Sample records for nouveaux agents pour

  1. Les nouveaux critères de la Maladie d’Alzheimer – Perspective gériatrique*

    PubMed Central

    Molin, Pierre; Rockwood, Kenneth


    RÉSUMÉ Deux nouvelles séries de critères pour le diagnostic de la maladie d’Alzheimer sont maintenant en vigueur, incluant une série publiée en 2014. Un « nouveau lexique » conceptualisant la maladie a également été proposé. En 2012, la Conférence consensuelle canadienne affirmait que, pour l’instant, ni les nouveaux critères ni la nouvelle terminologie ne modifiaient la pratique en première ligne. Néanmoins, pour les consultants spécialisés en démence, l’avènement de ces critères ouvre la porte à de nombreux défis et occasions. En général, les nouveaux critères accordent une place grandissante aux biomarqueurs. Toutefois, les évidences qui sous-tendent leur utilisation demeurent incomplètes. L’étude de sujets provenant de la communauté ayant raffiné notre compréhension des critères neuropathologiques des démences, il est probable que notre expérience avec les biomarqueurs en bénéficierait également. Pour l’instant, ces critères sont réservés à la recherche. Cependant, leur adoption à plus large échelle est pressentie, particulièrement aux États-Unis. Les gériatres canadiens doivent être conscients de la terminologie maintenant utilisée et du changement fondamental qui en découle : un diagnostic de maladie d’Alzheimer ne requiert plus un diagnostic de démence. Dans l’attente de nouvelles données – auxquelles les gériatres peuvent contribuer – il y a lieu de faire preuve de prudence dans l’adoption des nouveaux critères, car ils sont susceptibles de moins bien s’appliquer aux personnes âgées. PMID:27403215

  2. Etudes optiques de nouveaux materiaux laser: Des orthosilicates dopes a l'ytterbium: Le yttrium (lutetium,scandium) pentoxide de silicium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Denoyer, Aurelie

    La decouverte et l'elaboration de nouveaux materiaux laser solides suscitent beaucoup d'interet parmi la communaute scientifique. En particulier les lasers dans la gamme de frequence du micron debouchent sur beaucoup d'applications, en telecommunication, en medecine, dans le domaine militaire, pour la, decoupe des metaux (lasers de puissance), en optique non lineaire (doublage de frequence, bistabilite optique). Le plus couramment utilise actuellement est le Nd:YAG dans cette famille de laser, mais des remplacants plus performants sont toujours recherches. Les lasers a base d'Yb3+ possedent beaucoup d'avantages compares aux lasers Nd3+ du fait de leur structure electronique simple et de leur deterioration moins rapide. Parmi les matrices cristallines pouvant accueillir l'ytterbium, les orthosilicates Yb:Y 2SiO5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO 5 se positionnent tres bien, du fait de leur bonne conductivite thermique et du fort eclatement de leur champ cristallin necessaire a l'elaboration de lasers quasi-3 niveaux. De plus l'etude fine et systematique des proprietes microscopiques de nouveaux materiaux s'avere toujours tres interessante du point de vue de la recherche fondamentale, c'est ainsi que de nouveaux modeles sont concus (par exemple pour le champ cristallin) ou que de nouvelles proprietes inhabituelles sont decouvertes, menant a de nouvelles applications. Ainsi d'autres materiaux dopes a l'ytterbium sont connus pour leurs proprietes de couplage electron-phonon, de couplage magnetique, d'emission cooperative ou encore de bistabilite optique, mais ces proprietes n'ont encore jamais ete mises en evidence dans Yb:Y 2SiO5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO 5. Ainsi, cette these a pour but l'etude des proprietes optiques et des interactions microscopiques dans Yb:Y2SiO 5, Yb:Lu2SiO5 et Yb:Sc2SiO5. Nous utilisons principalement les techniques d'absorption IR et de spectroscopie Raman pour determiner les excitations du champ cristallin et les modes de vibration dans le materiau

  3. Translation into French of: “Changes to publication requirements made at the XVIII International Botanical Congress in Melbourne – what does e-publication mean for you?”. Translated by Christian Feuillet and Valéry Malécot Changements des conditions requises pour la publication faits au XVIII e Congrès International de Botanique à Melbourne – qu’est-ce que la publication électronique représente pour vous?

    PubMed Central

    Knapp, Sandra; McNeill, John; Turland, Nicholas J.


    Résumé Les changements au Code International de Nomenclature Botanique sont décidés tous les 6 ans aux Sections de Nomenclature associées aux Congrès Internationaux de Botanique (CIB). Le XVIIIe CIB se tenait à Melbourne, Australie; la Section de Nomenclature s’est réunie les 18-22 juillet 2011 et ses décisions ont été acceptées par le Congrès en session plénière le 30 juillet. Suite à cette réunion, plusieurs modifications importantes ont été apportées au Code et vont affecter la publication de nouveaux noms. Deux de ces changements prendront effet le 1er janvier 2012, quelques mois avant que le Code de Melbourne soit publié. Les documents électroniques publiés en ligne en ‘Portable Document Format’ (PDF) avec un ‘International Standard Serial Number’ (ISSN) ou un ‘International Standard Book Number’ (ISBN) constitueront une publication effective, et l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin pour les noms des nouveaux taxa sera changée en l’exigence d’une description ou d’une diagnose en latin ou en anglais. De plus, à partir du 1er janvier 2013, les noms nouveaux des organismes traités comme champignons devront, pour que la publication soit valide, inclure dans le protologue (tous ce qui est associé au nom au moment de la publication valide) la citation d’un identifiant (‘identifier’) fourni par un dépôt reconnu (tel MycoBank). Une ébauche des nouveaux articles concernant la publication électronique est fournie et des conseils de bon usage sont esquissés. Pour encourager la diffusion des changements adoptés au Code International de Nomenclature pour les algues, les champignons et les plantes, cet article sera publié dans BMC Evolutionary Biology, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, Brittonia, Cladistics, MycoKeys, Mycotaxon, New Phytologist, North American Fungi, Novon, Opuscula Philolichenum, PhytoKeys, Phytoneuron, Phytotaxa, Plant Diversity and Resources, Systematic Botany et

  4. Nouveaux supraconducteurs à haute température critique à base de mercure

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michel, C.; Hervieu, M.; Martin, C.; Maignan, A.; Pelloquin, D.; Goutenoire, F.; Huvé, M.; Raveau, B.


    Structural and superconducting properties of new cations substituted mercury based oxides are described. They are mainly characterized by [ Hg{1-x}MxOδ] infty monolayers, however a compound with doubled [ Hg{1-x}MxOδ] infty layer is described for the first time. Critical temperatures vary in a large range 0leqslant T_cleqslant 130 K, but they are lower than those of related to pure mercury oxides. The influence of annealings in various atmospheres upon T_c is discussed. Les caractéristiques structurales et supraconductrices de nouveaux oxydes à base de mercure, dans lesquels le mercure est partiellement remplacé par un autre cation, sont décrites. Dans la majorité des cas, ces oxydes sont caractérisés par une monocouche [ Hg{1-x}MxOδ] infty ; cependant, pour la première fois un composé contenant une double couche majoritaire en mercure est isolé. Les températures critiques varient dans un large domaine (0-130 K) mais restent inférieures à celles des oxydes parents ll tout mercure gg. L'influence des recuits sous des atmosphères diverses est discutée.

  5. Innovations en vaccinologie: enjeux et perspectives pour l’Afrique

    PubMed Central

    Diop, Doudou; Sanicas, Melvin


    La vaccination est incontestablement l’une des interventions de santé publique les plus efficaces et les plus rentables qui soient. Les vaccins continuent de révolutionner notre capacité à prévenir les maladies et à améliorer la santé. Avec toutes les avancées technologiques, nous sommes en mesure d’étendre les avantages des vaccins à plus de gens et de fournir une meilleure protection contre les maladies infectieuses mortelles. Toutefois, avec le développement incessant de nouvelles souches microbiennes à travers le monde, la recherche en vaccinologie se doit d’innover continuellement. D’énormes progrès ont été réalisés pour améliorer la couverture vaccinale et introduire de nouveaux vaccins en Afrique. De nouveaux types de vaccins associés à des outils de vectorisation, d’administration et de délivrance spécifiques mais aussi des adjuvants susceptibles de moduler finement la réponse immunitaire sont attendus dans le futur. En Afrique, il est nécessaire de développer une approche régionale afin de répondre efficacement aux nombreux défis. Une meilleure information, la formation des personnels de santé en vaccinologie et des recherches bien ciblées sont les clés des futurs accomplissements dans le domaine. PMID:28690749

  6. Evaluation experimentale et theorique du comportement a la flexion de nouveaux poteaux en materiaux composites

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Metiche, Slimane

    La demande croissante en poteaux pour les differents reseaux d'electricite et de telecommunications a rendu necessaire l'utilisation de materiaux innovants, qui preservent l'environnement. La majorite des poteaux electriques existants au Canada ainsi qu'a travers le monde, sont fabriques a partir de materiaux traditionnels tel que le bois, le beton ou l'acier. Les motivations des industriels et des chercheurs a penser a d'autres solutions sont diverses, citons entre autre: La limitation en longueur des poteaux en bois ainsi que la vulnerabilite des poteaux fabriques en beton ou en acier aux agressions climatiques. Les nouveaux poteaux en materiaux composites se presentent comme de bons candidats a cet effet, cependant; leur comportement structural n'est pas connu et des etudes theoriques et experimentales approfondies sont necessaires avant leur mise en marche a grande echelle. Un programme de recherche intensif comportant plusieurs projets experimentaux, analytiques et numeriques est en cours a l'Universite de Sherbrooke afin d'evaluer le comportement a court et a long termes de ces nouveaux poteaux en Polymeres Renforces de Fibres (PRF). C'est dans ce contexte que s'inscrit la presente these, et notre recherche vise a evaluer le comportement a la flexion de nouveaux poteaux tubulaires coniques fabriques en materiaux composites par enroulement filamentaire et ce, a travers une etude theorique, ainsi qu'a travers une serie d'essais de flexion en "grandeur reelle" afin de comprendre le comportement structural de ces poteaux, d'optimiser la conception et de proposer une procedure de dimensionnement pour les utilisateurs. Les poteaux en Polymeres Renforces de Fibres (PRF) etudies dans cette these sont fabriques avec une resine epoxyde renforcee de fibres de verre type E. Chaque type poteaux est constitue principalement de trois zones ou les proprietes geometriques (epaisseur, diametre) et les proprietes mecaniques sont differentes d'une zone a l'autre. La difference

  7. Systeme microfluidique d'analyse sanguine en temps reel pour l'imagerie moleculaire chez le petit animal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Convert, Laurence

    De nouveaux radiotraceurs sont continuellement développés pour améliorer l'efficacité diagnostique en imagerie moléculaire, principalement en tomographie d'émission par positrons (TEP) et en tomographie d'émission monophotonique (TEM) dans les domaines de l'oncologie, de la cardiologie et de la neurologie. Avant de pouvoir être utilisés chez les humains, ces radiotraceurs doivent être caractérisés chez les petits animaux, principalement les rats et les souris. Pour cela, de nombreux échantillons sanguins doivent être prélevés et analysés (mesure de radioactivité, séparation de plasma, séparation d'espèces chimiques), ce qui représente un défi majeur chez les rongeurs à cause de leur très faible volume sanguin (˜1,4 ml pour une souris). Des solutions fournissant une analyse partielle sont présentées dans la littérature, mais aucune ne permet d'effectuer toutes les opérations dans un même système. Les présents travaux de recherche s'insèrent dans le contexte global d'un projet visant à développer un système microfluidique d'analyse sanguine complète en temps réel pour la caractérisation des nouveaux radiotraceurs TEP et TEM. Un cahier des charges a tout d'abord été établi et a permis de fixer des critères quantitatifs et qualitatifs à respecter pour chacune des fonctions de la puce. La fonction de détection microfluidique a ensuite été développée. Un état de l'art des travaux ayant déjà combiné la microfluidique et la détection de radioactivité a permis de souligner qu'aucune solution existante ne répondait aux critères du projet. Parmi les différentes technologies disponibles, des microcanaux en résine KMPR fabriqués sur des détecteurs semiconducteurs de type p-i-n ont été identifiés comme une solution technologique pour le projet. Des détecteurs p-i-n ont ensuite été fabriqués en utilisant un procédé standard. Les performances encourageantes obtenues ont mené à initier un projet de ma

  8. Identification des parametres du moteur de l'avion Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des tests en vol et a base des reseaux de neurones =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaag, Mahdi

    La disponibilite des modeles precis des avions est parmi les elements cles permettant d'assurer leurs ameliorations. Ces modeles servent a ameliorer les commandes de vol et de concevoir de nouveaux systemes aerodynamiques pour la conception des ailes deformables des avions. Ce projet consiste a concevoir un systeme d'identification de certains parametres du modele du moteur de l'avion d'affaires americain Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des essais en vol. Ces essais ont ete effectues sur le simulateur de vol concu et fabrique par CAE Inc. qui possede le niveau D de la dynamique de vol. En effet, le niveau D est le plus haut niveau de precision donne par l'autorite federale de reglementation FAA de l'aviation civile aux Etats-Unis. Une methodologie basee sur les reseaux de neurones optimises a l'aide d'un algorithme intitule le "grand deluge etendu" est utilisee dans la conception de ce systeme d'identification. Plusieurs tests de vol pour differentes altitudes et differents nombres de Mach ont ete realises afin de s'en servir comme bases de donnees pour l'apprentissage des reseaux de neurones. La validation de ce modele a ete realisee a l'aide des donnees du simulateur. Malgre la nonlinearite et la complexite du systeme, les parametres du moteur ont ete tres bien predits pour une enveloppe de vol determinee. Ce modele estime pourrait etre utilise pour des analyses de fonctionnement du moteur et pourrait assurer le controle de l'avion pendant cette phase de croisiere. L'identification des parametres du moteur pourrait etre realisee aussi pour les autres phases de montee et de descente afin d'obtenir son modele complet pour toute l'enveloppe du vol de l'avion Cessna Citation X (montee, croisiere, descente). Cette methode employee dans ce travail pourrait aussi etre efficace pour realiser un modele pour l'identification des coefficients aerodynamiques du meme avion a partir toujours des essais en vol. None None None

  9. Approche à l’égard des nouveaux anticoagulants oraux en pratique familiale

    PubMed Central

    Douketis, James; Bell, Alan David; Eikelboom, John; Liew, Aaron


    Résumé Objectif Traiter des différentes éventualités pouvant survenir durant le suivi clinique et la prise en charge prolongés des patients prenant de nouveaux anticoagulants oraux (NACO). Qualité des données Aux fins de cette révision narrative (non systématique), nous avons effectué une recherche dans la base de données PubMed afin de relever des études cliniques récentes (soit de janvier 2008 à la semaine 32 de 2013) portant sur l’emploi des NACO pour la prévention des AVC dans les cas de fibrillation auriculaire et le traitement de la thromboembolie veineuse aiguë. Nous avons utilisé cette base de données probantes pour répondre à nos questions prédéfinies ayant trait à l’emploi des NACO en pratique générale. Message principal Le dabigatran et le rivaroxaban doivent être pris avec les repas afin de limiter la dyspepsie et de favoriser l’absorption, respectivement. Aucun NACO n’est accompagné de restrictions alimentaires, à l’exception de la consommation modérée d’alcool, et le rivaroxaban et l’apixaban peuvent être écrasés, au besoin. Les antiacides ne semblent pas perturber l’efficacité des NACO. Comme c’est le cas avec la warfarine, les patients traités aux NACO doivent éviter l’emploi prolongé d’anti-inflammatoires non stéroïdiens et d’antiplaquettaires. Chez les patients devant subir une chirurgie, il faut interrompre la prise de NACO de 2 à 5 jours avant l’intervention, en fonction du risque de saignement, et le traitement par le NACO doit être habituellement repris au moins 24 heures après la chirurgie. Il n’est habituellement pas nécessaire d’effectuer un test préopératoire de coagulation. Chez les patients qui développent un saignement, un saignement mineur ne justifie habituellement pas un test de laboratoire ni l’interruption du traitement par le NACO; dans le cas des saignements majeurs, il faut se concentrer sur l’application de mesures localisées visant à endiguer le

  10. Radionécrose cérébrale chez des patients irradiés pour cancers du nasopharynx: à propos de 3 cas

    PubMed Central

    El Mazghi, Abderrahman; Lalya, Issam; Loukili, Kaoutar; El Kacemi, Hanan; Kebdani, Taieb; Hassouni, Khalid


    La radionécrose cérébrale est une complication tardive, iatrogène, relativement rare de la radiothérapie qui survient après plus de six mois suivant le début du traitement. Elle pourrait s'expliquer par la conjonction de lésions vasculaires, gliales et d'ordre immunologiques. Elle peut mettre en jeu le pronostic fonctionnel et vital du malade. La prévention de cette affection redoutable est fondamentale vu l'absence de traitement potentiellement efficace. Nous rapportons 03 nouveaux cas, chez des patients traités par chimiothérapie d'induction puis radio- chimiothérapie concomitante pour des cancers localement avancés du nasopharynx. Le diagnostic a été orienté par l'IRM spectroscopique et l’évolution était favorable sous corticothérapie dans les 03 cas. PMID:25722784

  11. Parametrisation D'effets Non-Standard EN Phenomenologie Electrofaible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maksymyk, Ivan

    Cette these pat articles porte sur la parametrisation d'effets non standard en physique electrofaible. Dans chaque analyse, nous avons ajoute plusieurs operateurs non standard au lagrangien du modele standard electrofaible. Les operateurs non standard decrivent les nouveaux effets decoulant d'un modele sous-jacent non-specefie. D'emblee, le nombre d'operateurs non standard que l'on peut inclure dans une telle analyse est illimite. Mais pour une classe specifique de modeles sous-jacents, les effets non standard peuvent etre decrits par un nombre raisonnable d'operateurs. Dans chaque analyse nous avons developpe des expressions pour des observables electrofaibles, en fonction des coefficients des operateurs nouveaux. En effectuant un "fit" statistique sur un ensemble de donnees experimentales precises, nous avons obtenu des contraintes phenomenologiques sur ces coefficients. Dans "Model-Independent Global Constraints on New Physics", nous avons adopte des hypotheses tres peu contraignantes relatives aux modeles sous-jacents. Nous avons tronque le lagrangien effectif a la dimension cinq (inclusivement). Visant la plus grande generalite possible, nous avons admis des interactions qui ne respectent pas les symetries discretes (soit C, P et CP) ainsi que des interactions qui ne conservent pas la saveur. Le lagrangien effectif contient une quarantaine d'operateurs nouveaux. Nous avons determine que, pour la plupart des coefficients des nouveaux operateurs, les contraintes sont assez serrees (2 ou 3%), mais il y a des exceptions interessantes. Dans "Bounding Anomalous Three-Gauge-Boson Couplings", nous avons determine des contraintes phenomenologiques sur les deviations des couplages a trois bosons de jauge par rapport aux interactions prescrites par le modele standard. Pour ce faire, nous avons calcule les contributions indirectes des CTBJ non standard aux observables de basse energie. Puisque le lagrangien effectif est non-renormalisable, certaines difficultes techniques

  12. Separation of Target Rigid Body and Micro-Doppler Effects in ISAR/SAR Imaging

    DTIC Science & Technology


    tour- nantes et vibrantes de la cible. De nouveaux algorithmes et m~thodes devront donc DRDC Ottawa TM 2006-187 v &tre 6tudi6s plus en profondeur afin...UNCLASSIFIED SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF FORM Defence R&D Canada R & D pour la defense Canada Canada’s Leader in Defence Chef de file au Canada en mati~re and...I 1f1 Defence Research and Recherche et developpement Development Canada pour la defense Canada DEFENCE ril DEFENSE Separation of target rigid body

  13. Nouvelle approche à la prise en charge des condylomes

    PubMed Central

    Lopaschuk, Catharine C.


    Résumé Objectif Faire le résumé des anciens et des nouveaux moyens de traitement des verrues génitales ou condylomes et déterminer comment les utiliser de manière appropriée. Sources des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans les bases de données suivantes: MEDLINE, PubMed, EMBASE, base de données des synthèses systématiques et registre central des études contrôlées de la Collaboration Cochrane (en anglais), ACP Journal Club et Trip. Les bibliographies des articles extraits ont aussi été examinées. Les études cliniques, les articles de révision qualitative, les rapports consensuels et les guides de pratique clinique ont été retenus. Message principal Les verrues symptomatiques sont présentes chez au moins 1 % des personnes âgées entre 15 et 49 ans et on estime que jusqu’à 50 % des gens sont infectés par le virus du papillome humain à un moment donné de leur vie. L’imiquimod et la podophyllotoxine sont 2 nouveaux traitements pour les verrues génitales externes qui sont moins douloureux et peuvent être appliqués par les patients à la maison. De plus, il a été démontré que le vaccin quadrivalent contre le virus du papillome humain est efficace pour prévenir les condylomes et le cancer du col. Les plus anciennes méthodes thérapeutiques ont aussi leur place dans certaines situations, comme les verrues intravaginales, urétrales, anales ou récalcitrantes ou encore pour les patientes enceintes. Conclusion Les nouveaux traitements des verrues génitales externes peuvent réduire la douleur causée par la thérapie et le nombre de visites au cabinet. Les autres méthodes thérapeutiques demeurent utiles dans certaines situations.

  14. Conception et calibration d'un sonoreacteur pour l'oxydation de la cellulose par le systeme TEMPO/NaOCl/NaBr

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Paquin, Michel

    Avec le contexte economique actuel dans le domaine des pates et papiers au Canada, l'industrie se doit de diversifier ses produits mis en marche. La fermeture de plus de 20 usines depuis 2005, une baisse du PIB de l'industrie de 1,4 milliard CAD entre 1999--2008, une baisse de la demande de 2,4 %, une diminution du prix de la pate de 20,9 % depuis juillet 2009. La delocalisation du secteur vers l'Asie et l'hemisphere sud sont autant de raisons pour laquelle l'industrie se doit d'etre a l'avant plan de nouvelle technologie a base de fibre de bois. Pour augmenter leur rentabilite, l'industrie se doit de diversifier ses produits dans d'autres secteurs que le simple fabricant de papier impression-ecriture. Sa diversification passe par l'elaboration de nouveaux papiers a valeur ajoutee (papier conducteur, papier bioactif, etc.), par l'utilisation de la biomasse forestiere pour la production d'energie, par l'utilisation de la biomasse forestiere pour l'elaboration d'une plateforme de chimie verte, par l'utilisation de la lignine pour le developpement de polymeres et par l'utilisation de la fibre cellulosique pour la fabrication de nanomateriaux. La fabrication de nanofibrille de cellulose peut devenir un des produits qui servira a diversifier la production des usines de pates et papiers. Les nanofibrilles de cellulose possedent des proprietes mecaniques et chimiques exceptionnelles. Les nanofibrilles de cellulose sont fabriquees a partir d'une oxydation selective de la pate kraft de feuillu avec le systeme TEMPO-NaOCl-NaBr. L'oxydation selective de l'alcool primaire en C6 du monomere de glucose sous forme de carboxylates engendre une modification chimique de la cellulose qui accroit l'hydrophilicite des fibrilles. Suite a cette oxydation, nous devons effectuer une desintegration mecanique de la fibre kraft de feuillu oxydee pour separer les fibrilles. Le processus d'oxydation de la fibre par le systeme TEMPO-NaOCl-NaBr et sa defibrillation par la suite engendre une

  15. Revetements nanostructures pour la protection des metaux dans les environnements marins

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brassard, Jean-Denis

    L'objectif de cette recherche est de verifier qu'un materiau superhydrophobe peut diminuer l'adherence et l'accumulation de la glace tout en conservant de bonnes proprietes anticorrosion. Afin de verifier cette assertion, trois familles de nouveaux revetements micros et nanostructures, identifiees par les lettres A, B, et C, ont ete developpes de facon a pouvoir en determiner l'efficacite glaciophobe en relation avec l'angle de contact particulier a chaque structure obtenue. Les revetements ont tous ete optimises pour que l'angle de contact et l'adherence au substrat soient maximaux. Les trois revetements optimises sont les suivants: Le revetement A a ete developpe pour application sur l'acier galvanise. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la structure de la couche du zinc electrodepose en surface et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par le film de silicone copolymerise nanostructure. Un temps optimal de 10 min a ete retenu pour l'electrodeposition du zinc, ce dernier maximisant l'angle de contact a 155° lorsqu'enduit d'un film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur. Le revetement B a ete developpe pour application sur un alliage d'aluminium. Les microrugosites creees sont celles de la microstructure granulaire obtenue par gravure de l'aluminium immerge dans un bain de HCl et les nanorugosites sont celles creees d'un meme film nanostructure de silicone copolymerise. La valeur optimale du temps de gravure est de 8 minutes et donne l'angle de contact le plus eleve a 154°, lorsqu'enduit du meme film de silicone de 100 nm d'epaisseur depose sur le revetement A. Le revetement C a ete developpe pour etre applique indifferemment sur tout substrat degraisse d'aluminium ou d'acier. Les microrugosites et les nanorugosites sont celles creees par les agregats de nanoparticules de ZnO rendues hydrophobes melangees au silicone qui sont pulverisees sur une couche d'appret composee de silicone et de polymethylhydrosiloxane. On obtient alors un produit composite rigide ou les

  16. Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbant Assays for Identification of Biological Agents in Sample Unknowns: NATO SIBCA. Exercise 5

    DTIC Science & Technology


    avantage comme Brucella spp par ex. De plus, chaque ELISA d’agent devrait &tre test~e avec un agent vivant pour confirmer la sensibilit6 du biotest aux...materiaux vivants . A plus long terme, i1 serait souhaitable d𔄀tudier des solutions de rechange qui seraient plus sensibles aux techniques

  17. Plates-formes de microscopie et fluorescence par resonance de plasmons de surface appliquees a l'imagerie cellulaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chabot, Vincent

    L'elaboration de nouveaux medicaments repose sur les etudes pharmacologiques, dont le role est d'identifier de nouveaux composes actifs ou de nouvelles cibles pharmacologiques agissant entre autres au niveau cellulaire. Recemment, la detection basee sur la resonance des plasmons de surface (SPR) a ete appliquee a l'etude de reponses cellulaires. Cette methode de detection, permettant d'observer des variations d'indice de refraction associes a de faibles changements de masse a la surface d'un metal, a l'avantage de permettre l'etude d'une population de cellules vivantes en temps reel, sans necessiter l'introduction d'agents de marquage. Pour effectuer la detection au niveau de cellules individuelles, on peut employer la microscopie SPR, qui consiste a localiser spatialement la detection par un systeme d'imagerie. Cependant, la detection basee sur la SPR est une mesure sans marquage et les signaux mesures sont attribues a une reponse moyennee des differentes sources cellulaires. Afin de mieux comprendre et identifier les composantes cellulaires generant le signal mesure en SPR, il est pertinent de combiner la microscopie SPR avec une modalite complementaire, soit l'imagerie de fluorescence. C'est dans cette problematique que s'insere ce projet de these, consistant a concevoir deux plates-formes distinctes de microscopie SPR et de fluorescence optimisees pour l'etude cellulaire, de sorte a evaluer les possibilites d'integration de ces deux modalites en un seul systeme. Des substrats adaptes pour chaque plate-forme ont ete concus et realises. Ces substrats employaient une couche d'argent passivee par l'ajout d'une mince couche d'or. La stabilite et la biocompatibilite des substrats ont ete validees pour l'etude cellulaire. Deux configurations permettant d'ameliorer la sensibilite en sondant les cellules plus profondement ont ete evaluees, soit l'emploi de plasmons de surface a longue portee et de guides d'onde a gaine metallique. La sensibilite accrue de ces

  18. Des ballons pour demain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Régipa, R.

    A partir d'une théorie sur la détermination des formes et des contraintes globales d'un ballon de révolution, ou s'en rapprochant, une nouvelle famille de ballons a été définie. Les ballons actuels, dits de ``forme naturelle'', sont calculés en général pour une tension circonférencielle nulle. Ainsi, pour une mission donnée, la tension longitudinale et la forme de l'enveloppe sont strictement imposées. Les ballons de la nouvelle génération sont globalement cylindriques et leurs pôles sont réunis par un câble axial, chargé de transmettre une partie des efforts depuis le crochet (pôle inférieur), directement au pôle supérieur. De plus, la zone latérale cylindrique est soumise à un faible champ de tensions circonférencielles. Ainsi, deux paramètres permettent de faire évoluer la distribution des tensions et la forme de l'enveloppe: - la tension du câble de liaison entre pôles (ou la longueur de ce câble) - la tension circonférencielle moyenne désirée (ou le rayon du ballon). On peut donc calculer et réaliser: - soit des ballons de forme adaptée, comme les ballons à fond plat pour le bon fonctionnement des montgolfières infrarouge (projet MIR); - soit des ballons optimisés pour une bonne répartition des contraintes et une meilleure utilisation des matériaux d'enveloppe, pour l'ensemble des programmes stratosphériques. Il s'ensuit une économie sensible des coûts de fabrication, une fiabilité accrue du fonctionnement de ces ballons et une rendement opérationnel bien supérieur, permettant entre autres, d'envisager des vols à très haute altitude en matériaux très légers.

  19. Contrôle du marché informel à l’heure de la mondialisation des échanges. Le cas des antirétroviraux au Chili

    PubMed Central

    Brousselle, Astrid; Morales, Cristián


    Résumé Les nouveaux médicaments pour le VIH/sida ont créé des besoins d’accessibilité aux traitements que les gouvernements n’ont pas toujours réussi à couvrir. Il en résulte l’émergence d’un marché informel des ARV. Par l’analyse de la situation au Chili, nous traitons des différents créneaux d’approvisionnement, des conséquences de l’existence d’un tel marché, ainsi que des moyens envisageables pour réduire les effets indésirables. Les aspects tant microéconomiques que macroéconomiques concernant le marché et l’accessibilité aux médicaments sont abordés. PMID:23997580

  20. Métamatériaux pour la protection sismique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guenneau, Sébastien; Enoch, Stefan; Colombi, Andrea; Roux, Philippe; Brule, Stéphane


    Les physiciens des ondes élaborent des modèles théoriques et numériques pour un contrôle accru de la lumière dans des matériaux structurés à l'échelle nanométrique et s'en inspirent pour contrôler les ondes mécaniques de Rayleigh dans des sols structurés à l'échelle métrique, avec des trous dans un sol ou des arbres en surface savamment agencés. Un transfert de paradigme s'opère entre les métamatériaux électromagnétiques pour la photonique et les métamatériaux sismiques pour le génie civil.

  1. L'émergence de la thérapeutique de précision: de nouveaux défis et de nouvelles possibilités pour les leaders en santé du Canada.


    Slater, Jim; Shields, Laura; Racette, Ray J; Juzwishin, Donald; Coppes, Max


    À l'ère de la médecine personnalisée et de la médecine de précision, l'approche envers les soins est en rapide mutation. Les cliniciens exigent de plus en plus d'information génétique et moléculaire et les patients s'attendent à la fournir pour la prévention, le dépistage, le diagnostic, le pronostic, la promotion de la santé et le traitement d'un nombre croissant de maladies. Les leaders en santé canadiens doivent comprendre les changements nécessaires liés à ces technologies perturbantes et ouvrir la voie. Le présent article s'attarde sur la thérapeutique de précision, mais contient également de l'information générale sur les concepts et la terminologie liés à la médecine personnalisée et à la médecine de précision. Il explore également le leadership en santé canadien et les problèmes liés au système qui peuvent nuire à leur mise en œuvre. L'article vise à inspirer, informer et mobiliser les leaders en santé canadiens à amorcer un dialogue sur les transformations nécessaires pour préparer le système de santé à profiter des bienfaits de la thérapeutique de précision. © 2015 Collège canadien des leaders en santé


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  3. Caracterisation des melanges developpes pour le moulage basse pression des poudres metalliques (LPIM) =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fareh, Fouad

    Le moulage par injection basse pression des poudres metalliques est une technique de fabrication qui permet de fabriquer des pieces possedant la complexite des pieces coulees mais avec les proprietes mecaniques des pieces corroyees. Cependant, l'optimisation des etapes de deliantage et de frittage a ete jusqu'a maintenant effectuee a l'aide de melange pour lesquels la moulabilite optimale n'a pas encore ete demontree. Ainsi, la comprehension des proprietes rheologiques et de la segregation des melanges est tres limitee et cela presente le point faible du processus de LPIM. L'objectif de ce projet de recherche etait de caracteriser l'influence des liants sur le comportement rheologique des melanges en mesurant la viscosite et la segregation des melanges faible viscosite utilises dans le procede LPIM. Afin d'atteindre cet objectif, des essais rheologiques et thermogravimetriques ont ete conduits sur 12 melanges. Ces melanges ont ete prepares a base de poudre d'Inconel 718 de forme spherique (chargement solide constant a 60%) et de cires, d'agents surfactants ou epaississants. Les essais rheologiques ont ete utilises entre autre pour calculer l'indice d'injectabilite ?STV des melanges, tandis que les essais thermogravimetriques ont permis d'evaluer precisement la segregation des poudres dans les melanges. Il a ete demontre que les trois (3) melanges contenant de la cire de paraffine et de l'acide stearique presentent des indices alpha STV plus eleves qui sont avantageux pour le moulage par injection des poudres metalliques (MIM), mais segregent beaucoup trop pour que la piece fabriquee produise de bonnes caracteristiques mecaniques. A l'oppose, le melange contenant de la cire de paraffine et de l'ethylene-vinyle acetate ainsi que le melange contenant seulement de la cire de carnauba segregent peu voire pas du tout, mais possedent de tres faibles indices alphaSTV : ils sont donc difficilement injectables. Le meilleur compromis semble donc etre les melanges contenant de


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    AERIAL OF SHUTTLE LANDING FACILITY [SLF] POURING OF CONCRETE KSC-375C-10036.31 108-KSC-375C-10036.31, P-21426, ARCHIVE-04502 Aerial oblique of Shuttle runway facilities. Pouring concrete on runway. Direction north - altitude 100'.

  5. The concrete technology of post pouring zone of raft foundation of Hongyun Building B tower

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yin, Suhua; Yu, Liu; Wu, Yanli; Zhao, Ying


    The foundation of Hongyun building B tower is made of raft board foundation which is 3300mm in the thickness concreted pouring amount of large and the late poured band in the pouring settlement formed. The temperature of the pouring settlement was controlled in order to prevent the crack of the construction of the late poured band. The steel of post pouring band was designed and monitorred. The quality of post pouring band quality is guaranteed in the raft concrete foundation of Hongyun Building B tower.

  6. Big drinkers: how BMI, gender and rules of thumb influence the free pouring of wine.


    Smarandescu, Laura; Walker, Doug; Wansink, Brian


    This research examines free pouring behavior and provides an account of how Body Mass Index (BMI) and gender might lead to the overpouring, and consequently the overconsumption of wine. An observational study with young adults investigated how BMI and gender affect free-pouring of wine over a variety of pouring scenarios, and how rules-of-thumb in pouring affect the quantities of alcohol poured by men and women across BMI categories. For men, the amount poured was positively related to BMI. However, BMI did not affect pours by women. The use of the "half glass" rule-of-thumb in pouring reduced the volume of wine poured by over 20% for both men and women. Importantly, this rule-of-thumb substantially attenuated the pours by men at high BMI levels. Increasing awareness of pouring biases represents an early and effective step toward curbing alcohol consumption among men, and especially those who are overweight. Additionally, using a simple "half glass" rule-of-thumb may be an effective way to curb overpouring, despite non-standard glass sizes. Copyright © 2014. Published by Elsevier B.V.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  8. Rôle et limitations de la plasmonique pour le photovoltaïque solaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Collin, Stéphane; Cattoni, Andrea


    À la fin des années 2000, la plasmonique a connu un engouement considérable au sein de la communauté photovoltaïque (PV) : le confinement de la lumière à l'échelle nanométrique devait offrir de nouveaux degrés de liberté dans la conception des cellules solaires, avec l'espoir de diminuer les coûts et d'augmenter les rendements des cellules solaires. Petit bilan après une décennie de recherches intensives.

  9. Ablation laser pour la microélectronique plastique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alloncle, A.-P.; Thomas, B.; Grojo, D.; Delaporte, Ph.; Sentis, M.; Sanaur, S.; Barret, M.; Collot, Ph.


    La microélectronique plastique connaît un développement sans précédent dans le domaine de la recherche. Cette étude s'intéresse à l'utilisation des lasers impulsionnels pour la réalisation de composants organiques sur supports souples. Les deux aspects plus particulièrement étudiés sont d'une part la gravure de polymère pour réaliser un canal entre la source et le drain, et d'autre part le développement d'un procédéde dépôt appelé LIFT pour Laser Induced Forward Transfer. Ce dernier pourrait notamment permettre dedéposer des composés organiques non solubles.

  10. A Statistical Treatment of Bioassay Pour Fractions

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David W.


    The binomial probability distribution is used to treat the statistics of a microbiological sample that is split into two parts, with only one part evaluated for spore count. One wishes to estimate the total number of spores in the sample based on the counts obtained from the part that is evaluated (pour fraction). Formally, the binomial distribution is recharacterized as a function of the observed counts (successes), with the total number (trials) an unknown. The pour fraction is the probability of success per spore (trial). This distribution must be renormalized in terms of the total number. Finally, the new renormalized distribution is integrated and mathematically inverted to yield the maximum estimate of the total number as a function of a desired level of confidence ( P(pour fraction. The extension to recovery efficiency corrections is also presented. Now the product of recovery efficiency and pour fraction may be small enough that the likely value may be much larger than the usual calculation: the number of spores divided by that product. The use of this analysis would not be limited to microbiological data.

  11. Tumeur de Frantz: deux nouveaux cas

    PubMed Central

    Bellarbi, Salma; Sina, Mohamed; Jahid, Ahmed; Zouaidia, Fouad; Bernoussi, Zakia; Mahassini, Najat


    A travers cet article, nous détaillons les caractéristiques clinico-pathologiques et discutons l'histogenèse de la tumeur de Frantz. Deux patients opérés pour tumeur de Frantz. Ils ont eu un traitement chirurgical seul. L'étude morphologique était couplée à un examen immuno-histochimique (IHC) utilisant les anticorps anti CD10, anti- vimentine, anti-énolase neuronale spécifique (NSE), anti-synaptophysine, anti-chromogranine A et anti-cytokératine. Un immuno-marquage à l'anti-oestrogène et l'anti-progestérone a été réalisé dans un cas. Il s'agissait d'une femme âgée de 45ans et d'un garçon de 12 ans. Les aspects échographiques et scannographiques étaient non spécifiques. Une exérèse chirurgicale complète a été réalisée dans les deux cas. L'analyse histologique évoquait une tumeur de Frantz. Le diagnostic a été retenu après étude immuno-histohimique. L'évolution était favorable sans récidive avec respectivement un recul de 18 et 16 mois. La tumeur de Frantz est une entité rare. Son diagnostic repose sur l'examen anatomopathologique complété par l'étude immuno-histochimique. Son pronostic est excellent après résection chirurgicale. PMID:23503717


    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    AERIAL OF SHUTTLE LANDING FACILITY [SLF] POURING CONCRETE ON RUNWAY KSC-375C-10036.32 108-KSC-375C-10036.32, P-21425, ARCHIVE-04501 Aerial oblique of Shuttle Landing Facility. Pouring concrete on runway. Direction North - Altitude 100'.

  13. Dependence of the pour point of diesel fuels on the properties of the initial components

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Ostashov, V. M.; Bobrovskiy, S. A.


    An analytical expression is obtained for the dependence of the pour point of diesel fuels on the pour point and weight relationship of the initial components. For determining the pour point of a multicomponent fuel mixture, it is assumed that the mixture of two components has the pour point of a separate equivalent component, then calculating the pour point of this equivalent component mixed with a third component, etc.

  14. Elastomeric impression materials: a comparison of accuracy of multiple pours.


    Kumar, Dheeraj; Madihalli, Anand U; Reddy, K Rajeev Kumar; Rastogi, Namrataa; Pradeep, N T


    The aim of the present study is to compare the various elastomeric impression materials in terms of accuracy and dimensional stability, with respect to obtaining multiple casts from a single elastomeric impression at various times of pours. Three master dies were prepared for the impression making, two of these were made of brass containing a central hole with undercuts. The third die simulated a conventionally prepared typodont maxillary central incisor. Three elastomeric impression materials were chosen for the study. Each impression was poured at various time periods. Casts thus obtained were evaluated under a traveling microscope to evaluate various dimensional changes. Addition silicones provided dies which were shorter in height and bigger in diameter. Polyethers provided dies which were shorter in both height and diameter. Condensation silicones showed insignificant changes from the master die at the immediate pour but deteriorated rapidly after that in subsequent pours. None of the impression material showed a consistent behavior up to the fourth pour. They occasionally showed deviation from the pattern, but all these values were statistically insignificant. Polyethers showed lesser ability than both the addition silicones as well as the condensation silicones to recover from induced deformation. Addition silicones as well as the condensation silicones have better ability to recover from induced deformation when compared to polyether.

  15. Trois types de stratégies des fabricants pour la fidélisation aux médicaments de marque

    PubMed Central

    Prémont, Marie-Claude; Gagnon, Marc-André


    La restructuration de l'industrie pharmaceutique a mené au développement de trois nouveaux types de stratégies commerciales pour la fidélisation de différentes cohortes de patients à des médicaments: la fidélisation par le rabais, par l'accompagnement et par la compassion. La fidélisation par le rabais vise à maintenir les traitements au produit de marque et décourager la substitution au produit générique. La fidélisation par l'accompagnement est basée sur une offre des services de suivi et d'accompagnement à domicile et par téléphone afin d'encourager les patients à adopter un traitement puis d'en améliorer l'observance. Enfin, l'industrie offre des programmes de compassion où les patients peuvent recevoir des traitements avant même que le médicament ne soit généralement disponible ou remboursé par son assureur. Dès que le médicament (le plus souvent très dispendieux) est inscrit à la liste des médicaments remboursés, le manufacturier met fin au programme de compassion et bénéficie d'une importante cohorte de patients déjà sous traitement. L'impact de ces programmes sur les politiques publiques et les droits des patients soulève de nombreuses préoccupations, au nombre desquelles figurent au premier plan l'accès direct du fabricant au patient et ses données de santé et la pression à la hausse sur les coûts de l'assurance-médicaments. PMID:25617517

  16. Synthesis copolymer use to reduce pour point temperature of diamond crude oil

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Than, Dao Viet; Chuong, Thai Hong; Tuy, Dao Quoc


    Diamond oil field is located in Block 01&02 Offshore Vietnam. Crude oil from Diamond Well Head Platform (WHP) is evacuated to FPSO via 20km 10" subsea flexible pipeline. The lowest seabed temperature in the field is 22°C, while the pour point temperature (PPT) of Diamond crude oil is very high (36°C) due to high paraffin content (25%). So studying to research a suitable Pour Point Depressant (PPD) for the crude oil is very important. The PPD must have ability to reduce pour point temperature of crude oil from 36°C to 21°C.

  17. Investigation of pouring temperature and holding time for semisolid metal feedstock production

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Razak, N. A.; Ahmad, A. H.; Rashidi, M. M.


    Semisolid metal (SSM) processing, as a kind of new technology that exploits forming of alloys between solidus and liquidus temperatures, has attracted great attention from investigators for its thixotropic behaviour as well as having advantages in reducing porosity, macrosegregation, and forming forces during shaping process. Various techniques are employed to produce feedstock with fine globular microstructures, and direct thermal method is one of them. In this paper, the effect from different pouring temperatures and holding times using a direct thermal method on microstructure and hardness of aluminium alloy 6061 is presented. Molten aluminium alloy 6061 was poured into a cylindrical copper mould and cooled down to the semisolid temperature before being quenched in water at room temperature. The effect of different pouring temperatures of 660 °C, 680 °C, 700 °C, and holding time of 20 s, and 60 s on the microstructure of aluminium alloy 6061 were investigated. From the micrographs, it was found that the most globular structures were achieved at processing parameters of 660 °C pouring temperature and 60 s holding time. The highest density and hardness of the samples were found at the same processing parameters. It can be concluded that the most spheroidal microstructure, the highest density, and the hardness were recorded at lower pouring temperature and longer holding time.

  18. Effect of storage time of extended-pour and conventional alginate impressions on dimensional accuracy of casts.


    Rohanian, Ahmad; Ommati Shabestari, Ghasem; Zeighami, Somayeh; Samadi, Mohammad Javad; Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza


    Some manufacturers claim to have produced new irreversible hydro-colloids that are able to maintain their dimensional stability during storage. The present study evaluated the effect of storage time on dimensional stability of three alginates: Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast. In this experimental in-vitro trial, a total of 90 alginate impressions were made from a Dentoform model using Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast alginates. The impressions were stored in a sealed plastic bag without a damp paper towel for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours and then poured with type III dental stone. Cross-arch (facial of 6 to facial of 6 on the opposite side) and antero-posterior (distal of right first molar to the ipsilateral central incisor) measurements were made with a digital caliper on the casts. Data were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA and Tukey's post-hoc test (P<0.05). Alginate type and the pouring time significantly affected the dimensional stability of alginate impressions (both Ps<0.001). Pouring of Hydrogum 5 impressions can be delayed for up to 120 hours without significant dimensional changes. Alginoplast impressions may be poured after 72 hours, but Tropicalgin should be poured immediately and the storage time should not be more than 24 hours. Immediate pouring of alginate impressions provides the highest accuracy in reproducing the teeth and adjacent tissues; however, this study demonstrated that pouring may be delayed for up to five days using extended-pour (Hydrogum 5) alginates.

  19. Effect of Storage Time of Extended-Pour and Conventional Alginate Impressions on Dimensional Accuracy of Casts

    PubMed Central

    Rohanian, Ahmad; Ommati Shabestari, Ghasem; Zeighami, Somayeh; Samadi, Mohammad Javad; Shamshiri, Ahmad Reza


    Objectives: Some manufacturers claim to have produced new irreversible hydro-colloids that are able to maintain their dimensional stability during storage. The present study evaluated the effect of storage time on dimensional stability of three alginates: Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast. Materials and Methods: In this experimental in-vitro trial, a total of 90 alginate impressions were made from a Dentoform model using Hydrogum 5, Tropicalgin and Alginoplast alginates. The impressions were stored in a sealed plastic bag without a damp paper towel for 0, 24, 48, 72 and 120 hours and then poured with type III dental stone. Cross-arch (facial of 6 to facial of 6 on the opposite side) and antero-posterior (distal of right first molar to the ipsilateral central incisor) measurements were made with a digital caliper on the casts. Data were analyzed by two-way and one-way ANOVA and Tukey’s post-hoc test (P<0.05). Results: Alginate type and the pouring time significantly affected the dimensional stability of alginate impressions (both Ps<0.001). Pouring of Hydrogum 5 impressions can be delayed for up to 120 hours without significant dimensional changes. Alginoplast impressions may be poured after 72 hours, but Tropicalgin should be poured immediately and the storage time should not be more than 24 hours. Conclusion: Immediate pouring of alginate impressions provides the highest accuracy in reproducing the teeth and adjacent tissues; however, this study demonstrated that pouring may be delayed for up to five days using extended-pour (Hydrogum 5) alginates. PMID:25628695

  20. When It Rains, It Pours

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mills, Linda


    "It's raining, it's pouring, the old man is snoring!" "The itsy, bitsy spider crawled up the waterspout, down came the rain and washed the spider out. Out came the sun and dried up all the rain, and the itsy, bitsy spider went up the spout again." What do children's nursery rhymes have to do with the school library? The author begins by telling a…

  1. A statistical treatment of bioassay pour fractions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barengoltz, Jack; Hughes, David

    A bioassay is a method for estimating the number of bacterial spores on a spacecraft surface for the purpose of demonstrating compliance with planetary protection (PP) requirements (Ref. 1). The details of the process may be seen in the appropriate PP document (e.g., for NASA, Ref. 2). In general, the surface is mechanically sampled with a damp sterile swab or wipe. The completion of the process is colony formation in a growth medium in a plate (Petri dish); the colonies are counted. Consider a set of samples from randomly selected, known areas of one spacecraft surface, for simplicity. One may calculate the mean and standard deviation of the bioburden density, which is the ratio of counts to area sampled. The standard deviation represents an estimate of the variation from place to place of the true bioburden density commingled with the precision of the individual sample counts. The accuracy of individual sample results depends on the equipment used, the collection method, and the culturing method. One aspect that greatly influences the result is the pour fraction, which is the quantity of fluid added to the plates divided by the total fluid used in extracting spores from the sampling equipment. In an analysis of a single sample’s counts due to the pour fraction, one seeks to answer the question: What is the probability that if a certain number of spores are counted with a known pour fraction, that there are an additional number of spores in the part of the rinse not poured. This is given for specific values by the binomial distribution density, where detection (of culturable spores) is success and the probability of success is the pour fraction. A special summation over the binomial distribution, equivalent to adding for all possible values of the true total number of spores, is performed. This distribution when normalized will almost yield the desired quantity. It is the probability that the additional number of spores does not exceed a certain value. Of course

  2. Spectroscopie pompe-sonde pour la détection de bioaérosols

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guyon, L.; Courvoisier, F.; Wood, V.; Boutou, V.; Bartelt, A.; Roth, M.; Rabitz, H.; Wolf, J. P.


    La fluorescence du Tryptophane excité par une impulsion ultra-brève à 270 nm peut être diminuée d'un facteur deux par une seconde impulsion à 800 nm, à l'aide d'un dispositif pompe-sonde. Cette décroissance est aussi observée pour les bactéries vivantes, dont le Tryptophane est l'un des fluorophores, tandis qu'aucune décroissance n'est observée pour d'autres molécules organiques comme le naphtalène ou le gazole, malgré des spectres d'absorption et de fluorescence similaires. Cette différence remarquable est très prometteuse pour la distinction d'aérosols biologiques et organiques.

  3. Fabrication par injection flexible de pieces coniques pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shebib Loiselle, Vincent

    Les materiaux composites sont presents dans les tuyeres de moteurs spatiaux depuis les annees soixante. Aujourd'hui, l'avenement des tissus tridimensionnels apporte une solution innovatrice au probleme de delamination qui limitait les proprietes mecaniques de ces composites. L'utilisation de ces tissus necessite toutefois la conception de procedes de fabrication mieux adaptes. Une nouvelle methode de fabrication de pieces composites pour des applications aerospatiales a ete etudiee tout au long de ce travail. Celle-ci applique les principes de l'injection flexible (procede Polyflex) a la fabrication de pieces coniques de fortes epaisseurs. La piece de validation a fabriquer represente un modele reduit de piece de tuyere de moteur spatial. Elle est composee d'un renfort tridimensionnel en fibres de carbone et d'une resine phenolique. La reussite du projet est definie par plusieurs criteres sur la compaction et la formation de plis du renfort et sur la formation de porosites de la piece fabriquee. Un grand nombre d'etapes ont ete necessaires avant la fabrication de deux pieces de validation. Premierement, pour repondre au critere sur la compaction du renfort, la conception d'un outil de caracterisation a ete entreprise. L'etude de la compaction a ete effectuee afin d'obtenir les informations necessaires a la comprehension de la deformation d'un renfort 3D axisymetrique. Ensuite, le principe d'injection de la piece a ete defini pour ce nouveau procede. Pour en valider les concepts proposes, la permeabilite du renfort fibreux ainsi que la viscosite de la resine ont du etre caracterisees. A l'aide de ces donnees, une serie de simulations de l'ecoulement pendant l'injection de la piece ont ete realisees et une approximation du temps de remplissage calculee. Apres cette etape, la conception du moule de tuyere a ete entamee et appuyee par une simulation mecanique de la resistance aux conditions de fabrication. Egalement, plusieurs outillages necessaires pour la fabrication

  4. Matériaux pour la dépollution des gaz d'échappement automobile

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mouaddib-Moral, N.; Gauthier, C.


    Les premières législations antipollution ont été mises en place suite à la détection, aux Etats Unis plus particulièrement en Californie, du smog photochimique et des pluies acides, néfastes pour la faune et la flore. Les estimations de la contribution de l'automobile aux émissions de composés, considérés comme précurseurs de ces phénomènes, ont été suffisantes pour provoquer la mise en place de normes draconiennes en matière d'émissions automobiles. Les matériaux catalytiques ont été évalués en tant que solution possible pour réduire les émissions à l'échappement. En Europe, l'utilisation des catalyseurs trois voies a été généralisée sur les véhicules essence fonctionnant à richesse stoechiométrique à partir de 1993. Une nouvelle génération de catalyseurs appelée piège à oxydes d'azote (NOx) est maintenant nécessaire pour le post-traitement des gaz d'échappement des motorisations à essence fonctionnant en mélange pauvre (combustion en présence d'un excès d'oxygène) pour diminuer la consommation et par conséquent réduire les émissions du CO2 connu pour son impact sur l'effet de serre. La dépollution des moteurs diesel via un catalyseur d'oxydation a été généralisée en Europe depuis 1996. La sévérisation des normes européennes impose pour les moteurs diesel le recours à des matériaux spécifiques pour le traitement des oxydes d'azotes et des particules par l'intermédiaire de filtres à particules dont l'efficacité de filtration est supérieure à 95%, mais doivent subir des régénérations périodiques.

  5. Que peut-on voir avec des neutrons? Une introduction pour des non spécialistes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schweizer, J.


    Le neutron est une particule élémentaire qui a été découverte en 1932 par James Chadwick. Ses caractéristiques principales sont résumées dans le tableau I. Il a été utilisé pour la première fois par Clifford Shull en 1946 comme outil pour des expériences de diffusion. Cette technique s'est depuis constamment développée pour concerner tous les aspects de la matière condensée: physique, chimie, matériaux, biologie. Il s'agit d'un outil tout à fait exceptionnel car le neutron possède des propriétés uniques et particulièrement adaptées pour ces études.

  6. Préface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hamieh, Tayssir


    Né simultanément à Mulhouse et à Beyrouth en 1996 dans le cadre d'une collaboraiion franco-libanaise sur une initiative personnelle de Monsieur Tayssir HAMIEH. le Colloque Franco-Libanais sur la Science des Matériaux (CSM), qui s'inscrit dans le cadre des relations étroites entre la France et le Liban, est très vite devenu une occasion très importante de rencontre entre scientifiques de haut niveau, non seulement, du contour méditerranéen mais également des pays européens, américains et arabes. La quatrieme édition CSM4 est une véritable réussite grâce à la participation des chercheurs confirmés dans tous les domaines des sciences de matériaux et venant de plusieurs pays tels que la France, I'Algérie, Le Liban, la Syrie, le Maroc, la Tunisie, l'Italie, l'Espagne, le Portugal, le Royaume Uni, les États-Unis, la Russie, l'Allemagne, le Japon et I'Inde ; pour présenter plus de 350 communications orales et par affiche et couvrant presque toutes les disciplines des systèmes des matériaux. Le choix des diffèrents thèmes du colloque sur la science des matériaux a été dicté par l'importance capitale de cette discipline dans notre civilisation moderne. En fait, les matériaux utilisés pour la fabrication artisanale ou industrielle d'objets, de produits et de systèmes ainsi que pour la réalisation de constructions et d'équipements ont de tout temps défini le niveau de notre civilisation technique. La réalisation des objectifs communs de notre monde en plein développement, pour ne pas dire en pleine mutation, est en grande partie tributaire de la mise au point de nouveaux matériaux et de procédés de transformation et d'assemblages nouveaux, présentant des performances et des qualités améliorées. Le colloque a illustré et traduit, de manière remarquables, l'excellente collaboration entre chercheurs libanais et français. Le partenariat est exemplaire par la qualité des laboratoires impliqués et par le niveau scientifique des r

  7. Large drinks are no mistake: Glass size, but not shape, affects alcoholic beverage drink pours

    PubMed Central

    Kerr, William C.; Patterson, Deidre; Koenen, Mary Albert; Greenfield, Thomas K.


    Introduction and Aims Drink alcohol content has been shown to be variable and is an important determinant of alcohol intake. This study evaluates claims regarding the effects of glass size and glass shape on the amount of alcohol in on-premise drinks. Design and Methods Wine and spirits drinks were purchased and measured in 80 on-premise establishments in 10 Northern California Counties. Drink alcohol content was measured as the liquid volume of the drink multiplied by the percentage alcohol by volume of given brands or from analysis of mixed drink and wine samples. Results Larger glass size was associated with larger on-premise pours of straight shots and mixed drinks served in the relatively large pint glass and variable “other” glass type were found to contain more alcohol than drinks served in a short wide glass. No significant differences were found for other drink types. Drinks poured in short wide glasses were not found to contain more alcohol than drinks poured in tall thin glasses. Bars with mostly black patrons were found to serve spirits drinks with more alcohol than bars with other patron types. Discussion and Conclusions Glass shape does not affect actual drink pours in the US but glass size does in some cases. Drinkers should measure wine and spirits pours at home to achieve standard drink amounts and consumer education programs should foster awareness of the relatively high drink alcohol content of on-premise wine and mixed spirits drinks. More research is needed to evaluate potential differences in drink pours by patron race and ethnicity. PMID:19594789

  8. Pouring rights contracts and childhood overweight: a critical theory perspective.


    Opalinski, Andra


    To examine school environments, and in particular, pouring rights contracts and how they relate to childhood overweight from a critical theory perspective. Pouring rights contracts provide a profit to powerful mega-corporations at the expense of children's health. There is a need to move beyond a solely individual approach to addressing childhood overweight and involve a social ecology approach. This would involve a push for social change, including removal of soda machines from schools, and changing marketing practices targeted at children. Nurses are poised in community situations to actively effect social changes to improve health outcomes of our nation's most vulnerable people, but nurses must get involved.

  9. État de santé des nouveaux réfugiés à Toronto, en Ontario

    PubMed Central

    Redditt, Vanessa J.; Graziano, Daniela; Janakiram, Praseedha; Rashid, Meb


    Résumé Objectif Déterminer la prévalence de certaines maladies chroniques parmi les nouveaux réfugiés et la présence ou non d’une variation en fonction de facteurs démographiques clés. Conception Revue rétrospective de dossiers. Contexte Clinique de soins primaires pour patients réfugiés à Toronto, en Ontario. Participants Au total, 1063 patients réfugiés inscrits à la clinique entre décembre 2011 et juin 2014. Principaux paramètres à l’étude Données démographiques (âge, sexe et pays de naissance); prévalence de résultats anormaux au test Pap, d’anémie, d’élévation de la tension artérielle (TA) et de présence de marqueurs de prédiabète ou de diabète (glycémie aléatoire, glycémie à jeun ou taux d’hémoglobine A1c élevés). Résultats Plus de la moitié de nos patients étaient des femmes (56 %) et l’âge médian était de 29 ans. Les réfugiés étaient nés dans 87 pays différents. Les pays d’origine du plus grand nombre de réfugiés étaient la Hongrie (210 patients), la Corée du Nord (119 patients) et le Nigéria (93 patients). La plupart des patients sont arrivés à titre de demandeurs d’asile (92 %) plutôt qu’à titre de réfugiés pris en charge par le gouvernement (5 %). Dans l’ensemble, 11 % des patientes ayant subi un test Pap ont obtenu des résultats de cytologie cervicale anormaux, ce taux étant le plus élevé parmi les patientes originaires d’Asie (26 %; p = 0,028). La prévalence d’anémie parmi les enfants de moins de 15 ans était de 11 %; et elle était de 14 % parmi les enfants de moins de 5 ans. Environ 25 % des femmes de plus de 15 ans étaient anémiques, ce taux était le plus élevé parmi les patientes originaires d’Afrique (37 %; p < 0,001). L’élévation de la TA a été observée chez 30 % des adultes de plus de 15 ans, ce taux étant supérieur parmi les patients de sexe masculin (38 %; p < 0,001) et originaires d’Europe (42 %; p < 0,001). Les marqueurs biologiques

  10. Analyse experimentale des performances d'une batterie au lithium pour l'aeronautique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnin, Romain

    Ce memoire a pour objectif d'identifier et d'etudier les performances necessaires pour qu'une batterie au lithium puisse etre utilisee dans le secteur de l'aeronautique. C'est pourquoi dans le cadre de notre recherche, nous allons proposer une procedure de tests permettant d'analyser et de determiner si la batterie au lithium peut etre implantee dans un avion. En vue de repondre a l'analyse des performances, une etude des fonctionnalites demandees par l'avion ainsi que des normes preexistantes vont etre effectuees. Suite a cette etape, nous allons elaborer un banc d'essais. Une fois le banc d'essais acheve, nous allons tester une batterie au lithium qui est supposee disposer de toutes les caracteristiques techniques requises pour etre implantee dans un avion. Ces tests nous permettront donc d'emettre un avis sur l'utilisation des batteries au lithium dans le domaine de l'aeronautique.

  11. Optical X-ray density of composite resin luting agents.


    Carracho, Helena G; da Silveira, Ivori D; Soares, Clarissa G; Paranhos, Maria Paula G; Júnior, Luiz Henrique Burnett; Spohr, Ana Maria


    This study verified the optical density of four composite resin luting agents - RelyX ARC (RY), Enforce (E), C&B Cement (CB) and Flow it (FI), at thicknesses of 2, 3, and 4 mm. The optical density of the luting agents was compared with that of enamel and dentin at the same thicknesses. Fifteen tooth crowns were embedded in PVC cylinders with self-cured acrylic resin. In addition, acrylic resin was poured into 5 PVC cylinders and four equidistant 5 mm diameter holes were prepared, with one luting material inserted in each. A laboratory cutting machine was used to prepare 4-, 3- and 2-mm thick slices of the tooth crowns and materials. Digital images were obtained with a Digora system. Three radiographs of each thickness were obtained, totalizing 135 radiographs of the crowns and 45 of the materials. Three readings were carried out on each radiograph: three in enamel, three in dentin and three in each material, totalizing 1350. According to Students t-test (pagents E and FI can be distinguished from dental structures, while the CB and RY are not easily distinguished.

  12. Accuracy of Gypsum Casts after Different Impression Techniques and Double Pouring

    PubMed Central

    Silva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo; Messias, Aion Mangino; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; de Souza, Raphael Freitas; Reis, José Maurício dos Santos Nunes


    This study evaluated the accuracy of gypsum casts after different impression techniques and double pouring. Ten patients were selected and for each one it was obtained 5 partial putty/wash impressions with vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) material from teeth #13 to #16 with partial metal stock trays. The following techniques were performed: (1) one-step; two-step relief with: (2) PVC film; (3) slow-speed tungsten carbide bur and scalpel blade, (4) small movements of the tray and (5) without relief—negative control. The impressions were disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and stored during 110 and 230 minutes for the first and second pouring, respectively, with type IV gypsum. Three intra-oral lateral photographs of each patient were taken using a tripod and a customized radiographic positioner. The images were imported into ImageJ software and the total area of the buccal surface from teeth #13 to #16 was measured. A 4.0% coefficient of variance was criterion for using these measurements as Baseline values. The casts were photographed and analyzed using the same standardization for the clinical images. The area (mm2) obtained from the difference between the measurements of each gypsum cast and the Baseline value of the respective patient were calculated and analyzed by repeated-measures two way-ANOVA and Mauchly’s Sphericity test (α = 0.05). No significant effect was observed for Impression technique (P = 0.23), Second pouring (P = 0.99) and their interaction (P = 0.25). The impression techniques and double pouring did not influence the accuracy of the gypsum casts. PMID:27736967

  13. Accuracy of Gypsum Casts after Different Impression Techniques and Double Pouring.


    Silva, Stephania Caroline Rodolfo; Messias, Aion Mangino; Abi-Rached, Filipe de Oliveira; de Souza, Raphael Freitas; Reis, José Maurício Dos Santos Nunes


    This study evaluated the accuracy of gypsum casts after different impression techniques and double pouring. Ten patients were selected and for each one it was obtained 5 partial putty/wash impressions with vinyl polysiloxane (VPS) material from teeth #13 to #16 with partial metal stock trays. The following techniques were performed: (1) one-step; two-step relief with: (2) PVC film; (3) slow-speed tungsten carbide bur and scalpel blade, (4) small movements of the tray and (5) without relief-negative control. The impressions were disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite for 10 minutes and stored during 110 and 230 minutes for the first and second pouring, respectively, with type IV gypsum. Three intra-oral lateral photographs of each patient were taken using a tripod and a customized radiographic positioner. The images were imported into ImageJ software and the total area of the buccal surface from teeth #13 to #16 was measured. A 4.0% coefficient of variance was criterion for using these measurements as Baseline values. The casts were photographed and analyzed using the same standardization for the clinical images. The area (mm2) obtained from the difference between the measurements of each gypsum cast and the Baseline value of the respective patient were calculated and analyzed by repeated-measures two way-ANOVA and Mauchly's Sphericity test (α = 0.05). No significant effect was observed for Impression technique (P = 0.23), Second pouring (P = 0.99) and their interaction (P = 0.25). The impression techniques and double pouring did not influence the accuracy of the gypsum casts.

  14. Developpement d'outils quantitatifs pour le suivi par imagerie TEP/TDM de la reponse a la chimiotherapie et de sa toxicite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Croteau, Etienne

    L'objectif de ce projet de doctorat est de developper des outils quantitatifs pour le suivi des traitements de chimiotherapie pour le cancer du sein et de leurs effets cardiotoxiques a l'aide de l'imagerie TEP dynamique. L'analyse cinetique en TEP dynamique permet l'evaluation de parametres biologiques in vivo. Cette analyse peut etre utilise pour caracteriser la reponse tumorale a la chimiotherapie et les effets secondaires nefastes qui peuvent en resulter. Le premier article de cette these decrit la mise au point des techniques d'analyse cinetique qui utilisent la fonction d'entree d'un radiotraceur derive de l'image dynamique. Des corrections de contamination radioactive externe (epanchement) et de l'effet de volume partiel ont ete necessaires pour standardiser l'analyse cinetique et la rendre quantitative. Le deuxieme article porte sur l'evaluation d'un nouveau radiotraceur myocardique. Le 11C-acetoacetate, un nouveau radiotraceur base sur un corps cetonique, a ete compare au 11C-acetate, couramment utilise en imagerie cardiaque TEP. L'utilisation de 3H-acetate et 14C-acetoacetate ont permis d'elucider la cinetique de ces traceurs depuis la fonction d'entree et la captation par les mitochondries cardiaques qui reflete la consommation en oxygene, jusqu'a la liberation de leurs principaux metabolites reciproques (3H20 et 14CO2). Le troisieme et dernier article de cette these presente l'integration d'un modele qui evalue la reserve cardiaque de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene. Un modele de cardiomyopathie a ete etabli a l'aide d'un agent chimiotherapeutique contre le cancer du sein, la doxorubicine, reconnu comme etant cardiotoxique. Un protocole de repos/effort a permis d'evaluer la capacite d'augmentation de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene par le coeur. La demonstration d'une reserve cardiaque reduite caracterise la cardiotoxicite. La derniere contribution de cette these porte sur la mise au point de methodes peu invasives pour mesurer la

  15. Validation of hot-poured crack sealant performance-based guidelines.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report summarizes a comprehensive research effort to validate thresholds for performance-based guidelines and : grading system for hot-poured asphalt crack sealants. A series of performance tests were established in earlier research and : includ...

  16. Effet de la substitution du cuivre par du lithium sur les proprietes de l'oxyde spinelle lithium(x)cuivre(y-x)cobalt(3-y)oxygen(4) etudie pour l'electrocatalyse de la reaction de degagement de l'oxygene en milieu alcalin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fatih, Khalid

    L'electrolyse de l'eau demeure la seule technologie industrielle de generation de l'hydrogene et de l'oxygene tres purs sans rejet de CO2 dans l'atmosphere, ce qui le rend tres attrayant par rapport a la combustion de carburants fossiles qui provoque presentement de serieux problemes environnementaux. Dans le but d'ameliorer le rendement de ce procede, nous avons developpe de nouveaux materiaux d'anode peu couteux, a base de l'oxyde mixte CuyCo3-yO 4, qui possedent une cinetique rapide pour la reaction de degagement de l'oxygene (RDO). Cette reaction suscite un interet particulier en raison de la surtension d'activation relativement elevee a l'anode qui cause la principale perte de rendement du procede. Une etude systematique a ete effectuee sur la substitution du Cu par du Li (0 a 40%), afin d'elucider les proprietes electrocatalytiques des oxydes LixCuy-xCo3-yO4. Ces oxydes, prepares sous forme de poudres par decomposition thermique des nitrates precurseurs entre 300 et 500°C, ont montre (DRX et FTIR) une structure spinelle inverse non-stcechiometrique avec une diminution du volume de la maille cristalline. La surface specifique par BET est d'environ 6 m2 g-1. Le pcn, obtenu par titrage acido-basique, a indique une diminution de la force du lien M-OH avec le taux du Li dans l'oxyde. Les analyses par XPS, realisees sur des films d'oxyde prepares par nebulisation reactive sur un substrat lisse de nickel, revelent un enrichissement de la surface en Cu a partir de 30% Li, et la presence des cations de surface Co2+, Co3+, Cu +, Cu2+ et Cu3+. La concentration de ce dernier montre un maximum a 10 et 20% Li. Suite a la substitution du Cu par du Li, la compensation de la charge serait assuree principalement par la formation d'especes Cu3+ pour les oxydes contenant jusqu'a 20% Li, et par la formation d'especes Co3+ aux taux de substitution superieurs. Les micrographies MEB montrent une morphologie hemispherique des particules d'oxyde reparties uniformement sur le substrat

  17. 61. photographer unknown undated FIRST CONCRETE BEING POURED IN DRAFT ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    61. photographer unknown undated FIRST CONCRETE BEING POURED IN DRAFT TUBE FLOOR SLAB. - Bonneville Project, Powerhouse No.1, Spanning Bradford Slough, from Bradford Island, Bonneville, Multnomah County, OR

  18. 60. photographer unknown undated CONCRETE BEING POURED ON CENTER PORTION ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    60. photographer unknown undated CONCRETE BEING POURED ON CENTER PORTION OF DRAFT TUBE FLOOR SLAB. - Bonneville Project, Powerhouse No.1, Spanning Bradford Slough, from Bradford Island, Bonneville, Multnomah County, OR

  19. Drain opening agents


    ... child accidentally drinks these chemicals, or if someone splashes the poison into the eyes when pouring it ... Accreditation HealthCare Commission ( URAC's accreditation program is an independent audit to verify that A. ...

  20. Chlorhexidine droplet splash from a skin preparation gallipot: effect of height of pouring.


    Evans, L; Cunningham, M; Tilakaratna, P


    Chlorhexidine contamination of equipment used in central neuraxial anaesthesia has been implicated in causing adhesive arachnoiditis. We measured the extent of chlorhexidine splash during pouring into a gallipot (antiseptic skin preparation container) from heights of 5 cm, 10 cm, 15 cm and 20 cm. Twenty experiments were performed at each height. Measurements made up to a horizontal distance of 40 cm radius from the gallipot showed a median (IQR [range]) maximum spread of splash droplets ≥ 2 mm diameter of 26.2 (10.2-36.4 [0-40]) cm. The 40-cm radius measurement area was divided into 5-cm-wide zones to assess spread. At pouring heights of 15 cm and 20 cm, all zones were contaminated. These results demonstrate that pouring chlorhexidine into a gallipot generates significant splash, and we recommend that this should be avoided near equipment used for neuraxial anaesthesia. © 2013 The Association of Anaesthetists of Great Britain and Ireland.

  1. 42. Casting floor, "B" furnace, pour in progress; mudgun is ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    42. Casting floor, "B" furnace, pour in progress; mudgun is to right of furnace; operator takes temperature of iron in trough during pout. Looking south - Rouge Steel Company, 3001 Miller Road, Dearborn, MI


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    INTERIOR VIEW WITH LADLE POURING MOLTEN IRON INTO Q-BOP FURNACE. - U.S. Steel, Fairfield Works, Q-Bop Furnace, North of Valley Road & West of Ensley, Pleasant Grove Road, Fairfield, Jefferson County, AL


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    6. VIEW LOOKING WEST FROM THE POURING AISLE OF THE ELECTRIC FURNACE BUILDING AT ELECTRIC FURNACE X-3. - U.S. Steel Duquesne Works, Electric Furnace Steelmaking Plant, Along Monongahela River, Duquesne, Allegheny County, PA

  4. Influence of volume ratio of liquid to solid and low pouring temperature on interface structure of cast Babbitt-steel bimetal composite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fathy, Naglaa; Ramadan, Mohamed


    The influence of volume ratio of liquid to Solid and low pouring temperature on interface structure of cast Babbitt-steel bimetal composite was evaluated for static casting technique. At low pouring temperature of 380 °C, Babbitt microstructures are improved to be finer and more globular. On the other side pouring the Babbitt at low pouring temperature of 380 °C increases the chance of present higher unbonded area percent. Increasing the volume ratio of liquid to solid decreases the Sn-Pb interface thicknesses and increases the bonded interface area. In order to optimize the production of Babbitt-steel bimetal composite at low pouring temperature, the volume ratio of liquid Babbitt to solid steel shell should be higher value that could be more than 5 depending on the extrapolation of current data presented.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  6. Revetements antireflet-passivation a base de nitrure de silicium PECVD pour cellules solaires triple-jonction III-V/ Ge

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Homier, Ram

    Dans le contexte environnemental actuel, le photovoltaïque bénéficie de l'augmentation des efforts de recherche dans le domaine des énergies renouvelables. Pour réduire le coût de la production d'électricité par conversion directe de l'énergie lumineuse en électricité, le photovoltaïque concentré est intéressant. Le principe est de concentrer une grande quantité d'énergie lumineuse sur des petites surfaces de cellules solaires multi-jonction à haute efficacité. Lors de la fabrication d'une cellule solaire, il est essentiel d'inclure une méthode pour réduire la réflexion de la lumière à la surface du dispositif. Le design d'un revêtement antireflet (ARC) pour cellules solaires multi-jonction présente des défis à cause de la large bande d'absorption et du besoin d'égaliser le courant produit par chaque sous-cellule. Le nitrure de silicium déposé par PECVD en utilisant des conditions standards est largement utilisé dans l'industrie des cellules solaires à base de silicium. Cependant, ce diélectrique présente de l'absorption dans la plage des courtes longueurs d'onde. Nous proposons l'utilisation du nitrure de silicium déposé par PECVD basse fréquence (LFSiN) optimisé pour avoir un haut indice de réfraction et une faible absorption optique pour l'ARC pour cellules solaires triple-jonction III-V/Ge. Ce matériau peut aussi servir de couche de passivation/encapsulation. Les simulations montrent que l'ARC double couche SiO2/LFSiN peut être très efficace pour réduire les pertes par réflexion dans la plage de longueurs d'onde de la sous-cellule limitante autant pour des cellules solaires triple-jonction limitées par la sous-cellule du haut que pour celles limitées par la sous-cellule du milieu. Nous démontrons aussi que la performance de la structure est robuste par rapport aux fluctuations des paramètres des couches PECVD (épaisseurs, indice de réfraction). Mots-clés : Photovoltaïque concentré (CPV), cellules solaires

  7. Miroirs multicouches C/SI a incidence normale pour la region spectrale 25-40 nanometres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grigonis, Marius

    Nous avons propose la nouvelle combinaison de materiaux, C/Si, pour la fabrication de miroirs multicouches a incidence normale dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les resultats experimentaux montrent que cette combinaison possede une reflectivite d'environ ~25% dans la region spectrale 25-33 nm et une reflectivite d'environ ~23% dans la region spectrale 33-40 nm. Ces valeurs de reflectivite sont les plus grandes obtenues jusqu'a maintenant dans la region spectrale 25-40 nm. Les miroirs multicouches ont ete par la suite caracterises par microscopie electronique a transmission, par diverses techniques de diffraction des rayons X et par spectroscopies d'electrons AES et ESCA. La resistance des miroirs aux temperatures elevees a ete egalement etudiee. Les resultats fournis par les methodes de caracterisation indiquent que cette combinaison possede des caracteristiques tres prometteuses pour son application comme miroir pour les rayons X mous.

  8. Une alternative au cobalt pour la synthese de nanotubes de carbone monoparoi par plasma inductif thermique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carrier, Jean-Francois

    Les nanotubes de carbone de type monoparoi (C-SWNT) sont une classe recente de nanomateriaux qui ont fait leur apparition en 1991. L'interet qu'on leur accorde provient des nombreuses proprietes d'avant-plan qu'ils possedent. Leur resistance mecanique serait des plus rigide, tout comme ils peuvent conduire l'electricite et la chaleur d'une maniere inegalee. Non moins, les C-SWNT promettent de devenir une nouvelle classe de plateforme moleculaire, en servant de site d'attache pour des groupements reactifs. Les promesses de ce type particulier de nanomateriau sont nombreuses, la question aujourd'hui est de comment les realiser. La technologie de synthese par plasma inductif thermique se situe avantageusement pour la qualite de ses produits, sa productivite et les faibles couts d'operation. Par contre, des recherches recentes ont permis de mettre en lumiere des risques d'expositions reliees a l'utilisation du cobalt, comme catalyseur de synthese; son elimination ou bien son remplacement est devenu une preoccupation importante. Quatre recettes alternatives ont ete mises a l'essai afin de trouver une alternative plus securitaire a la recette de base; un melange catalytique ternaire, compose de nickel, de cobalt et d'oxyde d'yttrium. La premiere consiste essentiellement a remplacer la proportion massique de cobalt par du nickel, qui etait deja present dans la recette de base. Les trois options suivantes contiennent de nouveaux catalyseurs, en remplacement au Co, qui sont apparus dans plusieurs recherches scientifiques au courant des dernieres annees: le dioxyde de zircone (ZrO2), dioxyde de manganese (MnO2) et le molybdene (Mo). La methode utilisee consiste a vaporiser la matiere premiere, sous forme solide, dans un reacteur plasma a haute frequence (3 MHz) a paroi refroidi. Apres le passage dans le plasma, le systeme traverse une section dite de "croissance", isolee thermiquement a l'aide de graphite, afin de maintenir une certaine plage de temperature favorable a la

  9. Singaporean college students overpour drinks similar to Western populations: influence of peer presence in a simulated alcohol-pouring task.


    Zandy, Shannon L; Pang, Joyce S; Ho, Moon-Ho Ringo; Matthews, Douglas B


    College drinking is a global health concern. However, most studies originate from countries with high alcohol consumption. In the United States, college students overpour a standard alcoholic drink, yet it is unclear if this remains true in countries with low alcohol consumption. Additionally, in college, peer influence is the greatest predictor of drinking behavior, yet it is unknown if social norms affect how students pour drinks. This study examined how male college students, in a country with low alcohol consumption, define standard drinks, and if the presence of an unfamiliar peer affects how students pour during a simulated alcohol-pouring task. Male undergraduate students (n = 105) underwent baseline assessments of impulsivity, self-monitoring, religiosity, and drinking characteristics. Participants poured fluid into empty cups of different sizes to equal a standard serving of beer or shot of liquor. There were 2 groups based on gender of experimenter. Within each group, participants were randomly assigned to Alone or Dyad condition. In the Alone condition, students were instructed to pour only for themselves. In the Dyad condition, students were instructed to pour for themselves and the experimenter. The volumes poured by the students were compared with standards used in Singapore and the United States. Collapsed across container size, students overpoured shots by 50% and beer by 100% when compared to the standard drink definition in Singapore. When using a more liberal definition, students overpoured beer by 25%, but did not overpour shots. In the presence of an unfamiliar peer, overpouring decreased by 10% for beer. The current data show that college students, in a country with low alcohol consumption, overestimate standard alcoholic drinks similar to their Western counterparts and use social norms to determine how much to pour for a drink when confronted with an unfamiliar peer. Efforts toward creating internationally recognized standard drink

  10. POURING FOOTING OF PIER #1. View is to the southwest, ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    POURING FOOTING OF PIER #1. View is to the southwest, looking from Pier 2 in Trinity County toward Pier 1 in Humboldt County - South Fork Trinity River Bridge, State Highway 299 spanning South Fork Trinity River, Salyer, Trinity County, CA

  11. Developpement d'une commande pour une hydrolienne de riviere et optimisation =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tetrault, Philippe

    Suivant le developpement des energies renouvelables, la presente etude se veut une base theorique quant aux principes fondamentaux necessaires au bon fonctionnement et a l'implementation d'une hydrolienne de riviere. La problematique derriere ce nouveau type d'appareil est d'abord presentee. La machine electrique utilisee dans l'application, c'est-a-dire la machine synchrone a aimants permanents, est etudiee : ses equations dynamiques mecaniques et electriques sont developpees, introduisant en meme temps le concept de referentiel tournant. Le fonctionnement de l'onduleur utilise, soit un montage en pont complet a deux niveaux a semi-conducteurs, est explique et mit en equation pour permettre de comprendre les strategies de modulation disponibles. Un bref historique de ces strategies est fait avant de mettre l'emphase sur la modulation vectorielle qui sera celle utilisee pour l'application en cours. Les differents modules sont assembles dans une simulation Matlab pour confirmer leur bon fonctionnement et comparer les resultats de la simulation avec les calculs theoriques. Differents algorithmes permettant de traquer et maintenir un point de fonctionnement optimal sont presentes. Le comportement de la riviere est etudie afin d'evaluer l'ampleur des perturbations que le systeme devra gerer. Finalement, une nouvelle approche est presentee et comparee a une strategie plus conservatrice a l'aide d'un autre modele de simulation Matlab.

  12. Methodologies nouvelles pour la realisation d'essais dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Flores Salinas, Manuel

    Le present memoire en genie de la production automatisee vise a decrire le travail effectue dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis du laboratoire LARCASE pour trouver les methodologies experimentales et les procedures de tests, qui seront utilisees avec les modeles d'ailes actuellement au laboratoire. Les methodologies et procedures presentees ici vont permettre de preparer les tests en soufflerie du projet MDO-505 Architectures et technologies deformables pour l'amelioration des performances des ailes, qui se derouleront durant l'annee 2015. D'abord, un bref historique des souffleries subsoniques sera fait. Les differentes sections de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront decrites en mettant l'emphase sur leur influence dans la qualite de l'ecoulement qui se retrouve dans la chambre d'essai. Ensuite, une introduction a la pression, a sa mesure lors de tests en soufflerie et les instruments utilises pour les tests en soufflerie au laboratoire LARCASE sera presente, en particulier le capteur piezoelectrique XCQ-062. Une attention particuliere sera portee au mode de fonctionnement, a son installation, a la mesure et a la detection des frequences et aux sources d'erreurs lorsqu'on utilise des capteurs de haute precision comme la serie XCQ-062 du fournisseur Kulite. Finalement, les procedures et les methodologies elaborees pour les tests dans la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis seront utilisees sur quatre types d'ailes differentes. L'article New methodology for wind tunnel calibration using neural networks - EGD approch portant sur une nouvelle facon de predire les caracteristiques de l'ecoulement a l'interieur de la soufflerie Price-Paidoussis se trouve dans l'annexe 2 de ce document. Cet article porte sur la creation d'un reseau de neurones multicouche et sur l'entrainement des neurones, Ensuite, une comparaison des resultats du reseau de neurones a ete fait avec des valeurs simules avec le logiciel Fluent.

  13. Instrumentation optique pour l'identification per-operatoire des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Montigny, Etienne

    Cette these traite du developpement d'instrumentation pour l'imagerie medicale optique. Ces travaux sont centres sur une application particuliere ; faciliter l'identification des tissus durant les chirurgies de la thyroide et de la parathyroide. La thyroide est une glande situee dans le cou, attachee au larynx a la hauteur de la pomme d'Adam. Elle est entouree de plusieurs structures importantes : muscles, nerfs et glandes parathyroides. Ces dernieres controlent la calcemie et jouent donc un role essentiel dans le corps. Elles sont toutefois de petite taille et sont tres difficiles a distinguer du gras et des ganglions environnants. L'objectif principal de cette these est de developper une instrumentation basee sur la microscopie optique pour permettre l'identification des tissus : thyroide, parathyroide, gras et ganglions, durant les chirurgies. Les choix sont donc faits en fonction de cette application et du contexte specifique des mesures intra-operatoires sur des patients humains. Plusieurs modalites d'imagerie optique sont identifiees pour atteindre l'objectif : microscopie confocale en reflectance, tomographique par coherence optique, et mesure de l'autofluorescence des glandes parathyroides. Dans le but d'ameliorer leur compatibilite avec l'environnement clinique qui requiert stabilite dans le temps et resistance aux vibrations et aux conditions environnementales, ce projet se concentre sur les implementations miniaturisables et basees sur des fibres optiques. Pour implementer un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence a balayage laser rapide, un systeme d'imagerie en fluorescence par encodage spectral est propose. Bien que l'utilisation de l'encodage spectral semble a priori incompatible avec le contraste en fluorescence, une implementation facile a realiser est proposee. Une seconde version du montage, compatible avec la clinique et facilitant le developpement d'un endoscope, est presentee. La preuve de principe de cette methode est faite a 1300nm, une longueur

  14. Spiral Salmonella assay: validation against the standard pour-plate assay.


    Diehl, M; Fort, F


    The spiral Ames assay, an automated approach to bacterial mutagenicity testing which simplifies the test procedure and reduces the amount of drug required to generate mutagenic dose-response information, has been evaluated and validated for routine screening. The spiral plater delivers the Salmonella bacteria, exogenous metabolic activation system and drug to the surface of a rotating agar plate one on top of another in such a way that a uniform density of bacteria is exposed to a logarithmically decreasing volume of drug. Following an incubation of 48 hr at 37 degrees C, the plates are scanned by a laser counter, and the data are subjected to a computerized analysis. Petri plates of 15 cm diameter were used to provide a concentration range of about 250-fold per plate. The Salmonella were concentrated 20-fold to increase sensitivity. Thirty-eight compounds from a variety of chemical classes, including both pharmaceuticals and known mutagens of moderate to strong potency, were tested in both the spiral and the standard pour-plate assays. There was overall test agreement on positive or negative results for 82% of the compounds tested. When only the results from strains TA98 plus TA100 were considered, the agreement was 87%. When positive results were obtained, the fold increase over vehicle control was on average twice as great for the spiral assay compared to the pour-plate assay. It was concluded that the two assay procedures generally provided comparable results, with the spiral assay being somewhat more sensitive in terms of dose-response than the pour-plate assay.

  15. Modelisation de photodetecteurs a base de matrices de diodes avalanche monophotoniques pour tomographie d'emission par positrons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Corbeil Therrien, Audrey

    La tomographie d'emission par positrons (TEP) est un outil precieux en recherche preclinique et pour le diagnostic medical. Cette technique permet d'obtenir une image quantitative de fonctions metaboliques specifiques par la detection de photons d'annihilation. La detection des ces photons se fait a l'aide de deux composantes. D'abord, un scintillateur convertit l'energie du photon 511 keV en photons du spectre visible. Ensuite, un photodetecteur convertit l'energie lumineuse en signal electrique. Recemment, les photodiodes avalanche monophotoniques (PAMP) disposees en matrice suscitent beaucoup d'interet pour la TEP. Ces matrices forment des detecteurs sensibles, robustes, compacts et avec une resolution en temps hors pair. Ces qualites en font un photodetecteur prometteur pour la TEP, mais il faut optimiser les parametres de la matrice et de l'electronique de lecture afin d'atteindre les performances optimales pour la TEP. L'optimisation de la matrice devient rapidement une operation difficile, car les differents parametres interagissent de maniere complexe avec les processus d'avalanche et de generation de bruit. Enfin, l'electronique de lecture pour les matrices de PAMP demeure encore rudimentaire et il serait profitable d'analyser differentes strategies de lecture. Pour repondre a cette question, la solution la plus economique est d'utiliser un simulateur pour converger vers la configuration donnant les meilleures performances. Les travaux de ce memoire presentent le developpement d'un tel simulateur. Celui-ci modelise le comportement d'une matrice de PAMP en se basant sur les equations de physique des semiconducteurs et des modeles probabilistes. Il inclut les trois principales sources de bruit, soit le bruit thermique, les declenchements intempestifs correles et la diaphonie optique. Le simulateur permet aussi de tester et de comparer de nouvelles approches pour l'electronique de lecture plus adaptees a ce type de detecteur. Au final, le simulateur vise a

  16. Prediction du profil de durete de l'acier AISI 4340 traite thermiquement au laser

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maamri, Ilyes

    nouvelles approches basees sur la caracterisation geometrique du profil de durete ont ete considerees. Contrairement aux premiers modeles predisant le profil de durete en fonction des parametres du procede, les nouveaux modeles combinent les memes parametres avec les attributs geometriques du profil de durete pour refleter la qualite du traitement. Les modeles obtenus montrent que cette strategie conduit a des resultats tres prometteurs.

  17. Refractive Surgery: New Techniques and Usability for Military Personnel (La chirurgie refractive: Nouvelles techniques et leur application pour le personnel militaire)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de loin sans correction, la chirurgie réfractive permet aux jeunes recrues ou militaires du rang de satisfaire aux normes de vision sans...correction exigées pour le métier militaire de leur choix, d’où une augmentation du nombre de candidats et la possibilité pour les individus...réfractive risquent d’engendrer des handicaps visuels et d’écourter des carrières militaires. Pour cette raison, la qualité du service fourni

  18. Advantages and limitations for users of double pit pour-flush latrines: a qualitative study in rural Bangladesh.


    Hussain, Faruqe; Clasen, Thomas; Akter, Shahinoor; Bawel, Victoria; Luby, Stephen P; Leontsini, Elli; Unicomb, Leanne; Barua, Milan Kanti; Thomas, Brittany; Winch, Peter J


    In rural Bangladesh, India and elsewhere, pour-flush pit latrines are the most common sanitation system. When a single pit latrine becomes full, users must empty it themselves and risk exposure to fresh feces, pay an emptying service to remove pit contents or build a new latrine. Double pit pour-flush latrines may serve as a long-term sanitation option including high water table areas because the pits do not need to be emptied immediately and the excreta decomposes into reusable soil. Double pit pour-flush latrines were implemented in rural Bangladesh for 'hardcore poor' households by a national NGO, BRAC. We conducted interviews, focus groups, and spot checks in two low-income, rural areas of Bangladesh to explore the advantages and limitations of using double pit latrines compared to single pit latrines. The rural households accepted the double pit pour-flush latrine model and considered it feasible to use and maintain. This latrine design increased accessibility of a sanitation facility for these low-income residents and provided privacy, convenience and comfort, compared to open defecation. Although a double pit latrine is more costly and requires more space than a single pit latrine the households perceived this sanitation system to save resources, because households did not need to hire service workers to empty pits or remove decomposed contents themselves. In addition, the excreta decomposition process produced a reusable soil product that some households used in homestead gardening. The durability of the latrine superstructures was a problem, as most of the bamboo-pole superstructure broke after 6-18 months of use. Double pit pour-flush latrines are a long-term improved sanitation option that offers users several important advantages over single pit pour-flush latrines like in rural Bangladesh which can also be used in areas with high water table. Further research can provide an understanding of the comparative health impacts and effectiveness of the model

  19. Analyse de L'ancrage des Vortex Intergrains pour le Yttrium BARYUM(2) CUIVRE(3) OXYGENE(7) Polycristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fournier, Patrick

    Le Modele de l'Etat Critique Generalise (MECG) est utilise pour decrire les proprietes magnetiques et de transport du YBa_2Cu_3O _7 polycristallin. Ce modele empirique permet de relier la densite de courant critique a la densite de lignes de flux penetrant dans la region intergrain. Deux techniques de mesures sont utilisees pour caracteriser nos materiaux. La premiere consiste a mesurer le champ au centre d'un cylindre creux en fonction du champ magnetique applique pour des temperatures comprises entre 20 et 85K. En variant l'epaisseur de la paroi du cylindre creux, il est possible de suivre l'evolution des cycles d'hysteresis et de determiner des champs caracteristiques qui varient en fonction de cette dimension. En utilisant un lissage des resultats experimentaux, nous determinons J _{co}, H_ {o} et n, les parametres du MECG. La forme des cylindres, avec une longueur comparable au diametre externe, entrai ne la presence d'un champ demagnetisant qui peut etre inclus dans le modele theorique. Ceci nous permet d'evaluer la fraction du volume ecrante, f _{g}, ainsi que le facteur demagnetisant N. Nous trouvons que J_{ co}, H_{o} et f_{g} dependent de la temperature, tandis que n et N (pour une epaisseur de paroi fixe) n'en dependent pas. La deuxieme technique consiste a mesurer le courant critique de lames minces en fonction du champ applique pour differentes temperatures. Nous utilisons un montage que nous avons developpe permettant d'effectuer ces mesures en contact direct avec le liquide refrigerant, i.e. dans l'azote liquide. Nous varions la temperature du liquide en variant la pression du gaz au-dessus du bain d'azote. Cette methode nous permet de balayer des temperatures entre 65K et la temperature critique du materiau ({~ }92K). Nous effectuons le lissage des courbes de courant critique en fonction du champ applique encore a l'aide du MECG, pour a nouveau obtenir ses parametres. Pour trois echantillons avec des traitements thermiques differents, les parametres

  20. Un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ait Hammou, Zouhair

    Cette etude porte sur la conception d'un accumulateur echangeur de chaleur hybride (AECH) pour la gestion simultanee des energies solaire et electrique. Un modele mathematique reposant sur les equations de conservation de la quantite d'energie est expose. Il est developpe pour tester differents materiaux de stockage, entre autres, les materiaux a changement de phase (solide/liquide) et les materiaux de stockage sensible. Un code de calcul est mis en eeuvre sur ordinateur, puis valide a l'aide des resultats analytiques et numeriques de la litterature. En parallele, un prototype experimental a echelle reduite est concu au laboratoire afin de valider le code de calcul. Des simulations sont effectuees pour etudier les effets des parametres de conception et des materiaux de stockage sur le comportement thermique de l'AECH et sur la consommation d'energie electrique. Les resultats des simulations sur quatre mois d'hiver montrent que la paraffine n-octadecane et l'acide caprique sont deux candidats souhaitables pour le stockage d'energie destine au chauffage des habitats. L'utilisation de ces deux materiaux dans l'AECH permet de reduire la consommation d'energie electrique de 32% et d'aplanir le probleme de pointe electrique puisque 90% de l'energie electrique est consommee durant les heures creuses. En plus, en adoptant un tarif preferentiel, le calcul des couts lies a la consommation d'energie electrique montre que le consommateur adoptant ce systeme beneficie d'une reduction de 50% de la facture d'electricite.

  1. Behavior Characteristics of Type I (75/25) Octol during Melt Pouring HE Warhead M250 (Chaparral)

    DTIC Science & Technology




    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    STEEL BEAMS FOR FIRST FLOOR BEING READIED FOR CONCRETE POUR UNDER WEATHER SHELTER DURING COLD WINTER. NOTE ABUNDANCE OF BEAMS; THE FLOOR WILL SUPPORT HEAVY LOADS. INL NEGATIVE NO. 1175. Unknown Photographer, 12/20/1950 - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, Test Reactor Area, Materials & Engineering Test Reactors, Scoville, Butte County, ID

  3. Insecticide and Repellent Mixture Pour-On Protects Cattle against Animal Trypanosomosis

    PubMed Central

    Abdoulmoumini, Mamoudou; Zoli, Andre; Cene, Bylah; Adakal, Hassane; Bouyer, Jérémy


    Background African animal trypanosomosis (AAT), transmitted by tsetse flies and tick-borne diseases are the main constraints to livestock production in sub-Saharan Africa. Vector control methods such as pour-on offer individual protection against ticks but not against tsetse so far, for which protection has always been communal, through a reduction of their density. The latter requires the treatment of a large part of the herd in a given landscape and is not instantaneous. Methodology/Principal Findings Two prospective surveys were conducted to evaluate the efficacy and persistence of a pour-on formulation composed of cypermetrhin, chlorpyrifos, piperonyl butoxid and citronella (Vectoclor, CEVA Santé Animal). In experimental conditions, tsetse flies were exposed to treated and control cattle. Flies knockdown and engorgement rates were determined and the product persistence was assessed as the time for these parameters to drop below 50% (T50). T50 was 37 days (95%CI: [33–41] days) and 46 days (95%CI: [39–56] days) for the knockdown and engorgement rates respectively. In field conditions, two cattle herds were monitored following a case-control experimental design, in the Adamaoua region of Cameroon. One herd was treated once with Vectoclor pour-on (treated group) and the second used as a control group (not treated). Ticks infestation rate, trypanosomosis prevalence and packed-cell volume were measured over the two months following treatment. The treatment was highly effective against ticks with a complete elimination three days after application in the treated group. Trypanosomosis prevalence was also significantly reduced during the study (by 4, P<0.001) and PCV of the treated group increased significantly in the same time (P<0.001), contrary to the control group. Conclusions/Significance The protection of this new pour-on against tsetse bites and trypanosomosis is demonstrated here for the first time. Moreover, this insecticide and repellent mixture offer a

  4. Topical (pour-on) ivermectin in the treatment of canine scabies.

    PubMed Central

    Paradis, M; de Jaham, C; Pagé, N


    The efficacy of a pour-on formulation of ivermectin at 500 micrograms/kg body weight applied on the dorsum on days 1 and 15 was evaluated in 90 dogs from a shelter, naturally infested with Sarcoptes scabiei. This very practical form of treatment was successful in eradicating scabies from this shelter. PMID:9187806

  5. Modelisation frequentielle de la permittivite du beton pour le controle non destructif par georadar

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bourdi, Taoufik

    Le georadar (Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR)) constitue une technique de controle non destructif (CND) interessante pour la mesure des epaisseurs des dalles de beton et la caracterisation des fractures, en raison de ses caracteristiques de resolution et de profondeur de penetration. Les equipements georadar sont de plus en plus faciles a utiliser et les logiciels d'interpretation sont en train de devenir plus aisement accessibles. Cependant, il est ressorti dans plusieurs conferences et ateliers sur l'application du georadar en genie civil qu'il fallait poursuivre les recherches, en particulier sur la modelisation et les techniques de mesure des proprietes electriques du beton. En obtenant de meilleures informations sur les proprietes electriques du beton aux frequences du georadar, l'instrumentation et les techniques d'interpretation pourraient etre perfectionnees plus efficacement. Le modele de Jonscher est un modele qui a montre son efficacite dans le domaine geophysique. Pour la premiere fois, son utilisation dans le domaine genie civil est presentee. Dans un premier temps, nous avons valide l'application du modele de Jonscher pour la caracterisation de la permittivite dielectrique du beton. Les resultats ont montre clairement que ce modele est capable de reproduire fidelement la variation de la permittivite de differents types de beton sur la bande de frequence georadar (100 MHz-2 GHz). Dans un deuxieme temps, nous avons montre l'interet du modele de Jonscher en le comparant a d'autres modeles (Debye et Debye-etendu) deja utilises dans le domaine genie civil. Nous avons montre aussi comment le modele de Jonscher peut presenter une aide a la prediction de l'efficacite de blindage et a l'interpretation des ondes de la technique GPR. Il a ete determine que le modele de Jonscher permet de donner une bonne presentation de la variation de la permittivite du beton dans la gamme de frequence georadar consideree. De plus, cette modelisation est valable pour differents

  6. A new portable vibrator for plaster pouring: effect on the marginal fit at cylinder-abutment

    PubMed Central

    de ANDRADE, Pâmela Cândida Aires Ribas; LUTHI, Leonardo Flores; STANLEY, Kyle; CARDOSO, Antônio Carlos


    Objective The aim of this study was to test a new portable vibrator for plaster pouring (developed for this purpose), comparing the effect of its use on the accuracy of working cast of implant-supported restorations to the conventional vibrator. Material and methods From a master cast with 2 implants, 30 transfer moldings were made randomly and divided into three groups: Group I (GI): pouring performed in an outsourced dental laboratory with conventional plaster vibrator (10 casts), Group II (GII): pouring performed in the laboratory of the Federal University of Santa Catarina (UFSC) with conventional plaster vibrator (10 casts) and Group III (GIII): pouring performed with the portable vibrator fabricated for this study (10 casts). The position of the analogue and marginal adaptation of the infrastructure were verified by testing the single screw on the master model and on the working model. The measurement of misfit was blindly performed with a precision microscope and analyzing unit, Quadra-Check 200. The data were statistically analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and the Holm-Sidak test (α=0.05). Results Means±standard deviations were as follows: GI: 19.19±4.73 µm; GII: 21.72±5.41 µm; GIII: 13.5±2.39 µm (P<0.05), with GIII significantly lower as compared to the other groups. Conclusion Within the limitations of this study, it was concluded that a greater accuracy of working cast was achieved when a portable vibrator was used for casting molds. PMID:23138736

  7. Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancee pour l’entrainement au combat urbain)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    REPORT TR-MSG-098 Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancée pour l’entraînement au combat urbain...REPORT TR-MSG-098 Urban Combat Advanced Training Technology Architecture (Architecture de technologie avancée pour l’entraînement au combat...3 1-2 1.3 Illustration of the Need for UCATT by Contemporary Example Situations 1-3 1.3.1 RNLA: Connection of NLD Mobile Combat Training Centre to

  8. Caracterisation thermique de modules de refroidissement pour la photovoltaique concentree

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Collin, Louis-Michel

    Pour rentabiliser la technologie des cellules solaires, une reduction du cout d'exploitation et de fabrication est necessaire. L'utilisation de materiaux photovoltaiques a un impact appreciable sur le prix final par quantite d'energie produite. Une technologie en developpement consiste a concentrer la lumiere sur les cellules solaires afin de reduire cette quantite de materiaux. Or, concentrer la lumiere augmente la temperature de la cellule et diminue ainsi son efficacite. Il faut donc assurer a la cellule un refroidissement efficace. La charge thermique a evacuer de la cellule passe au travers du recepteur, soit la composante soutenant physiquement la cellule. Le recepteur transmet le flux thermique de la cellule a un systeme de refroidissement. L'ensemble recepteur-systeme de refroidissement se nomme module de refroidissement. Habituellement, la surface du recepteur est plus grande que celle de la cellule. La chaleur se propage donc lateralement dans le recepteur au fur et a mesure qu'elle traverse le recepteur. Une telle propagation de la chaleur fournit une plus grande surface effective, reduisant la resistance thermique apparente des interfaces thermiques et du systeme de refroidissement en aval vers le module de refroidissement. Actuellement, aucune installation ni methode ne semble exister afin de caracteriser les performances thermiques des recepteurs. Ce projet traite d'une nouvelle technique de caracterisation pour definir la diffusion thermique du recepteur a l'interieur d'un module de refroidissement. Des indices de performance sont issus de resistances thermiques mesurees experimentalement sur les modules. Une plateforme de caracterisation est realisee afin de mesurer experimentalement les criteres de performance. Cette plateforme injecte un flux thermique controle sur une zone localisee de la surface superieure du recepteur. L'injection de chaleur remplace le flux thermique normalement fourni par la cellule. Un systeme de refroidissement est installe

  9. "The Electric City": Sherbrooke et son paysage hydroelectrique (1880--1930)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guillemette, Remi

    Ce memoire presente l'imbrication des elements hydroelectrique au sein du paysage de la ville de Sherbrooke entre 1880 et 1930. Nous cherchons a comprendre comment les nouveaux elements energetiques s'integrent a celui-ci et comment la population sherbrookoise se represente ces espaces transformes. Comment le paysage hydroelectrique, en tant qu'espace vu et vecu, interagit-il avec la societe sherbrookoise ? A l'interieur de cette problematique generale, nous chercherons a repondre a trois sous-questions. Quelles sont les transformations physiques et materielles engendrees par l'implantation de cette nouvelle technologie hydroelectrique sur le paysage urbain sherbrookois ? Qu'est-ce que les differents groupes valorisent au sein du paysage ? Quel sens prennent ces nouveaux paysages pour les Sherbrookois ? En effet, l'etude du developpement rapide du potentiel hydroelectrique de la riviere Magog nous amene a demontrer que l'exploitation des ressources energetiques a profondement transforme le paysage de Sherbrooke : vastes modifications du trace des cours d'eau, apparition de batiments specifiques a la production energetique, structures de distributions et infrastructures permettant l'illumination de la ville. Nous avancons aussi que differents groupes d'individus ne valorisent pas les memes elements paysagers. Finalement, nous proposons que le regard porte par les citoyens sur le paysage energetique est tributaire de l'usage qu'ils en font. Comme la fonction des elements energetiques paysagers evolue, le regard qu' ils portent vers ces structures se transforme lui aussi. Mots cles: histoire de Sherbrooke, paysage, hydroelectricite, electricite, transformation de l'espace, histoire environnementale

  10. Elaboration de nouvelles approches micromecaniques pour l'optimisation des performances mecaniques des materiaux heterogenes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aboutajeddine, Ahmed

    Les modeles micromecaniques de transition d'echelles qui permettent de determiner les proprietes effectives des materiaux heterogenes a partir de la microstructure sont consideres dans ce travail. L'objectif est la prise en compte de la presence d'une interphase entre la matrice et le renforcement dans les modeles micromecaniques classiques, de meme que la reconsideration des approximations de base de ces modeles, afin de traiter les materiaux multiphasiques. Un nouveau modele micromecanique est alors propose pour tenir compte de la presence d'une interphase elastique mince lors de la determination des proprietes effectives. Ce modele a ete construit grace a l'apport de l'equation integrale, des operateurs interfaciaux de Hill et de la methode de Mori-Tanaka. Les expressions obtenues pour les modules globaux et les champs dans l'enrobage sont de nature analytique. L'approximation de base de ce modele est amelioree par la suite dans un nouveau modele qui s'interesse aux inclusions enrobees avec un enrobage mince ou epais. La resolution utilisee s'appuie sur une double homogeneisation realisee au niveau de l'inclusion enrobee et du materiau. Cette nouvelle demarche, permettra d'apprehender completement les implications des approximations de la modelisation. Les resultats obtenus sont exploites par la suite dans la solution de l'assemblage de Hashin. Ainsi, plusieurs modeles micromecaniques classiques d'origines differentes se voient unifier et rattacher, dans ce travail, a la representation geometrique de Hashin. En plus de pouvoir apprecier completement la pertinence de l'approximation de chaque modele dans cette vision unique, l'extension correcte de ces modeles aux materiaux multiphasiques est rendue possible. Plusieurs modeles analytiques et explicites sont alors proposee suivant des solutions de differents ordres de l'assemblage de Hashin. L'un des modeles explicite apparait comme une correction directe du modele de Mori-Tanaka, dans les cas ou celui ci echoue a

  11. Evaluation of HFC 245ca and HFC 236ea as foam blowing agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Sharpe, Jon; Macarthur, Doug; Kollie, Tom; Graves, Ron; Liu, Matthew; Hendriks, Robert V.


    Hydrochlorofluorocarbon (HCFC) 141b has been selected as the interim blowing agent for use in urethane insulations on NASA's Space Shuttle External Tank. Due to the expected limited commercial lifetime of this material, research efforts at the NASA Thermal Protection Systems Materials Research Laboratory at the Marshall Space Flight Center are now being devoted to the identification and development of alternatives with zero ozone depletion potential. Physical blowing agents identified to date have included hydrocarbons, fluorocarbons, hydrofluoroethers, and more predominantly, hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs). The majority of the HFC evaluations in industry have focused on the more readily available, low boiling candidates such as HFC 134a. Higher boiling HFC candidates that could be handled at ambient conditions and use current processing equipment would be more desirable. This paper will describe results from a research program of two such candidate HFC's performed as a cooperative effort between Martin Marietta Manned Space Systems, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and Oak Ridge National Laboratories. The purpose of this effort was to perform a cursory evaluation of the developmental HFC's 245ca and 236ea as blowing agents in urethane based insulations. These two materials were selected from screening tests of 37 C2, C3, and C4 isomers based on physical properties, atmospheric lifetime, flammability, estimated toxicity, difficulty of synthesis, suitability for dual use as a refrigerant, and other factors. Solubility of the two materials in typical foam components was tested, pour foaming trials were performed, and preliminary data were gathered regarding foam insulation performance.

  12. Combat Resource Allocation Planning in Naval Engagements

    DTIC Science & Technology


    presented and discussed in this report. The coordination problems are discussed in the companion report [2]. The developed Agent and Multi-agent-based...Technology Chef de file au Canada en matière de science et de technologie pour la défense et la sécurité nationale Defence R&D Canada R & D pour la défense Canada

  13. Surface Detail Reproduction and Dimensional Stability of Contemporary Irreversible Hydrocolloid Alternatives after Immediate and Delayed Pouring.


    Kusugal, Preethi; Chourasiya, Ritu Sunil; Ruttonji, Zarir; Astagi, Preeti; Nayak, Ajay Kumar; Patil, Abhishekha


    To overcome the poor dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloids, alternative materials were introduced. The dimensional changes of these alternatives after delayed pouring are not well studied and documented in the literature. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the surface detail reproduction and dimensional stability of two irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives with an extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid at different time intervals. All testing were performed according to the ANSI/ADA specification number 18 for surface detail reproduction and specification number 19 for dimensional change. The test materials used in this study were newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives such as AlgiNot FS, Algin-X Ultra FS, and Kromopan 100 which is an extended pour irreversible hydrocolloid as control. The surface detail reproduction was evaluated using stereomicroscope. The dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h was assessed and compared between the test materials and control. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni test. Statistically significant results ( P < 0.001) were seen when mean scores of the tested materials were compared with respect to reproduction of 22 μm line from the metal block. Kromopan 100 showed statistically significant differences between different time intervals ( P < 0.001) and exhibited more dimensional change. Algin-X Ultra FS proved to be more accurate and dimensionally stable. Newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternative impression materials were more accurate in surface detail reproduction and exhibited minimal dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h than extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid impression material.

  14. Nucléation et cristallisation dans un verre de chalcogénure du syste`me As sbnd Ge sbnd Se en présence d'un agent nucléant

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hemeda, D.; Tilloca, G.


    Le phénome`ne de nucléation initiépar un agent nucléant (HfSe) dans le verre de chalcogénure As 10 Ge 30Se 60 aétéétudiépar microscopieélectronique. La nucléation se caractérise par une période de latence dont la variation suit la solution analytique proposée par Kaschiev. Plusieurs parame`tres ontétéévalués: σ, l'énergie interfaciale; A, le facteur pré-exponentiel de l'équation générale de nucléation; ΔG D, la barrie`re cinétique de nucléation. Les résultats ontétéanalysés par la méthode basée sur les données de la viscositéet l'équation générale de nucléation. Une hypothe`se sur le mécanisme de la nucléation fondée sur l'action de l'agent nucléant aétéenvisagée. Les résultats relatifs au phénome`ne de croissance indiquent que la variation du taux de croissance réduit est analoguea`celle de matériaux ayant une entropie de fusionélevée et pour lesquels le mécanisme de croissance est régi par une nucléation de surface. L'énergie d'activation de croissance calculée est différente de la valeur estimée pour le verre non nucléédans le cas de l'écoulement visqueux. Une hypothe`se aétéenvisagée pour expliquer cetécart. L'évolution avec le temps de traitement thermique de la fraction cristallisée dans les matériaux aétésuivie par la technique de diffraction X quantitative. On observe une variation de type sigmoi¨dale avec une période de latence pour les différentes températuresétudiées. La cinétique de cristallisation suit l'équation de Johnson-Mehl-Avrami. La variation du taux de réaction avec la température est décrite par une expression de type Arrhénius.

  15. Revetements bioactifs a base de chondroitine sulfate et de facteurs de croissance pour applications vasculaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lequoy, Pauline

    Malgre des avancees technologiques indeniables, l'efficacite des implants biomedicaux est encore limitee par les biomateriaux synthetiques qui les composent, notamment en raison de leur incapacite a generer une reponse biologique adequate. En particulier, la guerison tissulaire autour des implants vasculaires reste problematique. Une etude de la litterature a montre que dans le cas des endoprotheses couvertes (tuyaux polymeriques utilises pour la reparation endovasculaire des anevrismes de l'aorte abdominale), le manque de guerison observe s'explique non seulement par l'inertie des biomateriaux utilises mais aussi par le fait que l'implant est insere dans un vaisseau malade favorisant la mort des cellules par apoptose et presentant une depletion cellulaire marquee. L'hypothese a la base de ce projet est qu'un revetement bioactif pourrait ameliorer la guerison et la colonisation de l'implant par les cellules vasculaires et ainsi favoriser l'attachement de l'implant dans le vaisseau malade afin de prevenir les complications a long terme. Dans ce contexte, deux molecules anti-apoptotiques ont ete selectionnees pour developper le revetement, la chondroitine sulfate (CS), un glycosaminoglycane de la matrice extracellulaire, et le facteur de croissance de l'epiderme (EGF) qui possede egalement un role important dans la guerison tissulaire. L'un des defis de ce projet est de preserver la bioactivite de ces molecules lors de leur immobilisation dans un revetement. Pour etablir une preuve de concept, nous avons demontre qu'un revetement CS+EGF obtenu par greffage covalent permet d'ameliorer significativement la survie des cellules vasculaires humaines (cellules musculaires lisses, CMLV, et fibroblastes) sur les materiaux realistes (PET, ePTFE). Apres avoir transfere ce revetement sur des implants commerciaux en ePTFE, des tests in vivo ont demontre une amelioration de la guerison grâce au revetement bioactif, cependant la guerison n'a pas ete totale dans la cavite

  16. Endectocide activity of a pour-on formulation containing 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin in cattle.


    Silva, Heloisa Cristina; Prette, Nancy; Lopes, Welber Daniel Zanetti; Sakamoto, Cláudio Alessandro M; Buzzulini, Carolina; Dos Santos, Thais Rabelo; Cruz, Breno Cayeiro; Teixeira, Weslen F Pires; Felippelli, Gustavo; Carvalho, Rafael Silveira; Maciel, Willian Giquelin; Soares, Vando Edésio; da Costa, Alvimar José


    The present work aimed to evaluate, through ten different studies, the therapeutic efficacy of a new pour-on formulation, containing 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, against parasites of cattle. Results obtained on trials against Rhipicephalus (Boophilus) microplus showed that the pour-on combination of 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin obtained superior efficacy indexes against this ectoparasite, when compared with formulations containing 0.5 per cent ivermectin, 1 per cent ivermectin and the combination of 1 per cent abamectin +20 per cent levamisole. The results of efficacy of the ivermectin+abamectin and the 0.5 per cent ivermectin against Haematobia irritans were similar. Against Cochliomyia hominivorax larvae, all pour-on formulations tested (1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin), as well as 1 per cent doramectin administered subcutaneously, were considered ineffective. Cattle medicated with 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin, pour-on, remained free from parasitism by Dermatobia hominis larvae during 42 days (96 per cent efficacy), while values superior to 90 per cent were obtained by 0.5 per cent ivermectin (92 per cent) and 0.5 per cent abamectin (93 per cent) until the 42nd and 35th days post treatment, respectively. Against Haemonchus placei and Oesophagostomum radiatum, the pour-on of ivermectin+abamectin showed better efficacy than the 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin. As to Cooperia punctata, there was no difference regarding efficacy results obtained by the avermectins combination and abamectin. The pour-on combination of 1.5 per cent ivermectin +0.5 per cent abamectin obtained high efficacy against R. (B.) microplus, D. hominis and some species of cattle gastrointestinal helminths when compared with formulations of 0.5 per cent ivermectin and 0.5 per cent abamectin administered through the same route.

  17. Surface Detail Reproduction and Dimensional Stability of Contemporary Irreversible Hydrocolloid Alternatives after Immediate and Delayed Pouring

    PubMed Central

    Kusugal, Preethi; Chourasiya, Ritu Sunil; Ruttonji, Zarir; Astagi, Preeti; Nayak, Ajay Kumar; Patil, Abhishekha


    Purpose: To overcome the poor dimensional stability of irreversible hydrocolloids, alternative materials were introduced. The dimensional changes of these alternatives after delayed pouring are not well studied and documented in the literature. The purpose of the study is to evaluate and compare the surface detail reproduction and dimensional stability of two irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives with an extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid at different time intervals. Materials and Methods: All testing were performed according to the ANSI/ADA specification number 18 for surface detail reproduction and specification number 19 for dimensional change. The test materials used in this study were newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternatives such as AlgiNot FS, Algin-X Ultra FS, and Kromopan 100 which is an extended pour irreversible hydrocolloid as control. The surface detail reproduction was evaluated using stereomicroscope. The dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h was assessed and compared between the test materials and control. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and post hoc Bonferroni test. Results: Statistically significant results (P < 0.001) were seen when mean scores of the tested materials were compared with respect to reproduction of 22 μm line from the metal block. Kromopan 100 showed statistically significant differences between different time intervals (P < 0.001) and exhibited more dimensional change. Algin-X Ultra FS proved to be more accurate and dimensionally stable. Conclusions: Newer irreversible hydrocolloid alternative impression materials were more accurate in surface detail reproduction and exhibited minimal dimensional change after storage period of 1 h, 24 h, and 120 h than extended-pour irreversible hydrocolloid impression material. PMID:29599578

  18. Fabrication et caracterisation de nanocristaux de silicium localises, realises par gravure electrochimique pour des applications nanoelectroniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ayari-Kanoun, Asma

    Ce travail de these porte sur le developpement d'une nouvelle approche pour la localisation et l'organisation de nanocristaux de silicium realises par gravure electrochimique. Cette derniere represente une technique simple et peu couteuse par rapport aux autres techniques couramment utilisees pour la fabrication de nanocristaux de silicium. L'idee de ce travail a ete d'etudier la nanostructuration de minces couches de nitrure de silicium, d'environ 30 nm d'epaisseur pour permettre par la suite un arrangement periodique des nanocristaux de silicium. Cette pre-structuration est obtenue de facon artificielle en imposant un motif periodique via une technique de lithographie par faisceau d'electrons combinee avec une gravure plasma. Une optimisation des conditions de lithographie et de gravure plasma ont permis d'obtenir des reseaux de trous de 30 nm de diametre debouchant sur le silicium avec un bon controle de leur morphologie (taille, profondeur et forme). En ajustant les conditions de gravure electrochimique (concentration d'acide, temps de gravure et densite de courant), nous avons obtenu des reseaux -2D ordonnes de nanocristaux de silicium de 10 nm de diametre a travers ces masques de nanotrous avec le controle parfait de leur localisation, la distance entre les nanocristaux et leur orientation cristalline. Des etudes electriques preliminaires sur ces nanocristaux ont permis de mettre en evidence des effets de chargement. Ces resultats tres prometteurs confirment l'interet des nanocristaux de silicium realises par gravure electrochimique dans le futur pour la fabrication a grande echelle de dispositifs nanoelectroniques. Mots-cles : localisation, organisation, nanocristaux de silicium, gravure electrochimique, lithographie electronique, gravure plasma, nitrure de silicium.

  19. Gestion des ressources hydriques adaptee aux changements climatiques pour la production optimale d'hydroelectricite. Etude de cas: Bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Haguma, Didier

    Il est dorenavant etabli que les changements climatiques auront des repercussions sur les ressources en eau. La situation est preoccupante pour le secteur de production d'energie hydroelectrique, car l'eau constitue le moteur pour generer cette forme d'energie. Il sera important d'adapter les regles de gestion et/ou les installations des systemes hydriques, afin de minimiser les impacts negatifs et/ou pour capitaliser sur les retombees positives que les changements climatiques pourront apporter. Les travaux de la presente recherche s'interessent au developpement d'une methode de gestion des systemes hydriques qui tient compte des projections climatiques pour mieux anticiper les impacts de l'evolution du climat sur la production d'hydroelectricite et d'etablir des strategies d'adaptation aux changements climatiques. Le domaine d'etude est le bassin versant de la riviere Manicouagan situe dans la partie centrale du Quebec. Une nouvelle approche d'optimisation des ressources hydriques dans le contexte des changements climatiques est proposee. L'approche traite le probleme de la saisonnalite et de la non-stationnarite du climat d'une maniere explicite pour representer l'incertitude rattachee a un ensemble des projections climatiques. Cette approche permet d'integrer les projections climatiques dans le probleme d'optimisation des ressources en eau pour une gestion a long terme des systemes hydriques et de developper des strategies d'adaptation de ces systemes aux changements climatiques. Les resultats montrent que les impacts des changements climatiques sur le regime hydrologique du bassin de la riviere Manicouagan seraient le devancement et l'attenuation de la crue printaniere et l'augmentation du volume annuel d'apports. L'adaptation des regles de gestion du systeme hydrique engendrerait une hausse de la production hydroelectrique. Neanmoins, une perte de la performance des installations existantes du systeme hydrique serait observee a cause de l'augmentation des

  20. Conception et optimisation d'une peau en composite pour une aile adaptative =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Michaud, Francois

    Les preoccupations economiques et environnementales constituent des enjeux majeurs pour le developpement de nouvelles technologies en aeronautique. C'est dans cette optique qu'est ne le projet MDO-505 intitule Morphing Architectures and Related Technologies for Wing Efficiency Improvement. L'objectif de ce projet vise a concevoir une aile adaptative active servant a ameliorer sa laminarite et ainsi reduire la consommation de carburant et les emissions de l'avion. Les travaux de recherche realises ont permis de concevoir et optimiser une peau en composite adaptative permettant d'assurer l'amelioration de la laminarite tout en conservant son integrite structurale. D'abord, une methode d'optimisation en trois etapes fut developpee avec pour objectif de minimiser la masse de la peau en composite en assurant qu'elle s'adapte par un controle actif de la surface deformable aux profils aerodynamiques desires. Le processus d'optimisation incluait egalement des contraintes de resistance, de stabilite et de rigidite de la peau en composite. Suite a l'optimisation, la peau optimisee fut simplifiee afin de faciliter la fabrication et de respecter les regles de conception de Bombardier Aeronautique. Ce processus d'optimisation a permis de concevoir une peau en composite dont les deviations ou erreurs des formes obtenues etaient grandement reduites afin de repondre au mieux aux profils aerodynamiques optimises. Les analyses aerodynamiques realisees a partir de ces formes ont predit de bonnes ameliorations de la laminarite. Par la suite, une serie de validations analytiques fut realisee afin de valider l'integrite structurale de la peau en composite suivant les methodes generalement utilisees par Bombardier Aeronautique. D'abord, une analyse comparative par elements finis a permis de valider une rigidite equivalente de l'aile adaptative a la section d'aile d'origine. Le modele par elements finis fut par la suite mis en boucle avec des feuilles de calcul afin de valider la



    Harris, F.A.


    This patent relates to a crucible for melting and pouring a metal under controlled atmospheric conditions. The crucible has a frangible plug in the bottom and a retaining device to prevent the entrance of the broken portions of the plug into the mold without interfering with the flow of the melt. After the charge has been melted, a knockout rod is lowered through the charge and forced against the frangible plug sufficiently to break off the closure disk along a previously scored line. The disk drops onto a retaining grid large enough to permit the flow of metal around the disk and into the mold below. Thts arrangement elimnates the entry of broken portions of the plug into the mold, thereby elimnating a common cause of imperfect castings.

  2. Ingenierie de nanoparticules plasmoniques robustes pour la generation de bulles par laser en vue d'applications biomedicales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lachaine, Remi

    Les chirurgiens generent des bulles dans le corps humain a l'aide d'irradiation laser depuis plusieurs decennies. Ils utilisent ces bulles comme de petits scalpels, leur permettant de faire des incisions precises et localisees. Une des applications de cet outil chirurgical est la perforation cellulaire. Au lieu d'utiliser une aiguille pour perforer la membrane des cellules, il est possible de focaliser des impulsions laser en surface d'une cellule, formant un plasma au point focal du laser et generant une bulle qui perfore la membrane cellulaire. Toutefois, ce procede est assez lent et la perforation massive de cellules in-vivo n'est pas envisageable. Pour accelerer le processus, il est possible d'utiliser des nanoparticules plasmoniques. Ces dernieres agissent comme des nano-antennes qui permettent de concentrer la lumiere sur une echelle nanometrique. La possibilite d'irradier un grand nombre de nanoparticules simultanement a donne un nouvel elan a la generation de bulle comme outil de perforation cellulaire. L'utilisation de nanoparticules dans un contexte biomedical comporte toutefois certains risques. En particulier, la fragmentation de nanoparticules peut augmenter la toxicite du traitement. Dans un cas ideal, il est preferable d'utiliser des nanoparticules qui ne sont pas endommagees par l'irradiation laser. Cette these a pour but de developper une methode d'ingenierie de nanoparticules robustes permettant la generation efficace de bulles a des fins biomedicales. Il est tout d'abord demontre experimentalement que la formation de plasma est bel et bien le mecanisme physique principal menant a la generation de bulles lors de l'irradiation infrarouge (longueur d'onde de 800 nm) et ultrarapide (temps d'impulsion entre 45 fs et 1 ps) de nanoparticules d'or de 100 nm. Pour realiser cette demonstration, une methode pompe-sonde de detection de bulles d'environ 1 mum a ete elaboree. Cette methode a permis de mettre en evidence une difference de taille de 18% entre

  3. Effects of Pouring Temperature and Electromagnetic Stirring on Porosity and Mechanical Properties of A357 Aluminum Alloy Rheo-Diecasting

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guo, An; Zhao, Junwen; Xu, Chao; Li, Hu; Han, Jing; Zhang, Xu


    Semisolid slurry of A357 aluminum alloy was prepared using a temperature-controllable electromagnetic stirrer and rheo-diecast at different temperatures. The effects of pouring temperature and electromagnetic stirring (EMS) on the porosity in rheo-diecast samples, as well as the relation between porosity and mechanical properties, were investigated. The results show that pouring temperature and EMS had minor influences on rheo-diecast microstructure but marked influence on the porosity. With decreasing slurry pouring temperature, the porosity decreased first and then increased, whereas the maximum pore ratio (ratio of shape factor to diameter of the largest pore) increased first and then decreased. The maximum pore ratio determines the level of tensile strength and elongation, and higher mechanical properties can be obtained with smaller and rounder pores in samples. The mechanical properties of the rheo-diecast samples increased linearly with increasing maximum pore ratio. The maximum pore ratio was 1.43 µm-1, and the minimum porosity level was 0.37% under EMS condition for the rheo-diecast samples obtained at a pouring temperature of 608 °C. With this porosity condition, the maximum tensile strength and elongation were achieved at 274 MPa and 4.9%, respectively. It was also revealed that EMS improves mechanical properties by reduction in porosity and an increase in maximum pore ratio.

  4. Evaluation of a Pour-Through Water Treatment Device for Use as Microbiological Purifier

    EPA Science Inventory

    The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Research and Development has evaluated the performance of a Point-of-Use (POU) pour-through device designed for use in India, developing and emerging market (D&E) countries, and under emergency situations in the Un...

  5. Quatrième conférence consensuelle sur le diagnostic et le traitement de la démence

    PubMed Central

    Moore, Ainsley; Patterson, Christopher; Lee, Linda; Vedel, Isabelle; Bergman, Howard


    Résumé Objectif Revoir les stratégies diagnostiques de la maladie d’Alzheimer, actualiser les recommandations concernant le traitement des symptômes de démence et proposer une approche thérapeutique à la démence d’apparition précoce et d’évolution rapide. Composition du comité Des spécialistes et des délégués de diverses régions du Canada et représentant diverses disciplines pertinentes ont discuté et se sont mis d’accord sur les révisions à apporter aux lignes directrices de 2006. Méthodologie On a eu recours au système GRADE (grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation) pour évaluer le consensus concernant les recommandations, lequel était défini comme suit : lorsque 80 % ou plus des participants ont voté en faveur de la recommandation. La cote des données probantes est rapportée lorsque cela est possible. Rapport important pour les médecins de famille, malgré les progrès effectués dans les domaines des biomarqueurs liquidiens et de la neuro-imagerie, le diagnostic de démence au Canada demeure fondamentalement clinique. De nouveaux critères cliniques essentiels de diagnostic de la maladie d’Alzheimer en reconnaissent dorénavant les formes moins fréquentes et non amnestiques. La démence précoce, une affection rare, mais importante, devrait inciter les médecins à aiguiller les patients vers un spécialiste ayant accès à des conseillers en génétique. La démence d’évolution rapide, mal définie dans la littérature, faciliterait le dépistage de cette affection rare, mais importante. Les inhibiteurs de la cholinestérase sont maintenant indiqués pour le traitement d’affections autres que la maladie d’Alzheimer. Des lignes directrices concernant l’arrêt du traitement, lesquelles n’existaient pas auparavant, sont également apparues. De nouvelles données probantes sur le recours à la mémantine, aux antidépresseurs et à d’autres agents psychotropes dans le traitement de la

  6. Forest Service special agents, assistant special agents in charge, senior special agents, and supervisory special agents report: nationwide study


    Deborah J. Chavez; Joanne F. Tynon


    This is the fourth in a series of studies to evaluate perceptions of U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service law enforcement personnel of the roles, responsibilities, and issues related to their jobs. An e-mail survey was administered to the 89 Forest Service special agents, assistant special agents in charge, senior special agents, and supervisory special agents...

  7. Developpement d'un montage simulant l'erosion par la pluie pour l'evaluation des revetements glaciophobes dans le domaine aerospatial

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Sarah-Eve

    Ce memoire presente le developpement d’un montage simulant l’erosion par la pluie afin d’effectuer l’evaluation de differents revetements glaciophobes dans le domaine aerospatial. Bien que plusieurs revetements presentent une bonne efficacite a reduire l’adherence et/ou l’accumulation de glace, ils ne repondent pas necessairement aux normes de resistance a l’erosion simulee par les gouttes de pluie les frappant a grande vitesse. Il n’existe qu’une installation en Amerique du Nord offrant un service d’essai qui evalue la resistance a l’erosion par la pluie suivant les normes aerospatiales. Etant l’unique institution pouvant faire la certification de peintures utilisees sur les avions en ce qui a trait a l’erosion par la pluie, ce service est donc difficile d’acces et couteux. Le laboratoire international des materiaux antigivre (LIMA) a developpe un essai plus rapide et moins couteux, facilitant ainsi le developpement de revetements glaciophobes devant resister a l’erosion par la pluie. Dans cette etude, le developpement du montage d’erosion par la pluie effectue au laboratoire des materiaux antigivre (LIMA) est presente. En particulier, des essais sur quatre (4) revetements dont la resistance a l’erosion est connue, et sur trois revetements industriels, ont ete effectues afin d’ajuster les differents parametres du montage comme la pression et la temperature de l’eau ainsi que la robustesse du montage. Ensuite, des essais de sensibilite et de reproductibilite des resultats ont egalement ete effectues pour fin de validation du montage et du protocole experimental. Pour ce faire, le montage de type jet d’eau developpe consiste principalement en une pompe a haute pression qui projette un jet d’eau continu passant par les orifices d’un disque tournant. Cette operation permet de generer une goutte de pluie simulee qui est projetee sur un echantillon de revetement statique. L’essai est base sur la norme standard ASTM (Liquid

  8. Appel pour une allocation intelligente dans le financement du système de santé au Cameroun

    PubMed Central

    Sieleunou, Isidore


    Le Cameroun utilise un système de budgétisation historique et une approche «top-down» pour allouer ses ressources de santé publique. Cependant, le pays compte 175 districts de santé dont les fortes disparités de nature épidémiologique, économique, géographique et culturelle, devraient être prises en compte pour réduire les iniquités en matière de sante publique. Comment comprendre alors que dans ces conditions, le budget des administrations publiques alloué aux différents districts de santé au Cameroun soit quasi identique alors que les défis sont si différents? L'inefficience allocative (mauvaise attribution du budget) générée par un tel système conduit vraisemblablement à une inefficience technique (mauvaise utilisation du budget). Pour la marche vers l'atteinte des objectifs du millénaire en matière de sante, il est impératif et urgent que les décideurs du secteur de la santé allouent de manière intelligente les ressources dans le système de santé. PMID:22355420

  9. Formulation de cas dans la psychose débutante : Quels outils pour le travail en équipe?

    PubMed Central

    Elowe, Julien; Mebdouhi, Nadir; Solida, Alessandra; Conus, Philippe


    Nous présentons d’abord brièvement le programme TIPP et les concepts généraux de la prise en charge précoce dans la psychose débutante. Un des objectifs de l’intervention dans la phase précoce des troubles psychotiques est notamment de proposer des soins spécifiques adaptés à cette phase de la maladie. En début de prise en charge, l’équipe de soins et en particulier le gestionnaire de cas (case manager), chef d’orchestre de la prise en charge, sont confrontés à une quantité importante d’information dont il faut dégager les lignes de forces pour mettre en place une prise en charge adaptée. Cet article propose un modèle qui peut constituer un outil de travail précieux pour les équipes travaillant dans l’intervention précoce pour faire émerger une formulation de cas et synthétiser les situations cliniques des patients, en extraire une histoire qui fasse sens et ainsi faciliter la mise en place d’un projet thérapeutique. PMID:28558256

  10. Fissuration d'un composite a matrice ceramique dans une application de piece statique de turbine a gaz

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lebel, Larry

    thermique initiale. La procedure de caracterisation developpee s'avere etre un outil prometteur pour developper de nouveaux types de materiaux, de meme que pour comparer la durabilite de materiaux existants sous des conditions representatives de pieces statiques de turbine a gaz. None

  11. Machine for Automatic Bacteriological Pour Plate Preparation

    PubMed Central

    Sharpe, A. N.; Biggs, D. R.; Oliver, R. J.


    A fully automatic system for preparing poured plates for bacteriological analyses has been constructed and tested. The machine can make decimal dilutions of bacterial suspensions, dispense measured amounts into petri dishes, add molten agar, mix the dish contents, and label the dishes with sample and dilution numbers at the rate of 2,000 dishes per 8-hr day. In addition, the machine can be programmed to select different media so that plates for different types of bacteriological analysis may be made automatically from the same sample. The machine uses only the components of the media and sterile polystyrene petri dishes; requirements for all other materials, such as sterile pipettes and capped bottles of diluents and agar, are eliminated. Images PMID:4560475

  12. Conception, fabrication et validation d'une presse a injection basse pression pour le procede des poudres metalliques =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lamarre, Simon G.

    Le moulage par injection a basse pression de poudre metallique est une technique de mise en forme de pieces de formes complexes. La poudre metallique est melangee avec des polymeres basse viscosite (ex. : cire) pour former un melange homogene a une temperature superieure a la temperature de fusion des polymeres. Pour faciliter l'injection dans la cavite du moule, la composition des melanges est ajustee pour diminuer la viscosite. D'une part, les melanges peu visqueux possedent une bonne moulabilite. D'autre part, le phenomene de la segregation se manifeste rapidement avec les melanges peu visqueux. Les machines commerciales sont munies d'un canal d'injection et d'une valve qui relient le reservoir de melange et la cavite du moule. Le melange reste stationnaire dans ces composantes entre deux sequences d'injection, ce qui le rend propice a la segregation. Plusieurs brevets tentent de resoudre ce probleme en utilisant des pompes et des canaux de recirculation. Ces composantes sont difficiles a nettoyer en raison de leur complexite. Une machine a injection basse pression a ete concue et fabriquee pour l'etude de l'aptitude au moulage des melanges de tres faible viscosite (ex. : 0.1 Pa˙s), qui tient compte du phenomene de segregation et des contraintes de nettoyage. Un piston d'injection puise le volume desire d'un reservoir. Ensuite, un mouvement lateral cisaille le melange a l'intersection entre le reservoir et le cylindre et bouche l'orifice de sortie du reservoir. Le cylindre est degage et peut recevoir le moule. A la suite de l'injection, le piston retourne a la position du reservoir et entre dans son orifice de sortie. Le melange residuel est retourne dans le reservoir, melange et desaere a nouveau. L'appareil a ete valide par des essais d'injectabilite avec un melange de poudre d'acier inoxydable et de liants a basse viscosite. Des essais d'injection ont montre que le melange contenant l'acide stearique a parcouru la plus grande distance dans le moule de forme

  13. Rainforest Pharmacopeia in Madagascar Provides High Value for Current Local and Prospective Global Uses

    PubMed Central

    Golden, Christopher D.; Rasolofoniaina, B. J. Rodolph; Anjaranirina, E. J. Gasta; Nicolas, Lilien; Ravaoliny, Laurent; Kremen, Claire


    tropical forests for sustainable use. Botanique de la diversité apporte de la valeur à l’homme par la séquestration du carbone, de l’air et de purification de l’eau, et le provisionnement des aliments sauvages et ethnomedicines. Ici, nous calculons la valeur de ethnomedicines botaniques dans une région de forêt de Madagascar, la zone protégée de Makira, en utilisant une méthode de substitution qui combine les coûts de remplacement et la modélisation des choix. Le bassin versant de Makira peut comprendre environ 0,8% de la diversité botanique mondiale et possède une valeur énorme à la fois dans sa capacité à fournir ethnomedicines botaniques à la population locale et en tant que source de nouveaux médicaments potentiellement pharmaceutiques pour la société dans son ensemble. Environ 241 espèces localement reconnus sont utilisés comme ethnomedicines, y compris 113 espèces d’agricoles ou de mauvaises herbes. Nous assimilé chaque traitement ethnomédicales à la valeur monétaire d’un traitement comparable pharmaceutique ajusté en fonction des préférences personnelles en matière d’efficacité perçue (plutôt que de l’équivalence médicament connu ou supposé). La valeur de l’avantage de ces ethnomedicines botaniques par individu est de $5,40 à 7.90 par année lors de l’utilisation de la valeur des produits pharmaceutiques malgaches fortement subventionnés et de $100,60 à 287,40 lors de l’utilisation de la valeur des produits pharmaceutiques américains. Utilisation de produits pharmaceutiques locales comme des substituts, la valeur par ménage est de $30.24 à 44.30 par an, équivalent à 43–63% du revenu médian des ménages annuelle, ce qui démontre leur importance locale. Utilisation de la valeur des produits pharmaceutiques américaines, le montant est équivalent à 22–63% de la médiane des dépenses annuelles de soins de santé pour les adultes américains de moins de 45 en 2006. Le potentiel de développement de

  14. Lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse

    PubMed Central

    Kahan, Meldon; Mailis-Gagnon, Angela; Wilson, Lynn; Srivastava, Anita


    Résumé Objectif Présenter aux médecins de famille un résumé clinique pratique des lignes directrices canadiennes sur l’utilisation sécuritaire et efficace des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, produites par le National Opioid Use Guideline Group. Qualité des données Pour produire les lignes directrices, les chercheurs ont effectué une synthèse critique de la littérature médicale sur l’efficacité et l’innocuité des opioïdes pour la douleur chronique non cancéreuse et ont rédigé une série de recommandations. Un panel de 49 cliniciens experts de toutes les régions du Canada ont passé en revue l’ébauche et ont atteint un consensus sur 24 recommandations. Message principal Il est recommandé de faire un dépistage du risque de dépendance avant de prescrire des opioïdes. On recommande des opioïdes faibles (codéine et tramadol) pour une douleur de légère à modérée qui n’a pas répondu aux traitements de première intention. On peut essayer l’oxycodone, l’hydromorphone et la morphine chez les patients qui n’ont pas eu de soulagement avec des opioïdes plus faibles. Une faible dose initiale et une lente hausse du titrage sont recommandées, ainsi qu’une étroite surveillance du patient qu’on a d’abord renseigné. Les médecins doivent surveiller l’apparition de complications comme l’apnée du sommeil. La dose optimale est celle qui améliore le fonctionnement ou atténue les cotes d’évaluation de la douleur d’au moins 30 %. Pour la grande majorité des patients, la dose optimale sera bien en deçà de l’équivalent de 200 mg de morphine par jour. On recommande le sevrage progressif pour les patients qui n’ont pas répondu à un essai d’opioïdes adéquat. Conclusion Les opioïdes jouent un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la douleur chronique non cancéreuse, mais il faut en prescrire avec prudence pour limiter les dommages potentiels. Les nouvelles lignes directrices

  15. SPERTI Reactor Pit Building (PER605) under construction. Poured concrete foundation ...

    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey

    SPERT-I Reactor Pit Building (PER-605) under construction. Poured concrete foundation will enclosure a "Pit" into which the reactor vessel will be placed. Steel framework has been erected. To left of view is instrument cell (PER-606), constructed of concrete block. Photographer: R.G. Larsen. Date: April 22, 1955. INEEL negative no. 55-1000 - Idaho National Engineering Laboratory, SPERT-I & Power Burst Facility Area, Scoville, Butte County, ID

  16. Alternative Submarine Watch Systems: Recommendation for a New CF Submarine Watch Schedule (Systemes Differents d’Horaire de Garde a Bord des Sous-Marins: Nouvel Horaire Recommande Pour les Sous-Marins des FC)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    comparativement à une efficacité cognitive de 96 % pour l’horaire de 1 tour sur trois de quatre heures ainsi que pour l’horaire de 1 tour sur trois de...tour sur 2 (8-4-4-8) comparativement à une efficacité cognitive de 96 % pour l’horaire de 1 tour sur trois de quatre heures ainsi que pour l’horaire...FAST™ (Fatigue Avoidance and Safety Tool), a computer application designed to predict and prevent fatigue in operational settings. The output of FAST

  17. Mise en oeuvre et caracterisation de pieces autotrempantes elaborees avec de nouveaux alliages meres

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouchemit, Arslane Abdelkader

    (≈ 4 %m) developpes par Ian Bailon-Poujol lors de sa maitrise [20]. La haute teneur en carbone de ces alliages meres assure la protection des elements d'alliage susceptibles a l'oxydation durant toutes les etapes du procede : dans le bain liquide lors de la fusion et l'atomisation a l'eau, pendant le broyage ainsi que lors du frittage des pieces contenant ces alliages meres. Precedemment, Ian Bailon-Poujol avait etudie le broyage de certains alliages meres atomises a l'eau et avait amorce le developpement de melanges autotrempants ainsi que des etudes de diffusion des elements d'alliage. Pour ce projet, le developpement des melanges autotrempants a implique l'optimisation de toutes les etapes de la mise en oeuvre afin d'obtenir les meilleures proprietes possibles des melanges avant frittage (ecoulement, resistance a cru...) et apres frittage (durete, microstructure...), et ce, pour des alliages meres atomises a l'eau par Ian Bailon-Poujol ainsi qu'un alliage mere de chimie similaire qui fut atomise au gaz. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.).

  18. Effect of two in-office whitening agents on the enamel surface in vivo: a morphological and non-contact profilometric study.


    Cadenaro, Milena; Breschi, Lorenzo; Nucci, Cesare; Antoniolli, Francesca; Visintini, Erika; Prati, Carlo; Matis, Bruce A; Di Lenarda, Roberto


    This study evaluated the morphological effects produced in vivo by two in-office bleaching agents on enamel surface roughness using a noncontact profilometric analysis of epoxy replicas. The null hypothesis tested was that there would be no difference in the micromorphology of the enamel surface during or after bleaching with two different bleaching agents. Eighteen subjects were selected and randomly assigned to two treatment groups (n=9). The tooth whitening materials tested were 38% hydrogen peroxide (HP) (Opalescence Xtra Boost) and 35% carbamide peroxide (CP) (Rembrandt Quik Start). The bleaching agents were applied in accordance with manufacturer protocols. The treatments were repeated four times at one-week intervals. High precision impressions of the upper right incisor were taken at baseline as the control (CTRL) and after each bleaching treatment (T0: first application, T1: second application at one week, T2: third application at two weeks and T3: fourth application at three weeks). Epoxy resin replicas were poured from impressions, and the surface roughness was analyzed by means of a non-contact profilometer (Talysurf CLI 1000). Epoxy replicas were then observed using SEM. All data were statistically analyzed using ANOVA and differences were determined with a t-test. No significant differences in surface roughness were found on enamel replicas using either 38% hydrogen peroxide or 35% carbamide peroxide in vivo. This in vivo study supports the null hypothesis that two in-office bleaching agents, with either a high concentration of hydrogen or carbamide peroxide, do not alter enamel surface roughness, even after multiple applications.

  19. Ecological Risks in Residential Premises Arising from Thermal Insulation by Pouring

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Timofeeva, S. S.; Timofeev, S. S.


    The residents of modern megacities are exposed to environmental risks arising both directly in the urban environment and their own dwellings. Modern polymeric building materials are the sources of toxic substances release into the air that have a significant impact on the population health. The objective of the work is the ecological and hygienic study of the air in the apartments of Irkutsk after repair work on the roof and walls insulation using the technology of pouring and calculation of the potential environmental risk for the residents. The object of the research was the indoor air in one of the houses in Irkutsk tested for formaldehyde and other toxic substances. After putting the house into operation, some defects were found - the freezing of the walls of the building attic part. During the repair work, the mansard part of the building was heat-insulated by the pouring method using the composite material “Poroplast CF 02”. High concentrations of formaldehyde and styrene were detected in the apartments exceeding the MPC in 4-8 times. The hazard ratio for inhalation exposure to harmful substances exceeds the safety level by 10 times. Consequently, there is a high probability of obtaining acute and chronic poisoning and developing cancer.

  20. Preparing Change Agents for Change Agent Roles.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sedlacek, James R.

    Seventy-seven Spanish- and Portuguese-speaking agricultural change agents from developing Central and South American countries responded to a questionnaire which sought perceptions of the roles in which the change agents felt they were involved and the roles for which they felt they were being trained. The agents were participating in training…

  1. Utilisation de l'essai comete et du biomarqueur gamma-H2AX pour detecter les dommages induits a l'ADN cellulaire par le 5-bromodeoxyuridine post-irradiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    La Madeleine, Carole

    Ce memoire est presente a la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante de l'Universite de Sherbrooke en vue de l'obtention du grade de maitre es sciences (M.Sc.) en radiobiologie (2009). Un jury a revise les informations contenues dans ce memoire. Il etait compose de professeurs de la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante soit : Darel Hunting PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Leon Sanche PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Richard Wagner PhD, membre du programme (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie) et Guylain Boissonneault PhD, membre exterieur au programme (departement de biochimie). Le 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), un analogue halogene de la thymidine reconnu depuis les annees 60 comme etant un excellent radiosensibilisateur. L'hypothese la plus repandue au sujet de l'effet radio sensibilisant du BrdU est qu'il augmente le nombre de cassures simple et double brin lorsqu'il est incorpore dans l'ADN de la cellule et expose aux radiations ionisantes. Toutefois, de nouvelles recherches semblent remettre en question les observations precedentes. Ces dernieres etudes ont confirme que le BrdU est un bon radiosensibilisateur, car il augmente les dommages radio-induits dans l'ADN. Mais, c'est en etant incorpore dans une region simple brin que le BrdU radiosensibilise l'ADN. Ces recherches ont egalement revele pour la premiere fois un nouveau type de dommages produits lors de l'irradiation de l'ADN contenant du BrdU : les dimeres interbrins. Le but de ces travaux de recherche est de determiner si la presence de bromodeoxyuridine dans l'ADN augmente l'induction de bris simple et / ou double brin chez les cellules irradiees en utilisant de nouvelles techniques plus sensibles et specifiques que celles utilisees auparavant. Pour ce faire, les essais cometes et la detection des foci H2AX phosphorylee pourraient permettre d'etablir les effets engendres par

  2. Influence du comportement des accompagnants sur le vécu des patients admis pour hémorragies digestives hautes au CHU campus de Lomé (Togo)

    PubMed Central

    Bagny, Aklesso; Dusabe, Angelique; Bouglouga, Oumboma; Lawson-ananisoh, Mawuli Late; Kaaga, Yeba Laconi; Djibril, Mohaman Awalou; Soedje, Kokou Mensah; Dassa, Simliwa Kolou; Redah, Datouda


    Introduction L'hémorragie digestive haute est une urgence, qui constitue souvent pour les patients un danger mortel suscitant inquiétude et agitation. Dans cet état, le patient dépend de ses accompagnants pour ses soins et pour honorer le traitement; mais souvent, il a été observé une discordance entre l'urgence et les comportements des accompagnants. Le but de cette étude était de décrire les facteurs socioéconomiques et psychologiques pouvant influencer les comportements des accompagnants des patients admis pour HDH, estimer l'indice de relation entre ces comportements et les facteurs associés d'une part et le vécu des patients admis pour HDH d'autre part. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude prospective menée de Septembre 2010 à Juin 2011 (soit 10 mois). Nous avions utilisé l'entretien semi-dirigé et l'observation directe pour collecter nos données, ces dernières avaient été traitées par les méthodes statistiques et d'analyse de contenu. Résultats Dans la présente étude, les comportements des accompagnants des patients admis pour HDH sont en majorité marqués par l'abandon (84%) et le manque de sollicitude (80,2%). Ces comportements sont souvent stimulés par les facteurs socioéconomiques tels que les difficultés économiques (83,2%), des conflits intrafamiliaux (85,1%) et des représentations (maladie incurable ou envoûtement) de la maladie par les accompagnants (73,3%) des cas. Quant aux patients, ils vivent ces comportements comme étant des menaces de mort ou des rejets (77,20%) et comme étant une dévalorisation ou une humiliation de la part de leurs accompagnants (70,30%). Les résultats confirment l'existence de lien significatif entre les comportements des accompagnants et les facteurs socio économiques, entre les comportements des accompagnants et des facteurs psychologiques, et entre le vécu des patients admis pour l'HDH et les comportements des accompagnants. Conclusion Des études ultérieures devraient aborder les points

  3. [Alkylating agents].


    Pourquier, Philippe


    With the approval of mechlorethamine by the FDA in 1949 for the treatment of hematologic malignancies, alkylating agents are the oldest class of anticancer agents. Even though their clinical use is far beyond the use of new targeted therapies, they still occupy a major place in specific indications and sometimes represent the unique option for the treatment of refractory diseases. Here, we are reviewing the major classes of alkylating agents and their mechanism of action, with a particular emphasis for the new generations of alkylating agents. As for most of the chemotherapeutic agents used in the clinic, these compounds are derived from natural sources. With a complex but original mechanism of action, they represent new interesting alternatives for the clinicians, especially for tumors that are resistant to conventional DNA damaging agents. We also briefly describe the different strategies that have been or are currently developed to potentiate the use of classical alkylating agents, especially the inhibition of pathways that are involved in the repair of DNA lesions induced by these agents. In this line, the development of PARP inhibitors is a striking example of the recent regain of interest towards the "old" alkylating agents.

  4. Utilisation d'images aeroportees a tres haute resolution spatiale pour l'estimation de la vigueur des peuplements forestiers du nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Louis, Ognel Pierre

    Le but de cette etude est de developper un outil permettant d'estimer le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des peuplements forestiers de la region de Gounamitz au nord-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick via des donnees d'inventaires forestiers et des donnees de teledetection. Pour ce faire, un marteloscope de 100m x 100m et 20 parcelles d'echantillonnages ont ete delimites. A l'interieur de ces derniers, le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur des arbres ayant un DHP superieur ou egal a 9 cm a ete determine. Afin de caracteriser le risque de perte de vigueur des arbres, leurs positions spatiales ont ete repertoriees a partir d'un GPS en tenant compte des defauts au niveau des tiges. Pour mener a bien ce travail, les indices de vegetation et de textures et les bandes spectrales de l'image aeroportee ont ete extraits et consideres comme variables independantes. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur obtenu par espece d'arbre a travers les inventaires forestiers a ete considere comme variable dependante. En vue d'obtenir la superficie des peuplements forestiers de la region d'etude, une classification dirigee des images a partir de l'algorithme maximum de vraisemblance a ete effectuee. Le niveau de risque de perte de vigueur par type d'arbre a ensuite ete estime a l'aide des reseaux de neurones en utilisant un reseau dit perceptron multicouches. Il s'agit d'un modele de reseau de neurones compose de : 11 neurones sur la couche d'entree, correspondant aux variables independantes, 35 neurones sur la couche cachee et 4 neurones sur la couche de sortie. La prediction a partir des reseaux de neurones produit une matrice de confusion qui permet d'obtenir des mesures quantitatives d'estimation, notamment un pourcentage de classification globale de 91,7% pour la prediction du risque de perte de vigueur du peuplement de resineux et de 89,7% pour celui du peuplement de feuillus. L'evaluation de la performance des reseaux de neurones fournit une valeur de MSE globale de 0,04, et une

  5. Coronographie interferéntielle pour la mission spatuale DARWIN: expérience de validation en laboratoire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ollivier, Marc; Mariotti, Jean-Marie; Brunaud, Jacqueline; Michel, Guy; Bouchareine, Patrick; Léger, Alain; Artzner, Guy; Malbet, Fabien; Puget, Pascal; Coudé du Foresto, Vincent; Mennesson, Bertrand


    This paper, "Coronographie interferéntielle pour la mission spatuale DARWIN: expérience de validation en laboratoire," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  6. Integrated Airframe Design Technology (Les Technologies pour la Conception Integree des Cellules)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    encourageant ainsi une plus forte interaction entre les organisations, ce qui laisse prevoir une ing~nierie commune concurrente pour Ia conception des...cellules. La co-localisation de personnels de diff~rentes disciplines sera n~cessaire. mais ceci pourrait se faire sous Ia forme d’une "co...integrated analysis tool Their presentation highlighted the development (e.g., ELFINI) for managing aeroelasticity, of an Aeroelastic Design

  7. 2010 Coalition Battle Management Language Workshop (Atelier 2010 sur le langage de gestion du champ de bataille pour les operations en coalition)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Feb 2010 2010 Coalition Battle Management Language Workshop (Atelier 2010 sur le langage de gestion du champ de bataille pour les opérations en...RTO MEETING PROCEEDINGS MP-MSG-079 2010 Coalition Battle Management Language Workshop (Atelier 2010 sur le langage de gestion du champ de ...RTO-MP-MSG-079 ES - 3 Atelier 2010 sur le langage de gestion du champ de bataille pour les opérations en coalition (RTO-MP-MSG-079

  8. Numerical Study of Impingement Location of Liquid Jet Poured from a Tilting Ladle with Lip Spout

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Castilla, R.; Gamez-Montero, P. J.; Raush, G.; Khamashta, M.; Codina, E.


    A new approach for simulating liquid poured from a tilting lip spout is presented, using neither a dynamic mesh nor the moving solid solution method. In this case only the tilting ladle is moving, so we propose to rotate the gravitational acceleration at an angular velocity prescribed by a geometrical and dynamical calculation to keep the poured flow rate constant. This angular velocity is applied to modify the orientation of the gravity vector in computational fluid dynamics (CFD) simulations using the OpenFOAM® toolbox. Also, fictitious forces are considered. The modified solver is used to calculate the impingement location for six spout geometries and compare the jet dispersion there. This method could offer an inexpensive tool to calculate optimal spout geometries to reduce sprue size in the metal casting industry.

  9. Low cracking concretes for the closure pours and overlays of the Dunlap Creek Bridge : final report.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Joints, wide cracks, and poor-quality concretes facilitate the intrusion of chlorides, causing corrosion in bridge decks and substructures. In this study, joints were replaced with closure pours (link slabs) consisting of low permeability fiber-reinf...

  10. L'optique pour la sécurité sanitaire des aliments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Piat, Félix


    Il semble aujourd'hui évident que chaque produit alimentaire commercialisé ne représente aucun danger pour la santé. Cet acquis repose pourtant sur un système complexe de règles et de contrôles appliqués quotidiennement dans les coulisses de l'industrie agro-alimentaire. Les technologies optiques y jouent un rôle prépondérant, permettant de séparer le bon grain de l'ivraie.

  11. Incorporating BDI Agents into Human-Agent Decision Making Research

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamphorst, Bart; van Wissen, Arlette; Dignum, Virginia

    Artificial agents, people, institutes and societies all have the ability to make decisions. Decision making as a research area therefore involves a broad spectrum of sciences, ranging from Artificial Intelligence to economics to psychology. The Colored Trails (CT) framework is designed to aid researchers in all fields in examining decision making processes. It is developed both to study interaction between multiple actors (humans or software agents) in a dynamic environment, and to study and model the decision making of these actors. However, agents in the current implementation of CT lack the explanatory power to help understand the reasoning processes involved in decision making. The BDI paradigm that has been proposed in the agent research area to describe rational agents, enables the specification of agents that reason in abstract concepts such as beliefs, goals, plans and events. In this paper, we present CTAPL: an extension to CT that allows BDI software agents that are written in the practical agent programming language 2APL to reason about and interact with a CT environment.

  12. Modélisation des conséquences possibles de la future demande bioénergétique mondiale pour le bois et les forêts en France


    Joseph Buongiorno; Ronald Raunikar; Shusuai Zhu


    L’accroissement de la demande mondiale et du coût correspondant de l’énergie a conduit à de nombreuses propositions pour augmenter l’utilisation de la biomasse renouvelable. Une étude récente (Raunikar et al., 2010) a examiné les conséquences mondiales pour le bois et pour les forêts de la demande en bioénergie impliquée par les scénarios du Groupe d’experts...

  13. Chemical warfare agents.


    Kuca, Kamil; Pohanka, Miroslav


    Chemical warfare agents are compounds of different chemical structures. Simple molecules such as chlorine as well as complex structures such as ricin belong to this group. Nerve agents, vesicants, incapacitating agents, blood agents, lung-damaging agents, riot-control agents and several toxins are among chemical warfare agents. Although the use of these compounds is strictly prohibited, the possible misuse by terrorist groups is a reality nowadays. Owing to this fact, knowledge of the basic properties of these substances is of a high importance. This chapter briefly introduces the separate groups of chemical warfare agents together with their members and the potential therapy that should be applied in case someone is intoxicated by these agents.

  14. Evaluation of materials and surface treatments for the DWPF melter pour spout bellows protective liner

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Imrich, K.J.; Bickford, D.F.; Wicks, G.G.


    A study was undertaken to evaluate a variety of materials and coatings for the DWPF pour spout bellows liner. The intent was to identify materials that would minimize or eliminate adherence of glass on the bellows liner wall and help minimize possible pluggage during glass pouring operations in DWPF. Glass has been observed adhering to the current bellow`s liner, which is made of 304L stainless steel. Materials were identified which successfully allowed molten glass to hit these surfaces and not adhere. Results of this study suggest that if these materials are used in the pouring system glass could still fallmore » into the canister without appreciable plugging, even if an unstable glass stream is produced. The materials should next be evaluated under the most realistic DWPF conditions possible. Other findings of this study include the following: (1) increasing coupon thickness produced a favorable increase in the glass sticking temperature; (2) highly polished surfaces, with the exception of the oxygen-free copper coupon coated with Armoloy dense chromium, did not produce a significant improvement in the glass sticking temperature, increasing angle of contact of the coupon to the falling glass did not yield a significant performance improvement; (3) electroplating with gold and silver and various diffusion coatings did not produce a significant increase in the glass sticking temperature. However, they may provide added oxidation and corrosion resistance for copper and bronze liners. Boron nitride coatings delaminated immediately after contact with the molten glass.« less

  15. Intrinsic mechanical properties and strengthening methods in inorganic crystalline materials

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mecking, H.; Hartig, Ch.; Seeger, J.


    liaisons métalliques dominent, ce qui entraîne une grande ductilité mais une médiocre résistance. En conséquence, dans le développement de nouveaux matériaux on cherche préférentiellement à produire des microstructures qui optimisent la résistance élastique sans perte inacceptable de ductilité. Dans les céramiques, les liaisons covalentes prédominent; ceci entraîne une dureté élevée, une grande rigidité, mais en même temps une extrême fragilité. Au contraire des métaux, le développement de ces matériaux vise à obtenir une pseudoductilité afin d'amener la tenacité à des niveaux suffisamment élevés. Dans les phases intermétalliques les liaisons atomiques correspondent à un mélange de liaisons métalliques et covalentes. La contribution de chacune d'entre elles varie en fonction du système allié. En conséquence, les propriétés des intermétalliques se situent entre celles des métaux et des céramiques. Par divers changements microstructuraux des propriétés peuvent être déplacées pour se rapprocher d'un comportement de type métallique ou de type céramique. Donner des règles générales pour la création de nouveaux alliages n'est pas possible car chaque système demande à être testé, les propriétés dépendent en effet, pour une part considérable, des propriétés intrinsèques des défauts de réseau comme les dislocations, les parois d'antiphase ou les joints de grains.

  16. Biological Agents


    ... E-Tools Safety and Health Topics / Biological Agents Biological Agents This page requires that javascript be enabled ... 202) 693-2300 if additional assistance is required. Biological Agents Menu Overview In Focus: Ebola Frederick A. ...

  17. Une nouvelle voie pour la conception des implants intervertébraux

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gradel, T.; Tabourot, L.; Arrieux, R.; Balland, P.


    L'objectif de notre travail est la conception d'une nouvelle génération d'implants intersomatiques qui s'adapte parfaitement à la géométrie des plateaux vertébraux en se déformant. Pour cela, nous avons utilisé une nouvelle démarche qui consiste à simuler entièrement le procédé de fabrication en l'occurrence l'emboutissage, Cette simulation, en concervant l'historique des sollicitations exercées sur le matériau lors de sa mise en œuvre permet de valider très précisément sa résistance mécanique en fin de cycle. Au cours de cette étude, nous avons mené en parallèle deux analyses dites “ coopératives ” : l'une fondée sur un modèle phénoménologique de type HILL et l'autre sur un modèle multi-échelles prenant en compte des phénomènes plus physiques afin d'acquérir une bonne connaissance du comportement du matériau lors de la déformation. C'est pour sa bonne résistance, sa biocompatibilité et ses propriétés radiologiques que nous avons choisi le T40 (titane pur) comme matériau.

  18. Designing Agent Utilities for Coordinated, Scalable and Robust Multi-Agent Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tumer, Kagan


    Coordinating the behavior of a large number of agents to achieve a system level goal poses unique design challenges. In particular, problems of scaling (number of agents in the thousands to tens of thousands), observability (agents have limited sensing capabilities), and robustness (the agents are unreliable) make it impossible to simply apply methods developed for small multi-agent systems composed of reliable agents. To address these problems, we present an approach based on deriving agent goals that are aligned with the overall system goal, and can be computed using information readily available to the agents. Then, each agent uses a simple reinforcement learning algorithm to pursue its own goals. Because of the way in which those goals are derived, there is no need to use difficult to scale external mechanisms to force collaboration or coordination among the agents, or to ensure that agents actively attempt to appropriate the tasks of agents that suffered failures. To present these results in a concrete setting, we focus on the problem of finding the sub-set of a set of imperfect devices that results in the best aggregate device. This is a large distributed agent coordination problem where each agent (e.g., device) needs to determine whether to be part of the aggregate device. Our results show that the approach proposed in this work provides improvements of over an order of magnitude over both traditional search methods and traditional multi-agent methods. Furthermore, the results show that even in extreme cases of agent failures (i.e., half the agents failed midway through the simulation) the system's performance degrades gracefully and still outperforms a failure-free and centralized search algorithm. The results also show that the gains increase as the size of the system (e.g., number of agents) increases. This latter result is particularly encouraging and suggests that this method is ideally suited for domains where the number of agents is currently in the

  19. Evaluation de l'intergiciel de communication DDS pour son utilisation dans le domaine avionique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levesque-Landry, Kevin

    Les aeronefs modernes doivent combler de plus en plus de fonctionnalites afin de satisfaire les besoins de la clientele. De ce fait, les besoins en communications des systemes avioniques sont grandissants. De plus, la portabilite et la reutilisabilite des applications sont des defis d'actualite dans le domaine avionique. De ce fait, ce projet de recherche vise a faire une evaluation de la technologie d'intergiciel de service de distribution de donnees (DDS) pour son utilisation dans le domaine avionique. Cette technologie permettrait de reduire la complexite des communications et faciliter la portabilite et reutilisabilite des applications grâce a son interface standardisee. Dans ce projet de recherche, la norme DDS est tout d'abord etudiee pour cibler les fonctionnalites qui sont utiles au domaine avionique. Les differentes polices de qualite de services sont ainsi etudiees et denotent la flexibilite de la technologie DDS. Un intergiciel DDS est egalement evalue dans un environnement de laboratoire afin de mesurer l'impact de l'utilisation de cette technologie sur les performances de latence ainsi que sur l'utilisation de la bande passante. Les resultats montrent une faible augmentation de la latence moyenne lorsque l'intergiciel DDS est utilise. L'intergiciel DDS est egalement utilise dans une etude de cas avec un AFCS (automatic flight control system) afin de quantifier les effets de son utilisation sur une application avionique. Les resultats montrent que l'utilisation de l'intergiciel DDS n'empeche pas l'AFCS d'atteindre la stabilite, mais qu'elle ralentit l'atteinte de cette derniere. Finalement, une etude de cas est effectuee afin de valider que la technologie DDS peut etre utilisee pour construire des systemes redondants. Les resultats montrent que l'intergiciel DDS permet de faire de la redondance de reserve sans avoir un impact visible sur les performances du systeme redondant.

  20. Efficacy of ivermectin pour-on against Ostertagia ostertagi infection and residues in the American bison, Bison bison.


    Marley, S E; Knapp, S E; Rognlie, M C; Thompson, J R; Stoppa, T M; Button, S M; Wetzlich, S; Arndt, T; Craigmill, A


    Sixteen American bison, Bison bison, were artificially infected with 10(5) infective stage larvae of Ostertagia ostertagi on 21 April 1993. At 42 days post-infection eight bison were treated with 0.5% ivermectin pour-on (500 micrograms/kg bodyweight) and eight treated with the carrier only. Bison were necropsied 17 and 18 days post-treatment (21 and 22 June 1993, respectively). Mean (+/- SE) of 5,413 (+/- 1,716) adults and 565 (+/- 305) immature O. ostertagi were recovered at necropsy from bison treated with the carrier. No O. ostertagi were detected in bison treated with ivermectin pour-on. Based on the levels of the ivermectin marker metabolite in liver and adipose tissue 18 days post-treatment, the established bovine withdrawal time of 48 days appears adequate to insure that violative residues do not occur.

  1. Le potentiel de l'asteroseismologie pour les etoiles sous-naines de type B

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Charpinet, Stephane

    L'objectif principal de cette thèse consiste à évaluer les possibilités que les étoiles sous naines de type B, aussi appelées sdB, puissent développer des variations de luminosité engendrées par des phénomènes de pulsations. Dans la mesure où, au commencement de cette étude, les sdB ne sont pas connues pour montrer ce type de comportement, notre approche s'effectue exclusivement sur des bases théoriques visant à déterminer, par le calcul, si ces étoiles ont le potentiel pour devenir instables. Le cas échéant, il s'agira d'évaluer quels sont les résultats susceptibles d'émerger d'un sondage de la structure interne de ces étoiles avec les méthodes de l'astéroséismologie. Après avoir introduit le contexte et les outils théoriques nécessaires à ce projet (théorie des pulsations stellaires et modèles d'étoiles sous-naines de type B), la démarche passe obligatoirement par une étude exhaustive des propriétés des modes de pulsation dans ces étoiles. Nous l'avons entreprise de manière systématique afin d'évaluer et de comprendre les comportements des oscillations en fonction des différents paramètres physiques qui caractérisent une sdB. Par souci de complétude, nous étudions également les rapports qu'entretiennent évolution et périodes de pulsation au cours de la phase sdB. Par la suite, fort des connaissances nouvellement acquises, nous nous lançons dans l'étude de la stabilité des modes d'oscillation, l'objectif étant d'identifier, le cas échéant, un mécanisme capable de déstabiliser, dans certaines conditions, une fraction de ces étoiles. Par cette approche, nous déterminons qu'un mécanisme κ associé à une région d'ionisation partielle de l'élément fer agit efficacement dans l'enveloppe des sdB si, toutefois, le fer y est présent en quantités extra- solaires. Nous montrons alors que des processus de diffusion, déjà fortement suspectes d'exister dans ces étoiles, sont en mesure d'accumuler des quantit

  2. 22 CFR 51.22 - Passport agents and passport acceptance agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. 51.22 Section 51.22 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE NATIONALITY AND PASSPORTS PASSPORTS Application § 51.22 Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. (a) U.S. citizen employees of the...

  3. 22 CFR 51.22 - Passport agents and passport acceptance agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. 51.22 Section 51.22 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE NATIONALITY AND PASSPORTS PASSPORTS Application § 51.22 Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. (a) U.S. citizen employees of the...

  4. 22 CFR 51.22 - Passport agents and passport acceptance agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. 51.22 Section 51.22 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE NATIONALITY AND PASSPORTS PASSPORTS Application § 51.22 Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. (a) U.S. citizen employees of the...

  5. 22 CFR 51.22 - Passport agents and passport acceptance agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. 51.22 Section 51.22 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE NATIONALITY AND PASSPORTS PASSPORTS Application § 51.22 Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. (a) U.S. citizen employees of the...

  6. 22 CFR 51.22 - Passport agents and passport acceptance agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. 51.22 Section 51.22 Foreign Relations DEPARTMENT OF STATE NATIONALITY AND PASSPORTS PASSPORTS Application § 51.22 Passport agents and passport acceptance agents. (a) U.S. citizen employees of the...

  7. Responsible health insurance revisited: pouring liberal wine into a conservative bottle.


    Seidman, Laurence


    In 1991, an article appeared proposing a plan for "Responsible National Health Insurance" (RHI) that contained three crucial elements supported by economists affiliated with two conservative policy institutions (the American Enterprise Institute and the Heritage Foundation). The central purpose of this article is to revisit RHI in light of developments over the past decade, and to make the case that liberals, rather than reject RHI, now should support it, provided conservatives agree to sufficient funding. In this article, I recommend "pouring liberal wine into this conservative bottle."

  8. Evaluation of high-performance fiber-reinforced concrete for bridge deck connections, closure pours, and joints : final report.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    Connections, closure pours, and joints in bridges are often sources of distress because of cracks and openings. Wide separation facilitates the penetration of harmful solutions that can lead to costly repairs. Cracks are caused by volumetric changes ...

  9. Utilisation de la mélatonine pour le sommeil chez les enfants en bonne santé

    PubMed Central

    Janjua, Irvin; Goldman, Ran D.


    Résumé Question Une maman a amené son garçon de 12 ans me consulter à mon bureau. Elle s’inquiète, car il a de la difficulté à s’endormir presque tous les soirs. Elle travaille par quarts et elle prend elle-même de la mélatonine pour l’aider à s’endormir. Elle m’a demandé si son garçon pouvait aussi prendre de la mélatonine. Quels sont les recommandations et les éléments à considérer avant d’utiliser la mélatonine chez les enfants et les adolescents en bonne santé? Réponse L’insomnie est rapportée chez jusqu’à un quart des enfants en bonne santé et chez les trois quarts des enfants atteints d’une affection psychiatrique ou neurodéveloppementale, ce qui entraîne des conséquences négatives. Pour les enfants atteints du syndrome de retard de phase du sommeil, la mélatonine pourrait s’avérer utile lorsque jumelée à une évaluation de l’insomnie et à un suivi régulier. La mélatonine pourrait être envisagée pour des enfants sans diagnostic d’insomnie qui ont une bonne hygiène du sommeil. Bien qu’elle semble sans danger, il n’existe pas de données probantes en faveur de l’emploi systématique de la mélatonine chez les enfants en bonne santé.

  10. TACtic- A Multi Behavioral Agent for Trading Agent Competition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Khosravi, Hassan; Shiri, Mohammad E.; Khosravi, Hamid; Iranmanesh, Ehsan; Davoodi, Alireza

    Software agents are increasingly being used to represent humans in online auctions. Such agents have the advantages of being able to systematically monitor a wide variety of auctions and then make rapid decisions about what bids to place in what auctions. They can do this continuously and repetitively without losing concentration. To provide a means of evaluating and comparing (benchmarking) research methods in this area the trading agent competition (TAC) was established. This paper describes the design, of TACtic. Our agent uses multi behavioral techniques at the heart of its decision making to make bidding decisions in the face of uncertainty, to make predictions about the likely outcomes of auctions, and to alter the agent's bidding strategy in response to the prevailing market conditions.

  11. Etude de la performance des radars hautes-frequences CODAR et WERA pour la mesure des courants marins en presence partielle de glace de mer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kamli, Emna

    Les radars hautes-frequences (RHF) mesurent les courants marins de surface avec une portee pouvant atteindre 200 kilometres et une resolution de l'ordre du kilometre. Cette etude a pour but de caracteriser la performance des RHF, en terme de couverture spatiale, pour la mesure des courants de surface en presence partielle de glace de mer. Pour ce faire, les mesures des courants de deux radars de type CODAR sur la rive sud de l'estuaire maritime du Saint-Laurent, et d'un radar de type WERA sur la rive nord, prises pendant l'hiver 2013, ont ete utilisees. Dans un premier temps, l'aire moyenne journaliere de la zone ou les courants sont mesures par chaque radar a ete comparee a l'energie des vagues de Bragg calculee a partir des donnees brutes d'acceleration fournies par une bouee mouillee dans la zone couverte par les radars. La couverture des CODARs est dependante de la densite d'energie de Bragg, alors que la couverture du WERA y est pratiquement insensible. Un modele de fetch appele GENER a ete force par la vitesse du vent predite par le modele GEM d'Environnement Canada pour estimer la hauteur significative ainsi que la periode modale des vagues. A partir de ces parametres, la densite d'energie des vagues de Bragg a ete evaluee pendant l'hiver a l'aide du spectre theorique de Bretschneider. Ces resultats permettent d'etablir la couverture normale de chaque radar en absence de glace de mer. La concentration de glace de mer, predite par le systeme canadien operationnel de prevision glace-ocean, a ete moyennee sur les differents fetchs du vent selon la direction moyenne journaliere des vagues predites par GENER. Dans un deuxieme temps, la relation entre le ratio des couvertures journalieres obtenues pendant l'hiver 2013 et des couvertures normales de chaque radar d'une part, et la concentration moyenne journaliere de glace de mer d'autre part, a ete etablie. Le ratio des couvertures decroit avec l'augmentation de la concentration de glace de mer pour les deux types

  12. Methode d'identification parametrique pour la surveillance in situ des joints a recouvrement par propagation d'ondes vibratoires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Francoeur, Dany

    Cette these de doctorat s'inscrit dans le cadre de projets CRIAQ (Consortium de recherche et d'innovation en aerospatiale du Quebec) orientes vers le developpement d'approches embarquees pour la detection de defauts dans des structures aeronautiques. L'originalite de cette these repose sur le developpement et la validation d'une nouvelle methode de detection, quantification et localisation d'une entaille dans une structure de joint a recouvrement par la propagation d'ondes vibratoires. La premiere partie expose l'etat des connaissances sur l'identification d'un defaut dans le contexte du Structural Health Monitoring (SHM), ainsi que la modelisation de joint a recouvrements. Le chapitre 3 developpe le modele de propagation d'onde d'un joint a recouvrement endommage par une entaille pour une onde de flexion dans la plage des moyennes frequences (10-50 kHz). A cette fin, un modele de transmission de ligne (TLM) est realise pour representer un joint unidimensionnel (1D). Ce modele 1D est ensuite adapte a un joint bi-dimensionnel (2D) en faisant l'hypothese d'un front d'onde plan incident et perpendiculaire au joint. Une methode d'identification parametrique est ensuite developpee pour permettre a la fois la calibration du modele du joint a recouvrement sain, la detection puis la caracterisation de l'entaille situee sur le joint. Cette methode est couplee a un algorithme qui permet une recherche exhaustive de tout l'espace parametrique. Cette technique permet d'extraire une zone d'incertitude reliee aux parametres du modele optimal. Une etude de sensibilite est egalement realisee sur l'identification. Plusieurs resultats de mesure sur des joints a recouvrements 1D et 2D sont realisees permettant ainsi l'etude de la repetabilite des resultats et la variabilite de differents cas d'endommagement. Les resultats de cette etude demontrent d'abord que la methode de detection proposee est tres efficace et permet de suivre la progression d'endommagement. De tres bons resultats

  13. Developpement des betons semi autoplacants a rheologie adaptee pour des infrastructures

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sotomayor Cruz, Cristian Daniel

    Au cours des dernières décennies, les infrastructures canadiennes et québécoises comportent plusieurs structures en béton armé présentant des problèmes de durabilité dus aux conditions climatiques sévères, à la mauvaise conception des structures, à la qualité des matériaux, aux types des bétons choisis, aux systèmes de construction ou à l'existence d'événements incontrôlables. En ce qui concerne le choix du béton pour la construction des infrastructures, une vaste gamme de béton divisée en deux principaux types peut être utilisée: le béton conventionnel vibré (BCV) et le béton autoplaçant (BAP). Dans le cas d'un BCV, la consolidation inadéquate par vibration a été un problème récurrent, occasionnant des dommages structuraux. Ceci a conduit à une réduction de la durabilité et à une augmentation du coût d'entretien et de réparation des infrastructures. Rien que l'utilisation d'un BAP a des avantages tels que l'élimination de la vibration, la réduction des coûts de main d'oeuvre et l'amélioration de la qualité des structures, néanmoins, le coût initial d'un BAP par rapport à un BCV ne permet pas encore de généraliser son utilisation dans l'industrie de la construction. Ce mémoire présente la conception d'une nouvelle gamme de béton semi-autoplaçant pour la construction des infrastructures (BSAP-I) exigeant une vibration minimale. Il s'agit de trouver un équilibre optimal entre la rhéologie et le coût initial du nouveau béton pour conférer une bonne performance structurale et économique aux structures. Le programme expérimental établi a premièrement permis d'évaluer la faisabilité d'utilisation des BSAP-I pour la mise en place des piliers d'une infrastructure de pont à Sherbrooke. En plus, l'utilisation d'un plan d'expériences a permis l'évaluation de trois paramètres de formulation sur les propriétés des mélanges de BSAP-I à l'état frais et durci. Finalement, l'évaluation de la performance des

  14. Diagnostics optiques pour la mesure de fluides critiques en micro-gravité dans les instruments ALICE et DECLIC

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Durieux, Alain; Babolat, Claude; Dureux, Pierre; Martin, Bernard


    This paper, "Diagnostics optiques pour la mesure de fluides critiques en micro-gravité dans les instruments ALICE et DECLIC," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  15. Développement d'un capteur optique de pression pour la mesure in-situ des moteurs cryogéniques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girault, Marc; Graindorge, Philippe; Laloux, Bernard; Desforges, Francois-Xavier; Martin, Philippe; Lefevre, Herve; Rouhet, Jacky


    This paper, "Développement d'un capteur optique de pression pour la mesure in-situ des moteurs cryogéniques," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  16. Riot Control Agents


    ... Submit What's this? Submit Button Facts About Riot Control Agents Interim document Recommend on Facebook Tweet Share Compartir What riot control agents are Riot control agents (sometimes referred to ...

  17. Nondestructive Intervention to Multi-Agent Systems through an Intelligent Agent

    PubMed Central

    Han, Jing; Wang, Lin


    For a given multi-agent system where the local interaction rule of the existing agents can not be re-designed, one way to intervene the collective behavior of the system is to add one or a few special agents into the group which are still treated as normal agents by the existing ones. We study how to lead a Vicsek-like flocking model to reach synchronization by adding special agents. A popular method is to add some simple leaders (fixed-headings agents). However, we add one intelligent agent, called ‘shill’, which uses online feedback information of the group to decide the shill's moving direction at each step. A novel strategy for the shill to coordinate the group is proposed. It is strictly proved that a shill with this strategy and a limited speed can synchronize every agent in the group. The computer simulations show the effectiveness of this strategy in different scenarios, including different group sizes, shill speed, and with or without noise. Compared to the method of adding some fixed-heading leaders, our method can guarantee synchronization for any initial configuration in the deterministic scenario and improve the synchronization level significantly in low density groups, or model with noise. This suggests the advantage and power of feedback information in intervention of collective behavior. PMID:23658695

  18. Ultrasound Contrast Agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cachard, Christian; Basset, Olivier

    While the use of contrast agents in other imaging modalities (X ray, MRI, PET, …) has been routinely accepted for many years, the development and commercialization of contrast agents designed specifically for ultrasound imaging has occurred only very recently. As in the other imaging modalities, the injection of contrast agents during an ultrasound examination is intended to facilitate the detection and diagnosis of specific pathologies. Contrast agents efficiency is based on the backscattering of ultrasound by microbubbles. These microparticules are intravenously injected in the blood flow. After an introduction and generalities on ultrasound contrast agents (UCA) the microbubble physics in an acoustic field will be developed. Second, physics characteristics of contrast agents will be compared (bubbles with or without shell, gas nature, size distribution). Influence of acoustic pressure on the behaviour of the microparticules (linear, non linear and destruction) will be discussed. Finally, a review of specific imaging adapted to contrast agent properties as harmonic imaging, pulse inversion imaging will be presented.

  19. Remote Agent Demonstration

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Dorais, Gregory A.; Kurien, James; Rajan, Kanna


    We describe the computer demonstration of the Remote Agent Experiment (RAX). The Remote Agent is a high-level, model-based, autonomous control agent being validated on the NASA Deep Space 1 spacecraft.

  20. Neuroprotective "agents" in surgery. Secret "agent" man, or common "agent" machine?

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Andrews, R. J.


    The search for clinically-effective neuroprotective agents has received enormous support in recent years--an estimated $200 million by pharmaceutical companies on clinical trials for traumatic brain injury alone. At the same time, the pathophysiology of brain injury has proved increasingly complex, rendering the likelihood of a single agent "magic bullet" even more remote. On the other hand, great progress continues with technology that makes surgery less invasive and less risky. One example is the application of endovascular techniques to treat coronary artery stenosis, where both the invasiveness of sternotomy and the significant neurological complication rate (due to microemboli showering the cerebral vasculature) can be eliminated. In this paper we review aspects of intraoperative neuroprotection both present and future. Explanations for the slow progress on pharmacologic neuroprotection during surgery are presented. Examples of technical advances that have had great impact on neuroprotection during surgery are given both from coronary artery stenosis surgery and from surgery for Parkinson's disease. To date, the progress in neuroprotection resulting from such technical advances is an order of magnitude greater than that resulting from pharmacologic agents used during surgery. The progress over the last 20 years in guidance during surgery (CT and MRI image-guidance) and in surgical access (endoscopic and endovascular techniques) will soon be complemented by advances in our ability to evaluate biological tissue intraoperatively in real-time. As an example of such technology, the NASA Smart Probe project is considered. In the long run (i.e., in 10 years or more), pharmacologic "agents" aimed at the complex pathophysiology of nervous system injury in man will be the key to true intraoperative neuroprotection. In the near term, however, it is more likely that mundane "agents" based on computers, microsensors, and microeffectors will be the major impetus to improved

  1. Integration des sciences et de la langue: Creation et experimentation d'un modele pedagogique pour ameliorer l'apprentissage des sciences en milieu francophone minoritaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cormier, Marianne

    Les faibles resultats en sciences des eleves du milieu francophone minoritaire, lors d'epreuves au plan national et international, ont interpelle la recherche de solutions. Cette these avait pour but de creer et d'experimenter un modele pedagogique pour l'enseignement des sciences en milieu linguistique minoritaire. En raison de la presence de divers degres de francite chez la clientele scolaire de ce milieu, plusieurs elements langagiers (l'ecriture, la discussion et la lecture) ont ete integres a l'apprentissage scientifique. Nous avions recommande de commencer le processus d'apprentissage avec des elements langagiers plutot informels (redaction dans un journal, discussions en dyades...) pour progresser vers des activites langagieres plus formelles (redaction de rapports ou d'explications scientifiques). En ce qui a trait a l'apprentissage scientifique, le modele preconisait une demarche d'evolution conceptuelle d'inspiration socio-constructiviste tout en s'appuyant fortement sur l'apprentissage experientiel. Lors de l'experimentation du modele, nous voulions savoir si celui-ci provoquait une evolution conceptuelle chez les eleves, et si, simultanement, le vocabulaire scientifique de ces derniers s'enrichissait. Par ailleurs, nous cherchions a comprendre comment les eleves vivaient leurs apprentissages dans le cadre de ce modele pedagogique. Une classe de cinquieme annee de l'ecole de Grande-Digue, dans le Sud-est du Nouveau-Brunswick, a participe a la mise a l'essai du modele en etudiant les marais sales locaux. Lors d'entrevues initiales, nous avons remarque que les connaissances des eleves au sujet des marais sales etaient limitees. En effet, s'ils etaient conscients que les marais etaient des lieux naturels, ils ne pouvaient pas necessairement les decrire avec precision. Nous avons egalement constate que les eleves utilisaient surtout des mots communs (plantes, oiseaux, insectes) pour decrire le marais. Les resultats obtenus indiquent que les eleves ont

  2. Approches pour la reduction de l'impact de defaut dans le transport d'energie du parc eolien offshore via VSC-HVDC =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Benadja, Mounir

    Dans ce travail est presente un systeme de generation d'energie d'un parc eolien offshore et un systeme de transport utilisant les stations VSC-HVDC connectees au reseau principal AC onshore. Trois configurations ont ete etudiees, modelisees et validees par simulation. Dans chacune des configurations, des contributions ameliorant les cotes techniques et economiques sont decrites ci-dessous : La premiere contribution concerne un nouvel algorithme MPPT (Maximum Power Point Tracking) utilise pour l'extraction de la puissance maximale disponible dans les eoliennes des parcs offshores. Cette technique d'extraction du MPPT ameliore le rendement energetique de la chaine de conversion des energies renouvelables notamment l'energie eolienne a petite et a grande echelles (parc eolien offshore) qui constitue un probleme pour les constructeurs qui se trouvent confrontes a developper des dispositifs MPPT simples, moins couteux, robustes, fiables et capable d'obtenir un rendement energetique maximal. La deuxieme contribution concerne la reduction de la taille, du cout et de l'impact des defauts electriques (AC et DC) dans le systeme construit pour transporter l'energie d'un parc eolien offshore (OWF) vers le reseau principal AC onshore via deux stations 3L-NPC VSCHVDC. La solution developpee utilise des observateurs non-lineaires bases sur le filtre de Kalman etendu (EKF). Ce filtre permet d'estimer la vitesse de rotation et la position du rotor de chacune des generatrices du parc eolien offshore et de la tension du bus DC de l'onduleur DC-AC offshore et des deux stations 3L-NPC-VSC-HVDC (offshore et onshore). De plus, ce developpement du filtre de Kalman etendu a permis de reduire l'impact des defauts AC et DC. Deux commandes ont ete utilisees, l'une (commande indirect dans le plan abc) avec EKF integre destinee pour controler le convertisseur DC-AC offshore et l'autre (commande d-q) avec EKF integre pour controler les convertisseurs des deux stations AC-DC et DC-AC tout en

  3. Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD): the future of chemical agent detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laljer, Charles E.; Owen, Jeffery L.


    The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) will provide state of the art chemical warfare agent detection capability to ground vehicle operators. Intelligence sources estimate that over twenty counties have active chemical weapons programs. The spread of chemical weapons to third world nations, coupled with the potential for US involvement in these areas in an operational or support capacity, increases the probability that the Joint Services may encounter chemical agents and toxic industrial materials anywhere in the world. Currently, fielded chemical agent detectors are bulky, labor intensive, and subject to false readings. No legacy detector is sensitive enough to provide detection and warning of the low dose hazards associated with miosis contamination. The JCAD will provide a small, lightweight chemical agent detector for vehicle interiors, aircraft, individual personnel, shipboard, and fixed site locations. The system provides a common detection components across multi-service platforms. This common detector system will allow the Joint Services to use the same operational and support concept for more efficient utilization of resources. The JCAD will detect, identify, quantify, and warn of the presence of chemical agents prior to onset of miosis. Upon detection of chemical agents, the detector will provide local and remote audible and visual alarms to the operators. Advance warning will provide the vehicle crew with the time necessary to protect themselves from the lethal effects of chemical agents. The JCAD will also be capable of being upgraded to protect against future chemical agent threats. The JCAD will provide the vehicle operators with the warning necessary to survive and fight in a chemical warfare agent threat environment.

  4. Joint chemical agent detector (JCAD): the future of chemical agent detection

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laljer, Charles E.


    The Joint Chemical Agent Detector (JCAD) has continued development through 2002. The JCAD has completed Contractor Validation Testing (CVT) that included chemical warfare agent testing, environmental testing, electromagnetic interferent testing, and platform integration validation. The JCAD provides state of the art chemical warfare agent detection capability to military and homeland security operators. Intelligence sources estimate that over twenty countries have active chemical weapons programs. The spread of weapons of mass destruction (and the industrial capability for manufacture of these weapons) to third world nations and terrorist organizations has greatly increased the chemical agent threat to U.S. interests. Coupled with the potential for U.S. involvement in localized conflicts in an operational or support capacity, increases the probability that the military Joint Services may encounter chemical agents anywhere in the world. The JCAD is a small (45 in3), lightweight (2 lb.) chemical agent detector for vehicle interiors, aircraft, individual personnel, shipboard, and fixed site locations. The system provides a common detection component across multi-service platforms. This common detector system will allow the Joint Services to use the same operational and support concept for more efficient utilization of resources. The JCAD detects, identifies, quantifies, and warns of the presence of chemical agents prior to onset of miosis. Upon detection of chemical agents, the detector provides local and remote audible and visual alarms to the operators. Advance warning will provide the vehicle crew and other personnel in the local area with the time necessary to protect themselves from the lethal effects of chemical agents. The JCAD is capable of being upgraded to protect against future chemical agent threats. The JCAD provides the operator with the warning necessary to survive and fight in a chemical warfare agent threat environment.

  5. Sunscreening Agents

    PubMed Central

    Martis, Jacintha; Shobha, V; Sham Shinde, Rutuja; Bangera, Sudhakar; Krishnankutty, Binny; Bellary, Shantala; Varughese, Sunoj; Rao, Prabhakar; Naveen Kumar, B.R.


    The increasing incidence of skin cancers and photodamaging effects caused by ultraviolet radiation has increased the use of sunscreening agents, which have shown beneficial effects in reducing the symptoms and reoccurrence of these problems. Many sunscreen compounds are in use, but their safety and efficacy are still in question. Efficacy is measured through indices, such as sun protection factor, persistent pigment darkening protection factor, and COLIPA guidelines. The United States Food and Drug Administration and European Union have incorporated changes in their guidelines to help consumers select products based on their sun protection factor and protection against ultraviolet radiation, whereas the Indian regulatory agency has not yet issued any special guidance on sunscreening agents, as they are classified under cosmetics. In this article, the authors discuss the pharmacological actions of sunscreening agents as well as the available formulations, their benefits, possible health hazards, safety, challenges, and proper application technique. New technologies and scope for the development of sunscreening agents are also discussed as well as the role of the physician in patient education about the use of these agents. PMID:23320122

  6. Developpement et validation d'un outil base sur l'acoustique geometrique pour le diagnostic du bruit de nacelle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Minard, Benoit

    De nos jours, la problématique du bruit généré par les avions est devenue un point de développement important dans le domaine de l'aéronautique. C'est ainsi que de nombreuses études sont faites dans le domaine et une première approche consiste à modéliser de façon numérique ce bruit de manière à réduire de façon conséquente les coûts lors de la conception. C'est dans ce contexte qu'un motoriste a demandé à l'université de Sherbrooke, et plus particulièrement au groupe d'acoustique de l'Université de Sherbrooke (GAUS), de développer un outil de calcul de la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans les nacelles mais aussi pour l'étude des effets d'installation. Cet outil de prédiction leur permet de réaliser des études afin d'optimiser les traitements acoustiques (« liners »), la géométrie de ces nacelles pour des études portant sur l'intérieur de la nacelle et des études de positionnement des moteurs et de design pour les effets d'installation. L'objectif de ce projet de maîtrise était donc de poursuivre le travail réalisé par [gousset, 2011] sur l'utilisation d'une méthode de lancer de rayons pour l'étude des effets d'installation des moteurs d'avion. L'amélioration du code, sa rapidité, sa fiabilité et sa généralité étaient les objectifs principaux. Le code peut être utilisé avec des traitements acoustiques de surfaces («liners») et peut prendre en compte le phénomène de la diffraction par les arêtes et enfin peut être utilisé pour réaliser des études dans des environnements complexes tels que les nacelles d'avion. Le code développé fonctionne en 3D et procéde en 3 étapes : (1) Calcul des faisceaux initiaux (division d'une sphère, demi-sphère, maillage des surfaces de la géométrie) (2) Propagation des faisceaux dans l'environnement d'étude : calcul de toutes les caractéristiques des rayons convergents (amplitude, phase, nombre de réflexions, ...) (3) Reconstruction du champ de pression en un ou


    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Amoroso, J.; Peeler, D.; Edwards, T.


    A recommendation to eliminate all characterization of pour stream glass samples and the glass fabrication and Product Consistency Test (PCT) of the sludge batch qualification sample was made by a Six-Sigma team chartered to eliminate non-value-added activities for the Defense Waste Processing Facility (DWPF) sludge batch qualification program and is documented in the report SS-PIP-2006-00030. That recommendation was supported through a technical data review by the Savannah River National Laboratory (SRNL) and is documented in the memorandums SRNL-PSE-2007-00079 and SRNL-PSE-2007-00080. At the time of writing those memorandums, the DWPF was processing sludge-only waste but, has since transitioned to a coupledmore » operation (sludge and salt). The SRNL was recently tasked to perform a similar data review relevant to coupled operations and re-evaluate the previous recommendations. This report evaluates the validity of eliminating the characterization of pour stream glass samples and the glass fabrication and Product Consistency Test (PCT) of the sludge batch qualification samples based on sludge-only and coupled operations. The pour stream sample has confirmed the DWPF's ability to produce an acceptable waste form from Slurry Mix Evaporator (SME) blending and product composition/durability predictions for the previous sixteen years but, ultimately the pour stream analysis has added minimal value to the DWPF's waste qualification strategy. Similarly, the information gained from the glass fabrication and PCT of the sludge batch qualification sample was determined to add minimal value to the waste qualification strategy since that sample is routinely not representative of the waste composition ultimately processed at the DWPF due to blending and salt processing considerations. Moreover, the qualification process has repeatedly confirmed minimal differences in glass behavior from actual radioactive waste to glasses fabricated from simulants or batch chemicals. In

  8. Development of performance-based guidelines for selection of bituminous-based hot-poured pavement crack sealant : an executive summary report.

    DOT National Transportation Integrated Search


    This report summarizes research presented in separate technical reports, papers, and journal articles that collectively document the development of a systematic process to aid in the selection of appropriate bituminous hot-poured sealants for pavemen...

  9. The New Agent: A Qualitative Study to Strategically Adapt New Agent Professional Development

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Baker, Lauri M.; Hadley, Gregg


    The qualitative study reported here assessed the needs of agents related to new agent professional development to improve the current model. Agents who participated in new agent professional development within the last 5 years were selected to participate in focus groups to determine concerns and continued needs. Agents enjoyed networking and…

  10. Cold pearl surfactant-based blends.


    Crombie, R L


    Pearlizing agents have been used for many years in cosmetic formulations to add a pearlescent effect. Cold pearl surfactant-based blends are mixtures of glycol stearates and surfactants which can be blended in the cold into a wide range of personal-care formulations to create a pearlescent lustre effect. Under controlled manufacturing conditions constant viscosities and crystalline characteristics can be obtained. The development of these blends has been driven by efforts to improve the economics of adding solid pearlizing agents directly into a hot mix formulation. This paper summarizes the history of pearlizers, describes their advantages and physical chemistry of the manufacturing process. Finally some suggestions for applications are given. Les agents nacrants sont utilises depuis de nombreuses annees dans les formulations cosmetiques pour ajouter un effet nacre. Les melanges a froid a base de tensioactif nacre sont des melanges de stearates de glycol et de tensioactifs qui peuvent etre melanges a froid dans une large gamme de formulations d'hygiene personnelle pour creer un effet de lustre nacre. On peut obtenir des viscosites et des proprietes cristallines constantes avec des conditions de fabrication maitrisees. Le developpement de ces melanges a ete porte par les efforts pour ameliorer les couts de l'ajout d'agents nacrants solides directement dans une formulation melangee de l'ajout d'agents nacrants solides directement dans une formulation melangee a chaud. Cet article resume l'histoire des agents nacrants, decrit leurs avantages et al physico-chimie du procede de fabrication. On emet a la fin cetaines suggestions d'applications.

  11. Relay tracking control for second-order multi-agent systems with damaged agents.


    Dong, Lijing; Li, Jing; Liu, Qin


    This paper investigates a situation where smart agents capable of sensory and mobility are deployed to monitor a designated area. A preset number of agents start tracking when a target intrudes this area. Some of the tracking agents are possible to be out of order over the tracking course. Thus, we propose a cooperative relay tracking strategy to ensure the successful tracking with existence of damaged agents. Relay means that, when a tracking agent quits tracking due to malfunction, one of the near deployed agents replaces it to continue the tracking task. This results in jump of tracking errors and dynamic switching of topology of the multi-agent system. Switched system technique is employed to solve this specific problem. Finally, the effectiveness of proposed tracking strategy and validity of the theoretical results are verified by conducting a numerical simulation. Copyright © 2017 ISA. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Mobile Agents Applications.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Martins, Rosane Maria; Chaves, Magali Ribeiro; Pirmez, Luci; Rust da Costa Carmo, Luiz Fernando


    Discussion of the need to filter and retrieval relevant information from the Internet focuses on the use of mobile agents, specific software components which are based on distributed artificial intelligence and integrated systems. Surveys agent technology and discusses the agent building package used to develop two applications using IBM's Aglet…

  13. Biological warfare agents

    PubMed Central

    Thavaselvam, Duraipandian; Vijayaraghavan, Rajagopalan


    The recent bioterrorist attacks using anthrax spores have emphasized the need to detect and decontaminate critical facilities in the shortest possible time. There has been a remarkable progress in the detection, protection and decontamination of biological warfare agents as many instrumentation platforms and detection methodologies are developed and commissioned. Even then the threat of biological warfare agents and their use in bioterrorist attacks still remain a leading cause of global concern. Furthermore in the past decade there have been threats due to the emerging new diseases and also the re-emergence of old diseases and development of antimicrobial resistance and spread to new geographical regions. The preparedness against these agents need complete knowledge about the disease, better research and training facilities, diagnostic facilities and improved public health system. This review on the biological warfare agents will provide information on the biological warfare agents, their mode of transmission and spread and also the detection systems available to detect them. In addition the current information on the availability of commercially available and developing technologies against biological warfare agents has also been discussed. The risk that arise due to the use of these agents in warfare or bioterrorism related scenario can be mitigated with the availability of improved detection technologies. PMID:21829313

  14. Spacecraft sanitation agent development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    The development of an effective sanitizing agent that is compatible with the spacecraft environment and the human occupant is discussed. Experimental results show that two sanitation agents must be used to satisfy mission requirements: one agent for personal hygiene and one for equipment maintenance. It was also recommended that a water rinse be used with the agents for best results, and that consideration be given to using the agents pressure packed or in aerosol formulations.

  15. Comparison of antifungal activities of various essential oils on the Phytophthora drechsleri, the causal agent of fruit decay

    PubMed Central

    Mohammadi, Ali; Hashemi, Maryam; Hosseini, Seyed Masoud


    Background and Objectives: The efficacy of Mentha piperita L, Zataria multiflora Boiss and Thymus vulgaris L essential oils (EOs) was evaluated for controlling the growth of Phytophthora drechsleri, the causative agent of damage to many crops that is consumed directly by humans. Materials and Methods: The EOs used in this study was purchased from Magnolia Co, Iran. The pour plate method in petri dishes containing Potato Dextrose Agar (PDA) was used to evaluate the antifungal properties of EOs. The minimal inhibitory concentrations (MIC), minimum fungicidal concentration (MFC) as well as mycelial growth inhibition (MGI) were measured. The IC50 value (the concentration inhibited 50% of the mycelium growth) was calculated by probit analysis. Results and Conclusion: The fungal growth was significantly reduced by increasing concentrations of tested EOs. The complete reduction was obtained with Shirazi thyme at all concentrations, whereas the complete reduction for peppermint and thyme was observed at 0.4% and 0.8% (v/v) concentrations, respectively. Meanwhile, the minimum inhibition was observed when 0.1% peppermint (MGI values of 9.37%) was used. The IC50, MIC and MFC values of Shirazi thyme was 0.053, 0.1% and 0.2%, respectively. Similarly, MIC and MFC values of peppermint and thyme were recorded 0.4% and 0.8%, respectively. The results obtained from this study may contribute to the development of new antifungal agents to protect the crops from this pathogenic fungus and many agricultural plant pathogens causing drastic crop losses. PMID:26644871

  16. Santé sexuelle et reproductive des adolescentes de Bobo Dioulasso, Burkina Faso: place de la communication parents-adolescentes pour la réduction des risques

    PubMed Central

    Some, Donmozoun Télesphore; Some, Der Adolphe; Hien, Hervé; Diallo, Ramata; Zingue, Dézémon; Diallo, Ibrahim; Diagbouga, Serge; Dao, Blami


    Introduction Les adolescentes sont très vulnérables face aux Infections Sexuellement Transmissibles (IST) et au VIH/SIDA. Notre étude a pour objectifs d’explorer la qualité de la communication entre les adolescentes et leurs parents sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et de recueillir leurs suggestions pour l’amélioration de cette communication. Méthodes L’étude était transversale qualitative sur 2 mois. La population de l’étude était composée par des adolescentes de 13 à 17 ans et leurs parents habitant la ville de Bobo Dioulasso. Vingt (20) adolescentes scolarisées ont été tirés au sort dans trois établissements secondaires et 20 autres non scolarisées choisies de façon accidentelle dans la ville. Les informations ont été collectées à l’aide de 8 focus groups. Les discussions ont été enregistrées sur cassettes, retranscrites en verbatim, et analysées à l’aide du logiciel QSR NVIVO 2.0. Résultats Les adolescentes et leurs parents communiquent très peu ou pas sur les questions des IST/VIH/SIDA; l’auto-information par les paires ou les médias est la première source d’information. Pour les parents, l’information existe et est accessible aux adolescentes alors que pour ces dernières, leurs connaissances de ces maladies sont parfois erronées. L’abstinence, la fidélité et le dépistage volontaire comme moyen de prévention sont très peu évoqués par les adolescentes de même que par leurs parents. Conclusion La communication parents-adolescentes est insuffisante voire absente dans certains milieux. Il est urgent de conduire des actions auprès des adolescentes et leurs parents pour mieux les informer sur les IST/VIH/SIDA et améliorer la communication sur ces maladies. PMID:22655099

  17. Agility: Agent - Ility Architecture

    DTIC Science & Technology


    existing and emerging standards (e.g., distributed objects, email, web, search engines , XML, Java, Jini). Three agent system components resulted from...agents and other Internet resources and operate over the web (AgentGram), a yellow pages service that uses Internet search engines to locate XML ads for agents and other Internet resources (WebTrader).

  18. CATS-based Agents That Err

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Callantine, Todd J.


    This report describes preliminary research on intelligent agents that make errors. Such agents are crucial to the development of novel agent-based techniques for assessing system safety. The agents extend an agent architecture derived from the Crew Activity Tracking System that has been used as the basis for air traffic controller agents. The report first reviews several error taxonomies. Next, it presents an overview of the air traffic controller agents, then details several mechanisms for causing the agents to err in realistic ways. The report presents a performance assessment of the error-generating agents, and identifies directions for further research. The research was supported by the System-Wide Accident Prevention element of the FAA/NASA Aviation Safety Program.

  19. Agent Architectures for Compliance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Burgemeestre, Brigitte; Hulstijn, Joris; Tan, Yao-Hua

    A Normative Multi-Agent System consists of autonomous agents who must comply with social norms. Different kinds of norms make different assumptions about the cognitive architecture of the agents. For example, a principle-based norm assumes that agents can reflect upon the consequences of their actions; a rule-based formulation only assumes that agents can avoid violations. In this paper we present several cognitive agent architectures for self-monitoring and compliance. We show how different assumptions about the cognitive architecture lead to different information needs when assessing compliance. The approach is validated with a case study of horizontal monitoring, an approach to corporate tax auditing recently introduced by the Dutch Customs and Tax Authority.

  20. Soft drink "pouring rights": marketing empty calories to children.


    Nestle, M


    Healthy People 2010 objectives call for meals and snacks served in schools to contribute to overall diets that meet federal dietary guidelines. Sales in schools of foods and drinks high in calories and low in nutrients undermine this health objective, as well as participation in the more nutritious, federally sponsored, school lunch programs. Competitive foods also undermine nutrition information taught in the classroom. Lucrative contracts between school districts and soft drink companies for exclusive rights to sell one brand are the latest development in the increasing commercialization of school food. These contracts, intended to elicit brand loyalty among young children who have a lifetime of purchases ahead of them, are especially questionable because they place schools in the position of "pushing" soft drink consumption. "Pouring rights" contracts deserve attention from public health professionals concerned about the nutritional quality of children's diets.

  1. Control of experimental Triatoma infestans populations: effect of pour-on cypermethrin applied to chickens under natural conditions in the Argentinean Chaco region.


    Amelotti, I; Catalá, S S; Gorla, D E


    Among peridomestic structures, chicken coops are sites of major importance for the domestic ecology of Triatoma infestans (Hemiptera: Reduviidae). The aim of this study was to evaluate in an experimental context the effects of a cypermethrin pour-on formulation applied to chickens on blood intake, moulting and mortality in T. infestans, under the natural climatic conditions of a region endemic for Chagas' disease. Experimental chicken huts were made of bricks and covered with plastic mosquito nets. Ninety fourth-instar nymphs were maintained in each hut. The study used a completely random design in which chickens in the experimental group were treated with a cypermethrin pour-on formulation. Five replicates (= huts) of the experimental and control groups were conducted. The number of live T. infestans, blood intake and moults to fifth-instar stage were recorded at 1, 5, 20, 35 and 45 days after the application of cypermethrin. Cumulative mortality was higher in nymphs exposed to treated chickens (> 71%) than in control nymphs (< 50%) (P < 0.01). Blood intake and moulting rate were lower in nymphs fed on treated chickens than in control nymphs (P < 0.05). Pour-on cypermethrin was able to cause significant mortality, although it did not eliminate the experimental population of T. infestans. © 2013 The Royal Entomological Society.

  2. Moral actor, selfish agent.


    Frimer, Jeremy A; Schaefer, Nicola K; Oakes, Harrison


    People are motivated to behave selfishly while appearing moral. This tension gives rise to 2 divergently motivated selves. The actor-the watched self-tends to be moral; the agent-the self as executor-tends to be selfish. Three studies present direct evidence of the actor's and agent's distinct motives. To recruit the self-as-actor, we asked people to rate the importance of various goals. To recruit the self-as-agent, we asked people to describe their goals verbally. In Study 1, actors claimed their goals were equally about helping the self and others (viz., moral); agents claimed their goals were primarily about helping the self (viz., selfish). This disparity was evident in both individualist and collectivist cultures, attesting to the universality of the selfish agent. Study 2 compared actors' and agents' motives to those of people role-playing highly prosocial or selfish exemplars. In content (Study 2a) and in the impressions they made on an outside observer (Study 2b), actors' motives were similar to those of the prosocial role-players, whereas agents' motives were similar to those of the selfish role-players. Study 3 accounted for the difference between the actor and agent: Participants claimed that their agent's motives were the more realistic and that their actor's motives were the more idealistic. The selfish agent/moral actor duality may account for why implicit and explicit measures of the same construct diverge, and why feeling watched brings out the better angels of human nature.

  3. A Novel Methodology for the Synthesis of Acyloxy Castor Polyol Esters: Low Pour Point Lubricant Base Stocks.


    Kamalakar, Kotte; Mahesh, Goli; Prasad, Rachapudi B N; Karuna, Mallampalli S L


    Castor oil, a non-edible oil containing hydroxyl fatty acid, ricinoleic acid (89.3 %) was chemically modified employing a two step procedure. The first step involved acylation (C(2)-C(6) alkanoic anhydrides) of -OH functionality employing a green catalyst, Kieselguhr-G and solvent free medium. The catalyst after reaction was filtered and reused several times without loss in activity. The second step is esterification of acylated castor fatty acids with branched mono alcohol, 2-ethylhexanol and polyols namely neopentyl glycol (NPG), trimethylolpropane (TMP) and pentaerythritol (PE) to obtain 16 novel base stocks. The base stocks when evaluated for different lubricant properties have shown very low pour points (-30 to -45°C) and broad viscosity ranges 20.27 cSt to 370.73 cSt, higher viscosity indices (144-171), good thermal and oxidative stabilities, and high weld load capacities suitable for multi-range industrial applications such as hydraulic fluids, metal working fluids, gear oil, forging and aviation applications. The study revealed that acylated branched mono- and polyol esters rich in monounsaturation is desirable for developing low pour point base stocks.

  4. Special Course on Inverse Methods for Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications (Methodes Inverses pour la Conception des Profils Porteurs pour des Applications dans les Domaines de l’Aeronautique et des Turbomachines)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    engined jet aircraft wing MID PLA CROSS tCTO% taking into account the effects of the propulsive system. -DESIGN PAAMETERS DESTIGE PARAMETERS 5CT 0 (MC 0...AGARD Report No.780 Special Course on Inverse Methods for Airfoil Design for Aeronautical and Turbomachinery Applications (M6thodes Inverses pour la...manufacturing systems. Blade or airfoil designs are normally made in two steps, and the lectures are accordingly grouped into two parts. - - In the

  5. Liposome encapsulation of chelating agents


    Rahman, Yueh Erh


    A method for transferring a chelating agent across a cellular membrane by encapsulating the charged chelating agent within liposomes and carrying the liposome-encapsulated chelating agent to the cellular membrane where the liposomes containing the chelating agent will be taken up by the cells, thereby transferring the chelating agent across the cellular membrane. A chelating agent can be introduced into the interior of a cell of a living organism wherein the liposomes will be decomposed, releasing the chelating agent to the interior of the cell. The released chelating agent will complex intracellularly deposited toxic heavy metals, permitting the more soluble metal complex to transfer across the cellular membrane from the cell and subsequently be removed from the living organism.

  6. Double agents and secret agents: the emerging fields of exogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer and T2-exchange magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents for molecular imaging.


    Daryaei, Iman; Pagel, Mark D


    Two relatively new types of exogenous magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents may provide greater impact for molecular imaging by providing greater specificity for detecting molecular imaging biomarkers. Exogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) agents rely on the selective saturation of the magnetization of a proton on an agent, followed by chemical exchange of a proton from the agent to water. The selective detection of a biomarker-responsive CEST signal and an unresponsive CEST signal, followed by the ratiometric comparison of these signals, can improve biomarker specificity. We refer to this improvement as a "double-agent" approach to molecular imaging. Exogenous T 2 -exchange agents also rely on chemical exchange of protons between the agent and water, especially with an intermediate rate that lies between the slow exchange rates of CEST agents and the fast exchange rates of traditional T 1 and T 2 agents. Because of this intermediate exchange rate, these agents have been relatively unknown and have acted as "secret agents" in the contrast agent research field. This review exposes these secret agents and describes the merits of double agents through examples of exogenous agents that detect enzyme activity, nucleic acids and gene expression, metabolites, ions, redox state, temperature, and pH. Future directions are also provided for improving both types of contrast agents for improved molecular imaging and clinical translation. Therefore, this review provides an overview of two new types of exogenous contrast agents that are becoming useful tools within the armamentarium of molecular imaging.

  7. Ferrimagnetic susceptibility contrast agents.


    Bach-Gansmo, T


    Contrast agents based on superparamagnetic particles have been in clinical development for more than 5 years, and the complexity of their effects is still not elucidated. The relaxivities are frequently used to give an idea of their efficacy, but these parameters can only be used if they are concentration independent. For large superparamagnetic systems, the evolution of the transverse magnetization is biexponential, after an initial loss of magnetization. Both these characteristics of large superparamagnetic systems should lead to prudence in using the relaxivities as indicators of contrast medium efficacy. Susceptibility induced artefacts have been associated with the use of superparamagnetic contrast agents since the first imaging evaluation took place. The range of concentrations where good contrast effect was achieved without inducing artefacts, as well as blurring and metal artefacts were evaluated. The influence of motion on the induction of artefacts was studied, and compared to the artefacts induced by a paramagnetic agent subject to motion. With a suitable concentration of a negative contrast agent, a signal void could be achieved in the region prone to motion, and no artefacts were induced. If the concentration was too high, a displacement of the region close to the contrast agent was observed. The artefacts occurred in a volume surrounding the contrast agent, i.e., also outside the imaging plane. In comparison a positive, paramagnetic contrast agent induced heavy artefacts in the phase encoding direction, appearing as both high intensity regions and black holes, in a mosaic pattern. Clinical trials of the oral contrast agent OMP for abdominal MR imaging showed this agent to be safe and efficacious. OMP increased the diagnostic efficacy of abdominal MR imaging in 2 of 3 cases examined, with a significant decrease in motion artefacts. Susceptibility contrast agents may also be of use in the evaluation of small lesions in the liver. Particulate material

  8. A CSP-Based Agent Modeling Framework for the Cougaar Agent-Based Architecture

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Gracanin, Denis; Singh, H. Lally; Eltoweissy, Mohamed; Hinchey, Michael G.; Bohner, Shawn A.


    Cognitive Agent Architecture (Cougaar) is a Java-based architecture for large-scale distributed agent-based applications. A Cougaar agent is an autonomous software entity with behaviors that represent a real-world entity (e.g., a business process). A Cougaar-based Model Driven Architecture approach, currently under development, uses a description of system's functionality (requirements) to automatically implement the system in Cougaar. The Communicating Sequential Processes (CSP) formalism is used for the formal validation of the generated system. Two main agent components, a blackboard and a plugin, are modeled as CSP processes. A set of channels represents communications between the blackboard and individual plugins. The blackboard is represented as a CSP process that communicates with every agent in the collection. The developed CSP-based Cougaar modeling framework provides a starting point for a more complete formal verification of the automatically generated Cougaar code. Currently it is used to verify the behavior of an individual agent in terms of CSP properties and to analyze the corresponding Cougaar society.

  9. Evaluation of new antiemetic agents and definition of antineoplastic agent emetogenicity--an update.


    Grunberg, Steven M; Osoba, David; Hesketh, Paul J; Gralla, Richard J; Borjeson, Sussanne; Rapoport, Bernardo L; du Bois, Andreas; Tonato, Maurizio


    Development of effective antiemetic therapy depends upon an understanding of both the antiemetic agents and the emetogenic challenges these agents are designed to address. New potential antiemetic agents should be studied in an orderly manner, proceeding from phase I to phase II open-label trials and then to randomized double-blind phase III trials comparing new agents and regimens to best standard therapy. Use of placebos in place of antiemetic therapy against highly or moderately emetogenic chemotherapy is unacceptable. Nausea and vomiting should be evaluated separately and for both the acute and delayed periods. Defining the emetogenicity of new antineoplastic agents is a challenge, since such data are often not reliably recorded during early drug development. A four-level classification system is proposed for emetogenicity of intravenous antineoplastic agents. A separate four-level classification system for emetogenicity of oral antineoplastic agents, which are often given over an extended period of time, is also proposed.

  10. Ressources pour les personnes atteintes de démence

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher; Feldman, Sid; Schulz, Mary


    Résumé Objectif Résumer les services offerts par la Société Alzheimer et discuter des autres sources de soutien et d’information à la disposition des personnes atteintes de démence. Sources de l’information On a fait une recension dans Ovid MEDLINE à l’aide des expressions dementia, Alzheimer disease, community health services utilization et caregiver stress. Message principal Il a été démontré qu’il est bénéfique aux patients et aux aidants si le diagnostic de la démence est posé tôt dans la maladie. Une consultation auprès de la Société Alzheimer peut aider dans la prise en charge non pharmacologique de la démence au moment du diagnostic et en tout temps durant l’évolution de la maladie. Parmi les services offerts, on peut mentionner des renseignements au sujet de la démence, le soutien aux aidants, la coordination des services communautaires et une grande diversité de ressources écrites à l’intention des patients et des aidants. Là où il est offert, le programme Premier lien peut aider avec l’orientation vers des services en minimisant la nécessité pour les patients ou les aidants de communiquer eux-mêmes avec les filiales locales de la Société. On discute aussi d’autres ressources, y compris les soins de répit et les approches technologiques pour prendre en charge l’errance. Conclusion La Société Alzheimer joue un rôle important dans la prise en charge de la démence et les médecins de famille devraient toujours envisager d’y référer leurs patients au moment du diagnostic, quelle que soit la gravité de l’état. Premier lien, quand il est accessible, peut faciliter le contact avec les services. Des ressources comme les soins de répit et les programmes de jour devraient toujours être considérés lorsqu’ils sont disponibles.

  11. Agent tracking: a psycho-historical theory of the identification of living and social agents.


    Bullot, Nicolas J

    To explain agent-identification behaviours, universalist theories in the biological and cognitive sciences have posited mental mechanisms thought to be universal to all humans, such as agent detection and face recognition mechanisms. These universalist theories have paid little attention to how particular sociocultural or historical contexts interact with the psychobiological processes of agent-identification. In contrast to universalist theories, contextualist theories appeal to particular historical and sociocultural contexts for explaining agent-identification. Contextualist theories tend to adopt idiographic methods aimed at recording the heterogeneity of human behaviours across history, space, and cultures. Defenders of the universalist approach tend to criticise idiographic methods because such methods can lead to relativism or may lack generality. To overcome explanatory limitations of proposals that adopt either universalist or contextualist approaches in isolation, I propose a philosophical model that integrates contributions from both traditions: the psycho-historical theory of agent-identification. This theory investigates how the tracking processes that humans use for identifying agents interact with the unique socio-historical contexts that support agent-identification practices. In integrating hypotheses about the history of agents with psychological and epistemological principles regarding agent-identification, the theory can generate novel hypotheses regarding the distinction between recognition-based, heuristic-based, and explanation-based agent-identification.

  12. Topical antifungal agents: an update.


    Diehl, K B


    So many topical antifungal agents have been introduced that it has become very difficult to select the proper agent for a given infection. Nonspecific agents have been available for many years, and they are still effective in many situations. These agents include Whitfield's ointment, Castellani paint, gentian violet, potassium permanganate, undecylenic acid and selenium sulfide. Specific antifungal agents include, among others, the polyenes (nystatin, amphotericin B), the imidazoles (metronidazole, clotrimazole) and the allylamines (terbinafine, naftifine). Although the choice of an antifungal agent should be based on an accurate diagnosis, many clinicians believe that topical miconazole is a relatively effective agent for the treatment of most mycotic infections. Terbinafine and other newer drugs have primary fungicidal effects. Compared with older antifungal agents, these newer drugs can be used in lower concentrations and shorter therapeutic courses. Studies are needed to evaluate the clinical efficacies and cost advantages of both newer and traditional agents.

  13. Representation in dynamical agents.


    Ward, Ronnie; Ward, Robert


    This paper extends experiments by Beer [Beer, R. D. (1996). Toward the evolution of dynamical neural networks for minimally cognitive behavior. In P. Maes, M. Mataric, J. Meyer, J. Pollack, & S. Wilson (Eds.), From animals to animats 4: Proceedings of the fourth international conference on simulation of adaptive behavior (pp. 421-429). MIT Press; Beer, R. D. (2003). The dynamics of active categorical perception in an evolved model agent (with commentary and response). Adaptive Behavior, 11 (4), 209-243] with an evolved, dynamical agent to further explore the question of representation in cognitive systems. Beer's environmentally-situated visual agent was controlled by a continuous-time recurrent neural network, and evolved to perform a categorical perception task, discriminating circles from diamonds. Despite the agent's high levels of discrimination performance, Beer found no evidence of internal representation in the best-evolved agent's nervous system. Here we examine the generality of this result. We evolved an agent for shape discrimination, and performed extensive behavioral analyses to test for representation. In this case we find that agents developed to discriminate equal-width shapes exhibit what Clark [Clark, A. (1997). The dynamical challenge. Cognitive Science, 21 (4), 461-481] calls "weak-substantive representation". The agent had internal configurations that (1) were understandably related to the object in the environment, and (2) were functionally used in a task relevant way when the target was not visible to the agent.

  14. Effect of Combination Therapy with Neuroprotective and Vasoprotective Agents on Cerebral Ischemia.


    Yang, Jiping; Yang, Bei; Xiu, Baoxin; Qi, Jinchong; Liu, Huaijun


    'autres processus entraînent une mort cellulaire. À cet effet, il se pourrait qu'une combinaison d'agents protecteurs ciblant divers mécanismes physiopathologiques permette d'obtenir de meilleurs résultats qu'un simple agent. Après avoir suscité de façon contrôlée des lésions cérébrales ischémiques chez des lapins, l'objectif principal de la présente étude a donc été de se pencher sur l'impact d'une polythérapie combinant la protéine dite « facteur de croissance de l'endothélium vasculaire » (ou « VEGF » en anglais) avec le « facteur de croissance des nerfs » (ou « NGF » en anglais). Méthodes: Les animaux ont été attribués au hasard à l'un des groupes suivants : ceux ayant reçu un traitement fictif ; ceux, du groupe témoin, ayant bénéficié d'un traitement à base de solution saline ; et finalement ceux ayant été traités au moyen des VEGF et NGF. À noter que les lapins ont reçu une micro-injection intracérébrale de VEGF et de NGF ou de solution saline 5 heures ou 8 heures à la suite de leur AVC. Ces deux délais d'administration des VEGF et NGF sont équivalents ou supérieurs aux délais actuels d'administration des VEGF ou NGF à titre de monothérapie (3 heures ou 5 heures à la suite d'un AVC). Tant le volume des infarctus, le contenu en eau, les déficits neurologiques ainsi causés, l'apoptose des neurones que l'expression des protéases caspase 3 et des protéines Bcl-2 ont été mesurés. Résultats: Si on la compare au traitement à base de solution saline administré au groupe témoin, la polythérapie à base de VEGF et de NGF, lorsqu'administrée 5 heures ou 8 heures à la suite de l'AVC, a su réduire de façon notable le volume des infarctus, le contenu en eau, l'apoptose des neurones et l'expression des protéases caspase 3. Elle a également permis de réguler à la hausse l'expression des protéines Bcl-2 en plus d'entraîner une amélioration de la récupération fonctionnelle (p < 0,01 pour ces deux aspects). Ainsi

  15. Agent oriented programming

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Shoham, Yoav


    The goal of our research is a methodology for creating robust software in distributed and dynamic environments. The approach taken is to endow software objects with explicit information about one another, to have them interact through a commitment mechanism, and to equip them with a speech-acty communication language. System-level applications include software interoperation and compositionality. A government application of specific interest is an infrastructure for coordination among multiple planners. Daily activity applications include personal software assistants, such as programmable email, scheduling, and new group agents. Research topics include definition of mental state of agents, design of agent languages as well as interpreters for those languages, and mechanisms for coordination within agent societies such as artificial social laws and conventions.

  16. Aborder la syllogomanie en médecine familiale

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher; Misiaszek, Brian


    rechercher des ressources locales pour contribuer à la prise en charge. Il faut évaluer et traiter les causes sous-jacentes lorsqu’elles sont cernées. On s’attend à ce que la syllogomanie primaire compte parmi les nouveaux diagnostics dans la 5e édition du Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux.

  17. Explorer : des clés pour mieux comprendre la matière

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Ellis, Jonathan R.


    Will the LHC upset theories of the infinitely small? Physicists would like the accelerator to shake the standard model. This theory of elementary particles and forces leaves many gray areas. The LHC and its experiments have been designed to enlighten them. [Le LHC va-t-il bouleverser les théories de l'infiniment petit ? Les physiciens aimeraient que l'accélérateur fasse trembler le modèle standard. Cette théorie des particules élémentaires et des forces laisse de nombreuses zones d'ombre. Le LHC et ses expériences ont été conçus pour les éclairer.

  18. Double agents and secret agents: the emerging fields of exogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer and T2-exchange magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents for molecular imaging

    PubMed Central

    Daryaei, Iman; Pagel, Mark D


    Two relatively new types of exogenous magnetic resonance imaging contrast agents may provide greater impact for molecular imaging by providing greater specificity for detecting molecular imaging biomarkers. Exogenous chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) agents rely on the selective saturation of the magnetization of a proton on an agent, followed by chemical exchange of a proton from the agent to water. The selective detection of a biomarker-responsive CEST signal and an unresponsive CEST signal, followed by the ratiometric comparison of these signals, can improve biomarker specificity. We refer to this improvement as a “double-agent” approach to molecular imaging. Exogenous T2-exchange agents also rely on chemical exchange of protons between the agent and water, especially with an intermediate rate that lies between the slow exchange rates of CEST agents and the fast exchange rates of traditional T1 and T2 agents. Because of this intermediate exchange rate, these agents have been relatively unknown and have acted as “secret agents” in the contrast agent research field. This review exposes these secret agents and describes the merits of double agents through examples of exogenous agents that detect enzyme activity, nucleic acids and gene expression, metabolites, ions, redox state, temperature, and pH. Future directions are also provided for improving both types of contrast agents for improved molecular imaging and clinical translation. Therefore, this review provides an overview of two new types of exogenous contrast agents that are becoming useful tools within the armamentarium of molecular imaging. PMID:27747191

  19. Proceedings of the Agent 2002 Conference on Social Agents : Ecology, Exchange, and Evolution

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Macal, C., ed.; Sallach, D., ed.


    Welcome to the ''Proceedings'' of the third in a series of agent simulation conferences cosponsored by Argonne National Laboratory and The University of Chicago. The theme of this year's conference, ''Social Agents: Ecology, Exchange and Evolution'', was selected to foster the exchange of ideas on some of the most important social processes addressed by agent simulation models, namely: (1) The translation of ecology and ecological constraints into social dynamics; (2) The role of exchange processes, including the peer dependencies they create; and (3) The dynamics by which, and the attractor states toward which, social processes evolve. As stated in themore » ''Call for Papers'', throughout the social sciences, the simulation of social agents has emerged as an innovative and powerful research methodology. The promise of this approach, however, is accompanied by many challenges. First, modeling complexity in agents, environments, and interactions is non-trivial, and these representations must be explored and assessed systematically. Second, strategies used to represent complexities are differentially applicable to any particular problem space. Finally, to achieve sufficient generality, the design and experimentation inherent in agent simulation must be coupled with social and behavioral theory. Agent 2002 provides a forum for reviewing the current state of agent simulation scholarship, including research designed to address such outstanding issues. This year's conference introduces an extensive range of domains, models, and issues--from pre-literacy to future projections, from ecology to oligopolistic markets, and from design to validation. Four invited speakers highlighted major themes emerging from social agent simulation.« less

  20. Flexible, secure agent development framework


    Goldsmith,; Steven, Y [Rochester, MN


    While an agent generator is generating an intelligent agent, it can also evaluate the data processing platform on which it is executing, in order to assess a risk factor associated with operation of the agent generator on the data processing platform. The agent generator can retrieve from a location external to the data processing platform an open site that is configurable by the user, and load the open site into an agent substrate, thereby creating a development agent with code development capabilities. While an intelligent agent is executing a functional program on a data processing platform, it can also evaluate the data processing platform to assess a risk factor associated with performing the data processing function on the data processing platform.

  1. Le niobate de lithium a haute temperature pour les applications ultrasons =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Castilla, Hector

    L'objectif de ce travail de maitrise en sciences appliquees est de trouver puis etudier un materiau piezoelectrique qui est potentiellement utilisable dans les transducteurs ultrasons a haute temperature. En effet, ces derniers sont actuellement limites a des temperatures de fonctionnement en dessous de 300°C a cause de l'element piezoelectrique qui les compose. Palier a cette limitation permettrait des controles non destructifs par ultrasons a haute temperature. Avec de bonnes proprietes electromecaniques et une temperature de Curie elevee (1200°C), le niobate de lithium (LiNbO 3) est un bon candidat. Mais certaines etudes affirment que des processus chimiques tels que l'apparition de conductivite ionique ou l'emergence d'une nouvelle phase ne permettent pas son utilisation dans les transducteurs ultrasons au-dessus de 600°C. Cependant, d'autres etudes plus recentes ont montre qu'il pouvait generer des ultrasons jusqu'a 1000°C et qu'aucune conductivite n'etait visible. Une hypothese a donc emerge : une conductivite ionique est presente dans le niobate de lithium a haute temperature (>500°C) mais elle n'affecte que faiblement ses proprietes a hautes frequences (>100 kHz). Une caracterisation du niobate de lithium a haute temperature est donc necessaire afin de verifier cette hypothese. Pour cela, la methode par resonance a ete employee. Elle permet une caracterisation de la plupart des coefficients electromecaniques avec une simple spectroscopie d'impedance electrochimique et un modele reliant de facon explicite les proprietes au spectre d'impedance. Il s'agit de trouver les coefficients du modele permettant de superposer au mieux le modele avec les mesures experimentales. Un banc experimental a ete realise permettant de controler la temperature des echantillons et de mesurer leur impedance electrochimique. Malheureusement, les modeles actuellement utilises pour la methode par resonance sont imprecis en presence de couplages entre les modes de vibration. Cela

  2. Do Low Molecular Weight Agents Cause More Severe Asthma than High Molecular Weight Agents?


    Meca, Olga; Cruz, María-Jesús; Sánchez-Ortiz, Mónica; González-Barcala, Francisco-Javier; Ojanguren, Iñigo; Munoz, Xavier


    The aim of this study was to analyse whether patients with occupational asthma (OA) caused by low molecular weight (LMW) agents differed from patients with OA caused by high molecular weight (HMW) with regard to risk factors, asthma presentation and severity, and response to various diagnostic tests. Seventy-eight patients with OA diagnosed by positive specific inhalation challenge (SIC) were included. Anthropometric characteristics, atopic status, occupation, latency periods, asthma severity according to the Global Initiative for Asthma (GINA) control classification, lung function tests and SIC results were analysed. OA was induced by an HMW agent in 23 patients (29%) and by an LMW agent in 55 (71%). A logistic regression analysis confirmed that patients with OA caused by LMW agents had a significantly higher risk of severity according to the GINA classification after adjusting for potential confounders (OR = 3.579, 95% CI 1.136-11.280; p = 0.029). During the SIC, most patients with OA caused by HMW agents presented an early reaction (82%), while in patients with OA caused by LMW agents the response was mainly late (73%) (p = 0.0001). Similarly, patients with OA caused by LMW agents experienced a greater degree of bronchial hyperresponsiveness, measured as the difference in the methacholine dose-response ratio (DRR) before and after SIC (1.77, range 0-16), compared with patients with OA caused by HMW agents (0.87, range 0-72), (p = 0.024). OA caused by LMW agents may be more severe than that caused by HMW agents. The severity of the condition may be determined by the different mechanisms of action of these agents.

  3. Knowledge focus via software agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Henager, Donald E.


    The essence of military Command and Control (C2) is making knowledge intensive decisions in a limited amount of time using uncertain, incorrect, or outdated information. It is essential to provide tools to decision-makers that provide: * Management of friendly forces by treating the "friendly resources as a system". * Rapid assessment of effects of military actions againt the "enemy as a system". * Assessment of how an enemy should, can, and could react to friendly military activities. Software agents in the form of mission agents, target agents, maintenance agents, and logistics agents can meet this information challenge. The role of each agent is to know all the details about its assigned mission, target, maintenance, or logistics entity. The Mission Agent would fight for mission resources based on the mission priority and analyze the effect that a proposed mission's results would have on the enemy. The Target Agent (TA) communicates with other targets to determine its role in the system of targets. A system of TAs would be able to inform a planner or analyst of the status of a system of targets, the effect of that status, adn the effect of attacks on that system. The system of TAs would also be able to analyze possible enemy reactions to attack by determining ways to minimize the effect of attack, such as rerouting traffic or using deception. The Maintenance Agent would scheudle maintenance events and notify the maintenance unit. The Logistics Agent would manage shipment and delivery of supplies to maintain appropriate levels of weapons, fuel and spare parts. The central idea underlying this case of software agents is knowledge focus. Software agents are createad automatically to focus their attention on individual real-world entities (e.g., missions, targets) and view the world from that entities perspective. The agent autonomously monitors the entity, identifies problems/opportunities, formulates solutions, and informs the decision-maker. The agent must be

  4. Clustering recommendations to compute agent reputation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bedi, Punam; Kaur, Harmeet


    Traditional centralized approaches to security are difficult to apply to multi-agent systems which are used nowadays in e-commerce applications. Developing a notion of trust that is based on the reputation of an agent can provide a softer notion of security that is sufficient for many multi-agent applications. Our paper proposes a mechanism for computing reputation of the trustee agent for use by the trustier agent. The trustier agent computes the reputation based on its own experience as well as the experience the peer agents have with the trustee agents. The trustier agents intentionally interact with the peer agents to get their experience information in the form of recommendations. We have also considered the case of unintentional encounters between the referee agents and the trustee agent, which can be directly between them or indirectly through a set of interacting agents. The clustering is done to filter off the noise in the recommendations in the form of outliers. The trustier agent clusters the recommendations received from referee agents on the basis of the distances between recommendations using the hierarchical agglomerative method. The dendogram hence obtained is cut at the required similarity level which restricts the maximum distance between any two recommendations within a cluster. The cluster with maximum number of elements denotes the views of the majority of recommenders. The center of this cluster represents the reputation of the trustee agent which can be computed using c-means algorithm.

  5. Agents Play Mix-game

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gou, Chengling

    In recent years, economics and finance see the shift of paradigm from representative agent models to heterogeneous agent models [1, 2]. More and more economists and physicists made efforts in research on heterogeneous agent models for financial markets. Minority game (MG) proposed by D. Challet, and Y. C. Zhang [3] is an example among such efforts. Challet and Zhang's MG model, together with the original bar model of Arthur, attracts a lot of following studies [4-6]. Given MG's richness and yet underlying simplicity, MG has also received much attention as a financial market model [4]. MG comprises an odd number of agents choosing repeatedly between the options of buying (1) and selling (0) a quantity of a risky asset. The agents continually try to make the minority decision, i.e. buy assets when the majority of other agents are selling, and sell when the majority of other agents are buying. Neil F. Johnson [4, 5] and coworkers extended MG by allowing a variable number of active traders at each timestep— they called their modified game as the Grand Canonical Minority Game (GCMG). GCMG, and to a lesser extent the basic MG itself, can reproduce the stylized facts of financial markets, such as volatility clustering and fat-tail distributions.

  6. Efficient Agent-Based Cluster Ensembles

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Agogino, Adrian; Tumer, Kagan


    Numerous domains ranging from distributed data acquisition to knowledge reuse need to solve the cluster ensemble problem of combining multiple clusterings into a single unified clustering. Unfortunately current non-agent-based cluster combining methods do not work in a distributed environment, are not robust to corrupted clusterings and require centralized access to all original clusterings. Overcoming these issues will allow cluster ensembles to be used in fundamentally distributed and failure-prone domains such as data acquisition from satellite constellations, in addition to domains demanding confidentiality such as combining clusterings of user profiles. This paper proposes an efficient, distributed, agent-based clustering ensemble method that addresses these issues. In this approach each agent is assigned a small subset of the data and votes on which final cluster its data points should belong to. The final clustering is then evaluated by a global utility, computed in a distributed way. This clustering is also evaluated using an agent-specific utility that is shown to be easier for the agents to maximize. Results show that agents using the agent-specific utility can achieve better performance than traditional non-agent based methods and are effective even when up to 50% of the agents fail.

  7. Agent planning in AgScala

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tošić, Saša; Mitrović, Dejan; Ivanović, Mirjana


    Agent-oriented programming languages are designed to simplify the development of software agents, especially those that exhibit complex, intelligent behavior. This paper presents recent improvements of AgScala, an agent-oriented programming language based on Scala. AgScala includes declarative constructs for managing beliefs, actions and goals of intelligent agents. Combined with object-oriented and functional programming paradigms offered by Scala, it aims to be an efficient framework for developing both purely reactive, and more complex, deliberate agents. Instead of the Prolog back-end used initially, the new version of AgScala relies on Agent Planning Package, a more advanced system for automated planning and reasoning.


    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey



    Library of Congress Historic Buildings Survey, Historic Engineering Record, Historic Landscapes Survey


  10. Benzamide Derivatives as Protective Agents against the Action of Xenotoxic Agents on Human Cells.

    DTIC Science & Technology



  11. Approche de prise en charge du trouble du spectre de l’autisme

    PubMed Central

    Lee, Patrick F.; Thomas, Roger E.; Lee, Patricia A.


    Résumé Objectif Se pencher sur les critères diagnostiques du trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA) comme les définit le Manuel diagnostique et statistique des troubles mentaux, cinquième édition (DSM-V), et concevoir une approche de prise en charge du TSA à l’aide du cadre CanMEDS–Médecine familiale (CanMEDS-MF). Sources d’information Le DSM-V, publié par l’American Psychiatric Association en mai 2013, énonce de nouveaux critères diagnostiques du TSA. Le cadre CanMEDS-MF du Collège des médecins de famille du Canada fournit un plan d’orientation pour la prise en charge complexe du TSA. Nous avons utilisé des données recueillies par le Centers for Disease Control and Prevention afin de déterminer la prévalence du TSA, ainsi que la revue systématique et méta-analyse détaillée effectuée par le National Institute for Health and Care Excellence du R.-U. pour ses lignes directrices sur le TSA dans le but d’évaluer les données probantes issues de plus de 100 interventions. Message principal Selon les données du Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, la prévalence du TSA se chiffrait à 1 sur 88 en 2008 aux États-Unis. La classification du TSA dans la quatrième édition du DSM incluait l’autisme, le syndrome d’Asperger, le trouble envahissant du développement et le trouble désintégratif de l’enfance. La dernière révision du DSM-V réunit tous ces troubles sous la mention TSA, avec différents niveaux de sévérité. La prise en charge du TSA est complexe; elle exige les efforts d’une équipe multidisciplinaire ainsi que des soins continus. Les rôles CanMEDS-MF fournissent un cadre de prise en charge. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont au cœur de l’équipe de soins multidisciplinaire pour le TSA, et le cadre CanMEDS-MF tient lieu de plan détaillé pour guider la prise en charge d’un enfant atteint de TSA et aider la famille de cet enfant.

  12. Validation materielle d'une architecture generique de reseaux avioniques basee sur une gestion modulaire de la redondance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tremblay, Jose-Philippe

    Les systemes avioniques ne cessent d'evoluer depuis l'apparition des technologies numeriques au tournant des annees 60. Apres le passage par plusieurs paradigmes de developpement, ces systemes suivent maintenant l'approche " Integrated Modular Avionics " (IMA) depuis le debut des annees 2000. Contrairement aux methodes anterieures, cette approche est basee sur une conception modulaire, un partage de ressources generiques entre plusieurs systemes et l'utilisation plus poussee de bus multiplexes. La plupart des concepts utilises par l'architecture IMA, bien que deja connus dans le domaine de l'informatique distribuee, constituent un changement marque par rapport aux modeles anterieurs dans le monde avionique. Ceux-ci viennent s'ajouter aux contraintes importantes de l'avionique classique telles que le determinisme, le temps reel, la certification et les cibles elevees de fiabilite. L'adoption de l'approche IMA a declenche une revision de plusieurs aspects de la conception, de la certification et de l'implementation d'un systeme IMA afin d'en tirer profit. Cette revision, ralentie par les contraintes avioniques, est toujours en cours, et offre encore l'opportunite de developpement de nouveaux outils, methodes et modeles a tous les niveaux du processus d'implementation d?un systeme IMA. Dans un contexte de proposition et de validation d'une nouvelle architecture IMA pour un reseau generique de capteurs a bord d?un avion, nous avons identifie quelques aspects des differentes approches traditionnelles pour la realisation de ce type d?architecture pouvant etre ameliores. Afin de remedier a certaines des differentes lacunes identifiees, nous avons propose une approche de validation basee sur une plateforme materielle reconfigurable ainsi qu'une nouvelle approche de gestion de la redondance pour l'atteinte des cibles de fiabilite. Contrairement aux outils statiques plus limites satisfaisant les besoins pour la conception d'une architecture federee, notre approche de

  13. Collaborating Fuzzy Reinforcement Learning Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Berenji, Hamid R.


    Earlier, we introduced GARIC-Q, a new method for doing incremental Dynamic Programming using a society of intelligent agents which are controlled at the top level by Fuzzy Relearning and at the local level, each agent learns and operates based on ANTARCTIC, a technique for fuzzy reinforcement learning. In this paper, we show that it is possible for these agents to compete in order to affect the selected control policy but at the same time, they can collaborate while investigating the state space. In this model, the evaluator or the critic learns by observing all the agents behaviors but the control policy changes only based on the behavior of the winning agent also known as the super agent.

  14. Prete-moi Ton Logiciel pour Ecrire un Mot (Lend Me Your Software Program So I Can Write a Letter).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mangenot, Francois


    A brief discussion and description of one commercially available software package ("Pour Ecrire un Mot") for writing letters of various types uses the love letter as an example of the software's functioning. Answers to the prompting questions on the screen determine the few variable parameters of the text to be generated. (four…

  15. Guide de pratique clinique pour les lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères et les symptômes persistants

    PubMed Central

    Marshall, Shawn; Bayley, Mark; McCullagh, Scott; Velikonja, Diana; Berrigan, Lindsay


    Résumé Objectif Présenter les nouvelles lignes directrices sur la prise en charge des lésions cérébrales traumatiques légères (LCTL) et les symptômes persistants post-commotion (SPPC) afin de renseigner et d’orienter les médecins qui prennent en charge des patients qui se remettent d’une LCTL. Qualité des données On a effectué une recherche des guides de pratique clinique existants portant sur les LCTL et une synthèse critique des ouvrages scientifiques évaluant le traitement des SPPC. Étant donné la rareté des conseils sur la prise en charge des SPPC dans les travaux sur les lésions cérébrales traumatiques, une deuxième recherche documentaire a été faite pour recenser les guides de pratique clinique et les synthèses critiques concernant la prise en charge de ces symptômes communs dans la population en général. On a convoqué des professionnels de la santé provenant de différentes disciplines et régions du Canada et de l’étranger à une conférence consensuelle d’experts pour examiner les lignes directrices et les données probantes existantes et élaborer un guide complet pour la prise en charge des LCTL et des SPPC. Message principal À l’aide d’un processus Delphi modifié, on a produit 71 recommandations portant sur le diagnostic et la prise en charge des LCTL et des SPPC. De plus, on a inclus dans le guide de nombreuses ressources et des outils pour faciliter la mise en œuvre des recommandations. Conclusion Un guide de pratique clinique a été élaboré pour aider les professionnels de la santé à fournir des soins fondés sur les données probantes et les pratiques exemplaires à la population complexe de personnes qui ont des SPPC à la suite d’une LCTL.

  16. Caracterisation des revetements par projection thermique a haute vitesse obtenus a partir de differentes poudres de wc-10co-4cr pour des applications en aeronautique =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quintero Malpica, Alfonso

    Les revetements par projection thermique HVOF (High Velocity Oxy-Fuel) sont communement utilises dans l'industrie aeronautique, notamment au sein du partenaire industriel du projet (Tecnickrome Aeronautique Inc), comme des remplacants pour les revetements produits par l'electrodeposition du chrome dur due aux problemes environnementaux. Ce projet avait pour but de trouver une poudre alternative a celle qui est actuellement utilisee pour la production des revetements de type WC-10Co-4Cr obtenus avec la technologie de projection thermique a haute vitesse HVOF et en utilisant le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III. Dans un premier temps, cinq poudres incluant celle de reference, ayant des distributions granulometriques differentes, ont ete projetees dans le but d'identifier quelles poudres pouvaient etre utilisees avec le systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III en gardant des parametres similaires (debit d'hydrogene, debit d'oxygene, debit de poudre et distance de projection) que pour la poudre de reference. Les revetements obtenus a partir des poudres etudiees ont ete evalues selon les criteres d'acceptation des revetements sollicites par les principaux manufacturiers des trains d'atterrissage. Les tests ont porte sur l'epaisseur, l'adhesion, la microstructure, la microdurete, les contraintes residuelles et la rugosite. A partir des resultats obtenus, seulement deux poudres ont rencontre toutes les proprietes demandees par les specifications aeronautiques. L'influence de la variation de la distance de projection sur la qualite des revetements a ete etudiee. Cinq distances (100, 125, 150, 175 et 200 mm) ont ete choisies pour faire la projection des deux poudres selectionnees. Les revetements obtenus ont montre de proprietes des revetements similaires (epaisseur, adhesion, microstructure, microdurete, contraintes residuelles et rugosite). Il a ete trouve que la distance de projection est un parametre indirect du systeme de projection HVOF-JET KOTERTM III et

  17. BSL-3 laboratory practices in the United States: comparison of select agent and non-select agent facilities.


    Richards, Stephanie L; Pompei, Victoria C; Anderson, Alice


    New construction of biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories in the United States has increased in the past decade to facilitate research on potential bioterrorism agents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect BSL-3 facilities and review commissioning documentation, but no single agency has oversight over all BSL-3 facilities. This article explores the extent to which standard operating procedures in US BSL-3 facilities vary between laboratories with select agent or non-select agent status. Comparisons are made for the following variables: personnel training, decontamination, personal protective equipment (PPE), medical surveillance, security access, laboratory structure and maintenance, funding, and pest management. Facilities working with select agents had more complex training programs and decontamination procedures than non-select agent facilities. Personnel working in select agent laboratories were likely to use powered air purifying respirators, while non-select agent laboratories primarily used N95 respirators. More rigorous medical surveillance was carried out in select agent workers (although not required by the select agent program) and a higher level of restrictive access to laboratories was found. Most select agent and non-select agent laboratories reported adequate structural integrity in facilities; however, differences were observed in personnel perception of funding for repairs. Pest management was carried out by select agent personnel more frequently than non-select agent personnel. Our findings support the need to promote high quality biosafety training and standard operating procedures in both select agent and non-select agent laboratories to improve occupational health and safety.

  18. Algorithmes et architectures pour ordinateurs quantiques supraconducteurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Blais, Alexandre

    Depuis sa formulation, la theorie de l'information a ete basee, implicitement, sur les lois de la physique classique. Une telle formulation est toutefois incomplete puisqu'elle ne tient pas compte de la realite quantique. Au cours des vingt dernieres annees, l'expansion de la theorie de l'information englobant les effets purement quantiques a connu un interet grandissant. La realisation d'un systeme de traitement de l'information quantique, un ordinateur quantique, presente toutefois de nombreux defis. Dans ce document, on s'interesse a differents aspects concernant ces defis. On commence par presenter des concepts algorithmiques comme l'optimisation de calculs quantiques et le calcul quantique geometrique. Par la suite, on s'interesse au design et a differents aspects de l'utilisation de qubits bases sur les jonctions Josephson. En particulier, un nouveau design de qubit supraconducteur est suggere. On presente aussi une approche originale pour l'interaction entre qubits. Cette approche est tres generale puisqu'elle peut etre appliquee a differents designs de qubits. Finalement, on s'interesse a la lecture des qubits supraconducteurs de flux. Le detecteur suggere ici a l'avantage de pouvoir etre decouple du qubit lorsqu'il n'y a pas de mesure en cours.

  19. Isolation, Purification and Characterization of Antimicrobial Agent Antagonistic to Escherichia coli ATCC 10536 Produced by Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032 Isolated from the Soil of Unaizah, Al Qassim Province of Saudi Arabia.


    S Alanazi, Abdurrahman; Qureshi, Kamal Ahmad; Elhassan, Gamal Osman; I El-Agamy, Elsayed

    Escherichia coli is one of the most common pathogenic bacteria, which cause urinary tract infections in infants as well as in adult human beings. Due to the emergence of antibiotic resistance in E. coli, there is a great demand of new antimicrobial agent for the treatment of infections caused by such E. coli. This study aims to isolate, identify and characterize the native soil-bacterial strains predominate in the soil of Unaizah city, which produce antimicrobial agent antagonistic to E. coli ATCC 10536, followed by isolation, purification and characterization of antimicrobial agent. Pour plate, spread plate and 16S rRNA sequence analysis methods were followed for the isolation and identification of soil bacteria. Ammonium sulphate and dialysis (MWCO-8 KD) methods were followed for the isolation and partial purification of antimicrobial agent from the cell free broths. The characterization of antimicrobial agent was carried out by determining the minimum inhibitory concentration and effects of temperature and pH on the antimicrobial stability. Out of the twenty five soil samples, only one soil-bacterial strain was found to produce antimicrobial agent antagonistic to E. coli ATCC 10536. The isolated soil bacterium was identified as Bacillus pumilus SAFR-032. The soil isolate was characterized and results suggest that 30°C temperature and pH 7.0 were the optimum growth parameters and soybean casein digest broth was the best fermentation medium, whereas the highest production of antimicrobial agent was at 35°C temperature, pH 7.0, shaking at 150-220 rpm and at 60th h of incubation. The maximum yield of antimicrobial agent was obtained at 60% of (NH 4) 2SO 4. The results of characterization of antimicrobial agent suggest that the maximum and minimum antimicrobial activities were at pH 3.0 and 8.0, respectively, whereas antimicrobial activity was unaffected by temperature. The antimicrobial agent was highly stable at varying range of temperature 50-120°C. Minimum

  20. Agent Persuasion Mechanism of Acquaintance

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jinghua, Wu; Wenguang, Lu; Hailiang, Meng

    Agent persuasion can improve negotiation efficiency in dynamic environment based on its initiative and autonomy, and etc., which is being affected much more by acquaintance. Classification of acquaintance on agent persuasion is illustrated, and the agent persuasion model of acquaintance is also illustrated. Then the concept of agent persuasion degree of acquaintance is given. Finally, relative interactive mechanism is elaborated.

  1. Security Measures to Protect Mobile Agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dadhich, Piyanka; Govil, M. C.; Dutta, Kamlesh


    The security issues of mobile agent systems have embarrassed its widespread implementation. Mobile agents that move around the network are not safe because the remote hosts that accommodate the agents initiates all kinds of attacks. These hosts try to analyze the agent's decision logic and their accumulated data. So, mobile agent security is the most challenging unsolved problems. The paper analyzes various security measures deeply. Security especially the attacks performed by hosts to the visiting mobile agent (the malicious hosts problem) is a major obstacle that prevents mobile agent technology from being widely adopted. Being the running environment for mobile agent, the host has full control over them and could easily perform many kinds of attacks against them.

  2. BSL-3 Laboratory Practices in the United States: Comparison of Select Agent and Non–Select Agent Facilities

    PubMed Central

    Pompei, Victoria C.; Anderson, Alice


    New construction of biosafety level 3 (BSL-3) laboratories in the United States has increased in the past decade to facilitate research on potential bioterrorism agents. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention inspect BSL-3 facilities and review commissioning documentation, but no single agency has oversight over all BSL-3 facilities. This article explores the extent to which standard operating procedures in US BSL-3 facilities vary between laboratories with select agent or non–select agent status. Comparisons are made for the following variables: personnel training, decontamination, personal protective equipment (PPE), medical surveillance, security access, laboratory structure and maintenance, funding, and pest management. Facilities working with select agents had more complex training programs and decontamination procedures than non–select agent facilities. Personnel working in select agent laboratories were likely to use powered air purifying respirators, while non–select agent laboratories primarily used N95 respirators. More rigorous medical surveillance was carried out in select agent workers (although not required by the select agent program) and a higher level of restrictive access to laboratories was found. Most select agent and non–select agent laboratories reported adequate structural integrity in facilities; however, differences were observed in personnel perception of funding for repairs. Pest management was carried out by select agent personnel more frequently than non–select agent personnel. Our findings support the need to promote high quality biosafety training and standard operating procedures in both select agent and non–select agent laboratories to improve occupational health and safety. PMID:24552359

  3. Mobile agent location in distributed environments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fountoukis, S. G.; Argyropoulos, I. P.


    An agent is a small program acting on behalf of a user or an application which plays the role of a user. Artificial intelligence can be encapsulated in agents so that they can be capable of both behaving autonomously and showing an elementary decision ability regarding movement and some specific actions. Therefore they are often called autonomous mobile agents. In a distributed system, they can move themselves from one processing node to another through the interconnecting network infrastructure. Their purpose is to collect useful information and to carry it back to their user. Also, agents are used to start, monitor and stop processes running on the individual interconnected processing nodes of computer cluster systems. An agent has a unique id to discriminate itself from other agents and a current position. The position can be expressed as the address of the processing node which currently hosts the agent. Very often, it is necessary for a user, a processing node or another agent to know the current position of an agent in a distributed system. Several procedures and algorithms have been proposed for the purpose of position location of mobile agents. The most basic of all employs a fixed computing node, which acts as agent position repository, receiving messages from all the moving agents and keeping records of their current positions. The fixed node, responds to position queries and informs users, other nodes and other agents about the position of an agent. Herein, a model is proposed that considers pairs and triples of agents instead of single ones. A location method, which is investigated in this paper, attempts to exploit this model.

  4. Opinion evolution influenced by informed agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Kangqi; Pedrycz, Witold


    Guiding public opinions toward a pre-set target by informed agents can be a strategy adopted in some practical applications. The informed agents are common agents who are employed or chosen to spread the pre-set opinion. In this work, we propose a social judgment based opinion (SJBO) dynamics model to explore the opinion evolution under the influence of informed agents. The SJBO model distinguishes between inner opinions and observable choices, and incorporates both the compromise between similar opinions and the repulsion between dissimilar opinions. Three choices (support, opposition, and remaining undecided) are considered in the SJBO model. Using the SJBO model, both the inner opinions and the observable choices can be tracked during the opinion evolution process. The simulation results indicate that if the exchanges of inner opinions among agents are not available, the effect of informed agents is mainly dependent on the characteristics of regular agents, including the assimilation threshold, decay threshold, and initial opinions. Increasing the assimilation threshold and decay threshold can improve the guiding effectiveness of informed agents. Moreover, if the initial opinions of regular agents are close to null, the full and unanimous consensus at the pre-set opinion can be realized, indicating that, to maximize the influence of informed agents, the guidance should be started when regular agents have little knowledge about a subject under consideration. If the regular agents have had clear opinions, the full and unanimous consensus at the pre-set opinion cannot be achieved. However, the introduction of informed agents can make the majority of agents choose the pre-set opinion.

  5. New agents for prostate cancer.


    Agarwal, N; Di Lorenzo, G; Sonpavde, G; Bellmunt, J


    The therapeutic landscape of metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer (mCRPC) has been revolutionized by the arrival of multiple novel agents in the past 2 years. Immunotherapy in the form of sipuleucel-T, androgen axis inhibitors, including abiraterone acetate and enzalutamide, a chemotherapeutic agent, cabazitaxel, and a radiopharmaceutical, radium-223, have all yielded incremental extensions of survival and have been recently approved. A number of other agents appear promising in early studies, suggesting that the armamentarium against castrate-resistant prostate cancer is likely to continue to expand. Emerging androgen pathway inhibitors include androgen synthesis inhibitors (TAK700), androgen receptor inhibitors (ARN-509, ODM-201), AR DNA binding domain inhibitors (EPI-001), selective AR downregulators or SARDs (AZD-3514), and agents that inhibit both androgen synthesis and receptor binding (TOK-001/galeterone). Promising immunotherapeutic agents include poxvirus vaccines and CTLA-4 inhibitor (ipilimumab). Biologic agents targeting the molecular drivers of disease are also being investigated as single agents, including cabozantinib (Met and VEGFR2 inhibitor) and tasquinimod (angiogenesis and immune modulatory agent). Despite the disappointing results seen from studies evaluating docetaxel in combination with other agents, including GVAX, anti-angiogentic agents (bevacizumab, aflibercept, lenalinomide), a SRC kinase inhibitor (dasatinib), endothelin receptor antagonists (atrasentan, zibotentan), and high-dose calcitriol (DN-101), the results from the trial evaluating docetaxel in combination with the clusterin antagonist, custirsen, are eagerly awaited. New therapeutic hurdles consist of discovering new targets, understanding resistance mechanisms, the optimal sequencing and combinations of available agents, as well as biomarkers predictive for benefit. Novel agents targeting bone metastases are being developed following the success of zoledronic acid

  6. Automated Software Generation Approaches for the Design and Development of Guidance and Control Systems Software (Les Differentes Approches Generation pour la Conception et le Developpement de Logiciels de Guidage et de Pilotage)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de Logiciels") etaient en cours de developpement pour resoudre des problimes similaires dans le monde de la gestion . le Panel... gestion des sp cifications, d’algorithmes et de reprtsentations. Techniques et Sciences Informatiques, 4(3), 1985. 4-21 R. Jacquart, M. Lemoine, and G...Guidance and Control Systems Software (Les Diff~rentes Approches "G6neration" pour la Conception et le D~veloppement de Logiciels de Guidage et de

  7. 76 FR 2617 - User Fees Relating to Enrolled Agents and Enrolled Retirement Plan Agents; Hearing Cancellation

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... User Fees Relating to Enrolled Agents and Enrolled Retirement Plan Agents; Hearing Cancellation AGENCY... regulations relating to the imposition of user fees for enrolled agents and enrolled retirement plan agents... FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Richard A. Hurst of the Publications and Regulations Branch, Legal Processing...

  8. Agent independent task planning

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Davis, William S.


    Agent-Independent Planning is a technique that allows the construction of activity plans without regard to the agent that will perform them. Once generated, a plan is then validated and translated into instructions for a particular agent, whether a robot, crewmember, or software-based control system. Because Space Station Freedom (SSF) is planned for orbital operations for approximately thirty years, it will almost certainly experience numerous enhancements and upgrades, including upgrades in robotic manipulators. Agent-Independent Planning provides the capability to construct plans for SSF operations, independent of specific robotic systems, by combining techniques of object oriented modeling, nonlinear planning and temporal logic. Since a plan is validated using the physical and functional models of a particular agent, new robotic systems can be developed and integrated with existing operations in a robust manner. This technique also provides the capability to generate plans for crewmembers with varying skill levels, and later apply these same plans to more sophisticated robotic manipulators made available by evolutions in technology.

  9. How do agents represent?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ryan, Alex

    Representation is inherent to the concept of an agent, but its importance in complex systems has not yet been widely recognised. In this paper I introduce Peirce's theory of signs, which facilitates a definition of representation in general. In summary, representation means that for some agent, a model is used to stand in for another entity in a way that shapes the behaviour of the agent with respect to that entity. Representation in general is then related to the theories of representation that have developed within different disciplines. I compare theories of representation from metaphysics, military theory and systems theory. Additional complications arise in explaining the special case of mental representations, which is the focus of cognitive science. I consider the dominant theory of cognition — that the brain is a representational device — as well as the sceptical anti-representational response. Finally, I argue that representation distinguishes agents from non-representational objects: agents are objects capable of representation.

  10. Réseaux holographiques à 6000 t/mm pour l'experience fuse de spectroscopie à haute résolution dans l'ultraviolet lolntain

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Grange, Robert; Dauer, Véronique; Saisse, Michel; Flamand, Jean; Bonnemason, Francis


    This paper, "Réseaux holographiques à 6000 t/mm pour l'experience fuse de spectroscopie à haute résolution dans l'ultraviolet lolntain," was presented as part of International Conference on Space Optics—ICSO 1997, held in Toulouse, France.

  11. Passeport pour les deux infinis: an educational project in French

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arnaud, Nicolas; Descotes-Genon, Sébastien; Kerhoas-Cavata, Sophie; Paul, Jacques; Robert-Esil, Jean-Luc; Royole-Degieux, Perrine


    Passeport pour les deux infinis (;Passport for the two infinities;, in short Pass2i) is a French educational project aiming at promoting the physics of the infinitely small (particle physics) and of the infinitely big (cosmology & astrophysics) to high-school teachers and students. It is managed since 2009 by a small team of outreach experts (physicists and engineers) from the CNRS and the CEA. The Pass2i cornerstone is a reversible book - where each side explores one of the two infinities - and which is given for free to science high school teachers who request it, thanks to the support of French funding agencies. The Pass2i non-profit association wants to be a bridge between science and education: training sessions are organized for teachers, educational resources created and made available for download on the Pass2i website (

  12. Soft Drink “Pouring Rights”: Marketing Empty Calories to Children

    PubMed Central

    Nestle, Marion


    Healthy People 2010 objectives call for meals and snacks served in schools to contribute to overall diets that meet federal dietary guidelines. Sales in schools of foods and drinks high in calories and low in nutrients undermine this health objective, as well as participation in the more nutritious, federally sponsored, school lunch programs. Competitive foods also undermine nutrition information taught in the classroom. Lucrative contracts between school districts and soft drink companies for exclusive rights to sell one brand are the latest development in the increasing commercialization of school food. These contracts, intended to elicit brand loyalty among young children who have a lifetime of purchases ahead of them, are especially questionable because they place schools in the position of “pushing” soft drink consumption. “Pouring rights” contracts deserve attention from public health professionals concerned about the nutritional quality of children's diets. Imagesp308-ap313-a PMID:11059423

  13. Le domaine des co-infections et des maladies concomitantes du Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des IRSC : lignes directrices canadiennes pour la prise en charge et le traitement de la co-infection par le VIH et l’hépatite C chez les adultes

    PubMed Central

    Hull, Mark; Giguère, Pierre; Klein, Marina; Shafran, Stephen; Tseng, Alice; Côté, Pierre; Poliquin, Marc; Cooper, Curtis


    HISTORIQUE : De 20 % à 30 % des Canadiens qui vivent avec le VIH sont co-infectés par le virus de l’hépatite C (VHC), lequel est responsable d’une morbidité et d’une mortalité importantes. La prise en charge du VIH et du VHC est plus complexe en raison de l’évolution accélérée de la maladie hépatique, du choix et des critères d’initiation de la thérapie antirétrovirale et du traitement anti-VHC, de la prise en charge de la santé mentale et des toxicomanies, des obstacles socioéconomiques et des interactions entre les nouvelles thérapies antivirales à action directe du VHC et les antirétroviraux OBJECTIF : Élaborer des normes nationales de prise en charge des adultes co-infectés par le VHC et le VIH dans le contexte canadien. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Le Réseau canadien pour les essais VIH des Instituts de recherche en santé du Canada a réuni un groupe d’experts possédant des compétences cliniques en co-infection par le VIH et le VHC pour réviser les publications à jour ainsi que les lignes directrices et les protocoles en place. Après une vaste sollicitation afin d’obtenir des points de vue, le groupe de travail a approuvé des recommandations consensuelles, qu’il a caractérisées au moyen d’une échelle de qualité des preuves fondée sur la classe (bienfaits par rapport aux préjudices) et sur la catégorie (degré de certitude). RÉSULTATS : Toutes les personnes co-infectées par le VIH et le VHC devraient subir une évaluation en vue de recevoir un traitement du VHC. Les personnes qui ne sont pas en mesure d’entreprendre un traitement du VHC devraient être soignées pour le VIH afin de ralentir l’évolution de la maladie hépatique. La norme de traitement du VHC de génotype 1 est un régime comprenant de l’interféron pégylé et de la ribavirine dosée en fonction du poids, associés à un inhibiteur de la protéase du VHC. Pour les génotypes 2 ou 3, une bithérapie classique est recommandée pendant 24 semaines s

  14. Intelligent Agent Architectures: Reactive Planning Testbed

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Rosenschein, Stanley J.; Kahn, Philip


    An Integrated Agent Architecture (IAA) is a framework or paradigm for constructing intelligent agents. Intelligent agents are collections of sensors, computers, and effectors that interact with their environments in real time in goal-directed ways. Because of the complexity involved in designing intelligent agents, it has been found useful to approach the construction of agents with some organizing principle, theory, or paradigm that gives shape to the agent's components and structures their relationships. Given the wide variety of approaches being taken in the field, the question naturally arises: Is there a way to compare and evaluate these approaches? The purpose of the present work is to develop common benchmark tasks and evaluation metrics to which intelligent agents, including complex robotic agents, constructed using various architectural approaches can be subjected.

  15. Agent-Supported Mission Operations Teamwork

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Malin, Jane T.


    This slide presentation reviews the development of software agents to support of mission operations teamwork. The goals of the work was to make automation by agents easy to use, supervise and direct, manage information and communication to decrease distraction, interruptions, workload and errors, reduce mission impact of off-nominal situations and increase morale and decrease turnover. The accomplishments or the project are: 1. Collaborative agents - mixed initiative and creation of instructions for mediating agent 2. Methods for prototyping, evaluating and evolving socio-technical systems 3. Technology infusion: teamwork tools in mISSIons 4. Demonstrations in simulation testbed An example of the use of agent is given, the use of an agent to monitor a N2 tank leak. An incomplete instruction to the agent is handled with mediating assistants, or Intelligent Briefing and Response Assistant (IBRA). The IBRA Engine also watches data stream for triggers and executes Act-Whenever actions. There is also a Briefing and Response Instruction (BRI) which is easy for a discipline specialist to create through a BRI editor.

  16. Believable Social and Emotional Agents.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    While building tools to support the creation of believable emotional agents, I had to make a number of important design decisions . Before describing...processing systems, it is difficult to give an artist direct control over the emotion - al aspects of the character. By making these decisions explicit, I hope...Woody on “Cheers”). Believable Agents BELIEVABLE SOCIAL AND EMOTIONAL AGENTS 11 Lesson: We don’t want agent architectures that enforce rationality and


    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    Technical product bulletin: this surface washing agent for oil spill cleanups should be applied full strength on heaviest contamination first, by pouring, spraying (when diluted 1:4), dispensing equipment, or by scrubbing machines.

  18. Safe motion planning for mobile agents: A model of reactive planning for multiple mobile agents

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fujimura, Kikuo.


    The problem of motion planning for multiple mobile agents is studied. Each planning agent independently plans its own action based on its map which contains a limited information about the environment. In an environment where more than one mobile agent interacts, the motions of the robots are uncertain and dynamic. A model for reactive agents is described and simulation results are presented to show their behavior patterns. 18 refs., 2 figs.

  19. A user-system interface agent

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wakim, Nagi T.; Srivastava, Sadanand; Bousaidi, Mehdi; Goh, Gin-Hua


    Agent-based technologies answer to several challenges posed by additional information processing requirements in today's computing environments. In particular, (1) users desire interaction with computing devices in a mode which is similar to that used between people, (2) the efficiency and successful completion of information processing tasks often require a high-level of expertise in complex and multiple domains, (3) information processing tasks often require handling of large volumes of data and, therefore, continuous and endless processing activities. The concept of an agent is an attempt to address these new challenges by introducing information processing environments in which (1) users can communicate with a system in a natural way, (2) an agent is a specialist and a self-learner and, therefore, it qualifies to be trusted to perform tasks independent of the human user, and (3) an agent is an entity that is continuously active performing tasks that are either delegated to it or self-imposed. The work described in this paper focuses on the development of an interface agent for users of a complex information processing environment (IPE). This activity is part of an on-going effort to build a model for developing agent-based information systems. Such systems will be highly applicable to environments which require a high degree of automation, such as, flight control operations and/or processing of large volumes of data in complex domains, such as the EOSDIS environment and other multidisciplinary, scientific data systems. The concept of an agent as an information processing entity is fully described with emphasis on characteristics of special interest to the User-System Interface Agent (USIA). Issues such as agent 'existence' and 'qualification' are discussed in this paper. Based on a definition of an agent and its main characteristics, we propose an architecture for the development of interface agents for users of an IPE that is agent-oriented and whose resources

  20. L’investigation de la contusion myocardique pour la fracture sternale à l’urgence

    PubMed Central

    Audette, Jean-Sébastien; Émond, Marcel; Scott, Hugh; Lortie, Gilles


    Résumé Objectif Décrire la pratique d’acquisition d’un électrocardiogramme (ECG) initial, d’ECG de contrôle ou d’un monitoring équivalent et du dosage des troponines chez les patients avec une fracture sternale évalués au département d’urgence ou par un médecin de première ligne. Type d’étude Étude rétrospective descriptive multicentrique. Contexte Deux centres académiques de traumatologie de la région de Québec au Canada. Participants 54 patients ayant subi une fracture sternale traumatique. Interventions Évaluation de l’acquisition d’ECG initial et à 6 heures post-traumatisme ou un monitoring équivalent ainsi que le dosage des troponines sanguines. Principaux paramètres à l’étude En ce qui concerne l’ECG, les critères de comparaison de qualité furent sélectionnés à partir d’opinions d’experts rapportées dans quatre études. L’utilisation d’un ECG initial et de contrôle 6 heures post-traumatisme ou d’un monitoring cardiaque de 6 heures représente la pratique recommandée par la plupart de ceux-ci pour le diagnostic de la contusion myocardique dans la fracture sternale. L’utilisation des troponines I sanguines, 4 à 8 heures suivant un traumatisme thoracique, a également été proposée par certains auteurs comme méthode de détection efficace des arythmies significatives secondaires à la contusion myocardique. Des analyses descriptives univariées et des tests de chi-carré furent effectués. Une valeur P < ,05 fut considérée significative. Résultats Trente-neuf (72 %) patients ont été évalués initialement avec un ECG, tandis que 18 (33 %) de ces patients ont eu une évaluation par ECG ou monitoring cardiaque après 6 heures à l’urgence. Seize patients (30 %) ont été évalués à l’aide du dosage des troponines I. Deux patients (4 %) ont présenté des anomalies électrocardiographiques et un seul patient (2 %) a présenté des troponines I élevées. Conclusion Les urgentologues

  1. Deals Among Rational Agents,

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ARD-AI57 966 DEALS AMONG RATIONAL AGENTS(U) STANFORD UNIV CA DEPT OF 1/1lit COMPUTER SCIENCE J S ROSENSCHEIN ET AL. MAR 857 STAN-CS-85-1e42 NOO039-83... Rational Agents by Jeffrey S. Rosenschemn Michael R. Genesereth Contract N00039-83-c-0136 Department of Computer Science Stanford University Stanford, CA... Rational Agents Jeffrey S. Rosenschein Michael R. Genesereth COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTME NT Stanford University Sta-;!ord, California 94305 A ~ ,2 TA

  2. Knowledge Management in Role Based Agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kır, Hüseyin; Ekinci, Erdem Eser; Dikenelli, Oguz

    In multi-agent system literature, the role concept is getting increasingly researched to provide an abstraction to scope beliefs, norms, goals of agents and to shape relationships of the agents in the organization. In this research, we propose a knowledgebase architecture to increase applicability of roles in MAS domain by drawing inspiration from the self concept in the role theory of sociology. The proposed knowledgebase architecture has granulated structure that is dynamically organized according to the agent's identification in a social environment. Thanks to this dynamic structure, agents are enabled to work on consistent knowledge in spite of inevitable conflicts between roles and the agent. The knowledgebase architecture is also implemented and incorporated into the SEAGENT multi-agent system development framework.

  3. Conversational Agents in E-Learning

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kerry, Alice; Ellis, Richard; Bull, Susan

    This paper discusses the use of natural language or 'conversational' agents in e-learning environments. We describe and contrast the various applications of conversational agent technology represented in the e-learning literature, including tutors, learning companions, language practice and systems to encourage reflection. We offer two more detailed examples of conversational agents, one which provides learning support, and the other support for self-assessment. Issues and challenges for developers of conversational agent systems for e-learning are identified and discussed.

  4. Sustainable Society Formed by Unselfish Agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kikuchi, Toshiko

    It has been pointed out that if the social configuration of the three relations (market, communal and obligatory relations) is not balanced, a market based society as a total system fails. Using multi-agent simulations, this paper shows that a sustainable society is formed when all three relations are integrated and function respectively. When agent trades are based on the market mechanism (i.e., agents act in their own interest and thus only market relations exist), weak agents who cannot perform transactions die. If a compulsory tax is imposed to enable all weak agents to survive (i.e., obligatory relations exist), then the fiscal deficit increases. On the other hand, if agents who have excess income undertake the unselfish action of distributing their surplus to the weak agents (i.e., communal relations exist), then trade volume increases. It is shown that the existence of unselfish agents is necessary for the realization of a sustainable society. However, the survival of all agents is difficult in a communal society. In an artificial society, for all agents survive and fiscal balance to be maintained, all three social relations need to be fully integrated. These results show that adjusting the balance of the three social relations well lead to the realization of a sustainable society.

  5. Bush v. Bin Laden: Effect of State Emotion on Perceived Threat is Mediated by Emotion Towards the Threat Agent (Bush vs. Ben Laden: l’Effet de l’Emotion etat sur la Menace Percue est Mediatisees par l’Emotion vis-a-vis de l’Agent Menacant)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    auteurs discu- tent des implications des resultats pour les theories qui postulent un effet de I’emotion sur la perception du risque et pour com...effect of global negative emotion on perceived threat . The authors discuss implications of the findings for theories that postulate an effect of... auteurs ont mene une etude perception j emotion j experimentale afin d’examiner les effets d’etats emotionnels Specifi- ques (peur et colere) et globaux

  6. Intelligent Agents for the Digital Battlefield

    DTIC Science & Technology


    specific outcome of our long term research will be the development of a collaborative agent technology system, CATS , that will provide the infrastructure needed to build large, heterogeneous, distributed agent applications. CATS will provide a software environment through which multiple...intelligent agents may interact with other agents, both human and computational. In addition, CATS will contain a number of intelligent agent components that will be useful for a wide variety of applications.

  7. "Tele Pour Tous" in Rural Ivory Coast: Audience, Impact, Perceptions: Report of Two Surveys Conducted in January and April, 1977.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Etaix, Mireille; Lenglet, Frans

    This report presents the results of two surveys conducted in January and April 1977 in the Ivory Coast to assess the impact of the "Tele Pour Tous" programs on rural audiences in terms of awareness, learning, and action. Descriptions of the socio-economic characteristics of the audience and their viewing patterns were sought, and…

  8. Mother ship and physical agents collaboration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Young, Stuart H.; Budulas, Peter P.; Emmerman, Philip J.


    This paper discusses ongoing research at the U.S. Army Research Laboratory that investigates the feasibility of developing a collaboration architecture between small physical agents and a mother ship. This incudes the distribution of planning, perception, mobility, processing and communications requirements between the mother ship and the agents. Small physical agents of the future will be virtually everywhere on the battlefield of the 21st century. A mother ship that is coupled to a team of small collaborating physical agents (conducting tasks such as Reconnaissance, Surveillance, and Target Acquisition (RSTA); logistics; sentry; and communications relay) will be used to build a completely effective and mission capable intelligent system. The mother ship must have long-range mobility to deploy the small, highly maneuverable agents that will operate in urban environments and more localized areas, and act as a logistics base for the smaller agents. The mother ship also establishes a robust communications network between the agents and is the primary information disseminating and receiving point to the external world. Because of its global knowledge and processing power, the mother ship does the high-level control and planning for the collaborative physical agents. This high level control and interaction between the mother ship and its agents (including inter agent collaboration) will be software agent architecture based. The mother ship incorporates multi-resolution battlefield visualization and analysis technology, which aids in mission planning and sensor fusion.

  9. Méthode d'estimation des tassements des sols fins sous les remblais d'infrastructures ferroviaires pour lignes à grande vitesse

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Said Alami, Soukaina; Reiffsteck, Philippe; Cuira, Fahd


    Le besoin de maîtriser les déformations des sols sous les remblais destinés à recevoir les structures de lignes à grande vitesse, en fait un enjeu important pour ces projets. Toutefois, de nombreuses difficultés ont été soulevées liées principalement au grand nombre d'incertitudes qui entourent le phénomène. En effet, la caractérisation géologique et géotechnique dépend de sondages et d'essais où le risque de remaniement est important et dont l'interprétation est, souvent, délicate. Cet article présente une procédure de calcul qui permettrait en pratique d'évaluer le tassement sous remblai avec une bonne précision et qui a été validée sur un certain nombre d'ouvrages. Pour cela, des corrections sont introduites aux méthodes usuelles de calcul permettant d'approcher les valeurs mesurées sur chantier.

  10. Needs, Pains, and Motivations in Autonomous Agents.


    Starzyk, Janusz A; Graham, James; Puzio, Leszek

    This paper presents the development of a motivated learning (ML) agent with symbolic I/O. Our earlier work on the ML agent was enhanced, giving it autonomy for interaction with other agents. Specifically, we equipped the agent with drives and pains that establish its motivations to learn how to respond to desired and undesired events and create related abstract goals. The purpose of this paper is to explore the autonomous development of motivations and memory in agents within a simulated environment. The ML agent has been implemented in a virtual environment created within the NeoAxis game engine. Additionally, to illustrate the benefits of an ML-based agent, we compared the performance of our algorithm against various reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in a dynamic test scenario, and demonstrated that our ML agent learns better than any of the tested RL agents.This paper presents the development of a motivated learning (ML) agent with symbolic I/O. Our earlier work on the ML agent was enhanced, giving it autonomy for interaction with other agents. Specifically, we equipped the agent with drives and pains that establish its motivations to learn how to respond to desired and undesired events and create related abstract goals. The purpose of this paper is to explore the autonomous development of motivations and memory in agents within a simulated environment. The ML agent has been implemented in a virtual environment created within the NeoAxis game engine. Additionally, to illustrate the benefits of an ML-based agent, we compared the performance of our algorithm against various reinforcement learning (RL) algorithms in a dynamic test scenario, and demonstrated that our ML agent learns better than any of the tested RL agents.

  11. Recommandations pour le dépistage de l’hypertension chez les adultes canadiens

    PubMed Central

    Lindsay, Patrice; Gorber, Sarah Connor; Joffres, Michel; Birtwhistle, Richard; McKay, Donald; Cloutier, Lyne


    Résumé Objectif Présenter des recommandations concernant le dépistage de l’hypertension chez les adultes de 18 ans et plus qui n’ont pas reçu antérieurement de diagnostic d’hypertension. Qualité des données Les données probantes sont tirées d’une recension systématique dans MEDLINE, EMBASE et la base de données des synthèses systématiques de la Collaboration Cochrane (EBM Reviews), de janvier 1985 à septembre 2011. Les types d’études retenues se limitaient aux études randomisées contrôlées, aux synthèses systématiques et aux études observationnelles avec groupes témoins. Message principal Trois fortes recommandations se sont dégagées de données probantes de qualité modérée. Il est recommandé de mesurer la pression artérielle à toutes les consultations appropriées en soins primaires, conformément aux techniques actuelles décrites dans les recommandations du Programme éducatif canadien sur l’hypertension pour la mesure de la pression artérielle en cabinet et en soins ambulatoires. Les critères du Programme éducatif canadien sur l’hypertension pour l’évaluation et le diagnostic de l’hypertension devraient s’appliquer aux personnes chez qui on observe une pression artérielle élevée. Conclusion À la suite d’un examen des plus récentes données probantes, le Groupe d’étude canadien sur les soins de santé préventifs continue de recommander la mesure de la pression artérielle lors des consultations périodiques auprès du médecin.

  12. 14 CFR 221.11 - Agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Agent. 221.11 Section 221.11 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS TARIFFS Who is Authorized To Issue and File Tariffs § 221.11 Agent. An agent may issue and file...

  13. 14 CFR 221.11 - Agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Agent. 221.11 Section 221.11 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS TARIFFS Who is Authorized To Issue and File Tariffs § 221.11 Agent. An agent may issue and file...

  14. 14 CFR 221.11 - Agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Agent. 221.11 Section 221.11 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS TARIFFS Who is Authorized To Issue and File Tariffs § 221.11 Agent. An agent may issue and file...

  15. 14 CFR 221.11 - Agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Agent. 221.11 Section 221.11 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS TARIFFS Who is Authorized To Issue and File Tariffs § 221.11 Agent. An agent may issue and file...

  16. 14 CFR 221.11 - Agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 4 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Agent. 221.11 Section 221.11 Aeronautics and Space OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY, DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION (AVIATION PROCEEDINGS) ECONOMIC REGULATIONS TARIFFS Who is Authorized To Issue and File Tariffs § 221.11 Agent. An agent may issue and file...

  17. Dynamics of three-agent games

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mungan, Muhittin; Rador, Tonguç


    We study the dynamics and resulting score distribution of three-agent games where after each competition a single agent wins and scores a point. A single competition is described by a triplet of numbers p, t and q denoting the probabilities that the team with the highest, middle or lowest accumulated score wins. The three-agent game can be regarded as a social model where a player can be favored or disfavored for advancement, based on his/her accumulated score. We study the full family of solutions in the regime, where the number of agents and competitions is large, which can be regarded as a hydrodynamic limit. Depending on the parameter values (p, q, t), we find six qualitatively different asymptotic score distributions and we provide a qualitative explanation of these results. We also compare our analytical results against numerical simulations of the microscopic model and find these to be in excellent agreement. It is possible to decide the outcome of a three-agent game through a mini-tournament of two-agent competitions among the participating players and it turns out that the resulting possible score distributions are a subset of those obtained for the general three-agent games. We discuss how one can add a steady and democratic decline rate to the model and present a simple geometric construction that allows one to obtain the score evolution equations for n-agent games.

  18. Détection homodyne pour mémoires holographiques à stockage bit à bit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maire, G.; Pauliat, G.; Roosen, G.


    Les mémoires holographiques à stockage bit à bit sont une alternative intéressante à l'approche holographique conventionnelle par pages de données du fait de leur architecture optique simplifiée. Nous proposons et validons ici une procédure de lecture adaptée à de telles mémoires et basée sur une détection homodyne de l'amplitude diffractée par les hologrammes. Ceci permet d'augmenter la quantité de signal utile détecté et s'avère donc prometteur pour accroître le taux de transfert de données de ces mémoires.

  19. Limonene and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol cleaning agent


    Bohnert, George W.; Carter, Richard D.; Hand, Thomas E.; Powers, Michael T.


    The present invention is a tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol and limonene or terpineol cleaning agent and method for formulating and/or using the cleaning agent. This cleaning agent effectively removes both polar and nonpolar contaminants from various electrical and mechanical parts and is readily used without surfactants, thereby reducing the need for additional cleaning operations. The cleaning agent is warm water rinsable without the use of surfactants. The cleaning agent can be azeotropic, enhancing ease of use in cleaning operations and ease of recycling.

  20. Limonene and tetrahydrofurfurly alcohol cleaning agent


    Bohnert, George W.; Carter, Richard D.; Hand, Thomas E.; Powers, Michael T.


    The present invention is a tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol and limonene cleaning agent and method for formulating and/or using the cleaning agent. This cleaning agent effectively removes both polar and nonpolar contaminants from various electrical and mechanical parts and is readily used without surfactants, thereby reducing the need for additional cleaning operations. The cleaning agent is warm water rinsable without the use of surfactants. The cleaning agent can be azeotropic, enhancing ease of use in cleaning operations and ease of recycling.

  1. Limonene and tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol cleaning agent


    Bohnert, G.W.; Carter, R.D.; Hand, T.E.; Powers, M.T.


    The present invention is a tetrahydrofurfuryl alcohol and limonene cleaning agent and method for formulating and/or using the cleaning agent. This cleaning agent effectively removes both polar and nonpolar contaminants from various electrical and mechanical parts and is readily used without surfactants, thereby reducing the need for additional cleaning operations. The cleaning agent is warm water rinsable without the use of surfactants. The cleaning agent can be azeotropic, enhancing ease of use in cleaning operations and ease of recycling.

  2. Agents Technology Research

    DTIC Science & Technology


    multi-agent reputation management. State abstraction is a technique used to allow machine learning technologies to cope with problems that have large...state abstrac- tion process to enable reinforcement learning in domains with large state spaces. State abstraction is vital to machine learning ...across a collective of independent platforms. These individual elements, often referred to as agents in the machine learning community, should exhibit both

  3. Hydroxypyridonate and hydroxypyrimidinone chelating agents


    Raymond, Kenneth N.; Doble, Daniel M.; Sunderland, Christopher J.; Thompson, Marlon


    The present invention provides hydroxypyridinone and hydroxypyrimidone chelating agents. Also provides are Gd(III) complexes of these agents, which are useful as contrast enhancing agents for magnetic resonance imaging. The invention also provides methods of preparing the compounds of the invention, as well as methods of using the compounds in magnetic resonance imaging applications.

  4. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la migraine du patient adulte africain

    PubMed Central

    Ahmed, Mahmoud Ait Kaci; Haddad, Monia; Kouassi, Beugré; Ouhabi, Hamid; Serrie, Alain


    La migraine est une céphalée primaire (selon les derniers critères de l'International Headache Society) qui affecte environ 8% de la population africaine. Les femmes sont plus fréquemment touchées que les hommes et les crises apparaissent le plus souvent avant l’âge de 40 ans. Bien qu'un certain nombre de traitements, de mesure hygiéno-diététiques, et d'autres méthodes non pharmacologiques permettent de limiter l'intensité et la fréquence des crises, la prise en charge médicamenteuse de la crise de migraine est très souvent nécessaire. La disponibilité des traitements et l'accès aux soins diffèrent sur le continent africain et ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts pour la prise en charge du patient adulte africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 16 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. PMID:27642420

  5. Persuasive Conversational Agent with Persuasion Tactics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Narita, Tatsuya; Kitamura, Yasuhiko

    Persuasive conversational agents persuade people to change their attitudes or behaviors through conversation, and are expected to be applied as virtual sales clerks in e-shopping sites. As an approach to create such an agent, we have developed a learning agent with the Wizard of Oz method in which a person called Wizard talks to the user pretending to be the agent. The agent observes the conversations between the Wizard and the user, and learns how to persuade people. In this method, the Wizard has to reply to most of the user's inputs at the beginning, but the burden gradually falls because the agent learns how to reply as the conversation model grows.

  6. The kuru infectious agent is a unique geographic isolate distinct from Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease and scrapie agents

    PubMed Central

    Manuelidis, Laura; Chakrabarty, Trisha; Miyazawa, Kohtaro; Nduom, Nana-Aba; Emmerling, Kaitlin


    Human sporadic Creutzfeldt–Jakob disease (sCJD), endemic sheep scrapie, and epidemic bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE) are caused by a related group of infectious agents. The new U.K. BSE agent spread to many species, including humans, and clarifying the origin, specificity, virulence, and diversity of these agents is critical, particularly because infected humans do not develop disease for many years. As with viruses, transmissible spongiform encephalopathy (TSE) agents can adapt to new species and become more virulent yet maintain fundamentally unique and stable identities. To make agent differences manifest, one must keep the host genotype constant. Many TSE agents have revealed their independent identities in normal mice. We transmitted primate kuru, a TSE once epidemic in New Guinea, to mice expressing normal and ≈8-fold higher levels of murine prion protein (PrP). High levels of murine PrP did not prevent infection but instead shortened incubation time, as would be expected for a viral receptor. Sporadic CJD and BSE agents and representative scrapie agents were clearly different from kuru in incubation time, brain neuropathology, and lymphoreticular involvement. Many TSE agents can infect monotypic cultured GT1 cells, and unlike sporadic CJD isolates, kuru rapidly and stably infected these cells. The geographic independence of the kuru agent provides additional reasons to explore causal environmental pathogens in these infectious neurodegenerative diseases. PMID:19633190

  7. Multi-Agent Patrolling under Uncertainty and Threats.


    Chen, Shaofei; Wu, Feng; Shen, Lincheng; Chen, Jing; Ramchurn, Sarvapali D


    We investigate a multi-agent patrolling problem where information is distributed alongside threats in environments with uncertainties. Specifically, the information and threat at each location are independently modelled as multi-state Markov chains, whose states are not observed until the location is visited by an agent. While agents will obtain information at a location, they may also suffer damage from the threat at that location. Therefore, the goal of the agents is to gather as much information as possible while mitigating the damage incurred. To address this challenge, we formulate the single-agent patrolling problem as a Partially Observable Markov Decision Process (POMDP) and propose a computationally efficient algorithm to solve this model. Building upon this, to compute patrols for multiple agents, the single-agent algorithm is extended for each agent with the aim of maximising its marginal contribution to the team. We empirically evaluate our algorithm on problems of multi-agent patrolling and show that it outperforms a baseline algorithm up to 44% for 10 agents and by 21% for 15 agents in large domains.

  8. Biomass Pyrolysis Solids as Reducing Agents: Comparison with Commercial Reducing Agents.


    Adrados, Aitziber; De Marco, Isabel; López-Urionabarrenechea, Alexander; Solar, Jon; Caballero, Blanca M; Gastelu, Naia


    Biomass is one of the most suitable options to be used as renewable energy source due to its extensive availability and its contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass under appropriate conditions (slow heating rate and high temperatures) can produce a quality solid product, which could be applicable to several metallurgical processes as reducing agent (biocoke or bioreducer). Two woody biomass samples (olives and eucalyptus) were pyrolyzed to produce biocoke. These biocokes were characterized by means of proximate and ultimate analysis, real density, specific surface area, and porosity and were compared with three commercial reducing agents. Finally, reactivity tests were performed both with the biocokes and with the commercial reducing agents. Bioreducers have lower ash and sulfur contents than commercial reducers, higher surface area and porosity, and consequently, much higher reactivity. Bioreducers are not appropriate to be used as top burden in blast furnaces, but they can be used as fuel and reducing agent either tuyére injected at the lower part of the blast furnace or in non-ferrous metallurgical processes where no mechanical strength is needed as, for example, in rotary kilns.

  9. Biomass Pyrolysis Solids as Reducing Agents: Comparison with Commercial Reducing Agents

    PubMed Central

    Adrados, Aitziber; De Marco, Isabel; López-Urionabarrenechea, Alexander; Solar, Jon; Caballero, Blanca M.; Gastelu, Naia


    Biomass is one of the most suitable options to be used as renewable energy source due to its extensive availability and its contribution to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Pyrolysis of lignocellulosic biomass under appropriate conditions (slow heating rate and high temperatures) can produce a quality solid product, which could be applicable to several metallurgical processes as reducing agent (biocoke or bioreducer). Two woody biomass samples (olives and eucalyptus) were pyrolyzed to produce biocoke. These biocokes were characterized by means of proximate and ultimate analysis, real density, specific surface area, and porosity and were compared with three commercial reducing agents. Finally, reactivity tests were performed both with the biocokes and with the commercial reducing agents. Bioreducers have lower ash and sulfur contents than commercial reducers, higher surface area and porosity, and consequently, much higher reactivity. Bioreducers are not appropriate to be used as top burden in blast furnaces, but they can be used as fuel and reducing agent either tuyére injected at the lower part of the blast furnace or in non-ferrous metallurgical processes where no mechanical strength is needed as, for example, in rotary kilns. PMID:28787805

  10. Developpement d'un catalyseur nickel-alumine efficace pour le reformage de diesel a la vapeur d'eau et etude du systeme reactionnel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fauteux-Lefebvre, Clemence

    Le developpement de sources d'energie alternatives fiables et efficaces est aujourd'hui une necessite. L' interet dans le reformage d'hydrocarbures liquides est ainsi croissant puisqu'il s'agit d'une voie pour l'alimentation des piles a combustible. Les piles a combustible ont une efficacite pour la conversion d'energie en electricite plus grande que celle des moteurs a combustion et font ainsi partie de la recherche de solution en efficacite energetique. Ces piles consomment de l'hydrogene comme combustible pour produire de l'electricite, d'ou l'interet pour le reformage. En effet, cette reaction permet de produire de l'hydrogene et du monoxyde de carbone (un autre combustible des piles a combustible a electrolyte solide) a partir d'hydrocarbure liquide, notamment le diesel. Les piles pourraient donc etre integrees avec une unite de reformage leur fournissant directement le combustible necessaire a partir de diesel. Dans ce projet de recherche, un nouveau catalyseur de nickel sous forme de spinelle nickel-alumine (spinelle NiAl2O4 sur support d'alumine et de zircone stabilisee avec yttria) a ete developpe et teste en laboratoire pour du reformage de propane, d'hydrocarbures liquides et de diesel, a la vapeur d'eau. Par ailleurs, une methode d'ajout des reactifs novatrice a ete utilisee afin de diminuer la pyrolyse precedant le reformage, en utilisant une emulsion. Les resultats de reformage d'hydrocarbures purs ont montre des concentrations tres pres de l'equilibre thermodynamique et une activite constante sans desactivation du catalyseur ni formation de carbone, et ce avec des ratios H2O/C de moins de 2.5 et des temperatures d'operation variant entre 630 °C et 750 °C. Lors de tests effectues en utilisant du diesel fossile, a 705°C, avec un debit volumique des reactifs de plus de 50 000 cm3gcat-1h-1 et un ratio H2O/C de moins de 2.5, l'activite a ete maintenue pendant plus de 15 heures, malgre une operation en cycles. L'analyse du catalyseur apres cette

  11. Effect of an auditory feedback substitution, tactilo-kinesthetic, or visual feedback on kinematics of pouring water from kettle into cup.


    Portnoy, Sigal; Halaby, Orli; Dekel-Chen, Dotan; Dierick, Frédéric


    Pouring hot water from a kettle into a cup may prove a hazardous task, especially for the elderly or the visually-impaired. Individuals with deteriorating eyesight may endanger their hands by performing this task with both hands, relaying on tactilo-kinesthetic feedback (TKF). Auditory feedback (AF) may allow them to perform the task singlehandedly, thereby reducing the risk for injury. However since relying on an AF is not intuitive and requires practice, we aimed to determine if AF supplied during the task of pouring water can be used naturally as visual feedback (VF) following practice. For this purpose, we quantified, in young healthy sighted subjects (n = 20), the performance and kinematics of pouring water in the presence of three isolated feedbacks: visual, tactilo-kinesthetic, or auditory. There were no significant differences between the weights of spilled water in the AF condition compared to the TKF condition in the first, fifth or thirteenth trials. The subjectively-reported difficulty levels of using the TKF and the AF were significantly reduced between the first and thirteenth trials for both TKF (p = 0.01) and AF (p = 0.001). Trunk rotation during the first trial using the TKF was significantly lower than the trunk rotation while using VF. Also, shoulder adduction during the first trial using the TKF was significantly higher than the shoulder adduction while using the VF. During the AF trials, the median travel distance of the tip of the kettle was significantly reduced in the first trials so that in the thirtieth trial it did not differ significantly from the median travel distance during the thirtieth trial using TKF and VF. The maximal velocity of the tip of the kettle was constant for each of the feedback conditions but was higher in 10 cm s(-1) using VF than TKF, which was higher in 10 cm s(-1) from using AF. The smoothness of movement of the TKF and AF conditions, expressed by the normalized jerk score (NJSM), was one and two orders

  12. The agent-based spatial information semantic grid

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cui, Wei; Zhu, YaQiong; Zhou, Yong; Li, Deren


    Analyzing the characteristic of multi-Agent and geographic Ontology, The concept of the Agent-based Spatial Information Semantic Grid (ASISG) is defined and the architecture of the ASISG is advanced. ASISG is composed with Multi-Agents and geographic Ontology. The Multi-Agent Systems are composed with User Agents, General Ontology Agent, Geo-Agents, Broker Agents, Resource Agents, Spatial Data Analysis Agents, Spatial Data Access Agents, Task Execution Agent and Monitor Agent. The architecture of ASISG have three layers, they are the fabric layer, the grid management layer and the application layer. The fabric layer what is composed with Data Access Agent, Resource Agent and Geo-Agent encapsulates the data of spatial information system so that exhibits a conceptual interface for the Grid management layer. The Grid management layer, which is composed with General Ontology Agent, Task Execution Agent and Monitor Agent and Data Analysis Agent, used a hybrid method to manage all resources that were registered in a General Ontology Agent that is described by a General Ontology System. The hybrid method is assembled by resource dissemination and resource discovery. The resource dissemination push resource from Local Ontology Agent to General Ontology Agent and the resource discovery pull resource from the General Ontology Agent to Local Ontology Agents. The Local Ontology Agent is derived from special domain and describes the semantic information of local GIS. The nature of the Local Ontology Agents can be filtrated to construct a virtual organization what could provides a global scheme. The virtual organization lightens the burdens of guests because they need not search information site by site manually. The application layer what is composed with User Agent, Geo-Agent and Task Execution Agent can apply a corresponding interface to a domain user. The functions that ASISG should provide are: 1) It integrates different spatial information systems on the semantic The Grid

  13. A multi-agent architecture for geosimulation of moving agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vahidnia, Mohammad H.; Alesheikh, Ali A.; Alavipanah, Seyed Kazem


    In this paper, a novel architecture is proposed in which an axiomatic derivation system in the form of first-order logic facilitates declarative explanation and spatial reasoning. Simulation of environmental perception and interaction between autonomous agents is designed with a geographic belief-desire-intention and a request-inform-query model. The architecture has a complementary quantitative component that supports collaborative planning based on the concept of equilibrium and game theory. This new architecture presents a departure from current best practices geographic agent-based modelling. Implementation tasks are discussed in some detail, as well as scenarios for fleet management and disaster management.

  14. Ambient agents: embedded agents for remote control and monitoring using the PANGEA platform.


    Villarrubia, Gabriel; De Paz, Juan F; Bajo, Javier; Corchado, Juan M


    Ambient intelligence has advanced significantly during the last few years. The incorporation of image processing and artificial intelligence techniques have opened the possibility for such aspects as pattern recognition, thus allowing for a better adaptation of these systems. This study presents a new model of an embedded agent especially designed to be implemented in sensing devices with resource constraints. This new model of an agent is integrated within the PANGEA (Platform for the Automatic Construction of Organiztions of Intelligent Agents) platform, an organizational-based platform, defining a new sensor role in the system and aimed at providing contextual information and interacting with the environment. A case study was developed over the PANGEA platform and designed using different agents and sensors responsible for providing user support at home in the event of incidents or emergencies. The system presented in the case study incorporates agents in Arduino hardware devices with recognition modules and illuminated bands; it also incorporates IP cameras programmed for automatic tracking, which can connect remotely in the event of emergencies. The user wears a bracelet, which contains a simple vibration sensor that can receive notifications about the emergency situation.

  15. Ambient Agents: Embedded Agents for Remote Control and Monitoring Using the PANGEA Platform

    PubMed Central

    Villarrubia, Gabriel; De Paz, Juan F.; Bajo, Javier; Corchado, Juan M.


    Ambient intelligence has advanced significantly during the last few years. The incorporation of image processing and artificial intelligence techniques have opened the possibility for such aspects as pattern recognition, thus allowing for a better adaptation of these systems. This study presents a new model of an embedded agent especially designed to be implemented in sensing devices with resource constraints. This new model of an agent is integrated within the PANGEA (Platform for the Automatic Construction of Organiztions of Intelligent Agents) platform, an organizational-based platform, defining a new sensor role in the system and aimed at providing contextual information and interacting with the environment. A case study was developed over the PANGEA platform and designed using different agents and sensors responsible for providing user support at home in the event of incidents or emergencies. The system presented in the case study incorporates agents in Arduino hardware devices with recognition modules and illuminated bands; it also incorporates IP cameras programmed for automatic tracking, which can connect remotely in the event of emergencies. The user wears a bracelet, which contains a simple vibration sensor that can receive notifications about the emergency situation. PMID:25090416

  16. Sciences pour les Exoplanètes et les Systèmes Planétaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roques, F.; Balança, C.; Bénilan, Y.; Griessmeier, J. M.; Marcq, E.; Navarro, T.; Renner, S.; Schneider, J.; Schott, C.


    The websites Sciences pour les Exoplanètes et les Systèmes Planétaires (SESP) and Exoplanètes present planetary and exoplanetary sciences with courses, interactive tools, and a didactic catalogue connected to the Encyclopedia These websites have been created in the context of the LabEx ESEP (Exploration Spatiale des Environnements Planétaires) and they are directed towards undergraduate level. They can be used as support for face-to-face courses and self-training. The websites will be translated and will be used to create e-learning degree courses. SESP: EXOPLANETES:

  17. Êtes-vous prêt pour un code bleu en cabinet?

    PubMed Central

    Moore, Simon


    Résumé Problème traité Les urgences médicales sont fréquentes dans le cabinet des médecins de famille, mais nombreux sont ceux qui ne sont pas préparés à répondre aux urgences. Une vidéo éducative en ligne traitant des urgences en cabinet pourrait améliorer la réponse des médecins et de leur personnel aux urgences. Un outil comme celui-là n’a jamais été décrit auparavant. Objectif du programme Utiliser les pratiques fondées sur les données probantes pour produire une vidéo éducative expliquant comment se préparer à parer à une urgence dans un cabinet médical, disséminer la vidéo en ligne et évaluer l’attitude des médecins et de leur personnel à l’égard de la vidéo. Description du programme Une vidéo de 6 minutes a été produite en s’appuyant sur une revue de la littérature récente et des politiques des organismes réglementaires canadiens. La vidéo décrit l’équipement d’urgence recommandé, l’amélioration de la réponse à l’urgence et la formation du personnel en cabinet. Les médecins et leur personnel ont été invités à visualiser la vidéo en ligne à L’opinion de l’auditoire sur le format de la vidéo et son contenu a été évaluée par l’entremise d’un sondage (N = 275). Conclusion Les résultats du sondage indiquent que la vidéo était pertinente et bien présentée, et le format en ligne était pratique et satisfaisant. Les participants s’inscriraient à d’autres formations ayant recours à cette technologie et étaient d’accord pour dire que ce programme améliorerait les soins aux patients.

  18. Candida parapsilosis as a Potent Biocontrol Agent against Growth and Aflatoxin Production by Aspergillus Species

    PubMed Central

    Niknejad, F; Zaini, F; Faramarzi, MA; Amini, M; Kordbacheh, P; Mahmoudi, M; Safara, M


    Background: Aflatoxin contamination of food and feed stuff is a serious health problem and significant economic concerns. In the present study, the inhibitory effect of Candida parapsilosis IP1698 on mycelial growth and aflatoxin production in aflatoxigenic strains of Aspergillus species was investigated. Methods: Mycelial growth inhibitions of nine strains of aflatoxigenic and non-aflatoxigenic Aspergillus species in the presence of C. parapsilosis investigated by pour plate technique at different pH, temperature and time of incubation. Reduction of aflatoxin was evaluated in co-cultured fungi in yeast extract sucrose broth after seven days of incubation using HPLC method. The data were analyzed by SPSS 11.5. Results: The presence of the C. parapsilosis at different pH did not affect significantly the growth rate of Aspergillus isolates. On the other hand, temperature and time of incubation showed to be significantly effective when compared to controls without C. parapsilosis (P≤0.05). In aflatoxigenic strains, minimum percentage of reductions in total aflatoxin and B1, B2, G1, G2 fractions were 92.98, 92.54, 77.48, 54.54 and 72.22 and maximum percentage of reductions were 99.59, not detectable, 94.42, and not detectable in both G1 and G2, respectively. Conclusion: C. parapsilosis might employ as a good biocontrol agent against growth and aflatoxin production by aflatoxigenic Aspergillus species PMID:23308351

  19. Natural chelating agents for radionuclide decorporation


    Premuzic, E.T.


    This invention relates to the production of metal-binding compounds useful for the therapy of heavy metal poisoning, for biological mining and for decorporation of radionuclides. The present invention deals with an orderly and effective method of producing new therapeutically effective chelating agents. This method uses challenge biosynthesis for the production of chelating agents that are specific for a particular metal. In this approach, the desired chelating agents are prepared from microorganisms challenged by the metal that the chelating agent is designed to detoxify. This challenge induces the formation of specific or highly selective chelating agents. The present invention involves the use of the challenge biosynthetic method to produce new complexing/chelating agents that are therapeutically useful to detoxify uranium, plutonium, thorium and other toxic metals. The Pseudomonas aeruginosa family of organisms is the referred family of microorganisms to be used in the present invention to produce the new chelating agent because this family is known to elaborate strains resistant to toxic metals.

  20. Scoping Planning Agents With Shared Models

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bedrax-Weiss, Tania; Frank, Jeremy D.; Jonsson, Ari K.; McGann, Conor


    In this paper we provide a formal framework to define the scope of planning agents based on a single declarative model. Having multiple agents sharing a single model provides numerous advantages that lead to reduced development costs and increase reliability of the system. We formally define planning in terms of extensions of an initial partial plan, and a set of flaws that make the plan unacceptable. A Flaw Filter (FF) allows us to identify those flaws relevant to an agent. Flaw filters motivate the Plan Identification Function (PIF), which specifies when an agent is is ready hand control to another agent for further work. PIFs define a set of plan extensions that can be generated from a model and a plan request. FFs and PIFs can be used to define the scope of agents without changing the model. We describe an implementation of PIFsand FFswithin the context of EUROPA, a constraint-based planning architecture, and show how it can be used to easily design many different agents.

  1. Appendicite aigue non compliquée: y a-t- il une place pour le traitement conservateur

    PubMed Central

    El Khader, Ahmed; Lahkim, Mohamed; El Barni, Rachid; Achour, Abdessamad


    Le but de cette étude a été d’évaluer l'efficacité de l'antibiothérapie seule dans le traitement des appendicites aigues non compliquées. C'est une étude prospective, intéressant 68 patients ayant eu une appendicite aigue simple, de confirmation radiologique, traités par l'amoxicilline associée à l'acide clavulanique pendant 10 jours. L'appendicectomie a été réalisée en cas d'aggravation ou en cas de non amélioration au bout de 48heures de traitement. Le traitement conservateur a été efficace dans 82,35% avec une résolution complète des symptômes chez 56 patients. Les 12 cas restants (17,65%) ont subit une appendicectomie. l'appendicite a été gangréneuse dans 8 cas et phlegmoneuse dans 4 cas. Cinq des 56 patients, qui ont bien évolué sous traitement conservateur, ont été réadmis et opérés pour récidive, soit 8,9%. Deux cas ont eu une appendicite compliquée. L'appendicectomie reste le traitement de référence pour l'appendicite aigue, mais le traitement antibiotique peut être proposé en première intension à des patients présentant une appendicite aigue non compliquée. PMID:26327981

  2. Biologic agents for IBD: practical insights.


    Danese, Silvio; Vuitton, Lucine; Peyrin-Biroulet, Laurent


    Six biologic agents are currently approved for the treatment of IBD: four anti-TNF agents (infliximab, adalimumab, golimumab and certolizumab pegol) and two anti-integrin agents (natalizumab and vedolizumab). In Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis refractory to standard medications, treatment choice among available biologic agents can be challenging. Several parameters should be taken into account to help physicians through the decision-making process, including the comparative effectiveness and long-term safety profile, availability and labelling in the prescriber's country, international guidelines, and cost, as well as patient preferences (such as the route of administration). Herein, we provide practical insights on the use of biologic agents in IBD. The results of head-to-head trials between biologic agents are eagerly awaited to guide decision-making regarding the choice of first-line biologic agents and to determine whether switching within the same drug class or swapping (switching out of the drug class) is preferable after primary or secondary loss of response to the first biologic agent. In the near future, treatment algorithms might evolve with the launch of new drugs (such as ustekinumab, tofacitinib and etrolizumab) and the increased use of biosimilars.

  3. Human Carboxylesterase 1 Stereoselectively Binds the Nerve Agent Cyclosarin and Spontaneously Hydrolyzes the Nerve Agent Sarin

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Hemmert, Andrew C.; Otto, Tamara C.; Wierdl, Monika

    Organophosphorus (OP) nerve agents are potent toxins that inhibit cholinesterases and produce a rapid and lethal cholinergic crisis. Development of protein-based therapeutics is being pursued with the goal of preventing nerve agent toxicity and protecting against the long-term side effects of these agents. The drug-metabolizing enzyme human carboxylesterase 1 (hCE1) is a candidate protein-based therapeutic because of its similarity in structure and function to the cholinesterase targets of nerve agent poisoning. However, the ability of wild-type hCE1 to process the G-type nerve agents sarin and cyclosarin has not been determined. We report the crystal structure of hCE1 in complex withmore » the nerve agent cyclosarin. We further use stereoselective nerve agent analogs to establish that hCE1 exhibits a 1700- and 2900-fold preference for the P{sub R} enantiomers of analogs of soman and cyclosarin, respectively, and a 5-fold preference for the P{sub S} isomer of a sarin analog. Finally, we show that for enzyme inhibited by racemic mixtures of bona fide nerve agents, hCE1 spontaneously reactivates in the presence of sarin but not soman or cyclosarin. The addition of the neutral oxime 2,3-butanedione monoxime increases the rate of reactivation of hCE1 from sarin inhibition by more than 60-fold but has no effect on reactivation with the other agents examined. Taken together, these data demonstrate that hCE1 is only reactivated after inhibition with the more toxic P{sub S} isomer of sarin. These results provide important insights toward the long-term goal of designing novel forms of hCE1 to act as protein-based therapeutics for nerve agent detoxification.« less

  4. 30 CFR 250.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the regulations in this part... agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or supplemental...

  5. Biological Warfare Agents, Toxins, Vectors and Pests as Biological Terrorism Agents

    DTIC Science & Technology


    number of positive answers. According to criterion, no effective prophylaxis or therapy, positive answer signifies the absence of effective ...likelihood that the agent will be used. There are not effective prophylaxis and therapy against for the bulk of enlisted agents and toxins if used as...difficult to imagine how it would be looked like mass- vaccination often maybe simultaneously against more than one disease. Toxins are effective and

  6. 30 CFR 550.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the regulations in... local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or supplemental...

  7. 30 CFR 550.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the regulations in... local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or supplemental...

  8. 30 CFR 550.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the regulations in... local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or supplemental...

  9. Transdermal delivery of therapeutic agent

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Kwiatkowski, Krzysztof C. (Inventor); Hayes, Ryan T. (Inventor); Magnuson, James W. (Inventor); Giletto, Anthony (Inventor)


    A device for the transdermal delivery of a therapeutic agent to a biological subject that includes a first electrode comprising a first array of electrically conductive microprojections for providing electrical communication through a skin portion of the subject to a second electrode comprising a second array of electrically conductive microprojections. Additionally, a reservoir for holding the therapeutic agent surrounding the first electrode and a pulse generator for providing an exponential decay pulse between the first and second electrodes may be provided. A method includes the steps of piercing a stratum corneum layer of skin with two arrays of conductive microprojections, encapsulating the therapeutic agent into biocompatible charged carriers, surrounding the conductive microprojections with the therapeutic agent, generating an exponential decay pulse between the two arrays of conductive microprojections to create a non-uniform electrical field and electrokinetically driving the therapeutic agent through the stratum corneum layer of skin.

  10. Markov Tracking for Agent Coordination

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Washington, Richard; Lau, Sonie (Technical Monitor)


    Partially observable Markov decision processes (POMDPs) axe an attractive representation for representing agent behavior, since they capture uncertainty in both the agent's state and its actions. However, finding an optimal policy for POMDPs in general is computationally difficult. In this paper we present Markov Tracking, a restricted problem of coordinating actions with an agent or process represented as a POMDP Because the actions coordinate with the agent rather than influence its behavior, the optimal solution to this problem can be computed locally and quickly. We also demonstrate the use of the technique on sequential POMDPs, which can be used to model a behavior that follows a linear, acyclic trajectory through a series of states. By imposing a "windowing" restriction that restricts the number of possible alternatives considered at any moment to a fixed size, a coordinating action can be calculated in constant time, making this amenable to coordination with complex agents.

  11. 30 CFR 250.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Director may require you to designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the... Regional Supervisor's approval a local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications...

  12. Contrast echocardiography: new agents.


    Miller, Andrew P; Nanda, Navin C


    In this report, we review the history, rationale, current status and future directions of contrast agents in echocardiography. First, we discuss the historic development of contrast agents through a review of important physical principles of microbubbles in ultrasonography. Second, we identify attributes of an ideal contrast agent and review those that are currently available or in the "pipeline" for clinical use. Third, we review indications for contrast echocardiography, including endocardial border detection, perfusion quantification and reperfusion assessment, and validate these observations by comparisons with other imaging modalities. Then, we briefly review different methodologies of performing a contrast study, including interrupted, real-time and a hybrid modality. Finally, we identify novel future applications of the newest contrast agents. These newer concepts in contrast echocardiography should form a foundation for nearly limitless application of echocardiography in improved anatomical assessment, perfusion imaging and even special applications, such as detection of vascular inflammation and site-specific drug delivery.

  13. Introduction to Agent Mining Interaction and Integration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Cao, Longbing

    In recent years, more and more researchers have been involved in research on both agent technology and data mining. A clear disciplinary effort has been activated toward removing the boundary between them, that is the interaction and integration between agent technology and data mining. We refer this to agent mining as a new area. The marriage of agents and data mining is driven by challenges faced by both communities, and the need of developing more advanced intelligence, information processing and systems. This chapter presents an overall picture of agent mining from the perspective of positioning it as an emerging area. We summarize the main driving forces, complementary essence, disciplinary framework, applications, case studies, and trends and directions, as well as brief observation on agent-driven data mining, data mining-driven agents, and mutual issues in agent mining. Arguably, we draw the following conclusions: (1) agent mining emerges as a new area in the scientific family, (2) both agent technology and data mining can greatly benefit from agent mining, (3) it is very promising to result in additional advancement in intelligent information processing and systems. However, as a new open area, there are many issues waiting for research and development from theoretical, technological and practical perspectives.

  14. 30 CFR 250.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... require you to designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the... approval a local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or...

  15. 30 CFR 250.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... require you to designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the... approval a local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or...

  16. 30 CFR 250.145 - How do I designate an agent or a local agent?

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... require you to designate an agent empowered to fulfill your obligations under the Act, the lease, or the... approval a local agent empowered to receive notices and submit requests, applications, notices, or...

  17. Agent Reward Shaping for Alleviating Traffic Congestion

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tumer, Kagan; Agogino, Adrian


    Traffic congestion problems provide a unique environment to study how multi-agent systems promote desired system level behavior. What is particularly interesting in this class of problems is that no individual action is intrinsically "bad" for the system but that combinations of actions among agents lead to undesirable outcomes, As a consequence, agents need to learn how to coordinate their actions with those of other agents, rather than learn a particular set of "good" actions. This problem is ubiquitous in various traffic problems, including selecting departure times for commuters, routes for airlines, and paths for data routers. In this paper we present a multi-agent approach to two traffic problems, where far each driver, an agent selects the most suitable action using reinforcement learning. The agent rewards are based on concepts from collectives and aim to provide the agents with rewards that are both easy to learn and that if learned, lead to good system level behavior. In the first problem, we study how agents learn the best departure times of drivers in a daily commuting environment and how following those departure times alleviates congestion. In the second problem, we study how agents learn to select desirable routes to improve traffic flow and minimize delays for. all drivers.. In both sets of experiments,. agents using collective-based rewards produced near optimal performance (93-96% of optimal) whereas agents using system rewards (63-68%) barely outperformed random action selection (62-64%) and agents using local rewards (48-72%) performed worse than random in some instances.

  18. Detecting Biological Warfare Agents

    PubMed Central

    Song, Linan; Ahn, Soohyoun


    We developed a fiber-optic, microsphere-based, high-density array composed of 18 species-specific probe microsensors to identify biological warfare agents. We simultaneously identified multiple biological warfare agents in environmental samples by looking at specific probe responses after hybridization and response patterns of the multiplexed array. PMID:16318712

  19. Homeostatic Agent for General Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yoshida, Naoto


    One of the essential aspect in biological agents is dynamic stability. This aspect, called homeostasis, is widely discussed in ethology, neuroscience and during the early stages of artificial intelligence. Ashby's homeostats are general-purpose learning machines for stabilizing essential variables of the agent in the face of general environments. However, despite their generality, the original homeostats couldn't be scaled because they searched their parameters randomly. In this paper, first we re-define the objective of homeostats as the maximization of a multi-step survival probability from the view point of sequential decision theory and probabilistic theory. Then we show that this optimization problem can be treated by using reinforcement learning algorithms with special agent architectures and theoretically-derived intrinsic reward functions. Finally we empirically demonstrate that agents with our architecture automatically learn to survive in a given environment, including environments with visual stimuli. Our survival agents can learn to eat food, avoid poison and stabilize essential variables through theoretically-derived single intrinsic reward formulations.

  20. Agent-Based Scientific Workflow Composition

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Barker, A.; Mann, B.


    Agents are active autonomous entities that interact with one another to achieve their objectives. This paper addresses how these active agents are a natural fit to consume the passive Service Oriented Architecture which is found in Internet and Grid Systems, in order to compose, coordinate and execute e-Science experiments. A framework is introduced which allows an e-Science experiment to be described as a MultiAgent System.

  1. Learning other agents` preferences in multiagent negotiation

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Bui, H.H.; Kieronska, D.; Venkatesh, S.

    In multiagent systems, an agent does not usually have complete information about the preferences and decision making processes of other agents. This might prevent the agents from making coordinated choices, purely due to their ignorance of what others want. This paper describes the integration of a learning module into a communication-intensive negotiating agent architecture. The learning module gives the agents the ability to learn about other agents` preferences via past interactions. Over time, the agents can incrementally update their models of other agents` preferences and use them to make better coordinated decisions. Combining both communication and learning, as two complementmore » knowledge acquisition methods, helps to reduce the amount of communication needed on average, and is justified in situations where communication is computationally costly or simply not desirable (e.g. to preserve the individual privacy).« less

  2. Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Semmel, Glenn S.; Davis, Steven R.; Leucht, Kurt W.; Rowe, Dan A.; Kelly, Andrew O.; Boeloeni, Ladislau


    The Spaceport Processing Systems Branch at NASA Kennedy Space Center has developed and deployed a software agent to monitor the Space Shuttle's ground processing telemetry stream. The application, the Launch Commit Criteria Monitoring Agent, increases situational awareness for system and hardware engineers during Shuttle launch countdown. The agent provides autonomous monitoring of the telemetry stream, automatically alerts system engineers when predefined criteria have been met, identifies limit warnings and violations of launch commit criteria, aids Shuttle engineers through troubleshooting procedures, and provides additional insight to verify appropriate troubleshooting of problems by contractors. The agent has successfully detected launch commit criteria warnings and violations on a simulated playback data stream. Efficiency and safety are improved through increased automation.

  3. 13 CFR 120.952 - Fiscal agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.952 Fiscal agent. SBA shall appoint a Fiscal Agent to assess the financial markets, minimize the cost of sales, arrange for the production of... performance of the Trustee and the underwriters. ...

  4. 13 CFR 120.952 - Fiscal agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.952 Fiscal agent. SBA shall appoint a Fiscal Agent to assess the financial markets, minimize the cost of sales, arrange for the production of... performance of the Trustee and the underwriters. ...

  5. Consensus formalisé: recommandations de pratiques cliniques pour la prise en charge de la lombalgie aiguë du patient africain

    PubMed Central

    Elleuch, Mohamed; El Maghraoui, Abdellah; Griene, Brahim; Nejmi, Mati; Ndongo, Souhaibou; Serrie, Alain


    La lombalgie aiguë est la pathologie rhumatismale la plus fréquente en Afrique. L’épidémiologie et la présentation clinique ne diffèrent pas de celles observées sur les autres continents. En revanche, les aspects psycho-sociaux, la disponibilité des traitements, l'accès aux soins et le poids culturel des médecines traditionnelles sont autant de spécificités qui ont conduit à la réalisation du 1er consensus d'experts en rhumatologie pour la prise en charge du patient africain. Destiné aux praticiens, ce travail collaboratif multinational a pour objectif de fournir 11 recommandations de pratiques cliniques simples, fondées sur les preuves, et adaptées aux conditions de l'exercice médical en Afrique. Leur ambition est d'améliorer la prise en charge de la lombalgie aigue par une évaluation initiale clinique pertinente, une diminution des examens radiologiques inutiles, une prescription médicamenteuse adéquate et l'abandon de procédures invasives inappropriées. PMID:26955427

  6. ProgrammingRationalAgents in GOAL

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hindriks, Koen V.

    The agent programming language GOAL is a high-level programming language to program rational agents that derive their choice of action from their beliefsand goals. The language provides the basic building blocks to design and implementrationalagents by meansofa setofprogramming constructs. These programming constructs allow and facilitate the manipulation of an agent’sbeliefs and goals and to structure its decision-making. GOAL agents are called rational because they satisfy a numberof basic rationality constraints and because they decide to perform actions to further their goals based uponareasoning scheme derived from practical reasoning. The programming concepts of belief and goal incorporated into GOAL provide the basis for this form of reasoning and are similarto their common sense counterparts used everyday to explain the actions that we perform. In addition, GOAL provides the means for agents to focus their attention on specic goals and to communicate at the knowledge level. This provides an intuitive basis for writing high-level agent programs. At the same time these concepts and programming constructs have a well-dened, formal semantics. The formal semantics provides the basis for deninga verication framework for GOAL for verifying and reasoning about GOAL agents whichis similar to some of the wellknownagent logics introduced in the literature.

  7. Design and Simulation of Material-Integrated Distributed Sensor Processing with a Code-Based Agent Platform and Mobile Multi-Agent Systems

    PubMed Central

    Bosse, Stefan


    Multi-agent systems (MAS) can be used for decentralized and self-organizing data processing in a distributed system, like a resource-constrained sensor network, enabling distributed information extraction, for example, based on pattern recognition and self-organization, by decomposing complex tasks in simpler cooperative agents. Reliable MAS-based data processing approaches can aid the material-integration of structural-monitoring applications, with agent processing platforms scaled to the microchip level. The agent behavior, based on a dynamic activity-transition graph (ATG) model, is implemented with program code storing the control and the data state of an agent, which is novel. The program code can be modified by the agent itself using code morphing techniques and is capable of migrating in the network between nodes. The program code is a self-contained unit (a container) and embeds the agent data, the initialization instructions and the ATG behavior implementation. The microchip agent processing platform used for the execution of the agent code is a standalone multi-core stack machine with a zero-operand instruction format, leading to a small-sized agent program code, low system complexity and high system performance. The agent processing is token-queue-based, similar to Petri-nets. The agent platform can be implemented in software, too, offering compatibility at the operational and code level, supporting agent processing in strong heterogeneous networks. In this work, the agent platform embedded in a large-scale distributed sensor network is simulated at the architectural level by using agent-based simulation techniques. PMID:25690550

  8. Design and simulation of material-integrated distributed sensor processing with a code-based agent platform and mobile multi-agent systems.


    Bosse, Stefan


    Multi-agent systems (MAS) can be used for decentralized and self-organizing data processing in a distributed system, like a resource-constrained sensor network, enabling distributed information extraction, for example, based on pattern recognition and self-organization, by decomposing complex tasks in simpler cooperative agents. Reliable MAS-based data processing approaches can aid the material-integration of structural-monitoring applications, with agent processing platforms scaled to the microchip level. The agent behavior, based on a dynamic activity-transition graph (ATG) model, is implemented with program code storing the control and the data state of an agent, which is novel. The program code can be modified by the agent itself using code morphing techniques and is capable of migrating in the network between nodes. The program code is a self-contained unit (a container) and embeds the agent data, the initialization instructions and the ATG behavior implementation. The microchip agent processing platform used for the execution of the agent code is a standalone multi-core stack machine with a zero-operand instruction format, leading to a small-sized agent program code, low system complexity and high system performance. The agent processing is token-queue-based, similar to Petri-nets. The agent platform can be implemented in software, too, offering compatibility at the operational and code level, supporting agent processing in strong heterogeneous networks. In this work, the agent platform embedded in a large-scale distributed sensor network is simulated at the architectural level by using agent-based simulation techniques.

  9. Agents in bioinformatics, computational and systems biology.


    Merelli, Emanuela; Armano, Giuliano; Cannata, Nicola; Corradini, Flavio; d'Inverno, Mark; Doms, Andreas; Lord, Phillip; Martin, Andrew; Milanesi, Luciano; Möller, Steffen; Schroeder, Michael; Luck, Michael


    The adoption of agent technologies and multi-agent systems constitutes an emerging area in bioinformatics. In this article, we report on the activity of the Working Group on Agents in Bioinformatics (BIOAGENTS) founded during the first AgentLink III Technical Forum meeting on the 2nd of July, 2004, in Rome. The meeting provided an opportunity for seeding collaborations between the agent and bioinformatics communities to develop a different (agent-based) approach of computational frameworks both for data analysis and management in bioinformatics and for systems modelling and simulation in computational and systems biology. The collaborations gave rise to applications and integrated tools that we summarize and discuss in context of the state of the art in this area. We investigate on future challenges and argue that the field should still be explored from many perspectives ranging from bio-conceptual languages for agent-based simulation, to the definition of bio-ontology-based declarative languages to be used by information agents, and to the adoption of agents for computational grids.

  10. Animated Pedagogical Agents: A Review of Agent Technology Software in Electronic Learning Environments

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Govindasamy, Malliga K.


    Agent technology has become one of the dynamic and most interesting areas of computer science in recent years. The dynamism of this technology has resulted in computer generated characters, known as pedagogical agent, entering the digital learning environments in increasing numbers. Commonly deployed in implementing tutoring strategies, these…

  11. Extinguishing agent for combustible metal fires


    Riley, John F.; Stauffer, Edgar Eugene


    A low chloride extinguishing agent for combustible metal fires comprising from substantially 75 to substantially 94 weight percent of sodium carbonate as the basic fire extinguishing material, from substantially 1 to substantially 5 weight percent of a water-repellent agent such as a metal stearate, from substantially 2 to substantially 10 weight percent of a flow promoting agent such as attapulgus clay, and from substantially 3 to substantially 15 weight percent of a polyamide resin as a crusting agent.

  12. Analysis of Nerve Agent Metabolites from Hair for Long-Term Verification of Nerve Agent Exposure

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Analysis of Nerve Agent Metabolites from Hair for Long-Term Verification of Nerve Agent Exposure Amanda S. Appel,† John H. McDonough,‡ Joseph D...feasible. In this study, hair was evaluated as a long-term repository of nerve agent hydrolysis products. Pinacolyl methylphosphonic acid (PMPA...hydrolysis product of soman) and isopropyl methylphosphonic acid (IMPA; hydrolysis product of sarin) were extracted from hair samples with N,N

  13. Petri Nets as Modeling Tool for Emergent Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Bergman, Marto


    Emergent agents, those agents whose local interactions can cause unexpected global results, require a method of modeling that is both dynamic and structured Petri Nets, a modeling tool developed for dynamic discrete event system of mainly functional agents, provide this, and have the benefit of being an established tool. We present here the details of the modeling method here and discuss how to implement its use for modeling agent-based systems. Petri Nets have been used extensively in the modeling of functional agents, those agents who have defined purposes and whose actions should result in a know outcome. However, emergent agents, those agents who have a defined structure but whose interaction causes outcomes that are unpredictable, have not yet found a modeling style that suits them. A problem with formally modeling emergent agents that any formal modeling style usually expects to show the results of a problem and the results of problems studied using emergent agents are not apparent from the initial construction. However, the study of emergent agents still requires a method to analyze the agents themselves, and have sensible conversation about the differences and similarities between types of emergent agents. We attempt to correct this problem by applying Petri Nets to the characterization of emergent agents. In doing so, the emergent properties of these agents can be highlighted, and conversation about the nature and compatibility of the differing methods of agent creation can begin.

  14. Agent-based models of cellular systems.


    Cannata, Nicola; Corradini, Flavio; Merelli, Emanuela; Tesei, Luca


    Software agents are particularly suitable for engineering models and simulations of cellular systems. In a very natural and intuitive manner, individual software components are therein delegated to reproduce "in silico" the behavior of individual components of alive systems at a given level of resolution. Individuals' actions and interactions among individuals allow complex collective behavior to emerge. In this chapter we first introduce the readers to software agents and multi-agent systems, reviewing the evolution of agent-based modeling of biomolecular systems in the last decade. We then describe the main tools, platforms, and methodologies available for programming societies of agents, possibly profiting also of toolkits that do not require advanced programming skills.

  15. Quicker Q-Learning in Multi-Agent Systems

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Agogino, Adrian K.; Tumer, Kagan


    Multi-agent learning in Markov Decisions Problems is challenging because of the presence ot two credit assignment problems: 1) How to credit an action taken at time step t for rewards received at t' greater than t; and 2) How to credit an action taken by agent i considering the system reward is a function of the actions of all the agents. The first credit assignment problem is typically addressed with temporal difference methods such as Q-learning OK TD(lambda) The second credit assi,onment problem is typically addressed either by hand-crafting reward functions that assign proper credit to an agent, or by making certain independence assumptions about an agent's state-space and reward function. To address both credit assignment problems simultaneously, we propose the Q Updates with Immediate Counterfactual Rewards-learning (QUICR-learning) designed to improve both the convergence properties and performance of Q-learning in large multi-agent problems. Instead of assuming that an agent s value function can be made independent of other agents, this method suppresses the impact of other agents using counterfactual rewards. Results on multi-agent grid-world problems over multiple topologies show that QUICR-learning can achieve up to thirty fold improvements in performance over both conventional and local Q-learning in the largest tested systems.

  16. Effect of Two Cancer Chemotherapeutic Agents on the Antibacterial Activity of Three Antimicrobial Agents

    PubMed Central

    Moody, Marcia R.; Morris, Maureen J.; Young, Viola Mae; Moyé, Lemuel A.; Schimpff, Stephen C.; Wiernik, Peter H.


    Cancer chemotherapeutic agents and antibacterial antibiotics are often given concomitantly. Daunorubicin, cytosine arabinoside, and three antibiotics (gentamicin, amikacin, and ticarcillin) were tested individually and in combinations to determine their antimicrobial activity against Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella pneumoniae, and Escherichia coli. These cytotoxic agents are commonly employed in the therapy of acute nonlymphocytic leukemia for remission induction therapy, and these antimicrobial agents are used in infection therapy. The maximum concentrations of the two cytotoxic drugs were chosen to be twice the known peak plasma levels of commonly employed dosage schedules. Neither of the cancer chemotherapeutic agents, alone or in combination, demonstrated bactericidal activity at the levels tested. However, in the presence of these agents, the antimicrobial activity of gentamicin and amikacin, although not that of ticarcillin, was depressed for 11 of 15 K. pneumoniae strains and 8 of 15 P. aeruginosa strains, but for none of the strains of E. coli. This level of decreased activity occasionally resulted in a minimal inhibitory concentration of the tested aminoglycoside well above the standard serum levels. Daunorubicin was more likely to antagonize gentamicin than was cytosine arabinoside. PMID:103494

  17. Temporary plugging agent

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Black, H.N.; Melton, L.L.


    A temporary plugging agent, fracturing fluid and/or channel sealing agent is introduced into a selected area of a formation. The water-gelled fluid agent contains sodium borate, sodium tetraborate, and borax. It also contains a chemical breaker such as benzotrichloride, benzylidene chloride, or benzyl chloride. The water-gelled fluid consists essentially of water and from about 1-3% by weight of water of a finely powdered water-soluble gum of the galactomannan class. The borate compound is included in an amount of about 10% by weight of the gum to delay the reaction with the gel and to form a rubbery jelly-like mass withmore » it. The fluid composition has a delaying solidifying action and after a given interval of time it forms a plug. After a predetermined time, acid is produced upon the hydrolysis of the breaker in the plug and removes the plug from the area.« less

  18. The influence of brewing water characteristic on sensory perception of pour-over local coffee

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fibrianto, K.; Ardianti, A. D.; Pradipta, K.; Sunarharum, W. B.


    The coffee quality can be characterized by its multisensory perceptions. The content and mineral composition and other substances of brewing water can affect the result of brewed-coffee. The water may influence in extraction capabilities and flavor clarity. The ground Dampit coffee and two commercial instant coffee with pour-over method were used in this study. Various types of commercial drinking water were used to brew the coffee. The result suggests that the different brewing water affects the intensity of sweet and chocolate aroma, as well as oily mouth-feel. Surprisingly, taste and flavour attributes were not affected by the pH of brewing water within the range of 5.5 to 9.1.

  19. Change Agent Survival Guide

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Dunbar, Folwell L.


    Consulting is a rough racket. Only a tarantula hair above IRS agents, meter maids and used car sales people, the profession is a prickly burr for slings and arrows. Throw in education, focus on dysfunctional schools and call oneself a "change agent," and this bad rap all but disappears. Unfortunately, though, consulting/coaching/mentoring in…

  20. Massive Multi-Agent Systems Control

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Campagne, Jean-Charles; Gardon, Alain; Collomb, Etienne; Nishida, Toyoaki


    In order to build massive multi-agent systems, considered as complex and dynamic systems, one needs a method to analyze and control the system. We suggest an approach using morphology to represent and control the state of large organizations composed of a great number of light software agents. Morphology is understood as representing the state of the multi-agent system as shapes in an abstract geometrical space, this notion is close to the notion of phase space in physics.

  1. Ultrasonic mixing of epoxy curing agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Hodges, W. T.; St.clair, T. L.


    A new technique for mixing solid curing agents into liquid epoxy resins using ultrasonic energy was developed. This procedure allows standard curing agents such as 4,4 prime-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (4,4 prime-DDS) and its 3,3 prime-isomer, (3,3 prime-DDS) to be mixed without prior melting of the curing agent. It also allows curing agents such as 4,4 prime-diaminodiphenyl sulfone (4,4 prime-DDS) and its 3,3 prime-isomer, (3,3 prime-DDS) to be mixed without prior melting of the curing agent. It also allows curing agents with very high melt temperatures such as 4,4 prime-diaminobenzophenone (4,4 prime-DABP) (242 C) to be mixed without premature curing. Four aromatic diamines were ultrasonically blended into MY-720 epoxy resin. These were 4,4 prime-DDS; 3,3 prime-DDA; 4,4 prime-DABP and 3,3 prime-DABP. Unfilled moldings were cast and cured for each system and their physical and mechanical properties compared.

  2. [Supramolecular Agents for Theranostics].


    Deyev, S M; Lebedenko, E N


    This mini-review summarizes recent data obtained in the process of creation of a versatile module platform suitable for construction of supramolecular theranostic agents. As an example, we consider multifunctional hybrid agents for imaging and elimination of cancer cells. The use of an adapter protein system barnase:barstar for producing targeted multifunctional hybrid structures on the basis of highly specific peptides and mini-antibodies as addressing modules and recombinant proteins and/or nanoparticles of different nature (quantum dots, nanogold, magnetic nanoparticles, nanodiamonds, upconverting nanophosphores, polymer nanoparticles) as agents visualizing and damaging cancer cells is described. New perspectives for creation of selective and highly effective compounds for theranostics and personified medicine are contemplated.

  3. Travel Agent Course Outline.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    British Columbia Dept. of Education, Victoria.

    Written for college entry-level travel agent training courses, this course outline can also be used for inservice training programs offered by travel agencies. The outline provides information on the work of a travel agent and gives clear statements on what learners must be able to do by the end of their training. Material is divided into eight…

  4. Online Deception Detection Using BDI Agents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Merritts, Richard A.


    This research has two facets within separate research areas. The research area of Belief, Desire and Intention (BDI) agent capability development was extended. Deception detection research has been advanced with the development of automation using BDI agents. BDI agents performed tasks automatically and autonomously. This study used these…

  5. 13 CFR 120.951 - Selling agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Selling agent. 120.951 Section 120.951 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LOANS Development Company Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.951 Selling agent. The CDC, with SBA...

  6. 13 CFR 120.951 - Selling agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Selling agent. 120.951 Section 120.951 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LOANS Development Company Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.951 Selling agent. The CDC, with SBA...

  7. 13 CFR 120.951 - Selling agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Selling agent. 120.951 Section 120.951 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LOANS Development Company Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.951 Selling agent. The CDC, with SBA...

  8. 13 CFR 120.951 - Selling agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Selling agent. 120.951 Section 120.951 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LOANS Development Company Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.951 Selling agent. The CDC, with SBA...

  9. 13 CFR 120.951 - Selling agent.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 13 Business Credit and Assistance 1 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Selling agent. 120.951 Section 120.951 Business Credit and Assistance SMALL BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION BUSINESS LOANS Development Company Loan Program (504) Debenture Sales and Service Agents § 120.951 Selling agent. The CDC, with SBA...

  10. La prise en charge d’une clientèle

    PubMed Central

    Roy, Andréanne; Breton, Mylaine; Loslier, Julie


    Résumé Objectif Analyser les facteurs qui incitent les médecins de famille nouvellement autorisés à faire de la prise en charge d’une clientèle en première ligne. Type d’étude Devis mixte séquentiel : questionnaire en ligne auto-administré auprès de médecins de famille, suivi d’entrevues individuelles. Contexte La Montérégie, qui est la deuxième région la plus populeuse du Québec, et qui présente des zones rurales et urbaines. Participants Tous les médecins de famille détenant un poste en Montérégie et ayant moins de 10 années d’expérience ont été sollicités, soit 366 médecins. Parmi eux, 118 ont complété le questionnaire en ligne (taux de réponse de 32,2 %). Parmi les répondants, 10 médecins ayant des profils de prise en charge variés ont été sélectionnés pour les entrevues individuelles. Principaux paramètres à l’étude Le pourcentage de temps de travail consacré à la prise en charge, analysé en parallèle avec différents facteurs facilitants et barrières à la prise en charge aux niveaux contextuel, organisationnel, du médecin de famille et de la clientèle. Résultats Les principaux facteurs facilitant la prise en charge sont la relation médecin-patient, l’intérêt pour les activités cliniques liées à la prise en charge, les modèles de rôles positifs, la collaboration avec une infirmière et l’accès adéquat aux ressources, notamment en santé mentale. Les principales barrières sont l’ampleur des tâches administratives, l’intérêt pour une pratique polyvalente, l’expérience négative de la prise en charge lors de la formation, un sentiment n’inaptitude à l’égard de la prise en charge, la lourdeur de la clientèle et le manque de soutien en début de pratique. Conclusion Certaines pistes de solution pour inciter les nouveaux médecins de famille à prendre en charge une clientèle sont proposées. Des points d’amélioration au niveau de la formation médicale, du soutien

  11. Theoretical and Experimental Methods in Hypersonic Flows (Les Methodes Theoriques et Experimentales pour l’Etude Des Ecoulements Hypersoniques)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    PROCEEDINGS 514 OELECTE f Theoretical and A U Experimental Methods in A Hypersonic Flows (Les Methodes Th6oriques et Experimentales pour 1’Etude des...nitrogen ent for both equilibrium and non -equilibrium chemistry between the two groups . Both groups state that the boundary makes this mode even more...flowfield on control is also m?,ndatory unstable due to the necessary oblate shape of Hermes. when the experimental rebuilding is clearly poor and

  12. 24 CFR 232.1011 - Management agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Management agents. 232.1011 Section... Management agents. (a) An operator or borrower may, with the prior written approval of HUD, execute a management agent agreement setting forth the duties and procedures for matters related to the management of...

  13. 24 CFR 232.1011 - Management agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 24 Housing and Urban Development 2 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Management agents. 232.1011 Section... Management agents. (a) An operator or borrower may, with the prior written approval of HUD, execute a management agent agreement setting forth the duties and procedures for matters related to the management of...

  14. 21 CFR 181.28 - Release agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Release agents. Substances classified as release agents, when migrating from food-packaging material shall... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Release agents. 181.28 Section 181.28 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN...

  15. 21 CFR 181.28 - Release agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Release agents. 181.28 Section 181.28 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN... Release agents. Substances classified as release agents, when migrating from food-packaging material shall...

  16. 21 CFR 181.28 - Release agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Release agents. Substances classified as release agents, when migrating from food-packaging material shall... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Release agents. 181.28 Section 181.28 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN...

  17. 21 CFR 181.28 - Release agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Release agents. Substances classified as release agents, when migrating from food-packaging material shall... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Release agents. 181.28 Section 181.28 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) FOOD FOR HUMAN...

  18. Device for controlling the pouring of molten materials


    Moore, A.F.; Duncan, A.L.


    A device is described for controlling the pouring of a molten material from a crucible or other container. The device includes an annular retainer ring for mounting in the drain opening in the bottom of a conventional crucible, the retainer ring defining a opening there through. The device also includes a plug member having an annular forward end portion for force-fit reception in the opening of the retainer ring to selectively seal the opening and for being selectively forced through the opening. The plug member has a rear end portion for being positioned within the crucible, the rear end portion including stop means for prohibiting the rear end portion from passing through the opening in the retainer ring when the forward end portion is selectively forced through the opening. The plug member defines at least one, and preferably a plurality of flutes, each extending from a point rearward the annular forward end portion of the plug member, and forward the stop means, to a point rearward of the stop means. The flutes permit fluid communication between the interior and exterior of the crucible when the forward end portion of the plug member is forced through the opening in the retaining ring such that the molten material is allowed to flow from the crucible. 5 figures.

  19. Infectious Agents Trigger Trophic Cascades.


    Buck, Julia C; Ripple, William J


    Most demonstrated trophic cascades originate with predators, but infectious agents can also cause top-down indirect effects in ecosystems. Here we synthesize the literature on trophic cascades initiated by infectious agents including parasitoids, pathogens, parasitic castrators, macroparasites, and trophically transmitted parasites. Like predators, infectious agents can cause density-mediated and trait-mediated indirect effects through their direct consumptive and nonconsumptive effects respectively. Unlike most predators, however, infectious agents are not fully and immediately lethal to their victims, so their consumptive effects can also trigger trait-mediated indirect effects. We find that the frequency of trophic cascades reported for different consumer types scales with consumer lethality. Furthermore, we emphasize the value of uniting predator-prey and parasite-host theory under a general consumer-resource framework. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  20. Delay-dependent coupling for a multi-agent LTI consensus system with inter-agent delays

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Qiao, Wei; Sipahi, Rifat


    Delay-dependent coupling (DDC) is considered in this paper in a broadly studied linear time-invariant multi-agent consensus system in which agents communicate with each other under homogeneous delays, while attempting to reach consensus. The coupling among the agents is designed here as an explicit parameter of this delay, allowing couplings to autonomously adapt based on the delay value, and in order to guarantee stability and a certain degree of robustness in the network despite the destabilizing effect of delay. Design procedures, analysis of convergence speed of consensus, comprehensive numerical studies for the case of time-varying delay, and limitations are presented.

  1. An accurate homogenized tissue phantom for broad spectrum autofluorescence studies: a tool for optimizing quantum dot-based contrast agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roy, Mathieu; Wilson, Brian C.


    We are investigating the use of ZnS-capped CdSe quantum dot (QD) bioconjugates combined with fluorescence endoscopy for improved early cancer detection in the esophagus, colon and lung. A major challenge in using fluorescent contrast agents in vivo is to extract the relevant signal from the tissue autofluorescence (AF). The present studies are aimed at maximizing the QD signal to AF background ratio (SBR) to facilitate detection. These contrast optimization studies require optical phantoms that simulate tissue autofluorescence, absorption and scattering over the entire visible spectrum, while allowing us to control the optical thickness. We present an optical phantom made of fresh homogenized tissue diluted in water. The homogenized tissue is poured into a clear polymer tank designed to hold a QD-loaded silica capillary in its center. Because of the non-linear effects of absorption and scattering on measured autofluorescence, direct comparison between results obtained using tissue phantoms of different concentration is not possible. We introduce mathematical models that make it possible to perform measurements on diluted tissue homogenates and subsequently extrapolate the results to intact (non-diluted) tissue. Finally, we present preliminary QD contrast data showing that the 380-420 nm spectral window is optimal for surface QD imaging.

  2. What makes virtual agents believable?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bogdanovych, Anton; Trescak, Tomas; Simoff, Simeon


    In this paper we investigate the concept of believability and make an attempt to isolate individual characteristics (features) that contribute to making virtual characters believable. As the result of this investigation we have produced a formalisation of believability and based on this formalisation built a computational framework focused on simulation of believable virtual agents that possess the identified features. In order to test whether the identified features are, in fact, responsible for agents being perceived as more believable, we have conducted a user study. In this study we tested user reactions towards the virtual characters that were created for a simulation of aboriginal inhabitants of a particular area of Sydney, Australia in 1770 A.D. The participants of our user study were exposed to short simulated scenes, in which virtual agents performed some behaviour in two different ways (while possessing a certain aspect of believability vs. not possessing it). The results of the study indicate that virtual agents that appear resource bounded, are aware of their environment, own interaction capabilities and their state in the world, agents that can adapt to changes in the environment and exist in correct social context are those that are being perceived as more believable. Further in the paper we discuss these and other believability features and provide a quantitative analysis of the level of contribution for each such feature to the overall perceived believability of a virtual agent.

  3. Investigational Antimicrobial Agents of 2013

    PubMed Central

    Pucci, Michael J.


    SUMMARY New antimicrobial agents are always needed to counteract the resistant pathogens that continue to be selected by current therapeutic regimens. This review provides a survey of known antimicrobial agents that were currently in clinical development in the fall of 2012 and spring of 2013. Data were collected from published literature primarily from 2010 to 2012, meeting abstracts (2011 to 2012), government websites, and company websites when appropriate. Compared to what was reported in previous surveys, a surprising number of new agents are currently in company pipelines, particularly in phase 3 clinical development. Familiar antibacterial classes of the quinolones, tetracyclines, oxazolidinones, glycopeptides, and cephalosporins are represented by entities with enhanced antimicrobial or pharmacological properties. More importantly, compounds of novel chemical structures targeting bacterial pathways not previously exploited are under development. Some of the most promising compounds include novel β-lactamase inhibitor combinations that target many multidrug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria, a critical medical need. Although new antimicrobial agents will continue to be needed to address increasing antibiotic resistance, there are novel agents in development to tackle at least some of the more worrisome pathogens in the current nosocomial setting. PMID:24092856

  4. 21 CFR 178.3860 - Release agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2010-04-01 2009-04-01 true Release agents. 178.3860 Section 178.3860 Food and... and Production Aids § 178.3860 Release agents. Substances listed in paragraph (b) of this section may be safely used as release agents in petroleum wax complying with § 178.3710 and in polymeric resins...

  5. Tissue Penetration of Antifungal Agents

    PubMed Central

    Felton, Timothy; Troke, Peter F.


    SUMMARY Understanding the tissue penetration of systemically administered antifungal agents is critical for a proper appreciation of their antifungal efficacy in animals and humans. Both the time course of an antifungal drug and its absolute concentrations within tissues may differ significantly from those observed in the bloodstream. In addition, tissue concentrations must also be interpreted within the context of the pathogenesis of the various invasive fungal infections, which differ significantly. There are major technical obstacles to the estimation of concentrations of antifungal agents in various tissue subcompartments, yet these agents, even those within the same class, may exhibit markedly different tissue distributions. This review explores these issues and provides a summary of tissue concentrations of 11 currently licensed systemic antifungal agents. It also explores the therapeutic implications of their distribution at various sites of infection. PMID:24396137

  6. Applications of Multi-Agent Technology to Power Systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nagata, Takeshi

    Currently, agents are focus of intense on many sub-fields of computer science and artificial intelligence. Agents are being used in an increasingly wide variety of applications. Many important computing applications such as planning, process control, communication networks and concurrent systems will benefit from using multi-agent system approach. A multi-agent system is a structure given by an environment together with a set of artificial agents capable to act on this environment. Multi-agent models are oriented towards interactions, collaborative phenomena, and autonomy. This article presents the applications of multi-agent technology to the power systems.

  7. Agents in real-time collaborative systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mitchell, David


    Desktop conferencing systems, providing voice- or video-conferencing with some form of data sharing, have become increasingly popular. Unlike asynchronous collaborative systems such as email, little attention has been devoted to the place of agents in such real-time systems. This paper examines some of the ways in which agents can be used to support such apparently simple tasks as the setting up and answering of calls. Three agent categories, locators, routers and responders, are defined and some simple examples discussed. Several ways in which such agents can collaborate, providing the basis of an intelligent network, are identified.

  8. Ecology Based Decentralized Agent Management System

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Peysakhov, Maxim D.; Cicirello, Vincent A.; Regli, William C.


    The problem of maintaining a desired number of mobile agents on a network is not trivial, especially if we want a completely decentralized solution. Decentralized control makes a system more r e bust and less susceptible to partial failures. The problem is exacerbated on wireless ad hoc networks where host mobility can result in significant changes in the network size and topology. In this paper we propose an ecology-inspired approach to the management of the number of agents. The approach associates agents with living organisms and tasks with food. Agents procreate or die based on the abundance of uncompleted tasks (food). We performed a series of experiments investigating properties of such systems and analyzed their stability under various conditions. We concluded that the ecology based metaphor can be successfully applied to the management of agent populations on wireless ad hoc networks.

  9. [Decorporation agents for internal radioactive contamination].


    Ohmachi, Yasushi


    When radionuclides are accidentally ingested or inhaled, blood circulation or tissue/organ deposition of the radionuclides causes systemic or local radiation effects. In such cases, decorporation therapy is used to reduce the health risks due to their intake. Decorporation therapy includes reduction and/or inhibition of absorption from the gastrointestinal tract, isotopic dilution, and the use of diuretics, adsorbents, and chelating agents. For example, penicillamine is recommended as a chelating agent for copper contamination, and diethylene triamine pentaacetic acid is approved for the treatment of internal contamination with plutonium. During chelation therapy, the removal effect of the drugs should be monitored using a whole-body counter and/or bioassay. Some authorities, such as the National Council on Radiation Protection and Measurements and International Atomic Energy Agency, have reported recommended decorporation agents for each radionuclide. However, few drugs are approved by the US Food and Drug Administration, and many are off-label-use agents. Because many decontamination agents are drugs that have been available for a long time and have limited efficacy, the development of new, higher-efficacy drugs has been carried out mainly in the USA and France. In this article, in addition to an outline of decorporation agents for internal radioactive contamination, an outline of our research on decorporation agents for actinide (uranium and plutonium) contamination and for radio-cesium contamination is also presented.

  10. Characterization of chemical agent transport in paints.


    Willis, Matthew P; Gordon, Wesley; Lalain, Teri; Mantooth, Brent


    A combination of vacuum-based vapor emission measurements with a mass transport model was employed to determine the interaction of chemical warfare agents with various materials, including transport parameters of agents in paints. Accurate determination of mass transport parameters enables the simulation of the chemical agent distribution in a material for decontaminant performance modeling. The evaluation was performed with the chemical warfare agents bis(2-chloroethyl) sulfide (distilled mustard, known as the chemical warfare blister agent HD) and O-ethyl S-[2-(diisopropylamino)ethyl] methylphosphonothioate (VX), an organophosphate nerve agent, deposited on to two different types of polyurethane paint coatings. The results demonstrated alignment between the experimentally measured vapor emission flux and the predicted vapor flux. Mass transport modeling demonstrated rapid transport of VX into the coatings; VX penetrated through the aliphatic polyurethane-based coating (100 μm) within approximately 107 min. By comparison, while HD was more soluble in the coatings, the penetration depth in the coatings was approximately 2× lower than VX. Applications of mass transport parameters include the ability to predict agent uptake, and subsequent long-term vapor emission or contact transfer where the agent could present exposure risks. Additionally, these parameters and model enable the ability to perform decontamination modeling to predict how decontaminants remove agent from these materials. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  11. Chemical Action of Halogenated Agents in Fire Extinguishing

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Belles, Frank E.


    The action of halogenated agents in preventing flame propagation in fuel-air mixtures in laboratory tests is discussed in terms of a possible chemical mechanism. The mechanism chosen is that of chain-breaking reactions between agent and active particles (hydrogen and oxygen atoms and hydroxyl radicsls). Data from the literature on the flammability peaks of n-heptane agent-air mixtures are treated. Ratings of agent effectiveness in terms of the fuel equivalent of the agent, based on both fuel and agent concentrations at the peak, are proposed as preferable to ratings in terms of agent concentration alone. These fuel-equivalent ratings are roughly correlated by reactivities assigned to halogen and hydrogen atoms in the agent molecules. It is concluded that the presence of hydrogen in agent need not reduce its fire-fighting ability, provided there is enough halogen to make the agent nonflammable. A method is presented for estimating from quenching-distance data a rate constant for the reaction of agent with active particles. A quantitative result is obtained for methyl bromide. This rate constant predicts the observed peak concentration of methyl bromide quite well. However, more data are needed to prove the validity of the method. The assumption that hal.ogenatedagents act mainly by chain-bresking reactions with active particles is consistent with the experimental facts and should help guide the selection of agents for further tests.

  12. Hydroxypyridonate chelating agents and synthesis thereof


    Raymond, K.N.; Scarrow, R.C.; White, D.L.


    Chelating agents having 1-hydroxy-2-pyridinone (HOPO) and related moieties incorporated within their structures, including polydentate HOPO-substituted polyamines such as spermidine and spermine, and HOPO-substituted desferrioxamine. The chelating agents are useful in selectively removing certain cations from solution, and are particularly useful as ferric ion and actinide chelators. Novel syntheses of the chelating agents are provided. 4 tabs.

  13. Explorer : des clés pour mieux comprendre la matière


    Ellis, Jonathan R.


    Will the LHC upset theories of the infinitely small? Physicists would like the accelerator to shake the standard model. This theory of elementary particles and forces leaves many gray areas. The LHC and its experiments have been designed to enlighten them. [Le LHC va-t-il bouleverser les théories de l'infiniment petit ? Les physiciens aimeraient que l'accélérateur fasse trembler le modèle standard. Cette théorie des particules élémentaires et des forces laisse de nombreuses zones d'ombre. Le LHC et ses expériences ont été conçus pour les éclairer.

  14. Adaptivity in Agent-Based Routing for Data Networks

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Wolpert, David H.; Kirshner, Sergey; Merz, Chris J.; Turner, Kagan


    Adaptivity, both of the individual agents and of the interaction structure among the agents, seems indispensable for scaling up multi-agent systems (MAS s) in noisy environments. One important consideration in designing adaptive agents is choosing their action spaces to be as amenable as possible to machine learning techniques, especially to reinforcement learning (RL) techniques. One important way to have the interaction structure connecting agents itself be adaptive is to have the intentions and/or actions of the agents be in the input spaces of the other agents, much as in Stackelberg games. We consider both kinds of adaptivity in the design of a MAS to control network packet routing. We demonstrate on the OPNET event-driven network simulator the perhaps surprising fact that simply changing the action space of the agents to be better suited to RL can result in very large improvements in their potential performance: at their best settings, our learning-amenable router agents achieve throughputs up to three and one half times better than that of the standard Bellman-Ford routing algorithm, even when the Bellman-Ford protocol traffic is maintained. We then demonstrate that much of that potential improvement can be realized by having the agents learn their settings when the agent interaction structure is itself adaptive.

  15. Elaboration d'un plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre pour ameliorer la gestion de l'obsolescence dans une entreprise du secteur aeronautique =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Conrad, Heloise

    L'evolution technologique des composants electroniques entraine des problemes de gestion de l'obsolescence dans le secteur aeronautique. Les systemes aeronautiques ont en effet des durees de vie nettement superieures aux composants qu'ils contiennent. Cette difference de duree de vie et les normes strictes propres a l'aeronautique obligent les constructeurs a mettre en place une gestion efficace de l'obsolescence pour eviter les couts supplementaires de maintenance et de retards. De plus, a cause des faibles volumes de production qu'ils representent, les constructeurs aeronautiques n'ont que peu de controle sur leur chaine d'approvisionnement. La litterature offre beaucoup d'etudes sur l'obsolescence, appliquees a l'aeronautique. Les auteurs recommandent de mettre en place des processus de gestion et de prevision de l'obsolescence, et de construire des relations de collaboration avec leurs fournisseurs, qui ont plus de visibilite sur la chaine d'approvisionnement. Cette recherche presente d'abord l'elaboration d'une liste de criteres de bonne gestion de l'obsolescence, ainsi que la creation d'une methode de generation de plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre de l'amelioration de la gestion et de la prevision de l'obsolescence pour un cas concret. La methode est creee pour un manufacturier aeronautique ne possedant pas de systemes de gestion proactive ou de prevision de l'obsolescence. La creation de la methode s'est faite en suivant la methodologie de la science de la conception, en impliquant les employes concernes par la gestion de l'obsolescence. La methode comporte douze (12) etapes, amenant au developpement du plan de transition et de mise en oeuvre. Pour applique la methode, divers entretiens individuels et de groupe ont ete realises. Ces entretiens ont aussi permis de lister les criteres de gestion et de prevision efficaces de l'obsolescence. Cette liste a ete comparee avec les criteres issus de la litterature. En respect des besoins enonces par les

  16. Noncontraceptive use of contraceptive agents.


    Nickles, Monique Collier; Alderman, Elizabeth


    • On the basis of strong research evidence, there are many noncontraceptive advantages to use of hormonal contraceptive agents in adolescent girls. (3) (4)(5)(7)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14). • On the basis of research evidence and consensus, most of these agents are safe with minor adverse effects. (2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14). • On the basis of research evidence and consensus, through application of evidence-based approaches and proper counseling, pediatricians can use various contraceptive agents to treat several medical conditions and to help alleviate many of the undesired symptoms and complications associated with menstrual periods. (2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(10)(11)(12)(13) (14). • On the basis of research evidence and consensus, these agents may be used in sexually active adolescents to simultaneously help prevent unintended adolescent pregnancies. (2)(3)(4)(5)(7)(10)(11)(12)(13)(14).

  17. [Exposure to biological agents used in Polish enterprises: analysis of data derived from the National Register of Biological Agent].


    Kozajda, Anna; Szadkowska-Stańczyk, Irena


    The National Register of Biological Agents at Work and the National Information Centre for Biological Agents Present at Workplaces were established in the Nofer Institute of Occupational Medicine in 2005. The National Information Centre carries out consultation and education activities concerning occupational exposure and risk assessment, development and implementation of preventive programs and accurate registration of reliable information about the use of biological agents. Educational materials on biological exposure are published on the website. The National Register of Biological Agents (database) collects and periodically analyzes the information obtained from employers about the use of biological agents for research, diagnostic or industrial purposes. As of 10 December 2010 there were 240 notifications from companies, which use biological agents for the following purposes: research--69, industrial--30 and diagnostic--321. Near 75% of all notifications were obtained from different diagnostic laboratories (public and private). In total, 3226 workers, including 2967 (92%) women and 256 (8%) men were exposed to biological agents. In general, occupational exposure to 209 biological agents (186 of risk group 2 and 23 of risk group 3, of which 16 are additionally marked by 3**) were registered in the data base.

  18. Cranial nerve contrast using nerve-specific fluorophores improved by paired-agent imaging with indocyanine green as a control agent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Torres, Veronica C.; Vuong, Victoria D.; Wilson, Todd; Wewel, Joshua; Byrne, Richard W.; Tichauer, Kenneth M.


    Nerve preservation during surgery is critical because damage can result in significant morbidity. This remains a challenge especially for skull base surgeries where cranial nerves (CNs) are involved because visualization and access are particularly poor in that location. We present a paired-agent imaging method to enhance identification of CNs using nerve-specific fluorophores. Two myelin-targeting imaging agents were evaluated, Oxazine 4 and Rhodamine 800, and coadministered with a control agent, indocyanine green, either intravenously or topically in rats. Fluorescence imaging was performed on excised brains ex vivo, and nerve contrast was evaluated via paired-agent ratiometric data analysis. Although contrast was improved among all experimental groups using paired-agent imaging compared to conventional, solely targeted imaging, Oxazine 4 applied directly exhibited the greatest enhancement, with a minimum 3 times improvement in CNs delineation. This work highlights the importance of accounting for nonspecific signal of targeted agents, and demonstrates that paired-agent imaging is one method capable of doing so. Although staining, rinsing, and imaging protocols need to be optimized, these findings serve as a demonstration for the potential use of paired-agent imaging to improve contrast of CNs, and consequently, surgical outcome.

  19. Bidding Agents That Perpetrate Auction Fraud

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Trevathan, Jarrod; McCabe, Alan; Read, Wayne

    This paper presents a software bidding agent that inserts fake bids on the seller's behalf to inflate an auction's price. This behaviour is referred to as shill bidding. Shill bidding is strictly prohibited by online auctioneers, as it defrauds unsuspecting buyers by forcing them to pay more for the item. The malicious bidding agent was constructed to aid in developing shill detection techniques. We have previously documented a simple shill bidding agent that incrementally increases the auction price until it reaches the desired profit target, or it becomes too risky to continue bidding. This paper presents an adaptive shill bidding agent which when used over a series of auctions with substitutable items, can revise its strategy based on bidding behaviour in past auctions. The adaptive agent applies a novel prediction technique referred to as the Extremum Consistency (EC) algorithm, to determine the optimal price to aspire for. The EC algorithm has successfully been used in handwritten signature verification for determining the maximum and minimum values in an input stream. The agent's ability to inflate the price has been tested in a simulated marketplace and experimental results are presented.

  20. [Community health agents: profile and education].


    Marzari, Carla Kowalski; Junges, José Roque; Selli, Lucilda


    This research discusses the profile and education of the community health agents. There is no clarity about the kind of professional needed and the appropriate training to the fulfillment of the function. The research is a case study with exploratory methodology and qualitative approach. The data was collected with a focused group, formed by ten agents, intentional selected from those with more time in service in Family Health Strategy teams from the municipality of Santa Maria, Rio Grande do Sul State. The discussions were recorded and transcribed by the researcher. The data was interpreted by content analysis. The results pointed to some important questions concerning the identity of the community health agents: integration on the health team, insertion in the community, profile and education. The profile which emerges from the research, is not different from the one proposed by the Ministry of Health. However, the difference is the professionalization, an initiative assumed by the agent, guided by reality, which he faces in his activity. The gaps, perceived in his formation, cause the agent to construct his professional identity, determined more by the technical aspect of the scientific knowledge than by his social competence as a community agent.

  1. Pharmacology and pharmacogenetics of chemotherapeutic agents.


    Dawood, Shaheenah; Leyland-Jones, Brian


    The last decade the field of oncology has seen the introduction of several efficacious chemotherapeutic agents. However the benefits achieved have been modest at best. The choice of chemotherapeutic agent is often empirical and geared to fit the average patient with the result that approximately 40% of patients may be receiving the wrong drug. With greater understanding of the mechanisms behind the heterogeneity observed across patient populations, both in terms of efficacy and toxicity of a variety of therapeutic agents, research has now focused on individualizing treatment strategies by incorporating a combination of physiological variables, genetic characteristics and environmental factors together with the traditional tumor characteristics that currently drives clinical decision making. This review focuses on defining some of the principle components of personalized medicine. In addition we will review the pharmacological and pharmacogenetic predictors of toxic effects of chemotherapeutic agents drawing on examples of commonly used agents in oncology.

  2. Thyroid Dysfunction from Antineoplastic Agents

    PubMed Central

    Larsen, P. Reed; Marqusee, Ellen


    Unlike cytotoxic agents that indiscriminately affect rapidly dividing cells, newer antineoplastic agents such as targeted therapies and immunotherapies are associated with thyroid dysfunction. These include tyrosine kinase inhibitors, bexarotene, radioiodine-based cancer therapies, denileukin diftitox, alemtuzumab, interferon-α, interleukin-2, ipilimumab, tremelimumab, thalidomide, and lenalidomide. Primary hypothyroidism is the most common side effect, although thyrotoxicosis and effects on thyroid-stimulating hormone secretion and thyroid hormone metabolism have also been described. Most agents cause thyroid dysfunction in 20%–50% of patients, although some have even higher rates. Despite this, physicians may overlook drug-induced thyroid dysfunction because of the complexity of the clinical picture in the cancer patient. Symptoms of hypothyroidism, such as fatigue, weakness, depression, memory loss, cold intolerance, and cardiovascular effects, may be incorrectly attributed to the primary disease or to the antineoplastic agent. Underdiagnosis of thyroid dysfunction can have important consequences for cancer patient management. At a minimum, the symptoms will adversely affect the patient’s quality of life. Alternatively, such symptoms can lead to dose reductions of potentially life-saving therapies. Hypothyroidism can also alter the kinetics and clearance of medications, which may lead to undesirable side effects. Thyrotoxicosis can be mistaken for sepsis or a nonendocrinologic drug side effect. In some patients, thyroid disease may indicate a higher likelihood of tumor response to the agent. Both hypothyroidism and thyrotoxicosis are easily diagnosed with inexpensive and specific tests. In many patients, particularly those with hypothyroidism, the treatment is straightforward. We therefore recommend routine testing for thyroid abnormalities in patients receiving these antineoplastic agents. PMID:22010182

  3. Anabolic agents and bone quality.


    Sibai, Tarek; Morgan, Elise F; Einhorn, Thomas A


    The definition of bone quality is evolving particularly from the perspective of anabolic agents that can enhance not only bone mineral density but also bone microarchitecture, composition, morphology, amount of microdamage, and remodeling dynamics. This review summarizes the molecular pathways and physiologic effects of current and potential anabolic drugs. From a MEDLINE search (1996-2010), articles were identified by the search terms "bone quality" (1851 articles), "anabolic agent" (5044 articles), "PTH or parathyroid hormone" (32,229 articles), "strontium" or "strontium ranelate" (283 articles), "prostaglandin" (77,539 articles), and "statin" or "statins" (14,233 articles). The search strategy included combining each with the phrase "bone quality." Another more limited search aimed at finding more novel potential agents. Parathyroid hormone is the only US Food and Drug Administration-approved bone anabolic agent in the United States and has been the most extensively studied in in vitro animal and human trials. Strontium ranelate is approved in Europe but has not undergone Food and Drug Administration trials in the United States. All the studies on prostaglandin agonists have used in vivo animal models and there are no human trials examining prostaglandin agonist effects. The advantages of statins include the long-established advantages and safety profile, but they are limited by their bioavailability in bone. Other potential pathways include proline-rich tyrosine kinase 2 (PYK2) and sclerostin (SOST) inhibition, among others. The ongoing research to enhance the anabolic potential of current agents, identify new agents, and develop better delivery systems will greatly enhance the management of bone quality-related injuries and diseases in the future.

  4. Conversational Agents for Academically Productive Talk: A Comparison of Directed and Undirected Agent Interventions

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Tegos, Stergios; Demetriadis, Stavros; Papadopoulos, Pantelis M.; Weinberger, Armin


    Conversational agents that draw on the framework of academically productive talk (APT) have been lately shown to be effective in helping learners sustain productive forms of peer dialogue in diverse learning settings. Yet, literature suggests that more research is required on how learners respond to and benefit from such flexible agents in order…

  5. Opportunistic Behavior in Motivated Learning Agents.


    Graham, James; Starzyk, Janusz A; Jachyra, Daniel


    This paper focuses on the novel motivated learning (ML) scheme and opportunistic behavior of an intelligent agent. It extends previously developed ML to opportunistic behavior in a multitask situation. Our paper describes the virtual world implementation of autonomous opportunistic agents learning in a dynamically changing environment, creating abstract goals, and taking advantage of arising opportunities to improve their performance. An opportunistic agent achieves better results than an agent based on ML only. It does so by minimizing the average value of all need signals rather than a dominating need. This paper applies to the design of autonomous embodied systems (robots) learning in real-time how to operate in a complex environment.

  6. A Multi-Agent Environment for Negotiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hindriks, Koen V.; Jonker, Catholijn M.; Tykhonov, Dmytro

    In this chapter we introduce the System for Analysis of Multi-Issue Negotiation (SAMIN). SAMIN offers a negotiation environment that supports and facilitates the setup of various negotiation setups. The environment has been designed to analyse negotiation processes between human negotiators, between human and software agents, and between software agents. It offers a range of different agents, different domains, and other options useful to define a negotiation setup. The environment has been used to test and evaluate a range of negotiation strategies in various domains playing against other negotiating agents as well as humans. We discuss some of the results obtained by means of these experiments.

  7. Agent-Based Negotiation in Uncertain Environments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Debenham, John; Sierra, Carles

    An agent aims to secure his projected needs by attempting to build a set of (business) relationships with other agents. A relationship is built by exchanging private information, and is characterised by its intimacy — degree of closeness — and balance — degree of fairness. Each argumentative interaction between two agents then has two goals: to satisfy some immediate need, and to do so in a way that develops the relationship in a desired direction. An agent's desire to develop each relationship in a particular way then places constraints on the argumentative utterances. The form of negotiation described is argumentative interaction constrained by a desire to develop such relationships.

  8. Multi-Agent Information Classification Using Dynamic Acquaintance Lists.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mukhopadhyay, Snehasis; Peng, Shengquan; Raje, Rajeev; Palakal, Mathew; Mostafa, Javed


    Discussion of automated information services focuses on information classification and collaborative agents, i.e. intelligent computer programs. Highlights include multi-agent systems; distributed artificial intelligence; thesauri; document representation and classification; agent modeling; acquaintances, or remote agents discovered through…

  9. Agents for Plan Monitoring and Repair

    DTIC Science & Technology


    events requires time and effort. In this paper, we describe how Heracles and Theseus , two information gathering and monitoring tools that we built...on an information agent platform, called Theseus , that provides the technology for efficiently executing agents for information gather- ing and...we can easily define a system for interactively planning a trip. The second is the Theseus information agent platform [Barish et al., 2000], which

  10. 7 CFR 905.86 - Agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Agents. 905.86 Section 905.86 Agriculture Regulations... Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ORANGES, GRAPEFRUIT, TANGERINES, AND TANGELOS GROWN IN FLORIDA Order Regulating Handling Miscellaneous Provisions § 905.86 Agents. The Secretary...

  11. Strategies facilitant les tests en pre-certification pour la robustesse a l'egard des radiations =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Souari, Anis

    Les effets des radiations cosmiques sur l'electronique embarquee preoccupent depuis. quelques decennies les chercheurs interesses par la robustesse des circuits integres. Plusieurs. recherches ont ete menees dans cette direction, principalement pour les applications spatiales. ou l’environnement de leur deploiement est hostile. En effet, ces environnements sont denses. en termes de particules qui, lorsqu’elles interagissent avec les circuits integres, peuvent. mener a leur dysfonctionnement, voir meme a leur destruction. De plus, les effets des. radiations s’accentuent pour les nouvelles generations des circuits integres ou la diminution. de la taille des transistors et l’augmentation de la complexite de ces circuits augmentent la. probabilite d’apparition des anomalies et par consequence la croissance des besoins de test. L’expansion de l’electronique grand public (commercial off-the-shelf, COTS) et l’adoption. de ces composants pour des applications critiques comme les applications avioniques et. spatiales incitent egalement les chercheurs a doubler les efforts de verification de la fiabilite. de ces circuits. Les COTS, malgre leurs meilleures caracteristiques en comparaison avec les. circuits durcis tolerants aux radiations qui sont couteux et en retard en termes de technologie. utilisee, sont vulnerables aux radiations. Afin d’ameliorer la fiabilite de ces circuits, une evaluation de leur vulnerabilite dans les. differents niveaux d’abstraction du flot de conception est recommandee. Ceci aide les. concepteurs a prendre les mesures de mitigation necessaires sur le design au niveau. d’abstraction en question. Enfin, afin de satisfaire les exigences de tolerance aux pannes, des. tests tres couteux de certification, obtenus a l’aide de bombardement de particules (protons, neutrons, etc.), sont necessaires. Dans cette these, nous nous interessons principalement a definir une strategie de precertification

  12. Novel therapeutic agents for osteosarcoma.


    O'Day, Kathleen; Gorlick, Richard


    Osteosarcoma is the most common malignant primary bone tumor in childhood. Despite multiagent chemotherapy and aggressive surgical resection, 30% of patients with localized disease and 80% of patients with metastatic disease at diagnosis will relapse. Survival for these patients has remained unchanged over the past 20 years. A number of novel agents in various stages of development hold promise for improving therapy for patients with osteosarcoma. This article will focus on novel therapeutic approaches, including agents targeting signal-transduction pathways, inhibitors of the tumor microenvironment and immunomodulatory agents, as well as overcoming resistance mechanisms and the use of novel delivery mechanisms.

  13. Requirements Modeling with Agent Programming

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dasgupta, Aniruddha; Krishna, Aneesh; Ghose, Aditya K.

    Agent-oriented conceptual modeling notations are highly effective in representing requirements from an intentional stance and answering questions such as what goals exist, how key actors depend on each other, and what alternatives must be considered. In this chapter, we review an approach to executing i* models by translating these into set of interacting agents implemented in the CASO language and suggest how we can perform reasoning with requirements modeled (both functional and non-functional) using i* models. In this chapter we particularly incorporate deliberation into the agent design. This allows us to benefit from the complementary representational capabilities of the two frameworks.

  14. Next Generation Remote Agent Planner

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Jonsson, Ari K.; Muscettola, Nicola; Morris, Paul H.; Rajan, Kanna


    In May 1999, as part of a unique technology validation experiment onboard the Deep Space One spacecraft, the Remote Agent became the first complete autonomous spacecraft control architecture to run as flight software onboard an active spacecraft. As one of the three components of the architecture, the Remote Agent Planner had the task of laying out the course of action to be taken, which included activities such as turning, thrusting, data gathering, and communicating. Building on the successful approach developed for the Remote Agent Planner, the Next Generation Remote Agent Planner is a completely redesigned and reimplemented version of the planner. The new system provides all the key capabilities of the original planner, while adding functionality, improving performance and providing a modular and extendible implementation. The goal of this ongoing project is to develop a system that provides both a basis for future applications and a framework for further research in the area of autonomous planning for spacecraft. In this article, we present an introductory overview of the Next Generation Remote Agent Planner. We present a new and simplified definition of the planning problem, describe the basics of the planning process, lay out the new system design and examine the functionality of the core reasoning module.

  15. For whom will the Bayesian agents vote?

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Caticha, Nestor; Cesar, Jonatas; Vicente, Renato


    Within an agent-based model where moral classifications are socially learned, we ask if a population of agents behaves in a way that may be compared with conservative or liberal positions in the real political spectrum. We assume that agents first experience a formative period, in which they adjust their learning style acting as supervised Bayesian adaptive learners. The formative phase is followed by a period of social influence by reinforcement learning. By comparing data generated by the agents with data from a sample of 15000 Moral Foundation questionnaires we found the following. 1. The number of information exchanges in the formative phase correlates positively with statistics identifying liberals in the social influence phase. This is consistent with recent evidence that connects the dopamine receptor D4-7R gene, political orientation and early age social clique size. 2. The learning algorithms that result from the formative phase vary in the way they treat novelty and corroborative information with more conservative-like agents treating it more equally than liberal-like agents. This is consistent with the correlation between political affiliation and the Openness personality trait reported in the literature. 3. Under the increase of a model parameter interpreted as an external pressure, the statistics of liberal agents resemble more those of conservative agents, consistent with reports on the consequences of external threats on measures of conservatism. We also show that in the social influence phase liberal-like agents readapt much faster than conservative-like agents when subjected to changes on the relevant set of moral issues. This suggests a verifiable dynamical criterium for attaching liberal or conservative labels to groups.

  16. The Effects of Peer-Like and Expert-Like Pedagogical Agents on Learners' Agent Perceptions, Task-Related Attitudes, and Learning Achievement

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Liew, Tze Wei; Tan, Su-Mae; Jayothisa, Chandrika


    The present study examined the impact of peer-like and expert-like agent stereotypes, as operationalized by agent's image and voice, on learners' agent perceptions, task-related attitudes, and learning achievement. 56 university freshmen (23 males and 33 females) interacted with either the peer-like agent (female college student) or the…

  17. Persistent agents in Axelrod's social dynamics model

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reia, Sandro M.; Neves, Ubiraci P. C.


    Axelrod's model of social dynamics has been studied under the effect of external media. Here we study the formation of cultural domains in the model by introducing persistent agents. These are agents whose cultural traits are not allowed to change but may be spread through local neighborhood. In the absence of persistent agents, the system is known to present a transition from a monocultural to a multicultural regime at some critical Q (number of traits). Our results reveal a dependence of critical Q on the occupation probability p of persistent agents and we obtain the phase diagram of the model in the (p,Q) -plane. The critical locus is explained by the competition of two opposite forces named here barrier and bonding effects. Such forces are verified to be caused by non-persistent agents which adhere (adherent agents) to the set of traits of persistent ones. The adherence (concentration of adherent agents) as a function of p is found to decay for constant Q. Furthermore, adherence as a function of Q is found to decay as a power law with constant p.

  18. 7 CFR 906.59 - Agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 7 Agriculture 8 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Agents. 906.59 Section 906.59 Agriculture Regulations... Orders; Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts), DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE ORANGES AND GRAPEFRUIT GROWN IN LOWER RIO GRANDE VALLEY IN TEXAS Order Regulating Handling Miscellaneous Provisions § 906.59 Agents. The Secretary...

  19. Spacecraft disinfectant/cleansing agent development

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Abbate, M.


    The sanitation agent container, which was selected in a trade off study, employs two chambers, a rigid outer container and an inner flexible bladder. The bladder contains the sanitation agent formulation and its release is controlled by a manually operated valve. The outer container holds a high pressure vapor. There is no void in the bladder which makes the package operation independent of orientation and therefore usable in zero gravity. Foam is developed by a low boiling point fluid or dissolved in the product. When the product is dispensed at atmospheric presure, the evolved gas or vapor whips up a goam in the valve. The sanitation agents were initially formulated with freons which produces an excellent foam. However freon is incompatible with the life support system and was replaced with carbon dioxide dissolved at high pressure. The CO2 system may limit high temperature exposure to prevent leakage or package distortion. The sanitation agents have been shown to be effective in cleaning soils from personnel and material.

  20. Agent-Based Models in Social Physics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quang, Le Anh; Jung, Nam; Cho, Eun Sung; Choi, Jae Han; Lee, Jae Woo


    We review the agent-based models (ABM) on social physics including econophysics. The ABM consists of agent, system space, and external environment. The agent is autonomous and decides his/her behavior by interacting with the neighbors or the external environment with the rules of behavior. Agents are irrational because they have only limited information when they make decisions. They adapt using learning from past memories. Agents have various attributes and are heterogeneous. ABM is a non-equilibrium complex system that exhibits various emergence phenomena. The social complexity ABM describes human behavioral characteristics. In ABMs of econophysics, we introduce the Sugarscape model and the artificial market models. We review minority games and majority games in ABMs of game theory. Social flow ABM introduces crowding, evacuation, traffic congestion, and pedestrian dynamics. We also review ABM for opinion dynamics and voter model. We discuss features and advantages and disadvantages of Netlogo, Repast, Swarm, and Mason, which are representative platforms for implementing ABM.

  1. Microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau : faisabilité et intérêt pour la biologie d'un instrument de laboratoire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adam, J. F.; Moy, J. P.


    La biologie étudie des structures ou des phénomènes sub-cellulaires. Pour cela la microscopie est la technique d'observation privilégiée. La résolution spatiale de la microscopie optique s'avère bien souvent insuffisante pour de telles observations. Les techniques plus résolvantes, comme la microscopie électronique par transmission sont souvent destructrices et d'une complexité peu adaptée aux besoins des biologistes. La microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau permet l'imagerie rapide de cellules dans leur milieu naturel, nécessite peu de préparation et offre des résolutions de quelques dizaines de nanomètres. De plus, il existe un bon contraste naturel entre les structures carbonées (protéines, lipides) et l'eau. Actuellement cette technique est limitée aux centres de rayonnement synchrotron, ce qui impose une planification et des déplacements incompatibles avec les besoins de la biologie. Un tel microscope fonctionnant avec uns source de laboratoire serait d'une grande utilité. Ce document présente un état de l'art de la microscopie par rayons X dans la fenêtre de l'eau. Un cahier des charges détaillé pour un appareil de laboratoire ayant les performances optiques requises par les biologistes est présenté et confronté aux microscopes X de laboratoire déjà existants. Des solutions concernant la source et les optiques sont également discutées.

  2. Epoxy foams using multiple resins and curing agents


    Russick, Edward M.; Rand, Peter B.


    An epoxy foam comprising a plurality of resins, a plurality of curing agents, at least one blowing agent, at least one surfactant and optionally at least one filler and the process for making. Preferred is an epoxy foam comprising two resins of different reactivities, two curing agents, a blowing agent, a surfactant, and a filler. According to the present invention, an epoxy foam is prepared with tailorable reactivity, exotherm, and pore size by a process of admixing a plurality of resins with a plurality of curing agents, a surfactant and blowing agent, whereby a foamable mixture is formed and heating said foamable mixture at a temperature greater than the boiling temperature of the blowing agent whereby said mixture is foamed and cured.

  3. A Stochastic Optimization Algorithm using Intelligent Agents: With Constraints and Rate of Convergence

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Novembre 2010. Contexte: La puissance des ordinateurs nous permet aujourd’hui d’étudier des problèmes pour lesquels une solution analytique n’existe... 13 4.8 Proof of Corollary........................................................................................................ 13 ...optimal capacities for links. e DRDC CORA TM 2010-249 13 4.9 Example Figure 4 below shows that the probability of achieving the optimal

  4. Synthesis of Some 4-Quinolones and Related Structures for Evaluation as Potential Antimalarial Agents

    DTIC Science & Technology


    was added and refluxing was continued for 3 h. On cooling 2.53 g (51% yield) of the product was obtained. Recrystal - libation fro,, e-hanol gave white...The solution was poured into 150 m! ire-water and the precipitate filtered and washed with water. After drying 12.1 g (100%) of the acetanilide was

  5. Exchanging large data object in multi-agent systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Al-Yaseen, Wathiq Laftah; Othman, Zulaiha Ali; Nazri, Mohd Zakree Ahmad


    One of the Business Intelligent solutions that is currently in use is the Multi-Agent System (MAS). Communication is one of the most important elements in MAS, especially for exchanging large low level data between distributed agents (physically). The Agent Communication Language in JADE has been offered as a secure method for sending data, whereby the data is defined as an object. However, the object cannot be used to send data to another agent in a different location. Therefore, the aim of this paper was to propose a method for the exchange of large low level data as an object by creating a proxy agent known as a Delivery Agent, which temporarily imitates the Receiver Agent. The results showed that the proposed method is able to send large-sized data. The experiments were conducted using 16 datasets ranging from 100,000 to 7 million instances. However, for the proposed method, the RAM and the CPU machine had to be slightly increased for the Receiver Agent, but the latency time was not significantly different compared to the use of the Java Socket method (non-agent and less secure). With such results, it was concluded that the proposed method can be used to securely send large data between agents.

  6. Internet-enabled collaborative agent-based supply chains

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Shen, Weiming; Kremer, Rob; Norrie, Douglas H.


    This paper presents some results of our recent research work related to the development of a new Collaborative Agent System Architecture (CASA) and an Infrastructure for Collaborative Agent Systems (ICAS). Initially being proposed as a general architecture for Internet based collaborative agent systems (particularly complex industrial collaborative agent systems), the proposed architecture is very suitable for managing the Internet enabled complex supply chain for a large manufacturing enterprise. The general collaborative agent system architecture with the basic communication and cooperation services, domain independent components, prototypes and mechanisms are described. Benefits of implementing Internet enabled supply chains with the proposed infrastructure are discussed. A case study on Internet enabled supply chain management is presented.

  7. Security patterns and a weighting scheme for mobile agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Walker, Jessie J.

    The notion of mobility has always been a prime factor in human endeavor and achievement. This need to migrate by humans has been distilled into software entities, which are their representatives on distant environments. Software agents are developed to act on behalf of a user. Mobile agents were born from the understanding that many times it was much more useful to move the code (program) to where the resources are located, instead of connecting remotely. Within the mobile agent research community, security has traditionally been the most defining issue facing the community and preventing the paradigm from gaining wide acceptance. There are still numerous difficult problems being addressed with very few practical solutions, such as the malicious host and agent problems. These problems are some of the most active areas of research within the mobile agent community. The major principles, facets, fundamental concepts, techniques and architectures of the field are well understood within the community. This is evident by the many mobile agent systems developed in the last decade that share common core components such as agent management, communication facilities, and mobility services. In other words new mobile agent systems and frameworks do not provide any new insights into agent system architecture or mobility services, agent coordination, communication that could be useful to the agent research community, although these new mobile agent systems do in many instances validate, refine, demonstrate the reuse of many previously proposed and discussed mobile agent research elements. Since mobile agent research for the last decade has been defined by security and related issues, our research into security patterns are within this narrow arena of mobile agent research. The research presented in this thesis examines the issue of mobile agent security from the standpoint of security pattern documented from the universe of mobile agent systems. In addition, we explore how

  8. 20 CFR 655.133 - Requirements for agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 20 Employees' Benefits 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Requirements for agents. 655.133 Section 655.133 Employees' Benefits EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF LABOR TEMPORARY... Procedures § 655.133 Requirements for agents. (a) An agent filing an Application for Temporary Employment...

  9. Nuclear magnetic resonance contrast agents


    Smith, P.H.; Brainard, J.R.; Jarvinen, G.D.; Ryan, R.R.


    A family of contrast agents for use in magnetic resonance imaging and a method of enhancing the contrast of magnetic resonance images of an object by incorporating a contrast agent of this invention into the object prior to forming the images or during formation of the images. A contrast agent of this invention is a paramagnetic lanthanide hexaazamacrocyclic molecule, where a basic example has the formula LnC{sub 16}H{sub 14}N{sub 6}. Important applications of the invention are in medical diagnosis, treatment, and research, where images of portions of a human body are formed by means of magnetic resonance techniques. 10 figs.

  10. Nuclear magnetic resonance contrast agents


    Smith, Paul H.; Brainard, James R.; Jarvinen, Gordon D.; Ryan, Robert R.


    A family of contrast agents for use in magnetic resonance imaging and a method of enhancing the contrast of magnetic resonance images of an object by incorporating a contrast agent of this invention into the object prior to forming the images or during formation of the images. A contrast agent of this invention is a paramagnetic lanthanide hexaazamacrocyclic molecule, where a basic example has the formula LnC.sub.16 H.sub.14 N.sub.6. Important applications of the invention are in medical diagnosis, treatment, and research, where images of portions of a human body are formed by means of magnetic resonance techniques.

  11. [Biological agents].


    Amano, Koichi


    There are two types of biological agents for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis (RA); monoclonal antibodies and recombinant proteins. Among the latter, etanercept, a recombinant fusion protein of soluble TNF receptor and IgG was approved in 2005 in Japan. The post-marketing surveillance of 13,894 RA patients revealed the efficacy and safety profiles of etanercept in the Japanese population, as well as overseas studies. Abatacept, a recombinant fusion protein of CTLA4 and IgG, is another biological agent for RA. Two clinical trials disclosed the efficacy of abatacept for difficult-to-treat patients: the AIM for MTX-resistant cases and the ATTAIN for patients who are resistant to anti-TNF. The ATTEST trial suggested abatacept might have more acceptable safety profile than infliximab. These biologics are also promising for the treatment of RA for not only relieving clinical symptoms and signs but retarding structural damage.

  12. Metareasoning and Social Evaluations in Cognitive Agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pinyol, Isaac; Sabater-Mir, Jordi

    Reputation mechanisms have been recognized one of the key technologies when designing multi-agent systems. They are specially relevant in complex open environments, becoming a non-centralized mechanism to control interactions among agents. Cognitive agents tackling such complex societies must use reputation information not only for selecting partners to interact with, but also in metareasoning processes to change reasoning rules. This is the focus of this paper. We argue about the necessity to allow, as a cognitive systems designers, certain degree of freedom in the reasoning rules of the agents. We also describes cognitive approaches of agency that support this idea. Furthermore, taking as a base the computational reputation model Repage, and its integration in a BDI architecture, we use the previous ideas to specify metarules and processes to modify at run-time the reasoning paths of the agent. In concrete we propose a metarule to update the link between Repage and the belief base, and a metarule and a process to update an axiom incorporated in the belief logic of the agent. Regarding this last issue we also provide empirical results that show the evolution of agents that use it.

  13. Biological agents database in the armed forces.


    Niemcewicz, Marcin; Kocik, Janusz; Bielecka, Anna; Wierciński, Michał


    Rapid detection and identification of the biological agent during both, natural or deliberate outbreak is crucial for implementation of appropriate control measures and procedures in order to mitigate the spread of disease. Determination of pathogen etiology may not only support epidemiological investigation and safety of human beings, but also enhance forensic efforts in pathogen tracing, collection of evidences and correct inference. The article presents objectives of the Biological Agents Database, which was developed for the purpose of the Ministry of National Defense of the Republic of Poland under the European Defence Agency frame. The Biological Agents Database is an electronic catalogue of genetic markers of highly dangerous pathogens and biological agents of weapon of mass destruction concern, which provides full identification of biological threats emerging in Poland and in locations of activity of Polish troops. The Biological Agents Database is a supportive tool used for tracing biological agents' origin as well as rapid identification of agent causing the disease of unknown etiology. It also provides support in diagnosis, analysis, response and exchange of information between institutions that use information contained in it. Therefore, it can be used not only for military purposes, but also in a civilian environment.

  14. Evolutionary game theory using agent-based methods.


    Adami, Christoph; Schossau, Jory; Hintze, Arend


    Evolutionary game theory is a successful mathematical framework geared towards understanding the selective pressures that affect the evolution of the strategies of agents engaged in interactions with potential conflicts. While a mathematical treatment of the costs and benefits of decisions can predict the optimal strategy in simple settings, more realistic settings such as finite populations, non-vanishing mutations rates, stochastic decisions, communication between agents, and spatial interactions, require agent-based methods where each agent is modeled as an individual, carries its own genes that determine its decisions, and where the evolutionary outcome can only be ascertained by evolving the population of agents forward in time. While highlighting standard mathematical results, we compare those to agent-based methods that can go beyond the limitations of equations and simulate the complexity of heterogeneous populations and an ever-changing set of interactors. We conclude that agent-based methods can predict evolutionary outcomes where purely mathematical treatments cannot tread (for example in the weak selection-strong mutation limit), but that mathematics is crucial to validate the computational simulations. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  15. New antithrombotic agents in the ambulatory setting.


    Gibbs, Neville M; Weightman, William M; Watts, Stephen A


    Many patients presenting for surgical or other procedures in an ambulatory setting are taking new antiplatelet or anticoagulant agents. This review assesses how the novel features of these new agents affect the management of antithrombotic therapy in the ambulatory setting. There have been very few studies investigating the relative risks of continuing or ceasing new antithrombotic agents. Recent reviews indicate that the new antithrombotic agents offer greater efficacy or ease of administration but are more difficult to monitor or reverse. They emphasize the importance of assessing the bleeding risk of the procedure, the thrombotic risk if the agent is ceased, and patient factors that increase the likelihood of bleeding. The timing of cessation of the agent, if required, depends on its pharmacokinetics and patients' bleeding risks. Patients at high risk of thrombotic complications may require bridging therapy. Once agreed upon, the perioperative plan should be made clear to all involved. As there are few clinical studies to guide management, clinicians must make rational decisions in relation to continuing or ceasing new antithrombotic agents. This requires knowledge of their pharmacokinetics, and a careful multidisciplinary assessment of the relative thrombotic and bleeding risks in individual patients.

  16. Brahms Mobile Agents: Architecture and Field Tests

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Clancey, William J.; Sierhuis, Maarten; Kaskiris, Charis; vanHoof, Ron


    We have developed a model-based, distributed architecture that integrates diverse components in a system designed for lunar and planetary surface operations: an astronaut's space suit, cameras, rover/All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV), robotic assistant, other personnel in a local habitat, and a remote mission support team (with time delay). Software processes, called agents, implemented in the Brahms language, run on multiple, mobile platforms. These mobile agents interpret and transform available data to help people and robotic systems coordinate their actions to make operations more safe and efficient. The Brahms-based mobile agent architecture (MAA) uses a novel combination of agent types so the software agents may understand and facilitate communications between people and between system components. A state-of-the-art spoken dialogue interface is integrated with Brahms models, supporting a speech-driven field observation record and rover command system (e.g., return here later and bring this back to the habitat ). This combination of agents, rover, and model-based spoken dialogue interface constitutes a personal assistant. An important aspect of the methodology involves first simulating the entire system in Brahms, then configuring the agents into a run-time system.

  17. Agents Within our Midst

    DTIC Science & Technology


    agents; and the development of bio -monitoring protocols for civilian and service personnel during a chemical attack. These efforts have resulted in greater...produced by staphylococcal bacteria that is and is classified as a CDC select agent which has the potential to be used as a biological weapon .1...NMR chemical shift perturbation titrations with Fab (fragment, antigen binding regions) domains of 20B1, 14G8, and 6D3 using deuterated (2H) SEB

  18. Multi-Agent Framework for Virtual Learning Spaces.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sheremetov, Leonid; Nunez, Gustavo


    Discussion of computer-supported collaborative learning, distributed artificial intelligence, and intelligent tutoring systems focuses on the concept of agents, and describes a virtual learning environment that has a multi-agent system. Describes a model of interactions in collaborative learning and discusses agents for Web-based virtual…

  19. 14 CFR 29.1197 - Fire extinguishing agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fire extinguishing agents. 29.1197 Section... AIRWORTHINESS STANDARDS: TRANSPORT CATEGORY ROTORCRAFT Powerplant Powerplant Fire Protection § 29.1197 Fire extinguishing agents. (a) Fire extinguishing agents must— (1) Be capable of extinguishing flames emanating from...

  20. 14 CFR 29.1199 - Extinguishing agent containers.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 1 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Extinguishing agent containers. 29.1199....1199 Extinguishing agent containers. (a) Each extinguishing agent container must have a pressure relief to prevent bursting of the container by excessive internal pressures. (b) The discharge end of each...

  1. Use of topical hemostatic agents in gynecologic surgery.


    Wysham, Weiya Z; Roque, Dario R; Soper, John T


    Sutures, hemoclips, and electrocautery are the primary mechanisms used to achieve hemostasis during gynecologic surgery, but in situations in which these are inadequate or not feasible, an array of hemostatic agents are available to help achieve hemostasis. These agents include physical agents such as cellulose, collagen, or gelatin products as well as biologic agents such as thrombin and fibrin products. Limited data are available on many of these agents, although their use is increasing, sometimes at high costs. In gynecologic surgery, hemostatic agents are likely most effective when used in areas of oozing or slow bleeding and as an adjunct to conventional surgical methods of hemostasis.

  2. 21 CFR 1404.915 - Agent or representative.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 21 Food and Drugs 9 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Agent or representative. 1404.915 Section 1404.915 Food and Drugs OFFICE OF NATIONAL DRUG CONTROL POLICY GOVERNMENTWIDE DEBARMENT AND SUSPENSION (NONPROCUREMENT) Definitions § 1404.915 Agent or representative. Agent or representative means any person who acts...

  3. Immunologic responses to therapeutic biologic agents.


    Purcell, R T; Lockey, R F


    Recombinant protein technology and the subsequent development of biologic agents for pharmacotherapy have greatly improved the treatment of a wide variety of diseases in humans. These products are subject to reactions not previously seen in other drug classes. Additionally, subtle alteration in the manufacture or administration of a biologic agent may cause reactions in subjects who previously tolerated it. This review highlights the unique immunologic reactions that are associated with the more commonly used biologic agents.

  4. Reducing Interaction Costs for Self-interested Agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zhang, Yunqi; Larson, Kate

    In many multiagent systems, agents are not able to freely interact with each other or with a centralized mechanism. They may be limited in their interactions by cost or by the inherent structure of the system. Using a combinatorial auction application as motivation, we study the impact of interaction costs and structure on the strategic behaviour of self-interested agents. We present a particular model of costly agent-interaction, and argue that self-interested agents may wish to coordinate their actions with their neighbours so as to reduce their individual costs. We highlight the issues that arise in such a setting, propose a cost-sharing mechanism that agents can use, and discuss group coordination procedures. Experimental work validates our model.

  5. Learning in engineered multi-agent systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Menon, Anup

    Consider the problem of maximizing the total power produced by a wind farm. Due to aerodynamic interactions between wind turbines, each turbine maximizing its individual power---as is the case in present-day wind farms---does not lead to optimal farm-level power capture. Further, there are no good models to capture the said aerodynamic interactions, rendering model based optimization techniques ineffective. Thus, model-free distributed algorithms are needed that help turbines adapt their power production on-line so as to maximize farm-level power capture. Motivated by such problems, the main focus of this dissertation is a distributed model-free optimization problem in the context of multi-agent systems. The set-up comprises of a fixed number of agents, each of which can pick an action and observe the value of its individual utility function. An individual's utility function may depend on the collective action taken by all agents. The exact functional form (or model) of the agent utility functions, however, are unknown; an agent can only measure the numeric value of its utility. The objective of the multi-agent system is to optimize the welfare function (i.e. sum of the individual utility functions). Such a collaborative task requires communications between agents and we allow for the possibility of such inter-agent communications. We also pay attention to the role played by the pattern of such information exchange on certain aspects of performance. We develop two algorithms to solve this problem. The first one, engineered Interactive Trial and Error Learning (eITEL) algorithm, is based on a line of work in the Learning in Games literature and applies when agent actions are drawn from finite sets. While in a model-free setting, we introduce a novel qualitative graph-theoretic framework to encode known directed interactions of the form "which agents' action affect which others' payoff" (interaction graph). We encode explicit inter-agent communications in a directed

  6. From Agents to Continuous Change via Aesthetics: Learning Mechanics with Visual Agent-Based Computational Modeling

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sengupta, Pratim; Farris, Amy Voss; Wright, Mason


    Novice learners find motion as a continuous process of change challenging to understand. In this paper, we present a pedagogical approach based on agent-based, visual programming to address this issue. Integrating agent-based programming, in particular, Logo programming, with curricular science has been shown to be challenging in previous research…

  7. CATS-based Air Traffic Controller Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Callantine, Todd J.


    This report describes intelligent agents that function as air traffic controllers. Each agent controls traffic in a single sector in real time; agents controlling traffic in adjoining sectors can coordinate to manage an arrival flow across a given meter fix. The purpose of this research is threefold. First, it seeks to study the design of agents for controlling complex systems. In particular, it investigates agent planning and reactive control functionality in a dynamic environment in which a variety perceptual and decision making skills play a central role. It examines how heuristic rules can be applied to model planning and decision making skills, rather than attempting to apply optimization methods. Thus, the research attempts to develop intelligent agents that provide an approximation of human air traffic controller behavior that, while not based on an explicit cognitive model, does produce task performance consistent with the way human air traffic controllers operate. Second, this research sought to extend previous research on using the Crew Activity Tracking System (CATS) as the basis for intelligent agents. The agents use a high-level model of air traffic controller activities to structure the control task. To execute an activity in the CATS model, according to the current task context, the agents reference a 'skill library' and 'control rules' that in turn execute the pattern recognition, planning, and decision-making required to perform the activity. Applying the skills enables the agents to modify their representation of the current control situation (i.e., the 'flick' or 'picture'). The updated representation supports the next activity in a cycle of action that, taken as a whole, simulates air traffic controller behavior. A third, practical motivation for this research is to use intelligent agents to support evaluation of new air traffic control (ATC) methods to support new Air Traffic Management (ATM) concepts. Current approaches that use large, human

  8. Social Dynamics in Web Page through Inter-Agent Interaction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Takeuchi, Yugo; Katagiri, Yasuhiro

    Social persuasion abounds in human-human interactions. Attitudes and behaviors of people are invariably influenced by the attitudes and behaviors of other people as well as our social roles/relationships toward them. In the pedagogic scene, the relationship between teacher and learner produces one of the most typical interactions, in which the teacher makes the learner spontaneously study what he/she teaches. This study is an attempt to elucidate the nature and effectiveness of social persuasion in human-computer interaction environments. We focus on the social dynamics of multi-party interactions that involve both human-agent and inter-agent interactions. An experiment is conducted in a virtual web-instruction setting employing two types of agents: conductor agents who accompany and guide each learner throughout his/her learning sessions, and domain-expert agents who provide explanations and instructions for each stage of the instructional materials. In this experiment, subjects are assigned two experimental conditions: the authorized condition, in which an agent respectfully interacts with another agent, and the non-authorized condition, in which an agent carelessly interacts with another agent. The results indicate performance improvements in the authorized condition of inter-agent interactions. An analysis is given from the perspective of the transfer of authority from inter-agent to human-agent interactions based on social conformity. We argue for pedagogic advantages of social dynamics created by multiple animated character agents.

  9. 7 CFR 58.629 - Flavoring agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.629 Flavoring agents. Flavoring agents either natural or artificial shall be wholesome and...

  10. 7 CFR 58.629 - Flavoring agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.629 Flavoring agents. Flavoring agents either natural or artificial shall be wholesome and...

  11. 19 CFR 201.15 - Attorneys or agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 19 Customs Duties 3 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Attorneys or agents. 201.15 Section 201.15 Customs Duties UNITED STATES INTERNATIONAL TRADE COMMISSION GENERAL RULES OF GENERAL APPLICATION Initiation and Conduct of Investigations § 201.15 Attorneys or agents. (a) In general. No register of attorneys or agents...

  12. 46 CFR 315.5 - Appointment of agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... Agent by MARAD, the contracting office shall transmit the Service Agreement or Ship Manager contract to... Agreement and Ship Manager Contract may be obtained from the Office of Acquisition at the address appearing... appointment as General Agent, Berth Agent or Ship Manager may be obtained from, and inquiries and other...

  13. 46 CFR 315.5 - Appointment of agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... Agent by MARAD, the contracting office shall transmit the Service Agreement or Ship Manager contract to... Agreement and Ship Manager Contract may be obtained from the Office of Acquisition at the address appearing... appointment as General Agent, Berth Agent or Ship Manager may be obtained from, and inquiries and other...

  14. 46 CFR 315.5 - Appointment of agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... Agent by MARAD, the contracting office shall transmit the Service Agreement or Ship Manager contract to... Agreement and Ship Manager Contract may be obtained from the Office of Acquisition at the address appearing... appointment as General Agent, Berth Agent or Ship Manager may be obtained from, and inquiries and other...

  15. 14 CFR 121.265 - Fire-extinguishing agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fire-extinguishing agents. 121.265 Section...-extinguishing agents. Only methyl bromide, carbon dioxide, or another agent that has been shown to provide... satisfactory recharging equipment. If carbon dioxide is used, it must not be possible to discharge enough gas...

  16. 14 CFR 125.163 - Fire-extinguishing agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 14 Aeronautics and Space 3 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Fire-extinguishing agents. 125.163 Section... Requirements § 125.163 Fire-extinguishing agents. Only methyl bromide, carbon dioxide, or another agent that... some other person using satisfactory recharging equipment. If carbon dioxide is used, it must not be...

  17. 22 CFR 221.15 - Fiscal Agent obligations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Fiscal Agent obligations. 221.15 Section 221.15 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL LOAN GUARANTEE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Guarantee § 221.15 Fiscal Agent obligations. Failure of the Fiscal Agent to perform any of its...

  18. 22 CFR 221.15 - Fiscal Agent obligations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2012-04-01 2012-04-01 false Fiscal Agent obligations. 221.15 Section 221.15 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL LOAN GUARANTEE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Guarantee § 221.15 Fiscal Agent obligations. Failure of the Fiscal Agent to perform any of its...

  19. 22 CFR 221.15 - Fiscal Agent obligations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2013-04-01 2013-04-01 false Fiscal Agent obligations. 221.15 Section 221.15 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL LOAN GUARANTEE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Guarantee § 221.15 Fiscal Agent obligations. Failure of the Fiscal Agent to perform any of its...

  20. 22 CFR 221.15 - Fiscal Agent obligations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2011-04-01 2011-04-01 false Fiscal Agent obligations. 221.15 Section 221.15 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL LOAN GUARANTEE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Guarantee § 221.15 Fiscal Agent obligations. Failure of the Fiscal Agent to perform any of its...

  1. 22 CFR 221.15 - Fiscal Agent obligations.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 22 Foreign Relations 1 2010-04-01 2010-04-01 false Fiscal Agent obligations. 221.15 Section 221.15 Foreign Relations AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL DEVELOPMENT ISRAEL LOAN GUARANTEE STANDARD TERMS AND CONDITIONS The Guarantee § 221.15 Fiscal Agent obligations. Failure of the Fiscal Agent to perform any of its...

  2. Information-Seeking Practices of County Extension Agents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bailey, Nikki; Hill, Alexandra; Arnold, Shannon


    The purpose of the study reported here was to examine the educational resources used by Montana State University Extension county agents. An online survey was administered to evaluate agents' informational needs. Agents reported client questions (93.8%) and program/workshop planning and presentations (91.7%) as the main reasons for seeking…

  3. Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents for MR Cancer Imaging

    PubMed Central

    Zhou, Zhuxian; Lu, Zheng-Rong


    Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is a clinical imaging modality effective for anatomical and functional imaging of diseased soft tissues, including solid tumors. MRI contrast agents have been routinely used for detecting tumor at an early stage. Gadolinium based contrast agents are the most commonly used contrast agents in clinical MRI. There have been significant efforts to design and develop novel Gd(III) contrast agents with high relaxivity, low toxicity and specific tumor binding. The relaxivity of the Gd(III) contrast agents can be increased by proper chemical modification. The toxicity of Gd(III) contrast agents can be reduced by increasing the agents’ thermodynamic and kinetic stability, as well as optimizing their pharmacokinetic properties. The increasing knowledge in the field of cancer genomics and biology provides an opportunity for designing tumor-specific contrast agents. Various new Gd(III) chelates have been designed and evaluated in animal models for more effective cancer MRI. This review outlines the design and development, physicochemical properties, and in vivo properties of several classes of Gd(III)-based MR contrast agents for tumor imaging. PMID:23047730

  4. Infectious Agents in Childhood Leukemia.


    Arellano-Galindo, José; Barrera, Alberto Parra; Jiménez-Hernández, Elva; Zavala-Vega, Sergio; Campos-Valdéz, Guillermina; Xicohtencatl-Cortes, Juan; Ochoa, Sara A; Cruz-Córdova, Ariadnna; Crisóstomo-Vázquez, María Del Pilar; Fernández-Macías, Juan Carlos; Mejía-Aranguré, Juan Manuel


    Acute leukemia is the most common pediatric cancer, representing one-third of all cancers that occurs in under 15 year olds, with a varied incidence worldwide. Although a number of advances have increased the knowledge of leukemia pathophysiology, its etiology remains less well understood. The role of infectious agents, such as viruses, bacteria, or parasites, in the pathogenesis of leukemia has been discussed. To date, several cellular mechanisms involving infectious agents have been proposed to cause leukemia following infections. However, although leukemia can be triggered by contact with such agents, they can also be beneficial in developing immune stimulation and protection despite the risk of leukemic clones. In this review, we analyze the proposed hypotheses concerning how infectious agents may play a role in the origin and development of leukemia, as well as in a possible mechanism of protection following infections. We review reported clinical observations associated with vaccination or breastfeeding, that support hypotheses such as early life exposure and the resulting early immune stimulation that lead to protection. Copyright © 2017 IMSS. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Environmentally Safe and Effective Processes for Paint Removal (Les Procedes Efficaces et Ecologiques pour l’Enlevement des Peintures)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    1992 sur tine coclule d’avion TRANSALL pointe A loexception des composites vner / dpoxy (inhtalla- avec In garame Airbus . don non robotisde, 2 buses...Los P.M.P. h AIRBUS INDUSTRIE page P.M.P, cii cabine (MATRASUR ct SCHLICK) pour l’onl~vormont des peinturos sur las 616ments md- Ril~ant suite h uno...dtudo sur las P.M.P. lancdo fin caziiquos (site do MARIGNANE) =* capacitd do iral. 1987, tine spcificatlun do pr ddwv Airbus Industrie tement : 1500 kg

  6. The highly intelligent virtual agents for modeling financial markets

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Yang, G.; Chen, Y.; Huang, J. P.


    Researchers have borrowed many theories from statistical physics, like ensemble, Ising model, etc., to study complex adaptive systems through agent-based modeling. However, one fundamental difference between entities (such as spins) in physics and micro-units in complex adaptive systems is that the latter are usually with high intelligence, such as investors in financial markets. Although highly intelligent virtual agents are essential for agent-based modeling to play a full role in the study of complex adaptive systems, how to create such agents is still an open question. Hence, we propose three principles for designing high artificial intelligence in financial markets and then build a specific class of agents called iAgents based on these three principles. Finally, we evaluate the intelligence of iAgents through virtual index trading in two different stock markets. For comparison, we also include three other types of agents in this contest, namely, random traders, agents from the wealth game (modified on the famous minority game), and agents from an upgraded wealth game. As a result, iAgents perform the best, which gives a well support for the three principles. This work offers a general framework for the further development of agent-based modeling for various kinds of complex adaptive systems.

  7. Schools as Agents of Social Exclusion and Inclusion

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Razer, Michal; Friedman, Victor J.; Warshofsky, Boaz


    Although schools are usually regarded as important agents for social inclusion, research has shown that they may also function as agents of exclusion itself. The goal of this paper is to deepen our understanding of how schools function as agents of exclusion and how they can become more effective agents of inclusion. It is based on action research…

  8. Embodied artificial agents for understanding human social cognition.


    Wykowska, Agnieszka; Chaminade, Thierry; Cheng, Gordon


    In this paper, we propose that experimental protocols involving artificial agents, in particular the embodied humanoid robots, provide insightful information regarding social cognitive mechanisms in the human brain. Using artificial agents allows for manipulation and control of various parameters of behaviour, appearance and expressiveness in one of the interaction partners (the artificial agent), and for examining effect of these parameters on the other interaction partner (the human). At the same time, using artificial agents means introducing the presence of artificial, yet human-like, systems into the human social sphere. This allows for testing in a controlled, but ecologically valid, manner human fundamental mechanisms of social cognition both at the behavioural and at the neural level. This paper will review existing literature that reports studies in which artificial embodied agents have been used to study social cognition and will address the question of whether various mechanisms of social cognition (ranging from lower- to higher-order cognitive processes) are evoked by artificial agents to the same extent as by natural agents, humans in particular. Increasing the understanding of how behavioural and neural mechanisms of social cognition respond to artificial anthropomorphic agents provides empirical answers to the conundrum 'What is a social agent?' © 2016 The Authors.

  9. Thrombopoietic agents.


    Stasi, Roberto; Bosworth, Jenny; Rhodes, Elizabeth; Shannon, Muriel S; Willis, Fenella; Gordon-Smith, Edward C


    Thrombopoietin (TPO) is the key cytokine involved in thrombopoiesis, and is the endogenous ligand for the thrombopoietin receptor that is expressed on the surface of platelets, megakaryocytes, and megakaryocytic precursors. First-generation thrombopoietic agents were recombinant forms of human TPO, and their development was discontinued after prolonged thrombocytopenia due to neutralizing auto-antibodies cross-reacting with endogenous TPO was observed. Second-generation thrombopoiesis-stimulating molecules are now available, which have unique pharmacological properties and no sequence homology to endogenous TPO. Two of these new agents, romiplostim and eltrombopag, have already completed phase III trials in primary immune thrombocytopenia and have been granted marketing authorization for use in this disease. Phase II and III trials with these novel drugs are ongoing in other conditions characterized by thrombocytopenia, such as chemotherapy, chronic liver disease, and the myelodysplastic syndromes. Most of the other second-generation thrombopoietic growth factors are in early phase clinical development. Copyright 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. A fenbendazole oral drench in addition to an ivermectin pour-on reduces parasite burden and improves feedlot and carcass performance of finishing heifers compared with endectocides alone.


    Reinhardt, C D; Hutcheson, J P; Nichols, W T


    Two studies utilizing 1,862 yearling heifers were conducted to determine the effects of a fenbendazole oral drench in addition to an ivermectin pour-on (SG+IVPO), compared with an ivermectin pour-on (IVPO) or a doramectin injectable (DMX) alone, on parasite burden, feedlot performance, and carcass merit of feedlot cattle. In the first study, heifers receiving the SG+IVPO had fewer (P = 0.02) cattle retreated for disease and 73% fewer (P = 0.06) worm eggs per fecal sample 98 d after treatment than heifers treated with IVPO. Heifers treated with SG+IVPO consumed more DM, had greater ADG, were heavier at slaughter, and had heavier carcasses than IVPO-treated heifers (P < 0.05). Heifers treated with SG+IVPO also had more (P = 0.07) carcasses grading USDA Prime or Choice than IVPO-treated heifers. In the second study, heifers treated with SG+IVPO had fewer (P < 0.01) worm eggs per fecal sample 35 d after treatment and had fewer numbers of adult and larval Cooperia and Trichostrongylus spp. in the small intestine at slaughter (P < 0.10) compared with heifers treated with DMX. Heifers treated with SG+IVPO consumed more DM, were heavier at slaughter, and had heavier carcasses than DMX-treated heifers (P < 0.01). The SG+IVPO-treated heifers also had greater ADG (P < 0.10). The broad-spectrum effectiveness of a combination of a fenbendazole oral drench and an ivermectin pour-on reduced parasite burden and increased feed intake, ADG, and carcass weight in feedlot heifers compared with treatment with an endectocide alone.

  11. 7 CFR 58.720 - Acidifying agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.720 Acidifying agents. Acidifying agents if used shall be those permitted by the Food and...

  12. 7 CFR 58.720 - Acidifying agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.720 Acidifying agents. Acidifying agents if used shall be those permitted by the Food and...

  13. 7 CFR 58.628 - Sweetening agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.628 Sweetening agents. Sweetening agents shall be clean and wholesome and consist of one or...

  14. 7 CFR 58.628 - Sweetening agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.628 Sweetening agents. Sweetening agents shall be clean and wholesome and consist of one or...

  15. A real-time architecture for time-aware agents.


    Prouskas, Konstantinos-Vassileios; Pitt, Jeremy V


    This paper describes the specification and implementation of a new three-layer time-aware agent architecture. This architecture is designed for applications and environments where societies of humans and agents play equally active roles, but interact and operate in completely different time frames. The architecture consists of three layers: the April real-time run-time (ART) layer, the time aware layer (TAL), and the application agents layer (AAL). The ART layer forms the underlying real-time agent platform. An original online, real-time, dynamic priority-based scheduling algorithm is described for scheduling the computation time of agent processes, and it is shown that the algorithm's O(n) complexity and scalable performance are sufficient for application in real-time domains. The TAL layer forms an abstraction layer through which human and agent interactions are temporally unified, that is, handled in a common way irrespective of their temporal representation and scale. A novel O(n2) interaction scheduling algorithm is described for predicting and guaranteeing interactions' initiation and completion times. The time-aware predicting component of a workflow management system is also presented as an instance of the AAL layer. The described time-aware architecture addresses two key challenges in enabling agents to be effectively configured and applied in environments where humans and agents play equally active roles. It provides flexibility and adaptability in its real-time mechanisms while placing them under direct agent control, and it temporally unifies human and agent interactions.

  16. Bipartite flocking for multi-agent systems

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fan, Ming-Can; Zhang, Hai-Tao; Wang, Miaomiao


    This paper addresses the bipartite flock control problem where a multi-agent system splits into two clusters upon internal or external excitations. Using structurally balanced signed graph theory, LaSalle's invariance principle and Barbalat's Lemma, we prove that the proposed algorithm guarantees a bipartite flocking behavior. In each of the two disjoint clusters, all individuals move with the same direction. Meanwhile, every pair of agents in different clusters moves with opposite directions. Moreover, all agents in the two separated clusters approach a common velocity magnitude, and collision avoidance among all agents is ensured as well. Finally, the proposed bipartite flock control method is examined by numerical simulations. The bipartite flocking motion addressed by this paper has its references in both natural collective motions and human group behaviors such as predator-prey and panic escaping scenarios.

  17. Intelligent Agent Transparency in Human-Agent Teaming for Multi-UxV Management.


    Mercado, Joseph E; Rupp, Michael A; Chen, Jessie Y C; Barnes, Michael J; Barber, Daniel; Procci, Katelyn


    We investigated the effects of level of agent transparency on operator performance, trust, and workload in a context of human-agent teaming for multirobot management. Participants played the role of a heterogeneous unmanned vehicle (UxV) operator and were instructed to complete various missions by giving orders to UxVs through a computer interface. An intelligent agent (IA) assisted the participant by recommending two plans-a top recommendation and a secondary recommendation-for every mission. A within-subjects design with three levels of agent transparency was employed in the present experiment. There were eight missions in each of three experimental blocks, grouped by level of transparency. During each experimental block, the IA was incorrect three out of eight times due to external information (e.g., commander's intent and intelligence). Operator performance, trust, workload, and usability data were collected. Results indicate that operator performance, trust, and perceived usability increased as a function of transparency level. Subjective and objective workload data indicate that participants' workload did not increase as a function of transparency. Furthermore, response time did not increase as a function of transparency. Unlike previous research, which showed that increased transparency resulted in increased performance and trust calibration at the cost of greater workload and longer response time, our results support the benefits of transparency for performance effectiveness without additional costs. The current results will facilitate the implementation of IAs in military settings and will provide useful data to the design of heterogeneous UxV teams. © 2016, Human Factors and Ergonomics Society.

  18. Construction and Evaluation of Animated Teachable Agents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bodenheimer, Bobby; Williams, Betsy; Kramer, Mattie Ruth; Viswanath, Karun; Balachandran, Ramya; Belynne, Kadira; Biswas, Gautam


    This article describes the design decisions, technical approach, and evaluation of the animation and interface components for an agent-based system that allows learners to learn by teaching. Students learn by teaching an animated agent using a visual representation. The agent can answer questions about what she has been taught and take quizzes.…

  19. Nanoparticles as potential new generation broad spectrum antimicrobial agents.


    Yah, Clarence S; Simate, Geoffrey S


    The rapid emergence of antimicrobial resistant strains to conventional antimicrobial agents has complicated and prolonged infection treatment and increased mortality risk globally. Furthermore, some of the conventional antimicrobial agents are unable to cross certain cell membranes thus, restricting treatment of intracellular pathogens. Therefore, the disease-causing-organisms tend to persist in these cells. However, the emergence of nanoparticle (NP) technology has come with the promising broad spectrum NP-antimicrobial agents due to their vast physiochemical and functionalization properties. In fact, NP-antimicrobial agents are able to unlock the restrictions experienced by conventional antimicrobial agents. This review discusses the status quo of NP-antimicrobial agents as potent broad spectrum antimicrobial agents, sterilization and wound healing agents, and sustained inhibitors of intracellular pathogens. Indeed, the perspective of developing potent NP-antimicrobial agents that carry multiple-functionality will revolutionize clinical medicine and play a significant role in alleviating disease burden.

  20. An Agent-Based Data Mining System for Ontology Evolution

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hadzic, Maja; Dillon, Darshan

    We have developed an evidence-based mental health ontological model that represents mental health in multiple dimensions. The ongoing addition of new mental health knowledge requires a continual update of the Mental Health Ontology. In this paper, we describe how the ontology evolution can be realized using a multi-agent system in combination with data mining algorithms. We use the TICSA methodology to design this multi-agent system which is composed of four different types of agents: Information agent, Data Warehouse agent, Data Mining agents and Ontology agent. We use UML 2.1 sequence diagrams to model the collaborative nature of the agents and a UML 2.1 composite structure diagram to model the structure of individual agents. The Mental Heath Ontology has the potential to underpin various mental health research experiments of a collaborative nature which are greatly needed in times of increasing mental distress and illness.

  1. Antidiabetic Agents.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Plummer, Nancy; Michael, Nancy, Ed.

    This module on antidiabetic agents is intended for use in inservice or continuing education programs for persons who administer medications in long-term care facilities. Instructor information, including teaching suggestions, and a listing of recommended audiovisual materials and their sources appear first. The module goal and objectives are then…

  2. Virtual agents in a simulated virtual training environment

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Achorn, Brett; Badler, Norman L.


    A drawback to live-action training simulations is the need to gather a large group of participants in order to train a few individuals. One solution to this difficulty is the use of computer-controlled agents in a virtual training environment. This allows a human participant to be replaced by a virtual, or simulated, agent when only limited responses are needed. Each agent possesses a specified set of behaviors and is capable of limited autonomous action in response to its environment or the direction of a human trainee. The paper describes these agents in the context of a simulated hostage rescue training session, involving two human rescuers assisted by three virtual (computer-controlled) agents and opposed by three other virtual agents.

  3. A survey of the sequence-specific interaction of damaging agents with DNA: emphasis on antitumor agents.


    Murray, V


    This article reviews the literature concerning the sequence specificity of DNA-damaging agents. DNA-damaging agents are widely used in cancer chemotherapy. It is important to understand fully the determinants of DNA sequence specificity so that more effective DNA-damaging agents can be developed as antitumor drugs. There are five main methods of DNA sequence specificity analysis: cleavage of end-labeled fragments, linear amplification with Taq DNA polymerase, ligation-mediated polymerase chain reaction (PCR), single-strand ligation PCR, and footprinting. The DNA sequence specificity in purified DNA and in intact mammalian cells is reviewed for several classes of DNA-damaging agent. These include agents that form covalent adducts with DNA, free radical generators, topoisomerase inhibitors, intercalators and minor groove binders, enzymes, and electromagnetic radiation. The main sites of adduct formation are at the N-7 of guanine in the major groove of DNA and the N-3 of adenine in the minor groove, whereas free radical generators abstract hydrogen from the deoxyribose sugar and topoisomerase inhibitors cause enzyme-DNA cross-links to form. Several issues involved in the determination of the DNA sequence specificity are discussed. The future directions of the field, with respect to cancer chemotherapy, are also examined.

  4. A Micro-Level Data-Calibrated Agent-Based Model: The Synergy between Microsimulation and Agent-Based Modeling.


    Singh, Karandeep; Ahn, Chang-Won; Paik, Euihyun; Bae, Jang Won; Lee, Chun-Hee


    Artificial life (ALife) examines systems related to natural life, its processes, and its evolution, using simulations with computer models, robotics, and biochemistry. In this article, we focus on the computer modeling, or "soft," aspects of ALife and prepare a framework for scientists and modelers to be able to support such experiments. The framework is designed and built to be a parallel as well as distributed agent-based modeling environment, and does not require end users to have expertise in parallel or distributed computing. Furthermore, we use this framework to implement a hybrid model using microsimulation and agent-based modeling techniques to generate an artificial society. We leverage this artificial society to simulate and analyze population dynamics using Korean population census data. The agents in this model derive their decisional behaviors from real data (microsimulation feature) and interact among themselves (agent-based modeling feature) to proceed in the simulation. The behaviors, interactions, and social scenarios of the agents are varied to perform an analysis of population dynamics. We also estimate the future cost of pension policies based on the future population structure of the artificial society. The proposed framework and model demonstrates how ALife techniques can be used by researchers in relation to social issues and policies.

  5. Intelligent Design of Nano-Scale Molecular Imaging Agents

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Sung Bae; Hattori, Mitsuru; Ozawa, Takeaki


    Visual representation and quantification of biological processes at the cellular and subcellular levels within living subjects are gaining great interest in life science to address frontier issues in pathology and physiology. As intact living subjects do not emit any optical signature, visual representation usually exploits nano-scale imaging agents as the source of image contrast. Many imaging agents have been developed for this purpose, some of which exert nonspecific, passive, and physical interaction with a target. Current research interest in molecular imaging has mainly shifted to fabrication of smartly integrated, specific, and versatile agents that emit fluorescence or luminescence as an optical readout. These agents include luminescent quantum dots (QDs), biofunctional antibodies, and multifunctional nanoparticles. Furthermore, genetically encoded nano-imaging agents embedding fluorescent proteins or luciferases are now gaining popularity. These agents are generated by integrative design of the components, such as luciferase, flexible linker, and receptor to exert a specific on–off switching in the complex context of living subjects. In the present review, we provide an overview of the basic concepts, smart design, and practical contribution of recent nano-scale imaging agents, especially with respect to genetically encoded imaging agents. PMID:23235326

  6. Intelligent design of nano-scale molecular imaging agents.


    Kim, Sung Bae; Hattori, Mitsuru; Ozawa, Takeaki


    Visual representation and quantification of biological processes at the cellular and subcellular levels within living subjects are gaining great interest in life science to address frontier issues in pathology and physiology. As intact living subjects do not emit any optical signature, visual representation usually exploits nano-scale imaging agents as the source of image contrast. Many imaging agents have been developed for this purpose, some of which exert nonspecific, passive, and physical interaction with a target. Current research interest in molecular imaging has mainly shifted to fabrication of smartly integrated, specific, and versatile agents that emit fluorescence or luminescence as an optical readout. These agents include luminescent quantum dots (QDs), biofunctional antibodies, and multifunctional nanoparticles. Furthermore, genetically encoded nano-imaging agents embedding fluorescent proteins or luciferases are now gaining popularity. These agents are generated by integrative design of the components, such as luciferase, flexible linker, and receptor to exert a specific on-off switching in the complex context of living subjects. In the present review, we provide an overview of the basic concepts, smart design, and practical contribution of recent nano-scale imaging agents, especially with respect to genetically encoded imaging agents.

  7. Detection of Alkylating Agents using Electrical and Mechanical Means

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gerchikov, Yulia; Borzin, Elena; Gannot, Yair; Shemesh, Ariel; Meltzman, Shai; Hertzog-Ronen, Carmit; Tal, Shay; Stolyarova, Sara; Nemirovsky, Yael; Tessler, Nir; Eichen, Yoav


    Alkylating agents are reactive molecules having at least one polar bond between a carbon atom and a good leaving group. These often simple molecules are frequently used in organic synthesis, as sterilizing agents in agriculture and even as anticancer agents in medicine. Unfortunately, for over a century, some of the highly reactive alkylating agents are also being used as blister chemical warfare agents. Being relatively simple to make, the risk is that these will be applied by terrorists as poor people warfare agents. The detection and identification of such alkylating agents is not a simple task because of their high reactivity and simple structure of the reactive site. Here we report on new approaches to the detection and identification of such alkylating agents using electrical (organic field effect transistors) and mechanical (microcantilevers) means.

  8. Method and apparatus to characterize ultrasonically reflective contrast agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Pretlow, Robert A., III (Inventor)


    A method and apparatus for characterizing the time and frequency response of an ultrasonically reflective contrast agent is disclosed. An ultrasonically reflective contrast agent is injected, under constant pressure, into a fluid flowing through a pump flow circuit. The fluid and the ultrasonically reflective contrast agent are uniformly mixed in a mixing chamber, and the uniform mixture is passed through a contrast agent chamber. The contrast agent chamber is acoustically and axially interposed between an ultrasonic transducer chamber and an acoustic isolation chamber. A pulse of ultrasonic energy is transmitted into the contrast agent chamber from the ultrasonic transducer chamber. An echo waveform is received from the ultrasonically reflective contrast agent, and it is analyzed to determine the time and frequency response of the ultrasonically reflective contrast agent.

  9. Time-Extended Payoffs for Collectives of Autonomous Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Tumer, Kagan; Agogino, Adrian K.


    A collective is a set of self-interested agents which try to maximize their own utilities, along with a a well-defined, time-extended world utility function which rates the performance of the entire system. In this paper, we use theory of collectives to design time-extended payoff utilities for agents that are both aligned with the world utility, and are "learnable", i.e., the agents can readily see how their behavior affects their utility. We show that in systems where each agent aims to optimize such payoff functions, coordination arises as a byproduct of the agents selfishly pursuing their own goals. A game theoretic analysis shows that such payoff functions have the net effect of aligning the Nash equilibrium, Pareto optimal solution and world utility optimum, thus eliminating undesirable behavior such as agents working at cross-purposes. We then apply collective-based payoff functions to the token collection in a gridworld problem where agents need to optimize the aggregate value of tokens collected across an episode of finite duration (i.e., an abstracted version of rovers on Mars collecting scientifically interesting rock samples, subject to power limitations). We show that, regardless of the initial token distribution, reinforcement learning agents using collective-based payoff functions significantly outperform both natural extensions of single agent algorithms and global reinforcement learning solutions based on "team games".

  10. SOA Challenges for Real-Time and Disadvantaged Grids (Defis de la SOA pour les reseaux defavorises et en temps reel)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des améliorations mesurables de la capacité de traitement des messages. Plusieurs facteurs clés de réussite ont été identifiés, notamment...l’utilisation de normes ouvertes, la facilité de gestion et de configuration et la transparence pour l’utilisateur. L’infrastructure de messagerie doit...STO », « RTO » ou « AGARD » selon le cas, suivi du numéro de série. Des informations analogues, telles que

  11. Learning Sequences of Actions in Collectives of Autonomous Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Turner, Kagan; Agogino, Adrian K.; Wolpert, David H.; Clancy, Daniel (Technical Monitor)


    In this paper we focus on the problem of designing a collective of autonomous agents that individually learn sequences of actions such that the resultant sequence of joint actions achieves a predetermined global objective. We are particularly interested in instances of this problem where centralized control is either impossible or impractical. For single agent systems in similar domains, machine learning methods (e.g., reinforcement learners) have been successfully used. However, applying such solutions directly to multi-agent systems often proves problematic, as agents may work at cross-purposes, or have difficulty in evaluating their contribution to achievement of the global objective, or both. Accordingly, the crucial design step in multiagent systems centers on determining the private objectives of each agent so that as the agents strive for those objectives, the system reaches a good global solution. In this work we consider a version of this problem involving multiple autonomous agents in a grid world. We use concepts from collective intelligence to design goals for the agents that are 'aligned' with the global goal, and are 'learnable' in that agents can readily see how their behavior affects their utility. We show that reinforcement learning agents using those goals outperform both 'natural' extensions of single agent algorithms and global reinforcement, learning solutions based on 'team games'.

  12. Intelligent agents for e-commerce applications

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vuppala, Krishna


    This thesis focuses on development of intelligent agent solutions for e-commerce applications. E-Commerce has several complexities like: lack of information about the players, learning the nature of one's business partners/competitors, finding the right business partner to do business with, using the right strategy to get best profit out of the negotiations etc. The agent models developed can be used in any agent solution for e-commerce. Concepts and techniques from Game Theory and Artificial Intelligence are used. The developed models have several advantages over the existing ones as: the models assume the non-availability of information about other players in the market, the models of players get updated over the time as and when new information comes about the players, the negotiation model incorporates the patience levels of the players and expectations from other players in the market. Power industry has been chosen as the application area for the demonstration of the capabilities and usage of the developed agent models. Two e-commerce scenarios where sellers and buyers can go through the power exchanges to bid in auctions, or make bilateral deals outside of the exchange are addressed. In the first scenario agent helps market participants in coordinating strategies with other participants, bidding in auctions by analyzing and understanding the behavior of other participants. In the second scenario, called "Power Traders Assistant" agent helps power trader, who buys and sells power through bilateral negotiations, in negotiating deals with his customers.

  13. Maintaining Limited-Range Connectivity Among Second-Order Agents

    DTIC Science & Technology


    we consider ad-hoc networks of robotic agents with double integrator dynamics. For such networks, the connectivity maintenance problems are: (i) do...hoc networks of mobile autonomous agents. This loose ter- minology refers to groups of robotic agents with limited mobility and communica- tion...connectivity can be preserved. 3.1. Networks of robotic agents with second-order dynamics and the connectivity maintenance problem. We begin by

  14. Modelling of robotic work cells using agent based-approach

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sękala, A.; Banaś, W.; Gwiazda, A.; Monica, Z.; Kost, G.; Hryniewicz, P.


    In the case of modern manufacturing systems the requirements, both according the scope and according characteristics of technical procedures are dynamically changing. This results in production system organization inability to keep up with changes in a market demand. Accordingly, there is a need for new design methods, characterized, on the one hand with a high efficiency and on the other with the adequate level of the generated organizational solutions. One of the tools that could be used for this purpose is the concept of agent systems. These systems are the tools of artificial intelligence. They allow assigning to agents the proper domains of procedures and knowledge so that they represent in a self-organizing system of an agent environment, components of a real system. The agent-based system for modelling robotic work cell should be designed taking into consideration many limitations considered with the characteristic of this production unit. It is possible to distinguish some grouped of structural components that constitute such a system. This confirms the structural complexity of a work cell as a specific production system. So it is necessary to develop agents depicting various aspects of the work cell structure. The main groups of agents that are used to model a robotic work cell should at least include next pattern representatives: machine tool agents, auxiliary equipment agents, robots agents, transport equipment agents, organizational agents as well as data and knowledge bases agents. In this way it is possible to create the holarchy of the agent-based system.

  15. Intelligent Interoperable Agent Toolkit (I2AT)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Agents, Agent Infrastructure, Intelligent Agents 16. PRICE CODE 17. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF REPORT UNCLASSIFIED 18. SECURITY ...CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE UNCLASSIFIED 19. SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF ABSTRACT UNCLASSIFIED 20. LIMITATION OF ABSTRACT UL NSN 7540-01...those that occur while the submarine is submerged. Using CoABS Grid/Jini service discovery events backed up with a small amount of internal bookkeeping

  16. Method of encapsulating polyaminopolycarboxylic acid chelating agents in liposomes


    Rahman, Yueh Erh


    A method is provided for transferring a polyaminopolycarboxylic acid chelating agent across a cellular membrane by encapsulating the charged chelating agent within liposomes, which liposomes will be taken up by the cells, thereby transferring the chelating agent across the cellular membrane. The chelating agent is encapsulated within liposomes by drying a lipid mixture to form a thin film and wetting the lipid film with a solution containing the chelating agent. Mixing then results in the formation of a suspension of liposomes encapsulating the chelating agent, which liposomes can then be separated.

  17. Agent Based Fault Tolerance for the Mobile Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Park, Taesoon

    This paper presents a fault-tolerance scheme based on mobile agents for the reliable mobile computing systems. Mobility of the agent is suitable to trace the mobile hosts and the intelligence of the agent makes it efficient to support the fault tolerance services. This paper presents two approaches to implement the mobile agent based fault tolerant service and their performances are evaluated and compared with other fault-tolerant schemes.

  18. Accuracy of Multiple Pour Cast from Various Elastomer Impression Methods

    PubMed Central

    Saad Toman, Majed; Ali Al-Shahrani, Abdullah; Ali Al-Qarni, Abdullah


    The accurate duplicate cast obtained from a single impression reduces the profession clinical time, patient inconvenience, and extra material cost. The stainless steel working cast model assembly consisting of two abutments and one pontic area was fabricated. Two sets of six each custom aluminum trays were fabricated, with five mm spacer and two mm spacer. The impression methods evaluated during the study were additional silicone putty reline (two steps), heavy-light body (one step), monophase (one step), and polyether (one step). Type IV gypsum casts were poured at the interval of one hour, 12 hours, 24 hours, and 48 hours. The resultant cast was measured with traveling microscope for the comparative dimensional accuracy. The data obtained were subjected to Analysis of Variance test at significance level <0.05. The die obtained from two-step putty reline impression techniques had the percentage of variation for the height −0.36 to −0.97%, while diameter was increased by 0.40–0.90%. The values for one-step heavy-light body impression dies, additional silicone monophase impressions, and polyether were −0.73 to −1.21%, −1.34%, and −1.46% for the height and 0.50–0.80%, 1.20%, and −1.30% for the width, respectively. PMID:28096815

  19. Advances in Magnetic Resonance Imaging Contrast Agents for Biomarker Detection

    PubMed Central

    Sinharay, Sanhita; Pagel, Mark D.


    Recent advances in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) contrast agents have provided new capabilities for biomarker detection through molecular imaging. MRI contrast agents based on the T2 exchange mechanism have more recently expanded the armamentarium of agents for molecular imaging. Compared with T1 and T2* agents, T2 exchange agents have a slower chemical exchange rate, which improves the ability to design these MRI contrast agents with greater specificity for detecting the intended biomarker. MRI contrast agents that are detected through chemical exchange saturation transfer (CEST) have even slower chemical exchange rates. Another emerging class of MRI contrast agents uses hyperpolarized 13C to detect the agent with outstanding sensitivity. These hyperpolarized 13C agents can be used to track metabolism and monitor characteristics of the tissue microenvironment. Together, these various MRI contrast agents provide excellent opportunities to develop molecular imaging for biomarker detection. PMID:27049630

  20. Using Cognitive Agents to Train Negotiation Skills

    PubMed Central

    Stevens, Christopher A.; Daamen, Jeroen; Gaudrain, Emma; Renkema, Tom; Top, Jakob Dirk; Cnossen, Fokie; Taatgen, Niels A.


    Training negotiation is difficult because it is a complex, dynamic activity that involves multiple parties. It is often not clear how to create situations in which students can practice negotiation or how to measure students' progress. Some have begun to address these issues by creating artificial software agents with which students can train. These agents have the advantage that they can be “reset,” and played against multiple times. This allows students to learn from their mistakes and try different strategies. However, these agents are often based on normative theories of how negotiators should conduct themselves, not necessarily how people actually behave in negotiations. Here, we take a step toward addressing this gap by developing an agent grounded in a cognitive architecture, ACT-R. This agent contains a model of theory-of-mind, the ability of humans to reason about the mental states of others. It uses this model to try to infer the strategy of the opponent and respond accordingly. In a series of experiments, we show that this agent replicates some aspects of human performance, is plausible to human negotiators, and can lead to learning gains in a small-scale negotiation task. PMID:29535654

  1. History of chemical and biological warfare agents.


    Szinicz, L


    Chemical and biological warfare agents constitute a low-probability, but high-impact risk both to the military and to the civilian population. The use of hazardous materials of chemical or biological origin as weapons and for homicide has been documented since ancient times. The first use of chemicals in terms of weapons of mass destruction goes back to World War I, when on April 22, 1915 large amounts of chlorine were released by German military forces at Ypres, Belgium. Until around the 1970s of the 20th century, the awareness of the threat by chemical and biological agents had been mainly confined to the military sector. In the following time, the development of increasing range delivery systems by chemical and biological agents possessors sensitised public attention to the threat emanating from these agents. Their proliferation to the terrorists field during the 1990s with the expanding scale and globalisation of terrorist attacks suggested that these agents are becoming an increasing threat to the whole world community. The following article gives a condensed overview on the history of use and development of the more prominent chemical and biological warfare agents.

  2. Using Cognitive Agents to Train Negotiation Skills.


    Stevens, Christopher A; Daamen, Jeroen; Gaudrain, Emma; Renkema, Tom; Top, Jakob Dirk; Cnossen, Fokie; Taatgen, Niels A


    Training negotiation is difficult because it is a complex, dynamic activity that involves multiple parties. It is often not clear how to create situations in which students can practice negotiation or how to measure students' progress. Some have begun to address these issues by creating artificial software agents with which students can train. These agents have the advantage that they can be "reset," and played against multiple times. This allows students to learn from their mistakes and try different strategies. However, these agents are often based on normative theories of how negotiators should conduct themselves, not necessarily how people actually behave in negotiations. Here, we take a step toward addressing this gap by developing an agent grounded in a cognitive architecture, ACT-R. This agent contains a model of theory-of-mind, the ability of humans to reason about the mental states of others. It uses this model to try to infer the strategy of the opponent and respond accordingly. In a series of experiments, we show that this agent replicates some aspects of human performance, is plausible to human negotiators, and can lead to learning gains in a small-scale negotiation task.

  3. Clinically Approved Nanoparticle Imaging Agents

    PubMed Central

    Thakor, Avnesh S.; Jokerst, Jesse V.; Ghanouni, Pejman; Campbell, Jos L.; Mittra, Erik


    Nanoparticles are a new class of imaging agent used for both anatomic and molecular imaging. Nanoparticle-based imaging exploits the signal intensity, stability, and biodistribution behavior of submicron-diameter molecular imaging agents. This review focuses on nanoparticles used in human medical imaging, with an emphasis on radionuclide imaging and MRI. Newer nanoparticle platforms are also discussed in relation to theranostic and multimodal uses. PMID:27738007


    PubMed Central

    Bruch, Elizabeth; Atwell, Jon


    Agent-based modeling has become increasingly popular in recent years, but there is still no codified set of recommendations or practices for how to use these models within a program of empirical research. This article provides ideas and practical guidelines drawn from sociology, biology, computer science, epidemiology, and statistics. We first discuss the motivations for using agent-based models in both basic science and policy-oriented social research. Next, we provide an overview of methods and strategies for incorporating data on behavior and populations into agent-based models, and review techniques for validating and testing the sensitivity of agent-based models. We close with suggested directions for future research. PMID:25983351

  5. Alkylating agents for Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia.


    Yang, Kun; Tan, Jianlong; Wu, Taixiang


    Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia (WM) is an uncommon B-cell lymphoproliferative disorder characterized by bone marrow infiltration and production of monoclonal immunoglobulin. Uncertainty remains if alkylating agents, such as chlorambucil, melphalan or cyclophosphamide, are an effective form of management. To assess the effects and safety of the alkylating agents on Waldenstrom's macroglobulinaemia (WM). We searched the Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials (Issue 1, 2008), MEDLINE (1966 to 2008), EMBASE (1980 to 2008), the Chinese Biomedical Base (1982 to 2008) and reference lists of articles.We also handsearched relevant conference proceedings from 1990 to 2008. Randomised controlled trials (RCTs) comparing alkylating agents given concomitantly with radiotherapy, splenectomy, plasmapheresis, stem-cell transplantation in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of WM. Two authors independently assessed trial quality and extracted data. We contacted study authors for additional information. We collected adverse effects information from the trials. One trial involving 92 participants with pretreated/relapsed WM compared the effect of fludarabine versus the combination of cyclophosphamide (the alkylating agent), doxorubicin and prednisone (CAP). Compared to CAP, the Hazard ratio (HR) for deaths of treatment with fludarabine was estimated to be 1.04, with a standard error of 0.30 (95% CI 0.58 to 1.48) and it indicated that the mean difference of median survival time was -4.00 months, and 16.00 months for response duration. The relative risks (RR) of response rate was 2.80 (95% CI 1.10 to 7.12). There were no statistically difference in overall survival rate and median survival months, while on the basis of response rate and response duration, fludarabine seemed to be superior to CAP for pretreated/relapsed patients with macroglobulinaemia. Although alkylating agents have been used for decades they have never actually been tested in a proper randomised trial. This

  6. A Decentralized Framework for Multi-Agent Robotic Systems

    PubMed Central


    Over the past few years, decentralization of multi-agent robotic systems has become an important research area. These systems do not depend on a central control unit, which enables the control and assignment of distributed, asynchronous and robust tasks. However, in some cases, the network communication process between robotic agents is overlooked, and this creates a dependency for each agent to maintain a permanent link with nearby units to be able to fulfill its goals. This article describes a communication framework, where each agent in the system can leave the network or accept new connections, sending its information based on the transfer history of all nodes in the network. To this end, each agent needs to comply with four processes to participate in the system, plus a fifth process for data transfer to the nearest nodes that is based on Received Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) and data history. To validate this framework, we use differential robotic agents and a monitoring agent to generate a topological map of an environment with the presence of obstacles. PMID:29389849

  7. Agent-based method for distributed clustering of textual information


    Potok, Thomas E [Oak Ridge, TN; Reed, Joel W [Knoxville, TN; Elmore, Mark T [Oak Ridge, TN; Treadwell, Jim N [Louisville, TN


    A computer method and system for storing, retrieving and displaying information has a multiplexing agent (20) that calculates a new document vector (25) for a new document (21) to be added to the system and transmits the new document vector (25) to master cluster agents (22) and cluster agents (23) for evaluation. These agents (22, 23) perform the evaluation and return values upstream to the multiplexing agent (20) based on the similarity of the document to documents stored under their control. The multiplexing agent (20) then sends the document (21) and the document vector (25) to the master cluster agent (22), which then forwards it to a cluster agent (23) or creates a new cluster agent (23) to manage the document (21). The system also searches for stored documents according to a search query having at least one term and identifying the documents found in the search, and displays the documents in a clustering display (80) of similarity so as to indicate similarity of the documents to each other.

  8. Multi-Agent Strategic Modeling in a Specific Environment

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gams, Matjaz; Bezek, Andraz

    Multi-agent modeling in ambient intelligence (AmI) is concerned with the following task [19]: How can external observations of multi-agent systems in the ambient be used to analyze, model, and direct agent behavior? The main purpose is to obtain knowledge about acts in the environment thus enabling proper actions of the AmI systems [1]. Analysis of such systems must thus capture complex world state representation and asynchronous agent activities. Instead of studying basic numerical data, researchers often use more complex data structures, such as rules and decision trees. Some methods are extremely useful when characterizing state space, but lack the ability to clearly represent temporal state changes occurred by agent actions. To comprehend simultaneous agent actions and complex changes of state space, most often a combination of graphical and symbolical representation performs better in terms of human understanding and performance.

  9. Multi-agent autonomous system

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Fink, Wolfgang (Inventor); Dohm, James (Inventor); Tarbell, Mark A. (Inventor)


    A multi-agent autonomous system for exploration of hazardous or inaccessible locations. The multi-agent autonomous system includes simple surface-based agents or craft controlled by an airborne tracking and command system. The airborne tracking and command system includes an instrument suite used to image an operational area and any craft deployed within the operational area. The image data is used to identify the craft, targets for exploration, and obstacles in the operational area. The tracking and command system determines paths for the surface-based craft using the identified targets and obstacles and commands the craft using simple movement commands to move through the operational area to the targets while avoiding the obstacles. Each craft includes its own instrument suite to collect information about the operational area that is transmitted back to the tracking and command system. The tracking and command system may be further coupled to a satellite system to provide additional image information about the operational area and provide operational and location commands to the tracking and command system.

  10. Collaborative Information Agents on the World Wide Web

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Chen, James R.; Mathe, Nathalie; Wolfe, Shawn; Koga, Dennis J. (Technical Monitor)


    In this paper, we present DIAMS, a system of distributed, collaborative information agents which help users access, collect, organize, and exchange information on the World Wide Web. Personal agents provide their owners dynamic displays of well organized information collections, as well as friendly information management utilities. Personal agents exchange information with one another. They also work with other types of information agents such as matchmakers and knowledge experts to facilitate collaboration and communication.

  11. Burnout among Extension Agents in the Ohio Cooperative Extension Service.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Igodan, O. Chris; Newcomb, L. H.

    A study examined the extent and causes of burnout among extension agents in Ohio. From the 241 extension agents working in the 88 counties of Ohio, researchers selected a random sample of 101 agents. Included in the sample were 34 agriculture agents, 33 home economics agents. Included in the sample agents were asked to complete a survey…

  12. Agent Based Modeling Applications for Geosciences

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Stein, J. S.


    Agent-based modeling techniques have successfully been applied to systems in which complex behaviors or outcomes arise from varied interactions between individuals in the system. Each individual interacts with its environment, as well as with other individuals, by following a set of relatively simple rules. Traditionally this "bottom-up" modeling approach has been applied to problems in the fields of economics and sociology, but more recently has been introduced to various disciplines in the geosciences. This technique can help explain the origin of complex processes from a relatively simple set of rules, incorporate large and detailed datasets when they exist, and simulate the effects of extreme events on system-wide behavior. Some of the challenges associated with this modeling method include: significant computational requirements in order to keep track of thousands to millions of agents, methods and strategies of model validation are lacking, as is a formal methodology for evaluating model uncertainty. Challenges specific to the geosciences, include how to define agents that control water, contaminant fluxes, climate forcing and other physical processes and how to link these "geo-agents" into larger agent-based simulations that include social systems such as demographics economics and regulations. Effective management of limited natural resources (such as water, hydrocarbons, or land) requires an understanding of what factors influence the demand for these resources on a regional and temporal scale. Agent-based models can be used to simulate this demand across a variety of sectors under a range of conditions and determine effective and robust management policies and monitoring strategies. The recent focus on the role of biological processes in the geosciences is another example of an area that could benefit from agent-based applications. A typical approach to modeling the effect of biological processes in geologic media has been to represent these processes in

  13. Implementation en VHDl/FPGA d'afficheur video numerique (AVN) pour des applications aerospatiales

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pelletier, Sebastien

    L'objectif de ce projet est de developper un controleur video en langage VHDL afin de remplacer la composante specialisee presentement utilisee chez CMC Electronique. Une recherche approfondie des tendances et de ce qui se fait actuellement dans le domaine des controleurs video est effectuee afin de definir les specifications du systeme. Les techniques d'entreposage et d'affichage des images sont expliquees afin de mener ce projet a terme. Le nouveau controleur est developpe sur une plateforme electronique possedant un FPGA, un port VGA et de la memoire pour emmagasiner les donnees. Il est programmable et prend peu d'espace dans un FPGA, ce qui lui permet de s'inserer dans n'importe quelle nouvelle technologie de masse a faible cout. Il s'adapte rapidement a toutes les resolutions d'affichage puisqu'il est modulaire et configurable. A court terme, ce projet permettra un controle ameliore des specifications et des normes de qualite liees aux contraintes de l'avionique.

  14. A Multi-Agent System for Intelligent Online Education.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    O'Riordan, Colm; Griffith, Josephine


    Describes the system architecture of an intelligent Web-based education system that includes user modeling agents, information filtering agents for automatic information gathering, and the multi-agent interaction. Discusses information management; user interaction; support for collaborative peer-peer learning; implementation; testing; and future…

  15. Adenovirus-Mediated Gene Therapy Against Viral Biothreat Agents

    DTIC Science & Technology


    economy. Vaccine development is an important strategy to thwart the threat of these viral biothreat agents. There is an urgent need to improve...Alberta, Tl A 8K6. Canada E-mail: josh. .• 78 JoshQ.H. Wu existing vaccines against these agents and to develop new ones. Gene...of vaccines against viral biothreat agents. Genes encoding protective antigens of viral biothreat agents can be carried by these viral vectors and

  16. Theorie de la Levitation Radiative a L'equilibre dans les Etoiles Naines Blanches Chaudes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chayer, Pierre


    Les resultats de nouveaux calculs detailles de levitation radiative dans des naines blanches chaudes utilisant la base de donnees atomiques TOPBASE sont presentes. Des accelerations radiatives et des abondances d'equilibre ont ete calculees pour C, N, O, Ne, Na, Mg, Al, Si, S, Ar, Ca, et Fe, sur des grilles de modeles d'enveloppes stellaires riches en hydrogene et riches en helium. La grille des modeles de DA a des gravites telles que log g = 7.0, 7.5, 8.0, et 8.5, et couvre les temperatures effectives pour lesquelles 100,000K >= T_ {rm eff} >= 20,000K par sauts de 2,500K. La grille des modeles de DO/DB est similaire mais se prolonge a T_{rm eff } = 130,000K. Les resultats d'abondances d'equilibre de Ni dans des DA utilisant la base de donnees de Kurucz sont aussi presentes. Nous discutons dans les moindres details de la physique incluse dans les calculs afin de fournir une bonne comprehension physique de la levitation radiative sous les conditions rencontrees dans les naines blanches. Nous discutons aussi de la forme et de la dependance en fonction de la profondeur des reservoirs des elements, crees par un equilibre entre l'acceleration radiative et la gravite locale effective dans differentes enveloppes stellaires. Nous soulignons le role important joue dans la morphologie de ces reserviors par les etats d'ionisation dominants se trouvant dans la configuration gaz noble. Nos resultats centraux sont presentes sous forme de figures montrant le comportement de l'abondance photospherique estimee pour chaque element en fonction de la temperature effective et de la gravite de surface. Nous apportons egalement des ameliorations aux calculs de levitation radiative en utilisant une approche de modeles d'atmospheres pour les etoiles riches en hydrogene. Nous mettons l'emphase, en particulier, sur le role des traces d'elements lourds qui peuvent etre presents dans le plasma. Nous utilisons une table d'opacite monochromatique detaillee calculee pour un plasma compose de H

  17. Application and Implications of Agent Technology for Librarians.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Nardi, Bonnie A.; O'Day, Vicki L.


    Examines intelligent software agents, presents nine design principles aimed specifically at the technology perspective (to personalize task performance and general principles), and discusses what librarians can do that software agents (agents defined as activity-aware software programs) cannot do. Describes an information ecology that integrates…

  18. Putative neuroprotective agents in neuropsychiatric disorders.


    Dodd, Seetal; Maes, Michael; Anderson, George; Dean, Olivia M; Moylan, Steven; Berk, Michael


    In many individuals with major neuropsychiatric disorders including depression, bipolar disorder and schizophrenia, their disease characteristics are consistent with a neuroprogressive illness. This includes progressive structural brain changes, cognitive and functional decline, poorer treatment response and an increasing vulnerability to relapse with chronicity. The underlying molecular mechanisms of neuroprogression are thought to include neurotrophins and regulation of neurogenesis and apoptosis, neurotransmitters, inflammatory, oxidative and nitrosative stress, mitochondrial dysfunction, cortisol and the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis, and epigenetic influences. Knowledge of the involvement of each of these pathways implies that specific agents that act on some or multiple of these pathways may thus block this cascade and have neuroprotective properties. This paper reviews the potential of the most promising of these agents, including lithium and other known psychotropics, aspirin, minocycline, statins, N-acetylcysteine, leptin and melatonin. These agents are putative neuroprotective agents for schizophrenia and mood disorders. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Fairness emergence from zero-intelligence agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Duan, Wen-Qi; Stanley, H. Eugene


    Fairness plays a key role in explaining the emergence and maintenance of cooperation. Opponent-oriented social utility models were often proposed to explain the origins of fairness preferences in which agents take into account not only their own outcomes but are also concerned with the outcomes of their opponents. Here, we propose a payoff-oriented mechanism in which agents update their beliefs only based on the payoff signals of the previous ultimatum game, regardless of the behaviors and outcomes of the opponents themselves. Employing adaptive ultimatum game, we show that (1) fairness behaviors can emerge out even under such minimalist assumptions, provided that agents are capable of responding to their payoff signals, (2) the average game payoff per agent per round decreases with the increasing discrepancy rate between the average giving rate and the average asking rate, and (3) the belief update process will lead to 50%-50% fair split provided that there is no mutation in the evolutionary dynamics.

  20. Antifibrinolytic agents and desmopressin as hemostatic agents in cardiac surgery.


    Erstad, B L


    To review the use of systemic hemostatic medications for reducing bleeding and transfusion requirements with cardiac surgery. Articles were obtained through computerized searches involving MEDLINE (from 1966 to September 2000). Additionally, several textbooks containing information on the diagnosis and management of bleeding associated with cardiac surgery were reviewed. The bibliographies of retrieved publications and textbooks were reviewed for additional references. Due to the large number of randomized investigations involving systemic hemostatic medications for reducing bleeding associated with cardiac surgery, the article selection process focused on recent randomized controlled trials, metaanalyses and pharmacoeconomic evaluations. The primary outcomes extracted from the literature were blood loss and associated transfusion requirements, although other outcome measures such as mortality were extracted when available. Although the majority of investigations for reducing cardiac bleeding and transfusion requirements have involved aprotinin, evidence from recent meta-analyses and randomized trials indicates that the synthetic antifibrinolytic agents, aminocaproic acid and tranexamic acid, have similar clinical efficacy. Additionally, aminocaproic acid (and to a lesser extent tranexamic acid) is much less costly. More comparative information of hemostatic agents is needed retative to other outcomes (eg., reoperation rates, myocardial infarction, stroke). There is insufficient evidence to recommend the use of desmopressin for reducing bleeding and transfusion requirements in cardiac surgery, although certain subsets of patients may benefit from its use. Of the medications that have been used to reduce bleeding and transfusion requirements with cardiac surgery, the antifibrinolytic agents have the best evidence supporting their use. Aminocaproic acid is the least costly therapy based on medication costs and transfusion requirements.

  1. Decision Facilitator for Launch Operations using Intelligent Agents

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Thirumalainambi, Rajkumar; Bardina, Jorge


    Launch operations require millions of micro-decisions which contribute to the macro decision of 'Go/No-Go' for a launch. Knowledge workers"(such as managers and technical professionals) need information in a timely precise manner as it can greatly affect mission success. The intelligent agent (web search agent) uses the words of a hypertext markup language document which is connected through the internet. The intelligent agent's actions are to determine if its goal of seeking a website containing a specified target (e.g., keyword or phrase), has been met. There are few parameters that should be defined for the keyword search like "Go" and "No-Go". Instead of visiting launch and range decision making servers individually, the decision facilitator constantly connects to all servers, accumulating decisions so the final decision can be decided in a timely manner. The facilitator agent uses the singleton design pattern, which ensures that only a single instance of the facilitator agent exists at one time. Negotiations could proceed between many agents resulting in a final decision. This paper describes details of intelligent agents and their interaction to derive an unified decision support system.

  2. [Perioperative adverse events related to antidepressive agents use].


    Rozec, B; Cinotti, R; Blanloeil, Y


    Depression is the most common psychiatric disease, which is treated by the use of antidepressive agents possessing various mechanisms of action. Thus, the use in preoperative period of antidepressive agents is frequent (7% of patients scheduled for surgery). The objective of this review was to update the knowledge on the drug interactions between antidepressive agents and drugs used in perioperative period. (i) Medline and Ovid databases using combination of antidepressive agent and perioperative period as keywords; (ii) national and European epidemiologic database; (iii) expert recommendation and official French health agency; (iv) reference book chapters. The clinical practice showed a limited risk of adverse event related to antidepressant agents interaction with perioperative used drugs. In the two past decades, few relevant observations of adverse event related with imipramine and monoamine oxidase inhibitors use was reported. The most recent antidepressive agents had no serious adverse interaction. Nevertheless, the serotonin syndrome has to be known as far as it is more and more reported. In case of hypotension, the use of vasopressive agent has to be careful because of excessive response. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Masson SAS. All rights reserved.

  3. Voter models with contrarian agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Masuda, Naoki


    In the voter and many other opinion formation models, agents are assumed to behave as congregators (also called the conformists); they are attracted to the opinions of others. In this study I investigate linear extensions of the voter model with contrarian agents. An agent is either congregator or contrarian and assumes a binary opinion. I investigate three models that differ in the behavior of the contrarian toward other agents. In model 1, contrarians mimic the opinions of other contrarians and oppose (i.e., try to select the opinion opposite to) those of congregators. In model 2, contrarians mimic the opinions of congregators and oppose those of other contrarians. In model 3, contrarians oppose anybody. In all models, congregators are assumed to like anybody. I show that even a small number of contrarians prohibits the consensus in the entire population to be reached in all three models. I also obtain the equilibrium distributions using the van Kampen small-fluctuation approximation and the Fokker-Planck equation for the case of many contrarians and a single contrarian, respectively. I show that the fluctuation around the symmetric coexistence equilibrium is much larger in model 2 than in models 1 and 3 when contrarians are rare.

  4. Étude Préliminaire de Fiabilité de l’Échelle de Labilité Émotionnelle Adaptée pour Adolescents dans une Population Interne Francophone

    PubMed Central

    Guilé, Jean Marc; Chapdelaine, Cimon; Desrosiers, Lyne; Cornez, Christine; Bouvier, Hélène; Breton, Jean-Jacques


    Résumé Objectif: étudier la fiabilité en population clinique francophone d’un auto-questionnaire portant sur l’instabilité émotionnelle des adolescents. Méthode: Après recension des écrits et consultation d’experts, l’Échelle de Labilité Émotionnelle (Affective Lability Scale) développée par Harvey et collaborateurs (1989) a été choisie. Une version anglophone et francophone adaptée à la population adolescente a été élaborée. La version finale comprend 54 questions réparties en six sections examinant les variations émotionnelles entre euthymie d’une part, et dépression, élation, colère et anxiété d’autre part, ainsi qu’entre anxiété et dépression, et enfin entre dépression et élation. La version francophone a fait l’objet d’une étude de fiabilité. Au total 43 adolescents francophones (48,8% garçons, 51,2% filles d’âge moyen=14,86 ans) ont participé à l’étude de compréhension et de fiabilité. Résultats: Toutes les questions ont un taux de compréhension par item (TCI)>0,60 tel qu’évalué par accord interjuge (Kappa-moyen=0,85). Le TCI-moyen est très satisfaisant (0,88, SD=0,14). La consistance interne appréciée par les coefficients de Cronbach est élevée pour chaque section et pour l’ensemble de l’instrument (0,87 à 0,95). La stabilité temporelle à trois semaines est satisfaisante avec un coefficient de corrélation-intraclasse (CIC) pour l’ensemble de l’échelle de 0,89 (intervalle de confiance à 95%=0,75 et 0,95) et des CIC de section s’échelonnant entre 0,72 et 0,89. Conclusion: Ces premières données de fiabilité soutiennent l’intérêt de l’ALS pour évaluer, en période euthymique chez des adolescents francophones en unité interne psychiatrique, un niveau global de labilité émotionnelle. Une étude future sur un plus grand échantillon permettra de confirmer ces premiers résultats et d’étudier la structure factorielle de l’instrument. PMID:19881938

  5. Computing with motile bio-agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nicolau, Dan V., Jr.; Burrage, Kevin; Nicolau, Dan V.


    We describe a model of computation of the parallel type, which we call 'computing with bio-agents', based on the concept that motions of biological objects such as bacteria or protein molecular motors in confined spaces can be regarded as computations. We begin with the observation that the geometric nature of the physical structures in which model biological objects move modulates the motions of the latter. Consequently, by changing the geometry, one can control the characteristic trajectories of the objects; on the basis of this, we argue that such systems are computing devices. We investigate the computing power of mobile bio-agent systems and show that they are computationally universal in the sense that they are capable of computing any Boolean function in parallel. We argue also that using appropriate conditions, bio-agent systems can solve NP-complete problems in probabilistic polynomial time.

  6. Designing Distributed Learning Environments with Intelligent Software Agents

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lin, Fuhua, Ed.


    "Designing Distributed Learning Environments with Intelligent Software Agents" reports on the most recent advances in agent technologies for distributed learning. Chapters are devoted to the various aspects of intelligent software agents in distributed learning, including the methodological and technical issues on where and how intelligent agents…

  7. 7 CFR 58.722 - Emulsifying agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.722 Emulsifying agents. Emulsifying agents shall be those permitted by the Food and Drug Administration for the specific pasteurized process cheese product, and shall be free from extraneous material...

  8. 7 CFR 58.722 - Emulsifying agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... Specifications for Dairy Plants Approved for USDA Inspection and Grading Service 1 Quality Specifications for Raw Material § 58.722 Emulsifying agents. Emulsifying agents shall be those permitted by the Food and Drug Administration for the specific pasteurized process cheese product, and shall be free from extraneous material...

  9. 21 CFR 181.28 - Release agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... classified as release agents, when migrating from food-packaging material shall include: Dimethylpolysiloxane... 21 Food and Drugs 3 2014-04-01 2014-04-01 false Release agents. 181.28 Section 181.28 Food and Drugs FOOD AND DRUG ADMINISTRATION, DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES (CONTINUED) PRIOR-SANCTIONED...

  10. Biodegradable nanoparticles for intracellular delivery of antimicrobial agents.


    Xie, Shuyu; Tao, Yanfei; Pan, Yuanhu; Qu, Wei; Cheng, Guyue; Huang, Lingli; Chen, Dongmei; Wang, Xu; Liu, Zhenli; Yuan, Zonghui


    Biodegradable nanoparticles have emerged as a promising strategy for ferrying antimicrobial agents into specific cells due to their unique properties. This review discusses the current progress and challenges of biodegradable nanoparticles for intracellular antimicrobial delivery to understand design principles for the development of ideal nanocarriers. The intracellular delivery performances of biodegradable nanoparticles for diverse antimicrobial agents are first summarized. Second, the cellular internalization and intracellular trafficking, degradation and release kinetics of nanoparticles as well as their relation with intracellular delivery of encapsulated antimicrobial agents are provided. Third, the influences of nanoparticle properties on the cellular internalization and intracellular fate of nanoparticles and their payload antimicrobial agents are discussed. Finally, the challenges and perspectives of nanoparticles for intracellular delivery of antimicrobial agents are addressed. The review will be helpful to the scientists who are interested in searching for more efficient nanosystem strategies for intracellular delivery of antimicrobial agents. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  11. A multi-agent intelligent environment for medical knowledge.


    Vicari, Rosa M; Flores, Cecilia D; Silvestre, André M; Seixas, Louise J; Ladeira, Marcelo; Coelho, Helder


    AMPLIA is a multi-agent intelligent learning environment designed to support training of diagnostic reasoning and modelling of domains with complex and uncertain knowledge. AMPLIA focuses on the medical area. It is a system that deals with uncertainty under the Bayesian network approach, where learner-modelling tasks will consist of creating a Bayesian network for a problem the system will present. The construction of a network involves qualitative and quantitative aspects. The qualitative part concerns the network topology, that is, causal relations among the domain variables. After it is ready, the quantitative part is specified. It is composed of the distribution of conditional probability of the variables represented. A negotiation process (managed by an intelligent MediatorAgent) will treat the differences of topology and probability distribution between the model the learner built and the one built-in in the system. That negotiation process occurs between the agents that represent the expert knowledge domain (DomainAgent) and the agent that represents the learner knowledge (LearnerAgent).

  12. 32 CFR 552.66 - Actions required by agents.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... officer or counselor. Agents must complete DA Form 2056 (Commercial Insurance Solicitation Record). Blank DA Forms 2056 (not allotment forms) will be available to insurance agents on request. In the “Remarks” section of DA Form 2056, agents will include all pertinent information and a clear statement that...

  13. Biological agents for controlling excessive scarring.


    Berman, Brian


    The potential of various biological agents to reduce or prevent excessive scar formation has now been evaluated in numerous in-vitro studies, experimental animal models and preliminary clinical trials, in some cases with particularly promising results. Perhaps prominent among this group of biological agents, and, to some degree, possibly representing marketed compounds already being used 'off label' to manage excessive scarring, are the tumor necrosis factor alpha antagonist etanercept, and immune-response modifiers such as IFNalpha2b and imiquimod. Additional assessment of these novel agents is now justified with a view to reducing or preventing hypertrophic scars, keloid scars and the recurrence of post-excision keloid lesions.

  14. Global optimization of minority game by intelligent agents

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Xie, Yan-Bo; Wang, Bing-Hong; Hu, Chin-Kun; Zhou, Tao


    We propose a new model of minority game with intelligent agents who use trail and error method to make a choice such that the standard deviation σ2 and the total loss in this model reach the theoretical minimum values in the long time limit and the global optimization of the system is reached. This suggests that the economic systems can self-organize into a highly optimized state by agents who make decisions based on inductive thinking, limited knowledge, and capabilities. When other kinds of agents are also present, the simulation results and analytic calculations show that the intelligent agent can gain profits from producers and are much more competent than the noise traders and conventional agents in original minority games proposed by Challet and Zhang.

  15. Préface

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aspect, Alain


    ouverture sur les recherches de base d'aujourd'hui qui seront peut-être les outils quotidiens de l'optique de demain. Quant aux 169 communications par affiches elles ont, suivant la règle, couvert sans restriction tous les sujets de l'optique actuelle. Ce volume spécial du Journal de Physique IV regroupe la majorité des conférences invitées et des communications par affiches. Profitant de la participation des mondes académique et industriel, un forum sur “innovation et nouveaux débouchés pour l'optique” a permis de dégager des raisons d'espoir pour l'emploi des chercheurs en optique. Enfin, renouvelant l'expérience d'éditions précédentes, la dernière demi journée a été consacrée à deux conférences qui étaient ouvertes à un public élargi, notamment les étudiants de l'université et des classes préparatoires ainsi que leurs enseignants. Si Antoine Labeyrie nous a laissés sans voix avec ses projets “hyperfuturistes” d'hypertélescopes à l'échelle du million de kilomètres, Pierre Lena nous a donné un moment de vrai bonheur en célébrant le mariage sans cesse renouvelé du toujours jeune couple que sont l'optique et l'astronomie : qu'il soit remercié aussi pour le magnifique teste publié dans ce volume. COLOQ se devait d'honorer la mémoire de deux personnalités hors du commun de l'optique, Jean Brossel et Gilbert Grynberg. Tous ceux qui avaient connu l'un ou l'autre ont pu apprécier la justesse des évocations, par d'anciens collaborateurs, de l'oeuvre scientifique mais aussi des personnalités de ces deux grands physiciens. On trouvera les textes de ces interventions émouvantes dans ce recueil. La réussite de COLOQ 8 est évidemment due; avant tout, à la qualité scientifique des présentations, mais elle repose aussi sur l'action conjuguée des comités d'organisation national et local. Au niveau local, Françoise Lozes et Jacques Vigué ont mobilisé les membres du LCAR-IRSAMC et du LAAS pour l'organisation conjointe - particuli

  16. 12 CFR 725.4 - Agent membership.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 12 Banks and Banking 6 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Agent membership. 725.4 Section 725.4 Banks and Banking NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION REGULATIONS AFFECTING CREDIT UNIONS NATIONAL CREDIT UNION ADMINISTRATION CENTRAL LIQUIDITY FACILITY § 725.4 Agent membership. (a) A central credit union or a group of...

  17. Multi-issue Agent Negotiation Based on Fairness

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zuo, Baohe; Zheng, Sue; Wu, Hong

    Agent-based e-commerce service has become a hotspot now. How to make the agent negotiation process quickly and high-efficiently is the main research direction of this area. In the multi-issue model, MAUT(Multi-attribute Utility Theory) or its derived theory usually consider little about the fairness of both negotiators. This work presents a general model of agent negotiation which considered the satisfaction of both negotiators via autonomous learning. The model can evaluate offers from the opponent agent based on the satisfaction degree, learn online to get the opponent's knowledge from interactive instances of history and negotiation of this time, make concessions dynamically based on fair object. Through building the optimal negotiation model, the bilateral negotiation achieved a higher efficiency and fairer deal.

  18. 9 CFR 121.4 - Overlap select agents and toxins.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... select agent or toxin to APHIS or CDC. (i) The seizure of any of the following overlap select agents and.... This report must be followed by submission of APHIS/CDC Form 4 within 7 calendar days after seizure of the overlap select agent or toxin. (ii) For all other overlap select agents or toxins, APHIS/CDC Form...

  19. A multi-agent system for coordinating international shipping

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Goldsmith, S.Y.; Phillips, L.R.; Spires, S.V.


    Moving commercial cargo across the US-Mexico border is currently a complex, paper-based, error-prone process that incurs expensive inspections and delays at several ports of entry in the Southwestern US. Improved information handling will dramatically reduce border dwell time, variation in delivery time, and inventories, and will give better control of the shipment process. The Border Trade Facilitation System (BTFS) is an agent-based collaborative work environment that assists geographically distributed commercial and government users with transshipment of goods across the US-Mexico border. Software agents mediate the creation, validation and secure sharing of shipment information and regulatory documentation over the Internet, usingmore » the World Wide Web to interface with human actors. Agents are organized into Agencies. Each agency represents a commercial or government agency. Agents perform four specific functions on behalf of their user organizations: (1) agents with domain knowledge elicit commercial and regulatory information from human specialists through forms presented via web browsers; (2) agents mediate information from forms with diverse otologies, copying invariant data from one form to another thereby eliminating the need for duplicate data entry; (3) cohorts of distributed agents coordinate the work flow among the various information providers and they monitor overall progress of the documentation and the location of the shipment to ensure that all regulatory requirements are met prior to arrival at the border; (4) agents provide status information to human actors and attempt to influence them when problems are predicted.« less

  20. Towards a nanoscale mammographic contrast agent: development of a modular pre-clinical dual optical/x-ray agent

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hill, Melissa L.; Gorelikov, Ivan; Niroui, Farnaz; Levitin, Ronald B.; Mainprize, James G.; Yaffe, Martin J.; Rowlands, J. A.; Matsuura, Naomi


    Contrast-enhanced digital mammography (CEDM) can provide improved breast cancer detection and characterization compared to conventional mammography by imaging the effects of tumour angiogenesis. Current small-molecule contrast agents used for CEDM are limited by a short plasma half-life and rapid extravasation into tissue interstitial space. To address these limitations, nanoscale agents that can remain intravascular except at sites of tumour angiogenesis can be used. For CEDM, this agent must be both biocompatible and strongly attenuate mammographic energy x-rays. Nanoscale perfluorooctylbromide (PFOB) droplets have good x-ray attenuation and have been used in patients for other applications. However, the macroscopic scale of x-ray imaging (50-100 µm) is inadequate for direct verification that PFOB droplets localize at sites of breast tumour angiogenesis. For efficient pre-clinical optimization for CEDM, we integrated an optical marker into PFOB droplets for microscopic assessment (≪50 µm). To develop PFOB droplets as a new nanoscale mammographic contrast agent, PFOB droplets were labelled with fluorescent quantum dots (QDs). The droplets had mean diameters of 160 nm, fluoresced at 635 nm and attenuated x-ray spectra at 30.5 keV mean energy with a relative attenuation of 5.6 ± 0.3 Hounsfield units (HU) mg-1 mL-1 QD-PFOB. With the agent loaded into tissue phantoms, good correlation between x-ray attenuation and optical fluorescence was found (R2 = 0.96), confirming co-localization of the QDs with PFOB for quantitative assessment using x-ray or optical methods. Furthermore, the QDs can be removed from the PFOB agent without affecting its x-ray attenuation or structural properties for expedited translation of optimized PFOB droplet formulations into patients.