patients carrying del(GJB2-D13S175) were of the Ingush ancestry. Among normal hearing individuals, del(GJB2-D13S175) was observed in Russian Republic of Ingushetia with a carrier rate of ~1% (2/241). Analysis of haplotypes associated with the deletion revealed a common founder in the Ingushes, with age of the deletion being ~3000 years old. Since del(GJB2-D13S175) was missed by standard methods of GJB2 analysis, del(GJB2-D13S175) detection has been added to our routine testing strategy for DFNB1 hearing loss. PMID:28405014

  20. A novel biological 'twin-father' temporal paradox of General Relativity in a Gödel universe - Where reproductive biology meets theoretical physics.


    Ashrafian, Hutan


    Several temporal paradoxes exist in physics. These include General Relativity's grandfather and ontological paradoxes and Special Relativity's Langevin-Einstein twin-paradox. General relativity paradoxes can exist due to a Gödel universe that follows Gödel's closed timelike curves solution to Einstein's field equations. A novel biological temporal paradox of General Relativity is proposed based on reproductive biology's phenomenon of heteropaternal fecundation. Herein, dizygotic twins from two different fathers are the result of concomitant fertilization during one menstrual cycle. In this case an Oedipus-like individual exposed to a Gödel closed timelike curve would sire a child during his maternal fertilization cycle. As a consequence of heteropaternal superfecundation, he would father his own dizygotic twin and would therefore generate a new class of autofraternal superfecundation, and by doing so creating a 'twin-father' temporal paradox. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  1. Diet of the Del Norte Salamander (Plethodon elongatus): Differences by age, gender, and season.


    Clara A. Wheeler; Nancy E. Karraker; Hartwell H. Welsh; Lisa M. Ollivier


    Terrestrial salamanders are integral components of forest ecosystems and the examination of their feeding habits may provide useful information regarding various ecosystem processes. We studied the diet of the Del Norte Salamander (Plethodon elongatus) and assessed diet differences between age classes, genders, and seasons. The stomachs of 309...

  2. Shed Some Light on the Subject: Teaching Ramon del Valle-Inclan's "Luces de bohemia"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parker, Jason Thomas


    This essay seeks to provide parallel and interchangeable approaches to teaching Ramon del Valle-Inclan's challenging play "Luces de bohemia". A greater understanding of the cultural and mental frameworks of the early twentieth-century Spanish spectator will permit students to penetrate the dense intertextuality that characterizes Valle's…

  3. CHEK2 1100delC variant and breast cancer risk in Caucasians: a meta-analysis based on 25 studies with 29,154 cases and 37,064 controls.


    Yang, Yuan; Zhang, Fan; Wang, Yang; Liu, Sheng-Chun


    Links between the CHEK2 1100delC heterozygote and breast cancer risk have been extensively explored. However, both positive and negative associations with this variant have been reported in individual studies. For a detailed assessment of the CHEK2 1100delC heterozygote and breast cancer risk, relevant studies published as recently as May 2012 were identified using PUBMED and EMBASE and selected using a priori defined criteria. The strength of the relationship between the CHEK2 1100delC variant and breast cancer risks was assessed by odds ratios (ORs) under the fixed effects model. A total of 29,154 cases and 37,064 controls from 25 case-control studies were identified in this meta-analysis. The CHEK2 1100delC heterozygote was more frequently detected in cases than in controls (1.34% versus 0.44%). A significant association was found between CHEK2 1100delC heterozygote and breast cancer risk (OR=2.75, 95% CI: [2.25, 3.36]). The ORs and CIs were 2.33 (95% CI: [1.79, 3.05]), 3.72 (95% CI: [2.61, 5.31]) and 2.78 (95% CI: [2.28, 3.39]) respectively in unselected, family, early-onset breast cancer subgroups. The CHEK2 1100delC variant could be a potential factor for increased breast cancer risk in Caucasians. However, more consideration is needed in order to apply it to allele screening or other clinical work.

  4. Towards a systematic construction of realistic D-brane models on a del Pezzo singularity

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dolan, Matthew J.; Krippendorf, Sven; Quevedo, Fernando


    A systematic approach is followed in order to identify realistic D-brane models at toric del Pezzo singularities. Requiring quark and lepton spectrum and Yukawas from D3 branes and massless hypercharge, we are led to Pati-Salam extensions of the Standard Model. Hierarchies of masses, flavour mixings and control of couplings select higher order del Pezzo singularities, minimising the Higgs sector prefers toric del Pezzos with dP 3 providing the most successful compromise. Then a supersymmetric local string model is presented with the following properties at low energies: (i) the MSSM spectrum plus a local B - L gauge field or additional Higgs fields depending on the breaking pattern, (ii) a realistic hierarchy of quark and lepton masses and (iii) realistic flavour mixing between quark and lepton families with computable CKM and PMNS matrices, and CP violation consistent with observations. In this construction, kinetic terms are diagonal and under calculational control suppressing standard FCNC contributions. Proton decay operators of dimension 4, 5, 6 are suppressed, and gauge couplings can unify depending on the breaking scales from string scales at energies in the range 1012-1016 GeV, consistent with TeV soft-masses from moduli mediated supersymmetry breaking. The GUT scale model corresponds to D3 branes at dP 3 with two copies of the Pati-Salam gauge symmetry SU(4) × SU(2) R × SU(2) L . D-brane instantons generate a non-vanishing μ-term. Right handed sneutrinos can break the B - L symmetry and induce a see-saw mechanism of neutrino masses and R-parity violating operators with observable low-energy implications.

  5. Matrine in association with FD-2 stimulates F508del-cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator activity in the presence of corrector VX809

    PubMed Central

    Marengo, Barbara; Speciale, Andrea; Senatore, Lisa; Garibaldi, Silvano; Musumeci, Francesca; Nieddu, Erika; Pollarolo, Benedetta; Pronzato, Maria Adelaide; Schenone, Silvia; Mazzei, Mauro; Domenicotti, Cinzia


    Cystic fibrosis is caused by mutations of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene, and the predominant mutation is termed Phe508del (F508del). Therapy for F508del-CFTR patients is based on the use of Orkambi®, a combination of VX809 and VX770. However, though Orkambi leads to an improvement in the lung function of patients, a progressive reduction in its efficacy has been observed. In order to overcome this effect, the aim of the present study was to investigate the role of matrine and the in-house compound FD-2 in increasing the action of VX809 and VX770. Fischer rat thyroid cells overexpressing F508del-CFTR were treated with matrine, VX809 (corrector) and/or with a number of potentiators (VX770, FD-1 and FD-2). The results demonstrated that matrine was able to stimulate CFTR activity and, in association with FD-2, increased the functionality of the channel in the presence of VX809. Based on these results, it may be hypothesized that FD-2 may be a novel and more effective potentiator compared with VX770. PMID:29039559

  6. Scale of attitudes toward alcohol - Spanish version: evidences of validity and reliability.


    Ramírez, Erika Gisseth León; Vargas, Divane de


    espanhol, apresentou qualidades psicométricas robustas, afirmando que se trata de um instrumento com estrutura fatorial e confiabilidade sólidas, capaz de medir com precisão as atitudes dos enfermeiros frente ao fenômeno proposto. validar la Escala de actitudes frente al alcohol, al alcoholismo y a la persona con trastornos relacionados al uso de alcohol en su versión española. estudio de tipo metodológico, realizado con 303 enfermeros colombianos. Siguiendo la teoría clásica, se utilizó análisis factorial confirmatoria sin exploración previa, con base en la fuerte evidencia histórica de la estructura factorial del instrumento original para determinar la validez de constructo de esta versión en español. La confiabilidad se evaluó por los coeficientes de Alfa de Cronbach y Omega de Mc Donald. el análisis factorial confirmatorio indicó buen ajuste del modelo de la escala en la distribución de cuatro factores, comportando 48 ítems en su versión en español. Los índices de confiabilidad fueron satisfactorios, con un punto de corte observado en 3,2, mostrando sensibilidad del 66,7%. la Escala de actitudes frente al alcohol, al alcoholismo y a la persona con trastornos relacionados al uso de alcohol en idioma español presentó cualidades psicométricas robustas, afirmando que se trata de un instrumento con estructura factorial y confiabilidad sólidas, capaz de medir con precisión las actitudes de los enfermeros frente al fenómeno propuesto.

  7. Early neogene history of the central American arc from Bocas del Toro, western Panama

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Coates, Anthony G.; Aubry, Marie-Pierre; Berggren, William A.; Collins, Laurel S.; Kunk, Michael J.


    A newly discovered sequence of lower to middle Miocene rocks from the eastern Bocas del Toro archipelago, western Panama, reveals the timing and environment of the earliest stages in the rise of the Isthmus of Panama in this region. Two new formations, the Punta Alegre Formation (lower Miocene, Aquitanian to Burdigalian) and the Valiente Formation (middle Miocene, Langhian to Serravallian), are here named and formally described. The Punta Alegre Formation contains a diagnostic microfauna of benthic and planktic foraminifera and calcareous nannofossils that indicate deposition in a 2000-m-deep pre-isthmian neotropical ocean from as old as 21.5–18.3 Ma. Its lithology varies from silty mudstone to muddy foraminiferal ooze with rare thin microturbidite layers near the top. The Valiente Formation, which ranges in age from 16.4 to ca. 12.0 Ma, lies with slight angular unconformity on the Punta Alegre Formation and consists of five lithofacies: (1) columnar basalt and flow breccia, (2) pyroclastic deposits, (3) coarse-grained volcaniclastic deposits, (4) coral-reef limestone with diverse large coral colonies, and (5) marine debris-flow deposits and microturbidites. These lithofacies are interpreted to indicate that after ca. 16 Ma a volcanic arc developed in the region of Bocas del Toro and that by ca. 12 Ma an extensively emergent archipelago of volcanic islands had formed. 39Ar/40Ar dating of basalt flows associated with the fossiliferous sedimentary rocks in the upper part of the Valiente Formation strongly confirms the ages derived from planktic foraminifera and nannofossils. Paleobathymetric analysis of the two new formations in the Valiente Peninsula and Popa Island, in the Bocas del Toro archipelago, shows a general shallowing from lower- through upper-bathyal to upper-neritic and emergent laharic and fluviatile deposits from ca. 19 to 12 Ma. The overlying nonconformable Bocas del Toro Group contains a lower transgressive sequence ranging from basal nearshore

  8. A participatory approach to integrated aquifer management: The case of Guanajuato State, Mexico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sandoval, Ricardo

    de l'État s'est appliqué à développer une stratégie sur deux plans. Tout d'abord, des études hydrogéologiques de base et des modèles mathématiques d'écoulement et de transport de nappe ont été réalisés à partir d'un suivi d'ensemble des puits existants et d'une révision générale du contexte géologique de l'État. Ensuite, on a soutenu une structure de participation des usagers de l'eau aux actions de gestion de l'eau, à partir de la dissémination de l'information pour la mise en place de projets pilotes efficaces d'utilisation de l'eau, avec des aides financières, techniques et politiques de l'État. Simultanément, un effort coordonné en vue de l'achèvement de l'enregistrement des usagers de l'eau a été fait avec l'autorité fédérale, en même temps que d'autres mesures de soutien, telles que des programmes de formation et des campagnes de surveillance. Cet article présente une vue d'ensemble des réalisations de projets et des défis. Resumen El Estado de Guanajuato, situado en el centro de México, ocupa menos del 2% de la superficie del país. Tiene casi 17.000 pozos profundos, de los cuales se extrae cerca de 4.000 hm3/a, lo que supone un exceso de 1.000 hm3/a respecto a la recarga anual. Puesto que el agua es administrada a nivel federal en México, el gobierno del Estado afronta el reto de asegurar el desarrollo de la población sin disponer de medios formales de intervención. Dadas las limitaciones para aplicar políticas y medidas reguladoras, el programa del agua en el Estado tiene como objetivo principal la implantación de una doble estrategia. Por un lado, desarrollar estudios hidrogeológicos básicos y modelos matemáticos de flujo y transporte de los acuíferos, basándose en una campaña exhaustiva de pozos existentes y en una revisión del marco geológico del Estado. Por otro lado, promover-con soporte financiero, técnico y político-una estructura de participación de los usuarios en las acciones de gesti

  9. Fotometria WHBY |o lll|/HB de Regiones H 11 Y la HISTORIA de la Formacion ESTELAR Reciente EN la PEQUENA NUBE de Magallanes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Copetti, M. V. F.; Dottori, H. A.


    El ancho equivalente WHβ de la linea de Hβ en emisión y la razón [0 III]/Hβ del par λλ4959, 50 7 A del [0111], fueron medidos en 23 regiones HII de la Peque˜a Nube de Magallanes, por medio de la fotometría fotoeléctrica a través de un sistema de tres filtros interferenciales: dos Hβ , con bandas pasantes de 100 y 30 A, y un [0111] centrado en 5000 A y con banda pasante de 50 A. Las observaciones fueron realizadas con los telescopios de 1.60-m y 0.60-m del Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofísica, Brasópolis, Brasil. Fueron escogidos diafragmas suficientemente grandes para captar la radiación integrada de cada región HII. Las medidas fueron calibradas por comparación a un conjunto de nebulosas planetarias con flujos absolutos bien definidos. A través de la comparación entre los datos observacionales y modelos evolutivos de WHβ y [0 III] /Hβ (Copetti et al.1986', Astr. and Ap., 156, 111), las edades de las regiones HIl fueron estimadas. Basada en la distribución espacial de las edades de regiones HIl, la historia de la formación estelar reciente en la Pequeña Nube de Magallanes es analizada. La similitud de las medidas de WH&beta y [OIII]/WHβ entre las regiones H II observadas sugiere que hubo una explosión de formación estelar a 4±1 x106 años en la Pequeña Nube de Magallanes. (Parcialmente financiado por CNPq).

  10. La formación de la Nube de Oort y el entorno galáctico primitivo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández, J. A.

    Se analizan las condiciones de formación de la nube de Oort en el medio galáctico primitivo, bajo la suposición de que los objetos que alcanzaron la nube fueron planetesimales residuales eyectados por los planetas gigantes durante las etapas finales de su acreción. Los objetos que adquieren órbitas cuasiparabólicas están sujetos a las perturbaciones de estrellas vecinas y al potencial del disco galáctico, las que desacoplan sus perihelios de la región planetaria, dando a los objetos una larga estabilidad dinámica. Se demuestra que un entorno galáctico como el presente pudo, sin embargo, no ser suficiente para formar un reservorio cometario con una vida dinámica comparable a la vida del sistema solar. La existencia de la nube de Oort después de 4600 millones de años es, pues, una fuerte indicación de que el sistema solar se formó en un entorno galáctico mucho mas denso que el presente, tal vez en una nube molecular y/o un cúmulo abierto, que es el modo de producción de la mayoría de las estrellas. Se encuentra que un campo perturbador externo mas intenso, producto de un entorno galáctico mas denso, sería capaz de formar una nube de Oort mas compacta, con un radio del orden de 103- 104 UA. El campo externo mas intenso cesó de actuar una vez que la nube molecular y/o el cúmulo abierto se disiparon, previniendo entonces que ese mismo campo externo disolviera el reservorio cometario.

  11. [80 years of soial service in medicine].


    Hace 80 años, la Escuela de Medicina de la Universidad Nacional, en voz de su director, Gustavo Baz Prada, hizo una propuesta que pronto se convirtió en realidad y finalmente en norma, la que desde entonces se conoce como SS. Esta iniciativa se vio como una manera para que los estudiantes de medicina del último año retribuyeran a la sociedad una parte de lo que esta invirtió en su educación, consolidaran su formación mediante la exposición a las realidades de todos los días en los medios más necesitados, se pusieran a prueba sobre sus verdaderas capacidades para atender pacientes y participaran en la solución de un problema de atención sanitaria que en ese entonces era mucho más apremiante que ahora. Unos años después, los recién egresados de otras licenciaturas (pasantes) también fueron incorporados a esta estrategia y, al fin, se reconoció formalmente como una responsabilidad de las instituciones educativas. Las aportaciones del SS a la salud de las personas y a la formación de los médicos han sido incuestionables, y la experiencia humana que ha representado para quienes lo han vivido ha dejado marcas indelebles.

  12. Acidic gases and nitrate and sulfate particles in the atmosphere in the city of Guadalajara, México.


    Saldarriaga-Noreña, Hugo; Waliszewski, Stefan; Murillo-Tovar, Mario; Hernández-Mena, Leonel; de la Garza-Rodríguez, Iliana; Colunga-Urbina, Edith; Cuevas-Ordaz, Rosalva


    Atmospheric concentrations of nitrous acid, nitric acid, nitrate and sulfate particles were obtained in this study from April to June 2008 in the center of the city of Guadalajara, while concentrations of ozone, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide and meteorological parameters (temperature and relative humidity), were acquired by the Secretaría del Medio Ambiente para el Desarrollo Sustentable del Estado de Jalisco (SEMADES). The results showed that nitric acid (2.7 μg m(-3)) was 2.7 times higher than nitrous acid (1.0 μg m(-3)). The sulfur dioxide (SO(2)) concentration indicated an opposite trend to sulfate (SO(4) (2-)), with the average concentration of SO(2) (6.9 μg m(-3)) higher in almost the entire period of study. The sulfur conversion ratio (Fs, 24.9%) and nitrogen conversion ratio (Fn, 6.2%), were revealed to be similar to that reported in other urban areas during warm seasons. It is also noted that ozone is not the main oxidizer of nitrogen dioxide and sulfur dioxide. This determination was made by taking into account the slightly positively correlation determined for Fn (r(2) = 0.084) and Fs (r(2) = 0.092) with ozone that perhaps suggests there are other oxidizing species such as the radical OH, which are playing an important role in the processes of atmospheric oxidation in this area.

  13. Velocidades radiales Coravel y fotometría UBV de gigantes rojas del cúmulo abierto Melotte71

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mermilliod, J. C.; Clariá, J. J.; Andersen, J.; Mayor, M.

    Se presentan velocidades radiales determinadas con el espectrovelocímetro CORAVEL y fotometría UBV de 24 gigantes rojas del cúmulo abierto de edad-intermedia Melotte71. Las observaciones realizadas en La Silla y Cerro Tololo permiten confirmar la pertenencia al cúmulo de 16 estrellas, de las cuales 8 constituyen nuevas binarias espectroscópicas cuyos períodos oscilan entre 74 y 1627 días. La velocidad radial media es +57.17 ± 0.47 km/s. El mejor ajuste con una isócrona teórica se obtiene para log t (edad) = 9.00 y Z = 0.008, no obstante existir algunas discrepancias respecto de la ubicación predicha y observada del ``clump".

  14. A Failed Utopia in Marcela Del Río's "Proceso a Faubritten"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Manickam, Samuel


    In Marcela del Río's science fiction novel "Proceso a Faubritten," utopia comes in the form of eternal life for all of humanity, thanks to Dr. Alexander Faubritten's "Bomba L." This polyphonic work includes diaries by Faubritten and his Mexican lover, María Corona. In my analysis of these two diaries, I will show how…

  15. Development of a sharp interface model that simulates coastal aquifer flow with the coupled use of GIS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gemitzi, Alexandra; Tolikas, Demetrios

    transitorio, en sistemas acuíferos costeros, bajo la hipótesis de separación por medio de una interfaz abrupta. Las ecuaciones del modelo han sido discretizadas mediante un esquema de Galerkin de discretización en elementos finitos. El modelo ha sido verificado en casos sencillos para los que existe solución analítica. Todos los datos necesarios se introducen y gestionan con un Sistema de Información Geográfica [SIG] por ordenador. El programa de simulación forma parte del programa de SIG, constituyendo una herramienta integrada de gestión para estudiar la intrusión salina en acuíferos costeros. La aplicación del modelo al acuífero de Yermasogia ilustra el uso acoplado de las técnicas de modelación y de SIG con el fin de examinar sistemas acuíferos costeros a escala regional.

  16. Seismically-induced soft-sediment deformation structures associated with the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System (Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, Argentina)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Onorato, M. Romina; Perucca, Laura; Coronato, Andrea; Rabassa, Jorge; López, Ramiro


    In this paper, evidence of paleoearthquake-induced soft-sediment deformation structures associated with the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System in the Isla Grande de Tierra del Fuego, southern Argentina, has been identified. Well-preserved soft-sediment deformation structures were found in a Holocene sequence of the Udaeta pond. These structures were analyzed in terms of their geometrical characteristics, deformation mechanism, driving force system and possible trigger agent. They were also grouped in different morphological types: sand dykes, convolute lamination, load structures and faulted soft-sediment deformation features. Udaeta, a small pond in Argentina Tierra del Fuego, is considered a Quaternary pull-apart basin related to the Magallanes-Fagnano Fault System. The recognition of these seismically-induced features is an essential tool for paleoseismic studies. Since the three main urban centers in the Tierra del Fuego province of Argentina (Ushuaia, Río Grande and Tolhuin) have undergone an explosive growth in recent years, the results of this study will hopefully contribute to future analyses of the seismic risk of the region.

  17. Μicro-Raman spectroscopy for the characterization of rock-art pigments from Abrigo del Águila (Badajoz - Spain)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rosina, P.; Gomes, H.; Collado, H.; Nicoli, M.; Volpe, L.; Vaccaro, C.


    Micro-Raman spectroscopic technique allowed the characterization of organic and inorganic pigments of different colours sampled from a rock-art shelter named Abrigo del Aguila, located in the district of Badajoz, Cabeza del Buey (Extremadura - Spain). Micro-Raman analyses has been coupled with SEM observation and elemental analyses (EDS). The white and the black colours, used for non-representative figures, have been identified respectively as anatase and amorphous carbon, while two different type of red pigment has been found on figurative representations. The darker one, sampled, from a sun-figure, comprises an indeterminate organic compound beside of hematite. The second one, sampled from an anthropomorphic figure, is of a brilliant red and only hematite has been recognized in it.

  18. [The abdominal typhus outbreak in Civitella del Tronto (Teramo, Italy) during the first half of 1817].


    Capasso, Lorenzo; Vecchiet, Jacopo; D'Anastasio, Ruggero


    The authors describe the characteristics of the large outbreak of typhoid fever in Civitella del Tronto (Italy) in the year 1817. As reported in the "Rapporti Periodici sulla Salute Pubblica" ("Public Health Reports") periodically written by general practitioners, from March to June 1817 the morbidity rate was over 1% and both genders were equally affected. The most affected age group was the 30 to 40 year-old. Only 13% of the cases involved children aged 0 to 10 years. Epidemiological data suggest that the disease was not very infectious: it affected a slight number of individuals and only marginally infected the inhabitants of the areas around the main town of Civitella del Tronto. Public Health authorities of the Kingdom of Naples were likely able to efficiently control the sanitary conditions of the territories bordering the state.

  19. Illuminating water and life: Emilio Del Giudice.


    Ho, Mae-Wan


    The quantum electrodynamics theory of water put forward by Del Giudice and colleagues provides a useful foundation for a new science of water for life. The interaction of light with liquid water generates quantum coherent domains in which the water molecules oscillate between the ground state and an excited state close to the ionizing potential of water. This produces a plasma of almost free electrons favoring redox reactions, the basis of energy metabolism in living organisms. Coherent domains stabilized by surfaces, such as membranes and macromolecules, provide the excited interfacial water that enables photosynthesis to take place, on which most of life on Earth depends. Excited water is the source of superconducting protons for rapid intercommunication within the body. Coherent domains can also trap electromagnetic frequencies from the environment to orchestrate and activate specific biochemical reactions through resonance, a mechanism for the most precise regulation of gene function.

  20. The basement of the Punta del Este Terrane (Uruguay): an African Mesoproterozoic fragment at the eastern border of the South American Río de La Plata craton

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Basei, Miguel A. S.; Peel, Elena; Sánchez Bettucci, Leda; Preciozzi, Fernando; Nutman, Allen P.


    The Punta del Este Terrane (eastern Uruguay) lies in a complex Neoproterozoic (Brasiliano/Pan-African) orogenic zone considered to contain a suture between South American terranes to the west of Major Gercino-Sierra Ballena Suture Zone and eastern African affinities terranes. Zircon cores from Punta del Este Terrane basement orthogneisses have U-Pb ages of ca. 1,000 Ma, which indicate an lineage with the Namaqua Belt in Southwestern Africa. U-Pb zircon ages also provide the following information on the Punta del Este terrane: the orthogneisses containing the ca. 1,000 Ma inheritance formed at ca. 750 Ma; in contrast to the related terranes now in Africa, reworking of the Punta del Este Terrane during Brasiliano/Pan-African orogenesis was very intense, reaching granulite facies at ca. 640 Ma. The termination of the Brasiliano/Pan-African orogeny is marked by formation of acid volcanic and volcanoclastic rocks at ca. 570 Ma (Sierra de Aguirre Formation), formation of late sedimentary basins (San Carlos Formation) and then intrusion at ca. 535 Ma of post-tectonic granitoids (Santa Teresa and José Ignacio batholiths). The Punta del Este Terrane and unrelated western terranes represented by the Dom Feliciano Belt and the Río de La Plata Craton were in their present positions by ca. 535 Ma.