Sample records for modelo simple para

  1. Difusión de Arnold en un modelo simple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cincotta, P. M.; Nuñez, J. A.; Miloni, O.

    Investigadores como Merritt, Valluri, Pfenniger o Contopoulos (por citar los más relevantes) consideran seriamente la hipótesis que la difusión de Arnold juega un rol importante en la evolución dinámica de los sistemas estelares y planetarios. Sin embargo no existe ninguna evidencia. El mayor problema para investigar fenómenos como éste es que uno debe estudiar numéricamente sistemas multidimensionales (más de dos grados de libertad) y visualizar de alguna manera el espacio de fases (más de cuatro dimensiones). Más complicado aún es el caso de difusión de Arnold, donde deben considerarse tiempos de movimiento extremadamente largos y tratar con parámetros exponencialmente pequeños. El propósito de este trabajo es estudiar, en un modelo simple 3D, la existencia o no de difusión de Arnold mediante experimentos numéricos y estimaciones analíticas. Siguiendo los trabajos de Cincotta (2000) y Cincotta, Nuñez y Simo (2000), aquí se pretende ``visualizar" la difusión y, a la vez, determinar la escala de tiempo en la que ésta se podría manifestar. Este trabajo es el escalón inicial para luego abordar este problema en modelos.

  2. Descripción de la zona de alta difusión en un modelo bidimensional para hojas de corriente

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Montero, M. F.; Paola, C. A.; Platzeck, A. M.

    Los modelos bidimensionales para describir hojas de corriente de alta simetría no suministran una descripción detallada de las regiones donde la difusión es considerablemente importante. Tal es el caso de los modelos desarrollados en la década del '60 por Sweet, Parker, Petschek y Sonnerup. En esta comunicación presentamos una solución de las ecuaciones MHD en el entorno del origen, construyendo series bidimensionales para todas las magnitudes físicas involucradas. Valiéndonos de la alta simetría y de las características del problema, logramos reducir el número de coeficientes a calcular. Utilizamos un programa autoconsistente para extender el cálculo a regiones vecinas con difusión moderada o despreciable.

  3. Comparação de modelos para o cálculo de perturbações orbitais devidas à maré terrestre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vieira Pinto, J.; Vilhena de Moraes, R.


    Aplicações recentes de satélites artificiais com finalidades geodinâmicas requerem órbitas determinadas com bastante precisão. Em particular marés terrestres influenciam o potencial terrestre causando perturbações adicionais no movimento de satélites artificiais, as quais tem sido medidas por diversos processos. A atração exercida pela lua e pelo sol sobre a terra produz deslocamentos elásticos em seu interior e uma protuberância em sua superfície. O resultado é uma pequena variação na distribuição da massa na terra, consequentemente no geopotencial. As perturbações nos elementos orbitais de satélites artificiais terrestres devidas a maré terrestre podem ser estudadas a partir das equações de Lagrange, considerando-se um conveniente potencial. Por outro lado, como tem sido feito pelo IERS, as mudanças induzidas pela maré terrestre no geopotencial podem ser convenientemente modeladas como variações nos coeficientes Cnm e Snm do geopotencial. As duas teorias ainda não foram comparados para um mesmo satélite. Neste trabalho são apresentadas e comparadas as variações de longo período e seculares nas perturbações orbitais devidas à maré terrestre, calculadas por um modelo simples, o de Kozai, e pelo modelo do IERS. Resultados preliminares mostram, para os satélites SCD2 e CBERS1, e para a Lua em movimento elíptico e precessionando, as perturbações seculares no argumento do perigeu e na longitude do nodo ascendente.

  4. Estudio de distintos modelos de protuberancias solares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cirigliano, D.; Rovira, M.; Mauas, P.

    En este trabajo presentamos perfiles de líneas del CaII, MgII y HeI calculados para distintos modelos de protuberancias, y los comparamos con observaciones obtenidas por los satélites OSO 8 y SOHO. Para obtener las poblaciones de los distintos niveles de los átomos, utilizamos un código numérico que combina las ecuaciones de transporte de radiación y equilibrio estadístico en un único sistema de ecuaciones no lineal. Los modelos básicos que consideramos para las protuberancias consisten en placas homogéneas y unidimensionales apoyadas sobre la superficie del Sol. Dichas placas se hallan estratificadas en hebras y los modelos difieren entre sí en la temperatura y ancho de la placa, en la presión a la cual se halla el plasma y en el número de hebras. A partir de estos modelos se investiga cada uno de estos parámetros libres y como influyen en la atmósfera de las protuberancias solares y en el perfil de línea de cada especie estudiada, con el objetivo de determinar las condiciones en las que se halla el material atmosférico de estas protuberancias.

  5. Análise da aplicação e dos resultados do modelo OPM3® para a área da saúde

    PubMed Central

    Augusto dos Santos, Luis; de Fátima Marin, Heimar


    Esta pesquisa procurou analisar se um modelo de questionário criado por uma comunidade internacional de gerenciamento de projetos e se é aplicavél a organizações voltadas a área de saúde. O modelo OPM3® (Organizational Project Management Maturity Model) foi criado para que organizações de qualquer área ou porte pudessem identificar a presença, ou ausência, de boas práticas de gerenciamento. O objetivo da aplicação desse modelo é avaliar sempre a organização e não o entrevistado. No presente artigo, são apresentados os resultados da aplicação desse modelo em uma organização que possuía produtos e serviços de tecnologia da informação aplicados à área de saúde. Este estudo verificou que o modelo é aplicável de forma rápida e que a organização analisada possuía um número expressivo de boas práticas. PMID:26924862

  6. Uso de modelos mecânicos em curso informal de astronomia para deficientes visuais. Resgate de uma experiência

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tavares, E. T., Jr.; Klafke, J. C.


    O presente trabalho propõe-se a resgatar uma experiência que teve lugar no Planetário de São Paulo nos anos 60. Em 1962, o Sr. Acácio, então com 37 anos, deficiente visual desde os 27, passou a assistir às aulas ministradas pelo Prof. Aristóteles Orsini aos integrantes do corpo de servidores do Planetário. O Sr. Acácio era o único deficiente da turma e, embora possuísse conhecimentos básicos e relativamente avançados de matemática, enfrentava dificuldades na compreensão e acompanhamento da exposição, como também em estudos posteriores. Com o intuito de auxiliá-lo na superação desses problemas, o Prof. Orsini solicitou a construção de modelos mecânicos que, através do sentido do tato, permitissem o acompanhamento das aulas e a transposição do modelo para o "constructo" mental. Essa prática mostrou-se tão eficaz que facilitou sobejamente o aprendizado da matéria pelo sujeito. O Sr. Acácio passou a integrar o corpo de professores do Planetário/Escola Municipal de Astrofísica, tendo ficado responsável pelo curso de "Introdução à Astronomia" por vários anos. Além disso, a experiência foi tão bem sucedida que alguns dos modelos tiveram seus elementos constitutivos pintados diferencialmente para serem utilizados em cursos regulares do Planetário, tornando-se parte integrante do conjunto de recursos didáticos da instituição. É pensando nessa eficácia, tanto em seu objetivo original permitir o aprendizado de um deficiente visual quanto no subsidiário recurso didático sistemático da instituição que decidimos resgatar essa experiência. Estribados nela, acreditamos ser extremamente produtivo, em termos educacionais, o aperfeiçoamento dos modelos originais, agora resgatados e restaurados, e a criação de outros que pudessem ser utilizados no ensino dessa ciência a deficientes visuais.

  7. Study of the Local Horizon. (Spanish Title: Estudio del Horizonte Local.) Estudo do Horizonte Local

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ros, Rosa M.


    The study of the horizon is fundamental to easy the first observations of the students at any education center. A simple model, to be developed in each center, allows to easy the study and comprehension of the rudiments of astronomy. The constructed model is presented in turn as a simple equatorial clock, other models (horizontal and vertical) may be constructed starting from it. El estudio del horizonte es fundamental para poder facilitar las primeras observaciones de los alumnos en un centro educativo. Un simple modelo, que debe realizarse para cada centro, nos permite facilitar el estudio y la comprensión de los primeros rudimentos astronómicos. El modelo construido se presenta a su vez como un sencillo modelo de reloj ecuatorial y a partir de él se pueden construir otros modelos (horizontal y vertical). O estudo do horizonte é fundamental para facilitar as primeiras observações dos alunos num centro educativo. Um modelo simples, que deve ser feito para cada centro, permite facilitar o estudo e a compreensão dos primeiros rudimentos astronômicos. O modelo construído apresenta-se, por sua vez, como um modelo simples de relógio equatorial e a partir dele pode-se construir outros modelos (horizontal e vertical)

  8. Discos de acreción circumplanares: Modelo de Co-acreción

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parisi, M. G.; de Elía, G.

    Los discos de acreción circumplanetarios precursores de los satélites regulares de los planetas gigantes, se pueden formar por cuatro mecanismos (Pollack y otros, 1991, In Uranus, Bergtralh, Miner y Mattews, Eds., p. 469, Univ. de Arizona Press, Tucson). En este trabajo estudiamos uno de tales mecanismos: el Modelo de Co-acreción. En dicho modelo, el disco circumplanetario se forma a partir de las colisiones mutuas entre planetesimales dentro de la esfera de Hill del planeta durante el proceso de formación planetaria. Realizamos un modelo semi-analítico para calcular la masa del disco y compararla con la masa requerida para formar los satélites regulares de los planetas gigantes. Hemos obtenido una cota superior para la masa del disco que resulta inferior a la masa de los satélites más grandes de los planetas gigantes. En principio, estos resultados permitirían descartar el modelo de co-acreción como uno de los procesos que podrían dar lugar a la formación de los satélites regulares. Estos resultados permiten obtener restricciones en el escenario de formación planetaria y en los mecanismos de formación de sistemas de satélites.

  9. Construyendo modelos confiables de estrellas rías

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mauas, P. J.; Falchi, A.

    Se estudian las aproximaciones que se realizan usualmente al calcular modelos de estrellas frías (redistribución completa para la lí nea Lyman-α, despreciar el ``line-blanketing", suponer los metales en LTE), y cómo influyen en los distintos observables. Asimismo, se evalúa cuál es la información que cada observable nos da sobre la atmósfera de la estrella, y cuáles son las incertidumbres de cada modelo.

  10. Espectro de radiación derivado de un modelo de colapso protoestelar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coca, S.; Rohrmann, R.

    El exceso de emisión infrarroja en objetos protoestelares es atribuido usualmente a un disco de material en torno al cuerpo central. A pesar del avance alcanzado en la elaboración de modelos, aún existen dificultades para explicar la ley de temperatura del disco necesaria para reproducir las luminosidades y perfiles de energía observados. Nuestra propuesta consiste en determinar la distribución espectral de la radiación derivada de un particular modelo de colapso protoestelar, y estudiar la evolución del espectro desde estadíos tempranos de la contracción gravitatoria. Este plan es orientado a evaluar las propiedades del modelo (distribuciones de masa y temperatura del material circunestelar) por comparación con datos observacionales, a fin de inferir de ello los posibles ajustes requeridos en la teoría actualmente empleada.

  11. Modelo analítico del efecto de PRS sobre satélites GPS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Meza, A.; Brunini, C.; Usandivaras, J. C.

    El sistema GPS (Global Position System) es, hoy en día, la herramienta de navegación y posicionamiento más potente y lo será sin duda en la próxima década. Gran parte de su valiosa utilidad se debe a la alta precisión que permite lograr y ésta, a su vez, depende, entre otras causas, de la precisión con que se conocen las órbitas de los satélites. La presión de radiación solar (PRS) fija el límite de la precisión con que pueden calcularse en la actualidad las efemérides satelitarias. El objetivo de este trabajo es proponer una mejor resolución de este fenómeno. El modelo analítico aquí presentado, se basa en el análisis del comportamiento de los residuos de un ajuste por mínimos cuadrados en el que se utiliza el modelo de PRS propuesto por Beutler. El mismo consiste en un modelo determinista del fenómeno con dos parámetros libres. Los resultados obtenidos ponen de manifiesto que, aún después de aplicar dichos parámetros, prevalecen en los residuos efectos semidiurnos en las componentes radial,tangencial y normal. Estos resultados obtenidos se comparan con los de un trabajo desarrollado por el Instituto de Berne (Beutler et al., 1994), en el que se utilizaron como pseudo-observaciones las órbitas precisas del IGS (CODE). El intervalo de integración escogido por este centro fueron las semanas 680 y 681. En resumen se tienen arcos de 14 días para todos los satélites, donde las efemérides precisas de los mismos para los 14 días fueron utilizados como pseudo-observaciones. El modelo de fuerza que empleó dicho centro fue básicamente el tradicional en lo que respecta al modelo de las fuerzas gravitacionales, y para la PRS utilizo el modelo standard de Beutler. Los parámetros de este modelo junto con las 6 condiciones iniciales (posición y velocidad) fueron ajustados por el método general de mínimos cuadrados. Los residuos en la componente radial, tangencial y normal, para los satélites con un buen comportamiento, presentan una

  12. Application of Three-Dimensional Models for the Teaching of Time Zones. (Breton Title: Aplicação de Modelos Tridimensionais Para o Ensino de Fusos Horários.) Aplicación de Modelos Tridimensionales Para la Enseñanza de Husos Horarios

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Azevedo Sobreira, Paulo Henrique


    There are several interesting astronomical topics that must be addressed in the High School and Elementary/Middle School in the disciplines of Geography and of Sciences. Among them, the topic of time zones which is one of the most important to understand the correlation of the Earth's rotation and its implications on daily activities of citizens in local scale, regional and global scales which involve problems of time differences. For the teaching of time zones in the lessons of Geography, for example, there are bi-dimensional representations of thematic maps of world time zones, textbooks and atlas. It happens that teachers face some difficulties to permit its students to view three-dimensionally this astronomical phenomenon from the textbooks available in schools. The aim of this paper is to present two proposals with low-cost materials, which allow the preparation of three-dimensional models for the teaching of time zones. Há vários temas astronômicos interessantes que devem ser trabalhados nos Ensinos Médio e Fundamental, nas disciplinas de Geografia e de Ciências. Entre eles, o tema dos fusos horários que é um dos mais importantes para se correlacionar a rotação da Terra e suas implicações nas atividades cotidianas dos cidadãos em escala local, regional e global, que envolvem problemas de diferenças horárias. Para o ensino dos fusos horários nas aulas de Geografia, por exemplo, há representações bidimensionais de mapas temáticos de fusos horários mundiais, nos livros didáticos e nos atlas. Ocorre que os professores enfrentam algumas dificuldades para possibilitar aos seus alunos a visão tridimensional deste fenômeno astronômico, a partir dos materiais didáticos disponíveis nas escolas. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar duas propostas para a confecção de materiais de baixo custo, que possibilitem a elaboração de modelos tridimensionais para o ensino dos fusos horários. Hay algunos temas astronómicos interesantes que se

  13. Uso Del Condón en Adolescentes Nahuas, un Modelo Explicativo.


    Tirado, María de Los Ángeles Meneses; Benavides-Torres, Raquel A; Navarro, Sergio Meneses; de la Colina, Juan Antonio Doncel; Rodríguez, Dora Julia Onofre; Hernández, Francisco Javier Baéz


    En México, la población indígena supera los siete millones de habitantes, en Puebla el grupo más representativo es el Náhuatl. Sin embargo, las condiciones de vida, salud, educación y transporte son precarias para esta población. En los adolescentes, las responsabilidades como el matrimonio, la familia y los compromisos ante la comunidad, favorecen conductas de riesgo sexual que dificultan su desarrollo económico, social y reproductivo. El objetivo fue proponer un modelo explicativo del uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Método. Bajo el marco de la teoría social cognitiva, el concepto de valores culturales de Leininger y el proceso de la sustracción teórica, se desarrolló este artículo. Se muestran las relaciones del modelo con las proposiciones y los factores que influyen en el uso del condón para este grupo específico. Finalmente, el modelo explica las variables de interés, los niveles de abstracción y las relaciones entre sí en el contexto náhuatl. El siguiente paso será implementar los indicadores empíricos para conocer el grado de influencia de los factores personales y ambientales hacia el uso del condón en adolescentes nahuas. Resultados que aportarán información para el desarrollo del conocimiento en enfermería y la reducción de riesgo sexual de esta población.

  14. Desenvolvimento de modelo clínico para predição da possibilidade de identificação da artéria de Adamkiewicz por angiotomografia

    PubMed Central

    Amato, Alexandre Campos Moraes; Parga, José Rodrigues; Stolf, Noedir Antônio Groppo


    Resumo Contexto Diferenças morfológicas da artéria de Adamkiewicz (AKA) entre a população portadora e não portadora de doença aórtica têm importância clínica, influenciando as complicações neuroisquêmicas da medula espinhal em procedimentos operatórios. Ainda não é conhecida a correlação entre parâmetros clínicos e a previsibilidade da identificação dessa artéria pela angiotomografia. Objetivo Desenvolver um modelo matemático que, através de parâmetros clínicos correlacionados com aterosclerose, possa prever a probabilidade de identificação da AKA em pacientes submetidos a angiotomografias. Método Estudo observacional transversal utilizando banco de imagens e dados de pacientes. Foi feita análise estatística multivariada e criado modelo matemático logit de predição para identificação da AKA. Variáveis significativas foram utilizadas na montagem da fórmula para cálculo da probabilidade de identificação. O modelo foi calibrado, e a discriminação foi avaliada pela curva receiver operating characteristic (ROC). A seleção das variáveis explanatórias foi guiada pela maior área na curva ROC (p = 0,041) e pela significância combinada das variáveis. Resultados Foram avaliados 110 casos (54,5% do sexo masculino, com idade média de 60,97 anos e etnia com coeficiente B -2,471, M -1,297, N -0,971), com AKA identificada em 60,9%. Índice de massa corporal: 27,06 ± 0,98 (coef. -0,101); fumantes: 55,5% (coef. -1,614/-1,439); diabéticos: 13,6%; hipertensos: 65,5% (coef. -1,469); dislipidêmicos: 58,2%; aneurisma aórtico: 38,2%; dissecção aórtica: 12,7%; e trombo mural: 24,5%. Constante de 6,262. Fórmula para cálculo da probabilidade de detecção: (e−(Coef. Etnia+(Coef. IMC×IMC)+Coef.fumante+Coef.HAS+Coef.dislip+Constante)+1)−1 . O modelo de predição foi criado e disponibilizado no link . Conclusão Com as covariáveis etnia, índice de massa corporal, tabagismo, hipertens

  15. Concepciones Alternativas de "Fotosintesis" en estudiantes Universitarios del curso basico de Biologia y posibles correcciones con el Modelo Educativo MODEF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Jesus Roman, Sandra

    Concepciones Alternativas de Fotosíntesis en estudiantes Universitariosdel curso básico de Biología y posibles correcciones con el Modelo Educativo MODEF El modelo educativo para la enseñanza de Fotosíntesis (MODEF) se implantó para trabajar el problema de las concepciones alternativas (CA) en un curso de Biología General. Se evaluaron los resultados en cuanto al logro del aprendizaje significativo. La pregunta central de la investigación fue: ¿Cómo aporta el modelo educativo en la didáctica y comprensión del tema de fotosíntesis? Se efectuó una investigación acción con una fase cuantitativa y una cualitativa. Para la fase cuantitativa se elaboró una prueba para determinar las concepciones alternativas, se validó y se sometió a los estudiantes que participaron en el estudio antes y después de ofrecer la unidad de metabolismo celular. Los participantes eran estudiantes de primer año de la Universidad de Puerto Rico en Bayamón (UPRB). Se llevó a cabo un análisis de consistencia interna de la prueba mediante el método Alfa de Cronbach. Se analizaron las contestaciones a cada pregunta mediante la prueba de Ji cuadrado de contingencia, se efectuó la prueba de t y el coeficiente r de Pearson. La fase cualitativa incluyó la observación participativa de la investigadora- profesora, las reflexiones de los estudiantes y la información de las entrevistas semi-estructuradas que se realizaron a tres estudiantes del curso. El análisis se llevó a cabo mediante el Modelo de Wolcott. Se trabajaron diez CA de las cuales siete fueron corregidas mediante el Modelo MODEF. Las actividades más importantes para el proceso de aprendizaje incluyeron el trabajo de investigación o búsqueda de información para hacer una presentación digital, la elaboración de tablas, los mapas de conceptos, el uso de visuales o videos y las analogías para explicar conceptos o procesos. En conclusión: se recomienda el uso del Modelo MODEF para la discusión del tema de

  16. Modelo de accesibilidad de conceptos matematicos aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales en la UPR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Isidro Villamizar, Gloria Maria

    Este estudio utiliza metodologia de investigacion cualitativa, con el proposito de describir, analizar y evaluar los procesos de diseno y desarrollo de un modelo de accesibilidad que consiste en estrategias de ensenanza de las matematicas para estudiantes con impedimentos visuales matriculados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva en la UPR. Se utilizaron las siguientes estrategias para recopilar la informacion, 1) reflexiones de la investigadora en el proceso de diseno y desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas, que se registraron en un diario reflexivo. 2) entrevista semiestructurada luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas con los participantes. 3) observaciones y notas de la investigadora del trabajo de los participantes. Para obtener la informacion de los participantes se obtuvo los permisos institucionales necesarios; se seleccionaron los participantes y se validaron los instrumentos; se realizo el desarrollo de las lecciones adaptadas con los participantes; y finalmente, se analizo la informacion obtenida. El diseno de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas se hizo siguiendo las recomendaciones curriculares de los temas de matematicas aplicados en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva realizado por la investigadora durante su semestre de internado. El testimonio de las voces de los participantes se obtuvo del proceso de desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje adaptadas de temas seleccionados de conceptos matematicos requeridos en el curso de Astronomia Descriptiva y de la entrevista semiestructurada con los participantes, luego de haber trabajado las lecciones de aprendizaje. Para el desarrollo de las lecciones de aprendizaje, se utilizaron materiales tactiles adaptados, materiales tactiles disenados y materiales disponibles comercialmente. Los textos de las lecciones se imprimieron en tinta y en Braille. Se exhorta a disenar y desarrollar estrategias de ensenanza accesibles, considerando como recursos para evaluar su efectividad a

  17. Melhoramentos no código Wilson-Devinney para binárias eclipsantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vieira, L. A.; Vaz, L. P. R.


    A análise de curvas de luz e velocidades radiais de sistemas binários eclipsantes pode ser feita por meio de vários modelos. Um desses é o Modelo Wilson-Devinney (WD). Ao longo dos anos, esse modelo sofreu várias alterações em seus códigos principais, com a finalidade de torná-lo mais consistente tanto fíisica como numericamente. O Modelo WD tem sido melhorado de várias maneiras em seus dois códigos: um para a predição das curvas de luz teórica e de velocidade radiais e outra para as soluções destas curvas. Teoricamente, na física do modelo, nós introduzimos a possibilidade de levar em conta os efeitos do movimento apsidal. Numericamente, nós introduzimos a possibilidade de usar o Método SIMPLEX no procedimento da solução, como uma alternativa para o já implementado Método de Mínimos Quadrados (Least Squares Method). Estas modificações, juntamente com outras já introduzidas pelo nosso grupo anteriormente, tornam o código mais eficiente na solução das curvas de luz e de velocidade radiais de binárias eclipsantes. Como o modelo tem sido usado para analisar sistemas com componentes pré-sequência principal (TY CrA, Casey et al. 1998, Vaz et al. 1998), SM 790, Stassun et al. 2003), este melhoramento beneficiará estes casos também. Apresentamos os resultados obtidos com a modificação do código WD por meio do uso de dados da estrela GL Carinae, comprovando, (1) que os parâmetros orbitais calculados por nós são coerentes com os obtidos anteriormente na literatura (Giménez & Clausen, 1986) e com os obtidos por Faria (1987), e (2) que a implementação do Método SIMPLEX torna o código mais lento mas completamente consistente internamente e evita os problemas gerados pelo uso do Método de Mínimos Quadrados, tais como imprecisão no cálculo das derivadas parciais e convergência para mínimos locais.

  18. A causa das estações do ano: modelos mentais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Campos, J. A. S.; de Araujo, J. F. S.


    A década de 70 do século passado foi marcada pelo estudo das concepções alternativas que os alunos trazem para a sala de aula. A identificação destas concepções foi o ponto de partida para promover a mudança conceitual, onde as pré-concepções seriam trocadas pelas concepções científicas. Na década seguinte, surgiram muitas propostas de estratégias educacionais para facilitar esta troca, na sua maioria baseadas na idéia do conflito cognitivo, proposta por Piaget. Entretanto, os resultados pouco animadores conduziram à percepção de que a mudança conceitual é um processo mais complexo. Pelas idéias da Ciência Cognitiva, a mudança conceitual é uma mudança progressiva dos modelos mentais que o aluno tem sobre o mundo físico, através de enriquecimento e revisão. A causa das Estações do Ano é um tópico sobre o qual a maioria dos estudantes apresenta concepções alternativas. Os autores fizeram um levantamento sobre as pré-concepções encontradas em trabalhos sobre o tema (16 referências), procurando encontrar elementos comuns que indicassem a presença de modelos mentais específicos. As pré-concepções encontradas na literatura foram obtidas usando-se diversas metodologias (desde entrevistas clínicas até questionários de múltipla escolha) e envolvendo alunos e professores de diferentes regiões geográficas. A partir de uma análise aprofundada de cada trabalho, e utilizando-se a técnica das Redes Sistêmicas, chegou-se a conclusão que as diversas pré-concepções identificadas (em torno de 50), poderiam ser representadas por 6 modelos mentais, onde a explicação da causa das estações do ano tem um mecanismo causal responsável. Os mecanismos causais identificados foram: a dependência da distância, a dependência da orientação, a dependência conjunta da distância e orientação, a dependência da obstrução, a dependência da velocidade e a dependência da inclinação dos raios solares. Foram ainda identificadas

  19. Implementación de un modelo de capacitación multimedial para brindar orientación alimentaria a los beneficiarios de un programa de ayuda social en México.


    Amaya-Castellanos, Maritza Alejandra; Morales-Ruan, María Del Carmen; Uribe-Carvajal, Rebeca; Jiménez-Aguilar, Alejandra; Salazar-Coronel, Araceli Apolonia; Martínez-Tapia, Brenda; Shamah-Levy, Teresa


    Introducción: Se implementó un modelo de capacitación en orientación alimentaria para la población beneficiaria y el personal operativo del Programa de Abasto Rural (PAR) de Diconsa, el cual es una iniciativa social de ayuda alimentaria que abastece productos básicos y complementarios, además de brindar capacitación en localidades de alta marginación en México. Objetivo: Documentar la utilización de la Metodología de Capacitación Multimedial (MCM) en el desarrollo de un esquema de capacitación sobre orientación alimentaria y su implementación en la población beneficiaria del PAR, a través de la propia estructura operativa del PAR. Metodología: El modelo se fundamenta en la MCM, integrada por cuatro elementos didácticos e indivisibles que conforman el paquete pedagógico multimedial (PPM), compuesto a su vez por tres videos y rotafolios, material impreso, prácticas y las relaciones interpersonales. Los ejes temáticos fueron: alimentación correcta para una vida saludable, alimentación materno-infantil, elecciones saludables y gasto familiar. El modelo fue replicado en cascada en los tres niveles operativos del PAR (responsables de capacitación, supervisores operativos y beneficiarios del PAR), con un componente de multiplicación horizontal, e implementado como piloto en cuatro estados de México. Resultados: Se observó un cambio positivo sobre los conocimientos en alimentación correcta en todos los niveles de capacitación, principalmente en los beneficiarios del PAR. La evaluación del proceso mostró conocimientos previos de los responsables de capacitación en los temas, buen desempeño como facilitadores, y habilidades de presentación y manejo del grupo de los supervisores operativos. A partir de las evaluaciones y del acompañamiento en la prueba piloto, fueron modificados las actividades, las estrategias y los materiales educativos del PPM. Conclusiones: La capacitación multimedial y la educación nutricional promueven procesos de

  20. The Model of Optimization of Micro Energy; HOMER: El Modelo de Optimizacin de Micro energa (in Spanish)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Not Available


    HOMER, the model of optimization of micro energy, helps to disear systems out of the network and interconnected to the network. You can use HOMER to carry out the analysis to explore an extensive rank of questions of diseo. HOMER, el modelo de optimizacin de micro energa, le ayuda a disear sistemas fuera de la red e interconectados a la red. Usted puede usar HOMER para llevar a cabo el anlisis para explorar un amplio rango de preguntas de diseo.

  1. El rol de Ia colaboracion y el Modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) mediante el lente de la Teoria de Actividad (CHAT): un estudio de caso con estudiantes de 9no grado

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Delgado, Isabel C.

    Los modelos de eensenanza y aprendizaje constructivistas conceptualizan el aprendizaje como un proceso activo. El modelo de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos (ABPr) se distingue por una serie de componentes, entre los cuales se destaca el aspecto colaborativo y cooperativo como un reto al momento de su implantacion. Son pocas las investigaciones que se concentran en este aspecto del modelo. En este estudio, se analizaron las diversas interacciones que surgen durante la implantacion de una unidad curricular sobre el tema de Geologia de Puerto Rico, la cual se diseno con el modelo ABPr cuyo enfoque es orientacion a proyectos. Particularmente, se examinaron las interacciones sociales que surgen entre los pares y entre pares y docente durante el proceso de planificacion y desarrollo de los productos finales, al igual que las interacciones entre los estudiantes y el material didactico en estas etapas del modelo. La investigacion es de tipo cualitativo e incorpora como diseno el estudio de caso. Las diversas interacciones constituyen la unidad de analisis. En el estudio participaron 19 estudiantes de 9no grado, a quienes se organizaron en 5 grupos colaborativos por temas de interes (Pangea, Placas tectonicas, Volcanes, Tsunamis y Terremotos). Las tecnicas que se utilizaron para recopilar los datos fueron: observaciones participativas, grupos focales y analisis de documentos (cuadernos reflexivos y respuestas de los estudiantes a la pregunta central del proyecto). Para el analisis de los datos se aplico la teoria de actividad (CHAT) que concentra la unidad de analisis en la actividad humana en un contexto particular. Los resultados del estudio senalan que las interacciones entre pares, entre pares y docente, asi como entre estudiantes y material didactico son fundamentales en el proceso de aprendizaje. Una mayor interaccion entre pares durante las etapas de planificar y desarrollar los productos finales de la unidad, promueve una mejor comprension de los conceptos de la

  2. Modelizacion, control e implementacion de un procesador energetico paralelo para aplicacion en sistemas multisalida

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ferreres Sabater, Agustin

    modelizacion, y aplicacion en convertidores PWM, esta aun por estudiar y valorar. El primer Capitulo consiste en una breve introduccion al problema de la regulacion cruzada y la impedancia cruzada para posteriormente describir las tecnicas de post-regulacion actualmente mas empleadas, con especial atencion al post-regulador con transformador controlado. El Capitulo segundo trata del estudio de las caracteristicas estaticas del postregulador con transformador controlado. Partiendo de los estudios disponibles sobre el postregulador se plantean mejoras en su modo de actuacion y se discuten tres alternativas diferentes para controlar el transformador. Las dos primeras consisten en emplear un convertidor auxiliar Boost en sus dos modos de funcionamiento, continuo y discontinuo. La tercera consiste en controlar el transformador con una tension PWM directamente, sin filtrado. Finalmente se comprueba experimentalmente, para el estado estacionario, el funcionamiento del post-regulador para cada uno de los tres metodos de control. El Capitulo tercero trata de la dinamica de la salida controlada con el post-regulador cuando este emplea un convertidor auxiliar tipo Boost. Mediante la tecnica de promediado de variables de estado se propone el modelo de pequena senal, tanto para el modo continuo como para el modo discontinuo de funcionamiento del convertidor auxiliar. Los resultados mas significativos de esta seccion son las expresiones analiticas de las impedancias cruzadas y de la impedancia de la salida post-regulada. Como complemento al modelo de pequena senal se plantea un modelo de gran senal implementado sobre el simulador Pspice. Con este nuevo modelo se reproducen los resultados obtenidos con el modelo de pequena senal y ademas es posible simular los transitorios en las tensiones de salida ante cambios de carga. La modelizacion del convertidor cuando el transformador se controla con una tension PWM sin filtrar es el objetivo del Capitulo 4. En las secciones siguientes del Capitulo

  3. En la búsqueda de características en eyecciones coronales de masa que discriminen entre dos paradigmas físicos en modelos de ECMs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paissan, G.; Stenborg, G.; Rovira, M.

    Se conocen tres diferentes fenómenos de gran escala que ocurren en la atmósfera solar, denominados eyecciones coronales de masa (ECMs), protuberancias eruptivas y grandes fulguraciones de dos bandas. Estos fenómenos están estrechamente relacionados y podrían ser distintas manifestaciones de un único proceso físico. Las ECMs son definidas como eyecciones de gran escala de masa y flujo magnético desde la baja corona al espacio interplanetario. Desde su descubrimiento en los '70, muchos modelos han sido propuestos para explicar su origen y evolución. La explicación física de las ECMs es un tema de debate intenso. No obstante, los modelos pueden sintetizarse en dos grandes grupos: 1) los modelos de inyección de flujo y 2) los modelos de almacenamiento y liberación. En este trabajo, se presentan los estudios realizados con una serie de eventos observados con el coronógrafo MICA (Mirror Coronograph for Argentina), el telescopio en H-alfa HASTA (H-alpha Solar Telescope for Argentina) y los coronógrafos C2 y C3 de la sonda SOHO (Solar and Heliospheric Observatory). Los eventos que pudieron ser identificados como ECMs son contrastados dentro del esquema de los dos paradigmas teóricos propuestos.

  4. Distribución espacial de órbitas con diferentes grados de caoticidad en modelos autoconsistentes de satélites galácticos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muzzio, J. C.; Mosquera, M.

    En trabajos anteriores (Carpintero et al., Cel. Mech. Dynam. Astron. 85, 247, 2003), mostramos que las órbitas caóticas son muy importantes en los satélites galácticos. Sin embargo, los únicos modelos autoconsistentes de los que se disponía para ellos eran los de Heggie-Ramamani, cuya función de distribución depende sólo de la energía por lo que no mostraban diferencias entre las distribuciones de sus órbitas regulares y caóticas. Ahora, mediante una aproximación cuadrupolar, hemos logrado construir modelos autoconsistentes de satélites galácticos con distribuciones de velocidades anisotrópicas (lo que indica que sus funciones de distribución no dependen sólo de la energía) y hemos logrado revelar las diferencias entre las estructuras espaciales de las órbitas de distinta caoticidad.

  5. Simple ortho- and para-hydroquinones as compounds neuroprotective against oxidative stress in a manner associated with specific transcriptional activation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Satoh, Takumi; Saitoh, Sachie; Hosaka, Manami


    Electrophilic compounds protect neurons through the activation of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway and the induction of phase-2 enzymes [T. Satoh, S.A. Lipton, Redox regulation of neuronal survival by electrophilic compounds, Trends Neurosci. 30 (2007) 38-45; T. Satoh, S. Okamoto, J. Cui, Y. Watanabe, K. Furuta, M. Suzuki, K. Tohyama, S.A. Lipton, Activation of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway for neuroprotection by electrophilic phase II inducers. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 103 (2006) 768-773]. Hydroquinone-type electrophilic compounds such as tert-butyl hydroquinone (TBHQ) and carnosic acid (CA) have attracted special attention, because the oxidative conversion of 'hydroquinone' to 'quinone' is essential for the transcriptional activationmore » of the above-mentioned enzymes [T. Satoh, K. Kosaka, K. Itoh, A. Kobayashi, M. Yamamoto, Y. Shimojo, C. Kitajima, J. Cui, J. Kamins, S. Okamoto, T. Shirasawa, S.A. Lipton, Carnosic acid, a catechol-type electrophilic compound, protect neurons both in vitro and in vivo through activation of the Keap1/Nrf2 pathway via S-alkylation of specific cysteine, J. Neurochem. 104 (2008) 1161-1131; A.D. Kraft, D.A. Johnson, J.A. Johnson, Nuclear factor E2-related factor 2-dependent antioxidant response element activation by tert-butylhydroquinone and sulforaphane occurring preferentially in astrocytes conditions neurons against oxidative insult, J. Neurosci. 24 (2004) 1101-1112]. In the present study, we examined the relationship between electrophilicity and the protective effects afforded by electrophilic compounds. Electrophilicity was assessed in terms of the ability of a compound to bind to a cysteine on bovine serum albumin, by which we found that neuroprotective hydroquinones [TBHQ (para-) and CA (ortho-)] had distinctive patterns of cysteine binding compared with other electrophilic compounds. Further, we found that isomers of simple ortho- and para-hydroquinones such as 2-methylhydroquinone (para-) and 4-methyl-catechol (ortho-) [not in abstract

  6. Incorporando a variabilidade no processo de identificação do modelo de máximo global no Grade of Membership (GoM): considerações metodológicas

    PubMed Central

    Guedes, Gilvan Ramalho; Siviero, Pamila Cristina Lima; Caetano, André Junqueira; Machado, Carla Jorge; Brondízio, Eduardo


    A disponibilidade de bases de dados cada vez mais complexas e multidimensionais é um dos principais motivadores para o aumento do número de estudos que utilizam análises multivariadas baseadas em lógica de conjuntos nebulosos. Apesar da disseminação do método Grade of Membership nos trabalhos empíricos brasileiros da área de ciências sociais e saúde, questões relativas à identificabilidade e estabilidade dos parâmetros finais estimados pelo programa GoM 3.4 não foram suficientemente aprofundadas. Dada a relevância de se obterem parâmetros únicos e estáveis, Guedes et al. (2010) propuseram um procedimento empírico para localizar um modelo de máximo global (MG) com parâmetros estáveis. Entretanto, seu localizador de MG não incorpora qualquer medida de variabilidade. Neste artigo, tal limitação é contornada por meio da utilização de uma estatística de ponderação – Máximo Global Ponderado (MGP) – semelhante ao coeficiente de variação. Esse indicador busca não penalizar de forma desproporcional situações nas quais os desvios médios, apesar de diferentes de zero, são muito pequenos. Apresentam-se evidências de que o localizador MGP reduz a distância do modelo identificado à real estrutura latente dos dados em análise, quando comparados ao modelo identificado pelo localizador não ponderado, MG. PMID:23293402

  7. Vínculos observacionais para o processo-S em estrelas gigantes de Bário

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smiljanic, R. H. S.; Porto de Mello, G. F.; da Silva, L.


    Estrelas de bário são gigantes vermelhas de tipo GK que apresentam excessos atmosféricos dos elementos do processo-s. Tais excessos são esperados em estrelas na fase de pulsos térmicos do AGB (TP-AGB). As estrelas de bário são, no entanto, menos massivas e menos luminosas que as estrelas do AGB, assim, não poderiam ter se auto-enriquecido. Seu enriquecimento teria origem em uma estrela companheira, inicialmente mais massiva, que evolui pelo TP-AGB, se auto-enriquece com os elementos do processo-s e transfere material contaminado para a atmosfera da atual estrela de bário. A companheira evolui então para anã branca deixando de ser observada diretamente. As estrelas de bário são, portanto, úteis como testes observacionais para teorias de nucleossíntese pelo processo-s, convecção e perda de massa. Análises detalhadas de abundância com dados de alta qualidade para estes objetos são ainda escassas na literatura. Neste trabalho construímos modelos de atmosferas e, procedendo a uma análise diferencial, determinamos parâmetros atmosféricos e evolutivos de uma amostra de dez gigantes de bário e quatro normais. Determinamos seus padrões de abundância para Na, Mg, Al, Si, Ca, Sc, Ti, V, Cr, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn, Sr, Y, Zr, Ba, La, Ce, Nd, Sm, Eu e Gd, concluindo que algumas estrelas classificadas na literatura como gigantes de bário são na verdade gigantes normais. Comparamos dois padrões médios de abundância, para estrelas com grandes excessos e estrelas com excessos moderados, com modelos teóricos de enriquecimento pelo processo-s. Os dois grupos de estrelas são ajustados pelos mesmos parâmetros de exposição de nêutrons. Tal resultado sugere que a ocorrência do fenômeno de bário com diferentes intensidades não se deve a diferentes exposições de nêutrons. Discutimos ainda efeitos nucleossintéticos, ligados ao processo-s, sugeridos na literatura para os elementos Cu, Mn, V e Sc.

  8. Estructura espacial de las órbitas caóticas en un modelo autoconsistente de galaxia elíptica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Muzzio, J. C.

    Hemos logrado construir modelos autoconsistentes de sistemas estelares utilizando una aproximación cuadrupolar para el potencial. Esto nos permite determinar órbitas y exponentes de Lyapunov de objetos que tienen posiciones y velocidades equivalentes a las que se obtienen de la funcón de distribución del sistema. La distribución espacial de las órbitas caóticas exhibe considerable estructura y, lo que es más importante aún, los valores de los exponentes de Lyapunov calculados sobre intervalos finitos de tiempo, muestran una fuerte correlación con el comportamiento de la órbita en esos mismos intervalos, por lo que permiten reconocer distintos subsistemas con diferentes distribuciones espaciales.

  9. Autofrecuencias de las ecuaciones de Helmholtz y Liouville para un modelo de tierra tipo Jeffreys simplificado.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sevilla, M. J.; González-Camacho, A.

    The authors obtain expressions for the free frequencies of polar motion for an ellipsoidal, rotating and perturbed earth model constituted by an elastic mantle with an homogeneous liquid core of additional simple motion.

  10. 78 FR 30399 - United States v. Anheuser-Busch InBev SA/NV, Grupo Modelo S.A.B de C.V.; Proposed Final Judgment...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., Mexico. Modelo is the third-largest brewer of beer sold in the United States. Modelo's Corona Extra brand... include Corona Light, Modelo Especial, Negra Modelo, Victoria, and Pacifico. 19. ABI currently holds a 35... such as Dogfish Head, Flying Dog, and also imported beers, the best selling of which is Modelo's Corona...


    PubMed Central

    Miner, Sarah; Poupin, Lauren; Bernales, Margarita; Ferrer, Lilian; Cianelli, Rosina


    RESUMEN En Chile se estima que aproximadamente 38 mil personas viven con el Virus de Inmunodeficiencia Humana [VIH]. En el año 2001, 1.092 mujeres chilenas vivían con VIH, actualmente se cree que hay más de 7.600 mujeres con el virus. Frente a estas cifras surge la necesidad de crear estrategias de prevención dirigidas a mujeres chilenas. Objetivo analizar los estudios ya realizados en la prevención de VIH para determinar qué aspectos se deben incluir en programas exitosos de prevención de VIH en mujeres. Diseño y Método se realizó una revisión de la literatura utilizando la base de datos Proquest, CINAHL, Pubmed y Scielo. Los límites comprendieron: textos completos, de los últimos 10 años, de acceso gratuito y escrito en español o inglés. Se seleccionaron 15 artículos para la revisión. Resultados todos los artículos comprenden la evaluación del efecto de una intervención sobre conocimiento y conductas relacionadas con VIH/SIDA. Catorce muestran resultados significativos en cambios positivos de conducta o conocimientos relacionados con la prevención de VIH. Conclusiones los programas de prevención de VIH en mujeres pueden ser efectivos para lograr cambios de conducta y de conocimiento. Las intervenciones exitosas son aquellas basadas en teorías o modelos de prevención y en cambios de conductas, todas adaptadas a la cultura de la población estudiada. PMID:27667897

  12. Líneas metálicas en protuberancias solares

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stenborg, G.; Rovira, M. G.; Mauas, P.

    Para determinar cual de los modelos existentes de protuberancias solares explica mejor las observaciones, es necesario, no solo ajustar los perfiles de las líneas de hidrógeno, sino también utilizar perfiles de distintos metales. En este trabajo, utilizamos un código desarrollado especialmente para calcular el equilibrio estadístico de cualquier especie atómica, aplicándolo al cálculo de los perfiles de las líneas del Ca II, el Mg II y el He, para determinar cómo se comportan ante variaciones en los parámetros de los modelos de protuberancia (ancho, presión y temperatura centrales y número de hebras), y comparamos con las observaciones existentes para determinar que modelo las ajusta mejor.

  13. Electron Spin Polarization Transfer to ortho-H2 by Interaction of para-H2 with Paramagnetic Species: A Key to a Novel para → ortho Conversion Mechanism.


    Terenzi, Camilla; Bouguet-Bonnet, Sabine; Canet, Daniel


    We report that at ambient temperature and with 100% enriched para-hydrogen (p-H2) dissolved in organic solvents, paramagnetic spin catalysis of para → ortho hydrogen conversion is accompanied at the onset by a negative ortho-hydrogen (o-H2) proton NMR signal. This novel finding indicates an electron spin polarization transfer, and we show here that this can only occur if the H2 molecule is dissociated upon its transient adsorption by the paramagnetic catalyst. Following desorption, o-H2 is created until the thermodynamic equilibrium is reached. A simple theory confirms that in the presence of a static magnetic field, the hyperfine coupling between unpaired electrons and nuclear spins is responsible for the observed polarization transfer. Owing to the negative electron gyromagnetic ratio, this explains the experimental results and ascertains an as yet unexplored mechanism for para → ortho conversion. Finally, we show that the recovery of o-H2 magnetization toward equilibrium can be simply modeled, leading to the para → ortho conversion rate.

  14. New investigations of technical rhodium and iridium catalysts in homogeneous phase employing para-hydrogen induced polarization.


    Gutmann, Torsten; Ratajczyk, Tomasz; Dillenberger, Sonja; Xu, Yeping; Grünberg, Anna; Breitzke, Hergen; Bommerich, Ute; Trantzschel, Thomas; Bernarding, Johannes; Buntkowsky, Gerd


    It is shown that the para-hydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) phenomenon in homogenous solution containing the substrate styrene is also observable employing simple inorganic systems of the form MCl(3)·xH(2)O (M=Rh, Ir) as catalyst. Such observation confirms that already very simple metal complexes enable the creation of PHIP signal enhancement in solution. This opens up new pathways to increase the sensitivity of NMR and MRT by PHIP enhancement using cost-effective catalysts and will be essential for further mechanistic studies of simple transition metal systems. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Dinámica de pulsares jóvenes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Allen, M. P.; Horvath, J. E.

    La observación detallada de los pulsos en varios pulsares jóvenes (τ < 105 yr) permitió detectar varios aumentos en la frecuencia de emisión gliches con cambios permanentes en Δ {˙ Ω} / {˙ Ω}. A través de las ecuaciones de movimiento se investiga, utilizando parametrizaciones simples, la hipótesis de que el ángulo entre Ω y el dipolo magnético M sea responsable de ese comportamiento. Se derivan curvas analíticas para la evolución de Ω (t) y se estudia la posibilidad de describir un conjunto de observables (incluyendo el braking index n) con estos modelos.

  16. An "adiabatic-hindered-rotor" treatment allows para-H(2) to be treated as if it were spherical.


    Li, Hui; Roy, Pierre-Nicholas; Le Roy, Robert J


    In para-H(2)-{molecule} interactions, the common assumption that para-H(2) may be treated as a spherical particle is often substantially in error. For example, quantum mechanical eigenvalues on a full four-dimensional (4D) potential energy surface for para H(2)-{linear molecule} species often differ substantially from those calculated from the corresponding two-dimensional (2D) surface obtained by performing a simple spherical average over the relative orientations of the H(2) moiety. However, use of an "adiabatic-hindered-rotor" approximation can yield an effective 2D surface whose spectroscopic properties are an order of magnitude closer to those yielded by a full 4D treatment.

  17. Um satélite brasileiro para observação do diâmetro solar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Emilio, M.; Leister, N. V.; Benevides Soares, P.; Teixeira, R.; Kuhn, J.


    Propomos uma missão espacial para medir a forma e o diâmetro solar com o objetivo de ajudar a determinar o potencial gravitacional do Sol e a sua rotação com precisão, testar modelos teóricos de variação de energia e pela primeira vez medir os modos g de oscilação. As observações serão obtidas através do instrumento denominado APT (Astrometric and Photometric Telescope) descrito por Kuhn(1983). A sensibilidade do instrumento é de 0,2 mas em 27 dias para as observações do diâmetro solar feitas a cada minuto. Esta é uma missão de três anos de duração e pode complementar as medidas que serão feitas pelo satélite PICARD (a ser lançado em 2007). Outros parâmetros físicos podem ser obtidos com as mesmas imagens o que certamente interessará à comunidade de física solar. Um primeiro contato foi realizado com a agência espacial brasileira que pretende lançar um satélite científico a cada dois anos.

  18. ParaExp Using Leapfrog as Integrator for High-Frequency Electromagnetic Simulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Merkel, M.; Niyonzima, I.; Schöps, S.


    Recently, ParaExp was proposed for the time integration of linear hyperbolic problems. It splits the time interval of interest into subintervals and computes the solution on each subinterval in parallel. The overall solution is decomposed into a particular solution defined on each subinterval with zero initial conditions and a homogeneous solution propagated by the matrix exponential applied to the initial conditions. The efficiency of the method depends on fast approximations of this matrix exponential based on recent results from numerical linear algebra. This paper deals with the application of ParaExp in combination with Leapfrog to electromagnetic wave problems in time domain. Numerical tests are carried out for a simple toy problem and a realistic spiral inductor model discretized by the Finite Integration Technique.

  19. Evolução química em galáxias compactas azuis (BCGs)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lanfranchi, G. A.; Matteucci, F.


    Neste trabalho, a formação estelar e evolução quí mica em galáxias Compactas Azuis (Blue Compact Galaxies - BCGs) foram estudadas através da comparação de previsões de modelos de evolução quí mica a várias razões de abundância quí mica observadas nestas galáxias. Modelos detalhados com recentes dados de nucleossí ntese e que levam em consideração o papel desempenahdo por supernovas de ambos os tipos (II e Ia) na evolução galáctica foram desenvolvidos para as BCGs permitindo seguir a evolução de vários elementos quí micos (H, D, He, C, N, O, Mg, Si, S, Ca, e Fe). O modelo é caracterizado pelas prescrições adotadas para a formação estelar, a qual ocorre em vários surtos de atividade separados por longos perí odos quiescentes. Após ajustar os melhores modelos aos dados observacionais, as previsões destes modelos foram comparadas também a razões de abundância observadas em sistemas Damped Lyman alpha (DLAs) e a origem do N (primária ou secundária) foi discutida. Alguns dos resultados obtidos são: i) as razões de abundância observadas nas BCGs são reproduzidas por modelos com 2 a 7 surtos de formação estelar com eficiência entre n = 0.2-0.9 Gano-1; ii) os baixos valores de N/O observados nestas galáxias são um resultado natural de uma formação estelar em surtos; iii) os modelos para BCGs podem reproduzir os dados dos DLAs, iv) uma quantidade "baixa" de N primário produzido em estrelas de alta massa pode ser uma explicação para os baixos valores de [N/a] observados em DLAs.

  20. Simple Kidney Cysts


    ... Solitary Kidney Your Kidneys & How They Work Simple Kidney Cysts What are simple kidney cysts? Simple kidney cysts are abnormal, fluid-filled ... that form in the kidneys. What are the kidneys and what do they do? The kidneys are ...

  1. Modelo B/Dual Language Programmes in the Basque Country and the USA

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Torres-Guzman, Maria E.; Etxeberria, Feli


    In this paper, we undertake a cross-national comparison of early partial immersion programmes, known as dual language or Modelo B programmes, in the USA and the Basque Country in Spain, respectively. We attempt to make sense of their growth, the expanded social uses of the minority languages, and address seemingly contradictory pedagogical…

  2. Simple projects guidebook : federal-aid procedure for simple projects

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Experience has shown that a simple project generally 1) does not have any right-of-way involvement and 2) has a Programmatic Categorical Exclusion or Categorical Exclusion environmental determination. Page 7 outlines the definition of simple projects...

  3. Etnografía acelerada para transformar normas sociales sobre género y sexualidad en hombres puertorriqueños heterosexuales1,2

    PubMed Central

    Ortiz-Torres, Blanca; Rivera-Ortiz, Rafael J.; Mendoza, Sigrid


    Resumen La construcción de roles de género dominantes contribuyen al riesgo de contraer VIH, y por tal razón se ha urgido a que se integren las normas sociales relativas al género en las intervenciones preventivas del VIH. Este estudio pretende adaptar y desarrollar una intervención que facilite la transformación de normas sociales del género y de prácticas sexuales en hombres puertorriqueños. La intervención propone transformar normas sociales relacionadas al género y sexualidad en barras comunitarias utilizando el modelo de líderes de opinión. Luego de ser elegidos/as, los/as líderes de opinión diseminan mensajes integrando la importancia de relaciones equitativas entre parejas para la prevención del VIH. La primera fase de esta intervención es discutida en este artículo, la cual incluye un proceso de etnografía acelerada para identificar los escenarios comunitarios en los que podemos desarrollar esta intervención y permitirnos entender la cultura de las barras comunitarias. A partir de las observaciones etnográficas, pudimos: desarrollar un protocolo de seguridad para realizar las observaciones, desarrollar un perfil de la cultura de las barras, elegir las barras a participar en las dos condiciones del estudio y adaptar los instrumentos de la intervención para que respondieran a la particularidad de los/as participantes. PMID:25530828

  4. Is simple nephrectomy truly simple? Comparison with the radical alternative.


    Connolly, S S; O'Brien, M Frank; Kunni, I M; Phelan, E; Conroy, R; Thornhill, J A; Grainger, R


    The Oxford English dictionary defines the term "simple" as "easily done" and "uncomplicated". We tested the validity of this terminology in relation to open nephrectomy surgery. Retrospective review of 215 patients undergoing open, simple (n = 89) or radical (n = 126) nephrectomy in a single university-affiliated institution between 1998 and 2002. Operative time (OT), estimated blood loss (EBL), operative complications (OC) and length of stay in hospital (LOS) were analysed. Statistical analysis employed Fisher's exact test and Stata Release 8.2. Simple nephrectomy was associated with shorter OT (mean 126 vs. 144 min; p = 0.002), reduced EBL (mean 729 vs. 859 cc; p = 0.472), lower OC (9 vs. 17%; 0.087), and more brief LOS (mean 6 vs. 8 days; p < 0.001). All parameters suggest favourable outcome for the simple nephrectomy group, supporting the use of this terminology. This implies "simple" nephrectomies are truly easier to perform with less complication than their radical counterpart.

  5. SIMPLE: An Introduction.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Endres, Frank L.

    Symbolic Interactive Matrix Processing Language (SIMPLE) is a conversational matrix-oriented source language suited to a batch or a time-sharing environment. The two modes of operation of SIMPLE are conversational mode and programing mode. This program uses a TAURUS time-sharing system and cathode ray terminals or teletypes. SIMPLE performs all…

  6. Introduction of a Simple Experiment for the Undergraduate Organic Chemistry Laboratory Demonstrating the Lewis Acid and Shape-Selective Properties of Zeolite Na-Y

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maloney, Vincent; Szczepanski, Zach


    A simple, inexpensive, discovery-based experiment for undergraduate organic laboratories has been developed that demonstrates the Lewis acid and shape-selective properties of zeolites. Calcined zeolite Na-Y promotes the electrophilic aromatic bromination of toluene with a significantly higher para/ortho ratio than observed under conventional…

  7. Simple motor tasks independently predict extubation failure in critically ill neurological patients.


    Kutchak, Fernanda Machado; Rieder, Marcelo de Mello; Victorino, Josué Almeida; Meneguzzi, Carla; Poersch, Karla; Forgiarini, Luiz Alberto; Bianchin, Marino Muxfeldt


    To evaluate the usefulness of simple motor tasks such as hand grasping and tongue protrusion as predictors of extubation failure in critically ill neurological patients. This was a prospective cohort study conducted in the neurological ICU of a tertiary care hospital in the city of Porto Alegre, Brazil. Adult patients who had been intubated for neurological reasons and were eligible for weaning were included in the study. The ability of patients to perform simple motor tasks such as hand grasping and tongue protrusion was evaluated as a predictor of extubation failure. Data regarding duration of mechanical ventilation, length of ICU stay, length of hospital stay, mortality, and incidence of ventilator-associated pneumonia were collected. A total of 132 intubated patients who had been receiving mechanical ventilation for at least 24 h and who passed a spontaneous breathing trial were included in the analysis. Logistic regression showed that patient inability to grasp the hand of the examiner (relative risk = 1.57; 95% CI: 1.01-2.44; p < 0.045) and protrude the tongue (relative risk = 6.84; 95% CI: 2.49-18.8; p < 0.001) were independent risk factors for extubation failure. Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II scores (p = 0.02), Glasgow Coma Scale scores at extubation (p < 0.001), eye opening response (p = 0.001), MIP (p < 0.001), MEP (p = 0.006), and the rapid shallow breathing index (p = 0.03) were significantly different between the failed extubation and successful extubation groups. The inability to follow simple motor commands is predictive of extubation failure in critically ill neurological patients. Hand grasping and tongue protrusion on command might be quick and easy bedside tests to identify neurocritical care patients who are candidates for extubation. Avaliar a utilidade de tarefas motoras simples, tais como preensão de mão e protrusão da língua, para predizer extubação malsucedida em pacientes neurológicos críticos. Estudo

  8. Biaxial seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete columns =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodrigues, Hugo Filipe Pinheiro

    envolventes forca-deslocamento, mas foram encontradas algumas dificuldades na representacao da degradacao de resistencia e na evolucao da energia dissipada. Por fim, e proposto um modelo global para a representacao do comportamento nao-linear em flexao de elementos de betao armado sujeitos a acoes biaxiais ciclicas. Este modelo tem por base um modelo uniaxial conhecido, combinado com uma funcao de interacao desenvolvida com base no modelo de Bouc- Wen. Esta funcao de interacao foi calibrada com recurso a tecnicas de otimizacao e usando resultados de uma serie de analises numericas com um modelo refinado. E ainda demonstrada a capacidade do modelo simplificado em reproduzir os resultados experimentais de ensaios biaxiais de pilares.

  9. Primary care for diabetes mellitus patients from the perspective of the care model for chronic conditions.


    Salci, Maria Aparecida; Meirelles, Betina Hörner Schlindwein; Silva, Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da


    to assess the health care Primary Health Care professionals provide to diabetes mellitus patients from the perspective of the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas. qualitative study, using the theoretical framework of Complex Thinking and the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas and the methodological framework of assessment research. To collect the data, 38 interviews were held with health professionals and managers; observation of the activities by the health teams; and analysis of 25 files of people who received this care. The data analysis was supported by the software ATLAS.ti, using the directed content analysis technique. at the micro level, care was distant from the integrality of the actions needed to assist people with chronic conditions and was centered on the biomedical model. At the meso level, there was disarticulation among the professionals of the Family Health Strategy, between them and the users, family and community. At the macro level, there was a lack of guiding strategies to implement public policies for diabetes in care practice. the implementation of the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas represents a great challenge, mainly needing professionals and managers who are prepared to work with chronic conditions are who are open to break with the traditional model. evaluar la atención de salud desarrollada por los integrantes de la Atención Primaria de Salud a las personas con diabetes mellitus en la perspectiva del Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas. estudio cualitativo, con referencial teórico del Pensamiento Complejo y del Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas y metodológico de la investigación evaluativa. Para recolectar los datos fueron efectuadas 38 entrevistas con profesionales de salud y gestores; observación de las actividades practicadas por los equipos de salud: y análisis de 25 archivos de personas que recibían esa atención. Los datos fueron analizados con auxilio del software

  10. Populações estelares do bojo galáctico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Escudero, A. V.; Costa, R. D. D.; Maciel, W. J.


    Os estudos mais recentes do bojo galáctico têm enfocado essencialmente as abundâncias químicas de elementos pesados, como o ferro, obtidos a partir das estrelas nas regiões centrais da galáxia. Elementos leves, como hélio, nitrogênio, oxigênio e argônio ainda são pouco estudados nestas regiões, devido à difícil determinação de suas abundâncias a partir de estrelas. Nestas condições as nebulosas planetárias desempenham um importante papel, pois permitem a determinação de abundâncias destes elementos usando técnicas de espectroscopia nebular. Neste trabalho, reportamos a análise das abundâncias químicas de uma nova amostra de nebulosas planetárias do bojo, bem como os resultados preliminares de um código numérico destinado a modelar a evolução química desta região. Usamos como vínculos observacionais os resultados obtidos das nebulosas planetárias, bem como de abundâncias estelares da região do bojo, obtidas da literatura. A partir deste modelo da evolução química e dos vínculos observacionais foi possível fazer um diagnóstico mais preciso das populações que constituem o bojo galáctico. O estudo destas populações que compõem a região central de nossa galáxia é de extrema importância para o maior entendimento da evolução química e dinâmica da galáxia como um todo. Por isto, verificamos a importância dos modelos de formação simples e mista utilizados para explicar características da população da região central da galáxia. Algumas destas características são: uma grande dispersão nos valores das abundâncias químicas e um grande espalhamento nas correlações entre as abundâcias de nitrogênio e oxigênio. Estas peculiaridades são dificilmente reproduzidas por modelos de formação simples, e portanto são importantes indícios da validade dos modelos de formação mista, tais como um rápido colapso do bojo seguido de uma evolução secular. (FAPESP, CNPq)

  11. Desarrollo curricular, conciencia ambiental y tecnologia para estudiantes de intermedia: Una investigacion en accion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodriguez Ramos, Teresita

    Se llevó a cabo una investigación en acción con los propósitos de 1) documentar las relaciones de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación en las clases de ciencias de escuela intermedia como elemento de apoyo cuando se aborda el tema ambiental y sus conceptos pertinentes, a partir de las observaciones de la investigadora, así como las entrevistas y diarios reflexivos de los estudiantes de una escuela intermedia en la zona metropolitana, y luego 2) diseñar una unidad instruccional sobre el tema ambiental que integre actividades tecnologías para el curso de ciencias de la escuela intermedia según el modelo PROCIC y las observaciones que hayan iniciado los estudiantes participantes. Finalmente, se plantearon las implicaciones educativas para el currículo del Programa de Ciencias al instrumentar este modelo de unidad mediante PROCIC, e integrado la tecnología y el tema ambiental. Los hallazgos se analizaron y se categorizaron de acuerdo con las preguntas de investigación. El hallazgo principal de la investigación aborda las cuatro relaciones centrales en las que se articula la utilización de las tecnologías y sus aplicaciones en la clase de ciencias. Estas cuatro relaciones que recogen la posición de los estudiantes son: 1) Perspectiva de los estudiantes hacia la tecnología. 2) Participación de los estudiantes en los aspectos docentes. 3) Aprendizaje estudiantil sobre el ambiente, y 4) Conciencia ambiental en relación con la vida diaria. Estas relaciones ponen de manifiesto,cómo se plantea en las implicaciones, la necesidad de más investigación en acción en la sala de clases, la importancia—como tema transversal—de la conciencia ambiental mediante la tecnología al construir conocimientos significativos dentro y fuera de la escuela, asó como, valorar la investigación y la dialogicidad en la sala de clases como actividades que obligan al reexamen de la práctica didáctica en su formas curriculares de objetivos, recursos

  12. Diseño de un programa basado en la promoción del desarrollo positivo en la infancia para la prevención temprana de la violencia en Colombia.


    Hernández Holguín, Dora M; Páez Zapata, Esteban; Múnera Restrepo, Laura M; Duque Ramírez, Luis F


    Aunque algunos informes identifiquen a Colombia como ejemplo de un país que ha logrado revertir los niveles crecientes de violencia, estos siguen siendo altos. Por este motivo se han convocado acciones de promoción de la convivencia y prevención de la violencia, a las cuales responde el programa que presentamos en este artículo. Este programa está basado en la perspectiva contextual-evolutiva del modelo ecológico y en la educación para la salud, tendiente al cuidado de sí en los padres o cuidadores, y al ejercicio de una crianza, centrada en los derechos de los niños, el desarrollo infantil y la promoción de la salud mental, con el fin de promover el desarrollo saludable y prevenir comportamientos agresivos en los niños; éste es presentado como una alternativa de orientación psicosocial para el fortalecimiento de estrategias y programas dirigidos a la primera infancia.

  13. Alfven Simple Waves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Webb, G. M.; Zank, G. P.; Burrows, R.


    Multi-dimensional Alfvén simple waves in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) are investigated using Boillat's formalism. For simple wave solutions, all physical variables (the gas density, pressure, fluid velocity, entropy, and magnetic field induction in the MHD case) depend on a single phase function ǎrphi which is a function of the space and time variables. The simple wave ansatz requires that the wave normal and the normal speed of the wave front depend only on the phase function ǎrphi. This leads to an implicit equation for the phase function, and a generalisation of the concept of a plane wave. We obtain examples of Alfvén simple waves, based on the right eigenvector solutions for the Alfvén mode. The Alfvén mode solutions have six integrals, namely that the entropy, density, magnetic pressure and the group velocity (the sum of the Alfvén and fluid velocity) are constant throughout the wave. The eigen-equations require that the rate of change of the magnetic induction B with ǎrphi throughout the wave is perpendicular to both the wave normal n and B. Methods to construct simple wave solutions based on specifying either a solution ansatz for n(ǎrphi) or B(ǎrphi) are developed.


    PubMed Central

    Yunta, Eduardo Rodríguez


    En la investigación con animales existen cuestionamientos éticos tanto en el uso como modelos de enfermedades humanas y requisito previo para ensayos en humanos como en la introducción de modificaciones genéticas. Algunos de estos cuestionamientos son: no representar exactamente la condición humana como modelos, realizar pruebas de toxicidad con grave daño para los animales, alterar su naturaleza mediante modificaciones genéticas, riesgos de la introducción de organismos genéticamente modificados. El uso de animales en investigación para beneficio humano, impone al ser humano la responsabilidad moral de respetarlo, no haciéndoles sufrir innecesariamente, al estar trabajando con seres vivientes y sentientes. PMID:23338641

  15. Enhancement of orientation gradients during simple shear deformation by application of simple compression

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jahedi, Mohammad; Ardeljan, Milan; Beyerlein, Irene J.; Paydar, Mohammad Hossein; Knezevic, Marko


    We use a multi-scale, polycrystal plasticity micromechanics model to study the development of orientation gradients within crystals deforming by slip. At the largest scale, the model is a full-field crystal plasticity finite element model with explicit 3D grain structures created by DREAM.3D, and at the finest scale, at each integration point, slip is governed by a dislocation density based hardening law. For deformed polycrystals, the model predicts intra-granular misorientation distributions that follow well the scaling law seen experimentally by Hughes et al., Acta Mater. 45(1), 105-112 (1997), independent of strain level and deformation mode. We reveal that the application of a simple compression step prior to simple shearing significantly enhances the development of intra-granular misorientations compared to simple shearing alone for the same amount of total strain. We rationalize that the changes in crystallographic orientation and shape evolution when going from simple compression to simple shearing increase the local heterogeneity in slip, leading to the boost in intra-granular misorientation development. In addition, the analysis finds that simple compression introduces additional crystal orientations that are prone to developing intra-granular misorientations, which also help to increase intra-granular misorientations. Many metal working techniques for refining grain sizes involve a preliminary or concurrent application of compression with severe simple shearing. Our finding reveals that a pre-compression deformation step can, in fact, serve as another processing variable for improving the rate of grain refinement during the simple shearing of polycrystalline metals.

  16. Dense simple plasmas as high-temperature liquid simple metals

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Perrot, F.


    The thermodynamic properties of dense plasmas considered as high-temperature liquid metals are studied. An attempt is made to show that the neutral pseudoatom picture of liquid simple metals may be extended for describing plasmas in ranges of densities and temperatures where their electronic structure remains 'simple'. The primary features of the model when applied to plasmas include the temperature-dependent self-consistent calculation of the electron charge density and the determination of a density and temperature-dependent ionization state.

  17. Simple arithmetic: not so simple for highly math anxious individuals

    PubMed Central

    Sprute, Lisa; Maloney, Erin A; Beilock, Sian L; Berman, Marc G


    Abstract Fluency with simple arithmetic, typically achieved in early elementary school, is thought to be one of the building blocks of mathematical competence. Behavioral studies with adults indicate that math anxiety (feelings of tension or apprehension about math) is associated with poor performance on cognitively demanding math problems. However, it remains unclear whether there are fundamental differences in how high and low math anxious individuals approach overlearned simple arithmetic problems that are less reliant on cognitive control. The current study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural correlates of simple arithmetic performance across high and low math anxious individuals. We implemented a partial least squares analysis, a data-driven, multivariate analysis method to measure distributed patterns of whole-brain activity associated with performance. Despite overall high simple arithmetic performance across high and low math anxious individuals, performance was differentially dependent on the fronto-parietal attentional network as a function of math anxiety. Specifically, low—compared to high—math anxious individuals perform better when they activate this network less—a potential indication of more automatic problem-solving. These findings suggest that low and high math anxious individuals approach even the most fundamental math problems differently. PMID:29140499

  18. Service-Learning in Physical Education Teacher Training. Physical Education in the Modelo Prison, Barcelona

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lleixà, Teresa; Ríos, Merche


    In the Psychiatric Unit of the Modelo Prison, Barcelona, a physical education programme is carried out annually with the participation of University of Barcelona (UB) students. In this context, we carried out a study based on service-learning parameters. The aim of the study was twofold: to determine the impact on inmates of the physical education…

  19. Charge Transfer Directed Radical Substitution Enables para-Selective C–H Functionalization

    PubMed Central

    Boursalian, Gregory B.; Ham, Won Seok; Mazzotti, Anthony R.; Ritter, Tobias


    Efficient C–H functionalization requires selectivity for specific C–H bonds. Progress has been made for directed aromatic substitution reactions to achieve ortho- and meta- selectivity, but a general strategy for para-selective C–H functionalization has remained elusive. Herein, we introduce a previously unappreciated concept which enables nearly complete para selectivity. We propose that radicals with high electron affinity elicit areneto-radical charge transfer in the transition state of radical addition, which is the factor primarily responsible for high positional selectivity. We demonstrate that the selectivity is predictable by a simple theoretical tool and show the utility of the concept through a direct synthesis of aryl piperazines. Our results contradict the notion, widely held by organic chemists, that radical aromatic substitution reactions are inherently unselective. The concept of charge transfer directed radical substitution could serve as the basis for the development of new, highly selective C–H functionalization reactions. PMID:27442288

  20. Charge-transfer-directed radical substitution enables para-selective C-H functionalization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boursalian, Gregory B.; Ham, Won Seok; Mazzotti, Anthony R.; Ritter, Tobias


    Efficient C-H functionalization requires selectivity for specific C-H bonds. Progress has been made for directed aromatic substitution reactions to achieve ortho and meta selectivity, but a general strategy for para-selective C-H functionalization has remained elusive. Herein we introduce a previously unappreciated concept that enables nearly complete para selectivity. We propose that radicals with high electron affinity elicit arene-to-radical charge transfer in the transition state of radical addition, which is the factor primarily responsible for high positional selectivity. We demonstrate with a simple theoretical tool that the selectivity is predictable and show the utility of the concept through a direct synthesis of aryl piperazines. Our results contradict the notion, widely held by organic chemists, that radical aromatic substitution reactions are inherently unselective. The concept of radical substitution directed by charge transfer could serve as the basis for the development of new, highly selective C-H functionalization reactions.

  1. Para-Nonylphenol Induces Apoptosis of U937 Human Monocyte Leukemia Cells in vitro.


    Santa, Kazuki; Ohsawa, Tomonori; Sakimoto, Takehiko


    Human autoimmune diseases are caused by a variety of factors, such as environmental chemicals, including para-nonylphenol. Macrophages play many critical roles in the regulation of immunity and the progression of autoimmune diseases. However, little information is available regarding the effects of para-nonylphenol on cellular signaling pathways and the death of these cells in vitro. Here, we show that very high concentrations of para-nonylphenol (50-100 μM) induce apoptosis in U937 human monocyte leukemia cells in a dose-dependent manner. Cell viability was judged using the trypan blue exclusion method. FACS analysis for DNA fragmentation was conducted, cellular signaling pathways were evaluated using western blot analysis, and caspase activity was measured by using substrates. U937 cells were differentiated by PMA. Treatment with > 50 μM para-nonylphenol induced apoptosis in U937 monocyte cells and MCF- 7 and MDA-MB231 human breast cancer cells. We found cytochrome c release from the mitochondria to the cytoplasm, DNA fragmentation, and decreased expression of anti-apoptotic protein Bcl-XL. Caspase 3 and 9 were induced, but caspase 1 and 3-inhibitor treatment suppressed apoptosis. Para-nonylphenol decreased the levels of activated AKT and increased the levels of activated JNK/SAPK at 15 min after treatment. Furthermore, with PMA treatment, U937 cells were differentiated into a macrophage-like phenotype and showed attenuated cell death against para-nonylphenol. As this assay system is simple and rapid, it may represent a useful artificial tool to clarify the signaling pathways of apoptotic cell death in human monocytes in vitro. Copyright© Bentham Science Publishers; For any queries, please email at

  2. The "drinking-buddy" scale as a measure of para-social behavior.


    Powell, Larry; Richmond, Virginia P; Cantrell-Williams, Glenda


    Para-social behavior is a form of quasi-interpersonal behavior that results when audience members develop bonds with media personalities that can resemble interpersonal social interaction, but is not usually applied to political communication. This study tested whether the "Drinking-Buddy" Scale, a simple question frequently used in political communication, could be interpreted as a single-item measure of para-social behavior with respect to political candidates in terms of image judgments related to interpersonal attraction and perceived similarity to self. The participants were college students who had voted in the 2008 election. They rated the candidates, Obama or McCain, as drinking buddies and then rated the candidates' perceived similarity to themselves in attitude and background, and also the social and task attraction to the candidate. If the drinking-buddy rating serves as a proxy measure for para-social behavior, then it was expected that participants' ratings for all four kinds of similarity to and attraction toward a candidate would be higher for the candidate they chose as a drinking buddy. The directional hypotheses were supported for interpersonal attraction, but not for perceived similarity. These results indicate that the drinking-buddy scale predicts ratings of interpersonal attraction, while voters may view perceived similarity as an important but not essential factor in their candidate preference.

  3. MOBRAL: Un Modelo para la Educacion de Adultos?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Convergence, 1974


    Written in Spanish, the article explains that expanding an adult basic education program, the Brazilian Literacy Movement (MOBRAL), necessitates considering the social orientation of MOBRAL in the context of Brazil and of Latin America as a whole. (AG)

  4. Simple arithmetic: not so simple for highly math anxious individuals.


    Chang, Hyesang; Sprute, Lisa; Maloney, Erin A; Beilock, Sian L; Berman, Marc G


    Fluency with simple arithmetic, typically achieved in early elementary school, is thought to be one of the building blocks of mathematical competence. Behavioral studies with adults indicate that math anxiety (feelings of tension or apprehension about math) is associated with poor performance on cognitively demanding math problems. However, it remains unclear whether there are fundamental differences in how high and low math anxious individuals approach overlearned simple arithmetic problems that are less reliant on cognitive control. The current study used functional magnetic resonance imaging to examine the neural correlates of simple arithmetic performance across high and low math anxious individuals. We implemented a partial least squares analysis, a data-driven, multivariate analysis method to measure distributed patterns of whole-brain activity associated with performance. Despite overall high simple arithmetic performance across high and low math anxious individuals, performance was differentially dependent on the fronto-parietal attentional network as a function of math anxiety. Specifically, low-compared to high-math anxious individuals perform better when they activate this network less-a potential indication of more automatic problem-solving. These findings suggest that low and high math anxious individuals approach even the most fundamental math problems differently. © The Author (2017). Published by Oxford University Press.

  5. Generating para-water from para-hydrogen: A Gedankenexperiment.


    Ivanov, Konstantin L; Bodenhausen, Geoffrey


    A novel conceptual approach is described that is based on the transfer of hyperpolarization from para-hydrogen in view of generating a population imbalance between the two spin isomers of H 2 O. The approach is analogous to SABRE (Signal Amplification By Reversible Exchange) and makes use of the transfer of spin order from para-hydrogen to H 2 O in a hypothetical organometallic complex. The spin order transfer is expected to be most efficient at avoided level crossings. The highest achievable enrichment levels of para- and ortho-water are discussed. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Condiciones Físicas en Nebulosas Gaseosas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luridiana, V.


    El presente trabajo se ha enfocado a determinar y entender las condiciones físicas en una variedad de objetos nebulares, prestando particular atención al problema de la determinación de las abundancias químicas. Para este fin, hemos utilizado métodos analíticos en algunos casos, y modelos numéricos de fotoionización en otros. El objetivo general del trabajo es proveer de una visión amplia de las herramientas teórico-observacionales que se utilizan para la determinación de la estructura de temperatura y densidad de las regiones fotoionizadas, poniendo en evidencia posibles fuentes de errores sistemáticos y sus consecuencias para la determinación de las abundancias químicas, y proponiendo métodos para corregirlos. Los resultados principales de este trabajo est´n listados a continuación: a) Se discute el problema de la discrepancia entre T(C III) y T(O III) en las nebulosas planetarias, y se muestra como tal discrepancia implica probablemente la presencia de fluctuaciones de temperatura. Debido a que la temperatura de O++ es muy afectada por fluctuaciones de temperatura, se recomienda usar la temperatura de C++ para determinar la abundancia de carbono. b) Presentamos dos nuevos métodos para determinar la temperatura electrónica en nebulosas planetarias, basados en la medición de las intensidades de las líneas de He I. Las temperaturas que se obtienen a partir de estos métodos son menores que aquellas que se obtienen a partir de las líneas de [O III], implicando la presencia de fluctuaciones espaciales de temperatura. Despreciando las fluctuaciones de temperatura, se obtienen valores sesgados de las abundancias químicas. Determinamos las abundancias en las nebulosas planetarias de tipo I de algunos de los elementos más importantes, tomando en cuenta las fluctuaciones de temperatura. c) Presentamos modelos numéricos de las dos regiones H II extragalácticas gigantes NGC 2363 y NGC 5461. Con el modelaje numérico, pretendemos acotar las car

  7. Strategy as simple rules.


    Eisenhardt, K M; Sull, D N


    The success of Yahoo!, eBay, Enron, and other companies that have become adept at morphing to meet the demands of changing markets can't be explained using traditional thinking about competitive strategy. These companies have succeeded by pursuing constantly evolving strategies in market spaces that were considered unattractive according to traditional measures. In this article--the third in an HBR series by Kathleen Eisenhardt and Donald Sull on strategy in the new economy--the authors ask, what are the sources of competitive advantage in high-velocity markets? The secret, they say, is strategy as simple rules. The companies know that the greatest opportunities for competitive advantage lie in market confusion, but they recognize the need for a few crucial strategic processes and a few simple rules. In traditional strategy, advantage comes from exploiting resources or stable market positions. In strategy as simple rules, advantage comes from successfully seizing fleeting opportunities. Key strategic processes, such as product innovation, partnering, or spinout creation, place the company where the flow of opportunities is greatest. Simple rules then provide the guidelines within which managers can pursue such opportunities. Simple rules, which grow out of experience, fall into five broad categories: how- to rules, boundary conditions, priority rules, timing rules, and exit rules. Companies with simple-rules strategies must follow the rules religiously and avoid the temptation to change them too frequently. A consistent strategy helps managers sort through opportunities and gain short-term advantage by exploiting the attractive ones. In stable markets, managers rely on complicated strategies built on detailed predictions of the future. But when business is complicated, strategy should be simple.

  8. Desarrollo de un instrumento para medir percepciones sobre el contexto de construccion del conocimiento cientifico de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia-Ramirez, Jaime Antonio

    En esta investigacion, se desarrollo un instrumento que permite medir percepciones relacionadas al contexto de constriccion del conocimiento cientifico. Se examinaron instrumentos existentes y se encontro que el VOSTS (Views on science, technology, and society), instrumento desarrollado empiricamente en Canada por Aikenhead, Ryan y Fleming, podia traducirse y validarse en el contexto cultural puertorriqueno. El instrumento es extenso, consta de 113 reactivos, cada uno con una premisa basica relacionada a la tematica ciencia, tecnologia y sociedad y un numero de alternativas relacionadas a la premisa que oscila entre siete y trece. Se delimito su utilizacion a los quince reactivos identificados por los autores como relacionados a la construccion social del conocimiento cientifico. Metodologicamente, se procedio a utilizar el modelo de adaptacion intercultural, que permite que el instrumento desarrollado satisfaga las dimensiones de equivalencia semantica, de contenido, tecnica, de criterio y conceptual, atemperado asi al instrumento original. Se cumplio con este proposito mediante la traduccion de la version original en ingles al espanol y viceversa. Se utilizaron comites para examinar la traduccion y la retro-traduccion del instrumento. Se realizo una prueba piloto con estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso, utilizando el instrumento traducido para asegurar su intelegibilidad. La confiabilidad del instrumento se determino mediante la intervencion de un panel de expertos quienes clasificaron las distintas posiciones dentro de cada reactivo en: realista, con merito e ingenua; se transformaron estas opciones en valores numericos lo que permitio establecer una escala Likert para cada una. Se suministro el instrumento a una muestra de estudiantes universitarios de nuevo ingreso con caracteristicas similares a las de la poblacion puertorriquena en cuanto a ejecucion en las pruebas de aptitud verbal y matematica del College Board. Los resultados de sus contestaciones

  9. Evolución de estrellas enanas blancas de Helio de masa baja e intermedia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Althaus, L. G.; Benvenuto, O. G.

    Numerosas observaciones realizadas particularmente en los últimos dos años parecen confirmar que las enanas blancas (EB) de helio de masa baja e intermedia son el resultado de la evolución de sistemas binarios cercanos. Con el objeto de realizar una adecuada interpretación de estos objetos son necesarios modelos de EBs de helio lo más detallado posibles. En este estudio presentamos cálculos detallados de la evolución de EBs de helio con masas entre M=0.1Msolar y M=0.5Msolar a intervalos de 0.05Msolar . Para ello, hemos tenido en cuenta los efectos de temperatura finita mediante un código de evolución estelar lo más actualizado posible. En particular, el transporte de energía es descripto en el marco del nuevo modelo para la convección turbulenta desarrollado por Canuto - Mazzitelli. Además hemos considerado la nueva ecuación de estado para plasmas de helio de Saumon et al. y nuevas opacidades radiativas OPAL. Las pérdidas por neutrinos fueron asimismo tenidas en cuenta. Excepto para las EBs más masivas, nuestros modelos iniciales están ubicados en las cercanías de la correspondiente línea de Hayashi para configuraciones de helio. Nuestros resultados muestran que existe una región prohibida en el diagrama observacional HR donde ninguna EB de helio puede encontrarse. Dicha región es para log{(L/Lsolar )}>= -0.25 and log{Teff} >= 4.45. Hemos encontrado también que los tracks evolutivos en el diagrama HR en el dominio de alta luminosidad (pre - EB) son fuertemente afectados por la eficiencia convectiva y que las pérdidas por neutrinos son importantes en los modelos más masivos. Finalmente hemos analizado la estructura de la zona convectiva externa encontrando que la teoría de Canuto - Mazzitelli conduce a un perfil convectivo muy diferente del dado por cualquier versión de la popular teoría de la mixing length. Si bién este comportamiento es decisivo en el contexto de las inestabilides pulsacionales, los radios y gravedades superficiales de

  10. Calcisponges have a ParaHox gene and dynamic expression of dispersed NK homeobox genes.


    Fortunato, Sofia A V; Adamski, Marcin; Ramos, Olivia Mendivil; Leininger, Sven; Liu, Jing; Ferrier, David E K; Adamska, Maja


    Sponges are simple animals with few cell types, but their genomes paradoxically contain a wide variety of developmental transcription factors, including homeobox genes belonging to the Antennapedia (ANTP) class, which in bilaterians encompass Hox, ParaHox and NK genes. In the genome of the demosponge Amphimedon queenslandica, no Hox or ParaHox genes are present, but NK genes are linked in a tight cluster similar to the NK clusters of bilaterians. It has been proposed that Hox and ParaHox genes originated from NK cluster genes after divergence of sponges from the lineage leading to cnidarians and bilaterians. On the other hand, synteny analysis lends support to the notion that the absence of Hox and ParaHox genes in Amphimedon is a result of secondary loss (the ghost locus hypothesis). Here we analysed complete suites of ANTP-class homeoboxes in two calcareous sponges, Sycon ciliatum and Leucosolenia complicata. Our phylogenetic analyses demonstrate that these calcisponges possess orthologues of bilaterian NK genes (Hex, Hmx and Msx), a varying number of additional NK genes and one ParaHox gene, Cdx. Despite the generation of scaffolds spanning multiple genes, we find no evidence of clustering of Sycon NK genes. All Sycon ANTP-class genes are developmentally expressed, with patterns suggesting their involvement in cell type specification in embryos and adults, metamorphosis and body plan patterning. These results demonstrate that ParaHox genes predate the origin of sponges, thus confirming the ghost locus hypothesis, and highlight the need to analyse the genomes of multiple sponge lineages to obtain a complete picture of the ancestral composition of the first animal genome.

  11. ParaBTM: A Parallel Processing Framework for Biomedical Text Mining on Supercomputers.


    Xing, Yuting; Wu, Chengkun; Yang, Xi; Wang, Wei; Zhu, En; Yin, Jianping


    A prevailing way of extracting valuable information from biomedical literature is to apply text mining methods on unstructured texts. However, the massive amount of literature that needs to be analyzed poses a big data challenge to the processing efficiency of text mining. In this paper, we address this challenge by introducing parallel processing on a supercomputer. We developed paraBTM, a runnable framework that enables parallel text mining on the Tianhe-2 supercomputer. It employs a low-cost yet effective load balancing strategy to maximize the efficiency of parallel processing. We evaluated the performance of paraBTM on several datasets, utilizing three types of named entity recognition tasks as demonstration. Results show that, in most cases, the processing efficiency can be greatly improved with parallel processing, and the proposed load balancing strategy is simple and effective. In addition, our framework can be readily applied to other tasks of biomedical text mining besides NER.

  12. Airtightness the simple(CS) way

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Andrews, S.

    Builders who might buck against such time consuming air sealing methods as polyethylene wrap and the airtight drywall approach (ADA) may respond better to current strategies. One such method, called SimpleCS, has proven especially effective. SimpleCS, pronounced simplex, stands for simple caulk and seal. A modification of the ADA, SimpleCS is an air-sealing management tool, a simplified systems approach to building tight homes. The system address the crucial question of when and by whom various air sealing steps should be done. It avoids the problems that often occur when later contractors cut open polyethylene wrap to drill holes in themore » drywall. The author describes how SimpleCS works, and the cost and training involved.« less

  13. Simple, Internally Adjustable Valve

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Burley, Richard K.


    Valve containing simple in-line, adjustable, flow-control orifice made from ordinary plumbing fitting and two allen setscrews. Construction of valve requires only simple drilling, tapping, and grinding. Orifice installed in existing fitting, avoiding changes in rest of plumbing.

  14. Hyperfine excitation of C2H in collisions with ortho- and para-H2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dagdigian, Paul J.


    Accurate estimation of the abundance of the ethynyl (C2H) radical requires accurate radiative and collisional rate coefficients. Hyperfine-resolved rate coefficients for (de-)excitation of C2H in collisions with ortho- and para-H2 are presented in this work. These rate coefficients were computed in time-independent close-coupling quantum scattering calculations that employed a potential energy surface recently computed at the coupled-clusters level of theory that describes the interaction of C2H with H2. Rate coefficients for temperatures from 10 to 300 K were computed for all transitions among the first 40 hyperfine energy levels of C2H in collisions with ortho- and para-H2. These rate coefficients were employed in simple radiative transfer calculations to simulate the excitation of C2H in typical molecular clouds.

  15. Simple Rules, Not So Simple: The Use of International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) Terminology and Simple Rules in Inexperienced Hands in a Prospective Multicenter Cohort Study.


    Meys, Evelyne; Rutten, Iris; Kruitwagen, Roy; Slangen, Brigitte; Lambrechts, Sandrina; Mertens, Helen; Nolting, Ernst; Boskamp, Dieuwke; Van Gorp, Toon


     To analyze how well untrained examiners - without experience in the use of International Ovarian Tumor Analysis (IOTA) terminology or simple ultrasound-based rules (simple rules) - are able to apply IOTA terminology and simple rules and to assess the level of agreement between non-experts and an expert.  This prospective multicenter cohort study enrolled women with ovarian masses. Ultrasound was performed by non-expert examiners and an expert. Ultrasound features were recorded using IOTA nomenclature, and used for classifying the mass by simple rules. Interobserver agreement was evaluated with Fleiss' kappa and percentage agreement between observers.  50 consecutive women were included. We observed 46 discrepancies in the description of ovarian masses when non-experts utilized IOTA terminology. Tumor type was misclassified often (n = 22), resulting in poor interobserver agreement between the non-experts and the expert (kappa = 0.39, 95 %-CI 0.244 - 0.529, percentage of agreement = 52.0 %). Misinterpretation of simple rules by non-experts was observed 57 times, resulting in an erroneous diagnosis in 15 patients (30 %). The agreement for classifying the mass as benign, malignant or inconclusive by simple rules was only moderate between the non-experts and the expert (kappa = 0.50, 95 %-CI 0.300 - 0.704, percentage of agreement = 70.0 %). The level of agreement for all 10 simple rules features varied greatly (kappa index range: -0.08 - 0.74, percentage of agreement 66 - 94 %).  Although simple rules are useful to distinguish benign from malignant adnexal masses, they are not that simple for untrained examiners. Training with both IOTA terminology and simple rules is necessary before simple rules can be introduced into guidelines and daily clinical practice. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  16. Simple-MSSM: a simple and efficient method for simultaneous multi-site saturation mutagenesis.


    Cheng, Feng; Xu, Jian-Miao; Xiang, Chao; Liu, Zhi-Qiang; Zhao, Li-Qing; Zheng, Yu-Guo


    To develop a practically simple and robust multi-site saturation mutagenesis (MSSM) method that enables simultaneously recombination of amino acid positions for focused mutant library generation. A general restriction enzyme-free and ligase-free MSSM method (Simple-MSSM) based on prolonged overlap extension PCR (POE-PCR) and Simple Cloning techniques. As a proof of principle of Simple-MSSM, the gene of eGFP (enhanced green fluorescent protein) was used as a template gene for simultaneous mutagenesis of five codons. Forty-eight randomly selected clones were sequenced. Sequencing revealed that all the 48 clones showed at least one mutant codon (mutation efficiency = 100%), and 46 out of the 48 clones had mutations at all the five codons. The obtained diversities at these five codons are 27, 24, 26, 26 and 22, respectively, which correspond to 84, 75, 81, 81, 69% of the theoretical diversity offered by NNK-degeneration (32 codons; NNK, K = T or G). The enzyme-free Simple-MSSM method can simultaneously and efficiently saturate five codons within one day, and therefore avoid missing interactions between residues in interacting amino acid networks.

  17. Estudo de não gaussianidade nas anisotropias da RCF medidas Wmap

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andrade, A. P. A.; Wuensche, C. A.; Ribeiro, A. L. B.


    A investigação do campo de flutuações da Radiação Cósmica de Fundo (RCF) pode oferecer um importante teste para os modelos cosmológicos que descrevem a origem e a evolução das flutuações primordiais. De um lado, apresenta-se o modelo inflacionário que prevê um espectro de flutuações adiabáticas distribuídas segundo uma gaussiana e, de outro, os modelos de defeitos topológicos (dentre outros) que descrevem um mecanismo para a geração de flutuações de isocurvatura que obedecem a uma distribuição não gaussiana. Este trabalho tem como objetivo caracterizar traços do modelo não gaussiano de campo misto (entre flutuações adiabáticas e de isocurvatura) nos mapas do Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe (WMAP). Simulações das anisotropias da RCF no contexto de mistura indicam traços marcantes na distribuição das flutuações de temperatura, mesmo quando consideradas pequenas contribuições do campo de isocurvatura (da ordem de 0.001). O efeito da mistura entre os campos resulta na transferência de potência de flutuações em escalas angulares intermediárias para flutuações em pequenas escalas angulares. Este efeito pode ser caracterizado pela relação entre as amplitudes dos primeiros picos acústicos no espectro de potência da RCF. Neste trabalho, investigamos a contribuição do campo de isocurvatura, no contexto de mistura, sobre as observações recentes da RCF realizadas pelo WMAP. As previsões do modelo de campo misto, uma vez confrontadas com as observações em pequenas escalas angulares, podem ajudar a revelar a natureza das flutuações primordiais.

  18. Simulating Asymmetric Top Impurities in Superfluid Clusters: A para-Water Dopant in para-Hydrogen.


    Zeng, Tao; Li, Hui; Roy, Pierre-Nicholas


    We present the first simulation study of bosonic clusters doped with an asymmetric top molecule. The path-integral Monte Carlo method with the latest methodological advance in treating rigid-body rotation [Noya, E. G.; Vega, C.; McBride, C. J. Chem. Phys.2011, 134, 054117] is employed to study a para-water impurity in para-hydrogen clusters with up to 20 para-hydrogen molecules. The growth pattern of the doped clusters is similar in nature to that of pure clusters. The para-water molecule appears to rotate freely in the cluster. The presence of para-water substantially quenches the superfluid response of para-hydrogen with respect to the space-fixed frame.

  19. Analisis experimental de la propagacion en redes de area corporal para la banda de ultra wideband. experimental characterization of the propagation in ultra wideband body area networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Garcia Serna, Ruben Gregorio

    Diferentes dispositivos capaces de obtener informacion sobre parametros fisiologicos, cinematicos o contextuales del cuerpo pueden interconectarse de manera inalambrica dando lugar a las denominadas Redes de Area Corporal Inalambricas (WBAN, Wireless Body Area Networks). De entre las posibles tecnologias para establecer los enlaces, Ultra Wideband (UWB) esta captando cada vez un mayor interes debido a caracteristicas tales como el bajo nivel de potencia de transmision requerido (bajo nivel de exposicion a campos electromagneticos), el alto ancho de banda disponible y la alta resolucion temporal/espacial. El diseno de sistemas centrados en el cuerpo requiere de modelos de canal que describan de manera precisa la propagacion de senales en este tipo de entornos. Esta tesis se plantea con el objetivo de contribuir al estudio experimental de la propagacion en sistemas centrados en el cuerpo operando en la banda UWB. En primer lugar, se presenta un marco introductorio a las redes WBAN, sus elementos constitutivos, bandas de frecuencia, estandarizacion y modelos de canal. Ademas, se introducen los fundamentos de la tecnologia UWB y sus aplicaciones en este area. Seguidamente, se analiza en terminos de las perdidas de propagacion y la dispersion de retardo la propagacion en el canal off-body entre un transmisor fijo y un dispositivo receptor colocado sobre la superficie del cuerpo de un sujeto. Se considera la influencia de diferentes aspectos, tales como el entorno de medidas, la posicion de colocacion de una antena sobre el cuerpo y la postura adoptada por un sujeto. Finalmente, se analiza el canal de propagacion in-body considerando el movimiento relativo entre dos dispositivos causado por efecto de la respiracion. Las condiciones de propagacion en el interior del cuerpo se emulan por medio de un phantom liquido para UWB y la caracterizacion se plantea tanto en frecuencia, en terminos del modelado de la forma y el ensanchamiento del espectro Doppler, como en tiempo, por

  20. Providing Meaningful Learning for Students of the Sixth Grade of Middle School: a Study on the Moon Phases. (Breton Title: Propiciando Aprendizagem Significativa Para Alunos do Sexto Ano do Ensino Fundamental: um Estudo sobre as Fases da Lua.) Propiciando el Aprendizaje Significativo Para Alumnos del Sexto Nivel de la Educación General Básica: un Estudio sobre Las Fases de la Luna

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Darroz, Luiz Marcelo; Samudio Pérez, Carlos Ariel; da Rosa, Cleci Werner; Heineck, Renato


    We relate in this article a didactic experience studying the moon phases with a group of middle school students of a private school of the municipality of Passo Fundo, RS. Based on David Ausubel's Meaningful Learning Theory, we have sought to develop a proposal following a didactic model which simulates the phases of the Moon, as based on the previous conceptions of the students. The signs of learning were evidenced by means of memory registries of the activity. From the obtained results we believe that the proposal achieved its goals, since the students were able to identify, differentiate and transfer the phenomenon of the moon phases to new contexts. Thus, it is concluded that a methodology focused on a meaningful content for the students is fundamental to the construction and genuine grasping of what is being learned. Neste artigo, relata-se uma experiência didática de estudo das fases da Lua com uma turma do 6° ano do Ensino Fundamental, de uma escola privada do município de Passo Fundo, RS. Tendo como fundamentação teórica a Teoria da Aprendizagem Significativa de David Ausubel, buscou-se desenvolver a proposta a partir de um modelo didático que simula as fases da Lua e com base nas concepções prévias dos estudantes. Os indícios da aprendizagem foram constatados através de registros de memórias da atividade. Pelos resultados apresentados, acredita-se que a proposta alcançou seus objetivos, uma vez que os estudantes conseguiram identificar, diferenciar e transferir o fenômeno das fases da Lua para novos contextos. Assim, conclui-se que uma metodologia com enfoque em um conteúdo significativo ao estudante é fundamental para a construção e compreensão genuína do que está sendo aprendido. En este artículo se relata una experiencia didáctica de estudio de las fases de la Luna con una clase de 6º año de la educación general básica de una escuela privada del municipio de Passo Fundo, RS. Teniendo como fundamentación teórica la Teor

  1. Canonical Representations of the Simple Map

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerwin, Olivia; Punjabi, Alkesh; Ali, Halima; Boozer, Allen


    The simple map is the simplest map that has the topology of a divertor tokamak. The simple map has three canonical representations: (i) toroidal flux and poloidal angle (ψ,θ) as canonical coordinates, (ii) the physical variables (R,Z) or (X,Y) as canonical coordinates, and (iii) the action-angle (J,ζ) or magnetic variables (ψ,θ) as canonical coordinates. We give the derivation of the simple map in the (X,Y) representation. The simple map in this representation has been studied extensively (Ref. 1 and references therein). We calculate the magnetic coordinates for the simple map, construct the simple map in magnetic coordinates, and calculate generic topological effects of magnetic perturbations in divertor tokamaks using the map. We also construct the simple map in (ψ,θ) representation. Preliminary results of these studies will be presented. This work is supported by US DOE OFES DE-FG02-01ER54624 and DE-FG02-04ER54793. [1] A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys Lett A 364 140--145 (2007).

  2. A Simple "Tubeless" Telescope

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Straulino, S.; Bonechi, L.


    Two lenses make it possible to create a simple telescope with quite large magnification. The set-up is very simple and can be reproduced in schools, provided the laboratory has a range of lenses with different focal lengths. In this article, the authors adopt the Keplerian configuration, which is composed of two converging lenses. This instrument,…

  3. Simple Machine Junk Cars

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Herald, Christine


    During the month of May, the author's eighth-grade physical science students study the six simple machines through hands-on activities, reading assignments, videos, and notes. At the end of the month, they can easily identify the six types of simple machine: inclined plane, wheel and axle, pulley, screw, wedge, and lever. To conclude this unit,…

  4. Infrared spectra of seeded hydrogen clusters: (para-H2)N-N2O and (ortho-H2)N-N2O, N = 2-13.


    Tang, Jian; McKellar, A R W


    High-resolution infrared spectra of clusters containing para-H2 and/or ortho-H2 and a single nitrous oxide molecule are studied in the 2225-cm(-1) region of the upsilon1 fundamental band of N2O. The clusters are formed in pulsed supersonic jet expansions from a cooled nozzle and probed using a tunable infrared diode laser spectrometer. The simple symmetric rotor-type spectra generally show no resolved K structure, with prominent Q-branch features for ortho-H2 but not para-H2 clusters. The observed vibrational shifts and rotational constants are reported. There is no obvious indication of superfluid effects for para-H2 clusters up to N=13. Sharp transitions due to even larger clusters are observed, but no definite assignments are possible. Mixed (para-H2)N-(ortho-H2)M-N2O cluster line positions can be well predicted by linear interpolation between the corresponding transitions of the pure clusters.

  5. Un modelo de dínamo para ɛ Eridani

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sraibman, L.; Buccino, A. P.; Minotti, F.


    Eridani is an active young K2V star (0.8 Gyr), which exhibits a short and long-term chromospheric cycles of 3 and 13-yr periods, between 1985 and 1992, the star went through a broad activity minimum, similar to the solar Maunder Minimum-state. Motivated by these results, we found in Eridani a great opportunity to test the solar cinematic dynamo model built in sraibman16. In this work we present the components of the magnetic fields in the stellar surface derived from the model. To contrast these results to the registry of activity obtained from stellar observations, we also computed an activity index associated to the magnetic field.

  6. Development of a sharp interface model that simulates coastal aquifer flow with the coupled use of GIS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gemitzi, Alexandra; Tolikas, Demetrios

    A simulation program, which works seamlessly with GIS and simulates flows in coastal aquifers, is presented in the present paper. The model is based on the Galerkin finite element discretization scheme and it simulates both steady and transient freshwater and saltwater flow, assuming that the two fluids are separated by a sharp interface. The model has been verified in simple cases where analytical solutions exist. The simulation program works as a tool of the GIS program, which is the main database that stores and manages all the necessary data. The combined use of the simulation and the GIS program forms an integrated management tool offering a simpler way of simulating and studying saline intrusion in coastal aquifers. Application of the model to the Yermasogia aquifer illustrates the coupled use of modeling and GIS techniques for the examination of regional coastal aquifer systems. Pour étudier un système aquifère côtier, nous avons développé un modèle aux éléments finis en quasi 3-D qui simule les écoulements d'eau douce et d'eau salée en régime aussi bien permanent que transitoire. Les équations qui les régissent sont discrétisées par un schéma de discrétisation de Garlekin aux éléments finis. Le modèle a été vérifié dans des cas simples où il existe des solutions analytiques. Toutes les données nécessaires sont introduites et gérées grâce à un logiciel de gestion de SIG. Le programme de simulation est utilisé comme un outil du logiciel de SIG, constituant ainsi un outil de gestion intégrée dont le but est de simuler et d'étudier l'intrusion saline dans les aquifères côtiers. L'application du modèle à l'aquifère de Yermasogia illustre l'utilisation couplée de la modélisation et des techniques de SIG pour l'étude des systèmes aquifères côtiers régionaux. Se ha desarrollado un modelo casi tridimensional de elementos finitos para simular el flujo de agua dulce y salada, tanto en régimen estacionario como en

  7. Alfvén simple waves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Webb, G. M.; Zank, G. P.; Burrows, R. H.; Ratkiewicz, R. E.


    Multi-dimensional Alfvén simple waves in magnetohydrodynamics (MHD) are investigated using Boillat's formalism. For simple wave solutions, all physical variables (the gas density, pressure, fluid velocity, entropy, and magnetic field induction in the MHD case) depend on a single phase function ϕ, which is a function of the space and time variables. The simple wave ansatz requires that the wave normal and the normal speed of the wave front depend only on the phase function ϕ. This leads to an implicit equation for the phase function and a generalization of the concept of a plane wave. We obtain examples of Alfvén simple waves, based on the right eigenvector solutions for the Alfvén mode. The Alfvén mode solutions have six integrals, namely that the entropy, density, magnetic pressure, and the group velocity (the sum of the Alfvén and fluid velocity) are constant throughout the wave. The eigenequations require that the rate of change of the magnetic induction B with ϕ throughout the wave is perpendicular to both the wave normal n and B. Methods to construct simple wave solutions based on specifying either a solution ansatz for n(ϕ) or B(ϕ) are developed.

  8. Elastoplasticidad anisotropa de metales en grandes deformaciones

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caminero Torija, Miguel Angel

    El objetivo de este trabajo es el desarrollo de modelos y algoritmos numericos que simulen el comportamiento del material bajo estas condiciones en el contexto de programas de elementos finitos, dando como resultado predicciones mas precisas de los procesos de conformado y deformacion plastica en general. Para lograr este objetivo se han desarrollado diversas tareas destinadas a mejorar las predicciones en tres aspectos fundamentales. El primer aspecto consiste en la mejora de la descripcion del endurecimiento cinematico anisotropo en pequenas deformaciones, lo cual se ha realizado a traves de modelos y algoritmos implicitos de superficies multiples. Ha sido estudiada la consistencia de este tipo de modelos tanto si estan basados en una regla implicita similar a la de Mroz o en la regla de Prager. Ademas se han simulado los ensayos de Lamba y Sidebottom, obteniendo, en contra de la creencia general, muy buenas predicciones con la regla de Prager. Dichos modelos podrian ser extendidos de forma relativamente facil para considerar grandes deformaciones a traves de procedimientos en deformaciones logaritmicas, similares a los desarrollados en esta tesis y detallados a continuacion. El segundo aspecto consiste en la descripcion de la anisotropia elastoplastica inicial. Esto se ha conseguido mediante el desarrollo de modelos y algoritmos para plasticidad anisotropa en grandes deformaciones, bien ignorando la posible anisotropia elastica, bien considerandola simultaneamente con la anisotropia plastica. Para ello ha sido necesario desarrollar primero un nuevo algoritmo de elastoplasticidad anisotropa en pequenas deformaciones consistentemente linealizado y sin despreciar ningun termino, de tal forma que se conserve la convergencia cuadratica de los metodos de Newton. Este algoritmo en pequenas deformaciones ha servido para realizar la correccion plastica de dos algoritmos en grandes deformaciones. El primero de estos algoritmos es una variacion del clasico algoritmo de

  9. Pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles in R4

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chossat, Pascal; Lohse, Alexander; Podvigina, Olga


    We study pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles for a Γ-equivariant system in R4 with finite Γ ⊂ O(4) , and their nearby dynamics. In particular, in a first step towards a full classification - analogous to that which exists already for the class of simple cycles - we identify all finite subgroups of O(4) admitting pseudo-simple cycles. To this end we introduce a constructive method to build equivariant dynamical systems possessing a robust heteroclinic cycle. Extending a previous study we also investigate the existence of periodic orbits close to a pseudo-simple cycle, which depends on the symmetry groups of equilibria in the cycle. Moreover, we identify subgroups Γ ⊂ O(4) , Γ ⊄ SO(4) , admitting fragmentarily asymptotically stable pseudo-simple heteroclinic cycles. (It has been previously shown that for Γ ⊂ SO(4) pseudo-simple cycles generically are completely unstable.) Finally, we study a generalized heteroclinic cycle, which involves a pseudo-simple cycle as a subset.

  10. Simple Ontology Format (SOFT)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sorokine, Alexandre


    Simple Ontology Format (SOFT) library and file format specification provides a set of simple tools for developing and maintaining ontologies. The library, implemented as a perl module, supports parsing and verification of the files in SOFt format, operations with ontologies (adding, removing, or filtering of entities), and converting of ontologies into other formats. SOFT allows users to quickly create ontologies using only a basic text editor, verify it, and portray it in a graph layout system using customized styles.

  11. Simple Map in Action-Angle Coordinates.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerwin, Olivia; Punjabi, Alkesh; Ali, Halima


    The simple map is the simplest map that has the topology of a divertor tokamak. The simple map has three canonical representations: (i) the natural coordinates - toroidal magnetic flux and poloidal angle (ψ,θ), (ii) the physical coordinates - the physical variables (R,Z) or (X,Y), and (iii) the action-angle coordinates - (J,θ) or magnetic coordinates (ψ, θ). All three are canonical coordinates for field lines. The simple map in the (X,Y) representation has been studied extensively ^1, 2. Here we analytically calculate the action-angle coordinates and safety factor q for the simple map. We construct the equilibrium generating function for the simple map in action-angle coordinates. We derive the simple map in action-angle representation, and calculate the stochastic broadening of the ideal separatrix due to topological noise in action-angle representation. We also show how the geometric effects such as elongation, the height, and width of the ideal separatrix surface can be investigated using a slight modification of the simple map in action-angle representation. This work is supported by the following grants US Department of Energy - OFES DE-FG02-01ER54624 and DE-FG02-04ER54793 and National Science Foundation - HRD-0630372 and 0411394. [1] A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys Lett A, 364 140-145 (2007). [2] A. Punjabi, A. Verma, and A. Boozer, Phys.Rev. Lett. 69, 3322 (1992).

  12. The Design of SimpleITK.


    Lowekamp, Bradley C; Chen, David T; Ibáñez, Luis; Blezek, Daniel


    SimpleITK is a new interface to the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) designed to facilitate rapid prototyping, education and scientific activities via high level programming languages. ITK is a templated C++ library of image processing algorithms and frameworks for biomedical and other applications, and it was designed to be generic, flexible and extensible. Initially, ITK provided a direct wrapping interface to languages such as Python and Tcl through the WrapITK system. Unlike WrapITK, which exposed ITK's complex templated interface, SimpleITK was designed to provide an easy to use and simplified interface to ITK's algorithms. It includes procedural methods, hides ITK's demand driven pipeline, and provides a template-less layer. Also SimpleITK provides practical conveniences such as binary distribution packages and overloaded operators. Our user-friendly design goals dictated a departure from the direct interface wrapping approach of WrapITK, toward a new facade class structure that only exposes the required functionality, hiding ITK's extensive template use. Internally SimpleITK utilizes a manual description of each filter with code-generation and advanced C++ meta-programming to provide the higher-level interface, bringing the capabilities of ITK to a wider audience. SimpleITK is licensed as open source software library under the Apache License Version 2.0 and more information about downloading it can be found at

  13. The Design of SimpleITK

    PubMed Central

    Lowekamp, Bradley C.; Chen, David T.; Ibáñez, Luis; Blezek, Daniel


    SimpleITK is a new interface to the Insight Segmentation and Registration Toolkit (ITK) designed to facilitate rapid prototyping, education and scientific activities via high level programming languages. ITK is a templated C++ library of image processing algorithms and frameworks for biomedical and other applications, and it was designed to be generic, flexible and extensible. Initially, ITK provided a direct wrapping interface to languages such as Python and Tcl through the WrapITK system. Unlike WrapITK, which exposed ITK's complex templated interface, SimpleITK was designed to provide an easy to use and simplified interface to ITK's algorithms. It includes procedural methods, hides ITK's demand driven pipeline, and provides a template-less layer. Also SimpleITK provides practical conveniences such as binary distribution packages and overloaded operators. Our user-friendly design goals dictated a departure from the direct interface wrapping approach of WrapITK, toward a new facade class structure that only exposes the required functionality, hiding ITK's extensive template use. Internally SimpleITK utilizes a manual description of each filter with code-generation and advanced C++ meta-programming to provide the higher-level interface, bringing the capabilities of ITK to a wider audience. SimpleITK is licensed as open source software library under the Apache License Version 2.0 and more information about downloading it can be found at PMID:24416015

  14. Complexity is simple!

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cottrell, William; Montero, Miguel


    In this note we investigate the role of Lloyd's computational bound in holographic complexity. Our goal is to translate the assumptions behind Lloyd's proof into the bulk language. In particular, we discuss the distinction between orthogonalizing and `simple' gates and argue that these notions are useful for diagnosing holographic complexity. We show that large black holes constructed from series circuits necessarily employ simple gates, and thus do not satisfy Lloyd's assumptions. We also estimate the degree of parallel processing required in this case for elementary gates to orthogonalize. Finally, we show that for small black holes at fixed chemical potential, the orthogonalization condition is satisfied near the phase transition, supporting a possible argument for the Weak Gravity Conjecture first advocated in [1].

  15. Estudio de la formación de galaxias espirales en un modelo de agregación jerárquica

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tissera, P.; Saiz, A.; Dominguez-Tenreiro, R.

    El estudio de formación de galaxias espirales ha llevado al desarrollo de numerosos modelos teóricos (e.g. White & Rees 1978). En la actualidad, el modelo más aceptado predice la formación de una galaxia espiral a partir del colapso disipativo del gas en el pozo de potencial de un halo oscuro, conservando su momento angular específco (Fall & Efstathiou 1980). En los últimos años, ha sido posible realizar simulaciones numéricas hidrodinámicas, las cuales describen la evolución conjunta de la materia oscura y los bariones. Estos experimentos han señalado la dificultad de formar estructuras discoidales con propiedades consistentes con las observaciones, en modelos de agregación jerárquica. El problema principal se origina en la pérdida catastrófica de momento angular de la componente disipativa, durante el proceso de ensamblaje de los objetos, a través de la fusión de subestructura (Navarro & Steinmetz 1997). Estos experimentos no incluían procesos de formación estelar. En este trabajo, se expondrán resultados de simulaciones hidrodinámicas cosmológicas, incluyendo formación estelar (Tissera et al 1997), donde ha sido posible reproducir objetos discoidales con contrapartida observacional. El elemento fundamental ha sido la formación de bulbos estelares, los cuales han evitado la pérdida catastrófica de momento angular de los bariones. Se encontró que los discos exponenciales puramente gaseosos son altamente inestables y suceptibles de generar barras, responsables de la pérdida de momento angular y la caída violenta del gas hacia la región central. Estas inestabilidades son fácilmente inducidas durante interacciones y fusiones con objetos vecinos (Barnes & Hernquist 1996). Un bulbo estelar (o un objeto masivo y compacto) estabiliza el disco ante perturbaciones externas, asegurándole un potencial simétrico (Sellwood & Moore 1998, Van der Bosch 1998). En este caso, el gas en el disco no pierde completamente su momento angular intr

  16. Simple shear of deformable square objects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Treagus, Susan H.; Lan, Labao


    Finite element models of square objects in a contrasting matrix in simple shear show that the objects deform to a variety of shapes. For a range of viscosity contrasts, we catalogue the changing shapes and orientations of objects in progressive simple shear. At moderate simple shear ( γ=1.5), the shapes are virtually indistinguishable from those in equivalent pure shear models with the same bulk strain ( RS=4), examined in a previous study. In theory, differences would be expected, especially for very stiff objects or at very large strain. In all our simple shear models, relatively competent square objects become asymmetric barrel shapes with concave shortened edges, similar to some types of boudin. Incompetent objects develop shapes surprisingly similar to mica fish described in mylonites.

  17. Study Guide: Seven Simple Secrets

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Satterfield, Nancy; Breaux, Annette; Whitaker, Todd


    This study guide has been developed to accompany the "Seven Simple Secrets" book written by Dr. Todd Whitaker and Annette Breaux. "Seven Simple Secrets" focuses on those attributes that have been found to help teachers be their absolute best in their daily challenges of teaching and improving student learning. The study guide is divided into the…

  18. Simple carbohydrates (image)


    ... the body to be used as energy. Simple carbohydrates are found naturally in foods such as fruits, milk, and milk products. They are also found in processed and refined sugars such as candy, table sugar, ...

  19. Simple two-electrode biosignal amplifier.


    Dobrev, D; Neycheva, T; Mudrov, N


    A simple, cost effective circuit for a two-electrode non-differential biopotential amplifier is proposed. It uses a 'virtual ground' transimpedance amplifier and a parallel RC network for input common mode current equalisation, while the signal input impedance preserves its high value. With this innovative interface circuit, a simple non-inverting amplifier fully emulates high CMRR differential. The amplifier equivalent CMRR (typical range from 70-100 dB) is equal to the open loop gain of the operational amplifier used in the transimpedance interface stage. The circuit has very simple structure and utilises a small number of popular components. The amplifier is intended for use in various two-electrode applications, such as Holter-type monitors, defibrillators, ECG monitors, biotelemetry devices etc.

  20. Toward Advanced Nursing Practice along with People-Centered Care Partnership Model for Sustainable Universal Health Coverage and Universal Access to Health.


    Kamei, Tomoko; Takahashi, Keiko; Omori, Junko; Arimori, Naoko; Hishinuma, Michiko; Asahara, Kiyomi; Shimpuku, Yoko; Ohashi, Kumiko; Tashiro, Junko


    this study developed a people-centered care (PCC) partnership model for the aging society to address the challenges of social changes affecting people's health and the new role of advanced practice nurses to sustain universal health coverage. a people-centered care partnership model was developed on the basis of qualitative meta-synthesis of the literature and assessment of 14 related projects. The ongoing projects resulted in individual and social transformation by improving community health literacy and behaviors using people-centered care and enhancing partnership between healthcare providers and community members through advanced practice nurses. people-centered care starts when community members and healthcare providers foreground health and social issues among community members and families. This model tackles these issues, creating new values concerning health and forming a social system that improves quality of life and social support to sustain universal health care through the process of building partnership with communities. a PCC partnership model addresses the challenges of social changes affecting general health and the new role of advanced practice nurses in sustaining UHC. o estudo desenvolveu um modelo de parceria de cuidados centrados nas pessoas (CCP) para uma sociedade que está envelhecendo, com o fim de enfrentar os desafios das mudanças sociais que afetam a saúde das pessoas e o novo papel da prática avançada de enfermagem para sustentar a cobertura universal de saúde. um modelo de parceria de cuidados centrados nas pessoas foi desenvolvido com base na meta-síntese qualitativa da literatura e a avaliação de 14 projetos relacionados. Os projetos em curso resultaram na transformação individual e social, melhorando a alfabetização de saúde da comunidade e comportamentos que usam o cuidado centrado nas pessoas e aumentando a parceria entre os profissionais de saúde e membros da comunidade por meio da prática avançada de enfermagem

  1. 8 CFR 293.3 - Simple interest table.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 8 Aliens and Nationality 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Simple interest table. 293.3 Section 293.3 Aliens and Nationality DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY IMMIGRATION REGULATIONS DEPOSIT OF AND INTEREST ON CASH RECEIVED TO SECURE IMMIGRATION BONDS § 293.3 Simple interest table. Following is a simple interest...

  2. Adapting a Common Photographic Camera to Take Pictures of the Sky. (Spanish Title: Adaptando Una Camara Fotografica Comun Para Obtener Fotografias del Cielo.) Adaptando Uma Câmera Fotográfica Manual Simples Para Fotografar o Céu

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Danhoni Neves, Marcos Cesar; Pereira, Ricardo Francisco


    In this paper will be introduced a method of astrophotography using a non-reflex photographic camera (a low-cost method). It will be revised some photographic processes commonly used nowadays for comparison with the aims of this paper. En este trabajo será introducido un método de astrofotografia que utiliza una cámara fotográfica non-reflex (un método de bajo costo). Serán revisados algunos procesos fotográficos comúnmente utilizados actualmente para comparación con los objetivos de este trabajo. O presente artigo procura introduzir um método de astrofotografia utilizando uma câmera fotográfica não reflex, de baixo custo. É feita uma revisão do processo fotográfico comumente empregado para fins de comparação com os objetivos pretendidos no presente trabalho.

  3. Transferências orbitais dentro do modelo quase bicircular no sistema Terra-Lua-Sol

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Corrêa, A. A.; de Almeida Prado, A. F. B.; Stuchi, T. J.; Beaugé, C.


    O problema quase bicircular planar consiste na determinação da dinâmica de um corpo, de massa desprezível, que se move sob o campo gravitacional de três corpos. No caso estudado, o quarto corpo é considerado um satélite artificial e os demais são a Terra, a Lua e o Sol, formando o sistema de três corpos. Este modelo permite a construção de uma hamiltoniana similar a do problema restrito de três corpos (PRTC), incluindo termos periódicos não autônomos, provenientes da presença do Sol, portanto pode ser entendido como uma perturbação ao PRTC. Suas órbitas periódicas aparecem isoladas e possuem o mesmo período solar. Os pontos de equilíbrio colineares possuem o mesmo caráter de estabilidade linear dos pontos lagrangianos (L1, L2 e L3) do PRTC, sendo do tipo sela x centro x centro, instável na direção x e estáveis nas direções y e z. As órbitas periódicas tridimensionais ao redor do ponto colinear é chamada órbita Halo. O objetivo deste trabalho é determinar órbitas de transferências de baixo consumo de combustível para um veículo espacial partindo de uma órbita de estacionamento ao redor da Terra em direção a uma órbita Halo do ponto L1, situado entre a Terra e Lua. Esta tarefa pode ser transformada no problema de valor de contorno: dado um ponto inicial na órbita de estacionamento, um ponto final na órbita halo e o tempo de transferência, deseja-se obter a trajetória que liga estes dois pontos e que minimize os incrementos de velocidade do veículo. Essas transferências são realizadas baseadas no método de Lambert e analisadas de modo a fornecer um baixo consumo. Posteriormente, é feita uma comparação de consumo com as órbitas de transferência equivalentes do PRTC.

  4. Life-cycle optimization model for distributed generation in buildings

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Safaei, Amir

    O setor da construcao e responsavel por uma grande parte do consumo de energia e emissoes na Uniao Europeia. A Geracao Distribuida (GD) de energia, nomeadamente atraves de sistemas de cogeracao e tecnologias solares, representa um papel importante no futuro energetico deste setor. A otimizacao do funcionamento dos sistemas de cogeracao e uma tarefa complexa, devido as diversas variaveis em jogo, designadamente: os diferentes tipos de necessidades energeticas (eletricidade, aquecimento e arrefecimento), os precos dinamicos dos combustiveis (gas natural) e da eletricidade, e os custos fixos e variaveis dos diferentes sistemas de GD. Tal torna-se mais complexo considerando a natureza flutuante das tecnologias solares termicas e fotovoltaicas. Ao mesmo tempo, a liberalizacao do mercado da eletricidade permite exportar para a rede, a electricidade gerada localmente. Adicionalmente, a operacao estrategica de um sistema de GD deve atender aos quadros politicos nacionais, se tiver como objetivo beneficiar de tais regimes. Alem disso, considerando os elevados impactes ambientais do setor da construcao, qualquer avaliacao energetica de edificios rigorosa deve tambem integrar aspetos ambientais, utilizando uma abordagem de Ciclo de Vida (CV). Uma avaliacao de Ciclo de Vida (ACV) completa de um sistema de GD deve incluir as fases relativas a operacao e construcao do sistema, bem como os impactes associados a producao dos combustiveis. Foram analisadas as emissoes da producao de GN, as quais variam de acordo com a origem, tipo (convencional ou nao-convencional), e estado (na forma de GN Liquefeito (GNL) ou gas). Do mesmo modo, o impacte dos sistemas solares e afetado pela meteorologia e radiacao solar, de acordo com a sua localizacao geografica. Sendo assim, uma avaliacao adequada dos sistemas de GD exige um modelo de ACV adequado a localizacao geografica (Portugal), integrando tambem a producao de combustivel (GN), tendo em conta as suas diferentes fontes de abastecimento. O

  5. Eventos de Desconexão no Cometa P/Halley sob a Ótica do Modelo de Reconexão Magnética

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voelzke, M. R.; Matsuura, O. T.


    531 imagens contidas no The International Halley Watch Atlas of Large-Scale Phenomena (Brandt et al., 1992) cobrindo o período de setembro de 1985 a julho de 1986 foram analisadas visando identificar, caracterizar as propriedades e correlacionar estruturas morfológicas da cauda de plasma do cometa P/Halley. A análise revelou 47 eventos de desconexão (DEs) (Niedner & Brandt, 1979; Jockers, 1985; Celnik et al., 1988; Delva et al., 1991). A análise completa de todas as imagens encontra-se publicada em Voelzke & Matsuura, 1998. A distribuição dos DEs na distância heliocêntrica apresenta um caráter bimodal possivelmente associado com a distribuição espacial das fronteiras de setor magnético do meio interplanetário. Os 47 DEs fotografados em 47 imagens distintas permitiram determinar 19 origens de DEs, ou seja, o instante em que supostamente o cometa cruzou a fronteira entre setores magnéticos do vento solar. Tais dados cometários foram comparados com dados do vento solar provenientes de medidas realizadas in situ pelas sondas IMP-8, ICE e PVO, que mediram a variação da velocidade do vento solar, da densidade e da pressão dinâmica durante o intervalo analisado. Os dados destas sondas espaciais em conjunto com os da sonda Vega 1 foram usados para determinar o tempo das passagens do lençol de corrente. Com base nos dados das sondas foram calculadas as coordenadas heliográficas retroativas do lençol de corrente na "superfície fonte" dos mapas sinóticos do campo magnético de Hoeksema, 1989. O cálculo retroativo é feito através de um modelo simples de expressão do vento solar com velocidade uniforme, sendo considerada a co-rotação da magnetosfera com o Sol. Este trabalho apresenta os resultados desta comparação e a análise cinemática da origem dos DEs, determinada sob a hipótese que o plasma desconectado de um dado DE afasta-se com velocidade constante do núcleo cometário (Voelzke & Matsuura, 1998) e compara esta análise com outras que

  6. Autoreporte de exposición a publicidad y promoción de tabaco en una cohorte de fumadores mexicanos: Antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del tabaco en 2008

    PubMed Central

    Hernández, Rosaura Pérez; Thrasher, James F.; Bolaños, Rosibel Rodríguez; Gutiérrez, Inti Barrientos; Hernández, Norma A Ibañez


    Resumen Objetivo Determinar en población fumadora el nivel de exposición a la mercadotecnia por parte de la Industria Tabacalera (IT), a través de diferentes métodos de promocionar sus productos de tabaco, antes y durante la publicación de la Ley General para el Control del Tabaco (LGCT) en 2008. Material y métodos Estudio de cohorte en fumadores adultos (n=941 pre-LGCT y n=1051 post-LGCT) de cuatro ciudades mexicanas. Se realizaron análisis multivariados mediante modelos de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada (GEE). Resultados Se incremento el autoreporte de recepción de muestras gratis de cigarros (3.7% a 8.1%), ropa o artículos con marcas o logos (3.6% a 6.4%), haber visto información sobre eventos especiales (1.9% a 4.7%), y bares, antros y discos para mayores de edad (21.4% a 28%). Se observaron decrementos de publicidad en exteriores (54.7% a 47.2%). Conclusión Es necesaria una política integral con prohibiciones totales de la publicidad y promoción de los productos de tabaco que integre mayor vigilancia y sanciones para lograr la disminución y prevención del consumo de tabaco. PMID:22689158

  7. Dinámica global en galaxias elípticas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pérez, M. J.; Cincotta, P. M.; Giordano, C. M.

    Con el propósito de determinar propiedades dinámicas globales en sistemas triaxiales no integrables, utilizamos una nueva herramienta conocida como ``Mean Exponential Growth factor of Nearby Orbits'' (MEGNO), introducida por Cincotta y Simó (2000). Esta técnica no sólo resulta eficiente para investigar ambas componentes del espacio fase, regular y caótica, sino que también, provee una medida de la hiperbolicidad en el dominio caótico que coincide con la dada por el Lyapunov Characteristic Number (LCN). Previamente este método ha sido aplicado al estudio de modelos simples, y últimamente en el campo de la Mecánica Celeste, al estudio de sistemas planetarios extrasolares. En esta presentación, ilustraremos algunas de las propiedades más importantes del MEGNO, aplic& acute;andolo al potencial tridimensional de Stäckel perturbado.

  8. Memorias del tercer simposio internacional sobre economía, planificación, y políticas de los incendios forestales: problemas y enfoques comunes


    Armando González-Cabán


    Estas memorias resumen el resultado de un simposio diseñado para discutir los problemas actuales que confrontan las agencias con responsabilidad para la proteccion contra incendios forestales a nivel federal y estadual en los EE.UU., al igual que agencias en la comunidad internacional. Los temas discutidos en el simposio incluyen economía del fuego, teoría y modelos...

  9. Simple and Double Alfven Waves: Hamiltonian Aspects

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Webb, G. M.; Zank, G. P.; Hu, Q.; le Roux, J. A.; Dasgupta, B.


    We discuss the nature of simple and double Alfvén waves. Simple waves depend on a single phase variable \\varphi, but double waves depend on two independent phase variables \\varphi1 and \\varphi2. The phase variables depend on the space and time coordinates x and t. Simple and double Alfvén waves have the same integrals, namely, the entropy, density, magnetic pressure, and group velocity (the sum of the Alfvén and fluid velocities) are constant throughout the flow. We present examples of both simple and double Alfvén waves, and discuss Hamiltonian formulations of the waves.

  10. Superoxide reaction with tyrosyl radicals generates para-hydroperoxy and para-hydroxy derivatives of tyrosine.


    Möller, Matías N; Hatch, Duane M; Kim, Hye-Young H; Porter, Ned A


    Tyrosine-derived hydroperoxides are formed in peptides and proteins exposed to enzymatic or cellular sources of superoxide and oxidizing species as a result of the nearly diffusion-limited reaction between tyrosyl radical and superoxide. However, the structure of these products, which informs their reactivity in biology, has not been unequivocally established. We report here the complete characterization of the products formed in the addition of superoxide, generated from xanthine oxidase, to several peptide-derived tyrosyl radicals, formed from horseradish peroxidase. RP-HPLC, LC-MS, and NMR experiments indicate that the primary stable products of superoxide addition to tyrosyl radical are para-hydroperoxide derivatives (para relative to the position of the OH in tyrosine) that can be reduced to the corresponding para-alcohol. In the case of glycyl-tyrosine, a stable 3-(1-hydroperoxy-4-oxocyclohexa-2,5-dien-1-yl)-L-alanine was formed. In tyrosyl-glycine and Leu-enkephalin, which have N-terminal tyrosines, bicyclic indolic para-hydroperoxide derivatives were formed ((2S,3aR,7aR)-3a-hydroperoxy-6-oxo-2,3,3a,6,7,7a-hexahydro-1H-indole-2-carboxylic acid) by the conjugate addition of the free amine to the cyclohexadienone. It was also found that significant amounts of the para-OH derivative were generated from the hydroxyl radical, formed on exposure of tyrosine-containing peptides to Fenton conditions. The para-OOH and para-OH derivatives are much more reactive than other tyrosine oxidation products and may play important roles in physiology and disease.

  11. Compilação de dados atômicos e moleculares do UV ao IV próximo para uso em síntese espectral

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coelho, P.; Barbuy, B.; Melendez, J.; Allen, D. M.; Castilho, B.


    Espectros sintéticos são utéis em uma grande variedade de aplicações, desde análise de abundâncias em espectros estelares de alta resolução ao estudo de populações estelares em espectros integrados. A confiabilidade de um espectro sintético depende do modelo de atmosfera adotado, do código de formação de linhas e da qualidade dos dados atômicos e moleculares que são determinantes no cálculo das opacidades da fotosfera. O nosso grupo no departamento de Astronomia no IAG tem utilizado espectros sintéticos há mais de 15 anos, em aplicações voltadas principalmente para a análise de abundâncias de estrelas G, K e M e populações estelares velhas. Ao longo desse tempo, as listas de linhas vieram sendo construídas e atualizadas continuamente, e alguns acréscimos recentes podem ser citados: Castilho (1999, átomos e moléculas no UV), Schiavon (1998, bandas moleculares de TiO) e Melendez (2001, átomos e moléculas no IV próximo). Com o intuito de calcular uma grade de espectros do UV ao IV próximo para uso no estudo de populações estelares velhas, se fazia necessário compilar e homogeneizar as diversas listas em apenas uma lista atômica e uma molecular. Nesse processo, a nova lista compilada foi correlacionada com outras bases de dados (NIST, Kurucz Database, O' Brian et al. 1991) para atualização dos parâmetros que caracterizam a transição atômica (comprimento de onda, log gf e potencial de excitação). Adicionalmente as constantes de interação C6 foram calculadas segundo a teoria de Anstee & O'Mara (1995) e artigos posteriores. As bandas moleculares de CH e CN foram recalculadas com o programa LIFBASE (Luque & Crosley 1999). Nesse poster estão detalhados os procedimentos citados acima, as comparações entre espectros calculados com as novas listas e espectros observados em alta resolução do Sol e de Arcturus, e uma análise do impacto decorrente da utilização de diferentes modelos de atmosfera no espectro sintético. Ao

  12. Complex Autocatalysis in Simple Chemistries.


    Virgo, Nathaniel; Ikegami, Takashi; McGregor, Simon


    Life on Earth must originally have arisen from abiotic chemistry. Since the details of this chemistry are unknown, we wish to understand, in general, which types of chemistry can lead to complex, lifelike behavior. Here we show that even very simple chemistries in the thermodynamically reversible regime can self-organize to form complex autocatalytic cycles, with the catalytic effects emerging from the network structure. We demonstrate this with a very simple but thermodynamically reasonable artificial chemistry model. By suppressing the direct reaction from reactants to products, we obtain the simplest kind of autocatalytic cycle, resulting in exponential growth. When these simple first-order cycles are prevented from forming, the system achieves superexponential growth through more complex, higher-order autocatalytic cycles. This leads to nonlinear phenomena such as oscillations and bistability, the latter of which is of particular interest regarding the origins of life.

  13. Templated deprotonative metalation of polyaryl systems: Facile access to simple, previously inaccessible multi-iodoarenes

    PubMed Central

    Martínez-Martínez, Antonio J.; Justice, Stephen; Fleming, Ben J.; Kennedy, Alan R.; Oswald, Iain D. H.; O’Hara, Charles T.


    The development of new methodologies to affect non–ortho-functionalization of arenes has emerged as a globally important arena for research, which is key to both fundamental studies and applied technologies. A range of simple arene feedstocks (namely, biphenyl, meta-terphenyl, para-terphenyl, 1,3,5-triphenylbenzene, and biphenylene) is transformed to hitherto unobtainable multi-iodoarenes via an s-block metal sodium magnesiate templated deprotonative approach. These iodoarenes have the potential to be used in a whole host of high-impact transformations, as precursors to key materials in the pharmaceutical, molecular electronic, and nanomaterials industries. To prove the concept, we transformed biphenyl to 3,5-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl, a novel isomer of 4,4′-bis(N-carbazolyl)-1,1′-biphenyl (CPB), a compound which is currently widely used as a host material for organic light-emitting diodes. PMID:28695201

  14. Simple formula for the surface area of the body and a simple model for anthropometry.


    Reading, Bruce D; Freeman, Brian


    The body surface area (BSA) of any adult, when derived from the arithmetic mean of the different values calculated from four independent accepted formulae, can be expressed accurately in Systeme International d'Unites (SI) units by the simple equation BSA = 1/6(WH)0.5, where W is body weight in kg, H is body height in m, and BSA is in m2. This formula, which is derived in part by modeling the body as a simple solid of revolution or a prolate spheroid (i.e., a stretched ellipsoid of revolution) gives students, teachers, and clinicians a simple rule for the rapid estimation of surface area using rational units. The formula was tested independently for human subjects by using it to predict body volume and then comparing this prediction against the actual volume measured by Archimedes' principle. Copyright 2005 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  15. Simple versus complex degenerative mitral valve disease.


    Javadikasgari, Hoda; Mihaljevic, Tomislav; Suri, Rakesh M; Svensson, Lars G; Navia, Jose L; Wang, Robert Z; Tappuni, Bassman; Lowry, Ashley M; McCurry, Kenneth R; Blackstone, Eugene H; Desai, Milind Y; Mick, Stephanie L; Gillinov, A Marc


    At a center where surgeons favor mitral valve (MV) repair for all subsets of leaflet prolapse, we compared results of patients undergoing repair for simple versus complex degenerative MV disease. From January 1985 to January 2016, 6153 patients underwent primary isolated MV repair for degenerative disease, 3101 patients underwent primary isolated MV repair for simple disease (posterior prolapse), and 3052 patients underwent primary isolated MV repair for complex disease (anterior or bileaflet prolapse), based on preoperative echocardiographic images. Logistic regression analysis was used to generate propensity scores for risk-adjusted comparisons (n = 2065 matched pairs). Durability was assessed by longitudinal recurrence of mitral regurgitation and reoperation. Compared with patients with simple disease, those undergoing repair of complex pathology were more likely to be younger and female (both P values < .0001) but with similar symptoms (P = .3). The most common repair technique was ring/band annuloplasty (3055/99% simple vs 3000/98% complex; P = .5), followed by leaflet resection (2802/90% simple vs 2249/74% complex; P < .0001). Among propensity-matched patients, recurrence of severe mitral regurgitation 10 years after repair was 6.2% for simple pathology versus 11% for complex pathology (P = .007), reoperation at 18 years was 6.3% for simple pathology versus 11% for complex pathology, and 20-year survival was 62% for simple pathology versus 61% for complex pathology (P = .6). Early surgical intervention has become more common in patients with degenerative MV disease, regardless of valve prolapse complexity or symptom status. Valve repair was associated with similarly low operative risk and time-related survival but less durability in complex disease. Lifelong annual echocardiographic surveillance after MV repair is recommended, particularly in patients with complex disease. Copyright © 2018 The American Association for Thoracic Surgery

  16. Simple Tidal Prism Models Revisited

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Luketina, D.


    Simple tidal prism models for well-mixed estuaries have been in use for some time and are discussed in most text books on estuaries. The appeal of this model is its simplicity. However, there are several flaws in the logic behind the model. These flaws are pointed out and a more theoretically correct simple tidal prism model is derived. In doing so, it is made clear which effects can, in theory, be neglected and which can not.

  17. Attenuation of Ultraviolet Radiation by Dust in Interstellar Clouds

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Escalante, V.


    Se han obtenido soluciones de la ecuación de transporte para la dispersión coherente, no conservativa y anisotrópica para estimar la precisión de métodos aproximados, usados en modelos de nubes en que la luz es atenuada principalmente por el polvo. En los cálculos se ha aplicado el metodo de armónicos esféricos para distintos parámetros del polvo. Se ha explorado la posibilidad de descubrir cambios en las caracterísiticas del polvo mediante observaciones de regiones fotodisociadas. Se muestra que para altos valores del albedo de dispersión simple y del parametro de asimetria de Ia función de fase que son adecuados para el polvo galáctico, no es posible determinar variaciones de más de un factor de 2 en el cociente de gas a polvo. Solutions to the transfer equation for coherent, non-conservative, anisotropic scattering have been obtained in order to estimate the accuracy of approximate methods used in models of clouds where light is attenuated mostly by dust. In the calculations the spherical harmonic method has been applied for different grain parameters. The possibility of discovering changes of dust characteristics through observations of photodissociation regions has been considered. It is shown that for the high values of the single scattering albedo and the asymmetry parameter of the phase function for redistribution that appear to be appropriate for galactic dust, it is not possible to determine variations of more than a factor of 2 in the gas to dust ratio.

  18. Sterile insect technique: A model for dose optimisation for improved sterile insect quality

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Parker, A.; Mehta, K.

    The sterile insect technique (SIT) is an environment-friendly pest control technique with application in the area-wide integrated control of key pests, including the suppression or elimination of introduced populations and the exclusion of new introductions. Reproductive sterility is normally induced by ionizing radiation, a convenient and consistent method that maintains a reasonable degree of competitiveness in the released insects. The cost and effectiveness of a control program integrating the SIT depend on the balance between sterility and competitiveness, but it appears that current operational programs with an SIT component are not achieving an appropriate balance. In this paper we discussmore » optimization of the sterilization process and present a simple model and procedure for determining the optimum dose. (author) [Spanish] La tecnica de insecto esteril (TIE) es una tecnologia de control de plagas favorable para el medio ambiente con una aplicacion de un control integrado de plagas claves para toda la area, incluyendo la supresion o eliminacion de poblaciones introducidas y la exclusion de nuevas introducciones. La esterilidad reproductiva es normalmente inducida por radiacion ionizada, un metodo conveniente y consistente que mantiene un grado razonable para la capacidad de competencia en insectos liberados. El costo y la eficacia de un programa de control que incluye TIE dependen en tener un balance entre la esterilidad y la capacidad para competir, pero parece que los programas operacionales corrientes con TIS como un componente no estan logrando el tener un balance apropiado. En esta publicacion, nosotros discutimos la optimizacion del proceso de esterilizacion y presentamos un modelo y procedimiento sencillos para determinar la dosis optima. (author)« less

  19. Evaluation of thermochemical biomass conversion in fluidized bed =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neves, Daniel dos Santos Felix das

    elementares e poderes calorificos. O resultado traduziu-se num conjunto de parâmetros empiricos de interesse pratico que permitiram elucidar o comportamento geral da pirolise de biomassa numa gama ampla de condicoes operatorias. Para alem disso, propos-se um modelo empirico para a composicao dos volateis que pode ser integrado em modelos compreensivos de reatores desde que os parâmetros usados sejam adequados ao combustivel ensaiado. Esta abordagem despoletou um conjunto de ensaios de pirolise com varias biomassas, lenhina e celulose, e temperaturas entre os 600 e 975ºC. Elevadas taxas de aquecimento do combustivel foram alcancadas em reatores laboratoriais de leito fluidizado borbulhante e leito fixo, ao passo que um sistema termo-gravimetrico permitiu estudar o efeito de taxas de aquecimento mais baixas. Os resultados mostram que, em condicoes tipicas de processos de combustao e gasificacao, a quantidade de volateis libertada da biomassa e pouco influenciada pela temperatura do reator mas varia bastante entre combustiveis. Uma analise mais aprofundada deste assunto permitiu mostrar que o rendimento de carbonizado esta intimamente relacionado com o racio O/C do combustivel original, sendo proposto um modelo simples para descrever esta relacao. Embora a quantidade total de volateis libertada seja estabelecida pela composicao da biomassa, a respetiva composicao quimica depende bastante da temperatura do reator. Rendimentos de especies condensaveis (agua e especies orgânicas), CO2 e hidrocarbonetos leves descrevem um maximo relativamente a temperatura para dar lugar a CO e H2 as temperaturas mais altas. Nao obstante, em certas gamas de temperatura, os rendimentos de algumas das principais especies gasosas (e.g. CO, H2, CH4) estao bem correlacionados entre si, o que permitiu desenvolver modelos empiricos que minimizam o efeito das condicoes operatorias e, ao mesmo tempo, realcam o efeito do combustivel na composicao do gas. Em suma, os ensaios de pirolise realizados neste

  20. A Simple Tiltmeter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dix, M. G.; Harrison, D. R.; Edwards, T. M.


    Bubble vial with external aluminum-foil electrodes is sensing element for simple indicating tiltmeter. To measure bubble displacement, bridge circuit detects difference in capacitance between two sensing electrodes and reference electrode. Tiltmeter was developed for experiment on forecasting seismic events by changes in Earth's magnetic field.

  1. Simple Experiments for Teaching Air Pressure

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shamsipour, Gholamreza


    Everyone who teaches physics knows very well that sometimes a simple device or experiment can help to make a concept clear. In this paper, inspired by "The Jumping Pencil" by Martin Gardner, I will discuss a simple demonstration device that can be used to start the study of air pressure.

  2. Memorias del segundo simposio internacional sobre políticas, planificación y economía de los programas de protección contra incendios forestales: una visión global; 2004 Abril 19–22; Córdoba, España


    Armando González-Cabán


    Estas memorias resumen el resultado de un simposio diseñado para discutir los problemas actuales que confrontan las agencias con responsabilidad para la protección contra incendios forestales a nivel federal y estadual en los EE.UU., al igual que agencias en la comunidad internacional. Los temas discutidos en el simposio incluyen economía del fuego, teoría y modelos...

  3. Operational trial of ParaSight-F (dipstick) in the diagnosis of falciparum malaria at the primary health care level.


    Banchongaksorn, T; Prajakwong, S; Rooney, W; Vickers, P


    The rapid manual ParaSight-F test of Plasmodium falciparum malaria, an antigen capture test for detecting trophozoite-derived histidine rich protein-2 (PF HRP-2), is simple to perform and provides a definite diagnosis within 10 minutes. During an operational trial at health centers and mobile malaria units where microscopical diagnosis is not available and using defined symptom screening criteria, 3,361 subjects were tested yielding 618 positives (18.4%) for PF-HRP-2 by ParaSight-F. Microscopic examination of the same subjects by thick blood film examined 7 days later at a malaria clinic showed 578 falciparum, and 349 vivax and mixed infection (F+V) 41. The technology proved highly effective in detecting falciparum malaria at the peripheral levels where access to malaria laboratory services are difficult, thus allowing immediate administration of a complete course of treatment in the absence of a microscopic examination.

  4. Nanoscale simple-fluid behavior under steady shear.


    Yong, Xin; Zhang, Lucy T


    In this study, we use two nonequilibrium molecular dynamics algorithms, boundary-driven shear and homogeneous shear, to explore the rheology and flow properties of a simple fluid undergoing steady simple shear. The two distinct algorithms are designed to elucidate the influences of nanoscale confinement. The results of rheological material functions, i.e., viscosity and normal pressure differences, show consistent Newtonian behaviors at low shear rates from both systems. The comparison validates that confinements of the order of 10 nm are not strong enough to deviate the simple fluid behaviors from the continuum hydrodynamics. The non-Newtonian phenomena of the simple fluid are further investigated by the homogeneous shear simulations with much higher shear rates. We observe the "string phase" at high shear rates by applying both profile-biased and profile-unbiased thermostats. Contrary to other findings where the string phase is found to be an artifact of the thermostats, we perform a thorough analysis of the fluid microstructures formed due to shear, which shows that it is possible to have a string phase and second shear thinning for dense simple fluids.

  5. On Simple Science.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cole, K.C.


    Discusses San Francisco's Exploratorium, a science teaching center with 500 exhibits focusing on human perception, but extending to everything from the mechanics of voice to the art of illusion, from holograms to harmonics. The Exploratorium emphasizes "simple science" (refractions/resonances, sounds/shadows) to tune in the senses and turn on the…

  6. Sunspots and Their Simple Harmonic Motion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ribeiro, C. I.


    In this paper an example of a simple harmonic motion, the apparent motion of sunspots due to the Sun's rotation, is described, which can be used to teach this subject to high-school students. Using real images of the Sun, students can calculate the star's rotation period with the simple harmonic motion mathematical expression.

  7. Fuzzy model to estimate the number of hospitalizations for asthma and pneumonia under the effects of air pollution.


    Chaves, Luciano Eustáquio; Nascimento, Luiz Fernando Costa; Rizol, Paloma Maria Silva Rocha


    Predict the number of hospitalizations for asthma and pneumonia associated with exposure to air pollutants in the city of São José dos Campos, São Paulo State. This is a computational model using fuzzy logic based on Mamdani's inference method. For the fuzzification of the input variables of particulate matter, ozone, sulfur dioxide and apparent temperature, we considered two relevancy functions for each variable with the linguistic approach: good and bad. For the output variable number of hospitalizations for asthma and pneumonia, we considered five relevancy functions: very low, low, medium, high and very high. DATASUS was our source for the number of hospitalizations in the year 2007 and the result provided by the model was correlated with the actual data of hospitalization with lag from zero to two days. The accuracy of the model was estimated by the ROC curve for each pollutant and in those lags. In the year of 2007, 1,710 hospitalizations by pneumonia and asthma were recorded in São José dos Campos, State of São Paulo, with a daily average of 4.9 hospitalizations (SD = 2.9). The model output data showed positive and significant correlation (r = 0.38) with the actual data; the accuracies evaluated for the model were higher for sulfur dioxide in lag 0 and 2 and for particulate matter in lag 1. Fuzzy modeling proved accurate for the pollutant exposure effects and hospitalization for pneumonia and asthma approach. Prever o número de internações por asma e pneumonia associadas à exposição a poluentes do ar no município em São José dos Campos, estado de São Paulo. Trata-se de um modelo computacional que utiliza a lógica fuzzy baseado na técnica de inferência de Mamdani. Para a fuzzificação das variáveis de entrada material particulado, ozônio, dióxido de enxofre e temperatura aparente foram consideradas duas funções de pertinência para cada variável com abordagem linguísticas: bom e ruim. Para a variável de saída número interna

  8. Study and optimization of the macroscopic electrical response of carbon based nanocomposites for advanced applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Silva, Jaime Pedro Oliveira da

    A presente tese centrou-se no estudo da resposta da constante dieletrica e condutividade eletrica em materiais compositos nos quais o reforco tinha uma elevada proporcao entre comprimento e diametro. O objeto de estudo foi o efeito de um reforco com uma elevada razao entre comprimento e diametro, concentracao e orientacao na resposta eletrica e dieletrica de um composito. Estes compositos tem uma grande importancia no desenvolvimento de materiais para sensores e atuadores. Num primeiro momento da dissertacao, explorou-se a resposta da constante dieletrica de um composito constituido por nanotubos de carbono como reforco e uma matriz polimerica. Verificou-se que um aumento da razao entre comprimento e diametro do reforco tem o efeito de aumentar a constante dieletrica do composito para uma igual fracao volumetrica de reforco. Constatou-se tambem que materiais na fase nematica demonstram uma constante dieletrica mais baixa quando comparados com materiais onde o reforco esta distribuido aleatoriamente. Ficou ainda demonstrado nesta dissertacao que materiais na fase nematica com razoes entre o comprimento e diametro diferentes a constante dieletrica segue uma lei de potencia. Numa segunda fase do trabalho, foi explorada a condutividade de nanocompositos polimericos reforcados com nanotubos de carbono, atraves de um modelo baseado em cilindros impenetraveis. Ficou demonstrado que o modelo e apropriado para descrever a condutividade eletrica de um nanocomposito polimerico reforcado com nanotubos. As simulacoes desenvolvidas demonstram que, aumentando a razao entre o comprimento e o diametro dos nanotubos de carbono, aumenta a condutividade eletrica do nanocomposito. No entanto, verifica-se que aumentando a anisotropia diminui a condutividade, sendo este efeito mais evidente para fracoes volumetricas maiores. Nesta dissertacao comprovou-se ainda que uma microestrutura gerada por um algoritmo de empacotamento sequencial pode ser descrita por um grafo aleatorio e que a

  9. Simple yet Hidden Counterexamples in Undergraduate Real Analysis

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shipman, Barbara A.; Shipman, Patrick D.


    We study situations in introductory analysis in which students affirmed false statements as true, despite simple counterexamples that they easily recognized afterwards. The study draws attention to how simple counterexamples can become hidden in plain sight, even in an active learning atmosphere where students proposed simple (as well as more…

  10. Complexity-aware simple modeling.


    Gómez-Schiavon, Mariana; El-Samad, Hana


    Mathematical models continue to be essential for deepening our understanding of biology. On one extreme, simple or small-scale models help delineate general biological principles. However, the parsimony of detail in these models as well as their assumption of modularity and insulation make them inaccurate for describing quantitative features. On the other extreme, large-scale and detailed models can quantitatively recapitulate a phenotype of interest, but have to rely on many unknown parameters, making them often difficult to parse mechanistically and to use for extracting general principles. We discuss some examples of a new approach-complexity-aware simple modeling-that can bridge the gap between the small-scale and large-scale approaches. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  11. Simple Library Bookkeeping.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hoffman, Herbert H.

    A simple and cheap manual double entry continuous transaction posting system with running balances is developed for bookkeeping by small libraries. A very small library may operate without any system of fiscal control but when a library's budget approaches three figures, some kind of bookkeeping must be introduced. To maintain control over his…

  12. A Simple Raman Spectrometer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Blond, J. P.; Boggett, D. M.


    Discusses some basic physical ideas about light scattering and describes a simple Raman spectrometer, a single prism monochromator and a multiplier detector. This discussion is intended for British undergraduate physics students. (HM)

  13. Vortex breakdown in simple pipe bends

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ault, Jesse; Shin, Sangwoo; Stone, Howard


    Pipe bends and elbows are one of the most common fluid mechanics elements that exists. However, despite their ubiquity and the extensive amount of research related to these common, simple geometries, unexpected complexities still remain. We show that for a range of geometries and flow conditions, these simple flows experience unexpected fluid dynamical bifurcations resembling the bubble-type vortex breakdown phenomenon. Specifically, we show with simulations and experiments that recirculation zones develop within the bends under certain conditions. As a consequence, fluid and particles can remain trapped within these structures for unexpectedly-long time scales. We also present simple techniques to mitigate this recirculation effect which can potentially have impact across industries ranging from biomedical and chemical processing to food and health sciences.

  14. Simple microfluidic stagnation point flow geometries

    PubMed Central

    Dockx, Greet; Verwijlen, Tom; Sempels, Wouter; Nagel, Mathias; Moldenaers, Paula; Hofkens, Johan; Vermant, Jan


    A geometrically simple flow cell is proposed to generate different types of stagnation flows, using a separation flow and small variations of the geometric parameters. Flows with high local deformation rates can be changed from purely rotational, over simple shear flow, to extensional flow in a region surrounding a stagnation point. Computational fluid dynamic calculations are used to analyse how variations of the geometrical parameters affect the flow field. These numerical calculations are compared to the experimentally obtained streamlines of different designs, which have been determined by high speed confocal microscopy. As the flow type is dictated predominantly by the geometrical parameters, such simple separating flow devices may alleviate the requirements for flow control, while offering good stability for a wide variety of flow types. PMID:27462382

  15. A novel dynamic field-matching technique for treatment of patients with para-aortic node-positive cervical cancer: Clinical experience

    PubMed Central

    Baden, Craig; Whitley, Alexander; López-Araujo, Javier; Popple, Richard; Duan, Jun; Kim, Robert


    Aim To report outcomes for patients with para-aortic lymph node positive cervical cancer treated with a dynamic field-matching technique. Background PET staging of cervical cancer has increased identification of patients with para-aortic lymph node metastasis. IMRT enables dose escalation in this area, but matching IMRT fields with traditional whole pelvis fields presents a challenge. Materials and methods From 2003 to 2012, 20 patients with cervical cancer and para-aortic lymph node metastasis were treated utilizing the dynamic field-matching technique. As opposed to single-isocenter half-beam junction techniques, this technique employs wedge-shaped dose junctions for the abutment of fields. We reviewed the records of all patients who completed treatment with the technique and abstracted treatment, toxicity, and disease-related outcome data for analysis. Results Median prescribed dose to the whole pelvis field was 45 Gy and para-aortic IMRT field 50.4 Gy. All but 3 patients underwent HDR (13 pts) or LDR (4 pts) brachytherapy. All patients developed lower GI toxicity; 10 grade 1, 9 grade 2, and 1 grade 4 (enterovaginal fistula). Median DFS was 12.4 months with 1 and 2-year DFS 60.0% and 38.1%. One-year OS was 83.7% and 2-year OS, 64.4%. A total of 10 patients developed recurrence; none occurred at the matched junction. Conclusions The dynamic field-matching technique provides a means for joining conventional whole pelvis fields and para-aortic IMRT fields that substantially reduces dose deviations at the junction due to field mismatch. Treatment with the dynamic matching technique is simple, effective, and tolerated with no apparent increase in toxicity. PMID:26900356

  16. A simple model for indentation creep

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ginder, Ryan S.; Nix, William D.; Pharr, George M.


    A simple model for indentation creep is developed that allows one to directly convert creep parameters measured in indentation tests to those observed in uniaxial tests through simple closed-form relationships. The model is based on the expansion of a spherical cavity in a power law creeping material modified to account for indentation loading in a manner similar to that developed by Johnson for elastic-plastic indentation (Johnson, 1970). Although only approximate in nature, the simple mathematical form of the new model makes it useful for general estimation purposes or in the development of other deformation models in which a simple closed-form expression for the indentation creep rate is desirable. Comparison to a more rigorous analysis which uses finite element simulation for numerical evaluation shows that the new model predicts uniaxial creep rates within a factor of 2.5, and usually much better than this, for materials creeping with stress exponents in the range 1 ≤ n ≤ 7. The predictive capabilities of the model are evaluated by comparing it to the more rigorous analysis and several sets of experimental data in which both the indentation and uniaxial creep behavior have been measured independently.

  17. Producing and quantifying enriched para-H2.


    Tom, Brian A; Bhasker, Siddhartha; Miyamoto, Yuki; Momose, Takamasa; McCall, Benjamin J


    The production of enriched para-H(2) is useful for many scientific applications, but the technology for producing and measuring para-H(2) is not yet widespread. In this note and in the accompanying auxiliary material, we describe the design, construction, and use of a versatile standalone converter that is capable of producing para-H(2) enrichments of up to > or = 99.99% at continuous flow rates of up to 0.4 SLM. We also discuss para-H(2) storage and back conversion rates, and improvements to three techniques (thermal conductance, NMR, and solid hydrogen impurity spectroscopy) used to quantify the para-H(2) enrichment.

  18. Protein detection by Simple Western™ analysis.


    Harris, Valerie M


    Protein Simple© has taken a well-known protein detection method, the western blot, and revolutionized it. The Simple Western™ system uses capillary electrophoresis to identify and quantitate a protein of interest. Protein Simple© provides multiple detection apparatuses (Wes, Sally Sue, or Peggy Sue) that are suggested to save scientists valuable time by allowing the researcher to prepare the protein sample, load it along with necessary antibodies and substrates, and walk away. Within 3-5 h the protein will be separated by size, or charge, immuno-detection of target protein will be accurately quantitated, and results will be immediately made available. Using the Peggy Sue instrument, one study recently examined changes in MAPK signaling proteins in the sex-determining stage of gonadal development. Here the methodology is described.

  19. A Simple Water Channel

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    White, A. S.


    Describes a simple water channel, for use with an overhead projector. It is run from a water tap and may be used for flow visualization experiments, including the effect of streamlining and elementary building aerodynamics. (MLH)

  20. Practical Session: Simple Linear Regression

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Clausel, M.; Grégoire, G.


    Two exercises are proposed to illustrate the simple linear regression. The first one is based on the famous Galton's data set on heredity. We use the lm R command and get coefficients estimates, standard error of the error, R2, residuals …In the second example, devoted to data related to the vapor tension of mercury, we fit a simple linear regression, predict values, and anticipate on multiple linear regression. This pratical session is an excerpt from practical exercises proposed by A. Dalalyan at EPNC (see Exercises 1 and 2 of

  1. Ortho-para-hydrogen equilibration on Jupiter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Carlson, Barbara E.; Lacis, Andrew A.; Rossow, William B.


    Voyager IRIS observations reveal that the Jovian para-hydrogen fraction is not in thermodynamic equilibrium near the NH3 cloud top, implying that a vertical gradient exists between the high-temperature equilibrium value of 0.25 at depth and the cloud top values. The height-dependent para-hydrogen profile is obtained using an anisotropic multiple-scattering radiative transfer model. A vertical correlation is found to exist between the location of the para-hydrogen gradient and the NH3 cloud, strongly suggesting that paramagnetic conversion on NH3 cloud particle surfaces is the dominant equilibration mechanism. Below the NH3 cloud layer, the para fraction is constant with depth and equal to the high-temperature equilibrium value of 0.25. The degree of cloud-top equilibration appears to depend on the optical depth of the NH3 cloud layer. Belt-zone variations in the para-hydrogen profile seem to be due to differences in the strength of the vertical mixing.

  2. Ajuste de parámetros libres en teorías de campos camaleones a partir de espectros de nubes moleculares galácticas y experimentos terrestres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teppa Pannia, F. A.; Landau, S. J.

    Resultados recientes, basados en el análisis de espectros moleculares de nubes galácticas a través del método del amoníaco, han arrojado nuevos límites sobre la variación del parámetro adimensional μ=m_e /m_p. Los resultados indican Δ μ/μ = (μ_{obs}-μ_{lab})/μ_{lab}= (2.2± 0.4_{est} ±0.3_{sist}) times 10 ^{-8}, en acuerdo con una variación no nula de dicha cantidad (Levshakov et al. 2010). En este trabajo, motivado por los datos astronómicos, estudiamos la solución lineal del modelo teórico fenomenológico de campo escalar camaleón, presentado por Mota y Shaw (2007), que predice variaciones en μ. Con el fin de cotejar estas predicciones con los resultados observacionales, utilizamos datos de experimentos terrestres que testean violaciones al Principio de Equivalencia para analizar el valor de los parámetros libres presentes en el modelo. El trabajo realizado muestra que la solución estudiada no se puede ajustar a los datos experimentales, sugiriendo que el modelo lineal debe ser descartado para explicar las observaciones astronómicas. FULL TEXT IN SPANISH

  3. Simple and Effective Algorithms: Computer-Adaptive Testing.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Linacre, John Michael

    Computer-adaptive testing (CAT) allows improved security, greater scoring accuracy, shorter testing periods, quicker availability of results, and reduced guessing and other undesirable test behavior. Simple approaches can be applied by the classroom teacher, or other content specialist, who possesses simple computer equipment and elementary…

  4. Construction and validation of nursing diagnoses for people in palliative care.


    Silva, Rudval Souza da; Pereira, Álvaro; Nóbrega, Maria Miriam Lima da; Mussi, Fernanda Carneiro


    to construct and validate nursing diagnoses for people in palliative care based on the Dignity-Conserving Care Model and the International Classification for Nursing Practice. a two-stage methodological study: 1) construction of the database of clinically and culturally relevant terms for the nursing care for people in palliative care and 2) construction of nursing diagnoses from the database of terms, based on the guidelines of the International Council of Nurses. the 262 terms validated constituted a database of terms from which 56 nursing diagnoses were developed. Of these, 33 were validated by a group of 26 experts, and classified in the three categories of the Dignity-Conserving Care Model: illness-related concerns (21); dignity-conserving repertoire (9); and social dignity inventory (3). of the 33 validated diagnoses, 18 of them could be included in the update of the Catalog of the International Classification for Nursing Practice - palliative care for a dignified death. The study contributes to support the clinical reasoning and decision making of the nurse. construir e validar diagnósticos de enfermagem para pessoas em cuidados paliativos, fundamentados no Modelo de Cuidados para Preservação da Dignidade e na Classificação Internacional para a Prática de Enfermagem. estudo metodológico operacionalizado em duas etapas: 1) construção do banco de termos relevantes, clínica e culturalmente, para a assistência de enfermagem à pessoa em cuidados paliativos e 2) construção de diagnósticos de enfermagem a partir do banco de termos, com base nas diretrizes do Conselho Internacional de Enfermeiros. os 262 termos validados constituíram um banco de termos a partir do qual foram desenvolvidos 56 diagnósticos de enfermagem. Desses, 33 foram validados por um grupo de 26 peritos, e classificados nas três categorias do Modelo de Cuidados para Preservação da Dignidade: preocupações relacionadas com a doença (21); repertório de conservação da

  5. Magnetic Helicity of Alfven Simple Waves

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Webb, Gary M.; Hu, Q.; Dasgupta, B.; Zank, G. P.; Roberts, D.


    The magnetic helicity of fully nonlinear, multi-dimensional Alfven simple waves are investigated, by using relative helicity formulae and also by using an approach involving poloidal and toroidal decomposition of the magnetic field and magnetic vector potential. Different methods to calculate the magnetic vector potential are used, including the homotopy and Biot-Savart formulas. Two basic Alfven modes are identified: (a) the plane 1D Alfven simple wave given in standard texts, in which the Alfven wave propagates along the z-axis, with wave phase varphi=k_0(z-lambda t), where k_0 is the wave number and lambda is the group velocity of the wave, and (b)\\ the generalized Barnes (1976) simple Alfven wave in which the wave normal {bf n} moves in a circle in the xy-plane perpendicular to the mean field, which is directed along the z-axis. The plane Alfven wave (a) is analogous to the slab Alfven mode and the generalized Barnes solution (b) is analogous to the 2D mode in Alfvenic, incompressible turbulence. The helicity characteristics of these two basic Alfven modes are distinct. The helicity characteristics of more general multi-dimensional simple Alfven waves are also investigated. Applications to nonlinear Aifvenic fluctuations and structures observed in the solar wind are discussed.

  6. Seismic Safety Of Simple Masonry Buildings

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Guadagnuolo, Mariateresa; Faella, Giuseppe


    Several masonry buildings comply with the rules for simple buildings provided by seismic codes. For these buildings explicit safety verifications are not compulsory if specific code rules are fulfilled. In fact it is assumed that their fulfilment ensures a suitable seismic behaviour of buildings and thus adequate safety under earthquakes. Italian and European seismic codes differ in the requirements for simple masonry buildings, mostly concerning the building typology, the building geometry and the acceleration at site. Obviously, a wide percentage of buildings assumed simple by codes should satisfy the numerical safety verification, so that no confusion and uncertainty have tomore » be given rise to designers who must use the codes. This paper aims at evaluating the seismic response of some simple unreinforced masonry buildings that comply with the provisions of the new Italian seismic code. Two-story buildings, having different geometry, are analysed and results from nonlinear static analyses performed by varying the acceleration at site are presented and discussed. Indications on the congruence between code rules and results of numerical analyses performed according to the code itself are supplied and, in this context, the obtained result can provide a contribution for improving the seismic code requirements.« less

  7. Tiempo para un cambio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Woltjer, L.


    En la reunion celebrada en diciembre dei ano pasado informe al Consejo de mi deseo de terminar mi contrato como Director General de la ESO una vez que fuera aprobado el proyecto dei VLT, que se espera sucedera hacia fines de este aAo. Cuando fue renovada mi designacion hace tres aAos, el Consejo conocia mi intencion de no completar los cinco aAos dei contrato debido a mi deseo de disponer de mas tiempo para otras actividades. Ahora, una vez terminada la fase preparatoria para el VLT, Y habiendose presentado el proyecto formalmente al Consejo el dia 31 de marzo, y esperando su muy probable aprobacion antes dei termino de este ano, me parece que el 10 de enero de 1988 presenta una excelente fecha para que se produzca un cambio en la administracion de la ESO.

  8. Simple Numerical Analysis of Longboard Speedometer Data

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hare, Jonathan


    Simple numerical data analysis is described, using a standard spreadsheet program, to determine distance, velocity (speed) and acceleration from voltage data generated by a skateboard/longboard speedometer (Hare 2012 "Phys. Educ." 47 409-17). This simple analysis is an introduction to data processing including scaling data as well as…

  9. Determination of para red, Sudan dyes, canthaxanthin, and astaxanthin in animal feeds using UPLC.


    Hou, Xiaolin; Li, Yonggang; Wu, Guojuan; Wang, Lei; Hong, Miao; Wu, Yongnin


    A simple high-performance liquid chromatography method was developed for quantitative determination of para red, Sudan I, Sudan II, Sudan III, Sudan IV, canthaxanthin, and astaxanthin in feedstuff. The sample was extracted using acetonitrile and cleaned up on a C(18) SPE column. The residues were analyzed using ultra-performance liquid chromatography coupled to a diode array detector at 500 nm. The mobile phase was acetonitrile-formic acid-water with a gradient elution condition. The external standard curves were calibrated. The mean recoveries of the seven colorants were 62.7-91.0% with relative standard deviation 2.6-10.4% (intra-day) and 4.0-13.2% (inter-day). The detection limits were in the range of 0.006-0.02 mg/kg.

  10. Nonclassical and semiclassical para-Bose states

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Huerta Alderete, C.; Villanueva Vergara, Liliana; Rodríguez-Lara, B. M.


    Motivated by the proposal to simulate para-Bose oscillators in a trapped-ion setup [C. Huerta Alderete and B. M. Rodríguez-Lara, Phys. Rev. A 95, 013820 (2017), 10.1103/PhysRevA.95.013820], we introduce an overcomplete, nonorthogonal basis for para-Bose Hilbert spaces. The states spanning these bases can be experimentally realized in the trapped-ion simulation via time evolution. The para-Bose states show both nonclassical and semiclassical statistics on their Fock state distribution, asymmetric field quadrature variances, and do not minimize the uncertainty relation for the field quadratures. These properties are analytically controlled by the para-Bose order and the evolution time; both parameters might be feasible for fine tuning in the trapped-ion quantum simulation.

  11. Vínculos sobre um modelo de quartessência de Chaplygin usando observações do satélite chandra da fração de massa de gás em aglomerados de galáxias

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Souza, R. S.


    Observações de Supernovas do tipo Ia mostram que a expansão do Universo está acelerando. Segundo as equações de Einstein uma componente com pressão negativa (energia escura) é necessária para explicar a aceleração cósmica. Além da energia escura é usualmente admitido que no Universo há também uma matéria exótica com pressão zero, que é chamada de matéria escura. Essa componente possui um papel fundamental na formação de estruturas no Universo. Recentemente tem se explorado a possibilidade de que matéria e energia escura poderiam ser unificadas através de uma única componente, que tem sido denominada de quartessência. Um exemplo de fluido com essas características é o Gás de Chaplygin Generalizado, que possui uma equação de estado da forma p = -A/ra. Inicialmente consideramos o caso especial a = 1 (gás de Chaplygin) e vinculamos parâmetros do modelo utilizando observações em raios-X do satélite Chandra da fração de massa de gás em aglomerados de galáxias. Uma comparação dos vínculos obtidos com esse teste com outros testes, tais como supernovas e idade do Universo, mostra que esse teste é bastante restritivo. Exibiremos ainda resultados para o caso em que a curvatura é nula e o parâmetro a está compreendido no intervalo -1 < a 1.

  12. Unicameral (simple) bone cysts.


    Baig, Rafath; Eady, John L


    Since their original description by Virchow, simple bone cysts have been studied repeatedly. Although these defects are not true neoplasms, simple bone cysts may create major structural defects of the humerus, femur, and os calcis. They are commonly discovered incidentally when x-rays are taken for other reasons or on presentation due to a pathologic fracture. Various treatment strategies have been employed, but the only reliable predictor of success of any treatment strategy is the age of the patient; those being older than 10 years of age heal their cysts at a higher rate than those under age 10. The goal of management is the formation of a bone that can withstand the stresses of use by the patient without evidence of continued bone destruction as determined by serial radiographic follow-up. The goal is not a normal-appearing x-ray, but a functionally stable bone.

  13. What Is a Simple Liquid?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ingebrigtsen, Trond S.; Schrøder, Thomas B.; Dyre, Jeppe C.


    This paper is an attempt to identify the real essence of simplicity of liquids in John Locke’s understanding of the term. Simple liquids are traditionally defined as many-body systems of classical particles interacting via radially symmetric pair potentials. We suggest that a simple liquid should be defined instead by the property of having strong correlations between virial and potential-energy equilibrium fluctuations in the NVT ensemble. There is considerable overlap between the two definitions, but also some notable differences. For instance, in the new definition simplicity is not a direct property of the intermolecular potential because a liquid is usually only strongly correlating in part of its phase diagram. Moreover, not all simple liquids are atomic (i.e., with radially symmetric pair potentials) and not all atomic liquids are simple. The main part of the paper motivates the new definition of liquid simplicity by presenting evidence that a liquid is strongly correlating if and only if its intermolecular interactions may be ignored beyond the first coordination shell (FCS). This is demonstrated by NVT simulations of the structure and dynamics of several atomic and three molecular model liquids with a shifted-forces cutoff placed at the first minimum of the radial distribution function. The liquids studied are inverse power-law systems (r-n pair potentials with n=18,6,4), Lennard-Jones (LJ) models (the standard LJ model, two generalized Kob-Andersen binary LJ mixtures, and the Wahnstrom binary LJ mixture), the Buckingham model, the Dzugutov model, the LJ Gaussian model, the Gaussian core model, the Hansen-McDonald molten salt model, the Lewis-Wahnstrom ortho-terphenyl model, the asymmetric dumbbell model, and the single-point charge water model. The final part of the paper summarizes properties of strongly correlating liquids, emphasizing that these are simpler than liquids in general. Simple liquids, as defined here, may be characterized in three quite

  14. Revision curricular a partir de un analisis comparativo de las discrepancias en los curriculos de una escuela de optometria en Puerto Rico con las competencias requeridas para las agencias de revalida y acreditacion 2004

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rivera Pacheco, Andres

    El proposito de esta investigacion, un estudio cualitativo de caso, fue comparar y contrastar el curriculo vigente de la Escuela de Optometria de la UIAPR con las competencias y estandares requeridos por las agencias de acreditacion y de revalida. Con este proposito, decidimos realizar una revision y un analisis de documentos: el prontuario de cada uno de los cursos de los curriculos implantados en el 1993 y en el 2001; las competencias y estandares establecidos por las agencias de revalida y de acreditacion; y las estadisticas en las que se analiza el porcentaje de estudiantes que aprueban cada una de las partes de los examenes de revalida entre el 1998 al 2003. Se realizaron entrevistas dirigidas para dar apoyo y complementar la revision y el analisis de estos documentos. Los participantes de las entrevistas fueron tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2004 (ultima clase del curriculo del 1993); tres estudiantes de la clase de optometria del 2005 (primera clase graduanda del curriculo vigente) y tres profesores y/o directores de los Departamentos de Ciencias Basicas, Ciencias Clinicas y Cuidado al Paciente. Esta investigacion se enmarco en el modelo de evaluacion curricular de discrepancia de Malcolm Provus y en el modelo de desarrollo basado en competencias. Uno de los hallazgos mas importantes del estudio es que los cambios que se implantaron al curriculo del 2001 no han logrado que los estudiantes mejoren su ejecucion en los examenes de revalida. Por otro lado, se encontro que el curriculo vigente atiende completamente los estandares de la practica de Optometria, pero no las competencias. Esta informacion fue validada mediante el uso de una tabla de cotejo para el analisis de los cursos y de la informacion obtenida de las entrevistas. El estudio determina y concluye que existen discrepancias entre los prontuarios de los cursos del curriculo y las competencias requeridas por la agencia de revalida. Segundo, que el Departamento de Ciencias Basicas es el

  15. Two-way ANOVA Problems with Simple Numbers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Read, K. L. Q.; Shihab, L. H.


    Describes how to construct simple numerical examples in two-way ANOVAs, specifically randomized blocks, balanced two-way layouts, and Latin squares. Indicates that working through simple numerical problems is helpful to students meeting a technique for the first time and should be followed by computer-based analysis of larger, real datasets when…

  16. Item Selection, Evaluation, and Simple Structure in Personality Data

    PubMed Central

    Pettersson, Erik; Turkheimer, Eric


    We report an investigation of the genesis and interpretation of simple structure in personality data using two very different self-reported data sets. The first consists of a set of relatively unselected lexical descriptors, whereas the second is based on responses to a carefully constructed instrument. In both data sets, we explore the degree of simple structure by comparing factor solutions to solutions from simulated data constructed to have either strong or weak simple structure. The analysis demonstrates that there is little evidence of simple structure in the unselected items, and a moderate degree among the selected items. In both instruments, however, much of the simple structure that could be observed originated in a strong dimension of positive vs. negative evaluation. PMID:20694168


    DTIC Science & Technology

    The principles and techniques of simple Markov processes are used to analyze a simple duel to determine the limiting state probabilities (i.e., the...probabilities of occurrence of the various possible outcomes of the duel ). The duel is one in which A fires at B at a rate of r sub A shots per minute

  18. From core belief challenge to posttraumatic growth in para sport athletes: moderated mediation by needs satisfaction and deliberate rumination.


    Hammer, Chris; Podlog, Leslie; Wadey, Ross; Galli, Nick; Forber-Pratt, Anjali J; Newton, Maria


    To examine how deliberate rumination and psychological need satisfaction interact to facilitate posttraumatic growth for para sport athletes with acquired disability. Utilizing a sample of 70 para sport athletes, the hypothesized mediating role of deliberate rumination was examined via a simple mediation model. The interaction between needs satisfaction and deliberate rumination and their effect on posttraumatic growth was examined utilizing a moderated mediation procedure. Disruption to one's core beliefs was significantly associated with posttraumatic growth. This relationship, was in part, explained by the deliberate rumination engaged in soon after the trauma. Needs satisfaction, while a significant predictor of posttraumatic growth, did not moderate the indirect effect. Although deliberate rumination at both timeframes and needs satisfaction were independently associated with posttraumatic growth, they did not interact in the hypothesized manner to influence posttraumatic growth. There remains a need to better understand how the experience of posttraumatic growth is achieved amongst individuals with acquired disability, and the role that para sport may play in this process. Implications for rehabilitation The disruption to one's core beliefs caused by acquiring a physical disability is not only a natural experience but also a necessary antecedent to posttraumatic growth. As such, rehabilitation practitioners ought to normalize these types of challenges when working with individuals with acquired disability. Practitioners may help to facilitate growth outcomes by encouraging individuals to deliberately ruminate about their acquired disability. That is, practitioners can help those with acquired disability to seek meaning and understanding about their disability or the precipitating event. For those who struggle to deliberately ruminate in the immediate disability aftermath, practitioners may encourage para sport participation to potentially prompt constructive

  19. Determinación de temperatura efectiva y gravedad superficial de estrellas B y A de secuencia principal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nieva, M. F.; Pintado, O. I.; Adelman, S.; Rayle, K. E.; Sanders, S. E., Jr.

    Las temperaturas efectivas (Teff) y gravedades superficiales (log g) de un grupo de estrellas de tipo B y A de Secuencia Principal se determinaron en varias etapas. En una primera aproximación se usaron los índices fotométricos de Strömgren para realizar el cálculo con el programa de Napiwotski et al.(1993). Luego se hizo un ajuste comparando datos espectrofotométricos con flujos obtenidos con el modelo ATLAS9 en la región visible. Y a continuación se hizo un mejor ajuste comparando los perfiles de la línea Hγ con espectros sintéticos calculados con SYNTHE. Además, se analizó el efecto de usar el modelo de Canuto y Mazzitelli (1991), donde se considera The Mixing Length Theory, en modelos de atmósferas de estrellas.

  20. Scalability problems of simple genetic algorithms.


    Thierens, D


    Scalable evolutionary computation has become an intensively studied research topic in recent years. The issue of scalability is predominant in any field of algorithmic design, but it became particularly relevant for the design of competent genetic algorithms once the scalability problems of simple genetic algorithms were understood. Here we present some of the work that has aided in getting a clear insight in the scalability problems of simple genetic algorithms. Particularly, we discuss the important issue of building block mixing. We show how the need for mixing places a boundary in the GA parameter space that, together with the boundary from the schema theorem, delimits the region where the GA converges reliably to the optimum in problems of bounded difficulty. This region shrinks rapidly with increasing problem size unless the building blocks are tightly linked in the problem coding structure. In addition, we look at how straightforward extensions of the simple genetic algorithm-namely elitism, niching, and restricted mating are not significantly improving the scalability problems.

  1. Migraines: Simple Steps to Head Off the Pain


    Migraines: Simple steps to head off the pain Migraines cause pain as real as the pain of ... Healthy habits and simple nonmedical remedies sometimes stop migraines before they start. By Mayo Clinic Staff Medication ...

  2. The Fluid Foil: The Seventh Simple Machine

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mitts, Charles R.


    A simple machine does one of two things: create a mechanical advantage (lever) or change the direction of an applied force (pulley). Fluid foils are unique among simple machines because they not only change the direction of an applied force (wheel and axle); they convert fluid energy into mechanical energy (wind and Kaplan turbines) or vice versa,…

  3. Simple and Cooperatively Built Wave Motion Demonstrator

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cortel, Adolf


    Some designs of simple wave demonstration devices have been described in this journal and elsewhere. A new simple model can be built using only dowels, binder clips, and loops of thread. Not only can it be easily assembled, stored, or disassembled, but also all the students in a class can cooperate in its building by connecting successive pieces…

  4. Simple Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Calculator Documentation | Energy Websites

    Analysis | NREL Simple Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Calculator Documentation Simple Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE) Calculator Documentation Transparent Cost Database Button This is a simple : 1). Cost and Performance Adjust the sliders to suitable values for each of the cost and performance

  5. Morfología de la Coma del Cometa Hale - Bopp

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gil-Hutton, R.; Caballero, M.; Coldwell, G.; Cañada, M.; Godoy, G.; Trozzo, C.; Gómez, G.

    Para lograr comprender plenamente los procesos físicos que se desarrollan en los núcleos cometarios y obtener un modelo que explique, no sólo su actividad, sino también sus efectos sobre la coma, es necesario obtener información detallada para el mayor número de cometas posible, siendo las características más interesantes para estudiar la ubicación de las regiones activas, la presencia de jets, las tasas de producción de gas y polvo y la interacción de la coma con el viento solar. En la actualidad, con técnicas de procesamiento de imágenes y tecnología CCD se pueden obtener este tipo de datos para cometas que ingresan al sistema solar interior y estudiar, de esta manera, la morfología de sus comas, tratando de correlacionar la actividad detectada con algún modelo teórico. En este trabajo se presenta un estudio parcial de la actividad desarrollada por el cometa Hale-Bopp, y sus efectos sobre la morfología de su coma, desde agosto de 1995 hasta la fecha en base a imágenes adquiridas con el telescopio de 0.76 m. de la Estación Astronómica Dr. Carlos Ulrrico Cesco.

  6. Management of Simple Clavicle Fractures by Primary Care Physicians.


    Stepanyan, Hayk; Gendelberg, David; Hennrikus, William


    The clavicle is the most commonly fractured bone. Children with simple fractures are often referred to orthopedic surgeons by primary care physician to ensure adequate care. The objective of this study was to show that simple clavicle fractures have excellent outcomes and are within the scope of primary care physician's practice. We performed a retrospective chart review of 16 adolescents with simple clavicle fractures treated with a sling. Primary outcomes were bony union, pain, and function. The patients with simple clavicle fractures had excellent outcomes with no complications or complaints of pain or restriction of their activities of daily living. The outcomes are similar whether treated by an orthopedic surgeon or a primary care physician. The cost to society and the patient is less when the primary care physician manages the fracture. Therefore, primary care physicians should manage simple clavicle fractures.

  7. Interpretation of styles of simple stations in Korea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hwang, Minhye; Shin, Yekyeong


    The purpose of this paper is to apply stylistic interpretation through the exterior of simple stations in Korea. Simple Station is a kind of railway stations. It was installed when there were not a lot of passengers and it was not necessary to operate the station at a high cost. It has minimal functions such as a waiting room, an office, an operating room, and toilets and was built between the 1910s and the 1960s. The form of the building is as simple as the name of "Simple Station". That is why the reading its style is easy and obvious. But it is also difficult to interpret because of the lack of stylistic evidences. Nevertheless, in the relationship between the station and the station tree, the concept of the Picturesque and Palladian Style are found. But it is still hard to distinguish whether the whole building style is Western or Japanese. Simple Station is one of the things that Japan has built as Western Culture in Korea during the Japanese colonial era, so it is natural that its style of form is complex.

  8. The para-HK/QK correspondence

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dyckmanns, Malte; Vaughan, Owen


    We generalise the hyper-Kähler/quaternionic Kähler (HK/QK) correspondence to include para-geometries, and present a new concise proof that the target manifold of the HK/QK correspondence is quaternionic Kähler. As an application, we construct one-parameter deformations of the temporal and Euclidean supergravity c-map metrics and show that they are para-quaternionic Kähler.

  9. Creating Simple Windchill Admin Tools Using Info*Engine

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, Corey; Kapatos, Dennis; Skradski, Cory


    Being a Windchill administrator often requires performing simple yet repetitive tasks on large sets of objects. These can include renaming, deleting, checking in, undoing checkout, and much more. This is especially true during a migration. Fortunately, PTC has provided a simple way to dynamically interact with Windchill using Info*Engine. This presentation will describe how to create simple Info*Engine tasks capable of saving Windchill 10.0 administrators hours of tedious work. It will also show how these tasks can be combined and displayed on a simple JSP page that acts as a "Windchill Administrator Dashboard/Toolbox". The attendee will learn some valuable tasks Info*Engine capable of performing. The attendee will gain a basic understanding of how to perform and implement Info*Engine tasks. The attendee will learn what's involved in creating a JSP page that displays Info*Engine tasks

  10. Four simple ocean carbon models

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Moore, Berrien, III


    This paper briefly reviews the key processes that determine oceanic CO2 uptake and sets this description within the context of four simple ocean carbon models. These models capture, in varying degrees, these key processes and establish a clear foundation for more realistic models that incorporate more directly the underlying physics and biology of the ocean rather than relying on simple parametric schemes. The purpose of this paper is more pedagogical than purely scientific. The problems encountered by current attempts to understand the global carbon cycle not only require our efforts but set a demand for a new generation of scientist, and it is hoped that this paper and the text in which it appears will help in this development.

  11. A Simple Hydrogen Electrode

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eggen, Per-Odd


    This article describes the construction of an inexpensive, robust, and simple hydrogen electrode, as well as the use of this electrode to measure "standard" potentials. In the experiment described here the students can measure the reduction potentials of metal-metal ion pairs directly, without using a secondary reference electrode. Measurements…

  12. Simple Solutions for Dry Eye


    Patient Education Sheet Simple Solutions for Dry Eye The SSF thanks J. Daniel Nelson, MD, Associate Medical Director, Specialty Care HealthPartners Medical Group & Clinics, and Professor of Ophthalmology, University of ...

  13. Student Conceptions of Simple Circuits.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fredette, Norman; Lochhead, John


    Investigates some conceptual difficulties which college students have with regard to simple direct current circuits. The clinical interview technique was used with 57 students in a freshman level engineering course. (HM)

  14. Simple analytical relations for ship bow waves

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Noblesse, Francis; Delhommeau, G.?Rard; Guilbaud, Michel; Hendrix, Dane; Yang, Chi

    Simple analytical relations for the bow wave generated by a ship in steady motion are given. Specifically, simple expressions that define the height of a ship bow wave, the distance between the ship stem and the crest of the bow wave, the rise of water at the stem, and the bow wave profile, explicitly and without calculations, in terms of the ship speed, draught, and waterline entrance angle, are given. Another result is a simple criterion that predicts, also directly and without calculations, when a ship in steady motion cannot generate a steady bow wave. This unsteady-flow criterion predicts that a ship with a sufficiently fine waterline, specifically with waterline entrance angle 2, may generate a steady bow wave at any speed. However, a ship with a fuller waterline (25E) can only generate a steady bow wave if the ship speed is higher than a critical speed, defined in terms of αE by a simple relation. No alternative criterion for predicting when a ship in steady motion does not generate a steady bow wave appears to exist. A simple expression for the height of an unsteady ship bow wave is also given. In spite of their remarkable simplicity, the relations for ship bow waves obtained in the study (using only rudimentary physical and mathematical considerations) are consistent with experimental measurements for a number of hull forms having non-bulbous wedge-shaped bows with small flare angle, and with the authors' measurements and observations for a rectangular flat plate towed at a yaw angle.

  15. pH imaging of mouse kidneys in vivo using a frequency-dependent paraCEST agent

    PubMed Central

    Wu, Yunkou; Zhang, Shanrong; Soesbe, Todd C.; Yu, Jing; Vinogradov, Elena; Lenkinski, Robert E.; Sherry, A. Dean


    Purpose This study explored the feasibility of using a pH responsive paraCEST agent to image the pH gradient in kidneys of healthy mice. Methods CEST signals were acquired on an Agilent 9.4 T small animal MRI system using a steady-state gradient echo pulse sequence after a bolus injection of agent. The magnetic field inhomogeneity across each kidney was corrected using the WASSR method and pH maps were calculated by measuring the frequency of water exchange signal arising from the agent. Results Dynamic CEST studies demonstrated that the agent was readily detectable in kidneys only between 4 to 12 min post-injection. The CEST images showed a higher signal intensity in the pelvis and calyx regions and lower signal intensity in the medulla and cortex regions. The pH maps reflected tissue pH values spanning from 6.0 to 7.5 in kidneys of healthy mice. Conclusion This study demonstrated that pH maps of the kidney can be imaged in vivo by measuring the pH-dependent chemical shift of a single water exchange CEST peak without prior knowledge of the agent concentration in vivo. The results demonstrate the potential of using a simple frequency-dependent paraCEST agent for mapping tissue pH in vivo. PMID:26173637

  16. Entropy Is Simple, Qualitatively.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lambert, Frank L.


    Suggests that qualitatively, entropy is simple. Entropy increase from a macro viewpoint is a measure of the dispersal of energy from localized to spread out at a temperature T. Fundamentally based on statistical and quantum mechanics, this approach is superior to the non-fundamental "disorder" as a descriptor of entropy change. (MM)

  17. Recognizing simple polyhedron from a perspective drawing

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Guimei; Chu, Jun; Miao, Jun


    Existed methods can't be used for recognizing simple polyhedron. In this paper, three problems are researched. First, a method for recognizing triangle and quadrilateral is introduced based on geometry and angle constraint. Then Attribute Relation Graph (ARG) is employed to describe simple polyhedron and line drawing. Last, a new method is presented to recognize simple polyhedron from a line drawing. The method filters the candidate database before matching line drawing and model, thus the recognition efficiency is improved greatly. We introduced the geometrical characteristics and topological characteristics to describe each node of ARG, so the algorithm can not only recognize polyhedrons with different shape but also distinguish between polyhedrons with the same shape but with different sizes and proportions. Computer simulations demonstrate the effectiveness of the method preliminarily.


    EPA Science Inventory

    The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency is charged by Congress with protecting the Nation's land, air, and water resources. Under a mandate of national environmental laws, the Agency strives to formulate and implement actions leading to a compatible balance between human acti...

  19. Simple stochastic simulation.


    Schilstra, Maria J; Martin, Stephen R


    Stochastic simulations may be used to describe changes with time of a reaction system in a way that explicitly accounts for the fact that molecules show a significant degree of randomness in their dynamic behavior. The stochastic approach is almost invariably used when small numbers of molecules or molecular assemblies are involved because this randomness leads to significant deviations from the predictions of the conventional deterministic (or continuous) approach to the simulation of biochemical kinetics. Advances in computational methods over the three decades that have elapsed since the publication of Daniel Gillespie's seminal paper in 1977 (J. Phys. Chem. 81, 2340-2361) have allowed researchers to produce highly sophisticated models of complex biological systems. However, these models are frequently highly specific for the particular application and their description often involves mathematical treatments inaccessible to the nonspecialist. For anyone completely new to the field to apply such techniques in their own work might seem at first sight to be a rather intimidating prospect. However, the fundamental principles underlying the approach are in essence rather simple, and the aim of this article is to provide an entry point to the field for a newcomer. It focuses mainly on these general principles, both kinetic and computational, which tend to be not particularly well covered in specialist literature, and shows that interesting information may even be obtained using very simple operations in a conventional spreadsheet.

  20. Climate Change Made Simple

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shallcross, Dudley E.; Harrison, Tim G.


    The newly revised specifications for GCSE science involve greater consideration of climate change. This topic appears in either the chemistry or biology section, depending on the examination board, and is a good example of "How Science Works." It is therefore timely that students are given an opportunity to conduct some simple climate modelling.…

  1. Simple animal models for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis drug discovery.


    Patten, Shunmoogum A; Parker, J Alex; Wen, Xiao-Yan; Drapeau, Pierre


    Simple animal models have enabled great progress in uncovering the disease mechanisms of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and are helping in the selection of therapeutic compounds through chemical genetic approaches. Within this article, the authors provide a concise overview of simple model organisms, C. elegans, Drosophila and zebrafish, which have been employed to study ALS and discuss their value to ALS drug discovery. In particular, the authors focus on innovative chemical screens that have established simple organisms as important models for ALS drug discovery. There are several advantages of using simple animal model organisms to accelerate drug discovery for ALS. It is the authors' particular belief that the amenability of simple animal models to various genetic manipulations, the availability of a wide range of transgenic strains for labelling motoneurons and other cell types, combined with live imaging and chemical screens should allow for new detailed studies elucidating early pathological processes in ALS and subsequent drug and target discovery.

  2. Webcam classification using simple features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pramoun, Thitiporn; Choe, Jeehyun; Li, He; Chen, Qingshuang; Amornraksa, Thumrongrat; Lu, Yung-Hsiang; Delp, Edward J.


    Thousands of sensors are connected to the Internet and many of these sensors are cameras. The "Internet of Things" will contain many "things" that are image sensors. This vast network of distributed cameras (i.e. web cams) will continue to exponentially grow. In this paper we examine simple methods to classify an image from a web cam as "indoor/outdoor" and having "people/no people" based on simple features. We use four types of image features to classify an image as indoor/outdoor: color, edge, line, and text. To classify an image as having people/no people we use HOG and texture features. The features are weighted based on their significance and combined. A support vector machine is used for classification. Our system with feature weighting and feature combination yields 95.5% accuracy.

  3. TRSkit: A Simple Digital Library Toolkit

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nelson, Michael L.; Esler, Sandra L.


    This paper introduces TRSkit, a simple and effective toolkit for building digital libraries on the World Wide Web. The toolkit was developed for the creation of the Langley Technical Report Server and the NASA Technical Report Server, but is applicable to most simple distribution paradigms. TRSkit contains a handful of freely available software components designed to be run under the UNIX operating system and served via the World Wide Web. The intended customer is the person that must continuously and synchronously distribute anywhere from 100 - 100,000's of information units and does not have extensive resources to devote to the problem.

  4. Investigating decoherence in a simple system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Albrecht, Andreas


    The results of some simple calculations designed to study quantum decoherence are presented. The physics of quantum decoherence are briefly reviewed, and a very simple 'toy' model is analyzed. Exact solutions are found using numerical techniques. The type of incoherence exhibited by the model can be changed by varying a coupling strength. The author explains why the conventional approach to studying decoherence by checking the diagonality of the density matrix is not always adequate. Two other approaches, the decoherence functional and the Schmidt paths approach, are applied to the toy model and contrasted to each other. Possible problems with each are discussed.

  5. Secondary School Students' Misconceptions about Simple Electric Circuits

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Küçüközer, Hüseyin; Kocakülah, Sabri


    The aim of this study is to reveal secondary school students' misconceptions about simple electric circuits and to define whether specific misconceptions peculiar to Turkish students exist within those identified. Data were obtained with a conceptual understanding test for simple electric circuits and semi-structured interviews. Conceptual…

  6. Simple scaling of cooperation in donor-recipient games.


    Berger, Ulrich


    We present a simple argument which proves a general version of the scaling phenomenon recently observed in donor-recipient games by Tanimoto [Tanimoto, J., 2009. A simple scaling of the effectiveness of supporting mutual cooperation in donor-recipient games by various reciprocity mechanisms. BioSystems 96, 29-34].

  7. Model determination in a case of heterogeneity of variance using sampling techniques.


    Varona, L; Moreno, C; Garcia-Cortes, L A; Altarriba, J


    A sampling determination procedure has been described in a case of heterogeneity of variance. The procedure makes use of the predictive distributions of each data given the rest of the data and the structure of the assumed model. The computation of these predictive distributions is carried out using a Gibbs Sampling procedure. The final criterion to compare between models is the Mean Square Error between the expectation of predictive distributions and real data. The procedure has been applied to a data set of weight at 210 days in the Spanish Pirenaica beef cattle breed. Three proposed models have been compared: (a) Single Trait Animal Model; (b) Heterogeneous Variance Animal Model; and (c) Multiple Trait Animal Model. After applying the procedure, the most adjusted model was the Heterogeneous Variance Animal Model. This result is probably due to a compromise between the complexity of the model and the amount of available information. The estimated heritabilities under the preferred model have been 0.489 ± 0.076 for males and 0.331 ± 0.082 for females. RESUMEN: Contraste de modelos en un caso de heterogeneidad de varianzas usando métodos de muestreo Se ha descrito un método de contraste de modelos mediante técnicas de muestreo en un caso de heterogeneidad de varianza entre sexos. El procedimiento utiliza las distribucviones predictivas de cada dato, dado el resto de datos y la estructura del modelo. El criterio para coparar modelos es el error cuadrático medio entre la esperanza de las distribuciones predictivas y los datos reales. El procedimiento se ha aplicado en datos de peso a los 210 días en la raza bovina Pirenaica. Se han propuesto tres posibles modelos: (a) Modelo Animal Unicaracter; (b) Modelo Animal con Varianzas Heterogéneas; (c) Modelo Animal Multicaracter. El modelo mejor ajustado fue el Modelo Animal con Varianzas Heterogéneas. Este resultado es probablemente debido a un compromiso entre la complejidad del modelo y la cantidad de datos

  8. Representing Simple Geometry Types in NetCDF-CF

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blodgett, D. L.; Koziol, B. W.; Whiteaker, T. L.; Simons, R.


    The Climate and Forecast (CF) metadata convention is well-suited for representing gridded and point-based observational datasets. However, CF currently has no accepted mechanism for representing simple geometry types such as lines and polygons. Lack of support for simple geometries within CF has unintentionally excluded a broad set of geoscientific data types from NetCDF-CF data encodings. For example, hydrologic datasets often contain polygon watershed catchments and polyline stream reaches in addition to point sampling stations and water management infrastructure. The latter has an associated CF specification. In the interest of supporting all simple geometry types within CF, a working group was formed following an EarthCube workshop on Advancing NetCDF-CF [1] to draft a CF specification for simple geometries: points, lines, polygons, and their associated multi-geometry representations [2]. The draft also includes parametric geometry types such as circles and ellipses. This presentation will provide an overview of the scope and content of the proposed specification focusing on mechanisms for representing coordinate arrays using variable length or continuous ragged arrays, capturing multi-geometries, and accounting for type-specific geometry artifacts such as polygon holes/interiors, node ordering, etc. The concepts contained in the specification proposal will be described with a use case representing streamflow in rivers and evapotranspiration from HUC12 watersheds. We will also introduce Python and R reference implementations developed alongside the technical specification. These in-development, open source Python and R libraries convert between commonly used GIS software objects (i.e. GEOS-based primitives) and their associated simple geometry CF representation. [1][2]

  9. Separating para and ortho water.


    Horke, Daniel A; Chang, Yuan-Pin; Długołęcki, Karol; Küpper, Jochen


    Water exists as two nuclear-spin isomers, para and ortho, determined by the overall spin of its two hydrogen nuclei. For isolated water molecules, the conversion between these isomers is forbidden and they act as different molecular species. Yet, these species are not readily separated, and no pure para sample has been produced. Accordingly, little is known about their specific physical and chemical properties, conversion mechanisms, or interactions. The production of isolated samples of both spin isomers is demonstrated in pure beams of para and ortho water in their respective absolute ground state. These single-quantum-state samples are ideal targets for unraveling spin-conversion mechanisms, for precision spectroscopy and fundamental symmetry-breaking studies, and for spin-enhanced applications, for example laboratory astrophysics and astrochemistry or hypersensitized NMR experiments. © 2014 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  10. Combinatorial structures to modeling simple games and applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Molinero, Xavier


    We connect three different topics: combinatorial structures, game theory and chemistry. In particular, we establish the bases to represent some simple games, defined as influence games, and molecules, defined from atoms, by using combinatorial structures. First, we characterize simple games as influence games using influence graphs. It let us to modeling simple games as combinatorial structures (from the viewpoint of structures or graphs). Second, we formally define molecules as combinations of atoms. It let us to modeling molecules as combinatorial structures (from the viewpoint of combinations). It is open to generate such combinatorial structures using some specific techniques as genetic algorithms, (meta-)heuristics algorithms and parallel programming, among others.

  11. Simple device measures solar radiation

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Humphries, W. R.


    Simple inexpensive thermometer, insolated from surroundings by transparent glass or plastic encasement, measures intensities of solar radiation, or radiation from other sources such as furnaces or ovens. Unit can be further modified to accomplish readings from remote locations.

  12. Simple map in action-angle coordinates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerwin, Olivia; Punjabi, Alkesh; Ali, Halima


    A simple map [A. Punjabi, A. Verma, and A. Boozer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3322 (1992)] is the simplest map that has the topology of divertor tokamaks [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys. Lett. A 364, 140 (2007)]. Here, action-angle coordinates, the safety factor, and the equilibrium generating function for the simple map are calculated analytically. The simple map in action-angle coordinates is derived from canonical transformations. This map cannot be integrated across the separatrix surface because of the singularity in the safety factor there. The stochastic broadening of the ideal separatrix surface in action-angle representation is calculated by adding a perturbation to the simple map equilibrium generating function. This perturbation represents the spatial noise and field errors typical of the DIII-D [J. L. Luxon and L. E. Davis, Fusion Technol. 8, 441 (1985)] tokamak. The stationary Fourier modes of the perturbation have poloidal and toroidal mode numbers (m,n,)={(3,1),(4,1),(6,2),(7,2),(8,2),(9,3),(10,3),(11,3)} with amplitude δ =0.8×10-5. Near the X-point, about 0.12% of toroidal magnetic flux inside the separatrix, and about 0.06% of the poloidal flux inside the separatrix is lost. When the distance from the O-point to the X-point is 1m, the width of stochastic layer near the X-point is about 1.4cm. The average value of the action on the last good surface is 0.19072 compared to the action value of 3/5π on the separatrix. The average width of stochastic layer in action coordinate is 2.7×10-4, while the average area of the stochastic layer in action-angle phase space is 1.69017×10-3. On average, about 0.14% of action or toroidal flux inside the ideal separatrix is lost due to broadening. Roughly five times more toroidal flux is lost in the simple map than in DIII-D for the same perturbation [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, A. Boozer, and T. Evans, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 52, 124 (2007)].

  13. Simple map in action-angle coordinates

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kerwin, Olivia; Punjabi, Alkesh; Ali, Halima

    A simple map [A. Punjabi, A. Verma, and A. Boozer, Phys. Rev. Lett. 69, 3322 (1992)] is the simplest map that has the topology of divertor tokamaks [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, T. Evans, and A. Boozer, Phys. Lett. A 364, 140 (2007)]. Here, action-angle coordinates, the safety factor, and the equilibrium generating function for the simple map are calculated analytically. The simple map in action-angle coordinates is derived from canonical transformations. This map cannot be integrated across the separatrix surface because of the singularity in the safety factor there. The stochastic broadening of the ideal separatrix surface in action-angle representationmore » is calculated by adding a perturbation to the simple map equilibrium generating function. This perturbation represents the spatial noise and field errors typical of the DIII-D [J. L. Luxon and L. E. Davis, Fusion Technol. 8, 441 (1985)] tokamak. The stationary Fourier modes of the perturbation have poloidal and toroidal mode numbers (m,n,)=((3,1),(4,1),(6,2),(7,2),(8,2),(9,3),(10,3),(11,3)) with amplitude {delta}=0.8x10{sup -5}. Near the X-point, about 0.12% of toroidal magnetic flux inside the separatrix, and about 0.06% of the poloidal flux inside the separatrix is lost. When the distance from the O-point to the X-point is 1 m, the width of stochastic layer near the X-point is about 1.4 cm. The average value of the action on the last good surface is 0.19072 compared to the action value of 3/5{pi} on the separatrix. The average width of stochastic layer in action coordinate is 2.7x10{sup -4}, while the average area of the stochastic layer in action-angle phase space is 1.69017x10{sup -3}. On average, about 0.14% of action or toroidal flux inside the ideal separatrix is lost due to broadening. Roughly five times more toroidal flux is lost in the simple map than in DIII-D for the same perturbation [A. Punjabi, H. Ali, A. Boozer, and T. Evans, Bull. Amer. Phys. Soc. 52, 124 (2007)].« less

  14. The Simple Science of Flight

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tennekes, Henk


    From the smallest gnat to the largest aircraft, all things that fly obey the same aerodynamic principles. The Simple Science of Flight offers a leisurely introduction to the mechanics of flight and, beyond that, to the scientific attitude that finds wonder in simple calculations, forging connections between, say, the energy efficiency of a peanut butter sandwich and that of the kerosene that fuels a jumbo jet. It is the product of a lifetime of watching and investigating the way flight happens. The hero of the book is the Boeing 747, which Tennekes sees as the current pinnacle of human ingenuity in mastering the science of flight. Also covered are paper airplanes, kites, gliders, and human-powered flying machines as well as birds and insects. Tennekes explains concepts like lift, drag, wing loading, and cruising speed through many fascinating comparisons, anecdotes, and examples.

  15. No Generalization of Practice for Nonzero Simple Addition

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Campbell, Jamie I. D.; Beech, Leah C.


    Several types of converging evidence have suggested recently that skilled adults solve very simple addition problems (e.g., 2 + 1, 4 + 2) using a fast, unconscious counting algorithm. These results stand in opposition to the long-held assumption in the cognitive arithmetic literature that such simple addition problems normally are solved by fact…

  16. Identificabilidade e estabilidade dos parâmetros no método Grade of Membership (GoM): considerações metodológicas e práticas

    PubMed Central

    Guedes, Gilvan Ramalho; Caetano, André Junqueira; Machado, Carla Jorge; Brondízio, Eduardo Sonewend


    O método Grade of Membership (GoM) tem sido cada vez mais utilizado por demógrafos brasileiros e tem a vantagem de possuir um parâmetro que mensura a heterogeneidade individual, com base nas correlações não-observáveis entre as categorias de resposta das variáveis de interesse, gerando um medida do grau de pertencimento de cada indivíduo a perfis extremos. Alguns autores, contudo, chamam atenção para questões importantes na calibragem dos modelos finais que utilizam o programa GoM versão 3.4, como o problema de identificabilidade – soluções múltiplas para parâmetros estimados. Neste artigo, é sugerido um procedimento capaz de identificar um modelo final com solução única que descreva os tipos puros mais fidedignos à base de dados, em uma tentativa de otimização. Para ilustrar esse processo, utilizou-se uma base de dados correspondente a um levantamento econômico e sociodemográfico de uma população de pequenos agricultores residentes ao longo da Rodovia Transamazônica, no Estado do Pará. Também identificou-se a existência de instabilidade nos parâmetros estimados pelo programa GoM 3.4, sendo proposto um método de estabilização de seus valores. Com esses procedimentos combinados, os usuários do programa GoM 3.4 poderão descrever sua base de dados de forma mais adequada e responder às críticas sobre questões de identificabilidade e estabilidade dos modelos resultantes. Essas soluções empíricas são relevantes por afetarem cálculos de prevalência e de incidência de eventos de interesse, além de trazerem consequências importantes sobre o ponto e o momento corretos para intervenções de políticas públicas ou de planejamento prospectivo em análises de projeção. PMID:21709732

  17. A simple technique for laparoscopic gastrostomy.


    Murphy, C; Rosemurgy, A S; Albrink, M H; Carey, L C


    While endoscopically placed gastrostomy tubes are routinely simple, they are not always feasible. Endoscopic technique also does not uniformly secure the tube to the abdominal wall, which presents possible complications, including leakage, accidental early tube removal, intraperitoneal catheter migration and necrosis of the stomach or abdominal wall because of excessive traction. Presented herein is a technique that is rapid, simple and eliminates some of these potential complications. The technique is easily combined with other operative procedures, such as tracheostomy, is done under direct vision, can be performed quickly with intravenous sedation and local anesthetic and is a safe method of tube placement for enteral feeding or gastric decompression.

  18. Simple PowerPoint Animation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Takahashi, Leo


    The use of animation as a teaching tool has long been of interest to the readers of and contributors to this journal.1-5 While the sophisticated techniques presented in the cited papers are excellent and useful, there is one overlooked technique that may be of interest to the teacher who wants something quick and simple to enhance classroom presentations: PowerPoint animation.

  19. A simple snowmelt lysimeter


    Harold F. Haupt


    A simple gage on the lysimeter principle has been developed to provide continuous readings of the volume of water flowing from the base of a snowpack in the form of surface melt alone or rain percolate and surface melt combined. The data obtained show promise, after two seasons of being applicable in river flood forecasting, as well as in studies of snow hydrology....

  20. A Simple Wave Driver

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Temiz, Burak Kagan; Yavuz, Ahmet


    This study was done to develop a simple and inexpensive wave driver that can be used in experiments on string waves. The wave driver was made using a battery-operated toy car, and the apparatus can be used to produce string waves at a fixed frequency. The working principle of the apparatus is as follows: shortly after the car is turned on, the…

  1. Maximal temperature in a simple thermodynamical system

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Dai, De-Chang; Stojkovic, Dejan, E-mail:, E-mail:

    Temperature in a simple thermodynamical system is not limited from above. It is also widely believed that it does not make sense talking about temperatures higher than the Planck temperature in the absence of the full theory of quantum gravity. Here, we demonstrate that there exist a maximal achievable temperature in a system where particles obey the laws of quantum mechanics and classical gravity before we reach the realm of quantum gravity. Namely, if two particles with a given center of mass energy come at the distance shorter than the Schwarzschild diameter apart, according to classical gravity they will formmore » a black hole. It is possible to calculate that a simple thermodynamical system will be dominated by black holes at a critical temperature which is about three times lower than the Planck temperature. That represents the maximal achievable temperature in a simple thermodynamical system.« less

  2. Uma Comparação entre Técnicas de Propagação de Erros em Astrofísica: Monte Carlo x Bootstrap

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zabot, Alexandre; Baptista, Raymundo


    Neste trabalho é feito um estudo comparativo entre dois algoritmos numéricos usados para propagação de erros em dados experimentais. Um deles é conhecido por Método de Monte carlo e o outro por Método de Bootstrap. Recentemente, Dhullon & Watson argüiram que a aplicação do método de Monte Carlo introduz ruído nos dados, e propuseram então a utilização do Bootstrap como alternativa capaz de produzir resultados superiores. O objetivo deste trabalho é testar a validade dessa afirmação. As duas técnicas foram aplicadas a três problemas diferentes: o ajsute de modelos de emissão LTE simples e atmosfera estelar a espectros estelares observados e o ajuste de curvas de luz de eclipses de Variáveis Cataclísmicas para a detemrinação da distribuição radial de brilho dos seus discos de acréscimo. Os métodos foram testados quanto à sua robusteza, ou seja, a capacidade de prover resultados coerentes enre si. Além disso, as soluções dos métodos foram comparadas. Os resultados indicam que não existe evidência de superioridade de um métodos em relação ao outro.

  3. Cinética Química: el laboratorio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cabañas Galán, B.

    La interpretación de las transformaciones químicas que se producen en la atmósfera requiere un profundo conocimiento de la cinética, productos y mecanismos de reacción de las posibles interacciones que pueden ocurrir entre las distintas especies presentes en ella. Información cuantitativa de este tipo es un prerrequisito para la construcción de modelos numéricos adecuados que expliquen el comportamiento químico-físico de la atmósfera. Esta información se obtiene a partir de experimentos realizados en laboratorios y por tanto independiente de medidas atmosféricas, por lo que los modelos atmosféricos derivados de ellos, pueden usarse para diagnosticar y predecir adecuadamente el comportamiento atmosférico. En esta exposición se recogen las técnicas experimentales más extendidas para la obtención de datos cinéticos así como los métodos de análisis de datos más utilizados en el estudio de las distintas reacciones de interés atmosférico. Se analizan sus características generales así como su adecuación a los distintos tipos de reacciones.

  4. Simple Steps to Save Water

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Saving water around the home is simple and smart. The average household spends as much as $500 per year on its water and sewer bill but could save about $170 per year by retrofitting with waterefficient fixtures and incorporating watersaving practices.

  5. Simple Interval Timers for Microcomputers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McInerney, M.; Burgess, G.


    Discusses simple interval timers for microcomputers, including (1) the Jiffy clock; (2) CPU count timers; (3) screen count timers; (4) light pen timers; and (5) chip timers. Also examines some of the general characteristics of all types of timers. (JN)

  6. Learn about Physical Science: Simple Machines. [CD-ROM].

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center


    This CD-ROM, designed for students in grades K-2, explores the world of simple machines. It allows students to delve into the mechanical world and learn the ways in which simple machines make work easier. Animated demonstrations are provided of the lever, pulley, wheel, screw, wedge, and inclined plane. Activities include practical matching and…

  7. 10 CFR 436.23 - Estimated simple payback time.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Methodology and Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Analyses § 436.23 Estimated simple payback time. The estimated simple payback time is the number of years required for the cumulative value of energy or water cost savings less future non-fuel or non-water costs to equal the investment costs of the building energy or...

  8. 10 CFR 436.23 - Estimated simple payback time.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Methodology and Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Analyses § 436.23 Estimated simple payback time. The estimated simple payback time is the number of years required for the cumulative value of energy or water cost savings less future non-fuel or non-water costs to equal the investment costs of the building energy or...

  9. 10 CFR 436.23 - Estimated simple payback time.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Methodology and Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Analyses § 436.23 Estimated simple payback time. The estimated simple payback time is the number of years required for the cumulative value of energy or water cost savings less future non-fuel or non-water costs to equal the investment costs of the building energy or...

  10. 10 CFR 436.23 - Estimated simple payback time.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Methodology and Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Analyses § 436.23 Estimated simple payback time. The estimated simple payback time is the number of years required for the cumulative value of energy or water cost savings less future non-fuel or non-water costs to equal the investment costs of the building energy or...

  11. 10 CFR 436.23 - Estimated simple payback time.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Methodology and Procedures for Life Cycle Cost Analyses § 436.23 Estimated simple payback time. The estimated simple payback time is the number of years required for the cumulative value of energy or water cost savings less future non-fuel or non-water costs to equal the investment costs of the building energy or...

  12. The Practice of Research of a Basic Education Teacher Involving Mental Models of the Phases of the Moon and Eclipses. (Spanish Title: La Práctica de Investigación de un Maestro de Educación BÁsica con El Uso de los Modelos Mentales de Las Fases de la Luna Y Eclipses.) A Prática de Pesquisa de um Professor do Ensino Fundamental Envolvendo Modelos Mentais de Fases da Lua e Eclipses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pessôa Queiroz, Glória; Jubitipan Borges de Sousa, Carlos; Auxiliadora Delgado Machado, Maria


    docente. La formación de grupos interinstitucionales para la planificación de la acción y la investigación ha resultado productiva para el trabajo de construcción de conocimiento de apoyo a los procesos educativos en la escuela, mientras que la universidad enriquece su colección de experiencias validadas, considerando los resultados de la educación inicial y continua de maestros. La participación activa del maestro en un grupo de investigación en la universidad lo llevó a reflexiones sobre los posibles caminos didácticos que pueden ser descriptos, analizados y comunicados a los demás docentes. La construcción de una pedagogía propia, que tuvo en cuenta los modelos mentales de los estudiantes sobre los temas básicos de astronomía, y los cambios desarrollados a partir de las lecciones que enseñó, trajeron consecuencias de largo alcance sobre la pedagogía adoptada por el maestro, que ahora incorpora una nueva visión de la ciencia y formas alternativas al diálogo con los estudiantes, los componentes esenciales para un investigador en Educaciónen Ciencias. A inclusão do professor da escola básica no universo da pesquisa é questão controvertida e em pleno debate no meio acadêmico. A oportunidade de trabalho coletivo que incorporou professores de uma escola municipal no Rio de Janeiro a um grupo de ensino de Física da universidade nos possibilitou vislumbrar a ressignificação da função de um professor de Ciências (co-autor deste trabalho) por ele próprio, agora passando a incluir a pesquisa sobre a construção de conhecimento pelos alunos em sua prática como docente. A formação de grupos interinstitucionais para o planejamento de ações e de pesquisas tem-se mostrado produtiva para um trabalho de construção de conhecimentos a fim de subsidiar processos educativos na escola, ao mesmo tempo em que a universidade enriquece seu acervo de experiências validadas criticamente, podendo considerar seus resultados na formação inicial e

  13. Simple Proof of Jury Test for Complex Polynomials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Choo, Younseok; Kim, Dongmin

    Recently some attempts have been made in the literature to give simple proofs of Jury test for real polynomials. This letter presents a similar result for complex polynomials. A simple proof of Jury test for complex polynomials is provided based on the Rouché's Theorem and a single-parameter characterization of Schur stability property for complex polynomials.

  14. The Simple View of Reading: Assessment and Intervention

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roberts, Jenny A.; Scott, Kathleen A.


    The Simple View of Reading (P. B. Gough & W. Tunmer, 1986; W. A. Hoover & P. B. Gough, 1990) provides a 2-component model of reading. Each of these 2 components, decoding and comprehension, is necessary for normal reading to occur. The Simple View of Reading provides a relatively transparent model that can be used by professionals not only to…

  15. Simple taper: Taper equations for the field forester


    David R. Larsen


    "Simple taper" is set of linear equations that are based on stem taper rates; the intent is to provide taper equation functionality to field foresters. The equation parameters are two taper rates based on differences in diameter outside bark at two points on a tree. The simple taper equations are statistically equivalent to more complex equations. The linear...

  16. Creating Simple Admin Tools Using Info*Engine and Java

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jones, Corey; Kapatos, Dennis; Skradski, Cory; Felkins, J. D.


    PTC has provided a simple way to dynamically interact with Windchill using Info*Engine. This presentation will describe how to create a simple Info*Engine Tasks capable of saving Windchill 10.0 administration of tedious work.

  17. Dead simple OWL design patterns

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Osumi-Sutherland, David; Courtot, Melanie; Balhoff, James P.

    Bio-ontologies typically require multiple axes of classification to support the needs of their users. Development of such ontologies can only be made scalable and sustainable by the use of inference to automate classification via consistent patterns of axiomatization. Many bio-ontologies originating in OBO or OWL follow this approach. These patterns need to be documented in a form that requires minimal expertise to understand and edit and that can be validated and applied using any of the various programmatic approaches to working with OWL ontologies. We describe a system, Dead Simple OWL Design Patterns (DOS-DPs), which fulfills these requirements, illustrating themore » system with examples from the Gene Ontology. In conclusion, the rapid adoption of DOS-DPs by multiple ontology development projects illustrates both the ease-of use and the pressing need for the simple design pattern system we have developed.« less

  18. Dead simple OWL design patterns


    Osumi-Sutherland, David; Courtot, Melanie; Balhoff, James P.; ...


    Bio-ontologies typically require multiple axes of classification to support the needs of their users. Development of such ontologies can only be made scalable and sustainable by the use of inference to automate classification via consistent patterns of axiomatization. Many bio-ontologies originating in OBO or OWL follow this approach. These patterns need to be documented in a form that requires minimal expertise to understand and edit and that can be validated and applied using any of the various programmatic approaches to working with OWL ontologies. We describe a system, Dead Simple OWL Design Patterns (DOS-DPs), which fulfills these requirements, illustrating themore » system with examples from the Gene Ontology. In conclusion, the rapid adoption of DOS-DPs by multiple ontology development projects illustrates both the ease-of use and the pressing need for the simple design pattern system we have developed.« less

  19. Optimized theory for simple and molecular fluids.


    Marucho, M; Montgomery Pettitt, B


    An optimized closure approximation for both simple and molecular fluids is presented. A smooth interpolation between Perkus-Yevick and hypernetted chain closures is optimized by minimizing the free energy self-consistently with respect to the interpolation parameter(s). The molecular version is derived from a refinement of the method for simple fluids. In doing so, a method is proposed which appropriately couples an optimized closure with the variant of the diagrammatically proper integral equation recently introduced by this laboratory [K. M. Dyer et al., J. Chem. Phys. 123, 204512 (2005)]. The simplicity of the expressions involved in this proposed theory has allowed the authors to obtain an analytic expression for the approximate excess chemical potential. This is shown to be an efficient tool to estimate, from first principles, the numerical value of the interpolation parameters defining the aforementioned closure. As a preliminary test, representative models for simple fluids and homonuclear diatomic Lennard-Jones fluids were analyzed, obtaining site-site correlation functions in excellent agreement with simulation data.

  20. La masa de los grandes impactores

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parisi, M. G.; Brunini, A.

    Los planetas han sido formados fundamentalmente acretando masa a través de colisiones con planetesimales sólidos. La masa más grande de la distribución de planetesimales y las masas máxima y mínima de los impactores, han sido calculadas usando los valores actuales del período y de la inclinación de los planetas (Lissauer & Safronov 1991; Parisi & Brunini 1996). Recientes investigaciones han mostrado, que las órbitas de los planetas gigantes no han sufrido variaciones con el tiempo, siendo su movimiento regular durante su evolución a partir de la finalización de la etapa de acreción (Laskar 1990, 1994). Por lo tanto, la eccentricidad actual de los planetas gigantes se puede utilizar para imponer una cota máxima a las masas y velocidades orbitales de los grandes impactores. Mediante un simple modelo dinámico, y considerando lo arriba mencionado, obtenemos la cota superior para la masa del planetesimal más grande que impactó a cada planeta gigante al final de su etapa de acreción. El resultado más importante de este trabajo es la estimación de la masa máxima permitida para impactar a Júpiter, la cúal es ~ 1.136 × 10 -1, siendo en el caso de Neptuno ~ 3.99 × 10 -2 (expresada en unidades de la masa final de cada planeta). Además, fue posible obtener la velocidad orbital máxima permitida para los impactores como una función de su masa, para cada planeta. Las cotas obtenidas para la masa y velocidad de los impactores de Saturno y Urano (en unidades de la masa y velocidad final de cada planeta respectivamente) son casi las mismas que las obtenidas para Júpiter debido a que estos tres planetas poseen similar eccentricidad actual. Nuestros resultados están en buen acuerdo con los obtenidos por Lissauer & Safronov (1991). Estas cotas podrían ser utilizadas para obtener la distribución de planetesimales en el Sistema Solar primitivo.

  1. Construction of a Simple Respirometer.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Taboga, Leandro


    Instructions for making a simple respirometer, to measure rates of oxygen consumption of organisms, are presented. The instrument incorporates most of the basic elements of commercial respirometers but can be made inexpensively by high school students. Operating instructions and applications are given. (Author/SA)

  2. drPACS: A Simple UNIX Execution Pipeline

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Teuben, P.


    We describe a very simple yet flexible and effective pipeliner for UNIX commands. It creates a Makefile to define a set of serially dependent commands. The commands in the pipeline share a common set of parameters by which they can communicate. Commands must follow a simple convention to retrieve and store parameters. Pipeline parameters can optionally be made persistent across multiple runs of the pipeline. Tools were added to simplify running a large series of pipelines, which can then also be run in parallel.

  3. pH imaging of mouse kidneys in vivo using a frequency-dependent paraCEST agent.


    Wu, Yunkou; Zhang, Shanrong; Soesbe, Todd C; Yu, Jing; Vinogradov, Elena; Lenkinski, Robert E; Sherry, A Dean


    This study explored the feasibility of using a pH responsive paramagnetic chemical exchange saturation transfer (paraCEST) agent to image the pH gradient in kidneys of healthy mice. CEST signals were acquired on an Agilent 9.4 Tesla small animal MRI system using a steady-state gradient echo pulse sequence after a bolus injection of agent. The magnetic field inhomogeneity across each kidney was corrected using the WASSR method and pH maps were calculated by measuring the frequency of water exchange signal arising from the agent. Dynamic CEST studies demonstrated that the agent was readily detectable in kidneys only between 4 to 12 min postinjection. The CEST images showed a higher signal intensity in the pelvis and calyx regions and lower signal intensity in the medulla and cortex regions. The pH maps reflected tissue pH values spanning from 6.0 to 7.5 in kidneys of healthy mice. This study demonstrated that pH maps of the kidney can be imaged in vivo by measuring the pH-dependent chemical shift of a single water exchange CEST peak without prior knowledge of the agent concentration in vivo. The results demonstrate the potential of using a simple frequency-dependent paraCEST agent for mapping tissue pH in vivo. Magn Reson Med 75:2432-2441, 2016. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  4. Extremely simple holographic projection of color images

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Makowski, Michal; Ducin, Izabela; Kakarenko, Karol; Suszek, Jaroslaw; Kolodziejczyk, Andrzej; Sypek, Maciej


    A very simple scheme of holographic projection is presented with some experimental results showing good quality image projection without any imaging lens. This technique can be regarded as an alternative to classic projection methods. It is based on the reconstruction real images from three phase iterated Fourier holograms. The illumination is performed with three laser beams of primary colors. A divergent wavefront geometry is used to achieve an increased throw angle of the projection, compared to plane wave illumination. Light fibers are used as light guidance in order to keep the setup as simple as possible and to provide point-like sources of high quality divergent wave-fronts at optimized position against the light modulator. Absorbing spectral filters are implemented to multiplex three holograms on a single phase-only spatial light modulator. Hence color mixing occurs without any time-division methods, which cause rainbow effects and color flicker. The zero diffractive order with divergent illumination is practically invisible and speckle field is effectively suppressed with phase optimization and time averaging techniques. The main advantages of the proposed concept are: a very simple and highly miniaturizable configuration; lack of lens; a single LCoS (Liquid Crystal on Silicon) modulator; a strong resistance to imperfections and obstructions of the spatial light modulator like dead pixels, dust, mud, fingerprints etc.; simple calculations based on Fast Fourier Transform (FFT) easily processed in real time mode with GPU (Graphic Programming).

  5. Fotoexcitación de Moléculas Pequeñas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    González Díaz, P. F.

    El modelo estocástico no puede justificar la excitación multi-fotónica de moléculas pequeñas o muy simétricas. Basándonos en un escenario de interacción radiación-molécula cooperativo para la absorción de N-1 fotones IR por un sistema de N niveles, se especula que un posible mecanismo para la excitación no estocástica de moléculas pudiera ser la generación de procesos caóticos intra-moleculares.

  6. Las líneas de aluminio neutro como diagnóstico cromosférico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernández Borda, R.; Mauas, P. J. D.

    Se presenta un modelo atómico para el cálculo de las lí neas del Aluminio neutro que se forman en la cromósfera solar. En particular, se estudia la línea λ 3961 Å, que, por estar muy próxima a la lí nea H del Ca II y a Hɛ es muy frecuentemente observada. Observaciones en esta lí nea obtenidas con el espectrógrafo a instalarse en el CASLEO, serán utilizadas para el estudio de fulguraciones solares.

  7. Simple Schlieren Light Meter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rhodes, David B.; Franke, John M.; Jones, Stephen B.; Leighty, Bradley D.


    Simple light-meter circuit used to position knife edge of schlieren optical system to block exactly half light. Enables operator to check quickly position of knife edge between tunnel runs to ascertain whether or not in alignment. Permanent measuring system made part of each schlieren system. If placed in unused area of image plane, or in monitoring beam from mirror knife edge, provides real-time assessment of alignment of schlieren system.

  8. Simple model of hydrophobic hydration.


    Lukšič, Miha; Urbic, Tomaz; Hribar-Lee, Barbara; Dill, Ken A


    Water is an unusual liquid in its solvation properties. Here, we model the process of transferring a nonpolar solute into water. Our goal was to capture the physical balance between water's hydrogen bonding and van der Waals interactions in a model that is simple enough to be nearly analytical and not heavily computational. We develop a 2-dimensional Mercedes-Benz-like model of water with which we compute the free energy, enthalpy, entropy, and the heat capacity of transfer as a function of temperature, pressure, and solute size. As validation, we find that this model gives the same trends as Monte Carlo simulations of the underlying 2D model and gives qualitative agreement with experiments. The advantages of this model are that it gives simple insights and that computational time is negligible. It may provide a useful starting point for developing more efficient and more realistic 3D models of aqueous solvation.

  9. CYP96T1 of Narcissus sp. aff. pseudonarcissus Catalyzes Formation of the Para-Para' C-C Phenol Couple in the Amaryllidaceae Alkaloids

    PubMed Central

    Kilgore, Matthew B.; Augustin, Megan M.; May, Gregory D.; Crow, John A.; Kutchan, Toni M.


    The Amaryllidaceae alkaloids are a family of amino acid derived alkaloids with many biological activities; examples include haemanthamine, haemanthidine, galanthamine, lycorine, and maritidine. Central to the biosynthesis of the majority of these alkaloids is a C-C phenol-coupling reaction that can have para-para', para-ortho', or ortho-para' regiospecificity. Through comparative transcriptomics of Narcissus sp. aff. pseudonarcissus, Galanthus sp., and Galanthus elwesii we have identified a para-para' C-C phenol coupling cytochrome P450, CYP96T1, capable of forming the products (10bR,4aS)-noroxomaritidine and (10bS,4aR)-noroxomaritidine from 4′-O-methylnorbelladine. CYP96T1 was also shown to catalyzed formation of the para-ortho' phenol coupled product, N-demethylnarwedine, as less than 1% of the total product. CYP96T1 co-expresses with the previously characterized norbelladine 4′-O-methyltransferase. The discovery of CYP96T1 is of special interest because it catalyzes the first major branch in Amaryllidaceae alkaloid biosynthesis. CYP96T1 is also the first phenol-coupling enzyme characterized from a monocot. PMID:26941773

  10. Dinámica de planetas extrasolares resonantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Beauge, C.

    Actualmente se han detectado 117 planetas alrededor de estrellas de Secuencia Principal, incluyendo 12 sistemas planetarios, cada uno con dos o tres miembros. De estos últimos, ocho poseen planetas en órbitas próximas y sus perturbaciones gravitacionales se convierten en un factor fundamental para la estabilidad orbital del sistema. Todos se encuentran en configuraciones resonantes, desde la conmensurabilidad de movimientos 2/1 de Gliese 876, hasta la resonancia secular de Ups And. En esta presentación analizamos varios aspectos de la dinámica resonante de los planetas extrasolares, incluyendo la existencia de soluciones de equilibrio, construcción de modelos analógicos y métodos para la determinación de masas individuales. También discutimos por qué las resonancias son tan frecuentes en estos sistemas, comparado con nuestro propio Sistema Solar. Por último, intentamos relacionar estos modelos con la hipótesis de migración planetaria, buscando límites en su extensión y en los posibles mecanismos que le dieron origen.

  11. A Simple Plant Growth Analysis.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oxlade, E.


    Describes the analysis of dandelion peduncle growth based on peduncle length, epidermal cell dimensions, and fresh/dry mass. Methods are simple and require no special apparatus or materials. Suggests that limited practical work in this area may contribute to students' lack of knowledge on plant growth. (Author/DH)

  12. Simple Astronomical Theory of Climate.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Benumof, Reuben


    The author derives, applying perturbation theory, from a simple astronomical model the approximate periods of secular variation of some of the parameters of the Earth's orbit and relates these periods to the past climate of the Earth, indicating the difficulties in predicting the climate of the future. (GA)

  13. Generalized Lotka—Volterra systems connected with simple Lie algebras

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Charalambides, Stelios A.; Damianou, Pantelis A.; Evripidou, Charalambos A.


    We devise a new method for producing Hamiltonian systems by constructing the corresponding Lax pairs. This is achieved by considering a larger subset of the positive roots than the simple roots of the root system of a simple Lie algebra. We classify all subsets of the positive roots of the root system of type An for which the corresponding Hamiltonian systems are transformed, via a simple change of variables, to Lotka-Volterra systems. For some special cases of subsets of the positive roots of the root system of type An, we produce new integrable Hamiltonian systems.

  14. Probabilistic simple sticker systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Selvarajoo, Mathuri; Heng, Fong Wan; Sarmin, Nor Haniza; Turaev, Sherzod


    A model for DNA computing using the recombination behavior of DNA molecules, known as a sticker system, was introduced by by L. Kari, G. Paun, G. Rozenberg, A. Salomaa, and S. Yu in the paper entitled DNA computing, sticker systems and universality from the journal of Acta Informatica vol. 35, pp. 401-420 in the year 1998. A sticker system uses the Watson-Crick complementary feature of DNA molecules: starting from the incomplete double stranded sequences, and iteratively using sticking operations until a complete double stranded sequence is obtained. It is known that sticker systems with finite sets of axioms and sticker rules generate only regular languages. Hence, different types of restrictions have been considered to increase the computational power of sticker systems. Recently, a variant of restricted sticker systems, called probabilistic sticker systems, has been introduced [4]. In this variant, the probabilities are initially associated with the axioms, and the probability of a generated string is computed by multiplying the probabilities of all occurrences of the initial strings in the computation of the string. Strings for the language are selected according to some probabilistic requirements. In this paper, we study fundamental properties of probabilistic simple sticker systems. We prove that the probabilistic enhancement increases the computational power of simple sticker systems.

  15. IOTA simple rules in differentiating between benign and malignant ovarian tumors.


    Tantipalakorn, Charuwan; Wanapirak, Chanane; Khunamornpong, Surapan; Sukpan, Kornkanok; Tongsong, Theera


    To evaluate the diagnostic performance of IOTA simple rules in differentiating between benign and malignant ovarian tumors. A study of diagnostic performance was conducted on women scheduled for elective surgery due to ovarian masses between March 2007 and March 2012. All patients underwent ultrasound examination for IOTA simple rules within 24 hours of surgery. All examinations were performed by the authors, who had no any clinical information of the patients, to differentiate between benign and malignant adnexal masses using IOTA simple rules. Gold standard diagnosis was based on pathological or operative findings. A total of 398 adnexal masses, in 376 women, were available for analysis. Of them, the IOTA simple rules could be applied in 319 (80.1%) including 212 (66.5%) benign tumors and 107 (33.6%) malignant tumors. The simple rules yielded inconclusive results in 79 (19.9%) masses. In the 319 masses for which the IOTA simple rules could be applied, sensitivity was 82.9% and specificity 95.3%. The IOTA simple rules have high diagnostic performance in differentiating between benign and malignant adnexal masses. Nevertheless, inconclusive results are relatively common.

  16. Using "Tracker" to Prove the Simple Harmonic Motion Equation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kinchin, John


    Simple harmonic motion (SHM) is a common topic for many students to study. Using the free, though versatile, motion tracking software; "Tracker", we can extend the students experience and show that the general equation for SHM does lead to the correct period of a simple pendulum.

  17. Insulin degludec/insulin aspart once daily in Type 2 diabetes: a comparison of simple or stepwise titration algorithms (BOOST® : SIMPLE USE).


    Park, S W; Bebakar, W M W; Hernandez, P G; Macura, S; Hersløv, M L; de la Rosa, R


    To compare the efficacy and safety of two titration algorithms for insulin degludec/insulin aspart (IDegAsp) administered once daily with metformin in participants with insulin-naïve Type 2 diabetes mellitus. This open-label, parallel-group, 26-week, multicentre, treat-to-target trial, randomly allocated participants (1:1) to two titration arms. The Simple algorithm titrated IDegAsp twice weekly based on a single pre-breakfast self-monitored plasma glucose (SMPG) measurement. The Stepwise algorithm titrated IDegAsp once weekly based on the lowest of three consecutive pre-breakfast SMPG measurements. In both groups, IDegAsp once daily was titrated to pre-breakfast plasma glucose values of 4.0-5.0 mmol/l. Primary endpoint was change from baseline in HbA 1c (%) after 26 weeks. Change in HbA 1c at Week 26 was IDegAsp Simple -14.6 mmol/mol (-1.3%) (to 52.4 mmol/mol; 6.9%) and IDegAsp Stepwise -11.9 mmol/mol (-1.1%) (to 54.7 mmol/mol; 7.2%). The estimated between-group treatment difference was -1.97 mmol/mol [95% confidence interval (CI) -4.1, 0.2] (-0.2%, 95% CI -0.4, 0.02), confirming the non-inferiority of IDegAsp Simple to IDegAsp Stepwise (non-inferiority limit of ≤ 0.4%). Mean reduction in fasting plasma glucose and 8-point SMPG profiles were similar between groups. Rates of confirmed hypoglycaemia were lower for IDegAsp Stepwise [2.1 per patient years of exposure (PYE)] vs. IDegAsp Simple (3.3 PYE) (estimated rate ratio IDegAsp Simple /IDegAsp Stepwise 1.8; 95% CI 1.1, 2.9). Nocturnal hypoglycaemia rates were similar between groups. No severe hypoglycaemic events were reported. In participants with insulin-naïve Type 2 diabetes mellitus, the IDegAsp Simple titration algorithm improved HbA 1c levels as effectively as a Stepwise titration algorithm. Hypoglycaemia rates were lower in the Stepwise arm. © 2016 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Diabetes UK.

  18. Simple Test Functions in Meshless Local Petrov-Galerkin Methods

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Raju, Ivatury S.


    Two meshless local Petrov-Galerkin (MLPG) methods based on two different trial functions but that use a simple linear test function were developed for beam and column problems. These methods used generalized moving least squares (GMLS) and radial basis (RB) interpolation functions as trial functions. These two methods were tested on various patch test problems. Both methods passed the patch tests successfully. Then the methods were applied to various beam vibration problems and problems involving Euler and Beck's columns. Both methods yielded accurate solutions for all problems studied. The simple linear test function offers considerable savings in computing efforts as the domain integrals involved in the weak form are avoided. The two methods based on this simple linear test function method produced accurate results for frequencies and buckling loads. Of the two methods studied, the method with radial basis trial functions is very attractive as the method is simple, accurate, and robust.

  19. Perda de massa em ventos empoeirados de estrelas supergigantes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vidotto, A. A.; Jatenco-Pereira, V.


    Em praticamente todas as regiões do diagrama HR, as estrelas apresentam evidências observacionais de perda de massa. Na literatura, pode-se encontrar trabalhos que tratam tanto do diagnóstico da perda de massa como da construção de modelos que visam explicá-la. O amortecimento de ondas Alfvén tem sido utilizado como mecanismo de aceleração de ventos homogêneos. Entretanto, sabe-se que os envelopes de estrelas frias contêm grãos sólidos e moléculas. Com o intuito de estudar a interação entre as ondas Alfvén e a poeira e a sua conseqüência na aceleração do vento estelar, Falceta-Gonçalves & Jatenco-Pereira (2002) desenvolveram um modelo de perda de massa para estrelas supergigantes. Neste trabalho, apresentamos um estudo do modelo acima proposto para avaliar a dependência da taxa de perda de massa com alguns parâmetros iniciais como, por exemplo, a densidade r0, o campo magnético B0, o comprimento de amortecimento da onda L0, seu fluxo f0, entre outros. Sendo assim, aumentando f0 de 10% a partir de valores de referência, vimos que aumenta consideravelmente, enquanto que um aumento de mesmo valor em r0, B0 e L0 acarreta uma diminuição em .

  20. Cooling by Para-to-Ortho-Hydrogen Conversion

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sherman, A.; Nast, T.


    Catalyst speeds conversion, increasing capacity of solid hydrogen cooling system. In radial-flow catalytic converter, para-hydrogen is converted to equilibrium mixture of para-hydrogen and ortho-hydrogen as it passes through porous cylinder of catalyst. Addition of catalyst increases capacity of hydrogen sublimation cooling systems for radiation detectors.

  1. ParaChoice Model.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Heimer, Brandon Walter; Levinson, Rebecca Sobel; West, Todd H.

    Analysis with the ParaChoice model addresses three barriers from the VTO Multi-Year Program Plan: availability of alternative fuels and electric charging station infrastructure, availability of AFVs and electric drive vehicles, and consumer reluctance to purchase new technologies. In this fiscal year, we first examined the relationship between the availability of alternative fuels and station infrastructure. Specifically, we studied how electric vehicle charging infrastructure affects the ability of EVs to compete with vehicles that rely on mature, conventional petroleum-based fuels. Second, we studied how the availability of less costly AFVs promotes their representation in the LDV fleet. Third, we used ParaChoicemore » trade space analyses to help inform which consumers are reluctant to purchase new technologies. Last, we began analysis of impacts of alternative energy technologies on Class 8 trucks to isolate those that may most efficaciously advance HDV efficiency and petroleum use reduction goals.« less

  2. Determinants of outcomes in patients with simple gastroschisis.


    Youssef, Fouad; Laberge, Jean-Martin; Puligandla, Pramod; Emil, Sherif


    We analyzed the determinants of outcomes in simple gastroschisis (GS) not complicated by intestinal atresia, perforation, or necrosis. All simple GS patients enrolled in a national prospective registry from 2005 to 2013 were studied. Patients below the median for total parenteral nutrition (TPN) duration (26days) and hospital stay (34days) were compared to those above. Univariate and multivariate logistic and linear regression analyses were employed using maternal, patient, postnatal, and treatment variables. Of 700 patients with simple GS, representing 76.8% of all GS patients, 690 (98.6%) survived. TPN was used in 352 (51.6%) and 330 (48.4%) patients for ≤26 and >26days, respectively. Hospital stay for 356 (51.9%) and 330 (48.1%) infants was ≤34 and >34days, respectively. Univariate analysis revealed significant differences in several patient, treatment, and postnatal factors. On multivariate analysis, prenatal sonographic bowel dilation, older age at closure, necrotizing enterocolitis, longer mechanical ventilation, and central-line associated blood stream infection (CLABSI) were independently associated with longer TPN duration and hospital stay, with CLABSI being the strongest predictor. Prenatal bowel dilation is associated with increased morbidity in simple GS. CLABSI is the strongest predictor of outcomes. Bowel matting is not an independent risk factor. 2c. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  3. Monosodium glutamate for simple photometric iron analysis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Prasetyo, E.


    Simple photometric method for iron analysis using monosodium glutamate (MSG) was proposed. The method could be used as an alternative method, which was technically simple, economic, quantitative, readily available, scientifically sound and environmental friendly. Rapid reaction of iron (III) with glutamate in sodium chloride-hydrochloric acid buffer (pH 2) to form red-brown complex was served as a basis in the photometric determination, which obeyed the range of iron (III) concentration 1.6 - 80 µg/ml. This method could be applied to determine iron concentration in soil with satisfactory results (accuracy and precision) compared to other photometric and atomic absorption spectrometry results.

  4. Solving Simple Kinetics without Integrals

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de la Pen~a, Lisandro Herna´ndez


    The solution of simple kinetic equations is analyzed without referencing any topic from differential equations or integral calculus. Guided by the physical meaning of the rate equation, a systematic procedure is used to generate an approximate solution that converges uniformly to the exact solution in the case of zero, first, and second order…

  5. Simple Techniques for Microclimate Measurement.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Unwin, D. M.


    Describes simple ways of measuring the very local climate near the ground, and explains what these measurements mean. Equipment included a solar radiometer, a dew point instrument, and a thermocouple psychrometer. Examples are given of field measurements taken with some of the equipment and the results and their interpretation are discussed.…

  6. Modeling Age-Related Differences in Immediate Memory Using SIMPLE

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Surprenant, Aimee M.; Neath, Ian; Brown, Gordon D. A.


    In the SIMPLE model (Scale Invariant Memory and Perceptual Learning), performance on memory tasks is determined by the locations of items in multidimensional space, and better performance is associated with having fewer close neighbors. Unlike most previous simulations with SIMPLE, the ones reported here used measured, rather than assumed,…

  7. Using Simple Environmental Variables to Estimate Biomass Disturbance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ER D C/ CE RL T R- 14 -1 3 Optimal Allocation of Land for Training and Non-Training Uses ( OPAL ) Using Simple Environmental Variables to...Uses ( OPAL ) ERDC/CERL TR-14-13 August 2014 Using Simple Environmental Variables to Estimate Biomass Disturbance Natalie Myers, Daniel Koch...Development of the Optimal Allocation of Land for Training and Non-Training Uses ( OPAL ) Program was undertak- en to meet this need. This phase of work

  8. Estimation of the simple correlation coefficient.


    Shieh, Gwowen


    This article investigates some unfamiliar properties of the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient for the estimation of simple correlation coefficient. Although Pearson's r is biased, except for limited situations, and the minimum variance unbiased estimator has been proposed in the literature, researchers routinely employ the sample correlation coefficient in their practical applications, because of its simplicity and popularity. In order to support such practice, this study examines the mean squared errors of r and several prominent formulas. The results reveal specific situations in which the sample correlation coefficient performs better than the unbiased and nearly unbiased estimators, facilitating recommendation of r as an effect size index for the strength of linear association between two variables. In addition, related issues of estimating the squared simple correlation coefficient are also considered.

  9. Alignment of CH3F in para-H2 crystal studied by IR quantum cascade laser polarization spectroscopy.


    Kawasaki, Hiroyuki; Mizoguchi, Asao; Kanamori, Hideto


    In order to investigate the alignment of CH3F in para-H2 crystals, high resolution polarization spectroscopy of the ν3 vibrational band is studied using a quantum cascade laser at 1040 cm(-1). It is found that the main and satellite series of peaks in the ν3 vibrational band of CH3F have the same polarization dependence. This result supports the previously proposed cluster model with ortho-H2 in first and second nearest neighbor sites. The observed polarization dependence function is well described by a simple six-axis void model in which CH3F is not aligned along the c-axis of the crystal but tilted to 64.9(3)° from it.

  10. Technology in rural transportation: "Simple Solutions"

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    The Rural Outreach Project: Simple Solutions Report contains the findings of a research effort aimed at identifying and describing proven, cost-effective, low-tech solutions for rural transportation-related problems or needs. Through a process ...

  11. Simple Echoes and Subtle Reverberations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keeports, David


    Reverberation within an enclosed space can be viewed as a superposition of a large number of simple echoes. The echoes that make up the sound of reverberation fall neatly into two categories, relatively loud and sparse early reflections, and relatively soft and dense late reflections. Ways in which readily available music production software can…

  12. A Simple Relativistic Bohr Atom

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Terzis, Andreas F.


    A simple concise relativistic modification of the standard Bohr model for hydrogen-like atoms with circular orbits is presented. As the derivation requires basic knowledge of classical and relativistic mechanics, it can be taught in standard courses in modern physics and introductory quantum mechanics. In addition, it can be shown in a class that…

  13. HPLC analysis of para-aminosalicylic acid and its metabolite in plasma, cerebrospinal fluid and brain tissues

    PubMed Central

    Hong, Lan; Jiang, Wendy; Zheng, Wei; Zeng, Su


    Para-aminosalicylic acid (PAS), an approved drug for treatment of tuberculosis, is a promising therapeutic agent for treatment of manganese (Mn)-induced parkinsonian syndromes. Lack of a quantifying method, however, has hindered the clinical evaluation of its efficacy and thereupon new drug development. This study was aimed at developing a simple and effective method to quantify PAS and its major metabolite, N-acetyl-para-aminosalicylic acid (AcPAS), in plasma, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and tissues. Biological samples underwent one-step protein precipitation. The supernatant was fractionated on a reversed-phase C18 column with a gradient mobile system, followed by on-line fluorescence detection. The lower limits of quantification for both PAS and AcPAS were 50 ng/ml of plasma and 17 ng/g of tissues. The intra-day and inter-day precision values did not exceed 5% and 8%, respectively, in all three matrices. The method was used to quantify PAS and AcPAS in rat plasma and brain following a single iv injection of PAS. Data showed a greater amount of PAS than AcPAS in plasma, while a greater amount of AcPAS than PAS was found in brain tissues. The method has been proven to be sensitive, reproducible, and practically useful for laboratory and clinical investigations of PAS in treatment of Mn Parkinsonism. PMID:21159459

  14. A Simple System for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AWARD NUMBER: W81XWH-14-1-0231 TITLE: A Simple System for Early Detection of Breast Cancer PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Stephen Johnston CONTRACTING...ADDRESS. 1. REPORT DATE July 2016 2. REPORT TYPE Annual 3. DATES COVERED 1Jul2015 - 30Jun2016 4. TITLE AND SUBTITLE A Simple System for the Early...Form 298 (Rev. 8-98) Prescribed by ANSI Std. Z39.18 W81XWH-14-1-0231 Abstract: We invented the immunosignature technology (IMS) as a simple , universal

  15. A simple and inexpensive external fixator.


    Noor, M A


    A simple and inexpensive external fixator has been designed. It is constructed of galvanized iron pipe and mild steel bolts and nuts. It can easily be manufactured in a hospital workshop with a minimum of tools.

  16. Simple Estimators for the Simple Latent Class Mastery Testing Model. Twente Educational Memorandum No. 19.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    van der Linden, Wim J.

    Latent class models for mastery testing differ from continuum models in that they do not postulate a latent mastery continuum but conceive mastery and non-mastery as two latent classes, each characterized by different probabilities of success. Several researchers use a simple latent class model that is basically a simultaneous application of the…

  17. Combinational Reasoning of Quantitative Fuzzy Topological Relations for Simple Fuzzy Regions

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Bo; Li, Dajun; Xia, Yuanping; Ruan, Jian; Xu, Lili; Wu, Huanyi


    In recent years, formalization and reasoning of topological relations have become a hot topic as a means to generate knowledge about the relations between spatial objects at the conceptual and geometrical levels. These mechanisms have been widely used in spatial data query, spatial data mining, evaluation of equivalence and similarity in a spatial scene, as well as for consistency assessment of the topological relations of multi-resolution spatial databases. The concept of computational fuzzy topological space is applied to simple fuzzy regions to efficiently and more accurately solve fuzzy topological relations. Thus, extending the existing research and improving upon the previous work, this paper presents a new method to describe fuzzy topological relations between simple spatial regions in Geographic Information Sciences (GIS) and Artificial Intelligence (AI). Firstly, we propose a new definition for simple fuzzy line segments and simple fuzzy regions based on the computational fuzzy topology. And then, based on the new definitions, we also propose a new combinational reasoning method to compute the topological relations between simple fuzzy regions, moreover, this study has discovered that there are (1) 23 different topological relations between a simple crisp region and a simple fuzzy region; (2) 152 different topological relations between two simple fuzzy regions. In the end, we have discussed some examples to demonstrate the validity of the new method, through comparisons with existing fuzzy models, we showed that the proposed method can compute more than the existing models, as it is more expressive than the existing fuzzy models. PMID:25775452

  18. Acute osteomyelitis complicating a simple fracture. A case report.


    Drummond-Webb, J J; Schnaid, E


    Osteomyelitis complicating a simple fracture is unusual, but the reason for its rarity is unknown. We report on a 9-year-old Black boy who developed acute osteomyelitis after sustaining an acute simple fracture of the femur. The causative role of trauma in acute osteomyelitis is discussed and 'the relative resistance of healthy bone' questioned.

  19. Integrin Beta 1 Suppresses Multilayering of a Simple Epithelium

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Jichao; Krasnow, Mark A.


    Epithelia are classified as either simple, a single cell layer thick, or stratified (multilayered). Stratified epithelia arise from simple epithelia during development, and transcription factor p63 functions as a key positive regulator of epidermal stratification. Here we show that deletion of integrin beta 1 (Itgb1) in the developing mouse airway epithelium abrogates airway branching and converts this monolayer epithelium into a multilayer epithelium with more than 10 extra layers. Mutant lung epithelial cells change mitotic spindle orientation to seed outer layers, and cells in different layers become molecularly and functionally distinct, hallmarks of normal stratification. However, mutant lung epithelial cells do not activate p63 and do not switch to the stratified keratin profile of epidermal cells. These data, together with previous data implicating Itgb1 in regulation of epidermal stratification, suggest that the simple-versus-stratified developmental decision may involve not only stratification inducers like p63 but suppressors like Itgb1 that prevent simple epithelia from inappropriately activating key steps in the stratification program. PMID:23285215

  20. Simple, Flexible, Trigonometric Taper Equations


    Charles E. Thomas; Bernard R. Parresol


    There have been numerous approaches to modeling stem form in recent decades. The majority have concentrated on the simpler coniferous bole form and have become increasingly complex mathematical expressions. Use of trigonometric equations provides a simple expression of taper that is flexible enough to fit both coniferous and hard-wood bole forms. As an illustration, we...

  1. Simple Games . . . or Are They?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arn, Susan Kyle


    Students today begin using computers and playing video games as early as two years old. The technology behind these games is more complicated than most people can imagine. In this article, the author presents some simple number games which seem easy at the beginning, but as the games are repeated, mathematical content becomes more of the focus…

  2. Simple Machines Curriculum. [Teachers' Manual.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anoka-Hennepin Independent School District No. 11, Coon Rapids, MN.

    This manual provides suggestions for investigating simple machines and the teaching of certain basic concepts which pertain to them. Many of the lessons are designed to be used with the commercially available LEGO kits, in an effort to teach concepts in a way in which students must translate pictures shown in two dimension into three-dimensional…

  3. Determining Salinity by Simple Means.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Schlenker, Richard M.

    This paper describes the construction and use of a simple salinometer. The salinometer is composed, mainly, of a milliammeter and a battery and uses the measurement of current flow to determine the salinity of water. A complete list of materials is given, as are details of construction and operation of the equipment. The use of the salinometer in…

  4. Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Simple Organic Molecules

    PubMed Central

    Sánchez-Carnerero, Esther M.; Agarrabeitia, Antonia R.; Moreno, Florencio; Maroto, Beatriz L.; Muller, Gilles; Ortiz, María J.


    This article aims to show the identity of “CPL-active simple organic molecules” as a new concept in Organic Chemistry due to the potential interest of these molecules, as availed by the exponentially growing number of research articles related to them. In particular, it describes and highlights the interest and difficulty in developing chiral simple (small and nonaggregated) organic molecules able to emit left- or right-circularly polarized light efficiently, the efforts realized up to now to reach this challenging objective, and the most significant milestones achieved to date. General guidelines for the preparation of these interesting molecules are also presented. PMID:26136234

  5. Study on cross-reactivity to the para group.


    Picardo, M; Cannistraci, C; Cristaudo, A; De Luca, C; Santucci, B


    In 80 patients, positive to at least one hapten of the para group (para-phenylenediamine, diaminodiphenylmethane, benzocaine, PPD mix), patch tests were carried out with freshly prepared solutions of para-phenylenediamine (PPD) and of 3 selected aromatic compounds related structurally to PPD (para-aminophenol, ortho-aminophenol, hydroquinone). The number of positive reactions correlated with the rate of decomposition of the substances as evaluated by high-pressure liquid chromatography. PPD, which was almost decomposed after 24 h, gave the highest number of positive reactions, followed by ortho-aminophenol and by para-aminophenol, while hydroquinone, which was oxidized to the extent of 35%, did not give any reactions. To evaluate if a different rate of oxidation can modify the patch test response, in the same patients and in 10 normal volunteers, tests were carried out with PPD solutions containing the oxidizing agent silver oxide (0.1%). By this procedure a significant increase in the number of positive responses was observed. The results suggest that the rate of decomposition and therefore the amount of quinone(s) generated, might be the key to eliciting patch test responses to oxidizable aromatic haptens.

  6. CMOS Active-Pixel Image Sensor With Simple Floating Gates

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fossum, Eric R.; Nakamura, Junichi; Kemeny, Sabrina E.


    Experimental complementary metal-oxide/semiconductor (CMOS) active-pixel image sensor integrated circuit features simple floating-gate structure, with metal-oxide/semiconductor field-effect transistor (MOSFET) as active circuit element in each pixel. Provides flexibility of readout modes, no kTC noise, and relatively simple structure suitable for high-density arrays. Features desirable for "smart sensor" applications.

  7. Programa de conservacion para aves migratorias neotropicales


    Deborah Finch; Marcia Wilson; Roberto Roca


    Mas de 250 especies de aves terrestres migran a Norte America durante la epoca reproductiva para aprovechar los sistemas templados. No obstante, las aves migratorias neotropicales pasan la mayor parte de su ciclo de vida en los habitat tropicales y subtropicales de paises latinoamericanos y caribefios donde viven en una asociacion cercana con las aves residentes. Para...

  8. Study on shear properties of coral sand under cyclic simple shear condition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ji, Wendong; Zhang, Yuting; Jin, Yafei


    In recent years, the ocean development in our country urgently needs to be accelerated. The construction of artificial coral reefs has become an important development direction. In this paper, experimental studies of simple shear and cyclic simple shear of coral sand are carried out, and the shear properties and particle breakage of coral sand are analyzed. The results show that the coral sand samples show an overall shear failure in the simple shear test, which is more accurate and effective for studying the particle breakage. The shear displacement corresponding to the peak shear stress of the simple shear test is significantly larger than that corresponding to the peak shear stress of the direct shear test. The degree of particle breakage caused by the simple shear test is significantly related to the normal stress level. The particle breakage of coral sand after the cyclic simple shear test obviously increases compared with that of the simple shear test, and universal particle breakage occurs within the whole particle size range. The increasing of the cycle-index under cyclic simple shear test results in continuous compacting of the sample, so that the envelope curve of peak shearing force increases with the accumulated shear displacement.

  9. SIMPL Systems, or: Can We Design Cryptographic Hardware without Secret Key Information?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rührmair, Ulrich

    This paper discusses a new cryptographic primitive termed SIMPL system. Roughly speaking, a SIMPL system is a special type of Physical Unclonable Function (PUF) which possesses a binary description that allows its (slow) public simulation and prediction. Besides this public key like functionality, SIMPL systems have another advantage: No secret information is, or needs to be, contained in SIMPL systems in order to enable cryptographic protocols - neither in the form of a standard binary key, nor as secret information hidden in random, analog features, as it is the case for PUFs. The cryptographic security of SIMPLs instead rests on (i) a physical assumption on their unclonability, and (ii) a computational assumption regarding the complexity of simulating their output. This novel property makes SIMPL systems potentially immune against many known hardware and software attacks, including malware, side channel, invasive, or modeling attacks.

  10. Polymorphism and Modulation of Para-Substituted l-Phenylalanine.


    Sögütoglu, Leyla-Cann; Lutz, Martin; Meekes, Hugo; de Gelder, René; Vlieg, Elias


    The crystal structure of para -methyl-l-phenylalanine at 230 K resembles that of the para-fluorinated analogue from the literature but is commensurately modulated with seven molecules in the asymmetric unit ( Z ' = 7). At 100 K, the superstructure loses its modulation, leading to a unit cell with Z ' = 1, with clear disorder in the phenyl ring orientations. The methyl-substituent in para -methyl-l-phenylalanine has, in contrast to fluorine, no polar interactions with protons of neighboring molecules, which might allow for the well-defined modulation of the crystal structure at 230 K.

  11. Simple Perturbation Example for Quantum Chemistry.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Goodfriend, P. L.


    Presents a simple example that illustrates various aspects of the Rayleigh-Schrodinger perturbation theory. The example is a particularly good one because it is straightforward and can be compared with both the exact solution and with experimental data. (JN)

  12. Thirty Simple Ideas for Interactive Whiteboards

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Adams, Caralee


    This article presents thirty simple ideas for interactive whiteboards and how IWB can make one's teaching life easier. These teaching ideas for the interactive whiteboard can be used by teachers every day. Tips for classroom management are also presented.

  13. Para hydrogen equilibration in the atmospheres of the outer planets

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Conrath, Barney J.


    The thermodynamic behavior of the atmospheres of the Jovian planets is strongly dependent on the extent to which local thermal equilibration of the ortho and para states of molecular hydrogen is achieved. Voyager IRIS data from Jupiter imply substantial departures of the para hydrogen fraction from equilibrium in the upper troposphere at low latitudes, but with values approaching equilibrium at higher latitudes. Data from Saturn are less sensitive to the orth-para ratio, but suggest para hydrogen fractions near the equilibrium value. Above approximately the 200 K temperature level, para hydrogen conversion can enhance the efficiency of convection, resulting in a substantial increase in overturning times on all of the outer planets. Currently available data cannot definitively establish the ortho-para ratios in the atmospheres of Uranus and Neptune, but suggest values closer to local equilibrium than to the 3.1 normal ratio. Modeling of sub-millimeter wavelength measurements of these planets suggest thermal structures with frozen equilibrium lapse rates in their convective regions.

  14. Hacia el consumo informado de tabaco en México: efecto de las advertencias con pictogramas en población fumadora

    PubMed Central

    Thrasher, James F; Pérez-Hernández, Rosaura; Arillo-Santillán, Edna; Barrientos-Gutiérrez, Inti


    Resumen Objetivo Evaluar el efecto de las advertencias sanitarias (AS) con pictogramas en las cajetillas de tabaco en adultos fumadores. Material y métodos Cohorte de fumadores con representatividad poblacional de siete ciudades mexi canas, antes (2010) y después (2011) de la implementación de AS con pictogramas (ASP). Para determinar el cambio en las variables sobre el impacto cognitivo y conductual de las advertencias, se estimaron modelos bivariados y ajustados de ecuaciones de estimación generalizada. En el Segundo levantamiento (2011), se estimaron modelos para determiner los factores que se asocian con el reporte de recordar cada advertencia que había entrado al mercado, además de los factores asociados con el autorreporte del impacto de cada advertencia vigente. Resultados Se observaron incrementos importantes de 2010 a 2011 en los conocimientos sobre los riesgos de fumar, los componentes tóxicos del tabaco y el número telefónico para recibir consejos sobre dejar de fumar. La recordación e impacto de las primeras advertencias con pictogramas parecen ser amplios y equitativos a través de la población fumadora. En comparación con 2010, un mayor nivel de ex fumadores entrevistados en 2011 reportaron que las advertencias habían influido mucho en dejar de fumar (RM=2.44, 95% IC 1.27–4.72). Conclusiones Las AS con pictogramas han logrado un impacto importante en el conocimiento y conducta, información relevante para la población y en tomadores de decisiones. PMID:22689162

  15. The Ratio of Ortho- to Para-H2 in Photodissociation Regions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sternberg, Amiel; Neufeld, David A.


    We discuss the ratio of ortho- to para-H2 in photodissociation regions (PDRs). We draw attention to an apparent confusion in the literature between the ortho-to-para ratio of molecules in FUV-pumped vibrationally excited states and the total H2 ortho-to-para abundance ratio. These ratios are not the same because the process of FUV pumping of fluorescent H2 emission in PDRs occurs via optically thick absorption lines. Thus gas with an equilibrium ratio of ortho- to para-H2 equal to 3 will yield FUV-pumped vibrationally excited ortho-to-para ratios smaller than 3, because the ortho-H2 pumping rates are preferentially reduced by optical depth effects. Indeed, if the ortho and para pumping lines are on the "square root" part of the curve of growth, then the expected ratio of ortho and para vibrational line strengths is 3(sup 1/2) approximately 1.7, close to the typically observed value. Thus, contrary to what has sometimes been stated in the literature, most previous measurements of the ratio of ortho- to para-H2 in vibrationally excited states are entirely consistent with a total ortho-to-para ratio of 3, the equilibrium value for temperatures greater than 200 K. We present an analysis and several detailed models that illustrate the relationship between the total ratios of ortho- to para-H2 and the vibrationally excited ortho-to-para ratios in PDRs. Recent Infrared Space Observatory measurements of pure rotational and vibrational H2 emissions from the PDR in the star-forming region S140 provide strong observational support for our conclusions.

  16. Towards a double field theory on para-Hermitian manifolds

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Vaisman, Izu

    In a previous paper, we have shown that the geometry of double field theory has a natural interpretation on flat para-Kähler manifolds. In this paper, we show that the same geometric constructions can be made on any para-Hermitian manifold. The field is interpreted as a compatible (pseudo-)Riemannian metric. The tangent bundle of the manifold has a natural, metric-compatible bracket that extends the C-bracket of double field theory. In the para-Kähler case, this bracket is equal to the sum of the Courant brackets of the two Lagrangian foliations of the manifold. Then, we define a canonical connection and an action ofmore » the field that correspond to similar objects of double field theory. Another section is devoted to the Marsden-Weinstein reduction in double field theory on para-Hermitian manifolds. Finally, we give examples of fields on some well-known para-Hermitian manifolds.« less

  17. Simple Activity Demonstrates Wind Energy Principles

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Roman, Harry T.


    Wind energy is an exciting and clean energy option often described as the fastest-growing energy system on the planet. With some simple materials, teachers can easily demonstrate its key principles in their classroom. (Contains 1 figure and 2 tables.)

  18. Simple Signaling Molecules for Inductive Bone Regenerative Engineering

    PubMed Central

    Nelson, Stephen J.; Deng, Meng; Sethuraman, Swaminathan; Doty, Stephen B.; Lo, Kevin W. H.; Khan, Yusuf M.; Laurencin, Cato T.


    With greater than 500,000 orthopaedic procedures performed in the United States each year requiring a bone graft, the development of novel graft materials is necessary. We report that some porous polymer/ceramic composite scaffolds possess intrinsic osteoinductivity as shown through their capacity to induce in vivo host osteoid mineralization and in vitro stem cell osteogenesis making them attractive synthetic bone graft substitutes. It was discovered that certain low crystallinity ceramics partially dissociate into simple signaling molecules (i.e., calcium and phosphate ions) that induce stem cells to endogenously produce their own osteoinductive proteins. Review of the literature has uncovered a variety of simple signaling molecules (i.e., gases, ions, and redox reagents) capable of inducing other desirable stem cell differentiation through endogenous growth factor production. Inductive simple signaling molecules, which we have termed inducerons, represent a paradigm shift in the field of regenerative engineering where they can be utilized in place of recombinant protein growth factors. PMID:25019622

  19. Simple Spectral Lines Data Model Version 1.0

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Osuna, Pedro; Salgado, Jesus; Guainazzi, Matteo; Dubernet, Marie-Lise; Roueff, Evelyne; Osuna, Pedro; Salgado, Jesus


    This document presents a Data Model to describe Spectral Line Transitions in the context of the Simple Line Access Protocol defined by the IVOA (c.f. Ref[13] IVOA Simple Line Access protocol) The main objective of the model is to integrate with and support the Simple Line Access Protocol, with which it forms a compact unit. This integration allows seamless access to Spectral Line Transitions available worldwide in the VO context. This model does not provide a complete description of Atomic and Molecular Physics, which scope is outside of this document. In the astrophysical sense, a line is considered as the result of a transition between two energy levels. Under the basis of this assumption, a whole set of objects and attributes have been derived to define properly the necessary information to describe lines appearing in astrophysical contexts. The document has been written taking into account available information from many different Line data providers (see acknowledgments section).

  20. Manipulation Capabilities with Simple Hands

    DTIC Science & Technology


    allowing it to interpret online kinesthetic data, addressing two objectives: • Grasp classification: Distinguish between successful and unsuccessful...determining the grasp outcome before the grasping process is complete, by using the entire time series or kinesthetic signature of the grasping process. As...the grasp proceeds and additional kinesthetic data accumulates, the confidence also increases. In some cases Manipulation Capabilities with Simple Hands

  1. Para-nitrobenzyl esterases with enhanced activity in aqueous and nonaqueous media


    Arnold, F.H.; Moore, J.C.


    A method is disclosed for isolating and identifying modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases which exhibit improved stability and/or esterase hydrolysis activity toward selected substrates and under selected reaction conditions relative to the unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The method involves preparing a library of modified para-nitrobenzyl esterase nucleic acid segments (genes) which have nucleotide sequences that differ from the nucleic acid segment which encodes for unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The library of modified para-nitrobenzyl nucleic acid segments is expressed to provide a plurality of modified enzymes. The clones expressing modified enzymes are then screened to identify which enzymes have improved esterase activity by measuring the ability of the enzymes to hydrolyze the selected substrate under the selected reaction conditions. Specific modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases are disclosed which have improved stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity in aqueous or aqueous-organic media relative to the stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity of unmodified naturally occurring para-nitrobenzyl esterase. 43 figs.

  2. Para-nitrobenzyl esterases with enhanced activity in aqueous and nonaqueous media


    Arnold, Frances H.; Moore, Jeffrey C.


    A method for isolating and identifying modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases which exhibit improved stability and/or esterase hydrolysis activity toward selected substrates and under selected reaction conditions relative to the unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The method involves preparing a library of modified para-nitrobenzyl esterase nucleic acid segments (genes) which have nucleotide sequences that differ from the nucleic acid segment which encodes for unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The library of modified para-nitrobenzyl nucleic acid segments is expressed to provide a plurality of modified enzymes. The clones expressing modified enzymes are then screened to identify which enzymes have improved esterase activity by measuring the ability of the enzymes to hydrolyze the selected substrate under the selected reaction conditions. Specific modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases are disclosed which have improved stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity in aqueous or aqueous-organic media relative to the stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity of unmodified naturally occurring para-nitrobenzyl esterase.

  3. Para-nitrobenzyl esterases with enhanced activity in aqueous and nonaqueous media


    Arnold, Frances H.; Moore, Jeffrey C.


    A method for isolating and identifying modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases which exhibit improved stability and/or esterase hydrolysis activity toward selected substrates and under selected reaction conditions relative to the unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The method involves preparing a library of modified para-nitrobenzyl esterase nucleic acid segments (genes) which have nucleotide sequences that differ from the nucleic acid segment which encodes for unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The library of modified para-nitrobenzyl nucleic acid segments is expressed to provide a plurality of modified enzymes. The clones expressing modified enzymes are then screened to identify which enzymes have improved esterase activity by measuring the ability of the enzymes to hydrolyze the selected substrate under the selected reaction conditions. Specific modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases are disclosed which have improved stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity in aqueous or aqueous-organic media relative to the stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity of unmodified naturally occurring para-nitrobenzyl esterase.

  4. Para-nitrobenzyl esterases with enhanced activity in aqueous and nonaqueous media


    Arnold, F.H.; Moore, J.C.


    A method is disclosed for isolating and identifying modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases. These enzymes exhibit improved stability and/or esterase hydrolysis activity toward selected substrates and under selected reaction conditions relative to the unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The method involves preparing a library of modified para-nitrobenzyl esterase nucleic acid segments (genes) which have nucleotide sequences that differ from the nucleic acid segment which encodes for unmodified para-nitrobenzyl esterase. The library of modified para-nitrobenzyl nucleic acid segments is expressed to provide a plurality of modified enzymes. The clones expressing modified enzymes are then screened to identify which enzymes have improved esterase activity by measuring the ability of the enzymes to hydrolyze the selected substrate under the selected reaction conditions. Specific modified para-nitrobenzyl esterases are disclosed which have improved stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity in aqueous or aqueous-organic media relative to the stability and/or ester hydrolysis activity of unmodified naturally occurring para-nitrobenzyl esterase. 43 figs.

  5. Para-hydrogen perspectives in hyperpolarized NMR.


    Glöggler, Stefan; Colell, Johannes; Appelt, Stephan


    The first instance of para-hydrogen induced polarization (PHIP) in an NMR experiment was serendipitously observed in the 1980s while investigating a hydrogenation reaction (Seldler et al., 1983; Bowers and Weitekamp, 1986, 1987; Eisenschmid et al., 1987) [1-4]. Remarkably a theoretical investigation of the applicability of para-hydrogen as a hyperpolarization agent was being performed in the 1980's thereby quickly providing a theoretical basis for the PHIP-effect (Bowers and Weitekamp, 1986) [2]. The discovery of signal amplification by a non-hydrogenating interaction with para-hydrogen has recently extended the interest to exploit the PHIP effect, as it enables investigation of compounds without structural alteration while retaining the advantages of spectroscopy with hyperpolarized compounds [5]. In this article we will place more emphasis of the future applications of the method while only briefly discussing the efforts that have been made in the understanding of the phenomenon and the development of the method so far. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. A Simple Laboratory Exercise Illustrating Active Transport in Yeast Cells.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stambuk, Boris U.


    Describes a simple laboratory activity illustrating the chemiosmotic principles of active transport in yeast cells. Demonstrates the energy coupling mechanism of active a-glucoside uptake by Saccaromyces cerevisiae cells with a colorimetric transport assay using very simple equipment. (Contains 22 references.) (Author/YDS)

  7. Making Simple Folk Instruments for Children.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cline, Dallas


    Instructions are provided for making these simple musical instruments from inexpensive materials: an Indian bull-roarer; bottle chimes; a ham can guitar; flower pot, box, and steel drums; a xylophone; a musical sawhorse; rattles; a melody box; and a box thumb harp. (SJL)

  8. Mass Ejection from Old and Young Stars and the Sun

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jatenco-Pereira, V.; Opher, R.


    RESUMEN. Para poder explicar: 1) la enorme cantidad de perdida de masa y la baja velocidad asint5tica de las estrellas gigantes de o, y 2) los flujos de masa observados en protoestrellas, se sugiere un modelo para Ia perdida de masa, en donde se usa un flujo de ondas de Alfvencomo un mecanismo de aceleraci6n para los vientos de estrellas de tipo y vientos en protoestrellas. Se estudian los mecanismos de disipaci5n de las ondas de Alfven: los amortiguamientos no lineal, de superficie reso- nante y turbulento. En nuestro modelo se usa una divergente A(r) = A(R0) (r/r0)5 (donde A(r) es el area a una distancia radial r, y (A(r)/r2)max/(A(ro)/r02 - 10). Tambien se sugiere un modelo para una de hoyo coronal en el Sol. Se muestra que para satisfacer los datos observacionales en el Sol, tomando en cuenta la deposici6n del momento de las ondas de Alfven sobre el viento, se necesita: (a) una divergencia lenta en un hoyo coronal hasta una altura de 0.01 - 0.1 R seguido de (b) una divergencia rap ida de hasta una altura aproximada de 1 R . ABSTRACT: In order to explain (1) a large mass-loss rate and a small asymptotic flow speed of late-type giant stars and (2) the observed protostellar mass outflows, we suggest a model for mass loss, where we use a flux of Alfven waves as a mechanism of acceleration for late-type giant star winds and protostellar winds. We study the Alfven wave dissipation mechanisms: nonlinear damping, resonant surface damping, and turbulent damping. In our model we use a diverging geometry A(r) = A(r0) (r I r )S (where A(r) is the cross sectional area of the geometry at a radial distance r, and(A(r) I r2)max/(A(r0)/r02) = 10). We also suggest a model for a coronal hole geometry in the sun. We show that in order to satisfy the observational data of the sun, taking into account Alfven wave momentum deposition in the wind, we need: (a) a slow divergence in a coronal hole up t6 a height of 0.01 - 0.1 followed by (b) a rapid divergence up to a height of

  9. Espectroscopia infravermelha de núcleos ativos de galáxias: resultados adicionais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodríguez Ardila, A.; Viegas, S.; Pastoria, M. G.


    Apresentamos resultados parciais de um levantamento espectroscópico na região do infravermelho próximo (NIR) realizado em 30 núcleos ativos de galáxias (AGN), incluindo vários objetos selecionados do catálogo PG com z de até 0.55. O objetivo é estudar a natureza do contínuo observado e as condições físicas do gas emissor. Todas as fontes de tipo 1 apresentam uma mudança na inclinação do contínuo na região de 1.2mm, associada ao término da contribuição do contínuo emitido pelo AGN e ao início da contribuição do contínuo emitido pela poeira quente atribuída ao tórus que rodeia a fonte central. O índice espectral associado à segunda contribuição varia apreciavelmente de objeto para objeto. Este resultado é comparado com distribuições espectrais de energia preditas por modelos de toroides para testar a validez do modelo unificado. A partir das linhas de FeII observado nos espectros deriva-se, pela primeira vez nessa região espectral, um template empírico de FeII para estudar a intensidade e a origem dessa emissão. A intensidade do FeII é estudada em conjunto com aquela da região visível e comparada às predições de modelos teóricos que incluem fluorescência de Lya, excitação colisional e auto-fluorescência como mecanismos dominantes de exitação. Encontra-se que os dois primeiros processos dominam na formação do espectro de FeII observado. Indicadores de avermelhamento, entre eles Brg/Pab, Pab/Pag, Pab/Pad e [FeII] 1.257/1.644 mm são utilizados para mapear a distribuição de poeira nas regiões emissoras de linhas. Encontra-se valores de extinção Av~3 associados ao último indicador e valores significativamente menores (Av~1.5) para os restantes, o que sugere que o [FeII] se forma em uma região separada da maior parte do gás emissor de linhas estreitas.

  10. Circularly Polarized Luminescence from Simple Organic Molecules.


    Sánchez-Carnerero, Esther M; Agarrabeitia, Antonia R; Moreno, Florencio; Maroto, Beatriz L; Muller, Gilles; Ortiz, María J; de la Moya, Santiago


    This article aims to show the identity of "circularly polarized luminescent active simple organic molecules" as a new concept in organic chemistry due to the potential interest of these molecules, as availed by the exponentially growing number of research articles related to them. In particular, it describes and highlights the interest and difficulty in developing chiral simple (small and non-aggregated) organic molecules able to emit left- or right-circularly polarized light efficiently, the efforts realized up to now to reach this challenging objective, and the most significant milestones achieved to date. General guidelines for the preparation of these interesting molecules are also presented. © 2015 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  11. Laparoscopic repair of perforated peptic ulcer: simple closure versus omentopexy.


    Lin, Being-Chuan; Liao, Chien-Hung; Wang, Shang-Yu; Hwang, Tsann-Long


    This report presents our experience with laparoscopic repair performed in 118 consecutive patients diagnosed with a perforated peptic ulcer (PPU). We compared the surgical outcome of simple closure with modified Cellan-Jones omentopexy and report the safety and benefit of simple closure. From January 2010 to December 2014, 118 patients with PPU underwent laparoscopic repair with simple closure (n = 27) or omentopexy (n = 91). Charts were retrospectively reviewed for demographic characteristics and outcome. The data were compared by Fisher's exact test, Mann-Whitney U test, Pearson's chi-square test, and the Kruskal-Wallis test. The results were considered statistically significant if P < 0.05. No patients died, whereas three incurred leakage. After matching, the simple closure and omentopexy groups had similarity in sex, systolic blood pressure, pulse rate, respiratory rate, Boey score, Charlson comorbidity index, Mannheim peritonitis index, and leakage. There were statistically significant differences in age, length of hospital stay, perforated size, and operating time. Comparison of the operating time in the ≤4.0 mm and 5.0-12 mm groups revealed that the simple closure took less time than omentopexy in both groups (≤4.0 mm, 76 versus 133 minutes, P < 0.0001; 5.0-12 mm, 97 versus 139.5 minutes; P = 0.006). Compared to the omentopexy, laparoscopic simple closure is a safe procedure and shortens the operating time. Copyright © 2017 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Proton facility economics: the importance of "simple" treatments.


    Johnstone, Peter A S; Kerstiens, John; Richard, Helsper


    Given the cost and debt incurred to build a modern proton facility, impetus exists to minimize treatment of patients with complex setups because of their slower throughput. The aim of this study was to determine how many "simple" cases are necessary given different patient loads simply to recoup construction costs and debt service, without beginning to cover salaries, utilities, beam costs, and so on. Simple cases are ones that can be performed quickly because of an easy setup for the patient or because the patient is to receive treatment to just one or two fields. A "standard" construction cost and debt for 1, 3, and 4 gantry facilities were calculated from public documents of facilities built in the United States, with 100% of the construction funded through standard 15-year financing at 5% interest. Clinical best case (that each room was completely scheduled with patients over a 14-hour workday) was assumed, and a statistical analysis was modeled with debt, case mix, and payer mix moving independently. Treatment times and reimbursement data from the investigators' facility for varying complexities of patients were extrapolated for varying numbers treated daily. Revenue assumptions of $X per treatment were assumed both for pediatric cases (a mix of Medicaid and private payer) and state Medicare simple case rates. Private payer reimbursement averages $1.75X per treatment. The number of simple patients required daily to cover construction and debt service costs was then derived. A single gantry treating only complex or pediatric patients would need to apply 85% of its treatment slots simply to service debt. However, that same room could cover its debt treating 4 hours of simple patients, thus opening more slots for complex and pediatric patients. A 3-gantry facility treating only complex and pediatric cases would not have enough treatment slots to recoup construction and debt service costs at all. For a 4-gantry center, focusing on complex and pediatric cases alone

  13. Selective detection of hyperpolarized NMR signals derived from para-hydrogen using the Only Para-hydrogen SpectroscopY (OPSY) approach.


    Aguilar, Juan A; Adams, Ralph W; Duckett, Simon B; Green, Gary G R; Kandiah, Rathika


    A new family of NMR pulse sequences is reported for the recording of para-hydrogen enhanced NMR spectra. This Only Para-hydrogen SpectroscopY (OPSY) approach uses coherence selection to separate hyperpolarized signals from those of fully relaxed and thermally equilibrated protons. Sequence design, performance, practical aspects and applicability to other hyperpolarization techniques are discussed. Copyright © 2010 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Simple Example of Backtest Overfitting (SEBO)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    In the field of mathematical finance, a "backtest" is the usage of historical market data to assess the performance of a proposed trading strategy. It is a relatively simple matter for a present-day computer system to explore thousands, millions or even billions of variations of a proposed strategy, and pick the best performing variant as the "optimal" strategy "in sample" (i.e., on the input dataset). Unfortunately, such an "optimal" strategy often performs very poorly "out of sample" (i.e. on another dataset), because the parameters of the invest strategy have been oversit to the in-sample data, a situation known as "backtestmore » overfitting". While the mathematics of backtest overfitting has been examined in several recent theoretical studies, here we pursue a more tangible analysis of this problem, in the form of an online simulator tool. Given a input random walk time series, the tool develops an "optimal" variant of a simple strategy by exhaustively exploring all integer parameter values among a handful of parameters. That "optimal" strategy is overfit, since by definition a random walk is unpredictable. Then the tool tests the resulting "optimal" strategy on a second random walk time series. In most runs using our online tool, the "optimal" strategy derived from the first time series performs poorly on the second time series, demonstrating how hard it is not to overfit a backtest. We offer this online tool, "Simple Example of Backtest Overfitting (SEBO)", to facilitate further research in this area.« less

  15. A discerning approach to simple aesthetic orthodontics.


    Noar, J H; Sharma, S; Roberts-Harry, D; Qureshi, T


    There is currently considerable interest from general dental practitioners (GDPs) in the use of simple orthodontics to treat adult malocclusions. There is controversy in this, particularly in relation to 'quick fixes', simple orthodontics and 'straight teeth in six months' as opposed to more conventional treatment where the whole malocclusion is treated. This article will present a case for the use of simple aesthetic adult orthodontics in a measured and planned way. It will discuss the processes, planning and the importance of consent. It will also highlight how digital technology is used to preview, consent and execute an aesthetic result. Many of the recent systems emerging, have been as a result of the demand and supply of cosmetic dentistry. This, to a degree, has not helped since the implication of a 'quick-fix' is associated with this field. There has also been discussion on what the limits of GDP orthodontics should be. There is variability in how GDPs approach orthodontics, their experience, skill and ability to treat to an acceptable standard. Short courses may be one way of delivering orthodontic training but some of these courses are not regulated and the amount of internal mentoring is variable. This article highlights some of the systems in use, and potential upsides and downsides of this approach.

  16. Study of heat and salt transport processes in the Espinheiro Channel (Ria de Aveiro)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vaz, Nuno Alexandre Firmino

    O principal objectivo deste trabalho consistiu no estudo da dinâmica termohalina do Canal do Espinheiro em funcao de dois forcamentos principais: mare e caudal fluvial, usando duas abordagens distintas: trabalho experimental e modelacao numerica. A propagacao da mare e o caudal fluvial do Rio Vouga sao determinantes no estabelecimento da estrutura horizontal da salinidade ao longo do canal. A estrutura termica horizontal ao longo do canal e, em grande parte, determinada pela variacao sazonal da temperatura da agua do Rio Vouga, bem como, pela variacao sazonal das condicoes meteorologicas devido a reduzida profundidade. Foi observada a formacao de fortes gradientes de salinidade (relacionados com a formacao de frentes estuarinas) numa regiao a cerca de 7-8 km da embocadura do canal, observando-se a sua migracao numa regiao de aproximadamente 1 km, dependendo do regime de mare. O balanco entre o transporte de sal de natureza advectiva e difusiva foi calculado, revelando que junto a embocadura os processos fisicos que mais contribuem para o transporte de sal sao a circulacao residual e o aprisionamento da agua em canais secundarios. Junto a foz do Rio Vouga os termos devidos a descarga fluvial e a circulacao gravitacional dominam o transporte de sal. Foi calibrado e validado um modelo numerico (Mohid, em modo 2D e 3D), sendo posteriormente utilizado para estudar a hidrologia do canal. Foi concedida particular atencao ao estudo da hidrologia em condicoes extremas de caudal fluvial e de mare. Os resultados da modelacao numerica permitiram numa primeira fase avaliar o bom desempenho do Mohid na reproducao dos escoamentos barotropicos na Ria de Aveiro, bem como na evolucao temporal das propriedades termohalinas da agua. Sob condicoes de caudal fluvial reduzido, a dinâmica do canal e essencialmente dominada pela mare. Com o aumento do caudal fluvial, a influencia da agua doce estende-se para jusante, estratificando a coluna de agua. As simulacoes 3D do Canal do

  17. Simple scale interpolator facilitates reading of graphs

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fetterman, D. E., Jr.


    Simple transparent overlay with interpolation scale facilitates accurate, rapid reading of graph coordinate points. This device can be used for enlarging drawings and locating points on perspective drawings.

  18. Evaluation of the performance of actions and outcomes in primary health care.


    Miclos, Paula Vitali; Calvo, Maria Cristina Marino; Colussi, Claudia Flemming


    The objective of this study has been to evaluate the performance of the primary care of Brazilian municipalities in relation to health actions and outcomes. This is an evaluative, cross-sectional research, with a quantitative approach, aimed at the identification of the efficiency frontier of the primary care in health actions and outcomes in Brazilian municipalities. Secondary data have been collected from the Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da Qualidade da Atenção Básica (National Program for Improving Access and Quality of Primary Care) and the Department of Informatics of the Brazilian Unified Health System, in 2012. The data envelopment analysis tool has been used for variable returns to scale with product orientation. Municipalities have been analyzed by population size, and small municipalities have presented a high percentage of inefficiency for both models. The analysis of efficiency has indicated the existence of a higher percentage of effective municipalities in the model of health actions than in the model of health outcomes. Avaliar o desempenho da atenção básica dos municípios brasileiros quanto a ações e resultados em saúde. Pesquisa avaliativa, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa, para identificar a fronteira de eficiência da atenção básica em ações e resultados em saúde nos municípios brasileiros. Foi realizada coleta de dados secundários a partir do Programa Nacional de Melhoria do Acesso e da qualidade da Atenção Básica e do Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde, no ano de 2012. Utilizou-se a ferramenta análise envoltória de dados para retornos variáveis de escala com orientação para produto. Os municípios foram analisados por porte populacional e verificou-se que para ambos os modelos, os municípios de pequeno porte apresentaram alto percentual de ineficiência. A análise da eficiência indicou a existência de um percentual maior de municípios eficientes no modelo de ações em sa

  19. Advanced statistics: linear regression, part I: simple linear regression.


    Marill, Keith A


    Simple linear regression is a mathematical technique used to model the relationship between a single independent predictor variable and a single dependent outcome variable. In this, the first of a two-part series exploring concepts in linear regression analysis, the four fundamental assumptions and the mechanics of simple linear regression are reviewed. The most common technique used to derive the regression line, the method of least squares, is described. The reader will be acquainted with other important concepts in simple linear regression, including: variable transformations, dummy variables, relationship to inference testing, and leverage. Simplified clinical examples with small datasets and graphic models are used to illustrate the points. This will provide a foundation for the second article in this series: a discussion of multiple linear regression, in which there are multiple predictor variables.

  20. Physical Biologycal Interactions Controlling Larvae Dispersion: Application to Regions in the Neighbourhood of the Estuaries of North Portugal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Almeida, Martinho Marta

    Um modelo numerico tridimensional oceânico foi usado para estudar a influencia das condicoes fisicas na dispersao e recrutamento de larvas com migracao vertical diaria (MVD) activa na plataforma continental noroeste de Portugal. As primeiras simulacoes foram forcadas por mares e verificou-se que a interaccao entre MVD e correntes de mare nao e importante para o transporte de larvas na plataforma continental oeste portuguesa. O trabalho realizado com forcamento de mares incrementou o presente conhecimento da dinâmica da mare na regiao. A analise da variacao vertical dos parâmetros das elipses de mare mostra uma separacao clara entre os harmonicos diurnos e semi-diurnos, e entre a circulacao oceânica quase barotropica e as correntes com dependencia vertical na plataforma. Desprezando a interaccao entre MVD e as mares o proximo passo foi a construcao e validacao dum modelo realistico forcado por fluxos atmosfera-oceano, capaz de reproduzir as correntes dominantes, geradas pelo vento, na plataforma continental. Na configuracao criada a MVD das larvas foi simulada com quatro cenarios de distribuicao e migracao vertical. Foram feitas duas simulacoes, uma para o final do Inverno e outra para a Primavera, abrangendo os meses de Fevereiro a Abril e Abril a Junho de 2002. Estes periodos foram escolhidos pois exibem diferentes regimes de vento, nao favoravel e favoravel ao afloramento costeiro. Os resultados mostram que as particulas com MVD sofreram maior retencao na plataforma continental interna durante condicoes de afloramento do que em qualquer outra combinacao de cenario de migracao e regime de vento. Na costa noroeste da Peninsula Iberica, que nao exibe irregularidades topograficas que poderiam criar areas de concentracao e retencao, a MVD pode constituir um mecanismo importante para evitar a dispersao de larvas em direccao ao mar aberto. None

  1. Molecular implementation of simple logic programs.


    Ran, Tom; Kaplan, Shai; Shapiro, Ehud


    Autonomous programmable computing devices made of biomolecules could interact with a biological environment and be used in future biological and medical applications. Biomolecular implementations of finite automata and logic gates have already been developed. Here, we report an autonomous programmable molecular system based on the manipulation of DNA strands that is capable of performing simple logical deductions. Using molecular representations of facts such as Man(Socrates) and rules such as Mortal(X) <-- Man(X) (Every Man is Mortal), the system can answer molecular queries such as Mortal(Socrates)? (Is Socrates Mortal?) and Mortal(X)? (Who is Mortal?). This biomolecular computing system compares favourably with previous approaches in terms of expressive power, performance and precision. A compiler translates facts, rules and queries into their molecular representations and subsequently operates a robotic system that assembles the logical deductions and delivers the result. This prototype is the first simple programming language with a molecular-scale implementation.

  2. Análise da medição do raio solar em ultravioleta

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saraiva, A. C. V.; Giménez de Castro, C. G.; Costa, J. E. R.; Selhorst, C. L.; Simões, P. J. A.


    A medição acurada do raio solar em qualquer banda do espectro eletromagnético é de relevância na formulação e calibração de modelos da estrutura e atmosfera solar. Esses modelos atribuem emissão do contínuo do Sol calmo em microondas à mesma região da linha Ha do Hell. Apresentamos a medição do raio solar em UV com imagens do EIT (Extreme Ultraviolet Image Telescope) entre 1996 e 2002, no comprimento de onda 30,9 nm (Ha do Hell), que se forma na região de transição/cromosfera solar. A técnica utilizada para o cálculo do raio UV foi baseada na transformada Wavelet B3spline. Fizemos um banco de dados com 1 imagem por dia durante o período citado. Obtivemos como resultado o raio médio da ordem de 975.61" e uma diminuição do mesmo para o período citado variando em média -0,45" /ano. Comparamos estes dados com os valores obtidos pelo ROI (Radio Observatório de Itapetinga) em 22/48 GHz e Nobeyama Radio Heliograph em 17 GHz mostrando que os raios médios são muito próximos o que indica que a região de formação nessas freqüências é a mesma conforme os modelos. Comparamos os resultados também com outros índices de atividade solar.

  3. When Simple Harmonic Motion Is Not that Simple: Managing Epistemological Complexity by Using Computer-Based Representations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parnafes, Orit


    Many real-world phenomena, even "simple" physical phenomena such as natural harmonic motion, are complex in the sense that they require coordinating multiple subtle foci of attention to get the required information when experiencing them. Moreover, for students to develop sound understanding of a concept or a phenomenon, they need to learn to get…

  4. Evaluating Lexical Coverage in Simple English Wikipedia Articles: A Corpus-Driven Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hendry, Clinton; Sheepy, Emily


    Simple English Wikipedia is a user-contributed online encyclopedia intended for young readers and readers whose first language is not English. We compiled a corpus of the entirety of Simple English Wikipedia as of June 20th, 2017. We used lexical frequency profiling tools to investigate the vocabulary size needed to comprehend Simple English…

  5. Self-powered Imbibing Microfluidic Pump by Liquid Encapsulation: SIMPLE.


    Kokalj, Tadej; Park, Younggeun; Vencelj, Matjaž; Jenko, Monika; Lee, Luke P


    Reliable, autonomous, internally self-powered microfluidic pumps are in critical demand for rapid point-of-care (POC) devices, integrated molecular-diagnostic platforms, and drug delivery systems. Here we report on a Self-powered Imbibing Microfluidic Pump by Liquid Encapsulation (SIMPLE), which is disposable, autonomous, easy to use and fabricate, robust, and cost efficient, as a solution for self-powered microfluidic POC devices. The imbibition pump introduces the working liquid which is sucked into a porous material (paper) upon activation. The suction of the working liquid creates a reduced pressure in the analytical channel and induces the sequential sample flow into the microfluidic circuits. It requires no external power or control and can be simply activated by a fingertip press. The flow rate can be programmed by defining the shape of utilized porous material: by using three different paper shapes with circular section angles 20°, 40° and 60°, three different volume flow rates of 0.07 μL s(-1), 0.12 μL s(-1) and 0.17 μL s(-1) are demonstrated at 200 μm × 600 μm channel cross-section. We established the SIMPLE pumping of 17 μL of sample; however, the sample volume can be increased to several hundreds of μL. To demonstrate the design, fabrication, and characterization of SIMPLE, we used a simple, robust and cheap foil-laminating fabrication technique. The SIMPLE can be integrated into hydrophilic or hydrophobic materials-based microfluidic POC devices. Since it is also applicable to large-scale manufacturing processes, we anticipate that a new chapter of a cost effective, disposable, autonomous POC diagnostic chip is addressed with this technical innovation.

  6. Simple Demonstration of the Seebeck Effect

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Molki, Arman


    In this article we propose a simple and low-cost experimental set-up through which science educators can demonstrate the Seebeck effect using a thermocouple and an instrumentation amplifier. The experiment can be set up and conducted during a 1-hour laboratory session. (Contains 3 tables and 3 figures.)

  7. Experimental Control of Simple Pendulum Model

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Medina, C.


    This paper conveys information about a Physics laboratory experiment for students with some theoretical knowledge about oscillatory motion. Students construct a simple pendulum that behaves as an ideal one, and analyze model assumption incidence on its period. The following aspects are quantitatively analyzed: vanishing friction, small amplitude,…

  8. Jacks--A Study of Simple Machines.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Parsons, Ralph

    This vocational physics individualized student instructional module on jacks (simple machines used to lift heavy objects) contains student prerequisites and objectives, an introduction, and sections on the ratchet bumper jack, the hydraulic jack, the screw jack, and load limitations. Designed with a laboratory orientation, each section consists of…

  9. A Simple Illustration of Hemihedral Faces

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ault, Addison


    A simple way to represent hemihedral faces and to illustrate the relationship between the resulting left-handed and right-handed hemihedra is presented. The illustrations highlight that the chirality corresponds to the absence of reflective symmetry but not necessarily to the absence of a C2 axis of symmetry.

  10. Fourier Spectroscopy: A Simple Analysis Technique

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oelfke, William C.


    Presents a simple method of analysis in which the student can integrate, point by point, any interferogram to obtain its Fourier transform. The manual technique requires no special equipment and is based on relationships that most undergraduate physics students can derive from the Fourier integral equations. (Author/MLH)

  11. A Simple Model of Global Aerosol Indirect Effects

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ghan, Steven J.; Smith, Steven J.; Wang, Minghuai; Zhang, Kai; Pringle, Kirsty; Carslaw, Kenneth; Pierce, Jeffrey; Bauer, Susanne; Adams, Peter


    Most estimates of the global mean indirect effect of anthropogenic aerosol on the Earth's energy balance are from simulations by global models of the aerosol lifecycle coupled with global models of clouds and the hydrologic cycle. Extremely simple models have been developed for integrated assessment models, but lack the flexibility to distinguish between primary and secondary sources of aerosol. Here a simple but more physically based model expresses the aerosol indirect effect (AIE) using analytic representations of cloud and aerosol distributions and processes. Although the simple model is able to produce estimates of AIEs that are comparable to those from some global aerosol models using the same global mean aerosol properties, the estimates by the simple model are sensitive to preindustrial cloud condensation nuclei concentration, preindustrial accumulation mode radius, width of the accumulation mode, size of primary particles, cloud thickness, primary and secondary anthropogenic emissions, the fraction of the secondary anthropogenic emissions that accumulates on the coarse mode, the fraction of the secondary mass that forms new particles, and the sensitivity of liquid water path to droplet number concentration. Estimates of present-day AIEs as low as 5 W/sq m and as high as 0.3 W/sq m are obtained for plausible sets of parameter values. Estimates are surprisingly linear in emissions. The estimates depend on parameter values in ways that are consistent with results from detailed global aerosol-climate simulation models, which adds to understanding of the dependence on AIE uncertainty on uncertainty in parameter values.

  12. Manga Vectorization and Manipulation with Procedural Simple Screentone.


    Yao, Chih-Yuan; Hung, Shih-Hsuan; Li, Guo-Wei; Chen, I-Yu; Adhitya, Reza; Lai, Yu-Chi


    Manga are a popular artistic form around the world, and artists use simple line drawing and screentone to create all kinds of interesting productions. Vectorization is helpful to digitally reproduce these elements for proper content and intention delivery on electronic devices. Therefore, this study aims at transforming scanned Manga to a vector representation for interactive manipulation and real-time rendering with arbitrary resolution. Our system first decomposes the patch into rough Manga elements including possible borders and shading regions using adaptive binarization and screentone detector. We classify detected screentone into simple and complex patterns: our system extracts simple screentone properties for refining screentone borders, estimating lighting, compensating missing strokes inside screentone regions, and later resolution independently rendering with our procedural shaders. Our system treats the others as complex screentone areas and vectorizes them with our proposed line tracer which aims at locating boundaries of all shading regions and polishing all shading borders with the curve-based Gaussian refiner. A user can lay down simple scribbles to cluster Manga elements intuitively for the formation of semantic components, and our system vectorizes these components into shading meshes along with embedded Bézier curves as a unified foundation for consistent manipulation including pattern manipulation, deformation, and lighting addition. Our system can real-time and resolution independently render the shading regions with our procedural shaders and drawing borders with the curve-based shader. For Manga manipulation, the proposed vector representation can be not only magnified without artifacts but also deformed easily to generate interesting results.

  13. Horizontal Running Mattress Suture Modified with Intermittent Simple Loops

    PubMed Central

    Chacon, Anna H; Shiman, Michael I; Strozier, Narissa; Zaiac, Martin N


    Using the combination of a horizontal running mattress suture with intermittent loops achieves both good eversion with the horizontal running mattress plus the ease of removal of the simple loops. This combination technique also avoids the characteristic railroad track marks that result from prolonged non-absorbable suture retention. The unique feature of our technique is the incorporation of one simple running suture after every two runs of the horizontal running mattress suture. To demonstrate its utility, we used the suturing technique on several patients and analyzed the cosmetic outcome with post-operative photographs in comparison to other suturing techniques. In summary, the combination of running horizontal mattress suture with simple intermittent loops demonstrates functional and cosmetic benefits that can be readily taught, comprehended, and employed, leading to desirable aesthetic results and wound edge eversion. PMID:23723610

  14. Précis of Simple heuristics that make us smart.


    Todd, P M; Gigerenzer, G


    How can anyone be rational in a world where knowledge is limited, time is pressing, and deep thought is often an unattainable luxury? Traditional models of unbounded rationality and optimization in cognitive science, economics, and animal behavior have tended to view decision-makers as possessing supernatural powers of reason, limitless knowledge, and endless time. But understanding decisions in the real world requires a more psychologically plausible notion of bounded rationality. In Simple heuristics that make us smart (Gigerenzer et al. 1999), we explore fast and frugal heuristics--simple rules in the mind's adaptive toolbox for making decisions with realistic mental resources. These heuristics can enable both living organisms and artificial systems to make smart choices quickly and with a minimum of information by exploiting the way that information is structured in particular environments. In this précis, we show how simple building blocks that control information search, stop search, and make decisions can be put together to form classes of heuristics, including: ignorance-based and one-reason decision making for choice, elimination models for categorization, and satisficing heuristics for sequential search. These simple heuristics perform comparably to more complex algorithms, particularly when generalizing to new data--that is, simplicity leads to robustness. We present evidence regarding when people use simple heuristics and describe the challenges to be addressed by this research program.

  15. A simple and inexpensive retainer for overdenture prosthesis

    PubMed Central

    Kumar, Lakshya; Rao, Jitendra; Yadav, Akanksha


    This article describes a clinical case report of a 65-year-old male patient in which an overdenture was fabricated by using a simple, logical and inexpensive means of retentive device. The described mandibular overdenture involves a simple modification in the coping design and a wire lock mechanism which was fabricated during denture processing. The problems associated with copings were overcome by putting the patient on a regimen wherein topical fluoride was applied every week on the abutment. The denture, fabricated involving a wire lock mechanism, was highly retentive and stable. Patient was highly satisfied with the outcome of the treatment. PMID:23861281

  16. Simple refractometer based on in-line fiber interferometers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Esteban, Ó.; Martínez Manuel, R.; Shlyagin, M. G.


    A very simple but accurate optical fiber refractometer based on the Fresnel reflection in the fiber tip and two in-line low-reflective mirrors for light intensity referencing is reported. Each mirror was generated by connecting together 2 fiber sections with FC/PC and FC/APC connectors using the standard FC/PC mating sleeve. For the sensor interrogation, a standard DFB diode laser pumped with a sawtooth-wave current was used. A resolution of 6 x 10-4 was experimentally demonstrated using different liquids. A simple sensor construction and the use of low cost components make the reported system interesting for many applications.

  17. Early Prediction of Reading Comprehension within the Simple View Framework

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Catts, Hugh W.; Herrera, Sarah; Nielsen, Diane Corcoran; Bridges, Mindy Sittner


    The simple view of reading proposes that reading comprehension is the product of word reading and language comprehension. In this study, we used the simple view framework to examine the early prediction of reading comprehension abilities. Using multiple measures for all constructs, we assessed word reading precursors (i.e., letter knowledge,…

  18. Science 101: Q--What Is the Physics behind Simple Machines?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Robertson, Bill


    Bill Robertson thinks that questioning the physics behind simple machines is a great idea because when he encounters the subject of simple machines in textbooks, activities, and classrooms, he seldom encounters, a scientific explanation of how they work. Instead, what one often sees is a discussion of load, effort, fulcrum, actual mechanical…

  19. Operator Priming and Generalization of Practice in Adults' Simple Arithmetic

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chen, Yalin; Campbell, Jamie I. D.


    There is a renewed debate about whether educated adults solve simple addition problems (e.g., 2 + 3) by direct fact retrieval or by fast, automatic counting-based procedures. Recent research testing adults' simple addition and multiplication showed that a 150-ms preview of the operator (+ or ×) facilitated addition, but not multiplication,…

  20. Figuring the Acceleration of the Simple Pendulum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lieberherr, Martin


    The centripetal acceleration has been known since Huygens' (1659) and Newton's (1684) time.1,2 The physics to calculate the acceleration of a simple pendulum has been around for more than 300 years, and a fairly complete treatise has been given by C. Schwarz in this journal.3 But sentences like "the acceleration is always directed towards the equilibrium position" beside the picture of a swing on a circular arc can still be found in textbooks, as e.g. in Ref. 4. Vectors have been invented by Grassmann (1844)5 and are conveniently used to describe the acceleration in curved orbits, but acceleration is more often treated as a scalar with or without sign, as the words acceleration/deceleration suggest. The component tangential to the orbit is enough to deduce the period of the simple pendulum, but it is not enough to discuss the forces on the pendulum, as has been pointed out by Santos-Benito and A. Gras-Marti.6 A suitable way to address this problem is a nice figure with a catch for classroom discussions or homework. When I plotted the acceleration vectors of the simple pendulum in their proper positions, pictures as in Fig. 1 appeared on the screen. The endpoints of the acceleration vectors, if properly scaled, seemed to lie on a curve with a familiar shape: a cardioid. Is this true or just an illusion?

  1. Analysis of pre-service physics teacher skills designing simple physics experiments based technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Susilawati; Huda, C.; Kurniawan, W.; Masturi; Khoiri, N.


    Pre-service physics teacher skill in designing simple experiment set is very important in adding understanding of student concept and practicing scientific skill in laboratory. This study describes the skills of physics students in designing simple experiments based technologicall. The experimental design stages include simple tool design and sensor modification. The research method used is descriptive method with the number of research samples 25 students and 5 variations of simple physics experimental design. Based on the results of interviews and observations obtained the results of pre-service physics teacher skill analysis in designing simple experimental physics charged technology is good. Based on observation result, pre-service physics teacher skill in designing simple experiment is good while modification and sensor application are still not good. This suggests that pre-service physics teacher still need a lot of practice and do experiments in designing physics experiments using sensor modifications. Based on the interview result, it is found that students have high enough motivation to perform laboratory activities actively and students have high curiosity to be skilled at making simple practicum tool for physics experiment.

  2. Simple Analysis of Historical Lime Mortars

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pires, Joa~o


    A laboratory experiment is described in which a simple characterization of a historical lime mortar is made by the determination of its approximate composition by a gravimetric method. Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy and X-ray diffraction (XRD) are also used for the qualitative characterization of the lime mortar components. These…

  3. Gravity: Simple Experiments for Young Scientists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    White, Larry

    This book contains 12 simple experiments through which students can learn about gravity and its implications. Some of the topics included are weight, weightlessness, artificial gravity, the pull of gravity on different shapes, center of gravity, the universal law of gravity, and balancing. Experiments include: finding the balancing point; weighing…

  4. Energy: Simple Experiments for Young Scientists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    White, Larry

    This book contains simple experiments through which students can learn about the properties of energy. These experiments include making a kitchen "volcano," a soda-pop "cannon," and a puffed-rice "scooter." Topics include: energy and work, fossil fuels, solar energy, kinetic energy, potential energy, mechanical energy, heat energy, sound energy,…

  5. Variations on a Simple Dice Game

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Heafner, Joe


    I begin my introductory astronomy course with a unit on critical thinking that focuses on, among other things, the differences between the "scientific method" as frequently presented in textbooks and actual scientific practice. One particular classroom activity uses a simple dice game to simulate observation of a natural phenomenon and…

  6. A Simple View of Linguistic Complexity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pallotti, Gabriele


    Although a growing number of second language acquisition (SLA) studies take linguistic complexity as a dependent variable, the term is still poorly defined and often used with different meanings, thus posing serious problems for research synthesis and knowledge accumulation. This article proposes a simple, coherent view of the construct, which is…

  7. A Systematic Study of Simple Combinatorial Configurations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dubois, Jean-Guy


    A classification of the simple combinatorial configurations which correspond to various cases of distribution and ordering of objects into boxes is given (in French). Concrete descriptions, structured relations, translations, and formalizations are discussed. (MNS)

  8. A Simple Probabilistic Combat Model

    DTIC Science & Technology


    This page intentionally left blank. 1. INTRODUCTION The Lanchester combat model1 is a simple way to assess the effects of quantity and model. For the random case, assume R red weapons are allocated to B blue weapons randomly. We are interested in the distribution of weapons...since the initial condition is very close to the break even line. What is more interesting is that the probability density tends to concentrate at

  9. Air: Simple Experiments for Young Scientists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    White, Larry

    This book contains simple experiments through which students explore air and its properties. Some of the topics discussed include alternative energy, bacteria, carbon dioxide, motion, weather, and flight. Experiments include: blowing a balloon up in a bottle; seeing air in water; making a lunch-bag kite, weather vanes, and paper glider;…

  10. Tour of a Simple Trigonometry Problem

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Poon, Kin-Keung


    This article focuses on a simple trigonometric problem that generates a strange phenomenon when different methods are applied to tackling it. A series of problem-solving activities are discussed, so that students can be alerted that the precision of diagrams is important when solving geometric problems. In addition, the problem-solving plan was…


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Faure, A.; Hily-Blant, P.; Le Gal, R.

    The ortho-para chemistry of ammonia in the cold interstellar medium is investigated using a gas-phase chemical network. Branching ratios for the primary reaction chain involved in the formation and destruction of ortho- and para-NH{sub 3} were derived using angular momentum rules based on the conservation of the nuclear spin. We show that the 'anomalous' ortho-to-para ratio of ammonia ({approx}0.7) observed in various interstellar regions is in fact consistent with nuclear spin selection rules in a para-enriched H{sub 2} gas. This ratio is found to be independent of temperature in the range 5-30 K. We also predict an ortho-to-para ratio ofmore » {approx}2.3 for NH{sub 2}. We conclude that a low ortho-to-para ratio of H{sub 2} naturally drives the ortho-to-para ratios of nitrogen hydrides below the statistical values.« less

  12. Simple and Clear Proofs of Stirling's Formula

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Niizeki, Shozo; Araki, Makoto


    The purpose of our article is to show two simpler and clearer methods of proving Stirling's formula than the traditional and conventional ones. The distinction of our method is to use the simple trapezoidal formula.

  13. Misconceptions of Mexican Teachers in the Solution of Simple Pendulum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Garcia Trujillo, Luis Antonio; Ramirez Díaz, Mario H.; Rodriguez Castillo, Mario


    Solving the position of a simple pendulum at any time is apparently one of the most simple and basic problems to solve in high school and college physics courses. However, because of this apparent simplicity, teachers and physics texts often assume that the solution is immediate without pausing to reflect on the problem formulation or verifying…

  14. Violación del Principio de Equivalencia en Teorías con Dilatón de Cuerdas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Landau, S. J.; Sisterna, P. D.; Vucetich, H.

    Se estudian las violaciones al Principio de Equivalencia en Teorías con Dilatón de Cuerdas. En estos modelos, algunas de las constantes fundamentales dependen del espacio y del tiempo. Se muestra que los experimentos de caída libre no tienen aún precisión como para poner límites a los parámetros de la teoría.

  15. The Invention Convention: Mind Meets Simple Machines.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hadi-Tabassum, Samina


    Describes an Earth Day celebration where students had to design an invention made of simple machines that could crush an empty aluminum can through 10 rapid mechanical movements using materials foraged from the students' homes. (JRH)

  16. Readiness to tackle chronicity in Spanish health care organisations: a two-year experience with the Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations instrument

    PubMed Central

    Mira, José Joaquín; Fernández-Cano, Paloma; Contel, Joan Carlos; Guilabert-Mora, Mercedes; Solas-Gaspar, Olga


    Introduction: The Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations instrument was developed to implement the conceptual framework of the Chronic Care Model in the Spanish national health system. It has been used to assess readiness to tackle chronicity in health care organisations. In this study, we use self-assessments at macro-, meso- and micro-management levels to (a) describe the two-year experience with the Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations tool in Spain and (b) assess the validity and reliability of this instrument. Methods: The results from 55 organisational self-assessments were included and described. In addition to that, the internal consistency, reliability and construct validity of Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations were examined using Cronbach's alpha, the Spearman–Brown coefficient and factorial analysis. Results: The obtained scores reflect opportunities for improvement in all dimensions of the instrument. Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.90 and 0.95 and the Spearman–Brown coefficient ranged between 0.77 and 0.94. All 27 components converged in a second-order factorial solution that explained 53.8% of the total variance, with factorial saturations for the components of between 0.57 and 0.94. Conclusions: Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations is an instrument that allows health care organisations to perform self-assessments regarding their readiness to tackle chronicity and to identify areas for improvement in chronic care. PMID:27118958

  17. Readiness to tackle chronicity in Spanish health care organisations: a two-year experience with the Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations instrument.


    Mira, José Joaquín; Nuño-Solinís, Roberto; Fernández-Cano, Paloma; Contel, Joan Carlos; Guilabert-Mora, Mercedes; Solas-Gaspar, Olga


    The Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations instrument was developed to implement the conceptual framework of the Chronic Care Model in the Spanish national health system. It has been used to assess readiness to tackle chronicity in health care organisations. In this study, we use self-assessments at macro-, meso- and micro-management levels to (a) describe the two-year experience with the Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations tool in Spain and (b) assess the validity and reliability of this instrument. The results from 55 organisational self-assessments were included and described. In addition to that, the internal consistency, reliability and construct validity of Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations were examined using Cronbach's alpha, the Spearman-Brown coefficient and factorial analysis. The obtained scores reflect opportunities for improvement in all dimensions of the instrument. Cronbach's alpha ranged between 0.90 and 0.95 and the Spearman-Brown coefficient ranged between 0.77 and 0.94. All 27 components converged in a second-order factorial solution that explained 53.8% of the total variance, with factorial saturations for the components of between 0.57 and 0.94. Instrumento de Evaluación de Modelos de Atención ante la Cronicidad/Assessment of Readiness for Chronicity in Health Care Organisations is an instrument that allows health care organisations to perform self-assessments regarding their readiness to tackle chronicity and to identify areas for improvement in chronic care.

  18. La Enseñanza/Aprendizaje del Modelo Sol-Tierra Análisis de la Situación Actual y Propuesta de Mejora Para la Formación de los Futuros Profesores de Primaria

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martínez Sebastià, Bernat


    This work is an extened summary of the autor's PhD thesis. It deals with the teaching of astronomy (day/night, seasons) in primary school. At first, students teachers' undestanding of astronomical concepts related to Sun-Earth system have been analysed. Taking into account the results of the previous analysis and using a socio-constructivist approach a teaching sequence has been designed. This sequence has been tested with different groups of students teachers showing an improvement in their undestanding of elementary astronomical concepts. El trabajo que presentamos es un resumen extenso de la tesis doctoral del autor. El enfoque utilizado ha sido tratar de ligar la investigación sobre las ideas, razonamientos y obstáculos de los profesores de primaria con la planificación de la enseñanza del modelo Sol-Tierra que permite explicar el ciclo día/noche y las estaciones. En primer lugar, se ha procedido a realizar un análisis crítico de los resultados que se obtienen en el aprendizaje de los contenidos astronómicos en la enseñanza habitual. En segundo lugar se ha diseñado un curriculum potencialmente superador de esta situación desde una orientación que concibe la enseñanza y el aprendizaje como un proceso de construcción de conocimientos en una estructura problematizada. Finalmente, esta secuencia didáctica ha sido experimentada con diferentes grupos de estudiantes de magisterio, mostrando una mejora relevante en la comprensión de los conceptos astronómicos fundamentales.

  19. Ortho-para interconversion in cation-water complexes: The case of V+(H2O) and Nb+(H2O) clusters.


    Ward, T B; Miliordos, E; Carnegie, P D; Xantheas, S S; Duncan, M A


    Vanadium and niobium cation-water complexes, V + (H 2 O) and Nb + (H 2 O), are produced by laser vaporization in a pulsed supersonic expansion, mass selected in a time-of-flight spectrometer, and studied with infrared photodissociation spectroscopy using rare gas atom (Ar, Ne) complex predissociation. The vibrational bands measured in the O-H stretching region contain K-type rotational sub-band structure, which provides insight into the structures of these complexes. However, rotational sub-bands do not exhibit the simple patterns seen previously for other metal ion-water complexes. The A rotational constants are smaller than expected and the normal 3:1 intensity ratios for K = odd:even levels for independent ortho:para nuclear spin states are missing for some complexes. We relied on highly correlated internally contracted multi-reference configuration interaction and Coupled Cluster [CCSD(T)] electronic structure calculations of those complexes with and without the rare gas atoms to investigate these anomalies. Rare gas atoms were found to bind via asymmetric motifs to the hydrated complexes undergoing large amplitude motions that vibrationally average to the quasi-C 2v symmetry with a significant probability off the C 2 axis, thus explaining the reduced A values. Both vanadium and niobium cations exhibit unusually strong nuclear spin coupling to the hydrogen atoms of water, the values of which vary with their electronic state. This catalyzes ortho-para interconversion in some complexes and explains the rotational patterns. The rate of ortho-para relaxation in the equilibrated complexes must therefore be greater than the collisional cooling rate in the supersonic expansion (about 10 6 s -1 ).

  20. Ortho-para interconversion in cation-water complexes: The case of V+(H2O) and Nb+(H2O) clusters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ward, T. B.; Miliordos, E.; Carnegie, P. D.; Xantheas, S. S.; Duncan, M. A.


    Vanadium and niobium cation-water complexes, V+(H2O) and Nb+(H2O), are produced by laser vaporization in a pulsed supersonic expansion, mass selected in a time-of-flight spectrometer, and studied with infrared photodissociation spectroscopy using rare gas atom (Ar, Ne) complex predissociation. The vibrational bands measured in the O-H stretching region contain K-type rotational sub-band structure, which provides insight into the structures of these complexes. However, rotational sub-bands do not exhibit the simple patterns seen previously for other metal ion-water complexes. The A rotational constants are smaller than expected and the normal 3:1 intensity ratios for K = odd:even levels for independent ortho:para nuclear spin states are missing for some complexes. We relied on highly correlated internally contracted multi-reference configuration interaction and Coupled Cluster [CCSD(T)] electronic structure calculations of those complexes with and without the rare gas atoms to investigate these anomalies. Rare gas atoms were found to bind via asymmetric motifs to the hydrated complexes undergoing large amplitude motions that vibrationally average to the quasi-C2v symmetry with a significant probability off the C2 axis, thus explaining the reduced A values. Both vanadium and niobium cations exhibit unusually strong nuclear spin coupling to the hydrogen atoms of water, the values of which vary with their electronic state. This catalyzes ortho-para interconversion in some complexes and explains the rotational patterns. The rate of ortho-para relaxation in the equilibrated complexes must therefore be greater than the collisional cooling rate in the supersonic expansion (about 106 s-1).

  1. Ortho-para interconversion in cation-water complexes: The case of V + (H 2 O) and Nb + (H 2 O) clusters

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ward, T. B.; Miliordos, E.; Carnegie, P. D.

    Vanadium and niobium cation-water complexes, V+(H2O) and Nb+(H2O), are produced by laser vaporization in a pulsed supersonic expansion, mass selected in a time-of-flight spectrometer, and studied with infrared photodissociation spectroscopy using rare gas atom (Ar, Ne) complex predissociation. The vibrational bands measured in the O–H stretching region contain K-type rotational sub-band structure, which provides insight into the structures of these complexes. However, rotational sub-bands do not exhibit the simple patterns seen previously for other metal ion-water complexes. The A rotational constants are smaller than expected and the normal 1:3 intensity ratios for K = even:odd levels for independent ortho:para nuclearmore » spin states are missing for some complexes. We relied on highly correlated internally contracted Multi-Reference Configuration Interaction (icMRCI) and Coupled Cluster [CCSD(T)] electronic structure calculations of those complexes with and without the rare gas atoms to investigate these anomalies. Rare gas atoms were found to bind via asymmetric motifs to the hydrated complexes undergoing large amplitude motions that vibrationally average to quasi-C2v symmetry with significant probability off the C2 axis, thus explaining the reduced A values. Both vanadium and iobium cations exhibit unusually strong nuclear spin coupling to the hydrogen atoms of water, the values of which vary with their electronic state. This catalyzes ortho-para interconversion in some complexes and explains the rotational patterns. The rate of ortho-para relaxation in the equilibrated complexes must therefore be greater than the collisional cooling rate in the supersonic expansion (about 106 sec-1).« less

  2. Learning in a Simple Motor System

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Broussard, Dianne M.; Kassardjian, Charles D.


    Motor learning is a very basic, essential form of learning that appears to share common mechanisms across different motor systems. We evaluate and compare a few conceptual models for learning in a relatively simple neural system, the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR) of vertebrates. We also compare the different animal models that have been used to…

  3. Water: Simple Experiments for Young Scientists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    White, Larry

    This book contains simple experiments and projects through which students can learn about water and its properties. Some of the topics discussed include acid rain, dehydration, distillation, electrons, tidal waves, and the water cycle. Experiments include: finding out about the amount of water in the body; why there is water in the body; how to…

  4. Nature versus Nurture: The Simple Contrast

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Davidoff, Jules; Goldstein, Julie; Roberson, Debi


    We respond to the commentary of Franklin, Wright, and Davies ("Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 102", 239-245 [2009]) by returning to the simple contrast between nature and nurture. We find no evidence from the toddler data that makes us revise our ideas that color categories are learned and never innate. (Contains 1 figure.)

  5. Correlation and simple linear regression.


    Eberly, Lynn E


    This chapter highlights important steps in using correlation and simple linear regression to address scientific questions about the association of two continuous variables with each other. These steps include estimation and inference, assessing model fit, the connection between regression and ANOVA, and study design. Examples in microbiology are used throughout. This chapter provides a framework that is helpful in understanding more complex statistical techniques, such as multiple linear regression, linear mixed effects models, logistic regression, and proportional hazards regression.

  6. On acoplamento mecânico entre a antena e o transdutor no detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Melo, J. L.; Aguiar, O. D.; Velloso, W. F., Jr.; Lucena, A. U.


    O detector de ondas gravitacionais MARIO SCHENBERG consistirá de uma massa esférica de cobre-alumínio de 1150kg resfriada a 4K, sobre a qual serão instalados 6 transdutores de nióbio. Com estes trandutores pretende-se converter um possível sinal de onda gravitacional detectado em sinal elétrico, para tanto é necessário que o acoplamento mecânico entre os transdutores e a massa ressonante seja o maior possível. Isto significa que o transdutor deve ser ressonante na mesma freqüência que a antena (aproximadamente 3200Hz). Neste trabalho foi desenvolvida uma geometria para a estrutura mecânica do trandutor. Isto foi feito criando-se modelos em elementos finitos usando-se o "software" MSC/Nastran. Estes modelos criados foram analisados estaticamente (cálculo de tensões) e dinamicamente (cálculo das freqüências de ressonâncias e seus respectivos modos normais) de maneira a se obter o primeiro modo normal do transdutor em 3200Hz. A partir destes cálculos escolheu-se a melhor geometria para o transdutor. Os próximos passos do trabalho serão: usinar este transdutor em uma barra de nióbio e testá-lo à temperatura ambiente e à baixa temperatura. Após isto, pretende-se testá-lo na própria antena resfriada.

  7. A simple technique to increase profits in wood products marketing


    George B. Harpole


    Mathematical models can be used to solve quickly some simple day-to-day marketing problems. This note explains how a sawmill production manager, who has an essentially fixed-capacity mill, can solve several optimization problems by using pencil and paper, a forecast of market prices, and a simple algorithm. One such problem is to maximize profits in an operating period...

  8. The Monash University Interactive Simple Climate Model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dommenget, D.


    The Monash university interactive simple climate model is a web-based interface that allows students and the general public to explore the physical simulation of the climate system with a real global climate model. It is based on the Globally Resolved Energy Balance (GREB) model, which is a climate model published by Dommenget and Floeter [2011] in the international peer review science journal Climate Dynamics. The model simulates most of the main physical processes in the climate system in a very simplistic way and therefore allows very fast and simple climate model simulations on a normal PC computer. Despite its simplicity the model simulates the climate response to external forcings, such as doubling of the CO2 concentrations very realistically (similar to state of the art climate models). The Monash simple climate model web-interface allows you to study the results of more than a 2000 different model experiments in an interactive way and it allows you to study a number of tutorials on the interactions of physical processes in the climate system and solve some puzzles. By switching OFF/ON physical processes you can deconstruct the climate and learn how all the different processes interact to generate the observed climate and how the processes interact to generate the IPCC predicted climate change for anthropogenic CO2 increase. The presentation will illustrate how this web-base tool works and what are the possibilities in teaching students with this tool are.

  9. User manual for two simple postscript output FORTRAN plotting routines

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nguyen, T. X.


    Graphics is one of the important tools in engineering analysis and design. However, plotting routines that generate output on high quality laser printers normally come in graphics packages, which tend to be expensive and system dependent. These factors become important for small computer systems or desktop computers, especially when only some form of a simple plotting routine is sufficient. With the Postscript language becoming popular, there are more and more Postscript laser printers now available. Simple, versatile, low cost plotting routines that can generate output on high quality laser printers are needed and standard FORTRAN language plotting routines using output in Postscript language seems logical. The purpose here is to explain two simple FORTRAN plotting routines that generate output in Postscript language.

  10. A Simple Method for Automated Equilibration Detection in Molecular Simulations.


    Chodera, John D


    Molecular simulations intended to compute equilibrium properties are often initiated from configurations that are highly atypical of equilibrium samples, a practice which can generate a distinct initial transient in mechanical observables computed from the simulation trajectory. Traditional practice in simulation data analysis recommends this initial portion be discarded to equilibration, but no simple, general, and automated procedure for this process exists. Here, we suggest a conceptually simple automated procedure that does not make strict assumptions about the distribution of the observable of interest in which the equilibration time is chosen to maximize the number of effectively uncorrelated samples in the production timespan used to compute equilibrium averages. We present a simple Python reference implementation of this procedure and demonstrate its utility on typical molecular simulation data.

  11. Simple BiCMOS CCCTA design and resistorless analog function realization.


    Tangsrirat, Worapong


    The simple realization of the current-controlled conveyor transconductance amplifier (CCCTA) in BiCMOS technology is introduced. The proposed BiCMOS CCCTA realization is based on the use of differential pair and basic current mirror, which results in simple structure. Its characteristics, that is, parasitic resistance (R x) and current transfer (i o/i z), are also tunable electronically by external bias currents. The realized circuit is suitable for fabrication using standard 0.35 μm BiCMOS technology. Some simple and compact resistorless applications employing the proposed CCCTA as active elements are also suggested, which show that their circuit characteristics with electronic controllability are obtained. PSPICE simulation results demonstrating the circuit behaviors and confirming the theoretical analysis are performed.

  12. A Simple Case Study of a Grid Performance System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Aydt, Ruth; Gunter, Dan; Quesnel, Darcy; Smith, Warren; Taylor, Valerie; Biegel, Bryan (Technical Monitor)


    This document presents a simple case study of a Grid performance system based on the Grid Monitoring Architecture (GMA) being developed by the Grid Forum Performance Working Group. It describes how the various system components would interact for a very basic monitoring scenario, and is intended to introduce people to the terminology and concepts presented in greater detail in other Working Group documents. We believe that by focusing on the simple case first, working group members can familiarize themselves with terminology and concepts, and productively join in the ongoing discussions of the group. In addition, prototype implementations of this basic scenario can be built to explore the feasibility of the proposed architecture and to expose possible shortcomings. Once the simple case is understood and agreed upon, complexities can be added incrementally as warranted by cases not addressed in the most basic implementation described here. Following the basic performance monitoring scenario discussion, unresolved issues are introduced for future discussion.

  13. Complex versus simple models: ion-channel cardiac toxicity prediction.


    Mistry, Hitesh B


    There is growing interest in applying detailed mathematical models of the heart for ion-channel related cardiac toxicity prediction. However, a debate as to whether such complex models are required exists. Here an assessment in the predictive performance between two established large-scale biophysical cardiac models and a simple linear model B net was conducted. Three ion-channel data-sets were extracted from literature. Each compound was designated a cardiac risk category using two different classification schemes based on information within CredibleMeds. The predictive performance of each model within each data-set for each classification scheme was assessed via a leave-one-out cross validation. Overall the B net model performed equally as well as the leading cardiac models in two of the data-sets and outperformed both cardiac models on the latest. These results highlight the importance of benchmarking complex versus simple models but also encourage the development of simple models.

  14. The Krylov accelerated SIMPLE(R) method for flow problems in industrial furnaces

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vuik, C.; Saghir, A.; Boerstoel, G. P.


    Numerical modeling of the melting and combustion process is an important tool in gaining understanding of the physical and chemical phenomena that occur in a gas- or oil-fired glass-melting furnace. The incompressible Navier-Stokes equations are used to model the gas flow in the furnace. The discrete Navier-Stokes equations are solved by the SIMPLE(R) pressure-correction method. In these applications, many SIMPLE(R) iterations are necessary to obtain an accurate solution. In this paper, Krylov accelerated versions are proposed: GCR-SIMPLE(R). The properties of these methods are investigated for a simple two-dimensional flow. Thereafter, the efficiencies of the methods are compared for three-dimensional flows in industrial glass-melting furnaces. Copyright

  15. A Simple Photometer to Study Skylight

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    McIntosh Gordon


    A simple photometer constructed from an LED and an op amp can be used to measure light in a number of physical situations. A variety of LEDs exist to investigate different wavelength ranges. Combined with an inexpensive transit, the LED photometer can be used to carry out skylight studies and atmospheric optical depth measurements. The activities…

  16. Using Simple Machines to Leverage Learning

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dotger, Sharon


    What would your students say if you told them they could lift you off the ground using a block and a board? Using a simple machine, they'll find out they can, and they'll learn about work, energy, and motion in the process! In addition, this integrated lesson gives students the opportunity to investigate variables while practicing measurement…

  17. A Simple Band for Gastric Banding.




    The author has noted that flexible gastric bands have occasionally stenosed the gastric stoma or allowed it to dilate. A band was developed using a soft outer silicone rubber tube over a holding mechanism made out of a nylon cable tie passed within the silicone tube. This simple, easily applied band is rigid, resisting scar contracture and dilatation.

  18. Simple Numerical Simulation of Strain Measurement

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tai, H.


    By adopting the basic principle of the reflection (and transmission) of a plane polarized electromagnetic wave incident normal to a stack of films of alternating refractive index, a simple numerical code was written to simulate the maximum reflectivity (transmittivity) of a fiber optic Bragg grating corresponding to various non-uniform strain conditions including photo-elastic effect in certain cases.

  19. Key Nutritional Strategies to Optimize Performance in Para Athletes.


    Scaramella, Jacque; Kirihennedige, Nuwanee; Broad, Elizabeth


    Para athletes are a high-risk population for inadequate dietary intake leading to insufficiencies in nutrients important to athletic performance. This is partly due to minimal support and resources, especially in sport nutrition education, combined with limited prior nutrition knowledge and risks associated with different impairment types. Inadequate energy, carbohydrate, protein, iron, and vitamin D status are of particular concern in Para athletes. Assessment of these key nutrients, along with sport nutrition education, is needed to empower Para athletes with the knowledge to understand their individual nutrition needs and maximize athletic performance. Copyright © 2018 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  20. Shotput kinematics made simple

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Faella, O.; De Luca, R.


    We show that some results in the kinematics of a point particle can be easily recalled by introducing simple definitions. In particular, in the parabolic motion of a particle thrown from a height h above the origin O at an angle θ from the horizontal direction, the optimum angle θ* for reaching the maximum distance Rmax on the ground, measured from the origin, can be found by calculating the inverse tangent of the ratio between the initial velocity V0 and the final velocity Vf. The value of Rmax is itself found to be easily expressed as V0Vf/g, g being the acceleration due to gravity.



    Barreda, Victoria; Carballo-Dieguez, Alex; Marone, Rubén; Balán, Iván; Pando, María Ángeles; Avila, María Mercedes


    A partir de un relevamiento de tipo etnográfico, se describen lugares de encuentro de HSH en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus prácticas sexuales. El reconocimiento de tales espacios, así como las características que asumen en ellos los encuentros sexuales entre los HSH, plantean obstáculos específicos en la adopción de comportamientos preventivos y, asimismo, generan nuevos desafíos para las actividades de prevención. Se plantean las dificultades y debates conceptuales que la misma categoría presenta, y sus consecuencias en el abordaje preventivo y teórico-metodológico para las ciencias sociales. Además, se proponen nuevos interrogantes acerca de los alcances y las limitaciones del modelo preventivo del VIH/Sida para HSH.

  2. Probing the Superfluid Response of para-Hydrogen with a Sulfur Dioxide Dopant.


    Zeng, Tao; Guillon, Grégoire; Cantin, Joshua T; Roy, Pierre-Nicholas


    We recently presented the first attempt at using an asymmetric top molecule (para-water) to probe the superfluidity of nanoclusters (of para-hydrogen) [ Zeng , T. ; Li , H. ; Roy , P.-N. J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 2013 , 4 , 18 - 22 ]. Unfortunately, para-water could not be used to probe the para-hydrogen superfluid response. We now report a theoretical simulation of sulfur dioxide rotating in para-hydrogen clusters and show that this asymmetric top can serve as a genuine probe of superfluidity. With this probe, we predict that as few as four para-hydrogen molecules are enough to form a superfluid cluster, the smallest superfluid system to date. We also propose the concept of "exchange superfluid fraction" as a more precise measurement. New superfluid scenarios brought about by an asymmetric top dopant and potential experimental measurements are discussed.

  3. Mutation of SIMPLE in Charcot–Marie–Tooth 1C alters production of exosomes

    PubMed Central

    Zhu, Hong; Guariglia, Sara; Yu, Raymond Y. L.; Li, Wenjing; Brancho, Deborah; Peinado, Hector; Lyden, David; Salzer, James; Bennett, Craig; Chow, Chi-Wing


    Charcot–Marie–Tooth (CMT) disease is an inherited neurological disorder. Mutations in the small integral membrane protein of the lysosome/late endosome (SIMPLE) account for the rare autosomal-dominant demyelination in CMT1C patients. Understanding the molecular basis of CMT1C pathogenesis is impeded, in part, by perplexity about the role of SIMPLE, which is expressed in multiple cell types. Here we show that SIMPLE resides within the intraluminal vesicles of multivesicular bodies (MVBs) and inside exosomes, which are nanovesicles secreted extracellularly. Targeting of SIMPLE to exosomes is modulated by positive and negative regulatory motifs. We also find that expression of SIMPLE increases the number of exosomes and secretion of exosome proteins. We engineer a point mutation on the SIMPLE allele and generate a physiological mouse model that expresses CMT1C-mutated SIMPLE at the endogenous level. We find that CMT1C mouse primary embryonic fibroblasts show decreased number of exosomes and reduced secretion of exosome proteins, in part due to improper formation of MVBs. CMT1C patient B cells and CMT1C mouse primary Schwann cells show similar defects. Together the data indicate that SIMPLE regulates the production of exosomes by modulating the formation of MVBs. Dysregulated endosomal trafficking and changes in the landscape of exosome-mediated intercellular communications may place an overwhelming burden on the nervous system and account for CMT1C molecular pathogenesis. PMID:23576546

  4. Capture zones for simple aquifers

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    McElwee, Carl D.


    Capture zones showing the area influenced by a well within a certain time are useful for both aquifer protection and cleanup. If hydrodynamic dispersion is neglected, a deterministic curve defines the capture zone. Analytical expressions for the capture zones can be derived for simple aquifers. However, the capture zone equations are transcendental and cannot be explicitly solved for the coordinates of the capture zone boundary. Fortunately, an iterative scheme allows the solution to proceed quickly and efficiently even on a modest personal computer. Three forms of the analytical solution must be used in an iterative scheme to cover the entire region of interest, after the extreme values of the x coordinate are determined by an iterative solution. The resulting solution is a discrete one, and usually 100-1000 intervals along the x-axis are necessary for a smooth definition of the capture zone. The presented program is written in FORTRAN and has been used in a variety of computing environments. No graphics capability is included with the program; it is assumed the user has access to a commercial package. The superposition of capture zones for multiple wells is expected to be satisfactory if the spacing is not too close. Because this program deals with simple aquifers, the results rarely will be the final word in a real application.

  5. Simple waves in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ivanov, S. K.; Kamchatnov, A. M.


    We study the dynamics of so-called simple waves in a two-component Bose-Einstein condensate. The evolution of the condensate is described by Gross-Pitaevskii equations which can be reduced for these simple wave solutions to a system of ordinary differential equations which coincide with those derived by Ovsyannikov for the two-layer fluid dynamics. We solve the Ovsyannikov system for two typical situations of large and small difference between interspecies and intraspecies nonlinear interaction constants. Our analytic results are confirmed by numerical simulations.

  6. Inverse kinematic solution for near-simple robots and its application to robot calibration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hayati, Samad A.; Roston, Gerald P.


    This paper provides an inverse kinematic solution for a class of robot manipulators called near-simple manipulators. The kinematics of these manipulators differ from those of simple-robots by small parameter variations. Although most robots are by design simple, in practice, due to manufacturing tolerances, every robot is near-simple. The method in this paper gives an approximate inverse kinematics solution for real time applications based on the nominal solution for these robots. The validity of the results are tested both by a simulation study and by applying the algorithm to a PUMA robot.

  7. Response of Simple, Model Systems to Extreme Conditions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ewing, Rodney C.; Lang, Maik


    The focus of the research was on the application of high-pressure/high-temperature techniques, together with intense energetic ion beams, to the study of the behavior of simple oxide systems (e.g., SiO 2, GeO 2, CeO 2, TiO 2, HfO 2, SnO 2, ZnO and ZrO 2) under extreme conditions. These simple stoichiometries provide unique model systems for the analysis of structural responses to pressure up to and above 1 Mbar, temperatures of up to several thousands of kelvin, and the extreme energy density generated by energetic heavy ions (tens of keV/atom). The investigations included systematic studies of radiation- and pressure-induced amorphizationmore » of high P-T polymorphs. By studying the response of simple stoichiometries that have multiple structural “outcomes”, we have established the basic knowledge required for the prediction of the response of more complex structures to extreme conditions. We especially focused on the amorphous state and characterized the different non-crystalline structure-types that result from the interplay of radiation and pressure. For such experiments, we made use of recent technological developments, such as the perforated diamond-anvil cell and in situ investigation using synchrotron x-ray sources. We have been particularly interested in using extreme pressures to alter the electronic structure of a solid prior to irradiation. We expected that the effects of modified band structure would be evident in the track structure and morphology, information which is much needed to describe theoretically the fundamental physics of track-formation. Finally, we investigated the behavior of different simple-oxide, composite nanomaterials (e.g., uncoated nanoparticles vs. core/shell systems) under coupled, extreme conditions. This provided insight into surface and boundary effects on phase stability under extreme conditions.« less

  8. Simple algorithm for improved security in the FDDI protocol

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lundy, G. M.; Jones, Benjamin


    We propose a modification to the Fiber Distributed Data Interface (FDDI) protocol based on a simple algorithm which will improve confidential communication capability. This proposed modification provides a simple and reliable system which exploits some of the inherent security properties in a fiber optic ring network. This method differs from conventional methods in that end to end encryption can be facilitated at the media access control sublayer of the data link layer in the OSI network model. Our method is based on a variation of the bit stream cipher method. The transmitting station takes the intended confidential message and uses a simple modulo two addition operation against an initialization vector. The encrypted message is virtually unbreakable without the initialization vector. None of the stations on the ring will have access to both the encrypted message and the initialization vector except the transmitting and receiving stations. The generation of the initialization vector is unique for each confidential transmission and thus provides a unique approach to the key distribution problem. The FDDI protocol is of particular interest to the military in terms of LAN/MAN implementations. Both the Army and the Navy are considering the standard as the basis for future network systems. A simple and reliable security mechanism with the potential to support realtime communications is a necessary consideration in the implementation of these systems. The proposed method offers several advantages over traditional methods in terms of speed, reliability, and standardization.

  9. Observation of Simple Intransitive Actions: The Effect of Familiarity

    PubMed Central

    Plata Bello, Julio; Modroño, Cristián; Marcano, Francisco; González–Mora, José Luis


    Introduction Humans are more familiar with index – thumb than with any other finger to thumb grasping. The effect of familiarity has been previously tested with complex, specialized and/or transitive movements, but not with simple intransitive ones. The aim of this study is to evaluate brain activity patterns during the observation of simple and intransitive finger movements with differing degrees of familiarity. Methodology A functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) study was performed using a paradigm consisting of the observation of 4 videos showing a finger opposition task between the thumb and the other fingers (index, middle, ring and little) in a repetitive manner with a fixed frequency (1 Hz). This movement is considered as the pantomime of a precision grasping action. Results Significant activity was identified in the bilateral Inferior Parietal Lobule and premotor regions with the selected level of significance (FDR [False Discovery Rate] = 0.01). The extent of the activation in both regions tended to decrease when the finger that performed the action was further from the thumb. More specifically, this effect showed a linear trend (index>middle>ring>little) in the right parietal and premotor regions. Conclusions The observation of less familiar simple intransitive movements produces less activation of parietal and premotor areas than familiar ones. The most important implication of this study is the identification of differences in brain activity during the observation of simple intransitive movements with different degrees of familiarity. PMID:24073213

  10. A simple pore water hydrogen diffusion syringe sampler

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Vroblesky, D.A.; Chapelle, F.H.; Bradley, P.M.


    Molecular hydrogen (H2) is an important intermediate product and electron donor in microbial metabolism. Concentrations of dissolved H 2 are often diagnostic of the predominant terminal electron-accepting processes in ground water systems or aquatic sediments. H2 concentrations are routinely measured in ground water monitoring wells but are rarely measured in saturated aquatic sediments due to a lack of simple and practical sampling methods. This report describes the design and development (including laboratory and field testing) of a simple, syringe-based H 2 sampler in (1) saturated, riparian sediments, (2) surface water bed sediments, and (3) packed intervals of a fractured bedrock borehole that are inaccessible by standard pumped methods. ?? 2007 National Ground Water Association.

  11. Convection with a simple chemically reactive passive scalar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Herring, J. R.; Wyngaard, J. C.

    Convection between horizontal stress-free perfectly conducting plates is examined in the turbulent regime for air. Results are presented for an additional scalar undergoing simple linear decay. We discuss qualitative aspects of the flow in terms of spectral and three-dimensional contour maps of the velocity and scalar fields. The horizontal mean profiles of scalar gradients and fluxes agree rather well with simple mixing-length concepts. Further, the mean profiles for a range of the destruction-rate parameter are shown to be nearly completely characterized by the boundary fluxes. Finally, we shall use the present numerical data as a basis for exploring a generalization of eddy-diffusion concepts so as to properly incorporate non-local effects.

  12. [Analysis on the accuracy of simple selection method of Fengshi (GB 31)].


    Li, Zhixing; Zhang, Haihua; Li, Suhe


    To explore the accuracy of simple selection method of Fengshi (GB 31). Through the study of the ancient and modern data,the analysis and integration of the acupuncture books,the comparison of the locations of Fengshi (GB 31) by doctors from all dynasties and the integration of modern anatomia, the modern simple selection method of Fengshi (GB 31) is definite, which is the same as the traditional way. It is believed that the simple selec tion method is in accord with the human-oriented thought of TCM. Treatment by acupoints should be based on the emerging nature and the individual difference of patients. Also, it is proposed that Fengshi (GB 31) should be located through the integration between the simple method and body surface anatomical mark.

  13. Beware! A simple renal cyst could be a hydatid cyst.


    Sehgal, Nidhi; Priyadarshi, Vinod


    Kidney is one of the most common sites for the cyst formation in the body, and the management of simple cysts is required entirely for its symptoms and complications. Surgical decortication is an established treatment for a large and symptomatic simple renal cyst. On the other hand, hydatid cysts of the kidney are usually multiloculated complex or calcified cysts and are quite rare. Their surgical treatment also differs and requires complete excision with pericystectomy or partial/complete nephrectomy depending upon residual functional parenchyma, using extreme caution to avoid spillage, recurrence or development of severe anaphylactic shock. A simple cyst harboring a hydatid cyst is highly uncommon and quite dangerous; as if not diagnosed preoperatively, it can create huge trouble for both the patient and the operating surgeon which happened in the present case.

  14. A simple method for automated equilibration detection in molecular simulations

    PubMed Central

    Chodera, John D.


    Molecular simulations intended to compute equilibrium properties are often initiated from configurations that are highly atypical of equilibrium samples, a practice which can generate a distinct initial transient in mechanical observables computed from the simulation trajectory. Traditional practice in simulation data analysis recommends this initial portion be discarded to equilibration, but no simple, general, and automated procedure for this process exists. Here, we suggest a conceptually simple automated procedure that does not make strict assumptions about the distribution of the observable of interest, in which the equilibration time is chosen to maximize the number of effectively uncorrelated samples in the production timespan used to compute equilibrium averages. We present a simple Python reference implementation of this procedure, and demonstrate its utility on typical molecular simulation data. PMID:26771390

  15. Alignment of CH{sub 3}F in para-H{sub 2} crystal studied by IR quantum cascade laser polarization spectroscopy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kawasaki, Hiroyuki; Mizoguchi, Asao; Kanamori, Hideto

    In order to investigate the alignment of CH{sub 3}F in para-H{sub 2} crystals, high resolution polarization spectroscopy of the ν{sub 3} vibrational band is studied using a quantum cascade laser at 1040 cm{sup −1}. It is found that the main and satellite series of peaks in the ν{sub 3} vibrational band of CH{sub 3}F have the same polarization dependence. This result supports the previously proposed cluster model with ortho-H{sub 2} in first and second nearest neighbor sites. The observed polarization dependence function is well described by a simple six-axis void model in which CH{sub 3}F is not aligned along themore » c-axis of the crystal but tilted to 64.9(3)° from it.« less

  16. A simple finite element method for the Stokes equations


    Mu, Lin; Ye, Xiu


    The goal of this paper is to introduce a simple finite element method to solve the Stokes equations. This method is in primal velocity-pressure formulation and is so simple such that both velocity and pressure are approximated by piecewise constant functions. Implementation issues as well as error analysis are investigated. A basis for a divergence free subspace of the velocity field is constructed so that the original saddle point problem can be reduced to a symmetric and positive definite system with much fewer unknowns. The numerical experiments indicate that the method is accurate.

  17. A simple finite element method for the Stokes equations

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mu, Lin; Ye, Xiu

    The goal of this paper is to introduce a simple finite element method to solve the Stokes equations. This method is in primal velocity-pressure formulation and is so simple such that both velocity and pressure are approximated by piecewise constant functions. Implementation issues as well as error analysis are investigated. A basis for a divergence free subspace of the velocity field is constructed so that the original saddle point problem can be reduced to a symmetric and positive definite system with much fewer unknowns. The numerical experiments indicate that the method is accurate.

  18. Simple measurement of lenticular lens quality for autostereoscopic displays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gray, Stuart; Boudreau, Robert A.


    Lenticular lens based autostereoscopic 3D displays are finding many applications in digital signage and consumer electronics devices. A high quality 3D viewing experience requires the lenticular lens be properly aligned with the pixels on the display device so that each eye views the correct image. This work presents a simple and novel method for rapidly assessing the quality of a lenticular lens to be used in autostereoscopic displays. Errors in lenticular alignment across the entire display are easily observed with a simple test pattern where adjacent views are programmed to display different colors.

  19. A Simple Classroom Demonstration of Natural Convection

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wheeler, Dean R.


    This article explains a simple way to demonstrate natural convection, such as from a lit candle, in the classroom using an overhead projector. The demonstration is based on the principle of schlieren imaging, commonly used to visualize variations in density for gas flows.

  20. [Prevalence of postmenopausal simple ovarian cyst diagnosed by ultrasound].


    Luján Irastorza, Jesús E; Hernández Marín, Imelda; Figueroa Preciado, Gudelia; Ayala, Aquiles R


    The high-resolution ultrasound has taken to discover small ovary cysts in postmenopausal asymptomatic women who in another situation would not been detected; these cysts frequently disappear spontaneously and rarely develop cancer; however, they are treated aggressively. To know the prevalence, evolution and treatment of ovary simple cysts in the postmenopausal women in our department, since in our country there are not studies that had analyzed these data. We made a retrospective and descriptive study in the Service of Biology of the Human Reproduction of the Hospital Juarez de Mexico, in a four-year period (2000-2003) that included 1,010 postmenopausal women. The statistical analysis was made using the SPSS software program with which we obtained descriptive measurements in localization, dispersion and by a graphic analysis. We found a simple cysts prevalence of 8.2% (n = 83); the average of age at the diagnosis time was 50.76 years with a standard deviation of 5.55; the cysts diameter was between 0.614 to 12,883 cm with a mean and standard deviation of 2.542 and 1.91 cm respectively; in 27.71% of the cases (n = 23), the cysts disappear spontaneously in the follow up of 3 to 36 month (mean of 14.1). Surgery was indicated in 16.46% (n = 13), by increase in the size of the cyst in 9 patients (11.64%) and by changes in morphology from simple to complex in 4 (4.82%). Tumor like markers were made only to 37 patients (44.57%), which were in normal ranks; no carcinoma was found in this group. The prevalence of ovary simple cysts was similar to the reported in literature. Risk of cancer of these cysts is extremely low when a suitable evaluation is made, a reason why the conservative treatment is suggested when these are simple cysts lesser than 5cm with Ca-125 levels within normal ranks. We recommend a follow up every 3-6 months by Doppler color ultrasound and tumor like markers for five years.

  1. Lampreys, the jawless vertebrates, contain only two ParaHox gene clusters.


    Zhang, Huixian; Ravi, Vydianathan; Tay, Boon-Hui; Tohari, Sumanty; Pillai, Nisha E; Prasad, Aravind; Lin, Qiang; Brenner, Sydney; Venkatesh, Byrappa


    ParaHox genes ( Gsx , Pdx , and Cdx ) are an ancient family of developmental genes closely related to the Hox genes. They play critical roles in the patterning of brain and gut. The basal chordate, amphioxus, contains a single ParaHox cluster comprising one member of each family, whereas nonteleost jawed vertebrates contain four ParaHox genomic loci with six or seven ParaHox genes. Teleosts, which have experienced an additional whole-genome duplication, contain six ParaHox genomic loci with six ParaHox genes. Jawless vertebrates, represented by lampreys and hagfish, are the most ancient group of vertebrates and are crucial for understanding the origin and evolution of vertebrate gene families. We have previously shown that lampreys contain six Hox gene loci. Here we report that lampreys contain only two ParaHox gene clusters (designated as α- and β-clusters) bearing five ParaHox genes ( Gsxα , Pdxα , Cdxα , Gsxβ , and Cdxβ ). The order and orientation of the three genes in the α-cluster are identical to that of the single cluster in amphioxus. However, the orientation of Gsxβ in the β-cluster is inverted. Interestingly, Gsxβ is expressed in the eye, unlike its homologs in jawed vertebrates, which are expressed mainly in the brain. The lamprey Pdxα is expressed in the pancreas similar to jawed vertebrate Pdx genes, indicating that the pancreatic expression of Pdx was acquired before the divergence of jawless and jawed vertebrate lineages. It is likely that the lamprey Pdxα plays a crucial role in pancreas specification and insulin production similar to the Pdx of jawed vertebrates.

  2. A cosmologia no ensino da geografia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Santos, S. C.; Chiaradia, A. P. M.


    O principal objetivo deste trabalho é auxiliar o professor de Geografia em sala de aula no ensino de tópicos relacionados com a Cosmologia. A idéia deste trabalho surgiu quando foi constatado que o professor de Geografia tem dificuldades de ensinar este tópico. Esta constatação foi feita por uma das autoras ao lecionar este tópico no ensino fundamental e em discussões com outros professores de Geografia. Da mesma maneira que ocorria desde os tempos mais antigos, os alunos têm muito interesse em conhecer os fenômenos que ocorrem no Cosmo, porém os livros didáticos de Geografia utilizados em sala de aula não são ricos em informações sobre este assunto. Assim, o professor de Geografia tem poucas informações para discutir este assunto em sala de aula e não dá a devida importância para este tópico. Então, foi desenvolvido um material de apoio para professores de Geografia sobre a origem do Universo, sua evolução e seu possível futuro evolutivo segundo as mais recentes teorias, com base em perguntas feitas pelos alunos de ensino fundamental e as informações trazidas nos livros didáticos Não cabe a este material inovar e tão pouco trazer uma metodologia de ensino de Cosmologia. Neste material o professor de Geografia pode encontrará um banco de informações, que constitui no estabelecimento de conceitos, teorias e hipóteses, sobre a Cosmologia, em linguagem simples e de fácil entendimento. Para desenvolvê-lo, foram feitas pesquisas não exaustivas em livros e revistas científicas, compilação e discussão em forma cronológica das teorias aceitas sobre modelos cosmológicos. Portanto, este material será apresentado neste trabalho.

  3. Delayed massive hemothorax complicating simple rib fracture associated with diaphragmatic injury.


    Chen, Chin-Li; Cheng, Yeung-Leung


    Traumatic hemothorax is potentially life threatening. Rib fractures are the commonest injury after chest trauma, which accounts for 10% of patients after trauma. A delayed massive hemothorax after simple rib fracture is rare. The possibility of delayed sequelae after chest trauma should be considered, and patients should be informed of this possibility. We present a case of this uncommon situation with delayed massive hemothorax caused by simple fracture of the lower ribs. Admission should be considered for close observation when presenting with fracture of the lower ribs because of the possibility of diaphragmatic injury or intra-abdominal injury, even if a simple rib fracture is found initially.

  4. Ortho- and para-hydrogen in dense clouds, protoplanets, and planetary atmospheres

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Decampli, W. M.; Cameron, A. G. W.; Bodenheimer, P.; Black, D. C.


    If ortho- and para-hydrogen achieve a thermal ratio on dynamical time scales in a molecular hydrogen cloud, then the specific heat is high enough in the temperature range 35-70 K to possibly induce hydrodynamic collapse. The ortho-para ratio in many interstellar cloud fragments is expected to meet this condition. The same may have been true for the primitive solar nebula. Detailed hydrodynamic and hydrostatic calculations are presented that show the effects of the assumed ortho-para ratio on the evolution of Jupiter during its protoplanetary phase. Some possible consequences of a thermalized ortho-para ratio in the atmospheres of the giant planets are also discussed.

  5. Cooling by conversion of para to ortho-hydrogen

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sherman, A. (Inventor)


    The cooling capacity of a solid hydrogen cooling system is significantly increased by exposing vapor created during evaporation of a solid hydrogen mass to a catalyst and thereby accelerating the endothermic para-to-ortho transition of the vapor to equilibrium hydrogen. Catalyst such as nickel, copper, iron or metal hydride gels of films in a low pressure drop catalytic reactor are suitable for accelerating the endothermic para-to-ortho conversion.

  6. A Simple View of Writing in Chinese

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yeung, Pui-sze; Ho, Connie Suk-han; Chan, David Wai-ock; Chung, Kevin Kien-hoa


    This study examined the Chinese written composition development of elementary-grade students in relation to the simple view of writing. Measures of nonverbal reasoning ability, component skills of transcription (stroke sequence knowledge, word spelling, and handwriting fluency), oral language (definitional skill, oral narrative skills, and…

  7. A simple animal support for convenient weighing

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Pan, H.P.; Caslick, J.W.; Harke, D.T.; Decker, D.G.


    A simple animal support constructed of web belts to hold skittish pigs for weighing was developed. The support is easily made, noninjurious to the pigs, and compact, facilitating rapid, accurate weighing. With minor modifications, the support can probably be used in weighing other animals.

  8. Simple Experiments on the Use of Solar Energy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Vella, G. J.; Goldsmid, H. J.


    Describes 5 solar energy experiments that can be used in secondary school: flat-plate collector, solar thermoelectric generator, simple concentrators, solar cell, and natural storage of solar energy. (MLH)

  9. SimpleBox 4.0: Improving the model while keeping it simple….


    Hollander, Anne; Schoorl, Marian; van de Meent, Dik


    Chemical behavior in the environment is often modeled with multimedia fate models. SimpleBox is one often-used multimedia fate model, firstly developed in 1986. Since then, two updated versions were published. Based on recent scientific developments and experience with SimpleBox 3.0, a new version of SimpleBox was developed and is made public here: SimpleBox 4.0. In this new model, eight major changes were implemented: removal of the local scale and vegetation compartments, addition of lake compartments and deep ocean compartments (including the thermohaline circulation), implementation of intermittent rain instead of drizzle and of depth dependent soil concentrations, adjustment of the partitioning behavior for organic acids and bases as well as of the value for enthalpy of vaporization. In this paper, the effects of the model changes in SimpleBox 4.0 on the predicted steady-state concentrations of chemical substances were explored for different substance groups (neutral organic substances, acids, bases, metals) in a standard emission scenario. In general, the largest differences between the predicted concentrations in the new and the old model are caused by the implementation of layered ocean compartments. Undesirable high model complexity caused by vegetation compartments and a local scale were removed to enlarge the simplicity and user friendliness of the model. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Simple Deterministically Constructed Recurrent Neural Networks

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodan, Ali; Tiňo, Peter

    A large number of models for time series processing, forecasting or modeling follows a state-space formulation. Models in the specific class of state-space approaches, referred to as Reservoir Computing, fix their state-transition function. The state space with the associated state transition structure forms a reservoir, which is supposed to be sufficiently complex so as to capture a large number of features of the input stream that can be potentially exploited by the reservoir-to-output readout mapping. The largely "black box" character of reservoirs prevents us from performing a deeper theoretical investigation of the dynamical properties of successful reservoirs. Reservoir construction is largely driven by a series of (more-or-less) ad-hoc randomized model building stages, with both the researchers and practitioners having to rely on a series of trials and errors. We show that a very simple deterministically constructed reservoir with simple cycle topology gives performances comparable to those of the Echo State Network (ESN) on a number of time series benchmarks. Moreover, we argue that the memory capacity of such a model can be made arbitrarily close to the proved theoretical limit.

  11. 76 FR 17718 - Simple Alternatives, LLC and The RBB Fund, Inc.; Notice of Application

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [Investment Company Act Release No. 29616; 812-13801] Simple... approval and would grant relief from certain disclosure requirements. Applicants: Simple Alternatives, LLC (``Simple Alternatives'') and The RBB Fund, Inc. (the ``Company''). Filing Dates: The application was filed...

  12. La Educacion Continua de Profesionales de la Salud--Un Modelo para su Desarrollo

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Stensland, Per G.


    The author suggests a framework for planning and evaluating continuing education, giving attention to the learner, his objectives, and the learning process; these components are discussed in determining the special characteristics of the continuing education of professional health workers, and a model program is presented. The article is in…

  13. 26 CFR 1.401(k)-4 - SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 5 2012-04-01 2011-04-01 true SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. 1.401(k)-4 Section 1.401(k)-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED...(k)-4 SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. (a) General rule. A cash or deferred arrangement satisfies the...

  14. 26 CFR 1.401(k)-4 - SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 5 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. 1.401(k)-4 Section 1.401(k)-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED) INCOME TAX (CONTINUED) INCOME TAXES Pension, Profit-Sharing, Stock Bonus Plans, Etc. § 1.401(k)-4 SIMPLE...

  15. 26 CFR 1.401(k)-4 - SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 5 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. 1.401(k)-4 Section 1.401(k)-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED...(k)-4 SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. (a) General rule. A cash or deferred arrangement satisfies the...

  16. 26 CFR 1.401(k)-4 - SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 5 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. 1.401(k)-4 Section 1.401(k)-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED...(k)-4 SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. (a) General rule. A cash or deferred arrangement satisfies the...

  17. 26 CFR 1.401(k)-4 - SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 26 Internal Revenue 5 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. 1.401(k)-4 Section 1.401(k)-4 Internal Revenue INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF THE TREASURY (CONTINUED...(k)-4 SIMPLE 401(k) plan requirements. (a) General rule. A cash or deferred arrangement satisfies the...

  18. A Simple Demonstration of Atomic and Molecular Orbitals Using Circular Magnets

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Chakraborty, Maharudra; Mukhopadhyay, Subrata; Das, Ranendu Sekhar


    A quite simple and inexpensive technique is described here to represent the approximate shapes of atomic orbitals and the molecular orbitals formed by them following the principles of the linear combination of atomic orbitals (LCAO) method. Molecular orbitals of a few simple molecules can also be pictorially represented. Instructors can employ the…

  19. A Simple Experiment for Visualizing Diffusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Helseth, L. E.


    We propose a simple and fascinating experiment for studying diffusion in gels using a pH-sensitive dye. By doping agar with methyl red, we obtain a gel which rapidly reacts to changes in pH by changing its absorption spectrum. The pH gradients can be followed using a digital camera, and we demonstrate here that the pH-sensitive colour changes can…

  20. Histopathology slide projector: a simple improvisation.


    Agarwal, Akhilesh K R; Bhattacharya, Nirjhar


    The ability to examine histopathology and other hematological slides under microscope is a necessary and important service which should be available in every health facility. The slides need to be projected on to a screen. We describe an inexpensive and easily constructed technique for projecting magnified images of slides using a simple microscope. It is effective both for making observations and for use as a teaching aid.

  1. PCANet: A Simple Deep Learning Baseline for Image Classification?


    Chan, Tsung-Han; Jia, Kui; Gao, Shenghua; Lu, Jiwen; Zeng, Zinan; Ma, Yi


    In this paper, we propose a very simple deep learning network for image classification that is based on very basic data processing components: 1) cascaded principal component analysis (PCA); 2) binary hashing; and 3) blockwise histograms. In the proposed architecture, the PCA is employed to learn multistage filter banks. This is followed by simple binary hashing and block histograms for indexing and pooling. This architecture is thus called the PCA network (PCANet) and can be extremely easily and efficiently designed and learned. For comparison and to provide a better understanding, we also introduce and study two simple variations of PCANet: 1) RandNet and 2) LDANet. They share the same topology as PCANet, but their cascaded filters are either randomly selected or learned from linear discriminant analysis. We have extensively tested these basic networks on many benchmark visual data sets for different tasks, including Labeled Faces in the Wild (LFW) for face verification; the MultiPIE, Extended Yale B, AR, Facial Recognition Technology (FERET) data sets for face recognition; and MNIST for hand-written digit recognition. Surprisingly, for all tasks, such a seemingly naive PCANet model is on par with the state-of-the-art features either prefixed, highly hand-crafted, or carefully learned [by deep neural networks (DNNs)]. Even more surprisingly, the model sets new records for many classification tasks on the Extended Yale B, AR, and FERET data sets and on MNIST variations. Additional experiments on other public data sets also demonstrate the potential of PCANet to serve as a simple but highly competitive baseline for texture classification and object recognition.

  2. Influence of Molecular Oxygen on Ortho-Para Conversion of Water Molecules

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valiev, R. R.; Minaev, B. F.


    The mechanism of influence of molecular oxygen on the probability of ortho-para conversion of water molecules and its relation to water magnetization are considered within the framework of the concept of paramagnetic spin catalysis. Matrix elements of the hyperfine ortho-para interaction via the Fermi contact mechanism are calculated, as well as the Maliken spin densities on water protons in H2O and O2 collisional complexes. The mechanism of penetration of the electron spin density into the water molecule due to partial spin transfer from paramagnetic oxygen is considered. The probability of ortho-para conversion of the water molecules is estimated by the quantum chemistry methods. The results obtained show that effective ortho-para conversion of the water molecules is possible during the existence of water-oxygen dimers. An external magnetic field affects the ortho-para conversion rate given that the wave functions of nuclear spin sublevels of the water protons are mixed in the complex with oxygen.

  3. Simple Harmonic Motion in Harmonic Plane Waves.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Benumof, Reuben


    Discusses the distribution of kinetic and potential energy in transverse and longitudinal waves and examines the transmission of power and momentum. This discussion is intended to aid in understanding the simple harmonic motion of a particle involved in the propagation of a harmonic mechanical plane wave. (HM)

  4. A Simple Homemade Polarised Sunglasses Test Card

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bamdad, Farzad


    In this article construction of a simple and inexpensive test card which can be used to demonstrate the polarisation ability of sunglasses is described. The card was fabricated simply by using a piece of polariser sheet with one to three layers of cellophane tape fixed on it.

  5. Kinetics of DSB rejoining and formation of simple chromosome exchange aberrations

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cucinotta, F. A.; Nikjoo, H.; O'Neill, P.; Goodhead, D. T.


    PURPOSE: To investigate the role of kinetics in the processing of DNA double strand breaks (DSB), and the formation of simple chromosome exchange aberrations following X-ray exposures to mammalian cells based on an enzymatic approach. METHODS: Using computer simulations based on a biochemical approach, rate-equations that describe the processing of DSB through the formation of a DNA-enzyme complex were formulated. A second model that allows for competition between two processing pathways was also formulated. The formation of simple exchange aberrations was modelled as misrepair during the recombination of single DSB with undamaged DNA. Non-linear coupled differential equations corresponding to biochemical pathways were solved numerically by fitting to experimental data. RESULTS: When mediated by a DSB repair enzyme complex, the processing of single DSB showed a complex behaviour that gives the appearance of fast and slow components of rejoining. This is due to the time-delay caused by the action time of enzymes in biomolecular reactions. It is shown that the kinetic- and dose-responses of simple chromosome exchange aberrations are well described by a recombination model of DSB interacting with undamaged DNA when aberration formation increases with linear dose-dependence. Competition between two or more recombination processes is shown to lead to the formation of simple exchange aberrations with a dose-dependence similar to that of a linear quadratic model. CONCLUSIONS: Using a minimal number of assumptions, the kinetics and dose response observed experimentally for DSB rejoining and the formation of simple chromosome exchange aberrations are shown to be consistent with kinetic models based on enzymatic reaction approaches. A non-linear dose response for simple exchange aberrations is possible in a model of recombination of DNA containing a DSB with undamaged DNA when two or more pathways compete for DSB repair.

  6. Characterization of simple wireless neurostimulators and sensors.


    Gulick, Daniel W; Towe, Bruce C


    A single diode with a wireless power source and electrodes can act as an implantable stimulator or sensor. We have built such devices using RF and ultrasound power coupling. These simple devices could drastically reduce the size, weight, and cost of implants for applications where efficiency is not critical. However, a shortcoming has been a lack of control: any movement of the external power source would change the power coupling, thereby changing the stimulation current or modulating the sensor response. To correct for changes in power and signal coupling, we propose to use harmonic signals from the device. The diode acts as a frequency multiplier, and the harmonics it emits contain information about the drive level and bias. A simplified model suggests that estimation of power, electrode bias, and electrode resistance is possible from information contained in radiated harmonics even in the presence of significant noise. We also built a simple RF-powered stimulator with an onboard voltage limiter.

  7. A simple sensing mechanism for wireless, passive pressure sensors.


    Drazan, John F; Wassick, Michael T; Dahle, Reena; Beardslee, Luke A; Cady, Nathaniel C; Ledet, Eric H


    We have developed a simple wireless pressure sensor that consists of only three electrically isolated components. Two conductive spirals are separated by a closed cell foam that deforms when exposed to changing pressures. This deformation changes the capacitance and thus the resonant frequency of the sensors. Prototype sensors were submerged and wirelessly interrogated while being exposed to physiologically relevant pressures from 10 to 130 mmHg. Sensors consistently exhibited a sensitivity of 4.35 kHz/mmHg which is sufficient for resolving physiologically relevant pressure changes in vivo. These simple sensors have the potential for in vivo pressure sensing.

  8. Sonographic Diagnosis of Tubal Cancer with IOTA Simple Rules Plus Pattern Recognition

    PubMed Central

    Tongsong, Theera; Wanapirak, Chanane; Tantipalakorn, Charuwan; Tinnangwattana, Dangcheewan


    Objective: To evaluate diagnostic performance of IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition in predicting tubal cancer. Methods: Secondary analysis was performed on prospective database of our IOTA project. The patients recruited in the project were those who were scheduled for pelvic surgery due to adnexal masses. The patients underwent ultrasound examinations within 24 hours before surgery. On ultrasound examination, the masses were evaluated using the well-established IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition (sausage-shaped appearance, incomplete septum, visible ipsilateral ovaries) to predict tubal cancer. The gold standard diagnosis was based on histological findings or operative findings. Results: A total of 482 patients, including 15 cases of tubal cancer, were evaluated by ultrasound preoperatively. The IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition gave a sensitivity of 86.7% (13 in 15) and specificity of 97.4%. Sausage-shaped appearance was identified in nearly all cases (14 in 15). Incomplete septa and normal ovaries could be identified in 33.3% and 40%, respectively. Conclusion: IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition is relatively effective in predicting tubal cancer. Thus, we propose the simple scheme in diagnosis of tubal cancer as follows. First of all, the adnexal masses are evaluated with IOTA simple rules. If the B-rules could be applied, tubal cancer is reliably excluded. If the M-rules could be applied or the result is inconclusive, careful delineation of the mass with pattern recognition should be performed. PMID:29172273

  9. Composition of the cellular infiltrate in patients with simple and complex appendicitis.


    Gorter, Ramon R; Wassenaar, Emma C E; de Boer, Onno J; Bakx, Roel; Roelofs, Joris J T H; Bunders, Madeleine J; van Heurn, L W Ernst; Heij, Hugo A


    It is now well established that there are two types of appendicitis: simple (nonperforating) and complex (perforating). This study evaluates differences in the composition of the immune cellular infiltrate in children with simple and complex appendicitis. A total of 47 consecutive children undergoing appendectomy for acute appendicitis between January 2011 and December 2012 were included. Intraoperative criteria were used to identify patients with either simple or complex appendicitis and were confirmed histopathologically. Immune histochemical techniques were used to identify immune cell markers in the appendiceal specimens. Digital imaging analysis was performed using Image J. In the specimens of patients with complex appendicitis, significantly more myeloperoxidase positive cells (neutrophils) (8.7% versus 1.2%, P < 0.001) were detected compared to patients with a simple appendicitis. In contrast, fewer CD8+ T cells (0.4% versus 1.3%, P = 0.016), CD20 + cells (2.9% versus 9.0%, P = 0.027), and CD21 + cells (0.2% versus 0.6%, P = 0.028) were present in tissue from patients with complex compared to simple appendicitis. The increase in proinflammatory innate cells and decrease of adaptive cells in patients with complex appendicitis suggest potential aggravating processes in complex appendicitis. Further research into the underlying mechanisms may identify novel biomarkers to be able to differentiate simple and complex appendicitis. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Sonographic Diagnosis of Tubal Cancer with IOTA Simple Rules Plus Pattern Recognition


    Tongsong, Theera; Wanapirak, Chanane; Tantipalakorn, Charuwan; Tinnangwattana, Dangcheewan


    Objective: To evaluate diagnostic performance of IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition in predicting tubal cancer. Methods: Secondary analysis was performed on prospective database of our IOTA project. The patients recruited in the project were those who were scheduled for pelvic surgery due to adnexal masses. The patients underwent ultrasound examinations within 24 hours before surgery. On ultrasound examination, the masses were evaluated using the well-established IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition (sausage-shaped appearance, incomplete septum, visible ipsilateral ovaries) to predict tubal cancer. The gold standard diagnosis was based on histological findings or operative findings. Results: A total of 482 patients, including 15 cases of tubal cancer, were evaluated by ultrasound preoperatively. The IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition gave a sensitivity of 86.7% (13 in 15) and specificity of 97.4%. Sausage-shaped appearance was identified in nearly all cases (14 in 15). Incomplete septa and normal ovaries could be identified in 33.3% and 40%, respectively. Conclusion: IOTA simple rules plus pattern recognition is relatively effective in predicting tubal cancer. Thus, we propose the simple scheme in diagnosis of tubal cancer as follows. First of all, the adnexal masses are evaluated with IOTA simple rules. If the B-rules could be applied, tubal cancer is reliably excluded. If the M-rules could be applied or the result is inconclusive, careful delineation of the mass with pattern recognition should be performed. Creative Commons Attribution License

  11. Enabling People with Developmental Disabilities to Actively Follow Simple Instructions and Perform Designated Occupational Activities According to Simple Instructions with Battery-Free Wireless Mice by Controlling Environmental Stimulation

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Shih, Ching-Hsiang; Chang, Man-Ling


    This study extended Battery-free wireless mouse functionality to assess whether two people with developmental disabilities would be able to actively perform designated simple occupational activities according to simple instructions by controlling their favorite environmental stimulation using Battery-free wireless mice with a newly developed…

  12. Contribution of strategy use to performance on complex and simple span tasks.


    Bailey, Heather; Dunlosky, John; Kane, Michael J


    Simple and complex span tasks are widely thought to measure related but separable memory constructs. Recently, however, research has demonstrated that simple and complex span tasks may tap, in part, the same construct because both similarly predict performance on measures of fluid intelligence (Gf) when the number of items retrieved from secondary memory (SM) is equated (Unsworth & Engle, Journal of Memory and Language 54:68-80 2006). Two studies (n = 105 and n = 152) evaluated whether retrieval from SM is influenced by individual differences in the use of encoding strategies during span tasks. Results demonstrated that, after equating the number of items retrieved from SM, simple and complex span performance similarly predicted Gf performance, but rates of effective strategy use did not mediate the span-Gf relationships. Moreover, at the level of individual differences, effective strategy use was more highly related to complex span performance than to simple span performance. Thus, even though individual differences in effective strategy use influenced span performance on trials that required retrieval from SM, strategic behavior at encoding cannot account for the similarities between simple and complex span tasks.

  13. From simple desires to ordinary beliefs: the early development of everyday psychology.


    Wellman, H M; Woolley, J D


    We provide evidence for the claim that before young children construe human action in terms of beliefs and desires they understand action only in terms of simple desires. This type of naive psychology--a simple desire psychology--constitutes a coherent understanding of human action, but it differs from the belief--desire psychology of slightly older children and adults. In this paper we characterize what we mean by a simple desire psychology and report two experiments. In Experiment 1 we demonstrate that 2-year-old can predict actions and reactions related to simple desires. In Experiment 2 we demonstrate that many 2-year-old pass desire reasoning tasks while at the same time failing belief reasoning tasks that are passed by slightly older children, and that are as comparable as possible to the desire tasks they pass with ease.

  14. Conjectures on the relations of linking and causality in causally simple spacetimes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chernov, Vladimir


    We formulate the generalization of the Legendrian Low conjecture of Natario and Tod (proved by Nemirovski and myself before) to the case of causally simple spacetimes. We prove a weakened version of the corresponding statement. In all known examples, a causally simple spacetime can be conformally embedded as an open subset into some globally hyperbolic and the space of light rays in is an open submanifold of the space of light rays in . If this is always the case, this provides an approach to solving the conjectures relating causality and linking in causally simple spacetimes.

  15. Bell's Theorem and Einstein's "Spooky Actions" from a Simple Thought Experiment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kuttner, Fred; Rosenblum, Bruce


    In 1964 John Bell proved a theorem allowing the experimental test of whether what Einstein derided as "spooky actions at a distance" actually exist. We will see that they "do". Bell's theorem can be displayed with a simple, nonmathematical thought experiment suitable for a physics course at "any" level. And a simple, semi-classical derivation of…

  16. Prophylactic antibiotics for simple hand lacerations: time for a clinical trial?


    Zehtabchi, Shahriar; Yadav, Kabir; Brothers, Elizabeth; Khan, Feras; Singh, Savitri; Wilcoxson, R Daniel; Malhotra, Shweta


    Simple hand lacerations (not involving bones, tendons, nerves, or vessels) are a common emergency department (ED) complaint. Whilst the practices of irrigation, debridement, foreign body removal, and suture repair are well accepted, the use of prophylactic antibiotics is not. Without evidenced-based guidelines, practice is left to physician preference. The aim of this study was to assess the need for, and the feasibility to perform, a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the role of prophylactic antibiotics in simple hand lacerations. The study was done in three phases: (1) estimation of the national ED burden of simple hand lacerations and the use of antibiotic prophylaxis; (2) assessment of indications for antibiotic prophylaxis and (3) investigation of patient willingness to enrol in a randomised controlled trial and their preferred outcomes from simple hand lacerations. For Phase 1, we analysed the 2007 National Hospital Ambulatory Medical Care Survey. For Phase 2, we surveyed ED physicians in three urban teaching institutions (two in Brooklyn, NY and one in Washington, DC). For Phase 3, we surveyed ED patients at the same three institutions. Phase 1: out of 116.8 million ED visits nationally in 2007, 1.8 million (1.6%) were due to simple hand lacerations, of which 1.3 million (71%) required repair. Of those repaired, 27% (95% CI, 19-35%) were prescribed prophylactic antibiotics, most commonly cephalexin (73%). Phase 2: out of 108 providers surveyed, 69 (64%) responded. 16% (95% CI, 9-27%) reported prescribing prophylactic antibiotics routinely, most commonly cephalexin (84%, 95% CI, 67-93%). The degree of contamination was the most important factor (91%, 95% CI, 82-96%) in the physicians' decision to prescribe antibiotics. Phase 3: of the 490 patients surveyed, 64% (95% CI, 60-68%) expressed interest in participating in a study to evaluate the use of prophylactic antibiotics. Their primary concern was prevention of infection (77%, 95% CI, 73-81%). Simple

  17. A Simple Laser Microphone for Classroom Demonstration

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moses, James M.; Trout, K. P.


    Communication through the modulation of electromagnetic radiation has become a foundational technique in modern technology. In this paper we discuss a modern day method of eavesdropping based upon the modulation of laser light reflected from a window pane. A simple and affordable classroom demonstration of a "laser microphone" is…

  18. Correcting the SIMPLE Model of Free Recall

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Michael D.; Pooley, James P.


    The scale-invariant memory, perception, and learning (SIMPLE) model developed by Brown, Neath, and Chater (2007) formalizes the theoretical idea that scale invariance is an important organizing principle across numerous cognitive domains and has made an influential contribution to the literature dealing with modeling human memory. In the context…

  19. From Complex to Simple: Interdisciplinary Stochastic Models

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mazilu, D. A.; Zamora, G.; Mazilu, I.


    We present two simple, one-dimensional, stochastic models that lead to a qualitative understanding of very complex systems from biology, nanoscience and social sciences. The first model explains the complicated dynamics of microtubules, stochastic cellular highways. Using the theory of random walks in one dimension, we find analytical expressions…

  20. A Simple ELISA Exercise for Undergraduate Biology.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baker, William P.; Moore, Cathy R.

    Understanding of immunological techniques such as the Enzyme Linked Immuno Sorbent Assay (ELISA) is an important part of instructional units in human health, developmental biology, microbiology, and biotechnology. This paper describes a simple ELISA exercise for undergraduate biology that effectively simulates the technique using a paper model.…

  1. Simple minds: a qualified defence of associative learning

    PubMed Central

    Heyes, Cecilia


    Using cooperation in chimpanzees as a case study, this article argues that research on animal minds needs to steer a course between ‘association-blindness’—the failure to consider associative learning as a candidate explanation for complex behaviour—and ‘simple-mindedness’—the assumption that associative explanations trump more cognitive hypotheses. Association-blindness is challenged by the evidence that associative learning occurs in a wide range of taxa and functional contexts, and is a major force guiding the development of complex human behaviour. Furthermore, contrary to a common view, association-blindness is not entailed by the rejection of behaviourism. Simple-mindedness is founded on Morgan's canon, a methodological principle recommending ‘lower’ over ‘higher’ explanations for animal behaviour. Studies in the history and philosophy of science show that Morgan failed to offer an adequate justification for his canon, and subsequent attempts to justify the canon using evolutionary arguments and appeals to simplicity have not been successful. The weaknesses of association-blindness and simple-mindedness imply that there are no short-cuts to finding out about animal minds. To decide between associative and yet more cognitive explanations for animal behaviour, we have to spell them out in sufficient detail to allow differential predictions, and to test these predictions through observation and experiment. PMID:22927568

  2. Simple model of a photoacoustic system as a CR circuit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fukuhara, Akiko; Kaneko, Fumitoshi; Ogawa, Naohisa


    We introduce the photoacoustic educational system (PAES), by which we can identify which gas causes the greenhouse effect in a classroom (Kaneko et al 2010 J. Chem. Educ. 87 202-4). PAES is an experimental system in which a pulse of infrared (IR) is absorbed into gas as internal energy, an oscillation of pressure (sound) appears, and then we can measure the absorptance of IR by the strength of sound. In this paper, we construct a simple mathematical model for PAES which is equivalent to the CR circuit. The energy absorption of an IR pulse into gas corresponds to the charge of a condenser and the heat diffusion to the outside corresponds to the energy dissipation by electric resistance. We analyse the experimental results by using this simple model, and check its validity. Although the model is simple, it explains phenomena occurring in PAES and can be a good educational resource.

  3. The SIMPLE Survey: Observations, Reduction, and Catalog

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Damen, M.; Labbé, I.; van Dokkum, P. G.; Franx, M.; Taylor, E. N.; Brandt, W. N.; Dickinson, M.; Gawiser, E.; Illingworth, G. D.; Kriek, M.; Marchesini, D.; Muzzin, A.; Papovich, C.; Rix, H.-W.


    We present the Spitzer IRAC/MUSYC Public Legacy Survey in the Extended CDF-South (SIMPLE), which consists of deep IRAC observations covering the ~1600 arcmin2 area surrounding GOODS-S. The limiting magnitudes of the SIMPLE IRAC mosaics typically are 23.8, 23.6, 21.9, and 21.7, at 3.6 μm, 4.5 μm, 5.8 μm, and 8.0 μm, respectively (5σ total point source magnitudes in AB). The SIMPLE IRAC images are combined with the 10' × 15' GOODS IRAC mosaics in the center. We give detailed descriptions of the observations, data reduction, and properties of the final images, as well as the detection and photometry methods used to build a catalog. Using published optical and near-infrared data from the Multiwavelength Survey by Yale-Chile (MUSYC), we construct an IRAC-selected catalog, containing photometry in UBVRIz'JHK, [3.6 μm], [4.5 μm], [5.8 μm], and [8.0 μm]. The catalog contains 43,782 sources with S/N >5 at 3.6 μm, 19,993 of which have 13-band photometry. We compare this catalog to the publicly available MUSYC and FIREWORKS catalogs and discuss the differences. Using a high signal-to-noise sub-sample of 3391 sources with ([3.6] + [4.5])/2 < 21.2, we investigate the star formation rate history of massive galaxies out to z ~ 1.8. We find that at z ~ 1.8 at least 30% ± 7% of the most massive galaxies (M * >1011 M sun) are passively evolving, in agreement with earlier results from surveys covering less area.

  4. Microcomputer-Assisted Mathematics: From Simple Interest to e.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kimberling, Clark


    The progression from simple interest to compound interest leads naturally and quickly to the number e, involving mathematical discovery learning through writing programs. Several programs are given, with suggestions for a teaching sequence. (MNS)

  5. Laparoscopic repair of perforated peptic ulcer: patch versus simple closure.


    Abd Ellatif, M E; Salama, A F; Elezaby, A F; El-Kaffas, H F; Hassan, A; Magdy, A; Abdallah, E; El-Morsy, G


    Laparoscopic correction of perforated peptic ulcer (PPU) has become an accepted way of management. Patch omentoplasty stayed for decades the main method of repair. The goal of the present study was to evaluate whether laparoscopic simple repair of PPU is as safe as patch omentoplasty. Since June 2005, 179 consecutive patients of PPU were treated by laparoscopic repair at our centers. We conducted a retrospective chart review in December 2012. Group I (patch group) included patients who were treated with standard patch omentoplasty. Group II (non-patch group) included patients who received simple repair without patch. From June 2007 to Dec. 2012, 179 consecutive patients of PPU who were treated by laparoscopic repair at our centers were enrolled in this multi-center retrospective study. 108 patients belong to patch group. While 71 patients were treated with laparoscopic simple repair. Operative time was significantly shorter in group II (non patch) (p = 0.01). No patient was converted to laparotomy. There was no difference in age, gender, ASA score, surgical risk (Boey's) score, and incidence of co-morbidities. Both groups were comparable in terms of hospital stay, time to resume oral intake, postoperative complications and surgical outcomes. Laparoscopic simple repair of PPU is a safe procedure compared with the traditional patch omentoplasty in presence of certain selection criteria. Copyright © 2013 Surgical Associates Ltd. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Building Simple Hidden Markov Models. Classroom Notes

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ching, Wai-Ki; Ng, Michael K.


    Hidden Markov models (HMMs) are widely used in bioinformatics, speech recognition and many other areas. This note presents HMMs via the framework of classical Markov chain models. A simple example is given to illustrate the model. An estimation method for the transition probabilities of the hidden states is also discussed.


    DTIC Science & Technology

    A simple and rapid method for the assay of phospholipase A was developed. As a substrate fresh egg yolk is used which is hydrolyzed by snake venom...phospholipase A at a 10-20 x faster rate than pure lecithin . The released fatty acids, after extraction with appropriate solvents are titrated

  8. Studying the Greenhouse Effect: A Simple Demonstration.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Papageorgiou, G.; Ouzounis, K.


    Studies the parameters involved in a presentation of the greenhouse effect and describes a simple demonstration of this effect. Required equipment includes a 100-120 watt lamp, a 250mL beaker, and a thermometer capable of recording 0-750 degrees Celsius together with a small amount of chloroform. (Author/SAH)

  9. The Ortho-to-para Ratio of Water Molecules Desorbed from Ice Made from Para-water Monomers at 11 K

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hama, Tetsuya; Kouchi, Akira; Watanabe, Naoki


    Water has two nuclear-spin isomers: ortho- and para-H2O. Some observations of interstellar space and cometary comae have reported the existence of gaseous H2O molecules with anomalous ortho-to-para ratios (OPRs) less than the statistical value of three. This has been often used to estimate the formation temperature of ice on dust, which is inferred to be below 50 K. The relation between the nuclear-spin dynamics of H2O in ice at low temperatures and the OPR of gaseous H2O desorbed from the ice has yet to be explored in a laboratory. Consequently, the true meaning of the observed OPRs remains debated. We measure the OPR of H2O photodesorbed from ice made from para-H2O monomers at 11 K, which was prepared by the sublimation of Ne from a para-H2O/Ne matrix. The photodesorbed H2O molecules from the ice have the statistical OPR value of three, demonstrating the immediate nuclear-spin-state mixing of H2O toward the statistical value of ice even at 11 K. The OPR of H2O thermally desorbed from the ice also shows the expected statistical value. Our results indicate that the OPR of H2O desorbed from interstellar ice should be the statistical value regardless of the formation process of the ice, which cannot be used to deduce the ice-formation temperature. This study highlights the importance of interstellar gas-phase processes in understanding anomalous abundance ratios of nuclear-spin isomers of molecules in space.

  10. A Multivariate Model for Prediction of Obstructive Coronary Disease in Patients with Acute Chest Pain: Development and Validation.


    Correia, Luis Cláudio Lemos; Cerqueira, Maurício; Carvalhal, Manuela; Ferreira, Felipe; Garcia, Guilherme; Silva, André Barcelos da; Sá, Nicole de; Lopes, Fernanda; Barcelos, Ana Clara; Noya-Rabelo, Márcia


    Currently, there is no validated multivariate model to predict probability of obstructive coronary disease in patients with acute chest pain. To develop and validate a multivariate model to predict coronary artery disease (CAD) based on variables assessed at admission to the coronary care unit (CCU) due to acute chest pain. A total of 470 patients were studied, 370 utilized as the derivation sample and the subsequent 100 patients as the validation sample. As the reference standard, angiography was required to rule in CAD (stenosis ≥ 70%), while either angiography or a negative noninvasive test could be used to rule it out. As predictors, 13 baseline variables related to medical history, 14 characteristics of chest discomfort, and eight variables from physical examination or laboratory tests were tested. The prevalence of CAD was 48%. By logistic regression, six variables remained independent predictors of CAD: age, male gender, relief with nitrate, signs of heart failure, positive electrocardiogram, and troponin. The area under the curve (AUC) of this final model was 0.80 (95% confidence interval [95%CI] = 0.75 - 0.84) in the derivation sample and 0.86 (95%CI = 0.79 - 0.93) in the validation sample. Hosmer-Lemeshow's test indicated good calibration in both samples (p = 0.98 and p = 0.23, respectively). Compared with a basic model containing electrocardiogram and troponin, the full model provided an AUC increment of 0.07 in both derivation (p = 0.0002) and validation (p = 0.039) samples. Integrated discrimination improvement was 0.09 in both derivation (p < 0.001) and validation (p < 0.0015) samples. A multivariate model was derived and validated as an accurate tool for estimating the pretest probability of CAD in patients with acute chest pain. Atualmente, não existe um modelo multivariado validado para predizer a probabilidade de doença coronariana obstrutiva em pacientes com dor torácica aguda. Desenvolver e validar um modelo multivariado para predizer doen

  11. Relation of squeezed states between damped harmonic and simple harmonic oscillators

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Um, Chung-In; Yeon, Kyu-Hwang; George, Thomas F.; Pandey, Lakshmi N.


    The minimum uncertainty and other relations are evaluated in the framework of the coherent states of the damped harmonic oscillator. It is shown that the coherent states of the damped harmonic oscillator are the squeezed coherent states of the simple harmonic oscillator. The unitary operator is also constructed, and this connects coherent states with damped harmonic and simple harmonic oscillators.

  12. Detection of the MW Transition Between Ortho and Para States

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kanamori, Hideto; Dehghani, Zeinab Tafti; Mizoguchi, Asao; Endo, Yasuki


    Thorough the detailed analysis of the hyperfine resolved rotational transitions, we have been pointed out that there exists not a little interaction between ortho and para states in the molecular Hamiltonian of S_2Cl_2. Using the ortho-para mixed molecular wavefunctions derived from the Hamiltonian, we calculated the transition moment and frequency of the ortho-para forbidden transitions in the cm- and mm-wave region, and picked up some promising candidate transitions for the spectroscopic detection. In the experiment, the S_2Cl_2 vapor with Ar buffer gas in a supersonic jet condition was used with FTMW spectrometer at National Chiao Tung University. As a result, seven hyperfine resolved rotational transitions in the cm-wave region were detected as the ortho-para transition at the predicted frequency within the experimental error range. The observed intensity was 10^{-3} smaller than that of an allowed transition, which is also consistent with the prediction. This is the first time the electric dipole transition between ortho and para states has been detected in a free isolated molecule. A. Mizoguchi, S. Ota, H. Kanamori, Y. Sumiyoshi, and Y. Endo, J. Mol. Spectrosc, 250, 86 (2008) Z. T. Dehghani, S. Ota, A. Mizoguchi and H. Kanamori, J. Phys. Chem. A, 117(39), 10041, (2013)


    PubMed Central

    Barreda, Victoria; Carballo-Dieguez, Alex; Marone, Rubén; Balán, Iván; Pando, María Ángeles; Ávila, María Mercedes


    Resumen A partir de un relevamiento de tipo etnográfico, se describen lugares de encuentro de HSH en la Ciudad de Buenos Aires y sus prácticas sexuales. El reconocimiento de tales espacios, así como las características que asumen en ellos los encuentros sexuales entre los HSH, plantean obstáculos específicos en la adopción de comportamientos preventivos y, asimismo, generan nuevos desafíos para las actividades de prevención. Se plantean las dificultades y debates conceptuales que la misma categoría presenta, y sus consecuencias en el abordaje preventivo y teórico-metodológico para las ciencias sociales. Además, se proponen nuevos interrogantes acerca de los alcances y las limitaciones del modelo preventivo del VIH/Sida para HSH. PMID:21874154

  14. A Simple Label Switching Algorithm for Semisupervised Structural SVMs.


    Balamurugan, P; Shevade, Shirish; Sundararajan, S


    In structured output learning, obtaining labeled data for real-world applications is usually costly, while unlabeled examples are available in abundance. Semisupervised structured classification deals with a small number of labeled examples and a large number of unlabeled structured data. In this work, we consider semisupervised structural support vector machines with domain constraints. The optimization problem, which in general is not convex, contains the loss terms associated with the labeled and unlabeled examples, along with the domain constraints. We propose a simple optimization approach that alternates between solving a supervised learning problem and a constraint matching problem. Solving the constraint matching problem is difficult for structured prediction, and we propose an efficient and effective label switching method to solve it. The alternating optimization is carried out within a deterministic annealing framework, which helps in effective constraint matching and avoiding poor local minima, which are not very useful. The algorithm is simple and easy to implement. Further, it is suitable for any structured output learning problem where exact inference is available. Experiments on benchmark sequence labeling data sets and a natural language parsing data set show that the proposed approach, though simple, achieves comparable generalization performance.

  15. Variação temporal do gradiente radial de o/h a partir de uma amostra de nebulosas planetárias

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maciel, W. J.; Costa, R. D. D.; Uchida, M. M. M.


    Gradientes radiais de abundância são observados no disco de nossa Galáxia e também em outras galáxias espirais. No caso da Galáxia, o principal problema relativo aos gradientes é sua variação temporal, que constitui um dos principais vínculos aos modelos de evolução química da Galáxia. As nebulosas planetárias são particularmente interessantes no estudo dos gradientes e suas variações, tanto espaciais como temporais. São objetos brilhantes, podendo ser observadas a grandes distâncias, e têm abundâncias relativamente precisas de diversos elementos químicos. Além disso, sendo originadas de estrelas com massas entre 0.8 e 8 massas solares na sequência principal, incluem objetos com idades e populações diferentes, o que as torna especialmente interessantes ao estudo da variação temporal dos gradientes. Neste trabalho, apresentamos resultados recentes sobre a variação temporal do gradiente de O/H a partir de uma amostra contendo cerca de 200 nebulosas, para as quais obtivemos distâncias por métodos estatísticos. As abundâncias foram parcialmente obtidas a partir de observações em Itajubá e La Silla, sendo as restantes obtidas da literatura. Os resultados mostram, pela primeira vez, evidências de um achatamento do gradiente de O/H, de -0.11 dex/kpc para -0.06 dex/kpc nos últimos 9 giga-anos ou de -0.08 dex/kpc para -0.06 dex/kpc nos últimos 5 giga-anos. Esses valores apresentam um bom acordo com alguns modelos recentes para a evolução química da Galáxia. (FAPESP/CNPq)

  16. Simple cubic equation of state applied to hard-sphere, Lennard-Jones fluids, simple fluids and solids

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sun, Jiu-Xun; Cai, Ling-Cang; Wu, Qiang; Jin, Ke


    Based on the expansion and extension of the virial equation of state (EOS) of hard-sphere fluids solved by the Percus-Yevick integration equation, a universal cubic (UC) EOS is developed. The UC EOS is applied to model hard-sphere and Lennard-Jones (LJ) fluids, simple Ar and N2 liquids at low temperatures, and supercritical Ar and N2 fluids at high temperatures, as well as ten solids, respectively. The three parameters are determined for the hard-sphere fluid by fitting molecular dynamics (MD) simulation data of the third to eighth virial coefficients in the literature; for other fluids by fitting isothermal compression data; and for solids by using the Einstein model. The results show that the UC EOS gives better results than the Carnahan-Starling EOS for compressibility of hard-sphere fluids. The Helmholtz free energy and internal energy for LJ fluids are predicted and compared with MD simulation data. The calculated pressures for simple Ar and N2 liquids are compared with experimental data. The agreement is fairly good. Eight three-parameter EOSs are applied to describe isothermals of ten typical solids. It is shown that the UC EOS gives the best precision with correct behavior at high-pressure limitation. The UC EOS considering thermal effects is used to analytically evaluate the isobaric thermal expansivity and isothermal compressibility coefficients. The results are in good agreement with experimental data.


    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tsutsui, Junichi

    A web application for a simple climate model - SEEPLUS (a Simple climate model to Examine Emission Pathways Leading to Updated Scenarios) - has been developed. SEEPLUS consists of carbon-cycle and climate-change modules, through which it provides the information infrastructure required to perform climate-change experiments, even on a millennial-timescale. The main objective of this application is to share the latest scientific knowledge acquired from climate modeling studies among the different stakeholders involved in climate-change issues. Both the carbon-cycle and climate-change modules employ impulse response functions (IRFs) for their key processes, thereby enabling the model to integrate the outcome from an ensemble of complex climate models. The current IRF parameters and forcing manipulation are basically consistent with, or within an uncertainty range of, the understanding of certain key aspects such as the equivalent climate sensitivity and ocean CO2 uptake data documented in representative literature. The carbon-cycle module enables inverse calculation to determine the emission pathway required in order to attain a given concentration pathway, thereby providing a flexible way to compare the module with more advanced modeling studies. The module also enables analytical evaluation of its equilibrium states, thereby facilitating the long-term planning of global warming mitigation.

  18. Two Methods for Teaching Simple Visual Discriminations to Learners with Severe Disabilities

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Graff, Richard B.; Green, Gina


    Simple discriminations are involved in many functional skills; additionally, they are components of conditional discriminations (identity and arbitrary matching-to-sample), which are involved in a wide array of other important performances. Many individuals with severe disabilities have difficulty acquiring simple discriminations with standard…

  19. Ten simple rules for Lightning and PechaKucha presentations.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lortie, C. J.


    An interesting opportunity has emerged that bridges the gap between lengthy, detailed presentations of scientific findings and `sound bites' appropriate for media reporting - very short presentations often presented in sets. Lightning or Ignite (20 slides @15 seconds each) and PechaKucha (20 slides @20 seconds each) presentations are common formats for short, rapid communications at scientific conferences and public events. The simple rules for making good presentations also apply, but these presentation formats provide both unique communication opportunities and novel challenges. In the spirit of light, quick, and exact (but without the fox), here are ten simple rules for presentation formats that do not wait for the speaker.

  20. Simple Runoff Control Structures Stand Test of Time


    Dean M. Knighton


    Diversion terraces and detention basins constructed along the field-forest edge in the Driftless Area reduce farmland runoff and subsequent gullying in the forest below for many years. The structures are inexpensive and simple to build.

  1. Energy economy in the actomyosin interaction: lessons from simple models.


    Lehman, Steven L


    The energy economy of the actomyosin interaction in skeletal muscle is both scientifically fascinating and practically important. This chapter demonstrates how simple cross-bridge models have guided research regarding the energy economy of skeletal muscle. Parameter variation on a very simple two-state strain-dependent model shows that early events in the actomyosin interaction strongly influence energy efficiency, and late events determine maximum shortening velocity. Addition of a weakly-bound state preceding force production allows weak coupling of cross-bridge mechanics and ATP turnover, so that a simple three-state model can simulate the velocity-dependence of ATP turnover. Consideration of the limitations of this model leads to a review of recent evidence regarding the relationship between ligand binding states, conformational states, and macromolecular structures of myosin cross-bridges. Investigation of the fine structure of the actomyosin interaction during the working stroke continues to inform fundamental research regarding the energy economy of striated muscle.

  2. pyhector: A Python interface for the simple climate model Hector


    Willner, Sven N.; Hartin, Corinne; Gieseke, Robert


    Here, pyhector is a Python interface for the simple climate model Hector (Hartin et al. 2015) developed in C++. Simple climate models like Hector can, for instance, be used in the analysis of scenarios within integrated assessment models like GCAM1, in the emulation of complex climate models, and in uncertainty analyses. Hector is an open-source, object oriented, simple global climate carbon cycle model. Its carbon cycle consists of a one pool atmosphere, three terrestrial pools which can be broken down into finer biomes or regions, and four carbon pools in the ocean component. The terrestrial carbon cycle includes primary productionmore » and respiration fluxes. The ocean carbon cycle circulates carbon via a simplified thermohaline circulation, calculating air-sea fluxes as well as the marine carbonate system. The model input is time series of greenhouse gas emissions; as example scenarios for these the Pyhector package contains the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCPs)2.« less

  3. SLURM: Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Jette, M; Grondona, M


    Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management (SLURM) is an open source, fault-tolerant, and highly scalable cluster management and job scheduling system for Linux clusters of thousands of nodes. Components include machine status, partition management, job management, scheduling and stream copy modules. This paper presents an overview of the SLURM architecture and functionality.

  4. A simple derivation of Lorentz self-force

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haque, Asrarul


    We derive the Lorentz self-force for a charged particle in arbitrary non-relativistic motion by averaging the retarded fields. The derivation is simple and at the same time pedagogically accessible. We obtain the radiation reaction for a charged particle moving in a circle. We pin down the underlying concept of mass renormalization.

  5. Learning Simple Machines through Cross-Age Collaborations

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lancor, Rachael; Schiebel, Amy


    In this project, introductory college physics students (noneducation majors) were asked to teach simple machines to a class of second graders. This nontraditional activity proved to be a successful way to encourage college students to think critically about physics and how it applied to their everyday lives. The noneducation majors benefited by…

  6. The Simple Theory of Public Library Services.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Newhouse, Joseph P.

    A simple normative theory applicable to public library services was developed as a tool to aid libraries in answering the question: which books should be bought by the library? Although developed for normative purposes, the theory generates testable predictions. It is relevant to measuring benefits from services which are provided publicly because…

  7. Amplitude Frequency Response Measurement: A Simple Technique

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Satish, L.; Vora, S. C.


    A simple method is described to combine a modern function generator and a digital oscilloscope to configure a setup that can directly measure the amplitude frequency response of a system. This is achieved by synchronously triggering both instruments, with the function generator operated in the "Linear-Sweep" frequency mode, while the oscilloscope…

  8. A Comparative Usage-Based Approach to the Reduction of the Spanish and Portuguese Preposition "Para"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gradoville, Michael Stephen


    This study examines the frequency effect of two-word collocations involving "para" "to," "for" (e.g. "fui para," "para que") on the reduction of "para" to "pa" (in Spanish) and "pra" (in Portuguese). Collocation frequency effects demonstrate that language speakers…

  9. Simple system for locating ground loops.


    Bellan, P M


    A simple low-cost system for rapid identification of the cables causing ground loops in complex instrumentation configurations is described. The system consists of an exciter module that generates a 100 kHz ground loop current and a detector module that determines which cable conducts this test current. Both the exciter and detector are magnetically coupled to the ground circuit so there is no physical contact to the instrumentation system under test.

  10. Comparison of rigorous and simple vibrational models for the CO2 gasdynamic laser

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Monson, D. J.


    The accuracy of a simple vibrational model for computing the gain in a CO2 gasdynamic laser is assessed by comparing results computed from it with results computed from a rigorous vibrational model. The simple model is that of Anderson et al. (1971), in which the vibrational kinetics are modeled by grouping the nonequilibrium vibrational degrees of freedom into two modes, to each of which there corresponds an equation describing vibrational relaxation. The two models agree fairly well in the computed gain at low temperatures, but the simple model predicts too high a gain at the higher temperatures of current interest. The sources of error contributing to the overestimation given by the simple model are determined by examining the simplified relaxation equations.

  11. A Simple Parallel Photochemical Reactor for Photodecomposition Studies

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Xiaobo Chen; Halasz, Sarah M.; Giles, Eric C.; Mankus, Jessica V.; Johnson, Joseph C.; Burda, Clemens


    A simple and useful parallel photochemical reactor intended to study the photodecomposition of dyes using semiconductor photocatalysis is presented. The photochemical reactions are followed through time-dependent changes in the ground-state absorption spectra of the dyes.

  12. Validation of the Simple Shoulder Test in a Portuguese-Brazilian population. Is the latent variable structure and validation of the Simple Shoulder Test Stable across cultures?


    Neto, Jose Osni Bruggemann; Gesser, Rafael Lehmkuhl; Steglich, Valdir; Bonilauri Ferreira, Ana Paula; Gandhi, Mihir; Vissoci, João Ricardo Nickenig; Pietrobon, Ricardo


    The validation of widely used scales facilitates the comparison across international patient samples. The objective of this study was to translate, culturally adapt and validate the Simple Shoulder Test into Brazilian Portuguese. Also we test the stability of factor analysis across different cultures. The objective of this study was to translate, culturally adapt and validate the Simple Shoulder Test into Brazilian Portuguese. Also we test the stability of factor analysis across different cultures. The Simple Shoulder Test was translated from English into Brazilian Portuguese, translated back into English, and evaluated for accuracy by an expert committee. It was then administered to 100 patients with shoulder conditions. Psychometric properties were analyzed including factor analysis, internal reliability, test-retest reliability at seven days, and construct validity in relation to the Short Form 36 health survey (SF-36). Factor analysis demonstrated a three factor solution. Cronbach's alpha was 0.82. Test-retest reliability index as measured by intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.84. Associations were observed in the hypothesized direction with all subscales of SF-36 questionnaire. The Simple Shoulder Test translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian-Portuguese demonstrated adequate factor structure, internal reliability, and validity, ultimately allowing for its use in the comparison with international patient samples.

  13. Validation of the Simple Shoulder Test in a Portuguese-Brazilian Population. Is the Latent Variable Structure and Validation of the Simple Shoulder Test Stable across Cultures?

    PubMed Central

    Neto, Jose Osni Bruggemann; Gesser, Rafael Lehmkuhl; Steglich, Valdir; Bonilauri Ferreira, Ana Paula; Gandhi, Mihir; Vissoci, João Ricardo Nickenig; Pietrobon, Ricardo


    Background The validation of widely used scales facilitates the comparison across international patient samples. The objective of this study was to translate, culturally adapt and validate the Simple Shoulder Test into Brazilian Portuguese. Also we test the stability of factor analysis across different cultures. Objective The objective of this study was to translate, culturally adapt and validate the Simple Shoulder Test into Brazilian Portuguese. Also we test the stability of factor analysis across different cultures. Methods The Simple Shoulder Test was translated from English into Brazilian Portuguese, translated back into English, and evaluated for accuracy by an expert committee. It was then administered to 100 patients with shoulder conditions. Psychometric properties were analyzed including factor analysis, internal reliability, test-retest reliability at seven days, and construct validity in relation to the Short Form 36 health survey (SF-36). Results Factor analysis demonstrated a three factor solution. Cronbach’s alpha was 0.82. Test-retest reliability index as measured by intra-class correlation coefficient (ICC) was 0.84. Associations were observed in the hypothesized direction with all subscales of SF-36 questionnaire. Conclusion The Simple Shoulder Test translation and cultural adaptation to Brazilian-Portuguese demonstrated adequate factor structure, internal reliability, and validity, ultimately allowing for its use in the comparison with international patient samples. PMID:23675436

  14. Correlation and simple linear regression.


    Zou, Kelly H; Tuncali, Kemal; Silverman, Stuart G


    In this tutorial article, the concepts of correlation and regression are reviewed and demonstrated. The authors review and compare two correlation coefficients, the Pearson correlation coefficient and the Spearman rho, for measuring linear and nonlinear relationships between two continuous variables. In the case of measuring the linear relationship between a predictor and an outcome variable, simple linear regression analysis is conducted. These statistical concepts are illustrated by using a data set from published literature to assess a computed tomography-guided interventional technique. These statistical methods are important for exploring the relationships between variables and can be applied to many radiologic studies.

  15. 47 CFR 52.36 - Standard data fields for simple port order processing.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2012-10-01 2012-10-01 false Standard data fields for simple port order... CARRIER SERVICES (CONTINUED) NUMBERING Number Portability § 52.36 Standard data fields for simple port order processing. (a) A telecommunications carrier may require only the data described in paragraphs (b...

  16. Preparation of ortho-para ratio controlled D2 gas for muon-catalyzed fusion.


    Imao, H; Ishida, K; Kawamura, N; Matsuzaki, T; Matsuda, Y; Toyoda, A; Strasser, P; Iwasaki, M; Nagamine, K


    A negative muon in hydrogen targets, e.g., D2 or D-T mixture, can catalyze nuclear fusions following a series of atomic processes involving muonic hydrogen molecular formation (muon-catalyzed fusion, muCF). The ortho-para state of D2 is a crucial parameter not only for enhancing the fusion rate but also to precisely investigate various muonic atom processes. We have developed a system for controlling and measuring the ortho-para ratio of D2 gas for muCF experiments. We successfully collected para-enriched D2 without using liquid-hydrogen coolant. Ortho-enriched D2 was also obtained by using a catalytic conversion method with a mixture of chromium oxide and alumina. The ortho-para ratio of D2 gas was measured with a compact Raman spectroscopy system. We produced large volume (5-30 l at STP), high-purity (less than ppm high-Z contaminant) D2 targets with a wide range of ortho-para ratios (ortho 20%-99%). By using the ortho-para controlled D2 in muCF experiments, we observed the dependence of muCF phenomena on the ortho-para ratio.

  17. Analyzing C2 Structures and Self-Synchronization with Simple Computational Models

    DTIC Science & Technology


    16th ICCRTS “Collective C2 in Multinational Civil-Military Operations” Analyzing C2 Structures and Self- Synchronization with Simple...Self- Synchronization with Simple Computational Models 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT...models. The Kuramoto Model, though with some serious limitations, provides a representation of information flow and self- synchronization in an

  18. Rotational excitation of HCN by para- and ortho-H₂.


    Vera, Mario Hernández; Kalugina, Yulia; Denis-Alpizar, Otoniel; Stoecklin, Thierry; Lique, François


    Rotational excitation of the hydrogen cyanide (HCN) molecule by collisions with para-H2(j = 0, 2) and ortho-H2(j = 1) is investigated at low temperatures using a quantum time independent approach. Both molecules are treated as rigid rotors. The scattering calculations are based on a highly correlated ab initio 4-dimensional (4D) potential energy surface recently published. Rotationally inelastic cross sections among the 13 first rotational levels of HCN were obtained using a pure quantum close coupling approach for total energies up to 1200 cm(-1). The corresponding thermal rate coefficients were computed for temperatures ranging from 5 to 100 K. The HCN rate coefficients are strongly dependent on the rotational level of the H2 molecule. In particular, the rate coefficients for collisions with para-H2(j = 0) are significantly lower than those for collisions with ortho-H2(j = 1) and para-H2(j = 2). Propensity rules in favor of even Δj transitions were found for HCN in collisions with para-H2(j = 0) whereas propensity rules in favor of odd Δj transitions were found for HCN in collisions with H2(j ⩾ 1). The new rate coefficients were compared with previously published HCN-para-H2(j = 0) rate coefficients. Significant differences were found due the inclusion of the H2 rotational structure in the scattering calculations. These new rate coefficients will be crucial to improve the estimation of the HCN abundance in the interstellar medium.

  19. A Partially Saturated Constitutive Theory for Compacted Fills

    DTIC Science & Technology


    degree of Doctor of Philosophy. COL James R. Rowan, EN , was Commander and Executive Director of ERDC, and Dr. James R. Houston was Director. CHAPTER...Reconsolidation Index CR Slope of the reconsolidation line Maximum Friction Angle of3 Friction Angle PHILIM traMaterial Ratio of minimum to maximum4 Phi Ratio PH ...Josa, A., (1988). "Un modelo elastoplastico para suelos no saturados," Tesis Doctorae, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelons, Spain. Lawton

  20. Figuring the Acceleration of the Simple Pendulum

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lieberherr, Martin


    The centripetal acceleration has been known since Huygens' (1659) and Newton's (1684) time. The physics to calculate the acceleration of a simple pendulum has been around for more than 300 years, and a fairly complete treatise has been given by C. Schwarz in this journal. But sentences like "the acceleration is always directed towards the…

  1. A Simple Acronym for Doing Calculus: CAL

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hathaway, Richard J.


    An acronym is presented that provides students a potentially useful, unifying view of the major topics covered in an elementary calculus sequence. The acronym (CAL) is based on viewing the calculus procedure for solving a calculus problem P* in three steps: (1) recognizing that the problem cannot be solved using simple (non-calculus) techniques;…

  2. 40 CFR 80.42 - Simple emissions model.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... (as measured under § 80.46) ETOH = Oxygen content of the fuel in question in the form of ethanol, in...) REGULATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Reformulated Gasoline § 80.42 Simple emissions model. (a) VOC... VOC emissions from the fuel in question, in grams per mile, for VOC control region 1 during the summer...

  3. 40 CFR 80.42 - Simple emissions model.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... (as measured under § 80.46) ETOH = Oxygen content of the fuel in question in the form of ethanol, in...) REGULATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Reformulated Gasoline § 80.42 Simple emissions model. (a) VOC... VOC emissions from the fuel in question, in grams per mile, for VOC control region 1 during the summer...

  4. 40 CFR 80.42 - Simple emissions model.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... (as measured under § 80.46) ETOH = Oxygen content of the fuel in question in the form of ethanol, in...) REGULATION OF FUELS AND FUEL ADDITIVES Reformulated Gasoline § 80.42 Simple emissions model. (a) VOC... VOC emissions from the fuel in question, in grams per mile, for VOC control region 1 during the summer...

  5. A Simple Method for Collecting Airborne Pollen

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kevan, Peter G.; DiGiovanni, Franco; Ho, Rong H.; Taki, Hisatomo; Ferguson, Kristyn A.; Pawlowski, Agata K.


    Pollination is a broad area of study within biology. For many plants, pollen carried by wind is required for successful seed set. Airborne pollen also affects human health. To foster studies of airborne pollen, we introduce a simple device--the "megastigma"--for collecting pollen from the air. This device is flexible, yielding easily obtained data…

  6. Simulated Holograms: A Simple Introduction to Holography.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dittmann, H.; Schneider, W. B.


    Describes a project that uses a computer and a dot matrix printer to simulate the holographic recording process of simple object structures. The process' four steps are (1) superposition of waves; (2) representing the superposition of a plane reference wave on the monitor screen; (3) photographic reduction of the images; and (4) reconstruction of…

  7. Simple Cloud Chambers Using Gel Ice Packs

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kamata, Masahiro; Kubota, Miki


    Although cloud chambers are highly regarded as teaching aids for radiation education, school teachers have difficulty in using cloud chambers because they have to prepare dry ice or liquid nitrogen before the experiment. We developed a very simple and inexpensive cloud chamber that uses the contents of gel ice packs which can substitute for dry…

  8. Investigating student understanding of simple harmonic motion

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Somroob, S.; Wattanakasiwich, P.


    This study aimed to investigate students’ understanding and develop instructional material on a topic of simple harmonic motion. Participants were 60 students taking a course on vibrations and wave and 46 students taking a course on Physics 2 and 28 students taking a course on Fundamental Physics 2 on the 2nd semester of an academic year 2016. A 16-question conceptual test and tutorial activities had been developed from previous research findings and evaluated by three physics experts in teaching mechanics before using in a real classroom. Data collection included both qualitative and quantitative methods. Item analysis and whole-test analysis were determined from student responses in the conceptual test. As results, most students had misconceptions about restoring force and they had problems connecting mathematical solutions to real motions, especially phase angle. Moreover, they had problems with interpreting mechanical energy from graphs and diagrams of the motion. These results were used to develop effective instructional materials to enhance student abilities in understanding simple harmonic motion in term of multiple representations.

  9. Simple gas chromatographic method for furfural analysis.


    Gaspar, Elvira M S M; Lopes, João F


    A new, simple, gas chromatographic method was developed for the direct analysis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural (5-HMF), 2-furfural (2-F) and 5-methylfurfural (5-MF) in liquid and water soluble foods, using direct immersion SPME coupled to GC-FID and/or GC-TOF-MS. The fiber (DVB/CAR/PDMS) conditions were optimized: pH effect, temperature, adsorption and desorption times. The method is simple and accurate (RSD<8%), showed good recoveries (77-107%) and good limits of detection (GC-FID: 1.37 microgL(-1) for 2-F, 8.96 microgL(-1) for 5-MF, 6.52 microgL(-1) for 5-HMF; GC-TOF-MS: 0.3, 1.2 and 0.9 ngmL(-1) for 2-F, 5-MF and 5-HMF, respectively). It was applied to different commercial food matrices: honey, white, demerara, brown and yellow table sugars, and white and red balsamic vinegars. This one-step, sensitive and direct method for the analysis of furfurals will contribute to characterise and quantify their presence in the human diet.

  10. Can Simple Biophysical Principles Yield Complicated Biological Functions?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liphardt, Jan


    About once a year, a new regulatory paradigm is discovered in cell biology. As of last count, eukaryotic cells have more than 40 distinct ways of regulating protein concentration and function. Regulatory possibilities include site-specific phosphorylation, epigenetics, alternative splicing, mRNA (re)localization, and modulation of nucleo-cytoplasmic transport. This raises a simple question. Do all the remarkable things cells do, require an intricately choreographed supporting cast of hundreds of molecular machines and associated signaling networks? Alternatively, are there a few simple biophysical principles that can generate apparently very complicated cellular behaviors and functions? I'll discuss two problems, spatial organization of the bacterial chemotaxis system and nucleo-cytoplasmic transport, where the latter might be true. In both cases, the ability to precisely quantify biological organization and function, at the single-molecule level, helped to find signatures of basic biological organizing principles.

  11. SIRE: A Simple Interactive Rule Editor for NICBES

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bykat, Alex


    To support evolution of domain expertise, and its representation in an expert system knowledge base, a user-friendly rule base editor is mandatory. The Nickel Cadmium Battery Expert System (NICBES), a prototype of an expert system for the Hubble Space Telescope power storage management system, does not provide such an editor. In the following, a description of a Simple Interactive Rule Base Editor (SIRE) for NICBES is described. The SIRE provides a consistent internal representation of the NICBES knowledge base. It supports knowledge presentation and provides a user-friendly and code language independent medium for rule addition and modification. The SIRE is integrated with NICBES via an interface module. This module provides translation of the internal representation to Prolog-type rules (Horn clauses), latter rule assertion, and a simple mechanism for rule selection for its Prolog inference engine.

  12. 47 CFR 52.36 - Standard data fields for simple port order processing.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 47 Telecommunication 3 2010-10-01 2010-10-01 false Standard data fields for simple port order processing. 52.36 Section 52.36 Telecommunication FEDERAL COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION (CONTINUED) COMMON CARRIER SERVICES (CONTINUED) NUMBERING Number Portability § 52.36 Standard data fields for simple port order processing. (a) A telecommunications...

  13. Simple Schizophrenia Remains a Complicated Diagnosis: Case Report and Literature Review.


    Agarwal, Vishesh; Maheshwari, Subani; Agarwal, Vivek; Kalra, Inder Darshan


    The diagnosis of simple schizophrenia has been challenged and criticized since it was first described by Otto Diem in 1903. The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fifth Edition (DSM-5), released by the American Psychiatric Association in May 2013, classified it as a condition for further study with the name "attenuated psychosis syndrome." This clinical condition has undergone several revisions with each edition of the DSM. It is characterized by oddities in conduct, inability to meet the demands of society, and decline in total performance in the absence of obvious psychotic symptoms. We discuss the case of a 35-year-old man who presented with symptoms fitting the criteria for simple schizophrenia and review the various definitions and case reports published over the years that defend the diagnosis of simple schizophrenia.

  14. A simple device for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners.


    Chung, Kelly D; Watzke, Robert C


    Ophthalmoscopy, a valuable skill for primary care practitioners, can be challenging to learn. A simple and inexpensive device for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners is described. Device description. Cylindrical plastic canisters were altered to have an artificial pupil at one end and a replaceable fundus photograph at the other end to simulate the mechanics of performing direct ophthalmoscopy on a real eye. These were tested for ease of use by primary care students. The devices to aid in teaching ophthalmoscopy proved to be simple and inexpensive to construct. They allowed students to practice direct ophthalmoscopy technique and identification of funduscopic abnormalities. This simple device for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners is inexpensive to create and is a valuable aid for teaching direct ophthalmoscopy to primary care practitioners.

  15. Usos de Mets Para La Planificación, Monitoreo e Interpretación en Pastizales Áridos

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Los modelos de estado y transición (METs) representan los posibles cambios en el estado ecológico de una clase específica de tierra (un sitio ecológico). Los METs permiten tener una comprensión general de los cambios en el estado ecológico y cómo gestionarlos. Pero los METs también se pueden usar di...

  16. ViSimpl: Multi-View Visual Analysis of Brain Simulation Data

    PubMed Central

    Galindo, Sergio E.; Toharia, Pablo; Robles, Oscar D.; Pastor, Luis


    After decades of independent morphological and functional brain research, a key point in neuroscience nowadays is to understand the combined relationships between the structure of the brain and its components and their dynamics on multiple scales, ranging from circuits of neurons at micro or mesoscale to brain regions at macroscale. With such a goal in mind, there is a vast amount of research focusing on modeling and simulating activity within neuronal structures, and these simulations generate large and complex datasets which have to be analyzed in order to gain the desired insight. In such context, this paper presents ViSimpl, which integrates a set of visualization and interaction tools that provide a semantic view of brain data with the aim of improving its analysis procedures. ViSimpl provides 3D particle-based rendering that allows visualizing simulation data with their associated spatial and temporal information, enhancing the knowledge extraction process. It also provides abstract representations of the time-varying magnitudes supporting different data aggregation and disaggregation operations and giving also focus and context clues. In addition, ViSimpl tools provide synchronized playback control of the simulation being analyzed. Finally, ViSimpl allows performing selection and filtering operations relying on an application called NeuroScheme. All these views are loosely coupled and can be used independently, but they can also work together as linked views, both in centralized and distributed computing environments, enhancing the data exploration and analysis procedures. PMID:27774062

  17. ViSimpl: Multi-View Visual Analysis of Brain Simulation Data.


    Galindo, Sergio E; Toharia, Pablo; Robles, Oscar D; Pastor, Luis


    After decades of independent morphological and functional brain research, a key point in neuroscience nowadays is to understand the combined relationships between the structure of the brain and its components and their dynamics on multiple scales, ranging from circuits of neurons at micro or mesoscale to brain regions at macroscale. With such a goal in mind, there is a vast amount of research focusing on modeling and simulating activity within neuronal structures, and these simulations generate large and complex datasets which have to be analyzed in order to gain the desired insight. In such context, this paper presents ViSimpl, which integrates a set of visualization and interaction tools that provide a semantic view of brain data with the aim of improving its analysis procedures. ViSimpl provides 3D particle-based rendering that allows visualizing simulation data with their associated spatial and temporal information, enhancing the knowledge extraction process. It also provides abstract representations of the time-varying magnitudes supporting different data aggregation and disaggregation operations and giving also focus and context clues. In addition, ViSimpl tools provide synchronized playback control of the simulation being analyzed. Finally, ViSimpl allows performing selection and filtering operations relying on an application called NeuroScheme. All these views are loosely coupled and can be used independently, but they can also work together as linked views, both in centralized and distributed computing environments, enhancing the data exploration and analysis procedures.

  18. On the (In)Validity of Tests of Simple Mediation: Threats and Solutions

    PubMed Central

    Pek, Jolynn; Hoyle, Rick H.


    Mediation analysis is a popular framework for identifying underlying mechanisms in social psychology. In the context of simple mediation, we review and discuss the implications of three facets of mediation analysis: (a) conceptualization of the relations between the variables, (b) statistical approaches, and (c) relevant elements of design. We also highlight the issue of equivalent models that are inherent in simple mediation. The extent to which results are meaningful stem directly from choices regarding these three facets of mediation analysis. We conclude by discussing how mediation analysis can be better applied to examine causal processes, highlight the limits of simple mediation, and make recommendations for better practice. PMID:26985234

  19. Knowledge acquisition for a simple expert controller

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bieker, B.


    A method is presented for process control which has the properties of being incremental, cyclic and top-down. It is described on the basis of the development of an expert controller for a simple, but nonlinear control route. A quality comparison between expert controller and process operator shows the ability of the method for knowledge acquisition.

  20. Special Relativity as a Simple Geometry Problem

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    de Abreu, Rodrigo; Guerra, Vasco


    The null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment and the constancy of the one-way speed of light in the "rest system" are used to formulate a simple problem, to be solved by elementary geometry techniques using a pair of compasses and non-graduated rulers. The solution consists of a drawing allowing a direct visualization of all the fundamental…

  1. Synaptic Basis for Differential Orientation Selectivity between Complex and Simple Cells in Mouse Visual Cortex

    PubMed Central

    Li, Ya-tang; Liu, Bao-hua; Chou, Xiao-lin; Zhang, Li I.


    In the primary visual cortex (V1), orientation-selective neurons can be categorized into simple and complex cells primarily based on their receptive field (RF) structures. In mouse V1, although previous studies have examined the excitatory/inhibitory interplay underlying orientation selectivity (OS) of simple cells, the synaptic bases for that of complex cells have remained obscure. Here, by combining in vivo loose-patch and whole-cell recordings, we found that complex cells, identified by their overlapping on/off subfields, had significantly weaker OS than simple cells at both spiking and subthreshold membrane potential response levels. Voltage-clamp recordings further revealed that although excitatory inputs to complex and simple cells exhibited a similar degree of OS, inhibition in complex cells was more narrowly tuned than excitation, whereas in simple cells inhibition was more broadly tuned than excitation. The differential inhibitory tuning can primarily account for the difference in OS between complex and simple cells. Interestingly, the differential synaptic tuning correlated well with the spatial organization of synaptic input: the inhibitory visual RF in complex cells was more elongated in shape than its excitatory counterpart and also was more elongated than that in simple cells. Together, our results demonstrate that OS of complex and simple cells is differentially shaped by cortical inhibition based on its orientation tuning profile relative to excitation, which is contributed at least partially by the spatial organization of RFs of presynaptic inhibitory neurons. SIGNIFICANCE STATEMENT Simple and complex cells, two classes of principal neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1), are generally thought to be equally selective for orientation. In mouse V1, we report that complex cells, identified by their overlapping on/off subfields, has significantly weaker orientation selectivity (OS) than simple cells. This can be primarily attributed to the

  2. Synaptic Basis for Differential Orientation Selectivity between Complex and Simple Cells in Mouse Visual Cortex.


    Li, Ya-tang; Liu, Bao-hua; Chou, Xiao-lin; Zhang, Li I; Tao, Huizhong W


    In the primary visual cortex (V1), orientation-selective neurons can be categorized into simple and complex cells primarily based on their receptive field (RF) structures. In mouse V1, although previous studies have examined the excitatory/inhibitory interplay underlying orientation selectivity (OS) of simple cells, the synaptic bases for that of complex cells have remained obscure. Here, by combining in vivo loose-patch and whole-cell recordings, we found that complex cells, identified by their overlapping on/off subfields, had significantly weaker OS than simple cells at both spiking and subthreshold membrane potential response levels. Voltage-clamp recordings further revealed that although excitatory inputs to complex and simple cells exhibited a similar degree of OS, inhibition in complex cells was more narrowly tuned than excitation, whereas in simple cells inhibition was more broadly tuned than excitation. The differential inhibitory tuning can primarily account for the difference in OS between complex and simple cells. Interestingly, the differential synaptic tuning correlated well with the spatial organization of synaptic input: the inhibitory visual RF in complex cells was more elongated in shape than its excitatory counterpart and also was more elongated than that in simple cells. Together, our results demonstrate that OS of complex and simple cells is differentially shaped by cortical inhibition based on its orientation tuning profile relative to excitation, which is contributed at least partially by the spatial organization of RFs of presynaptic inhibitory neurons. Simple and complex cells, two classes of principal neurons in the primary visual cortex (V1), are generally thought to be equally selective for orientation. In mouse V1, we report that complex cells, identified by their overlapping on/off subfields, has significantly weaker orientation selectivity (OS) than simple cells. This can be primarily attributed to the differential tuning selectivity

  3. Note: a simple experimental arrangement to generate optical vortex beams.


    Kumar, Dhirendra; Das, Abhijit; Boruah, Bosanta R


    In this Note, we present a simple experimental arrangement to generate optical vortex beams. We have demonstrated how by taking print of an interferogram on a transparent sheet, vortex beams with various topological charges can be generated. Experimental results show that the vortex beam indeed carries the topological charge that is used to compute the interferograms. In addition to being simple and inexpensive, one major advantage of the arrangement is that it makes it possible to generate different vortex beams quickly, unlike using the photographic process to create the holograms.

  4. Connectivity algorithm with depth first search (DFS) on simple graphs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Riansanti, O.; Ihsan, M.; Suhaimi, D.


    This paper discusses an algorithm to detect connectivity of a simple graph using Depth First Search (DFS). The DFS implementation in this paper differs than other research, that is, on counting the number of visited vertices. The algorithm obtains s from the number of vertices and visits source vertex, following by its adjacent vertices until the last vertex adjacent to the previous source vertex. Any simple graph is connected if s equals 0 and disconnected if s is greater than 0. The complexity of the algorithm is O(n2).

  5. Chemical Kinetics, Heat Transfer, and Sensor Dynamics Revisited in a Simple Experiment

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sad, Maria E.; Sad, Mario R.; Castro, Alberto A.; Garetto, Teresita F.


    A simple experiment about thermal effects in chemical reactors is described, which can be used to illustrate chemical reactor models, the determination and validation of their parameters, and some simple principles of heat transfer and sensor dynamics. It is based in the exothermic reaction between aqueous solutions of sodium thiosulfate and…

  6. The decay of a simple eddy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bateman, H


    The principal result obtained in this report is a generalization of Taylor's formula for a simple eddy. The discussion of the properties of the eddy indicates that there is a slight analogy between the theory of eddies in a viscous fluid and the quantum theory of radiation. Another exact solution of the equations of motion of viscous fluid yields a result which reminds one of the well-known condition for instability in the case of a horizontally stratified atmosphere.

  7. The Slinky Wilberforce pendulum: A simple coupled oscillator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mewes, Matthew


    The Wilberforce pendulum is an effective classroom demonstration of coupled oscillations and the beat-like behavior that arises in weakly coupled tuned oscillators. We describe a simple and inexpensive version constructed from a Slinky spring toy and a soup can.

  8. Processing of unattended, simple negative pictures resists perceptual load.


    Sand, Anders; Wiens, Stefan


    As researchers debate whether emotional pictures can be processed irrespective of spatial attention and perceptual load, negative and neutral pictures of simple figure-ground composition were shown at fixation and were surrounded by one, two, or three letters. When participants performed a picture discrimination task, there was evidence for motivated attention; that is, an early posterior negativity (EPN) and late positive potential (LPP) to negative versus neutral pictures. When participants performed a letter discrimination task, the EPN was unaffected whereas the LPP was reduced. Although performance decreased substantially with the number of letters (one to three), the LPP did not decrease further. Therefore, attention to simple, negative pictures at fixation seems to resist manipulations of perceptual load.

  9. Observation of the impulse phase of a simple flare

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tandberg-Hanssen, E.; Reichmann, E. J.; Teuber, D. L.; Moore, R. L.; Kaufmann, P.; Orwig, L. E.; Zirin, H.


    The paper presents a broad range of complementary observations (SMM and ground-based) of the onset and impulsive phase of the fairly large (1B, M1.2) but simple two-ribbon flare which occurred at 19:15 UT on November 1, 1980 in the northern part of the active region Boulder No. AR2776. It is found that the overall magnetic field configuration in which the flare occurred was a fairly simple, closed arch containing nonpotential substructure; the flare occurred spontaneously within the arch (it was not triggered by emerging magnetic flux). The two major spikes of the impulsive energy release are examined, and the three immediate products of this energy release are discussed.

  10. Simple simulation training system for short-wave radio station

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tan, Xianglin; Shao, Zhichao; Tu, Jianhua; Qu, Fuqi


    The short-wave radio station is a most important transmission equipment of our signal corps, but in the actual teaching process, which exist the phenomenon of fewer equipment and more students, making the students' short-wave radio operation and practice time is very limited. In order to solve the above problems, to carry out shortwave radio simple simulation training system development is very necessary. This project is developed by combining hardware and software to simulate the voice communication operation and signal principle of shortwave radio station, and can test the signal flow of shortwave radio station. The test results indicate that this system is simple operation, human-machine interface friendly and can improve teaching more efficiency.

  11. Analyzing and Visualizing Cosmological Simulations with ParaView

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Woodring, Jonathan; Heitmann, Katrin; Ahrens, James; Fasel, Patricia; Hsu, Chung-Hsing; Habib, Salman; Pope, Adrian


    The advent of large cosmological sky surveys—ushering in the era of precision cosmology—has been accompanied by ever larger cosmological simulations. The analysis of these simulations, which currently encompass tens of billions of particles and up to a trillion particles in the near future, is often as daunting as carrying out the simulations in the first place. Therefore, the development of very efficient analysis tools combining qualitative and quantitative capabilities is a matter of some urgency. In this paper, we introduce new analysis features implemented within ParaView, a fully parallel, open-source visualization toolkit, to analyze large N-body simulations. A major aspect of ParaView is that it can live and operate on the same machines and utilize the same parallel power as the simulation codes themselves. In addition, data movement is in a serious bottleneck now and will become even more of an issue in the future; an interactive visualization and analysis tool that can handle data in situ is fast becoming essential. The new features in ParaView include particle readers and a very efficient halo finder that identifies friends-of-friends halos and determines common halo properties, including spherical overdensity properties. In combination with many other functionalities already existing within ParaView, such as histogram routines or interfaces to programming languages like Python, this enhanced version enables fast, interactive, and convenient analyses of large cosmological simulations. In addition, development paths are available for future extensions.

  12. STAR (Simple Targeted Arterial Rendering) Technique: a Novel and Simple Method to Visualize the Fetal Cardiac Outflow Tracts

    PubMed Central

    Yeo, Lami; Romero, Roberto; Jodicke, Cristiano; Kim, Sun Kwon; Gonzalez, Juan M.; Oggè, Giovanna; Lee, Wesley; Kusanovic, Juan Pedro; Vaisbuch, Edi; Hassan, Sonia S.


    Objective To describe a novel and simple technique (STAR: Simple Targeted Arterial Rendering) to visualize the fetal cardiac outflow tracts from dataset volumes obtained with spatiotemporal image correlation (STIC) and applying a new display technology (OmniView). Methods We developed a technique to image the outflow tracts by drawing three dissecting lines through the four-chamber view of the heart contained in a STIC volume dataset. Each line generated the following plane: 1) Line 1: ventricular septum “en face” with both great vessels (pulmonary artery anterior to the aorta); 2) Line 2: pulmonary artery with continuation into the longitudinal view of the ductal arch; and 3) Line 3: long axis view of the aorta arising from the left ventricle. The pattern formed by all 3 lines intersecting approximately through the crux of the heart resembles a “star”. The technique was then tested in 50 normal hearts (15.3 – 40.4 weeks of gestation). To determine if the technique could identify planes that departed from the normal images, we tested the technique in 4 cases with proven congenital heart defects (ventricular septal defect, transposition of great vessels, tetralogy of Fallot, and pulmonary atresia with intact ventricular septum). Results The STAR technique was able to generate the intended planes in all 50 normal cases. In the abnormal cases, the STAR technique allowed identification of the ventricular septal defect, demonstrated great vessel anomalies, and displayed views that deviated from what was expected from the examination of normal hearts. Conclusions This novel and simple technique can be used to visualize the outflow tracts and ventricular septum “en face” in normal fetal hearts. The inability to obtain expected views or the appearance of abnormal views in the generated planes should raise the index of suspicion for congenital heart disease involving the great vessels and/or the ventricular septum. The STAR technique may simplify examination

  13. Young Children and Turtle Graphics Programming: Generating and Debugging Simple Turtle Programs.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cuneo, Diane O.

    Turtle graphics is a popular vehicle for introducing children to computer programming. Children combine simple graphic commands to get a display screen cursor (called a turtle) to draw designs on the screen. The purpose of this study was to examine young children's abilities to function in a simple computer programming environment. Four- and…

  14. A Simple, Low Overhead Data Compression Algorithm for Converting Lossy Compression Processes to Lossless

    DTIC Science & Technology


    0~0 S* NAVAL POSTGRADUATE SCHOOL Monterey, California DTIC ELECTE THESIS S APR 11 1994DU A SIMPLE, LOW OVERHEAD DATA COMPRESSION ALGORITHM FOR...A SIMPLE. LOW OVERHEAD DATA COMPRESSION ALGORITHM FOR CONVERTING LOSSY COMPRESSION PROCESSES TO LOSSLESS. 6. AUTHOR(S) Abbott, Walter D., III 7...Approved for public release; distribution is unlimited. A Simple, Low Overhead Data Compression Algorithm for Converting Lossy Processes to Lossless by

  15. Simple Technique for Dark-Field Photography of Immunodiffusion Bands

    PubMed Central

    Jensh, Ronald P.; Brent, Robert L.


    A simple dark-field photographic technique was developed which enables laboratory personnel with minimal photographic training to easily record antigen-antibody patterns on immunodiffusion plates. Images PMID:4979944

  16. A Not-So-Simple View of Adolescent Writing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Poch, Apryl L.; Lembke, Erica S.


    According to the Simple View of Writing, four primary skills are necessary for successful writing (Berninger & Amtmann, 2003; Berninger & Winn, 2006). Transcription skills (e.g., handwriting, spelling) represent lower-order cognitive tasks, whereas text generation skills (e.g., ideation, translation) represent higher-order…

  17. A Simple Device to Measure Root Growth Rates

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rauser, Wilfried E.; Horton, Roger F.


    Describes construction and use of a simple auxanometer which students can use to accurately measure root growth rates of intact seedlings. Typical time course data are presented for the effect of ethylene and indole acetic acid on pea root growth. (Author/BR)

  18. SIMPLE: a sequential immunoperoxidase labeling and erasing method.


    Glass, George; Papin, Jason A; Mandell, James W


    The ability to simultaneously visualize expression of multiple antigens in cells and tissues can provide powerful insights into cellular and organismal biology. However, standard methods are limited to the use of just two or three simultaneous probes and have not been widely adopted for routine use in paraffin-embedded tissue. We have developed a novel approach called sequential immunoperoxidase labeling and erasing (SIMPLE) that enables the simultaneous visualization of at least five markers within a single tissue section. Utilizing the alcohol-soluble peroxidase substrate 3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole, combined with a rapid non-destructive method for antibody-antigen dissociation, we demonstrate the ability to erase the results of a single immunohistochemical stain while preserving tissue antigenicity for repeated rounds of labeling. SIMPLE is greatly facilitated by the use of a whole-slide scanner, which can capture the results of each sequential stain without any information loss.

  19. Polarized Nuclei in a Simple Mirror Fusion Reactor

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Noever, David A.


    The possibility of enhancing the ratio of output to input power Q in a simple mirror machine by polarizing Deuterium-Tritium (D- T) nuclei is evaluated. Taking the Livermore mirror reference design mirror ratio of 6.54, the expected sin(sup 2) upsilon angular distribution of fusion decay products reduces immediate losses of alpha particles to the loss cone by 7.6% and alpha-ion scattering losses by approx. 50%. Based on these findings, alpha- particle confinement times for a polarized plasma should therefore be 1.11 times greater than for isotropic nuclei. Coupling this enhanced alpha-particle heating with the expected greater than 50% D- T reaction cross section, a corresponding power ratio for polarized nuclei, Q(sub polarized), is found to be 1.63 times greater than the classical unpolarized value Q(sub classical). The effects of this increase in Q are assessed for the simple mirror.

  20. Simple model of foam drainage

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fortes, M. A.; Coughlan, S.


    A simple model of foam drainage is introduced in which the Plateau borders and quadruple junctions are identified with pools that discharge through channels to pools underneath. The flow is driven by gravity and there are friction losses in the exhausting channels. The equation of Bernoulli combined with the Hagen-Poiseuille equation is applied to describe the flow. The area of the cross section of the exhausting channels can be taken as a constant or may vary during drainage. The predictions of the model are compared with standard drainage curves and with the results of a recently reported experiment in which additional liquid is supplied at the top of the froth.