Sample records for na resposta ao

  1. Respostas religiosas à aids no Brasil: impressões de pesquisa1

    PubMed Central

    Seffner, Fernando; da Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves Meireles; Maksud, Ívia; Garcia, Jonathan; Rios, Luís Felipe; Natividade, Marcelo; Borges, Priscila Rodrigues; Parker, Richard; Terto, Veriano


    Resumo O texto encontra-se estruturado em quatro partes. Na primeira delas, apresentamos um conjunto de considerações e informações acerca da situação da aids no Brasil, das relações entre religião, sexualidade, aids e estado laico, bem como uma descrição mais clara do Projeto Respostas Religiosas ao HIV/Aids no Brasil, do qual este texto apresenta algumas impressões de pesquisa preliminares. A seguir, dedicamos um item a apresentação da Pastoral de DST/Aids, sua história, estrutura e objetivos. No item seguinte problematizamos diversas questões em particular no âmbito das relações Estado e Igreja, relações entre agentes de pastoral e hierarquia da Igreja, e questões ligadas mais diretamente à sexualidade e aids, todas referenciadas ao trabalho da Pastoral de DST/Aids. Ao final, apresentamos a bibliografia e fontes consultadas. PMID:20428503

  2. Respostas religiosas à aids no Brasil: impressões de pesquisa acerca da Pastoral de DST/Aids da Igreja Católica1

    PubMed Central

    Seffner, Fernando; Silva, Cristiane Gonçalves Meireles da; Maksud, Ívia; Garcia, Jonathan; Rios, Luís Felipe; Natividade, Marcelo; Borges, Priscila Rodrigues; Parker, Richard; Terto, Veriano


    O texto encontra-se estruturado em quatro partes. Na primeira delas, apresentamos um conjunto de considerações e informações acerca da situação da aids no Brasil, das relações entre religião, sexualidade, aids e estado laico, bem como uma descrição mais clara do Projeto Respostas Religiosas ao HIV/Aids no Brasil, do qual este texto apresenta algumas impressões de pesquisa preliminares. A seguir, dedicamos um item a apresentação da Pastoral de DST/Aids, sua história, estrutura e objetivos. No item seguinte problematizamos diversas questões em particular no âmbito das relações Estado e Igreja, relações entre agentes de pastoral e hierarquia da Igreja, e questões ligadas mais diretamente à sexualidade e aids, todas referenciadas ao trabalho da Pastoral de DST/Aids. Ao final, apresentamos a bibliografia e fontes consultadas. PMID:20442806

  3. Diferentes Metodologias Aplicadas ao Ensino de Astronomia

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    Espera-se que o educando ao final da educação básica, adquira uma compreensão atualizada das hipóteses, modelos e formas de investigação sobre a origem e evolução do Universo em que vive. O presente trabalho tem como principal objetivo compreender dentre três práticas pedagógicas adotadas no Ensino de Astronomia, na terceira série do Ensino Médio, da Escola Estadual Colônia dos Pescadores, qual melhor cumpre o papel de formação e aprendizagem para vida. A pesquisa preliminar foi através de um questionário onde o intuito foi diagnosticar o conhecimento já existente acerca do tema em questão. O questionário é composto de vinte questões dissertativas e objetivas, onde os educandos das três turmas envolvidas o responderam. Este trabalho utiliza as seguintes metodologias: a tradicional, onde o professor é um repassador de informações, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz; a segunda também de forma tradicional, porém com auxílio de multimídia para desenvolvimento das aulas e aterceira sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervenções necessárias. Ao final do trabalho os alunos responderão novamente o questionário inicial para diagnosticar dentre as três metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhor resultado. Os resultados preliminares obtidos, já podem ser observados e, dos 119 alunos entrevistados, as respostas obtidas são as mais diversas e evidenciam que a grande maioria nunca teve em sua vida escolar o tema Astronomia. Ao serem questionados se já haviam estudado Astronomia as respostas foram: turma A: sim 43%; turma B: sim: 21%; turma C: sim: 24%. Porém quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se que: turma A: 100% de acertos; turma B: 64% acertos; turma C: 84% de acertos, demonstrando claramente a aprendizagem em diferentes esferas, não dependendo unicamente da escola. Até o presente momento, verificou-se que há interesse em

  4. Associação entre sintomas, veias varicosas e refluxo na veia safena magna ao eco-Doppler

    PubMed Central

    Seidel, Amélia Cristina; Campos, Mariana Baldini; Campos, Raquel Baldini; Harada, Dérica Sayuri; Rossi, Robson Marcelo; Cavalari, Pedro; Miranda, Fausto


    Resumo Contexto A doença venosa crônica requer avaliação clínica, quantificação dos efeitos hemodinâmicos e definição da distribuição anatômica para decisão diagnóstica e tratamento. Métodos Estudo prospectivo realizado em 2015 com amostra de 1.384 pacientes (2.669 membros) com idade entre 17 e 85 anos, sendo 1.227 do sexo feminino. Nas respostas do questionário aplicado, os sintomas pesquisados eram dor, cansaço, sensação de peso, queimação, câimbras e formigamento. Para a formação dos grupos, foi considerado o número de membros, distribuídos em relação ao gênero, ao índice de massa corporal e à idade. Após a definição grupos e a realização do eco-Doppler para estudo da veia safena magna (VSM), os pacientes foram distribuídos em três grupos (I: sintomas presentes e varizes ausentes, II: sintomas ausentes e varizes presentes e III: sintomas presentes e varizes presentes). A análise estatística utilizou o teste qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher para verificar a homogeneidade entre os grupos. Em caso de associação com significância de 5%, foi calculada a razão de chances. Resultados Para ambos os gêneros, foi observada chance de insuficiência da VSM 11,2 vezes maior no grupo III. Por sua vez, os casos de obesidade mórbida ocorreram 9,1 vezes mais no mesmo grupo. Além disso, pacientes na faixa etária entre 30 e 50 anos desse grupo apresentaram chance de insuficiência da VSM 43,1 vezes maior. Conclusões A insuficiência da VSM foi significantemente mais frequente no grupo III, tanto globalmente como considerando apenas os casos de obesidade mórbida e a faixa etária mais elevada. PMID:29930616

  5. Diferentes metodologias aplicadas ao ensino de astronomia no Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho de intervenção foi realizado junto à Escola Estadual Colònia dos Pescadores na cidade de Caraguatatuba, com très turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, envolvendo 119 alunos com idades entre 16 e 19 anos. A fase inicial foi composta de um questionário de vinte questíes dissertativas e objetivas, aplicado pelo professor titular da sala, que era o mesmo nas très turmas, para diagnosticar nos educandos os conceitos prévios sobre Astronomia e, partindo destes realizar um trabalho de intervenção nas classes envolvidas utilizando, em cada uma, metodologias diferentes: (A) sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervençíes necessárias; (B) de forma tradicional, com auxílio de multimídias para desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira (C) tradicional, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz. Ao final do trabalho os alunos responderam novamente o questionário inicial para diagnosticar dentre as très metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhores aplicaçíes, os resultados iniciais foram comparados com os finais. Quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se inicialmente que os acertos na turma A foram de 100%, turma B: 64%, turma C: 84%, após a intervenção os acertos foram: 100%, 97% e 85% respectivamente, demonstrando que houve um avanço significativo na turma B, a turma A manteve seu índice e a turma C evoluiu, porém não tanto quanto a B. Quando interrogados sobre quantos planetas vocè acha que existem em nosso Sistema Solar? os acertos foram: turma A: 39%, turma B: 48% e turma C: 46%, após o desenvolvimento do trabalho os acertos foram 94%, 97% e 90% respectivamente. Dentro das respostas obtidas observa-se que a metodologia tradicional com o auxílio de multimeios, aplicada na turma B, demonstrou melhores resultados, sendo a mais significativa. Outra conclusão muito importante é que apesar de o tema Astronomia ser amplamente

  6. Resposta do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg ao "ringdown" de buraco negros

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Costa, C. A.; Aguiar, O. D.; Magalhães, N. S.


    Acredita-se que quando duas estrelas de nêutrons coalescem, elas, eventualmente, formam um buraco negro com massa igual a soma das massas dos objetos originais. Durante a formação do buraco negro, o espaço-tempo em torno do sistema sofre perturbações que se propagam na forma de radiação gravitacional. A forma de onda associada a radiação gravitacional, durante este estágio, aproxima-se a uma senóide exponencialmente amortecida. Este tipo de sinal é conhecido como "ringdown", e seu comportamento e parametrização são muito bem conhecidos. Neste trabalho, simulamos computacionalmente sinais provenientes do "ringdown" de buracos negros, com a finalidade de testar o desempenho do detector de ondas gravitacionais Mario Schenberg em observá-los, quando entrar em funcionamento. Este primeiro teste teórico ajudou-nos a criar estratégias de detecção de sinais imersos no ruído instrumental. Calculamos a relação sinal-ruído como uma função da frequência, bem como sua integral dentro da faixa de sensibilidade do detector. Os resultados obtidos mostraram que o detector Schenberg terá sensibilidade suficiente para detectar este tipo de sinal, proveniente de fontes astrofísicas localizadas dentro de um raio de ~100kpc.

  7. AoS28D, a proline-Xaa carboxypeptidase secreted by Aspergillus oryzae.


    Salamin, Karine; Eugster, Philippe J; Jousson, Olivier; Waridel, Patrice; Grouzmann, Eric; Monod, Michel


    Prolyl peptidases of the MEROPS S28 family are of particular interest because they are key enzymes in the digestion of proline-rich peptides. A BLAST analysis of the Aspergillus oryzae genome revealed sequences coding for four proteases of the S28 family. Three of these proteases, AoS28A, AoS28B, and AoS28C, were previously characterized as acidic prolyl endopeptidases. The fourth protease, AoS28D, showed high sequence divergence with other S28 proteases and belongs to a phylogenetically distinct cluster together with orthologous proteases from other Aspergillus species. The objective of the present paper was to characterize AoS28D protease in terms of substrate specificity and activity. AoS28D produced by gene overexpression in A. oryzae and in Pichia pastoris was a 70-kDa glycoprotein with a 10-kDa sugar moiety. In contrast with other S28 proteases, AoS28D did not hydrolyze internal Pro-Xaa bonds of several tested peptides. Similarly, to human lysosomal Pro-Xaa carboxypeptidase, AoS28D demonstrated selectivity for cleaving C-terminal Pro-Xaa bonds which are resistant to carboxypeptidases of the S10 family concomitantly secreted by A. oryzae. Therefore, AoS28D could act in synergy with these enzymes during sequential degradation of a peptide from its C-terminus.

  8. Into the blue: AO science with MagAO in the visible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Close, Laird M.; Males, Jared R.; Follette, Katherine B.; Hinz, Phil; Morzinski, Katie; Wu, Ya-Lin; Kopon, Derek; Riccardi, Armando; Esposito, Simone; Puglisi, Alfio; Pinna, Enrico; Xompero, Marco; Briguglio, Runa; Quiros-Pacheco, Fernando


    We review astronomical results in the visible (λ<1μm) with adaptive optics. Other than a brief period in the early 1990s, there has been little astronomical science done in the visible with AO until recently. The most productive visible AO system to date is our 6.5m Magellan telescope AO system (MagAO). MagAO is an advanced Adaptive Secondary system at the Magellan 6.5m in Chile. This secondary has 585 actuators with < 1 msec response times (0.7 ms typically). We use a pyramid wavefront sensor. The relatively small actuator pitch (~23 cm/subap) allows moderate Strehls to be obtained in the visible (0.63-1.05 microns). We use a CCD AO science camera called "VisAO". On-sky long exposures (60s) achieve <30mas resolutions, 30% Strehls at 0.62 microns (r') with the VisAO camera in 0.5" seeing with bright R < 8 mag stars. These relatively high visible wavelength Strehls are made possible by our powerful combination of a next generation ASM and a Pyramid WFS with 378 controlled modes and 1000 Hz loop frequency. We'll review the key steps to having good performance in the visible and review the exciting new AO visible science opportunities and refereed publications in both broad-band (r,i,z,Y) and at Halpha for exoplanets, protoplanetary disks, young stars, and emission line jets. These examples highlight the power of visible AO to probe circumstellar regions/spatial resolutions that would otherwise require much larger diameter telescopes with classical infrared AO cameras.

  9. Biaxial seismic behaviour of reinforced concrete columns =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rodrigues, Hugo Filipe Pinheiro

    A analise dos efeitos dos sismos mostra que a investigacao em engenharia sismica deve dar especial atencao a avaliacao da vulnerabilidade das construcoes existentes, frequentemente desprovidas de adequada resistencia sismica tal como acontece em edificios de betao armado (BA) de muitas cidades em paises do sul da Europa, entre os quais Portugal. Sendo os pilares elementos estruturais fundamentais na resistencia sismica dos edificios, deve ser dada especial atencao a sua resposta sob acoes ciclicas. Acresce que o sismo e um tipo de acao cujos efeitos nos edificios exige a consideracao de duas componentes horizontais, o que tem exigencias mais severas nos pilares comparativamente a acao unidirecional. Assim, esta tese centra-se na avaliacao da resposta estrutural de pilares de betao armado sujeitos a acoes ciclicas horizontais biaxiais, em tres linhas principais. Em primeiro lugar desenvolveu-se uma campanha de ensaios para o estudo do comportamento ciclico uniaxial e biaxial de pilares de betao armado com esforco axial constante. Para tal foram construidas quatro series de pilares retangulares de betao armado (24 no total) com diferentes caracteristicas geometricas e quantidades de armadura longitudinal, tendo os pilares sido ensaiados para diferentes historias de carga. Os resultados experimentais obtidos sao analisados e discutidos dando particular atencao a evolucao do dano, a degradacao de rigidez e resistencia com o aumento das exigencias de deformacao, a energia dissipada, ao amortecimento viscoso equivalente; por fim e proposto um indice de dano para pilares solicitados biaxialmente. De seguida foram aplicadas diferentes estrategias de modelacao nao-linear para a representacao do comportamento biaxial dos pilares ensaiados, considerando nao-linearidade distribuida ao longo dos elementos ou concentrada nas extremidades dos mesmos. Os resultados obtidos com as varias estrategias de modelacao demonstraram representar adequadamente a resposta em termos das curvas

  10. Avaliação dos efeitos do subgalato de bismuto na proliferação de miofibroblastos

    PubMed Central

    de Lima, Rubianne Ligório; Sampaio, Cláudia Paraguaçu; Seidel, Karin Caroline; Branco, Melina; Sobreiro, Rafaela Mabile


    Resumo Contexto O subgalato de bismuto é um metal pesado e insolúvel, utilizado por suas propriedades adstringentes e hemostáticas. Objetivo Avaliar os efeitos do subgalato de bismuto na cicatrização mediante observação de miofibroblastos em pele de ratos. Métodos Foram utilizados 60 ratos da linhagem Wistar, que receberam uma ferida no dorso da pele. Os animais foram divididos em dois grupos: controle (aplicação diária de cloreto de sódio a 0,9%) e experimental (aplicação diária de 0,5 mg de subgalato de bismuto). Cada grupo foi subdividido em três subgrupos, que foram reoperados para retirada da ferida em 3, 7 e 14 dias. Foi realizada coloração de hematoxilina eosina, picrosirius e imuno-histoquímica para avaliar contagem de miofibroblastos, resposta inflamatória e síntese de colágeno. Resultados Não foi encontrada diferença entre os grupos controle e experimento com relação ao processo inflamatório – subgrupos 3 dias (p = 1), 7 dias (p = 0,474) e 14 dias (p = 303). A avaliação dos colágenos tipo I e III no grupo-controle não demonstrou benefícios de cicatrização – 3 dias (p = 0,436), 7 dias (p = 0,853) e 14 dias (p = 0,436); já no grupo experimental, houve aumento dos colágenos tipos I e III nos subgrupos 3 e 14 dias (p = 0,005). A imuno-histoquímica confirmou os resultados encontrados na coloração hematoxilina eosina, na qual a área de miofibroblastos entre os subgrupos, nos grupos experimental (p = 0,4) e controle (p = 0,336), foi indiferente. Conclusão A utilização do subgalato de bismuto em ferida de pele de ratos não evidenciou benefícios na cicatrização, ou seja, não houve diferença na fibroplasia quando comparados os grupos experimental e controle. PMID:29930592

  11. Modulation of the relationship between spring AO and the subsequent winter ENSO by the preceding November AO.


    Chen, Shangfeng; Chen, Wen; Yu, Bin


    Previous studies indicated that the spring Arctic Oscillation (AO) exerts significant influences on the subsequent winter El Niño-Southern Oscillation (ENSO). This analysis suggests that the spring AO-ENSO linkage is highly modulated by its preceding November AO. When November and the subsequent spring AO indices are in phase, the spring AO has a pronounced influence on ENSO. However, when the November and spring AO indices are out of phase, the spring AO-ENSO connection disappears. Modulation of the November AO on the spring AO-ENSO connection is mainly through the constructive and destructive superposition of the November and spring AO associated sea surface temperature (SST) anomalies in the tropical central-eastern Pacific in spring and summer, as well as the SST anomalies developed further in the tropical Pacific via the positive air-sea feedback.

  12. First closed-loop visible AO test results for the advanced adaptive secondary AO system for the Magellan Telescope: MagAO's performance and status

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Close, Laird M.; Males, Jared R.; Kopon, Derek A.; Gasho, Victor; Follette, Katherine B.; Hinz, Phil; Morzinski, Katie; Uomoto, Alan; Hare, Tyson; Riccardi, Armando; Esposito, Simone; Puglisi, Alfio; Pinna, Enrico; Busoni, Lorenzo; Arcidiacono, Carmelo; Xompero, Marco; Briguglio, Runa; Quiros-Pacheco, Fernando; Argomedo, Javier


    The heart of the 6.5 Magellan AO system (MagAO) is a 585 actuator adaptive secondary mirror (ASM) with <1 msec response times (0.7 ms typically). This adaptive secondary will allow low emissivity and high-contrast AO science. We fabricated a high order (561 mode) pyramid wavefront sensor (similar to that now successfully used at the Large Binocular Telescope). The relatively high actuator count (and small projected ~23 cm pitch) allows moderate Strehls to be obtained by MagAO in the “visible” (0.63-1.05 μm). To take advantage of this we have fabricated an AO CCD science camera called "VisAO". Complete “end-to-end” closed-loop lab tests of MagAO achieve a solid, broad-band, 37% Strehl (122 nm rms) at 0.76 μm (i’) with the VisAO camera in 0.8” simulated seeing (13 cm ro at V) with fast 33 mph winds and a 40 m Lo locked on R=8 mag artificial star. These relatively high visible wavelength Strehls are enabled by our powerful combination of a next generation ASM and a Pyramid WFS with 400 controlled modes and 1000 Hz sample speeds (similar to that used successfully on-sky at the LBT). Currently only the VisAO science camera is used for lab testing of MagAO, but this high level of measured performance (122 nm rms) promises even higher Strehls with our IR science cameras. On bright (R=8 mag) stars we should achieve very high Strehls (>70% at H) in the IR with the existing MagAO Clio2 (λ=1-5.3 μm) science camera/coronagraph or even higher (~98% Strehl) the Mid-IR (8-26 microns) with the existing BLINC/MIRAC4 science camera in the future. To eliminate non-common path vibrations, dispersions, and optical errors the VisAO science camera is fed by a common path advanced triplet ADC and is piggy-backed on the Pyramid WFS optical board itself. Also a high-speed shutter can be used to block periods of poor correction. The entire system passed CDR in June 2009, and we finished the closed-loop system level testing phase in December 2011. Final system acceptance (

  13. MagAO: status and science

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morzinski, Katie M.; Close, Laird M.; Males, Jared R.; Hinz, Phil M.; Esposito, Simone; Riccardi, Armando; Briguglio, Runa; Follette, Katherine B.; Pinna, Enrico; Puglisi, Alfio; Vezilj, Jennifer; Xompero, Marco; Wu, Ya-Lin


    "MagAO" is the adaptive optics instrument at the Magellan Clay telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. MagAO has a 585-actuator adaptive secondary mirror and 1000-Hz pyramid wavefront sensor, operating on natural guide stars from R-magnitudes of -1 to 15. MagAO has been in on-sky operation for 166 nights since installation in 2012. MagAO's unique capabilities are simultaneous imaging in the visible and infrared with VisAO and Clio, excellent performance at an excellent site, and a lean operations model. Science results from MagAO include the first ground-based CCD image of an exoplanet, demonstration of the first accreting protoplanets, discovery of a new wide-orbit exoplanet, and the first empirical bolometric luminosity of an exoplanet. We describe the status, report the AO performance, and summarize the science results. New developments reported here include color corrections on red guide stars for the wavefront sensor; a new field stop stage to facilitate VisAO imaging of extended sources; and eyepiece observing at the visible-light diffraction limit of a 6.5-m telescope. We also discuss a recent hose failure that led to a glycol coolant leak, and the recovery of the adaptive secondary mirror (ASM) after this recent (Feb. 2016) incident.

  14. Magnetic and charge transport properties of the Na-based Os oxide pyrochlore

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Shi, Y.G., E-mail: SHI.Youguo@nims.go.j; International Center for Materials Nanoarchitectonics; JST, Transformative Research-Project on Iron Pnictides


    The Na-based osmium oxide pyrochlore was synthesized for the first time by an ion-exchange method using KOs{sub 2}O{sub 6} as a host. The composition was identified as Na{sub 1.4}Os{sub 2}O{sub 6}.H{sub 2}O by electron probe micro-analysis, thermogravimetric analysis, and structural analysis using synchrotron X-ray diffraction. Na{sub 1.4}Os{sub 2}O{sub 6}.H{sub 2}O crystallizes in a regular pyrochlore structure with some defects (space group: Fd-3m, a=10.16851(1) A). Electrical resistivity, heat capacity, and magnetization measurements clearly showed absence of superconductivity down to 2 K, being in large contrast to what was found for the beta-type pyrochlore superconductor AOs{sub 2}O{sub 6} (A=Cs, Rb, and K).more » The Sommerfeld coefficient is 22 mJ K{sup -2} mol{sup -1}, being the smallest among AOs{sub 2}O{sub 6}. A magnetic anomaly at {approx}57 K and associated magneto-resistance (+3.7% at 2 K in 70 kOe) were found. - Graphical abstract: Crystal structure of the Na-based Os oxide pyrochlore Na{sub 1.4}Os{sub 2}O{sub 6}.H{sub 2}O.« less

  15. Evaluating bronchodilator response in pediatric patients with post-infectious bronchiolitis obliterans: use of different criteria for identifying airway reversibility.


    Mattiello, Rita; Vidal, Paula Cristina; Sarria, Edgar Enrique; Pitrez, Paulo Márcio; Stein, Renato Tetelbom; Mocelin, Helena Teresinha; Fischer, Gilberto Bueno; Jones, Marcus Herbert; Pinto, Leonardo Araújo


    BOPI, comparando critérios diferentes para a definição da resposta. Foram avaliados pacientes pediátricos com diagnóstico de BOPI tratados em um de dois ambulatórios de pneumologia pediátrica na cidade de Porto Alegre (RS). Parâmetros espirométricos foram medidos de acordo com recomendações internacionais. Foram incluídos 72 pacientes pediátricos com BOPI no estudo. As médias dos valores pré- e pós-broncodilatador foram claramente inferiores aos valores de referência para todos os parâmetros, especialmente FEF25-75%. Houve uma melhora pós-broncodilatador. Quando medidos como aumentos percentuais médios, VEF1 e FEF25-75% melhoraram em 11% e 20%, respectivamente. Entretanto, quando os valores absolutos foram calculados, as médias de VEF1 e FEF25-75% aumentaram somente em 0,1 l. Verificamos que a idade da agressão viral, história familiar de asma e alergia não tiveram efeitos significativos na resposta ao broncodilatador. Pacientes pediátricos com BOPI têm uma obstrução das vias aéreas periféricas que responde ao tratamento, mas não uma reversão completa com o broncodilatador. O conceito de BOPI como obstrução fixa e irreversível parece não se aplicar a essa população. Nossos dados sugerem que a obstrução de vias aéreas em pacientes com BOPI é variável, e esse achado pode ter importantes implicações clínicas.

  16. Enhanced nitrogen removal from electroplating tail wastewater through two-staged anoxic-oxic (A/O) process.


    Yan, Xinmei; Zhu, Chunyan; Huang, Bin; Yan, Qun; Zhang, Guangsheng


    Consisted of anaerobic (ANA), anoxic-1 (AN1), aerobic-1 (AE1), anoxic-2 (AN2), aerobic-2 (AE2) reactors and sediment tank, the two-staged A/O process was applied for depth treatment of electroplating tail wastewater with high electrical conductivity and large amounts of ammonia nitrogen. It was found that the NH 4 + -N and COD removal efficiencies reached 97.11% and 83.00%, respectively. Besides, the short-term salinity shock of the control, AE1 and AE2 indicated that AE1 and AE2 have better resistance to high salinity when the concentration of NaCl ranged from 1 to 10g/L. Meanwhile, it was found through high-throughput sequencing that bacteria genus Nitrosomonas, Nitrospira and Thauera, which are capable of nitrogen removal, were enriched in the two-staged A/O process. Moreover, both salt-tolerant bacteria and halophili bacteria were also found in the combined process. Therefore, microbial community within the two-staged A/O process could be acclimated to high electrical conductivity, and adapted for electroplating tail wastewater treatment. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. A Prediction of the Damping Properties of Hindered Phenol AO-60/polyacrylate Rubber (AO-60/ACM) Composites through Molecular Dynamics Simulation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, Da-Wei; Zhao, Xiu-Ying; Zhang, Geng; Li, Qiang-Guo; Wu, Si-Zhu


    Molecule dynamics (MD) simulation, a molecular-level method, was applied to predict the damping properties of AO-60/polyacrylate rubber (AO-60/ACM) composites before experimental measures were performed. MD simulation results revealed that two types of hydrogen bond, namely, type A (AO-60) -OH•••O=C- (ACM), type B (AO-60) - OH•••O=C- (AO-60) were formed. Then, the AO-60/ACM composites were fabricated and tested to verify the accuracy of the MD simulation through dynamic mechanical thermal analysis (DMTA). DMTA results showed that the introduction of AO-60 could remarkably improve the damping properties of the composites, including the increase of glass transition temperature (Tg) alongside with the loss factor (tan δ), also indicating the AO-60/ACM(98/100) had the best damping performance amongst the composites which verified by the experimental.

  18. Apple fruit copper amine oxidase isoforms: peroxisomal MdAO1 prefers diamines as substrates, whereas extracellular MdAO2 exclusively utilizes monoamines.


    Zarei, Adel; Trobacher, Christopher P; Cooke, Alison R; Meyers, Ashley J; Hall, J Christopher; Shelp, Barry J


    4-Aminobutyrate (GABA) accumulates in apple fruit during controlled atmosphere storage. A potential source of GABA is the polyamine putrescine, which can be oxidized via copper-containing amine oxidase (CuAO), resulting in the production 4-aminobutanal/Δ(1)-pyrroline, with the consumption of O2 and release of H2O2 and ammonia. Five putative CuAO genes (MdAO genes) were cloned from apple (Malus domestica Borkh. cv. Empire) fruit, and the deduced amino acid sequences found to contain the active sites typically conserved in CuAOs. Genes encoding two of these enzymes, MdAO1 and MdAO2, were highly expressed in apple fruit and selected for further analysis. Amino acid sequence analysis predicted the presence of a C-terminal peroxisomal targeting signal 1 tripeptide in MdAO1 and an N-terminal signal peptide and N-glycosylation site in MdAO2. Transient expression of green fluorescent fusion proteins in Arabidopsis protoplasts or onion epidermal cells revealed a peroxisomal localization for MdAO1 and an extracellular localization for MdAO2. The enzymatic activities of purified recombinant MdAO1 and MdAO2 were measured continuously as H2O2 production using a coupled reaction. MdAO1 did not use monoamines or polyamines and displayed high catalytic efficiency for 1,3-diaminopropane, putrescine and cadaverine, whereas MdAO2 exclusively utilized aliphatic and aromatic monoamines, including 2-phenylethylamine and tyramine. Together, these results indicate that MdAO1 may contribute to GABA production via putrescine oxidation in the peroxisome of apple fruit under controlled atmosphere conditions. MdAO2 seems to be involved in deamination of 2-phenylethylamine, which is a step in the biosynthesis of 2-phenylethanol, a contributor to fruit flavor and flower fragrance. © The Author 2014. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Japanese Society of Plant Physiologists. All rights reserved. For permissions, please email:

  19. Telephone system operations evaluation : before AOS implementation

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This study provides a detailed baseline analysis of telephone system performance before AOS : implementation. By the time of the preparation of this report, the phone system component of : AOS had not been implemented.

  20. LGS-AO Imaging of Every Kepler Planet Candidate: the Robo-AO KOI Survey

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baranec, Christoph; Law, Nicholas; Morton, Timothy; Ziegler, Carl; Nofi, Larissa; Atkinson, Dani; Riddle, Reed


    The Robo-AO Kepler Planetary Candidate Survey is observing every Kepler planet candidate host star with laser adaptive optics imaging, to search for blended nearby stars which may be physically associated companions and/or responsible for transit false positives. We will present the results from searching for companions around over 3,000 Kepler planet hosts in 2012-2015. We will describe our first data release covering 715 planet candidate hosts, and give a preview of ongoing results including improved statistics on the likelihood of false positive planet detections in the Kepler dataset, many new planets in multiple star systems, and new exotic multiple star systems containing Kepler planets. We will also describe the automated Robo-AO survey data reduction methods, including a method of using the large ensemble of target observations as mutual point-spread-function references, along with a new automated companion-detection algorithm designed for extremely large adaptive optics surveys. Our first data release covered 715 objects, searching for companions from 0.15” to 2.5” separation with contrast up to 6 magnitudes. We measured the overall nearby-star-probability for Kepler planet candidates to be 7.4+/-1.0%, and we will detail the variations in this number with stellar host parameters. We will also discuss plans to extend the survey to other transiting planet missions such as K2 and TESS as Robo-AO is in the process of being re-deployed to the 2.1-m telescope at Kitt Peak for 3 years and a higher-contrast Robo-AO system is being developed for the 2.2-m UH telescope on Maunakea.

  1. AATA AOS evaluation : transfer and on-time performance study : before and after AOS implementation, October 1996 - May 1999

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This study develops, using data before AOS in 1996 and 1997 and after AOS in 1998 and 1999, implementation data on AATAs on-time performance and vehicle-to-vehicle timing of transfers at four major transfer location. Systematic evaluation of on-ti...

  2. The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO Project: Progress and Upgrades

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jovanovic, Nemanja; Martinache, F.; Guyon, O.; Clergeon, C.; Garrel, V.


    The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO (SCExAO) instrument consists of a high performance Phase Induced Amplitude Apodisation (PIAA) coronagraph combined with an extreme Adaptive Optics (AO) system operating in the near-infrared (H band). The extreme AO system driven by the 2000 element deformable mirror will allow for Strehl ratios>90% to be achieved in the H-band when it goes closed loop. This makes the SCExAO instrument a powerful platform for high contrast imaging down to angular separations of the order of 1 λ/D. In this paper we report on the recent progress in regards to the development of the instrument, which includes the addition of a visible bench that makes use of the light at shorter wavelengths not currently utilized by SCExAO and closing the loop on the tip/tilt wavefront sensor. We will also discuss two exciting guest instruments which will expand the capabilities of SCExAO over the next few years; namely CHARIS which is a integral field spectrograph as well as VAMPIRES, a visible aperture masking experiment based on polarimetric analysis of circumstellar disks.

  3. Beyond the Blur: Construction and Characterization of the First Autonomous AO System, and, An AO Survey of Magnetar Proper Motions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tendulkar, Shriharsh Prakash

    Adaptive optics (AO) corrects distortions created by atmospheric turbulence and delivers diffraction-limited images on ground-based telescopes. The vastly improved spatial resolution and sensitivity has been utilized for studying everything from the magnetic fields of sunspots upto the internal dynamics of high-redshift galaxies. This thesis about AO science from small and large telescopes is divided into two parts: Robo-AO and magnetar kinematics. In the first part, I discuss the construction and performance of the world's first fully autonomous visible light AO system, Robo-AO, at the Palomar 60-inch telescope. Robo-AO operates extremely efficiently with an overhead < 50s, typically observing about 22 targets every hour. We have performed large AO programs observing a total of over 7,500 targets since May 2012. In the visible band, the images have a Strehl ratio of about 10% and achieve a contrast of upto 6 magnitudes at a separation of 1‧‧. The full-width at half maximum achieved is 110-130 milli-arcsecond. I describe how Robo-AO is used to constrain the evolutionary models of low-mass pre-main-sequence stars by measuring resolved spectral energy distributions of stellar multiples in the visible band, more than doubling the current sample. I conclude this part with a discussion of possible future improvements to the Robo-AO system. In the second part, I describe a study of magnetar kinematics using high-resolution near-infrared (NIR) AO imaging from the 10-meter Keck II telescope. Measuring the proper motions of five magnetars with a precision of upto 0.7 milli-arcsecond/yr -1, we have more than tripled the previously known sample of magnetar proper motions and proved that magnetar kinematics are equivalent to those of radio pulsars. We conclusively showed that SGR 1900+14 and SGR 1806-20 were ejected from the stellar clusters with which they were traditionally associated. The inferred kinematic ages of these two magnetars are 6 +/- 1.8 kyr and 650 +/-3 00

  4. AO 0235+164 and Surrounding Field: Surprising HST Results

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Burbidge, E. M.; Beaver, E. A.; Cohen, Ross D.; Junkkarinen, V. T.; Lyons, R. W.


    Results obtained with the Hubble Space Telescope on the highly variable radio, x-ray, and gamma-ray emitting QSO (or BL Lac object) AO 0235 + 164 are presented and analyzed. WFPC2 images were obtained in 1994 June, when AO 0235 + 164 was bright (m approx. 17), and the results are described in Sec. 3. After subtraction of the PSF of the QSO, hereafter called AO following the nomenclature of Yanny et al. (1989), the companion object named A, 2 sec south of AO, is discovered not to be an elliptical galaxy as hypothesized earlier, but to be an AGN object, with a central UV-bright point-source nucleus and faint surrounding nebulosity extending to AO. The second companion object 1.3 sec east of AO discovered by Yanny et al. (1989) and named object Al, appears more like a normal spiral galaxy. We have measured the positions, luminosities, and colors of some 30 faint objects in the field around AO 0235 + 16; most are extended and may be star-forming galaxies in a loose group or cluster. Our most surprising result of the HST observations comes from FOS spectra obtained in 1995 July, discussed in Sec. 4. Because of a positioning error of the telescope and AO's faintness at that time (m approx. 20), object A was observed instead of the intended target AO. Serendipitously, we discovered A to have broad deep BALQSO-type absorptions of C IV, Si IV, N V shortward of broad emissions. A is thus ejecting high velocity, highly ionized gas into the surrounding IGM. We discuss in Sec. 5 the relationship of the objects in the central 10 sec X 1O sec region around AO, where redshifts z(sub e) = 0.94, z(sub a) = 0.524, 0.851 in AO, (sub e) = 0.524 and Z(sub BAL)=0.511 in A, are found. We hypothesize that some of the 30 faint objects in the 77 sec. x 77 sec. field may be part of a large star-forming region at z approx. 0.5, as suggested for a few objects by Yanny et al. (1989). The proximity of two highly active extragalactic objects, AO 0235+164 and its AGN companion A, is remarkable and

  5. Suppression of Plant Immune Responses by the Pseudomonas savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 Type III Effector Tyrosine Phosphatases HopAO1 and HopAO2

    PubMed Central

    Castañeda-Ojeda, María Pilar; Moreno-Pérez, Alba; Ramos, Cayo; López-Solanilla, Emilia


    The effector repertoire of the olive pathogen P. savastanoi pv. savastanoi NCPPB 3335 includes two members of the HopAO effector family, one of the most diverse T3E families of the P. syringae complex. The study described here explores the phylogeny of these dissimilar members, HopAO1 and HopAO2, among the complex and reveals their activities as immune defense suppressors. Although HopAO1 is predominantly encoded by phylogroup 3 strains isolated from woody organs of woody hosts, both HopAO1 and HopAO2 are phylogenetically clustered according to the woody/herbaceous nature of their host of isolation, suggesting host specialization of the HopAO family across the P. syringae complex. HopAO1 and HopAO2 translocate into plant cells and show hrpL-dependent expression, which allows their classification as actively deployed type III effectors. Our data also show that HopAO1 and HopAO2 possess phosphatase activity, a hallmark of the members of this family. Both of them exert an inhibitory effect on early plant defense responses, such as ROS production and callose deposition, and are able to suppress ETI responses induced by the effectorless polymutant of P. syringae pv. tomato DC3000 (DC3000D28E) in Nicotiana. Moreover, we demonstrate that a ΔhopAO1 mutant of P. savastanoi NCPBB 3335 exhibits a reduced fitness and virulence in olive plants, which supports the relevance of this effector during the interaction of this strain with its host plants. This work contributes to the field with the first report regarding functional analysis of HopAO homologs encoded by P. syringae or P. savastanoi strains isolated from woody hosts. PMID:28529516

  6. Measuring the quality of life in hypertension according to Item Response Theory.


    Borges, José Wicto Pereira; Moreira, Thereza Maria Magalhães; Schmitt, Jeovani; Andrade, Dalton Francisco de; Barbetta, Pedro Alberto; Souza, Ana Célia Caetano de; Lima, Daniele Braz da Silva; Carvalho, Irialda Saboia


    álise pela Teoria da Resposta ao Item foram: avaliação da dimensionalidade, estimação dos parâmetros dos itens e construção da escala. O estudo da dimensionalidade foi realizado sobre a matriz de correlação policórica e análise fatorial confirmatória. Para a estimação dos parâmetros dos itens, foi utilizado o Modelo de Resposta Gradual de Samejima. As análises foram conduzidas no software livre R com o auxílio dos pacotes psych e mirt. A análise permitiu a visualização dos parâmetros dos itens e suas contribuições individuais na mensuração do traço latente, gerando mais informação, permitindo a construção de uma escala com um modelo interpretativo que demonstra a evolução da piora da qualidade de vida em cinco níveis. Quanto aos parâmetros dos itens, houve bom desempenho daqueles referentes ao estado somático, pois apresentaram melhor poder de discriminar os indivíduos com pior qualidade de vida. Os itens relacionados ao estado mental foram os que contribuíram com menor quantidade de informação psicométrica no MINICHAL. Conclui-se que o instrumento é indicado para a identificação da deterioração da qualidade de vida em hipertensão arterial. A análise do MINICHAL pela Teoria da Resposta ao Item permitiu identificar novas facetas desse instrumento ainda não abordadas em estudos anteriores.

  7. Ensino de Astronomia no Ensino Médio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Albrecht, E.; Voelzke, M. R.


    O presente trabalho de intervenção foi realizado junto a Escola Estadual Colônia dos Pescadores na cidade de Caraguatatuba, com três turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, envolvendo 119 alunos, 40 na turma A, 40 na turma B e 39 na turma C. A fase inicial foi composta de um questionário de vinte questões dissertativas e objetivas para diagnosticar nos educandos os conceitos prévios sobre Astronomia e, partindo destes realizar uma interferência nas classes envolvidas utilizando metodologias diferentes sendo elas: a tradicional, onde o professor é um repassador de informações, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz; a segunda também de forma tradicional, porém com auxílio de multimídia para desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira sob forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos educandos, no qual o educador faz apenas as intervenções necessárias. Ao final do trabalho as mesmas turmas da fase inicial orientadas pelo mesmo professor responderam novamente ao questionário proposto para diagnosticar dentre as três metodologias utilizadas qual apresentou melhores resultados, sendo os iniciais comparados com os finais. Quando questionados a respeito do significado de Astronomia observou-se inicialmente que os acertos na turma A foram de 100%,turma B: 64%, turma C: 84%, após a intervenção os acertos foram: 100%, 97% e 85% respectivamente, demonstrando claramente uma absorção de conhecimentos. Quando interrogados sobre quantos planetas você acha que existem em nosso Sistema Solar? os acertos foram: turma A: 39%, turma B: 48% e turma C: 46%, após o desenvolvimento do trabalho os acertos foram 94%, 97% e 90% respectivamente.Dentro das respostas obtidas observa-se que a metodologia tradicional com o auxílio de multimeios, aplicada na turma B, demonstrou melhores resultados, foi a mais significativa.

  8. Biofunctionality and immunocompatibility of starch-based biomaterials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marques, Alexandra Margarida Pinto

    A procura de novos biomateriais que desempenhem funcoes especificas sem, no entanto, desencadearem respostas negativas nos hospedeiros constitui um desafio permanente e actual nesta area. Biomateriais degradaveis foram uma das solucoes propostas e actualmente em aplicacao mas, embora possuam vantagens inegaveis, tambem apresentam alguns problemas nomeadamente no que diz respeito aos seus produtos de degradacao e respectivos efeitos negativos consequentes. Outros biomateriais, entre os quais polimeros de origem natural, foram propostos considerando que os seus produtos de degradacao poderao ser incorporados nas vias metabolicas normais evitando efeitos secundarios no hospedeiro. Ate ao momento, e apesar de todos os esforcos e do grande numero de dispositivos biomedicos desenvolvidos, o biomaterial ideal para uma aplicacao especifica ainda nao foi encontrado. Estudos com polimeros biodegradaveis a base de amido demonstraram que estes materiais possuem propriedades promissoras abrindo novas perspectivas para a sua possivel aplicacao numa variedade de aplicacoes biomedicas. Assim, de modo a demonstrar que estes materiais tem de facto potencial para serem utilizados em, por exemplo, substituicao ossea, sistemas de libertacao controlada, cimentos osseos e engenharia de tecidos, seria imperativo avaliar com maior profundidade a resposta biologica desencadeada pelos mesmos. Para tal foi delineado um plano de trabalhos com tres objectivos principais: i) avaliar a citocompatibilidade dos polimeros e compositos a base de amido com monitorizacao da citotoxicidade e analise da adesao e proliferacao celulares nas suas superficies. Foi dada particular atencao a osteoblastos considerando uma possivel aplicacao ortopedica para estes materiais; ii) estabelecer modelos in vitro para analisar e prever, tanto quanto possivel, uma situacao real de resposta inflamatoria; iii) validar os resultados in vitro com um modelo in vivo ja estabelecido em outros trabalhos de analise da resposta

  9. The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO Project

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martinache, Frantz; Guyon, O.; Lozi, J.; Tamura, M.; Hodapp, K.; Suzuki, R.; Hayano, Y.; McElwain, M. W.


    While the existence of large numbers of extrasolar planets around solar type stars has been unambiguously demonstrated by radial velocity, transit and microlensing surveys, attempts at direct imaging with AO-equipped large telescopes remain unsuccessful. Because they supposedly offer more favorable contrast ratios, young systems consitute prime targets for imaging. Such observations will provide key insights on the formation and early evolution of planets and disks. Current surveys are limited by modest AO performance which limits inner working angle to 0.2", and only reach maximum sensitivity outside 1". This translates into orbital distances greater than 10 AU even on most nearby systems, while only 5 % of the known exoplanets have a semimajor axis greater than 10 AU. This calls for a major change of approach in the techniques used for direct imaging of the direct vicinity of stars. A sensible way to do the job is to combine coronagraphy and Extreme AO. Only accurate and fast control of the wavefront will permit the detection of high contrast planetary companions within 10 AU. The SCExAO system, currently under assembly, is an upgrade of the HiCIAO coronagraphic differential imaging camera, mounted behind the 188-actuator curvature AO system on Subaru Telescope. This platform includes a 1000-actuator MEMS deformable mirror for high accuracy wavefront correction and a PIAA coronagraph which delivers high contrast at 0.05" from the star (5 AU at 100 pc). Key technologies have been validated in the laboratory: high performance wavefront sensing schemes, spider vanes and central obstruction removal, and lossless beam apodization. The project is designed to be highly flexible to continuously integrate new technologies with high scientific payoff. Planned upgrades include an integral field unit for spectral characterization of planets/disks and a non-redundant aperture mask to push the performance of the system toward separations less than lambda/D.

  10. Center for Adaptive Optics | AO Summer School Websites

    School on Adaptive Optics Sponsored by: Center for Adaptive Optics The AO Summer School instruction is Adaptive Optics and their implementation. Our Summer School is intended to facilitate and encourage previous summer school web pages. Please contact us, if you would like more information on AO Summer School

  11. SCExAO: First Results and On-Sky Performance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Martinache, Frantz; Clergeon, Christophe; McElwain, Michael; Thalmann, Christian; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Singh, Garima; Kudo, Tomoyuki


    We present new on-sky results for the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics imager (SCExAO) verifying and quantifying the contrast gain enabled by key components: the closed-loop coronagraphic low-order wavefront sensor (CLOWFS) and focal plane wavefront control (``speckle nulling''). SCExAO will soon be coupled with a high-order, Pyramid wavefront sensor which will yield > 90% Strehl ratio and enable 106-107 contrast at small angular separations allowing us to image gas giant planets at solar system scales. Upcoming instruments like VAMPIRES, FIRST, and CHARIS will expand SCExAO's science capabilities.

  12. SCExAO: First Results and On-Sky Performance

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Martinache, Frantz; Clergeon, Christophe; McElwain, Michael; Thalmann, Christian; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Singh, Garima; Kudo, Tomoyuki


    We present new on-sky results for the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics imager (SCExAO) verifying and quantifying the contrast gain enabled by key components: the closed-loop coronagraphic low-order wavefront sensor (CLOWFS) and focal plane wavefront control ("speckle nulling"). SCExAO will soon be coupled with a high-order, Pyramid wavefront sensor which will yield greater than 90% Strehl ratio and enable 10(exp 6) -10(exp 7) contrast at small angular separations allowing us to image gas giant planets at solar system scales. Upcoming instruments like VAMPIRES, FIRST, and CHARIS will expand SCExAO's science capabilities.

  13. AO Images of Asteroids, Inverting their Lightcurves, and SSA

    DTIC Science & Technology


    telescopes, we have recently obtained images of Main- Belt asteroids with adaptive optics (AO) on the Keck-II 10 meter telescope, the world’s largest...telescopes, we have recently obtained images of Main- Belt asteroids with adaptive optics (AO) on the Keck-II 10 meter telescope, the world’s largest...AO Images of Asteroids , Inverting their Lightcurves, and SSA Jack Drummond a and Julian Christoub,c aStarfire Optical Range, Directed Energy

  14. SMILES/AOS: acousto-optical spectrometer for high resolution submillimeter-wave spectroscopy

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mazuray, L.; Barthès, J.-C.; Bayle, F.; Castel, D.; Claviere, P.; Delbru, F.; Doittau, P.-O.; Gladin, L.; Guilleux, P.; Halbout, S.; Lavielle, D.; Varin, J.-L.; de Zotti, S.; Rosolen, C.; Ozeki, H.


    An acousto-optical spectrometer (AOS) is employed in order to meet scientific mission objectives of submillimeter-wave limb-emission sounder (SMILES) to be aboard the Japanese Experiment Module (JEM) of International space station (ISS). AOS is developed by ASTRIUM for the Japanese space agency (NASDA). The capability of multi channel detection with AOS is suitable for observing multi-chemical species in a wide frequency region. Low noise of the AOS enables us to obtain the spectra with a very high sensitivity. Several technical concerns relating to important instrumental characteristics of AOS are discussed and expected performance of the design are overviewed.

  15. Comprehensive thermoelectric properties of n- and p-type 78a/o Si - 22a/o Ge alloy

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Raag, V.


    The time and temperature dependence of the thermoelectric properties on n- and p-type 78 a/o Si - 22 a/o Ge alloy are presented in detail for the range of temperatures of zero to 1000 C and operating times up to twelve years. The mechanisms responsible for the time dependence of the properties are discussed and mathematical models used in the derivation of the property values from experimental data are presented. The thermoelectric properties for each polarity type of the alloy are presented as a function of temperature for various operating times.

  16. Visible AO Observations at Halpha for Accreting Young Planets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Close, L. M.; Follette, K.; Males, J. R.; Morzinski, K.; Rodigas, T. J.; Hinz, P.; Wu, Y.-L.; Apai, D.; Najita, J.; Puglisi, A.; Esposito, S.; Riccardi, A.; Bailey, V.; Xompero, M.; Briguglio, R.; Weinberger, A.


    We utilized the new high-order (250-378 mode) Magellan Adaptive Optics system (MagAO) to obtain very high-resolution science in the visible with MagAO's VisAO CCD camera. In the good-median seeing conditions of Magellan (0.5-0.7'') we find MagAO delivers individual short exposure images as good as 19 mas optical resolution. Due to telescope vibrations, long exposure (60s) r' (0.63μm) images are slightly coarser at FWHM = 23-29 mas (Strehl ~ 28%) with bright (R < 9 mag) guide stars. These are the highest resolution filled-aperture images published to date. Images of the young (~ 1 Myr) Orion Trapezium θ1 Ori A, B, and C cluster members were obtained with VisAO. In particular, the 32 mas binary θ1 Ori C 1 C 2 was easily resolved in non-interferometric images for the first time. Relative positions of the bright trapezium binary stars were measured with ~ 0.6-5 mas accuracy. In the second commissioning run we were able to correct 378 modes and achieved good contrasts (Strehl>20% on young transition disks at Hα). We discuss the contrasts achieved at Hα and the possibility of detecting low mass (~ 1-5 Mjup) planets (past 5AU) with our new SAPPHIRES survey with MagAO at Hα.

  17. Contagem de fontes de radio na direção de aglomerados ricos de galaxias

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Andreazza, C. M.; Andernach, H.

    A contagem de fontes de rádio, na direção de aglomerados ricos de galáxias, deve fornecer uma distribuçãto acima da média do campo devido aos efeitos do meio. No entanto, a distribução de radiofontes de alguns aglomerados, investigada por vários autores no passado, mostrou, em alguns casos, uma deficência de fontes fracas. Neste trabalho, analisamos os levantamentos em 2.7 GHz (Reuter e Andernach 1990, 1990A&AS...82..279R; Loiseau et al. 1988, 1988A&AS...75...67L) e o catálogo 6CII em 151 MHz (Hales et al. 1988, 1988MNRAS.234..919H). Nosso estudio da distribução de radiofontes, na direção de aglomerados ricos de galáxias, nestas duas frequências, mostra um excesso de fontes fortes somente nas regiões centrais dos aglomerados. Este resultado pode ser explicado devido à evidência de confinamento das radiofontes pelo gás, do meio intra-aglomerado, e devido aos processos de colisão, coalescência e canibalismo de galáxias.

  18. Robo-AO KOI Survey: LGS-AO imaging of every Kepler planetary candidate host star

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ziegler, Carl; Law, Nicholas; Baranec, Christoph; Riddle, Reed


    Robo-AO is observing every Kepler planetary candidate host star (KOI) in high resolution, made possible using the unprecedented efficiency provided by automation of LGS adaptive optics. Nearby contaminating stars may be the source of false positive transit signals or, if a bona fide planet is in the system, dilute the observed transit signal, resulting in underestimated planet radii. In 3857 observations, we find 632 stars within 4" (approximately the Kepler pixel scale) of KOIs. In particular, we find 26 rocky, habitable zone planets with contaminating nearby stars, 8 of which are now more likely to have large gaseous envelopes. We present evidence that the majority of these nearby stars are unbound, and use the likely bound stars to test theories of planetary formation and evolution within multiple star systems. Finally, we discuss future all-sky, kilo-target surveys made possible by the construction of a Southern Robo-AO analog.

  19. Steering UTC (AOS) and UTC (PL) by TA (PL)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    UTC. • A second time-transfer technique ( TWSTFT ) will be introduced at AOS. 38th Annual Precise Time and Time Interval (PTTI) Meeting 387 • AOS will...Deviation TWSTFT – Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer UTC – Coordinated Universal Time UTC (i) – Realization of UTC by laboratory i

  20. DeMi Payload Progress Update and Adaptive Optics (AO) Control Comparisons – Meeting Space AO Requirements on a CubeSat

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grunwald, Warren; Holden, Bobby; Barnes, Derek; Allan, Gregory; Mehrle, Nicholas; Douglas, Ewan S.; Cahoy, Kerri


    The Deformable Mirror (DeMi) CubeSat mission utilizes an Adaptive Optics (AO) control loop to correct incoming wavefronts as a technology demonstration for space-based imaging missions, such as high contrast observations (Earthlike exoplanets) and steering light into core single mode fibers for amplification. While AO has been used extensively on ground based systems to correct for atmospheric aberrations, operating an AO system on-board a small satellite presents different challenges. The DeMi payload 140 actuator MEMS deformable mirror (DM) corrects the incoming wavefront in four different control modes: 1) internal observation with a Shack-Hartmann Wavefront Sensor (SHWFS), 2) internal observation with an image plane sensor, 3) external observation with a SHWFS, and 4) external observation with an image plane sensor. All modes have wavefront aberration from two main sources, time-invariant launch disturbances that have changed the optical path from the expected path when calibrated in the lab and very low temporal frequency thermal variations as DeMi orbits the Earth. The external observation modes has additional error from: the pointing precision error from the attitude control system and reaction wheel jitter. Updates on DeMi’s mechanical, thermal, electrical, and mission design are also presented. The analysis from the DeMi payload simulations and testing provides information on the design options when developing space-based AO systems.

  1. SCExAO as a precursor to an ELT exoplanet direct imaging instrument

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jovanovic, Nemanja; Guyon, Olivier; Martinache, Frantz; Clergeon, Christophe; Singh, Garima; Vievard, Sebastien; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Garrel, Vincent; Norris, Barnaby; Tuthill, Peter; Stewart, Paul; Huby, Elsa; Perrin, Guy; Lacour, Sylvestre


    The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO (SCExAO) instrument consists of a high performance Phase Induced Amplitude Apodisation (PIAA) coronagraph combined with an extreme Adaptive Optics (AO) system operating in the near-infrared (H band). The extreme AO system driven by the 2000 element deformable mirror will allow for Strehl ratios>90% to be achieved in the H-band when it goes closed loop. This makes the SCExAO instrument a powerful platform for high contrast imaging down to angular separations of the order of 1 lambda/D and an ideal testbed for exploring coronagraphic techniques for ELTs. In this paper we report on the recent progress in regards to the development of the instrument, which includes the addition of a visible bench that makes use of the light at shorter wavelengths not currently utilized by SCExAO and closing the loop on the tip/tilt wavefront sensor. We will also discuss several exciting guest instruments which will expand the capabilities of SCExAO over the next few years; namely CHARIS which is a integral field spectrograph as well as VAMPIRES, a visible aperture masking experiment based on polarimetric analysis of circumstellar disks. In addition we will elucidate the unique role extreme AO systems will play in enabling high precision radial velocity spectroscopy for the detection of small companions.

  2. A Large-Telescope Natural Guide Star AO System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Redding, David; Milman, Mark; Needels, Laura


    None given. From overview and conclusion:Keck Telescope case study. Objectives-low cost, good sky coverage. Approach--natural guide star at 0.8um, correcting at 2.2um.Concl- Good performance is possible for Keck with natural guide star AO system (SR>0.2 to mag 17+).AO-optimized CCD should b every effective. Optimizing td is very effective.Spatial Coadding is not effective except perhaps at extreme low light levels.

  3. AO wavefront sensing detector developments at ESO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Downing, Mark; Kolb, Johann; Baade, Dietrich; Iwert, Olaf; Hubin, Norbert; Reyes, Javier; Feautrier, Philippe; Gach, Jean-Luc; Balard, Philippe; Guillaume, Christian; Stadler, Eric; Magnard, Yves


    The detector is a critical component of any Adaptive Optics WaveFront Sensing (AO WFS) system. The required combination of fast frame rate, high quantum efficiency, low noise, large number and size of pixels, and low image lag can often only be met by specialized custom developments. ESO's very active WFS detector development program is described. Key test results are presented for newly developed detectors: a) the e2v L3Vision CCD220 (the fastest/lowest noise AO detector to date) to be deployed soon on 2nd Generation VLT instruments, and b) the MPI-HLL pnCCD with its superb high "red" response. The development of still more advanced laser/natural guide-star WFS detectors is critical for the feasibility of ESO's EELT. The paper outlines: a) the multi-phased development plan that will ensure detectors are available on-time for EELT first-light AO systems, b) results of design studies performed by industry during 2007 including a comparison of the most promising technologies, c) results from CMOS technology demonstrators that were built and tested over the past two years to assess and validate various technologies at the pixel level, their fulfillment of critical requirements (especially read noise and speed), and scalability to full-size. The next step will be towards Scaled-Down Demonstrators (SDD) to retire architecture and process risks. The SDD will be large enough to be used for E-ELT first-light AO WFS systems. For full operability, 30-50 full-scale devices will be needed.

  4. The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO project: an XAO4ELT precursor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martinache, F.


    A diffraction-limited 30-meter telescope theoretically provides a 10 mas resolution limit in the near infrared. Modern coronagraphs like the Vortex, the 8OPM and the PIAA offer the means to take full advantage of this angular resolution allowing to explore at high contrast, the innermost parts of nearby planetary systems to within a fraction of an astronomical unit: an unprecedented capability that will revolutionize our understanding of planet formation across the habitable zone. A precursor of such a system is the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme AO project. SCExAO combines a high performance PIAA-based coronagraph downstream Subaru's AO188 AO system and a 1024-actuator MEMS DM. SCExAO employs advanced wavefront control schemes that make high contrast detection possible at 1 λ/D, providing for a few cases, the possibility to detect the light reflected by exoplanets. Moderate-high contrast detection in the super-resolution regime (<λ/D) is also possible using well calibrated closure quantities like closure-phase for a non-redundant (masked) aperture and its extension for to arbitrary apertures (Kernel-phase). Lessons learned from SCExAO's incremental deployment plan during its first 2011 engineering campaign provides insights that will guide future development of high contrast instrumentation on an ELT.

  5. Robo-AO M Dwarf Multiplicity Survey

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lamman, Claire; Baranec, Christoph; Berta-Thompson, Zachory K.; Law, Nicholas M.; Ziegler, Carl; Schonhut-Stasik, Jessica


    We analyzed close to 7,000 observations from Robo-AO’s field M dwarf survey taken on the 2.1m Kitt Peak telescope. Results will help determine the total multiplicity fraction and multiplicity functions of M dwarfs, which are crucial steps towards understanding their evolution and formation mechanics. Through its robotic, laser-guided, and automated system, the Robo-AO instrument has yielded the largest adaptive-optics M dwarf survey to date. I developed a graphical user interface to quickly analyze this data. Initial data analysis included assessing data quality, checking the result from Robo-AO’s automatic reduction pipeline, and determining existence as well as the relative position of companions through a visual inspection. This program can be applied to other datasets and was successfully tested by re-analyzing observations from a separate Robo-AO survey. After a conservative initial cut for quality, over 350 companions were found within 4” of a primary star out of 2,746 high quality Robo-AO M dwarf observations, including four triple systems. Further observations were done with the Keck II telescope by using its NIRC2 imager to follow up on ten select targets for the existence and physical association of companions. Future research will yield insights into low-mass stellar formation and provide a database of nearby M dwarf multiples that will potentially assist ongoing and future surveys for planets around these stars, such as the NASA TESS mission.

  6. AO 1535 inhibits O2- production by human macrophages.


    Spampinato, G; Messina, L; Malaguarnera, L; Arcidiacono, A; Giuffrida, M A; Guarniera, E; Geremia, E; Rastrelli, A; Messina, A


    AO 1535 is a semisynthetic monoglycosylceramide derived from O-glycosilated sphingosine, with a chemical structure similar to the glycolipids present in many mammalian tissues. In the epidermis monoglycosylceramides contribute to consolidate the structure of cutaneous layers. It has been recently shown that sphingosine and its derivatives are potent inhibitors of Protein kinase C, and block the 'respiratory burst' of phagocitic cells. In macrophages, like in neutrophils, the reactive oxygen intermediates are produced by a membrane associated enzymatic complex, NADPH-oxidase, which is activated by Protein kinase C. This study demonstrates that AO 1535 is able to inhibit the production of reactive oxygen intermediates in human monocytes and macrophages stimulated by phorbol ester and chemotactic tetrapeptide, suggesting a potential clinical application of AO 1535 in the treatment of inflammatory dermatoses.

  7. Customer satisfaction and response to AOS

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Passenger surveys were conducted in each of three successive springs in order to track passenger perception of changes in service quality during AOS implementation. In general, no improvement in passenger perceptions was observed relative to a high b...

  8. MagAO: Status and on-sky performance of the Magellan adaptive optics system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morzinski, Katie M.; Close, Laird M.; Males, Jared R.; Kopon, Derek; Hinz, Phil M.; Esposito, Simone; Riccardi, Armando; Puglisi, Alfio; Pinna, Enrico; Briguglio, Runa; Xompero, Marco; Quirós-Pacheco, Fernando; Bailey, Vanessa; Follette, Katherine B.; Rodigas, T. J.; Wu, Ya-Lin; Arcidiacono, Carmelo; Argomedo, Javier; Busoni, Lorenzo; Hare, Tyson; Uomoto, Alan; Weinberger, Alycia


    MagAO is the new adaptive optics system with visible-light and infrared science cameras, located on the 6.5-m Magellan "Clay" telescope at Las Campanas Observatory, Chile. The instrument locks on natural guide stars (NGS) from 0th to 16th R-band magnitude, measures turbulence with a modulating pyramid wavefront sensor binnable from 28×28 to 7×7 subapertures, and uses a 585-actuator adaptive secondary mirror (ASM) to provide at wavefronts to the two science cameras. MagAO is a mutated clone of the similar AO systems at the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) at Mt. Graham, Arizona. The high-level AO loop controls up to 378 modes and operates at frame rates up to 1000 Hz. The instrument has two science cameras: VisAO operating from 0.5-1μm and Clio2 operating from 1-5 μm. MagAO was installed in 2012 and successfully completed two commissioning runs in 2012-2013. In April 2014 we had our first science run that was open to the general Magellan community. Observers from Arizona, Carnegie, Australia, Harvard, MIT, Michigan, and Chile took observations in collaboration with the MagAO instrument team. Here we describe the MagAO instrument, describe our on-sky performance, and report our status as of summer 2014.

  9. High-Performance CCSDS AOS Protocol Implementation in FPGA

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Clare, Loren P.; Torgerson, Jordan L.; Pang, Jackson


    The Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems (CCSDS) Advanced Orbiting Systems (AOS) space data link protocol provides a framing layer between channel coding such as LDPC (low-density parity-check) and higher-layer link multiplexing protocols such as CCSDS Encapsulation Service, which is described in the following article. Recent advancement in RF modem technology has allowed multi-megabit transmission over space links. With this increase in data rate, the CCSDS AOS protocol implementation needs to be optimized to both reduce energy consumption and operate at a high rate.

  10. SIMS chemical and isotopic analysis of impact features from LDEF experiments AO187-1 and AO187-2

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Stadermann, Frank J.; Amari, Sachiko; Foote, John; Swan, Pat; Walker, Robert M.; Zinner, Ernst


    Previous secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) studies of extended impact features from LDEF capture cell experiment AO187-2 showed that it is possible to distinguish natural and man-made particle impacts based on the chemical composition of projectile residues. The same measurement technique has now been applied to specially prepared gold target impacts from experiment AO187-1 in order to identify the origins of projectiles that left deposits too thin to be analyzed by conventional energy-dispersive x-ray (EDX) spectroscopy. The results indicate that SIMS may be the method of choice for the analysis of impact deposits on a variety of sample surfaces. SIMS was also used to determine the isotopic compositions of impact residues from several natural projectiles. Within the precision of the measurements all analyzed residues show isotopically normal compositions.

  11. CfAO Fall Science Retreat 2017 Websites

    : Mark Chun, Astronomy Dept., U. Hawaii) Point Spread Function Reconstruction for AO Science (Organizer : Jessica Lu, Astronomy Dept., UC Berkeley) High Contrast Exoplanet Instrumentation Program for TMT (Organizer: Michael Fitzgerald, Astronomy Dept., UCLA) Special Plenary Session: TMT international training

  12. Up-Regulated Expression of AOS-LOXa and Increased Eicosanoid Synthesis in Response to Coral Wounding

    PubMed Central

    Lõhelaid, Helike; Teder, Tarvi; Tõldsepp, Kadri; Ekins, Merrick; Samel, Nigulas


    In octocorals, a catalase–like allene oxide synthase (AOS) and an 8R-lipoxygenase (LOX) gene are fused together encoding for a single AOS-LOX fusion protein. Although the AOS-LOX pathway is central to the arachidonate metabolism in corals, its biological function in coral homeostasis is unclear. Using an acute incision wound model in the soft coral Capnella imbricata, we here test whether LOX pathway, similar to its role in plants, can contribute to the coral damage response and regeneration. Analysis of metabolites formed from exogenous arachidonate before and after fixed time intervals following wounding indicated a significant increase in AOS-LOX activity in response to mechanical injury. Two AOS-LOX isoforms, AOS-LOXa and AOS-LOXb, were cloned and expressed in bacterial expression system as active fusion proteins. Transcription levels of corresponding genes were measured in normal and stressed coral by qPCR. After wounding, AOS-LOXa was markedly up-regulated in both, the tissue adjacent to the incision and distal parts of a coral colony (with the maximum reached at 1 h and 6 h post wounding, respectively), while AOS-LOXb was stable. According to mRNA expression analysis, combined with detection of eicosanoid product formation for the first time, the AOS-LOX was identified as an early stress response gene which is induced by mechanical injury in coral. PMID:24551239

  13. Novel algorithm implementations in DARC: the Durham AO real-time controller

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Basden, Alastair; Bitenc, Urban; Jenkins, David


    The Durham AO Real-time Controller has been used on-sky with the CANARY AO demonstrator instrument since 2010, and is also used to provide control for several AO test-benches, including DRAGON. Over this period, many new real-time algorithms have been developed, implemented and demonstrated, leading to performance improvements for CANARY. Additionally, the computational performance of this real-time system has continued to improve. Here, we provide details about recent updates and changes made to DARC, and the relevance of these updates, including new algorithms, to forthcoming AO systems. We present the computational performance of DARC when used on different hardware platforms, including hardware accelerators, and determine the relevance and potential for ELT scale systems. Recent updates to DARC have included algorithms to handle elongated laser guide star images, including correlation wavefront sensing, with options to automatically update references during AO loop operation. Additionally, sub-aperture masking options have been developed to increase signal to noise ratio when operating with non-symmetrical wavefront sensor images. The development of end-user tools has progressed with new options for configuration and control of the system. New wavefront sensor camera models and DM models have been integrated with the system, increasing the number of possible hardware configurations available, and a fully open-source AO system is now a reality, including drivers necessary for commercial cameras and DMs. The computational performance of DARC makes it suitable for ELT scale systems when implemented on suitable hardware. We present tests made on different hardware platforms, along with the strategies taken to optimise DARC for these systems.


    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lamman, Claire; Berta-Thompson, Zachory; Baranec, Christoph; Law, Nicholas; Schonhut, Jessica


    We analyzed over 7,000 observations from Robo-AO’s field M dwarf survey taken on the 2.1m Kitt Peak telescope. Results will help determine the multiplicity fraction of M dwarfs as a function of primary mass, which is a crucial step towards understanding their evolution and formation mechanics. Through its robotic, laser-guided, and automated system, the Robo-AO instrument has yielded the largest adaptive-optics M dwarf survey to date. I developed a graphical user interface to quickly analyze this data. Initial data analysis included assessing data quality, checking the result from Robo-AO’s automatic reduction pipeline, and determining existence as well as the relative position of companions through a visual inspection. This program can be applied to other datasets and was successfully tested by re-analyzing observations from a separate Robo-AO survey. Following the preliminary results from this data analysis tool, further observations were done with the Keck II telescope by using its NIRC2 imager to follow up on ten select targets for the existence and physical association of companions. After a conservative initial cut for quality, 356 companions were found within 4” of a primary star out of 2,746 high quality Robo-AO M dwarf observations, including four triple systems. We will present a preliminary estimate for the multiplicity rate of wide M dwarf companions after accounting for observation limitations and the completeness of our search. Future research will yield insights into low-mass stellar formation and provide a database of nearby M dwarf multiples that will potentially assist ongoing and future surveys for planets around these stars, such as the NASA TESS mission.

  15. Cost study : before, during and after AOS implementation (October 1996 - May 1999)

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search

    This study compared AATA operating costs over two different time periods: before and during AOS installation. While neither additional operating costs nor operating costs savings were traceable to AOS at this time, the implications of this report, wh...

  16. OPERA, an automatic PSF reconstruction software for Shack-Hartmann AO systems: application to Altair

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jolissaint, Laurent; Veran, Jean-Pierre; Marino, Jose


    When doing high angular resolution imaging with adaptive optics (AO), it is of crucial importance to have an accurate knowledge of the point spread function associated with each observation. Applications are numerous: image contrast enhancement by deconvolution, improved photometry and astrometry, as well as real time AO performance evaluation. In this paper, we present our work on automatic PSF reconstruction based on control loop data, acquired simultaneously with the observation. This problem has already been solved for curvature AO systems. To adapt this method to another type of WFS, a specific analytical noise propagation model must be established. For the Shack-Hartmann WFS, we are able to derive a very accurate estimate of the noise on each slope measurement, based on the covariances of the WFS CCD pixel values in the corresponding sub-aperture. These covariances can be either derived off-line from telemetry data, or calculated by the AO computer during the acquisition. We present improved methods to determine 1) r0 from the DM drive commands, which includes an estimation of the outer scale L0 2) the contribution of the high spatial frequency component of the turbulent phase, which is not corrected by the AO system and is scaled by r0. This new method has been implemented in an IDL-based software called OPERA (Performance of Adaptive Optics). We have tested OPERA on Altair, the recently commissioned Gemini-North AO system, and present our preliminary results. We also summarize the AO data required to run OPERA on any other AO system.

  17. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Robo-AO Kepler planetary candidate survey. II. (Baranec+, 2016)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Baranec, C.; Ziegler, C.; Law, N. M.; Morton, T.; Riddle, R.; Atkinson, D.; Schonhut, J.; Crepp, J.


    We selected targets that we had not previously observed from the KOI Catalog based on the Q1-Q12 Kepler data (Rowe et al. 2015, Cat. J/ApJS/217/16). These targets were added to the Robo-AO intelligent observing queue and observed during the summer of 2013. We obtained high angular resolution images of 956 Kepler planet candidate host stars with the Robo-AO robotic laser AOs system over the course of 19 nights between 2013 July 21 and 2013 October 25, detailed in Table5. We also include 13 images from 2012 (2012 July 16-September 13) that required additional confirmation of the KOI position in the Robo-AO field of view. All the observations were performed in a queue-scheduled mode in combination with other science programs using the Robo-AO autonomous laser AO system mounted on the robotic 1.5m telescope at Palomar Observatory (exposure time: 90s; observation wavelengths: 600-950nm; FWHM resolution: 0.12''-0.15''; field of view: 44''*44''; pixel scale: 43.1mas/pix; detector format: 10242 pixels; targets observed/hour: 20). We obtained images of 50 KOIs with the NIRC2 instrument behind the Keck II AO system that were previously observed with Robo-AO and had evidence of a companion. Observations were conducted on 2013 June 25, 2013 August 24 and 25, 2014 August 17, and 2015 July 25 in the K, Ks, or Kp filters, and in the narrow mode of NIRC2 (9.952mas/pixel). (4 data files).

  18. Requirements Modeling with the Aspect-oriented User Requirements Notation (AoURN): A Case Study

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mussbacher, Gunter; Amyot, Daniel; Araújo, João; Moreira, Ana

    The User Requirements Notation (URN) is a recent ITU-T standard that supports requirements engineering activities. The Aspect-oriented URN (AoURN) adds aspect-oriented concepts to URN, creating a unified framework that allows for scenario-based, goal-oriented, and aspect-oriented modeling. AoURN is applied to the car crash crisis management system (CCCMS), modeling its functional and non-functional requirements (NFRs). AoURN generally models all use cases, NFRs, and stakeholders as individual concerns and provides general guidelines for concern identification. AoURN handles interactions between concerns, capturing their dependencies and conflicts as well as the resolutions. We present a qualitative comparison of aspect-oriented techniques for scenario-based and goal-oriented requirements engineering. An evaluation carried out based on the metrics adapted from literature and a task-based evaluation suggest that AoURN models are more scalable than URN models and exhibit better modularity, reusability, and maintainability.

  19. Thin glass shells for AO: from plano to off-axis aspherics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harel, Emmanuelle; Anretar, Alain; Antelme, Jean-Pierre; Caillon, Stéphane; Dussourd, Adrien; Foucaud, Guillaume; Jaury, Hervé; Roure, Océane; William, Jean-Philippe; Wuillaume, Philippe; Ruch, Eric; Geyl, Roland


    Reosc has been working on thin glass shells for many years and was recently selected by ESO for the production of the E-ELT M4 mirror thin glass shells. Previously Reosc also produced the aspheric thin shell for the VLT-M2 AO Facility. Based on this experience we will discuss how off axis thin glass shells can be made for the next generation AO systems like the GMT one.

  20. East Asian winter temperature variation associated with the combined effects of AO and WP pattern

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Hye-Jin; Ahn, Joong-Bae


    The combined effects of the Arctic Oscillation (AO) and Western Pacific (WP) teleconnection pattern on the East Asian winter monsoon (EAWM) over the last 56 years (1958/59-2013/2014) were investigated using NCEP/NCAR reanalysis data (Park and Ahn, 2015). The study results revealed that the effect of the AO on winter temperature in East Asia could be changed depending on the phases of the WP pattern in the North Pacific. The negative relationship between the EAWM and the AO increased when the AO and WP were in-phase with each other. Hence, when winter negative (positive) AO was accompanied by negative (positive) WP, negative (positive) temperature anomalies were dominant across the entire East Asia region. Conversely, when the AO and WP were of-of-phase, the winter temperature anomaly in East Asia did not show distinct changes. Furthermore, from the perspective of stationary planetary waves, the zonal wavenumber-2 patterns of sea level pressure and geopotential height at 500hPa circulation strengthened when the AO and WP were in-phase but were not significant for the out-of-phase condition. It explained the possible mechanism of the combined effects of the AO and WP on the circulation related to EAWM. Reference Park, H.-J., and J.-B. Ahn (2015) Combined effect of the Arctic Oscillation and the Western Pacific pattern on East Asia winter temperature, Clim. Dyn. DOI:10.1007/s00382-015-2763-2. Acknowledgements This work was funded by the Korea Meteorological Administration Research and Development Program under grant KMIPA2015-2081.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yang, Y.-G.; Dai, H.-F.; Hu, S.-M.


    We present the first multiband photometry for the semidetached eclipsing binary AO Serpentis, observed on seven nights between 2009 April and July at the Weihai Observatory of Shandong University. By using the 2003 version of the Wilson-Devinney code, the photometric solutions of AO Ser and a similar object V338 Her were (re)deduced. The spectral types and orbital periods are A2 and P = 0.8793 days for AO Ser, F1V and P = 1.3057 days for V338 Her. The results reveal that two binaries are low mass ratio systems, whose secondary components fill their Roche lobes. The fill-out factors of themore » primary components are f = 58.6% for AO Ser and f = 54.2% for V338 Her, respectively. From the O - C curves of AO Ser and V338 Her, it is discovered that secular period changes with cyclic variations exist. The periods and semiamplitudes are 17.32({+-}0.01) yr and 0.0051({+-}0.0001) days for AO Ser, 29.07({+-}0.04) yr and 0.0116({+-}0.0015) days for V338 Her, respectively. This kind of cyclic oscillation may be attributed to either the light-time effect via an assumed third body or perhaps cyclic magnetic activity on the secondary component. For AO Ser, the long-term period decreases at a rate of dP/dt = -5.35({+-}0.03) x 10{sup -7} days yr{sup -1}, which may be caused by mass and angular momentum loss from the system. Considering the period decreasing, the fill-out factor of the primary for AO Ser will increase and it will finally fill its Roche lobe. Meanwhile, the secular period increase rate for V338 Her is dP/dt = +1.44({+-}0.24) x 10{sup -7} days yr{sup -1}, indicating that mass transfers from the less massive component to the more massive component. This will also cause the fill-out factor of the primary to increase. When the primaries fill their Roche lobes, AO Ser and V338 Her may evolve into contact stars, as predicted by the theory of thermal relaxation oscillations.« less

  2. Scythe regulates apoptosis through modulating ubiquitin-mediated proteolysis of the Xenopus elongation factor XEF1AO

    PubMed Central

    Minami, Ryosuke; Shimada, Masumi; Yokosawa, Hideyoshi; Kawahara, Hiroyuki


    Scythe was originally identified as a novel Reaper-binding anti-apoptotic protein, although the mechanisms of its functions remain largely obscure. Our previous analysis revealed that Scythe can bind to a proteasomal subunit via N-terminal domains and that the domains are required for appropriate development of Xenopus embryos. In the present study, we show evidence that the N-terminus of Scythe interacts with XEF1AO, a maternal form of Xenopus laevis EF1A that was suggested to be a potential inducer of apoptosis in vertebrates, and that the binding enhances the poly-ubiquitin modification and subsequent degradation of XEF1AO. Scythe is required for degradation of XEF1AO, since immunodepletion of Scythe from embryonic extracts stabilized XEF1AO significantly. Furthermore, we show that apoptosis induced by accumulation of XEF1AO can be suppressed by co-expression of the full-length form of Scythe. These observations indicate that the proteolytic regulation of XEF1AO, mediated through Scythe, is essential to prevent inappropriate accumulation of XEF1AO and resulting apoptotic events during the course of Xenopus development. PMID:17428197

  3. Initial Performance of the Keck AO Wavefront Controller System

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Johansson, E M; Acton, D S; An, J R


    The wavefront controller for the Keck Observatory AO system consists of two separate real-time control loops: a tip-tilt control loop to remove tilt from the incoming wavefront, and a deformable mirror control loop to remove higher-order aberrations. In this paper, we describe these control loops and analyze their performance using diagnostic data acquired during the integration and testing of the AO system on the telescope. Disturbance rejection curves for the controllers are calculated from the experimental data and compared to theory. The residual wavefront errors due to control loop bandwidth are also calculated from the data, and possible improvements tomore » the controller performance are discussed.« less

  4. Modeling Data Containing Outliers using ARIMA Additive Outlier (ARIMA-AO)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saleh Ahmar, Ansari; Guritno, Suryo; Abdurakhman; Rahman, Abdul; Awi; Alimuddin; Minggi, Ilham; Arif Tiro, M.; Kasim Aidid, M.; Annas, Suwardi; Utami Sutiksno, Dian; Ahmar, Dewi S.; Ahmar, Kurniawan H.; Abqary Ahmar, A.; Zaki, Ahmad; Abdullah, Dahlan; Rahim, Robbi; Nurdiyanto, Heri; Hidayat, Rahmat; Napitupulu, Darmawan; Simarmata, Janner; Kurniasih, Nuning; Andretti Abdillah, Leon; Pranolo, Andri; Haviluddin; Albra, Wahyudin; Arifin, A. Nurani M.


    The aim this study is discussed on the detection and correction of data containing the additive outlier (AO) on the model ARIMA (p, d, q). The process of detection and correction of data using an iterative procedure popularized by Box, Jenkins, and Reinsel (1994). By using this method we obtained an ARIMA models were fit to the data containing AO, this model is added to the original model of ARIMA coefficients obtained from the iteration process using regression methods. In the simulation data is obtained that the data contained AO initial models are ARIMA (2,0,0) with MSE = 36,780, after the detection and correction of data obtained by the iteration of the model ARIMA (2,0,0) with the coefficients obtained from the regression Zt = 0,106+0,204Z t-1+0,401Z t-2-329X 1(t)+115X 2(t)+35,9X 3(t) and MSE = 19,365. This shows that there is an improvement of forecasting error rate data.

  5. Isolation and Characterization of an Agaro-Oligosaccharide (AO)-Hydrolyzing Bacterium from the Gut Microflora of Chinese Individuals

    PubMed Central

    Li, Miaomiao; Li, Guangsheng; Zhu, Liying; Yin, Yeshi; Zhao, Xiaoliang; Xiang, Charlie; Yu, Guangli; Wang, Xin


    Agarose (AP) from red algae has a long history as food ingredients in East Asia. Agaro-oligosaccharides (AO) derived from AP have shown potential prebiotic effects. However, the human gut microbes responsible for the degradation of AO and AP have not yet been fully investigated. Here, we reported that AO and AP can be degraded and utilized at various rates by fecal microbiota obtained from different individuals. Bacteroides uniformis L8 isolated from human feces showed a pronounced ability to degrade AO and generate D-galactose as its final end product. PCR-DGGE analysis showed B. uniformis to be common in the fecal samples, but only B. uniformis L8 had the ability to degrade AO. A synergistic strain, here classified as Escherichia coli B2, was also identified because it could utilize the D-galactose as the growth substrate. The cross-feeding interaction between B. uniformis L8 and E. coli B2 led to exhaustion of the AO supply. Bifidobacterium infantis and Bifidobacterium adolescentis can utilize one of the intermediates of AO hydrolysis, agarotriose. Growth curves indicated that AO was the substrate that most favorably sustained the growth of B. uniformis L8. In contrast, κ-carrageenan oligosaccharides (KCO), guluronic acid oligosaccharides (GO), and mannuronic acid oligosaccharides (MO) were found to be unusable to B. uniformis L8. Current results indicate that B. uniformis L8 is a special degrader of AO in the gut microbiota. Because B. uniformis can mitigate high-fat-diet-induced metabolic disorders, further study is required to determine the potential applications of AO. PMID:24622338

  6. Isolation and characterization of an agaro-oligosaccharide (AO)-hydrolyzing bacterium from the gut microflora of Chinese individuals.


    Li, Miaomiao; Li, Guangsheng; Zhu, Liying; Yin, Yeshi; Zhao, Xiaoliang; Xiang, Charlie; Yu, Guangli; Wang, Xin


    Agarose (AP) from red algae has a long history as food ingredients in East Asia. Agaro-oligosaccharides (AO) derived from AP have shown potential prebiotic effects. However, the human gut microbes responsible for the degradation of AO and AP have not yet been fully investigated. Here, we reported that AO and AP can be degraded and utilized at various rates by fecal microbiota obtained from different individuals. Bacteroides uniformis L8 isolated from human feces showed a pronounced ability to degrade AO and generate D-galactose as its final end product. PCR-DGGE analysis showed B. uniformis to be common in the fecal samples, but only B. uniformis L8 had the ability to degrade AO. A synergistic strain, here classified as Escherichia coli B2, was also identified because it could utilize the D-galactose as the growth substrate. The cross-feeding interaction between B. uniformis L8 and E. coli B2 led to exhaustion of the AO supply. Bifidobacterium infantis and Bifidobacterium adolescentis can utilize one of the intermediates of AO hydrolysis, agarotriose. Growth curves indicated that AO was the substrate that most favorably sustained the growth of B. uniformis L8. In contrast, κ-carrageenan oligosaccharides (KCO), guluronic acid oligosaccharides (GO), and mannuronic acid oligosaccharides (MO) were found to be unusable to B. uniformis L8. Current results indicate that B. uniformis L8 is a special degrader of AO in the gut microbiota. Because B. uniformis can mitigate high-fat-diet-induced metabolic disorders, further study is required to determine the potential applications of AO.

  7. On efeito do achatamento nos pontos de equilíbrio e na dinâmica de sistemas coorbitais

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mourão, D. C.; Winter, O. C.; Yokoyama, T.


    Neste trabalho analisamos o efeito do achatamento do corpo principal nos pontos de equilíbrio lagrangianos e na configuração de órbitas girino-ferradura. Enfatizamos os sistemas coorbitais de satélites de Saturno, pois se encontram em relativa proximidade com o planeta, em que o efeito do achatamento se torna mais evidente. O estudo é dividido em três etapas independentes. Na primeira fase analisamos as equações de movimento do problema restrito de três corpos considerando o efeito do achatamento, e através do balanceamento de forças buscamos a nova configuração dos pontos de equilíbrio lagrangianos. Concluímos, nesta etapa, que os pontos de equilíbrio estáveis apresentam um pequeno deslocamento definido pelo parâmetro de achatamento, não podendo ser mais representados por triângulos eqüiláteros. Aplicamos este resultado aos satélites coorbitais de Tetis e Dione, encontrando as posições de equilíbrio levemente deslocadas em relação ao caso sem achatamento. Na segunda fase visamos o sistema Saturno-Jano-Epimeteu, que por se tratar de um sistema de massas comparáveis, optamos por desenvolver as equações de Yoder et al (Icarus 53, pág 431-443, 1983), que permitem determinar os pontos de equilíbrio e a amplitude de oscilação angular das órbitas girino-ferradura para o problema não-restrito de três corpos, porém, no nosso estudo consideramos o efeito do achatamento do corpo principal nestas equações. Encontramos que a distância angular entre satélites, quando em posição de equilíbrio estável, diminui quanto maior for o parâmetro de achatamento do corpo principal. Além disso, a órbita de transição girino-ferradura possui largura angular menor em relação ao caso sem achatamento. Por fim, realizamos integrações numéricas para os casos reais de coorbitais de Saturno comparando com os resultados analíticos. Nestas integrações simulamos diversas órbitas girino-ferradura com diferentes parâmetros de achatamento

  8. Review of adaptive optics OCT (AO-OCT): principles and applications for retinal imaging [Invited

    PubMed Central

    Pircher, Michael; Zawadzki, Robert J


    In vivo imaging of the human retina with a resolution that allows visualization of cellular structures has proven to be essential to broaden our knowledge about the physiology of this precious and very complex neural tissue that enables the first steps in vision. Many pathologic changes originate from functional and structural alterations on a cellular scale, long before any degradation in vision can be noted. Therefore, it is important to investigate these tissues with a sufficient level of detail in order to better understand associated disease development or the effects of therapeutic intervention. Optical retinal imaging modalities rely on the optical elements of the eye itself (mainly the cornea and lens) to produce retinal images and are therefore affected by the specific arrangement of these elements and possible imperfections in curvature. Thus, aberrations are introduced to the imaging light and image quality is degraded. To compensate for these aberrations, adaptive optics (AO), a technology initially developed in astronomy, has been utilized. However, the axial sectioning provided by retinal AO-based fundus cameras and scanning laser ophthalmoscope instruments is limited to tens of micrometers because of the rather small available numerical aperture of the eye. To overcome this limitation and thus achieve much higher axial sectioning in the order of 2-5µm, AO has been combined with optical coherence tomography (OCT) into AO-OCT. This enabled for the first time in vivo volumetric retinal imaging with high isotropic resolution. This article summarizes the technical aspects of AO-OCT and provides an overview on its various implementations and some of its clinical applications. In addition, latest developments in the field, such as computational AO-OCT and wavefront sensor less AO-OCT, are covered. PMID:28663890

  9. Review of adaptive optics OCT (AO-OCT): principles and applications for retinal imaging [Invited].


    Pircher, Michael; Zawadzki, Robert J


    In vivo imaging of the human retina with a resolution that allows visualization of cellular structures has proven to be essential to broaden our knowledge about the physiology of this precious and very complex neural tissue that enables the first steps in vision. Many pathologic changes originate from functional and structural alterations on a cellular scale, long before any degradation in vision can be noted. Therefore, it is important to investigate these tissues with a sufficient level of detail in order to better understand associated disease development or the effects of therapeutic intervention. Optical retinal imaging modalities rely on the optical elements of the eye itself (mainly the cornea and lens) to produce retinal images and are therefore affected by the specific arrangement of these elements and possible imperfections in curvature. Thus, aberrations are introduced to the imaging light and image quality is degraded. To compensate for these aberrations, adaptive optics (AO), a technology initially developed in astronomy, has been utilized. However, the axial sectioning provided by retinal AO-based fundus cameras and scanning laser ophthalmoscope instruments is limited to tens of micrometers because of the rather small available numerical aperture of the eye. To overcome this limitation and thus achieve much higher axial sectioning in the order of 2-5µm, AO has been combined with optical coherence tomography (OCT) into AO-OCT. This enabled for the first time in vivo volumetric retinal imaging with high isotropic resolution. This article summarizes the technical aspects of AO-OCT and provides an overview on its various implementations and some of its clinical applications. In addition, latest developments in the field, such as computational AO-OCT and wavefront sensor less AO-OCT, are covered.

  10. An eight-octant phase-mask coronagraph for the Subaru coronagraphic extreme AO (SCExAO) system: system design and expected performance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Murakami, Naoshi; Guyon, Olivier; Martinache, Frantz; Matsuo, Taro; Yokochi, Kaito; Nishikawa, Jun; Tamura, Motohide; Kurokawa, Takashi; Baba, Naoshi; Vogt, Frédéric; Garrel, Vincent; Yoshikawa, Takashi


    An eight-octant phase-mask (EOPM) coronagraph is one of the highest performance coronagraphic concepts, and attains simultaneously high throughput, small inner working angle, and large discovery space. However, its application to ground-based telescopes such as the Subaru Telescope is challenging due to pupil geometry (thick spider vanes and large central obstruction) and residual tip-tilt errors. We show that the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system, scheduled to be installed onto the Subaru Telescope, includes key technologies which can solve these problems. SCExAO uses a spider removal plate which translates four parts of the pupil with tilted plane parallel plates. The pupil central obstruction can be removed by a pupil remapping system similar to the PIAA optics already in the SCExAO system, which could be redesigned with no amplitude apodization. The EOPM is inserted in the focal plane to divide a stellar image into eight-octant regions, and introduces a π-phase difference between adjacent octants. This causes a self-destructive interference inside the pupil area on a following reimaged pupil plane. By using a reflective mask instead of a conventional opaque Lyot stop, the stellar light diffracted outside the pupil can be used for a coronagraphic low-order wave-front sensor to accurately measure and correct tip-tilt errors. A modified inverse-PIAA system, located behind the reimaged pupil plane, is used to remove off-axis aberrations and deliver a wide field of view. We show that this EOPM coronagraph architecture enables high contrast imaging at small working angle on the Subaru Telescope. Our approach could be generalized to other phase-mask type coronagraphs and other ground-based telescopes.

  11. Asiago spectroscopic classification of ASAS-SN18ao

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tomasella, L.; Benetti, S.; Cappellaro, E.; Turatto, M.


    The Asiago Transient Classification Program (Tomasella et al. 2014, AN, 335, 841) reports the spectroscopic classification of ASAS-SN18ao (aka AT2018gm, Atel #11178) discovered during the ongoing All Sky Automated Survey for SuperNovae (ASAS-SN, Shappee et al. 2014).

  12. A distribuição de velocidades na linha de visada em galáxias barradas vistas de face

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gadotti, D. A.; de Souza, R. E.


    Com o objetivo de realizar um estudo cinemático da componente vertical de barras em galáxias, obtivemos espectros de fenda longa de alta razão S/N ao longo dos eixos maior e menor de 14 galáxias barradas vistas de face, nos telescópios de 1.52m do ESO em La Silla, Chile, e de 2.3m do Steward Observatory em Kitt Peak, Arizona. Estes dados nos permitiram determinar a distribuição de velocidades das estrelas ao longo do eixo vertical das barras e discos destes sistemas, tanto no centro como em pontos que distam cerca de 5 e 20 segundos de arco do núcleo, correspondendo a distâncias de cerca de 0.7 e 2.8 kpc, respectivamente. Desta forma, a variação radial da distribuição de velocidades também pôde ser avaliada. Este tipo de análise tem raros exemplos na literatura por ser caro em termos de tempo de telescópio. Entretanto, é de fácil justificativa, considerando que traz novas informações que podem ser utilizadas para aperfeiçoar modelos teóricos acerca da formação e evolução de galáxias. Um algoritmo por nós desenvolvido foi utilizado para obter as distribuições de velocidades como Gaussianas generalizadas (polinômios de Gauss-Hermite), o que traz um ingrediente a mais neste tipo de estudo que, tradicionalmente, se utiliza de Gaussianas puras, uma hipótese nem sempre razoável. Apresentaremos os resultados deste trabalho, que incluem um diagnóstico para a identificação de barras recém formadas, e testes para o modelo isotérmico de discos. Mostraremos que: (i) a escolha das estrelas padrão em velocidade, e dos parâmetros da Gaussiana, deve ser muito bem justificada já que tem influência significativa nos resultados; (ii) muitas galáxias apresentam uma depressão na dispersão de velocidades na região central, que pode estar associada a um disco interno; e (iii) a dispersão de velocidades é constante ao longo da barra, nos eixos maior e menor, mas cai substancialmente quando se passa da barra para o disco.

  13. Growth of binary organic NLO crystals: m.NA-p.NA and m.NA-CNA system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Singh, N. B.; Henningsen, T.; Hopkins, R. H.; Mazelsky, R.


    Experiments were carried out to grow 3.Nitroaniline (m.NA) crystals doped with 4.Nitroaniline (p.NA) and 2.chloro 4.Nitroaniline (CNA). The measured undercooling for m.NA, p.NA, and CNA were 0.21 tm K, 0.23 tm K, and 0.35 tm K respectively, where tm represents the melting temperature of the pure component. Because of the crystals' large heat of fusion and large undercooling, it was not possible to grow good quality crystals with low thermal gradients. In the conventional two-zone Bridgman furnace we had to raise the temperature of the hot zone above the decomposition temperature of CNA, p.NA, and m.NA to achieve the desired thermal gradient. To avoid decomposition, we used an unconventional Bridgman furnace. Two immiscible liquids, silicone oil and ethylene glycol, were used to build a special two-zone Bridgman furnace. A temperature gradient of 18 K/cm was achieved without exceeding the decomposition temperature of the crystal. The binary crystals, m.NA-p.NA and m.NA-CNA, were grown in centimeter size in this furnace. X-ray and optical characterization showed good optical quality.

  14. Thermal decomposition of sodium amide, NaNH2, and sodium amide hydroxide composites, NaNH2-NaOH.


    Jepsen, Lars H; Wang, Peikun; Wu, Guotao; Xiong, Zhitao; Besenbacher, Flemming; Chen, Ping; Jensen, Torben R


    Sodium amide, NaNH 2 , has recently been shown to be a useful catalyst to decompose NH 3 into H 2 and N 2 , however, sodium hydroxide is omnipresent and commercially available NaNH 2 usually contains impurities of NaOH (<2%). The thermal decomposition of NaNH 2 and NaNH 2 -NaOH composites is systematically investigated and discussed. NaNH 2 is partially dissolved in NaOH at T > 100 °C, forming a non-stoichiometric solid solution of Na(OH) 1-x (NH 2 ) x (0 < x < ∼0.30), which crystallizes in an orthorhombic unit cell with the space group P2 1 2 1 2 1 determined by synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction. The composite xNaNH 2 -(1 - x)NaOH (∼0.70 < x < 0.72) shows a lowered melting point, ∼160 °C, compared to 200 and 318 °C for neat NaNH 2 and NaOH, respectively. We report that 0.36 mol of NH 3 per mol of NaNH 2 is released below 400 °C during heating in an argon atmosphere, initiated at its melting point, T = 200 °C, possibly due to the formation of the mixed sodium amide imide solid solution. Furthermore, NaOH reacts with NaNH 2 at elevated temperatures and provides the release of additional NH 3 .

  15. Condition of Si crystal formation by vaporizing Na from NaSi

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morito, Haruhiko; Karahashi, Taiki; Yamane, Hisanori


    NaSi was heated at various Na vapor pressures (pNa 0.1-1.2 atm) and temperatures (973-1173 K) to investigate the condition of Si crystal formation from NaSi by Na evaporation. Silicon single crystals 1-3 mm in diameter were grown by evaporation of Na from Na-Si melt at 1173 K and pNa=0.74 atm.

  16. Probing circumplanetary disks with MagAO and ALMA

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Ya-Lin


    The dedication of the Magellan Adaptive Optics (MagAO) on the 6.5 m Clay Telescope has opened a new era in high-contrast imaging. Its unique diffraction-limited wavelengths of 0.6 to 1 micron helps to probe circumplanetary disks by measuring the amount of dust reddening as well as by searching for the strongest gas accretion indicator H-alpha (0.65 micron). Using MagAO, I found that two wide-orbit planetary-mass companions CT Cha B and 1RXS 1609 B have a significant dust extinction of Av ~ 3 to 5 mag likely from their disks. For GQ Lup B, I found that it is actively accreting material from its disk and emitting strong H-alpha emission. My research with MagAO demonstrates that circumplanetary disks could be ubiquitous among young giant planets. I later carried out a survey using ALMA to image accretion disks around several wide planet-mass companions at 1.3 mm continuum and CO (2-1). This is the first systematic study aiming to measure the size, mass, and structure of planetary disks. However, except for FW Tau C (which was shown to actually be a low-mass star from the dynamical mass measurement) no disks around the companions were found in my ALMA survey. This surprising null result implies that circumplanetary disks are much more compact and denser than expected, so they are faint and optically thick in the radio wavelengths. Therefore, mid- to far-infrared may be more favorable to characterize disk properties. The MIRI camera on the JWST can test this compact optically-thick disk hypothesis by probing disk thermal emission between 10 and 25 micron.

  17. Sodium iron hexacyanoferrate with high Na content as a Na-rich cathode material for Na-ion batteries

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    You, Ya; Yu, Xi -Qian; Yin, Ya -Xia

    Owing to the worldwide abundance and low-cost of Na, room-temperature Na-ion batteries are emerging as attractive energy storage systems for large-scale grids. Increasing the Na content in cathode material is one of the effective ways to achieve high energy density. Prussian blue and its analogues (PBAs) are promising Na-rich cathode materials since they can theoretically store two Na ions per formula. However, increasing the Na content in PBAs cathode materials is a big challenge in the current. Here we show that sodium iron hexacyanoferrate with high Na content could be obtained by simply controlling the reducing agent and reaction atmospheremore » during synthesis. The Na content can reach as high as 1.63 per formula, which is the highest value for sodium iron hexacyanoferrate. This Na-rich sodium iron hexacyanoferrate demonstrates a high specific capacity of 150 mA h g -1 and remarkable cycling performance with 90% capacity retention after 200 cycles. Furthermore, the Na intercalation/de-intercalation mechanism is systematically studied by in situ Raman, X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis for the first time. As a result, the Na-rich sodium iron hexacyanoferrate could function as a plenteous Na reservoir and has great potential as a cathode material toward practical Na-ion batteries.« less

  18. Sodium iron hexacyanoferrate with high Na content as a Na-rich cathode material for Na-ion batteries


    You, Ya; Yu, Xi -Qian; Yin, Ya -Xia; ...


    Owing to the worldwide abundance and low-cost of Na, room-temperature Na-ion batteries are emerging as attractive energy storage systems for large-scale grids. Increasing the Na content in cathode material is one of the effective ways to achieve high energy density. Prussian blue and its analogues (PBAs) are promising Na-rich cathode materials since they can theoretically store two Na ions per formula. However, increasing the Na content in PBAs cathode materials is a big challenge in the current. Here we show that sodium iron hexacyanoferrate with high Na content could be obtained by simply controlling the reducing agent and reaction atmospheremore » during synthesis. The Na content can reach as high as 1.63 per formula, which is the highest value for sodium iron hexacyanoferrate. This Na-rich sodium iron hexacyanoferrate demonstrates a high specific capacity of 150 mA h g -1 and remarkable cycling performance with 90% capacity retention after 200 cycles. Furthermore, the Na intercalation/de-intercalation mechanism is systematically studied by in situ Raman, X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy analysis for the first time. As a result, the Na-rich sodium iron hexacyanoferrate could function as a plenteous Na reservoir and has great potential as a cathode material toward practical Na-ion batteries.« less

  19. Bridging FPGA and GPU technologies for AO real-time control

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Perret, Denis; Lainé, Maxime; Bernard, Julien; Gratadour, Damien; Sevin, Arnaud


    Our team has developed a common environment for high performance simulations and real-time control of AO systems based on the use of Graphics Processors Units in the context of the COMPASS project. Such a solution, based on the ability of the real time core in the simulation to provide adequate computing performance, limits the cost of developing AO RTC systems and makes them more scalable. A code developed and validated in the context of the simulation may be injected directly into the system and tested on sky. Furthermore, the use of relatively low cost components also offers significant advantages for the system hardware platform. However, the use of GPUs in an AO loop comes with drawbacks: the traditional way of offloading computation from CPU to GPUs - involving multiple copies and unacceptable overhead in kernel launching - is not well suited in a real time context. This last application requires the implementation of a solution enabling direct memory access (DMA) to the GPU memory from a third party device, bypassing the operating system. This allows this device to communicate directly with the real-time core of the simulation feeding it with the WFS camera pixel stream. We show that DMA between a custom FPGA-based frame-grabber and a computation unit (GPU, FPGA, or Coprocessor such as Xeon-phi) across PCIe allows us to get latencies compatible with what will be needed on ELTs. As a fine-grained synchronization mechanism is not yet made available by GPU vendors, we propose the use of memory polling to avoid interrupts handling and involvement of a CPU. Network and Vision protocols are handled by the FPGA-based Network Interface Card (NIC). We present the results we obtained on a complete AO loop using camera and deformable mirror simulators.

  20. Compensatory regulation of Na+ absorption by Na+/H+ exchanger and Na+-Cl- cotransporter in zebrafish (Danio rerio)

    PubMed Central


    Introduction In mammals, internal Na+ homeostasis is maintained through Na+ reabsorption via a variety of Na+ transport proteins with mutually compensating functions, which are expressed in different segments of the nephrons. In zebrafish, Na+ homeostasis is achieved mainly through the skin/gill ionocytes, namely Na+/H+ exchanger (NHE3b)-expressing H+-ATPase rich (HR) cells and Na+-Cl- cotransporter (NCC)-expressing NCC cells, which are functionally homologous to mammalian proximal and distal convoluted tubular cells, respectively. The present study aimed to investigate whether or not the functions of HR and NCC ionocytes are differentially regulated to compensate for disruptions of internal Na+ homeostasis and if the cell differentiation of the ionocytes is involved in this regulation pathway. Results Translational knockdown of ncc caused an increase in HR cell number and a resulting augmentation of Na+ uptake in zebrafish larvae, while NHE3b loss-of-function caused an increase in NCC cell number with a concomitant recovery of Na+ absorption. Environmental acid stress suppressed nhe3b expression in HR cells and decreased Na+ content, which was followed by up-regulation of NCC cells accompanied by recovery of Na+ content. Moreover, knockdown of ncc resulted in a significant decrease of Na+ content in acid-acclimated zebrafish. Conclusions These results provide evidence that HR and NCC cells exhibit functional redundancy in Na+ absorption, similar to the regulatory mechanisms in mammalian kidney, and suggest this functional redundancy is a critical strategy used by zebrafish to survive in a harsh environment that disturbs body fluid Na+ homeostasis. PMID:23924428

  1. Microwelding of various metallic materials under ultravacuum (AO 138-10)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Assie, Jean Pierre; Conde, Eric


    The first finding from the AO 138-10 is that cold welding never occurred, and that microwelds didn't even affect the reference (presumably microweld prone) pairs of metals consisting of gold, silver, and chromium. The scientific disappointment from these results must be tempered by the notion of a static AO 138-10 experiment, reflecting the passive character of the global Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) flight. Thus far, it has been theorized that cold welding results from the peeling of the oxide layer, that is formed in an earth environment, by the space environment since such a layer no longer grows in space. In fact, such stripping of the oxide layer supposes relative motion of the contacting materials. In the absence of such motion, as in this experiment, oxidation will preserve its integrity and continue to prevent microwelding. More bewildering is that there was no microwelding of the reference pairs. Even though AO 138-10 failed scientific expectations, as did the LDEF structure with cold welding, the positive, functional aspect to keep in mind is the safe operation of single-shot (appendage releasing and/or latching) mechanisms, unhindered by microwelding in a space vacuum, as now demonstrated by the statically representative pairs of materials. Other aspects of the experiment are discussed.

  2. Intelligent vibration control of ELTs and large AO hardware

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pott, J.-U.; Kürster, M.; Trowitzsch, J.; Borelli, J.; Rohloff, R.-R.; Herbst, T.; Böhm, M.; Keck, A.; Ruppel, T.; Sawodny, O.


    MPIA leads the construction of the LINC-NIRVANA instrument, the MCAO-supported Fizeau imager for the LBT, serves as pathfinder for future ELT-AO imagers in terms of size and technology. In this contribution, we review recent results and significant progress made on the development of key items of our stratgey to achieve a piston stability of up to 100nm during a science exposure. We present an overview of our vibration control strategies for optical path and tip-tilt stabilization, involving accelerometer based real-time vibration measurements, vibration sensitive active control of actuators, and the development of a dynamical model of the LBT. MPIA also co-develops the E-ELT first-light NIR imager MICADO (both SCAO and MCAO assisted). Our experiences, made with LINC-NIRVANA, will be fed into the MICADO structural AO design to reach highest on-sky sensitivity.

  3. Functional analysis of AoAtg11 in selective autophagy in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae.


    Tadokoro, Takayuki; Kikuma, Takashi; Kitamoto, Katsuhiko


    Autophagy is a highly conserved cellular degradation process in eukaryotes and consists of both non-selective and selective types. Selective autophagic processes include pexophagy, mitophagy, and the cytoplasm-to-vacuole targeting (Cvt) pathway of yeast, in which particular vacuolar proteins, such as aminopeptidase I (Ape1), are selectively transported to vacuoles. Although selective autophagy has been mainly studied in the yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Pichia pastoris, there is evidence for selective autophagy in filamentous fungi; however, the details are poorly understood. In S. cerevisiae, Atg11 is a selective autophagy-specific protein that recognizes and transports substrates to the pre-autophagosomal structure (PAS). Here, we first identified an ATG11 homologue in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae and analyzed the localization of the corresponding protein, designated AoAtg11, fused to enhanced green fluorescent protein (EGFP). Imaging analysis revealed that AoAtg11-EGFP was localized to PAS-like structures. We next constructed an Aoatg11 disruptant of A. oryzae and showed that AoAtg11 is involved in pexophagy and mitophagy. In addition, AoAtg11 was found to be dispensable for non-selective autophagy and for transporting AoApe1 to vacuoles. Taken together, these results suggest that AoAtg11 is a selective autophagy-specific protein in A. oryzae, and has distinct molecular functions from that of S. cerevisiae Atg11. Copyright © 2015 The British Mycological Society. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Hydrogen-fluorine exchange in NaBH4-NaBF4.


    Rude, L H; Filsø, U; D'Anna, V; Spyratou, A; Richter, B; Hino, S; Zavorotynska, O; Baricco, M; Sørby, M H; Hauback, B C; Hagemann, H; Besenbacher, F; Skibsted, J; Jensen, T R


    Hydrogen-fluorine exchange in the NaBH4-NaBF4 system is investigated using a range of experimental methods combined with DFT calculations and a possible mechanism for the reactions is proposed. Fluorine substitution is observed using in situ synchrotron radiation powder X-ray diffraction (SR-PXD) as a new Rock salt type compound with idealized composition NaBF2H2 in the temperature range T = 200 to 215 °C. Combined use of solid-state (19)F MAS NMR, FT-IR and DFT calculations supports the formation of a BF2H2(-) complex ion, reproducing the observation of a (19)F chemical shift at -144.2 ppm, which is different from that of NaBF4 at -159.2 ppm, along with the new absorption bands observed in the IR spectra. After further heating, the fluorine substituted compound becomes X-ray amorphous and decomposes to NaF at ~310 °C. This work shows that fluorine-substituted borohydrides tend to decompose to more stable compounds, e.g. NaF and BF3 or amorphous products such as closo-boranes, e.g. Na2B12H12. The NaBH4-NaBF4 composite decomposes at lower temperatures (300 °C) compared to NaBH4 (476 °C), as observed by thermogravimetric analysis. NaBH4-NaBF4 (1:0.5) preserves 30% of the hydrogen storage capacity after three hydrogen release and uptake cycles compared to 8% for NaBH4 as measured using Sievert's method under identical conditions, but more than 50% using prolonged hydrogen absorption time. The reversible hydrogen storage capacity tends to decrease possibly due to the formation of NaF and Na2B12H12. On the other hand, the additive sodium fluoride appears to facilitate hydrogen uptake, prevent foaming, phase segregation and loss of material from the sample container for samples of NaBH4-NaF.

  5. Analysis of Alternatives (AoA) Process Improvement Study

    DTIC Science & Technology


    stakeholders, and mapped the process activities and durations. We tasked the SAG members with providing the information required on case studies and...are the expected time saves/cost/risk of any changes? (3) Utilization of case studies for both “good” and “challenged” AoAs to identify lessons...16 4 CASE STUDIES

  6. Deep-water sponges (Porifera) from Bonaire and Klein Curaçao, Southern Caribbean.


    Van Soest, Rob W M; Meesters, Erik H W G; Becking, Leontine E


    Four submersible dives off the coast of Bonaire (Caribbean Netherlands) and Klein Curaçao (Curaçao) to depths of 99.5-242 m, covering lower mesophotic and upper dysphotic zones, yielded 52 sponge specimens belonging to 31 species. Among these we identified 13 species as new to science. These are Plakinastrella stinapa n. sp., Pachastrella pacoi n. sp., Characella pachastrelloides n. sp., Geodia curacaoensis n. sp., Caminus carmabi n. sp., Discodermia adhaerens n. sp., Clathria (Microciona) acarnoides n. sp., Antho (Acarnia) pellita n. sp., Parahigginsia strongylifera n. sp., Calyx magnoculata n. sp., Neopetrosia dutchi n. sp., Neopetrosia ovata n. sp. and Neopetrosia eurystomata n. sp. We also report an euretid hexactinellid, which belongs to the rare genus Verrucocoeloidea, recently described (2014) as V. liberatorii Reiswig & Dohrmann. The remaining 18 already known species are all illustrated by photos of the habit, either in situ or 'on deck', but only briefly characterized in an annotated table to confirm their occurrence in the Southern Caribbean. The habitat investigated-steep limestone rocks, likely representing Pleistocene fossil reefs--is similar to deep-water fossil reefs at Barbados of which the sponges were sampled and studied by Van Soest and Stentoft (1988). A comparison is made between the two localities, showing a high degree of similarity in sponge composition: 53% of the present Bonaire-Klein Curaçao species were also retrieved at Barbados. At the level of higher taxa (genera, families) Bonaire-Klein Curaçao shared approximately 80% of its lower mesophotic and upper dysphotic sponge fauna with Barbados, despite a distance between them of 1000 km, indicating high faunal homogeneity. We also preliminarily compared the shallow-water (euphotic) sponge fauna of Curaçao with the combined data available for the Barbados, Bonaire and Klein Curaçao mesophotic and upper dysphotic sponges, which resulted in the conclusion that the two faunas show only

  7. SCExAO: the most complete instrument to characterize exoplanets and stellar environments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lozi, Julien; Guyon, Olivier; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Singh, Garima; Doughty, Danielle; Pathak, Prashant; Goebel, Sean; Kudo, Tomoyuki


    The Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) instrument, currently under development for the Subaru Telescope, optimally combines state-of-the-art technologies to directly study exoplanets and stellar environments at the diffraction limit, both in visible and infrared light (0.6 to 2.4 um). The instrument already includes an ultra-fast visible pyramid wavefront sensor operating at 3.5 kHz, a 2k-actuator deformable mirror, a set of optimal coronagraphs that can work as close as 1 l/D, a low-order wavefront sensor, a high-speed speckle control, and two visible interferometric modules, VAMPIRES and FIRST. Stability of the wavefront correction has already been demonstrated on sky, and SCExAO is already producing scientific results. After the integration of the Integral Field Spectrograph (IFS) CHARIS and a Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detector (MKID) in 2016, SCExAO will be one of the most powerful and effective tools for characterizing exoplanets and disks.

  8. Early Direct Imaging and Spectral Characterization of Extrasolar Planets with the SCExAO/CHARIS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Kasdin, Jeremy; Brandt, Timothy; Groff, Tyler; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Lozi, Julien; Chilcote, Jeffrey K.; Uyama, Taichi; Ascensio-Torres, Ruben; Tamura, Motohide; Norris, Barnaby


    We present selected direct imaging/spectroscopy results from Subaru’s extreme adaptive optics system, SCExAO, coupled with the CHARIS integral field spectrograph obtained from the first full year of CHARIS’s operation. SCExAO/CHARIS yields high signal-to-noise detections and 1.1—2.4 micron spectra of benchmark directly-imaged companions like HR 8799 cde and kappa And b that clarify their atmospheric properties. We describe these results and multi-epoch, multi-wavelength imaging of LkCa 15 to assess the (non-)existence of protoplanetary companions, and briefly describe upgrades to SCExAO that will allow it to image and characterize even fainter self-luminous extrasolar planets and eventually mature planets in reflected light.

  9. Genes regulated by AoXlnR, the xylanolytic and cellulolytic transcriptional regulator, in Aspergillus oryzae.


    Noguchi, Yuji; Sano, Motoaki; Kanamaru, Kyoko; Ko, Taro; Takeuchi, Michio; Kato, Masashi; Kobayashi, Tetsuo


    XlnR is a Zn(II)2Cys6 transcriptional activator of xylanolytic and cellulolytic genes in Aspergillus. Overexpression of the aoxlnR gene in Aspergillus oryzae (A. oryzae xlnR gene) resulted in elevated xylanolytic and cellulolytic activities in the culture supernatant, in which nearly 40 secreted proteins were detected by two-dimensional electrophoresis. DNA microarray analysis to identify the transcriptional targets of AoXlnR led to the identification of 75 genes that showed more than fivefold increase in their expression in the AoXlnR overproducer than in the disruptant. Of these, 32 genes were predicted to encode a glycoside hydrolase, highlighting the biotechnological importance of AoXlnR in biomass degradation. The 75 genes included the genes previously identified as AoXlnR targets (xynF1, xynF3, xynG2, xylA, celA, celB, celC, and celD). Thirty-six genes were predicted to be extracellular, which was consistent with the number of proteins secreted, and 61 genes possessed putative XlnR-binding sites (5'-GGCTAA-3', 5'-GGCTAG-3', and 5'-GGCTGA-3') in their promoter regions. Functional annotation of the genes revealed that AoXlnR regulated the expression of hydrolytic genes for degradation of beta-1,4-xylan, arabinoxylan, cellulose, and xyloglucan and of catabolic genes for the conversion of D-xylose to xylulose-5-phosphate. In addition, genes encoding glucose-6-phosphate 1-dehydrogenase and L-arabinitol-4- dehydrogenase involved in D-glucose and L-arabinose catabolism also appeared to be targets of AoXlnR.

  10. Na/K pump inactivation, subsarcolemmal Na measurements, and cytoplasmic ion turnover kinetics contradict restricted Na spaces in murine cardiac myocytes

    PubMed Central

    Lu, Fang-Min


    Decades ago, it was proposed that Na transport in cardiac myocytes is modulated by large changes in cytoplasmic Na concentration within restricted subsarcolemmal spaces. Here, we probe this hypothesis for Na/K pumps by generating constitutive transsarcolemmal Na flux with the Na channel opener veratridine in whole-cell patch-clamp recordings. Using 25 mM Na in the patch pipette, pump currents decay strongly during continuous activation by extracellular K (τ, ∼2 s). In contradiction to depletion hypotheses, the decay becomes stronger when pump currents are decreased by hyperpolarization. Na channel currents are nearly unchanged by pump activity in these conditions, and conversely, continuous Na currents up to 0.5 nA in magnitude have negligible effects on pump currents. These outcomes are even more pronounced using 50 mM Li as a cytoplasmic Na congener. Thus, the Na/K pump current decay reflects mostly an inactivation mechanism that immobilizes Na/K pump charge movements, not cytoplasmic Na depletion. When channel currents are increased beyond 1 nA, models with unrestricted subsarcolemmal diffusion accurately predict current decay (τ ∼15 s) and reversal potential shifts observed for Na, Li, and K currents through Na channels opened by veratridine, as well as for Na, K, Cs, Li, and Cl currents recorded in nystatin-permeabilized myocytes. Ion concentrations in the pipette tip (i.e., access conductance) track without appreciable delay the current changes caused by sarcolemmal ion flux. Importantly, cytoplasmic mixing volumes, calculated from current decay kinetics, increase and decrease as expected with osmolarity changes (τ >30 s). Na/K pump current run-down over 20 min reflects a failure of pumps to recover from inactivation. Simulations reveal that pump inactivation coupled with Na-activated recovery enhances the rapidity and effectivity of Na homeostasis in cardiac myocytes. In conclusion, an autoregulatory mechanism enhances cardiac Na/K pump activity when

  11. Profilaxia de tromboembolismo venoso na gestação

    PubMed Central

    de Oliveira, André Luiz Malavasi Longo; Marques, Marcos Arêas


    Resumo O tromboembolismo venoso é importante causa de morbidade e mortalidade obstétrica. Durante a gestação, o risco de sua ocorrência aumenta entre cinco e dez vezes quando comparado ao de mulheres não gestantes de mesma idade. Associado a esse fato, a gestante apresenta algumas limitações para o diagnóstico clínico (alta frequência de dor e edema nos membros inferiores), ecográfico (menor sensibilidade e especificidade no diagnóstico de trombose venosa de ilíaca com a evolução da gestação) e laboratorial (o D-dímero apresenta aumento progressivo no decorrer da gravidez). Uma estratificação criteriosa de risco de tromboembolismo venoso de cada mulher antes da gestação pode diminuir a incidência dessa doença, frequente e de difícil diagnóstico na gravidez, e suas complicações. PMID:29930607

  12. CLASSICAL AREAS OF PHENOMENOLOGY: Correcting dynamic residual aberrations of conformal optical systems using AO technology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Yan; Li, Lin; Huang, Yi-Fan; Du, Bao-Lin


    This paper analyses the dynamic residual aberrations of a conformal optical system and introduces adaptive optics (AO) correction technology to this system. The image sharpening AO system is chosen as the correction scheme. Communication between MATLAB and Code V is established via ActiveX technique in computer simulation. The SPGD algorithm is operated at seven zoom positions to calculate the optimized surface shape of the deformable mirror. After comparison of performance of the corrected system with the baseline system, AO technology is proved to be a good way of correcting the dynamic residual aberration in conformal optical design.

  13. AO Distal Radius Fracture Classification: Global Perspective on Observer Agreement.


    Jayakumar, Prakash; Teunis, Teun; Giménez, Beatriz Bravo; Verstreken, Frederik; Di Mascio, Livio; Jupiter, Jesse B


    Background  The primary objective of this study was to test interobserver reliability when classifying fractures by consensus by AO types and groups among a large international group of surgeons. Secondarily, we assessed the difference in inter- and intraobserver agreement of the AO classification in relation to geographical location, level of training, and subspecialty. Methods  A randomized set of radiographic and computed tomographic images from a consecutive series of 96 distal radius fractures (DRFs), treated between October 2010 and April 2013, was classified using an electronic web-based portal by an invited group of participants on two occasions. Results  Interobserver reliability was substantial when classifying AO type A fractures but fair and moderate for type B and C fractures, respectively. No difference was observed by location, except for an apparent difference between participants from India and Australia classifying type B fractures. No statistically significant associations were observed comparing interobserver agreement by level of training and no differences were shown comparing subspecialties. Intra-rater reproducibility was "substantial" for fracture types and "fair" for fracture groups with no difference accounting for location, training level, or specialty. Conclusion  Improved definition of reliability and reproducibility of this classification may be achieved using large international groups of raters, empowering decision making on which system to utilize. Level of Evidence  Level III.

  14. AO Distal Radius Fracture Classification: Global Perspective on Observer Agreement

    PubMed Central

    Jayakumar, Prakash; Teunis, Teun; Giménez, Beatriz Bravo; Verstreken, Frederik; Di Mascio, Livio; Jupiter, Jesse B.


    Background The primary objective of this study was to test interobserver reliability when classifying fractures by consensus by AO types and groups among a large international group of surgeons. Secondarily, we assessed the difference in inter- and intraobserver agreement of the AO classification in relation to geographical location, level of training, and subspecialty. Methods A randomized set of radiographic and computed tomographic images from a consecutive series of 96 distal radius fractures (DRFs), treated between October 2010 and April 2013, was classified using an electronic web-based portal by an invited group of participants on two occasions. Results Interobserver reliability was substantial when classifying AO type A fractures but fair and moderate for type B and C fractures, respectively. No difference was observed by location, except for an apparent difference between participants from India and Australia classifying type B fractures. No statistically significant associations were observed comparing interobserver agreement by level of training and no differences were shown comparing subspecialties. Intra-rater reproducibility was “substantial” for fracture types and “fair” for fracture groups with no difference accounting for location, training level, or specialty. Conclusion Improved definition of reliability and reproducibility of this classification may be achieved using large international groups of raters, empowering decision making on which system to utilize. Level of Evidence Level III PMID:28119795

  15. Na+/Ca2+ exchange and Na+/K+-ATPase in the heart

    PubMed Central

    Shattock, Michael J; Ottolia, Michela; Bers, Donald M; Blaustein, Mordecai P; Boguslavskyi, Andrii; Bossuyt, Julie; Bridge, John H B; Chen-Izu, Ye; Clancy, Colleen E; Edwards, Andrew; Goldhaber, Joshua; Kaplan, Jack; Lingrel, Jerry B; Pavlovic, Davor; Philipson, Kenneth; Sipido, Karin R; Xie, Zi-Jian


    This paper is the third in a series of reviews published in this issue resulting from the University of California Davis Cardiovascular Symposium 2014: Systems approach to understanding cardiac excitation–contraction coupling and arrhythmias: Na+ channel and Na+ transport. The goal of the symposium was to bring together experts in the field to discuss points of consensus and controversy on the topic of sodium in the heart. The present review focuses on cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchange (NCX) and Na+/K+-ATPase (NKA). While the relevance of Ca2+ homeostasis in cardiac function has been extensively investigated, the role of Na+ regulation in shaping heart function is often overlooked. Small changes in the cytoplasmic Na+ content have multiple effects on the heart by influencing intracellular Ca2+ and pH levels thereby modulating heart contractility. Therefore it is essential for heart cells to maintain Na+ homeostasis. Among the proteins that accomplish this task are the Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) and the Na+/K+ pump (NKA). By transporting three Na+ ions into the cytoplasm in exchange for one Ca2+ moved out, NCX is one of the main Na+ influx mechanisms in cardiomyocytes. Acting in the opposite direction, NKA moves Na+ ions from the cytoplasm to the extracellular space against their gradient by utilizing the energy released from ATP hydrolysis. A fine balance between these two processes controls the net amount of intracellular Na+ and aberrations in either of these two systems can have a large impact on cardiac contractility. Due to the relevant role of these two proteins in Na+ homeostasis, the emphasis of this review is on recent developments regarding the cardiac Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX1) and Na+/K+ pump and the controversies that still persist in the field. PMID:25772291

  16. Te Ao Kori as Expressive Movement in Aotearoa New Zealand Physical Education Teacher Education (PETE): A Narrative Account

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Legge, Maureen


    A unique aspect of Aotearoa/New Zealand physical education is the inclusion of Maori culture in the form of te ao kori. Te ao kori translates to mean the world of movement and is represented by the interpretation of indigenous movement, games and pastimes. Participation in te ao kori means the sports-based normative frame of reference for physical…

  17. Subaru SCExAO First-Light Direct Imaging of a Young Debris Disk around HD 36546

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Tamura, Motohide; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Lozi, Julien; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Brandt, TImothy D.; Kuhn, Jonasa; Serabyn, Eugene; hide


    We present H-band scattered light imaging of a bright debris disk around the A0 star HD 36546 obtained from the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system with data recorded by the HiCIAO camera using the vector vortex coronagraph. SCExAO traces the disk from r approximately 0 3 to r approximately 0".3 to r approximately 1" (34-114 au). The disk is oriented in a near east west direction (PA approximately 75deg), is inclined by I approximately 70deg-75deg, and is strongly forward-scattering(g greater than 0.5). It is an extended disk rather than a sharp ring; a second, diffuse dust population extends from the disks eastern side. While HD 36546 intrinsic properties are consistent with a wide age range (t approximately 1-250 Myr), its kinematics and analysis of coeval stars suggest a young age (310 Myr) and a possible connection to Taurus-Aurigas star formation history. SCExAOs planet-to-star contrast ratios are comparable to the first-light Gemini Planet Imager contrasts; for an age of 10 Myr, we rule out planets with masses comparable to HR 8799 b beyond a projected separation of 23 au. A massive icy planetesimal disk or an unseen super-Jovian planet at r greater than 20 au may explain the disks visibility. The HD 36546 debris disk may be the youngest debris disk yet imaged, is the first newly identified object from the now-operational SCExAO extreme AO system, is ideally suited for spectroscopic follow-up with SCExAO/CHARIS in 2017, and may be a key probe of icy planet formation and planet disk interactions.

  18. Telescópio de pequeno porte como suporte ao ensino em cidades com intensa poluição luminosa II

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pereira, P. C. R.; Santos-Júnior, J. M.; Cruz, W. S.


    como os respectivos períodos encontrados (1h20min e 4h48min). No caso do FO Aqr, ficou evidente, também, a modulação decorrente da rotação da anã branca receptora (21min). O erro estimado é de 0,01 magnitude. Propomos uma maior utilização de telescópios de pequeno porte, como suporte ao ensino (médio e superior) em cidades com poluição luminosa. Escolas e Planetários seriam ambientes propícios para a localização do telescópio. Os critérios adotados na escolha dos objetos e o método observacional empregado são também apresentados.

  19. Green FLASH: energy efficient real-time control for AO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gratadour, D.; Dipper, N.; Biasi, R.; Deneux, H.; Bernard, J.; Brule, J.; Dembet, R.; Doucet, N.; Ferreira, F.; Gendron, E.; Laine, M.; Perret, D.; Rousset, G.; Sevin, A.; Bitenc, U.; Geng, D.; Younger, E.; Andrighettoni, M.; Angerer, G.; Patauner, C.; Pescoller, D.; Porta, F.; Dufourcq, G.; Flaischer, A.; Leclere, J.-B.; Nai, A.; Palazzari, P.; Pretet, D.; Rouaud, C.


    The main goal of Green Flash is to design and build a prototype for a Real-Time Controller (RTC) targeting the European Extremely Large Telescope (E-ELT) Adaptive Optics (AO) instrumentation. The E-ELT is a 39m diameter telescope to see first light in the early 2020s. To build this critical component of the telescope operations, the astronomical community is facing technical challenges, emerging from the combination of high data transfer bandwidth, low latency and high throughput requirements, similar to the identified critical barriers on the road to Exascale. With Green Flash, we will propose technical solutions, assess these enabling technologies through prototyping and assemble a full scale demonstrator to be validated with a simulator and tested on sky. With this R&D program we aim at feeding the E-ELT AO systems preliminary design studies, led by the selected first-light instruments consortia, with technological validations supporting the designs of their RTC modules. Our strategy is based on a strong interaction between academic and industrial partners. Components specifications and system requirements are derived from the AO application. Industrial partners lead the development of enabling technologies aiming at innovative tailored solutions with potential wide application range. The academic partners provide the missing links in the ecosystem, targeting their application with mainstream solutions. This increases both the value and market opportunities of the developed products. A prototype harboring all the features is used to assess the performance. It also provides the proof of concept for a resilient modular solution to equip a large scale European scientific facility, while containing the development cost by providing opportunities for return on investment.

  20. A possible cause of the AO polarity reversal from winter to summer in 2010 and its relation to hemispheric extreme summer weather

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Otomi, Yuriko; Tachibana, Yoshihiro; Nakamura, Tetsu


    In 2010, the Northern Hemisphere, in particular Russia and Japan, experienced an abnormally hot summer characterized by record-breaking warm temperatures and associated with a strongly positive Arctic Oscillation (AO), that is, low pressure in the Arctic and high pressure in the midlatitudes. In contrast, the AO index the previous winter and spring (2009/2010) was record-breaking negative. The AO polarity reversal that began in summer 2010 can explain the abnormally hot summer. The winter sea surface temperatures (SST) in the North Atlantic Ocean showed a tripolar anomaly pattern—warm SST anomalies over the tropics and high latitudes and cold SST anomalies over the midlatitudes—under the influence of the negative AO. The warm SST anomalies continued into summer 2010 because of the large oceanic heat capacity. A model simulation strongly suggested that the AO-related summertime North Atlantic oceanic warm temperature anomalies remotely caused blocking highs to form over Europe, which amplified the positive summertime AO. Thus, a possible cause of the AO polarity reversal might be the "memory" of the negative winter AO in the North Atlantic Ocean, suggesting an interseasonal linkage of the AO in which the oceanic memory of a wintertime negative AO induces a positive AO in the following summer. Understanding of this interseasonal linkage may aid in the long-term prediction of such abnormal summer events.

  1. A possible cause of the AO polarity reversal from winter to summer in 2010 and its relation to hemispheric extreme hot summer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tachibana, Yoshihiro; Otomi, Yuriko; Nakamura, Tetsu


    In 2010, the Northern Hemisphere, in particular Russia and Japan, experienced an abnormally hot summer characterized by record-breaking warm temperatures and associated with a strongly positive Arctic Oscillation (AO), that is, low pressure in the Arctic and high pressure in the midlatitudes. In contrast, the AO index the previous winter and spring (2009/2010) was record-breaking negative. The AO polarity reversal that began in summer 2010 can explain the abnormally hot summer. The winter sea surface temperatures (SST) in the North Atlantic Ocean showed a tripolar anomaly pattern—warm SST anomalies over the tropics and high latitudes and cold SST anomalies over the midlatitudes—under the influence of the negative AO. The warm SST anomalies continued into summer 2010 because of the large oceanic heat capacity. A model simulation strongly suggested that the AO-related summertime North Atlantic oceanic warm temperature anomalies remotely caused blocking highs to form over Europe, which amplified the positive summertime AO. Thus, a possible cause of the AO polarity reversal might be the "memory" of the negative winter AO in the North Atlantic Ocean, suggesting an interseasonal linkage of the AO in which the oceanic memory of a wintertime negative AO induces a positive AO in the following summer. Understanding of this interseasonal linkage may aid in the long-term prediction of such abnormal summer events.

  2. Status and Plans for Finalization of SRT's Contribution to AIRS Version-7 and Version-7 AO

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Susskind, Joel; Blaisdell, John; Iredell, Lena; Kouvaris, Louis C.


    Version-6.46 temperature profiles, water vapor profiles, and especially total O3, are very much compared to Version-6. With minor tweaking, Version-6.46 is a good candidate for use in Version-7. JPL Version-6.4.6 and Version-6.4.6 AO monthly mean products agree extremely well with each other. Version-6.4.6 AO is accurate enough that there is not necessarily a need to process both Version-7 and Version-7 AO data sets. Single day comparisons show Version-6.46 CrIS/ATMS and Version-6.46 AIRS/AMSU products agree extremely well with each other. We need to demonstrate agreement of Version-6.46 CrIS/ATMS and Version-6.46 AO products on a monthly mean basis for different months and years. CrIS/ATMS and AIRS/AMSU monthly mean comparisons showed excellent agreement using a previous version.

  3. Increasing Efficiency at the NTF by Optimizing Model AoA Positioning

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Crawford, Bradley L.; Spells, Courtney


    The National Transonic Facility (NTF) at NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC) is a national resource for aeronautical research and development. The government, military and private industries rely on the capability of this facility for realistic flight data. Reducing the operation costs and keeping the NTF affordable is essential for aeronautics research. The NTF is undertaking an effort to reduce the time between data points during a pitch polar. This reduction is being driven by the operating costs of a cryogenic facility. If the time per data point can be reduced, a substantial cost savings can be realized from a reduction in liquid nitrogen (LN2) consumption. It is known that angle-of-attack (AoA) positioning is the longest lead-time item between points. In January 2005 a test was conducted at the NTF to determine the cause of the long lead-time so that an effort could be made to improve efficiency. The AoA signal at the NTF originates from onboard instrumentation then travels through a number of different systems including the signal conditioner, digital voltmeter, and the data system where the AoA angle is calculated. It is then fed into a closed loop control system that sets the model position. Each process along this path adds to the time per data point affecting the efficiency of the data taking process. Due to the nature of the closed loop feed back AoA control and the signal path, it takes approximately 18 seconds to take one pitch pause point with a typical AoA increment. Options are being investigated to reduce the time delay between points by modifying the signal path. These options include: reduced signal filtering, using analog channels instead of a digital volt meter (DVM), re-routing the signal directly to the AoA control computer and implementing new control algorithms. Each of these has potential to reduce the positioning time and together the savings could be significant. These timesaving efforts are essential but must be weighed against

  4. Acidosis Differentially Modulates Inactivation in NaV1.2, NaV1.4, and NaV1.5 Channels

    PubMed Central

    Vilin, Yury Y.; Peters, Colin H.; Ruben, Peter C.


    NaV channels play a crucial role in neuronal and muscle excitability. Using whole-cell recordings we studied effects of low extracellular pH on the biophysical properties of NaV1.2, NaV1.4, and NaV1.5, expressed in cultured mammalian cells. Low pH produced different effects on different channel subtypes. Whereas NaV1.4 exhibited very low sensitivity to acidosis, primarily limited to partial block of macroscopic currents, the effects of low pH on gating in NaV1.2 and NaV1.5 were profound. In NaV1.2 low pH reduced apparent valence of steady-state fast inactivation, shifted the τ(V) to depolarizing potentials and decreased channels availability during onset to slow and use-dependent inactivation (UDI). In contrast, low pH delayed open-state inactivation in NaV1.5, right-shifted the voltage-dependence of window current, and increased channel availability during onset to slow and UDI. These results suggest that protons affect channel availability in an isoform-specific manner. A computer model incorporating these results demonstrates their effects on membrane excitability. PMID:22701426

  5. Self-referencing thermometry in the nanoscale =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brites, Carlos Antonio Delgado Sousa

    Na ultima decada emergiu uma linha de investigacao muito activa em termometros nao invasivos e precisos que possam determinar temperatura a escala nanometrica. Esta investigacao foi fortemente estimulada pelas numerosas solicitacoes da nanotecnologia e da biomedicina, por exemplo. Uma das abordagens mais promissoras propoe o uso de ioes trivalentes de lantanideos que apresenta propriedades fotoluminescentes que dependem da temperatura. Neste trabalho demonstra-se que esta tecnica combina as vantagens de te um limite de deteccao de 0.5 graus com sensibilidade ate 4.5 % K-1. Este termometro molecular pode ser processado em filmes finos ou nanoparticulas, abrindo os campos de aplicacao a diferentes utilizacoes. As nanoparticulas de silica produzidas sao caracterizadas na presenca e na ausencia de ioes lantanideos. Sem o metal, as nanoparticulas de APTES/TEOS demonstram ser luminescentes sob excitacao UV sem necessidade de utilizar qualquer tratamento termico. O rendimento quantico de emissao depende apenas da proporcao dos silanos e pode atingir o valor de 0.15 +/- 0.02. A co-dopagem destas nanoparticulas com Eu3+ e Tb3+ permite obter sondas com resposta raciometrica, com a possibilidade de ajustar a gama de temperaturas de operacao e a sensibilidade, via desenho inteligente da matriz de suporte e dos ligandos de beta-dicetona que estao coordenados ao iao metalico. Quando processados como filmes, este termometro permite o mapeamento de temperaturas com resolucao espacial 1.8 mum. A racionalizacao da dependencia de temperatura e uma ferramenta util para desenvolver termometros que operam em gamas de temperatura especificos (e.g. gama de temperatura fisiologica, 290-340 K) com sensibilidade acima de 0.5 % K-1. A combinacao de esforcos de um grande numero de diversas disciplinas ira previsivelmente permitir o surgimento de termometros moleculares novos e sofisticados, preenchendo os principais requisitos das nanociencias.

  6. AO corrected satellite imaging from Mount Stromlo

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bennet, F.; Rigaut, F.; Price, I.; Herrald, N.; Ritchie, I.; Smith, C.


    The Research School of Astronomy and Astrophysics have been developing adaptive optics systems for space situational awareness. As part of this program we have developed satellite imaging using compact adaptive optics systems for small (1-2 m) telescopes such as those operated by Electro Optic Systems (EOS) from the Mount Stromlo Observatory. We have focused on making compact, simple, and high performance AO systems using modern high stroke high speed deformable mirrors and EMCCD cameras. We are able to track satellites down to magnitude 10 with a Strehl in excess of 20% in median seeing.

  7. Simulated Guide Stars: Adapting the Robo-AO Telescope Simulator to UH 88”

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ashcraft, Jaren; Baranec, Christoph


    Robo-AO is an autonomous adaptive optics system that is in development for the UH 88” Telescope on the Mauna Kea Observatory. This system is capable of achieving near diffraction limited imaging for astronomical telescopes, and has seen successful deployment and use at the Palomar and Kitt Peak Observatories previously. A key component of this system, the telescope simulator, will be adapted from the Palomar Observatory design to fit the UH 88” Telescope. The telescope simulator will simulate the exit pupil of the UH 88” telescope so that the greater Robo-AO system can be calibrated before observing runs. The system was designed in Code V, and then further improved upon in Zemax for later development. Alternate design forms were explored for the potential of adapting the telescope simulator to the NASA Infrared Telescope Facility, where simulating the exit pupil of the telescope proved to be more problematic. A proposed design composed of solely catalog optics was successfully produced for both telescopes, and they await assembly as time comes to construct the new Robo-AO system.

  8. A possible cause of the AO polarity reversal from winter to summer in 2010 and its relation to hemispheric extreme summer weather

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Otomi, Y.; Tachibana, Y.; Nakamura, T.


    In 2010, the Northern Hemisphere, in particular Russia, Europe and Japan, experienced an abnormally hot summer characterized by record-breaking warm temperatures and associated with a strongly positive Arctic Oscillation (AO). In contrast, in winter 2009/2010, the continent suffered from anomalously cold weather associated with a record-breaking negative AO. The winter-to-summer of the AO index during 2009/2010 evolved as follows: a strongly negative wintertime AO index continued until May, after which it abruptly changed, becoming strongly positive in July and continuing so until the beginning of August. The abrupt change of the AO index from strongly negative to strongly positive in 2010 thus corresponded to the change from the abnormally cold winter of 2009/2010 to the abnormally hot summer of 2010, which shows that the AO index is a good indicator of abnormal weather on a planetary-scale, and that extra-seasonal prediction of the AO is a key to long-term forecasting. In this study, we therefore aimed to examine the cause of the 2010 change in the AO index from strongly negative to strongly positive. We suggest that an oceanic memory of the strongly negative wintertime AO may have influenced the strongly positive summertime AO. The winter sea surface temperatures (SST) in the North Atlantic Ocean showed a tripolar anomaly pattern which is warm SST anomalies over the tropics and high latitudes and cold SST anomalies over the midlatitudes. The strongly negative wintertime AO would cause the warm SST anomaly in this region. The warm SST anomalies continued into summer 2010 because of the large oceanic heat capacity. In May and June, the heat flux anomaly changed from downward to upward in the tropics, and in July and August, the center of the upward anomaly moved westward. The area of the upward heat flux anomaly coincided with the area of the warm SST anomaly from May to August. The numerical model experiment showed that the tripolar SST pattern resulted in an

  9. Role of Na+ conductance, Na+-H+ exchange, and Na+-K+-2Cl− symport in the regulatory volume increase of rat hepatocytes

    PubMed Central

    Wehner, Frank; Tinel, Hanna


    In rat hepatocytes under hypertonic stress, the entry of Na+ (which is thereafter exchanged for K+ via Na+-K+-ATPase) plays the key role in regulatory volume increase (RVI).In the present study, the contributions of Na+ conductance, Na+-H+ exchange and Na+-K+-2Cl− symport to this process were quantified in confluent primary cultures by means of intracellular microelectrodes and cable analysis, microfluorometric determinations of cell pH and buffer capacity, and measurements of frusemide (furosemide)/bumetanide-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake, respectively. Osmolarity was increased from 300 to 400 mosmol l−1 by addition of sucrose.The experiments indicate a relative contribution of approximately 4:1:1 to hypertonicity-induced Na+ entry for the above-mentioned transporters and the overall Na+ yield equalled 51 mmol l−1 (10 min)−1.This Na+ gain is in good agreement with the stimulation of Na+ extrusion via Na+-K+-ATPase plus the actual increase in cell Na+, namely 55 mmol l−1 (10 min)−1, as was determined on the basis of ouabain-sensitive 86Rb+ uptake and by means of Na+-sensitive microelectrodes, respectively.The overall increase in Na+ and K+ activity plus the expected concomitant increase in cell Cl− equalled 68 mmol l−1, which fits well with the increase in osmotic activity expected to occur from an initial cell shrinkage to 87.5 % and a RVI to 92.6 % of control, namely 53 mosmol l−1.The prominent role of Na+ conductance in the RVI of rat hepatocytes could be confirmed on the basis of the pharmacological profile of this process, which was characterized by means of confocal laser-scanning microscopy. PMID:9481677

  10. FPGA cluster for high-performance AO real-time control system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Geng, Deli; Goodsell, Stephen J.; Basden, Alastair G.; Dipper, Nigel A.; Myers, Richard M.; Saunter, Chris D.


    Whilst the high throughput and low latency requirements for the next generation AO real-time control systems have posed a significant challenge to von Neumann architecture processor systems, the Field Programmable Gate Array (FPGA) has emerged as a long term solution with high performance on throughput and excellent predictability on latency. Moreover, FPGA devices have highly capable programmable interfacing, which lead to more highly integrated system. Nevertheless, a single FPGA is still not enough: multiple FPGA devices need to be clustered to perform the required subaperture processing and the reconstruction computation. In an AO real-time control system, the memory bandwidth is often the bottleneck of the system, simply because a vast amount of supporting data, e.g. pixel calibration maps and the reconstruction matrix, need to be accessed within a short period. The cluster, as a general computing architecture, has excellent scalability in processing throughput, memory bandwidth, memory capacity, and communication bandwidth. Problems, such as task distribution, node communication, system verification, are discussed.

  11. Comparative analysis of the main bioactive components of San-ao decoction and its series of formulations.


    Shu, Xiaoyun; Tang, Yuping; Jiang, Chenxue; Shang, Erxing; Fan, Xinshen; Ding, Anwei


    A high performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with diode array detection (DAD) was established for simultaneous determination of seven main bioactive components in San-ao decoction and its series of formulae (San-ao decoction, Wu-ao decoction, Qi-ao decoction and Jia-wei San-ao decoction). Seven compounds were analyzed simultaneously with a XTerra C(18) column (4.6 mm × 250 mm, 5 µm) using a linear gradient elution of a mobile phase containing acetonitrile (A) and a buffer solution (0.02 mol/L potassium dihydrogen phosphate and adjusted to pH 3 using phosphoric acid) (B); the flow rate was 1.0 mL/min. The sample was detected with DAD at 210, 254 and 360 nm and the column was maintained at 30 °C. All the compounds showed good linearity (r2 > 0.9984) in the tested concentration range. The precisions were evaluated by intra-day and inter-day tests, and relative standard deviation (R.S.D.) values within the range of 0.83%–2.53% and 0.64%–2.77% were reported, respectively. The recoveries of the quantified compounds were observed to cover a range from 95.34% and 104.82% with R.S.D. values less than 2.72%. The validated method was successfully applied for the simultaneous determination of seven main bioactive components including ephedrine (1), amygdalin (2), liquiritin (3), benzoic acid (4), isoliquiritin (5), formononetin (6) and glycyrrhizic acid (7) in San-ao decoction and its series of formulae. The results also showed a wide variation in the content of the identified active compounds in these samples, which could also be helpful to illustrate the drug interactions after some herbs combined in different formulations.

  12. Robo-AO Kepler Asteroseismic Survey. I. Adaptive Optics Imaging of 99 Asteroseismic Kepler Dwarfs and Subgiants

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Schonhut-Stasik, Jessica S.; Baranec, Christoph; Huber, Daniel

    We used the Robo-AO laser adaptive optics (AOs) system to image 99 main sequence and subgiant stars that have Kepler -detected asteroseismic signals. Robo-AO allows us to resolve blended secondary sources at separations as close as ∼0.″15 that may contribute to the measured Kepler light curves and affect asteroseismic analysis and interpretation. We report eight new secondary sources within 4.″0 of these Kepler asteroseismic stars. We used Subaru and Keck AOs to measure differential infrared photometry for these candidate companion systems. Two of the secondary sources are likely foreground objects, while the remaining six are background sources; however, we cannotmore » exclude the possibility that three of the objects may be physically associated. We measured a range of i ′-band amplitude dilutions for the candidate companion systems from 0.43% to 15.4%. We find that the measured amplitude dilutions are insufficient to explain the previously identified excess scatter in the relationship between asteroseismic oscillation amplitude and the frequency of maximum power.« less

  13. Kinetic contribution to extracellular Na+/K+ selectivity in the Na+/K+ pump.


    Vleeskens, Elizabeth; Clarke, Ronald J


    The sodium potassium pump (Na + ,K + -ATPase) shows a high selectivity for K + over Na + binding from the extracellular medium. To understand the K + selectivity in the presence of a high concentration of competing Na + ions requires consideration of more than just ion binding affinities. Here, equilibrium-based calculations of the extracellular occupation of the Na + ,K + -ATPase transport sites by Na + and K + are compared to fluxes through Na + and K + transport pathways. The results show that, under physiological conditions, there is a 332-fold selectivity for pumping of K + from the extracellular medium into the cytoplasm relative to Na + , whereas equilibrium calculations alone predict only a 7.5-fold selectivity for K + . Thus, kinetic effects make a major contribution to the determination of extracellular K + selectivity.

  14. Subaru/SCExAO First-light Direct Imaging of a Young Debris Disk around HD 36546

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Tamura, Motohide; Kudo, Tomoyuki; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Lozi, Julien; Schlieder, Joshua E.; Brandt, Timothy D.; Kuhn, Jonas; Serabyn, Eugene; Janson, Markus; Carson, Joseph; Groff, Tyler; Kasdin, N. Jeremy; McElwain, Michael W.; Singh, Garima; Uyama, Taichi; Kuzuhara, Masayuki; Akiyama, Eiji; Grady, Carol; Hayashi, Saeko; Knapp, Gillian; Kwon, Jung-mi; Oh, Daehyeon; Wisniewski, John; Sitko, Michael; Yang, Yi


    We present H-band scattered light imaging of a bright debris disk around the A0 star HD 36546 obtained from the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system with data recorded by the HiCIAO camera using the vector vortex coronagraph. SCExAO traces the disk from r ˜ 0.″3 to r ˜ 1″ (34-114 au). The disk is oriented in a near east-west direction (PA ˜ 75°), is inclined by I ˜ 70°-75°, and is strongly forward-scattering (g > 0.5). It is an extended disk rather than a sharp ring; a second, diffuse dust population extends from the disk’s eastern side. While HD 36546 intrinsic properties are consistent with a wide age range (t ˜ 1-250 Myr), its kinematics and analysis of coeval stars suggest a young age (3-10 Myr) and a possible connection to Taurus-Auriga’s star formation history. SCExAO’s planet-to-star contrast ratios are comparable to the first-light Gemini Planet Imager contrasts; for an age of 10 Myr, we rule out planets with masses comparable to HR 8799 b beyond a projected separation of 23 au. A massive icy planetesimal disk or an unseen super-Jovian planet at r > 20 au may explain the disk’s visibility. The HD 36546 debris disk may be the youngest debris disk yet imaged, is the first newly identified object from the now-operational SCExAO extreme AO system, is ideally suited for spectroscopic follow-up with SCExAO/CHARIS in 2017, and may be a key probe of icy planet formation and planet-disk interactions.

  15. Improved tilt sensing in an LGS-based tomographic AO system based on instantaneous PSF estimation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Veran, Jean-Pierre


    Laser guide star (LGS)-based tomographic AO systems, such as Multi-Conjugate AO (MCAO), Multi-Object AO (MOAO) and Laser Tomography AO (LTAO), require natural guide stars (NGSs) to sense tip-tilt (TT) and possibly other low order modes, to get rid of the LGS-tilt indetermination problem. For example, NFIRAOS, the first-light facility MCAO system for the Thirty Meter Telescope requires three NGSs, in addition to six LGSs: two to measure TT and one to measure TT and defocus. In order to improve sky coverage, these NGSs are selected in a so-called technical field (2 arcmin in diameter for NFIRAOS), which is much larger than the on-axis science field (17x17 arcsec for NFIRAOS), on which the AO correction is optimized. Most times, the NGSs are far off-axis and thus poorly corrected by the high-order AO loop, resulting in spots with low contrast and high speckle noise. Accurately finding the position of such spots is difficult, even with advanced methods such as matched-filtering or correlation, because these methods rely on the knowledge of an average spot image, which is quite different from the instantaneous spot image, especially in case of poor correction. This results in poor tilt estimation, which, ultimately, impacts sky coverage. We propose to improve the estimation of the position of the NGS spots by using, for each frame, a current estimate of the instantaneous spot profile instead of an average profile. This estimate can be readily obtained by tracing wavefront errors in the direction of the NGS through the turbulence volume. The latter is already computed by the tomographic process from the LGS measurements as part of the high order AO loop. Computing such a wavefront estimate has actually already been proposed for the purpose of driving a deformable mirror (DM) in each NGS WFS, to optically correct the NGS spot, which does lead to improved centroiding accuracy. Our approach, however, is much simpler, because it does not require the complication of extra DMs


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Deneva, J. S.; Stovall, K.; Martinez, J. G.


    We report initial results from AO327, a drift survey for pulsars with the Arecibo telescope at 327 MHz. The first phase of AO327 will cover the sky at declinations of –1° to 28°, excluding the region within 5° of the Galactic plane, where high scattering and dispersion make low-frequency surveys sub-optimal. We record data from a 57 MHz bandwidth with 1024 channels and 125 μs sampling time. The 60 s transit time through the AO327 beam means that the survey is sensitive to very tight relativistic binaries even with no acceleration searches. To date we have detected 44 known pulsarsmore » with periods ranging from 3 ms to 2.21 s and discovered 24 new pulsars. The new discoveries include 3 ms pulsars, three objects with periods of a few tens of milliseconds typical of young as well as mildly recycled pulsars, a nuller, and a rotating radio transient. Five of the new discoveries are in binary systems. The second phase of AO327 will cover the sky at declinations of 28°-38°. We compare the sensitivity and search volume of AO327 to the Green Bank North Celestial Cap survey and the GBT350 drift survey, both of which operate at 350 MHz.« less

  17. Aspergillus oryzae AoSO is a novel component of stress granules upon heat stress in filamentous fungi.


    Huang, Hsiang-Ting; Maruyama, Jun-ichi; Kitamoto, Katsuhiko


    Stress granules are a type of cytoplasmic messenger ribonucleoprotein (mRNP) granule formed in response to the inhibition of translation initiation, which typically occurs when cells are exposed to stress. Stress granules are conserved in eukaryotes; however, in filamentous fungi, including Aspergillus oryzae, stress granules have not yet been defined. For this reason, here we investigated the formation and localization of stress granules in A. oryzae cells exposed to various stresses using an EGFP fusion protein of AoPab1, a homolog of Saccharomyces cerevisiae Pab1p, as a stress granule marker. Localization analysis showed that AoPab1 was evenly distributed throughout the cytoplasm under normal growth conditions, and accumulated as cytoplasmic foci mainly at the hyphal tip in response to stress. AoSO, a homolog of Neurospora crassa SO, which is necessary for hyphal fusion, colocalized with stress granules in cells exposed to heat stress. The formation of cytoplasmic foci of AoSO was blocked by treatment with cycloheximide, a known inhibitor of stress granule formation. Deletion of the Aoso gene had effects on the formation and localization of stress granules in response to heat stress. Our results suggest that AoSO is a novel component of stress granules specific to filamentous fungi. The authors would specially like to thank Hiroyuki Nakano and Kei Saeki for generously providing experimental and insightful opinions.

  18. Improving the temperature characteristics and catalytic efficiency of a mesophilic xylanase from Aspergillus oryzae, AoXyn11A, by iterative mutagenesis based on in silico design.


    Li, Xue-Qing; Wu, Qin; Hu, Die; Wang, Rui; Liu, Yan; Wu, Min-Chen; Li, Jian-Fang


    To improve the temperature characteristics and catalytic efficiency of a glycoside hydrolase family (GHF) 11 xylanase from Aspergillus oryzae (AoXyn11A), its variants were predicted based on in silico design. Firstly, Gly 21 with the maximum B-factor value, which was confirmed by molecular dynamics (MD) simulation on the three-dimensional structure of AoXyn11A, was subjected to site-saturation mutagenesis. Thus, one variant with the highest thermostability, AoXyn11A G21I , was selected from the mutagenesis library, E. coli/Aoxyn11A G21X (X: any one of 20 amino acids). Secondly, based on the primary structure multiple alignment of AoXyn11A with seven thermophilic GHF11 xylanases, AoXyn11A Y13F or AoXyn11A G21I-Y13F , was designed by replacing Tyr 13 in AoXyn11A or AoXyn11A G21I with Phe. Finally, three variant-encoding genes, Aoxyn11A G21I , Aoxyn11A Y13F and Aoxyn11A G21I-Y13F , were constructed by two-stage whole-plasmid PCR method, and expressed in Pichia pastoris GS115, respectively. The temperature optimum (T opt ) of recombinant (re) AoXyn11A G21I-Y13F was 60 °C, being 5 °C higher than that of reAoXyn11A G21I or reAoXyn11A Y13F , and 10 °C higher than that of reAoXyn11A. The thermal inactivation half-life (t 1/2 ) of reAoXyn11A G21I-Y13F at 50 °C was 240 min, being 40-, 3.4- and 2.5-fold longer than those of reAoXyn11A, reAoXyn11A G21I and reAoXyn11A Y13F . The melting temperature (T m ) values of reAoXyn11A, reAoXyn11A G21I , reAoXyn11A Y13F and reAoXyn11A G21I-Y13F were 52.3, 56.5, 58.6 and 61.3 °C, respectively. These findings indicated that the iterative mutagenesis of both Gly21Ile and Tyr13Phe improved the temperature characteristics of AoXyn11A in a synergistic mode. Besides those, the catalytic efficiency (k cat /K m ) of reAoXyn11A G21I-Y13F was 473.1 mL mg -1 s -1 , which was 1.65-fold higher than that of reAoXyn11A.

  19. Subaru/SCExAO First-light Direct Imaging of a Young Debris Disk around HD 36546

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Currie, Thayne; Guyon, Olivier; Kudo, Tomoyuki

    We present H -band scattered light imaging of a bright debris disk around the A0 star HD 36546 obtained from the Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics (SCExAO) system with data recorded by the HiCIAO camera using the vector vortex coronagraph. SCExAO traces the disk from r ∼ 0.″3 to r ∼1″ (34–114 au). The disk is oriented in a near east–west direction (PA ∼ 75°), is inclined by i ∼ 70°–75°, and is strongly forward-scattering (g > 0.5). It is an extended disk rather than a sharp ring; a second, diffuse dust population extends from the disk’s eastern side. Whilemore » HD 36546 intrinsic properties are consistent with a wide age range (t ∼ 1–250 Myr), its kinematics and analysis of coeval stars suggest a young age (3–10 Myr) and a possible connection to Taurus-Auriga’s star formation history. SCExAO’s planet-to-star contrast ratios are comparable to the first-light Gemini Planet Imager contrasts; for an age of 10 Myr, we rule out planets with masses comparable to HR 8799 b beyond a projected separation of 23 au. A massive icy planetesimal disk or an unseen super-Jovian planet at r > 20 au may explain the disk’s visibility. The HD 36546 debris disk may be the youngest debris disk yet imaged, is the first newly identified object from the now-operational SCExAO extreme AO system, is ideally suited for spectroscopic follow-up with SCExAO/CHARIS in 2017, and may be a key probe of icy planet formation and planet–disk interactions.« less

  20. Na and K Dependence of the Na/K Pump in Cystic Fibrosis Fibroblasts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reznik, Vivian M.; Schneider, Jerry A.; Mendoza, Stanley A.


    The Na and K dependence of the Na/K pump was measured in skin fibroblasts from patients with cystic fibrosis and age/sex-matched controls. Under basal conditions, there was no difference between control and cystic fibrosis cells in protein per cell, intracellular Na and K content, or Na/K pump activity (measured as ouabain-sensitive 86Rb uptake). There was no difference in the Na dependence of the Na/K pump between cystic fibrosis cells and control cells. In cells from patients with cystic fibrosis, the Na/K pump had a significantly lower affinity for K (Km = 1.6 mM) when compared to normals (Km = 0.9 mM). This difference was demonstrated by using two independent experimental designs.

  1. A-O Q-switching of 2.1-μm laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zheng, Jia; Liu, Jingjiao; Tang, Yi; Hu, Yongzhao


    2.1μm solid state laser operating at room temperature is a very useful laser source for optical communication, medical care, air pollution monitoring and Lidar, etc. It is eye-safe. It is also a very ideal pump source for optic parametric oscillator to get 3μm -5μm radiation. In order to further explore its potential applications, higher peak power and shorter pulse width are very desirable. Q-switching the laser is a most practical way to realize those goals. Among the most common used Q-switching techniques, mechanical Q-switching is not preferred due to that it involves use of a rotating motor, which has lower life time and causes undesirable vibration. E-O Q-switch material in this wavelength range is very expensive and quite susceptible to optical damage. On the other hand, low OH concentration quartz material exhibits very low absorption at the 2.1μm. The Cr:Tm:Ho:YAG 2.1μm laser has undesirable lower gain from the laser efficiency point of view, but offers a feasibility of using the A-O device for the Q-switching even the laser is pulse pumped. The Cr:Tm:Ho:YAG 2.1μm laser is a so called quasi-three level laser, which is characterized as having a higher threshold and lower gain. This study is focused on the optimization of the laser resonator design and the A-O Q-switch design for a higher laser peak power and shorter pulse width. Factors considered in the study include AO Q-switch"s RF frequency, modulation depth, active aperture, resonator length, resonator loss and pumping design, etc. Experiment results are compared with the Q-switched quasi-three level laser model. Final result of the Q-switched 2.1μm laser after preliminary optimization will be presented.

  2. On Target Localization Using Combined RSS and AoA Measurements

    PubMed Central

    Beko, Marko; Dinis, Rui


    This work revises existing solutions for a problem of target localization in wireless sensor networks (WSNs), utilizing integrated measurements, namely received signal strength (RSS) and angle of arrival (AoA). The problem of RSS/AoA-based target localization became very popular in the research community recently, owing to its great applicability potential and relatively low implementation cost. Therefore, here, a comprehensive study of the state-of-the-art (SoA) solutions and their detailed analysis is presented. The beginning of this work starts by considering the SoA approaches based on convex relaxation techniques (more computationally complex in general), and it goes through other (less computationally complex) approaches, as well, such as the ones based on the generalized trust region sub-problems framework and linear least squares. Furthermore, a detailed analysis of the computational complexity of each solution is reviewed. Furthermore, an extensive set of simulation results is presented. Finally, the main conclusions are summarized, and a set of future aspects and trends that might be interesting for future research in this area is identified. PMID:29671832

  3. On Ensino da Astronomia no Ensino Médio sob Diferentes Abordagens Metodológicas

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Voelzke, Marcos Rincon; Albrecht, Evonir


    O presente trabalho, sobre a intervenção de metodologias de ensino, foi desenvolvido na Escola Estadual Colônia dos Pescadores, na cidade de Caraguatatuba - SP, em três turmas do terceiro ano do Ensino Médio, perfazendo um total de 119 educandos, entre 16 e 19 anos. Antes de iniciar-se a intervenção, um questionário de vinte perguntas objetivas e dissertativas foi desenvolvido, aplicado pelo professor da classe, que ministrou as aulas correspondentes. Este questionário foi o mesmo em todas as três classes com o objetivo de diagnosticar o conhecimento prévio dos alunos sobre Astronomia. Começando a intervenção nas turmas, o professor envolvido usou três diferentes metodologias de ensino: (A) em forma de seminários, elaborados e apresentados pelos alunos, nos quais o professor fazia apenas as intervenções necessárias, (B) na forma tradicional, com a ajuda de multimídia para o desenvolvimento das aulas e a terceira (C) a tradicional, fazendo uso exclusivo de lousa e giz. No final do trabalho os alunos responderam o mesmo questionário novamente, de modo que os três métodos utilizados puderam ser comparados. Os resultados apresentados após a intervenção foram melhores que os resultados iniciais indicando a ocorrência de uma aprendizagem significativa. Quando os estudantes foram inicialmente questionados sobre quantos planetas existem no nosso sistema solar, a classe A obteve 39% de respostas certas, a classe B 48% e a classe C 46%, mas após o desenvolvimento das atividades, as classes obtiveram respectivamente 94%, 97 % e 90% de aproveitamento. No término do bimestre, foi sugerido aos educandos que elaborassem uma história em quadrinhos, a qual serviu para averiguar se os conceitos inicialmente observados foram alterados e se novos foram agregados. A análise das histórias foi dividida em três partes: Criatividade; Temas abordados; Emprego correto dos conceitos estudados. Ao final quatorze histórias foram confeccionadas. O aprendizado

  4. Simple motor tasks independently predict extubation failure in critically ill neurological patients.


    Kutchak, Fernanda Machado; Rieder, Marcelo de Mello; Victorino, Josué Almeida; Meneguzzi, Carla; Poersch, Karla; Forgiarini, Luiz Alberto; Bianchin, Marino Muxfeldt


    prospectivo de coorte realizado na UTI neurológica de um hospital terciário em Porto Alegre (RS). Pacientes adultos que haviam sido intubados por motivos neurológicos e que eram candidatos ao desmame foram incluídos no estudo. O estudo avaliou se a capacidade dos pacientes de realizar tarefas motoras simples como apertar as mãos do examinador e pôr a língua para fora seria um preditor de extubação malsucedida. Foram coletados dados referentes ao tempo de ventilação mecânica, tempo de internação na UTI, tempo de internação hospitalar, mortalidade e incidência de pneumonia associada à ventilação mecânica. Foram incluídos na análise 132 pacientes intubados que haviam recebido ventilação mecânica durante pelo menos 24 h e que passaram no teste de respiração espontânea. A regressão logística mostrou que a incapacidade dos pacientes de apertar a mão do examinador (risco relativo = 1,57; IC95%: 1,01-2,44; p < 0,045) e de pôr a língua para fora (risco relativo = 6,84; IC95%: 2,49-18,8; p < 0,001) foram fatores independentes de risco de extubação malsucedida. Houve diferenças significativas entre os pacientes nos quais a extubação foi malsucedida e aqueles nos quais a extubação foi bem-sucedida quanto à pontuação obtida no Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (p = 0,02), pontuação obtida na Escala de Coma de Glasgow no momento da extubação (p < 0,001), abertura dos olhos em resposta ao comando (p = 0,001), PImáx (p < 0,001), PEmáx (p = 0,006) e índice de respiração rápida e superficial (p = 0,03). A incapacidade de obedecer a comandos motores simples é preditora de extubação malsucedida em pacientes neurológicos críticos. Preensão de mão e protrusão da língua em resposta ao comando podem ser testes rápidos e fáceis realizados à beira do leito para identificar pacientes neurológicos críticos que sejam candidatos à extubação.

  5. Duodenum inclusion in alimentary transit for preventing or correcting nutritional deficiencies resulting from Roux-en-y gastric bypass in obesity treatment.


    Ceneviva, Reginaldo


    Nutritional and metabolic complications can develop after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) when there is an exaggerated response to the anatomical and functional changes or when there is inadequate nutritional supplementation. Severe malnutrition is rare, but deficiencies of vitamin B12, iron, calcium and thiamin, metabolic bone disease and gallstones are common after RYGB. Shortage of vitamin B12, iron, calcium and also cholelithiasis are caused at least partially by excluding the duodenum and proximal jejunum from food transit. We designed a new procedure, with the maintenance of the duodenum and proximal jejunum in the gastrointestinal transit through interposition of jejunal loop, as a primary operation to prevent such deficiencies or as corrective surgery for severe malnutrition after RYGB with failure in responding to conservative treatment. Complicações nutricionais e metabólicas podem se desenvolver após a derivação gástrica em Y de Roux (DGYR) quando há uma resposta exagerada às mudanças anatômicas e funcionais ou quando há suplementação nutricional inadequada. A desnutrição grave é rara, mas deficiências de vitamina B12, ferro, cálcio e tiamina, doença óssea metabólica e cálculos biliares são comuns após a DGYR. Dessas deficiências mencionadas, a de vitamina B12, de ferro, de cálcio e também a colelitíase, são causadas, ao menos parcialmente, pela exclusão do duodeno e jejuno proximal. Um novo procedimento com a manutenção do duodeno e do jejuno proximal no trânsito gastrointestinal, mediante interposição de alça jejunal, foi idealizado como operação primária para prevenir essas deficiências ou como cirurgia corretiva de desnutrição grave após DGYR com falha na resposta a exaustivas tentativas de tratamento conservador.

  6. The Performance of the Robo-AO Laser Guide Star Adaptive Optics System at the Kitt Peak 2.1 m Telescope

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jensen-Clem, Rebecca; Duev, Dmitry A.; Riddle, Reed; Salama, Maïssa; Baranec, Christoph; Law, Nicholas M.; Kulkarni, S. R.; Ramprakash, A. N.


    Robo-AO is an autonomous laser guide star adaptive optics (AO) system recently commissioned at the Kitt Peak 2.1 m telescope. With the ability to observe every clear night, Robo-AO at the 2.1 m telescope is the first dedicated AO observatory. This paper presents the imaging performance of the AO system in its first 18 months of operations. For a median seeing value of 1.″44, the average Strehl ratio is 4% in the i\\prime band. After post processing, the contrast ratio under sub-arcsecond seeing for a 2≤slant i\\prime ≤slant 16 primary star is five and seven magnitudes at radial offsets of 0.″5 and 1.″0, respectively. The data processing and archiving pipelines run automatically at the end of each night. The first stage of the processing pipeline shifts and adds the rapid frame rate data using techniques optimized for different signal-to-noise ratios. The second “high-contrast” stage of the pipeline is eponymously well suited to finding faint stellar companions. Currently, a range of scientific programs, including the synthetic tracking of near-Earth asteroids, the binarity of stars in young clusters, and weather on solar system planets are being undertaken with Robo-AO.

  7. Response of saliva Na/K ratio to changing Na supply of lactating cows under tropical conditions.


    Thiangtum, Wandee; Schonewille, J Thomas; Verstegen, Martin Wa; Arsawakulsudhi, Supot; Rukkwamsuk, Theera; Hendriks, Wouter H


    Factorial determination of the sodium (Na) requirement of heat-stressed lactating cows is hindered by accurate estimates of the Na losses through sweat. Direct studies, therefore, may be needed requiring information on the time course of healthy animals to become Na depleted and the subsequent rate of repletion. The rate of Na depletion and subsequent rate of Na repletion with two levels of dietary Na to lactating dairy cows housed under tropical conditions were investigated using the salivary Na/K. The 12 lactating cows (salivary Na/K ratio 14.6) rapidly developed clinical signs of Na deficiency, including pica, polyuria and polydipsia, reduced body weight and reduced milk yield when fed a low-Na ration (0.33 g kg -1 dry matter (DM)) for 3 weeks. Deficiency symptoms were associated with a rapid decrease in salivary Na/K ratio to <4.3 from 7 to 21 days. Subsequent repletion of the cows with NaCl to a ration concentration of 1.1 or 1.6 g Na kg -1 DM for 5 weeks did not restore salivary Na/K ratio to values of >6. A daily Na intake of heat-stressed lactating cows to a ration intake of 1.6 g Na kg -1 DM was insufficient to restore Na deficiency. One week was sufficient to deplete heat-stressed lactating cows of Na, allowing for rapid dose-response studies utilizing the salivary Na/K ratio as a parameter for Na status of cows under tropical conditions. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry. © 2016 Society of Chemical Industry.

  8. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na(+)-K(+)-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na(+) Diffusion.


    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald J; Rasmussen, Helge H


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na(+) in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na(+)-K(+) pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K(+) after a period of exposure to K(+)-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na(+) that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K(+)-free extracellular solution. However, there are no known physical barriers that account for such restricted Na(+) diffusion, and we examined if changes of activity of the Na(+)-K(+) pump itself cause the transient peak current. Reexposure to K(+) reproduced a transient current beyond steady state in voltage-clamped ventricular myocytes as reported by others. Persistence of it when the Na(+) concentration in patch pipette solutions perfusing the intracellular compartment was high and elimination of it with K(+)-free pipette solution could not be reconciled with restricted subsarcolemmal Na(+) diffusion. The pattern of the transient current early after pump activation was dependent on transmembrane Na(+)- and K(+) concentration gradients suggesting the currents were related to the conformational poise imposed on the pump. We examined if the currents might be accounted for by changes in glutathionylation of the β1 Na(+)-K(+) pump subunit, a reversible oxidative modification that inhibits the pump. Susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na(+)-K(+) pump, and glutathionylation with the pump stabilized in conformations equivalent to those expected to be imposed on voltage-clamped myocytes supported this hypothesis. So did elimination of the transient K(+)-induced peak Na(+)-K(+) pump current when we included glutaredoxin 1 in patch pipette solutions to reverse glutathionylation. We conclude that transient K(+)-induced peak Na(+)-K(+) pump current reflects the effect

  9. Glutathionylation-Dependence of Na+-K+-Pump Currents Can Mimic Reduced Subsarcolemmal Na+ Diffusion

    PubMed Central

    Garcia, Alvaro; Liu, Chia-Chi; Cornelius, Flemming; Clarke, Ronald J.; Rasmussen, Helge H.


    The existence of a subsarcolemmal space with restricted diffusion for Na+ in cardiac myocytes has been inferred from a transient peak electrogenic Na+-K+ pump current beyond steady state on reexposure of myocytes to K+ after a period of exposure to K+-free extracellular solution. The transient peak current is attributed to enhanced electrogenic pumping of Na+ that accumulated in the diffusion-restricted space during pump inhibition in K+-free extracellular solution. However, there are no known physical barriers that account for such restricted Na+ diffusion, and we examined if changes of activity of the Na+-K+ pump itself cause the transient peak current. Reexposure to K+ reproduced a transient current beyond steady state in voltage-clamped ventricular myocytes as reported by others. Persistence of it when the Na+ concentration in patch pipette solutions perfusing the intracellular compartment was high and elimination of it with K+-free pipette solution could not be reconciled with restricted subsarcolemmal Na+ diffusion. The pattern of the transient current early after pump activation was dependent on transmembrane Na+- and K+ concentration gradients suggesting the currents were related to the conformational poise imposed on the pump. We examined if the currents might be accounted for by changes in glutathionylation of the β1 Na+-K+ pump subunit, a reversible oxidative modification that inhibits the pump. Susceptibility of the β1 subunit to glutathionylation depends on the conformational poise of the Na+-K+ pump, and glutathionylation with the pump stabilized in conformations equivalent to those expected to be imposed on voltage-clamped myocytes supported this hypothesis. So did elimination of the transient K+-induced peak Na+-K+ pump current when we included glutaredoxin 1 in patch pipette solutions to reverse glutathionylation. We conclude that transient K+-induced peak Na+-K+ pump current reflects the effect of conformation-dependent β1 pump subunit

  10. Directly Imaging Exoplanets and Resolving Asteroid Belts Around Young Stars with SCExAO+HiCIAO/VAMPIRES

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Currie, Thayne


    We propose a unique, first-of-its-kind combined near-IR high-contrast imaging and optical interferometry study of 20 young, debris disk-bearing stars with SCExAO + HiCIAO/VAMPIRES. Our sample includes the benchmark imaged exoplanets HR 8799 bcde; luminous, resolvable debris disks; stars with asteroid belts that have yet to be resolved in scattered light; poorly-studied stars whose disks may be resolvable; and stars with compelling planet candidates requiring rapid follow-up. From proven VAMPIRES performance, SCExAO near-IR advances and HiCIAO software and hardware upgrades from our team, our data will 1) resolve known debris belts and possible hitherto unseen asteroid belts and 2) yield significantly deeper contrasts at small (r = 0.1"-0.5") separations than typical HiCIAO data (e.g. 10^{-5} at 0.4"). With the likely-operational Pyramid WFS, we will achieve extreme contrasts (< 10^{-6} at r > 0.25") and planet detection capabilities rivaling/exceeding those from GPI and SPHERE. Our program is guaranteed to result in many publications reporting new insights on known exoplanets and disks, may yield the first optical/IR images of exo-asteroid belts/other exoplanets, and could firmly establish Subaru/SCExAO as the premier extreme-AO exoplanet imaging facility.

  11. Discharges of aortic and carotid sinus baroreceptors during spontaneous motor activity and pharmacologically evoked pressor interventions.


    Matsukawa, Kanji; Ishii, Kei; Kadowaki, Akito; Ishida, Tomoko; Idesako, Mitsuhiro; Liang, Nan


    Our laboratory has demonstrated that the cardiomotor component of aortic baroreflex is temporarily inhibited at the onset of spontaneous motor activity in decerebrate cats, without altering carotid sinus baroreflex. A reason for this dissociation may be attributed to a difference in the responses between aortic nerve activity (AoNA) and carotid sinus nerve activity (CsNA) during spontaneous motor activity. The stimulus-response curves of AoNA and CsNA against mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) were compared between the pressor interventions evoked by spontaneous motor activity and by intravenous administration of phenylephrine or norepinephrine, in which the responses in heart rate (HR) were opposite (i.e., tachycardia vs. baroreflex bradycardia), despite the identical increase in MAP of 34-40 mmHg. In parallel to the pressor response, mean AoNA and CsNA increased similarly by 78-81 and by 88 % of the baseline control, respectively, irrespective of whether the pressor response was evoked by spontaneous motor activity or by a pharmacological intervention. The slope of the stimulus-response curve of the mean AoNA became greater (P < 0.05) during spontaneous motor activity as compared to the pharmacological intervention. On the other hand, the stimulus-response curve of the mean CsNA and its slope were equal (P > 0.05) between the two pressor interventions. Furthermore, the slopes of the stimulus-response curves of both diastolic AoNA and CsNA (defined as the minimal value within a beat) exhibited a greater increase during spontaneous motor activity. All differences in the slopes of the stimulus-response curves were abolished by restraining HR at the intrinsic cardiac frequency. In conclusion, mean mass activities of both aortic and carotid sinus baroreceptors are able to encode the beat-by-beat changes in MAP not only at rest but also during spontaneous motor activity and spontaneous motor activity-related reduction of aortic baroreceptor activity is denied

  12. Cytosolic Na+ Controls an Epithelial Na+ Channel Via the Go Guanine Nucleotide-Binding Regulatory Protein

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Komwatana, P.; Dinudom, A.; Young, J. A.; Cook, D. I.


    In tight Na+-absorbing epithelial cells, the rate of Na+ entry through amiloride-sensitive apical membrane Na+ channels is matched to basolateral Na+ extrusion so that cell Na+ concentration and volume remain steady. Control of this process by regulation of apical Na+ channels has been attributed to changes in cytosolic Ca2+ concentration or pH, secondary to changes in cytosolic Na+ concentration, although cytosolic Cl- seems also to be involved. Using mouse mandibular gland duct cells, we now demonstrate that increasing cytosolic Na+ concentration inhibits apical Na+ channels independent of changes in cytosolic Ca2+, pH, or Cl-, and the effect is blocked by GDP-β -S, pertussis toxin, and antibodies against the α -subunits of guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Go). In contrast, the inhibitory effect of cytosolic anions is blocked by antibodies to inhibitory guanine nucleotide-binding regulatory proteins (Gi1/Gi2. It thus appears that apical Na+ channels are regulated by Go and Gi proteins, the activities of which are controlled, respectively, by cytosolic Na+ and Cl-.

  13. Adaptive optics stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (AO-STORM) by particle swarm optimization

    PubMed Central

    Tehrani, Kayvan F.; Zhang, Yiwen; Shen, Ping; Kner, Peter


    Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) can achieve resolutions of better than 20nm imaging single fluorescently labeled cells. However, when optical aberrations induced by larger biological samples degrade the point spread function (PSF), the localization accuracy and number of localizations are both reduced, destroying the resolution of STORM. Adaptive optics (AO) can be used to correct the wavefront, restoring the high resolution of STORM. A challenge for AO-STORM microscopy is the development of robust optimization algorithms which can efficiently correct the wavefront from stochastic raw STORM images. Here we present the implementation of a particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach with a Fourier metric for real-time correction of wavefront aberrations during STORM acquisition. We apply our approach to imaging boutons 100 μm deep inside the central nervous system (CNS) of Drosophila melanogaster larvae achieving a resolution of 146 nm. PMID:29188105

  14. Adaptive optics stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (AO-STORM) by particle swarm optimization.


    Tehrani, Kayvan F; Zhang, Yiwen; Shen, Ping; Kner, Peter


    Stochastic optical reconstruction microscopy (STORM) can achieve resolutions of better than 20nm imaging single fluorescently labeled cells. However, when optical aberrations induced by larger biological samples degrade the point spread function (PSF), the localization accuracy and number of localizations are both reduced, destroying the resolution of STORM. Adaptive optics (AO) can be used to correct the wavefront, restoring the high resolution of STORM. A challenge for AO-STORM microscopy is the development of robust optimization algorithms which can efficiently correct the wavefront from stochastic raw STORM images. Here we present the implementation of a particle swarm optimization (PSO) approach with a Fourier metric for real-time correction of wavefront aberrations during STORM acquisition. We apply our approach to imaging boutons 100 μm deep inside the central nervous system (CNS) of Drosophila melanogaster larvae achieving a resolution of 146 nm.

  15. Superconductivity could occur Na-supersaturated NaCl

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hanaki, Koji


    A flow-into electron and a flow-out hole mean flow-into of two unit electric c harges. Even if an exciton consisting of an electron and a hole is a neutral q uasi-particle, overlapping of excitons, namely, the bose condensation changes into a superconductor where half the electric current is due to holes moving t oward the reverse direction. The Meisner effect of the bose condensation comes from the precession of the each exciton under the magnetic field^1. Moreo ver, the present mechanism is supported with that superconducting material alw ays has two kinds of carriers. The superconductivity of NaCl comes from the ab ove-mentioned theory. Free stable holes at first and then electrons are produc ed in NaCl when considerable number of Cl^- lattice vacancies are brought in NaCl mainly because some electrons in the Cl-3p filled band fall into the v acancies. The coexistence of two kinds of stable carriers does not always mean the presence of excitons like VO with electrons not paired and localized in e ach V atom though. While, the absorption spectrum of the NaCl has already conf irmed the presence of excitons; the strength of the spectrum seems to indicate the formation of the bose condensation. Thus we could expect a new supercondu ctor. 1) Hanaki B.Am.P.Soc.,40-1(1995)568

  16. Correlation of AO and Lauge-Hansen classification systems for ankle fractures to the mechanism of injury.


    Rodriguez, Edward K; Kwon, John Y; Herder, Lindsay M; Appleton, Paul T


    Our aim was to assess whether the Lauge-Hansen (LH) and the Muller AO classification systems for ankle fractures radiographically correlate with in vivo injuries based on observed mechanism of injury. Videos of potential study candidates were reviewed on Individuals were recruited for participation if the video could be classified by injury mechanism with a high likelihood of sustaining an ankle fracture. Corresponding injury radiographs were obtained. Injury mechanism was classified using the LH system as supination/external rotation (SER), supination/adduction (SAD), pronation/external rotation (PER), or pronation/abduction (PAB). Corresponding radiographs were classified by the LH system and the AO system. Thirty injury videos with their corresponding radiographs were collected. Of the video clips reviewed, 16 had SAD mechanisms and 14 had PER mechanisms. There were 26 ankle fractures, 3 nonfractures, and 1 subtalar dislocation. Twelve fractures with SAD mechanisms had corresponding SAD fracture patterns. Five PER mechanisms had PER fracture patterns. Eight PER mechanisms had SER fracture patterns and 1 had SAD fracture pattern. When the AO classification was used, all 12 SAD type injuries had a 44A type fracture, whereas the 14 PER injuries resulted in nine 44B fractures, two 44C fractures, and three 43A fractures. When injury video clips of ankle fractures were matched to their corresponding radiographs, the LH system was 65% (17/26) consistent in predicting fracture patterns from the deforming injury mechanism. When the AO classification system was used, consistency was 81% (21/26). The AO classification, despite its development as a purely radiographic system, correlated with in vivo injuries, as based on observed mechanism of injury, more closely than did the LH system. Level IV, case series.

  17. DOR activation inhibits anoxic/ischemic Na+ influx through Na+ channels via PKC mechanisms in the cortex.


    Chao, Dongman; He, Xiaozhou; Yang, Yilin; Bazzy-Asaad, Alia; Lazarus, Lawrence H; Balboni, Gianfranco; Kim, Dong H; Xia, Ying


    Activation of delta-opioid receptors (DOR) is neuroprotective against hypoxic/ischemic injury in the cortex, which is at least partially related to its action against hypoxic/ischemic disruption of ionic homeostasis that triggers neuronal injury. Na(+) influx through TTX-sensitive voltage-gated Na(+) channels may be a main mechanism for hypoxia-induced disruption of K(+) homeostasis, with DOR activation attenuating the disruption of ionic homeostasis by targeting voltage-gated Na(+) channels. In the present study we examined the role of DOR in the regulation of Na(+) influx in anoxia and simulated ischemia (oxygen-glucose deprivation) as well as the effect of DOR activation on the Na(+) influx induced by a Na(+) channel opener without anoxic/ischemic stress and explored a potential PKC mechanism underlying the DOR action. We directly measured extracellular Na(+) activity in mouse cortical slices with Na(+) selective electrodes and found that (1) anoxia-induced Na(+) influx occurred mainly through TTX-sensitive Na(+) channels; (2) DOR activation inhibited the anoxia/ischemia-induced Na(+) influx; (3) veratridine, a Na(+) channel opener, enhanced the anoxia-induced Na(+) influx; this could be attenuated by DOR activation; (4) DOR activation did not reduce the anoxia-induced Na(+) influx in the presence of chelerythrine, a broad-spectrum PKC blocker; and (5) DOR effects were blocked by PKCβII peptide inhibitor, and PKCθ pseudosubstrate inhibitor, respectively. We conclude that DOR activation inhibits anoxia-induced Na(+) influx through Na(+) channels via PKC (especially PKCβII and PKCθ isoforms) dependent mechanisms in the cortex. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Computational and Experimental Investigations of Na-Ion Conduction in Cubic Na 3PSe 4

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bo, Shou -Hang; Wang, Yan; Kim, Jae Chul

    All-solid-state Na-ion batteries that operate at or close to room temperature are a promising next-generation battery technology with enhanced safety and reduced manufacturing cost. An indispensable component of this technology is the solid-state electrolyte that allows rapid shuttling of the mobile cation (i.e., Na +) between the cathode and anode. However, there are very few fast Na-ion conductors with ionic conductivity approaching that of the liquid counterparts (i.e., 1 mS cm –1). In this work, we present the synthesis and characterization of a fast Na-ion conductor, cubic Na 3PSe 4. This material possesses a room-temperature ionic conductivity exceeding 0.1 mSmore » cm –1 and does not require high-temperature sintering to minimize grain boundary resistance, making it a promising solid-state electrolyte candidate for all-solid-state Na-ion battery applications. On the basis of density functional theory, nudged elastic band, and molecular dynamics investigations, we demonstrate that the framework of cubic Na 3PSe 4 only permits rapid Na + diffusion with the presence of defects, and that the formation of the Na vacancy (charge-balanced by slight Se 2– oxidation) is more energetically favorable among the various defects considered. This finding provides important guidelines to further improve Na-ion conductivity in this class of materials.« less

  19. Computational and Experimental Investigations of Na-Ion Conduction in Cubic Na 3PSe 4


    Bo, Shou -Hang; Wang, Yan; Kim, Jae Chul; ...


    All-solid-state Na-ion batteries that operate at or close to room temperature are a promising next-generation battery technology with enhanced safety and reduced manufacturing cost. An indispensable component of this technology is the solid-state electrolyte that allows rapid shuttling of the mobile cation (i.e., Na +) between the cathode and anode. However, there are very few fast Na-ion conductors with ionic conductivity approaching that of the liquid counterparts (i.e., 1 mS cm –1). In this work, we present the synthesis and characterization of a fast Na-ion conductor, cubic Na 3PSe 4. This material possesses a room-temperature ionic conductivity exceeding 0.1 mSmore » cm –1 and does not require high-temperature sintering to minimize grain boundary resistance, making it a promising solid-state electrolyte candidate for all-solid-state Na-ion battery applications. On the basis of density functional theory, nudged elastic band, and molecular dynamics investigations, we demonstrate that the framework of cubic Na 3PSe 4 only permits rapid Na + diffusion with the presence of defects, and that the formation of the Na vacancy (charge-balanced by slight Se 2– oxidation) is more energetically favorable among the various defects considered. This finding provides important guidelines to further improve Na-ion conductivity in this class of materials.« less

  20. Quasi-solid state rechargeable Na-CO2 batteries with reduced graphene oxide Na anodes.


    Hu, Xiaofei; Li, Zifan; Zhao, Yaran; Sun, Jianchao; Zhao, Qing; Wang, Jianbin; Tao, Zhanliang; Chen, Jun


    Na-CO 2 batteries using earth-abundant Na and greenhouse gas CO 2 are promising tools for mobile and stationary energy storage, but they still pose safety risks from leakage of liquid electrolyte and instability of the Na metal anode. These issues result in extremely harsh operating conditions of Na-CO 2 batteries and increase the difficulty of scaling up this technology. We report the development of quasi-solid state Na-CO 2 batteries with high safety using composite polymer electrolyte (CPE) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) Na anodes. The CPE of PVDF-HFP [poly(vinylidene fluoride- co -hexafluoropropylene)]-4% SiO 2 /NaClO 4 -TEGDME (tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether) has high ion conductivity (1.0 mS cm -1 ), robust toughness, a nonflammable matrix, and strong electrolyte-locking ability. In addition, the rGO-Na anode presents fast and nondendritic Na + plating/stripping (5.7 to 16.5 mA cm -2 ). The improved kinetics and safety enable the constructed rGO-Na/CPE/CO 2 batteries to successfully cycle in wide CO 2 partial pressure window (5 to 100%, simulated car exhaust) and especially to run for 400 cycles at 500 mA g -1 with a fixed capacity of 1000 mA·hour g -1 in pure CO 2 . Furthermore, we scaled up the reversible capacity to 1.1 A·hour in pouch-type batteries (20 × 20 cm, 10 g, 232 Wh kg -1 ). This study makes quasi-solid state Na-CO 2 batteries an attractive prospect.

  1. Quasi–solid state rechargeable Na-CO2 batteries with reduced graphene oxide Na anodes

    PubMed Central

    Hu, Xiaofei; Li, Zifan; Zhao, Yaran; Sun, Jianchao; Zhao, Qing; Wang, Jianbin; Tao, Zhanliang; Chen, Jun


    Na-CO2 batteries using earth-abundant Na and greenhouse gas CO2 are promising tools for mobile and stationary energy storage, but they still pose safety risks from leakage of liquid electrolyte and instability of the Na metal anode. These issues result in extremely harsh operating conditions of Na-CO2 batteries and increase the difficulty of scaling up this technology. We report the development of quasi–solid state Na-CO2 batteries with high safety using composite polymer electrolyte (CPE) and reduced graphene oxide (rGO) Na anodes. The CPE of PVDF-HFP [poly(vinylidene fluoride-co-hexafluoropropylene)]–4% SiO2/NaClO4–TEGDME (tetraethylene glycol dimethyl ether) has high ion conductivity (1.0 mS cm−1), robust toughness, a nonflammable matrix, and strong electrolyte-locking ability. In addition, the rGO-Na anode presents fast and nondendritic Na+ plating/stripping (5.7 to 16.5 mA cm−2). The improved kinetics and safety enable the constructed rGO-Na/CPE/CO2 batteries to successfully cycle in wide CO2 partial pressure window (5 to 100%, simulated car exhaust) and especially to run for 400 cycles at 500 mA g−1 with a fixed capacity of 1000 mA·hour g−1 in pure CO2. Furthermore, we scaled up the reversible capacity to 1.1 A·hour in pouch-type batteries (20 × 20 cm, 10 g, 232 Wh kg−1). This study makes quasi–solid state Na-CO2 batteries an attractive prospect. PMID:28164158

  2. High-resolution molecular-beam spectroscopy of NaCN and Na 13CN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    van Vaals, J. J.; Meerts, W. Leo; Dymanus, A.

    The sodium cyanide molecule was studied by molecular-beam electric-resonance spectroscopy in the microwave region. We used the seeded-beam technique to produce a supersonic beam with strong translational, rotational and vibrational cooling. In the frequency range 9.5-40 GHz we observed and identified for NaCN 186 and for Na 13CN 107 hyperfine transitions in 20 and 16 rotational transitions, respectively, all in the ground vibrational state. The rotational, the five quartic and three sextic centrifugal distortion constants of NaCN are: A″ = 57921.954(7) MHz; B″ = 8369.312(2) MHz, C″ = 7272.712(2) MHz. All quadrupole and several spin-rotation coupling constants for the hyperfine interaction were evaluated. The quadrupole coupling constants (in MHz) for NaCN are: eQq12(Na) = -5.344(5), eQq12 = 2.397(7). eQq12(N) = 2.148(4), eQq12(N) = -4.142(5). From these constants and those of Na 13CN we have determined the principal components of the quadrupole coupling tensor for potassium and nitrogen. The structure of sodium cyanide evaluated from the rotational constants of NaCN and Na 13CN was found to be T shaped, similar to the structure of KCN but completely different from the linear isocyanide configuration of LiNC. The effective structural parameters for sodium cyanide in the ground vibrational state are: rCN = 1.170(4) Å, rNaC = 2.379(15) Å, rN12N = 2.233(15) Å, in gratifying agreement with ab initio calculations. Both the geometrical structure and the hyperfine coupling justify the conclusion that the CN group in gaseous sodium cyanide approximately can be considered as a free CN - ion.

  3. Monitoring Io volcanism with AO telescopes during and after the NH flyby

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Marchis, F.; Spencer, J. R.; Lopes, R. M.; Davies, A. G.; Dumas, C.


    To support the New Horizons (NH) Jupiter encounter we monitored Io's volcanic activity using high angular resolution images in the near infrared (1-5 microns) provided by adaptive optics (AO) systems available on 8-10m class telescopes. We initiated the campaign on Feb. 25 2007 with data obtained with the VLT-Yepun telescope (ESO, Paranal, Chile), just before NH closest approach. We continued monitoring with the Gemini North telescope (Hawaii, USA). The last observation was taken on May 28 2007. Numerous active volcanoes are visible in the data but the Tvashtar eruption is by far the most energetic. Extremely high angular resolution data from NH revealed fine detail of the eruption, such as the presence of an active plume [1]. This volcano has an interesting past history. It was seen as a powerful eruption from Nov. 26 1999 during the Galileo I25 [2] flyby to Feb. 19 2001 from the ground [3]. It was dormant or below our ground-based limit of detection (T<330 K assuming an area of 460 km2) between Dec 2001 and May 2004 [4,5]. The re-awakening of the volcano was reported by Laver et al. [6] in April 2006 based on Keck Adaptive Optics (AO) observations. Our last Gemini AO observation taken on May 26 shows that Tvashtar was still very active. Based on the previous behavior of this volcano [7] it is very likely that the activity reported in 2007 is a continuation of the Tvashtar-2006 eruption. Other hot spots, such as Loki Patera, Pele, and a new hot spot located north of Loki Patera, were seen in our data. We will describe the global picture of Io's volcanic activity derived from our observations, comparing it with previous observations from the Galileo spacecraft and using ground-based AO. 1. Spencer et al., AGU, this session, 2007 2. McEwen et al., Science, 288, 1193-1198, 2000 3. Marchis et al. Icarus, 160, 124-131, 2002 4. Marchis et al., Icarus, 176, 1, 2005 5. Marchis et al., AGU Fall meeting, V33C-1483, 2004 6. Laver et al., Icarus, in press, 2006 7. Milazzo et

  4. Synthesis of zeolites Na-A and Na-X from tablet compressed and calcinated coal fly ash

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hu, Tao; Gao, Wenyan; Liu, Xin; Zhang, Yifu; Meng, Changgong


    Zeolites Na-A and Na-X are important synthetic zeolites widely used for separation and adsorption in industry. It is of great significance to develop energy-efficient routines that can synthesize zeolites Na-A and Na-X from low-cost raw materials. Coal fly ash (CFA) is the major residue from the combustion of coal and biomass containing more than 85% SiO2 and Al2O3, which can readily replace the conventionally used sodium silicate and aluminate for zeolite synthesis. We used Na2CO3 to replace the expensive NaOH used for the calcination of CFA and showed that tablet compression can enhance the contact with Na2CO3 for the activation of CFA through calcination for the synthesis of zeolites Na-A and Na-X under mild conditions. We optimized the control variables for zeolite synthesis and showed that phase-pure zeolite Na-A can be synthesized with CFA at reactant molar ratio, hydrothermal reaction temperature and reaction time of 1.3Na2O: 0.6Al2O3: 1SiO2: 38H2O at 80°C for 6 h, respectively, while phase-pure zeolite Na-X can be synthesized at 2.2Na2O: 0.2Al2O3: 1SiO2: 88H2O at 100°C for 8 h, respectively. The composition, morphology, specific surface area, vibration spectrum and thermogravimetry of synthesized Na-A and Na-X were further characterized.

  5. Structural and Na-ion conduction characteristics of Na 3 PS x Se 4-x

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bo, Shou-Hang; Wang, Yan; Ceder, Gerbrand

    The recent discovery of the isostructrual cubic Na 3PS 4 and Na 3PSe 4 as fast Na-ion conductors provided a general structural framework for the exploration of new sodium superionic conductors. In this work, we systematically investigated the structures and ionic conduction characteristics of a series of compounds with the general chemical formula of Na 3PS xSe 4-x. Synthesis of Na 3PS 4 under different conditions (e.g., temperature, reaction vessel, mass of the precursors) reveals the reactivity of the precursors with the reaction tubes, producing different polymorphs. X-ray diffraction studies on the solid solution phases Na 3PS xSe 4-x more » identified a tetragonal-to-cubic phase transition with increasing Se concentration. This observation is consistent with the computed stability of the tetragonal and cubic polymorphs, where the energy difference between the two polymorphs becomes very close to zero in Se-rich compositions. Furthermore, ab initio molecular dynamic simulations suggest that the fast Na-ion conduction in Na 3PS xSe 4-x may not be causally related with the symmetry or the composition of these phases. The formation of defects, instead, enables fast Na-ion conduction in this class of materials.« less

  6. Formation of Si grains from a NaSi melt prepared by reaction of SiO2 and Na

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yamane, Hisanori; Morito, Haruhiko; Uchikoshi, Masahito


    A mixture of Na2SiO3 and NaSi was found to be formed by reaction of SiO2 and Na at 650 °C as follows: 5Na+3SiO2→2Na2SiO3+NaSi. Single crystals of NaSi were grown by cooling the mixture of Na2SiO3 and NaSi with an excess amount of Na from 850 °C, and polycrystalline Si was obtained by vaporization of Na from the crystals. Coarse grains of Si were also crystallized by Na evaporation after the formation of Na2SiO3 and Si-dissolved liquid Na at 830 °C. The Si grains were collected by washing the product with water. The yield of the Si grains was 85% of the ideal amount expected from the reaction.

  7. The Effectiveness of a Mixed-Mode Survey on Domestic Violence in Curaçao: Response and Data Quality

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    van Wijk, Nikil; de Leeuw, Edith; de Bruijn, Jeanne


    To collect reliable statistical data on domestic violence in Curaçao, we conducted a large-scale quantitative study (n = 816). To meet with the special needs of the population and topic, we designed a tailored mixed-mode survey to assess the prevalence of domestic violence in Curaçao and its health consequences. Great care was taken to reduce…

  8. The relative viscosity of NaNO 3 and NaNO 2 aqueous solutions


    Reynolds, Jacob G.; Mauss, Billie M.; Daniel, Richard C.


    In aqueous solution, both nitrate and nitrite are planar, monovalent, and have the same elements but different sizes and charge densities. Comparing the viscosity of NaNO 2 and NaNO 3 aqueous solutions provides an opportunity to determine the relative importance of anion size versus strength of anion interaction with water. The viscosity of aqueous NaNO 2 and NaNO 3 were measured over a temperature and concentration range relevant to nuclear waste processing. The viscosity of NaNO 2 solutions was consistently larger than NaNO 3 under all conditions, even though nitrate is larger than nitrite. This was interpreted in terms ofmore » quantum mechanical charge field molecular dynamics calculations that indicate that nitrite forms more and stronger hydrogen bonds with water per oxygen atom than nitrate. Furthermore, these hydrogen bonds inhibit rotational motion required for fluid flow, thus increasing the nitrite solution viscosity relative to that of an equivalent nitrate solution.« less

  9. The relative viscosity of NaNO 3 and NaNO 2 aqueous solutions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Reynolds, Jacob G.; Mauss, Billie M.; Daniel, Richard C.

    In aqueous solution, both nitrate and nitrite are planar, monovalent, and have the same elements but different sizes and charge densities. Comparing the viscosity of NaNO 2 and NaNO 3 aqueous solutions provides an opportunity to determine the relative importance of anion size versus strength of anion interaction with water. The viscosity of aqueous NaNO 2 and NaNO 3 were measured over a temperature and concentration range relevant to nuclear waste processing. The viscosity of NaNO 2 solutions was consistently larger than NaNO 3 under all conditions, even though nitrate is larger than nitrite. This was interpreted in terms ofmore » quantum mechanical charge field molecular dynamics calculations that indicate that nitrite forms more and stronger hydrogen bonds with water per oxygen atom than nitrate. Furthermore, these hydrogen bonds inhibit rotational motion required for fluid flow, thus increasing the nitrite solution viscosity relative to that of an equivalent nitrate solution.« less

  10. Na/beta-alumina/NaAlCl4, Cl2/C circulating cell

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Cherng, Jing-Yih; Bennion, Douglas N.


    A study was made of a high specific energy battery based on a sodium negative electrode and a chlorine positive electrode with molten AlCl3-NaCl electrolyte and a solid beta alumina separator. The basic performance of a Na beta-alumina NaAlCl4, Cl2/C circulating cell at 200 C was demonstrated. This cell can be started at 150 C. The use of melting sodium chloroaluminate electrolyte overcomes some of the material problems associated with the high working temperatures of present molten salt systems, such as Na/S and LiAl/FeS, and retains the advantages of high energy density and relatively efficient electrode processes. Preliminary investigations were conducted on a sodium-chlorine static cell, material compability, electrode design, wetting, and theoretical calculations to assure a better chance of success before assembling a Na/Cl2 circulating cell. Mathematical models provide a theoretical explanation for the performance of the NaCl2 battery. The results of mathematical models match the experimental results very well. According to the result of the mathematical modeling, an output at 180 mA/sq cm and 3.2 V can be obtained with optimized cell design.

  11. NA62 and NA48/2 results on search for Heavy Neutral Leptons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lamanna, Gianluca; Aliberti, R.; Ambrosino, F.; Ammendola, R.; Angelucci, B.; Antonelli, A.; Anzivino, G.; Arcidiacono, R.; Barbanera, M.; Biagioni, A.; Bician, L.; Biino, C.; Bizzeti, A.; Blazek, T.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Bonaiuto, V.; Boretto, M.; Bragadireanu, M.; Britton, D.; Brizioli, F.; Brunetti, M. B.; Bryman, D.; Bucci, F.; Capussela, T.; Ceccucci, A.; Cenci, P.; Cerny, V.; Cerri, C.; Checcucci, B.; Conovaloff, A.; Cooper, P.; Cortina Gil, E.; Corvino, M.; Costantini, F.; Cotta Ramusino, A.; Coward, D.; D'Agostini, G.; Dainton, J.; Dalpiaz, P.; Danielsson, H.; De Simone, N.; Di Filippo, D.; Di Lella, L.; Doble, N.; Dobrich, B.; Duval, F.; Duk, V.; Engelfried, J.; Enik, T.; Estrada-Tristan, N.; Falaleev, V.; Fantechi, R.; Fascianelli, V.; Federici, L.; Fedotov, S.; Filippi, A.; Fiorini, M.; Fry, J.; Fu, J.; Fucci, A.; Fulton, L.; Gamberini, E.; Gatignon, L.; Georgiev, G.; Ghinescu, S.; Gianoli, A.; Giorgi, M.; Giudici, S.; Gonnella, F.; Goudzovski, E.; Graham, C.; Guida, R.; Gushchin, E.; Hahn, F.; Heath, H.; Husek, T.; Hutanu, O.; Hutchcroft, D.; Iacobuzio, L.; Iacopini, E.; Imbergamo, E.; Jenninger, B.; Kampf, K.; Kekelidze, V.; Kholodenko, S.; Khoriauli, G.; Khotyantsev, A.; Kleimenova, A.; Korotkova, A.; Koval, M.; Kozhuharov, V.; Kucerova, Z.; Kudenko, Y.; Kunze, J.; Kurochka, V.; Kurshetsov, V.; Lanfranchi, G.; Lamanna, G.; Latino, G.; Laycock, P.; Lazzeroni, C.; Lenti, M.; Lehmann Miotto, G.; Leonardi, E.; Lichard, P.; Litov, L.; Lollini, R.; Lomidze, D.; Lonardo, A.; Lubrano, P.; Lupi, M.; Lurkin, N.; Madigozhin, D.; Mannelli, I.; Mannocchi, G.; Mapelli, A.; Marchetto, F.; Marchevski, R.; Martellotti, S.; Massarotti, P.; Massri, K.; Maurice, E.; Medvedeva, M.; Mefodev, A.; Menichetti, E.; Migliore, E.; Minucci, E.; Mirra, M.; Misheva, M.; Molokanova, N.; Moulson, M.; Movchan, S.; Napolitano, M.; Neri, I.; Newson, F.; Norton, A.; Noy, M.; Numao, T.; Obraztsov, V.; Ostankov, A.; Padolski, S.; Page, R.; Palladino, V.; Parkinson, C.; Pedreschi, E.; Pepe, M.; Perrin-Terrin, M.; Peruzzo, L.; Petrov, P.; Petrucci, F.; Piandani, R.; Piccini, M.; Pinzino, J.; Polenkevich, I.; Pontisso, L.; Potrebenikov, Yu.; Protopopescu, D.; Raggi, M.; Romano, A.; Rubin, P.; Ruggiero, G.; Ryjov, V.; Salamon, A.; Santoni, C.; Saracino, G.; Sargeni, F.; Semenov, V.; Sergi, A.; Shaikhiev, A.; Shkarovskiy, S.; Soldi, D.; Sougonyaev, V.; Sozzi, M.; Spadaro, T.; Spinella, F.; Sturgess, A.; Swallow, J.; Trilov, S.; Valente, P.; Velghe, B.; Venditti, S.; Vicini, P.; Volpe, R.; Vormstein, M.; Wahl, H.; Wanke, R.; Wrona, B.; Yushchenko, O.; Zamkovsky, M.; Zinchenko, A.


    In this paper we present new results on upper limits for the search of Heavy Neutral Leptons (HNL) with data collected by NA48/2 (2003-2004), NA62-RK (2007) and NA62 (2015) CERN experiments. The data collected with different trigger configuration allow to search for both long and short living heavy neutrinos in the mass range below the kaon mass. In addition the status of the search for K+ → π+vv with the NA62 detector will be briefly presented.

  12. Aspect-Oriented Business Process Modeling with AO4BPMN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Charfi, Anis; Müller, Heiko; Mezini, Mira

    Many crosscutting concerns in business processes need to be addressed already at the business process modeling level such as compliance, auditing, billing, and separation of duties. However, existing business process modeling languages including OMG's Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) lack appropriate means for expressing such concerns in a modular way. In this paper, we motivate the need for aspect-oriented concepts in business process modeling languages and propose an aspect-oriented extension to BPMN called AO4BPMN. We also present a graphical editor supporting that extension.

  13. Physiological responses to salt stress of salt-adapted and directly salt (NaCl and NaCl+Na2SO4 mixture)-stressed cyanobacterium Anabaena fertilissima.


    Swapnil, Prashant; Rai, Ashwani K


    Soil salinity in nature is generally mixed type; however, most of the studies on salt toxicity are performed with NaCl and little is known about sulfur type of salinity (Na 2 SO 4 ). Present study discerns the physiologic mechanisms responsible for salt tolerance in salt-adapted Anabaena fertilissima, and responses of directly stressed parent cells to NaCl and NaCl+Na 2 SO 4 mixture. NaCl at 500 mM was lethal to the cyanobacterium, whereas salt-adapted cells grew luxuriantly. Salinity impaired gross photosynthesis, electron transport activities, and respiration in parent cells, but not in the salt-adapted cells, except a marginal increase in PSI activity. Despite higher Na + concentration in the salt mixture, equimolar NaCl appeared more inhibitive to growth. Sucrose and trehalose content and antioxidant activities were maximal in 250 mM NaCl-treated cells, followed by salt mixture and was almost identical in salt-adapted (exposed to 500 mm NaCl) and control cells, except a marginal increase in ascorbate peroxidase activity and an additional fourth superoxide dismutase isoform. Catalase isoform of 63 kDa was induced only in salt-stressed cells. Salinity increased the uptake of intracellular Na + and Ca 2+ and leakage of K + in parent cells, while cation level in salt-adapted cells was comparable to control. Though there was differential increase in intracellular Ca 2+ under different salt treatments, ratio of Ca 2+ /Na + remained the same. It is inferred that stepwise increment in the salt concentration enabled the cyanobacterium to undergo priming effect and acquire robust and efficient defense system involving the least energy.

  14. Vacancy-Controlled Na+ Superion Conduction in Na11 Sn2 PS12.


    Duchardt, Marc; Ruschewitz, Uwe; Adams, Stefan; Dehnen, Stefanie; Roling, Bernhard


    Highly conductive solid electrolytes are crucial to the development of efficient all-solid-state batteries. Meanwhile, the ion conductivities of lithium solid electrolytes match those of liquid electrolytes used in commercial Li + ion batteries. However, concerns about the future availability and the price of lithium made Na + ion conductors come into the spotlight in recent years. Here we present the superionic conductor Na 11 Sn 2 PS 12 , which possesses a room temperature Na + conductivity close to 4 mS cm -1 , thus the highest value known to date for sulfide-based solids. Structure determination based on synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data proves the existence of Na + vacancies. As confirmed by bond valence site energy calculations, the vacancies interconnect ion migration pathways in a 3D manner, hence enabling high Na + conductivity. The results indicate that sodium electrolytes are about to equal the performance of their lithium counterparts. © 2018 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  15. Development of a theoretical-practical script for clinical simulation.


    Fabri, Renata Paula; Mazzo, Alessandra; Martins, José Carlos Amado; Fonseca, Ariadne da Silva; Pedersoli, César Eduardo; Miranda, Fernanda Berchelli Girão; Fumincelli, Laís; Baptista, Rui Carlos Negrão


    To develop a theoretical-practical script based on the opinion of experts to be used in simulated clinical activities. Qualitative study through analysis of content of interviews with experts on the theme in order to develop the proposed script. Of the 24 invited experts, 12 specialists from educational institutions in Brazil and abroad participated in the study in compliance with the ethical precepts. The experts responded to questions on the characterization of their study attributes and described the items required for the development of a simulated scenario. In view of the responses obtained, data content was analyzed and classified into units and subunits of significance. The items mentioned for the development of the script generated seven units of significance. The units and subunits of significance were gathered in three stages of the main components of the simulated scenario: prior, preparation, and finals. This study enables an innovative, stimulating teaching experience, making it easier for professors to use the simulation resource as a learning process in an effective and objective manner, as a guide to professors and researchers in the area of clinical simulation. Construir, com base na opinião de peritos, roteiro teórico-prático para uso em atividade clínica simulada. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo por meio de análise de conteúdo de entrevistas de peritos no assunto para construção do roteiro proposto. Seguido os preceitos éticos, entre os 24 peritos convidados pertencentes a instituições de ensino do Brasil e do exterior. Os peritos responderam a questões sobre a caracterização dos seus atributos de estudo e descreveram os itens imprescindíveis à construção de um cenário simulado. Diante das respostas obtidas, os dados foram analisados em relação ao seu conteúdo e organizados em unidades e subunidades de significância. Participaram 12 especialistas. Os itens mencionados para construção do roteiro originaram sete unidades

  16. Robo-AO Kepler Survey. IV. The Effect of Nearby Stars on 3857 Planetary Candidate Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ziegler, Carl; Law, Nicholas M.; Baranec, Christoph; Riddle, Reed; Duev, Dmitry A.; Howard, Ward; Jensen-Clem, Rebecca; Kulkarni, S. R.; Morton, Tim; Salama, Maïssa


    We present the overall statistical results from the Robo-AO Kepler planetary candidate survey, comprising of 3857 high-angular resolution observations of planetary candidate systems with Robo-AO, an automated laser adaptive optics system. These observations reveal previously unknown nearby stars blended with the planetary candidate host stars that alter the derived planetary radii or may be the source of an astrophysical false positive transit signal. In the first three papers in the survey, we detected 440 nearby stars around 3313 planetary candidate host stars. In this paper, we present observations of 532 planetary candidate host stars, detecting 94 companions around 88 stars; 84 of these companions have not previously been observed in high resolution. We also report 50 more-widely separated companions near 715 targets previously observed by Robo-AO. We derive corrected planetary radius estimates for the 814 planetary candidates in systems with a detected nearby star. If planetary candidates are equally likely to orbit the primary or secondary star, the radius estimates for planetary candidates in systems with likely bound nearby stars increase by a factor of 1.54, on average. We find that 35 previously believed rocky planet candidates are likely not rocky due to the presence of nearby stars. From the combined data sets from the complete Robo-AO KOI survey, we find that 14.5 ± 0.5% of planetary candidate hosts have a nearby star with 4″, while 1.2% have two nearby stars, and 0.08% have three. We find that 16% of Earth-sized, 13% of Neptune-sized, 14% of Saturn-sized, and 19% of Jupiter-sized planet candidates have detected nearby stars.

  17. Bacterial community analysis of anoxic/aeration (A/O) system in a combined process for gibberellin wastewater treatment

    PubMed Central

    Ouyang, Erming; Lu, Yao; Ouyang, Jiating; Wang, Lele; Wang, Xiaohui


    Gibberellin wastewater cannot be directly discharged without treatment due to its high concentrations of sulfate and organic compounds and strong acidity. Therefore, multi-stage anaerobic bioreactor + micro-aerobic+ anoxic/aeration (A/O) + biological contact oxidation combined processes are used to treat gibberellin wastewater. However, knowledge of the treatment effects of the A/O process and bacterial community structure in the aeration tank reactors of such systems is sparse. Therefore, this study was conducted to investigate the treatment effects and operation of the A/O process on gibberellin wastewater, as well as changes in the bacterial community structure of activated sludge in the aeration tank during treatment. Moreover, removal was examined based on evaluation of effluent after A/O treatment. Although influent chemical oxygen demand (COD), NH3-N and total phosphorus (TP) fluctuated, effluent COD, NH3-N and TP remained stable. Moreover, average COD, NH3-N and TP removal efficiency were 68.41%, 93.67% and 45.82%, respectively, during the A/O process. At the phylum level, Proteobacteria was the dominant phylum in all samples, followed by Chloroflexi, Bacteroidetes and Actinobacteria. Proteobacteria played an important role in the removal of organic matter. Chloroflexi was found to be responsible for the degradation of carbohydrates and Bacteroidetes also had been found to be responsible for the degradation of complex organic matters. Actinobacteria are able to degrade a variety of environmental chemicals. Additionally, Anaerolineaceae_uncultured was the major genus in samples collected on May 25, 2015, while Novosphingobium and Nitrospira were dominant in most samples. Nitrosomonas are regarded as the dominant ammonia-oxidizing bacteria, while Nitrospira are the main nitrite-oxidizing bacteria. Bacterial community structure varied considerably with time, and a partial Mantel test showed a highly significant positive correlation between bacterial community

  18. Impact of ao-dake-humi, Japanese traditional bamboo foot stimulator, on lower urinary tract symptoms, constipation and hypersensitivity to cold: a single-arm prospective pilot study.


    Minagawa, Tomonori; Saitou, Tetsuichi; Suzuki, Toshiro; Domen, Takahisa; Yokoyama, Hitoshi; Ishikawa, Masakuni; Hirakata, Shiro; Nagai, Takashi; Nakazawa, Masaki; Ogawa, Teruyuki; Ishizuka, Osamu


    Ao-dake-humi is a traditional Japanese bamboo foot stimulator consisting of a half-pipe-shaped step made of bamboo used to stimulate the foot by stepping on it, and is commonly used to promote general health among the elderly in Japan. However, its efficacy has not been reported in the scientific literature. This study was performed to investigate the role of ao-dake-humi focusing on lower urinary tract symptoms (LUTS), constipation, and hypersensitivity to cold (HC). Participants with LUTS, constipation, or HC were enrolled in this study. Ao-dake-humi was used twice a day for 28 days. Before and 28 days after starting ao-dake-humi use, international prostate symptom score (IPSS), quality-of-life (QoL) score, and overactive bladder symptom score (OABSS) were measured to evaluate the efficacy of ao-dake-humi on LUTS. To evaluate the objective efficacy of ao-dake-humi on LUTS, a frequency-volume chart (FVC) was plotted in LUTS patients for 3 days. A visual analogue scale (VAS) was used to evaluate the efficacy of ao-dake-humi on constipation (VAS-constipation) and HC (VAS-HC) in the participants with constipation or HC. A total of 24 participants were enrolled in this study. Twenty-one participants had LUTS, 11 had constipation, and 17 participants had HC. IPSS, especially storage-subscore, QoL score and OABSS, decreased significantly after use of ao-dake-humi. The use of ao-dake-humi increased maximal bladder capacity, resulting in a significant decrease in urinary frequency as determined from the FVC. In accordance with the results of VAS-constipation and VAS-HC, both constipation and HC were significantly relieved after ao-dake-humi use. The results of this prospective pilot study indicated that ao-dake-humi is safe and has therapeutic efficacy in cases of LUTS, constipation and HC. The possibility of using ao-dake-humi as physical neuromodulation therapy was shown in the management of LUTS, constipation and HC. UMIN000019333 (UMIN-CTR, Registered October-15

  19. Experimental and first-principles study of photoluminescent and optical properties of Na-doped CuAlO2: the role of the NaAl-2Na i complex

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Liu, Ruijian; Li, Yongfeng; Yao, Bin; Ding, Zhanhui; Deng, Rui; Zhang, Ligong; Zhao, Haifeng; Liu, Lei


    We report that a band-tail emission at 3.08 eV, lower than near-band-edge energy, is observed in photoluminescence measurements of bulk Na-doped CuAlO2. The band-tail emission is attributed to Na-related defects. Electronic structure calculations based on the first-principles method demonstrate that the donor-acceptor compensated complex of NaAl-2Na i in Na-doped CuAlO2 plays a key role in leading to the band-tail emission and bandgap narrowing. Furthermore, Hall effect measurements indicates that the hole concentration in CuAlO2 is independent on Na doping, which is well understood by the donor-acceptor compensation effect of NaAl-2Na i complex.

  20. Structural and Na-ion conduction characteristics of Na 3PS xSe 4–x

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bo, Shou -Hang; Wang, Yan; Ceder, Gerbrand

    The recent discovery of the isostructrual cubic Na 3PS 4 and Na 3PSe 4 as fast Na-ion conductors provided a general structural framework for the exploration of new sodium superionic conductors. In this work, we systematically investigated the structures and ionic conduction characteristics of a series of compounds with the general chemical formula of Na 3PS xSe 4–x. Synthesis of Na 3PS 4 under different conditions (e.g., temperature, reaction vessel, mass of the precursors) reveals the reactivity of the precursors with the reaction tubes, producing different polymorphs. X-ray diffraction studies on the solid solution phases Na 3PS xSe 4–x identifiedmore » a tetragonal-to-cubic phase transition with increasing Se concentration. This observation is consistent with the computed stability of the tetragonal and cubic polymorphs, where the energy difference between the two polymorphs becomes very close to zero in Se-rich compositions. Furthermore, ab initio molecular dynamic simulations suggest that the fast Na-ion conduction in Na 3PS xSe 4–x may not be causally related with the symmetry or the composition of these phases. The formation of defects, instead, enables fast Na-ion conduction in this class of materials.« less

  1. Structural and Na-ion conduction characteristics of Na 3PS xSe 4–x


    Bo, Shou -Hang; Wang, Yan; Ceder, Gerbrand


    The recent discovery of the isostructrual cubic Na 3PS 4 and Na 3PSe 4 as fast Na-ion conductors provided a general structural framework for the exploration of new sodium superionic conductors. In this work, we systematically investigated the structures and ionic conduction characteristics of a series of compounds with the general chemical formula of Na 3PS xSe 4–x. Synthesis of Na 3PS 4 under different conditions (e.g., temperature, reaction vessel, mass of the precursors) reveals the reactivity of the precursors with the reaction tubes, producing different polymorphs. X-ray diffraction studies on the solid solution phases Na 3PS xSe 4–x identifiedmore » a tetragonal-to-cubic phase transition with increasing Se concentration. This observation is consistent with the computed stability of the tetragonal and cubic polymorphs, where the energy difference between the two polymorphs becomes very close to zero in Se-rich compositions. Furthermore, ab initio molecular dynamic simulations suggest that the fast Na-ion conduction in Na 3PS xSe 4–x may not be causally related with the symmetry or the composition of these phases. The formation of defects, instead, enables fast Na-ion conduction in this class of materials.« less

  2. A thermochemical explanation for the stability of NaCl3 and NaCl7

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fernandes de Farias, Robson


    Thermodynamically stable cubic and orthorhombic NaCl3 as well as NaCl7 have been synthesized (Zhang et al., 2013). In the present work, a thermochemical explanation for the stability of such unusual sodium chlorides is provided, based on lattice energy values. Using the Glasser-Jenkins generalized equation (Glasser and Jenkins, 2000) lattice energies (kJ mol-1) of -162.5, -168.9 and -113.1 are calculated for Pm3n NaCl3, Pnma NaCl3 and NaCl7, respectively. It is postulated that any NaxCly compound could be synthesized, if the ionic character of the Nasbnd Cl bond in the prepared compound remains around 80%, and the sodium charge below unit.

  3. Atomic Oxygen (AO) and Nitrogen (AN) In-situ Flux Sensor

    DTIC Science & Technology


    AFRL-AFOSR-VA-TR-2016-0126 DURIP 09) AN ATOMIC OXYGEN FLUX MONITOR FOR USE IN THE SEARCH FOR NEW AND BETT Malcolm Beasley LELAND STANFORD JUNIOR UNIV...Grant # FA9550-01-1-0433 M. R. Beasley, PI Stanford University Project Title: Atomic Oxygen (AO) and Nitrogen (AN) In-situ Flux Sensor...of actively controlled in-situ sources of atomic oxygen and nitrogen suitable for MBE application. The goal of this DURIP was to work with a

  4. Fluorescent scanning laser ophthalmoscopy for cellular resolution in vivo mouse retinal imaging: benefits and drawbacks of implementing adaptive optics (Conference Presentation)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Pengfei; Goswami, Mayank; Pugh, Edward N.; Zawadzki, Robert J.


    Scanning Laser Ophthalmoscopy (SLO) is a very important imaging tool in ophthalmology research. By combing with Adaptive Optics (AO) technique, AO-SLO can correct for ocular aberrations resulting in cellular level resolution, allowing longitudinal studies of single cells morphology in the living eyes. The numerical aperture (NA) sets the optical resolution that can be achieve in the "classical" imaging systems. Mouse eye has more than twice NA of the human eye, thus offering theoretically higher resolution. However, in most SLO based imaging systems the imaging beam size at mouse pupil sets the NA of that instrument, while most of the AO-SLO systems use almost the full NA of the mouse eye. In this report, we first simulated the theoretical resolution that can be achieved in vivo for different imaging beam sizes (different NA), assumingtwo cases: no aberrations and aberrations based on published mouse ocular wavefront data. Then we imaged mouse retinas with our custom build SLO system using different beam sizes to compare these results with theory. Further experiments include comparison of the SLO and AO-SLO systems for imaging different type of fluorescently labeled cells (microglia, ganglion, photoreceptors, etc.). By comparing those results and taking into account systems complexity and ease of use, the benefits and drawbacks of two imaging systems will be discussed.

  5. Long range intermolecular interactions between the alkali diatomics Na2, K2, and NaK

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zemke, Warren T.; Byrd, Jason N.; Michels, H. Harvey; Montgomery, John A.; Stwalley, William C.


    Long range interactions between the ground state alkali diatomics Na2-Na2, K2-K2, Na2-K2, and NaK-NaK are examined. Interaction energies are first determined from ab initio calculations at the coupled-cluster with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] level of theory, including counterpoise corrections. Long range energies calculated from diatomic molecular properties (polarizabilities and dipole and quadrupole moments) are then compared with the ab initio energies. A simple asymptotic model potential ELR=Eelec+Edisp+Eind is shown to accurately represent the intermolecular interactions for these systems at long range.

  6. Efficient control schemes with limited computation complexity for Tomographic AO systems on VLTs and ELTs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Petit, C.; Le Louarn, M.; Fusco, T.; Madec, P.-Y.


    Various tomographic control solutions have been proposed during the last decades to ensure efficient or even optimal closed-loop correction to tomographic Adaptive Optics (AO) concepts such as Laser Tomographic AO (LTAO), Multi-Conjugate AO (MCAO). The optimal solution, based on Linear Quadratic Gaussian (LQG) approach, as well as suboptimal but efficient solutions such as Pseudo-Open Loop Control (POLC) require multiple Matrix Vector Multiplications (MVM). Disregarding their respective performance, these efficient control solutions thus exhibit strong increase of on-line complexity and their implementation may become difficult in demanding cases. Among them, two cases are of particular interest. First, the system Real-Time Computer architecture and implementation is derived from past or present solutions and does not support multiple MVM. This is the case of the AO Facility which RTC architecture is derived from the SPARTA platform and inherits its simple MVM architecture, which does not fit with LTAO control solutions for instance. Second, considering future systems such as Extremely Large Telescopes, the number of degrees of freedom is twenty to one hundred times bigger than present systems. In these conditions, tomographic control solutions can hardly be used in their standard form and optimized implementation shall be considered. Single MVM tomographic control solutions represent a potential solution, and straightforward solutions such as Virtual Deformable Mirrors have been already proposed for LTAO but with tuning issues. We investigate in this paper the possibility to derive from tomographic control solutions, such as POLC or LQG, simplified control solutions ensuring simple MVM architecture and that could be thus implemented on nowadays systems or future complex systems. We theoretically derive various solutions and analyze their respective performance on various systems thanks to numerical simulation. We discuss the optimization of their performance and

  7. Route, mechanism, and implications of proton import during Na+/K+ exchange by native Na+/K+-ATPase pumps

    PubMed Central

    Vedovato, Natascia


    A single Na+/K+-ATPase pumps three Na+ outwards and two K+ inwards by alternately exposing ion-binding sites to opposite sides of the membrane in a conformational sequence coupled to pump autophosphorylation from ATP and auto-dephosphorylation. The larger flow of Na+ than K+ generates outward current across the cell membrane. Less well understood is the ability of Na+/K+ pumps to generate an inward current of protons. Originally noted in pumps deprived of external K+ and Na+ ions, as inward current at negative membrane potentials that becomes amplified when external pH is lowered, this proton current is generally viewed as an artifact of those unnatural conditions. We demonstrate here that this inward current also flows at physiological K+ and Na+ concentrations. We show that protons exploit ready reversibility of conformational changes associated with extracellular Na+ release from phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps. Reversal of a subset of these transitions allows an extracellular proton to bind an acidic side chain and to be subsequently released to the cytoplasm. This back-step of phosphorylated Na+/K+ pumps that enables proton import is not required for completion of the 3 Na+/2 K+ transport cycle. However, the back-step occurs readily during Na+/K+ transport when external K+ ion binding and occlusion are delayed, and it occurs more frequently when lowered extracellular pH raises the probability of protonation of the externally accessible carboxylate side chain. The proton route passes through the Na+-selective binding site III and is distinct from the principal pathway traversed by the majority of transported Na+ and K+ ions that passes through binding site II. The inferred occurrence of Na+/K+ exchange and H+ import during the same conformational cycle of a single molecule identifies the Na+/K+ pump as a hybrid transporter. Whether Na+/K+ pump–mediated proton inflow may have any physiological or pathophysiological significance remains to be clarified. PMID

  8. Long range intermolecular interactions between the alkali diatomics Na(2), K(2), and NaK.


    Zemke, Warren T; Byrd, Jason N; Michels, H Harvey; Montgomery, John A; Stwalley, William C


    Long range interactions between the ground state alkali diatomics Na(2)-Na(2), K(2)-K(2), Na(2)-K(2), and NaK-NaK are examined. Interaction energies are first determined from ab initio calculations at the coupled-cluster with singles, doubles, and perturbative triples [CCSD(T)] level of theory, including counterpoise corrections. Long range energies calculated from diatomic molecular properties (polarizabilities and dipole and quadrupole moments) are then compared with the ab initio energies. A simple asymptotic model potential E(LR)=E(elec)+E(disp)+E(ind) is shown to accurately represent the intermolecular interactions for these systems at long range.

  9. Stream-Field Interactions in the Magnetic Accretor AO Piscium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hellier, Coel; van Zyl, Liza


    UV spectra of the magnetic accretor AO Psc show absorption features for half the binary orbit. The absorption is unlike the wind-formed features often seen in similar stars. Instead, we attribute it to a fraction of the stream that overflows the impact with the accretion disk. Rapid velocity variations can be explained by changes in the trajectory of the stream depending on the orientation of the white dwarf's magnetic field. Hence, we are directly observing the interaction of an accretion stream with a rotating field. We compare this behavior to that seen in other intermediate polars and in SW Sex stars.

  10. Effect of NaNO3 concentration on anodic electrochemical behavior on the Sb surface in NaOH solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    He, Yun-long; Xu, Rui-dong; He, Shi-wei; Chen, Han-sen; Li, Kuo; Zhu, Yun; Shen, Qing-feng


    The effect of NaNO3 concentration on the anodic electrochemical behavior of antimony in 4 M NaOH solution was investigated using cyclic voltammetry (CV) and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS) analyses. The mechanism of NO 3 - concentration effect on the anodic electrochemical behavior of antimony was proposed, and its availability was confirmed by experimental results. The effect of NaNO3 on the anodic behavior of antimony in NaOH solution can be interpreted as a stepwise formation of different antimony compounds with different NaNO3 concentrations. Metallic antimony is apt to be oxidized into Sb2O3 within the NaNO3 concentration range of 0-0.48 M. NaSbO3 can be found on the antimony surface when the NaNO3 concentration increases gradually. Insoluable NaSbO3 inhibits the anodic oxidation of antimony due to its shielding effect on the mass transport of the reactants and products. Surface morphology and composition were analyzed by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), scanning electronic microscopy (SEM), and electron dispersion spectroscopy (EDS) analyses. Results indicate that the anodic oxidation layer is composed of Sb2O3, NaSbO3, and Sb. The atomic proportion of antimony in the form of NaSbO3 increases with increasing NaNO3 concentration due to the powerful oxidizing property of NaNO3.

  11. Precursor Routes to Complex Ternary Intermetallics: Single-Crystal and Microcrystalline Preparation of Clathrate-I Na8Al8Si38 from NaSi + NaAlSi.


    Dong, Yongkwan; Chai, Ping; Beekman, Matt; Zeng, Xiaoyu; Tritt, Terry M; Nolas, George S


    Single crystals of the ternary clathrate-I Na8Al8Si38 were synthesized by kinetically controlled thermal decomposition (KCTD), and microcrystalline Na8Al8Si38 was synthesized by spark plasma sintering (SPS) using a NaSi + NaAlSi mixture as the precursor. Na8AlxSi46-x compositions with x ≤ 8 were also synthesized by SPS from precursor mixtures of different ratios. The crystal structure of Na8Al8Si38 was investigated using both Rietveld and single-crystal refinements. Temperature-dependent transport and UV/vis measurements were employed in the characterization of Na8Al8Si38, with diffuse-reflectance measurement indicating an indirect optical gap of 0.64 eV. Our results indicate that, when more than one precursor is used, both SPS and KCTD are effective methods for the synthesis of multinary inorganic phases that are not easily accessible by traditional solid-state synthesis or crystal growth techniques.

  12. On the Stability of NaO2 in Na-O2 Batteries.


    Liu, Chenjuan; Carboni, Marco; Brant, William R; Pan, Ruijun; Hedman, Jonas; Zhu, Jiefang; Gustafsson, Torbjörn; Younesi, Reza


    Na-O 2 batteries are regarded as promising candidates for energy storage. They have higher energy efficiency, rate capability, and chemical reversibility than Li-O 2 batteries; in addition, sodium is cheaper and more abundant compared to lithium. However, inconsistent observations and instability of discharge products have inhibited the understanding of the working mechanism of this technology. In this work, we have investigated a number of factors that influence the stability of the discharge products. By means of in operando powder X-ray diffraction study, the influence of oxygen, sodium anode, salt, solvent, and carbon cathode were investigated. The Na metal anode and an ether-based solvent are the main factors that lead to the instability and decomposition of NaO 2 in the cell environment. This fundamental insight brings new information on the working mechanism of Na-O 2 batteries.

  13. ViLLaGEs: opto-mechanical design of an on-sky visible-light MEMS-based AO system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grigsby, Bryant; Lockwood, Chris; Baumann, Brian; Gavel, Don; Johnson, Jess; Ammons, S. Mark; Dillon, Daren; Morzinski, Katie; Reinig, Marc; Palmer, Dave; Severson, Scott; Gates, Elinor


    Visible Light Laser Guidestar Experiments (ViLLaGEs) is a new Micro-Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS) based visible-wavelength adaptive optics (AO) testbed on the Nickel 1-meter telescope at Lick Observatory. Closed loop Natural Guide Star (NGS) experiments were successfully carried out during engineering during the fall of 2007. This is a major evolutionary step, signaling the movement of AO technologies into visible light with a MEMS mirror. With on-sky Strehls in I-band of greater than 20% during second light tests, the science possibilities have become evident. Described here is the advanced engineering used in the design and construction of the ViLLaGEs system, comparing it to the LickAO infrared system, and a discussion of Nickel dome infrastructural improvements necessary for this system. A significant portion of the engineering discussion revolves around the sizable effort that went towards eliminating flexure. Then, we detail upgrades to ViLLaGEs to make it a facility class instrument. These upgrades will focus on Nyquist sampling the diffraction limited point spread function during open loop operations, motorization and automation for technician level alignments, adding dithering capabilities and changes for near infrared science.

  14. Seasonal and Interannual Variability of the Arctic Sea Ice: A Comparison between AO-FVCOM and Observations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Y.; Chen, C.; Beardsley, R. C.; Gao, G.; Qi, J.; Lin, H.


    A high-resolution (up to 2 km), unstructured-grid, fully ice-sea coupled Arctic Ocean Finite-Volume Community Ocean Model (AO-FVCOM) was used to simulate the Arctic sea ice over the period 1978-2014. Good agreements were found between simulated and observed sea ice extent, concentration, drift velocity and thickness, indicating that the AO-FVCOM captured not only the seasonal and interannual variability but also the spatial distribution of the sea ice in the Arctic in the past 37 years. Compared with other six Arctic Ocean models (ECCO2, GSFC, INMOM, ORCA, NAME and UW), the AO-FVCOM-simulated ice thickness showed a higher correlation coefficient and a smaller difference with observations. An effort was also made to examine the physical processes attributing to the model-produced bias in the sea ice simulation. The error in the direction of the ice drift velocity was sensitive to the wind turning angle; smaller when the wind was stronger, but larger when the wind was weaker. This error could lead to the bias in the near-surface current in the fully or partially ice-covered zone where the ice-sea interfacial stress was a major driving force.

  15. Na+/H+ and Na+/NH4+ exchange activities of zebrafish NHE3b expressed in Xenopus oocytes

    PubMed Central

    Ito, Yusuke; Kato, Akira; Hirata, Taku; Hirose, Shigehisa


    Zebrafish Na+/H+ exchanger 3b (zNHE3b) is highly expressed in the apical membrane of ionocytes where Na+ is absorbed from ion-poor fresh water against a concentration gradient. Much in vivo data indicated that zNHE3b is involved in Na+ absorption but not leakage. However, zNHE3b-mediated Na+ absorption has not been thermodynamically explained, and zNHE3b activity has not been measured. To address this issue, we overexpressed zNHE3b in Xenopus oocytes and characterized its activity by electrophysiology. Exposure of zNHE3b oocytes to Na+-free media resulted in significant decrease in intracellular pH (pHi) and intracellular Na+ activity (aNai). aNai increased significantly when the cytoplasm was acidified by media containing CO2-HCO3− or butyrate. Activity of zNHE3b was inhibited by amiloride or 5-ethylisopropyl amiloride (EIPA). Although the activity was accompanied by a large hyperpolarization of ∼50 mV, voltage-clamp experiments showed that Na+/H+ exchange activity of zNHE3b is electroneutral. Exposure of zNHE3b oocytes to medium containing NH3/NH4+ resulted in significant decreases in pHi and aNai and significant increase in intracellular NH4+ activity, indicating that zNHE3b mediates the Na+/NH4+ exchange. In low-Na+ (0.5 mM) media, zNHE3b oocytes maintained aNai of 1.3 mM, and Na+-influx was observed when pHi was decreased by media containing CO2-HCO3− or butyrate. These results provide thermodynamic evidence that zNHE3b mediates Na+ absorption from ion-poor fresh water by its Na+/H+ and Na+/NH4+ exchange activities. PMID:24401990

  16. Shoot Na+ exclusion and increased salinity tolerance engineered by cell type-specific alteration of Na+ transport in Arabidopsis.


    Møller, Inge S; Gilliham, Matthew; Jha, Deepa; Mayo, Gwenda M; Roy, Stuart J; Coates, Juliet C; Haseloff, Jim; Tester, Mark


    Soil salinity affects large areas of cultivated land, causing significant reductions in crop yield globally. The Na+ toxicity of many crop plants is correlated with overaccumulation of Na+ in the shoot. We have previously suggested that the engineering of Na+ exclusion from the shoot could be achieved through an alteration of plasma membrane Na+ transport processes in the root, if these alterations were cell type specific. Here, it is shown that expression of the Na+ transporter HKT1;1 in the mature root stele of Arabidopsis thaliana decreases Na+ accumulation in the shoot by 37 to 64%. The expression of HKT1;1 specifically in the mature root stele is achieved using an enhancer trap expression system for specific and strong overexpression. The effect in the shoot is caused by the increased influx, mediated by HKT1;1, of Na+ into stelar root cells, which is demonstrated in planta and leads to a reduction of root-to-shoot transfer of Na+. Plants with reduced shoot Na+ also have increased salinity tolerance. By contrast, plants constitutively expressing HKT1;1 driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter accumulated high shoot Na+ and grew poorly. Our results demonstrate that the modification of a specific Na+ transport process in specific cell types can reduce shoot Na+ accumulation, an important component of salinity tolerance of many higher plants.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wu, Y.-L.; Close, L. M.; Males, J. R.


    We utilize the new Magellan adaptive optics system (MagAO) to image the binary proplyd LV 1 in the Orion Trapezium at H{alpha}. This is among the first AO results in visible wavelengths. The H{alpha} image clearly shows the ionization fronts, the interproplyd shell, and the cometary tails. Our astrometric measurements find no significant relative motion between components over {approx}18 yr, implying that LV 1 is a low-mass system. We also analyze Large Binocular Telescope AO observations, and find a point source which may be the embedded protostar's photosphere in the continuum. Converting the H magnitudes to mass, we show thatmore » the LV 1 binary may consist of one very-low-mass star with a likely brown dwarf secondary, or even plausibly a double brown dwarf. Finally, the magnetopause of the minor proplyd is estimated to have a radius of 110 AU, consistent with the location of the bow shock seen in H{alpha}.« less

  18. Ecotoxicological evaluation of three deicers (NaCl, NaFo, CMA)-effect on terrestrial organisms.


    Robidoux, P Y; Delisle, C E


    The use of chemical deicers such as sodium chloride (NaCl) has increased significantly during the past three decades. Deicers induce metal corrosion and alter the physicochemical properties of soils and water. Environmental damage caused by the use of NaCl has prompted government agencies to find alternative deicers. This article presents a comparative ecotoxicological study of three deicers on soil organisms. Sodium formiate (NaFo) and calcium-magnesium acetate (CMA) are the most interesting commercially available deicers based upon their characteristics and potential toxicity. Organisms used in this study were four species of macrophytes (cress (Lepidium sativum), barley (Ordeum vulgare), red fescue grass (Festuca rubra), Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis)) and an invertebrate (Eisenia fetida). Using standardized and modified methods, the relative toxicity of deicers was CMA < NaFo congruent with NaCl. The results demonstrate that these chemicals could have similar impacts in terrestrial environments since similar quantities of NaFo and greater amounts of CMA are necessary to achieve the same efficiency as NaCl. The toxicity of the tested substances was lower in natural composted soil than in artificial substrate (silica or OECD soil), indicating decreased environmental bioavailability. The response of the organisms changed according to endpoint, species, and soil characteristics (artificial substrate as compared to natural organic soil). The most sensitive endpoint measured was macrophyte growth with Kentucky bluegrass being the most sensitive species. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.

  19. Effects of non-uniform root zone salinity on water use, Na+ recirculation, and Na+ and H+ flux in cotton

    PubMed Central

    Kong, Xiangqiang; Luo, Zhen; Dong, Hezhong; Eneji, A. Egrinya


    A new split-root system was established through grafting to study cotton response to non-uniform salinity. Each root half was treated with either uniform (100/100 mM) or non-uniform NaCl concentrations (0/200 and 50/150 mM). In contrast to uniform control, non-uniform salinity treatment improved plant growth and water use, with more water absorbed from the non- and low salinity side. Non-uniform treatments decreased Na+ concentrations in leaves. The [Na+] in the ‘0’ side roots of the 0/200 treatment was significantly higher than that in either side of the 0/0 control, but greatly decreased when the ‘0’ side phloem was girdled, suggesting that the increased [Na+] in the ‘0’ side roots was possibly due to transportation of foliar Na+ to roots through phloem. Plants under non-uniform salinity extruded more Na+ from the root than those under uniform salinity. Root Na+ efflux in the low salinity side was greatly enhanced by the higher salinity side. NaCl-induced Na+ efflux and H+ influx were inhibited by amiloride and sodium orthovanadate, suggesting that root Na+ extrusion was probably due to active Na+/H+ antiport across the plasma membrane. Improved plant growth under non-uniform salinity was thus attributed to increased water use, reduced leaf Na+ concentration, transport of excessive foliar Na+ to the low salinity side, and enhanced Na+ efflux from the low salinity root. PMID:22200663

  20. Temperature-dependent formation of NaCl dihydrate in levitated NaCl and sea salt aerosol particles.


    Peckhaus, Andreas; Kiselev, Alexei; Wagner, Robert; Duft, Denis; Leisner, Thomas


    Recent laboratory studies indicate that the hydrated form of crystalline NaCl is potentially important for atmospheric processes involving depositional ice nucleation on NaCl dihydrate particles under cirrus cloud conditions. However, recent experimental studies reported a strong discrepancy between the temperature intervals where the efflorescence of NaCl dihydrate has been observed. Here we report the measurements of the volume specific nucleation rate of crystalline NaCl in the aqueous solution droplets of pure NaCl suspended in an electrodynamic balance at constant temperature and humidity in the range from 250 K to 241 K. Based on these measurements, we derive the interfacial energy of crystalline NaCl dihydrate in a supersaturated NaCl solution and determined its temperature dependence. Taking into account both temperature and concentration dependence of nucleation rate coefficients, we explain the difference in the observed fractions of NaCl dihydrate reported in the previous studies. Applying the heterogeneous classical nucleation theory model, we have been able to reproduce the 5 K shift of the NaCl dihydrate efflorescence curve observed for the sea salt aerosol particles, assuming the presence of super-micron solid inclusions (hypothetically gypsum or hemihydrate of CaSO 4 ). These results support the notion that the phase transitions in microscopic droplets of supersaturated solution should be interpreted by accounting for the stochastic nature of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and cannot be understood on the ground of bulk phase diagrams alone.

  1. Temperature-dependent formation of NaCl dihydrate in levitated NaCl and sea salt aerosol particles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peckhaus, Andreas; Kiselev, Alexei; Wagner, Robert; Duft, Denis; Leisner, Thomas


    Recent laboratory studies indicate that the hydrated form of crystalline NaCl is potentially important for atmospheric processes involving depositional ice nucleation on NaCl dihydrate particles under cirrus cloud conditions. However, recent experimental studies reported a strong discrepancy between the temperature intervals where the efflorescence of NaCl dihydrate has been observed. Here we report the measurements of the volume specific nucleation rate of crystalline NaCl in the aqueous solution droplets of pure NaCl suspended in an electrodynamic balance at constant temperature and humidity in the range from 250 K to 241 K. Based on these measurements, we derive the interfacial energy of crystalline NaCl dihydrate in a supersaturated NaCl solution and determined its temperature dependence. Taking into account both temperature and concentration dependence of nucleation rate coefficients, we explain the difference in the observed fractions of NaCl dihydrate reported in the previous studies. Applying the heterogeneous classical nucleation theory model, we have been able to reproduce the 5 K shift of the NaCl dihydrate efflorescence curve observed for the sea salt aerosol particles, assuming the presence of super-micron solid inclusions (hypothetically gypsum or hemihydrate of CaSO4). These results support the notion that the phase transitions in microscopic droplets of supersaturated solution should be interpreted by accounting for the stochastic nature of homogeneous and heterogeneous nucleation and cannot be understood on the ground of bulk phase diagrams alone.

  2. Scintillation efficiency measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) below the DAMA/LIBRA energy threshold

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xu, Jingke; Shields, Emily; Calaprice, Frank; Westerdale, Shawn; Froborg, Francis; Suerfu, Burkhant; Alexander, Thomas; Aprahamian, Ani; Back, Henning O.; Casarella, Clark; Fang, Xiao; Gupta, Yogesh K.; Ianni, Aldo; Lamere, Edward; Lippincott, W. Hugh; Liu, Qian; Lyons, Stephanie; Siegl, Kevin; Smith, Mallory; Tan, Wanpeng; Kolk, Bryant Vande


    The dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal depends on the NaI(Tl) scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoils. Previous measurements for Na recoils have large discrepancies, especially in the DAMA/LIBRA modulation energy region. We report a quenching effect measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) from 3 to 52 keVnr, covering the whole DAMA/LIBRA energy region for dark matter-Na scattering interpretations. By using a low-energy, pulsed neutron beam, a double time-of-flight technique, and pulse-shape discrimination methods, we obtained the most accurate measurement of this kind for NaI(Tl) to date. The results differ significantly from the DAMA reported values at low energies but fall between the other previous measurements. We present the implications of the new quenching results for the dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal.

  3. AO/NAO Response to Climate Change. 1; Respective Influences of Stratospheric and Tropospheric Climate Changes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rind, D.; Perlwitz, J.; Lonergan, P.


    We utilize the GISS Global Climate Middle Atmosphere Model and 8 different climate change experiments, many of them focused on stratospheric climate forcings, to assess the relative influence of tropospheric and stratospheric climate change on the extratropical circulation indices (Arctic Oscillation, AO; North Atlantic Oscillation, NAO). The experiments are run in two different ways: with variable sea surface temperatures (SSTs) to allow for a full tropospheric climate response, and with specified SSTs to minimize the tropospheric change. The results show that tropospheric warming (cooling) experiments and stratospheric cooling (warming) experiments produce more positive (negative) AO/NAO indices. For the typical magnitudes of tropospheric and stratospheric climate changes, the tropospheric response dominates; results are strongest when the tropospheric and stratospheric influences are producing similar phase changes. Both regions produce their effect primarily by altering wave propagation and angular momentum transports, but planetary wave energy changes accompanying tropospheric climate change are also important. Stratospheric forcing has a larger impact on the NAO than on the AO, and the angular momentum transport changes associated with it peak in the upper troposphere, affecting all wavenumbers. Tropospheric climate changes influence both the A0 and NAO with effects that extend throughout the troposphere. For both forcings there is often vertical consistency in the sign of the momentum transport changes, obscuring the difference between direct and indirect mechanisms for influencing the surface circulation.

  4. Dynamic polarizabilities and Van der Waals coefficients for alkali atoms Li, Na and alkali dimer molecules Li2, Na2 and NaLi

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mérawa, M.; Dargelos, A.


    The present paper gives an account of investigations of the polarizability of the alkali atoms Li, Na, diatomics homonuclear and heteronuclear Li2, Na2 and NaLi at SCF (Self Consistent Field) level of approximation and at correlated level, using a time Time-Dependent Gauge Invariant method (TDGI). Our static polarizability values agree with the best experimental and theoretical determinations. The Van der Waals C6 coefficients for the atom-atom, atom-dimer and dimer-dimer interactions have been evaluated. Les polarisabilités des atomes alcalins Li, Na, et des molécules diatomiques homonucléaires et hétéronucléaire Li2, Na2 et NaLi, ont été calculées au niveau SCF (Self Consistent Field) et au niveau corrélé à partir d'une méthode invariante de jauge dépendante du temps(TDGI). Nos valeurs des polarisabilités statiques sont en accord avec les meilleurs déterminations expérimentales et théoriques. Les coefficients C6 de Van de Waals pour les interactions atome-atome, atome-dimère et dimère-dimère ont également été évalués.

  5. Mitochondria-localized phospholipase A2, AoPlaA, in Aspergillus oryzae displays phosphatidylethanolamine-specific activity and is involved in the maintenance of mitochondrial phospholipid composition.


    Kotani, Shohei; Izawa, Sho; Komai, Noriyuki; Takayanagi, Ayumi; Arioka, Manabu


    In mammals, cytosolic phospholipases A 2 (cPLA 2 s) play important physiological roles by releasing arachidonic acid, a precursor for bioactive lipid mediators, from the biological membranes. In contrast, fungal cPLA 2 -like proteins are much less characterized and their roles have remained elusive. AoPlaA is a cPLA 2 -like protein in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae which, unlike mammalian cPLA 2 , localizes to mitochondria. In this study, we investigated the biochemical and physiological functions of AoPlaA. Recombinant AoPlaA produced in E. coli displayed Ca 2+ -independent lipolytic activity. Mass spectrometry analysis demonstrated that AoPlaA displayed PLA 2 activity to phosphatidylethanolamine (PE), but not to other phospholipids, and generated 1-acylated lysoPE. Catalytic site mutants of AoPlaA displayed almost no or largely reduced activity to PE. Consistent with PE-specific activity of AoPlaA, AoplaA-overexpressing strain showed decreased PE content in the mitochondrial fraction. In contrast, AoplaA-disruption strain displayed increased content of cardiolipin. AoplaA-overexpressing strain, but not its counterparts overexpressing the catalytic site mutants, exhibited retarded growth at low temperature, possibly because of the impairment of the mitochondrial function caused by excess degradation of PE. These results suggest that AoPlaA is a novel PE-specific PLA 2 that plays a regulatory role in the maintenance of mitochondrial phospholipid composition. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Studies of Inelastic Collisions of NaK and NaCs Molecules with Atomic Perturbers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jones, Joshua A.

    We have investigated collisions of NaK molecules in the first excited state [2(A)1Sigma+], with Ar and He collision partners using laser-induced fluorescence spectroscopy (LIF) and polarization-labeling (PL) spectroscopy in a two-step excitation scheme. Additionally, we have investigated collisions of NaCs molecules in the first excited state [2(A)1Sigma +] with Ar and He perturbers using the LIF technique. We use a pump-probe, two-step excitation process. The pump laser prepares the molecule in a particular ro-vibrational (v, J) level in the A state. The probe laser frequency is scanned over transitions to the 31Π in NaK or to the 53Π in NaCs. In addition to observing strong direct lines, we also see weak collisional satellite lines that arise from collisions in the intermediate state that take the molecule from the prepared level (v, J) to level (v, J + Delta J). The ratio of the intensity of the collisional line to the intensity of the direct line in LIF and PL yield information about population and orientation transfer. Our results show a propensity for DeltaJ=even collisions of NaK with Ar and an even stronger propensity for collisions with He. Collisions of NaCs with Ar do not show any such J=even propensity. Preliminary investigations of collisions of NaCs with He seem to indicate a slight J=even propensity. In addition, we observe that rotationally inelastic collisions of excited NaK molecules with potassium atoms destroy almost all of the orientation, while collisions with argon destroy about one third to two thirds and collisions with helium destroy only about zero to one third of the initial orientation.

  7. AO WFS detector developments at ESO to prepare for the E-ELT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Downing, Mark; Casali, Mark; Finger, Gert; Lewis, Steffan; Marchetti, Enrico; Mehrgan, Leander; Ramsay, Suzanne; Reyes, Javier


    ESO has a very active on-going AO WFS detector development program to not only meet the needs of the current crop of instruments for the VLT, but also has been actively involved in gathering requirements, planning, and developing detectors and controllers/cameras for the instruments in design and being proposed for the E-ELT. This paper provides an overall summary of the AO WFS Detector requirements of the E-ELT instruments currently in design and telescope focal units. This is followed by a description of the many interesting detector, controller, and camera developments underway at ESO to meet these needs; a) the rationale behind and plan to upgrade the 240x240 pixels, 2000fps, "zero noise", L3Vision CCD220 sensor based AONGC camera; b) status of the LGSD/NGSD High QE, 3e- RoN, fast 700fps, 1760x1680 pixels, Visible CMOS Imager and camera development; c) status of and development plans for the Selex SAPHIRA NIR eAPD and controller. Most of the instruments and detector/camera developments are described in more detail in other papers at this conference.

  8. Scintillation efficiency measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) below the DAMA/LIBRA energy threshold

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Xu, Jingke; Shields, Emily; Calaprice, Frank


    The dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal depends on the NaI(Tl) scintillation efficiency of nuclear recoils. Previous measurements for Na recoils have large discrepancies, especially in the DAMA/LIBRA modulation energy region. We report a quenching effect measurement of Na recoils in NaI(Tl) from 3 to 52 keVnr, covering the whole DAMA/LIBRA energy region for dark matter-Na scattering interpretations. By using a low-energy, pulsed neutron beam, a double time-of-flight technique, and pulse-shape discrimination methods, we obtained the most accurate measurement of this kind for NaI(Tl) to date. The results differ significantly from the DAMA reported values at low energies butmore » fall between the other previous measurements. We present the implications of the new quenching results for the dark matter interpretation of the DAMA modulation signal.« less

  9. Induced abortion is not associated with a higher likelihood of depression in Curaçao women.


    Boersma, Adriana A; van den Berg, Desirée; van Lunsen, Rik H W; Laan, Ellen T M


    To investigate the risk of developing a depression after induced abortion. A prospective cohort study conducted in Curaçao which involved 92 women having an induced abortion and 37 women delivering after an unplanned or unwanted pregnancy, who served as controls. All participants completed the Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) scale before and two to three weeks after the abortion or delivery. Following the abortion, significantly fewer women were at risk of depression (30%) as compared to when still pregnant (60%). Mean depression scores were significantly lower after- than before the procedure. The likelihood of depression post-abortum (30%) was similar to that after delivery of an unplanned/unwanted child (22%). Even though women in the abortion group more often reported having suffered from depression in the past than controls, they were not at greater risk of depression after their pregnancy had ended. Curaçao women's risk of developing a depression following an (early) induced abortion is not greater than that after carrying to term an unplanned/unwanted pregnancy. We recommend that the results of this study be taken into account in case the Curaçao government should consider legalisation of induced abortion in the near future.

  10. Studies of rotationally inelastic collisions of NaK and NaCs with Ar and He perturbers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jones, J.; Faust, C.; Richter, K.; Wolfe, C. M.; Ashman, S.; Malenda, R. F.; Weiser, P.; Carlus, S.; Fragale, A.; Hickman, A. P.; Huennekens, J.


    We report studies of rotationally inelastic collisions of Ar and He atoms with the molecules NaK and NaCs prepared in various ro-vibrational levels of the A1Σ+ electronic state. We use laser induced fluorescence (LIF) and polarization labeling (PL) spectroscopy in a pump-probe, two step excitation process. The pump excites the molecule to a ro-vibrational level (v , J) in the A state. The probe laser is scanned over transitions to the 31 Π state in NaK or the 53 Π state in NaCs. In addition to strong direct lines, we observe weak satellite lines that arise from collision-induced transitions of the A state level (v , J) to (v , J + ΔJ) . The ratio of intensities of the satellite line to the direct line in LIF and PL yields information about population and orientation transfer. Preliminary results show a strong propensity for collisions with ΔJ =even for NaK; the propensity is larger for He than for Ar. Collisions of NaCs with He show a similar propensity, but collisions of NaCs with Ar do not. Theoretical calculations are also underway. For He-NaK, we have completed potential surface calculations using GAMESS and coupled channel scattering calculations of rotational energy transfer and transfer of orientation. Work supported by NSF and XSEDE.

  11. Clues to NaCN formation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quintana-Lacaci, G.; Cernicharo, J.; Velilla Prieto, L.; Agúndez, M.; Castro-Carrizo, A.; Fonfría, J. P.; Massalkhi, S.; Pardo, J. R.


    Context. ALMA is providing us essential information on where certain molecules form. Observing where these molecules emission arises from, the physical conditions of the gas, and how this relates with the presence of other species allows us to understand the formation of many species, and to significantly improve our knowledge of the chemistry that occurs in the space. Aims: We studied the molecular distribution of NaCN around IRC +10216, a molecule detected previously, but whose origin is not clear. High angular resolution maps allow us to model the abundance distribution of this molecule and check suggested formation paths. Methods: We modeled the emission of NaCN assuming local thermal equilibrium (LTE) conditions. These profiles were fitted to azimuthal averaged intensity profiles to obtain an abundance distribution of NaCN. Results: We found that the presence of NaCN seems compatible with the presence of CN, probably as a result of the photodissociation of HCN, in the inner layers of the ejecta of IRC +10216. However, similar as for CH3CN, current photochemical models fail to reproduce this CN reservoir. We also found that the abundance peak of NaCN appears at a radius of 3 × 1015 cm, approximately where the abundance of NaCl, suggested to be the parent species, starts to decay. However, the abundance ratio shows that the NaCl abundance is lower than that obtained for NaCN. We expect that the LTE assumption might result in NaCN abundances higher than the real ones. Updated photochemical models, collisional rates, and reaction rates are essential to determine the possible paths of the NaCN formation. Based on observations carried out with ALMA and the IRAM 30 m Telescope. ALMA is a partnership of ESO (representing its member states), NSF (USA) and NINS (Japan), together with NRC (Canada) and NSC and ASIAA (Taiwan), in cooperation with the Republic of Chile. The Joint ALMA Observatory is operated by ESO, AUI/NRAO and NAOJ. IRAM is supported by INSU/CNRS (France

  12. Study on Na layer response to geomagnetic activities based on Odin/OSIRIS Na density data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tsuda, Takuo; Nakamura, Takuji; Hedin, Jonas; Gumbel, Jorg; Hosokawa, Keisuke; Ejiri, Mitsumu K.; Nishiyama, Takanori; Takahashi, Toru


    The Na layer is normally distributed from 80 to 110 km, and the height range is corresponding to the ionospheric D and E region. In the polar region, the energetic particles precipitating from the magnetosphere can often penetrate into the E region and even into the D region. Thus, the influence of the energetic particles to the Na layer is one of interests in the aspect of the atmospheric composition change accompanied with the auroral activity. There are several previous studies in this issue. For example, recently, we have reported an initial result on a clear relationship between the electron density increase (due to the energetic particles) and the Na density decrease from observational data sets obtained by Na lidar, EISCAT VHF radar, and optical instruments at Tromsoe, Norway on 24-25 January 2012. However, all of the previous studies had been carried out based on case studies by ground-based lidar observations. In this study, we have performed, for the first time, statistical analysis using Na density data from 2004 to 2009 obtained with the Optical Spectrograph and InfraRed Imager System (OSIRIS) onboard Odin satellite. In the presentation, we will show relationship between the Na density and geomagnetic activities, and its latitudinal variation. Based on these results, the Na layer response to the energetic particles will be discussed.

  13. Preparation of Al-La Master Alloy by Thermite Reaction in NaF-NaCl-KCl Molten Salt

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jang, Poknam; Li, Hyonmo; Kim, Wenjae; Wang, Zhaowen; Liu, Fengguo


    A NaF-NaCl-KCl ternary system containing La2O3 was investigated for the preparation of Al-La master alloy by the thermite reaction method. The solubility of La2O3 in NaF-NaCl-KCl molten salt was determined by the method of isothermal solution saturation. Inductively coupled plasma-optical emission spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction (XRD) analyses were used to consider the content of La2O3 in molten salt and the supernatant composition of molten salt after dissolution of La2O3, respectively. The results showed that the content of NaF had a positive influence on the solubility of La2O3 in NaF-NaCl-KCl molten salts, and the solubility of La2O3 could reach 8.71 wt.% in molten salts of 50 wt.%NaF-50 wt.% (44 wt.%NaCl + 56 wt.%KCl). The XRD pattern of cooling molten salt indicated the formation of LaOF in molten salt, which was probably obtained by the reaction between NaF and La2O3. The kinetic study showed that the thermite reaction was in accord with a first-order reaction model. The main influence factors on La content in the Al-La master alloy product, including molten salt composition, amount of Al, concentration of La2O3, stirring, reduction time and temperature, were investigated by single-factor experimentation. The content of La in the Al-La master alloy could be reached to 10.1 wt.%.

  14. Unidirectional Flux Balance of Monovalent Ions in Cells with Na/Na and Li/Na Exchange: Experimental and Computational Studies on Lymphoid U937 Cells

    PubMed Central

    Vereninov, Igor A.; Yurinskaya, Valentina E.; Model, Michael A.; Vereninov, Alexey A.


    Monovalent ion traffic across the cell membrane occurs via various pathways. Evaluation of individual fluxes in whole cell is hampered by their strong interdependence. This difficulty can be overcome by computational analysis of the whole cell flux balance. However, the previous computational studies disregarded ion movement of the self-exchange type. We have taken this exchange into account. The developed software allows determination of unidirectional fluxes of all monovalent ions via the major pathways both under the balanced state and during transient processes. We show how the problem of finding the rate coefficients can be solved by measurement of monovalent ion concentrations and some of the fluxes. Interdependence of fluxes due to the mandatory conditions of electroneutrality and osmotic balance and due to specific effects can be discriminated, enabling one to identify specific changes in ion transfer machinery under varied conditions. To test the effectiveness of the developed approach we made use of the fact that Li/Na exchange is known to be an analogue of the coupled Na/Na exchange. Thus, we compared the predicted and experimental data obtained on U937 cells under varied Li+ concentrations and following inhibition of the sodium pump with ouabain. We found that the coupled Na/Na exchange in U937 cells comprises a significant portion of the entire Na+ turnover. The data showed that the loading of the sodium pump by Li/Na exchange involved in the secondary active Li+ transport at 1–10 mM external Li+ is small. This result may be extrapolated to similar Li+ and Na+ flux relationships in erythrocytes and other cells in patients treated with Li+ in therapeutic doses. The developed computational approach is applicable for studying various cells and can be useful in education for demonstrating the effects of individual transporters and channels on ion gradients, cell water content and membrane potential. PMID:27159324

  15. Jahn–Teller Assisted Na Diffusion for High Performance Na Ion Batteries

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Li, Xin; Wang, Yan; Wu, Di


    Na energy storage technology is strategically attractive for large scale applications such as grid energy storage. Here, we show in this paper that there is a clear relation between the Jahn$-$Teller activity of a transition metal ion at the end of charge and the mobility of Na in a cathode material. This is particularly important as mobility at the end of charge limits the capacity of current materials. Consequently, by using this classical piece of physics in the battery world, it is possible to create higher capacity Na-cathode materials. Even more exciting is that the ideal element to impart thismore » effect on cathodes is Fe, which is the least expensive of the transition metal oxides and can therefore enable low cost cathode materials.« less

  16. Electromagnetic DM technology meets future AO demands

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamelinck, Roger; Rosielle, Nick; Steinbuch, Maarten; Doelman, Niek

    New deformable mirror technology is developed by the Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, Delft University of Technology and TNO Science and Industry. Several prototype adaptive deformable mirrors are realized mirrors, up to 427 actuators and ∅150mm diameter, with characteristics suitable for future AO systems. The prototypes consist of a 100µm thick, continuous facesheet on which low voltage, electromagnetic, push-pull actuators impose out-of-plane displacements. The variable reluctance actuators with ±10µm stroke and nanometer resolution are located in a standard actuator module. Each module with 61 actuators connects to a single PCB with dedicated, 16 bit, PWM based, drivers. A LVDS multi-drop cable connects up to 32 actuator modules. With the actuator module, accompanying PCB and multi-drop system the deformable mirror technology is made modular in its mechanics and electronics. An Ethernet-LVDS bridge enables any commercial PC to control the mirror using the UDP standard. Latest results of the deformable mirror technology development are presented.

  17. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Robo-AO observed cool subdwarf companions (Ziegler+, 2015)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ziegler, C.; Law, N. M.; Baranec, C.; Riddle, R. L.; Fuchs, J. T.


    We selected targets from the 564 spectral type F- through M-subdwarf candidates studied by Marshall (2007, J/AJ/134/778). These targets were selected from the New Luyten Two-Tenths catalog (NLTT; Luyten,; Luyten & Hughes 1980, Proper-Motion Survey with the Forty-Eight Inch Schmidt Telescope LV First Supplement to the NLTT Catalogue (Minneapolis, MN: Univ. Minnesota Press)) of high proper motion stars (>0.18 arcsec/yr) using a reduced proper motion diagram (RPM). Of the 552 subdwarfs confirmed by Marshall, a randomly selected sample of 348 G-, K-, and M-subdwarfs were observed by Robo-AO when available between other high priority surveys. We obtained high-angular-resolution images of the 348 subdwarfs during 32 separate nights of observations between 2012 September 3 and 2013 August 21 (UT). The observations were performed using the Robo-AO laser adaptive optics system (Riddle et al. 2012SPIE.8447E..2OR; Baranec et al. 2013, J. Visualized Exp. 72 e50021; 2014ApJ...790L...8B) mounted on the Palomar 60 inch telescope. (1 data file).

  18. Controlled phase stability of highly Na-active triclinic structure in nanoscale high-voltage Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7 cathode for Na-ion batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Song, Hee Jo; Kim, Jae-Chan; Dar, Mushtaq Ahmad; Kim, Dong-Wan


    With the increasing demand for high energy density in energy-storage systems, a high-voltage cathode is essential in rechargeable Li-ion and Na-ion batteries. The operating voltage of a triclinic-polymorph Na2CoP2O7, also known as the rose form, is above 4.0 V (vs. Na/Na+), which is relatively high compared to that of other cathode materials. Thus, it can be employed as a potential high-voltage cathode material in Na-ion batteries. However, it is difficult to synthesize a pure rose phase because of its low phase stability, thus limiting its use in high-voltage applications. Herein, compositional-engineered, rose-phase Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7/C (x = 0, 0.1 and 0.2) nanopowder are prepared using a wet-chemical method. The Na2-2xCo1+xP2O7/C cathode shows high electrochemical reactivity with Na ions at 4.0 V, delivering high capacity and high energy density.

  19. Electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ Exchange

    PubMed Central

    Danaceau, Jonathan P.; Lucero, Mary T.


    Olfactory receptor neurons (ORNs) from the squid, Lolliguncula brevis, respond to the odors l-glutamate or dopamine with increases in internal Ca2+ concentrations ([Ca2+]i). To directly asses the effects of increasing [Ca2+]i in perforated-patched squid ORNs, we applied 10 mM caffeine to release Ca2+ from internal stores. We observed an inward current response to caffeine. Monovalent cation replacement of Na+ from the external bath solution completely and selectively inhibited the caffeine-induced response, and ruled out the possibility of a Ca2+-dependent nonselective cation current. The strict dependence on internal Ca2+ and external Na+ indicated that the inward current was due to an electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchanger. Block of the caffeine-induced current by an inhibitor of Na+/Ca2+ exchange (50–100 μM 2′,4′-dichlorobenzamil) and reversibility of the exchanger current, further confirmed its presence. We tested whether Na+/Ca2+ exchange contributed to odor responses by applying the aquatic odor l-glutamate in the presence and absence of 2′,4′-dichlorobenzamil. We found that electrogenic Na+/Ca2+ exchange was responsible for ∼26% of the total current associated with glutamate-induced odor responses. Although Na+/Ca2+ exchangers are known to be present in ORNs from numerous species, this is the first work to demonstrate amplifying contributions of the exchanger current to odor transduction. PMID:10828249

  20. Optimization of NaOH Molarity, LUSI Mud/Alkaline Activator, and Na2SiO3/NaOH Ratio to Produce Lightweight Aggregate-Based Geopolymer

    PubMed Central

    Abdul Razak, Rafiza; Abdullah, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri; Hussin, Kamarudin; Ismail, Khairul Nizar; Hardjito, Djwantoro; Yahya, Zarina


    This paper presents the mechanical function and characterization of an artificial lightweight geopolymer aggregate (ALGA) using LUSI (Sidoarjo mud) and alkaline activator as source materials. LUSI stands for LU-Lumpur and SI-Sidoarjo, meaning mud from Sidoarjo which erupted near the Banjarpanji-1 exploration well in Sidoarjo, East Java, Indonesia on 27 May 2006. The effect of NaOH molarity, LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA) ratio, and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio to the ALGA are investigated at a sintering temperature of 950 °C. The results show that the optimum NaOH molarity found in this study is 12 M due to the highest strength (lowest AIV value) of 15.79% with lower water absorption and specific gravity. The optimum LUSI mud/Alkaline activator (LM/AA) ratio of 1.7 and the Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 0.4 gives the highest strength with AIV value of 15.42% with specific gravity of 1.10 g/cm3 and water absorption of 4.7%. The major synthesized crystalline phases were identified as sodalite, quartz and albite. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) image showed more complete geopolymer matrix which contributes to highest strength of ALGA produced. PMID:26006238

  1. Zero-gravity growth of NaF-NaCl eutectics in the NASA Skylab program

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yue, A. S.; Allen, F. G.; Yu, J. G.


    Continuous and discontinuous NaF fibers, embedded in a NaCl matrix, were produced in space and on earth. The production of continuous fibers in a eutectic mixture is attributed to the absence of convection current in the liquid during solidification in space. Image transmission and optical transmittance measurements of transverse sections of the space-grown and earth-grown ingots were made with a light microscope and a spectrometer. It is shown that better optical properties were obtained from samples grown in space. This was attributed to a better alignment of NaF fibers along the ingot axis. A new concept is advanced to explain the phenomenon of transmittance versus far infrared wavelength of the directionally solidified NaCl-NaF eutectic in terms of the two-dimensional Bragg Scattering and the polarization effect of Rayleigh scattering. This concept can be applied to other eutectic systems as long as the index of refraction of the matrix over a range of wavelengths is known. Experimental data are in agreement with the theoretical prediction.

  2. Light-driven Na + pump from Gillisia limnaea: A high-affinity Na + binding site is formed transiently in the photocycle


    Balashov, Sergei P.; Imasheva, Eleonora S.; Dioumaev, Andrei K.; ...


    A group of microbial retinal proteins most closely related to the proton pump xanthorhodopsin has a novel sequence motif and a novel function. Instead of, or in addition to, proton transport, they perform light-driven sodium ion transport, as reported for one representative of this group (KR2) from Krokinobacter. In this paper, we examine a similar protein, GLR from Gillisia limnaea, expressed in Escherichia coli, which shares some properties with KR2 but transports only Na +. The absorption spectrum of GLR is insensitive to Na + at concentrations of ≤3 M. However, very low concentrations of Na + cause profound differencesmore » in the decay and rise time of photocycle intermediates, consistent with a switch from a “Na +-independent” to a “Na +-dependent” photocycle (or photocycle branch) at ~60 μM Na +. The rates of photocycle steps in the latter, but not the former, are linearly dependent on Na + concentration. This suggests that a high-affinity Na + binding site is created transiently after photoexcitation, and entry of Na + from the bulk to this site redirects the course of events in the remainder of the cycle. A greater concentration of Na + is needed for switching the reaction path at lower pH. The data suggest therefore competition between H + and Na + to determine the two alternative pathways. The idea that a Na + binding site can be created at the Schiff base counterion is supported by the finding that upon perturbation of this region in the D251E mutant, Na + binds without photoexcitation. Furthermore, binding of Na+ to the mutant shifts the chromophore maximum to the red like that of H +, which occurs in the photocycle of the wild type.« less

  3. RNA adducts with Na 2SeO 4 and Na 2SeO 3 - Stability and structural features

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nafisi, Shohreh; Manouchehri, Firouzeh; Montazeri, Maryam


    Selenium compounds are widely available in dietary supplements and have been extensively studied for their antioxidant and anticancer properties. Low blood Se levels were found to be associated with an increased incidence and mortality from various types of cancers. Although many in vivo and clinical trials have been conducted using these compounds, their biochemical and chemical mechanisms of efficacy are the focus of much current research. This study was designed to examine the interaction of Na 2SeO 4 and Na 2SeO 3 with RNA in aqueous solution at physiological conditions, using a constant RNA concentration (6.25 mM) and various sodium selenate and sodium selenite/polynucleotide (phosphate) ratios of 1/80, 1/40, 1/20, 1/10, 1/5, 1/2 and 1/1. Fourier transform infrared, UV-Visible spectroscopic methods were used to determine the drug binding modes, the binding constants, and the stability of Na 2SeO 4 and Na 2SeO 3-RNA complexes in aqueous solution. Spectroscopic evidence showed that Na 2SeO 4 and Na 2SeO 3 bind to the major and minor grooves of RNA ( via G, A and U bases) with some degree of the Se-phosphate (PO 2) interaction for both compounds with overall binding constants of K(Na 2SeO 4-RNA) = 8.34 × 10 3 and K(Na 2SeO 3-RNA) = 4.57 × 10 3 M -1. The order of selenium salts-biopolymer stability was Na 2SeO 4-RNA > Na 2SeO 3-RNA. RNA aggregations occurred at higher selenium concentrations. No biopolymer conformational changes were observed upon Na 2SeO 4 and Na 2SeO 3 interactions, while RNA remains in the A-family structure.

  4. Computer simulations and real-time control of ELT AO systems using graphical processing units

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Lianqi; Ellerbroek, Brent


    The adaptive optics (AO) simulations at the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT) have been carried out using the efficient, C based multi-threaded adaptive optics simulator (MAOS, By porting time-critical parts of MAOS to graphical processing units (GPU) using NVIDIA CUDA technology, we achieved a 10 fold speed up for each GTX 580 GPU used compared to a modern quad core CPU. Each time step of full scale end to end simulation for the TMT narrow field infrared AO system (NFIRAOS) takes only 0.11 second in a desktop with two GTX 580s. We also demonstrate that the TMT minimum variance reconstructor can be assembled in matrix vector multiply (MVM) format in 8 seconds with 8 GTX 580 GPUs, meeting the TMT requirement for updating the reconstructor. Analysis show that it is also possible to apply the MVM using 8 GTX 580s within the required latency.

  5. Na Diffusion in Quasi One-Dimensional Ion Conductor NaMn2O4 Observed by μ+SR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Umegaki, Izumi; Nozaki, Hiroshi; Harada, Masashi; Månsson, Martin; Sakurai, Hiroya; Kawasaki, Ikuto; Watanabe, Isao; Sugiyama, Jun

    A quasi one-dimensional (1D) compound, NaMn2O4, in which Mn2O4 zigzag chains form a 1D channel along the b-axis and Na ions locate at the center of the channel, is thought to be a good Na ionic conductor. In order to study Na-ion diffusion, we have measured μ+SR spectra using a powder sample in the temperature range between 100 and 500 K. A diffusive behavior was clearly observed above 325 K. Assuming a thermal activate process for jump diffusion of Na-ion between two nearest neighboring sites, a self diffusion coefficient of Na ion (DNa) and its activation energy (Ea) were estimated as DNa = (3.1 ± 0.2) × 10 - 11 cm2/s at 350 K and Ea = 180(9) meV.

  6. High-Performance Na-O2 Batteries Enabled by Oriented NaO2 Nanowires as Discharge Products.


    Khajehbashi, S Mohammad B; Xu, Lin; Zhang, Guobin; Tan, Shuangshuang; Zhao, Yan; Wang, Lai-Sen; Li, Jiantao; Luo, Wen; Peng, Dong-Liang; Mai, Liqiang


    Na-O 2 batteries are emerging rechargeable batteries due to their high theoretical energy density and abundant resources, but they suffer from sluggish kinetics due to the formation of large-size discharge products with cubic or irregular particle shapes. Here, we report the unique growth of discharge products of NaO 2 nanowires inside Na-O 2 batteries that significantly boosts the performance of Na-O 2 batteries. For this purpose, a high-spin Co 3 O 4 electrocatalyst was synthesized via the high-temperature oxidation of pure cobalt nanoparticles in an external magnetic field. The discharge products of NaO 2 nanowires are 10-20 nm in diameter and ∼10 μm in length, characteristics that provide facile pathways for electron and ion transfer. With these nanowires, Na-O 2 batteries have surpassed 400 cycles with a fixed capacity of 1000 mA h g -1 , an ultra-low over-potential of ∼60 mV during charging, and near-zero over-potential during discharging. This strategy not only provides a unique way to control the morphology of discharge products to achieve high-performance Na-O 2 batteries but also opens up the opportunity to explore growing nanowires in novel conditions.

  7. Outcomes and complications of fractures of distal radius (AO type B and C): volar plating versus nonoperative treatment.


    Sharma, Himanshu; Khare, Ghanshyam Narayan; Singh, Saurabh; Ramaswamy, Arun Govindraj; Kumaraswamy, Vinay; Singh, Ashutosh Kumar


    Management of AO type B and C fractures of the distal radius is controversial. This study compares outcomes and complications of AO type B and C fractures of the distal radius treated with volar locked plating and nonoperative methods. Sixty-four patients with fractures of the distal radius (AO type B and C) were included in this study, according to inclusion criteria, and were allocated to the volar plating group or nonoperative group by alternate randomization: 32 patients with odd numbers went into the nonoperative group and the other 32 with even numbers went into the volar plating group. Patients in the nonoperative group were managed with closed reduction of the fracture and plaster cast application under an image intensifier. Those in the volar plating group were managed by open reduction and fixation with a volar locked plate. Preoperative and postoperative serial clinico-radiological follow-up was done. The range of movement, grip strength, functional outcome scores and radiological parameters were compared. Student's t-test was used for statistical analysis with significance at p < 0.05. Range of movement and functional scores were significantly (p < 0.001) better in the volar plating group, but the difference in ulnar variance and radial and ulnar deviation was insignificant as compared to the nonoperative group. At 24 months follow-up, the nonoperative group had significantly more cases with malunion, articular incongruity and osteoarthritis. In cases of AO type B or C fractures of the distal radius, volar locked plating provides anatomical stable fixation and early mobilization with better clinico-radiological outcome as compared to conservative treatment.

  8. 24Mg(p, α) 21Na reaction study for spectroscopy of 21Na


    Cha, S. M.; Chae, K. Y.; Kim, A.; ...


    The Mg-24(p, alpha)Na-21 reaction was measured at the Holifield Radioactive Ion Beam Facility at Oak Ridge National Laboratory in order to better constrain the spins and parities of the energy levels in Na-21 for the astrophysically important F-17(alpha, p)Ne-20 reaction rate calculation. 31-MeV proton beams from the 25-MV tandem accelerator and enriched Mg-24 solid targets were used. When recoiling He-4 particles from the Mg-24(p, alpha)Na-21 reaction we used a highly segmented silicon detector array to detect them; it measured the yields of He-4 particles over a range of angles simultaneously. A observed a new level at 6661 ± 5 keVmore » in the present work. The extracted angular distributions for the first four levels of Na-21 and the results from distorted wave Born approximation (DWBA) calculations were compared to verify and extract the angular momentum transfer.« less

  9. Insight to the Thermal Decomposition and Hydrogen Desorption Behaviors of NaNH2-NaBH4 Hydrogen Storage Composite.


    Pei, Ziwei; Bai, Ying; Wang, Yue; Wu, Feng; Wu, Chuan


    The lightweight compound material NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 is regarded as a promising hydrogen storage composite due to the high hydrogen density. Mechanical ball milling was employed to synthesize the composite NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 (2/1 molar ratio), and the samples were investigated utilizing thermogravimetric-differential thermal analysis-mass spectroscopy (TG-DTA-MS), X-ray diffraction (XRD), and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) analyses. The full-spectrum test (range of the ratio of mass to charge: 0-200) shows that the released gaseous species contain H 2 , NH 3 , B 2 H 6 , and N 2 in the heating process from room temperature to 400 °C, and possibly the impurity gas B 6 H 12 also exists. The TG/DTA analyses show that the composite NaNH 2 -NaBH 4 (2/1 molar ratio) is conductive to generate hydrogen so that the dehydrogenation process can be finished before 400 °C. Moreover, the thermal decomposition process from 200 to 400 °C involves two-step dehydrogenation reactions: (1) Na 3 (NH 2 ) 2 BH 4 hydride decomposes into Na 3 BN 2 and H 2 (200-350 °C); (2) remaining Na 3 (NH 2 ) 2 BH 4 reacts with NaBH 4 and Na 3 BN 2 , generating Na, BN, NH 3 , N 2 , and H 2 (350-400 °C). The better mechanism understanding of the thermal decomposition pathway lays a foundation for tailoring the hydrogen storage performance of the composite complex hydrides system.

  10. Sodium channel diversity in the vestibular ganglion: NaV1.5, NaV1.8, and tetrodotoxin-sensitive currents

    PubMed Central


    Firing patterns differ between subpopulations of vestibular primary afferent neurons. The role of sodium (NaV) channels in this diversity has not been investigated because NaV currents in rodent vestibular ganglion neurons (VGNs) were reported to be homogeneous, with the voltage dependence and tetrodotoxin (TTX) sensitivity of most neuronal NaV channels. RT-PCR experiments, however, indicated expression of diverse NaV channel subunits in the vestibular ganglion, motivating a closer look. Whole cell recordings from acutely dissociated postnatal VGNs confirmed that nearly all neurons expressed NaV currents that are TTX-sensitive and have activation midpoints between −30 and −40 mV. In addition, however, many VGNs expressed one of two other NaV currents. Some VGNs had a small current with properties consistent with NaV1.5 channels: low TTX sensitivity, sensitivity to divalent cation block, and a relatively negative voltage range, and some VGNs showed NaV1.5-like immunoreactivity. Other VGNs had a current with the properties of NaV1.8 channels: high TTX resistance, slow time course, and a relatively depolarized voltage range. In two NaV1.8 reporter lines, subsets of VGNs were labeled. VGNs with NaV1.8-like TTX-resistant current also differed from other VGNs in the voltage dependence of their TTX-sensitive currents and in the voltage threshold for spiking and action potential shape. Regulated expression of NaV channels in primary afferent neurons is likely to selectively affect firing properties that contribute to the encoding of vestibular stimuli. PMID:26936982

  11. Enhancement of the sulfur capture capacity of limestones by the addition of Na2CO3 and NaCl.


    Laursen, K; Grace, J R; Lim, C J


    The ability of Na2CO3 and NaCl to enhance the sulfur capture capacity of three limestones was evaluated via fixed-bed calcination and sulfation experiments. The tested limestones represent three different sulfation morphologies: unreacted-core, network, and uniformly sulfated. Treatment with aqueous or powdered Na2CO3 significantly increased the Ca-utilization for two stones which normally sulfate in an unreacted-core pattern (20% to 45%) and network pattern (33% to 49%). The increase was lower for the uniformly sulfated stone (44% to 48%). Na2CO3 treatment increased the number of macropores leading to uniform sulfation of all particles, nearly eliminating the normal strong dependence of utilization on limestone type and particle size. The effect of Na2CO3 is believed to be associated with formation of a eutectic melt which enhances ionic diffusion and accelerates molecular rearrangement of the CaO. Treatment with aqueous NaCl solution caused a decrease in utilization, probably due to formation of large grains and plugging of pores caused by formation of a large amount of eutectic melt. The effect of Na2CO3 is less sensitive than that of NaCl to the amount added and the combustion environment (temperature and gas composition). In addition, Na2CO3 neither promotes corrosion nor forms chlorinated byproducts, which are main concerns associated with NaCl. Thus, Na2CO3 appears to have significant advantages over NaCl for enhancement of limestone sulfur capture capacity in fluidized-bed combustors.

  12. Concentration dependence of Li+/Na+ diffusion in manganese hexacyanoferrates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Takachi, Masamitsu; Fukuzumi, Yuya; Moritomo, Yutaka


    Manganese hexacyanoferrates (Mn-HCFs) with a jungle-gym-type structure are promising cathode materials for Li+/Na+ secondary batteries (LIBs/SIBs). Here, we investigated the diffusion constants D Li/D Na of Li+/Na+ against the Li+/Na+ concentration x Na/x Li and temperature (T) of A 1.32Mn[Fe(CN)6]0.833.6H2O (A = Li and Na). We evaluated the activation energy E\\text{a}\\text{Li}/E\\text{a}\\text{Na} of D Li/D Na against x Na/x Li. We found that E\\text{a}\\text{Na} steeply increases with x Na from 0.41 eV at x Na = 0.69 to 0.7 eV at 1.1. The increase in E\\text{a}\\text{Na} is ascribed to the occupancy effect of the Na+ site. The increase in E\\text{a}\\text{Li} is suppressed, probably because the number of Li+ sites is three times that of Na+ sites.

  13. Carbon dioxide sequestration using NaHSO4 and NaOH: A dissolution and carbonation optimisation study.


    Sanna, Aimaro; Steel, Luc; Maroto-Valer, M Mercedes


    The use of NaHSO 4 to leach out Mg fromlizardite-rich serpentinite (in form of MgSO 4 ) and the carbonation of CO 2 (captured in form of Na 2 CO 3 using NaOH) to form MgCO 3 and Na 2 SO 4 was investigated. Unlike ammonium sulphate, sodium sulphate can be separated via precipitation during the recycling step avoiding energy intensive evaporation process required in NH 4 -based processes. To determine the effectiveness of the NaHSO 4 /NaOH process when applied to lizardite, the optimisation of the dissolution and carbonation steps were performed using a UK lizardite-rich serpentine. Temperature, solid/liquid ratio, particle size, concentration and molar ratio were evaluated. An optimal dissolution efficiency of 69.6% was achieved over 3 h at 100 °C using 1.4 M sodium bisulphate and 50 g/l serpentine with particle size 75-150 μm. An optimal carbonation efficiency of 95.4% was achieved over 30 min at 90 °C and 1:1 magnesium:sodium carbonate molar ratio using non-synthesised solution. The CO 2 sequestration capacity was 223.6 g carbon dioxide/kg serpentine (66.4% in terms of Mg bonded to hydromagnesite), which is comparable with those obtained using ammonium based processes. Therefore, lizardite-rich serpentinites represent a valuable resource for the NaHSO 4 /NaOH based pH swing mineralisation process. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. Characterization and antibacterial activity of silver exchanged regenerated NaY zeolite from surfactant-modified NaY zeolite.


    Salim, Mashitah Mad; Malek, Nik Ahmad Nizam Nik


    The antibacterial activity of regenerated NaY zeolite (thermal treatment from cetyltrimethyl ammonium bromide (CTAB)-modified NaY zeolite and pretreatment with Na ions) loaded with silver ions were examined using the broth dilution minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) method against Escherichia coli (E. coli ATCC 11229) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus ATCC 6538). X-ray diffraction (XRD), attenuated total reflectance-Fourier transform infrared (ATR-FTIR) spectroscopy, field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM), energy dispersive X-ray (EDX) and chemical elemental analyses were used to characterize the regenerated NaY and AgY zeolites. The XRD patterns indicated that the calcination and addition of silver ions on regenerated NaY zeolite did not affect the structure of the regenerated NaY zeolite as the characteristic peaks of the NaY zeolite were retained, and no new peaks were observed. The regenerated AgY zeolite showed good antibacterial activity against both bacteria strains in distilled water, and the antibacterial activity of the samples increased with increasing Ag loaded on the regenerated AgY zeolite; the regenerated AgY zeolite was more effective against E. coli than S. aureus. However, the antibacterial activity of the regenerated AgY was not effective in saline solution for both bacteria. The study showed that CTAB-modified NaY zeolite materials could be regenerated to NaY zeolite using thermal treatment (550°C, 5h) and this material has excellent performance as an antibacterial agent after silver ions loading. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. Adsorption and Formation of Small Na Clusters on Pristine and Double-Vacancy Graphene for Anodes of Na-Ion Batteries.


    Liang, Zhicong; Fan, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Weitao; Singh, David J


    Layered carbon is a likely anode material for Na-ion batteries (NIBs). Graphitic carbon has a low capacity of approximately 35 (mA h)/g due to the formation of NaC 64 . Using first-principles methods including van der Waals interactions, we analyze the adsorption of Na ions and clusters on graphene in the context of anodes. The interaction between Na ions and graphene is found to be weak. Small Na clusters are not stable on the surface of pristine graphene in the electrochemical environment of NIBs. However, we find that Na ions and clusters can be stored effectively on defected graphene that has double vacancies. In addition, the adsorption energy of small Na clusters near a double vacancy is found to decrease with increasing cluster size. With high concentrations of vacancies the capacity of Na on defective graphene is found to be as much as 10-30 times higher than that of graphitic carbon.

  16. Shoot Na+ Exclusion and Increased Salinity Tolerance Engineered by Cell Type–Specific Alteration of Na+ Transport in Arabidopsis[W][OA

    PubMed Central

    Møller, Inge S.; Gilliham, Matthew; Jha, Deepa; Mayo, Gwenda M.; Roy, Stuart J.; Coates, Juliet C.; Haseloff, Jim; Tester, Mark


    Soil salinity affects large areas of cultivated land, causing significant reductions in crop yield globally. The Na+ toxicity of many crop plants is correlated with overaccumulation of Na+ in the shoot. We have previously suggested that the engineering of Na+ exclusion from the shoot could be achieved through an alteration of plasma membrane Na+ transport processes in the root, if these alterations were cell type specific. Here, it is shown that expression of the Na+ transporter HKT1;1 in the mature root stele of Arabidopsis thaliana decreases Na+ accumulation in the shoot by 37 to 64%. The expression of HKT1;1 specifically in the mature root stele is achieved using an enhancer trap expression system for specific and strong overexpression. The effect in the shoot is caused by the increased influx, mediated by HKT1;1, of Na+ into stelar root cells, which is demonstrated in planta and leads to a reduction of root-to-shoot transfer of Na+. Plants with reduced shoot Na+ also have increased salinity tolerance. By contrast, plants constitutively expressing HKT1;1 driven by the cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter accumulated high shoot Na+ and grew poorly. Our results demonstrate that the modification of a specific Na+ transport process in specific cell types can reduce shoot Na+ accumulation, an important component of salinity tolerance of many higher plants. PMID:19584143

  17. NMR studies on Na+ transport in Synechococcus PCC 6311

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nitschmann, W. H.; Packer, L.


    The freshwater cyanobacterium Synechococcus PCC 6311 is able to adapt to grow after sudden exposure to salt (NaCl) stress. We have investigated the mechanism of Na+ transport in these cells during adaptation to high salinity. Na+ influx under dark aerobic conditions occurred independently of delta pH or delta psi across the cytoplasmic membrane, ATPase activity, and respiratory electron transport. These findings are consistent with the existence of Na+/monovalent anion cotransport or simultaneous Na+/H+ +anion/OH- exchange. Na+ influx was dependent on Cl-, Br-, NO3-, or NO2-. No Na+ uptake occurred after addition of NaI, NaHCO3, or Na2SO4. Na+ extrusion was absolutely dependent on delta pH and on an ATPase activity and/or on respiratory electron transport. This indicates that Na+ extrusion via Na+/H+ exchange is driven by primary H+ pumps in the cytoplasmic membrane. Cells grown for 4 days in 0.5 m NaCl medium, "salt-grown cells," differ from control cells by a lower maximum velocity of Na+ influx and by lower steady-state ratios of [Na+]in/[Na+]out. These results indicate that cells grown in high-salt medium increase their capacity to extrude Na+. During salt adaptation Na+ extrusion driven by respiratory electron transport increased from about 15 to 50%.

  18. Instrument control software development process for the multi-star AO system ARGOS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kulas, M.; Barl, L.; Borelli, J. L.; Gässler, W.; Rabien, S.


    The ARGOS project (Advanced Rayleigh guided Ground layer adaptive Optics System) will upgrade the Large Binocular Telescope (LBT) with an AO System consisting of six Rayleigh laser guide stars. This adaptive optics system integrates several control loops and many different components like lasers, calibration swing arms and slope computers that are dispersed throughout the telescope. The purpose of the instrument control software (ICS) is running this AO system and providing convenient client interfaces to the instruments and the control loops. The challenges for the ARGOS ICS are the development of a distributed and safety-critical software system with no defects in a short time, the creation of huge and complex software programs with a maintainable code base, the delivery of software components with the desired functionality and the support of geographically distributed project partners. To tackle these difficult tasks, the ARGOS software engineers reuse existing software like the novel middleware from LINC-NIRVANA, an instrument for the LBT, provide many tests at different functional levels like unit tests and regression tests, agree about code and architecture style and deliver software incrementally while closely collaborating with the project partners. Many ARGOS ICS components are already successfully in use in the laboratories for testing ARGOS control loops.

  19. Interaction of NaOH solutions with silica surfaces

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rimsza, Jessica M.; Jones, Reese E.; Criscenti, Louise J.

    Sodium adsorption on silica surfaces depends on the solution counter-ion. Here, we use NaOH solutions to investigate basic environments. Sodium adsorption on hydroxylated silica surfaces from NaOH solutions were investigated through molecular dynamics with a dissociative force field, allowing for the development of secondary molecular species. Furthermore, across the NaOH concentrations (0.01 M – 1.0 M), ~50% of the Na + ions were concentrated in the surface region, developing silica surface charges between –0.01 C/m 2 (0.01 M NaOH) and –0.76 C/m 2 (1.0 M NaOH) due to surface site deprotonation. Five inner-sphere adsorption complexes were identified, including monodentate, bidentate,more » and tridentate configurations and two additional structures, with Na + ions coordinated by bridging oxygen and hydroxyl groups or water molecules. Coordination of Na + ions by bridging oxygen atoms indicates partial or complete incorporation of Na + ions into the silica surface. Residence time analysis identified that Na + ions coordinated by bridging oxygen atoms stayed adsorbed onto the surface four times longer than the mono/bi/tridentate species, indicating formation of relatively stable and persistent Na + ion adsorption structures. Such inner-sphere complexes form only at NaOH concentrations of > 0.5 M. Na + adsorption and lifetimes have implications for the stability of silica surfaces.« less

  20. Interaction of NaOH solutions with silica surfaces


    Rimsza, Jessica M.; Jones, Reese E.; Criscenti, Louise J.


    Sodium adsorption on silica surfaces depends on the solution counter-ion. Here, we use NaOH solutions to investigate basic environments. Sodium adsorption on hydroxylated silica surfaces from NaOH solutions were investigated through molecular dynamics with a dissociative force field, allowing for the development of secondary molecular species. Furthermore, across the NaOH concentrations (0.01 M – 1.0 M), ~50% of the Na + ions were concentrated in the surface region, developing silica surface charges between –0.01 C/m 2 (0.01 M NaOH) and –0.76 C/m 2 (1.0 M NaOH) due to surface site deprotonation. Five inner-sphere adsorption complexes were identified, including monodentate, bidentate,more » and tridentate configurations and two additional structures, with Na + ions coordinated by bridging oxygen and hydroxyl groups or water molecules. Coordination of Na + ions by bridging oxygen atoms indicates partial or complete incorporation of Na + ions into the silica surface. Residence time analysis identified that Na + ions coordinated by bridging oxygen atoms stayed adsorbed onto the surface four times longer than the mono/bi/tridentate species, indicating formation of relatively stable and persistent Na + ion adsorption structures. Such inner-sphere complexes form only at NaOH concentrations of > 0.5 M. Na + adsorption and lifetimes have implications for the stability of silica surfaces.« less

  1. FlyEyes: A CCD-Based Wavefront Sensor for PUEO, the CFHT Curvature AO System

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Charles Cuillandre, Kevin K.Y. Ho, Marc Baril , Tom Benedict, Jeff Ward, Jim Thomas, Derrick Salmon, Chueh-Jen Lin, Shiang-Yu Wang, Gerry Luppino...sensor for PUEO, the CFHT curvature AO system Olivier Lai, Jean-Charles Cuillandre , Kevin K.Y. Ho, lVIarc Baril , Tom Benedict, Jeff ’Varel, Jim Thomas

  2. Accessing naïve human pluripotency

    PubMed Central

    De Los Angeles, Alejandro; Loh, Yuin-Han; Tesar, Paul J; Daley, George Q


    Pluripotency manifests during mammalian development through formation of the epiblast, founder tissue of the embryo proper. Rodent pluripotent stem cells can be considered as two distinct states: naïve and primed. Naïve pluripotent stem cell lines are distinguished from primed cells by self-renewal in response to LIF signaling and MEK/GSK3 inhibition (LIF/2i conditions) and two active X chromosomes in female cells. In rodent cells, the naïve pluripotent state may be accessed through at least three routes: explantation of the inner cell mass, somatic cell reprogramming by ectopic Oct4, Sox2, Klf4, and C-myc, and direct reversion of primed post-implantation-associated epiblast stem cells (EpiSCs). In contrast to their rodent counterparts, human embryonic stem cells and induced pluripotent stem cells more closely resemble rodent primed EpiSCs. A critical question is whether naïve human pluripotent stem cells with bona fide features of both a pluripotent state and naïve-specific features can be obtained. In this review, we outline current understanding of the differences between these pluripotent states in mice, new perspectives on the origins of naïve pluripotency in rodents, and recent attempts to apply the rodent paradigm to capture naïve pluripotency in human cells. Unraveling how to stably induce naïve pluripotency in human cells will influence the full realization of human pluripotent stem cell biology and medicine. PMID:22463982

  3. The study of the use of a latex biomembrane and conjunctival autograft in rabbit conjunctiva wound healing.


    Pinho, Erika Christina Canarim Martha de; Chahud, Fernando; Lachat, João-José; Coutinho-Netto, Joaquim José; Sousa, Sidney Julio Faria E


    RESUMO Objetivo: Estudar o uso da biomembrana de látex e o transplante conjuntival autólogo na cicatrização conjuntival em coelhos. Métodos: Em nove coelhos albinos, neo-zelandeses, machos foram removidas áreas retangulares idênticas, do quadrante supero nasal, adjacente ao limbo, de ambos os olhos. As áreas desnudas da camada esclerótica nos olhos direitos foram recobertas com biomembrana de látex e a dos olhos esquerdos com enxerto conjuntival autólogo. Os animais foram sacrificados em grupos de três, aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após a cirurgia. Os tecidos do local cirúrgico, incluindo a córnea, foram fixados em formaldeído, antes de serem processados em parafina e corados com hematoxilina e eosina. A natureza e a intensidade da resposta inflamatória e o padrão de epitelização da superfície conjuntival foram avaliados sob microscopia óptica, em seções histológicas longitudinais, passando pelo centro dos espécimes anatômicos. Resultados: Até o décimo quarto dia pós-operatório, o grupo que recebeu a biomembrana apresentou reação inflamatória mais intensa do que o grupo com auto enxerto conjuntival. Aos 14 dias, os olhos com biomembrana apresentavam-se menos inflamados e com estroma mais espesso do que aos 7 dias. Aos 21 dias, a reparação conjuntival de ambos os grupos apresentavam características semelhantes. Conclusão: Apesar de apresentar uma cicatrização mais lenta, a biomembrana de látex se mostrou tão eficaz quanto o auto enxerto conjuntival na reconstrução da superfície ocular após três semanas de cicatrização pós-operatória. Devido as suas baixas toxicidade e alergenicidade, este material parece ser uma opção terapêutica promissora na reconstrução da conjuntiva.ABSTRACT Purpose: To study a latex biomembrane and conjunctival autograft with regard to the promotion of conjunctival healing in rabbits. The study included nine male albino rabbits. In these rabbits, a rectangular area of the conjunctiva was surgically

  4. Neutron diffraction studies of the Na-ion battery electrode materials NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Yahia, H. Ben; Essehli, R., E-mail:; Avdeev, M.

    The new compounds NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method and their crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. These compounds were characterized by galvanometric cycling and cyclic voltammetry. NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. The structure consists of a 3D-framework made of octahedra and tetrahedra that are sharing corners and/or edges generating channels along [100] and [010], in which the sodium atoms are located. Of significance, in the structuresmore » of NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} a statistical disorder Ni{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was observed on both the 8g and 4a atomic positions, whereas in NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} the statistical disorder Co{sup 2+}/Cr{sup 3+} was only observed on the 8g atomic position. When tested as negative electrode materials, NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} delivered specific capacities of 352, 385, and 368 mA h g{sup −1}, respectively, which attests to the electrochemical activity of sodium in these compounds. - Highlights: • NaCoCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, NaNiCr{sub 2}(PO{sub 4}){sub 3}, and Na{sub 2}Ni{sub 2}Cr(PO{sub 4}){sub 3} were synthesized by sol-gel method. • The crystal structures were determined by using neutron powder diffraction data. • The three compounds crystallize with a stuffed α-CrPO{sub 4}-type structure. • The three compounds were tested as anodes in sodium-ion batteries. • Relatively high specific capacities were obtained for these compounds.« less

  5. Transcriptional regulators of Na,K-ATPase subunits

    PubMed Central

    Li, Zhiqin; Langhans, Sigrid A.


    The Na,K-ATPase classically serves as an ion pump creating an electrochemical gradient across the plasma membrane that is essential for transepithelial transport, nutrient uptake and membrane potential. In addition, Na,K-ATPase also functions as a receptor, a signal transducer and a cell adhesion molecule. With such diverse roles, it is understandable that the Na,K-ATPase subunits, the catalytic α-subunit, the β-subunit and the FXYD proteins, are controlled extensively during development and to accommodate physiological needs. The spatial and temporal expression of Na,K-ATPase is partially regulated at the transcriptional level. Numerous transcription factors, hormones, growth factors, lipids, and extracellular stimuli modulate the transcription of the Na,K-ATPase subunits. Moreover, epigenetic mechanisms also contribute to the regulation of Na,K-ATPase expression. With the ever growing knowledge about diseases associated with the malfunction of Na,K-ATPase, this review aims at summarizing the best-characterized transcription regulators that modulate Na,K-ATPase subunit levels. As abnormal expression of Na,K-ATPase subunits has been observed in many carcinoma, we will also discuss transcription factors that are associated with epithelial-mesenchymal transition, a crucial step in the progression of many tumors to malignant disease. PMID:26579519

  6. Promoter isolation and characterization of GhAO-like1, a Gossypium hirsutum gene similar to multicopper oxidases that is highly expressed in reproductive organs.


    Lambret-Frotté, Julia; Artico, Sinara; Muniz Nardeli, Sarah; Fonseca, Fernando; Brilhante Oliveira-Neto, Osmundo; Grossi-de-Sá, Maria Fatima; Alves-Ferreira, Marcio


    Cotton is one of the most economically important cultivated crops. It is the major source of natural fiber for the textile industry and an important target for genetic modification for both biotic stress and herbicide tolerance. Therefore, the characterization of genes and regulatory regions that might be useful for genetic transformation is indispensable. The isolation and characterization of new regulatory regions is of great importance to drive transgene expression in genetically modified crops. One of the major drawbacks in cotton production is pest damage; therefore, the most promising, cost-effective, and sustainable method for pest control is the development of genetically resistant cotton lines. Considering this scenario, our group isolated and characterized the promoter region of a MCO (multicopper oxidase) from Gossypium hirsutum, named GhAO-like1 (ascorbate oxidase-like1). The quantitative expression, together with the in vivo characterization of the promoter region reveals that GhAO-like1 has a flower- and fruit-specific expression pattern. The GUS activity is mainly observed in stamens, as expected considering that the GhAO-like1 regulatory sequence is enriched in cis elements, which have been characterized as a target of reproductive tissue specific transcription factors. Both histological and quantitative analyses in Arabidopsis thaliana have confirmed flower (mainly in stamens) and fruit expression of GhAO-like1. In the present paper, we isolated and characterized both in silico and in vivo the promoter region of the GhAO-like1 gene. The regulatory region of GhAO-like1 might be useful to confer tissue-specific expression in genetically modified plants.

  7. Sepsis does not alter red blood cell glucose metabolism or Na+ concentration: A 2H-, 23Na-NMR study

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hotchkiss, R.S.; Song, S.K.; Ling, C.S.

    The effects of sepsis on intracellular Na+ concentration ((Na+)i) and glucose metabolism were examined in rat red blood cells (RBCs) by using 23Na- and 2H-nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) spectroscopy. Sepsis was induced in 15 halothane-anesthetized female Sprague-Dawley rats by using the cecal ligation and perforation technique; 14 control rats underwent cecal manipulation without ligation. The animals were fasted for 36 h, but allowed free access to water. At 36 h postsurgery, RBCs were examined by 23Na-NMR by using dysprosium tripolyphosphate as a chemical shift reagent. Human RBCs from 17 critically ill nonseptic patients and from 7 patients who were diagnosedmore » as septic were also examined for (Na+)i. Five rat RBC specimens had (Na+)i determined by both 23Na-NMR and inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectroscopy (ICP-AES). For glucose metabolism studies, RBCs from septic and control rats were suspended in modified Krebs-Henseleit buffer containing (6,6-2H2)glucose and examined by 2H-NMR. No significant differences in (Na+)i or glucose utilization were found in RBCs from control or septic rats. There were no differences in (Na+)i in the two groups of patients. The (Na+)i determined by NMR spectroscopy agreed closely with measurements using ICP-AES and establish that 100% of the (Na+)i of the RBC is visible by NMR. Glucose measurements determined by 2H-NMR correlated closely (correlation coefficient = 0.93) with enzymatic analysis. These studies showed no evidence that sepsis disturbed RBC membrane function or metabolism.« less

  8. [Effect of NaHCO3 stress on uptake and transportation of Na+, K+ and Ca2+ in three shrub species].


    Mao, Gui-Lian; Li, Guo-Qi; Xu, Xing; Zhang, Xin-Xue


    We detected absorption and transportation of ions in the leaves of Atriplex nummularia, Atriplex canescens and Lycium barbarum under NaHCO3 stress (300 mmol x L(-1)) by using atomic absorption spectrophotometry and non-invasive ion flux measurement. The results showed that leaves of the A. nummularia, A. canescens and L. barbarum exhibited a high capacity to induce the Na+ accumulation when compared with that of control. The higher the concentration of NaHCO3 treatment, the more Na+ accumulated in the leaves of the three plants under experimental condition. L. barbarum showed a higher Na+ efflux in the mesophyll cells, whereas A. nummularia and A. canescens showed a relative lower efflux. A lower K+ content and a higher Na+/K+ ratio were detected in leaves of A. nummularia and L. barbarum. However, a higher K+ content and a lower Na+/K+ ratio were seen in leaves of A. canescens. Due to induction of Ca2+ efflux under the NaHCO3 treatment, a lower Ca2+ content and a higher Na+/Ca2+ ratio were observed in L. barbarum. On the contrary, a higher Ca2+ influx was observed in A. nummularia and A. canescens. These results suggested that the three shrubs species had different Na+ segmentation strategies. The accumulation of Na+ inhibited Ca2+ absorption in leaves of L. barbarum, while in the A. nummularia and A. canescens, Ca2+ influx induced [Ca2+]cyt which preserved a less-depolarized PM and then inhibited K efflux. The maintaining of cellular K+/Na+ homeostasis in A. nummularia and A. canescens might be achieved by the induction of [Ca2+]cyt under the NaHCO3 treatment.

  9. Closed-loop focal plane wavefront control with the SCExAO instrument

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martinache, Frantz; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Guyon, Olivier


    Aims: This article describes the implementation of a focal plane based wavefront control loop on the high-contrast imaging instrument SCExAO (Subaru Coronagraphic Extreme Adaptive Optics). The sensor relies on the Fourier analysis of conventional focal-plane images acquired after an asymmetric mask is introduced in the pupil of the instrument. Methods: This absolute sensor is used here in a closed-loop to compensate for the non-common path errors that normally affects any imaging system relying on an upstream adaptive optics system.This specific implementation was used to control low-order modes corresponding to eight zernike modes (from focus to spherical). Results: This loop was successfully run on-sky at the Subaru Telescope and is used to offset the SCExAO deformable mirror shape used as a zero-point by the high-order wavefront sensor. The paper details the range of errors this wavefront-sensing approach can operate within and explores the impact of saturation of the data and how it can be bypassed, at a cost in performance. Conclusions: Beyond this application, because of its low hardware impact, the asymmetric pupil Fourier wavefront sensor (APF-WFS) can easily be ported in a wide variety of wavefront sensing contexts, for ground- as well space-borne telescopes, and for telescope pupils that can be continuous, segmented or even sparse. The technique is powerful because it measures the wavefront where it really matters, at the level of the science detector.

  10. High pressure structural stability of the Na-Te system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Youchun; Tian, Fubo; Li, Da; Duan, Defang; Xie, Hui; Liu, Bingbing; Zhou, Qiang; Cui, Tian


    The ab initio evolutionary algorithm is used to search for all thermodynamically stable Na-Te compounds at extreme pressure. In our calculations, several new structures are discovered at high pressure, namely, Imma Na2Te, Pmmm NaTe, Imma Na8Te2 and P4/mmm NaTe3. Like the known structures of Na2Te (Fm-3m, Pnma and P63/mmc), the Pmmm NaTe, Imma Na8Te2 and P4/mmm NaTe3 structures also show semiconductor properties with band-gap decreases when pressure increased. However, we find that the band-gap of Imma Na2Te structure increases with pressure. We presume that the result may be caused by the increasing of splitting between Te p states and Na s, Na p and Te d states. Furthermore, we think that the strong hybridization between Na p state and Te d state result in the band gap increasing with pressure.

  11. FTIR spectra of the solid solutions (Na0.88K0.12)VO3, (Na0.5K0.5)VO3, and Na(V0.66P0.34)O3

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    de Waal, D.; Heyns, A. M.


    It is known that three different solid solutions, (Na0.88K0.12)VO3, (Na0.5K0.5)VO3 and Na(V0.66P0.34)O3, form in the (Na,K)(V,P)O3 system. These compounds all have monoclinic crystal structures similar to the pure alkali metal metavanadates containing small cations, e.g. Li+ and Na+ (Space group C2/c). Metavanadates with large cations like K+, Rb+, C+s and NH+4 form orthorhombic crystals, space group Pbcm. All those are structurally related to the silicate pyroxenes. Na(V0.66P0.34)O3 and (Na0.88K0.12)VO3 have the same modified diopside structure as (alpha) - NaVO3 while (Na0.5K0.5)VO3 adopts the true diopside structure. The infrared spectra of the three solid solutions are reported here in comparison with those of (alpha) -NaVO3 and KVO3. The results are also correlated with those obtained in two independent high pressure Raman studies of NH4VO3 and RbVO3 as the introduction of a larger cation like K+ should increase the pressure in the structure.

  12. A computational study of Na behavior on graphene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malyi, Oleksandr I.; Sopiha, Kostiantyn; Kulish, Vadym V.; Tan, Teck L.; Manzhos, Sergei; Persson, Clas


    We present the first ab initio and molecular dynamics study of Na adsorption and diffusion on ideal graphene that considers Na-Na interaction and dispersion forces. From density functional theory (DFT) calculations using the generalized gradient approximation (GGA), the binding energy (vs. the vacuum reference state) of -0.75 eV is higher than the cohesive energy of Na metal (ENa metal cohesive energy (EcohDFT - D = - 1.21 eV) when dispersion correction is included (DFT-D), with Eb = -1.14 eV. Both DFT and DFT-D predict that the increase of Na concentration on graphene results in formation of Na complexes. This is evidenced by smaller Bader charge on Na atoms of Na dimer, 0.55e (0.48e for DFT) compared to 0.86e (for both DFT and DFT-D) for the single atom adsorption as well as by the formation of a Nasbnd Na bond identified by analysis of the electron density. These results suggest that ideal graphene is not a promising anode material for Na-ion batteries. Analysis of diffusion pathways for a Na dimer shows that the dimer remains stable during the diffusion, and computed migration barriers are significantly lower for the dimer than that for the single atom diffusion. This indicates that Na-Na interaction should be taken into account during the analysis of Na transport on graphene. Finally, we show that the typical defects (vacancy and divacancy) induce significant strengthening of the Nasbnd C interaction. In particular, the largest change to the interaction is computed for vacancy-defected graphene, where the found lowest binding energy (vs. the metal reference state) is about 1.15 eV (1.21 eV for DFT) lower than that for ideal graphene.

  13. The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF)

    PubMed Central

    Audigé, Laurent; Slongo, Theddy; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Joeris, Alexander


    Background and purpose The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) describes the localization and morphology of fractures, and considers severity in 2 categories: (1) simple, and (2) multifragmentary. We evaluated simple and multifragmentary fractures in a large consecutive cohort of children diagnosed with long bone fractures in Switzerland. Patients and methods Children and adolescents treated for fractures between 2009 and 2011 at 2 tertiary pediatric surgery hospitals were retrospectively included. Fractures were classified according to the AO PCCF. Severity classes were described according to fracture location, patient age and sex, BMI, and cause of trauma. Results Of all trauma events, 3% (84 of 2,730) were diagnosed with a multifragmentary fracture. This proportion was age-related: 2% of multifragmentary fractures occurred in school­children and 7% occurred in adolescents. In patients diagnosed with a single fracture only, the highest percentage of multifragmentation occurred in the femur (12%, 15 of 123). In fractured paired radius/ulna bones, multifragmentation occurred in 2% (11 of 687); in fractured paired tibia/fibula bones, it occurred in 21% (24 of 115), particularly in schoolchildren (5 of 18) and adolescents (16 of 40). In a multivariable regression model, age, cause of injury, and bone were found to be relevant prognostic factors of multifragmentation (odds ratio (OR) > 2). Interpretation Overall, multifragmentation in long bone fractures in children was rare and was mostly observed in adolescents. The femur was mostly affected in single fractures and the lower leg was mostly affected in paired-bone fractures. The clinical relevance of multifragmentation regarding growth and long-term functional recovery remains to be determined. PMID:27882814

  14. The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF).


    Audigé, Laurent; Slongo, Theddy; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Joeris, Alexander


    Background and purpose - The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF) describes the localization and morphology of fractures, and considers severity in 2 categories: (1) simple, and (2) multifragmentary. We evaluated simple and multifragmentary fractures in a large consecutive cohort of children diagnosed with long bone fractures in Switzerland. Patients and methods - Children and adolescents treated for fractures between 2009 and 2011 at 2 tertiary pediatric surgery hospitals were retrospectively included. Fractures were classified according to the AO PCCF. Severity classes were described according to fracture location, patient age and sex, BMI, and cause of trauma. Results - Of all trauma events, 3% (84 of 2,730) were diagnosed with a multifragmentary fracture. This proportion was age-related: 2% of multifragmentary fractures occurred in school-children and 7% occurred in adolescents. In patients diagnosed with a single fracture only, the highest percentage of multifragmentation occurred in the femur (12%, 15 of 123). In fractured paired radius/ulna bones, multifragmentation occurred in 2% (11 of 687); in fractured paired tibia/fibula bones, it occurred in 21% (24 of 115), particularly in schoolchildren (5 of 18) and adolescents (16 of 40). In a multivariable regression model, age, cause of injury, and bone were found to be relevant prognostic factors of multifragmentation (odds ratio (OR) > 2). Interpretation - Overall, multifragmentation in long bone fractures in children was rare and was mostly observed in adolescents. The femur was mostly affected in single fractures and the lower leg was mostly affected in paired-bone fractures. The clinical relevance of multifragmentation regarding growth and long-term functional recovery remains to be determined.

  15. Thyroid thermogenesis. Relationships between Na+-dependent respiration and Na+ + K+-adenosine triphosphatase activity in rat skeletal muscle.

    PubMed Central

    Asano, Y; Liberman, U A; Edelman, I S


    The effect of thyroid status on QO2, QO2 (t) and NaK-ATPase activity was examined in rat skeletal muscle. QO2(t) (i.e. Na+-transport-dependent respiration) was estimated with ouabain or Na+-free media supplemented with K+. In contrast to the effects of ouabain on ion composition, intracellular K+ was maintained at about 125 meq/liter, and intracellular Na+ was almost nil in the Na+-free media. The estimates of QO2(t) were independent of the considerable differences in tissue ion concentrations. The increase in QO2(t) account for 47% of the increase in QO2 in the transition from the hypothyroid to the euthyroid state and 84% of the increase in the transition from the euthyroid to the hyperthyroid state. Surgical thyroidectomy lowered NaK-ATPase activity of the microsomal fraction (expressed per milligram protein) 32%; injections of triodothyronine (T3) increased this activity 75% in initially hypothyroid rats and 26% in initially euthyroid rats. Thyroidectomy was attended by significant falls in serum Ca and Pi concentrations. Administration of T3 resulted in further declines in serum Ca and marked increases in serum Ps concentrations. Similar effects were seen in 131I-treated rats, but the magnitude of the declines in serum Ca were less. The effects of T3 on QO2, QO2(t), and NaK-ATPase activity of skeletal muscle were indistinguishable in the 131I-ablated and surgically thyroidectomized rats. In thyroidectomized or euthyroid rats given repeated doses of T3, QO2(t) and NaA-ATPase activity increased proportionately. In thyroidectomized rats injected with single doses of T3, either 10, 50, or 250 mug/100 g body wt, QO2(t) increased linearly with NaK-ATPase activity. The kinetics of the NaK-ATPase activity was assessed with an ATP-generating system. T3 elicited a significant increase in Vmax with no change in Km for ATP. PMID:130385

  16. Laser-induced chemiluminescence of NaMg

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benard, D. J.; Michels, H. H.


    An unstructured continuum emission around 670 nm was observed when Mg was added to an optically pumped heat pipe containing Na and K vapor, in good agreement with ab initio calculations of the NaMg potential energy curves. The corresponding excitation spectrum showed that the incident radiation was observed by NaK molecules (X → C transitions).

  17. Advancement of technology towards developing Na-ion batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jamesh, Mohammed Ibrahim; Prakash, A. S.


    The Na-ion-batteries are considered much attention for the next-generation power-sources due to the high abundance of Na resources that lower the cost and become the alternative for the state of the art Li-ion batteries in future. In this review, the recently reported potential cathode and anode candidates for Na-ion-batteries are identified in-light-of-their high-performance for the development of Na-ion-full-cells. Further, the recent-progress on the Na-ion full-cells including the strategies used to improve the high cycling-performance (stable even up-to 50000 cycles), operating voltage (even ≥ 3.7 V), capacity (>350 mAhg-1 even at 1000 mAg-1 (based-on-mass-of-the-anode)), and energy density (even up-to 400 Whkg-1) are reviewed. In addition, Na-ion-batteries with the electrodes containing reduced graphene oxide, and the recent developments on symmetric Na-ion-batteries are discussed. Further, this paper identifies the promising Na-ion-batteries including the strategies used to assemble full-cell using hard-carbon-anodes, Na3V2(PO4)3 cathodes, and other-electrode-materials. Then, comparison between aqueous and non-aqueous Na-ion-batteries in terms of voltage and energy density has been given. Later, various types of electrolytes used for Na-ion-batteries including aqueous, non-aqueous, ionic-liquids and solid-state electrolytes are discussed. Finally, commercial and technological-developments on Na-ion-batteries are provided. The scientific and engineering knowledge gained on Na-ion-batteries afford conceivable development for practical application in near future.

  18. Negative electrodes for Na-ion batteries.


    Dahbi, Mouad; Yabuuchi, Naoaki; Kubota, Kei; Tokiwa, Kazuyasu; Komaba, Shinichi


    Research interest in Na-ion batteries has increased rapidly because of the environmental friendliness of sodium compared to lithium. Throughout this Perspective paper, we report and review recent scientific advances in the field of negative electrode materials used for Na-ion batteries. This paper sheds light on negative electrode materials for Na-ion batteries: carbonaceous materials, oxides/phosphates (as sodium insertion materials), sodium alloy/compounds and so on. These electrode materials have different reaction mechanisms for electrochemical sodiation/desodiation processes. Moreover, not only sodiation-active materials but also binders, current collectors, electrolytes and electrode/electrolyte interphase and its stabilization are essential for long cycle life Na-ion batteries. This paper also addresses the prospect of Na-ion batteries as low-cost and long-life batteries with relatively high-energy density as their potential competitive edge over the commercialized Li-ion batteries.

  19. Care coordination in PMAQ-AB: an Item Response Theory-based analysis.


    Souza, Miriam Francisco de; Santos, Alaneir de Fatima Dos; Reis, Ilka Afonso; Santos, Marcos Antônio da Cunha; Jorge, Alzira de Oliveira; Machado, Antônio Tomaz Gonzaga da Matta; Andrade, Eli Iola Gurgel; Cherchiglia, Mariangela Leal


    Qualidade da Atenção Básica em 2012. Baseado na Teoria de Resposta ao Item, o Modelo de Resposta Gradual de Samejima foi utilizado para estimação do escore relacionado ao nível de coordenação. Os coeficientes alfa de Cronbach, Spearman e ponto bisserial foram utilizados para análise da consistência interna e da correlação entre os itens e de itens com o escore total. Foram avaliadas as suposições de unidimensionalidade e de independência local dos itens. Gráficos do tipo nuvem de palavras auxiliaram na interpretação dos níveis de coordenação. Os itens do Programa com maior discriminação do nível de coordenação foram: existência de telefone/internet, fluxos institucionais de comunicação e ações de apoio matricial. A frequência de contato de especialistas com a atenção básica e prontuário eletrônico integrado exigiram maior nível de coordenação das equipes. O coeficiente alfa de Cronbach total 0,8018. Os itens fluxos institucional de comunicação e telefone/internet tiveram maior correlação com o escore total. Os escores de coordenação variaram entre -2,67 (mínimo) e 2,83 (máximo). Maior grau de comunicação, troca de informações, apoio matricial, cuidado no território e domicílio tiveram peso relevante nos níveis de coordenação. A capacidade de disponibilizar a informação e a frequência de contato entre os profissionais são elementos importantes para o cuidado abrangente, contínuo e de qualidade.

  20. The Na(+) transporter, TaHKT1;5-D, limits shoot Na(+) accumulation in bread wheat.


    Byrt, Caitlin Siobhan; Xu, Bo; Krishnan, Mahima; Lightfoot, Damien James; Athman, Asmini; Jacobs, Andrew Keith; Watson-Haigh, Nathan S; Plett, Darren; Munns, Rana; Tester, Mark; Gilliham, Matthew


    Bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) has a major salt tolerance locus, Kna1, responsible for the maintenance of a high cytosolic K(+) /Na(+) ratio in the leaves of salt stressed plants. The Kna1 locus encompasses a large DNA fragment, the distal 14% of chromosome 4DL. Limited recombination has been observed at this locus making it difficult to map genetically and identify the causal gene. Here, we decipher the function of TaHKT1;5-D, a candidate gene underlying the Kna1 locus. Transport studies using the heterologous expression systems Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes indicated that TaHKT1;5-D is a Na(+) -selective transporter. Transient expression in Arabidopsis thaliana mesophyll protoplasts and in situ polymerase chain reaction indicated that TaHKT1;5-D is localised on the plasma membrane in the wheat root stele. RNA interference-induced silencing decreased the expression of TaHKT1;5-D in transgenic bread wheat lines which led to an increase in the Na(+) concentration in the leaves. This indicates that TaHKT1;5-D retrieves Na(+) from the xylem vessels in the root and has an important role in restricting the transport of Na(+) from the root to the leaves in bread wheat. Thus, TaHKT1;5-D confers the essential salinity tolerance mechanism in bread wheat associated with the Kna1 locus via shoot Na(+) exclusion and is critical in maintaining a high K(+) /Na(+) ratio in the leaves. These findings show there is potential to increase the salinity tolerance of bread wheat by manipulation of HKT1;5 genes. © 2014 The Authors The Plant Journal © 2014 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  1. Elastic Coulomb breakup of 34Na

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Singh, G.; Shubhchintak, Chatterjee, R.


    Background: 34Na is conjectured to play an important role in the production of seed nuclei in the alternate r -process paths involving light neutron rich nuclei very near the β -stability line, and as such, it is important to know its ground state properties and structure to calculate rates of the reactions it might be involved in, in the stellar plasma. Found in the region of `island of inversion', its ground state might not be in agreement with normal shell model predictions. Purpose: The aim of this paper is to study the elastic Coulomb breakup of 34Na on 208Pb to give us a core of 33Na with a neutron and in the process we try and investigate the one neutron separation energy and the ground state configuration of 34Na. Method: A fully quantum mechanical Coulomb breakup theory within the architecture of post-form finite range distorted wave Born approximation extended to include the effects of deformation is used to research the elastic Coulomb breakup of 34Na on 208Pb at 100 MeV/u. The triple differential cross section calculated for the breakup is integrated over the desired components to find the total cross-section, momentum, and angular distributions as well as the average momenta, along with the energy-angular distributions. Results: The total one neutron removal cross section is calculated to test the possible ground state configurations of 34Na. The average momentum results along with energy-angular calculations indicate 34Na to have a halo structure. The parallel momentum distributions with narrow full widths at half-maxima signify the same. Conclusion: We have attempted to analyze the possible ground state configurations of 34Na and in congruity with the patterns in the `island of inversion' conclude that even without deformation, 34Na should be a neutron halo with a predominant contribution to its ground state most probably coming from 33Na(3 /2+)⊗ 2 p3 /2ν configuration. We also surmise that it would certainly be useful and rewarding to test our

  2. Resurgent current of voltage-gated Na+ channels

    PubMed Central

    Lewis, Amanda H; Raman, Indira M


    Resurgent Na+ current results from a distinctive form of Na+ channel gating, originally identified in cerebellar Purkinje neurons. In these neurons, the tetrodotoxin-sensitive voltage-gated Na+ channels responsible for action potential firing have specialized mechanisms that reduce the likelihood that they accumulate in fast inactivated states, thereby shortening refractory periods and permitting rapid, repetitive, and/or burst firing. Under voltage clamp, step depolarizations evoke transient Na+ currents that rapidly activate and quickly decay, and step repolarizations elicit slower channel reopening, or a ‘resurgent’ current. The generation of resurgent current depends on a factor in the Na+ channel complex, probably a subunit such as NaVβ4 (Scn4b), which blocks open Na+ channels at positive voltages, competing with the fast inactivation gate, and unblocks at negative voltages, permitting recovery from an open channel block along with a flow of current. Following its initial discovery, resurgent Na+ current has been found in nearly 20 types of neurons. Emerging research suggests that resurgent current is preferentially increased in a variety of clinical conditions associated with altered cellular excitability. Here we review the biophysical, molecular and structural mechanisms of resurgent current and their relation to the normal functions of excitable cells as well as pathophysiology. PMID:25172941

  3. Painful Na-channelopathies: an expanding universe.


    Waxman, Stephen G


    The universe of painful Na-channelopathies--human disorders caused by mutations in voltage-gated sodium channels--has recently expanded in three dimensions. We now know that mutations of sodium channels cause not only rare genetic 'model disorders' such as inherited erythromelalgia and channelopathy-associated insensitivity to pain but also common painful neuropathies. We have learned that mutations of NaV1.8, as well as mutations of NaV1.7, can cause painful Na-channelopathies. Moreover, recent studies combining atomic level structural models and pharmacogenomics suggest that the goal of genomically guided pain therapy may not be unrealistic. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  4. Integrated Control of Na Transport along the Nephron

    PubMed Central

    Schnermann, Jürgen


    The kidney filters vast quantities of Na at the glomerulus but excretes a very small fraction of this Na in the final urine. Although almost every nephron segment participates in the reabsorption of Na in the normal kidney, the proximal segments (from the glomerulus to the macula densa) and the distal segments (past the macula densa) play different roles. The proximal tubule and the thick ascending limb of the loop of Henle interact with the filtration apparatus to deliver Na to the distal nephron at a rather constant rate. This involves regulation of both filtration and reabsorption through the processes of glomerulotubular balance and tubuloglomerular feedback. The more distal segments, including the distal convoluted tubule (DCT), connecting tubule, and collecting duct, regulate Na reabsorption to match the excretion with dietary intake. The relative amounts of Na reabsorbed in the DCT, which mainly reabsorbs NaCl, and by more downstream segments that exchange Na for K are variable, allowing the simultaneous regulation of both Na and K excretion. PMID:25098598

  5. Electrical resistivity of liquid Na-alkali alloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malan, Rajesh C.; Vora, Aditya M.


    The electrical resistivity (ρ) has been investigated for the liquid Na-alkali alloys. An effort is made to extend the applicability of the potential suggested by Fiolhais and co-workers to the liquid range for alkali group. The universal parameters of the potential are used for the entire calculation. Eight different screening functions proposed by Hartree (H), Hubbard and Sham (HS), Vashishtha and Shingwi (VS), Taylor (T), Ichimaru and Utsumi (IU), Farid et al. (F), Sarkar et al. (S) and Nagy (N) are used to study the electrical resistivity (ρ) of liquid Na-alkali alloys with well-known Faber-Ziman theory along with Percus-Yevic hard sphere (PYHS) reference system. The results of electrical resistivity (ρ) are found in qualitative agreement with experimental data for the Na-K and Na-Rb alloys than those for Na-Li and Na-Cs alloys.

  6. The Na+ transport in gram-positive bacteria defect in the Mrp antiporter complex measured with 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance.


    Górecki, Kamil; Hägerhäll, Cecilia; Drakenberg, Torbjörn


    (23)Na nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) has previously been used to monitor Na(+) translocation across membranes in gram-negative bacteria and in various other organelles and liposomes using a membrane-impermeable shift reagent to resolve the signals resulting from internal and external Na(+). In this work, the (23)Na NMR method was adapted for measurements of internal Na(+) concentration in the gram-positive bacterium Bacillus subtilis, with the aim of assessing the Na(+) translocation activity of the Mrp (multiple resistance and pH) antiporter complex, a member of the cation proton antiporter-3 (CPA-3) family. The sodium-sensitive growth phenotype observed in a B. subtilis strain with the gene encoding MrpA deleted could indeed be correlated to the inability of this strain to maintain a lower internal Na(+) concentration than an external one. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Phase equilibria in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system at 873 K and crystal structure and physico-chemical characterizations of the new Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F fluorophosphate

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Aboussatar, Mohamed; Laboratoire de Physico-Chimie de l’État Solide, Faculté des Sciences de Sfax, Université de Sfax, BP 1171, 3000 Sfax; Mbarek, Aïcha

    Isothermal sections of the diagram representing phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system have been investigated by solid state reactions and powder X-ray diffraction. This phase diagram investigation confirms the polymorphism of the NaCdPO{sub 4} side component and the structure of the ß high temperature polymorph (orthorhombic, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=9.3118(2), b=7.0459(1), c=5.1849(1) Å has been refined. A new fluorophosphate, Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F, has been discovered and its crystal structure determined and refined from powder X-ray diffraction data. It exhibits a new 3D structure with orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=5.3731(1), b=6.8530(1),more » c=12.2691(2) Å. The structure is closely related to those of the high temperature polymorph of the nacaphite Na{sub 2}CaPO{sub 4}F and the fluorosilicate Ca{sub 2}NaSiO{sub 4}F but differs essentially in the cationic repartition since the structure is fully ordered with one Na site (8d) and one Cd site (4c). Relationships with other Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F (M{sup II}=Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) have been examined and the crystal-chemical and topographical analysis of these fluorophosphates is briefly reviewed. IR, Raman, optical and {sup 19}F, {sup 23}Na, {sup 31}P MAS NMR characterizations of Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F have been investigated. - Graphical abstract: The structure of the compound Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F, discovered during the study of the phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system, has been determined and compared with other Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F fluorophosphates. - Highlights: • XRD analysis of the isothermal section of the NaF-CdO-NaPO{sub 3} system at 923 K. • Rietveld refinement of the high temperature polymorph β-NaCdPO{sub 4}. • Crystal structure of the new Na{sub 2}CdPO{sub 4}F fluorophosphate determined from powder XRD. • Crystal structure - composition relationships of Na{sub 2}M{sup II}PO{sub 4}F

  8. Phase equilibria in the NaF-CdO-NaPO3 system at 873 K and crystal structure and physico-chemical characterizations of the new Na2CdPO4F fluorophosphate

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aboussatar, Mohamed; Mbarek, Aïcha; Naili, Houcine; El-Ghozzi, Malika; Chadeyron, Geneviève; Avignant, Daniel; Zambon, Daniel


    Isothermal sections of the diagram representing phase relationships in the NaF-CdO-NaPO3 system have been investigated by solid state reactions and powder X-ray diffraction. This phase diagram investigation confirms the polymorphism of the NaCdPO4 side component and the structure of the ß high temperature polymorph (orthorhombic, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=9.3118(2), b=7.0459(1), c=5.1849(1) Å has been refined. A new fluorophosphate, Na2CdPO4F, has been discovered and its crystal structure determined and refined from powder X-ray diffraction data. It exhibits a new 3D structure with orthorhombic symmetry, space group Pnma and unit cell parameters a=5.3731(1), b=6.8530(1), c=12.2691(2) Å. The structure is closely related to those of the high temperature polymorph of the nacaphite Na2CaPO4F and the fluorosilicate Ca2NaSiO4F but differs essentially in the cationic repartition since the structure is fully ordered with one Na site (8d) and one Cd site (4c). Relationships with other Na2MIIPO4F (MII=Mg, Ca, Mn, Fe, Co, Ni) have been examined and the crystal-chemical and topographical analysis of these fluorophosphates is briefly reviewed. IR, Raman, optical and 19F, 23Na, 31P MAS NMR characterizations of Na2CdPO4F have been investigated.

  9. Na8Au9.8(4)Ga7.2 and Na17Au5.87(2)Ga46.63: The diversity of pseudo 5-fold symmetries in the Na-Au-Ga system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Smetana, Volodymyr; Corbett, John D.; Miller, Gordon J.


    The Na-rich part (~30% Na) of the Na-Au-Ga system between NaAu2, NaGa4, and Na22Ga39 has been found to contain the ternary phases Na8Au9.8(4)Ga7.2 (I) and Na17Au5.87(2)Ga46.63 (II), according to the results of single crystal X-ray diffraction measurements. I is orthorhombic, Cmcm, a=5.3040(1), b=24.519(5), c=14.573(3) Å, and contains a network of clusters with local 5-fold symmetry along the a-axis. Such clusters are frequent building units in decagonal quasicrystals and their approximants. II is rhombohedral, R3¯m, a=16.325(2), c=35.242(7) Å, and contains building blocks that are structurally identical to the Bergman-type clusters as well as fused icosahedral units known with active metals, triels and late transition elements. II also contains a polycationic network with elements of the clathrate V type structure. Tight-binding electronic structure calculations using linear muffin-tin-orbital (LMTO) methods on idealized models of I and II indicate that both compounds are metallic with evident pseudogaps at the corresponding Fermi levels. The overall Hamilton bond populations are generally dominated by Au-Ga and Au-Au bonds in I and by Ga-Ga bonds in II; moreover, the Na-Au and Na-Ga contributions in I are unexpectedly large, ~20% of the total. A similar involvement of sodium in covalent bonding has also been found in the electron-richer i-Na13Au12Ga15 quasicrystal approximant.

  10. Effects of NaBF4 + NaF on the Tensile and Impact Properties of Al-Si-Mg-Fe Alloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chen, Zongning; Wang, Tongmin; Zhao, Yufei; Zheng, Yuanping; Kang, Huijun


    NaBF4 + NaF were found to play three roles, i.e., Fe-eliminator, grain refiner, and eutectic modifier, in treating A356 alloy with a high Fe content. The joint effects led to significant improvement in both tensile and impact properties of thus treated alloy. The multiple reactions between the NaBF4 + NaF and Al-Si-Mg-Fe system are suggested to form Fe2B, AlB2, and Na in the melt, as per thermodynamic analysis. The three are responsible for Fe removal, grain refinement, and eutectic modification, respectively. When NaBF4 and NaF are mixed in weight ratio of 1:1, an optimum addition rate is in the range between 1.0 and 2.0 wt pct for treating AlSi7Mg0.3Fe0.65 alloy, based on the results of tensile and impact tests. Excessive addition of the salt may deteriorate the mechanical properties of the alloy, basically owing to overmodification of Si and contamination of salt inclusions.

  11. The effect of NaCl/g/ on the Na2SO4-induced hot corrosion of NiAl

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Smeggil, J. G.; Bornstein, N. S.; Decrescente, M. A.


    Studies have been performed to examine the effect of NaCl vapor on the Na2SO4-induced hot corrosion of the alumina former NiAl. In the incubation period associated with such hot corrosion, NaCl(g) has been shown to be effective in removing aluminum from below the protective alumina scale and redepositing it as Al2O3 whiskers on the surface of the Na2SO4-coated sample. Similar effects seen in simple oxidation are associated with isothermal rupturing of the protective alumina scale.

  12. Quantitative (23) Na MRI of human knee cartilage using dual-tuned (1) H/(23) Na transceiver array radiofrequency coil at 7 tesla.


    Moon, Chan Hong; Kim, Jung-Hwan; Zhao, Tiejun; Bae, Kyongtae Ty


    To develop quantitative dual-tuned (DT) (1) H/(23) Na MRI of human knee cartilage in vivo at 7 Tesla (T). A sensitive (23) Na transceiver array RF coil was developed at 7T. B1 fields generated by the transceiver array coil were characterized and corrected in the (23) Na images. Point spread function (PSF) of the (23) Na images was measured, and the signal decrease due to partial-volume-effect was compensated in [(23) Na] quantification of knee cartilage. SNR and [(23) Na] in anterior femoral cartilage were measured from seven healthy subjects. SNR of (23) Na image with the transceiver array coil was higher than that of birdcage coil. SNR in the cartilage at 2-mm isotropic resolution was 26.80 ± 3.69 (n = 7). B1 transmission and reception fields produced by the DT coil at 7T were similar to each other. Effective full-width-half-maximum of (23) Na image was ∼5 mm at 2-mm resolution. Mean [(23) Na] was 288.13 ± 29.50 mM (n = 7) in the anterior femoral cartilage of normal subjects. We developed a new high-sensitivity (23) Na RF coil for knee MRI at 7T. Our (1) H/(23) Na MRI allowed quantitative measurement of [(23) Na] in knee cartilage by measuring PSF and cartilage thickness from (23) Na and (1) H image, respectively. Copyright © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  13. The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF).


    Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent


    Background and purpose - To achieve a common understanding when dealing with long bone fractures in children, the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (AO PCCF) was introduced in 2007. As part of its final validation, we present the most relevant fracture patterns in the upper extremities of a representative population of children classified according to the PCCF. Patients and methods - We included children and adolescents (0-17 years old) diagnosed with 1 or more long bone fractures between January 2009 and December 2011 at the university hospitals in Bern and Lausanne (Switzerland). Patient charts were retrospectively reviewed and fractures were classified from standard radiographs. Results - Of 2,292 upper extremity fractures in 2,203 children and adolescents, 26% involved the humerus and 74% involved the forearm. In the humerus, 61%, and in the forearm, 80% of single distal fractures involved the metaphysis. In adolescents, single humerus fractures were more often epiphyseal and diaphyseal fractures, and among adolescents radius fractures were more often epiphyseal fractures than in other age groups. 47% of combined forearm fractures were distal metaphyseal fractures. Only 0.7% of fractures could not be classified within 1 of the child-specific fracture patterns. Of the single epiphyseal fractures, 49% were Salter-Harris type-II (SH II) fractures; of these, 94% occurred in schoolchildren and adolescents. Of the metaphyseal fractures, 58% showed an incomplete fracture pattern. 89% of incomplete fractures affected the distal radius. Of the diaphyseal fractures, 32% were greenstick fractures. 24 Monteggia fractures occurred in pre-school children and schoolchildren, and 2 occurred in adolescents. Interpretation - The pattern of pediatric fractures in the upper extremity can be comprehensively described according to the PCCF. Prospective clinical studies are needed to determine its clinical relevance for treatment decisions and

  14. The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF).


    Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent


    Background and purpose - To achieve a common understanding when dealing with long bone fractures in children, the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (AO PCCF) was introduced in 2007. As part of its final validation, we present the most relevant fracture patterns in the lower extremities of a representative population of children classified according to the PCCF. Patients and methods - We included patients up to the age of 17 who were diagnosed with 1 or more long bone fractures between January 2009 and December 2011 at either of 2 tertiary care university hospitals in Switzerland. Patient charts were retrospectively reviewed. Results - More lower extremity fractures occurred in boys (62%, n = 341). Of 548 fractured long bones in the lower extremity, 25% involved the femur and 75% the lower leg. The older the patients, the more combined fractures of the tibia and fibula were sustained (adolescents: 50%, 61 of 123). Salter-Harris (SH) fracture patterns represented 66% of single epiphyseal fractures (83 of 126). Overall, 74 of the 83 SH patterns occurred in the distal epiphysis. Of all the metaphyseal fractures, 74 of 79 were classified as incomplete or complete. Complete oblique spiral fractures accounted for 57% of diaphyseal fractures (120 of 211). Of all fractures, 7% (40 of 548) were classified in the category "other", including 29 fractures that were identified as toddler's fractures. 5 combined lower leg fractures were reported in the proximal metaphysis, 40 in the diaphysis, 26 in the distal metaphysis, and 8 in the distal epiphysis. Interpretation - The PCCF allows classification of lower extremity fracture patterns in the clinical setting. Re-introduction of a specific code for toddler's fractures in the PCCF should be considered.

  15. The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF)

    PubMed Central

    Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent


    Background and purpose To achieve a common understanding when dealing with long bone fractures in children, the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (AO PCCF) was introduced in 2007. As part of its final validation, we present the most relevant fracture patterns in the lower extremities of a representative population of children classified according to the PCCF. Patients and methods We included patients up to the age of 17 who were diagnosed with 1 or more long bone fractures between January 2009 and December 2011 at either of 2 tertiary care university hospitals in Switzerland. Patient charts were retrospectively reviewed. Results More lower extremity fractures occurred in boys (62%, n = 341). Of 548 fractured long bones in the lower extremity, 25% involved the femur and 75% the lower leg. The older the patients, the more combined fractures of the tibia and fibula were sustained (adolescents: 50%, 61 of 123). Salter-Harris (SH) fracture patterns represented 66% of single epiphyseal fractures (83 of 126). Overall, 74 of the 83 SH patterns occurred in the distal epiphysis. Of all the metaphyseal fractures, 74 of 79 were classified as incomplete or complete. Complete oblique spiral fractures accounted for 57% of diaphyseal fractures (120 of 211). Of all fractures, 7% (40 of 548) were classified in the category "other", including 29 fractures that were identified as toddler’s fractures. 5 combined lower leg fractures were reported in the proximal metaphysis, 40 in the diaphysis, 26 in the distal metaphysis, and 8 in the distal epiphysis. Interpretation The PCCF allows classification of lower extremity fracture patterns in the clinical setting. Re-introduction of a specific code for toddler’s fractures in the PCCF should be considered. PMID:27882811

  16. The AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (PCCF)

    PubMed Central

    Joeris, Alexander; Lutz, Nicolas; Blumenthal, Andrea; Slongo, Theddy; Audigé, Laurent


    Background and purpose To achieve a common understanding when dealing with long bone fractures in children, the AO Pediatric Comprehensive Classification of Long Bone Fractures (AO PCCF) was introduced in 2007. As part of its final validation, we present the most relevant fracture patterns in the upper extremities of a representative population of children classified according to the PCCF. Patients and methods We included children and adolescents (0–17 years old) diagnosed with 1 or more long bone fractures between January 2009 and December 2011 at the university hospitals in Bern and Lausanne (Switzerland). Patient charts were retrospectively reviewed and fractures were classified from standard radiographs. Results Of 2,292 upper extremity fractures in 2,203 children and adolescents, 26% involved the humerus and 74% involved the forearm. In the humerus, 61%, and in the forearm, 80% of single distal fractures involved the metaphysis. In adolescents, single humerus fractures were more often epiphyseal and diaphyseal fractures, and among adolescents radius fractures were more often epiphyseal fractures than in other age groups. 47% of combined forearm fractures were distal metaphyseal fractures. Only 0.7% of fractures could not be classified within 1 of the child-specific fracture patterns. Of the single epiphyseal fractures, 49% were Salter-Harris type-II (SH II) fractures; of these, 94% occurred in schoolchildren and adolescents. Of the metaphyseal fractures, 58% showed an incomplete fracture pattern. 89% of incomplete fractures affected the distal radius. Of the diaphyseal fractures, 32% were greenstick fractures. 24 Monteggia fractures occurred in pre-school children and schoolchildren, and 2 occurred in adolescents. Interpretation The pattern of pediatric fractures in the upper extremity can be comprehensively described according to the PCCF. Prospective clinical studies are needed to determine its clinical relevance for treatment decisions and prognostication

  17. Quantification of Sodium (Na) in Bone with in Vivo Neutron Activation Analysis (IVNAA) and Its Implications on Na Retention Studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coyne, Mychaela

    The locations of Na storage and its exchange mechanisms in different tissues in the body are not well known. This information is important for understanding the impact of Na intake, absorption, and retention on human health, especially on the risk of developing chronic diseases like hypertension. In order to non-invasively quantify Na in bone, a compact deuterium-deuterium (DD) neutron generator-based IVNAA system was developed for use in Na nutrition studies. This thesis will first discuss the optimization of the system using MCNP to maximize the thermal neutron flux inside the irradiation cave while limiting radiation exposure to the hand and the whole body. With optimized assembly in place, an animal study was conducted to investigate the storage and exchange of Na in the body. The right posterior legs of two live pigs, one on a low Na diet and one on a high Na diet, were irradiated inside the customized assembly and then measured with a 100% high efficiency high purity germanium detector (HPGe). The results show that the difference in concentration between the pigs on high vs low Na diets was distinguishable with the system. Analysis also shows rapid exchange of Na in the leg during the first 2 hour measurements (with an exchange decay time of 1.3 hours) while the exchange was minimal at the second and third 2 hour measurements, taken 7 and 21 hours post irradiation. With these results, we conclude there is a non or low exchangeable compartment (likely to be bone) for Na storage and that the DD neutron generator-based IVNAA is a useful method in Na nutrition studies.

  18. AoRim15 is involved in conidial stress tolerance, conidiation and sclerotia formation in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae.


    Nakamura, Hidetoshi; Kikuma, Takashi; Jin, Feng Jie; Maruyama, Jun-ichi; Kitamoto, Katsuhiko


    The serine-threonine kinase Rim15p is a master regulator of stress signaling and is required for stress tolerance and sexual sporulation in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. However, in filamentous fungi that reproduce asexually via conidiation, the physiological function of Rim15p homologs has not been extensively analyzed. Here, we functionally characterized the protein homolog of Rim15p in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae, by deleting and overexpressing the corresponding Aorim15 gene and examining the role of this protein in stress tolerance and development. Deletion of Aorim15 resulted in an increase in the sensitivity of conidia to oxidative and heat stresses, whereas conidia of the Aorim15 overexpressing strain were more resistant to these stresses. These results indicated that AoRim15 functions in stress tolerance, similar to S. cerevisiae Rim15p. Phenotypic analysis revealed that conidiation was markedly reduced by overexpression of Aorim15 in A. oryzae, and was completely abolished in the deletion strain. In addition, the formation of sclerotia, which is another type of developmental structure in filamentous fungi, was decreased by the deletion of Aorim15, whereas Aorim15 overexpression increased the number of sclerotia. These results indicated that AoRim15 is a positive regulator of sclerotia formation and that overexpression of AoRim15 shifts the developmental balance from conidiation towards sclerotia formation. Collectively, we demonstrated that AoRim15 is involved in the stress tolerance of conidia and differentially regulates between the two developmental fates of conidiation and sclerotia formation. Copyright © 2015 The Society for Biotechnology, Japan. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Na(+) transport, and the E(1)P-E(2)P conformational transition of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase.

    PubMed Central

    Babes, A; Fendler, K


    We have used admittance analysis together with the black lipid membrane technique to analyze electrogenic reactions within the Na(+) branch of the reaction cycle of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. ATP release by flash photolysis of caged ATP induced changes in the admittance of the compound membrane system that are associated with partial reactions of the Na(+)/K(+)-ATPase. Frequency spectra and the Na(+) dependence of the capacitive signal are consistent with an electrogenic or electroneutral E(1)P <--> E(2)P conformational transition which is rate limiting for a faster electrogenic Na(+) dissociation reaction. We determine the relaxation rate of the rate-limiting reaction and the equilibrium constants for both reactions at pH 6.2-8.5. The relaxation rate has a maximum value at pH 7.4 (approximately 320 s(-1)), which drops to acidic (approximately 190 s(-1)) and basic (approximately 110 s(-1)) pH. The E(1)P <--> E(2)P equilibrium is approximately at a midpoint position at pH 6.2 (equilibrium constant approximately 0.8) but moves more to the E(1)P side at basic pH 8.5 (equilibrium constant approximately 0.4). The Na(+) affinity at the extracellular binding site decreases from approximately 900 mM at pH 6.2 to approximately 200 mM at pH 8.5. The results suggest that during Na(+) transport the free energy supplied by the hydrolysis of ATP is mainly used for the generation of a low-affinity extracellular Na(+) discharge site. Ionic strength and lyotropic anions both decrease the relaxation rate. However, while ionic strength does not change the position of the conformational equilibrium E(1)P <--> E(2)P, lyotropic anions shift it to E(1)P. PMID:11053130

  20. Magnetic upconverting fluorescent NaGdF4:Ln3+ and iron-oxide@NaGdF4:Ln3+ nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shrivastava, Navadeep; Rocha, Uéslen; Muraca, Diego; Jacinto, Carlos; Moreno, Sergio; Vargas, J. M.; Sharma, S. K.


    Microwave assisted solvothermal method has been employed to synthesize multifunctional upconverting β-NaGdF4:Ln3+ and magnetic-upconverting Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3@NaGdF4:Ln3+ (Ln = Yb and Er) nanoparticles. The powder x-ray diffraction data confirms the hexagonal structure of NaGdF4:Ln3+ and high resolution transmission electron microscopy shows the formation of rod shaped NaGdF4:Ln3+ (˜ 20 nm) and ovoid shaped Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3@NaGdF4:Ln3+ (˜ 15 nm) nanoparticles. The magnetic hysteresis at 300 K for β-NaGdF4:Ln3+ demonstrates paramagnetic features, whereas iron-oxide@β-NaGdF4:Ln3+ exhibits superparamagnetic behavior along with a linear component at large applied field due to paramagnetic NaGdF4 matrix. Both nanoparticle samples provide an excellent green emitting [(2H11/2, 4S3/2)→4I15/2 (˜ 540 nm)] upconversion luminescence emission under excitation at 980 nm. The energy migration between Yb and Er in NaGdF4 matrix has been explored from 300-800 nm. Intensity variation of blue, green and red lines and the observed luminescence quenching due to the presence of Fe3O4/γ-Fe2O3 in the composite has been proposed. These kinds of materials contain magnetic and luminescence characteristics into single nanoparticle open new possibility for bioimaging applications.

  1. Maintaining the NA atmosphere of Mercury

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Killen, R. M.; Morgan, T. H.


    The possible sources of the Na atmosphere of Mercury are calculatively studied. The likely structure, composition, and temperature of the planet's upper crust is examined along with the probable flux of Na from depth by grain boundary diffusion and by Knudsen flow. The creation of fresh regolith is considered along with mechanisms for supplying Na from the surface to the exosphere. The implications of the calculations for the probable abundances in the regolith are discussed.

  2. The plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport.


    Barkla, B J; Apse, M P; Manolson, M F; Blumwald, E


    Salt stress imposes severe limitations on plant growth, however, the extent of growth reduction depends upon the soil salinity level and the plant species. One of the mechanisms employed by salt tolerant plants is the effective vacuolar compartmentalization of sodium. The sequestration of sodium into the vacuole occurs by the operation of a Na+/H+ antiport located at the tonoplast. Evidence for a plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport has been demonstrated in tissues, intact vacuoles and isolated tonoplast vesicles. In sugar beet cell suspensions, the activity of the vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport increased with increasing NaCl concentrations in the growth medium. This increased activity was correlated with the increased synthesis of a 170 kDa tonoplast polypeptide. In vivo labelling of tonoplast proteins showed the enhanced synthesis of the 170 kDa polypeptide not only upon exposure of the cells to salt, but also when the cells were grown in the presence of amiloride. Exposure of the cells to amiloride also resulted in increased vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport activity. Polyclonal antibodies raised against the 170 kDa polypeptide almost completely inhibited the antiport activity, suggesting the association of this protein with the plant vacuolar Na+/H+ antiport. Antibodies against the Na+/H+ antiport-associated polypeptide were used to screen a Beta lambda ZAP expression library. A partial clone of 1.65 kb was sequenced and found to encode a polypeptide with a putative transmembrane domain and a large hydrophilic C terminus. This clone showed no homology to any previously cloned gene at either the nucleic acid or the amino acid level.

  3. Thermodynamic description of Tc(iv) solubility and carbonate complexation in alkaline NaHCO3-Na2CO3-NaCl systems.


    Baumann, A; Yalçıntaş, E; Gaona, X; Polly, R; Dardenne, K; Prüßmann, T; Rothe, J; Altmaier, M; Geckeis, H


    The solubility of 99 Tc(iv) was investigated in dilute to concentrated carbonate solutions (0.01 M ≤ C tot ≤ 1.0 M, with C tot = [HCO 3 - ] + [CO 3 2- ]) under systematic variation of ionic strength (I = 0.3-5.0 M NaHCO 3 -Na 2 CO 3 -NaCl-NaOH) and pH m (-log[H + ] = 8.5-14.5). Strongly reducing conditions (pe + pH m ≈ 2) were set with Sn(ii). Carbonate enhances the solubility of Tc(iv) in alkaline conditions by up to 3.5 log 10 -units compared to carbonate-free systems. Solvent extraction and XANES confirmed that Tc was kept as +IV during the timeframe of the experiments (≤ 650 days). Solid phase characterization performed by XAFS, XRD, SEM-EDS, chemical analysis and TG-DTA confirmed that TcO 2 ·0.6H 2 O(am) controls the solubility of Tc(iv) under the conditions investigated. Slope analysis of the solubility data in combination with solid/aqueous phase characterization and DFT calculations indicate the predominance of the species Tc(OH) 3 CO 3 - at pH m ≤ 11 and C tot ≥ 0.01 M, for which thermodynamic and activity models are derived. Solubility data obtained above pH m ≈ 11 indicates the formation of previously unreported Tc(iv)-carbonate species, possibly Tc(OH) 4 CO 3 2- , although the likely formation of additional complexes prevents deriving a thermodynamic model valid for this pH m -region. This work provides the most comprehensive thermodynamic dataset available for the system Tc 4+ -Na + -Cl - -OH - -HCO 3 - -CO 3 2- -H 2 O(l) valid under a range of conditions relevant for nuclear waste disposal.

  4. The Na+-Responsive ntp Operon Is Indispensable for Homeostatis of K+ and Na+ in Enterococcus hirae at Limited Proton Potential

    PubMed Central

    Kawano, Miyuki; Igarashi, Kazuei; Kakinuma, Yoshimi


    Enterococcus hirae ATCC 9790 grew well in Na+-deficient, low-K+ medium, but growth was inhibited by carbonylcyanide m-chlorophenylhydrazone (CCCP). Growth inhibition and decrease of cellular K+ levels in the presence of CCCP were relieved by the addition of Na+ and a high concentration of K+. In contrast, in the mutant defective in Na+-ATPase or the NtpJ component of the KtrII K+ uptake system, CCCP-induced growth inhibition was rescued by a high concentration of K+ but not of Na+. These transporters are thus indispensable for homeostatis of K+ and Na+ at low proton potential. PMID:9733699

  5. Data General Corporation Advanced Operating System/Virtual Storage (AOS/ VS). Revision 7.60

    DTIC Science & Technology


    control list for each directory and data file. An access control list includes the users who can and cannot access files as well as the access...and any required data, it can -5- February 22, 1989 Final Evaluation Report Data General AOS/VS SYSTEM OVERVIEW operate asynchronously and in parallel...memory. The IOC can perform the data transfer without further interventiin from the CPU. The I/O channels interface with the processor or system

  6. Multiwavelength observations of NaSt1 (WR 122): equatorial mass loss and X-rays from an interacting Wolf-Rayet binary

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mauerhan, Jon; Smith, Nathan; Van Dyk, Schuyler D.; Morzinski, Katie M.; Close, Laird M.; Hinz, Philip M.; Males, Jared R.; Rodigas, Timothy J.


    NaSt1 (aka Wolf-Rayet 122) is a peculiar emission-line star embedded in an extended nebula of [N II] emission with a compact dusty core. The object was previously characterized as a Wolf-Rayet (WR) star cloaked in an opaque nebula of CNO-processed material, perhaps analogous to η Car and its Homunculus nebula, albeit with a hotter central source. To discern the morphology of the [N II] nebula we performed narrow-band imaging using the Hubble Space Telescope and Wide-field Camera 3. The images reveal that the nebula has a disc-like geometry tilted ≈12° from edge-on, composed of a bright central ellipsoid surrounded by a larger clumpy ring. Ground-based spectroscopy reveals radial velocity structure (±10 km s-1) near the outer portions of the nebula's major axis, which is likely to be the imprint of outflowing gas. Near-infrared adaptive-optics imaging with Magellan AO has resolved a compact ellipsoid of Ks-band emission aligned with the larger [N II] nebula, which we suspect is the result of scattered He I line emission (λ2.06 μm). Observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory have revealed an X-ray point source at the core of the nebula that is heavily absorbed at energies <1 keV and has properties consistent with WR stars and colliding-wind binaries. We suggest that NaSt1 is a WR binary embedded in an equatorial outflow that formed as the result of non-conservative mass transfer. NaSt1 thus appears to be a rare and important example of a stripped-envelope WR forming through binary interaction, caught in the brief Roche lobe overflow phase.

  7. VizieR Online Data Catalog: Robo-AO Kepler Planetary Candidate Survey. III. (Ziegler+, 2017)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ziegler, C.; Law, N. M.; Morton, T.; Baranec, C.; Riddle, R.; Atkinson, D.; Baker, A.; Roberts, S.; Ciardi, D. R.


    KOI targets were selected from the KOI catalog based on Q1-Q17 Kepler data (Borucki et al. 2010ApJ...713L.126B, 2011, J/ApJ/728/117, J/ApJ/736/19; Batalha et al. 2013, J/ApJS/204/24; Burke et al. 2014, J/ApJS/210/19; Rowe et al. 2014, J/ApJ/784/45; Thompson et al. 2015, J/ApJ/812/46). We selected targets not observed in Law et al. 2014ApJ...791...35L and Baranec et al. 2016, J/AJ/152/18, with the objective of completing the Robo-AO survey of all KOIs, including those with already detected companions. We obtained high-angular-resolution images of the 1629 KOIs during 55 separate nights of observations between 2012 July 16 and 2015 June 12 (UT), detailed in Table 9 in the Appendix. The observations were performed using the Robo-AO laser adaptive optics system (Riddle et al. 2012SPIE.8447E..2OR; Baranec et al. 2013JVE....7250021B, 2014ApJ...790L...8B) mounted on the Palomar 1.5 m telescope. (6 data files).

  8. Growth and characterization of struvite-Na crystals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chauhan, Chetan K.; Joshi, Mihirkumar J.


    Sodium magnesium phosphate heptahydrate [NaMgPO4·7H2O], also known as struvite-Na, is the sodium analog to struvite. Among phosphate containing bio-minerals, struvite has attracted considerable attention, because of its common occurrence in a wide variety of environments. Struvite and family crystals were found as urinary calculi in humans and animals. Struvite-Na crystals were grown by a single diffusion gel growth technique in a silica hydro gel medium. Struvite-Na crystals with different morphologies having transparent to translucent diaphaneity were grown with different growth parameters. The phenomenon of Liesegang rings was also observed with some particular growth parameters. The powder XRD study confirmed the structural similarity of the grown struvite-Na crystals with struvite and found that struvite-Na crystallized in the orthorhombic Pmn21 space group with unit cell parameters such as a= 6.893 Å, b=6.124 Å, c=11.150 Å, and α=β=γ=90°. FT-IR spectra of struvite-Na crystals revealed the presence of functional groups. The TGA, DTA and DSC were carried out simultaneously. The kinetic and thermodynamic parameters of dehydration/decomposition process were calculated. The variation of dielectric constant with frequency of applied field was studied in the range from 400 Hz to 100 kHz.

  9. High energy resolution observation of the Crab and AO535 plus 26 in the hard X-ray range

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hameury, J. M.; Boclet, D.; Durouchoux, P.; Cline, T.; Teegarden, B.; Tueller, J.; Paciesas, W.; Haymes, R.


    A number of uncertainties exist currently regarding the existence of gamma-ray lines in the Crab spectrum. An investigation was, therefore, conducted, and the Crab was observed for eight hours during a balloon flight from Palestine, TX, on September 26, 1980. It appeared that the binary source AO535 plus 26 contaminated the Crab data. It was, however, possible to separate the two sources. The obtained results are discussed and evaluated. It is found that the possibility of a line at 73 keV with the intensity reported by Ling et al. (1979) can be excluded for the obtained data. The 400 keV line cannot be ruled out. The results concerning AO535 plus 26 are very different from those previously obtained.

  10. 23Na and 35/37Cl as NMR probes of growth and shape of sodium taurodeoxycholate micellar aggregates in the presence of NaCl.


    Asaro, Fioretta; Feruglio, Luigi; Galantini, Luciano; Nardelli, Alessia


    The growth of the aggregates of the dihydroxylated bile salt sodium taurodeoxycholate (NaTDC) upon NaCl addition and the involvement of the counterion were investigated by NMR spectroscopy of monoatomic ionic species. (23)Na T(1) values from 0.015, 0.100, and 0.200 mol kg(-1) NaTDC solutions in D(2)O, at variable NaCl content, proved to be sensitive to the transition from primary to secondary aggregates, which occurs in the former sample, and to intermicellar interaction. Some (79)Br NMR measurements were performed on a 0.100 mol kg(-1) NaTDC sample added by NaBr in place of NaCl for comparison purposes. The (23)Na, (35)Cl, and (37)Cl double quantum filtered (DQF) patterns, from the 0.100 mol kg(-1) NaTDC sample, and (23)Na ones also from the 0.200 mol kg(-1) NaTDC one, in the presence of 0.750 mol kg(-1) NaCl, are a clear manifestation of motional anisotropy. Moreover, the DQF spectra of (23)Na and (37)Cl, which possess close quadrupole moments, display a striking similarity. The DQF lineshapes were simulated exploiting the Scilab environment to obtain an estimate of the residual quadrupole splitting magnitude. These results support the description of NaTDC micelles as cylindrical aggregates, strongly interacting at high ionic strengths, and capable of association with added electrolytes. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  11. Robust high pressure stability and negative thermal expansion in sodium-rich antiperovskites Na 3OBr and Na 4OI 2

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Yonggang; Wen, Ting; Park, Changyong


    The structure stability under high pressure and thermal expansion behavior of Na 3OBr and Na 4OI 2, two prototypes of alkali-metal-rich antiperovskites, were investigated by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques under high pressure and low temp. Both are soft materials with bulk modulus of 58.6 GPa and 52.0 GPa for Na 3OBr and Na 4OI 2, resp. The cubic Na 3OBr structure and tetragonal Na 4OI 2 with intergrowth K 2NiF 4 structure are stable under high pressure up to 23 GPa. Although being a characteristic layered structure, Na 4OI 2 exhibits nearly isotropic compressibility. Neg. thermal expansion wasmore » obsd. at low temp. range (20-80 K) in both transition-metal-free antiperovskites for the first time. The robust high pressure structure stability was examined. and confirmed by first-principles calculations. among various possible polymorphisms qualitatively. The results provide in-depth understanding of the neg. thermal expansion and robust crystal structure stability of these antiperovskite systems and their potential applications.« less

  12. Europlanet NA2 Science Networking

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Harri, Ari-Matti; Szego, Karoly; Genzer, Maria; Schmidt, Walter; Krupp, Norbert; Lammer, Helmut; Kallio, Esa; Haukka, Harri


    Europlanet RI / NA2 Science Networking [1] focused on determining the major goals of current and future European planetary science, relating them to the Research Infrastructure that the Europlanet RI project [2] developed, and placing them in a more global context. NA2 also enhanced the ability of European planetary scientists to participate on the global scene with their own agenda-setting projects and ideas. The Networking Activity NA2 included five working groups, aimed at identifying key science issues and producing reference books on major science themes that will bridge the gap between the results of present and past missions and the scientific preparation of the future ones. Within the Europlanet RI project (2009-2012) the NA2 and NA2-WGs organized thematic workshops, an expert exchange program and training groups to improve the scientific impact of this Infrastructure. The principal tasks addressed by NA2 were: • Science activities in support to the optimal use of data from past and present space missions, involving the broad planetary science community beyond the "space club" • Science activities in support to the preparation of future planetary missions: Earth-based preparatory observations, laboratory studies, R&D on advanced instrumentation and exploration technologies for the future, theory and modeling etc. • Develop scientific activities, joint publications, dedicated meetings, tools and services, education activities, engaging the public and industries • Update science themes and addressing the two main scientific objectives • Prepare and support workshops of the International Space Science Institute (ISSI) in Bern and • Support Trans National Activities (TNAs), Joined Research Activities (JRAs) and the Integrated and Distributed Information Service (IDIS) of the Europlanet project These tasks were achieved by WG workshops organized by the NA2 working groups, by ISSI workshops and by an Expert Exchange Program. There were 17 official WG

  13. Perfil dos Professores de Ciências Naturais do Recôncavo da Bahia - Alunos da Disciplina Terra e Universo no Curso de Ciências Naturais do Parfor

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lima, S. R.; Cerqueira Júnior, W.; Dutra, G.


    Este trabalho foi desenvolvido pelo projeto Astronomia no Recôncavo da Bahia, no Centro de Formação de Professores da Universidade Federal do Recôncavo da Bahia. Traçamos o perfil de um grupo de professores que lecionam conteúdos de Ciências Naturais no recôncavo, alunos do curso de Licenciatura em Ciências Naturais, oferecido dentro do Plano Nacional de Formação de Professores da Educação Básica. Nosso objetivo era avaliar se eles estão preparados para trabalhar conteúdos de Astronomia e identificar suas dificuldades. Os resultados serviram para orientar o professor da disciplina “Terra e Universo”, oferecida no segundo semestre de 2010. Durante a primeira aula da disciplina Terra e Universo, os alunos responderam a um questionário contendo questões abertas e fechadas, divididas em duas partes. A primeira procurando caracterizar profissionalmente os alunos enquanto professores da rede pública da região do Recôncavo Sul da Bahia e uma segunda parte procurando identificar conhecimentos básicos em Astronomia. Os resultados indicam uma predominância de professores do sexo feminino, com idade superior aos 40 anos, pardos e sem formação específica para o ensino de ciências. A maioria leciona há mais de 15 anos para turmas do 1º ao 5º ano, alguns lecionam para turmas de 6º ao 9º ano. Quase todos nunca participaram de um curso de formação continuada em Astronomia. Além disso, não estão habituados a ler revistas especializadas e nem livros com esta temática. Os que procuram ensinar temas voltados para a Astronomia têm, no livro didático, a maior fonte de informação sobre o assunto. As respostas também indicam uma deficiência em conteúdos básicos como a compreensão da esfericidade da Terra, noções de verticalidade e gravidade, incapacidade de identificar a Terra como um planeta, no Sistema Solar, em uma galáxia, no Universo. Estes resultados ressaltam a importância de disciplinas de Astronomia básica na formação dos

  14. Resultados a longo prazo da angioplastia de artérias renais com stent na doença aterosclerótica: revisão sistemática

    PubMed Central

    Siqueira, Daniel Emilio Dalledone; Guillaumon, Ana Terezinha


    Resumo A doença renovascular aterosclerótica é a principal causa de hipertensão secundária. A história natural da doença demonstra taxas de progressão de 4 a 12% ao ano. Entre os métodos de tratamento existe a angioplastia com stent de artérias renais; porém, poucos estudos clínicos demonstraram seus resultados a longo prazo. Esta revisão sistemática da literatura se propõe a apresentar os resultados a longo prazo (acima de 24 meses) da angioplastia com stent de artérias renais na doença aterosclerótica em relação à função renal e aos níveis pressóricos no controle da hipertensão. Foi realizada uma ampla pesquisa, utilizando os termos apropriados, nas bases de dados LILACS, EMBASE, SCIELO, Cochrane Library e MEDLINE. De um total de 2.170 referências, apenas sete artigos contemplavam todos os critérios de inclusão. Conclui-se que, a longo prazo, há uma estabilização da função renal, redução dos níveis pressóricos e diminuição do número de classes de medicamentos anti-hipertensivos. PMID:29930639

  15. The Universe in a Box: Introduction to the Study of Astronomy in the Initial Formation of Physics Teachers. (Spanish Title: El Universo Representado en Una Caja: Introducción al Estudio de la Astronomía en la Formación Inicial de Profesores de Física.) O Universo Representado em Uma Caixa: Introdução ao Estudo da Astronomia NA Formação Inicial de Professores de Física

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Longhini, Marcos Daniel


    modelos de universo que os participantes possuíam. Os resultados, que foram categorizados em universo miscelânea, geocêntrico, heliocêntrico e acêntrico, foram analisados qualitativamente. São apontadas as análises da atividade na ótica dos participantes, além de tecidas considerações sobre seu emprego como recurso ao ensino de Astronomia e na formação docente.

  16. Sea-level history of past interglacial periods: New evidence from uranium-series dating of corals from Curaçao, Leeward Antilles islands

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Muhs, Daniel R.; Pandolfi, John M.; Simmons, Kathleen R.; Schumann, R. Randall


    Curaçao has reef terraces with the potential to provide sea-level histories of interglacial periods. Ages of the Hato (upper) unit of the “Lower Terrace” indicate that this reef dates to the last interglacial period, Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 5.5. On Curaçao, this high sea stand lasted at least 8000 yr (~ 126 to ~ 118 ka). Elevations and age of this reef show that late Quaternary uplift rates on Curaçao are low, 0.026–0.054 m/ka, consistent with its tectonic setting. Ages of ~ 200 ka for corals from the older Cortalein unit of the Lower Terrace correlate this reef to MIS 7, with paleo-sea level estimates ranging from − 3.3 m to + 2.3 m. The estimates are in agreement with those for MIS 7 made from other localities and indicate that the penultimate interglacial period was a time of significant warmth, on a par with the present interglacial period. The ~ 400 ka (MIS 11) Middle Terrace I on Curaçao, dated by others, may have formed from a paleo-sea level of + 8.3 to + 10.0 m, or (less likely) + 17 m to + 20 m. The lower estimates are conservative compared to previous studies, but still require major ice sheet loss from Greenland and Antarctica.

  17. Na+-dependent and Na+-independent betaine transport across the apical membrane of rat renal epithelium.


    Cano, Mercedes; Calonge, María L; Ilundáin, Anunciación A


    The low renal excretion of betaine indicates that the kidney efficiently reabsorbs the betaine filtered by the glomeruli but the mechanisms involved in such a process have been scarcely investigated. We have detected concentrative and non-concentrative betaine transport activity in brush-border membrane vesicles (BBMV) from rat renal cortex and medulla. The concentrative system is the Sodium/Imino-acid Transporter 1 (SIT1) because it is Na+- and Cl--dependent, electrogenic and is inhibited by an anti-SIT1 antibody. Its apparent affinity constant for betaine, Kt, is 1.1±0.5 mM and its maximal transport velocity, Vmax, 0.5±0.1 nmol betaine/mg protein/s. Inhibitors of the Na+/Cl-/betaine uptake are L-proline (75%) and cold betaine, L-carnitine and choline (40-60%). Neither creatine, TEA, taurine, β-alanine, GABA nor glycine significantly inhibited Na+/Cl-/betaine uptake. The non-concentrative betaine transport system is Na+- and H+-independent, electroneutral, with a Kt for betaine of 47±7 μM and a Vmax of 7.8±1 pmol betaine/mg protein/s. Its transport activity is nearly abolished by betaine, followed by L-carnitine (70-80%) and proline (40-50%), but a difference from the Na+/Cl-/betaine transport is that it is inhibited by TEA (approx. 50%) and unaffected by choline. The underlying carrier functions as an antiporter linking betaine entry into the BBMV with the efflux of either L-carnitine or betaine, an exchange unaffected by the anti-SIT1 antibody. As far as we know this is the first work reporting that betaine crosses the apical membrane of rat renal epithelium by SIT1 and by a Na+- and H+-independent transport system. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  18. Fabrication of Na0.7MnO2/C composite cathode material by simple heat treatment for high-power na-ion batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sohn, DongRak; Lim, Sung-Jin; Nam, Do-Hwan; Hong, Kyung-Sik; Kim, Tae-Hee; Oh, SeKwon; Eom, Ji-Yong; Cho, EunAe; Kwon, HyukSang


    A Na0.7MnO2/C composite cathode material is synthesized by simple and costeffective two-step heat treatment for an improvement in the rate capability of Na0.7MnO2. The first heat treatment is to synthesize Na0.7MnO2, and the second one is a low temperature annealing at 350 °C for 1 h in air, which is necessary to suppress an interfacial reaction between the Na0.7MnO2 and C in the synthesis process of Na0.7MnO2/C composite. Structural analyses by XRD and XPS reveal that the Na0.7MnO2/C shows the same structural properties as that of the pristine Na0.7MnO2, and hence they exhibit the same initial discharge capacity of 175 mAh g-1 at 20 mA g-1. At a current density of 400 mA g-1, the discharge capacity of Na0.7MnO2 reduces to 50 mAh g-1 (28% of the initial discharge capacity), whereas that of Na0.7MnO2/C reduces to 108 mAh g-1 (61% of the initial discharge capacity). The enhanced rate capability of the Na0.7MnO2/C is attributed to the conductive carbon layer formed on the surface of Na0.7MnO2 particles, enabling the facile transport of electrons from the current collector to the surface of the Na0.7MnO2 particles. [Figure not available: see fulltext.

  19. Dramatic increase in naïve T cell turnover is linked to loss of naïve T cells from old primates

    PubMed Central

    Čičin-Šain, Luka; Messaoudi, Ilhem; Park, Byung; Currier, Noreen; Planer, Shannon; Fischer, Miranda; Tackitt, Shane; Nikolich-Žugich, Dragana; Legasse, Alfred; Axthelm, Michael K.; Picker, Louis J.; Mori, Motomi; Nikolich-Žugich, Janko


    The loss of naïve T cells is a hallmark of immune aging. Although thymic involution is a primary driver of this naïve T cell loss, less is known about the contribution of other mechanisms to the depletion of naïve T cells in aging primates. We examined the role of homeostatic cycling and proliferative expansion in different T cell subsets of aging rhesus macaques (RM). BrdU incorporation and the expression of the G1-M marker Ki-67 were elevated in peripheral naïve CD4 and even more markedly in the naïve CD8 T cells of old, but not young adult, RM. Proliferating naïve cells did not accumulate in old animals. Rather, the relative size of the naïve CD8 T cell compartment correlated inversely to its proliferation rate. Likewise, T cell receptor diversity decreased in individuals with elevated naïve CD8 T cell proliferation. This apparent contradiction was explained by a significant increase in turnover concomitant with the naïve pool loss. The turnover increased exponentially when the naïve CD8 T cell pool decreased below 4% of total blood CD8 cells. These results link the shrinking naïve T cell pool with a dramatic increase in homeostatic turnover, which has the potential to exacerbate the progressive exhaustion of the naïve pool and constrict the T cell repertoire. Thus, homeostatic T cell proliferation exhibits temporal antagonistic pleiotropy, being beneficial to T cell maintenance in adulthood but detrimental to the long-term T cell maintenance in aging individuals. PMID:18056811

  20. Na0.44MnO2 nanorods as a cathode material for Na-ion batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Avci, Sevda; Oz, Erdinc; Demirel, Serkan; Altin, Emine; Altin, Serdar; Bayri, Ali; Yakinci, Eyyuphan


    Lithium-ion batteries have dominated the rechargeable battery market because of their high energy and power capability. On the other hand, sodium is one of the more abundant elements on Earth unlike Li. Moreover, Na has similar chemical properties to Li, indicating that Na-ion batteries can be an alternative to Li counterparts. With that respect, we have synthesized Na0.44MnO2 nanorods as cathode materials for Na-ion batteries. We have investigated the effects of structural, electrical, and magnetic properties on battery performance. We report the synthesis conditions and growth mechanism of the nanorods. The structure and the morphology of the materials were investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX), and atomic force microscopy (AFM) techniques. Temperature dependent structural changes were determined via in situ X-ray diffraction and TG-DTA measurements showing structural changes above room temperature. This work is funded by The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey with Grant No:112M487.

  1. Modulation of contraction by intracellular Na+ via Na(+)-Ca2+ exchange in single shark (Squalus acanthias) ventricular myocytes.

    PubMed Central

    Näbauer, M; Morad, M


    1. The effect of direct alteration of intracellular Na+ concentration on contractile properties of whole-cell clamped shark ventricular myocytes was studied using an array of 256 photodiodes to monitor the length of the isolated myocytes. 2. In myocytes dialysed with Na(+)-free solution, the voltage dependence of Ca2+ current (ICa) and contraction were similar and bell shaped. Contractions activated at all voltages were completely suppressed by nifedipine (5 microM), and failed to show significant tonic components, suggesting dependence of the contraction on Ca2+ influx through the L-type Ca2+ channel. 3. In myocytes dialysed with 60 mM Na+, a ICa-dependent and a ICa-independent component of contraction could be identified. The Ca2+ current-dependent component was prominent in voltages between -30 to +10 mV. The ICa-independent contractions were maintained for the duration of depolarization, increased with increasing depolarization between +10 to +100 mV, and were insensitive to nifedipine. 4. In such myocytes, repolarization produced slowly decaying inward tail currents closely related to the time course of relaxation and the degree of shortening prior to repolarization. 5. With 60 mM Na+ in the pipette solution, positive clamp potentials activated decaying outward currents which correlated to the size of contraction. These outward currents appeared to be generated by the Na(+)-Ca(2+)-exchanger since they depended on the presence of intracellular Na+, and were neither suppressed by nifedipine nor by K+ channel blockers. 6. The results suggest that in shark (Squalus acanthias) ventricular myocytes, which lack functionally relevant Ca2+ release pools, both Ca2+ channel and the Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger deliver sufficient Ca2+ to activate contraction, though the effectiveness of the latter mechanism was highly dependent on the [Na+]i. PMID:1338467

  2. Hot-corrosion of AISI 1020 steel in a molten NaCl/Na2SO4 eutectic at 700°C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Badaruddin, Mohammad; Risano, Ahmad Yudi Eka; Wardono, Herry; Asmi, Dwi


    Hot-corrosion behavior and morphological development of AISI 1020 steel with 2 mg cm-2 mixtures of various NaCl/Na2SO4 ratios at 700°C were investigated by means of weight gain measurements, Optical Microscope (OM), X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS). The weight gain kinetics of the steel with mixtures of salt deposits display a rapid growth rates, compared with the weight gain kinetics of AISI 1020 steel without salt deposit in dry air oxidation, and follow a steady-state parabolic law for 49 h. Chloridation and sulfidation produced by a molten NaCl/Na2SO4 on the steel induced hot-corrosion mechanism attack, and are responsible for the formation of thicker scale. The most severe corrosion takes place with the 70 wt.% NaCl mixtures in Na2SO4. The typical Fe2O3 whisker growth in outer part scale was attributed to the FeCl3 volatilization. The formation of FeS in the innermost scale is more pronounced as the content of Na2SO4 in the mixture is increased.

  3. AO/NAO Response to Climate Change. 2; Relative Importance of Low- and High-Latitude Temperature Changes

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rind, D.; Perlwitz, J.; Lonergan, P.; Lerner, J.


    Using a variety of GCM experiments with various versions of the GISS model, we investigate how different aspects of tropospheric climate changes affect the extratropical Arctic Oscillation (AO)/North Atlantic Oscillation (NAO) circulation indices. The results show that low altitude changes in the extratropical latitudinal temperature gradient can have a strong impact on eddy forcing of the extratropical zonal wind, in the sense that when this latitudinal temperature gradient increases, it helps force a more negative AO/NAO phase. In addition, local conditions at high latitudes can stabilize/destabilize the atmosphere, inducing negative/positive phase changes. To the extent that there is not a large temperature change in the tropical upper troposphere (either through reduced tropical sensitivity at the surface, or limited transport of this change to high levels), the changes in the low level temperature gradient can provide the dominate influence on the extratropical circulation, so that planetary wave meridional refraction and eddy angular momentum transport changes become uncorrelated with potential vorticity transports. In particular, the climate change that produces the most positive NAO phase change would have substantial warming in the tropical upper troposphere over the Pacific Ocean, with high latitude warming in the North Atlantic. An increase in positive phase of these circulation indices is still more likely than not, but it will depend on the degree of tropical and high latitude temperature response and the transport of low level warming into the upper troposphere. These are aspects that currently differ among the models used for predicting the effects of global warning, contributing to the lack of consensus of future changes in the AO/NAO.

  4. Regulation of Epithelial Sodium Transport via Epithelial Na+ Channel

    PubMed Central

    Marunaka, Yoshinori; Niisato, Naomi; Taruno, Akiyuki; Ohta, Mariko; Miyazaki, Hiroaki; Hosogi, Shigekuni; Nakajima, Ken-ichi; Kusuzaki, Katsuyuki; Ashihara, Eishi; Nishio, Kyosuke; Iwasaki, Yoshinobu; Nakahari, Takashi; Kubota, Takahiro


    Renal epithelial Na+ transport plays an important role in homeostasis of our body fluid content and blood pressure. Further, the Na+ transport in alveolar epithelial cells essentially controls the amount of alveolar fluid that should be kept at an appropriate level for normal gas exchange. The epithelial Na+ transport is generally mediated through two steps: (1) the entry step of Na+ via epithelial Na+ channel (ENaC) at the apical membrane and (2) the extrusion step of Na+ via the Na+, K+-ATPase at the basolateral membrane. In general, the Na+ entry via ENaC is the rate-limiting step. Therefore, the regulation of ENaC plays an essential role in control of blood pressure and normal gas exchange. In this paper, we discuss two major factors in ENaC regulation: (1) activity of individual ENaC and (2) number of ENaC located at the apical membrane. PMID:22028593

  5. Multiple quantum filtered 23Na NMR in the Langendorff perfused mouse heart: Ratio of triple/double quantum filtered signals correlates with [Na]i

    PubMed Central

    Eykyn, Thomas R.; Aksentijević, Dunja; Aughton, Karen L.; Southworth, Richard; Fuller, William; Shattock, Michael J.


    We investigate the potential of multiple quantum filtered (MQF) 23Na NMR to probe intracellular [Na]i in the Langendorff perfused mouse heart. In the presence of Tm(DOTP) shift reagent the triple quantum filtered (TQF) signal originated largely from the intracellular sodium pool with a 32 ± 6% contribution of the total TQF signal arising from extracellular sodium, whilst the rank 2 double-quantum filtered signal (DQF), acquired with a 54.7° flip-angle pulse, originated exclusively from the extracellular sodium pool. Given the different cellular origins of the 23Na MQF signals we propose that the TQF/DQF ratio can be used as a semi-quantitative measure of [Na]i in the mouse heart. We demonstrate a good correlation of this ratio with [Na]i measured with shift reagent at baseline and under conditions of elevated [Na]i. We compare the measurements of [Na]i using both shift reagent and TQF/DQF ratio in a cohort of wild type mouse hearts and in a transgenic PLM3SA mouse expressing a non-phosphorylatable form of phospholemman, showing a modest but measurable elevation of baseline [Na]i. MQF filtered 23Na NMR is a potentially useful tool for studying normal and pathophysiological changes in [Na]i, particularly in transgenic mouse models with altered Na regulation. PMID:26196304

  6. Hydrogen production by sodium borohydride in NaOH aqueous solution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wang, Q.; Zhang, L. F.; Zhao, Z. G.


    The kinetics of hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 in NaOH aqueous solution is studied. The influence of pH of the NaOH aqueous solution on the rate of hydrogen production and the hydrogen production efficiency are studied for the hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4. The results show that the activation energy of hydrolysis reaction of NaBH4 increased with the increase of the initial pH of NaOH aqueous solution.With the increasing of the initial pH of NaOH aqueous solution, the rate of hydrogen production and hydrogen production efficiency of NaBH4 hydrolysis decrease.

  7. Coulomb excitation of radioactive 20, 21Na

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schumaker, M. A.; Cline, D.; Hackman, G.; Pearson, C.; Svensson, C. E.; Wu, C. Y.; Andreyev, A.; Austin, R. A. E.; Ball, G. C.; Bandyopadhyay, D.; Becker, J. A.; Boston, A. J.; Boston, H. C.; Buchmann, L.; Churchman, R.; Cifarelli, F.; Cooper, R. J.; Cross, D. S.; Dashdorj, D.; Demand, G. A.; Dimmock, M. R.; Drake, T. E.; Finlay, P.; Gallant, A. T.; Garrett, P. E.; Green, K. L.; Grint, A. N.; Grinyer, G. F.; Harkness, L. J.; Hayes, A. B.; Kanungo, R.; Lisetskiy, A. F.; Leach, K. G.; Lee, G.; Maharaj, R.; Martin, J.-P.; Moisan, F.; Morton, A. C.; Mythili, S.; Nelson, L.; Newman, O.; Nolan, P. J.; Orce, J. N.; Padilla-Rodal, E.; Phillips, A. A.; Porter-Peden, M.; Ressler, J. J.; Roy, R.; Ruiz, C.; Sarazin, F.; Scraggs, D. P.; Waddington, J. C.; Wan, J. M.; Whitbeck, A.; Williams, S. J.; Wong, J.


    The low-energy structures of the radioactive nuclei 20, 21Na have been examined using Coulomb excitation at the TRIUMF-ISAC radioactive ion beam facility. Beams of ˜ 5×106 ions/s were accelerated to 1.7MeV/A and Coulomb excited in a 0.5mg/cm^2 natTi target. Two TIGRESS HPGe clover detectors perpendicular to the beam axis were used for γ -ray detection, while scattered nuclei were observed by the Si detector BAMBINO. For 21Na , Coulomb excitation from the 3/2+ ground state to the first excited 5/2+ state was observed, while for 20Na , Coulomb excitation was observed from the 2+ ground state to the first excited 3+ and 4+ states. For both beams, B ( λ L) values were determined using the 2+ rightarrow 0+ de-excitation in 48Ti as a reference. The resulting B( E2) ↓ value for 21Na is 137±9 e^2fm^4, while the resulting B( λ L) ↓ values for 20Na are 55±6 e^2fm^4 for the 3+ rightarrow 2+ , 35.7±5.7 e^2 fm^4 for the 4+ rightarrow 2+ , and 0.154±0.030 μ_ N^2 for the 4+ rightarrow 3+ transitions. This analysis significantly improves the measurement of the 21Na B( E2) value, and provides the first experimental determination of B( λ L) values for the proton dripline nucleus 20Na .-1

  8. Detailed investigation of Na2.24FePO4CO3 as a cathode material for Na-ion batteries

    PubMed Central

    Huang, Weifeng; Zhou, Jing; Li, Biao; Ma, Jin; Tao, Shi; Xia, Dingguo; Chu, Wangsheng; Wu, Ziyu


    Na-ion batteries are gaining an increased recognition as the next generation low cost energy storage devices. Here, we present a characterization of Na3FePO4CO3 nanoplates as a novel cathode material for sodium ion batteries. First-principles calculations reveal that there are two paths for Na ion migration along b and c axis. In-situ and ex-situ Fe K-edge X-ray absorption near edge structure (XANES) point out that in Na3FePO4CO3 both Fe2+/Fe3+ and Fe3+/Fe4+ redox couples are electrochemically active, suggesting also the existence of a two-electron intercalation reaction. Ex-situ X-ray powder diffraction data demonstrates that the crystalline structure of Na3FePO4CO3 remains stable during the charging/discharging process within the range 2.0–4.55 V. PMID:24595232

  9. Biphasic voltage-dependent inactivation of human NaV 1.3, 1.6 and 1.7 Na+ channels expressed in rodent insulin-secreting cells.


    Godazgar, Mahdieh; Zhang, Quan; Chibalina, Margarita V; Rorsman, Patrik


    Na + current inactivation is biphasic in insulin-secreting cells, proceeding with two voltage dependences that are half-maximal at ∼-100 mV and -60 mV. Inactivation of voltage-gated Na + (Na V ) channels occurs at ∼30 mV more negative voltages in insulin-secreting Ins1 and primary β-cells than in HEK, CHO or glucagon-secreting αTC1-6 cells. The difference in inactivation between Ins1 and non-β-cells persists in the inside-out patch configuration, discounting an involvement of a diffusible factor. In Ins1 cells and primary β-cells, but not in HEK cells, inactivation of a single Na V subtype is biphasic and follows two voltage dependences separated by 30-40 mV. We propose that Na V channels adopt different inactivation behaviours depending on the local membrane environment. Pancreatic β-cells are equipped with voltage-gated Na + channels that undergo biphasic voltage-dependent steady-state inactivation. A small Na + current component (10-15%) inactivates over physiological membrane potentials and contributes to action potential firing. However, the major Na + channel component is completely inactivated at -90 to -80 mV and is therefore inactive in the β-cell. It has been proposed that the biphasic inactivation reflects the contribution of different Na V α-subunits. We tested this possibility by expression of TTX-resistant variants of the Na V subunits found in β-cells (Na V 1.3, Na V 1.6 and Na V 1.7) in insulin-secreting Ins1 cells and in non-β-cells (including HEK and CHO cells). We found that all Na V subunits inactivated at 20-30 mV more negative membrane potentials in Ins1 cells than in HEK or CHO cells. The more negative inactivation in Ins1 cells does not involve a diffusible intracellular factor because the difference between Ins1 and CHO persisted after excision of the membrane. Na V 1.7 inactivated at 15--20 mV more negative membrane potentials than Na V 1.3 and Na V 1.6 in Ins1 cells but this small difference is insufficient to solely

  10. A neural network potential energy surface for the NaH2 system and dynamics studies on the H(2S) + NaH(X1Σ+) → Na(2S) + H2(X1Σg+) reaction.


    Wang, Shufen; Yuan, Jiuchuang; Li, Huixing; Chen, Maodu


    In order to study the dynamics of the reaction H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ), a new potential energy surface (PES) for the ground state of the NaH 2 system is constructed based on 35 730 ab initio energy points. Using basis sets of quadruple zeta quality, multireference configuration interaction calculations with Davidson correction were carried out to obtain the ab initio energy points. The neural network method is used to fit the PES, and the root mean square error is very small (0.00639 eV). The bond lengths, dissociation energies, zero-point energies and spectroscopic constants of H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ) and NaH(X 1 Σ + ) obtained on the new NaH 2 PES are in good agreement with the experiment data. On the new PES, the reactant coordinate-based time-dependent wave packet method is applied to study the reaction dynamics of H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ), and the reaction probabilities, integral cross-sections (ICSs) and differential cross-sections (DCSs) are obtained. There is no threshold in the reaction due to the absence of an energy barrier on the minimum energy path. When the collision energy increases, the ICSs decrease from a high value at low collision energy. The DCS results show that the angular distribution of the product molecules tends to the forward direction. Compared with the LiH 2 system, the NaH 2 system has a larger mass and the PES has a larger well at the H-NaH configuration, which leads to a higher ICS value in the H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ) reaction. Because the H( 2 S) + NaH(X 1 Σ + ) → Na( 2 S) + H 2 (X 1 Σ g + ) reaction releases more energy, the product molecules can be excited to a higher vibrational state.

  11. The NA62 trigger system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Krivda, M.; NA62 Collaboration


    The main aim of the NA62 experiment (NA62 Technical Design Report,> [1]) is to study ultra-rare Kaon decays. In order to select rare events over the overwhelming background, central systems with high-performance, high bandwidth, flexibility and configurability are necessary, that minimize dead time while maximizing data collection reliability. The NA62 experiment consists of 12 sub-detector systems and several trigger and control systems, for a total channel count of less than 100,000. The GigaTracKer (GTK) has the largest number of channels (54,000), and the Liquid Krypton (LKr) calorimeter shares with it the largest raw data rate (19 GB/s). The NA62 trigger system works with 3 trigger levels. The first trigger level is based on a hardware central trigger unit, so-called L0 Trigger Processor (L0TP), and Local Trigger Units (LTU), which are all located in the experimental cavern. Other two trigger levels are based on software, and done with a computer farm located on surface. The L0TP receives information from triggering sub-detectors asynchronously via Ethernet; it processes the information, and then transmits a final trigger decision synchronously to each sub-detector through the Trigger and Timing Control (TTC) system. The interface between L0TP and the TTC system, which is used for trigger and clock distribution, is provided by the Local Trigger Unit board (LTU). The LTU can work in two modes: global and stand-alone. In the global mode, the LTU provides an interface between L0TP and TTC system. In the stand-alone mode, the LTU can fully emulate L0TP and so provides an independent way for each sub-detector for testing or calibration purposes. In addition to the emulation functionality, a further functionality is implemented that allows to synchronize the clock of the LTU with the L0TP and the TTC system. For testing and debugging purposes, a Snap Shot Memory (SSM) interface is implemented, that can work

  12. Na7 [Fe2S6 ] , Na2 [FeS2 ] and Na2 [FeSe2 ] : New 'reduced' sodium chalcogenido ferrates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stüble, Pirmin; Peschke, Simon; Johrendt, Dirk; Röhr, Caroline


    Three new 'reduced' FeII containing sodium chalcogenido ferrates were obtained applying a reductive synthetic route. The mixed-valent sulfido ferrate Na7 [Fe2S6 ] , which forms bar-shaped crystals with metallic greenish luster, was synthesized in pure phase from natural pyrite and elemental sodium at a maximum temperature of 800 °C. Its centrosymmetric triclinic structure (SG P 1 bar , a = 764.15(2), b = 1153.70(2), c = 1272.58(3) pm, α = 62.3325 (7) , β = 72.8345 (8) , γ = 84.6394 (8) ° , Z = 3, R1 = 0.0185) exhibits two crystallographically different [Fe2S6 ] 7 - dimers of edge-sharing [FeS4 ] tetrahedra, with somewhat larger Fe-S distances than in the fully oxidized FeIII dimers of e.g. Na6 [Fe2III S6 ] . In contrast to the localized AFM ordered pure di-ferrates(III), the Curie-Weiss behavior of the magnetic susceptibility proves the rarely observed valence-delocalized S = 9/2 state of the mixed-valent FeIII /FeII dimer. The nearly spin-only value of the magnetic moment combined with the chemical bonding not generally differing from that in pure ferrates(II) and (III), provides a striking argument, that the reduction of the local Fe spin moments observed in all condensed sulfido ferrate moieties is connected with the AFM spin ordering. The two isotypic ferrates(II) Na2 [FeS2 ] and Na2 [FeSe2 ] with chain-like structural units (SG Ibam, a = 643.54(8)/ 660.81(1), b = 1140.2(2)/1190.30(2) c = 562.90(6)/585.59(1) pm, Z = 4, R1 = 0.0372/0.0466) crystallize in the K2 [ZnO2 ] -type structure. Although representing merely further members of the common series of chalcogenido metallates(II) Na2 [MIIQ2 ] , these two new phases, together with Na6 [FeS4 ] and Li2 [FeS2 ] , are the only examples of pure FeII alkali chalcogenido ferrates. The new compounds allow for a general comparison of di- and chain ferrates(II) and (III) and mixed-valent analogs concerning the electronic and magnetic properties (including Heisenberg super-exchange and double-exchange interactions

  13. Ranolazine vs phenytoin: greater effect of ranolazine on the transient Na(+) current than on the persistent Na(+) current in central neurons.


    Terragni, Benedetta; Scalmani, Paolo; Colombo, Elisa; Franceschetti, Silvana; Mantegazza, Massimo


    Voltage-gated Na(+) channels (NaV) are involved in pathologies and are important targets of drugs (NaV-blockers), e.g. some anti-epileptic drugs (AEDs). Besides the fast inactivating transient Na(+) current (INaT), they generate a slowly inactivating "persistent" current (INaP). Ranolazine, a NaV-blocker approved for treatment of angina pectoris, is considered a preferential inhibitor of INaP and has been proposed as a novel AED. Although it is thought that classic NaV-blockers used as AEDs target mainly INaT, they can also reduce INaP. It is important to disclose specific features of novel NaV-blockers, which could be necessary for their effect as AEDs in drug resistant patients. We have compared the action of ranolazine and of the classic AED phenytoin in transfected cells expressing the neuronal NaV1.1 Na(+) channel and in neurons of neocortical slices. Our results show that the relative block of INaT versus INaP of ranolazine and phenytoin is variable and depends on Na(+) current activation conditions. Strikingly, ranolazine blocks with less efficacy INaP and more efficacy INaT than phenytoin in conditions mimicking pathological states (i.e. high frequency firing and long lasting depolarizations). The effects are consistent with binding of ranolazine to both open/pre-open and inactivated states; larger INaT block at high stimulation frequencies is caused by the induction of a slow inactivated state. Thus, contrary than expected, ranolazine is not a better INaP blocker than phenytoin in central neurons, and phenytoin is not a better INaT blocker than ranolazine. Nevertheless, they show a complementary action and could differentially target specific pathological dysfunctions. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  14. A semiclassical study of laser-induced atomic fluorescence from Na2, K2 and NaK

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Yuan, J.-M.; Bhattacharyya, D. K.; George, T. F.


    A semiclassical treatment of laser-induced atomic fluorescence for the alkali-dimer systems Na2, K2 and NaK is presented. The variation of the fluorescence intensity with the frequency of the exciting laser photon is studied and a comparison of theoretical results with a set of experimental data is presented.

  15. Na2O-Al2O3 system: Activity of Na2O in (α + β)- and (β + β)-alumina

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kale, G. M.


    The activity of Na2O in a biphasic mixture of (α + β)-alumina has been measured in the temperature range of 700 to 1100 K using the solid-state galvanic cell: 11663_2007_Article_BF02656462_TeX2GIFE1.gif _{(1:1)}^{Pt,CO_2 + O_2 /Na_2 CO_3 /(α + β ) - alumin a//(Y_2 O_3 )ZrO_2 //In + In_2 O_3 ,Ta,Pt} Similarly, the activity of Na2O in a (β + β’’)-alumina two-phase mixture has been measured between 700 and 1100 K employing the galvanic cell: 11663_2007_Article_BF02656462_TeX2GIFE2.gif _{(1:1)}^{Pt,CO_2 + O_2 /Na_2 CO_3 /(β + β ) - alumin a//(Y_2 O_3 )ZrO_2 //In + In_2 O_3 ,Ta,Pt} The reversible electromotive force (emf ) of both the cells was found to vary linearly with temperature over the entire temperature range of measurement. From the measured reversible emf and auxiliary thermodynamic data for In2O2, Na2O, CO2 and Na2CO3 reported in the literature, the temperature dependence of the logarithm of activity of Na2O in (α + β)-alumina is obtained: 11663_2007_Article_BF02656462_TeX2GIFE3.gif log α _{Na_2 O} (α + β ) = 1.85 - 14,750/T(K)( ± 0.015)(700 ≤slant T ≤slant 1100) For (β + β'’)-alumina, 11663_2007_Article_BF02656462_TeX2GIFE4.gif log α _{Na_2 O} (β + β ) = 3.9 - 13,000/T(K)( ± 0.015)(700 ≤slant T ≤slant 1100)

  16. Redetermination of Na(3)TaF(8).


    Langer, Vratislav; Smrcok, Lubomír; Boca, Miroslav


    The crystal structure of trisodium octafluoridotantalate, Na(3)TaF(8), has been redetermined using diffractometer data collected at 153 K, resulting in more accurate bond distances and angles than obtained from a previous structure determination based on film data. The structure is built from layers running along [101], which are formed by distorted [TaF(8)] antiprisms and [NaF(6)] rectangular bipyramids sharing edges and corners. The individual layers are separated by eight-coordinated Na ions. Two atoms in the asymmetric unit are in special positions: the Ta atom is on a twofold axis in Wyckoff position 4e and one of the Na ions lies on an inversion centre in Wyckoff site 4d.

  17. Na+/H+ exchange activity in the plasma membrane of Arabidopsis.


    Qiu, Quan-Sheng; Barkla, Bronwyn J; Vera-Estrella, Rosario; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Schumaker, Karen S


    In plants, Na+/H+ exchangers in the plasma membrane are critical for growth in high levels of salt, removing toxic Na+ from the cytoplasm by transport out of the cell. The molecular identity of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger in Arabidopsis (SOS1) has recently been determined. In this study, immunological analysis provided evidence that SOS1 localizes to the plasma membrane of leaves and roots. To characterize the transport activity of this protein, purified plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from leaves of Arabidopsis. Na+/H+ exchange activity, monitored as the ability of Na to dissipate an established pH gradient, was absent in plants grown without salt. However, exchange activity was induced when plants were grown in 250 mm NaCl and increased with prolonged salt exposure up to 8 d. H+-coupled exchange was specific for Na, because chloride salts of other monovalent cations did not dissipate the pH gradient. Na+/H+ exchange activity was dependent on Na (substrate) concentration, and kinetic analysis indicated that the affinity (apparent Km) of the transporter for Na+ is 22.8 mm. Data from two experimental approaches supports electroneutral exchange (one Na+ exchanged for one proton): (a) no change in membrane potential was measured during the exchange reaction, and (b) Na+/H+ exchange was unaffected by the presence or absence of a membrane potential. Results from this research provide a framework for future studies into the regulation of the plant plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger and its relative contribution to the maintenance of cellular Na+ homeostasis during plant growth in salt.

  18. Osmolality- and Na+ -dependent effects of hyperosmotic NaCl solution on contractile activity and Ca2+ cycling in rat ventricular myocytes.


    Ricardo, Rafael A; Bassani, Rosana A; Bassani, José W M


    Hypertonic NaCl solutions have been used for small-volume resuscitation from hypovolemic shock. We sought to identify osmolality- and Na(+)-dependent components of the effects of the hyperosmotic NaCl solution (85 mOsm/kg increment) on contraction and cytosolic Ca(2+) concentration ([Ca(2+)](i)) in isolated rat ventricular myocytes. The biphasic change in contraction and Ca(2+) transient amplitude (decrease followed by recovery) was accompanied by qualitatively similar changes in sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca(2+) content and fractional release and was mimicked by isosmotic, equimolar increase in extracellular [Na(+)] ([Na(+)](o)). Raising osmolality with sucrose, however, augmented systolic [Ca(2+)](i) monotonically without change in SR parameters and markedly decreased contraction amplitude and diastolic cell length. Functional SR inhibition with thapsigargin abolished hyperosmolality effects on [Ca(2+)](i). After 15-min perfusion, both hyperosmotic solutions slowed mechanical relaxation during twitches and [Ca(2+)](i) decline during caffeine-evoked transients, raised diastolic and systolic [Ca(2+)](i), and depressed systolic contractile activity. These effects were greater with sucrose solution, and were not observed after isosmotic [Na(+)](o) increase. We conclude that under the present experimental conditions, transmembrane Na(+) redistribution apparently plays an important role in determining changes in SR Ca(2+) mobilization, which markedly affect contractile response to hyperosmotic NaCl solutions and attenuate the osmotically induced depression of contractile activity.

  19. The MagAO Giant Accreting Protoplanet Survey (GAPlanetS): Recent Results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Follette, Katherine; Close, Laird; Males, Jared; Morzinski, Katie; Leonard, Clare; MagAO


    I will summarize recent results of the MagAO Giant Accreting Protoplant Survey (GAPlanetS), a search for accreting protoplanets at H-alpha inside of transitional disk gaps. These young, centrally-cleared circumstellar disks are often hosted by stars that are still actively accreting, making it likely that any planets that lie in their central cavities will also be actively accreting. Through differential imaging at Hydrogen-alpha using Magellan's visible light adaptive optics system, we have completed the first systematic search for H-alpha emission from accreting protoplanets in fifteen bright Southern hemisphere transitional disks. I will present results from this survey, including a second epoch on the LkCa 15 system that shows several accreting protoplanet candidates.

  20. Double Knockout of the Na+-Driven Cl-/HCO3- Exchanger and Na+/Cl- Cotransporter Induces Hypokalemia and Volume Depletion.


    Sinning, Anne; Radionov, Nikita; Trepiccione, Francesco; López-Cayuqueo, Karen I; Jayat, Maximilien; Baron, Stéphanie; Cornière, Nicolas; Alexander, R Todd; Hadchouel, Juliette; Eladari, Dominique; Hübner, Christian A; Chambrey, Régine


    We recently described a novel thiazide-sensitive electroneutral NaCl transport mechanism resulting from the parallel operation of the Cl - /HCO 3 - exchanger pendrin and the Na + -driven Cl - /2HCO 3 - exchanger (NDCBE) in β-intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Although a role for pendrin in maintaining Na + balance, intravascular volume, and BP is well supported, there is no in vivo evidence for the role of NDCBE in maintaining Na + balance. Here, we show that deletion of NDCBE in mice caused only subtle perturbations of Na + homeostasis and provide evidence that the Na + /Cl - cotransporter (NCC) compensated for the inactivation of NDCBE. To unmask the role of NDCBE, we generated Ndcbe/Ncc double-knockout (dKO) mice. On a normal salt diet, dKO and single-knockout mice exhibited similar activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, whereas only dKO mice displayed a lower blood K + concentration. Furthermore, dKO mice displayed upregulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and the Ca 2+ -activated K + channel BKCa. During NaCl depletion, only dKO mice developed marked intravascular volume contraction, despite dramatically increased renin activity. Notably, the increase in aldosterone levels expected on NaCl depletion was attenuated in dKO mice, and single-knockout and dKO mice had similar blood K + concentrations under this condition. In conclusion, NDCBE is necessary for maintaining sodium balance and intravascular volume during salt depletion or NCC inactivation in mice. Furthermore, NDCBE has an important role in the prevention of hypokalemia. Because NCC and NDCBE are both thiazide targets, the combined inhibition of NCC and the NDCBE/pendrin system may explain thiazide-induced hypokalemia in some patients. Copyright © 2016 by the American Society of Nephrology.

  1. Five ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for hydrated NaCl and NaF. I. Two-body interactions.


    Wang, Yimin; Bowman, Joel M; Kamarchik, Eugene


    We report full-dimensional, ab initio-based potentials and dipole moment surfaces for NaCl, NaF, Na(+)H2O, F(-)H2O, and Cl(-)H2O. The NaCl and NaF potentials are diabatic ones that dissociate to ions. These are obtained using spline fits to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z energies. In addition, non-linear least square fits using the Born-Mayer-Huggins potential are presented, providing accurate parameters based strictly on the current ab initio energies. The long-range behavior of the NaCl and NaF potentials is shown to go, as expected, accurately to the point-charge Coulomb interaction. The three ion-H2O potentials are permutationally invariant fits to roughly 20,000 coupled cluster CCSD(T) energies (awCVTZ basis for Na(+) and aVTZ basis for Cl(-) and F(-)), over a large range of distances and H2O intramolecular configurations. These potentials are switched accurately in the long range to the analytical ion-dipole interactions, to improve computational efficiency. Dipole moment surfaces are fits to MP2 data; for the ion-ion cases, these are well described in the intermediate- and long-range by the simple point-charge expression. The performance of these new fits is examined by direct comparison to additional ab initio energies and dipole moments along various cuts. Equilibrium structures, harmonic frequencies, and electronic dissociation energies are also reported and compared to direct ab initio results. These indicate the high fidelity of the new PESs.

  2. Threshold oxygen levels in Na(I) for the formation of NaCrO 2(s) on 18-8 stainless steels from accurate thermodynamic measurements

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sreedharan, O. M.; Madan, B. S.; Gnanamoorthy, J. B.


    The compound NaCrO 2(s) is an important corrosion product in sodium-cooled LMFBRs. The standard Gibbs energy of formation of NaCrO 2(s) is required for the computation of threshold oxygen levels in Na(1) for the formation of NaCrO 2(s) on 18-8 stainless steels. For this purpose the emf of the galvanic cell: Pt, NaCrO 2, Cr 2O 3, Na 2CrO 4/15 YSZ/O 2 ( P O 2 = 0.21 atm, air), Pt was measured over 784-1012 K to be: (E±4.4)(mV) = 483.67-0.34155 T(K). From this, the standard Gibbs energy of formation of NaCrO 2(s) from the elements ( ΔG f,T0) and from the oxides ( ΔG f,OX,T0) was calculated to be: [ΔG f,T0(NaCrO 2, s)±1.86] (kJ/mol) =-869.98 + 0.18575 T(K) , [ΔG f,OX,T0(NaCr0 2, s)±4.8] (kJ/mol) = -104.25-0.00856 T(K) . The molar heat capacity, C P0, of NaCrO 2(s) was measured by DSC to be (350-600 K): C P0(NaCrO 2, s) (J/K mol) = 27.15 + 0.1247 T (K) , From these data, values of -99.3 kJ/mol and 91.6 J/K mol were computed for ΔH f,2980 and S 2980 of NaCrO 2(s). The internal consistency was checked with the use of enthalpy data on Na 2CrO 4(s). From the standard Gibbs energy of formation of NaCrO 2(s) the equation logC 0(wppm) = 3.9905-3147.6 T(K) was derived, where C 0 is the threshold oxygen level for the formation of NaCrO 2(s) on 18-8 stainless steels.

  3. A Versatile Low Temperature Synthetic Route to Zintl Phase Precursors: Na4Si4, Na4Ge4 and K4Ge4 as Examples

    PubMed Central

    Ma, Xuchu; Xu, Fen; Atkins, Tonya; Goforth, Andrea M.; Neiner, Doinita; Navrotsky, Alexandra; Kauzlarich, Susan M.


    Na4Si4 and Na4Ge4 are ideal chemical precursors for inorganic clathrate structures, clusters, and nanocrystals. The monoclinic Zintl phases, Na4Si4 and Na4Ge4, contain isolated homo-tetrahedranide [Si4]4− and [Ge4]4− clusters surrounded by alkali metal cations. In this study, a simple scalable route has been applied to prepare Zintl phases of composition Na4Si4 and Na4Ge4 using the reaction between NaH and Si or Ge at low temperature (420 °C for Na4Si4 and 270 °C for Na4Ge4). The method was also applied to K4Ge4, using KH and Ge as raw materials, to show the versatility of this approach. The influence of specific reaction conditions on the purity of these Zintl phases has been studied by controlling five factors: the method of reagent mixing (manual or ball milled), the stoichiometry between raw materials, the reaction temperature, the heating time and the gas flow rate. Moderate ball-milling and excess NaH or KH facilitate the formation of pure Na4Si4, Na4Ge4 or K4Ge4 at 420 °C (Na4Si4) or 270 °C (both M4Ge4 compounds, M = Na, K). TG/DSC analysis of the reaction of NaH and Ge indicates that ball milling reduces the temperature for reaction and confirms the formation temperature. This method provides large quantities of high quality Na4Si4 and Na4Ge4 without the need for specialized laboratory equipment, such as Schlenk lines, niobium/tantalum containers, or an arc welder, thereby expanding the accessibility and chemical utility of these phases by making them more convenient to prepare. This new synthetic method may also be extended to lithium-containing Zintl phases (LiH is commercially available) as well as to alkali metal-tetrel Zintl compounds of other compositions, e.g. K4Ge9. PMID:19921060

  4. Underground structure pattern and multi AO reaction with step feed concept for upgrading an large wastewater treatment plant

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Peng, Yi; Zhang, Jie; Li, Dong


    A large wastewater treatment plant (WWTP) could not meet the new demand of urban environment and the need of reclaimed water in China, using a US treatment technology. Thus a multi AO reaction process (Anaerobic/oxic/anoxic/oxic/anoxic/oxic) WWTP with underground structure was proposed to carry out the upgrade project. Four main new technologies were applied: (1) multi AO reaction with step feed technology; (2) deodorization; (3) new energy-saving technology such as water resource heat pump and optical fiber lighting system; (4) dependable old WWTP’s water quality support measurement during new WWTP’s construction. After construction, upgrading WWTP had saved two thirds land occupation, increased 80% treatment capacity and improved effluent standard by more than two times. Moreover, it had become a benchmark of an ecological negative capital changing to a positive capital.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rey, G.

    Some of the fuels originally scheduled for processing in the nonproduction fuel (NPF) processing program incorporated sodium or sodium- potassium alloy (NaK) as the bonding material between stainless-steel cladding and the uranium or uranium-molybdenum alloy core. Because of the special hazards involved in handling NaK, studies were made to determine safe methods for processing NaK-containing fuels. An underwater NaK dispensing system was installed, and tests were made to determine the characteristics of the NaK-water reaction. The equipment consisted of a dispenser, reaction pan, and off-gas scrubber. After initinl studies, a prototype test was made wherein U-Mo canned slugs containing NaKmore » reservoirs were hack sawed underwater. The studies demonstrated that the NaK reservoirs can be safely deactivated by hack sawing under a submerged hood in a shallow water bath. (W.L.H.)« less

  6. pH-regulative synthesis of Na 3(VPO 4) 2F 3 nanoflowers and their improved Na cycling stability


    Qi, Yuruo; Mu, Linqin; Zhao, Junmei; ...


    Na-ion batteries are becoming increasingly attractive as a low cost energy storage device. Sodium vanadium fluorophosphates have been studied extensively recently due to their high storage capacity and high discharge voltage. Shape and size often have a crucial influence over the properties. The controlling synthesis of nanoparticles with special microstructures is significant, which becomes a challenging issue and has drawn considerable attention. In this study, Na 3(VPO 4) 2F 3 nanoflowers have been synthesized via a pH-regulative low-temperature (120 °C) hydro-thermal route. In particular, it is a green route without any organic compounds involved. The hydro-thermal reaction time for themore » formation of Na 3(VPO 4) 2F 3 nanoflowers has also been investigated. A weak acid environment (pH = 2.60) with the possible presence of hydrogen fluoride molecules is necessary for the formation of the desired nanoflower microstructures. Moreover, compared to the nanoparticles obtained by Na 2HPO 4·12H 2O, the as-synthesized Na 3(VPO 4) 2F 3 nanoflowers showed an excellent Na-storage performance in terms of superior cycle stability, even without any further carbon coating or high-temperature treatment.« less

  7. Cu(In,Ga)Se2 surface treatment with Na and NaF: A combined photoelectron spectroscopy and surface photovoltage study in ultra-high vacuum

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Parvan, V.; Mizrak, A.; Majumdar, I.; Ümsür, B.; Calvet, W.; Greiner, D.; Kaufmann, C. A.; Dittrich, T.; Avancini, E.; Lauermann, I.


    Either metallic Na or NaF were deposited onto Cu(In,Ga)Se2 surfaces and studied by photoelectron spectroscopy and surface photovoltage spectroscopy without breaking the ultra-high vacuum. The deposition of elemental Na at room temperature led to the formation of an intermediate Cu and Ga rich layer at the CIGSe surface, whereas for NaF the composition of the CIGSe surface remained unchanged. A metal like surface induced by an inverted near surface region with a reduced number of defect states was formed after the deposition of Na. Under the chosen experimental conditions, the near surface layer was independent on the amount of Na and stable in time. In contrast, the usage of NaF weakened the inversion and led to an increased band bending compared to the untreated CIGSe sample. The SPV signals decreased with proceeding time after the deposition of NaF.

  8. AoAtg26, a putative sterol glucosyltransferase, is required for autophagic degradation of peroxisomes, mitochondria, and nuclei in the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae.


    Kikuma, Takashi; Tadokoro, Takayuki; Maruyama, Jun-Ichi; Kitamoto, Katsuhiko


    Autophagy is a conserved process in eukaryotic cells for degradation of cellular proteins and organelles. In filamentous fungi, autophagic degradation of organelles such as peroxisomes, mitochondria, and nuclei occurs in basal cells after the prolonged culture, but its mechanism is not well understood. Here, we functionally analyzed the filamentous fungus Aspergillus oryzae AoAtg26, an ortholog of the sterol glucosyltransferase PpAtg26 involved in pexophagy in the yeast Pichia pastoris. Deletion of Aoatg26 caused a severe decrease in conidiation and aerial hyphae formation, which is typically observed in the autophagy-deficient A. oryzae strains. In addition, cup-shaped AoAtg8-positive membrane structures were accumulated in the Aoatg26 deletion strain, indicating that autophagic process is impaired. Indeed, the Aoatg26 deletion strain was defective in the degradation of peroxisomes, mitochondria, and nuclei. Taken together, AoAtg26 plays an important role for autophagic degradation of organelles in A. oryzae, which may physiologically contribute to the differentiation in filamentous fungi.

  9. Effects of Na2MoO4 and Na2WO4 on molybdenum and tungsten electrodes for the alkali metal thermoelectric converter (AMTEC)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Williams, R. M.; Wheeler, B. L.; Jeffries-Nakamura, B.; Loveland, M. E.; Bankston, C. P.


    The effects of adding Na2MoO4 and Na2WO4 to porous Mo and W electrodes, respectively, on the performance and impedance characteristics of the electrodes in an alkali metal thermoelectric converter (AMTEC) were investigated. It was found that corrosion of the porous electrode by Na2MoO4 or Na2WO4 to form Na2MO3O6 and WO2, respectively, and recrystallization of the Mo or W as the salt evaporates, result in major morphological changes including a loss of columnar structure and a significant increase in porosity. This effect is more pronounced in Na2MoO4/Mo electrodes, due to the lower stability of Na2MoO4.

  10. Functional identification and characterization of sodium binding sites in Na symporters

    PubMed Central

    Loo, Donald D. F.; Jiang, Xuan; Gorraitz, Edurne; Hirayama, Bruce A.; Wright, Ernest M.


    Sodium cotransporters from several different gene families belong to the leucine transporter (LeuT) structural family. Although the identification of Na+ in binding sites is beyond the resolution of the structures, two Na+ binding sites (Na1 and Na2) have been proposed in LeuT. Na2 is conserved in the LeuT family but Na1 is not. A biophysical method has been used to measure sodium dissociation constants (Kd) of wild-type and mutant human sodium glucose cotransport (hSGLT1) proteins to identify the Na+ binding sites in hSGLT1. The Na1 site is formed by residues in the sugar binding pocket, and their mutation influences sodium binding to Na1 but not to Na2. For the canonical Na2 site formed by two –OH side chains, S392 and S393, and three backbone carbonyls, mutation of S392 to cysteine increased the sodium Kd by sixfold. This was accompanied by a dramatic reduction in the apparent sugar and phlorizin affinities. We suggest that mutation of S392 in the Na2 site produces a structural rearrangement of the sugar binding pocket to disrupt both the binding of the second Na+ and the binding of sugar. In contrast, the S393 mutations produce no significant changes in sodium, sugar, and phlorizin affinities. We conclude that the Na2 site is conserved in hSGLT1, the side chain of S392 and the backbone carbonyl of S393 are important in the first Na+ binding, and that Na+ binding to Na2 promotes binding to Na1 and also sugar binding. PMID:24191006

  11. Fabrication and Luminescence Characterization of a Silica Nanomatrix Embedded with NaYF4:Yb:Er:Tm@NaGdF4/Fe3O4 Nanoparticles

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Thangaraju, Dheivasigamani; Santhana, Vedi; Matsuda, Satoshi; Hayakawa, Yasuhiro


    Hexagonal NaYF4:Yb:Er:Tm@NaGdF4 core-shell nanocrystals were synthesized using a seed mediated hot injection method, and monodispersed Fe3O4 (4 nm) nanoparticles were prepared from iron(II) actylacetonate by a precursor thermal decomposition method. Structural and morphology verified NaYF4:Yb:Er:Tm@NaGdF4 and Fe3O4 nanoparticles were utilized for the preparation of NaYF4:Yb:Er:Tm@NaGdF4/Fe3O4@SiO2 nanocomposite using a micro-emulsion method. Existence of Fe3O4 in NaYF4:Yb:Er:Tm@NaGdF4 in SiO2 nano-spheres were confirmed with transmission electron microscopy. Luminescence measurement revealed that NaYF4:Yb:Er:Tm@NaGdF4 exhibited strong emissions at green and red regions, in addition to a weak blue emission also observed under 980 nm excitation. Up-conversion emission of the nanoparticle-embedded silica nanocomposite showed that the up-conversion emission was not affected by Fe3O4 nanoparticles.

  12. Development of binary image masks for TPF-C and ground-based AO coronagraphs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ge, Jian; Crepp, Justin; Vanden Heuvel, Andrew; Miller, Shane; McDavitt, Dan; Kravchenko, Ivan; Kuchner, Marc


    We report progress on the development of precision binary notch-filter focal plane coronagraphic masks for directly imaging Earth-like planets at visible wavelengths with the Terrestrial Planet Finder Coronagraph (TPF-C), and substellar companions at near infrared wavelengths from the ground with coronagraphs coupled to high-order adaptive optics (AO) systems. Our recent theoretical studies show that 8th-order image masks (Kuchner, Crepp & Ge 2005, KCG05) are capable of achieving unlimited dynamic range in an ideal optical system, while simultaneously remaining relatively insensitive to low-spatial-frequency optical aberrations, such as tip/tilt errors, defocus, coma, astigmatism, etc. These features offer a suite of advantages for the TPF-C by relaxing many control and stability requirements, and can also provide resistance to common practical problems associated with ground-based observations; for example, telescope flexure and low-order errors left uncorrected by the AO system due to wavefront sensor-deformable mirror lag time can leak light at significant levels. Our recent lab experiments show that prototype image masks can generate contrast levels on the order of 2x10 -6 at 3 λ/D and 6x10 -7 at 10 λ/D without deformable mirror correction using monochromatic light (Crepp et al. 2006), and that this contrast is limited primarily by light scattered by imperfections in the optics and extra diffraction created by mask construction errors. These experiments also indicate that the tilt and defocus sensitivities of high-order masks follow the theoretical predictions of Shaklan and Green 2005. In this paper, we discuss these topics as well as review our progress on developing techniques for fabricating a new series of image masks that are "free-standing", as such construction designs may alleviate some of the (mostly chromatic) problems associated with masks that rely on glass substrates for mechanical support. Finally, results obtained from our AO coronagraph

  13. Five ab initio potential energy and dipole moment surfaces for hydrated NaCl and NaF. I. Two-body interactions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Yimin, E-mail:; Bowman, Joel M., E-mail:; Kamarchik, Eugene, E-mail:


    We report full-dimensional, ab initio-based potentials and dipole moment surfaces for NaCl, NaF, Na{sup +}H{sub 2}O, F{sup −}H{sub 2}O, and Cl{sup −}H{sub 2}O. The NaCl and NaF potentials are diabatic ones that dissociate to ions. These are obtained using spline fits to CCSD(T)/aug-cc-pV5Z energies. In addition, non-linear least square fits using the Born-Mayer-Huggins potential are presented, providing accurate parameters based strictly on the current ab initio energies. The long-range behavior of the NaCl and NaF potentials is shown to go, as expected, accurately to the point-charge Coulomb interaction. The three ion-H{sub 2}O potentials are permutationally invariant fits to roughly 20 000more » coupled cluster CCSD(T) energies (awCVTZ basis for Na{sup +} and aVTZ basis for Cl{sup −} and F{sup −}), over a large range of distances and H{sub 2}O intramolecular configurations. These potentials are switched accurately in the long range to the analytical ion-dipole interactions, to improve computational efficiency. Dipole moment surfaces are fits to MP2 data; for the ion-ion cases, these are well described in the intermediate- and long-range by the simple point-charge expression. The performance of these new fits is examined by direct comparison to additional ab initio energies and dipole moments along various cuts. Equilibrium structures, harmonic frequencies, and electronic dissociation energies are also reported and compared to direct ab initio results. These indicate the high fidelity of the new PESs.« less

  14. Effects of a Single Bout of Resistance Exercise in Different Volumes on Endothelium Adaptations in Healthy Animals.


    Mota, Marcelo Mendonça; Silva, Tharciano Luiz Teixeira Braga da; Macedo, Fabricio Nunes; Mesquita, Thássio Ricardo Ribeiro; Quintans, Lucindo José; Santana-Filho, Valter Joviniano de; Lauton-Santos, Sandra; Santos, Márcio Roberto Viana


    ças cardiovasculares. Recentemente, alguns estudos demonstraram que a intensidade de uma sessão de ER exerce um efeito sobre a disfunção endotelial. No entanto, não há dados sobre os efeitos de diferentes volumes de ER sobre a função endotelial. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos de diferentes volumes de ER, realizados em uma única sessão, sobre a vasodilatação dependente do endotélio e síntese de óxido nítrico (NO) em artéria mesentérica de animais saudáveis. Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em três grupos: Controle (Ct); baixo volume (BV, 5 séries x 10 repetições) e alto volume de ER (AV, 15 séries x 10 repetições). Foi estabelecida a intensidade de 70% do teste de repetição máxima. Após o protocolo de exercício, anéis de artéria mesentérica foram utilizados na avaliação da reatividade vascular, e outras artérias mesentéricas foram preparadas para a detecção da produção de NO por fluorescência com para do DAF-FM. A resposta à insulina pela síntese de NO foi avaliada estimulando-se os anéis vasculares com insulina (10nM). A resposta máxima do relaxamento induzido por insulina foi aumentada somente no grupo AV em comparação ao grupo Ct. Além disso, a inibição da síntese do NO (L-NAME), aboliu completamente o relaxamento vascular induzido por insulina em ratos exercitados. A produção de NO mostrou um aumento dependente do volume no endotélio e no músculo liso. No endotélio, apenas os grupos Ct e BV mostraram aumento significativo na síntese de NO quando comparado aos seus respectivos grupos sob condição basal. No entanto, no músculo liso, a fluorescência foi aumentada em todos os grupos quando comparados aos seus respectivos grupos sob a condição basal. Nossos resultados sugerem que uma única sessão de ER foi capaz de promover adaptações no endotélio vascular. Além disso, nós observamos que este efeito é volume-dependente e o volume de 15 séries x10 repetições induziu o maior aumento na s

  15. Secretory NaCl and volume flow in renal tubules.


    Beyenbach, K W


    This review attempts to give a retrospective survey of the available evidence concerning the secretion of NaCl and fluid in renal tubules of the vertebrate kidney. In the absence of glomerular filtration, epithelial secretory mechanisms, which to this date have not been elucidated, are responsible for the renal excretion of NaCl and water in aglomerular fish. However, proximal tubules isolated from glomerular fish kidneys of the flounder, killifish, and the shark also have the capacity to secrete NaCl and fluid. In shark proximal tubules, fluid secretion appears to be driven via secondary active transport of Cl. In another marine vertebrate, the sea snake, secretion of Na (presumably NaCl) and fluid is observed in freshwater-adapted and water-loaded animals. Proximal tubules of mammals can be made to secrete NaCl in vitro together with secretion of aryl acids. An epithelial cell line derived from dog kidney exhibits secondary active secretion of Cl when stimulated with catecholamines. Tubular secretion of NaCl and fluid may serve a variety of renal functions, all of which are considered here. The occurrence of NaCl and fluid secretion in glomerular proximal tubules of teleosts, elasmobranchs, and reptiles and in mammalian renal tissue cultures suggests that the genetic potential for NaCl secretion is present in every vertebrate kidney.

  16. Direct hip joint distraction during acetabular fracture surgery using the AO universal manipulator.


    Calafi, L Afshin; Routt, M L Chip


    Certain acetabular fractures may necessitate distraction of the hip joint for removal of intra-articular debris and assessment of reduction. Distraction can be accomplished by manual traction, using a traction table or an AO universal manipulator (UM). The UM is a relatively simple and an inexpensive device that can provide focal distraction in a controlled manner without the risks associated with the use of a traction table. We describe a technique using the UM for hip joint distraction during acetabular fracture surgery through a Kocher-Langenbeck surgical exposure.

  17. Diffraction-limited Visible Light Images of Orion Trapezium Cluster with the Magellan Adaptive Secondary Adaptive Optics System (MagAO)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Close, L. M.; Males, J. R.; Morzinski, K.; Kopon, D.; Follette, K.; Rodigas, T. J.; Hinz, P.; Wu, Y.-L.; Puglisi, A.; Esposito, S.; Riccardi, A.; Pinna, E.; Xompero, M.; Briguglio, R.; Uomoto, A.; Hare, T.


    We utilized the new high-order (250-378 mode) Magellan Adaptive Optics system (MagAO) to obtain very high spatial resolution observations in "visible light" with MagAO's VisAO CCD camera. In the good-median seeing conditions of Magellan (0.''5-0.''7), we find MagAO delivers individual short exposure images as good as 19 mas optical resolution. Due to telescope vibrations, long exposure (60 s) r' (0.63 μm) images are slightly coarser at FWHM = 23-29 mas (Strehl ~28%) with bright (R < 9 mag) guide stars. These are the highest resolution filled-aperture images published to date. Images of the young (~1 Myr) Orion Trapezium θ1 Ori A, B, and C cluster members were obtained with VisAO. In particular, the 32 mas binary θ1 Ori C 1 C 2 was easily resolved in non-interferometric images for the first time. The relative positions of the bright trapezium binary stars were measured with ~0.6-5 mas accuracy. We are now sensitive to relative proper motions of just ~0.2 mas yr-1 (~0.4 km s-1 at 414 pc)—this is a ~2-10 × improvement in orbital velocity accuracy compared to previous efforts. For the first time, we see clear motion of the barycenter of θ1 Ori B 2 B 3 about θ1 Ori B 1. All five members of the θ1 Ori B system appear likely to be a gravitationally bound "mini cluster," but we find that not all the orbits can be both circular and co-planar. The lowest mass member of the θ1 Ori B system (B 4; mass ~0.2 M ⊙) has a very clearly detected motion (at 4.1 ± 1.3 km s-1 correlation = 99.9%) w.r.t. B 1. Previous work has suggested that B 4 and B 3 are on long-term unstable orbits and will be ejected from this "mini cluster." However, our new "baseline" model of the θ1 Ori B system suggests a more hierarchical system than previously thought, and so the ejection of B 4 may not occur for many orbits, and B 3 may be stable against ejection in the long-term. This "ejection" process of the lowest mass member of a "mini cluster" could play a major role in the formation of


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Close, L. M.; Males, J. R.; Morzinski, K.


    We utilized the new high-order (250-378 mode) Magellan Adaptive Optics system (MagAO) to obtain very high spatial resolution observations in ''visible light'' with MagAO's VisAO CCD camera. In the good-median seeing conditions of Magellan (0.''5-0.''7), we find MagAO delivers individual short exposure images as good as 19 mas optical resolution. Due to telescope vibrations, long exposure (60 s) r' (0.63 {mu}m) images are slightly coarser at FWHM = 23-29 mas (Strehl {approx}28%) with bright (R < 9 mag) guide stars. These are the highest resolution filled-aperture images published to date. Images of the young ({approx}1 Myr) Orion Trapezium {theta}{sup 1}more » Ori A, B, and C cluster members were obtained with VisAO. In particular, the 32 mas binary {theta}{sup 1} Ori C{sub 1} C{sub 2} was easily resolved in non-interferometric images for the first time. The relative positions of the bright trapezium binary stars were measured with {approx}0.6-5 mas accuracy. We are now sensitive to relative proper motions of just {approx}0.2 mas yr{sup -1} ({approx}0.4 km s{sup -1} at 414 pc)-this is a {approx}2-10 Multiplication-Sign improvement in orbital velocity accuracy compared to previous efforts. For the first time, we see clear motion of the barycenter of {theta}{sup 1} Ori B{sub 2} B{sub 3} about {theta}{sup 1} Ori B{sub 1}. All five members of the {theta}{sup 1} Ori B system appear likely to be a gravitationally bound ''mini cluster'', but we find that not all the orbits can be both circular and co-planar. The lowest mass member of the {theta}{sup 1} Ori B system (B{sub 4}; mass {approx}0.2 M{sub Sun }) has a very clearly detected motion (at 4.1 {+-} 1.3 km s{sup -1}; correlation = 99.9%) w.r.t. B{sub 1}. Previous work has suggested that B{sub 4} and B{sub 3} are on long-term unstable orbits and will be ejected from this ''mini cluster''. However, our new ''baseline'' model of the {theta}{sup 1} Ori B system suggests a more hierarchical system than previously thought

  19. Low-temperature glasslike properties in (NaCl)1-x(NaCN)x

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Watson, Susan K.; Pohl, R. O.


    Thermal conductivity, internal friction, transverse sound velocity (60 mK to 300 K), and specific-heat data (100 mK to 40 K) for (NaCl)1-x(NaCN)x (x=0, 0.025, 0.05, 0.1, 0.76, 1) show a progression from crystalline to glasslike behavior as the CN- concentration is increased from 0 to 76 %. The evolution of glasslike properties is compared to that in other crystals in which glasslike properties evolve with increasing disorder, e.g., (KBr)1-x(KCN)x and Ba1-xLaxF2-x. For (KBr)1-x(KCN)x, Sethna and Chow have shown that as the concentration of the almost freely rotating CN- ions is increased the average potential barrier for CN- reorientation also increases through elastic quadrupolar interactions. For x~0.5, only a small density of low-energy states is left, which equals that observed in structural glasses. In Ba1-xLaxF2-x, on the other hand, the crystal field for small doping x is so large that no atomic motion occurs at low temperatures. (NaCl)1-x(NaCN)x is shown to represent an intermediate case, in that the crystal field is non-negligible at small x, yet glasslike low-energy excitations indicative of very small potential barrier heights evolve with increasing x. It is argued that random internal strains cause a decrease of the barrier heights in these crystals, which lead to the low-energy excitations. It is proposed that random strains have a similar effect in other disordered crystals as in Ba1-xLaxF2-x, which for small x show no low-energy mobile states, yet which for large x become glasslike.

  20. Heterogeneous reactions of HNO3(g) + NaCl(s) yields HCl(g) + NaNO3(s) and N2O5(g) + NaCl(s) yields ClNO2(g) + NaNO3(s)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Leu, Ming-Taun; Timonen, Raimo S.; Keyser, Leon F.; Yung, Yuk L.


    The heterogeneous reactions of HNO3(g) + NaCl(s) yields HCl(g) + NaNO3(s) (eq 1) and N2O5(g) + NaCl(s) yields ClNO2(g) + NaNO3(S) (eq 2) were investigated over the temperature range 223-296 K in a flow-tube reactor coupled to a quadrupole mass spectrometer. Either a chemical ionization mass spectrometer (CIMS) or an electron-impact ionization mass spectrometer (EIMS) was used to provide suitable detection sensitivity and selectivity. In order to mimic atmospheric conditions, partial pressures of HNO3 and N2O5 in the range 6 x 10(exp -8) - 2 x 10(exp -6) Torr were used. Granule sizes and surface roughness of the solid NaCl substrates were determined by using a scanning electron microscope. For dry NaCl substrates, decay rates of HNO3 were used to obtain gamma(1) = 0.013 +/- 0.004 (1sigma) at 296 K and > 0.008 at 223 K, respectively. The error quoted is the statistical error. After all corrections were made, the overall error, including systematic error, was estimated to be about a factor of 2. HCl was found to be the sole gas-phase product of reaction 1. The mechanism changed from heterogeneous reaction to predominantly physical adsorption when the reactor was cooled from 296 to 223 K. For reaction 2 using dry salts, gamma(2) was found to be less than 1.0 x 10(exp -4) at both 223 and 296 K. The gas-phase reaction product was identified as ClNO2 in previous studies using an infrared spectrometer. An enhancement in reaction probability was observed if water was not completely removed from salt surfaces, probably due to the reaction of N2O5(g) + H2O(s) yields 2HNO3(g). Our results are compared with previous literature values obtained using different experimental techniques and conditions. The implications of the present results for the enhancement of the hydrogen chloride column density in the lower stratosphere after the El Chichon volcanic eruption and for the chemistry of HCl and HNO3 in the marine troposphere are discussed.

  1. Role of alkali carbonate and salt in topochemical synthesis of K1/2Na1/2NbO3 and NaNbO3 templates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lee, Jae-Seok; Jeon, Jae-Ho; Choi, Si-Young


    Since the properties of lead-free piezoelectric materials have thus far failed to meet those of lead-based materials, either chemical doping or morphological texturing should be employed to improve the piezoelectric properties of lead-free piezoelectric ceramics. The goal of this study was to synthesize plate-like K1/2Na1/2NbO3 and NaNbO3 particles, which are the most favorable templates for morphological texturing of K1/2Na1/2NbO3 ceramics. To achieve this goal, Bi2.5Na3.5Nb5O18 precursors in a plate-like shape were first synthesized and subsequently converted into K1/2Na1/2NbO3 or NaNbO3 particles that retain the morphology of Bi2.5Na3.5Nb5O18. In this study, we found that sodium or potassium carbonate does not play a major role in converting the Bi2.5Na3.5Nb5O18 precursor to K1/2Na1/2NbO3 or NaNbO3, on the contrary to previous reports; however, the salt contributes to the conversion reaction. All synthesis processes have been performed via a molten salt method, and scanning electron microscopy, scanning probe microscopy, and inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy were used to characterize the synthesized K1/2Na1/2NbO3 or NaNbO3 templates.

  2. Natural variability in Drosophila larval and pupal NaCl tolerance.


    Riedl, Craig A L; Oster, Sara; Busto, Macarena; Mackay, Trudy F C; Sokolowski, Marla B


    The regulation of NaCl is essential for the maintenance of cellular tonicity and functionality, and excessive salt exposure has many adverse effects. The fruit fly, Drosophila melanogaster, is a good osmoregulator and some strains can survive on media with very low or high NaCl content. Previous analyses of mutant alleles have implicated various stress signaling cascades in NaCl sensitivity or tolerance; however, the genes influencing natural variability of NaCl tolerance remain for the most part unknown. Here, we use two approaches to investigate natural variation in D. melanogaster NaCl tolerance. We describe four D. melanogaster lines that were selected for different degrees of NaCl tolerance, and present data on their survival, development, and pupation position when raised on varying NaCl concentrations. After finding evidence for natural variation in salt tolerance, we present the results of Quantitative Trait Loci (QTL) mapping of natural variation in larval and pupal NaCl tolerance, and identify different genomic regions associated with NaCl tolerance during larval and pupal development. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  3. A Chimera Na+-Pump Rhodopsin as an Effective Optogenetic Silencer

    PubMed Central

    Hoque, Mohammad Razuanul; Ishizuka, Toru; Inoue, Keiichi; Abe-Yoshizumi, Rei; Igarashi, Hiroyuki; Mishima, Takaaki; Kandori, Hideki


    With the progress of optogenetics, the activities of genetically identified neurons can be optically silenced to determine whether the neurons in question are necessary for the network performance of the behavioral expression. This logical induction is expected to be improved by the application of the Na+ pump rhodopsins (NaRs), which hyperpolarize the membrane potential with negligible influence on the ionic/pH balance. Here, we made several chimeric NaRs between two NaRs, KR2 and IaNaR from Krokinobacter eikastus and Indibacter alkaliphilus, respectively. We found that one of these chimeras, named I1K6NaR, exhibited some improvements in the membrane targeting and photocurrent properties over native NaRs. The I1K6NaR-expressing cortical neurons were stably silenced by green light irradiation for a certain long duration. With its rapid kinetics and voltage dependency, the photoactivation of I1K6NaR would specifically counteract the generation of action potentials with less hyperpolarization of the neuronal membrane potential than KR2. PMID:27861619

  4. Co-intercalation of Mg(2+) and Na(+) in Na(0.69)Fe2(CN)6 as a High-Voltage Cathode for Magnesium Batteries.


    Kim, Dong-Min; Kim, Youngjin; Arumugam, Durairaj; Woo, Sang Won; Jo, Yong Nam; Park, Min-Sik; Kim, Young-Jun; Choi, Nam-Soon; Lee, Kyu Tae


    Thanks to the advantages of low cost and good safety, magnesium metal batteries get the limelight as substituent for lithium ion batteries. However, the energy density of state-of-the-art magnesium batteries is not high enough because of their low operating potential; thus, it is necessary to improve the energy density by developing new high-voltage cathode materials. In this study, nanosized Berlin green Fe2(CN)6 and Prussian blue Na(0.69)Fe2(CN)6 are compared as high-voltage cathode materials for magnesium batteries. Interestingly, while Mg(2+) ions cannot be intercalated in Fe2(CN)6, Na(0.69)Fe2(CN)6 shows reversible intercalation and deintercalation of Mg(2+) ions, although they have the same crystal structure except for the presence of Na(+) ions. This phenomenon is attributed to the fact that Mg(2+) ions are more stable in Na(+)-containing Na(0.69)Fe2(CN)6 than in Na(+)-free Fe2(CN)6, indicating Na(+) ions in Na(0.69)Fe2(CN)6 plays a crucial role in stabilizing Mg(2+) ions. Na(0.69)Fe2(CN)6 delivers reversible capacity of approximately 70 mA h g(-1) at 3.0 V vs Mg/Mg(2+) and shows stable cycle performance over 35 cycles. Therefore, Prussian blue analogues are promising structures for high-voltage cathode materials in Mg batteries. Furthermore, this co-intercalation effect suggests new avenues for the development of cathode materials in hybrid magnesium batteries that use both Mg(2+) and Na(+) ions as charge carriers.

  5. LDEF: Dosimetric measurement results (AO 138-7 experiment)

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bourrieau, J.


    One of the objectives of the AO 138-7 experiment on board the LDEF was a total dose measurement with Thermo Luminescent Detectors (TLD 100). Two identical cases, both including 5 TLDs inside various aluminum shields, are exposed to the space environment in order to obtain the absorbed dose profile induced. Radiation fluence received during the total mission length was computed, taking into account the trapped particles (solar maximum and solar minimum periods) and the cosmic rays; due to the magnetospheric shielding, the solar proton fluences are negligible on the LDEF orbit. The total dose induced by these radiations inside a semi-infinite plane shield of Al are computed with radiation transport codes. TLD reading are performed after flight; due to the mission duration increase, a post-flight calibration was necessary in order to cover the range of the flight induced dose. The results obtained, similar (+ or - 30 pct.) in both cases, are compared with the dose profile computation. In practice, these LDEF results, with less than a factor 1.4 between measurements and forecasts, reinforce the validity of the computation methods and models used for the long term evaluation of space radiation intensity on low inclination Earth orbits.

  6. Signal transduction of aortic and carotid sinus baroreceptors is not modified by central command during spontaneous motor activity in decerebrate cats.


    Matsukawa, Kanji; Ishii, Kei; Kadowaki, Akito; Ishida, Tomoko; Idesako, Mitsuhiro; Liang, Nan


    Our laboratory has suggested that central command provides selective inhibition of the cardiomotor component of aortic baroreflex at the start of exercise, preserving carotid sinus baroreflex. It is postulated that central command may modify the signal transduction of aortic baroreceptors, so as to decrease aortic baroreceptor input to the cardiovascular centers, and, thereby, can cause the selective inhibition of aortic baroreflex. To test the hypothesis, we directly analyzed the responses in multifiber aortic nerve activity (AoNA) and carotid sinus nerve activity (CsNA) during spontaneous motor activity in decerebrate, paralyzed cats. The increases of 62-104% in mean AoNA and CsNA were found during spontaneous motor activity, in proportion to a rise of 35 ± 3 mmHg (means ± SE) in mean arterial blood pressure (MAP), and had an attenuating tendency by restraining heart rate (HR) at the lower intrinsic frequency of 154 ± 6 beats/min. Brief occlusion of the abdominal aorta was conducted before and during spontaneous motor activity to produce a mechanically evoked increase in MAP and, thereby, to examine the stimulus-response relationship of arterial baroreceptors. Although the sensitivity of the MAP-HR baroreflex curve was markedly blunted during spontaneous motor activity, the stimulus-response relationships of AoNA and CsNA were not influenced by spontaneous motor activity, irrespective of the absence or presence of the HR restraint. Thus, it is concluded that aortic and carotid sinus baroreceptors can code beat-by-beat blood pressure during spontaneous motor activity in decerebrate cats and that central command is unlikely to modulate the signal transduction of arterial baroreceptors. Copyright © 2014 the American Physiological Society.

  7. Crystallization kinetics from mixture Na2SO4/glycerol droplets of Na2SO4 by FTIR-ATR

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tan, Dan-Ting; Cai, Chen; Zhang, Yun; Wang, Na; Pang, Shu-Feng; Zhang, Yun-Hong


    The efflorescence of mixed Na2SO4/glycerol aerosols on the ZnSe substrate with various mole ratios (Na2SO4/glycerol = 1:1, 1:2, 1:4) has been studied in the relative humidity (RH) linearly decline process, using a situ Fourier transform infrared attenuated total reflection (FTIR-ATR) technique. The crystal ratio at a given RH can be gained by the absorbance of the band at 1132 cm-1, which shows the incomplete nucleation for mixed Na2SO4/glycerol aerosols and the decreased amount of the droplets crystallized at the lowest RH with the glycerol increase. Using the volume fraction of droplets that have yet to crystallize, the heterogeneous nucleation kinetics has been gained. By the Extended Aerosol Inorganics Model (E-AIM), the nucleation rate as the function of solute saturation degree has been gained for various mixed Na2SO4/glycerol aerosols.

  8. Experimental study of the astrophysically important Na 23 ( α , p ) Mg 26 and Na 23 ( α , n ) Al 26 reactions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Avila, M. L.; Rehm, K. E.; Almaraz-Calderon, S.

    The 23Na(α,p) 26Mg and 23Na(α,n) 26Al reactions are important for our understanding of the 26Al abundance in massive stars. The aim of this work is to report on a direct and simultaneous measurement of these astrophysically important reactions using an active target system. The reactions were investigated in inverse kinematics using 4He as the active target gas in the detector. We measured the excitation functions in the energy range of about 2 to 6 MeV in the center of mass. We have found that the cross sections of the 23Na(α,p) 26Mg and the 23Na(α,n) 26Al reactions are in good agreementmore » with previous experiments and with statistical-model calculations. As a result, the astrophysical reaction rate of the 23Na(α,n) 26Al reaction has been reevaluated and it was found to be larger than the recommended rate.« less

  9. Experimental study of the astrophysically important Na 23 ( α , p ) Mg 26 and Na 23 ( α , n ) Al 26 reactions


    Avila, M. L.; Rehm, K. E.; Almaraz-Calderon, S.; ...


    The 23Na(α,p) 26Mg and 23Na(α,n) 26Al reactions are important for our understanding of the 26Al abundance in massive stars. The aim of this work is to report on a direct and simultaneous measurement of these astrophysically important reactions using an active target system. The reactions were investigated in inverse kinematics using 4He as the active target gas in the detector. We measured the excitation functions in the energy range of about 2 to 6 MeV in the center of mass. We have found that the cross sections of the 23Na(α,p) 26Mg and the 23Na(α,n) 26Al reactions are in good agreementmore » with previous experiments and with statistical-model calculations. As a result, the astrophysical reaction rate of the 23Na(α,n) 26Al reaction has been reevaluated and it was found to be larger than the recommended rate.« less

  10. Double Knockout of the Na+-Driven Cl−/HCO3− Exchanger and Na+/Cl− Cotransporter Induces Hypokalemia and Volume Depletion

    PubMed Central

    Sinning, Anne; Radionov, Nikita; Trepiccione, Francesco; López-Cayuqueo, Karen I.; Jayat, Maximilien; Baron, Stéphanie; Cornière, Nicolas; Alexander, R. Todd; Hadchouel, Juliette; Eladari, Dominique; Hübner, Christian A.


    We recently described a novel thiazide–sensitive electroneutral NaCl transport mechanism resulting from the parallel operation of the Cl−/HCO3− exchanger pendrin and the Na+–driven Cl−/2HCO3− exchanger (NDCBE) in β-intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Although a role for pendrin in maintaining Na+ balance, intravascular volume, and BP is well supported, there is no in vivo evidence for the role of NDCBE in maintaining Na+ balance. Here, we show that deletion of NDCBE in mice caused only subtle perturbations of Na+ homeostasis and provide evidence that the Na+/Cl− cotransporter (NCC) compensated for the inactivation of NDCBE. To unmask the role of NDCBE, we generated Ndcbe/Ncc double–knockout (dKO) mice. On a normal salt diet, dKO and single-knockout mice exhibited similar activation of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system, whereas only dKO mice displayed a lower blood K+ concentration. Furthermore, dKO mice displayed upregulation of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) and the Ca2+–activated K+ channel BKCa. During NaCl depletion, only dKO mice developed marked intravascular volume contraction, despite dramatically increased renin activity. Notably, the increase in aldosterone levels expected on NaCl depletion was attenuated in dKO mice, and single-knockout and dKO mice had similar blood K+ concentrations under this condition. In conclusion, NDCBE is necessary for maintaining sodium balance and intravascular volume during salt depletion or NCC inactivation in mice. Furthermore, NDCBE has an important role in the prevention of hypokalemia. Because NCC and NDCBE are both thiazide targets, the combined inhibition of NCC and the NDCBE/pendrin system may explain thiazide-induced hypokalemia in some patients. PMID:27151921

  11. Oxidation of ethanol on NaX zeolite modified with transition metals

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mirzai, J. I.; Nadirov, P. A.; Velieva, A. D.; Muradkhanli, V. G.


    NaLaX, NaX + Co, and NaPdX catalysts are synthesized by modification of NaX zeolite with transition metals (La, Co, Pd). The activity of the prepared materials in catalytic ethanol oxidation is studied in the temperature range of 423-723 K. It is shown that NaPdX and NaX + Co accelerate the reactions of partial and complete oxidation of ethanol as the temperature rises. NaLaX accelerates both intramolecular and intermolecular dehydration of alcohol. It is shown that the NaPdX (1.0% Pd) sample has the highest activity in the complete oxidation of alcohol with the formation of CO2.

  12. Characterization of ZnAl cast alloys with Na addition

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Gancarz, Tomasz, E-mail:; Cempura, Grzegorz; Skuza, Wojciech


    This study was aimed at evaluating the microstructural change and thermal, electrical and mechanical properties with the addition of Na to eutectic ZnAl alloys. Solders based on eutectic ZnAl containing 0.2 to 3.0 (wt.%) of Na were developed for high temperature solder. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements were performed to determine the melting temperatures of the alloys. Thermal linear expansion and electrical resistivity measurements were performed over − 50 °C to 300 °C and 30 °C to 300 °C temperature ranges, respectively. The microstructure of the specimens was analyzed using scanning (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM) techniques. Chemical microanalysismore » was performed by energy-dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) on SEM and TEM. The precipitates of NaZn{sub 13} were confirmed by X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements and selected area electron diffraction (SAED) techniques. The addition of Na to eutectic ZnAl alloy increased the electrical resistivity and reduced the coefficient of thermal expansion; however, the melting point did not change. The mechanical properties, strain and microhardness increased with Na content in alloys. - Highlights: • High temperature soldering materials of ZnAl with Na were designed and characterized. • Precipitates of NaZn{sub 13}were observed and confirmed using TEM and XRD. • Addition of Na to eutectic ZnAl cussed increased mechanical properties. • NaZn{sub 13} caused increased electrical resistivity and microhardness, and reduced the CTE.« less

  13. Measurements of the liquidus surface and solidus transitions of the NaCl-UCl3 and NaCl-UCl3-CeCl3 phase diagrams

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sooby, E. S.; Nelson, A. T.; White, J. T.; McIntyre, P. M.


    NaCl-UCl3-PuCl3 is proposed as the fuel salt for a number of molten salt reactor concepts. No experimental data exists for the ternary system, and limited data is available for the binary compositions of this salt system. Differential scanning calorimetry is used in this study to examine the liquidus surface and solidus transition of a surrogate fuel-salt (NaCl-UCl3-CeCl3) and to reinvestigate the NaCl-UCl3 eutectic phase diagram. The results of this study show good agreement with previously reported data for the pure salt compounds used (NaCl, UCl3, and CeCl3) as well as for the eutectic points for the NaCl-UCl3 and NaCl-CeCl3 binary systems. The NaCl-UCl3 liquidus surface produced in this study predicts a 30-40 °C increase on the NaCl-rich side of the binary phase diagram. The increase in liquidus temperature could prove significant to molten salt reactor modeling.

  14. Kinetin Reversal of NaCl Effects

    PubMed Central

    Katz, Adriana; Dehan, Klara; Itai, Chanan


    Leaf discs of Nicotiana rustica L. were floated on NaCl in the presence of kinetin or abscisic acid. On the 5th day 14CO2 fixation, [3H]leucine incorporation, stomatal conductance, and chlorophyll content were determined. Kinetin either partially or completely reversed the inhibitory effects of NaCl while ABA had no effect. PMID:16660618

  15. An enhancement to the NA4 gear vibration diagnostic parameter

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Decker, Harry J.; Handschuh, Robert F.; Zakrajsek, James J.


    A new vibration diagnostic parameter for health monitoring of gears, NA4*, is proposed and tested. A recently developed gear vibration diagnostic parameter NA4 outperformed other fault detection methods at indicating the start and initial progression of damage. However, in some cases, as the damage progressed, the sensitivity of the NA4 and FM4 parameters tended to decrease and no longer indicated damage. A new parameter, NA4* was developed by enhancing NA4 to improve the trending of the parameter. This allows for the indication of damage both at initiation and also as the damage progresses. The NA4* parameter was verified and compared to the NA4 and FM4 parameters using experimental data from single mesh spur and spiral bevel gear fatigue rigs. The primary failure mode for the test cases was naturally occurring tooth surface pitting. The NA4* parameter is shown to be a more robust indicator of damage.

  16. Magnetism in Na-filled Fe-based skutterudites


    Xing, Guangzong; Fan, Xiaofeng; Zheng, Weitao; ...


    The interplay of superconductivity and magnetism is a subject of ongoing interest, stimulated most recently by the discovery of Fe-based superconductivity and the recognition that spin-fluctuations near a magnetic quantum critical point may provide an explanation for the superconductivity and the order parameter. We investigate magnetism in the Na filled Fe-based skutterudites using first principles calculations. NaFe 4Sb 12 is a known ferromagnet near a quantum critical point. We find a ferromagnetic metallic state for this compound driven by a Stoner type instability, consistent with prior work. In accord with prior work, the magnetization is overestimated, as expected for amore » material near an itinerant ferromagnetic quantum critical point. NaFe 4P 12 also shows a ferromagnetic instability at the density functional level, but this instability is much weaker than that of NaFe 4Sb 12, possibly placing it on the paramagnetic side of the quantum critical point. NaFe 4As 12 shows intermediate behavior. We also present results for skutterudite FeSb 3, which is a metastable phase that has been reported in thin film form.« less

  17. The effect of NaCl 0.9% and NaCl 0.45% on sodium, chloride, and acid-base balance in a PICU population.


    Almeida, Helena Isabel; Mascarenhas, Maria Inês; Loureiro, Helena Cristina; Abadesso, Clara S; Nunes, Pedro S; Moniz, Marta S; Machado, Maria Céu


    To study the effect of two intravenous maintenance fluids on plasma sodium (Na), and acid-base balance in pediatric intensive care patients during the first 24h of hospitalization. A prospective randomized controlled study was performed, which allocated 233 patients to groups: (A) NaCl 0.9% or (B) NaCl 0.45%. Patients were aged 1 day to 18 years, had normal electrolyte concentrations, and suffered an acute insult (medical/surgical). change in plasma sodium. Parametric tests: t-tests, ANOVA, X(2) statistical significance level was set at α=0.05. Group A (n=130): serum Na increased by 2.91 (±3.9)mmol/L at 24h (p<0.01); 2% patients had Na higher than 150 mmol/L. Mean urinary Na: 106.6 (±56.8)mmol/L. No change in pH at 0 and 24h. Group B (n=103): serum Na did not display statistically significant changes. Fifteen percent of the patients had Na<135 mmol/L at 24h. The two fluids had different effects on respiratory and post-operative situations. The use of saline 0.9% was associated with a lower incidence of electrolyte disturbances. Copyright © 2015 Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria. Published by Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.

  18. ATP Dependence of Na+/H+ Exchange

    PubMed Central

    Demaurex, Nicolas; Romanek, Robert R.; Orlowski, John; Grinstein, Sergio


    We studied the ATP dependence of NHE-1, the ubiquitous isoform of the Na+/H+ antiporter, using the whole-cell configuration of the patch-clamp technique to apply nucleotides intracellularly while measuring cytosolic pH (pHi) by microfluorimetry. Na+/H+ exchange activity was measured as the Na+-driven pHi recovery from an acid load, which was imposed via the patch pipette. In Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) fibroblasts stably transfected with NHE-1, omission of ATP from the pipette solution inhibited Na+/H+ exchange. Conversely, ATP perfusion restored exchange activity in cells that had been metabolically depleted by 2-deoxy-d-glucose and oligomycin. In cells dialyzed in the presence of ATP, no “run-down” was observed even after extended periods, suggesting that the nucleotide is the only diffusible factor required for optimal NHE-1 activity. Half-maximal activation of the antiporter was obtained at ∼5 mM Mg-ATP. Submillimolar concentrations failed to sustain Na+/H+ exchange even when an ATP regenerating system was included in the pipette solution. High ATP concentrations are also known to be required for the optimal function of other cation exchangers. In the case of the Na/Ca2+ exchanger, this requirement has been attributed to an aminophospholipid translocase, or “flippase.” The involvement of this enzyme in Na+/H+ exchange was examined using fluorescent phosphatidylserine, which is actively translocated by the flippase. ATP depletion decreased the transmembrane uptake of NBD-labeled phosphatidylserine (NBD-PS), indicating that the flippase was inhibited. Diamide, an agent reported to block the flippase, was as potent as ATP depletion in reducing NBD-PS uptake. However, diamide had no effect on Na+/H+ exchange, implying that the effect of ATP is not mediated by changes in lipid distribution across the plasma membrane. K-ATP and ATPγS were as efficient as Mg-ATP in sustaining NHE-1 activity, while AMP-PNP and AMP-PCP only partially substituted for ATP. In

  19. Na+ Interactions with the Neutral Amino Acid Transporter ASCT1*

    PubMed Central

    Scopelliti, Amanda J.; Heinzelmann, Germano; Kuyucak, Serdar; Ryan, Renae M.; Vandenberg, Robert J.


    The alanine, serine, cysteine transporters (ASCTs) belong to the solute carrier family 1A (SLC1A), which also includes the excitatory amino acid transporters (EAATs) and the prokaryotic aspartate transporter GltPh. Acidic amino acid transport by the EAATs is coupled to the co-transport of three Na+ ions and one proton, and the counter-transport of one K+ ion. In contrast, neutral amino acid exchange by the ASCTs does not require protons or the counter-transport of K+ ions and the number of Na+ ions required is not well established. One property common to SLC1A family members is a substrate-activated anion conductance. We have investigated the number and location of Na+ ions required by ASCT1 by mutating residues in ASCT1 that correspond to residues in the EAATs and GltPh that are involved in Na+ binding. Mutations to all three proposed Na+ sites influence the binding of substrate and/or Na+, or the rate of substrate exchange. A G422S mutation near the Na2 site reduced Na+ affinity, without affecting the rate of exchange. D467T and D467A mutations in the Na1 site reduce Na+ and substrate affinity and also the rate of substrate exchange. T124A and D380A mutations in the Na3 site selectively reduce the affinity for Na+ and the rate of substrate exchange without affecting substrate affinity. In many of the mutants that reduce the rate of substrate transport the amplitudes of the substrate-activated anion conductances are not substantially affected indicating altered ion dependence for channel activation compared with substrate exchange. PMID:24808181

  20. Neuronal Na+ Channels Are Integral Components of Pro-arrhythmic Na+/Ca2+ Signaling Nanodomain That Promotes Cardiac Arrhythmias During β-adrenergic Stimulation

    PubMed Central

    Radwański, Przemysław B.; Ho, Hsiang-Ting; Veeraraghavan, Rengasayee; Brunello, Lucia; Liu, Bin; Belevych, Andriy E.; Unudurthi, Sathya D.; Makara, Michael A.; Priori, Silvia G.; Volpe, Pompeo; Armoundas, Antonis A.; Dillmann, Wolfgang H.; Knollmann, Bjorn C.; Mohler, Peter J.; Hund, Thomas J.; Györke, Sándor


    Background Cardiac arrhythmias are a leading cause of death in the US. Vast majority of these arrhythmias including catecholaminergic polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (CPVT) are associated with increased levels of circulating catecholamines and involve abnormal impulse formation secondary to aberrant Ca2+ and Na+ handling. However, the mechanistic link between β-AR stimulation and the subcellular/molecular arrhythmogenic trigger(s) remains elusive. Methods and Results We performed functional and structural studies to assess Ca2+ and Na+ signaling in ventricular myocyte as well as surface electrocardiograms in mouse models of cardiac calsequestrin (CASQ2)-associated CPVT. We demonstrate that a subpopulation of Na+ channels (neuronal Na+ channels; nNav) that colocalize with RyR2 and Na+/Ca2+ exchanger (NCX) are a part of the β-AR-mediated arrhythmogenic process. Specifically, augmented Na+ entry via nNav in the settings of genetic defects within the RyR2 complex and enhanced sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) Ca2+-ATPase (SERCA)-mediated SR Ca2+ refill is both an essential and a necessary factor for the arrhythmogenesis. Furthermore, we show that augmentation of Na+ entry involves β-AR-mediated activation of CAMKII subsequently leading to nNav augmentation. Importantly, selective pharmacological inhibition as well as silencing of Nav1.6 inhibit myocyte arrhythmic potential and prevent arrhythmias in vivo. Conclusion These data suggest that the arrhythmogenic alteration in Na+/Ca2+ handling evidenced ruing β-AR stimulation results, at least in part, from enhanced Na+ influx through nNav. Therefore, selective inhibition of these channels and Nav1.6 in particular can serve as a potential antiarrhythmic therapy. PMID:27747307

  1. Feasibility study for a secondary Na/S battery

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Abraham, K. M.; Schiff, R.; Brummer, S. B.


    The feasibility of a moderate temperature Na battery was studied. This battery is to operate at a temperature in the range of 100-150 C. Two kinds of cathode were investigated: (1) a soluble S cathode consisting of a solution of Na2Sn in an organic solvent and (2) an insoluble S cathode consisting of a transition metal dichalcogenide in contact with a Na(+)ion conducting electrolyte. Four amide solvents, dimethyl acetamide, diethyl acetamide, N-methyl acetamide and acetamide, were investigated as possible solvents for the soluble S cathode. Results of stability and electrochemical studies using these solvents are presented. The dialkyl substituted amides were found to be superior. Although the alcohol 1,3-cyclohexanediol was found to be stable in the presence of Na2Sn at 130 C, its Na2Sn solutions did not appear to have suitable electrochemical properties.

  2. Mechanistic origin of low polarization in aprotic Na-O2 batteries.


    Ma, Shunchao; McKee, William C; Wang, Jiawei; Guo, Limin; Jansen, Martin; Xu, Ye; Peng, Zhangquan


    Research interest in aprotic sodium-air (Na-O 2 ) batteries is growing because of their considerably high theoretical specific energy and potentially better reversibility than lithium-air (Li-O 2 ) batteries. While Li 2 O 2 has been unequivocally identified as the major discharge product in Li-O 2 batteries containing relatively stable electrolytes, a multitude of discharge products, including NaO 2 , Na 2 O 2 and Na 2 O 2 ·2H 2 O, have been reported for Na-O 2 batteries and the corresponding cathodic electrochemistry remains incompletely understood. Herein, we provide molecular-level insights into the key mechanistic differences between Na-O 2 and Li-O 2 batteries based on gold electrodes in strictly dry, aprotic dimethyl sulfoxide electrolytes through a combination of in situ spectroelectrochemistry and density functional theory based modeling. While like Li-O 2 batteries, the formation of oxygen reduction products (i.e., O 2 - , NaO 2 and Na 2 O 2 ) in Na-O 2 batteries depends critically on the electrode potential, two factors lead to a better reversibility of Na-O 2 electrochemistry, and are therefore highly beneficial to a viable rechargeable metal-air battery design: (i) only O 2 - and NaO 2 , and no Na 2 O 2 , form down to as low as ∼1.5 V vs. Na/Na + during discharge; (ii) solid NaO 2 is quite soluble and its formation and oxidation can proceed through micro-reversible EC (a chemical reaction of the product after the electron transfer) and CE (a chemical reaction preceding the electron transfer) processes, respectively, with O 2 - as the key intermediate.

  3. Mutations in the Na+/Citrate Cotransporter NaCT (SLC13A5) in Pediatric Patients with Epilepsy and Developmental Delay

    PubMed Central

    Klotz, Jenna; Porter, Brenda E; Colas, Claire; Schlessinger, Avner; Pajor, Ana M


    Mutations in the SLC13A5 gene that codes for the Na+/citrate cotransporter, NaCT, are associated with early onset epilepsy, developmental delay and tooth dysplasia in children. In this study, we identify additional SLC13A5 mutations in nine epilepsy patients from six families. To better characterize the syndrome, families with affected children answered questions about the scope of illness and the treatment strategies. Currently, there are no effective treatments, but some antiepileptic drugs targeting the γ-aminobutyric acid system reduce seizure frequency. Acetazolamide, a carbonic anhydrase inhibitor and atypical antiseizure medication, decreases seizures in four patients. In contrast to previous reports, the ketogenic diet and fasting resulted in worsening of symptoms. The effects of the mutations on NaCT transport function and protein expression were examined by transient transfections of COS-7 cells. There was no transport activity from any of the mutant transporters, although some of the mutant transporter proteins were present on the plasma membrane. The structural model of NaCT suggests that these mutations can affect helix packing or substrate binding. We tested various treatments, including chemical chaperones and low temperatures, but none improved transport function in the NaCT mutants. Interestingly, coexpression of NaCT and the mutants results in decreased protein expression and activity of the wild-type transporter, indicating functional interaction. In conclusion, this study has identified additional SLC13A5 mutations in patients with chronic epilepsy starting in the neonatal period, with the mutations producing inactive Na+/citrate transporters. PMID:27261973

  4. Hydrogen Sulfide Induced Disruption of Na+ Homeostasis in the Cortex

    PubMed Central

    Chao, Dongman; He, Xiaozhou; Yang, Yilin; Balboni, Gianfranco; Salvadori, Severo; Kim, Dong H.; Xia, Ying


    Maintenance of ionic balance is essential for neuronal functioning. Hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a known toxic environmental gaseous pollutant, has been recently recognized as a gasotransmitter involved in numerous biological processes and is believed to play an important role in the neural activities under both physiological and pathological conditions. However, it is unclear if it plays any role in maintenance of ionic homeostasis in the brain under physiological/pathophysiological conditions. Here, we report by directly measuring Na+ activity using Na+ selective electrodes in mouse cortical slices that H2S donor sodium hydrosulfide (NaHS) increased Na+ influx in a concentration-dependent manner. This effect could be partially blocked by either Na+ channel blocker or N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) blocker alone or almost completely abolished by coapplication of both blockers but not by non-NMDAR blocker. These data suggest that increased H2S in pathophysiological conditions, e.g., hypoxia/ischemia, potentially causes a disruption of ionic homeostasis by massive Na+ influx through Na+ channels and NMDARs, thus injuring neural functions. Activation of delta-opioid receptors (DOR), which reduces Na+ currents/influx in normoxia, had no effect on H2S-induced Na+ influx, suggesting that H2S-induced disruption of Na+ homeostasis is resistant to DOR regulation and may play a major role in neuronal injury in pathophysiological conditions, e.g., hypoxia/ischemia. PMID:22474073

  5. Differential migratory properties of monocytes isolated from human subjects naïve and non-naïve to Cannabis

    PubMed Central

    Silvestroni, Aurelio; Möller, Thomas; Stella, Nephi


    This study evaluates the migratory potential of monocytes isolated from two groups of human subjects: naïve and non-naïve to Cannabis. Phytocannabinoids (pCB), the bioactive agents produced by the plant Cannabis, regulate the phenotype and function of immune cells by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors. It has been shown that agents influencing the phenotype of circulating monocytes influence the phenotype of macrophages and the outcome of immune responses. To date, nothing is known about the acute and long-term effects of pCB on human circulating monocytes. Healthy subjects were recruited for a single blood draw. Monocytes were isolated, fluorescently labeled and their migration quantified using a validated assay that employs near infrared fluorescence and modified Boyden chambers. CB1 and CB2 receptor mRNA expression was quantified by qPCR. Monocytes from all subjects (n = 10) responded to chemokine (c–c motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) and human serum stimuli. Acute application of pCB significantly inhibited both the basal and CCL2-stimulated migration of monocytes, but only in subjects non-naïve to Cannabis. qPCR analysis indicates that monocytes from subjects non-naïve to Cannabis express significantly more CB1 mRNA. The phenotype of monocytes isolated from subjects non-naïve to Cannabis is significantly different from monocytes isolated from subjects naïve to Cannabis. Only monocytes from subjects non-naïve to Cannabis respond to acute exposure to pCB by reducing their overall migratory capacity. Our study suggests that chronic exposure to Cannabis affects the phenotype of circulating monocytes and accordingly could influence outcome of inflammatory responses occurring in injured tissues. PMID:22492174

  6. Differential migratory properties of monocytes isolated from human subjects naïve and non-naïve to Cannabis.


    Sexton, Michelle; Silvestroni, Aurelio; Möller, Thomas; Stella, Nephi


    This study evaluates the migratory potential of monocytes isolated from two groups of human subjects: naïve and non-naïve to Cannabis. Phytocannabinoids (pCB), the bioactive agents produced by the plant Cannabis, regulate the phenotype and function of immune cells by interacting with CB1 and CB2 receptors. It has been shown that agents influencing the phenotype of circulating monocytes influence the phenotype of macrophages and the outcome of immune responses. To date, nothing is known about the acute and long-term effects of pCB on human circulating monocytes. Healthy subjects were recruited for a single blood draw. Monocytes were isolated, fluorescently labeled and their migration quantified using a validated assay that employs near infrared fluorescence and modified Boyden chambers. CB1 and CB2 receptor mRNA expression was quantified by qPCR. Monocytes from all subjects (n = 10) responded to chemokine (c-c motif) ligand 2 (CCL2) and human serum stimuli. Acute application of pCB significantly inhibited both the basal and CCL2-stimulated migration of monocytes, but only in subjects non-naïve to Cannabis. qPCR analysis indicates that monocytes from subjects non-naïve to Cannabis express significantly more CB1 mRNA. The phenotype of monocytes isolated from subjects non-naïve to Cannabis is significantly different from monocytes isolated from subjects naïve to Cannabis. Only monocytes from subjects non-naïve to Cannabis respond to acute exposure to pCB by reducing their overall migratory capacity. Our study suggests that chronic exposure to Cannabis affects the phenotype of circulating monocytes and accordingly could influence outcome of inflammatory responses occurring in injured tissues.

  7. Relationship between Na+-dependent respiration and Na+ + K+-adenosine triphosphatase activity in the action of thyroid hormone on rat jejunal mucosa.

    PubMed Central

    Liberman, U A; Asano, Y; Lo, C S; Edelman, I S


    Administration of three successive doses of triiodothyronine (T3) (50 micrograms/100 g body wt), given on alternate days to thyroidectomized and euthyroid rats, stimulated oxygen consumption (QO2) and Na+ transport-dependent respiration (QO2 [5]) in the stripped jejunal mucosa, a preparation that consisted mostly of epithelial cells. The increase in QO2(t) accounted for 57% of the increment in QO2 in the transition from the hypothyroid to the euthyroid state and for 29% of the increment in the transition from the euthyroid to the hyperthyroid state. Administration of T3 to hypothyroid rats also increased the yield of epithelial cells. Injection of T3 into thyroidectomized and euthyroid rats increased the specific activity (at Vmax) of the (Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (NaK-ATPase) in jejunal crude membrane preparations. No significant change was recorded in the activity of Mg-ATPase in the same preparation. The ratio of QO2/NaK-ATPase and QO2(t)/NaK-ATPase in the various thyroid states remained constant, indicating proportionate increased in the respiratory and enzymatic indices. The effect of administration of T3 to thyroidectomized rats on the number of NaK-ATPase units (recovered in the crude membrane preparation) was estimated by: (a) Na+ + Mg++ + ATP-dependent binding of [3H]-ouabain to crude membrane fractions, and (b) the amount of the phosphorylated intermediate formed in the NaK-ATPase reaction from AT32P(gamma). Estimates were obtained of the maximal number of [3H]ouabain binding sites (Nm) and dissociation constants (Kd). Nm for [3H]ouabain and Nak-ATPase specific activity increased to about the same extent after T3 administration to thyroidectomized rats, with no change in the apparent Kd values. The amount of phosphorylated intermediate formed in jejunal crude membrane preparations also increased significantly. Thus, thyroid hormone administration may increase the number of active Na+pump sites in the plasma membrane. The apparent

  8. Relationship between Na+-dependent respiration and Na+ + K+-adenosine triphosphatase activity in the action of thyroid hormone on rat jejunal mucosa.


    Liberman, U A; Asano, Y; Lo, C S; Edelman, I S


    Administration of three successive doses of triiodothyronine (T3) (50 micrograms/100 g body wt), given on alternate days to thyroidectomized and euthyroid rats, stimulated oxygen consumption (QO2) and Na+ transport-dependent respiration (QO2 [5]) in the stripped jejunal mucosa, a preparation that consisted mostly of epithelial cells. The increase in QO2(t) accounted for 57% of the increment in QO2 in the transition from the hypothyroid to the euthyroid state and for 29% of the increment in the transition from the euthyroid to the hyperthyroid state. Administration of T3 to hypothyroid rats also increased the yield of epithelial cells. Injection of T3 into thyroidectomized and euthyroid rats increased the specific activity (at Vmax) of the (Na+ + K+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (NaK-ATPase) in jejunal crude membrane preparations. No significant change was recorded in the activity of Mg-ATPase in the same preparation. The ratio of QO2/NaK-ATPase and QO2(t)/NaK-ATPase in the various thyroid states remained constant, indicating proportionate increased in the respiratory and enzymatic indices. The effect of administration of T3 to thyroidectomized rats on the number of NaK-ATPase units (recovered in the crude membrane preparation) was estimated by: (a) Na+ + Mg++ + ATP-dependent binding of [3H]-ouabain to crude membrane fractions, and (b) the amount of the phosphorylated intermediate formed in the NaK-ATPase reaction from AT32P(gamma). Estimates were obtained of the maximal number of [3H]ouabain binding sites (Nm) and dissociation constants (Kd). Nm for [3H]ouabain and Nak-ATPase specific activity increased to about the same extent after T3 administration to thyroidectomized rats, with no change in the apparent Kd values. The amount of phosphorylated intermediate formed in jejunal crude membrane preparations also increased significantly. Thus, thyroid hormone administration may increase the number of active Na+pump sites in the plasma membrane. The apparent

  9. Na+/H+ Exchange Activity in the Plasma Membrane of Arabidopsis1

    PubMed Central

    Qiu, Quan-Sheng; Barkla, Bronwyn J.; Vera-Estrella, Rosario; Zhu, Jian-Kang; Schumaker, Karen S.


    In plants, Na+/H+ exchangers in the plasma membrane are critical for growth in high levels of salt, removing toxic Na+ from the cytoplasm by transport out of the cell. The molecular identity of a plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger in Arabidopsis (SOS1) has recently been determined. In this study, immunological analysis provided evidence that SOS1 localizes to the plasma membrane of leaves and roots. To characterize the transport activity of this protein, purified plasma membrane vesicles were isolated from leaves of Arabidopsis. Na+/H+ exchange activity, monitored as the ability of Na to dissipate an established pH gradient, was absent in plants grown without salt. However, exchange activity was induced when plants were grown in 250 mm NaCl and increased with prolonged salt exposure up to 8 d. H+-coupled exchange was specific for Na, because chloride salts of other monovalent cations did not dissipate the pH gradient. Na+/H+ exchange activity was dependent on Na (substrate) concentration, and kinetic analysis indicated that the affinity (apparent Km) of the transporter for Na+ is 22.8 mm. Data from two experimental approaches supports electroneutral exchange (one Na+ exchanged for one proton): (a) no change in membrane potential was measured during the exchange reaction, and (b) Na+/H+ exchange was unaffected by the presence or absence of a membrane potential. Results from this research provide a framework for future studies into the regulation of the plant plasma membrane Na+/H+ exchanger and its relative contribution to the maintenance of cellular Na+ homeostasis during plant growth in salt. PMID:12805632

  10. Electron scattering in graphene with adsorbed NaCl nanoparticles

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Drabińska, Aneta, E-mail:; Kaźmierczak, Piotr; Bożek, Rafał


    In this work, the results of contactless magnetoconductance and Raman spectroscopy measurements performed for a graphene sample after its immersion in NaCl solution were presented. The properties of the immersed sample were compared with those of a non-immersed reference sample. Atomic force microscopy and electron spin resonance experiments confirmed the deposition of NaCl nanoparticles on the graphene surface. A weak localization signal observed using contactless magnetoconductance showed the reduction of the coherence length after NaCl treatment of graphene. Temperature dependence of the coherence length indicated a change from ballistic to diffusive regime in electron transport after NaCl treatment. The mainmore » inelastic scattering process was of the electron-electron type but the major reason for the reduction of the coherence length at low temperatures was additional, temperature independent, inelastic scattering. We associate it with spin flip scattering, caused by NaCl nanoparticles present on the graphene surface. Raman spectroscopy showed an increase in the D and D′ bands intensities for graphene after its immersion in NaCl solution. An analysis of the D, D′, and G bands intensities proved that this additional scattering is related to the decoration of vacancies and grain boundaries with NaCl nanoparticles, as well as generation of new on-site defects as a result of the decoration of the graphene surface with NaCl nanoparticles. The observed energy shifts of 2D and G bands indicated that NaCl deposition on the graphene surface did not change carrier concentration, but reduced compressive biaxial strain in the graphene layer.« less

  11. Arrestins and Spinophilin Competitively Regulate Na+,K+-ATPase Trafficking through Association with a Large Cytoplasmic Loop of the Na+,K+-ATPase

    PubMed Central

    Kimura, Tohru; Allen, Patrick B.; Nairn, Angus C.


    The activity and trafficking of the Na+,K+-ATPase are regulated by several hormones, including dopamine, vasopressin, and adrenergic hormones through the action of G-protein–coupled receptors (GPCRs). Arrestins, GPCR kinases (GRKs), 14-3-3 proteins, and spinophilin interact with GPCRs and modulate the duration and magnitude of receptor signaling. We have found that arrestin 2 and 3, GRK 2 and 3, 14-3-3 ε, and spinophilin directly associate with the Na+,K+-ATPase and that the associations with arrestins, GRKs, or 14-3-3 ε are blocked in the presence of spinophilin. In COS cells that overexpressed arrestin, the Na+,K+-ATPase was redistributed to intracellular compartments. This effect was not seen in mock-transfected cells or in cells expressing spinophilin. Furthermore, expression of spinophilin appeared to slow, whereas overexpression of β-arrestins accelerated internalization of the Na+,K+-ATPase endocytosis. We also find that GRKs phosphorylate the Na+,K+-ATPase in vitro on its large cytoplasmic loop. Taken together, it appears that association with arrestins, GRKs, 14-3-3 ε, and spinophilin may be important modulators of Na+,K+-ATPase trafficking. PMID:17804821

  12. Sodium ion transport mechanisms in antiperovskite electrolytes Na 3OBr and Na 4OI 2: An in Situ neutron diffraction study

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Zhu, Jinlong; Wang, Yonggang; Li, Shuai

    Na-rich antiperovskites are recently developed solid electrolytes with enhanced sodium ionic conductivity and show promising functionality as a novel solid electrolyte in an all solid-stat battery. In this work, the sodium ionic transport pathways of the parent compound Na 3OBr, as well as the modified layered antiperovskite Na 4OI 2, were studied and compared through temperature dependent neutron diffraction combined with the maximum entropy method. In the cubic Na 3OBr antiperovskite, the nuclear density distribution maps at 500 K indicate that sodium ions ho within and among oxygen octahedra, and Br - ions are not involved in the tetragonal Namore » 4OI 2 antiperovskite, Na ions, which connect octahedra in the ab plane, have the lowest activation energy barrier. In conclusion, the transport of sodium ions along the c axis is assisted by I - ions.« less

  13. Sodium ion transport mechanisms in antiperovskite electrolytes Na 3OBr and Na 4OI 2: An in Situ neutron diffraction study


    Zhu, Jinlong; Wang, Yonggang; Li, Shuai; ...


    Na-rich antiperovskites are recently developed solid electrolytes with enhanced sodium ionic conductivity and show promising functionality as a novel solid electrolyte in an all solid-stat battery. In this work, the sodium ionic transport pathways of the parent compound Na 3OBr, as well as the modified layered antiperovskite Na 4OI 2, were studied and compared through temperature dependent neutron diffraction combined with the maximum entropy method. In the cubic Na 3OBr antiperovskite, the nuclear density distribution maps at 500 K indicate that sodium ions ho within and among oxygen octahedra, and Br - ions are not involved in the tetragonal Namore » 4OI 2 antiperovskite, Na ions, which connect octahedra in the ab plane, have the lowest activation energy barrier. In conclusion, the transport of sodium ions along the c axis is assisted by I - ions.« less

  14. Robotic laser adaptive optics imaging of 715 Kepler exoplanet candidates using Robo-AO

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Law, Nicholas M.; Ziegler, Carl; Morton, Tim


    The Robo-AO Kepler Planetary Candidate Survey is observing every Kepler planet candidate host star with laser adaptive optics imaging to search for blended nearby stars, which may be physically associated companions and/or responsible for transit false positives. In this paper, we present the results from the 2012 observing season, searching for stars close to 715 Kepler planet candidate hosts. We find 53 companions, 43 of which are new discoveries. We detail the Robo-AO survey data reduction methods including a method of using the large ensemble of target observations as mutual point-spread-function references, along with a new automated companion-detection algorithm designedmore » for large adaptive optics surveys. Our survey is sensitive to objects from ≈0.''15 to 2.''5 separation, with magnitude differences up to Δm ≈ 6. We measure an overall nearby-star probability for Kepler planet candidates of 7.4% ± 1.0%, and calculate the effects of each detected nearby star on the Kepler-measured planetary radius. We discuss several Kepler Objects of Interest (KOIs) of particular interest, including KOI-191 and KOI-1151, which are both multi-planet systems with detected stellar companions whose unusual planetary system architecture might be best explained if they are 'coincident multiple' systems, with several transiting planets shared between the two stars. Finally, we find 98% confidence evidence that short-period giant planets are two to three times more likely than longer-period planets to be found in wide stellar binaries.« less

  15. Design and implementation of the NaI(Tl)/CsI(Na) detectors output signal generator

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhou, Xu; Liu, Cong-Zhan; Zhao, Jian-Ling; Zhang, Fei; Zhang, Yi-Fei; Li, Zheng-Wei; Zhang, Shuo; Li, Xu-Fang; Lu, Xue-Feng; Xu, Zhen-Ling; Lu, Fang-Jun


    We designed and implemented a signal generator that can simulate the output of the NaI(Tl)/CsI(Na) detectors' pre-amplifier onboard the Hard X-ray Modulation Telescope (HXMT). Using the development of the FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) with VHDL language and adding a random constituent, we have finally produced the double exponential random pulse signal generator. The statistical distribution of the signal amplitude is programmable. The occurrence time intervals of the adjacent signals contain negative exponential distribution statistically.

  16. Enhancing Catalyzed Decomposition of Na2CO3 with Co2MnO x Nanowire-Decorated Carbon Fibers for Advanced Na-CO2 Batteries.


    Fang, Cong; Luo, Jianmin; Jin, Chengbin; Yuan, Huadong; Sheng, Ouwei; Huang, Hui; Gan, Yongping; Xia, Yang; Liang, Chu; Zhang, Jun; Zhang, Wenkui; Tao, Xinyong


    The metal-CO 2 batteries, especially Na-CO 2 , batteries come into sight owing to their high energy density, ability for CO 2 capture, and the abundance of sodium resource. Besides the sluggish electrochemical reactions at the gas cathodes and the instability of the electrolyte at a high voltage, the final discharge product Na 2 CO 3 is a solid and poor conductor of electricity, which may cause the high overpotential and poor cycle performance for the Na-CO 2 batteries. The promotion of decomposition of Na 2 CO 3 should be an efficient strategy to enhance the electrochemical performance. Here, we design a facile Na 2 CO 3 activation experiment to screen the efficient cathode catalyst for the Na-CO 2 batteries. It is found that the Co 2 MnO x nanowire-decorated carbon fibers (CMO@CF) can promote the Na 2 CO 3 decomposition at the lowest voltage among all these metal oxide-decorated carbon fiber structures. After assembling the Na-CO 2 batteries, the electrodes based on CMO@CF show lower overpotential and better cycling performance compared with the electrodes based on pristine carbon fibers and other metal oxide-modified carbon fibers. We believe this catalyst screening method and the freestanding structure of the CMO@CF electrode may provide an important reference for the development of advanced Na-CO 2 batteries.

  17. NaCl intake and preference threshold of spontaneously hypertensive rats.


    Fregly, M J


    Both male and female spontaneously hypertensive (SH) rats have an appetite for NaCl solution. The appetite is present when a choice is offered between distilled water and either isotonic or hypertonic (0.25 M) NaCl solution to drink. Total fluid intake (water plus NaCl solution) was greater for SH rats than for controls while food intakes (g/100 g body wt/day) of SH rats were not different from controls. Mean body weight of SH rats was always less than that of controls. The appetite for NaCl solution was accompanied by a significant reduction in preference (detection) threshold. SH rats could detect the difference between distilled water and NaCl solution when the concentration of the latter was 12 mEq/liter compared to a control threshold of 30 mEq/liter. The NaCl appetite and reduced NaCl preference threshold induced by spontaneous hypertension is in marked contrast to the NaCl aversion induced by other types of experimentally induced hypertension in rats. The mechanism or mechanisms responsible for these differences remain for further study.

  18. High-Pressure Polymorph of NaBiO3.


    Naa, Octavianti; Kumada, Nobuhiro; Miura, Akira; Takei, Takahiro; Azuma, Masaki; Kusano, Yoshihiro; Oka, Kengo


    A new high-pressure polymorph of NaBiO3 (hereafter β-NaBiO3) was synthesized under the conditions of 6 GPa and 600 °C. The powder X-ray diffraction pattern of this new phase was indexed with a hexagonal cell of a = 9.968(1) Å and c = 3.2933(4) Å. Crystal structure refinement using synchrotron powder X-ray diffraction data led to RWP = 8.53% and RP = 5.55%, and the crystal structure was closely related with that of Ba2SrY6O12. No photocatalytic activity for phenol decomposition was observed under visible-light irradiation in spite of a good performance for its mother compound, NaBiO3. The optical band-gap energy of β-NaBiO3 was narrower than that of NaBiO3, which was confirmed with density of states curves simulated by first-principles density functional theory calculation.

  19. Na[superscript +] binding to meizothrombin desF1

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Papaconstantinou, M.E.; Gandhi, P.S.; Chen, Z.


    Meizothrombin is the physiologically active intermediate generated by a single cleavage of prothrombin at R320 to separate the A and B chains. Recent evidence has suggested that meizothrombin, like thrombin, is a Na{sup +}-activated enzyme. In this study we present the first X-ray crystal structure of human meizothrombin desF1 solved in the presence of the active site inhibitor PPACK at 2.1 {angstrom} resolution. The structure reveals a Na{sup +} binding site whose architecture is practically identical to that of human thrombin. Stopped-flow measurements of Na{sup +} binding to meizothrombin desF1 document a slow phase of fluorescence change with a kmore » obs decreasing hyperbolically with increasing [Na{sup +}], consistent with the existence of three conformations in equilibrium, E*, E and E:Na{sup +}, as for human thrombin. Evidence that meizothrombin exists in multiple conformations provides valuable new information for studies of the mechanism of prothrombin activation.« less

  20. Caries-Preventive Effect of NaF, NaF plus TCP, NaF plus CPP-ACP, and SDF Varnishes on Sound Dentin and Artificial Dentin Caries in vitro.


    Wierichs, Richard J; Stausberg, Sabrina; Lausch, Julian; Meyer-Lueckel, Hendrik; Esteves-Oliveira, Marcella


    The aim of this study was to compare the caries-preventive effect of different fluoride varnishes on sound dentin as well as on artificial dentin caries-like lesions. Bovine dentin specimens (n = 220) with one sound surface (ST) and one artificial caries lesion (DT) were prepared and randomly allocated to 11 groups. The interventions before pH cycling were as follows: application of a varnish containing NaF (22,600 ppm F-; Duraphat [NaF0/NaF1]), NaF plus tricalcium phosphate (22,600 ppm F-; Clinpro White Varnish Mint [TCP0/TCP1]), NaF plus casein phosphopeptide-stabilized amorphous calcium phosphate complexes (CPP-ACP; 22,600 ppm F-; MI Varnish [CPP0/CPP1]), or silver diamine fluoride (SDF; 35,400 ppm F-; Cariestop 30% [SDF0/SDF1]) and no intervention (NNB/N0/N1). During pH cycling (14 days, 6 × 120 min demineralization/day) half of the specimens in each group were brushed (10 s; 2 times/day) with either fluoride-free ("0"; e.g., TCP0) or 1,100 ppm F- ("1"; e.g., TCP1) dentifrice slurry. In another subgroup, the specimens were pH cycled but not brushed (NNB). Differences in integrated mineral loss (ΔΔZ), lesion depth (ΔLD), and colorimetric values (ΔΔE) were calculated between the values after initial demineralization and those after pH cycling, using transversal microradiography and photographic images. After pH cycling, no discoloration could be observed. Furthermore, NNB, N0, and N1 showed significantly increased ΔZDT/LDDT and ΔZST/LDST values, indicating further demineralization. In contrast, CPP0, CPP1, SDF0, and SDF1 showed significantly decreased ΔZDT/LDDT values, indicating remineralization (p ≤ 0.004; paired t test). CPP0, CPP1, SDF0, and SDF1 showed significantly higher changes in ΔΔZDT/ΔLDDT and ΔΔZST/ΔLDST than NNB, N0, and N1 (p < 0.001; Bonferroni post hoc test). In conclusion, under the conditions chosen, all fluoride varnishes prevented further demineralization. However, only NaF plus CPP-ACP and SDF could remineralize artificial

  1. Tendências de teses e dissertações sobre ensino de astronomia no Brasil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bretones, P. S.; Megid Neto, J.


    Neste trabalho são apresentados os resultados de uma pesquisa do tipo estado da arte sobre teses e dissertações defendidas no Brasil e relativas ao ensino de Astronomia. Teve por objetivo identificar essa produção e conhecer as principais tendências da pesquisa nesse campo. O procedimento inicial consistiu de um levantamento bibliográfico junto ao Centro de Documentação em Ensino de Ciências (CEDOC) da Faculdade de Educação da UNICAMP e ao Banco de Teses da CAPES disponível na Internet. Foram localizadas 13 dissertações de mestrado e 3 teses de doutorado, as quais foram estudadas em função dos seguintes aspectos: instituição, ano de defesa, nível escolar abrangido no estudo, foco temático do estudo e gênero de trabalho acadêmico. Deste conjunto de pesquisas, 13 (81,3%) delas foram defendidas a partir da segunda metade dos anos 90, indicando uma preocupação mais recente com temas relativos ao ensino de Astronomia no conjunto da produção acadêmica em programas de pós-graduação no Brasil. Verificou-se que 43,7% dos trabalhos foram produzidas na USP e 18,8% na UNICAMP. Quanto ao nível escolar abrangido nos estudos, predominaram os estudos direcionados ao Ensino Fundamental de 5a a 8a séries (62,5%). No que diz respeito ao foco temático das pesquisas, as principais tendências voltaram-se: 56,3% para Conteúdo e Método; 43,8% para Concepções do Professor; 37,5% para Currículo e Programas; 37,5% para Recursos Didáticos. Quanto ao gênero de trabalho acadêmico, verificou-se que 43,8% são de Pesquisa Experimental e 31,3% de Pesquisa de Análise de Conteúdo. Estudos de revisão bibliográfica como este visam colaborar com a divulgação ampla da produção acadêmica em determinada área, traçando algumas de suas tendências. Ao mesmo tempo possibilita, a partir de investigações decorrentes, apontar as suas contribuições para o ensino e sinalizar com necessidades a serem supridas por futuras pesquisas.

  2. An empirical NaKCa geothermometer for natural waters

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Fournier, R.O.; Truesdell, A.H.


    An empirical method of estimating the last temperature of water-rock interaction has been devised. It is based upon molar Na, K and Ca concentrations in natural waters from temperature environments ranging from 4 to 340??C. The data for most geothermal waters cluster near a straight line when plotted as the function log ( Na K) + ?? log [ ??? (Ca) Na] vs reciprocal of absolute temperature, where ?? is either 1 3 or 4 3 depending upon whether the water equilibrated above or below 100??C. For most waters tested, the method gives better results than the Na K methods suggested by other workers. The ratio Na K should not be used to estimate temperature if ??? ( MCa) MNa is greater than 1. The Na K values of such waters generally yield calculated temperatures much higher than the actual temperature at which water interacted with the rock. A comparison of the composition of boiling hot-spring water with that obtained from a nearby well (170??C) in Yellowstone Park shows that continued water-rock reactions may occur during ascent of water even though that ascent is so rapid that little or no heat is lost to the country rock, i.e. the water cools adiabatically. As a result of such continued reaction, waters which dissolve additional Ca as they ascend from the aquifer to the surface will yield estimated aquifer temperatures that are too low. On the other hand, waters initially having enough Ca to deposit calcium carbonate during ascent may yield estimated aquifer temperatures that are too high if aqueous Na and K are prevented from further reaction with country rock owing to armoring by calcite or silica minerals. The Na-K-Ca geothermometer is of particular interest to those prospecting for geothermal energy. The method also may be of use in interpreting compositions of fluid inclusions. ?? 1973.

  3. Enhanced upconversion emission in colloidal (NaYF4:Er(3+))/NaYF4 core/shell nanoparticles excited at 1523 nm.


    Shao, Wei; Chen, Guanying; Damasco, Jossana; Wang, Xianliang; Kachynski, Aliaksandr; Ohulchanskyy, Tymish Y; Yang, Chunhui; Ågren, Hans; Prasad, Paras N


    In this work, we report on efficient visible and near-IR upconversion emissions in colloidal hexagonal-phase core/shell NaYF4:Er(3+)/NaYF4 nanoparticles (∼38  nm) under IR laser excitation at 1523 nm. Varying amounts of Er(3+) dopants were introduced into the core NaYF4:Er(3+) nanoparticles, revealing an optimized Er(3+) concentration of 10% for the highest luminescent efficiency. An inert epitaxial shell layer of NaYF4 grown onto the core of the NaYF4:Er(3+) 10% nanoparticle increased its upconversion emission intensity fivefold due to suppression of surface-related quenching mechanisms, yielding the absolute upconversion efficiency to be as high as ∼3.9±0.3% under an excitation density of 18  W/cm(2). The dependence of the intensity of upconversion emission peaks on laser excitation density in the core/shell nanoparticle displayed "saturation effects" at low excitation density in the range of 1.5-18  W/cm(2), which again demonstrates high upconversion efficiency.

  4. Constraining the astrophysical 23Mg(p, γ)24Al reaction rate using the 23Na(d,p)24Na reaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bennett, E. A.; Catford, W. N.; Christian, G.; Dede, S.; Hallam, S.; Lotay, G.; Ota, S.; Saastamoinen, A.; Wilkinson, R.


    The 23Mg(p, γ)24Al reaction provides an escape from the Ne-Na cycle in classical novae and is therefore important in understanding nova nucleosynthesis in the A > 20 mass range. Although several resonances may contribute to the overall rate at novae temperatures, the resonance at 475 keV is thought to be dominant. The strength of this resonance has been directly measured using a radioactive 23Mg beam impinging on a windowless H2 gas target; however, recent high-precision 24Al mass measurements have called this result into question. Here we make an indirect measurement using the 23Na(d,p)24Na reaction in inverse kinematics to study the mirror state of the 475 keV resonance in 24Na. The experiment, performed at the Texas A&M Cyclotron Institute, utilized the TIARA silicon array, four HPGe detectors, and the MDM spectrometer to measure the excited states of the 24Na nucleus. Preliminary results from the experiment will be presented along with progress from the ongoing analysis.

  5. Growth responses and ion accumulation in the halophytic legume Prosopis strombulifera are determined by Na2SO4 and NaCl.


    Reginato, M; Sosa, L; Llanes, A; Hampp, E; Vettorazzi, N; Reinoso, H; Luna, V


    Halophytes are potential gene sources for genetic manipulation of economically important crop species. This study addresses the physiological responses of a widespread halophyte, Prosopis strombulifera (Lam.) Benth to salinity. We hypothesised that increasing concentrations of the two major salts present in soils of central Argentina (Na2SO4, NaCl, or their iso-osmotic mixture) would produce distinct physiological responses. We used hydroponically grown P. strombulifera to test this hypothesis, analysing growth parameters, water relations, photosynthetic pigments, cations and anions. These plants showed a halophytic response to NaCl, but strong general inhibition of growth in response to iso-osmotic solutions containing Na2SO4. The explanation for the adaptive success of P. strombulifera in high NaCl conditions seems to be related to a delicate balance between Na(+) accumulation (and its use for osmotic adjustment) and efficient compartmentalisation in vacuoles, the ability of the whole plant to ensure sufficient K(+) supply by maintaining high K(+)/Na(+) discrimination, and maintenance of normal Ca(2+) levels in leaves. The three salt treatments had different effects on the accumulation of ions. Findings in bi-saline-treated plants were of particular interest, where most of the physiological parameters studied showed partial alleviation of SO4(2-)-induced toxicity by Cl(-). Thus, discussions on physiological responses to salinity could be further expanded in a way that more closely mimics natural salt environments. © 2013 German Botanical Society and The Royal Botanical Society of the Netherlands.

  6. Elaboration and characterization of solid materials of types zeolite NaA and faujasite NaY exchanged by zinc metallic ions Zn2+

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nibou, D.; Amokrane, S.; Mekatel, H.; Lebaili, N.


    The present work deals with the elaborated of NaA and faujasite NaY solid materials according to a hydrothermal crystallization of amorphous gels composed of solutions of silicon, aluminum and sodium. The process elaboration has been achieved in autoclaves made of steel lined in Teflon under different operating conditions of temperature of heating, time of contact and stirring. After crystallization, the samples were characterized by different techniques such as X ray diffraction, scanning electronic microscopy, infrared spectroscopy, thermal analysis, and chemical analysis. Pure solid materials NaA and NaY zeolites were obtained and were impregnated by (Zn2+) ions by ion exchange process. The effects of various parameters such as initial metal concentration, pH, solid-liquid ratio (R) and temperature on the exchange percentage are studied. The equilibrium isotherms of zinc ions sorption are also evaluated using Langmuir and Freundlich models. Thermodynamic parameters, i.e. enthalpy of adsorption ΔHads∘, entropy change ΔSads∘ and Gibbs free energy ΔGads∘ for the sorption of zinc ions on NaA and NaY zeolites were examined.

  7. The system Na2CO3-CaCO3 at 3 GPa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Podborodnikov, Ivan V.; Shatskiy, Anton; Arefiev, Anton V.; Rashchenko, Sergey V.; Chanyshev, Artem D.; Litasov, Konstantin D.


    It was suggested that alkali-alkaline earth carbonates may have a substantial role in petrological processes relevant to metasomatism and melting of the Earth's mantle. Because natrite, Na2CO3, Na-Ca carbonate (shortite and/or nyerereite), and calcite, CaCO3, have been recently reported from xenoliths of shallow mantle (110-115 km) origin, we performed experiments on phase relations in the system Na2CO3-CaCO3 at 3 GPa and 800-1300 °C. We found that the system has one intermediate compound, Na2Ca3(CO3)4, at 800 °C, and two intermediate compounds, Na2Ca(CO3)2 and Na2Ca3(CO3)4, at 850 °C. CaCO3 crystals recovered from experiments at 950 and 1000 °C are aragonite and calcite, respectively. Maximum solid solution of CaCO3 in Na2CO3 is 20 mol% at 850 °C. The Na-carbonate-Na2Ca(CO3)2 eutectic locates near 860 °C and 56 mol% Na2CO3. Na2Ca(CO3)2 melts incongruently near 880 °C to produce Na2Ca3(CO3)4 and a liquid containing about 51 mol% Na2CO3. Na2Ca3(CO3)4 disappears above 1000 °C via incongruent melting to calcite and a liquid containing about 43 mol% Na2CO3. At 1050 °C, the liquid, coexisting with Na-carbonate, contains 87 mol% Na2CO3. Na-carbonate remains solid up to 1150 °C and melts at 1200 °C. The Na2CO3 content in the liquid coexisting with calcite decreases to 15 mol% as temperature increases to 1300 °C. Considering the present and previous data, a range of the intermediate compounds on the liquidus of the Na2CO3-CaCO3 join changes as pressure increases in the following sequence: Na2Ca(CO3)2 (0.1 GPa) → Na2Ca(CO3)2, Na2Ca3(CO3)4 (3 GPa) → Na4Ca(CO3)3, Na2Ca3(CO3)4 (6 GPa). Thus, the Na2Ca(CO3)2 nyerereite stability field extends to the shallow mantle pressures. Consequently, findings of nyerereite among daughter phases in the melt inclusions in olivine from the sheared garnet peridotites are consistent with their mantle origin.

  8. Robust high pressure stability and negative thermal expansion in sodium-rich antiperovskites Na{sub 3}OBr and Na{sub 4}OI{sub 2}

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Yonggang, E-mail:, E-mail:, E-mail:; Institute of Nanostructured Functional Materials, Huanghe Science and Technology College, Zhengzhou, Henan 450006; High Pressure Synergetic Consortium


    The structure stability under high pressure and thermal expansion behavior of Na{sub 3}OBr and Na{sub 4}OI{sub 2}, two prototypes of alkali-metal-rich antiperovskites, were investigated by in situ synchrotron X-ray diffraction techniques under high pressure and low temperature. Both are soft materials with bulk modulus of 58.6 GPa and 52.0 GPa for Na{sub 3}OBr and Na{sub 4}OI{sub 2}, respectively. The cubic Na{sub 3}OBr structure and tetragonal Na{sub 4}OI{sub 2} with intergrowth K{sub 2}NiF{sub 4} structure are stable under high pressure up to 23 GPa. Although being a characteristic layered structure, Na{sub 4}OI{sub 2} exhibits nearly isotropic compressibility. Negative thermal expansion was observed at lowmore » temperature range (20–80 K) in both transition-metal-free antiperovskites for the first time. The robust high pressure structure stability was examined and confirmed by first-principles calculations among various possible polymorphisms qualitatively. The results provide in-depth understanding of the negative thermal expansion and robust crystal structure stability of these antiperovskite systems and their potential applications.« less

  9. Effect of salts (NaCl and Na2CO3) on callus and suspension culture of Stevia rebaudiana for Steviol glycoside production.


    Gupta, Pratibha; Sharma, Satyawati; Saxena, Sanjay


    Steviol glycosides are natural non-caloric sweeteners which are extracted from the leaves of Stevia rebaudiana plant. Present study deals the effect of salts (NaCl and Na2CO3) on callus and suspension culture of Stevia plant for steviol glycoside (SGs) production. Yellow-green and compact calli obtained from in vitro raised Stevia leaves sub-cultured on MS medium supplemented with 2.0 mg l(-1) NAA and different concentrations of NaCl (0.05-0.20%) and Na2CO3 (0.0125-0.10%) for 2 weeks, and incubated at 24 ± 1 °C and 22.4 μmol m(-2) s(-1) light intensity provided by white fluorescent tubes for 16 h. Callus and suspension biomass cultured on salts showed less growth as well as browning of medium when compared with control. Quantification of SGs content in callus culture (collected on 15th day) and suspension cultures (collected at 10th and 15th days) treated with and without salts were analyzed by HPLC. It was found that abiotic stress induced by the salts increased the concentration of SGs significantly. In callus, the quantity of SGs got increased from 0.27 (control) to 1.43 and 1.57% with 0.10% NaCl, and 0.025% Na2CO3, respectively. However, in case of suspension culture, the same concentrations of NaCl and Na2CO3 enhanced the SGs content from 1.36 (control) to 2.61 and 5.14%, respectively, on the 10th day.

  10. Raman spectroscopic study of synthesized Na-bearing majoritic garnets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Okamoto, K.


    Majoritic garnets in diamond have been considered as the sample from mantle transition zone (e.g. Moore and Gurney, 1985). For non-destructive, in-situ Raman analysis, Gillet et al. (2002) systematically checked chemistry and Raman peak of various majoritic garnets in diamond. They treated majoritic component as number of excess-silica than 3.0 per formula unit. However, in the basaltic system, majorite garnets also have significant amounts of Na. Na substitution is coupled with Si and Ti as follows; Na +Ti = Ca +Al (Ringwood and Lovering, 1970), Na +Si = Ca + Al (Sobolev and Labrentav, 1971; Ringwood and Major, 1971) or Na + Si = Mg + Al (Gasparik, 1989). Each component in garnet is defined as follows; Mj (majorite) component = ((Si-3)-Na)/2), NaSi (Na2MSi5O12 where M= Ca, Mg, Fe2+) component = (Na-T)/2, and NaTi component = Ti/2. Okamoto and Maruyama (2003) conducted UHP experiments in the MORB + H2O system (KNCFMATSH) at 10-19 GPa. They show that 1) Mj and NaTi component are constant and lower than 0.1 at T = 900 \\deg C, and 2) NaSi component increases drastically above 15 GPa although it is neglibly small at P<15 GPa. Raman spectra was newly analyzed using Okamoto and Maruyama (2003)'s run charges. Above 15 GPa, there is a characteristic sharp peak at 910 cm-1 and broad shoulder between 800 and 900 cm-1 as well as broad band near 960 cm-1. Gillet et at (2002) concluded that the former peak at 910cm-1 is the only reliable signature for the majoritic garnet (Si>3). They also implied that the latter two broad peaks are diagnostic feature for Ti rich garnet (> 1wt% of TiO2) as well as peak at 1030 cm-1. However, in all P range (10-19 GPa) of the present study, TiO2 is higher than 1wt%, and there is a peak at 1030 cm-1. Additional Ti-free experiment at 16 GPa, 1200 \\deg C clearly revealed that Na-bearing majoritic garnet has a significant shoulder at 800-900 cm-1. Ref; Gasparik (1989) CMP, 102,389, Gillet et al. (2002) Am.Min., 87, 312, Moore and Gurney (1985

  11. Thermodynamic Study of Solid-Liquid Equilibrium in NaCl-NaBr-H2O System at 288.15 K

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Li, Dan; Meng, Ling-zong; Deng, Tian-long; Guo, Ya-fei; Fu, Qing-Tao


    The solubility data, composition of the solid solution and refractive indices of the NaCl-NaBr-H2O system at 288.15 K were studied with the isothermal equilibrium dissolution method. The solubility diagram and refractive index diagram of this system were plotted at 288.15 K. The solubility diagram consists of two crystallization zones for solid solution Na(Cl,Br) · 2H2O and Na(Cl,Br), one invariant points cosaturated with two solid solution and two univariant solubility isothermal curves. On the basis of Pitzer and Harvie-Weare (HW) chemical models, the composition equations and solubility equilibrium constant equations of the solid solutions at 288.15 K were acquired using the solubility data, the composition of solid solutions, and binary Pitzer parameters. The solubilities calculated using the new method combining the equations are in good agreement with the experimental data.


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Riddle, Reed L.; Bui, Khanh; Dekany, Richard G.


    We conducted a survey of nearby binary systems composed of main sequence stars of spectral types F and G in order to improve our understanding of the hierarchical nature of multiple star systems. Using Robo-AO, the first robotic adaptive optics instrument, we collected high angular resolution images with deep and well-defined detection limits in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey i' band. A total of 695 components belonging to 595 systems were observed. We prioritized observations of faint secondary components with separations over 10'' to quantify the still poorly constrained frequency of their subsystems. Of the 214 secondaries observed, 39 containmore » such subsystems; 19 of those were discovered with Robo-AO. The selection-corrected frequency of secondary subsystems with periods from 10{sup 3.5} to 10{sup 5} days is 0.12 ± 0.03, the same as the frequency of such companions to the primary. Half of the secondary pairs belong to quadruple systems where the primary is also a close pair, showing that the presence of subsystems in both components of the outer binary is correlated. The relatively large abundance of 2+2 quadruple systems is a new finding, and will require more exploration of the formation mechanism of multiple star systems. We also targeted close binaries with periods less than 100 yr, searching for their distant tertiary components, and discovered 17 certain and 2 potential new triples. In a subsample of 241 close binaries, 71 have additional outer companions. The overall frequency of tertiary components is not enhanced, compared to all (non-binary) targets, but in the range of outer periods from 10{sup 6} to 10{sup 7.5} days (separations on the order of 500 AU), the frequency of tertiary components is 0.16 ± 0.03, exceeding the frequency of similar systems among all targets (0.09) by almost a factor of two. Measurements of binary stars with Robo-AO allowed us to compute first orbits for 9 pairs and to improve orbits of another 11 pairs.« less

  13. Phase diagram of the LiNO3-NaNO3-NaCl-Sr(NO3)2 salt system

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rasulov, A. I.; Gasanaliev, A. M.; Mamedova, A. K.; Gamataeva, B. Yu.


    The phase diagram of the quaternary LiNO3-NaNO3-NaCl-Sr(NO3)2 system is studied by means of differential thermal analysis, and the compositions and crystallization temperatures of nonvariant equilibrium phases are revealed. The temperature dependence of conductivity in eutectic and peritectic salt compositions is investigated.

  14. 33 CFR 147.833 - Na Kika FDS safety zone.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2010-07-01 2010-07-01 false Na Kika FDS safety zone. 147.833 Section 147.833 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES SAFETY ZONES § 147.833 Na Kika FDS safety zone. (a) Description. Na...

  15. 33 CFR 147.833 - Na Kika FDS safety zone.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 33 Navigation and Navigable Waters 2 2011-07-01 2011-07-01 false Na Kika FDS safety zone. 147.833 Section 147.833 Navigation and Navigable Waters COAST GUARD, DEPARTMENT OF HOMELAND SECURITY (CONTINUED) OUTER CONTINENTAL SHELF ACTIVITIES SAFETY ZONES § 147.833 Na Kika FDS safety zone. (a) Description. Na...

  16. Removal of surfactants nonylphenol ethoxylates from municipal sewage-comparison of an A/O process and biological aerated filters.


    Gao, Dawen; Li, Zhe; Guan, Junxue; Li, Yifan; Ren, Nanqi


    The concentrations of nonylphenol ethoxylates (NPnEO, n=1 to 2) and nonylphenol (NP) in water and sludge samples were measured from a full scale sewage treatment plant (STP) with an Anaerobic/Oxic (A/O) and a Biological Aerated Filter (BAF) process. The A/O process was found to exhibit improved performance in comparison to the BAF process. Mean values of NP, NP1EO and NP2EO concentrations in influents from the STP were similar, ranging from 1.8 to 2.0×10(3)ngL(-1). In the A/O process, the removal efficiency of NP, NP1EO and NP2EO from the aqueous phase was 78%, 84%, and 89%, respectively. In contrast, the removal efficiencies of NP, NP1EO, and NP2EO were relatively lower for the BAF process, at 55%, 76%, and 79%, respectively. High concentrations of NP, NP1EO and NP2EO detected in the sludge samples had a maximum value of 2.7μgg(-1) dw, which indicates that improvement in the overall elimination of NP, NP1EO and NP2EO may be associated with adsorption by the sludge. To further investigate the fate of NP, NP1EO and NP2EO in the STP, our research assessed the degradation characteristics of NP by calculating its transformational loss in the STP. The results demonstrate that the quantity of NP measured in the effluent from the oxic unit increased by 32%, which indicates that NP1EO and NP2EO may undergo degradation in the oxic conditions. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Intracellular Requirements for Passive Proton Transport through the Na+,K+-ATPase.


    Stanley, Kevin S; Meyer, Dylan J; Gatto, Craig; Artigas, Pablo


    The Na + ,K + -ATPase (NKA or Na/K pump) hydrolyzes one ATP to exchange three intracellular Na+ (Na + i ) for two extracellular K+ (K + o ) across the plasma membrane by cycling through a set of reversible transitions between phosphorylated and dephosphorylated conformations, alternately opening ion-binding sites externally (E2) or internally (E1). With subsaturating [Na + ] o and [K + ] o , the phosphorylated E2P conformation passively imports protons generating an inward current (I H ), which may be exacerbated in NKA-subunit mutations associated with human disease. To elucidate the mechanisms of I H , we studied the effects of intracellular ligands (transported ions, nucleotides, and beryllium fluoride) on I H and, for comparison, on transient currents measured at normal Na + o (Q Na ). Utilizing inside-out patches from Xenopus oocytes heterologously expressing NKA, we observed that 1) in the presence of Na + i , I H and Q Na were both activated by ATP, but not ADP; 2) the [Na + ] i dependence of I H in saturating ATP showed K 0.5,Na  = 1.8 ± 0.2 mM and the [ATP] dependence at saturating [Na + ] i yielded K 0.5,ATP  = 48 ± 11 μM (in comparison, Na + i -dependent Q Na yields K 0.5,Na  = 0.8 ± 0.2 mM and K 0.5,ATP  = 0.43 ± 0.03 μM; 3) ATP activated I H in the presence of K + i (∼15% of the I H observed in Na + i ) only when Mg 2+ i was also present; and 4) beryllium fluoride induced maximal I H  even in the absence of nucleotide. These data indicate that I H occurs when NKA is in an externally open E2P state with nucleotide bound, a conformation that can be reached through forward Na/K pump phosphorylation of E1, with Na + i and ATP, or by backward binding of K + i to E1, which drives the pump to the occluded E2(2K), where free P i (at the micromolar levels found in millimolar ATP solutions) promotes external release of occluded K + by backdoor NKA phosphorylation. Maximal I H through beryllium-fluorinated NKA indicates that this complex mimics ATP

  18. Dependence of renal (Na+ + k+)-adenosine triphosphatase activity on thyroid status.


    Lo, S C; August, T R; Liberman, U A; Edelman, I S


    In thyroidectomized rats, a single injection of L-2,,5,2'-triiodothyronine (T3) (50mug/100 g body weight) elicited at 45% increase in (Na+ + k+)-dependent adenosine triphosphatase (NaK-ATPase) activity of the membrane-rich fraction of renal cortex at the optimal time of response, 48 h after injection. Three successive doses of T3 (50 mug/100 g body weight), given on alternate days, increased NaK-ATPase by 67% in the renal cortex but had no significant effect on the outer medulla or the papilla. Moreover, T3 had no effect on Mg2+-dependent adenosine trisphatase (MgATPase) in cortex, cedulla, or papilla. Three doses of T3 (50 mug/100 g body weight) given on alternate days to thyroidectomized rats elecited a 134, 79, and 46% increase in Vmax for ATP, Na4, and K+, respectively. There were no changes in the Km for ATP or the K1/2 values for Na+ and K+. Two methods were used to estimate the effect of T3 on the number of NaK-ATPase units (assumed to represent the number of Na+ pump sites); rat renal plasma membrane fractions were incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP, Mg2+, and Na+; the 32P-labeled membrane protein yeild was quantitatively dependent on Na+ and was hydrolyzed on addition of K+. There was a linear correlation between the specific activity of NaK-ATPase (Vmax) and the amount of phosphorylated intermediate formed, in renal cortical membrane fractions from thyroidectomized rats given T3 or the diluent. There was also a linear correlation between the specific activity of NaK-ATPase (Vmax) and the amount of [3H]ouabain specifically bound (Na+-, Mg2+-, APT-dependent) to the NaK-ATPase preparation. Injection of T3 resulted in a 70% increase in NaK-ATPase activity, a 79% increase in formation of the phosphorylated intermediate, and a 65% increase in the [H]ouabain specifically bound to the NaK-ATPase system. The T3-dependent increases in Vmax for ATP, Na+, and K+ and the proportionate increases in the phosphorylated intermediate and in the amount of [3H]ouabain bound

  19. Risk factors for left ventricular hypertrophy: role of Na(+)-Li+ countertransport.


    Neves, P L; Faisca, M; Gomes, V; Cacodcar, S; Bernardo, I; Anunciada, A I; Viegas, E; Martins, H; da Silva, A M


    Left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH) is associated with an increase in cardiovascular death in essential hypertension (EH). The factors involved in LVH are multiple and complex. We looked for risk factors of LVH in a group of 28 nonobese patients with EH (mean age = 45.3 years). We analyzed the activity of several erythrocyte ion transports (Vmax of NaLi countertransport, NaKCl cotransport and NaK-pump, and the Na-leak Kp Na), the intracellular Na and the insulin sensitivity index. All these parameters were used as independent variables whereas the left ventricular mass index (LVMI) was used as the dependent variable. Variables showing a significant univariate correlation (age, time of EH, mean blood pressure and Vmax of NaLi countertransport) were introduced in a stepwise multiple regression model. Only age (P = 0.014), time of EH (P = 0.038) and Vmax of NaLi countertransport (P = 0.032) were independently associated with LVMI (R2 = 0.581, P = 0.0001). The NaLi CT, an operating mode of the NaH exchanger that facilitates cellular growth, may be a marker of LVH, and consequently a marker of increased cardiovascular risk.

  20. Effect of Solids-To-Liquids, Na2SiO3-To-NaOH and Curing Temperature on the Palm Oil Boiler Ash (Si + Ca) Geopolymerisation System

    PubMed Central

    Yahya, Zarina; Abdullah, Mohd Mustafa Al Bakri; Hussin, Kamarudin; Ismail, Khairul Nizar; Abd Razak, Rafiza; Sandu, Andrei Victor


    This paper investigates the effect of the solids-to-liquids (S/L) and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratios on the production of palm oil boiler ash (POBA) based geopolymer. Sodium silicate and sodium hydroxide (NaOH) solution were used as alkaline activator with a NaOH concentration of 14 M. The geopolymer samples were prepared with different S/L ratios (0.5, 1.0, 1.25, 1.5, and 1.75) and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratios (0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5, and 3.0). The main evaluation techniques in this study were compressive strength, X-Ray Diffraction (XRD), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy (FTIR), and Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM). The results showed that the maximum compressive strength (11.9 MPa) was obtained at a S/L ratio and Na2SiO3/NaOH ratio of 1.5 and 2.5 at seven days of testing.

  1. Relationship between covalence and displacive phase transition temperature in RAO{sub 4} and LiAO{sub 3} (R = rare-earth element and A = Nb and Ta)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Tsunekawa, S.; Fukuda, T.; Kimiyama, T.

    Crystal structure analyses by TOF neutron powder diffraction are performed for R TaO{sub 4} (R = rare-earth element) and the Ta-O interatomic distances are determined. The relationship between the covalency of A-O bonds (A = Nb and Ta), which show the most shortening upon phase transition, and the transition temperature is discussed for RAO{sub 4} and LiAO{sub 3}, and the parameters of Ta-O covalence are determined.

  2. Na intercalation in Fe-MIL-100 for aqueous Na-ion batteries

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Chavez, James S.; Harrison, Katharine L.; Sava Gallis, Dorina F.

    Here we report for the first time the feasibility of using metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) as electrodes for aqueous Na-ion batteries. We show that Fe-MIL-100, a known redox-active MOF, is electrochemically active in a Na aqueous electrolyte, under various compositions. Emphasis was placed on investigating the electrode–electrolyte interface, with a focus on identifying the relationship between additives in the composition of the working electrode, particle size and overall performance. We found that the energy storage capacity is primarily dependent on the binder additive in the composite; the best activity for this MOF is obtained with Nafion as a binder, owing tomore » its hydrophilic and ion conducting nature. Kynar-bound electrodes are clearly less effective, due to their hydrophobic character, which impedes wetting of the electrode. The binder-free systems show the poorest electrochemical activity. There is little difference in the overall performance as function of particle size (micro vs. nano), implying the storage capacities in this study are not limited by ionic and/or electronic conductivity. Excellent reversibility and high coulombic efficiency are achieved at higher potential ranges, observed after cycle 20. That is despite progressive capacity decay observed in the initial cycles. Importantly, structural analyses of cycled working electrodes confirm that the long range crystallinity remains mainly unaltered with cycling. These findings suggest that limited reversibility of the intercalated Na ions in the lower potential range, together with the gradual lack of available active sites in subsequent cycles is responsible for the rapid decay in capacity retention.« less

  3. Na intercalation in Fe-MIL-100 for aqueous Na-ion batteries


    Chavez, James S.; Harrison, Katharine L.; Sava Gallis, Dorina F.


    Here we report for the first time the feasibility of using metal–organic frameworks (MOFs) as electrodes for aqueous Na-ion batteries. We show that Fe-MIL-100, a known redox-active MOF, is electrochemically active in a Na aqueous electrolyte, under various compositions. Emphasis was placed on investigating the electrode–electrolyte interface, with a focus on identifying the relationship between additives in the composition of the working electrode, particle size and overall performance. We found that the energy storage capacity is primarily dependent on the binder additive in the composite; the best activity for this MOF is obtained with Nafion as a binder, owing tomore » its hydrophilic and ion conducting nature. Kynar-bound electrodes are clearly less effective, due to their hydrophobic character, which impedes wetting of the electrode. The binder-free systems show the poorest electrochemical activity. There is little difference in the overall performance as function of particle size (micro vs. nano), implying the storage capacities in this study are not limited by ionic and/or electronic conductivity. Excellent reversibility and high coulombic efficiency are achieved at higher potential ranges, observed after cycle 20. That is despite progressive capacity decay observed in the initial cycles. Importantly, structural analyses of cycled working electrodes confirm that the long range crystallinity remains mainly unaltered with cycling. These findings suggest that limited reversibility of the intercalated Na ions in the lower potential range, together with the gradual lack of available active sites in subsequent cycles is responsible for the rapid decay in capacity retention.« less

  4. Efeitos do binarismo não resolvido na determinação da função de massa de aglomerados

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerber, L. O.; Santiago, B. X.


    Através de simulações numéricas buscamos quantificar os efeitos que o binarismo não resolvido causa na determinação da função de massa (MF) de aglomerados estelares. Geramos diagramas cor-magnitude (CMDs) artificiais simulando uma população única, caracterizada por estrelas de mesma idade e composição quí mica, com uma fração de binárias não resolvidas e distribuição em massa das estrelas dada por uma MF do tipo lei de potência. A presença de pares de estrelas não resolvidos faz com que a MF obtida da função de luminosidade (LF) tenha a têndencia de ser mais plana do que a MF que gerou o CMD artificial. Propomos um tratamento de correção para tal efeito. Outro efeito relacionado diz respeito ao alargamento do CMD, que apresenta-se como um indicador do número total de estrelas no domí nio de baixas massas (m < 0.6M¤). Todos os resultados acima possuem uma forte dependência com os erros fotométricos e estão baseados na hipótese de que ambas estrelas do par não resolvido são sorteadas de uma mesma MF de forma independente. O objetivo final é aplicarmos o tratamento aqui desenvolvido para implementarmos a análise da nossa amostra de aglomerados ricos da Grande Nuvem de Magalhães.

  5. High Pressure Strength Study on NaCl

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mi, Z.; Shieh, S. R.; High Pressure Mineral Physics Group


    Yield strength is regarded as one important property related to rheological characteristics of minerals in the Earth’s interior. The strength study of NaCl, a popular pressure medium in static high pressure experiments, has been carried out under non-hydrostatic conditions in a diamond anvil cell up to 43 GPa at room temperature using radial energy dispersive X-ray diffraction technique. Phase transformation from B1 (rock salt structure) to B2 (CsCl structure) starts at 29.4 GPa, and is complete at 32.1 GPa. Bulk modulus obtained by third order Birch-Manurgham equation of state is 25.5 GPa with pressure derivative 4.6 for B1 phase, and 30.78 GPa with pressure derivative 4.32 GPa for B2 phase, which are in a good agreement with previous studies. The differential stress of NaCl B1 phase shows very gentle increase with pressure, which indicates that NaCl is a very good pressure-transmitting medium at pressure below 30 GPa. However, the differential stress increases more abruptly for B2 phase and this may imply that NaCl can no longer be regarded as a “soft” pressure medium at very high pressures. For B1 phase, (111) is the strongest plane and (200) is the weakest plane, while (200) becomes the strongest plane in B2 phase. Pure NaCl is weaker than mixture MgO and NaCl, which indicates that soft material become stronger when mixed with hard material. The yield strength of B2 obtained through energy dispersive X-ray diffraction technique increase linearly, while the value derived by pressure gradient method shows jagged trend.

  6. Mercury Na exospheric emission related to solar disturbances

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Orsini, S.; Mangano, V.; Milillo, A.; Plainaki, C.; Mura, A.; Massetti, S.; Raines, J. M.; De Angelis, E.; Rispoli, R.; Lazzarotto, F.; Aronica, A.


    A first attempt to use Na exospheric emission at Mercury as a proxy of CME transit is presented, in a kind of planetary space weather. The link existing between the dayside exosphere Na pattern at Mercury and the solar wind-magnetosphere-surface interactions is investigated. This goal is pursued by analyzing the Na hourly average distributions, as observed by the ground-based THEMIS solar telescope during 10 selected periods between 2012 and 2013 (seeing <2"), when also data from MESSENGER were available. Very often a two-peak pattern of variable intensity is observed, symmetrically located at high latitudes in both hemispheres. Occasionally, the signal is instead diffused above the sub-solar region. We compare these different Na emission patterns with the time profiles of proton fluxes and magnetic field data, as measured in-situ by MESSENGER. Among these 10 cases, only in one occasion the Na signal is all the time diffused above the subsolar region, and only in this case the MESSENGER data indicate the occurrence of significant solar CME perturbations.

  7. Localization and Function of the Membrane-bound Riboflavin in the Na+-translocating NADH:Quinone Oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR) from Vibrio cholerae*

    PubMed Central

    Casutt, Marco S.; Huber, Tamara; Brunisholz, René; Tao, Minli; Fritz, Günter; Steuber, Julia


    The sodium ion-translocating NADH:quinone oxidoreductase (Na+-NQR) from the human pathogen Vibrio cholerae is a respiratory membrane protein complex that couples the oxidation of NADH to the transport of Na+ across the bacterial membrane. The Na+-NQR comprises the six subunits NqrABCDEF, but the stoichiometry and arrangement of these subunits are unknown. Redox-active cofactors are FAD and a 2Fe-2S cluster on NqrF, covalently attached FMNs on NqrB and NqrC, and riboflavin and ubiquinone-8 with unknown localization in the complex. By analyzing the cofactor content and NADH oxidation activity of subcomplexes of the Na+-NQR lacking individual subunits, the riboflavin cofactor was unequivocally assigned to the membrane-bound NqrB subunit. Quantitative analysis of the N-terminal amino acids of the holo-complex revealed that NqrB is present in a single copy in the holo-complex. It is concluded that the hydrophobic NqrB harbors one riboflavin in addition to its covalently attached FMN. The catalytic role of two flavins in subunit NqrB during the reduction of ubiquinone to ubiquinol by the Na+-NQR is discussed. PMID:20558724

  8. Variations of the Blazar AO 0235+164 in 2006-2015

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hagen-Thorn, V. A.; Larionov, V. M.; Morozova, D. A.; Arkharov, A. A.; Hagen-Thorn, E. I.; Shablovinskaya, E. S.; Prokop'eva, M. S.; Yakovleva, V. A.


    The results of optical, radio, and gamma-ray observations of the blazar AO 0235+16 are presented, including photometric ( BV RIJHK) and polarimetric ( R)monitoring carried out at St. Petersburg State University and the Central (Pulkovo) Astronomical Observatory in 2007-2015, 43 GHz Very Long Baseline Interferometry radio observations processed at Boston University, and a gamma-ray light curve based on observationswith the Fermi space observatory are presented. Two strong outbursts were detected. The relative spectral energy distributions of the variable components responsible for the outbursts are determined; these follow power laws, but with different spectral indices. The degree of polarization was high in both outbursts; only an average relationship between the brightness and polarization can be found. There was no time lag between the variations in the optical and gamma-ray, suggesting that the sources of the radiation in the optical and gamma-ray are located in the same region of the jet.

  9. Growth mechanism and magnetic and electrochemical properties of Na{sub 0.44}MnO{sub 2} nanorods as cathode material for Na-ion batteries

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Demirel, S.; Oz, E.; Altin, E.

    Nanorods of Na{sub 0.44}MnO{sub 2} are a promising cathode material for Na-ion batteries due to their large surface area and single crystalline structure. We report the growth mechanism of Na{sub 0.44}MnO{sub 2} nanorods via solid state synthesis and their physical properties. The structure and the morphology of the Na{sub 0.44}MnO{sub 2} nanorods are investigated by X-ray diffraction (XRD), scanning and tunneling electron microscopy (SEM and TEM), and energy-dispersive X-ray (EDX) techniques. The growth mechanism of the rods is investigated and the effects of vapor pressure and partial melting of Na-rich regions are discussed. The magnetic measurements show an antiferromagnetic phasemore » transition at 25 K and the μ{sub eff} is determined as 3.41 and 3.24 μ{sub B} from the χ–T curve and theoretical calculation, respectively. The electronic configuration and spin state of Mn{sup 3+} and Mn{sup 4+} are discussed in detail. The electrochemical properties of the cell fabricated using the nanorods are investigated and the peaks in the voltammogram are attributed to the diffusion of Na ions from different sites. Na intercalation process is explained by one and two Margules and van Laar models. - Highlights: • We synthesized Na{sub 0.44}MnO{sub 2} nanorods via a simple solid state reaction technique. • Our studies show that excess Na plays a crucial role in the nanorod formation. • Magnetization measurements show that Mn{sup 3+} ions are in LS and HS states. • The electrochemical properties of the cell fabricated using the nanorods are investigated. • Na intercalation process is explained by one and two Margules and van Laar models.« less

  10. Serotoninergic Modulation of Basal Cardiovascular Responses and Responses Induced by Isotonic Extracellular Volume Expansion in Rats.


    Semionatto, Isadora Ferraz; Raminelli, Adrieli Oliveira; Alves, Angelica Cristina; Capitelli, Caroline Santos; Chriguer, Rosangela Soares


    érgico (DOI) nos núcleos paraventriculares hipotalâmico (NPV) sobre respostas cardiovasculares após EVEC. Foram obtidos registros da pressão arterial pulsátil, por meio da artéria femoral, para obtenção dos valores da pressão arterial média (PAM), sistólica (PAS), diastólica (PAD), frequência cardíaca (FC) e razão simpático-vagal (LF/HF) de ratos Wistar antes e após receberem microinjeções bilaterais no NPV de salina ou DOI seguida de EVEC. Não foram observadas diferenças significativas dos valores das variáveis estudadas nos diferentes tratamentos do grupo controle. Entretanto, quando os animais são tratados com DOI seguida de EVEC ocorre aumento significativo em relação ao grupo controle com EVEC em todas as variáveis estudadas: PAM (114,42±7,85 vs 101,34±9,17), PAS (147,23±14,31 vs 129,39±10,70), PAD (98,01 ±4,91 vs 87,31±8,61), FC (421,02±43,32 vs 356,35±41,99) e LF/HF (2,32±0,80 vs 0,27±0,32). O presente estudo mostrou que a indução de EVEC isotônica não promoveu alterações na PAM, PAD, PAS, FC e LF/HF. Por outro lado, os animais que receberam microinjeção de DOI no NPV seguida de EVEC apresentaram aumento significativo de todas as variáveis. Esses resultados sugerem que a serotonina exerce uma neuromodulação em nivel do NPV, e essa promove uma inibição da resposta barorreflexa frente à EVEC. Assim, o presente trabalho sugere o envolvimento serotoninérgico na neuromodulação no nivel do NPV na resposta reflexa vagal em ratos normotensos.

  11. Recent results and prospects for NA62 experiment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Martellotti, Silvia; Aglieri Rinella, G.; Aliberti, R.; Ambrosino, F.; Ammendola, R.; Angelucci, B.; Antonelli, A.; Anzivino, G.; Arcidiacono, R.; Azhinenko, I.; Balev, S.; Barbanera, M.; Bendotti, J.; Biagioni, A.; Bician, L.; Biino, C.; Bizzeti, A.; Blazek, T.; Blik, A.; Bloch-Devaux, B.; Bolotov, V.; Bonaiuto, V.; Boretto, M.; Bragadireanu, M.; Britton, D.; Britvich, G.; Brunetti, M. B.; Bryman, D.; Bucci, F.; Butin, F.; Capitolo, E.; Capoccia, C.; Capussela, T.; Cassese, A.; Catinaccio, A.; Cecchetti, A.; Ceccucci, A.; Cenci, P.; Cerny, V.; Cerri, C.; Checcucci, B.; Chikilev, O.; Chiozzi, S.; Ciaranfi, R.; Collazuol, G.; Conovaloff, A.; Cooke, P.; Cooper, P.; Corradi, G.; Cortina Gil, E.; Costantini, F.; Cotorobai, F.; Cotta Ramusino, A.; Coward, D.; D'Agostini, G.; Dainton, J.; Dalpiaz, P.; Danielsson, H.; Degrange, J.; De Simone, N.; Di Filippo, D.; Di Lella, L.; Di Lorenzo, S.; Dixon, N.; Doble, N.; Dobrich, B.; Duk, V.; Elsha, V.; Engelfried, J.; Enik, T.; Estrada, N.; Falaleev, V.; Fantechi, R.; Fascianelli, V.; Federici, L.; Fedotov, S.; Fiorini, M.; Fry, J.; Fu, J.; Fucci, A.; Fulton, L.; Gallorini, S.; Galeotti, S.; Gamberini, E.; Gatignon, L.; Georgiev, G.; Gianoli, A.; Giorgi, M.; Giudici, S.; Glonti, L.; Goncalves Martins, A.; Gonnella, F.; Goudzovski, E.; Guida, R.; Gushchin, E.; Hahn, F.; Hallgren, B.; Heath, H.; Herman, F.; Husek, T.; Hutanu, O.; Hutchcroft, D.; Iacobuzio, L.; Iacopini, E.; Imbergamo, E.; Jamet, O.; Jarron, P.; Jones, E.; Kampf, K.; Kaplon, J.; Kekelidze, V.; Kholodenko, S.; Khoriauli, G.; Khotyantsev, A.; Khudyakov, A.; Kiryushin, Yu.; Kleimenova, A.; Kleinknecht, K.; Kluge, A.; Koval, M.; Kozhuharov, V.; Krivda, M.; Kucerova, Z.; Kudenko, Y.; Kunze, J.; Lamanna, G.; Latino, G.; Lazzeroni, C.; Lehmann-Miotto, G.; Lenci, R.; Lenti, M.; Leonardi, E.; Lichard, P.; Lietava, R.; Litov, L.; Lollini, R.; Lomidze, D.; Lonardo, A.; Lupi, M.; Lurkin, N.; McCormick, K.; Madigozhin, D.; Maire, G.; Mandeiro, C.; Mannelli, I.; Mannocchi, G.; Mapelli, A.; Marchetto, F.; Marchevski, R.; Martellotti, S.; Massarotti, P.; Massri, K.; Matak, P.; Maurice, E.; Mefodev, A.; Menichetti, E.; Minucci, E.; Mirra, M.; Misheva, M.; Molokanova, N.; Morant, J.; Morel, M.; Moulson, M.; Movchan, S.; Munday, D.; Napolitano, M.; Neri, I.; Newson, F.; Norton, A.; Noy, M.; Nuessle, G.; Numao, T.; Obraztsov, V.; Ostankov, A.; Padolski, S.; Page, R.; Palladino, V.; Paoluzzi, G.; Parkinson, C.; Pedreschi, E.; Pepe, M.; Perez Gomez, F.; Perrin-Terrin, M.; Peruzzo, L.; Petrov, P.; Petrucci, F.; Piandani, R.; Piccini, M.; Pietreanu, D.; Pinzino, J.; Polenkevich, I.; Pontisso, L.; Potrebenikov, Yu.; Protopopescu, D.; Raffaelli, F.; Raggi, M.; Riedler, P.; Romano, A.; Rubin, P.; Ruggiero, G.; Russo, V.; Ryjov, V.; Salamon, A.; Salina, G.; Samsonov, V.; Santoni, C.; Saracino, G.; Sargeni, F.; Semenov, V.; Sergi, A.; Serra, M.; Shaikhiev, A.; Shkarovskiy, S.; Skillicorn, I.; Soldi, D.; Sotnikov, A.; Sougonyaev, V.; Sozzi, M.; Spadaro, T.; Spinella, F.; Staley, R.; Sturgess, A.; Sutcliffe, P.; Szilasi, N.; Tagnani, D.; Trilov, S.; Valdata-Nappi, M.; Valente, P.; Vasile, M.; Vassilieva, T.; Velghe, B.; Veltri, M.; Venditti, S.; Vicini, P.; Volpe, R.; Vormstein, M.; Wahl, H.; Wanke, R.; Wertelaers, P.; Winhart, A.; Winston, R.; Wrona, B.; Yushchenko, O.; Zamkovsky, M.; Zinchenko, A.; NA62 Collaboration


    The K+ →π+ ν ν ‾ decay is theoretically one of the cleanest meson decays and so a good place to look for indirect effects of new physics complementary to LHC searches. The NA62 experiment at CERN is designed to measure the branching ratio of this decay with 10% precision. NA62 was commissioned in October 2014, took data in pilot runs in 2014 and 2015. The NA62 experimental setup is illustrated and data quality is reported.

  12. Origin of high Coulombic loss during sodiation in Na-Sn battery

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Byeon, Young-Woon; Choi, Yong-Seok; Ahn, Jae-Pyoung; Lee, Jae-Chul


    Electrochemical sodiation is performed in crystalline Sn foil using in situ scanning electron microscopy (SEM) to simultaneously measure the changes in the electrical resistivity and volume of the Sn anode in a Na-Sn battery. We observe that sodiation causes an increase in the Sn anode resistivity by six orders of magnitude. Ab initio molecular dynamics simulations of the Na-Sn alloy system demonstrate that the increased resistivity of the anode is caused by the formation of an electrically resistive amorphous NaSn phase (a-NaSn) with a pseudogap. It is also observed that the formation of a-NaSn is always accompanied by a large volume expansion of ∼200%, causing the development of residual tensile stress. The residual stress in turn alters the electronic structure of the a-NaSn phase, further increasing the resistivity of a-NaSn and thus decreasing the energy efficiency of the Na-Sn battery.

  13. Mutant N143P Reveals How Na[superscript +] Activates Thrombin

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Niu, Weiling; Chen, Zhiwei; Bush-Pelc, Leslie A.


    The molecular mechanism of thrombin activation by Na{sup +} remains elusive. Its kinetic formulation requires extension of the classical Botts-Morales theory for the action of a modifier on an enzyme to correctly account for the contribution of the E*, E, and E:Na{sup +} forms. The extended scheme establishes that analysis of k{sub cat} unequivocally identifies allosteric transduction of Na{sup +} binding into enhanced catalytic activity. The thrombin mutant N143P features no Na{sup +}-dependent enhancement of k{sub cat} yet binds Na{sup +} with an affinity comparable to that of wild type. Crystal structures of the mutant in the presence and absencemore » of Na{sup +} confirm that Pro{sup 143} abrogates the important H-bond between the backbone N atom of residue 143 and the carbonyl O atom of Glu{sup 192}, which in turn controls the orientation of the Glu{sup 192}-Gly{sup 193} peptide bond and the correct architecture of the oxyanion hole. We conclude that Na{sup +} activates thrombin by securing the correct orientation of the Glu{sup 192}-Gly{sup 193} peptide bond, which is likely flipped in the absence of cation. Absolute conservation of the 143-192 H-bond in trypsin-like proteases and the importance of the oxyanion hole in protease function suggest that this mechanism of Na{sup +} activation is present in all Na{sup +}-activated trypsin-like proteases.« less

  14. Validation of estimating food intake in gray wolves by 22Na turnover

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    DelGiudice, G.D.; Duquette, L.S.; Seal, U.S.; Mech, L.D.


    We studied 22sodium (22Na) turnover as a means of estimating food intake in 6 captive, adult gray wolves (Canis lupus) (2 F, 4 M) over a 31-day feeding period. Wolves were fed white-tailed deer (Odocoileus virginianus) meat only. Mean mass-specific exchangeable Na pool was 44.8 .+-. 0.7 mEq/kg; there was no differeence between males and females. Total exchangeable Na was related (r2 = 0.85, P < 0.009) to body mass. Overall, 22Na turnover overestimated Na intake by 9.8 .+-. 2.4% after 32 days. Actual Na intake was similar in males and females; however, Na turnover (P < 0.05) and the discrepancy (P < 0.01) between turnover and actual Na intake were greater in females than males. From Day 8 to the end of the study, the absolute difference (mEq) between Na intake and Na turnover remained stable. Sodium turnover (mEq/kg/day) was a reliable (r2 = 0.91, P < 0.001) estimator of food consumption (g/kg/day) in wolves over a 32-day period. Sampling blood and weighing wolves every 1-4 days permitted identification of several potential sources of error, including changes in size of exchangeable Na pools, exchange of 22Na with gastrointestinal and bone Na, and rapid loss of the isotope by urinary excretion.

  15. A Influência da Escola e da Mídia na Obtenção dos Conhecimentos Astronômicos

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    da Cunha, W. S.; Voelzke, M. R.; Amaral, L. H.


    a astronomia, como por exemplo a propagação do som no vácuo observado na maioria dos filmes de f icção científica ou da existência das estações do ano em função da distância da Terra ao Sol, em conformidade com o questionário aplicado.

  16. Spray-dried chitosan/acid/NaCl microparticles enhance saltiness perception.


    Yi, Cheng; Tsai, Min-Lang; Liu, Tristan


    The composition, physicochemical properties and salinity of spray-dried chitosan/acid/NaCl microparticles were tested to ensure a low-sodium and high-salinity salty agent. The spray-dried chitosan/acid/NaCl microparticles were hollow and had a favourable hygroscopicity, and increased NaCl content and decreased organic acid content. Their size of the microparticles was 15.4-32.0μm and increased with NaCl concentration. The microparticles of acetic and lactic acid groups had a NaCl crystal size of 1-2 and 1-4μm, respectively. The NaCl crystals of acetic, lactic and citric acid group microparticles were distributed on the microparticle matrices, mostly on the microparticle surface and mainly on the inner walls of the microparticles walls, respectively. The acetic and lactic acid group microparticles were relatively smaller than general salt, with NaCl crystals distributed on the particle surfaces. Consequently, they were perceived as saltier than general salt and could potentially be regarded as a low-sodium salt for surface-salted foods. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. β decay of Na32

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mattoon, C. M.; Sarazin, F.; Hackman, G.; Cunningham, E. S.; Austin, R. A. E.; Ball, G. C.; Chakrawarthy, R. S.; Finlay, P.; Garrett, P. E.; Grinyer, G. F.; Hyland, B.; Koopmans, K. A.; Leslie, J. R.; Phillips, A. A.; Schumaker, M. A.; Scraggs, H. C.; Schwarzenberg, J.; Smith, M. B.; Svensson, C. E.; Waddington, J. C.; Walker, P. M.; Washbrook, B.; Zganjar, E.


    The β-decay of Na32 has been studied using β-γ coincidences. New transitions and levels are tentatively placed in the level scheme of Mg32 from an analysis of γ-γ and β-γ-γ coincidences. The observation of the indirect feeding of the 2321 keV state in Mg32 removes some restrictions previously placed on the spin assignment for this state. No evidence of a state at 2117 keV in Mg32 is found. Previously unobserved weak transitions up to 5.4 MeV were recorded but could not be placed in the decay scheme of Na32.

  18. Effect of Na+ on surface fractal dimension of compacted bentonite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xiang, G. S.; Xu, Y. F.; Jiang, H.


    Compacted Tsukinuno bentonite was immersed into NaCl solutions of different concentrations in oedometers, and the surface fractal dimension of bentonite-saline association was measured by nitrogen adsorption isotherms. The application of the Frenkel-Halsey-Hill equation and the Neimark thermodynamic method to nitrogen adsorption isotherms indicated that the surface roughness was greater for the bentonite-saline association. The surface fractal dimension of bentonite increased in the NaCl solution with low Na+ concentration, but decreased at high Na+ concentration. This process was accompanied by the same tendency in specific surface area and microporosity with the presence of Na+ coating in the clay particles.

  19. Unstable metacarpal and phalangeal fractures: treatment by internal fixation using AO mini-fragment plates and screws.


    Mumtaz, Mohammad Umar; Farooq, Muneer Ahmad; Rasool, Altaf Ahmad; Kawoosa, Altaf Ahmad; Badoo, Abdul Rashid; Dhar, Shabir Ahmad


    Accurate open reduction and internal fixation for metacarpal and phalangeal fractures of the hand is required in less than 5% of the patients; otherwise, closed treatment techniques offer satisfactory results in most of these cases as these fractures are stable either before or after closed reduction. AO mini-fragment screws and plates, when used in properly selected cases, can provide rigid fixation, allowing early mobilization of joints and hence good functional results while avoiding problems associated with protruding K-wires and immobilization. The advantages of such internal fixation urged us to undertake such a study in our state where such hand injuries are commonly seen. Forty patients with 42 unstable metacarpal and phalangeal fractures were treated with open reduction and internal fixation using AO mini-fragment screws and plates over a period of three years in a prospective manner. The overall results were good in 78.5% of cases, fair in 19% of cases and poor in 2.5% of cases, as judged according to the criteria of the American Society for Surgery of the Hand. This technique is a reasonable option for treating unstable metacarpal and phalangeal fractures as it provides a highly rigid fixation, which is sufficient to allow early mobilization of the adjacent joints, thus helping to achieve good functional results.

  20. Naïve Bayes classification in R.


    Zhang, Zhongheng


    Naïve Bayes classification is a kind of simple probabilistic classification methods based on Bayes' theorem with the assumption of independence between features. The model is trained on training dataset to make predictions by predict() function. This article introduces two functions naiveBayes() and train() for the performance of Naïve Bayes classification.

  1. Implications of 187Os isotopic heterogeneities in a mantle plume: evidence from Gorgona Island and Curaçao

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walker, Richard J.; Storey, Michael; Kerr, Andrew C.; Tarney, John; Arndt, Nicholas T.


    Recent work has suggested that the mafic-ultramafic volcanism in evidence throughout portions of the Caribbean, Central America, and northern South America, including the islands of Gorgona and Curaçao, was generated as part of a middle-Cretaceous, large igneous province. New Re-Os isochron results for tholeiitic basalts from Gorgona and Curaçao indicate crystallization ages of 89.2 ± 5.2 and 85.6 ± 8.1 Ma, respectively, consistent with reported Ar ages. The Gorgona ultramafic suite shows a large range in initial Os isotopic composition, with γ Os values ranging from -0.5 to +12.4. This large range reflects isotopic heterogeneities in the mantle source similar to those observed for modern ocean island basalts. In contrast to ocean island basalts, however, Os isotopic compositions do not correlate with variations in Nd, Sr, or Pb isotopic compositions, which are within the range of depleted mid-ocean ridge basalts. The processes that produced these rocks evidently resulted in the decoupling of Os isotopes from the Nd, Sr, and Pb isotopic systems. Picrites from Curaçao have very uniform, chondritic initial Os isotopic compositions, with initial γ Os values ranging only from -0.4 to ±1.4. Basalts from Curaçao, however, define an isochron with a 187Os-enriched initial isotopic composition (γ Os = +9.5). In contrast to the 187Os-enriched ultramafic rocks from Gorgona, the enrichment in these basalts could have resulted from lithospheric contamination. If the Gorgona and Curaçao rocks were derived from the same plume, Os results, combined with Sr, Nd, and Pb data indicate a heterogeneous plume, with multiple compositionally and isotopically distinct domains. The Os isotopic results require derivation of Os from a minimum of two distinct reservoirs, one with a composition very similar to the chondritic average and one with long-term enriched Re/Os. Oceanic crustal recycling has been invoked to explain most of the 187Os enrichments that have been observed in

  2. Arrhenius Behavior of the Bulk Na-Ion Conductivity in Na3Sc2(PO4)3 Single Crystals Observed by Microcontact Impedance Spectroscopy.


    Rettenwander, Daniel; Redhammer, Günther J; Guin, Marie; Benisek, Artur; Krüger, Hannes; Guillon, Olivier; Wilkening, Martin; Tietz, Frank; Fleig, Jürgen


    NASICON-based solid electrolytes with exceptionally high Na-ion conductivities are considered to enable future all solid-state Na-ion battery technologies. Despite 40 years of research the interrelation between crystal structure and Na-ion conduction is still controversially discussed and far from being fully understood. In this study, microcontact impedance spectroscopy combined with single crystal X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry is applied to tackle the question how bulk Na-ion conductivity σ bulk of sub-mm-sized flux grown Na 3 Sc 2 (PO 4 ) 3 (NSP) single crystals is influenced by supposed phase changes (α, β, and γ phase) discussed in literature. Although we found a smooth structural change at around 140 °C, which we assign to the β → γ phase transition, our conductivity data follow a single Arrhenius law from room temperature (RT) up to 220 °C. Obviously, the structural change, being mainly related to decreasing Na-ion ordering with increasing temperature, does not cause any jumps in Na-ion conductivity or any discontinuities in activation energies E a . Bulk ion dynamics in NSP have so far rarely been documented; here, under ambient conditions, σ bulk turned out to be as high as 3 × 10 -4 S cm -1  at RT ( E a, bulk = 0.39 eV) when directly measured with microcontacts for individual small single crystals.

  3. Arrhenius Behavior of the Bulk Na-Ion Conductivity in Na3Sc2(PO4)3 Single Crystals Observed by Microcontact Impedance Spectroscopy

    PubMed Central


    NASICON-based solid electrolytes with exceptionally high Na-ion conductivities are considered to enable future all solid-state Na-ion battery technologies. Despite 40 years of research the interrelation between crystal structure and Na-ion conduction is still controversially discussed and far from being fully understood. In this study, microcontact impedance spectroscopy combined with single crystal X-ray diffraction, and differential scanning calorimetry is applied to tackle the question how bulk Na-ion conductivity σbulk of sub-mm-sized flux grown Na3Sc2(PO4)3 (NSP) single crystals is influenced by supposed phase changes (α, β, and γ phase) discussed in literature. Although we found a smooth structural change at around 140 °C, which we assign to the β → γ phase transition, our conductivity data follow a single Arrhenius law from room temperature (RT) up to 220 °C. Obviously, the structural change, being mainly related to decreasing Na-ion ordering with increasing temperature, does not cause any jumps in Na-ion conductivity or any discontinuities in activation energies Ea. Bulk ion dynamics in NSP have so far rarely been documented; here, under ambient conditions, σbulk turned out to be as high as 3 × 10–4 S cm–1 at RT (Ea, bulk = 0.39 eV) when directly measured with microcontacts for individual small single crystals. PMID:29606799

  4. T'ao-t'ieh, a motif of Chinese funerary art as the iconographic counterpart of Cinnabar, an alchemical drug.


    Mahdihassan, S


    The agency conferring resurrection is soul or its emblem. The earliest conception of soul is blood. Its Redness penetrates subsoil and is taken up by serpent, from whence arises snake-soul, later snake-god. Blood vapours is the other fraction arising upwards. It becomes wraith bird, later soul bird, and finally bird god. Blood as whole gave snake-god plus bird-god. A winged-cobra became snake-god and bird-god or together, one-as-all. Red Cock was its equivalent. As substance came cinnabar, red like blood and sublimable like soul. Dragon was idealized snake-god. Then Dragon-god plus Bird-god became the equal of blood soul, the magical power. T'ao-t'ieh is Dragon-plus-Bird, snake-god plus bird-god, the equivalent of Cosmic soul. Then cinnabar as the equal of blood soul and T'ao-t'ieh, the emblem of Cosmic soul, each were capable of conferring resurrection and have been interred in Chinese graves.

  5. Diffusion and the dynamics of displacive phase transitions in cryolite (Na3AlF6) and chiolite (Na5Al3F14): Multi-nuclear NMR studies

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Spearing, Dane R.; Stebbins, Jonathan F.; Farnan, Ian


    Cryolite is a mixed-cation perovskite (Na2(NaAl)F6) which undergoes a monoclinic to orthorhombic displacive phase transition at ˜550° C. Chiolite (Na5Al3F14) is associated with cryolite in natural deposits, and consists of sheets of corner sharing [AlF6] octahedra interlayered with edge-sharing [NaF6] octahedra. Multi-nuclear NMR line shape and relaxation time (T1) studies were performed on cryolite and chiolite in order to gain a better understanding of the atomic motions associated with the phase transition in cryolite, and Na diffusion in cryolite and chiolite. 27Al, 23Na, and 19F static NMR spectra and T1's in cryolite suggest that oscillatory motions of the [AlF6] octahedra among four micro-twin and anti-phase domains in α-cryolite begin at least 150° C below the transition temperature and persist above it. Variable temperature 23Na MAS NMR further indicates diffusional exchange at a rate of at least 13 kHz between the Na sites by the time the transition temperature is reached. 27Al and 23Na T1's show the same behavior with increasing temperature, indicating the same relaxation mechanisms are responsible for both. The first order nature of the cryolite transition is apparent as a jump in the 23Na and 27Al T1's. Above the transition temperature, the T1's decrease slightly indicating that the motions responsible for the drop in T1, are still present above the transition, further supporting the dynamic nature of the high temperature phase of cryolite. Chiolite 23Na static spectra decrease in linewidth with increasing temperature, indicating increased Na diffusion, which is interpreted as occurring within the [NaF6] sheets in the chiolite structure, but not between the two different Na sites. 27Al and 23Na T1's show similar behavior as in cryolite, but there is no discontinuity due to a phase transition. 19F T1's are constant from room temperature to 150° C indicating no oscillatory motion of the [AlF6] octahedra in chiolite.

  6. Adaptive optics for MOSAIC: design and performance of the wide(st)-field AO system for the E-ELT

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Morris, Tim; Basden, Alastair; Buey, Tristan; Chemla, Fanny; Conan, Jean-Marc; Fitzsimons, Ewan; Fusco, Thierry; Gendron, Eric; Hammer, Francois; Jagourel, Pascal; Morel, Carine; Myers, Richard; Neichel, Benoit; Petit, Cyril; Rodrigues, Myriam; Rousset, Gérard


    MOSAIC is the proposed multiple-object spectrograph for the E-ELT that will utilise the widest possible field of view provided by the telescope. In terms of adaptive optics, there are two distinct operating modes required to meet the top-level science requirements. The MOSAIC High Multiplex Mode (HMM) requires either seeing-limited or GLAO correction within a 0.6 (NIR) and 0.9 (VIS) arcsecond sub-fields over the widest possible field for a few hundred objects. To achieve seeing limited operation whilst maintaining the maximum unvignetted field of view for scientific observation will require recreating some of the functionality present in the Pre-Focal Station relating to control of the E-ELT active optics. MOSAIC High Definition Mode Control (HDM) requires a 25% Ensquared Energy (EE) within 150mas in the H-band element for approximately 10 targets distributed across the full E-ELT field, implying the use of Multiple Object AO (MOAO). Initial studies have shown that to meet the EE requirements whilst maintaining high-sky coverage will require the combination of wavefront signals from both high-order NGS and LGS to provide a tomographic estimate for the correction to be applied to the open-loop MOAO DMs. In this paper we present the current MOSAIC AO design and provide the first performance estimates for the baseline instrument design. We then report on the various trade-offs that will be investigated throughout the course of the Phase A study, such as the requirement to mix NGS and LGS signals tomographically. Finally, we discuss how these will impact the AO architecture, the MOSAIC design and ultimately the scientific performance of this wide-field workhorse instrument at the E-ELT.

  7. A dual-stage sodium thermal electrochemical converter (Na-TEC)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Limia, Alexander; Ha, Jong Min; Kottke, Peter; Gunawan, Andrey; Fedorov, Andrei G.; Lee, Seung Woo; Yee, Shannon K.


    The sodium thermal electrochemical converter (Na-TEC) is a heat engine that generates electricity through the isothermal expansion of sodium ions. The Na-TEC is a closed system that can theoretically achieve conversion efficiencies above 45% when operating between thermal reservoirs at 1150 K and 550 K. However, thermal designs have confined previous single-stage devices to thermal efficiencies below 20%. To mitigate some of these limitations, we consider dividing the isothermal expansion into two stages; one at the evaporator temperature (1150 K) and another at an intermediate temperature (650 K-1050 K). This dual-stage Na-TEC takes advantage of regeneration and reheating, and could be amenable to better thermal management. Herein, we demonstrate how the dual-stage device can improve the efficiency by up to 8% points over the best performing single-stage device. We also establish an application regime map for the single- and dual-stage Na-TEC in terms of the power density and the total thermal parasitic loss. Generally, a single-stage Na-TEC should be used for applications requiring high power densities, whereas a dual-stage Na-TEC should be used for applications requiring high efficiency.

  8. The enhancement of neutral metal Na layer above thunderstorms

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yu, Bingkun; Xue, Xianghui; Lu, Gaopeng; Kuo, Chengling; Dou, Xiankang; Gao, Qi; Qie, Xiushu; Wu, Jianfei; Tang, Yihuan


    Na (sodium) exists as layers of atoms in the mesosphere/lower thermosphere (MLT) at altitudes between 80 and 105 km. It has lower ionization potential of 5.139 eV than atmospheric species, such as O2 (12.06 eV). Tropospheric thunderstorms affect the lower ionosphere and the ionospheric sporadic E (Es) at 100 km can also be influenced by lightning. The mechanism is expected to be associated with transient luminous events (TLE) as red sprites and gigantic jets at upper atmosphere. However, measurements of ionospheric electric fields of 20mV·m-1 above thunderstorms are less than estimated value (>48 0mV·m-1) to excite ionization in the lower ionosphere. We found an enhancement of Na layer above thunderstorms. The increase of Na density in the statistical result can be as much as 500 cm-3 and it will have an impact on ionospheric chemistry and modify the conductivity properties of the MLT region. The ionospheric observations made with two digisondes near the Na lidar, the thunderstorm model, ionosphere model, and Na chemistry model are all used to discuss the possible mechanisms responsible for the enhancement of Na layer after thunderstorms.

  9. Transitions in Al Coordination during Gibbsite Crystallization Using High-Field 27 Al and 23 Na MAS NMR Spectroscopy

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hu, Jian Zhi; Zhang, Xin; Jaegers, Nicholas R.

    Mechanisms of nucleation and growth of Al hydroxides such as gibbsite from aqueous solution, particularly in highly alkaline conditions, remain poorly understood. In this work, quantitative 27Al and 22Na MAS NMR experiments were conducted on solid samples extracted from the crystallization of gibbsite from an amorphous aluminum hydroxide gel precursor. The use of high magnetic field and fast sample spinning allowed transitional tetrahedral (AlT) and pentahedral (AlP) aluminum species to be observed along with the octahedral aluminum (AlO) that dominates the gibbsite product. Low-coordinated Al species could be detected at concentrations as low as 0.1% of the total Al sites.more » It is established that (a) AlT and AlP coexist on the surface of growing gibbsites even with a combined percentage over the total Al sites of less than 1%; (b) Different synthesis methods generate gibbsite with varying amounts of low-coordinated Al; (c) the amorphous gel precursor contains a significant amount of low-coordinated Al sites with AO: AlP: AlT ratios of approximately 4:2:1; (d) upon hydration, the external, low-coordinated Al sites become six-fold coordinated by interacting with the oxygen in H2O and the 27Al MAS NMR peak position shifts to that for the AlO sites; (e) gibbsite with increased long range order is synthesized over longer times by gradually incorporating residual AlP and AlT sites into octahedrally-coordinated AlO sites; (f) trace Na is predominantly a surface species on gibbsite particles. These findings provide a basis for understanding the gibbsite crystallization mechanism, along with a general means of characterizing gibbsite surface properties that are of equal importance for understanding related processes such as dissolution behavior.« less

  10. Na+-H+ exchange activity in taste receptor cells.


    Vinnikova, Anna K; Alam, Rammy I; Malik, Shahbaz A; Ereso, Glenn L; Feldman, George M; McCarty, John M; Knepper, Mark A; Heck, Gerard L; DeSimone, John A; Lyall, Vijay


    mRNA for two Na(+)-H(+)-exchanger isoforms 1 and 3 (NHE-1 and NHE-3) was detected by RT-PCR in fungiform and circumvallate taste receptor cells (TRCs). Anti-NHE-1 antibody binding was localized to the basolateral membranes, and the anti-NHE-3 antibody was localized in the apical membranes of fungiform and circumvallate TRCs. In a subset of TRCs, NHE-3 immunoreactivity was also detected in the intracellular compartment. For functional studies, an isolated lingual epithelium containing a single fungiform papilla was mounted with apical and basolateral sides isolated and perfused with nominally CO(2)/HCO(3)(-)-free physiological media (pH 7.4). The TRCs were monitored for changes in intracellular pH (pH(i)) and Na(+) ([Na(+)](i)) using fluorescence ratio imaging. At constant external pH, 1) removal of basolateral Na(+) reversibly decreased pH(i) and [Na(+)](i); 2) HOE642, a specific blocker, and amiloride, a nonspecific blocker of basolateral NHE-1, attenuated the decrease in pH(i) and [Na(+)](i); 3) exposure of TRCs to basolateral NH(4)Cl or sodium acetate pulses induced transient decreases in pH(i) that recovered spontaneously to baseline; 4) pH(i) recovery was inhibited by basolateral amiloride, 5-(N-methyl-N-isobutyl)-amiloride (MIA), 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl)-amiloride (EIPA), HOE642, and by Na(+) removal; 5) HOE642, MIA, EIPA, and amiloride inhibited pH(i) recovery with K(i) values of 0.23, 0.46, 0.84, and 29 microM, respectively; and 6) a decrease in apical or basolateral pH acidified TRC pH(i) and inhibited spontaneous pH(i) recovery. The results indicate the presence of a functional NHE-1 in the basolateral membranes of TRCs. We hypothesize that NHE-1 is involved in sour taste transduction since its activity is modulated during acid stimulation.

  11. Profilaxia da trombose venosa profunda em cirurgia bariátrica: estudo comparativo com doses diferentes de heparina de baixo peso molecular

    PubMed Central

    Goslan, Carlos José; Baretta, Giórgio Alfredo Pedroso; de Souza, Hemuara Grasiela Pestana; Orsi, Bruna Zanin; Zanoni, Esdras Camargo A.; Lopes, Marco Antonio Gimenez; Engelhorn, Carlos Alberto


    Resumo Contexto A cirurgia bariátrica é considerada a melhor opção para o tratamento da obesidade, cujos pacientes são considerados de alto risco para fenômenos tromboembólicos. Objetivos Comparar o uso de doses diferentes de heparina de baixo peso molecular (HBPM) na profilaxia da trombose venosa profunda (TVP) em pacientes candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica em relação ao risco de TVP, alteração na dosagem do fator anti-Xa e sangramento pré ou pós-operatório. Métodos Estudo comparativo transversal em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia bariátrica distribuídos em dois grupos, que receberam doses de HBPM de 40 mg (grupo controle, GC) e 80 mg (grupo de estudo, GE). Foram avaliados por ultrassonografia vascular e dosagem de KPTT, TAP, plaquetas e fator anti-Xa. Resultados Foram avaliados 60 pacientes, sendo 34 no GC e 26 no GE. Foi observada diferença significativa somente no peso (p = 0,003) e índice de massa corporal (p = 0,018) no GE em relação ao GC. Não houve diferença na dosagem de KPTT, TAP, plaquetas e fator anti-Xa entre os grupos. Não foram detectados TVP ou sangramentos significativos em ambos os grupos. Conclusões Não houve diferença estatisticamente significativa na utilização de doses maiores de HBPM na profilaxia da TVP em pacientes candidatos à cirurgia bariátrica em relação ao risco de TVP, dosagem do fator anti-Xa e sangramento pré ou pós-operatório.

  12. 3 Tesla 23Na Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Acute Kidney Injury.


    Hammon, Matthias; Grossmann, Susan; Linz, Peter; Seuss, Hannes; Hammon, Rebecca; Rosenhauer, Daniela; Janka, Rolf; Cavallaro, Alexander; Luft, Friedrich C; Titze, Jens; Uder, Michael; Dahlmann, Anke


    Sodium and proton magnetic resonance imaging ( 23 Na/ 1 H-MRI) have shown that muscle and skin can store Na + without water. In chronic renal failure and in heart failure, Na + mobilization occurs, but is variable depending on age, dialysis vintage, and other features. Na + storage depots have not been studied in patients with acute kidney injury (AKI). We studied 7 patients with AKI (mean age: 51.7 years; range: 25-84) and 14 age-matched and gender-matched healthy controls. All underwent 23 Na/ 1 H-MRI at the calf. Patients were studied before and after acute hemodialysis therapy within 5-6 days. The 23 Na-MRI produced grayscale images containing Na + phantoms, which served to quantify Na + contents. A fat-suppressed inversion recovery sequence was used to quantify H 2 O content. Plasma Na + levels did not change. Mean Na + contents in muscle and skin did not significantly change following four to five cycles of hemodialysis treatment (before therapy: 32.7 ± 6.9 and 44.2 ± 13.5 mmol/L, respectively; after dialysis: 31.7 ± 10.2 and 42.8 ± 11.8 mmol/L, respectively; P > .05). Water content measurements did not differ significantly before and after hemodialysis in muscle and skin (P > .05). Na + contents in calf muscle and skin of patients before hemodialysis were significantly higher than in healthy subjects (16.6 ± 2.1 and 17.9 ± 3.2) and remained significantly elevated after hemodialysis. Na + in muscle and skin accumulates in patients with AKI and, in contrast to patients receiving chronic hemodialysis and those with acute heart failure, is not mobilized with hemodialysis within 5-6 days. Copyright © 2017 The Association of University Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. Na+ extrusion from the cytosol and tissue-specific Na+ sequestration in roots confer differential salt stress tolerance between durum and bread wheat.


    Wu, Honghong; Shabala, Lana; Azzarello, Elisa; Huang, Yuqing; Pandolfi, Camilla; Su, Nana; Wu, Qi; Cai, Shengguan; Bazihizina, Nadia; Wang, Lu; Zhou, Meixue; Mancuso, Stefano; Chen, Zhonghua; Shabala, Sergey


    The progress in plant breeding for salinity stress tolerance is handicapped by the lack of understanding of the specificity of salt stress signalling and adaptation at the cellular and tissue levels. In this study, we used electrophysiological, fluorescence imaging, and real-time quantitative PCR tools to elucidate the essentiality of the cytosolic Na+ extrusion in functionally different root zones (elongation, meristem, and mature) in a large number of bread and durum wheat accessions. We show that the difference in the root's ability for vacuolar Na+ sequestration in the mature zone may explain differential salinity stress tolerance between salt-sensitive durum and salt-tolerant bread wheat species. Bread wheat genotypes also had on average 30% higher capacity for net Na+ efflux from the root elongation zone, providing the first direct evidence for the essentiality of the root salt exclusion trait at the cellular level. At the same time, cytosolic Na+ accumulation in the root meristem was significantly higher in bread wheat, leading to the suggestion that this tissue may harbour a putative salt sensor. This hypothesis was then tested by investigating patterns of Na+ distribution and the relative expression level of several key genes related to Na+ transport in leaves in plants with intact roots and in those in which the root meristems were removed. We show that tampering with this sensing mechanism has resulted in a salt-sensitive phenotype, largely due to compromising the plant's ability to sequester Na+ in mesophyll cell vacuoles. The implications of these findings for plant breeding for salinity stress tolerance are discussed.

  14. OsHKT1;4-mediated Na(+) transport in stems contributes to Na(+) exclusion from leaf blades of rice at the reproductive growth stage upon salt stress.


    Suzuki, Kei; Yamaji, Naoki; Costa, Alex; Okuma, Eiji; Kobayashi, Natsuko I; Kashiwagi, Tatsuhiko; Katsuhara, Maki; Wang, Cun; Tanoi, Keitaro; Murata, Yoshiyuki; Schroeder, Julian I; Ma, Jian Feng; Horie, Tomoaki


    Na(+) exclusion from leaf blades is one of the key mechanisms for glycophytes to cope with salinity stress. Certain class I transporters of the high-affinity K(+) transporter (HKT) family have been demonstrated to mediate leaf blade-Na(+) exclusion upon salinity stress via Na(+)-selective transport. Multiple HKT1 transporters are known to function in rice (Oryza sativa). However, the ion transport function of OsHKT1;4 and its contribution to the Na(+) exclusion mechanism in rice remain to be elucidated. Here, we report results of the functional characterization of the OsHKT1;4 transporter in rice. OsHKT1;4 mediated robust Na(+) transport in Saccharomyces cerevisiae and Xenopus laevis oocytes. Electrophysiological experiments demonstrated that OsHKT1;4 shows strong Na(+) selectivity among cations tested, including Li(+), Na(+), K(+), Rb(+), Cs(+), and NH4 (+), in oocytes. A chimeric protein, EGFP-OsHKT1;4, was found to be functional in oocytes and targeted to the plasma membrane of rice protoplasts. The level of OsHKT1;4 transcripts was prominent in leaf sheaths throughout the growth stages. Unexpectedly however, we demonstrate here accumulation of OsHKT1;4 transcripts in the stem including internode II and peduncle in the reproductive growth stage. Moreover, phenotypic analysis of OsHKT1;4 RNAi plants in the vegetative growth stage revealed no profound influence on the growth and ion accumulation in comparison with WT plants upon salinity stress. However, imposition of salinity stress on the RNAi plants in the reproductive growth stage caused significant Na(+) overaccumulation in aerial organs, in particular, leaf blades and sheaths. In addition, (22)Na(+) tracer experiments using peduncles of RNAi and WT plants suggested xylem Na(+) unloading by OsHKT1;4. Taken together, our results indicate a newly recognized function of OsHKT1;4 in Na(+) exclusion in stems together with leaf sheaths, thus excluding Na(+) from leaf blades of a japonica rice cultivar in the

  15. Reduced expression of Na(v)1.6 sodium channels and compensation by Na(v)1.2 channels in mice heterozygous for a null mutation in Scn8a.


    Vega, Ana V; Henry, Diane L; Matthews, Gary


    The voltage-gated sodium channel alpha subunit Na(v)1.6, encoded by the Scn8a gene, accumulates at high density at mature nodes of Ranvier of myelinated axons, replacing the Na(v)1.2 channels found at nodes earlier in development. To investigate this preferential expression of Na(v)1.6 at adult nodes, we examined isoform-specific expression of sodium channels in mice heterozygous for a null mutation in Scn8a. Immunoblots from these +/- mice had 50% of the wild-type level of Na(v)1.6 protein, and their optic-nerve nodes of Ranvier had correspondingly less anti-Na(v)1.6 immunofluorescence. Protein level and nodal immunofluorescence of the Na(v)1.2 alpha subunit increased in Scn8a(+/-) mice, keeping total sodium channel expression approximately constant despite partial loss of Na(v)1.6 channels. The results are consistent with a model in which Na(v)1.6 and Na(v)1.2 compete for binding partners at sites of high channel density, such as nodes of Ranvier. We suggest that Na(v)1.6 channels normally occupy most of the molecular machinery responsible for channel clustering because they have higher binding affinity, and not because they are exclusively recognized by mechanisms for transport and insertion of sodium channels in myelinated axons. The reduced amount of Na(v)1.6 protein in Scn8a(+/-) mice is apparently insufficient to saturate the nodal binding sites, allowing Na(v)1.2 channels to compete more successfully.

  16. Academy of Reading® (AoR) 2008-09 and 2009-10 Evaluation. E&R Report No. 10.23

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baenen, Nancy; Lougee, Aimee


    Academy of READING (AoR) is designed to improve students' foundational reading skills; it is used in almost all Wake County Public Schools (WCPSS) secondary schools. Central staff recommended students with prior End of Grade/Course (EOG/EOC) scale scores placing them high in Level II or low in Level III have first priority for service; many…

  17. Mechanism of potassium ion uptake by the Na+/K+-ATPase

    PubMed Central

    Castillo, Juan P.; Rui, Huan; Basilio, Daniel; Das, Avisek; Roux, Benoît; Latorre, Ramon; Bezanilla, Francisco; Holmgren, Miguel


    The Na+/K+-ATPase restores sodium (Na+) and potassium (K+) electrochemical gradients dissipated by action potentials and ion-coupled transport processes. As ions are transported, they become transiently trapped between intracellular and extracellular gates. Once the external gate opens, three Na+ ions are released, followed by the binding and occlusion of two K+ ions. While the mechanisms of Na+ release have been well characterized by the study of transient Na+ currents, smaller and faster transient currents mediated by external K+ have been more difficult to study. Here we show that external K+ ions travelling to their binding sites sense only a small fraction of the electric field as they rapidly and simultaneously become occluded. Consistent with these results, molecular dynamics simulations of a pump model show a wide water-filled access channel connecting the binding site to the external solution. These results suggest a mechanism of K+ gating different from that of Na+ occlusion. PMID:26205423

  18. Hierarchical Porous Carbon Spheres for High-Performance Na-O2 Batteries.


    Sun, Bing; Kretschmer, Katja; Xie, Xiuqiang; Munroe, Paul; Peng, Zhangquan; Wang, Guoxiu


    As a new family member of room-temperature aprotic metal-O 2 batteries, Na-O 2 batteries, are attracting growing attention because of their relatively high theoretical specific energy and particularly their uncompromised round-trip efficiency. Here, a hierarchical porous carbon sphere (PCS) electrode that has outstanding properties to realize Na-O 2 batteries with excellent electrochemical performances is reported. The controlled porosity of the PCS electrode, with macropores formed between PCSs and nanopores inside each PCS, enables effective formation/decomposition of NaO 2 by facilitating the electrolyte impregnation and oxygen diffusion to the inner part of the oxygen electrode. In addition, the discharge product of NaO 2 is deposited on the surface of individual PCSs with an unusual conformal film-like morphology, which can be more easily decomposed than the commonly observed microsized NaO 2 cubes in Na-O 2 batteries. A combination of coulometry, X-ray diffraction, and in situ differential electrochemical mass spectrometry provides compelling evidence that the operation of the PCS-based Na-O 2 battery is underpinned by the formation and decomposition of NaO 2 . This work demonstrates that employing nanostructured carbon materials to control the porosity, pore-size distribution of the oxygen electrodes, and the morphology of the discharged NaO 2 is a promising strategy to develop high-performance Na-O 2 batteries. © 2017 WILEY-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim.

  19. Electronic structure and molecular dynamics of Na2Li

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Malcolm, Nathaniel O. J.; McDouall, Joseph J. W.

    Following the first report (Mile, B., Sillman, P. D., Yacob, A. R. and Howard, J. A., 1996, J. chem. Soc. Dalton Trans , 653) of the EPR spectrum of the mixed alkali-metal trimer Na2Li a detailed study has been made of the electronic structure and structural dynamics of this species. Two isomeric forms have been found: one of the type, Na-Li-Na, of C , symmetry and another, Li-Na-Na, of C symmetry. Also, there are two linear saddle points which correspond to 'inversion' transition structures, and a saddle point of C symmetry which connects the two minima. A molecular dynamics investigation of these species shows that, at the temperature of the reported experiments (170 K), the C minimum is not 'static', but undergoes quite rapid inversion. At higher temperatures the C minimum converts to the C form, but by a mechanism very different from that suggested by minimum energy path considerations. 2 2v s s 2v 2v s

  20. Clinical therapeutic effects of AO/ASIF clavicle hook plate on distal clavicle fractures and acromioclavicular joint dislocations.


    Dou, Qingjun; Ren, Xiaofeng


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the security and effectiveness of AO/ASIF clavicle hook plate in the treatment of distal clavicle fractures and acromioclavicular joint dislocations. One hundred patients with distal clavicle fractures and acromioclavicular joint dislocations who were admitted in our hospital from January 2012 to January 2013 were selected as the study subjects. They were then randomly divided into a control group and an observation group (n=50). The observation group was treated with AO/ASIF clavicle hook plates, and the control group was treated with Kirschner-wire tension bands. The outcomes were recorded and compared. The JOA scores of the two groups were similar before surgery (P>0.05). The two groups both had obviously increased JOA scores in the postoperative 6th and 12th weeks, and the score in the postoperative 12th week was higher. There were statistically significant intra-group differences (P<0.05). The postoperative 6th-week and 12th-week JOA scores of the observation group were (83.2±1.8) and (97.4±1.5) respectively, and those of the control group were (71.6±2.2) and (82.3±2.6) respectively, with statistically significant inter-group differences (P<0.05). Significantly more patients in the observation group (100%) were evaluated as excellent or good outcomes after fixation than those in the control group (60%). After removal of the surgical apparatus, the recurrence rates of bone fracture and joint dislocation in the observation group were significantly lower than those of the control group (P<0.05). AO/ASIF clavicle hook plate functioned more effectively than Kirschner-wire tension band in clinical treatment of distal clavicle fractures and acromioclavicular joint dislocations. The former protocol enjoyed small incisions, firm fixation and early shoulder mobility. Therefore, it is a safe and effective surgical method that is worthy of being widely applied in clinical practice.

  1. NaCl responsive taste cells in the mouse fungiform taste buds.


    Yoshida, R; Horio, N; Murata, Y; Yasumatsu, K; Shigemura, N; Ninomiya, Y


    Previous studies have demonstrated that rodents' chorda tympani (CT) nerve fibers responding to NaCl can be classified according to their sensitivities to the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) blocker amiloride into two groups: amiloride-sensitive (AS) and -insensitive (AI). The AS fibers were shown to respond specifically to NaCl, whereas AI fibers broadly respond to various electrolytes, including NaCl. These data suggest that salt taste transduction in taste cells may be composed of at least two different systems; AS and AI ones. To further address this issue, we investigated the responses to NaCl, KCl and HCl and the amiloride sensitivity of mouse fungiform papilla taste bud cells which are innervated by the CT nerve. Comparable with the CT data, the results indicated that 56 NaCl-responsive cells tested were classified into two groups; 25 cells ( approximately 44%) narrowly responded to NaCl and their NaCl response were inhibited by amiloride (AS cells), whereas the remaining 31 cells ( approximately 56%) responded not only to NaCl, but to KCl and/or HCl and showed no amiloride inhibition of NaCl responses (AI cells). Amiloride applied to the basolateral side of taste cells had no effect on NaCl responses in the AS and AI cells. Single cell reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) experiments indicated that ENaC subunit mRNA was expressed in a subset of AS cells. These findings suggest that the mouse fungiform taste bud is composed of AS and AI cells that can transmit taste information differently to their corresponding types of CT fibers, and apical ENaCs may be involved in the NaCl responses of AS cells.

  2. Selective inhibition of K(+)-stimulation of Na,K-ATPase by bretylium.

    PubMed Central

    Tiku, P. E.; Nowell, P. T.


    1. The effects of bretylium were investigated on purified Na,K-ATPase from guinea-pig heart and on the Na/K pump in trout erythrocytes, with a view to further identifying the mechanism(s) associated with its antiarrhythmic effects. 2. Na,K-ATPase activity of the thiocyanate-dispersed enzyme was determined by the measurement of inorganic phosphate produced by ATP hydrolysis. 3. When the concentrations of each of the Na,K-ATPase activating components were varied in turn, bretylium (1-5 mmol l-1) exhibited competitive-type effects against K+ with a Ki of 1.4 mmol l-1 and noncompetitive-type effects against Na+, Mg2+ and ATP. 4. In K+ influx studies in trout erythrocytes with 86Rb+ used as the marker, the inhibition of total influx observed with bretylium (5 and 10 mmol l-1) was attributable to the bretylium cation selectively inhibiting the Na/K pump-mediated influx with the associated tosylate anion inhibiting Na/K cotransport. 5. The observed inhibition kinetics indicated that the bretylium cation (2-15 mmol l-1) competitively inhibited K+ stimulation of the Na/K pump at 6 and 1.25 mmol l-1 external K+ with a mean K1 of 2.3 mmol l-1. 6. The effects demonstrated on the functioning Na/K pump in erythrocytes confirmed the Na,K-ATPase findings, with bretylium selectively inhibiting K+ stimulation of the pump mechanism in both cases. 7. It is suggested that Na,K-ATPase inhibition may contribute to the antiarrhythmic and positive inotropic effects of bretylium with the cardiac accumulation of bretylium also possibly being a further important factor. PMID:1667290

  3. High Capacity Na+/H+ Exchange Activity in Mineralizing Osteoblasts

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Li; Schlesinger, Paul H.; Slack, Nicole M.; Friedman, Peter A.; Blair, Harry C.


    Osteoblasts synthesize bone in polarized groups of cells sealed by tight junctions. Large amounts of acid are produced as bone mineral is precipitated. We addressed the mechanism by which cells manage this acid load by measuring intracellular pH (pHi) in non-transformed osteoblasts in response to weak acid or bicarbonate loading. Basal pHi in mineralizing osteoblasts was ∼7.3 and decreased by ∼ 1.4 units upon replacing extracellular Na+ with N-methyl-d-glucamine. Loading with 40 mM acetic or propionic acids, in normal extracellular Na+, caused only mild cytosolic acidification. In contrast, in Na+-free solutions, weak acids reduced pHi dramatically. After Na+ reintroduction, pHi recovered rapidly, in keeping with Na+/H+exchanger (NHE) activity. Sodium-dependent pHi recovery from weak acid loading was inhibited by amiloride with the Ki consistent with NHEs. NHE1 and NHE6 were expressed strongly, and expression was upregulated highly, by mineralization, in human osteoblasts. Antibody labeling of mouse bone showed NHE1 on basolateral surfaces of all osteoblasts. NHE6 occurred on basolateral surfaces of osteoblasts mainly in areas of mineralization. Conversely, elevated HCO3- alkalinized osteoblasts, and pH recovered in medium containing CI-, with or without Na+, in keeping with Na+-independent CI-/HCO3- exchange. The exchanger AE2 also occurred on the basolateral surface of osteoblasts, consistent with CI-/HCO3- exchange for elimination of metabolic carbonate. Overexpression of NHE6 or knockdown of NHE1 in MG63 human osteosarcoma cells confirmed roles of NHE1 and NHE6 in maintaining pHi. We conclude that in mineralizing osteoblasts, slightly basic basal pHi is maintained, and external acid load is dissipated, by high-capacity Na+/H+ exchange via NHE1 and NHE6. PMID:21413028

  4. Characterization of NaCl tolerance in Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough through experimental evolution

    PubMed Central

    Zhou, Aifen; Baidoo, Edward; He, Zhili; Mukhopadhyay, Aindrila; Baumohl, Jason K; Benke, Peter; Joachimiak, Marcin P; Xie, Ming; Song, Rong; Arkin, Adam P; Hazen, Terry C; Keasling, Jay D; Wall, Judy D; Stahl, David A; Zhou, Jizhong


    Desulfovibrio vulgaris Hildenborough strains with significantly increased tolerance to NaCl were obtained via experimental evolution. A NaCl-evolved strain, ES9-11, isolated from a population cultured for 1200 generations in medium amended with 100 mM NaCl, showed better tolerance to NaCl than a control strain, EC3-10, cultured for 1200 generations in parallel but without NaCl amendment in medium. To understand the NaCl adaptation mechanism in ES9-11, we analyzed the transcriptional, metabolite and phospholipid fatty acid (PLFA) profiles of strain ES9-11 with 0, 100- or 250 mM-added NaCl in medium compared with the ancestral strain and EC3-10 as controls. In all the culture conditions, increased expressions of genes involved in amino-acid synthesis and transport, energy production, cation efflux and decreased expression of flagellar assembly genes were detected in ES9-11. Consistently, increased abundances of organic solutes and decreased cell motility were observed in ES9-11. Glutamate appears to be the most important osmoprotectant in D. vulgaris under NaCl stress, whereas, other organic solutes such as glutamine, glycine and glycine betaine might contribute to NaCl tolerance under low NaCl concentration only. Unsaturation indices of PLFA significantly increased in ES9-11. Branched unsaturated PLFAs i17:1 ω9c, a17:1 ω9c and branched saturated i15:0 might have important roles in maintaining proper membrane fluidity under NaCl stress. Taken together, these data suggest that the accumulation of osmolytes, increased membrane fluidity, decreased cell motility and possibly an increased exclusion of Na+ contribute to increased NaCl tolerance in NaCl-evolved D. vulgaris. PMID:23575373

  5. Trisodium citrate, Na 3 (C 6 H 5 O 7 )

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Rammohan, Alagappa; Kaduk, James A.


    The crystal structure of anhydrous trisodium citrate, Na 3(C 6H 5O 7), has been solved and refined using synchrotron X-ray powder diffraction data, and optimized using density functional theory (DFT). There are two independent five-coordinate Na +and one six-coordinate Na +cations in the asymmetric unit. The [NaO 5] and [NaO 6] polyhedra share edges and corners to form a three-dimensional framework. There are channels parallel to theaandbaxes in which the remainder of the citrate anions reside. The only hydrogen bonds are an intramolecular one between the hydroxy group and one of the terminal carboxylate O atoms and an intermolecular onemore » between a methylene group and the hydroxyl O atom.« less

  6. Investigation of the thermonuclear 18Ne(α,p)21Na reaction rate via resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, L. Y.; He, J. J.; Parikh, A.; Xu, S. W.; Yamaguchi, H.; Kahl, D.; Kubono, S.; Mohr, P.; Hu, J.; Ma, P.; Chen, S. Z.; Wakabayashi, Y.; Wang, H. W.; Tian, W. D.; Chen, R. F.; Guo, B.; Hashimoto, T.; Togano, Y.; Hayakawa, S.; Teranishi, T.; Iwasa, N.; Yamada, T.; Komatsubara, T.; Zhang, Y. H.; Zhou, X. H.


    The 18Ne(α,p)21Na reaction is thought to be one of the key breakout reactions from the hot CNO cycles to the rp process in type I x-ray bursts. In this work, the resonant properties of the compound nucleus 22Mg have been investigated by measuring the resonant elastic scattering of 21Na + p. An 89-MeV 21Na radioactive beam delivered from the CNS Radioactive Ion Beam Separator bombarded an 8.8 mg/cm2 thick polyethylene (CH2)n target. The 21Na beam intensity was about 2×105 pps, with a purity of about 70% on target. The recoiled protons were measured at the center-of-mass scattering angles of θc.m.≈175.2∘, 152.2∘, and 150.5∘ by three sets of ΔE-E telescopes, respectively. The excitation function was obtained with the thick-target method over energies Ex(22Mg)=5.5-9.2 MeV. In total, 23 states above the proton-threshold in 22Mg were observed, and their resonant parameters were determined via an R-matrix analysis of the excitation functions. We have made several new Jπ assignments and confirmed some tentative assignments made in previous work. The thermonuclear 18Ne(α,p)21Na rate has been recalculated based on our recommended spin-parity assignments. The astrophysical impact of our new rate has been investigated through one-zone postprocessing x-ray burst calculations. We find that the 18Ne(α,p)21Na rate significantly affects the peak nuclear energy generation rate, reaction fluxes, and onset temperature of this breakout reaction in these astrophysical phenomena.

  7. Thermodynamic modeling of melts in the system Na 2O-NaAlO 2-SiO 2-F 2O -1

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dolejš, David; Baker, Don R.


    Fluorine is a common volatile element in magmatic-hydrothermal systems, but its solution mechanisms and thermodynamic description in highly polymerized silicate melts are poorly known. We have developed a thermodynamic model for fluorosilicate liquids that links experimentally determined phase equilibria and spectroscopic information on melt structure. The model is applicable to crystallization of fluoride minerals, fluoride-silicate immiscibility in natural felsic melts, and metallurgical processes. Configurational properties of fluorosilicate melts are described by mixing on three site levels (sublattices): (1) alkali fluoride, polyhedral aluminofluoride and silicofluoride species and nonbridging terminations of the aluminosilicate network, (2) alkali-aluminate and silicate tetrahedra within the network and (3) bridging oxygen, nonbridging oxygen and terminal fluorine atoms on tetrahedral apices of the network. Abundances of individual chemical species are described by a homogeneous equilibrium representing melt depolymerization: F - (free) + O 0 (bridging) = F 0 (terminal) + O - (nonbridging) which corresponds to a replacement of an oxygen bridging two tetrahedra by a pair of terminations, one with F and the other with an O and a charge-balancing Na. In cryolite-bearing systems two additional interaction mechanisms occur: (1) the self-dissociation of octahedral aluminofluoride complexes: [AlF 6] = [AlF 4] + 2 [F], and (2) the short-range order between (O,F)-corners and (Si,NaAl)-centers of tetrahedra: Si-O-Si + 2 [NaAl]-F = [NaAl]-O-[NaAl] + 2 Si-F. Portrayal of these equilibria in ternary Thompson reaction space allows for the decrease in the number of interaction mechanisms by linearly combining melt depolymerization with tetrahedral short-range order. In this formulation, the nonideal thermodynamic properties are represented by reaction energies of homogeneous equilibria, thus defining directly individual chemical species concentrations and configurational

  8. A Mechanism for Intracellular Release of Na+ by Neurotransmitter: Sodium Symporters

    PubMed Central

    Malinauskaite, Lina; Reinhard, Linda; Lyons, Joseph A.; Yano, Hideaki; Javitch, Jonathan A.


    Neurotransmitter:sodium symporters (NSS) terminate synaptic signal transmission by Na+-dependent reuptake of released neurotransmitters, with key conformational states reported for a bacterial homolog LeuT and an inhibitor-bound Drosophila dopamine transporter. However, a coherent mechanism of Na+-driven transport has not been described. Here, we present two crystal structures of MhsT, a NSS member from Bacillus halodurans, in occluded inward-facing states with bound Na+ ions and L-Trp that provide insight into the cytoplasmic release of Na+. The switch from outward- to inward-oriented states is centered on the partial unwinding of transmembrane helix 5, which is facilitated by a conserved GlyX9Pro motif that opens an intracellular pathway for water to access the Na2 site. Based on our structural and functional findings we propose a mechanism according to which solvation through the TM5 pathway facilitates Na+ release from Na2 and the transition to an inward-open state. PMID:25282149

  9. New-concept Batteries Based on Aqueous Li+/Na+ Mixed-ion Electrolytes

    PubMed Central

    Chen, Liang; Gu, Qingwen; Zhou, Xufeng; Lee, Saixi; Xia, Yonggao; Liu, Zhaoping


    Rechargeable batteries made from low-cost and abundant materials operating in safe aqueous electrolytes are attractive for large-scale energy storage. Sodium-ion battery is considered as a potential alternative of current lithium-ion battery. As sodium-intercalation compounds suitable for aqueous batteries are limited, we adopt a novel concept of Li+/Na+ mixed-ion electrolytes to create two batteries (LiMn2O4/Na0.22MnO2 and Na0.44MnO2/TiP2O7), which relies on two electrochemical processes. One involves Li+ insertion/extraction reaction, and the other mainly relates to Na+ extraction/insertion reaction. Two batteries exhibit specific energy of 17 Wh kg−1 and 25 Wh kg−1 based on the total weight of active electrode materials, respectively. As well, aqueous LiMn2O4/Na0.22MnO2 battery is capable of separating Li+ and Na+ due to its specific mechanism unlike the traditional “rocking-chair” lithium-ion batteries. Hence, the Li+/Na+ mixed-ion batteries offer promising applications in energy storage and Li+/Na+ separation. PMID:23736113

  10. Thermodynamic Model of the Na-Al-Si-O-F Melts

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dolejs, D.; Baker, D. R.


    Fluorine is a common volatile element in magmatic-hydrothermal systems, but its solution mechanisms in highly polymerized silicate melts are poorly known. We have developed a thermodynamic model for fluorosilicate liquids which links experimentally determined phase equilibria and spectroscopic information on melt structure. The model is applicable to crystallization of fluoride minerals or fluoride-silicate immiscibility in natural felsic melts. Configurational properties of the liquid are defined by mixing of alkali fluoride, polyhedral aluminofluoride and silicofluoride species and non-bridging terminations of the silicate network. Abundances of individual structural species are described by a homogeneous equilibrium, representing melt depolymerization: F- (free) + O0 (bridging) = F0 (terminal) + O- (non-bridging), which is a replacement of one oxygen bridge, Si-O-Si, by two terminations, Si-F | Na-O-Si. In cryolite-bearing systems, the self-dissociation of octahedral aluminofluoride complexes: Na3[AlF6] = Na[AlF4] + 2 NaF, and the short-range order between (O,F)-corners and (Si,NaAl)-centers of tetrahedra: Si-O-Si + 2 [NaAl]-F = [NaAl]-O-[NaAl] + 2 Si-F, represent two additional interaction mechanisms. Portrayal of these equilibria in ternary Thompson reaction space allows to decrease the number of interaction mechanisms by linearly combining melt depolymerization with tetrahedral short-range order. In this formulation, the interaction parameters are incorporated directly in configurational properties, thus the complete melt speciation can be calculated, and the activities of any macroscopic species are readily derived. The model has been applied to subsystems of the Na2O-NaAlO2-SiO2-F2O-1 compositional space. Activity-composition relationships in the villiaumite-sodium silicate binaries require clustering of silicate tetrahedra in fluoride solvent. Phase-equilibria in cryolite-nepheline and cryolite-albite systems illustrate an overall increase of Na3AlF6 self

  11. [Effect of NaOH-treatment on dry-thermophilic anaerobic digestion of Spartina alterniflora].


    Chen, Guang-Yin; Zheng, Zheng; Chang, Zhi-Zhou; Ye, Xiao-Mei; Luo, Yan


    In order to improve the biotransformation rate of lignocellulosic materials, sodium hydroxide (NaOH) was widely used to pretreat lignocellulosic materials. Effect of NaOH-treatment on dry-thermophilic anaerobic digestion of Spartina alternflora was studied by batch model under the temperature of 55 degrees C +/- 1 degrees C, at the initial total solid loading (TSL) of 20%. The results indicated that biogas production was inhibited by NaOH-treatment and improved by NaOH-treatment with water washed. The cumulative biogas yield of control (CK), NaOH-treated and NaOH-treated with water washed (NaOH + water) were 268.35 mL/g, 205.76 mL/g and 299.97 mL/g, respectively. The methane content of CK and NaOH + water treatments kept stable while fluctuation of NaOH-treated treatment during anaerobic digestion process was observed. Compared with CK and NaOH + water treatments, methane content of NaOH-treated treatment was improved by 5.30%. The content of hemi-cellulose and cellulose of S. alternifora decreased while content of lignin of S. alterniflora increased after 51-day anaerobic digestion. The crystallinity of cellulose of S. alterniflora increased after NaOH-treatment which was consistent to the result of FTIR. The lignocellulosic structure was destroyed and the biodegradability of S. alterniflora was increased by NaOH pretreatment. However, the amount of Na+ was taken into the anaerobic system, besides the high Na+ content in the plant itself which inhibited the anaerobic microorganisms. Therefore, NaOH-treatment is considered to be unsuitable for the anaerobic digestion of S. alterniflora.

  12. Highly conductive porous Na-embedded carbon nanowalls for high-performance capacitive deionization

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chang, Liang; Hu, Yun Hang


    Highly conductive porous Na-embedded carbon nanowalls (Na@C), which were recently invented, have exhibited excellent performance for dye-sensitized solar cells and electric double-layer capacitors. In this work, Na@C was demonstrated as an excellent electrode material for capacitive deionization (CDI). In a three-electrode configuration system, the specific capacity of the Na@C electrodes can achieve 306.4 F/g at current density of 0.2 A/g in 1 M NaCl, which is higher than that (235.2 F/g) of activated carbon (AC) electrodes. Furthermore, a high electrosorption capacity of 8.75 mg g-1 in 100 mg/L NaCl was obtained with the Na@C electrodes in a batch-mode capacitive deionization cell. It exceeds the electrosorption capacity (4.08 mg g-1) of AC electrodes. The Na@C electrode also showed a promising cycle stability. The excellent performance of Na@C electrode for capacitive deionization (CDI) can be attributed to its high electrical conductivity and large accessible surface area.

  13. Specialized Functional Diversity and Interactions of the Na,K-ATPase

    PubMed Central

    Matchkov, Vladimir V.; Krivoi, Igor I.


    Na,K-ATPase is a protein ubiquitously expressed in the plasma membrane of all animal cells and vitally essential for their functions. A specialized functional diversity of the Na,K-ATPase isozymes is provided by molecular heterogeneity, distinct subcellular localizations, and functional interactions with molecular environment. Studies over the last decades clearly demonstrated complex and isoform-specific reciprocal functional interactions between the Na,K-ATPase and neighboring proteins and lipids. These interactions are enabled by a spatially restricted ion homeostasis, direct protein-protein/lipid interactions, and protein kinase signaling pathways. In addition to its “classical” function in ion translocation, the Na,K-ATPase is now considered as one of the most important signaling molecules in neuronal, epithelial, skeletal, cardiac and vascular tissues. Accordingly, the Na,K-ATPase forms specialized sub-cellular multimolecular microdomains which act as receptors to circulating endogenous cardiotonic steroids (CTS) triggering a number of signaling pathways. Changes in these endogenous cardiotonic steroid levels and initiated signaling responses have significant adaptive values for tissues and whole organisms under numerous physiological and pathophysiological conditions. This review discusses recent progress in the studies of functional interactions between the Na,K-ATPase and molecular microenvironment, the Na,K-ATPase-dependent signaling pathways and their significance for diversity of cell function. PMID:27252653

  14. Experimental Studies of NaK in a Simulated Space Environment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gibons, Marc; Sanzi, James; Ljubanovic, Damir


    Space fission power systems are being developed at the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) and Department of Energy (DOE) with a short term goal of building a full scale, non-nuclear, Technology Demonstration Unit (TDU) test at NASA's Glenn Research Center. Due to the geometric constraints, mass restrictions, and fairly high temperatures associated with space reactors, liquid metals are typically used as the primary coolant. A eutectic mixture of sodium (22 percent) and potassium (78 percent), or NaK, has been chosen as the coolant for the TDU with a total system capacity of approximately 55 L. NaK, like all alkali metals, is very reactive, and warrants certain safety considerations. To adequately examine the risk associated with the personnel, facility, and test hardware during a potential NaK leak in the large scale TDU test, a small scale experiment was performed in which NaK was released in a thermal vacuum chamber under controlled conditions. The study focused on detecting NaK leaks in the vacuum environment as well as the molecular flow of the NaK vapor. This paper reflects the work completed during the NaK experiment and provides results and discussion relative to the findings.

  15. Ordered and disordered polymorphs of Na(Ni 2/3Sb 1/3)O₂: Honeycomb-ordered cathodes for Na-ion batteries


    Ma, Jeffrey; Wu, Lijun; Bo, Shou -Hang; ...


    Na-ion batteries are appealing alternatives to Li-ion battery systems for large-scale energy storage applications in which elemental cost and abundance are important. Although it is difficult to find Na-ion batteries which achieve substantial specific capacities at voltages above 3 V (vs Na⁺/Na), the honeycomb-layered compound Na(Ni 2/3Sb 1/3)O₂ can deliver up to 130 mAh/g of capacity at voltages above 3 V with this capacity concentrated in plateaus at 3.27 and 3.64 V. Comprehensive crystallographic studies have been carried out in order to understand the role of disorder in this system which can be prepared in both “disordered” and “ordered” forms,more » depending on the synthesis conditions. The average structure of Na(Ni 2/3Sb 1/3)O₂ is always found to adopt an O3-type stacking sequence, though different structures for the disordered (R3¯ m, #166, a = b = 3.06253(3) Å and c = 16.05192(7) Å) and ordered variants ( C2/m, #12, a = 5.30458(1) Å, b = 9.18432(1) Å, c = 5.62742(1) Å and β = 108.2797(2)°) are demonstrated through the combined Rietveld refinement of synchrotron X-ray and time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction data. However, pair distribution function studies find that the local structure of disordered Na(Ni 2/3Sb 1/3)O₂ is more correctly described using the honeycomb-ordered structural model, and solid state NMR studies confirm that the well-developed honeycomb ordering of Ni and Sb cations within the transition metal layers is indistinguishable from that of the ordered phase. The disorder is instead found to mainly occur perpendicular to the honeycomb layers with an observed coherence length of not much more than 1 nm seen in electron diffraction studies. When the Na environment is probed through ²³Na solid state NMR, no evidence is found for prismatic Na environments, and a bulk diffraction analysis finds no evidence of conventional stacking faults. The lack of long range coherence is instead attributed to disorder among

  16. The CHARIS Integral Field Spectrograph with SCExAO: Data Reduction and Performance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kasdin, N. Jeremy; Groff, Tyler; Brandt, Timothy; Currie, Thayne; Rizzo, Maxime; Chilcote, Jeffrey K.; Guyon, Olivier; Jovanovic, Nemanja; Lozi, Julien; Norris, Barnaby; Tamura, Motohide


    We summarize the data reduction pipeline and on-sky performance of the CHARIS Integral Field Spectrograph behind the SCExAO Adaptive Optics system on the Subaru Telescope. The open-source pipeline produces data cubes from raw detector reads using a Χ^2-based spectral extraction technique. It implements a number of advances, including a fit to the full nonlinear pixel response, suppression of up to a factor of ~2 in read noise, and deconvolution of the spectra with the line-spread function. The CHARIS team is currently developing the calibration and postprocessing software that will comprise the second component of the data reduction pipeline. Here, we show a range of CHARIS images, spectra, and contrast curves produced using provisional routines. CHARIS is now characterizing exoplanets simultaneously across the J, H, and K bands.

  17. Predictions of ground states of LiGa and NaGa

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boldyrev, Alexander I.; Simons, Jack


    The ground and very low-lying excited states of LiGa and NaGa have been studied using high level ab initio techniques. At the QCISD(T)/6-311 + G(2df) level of theory, the 1Σ + state was found to be the most stable for both molecules. The equilibrium bond lengths and dissociation energies were found to be: R( LiGa) = 2.865 Å and D0(LiGa) = 22.3 kcal/mol and R( NaGa) = 3.174 Å and D0(NaGa) = 17.1 kcal/mol. Trends within the ground electronic states of LiB, NaB, LiAl, NaAl, LiGa and NaGa are discussed and predictions for related AlkM (Alk LiCs and MBTl) species are made.

  18. The Role of Na,k-Atpase α Subunit Serine 775 and Glutamate 779 in Determining the Extracellular K+And Membrane Potential–Dependent Properties of the Na,k -Pump

    PubMed Central

    Peluffo, R. Daniel; Argüello, José M.; Berlin, Joshua R.


    The roles of Ser775 and Glu779, two amino acids in the putative fifth transmembrane segment of the Na,K -ATPase α subunit, in determining the voltage and extracellular K + (K + o) dependence of enzyme-mediated ion transport, were examined in this study. HeLa cells expressing the α1 subunit of sheep Na,K -ATPase were voltage clamped via patch electrodes containing solutions with 115 mM Na+ (37°C). Na,K -pump current produced by the ouabain-resistant control enzyme (RD), containing amino acid substitutions Gln111Arg and Asn122Asp, displayed a membrane potential and K + o dependence similar to wild-type Na,K -ATPase during superfusion with 0 and 148 mM Na+-containing salt solutions. Additional substitution of alanine at Ser775 or Glu779 produced 155- and 15-fold increases, respectively, in the K + o concentration that half-maximally activated Na,K -pump current at 0 mV in extracellular Na+-free solutions. However, the voltage dependence of Na,K -pump current was unchanged in RD and alanine-substituted enzymes. Thus, large changes in apparent K + o affinity could be produced by mutations in the fifth transmembrane segment of the Na,K -ATPase with little effect on voltage-dependent properties of K + transport. One interpretation of these results is that protein structures responsible for the kinetics of K + o binding and/or occlusion may be distinct, at least in part, from those that are responsible for the voltage dependence of K + o binding to the Na,K -ATPase. PMID:10871639

  19. Thermodynamic modeling of hydrogen storage capacity in Mg-Na alloys.


    Abdessameud, S; Mezbahul-Islam, M; Medraj, M


    Thermodynamic modeling of the H-Mg-Na system is performed for the first time in this work in order to understand the phase relationships in this system. A new thermodynamic description of the stable NaMgH3 hydride is performed and the thermodynamic models for the H-Mg, Mg-Na, and H-Na systems are reassessed using the modified quasichemical model for the liquid phase. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary system are estimated from the models of the binary systems and the ternary compound using CALPHAD technique. The constructed database is successfully used to reproduce the pressure-composition isotherms for MgH2 + 10 wt.% NaH mixtures. Also, the pressure-temperature equilibrium diagram and reaction paths for the same composition are predicted at different temperatures and pressures. Even though it is proved that H-Mg-Na does not meet the DOE hydrogen storage requirements for onboard applications, the best working temperatures and pressures to benefit from its full catalytic role are given. Also, the present database can be used for thermodynamic assessments of higher order systems.

  20. Simulation of Na D emission near Europa during eclipse

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Cassidy, T.A.; Johnson, R.E.; Geissler, P.E.; Leblanc, F.


    The Cassini imaging science subsystem observed Europa in eclipse during Cassini's Jupiter flyby. The disk-resolved observations revealed a spatially nonuniform emission in the wavelength range of 200-1050 nm (clear filters). By building on observations and simulations of Europa's Na atmosphere and torus we find that electron-excited Na in Europa's tenuous atmosphere can account for the observed emission if the Na is ejected preferentially from Europa's dark terrain. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union.

  1. Cardiovascular and hormonal (aldosterone) responses in a rat model which mimics responses to weightlessness

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Musacchia, X. J.; Steffen, J. M.


    Cardiovascular responses and fluid/electrolyte shifts seen during spaceflight have been attributed to cephalad redistribution of vascular fluid. The antiorthostatic (AO) rat (suspended, head-down tilt of 15-20 deg) is used to model these responses. This study documents that elevated blood pressures in AO rats are sustained for periods of up to seven days, compared with presuspension values. Increased blood pressures in AO rats suggests a specific response to AO positioning, potentially relatable to a cephalad fluid shift. To assess a role for hormonal regulation of sodium excretion, serum aldosterone levels were measured. Circulating aldosterone concentrations were seen to increase approximately 100 percent during seven days of AO suspension, concurrently with a pronounced natriuresis. These results suggest that aldosterone may not be involved in the long term regulation of increased Na(+) excretion in AO animals. These studies continue to show the usefulness of models for the development of animal protocols for space flight.

  2. Fluoride gastrointestinal absorption from Na2FPO3/CaCO3- and NaF/SiO2-based toothpastes.


    Falcão, A; Tenuta, L M A; Cury, J A


    Depending on toothpaste formulation, part of the fluoride is insoluble and would not be totally absorbable in the gastrointestinal tract, thus changing dental fluorosis risk estimation. This hypothesis was tested with formulations with either all fluoride in a soluble form (NaF/SiO2-based toothpaste, 1,100 µg F/g as labeled, 1,129.7 ± 49.4 µg F/g soluble fluoride as analyzed) or with around 20% of insoluble fluoride (Na2FPO3/CaCO3-based toothpaste, 1,450 µg F/g as labeled, 1,122.4 ± 76.4 µg F/g soluble fluoride as analyzed). Toothpastes were evaluated either fresh or after accelerated aging, which increased insoluble fluoride to 40% in the Na2FPO3/CaCO3-based toothpaste. In a blind, crossover clinical trial conducted in five legs, 20 adult volunteers ingested 49.5 µg of total fluoride/kg body weight from each formulation or purified water (control). Whole saliva and urine were collected as bioavailability indicators, and pharmacokinetics parameters calculated showed significantly (p < 0.05) lower fluoride bioavailability for Na2FPO3/CaCO3 toothpaste, which was reduced further after aging. A significant correlation between the amount of soluble fluoride ingested, but not total fluoride, and fluoride bioavailability was found (r = 0.57, p < 0.0001). The findings suggest that the estimated fluorosis risk as a result of ingestion of Na2FPO3/CaCO3-based toothpastes should be calculated based on the toothpaste's soluble rather than total fluoride concentration. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Transport properties and electronic structure of Na0.28PtSi

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Itahara, Hiroshi; Suzumura, Akitoshi; Oh, Song-Yul


    We have investigated the electronic structure and properties of Na0.28PtSi, which is a Pt-based intermetallic compound with no reported physical properties. Na0.28PtSi powder with an average grain size of 15 µm was demonstrated to be stable in a strongly acidic aqueous solution. The ab initio calculations revealed that there is a band crossing the Fermi level and that the density of states (DOS) under the Fermi level mainly consists of d orbitals of Pt atoms. Here, we used the model of Na0.25PtSi with an approximately ordered structure (space group I4, full Na site occupation), which was set instead of the reported statistically disordered structure of Na0.28PtSi (I4/mcm, Na site occupancy: 0.258). The calculated electronic structure corresponded to the measured metallic properties of the Na0.28PtSi sintered body: i.e., the electrical resistivity of Na0.28PtSi was increased from 1.77 × 10-8 Ω m at 30 K to 2.67 × 10-7 Ω m at 300 K and the Seebeck coefficient was 0.11 µV K-1 at 300 K.

  4. The progress of Chinese burn medicine from the Third Military Medical University-in memory of its pioneer, Professor Li Ao.


    Li, Haisheng; Zhou, Junyi; Peng, Yizhi; Zhang, Jiaping; Peng, Xi; Luo, Qizhi; Yuan, Zhiqiang; Yan, Hong; Peng, Daizhi; He, Weifeng; Wang, Fengjun; Liang, Guangping; Huang, Yuesheng; Wu, Jun; Luo, Gaoxing


    Professor Li Ao was one of the founders of Chinese burn medicine and one of the most renowned doctors and researchers of burns in China. He established one of the Chinese earliest special departments for burns at Third Military Medical University (TMMU) in 1958. To memorialize Professor Li Ao on his 100th birthday in 2017 and introduce our extensive experience, it is our honor to briefly review the development and achievement of the Chinese burn medicine from TMMU. The epidemiology and outcomes of admitted burn patients since 1958 were reviewed. Furthermore, main achievements of basic and clinical research for the past roughly 60 years were presented. These achievements mainly included the Chinese Rule of Nine, fluid resuscitation protocol, experience in inhalation injury, wound treatment strategies, prevention and treatment of burn infections, nutrition therapy, organ support therapies, and rehabilitation. The progress shaped and enriched modern Chinese burn medicine and promoted the development of world burn medicine.

  5. Raman spectra from very concentrated aqueous NaOH and from wet and dry, solid, and anhydrous molten, LiOH, NaOH, and KOH.


    Walrafen, George E; Douglas, Rudolph T W


    High-temperature, high-pressure Raman spectra were obtained from aqueous NaOH solutions up to 2NaOHH2O, with X(NaOH)=0.667 at 480 K. The spectra corresponding to the highest compositions, X(NaOH)> or =0.5, are dominated by H3O2-. An IR xi-function dispersion curve for aqueous NaOH, at 473 K and 1 kbar, calculated from the data of Franck and Charuel indicates that the OH- ion forms H3O2- by preferential H bonding with nonhydrogen-bonded OH groups. Raman spectra from wet to anhydrous, solid LiOH, NaOH, and KOH yield sharp, symmetric OH- stretching peaks at 3664, 3633, and 3596 cm(-1), respectively, plus water-related, i.e., H3O2-, peaks near LiOH, 3562 cm(-1), NaOH, 3596 cm(-1), and, KOH, 3500 cm(-1). Absence of H3O2- peaks from the solid assures that the corresponding melt is anhydrous. Raman spectra from the anhydrous melts yield OH- stretching peak frequencies: LiOH, 3614+/-4 cm(-1), 873 K; NaOH, 3610+/-2 cm(-1), 975 K; and, KOH, 3607+/-2 cm(-1), 773 K, but low-frequency asymmetry due to ion-pair interactions is present which is centered near 3550 cm(-1). The ion-pair-related asymmetry corresponds to the sole IR maximum near 3550 cm(-1) from anhydrous molten NaOH, at 623 K. Bose-Einstein correction of published low-frequency Raman data from molten LiOH revealed an acoustic phonon, near 205 cm(-1), related to restricted translation of OH- versus Li+, and an optical phonon, at 625 cm(-1) and tau approximately 0.05 ps, due to protonic precession and/or pendular motion. Strong H bonding between water and the O atom of OH- forms H3O2-, but the proton of OH- does not bond with H significantly. Large Raman bandwidths (aqueous solutions) are explained in terms of inhomogeneous broadening due to proton transfer in a double well. Vibrational assignments are presented for H3O2-.

  6. Na-KATPase activity and intracellular ion concentrations in the lactating guinea pig mammary gland. Studies on Na-K activated adenosine triphosphatase, XXXVI.


    Vreeswijk, J H; de Pont, J J; Bonting, S L


    The intracellular sodium, potassium and chloride concentrations in slices of lactating guinea pig mammary gland have been determined by chemical analysis and the use of appropriate values for extracellular space. These ion concentrations after 1 hr incubation at 37 degrees C in a Krebs-Ringer bicarbonate solution are 45mM Na+, 138 mM K+ and 44 mM Cl-, which values are in agreement with those found in fresh mammary gland slices. Inhibition of the NaK activated ATPase cation pump system of the tissue by 10(-4)M ouabain, anoxia or cooling to 0 degrees C Causes a gain of Na+ and an equimolar loss of K+ without a significant change in chloride concentration. The effect of cooling (0 degrees C) is reversible by reincubation at 37 degrees C. Water content of the tissue (76.5% of wet weight) and extracellular space (40.5%) do not change under these conditions. The results permit the conclusion that the NaK activated ATPase system is responsible for the maintenance of the intracellular Na+ and K+ concentrations, but do not support the presence of a chloride pump.

  7. CCCP activation of the reconstituted NaK-pump.


    Yoda, A; Yoda, S


    In the NaK-ATPase proteoliposomes (PLs), the NaK-pump activity, Na+ uptake, and ATP hydrolysis were apparently enhanced by carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone (CCCP) and other ionophores without ion gradients. These ionophore effects were not cation specific. Without ionophores, the PL's ATPase activity fell to its steady-state value within 3 sec at 15 degrees C. This decrease in activity disappeared in the presence of CCCP. Since CCCP is believed to enhance proton mobility across the lipid bilayer and dissipate membrane potential (Vm), we postulated that a Vm build-up partially inhibits the PLs by changing the conformation of the NaK-pump, and that CCCP eliminated this partial inhibition. Since this activation required extracellular K+ and high ATP concentration in the PLs, CCCP must affect the conversion between the phosphorylated forms of NaK-ATPase (EP); this step has been suggested by Goldschlegger et al. (1987) to be the voltage-sensitive step (J. Physiol. (London) 387:331-355). Although cytoplasmic K+ accelerated the change of ADP- and K(+)-sensitive EP (E*P) to K(+)-sensitive ADP-insensitive EP (E2P), CCCP did not complete with cytoplasmic K+ when cytoplasmic Na+ was saturated. When the PLs were phosphorylated with 20 microM ATP and 20 microM palmitoyl CoA instead of with high concentration of ATP, CCCP increased the E*P content and decreased the ADP-sensitive K(+)-insensitive EP (E1P). The results described above suggest that CCCP affects the E1P to E*P change in the E1P----E*P----E2P conversion and that this reaction step is inhibited by Vm.

  8. Synthesis of carbon-coated Na2MnPO4F hollow spheres as a potential cathode material for Na-ion batteries

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wu, Ling; Hu, Yong; Zhang, Xiaoping; Liu, Jiequn; Zhu, Xing; Zhong, Shengkui


    Hollow sphere structure Na2MnPO4F/C composite is synthesized through spray drying, following in-situ pyrolytic carbon coating process. XRD results indicate that the well crystallized composite can be successfully synthesized, and no other impurity phases are detected. SEM and TEM results reveal that the Na2MnPO4F/C samples show intact hollow spherical architecture, and the hollow spherical shells with an average thickness of 150 nm-250 nm are composed of nanosized primary particles. Furthermore, the amorphous carbon layer is uniformly coated on the surface of the hollow sphere, and the nanosized Na2MnPO4F particles are well embedded in the carbon networks. Consequently, the hollow sphere structure Na2MnPO4F/C shows enhanced electrochemical performance. Especially, it is the first time that the obvious potential platforms (∼3.6 V) are observed during the charge and discharge process at room temperature.

  9. A high-throughput AO/PI-based cell concentration and viability detection method using the Celigo image cytometry.


    Chan, Leo Li-Ying; Smith, Tim; Kumph, Kendra A; Kuksin, Dmitry; Kessel, Sarah; Déry, Olivier; Cribbes, Scott; Lai, Ning; Qiu, Jean


    To ensure cell-based assays are performed properly, both cell concentration and viability have to be determined so that the data can be normalized to generate meaningful and comparable results. Cell-based assays performed in immuno-oncology, toxicology, or bioprocessing research often require measuring of multiple samples and conditions, thus the current automated cell counter that uses single disposable counting slides is not practical for high-throughput screening assays. In the recent years, a plate-based image cytometry system has been developed for high-throughput biomolecular screening assays. In this work, we demonstrate a high-throughput AO/PI-based cell concentration and viability method using the Celigo image cytometer. First, we validate the method by comparing directly to Cellometer automated cell counter. Next, cell concentration dynamic range, viability dynamic range, and consistency are determined. The high-throughput AO/PI method described here allows for 96-well to 384-well plate samples to be analyzed in less than 7 min, which greatly reduces the time required for the single sample-based automated cell counter. In addition, this method can improve the efficiency for high-throughput screening assays, where multiple cell counts and viability measurements are needed prior to performing assays such as flow cytometry, ELISA, or simply plating cells for cell culture.

  10. Brain Na+, K+-ATPase Activity In Aging and Disease

    PubMed Central

    de Lores Arnaiz, Georgina Rodríguez; Ordieres, María Graciela López


    Na+/K+ pump or sodium- and potassium-activated adenosine 5’-triphosphatase (Na+, K+-ATPase), its enzymatic version, is a crucial protein responsible for the electrochemical gradient across the cell membranes. It is an ion transporter, which in addition to exchange cations, is the ligand for cardenolides. This enzyme regulates the entry of K+ with the exit of Na+ from cells, being the responsible for Na+/K+ equilibrium maintenance through neuronal membranes. This transport system couples the hydrolysis of one molecule of ATP to exchange three sodium ions for two potassium ions, thus maintaining the normal gradient of these cations in animal cells. Oxidative metabolism is very active in brain, where large amounts of chemical energy as ATP molecules are consumed, mostly required for the maintenance of the ionic gradients that underlie resting and action potentials which are involved in nerve impulse propagation, neurotransmitter release and cation homeostasis. Protein phosphorylation is a key process in biological regulation. At nervous system level, protein phosphorylation is the major molecular mechanism through which the function of neural proteins is modulted in response to extracellular signals, including the response to neurotransmitter stimuli. It is the major mechanism of neural plasticity, including memory processing. The phosphorylation of Na+, K+-ATPase catalytic subunit inhibits enzyme activity whereas the inhibition of protein kinase C restores the enzyme activity. The dephosphorylation of neuronal Na+, K+-ATPase is mediated by calcineurin, a serine / threonine phosphatase. The latter enzyme is involved in a wide range of cellular responses to Ca2+ mobilizing signals, in the regulation of neuronal excitability by controlling the activity of ion channels, in the release of neurotransmitters and hormones, as well as in synaptic plasticity and gene transcription. In the present article evidence showing Na+, K+-ATPase involvement in signaling pathways

  11. Urea inhibits NaK2Cl cotransport in human erythrocytes.

    PubMed Central

    Lim, J; Gasson, C; Kaji, D M


    We examined the effect of urea on NaK2Cl cotransport in human erythrocytes. In erythrocytes from nine normal subjects, the addition of 45 mM urea, a concentration commonly encountered in uremic subjects, inhibited NaK2Cl cotransport by 33 +/- 7%. Urea inhibited NaK2Cl cotransport reversibly, and in a concentration-dependent fashion with half-maximal inhibition at 63 +/- 10 mM. Acute cell shrinkage increased, and acute cell swelling decreased NaK2Cl cotransport in human erythrocytes. Okadaic acid (OA), a specific inhibitor of protein phosphatase 1 and 2A, increased NaK2Cl cotransport by nearly 80%, suggesting an important role for these phosphatases in the regulation of NaK2Cl cotransport. Urea inhibited bumetanide-sensitive K influx even when protein phosphatases were inhibited with OA, suggesting that urea acted by inhibiting a kinase. In cells subjected to shrinking and OA pretreatment, maneuvers expected to increase the net phosphorylation, urea inhibited cotransport only minimally, suggesting that urea acted by causing a net dephosphorylation of the cotransport protein, or some key regulatory protein. The finding that concentrations of urea found in uremic subjects inhibited NaK2Cl cotransport, a widespread transport pathway with important physiological functions, suggests that urea is not only a marker for accumulation of other uremic toxins, but may be a significant uremic toxin itself. PMID:7593597

  12. Electrocoagulation of simulated reactive dyebath effluent with aluminum and stainless steel electrodes.


    Arslan-Alaton, Idil; Kabdaşli, Işik; Vardar, Burcu; Tünay, Olcay


    Reactive dyebath effluents are ideal candidates for electrocoagulation due to their intensive color, medium strength, recalcitrant COD and high electrolyte (NaCl) content. The present study focused on the treatability of simulated reactive dyebath effluent (COD(o)=300 mg/L; color in terms of absorbance values A(o,436)=0.532 cm(-1), A(o,525)=0.693 cm(-1) and A(o,620)=0.808 cm(-1)) employing electrocoagulation with aluminum and stainless steel electrodes. Optimization of critical operating parameters such as initial pH (pH(o) 3-11), applied current density (J(c)=22-87 mA/cm(2)) and electrolyte type (NaCl or Na(2)SO(4)) improved the overall treatment efficiencies resulting in effective decolorization (99% using stainless steel electrodes after 60 min, 95% using aluminum electrodes after 90 min electrocoagulation) and COD abatement (93% with stainless steel electrodes after 60 min, 86% with aluminum electrodes after 90 min of reaction time). Optimum electrocoagulation conditions were established as pH(o) 5 and J(c)=22 mA/cm(2) for both electrode materials. The COD and color removal efficiencies also depended on the electrolyte type. No in situ, surplus adsorbable organically bound halogens (AOX) formation associated with the use of NaCl as the electrolyte during electrocoagulation was detected. An economical evaluation was also carried out within the frame of the study. It was demonstrated that electrocoagulation of reactive dyebath effluent with aluminum and stainless steel electrodes was a considerably less electrical energy-intensive, alternative treatment method as compared with advanced chemical oxidation techniques.

  13. Infrared reflectance spectra of Na2S with contaminant Na2CO3 - Effects of adsorbed H2O and CO2 and relation to studies of Io

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Nash, Douglas B.


    A previously reported laboratory determination of the IR spectrum of Na2S is presently noted to have been incorrectly interpreted, due to the inadvertent contamination of the sample with Na2CO3. New Na2S spectra are presented, and the Na2CO3 spectrum is examined in order to demonstrate that this phase is the primary sample contaminant. Na2S is a candidate surface component on the Jupiter satellite, Io, in view of its apparent high IR brightness and spectral neutrality in the 1-5 micron range.


    EPA Science Inventory

    Most evaluations of NA of petroleum hydrocarbons use geochemical data to document the NA through biodegradation. The expected trends during biodegradation (plume interior vs. background concentrations) are Dissolved oxygen concentrations below background, Nitrate concentrations ...

  15. Interpretation of Na-K-Mg relations in geothermal waters

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Fournier, R.O.


    When using a Na-K-???Mg triangular diagram as an aid in the interpretation of a geothermal water, the estimated temperature of last water-rock equilibration may change by as much as 50??C, depending on which of the many Na/K geothermometers one assumes is correct. A particular geothermometer may work well in one place and not in another because of differences in the mineralogy of the phases that are in contact with the reservoir fluid. The position of the full equilibrium line that is used for geothermometry and for assessing degrees of departure from equilibrium also changes as the assumed K/???Mg geothermometer equation changes. The degree of ambiguity can be evaluated by utilizing the results of all the recently published Na/K geothermometers on a single Na-K-???Mg triangular plot.

  16. Sodium relations in desert plants: 8. Differential effects of NaCl and Na/sub 2/SO/sub 4/ on growth and composition of Atriplex hymenelytra (desert holly)

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Soufi, S.M.; Wallace, A.


    Maximum growth over a period of 3 months of Atriplex hymenelytra (Torr.) Wats. (desert holly) in solution culture was obtained when the nutrient solution contained 5 x 10/sup -2/ N NaCl. Sodium concentratons in leaves at maximum yield was 7.88% and that of Cl was also 7.88%. In the presence of 10/sup -2/ N Na/sub 2/SO/sub 4/, there was much less growth than with 10/sup -2/ N NaCl. The highest NaCl level depressed levels of K, Ca, and Mg in leaves, stems, and roots. The highest NaCl level also decreased levels of micronutrients in many of the plants.

  17. Ameloblast Modulation and Transport of Cl−, Na+, and K+ during Amelogenesis

    PubMed Central

    Bronckers, A.L.J.J.; Lyaruu, D.; Jalali, R.; Medina, J.F.; Zandieh-Doulabi, B.; DenBesten, P.K.


    Ameloblasts express transmembrane proteins for transport of mineral ions and regulation of pH in the enamel space. Two major transporters recently identified in ameloblasts are the Na+K+-dependent calcium transporter NCKX4 and the Na+-dependent HPO42– (Pi) cotransporter NaPi-2b. To regulate pH, ameloblasts express anion exchanger 2 (Ae2a,b), chloride channel Cftr, and amelogenins that can bind protons. Exposure to fluoride or null mutation of Cftr, Ae2a,b, or Amelx each results in formation of hypomineralized enamel. We hypothesized that enamel hypomineralization associated with disturbed pH regulation results from reduced ion transport by NCKX4 and NaPi-2b. This was tested by correlation analyses among the levels of Ca, Pi, Cl, Na, and K in forming enamel of mice with null mutation of Cftr, Ae2a,b, and Amelx, according to quantitative x-ray electron probe microanalysis. Immunohistochemistry, polymerase chain reaction analysis, and Western blotting confirmed the presence of apical NaPi-2b and Nckx4 in maturation-stage ameloblasts. In wild-type mice, K levels in enamel were negatively correlated with Ca and Cl but less negatively or even positively in fluorotic enamel. Na did not correlate with P or Ca in enamel of wild-type mice but showed strong positive correlation in fluorotic and nonfluorotic Ae2a,b- and Cftr-null enamel. In hypomineralizing enamel of all models tested, 1) Cl− was strongly reduced; 2) K+ and Na+ accumulated (Na+ not in Amelx-null enamel); and 3) modulation was delayed or blocked. These results suggest that a Na+K+-dependent calcium transporter (likely NCKX4) and a Na+-dependent Pi transporter (potentially NaPi-2b) located in ruffle-ended ameloblasts operate in a coordinated way with the pH-regulating machinery to transport Ca2+, Pi, and bicarbonate into maturation-stage enamel. Acidification and/or associated physicochemical/electrochemical changes in ion levels in enamel fluid near the apical ameloblast membrane may reduce the transport

  18. Natural guide-star processing for wide-field laser-assisted AO systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Correia, Carlos M.; Neichel, Benoit; Conan, Jean-Marc; Petit, Cyril; Sauvage, Jean-Francois; Fusco, Thierry; Vernet, Joel D. R.; Thatte, Niranjan


    Sky-coverage in laser-assisted AO observations largely depends on the system's capability to guide on the faintest natural guide-stars possible. Here we give an up-to-date status of our natural guide-star processing tailored to the European-ELT's visible and near-infrared (0.47 to 2.45 μm) integral field spectrograph - Harmoni. We tour the processing of both the isoplanatic and anisoplanatic tilt modes using the spatio-angular approach whereby the wavefront is estimated directly in the pupil plane avoiding a cumbersome explicit layered estimation on the 35-layer profiles we're currently using. Taking the case of Harmoni, we cover the choice of wave-front sensors, the number and field location of guide-stars, the optimised algorithms to beat down angular anisoplanatism and the performance obtained with different temporal controllers under split high-order/low-order tomography or joint tomography. We consider both atmospheric and far greater telescope wind buffeting disturbances. In addition we provide the sky-coverage estimates thus obtained.

  19. Thermoelectric Performance of Na-Doped GeSe

    PubMed Central


    Recently, hole-doped GeSe materials have been predicted to exhibit extraordinary thermoelectric performance owing largely to extremely low thermal conductivity. However, experimental research on the thermoelectric properties of GeSe has received less attention. Here, we have synthesized polycrystalline Na-doped GeSe compounds, characterized their crystal structure, and measured their thermoelectric properties. The Seebeck coefficient decreases with increasing Na content up to x = 0.01 due to an increase in the hole carrier concentration and remains roughly constant at higher concentrations of Na, consistent with the electrical resistivity variation. However, the electrical resistivity is large for all samples, leading to low power factors. Powder X-ray diffraction and scanning electron microscopy/energy-dispersive spectrometry results show the presence of a ternary impurity phase within the GeSe matrix for all doped samples, which suggests that the optimal carrier concentration cannot be reached by doping with Na. Nevertheless, the lattice thermal conductivity and carrier mobility of GeSe is similar to those of polycrystalline samples of the leading thermoelectric material SnSe, leading to quality factors of comparable magnitude. This implies that GeSe shows promise as a thermoelectric material if a more suitable dopant can be found. PMID:29302637

  20. Spatial and mineralogic variation of Na-Ca alteration in Laramide porphyry systems of Arizona

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Runyon, S.; Seedorff, E.; Barton, M. D.; Mazdab, F. K.; Lecumberri-Sanchez, P.; Steele-MacInnis, M.


    Na-Ca alteration is characterized by the metasomatic addition of Ca ± Na and the loss of K. Minor volumes of Na-Ca alteration in Laramide porphyry systems develops from 3 to 8 km paleodepth. Mineral assemblages, mineral compositions, hydrogen isotopes, whole-rock analyses, and reconnaissance fluid inclusion characteristics have been documented for Na-Ca alteration in Laramide porphyry systems such as Tea Cup and Sierrita. Volumetrically minor Na-Ca alteration in Laramide porphyry systems documented in this study commonly takes the form of one of three mineral assemblages: albite-epidote-chlorite, Na-plagioclase-actinolite ± epidote, and garnet- or diopside-stable Na-plagioclase-actinolite ± epidote. These different Na-Ca mineral assemblages have broad spatial relationships, from shallow albite-chlorite-epidote to deeper Na-plagioclase-actinolite within a given district. Hydrogen isotope data on Na-Ca alteration minerals shows consistently distinct δD compositions of Na-Ca alteration minerals compared to igneous minerals in a given district. Further, calculated hydrogen isotope composition of fluids in equilibrium with Na-Ca alteration minerals are consistently enriched in δD compared to magmatic-hydrothermal fluids. Whole-rock analyses show consistent losses of K and variable addition of Na and Ca across different Na-Ca alteration assemblages. Na-Ca alteration has been well documented associated with the Jurassic arc. Previous studies demonstrated through mass balance, timing and spatial relationships, isotopic, and fluid inclusion studies that Na-Ca alteration associated with the Jurassic arc likely formed from the circulation of external, highly saline, non-magmatic fluids (e.g., Battles and Barton, 1995; Dilles et al., 1995). Na-Ca alteration documented in Laramide systems is generally similar to Na-Ca alteration documented along the Jurassic arc in mineral assemblages, compositions, and timing, but the volume of Na-Ca alteration in the Laramide systems is

  1. Crebanine inhibits voltage-dependent Na+ current in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes.


    Xiao-Shan, He; Qing, Lin; Yun-Shu, Ma; Ze-Pu, Yu


    To study the effects of crebanine on voltage-gated Na(+) channels in cardiac tissues. Single ventricular myocytes were enzymatically dissociated from adult guinea-pig heart. Voltage-dependent Na(+) current was recorded using the whole cell voltage-clamp technique. Crebanine reversibly inhibited Na(+) current with an IC50 value of 0.283 mmol·L(-1) (95% confidence range: 0.248-0.318 mmol·L(-1)). Crebanine at 0.262 mmol·L(-1) caused a negative shift (about 12 mV) in the voltage-dependence of steady-state inactivation of Na(+) current, and retarded its recovery from inactivation, but did not affect its activation curve. In addition to blocking other voltage-gated ion channels, crebanine blocked Na(+) channels in guinea-pig ventricular myocytes. Crebanine acted as an inactivation stabilizer of Na(+) channels in cardiac tissues. Copyright © 2014 China Pharmaceutical University. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  2. Physiological sodium concentrations enhance the iodide affinity of the Na+/I- symporter

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nicola, Juan P.; Carrasco, Nancy; Mario Amzel, L.


    The Na+/I- symporter (NIS) mediates active I- transport—the first step in thyroid hormonogenesis—with a 2Na+:1I- stoichiometry. NIS-mediated 131I- treatment of thyroid cancer post-thyroidectomy is the most effective targeted internal radiation cancer treatment available. Here to uncover mechanistic information on NIS, we use statistical thermodynamics to obtain Kds and estimate the relative populations of the different NIS species during Na+/anion binding and transport. We show that, although the affinity of NIS for I- is low (Kd=224 μM), it increases when Na+ is bound (Kd=22.4 μM). However, this Kd is still much higher than the submicromolar physiological I- concentration. To overcome this, NIS takes advantage of the extracellular Na+ concentration and the pronounced increase in its own affinity for I- and for the second Na+ elicited by binding of the first. Thus, at physiological Na+ concentrations, ~79% of NIS molecules are occupied by two Na+ ions and ready to bind and transport I-.

  3. Thermodynamic Modeling of Hydrogen Storage Capacity in Mg-Na Alloys

    PubMed Central

    Abdessameud, S.; Mezbahul-Islam, M.; Medraj, M.


    Thermodynamic modeling of the H-Mg-Na system is performed for the first time in this work in order to understand the phase relationships in this system. A new thermodynamic description of the stable NaMgH3 hydride is performed and the thermodynamic models for the H-Mg, Mg-Na, and H-Na systems are reassessed using the modified quasichemical model for the liquid phase. The thermodynamic properties of the ternary system are estimated from the models of the binary systems and the ternary compound using CALPHAD technique. The constructed database is successfully used to reproduce the pressure-composition isotherms for MgH2 + 10 wt.% NaH mixtures. Also, the pressure-temperature equilibrium diagram and reaction paths for the same composition are predicted at different temperatures and pressures. Even though it is proved that H-Mg-Na does not meet the DOE hydrogen storage requirements for onboard applications, the best working temperatures and pressures to benefit from its full catalytic role are given. Also, the present database can be used for thermodynamic assessments of higher order systems. PMID:25383361

  4. Static and vibrational properties of equiatomic Na-based binary alloys

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vora, Aditya M.


    The computations of the static and vibrational properties of four equiatomic Na-based binary alloys viz. Na0.5Li0.5, Na0.5K0.5, Na0.5Rb0.5 and Na0.5Cs0.5, to second order in local model potential is discussed in terms of real-space sum of Born von Karman central force constants. The local field correlation functions due to Hartree (H), Ichimaru Utsumi (IU) and Sarkar et al. (S) are used to investigate the influence of the screening effects on the aforesaid properties. Results for the lattice constants C11, C12, C44, C12 C44, C12/C44 and bulk modulus B obtained using the H-local field correction function have higher values in comparison with the results obtained for the same properties using IU- and S-local field correction functions. The results for the Shear modulus (C‧), deviation from Cauchy's relation, Poisson's ratio σ, Young modulus Y, propagation velocity of elastic waves, phonon dispersion curves and degree of anisotropy A are highly appreciable for the four equiatomic Na-based binary alloys.

  5. Defect evolution and impurity migration in Na-implanted ZnO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Neuvonen, Pekka T.; Vines, Lasse; Venkatachalapathy, Vishnukanthan; Zubiaga, Asier; Tuomisto, Filip; Hallén, Anders; Svensson, Bengt G.; Kuznetsov, Andrej Yu.


    Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) and positron annihilation spectroscopy (PAS) have been applied to study impurity migration and open volume defect evolution in Na+ implanted hydrothermally grown ZnO samples. In contrast to most other elements, the presence of Na tends to decrease the concentration of open volume defects upon annealing and for temperatures above 600∘C, Na exhibits trap-limited diffusion correlating with the concentration of Li. A dominating trap for the migrating Na atoms is most likely Li residing on Zn site, but a systematic analysis of the data suggests that zinc vacancies also play an important role in the trapping process.

  6. Organophosphate inhibition of avian salt gland Na, K-ATPase activity

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Eastin, W.C.; Fleming, W.J.; Murray, H.C.


    1. Adult black ducks (Anas rubripes) were given freshwater or saltwater (1.5% NaCl) for 11 days and half of each group was also given an organophosphate (17 p.p.m. fenthion) in the diet on days 6–11.2. After 11 days, ducks drinking saltrwater had lost more weight and had higher plasma Na and uric acid concentration and osmolalities than birds drinking freshwater.3. Saltwater treatment stimulated the salt gland to increased weight and Na, K-ATPase activity.4. Fenthion generally reduced plasma and brain cholinesterase activity and depressed cholinesterase and Na, K-ATPase activities in salt glands of birds drinking saltwater.

  7. SLC4A11 is an EIPA-sensitive Na+ permeable pHi regulator

    PubMed Central

    Ogando, Diego G.; Jalimarada, Supriya S.; Zhang, Wenlin; Vithana, Eranga N.


    Slc4a11, a member of the solute linked cotransporter 4 family that is comprised predominantly of bicarbonate transporters, was described as an electrogenic 2Na+-B(OH)4− (borate) cotransporter and a Na+-2OH− cotransporter. The goal of the current study was to confirm and/or clarify the function of SLC4A11. In HEK293 cells transfected with SLC4A11 we tested if SLC4A11 is a: 1) Na+-HCO3− cotransporter, 2) Na+-OH−(H+) transporter, and/or 3) Na+-B(OH)4− cotransporter. CO2/HCO3− perfusion yielded no significant differences in rate or extent of pHi changes or Na+ flux in SLC4A11-transfected compared with control cells. Similarly, in CO2/HCO3−, acidification on removal of Na+ and alkalinization on Na+ add back were not significantly different between control and transfected indicating that SLC4A11 does not have Na+-HCO3− cotransport activity. In the absence of CO2/HCO3−, SLC4A11-transfected cells showed higher resting intracelllular Na+ concentration ([Na+]i; 25 vs. 17 mM), increased NH4+-induced acidification and increased acid recovery rate (160%) after an NH4 pulse. Na+ efflux and influx were faster (80%) following Na+ removal and add back, respectively, indicative of Na+-OH−(H+) transport by SLC4A11. The increased alkalinization recovery was confirmed in NHE-deficient PS120 cells demonstrating that SLC4A11 is a bonafide Na+-OH−(H+) transporter and not an activator of NHEs. SLC4A11-mediated H+ efflux is inhibited by 5-(N-ethyl-N-isopropyl) amiloride (EIPA; EC50: 0.1 μM). The presence of 10 mM borate did not alter dpHi/dt or ΔpH during a Na+-free pulse in SLC4A11-transfected cells. In summary our results show that SLC4A11 is not a bicarbonate or borate-linked transporter but has significant EIPA-sensitive Na+-OH−(H+) and NH4+ permeability. PMID:23864606

  8. The Na+-phosphate cotransport system (NaPi-II) with a cleaved protein backbone: implications on function and membrane insertion

    PubMed Central

    Kohl, Beate; Wagner, Carsten A; Huelseweh, Birgit; Busch, Andreas E; Werner, Andreas


    Renal handling of inorganic phosphate (Pi) involves a Na+-Pi cotransport system which is well conserved between vertebrates. The members of this protein family, denoted NaPi-II, share a topology with, it is thought, eight transmembrane domains. The transporter is proposed to be proteolytically cleaved within a large hydrophilic loop in vivo. The consequences of an interrupted backbone were tested by constructing cDNA clones encoding different N- (1-3 and 1-5) and C-terminal (4-8 and 6-8) complementary fragments of NaPi-II from winter flounder. When the cognate fragments were used in combination (1-3 plus 4-8; 1-5 plus 6-8) they comprised the full complement of the putative transporter domains. None of the four individual fragments or the 1-5 plus 6-8 combination when expressed in Xenopus oocytes increased Pi flux. Coexpression of fragments 1-3 plus 4-8 stimulated transport activity identical to that for expressed wild-type NaPi-II with regard to pH dependency and Km for Na+ and Pi binding; however, the maximal transport rate (vmax) was lower. Immunohistochemistry on cryosections confined the functionally active 1-3 plus 4-8 combination to the oocyte membrane. This was not the case for the 1-5 plus 6-8 combination or any of the individual fragments, all of which failed to induce fluorescence. A second immunohistochemical approach using intact oocytes allowed determination of the extracellular regions of the protein. Epitopes within the loop between transmembrane domains 3 and 4 enhanced fluorescence. Neither N- nor C-terminal tags induced fluorescence. PMID:9508800

  9. Functional expression of amine oxidase from Aspergillus niger (AO-I) in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.


    Kolaríková, Katerina; Galuszka, Petr; Sedlárová, Iva; Sebela, Marek; Frébort, Ivo


    The aim of this work was to prepare recombinant amine oxidase from Aspergillus niger after overexpressing in yeast. The yeast expression vector pDR197 that includes a constitutive PMA1 promoter was used for the expression in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. Recombinant amine oxidase was extracted from the growth medium of the yeast, purified to homogeneity and identified by activity assay and MALDI-TOF peptide mass fingerprinting. Similarity search in the newly published A. niger genome identified six genes coding for copper amine oxidase, two of them corresponding to the previously described enzymes AO-I a methylamine oxidase and three other genes coding for FAD amine oxidases. Thus, A. niger possesses an enormous metabolic gear to grow on amine compounds and thus support its saprophytic lifestyle.

  10. Effect of NaCl treatments on glucosinolate metabolism in broccoli sprouts*

    PubMed Central

    Guo, Rong-fang; Yuan, Gao-feng; Wang, Qiao-mei


    To understand the regulation mechanism of NaCl on glucosinolate metabolism in broccoli sprouts, the germination rate, fresh weight, contents of glucosinolates and sulforaphane, as well as myrosinase activity of broccoli sprouts germinated under 0, 20, 40, 60, 80, and 100 mmol/L of NaCl were investigated in our experiment. The results showed that glucoerucin, glucobrassicin, and 4-hydroxy glucobrassicin in 7-d-old broccoli sprouts were significantly enhanced and the activity of myrosinase was inhibited by 100 mmol/L of NaCl. However, the total glucosinolate content in 7-d-old broccoli sprouts was markedly decreased although the fresh weight was significantly increased after treatment with NaCl at relatively low concentrations (20, 40, and 60 mmol/L). NaCl treatment at the concentration of 60 mmol/L for 5 d maintained higher biomass and comparatively higher content of glucosinolates in sprouts of broccoli with decreased myrosinase activity. A relatively high level of NaCl treatment (100 mmol/L) significantly increased the content of sulforaphane in 7-d-old broccoli sprouts compared with the control. These results indicate that broccoli sprouts grown under a suitable concentration of NaCl could be desirable for human nutrition. PMID:23365011

  11. Calibration of the island effect: Experimental validation of closed-loop focal plane wavefront control on Subaru/SCExAO

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    N'Diaye, M.; Martinache, F.; Jovanovic, N.; Lozi, J.; Guyon, O.; Norris, B.; Ceau, A.; Mary, D.


    Context. Island effect (IE) aberrations are induced by differential pistons, tips, and tilts between neighboring pupil segments on ground-based telescopes, which severely limit the observations of circumstellar environments on the recently deployed exoplanet imagers (e.g., VLT/SPHERE, Gemini/GPI, Subaru/SCExAO) during the best observing conditions. Caused by air temperature gradients at the level of the telescope spiders, these aberrations were recently diagnosed with success on VLT/SPHERE, but so far no complete calibration has been performed to overcome this issue. Aims: We propose closed-loop focal plane wavefront control based on the asymmetric Fourier pupil wavefront sensor (APF-WFS) to calibrate these aberrations and improve the image quality of exoplanet high-contrast instruments in the presence of the IE. Methods: Assuming the archetypal four-quadrant aperture geometry in 8 m class telescopes, we describe these aberrations as a sum of the independent modes of piston, tip, and tilt that are distributed in each quadrant of the telescope pupil. We calibrate these modes with the APF-WFS before introducing our wavefront control for closed-loop operation. We perform numerical simulations and then experimental tests on a real system using Subaru/SCExAO to validate our control loop in the laboratory and on-sky. Results: Closed-loop operation with the APF-WFS enables the compensation for the IE in simulations and in the laboratory for the small aberration regime. Based on a calibration in the near infrared, we observe an improvement of the image quality in the visible range on the SCExAO/VAMPIRES module with a relative increase in the image Strehl ratio of 37%. Conclusions: Our first IE calibration paves the way for maximizing the science operations of the current exoplanet imagers. Such an approach and its results prove also very promising in light of the Extremely Large Telescopes (ELTs) and the presence of similar artifacts with their complex aperture geometry.

  12. Moderate temperature rechargeable NaNiS2 cells

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Abraham, K. M.


    A rechargeable sodium battery of the configuration, liquid Na/beta double prime -Al2O3/molten NaAlCl4, NiS2, operating in the temperature range of 170 to 190 C, is described. This battery is capable of delivering or = to 50 W-hr/1b and 1000 deep discharge/charge cycles.

  13. Use-dependent inhibition of Na+ currents by benzocaine homologs.

    PubMed Central

    Quan, C; Mok, W M; Wang, G K


    Most local anesthetics (LAs) elicit use-dependent inhibition of Na+ currents when excitable membranes are stimulated repetitively. One exception to this rule is benzocaine, a neutral LA that fails to produce appreciable use-dependent inhibition. In this study, we have examined the use-dependent phenomenon of three benzocaine homologs: ethyl 4-diethylaminobenzoate, ethyl 4-ethoxybenzoate, and ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate. Ethyl 4-hydroxybenzoate at 1 mM, like benzocaine, elicited little use-dependent inhibition of Na+ currents, whereas ethyl 4-diethylaminobenzoate at 0.15 mM and ethyl 4-ethoxybenzoate at 0.5 mM elicited substantial use-dependent inhibition--up to 55% of peak Na+ currents were inhibited by repetitive depolarizations at 5 Hz. Each of these compounds produced significant tonic block of Na+ currents at rest and shifted the steady-state inactivation curve (h infinity) toward the hyperpolarizing direction. Kinetic analyses showed that the decaying phase of Na+ currents during a depolarizing pulse was significantly accelerated by all drugs, thus suggesting that these drugs also block the activated channel. The recovery time course for the use-dependent inhibition of Na+ currents was relatively slow, with time constants of 6.8 and 4.4 s for ethyl 4-diethylaminobenzoate and ethyl 4-ethoxybenzoate, respectively. We conclude that benzocaine and 4-hydroxybenzoate interact with the open and inactivated channels during repetitive pulses, but during the interpulse the complex dissociates too fast to accumulate sufficient use-dependent block of Na+ currents. In contrast, ethyl 4-diethylaminobenzoate and ethyl 4-ethoxybenzoate dissociate slowly from their binding site and consequently elicit significant use-dependent block. A common LA binding site suffices to explain the presence and absence of use-dependent block by benzocaine homologs during repetitive pulses. PMID:8770198

  14. Suppression of NaNO3 crystal nucleation by glycerol: micro-Raman observation on the efflorescence process of mixed glycerol/NaNO3/water droplets.


    Yu, Jun-Ying; Zhang, Yun; Zeng, Guang; Zheng, Chuan-Ming; Liu, Yong; Zhang, Yun-Hong


    Although the hygroscopicity of a NaNO(3)/water microdroplet and a polyalcohol/water microdroplet, two of the most important aerosols in atmosphere, has been widely studied, little is known about the relationship between the hygroscopic behavior of mixed NaNO(3)/polyalcohol/water droplets and their structures on the molecular level. In this study, the hygroscopicity of mixed glycerol/NaNO(3)/water droplets deposited on a hydrophobic substrate was studied by micro-Raman spectroscopy with organic-to-inorganic molar ratios (OIRs) of 0.5, 1, and 2. In the mixed glycerol/NaNO(3)/water droplets, glycerol molecules tended to combine with Na(+) and NO(3)(-) ions by electrostatic interaction and hydrogen bonding, respectively. On the basis of the analyses of the changes of symmetric stretching (v(s)-CH(2)), asymmetric stretching (v(a)-CH(2)), their area ratio (Av(a)-CH(2)/Av(s)-CH(2)) of glycerol, and symmetric stretching band of NO(3)(-) (ν(1)-NO(3)(-)) with relative humidity (RH), it was found that the conformation of glycerol was transformed from αα mainly to γγ and partly to αγ with a decreasing RH in the mixed droplets, contrary to the case in the glycerol/water droplet. In addition, the glycerol with γγ and αγ conformation had strong interaction with Na(+) and NO(3)(-) respectively, which suppressed the formation of contact of ions and delayed the efflorescence relative humidity (ERH) for the mixed droplets compared to the NaNO(3)/water droplet. © 2012 American Chemical Society

  15. Neutral Na in comets tails: a chemical story

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ellinger, Y.; Pauzat, F.; Mousis, O.; Guilbert-Lepoutre, A.; Leblanc, F.; Ali-Dib, M.; Doronin, M.; Zicler, E.; Doressoundiram, A.


    The origin of the neutral sodium comet tail discovered in comet Hale-Bopp in 1997 is still a matter of discussion. Here we propose a scenario which is based on chemical grounds. The starting point is the chemical trapping of the Na+ ion in the refractory material during the condensation phase of the protosolar nebula, followed by its incorporation in the building blocks of the comets parent bodies. In the next step, the Na+ ions are washed out of the refractory material by the water formed by the melting of the ice due to the heat released in the radioactive decay of short period elements. When the water freezes again, the Na+ ion looses its positive charge to evolve progressively toward a neutral atom when approaching the surface of the ice. As shown by high-level numerical simulations based on first principle periodic density functional theory (DFT) to describe the solid structure of the ice, it is a neutral Na that is ejected with the sublimation of the ice top layer.

  16. [CT scan evaluation of the syndesmotic diastasis in AO/OTA B and C ankle fractures].


    Paredes-Vázquez, R; Sesma-Villalpando, R A; Herrera-Tenorio, G; Romero-Ogawa, T


    There are anatomical variants of the tibiofibular syndesmosis that lead to changes in the radiographic criteria applied to its injury. To determine the syndesmotic diastasis using CAT scan in B and C (AO/OTA) ankle fractures and relate the anatomical variants of the tibial incisure with the separation from the fibula. Comparative, cross-sectional and prolective screening that included all patients with B and C (AO/OTA) ankle fractures who completed their X-ray and CAT scan assessment. The radiographic parameters included the tibiofibular clearance, tibiofibular overlapping and the internal clearance. The length, depth and shape of the tibial incisure were measured with CAT scan. The statistical method used was the chi2. The total number of patients was 17:8 females (47%) and 9 males (53%), with a mean age of 41 years. Fourteen (82%) had a syndesmotic fracture and 3 had suprasyndesmotic fractures. The CAT scan found 10 concave incisures, 4 irregular and 3 flat ones. The mean depth of the incisure was 2.82 +/- 0.89 mm, and the mean width was 22.18 +/- 3.04. No syndesmotic diastasis was detected radiographically in 6 cases (35.2%); the CAT scan only detected 3 of them (17.7%). The diagnosis of syndesmotic diastasis was made with plain X-rays in 11 cases (64.8%) and with CAT scan in 14 (82.3%) (p = 0.043). The X-rays are questionable to define the syndesmotic diastasis, so the CAT scan should be considered in cases of a doubtful diagnosis.

  17. CAPE-2 Cubesat - ELaNa IV

    NASA Image and Video Library


    CAPE-2: Cajun Advanced Picosatellite Experiment – ELaNa IV CAPE-2 was developed by students from the University of Louisiana Lafayette to engage, inspire and educate K-12 students to encourage them to pursue STEM careers. The secondary focus is the technology demonstration of deployed solar panels to support the following payloads: text to speech, voice repeater, tweeting, email, file transfer and data collection from buoys. Launched by NASA’s CubeSat Launch Initiative on the ELaNa IV mission as an auxiliary payload aboard the U.S. Air Force-led Operationally Responsive Space (ORS-3) Mission on November 19, 2013.

  18. Deliquescence behavior of photo-irradiated single NaNO3 droplets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seng, Samantha; Guo, Fangqin; Tobon, Yeny A.; Ishikawa, Tomoki; Moreau, Myriam; Ishizaka, Shoji; Sobanska, Sophie


    Nitrate-containing particles are ubiquitous in the troposphere because of their secondary production due to anthropogenic emissions of NOx from the combustion of fossil fuels. Nitrate ions are recognized as photoactive species that may contribute to the formation of oxidants in the atmosphere through heterogeneous photochemical reactions. The chemical transformation of aerosol particles in the atmosphere often leads to modification of the particles' hygroscopic properties. Although the photo-transformation of nitrate ions into nitrite within aerosol particles has been investigated, the influence of the photoproducts formation on the hygroscopic behavior of particles has not been reported. In this study, we examined the hygroscopic properties of single, ultraviolet-irradiated NaNO3 droplets using Raman microspectrometry. We are the first demonstrated that irradiating NaNO3 particles affects their hygroscopic behavior. For short-term exposures, regarding hygroscopic behavior, the irradiated particles exhibited two-stage transitions that were clearly reproduced in the experimental NaNO3-NaNO2 phase diagram. The production of NO2- decreased the deliquescence relative humidity values. For long irradiation times (>5 h), these values are even more affected by the additional production of peroxynitrite and carbonate ions in individual droplets. The NaNO3-NaNO2 deliquescence phase diagram cannot explain the hygroscopic behavior of long-term irradiated particles. Finally, we demonstrated the influence that CO2 has on the photo-transformation process in NaNO3 droplets.

  19. Research on large area VUV-sensitive gaseous photomultipliers for cryogenic applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Coimbra, Artur Emanuel Cardoso

    Desde cedo que a comunidade cientifica compreendeu que gases nobres em liquido sao excelentes meios de deteccao de radiacao, combinando a sua elevada densidade, elevado grau de homogeneidade e de elevado rendimento de cintilacao. Para alem destas caracteristicas inerentes, estes tem a potencialidade de fornecer ambos sinais de ionizacao - criando electroes livres - e cintilacao em resposta a interaccao com radiacao ionizante e, tendo em vista a sua aplicacao em experiencias de eventos raros relacionados com fisica de neutrinos ou materia-escura, a capacidade de autoblindagem garante a exclusao de eventos induzidos por radiacao de fundo. O facto de nao absorverem a sua propria luz, emergente dos eventos de cintilacao, permite a expansao deste tipo de detectores ate grandes volumes, sendo que as colaboracoes mais recentes propoem detectores com dezenas de toneladas de xenon em estado liquido. As experiencias actuais que usam gases nobres em estado liquido empregam xenon ou argon numa so fase (estado liquido) ou em dupla-fase (estado liquido + gasoso) e as suas aplicacoes abrangem desde as ja referidas experiencias de procura de eventos raros, passando por imagiologia medica tais como detectores de radiacao gama para PET ou câmaras Compton "3-gamma" em combinacao com PET, passando tambem por aplicacoes de seguranca como sistemas de inspeccao para deteccao de material fissil e, finalmente, em câmaras Compton para aplicacoes de astrofisica. Em ambas as configuracoes a leitura dos sinais de cintilacao e geralmente feita atraves de um grande numero de dispendiosos fotomultiplicadores de vacuo agrupados. A presente tese de doutoramento e dedicada aos fotomultiplicadores gasosos de grande area para aplicacoes criogenicas desenvolvidos no contexto do programa doutoral, tendo em vista a sua eventual aplicacao como um dispositivo complementar aos metodos existentes de deteccao de cintilacao, para aplicacao em futuras experiencias de grande escala. Esta pesquisa foi

  20. Mechanism of epithelial lithium transport. Evidence for basolateral Na:Na and Na:Li exchange

    PubMed Central


    Measurement of transmural sodium fluxes across isolated, ouabain- inhibited turtle colon in the presence of a serosal-to-mucosal sodium gradient shows that in the absence of active transport the amiloride- sensitive cellular path contains at least two routes for the transmural movement of sodium and lithium, one a conductive path and the other a nonconductive, cation-exchange mechanism. The latter transport element can exchange lithium for sodium, and the countertransport of these two cations provides a mechanistic basis for the ability of tight epithelia to actively absorb lithium despite the low affinity of the basolateral Na/K-ATPase for this cation. PMID:6644269

  1. Ultrafast multiphoton ionization dynamics and control of NaK molecules

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Davidsson, Jan; Hansson, Tony; Mukhtar, Emad


    The multiphoton ionization dynamics of NaK molecules is investigated experimentally using one-color pump-probe femtosecond spectroscopy at 795 nm and intermediate laser field strengths (about 10 GW/cm2). Both NaK+ and Na+ ions are detected as a function of pulse separation time, pulse intensities, and strong pulse-weak pulse order. To aid in the analysis, the potential energy curves of the two lowest electronic states of NaK+ and the electronic transition dipole moment between them are calculated by the GAUSSIAN94 UCIS method. Different ionization pathways are identified by Franck-Condon analysis, and vibrational dynamics in the A 1Σ+ and 3 1Π states, as well as in the ground state, is observed. Further, the existence of a highly excited (above the adiabatic ionization limit) neutral state of NaK is proposed. By changing the strong pulse-weak pulse order of the pulses, the ionization pathways for production of both ions can be varied and thus controlled.

  2. Looking for the Phase Transition—Recent NA61/SHINE Results

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Turko, Ludwik


    The fixed-target NA61/SHINE experiment (SPS CERN) looks for the critical point of strongly interacting matter and the properties of the onset of deconfinement. It is a two dimensional scan of measurements of particle spectra and fluctuations in proton-proton, proton-nucleus and nucleus-nucleus interactions as a function of collision energy and system size, corresponding to a two dimensional phase diagram (temperature T - baryonic chemical potential $\\mu_B$). New NA61/SHINE results are presented here, such as transverse momentum and multiplicity fluctuations in Ar+Sc collisions compared to NA61/SHINE p+p and Be+Be data, as well as to earlier NA49 A+A results. Recently, a preliminary signature for the new size dependent effect - rapid changes in system size dependence was observed in NA61-SHINE data, labeled as percolation threshold or onset of fireball. This would be closely related to the vicinity of the hadronic phase transition region.

  3. Membrane permeable local anesthetics modulate NaV1.5 mechanosensitivity

    PubMed Central

    Beyder, Arthur; Strege, Peter R.; Bernard, Cheryl; Farrugia, Gianrico


    Voltage-gated sodium selective ion channel NaV1.5 is expressed in the heart and the gastrointestinal tract, which are mechanically active organs. NaV1.5 is mechanosensitive at stimuli that gate other mechanosensitive ion channels. Local anesthetic and antiarrhythmic drugs act upon NaV1.5 to modulate activity by multiple mechanisms. This study examined whether NaV1.5 mechanosensitivity is modulated by local anesthetics. NaV1.5 channels wereexpressed in HEK-293 cells, and mechanosensitivity was tested in cell-attached and excised inside-out configurations. Using a novel protocol with paired voltage ladders and short pressure pulses, negative patch pressure (-30 mmHg) in both configurations produced a hyperpolarizing shift in the half-point of the voltage-dependence of activation (V1/2a) and inactivation (V1/2i) by about -10 mV. Lidocaine (50 µM) inhibited the pressure-induced shift of V1/2a but not V1/2i. Lidocaine inhibited the tonic increase in pressure-induced peak current in a use-dependence protocol, but it did not otherwise affect use-dependent block. The local anesthetic benzocaine, which does not show use-dependent block, also effectively blocked a pressure-induced shift in V1/2a. Lidocaine inhibited mechanosensitivity in NaV1.5 at the local anesthetic binding site mutated (F1760A). However, a membrane impermeable lidocaine analog QX-314 did not affect mechanosensitivity of F1760A NaV1.5 when applied from either side of the membrane. These data suggest that the mechanism of lidocaine inhibition of the pressure-induced shift in the half-point of voltage-dependence of activation is separate from the mechanisms of use-dependent block. Modulation of NaV1.5 mechanosensitivity by the membrane permeable local anesthetics may require hydrophobic access and may involve membrane-protein interactions. PMID:22874086

  4. Na(7)Mg(13)Nd(PO(4))(12).


    Jerbi, Hasna; Hidouri, Mourad; Mongi, Ben Amara


    Investigations of the quasi-ternary system Na(3)PO(4)-Mg(3)(PO(4))(2)-NdPO(4) allowed us to obtain the new phosphate hepta-sodium trideca-magnesium neodymium dodeca-kis-phosphate, Na(7)Mg(13)Nd(PO(4))(12), by applying a flux method. The crystal structure is isotypic with that of the previously reported Na(7)Mg(13)Ln(PO(4))(12) (Ln = Eu, La) compounds. It consists of a complex three-dimensional framework built up from an NdO(8) polyhedron (m symmetry), an MO(6) octa-hedron statistically occupied by M = Mg and Na, and eight MgO(x) (x = 5, 6) polyhedra (four with site symmetry m), linked either directely by sharing corners, edges and faces, or by one of the eight unique PO(4) tetra-hedra through common corners. Two of the PO(4) tetra-hedra are statisticaly disordered over a mirror plane. The whole structure can be described as resutling from an assembly of two types of structural units, viz [Mg(4)MP(4)O(22)](∞) (2) layers extending parallel to (100) and stacked along [100], and [Mg(4)NdP(4)O(36)](∞) (1) undulating chains running along the [010] direction. The six different Na(+) cations (five with site symmetry m and one with 0.5 occupancy) are situated in six distinct cavities delimited by the framework. The structure was refined from data of a racemic twin.

  5. Trehalose-producing enzymes MTSase and MTHase in Anabaena 7120 under NaCl stress.


    Asthana, Ravi K; Nigam, Subhasha; Maurya, Archana; Kayastha, Arvind M; Singh, Sureshwar P


    Salt tolerance, a multigenic trait, necessitates knowledge about biosynthesis and function of candidate gene(s) at the cellular level. Among the osmolytes, trehalose biosynthesis in cyanobacteria facing NaCl stress is little understood. Anabaena 7120 filaments exposed to 150 mM: NaCl fragmented and recovered on transfer to -NaCl medium with the increased heterocysts frequency (7%) over the control (4%). Cells failed to retain Na+ beyond a threshold [2.19 mM/cm3 (PCV)]. Whereas NaCl-stressed cells exhibited a marginal rise in K+ (1.1-fold) only at 30 h, for Na+ it was 130-fold at 48 h over cells in control. A time-course study (0-54 h) revealed reduction in intracellular Na+ beyond 48 h [0.80 mM/cm3 (PCV)] suggestive of ion efflux. The NaCl-stressed cells showed differential expression of maltooligosyltrehalose synthase (MTSase; EC and maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (MTHase; EC depending on the time and the extent of intracellular Na+ buildup.

  6. Energetics of Na + Transport through the Electrode/Cathode Interface in Single Solvent Electrolytes


    Browning, Katie L.; Sacci, Robert L.; Veith, Gabriel M.


    Here, the activation energy of desolvation for Na-ion electrolyte systems were studied using temperature dependent electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). Propylene carbonate (PC) and tetraglyme were chosen as solvents in single solvent electrolyte solution coupled with NaClO 4, NaPF 6, NaAsF 6, NaBF 4, and NaOFt salts. The results demonstrate the insertion and desolvation processes are extremely fast at or above room temperature. The data shows under optimal salt chemistry the desolvation activation energy is less than 21 kJ/mole. This is in contrast to the ~50 kJ/mole measured for analogous Li systems. The dominant factor affecting performance was the anion. Indeed,more » anions with lower donor numbers (PF 6 –, AsF 6 –) had more than 30 kJ/mole lower desolvation energies than species like NaBF 4 and NaOFt.« less

  7. Effects of Continuous and Accumulated Exercise on Endothelial Function in Rat Aorta.


    Martinez, Juliana Edwiges; Taipeiro, Elane de Fátima; Chies, Agnaldo Bruno


    The practice of exercise in short bouts repeated throughout the day may be an alternative strategy to lift people out of physical inactivity. to evaluate if accumulated exercise, as occurs in continuous exercise training, improve endothelial function in rat aorta. Wistar male rats were divided into three groups: continuous exercise (CEx, 1 hour on the treadmill) or accumulated exercise (AEx, 4 bouts of 15 minutes / day) for 5 days/week for 8 weeks, or sedentary (SED). During the training period, body weight gain and increase in exercise performance were recorded. On sacrifice day, aorta was dissected into rings (3-5 mm) and mounted on the organ bath. Fitness was significantly greater in CEx and AEx rats as compared with SED animals. In addition, compared with the SED group, CEx animals had a lower body mass gain, and the aorta obtained from these animals had reduced contractile response to norepinephrine and greater acetylcholine-induced relaxation. These results were not observed in ACEx animals. Both CEx and AEx improved fitness, but only CEx led to reduced body weight gain and improved endothelial function. A prática de exercícios em sessões curtas que se repetem ao longo do dia pode ser uma alternativa para tirar as pessoas da inatividade física. Verificar se o exercício acumulado, tal como ocorre com o treinamento com exercício contínuo, melhora a função endotelial na aorta de ratos. Ratos Wistar machos foram divididos em 3 grupos: treinamento com exercício contínuo (ExC; 1 hora em esteira) ou com exercício acumulado (ExA; 4 sessões de 15 minutos ao longo do dia) por 5 dias/semana, durante 8 semanas, ou grupo sedentário (SED). Durante o treinamento, foram registrados o ganho de peso corporal e desempenho na esteira. No dia do sacrifício, anéis (3-5 mm) da aorta foram obtidos e montados em banho de órgãos. Animais ExC e ExA mostraram aptidão física significativamente maior em comparação com os SED. Paralelamente, em comparação com SED

  8. In orbit degradation of EUV optical components in the wavelength range 10-40 nm AO 138-3

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Delaboudiniere, J. P.; Carabetian, C.; Hochedez, J. F.


    A complement of EUV optical components, including mirrors and thin film filters, was flown as part of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) AO 138-3. The most original amongst these components were multilayered interference reflectors for the 10-40 nm wavelength range. Very moderate degradation was observed for those components which were exposed to the sun. The degradation is compatible with the deposition of a few nanometers of absorbing material on the surface of the samples.

  9. Band gap engineering for graphene by using Na{sup +} ions

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Sung, S. J.; Lee, P. R.; Kim, J. G.


    Despite the noble electronic properties of graphene, its industrial application has been hindered mainly by the absence of a stable means of producing a band gap at the Dirac point (DP). We report a new route to open a band gap (E{sub g}) at DP in a controlled way by depositing positively charged Na{sup +} ions on single layer graphene formed on 6H-SiC(0001) surface. The doping of low energy Na{sup +} ions is found to deplete the π* band of graphene above the DP, and simultaneously shift the DP downward away from Fermi energy indicating the opening of E{sub g}.more » The band gap increases with increasing Na{sup +} coverage with a maximum E{sub g}≥0.70 eV. Our core-level data, C 1s, Na 2p, and Si 2p, consistently suggest that Na{sup +} ions do not intercalate through graphene, but produce a significant charge asymmetry among the carbon atoms of graphene to cause the opening of a band gap. We thus provide a reliable way of producing and tuning the band gap of graphene by using Na{sup +} ions, which may play a vital role in utilizing graphene in future nano-electronic devices.« less

  10. Energy landscape of the reactions governing the Na+ deeply occluded state of the Na+/K+-ATPase in the giant axon of the Humboldt squid

    PubMed Central

    Castillo, Juan P.; De Giorgis, Daniela; Basilio, Daniel; Gadsby, David C.; Rosenthal, Joshua J. C.; Latorre, Ramon; Holmgren, Miguel; Bezanilla, Francisco


    The Na+/K+ pump is a nearly ubiquitous membrane protein in animal cells that uses the free energy of ATP hydrolysis to alternatively export 3Na+ from the cell and import 2K+ per cycle. This exchange of ions produces a steady-state outwardly directed current, which is proportional in magnitude to the turnover rate. Under certain ionic conditions, a sudden voltage jump generates temporally distinct transient currents mediated by the Na+/K+ pump that represent the kinetics of extracellular Na+ binding/release and Na+ occlusion/deocclusion transitions. For many years, these events have escaped a proper thermodynamic treatment due to the relatively small electrical signal. Here, taking the advantages offered by the large diameter of the axons from the squid Dosidicus gigas, we have been able to separate the kinetic components of the transient currents in an extended temperature range and thus characterize the energetic landscape of the pump cycle and those transitions associated with the extracellular release of the first Na+ from the deeply occluded state. Occlusion/deocclusion transition involves large changes in enthalpy and entropy as the ion is exposed to the external milieu for release. Binding/unbinding is substantially less costly, yet larger than predicted for the energetic cost of an ion diffusing through a permeation pathway, which suggests that ion binding/unbinding must involve amino acid side-chain rearrangements at the site. PMID:22143771

  11. Energy landscape of the reactions governing the Na+ deeply occluded state of the Na+/K+-ATPase in the giant axon of the Humboldt squid.


    Castillo, Juan P; De Giorgis, Daniela; Basilio, Daniel; Gadsby, David C; Rosenthal, Joshua J C; Latorre, Ramon; Holmgren, Miguel; Bezanilla, Francisco


    The Na(+)/K(+) pump is a nearly ubiquitous membrane protein in animal cells that uses the free energy of ATP hydrolysis to alternatively export 3Na(+) from the cell and import 2K(+) per cycle. This exchange of ions produces a steady-state outwardly directed current, which is proportional in magnitude to the turnover rate. Under certain ionic conditions, a sudden voltage jump generates temporally distinct transient currents mediated by the Na(+)/K(+) pump that represent the kinetics of extracellular Na(+) binding/release and Na(+) occlusion/deocclusion transitions. For many years, these events have escaped a proper thermodynamic treatment due to the relatively small electrical signal. Here, taking the advantages offered by the large diameter of the axons from the squid Dosidicus gigas, we have been able to separate the kinetic components of the transient currents in an extended temperature range and thus characterize the energetic landscape of the pump cycle and those transitions associated with the extracellular release of the first Na(+) from the deeply occluded state. Occlusion/deocclusion transition involves large changes in enthalpy and entropy as the ion is exposed to the external milieu for release. Binding/unbinding is substantially less costly, yet larger than predicted for the energetic cost of an ion diffusing through a permeation pathway, which suggests that ion binding/unbinding must involve amino acid side-chain rearrangements at the site.

  12. Quantification of Na+,K+ pumps and their transport rate in skeletal muscle: Functional significance

    PubMed Central


    During excitation, muscle cells gain Na+ and lose K+, leading to a rise in extracellular K+ ([K+]o), depolarization, and loss of excitability. Recent studies support the idea that these events are important causes of muscle fatigue and that full use of the Na+,K+-ATPase (also known as the Na+,K+ pump) is often essential for adequate clearance of extracellular K+. As a result of their electrogenic action, Na+,K+ pumps also help reverse depolarization arising during excitation, hyperkalemia, and anoxia, or from cell damage resulting from exercise, rhabdomyolysis, or muscle diseases. The ability to evaluate Na+,K+-pump function and the capacity of the Na+,K+ pumps to fill these needs require quantification of the total content of Na+,K+ pumps in skeletal muscle. Inhibition of Na+,K+-pump activity, or a decrease in their content, reduces muscle contractility. Conversely, stimulation of the Na+,K+-pump transport rate or increasing the content of Na+,K+ pumps enhances muscle excitability and contractility. Measurements of [3H]ouabain binding to skeletal muscle in vivo or in vitro have enabled the reproducible quantification of the total content of Na+,K+ pumps in molar units in various animal species, and in both healthy people and individuals with various diseases. In contrast, measurements of 3-O-methylfluorescein phosphatase activity associated with the Na+,K+-ATPase may show inconsistent results. Measurements of Na+ and K+ fluxes in intact isolated muscles show that, after Na+ loading or intense excitation, all the Na+,K+ pumps are functional, allowing calculation of the maximum Na+,K+-pumping capacity, expressed in molar units/g muscle/min. The activity and content of Na+,K+ pumps are regulated by exercise, inactivity, K+ deficiency, fasting, age, and several hormones and pharmaceuticals. Studies on the α-subunit isoforms of the Na+,K+-ATPase have detected a relative increase in their number in response to exercise and the glucocorticoid dexamethasone but have not

  13. Study of cosmic dust particles on board LDEF: The FRECOPA experiments AO138-1 and AO138-2

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Mandeville, J. C.; Borg, Janet


    Two experiments, within the French Cooperative Payload (FRECOPA) and devoted to the detection of cosmic dust, were flown on the LDEF. A variety of sensors and collecting devices have made possible the study of impact processes on materials of technological interest. Preliminary examination of hypervelocity impact features gives valuable data on size distribution and nature of interplanetary dust particles in low earth orbit, within the 0.5 to 300 micrometer size range. Most of the events detected on the trailing face of LDEF are expected to be the result of impacts of meteoritic particles only. So far, chemical analysis of craters by EDS clearly shows evidence of elements (Na, Mg, Si, S, Ca, and Fe) consistent with cosmic origin. Systematic occurrence of C and O in crater residues is an important result, to be compared with the existence of CHON particles detected in P-Halley comet nucleus. Crater size distribution is in good agreement with results from other dust experiments flown on LDEF. However, no crater smaller than 1.5 micron was observed, thus suggesting a cutoff in the near earth particle distribution. Possible origin and orbital evolution of micrometeoroids is discussed.

  14. Rigidification of the autolysis loop enhances Na[superscript +] binding to thrombin

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Pozzi, Nicola; Chen, Raymond; Chen, Zhiwei


    Binding of Na{sup +} to thrombin ensures high activity toward physiological substrates and optimizes the procoagulant and prothrombotic roles of the enzyme in vivo. Under physiological conditions of pH and temperature, the binding affinity of Na{sup +} is weak due to large heat capacity and enthalpy changes associated with binding, and the K{sub d} = 80 mM ensures only 64% saturation of the site at the concentration of Na{sup +} in the blood (140 mM). Residues controlling Na{sup +} binding and activation have been identified. Yet, attempts to improve the interaction of Na{sup +} with thrombin and possibly increase catalyticmore » activity under physiological conditions have so far been unsuccessful. Here we report how replacement of the flexible autolysis loop of human thrombin with the homologous rigid domain of the murine enzyme results in a drastic (up to 10-fold) increase in Na{sup +} affinity and a significant improvement in the catalytic activity of the enzyme. Rigidification of the autolysis loop abolishes the heat capacity change associated with Na{sup +} binding observed in the wild-type and also increases the stability of thrombin. These findings have general relevance to protein engineering studies of clotting proteases and trypsin-like enzymes.« less

  15. Effect of NaCl concentration on productivity and mineral composition of Salicornia europaea as a potential crop for utilization NaCl in LSS

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ushakova, S. A.; Kovaleva, N. P.; Gribovskaya, I. V.; Dolgushev, V. A.; Tikhomirova, N. A.

    The accumulation of solid and liquid wastes in manmade ecosystems presents a problem that has not been efficiently solved yet. Urine, containing NaCl, are part of these products. This is an obstacle to the creation of biological systems with a largely closed material cycling, because the amount of solid and liquid wastes in them must be reduced to a minimum. A possible solution to the problem is to select plant species capable of utilizing sufficiently high concentrations of NaCl, edible for humans, and featuring high productivity. Until recently, the life support systems have included the higher plants that were either sensitive to salinization (wheat, many of the legumes, carrot, potato, maize) or relatively salt-resistant (barley, sugar beet, spinach). Salicomia europaea, whose above-ground part is fully edible for humans, is one of the most promising candidates to be included in life support systems. It is reported in the literature that this plant is capable of accumulating up to 50% NaCl (dry basis). Besides, excessive accumulation of sodium ions should bring forth a decrease in the uptake of potassium ions and other biogenic elements. The aim of this work is to study the feasibility of using S. europaea plants in growth chambers to involve NaCl into material cycling. Plants were grown in vegetation chambers at the irradiance of 100 or 150 W/m 2 PAR (photosynthetically active radiation) and the air temperature 24 °C, by two methods. The first method was to grow the plants on substrate - peat. The peat was supplemented with either 3% NaCl (Variant 1) or 6% NaCl (Variant 2) of the oven-dry mass of the peat. The second method was to grow the plants in water culture, using the solution with a full complement of nutrients, which contained 0.0005% of NaCl, 1% or 2%. The study showed that the addition of NaCl to the substrate or to the solution resulted in the formation of more succulent plants, which considerably increased their biomass. The amount of NaCl uptake

  16. The Salty Scrambled Egg: Detection of NaCl Toward CRL 2688

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Highberger, J. L.; Thomson, K. J.; Young, P. A.; Arnett, D.; Ziurys, L. M.


    NaCl has been detected toward the circumstellar envelope of the post-AGB star CRL 2688 using the IRAM 30 m telescope, the first time this molecule has been identified in a source other than IRC +10216. The J=7-->6, 11-->10, 12-->11, and 18-->17 transitions of NaCl at 1, 2, and 3 mm have been observed, as well as the J=8-->7 line of the 37Cl isotopomer. The J=12-->11 line was also measured at the ARO 12 m telescope. An unsuccessful search was additionally conducted for AlCl toward CRL 2688, although in the process new transitions of NaCN were observed. Both NaCl and NaCN were found to be present in the AGB remnant wind, as suggested by their U-shaped line profiles, indicative of emission arising from an optically thin, extended shell-like source of radius ~10"-12". These data contrast with past results in IRC +10216, where the distribution of both molecules is confined to within a few arcseconds of the star. A high degree of excitation is required for the transitions observed for NaCl and NaCN; therefore, these two species likely arise in the region where the high-velocity outflow has collided with the remnant wind. Here the effects of shocks and clumping due to Rayleigh-Taylor instabilities have raised the densities and temperatures significantly. The shell source is thus likely to be clumpy and irregular. The chemistry producing the sodium compounds is consequently more complex than simple LTE formation. Abundances of NaCl and NaCN, relative to H2, are f~1.6×10-10 and ~5.2×10-9, respectively, while the upper limit to AlCl is f<2×10-9. These values differ substantially from those in IRC +10216, where AlCl has an abundance near 10-7. The NaCl observations additionally indicate a chlorine isotope ratio of 35Cl/37Cl=2.1+/-0.8 in CRL 2688, suggestive of s-process enhancement of chlorine 37.

  17. Analysis of cardiovascular responses to the H2S donors Na2S and NaHS in the rat

    PubMed Central

    Yoo, Daniel; Jupiter, Ryan C.; Pankey, Edward A.; Reddy, Vishwaradh G.; Edward, Justin A.; Swan, Kevin W.; Peak, Taylor C.; Mostany, Ricardo


    Hydrogen sulfide (H2S) is an endogenous gaseous molecule formed from L-cysteine in vascular tissue. In the present study, cardiovascular responses to the H2S donors Na2S and NaHS were investigated in the anesthetized rat. The intravenous injections of Na2S and NaHS 0.03–0.5 mg/kg produced dose-related decreases in systemic arterial pressure and heart rate, and at higher doses decreases in cardiac output, pulmonary arterial pressure, and systemic vascular resistance. H2S infusion studies show that decreases in systemic arterial pressure, heart rate, cardiac output, and systemic vascular resistance are well-maintained, and responses to Na2S are reversible. Decreases in heart rate were not blocked by atropine, suggesting that the bradycardia was independent of parasympathetic activation and was mediated by an effect on the sinus node. The decreases in systemic arterial pressure were not attenuated by hexamethonium, glybenclamide, Nw-nitro-l-arginine methyl ester hydrochloride, sodium meclofenamate, ODQ, miconazole, 5-hydroxydecanoate, or tetraethylammonium, suggesting that ATP-sensitive potassium channels, nitric oxide, arachidonic acid metabolites, cyclic GMP, p450 epoxygenase metabolites, or large conductance calcium-activated potassium channels are not involved in mediating hypotensive responses to the H2S donors in the rat and that responses are not centrally mediated. The present data indicate that decreases in systemic arterial pressure in response to the H2S donors can be mediated by decreases in vascular resistance and cardiac output and that the donors have an effect on the sinus node independent of the parasympathetic system. The present data indicate that the mechanism of the peripherally mediated hypotensive response to the H2S donors is uncertain in the intact rat. PMID:26071540

  18. Binding of benzocaine in batrachotoxin-modified Na+ channels. State- dependent interactions

    PubMed Central


    Hille (1977. Journal of General Physiology. 69:497-515) first proposed a modulated receptor hypothesis (MRH) to explain the action of benzocaine in voltage-gated Na+ channels. Using the MRH as a framework, we examined benzocaine binding in batrachotoxin (BTX)-modified Na+ channels under voltage-clamp conditions using either step or ramp command signals. We found that benzocaine binding is strongly voltage dependent. At -70 mV, the concentration of benzocaine that inhibits 50% of BTX-modified Na+ currents in GH3 cells (IC50) is 0.2 mM, whereas at +50 mV, the IC50 is 1.3 mM. Dose-response curves indicate that only one molecule of benzocaine is required to bind with one BTX-modified Na+ channel at -70 mV, whereas approximately two molecules are needed at +50 mV. Upon treatment with the inactivation modifier chloramine-T, the binding affinity of benzocaine is reduced significantly at -70 mV, probably as a result of the removal of the inactivated state of BTX- modified Na+ channels. The same treatment, however, enhances the binding affinity of cocaine near this voltage. External Na+ ions appear to have little effect on benzocaine binding, although they do affect cocaine binding. We conclude that two mechanisms underlie the action of local anesthetics in BTX-modified Na+ channels. Unlike open-channel blockers such as cocaine and bupivacaine, neutral benzocaine binds preferentially with BTX-modified Na+ channels in a closed state. Furthermore, benzocaine can be modified chemically so that it behaves like an open-channel blocker. This compound also elicits a use- dependent block in unmodified Na+ channels after repetitive depolarizations, whereas benzocaine does not. The implications of these findings for the MRH theory will be discussed. PMID:8195785

  19. Electrophysiological evidence for Na+-coupled bicarbonate transport in cultured rat hepatocytes.


    Fitz, J G; Persico, M; Scharschmidt, B F


    Recent observations suggest that hepatocytes exhibit basolateral electrogenic Na+-coupled HCO3- transport. In these studies, we have further investigated this transport mechanism in primary culture of rat hepatocytes using intracellular microelectrodes to measure membrane potential difference (PD) and the pH-sensitive fluorochrome 2',7'-bis(carboxyethyl)-5(6)-carboxyfluorescein to measure intracellular pH (pHi). In balanced media containing 25 mM HCO3-, PD averaged -32.1 +/- 0.6 (SE) mV and pHi averaged 7.22 +/- 0.03. PD became more negative (hyperpolarized) when extracellular [HCO3-] was increased and less negative (depolarized) when extracellular HCO3- was decreased. Acute replacement of extracellular Na+ by choline also resulted in membrane depolarization of 18.0 +/- 1.6 mV, suggesting net transfer of negative charge. This decrease in PD upon Na+ removal was HCO3- -dependent, amiloride insensitive, and inhibited by the disulfonic stilbene 4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulfonic acid (SITS). PD also decreased upon acute exposure to SITS. The degree of depolarization seen with removal of Na+ or HCO3- correlated directly with resting PD (r = 0.81 and 0.95, respectively), suggesting a voltage-dependent mechanism. Removal of extracellular Na+ also decreased pHi to 7.06 +/- 0.02, and this acidification was decreased in the absence of HCO3- or in the presence of SITS or amiloride. These studies provide direct evidence for electrogenic Na+-coupled HCO3- transport in rat hepatocytes. Further, they suggest that it represents a major pathway for conductive movement of Na+ across the membrane and that it contributes, along with Na+-H+ exchange, to the intracellular acidification observed upon removal of extracellular Na+.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

  20. [Synergistic effects of lysozyme with EDTA-2Na on antibacterial activity].


    Li, Xiao-man; Wang, Xiao-yan; Gao, Xue-jun


    To evaluate the synergistic antibacterial effects of lysozyme with ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium salt (EDTA-2Na) on Enterococcus faecalis (E. faecalis) and Porphyromonas endodontalis (P. endodontalis). E. faecalis and P. endodontalis were cultured and adjusted to 10(8) CFU/mL. Then 0.3, 0.5, 1, 2, 5, 10, 50, 100, 150 and 300 g/L of lysozyme were prepared with deionized water; and the lysozyme solutions were mixed with 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 g/L of EDTA-2Na, respectively. The bacteria and lysosome with/without EDTA-2Na interacted for 15 min, then water-soluble tetrazolium (WST) working solution was added and the activity of the bacteria was calculated by measuring optical densities at 450 nm and 630 nm with microplate spectrophotometer. Regarding the pure lysozyme from 0.5 g/L to 150 g/L, more E. faecalis and P. endodontalis were inhibited when the concentration of lysozyme was higher, especially for E. faecalis. There was synergistic effect of lysozyme with EDTA-2Na on antibacterial activity, which was related to the concentration of lysozyme. On E. faecalis, the antibacterial activity of lysozyme with EDTA-2Na was 1.2-3.7 folds than the pure lysozyme when the concentration of lysozyme was 0.5-50 g/L (P<0.05), and on P. endodontalis, the antibacterial activity of lysozyme with EDTA-2Na was 1.3-3.5 folds than the pure lysozyme when the concentration of lysozyme was 0.5-10 g/L (P<0.05). When the concentration of lysozyme was higher than 100 g/L, EDTA-2Na did not show synergistic effect on the antibacterial activity (P>0.05). For E. faecalis and P. endodontalis, a low concentration of lysozyme with EDTA-2Na showed significant synergistic antibacterial activity, while a high concentration of lysozyme with EDTA-2Na did not.