Sample records for pacientes con diabetes

  1. Genes del receptor variable beta de células T en células circulantes de pacientes con lupus eritematoso generalizado y sus familiares sanos.


    Jakez-Ocampo, Juan; Paulín-Vera, Carmen María; Rivadeneyra-Espinoza, Liliana; Gómez-Martín, Diana; Carrillo-Maravilla, Eduardo; Lima, Guadalupe; Vargas-Rojas, María Inés; Pérez-Romano, Beatriz; Calva-Cevenini, Gabriella; García-Carrasco, Mario; Ruiz-Argüelles, Alejandro; Llorente, Luis

    Se investigó la proporción de la expresión génica del receptor variable beta de células T (Vβ TCR) en linfocitos periféricos CD3+ en pacientes con lupus eritematoso generalizado (LEG) familiar y no familiar. El repertorio de Vβ TCR se estudió en 14 familias que presentaban más de un miembro con LEG. El uso de Vβ TCR en pacientes con LEG (n = 27) se comparó con el de los miembros sanos de estas familias (n = 47), con 37 pacientes con LEG esporádico y con 15 controles sanos. La expresión del repertorio de Vβ TCR se estudió por citometría de flujo multiparamétrica utilizando un arreglo de 24 diferentes anticuerpos monoclonales específicos de genes familiares para Vβ TCR. Se encontró el mismo perfil de expresión en las comparaciones entre los casos de LEG esporádico y familiar, así como en los consanguíneos sanos de las familias multicasos, que incluía una expresión incrementada de Vβ 5.2, Vβ 11 y Vβ 16, y una menor expresión de Vβ 3, Vβ4, Vβ 7.1 y Vβ 7. De manera interesante, solo Vβ 17 se expresó de modo diferente entre casos familiares y esporádicos de LEG. Igualmente, la expresión incrementada de Vβ 9 fue el distintivo entre los casos de LEG familiar (casos y consanguíneos sanos) y los controles sanos. Estos resultados refuerzan la noción de que el perfil final del repertorio Vβ TCR observado en LEG familiar y no familiar parece surgir de la interacción de factores genéticos, ambientales e inmunorreguladores, además de que pueden explicar las alteraciones inmunitarias que se observan en los consanguíneos sanos de pacientes con LEG. Copyright: © 2018 SecretarÍa de Salud

  2. Encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA: experiencia con seis pacientes pediátricos. Potencial eficacia del metotrexato

    PubMed Central

    Bravo-Oro, Antonio; Abud-Mendoza, Carlos; Quezada-Corona, Arturo; Dalmau, Josep; Campos-Guevara, Verónica


    Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de N-metil-D-aspartato (NMDA) es una entidad cada vez más diagnosticada en edad pediátrica. A diferencia de los adultos, en muchos casos no se asocia a tumores y las manifestaciones iniciales en niños más frecuentes son crisis convulsivas y trastornos del movimiento, mientras que en los adultos predominan las alteraciones psiquiátricas. Casos clínicos Presentamos seis casos pediátricos confirmados con anticuerpos contra la subunidad NR1 del receptor de NMDA en suero y líquido cefalorraquídeo. Cinco de los casos comenzaron con crisis convulsivas como manifestación clínica inicial antes de desarrollar el cuadro clásico de esta entidad. En todos los casos se utilizaron esteroides como primera línea de tratamiento, con los que sólo se observó control de las manifestaciones en uno, por lo que el resto de los pacientes requirió inmunomoduladores de segunda línea. Todos los pacientes recibieron metotrexato como tratamiento inmunomodulador para evitar recaídas y la evolución fue a la mejoría en todos ellos. Conclusiones En nuestra serie de pacientes con encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA, ninguno se asoció a tumores. Todos los casos recibieron metotrexato por lo menos durante un año, no observamos eventos adversos clínicos ni por laboratorio, ni hubo secuelas neurológicas ni recaídas durante el tratamiento. Aunque es una serie pequeña y es deseable incrementar el número y tiempo de evolución, consideramos el metotrexato una excelente alternativa como tratamiento inmunomodulador para esta patología. PMID:24150952

  3. Criptococosis cutánea primaria en paciente inmunocompetente.


    Vázquez-Osorio, Igor; García-Rodiño, Sara; Rodríguez-Rodríguez, Marta; Labandeira, Javier; Suárez-Peñaranda, José Manuel; Sánchez-Aguilar, MDolores; Vázquez-Veiga, Hugo


    La criptococosis cutánea es una micosis propia de pacientes inmunodeprimidos, sobre todo aquellos con infección por el virusde la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH). Sin embargo, existen casos infrecuentes de criptococosis cutánea en pacientes inmunocompetentes, que suelen simular otras dermatosis, lo que retrasa su diagnóstico y tratamiento. Presentamos el caso de un varón pluripatológico de 79 años, con úlceras dolorosas en dorso de mano derecha que no respondían a tratamientos tópicos. A través del estudio histopatológico y micológico se alcanzó el diagnóstico de criptococosis cutánea primaria, lográndose la remisión de las lesiones tras 6 meses de tratamiento con fluconazol.

  4. Planificación Neuroquirúrgica con Software Osirix

    PubMed Central

    Jaimovich, Sebastián Gastón; Guevara, Martin; Pampin, Sergio; Jaimovich, Roberto; Gardella, Javier Luis


    Introducción: La individualidad anatómica es clave para reducir el trauma quirúrgico y obtener un mejor resultado. Actualmente, el avance en las neuroimágenes ha permitido objetivar esa individualidad anatómica, permitiendo planificar la intervención quirúrgica. Con este objetivo, presentamos nuestra experiencia con el software Osirix. Descripción de la técnica: Se presentan 3 casos ejemplificadores de 40 realizados. Caso 1: Paciente con meningioma de la convexidad parasagital izquierda en área premotora; Caso 2: Paciente con macroadenoma hipofisario, operada previamente por vía transeptoesfenoidal en otra institución con una resección parcial; Caso 3: Paciente con lesiones en pedúnculo cerebeloso medio bilateral. Se realizó la planificación prequirúrgica con el software OsiriX, fusionando y reconstruyendo en 3D las imágenes de TC e IRM, para analizar relaciones anatómicas, medir distancias, coordenadas y trayectorias, entre otras funciones. Discusión: El software OsiriX de acceso libre y gratuito permite al cirujano, mediante la fusión y reconstrucción en 3D de imágenes, analizar la anatomía individual del paciente y planificar de forma rápida, simple, segura y económica cirugías de alta complejidad. En el Caso 1 se pudo analizar las relaciones del tumor con las estructuras adyacentes para minimizar el abordaje. En el Caso 2 permitió comprender la anatomía post-operatoria previa del paciente, para determinar la trayectoria del abordaje transnasal endoscópico y la necesidad de ampliar su exposición, logrando la resección tumoral completa. En el Caso 3 permitió obtener las coordenadas estereotáxicas y trayectoria de una lesión sin representación tomográfica. Conclusión: En casos de no contar con costosos sistemas de neuronavegación o estereotáxia el software OsiriX es una alternativa a la hora de planificar la cirugía, con el objetivo de disminuir el trauma y la morbilidad operatoria. PMID:25165617

  5. Effective Universal Coverage of Diabetes Mellitus Type 2 in Chile.


    Guerrero-Núñez, Sara; Valenzuela-Suazo, Sandra; Cid-Henríquez, Patricia


    significante ao 0,05. no Chile a Cobertura Universal Efetiva da Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (HbA1c<7% em população estimada) é menor que 20%. Esta se relaciona com uma Taxa de Mortalidade por Diabetes Mellitus e Percentagem de participação de enfermeiras no Programa de Saúde Cardiovascular, que ademais é significativa ao 0,01. a prevalência de Cobertura Universal Efetiva da Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 é baixa, mesmo quando algumas regiões se destacam nas pesquisas e no controle metabólico de pacientes assistentes ao controle. Sua relação com a Percentagem de participação de enfermeiras no Programa de Saúde Cardiovascular se constitui em um desafio e oportunidade em saúde. determinar la prevalencia de la Cobertura Universal Efectiva de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2 en Chile y su relación con las variables: Cobertura de Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2, Promedio de diabéticos con control metabólico en 2011-2013, Tasa de Mortalidad por Diabetes Mellitus y Porcentaje de participación de enfermeros en el Programa de Salud Cardiovascular. estudio descriptivo transversal con componentes ecológicos, utilizando fuentes documentales del Ministerio de Salud. Se estableció que existe correlación entre la Cobertura Universal Efectiva de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 y las variables independientes, aplicando el Coeficiente de Pearson, siendo significativa al nivel 0,05. en Chile la Cobertura Universal Efectiva de Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (HbA1c<7% en población estimada) es menor que 20%; esta se relaciona con la Tasa de Mortalidad por Diabetes Mellitus y con el Porcentaje de participación de enfermeras en el Programa de Salud Cardiovascular, que es significativa al nivel 0,01. la prevalencia de Cobertura Universal Efectiva de la Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 es baja; sin embargo algunas regiones se destacan en la cobertura y en el control metabólico de pacientes que participan del control de salud. La relación de la cobertura con el porcentaje de participación de enfermeras en el

  6. Tratamiento Quirúrgico de los Meningiomas del Foramen Óptico, Técnicay Resultados de una Serie de 18 Pacientes

    PubMed Central

    Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Ajler, Pablo; Campero, Álvaro; Landriel, Federico; Sposito, Maximiliano; Carrizo, Antonio


    Introducción: los meningiomas del foramen óptico producen un rápido deterioro de la función visual aún cuando su tamaño es pequeño, por eso su diagnóstico y manejo difiere del resto de los meningiomas clinoideos. El propósito de este estudio es presentar la técnica y los resultados de nuestro manejo quirúrgico de meningiomas foraminales (MF). Pacientes y Métodos: se llevó a cabo una revisión de las historias clínicas de 47 pacientes con meningiomas primarios intraorbitarios. Se realizaron 52 cirugías en los pacientes con MF. Se empleó una craneotomía fronto-orbitaria, seguida de una descompresión extradural del canal óptico, resección del componente intraorbitario y exploración intradural del nervio óptico. Resultados: de los 12 pacientes con MF que presentaban la visión conservada, la agudeza visual fue preservada en 7 casos, mejoró en 2, y empeoró en 3. En 18 pacientes, el principal síntoma fue exoftalmos y en 35 pacientes ceguera unilateral. Ocurrieron 6 recurrencias, 2 a 10 años después de la resección quirúrgica. Cinco de ellos fueron reoperados. Se indicó radioterapia después de la recurrencia en 3 pacientes. Conclusión: el manejo de los MF continúa siendo controvertido y frecuentemente se propone un tratamiento conservador. Basados en nuestros hallazgos de frecuente extensión intracraneal, proponemos realizar una resección total o subtotal del tumor, preservando el nervio óptico en pacientes con visión prequirúrgica conservada. PMID:25165616

  7. Lesiones subcutáneas dolorosas en paciente con melanoma metastásico: un caso de paniculitis linfocítica asociado a vemurafenib.


    Benavente-Villegas, Felipe; Ferrando-Roca, Francisco; Dolz-Gaitón, Raquel; Royo-Peiró, María


    Vemurafenib ha probado ser una herramienta útil en el tratamiento de melanoma metastásico con mutación BRAF-V600E. Los efectos adversos incluyen artralgias, fatiga y toxicidad cutánea, siendo infrecuente la paniculitis. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 43 años con melanoma metastásico que desarrolla lesiones subcutáneas dolorosas en miembros inferiores y superiores, asociadas a clínica sistémica después de 2 semanas de inicio de tratamiento con Vemurafenib + Cobimetinib. La histología demostró paniculitis linfocitaria septal y lobulillar. La paciente tuvo mala tolerancia al tratamiento anti diana a dosis plenas, requiriendo su ajuste, generando una corticodependencia para controlar sintomatología, y que finalmente obligó a la descontinuación de la terapia dirigida contra melanoma.  A la fecha, se han descrito 29 casos en la literatura de paniculitis asociada a vemurafenib, siendo la mayoría paniculitis neutrofílicas con adecuado control de sintomatología asociando antiinflamatorios no esteroidales y/o corticoides orales sin requerir en su mayoría modificación de la terapia contra melanoma; sin embargo hay que tener presente que pueden haber casos con mala evolución que obligan a la reducción de dosis de vemurafenib y descontinuar el tratamiento, como ha ocurrido en nuestro reporte.Vemurafenib has proven to be a useful tool in the treatment of metastatic melanoma with BRAF-V600E mutation. Adverse effects include arthralgia, fatigue, and skin toxicity; panniculitis is a rare complication. We present the case of a 43-year-old patient with metastatic melanoma who developed painful subcutaneous nodules of the lower and upper limbs and associated systemic clinical symptoms after 2 weeks of treatment with vemurafenib plus cobimetinib. Histology showed a septal and lobular lymphocytic panniculitis.The patient had poor tolerance of the full-dose treatment, requiring its adjustment. Systemic corticosteroids were required to control symptomatology


    PubMed Central

    Silvia, Mejía-Arango; Clemente, y Zúñiga-Gil


    Introduccion La diabetes mellitus y las demencias constituyen dos problemas crecientes de salud entre la población adulta mayor del mundo y en particular de los paises en desarrollo. Hacen falta estudios longitudinales sobre el papel de la diabetes como factor de riesgo para demencia. Objetivo Determinar el riesgo de demencia en sujetos Mexicanos con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Materiales y Metodos Los sujetos diabéticos libres de demencia pertenecientes al Estudio Nacional de Salud y Envejecimiento en México fueron evaluados a los dos años de la línea de base. Se estudió el papel de los factores sociodemográficos, de otras comorbilidades y del tipo de tratamiento en la conversión a demencia. Resultados Durante la línea de base 749 sujetos (13.8%) tuvieron diabetes. El riesgo de desarrollar demencia en estos individuos fue el doble (RR, 2.08 IC 95%, 1.59–2.73). Se encontró un riesgo mayor en individuos de 80 años y más (RR 2.44 IC 95%, 1.46–4.08), en los hombres (RR, 2.25 IC 95%, 1.46–3.49) y en sujetos con nivel educativo menor de 7 años. El estar bajo tratamiento con insulina incrementó el riesgo de demencia (RR, 2.83, IC 95%, 1.58–5.06). Las otras comorbilidades que aumentaron el riesgo de demencia en los pacientes diabéticos fueron la hipertensión (RR, 2.75, IC 95%, 1.86–4.06) y la depresión (RR, 3.78, 95% IC 2.37–6.04). Conclusión Los sujetos con diabetes mellitus tienen un riesgo mayor de desarrollar demencia, La baja escolaridad y otras comorbilidades altamente prevalentes en la población Mexicana contribuyen a la asociación diabetes-demencia. PMID:21948010


    PubMed Central

    Barrantes-Monge, Melba; Rodríguez, Eduardo; Lama, Alexis


    Existen prejuicios en relación con la vejez, incluso entre los profesionales que se dedican a la gerontología. Uno común y peligroso es considerar que los viejos son todos enfermos o discapacitados. La relación médico-paciente es la piedra angular de la práctica y ética médicas. Para alcanzar el respeto por los adultos mayores es necesaria una medicina prudente, basada en una práctica en la cual la reflexión ética y clínica pueda contribuir. Esto último es posible si se hacen valer los derechos del adulto mayor, en particular como paciente para la toma de decisiones. PMID:20379380

  10. La salud en personas con discapacidad intelectual en España: estudio europeo POMONA-II

    PubMed Central

    Martínez-Leal, Rafael; Salvador-Carulla, Luis; Gutiérrez-Colosía, Mencía Ruiz; Nadal, Margarida; Novell-Alsina, Ramón; Martorell, Almudena; González-Gordón, Rodrigo G.; Mérida-Gutiérrez, M. Reyes; Ángel, Silvia; Milagrosa-Tejonero, Luisa; Rodríguez, Alicia; García-Gutiérrez, Juan C.; Pérez-Vicente, Amado; García-Ibáñez, José; Aguilera-Inés, Francisco


    Introducción Estudios internacionales demuestran que existe un patrón diferenciado de salud y una disparidad en la atención sanitaria entre personas con discapacidad intelectual (DI) y población general. Objetivo Obtener datos sobre el estado de salud de las personas con DI y compararlos con datos de población general. Pacientes y métodos Se utilizó el conjunto de indicadores de salud P15 en una muestra de 111 sujetos con DI. Los datos de salud encontrados se compararon según el tipo de residencia de los sujetos y se utilizó la Encuesta Nacional de Salud 2006 para comparar estos datos con los de la población general. Resultados La muestra con DI presentó 25 veces más casos de epilepsia y el doble de obesidad. Un 20% presentó dolor bucal, y existió una alta presencia de problemas sensoriales, de movilidad y psicosis. Sin embargo, encontramos una baja presencia de patologías como la diabetes, la hipertensión, la osteoartritis y la osteoporosis. También presentaron una menor participación en programas de prevención y promoción de la salud, un mayor número de ingresos hospitalarios y un uso menor de los servicios de urgencia. Conclusiones El patrón de salud de las personas con DI difiere del de la población general, y éstas realizan un uso distinto de los servicios sanitarios. Es importante el desarrollo de programas de promoción de salud y de formación profesional específicamente diseñados para la atención de personas con DI, así como la implementación de encuestas de salud que incluyan datos sobre esta población. PMID:21948011

  11. Effect of pioglitazone on vasopressor responses to adrenergic agonists and angiotensin II in diabetic and non-diabetic spontaneously hypertensive rats.


    Afzal, Sheryar; Sattar, Munavvar Abdul; Akhtar, Safia; Binti Abdullah, Nor Azizan; Eseyin, Olorunfemi A; Abdulla, Mohammed H; Johns, Edward James


    Pioglitazone, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR-γ) agonist, is a therapeutic drug for diabetes. Present study investigated the interaction between PPAR-γ and alpha adrenoceptors in modulating vasopressor responses to Angiotensin II (Ang II) and adrenergic agonists, in diabetic & non-diabetic Spontaneously Hypertensive Rats (SHRs). Diabetes was induced with an i.p injection of streptozotocin (40 mg/kg) in two groups (STZ-CON, STZ-PIO), whereas two groups remained non diabetic (ND-CO, ND-PIO). One diabetic and non-diabetic group received Pioglitazone (10mg/kg) orally for 21 days. On day 28, the animals were anaesthetized with sodium pentobarbitone (60mg/kg) and prepared for measurement of systemic haemodynamics. Basal mean arterial pressure of STZ-CON was higher than ND-CON, whereas following pioglitazone treatment, MAP was lower compared to respective controls. MAP responses to i.v administration of NA, PE, ME and ANG II were significantly lower in diabetic SHRs: STZ-CON vs ND-CON (35%). Pioglitazone significantly decreased responses to NA, PE, ME and ANG II in ND-PIO versus ND-CON by 63%. Responses to NA and ANG II were significantly attenuated in STZ-PIO vs. ND-PIO (40%). PPAR-γ regulates systemic hemodynamic in diabetic model and cross-talk relationship exists between PPAR-γ and α1-adrenoceptors, ANG II in systemic vasculature of SHRs.

  12. Clinical and sociodemographic variables associated with diabetes-related distress in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    Zanchetta, Flávia Cristina; Trevisan, Danilo Donizetti; Apolinario, Priscila Peruzzo; Silva, Juliana Bastoni da; Lima, Maria Helena de Melo


    To evaluate the relation between diabetes-related distress and the clinical and sociodemographic characteristics of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients. A cross-sectional study based on a secondary analysis of data collected at a specialized care outpatient center in Brazil. Participants completed a questionnaire on sociodemographic and clinical characteristics and the Brazilian version of the Diabetes Distress Scale (B-DDS). About 31% of the 130 eligible patients reported diabetes distress, and the mean B-DDS score was 2.6. Multiple regression analysis showed the B-DDS score was positively correlated with marital status (p=0.0230), use of diet and physical activities for diabetes management (p=0.0180), and use of insulin therapy (p=0.0030). The "emotional burden", "regimen-related distress", and "interpersonal distress" domains from B-DDS were associated with the use of insulin therapy (p=0.0010), marital status (p=0.0110), and the presence of three or more comorbidities (p=0.0175). These findings suggest the clinical and sociodemographic variables are relatively weak predictors of diabetes-related distress. The highest scores in the B-DDS were observed in the emotional burden domain, indicating the presence of diabetes distress among the participants of the study. Avaliar a relação entre o estresse relacionado ao diabetes e as características clínicas e sociodemográficas de pacientes com diabetes mellitus do tipo 2. Estudo transversal com base na análise secundária de dados coletados em um ambulatório de atendimento terciário no Brasil. Os participantes preencheram um questionário sobre as características sociodemográficas e clínicas, e a versão brasileira da Diabetes Distress Scale (B-DDS). Aproximadamente 31% dos 130 pacientes elegíveis relataram estresse relacionado ao diabetes, e a média do escore da B-DDS foi de 2,6. O modelo de regressão múltipla mostrou que a pontuação B-DDS foi positivamente correlacionada com o estado civil (p=0

  13. Aspergilosis cervical con diseminación al sistema nervioso central. Presentación de un caso y revisión de bibliografía

    PubMed Central

    Vergara, Guillermo Enrique; Roura, Natalia; del Castillo, Marcelo; Mora, Andrea; Alcorta, Santiago Condomi; Mormandi, Rubén; Cervio, Andrés; Salvat, Jorge


    Introducción: la Aspergilosis Invasiva (AI) del Sistema Nervioso Central (SNC) es infrecuente y ocurre generalmente en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Puede presentarse con cuadros de meningitis, aneurismas micóticos, infartos o abscesos. Es una infección con pronóstico reservado y puede afectar el SNC de forma primaria o secundaria a partir de un foco que se disemina por vía hematógena. Presentamos el caso de un paciente con AI con invasión primaria a nivel óseo y diseminación posterior al cerebro. Caso clínico: Paciente masculino de 25 años con diagnóstico de leucemia linfática aguda en tratamiento quimioterápico que presentó neumonitis por metotrexate por lo que inicia tratamiento con corticoides. Posteriormente agregó cervicalgia y con el diagnóstico de osteomielitis cervical se realiza punción bajo tomografía computada (TC) sin aislarse gérmenes. Se colocó Halo Vest e inició tratamiento antibiótico empírico. Posteriormente presentó afasia de expresión secundaria a lesión frontal izquierda. Se realizó evacuación de absceso cerebral aislando A. fumigatus. El tratamiento antibiótico específico posterior permitió una buena respuesta clínica y radiológica. Conclusión: La presencia de lesiones en el SNC de pacientes inmunocomprometidos debe incluir a las micosis como diagnóstico diferencial. La evacuación quirúrgica permite llegar rápidamente al diagnóstico mejorando la respuesta posterior al tratamiento antibiótico. Para evaluar la respuesta terapéutica y posibles recaídas se debe realizar un seguimiento periódico clínico radiológico. Palabras clave: Aspergilosis cerebral; Aspergilosis cervical; Aspergilosis invasiva; Voriconazol. PMID:26600985

  14. Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus remission eighteen months after Roux-en-Y gastric bypass.


    Girundi, Marcelo Gomes


    to evaluate the effectiveness of Roux-en-Y gastric bypass in improving the glycemic profile of obese patients with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM2) after 18 months of follow-up. four hundred sixty-eight pacients with DM2 and BMI ≥35 were submitted to Roux-en-Y gastric bypass, from 1998 to 2010. All patients were submitted to glycemic control analysis in the 3rd, 6th, 9th, 12th and 18th postoperative months. We considered: type 2 diabetic patients, the ones with fasting glucose ≥126mg/dl and HbA1C ≥6.5 in two dosages; high risk patients for diabetes, those who presented fasting glucose ≥ 100 to 125 mg/dl and HbA1C between 5.7%-6.4%; and normal patients, those presenting glucose <100mg/dl and HbA1C <5.7%. Such diagnostic criteria were based on the official position of Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes, published in July, 2011. The remission of DM2 was seen in 410 (87.6%) out of 468 patients 18 months after the surgery, that being a meaningful difference, with p<0.001. Fourty-eight (10.3%) patients sustained criteria for the disease and ten (2.1%) continued at high risk for DM2. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass was effective in the promotion and maintaince of long-term glycemic control. There are evidences showing that the remission of DM2 is not only related to weight loss and that other enteroinsular axis mechanisms must be involved. avaliar a eficácia da gastroplastia com derivação em Y-de-Roux, em pacientes obesos e portadores de Diabetes Mellitus tipo 2 (DM2), na melhoria do perfil glicêmico após 18 meses de seguimento. foram submetidos à derivação gástrica em Y-de-Roux 468 pacientes com IMC ≥35 e portadores de DM2, no período de 1998 a 2010. Todos os pacientes tiveram a análise do controle glicêmico realizadas no terceiro, sexto, nono, 12o e 18o meses de pós-operatório. Os critérios diagnósticos de diabetes foram baseados no Posicionamento Oficial da Sociedade Brasileira de Diabetes, publicado em julho de 2011. observou-se a remissão do DM2 em

  15. Ependimoma myxopapilar sacro gigante con osteolisis

    PubMed Central

    Ajler, Pablo; Landriel, Federico; Goldschmidt, Ezequiel; Campero, Álvaro; Yampolsky, Claudio


    Objetivo: la presentación de un caso de una paciente con un ependimoma sacro con extensa infiltración y destrucción ósea local. Descripción del caso: una mujer de 53 años acudió a la consulta por dolor lumbosacro y alteraciones sensitivas perineales y esfinterianas. La imágenes por Resonancia Magnética (IRM) y la Tomografía Axial Computada (TAC) mostraron una lesión expansiva gigante a nivel S2-S4 con extensa osteólisis e invasión de tejidos adyacentes. Se realizó una exéresis tumoral completa con mejoría del estatus funcional. La anatomía patológica informó ependimoma mixopapilar. Discusión: la extensión de la resección quirúrgica es el mejor predictor de buen pronóstico. El tratamiento radiante se reserva como opción adyuvante para las resecciones incompletas y recidiva tumoral. La quimioterapia sólo debería utilizarse en casos en que la cirugía y la radioterapia estén contraindicadas. Conclusión: Los ependimomas mixopapilares sacros con destrucción ósea y presentación intra y extradural son muy infrecuentes y deben ser tenidos en cuenta entre los diagnósticos diferenciales preoperatorios. Su resección total, siempre que sea posible, es la mejor alternativa terapéutica. PMID:25165615

  16. Meal Planning for People with Diabetes, 2nd Edition = Planificacion de Comidas para Personas con Diabetes, 2 Edicion.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Migrant Resource Program, Inc., Austin, TX.

    This booklet provides information about diabetes and meal planning particularly designed for migrant individuals. The first section defines diabetes, explains different types of diabetes, lists results of uncontrolled diabetes, and describes the goals and components of a diabetic meal plan. The second section explains the exchange system of…

  17. [Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus in patients with chronic kidney disease. Grupo de Trabajo para el Documento de Consenso sobre el tratamiento de la diabetes tipo 2 en el paciente con enfermedad renal crónica].


    Gómez-Huelgas, Ricardo; Martínez-Castelao, Alberto; Artola, Sara; Górriz, José Luis; Menéndez, Edelmiro


    Chronic kidney disease (CKD) and type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) are highly prevalent chronic diseases, which represent an important public health problem and require a multidisciplinary management. T2DM is the main cause of CKD and it also causes a significant comorbidity with regard to non-diabetic nephropathy. Patients with diabetes and kidney disease represent a special risk group as they have higher morbi-mortality as well as higher risk of hypoglycemia than diabetic individuals with a normal kidney function. Treatment of T2DM in patients with CKD is controversial because of the scarcity of available evidence. The current consensus report aims to ease the appropriate selection and dosage of antidiabetic treatments as well as the establishment of safety objectives of glycemic control in patients with CKD. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier España, S.L. All rights reserved.

  18. Decreased health-related quality of life in patients with diabetic foot problems.


    Sothornwit, Jin; Srisawasdi, Gulapar; Suwannakin, Atchara; Sriwijitkamol, Apiradee


    The aim of this study was to investigate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with diabetic foot problems and compare the HRQoL between diabetic patients with: 1) diabetic foot problems (DF), including diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) or amputation (AMPU); 2) other diabetic complications (COM), such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or coronary artery disease (CAD); and 3) no diabetic complication (CON). A total of 254 diabetic patients were studied in a cross-sectional setting. HRQoL was evaluated using Thai version of the Euro Quality of Life Questionnaire (EuroQoL), with five dimensions and five-level scale (EQ-5D-5L). Utility scores were calculated using time trade-off methods. A total of 141 patients in the DF group (98 DFU and 43 AMPU groups), 82 in the COM group (27 DR, 28 ESRD, and 27 CAD groups), and 31 in the CON group were interviewed. The mean age was 63.2±12.1 years, body mass index was 24.9±4.7 kg/m 2 , mean hemoglobin A1c was 7.7±2.1%, duration of diabetes was 13.1±9.9 years, and the mean utility scores were 0.799±0.25. After having DF, 21% of patients had lost their jobs. The COM group had lower utility scores than the CON group. Among the diabetic complications, the DF group had the lowest mean utility scores as compared to the COM and CON groups (0.703±0.28 in the DF group, 0.903±0.15 in the COM group, and 0.961±0.06 in the CON group, P <0.01). There was no difference in the mean utility scores between DFU and AMPU groups. Patients in the DF group reported moderate-to-severe problem in all dimensions more than the other groups. DF have the greatest negative impact on HRQoL. Therefore, diabetic foot care should be emphasized in clinical practice to prevent foot complications.

  19. Propiedades biomecánicas de la membrana limitante interna tras recibir tratamiento intravítreo con ocriplasmina.


    Vielmuth, Franziska; Schumann, Ricarda G; Spindler, Volker; Wolf, Armin; Scheler, Renate; Mayer, Wolfgang J; Henrich, Paul B; Haritoglou, Christos


    Objetivo: Evaluar la rigidez de la membrana limitante interna (MLI) humana y evaluar los posibles cambios de las propiedades mecánicas tras administrar una inyección intravítrea de ocriplasmina para tratar la tracción vitreomacular. Métodos: Este estudio se compone de una serie de casos intervencionales y comparativos de 12 muestras de MLI extraídas mediante cirugía y obtenidas de forma consecutiva de 9 ojos de 9 pacientes después de someterse sin éxito a vitreólisis farmacológica con ocriplasmina. Durante el mismo periodo de tiempo, 16 muestras de otros 13 ojos sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina se obtuvieron mediante vitrectomía y sirvieron como controles. Todos los pacientes presentaron agujeros maculares o tracción vitreomacular y se sometieron a vitrectomía con disección de la MLI tanto con tinción con azul brillante (AB) como sin ella. Todas las muestras se analizaron con un microscopio de fuerza atómica con imágenes de las regiones de 25 × 25 μm. En todas las muestras, se analizaron tanto la parte de la retina como la del vítreo de la MLI. Resultados: La microscopia de fuerza atómica no reveló diferencias significativas en cuanto a elasticidad de las muestras de MLI extraídas de ojos con o sin tratamiento con ocriplasmina. Las áreas onduladas de la parte de la retina presentaron una mayor rigidez que la parte del vítreo de la MLI. La cartografía topográfica tanto de la parte del vítreo como de la retina de la MLI no mostró ninguna alteración aparente de la morfología en ojos tratados con ocriplasmina en comparación con los ojos no tratados. La tinción con azul brillante conllevó un aumento de la rigidez tisular. Conclusiones: Las inyecciones intravítreas de ocriplasmina no varían las propiedades biomecánicas de la MLI humana. No existen pruebas de un posible efecto enzimático que interfiera con la rigidez de esta membrana basal. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  20. Decreased health-related quality of life in patients with diabetic foot problems

    PubMed Central

    Sothornwit, Jin; Srisawasdi, Gulapar; Suwannakin, Atchara; Sriwijitkamol, Apiradee


    Purpose The aim of this study was to investigate health-related quality of life (HRQoL) in patients with diabetic foot problems and compare the HRQoL between diabetic patients with: 1) diabetic foot problems (DF), including diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) or amputation (AMPU); 2) other diabetic complications (COM), such as diabetic retinopathy (DR), end-stage renal disease (ESRD), or coronary artery disease (CAD); and 3) no diabetic complication (CON). Patients and methods A total of 254 diabetic patients were studied in a cross-sectional setting. HRQoL was evaluated using Thai version of the Euro Quality of Life Questionnaire (EuroQoL), with five dimensions and five-level scale (EQ-5D-5L). Utility scores were calculated using time trade-off methods. Results A total of 141 patients in the DF group (98 DFU and 43 AMPU groups), 82 in the COM group (27 DR, 28 ESRD, and 27 CAD groups), and 31 in the CON group were interviewed. The mean age was 63.2±12.1 years, body mass index was 24.9±4.7 kg/m2, mean hemoglobin A1c was 7.7±2.1%, duration of diabetes was 13.1±9.9 years, and the mean utility scores were 0.799±0.25. After having DF, 21% of patients had lost their jobs. The COM group had lower utility scores than the CON group. Among the diabetic complications, the DF group had the lowest mean utility scores as compared to the COM and CON groups (0.703±0.28 in the DF group, 0.903±0.15 in the COM group, and 0.961±0.06 in the CON group, P<0.01). There was no difference in the mean utility scores between DFU and AMPU groups. Patients in the DF group reported moderate-to-severe problem in all dimensions more than the other groups. Conclusion DF have the greatest negative impact on HRQoL. Therefore, diabetic foot care should be emphasized in clinical practice to prevent foot complications. PMID:29563821

  1. Sulfonylurea treatment before genetic testing in neonatal diabetes: pros and cons.


    Carmody, David; Bell, Charles D; Hwang, Jessica L; Dickens, Jazzmyne T; Sima, Daniela I; Felipe, Dania L; Zimmer, Carrie A; Davis, Ajuah O; Kotlyarevska, Kateryna; Naylor, Rochelle N; Philipson, Louis H; Greeley, Siri Atma W


    Diabetes in neonates nearly always has a monogenic etiology. Earlier sulfonylurea therapy can improve glycemic control and potential neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with KCNJ11 or ABCC8 mutations, the most common gene causes. Assess the risks and benefits of initiating sulfonylurea therapy before genetic testing results become available. Observational retrospective study of subjects with neonatal diabetes within the University of Chicago Monogenic Diabetes Registry. Response to sulfonylurea (determined by whether insulin could be discontinued) and treatment side effects in those treated empirically. A total of 154 subjects were diagnosed with diabetes before 6 months of age. A genetic diagnosis had been determined in 118 (77%), with 73 (47%) having a mutation in KCNJ11 or ABCC8. The median time from clinical diagnosis to genetic diagnosis was 10.4 weeks (range, 1.6 to 58.2 wk). In nine probands, an empiric sulfonylurea trial was initiated within 28 days of diabetes diagnosis. A genetic cause was subsequently found in eight cases, and insulin was discontinued within 14 days of sulfonylurea initiation in all of these cases. Sulfonylurea therapy appears to be safe and often successful in neonatal diabetes patients before genetic testing results are available; however, larger numbers of cases must be studied. Given the potential beneficial effect on neurodevelopmental outcome, glycemic control, and the current barriers to expeditious acquisition of genetic testing, an empiric inpatient trial of sulfonylurea can be considered. However, obtaining a genetic diagnosis remains imperative to inform long-term management and prognosis.

  2. Sulfonylurea Treatment Before Genetic Testing in Neonatal Diabetes: Pros and Cons

    PubMed Central

    Carmody, David; Bell, Charles D.; Hwang, Jessica L.; Dickens, Jazzmyne T.; Sima, Daniela I.; Felipe, Dania L.; Zimmer, Carrie A.; Davis, Ajuah O.; Kotlyarevska, Kateryna; Naylor, Rochelle N.; Philipson, Louis H.


    Context: Diabetes in neonates nearly always has a monogenic etiology. Earlier sulfonylurea therapy can improve glycemic control and potential neurodevelopmental outcomes in children with KCNJ11 or ABCC8 mutations, the most common gene causes. Objective: Assess the risks and benefits of initiating sulfonylurea therapy before genetic testing results become available. Design, Setting, and Patients: Observational retrospective study of subjects with neonatal diabetes within the University of Chicago Monogenic Diabetes Registry. Main Outcome Measures: Response to sulfonylurea (determined by whether insulin could be discontinued) and treatment side effects in those treated empirically. Results: A total of 154 subjects were diagnosed with diabetes before 6 months of age. A genetic diagnosis had been determined in 118 (77%), with 73 (47%) having a mutation in KCNJ11 or ABCC8. The median time from clinical diagnosis to genetic diagnosis was 10.4 weeks (range, 1.6 to 58.2 wk). In nine probands, an empiric sulfonylurea trial was initiated within 28 days of diabetes diagnosis. A genetic cause was subsequently found in eight cases, and insulin was discontinued within 14 days of sulfonylurea initiation in all of these cases. Conclusions: Sulfonylurea therapy appears to be safe and often successful in neonatal diabetes patients before genetic testing results are available; however, larger numbers of cases must be studied. Given the potential beneficial effect on neurodevelopmental outcome, glycemic control, and the current barriers to expeditious acquisition of genetic testing, an empiric inpatient trial of sulfonylurea can be considered. However, obtaining a genetic diagnosis remains imperative to inform long-term management and prognosis. PMID:25238204

  3. Sabemos prescrever profilaxia de tromboembolismo venoso nos pacientes internados?

    PubMed Central

    Lopes, Bruno Abdala Candido; Teixeira, Isabela Pizzatto; de Souza, Taynara Dantas; Tafarel, Jean Rodrigo


    Resumo Contexto Embora preconizada, a profilaxia de tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) deixa de ser realizada sistematicamente em pacientes internados. Objetivo Verificar se os pacientes hospitalizados recebem a prescrição correta da profilaxia de TEV do médico responsável por sua internação, conforme sua categoria de risco. Métodos Estudo transversal com análise de prontuários de pacientes internados no Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Curitiba, PR, entre 20 de março e 25 de maio de 2015. Excluíram-se os pacientes em uso de anticoagulantes ou com sangramento ativo. Analisou-se gênero, idade, tipo de cobertura de saúde, especialidade responsável pelo paciente e fatores de risco dos pacientes para classificá-los em alto, moderado ou baixo risco para TEV. Comparou-se o uso ou não da profilaxia entre as prescrições das especialidades clínicas e cirúrgicas, pacientes internados pelo Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e por convênios e de acordo com seu risco para TEV. Resultados Dos 78 pacientes avaliados, oito preencheram os critérios de exclusão. Dos 70 pacientes elegíveis (média etária 56,9 anos; 41 homens; 62 cobertos pelo SUS), 31 eram tratados por clínicos e 39 por cirurgiões. Apenas 46 (65,71%) pacientes receberam profilaxia para TEV. Dentre os pacientes clínicos, 29 (93,5%) receberam profilaxia, contra 17 (43,6%) do grupo cirúrgico (p < 0,001). Pacientes clínicos de moderado e alto risco receberam mais profilaxia que os cirúrgicos (p < 0,001 e p = 0,002). Não houve diferenças quanto à cobertura de saúde (SUS versus convênios médicos). Conclusões No Hospital Santa Casa de Misericórdia de Curitiba, pacientes cirúrgicos estão menos protegidos de eventos tromboembólicos em relação aos clínicos. PMID:29930647

  4. Papiloma invertido sinunasal con invasión intracraneal: Reporte de caso y revisión bibliográfica

    PubMed Central

    Di Pietrantonio, Andrés; Asmus, Humberto; Ingratta, Christian; Brennan, Walter; Schulz, Javier; Carballo, Leandro


    Resumen IntroducciÓn: El papiloma invertido es una neoplasia benigna de los senos paranasales localmente agresiva con alto potencial de recurrencia y de malignización. La extensión intracraneal es infrecuente y más aún, la penetración dural, asociándose a menudo a la recurrencia de la enfermedad o a su degeneración en carcinoma de células escamosas. Caso clínico: Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 32 años que consultó por lesión exofítica en fosa nasal derecha y exoftalmos, asociada a cefalea, anosmia y disgeusia. Se estudió con TC cerebro, macizo facial y RM de encéfalo que evidencian lesión en fosa nasal derecha con ocupación de senos aéreos, osteólisis de pared medial orbitaria y base de cráneo anterior e invasión intracraneal frontal derecha, con efecto de masa y compresión del parénquima encefálico adyacente. Intervención: Se realizó una nasofibroscopía en primer tiempo con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de papiloma invertido y posteriormente resección de la lesión mediante doble abordaje más reconstrucción de la fosa craneal anterior. Se obtuvo diagnóstico definitivo de papiloma invertido de tipo Schneideriano con áreas de transformación atípica in situ. La paciente evolucionó de forma favorable y sin complicaciones, con permeabilidad de vía aérea superior, sin signos de recidiva lesional luego de 4 años de seguimiento. Conclusión: La invasión intracraneal de esta patología es sumamente infrecuente. Cuando existe, es indicador de agresividad y potencial recidiva, por lo que la exéresis completa de la misma define el pronóstico de la enfermedad. PMID:29430328

  5. Construction and validation of the Self-care Assessment Instrument for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    Mendonça, Simonize Cunha Barreto de; Zanetti, Maria Lúcia; Sawada, Namie Okino; Barreto, Ikaro Daniel de Carvalho; Andrade, Joseilze Santos de; Otero, Liudmila Miyar


    to construct and validate the contents of the Self-care Assessment instrument for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. methodological study, based on Orem's General Theory of Nursing. The empirical categories and the items of the instrument were elucidated through a focus group. The content validation process was performed by seven specialists and the semantic analysis by 14 patients. The Content Validity Indices of the items, ≥0.78, and of the scale, ≥0.90, were considered excellent. the instrument contains 131 items in six dimensions corresponding to the health deviation self-care requisites. Regarding the maintenance, a Content Validity Index of 0.98 was obtained for the full set of items, and, regarding the relevance, Content Validity Indices ≥0.80 were obtained for the majority of the assessed psychometric criteria. the instrument showed evidence of content validity. construir e validar o conteúdo do instrumento Avaliação do Autocuidado para pacientes com diabetes mellitus tipo 2. estudo metodológico, fundamentado na Teoria Geral de Enfermagem de Orem. As categorias empíricas e os itens do instrumento foram elucidados por meio de grupo focal. O processo de validação de conteúdo foi realizado por sete especialistas e a análise semântica por 14 pacientes. Foram considerados como excelente Índice de Validade de Conteúdo dos itens ≥ 0,78 e da escala ≥ 0,90. o instrumento contém seis dimensões correspondentes aos requisitos de autocuidado para o desvio da saúde, desmembradas em 131 itens. Quanto à permanência, obteve-se para o conjunto total de itens Índice de Validade de Conteúdo de 0,98, e quanto à adequação Índice de Validade de Conteúdo ≥ 0,80 para maioria dos critérios psicométricos avaliados. o instrumento mostrou evidências de validade de conteúdo. construir y validar el contenido del instrumento Evaluación del Autocuidado para pacientes con diabetes mellitus tipo 2. estudio metodológico, fundamentado en la Teor

  6. Diabetic aggravation of stroke and animal models

    PubMed Central

    Rehni, Ashish K.; Liu, Allen; Perez-Pinzon, Miguel A.; Dave, Kunjan R.


    Cerebral ischemia in diabetics results in severe brain damage. Different animal models of cerebral ischemia have been used to study the aggravation of ischemic brain damage in the diabetic condition. Since different disease conditions such as diabetes differently affect outcome following cerebral ischemia, the Stroke Therapy Academic Industry Roundtable (STAIR) guidelines recommends use of diseased animals for evaluating neuroprotective therapies targeted to reduce cerebral ischemic damage. The goal of this review is to discuss the technicalities and pros/cons of various animal models of cerebral ischemia currently being employed to study diabetes-related ischemic brain damage. The rational use of such animal systems in studying the disease condition may better help evaluate novel therapeutic approaches for diabetes related exacerbation of ischemic brain damage. PMID:28274862

  7. [Cambios en la salud sexual de los pacientes obesos tras cirugía bariátrica].


    Pomares-Callejón, María A; Ferrer-Márquez, Manuel; Solvas-Salmerón, María J


    Los objetivos del estudio fueron: 1) evaluar la salud sexual en pacientes con obesidad grave/mórbida candidatos a cirugía bariátrica; y 2) valorar la evolución de la salud sexual tras 12 meses de la cirugía. Estudio descriptivo, prospectivo desde febrero de 2011 hasta junio de 2014. Se valoró la actividad sexual en los hombres a través del cuestionario EVAS-H y la función sexual en la mujer a través de la escala FSM (44 pacientes). Durante el estudio basal en los hombres, un 21% de la muestra presentó disfunción sexual en diferentes dimensiones, mientras que un 43% presentó problemas de eyaculación precoz. Tras 12 meses de la intervención, se observó un incremento de la actividad sexual global (p = 0.026). En torno al 70-89% de las mujeres, previamente a la cirugía, no presentaban trastorno. En la evolución no se observaron cambios medios relevantes (p > 0.05). Los pacientes con obesidad grave/mórbida candidatos a cirugía bariátrica presentan alteraciones considerables en diversas dimensiones de la salud sexual. Después de 12 meses de seguimiento, la salud sexual parece mejorar en los hombres. The aims of the study were: 1) to assess sexual health patients severe/morbid obesity patients candidates for bariatric surgery; and 2) to assess sexual health evolution after 12 months of surgery. Descriptive, prospective study from February 2011 to June 2014. Sexual activity in men was valued through EVAS-H questionnaire and through FSM scale on women (44 patients). During the basal study in men, a 21% of the sample showed sexual disfunction in different dimensions, while a 43% showed problems with premature ejaculation. 12 months after surgery, global sexual activity was improved significantly (p = 0,026). Approximately 70-89% of women presented no disturbance before surgery. No average relevant changes were observed within the evolution (p > 0.05). Morbid/severe obesity patients candidates to bariatric surgery, show considerable alterations on diverse

  8. Translating Healthy Living Messages to Postpartum Women and Their Partners After Gestational Diabetes (GDM): Body Habitus, A1C, Lifestyle Habits, and Program Engagement Results From the Families Defeating Diabetes (FDD) Randomized Trial.


    McManus, R; Miller, D; Mottola, M; Giroux, I; Donovan, L


    The Families Defeating Diabetes intervention evaluated a postpartum healthy living program for women with recent gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Randomized controlled trial. Tertiary centers in London, Calgary, and Victoria, Canada. Women with GDM and partners; 46% of eligible maternal participants agreed to participate. Interventional (INT) participants received a healthy living seminar at 3 months; access to a walking group/Website; biweekly e-mails. Control (CON) participants received a contemporary postpartum diabetes prevention handout. Maternal, partner, and offspring demographics at baseline, 3, and 12 months. Percentages of women losing ≥7% of postpartum weight were compared by χ 2 testing; body habitus comparisons by analysis of covariance (ANCOVA); maternal A1C comparisons by unpaired t tests; participant outcome associations by Pearson correlation coefficients. Maternal participants were 170 (89 INT and 81 CON) with 63 partners (30 INT and 33 CON); 103 (73 maternal; 30 partners) were lost to follow-up; 57% of maternal participants completed 12 months; 33% INT women (n = 50) lost ≥7% weight versus 25% CON women (n = 47), P = .43. Interventional participant results did not correlate with accession of study elements. Maternal completion was significantly associated with partner involvement, breastfeeding, higher income, and education. Paternal weights correlated significantly with maternal and offspring weights. Families Defeating Diabetes outcomes were not significantly different for INT maternal or paternal participants versus CON participants. Secondary outcomes of future value included statistically significant positive associations between paternal participation, socioeconomic indicators, and maternal study completion, significant correlations between maternal, paternal, and offspring weights as well as insights into study component engagement.

  9. El efecto de la panfotocoagulación con láser en edema macular diabético con el fotocoagulador Pascal® versus el láser de argón convencional.


    Mahgoub, Mohamed M; Macky, Tamer A


    Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el efecto de la panfotocoagulación (PFC) en el edema macular diabético (EMD) en pacientes con retinopatía diabética proliferativa (RDP) con el fotocoagulador Pascal® (FP) vs. un fotocoagulador con láser de argón convencional (FLAC). Métodos: Se aleatorizó el uso de FP o FLAC en ochenta ojos con RDP y EMD con afectación central de la mácula. Ambos grupos tuvieron una evaluación de base de mejor agudeza visual corregida y fueron examinados con tomografía de coherencia óptica y angiografía con fluoresceína. Resultados: El número medio de disparos de láser en los grupos de FP y FLAC fue 1.726,10 y 752,00 en la sesión 1 y 1.589,00 y 830,00 (p < 0,001) en la sesión 2, respectivamente. El grosor foveal central (GFC) medio antes de comenzar el estudio fue 306 ± 100 y 314 ± 98 en los grupos de FP y FLAC, respectivamente. A las 8 semanas, el GFC medio fue 332 ± 116 y 347 ± 111 en los grupos de FP y FLAC, respectivamente (p > 0,05). La MAVC media fue similar durante el periodo de estudio y no hubo ninguna diferencia significativa entre los grupos (p > 0,05). Conclusiones: El FP y el FLAC mostraron efectos similares en el EMD en ojos con RDP y fueron igualmente seguros sin un aumento significativo del GFC. © 2017 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  10. Technologies for Metabolic Monitoring Military Section Editorials in Diabetes Technologies and Therapeutics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    monitoring, diabetes, IGF-I, patient decision assist, hyperspectral imaging, actigraphy, accelerometry, foot contact time, Con A-glucose sensing, lactate...was reduced in both con - mottling, and rebound of a skin fold could all ditions. contribute to a diagnosis. Current technologies Hyperspectral imaging...information such as ambient con - responses in the context of various external ditions, meals and recent activity, and specific challenges ("green light

  11. Technologies, diabetes and the student body.


    Balfe, Myles; Jackson, Peter


    This paper uses qualitative methodologies to understand young people's use of technology in the management of Type 1 diabetes. The paper begins by outlining the nature of Type 1 diabetes. We provide an account of recent debates on the consumption of health-care technologies. We consider the advantages of qualitative approaches for studying young people with diabetes. Our specific focus is on university students with diabetes who are commonly represented as having a lifestyle that is ill-suited to good management of the disease. We consider the pros and cons that these young people associate with their technologies, and the role that place plays in these young people's accounts. We argue that diabetes' management technologies provide these young people with the ability to discipline their bodies and position their identities as 'normal' students in student spaces, as well as to manage risks to their health and identities. However, we highlight that the use of these technologies, especially in public spaces such as student night-clubs and bars, poses risks for students with diabetes, for example, by highlighting their 'difference' from other students.

  12. Diabetes Mellitus has no Significant Influence on the Prevalence of Antenatal Asymptomatic Bacteriuria

    PubMed Central

    Gundela, Swarnalatha; Avula, Renuka Devi


    Introduction Diabetes is a known risk factor for asymptomatic bacteriuria (ASB). However, the influence of diabetes on antenatal ASB was previously not addressed. Aim The prevalence of ASB, effect of risk factors and type of isolates and susceptibility patterns were studied in diabetic pregnancy. Materials and Methods A total of 311 pregnant women were recruited for this study of which 103 were diabetic and 208 non-diabetic. A clean catch midstream urine samples were collected and cultured. The isolates were identified and antibiotic sensitivity was studied. The data was analysed by Chi-square test. Results The prevalence of ASB in diabetic pregnancy was 38.83% (40/103; 95% CI: 23.73 - 53.94) and in non-diabetic pregnancy was 37.98% (79/208; CI: 27.28- 48.68). The odds ratio was not significant 1.0225 (95% CU: 0.65 – 1.599; p=0.922) and associated factors such as age and gestational period had no effect. The major isolates were Escherichia coli (25.0%), Staphylococcus aureus (22.5%), Coagulase negative staphylococci (CONS) (20.00%), and Klebsiella pneumonia (20.00%) in diabetic pregnancy and CONS (31.7%), E.coli (24.0%) and K.pneumonia (16.5%) in non-diabetic pregnancy. The isolates of diabetic pregnancy showed highest susceptibility to nitrofurantoin (56.4%), gentamicin (38.5%) and cotrimoxazole (38.5%) whereas that of non-diabetic pregnancy to gentamicin (43.0%), azithromycin (32.9%) and norfloxacin (30.4). There was no significant (p<0.05) difference in the type and susceptibly of the isolates between diabetic and non-diabetic pregnancy. Conclusion Diabetes has no significant influence on the prevalence of ASB in diabetic pregnancy both in terms of isolates and antibiotic susceptibility pattern. PMID:27190802

  13. Seguridad del paciente en Radioterapia Intraoperatoria: Impacto de los elementos controlados por el Radiofisico

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tarjuelo, Juan Lopez

    tambien se uso para estudiar la estabilidad de las camaras de ionizacion mencionadas. Se realizo la dosimetria in vivo en 45 pacientes con MOSFET reforzados mobile TN-502RDM-H, pelicula radiocromica Gafchromic MD-55-2, y se elaboro un modelo teorico para explicar los datos. Por ultimo, al precisarse el uso en RIO de la simulacion virtual y del calculo de la dosis absorbida en el paciente virtual, se ha ilustrado este apartado con la aceptacion y el estado de referencia inicial del planificador de tratamientos modulados con calculo de Monte Carlo Elekta Monaco. Para ello se utilizaron la camara de ionizacion TW31016-0104 y la matriz seven29 de PTW-Freiburg, pelicula radiocromica Gafchromic EBT-2, y diferentes maniquies. Resultados: El FMEA identifico 57 modos de fallo y efectos potenciales. No se experimentaron sucesos relativos a una administracion inadecuada de la dosis absorbida. Se identificaron las revisiones dobles y por un par como claves para reducir los riesgos asociados al equipo de profesionales involucrado en la RIO. Se identificaron tambien oportunidades de mejora con el uso de la automatizacion y el enclavamiento. En cuanto al SPC, los indices de capacidad del proceso abarcaron de 1,6 a 9,3 para un nivel de especificaciones del +/-2%. Las intervenciones simuladas alcanzaron del 2% al 34% de las sesiones de medida. Las camaras de ionizacion Farmer derivaron en direcciones opuestas en un periodo de 6 anos; aunque ello no se aprecio en los informes de calibracion del laboratorio acreditado. No derivo la camara PPC-40. En la dosimetria in vivo, las medidas de los MOSFET no se desviaron significativamente de las medidas con pelicula. Los valores centrales de las dosis absorbidas quedaron entre la dosis absorbida prescrita y la maxima, con lo que indicaron un tratamiento correcto del lecho tumoral. Las anchuras de los intervalos de confianza de las dosis absorbidas esperadas segun el modelo teorico al nivel del 95% abarcaron del 8,6% al 14,7%. Las verificaciones de

  14. Severe Hypoglycemia in a Juvenile Diabetic Rat Model: Presence and Severity of Seizures Are Associated with Mortality

    PubMed Central

    Maheandiran, Margaret; Mylvaganam, Shanthini; Wu, Chiping; El-Hayek, Youssef; Sugumar, Sonia; Hazrati, Lili; del Campo, Martin; Giacca, Adria; Zhang, Liang; Carlen, Peter L.


    It is well accepted that insulin-induced hypoglycemia can result in seizures. However, the effects of the seizures, as well as possible treatment strategies, have yet to be elucidated, particularly in juvenile or insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM). Here we establish a model of diabetes in young rats, to examine the consequences of severe hypoglycemia in this age group; particularly seizures and mortality. Diabetes was induced in post-weaned 22-day-old Sprague-Dawley rats by streptozotocin (STZ) administered intraperitoneally (IP). Insulin IP (15 U/kg), in rats fasted (14–16 hours), induced hypoglycemia, defined as <3.5 mM blood glucose (BG), in 68% of diabetic (STZ) and 86% of control rats (CON). Seizures occurred in 86% of STZ and all CON rats that reached hypoglycemic levels with mortality only occurring post-seizure. The fasting BG levels were significantly higher in STZ (12.4±1.3 mM) than in CON rodents (6.3±0.3 mM), resulting in earlier onset of hypoglycemia and seizures in the CON group. However, the BG at seizure onset was statistically similar between STZ (1.8±0.2 mM) and CON animals (1.6±0.1 mM) as well as between those that survived (S+S) and those that died (S+M) post-seizure. Despite this, the S+M group underwent a significantly greater number of seizure events than the S+S group. 25% glucose administered at seizure onset and repeated with recurrent seizures was not sufficient to mitigate these continued convulsions. Combining glucose with diazepam and phenytoin significantly decreased post-treatment seizures, but not mortality. Intracranial electroencephalograms (EEGs) were recorded in 10 CON and 9 STZ animals. Predictive EEG changes were not observed in these animals that underwent seizures. Fluorojade staining revealed damaged cells in non-seizing STZ animals and in STZ and CON animals post-seizure. In summary, this model of hypoglycemia and seizures in juvenile diabetic rats provides a paradigm for further study of underlying

  15. Diabetes education via mobile text messaging.


    Wangberg, Silje C; Arsand, Eirik; Andersson, Niklas


    Living with diabetes makes great educational demands on a family. We have tested the feasibility of using the mobile phone short message service (SMS) for reaching people with diabetes information. We also assessed user satisfaction and perceived pros and cons of the medium through interviews. Eleven parents of children with type 1 diabetes received messages for 11 weeks. The parents were positive about the system and said that they would like to continue to use it. The pop-up reminding effect of SMS messages in busy everyday life was noted as positive. Some parents experienced the messages as somewhat intrusive, arriving too often and at inconvenient times. The parents also noted the potential of the messages to facilitate communication with their adolescent children. The inability to store all of the messages or to print them out were seen as major disadvantages. Overall, the SMS seems to hold promise as means of delivering diabetes information.

  16. Mechanisms involved in the development of diabetic retinopathy induced by oxidative stress.


    Guzman, David Calderón; Olguín, Hugo Juárez; García, Ernestina Hernández; Peraza, Armando Valenzuela; de la Cruz, Diego Zamora; Soto, Monica Punzo


    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the main complications in patients with diabetes and has been the leading cause of visual loss since 1990. Oxidative stress is a biological process resulting from excessive production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). This process contributes to the development of many diseases and disease complications. ROS interact with various cellular components to induce cell injury. Fortunately, there is an antioxidan t system that protects organisms against ROS. Indeed, when ROS exceed antioxidant capacity, the resulting cell injury can cause diverse physiological and pathological changes that could lead to a disease like DR. This paper reviews the possible mechanisms of common and novel biomarkers involved in the development of DR and explores how these biomarkers could be used to monitor the damage induced by oxidative stress in DR, which is a significant complication in people with diabetes. The poor control of glucemy in pacients with DB has been shown contribute to the development of complications in eyes as DR.

  17. Does 8 weeks of strenuous bicycle exercise improve diabetes-related inflammatory cytokines and free fatty acids in type 2 diabetes patients and individuals at high-risk of metabolic syndrome?


    Madsen, Søren Møller; Thorup, Anne Cathrine; Bjerre, Mette; Jeppesen, Per Bendix


    In the present study, the effects of 8 weeks of low volume high intensity interval training (HIIT) was investigated on circulating diabetes-related cytokines and free fatty acids (FFA) in adults with type 2 diabetes (T2D) and matched controls (CON). Participants exercised for 8 weeks (3 weekly sessions: 10 × 60 sec HIIT) on a cycle ergometer supervised by medical staff. Prior to the intervention and after the last HIIT session, venous blood samples were collected. Circulating omentin-1 concentrations increased significantly in both the CON-group (p = 0.003) and in the T2D-group (p = 0.002). Pentraxin-3 (p = 0.010) and IL-1ra (p = 0.031) levels increased significantly in the CON-group. Plasma FFA in the T2D-group was significantly reduced after 60 min (p = 0.011). Post HIIT area under curve of circulating FFAs was reduced by -17.73 ± 6.99% (p = 0.041) in the T2D-group. We observed only modest exercise-induced improvements of multiple diabetes-related cytokines. Circulating levels of FFAs were significantly lowered in the T2D-group.

  18. Bacterial genus is a risk factor for major amputation in patients with diabetic foot.


    Cardoso, Natália Anício; Cisneiros, Lígia DE Loiola; Machado, Carla Jorge; Cenedezi, Juliana Merlin; Procópio, Ricardo Jayme; Navarro, Túlio Pinho


    to evaluate whether bacterial genus is a risk factor for major amputation in patients with diabetic foot and infected ulcer. we conducted a case-control, observational study of 189 patients with infected ulcers in diabetic feet admitted to the Vascular Surgery Service of the Risoleta Tolentino Neves Hospital, from January 2007 to December 2012. The bacteriological evaluation was performed in deep tissue cultures from the lesions and amputation was considered major when performed above the foot'smiddle tarsus. the patients'mean age was 61.9±12.7 years; 122 (64.6%) were men. The cultures were positive in 86.8%, being monomicrobial in 72% of the cases. In patients with major amputation, Acinetobacter spp. (24.4%), Morganella spp. (24.4%), Proteus spp. (23.1%) and Enterococcus spp. (19.2%) were the most frequent types of bacteria. The most commonly isolated species were Acinetobacter baumannii, Morganella morganii, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus mirabilis. As predictors of major amputation, we identified the isolation of the generaAcinetobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp., serum creatinine ≥1.3mg/dl and hemoglobin <11g/dl. the bacterial genera Acinetobacter spp. and Klebsiella spp. identified in infected ulcers of patients with diabetic foot were associated with a higher incidence of major amputation. avaliar se gênero bacteriano é fator de risco para amputação maior em pacientes com pé diabético e úlcera infectada. estudo observacional do tipo caso-controle de 189 pacientes com úlcera infectada em pé diabético admitidos pelo Serviço de Cirurgia Vascular do Hospital Risoleta Tolentino Neves, no período de janeiro de 2007 a dezembro de 2012. A avaliação bacteriológica foi realizada em cultura de tecido profundo das lesões e a amputação foi considerada como maior quando realizada acima do médio tarso do pé. a média de idade dos pacientes foi 61,9±12,7 anos e 122 (64,6%) eram homens. As culturas foram positivas em 86,8%, sendo monomicrobianas em

  19. Risk of Vaginal Infections at Early Gestation in Patients with Diabetic Conditions during Pregnancy: A Retrospective Cohort Study.


    Marschalek, Julian; Farr, Alex; Kiss, Herbert; Hagmann, Michael; Göbl, Christian S; Trofaier, Marie-Louise; Kueronya, Verena; Petricevic, Ljubomir


    Pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) are reported to be at increased risk for infections of the genital tract. This study aimed to compare the prevalence of asymptomatic bacterial vaginosis (BV) and Candida colonization at early gestation between pregnant women with and without diabetic conditions during pregnancy. We included data from 8, 486 singleton pregnancies that underwent an antenatal infection screen-and-treat programme at our department. All women with GDM or pre-existing diabetes were retrospectively assigned to the diabetic group (DIAB), whereas non-diabetic women served as controls (CON). Prevalence for BV and Candida colonization was 9% and 14% in the DIAB group, and 9% and 13% in the CON group, respectively (n.s.). No significant difference regarding stillbirth and preterm delivery (PTD), defined as a delivery earlier than 37 + 0 (37 weeks plus 0 days) weeks of gestation was found. We could not find an increased risk of colonization with vaginal pathogens at early gestation in pregnant women with diabetes, compared to non-diabetic women. Large prospective studies are needed to evaluate the long-term risk of colonization with vaginal pathogens during the course of pregnancy in these women.

  20. [Reconstrucción ósea de defectos craneales secundarios a traumatismo con implantes personalizados].


    Cienfuegos, Ricardo; Fernández, Gerardo; Cruz, Aída; Sierra, Eduardo


    Los defectos craneales secundarios a traumatismos son frecuentes. Por lo común se reparan de forma secundaria por sintomatología como el síndrome del paciente trepanado, por protección cerebral y por el aspecto cosmético. Históricamente se han utilizado diversos materiales para la reconstrucción. Se presentan cinco casos de pacientes reconstruidos con implantes personalizados de polieteretercetona (PEEK) o polimetilmetacrilato poroso (PMMA). Las localizaciones afectaron el frontal, el borde orbitario superior y el techo orbitario en cuatro casos, y la porción lateral del frontal, la zona temporoparietal y el borde del occipital en un caso. La reconstrucción en cuatro pacientes fue entre 6 y 12 meses después de la lesión, y en un caso después de 25 años. En dos casos se requirió expansión tisular antes de colocar el implante. Cuatro pacientes evolucionaron favorablemente, con mejoría de los síntomas neurológicos, forma y contorno adecuados, así como un proceso de cicatrización adecuada de los colgajos de piel cabelluda. Un paciente presentó infección por Staphylococcus aureus, atribuida a la presencia de un mucocele y una fístula de la vía aérea a la cavidad craneal, lo que hizo necesario retirar el implante. Los implantes personalizados son un recurso útil para defectos óseos craneales. Brindan resultados satisfactorios desde el punto de vista funcional y cosmético. Deben tomarse precauciones respecto al tratamiento de las lesiones que afecten el seno frontal, para evitar la comunicación entre la vía aérea y la cavidad craneal. Cranial defects due to trauma are frequent. They are usually repaired in a secondary fashion due to features such as syndrome of the trephined, for brain protection and for cosmetic purposes. Historically, various materials have been used for reconstruction. Five cases of patients reconstructed with customized polyetheretherketone (PEEK) o polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) implants are presented. Defects involved

  1. Total and subtypes of dietary fat intake and risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus in the Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea (PREDIMED) study.


    Guasch-Ferré, Marta; Becerra-Tomás, Nerea; Ruiz-Canela, Miguel; Corella, Dolores; Schröder, Helmut; Estruch, Ramon; Ros, Emilio; Arós, Fernando; Gómez-Gracia, Enrique; Fiol, Miquel; Serra-Majem, Lluís; Lapetra, José; Basora, Josep; Martín-Calvo, Nerea; Portoles, Olga; Fitó, Montserrat; Hu, Frank B; Forga, Lluís; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi


    Background: The associations between dietary fat and cardiovascular disease have been evaluated in several studies, but less is known about their influence on the risk of diabetes. Objective: We examined the associations between total fat, subtypes of dietary fat, and food sources rich in saturated fatty acids and the incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Design: A prospective cohort analysis of 3349 individuals who were free of diabetes at baseline but were at high cardiovascular risk from the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) study was conducted. Detailed dietary information was assessed at baseline and yearly during the follow-up using a food frequency questionnaire. Multivariable Cox proportional hazards models were used to estimate T2D HRs and 95% CIs according to baseline and yearly updated fat intake. Results: We documented 266 incident cases during 4.3 y of follow-up. Baseline saturated and animal fat intake was not associated with the risk of T2D. After multivariable adjustment, participants in the highest quartile of updated intake of saturated and animal fat had a higher risk of diabetes than the lowest quartile (HR: 2.19; 95% CI: 1.28, 3.73; and P- trend = 0.01 compared with HR: 2.00; 95% CI: 1.29, 3.09; and P- trend < 0.01, respectively). In both the Mediterranean diet and control groups, participants in the highest quartile of updated animal fat intake had an ∼2-fold higher risk of T2D than their counterparts in the lowest quartile. The consumption of 1 serving of butter and cheese was associated with a higher risk of diabetes, whereas whole-fat yogurt intake was associated with a lower risk. Conclusions: In a Mediterranean trial focused on dietary fat interventions, baseline intake of saturated and animal fat was not associated with T2D incidence, but the yearly updated intake of saturated and animal fat was associated with a higher risk of T2D. Cheese and butter intake was associated with a higher risk of T2D, whereas whole-fat yogurt

  2. Resistance training inhibits the elevation of skeletal muscle derived-BDNF level concomitant with improvement of muscle strength in zucker diabetic rat

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Hee-Jae; So, Byunghun; Son, Jun Seok; Song, Han Sol; Oh, Seung Lyul; Seong, Je Kyung; Lee, Hoyoung; Song, Wook


    [Purpose] In the present study, we investigated the effects of 8 weeks of progressive resistance training on the level of skeletal muscle derived BDNF as well as glucose intolerance in Zucker diabetic rats. [Methods] Six week-old male Zucker diabetic fatty (ZDF) and Zucker lean control (ZLC) rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: sedentary ZLC (ZLC-Con), sedentary ZDF (ZDF-Con), and exercised ZDF (ZDF-Ex). Progressive resistance training using a ladder and tail weights was performed for 8 weeks (3 days/week). [Results] After 8 weeks of resistance training, substantial reduction in body weight was observed in ZDF-Ex compared to ZDF-Con. Though the skeletal muscle volume did not change, grip strength grip strength was significantly higher in ZDF-Ex compared to ZDF-Con. In the soleus, the level of BDNF was increased in ZDF-Con, but was significantly decreased (p<0.05) in ZDF-Ex, showing a training effect. Moreover, we found that there was a negative correlation (r=-0.657; p=0.004) between grip strength and BDNF level whereas there was a positive correlation (r=0.612; p=0.008) between plasma glucose level and BDNF level in skeletal muscle. [Conclusion] Based upon our results, we demonstrated that resistance training inhibited the elevation of skeletal muscle derived-BDNF expression concomitant with the improvement of muscle strength in zucker diabetic rats. In addition, muscle-derived BDNF might be a potential mediator for the preventive effect of resistance training on the progress of type 2 diabetes. PMID:27274460

  3. Effect of L-dopa decarboxylase inhibitor benserazide on renal function in streptozotocin-diabetic rats.


    Pfeil, Katrin; Staudacher, Torsten; Luippold, Gerd


    Benserazide (BZD), an inhibitor of the dopamine synthesis, abolished the increase in glomerular filtration rate (GFR) following the infusion of a mixed amino acid solution. These results reveal endogenous dopamine as a mediator in the renal response to amino acids. The aim of the present study was to evaluate whether dopamine is also involved in the regulation of glomerular hyperfiltration during the early state of diabetes mellitus (DM). Male Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with a single dose of streptozotocin (60 mg/kg i.p.) for induction of experimental DM (n = 7-8/group). Age-matched non-diabetic animals, injected with citrate buffer, served as controls (CON, n = 8/group). Clearance experiments were performed 2 weeks after induction of DM in thiopental-anesthetized rats (80 mg/kg i.p.), which were continuously infused either with BZD (30 microg/min/kg) or vehicle (VHC). Mean arterial blood pressure was around 110 mm Hg and did not significantly differ among the groups. GFR was 0.95 +/- 0.02 ml/min/100 g b.w. in VHC-treated CON. BZD treatment did not significantly change GFR in the CON group (0.92 +/- 0.06 ml/min/100 g b.w.). As expected, glomerular hyperfiltration was observed in diabetic rats infused with VHC (1.24 +/- 0.08 ml/min/100 g b.w.). Treatment with BZD significantly reduced the diabetes-induced increase in GFR to control levels (0.95 +/- 0.05 ml/min/100 g b.w.). Our results show that the inhibition of dopamine synthesis prevented the increase in GFR due to diabetic conditions, indicating that endogenous dopamine is involved in the regulation of DM-induced changes in renal hemodynamics. Copyright 2006 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  4. [Not Available].


    Vila Nova, Larissa Pessoa; Araújo Tavares de Sá, Cristiane Maria; Freire Clementino da Silva, Maria Cleide; Lustosa, Marinaldo Freire; Batista de Medeiros, Rafael Augusto; Calado Brito, Daniel; De Araújo Burgos, Maria Goretti Pessoa


    Introducción: en los últimos años la importancia de identificar la resistencia a la insulina (RI) en pacientes con enfermedades cardiovasculares isquémicas viene siendo debatida. Métodos alternativos, como los indicadores antropométricos y de composición corporal, han sido señalados como una buena opción y contribuyen para identificar anomalías metabólicas y prevenir complicaciones.Objetivo: asociar indicadores antropométricos y de composición corporal como predictores de la resistencia a la insulina (RI) en pacientes con enfermedad de las arterias coronarias.Métodos: estudio transversal realizado en el hospital de referencia cardiológica de Pernambuco, en el periodo de junio a septiembre de 2014, con pacientes adultos y ancianos hospitalizados, de ambos sexos. Se verificaron los siguientes parámetros: estilo de vida, la presencia del síndrome metabólico (SM) y otras comorbilidades. Se analizó la RI por el cálculo del HOMA-IR. Los pacientes se sometieron a la impedancia bioeléctrica (BIA) y a las verificaciones antropométricas.Resultados: la muestra fue constituida por 75 pacientes con edad media de 63,75 ± 12,43 años, con un 64% de ancianos. Se encontró el diagnóstico de SM en el 65,3% de los pacientes, el 81,3% de sedentarios y el 37,4% con exceso de peso. Se diagnosticó la RI en el 28% de los pacientes. Se observó correlación entre el HOMA-IR y el diámetro abdominal sagital (DAS) (r = 0,476; p = 0,016), el índice de masa corporal (r = 0,233; p = 0,040) y el porcentual de grasa corporal (r = 0,276; p = 0,016).Conclusión: el DAS fue el indicador antropométrico que presentó mejor correlación con la RI en pacientes con enfermedad de las arterias coronarias hospitalizados.

  5. Muscle Oxygen Supply Impairment during Exercise in Poorly Controlled Type 1 Diabetes

    PubMed Central



    ABSTRACT Purpose Aerobic fitness, as reflected by maximal oxygen (O2) uptake (V˙O2max), is impaired in poorly controlled patients with type 1 diabetes. The mechanisms underlying this impairment remain to be explored. This study sought to investigate whether type 1 diabetes and high levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) influence O2 supply including O2 delivery and release to active muscles during maximal exercise. Methods Two groups of patients with uncomplicated type 1 diabetes (T1D-A, n = 11, with adequate glycemic control, HbA1c <7.0%; T1D-I, n = 12 with inadequate glycemic control, HbA1c >8%) were compared with healthy controls (CON-A, n = 11; CON-I, n = 12, respectively) matched for physical activity and body composition. Subjects performed exhaustive incremental exercise to determine V˙O2max. Throughout the exercise, near-infrared spectroscopy allowed investigation of changes in oxyhemoglobin, deoxyhemoglobin, and total hemoglobin in the vastus lateralis. Venous and arterialized capillary blood was sampled during exercise to assess arterial O2 transport and factors able to shift the oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve. Results Arterial O2 content was comparable between groups. However, changes in total hemoglobin (i.e., muscle blood volume) was significantly lower in T1D-I compared with that in CON-I. T1D-I also had impaired changes in deoxyhemoglobin levels and increase during high-intensity exercise despite normal erythrocyte 2,3-diphosphoglycerate levels. Finally, V˙O2max was lower in T1D-I compared with that in CON-I. No differences were observed between T1D-A and CON-A. Conclusions Poorly controlled patients displayed lower V˙O2max and blunted muscle deoxyhemoglobin increase. The latter supports the hypotheses of increase in O2 affinity induced by hemoglobin glycation and/or of a disturbed balance between nutritive and nonnutritive muscle blood flow. Furthermore, reduced exercise muscle blood volume in poorly controlled patients may warn clinicians of

  6. Normal Postprandial Nonesterified Fatty Acid Uptake in Muscles Despite Increased Circulating Fatty Acids in Type 2 Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Labbé, Sébastien M.; Croteau, Etienne; Grenier-Larouche, Thomas; Frisch, Frédérique; Ouellet, René; Langlois, Réjean; Guérin, Brigitte; Turcotte, Eric E.; Carpentier, André C.


    OBJECTIVE Postprandial plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) appearance is increased in type 2 diabetes. Our objective was to determine whether skeletal muscle uptake of plasma NEFA is abnormal during the postprandial state in type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Thigh muscle blood flow and oxidative metabolism indexes and NEFA uptake were determined using positron emission tomography coupled with computed tomography (PET/CT) with [11C]acetate and 14(R,S)-[18F]fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid (18FTHA) in seven healthy control subjects (CON) and seven subjects with type 2 diabetes during continuous oral intake of a liquid meal to achieve steady postprandial NEFA levels with insulin infusion to maintain similar plasma glucose levels in both groups. RESULTS In the postprandial state, plasma NEFA level was higher in type 2 diabetic subjects versus CON (P < 0.01), whereas plasma glucose was at the same level in both groups. Muscle NEFA fractional extraction and blood flow index levels were 56% (P < 0.05) and 24% (P = 0.27) lower in type 2 diabetes, respectively. However, muscle NEFA uptake was similar to that of CON (quadriceps femoris [QF] 1.47 ± 0.23 vs. 1.37 ± 0.24 nmol ⋅ g−1 ⋅ min−1, P = 0.77; biceps femoris [BF] 1.54 ± 0.26 vs. 1.46 ± 0.28 nmol ⋅ g−1 ⋅ min−1, P = 0.85). Muscle oxidative metabolism was similar in both groups. Muscle NEFA fractional extraction and blood flow index were strongly and positively correlated (r = 0.79, P < 0.005). CONCLUSIONS Postprandial muscle NEFA uptake is normal despite elevated systemic NEFA levels and acute normalization of plasma glucose in type 2 diabetes. Lower postprandial muscle blood flow with resulting reduction in muscle NEFA fractional extraction may explain this phenomenon. PMID:21228312

  7. Normal postprandial nonesterified fatty acid uptake in muscles despite increased circulating fatty acids in type 2 diabetes.


    Labbé, Sébastien M; Croteau, Etienne; Grenier-Larouche, Thomas; Frisch, Frédérique; Ouellet, René; Langlois, Réjean; Guérin, Brigitte; Turcotte, Eric E; Carpentier, André C


    Postprandial plasma nonesterified fatty acid (NEFA) appearance is increased in type 2 diabetes. Our objective was to determine whether skeletal muscle uptake of plasma NEFA is abnormal during the postprandial state in type 2 diabetes. Thigh muscle blood flow and oxidative metabolism indexes and NEFA uptake were determined using positron emission tomography coupled with computed tomography (PET/CT) with [(11)C]acetate and 14(R,S)-[(18)F]fluoro-6-thia-heptadecanoic acid ((18)FTHA) in seven healthy control subjects (CON) and seven subjects with type 2 diabetes during continuous oral intake of a liquid meal to achieve steady postprandial NEFA levels with insulin infusion to maintain similar plasma glucose levels in both groups. In the postprandial state, plasma NEFA level was higher in type 2 diabetic subjects versus CON (P < 0.01), whereas plasma glucose was at the same level in both groups. Muscle NEFA fractional extraction and blood flow index levels were 56% (P < 0.05) and 24% (P = 0.27) lower in type 2 diabetes, respectively. However, muscle NEFA uptake was similar to that of CON (quadriceps femoris [QF] 1.47 ± 0.23 vs. 1.37 ± 0.24 nmol·g(-1)·min(-1), P = 0.77; biceps femoris [BF] 1.54 ± 0.26 vs. 1.46 ± 0.28 nmol·g(-1)·min(-1), P = 0.85). Muscle oxidative metabolism was similar in both groups. Muscle NEFA fractional extraction and blood flow index were strongly and positively correlated (r = 0.79, P < 0.005). Postprandial muscle NEFA uptake is normal despite elevated systemic NEFA levels and acute normalization of plasma glucose in type 2 diabetes. Lower postprandial muscle blood flow with resulting reduction in muscle NEFA fractional extraction may explain this phenomenon.

  8. Older adults with type 2 diabetes store more heat during exercise.


    Kenny, Glen P; Stapleton, Jill M; Yardley, Jane E; Boulay, Pierre; Sigal, Ronald J


    It is unknown if diabetes-related reductions in local skin blood flow (SkBF) and sweating (LSR) measured during passive heat stress translate into greater heat storage during exercise in the heat in individuals with type 2 diabetes (T2D) compared with nondiabetic control (CON) subjects. This study aimed to examine the effects of T2D on whole-body heat exchange during exercise in the heat. Ten adults (6 males and 4 females) with T2D and 10 adults (6 males and 4 females) without diabetes matched for age, sex, body surface area, and body surface area and aerobic fitness cycled continuously for 60 min at a fixed rate of metabolic heat production (∼370 W) in a whole-body direct calorimeter (30°C and 20% relative humidity). Upper back LSR, forearm SkBF, rectal temperature, and heart rate were measured continuously. Whole-body heat loss and changes in body heat content (ΔHb) were determined using simultaneous direct whole-body and indirect calorimetry. Whole-body heat loss was significantly attenuated from 15 min throughout the remaining exercise with the differences becoming more pronounced over time for T2D relative to CON (P = 0.004). This resulted in a significantly greater ΔHb in T2D (367 ± 35; CON, 238 ± 25 kJ, P = 0.002). No differences were measured during recovery (T2D, -79 ± 23; CON, -132 ± 23 kJ, P = 0.083). By the end of the 60-min recovery, the T2D group lost only 21% (79 kJ) of the total heat gained during exercise, whereas their nondiabetic counterparts lost in excess of 55% (131 kJ). No difference were observed in LSR, SkBF, rectal temperature or heart rate during exercise. Similarly, no differences were measured during recovery with the exception that heart rate was elevated in the T2D group relative to CON (p=0.004). Older adults with T2D have a reduced capacity to dissipate heat during exercise, resulting in a greater heat storage and therefore level of thermal strain.

  9. Condiciones biopsicosociales de adultos mayores mexicanos con diabetes mellitus.


    Guzmán-Olea, Eduardo; López-Romero, David; Torres-Poveda, Kirvis; Madrid-Marina, Vicente; Luna-Muñoz, José; Pimentel-Pérez, Bertha Maribel; Agis-Juárez, Raúl Azael


    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a global health problem, which significantly affects older adults. . The prevalence and biopsychosocial conditions of DM in older adults in the State of Hidalgo, Mexico, are analyzed using the Health and Aging Survey 2014 (SABE-Hidalgo, Mexico). DM in older adults presents a prevalence of 28.22% in the State, predominating in women and becoming more common with increasing age. The highest frequency occurs in residents of urban areas (57.2%), those with less schooling (79.6%), and those who live with relatives (77%). In addition, 54.7% of older adults with DM had cognitive impairment, 67.9% had arterial hypertension and 45.28% presented joint disease. 41.2% suffered falls, 68.52% visual problems and 87.3% tooth loss. Finally, 85.8% receive care but only 29.2% perceive improvement in their health. It is fundamental to develop integral programs and policies to care for older adults with DM. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud

  10. Attenuation of endothelial dysfunction by exercise training in STZ-induced diabetic rats.


    Chakraphan, Daroonwan; Sridulyakul, Patarin; Thipakorn, Bundit; Bunnag, Srichitra; Huxley, Virginia H; Patumraj, Suthiluk


    The protective effects of exercise training on the diabetic-induced endothelial cell (EC) dysfunction were determined using intravital fluorescent microscopy. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups of control (Con), diabetes (DM), and diabetes with exercise--training (DM+Ex). Diabetes was induced by single intravenous injection of streptozotocin (STZ; 50 mg/kg BW). The exercise training protocol consisted of treadmill running, 5 times/week with the velocity of 13-15 m/min, 30 min/day periods for 12 and 24 weeks (wks). 24 wks after the STZ injection, blood glucose (BG), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1C), mean arterial blood pressure (MAP) and heart weight (HW) were significantly higher in DM rats (p < 0.001). However, DM+Ex rats had reduced the abnormalities of MAP (p < 0.01) and HW (p < 0.05) compared with DM rats. Furthermore, there was a significant decrease in heart rate (HR) of DM+Ex rats (p < 0.05) relative to Con rats. To examine the influence of exercise training on EC dysfunction, leukocyte-EC interactions in mesenteric venules and vascular reactivity responses to vasodilators in mesenteric arterioles were monitored by using intravital fluorescence microscopy. The diabetic state enhanced leukocyte adhesion in mesenteric postcapillary venules (p < 0.001). Moreover, an impaired vasodilatory response to the EC-dependent vasodilator, acetylcholine (Ach), not to sodium nitroprusside (SNP), was found in 12- and 24-wk diabetic rats (p < 0.01). The leukocyte adhesion and the impairment of EC-dependent vasodilation to Ach were attenuated by exercise training (p < 0.05). In addition, exercise training was also shown to have favorable preventive effects on hyperglycemia induced oxidative stress, as lower malondialdehyde (MDA) levels were observed from both groups of 12 and 24 weeks DM+Ex compared with DM (p < 0.01). In conclusion, our findings indicate that the endothelial dysfunction of diabetic rats could be characterized by increased leukocyte

  11. Remisión de aneurisma luego de exéresis de MAV con aparición de síndrome del acento extranjero

    PubMed Central

    Sosa, Fidel; Bustamante, Jorge; Rodríguez, Facundo; Argañaraz, Romina; Rubino, Pablo; Lambre, Jorge


    Resumen Introducción: Los aneurismas asociados a malformaciones arteriovenosas (MAV) son lesiones vasculares que suelen encontrarse hasta en el 15% de los casos, incrementando el riesgo global de hemorragia. La conducta frente a los aneurismas asociados es dicotómica en la literatura, mientras existen reportes de la desaparición de los mismos luego de la exéresis de la MAV, otros artículos enfatizan su tratamiento precoz. El síndrome del acento extranjero es un raro trastorno neurológico en el que el paciente habla su lengua materna como lo haría una persona extranjera y suena con “acento” extranjero a oídos de los oyentes nativos. Objetivo: Presentar un paciente que desarrolla el síndrome del acento extranjero posterior a la exéresis de una MAV y la evolución de un aneurisma asociado. Presentación de caso: Paciente pediátrico que luego de la exéresis de una MAV fronto-opercular posterior izquierda remite por completo un aneurisma de hiperflujo asociado, presentando en el postquirúrgico el síndrome del acento extranjero. Conclusión: Queda reportado el caso de este raro síndrome y la resolución espontánea de un aneurisma proximal luego de la exéresis de una MAV. PMID:28480115

  12. Supervised exercise training counterbalances the adverse effects of insulin therapy in overweight/obese subjects with type 2 diabetes.


    Balducci, Stefano; Zanuso, Silvano; Cardelli, Patrizia; Salerno, Gerardo; Fallucca, Sara; Nicolucci, Antonio; Pugliese, Giuseppe


    To examine the effect of supervised exercise on traditional and nontraditional cardiovascular risk factors in sedentary, overweight/obese insulin-treated subjects with type 2 diabetes from the Italian Diabetes Exercise Study (IDES). The study randomized 73 insulin-treated patients to twice weekly supervised aerobic and resistance training plus structured exercise counseling (EXE) or to counseling alone (CON) for 12 months. Clinical and laboratory parameters were assessed at baseline and at the end of the study. The volume of physical activity was significantly higher in the EXE versus the CON group. Values for hemoglobin A(1c), BMI, waist circumference, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein, blood pressure, LDL cholesterol, and the coronary heart disease risk score were significantly reduced only in the EXE group. No major adverse events were observed. In insulin-treated subjects with type 2 diabetes, supervised exercise is safe and effective in improving glycemic control and markers of adiposity and inflammation, thus counterbalancing the adverse effects of insulin on these parameters.

  13. Hemangioblastomas de fosa posterior: Reporte de 16 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Alvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Fernandez, Julio; Isolan, Gustavo; Paiz, Martin; Rivadeneira, Conrado


    Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de hemangioblastoma de fosa posterior (HBFP), operados con técnicas microquirúrgicas. Método: Desde junio de 2005 a diciembre de 2015, 16 pacientes con diagnóstico de HBFP fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Se evaluó: sexo, edad, tipo de lesión (quística con nódulo, quística sin nódulo, sólida y sólida-quística), sintomatología y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 16 pacientes intervenidos, 11 fueron varones y 5 mujeres. La edad promedio fue de 44 años. La forma más frecuente fue quística con nódulo (57%), seguida por forma sólida (31%). Un solo caso presentó la forma quística sin nódulo (6%), y uno solo la forma sólido-quística (6%). La sintomatología más frecuente fue cefalea acompañada de síndrome cerebeloso (43%), seguido de síndrome de hipertensión endocraneana (25%). En todos los casos la resección fue completa, siendo necesario en un caso una embolización previa. Como complicaciones postoperatorias, 2 pacientes presentaron ataxia (mejoró al cabo de 3 meses), y 1 paciente presentó una fístula de LCR (se solucionó con un drenaje espinal externo). Se registró un óbito por complicaciones postoperatorias. Conclusión: Lo más frecuente de ver en pacientes con HBFP es la forma quística con nódulo, siendo su sintomatología predominante la cefalea acompañada de síndrome cerebeloso. La resección quirúrgica completa es posible, con una baja tasa de morbimortalidad. PMID:27999708

  14. Dietary carbohydrates impair the protective effect of protein restriction against diabetes in NZO mice used as a model of type 2 diabetes.


    Laeger, Thomas; Castaño-Martinez, Teresa; Werno, Martin W; Japtok, Lukasz; Baumeier, Christian; Jonas, Wenke; Kleuser, Burkhard; Schürmann, Annette


    Low-protein diets are well known to improve glucose tolerance and increase energy expenditure. Increases in circulating fibroblast growth factor 21 (FGF21) have been implicated as a potential underlying mechanism. We aimed to test whether low-protein diets in the context of a high-carbohydrate or high-fat regimen would also protect against type 2 diabetes in New Zealand Obese (NZO) mice used as a model of polygenetic obesity and type 2 diabetes. Mice were placed on high-fat diets that provided protein at control (16 kJ%; CON) or low (4 kJ%; low-protein/high-carbohydrate [LP/HC] or low-protein/high-fat [LP/HF]) levels. Protein restriction prevented the onset of hyperglycaemia and beta cell loss despite increased food intake and fat mass. The effect was seen only under conditions of a lower carbohydrate/fat ratio (LP/HF). When the carbohydrate/fat ratio was high (LP/HC), mice developed type 2 diabetes despite the robustly elevated hepatic FGF21 secretion and increased energy expenditure. Prevention of type 2 diabetes through protein restriction, without lowering food intake and body fat mass, is compromised by high dietary carbohydrates. Increased FGF21 levels and elevated energy expenditure do not protect against hyperglycaemia and type 2 diabetes per se.

  15. Short term supplementation of dietary antioxidants selectively regulates the inflammatory responses during early cutaneous wound healing in diabetic mice

    PubMed Central


    Background Diabetic foot ulcers are serious complications for diabetic patients, yet the precise mechanism that underlines the treatment of these diabetic complications remains unclear. We hypothesized that dietary antioxidant supplementation with vitamin C, combined either with vitamin E or with vitamin E and NAC, improves delayed wound healing through modulation of blood glucose levels, oxidative stress, and inflammatory response. Methods Diabetes was induced by administration of alloxan monohydrate. Mice were divided into 4 groups; CON (non-diabetic control mice fed AIN 93 G purified rodent diet), DM (diabetic mice fed AIN 93 G purified rodent diet), VCE (diabetic mice fed 0.5% vitamin C and 0.5% vitamin E supplemented diet), and Comb (diabetic mice fed 0.5% vitamin C, 0.5% vitamin E, and 2.5% NAC supplemented diet). After 10 days of dietary antioxidant supplementation, cutaneous full-thickness excisional wounds were performed, and the rate of wound closure was examined. TBARS as lipid peroxidation products and vitamin E levels were measured in the liver. Expression levels of oxidative stress and inflammatory response related proteins were measured in the cutaneous wound site. Results Dietary antioxidant supplementation improved blood glucose levels and wound closure rate and increased liver vitamin E, but not liver TBARS levels in the diabetic mice as compared to those of the CON. In addition, dietary antioxidant supplementation modulated the expression levels of pIκBα, HO-1, CuZnSOD, iNOS and COX-2 proteins in the diabetic mice. Conclusions These findings demonstrated that delayed wound healing is associated with an inflammatory response induced by hyperglycaemia, and suggests that dietary antioxidant supplementation may have beneficial effects on wound healing through selective modulation of blood glucose levels, oxidative stress, and inflammatory response. PMID:22088091

  16. PubMed

    Alvarez Padilla, Facundo Nicolás; Schiavoni, Emiliano Nestor; Bustos, Mario Eduardo Francisco


    INTRODUCCIONEl derrame pleural neoplásico (DPN) implica una enfermedad oncológica avanzada. La biopsia pleural por cirugía torácica endoscópica permite el diagnóstico en más del 90% de los casos y la instrumentación del espacio pleural complicado, mejorando los resultados de la técnica.MATERIAL Y METODOSe realizó un análisis retrospectivo de pacientes con DPN operados para la realización de una pleurodesis química con talco. Se formaron dos grupos, uno con derrame pleural neoplásico complicado (DPNC) y otro con derrame pleural neoplásico no complicado (DPNNC). En el grupo con DPNC se realizó "maniobras de liberación - expansión". Se compararon las variables entre ambos grupos para el análisis pertinente.RESULTADOSSe analizaron 28 pacientes con DPN tratados con pleurodesis química por cirugía torácica endoscópica. La edad promedio fue de 62,64 años. El compromiso pleural por patología mamaria fue la forma más frecuente (46,4%). No se hubo diferencia en cuanto a complicaciones (p= 0,31) y riesgo de defunción a los 30 días (p=1,09) con el manejo agresivo del espacio pleural. La demora en la indicación de pleurodesis se relacionó con un mayor índice de complicaciones (p=0,002) y mayor probabilidad de defunción dentro de los 30 días (p=0,008). La mayoría de pacientes se reinsertó a sus tareas diarias, con buena tolerancia a la disnea luego del procedimiento.  CONCLUSIONEn los pacientes con DPNC, las "maniobras de liberación - expansión pulmonar" descriptas, aumentarían las chances de mejorar los resultados con bajo riesgo. La pleurodesis química temprana mejora la calidad de vida de los pacientes portadores de un DPN.

  17. [Not Available].


    Pérez-Flores, Juan Emmanuel; Chávez-Tostado, Mariana; Larios-Del-Toro, Youné Elizabeth; García-Rentería, Jesús; Rendrón-Félix, Jorge; Salazar-Parra, Marcela; Irusteta-Jiménez, Leire; Michel-Espinoza, Luis Rodrigo; Márquez-Valdez, Aída Rebeca; Cuesta-Márquez, Lisbeth; Álvarez-Villaseñor, Andrea Socorro; Fuentes-Orozco, Clotilde; González Ojeda, Alejandro


    Introducción: la desnutrición intrahospitalaria se ha descrito hace más de 70 años como un problema frecuente. En México se reportan cifras de entre el 20% al 50%; sin embargo no se ha estudiado su prevalencia ni su asociación con la morbilidad y mortalidad hospitalaria.Objetivos: evaluar el estado nutricional y su relación con la morbimortalidad hospitalaria en pacientes mexicanos.Métodos: cohorte prospectiva de pacientes que ingresaron en un hospital de referencia para una estancia hospitalaria mayor de 5 días. Se capturó peso, talla, índice de masa corporal (IMC), estado nutricional de acuerdo con la valoración global subjetiva (VGS) a su ingreso y egreso hospitalario, así como diagnóstico médico, complicaciones y mortalidad. Los datos fueron analizados mediante la prueba T de Student, prueba Chi-cuadrado y prueba Exacta de Fisher.Resultados: se incluyeron 610 pacientes en total, con un promedio de edad de 50,8 ± 17,32 años, 267 mujeres (43,8%) y 343 hombres (56,2%). Del total, 154 fueron catalogados con sospecha de desnutrición o desnutrición (pacientes expuestos, 25,2%) y 456 bien nutridos (pacientes no expuestos, 74,8%), con una relación de 1 a 3. La morbilidad total de la cohorte tuvo un RR = 2,70, IC 95 % (2,06-3,55) y la mortalidad con un RR = 2,64, IC 95% (1,74-4,0), siendo ambas estadísticamente significativas (p = 0,001).Conclusiones: el diagnóstico de desnutrición al ingreso hospitalario constituye un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de complicaciones y mortalidad. Este padecimiento al ingreso en comparación con el paciente que no presenta desnutrición incrementó el riesgo de mortalidad hasta en 2.64 veces.

  18. Immunomodulatory and Antidiabetic Effects of a New Herbal Preparation (HemoHIM) on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice.


    Kim, Jong-Jin; Choi, Jina; Lee, Mi-Kyung; Kang, Kyung-Yun; Paik, Man-Jeong; Jo, Sung-Kee; Jung, Uhee; Park, Hae-Ran; Yee, Sung-Tae


    Angelica gigas Nakai, Cnidium officinale Makino, and Paeonia japonica Miyabe) was developed to protect immune, hematopoietic, and self-renewal tissues against radiation. This study determined whether or not HemoHIM could alter hyperglycemia and the immune response in diabetic mice. Both nondiabetic and diabetic mice were orally administered HemoHIM (100 mg/kg) once a day for 4 weeks. Diabetes was induced by single injection of streptozotocin (STZ, 200 mg/kg, i.p.). In diabetic mice, HemoHIM effectively improved hyperglycemia and glucose tolerance compared to the diabetic control group as well as elevated plasma insulin levels with preservation of insulin staining in pancreatic β-cells. HemoHIM treatment restored thymus weight, white blood cells, lymphocyte numbers, and splenic lymphocyte populations (CD4(+) T and CD8(+) T), which were reduced in diabetic mice, as well as IFN-γ production in response to Con A stimulation. These results indicate that HemoHIM may have potential as a glucose-lowering and immunomodulatory agent by enhancing the immune function of pancreatic β-cells in STZ-induced diabetic mice.

  19. Perfil farmacoterapêutico de pacientes obesos no pós-operatório de cirurgia bariátrica

    PubMed Central

    Kovaleski, Elenara Simoni; Schroeder, Helena; Krause, Mauricio; Dani, Caroline; Bock, Patrícia Martins


    Resumo Contexto A obesidade pode estar relacionada a doenças como diabetes, hipertensão arterial e dislipidemia. A cirurgia bariátrica é um dos tratamentos mais eficazes, levando à diminuição de peso e comorbidades. Objetivo Avaliar o perfil metabólico e farmacoterapêutico de pacientes obesos após cirurgia bariátrica. Métodos Trata-se de um estudo observacional transversal retrospectivo, realizado em um hospital localizado na cidade de Porto Alegre, RS, Brasil. Foram avaliados 70 prontuários de pacientes que realizaram cirurgia bariátrica, nos períodos de antes de 2 meses e mais de 6 meses após a cirurgia bariátrica. A análise estatística foi realizada no programa SPSS 17.0®. Resultados A pressão arterial inicial foi de 130/85 mmHg, passando para 120/80 mmHg (p < 0,01). Com relação ao perfil metabólico antes de dois meses, o HDL foi de 34 mg/dL, o colesterol total foi de 195,07 ± 40,17 mg/dL, o LDL foi de 118,22 ± 41,28 mg/dL, os triglicerídeos foram de 141,09 ± 43,39 mg/dL, e a glicemia de jejum foi de 90 mg/dL. Após 6 meses de cirurgia, os valores passaram para 43 mg/dL, 133,67 ± 28,14 mg/dL, 65,53 ± 24,3 mg/dL, 104,41 ± 29,6 mg/dL, e 77 mg/dL, respectivamente (p < 0,01). Com relação ao uso de medicamentos, 41% utilizaram anti-hipertensivos, 39% utilizaram hipolipemiantes, 10% utilizaram hipoglicemiantes orais e 97% utilizaram suplementos antes dos 2 meses de cirurgia. Após os 6 meses, os percentuais foram alterados para 21%, 19%, 9% e 99%, respectivamente. Conclusões O estudo mostra o sucesso da cirurgia bariátrica em pacientes obesos com comorbidades, revelando melhora no perfil metabólico e redução na utilização de medicamentos para tratamento de comorbidades. PMID:29930588



    Módena, Sérgio Ferreira; Caldeira, Eduardo José; Peres, Marco Antonio O; Andreollo, Nelson Adami


    New findings point out that the mechanism of formation of the hernias can be related to the collagenous tissues, under activity of aggressive agents such as the tobacco, alcohol and diabetes. To analyze the collagen present in the cremaster muscle in patients with inguinal hernias, focusing the effect of tobacco, alcohol, and diabetes. Fifteen patients with inguinal hernia divided in three groups were studied: group I (n=5) was control; group II (n=5) were smokers and/or drinkers; and group III (n=5) had diabetes mellitus. All subjects were underwent to surgical repair of the inguinal hernias obeying the same pre, intra and postoperative conditions. During surgery, samples of the cremaster muscle were collected for analysis in polarized light microscopy, collagen morphometry and protein. The area occupied by the connective tissue was higher in groups II and III (p<0.05). The collagen tissue occupied the majority of the samples analyzed in comparison to the area occupied by muscle cells. The content of total protein was higher in groups II and III compared to the control group (p<0.05). The tobacco, alcohol and diabetes cause a remodel the cremaster muscle, leading to a loss of support or structural change in this region, which may enhance the occurrences and damage related to inguinal hernias. Estudos recentes sinalizam que o mecanismo de formação das hérnias pode estar relacionado aos tecidos colagenosos, sob a ação de agentes agressores como o tabaco, o álcool e o diabete. Avaliar o colágeno presente no músculo cremaster em pacientes com hérnias inguinais enfocando o efeito do tabaco, álcool e diabete. Foram estudados 15 pacientes com hérnias inguinais divididos em: grupo I (n=5) controles; grupo II (n=5) indivíduos fumantes e/ou etilistas; e grupo III (n=5) indivíduos que apresentavam diabete melito. Todos foram submetidos à correção cirúrgica das hérnias inguinais obedecendo às mesmas condições pré, intra e pós-operatórias. Durante o

  1. Correlation between classification in risk categories and clinical aspects and outcomes.


    Oliveira, Gabriella Novelli; Vancini-Campanharo, Cássia Regina; Lopes, Maria Carolina Barbosa Teixeira; Barbosa, Dulce Aparecida; Okuno, Meiry Fernanda Pinto; Batista, Ruth Ester Assayag


    idade 44,5 anos. Dor e dispneia foram os sintomas mais relatados e hipertensão arterial e diabetes mellitus foram as comorbidades. As categorias de classificação verde e amarela foram as mais frequentes, e a alta hospitalar foi o desfecho mais observado. Pacientes classificados na categoria vermelha apresentaram maior porcentual de procedência de ambulância, por motivos cirúrgicos. Os classificados nas categorias laranja e vermelha apresentaram maior porcentual de internação e óbito. a correlação entre os aspectos clínicos e desfechos permitiu inferir que existe uma relação entre a complexidade dos componentes estudados nas categorias de maior gravidade, evidenciado pelo maior porcentual de internação e óbito. correlacionar las categorías de clasificación de riesgo con perfil clínico, resultados y procedencia. estudio transversal analítico, realizado con 697 fichas de atención de pacientes adultos. Variables estudiadas: edad, sexo, procedencia, señales y síntomas, exámenes, antecedentes personales, categorías de la clasificación de riesgo, especialidad médica de atención y resultado. Para asociar las categorías de clasificación de riesgo con procedencia, señales y síntomas, exámenes, antecedentes personales, especialidad médica y resultado, se utilizaron el test chi-cuadrado y la razón de verosimilitud. pacientes del sexo femenino fueron la mayoría, con promedio de edad 44,5 años. El dolor y disnea fueron los síntomas más relatados e la hipertensión arterial y diabetes mellitus fueron las comorbilidades. Las categorías de clasificación verde y amarillo fueron las más frecuentes, y el alta hospitalaria fue el resultado más observado. Pacientes clasificados en la categoría roja presentaron mayor porcentaje de procedencia por ambulancia, por motivos quirúrgicos. Los clasificados en las categorías naranja y roja presentaron mayor porcentaje de internación y muerte. la correlación entre los aspectos clínicos y resultados

  2. Análisis comparativo de meningiomas cerebrales Grado I vs Grado II en una serie retrospectiva de 63 pacientes operados

    PubMed Central

    Coppola, Federico; Campbell, Juan Iaconis; Herrero, Juan Manuel; Volpe, Emilio; Cersosimo, Tito


    Resumen Introducción: Los meningiomas Grado II tienen un comportamiento biológico más agresivo que los Grado I. A partir del año 2007, con los nuevos criterios de clasificación, la incidencia de meningiomas atípicos reportada aumentó hasta un 35%. Objetivo: Establecer diferencias entre los Meningiomas Grado I y II de la clasificación de la OMS, en lo que respecta a: grados de resección de Simpson, localización tumoral, necesidad de reintervención, tratamiento adyuvante, evolución y mortalidad. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 63 pacientes operados entre el periodo 2009-2015. Variables analizadas: sexo, edad, grado histológico, localización, grado de resección quirúrgica, radioterapia adyuvante, mortalidad y evolución. Resultados: Se analizaron 63 pacientes: 51 Grado I y 12 Grado II de la clasificación de la OMS. La distribución por sexo no mostró diferencias entre meningiomas benignos y atípicos. Tampoco el grupo etario de presentación; mediana de 57 años. Un 55% de los meningiomas benignos se localizaron fuera de la base del cráneo versus el 91,6% de los meningiomas atípicos (P = 0.02). En el 74,5% de los meningiomas benignos se logró una resección total (Simpson I-II-III) versus el 58.3% para los atípicos (P = 0.3). Se reintervinieron el 33,3% de meningiomas atípicos en comparación con el 9.8% de los benignos (P = 0.03). Tuvieron una buena evolución el 86,2% de los benignos vs el 53,8% de los GII (P = 0.01). Realizaron radioterapia adyuvante el 33,3% de los meningiomas Grado II vs el 1,9% de los Grado I. Conclusiones: Los meningiomas atípicos cerebrales tienen peor pronóstico evolutivo que los Grado I de la OMS. Presentan una mayor tasa de reintervención y se localizan más frecuentemente fuera de la base del cráneo. La localización pareciera ser un factor de riesgo para el desarrollo de meningiomas atípicos. PMID:29142779

  3. Patient decision making: strategies for diabetes diet adherence intervention.


    Kavookjian, Jan; Berger, Bruce A; Grimley, Diane M; Villaume, William A; Anderson, Heidi M; Barker, Kenneth N


    Patient self-care is critical in controlling diabetes and its complications. Lack of diet adherence is a particular challenge to effective diabetes intervention. The Transtheoretical Model (TTM) of Change, decision-making theory, and self-efficacy have contributed to successful tailoring of interventions in many target behaviors. The purpose of this study was to develop a diagnostic tool, including TTM measures for the stages of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy, that pharmacists involved in diabetes intervention can use for patients resistant to a diet regimen. A questionnaire was developed through a literature review, interviews with diabetic patients, an expert panel input, and pretesting. Cross-sectional implementation of the questionnaire among a convenience sample of 193 type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients took place at 4 patient care sites throughout the southeastern United States. Validated measures were used to collect respondent self-report for the TTM variables and for demographic and diabetes history variables. Social desirability was also assessed. Relationships among TTM measures for diet adherence generally replicated those established for other target behaviors. Salient items were identified as potential facilitators (decisional balance pros) or barriers (decisional balance cons and self-efficacy tempting situations) to change. Social desirability exhibited a statistically significant relationship with patient report of diet adherence, with statistically significant differences in mean social desirability across race categories. The TTM measures for the stages of change, decisional balance, and self-efficacy are useful for making decisions on individually tailored interventions for diet adherence, with caution asserted about the potential of diabetes patients to self-report the target behavior in a socially desirable manner. Future research directions, implications, and limitations of the findings are also presented.



    Campos, Josemberg; Ramos, Almino; Szego, Thomaz; Zilberstein, Bruno; Feitosa, Heládio; Cohen, Ricardo

    Metabolic Risk Score defined by the surgical societies. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), because of its well known safety and efficacy and longer follow-up studies, is the main surgical technique indicated for patients eligible for surgery through the Metabolic Risk Score. The vertical sleeve gastrectomy may be considered if there is an absolute contraindication for the RYGB. T2DM patients should be evaluated by the multiprofessional team that will assess surgical eligibility, preoperative work up, follow up and long term monitoring for micro and macrovascular complications. Mesmo considerando o avanço do tratamento clínico ocorrido nos últimos 20 anos, com novos e mais eficientes medicamentos, os dados ainda são desanimadores quanto ao controle da obesidade e da diabete melito tipo 2 (DMT2),com grande parcela de doentes em tratamento clínico ficando fora da meta desejada de controle. Apresentar proposta de Escore de Risco Metabólico para melhor orientar a indicação cirúrgica do diabete em pacientes com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) mais baixo nos quais o uso de procedimento cirúrgico para obesidade ainda é controverso. Foi realizada pesquisa nas bases de dados Pubmed, Medline, Pubmed Central, Scielo e Lilacs entre 2003-2015 correlacionando os descritores:cirurgia metabólica, obesidade e diabete melito tipo 2. Adicionalmente, representantes das sociedades envolvidas emitiram opiniões em pontos nos quais não existia na literatura trabalhos com graus de evidência elevados. Foram encontrados 45 artigos relacionados que foram analisados pelos critérios da medicina baseada em evidências. As opiniões agrupadas procuraram responder as seguintes questões: Porque cirurgia metabólica e não bariátrica?; Mecanismos envolvidos no controle glicêmico; IMC como critério isolado de indicação cirúrgica para o DMT2 não controlado; Resultados de estudos de cirurgia metabólica em IMC<35 kg/m2; Segurança da cirurgia metabólica em pacientes com IMC<35 kg/m2

  5. Immunomodulatory and Antidiabetic Effects of a New Herbal Preparation (HemoHIM) on Streptozotocin-Induced Diabetic Mice

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Jong-Jin; Choi, Jina; Lee, Mi-Kyung; Kang, Kyung-Yun; Paik, Man-Jeong; Jo, Sung-Kee; Jung, Uhee; Park, Hae-Ran; Yee, Sung-Tae


    HemoHIM (a new herbal preparation of three edible herbs: Angelica gigas Nakai, Cnidium officinale Makino, and Paeonia japonica Miyabe) was developed to protect immune, hematopoietic, and self-renewal tissues against radiation. This study determined whether or not HemoHIM could alter hyperglycemia and the immune response in diabetic mice. Both nondiabetic and diabetic mice were orally administered HemoHIM (100 mg/kg) once a day for 4 weeks. Diabetes was induced by single injection of streptozotocin (STZ, 200 mg/kg, i.p.). In diabetic mice, HemoHIM effectively improved hyperglycemia and glucose tolerance compared to the diabetic control group as well as elevated plasma insulin levels with preservation of insulin staining in pancreatic β-cells. HemoHIM treatment restored thymus weight, white blood cells, lymphocyte numbers, and splenic lymphocyte populations (CD4+ T and CD8+ T), which were reduced in diabetic mice, as well as IFN-γ production in response to Con A stimulation. These results indicate that HemoHIM may have potential as a glucose-lowering and immunomodulatory agent by enhancing the immune function of pancreatic β-cells in STZ-induced diabetic mice. PMID:25045390



    Campos, Josemberg; Ramos, Almino; Szego, Thomaz; Zilberstein, Bruno; Feitosa, Heládio; Cohen, Ricardo


    Metabolic Risk Score defined by the surgical societies. Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB), because of its well known safety and efficacy and longer follow-up studies, is the main surgical technique indicated for patients eligible for surgery through the Metabolic Risk Score. The vertical sleeve gastrectomy may be considered if there is an absolute contraindication for the RYGB. T2DM patients should be evaluated by the multiprofessional team that will assess surgical eligibility, preoperative work up, follow up and long term monitoring for micro and macrovascular complications. Mesmo considerando o avanço do tratamento clínico ocorrido nos últimos 20 anos, com novos e mais eficientes medicamentos, os dados ainda são desanimadores quanto ao controle da obesidade e da diabete melito tipo 2(DMT2),com grande parcela de doentes em tratamento clínico ficando fora da meta desejada de controle. Apresentar proposta de Escore de Risco Metabólico para melhor orientar a indicação cirúrgica do diabete em pacientes com índice de massa corpórea (IMC) mais baixo nos quais o uso de procedimento cirúrgico para obesidade ainda é controverso. Foi realizada pesquisa nas bases de dados PubMed, Medline, PubMed Central, Scielo e Lilacs entre 2003-2015 correlacionando os descritores:cirurgia metabólica, obesidade e diabete melito tipo 2. Adicionalmente, representantes das sociedades envolvidas emitiram opiniões em pontos nos quais não existia na literatura trabalhos com graus de evidência elevados. Foram encontrados 45 artigos relacionadosque foram analisados pelos critérios da medicina baseada em evidências.As opiniões agrupadas procuraram responder as seguintes questões: Porque cirurgia metabólica e não bariátrica?;Mecanismos envolvidos no controle glicêmico; IMC como critério isolado de indicação cirúrgica para o DMT2 não controlado; Resultados de estudos de cirurgia metabólica em IMC<35 kg/m2; Segurança da cirurgia metabólica em pacientes com IMC<35 kg/m2; Efeitos

  7. Descompresión microvascular en neuralgia del trigémino: Reporte de 36 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Alvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Campero, Abraham Agustín


    Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 36 pacientes con diagnóstico de neuralgia del trigémino (NT), en los cuales se realizó una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Material y Método: Desde junio de 2005 a mayo de 2012, 36 pacientes con diagnóstico de NT fueron operados por el primer autor (AC), realizando una DMV. Se evaluó: Edad, sexo, tiempo de sintomatología previo a la cirugía, hallazgos intraoperatorios (a través de los videos quirúrgicos), y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 36 pacientes operados, 25 fueron mujeres y 11 varones. El promedio de edad fue de 48 años. El seguimiento postoperatorio fue en promedio de 38 meses. De los 36 pacientes, 32 (88%) evolucionaron sin dolor hasta la fecha. De los 4 casos con recurrencia de dolor, en dos pacientes se observó como hallazgo intraoperatorio un conflicto venoso. Conclusión: La DMV como tratamiento de la NT es un procedimiento efectivo y seguro. El hallazgo intraoperatorio de una “compresión” venosa podría indicar una evolución postoperatoria desfavorable. PMID:25379343

  8. Actitudes Éticas de los estudiantes y egresados en carrera de medicina con metodologías activas

    PubMed Central

    Novaes, Maria Rita Carvalho Garbi; Novaes, Luiz Carlos Garcez; Guilhem, Dirce; Stepke, Fernando Lolas; Silveira, Carla Cristina Costa; Komatsu, Ricardo Shoiti; Trindade, Eliane Mendonça Vilar; Guiotti, Murilo Galvão


    El presente estudio tiene por objeto desarrollar un diagnostico de la inserción integrada de la ética en la carrera de medicina brasileña con una metodología de aprendizaje basada en problemas y describir las percepciones de actitudes éticas de los estudiantes y egresados. El diseño metodológico es un estudio de caso, descriptivo y documental, con abordaje cualitativo y cuantitativo. La muestra de esta investigación ha sido constituida por 120 estudiantes y 40 egresados de dos promociones del Curso de Medicina de la ESCS. Este proyecto fue aprobado por el Comité de Ética en Investigación - SES/DF. Los estudiantes y egresados de la ESCS demostraron un buen manejo en el abordaje de los conflictos éticos y respeto a los pacientes. Sin embargo, el análisis de sensibilidad ética mostró una fragilidad en las percepciones y aptitudes inapropiadas de los estudiantes de la carrera de medicina, identificada básicamente en los años iniciales, que necesitan más discusiones sistematizadas sobre los aspectos éticos y bioéticos integrados a las actividades prácticas para estimular y fortalecer la reflexión ética de los estudiantes. PMID:20981242

  9. Ginsenoside Ameliorates Cognitive Dysfunction in Type 2 Diabetic Goto-Kakizaki Rats.


    Tian, Zhiyan; Ren, Ning; Wang, Jinghua; Zhang, Danhong; Zhou, Yuying


    BACKGROUND Ginsenoside is the major bioactive component of ginseng, which has been proven to be a neuroprotective drug. The aim of this study was to evaluate the therapeutic effect of ginsenoside in a diabetic Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rat model. MATERIAL AND METHODS Twenty GK rats were randomly divided into a diabetic model (DM) group (n=10) and a ginsenoside + DM group (n=10); Wistar rats with the same age and body weight were used as the control (CON) group (n=10). Food and water intake, body weight, and blood fasting plasma glucose were measured. The Morris water maze test was used to detect learning and memory functions of the rats. Superoxide dismutase (SOD), malondialdehyde (MDA), and inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-6) in the hippocampus were analyzed after ginsenoside treatment. RESULTS The blood glucose, body weight, Morris correlation index, SOD, MDA, and other test results were increased in the diabetic rats. Ginsenoside ameliorated diabetic cognitive decline. CONCLUSIONS The possible mechanism was related to inhibiting brain oxidative/nitrosative damage and affecting the expression of the cytokines IL-1β, IL-6, and TNF-α.

  10. One-year unsupervised individualized exercise training intervention enhances cardiorespiratory fitness but not muscle deoxygenation or glycemic control in adults with type 1 diabetes.


    Rissanen, Antti-Pekka E; Tikkanen, Heikki O; Koponen, Anne S; Aho, Jyrki M; Peltonen, Juha E


    Adaptations to long-term exercise training in type 1 diabetes are sparsely studied. We examined the effects of a 1-year individualized training intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness, exercise-induced active muscle deoxygenation, and glycemic control in adults with and without type 1 diabetes. Eight men with type 1 diabetes (T1D) and 8 healthy men (CON) matched for age, anthropometry, and peak pulmonary O 2 uptake, completed a 1-year individualized training intervention in an unsupervised real-world setting. Before and after the intervention, the subjects performed a maximal incremental cycling test, during which alveolar gas exchange (volume turbine and mass spectrometry) and relative concentration changes in active leg muscle deoxygenated (Δ[HHb]) and total (Δ[tHb]) hemoglobin (near-infrared spectroscopy) were monitored. Peak O 2 pulse, reflecting peak stroke volume, was calculated (peak pulmonary O 2 uptake/peak heart rate). Glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A 1c (HbA 1c )) was evaluated. Both T1D and CON averagely performed 1 resistance-training and 3-4 endurance-training sessions per week (∼1 h/session at ∼moderate intensity). Training increased peak pulmonary O 2 uptake in T1D (p = 0.004) and CON (p = 0.045) (group × time p = 0.677). Peak O 2 pulse also rose in T1D (p = 0.032) and CON (p = 0.018) (group × time p = 0.880). Training increased leg Δ[HHb] at peak exercise in CON (p = 0.039) but not in T1D (group × time p = 0.052), while no changes in leg Δ[tHb] at any work rate were observed in either group (p > 0.05). HbA 1c retained unchanged in T1D (from 58 ± 10 to 59 ± 11 mmol/mol, p = 0.609). In conclusion, 1-year adherence to exercise training enhanced cardiorespiratory fitness similarly in T1D and CON but had no effect on active muscle deoxygenation or glycemic control in T1D.

  11. Diabetes, Pancreatogenic Diabetes, and Pancreatic Cancer.


    Andersen, Dana K; Korc, Murray; Petersen, Gloria M; Eibl, Guido; Li, Donghui; Rickels, Michael R; Chari, Suresh T; Abbruzzese, James L


    The relationships between diabetes and pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) are complex. Longstanding type 2 diabetes (T2DM) is a risk factor for pancreatic cancer, but increasing epidemiological data point to PDAC as also a cause of diabetes due to unknown mechanisms. New-onset diabetes is of particular interest to the oncology community as the differentiation of new-onset diabetes caused by PDAC as distinct from T2DM may allow for earlier diagnosis of PDAC. To address these relationships and raise awareness of the relationships between PDAC and diabetes, a symposium entitled Diabetes, Pancreatogenic Diabetes, and Pancreatic Cancer was held at the American Diabetes Association's 76th Scientific Sessions in June 2016. This article summarizes the data presented at that symposium, describing the current understanding of the interrelationships between diabetes, diabetes management, and pancreatic cancer, and identifies areas where additional research is needed. © 2017 by the American Diabetes Association.

  12. Translation, adaptation and validation the contents of the Diabetes Medical Management Plan for the Brazilian context.


    Torres, Heloísa de Carvalho; Chaves, Fernanda Figueredo; Silva, Daniel Dutra Romualdo da; Bosco, Adriana Aparecida; Gabriel, Beatriz Diniz; Reis, Ilka Afonso; Rodrigues, Júlia Santos Nunes; Pagano, Adriana Silvina


    calculado com base no Índice de Validade de Conteúdo. Os dados coletados foram exportados para análise estatística no ambiente R. a avaliação do instrumento apresentou boa concordância entre os juízes das áreas da Saúde e Linguística Aplicada, com Índice de Validade de Conteúdo médio de 0,9 e 0,89, respectivamente, e pequena variabilidade do índice entre grupos (diferença inferior a 0,01). Os itens da versão traduzida, avaliados como insatisfatórios pelos juízes, foram reformulados com base nas ponderações dos profissionais de cada grupo. construiu-se uma versão brasileira do Diabetes Medical Management Plan, denominado Plano de Manejo do Diabetes na Escola. traducir, adaptar y validar el contenido del Diabetes Medical Management Plan para el contexto brasileño, protocolo elaborado por la Asociación de Diabetes Americana, que orienta la conducta de los educadores para el cuidado de niños y adolescentes con diabetes mellitus en las escuelas. se trata de estudio metodológico, realizado en cuatro etapas: traducción inicial, síntesis de la traducción inicial, retrotraducción y validación de contenido por un Comité de Jueces, compuesto por 94 especialistas (29 lingüistas aplicados y 65 profesionales del área de la Salud), para evaluación de la versión traducida por medio de un cuestionario online. El nivel de concordancia de los jueces fue calculado con base en el Índice de Validez de Contenido. Los datos recolectados fueron exportados para ser analizados estadísticamente en el ambiente R. la evaluación del instrumento presentó buena concordancia entre los jueces de las áreas de Salud y Lingüística Aplicada, con Índice de Validez de Contenido promedio de 0,9 y 0,89, respectivamente, y pequeña variabilidad del índice entre grupos (diferencia inferior a 0,01). Los ítems de la versión traducida, evaluados como insatisfactorios por los jueces, fueron reformulados con base en las sugestiones de los profesionales de cada grupo. se

  13. Soy lecithin supplementation alters macrophage phagocytosis and lymphocyte response to concanavalin A: a study in alloxan-induced diabetic rats.


    Miranda, Dalva T S Z; Batista, Vanessa G; Grando, Fernanda C C; Paula, Fernanda M; Felício, Caroline A; Rubbo, Gabriella F S; Fernandes, Luiz C; Curi, Rui; Nishiyama, Anita


    Dietary soy lecithin supplementation decreases hyperlipidemia and influences lipid metabolism. Although this product is used by diabetic patients, there are no data about the effect of soy lecithin supplementation on the immune system. The addition of phosphatidylcholine, the main component of lecithin, to a culture of lymphocytes has been reported to alter their function. If phosphatidylcholine changes lymphocyte functions in vitro as previously shown, then it could also affect immune cells in vivo. In the present study, the effect of dietary soy lecithin on macrophage phagocytic capacity and on lymphocyte number in response to concanavalin A (ConA) stimulation was investigated in non-diabetic and alloxan-induced diabetic rats. Supplementation was carried out daily with 2 g kg(-1) b.w. lecithin during 7 days. After that, blood was drawn from fasting rats and peritoneal macrophages and mesenteric lymph node lymphocytes were collected to determine the phospholipid content. Plasma triacylglycerol (TAG), total and HDL cholesterol and glucose levels were also determined. Lymphocytes were stimulated by ConA. The MTT (3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide) dye reduction method and flow cytometry were employed to evaluate lymphocyte metabolism and cell number, respectively. Soy lecithin supplementation significantly increased both macrophage phagocytic capacity (+29%) in non-diabetic rats and the lymphocyte number in diabetic rats (+92%). It is unlikely that plasma lipid levels indirectly affect immune cells, since plasma cholesterol, TAG, or phospholipid content was not modified by lecithin supplementation. In conclusion, lymphocyte and macrophage function were altered by lecithin supplementation, indicating an immunomodulatory effect of phosphatidylcholine.

  14. Exercise training prevents decrease in luminal capillary diameter of skeletal muscles in rats with type 2 diabetes.


    Morifuji, Takeshi; Murakami, Shinichiro; Fujita, Naoto; Kondo, Hiroyo; Fujino, Hidemi


    The purpose of this study was to examine whether exercise training can prevent microangiopathy of skeletal muscles in rats with type 2 diabetes and if succinate dehydrogenase (SDH) activity, an indicator of mitochondrial oxidative enzyme activity, is involved in the prevention of microangiopathy. Six-week-old male Goto-Kakizaki (GK) rats and age-matched male Wistar rats (control group (Con)) were used. GK rats were randomly assigned to nonexercise (DB) and exercise (DBEx) groups. The DBEx group was trained on a treadmill 5 times a week for 3 weeks. No significant differences in the capillary-to-fibre ratio or the capillary density were observed between the 3 groups. The luminal capillary diameter of the DB group was significantly lower than that of the Con group, whereas the capillary diameter of the DBEx group was significantly higher than that of the DB group. In addition, SDH activity was significantly higher in the DBEx group than in the Con and DB groups. Microangiopathy of skeletal muscles in type 2 diabetes was correlated with a decrease in the luminal capillary diameter, which was prevented by exercise training. Thus, the mitochondrial oxidative capacity appears to be involved in the overall mechanism by which exercise prevents microangiopathy.

  15. Egg consumption and cardiovascular disease according to diabetic status: The PREDIMED study.


    Díez-Espino, J; Basterra-Gortari, F J; Salas-Salvadó, J; Buil-Cosiales, P; Corella, D; Schröder, H; Estruch, R; Ros, E; Gómez-Gracia, E; Arós, F; Fiol, M; Lapetra, J; Serra-Majem, L; Pintó, X; Babio, N; Quiles, L; Fito, M; Marti, A; Toledo, E


    Eggs are a major source of dietary cholesterol and their consumption has been sometimes discouraged. A relationship between egg consumption and the incidence of cardiovascular disease (CVD) has been suggested to be present exclusively among patients with type2 diabetes. To assess the association between egg consumption and CVD in a large Mediterranean cohort where approximately 50% of participants had type 2 diabetes. We prospectively followed 7216 participants (55-80 years old) at high cardiovascular risk from the PREDIMED (PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea) study for a mean of 5.8 years. All participants were initially free of CVD. Yearly repeated measurements of dietary information with a validated 137-item food-frequency questionnaire were used to assess egg consumption and other dietary exposures. The endpoint was the rate of major cardiovascular events (myocardial infarction, stroke or death from cardiovascular causes). A major cardiovascular event occurred in 342 participants. Baseline egg consumption was not significantly associated with cardiovascular events in the total population. Non-diabetic participants who ate on average >4 eggs/week had a hazard ratio (HR) of 0.96 (95% confidence interval, 0.33-2.76) in the fully adjusted multivariable model when compared with non-diabetic participants who reported the lowest egg consumption (<2 eggs/week). Among diabetic participants, the HR was 1.33 (0.72-2.46). There was no evidence of interaction by diabetic status. HRs per 500 eggs of cumulative consumption during follow-up were 0.94 (0.66-1.33) in non-diabetics and 1.18 (0.90-1.55) in diabetics. Low to moderated egg consumption was not associated with an increased CVD risk in diabetic or non-diabetic individuals at high cardiovascular risk. This trial was registered at as ISRCTN35739639. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ltd and European Society for Clinical Nutrition and Metabolism. All rights reserved.

  16. Embolização arterial superseletiva para tratamento de angiomiolipoma em paciente com rim único

    PubMed Central

    Góes, Adenauer Marinho de Oliveira; Jeha, Salim Abdon Haber; Salgado, José Rui Couto


    Resumo Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente jovem previamente submetida a nefrectomia direita por apresentar angiomiolipomas renais (AMLRs) e portadora de dois volumosos angiomiolipomas no rim esquerdo remanescente. A paciente foi encaminhada pelo urologista para tratamento endovascular. Realizou-se embolização superseletiva de um dos tumores, localizado no polo renal inferior e em situação subcapsular; apesar de várias tentativas, não foi obtido um cateterismo seletivo suficiente para embolizar o segundo angiomiolipoma (localizado no polo renal superior) sem que um volume considerável de parênquima renal adjacente sofresse isquemia. O procedimento e a recuperação da paciente transcorreram sem complicações. A paciente recebeu alta no primeiro pós-operatório e vem sendo acompanhada ambulatorialmente há 9 meses sem intercorrências. É feita uma breve revisão sobre indicações, aspectos técnicos e complicações do tratamento endovascular dos AMLRs, além de serem discutidas vantagens dessa técnica quando comparada à ressecção cirúrgica dos tumores. PMID:29930580

  17. Meningiomas del foramen magno: Reporte de 12 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Ajler, Pablo; Roman, Guillermo; Rivadeneira, Conrado


    Resumen Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de meningiomas del foramen magno (MFM), de localización anterior o lateral, operados con técnicas microquirúrgicas. Método: Desde Junio de 2005 a Diciembre de 2016, 12 pacientes con diagnóstico de MFM fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente. Se evaluó: edad, sexo, localización de la lesión (anterior o lateral), sintomatología, tipo de abordaje utilizado y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los pacientes intervenidos, 8 fueron mujeres y 4 varones. La edad promedio fue de 47 años. La localización fue anterior en 8 casos y lateral en 4 casos. La sintomatología más frecuente fue dolor occipito-cervical (8 casos), seguido de tetraparesia (3 casos). En los pacientes con MFM de localización anterior se realizó un abordaje extremo-lateral transcondilar (ELTC), mientras que en los tumores laterales el abordaje fue extremo-lateral retrocondilar (ELRC). En 10 casos la resección fue completa. En dos pacientes fue necesario dejar una pequeña lámina de meningioma sobre la arteria vertebral y a nivel del foramen yugular. Como complicaciones postoperatorias, 3 pacientes presentaron una paresia del XII nervio craneano y 2 pacientes paresia del XI nervio craneano; además, 1 paciente presentó una fístula de LCR. Conclusión: La cirugía de los MFM de localización anterior y lateral puede ser realizada de forma segura y efectiva. Es necesario: a) buen conocimiento anatómico de la región; b) disecar los músculos de la nuca en 2 planos, exponiendo el triángulo suboccipital y la arteria vertebral (AV); 3) realizar un abordaje ELRC en los tumores laterales, y ELTC en los tumores anteriores; y 4) buena técnica microquirúrgica. PMID:29142778

  18. [Not Available].


    Burgos Peláez, Rosa; Cuerda Compes, María Cristina; García-Luna, Pedro P; Martínez Faedo, Ceferino; Mauri Roca, Sílvia; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Virgili Casas, M Nuria; Wanden-Berghe, Carmina


    Introducción:la nutrición parenteral (NP) a largo plazo puede asociarse a complicaciones graves, con un deterioro importante de la calidad de vida de los pacientes con síndrome de intestino corto (SIC). Teduglutida, un análogo del péptido-2 similar al glucagón, pertenece a una nueva familia terapéutica y representa el primer abordaje no sintomático del SIC. Objetivos: revisar los datos preclínicos y clínicos en cuanto a eficacia y seguridad de teduglutida. Resultados: la aprobación de teduglutida se basó en los resultados de un estudio en fase III de 24 semanas, doble ciego, controlado con placebo (STEPS). Pacientes con fallo intestinal por SIC dependientes de NP ≥ 3 veces/semana durante ≥ 12 meses recibieron 0,05 mg/kg de teduglutida (n = 43) o placebo (n = 43) 1 vez/día. En la semana 24 hubo significativamente más respondedores en el grupo de teduglutida que en el de placebo (63 vs.30%; p = 0,002). La reducción absoluta media del volumen de NP frente al valor basal en la semana 24 fue significativamente mayor con teduglutida (4,4 vs.2,3 l/semana; p < 0,001). La necesidad de NP se redujo ≥ 1 día en la semana 24 en el 54% de pacientes tratados con teduglutida vs.23% con placebo. Del total de pacientes que recibieron teduglutida en los ensayos en fase III (n = 134), el 12% consiguió una autonomía completa de la NP. Por lo general, la administración subcutánea de teduglutida se toleró bien. Conclusiones: se ha demostrado que teduglutida recupera la absorción intestinal y reduce significativamente la dependencia de la NP, consiguiendo incluso la independencia en algunos pacientes.

  19. Reduction in the Incidence of Type 2 Diabetes With the Mediterranean Diet

    PubMed Central

    Salas-Salvadó, Jordi; Bulló, Monica; Babio, Nancy; Martínez-González, Miguel Ángel; Ibarrola-Jurado, Núria; Basora, Josep; Estruch, Ramon; Covas, Maria Isabel; Corella, Dolores; Arós, Fernando; Ruiz-Gutiérrez, Valentina; Ros, Emilio


    OBJECTIVE To test the effects of two Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) interventions versus a low-fat diet on incidence of diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS This was a three-arm randomized trial in 418 nondiabetic subjects aged 55–80 years recruited in one center (PREDIMED-Reus, northeastern Spain) of the Prevención con Dieta Mediterránea [PREDIMED] study, a large nutrition intervention trial for primary cardiovascular prevention in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. Participants were randomly assigned to education on a low-fat diet (control group) or to one of two MedDiets, supplemented with either free virgin olive oil (1 liter/week) or nuts (30 g/day). Diets were ad libitum, and no advice on physical activity was given. The main outcome was diabetes incidence diagnosed by the 2009 American Diabetes Association criteria. RESULTS After a median follow-up of 4.0 years, diabetes incidence was 10.1% (95% CI 5.1–15.1), 11.0% (5.9–16.1), and 17.9% (11.4–24.4) in the MedDiet with olive oil group, the MedDiet with nuts group, and the control group, respectively. Multivariable adjusted hazard ratios of diabetes were 0.49 (0.25–0.97) and 0.48 (0.24–0.96) in the MedDiet supplemented with olive oil and nuts groups, respectively, compared with the control group. When the two MedDiet groups were pooled and compared with the control group, diabetes incidence was reduced by 52% (27–86). In all study arms, increased adherence to the MedDiet was inversely associated with diabetes incidence. Diabetes risk reduction occurred in the absence of significant changes in body weight or physical activity. CONCLUSIONS MedDiets without calorie restriction seem to be effective in the prevention of diabetes in subjects at high cardiovascular risk. PMID:20929998

  20. Diagnóstico diferencial en la encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor NMDA

    PubMed Central

    González-Valcárcel, J.; Rosenfeld, M.R.; Dalmau, J.


    Resumen Introducción La encefalitis por anticuerpos contra el receptor de NMDA (NMDAR) suele desarrollarse como un síndrome característico de evolución multifásica y diagnóstico diferencial amplio. Pacientes Presentamos a 2 pacientes diagnosticadas de encefalitis por anticuerpos NMDAR con un cuadro clínico típico, pero que inicialmente señaló otras etiologías. Discusión La afectación frecuente de pacientes jóvenes con manifestaciones psiquiátricas prominentes indica frecuentemente otras consideraciones diagnósticas; las más frecuentes son las encefalitis virales, los procesos psiquiátricos y el síndrome neuroléptico maligno. Varios síndromes previamente definidos de manera parcial o descriptiva en adultos y pacientes pediátricos probablemente eran casos de encefalitis anti-NMDAR. Conclusiones La encefalitis anti-NMDAR debe considerarse en pacientes jóvenes con manifestaciones psiquiátricas subagudas, movimientos anormales y alteraciones autonómicas. La caracterización clínica e inmunológica de esta enfermedad ha llevado a la identificación de nuevos anticuerpos que afectan a procesos de memoria, aprendizaje, conducta y psicosis. PMID:20964986

  1. Factors associated with the risk of fall in adults in the postoperative period: a cross-sectional study.


    Mata, Luciana Regina Ferreira da; Azevedo, Cissa; Policarpo, Aryanne Gabrielle; Moraes, Juliano Teixeira


    ún paciente presentó recuperación quirúrgica precaria. En relación a los resultados del análisis bivariado, se identificó que edad (p<0,001), HAS (p<0,001) y diabetes (p=0,017) estuvieron asociados positivamente con alto riesgo de caída y el cáncer (p=0,004) estuvo asociado positivamente con moderado riesgo de caída. La recuperación quirúrgica (p=0,008) estuvo asociada inversamente con alto riesgo de caída. los resultados de este estudio posibilitaran la identificación de cinco factores asociados al riesgo de caída en adultos de internación quirúrgica. Los hallazgos podrán auxiliar la planificación de acciones de enfermería dirigidas para prevenir el riesgo de caída en el posoperatorio. avaliar os fatores associados ao risco de queda em pacientes submetidos a procedimentos cirúrgicos. estudo quantitativo, transversal, realizado com 257 pacientes adultos em um hospital de Minas Gerais, Brasil. A coleta de dados se deu por meio de um questionário sociodemográfico e clínico, Morse Fall Scale e Quality of Recovery Score. Os dados foram submetidos a análise estatística descritiva e regressão logística multinominal. O nível de significância adotado foi de 0,05. 35,4% dos pacientes apresentaram elevado risco de quedas, 38,9% moderado risco e 25,7% baixo risco. A escala de recuperação cirúrgica indicou valor médio de 175,37 pontos e nenhum paciente apresentou recuperação cirúrgica precária. Em relação aos resultados da análise bivariada, identificou-se que idade (p<0,001), HAS (p<0,001) e diabetes (p=0,017) estiveram associados positivamente com o alto risco de queda e o câncer (p=0,004) esteve associado positivamente com o moderado risco de queda. Já a recuperação cirúrgica (p=0,008) esteve associada inversamente com o alto risco de queda. os resultados deste estudo possibilitaram a identificação de cinco fatores associados ao risco de queda em adultos de internação cirúrgica. Os achados poderão subsidiar o planejamento de a

  2. Examining adherence among challenging patients in public and private HIV care in Argentina

    PubMed Central

    Jones, Deborah; Cook, Ryan; Cecchini, Diego; Sued, Omar; Bofill, Lina; Weiss, Stephen; Waldrop-Valverde, Drenna; Lopez, Maria R; Spence, Andrew


    Treatment engagement, retention and adherence to care are required for optimal HIV outcomes. Yet, patients may fall below the treatment recommendations for achieving undetectable viral load or not be retained in care. This study examined the most challenging patients in Buenos Aires, Argentina, those non-adherent to HIV care. Men (n = 61) and women (n = 59) prescribed antiretrovirals (ARVs) and non-adherent to treatment in the prior 3 to 6 months were enrolled and assessed regarding adherence, knowledge, motivation and attitudes regarding treatment. Private clinic patients had lower viral load and higher self-reported adherence than public clinic patients. Motivations to be adherent and positive beliefs regarding ARVs were associated with increased adherence in public clinic participants. Increased self-efficacy was associated with increased adherence among participants from both clinics. Results support patient and provider interventions that strengthen the characteristics supporting adherence, engagement and retention in public and private clinic settings. Resumen El compromiso, la retención en el cuidado y adherencia al tratamiento son esenciales para el manejo óptimo del paciente con VIH. Sin embargo, muchos pacientes con VIH no siguen las el tratamiento para lograr tener una carga viral indetectable, o no permanecen bajo cuidado médico. Este estudio examina los pacientes más difíciles de retener en el cuidado médico en Buenos Aires, Argentina. Hombres (n = 61) y mujeres (n = 59) a los que se les habían recetado antiretrovirales pero seguían el tratamiento en los últimos 3 - 6 meses participaron en el estudio. Adherencia, conocimiento, motivación y actitudes frente al tratamiento fueron evaluados. Los pacientes en la clínica privada tenían menor carga viral y mejor adherencia que los de la clínica pública. Motivación y pensamientos positivos con respecto a antiretrovirales estaban asociados con mejor adherencia en los pacientes de la clínica p

  3. Chlorogenic Acid Improves Late Diabetes through Adiponectin Receptor Signaling Pathways in db/db Mice

    PubMed Central

    Jin, Shasha; Chang, Cuiqing; Zhang, Lantao; Liu, Yang; Huang, Xianren; Chen, Zhimin


    The aim of this study was to examine the effects of chlorogenic acid (CGA) on glucose and lipid metabolism in late diabetic db/db mice, as well as on adiponectin receptors and their signaling molecules, to provide evidence for CGA in the prevention of type 2 diabetes. We randomly divided 16 female db/db mice into db/db-CGA and db/db-control (CON) groups equally; db/m mice were used as control mice. The mice in both the db/db-CGA and db/m-CGA groups were administered 80 mg/kg/d CGA by lavage for 12 weeks, whereas the mice in both CON groups were given equal volumes of phosphate-buffered saline (PBS) by lavage. At the end of the intervention, we assessed body fat and the parameters of glucose and lipid metabolism in the plasma, liver and skeletal muscle tissues as well as the levels of aldose reductase (AR) and transforming growth factor-β1 (TGF-β1) in the kidneys and measured adiponectin receptors and the protein expression of their signaling molecules in liver and muscle tissues. After 12 weeks of intervention, compared with the db/db-CON group, the percentage of body fat, fasting plasma glucose (FPG) and glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) in the db/db-CGA group were all significantly decreased; TGF-β1 protein expression and AR activity in the kidney were both decreased; and the adiponectin level in visceral adipose was increased. The protein expression of adiponectin receptors (ADPNRs), the phosphorylation of AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) in the liver and muscle, and the mRNA and protein levels of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha (PPAR-α) in the liver were all significantly greater. CGA could lower the levels of fasting plasma glucose and HbA1c during late diabetes and improve kidney fibrosis to some extent through the modulation of adiponectin receptor signaling pathways in db/db mice. PMID:25849026

  4. Prevalência de tromboembolismo pulmonar incidental em pacientes oncológicos: análise retrospectiva em grande centro

    PubMed Central

    Carneiro, Renata Mota; van Bellen, Bonno; Santana, Pablo Rydz Pinheiro; Gomes, Antônio Carlos Portugal


    Resumo Contexto Devido à maior aplicação de exames de imagem rotineiros, especialmente nos pacientes com neoplasia para controle da doença, vem aumentando o diagnóstico de tromboembolismo pulmonar (TEP) incidental, importante fator de morbimortalidade associado. Objetivo Identificar os casos de TEP incidental em pacientes oncológicos submetidos a tomografia computadorizada (TC) de tórax, correlacionando aspectos clínicos e fatores de risco associados. Métodos Estudo retrospectivo de todos os episódios de TEP ocorridos de janeiro de 2013 a junho de 2016, com seleção dos pacientes oncológicos e divisão deles em dois grupos: com suspeita clínica e sem suspeita clínica (incidentais) de embolia pulmonar. Resultados Foram avaliados 468 pacientes com TEP no período citado. Destes, 23,1% eram oncológicos, entre os quais 44,4% apresentaram achado incidental de embolia pulmonar na TC de tórax. Não houve diferença estatística entre os grupos para sexo, idade e tabagismo. Quanto à procedência, 58,3% dos pacientes sem suspeita clínica eram de origem ambulatorial e 41,7% com suspeita de TEP vinham do pronto-socorro (p < 0,001). As neoplasias mais prevalentes foram de pulmão (17,6%), intestino (15,7%) e mama (13,0%). Aqueles com achado incidental apresentaram significativamente mais metástases, sem diferença entre os grupos para realização de quimioterapia, radioterapia ou cirurgia recente. Quanto aos sintomas apresentados, 41,9% daqueles sem suspeita clínica tinham queixas sugestivas de TEP quando realizaram o exame. Conclusão TEP incidental é frequente em pacientes oncológicos, especialmente naqueles provenientes de seguimento ambulatorial e em estágios avançados da doença. Sintomas sugestivos de TEP estavam presentes em pacientes sem suspeita clínica ao realizarem a TC de tórax. PMID:29930652

  5. [Not Available].


    Germán Díaz, Marta; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Gomis Muñoz, Pilar


    Introducción: la nutrición parenteral domiciliaria se ha convertido en un punto clave en el tratamiento de pacientes con fracaso intestinal crónico. A pesar de los importantes avances que se han producido en las últimas décadas, tanto en los accesos vasculares, como en las soluciones empleadas, las infecciones asociadas a catéter venoso central siguen constituyendo una de las complicaciones más importantes. Dentro de las estrategias para la prevención o el tratamiento de estas infecciones se encuentra el empleo de sellados con antisépticos, como el etanol o la taurolidina, o de antibióticos.Objetivo: el objetivo de este artículo es revisar la evidencia disponible sobre el empleo de sellados con antisépticos o antibióticos en el manejo de pacientes pediátricos con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria.Material y métodos: el uso de sellados con etanol o taurolidina para prevenir el desarrollo de infecciones asociadas a catéter central estaría indicado en pacientes con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria que hayan tenido más de una infección en el año anterior o que se consideren pacientes de riesgo. Los sellados con antibióticos están indicados en el tratamiento de bacteriemias asociadas a catéter central producidas por S. coagulasa-negativo o gramnegativos, asociados a un tratamiento sistémico, siempre que sea posible, con el fin de salvar el catéter. Se debería llevar a cabo la retirada del mismo cuando existan signos de infección del punto de entrada o del trayecto subcutáneo, o cuando el germen responsable de la infección sea S. aureus o Cándida.Conclusión: a pesar de que la fuerza de la evidencia sobre la eficacia del sellado en la prevención o el tratamiento de infecciones asociadas al catéter es limitada, tanto en el niño como en el adulto, cada vez existen más datos a usar esta alternativa en pacientes con nutrición parenteral domiciliaria en los que la atención y salvaguarda de los catéteres es primordial.

  6. Avaliação do conhecimento de pacientes diabéticos sobre medidas preventivas do pé diabético em Maringá (PR)

    PubMed Central

    Carlesso, Guilherme Pereira; Gonçalves, Mariana Helena Barboza; Moreschi, Dorival


    Resumo Contexto O atual envelhecimento da população tem gerado maior predominância de doenças crônicas, como o diabetes, a qual está associada a um risco elevado de complicações crônicas e agudas. Entre essas, o pé diabético (PD) destaca-se por possuir alta incidência e grande poder mutilador. Objetivo Avaliar o conhecimento da população diabética das Unidades Básicas de Saúde (UBS) de Maringá (PR) sobre a prevenção do PD. Métodos Estudo descritivo, quantitativo, tipo inquérito por entrevista. A população estudada foi composta por 80 portadores de diabetes, cadastrados em UBS de Maringá (PR). A coleta de dados buscou levantar dados sociodemográficos e epidemiológicos, bem como as atitudes de controle do diabetes e do autocuidado para prevenção do PD. Resultados Do total de entrevistados, nove não realizavam qualquer tipo de exame para controle do diabetes e a renda mensal predominante foi de até um salário mínimo. O grau de escolaridade e a renda mensal não se mostraram relevantes em relação ao conhecimento de cuidados preventivos do PD e nem uma maior adesão a hábitos de vida saudáveis. O cuidado com o PD tende a melhorar à medida que exista uma compreensão mais clara dos fatores que conduzem à perda do membro e um crescente consenso sobre a gestão de vários aspectos clínicos do cuidado com o pé. Conclusão Existe uma falta de aprendizado das medidas preventivas, mesmo nos pacientes com algum nível de instrução, o que induz a uma prática deficiente de cuidados.

  7. Diabetes Insipidus


    ... Center Pacientes y Cuidadores Hormones and Health The Endocrine System Hormones Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) Steroid and Hormone ... an Endocrinologist Clinical Trials Hormones and Health The Endocrine System Hormones Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) Steroid and Hormone ...

  8. Diabetes - resources


    Resources - diabetes ... The following sites provide further information on diabetes: American Diabetes Association -- Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International -- National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion -- ...

  9. Stay at a Healthy Weight. Tips for Kids with Type 2 Diabetes = Mantente en un Peso Saludable. Consejos Para Muchachos con Diabetes Tipo 2

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    US Department of Health and Human Services, 2005


    A healthy weight means you are not too fat or too thin. Your doctor may have said that you should not gain more weight or that you need to lose a few pounds. If you have diabetes and are overweight, you are not alone. The steps you take to manage your weight will help you feel better and may improve your blood sugar or glucose (GLOO-kos) levels.…

  10. PubMed

    Contreras, Kateir; Vargas, María José; García, Paola; González, Camilo A; Rodríguez, Patricia; Castañeda-Cardona, Camilo; Otálora-Esteban, Margarita; Rosselli, Diego


    Introducción. El citomegalovirus es la causa más frecuente de infección en pacientes con trasplante renal. Existen dos estrategias de similar efectividad para prevenirlo: la profilaxis universal con valganciclovir durante 90 días o el tratamiento anticipado verificando la carga viral semanal y aplicándolo solo si esta es positiva.Objetivo. Determinar cuál de estas dos estrategias sería más costo-efectiva en pacientes de riesgo intermedio en Colombia.Materiales y métodos. Se diseñó un árbol de decisiones bajo la perspectiva del tercer pagador considerando únicamente los costos médicos directos en pesos colombianos (COP) del 2014 durante un periodo de un año en una población de pacientes con riesgo intermedio para citomegalovirus (donante positivo y receptor positivo, o donante negativo y receptor positivo). Las probabilidades de transición se extrajeron de los estudios clínicos y se validaron con expertos mediante el método Delphi.Los costos de los procedimientos se basaron en el manual tarifario ISS 2001, con un incremento del 33 % a partir del índice de precios al consumidor (IPC) en salud de 2014, en tanto que los de los medicamentos se extrajeron de las circulares del Ministerio de Salud y del Sistema de Información de Medicamentos (Sismed).Resultados. La profilaxis universal con valganciclovir resultó ser menos costosa y se asoció con una menor probabilidad de infección. El costo promedio del primer año de tratamiento anticipado sería de COP$ 30'961.290, mientras que el universal sería de COP$ 29'967.834, es decir, un costo 'incremental' de COP$ 993.456.Conclusiones. Para los pacientes de riesgo intermedio con trasplante renal en Colombia, la profilaxis universal es la mejor estrategia por ser menos costosa y reducir el riesgo de infección.

  11. Race/Ethnic Difference in Diabetes and Diabetic Complications

    PubMed Central

    Spanakis, Elias K.; Golden, Sherita Hill


    Health disparities in diabetes and its complications and co-morbidities exist globally. A recent Endocrine Society Scientific Statement described the Health Disparities in several endocrine disorders, including type 2 diabetes. In this review we summarize that statement and provide novel updates on race/ethnic differences in children and adults with type 1 diabetes, children with type 2 diabetes and in Latino subpopulations. We also review race/ethnic differences in the epidemiology of diabetes, prediabetes, and diabetes complications and mortality in the United States and globally. Finally we discuss biological, behavioral, social, environmental, and health system contributors to diabetes disparities in order to identify areas for future preventive interventions. PMID:24037313

  12. Anti-Diabetic Effects of Dung Beetle Glycosaminoglycan on db Mice and Gene Expression Profiling.


    Ahn, Mi Young; Kim, Ban Ji; Yoon, Hyung Joo; Hwang, Jae Sam; Park, Kun-Koo


    Anti-diabetes activity of Catharsius molossus (Ca, a type of dung beetle) glycosaminoglycan (G) was evaluated to reduce glucose, creatinine kinase, triglyceride and free fatty acid levels in db mice. Diabetic mice in six groups were administrated intraperitoneally: Db heterozygous (Normal), Db homozygous (CON), Heuchys sanguinea glycosaminoglycan (HEG, 5 mg/kg), dung beetle glycosaminoglycan (CaG, 5 mg/kg), bumblebee ( Bombus ignitus ) queen glycosaminoglycan (IQG, 5 mg/kg) and metformin (10 mg/kg), for 1 month. Biochemical analyses in the serum were evaluated to determine their anti-diabetic and anti-inflammatory actions in db mice after 1 month treatment with HEG, CaG or IQG treatments. Blood glucose level was decreased by treatment with CaG. CaG produced significant anti-diabetic actions by inhiting creatinine kinase and alkaline phosphatase levels. As diabetic parameters, serum glucose level, total cholesterol and triglyceride were significantly decreased in CaG5-treated group compared to the controls. Dung beetle glycosaminoglycan, compared to the control, could be a potential therapeutic agent with anti-diabetic activity in diabetic mice. CaG5-treated group, compared to the control, showed the up-regulation of 48 genes including mitochondrial yen coded tRNA lysine (mt-TK), cytochrome P450, family 8/2, subfamily b, polypeptide 1 (Cyp8b1), and down-regulation of 79 genes including S100 calcium binding protein A9 (S100a9) and immunoglobulin kappa chain complex (Igk), and 3-hydroxy-3-methylglutaryl-CoenzymeAsynthase1 (Hmgcs1). Moreover, mitochondrial thymidine kinase (mt-TK), was up-regulated, and calgranulin A (S100a9) were down-regulated by CaG5 treatment, indicating a potential therapeutic use for anti-diabetic agent.

  13. Diabetes autoantibodies do not predict progression to diabetes in adults: the Diabetes Prevention Program.


    Dabelea, D; Ma, Y; Knowler, W C; Marcovina, S; Saudek, C D; Arakaki, R; White, N H; Kahn, S E; Orchard, T J; Goldberg, R; Palmer, J; Hamman, R F


    To determine if the presence of diabetes autoantibodies predicts the development of diabetes among participants in the Diabetes Prevention Program. A total of 3050 participants were randomized into three treatment groups: intensive lifestyle intervention, metformin and placebo. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) 65 autoantibodies and insulinoma-associated-2 autoantibodies were measured at baseline and participants were followed for 3.2 years for the development of diabetes. The overall prevalence of GAD autoantibodies was 4.0%, and it varied across racial/ethnic groups from 2.4% among Asian-Pacific Islanders to 7.0% among non-Hispanic black people. There were no significant differences in BMI or metabolic variables (glucose, insulin, HbA(1c), estimated insulin resistance, corrected insulin response) stratified by baseline GAD antibody status. GAD autoantibody positivity did not predict diabetes overall (adjusted hazard ratio 0.98; 95% CI 0.56-1.73) or in any of the three treatment groups. Insulinoma-associated-2 autoantibodies were positive in only one participant (0.033%). These data suggest that 'diabetes autoimmunity', as reflected by GAD antibodies and insulinoma-associated-2 autoantibodies, in middle-aged individuals at risk for diabetes is not a clinically relevant risk factor for progression to diabetes. © 2014 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine © 2014 Diabetes UK.

  14. [Not Available].


    Ballesteros-Pomar, María; Villar-Taibo, Rocío; Calleja-Fernández, Alicia; Pintor-de-la-Maza, Begoña; Álvarez-Del-Campo, Cecilia; Vidal-Casariego, Alfonso; Cano-Rodríguez, Isidoro


    Los datos del estudio PREDYCES® nos revelaron que en España la desnutrición relacionada con la enfermedad (DRE) afecta a uno de cada cuatro pacientes hospitalizados. Esta cifra aumenta hasta el 36,8% en los pacientes hematológicos. Se calcula que un 20% de los pacientes oncológicos muere por complicaciones relacionadas con la DRE. Nuestro grupo se planteó en 2011 comenzar la implantación de un cribado nutricional en los servicios con mayor riesgo de DRE. La presente revisión trata de describir todo el proceso que hemos seguido para mejorar la situación nutricional en los pacientes ingresados en el Servicio de Hematología del Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León (CAULE), mayoritariamente con diagnóstico de neoplasias hematológicas. En un primer estudio piloto, detectamos una alta prevalencia de desnutrición, que tendió a aumentar durante la hospitalización. Además, solo el 8,3% los enfermos valorados recibieron algún tipo de soporte nutricional y no se estaban cubriendo sus necesidades ni calóricas ni proteicas, lo que se asociaba a un peor pronóstico. Por este motivo, nos decidimos a implantar de manera sistemática un cribado y una intervención nutricional adecuada, que comenzó en 2011 y que ha recibido el reconocimiento como Buena Práctica del Sistema Nacional de Salud.

  15. Transmaternal bisphenol A exposure accelerates diabetes type 1 development in NOD mice.


    Bodin, Johanna; Bølling, Anette Kocbach; Becher, Rune; Kuper, Frieke; Løvik, Martinus; Nygaard, Unni Cecilie


    Diabetes mellitus type 1 is an autoimmune disease with a genetic predisposition that is triggered by environmental factors during early life. Epidemiological studies show that bisphenol A (BPA), an endocrine disruptor, has been detected in about 90% of all analyzed human urine samples. In this study, BPA was found to increase the severity of insulitis and the incidence of diabetes in female non obese diabetic (NOD) mice offspring after transmaternal exposure through the dams' drinking water (0, 0.1, 1, and 10mg/l). Both the severity of insulitis in the pancreatic islets at 11 weeks of age and the diabetes prevalence at 20 weeks were significantly increased for female offspring in the highest exposure group compared to the control group. Increased numbers of apoptotic cells, a reduction in tissue resident macrophages and an increase in regulatory T cells were observed in islets prior to insulitis development in transmaternally exposed offspring. The detectable apoptotic cells were identified as mostly glucagon producing alpha-cells but also tissue resident macrophages and beta-cells. In the local (pancreatic) lymph node neither regulatory T cell nor NKT cell populations were affected by maternal BPA exposure. Maternal BPA exposure may have induced systemic immune changes in offspring, as evidenced by alterations in LPS- and ConA-induced cytokine secretion in splenocytes. In conclusion, transmaternal BPA exposure, in utero and through lactation, accelerated the spontaneous diabetes development in NOD mice. This acceleration appeared to be related to early life modulatory effects on the immune system, resulting in adverse effects later in life.

  16. [Anorexia nervosa as a cause of acute liver failure. Report of a case].


    Voltas-Arribas, Beatriz; Artero-Fullana, Ana; Ferrer-García, Juan Carlos; Sánchez-Juan, Carlos; Marco-Alacid, Cristian; Sanz-Revert, Pablo; García-Blasco, Lourdes


    Caso clínico: presentamos una paciente de 33 años con anorexia nerviosa de 15 años de evolución con uno de los pocos casos reportados de fallo hepático agudo severo secundario a la desnutrición.Discusión: tras el soporte nutricional protocolizado para evitar el síndrome de realimentación y un adecuado manejo multidisciplinar, la paciente evoluciona favorablemente logrando normalizar los electrolitos, la función hepática y las alteraciones en la coagulación.

  17. Alcohol Consumption, Diabetes Risk, and Cardiovascular Disease Within Diabetes.


    Polsky, Sarit; Akturk, Halis K


    The purpose of the study is to examine and summarize studies reporting on the epidemiology, the risk of developing diabetes, and the cardiovascular effects on individuals with diabetes of different levels of alcohol consumption. Men consume more alcohol than women in populations with and without diabetes. Light-to-moderate alcohol consumption decreases the incidence of diabetes in the majority of the studies, whereas heavy drinkers and binge drinkers are at increased risk for diabetes. Among people with diabetes, light-to-moderate alcohol consumption reduces risks of cardiovascular diseases and all-cause mortality. Alcohol consumption is less common among populations with diabetes compared to the general population. Moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of diabetes and, as in the general population, improves cardiovascular health in patients with diabetes. Type of alcoholic beverage, gender, and body mass index are factors that affect these outcomes.

  18. Effects of depression, diabetes distress, diabetes self-efficacy, and diabetes self-management on glycemic control among Chinese population with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    Lin, Keke; Park, Chang; Li, Mingzi; Wang, Xiudong; Li, Xiushu; Li, Wei; Quinn, Laurie


    To examine the direct and indirect effects of depression, diabetes distress, diabetes self-efficacy and diabetes self-management on glycemic control among a group of T2DM patients in China. A convenience sample of 254 participants were selected from three outpatient departments in Beijing, China. They were surveyed using a self-administered questionnaire. Diabetes-related information was retrieved from their medical records. Descriptive statistics, independent student t tests, Chi-square tests, correlation analyses and Generalized Structural Equation Modeling were used. Only 91 (35.82%) participants achieved optimal glycemic control of HbA1c<7.0% (53mmol/mol). Only diabetes self-management had a direct effect on glycemic control (OR=0.95, P<0.001). Depression and diabetes distress had only indirect effects on glycemic control through both diabetes self-efficacy and diabetes self-management. Diabetes self-efficacy only had an indirect effect on glycemic control through diabetes self-management. Glycemic control among Chinese population with T2DM was suboptimal. Future interventions should focus on decreasing depressive symptoms and diabetes distress levels, and, therefore, improve diabetes self-efficacy and self-management practices and, ultimately, reach the optimal goal of glycemic control. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  19. Diabetes Technologies and Their Role in Diabetes Management

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kollipara, Sobha; Silverstein, Janet H.; Marschilok, Katie


    The 1993 Diabetes Complications and Control Trial (DCCT) showed that controlling blood glucose prevents and delays the progression of long term complications of diabetes. New diabetes technologies can make control of diabetes possible and safer. This paper reviews these technologies used to monitor blood glucose, administer insulin and evaluate…

  20. Curcumin Alleviates Diabetic Retinopathy in Experimental Diabetic Rats.


    Yang, Fang; Yu, Jinqiang; Ke, Feng; Lan, Mei; Li, Dekun; Tan, Ke; Ling, Jiaojiao; Wang, Ying; Wu, Kaili; Li, Dai


    To investigate the potential protective effects of curcumin on the retina in diabetic rats. An experimental diabetic rat model was induced by a low dose of streptozotocin combined with a high-energy diet. Rats which had blood glucose levels ≥11.6 mmol/L were used as diabetic rats. The diabetic rats were randomly divided into 3 groups: diabetic rats with no treatment (DM), diabetic rats treated with 100 mg/kg curcumin (DM + Cur 100 mg/kg), and diabetic rats treated with 200 mg/kg curcumin (DM + Cur 200 mg/kg). Curcumin was orally administered daily for 16 weeks. After 16 weeks of administration, the rats were euthanized, and eyes were dissected. Retinal histology was examined, and the thickness of the retina was measured. Ultrastructural changes of retinal ganglion cells, inner layer cells, retinal capillary, and membranous disks were observed by electron microscopy. Malondialdehyde, superoxide dismutase, and total antioxidant capacity were measured by ELISA. Expression levels of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) in retina tissues were examined by immunohistochemical staining and ELISA. Expression levels of Bax and Bcl-2 in retina tissues were determined by immunohistochemical staining and Western blotting. Curcumin reduced the blood glucose levels of diabetic rats and decreased diabetes-induced body weight loss. Curcumin prevented attenuation of the retina in diabetic rats and ameliorated diabetes-induced ultrastructure changes of the retina, including thinning of the retina, apoptosis of the retinal ganglion cells and inner nuclear layer cells, thickening of retinal capillary basement membrane and disturbance of photoreceptor cell membranous disks. We also found that curcumin has a strong antioxidative ability in the retina of diabetic rats. It was observed that curcumin attenuated the expression of VEGF in the retina of diabetic rats. We also discovered that curcumin had an antiapoptotic effect by upregulating the expression of Bcl-2 and downregulating

  1. Descompresión microvascular en espasmo hemifacial: Reporte de 13 casos y revisión de la literatura

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Alvaro; Herreros, Isabel Cuervo-Arango; Barrenechea, Ignacio; Andjel, Germán; Ajler, Pablo; Rhoton, Albert


    Objetivo: El propósito del presente trabajo es presentar los resultados de 13 pacientes con diagnóstico de espasmo hemifacial (EHF), en los cuales se realizó una descompresión microvascular (DMV). Material y Método: Desde Junio de 2005 a Mayo de 2014, 13 pacientes con diagnóstico de EHF fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente, realizando una DMV. Se evaluó: edad, sexo, tiempo de evolución de la sintomatología, hallazgos intraoperatorios y resultados postoperatorios. Resultados: De los 13 pacientes intervenidos, 7 fueron mujeres y 6 varones. La media de edad fue de 53 años. El tiempo medio entre el inicio de la sintomatología y la intervención quirúrgica osciló entre 3 y 9 años. En todos los casos el EHF era típico, uno de ellos con neuralgia trigeminal concomitante, observándose en todos compresión neurovascular intraoperatoria. Por orden decreciente de frecuencia la causa de la compresión fue arteria cerebelosa anteroinferior, arteria cerebelosa posteroinferior, arteria dolicomega basilar y arteria dolicomega vertebral. El seguimiento postoperatorio fue en promedio de 24 meses. El 62% presentó desaparición postquirúrgica inmediata de la sintomatología preoperatoria, el 30% desaparición tras un período de 3 semanas a 2 meses (8% con mejoría parcial), y en el 8% no hubo mejoría. En cuanto a las complicaciones postoperatorias: 3 pacientes presentaron paresia facial II-III en la escala de House-Brackman (se recuperaron en un período de 6 meses), y 1 paciente presentó fístula de líquido cefalorraquídeo. Ninguno de los pacientes de la serie presentaron hipoacusia transitorio o permanente. Conclusión: La DMV como tratamiento del EHF es un procedimiento efectivo y seguro, que permite la resolución completa de la patología en la mayoría de los casos. PMID:27127708

  2. PubMed

    De Abajo Larriba, Ana Beatriz; Méndez Rodríguez, Enrique; González-Gallego, Javier; Capón Álvarez, Jessica; Díaz Rodríguez, Ángel; Peleteiro Cobo, Beatriz; Mahmoud Atoui, Omar; De Abajo Olea, Serafín; Martínez de Mandojana Hernández, Juan; Lumbreras González, Víctor


    Objetivos: estimar el porcentaje de pacientes con EPOC adiestrados en la consulta para el manejo de inhaladores en la provincia de León.Métodos: estudio epidemiológico, transversal, multicéntrico (30 centros de salud de la provincia de León). Incluyó pacientes mayores de 35 años diagnosticados y tratados de EPOC. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, hábitat, datos antropométricos, estado nutricional, tabaquismo, espirometría postboroncodilatadora, disnea (mMRC), reagudizaciones, gravedad (Índice Bodex), hospitalizaciones, tratamiento, seguimiento y caracterización del fenotipo (GesEOPC 2014). Los resultados se expresan con sus IC al 95,5%.Resultados: se incluyeron 833 pacientes, el 85,8% varones, con edad media de 64,69 (53,66-75,61) años y 20,65 (4,47-36,8) años evolución de la EPOC. Empleaban 1,88 (1,64-2,16) dispositivos inhaladores de media, p = 0,006, (57% de forma correcta, 23% regular y el 20% incorrecta). El 20,9% no recibieron adiestramiento para usar inhaladores frente al 79,1% adiestrados, p < 0,001, (9,4% por neumólogos, 20,3% enfermeras y 43,5% médicos familia, p = 0,002). Los pacientes bien adiestrados realizan mejor el tratamiento, en el 60,60% (58,91-62,29), p = 0,002. No hubo diferencias significativas en el adiestramiento por tabaquismo, gravedad, ingresos hospitalarios, ni calidad de vida, obteniendo una reducción significativa del número de agudizaciones, siendo de 1,59 (1,12-2,15) reagudizaciones medias en el grupo adiestrado frente a 3,29 (2,50-4,11) en los no adiestrados, p = 0,002.Conclusiones: el nivel de adiestramiento en el uso de inhaladores en los pacientes con EPOC es insuficiente en nuestro medio. La mejor formación de los profesionales y la simplificación de los dispositivos contribuirán a que un mayor número de pacientes realicen el tratamiento de forma adecuada.

  3. Year in Diabetes 2012: The Diabetes Tsunami

    PubMed Central

    Jastreboff, A. M.


    Diabetes affects more than 300 million individuals globally, contributing to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. As the incidence and prevalence of diabetes continue to escalate with the force of an approaching tsunami, it is imperative that we better define the biological mechanisms causing both obesity and diabetes and identify optimal prevention and treatment strategies that will enable a healthier environment and calmer waters. New guidelines from the American Diabetes Association/European Association of the Study of Diabetes and The Endocrine Society encourage individualized care for each patient with diabetes, both in the outpatient and inpatient setting. Recent data suggest that restoration of normal glucose metabolism in people with prediabetes may delay progression to type 2 diabetes (T2DM). However, several large clinical trials have underscored the limitations of current treatment options once T2DM has developed, particularly in obese children with the disease. Prospects for reversing new-onset type 1 diabetes also appear limited, although recent clinical trials indicate that immunotherapy can delay the loss of β-cell function, suggesting potential benefits if treatment is initiated earlier. Research demonstrating a role for the central nervous system in the development of obesity and T2DM, the identification of a new hormone that simulates some of the benefits of exercise, and the development of new β-cell imaging techniques may provide novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers of early diabetes detection for optimization of interventions. Today's message is that a diabetes tsunami is imminent, and the only way to minimize the damage is to create an early warning system and improve interventions to protect those in its path. PMID:23185035

  4. Year in diabetes 2012: The diabetes tsunami.


    Sherwin, R; Jastreboff, A M


    Diabetes affects more than 300 million individuals globally, contributing to significant morbidity and mortality worldwide. As the incidence and prevalence of diabetes continue to escalate with the force of an approaching tsunami, it is imperative that we better define the biological mechanisms causing both obesity and diabetes and identify optimal prevention and treatment strategies that will enable a healthier environment and calmer waters. New guidelines from the American Diabetes Association/European Association of the Study of Diabetes and The Endocrine Society encourage individualized care for each patient with diabetes, both in the outpatient and inpatient setting. Recent data suggest that restoration of normal glucose metabolism in people with prediabetes may delay progression to type 2 diabetes (T2DM). However, several large clinical trials have underscored the limitations of current treatment options once T2DM has developed, particularly in obese children with the disease. Prospects for reversing new-onset type 1 diabetes also appear limited, although recent clinical trials indicate that immunotherapy can delay the loss of β-cell function, suggesting potential benefits if treatment is initiated earlier. Research demonstrating a role for the central nervous system in the development of obesity and T2DM, the identification of a new hormone that simulates some of the benefits of exercise, and the development of new β-cell imaging techniques may provide novel therapeutic targets and biomarkers of early diabetes detection for optimization of interventions. Today's message is that a diabetes tsunami is imminent, and the only way to minimize the damage is to create an early warning system and improve interventions to protect those in its path.

  5. Diabetes insipidus in a patient with diabetes mellitus.


    Paulose, K P; Padmakumar, N


    The association of Diabetes Mellitus (DM) and Diabetes Insipidus (DI) without any congenital defects is very rare and we report here a case of type 2 diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) whose blood sugar was controlled by insulin, developing central diabetes insipidus 2 years later, which could be successively controlled by synthetic vasopressin.

  6. Types of Diabetes


    ... Type 1 Diabetes Type 2 Diabetes Insulin Resistance & Prediabetes Gestational Diabetes Monogenic Diabetes Symptoms & Causes Risk Factors ... to develop type 2 diabetes if you have prediabetes or had gestational diabetes when you were pregnant. ...

  7. The effect on glycaemic control of low-volume high-intensity interval training versus endurance training in individuals with type 2 diabetes.


    Winding, Kamilla M; Munch, Gregers W; Iepsen, Ulrik W; Van Hall, Gerrit; Pedersen, Bente K; Mortensen, Stefan P


    To evaluate whether high-intensity interval training (HIIT) with a lower time commitment can be as effective as endurance training (END) on glycaemic control, physical fitness and body composition in individuals with type 2 diabetes. A total of 29 individuals with type 2 diabetes were allocated to control (CON; no training), END or HIIT groups. Training groups received 3 training sessions per week consisting of either 40 minutes of cycling at 50% of peak workload (END) or 10 1-minute intervals at 95% of peak workload interspersed with 1 minute of active recovery (HIIT). Glycaemic control (HbA1c, oral glucose tolerance test, 3-hour mixed meal tolerance test with double tracer technique and continuous glucose monitoring [CGM]), lipolysis, VO 2 peak and body composition were evaluated before and after 11 weeks of intervention. Exercise training increased VO 2 peak more in the HIIT group (20% ± 20%) compared with the END group (8% ± 9%) despite lower total energy expenditure and time usage during the training sessions. HIIT decreased whole body and android fat mass compared with the CON group. In addition, visceral fat mass, HbA1c, fasting glucose, postprandial glucose, glycaemic variability and HOMA-IR decreased after HIIT. The reduced postprandial glucose in the HIIT group was driven primarily by a lower rate of exogenous glucose appearance. In the CON group, postprandial lipolysis was augmented over the 11-week control period. Despite a ~45% lower training volume, HIIT resulted in similar or even better improvements in physical fitness, body composition and glycemic control compared to END. HIIT therefore appears to be an important time-efficient treatment for individuals with type 2 diabetes. © 2017 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  8. [Not Available].


    MIján de la Torre, Alberto


    El síndrome de caquexia cancerosa es responsable de la muerte de un número significativo de pacientes con cáncer. Se caracteriza por la presencia de una ingesta reducida, con inflamación sistémica y un metabolismo alterado. Los enfermos presentan característicamente una progresiva pérdida de peso y de masa muscular, junto a deterioro funcional. La pérdida muscular se debe a la combinación de reducción de la síntesis proteica con aumento de su degradación. Ello conduce tanto a un acortamiento como a una reducción en el área de la fibra muscular. Asimismo, existen datos que apoyan que selectivamente algunos de los tipos de fibra muscular se ven más afectados. Es necesario definir bien los valores de corte de sarcopenia para diagnosticar la pérdida muscular y existen diferentes métodos. El sistema de la ubiquitina-proteasoma parece desempeñar un papel predominante en la degradación de la proteína miofibrilar. La tendencia a perder masa muscular en los pacientes con caquexia cancerosa parece estar asociada a la activación de señales catabólicas por citoquinas proinflamatorias, así como por productos tumorales del tipo factor inductor de proteólisis. En referencia a los factores pronósticos, el riesgo de muerte está bien documentado en pacientes con sarcopenia y, especialmente, en aquellos con obesidad asociada a la sarcopenia. Asimismo, se ha establecido una relación directa entre la pérdida intensa de masa muscular y la supervivencia en pacientes con diferentes tipos de tumores del tipo de cáncer de páncreas, pulmón, tracto biliar o cáncer colorrectal. Respecto de la terapia en el síndrome de caquexia cancerosa, es factible que requiera tratamiento con varios grupos combinados que incluyan, junto al soporte nutricional, fármacos orexígenos, con efecto anabólico y antinflamatorio, asociados a intervenciones que estimulen el ejercicio físico.

  9. Shoulder dystocia in diabetic and non-diabetic pregnancies.


    Malinowska-Polubiec, Aneta; Romejko-Wolniewicz, Ewa; Szostak, Oksana; Dobrowolska-Redo, Agnieszka; Tolloczko, Justyna; Zareba-Szczudlik, Julia; Smolarczyk, Roman; Czajkowski, Krzysztof


    Shoulder dystocia remains an obstetric emergency. Maternal diabetes is considered to be one of the major risk factors for shoulder dystocia. The aim of this study was to analyze antepartum and peripartum risk factors and complications of shoulder dystocia in diabetic and non-diabetic women. We performed a retrospective analysis of 48 shoulder dystocia cases out of 28,485 vaginal deliveries of singleton, live-born infants over a 13 year period: 13 cases were diagnosed in diabetic women and 35 cases in non-diabetic women. The study was conducted in the 2nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Warsaw, Poland, from January 2000 to December 2012. Compared to non-diabetic women, diabetic patients had significantly higher pre-pregnancy body weight (83.4±23.8 kg vs. 62.5±10.9 kg, p=0.002), higher pre-pregnancy BMI (30.2±6.8 kg/m2 vs. 22.9±4.3 kg/m2, p=0.0003), and lower gestational weight gain (11.4±6.2 kg vs. 16.0±4.7 kg, p=0.01). Diabetic women with shoulder dystocia were more likely to deliver before completion of the 38th week of gestation (30.8% vs. 5.7%, p=0.02) and had a higher incidence of 1st and 2nd stage perineal tears compared with the non-diabetic group (23.1% vs. 0%, p=0.02). There were two cases of symphysis pubis dehiscence in non-diabetic women. Children of diabetic mothers had a significantly higher birth weight (4,425.4±561.6 g vs. 4,006.9±452.8 g, p=0.03). Children of diabetic mothers with dystocia were at significantly higher risk of peripartum injuries (92.3% vs. 45.7%). A significant difference was observed in the percentage of brachial plexus palsy (61.5% vs. 17.1%). Children of diabetic women experiencing shoulder dystocia were more frequently affected by Erb's brachial plexus palsy and respiratory disturbances. These children had an increased likelihood of birth weights above the 90th percentile (not necessarily reaching 4,000 g) compared to children born to non-diabetic mothers. Shoulder dystocia in women with

  10. Commissioning specialist diabetes services for adults with diabetes: summary of a Diabetes UK Task and Finish group report.


    Goenka, N; Turner, B; Vora, J


    The increasing prevalence of diabetes, the drive to develop community services for diabetes and the Quality and Outcomes Framework for diabetes have led to improvements in the management of diabetes in primary care settings, with services traditionally provided only in specialist care now provided for many patients with diabetes by non-specialists. Consequently, there is a need to redefine roles, responsibilities and components of a specialist diabetes service to provide for the needs of patients in the National Health Service (NHS) today. The delivery of diabetes care is complex and touches on almost every aspect of the health service. It is the responsibility of those working within commissioning and specialist provider roles to work together with people with diabetes to develop, organize and deliver a full range of integrated diabetes care services. The local delivery model agreed within the local diabetes network, comprising specialist teams, primary care teams, commissioners and people with diabetes, should determine how the diabetes specialist services are organizsed. It should identify the roles and responsibilities of provider organizations to ensure that the right person provides the right care, at the right time, and in the right place. We summarize a report entitled 'Commissioning Diabetes Specialist Services for Adults with Diabetes', which has been produced, as a 'Task and Finish' group activity within Diabetes UK, to assist managers, commissioners and healthcare professionals to provide advice on the structure, roles and components of specialist diabetes services for adults. © 2011 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine © 2011 Diabetes UK.

  11. [Not Available].


    Angulo, Daniela; Bustos, Edson; Sánchez, Andrés; Barja, Salesa


    Introducción: la rehabilitación de la alimentación por vía oral (RVO) es compleja en pacientes que han recibido nutrición enteral (NE) prolongada. Objetivo: describir este proceso en niños con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas y sonda nasoenteral (SNE) o gastrostomía (GT).Pacientes y métodos: estudio retrospectivo con revisión de registros clínicos de niños con NE mayor a dos meses, ingresados entre 2005 y 2014 al Hospital Josefina Martínez.Resultados: Se incluyeron 116 pacientes, con mediana de edad 10 meses (Rango: 3 a 101), 56% hombres. Diagnóstico: 34,5% Daño pulmonar crónico postinfeccioso (DPC), 29,3% Insuficiencia respiratoria por enfermedad neuromuscular, 19% Displasia broncopulmonar y 17,2% enfermedad de la vía aérea. Con traqueostomía: 82,8%. Eran usuarios de GT 89,7% y de SNG 10,3%, instaladas con mediana de edad 6 meses (0 a 74), por ingesta insuficiente (6,6%) o trastorno de deglución (92,4%). Del grupo total, 36,2% (42/116) tenía indicación de RVO, los cuales habían recibido NE durante 12,2 meses (2 a 41); de estos 50% (21/42) logró alimentarse exclusivamente por vía oral (91% SNG y 35,4% GT, Chi2 p = 0,023), 14% parcialmente y 36% no lo logró. El tiempo para lograr la vía oral exclusiva fue de 9,75 meses (0,5 a 47), sin diferencia por edad, sexo, vía de acceso, duración NE ni presencia de enfermedad neurológica.Conclusión: en pacientes con enfermedades respiratorias crónicas graves y NE prolongada, la RVO es un proceso lento pero posible: 64% lo logra de modo completo o parcial.

  12. Gamma-tocopherol supplementation ameliorated hyper-inflammatory response during the early cutaneous wound healing in alloxan-induced diabetic mice

    PubMed Central

    Shin, Jihyun; Yang, Soo Jin


    Delayed wound healing is one of the major diabetic complications. During wound healing process, the early inflammatory stage is important for better prognosis. One of antioxidant nutrient, gamma-tocopherol (GT) is considered to regulate inflammatory conditions. This study investigated the effect of GT supplementation on mechanism associated with inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis during early cutaneous wound healing in diabetic mice. Diabetes was induced by alloxan injection in ICR mice. All mice were divided into three groups: non-diabetic control mice (CON), diabetic control mice (DMC), and diabetic mice supplemented with GT (GT). After two weeks of GT supplementation, excisional wounds were made by biopsy punches (4 mm). Diabetic mice showed increases in fasting blood glucose (FBG) level, hyper-inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and delayed wound closure rate compared to non-diabetic mice. However, GT supplementation reduced FBG level and accelerated wound closure rate by regulation of inflammatory response-related proteins such as nuclear factor kappa B, interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α, and c-reactive protein, and oxidative stress-related markers including nuclear factor (erythroid derived 2)-like 2, NAD(P)H dehydrogenase quinone1, heme oxygenase-1, manganese superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase and apoptosis-related markers such as sirtuin-1, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1-α, and p53 in diabetic mice. Taken together, GT would be a potential therapeutic to prevent diabetes-induced delayed wound healing by regulation of inflammatory response, apoptosis, and oxidative stress. Impact statement Gamma tocopherol has shown ameliorative effect on diabetic wound healing by regulation of inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis demonstrated by nuclear factor kappa B, nuclear factor (erythroid derived 2)-like 2, and sirtuin-1. PMID:28211759

  13. Gamma-tocopherol supplementation ameliorated hyper-inflammatory response during the early cutaneous wound healing in alloxan-induced diabetic mice.


    Shin, Jihyun; Yang, Soo Jin; Lim, Yunsook


    Delayed wound healing is one of the major diabetic complications. During wound healing process, the early inflammatory stage is important for better prognosis. One of antioxidant nutrient, gamma-tocopherol (GT) is considered to regulate inflammatory conditions. This study investigated the effect of GT supplementation on mechanism associated with inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis during early cutaneous wound healing in diabetic mice. Diabetes was induced by alloxan injection in ICR mice. All mice were divided into three groups: non-diabetic control mice (CON), diabetic control mice (DMC), and diabetic mice supplemented with GT (GT). After two weeks of GT supplementation, excisional wounds were made by biopsy punches (4 mm). Diabetic mice showed increases in fasting blood glucose (FBG) level, hyper-inflammatory response, oxidative stress, and delayed wound closure rate compared to non-diabetic mice. However, GT supplementation reduced FBG level and accelerated wound closure rate by regulation of inflammatory response-related proteins such as nuclear factor kappa B, interleukin-1β, tumor necrosis factor-α, and c-reactive protein, and oxidative stress-related markers including nuclear factor (erythroid derived 2)-like 2, NAD(P)H dehydrogenase quinone1, heme oxygenase-1, manganese superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase and apoptosis-related markers such as sirtuin-1, peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma coactivator 1- α, and p53 in diabetic mice. Taken together, GT would be a potential therapeutic to prevent diabetes-induced delayed wound healing by regulation of inflammatory response, apoptosis, and oxidative stress. Impact statement Gamma tocopherol has shown ameliorative effect on diabetic wound healing by regulation of inflammation, oxidative stress, and apoptosis demonstrated by nuclear factor kappa B, nuclear factor (erythroid derived 2)-like 2, and sirtuin-1.

  14. Retinal changes in diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy.


    Dumitrescu, Alina Gabriela; Istrate, Sinziana Luminita; Iancu, Raluca Claudia; Guta, Oana Maria; Ciuluvica, Radu; Voinea, Liliana


    The purpose of this study was to measure retinal vessel caliber and to examine early changes in macular thickness using optical coherence tomography (OCT). We evaluated to what extend vascular caliber and macular thickness differed between patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus without diabetic retinopathy compared with healthy individuals. 26 diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy and 26 normal participants without any retinal and optic nerve diseases underwent ophthalmic examination, fundus photography, and OCT imaging. Temporal inferior retinal vessel diameters were measured using OCT. Also, we measured macular thickness in nine ETDRS subfields using Cirrus OCT. The mean age in the diabetic group was 61.5 years and in the control group, 55.5 years. Wider retinal arterioles and venules were found in patients with diabetes compared with healthy subjects (120 µm versus 96 µm, p<0.005 and 137 µm versus 120.5 µm, p value <0.001, respectively). In patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus, central macular thickness was significantly thinner than that of control eyes (243.5 µm versus 269.9 µm, p value <0.001). Our results support the hypothesis that the association between vascular damage and structural changes of the neuroretina is an early indicator of retinal impairment in patients with diabetes without diabetic retinopathy.

  15. The syndrome of diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy (DIDMOA) with diabetic cheiroarthropathy

    PubMed Central

    FitzGerald, G. A.; Greally, J. F.; Drury, M. I.


    Two sisters with diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy are described. One of them also has vasopressin responsive diabetes insipidus. Both have diabetic cheiroarthropathy, an unusual deformity of the hands. ImagesFig. 1

  16. Comparative analysis of diabetic nephropathy and non-diabetic nephropathy disease.


    Chen, Qiuxiang; Zhu, Aimin; Wang, Junsheng; Huan, Xuelai


    Clinical symptoms of diabetic nephropathy patients and non-diabetic nephropathy are compared and analyzed, hemodialysis effect and quality of life of two kinds of nephrotic patients are analyzed. Respectively extract 1300 cases of diabetic nephropathy and non-diabetic nephropathy patients admitted to different hospitals during December 2011-December 2014. Based on whether the patient suffers from diabetes, they were divided into diabetic group and control group. Hemodialysis of two groups of patients were followed up to observe effectiveness of blood treatment, and complications were observed after one year of follow-up. Hematodialysis effectiveness of diabetic nephropathy patients is significantly lower than that of non-diabetic nephropathy group. After 1 year's follow-up, it can be found that survival rate of diabetic nephropathy patients is much lower than that of control group. In statistical comparison of data involved in the two groups of patients, P < 0.05, the difference is statistically significant. Treatment effect of diabetic nephropathy patients is relatively poor compared to that of non-diabetic patients. In clinics, management and prevention of diabetic patients should be strengthened to avoid complication of nephropathy which brings serious injury to patients.

  17. A Multiethnic Study of Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes in LMIC.


    Shen, Jia; Kondal, Dimple; Rubinstein, Adolfo; Irazola, Vilma; Gutierrez, Laura; Miranda, J Jaime; Bernabé-Ortiz, Antonio; Lazo-Porras, María; Levitt, Naomi; Steyn, Krisela; Bobrow, Kirsten; Ali, Mohammed K; Prabhakaran, Dorairaj; Tandon, Nikhil


    Diabetes mellitus is one of the leading causes of death and disability worldwide. Approximately three-quarters of people with diabetes live in low- and middle-income countries, and these countries are projected to experience the greatest increase in diabetes burden. We sought to compare the prevalence, awareness, treatment, and control of diabetes in 3 urban and periurban regions: the Southern Cone of Latin America and Peru, South Asia, and South Africa. In addition, we examined the relationship between diabetes and pre-diabetes with known cardiovascular and metabolic risk factors. A total of 26,680 participants (mean age, 47.7 ± 14.0 years; 45.9% male) were enrolled in 4 sites (Southern Cone of Latin America = 7,524; Peru = 3,601; South Asia = 11,907; South Africa = 1,099). Detailed demographic, anthropometric, and biochemical data were collected. Diabetes and pre-diabetes were defined as a fasting plasma glucose ≥126 mg/dl and 100 to 125 mg/dl, respectively. Diabetes control was defined as fasting plasma glucose <130 mg/dl. The prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes was 14.0% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 13.2% to 14.8%) and 17.8% (95% CI: 17.0% to 18.7%) in the Southern Cone of Latin America, 9.8% (95% CI: 8.8% to 10.9%) and 17.1% (95% CI: 15.9% to 18.5%) in Peru, 19.0% (95% CI: 18.4% to 19.8%) and 24.0% (95% CI: 23.2% to 24.7%) in South Asia, and 13.8% (95% CI: 11.9% to 16.0%) and 9.9% (95% CI: 8.3% to 11.8%) in South Africa. The age- and sex-specific prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes for all countries increased with age (p < 0.001). In the Southern Cone of Latin America, Peru, and South Africa the prevalence of pre-diabetes rose sharply at 35 to 44 years. In South Asia, the sharpest rise in pre-diabetes prevalence occurred younger at 25 to 34 years. The prevalence of diabetes rose sharply at 45 to 54 years in the Southern Cone of Latin America, Peru, and South Africa, and at 35 to 44 years in South Asia. Diabetes and pre-diabetes prevalence



    Ullah, Fahim; Afridi, Ayesha Khan; Rahim, Fawad; Ashfaq, Muhammad; Khan, Sheema; Shabbier, Ghulam; Rahman, Sadiq Ur


    The prevalence of diabetes mellitus has risen exponentially over the last three decades, with resultant increase in morbidity and mortality mainly due to its complications. Limited data is available regarding the awareness and knowledge about these complications in our population. This study was carried out to evaluate the knowledge of diabetic complications in patients with diabetes mellitus. This cross-sectional study was conducted in the Medical B Unit of Department of Medicine Khyber Teaching Hospital, Peshawar. All admitted diabetic patients above 15 years of age with duration of diabetes mellitus more than one year were included. Out of the 96 patients questioned, 58 were females and 38 were males. Mean age was 53.29 +/- 10.821 years while the mean duration of diabetes mellitus was 9.75 +/- 7.729 years. Of the total 76 (79.1%) of the patients were illiterate; 36 (37.50%) had good, 24 (25%) had average and 36 (37.50%) had poor knowledge about diabetic complications. Males and university graduate patients had slightly better knowledge. Between 50-60% patients were aware of different cardiac complications of diabetes mellitus. Awareness regarding other complications was foot ulcer/gangrene 70 (72.91%), poor wound healing 68 (70.83%), stroke 54 (56.25%), renal diseases 64 (66.66%), eye diseases 53 (55.20%), gastroparesis and other gastrointestinal problems 45 (46.87%), diabetic ketoacidosis 55 (57.29%), hypoglycaemia 50 (52.08%), lipid abnormalities 26 (27.08%) and symptoms of diabetic neuropathy ranging from 47-65%. Majority of diabetic patients are unaware of diabetic complications. Therefore, hospital and community based awareness programs should be launched to decrease the morbidity and mortality associated with diabetes mellitus.

  19. Diabetes knowledge among Greek Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus patients.


    Poulimeneas, Dimitrios; Grammatikopoulou, Maria G; Bougioukli, Vasiliki; Iosifidou, Parthena; Vasiloglou, Maria F; Gerama, Maria-Assimina; Mitsos, Dimitrios; Chrysanthakopoulou, Ioanna; Tsigga, Maria; Kazakos, Kyriakos


    Diabetes knowledge has been shown to improve glycemic control and associate with several demographic parameters. In Greece, a country with high obesity rates, disease knowledge has never been evaluated in diabetic patients. This cross sectional study aimed to assess diabetes knowledge and its associations between social and demographic parameters, among Greek type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) patients. One hundred fifty nine patients with T2DM were recruited from an urban and a rural clinic in Greece. Diabetes knowledge was assessed with the Brief Diabetes Knowledge Test (DKT). Basic anthropometry was performed. Data regarding glycemic control and sociodemographic characteristics were collected from the patients' medical files. Greek T2DM patients demonstrated poor disease knowledge (mean DKT score 8.3±2.2/14.0 and mean DKT as a percent of correct answers 59.6±15.8%). No differences were observed between sex, place of residence, or glycemic control, among subjects. Patients with higher education demonstrated greater diabetes knowledge. Simple obesity with concurrent central obesity or suboptimal glycemic control decreased diabetes knowledge among participants. Additionally, waist circumference was inversely correlated to diabetes knowledge. Based on the DKT, Greek patients exhibit poor diabetes knowledge. This study provides evidence for the need for better diabetes education in order to ameliorate disease outcome. Copyright © 2016 SEEN. Publicado por Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

  20. Primary care for diabetes mellitus patients from the perspective of the care model for chronic conditions.


    Salci, Maria Aparecida; Meirelles, Betina Hörner Schlindwein; Silva, Denise Maria Guerreiro Vieira da


    to assess the health care Primary Health Care professionals provide to diabetes mellitus patients from the perspective of the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas. qualitative study, using the theoretical framework of Complex Thinking and the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas and the methodological framework of assessment research. To collect the data, 38 interviews were held with health professionals and managers; observation of the activities by the health teams; and analysis of 25 files of people who received this care. The data analysis was supported by the software ATLAS.ti, using the directed content analysis technique. at the micro level, care was distant from the integrality of the actions needed to assist people with chronic conditions and was centered on the biomedical model. At the meso level, there was disarticulation among the professionals of the Family Health Strategy, between them and the users, family and community. At the macro level, there was a lack of guiding strategies to implement public policies for diabetes in care practice. the implementation of the Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas represents a great challenge, mainly needing professionals and managers who are prepared to work with chronic conditions are who are open to break with the traditional model. evaluar la atención de salud desarrollada por los integrantes de la Atención Primaria de Salud a las personas con diabetes mellitus en la perspectiva del Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas. estudio cualitativo, con referencial teórico del Pensamiento Complejo y del Modelo de Atenção às Condições Crônicas y metodológico de la investigación evaluativa. Para recolectar los datos fueron efectuadas 38 entrevistas con profesionales de salud y gestores; observación de las actividades practicadas por los equipos de salud: y análisis de 25 archivos de personas que recibían esa atención. Los datos fueron analizados con auxilio del software

  1. Diabetes eye exams


    Diabetic retinopathy - eye exams; Diabetes - eye exams; Glaucoma - diabetic eye exam; Macular edema - diabetic eye exam ... Ophthalmology Retina/Vitreous Panel. Preferred Practice Pattern ... ...

  2. The Pros and Cons of Army Automation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    The Pros and Cons of Army Automation 1 Running Head: THE PROS AND CONS OF ARMY AUTOMATION The Pros and Cons of Army Automation SGM...TITLE AND SUBTITLE The Pros and Cons of Army Automation 5a. CONTRACT NUMBER 5b. GRANT NUMBER 5c. PROGRAM ELEMENT NUMBER 6. AUTHOR(S) 5d. PROJECT...Prescribed by ANSI Std Z39-18 The Pros and Cons of Army Automation 2 Outline I. Introduction (MSG (P) Dostie) II. Manual skills (MSG (P

  3. PubMed

    Benítez Brito, Néstor; Oliva García, José Gregorio; Delgado Brito, Irina; Pereyra-García Castro, Francisca; Suárez Llanos, José Pablo; Leyva González, Francisco Gustavo; Palacio Abizanda, José Enrique


    Introducción: la alimentación constituye el pilar fundamental del soporte nutricional de los pacientes hospitalizados. Evaluar el grado de aceptación de la dieta es imprescindible en aras de combatir la desnutrición hospitalaria.Objetivos: a) determinar el grado de satisfacción de los pacientes en relación con las dietas; y b) analizar posibles variables asociadas a un grado de satisfacción mayor (apetito y tipo de dieta).Material y métodos: estudio descriptivo de corte transversal. Se emplea una encuesta de 17 preguntas con datos sociodemográficos, datos cualitativos, así como la valoración general del paciente. Se comparó el grado de satisfacción global en función del apetito y el tipo de dieta (terapéutica vs.basal; con sal vs.sosa) (Test no paramétric o Krustal-Wallis y T-Student para muestras independientes, respectivamente).Resultados: mil cuatrocientos trece pacientes. Edad: 53,9 ± 19 años; 51,3% mujeres. Dieta terapéutica (34,9%). Solo el 39,4% tomó dieta con sal. El 66,8% refirió ingresos previos. La alimentación del hospital para un 43% de pacientes fue ''como esperaba'', mientras que para un 44,1% fue ''mejor de lo que esperaba''. El horario de comidas era adecuado (89,1%) y el tiempo para comer, suficiente (96,4%). En cuanto a las características de la comida servida, consideraron como buenas o muy buenas la misma el porcentaje reflejado: sabor/gusto (56.3%), olor (65,5%), cocinado (69,2%), presentación (80,4%), tamaño de ración (75,9%), calidad (73%), cantidad (77,9%), variedad (67,6%), temperatura (70,4%). La valoración global de la alimentación en una escala de 1 a 10 fue de 6,8 ± 2,3. El apetito se asoció a un aumento significativo de la satisfacción global alimentaria del paciente (p < 0,01). El tipo de dieta o la presencia de sal en la misma no se asociaron a un aumento significativo de la satisfacción con la dieta de los pacientes (p = 0,99 y 0,35, respectivamente).Conclusiones: aunque el grado de satisfacción de

  4. Factors associated with glycemic control in people with diabetes at the Family Health Strategy in Pernambuco.


    Lima, Rodrigo Fonseca; Fontbonne, Annick; Carvalho, Eduardo Maia Freese de; Montarroyos, Ulisses Ramos; Barreto, Maria Nelly Sobreira de Carvalho; Cesse, Eduarda Ângela Pessoa


    Identifying factors associated with glycemic control in people with type 2 Diabetes Mellitus (DM) registered in the Family Health Strategy (FHS) in Pernambuco, Brazil. Associations between glycemic control (glycosylated hemoglobin A lower or equal to 7%) presented by people with DM and variables related to sociodemographic conditions, lifestyle, characteristics of diabetes, treatment and follow-up of patients by health services were investigated by multiple regression. More than 65% of the participants presented inadequate glycemic control, especially those with lower age, longer illness duration, more annual contacts with FHS and complex therapeutic regimen. People with DM without referrals to specialists presented greater glycemic control. Associations with education level and obesity did not remain significant in the multivariate model. The evolution of diabetes hinders adequate control, however, attention to younger people with DM and referrals to specialists are factors that can improve glycemic control. Identificar fatores associados ao controle glicêmico em pessoas com Diabetes Mellitus (DM) tipo 2 cadastradas na Estratégia Saúde da Família (ESF) em Pernambuco, Brasil. Foram investigadas, por regressão múltipla, as associações entre o controle glicêmico (hemoglobina A glicosilada menor ou maior ou igual a 7%) apresentado pelas pessoas com DM e variáveis relacionadas com condições sociodemográficas, hábitos de vida, características do diabetes, de seu tratamento e acompanhamento dos pacientes pelos serviços de saúde. Mais de 65% dos participantes apresentaram controle glicêmico inadequado, principalmente aqueles com idade menor, duração da doença mais longa, mais contatos anuais com a ESF e regime terapêutico complexo. Pessoas com DM sem encaminhamentos para especialistas apresentaram um maior descontrole glicêmico. Associações com escolaridade e obesidade não permaneceram significativas no modelo multivariado. A evolução do

  5. Diabetes and exercise


    Exercise - diabetes; Exercise - type 1 diabetes; Exercise - type 2 diabetes ... medical care in diabetes -- 2017: 4. Lifestyle management. Diabetes Care . 2017;40(Suppl 1):S33-S43. PMID: 27979891 www.ncbi.nlm.nih. ...

  6. Diabetes Research and Training Centers: Diabetes Education. Fact Sheet.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse, Bethesda, MD.

    Established in 1977 by the Diabetes Research and Education Act, the six Diabetes Research and Training Centers (DRTCs) located throughout the country offer resources for diabetes educators and other health professionals involved in treating or counseling people with diabetes. DRTCs provide continuing education, seminars, and workshops in…

  7. Hospital Guidelines for Diabetes Management and the Joint Commission-American Diabetes Association Inpatient Diabetes Certification.


    Arnold, Pamela; Scheurer, Danielle; Dake, Andrew W; Hedgpeth, Angela; Hutto, Amy; Colquitt, Caroline; Hermayer, Kathie L


    The Joint Commission Advanced Inpatient Diabetes Certification Program is founded on the American Diabetes Association's Clinical Practice Recommendations and is linked to the Joint Commission Standards. Diabetes currently affects 29.1 million people in the USA and another 86 million Americans are estimated to have pre-diabetes. On a daily basis at the Medical University of South Carolina (MUSC) Medical Center, there are approximately 130-150 inpatients with a diagnosis of diabetes. The program encompasses all service lines at MUSC. Some important features of the program include: a program champion or champion team, written blood glucose monitoring protocols, staff education in diabetes management, medical record identification of diabetes, a plan coordinating insulin and meal delivery, plans for treatment of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia, data collection for incidence of hypoglycemia, and patient education on self-management of diabetes. The major clinical components to develop, implement, and evaluate an inpatient diabetes care program are: I. Program management, II. Delivering or facilitating clinical care, III. Supporting self-management, IV. Clinical information management and V. performance measurement. The standards receive guidance from a Disease-Specific Care Certification Advisory Committee, and the Standards and Survey Procedures Committee of the Joint Commission Board of Commissioners. The Joint Commission-ADA Advanced Inpatient Diabetes Certification represents a clinical program of excellence, improved processes of care, means to enhance contract negotiations with providers, ability to create an environment of teamwork, and heightened communication within the organization. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  8. Diabetic Eye Disease


    ... scene, as viewed by a person with diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic macular edema The part of your retina that ... of cataracts. How common is diabetic eye disease? Diabetic retinopathy About one in three people with diabetes who ...

  9. Anxiety, depression, resilience and self-esteem in individuals with cardiovascular diseases.


    Carvalho, Isabela Gonzales; Bertolli, Eduarda Dos Santos; Paiva, Luciana; Rossi, Lidia Aparecida; Dantas, Rosana Aparecida Spadoti; Pompeo, Daniele Alcalá


    ística foi constituída por 120 pacientes. As variáveis de interesse foram avaliadas pela Escala Hospitalar de Ansiedade e Depressão, Escala de Resiliência e Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. os sintomas de ansiedade e depressão estavam presentes em 32,5% e 17,5% dos pacientes, respectivamente e foram associados ao sexo feminino (p = 0,002; p = 0,022). As manifestações de depressão foram associadas à presença de comorbidades (p = 0,020). Pacientes mais resilientes não apresentaram sintomas depressivos (p < 0,001) e, as mulheres ansiosas, foram menos resilientes (p = 0,042). Os maiores escores de autoestima estiveram presentes em pacientes com ansiedade e depressão. Os homens apresentaram maior resiliência e menor autoestima quando comparados às mulheres. pacientes com ansiedade e depressão foram menos resilientes e apresentaram maior autoestima. analizar las relaciones entre los síntomas ansiedad y depresión, resiliencia y autoestima, con las características sociodemográficas y clínicas; correlacionar la resiliencia y autoestima con la edad y el tiempo de la enfermedad; analizar asociaciones entre ansiedad y depresión con las medidas de resiliencia y autoestima en individuos con enfermedades cardiovasculares. estudio de correlación, realizado en un Hospital de Enseñanza de gran porte del interior del estado de Sao Paulo. La población estuvo constituida por pacientes adultos internados con enfermedades cardiovasculares. Una muestra consecutiva y no probabilística fue constituida por 120 pacientes. Las variables de interés fueron evaluadas por la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresión, la Escala de Resiliencia y la Escala de Autoestima de Rosenberg. los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión estaban presentes en 32,5% y 17,5% de los pacientes, respectivamente y fueron asociados al sexo femenino (p = 0,002; p = 0,022). Las manifestaciones de depresión fueron asociadas a la presencia de comorbilidades (p = 0,020). Pacientes más resilientes no

  10. Diabetes Nutrition: Eating Out When You Have Diabetes


    ... out when you have diabetes Diabetes nutrition — Make restaurant meals a healthy part of your diabetes meal ... to your nutrition plan has gotten easier. Many restaurants offer healthy alternatives. And you can plan what ...

  11. Diabetes Australia position statement. A new language for diabetes: improving communications with and about people with diabetes.


    Speight, J; Conn, J; Dunning, T; Skinner, T C


    Diabetes is the fastest growing chronic condition in Australia, affecting 1.7 million Australians, requiring daily self-care, and known to reduce quantity and quality of life. On average, people with diabetes experience greater emotional distress than those without diabetes. One source of distress can be the language used to refer to diabetes, its management and the person with diabetes. The way verbal and written language is used reflects and shapes people's thoughts, beliefs and behaviours. Language has the power to persuade, change or reinforce beliefs and stereotypes - for better or worse. Words do more than reflect people's reality: they create reality and affect how people view the world and their diabetes. Language needs to engage people with diabetes and support their self-care efforts. Importantly, language that de-motivates or induces fear, guilt or distress needs to be avoided and countered. Diabetes Australia believes optimal communication increases the motivation, health and well-being of people with diabetes, and that careless or negative language can be de-motivating, is often inaccurate, and can be harmful. Diabetes Australia developed this position statement to encourage greater awareness of the language surrounding diabetes and provide recommendations for more careful and positive language use. Copyright © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Experimental and Computational Studies of Carbonyl Diazide (CON6) as a Precursor to Diazirinone (CON2)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Esselman, Brian J.; Amberger, Brent K.; Nolan, Alex M.; Woods, R. Claude; McMahon, R. J.


    Intrigued by the reported 2005 synthesis of diazirinone (1), we carried out further experimental and theoretical studies aimed at the detailed matrix-isolation and millimeter-wave spectroscopic characterizations of 1. Diazirinone (1) is a peculiar isoconjugate of two very stable molecules and may be of astrochemical interest. Unfortunately, the original reported methods of diazirinone (1) generation did not yield this species, rather its decomposition products. Inspired by a more recent gas phase pyrolysis of CON6 (2) to yield CON2 (1), we proposed a new method of generating CON6 (2) in solution as a precursor of diazirinone (1). This new synthesis may allow us to generate larger quantities of both CON6 and CON2 for investigation by millimeter-wave spectroscopy. We are able to safely generate carbonyl diazide (2) in sufficient yield from the reaction of triphosgene (3) and tetrabutylammonium azide in diethyl ether. This has allowed us to obtain both matrix-isolation and gas phase IR spectra of carbonyl diazide (2). After purification, it has a gas-phase lifetime that allows samples to be useable for up to several weeks. However, it is a shock-sensitive material that must be handled with care to prevent violent decomposition. In order to provide better mechanistic insight into the decomposition of carbonyl diazide (2) to diazirinone (1), we have engaged in a DFT and ab initio computational study. We have found a pathway between the two species via the triplet acylnitrene, CON4, and an oxaziridine CON2 species, but not at sufficiently low energies to allow for the trapping and detection of diazirinone (1). Preliminary millimeter-wave spectra have been obtained from several synthesized and purified samples of CON6 (2). However, the assignment of the spectra lines has been unexpectedly problematic. We have placed several CON6 (2) samples, confirmed by IR spectroscopy at the time of sample loading, into our instrument and obtained two different sets of rotational lines

  13. Diabetes Distress Among Persons With Type 1 Diabetes.


    Powers, Margaret A; Richter, Sara A; Ackard, Diann M; Craft, Cheryl


    Purpose The purpose of this study is to evaluate associations between diabetes distress and a range of psychological health behaviors and concerns among persons with type 1 diabetes for the benefit of enhancing early identification and intervention of at-risk individuals. Methods Persons with type 1 diabetes (n = 268; 57.1% female, 91.0% white, 76.8% <18 years of age, average A1C 8.4%) completed the 2-item Diabetes Distress Screening Scale (DDS2) and a battery of psychometrically sound instruments measuring satisfaction with life, self-esteem, self-efficacy, depression, perfectionism, body image satisfaction, dietary restraint and eating, and shape and weight concerns. Each subscale score was compared within age groups (<18 years vs ≥18 years) between groups (diabetes distress level [low, moderate, high]) using analysis of variance (with Bonferroni correction or the Kruskal-Wallis test if the variables were not normally distributed). Results For both age groups, high diabetes distress was independently associated with greater A1C values, higher depression scores and eating, and shape and weight concerns than those with low or moderate distress. For patients <18 years of age, those with high diabetes distress scored lower on measures of satisfaction with life, self-esteem, and self-efficacy and higher on dietary restraint and several areas of perfectionism than those with low or moderate distress. Conclusions Individuals with type 1 diabetes who have high diabetes distress also report higher A1C values and poorer psychological health concerns. A brief diabetes distress questionnaire can help to identify those who need additional screening, education and support, and treatment for overall health and well-being.

  14. (-)-Epicatechin-3-O-β-D-allopyranoside from Davallia formosana prevents diabetes and dyslipidemia in streptozotocin-induced diabetic mice.


    Lin, Cheng-Hsiu; Wu, Jin-Bin; Jian, Jia-Ying; Shih, Chun-Ching


    The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects and molecular mechanism of (-)-epicatechin-3-O-β-D-allopyranoside from Davallia formosana (BB) (also known as Gu-Sui-Bu) on type 1 diabetes mellitus and dyslipidemia in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic mice. This plant was demonstrated to display antioxidant activities and possess polyphenol contents. Diabetic mice were randomly divided into six groups and were given daily oral gavage doses of either BB (at three dosage levels), metformin (Metf) (at 0.3 g/kg body weight), fenofibrate (Feno) (at 0.25 g/kg body weight) or vehicle (distilled water) and a group of control (CON) mice were gavaged with vehicle over a period of 4 weeks. Treatment with BB led to reduced levels of blood glucose, HbA1C, triglycerides and leptin and to increased levels of insulin and adiponectin compared with the vehicle-treated STZ group. The diabetic islets showed retraction from their classic round-shaped as compared with the control islets. The BB-treated groups (at middle and high dosages) showed improvement in islets size and number of Langerhans islet cells. The membrane levels of skeletal muscular glucose transporter 4 (GLUT4) were significantly higher in BB-treated mice. This resulted in a net glucose lowering effect among BB-treated mice. Moreover, BB enhanced the expression of skeletal muscle phospho-AMPK in treated mice. BB-treated mice increased expression of fatty acid oxidation enzymes, including peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor α (PPARα) and mRNA levels of carnitine palmitoyl transferase Ia (CPT1a). These mice also expressed lower levels of lipogenic genes such as fatty acid synthase (FAS), as well as lower mRNA levels of sterol regulatory element binding protein 1c (SREBP1c) and liver adipocyte fatty acid binding protein 2 (aP2). This resulted in a reduction in plasma triglyceride levels. BB-treated mice also expressed lower levels of PPARγ and FAS protein. This led to reduced adipogenesis, fatty acid

  15. Association of statin use and hypertriglyceridemia with diabetic macular edema in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.


    Chung, Yoo-Ri; Park, Sung Wook; Choi, Shin-Young; Kim, Seung Woo; Moon, Ka Young; Kim, Jeong Hun; Lee, Kihwang


    To investigate the effects of dyslipidemia and statin therapy on progression of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema in patients with type 2 diabetes. The medical records of 110 patients with type 2 diabetes (70 statin users and 40 non-users) were retrospectively reviewed. The two outcome measures were progression of diabetic retinopathy by two or more steps on the early treatment diabetic retinopathy study scale and diabetic macular edema based on optical coherence tomography. Serum lipid profiles were analyzed from 6 months prior to diagnosis of diabetic macular edema. Diabetic retinopathy progressed in 23% of statin users and 18% of non-users (p = 0.506), but diabetic macular edema was present in 23% of statin users and 48% of non-users (p = 0.008). Statins reduced low-density lipoprotein cholesterol levels in patients with and without diabetic macular edema (p = 0.043 and p = 0.031, respectively). Among statin users, patients with diabetic macular edema had higher levels of triglycerides (p = 0.004) and lower levels of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (p = 0.033) than those without diabetic macular edema. Logistic regression analysis showed that statin use significantly lowered the risk of diabetic macular edema [odds ratio (OR): 0.33, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.12-0.91, p = 0.032]. Hypertriglyceridemia at 6 months prior to development of macular edema was significantly associated with central retinal thickness (OR: 1.52; 95% CI 1.14-2.02, p = 0.005). Lipid lowering therapy with statins protected against the development of diabetic macular edema and progression of diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes. Hypertriglyceridemia could be used as a surrogate marker for diabetic macular edema.

  16. A needs assessment of people living with diabetes and diabetic retinopathy.


    Hall, Claudette E; Hall, Anthony B; Kok, Gerjo; Mallya, Joyse; Courtright, Paul


    The Kilimanjaro Diabetic Programme was initiated in response to the needs of people living with diabetes (PWLD) to identify barriers to uptake of screening for diabetic retinopathy, to improve management of diabetes, and establish an affordable, sustainable eye screening and treatment programme for diabetic retinopathy. Intervention Mapping was used as the framework for the needs assessment. A mixed methods approach was used. Five psychometric measures, Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire, Diabetes Health Beliefs, Self-Efficacy scale, Problem Areas in Diabetes scale, and Hopkins Scale Checklist-25 and a structured interview relating to self-efficacy, addressing disclosure of living with diabetes and life-style changes were used to triangulate the quantitative findings. These were administered to 26 PWLD presenting to rural district hospitals. The interviewees demonstrated low levels of perceived stigma regarding disclosure of living with diabetes and high levels of self-efficacy in raising community awareness of diabetes, seeking on going treatment from Western medicine over traditional healers and in seeking care on sick days. Self-efficacy was high for adjusting diet, although comprehensive dietary knowledge was poor. Negative emotions expressed at diagnosis, changes in life style and altered quality of life were reflected in high levels of anxiety and depression. Low levels of stigma surrounding living with diabetes were linked to a desire to raise community awareness of diabetes, help others live with diabetes and to secure social support to access hospital services. Confusion over what constituted a healthy diet showed the importance of comprehensive, accessible diabetes education, essential to ensuring good glycaemic control, and preventing diabetic complications, including diabetic retinopathy. Low levels of self-efficacy along with high levels of anxiety and depression may have a negative impact on the uptake of screening for Diabetic Retinopathy. The findings

  17. Role of the Diabetes Educator in Inpatient Diabetes Management.



    It is the position of American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) that all inpatient interdisciplinary teams include a diabetes educator to lead or support improvement efforts that affect patients hospitalized with diabetes or hyperglycemia. This not only encompasses patient and family education but education of interdisciplinary team members and achievement of diabetes-related organizational quality metrics and performance outcomes.

  18. Role of the Diabetes Educator in Inpatient Diabetes Management.



    It is the position of American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) that all inpatient interdisciplinary teams include a diabetes educator to lead or support improvement efforts that affect patients hospitalized with diabetes or hyperglycemia. This not only encompasses patient and family education but education of interdisciplinary team members and achievement of diabetes-related organizational quality metrics and performance outcomes.

  19. A high-protein diet with resistance exercise training improves weight loss and body composition in overweight and obese patients with type 2 diabetes.


    Wycherley, Thomas P; Noakes, Manny; Clifton, Peter M; Cleanthous, Xenia; Keogh, Jennifer B; Brinkworth, Grant D


    OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of two low-fat hypocaloric diets differing in the carbohydrate-to-protein ratio, with and without resistance exercise training (RT), on weight loss, body composition, and cardiovascular disease (CVD) risk outcomes in overweight/obese patients with type 2 diabetes. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS A total of 83 men and women with type 2 diabetes (aged 56.1 +/- 7.5 years, BMI 35.4 +/- 4.6 kg/m(2)) were randomly assigned to an isocaloric, energy-restricted diet (female subjects 6 MJ/day, male subjects 7 MJ/day) of either standard carbohydrate (CON; carbohydrate:protein:fat 53:19:26) or high protein (HP; 43:33:22), with or without supervised RT (3 days/week) for 16 weeks. Body weight and composition, waist circumference (WC), and cardiometabolic risk markers were assessed. RESULTS Fifty-nine participants completed the study. There was a significant group effect (P CON: -8.6 +/- 4.6 kg, HP: -9.0 +/- 4.8 kg, CON+RT: -10.5 +/- 5.1 kg, HP+RT: -13.8 +/- 6.0 kg], fat mass [CON: -6.4 +/- 3.4 kg, HP: -6.7 +/- 4.0 kg, CON+RT: -7.9 +/- 3.7 kg, HP+RT: -11.1 +/- 3.7 kg], and WC [CON: -8.2 +/- 4.6 cm, HP: -8.9 +/- 3.9 cm, CON+RT: -11.3 +/- 4.6 cm, HP+RT: -13.7 +/- 4.6 cm]). There was an overall reduction (P < 0.001) in fat-free mass (-2.0 +/- 2.3 kg), blood pressure (-15/8 +/- 10/6 mmHg), glucose (-2.1 +/- 2.2 mmol/l), insulin (-4.7 +/- 5.4 mU/l), A1C (-1.25 +/- 0.94%), triglycerides (-0.47 +/- 0.81 mmol/l), total cholesterol (-0.67 +/- 0.69 mmol/l), and LDL cholesterol (-0.37 +/- 0.53 mmol/l), with no difference between groups (P >or= 0.17). CONCLUSIONS An energy-restricted HP diet combined with RT achieved greater weight loss and more favorable changes in body composition. All treatments had similar improvements in glycemic control and CVD risk markers.

  20. Diabetes insipidus - nephrogenic


    Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; Acquired nephrogenic diabetes insipidus; Congenital diabetes insipidus; NDI ... of very dilute urine. NDI is rare. Congenital diabetes insipidus is present at birth. It is a ...

  1. Foraminotomia cervical posterior en el tratamiento de conflictos foraminales

    PubMed Central

    Campero, Álvaro; Barrera, Ramiro; Ajler, Pablo


    Introducción: La foraminomotima cervical posterior es un procedimiento utilizado para la descompresion radicular por via posterior y constituye una alternativa a la via clásica anterior. En este trabajo evaluamos nuestra serie de pacientes tratados por esta via. Método: Desde enero de 2008 a diciembre de 2011, 17 pacientes (18 foraminotomías) fueron operados por presentar cervicobraquialgia a causa de un conflicto foraminal, realizando un foraminotomía cervical posterior. Los pacientes fueron evaluados en el postoperatorio inmediato, al mes y a los 3 meses de la cirugía. Los parámetros para valorar los resultados fueron la Escala Análoga del Dolor (VAS), la Neck Disability Index y los criterios de Odom. Resultados: El dolor radicular por conflicto foraminal secundario a hernia de disco cervical fue el síntoma y la patología predominante. El nivel más afectado fue C5-C6. La resolución completa del dolor radicular se observó en casi todos los pacientes. La VAS preoperatoria en promedio fue de 8.8 (mínimo 8 – máximo 10), con una franca mejoría en todos los casos (0.4 en el último control). La media en la Neck Disability Index al inicio fue de 35.3 (mínimo 32 – máximo 45), con una evolución favorable en la evaluación final (0.6). Los Criterios de Odom para la evaluación de pacientes operados de columna cervical fueron satisfactorios con un promedio de 1.17. Se observaron complicaciones en 4 pacientes (23%), todas tuvieron una evolución favorable. No hubo infecciones, discitis ni empeoramiento de los síntomas preexistentes en ningún paciente. Conclusión: La foraminotomía cervical posterior es un procedimiento efectivo para el tratamiento del dolor radicular en los conflictos foraminales PMID:23596556

  2. [Not Available].


    Arellano Ortiz, Ana Lidia; Jiménez Vega, Florinda; Díaz Hernández, Cecilia; Salcedo Vargas, Muricio; De la Mora Covarrubias, Antonio; López Díaz, José Alberto; Vargas Requena, Claudia Lucía; Cassís Nosthas, María Lorena


    Introducción: las lesiones intraepiteliales escamosas (LIE) son un estado de transición hacia el cáncer cervicouterino (CaCu) y un déficit de micronutrientes puede acelerar este proceso. Por ello, determinar la existencia de este déficit y conocer qué factores se asocian permitiría una posible prevención en esta población de riesgo.Objetivo: determinar la presencia de alguna deficiencia de micronutrientes involucrados en el proceso anticancerígeno y asociar este déficit con hábitos y factores demográficos en pacientes con LIE de Ciudad Juárez, Chihuahua, México.Métodos:en un estudio transversal analítico fueron seleccionadas 102 pacientes con LIE. Se realizó una encuesta dietaría (recordatorio de 24 horas) para estimar la ingesta de micronutrientes. La deficiencia fue determinada con un consumo < 75% de la ingesta diaria recomendada o sugerida (IDR o IDS) en México. Algunos hábitos y factores demográficos fueron obtenidos mediante la entrevista con la paciente. Se realizó un modelo de regresión logística para asociar la presencia de deficiencia con factores que afectan a la ingesta o incrementan el requerimiento de micronutrientes.Resultados:el retinol, ácido fólico, zinc, vitaminas C y E, considerados como micronutrientes en el proceso anticancerígeno del CaCu, se encontraron por debajo del 75% de la IDR. Aquellas mujeres con sobrepeso, obesidad y amas de casa se asociaron significativamente con la deficiencia de micronutrientes.Conclusión: el sobrepeso, la obesidad y la ocupación han sido asociados para presentar deficiencias de micronutrientes en este estudio. Estas variables convergen en una posible inseguridad alimentaria, la cual podría asociarse al incremento de incidencia de CaCu en México.

  3. Educational intervention for collecting sputum for tuberculosis: a quasi-experimental study.


    Sicsú, Amélia Nunes; Salem, Julia Ignez; Fujimoto, Luciana Botinelly Mendonça; Gonzales, Roxana Isabel Cardozo; Cardoso, Maria do Socorro de Lucena; Palha, Pedro Fredemir


    intervenção educativa. comprovou-se que, após a intervenção educativa, obtiveram-se amostras de escarro com maior qualidade, com aspecto e volume satisfatórios para efetividade do exame baciloscópico. evaluar la calidad de la muestra de esputo antes y después de las orientaciones de Enfermería al paciente. de estudio con diseño de investigación casi experimental, del tipo grupo único, antes y después, no aleatorio. Participaron del estudio pacientes con sospecha de tuberculosis pulmonar, sintomáticos respiratorios por más de 3 semanas, mayores de 18 años, de los dos sexos y sin antecedente de tuberculosis en los últimos dos años. La intervención educativa consistió en orientaciones individualizadas sobre la recolección de la muestra de esputo, fundamentadas en las directrices del Ministerio de la Salud de Brasil y en la entrega de folder explicativo. participaron 138 pacientes con sospecha de tuberculosis pulmonar. Los resultados evidenciaron un importante aumento de las muestras con partículas purulentas, volumen mayor que 5mL y aumento en la tasa de pacientes diagnosticados con tuberculosis, después de la intervención educativa. se comprobó que, después de la intervención educativa, se obtuvieron muestras de esputo con mejor calidad, con aspecto y volumen satisfactorios para efectividad del examen de baciloscopía.

  4. Risk of suicidal ideation in diabetes varies by diabetes regimen, diabetes duration, and HbA1c level.


    Lee, Hoo-Yeon; Hahm, Myung-Il; Lee, Sang Gyu


    To investigate patient subgroups based on the clinical characteristics of diabetes to evaluate risk factors for suicidal ideation using a large population-based sample in South Korea. Data from the Fifth Korea National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, a cross-sectional, nationally representative survey, were analyzed. The participants were 9159 subjects aged ≥40years. We defined patients with diabetes based on self-reported physician-diagnosed diabetes. We evaluated clinical risk factors for suicidal ideation according to diabetes regimen, diabetes duration, and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) level compared with no diabetes. Given the complex sample design and unequal weights, we analyzed weighted percentages and used survey logistic regression. Diabetes per se was not associated with suicidal ideation. However, suicidal ideation was significantly more prevalent among patients who had injected insulin, had a duration of diabetes ≥5years and had HbA1c levels ≥6.5 compared with those without diabetes. Depressive symptoms were the most prominent predictor of suicidal ideation. Insulin therapy, diabetes of long duration, and unsatisfactory glycemic control were identified as risk factors for suicidal ideation; thus, patients with these characteristics warrant special attention. Our findings suggest the need to integrate efforts to manage emotional distress into diabetes care. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Menopause and risk of diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Catherine; Edelstein, Sharon L.; Crandall, Jill P.; Dabelea, Dana; Kitabchi, Abbas E.; Hamman, Richard F.; Montez, Maria G.; Perreault, Leigh; Foulkes, Mary A.; Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth


    Objective The study objective was to examine the association between menopause status and diabetes risk among women with glucose intolerance and to determine if menopausal status modifies response to diabetes prevention interventions. Methods The study population included women in premenopause (n=708), natural postmenopause (n=328), and bilateral oophorectomy (n=201) in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a randomized placebo-controlled trial of lifestyle intervention and metformin among glucose intolerant adults. Associations between menopause and diabetes risk were evaluated using Cox proportional hazard models that adjusted for demographic variables (age, race/ethnicity, family history of diabetes, history of gestational diabetes mellitus), waist circumference, insulin resistance and corrected insulin response. Similar models were constructed after stratification by menopause type and hormone therapy (HT) use. Results After adjustment for age, there was no association between natural menopause or bilateral oophorectomy and diabetes risk. Differences by study arm were observed in women who reported bilateral oophorectomy. In the lifestyle arm, women with bilateral oophorectomy had a lower adjusted hazard for diabetes (HR 0.19, 95% CI 0.04, 0.94), although observations were too few to determine if this was independent of HT use. No significant differences were seen in the metformin (HR 1.29, 95% CI 0.63, 2.64) or placebo arms (HR 1.37, 95% CI 0.74, 2.55). Conclusions Among women at high-risk for diabetes, natural menopause was not associated with diabetes risk and did not affect response to diabetes prevention interventions. In the lifestyle intervention, bilateral oophorectomy was associated with decreased diabetes risk. PMID:21709591

  6. Menopause and risk of diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program.


    Kim, Catherine; Edelstein, Sharon L; Crandall, Jill P; Dabelea, Dana; Kitabchi, Abbas E; Hamman, Richard F; Montez, Maria G; Perreault, Leigh; Foulkes, Mary A; Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth


    The study objectives were to examine the association between menopause status and diabetes risk among women with glucose intolerance and to determine if menopause status modifies response to diabetes prevention interventions. The study population included women in premenopause (n = 708), women in natural postmenopause (n = 328), and women with bilateral oophorectomy (n = 201) in the Diabetes Prevention Program, a randomized placebo-controlled trial of lifestyle intervention and metformin among glucose-intolerant adults. Associations between menopause and diabetes risk were evaluated using Cox proportional hazard models that adjusted for demographic variables (age, race/ethnicity, family history of diabetes, history of gestational diabetes mellitus), waist circumference, insulin resistance, and corrected insulin response. Similar models were constructed after stratification by menopause type and hormone therapy use. After adjustment for age, there was no association between natural menopause or bilateral oophorectomy and diabetes risk. Differences by study arm were observed in women who reported bilateral oophorectomy. In the lifestyle arm, women with bilateral oophorectomy had a lower adjusted hazard for diabetes (hazard ratio [HR], 0.19; 95% CI, 0.04-0.94), although observations were too few to determine if this was independent of hormone therapy use. No significant differences were seen in the metformin (HR, 1.29; 95% CI, 0.63-2.64) or placebo arms (HR, 1.37; 95% CI, 0.74-2.55). Among women at high risk for diabetes, natural menopause was not associated with diabetes risk and did not affect response to diabetes prevention interventions. In the lifestyle intervention, bilateral oophorectomy was associated with a decreased diabetes risk.

  7. Monogenic Diabetes


    ... monogenic diabetes? Maturity-onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) MODY is the most common form of monogenic diabetes. ... teenagers but sometimes is not found until adulthood. MODY can be mild or severe, depending on which ...

  8. Depression and diabetes distress in adults with type 2 diabetes: results from the Australian National Diabetes Audit (ANDA) 2016.


    Nanayakkara, Natalie; Pease, Anthony; Ranasinha, Sanjeeva; Wischer, Natalie; Andrikopoulos, Sofianos; Speight, Jane; de Courten, Barbora; Zoungas, Sophia


    This study explores the prevalence of, and factors associated with, likely depression and diabetes distress in adults with type 2 diabetes in a large, national sample. Australian National Diabetes Audit data were analysed from adults with type 2 diabetes attending 50 diabetes centres. The Brief Case find for Depression and Diabetes Distress Score 17 were administered to screen for likely depression and diabetes-related distress, respectively. A total of 2,552 adults with type 2 diabetes participated: (mean ± SD) age was 63 ± 13 years, diabetes duration was 12 ± 10 years, and HbA1c was 8 ± 2%. Twenty-nine percent of patients had likely depression, 7% had high diabetes distress, and 5% had both. Difficulty following dietary recommendations, smoking, forgetting medications, and diabetes distress were all associated with greater odds of depression whereas higher own health rating was associated with lower odds (all p < 0.02). Female gender, increasing HbA1c, insulin use, difficulty following dietary recommendations and depression were all associated with greater odds of diabetes distress & older age, higher own health rating and monitoring blood glucose levels as recommended were associated with lower odds (all p < 0.04). Depression was associated with sub-optimal self-care, while diabetes distress was associated with higher HbA1c and sub-optimal self-care.

  9. Management of diabetes and diabetes policies in Turkey

    PubMed Central


    Background Diabetes and its complications are among the present and future challenges of the Turkish health care system. The objective of this paper is to discuss the current situation of diabetes and its management in Turkey with special emphasis on the changing policy environment. Methods A literature review in databases such as PUBMED was performed from 2000 to 2011. This synthesis was complemented by grey literature, personal communication and contact with national and provincial health authorities and experts in diabetes from Turkey. Results The literature review and expert consultations indicated a growing policy emphasis on diabetes. Both the public and private sectors, non-governmental organizations have initiated policy papers to shape the outlook of diabetes care in the future. This is in line with the current dynamics of the healthcare system. Conclusions Diabetes care will be high on the agenda in future. Evidence based policy-making is the key to implement the policies adopted so far and a supportive environment is needed. PMID:23597065

  10. Salivary flow and composition in diabetic and non-diabetic subjects.


    Lasisi, T J; Fasanmade, A A


    The study investigated the effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus on salivary flow and composition in humans compared to healthy sex and age matched controls. Forty adult human subjects divided into 20 diabetic and 20 non-diabetic healthy subjects were included. Saliva samples were collected and analysed for glucose, total protein, calcium, sodium, potassium, chloride and bicarbonate. Salivary flow rate was also determined. The results showed that salivary glucose and potassium levels were significantly higher (p = 0.01 and 0.002 respectively) in diabetic patients compared with non-diabetic participants. It was also found that the diabetic patients had significant reduction in salivary flow rate when compared with non-diabetic individuals. In contrast, there was no significant difference in levels of total protein, Na+, Ca++, Cl- and HCO3- between the two groups. These results suggest that some oral diseases associated with diabetes mellitus may be due to altered levels of salivary glucose, potassium and flow.

  11. Types of Diabetes


    ... most common form of diabetes. People can develop type 2 diabetes at any age. Being overweight and inactive increases the chances of developing type 2 diabetes. Treatment includes taking diabetes medicines, making wise food ...

  12. Diabetes Medicines


    ... choices and physical activity, you may need diabetes medicines. The kind of medicine you take depends on your type of diabetes, ... pills. Combination pills contain two kinds of diabetes medicine in one tablet. Some people take pills and ...

  13. Carbohydrate restriction with postmeal walking effectively mitigates postprandial hyperglycemia and improves endothelial function in type 2 diabetes.


    Francois, Monique E; Myette-Cote, Etienne; Bammert, Tyler D; Durrer, Cody; Neudorf, Helena; DeSouza, Christopher A; Little, Jonathan P


    Postprandial hyperglycemia has deleterious effects on endothelial function. Restricting carbohydrate intake and postmeal walking have each been shown to reduce postprandial hyperglycemia, but their combination and subsequent effects on endothelial function have not been investigated. Here, we sought to examine the effect of blunting postprandial hyperglycemia by following a low-carbohydrate diet, with or without postmeal walking exercise, on markers of vascular health in type 2 diabetes (T2D). In a randomized crossover design, individuals with T2D ( n = 11) completed three 4-day controlled diet interventions consisting of 1) low-carbohydrate diet alone (LC), 2) low-carbohydrate diet with 15-min postmeal walks (LC + Ex), and 3) low-fat control diet (CON). Fasting blood samples and brachial artery flow-mediated dilation (%FMD) were measured before and after each intervention. Total circulating microparticles (MPs), endothelial MPs, platelet MPs, monocyte-platelet aggregates, and adhesion molecules were assessed as biomarkers of vascular health. There was a significant condition × time interaction for %FMD ( P = 0.01), with post hoc tests revealing improved %FMD after LC + Ex (+0.8 ± 1.0%, P = 0.02), with no change after LC or CON. Endothelial MPs were significantly reduced with the LC diet by ~45% (from 99 ± 60 to 44 ± 31 MPs/μl, P = 0.02), with no change after LC + Ex or CON (interaction: P = 0.04). Total MPs were lower (main effect time: P = 0.02), whereas monocyte-platelet aggregates were higher (main effect time: P < 0.01) after all interventions. Plasma adhesion molecules and C-reactive protein were unaltered. Attenuating postprandial hyperglycemic excursions using a low-carbohydrate diet combined with postmeal walking appears to be an effective strategy to improve endothelial function in individuals with T2D. NEW & NOTEWORTHY Carbohydrate restriction and postmeal walking lower postprandial hyperglycemia in individuals with type 2 diabetes. Here, we show

  14. Diabetic Emergencies


    ... Campaigns Share this! EmergencyCareForYou » Emergency 101 » Diabetic Emergencies Diabetic Emergencies It is estimated that more than 20 ... they have it. The best way to prevent diabetic emergencies is to effectively manage the disease through ...

  15. Mediterranean Diet, Retinopathy, Nephropathy, and Microvascular Diabetes Complications: A Post Hoc Analysis of a Randomized Trial.


    Díaz-López, Andrés; Babio, Nancy; Martínez-González, Miguel A; Corella, Dolores; Amor, Antonio J; Fitó, Montse; Estruch, Ramon; Arós, Fernando; Gómez-Gracia, Enrique; Fiol, Miquel; Lapetra, José; Serra-Majem, Lluís; Basora, Josep; Basterra-Gortari, F Javier; Zanon-Moreno, Vicente; Muñoz, Miguel Ángel; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi


    To date no clinical trials have evaluated the role of dietary patterns on the incidence of microvascular diabetes complications. We hypothesized that a nutritional intervention based on the Mediterranean diet (MedDiet) would have greater protective effect on diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy than a low-fat control diet. This was a post hoc analysis of a cohort of patients with type 2 diabetes participating in the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) study, a multicenter randomized nutritional intervention trial conducted in a population at high cardiovascular risk. Individuals with type 2 diabetes who were free of microvascular complications at enrollment (n = 3,614, aged 55-80 years) were randomly assigned to one of three dietary interventions: MedDiet supplemented with extravirgin olive oil (MedDiet+EVOO), MedDiet supplemented with mixed nuts (MedDiet+Nuts), or a low-fat control diet. Two independent outcomes were considered: new onset of diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy. Hazard ratios (HRs) were calculated using multivariable-adjusted Cox regression. During a median follow-up of 6.0 years, we identified 74 new cases of retinopathy and 168 of nephropathy. Compared with the control diet, multivariable-adjusted HRs for diabetic retinopathy were 0.56 (95% CI 0.32-0.97) for the MedDiet+EVOO and 0.63 (0.35-1.11) for the MedDiet+Nuts. No between-group differences were found for nephropathy. When the yearly updated information on adherence to the MedDiet was considered, the HR for retinopathy in the highest versus the lowest quintile was 0.34 (0.13-0.89; P = 0.001 for trend). No significant associations were found for nephropathy. A MedDiet enriched with EVOO may protect against diabetic retinopathy but not diabetic nephropathy. © 2015 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered.

  16. Microvascular diabetes complications in Wolfram syndrome (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness [DIDMOAD]): an age- and duration-matched comparison with common type 1 diabetes.


    Cano, Aline; Molines, Laurent; Valéro, René; Simonin, Gilbert; Paquis-Flucklinger, Véronique; Vialettes, Bernard


    Some previous studies suggested that patients suffering from Wolfram syndrome or DIDMOAD (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness) might be relatively preserved from diabetic retinopathy and nephropathy. However, these data were not conclusive because either observations were only anecdotic or did not match with control type 1 diabetic populations. A group of 26 French diabetic patients with DIDMOAD was compared with a population of 52 patients with common type 1 diabetes matched for age at diabetes diagnosis (8.62 +/- 1.84 vs. 8.27 +/- 1.30 years; P = NS) and diabetes duration (12.88 +/- 1.58 vs. 12.87 +/- 1.13 years; P = NS) to study the quality of glycemic control and the incidence of microvascular complications. Glycemic control was significantly better in the DIDMOAD group than in the type 1 diabetic group (A1C: 7.72 +/- 0.21 vs. 8.99 +/- 0.25%, respectively; P = 0.002), with significant lower daily insulin requirements (0.71 +/- 0.07 vs. 0.88 +/- 0.04 UI x kg(-1) x day(-1), respectively; P = 0.0325). The prevalence of microvascular complications in the DIDMOAD group was half that observed in the type 1 diabetic group, but the difference was not significant. Diabetes in DIDMOAD patients is more easily controlled despite the presence of other handicaps. This better glycemic control could explain the trend to decreased microvascular diabetes complications observed in previous studies.

  17. Diabetes and eye disease


    ... Photocoagulation - retina; Diabetic retinopathy Patient Instructions Diabetes - eye care Diabetes - tests and checkups Type 2 diabetes - what to ... foot care. Sec. 10. In Standards of Medical Care in Diabetes-2017. Diabetes Care 2017;40(Suppl. 1);S88- ...

  18. The future of diabetes education: expanded opportunities and roles for diabetes educators.


    Martin, Annette Lenzi; Lipman, Ruth D


    The purpose of the article is to explore challenges and opportunities associated with the state of practice for diabetes education and diabetes educators. Observations, assumptions, predictions, and recommendations based on a literature review and the 2011 workforce study and workforce summit held by the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) are presented. Demand for diabetes educators is projected to increase. The employer base will broaden beyond traditional outpatient venues and extend into industry, retail pharmacy clinics, and community-based organizations. Increasing roles in management, quality assurance, and technology interface design are possible for diabetes educators. Challenges limiting diabetes education such as poor understanding of what diabetes educators do and underutilization of diabetes education continue to need redress. Increasing utilization of diabetes education and insight about health care trends can allow diabetes educators to thrive in the workplace of the future. Diabetes educators are urged to promote the evidence concerning the benefits of diabetes education, to work to increase physician referrals, and to acquire needed competencies for the workplace of the future.

  19. Partner expressed emotion and diabetes management among spouses living with Type 2 diabetes.


    Lister, Zephon; Wilson, Colwick; Fox, Curtis; Herring, R Patricia; Simpson, Cheryl; Smith, Lucretia; Edwards, Lincoln


    Expressed emotion has been consistently shown to be a significant predictor of relapse and poor disease management across numerous physical and mental health conditions, however very little research has been conducted on its relationship to the management practices of individuals living with Type 2 diabetes. This study examines the relationship between expressed emotion (EE) and diabetes management among couples where 1 spouse has Type 2 diabetes. The authors surveyed 106 couples where 1 partner was diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes. Partners without diabetes completed questionnaires about their level of criticism, emotional involvement, and warmth toward their partners. Partners with diabetes completed questionnaires on diabetes control, diabetes management practices and attitude toward their diabetes. The authors found that, individuals living with diabetes who had partners with high EE reported significantly poorer diabetes management in all areas (diet, physical activity, and attitude toward diabetes). Diabetes management was found to mediate the relationship between EE and diabetes control. Results suggest that partners with high EE may have a significant influence on diabetes management practices in their partner. These findings highlight the important role couple interactions may play in diabetes management. Findings also emphasize the potential benefit of conceptualizing diabetes management from a systems/relational perspective. In addition, greater consideration should be given to using family-based approaches for diabetes management and treatment among coupled individuals living with Type 2 diabetes. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2016 APA, all rights reserved).

  20. Diabetes Distress and Depression in South Asian Canadians with Type 2 Diabetes.


    Sidhu, Rawel; Tang, Tricia S


    South Asians are disproportionately affected by diabetes compared to some other ethnic groups in Canada. Although depression and diabetes distress are psychological issues well studied in the general population of those with diabetes, they have not been investigated in South Asian Canadians with type 2 diabetes. We sought to identify the rates of depression and diabetes distress in South Asian adults with type 2 diabetes and to explore the relationship among glycemic control, depression and diabetes distress. We recruited 41 South Asian adults with type 2 diabetes for this study. Glycated hemoglobin (A1C) levels were collected via venous puncture. We utilized the Diabetes Distress Scale to assess total diabetes distress and its subscales (emotional distress, interpersonal distress, regimen-related distress and physician distress) and the Personal Health Questionnaire-9 to assess depressive symptoms. The rate of depression was 15%, and the rate of total diabetes distress was 52.5%. Although neither measure was found to be correlated with A1C levels, depression had a moderate positive correlation with total diabetes distress (r=0.696; p<0.001); subscales of regimen distress and emotional burden emerged as the strongest correlates. This is the first study to report that diabetes distress is a serious concern for South Asian Canadians with type 2 diabetes. Given that depression and diabetes distress are linked, studies recruiting a larger and more diverse sample of South Asian Canadians should be conducted to better understand the psychological issues that may impact diabetes self-management in this community. Copyright © 2016 Canadian Diabetes Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  1. Diabetes Camp as Continuing Education for Diabetes Self-Management in Middle-Aged and Elderly People with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

    PubMed Central

    Park, So Young; Kim, Sun Young; Lee, Hye Mi; Hur, Kyu Yeon; Kim, Jae Hyeon; Lee, Moon-Kyu


    Background Despite the established benefits of diabetes camps for the continuing education of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus, little is known about the long-term metabolic benefits of diabetes camps for middle-aged and elderly people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM), especially in terms of glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) variability. Methods The 1-year mean and variability of HbA1c before and after the diabetes camp was compared between the participants of the diabetes camp (n=57; median age 65 years [range, 50 to 86 years]; median diabetes duration 14 years [range, 1 to 48 years]). Additional case-control analysis compared the metabolic outcomes of the participants of the diabetes camp and their propensity score-matched controls who underwent conventional diabetes education (n=93). Results The levels of HbA1c during the first year after the diabetes camp were comparable to those of the matched controls (P=0.341). In an analysis of all participants of the diabetes camp, the 1-year mean±standard deviation (SD) of HbA1c decreased (P=0.010 and P=0.041) after the diabetes camp, whereas the adjusted SD and coefficient of variance (CV) of HbA1c did not decrease. The adjusted SD and CV significantly decreased after the diabetes camp in participants whose 1-year mean HbA1c was ≥6.5% before the diabetes camp (n=40) and those with a duration of diabetes less than 15 years (n=32). Conclusion The 1-year mean and SD of HbA1c decreased after the diabetes camp, with significant reduction in the adjusted SD and CV in those with higher baseline HbA1c and a shorter duration of diabetes. PMID:28447438

  2. What Is Diabetes?


    ... in your feet Having blurry eyesight Types of diabetes Type 1 diabetes If you have type 1 diabetes, your ... and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) NIDDK Research of Type 1 Diabetes TEDDY TEDDY (short for The Environmental Determinants of ...

  3. Diabetes and Diabetic Retinopathy: Knowledge, Attitude, Practice (KAP) among Diabetic Patients in A Tertiary Eye Care Centre

    PubMed Central

    Srinivasan, Nithin Keshav; John, Deepa; Rebekah, Grace; Kujur, Evon Selina; Paul, Padma


    Introduction Diabetic retinopathy is becoming an increasingly important cause of visual impairment in India. Many diabetic patients who come to our centre have undetected, advanced diabetic retinopathy. If diabetic retinopathy had been detected earlier in these patients, irreversible visual impairment could have been prevented. Aim To document Knowledge, Attitude and Practice (KAP) patterns of diabetic patients regarding diabetes and diabetic retinopathy, to determine association between them, and to identify barriers to compliance with follow up and treatment regimes. Materials and Methods This was a hospital-based, cross-sectional study, conducted at the Department of Ophthalmology at Christian Medical College, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India, over a six-month period from June 2013 to November 2013. Two hundred and eighty eight diabetic patients, who fulfilled the eligibility criteria, were included in the study. KAP of patients was assessed using a 45-point, verbally administered questionnaire. Patients were placed in different categories, such as, ‘good/ poor’ knowledge, ‘positive/negative’ attitude and ‘good/poor’ practice. Data were analysed using Chi-square test and binary logistic regression, as appropriate. The proportion of patients with ‘good/poor’ knowledge, ‘positive/negative’ attitude and ‘good/poor’ practice, and the association between KAP were studied. Barriers to compliance with follow up/treatment regimes were identified. Results Out of the 288 patients in the study, 42% had good knowledge about diabetes, but only 4.5% had good knowledge about retinopathy. Good knowledge about diabetes was significantly associated with positive attitude towards diabetes and good practice patterns regarding retinopathy; awareness of retinopathy was also significantly associated with good practice. A total of 61.1% of patients did not have periodic eye examination; most common barrier identified was lack of awareness about the necessity for this

  4. Early visual cortical structural changes in diabetic patients without diabetic retinopathy.


    Ferreira, Fábio S; Pereira, João M S; Reis, Aldina; Sanches, Mafalda; Duarte, João V; Gomes, Leonor; Moreno, Carolina; Castelo-Branco, Miguel


    It is known that diabetic patients have changes in cortical morphometry as compared to controls, but it remains to be clarified whether the visual cortex is a disease target, even when diabetes complications such as retinopathy are absent. Therefore, we compared type 2 diabetes patients without diabetic retinopathy with control subjects using magnetic resonance imaging to assess visual cortical changes when retinal damage is not yet present. We performed T1-weighted imaging in 24 type 2 diabetes patients without diabetic retinopathy and 27 age- and gender-matched controls to compare gray matter changes in the occipital cortex between groups using voxel based morphometry. Patients without diabetic retinopathy showed reduced gray matter volume in the occipital lobe when compared with controls. Reduced gray matter volume in the occipital cortex was found in diabetic patients without retinal damage. We conclude that cortical early visual processing regions may be affected in diabetic patients even before retinal damage occurs.

  5. The effects of 2 weeks of interval vs continuous walking training on glycaemic control and whole-body oxidative stress in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a controlled, randomised, crossover trial.


    Karstoft, Kristian; Clark, Margaret A; Jakobsen, Ida; Müller, Ida A; Pedersen, Bente K; Solomon, Thomas P J; Ried-Larsen, Mathias


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of oxygen consumption-matched short-term interval walking training (IWT) vs continuous walking training (CWT) on glycaemic control, including glycaemic variability, in individuals with type 2 diabetes. We also assessed whether any training-induced improvements in glycaemic control were associated with systemic oxidative stress levels. Participants (n = 14) with type 2 diabetes completed a crossover trial using three interventions (control intervention [CON], CWT and IWT), each lasting 2 weeks. These were performed in a randomised order (computerised generated randomisation) and separated by washout periods of 4 or 8 weeks after CON or training interventions, respectively. Training included ten supervised treadmill sessions, lasting 60 min/session, and was performed at the research facility. CWT was performed at moderate walking speed (75.6% ± 2.5% of walking peak oxygen consumption [[Formula: see text

  6. IDF Diabetes Atlas estimates of 2014 global health expenditures on diabetes.


    da Rocha Fernandes, Joao; Ogurtsova, Katherine; Linnenkamp, Ute; Guariguata, Leonor; Seuring, Till; Zhang, Ping; Cavan, David; Makaroff, Lydia E


    To estimate health expenditures due to diabetes in 2014 for the world and its regions. Diabetes-attributable health expenditures were estimated using an attributable fraction method. Data were sourced from International Diabetes Federation (IDF) estimates of diabetes prevalence, UN population projections, WHO annual health expenditure reports, and estimates of the cost ratio of people with and without diabetes. Health expenditures were calculated in both US dollars (USD) and international dollars (ID). The average health expenditure per person with diabetes worldwide in 2014 was estimated to range from USD 1583 (ID 1742) to USD 2842 (ID 3110). The estimated annual global health expenditure attributable to diabetes ranged from USD 612 billion (ID 673 billion) to USD 1099 billion (ID 1202 billion). Together, the North America and Caribbean Region and the Europe Region were responsible for over 69% of the costs, and less than 10% of the costs were from the Africa Region, South East Asia Region, and Middle East and North Africa Region combined. The North America and Caribbean Region had the highest annual spending per person with diabetes (USD 7984 [ID 8040.39]), while the South East Asia Region had the lowest annual spending per person with diabetes (USD 92 [ID 234]). Diabetes imposes a large economic burden on health care systems across the world, yet varies across world regions. Diabetes prevention and effective management of diabetes should be a public health priority to reduce the financial burden. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  7. SGLT2 inhibition via dapagliflozin improves generalized vascular dysfunction and alters the gut microbiota in type 2 diabetic mice.


    Lee, Dustin M; Battson, Micah L; Jarrell, Dillon K; Hou, Shuofei; Ecton, Kayl E; Weir, Tiffany L; Gentile, Christopher L


    Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with generalized vascular dysfunction characterized by increases in large artery stiffness, endothelial dysfunction, and vascular smooth muscle dysfunction. Sodium glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (SGLT2i) represent the most recently approved class of oral medications for the treatment of T2D, and have been shown to reduce cardiovascular and overall mortality. Although it is currently unclear how SGLT2i decrease cardiovascular risk, an improvement in vascular function is one potential mechanism. The aim of the current study was to examine if dapagliflozin, a widely prescribed STLT2i, improves generalized vascular dysfunction in type 2 diabetic mice. In light of several studies demonstrating a bi-directional relation between orally ingested medications and the gut microbiota, a secondary aim was to determine the effects of dapagliflozin on the gut microbiota. Male diabetic mice (Db, n = 24) and control littermates (Con; n = 23) were randomized to receive either a standard diet or a standard diet containing dapagliflozin (60 mg dapagliflozin/kg diet; 0.006%) for 8 weeks. Arterial stiffness was assessed by aortic pulse wave velocity; endothelial function and vascular smooth muscle dysfunction were assessed by dilatory responses to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside, respectively. Compared to untreated diabetic mice, diabetic mice treated with dapagliflozin displayed significantly lower arterial stiffness (Db = 469 cm/s vs. Db + dapa = 435 cm/s, p < 0.05), and improvements in endothelial dysfunction (area under the curve [AUC] Db = 57.2 vs. Db + dapa = 117.0, p < 0.05) and vascular smooth muscle dysfunction (AUC, Db = 201.7 vs. Db + dapa = 285.5, p < 0.05). These vascular improvements were accompanied by reductions in hyperglycemia and circulating markers of inflammation. The microbiota of Db and Con mice were distinctly different, and dapagliflozin treatment was

  8. Biomarkers in Diabetic Retinopathy.


    Jenkins, Alicia J; Joglekar, Mugdha V; Hardikar, Anandwardhan A; Keech, Anthony C; O'Neal, David N; Januszewski, Andrzej S


    There is a global diabetes epidemic correlating with an increase in obesity. This coincidence may lead to a rise in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. There is also an as yet unexplained increase in the incidence of type 1 diabetes, which is not related to adiposity. Whilst improved diabetes care has substantially improved diabetes outcomes, the disease remains a common cause of working age adult-onset blindness. Diabetic retinopathy is the most frequently occurring complication of diabetes; it is greatly feared by many diabetes patients. There are multiple risk factors and markers for the onset and progression of diabetic retinopathy, yet residual risk remains. Screening for diabetic retinopathy is recommended to facilitate early detection and treatment. Common biomarkers of diabetic retinopathy and its risk in clinical practice today relate to the visualization of the retinal vasculature and measures of glycemia, lipids, blood pressure, body weight, smoking, and pregnancy status. Greater knowledge of novel biomarkers and mediators of diabetic retinopathy, such as those related to inflammation and angiogenesis, has contributed to the development of additional therapeutics, in particular for late-stage retinopathy, including intra-ocular corticosteroids and intravitreal vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors ('anti-VEGFs') agents. Unfortunately, in spite of a range of treatments (including laser photocoagulation, intraocular steroids, and anti-VEGF agents, and more recently oral fenofibrate, a PPAR-alpha agonist lipid-lowering drug), many patients with diabetic retinopathy do not respond well to current therapeutics. Therefore, more effective treatments for diabetic retinopathy are necessary. New analytical techniques, in particular those related to molecular markers, are accelerating progress in diabetic retinopathy research. Given the increasing incidence and prevalence of diabetes, and the limited capacity of healthcare systems to screen and treat

  9. PubMed

    López, Ana Cristina; Cecchetto, Eugenio; Aguirre, Ana Noemí; Ontiveros, Marina Celeste; Roitter, Claudia Valentina; Garcia, Adelaida Judith; Bernet, Jorgelina; Aguirre, Jorge Alberto


    El objetivo del estudio fue describir características clínicas, sociodemográficas y hábitos en adultos con diabetes mellitus y estudiar su asociación con la calidad de vida relacionada con la salud. Se seleccionó una muestra de 311 pacientes del Programa de Diabetes de una obra social universitaria, de la provincia de Córdoba. Se analizaron los datos a como proporciones y los componentes físico y mental del cuestionario SF-36® . El 57,4% alcanzó un nivel de instrucción terciario o universitario. La hipertensión arterial fue el factor de riesgo cardiovascular más prevalente (86,8%), seguida por dislipemia (50,6%) y obesidad (46,5%). El 24,8% tenía complicación macrovascular y el 29% microvascular. En el componente físico (CF) de calidad de vida las mujeres tuvieron una chance 4,2 veces mayor de reportar un valor inferior en relación a los varones. Entre los 50 y los 70 años se triplicó y los mayores de  70 años tuvieron 4 veces peor una puntuación en el CF respecto a los más jóvenes. Las complicaciones macro y microvasculares y los que reportaron menos de 2 hábitos de vida saludables tuvieron el doble de chances de puntuar por debajo del promedio general en el CF. La asociación entre complicaciones y peor calidad de vida es un motivo más para alcanzar un buen control metabólico, optimizar el manejo de factores de riesgo, evitando o retrasando la aparición de complicaciones.

  10. Diabetic eye disease among adults in Fiji with previously undiagnosed diabetes.


    Brian, Garry; Sikivou, Biu; Fischer-Harder, Konstanze; Szetu, John; Qoqonokana, Mundi Qalo; Ramke, Jacqueline


    To determine the prevalence and severity of diabetic eye disease among adults aged ≥40 years with unrecognized diabetes in Fiji. Population-based cross-sectional survey using multistage cluster random sampling. 1381 (=73.0% participation). Interview-based questionnaire; visual acuity measured; dilated ocular examination performed; glycosylated haemoglobin (HbA1c) concentration determined. Prevalence and grade of diabetic retinopathy/maculopathy. Sample prevalence of diabetes was 44.8% (95%CI 42.2-47.5%), with 63.4% (95%CI 59.5-67.1%) previously undiagnosed (384/606). Predictors of undiagnosed compared with previously diagnosed diabetes were female gender (P = 0.001), rural residence (P = 0.049) and not having a relative with known diabetes (P < 0.001). Twenty-two retinae of participants with previously undiagnosed diabetes were unexaminable (predominantly cataract). Of the remaining 746 eyes, 3.5% (95%CI 2.4-5.1%) had diabetic retinopathy/maculopathy, 1 (0.1%) had proliferative retinopathy and 4 (0.5%) had active significant maculopathy. Of eyes with diabetic disease, two (7.7%, 95%CI 1.0-25.3%) had diabetes-related vision impairment (3/60; 6/60). Sixteen previously undiagnosed participants (4.2%, 95%CI 2.5-6.7%) had diabetic disease evident in at least one eye: for four (all Melanesian women aged >50 years), this was vision-threatening (1.0%; 95%CI 0.3-2.8). Mean HbA1c (10.7 ± 2.6%) of participants undiagnosed and with diabetes eye disease was higher (P < 0.001) than that of those undiagnosed and without. The prevalence of diabetic eye disease was low among this cohort, but where present, severe vision-threatening retinopathy/maculopathy was relatively common. If diabetic eye disease is to be avoided or ameliorated in Fiji, then community awareness of and access to diabetes diagnostic services must improve, particularly for women and rural dwellers. © 2011 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology © 2011 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of

  11. Gestational diabetes history may signal deprivation in women with type 2 diabetes.


    Lega, Iliana; Ross, Nancy Annette; Zhong, Lihong; Dasgupta, Kaberi


    There is a higher prevalence of type 2 diabetes in lower income groups, particularly in women. Gestational diabetes (diabetes during pregnancy) has also been associated with lower income levels. What has not been studied is whether a past history of gestational diabetes retains an inverse association with income among women with type 2 diabetes. Among women with type 2 diabetes, we assessed for an association between history of gestational diabetes and lower income/lower educational attainment (multiple waves of Canadian Community Health Survey [CCHS]) through logistic regression models adjusted for age, body mass index (BMI), immigrant and marital status, smoking history, and physical activity. Compared to women in the highest income group, a gestational diabetes history was 71% more likely in the lower middle income group (odds ratio [OR] 1.71, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.06-2.74) and nearly two times more likely in the lowest income group (OR 1.94, 95% CI 1.15-3.27). Associations with education were inconclusive. Compared to married women, single women (divorced/separated/never married) were nearly two times more likely to have a gestational diabetes history (OR 1.71, 95% CI 1.17-2.49). These findings indicate that women with diabetes and past history of gestational diabetes constitute a particularly deprived group. A gestational diabetes history in women with type 2 diabetes may signal a need to assess and address material resources and social support as part of the diabetes management plan.

  12. Diabetes in Navajo Youth

    PubMed Central

    Dabelea, Dana; DeGroat, Joquetta; Sorrelman, Carmelita; Glass, Martia; Percy, Christopher A.; Avery, Charlene; Hu, Diana; D'Agostino, Ralph B.; Beyer, Jennifer; Imperatore, Giuseppina; Testaverde, Lisa; Klingensmith, Georgeanna; Hamman, Richard F.


    OBJECTIVE—To estimate the prevalence and incidence of diabetes, clinical characteristics, and risk factors for chronic complications among Navajo youth, using data collected by the SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study (SEARCH study). RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS—The SEARCH study identified all prevalent cases of diabetes in 2001 and all incident cases in 2002–2005 among Navajo youth. We estimated denominators with the user population for eligible health care facilities. Youth with diabetes also attended a research visit that included questionnaires, physical examination, blood and urine collection, and extended medical record abstraction. RESULTS—Diabetes is infrequent among Navajo youth aged <10 years. However, both prevalence and incidence of diabetes are high in older youth. Among adolescents aged 15–19 years, 1 in 359 Navajo youth had diabetes in 2001 and 1 in 2,542 developed diabetes annually. The vast majority of diabetes among Navajo youth with diabetes is type 2, although type 1 diabetes is also present, especially among younger children. Navajo youth with either diabetes type were likely to have poor glycemic control, high prevalence of unhealthy behaviors, and evidence of severely depressed mood. Youth with type 2 diabetes had more metabolic factors associated with obesity and insulin resistance (abdominal fat deposition, dyslipidemia, and higher albumin-to-creatinine ratio) than youth with type 1 diabetes. CONCLUSIONS—Our data provide evidence that diabetes is an important health problem for Navajo youth. Targeted efforts aimed at primary prevention of diabetes in Navajo youth and efforts to prevent or delay the development of chronic complications among those with diabetes are warranted. PMID:19246579

  13. Diabetes Education and Support: A Must for Students With Diabetes.


    Siminerio, Linda M


    Ongoing diabetes self-management education and support is critical to helping youth with diabetes and their families learn about the disease, make and sustain behavioral changes, and cope with the reality of a chronic illness. Diabetes self-management education and support is best provided by a multidisciplinary team. School nurses are an important part of the student's diabetes health care team. This article highlights information and resources that school nurses can use to help support students with diabetes, their families, and other school personnel. © 2015 The Author(s).

  14. Diabetic Retinopathy Awareness among Diabetic Patients Attending COMS-TH.


    Dahal, P; Adhikari, H

    Background Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the leading causes of blindness in Nepal. Objective The main objective of the study is to know the awareness of diabetic retinopathy among new cases of diabetes mellitus (DM) attending the college of medical science- teaching hospital, Bharatpur, Nepal. Method All the diabetic cases referred for ophthalmic consultation and also referred outpatient department cases from other departments to ophthalmic outpatient department was carried out. Detailed demographics of the subjects and their awareness of potential ocular problems from diabetes mellitus were noted. Result Total one hundred and thirty-one patients were enrolled during the study period from 15 November 2016 to 15 May 2017. Brahmin 39.69% and 19.08% Mongolian were the most predominant ethnical group. The predominant group of patients were housewives (41.22%) then followed by service (19.85%), business (13.74%), agriculture (12.21%), others (12.98%). Among 36.64% of the literate patients, 19.85% had passed school level, 9.92% had passed intermediate level, 88.55% were aware of Diabetic retinopathy. Among them majority 88.55% were referred by physician. Family history were present in 35.68% and fundus evaluation was done for the first time in almost half of diabetic cases (64.12%) and diabetic retinopathy was found in 32.06% of total cases in right eye and 30.53% of total cases in left eye. Conclusion Along with the awareness, routine dilated fundoscopy is mandatory for slight threating stage of retinopathy and to reduce the burden of blindness from diabetic retinopathy in Nepal.

  15. Diabetes and Kidney Disease


    ... Health Guide Diabetes - A Major Risk Factor for Kidney Disease Print Email Diabetes mellitus, usually called diabetes, ... Asian Americans. What does diabetes do to the kidneys? With diabetes, the small blood vessels in the ...

  16. Diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, and optic atrophy. An autosomal recessive syndrome?

    PubMed Central

    Fraser, F C; Gunn, T


    Twenty-one families were selected from the published reports in which the propositus had the triad of juvenile diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, and optic atrophy. The data were consistent with the hypothesis of an autosomal gene which, in the homozygote, causes juvenile diabetes mellitus and one or more of diabetes insipidus, optic atrophy, and nerve deafness. Heterozygotes appear to have an increased probability of developing juvenile diabetes mellitus. PMID:881709

  17. Effects of Gymnema sylvestre extract on the pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of glimepiride in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats.


    Kamble, Bhagyashree; Gupta, Ankur; Moothedath, Ismail; Khatal, Laxman; Janrao, Shirish; Jadhav, Amol; Duraiswamy, B


    Gymnema sylvestre, important Indian traditional herbal medicine has been used for diabetes from several years and marketed as single or multi-herb formulations globally. People are consuming G. sylvestre along with conventional hypoglycemic drugs. Therefore, there is need of evidence based assessment of risk versus benefits when G. sylvestre co-administered with conventional oral hypoglycemic drugs. In present investigation, pharmacodynamics and pharmacokinetic interactions with oral hypoglycemic drug, glimepiride (GLM) was studied in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. A specific and rapid HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method was established for simultaneous quantification of GLM and gymnemagenin (GMG) in rat plasma. Pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic interaction studies were carried out in STZ induced diabetic rats after concomitant administration of 400 mg/kg of G. sylvestre extract and 0.8 mg/kg of GLM for 28 days. The developed HPLC-ESI-MS/MS method was rapid, specific, and precise. Con-comitant oral administration of G. sylvestre extract (400 mg/kg) and GLM (0.8 mg/kg) in diabetic rats for 28 days showed beneficial pharmacodynamic interactions whereas no major alterations in the pharmacokinetics parameters of GLM and GMG were observed. This interaction demonstrated in animal model implies that significant clinical outcome might occur during concomitant administration of G. sylvestre extract and GLM especially in diabetic patients and warrants further studies in the same set up. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Biomarkers in Diabetic Retinopathy

    PubMed Central

    Jenkins, Alicia J.; Joglekar, Mugdha V.; Hardikar, Anandwardhan A.; Keech, Anthony C.; O'Neal, David N.; Januszewski, Andrzej S.


    There is a global diabetes epidemic correlating with an increase in obesity. This coincidence may lead to a rise in the prevalence of type 2 diabetes. There is also an as yet unexplained increase in the incidence of type 1 diabetes, which is not related to adiposity. Whilst improved diabetes care has substantially improved diabetes outcomes, the disease remains a common cause of working age adult-onset blindness. Diabetic retinopathy is the most frequently occurring complication of diabetes; it is greatly feared by many diabetes patients. There are multiple risk factors and markers for the onset and progression of diabetic retinopathy, yet residual risk remains. Screening for diabetic retinopathy is recommended to facilitate early detection and treatment. Common biomarkers of diabetic retinopathy and its risk in clinical practice today relate to the visualization of the retinal vasculature and measures of glycemia, lipids, blood pressure, body weight, smoking, and pregnancy status. Greater knowledge of novel biomarkers and mediators of diabetic retinopathy, such as those related to inflammation and angiogenesis, has contributed to the development of additional therapeutics, in particular for late-stage retinopathy, including intra-ocular corticosteroids and intravitreal vascular endothelial growth factor inhibitors ('anti-VEGFs') agents. Unfortunately, in spite of a range of treatments (including laser photocoagulation, intraocular steroids, and anti-VEGF agents, and more recently oral fenofibrate, a PPAR-alpha agonist lipid-lowering drug), many patients with diabetic retinopathy do not respond well to current therapeutics. Therefore, more effective treatments for diabetic retinopathy are necessary. New analytical techniques, in particular those related to molecular markers, are accelerating progress in diabetic retinopathy research. Given the increasing incidence and prevalence of diabetes, and the limited capacity of healthcare systems to screen and treat

  19. Paciente inmunocompetente con criptococosis cerebral: reporte de un caso.


    Becerra-Pedraza, Luis Cuitláhuac; Martínez-Piña, Daniel Arturo; Calles-Carmona, Génesis Rocío; San-Juan, Daniel


    A 14-year-old female, presenting sudden and progressive holocraneal headache along with incoercible vomiting arrived to emergency room. Acute confusional state and meningoencephalitis syndrome where identified. Brain computed tomography-scan with normal results was performed. Lumbar puncture with crystal-clear cerebrospinal fluid was obtained: low glucose, elevated proteins and cell-count of 15/mm. China-Ink and Criptococcus neoformans culture both positive. Viral, lupus-anticoagulant, and HIV tests negative. Fluconazole 200 mg/kg/day, amphotericin-B 0.7 mg/kg/day, dexamethasone 1 mg/kg/day were prescribed. 48-h later evolved to cerebral edema, multiple-organ-failure and death. Hereby we present a Cryptococcus spp. infection case report, addressing the public health challenge and vulnerability of immunocompromised patients in Mexico. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud.

  20. 9 CFR 319.300 - Chili con carne.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Chili con carne. 319.300 Section 319.300 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE AGENCY... Products § 319.300 Chili con carne. “Chili con carne” shall contain not less than 40 percent of meat...

  1. Diabetes UK Position Statement. Competency frameworks in diabetes.


    Simmons, D; Deakin, T; Walsh, N; Turner, B; Lawrence, S; Priest, L; George, S; Vanterpool, G; McArdle, J; Rylance, A; Terry, G; Little, P


    The quality, skills and attitudes of staff working in the healthcare system are central to multidisciplinary learning and working, and to the delivery of the quality of care patients expect. Patients want to know that the staff supporting them have the right knowledge and attitudes to work in partnership, particularly for conditions such as diabetes where 95% of all care is delivered by the person with diabetes themselves. With the current changes in the NHS structures in England, and the potential for greater variation in the types of 'qualified provider', along with the recent scandal at Mid-Staffordshire Hospital, staff need to be shown to be competent and named/accredited or recognized as such. This will help to restore faith in an increasingly devolved delivery structure. The education and validation of competency needs to be consistently delivered and assured to ensure standards are maintained for different roles and disciplines across each UK nation. Diabetes UK recommends that all NHS organizations prioritize healthcare professional education, training and competency through the implementation of a National Diabetes Competency Framework and the phased approach to delivery to address this need. © 2015 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine © 2015 Diabetes UK.

  2. Diabetes, Biochemical Markers of Bone Turnover, Diabetes Control, and Bone

    PubMed Central

    Starup-Linde, Jakob


    Diabetes mellitus is known to have late complications including micro vascular and macro vascular disease. This review focuses on another possible area of complication regarding diabetes; bone. Diabetes may affect bone via bone structure, bone density, and biochemical markers of bone turnover. The aim of the present review is to examine in vivo from humans on biochemical markers of bone turnover in diabetics compared to non-diabetics. Furthermore, the effect of glycemic control on bone markers and the similarities and differences of type 1- and type 2-diabetics regarding bone markers will be evaluated. A systematic literature search was conducted using PubMed, Embase, Cinahl, and SveMed+ with the search terms: “Diabetes mellitus,” “Diabetes mellitus type 1,” “Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus,” “Diabetes mellitus type 2,” “Non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus,” “Bone,” “Bone and Bones,” “Bone diseases,” “Bone turnover,” “Hemoglobin A Glycosylated,” and “HbA1C.” After removing duplicates from this search 1,188 records were screened by title and abstract and 75 records were assessed by full text for inclusion in the review. In the end 43 records were chosen. Bone formation and resorption markers are investigated as well as bone regulating systems. T1D is found to have lower osteocalcin and CTX, while osteocalcin and tartrate-resistant acid are found to be lower in T2D, and sclerostin is increased and collagen turnover markers altered. Other bone turnover markers do not seem to be altered in T1D or T2D. A major problem is the lack of histomorphometric studies in humans linking changes in turnover markers to actual changes in bone turnover and further research is needed to strengthen this link. PMID:23482417


    PubMed Central

    Mondragón, Liliana; Monroy, Zuraya; Ito, Ma. Emily; Medina-Mora, Dra. Ma. Elena


    El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las disyuntivas entre los principios de beneficencia y autonomía, que se presentan en la relación médico-paciente, durante la terapéutica del intento de suicidio. La investigación se realizó en dos hospitales psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. La muestra incluyó a tres sujetos con intento de suicidio, mayores de 18 años, que eran atendidos en consulta externa a causa de una lesión autoinfligida en el último año, y a tres psiquiatras que trataban a estos pacientes. La información se obtuvo previo consentimiento informado en entrevistas individuales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de discurso argumentado para encontrar los significados que los participantes otorgaron a los principios bioéticos y las posibles disyuntivas entre éstos. Las discordancias entre la beneficencia y la autonomía estuvieron relacionadas con el beneficio del tratamiento, el respeto por los valores y las creencias de los pacientes, entre otros. Este trabajo presenta consideraciones éticas relevantes en el escenario clínico, al ofrecer al psiquiatra un análisis bioético que le permita actuar de acuerdo con la beneficencia y respetando la autonomía del paciente frente a casos de intento de suicidio y, de esta forma procurar una mejor atención para ellos. PMID:20830214



    Mondragón, Liliana; Monroy, Zuraya; Ito, Ma Emily; Medina-Mora, Dra Ma Elena


    El objetivo del trabajo es conocer las disyuntivas entre los principios de beneficencia y autonomía, que se presentan en la relación médico-paciente, durante la terapéutica del intento de suicidio.La investigación se realizó en dos hospitales psiquiátricos de la Ciudad de México. La muestra incluyó a tres sujetos con intento de suicidio, mayores de 18 años, que eran atendidos en consulta externa a causa de una lesión autoinfligida en el último año, y a tres psiquiatras que trataban a estos pacientes. La información se obtuvo previo consentimiento informado en entrevistas individuales. Se llevó a cabo un análisis de discurso argumentado para encontrar los significados que los participantes otorgaron a los principios bioéticos y las posibles disyuntivas entre éstos.Las discordancias entre la beneficencia y la autonomía estuvieron relacionadas con el beneficio del tratamiento, el respeto por los valores y las creencias de los pacientes, entre otros. Este trabajo presenta consideraciones éticas relevantes en el escenario clínico, al ofrecer al psiquiatra un análisis bioético que le permita actuar de acuerdo con la beneficencia y respetando la autonomía del paciente frente a casos de intento de suicidio y, de esta forma procurar una mejor atención para ellos.

  5. Swim Training Improves HOMA-IR in Type 2 Diabetes Induced by High Fat Diet and Low Dose of Streptozotocin in Male Rats.


    Ghiasi, Rafigheh; Ghadiri Soufi, Farhad; Somi, Mohammad Hossein; Mohaddes, Gisou; Mirzaie Bavil, Fariba; Naderi, Roya; Alipour, Mohammad Reza


    Insulin resistance plays a key role in the onset and development of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and its complications. In this study, we evaluated the effect of swim training on insulin resistance in diabetic rats. Forty male Wistar rats were randomly divided into four groups (n=10): sedentary control (Con), sedentary diabetic (Dia), swim trained control (Exe) and swim trained diabetic (Dia+Exe) rats. Diabetes was induced by high fat diet (HFD) and a low dose of streptozotocin (35 mg/kg, i.p). In trained groups, one week after the induction of diabetes, animals were subjected to swimming (60 min/5 days a week) for 10 weeks. At the end of training, fasting blood sugar (FBS), oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT), fasting/basal insulin, glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA1c) levels, insulin resistance index, homeostasis model assessment method (HOMA-IR), triglycerides (TG,) total cholesterol (TCh), and high density lipoprotein (HDL) levels in blood were measured. Swimming significantly improved OGTT (P<0.01) and HOMA-IR (P<0.01). Swim training also significantly decreased FBS (p<0.01), fasting/basal insulin (P<0.01), HbA1C (p<0.01), TG (P<0.05), and TCh (P<0.05) levels. It also significantly increased HDL (p<0.05) level. Our findings indicate that swim training improved glycemic control and insulin sensitivity in type 2 diabetes caused by high fat diet in male rats.

  6. The Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy Among Known Diabetic Population in Nepal.


    Mishra, S K; Pant, B P; Subedi, P


    Background The worldwide prevalence of diabetic retinopathy (DR) was found to be 34.6%. WHO estimates that DR is responsible for 4.8% of the 37 million cases of blindness throughout the world. In a study undertaken in urban population in Nepal, M.D. Bhattarai found the prevalence of diabetes among people aged 20 years and above to be 14.6% and the prevalence among people aged 40 years and above to be 19%. Studies on DR, to our knowledge, have mostly been hospital based in Nepal. Little information is available about prevalence of DR at the community level in Nepal. Objective To investigate the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and associated risk factors among known diabetic population of Nepal. Method A descriptive cross sectional study was conducted among individuals aged 30 and more using cluster sampling method. The study sites were Kathmandu metropolitan city and Birgunj sub-metropolitan city. A sample size of 5400 was calculated assuming 5% prevalence rate with 95% confidence level, 5% worst acceptable level and 1.5 cluster sampling design effect. Study participants were interviewed, anthropometric measurements and fundus photograph was taken from participants with diabetes. Fundus photographs were used to grade retinopathy. Result Around 12% of the respondents were diabetic, mean age 55.43±11.86 years, of which slightly more than half were females (50.2%). Among these diabetic respondents 9.9% had some forms of diabetic retinopathy, mean age 54.08±10.34 years, 56.7% were male. When severe grade of retinopathy in any eye was considered as overall grade of retinopathy for the individual, prevalence of Non-proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy, Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy and complete vision loss was found to be 9.1%, 0.5% and 0.3%. Prevalence of Diabetic Macular Edema was 5.5%. Duration of diabetes, family history of diabetes and blood pressure at the day of survey was found to be associated with having any retinopathy. Conclusion Diabetic retinopathy

  7. The prevalence of Hypogonadism among diabetic and non-diabetic men in Jordan.


    Al Hayek, Ayman A; Khawaja, Nahla M; Khader, Yousef S; Jaffal, Sahar K; Ajlouni, Kamel M


    Determine the prevalence of hypogonadism among diabetic and non-diabetic men in Jordan. A cross-sectional study of 1717 men (1089 participants with type 2 diabetes and 628 non-diabetic subjects). Both groups were inquired to answer the Androgen Deficiency for aging male (ADAM) questionnaire. Early morning Total testosterone, prolactin, sex hormone binding globulin, follicle stimulating hormone, leutinizing hormone, HbA1c and fasting blood sugar were measured. Hypogonadism was defined as total testosterone <3 ng/ml and calculated free testosterone <5 ng/dl. The prevalence of Hypogonadism among all study participants was 18.5%. The prevalence of Hypogonadism in diabetic and non-diabetic men was 24.3% and 8.3%, respectively. The mean (SD) total testosterone concentration of diabetic and non-diabetic men was 3.78 ng/ml (1.7) and 4.92 ng/ml (2.5), respectively (P- value <0.005). In response to (ADAM) questionnaire, 19.8% of diabetics and 3% of the non-diabetics had symptomatic androgen deficiency (P value <0.005). Hypogonadism and symptomatic androgen deficiency were negatively and significantly related to diabetes, monthly income and age (P value <0.005). Hypogonadism is a prevalent disorder among Jordanian diabetic population. Symptoms of androgen deficiency should be corroborated with testosterone level to establish a multidisciplinary approach for management of hypogonadism. Copyright © 2014 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  8. The Influence of Smoking on Pulmonary Tuberculosis in Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Patients

    PubMed Central

    Bai, Kuan-Jen; Lee, Jen-Jyh; Chien, Shun-Tien; Suk, Chi-Won; Chiang, Chen-Yuan


    Background Both smoking and diabetes can increase the risk and influence the manifestations and outcomes of tuberculosis (TB). It is not clear whether the influence of smoking on pulmonary TB differs between non-diabetic and diabetic patients. Herein, we assessed the manifestations and outcomes of TB in relation to smoking in both diabetic and non-diabetic TB patients. Methodology/Principal Findings All diabetic culture-positive pulmonary TB patients notified from 2005–2010 at three teaching hospitals in Taiwan were enrolled. A culture-positive pulmonary TB patient without DM who was notified to the health authority immediately prior to each diabetic TB patient was selected for comparison. The 972 patients in this study cohort included 365 (37.6%) non-diabetic non-smokers, 149 (15.3%) non-diabetic smokers, 284 (29.2%) diabetic non-smokers, and 174 (17.9%) diabetic smokers. The adjusted relative risk of a pretreatment positive smear for a smoker compared with a non-smoker was 2.19 (95% CI 1.38–3.47) in non-diabetic patients and 2.23 (95% CI 1.29–3.87) in diabetic culture-positive pulmonary TB patients. The adjusted relative risk for a positive smear among diabetic smokers was 5.61 (95% CI 3.35–9.41) compared with non-diabetic non-smokers. Smoking was significantly associated with an increased frequency of bilateral lung parenchyma involvement (AdjOR 1.84, 95% CI 1.16–2.93), far-advanced pulmonary TB (AdjOR 1.91, 95% CI 1.04–3.50), cavitary lesions (AdjOR 2.03, 95% CI 1.29–3.20), and unfavorable outcomes of TB (AdjOR 2.35, 95% CI 1.02–5.41) in non-diabetic patients. However, smoking was not associated with cavitary lung parenchyma lesions regarding the location, number or size of the cavity in diabetic TB patients. Conclusions/Significance Smoking and diabetes have joint effects on a pretreatment positive smear. Diabetic smokers had more than a 5-fold increased risk of a pretreatment positive smear than did non-diabetic non-smokers, indicating

  9. Diabetic Foot Syndrome as a Possible Cardiovascular Marker in Diabetic Patients

    PubMed Central

    Tuttolomondo, Antonino; Maida, Carlo; Pinto, Antonio


    Diabetic foot ulcerations have been extensively reported as vascular complications of diabetes mellitus associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality; in fact, some authors showed a higher prevalence of major, previous and new-onset, cardiovascular, and cerebrovascular events in diabetic patients with foot ulcers than in those without these complications. This is consistent with the fact that in diabetes there is a complex interplay of several variables with inflammatory metabolic disorders and their effect on the cardiovascular system that could explain previous reports of high morbidity and mortality rates in diabetic patients with amputations. Involvement of inflammatory markers such as IL-6 plasma levels and resistin in diabetic subjects confirmed the pathogenetic issue of the “adipovascular” axis that may contribute to cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes. In patients with diabetic foot, this “adipovascular axis” expression in lower plasma levels of adiponectin and higher plasma levels of IL-6 could be linked to foot ulcers pathogenesis by microvascular and inflammatory mechanisms. The purpose of this review is to focus on the immune inflammatory features of DFS and its possible role as a marker of cardiovascular risk in diabetes patients. PMID:25883983

  10. [Not Available].


    Corella Aznar, Elena Guadalupe; Ayerza Casas, Ariadna; Samper Villagrasa, Pilar; Rodríguez Vigil, Carmen; Jiménez Montañés, Lorenzo; Calvo Escribano, Carlota; Labarta Aizpun, José Ignacio


    Introducción: los supervivientes de leucemia aguda (LA) infantil presentan un riesgo incrementado de alteraciones metabólicas y cardiovasculares que aumentan su morbimortalidad a largo plazo.Objetivo: estimar la prevalencia de obesidad, resistencia a la insulina, dislipemia e hipertensión arterial como factores de riesgo cardiometabólico (FRCM) en un grupo de supervivientes de LA infantil, y analizar las posibles causas asociadas a su desarrollo.Material y métodos: estudio observacional retrospectivo en 47 supervivientes de LA tratados en un periodo de 4 años, que recibieron seguimiento durante 10 años.Resultados: el 40% de los participantes presentaron al menos un FRCM durante el seguimiento, siendo la dislipemia (aumento LDL) el más frecuente (38,3%), seguido de obesidad/sobrepeso (31,9%) y HTA sistólica (23,4%). El sexo femenino se estableció como factor de riesgo parael desarrollo de todos ellos (RR 1,6; RR 3,16; RR 1,69; p < 0,05). Ningún superviviente desarrolló diabetes mellitus, pero sí resistencia a la insulina el 19,4%. Los pacientes con leucemias de peor pronóstico presentaron mayor riesgo de desarrollar obesidad, resistencia a la insulina y aumento de LDL (RR 3,56; RR 4,08; RR 2,53; p < 0,05). Los pacientes tratados con trasplante de progenitores hematopoyéticos presentaron mayor riesgo de obesidad, aumento de LDL e HTA sistólica (RR 2,86; RR 2,39; RR 3,12; p<0,05). La radioterapia se asoció de igual modo con un incremento de resistencia a la insulina e hipertensión arterial sistólica (RR 2,47; RR 2,53; p < 0,05).Conclusiones: existe un aumento en la prevalencia de obesidad/sobrepeso, dislipemia, resistencia a la insulina y alteración de la tensión arterial sistólica en supervivientes de leucemia aguda infantil a lo largo del tiempo, especialmente en aquellos con enfermedades y tratamientos más agresivos.

  11. Evaluation of a community diabetes initiative: Integrating diabetes care.


    Walsh, Jason Leo; Harris, Benjamin Howell Lole; Roberts, Aled Wyn


    To evaluate the impact of a community diabetes initiative, aiming to improve the efficiency of type 2 diabetes (T2DM) care within the Cardiff and Vale Health Board. In 2012, a community diabetes initiative was introduced in Cardiff and Vale. Ten National Health Service (NHS) consultant diabetologists and three nurse specialists supported 69 general practices in this region. Here we evaluate the impact of this initiative by assessing the number and quality of secondary care diabetes clinic referrals before (2011-2012) and after implementation (2013-2014). Referrals pre and post initiative were audited against Cardiff and Vale T2DM referral guidelines in two 6-month periods. In the 6-months prior to the initiative, 108 referrals were received, 78 of which were in line with local guidance. Approximately one year after embarking on the diabetes initiative (2013-2014) there was a 31% reduction (p<0.01) in the total number of T2DM clinic referrals and a 57% reduction (p<0.01) in referrals outside the guidelines. A decrease in referrals was not seen in the practice noted not to engage with the initiative. The community diabetes initiative intervention has significantly improved the appropriateness of T2DM referrals from GP practices engaged with the initiative. As a result we advocate a move towards integrated diabetes care within the community. Copyright © 2014 Primary Care Diabetes Europe. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. Diabetes mellitus prevention.


    Allende-Vigo, Myriam Zaydee


    The aim of this study was to review lifestyle modification interventions and pharmacological clinical studies designed to prevent diabetes and provide evidence-based recommendations for the prevention of Diabetes Mellitus. A review of relevant literature compiled via a literature search (PUBMED) of English-language publications between 1997 and 2010 was conducted. It is found that people at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes mellitus can halt the development of the disease. Lifestyle modification intervention with reduction of 5%-10% of excess body weight and increase in moderate physical activity by 150 min/wk has consistently proven to reduce the appearance of diabetes in different at-risk populations. Pharmacologic interventions have also demonstrated the prevention of the appearance of diabetes in persons at risk. Bariatric surgery has decreased the appearance of diabetes patients in a select group of individuals. The progression from prediabetes to diabetes mellitus can be prevented. Lifestyle modification intervention changes with weight loss and increased physical activity are currently recommended for the prevention of diabetes.

  13. Tips for Teens with Diabetes: About Diabetes

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP), 2010


    Diabetes is a serious disease. It means that one's blood glucose, also called blood sugar, is too high. Having too much glucose in a person's blood is not healthy. This paper offers tips for managing diabetes.

  14. Mincle Signaling Promotes Con-A Hepatitis

    PubMed Central

    Greco, Stephanie H.; Torres-Hernandez, Alejandro; Kalabin, Aleksandr; Whiteman, Clint; Rokosh, Rae; Ravirala, Sushma; Ochi, Atsuo; Gutierrez, Johana; Salyana, Muhammad Atif; Mani, Vishnu R.; Nagaraj, Savitha V.; Deutsch, Michael; Seifert, Lena; Daley, Donnele; Barilla, Rocky; Hundeyin, Mautin; Nikifrov, Yuriy; Tejada, Karla; Gelb, Bruce E.; Katz, Steven C.; Miller, George


    Concanavalin-A (Con-A) hepatitis is regarded as a T cell-mediated model of acute liver injury. Mincle is a C-type lectin receptor (CLR) that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi, but does not have a well-defined role in pre-clinical models of non-pathogen mediated inflammation. Since Mincle can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inflammation and liver injury in Con-A hepatitis. Acute liver injury was assessed in the murine Con-A hepatitis model using C57BL/6, Mincle−/−, and Dectin-1−/− mice. The role of C/EBPβ and HIF-1α signaling was assessed using selective inhibitors. We found that Mincle was highly expressed in hepatic innate inflammatory cells and endothelial cells in both mice and humans. Furthermore, sterile Mincle ligands and Mincle signaling intermediates were increased in the murine liver in Con-A hepatitis. Most significantly, Mincle deletion or blockade protected against Con-A hepatitis whereas Mincle ligation exacerbated disease. Bone marrow chimeric and adoptive transfer experiments suggested that Mincle signaling in infiltrating myeloid cells dictates disease phenotype. Conversely, signaling via other CLRs did not alter disease course. Mechanistically, we found that Mincle blockade decreased the NF-κβ related signaling intermediates, C/EBPβ and HIF-1α, both of which are necessary in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses. Accordingly, Mincle deletion lowered production of nitrites in Con-A hepatitis and inhibition of both C/EBPβ and HIF1-α reduced the severity of liver disease. Our work implicates a novel innate immune driver of Con-A hepatitis and, more broadly, suggests a potential role for Mincle in diseases governed by sterile inflammation. PMID:27559045

  15. Mincle Signaling Promotes Con A Hepatitis.


    Greco, Stephanie H; Torres-Hernandez, Alejandro; Kalabin, Aleksandr; Whiteman, Clint; Rokosh, Rae; Ravirala, Sushma; Ochi, Atsuo; Gutierrez, Johana; Salyana, Muhammad Atif; Mani, Vishnu R; Nagaraj, Savitha V; Deutsch, Michael; Seifert, Lena; Daley, Donnele; Barilla, Rocky; Hundeyin, Mautin; Nikifrov, Yuriy; Tejada, Karla; Gelb, Bruce E; Katz, Steven C; Miller, George


    Con A hepatitis is regarded as a T cell-mediated model of acute liver injury. Mincle is a C-type lectin receptor that is critical in the immune response to mycobacteria and fungi but does not have a well-defined role in preclinical models of non-pathogen-mediated inflammation. Because Mincle can ligate the cell death ligand SAP130, we postulated that Mincle signaling drives intrahepatic inflammation and liver injury in Con A hepatitis. Acute liver injury was assessed in the murine Con A hepatitis model using C57BL/6, Mincle(-/-), and Dectin-1(-/-) mice. The role of C/EBPβ and hypoxia-inducible factor-1α (HIF-1α) signaling was assessed using selective inhibitors. We found that Mincle was highly expressed in hepatic innate inflammatory cells and endothelial cells in both mice and humans. Furthermore, sterile Mincle ligands and Mincle signaling intermediates were increased in the murine liver in Con A hepatitis. Most significantly, Mincle deletion or blockade protected against Con A hepatitis, whereas Mincle ligation exacerbated disease. Bone marrow chimeric and adoptive transfer experiments suggested that Mincle signaling in infiltrating myeloid cells dictates disease phenotype. Conversely, signaling via other C-type lectin receptors did not alter disease course. Mechanistically, we found that Mincle blockade decreased the NF-κβ-related signaling intermediates C/EBPβ and HIF-1α, both of which are necessary in macrophage-mediated inflammatory responses. Accordingly, Mincle deletion lowered production of nitrites in Con A hepatitis and inhibition of both C/EBPβ and HIF-1α reduced the severity of liver disease. Our work implicates a novel innate immune driver of Con A hepatitis and, more broadly, suggests a potential role for Mincle in diseases governed by sterile inflammation. Copyright © 2016 by The American Association of Immunologists, Inc.

  16. Diabetes insipidus - central


    ... Alternative Names Central diabetes insipidus; Neurogenic diabetes insipidus Images Endocrine glands References Brimioulle S. Diabetes insipidus. In: Vincent J-L, Abraham E, Moore FA, Kochanek PM, Fink ...

  17. Comparison platelet indices in diabetic patients with and without diabetic foot ulcer

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mardia, A. I.; Gatot, D.; Lindarto, D.


    Diabetes Mellitus is a group of metabolic disease which incidence increases every year. Some diabetic patients have diabetic foot ulcer as acomplication. The occurrence of ulcers in diabetic patients can be caused by the presence of thrombosis due to increased platelet function. Therefore, a cross-sectional study on 40 diabetic patients was performed at RSUP Adam Malik Medan to see whether there were differences in platelet indices between diabetic patients with and without diabetic foot ulcers. Platelets indices were examined and looked for differences in diabetic patients with and without diabetic foot ulcers. Data were analyzed using Chi-Square and Mann-Whitney U test with 95% CI. P-value<0.05 was considered statistically significant. There were differences in hemostasis function (prothrombin time, thrombin time, INR, aPTT, and fibrinogen) between the two groups with p values of 0.001; 0.004; 0.015; 0.021; 0.009, respectively. From the platelet indices examination, there were differences in the number of platelets, PDW and PCT with p values of 0.041; 0.027; 0.007, respectively, whereas there was no difference for MPV value (p=0,05). Platelet indices were found to increase in diabetic patients with diabetic foot ulcers indicating more reactive and aggregatable platelet function.

  18. Arsenic Exposure, Diabetes Prevalence, and Diabetes Control in the Strong Heart Study

    PubMed Central

    Gribble, Matthew O.; Howard, Barbara V.; Umans, Jason G.; Shara, Nawar M.; Francesconi, Kevin A.; Goessler, Walter; Crainiceanu, Ciprian M.; Silbergeld, Ellen K.; Guallar, Eliseo; Navas-Acien, Ana


    This study evaluated the association of arsenic exposure, as measured in urine, with diabetes prevalence, glycated hemoglobin, and insulin resistance in American Indian adults from Arizona, Oklahoma, and North and South Dakota (1989–1991). We studied 3,925 men and women 45–74 years of age with available urine arsenic measures. Diabetes was defined as a fasting glucose level of 126 mg/dL or higher, a 2-hour glucose level of 200 mg/dL or higher, a hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) of 6.5% or higher, or diabetes treatment. Median urine arsenic concentration was 14.1 µg/L (interquartile range, 7.9–24.2). Diabetes prevalence was 49.4%. After adjustment for sociodemographic factors, diabetes risk factors, and urine creatinine, the prevalence ratio of diabetes comparing the 75th versus 25th percentiles of total arsenic concentrations was 1.14 (95% confidence interval: 1.08, 1.21). The association between arsenic and diabetes was restricted to participants with poor diabetes control (HbA1c ≥8%). Arsenic was positively associated with HbA1c levels in participants with diabetes. Arsenic was not associated with HbA1c or with insulin resistance (assessed by homeostatic model assessment to quantify insulin resistance) in participants without diabetes. Urine arsenic was associated with diabetes control in a population from rural communities in the United States with a high burden of diabetes. Prospective studies that evaluate the direction of the relation between poor diabetes control and arsenic exposure are needed. PMID:23097256

  19. Self-report of diabetes and claims-based identification of diabetes among Medicare beneficiaries.


    Day, Hannah R; Parker, Jennifer D


    This report compares self-reported diabetes in the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS) with diabetes identified using the Medicare Chronic Condition (CC) Summary file. NHIS records have been linked with Medicare data from the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services. The CC Summary file, one of several linked files derived from Medicare claims data, contains indicators for chronic conditions based on an established algorithm. This analysis was limited to 2005 NHIS participants aged 65 and over whose records were linked to 2005 Medicare data. Linked NHIS participants had at least 1 month of fee-for-service Medicare coverage in 2005. Concordance between self-reported diabetes and the CC Summary indicator for diabetes is compared and described by demographics, socioeconomic status, health status indicators, and geographic characteristics. Of the Medicare beneficiaries in the 2005 NHIS, 20.0% self-reported diabetes and 27.8% had an indicator for diabetes in the CC Summary file. Of those who self-reported diabetes in NHIS, the percentage with a CC Summary indicator for diabetes was high (93.1%). Of those with a CC Summary indicator for diabetes, the percentage self-reporting diabetes was comparatively lower (67.0%). Statistically significant differences by subgroup existed in the percentage concordance between the two sources. Of those with self-reported diabetes, the percentage with a CC Summary indicator differed by sex and age. Of those with a CC Summary indicator for diabetes, the percentage with self-reported diabetes differed by age, self-rated health, number of self-reported conditions, and geographic location. Among Medicare beneficiaries who self-reported diabetes in NHIS, a high concordance was observed with identification of diabetes in the CC Summary file. However, among Medicare beneficiaries with an indicator for diabetes in the CC Summary file, concordance with self-reported diabetes in NHIS is comparatively lower. Differences exist by subgroup.

  20. Accuracy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) during Continuous and High-Intensity Interval Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus.


    Moser, Othmar; Mader, Julia K; Tschakert, Gerhard; Mueller, Alexander; Groeschl, Werner; Pieber, Thomas R; Koehler, Gerd; Messerschmidt, Janin; Hofmann, Peter


    Continuous exercise (CON) and high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) can be safely performed with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Additionally, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems may serve as a tool to reduce the risk of exercise-induced hypoglycemia. It is unclear if CGM is accurate during CON and HIIE at different mean workloads. Seven T1DM patients performed CON and HIIE at 5% below (L) and above (M) the first lactate turn point (LTP₁), and 5% below the second lactate turn point (LTP₂) (H) on a cycle ergometer. Glucose was measured via CGM and in capillary blood (BG). Differences were found in comparison of CGM vs. BG in three out of the six tests (p < 0.05). In CON, bias and levels of agreement for L, M, and H were found at: 0.85 (-3.44, 5.15) mmol·L(-1), -0.45 (-3.95, 3.05) mmol·L(-1), -0.31 (-8.83, 8.20) mmol·L(-1) and at 1.17 (-2.06, 4.40) mmol·L(-1), 0.11 (-5.79, 6.01) mmol·L(-1), 1.48 (-2.60, 5.57) mmol·L(-1) in HIIE for the same intensities. Clinically-acceptable results (except for CON H) were found. CGM estimated BG to be clinically acceptable, except for CON H. Additionally, using CGM may increase avoidance of exercise-induced hypoglycemia, but usual BG control should be performed during intense exercise.

  1. NMR studies of muscle glycogen synthesis in insulin-resistant offspring of parents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus immediately after glycogen-depleting exercise.

    PubMed Central

    Price, T B; Perseghin, G; Duleba, A; Chen, W; Chase, J; Rothman, D L; Shulman, R G; Shulman, G I


    To examine the impact of insulin resistance on the insulin-dependent and insulin-independent portions of muscle glycogen synthesis during recovery from exercise, we studied eight young, lean, normoglycemic insulin-resistant (IR) offspring of individuals with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus and eight age-weight matched control (CON) subjects after plantar flexion exercise that lowered muscle glycogen to approximately 25% of resting concentration. After approximately 20 min of exercise, intramuscular glucose 6-phosphate and glycogen were simultaneously monitored with 31P and 13C NMR spectroscopies. The postexercise rate of glycogen resynthesis was nonlinear. Glycogen synthesis rates during the initial insulin independent portion (0-1 hr of recovery) were similar in the two groups (IR, 15.5 +/- 1.3 mM/hr and CON, 15.8 +/- 1.7 mM/hr); however, over the next 4 hr, insulin-dependent glycogen synthesis was significantly reduced in the IR group [IR, 0.1 +/- 0.5 mM/hr and CON, 2.9 +/- 0.2 mM/hr; (P < or = 0.001)]. After exercise there was an initial rise in glucose 6-phosphate concentrations that returned to baseline after the first hour of recovery in both groups. In summary, we found that following muscle glycogen-depleting exercise, IR offspring of parents with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus had (i) normal rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the insulin-independent phase of recovery from exercise and (ii) severely diminished rates of muscle glycogen synthesis during the subsequent recovery period (2-5 hr), which has previously been shown to be insulin-dependent in normal CON subjects. These data provide evidence that exercise and insulin stimulate muscle glycogen synthesis in humans by different mechanisms and that in the IR subjects the early response to stimulation by exercise is normal. PMID:8643574

  2. Diabetes and nerve damage


    Diabetic neuropathy; Diabetes - neuropathy; Diabetes - peripheral neuropathy ... pubmed/27979897 . Boulton AJM, Malik RA. Diabetes mellitus: ... of peripheral nerves. In: Daroff RB, Jankovic J, Mazziotta JC, ...

  3. [A comparative study of social representations of diabetes mellitus and diabetic foot].


    Mantovani, Alessandra Madia; Fregonesi, Cristina Elena Prado Teles; Pelai, Elisa Bizetti; Mantovani, Aline Madia; Savian, Nathalia Ulices; Pagotto, Priscila


    The study aimed to investigate social representations of the terms "diabetes" and "diabetic foot" in different populations. Participants were divided into groups: diabetics (GD); non- diabetics (GN); and non-diabetic healthcare professionals (GP). Personal data were collected, and subjects answered two questions that were expected to evoke five words that came to mind when they thought of "diabetes" and then "diabetic foot". The evoked material was analyzed with the software Ensemble de Programmes Permettant l'Analyse dês Èvocations. A total of 161 subjects participated, including GD (n = 72) with a mean age of 56.12 ± 5.49 years; GN (n = 38) with a mean age of 54.29 ± 7.91 years; and GP (n = 51) with 34.95 ± 7.52 years. The term "diabetes" evoked 297 words in GD, 172 in GN, and 235 words in GP. The term "diabetic foot" evoked 180 words in GD, 90 in GN, and 236 in GP. The groups proved to be anxious for more information, thus confirming the need for awareness-raising and educational programs on diabetes, covering comprehensive issues concerning the disease.

  4. Adolescents with Type 1 Diabetes: transition between diabetes services.


    Visentin, Kate; Koch, Tina; Kralik, Debbie


    The research aimed to develop a sustainable and coordinated approach to facilitating the transition between diabetes services for adolescents. The objectives were to: (1) involve key diabetes health delivery stakeholders in expressing their concerns and issues about current service delivery and ways to improve same, and (2) reveal from the perspective of the adolescents living with Type 1 Diabetes their experiences surrounding the process of transition. This paper presents research that sought to identify the major concerns and issues that stakeholders had about transition and to reveal the experience of transition for the adolescent with Type 1 Diabetes. Key representatives from seven public diabetes services in Adelaide, South Australia worked collaboratively to answer the objectives of this inquiry. Approach. Interview data were generated and analysed using a response focus framework provided by fourth generation evaluation research. In this study, the focus was on common concerns, claims and issues raised by health care professionals (n = 21) and adolescents (n = 10) aged between 15 and 18 years about transferring from children's to adult diabetes services. Data revealed education and dietetic advice was reactive rather than proactive and that the paediatric model of care is philosophically and practically different to the adult model of diabetes care. Three phases of transition were identified: preparation, formal transition and evaluation. Our findings indicated that these stages of transition were not being fully implemented in health units. The project findings have set the scene to establish a multidisciplinary working party to work collaboratively across agencies to develop effective transition pathways. The role of diabetes nurse educators and dietitians in South Australia is under-used throughout the transition process. Diabetes nurse educators are in an ideal position to prepare, coordinate and evaluate transitional processes.

  5. Effects of crocin and voluntary exercise, alone or combined, on heart VEGF-A and HOMA-IR of HFD/STZ induced type 2 diabetic rats.


    Ghorbanzadeh, V; Mohammadi, M; Dariushnejad, H; Chodari, L; Mohaddes, G


    Hyperglycemia is the main risk factor for microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes. Crocin and voluntary exercise have anti-hyperglycemic effects in diabetes. In this research, we evaluated the effects of crocin and voluntary exercise alone or combined on glycemia control and heart level of VEGF-A. Animals were divided into eight groups as: control (con), diabetes (Dia), crocin (Cro), voluntary exercise (Exe), crocin and voluntary exercise (Cro-Exe), diabetic-crocin (Dia-Cro), diabetic-voluntary exercise (Dia-Exe), diabetic-crocin-voluntary exercise (Dia-Cro-Exe). Type 2 diabetes was induced by a high-fat diet (4 weeks) and injection of streptozotocin (STZ) (i.p, 35 mg/kg). Animals received oral administration of crocin (50 mg/kg) or performed voluntary exercise alone or together for 8 weeks. Oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed on overnight fasted control, diabetic and treated rats after 8 weeks of treatment. Then, serum insulin and heart VEGF-A protein levels were measured. Crocin combined with voluntary exercise significantly decreased blood glucose levels (p < 0.001) and insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) (p < 0.001) compared to diabetic group. VEGF-A level was significantly (p < 0.01) lower in Dia group compared to control group. The combination of crocin and voluntary exercise significantly enhanced VEGF-A protein levels in Dia-Cro-Exe and Cro-Exe group compared to diabetic and control groups, respectively; p < 0.001 and p < 0.05. Crocin combined with voluntary exercise improved insulin resistance (HOMA-IR) and reduced glucose levels in diabetic rats. Since both crocin and voluntary exercise can increase VEGF-A protein expression in heart tissue, they probably are able to increase angiogenesis in diabetic animals.

  6. Awareness of diabetic retinopathy among patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus in Jordan.


    Bakkar, May M; Haddad, Mera F; Gammoh, Yazan S


    Increasing the level of awareness of diabetic retinopathy among individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus is considered an important factor for early diagnosis and management of diabetic retinopathy. The aim of this study was to evaluate awareness of diabetic retinopathy among a sample of type 2 diabetes mellitus patients in Jordan. The study period was from August to December 2015. The sample was selected randomly from patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus from the general population in three main cities of Jordan (Amman, Irbid, and Zarqa). A questionnaire was distributed to 237 participants with diabetes to assess their awareness and knowledge of diabetes and diabetic retinopathy. The questionnaire included questions to assess awareness about diabetic retinopathy, sources of knowledge about the disease, and patients' knowledge and compliance with available treatments and routine eye examinations. Patients were also questioned about the barriers that may interfere with early eye examination. A total of 237 participants (107 [45.1%] females and 130 [54.9%] males) with type 2 diabetes were interviewed. Mean age±SD for the study population was 54.51±10.28 years. Of the study population, 88.2% were aware that diabetes can affect the eyes and 81% reported that diabetic retinopathy can lead to blindness. Higher level of patients' awareness of diabetic retinopathy was related to higher level of formal education ( p <0.05). The main source of information about diabetic retinopathy as reported by 47.3% patients was general practitioners. Patients' compliance with diabetes management was relatively high; however, their compliance with routine retinal assessment was poor, with only a total of 29.5% of participants having had an eye examination in the previous year. Awareness of the nature and consequences of diabetic retinopathy among patients with diabetes in Jordan is relatively high. However, patients' motivation to undergo retinal assessment was poor in the sample

  7. Diabetes in HFE Hemochromatosis

    PubMed Central

    Acton, Ronald T.


    Diabetes in whites of European descent with hemochromatosis was first attributed to pancreatic siderosis. Later observations revealed that the pathogenesis of diabetes in HFE hemochromatosis is multifactorial and its clinical manifestations are heterogeneous. Increased type 2 diabetes risk in HFE hemochromatosis is associated with one or more factors, including abnormal iron homeostasis and iron overload, decreased insulin secretion, cirrhosis, diabetes in first-degree relatives, increased body mass index, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome. In p.C282Y homozygotes, serum ferritin, usually elevated at hemochromatosis diagnosis, largely reflects body iron stores but not diabetes risk. In persons with diabetes type 2 without hemochromatosis diagnoses, serum ferritin levels are higher than those of persons without diabetes, but most values are within the reference range. Phlebotomy therapy to achieve iron depletion does not improve diabetes control in all persons with HFE hemochromatosis. The prevalence of type 2 diabetes diagnosed today in whites of European descent with and without HFE hemochromatosis is similar. Routine iron phenotyping or HFE genotyping of patients with type 2 diabetes is not recommended. Herein, we review diabetes in HFE hemochromatosis and the role of iron in diabetes pathogenesis in whites of European descent with and without HFE hemochromatosis. PMID:28331855

  8. Parental History of Diabetes, Positive Affect, and Diabetes Risk in Adults: Findings from MIDUS.


    Tsenkova, Vera K; Karlamangla, Arun S; Ryff, Carol D


    Family history of diabetes is one of the major risk factors for diabetes, but significant variability in this association remains unexplained, suggesting the presence of important effect modifiers. To our knowledge, no previous work has examined whether psychological factors moderate the degree to which family history of diabetes increases diabetes risk. We investigated the relationships among parental history of diabetes, affective states (positive affect, negative affect, and depressed affect), and diabetes in 978 adults from the MIDUS 2 national sample. As expected, parental history of diabetes was associated with an almost threefold increase in diabetes risk. We found a significant interaction between positive affect and parental history of diabetes on diabetes (p = .009): higher positive affect was associated with a statistically significant lower relative risk for diabetes in participants who reported having a parental history of diabetes (RR = .66 per unit increase in positive affect; 95 % CI = .47; .93), but it did not influence diabetes risk for participants who reported no parental history of diabetes (p = .34). This pattern persisted after adjusting for an extensive set of health and sociodemographic covariates and was independent of negative and depressed affect. These results suggest that psychological well-being may protect individuals at increased risk from developing diabetes. Understanding such interactions between non-modifiable risk factors and modifiable psychological resources is important for delineating biopsychosocial pathways to diabetes and informing theory-based, patient-centered interventions to prevent the development of diabetes.

  9. Protein O-GlcNAcylation in diabetes and diabetic complications

    PubMed Central

    Ma, Junfeng; Hart, Gerald W


    The post-translational modification of serine and threonine residues of proteins by O-linked β-N-acetylglucosamine (O-GlcNAc) is highly ubiquitous, dynamic and inducible. Protein O-GlcNAcylation serves as a key regulator of critical biological processes including transcription, translation, proteasomal degradation, signal transduction and apoptosis. Increased O-GlcNAcylation is directly linked to insulin resistance and to hyperglycemia-induced glucose toxicity, two hallmarks of diabetes and diabetic complications. In this review, we briefly summarize what is known about protein O-GlcNAcylation and nutrient metabolism, as well as discuss the commonly used tools to probe changes of O-GlcNAcylation in cultured cells and in animal models. We then focus on some key proteins modified by O-GlcNAc, which play crucial roles in the etiology and progression of diabetes and diabetic complications. Proteomic approaches are also highlighted to provide a system view of protein O-GlcNAcylation. Finally, we discuss how aberrant O-GlcNAcylation on certain proteins may be exploited to develop methods for the early diagnosis of pre-diabetes and/or diabetes. PMID:23992419

  10. Women and Diabetes

    MedlinePlus Videos and Cool Tools

    ... Women's Health Publications Women's Health Information on Twitter Information from Other Government Agencies and Offices National Diabetes Education Program Diabetes Information on MedlinePlus Diabetes and Depression in Older Women ...

  11. Diabetes Health Literacy Among Somali Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in a US Primary Care Setting.


    Njeru, Jane W; Hagi-Salaad, Misbil F; Haji, Habibo; Cha, Stephen S; Wieland, Mark L


    The purpose of this study was to describe diabetes literacy among Somali immigrants with diabetes and its association with diabetes outcomes. Among Somali immigrants in North America, the prevalence of diabetes exceeds that of the general population, and their measures of diabetes control are suboptimal when compared with non-Somali patients. Diabetes literacy is an important mediator of diabetes outcomes in general populations that has not been previously described among Somali immigrants and refugees. Diabetes literacy was measured using a translated version of the spoken knowledge in low literacy in diabetes (SKILLD) scale among Somali immigrants and refugees with type 2 diabetes. Diabetes outcome measures, including hemoglobin A1C, low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, and blood pressure, were obtained for each patient. Multivariate logistic regression was used to assess associations between diabetes literacy and diabetes outcomes. Among 50 Somali patients with diabetes who completed the survey, the mean SKILLD score was low (42.2 %). The diabetes outcome measures showed a mean hemoglobin A1C of 8 %, LDL cholesterol of 99.17 mg/dL (2.57 mmol/L), systolic blood pressure of 130.9 mmHg, and diastolic blood pressure of 70.2 mmHg. There was no association between diabetes literacy scores and diabetes outcome measures. Somali patients with diabetes mellitus had low diabetes literacy and suboptimal measures of diabetes disease control. However, we found no association between diabetes literacy and diabetes outcomes. Future work aimed at reduction of diabetes-related health disparities among Somali immigrants and refugees to high-income countries should go beyond traditional means of patient education for low-literacy populations.

  12. Diabetes Health Disparities

    PubMed Central

    Peek, Monica E.; Cargill, Algernon; Huang, Elbert S.


    Racial and ethnic minorities bear a disproportionate burden of the diabetes epidemic; they have higher prevalence rates, worse diabetes control, and higher rates of complications. This article reviews the effectiveness of health care interventions at improving health outcomes and/or reducing diabetes health disparities among racial/ethnic minorities with diabetes. Forty-two studies met inclusion criteria. On average, these health care interventions improved the quality of care for racial/ethnic minorities, improved health outcomes (such as diabetes control and reduced diabetes complications), and possibly reduced health disparities in quality of care. There is evidence supporting the use of interventions that target patients (primarily through culturally tailored programs), providers (especially through one-on-one feedback and education), and health systems (particularly with nurse case managers and nurse clinicians). More research is needed in the areas of racial/ethnic minorities other than African Americans and Latinos, health disparity reductions, long-term diabetes-related outcomes, and the sustainability of health care interventions over time. PMID:17881626

  13. Randomised controlled trial of alternative messages to increase enrolment in a healthy food programme among individuals with diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Gopalan, A; Paramanund, J; Shaw, P A; Patel, D; Friedman, J; Brophy, C; Buttenheim, A M; Troxel, A B; Asch, D A; Volpp, K G


    Objectives We compared the effectiveness of diabetes-focused messaging strategies at increasing enrolment in a healthy food programme among adults with diabetes. Methods Vitality is a multifaceted wellness benefit available to members of Discovery Health, a South Africa-based health insurer. One of the largest Vitality programmes is HealthyFood (HF), an incentive-based programme designed to encourage healthier diets by providing up to 25% cashback on healthy food purchases. We randomised adults with type 2 diabetes to 1 of 5 arms: (1) control, (2) a diabetes-specific message, (3) a message with a recommendation of HF written from the perspective of a HF member with diabetes, (4) a message containing a physician's recommendation of HF, or (5) the diabetes-specific message from arm 2 paired with an ‘enhanced active choice’(EAC). In an EAC, readers are asked to make an immediate choice (in this case, to enrol or not enrol); the pros and cons associated with the preferred and non-preferred options are highlighted. HF enrolment was assessed 1 month following the first emailed message. Results We randomised 3906 members. After excluding those who enrolled in HF or departed from the Vitality programme before the first intervention email, 3665 (94%) were included in a modified intent-to-treat analysis. All 4 experimental arms had significantly higher HF enrolment rates compared with control (p<0.0001 for all comparisons). When comparing experimental arms, the diabetes-specific message with the EAC had a significantly higher enrolment rate (12.6%) than the diabetes-specific message alone (7.6%, p=0.0016). Conclusions Messages focused on diabetes were effective at increasing enrolment in a healthy food programme. The addition of a framed active choice to a message significantly raised enrolment rates in this population. These findings suggest that simple, low-cost interventions can enhance enrolment in health promoting programmes and also be pragmatically tested within

  14. Preventing progression from gestational diabetes mellitus to diabetes: A thought-filled review.


    Kasher-Meron, Michal; Grajower, Martin M


    Women with a history of gestational diabetes are at high risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. In studies with long periods of follow-up, diabetes incidence of up to 70% has been reported. The appropriate follow-up of women following a pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes has not been studied. Published guidelines recommend that obstetrician/gynaecologists, who are often the de facto primary care physicians for these otherwise healthy young women, incorporate glucose monitoring in the post-partum period into their annual examinations. In reality, reported rates of screening have been low. There is also no clear evidence for any beneficial interventions to prevent diabetes in patients with prior history of gestational diabetes. Lifestyle intervention programmes for diabetes prevention among these patients yielded disappointing results. Metformin, pioglitazone, liraglutide, and bariatric surgery are possible options but based on inadequate data. There remains a need for randomized, placebo-controlled studies to evaluate various pharmacologic treatments, with and without lifestyle interventions, to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with a history of gestational diabetes. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  15. Gestational Diabetes Mellitus: A Positive Predictor of Type 2 Diabetes?

    PubMed Central

    Rice, Gregory E.; E. Illanes, Sebastian; Mitchell, Murray D.


    The aim of this paper is to consider the relative benefits of screening for type two diabetes mellitus in women with a previous pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes mellitus. Recent studies suggest that women who experience GDM are at a greater risk of developing type 2 diabetes within 10–20 years of their index pregnancy. If considered as a stand-alone indicator of the risk of developing type 2 diabetes, GDM is a poor diagnostic test. Most women do not develop GDM during pregnancy and of those that do most do not develop type 2 diabetes. There is, however, a clear need for better early detection of predisposition to disease and/or disease onset to significantly impact on this global pandemic. The putative benefits of multivariate approaches and first trimester and preconception screening to increase the sensitivity of risk assignment modalities for type 2 diabetes are proposed. PMID:22675354

  16. Metabolomics window into diabetic complications.


    Wu, Tao; Qiao, Shuxuan; Shi, Chenze; Wang, Shuya; Ji, Guang


    Diabetes has become a major global health problem. The elucidation of characteristic metabolic alterations during the diabetic progression is critical for better understanding its pathogenesis, and identifying potential biomarkers and drug targets. Metabolomics is a promising tool to reveal the metabolic changes and the underlying mechanism involved in the pathogenesis of diabetic complications. The present review provides an update on the application of metabolomics in diabetic complications, including diabetic coronary artery disease, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic retinopathy and diabetic neuropathy, and this review provides notes on the prevention and prediction of diabetic complications. © 2017 The Authors. Journal of Diabetes Investigation published by Asian Association for the Study of Diabetes (AASD) and John Wiley & Sons Australia, Ltd.

  17. Metabolomics in diabetes research.


    Friedrich, Nele


    Diabetes represents one of the most important global health problems because it is associated with a large economic burden on the health systems of many countries. Whereas the diagnosis and treatment of manifest diabetes have been well investigated, the identification of novel pathways or early biomarkers indicative of metabolic alterations or insulin resistance related to the development of diabetes is still in progress. Over half of the type 2 diabetes patients show manifestations of diabetes-related diseases, which highlight the need for early screening markers of diabetes. During the last decade, the rapidly growing research field of metabolomics has introduced new insights into the pathology of diabetes as well as methods to predict disease onset and has revealed new biomarkers. Recent epidemiological studies first used metabolism to predict incident diabetes and revealed branched-chain and aromatic amino acids including isoleucine, leucine, valine, tyrosine and phenylalanine as highly significant predictors of future diabetes. This review summarises the current findings of metabolic research regarding diabetes in animal models and human investigations.

  18. Enhancing the effectiveness of diabetes self-management education: the diabetes literacy project.


    Van den Broucke, S; Van der Zanden, G; Chang, P; Doyle, G; Levin, D; Pelikan, J; Schillinger, D; Schwarz, P; Sørensen, K; Yardley, L; Riemenschneider, H


    Patient empowerment through self-management education is central to improving the quality of diabetes care and preventing Type 2 Diabetes. Although national programs exist, there is no EU-wide strategy for diabetes self-management education, and patients with limited literacy face barriers to effective self-management. The Diabetes Literacy project, initiated with the support of the European Commission, aims to fill this gap. The project investigates the effectiveness of diabetes self-management education, targeting people with or at risk of Type 2 Diabetes in the 28 EU Member States, as part of a comprehensive EU-wide diabetes strategy. National diabetes strategies in the EU, US, Taiwan, and Israel are compared, and diabetes self-management programs inventorized. The costs of the diabetes care pathway are assessed on a per person basis at national level. A comparison is made of the (cost)-effectiveness of different methods for diabetes self-management support, and the moderating role of health literacy, organization of the health services, and implementation fidelity of education programs are considered. Web-based materials are developed and evaluated by randomized trials to evaluate if interactive internet delivery can enhance self-management support for people with lower levels of health literacy. The 3-year project started in December 2012. Several literature reviews have been produced and protocol development and research design are in the final stages. Primary and secondary data collection and analysis take place in 2014. The results will inform policy decisions on improving the prevention, treatment, and care for persons with diabetes across literacy levels. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  19. Aglycosuric Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Spaulding, W. B.; Spitzer, W. O.; Truscott, P. W.


    The usefulness of urine tests for glucose was compared with that of blood sugar determinations in detecting diabetes mellitus in 2000 medical outpatients. Eighty-five patients proved to be diabetic, but 33 of these had no glycosuria on their first visit and would not have been detected by laboratory tests had the blood glucose levels not been measured. Exactly one-half of the new diabetics discovered would have been missed (15 of 30) had only urine tests been performed. The new diabetics who were aglycosuric at their initial examination had a mild form of the disease, were predominantly elderly, and were controlled, in nearly every case, by diet alone. Most of these patients had evidence of an elevated renal threshold for glucose. These results indicate that there is a large group of patients with mild, asymptomatic, diabetes mellitus who remain undetected unless blood tests are employed routinely. Because they have little or no glycosuria these patients do not have polydipsia, polyphagia, polyuria, or loss of weight. Automation in the medical laboratory has made routine blood tests for glucose feasible and rewarding in detecting diabetes mellitus. PMID:20327667

  20. Presentation of frozen shoulder among diabetic and non-diabetic patients☆

    PubMed Central

    Uddin, Mohammad Moin; Khan, Aminuddin A.; Haig, Andrew J.; Uddin, Mohammad Kafil


    Objective The literature is inconsistent regarding the level of pain and disability in frozen shoulder patients with or without diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to evaluate some demographic features of frozen shoulder patients and to look into the disparity of information by comparing the level of pain and disability due to frozen shoulder between diabetic and non-diabetic people. Design This is a prospective comparative study. People with frozen shoulder attending an outpatient department were selected by consecutive sampling. Disability levels were assessed by the Shoulder Pain & Disability Index (SPADI). Means of pain and disability scores were compared using unpaired t-test. Results Among 140 persons with shoulder pain 99 (71.4%) had frozen shoulder. From the participating 40 frozen shoulder patients, 26 (65%) were males and 14 (35%) were females. Seventeen participants (42.5%) were diabetic, two (5%) had impaired glucose tolerance and 21 (52.5%) patients were non-diabetic. Mean disability scores (SPADI) were 51 ± 15.5 in diabetic and 57 ± 16 in non-diabetic persons. The differences in pain and disability level were not statistically significance (respectively, p = 0.24 and p = 0.13 at 95% confidence interval). Conclusions No difference was found in level of pain and disability level between frozen shoulder patients with and without diabetes. PMID:25983497

  1. Presentation of frozen shoulder among diabetic and non-diabetic patients.


    Uddin, Mohammad Moin; Khan, Aminuddin A; Haig, Andrew J; Uddin, Mohammad Kafil


    The literature is inconsistent regarding the level of pain and disability in frozen shoulder patients with or without diabetes mellitus. The aim of this study is to evaluate some demographic features of frozen shoulder patients and to look into the disparity of information by comparing the level of pain and disability due to frozen shoulder between diabetic and non-diabetic people. This is a prospective comparative study. People with frozen shoulder attending an outpatient department were selected by consecutive sampling. Disability levels were assessed by the Shoulder Pain & Disability Index (SPADI). Means of pain and disability scores were compared using unpaired t-test. Among 140 persons with shoulder pain 99 (71.4%) had frozen shoulder. From the participating 40 frozen shoulder patients, 26 (65%) were males and 14 (35%) were females. Seventeen participants (42.5%) were diabetic, two (5%) had impaired glucose tolerance and 21 (52.5%) patients were non-diabetic. Mean disability scores (SPADI) were 51 ± 15.5 in diabetic and 57 ± 16 in non-diabetic persons. The differences in pain and disability level were not statistically significance (respectively, p = 0.24 and p = 0.13 at 95% confidence interval). No difference was found in level of pain and disability level between frozen shoulder patients with and without diabetes.

  2. CKD in diabetes: diabetic kidney disease versus nondiabetic kidney disease.


    Anders, Hans-Joachim; Huber, Tobias B; Isermann, Berend; Schiffer, Mario


    The increasing global prevalence of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and chronic kidney disease (CKD) has prompted research efforts to tackle the growing epidemic of diabetic kidney disease (DKD; also known as diabetic nephropathy). The limited success of much of this research might in part be due to the fact that not all patients diagnosed with DKD have renal dysfunction as a consequence of their diabetes mellitus. Patients who present with CKD and diabetes mellitus (type 1 or type 2) can have true DKD (wherein CKD is a direct consequence of their diabetes status), nondiabetic kidney disease (NDKD) coincident with diabetes mellitus, or a combination of both DKD and NDKD. Preclinical studies using models that more accurately mimic these three entities might improve the ability of animal models to predict clinical trial outcomes. Moreover, improved insights into the pathomechanisms that are shared by these entities - including sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 (SGLT2) and renin-angiotensin system-driven glomerular hyperfiltration and tubular hyper-reabsorption - as well as those that are unique to individual entities might lead to the identification of new treatment targets. Acknowledging that the clinical entity of CKD plus diabetes mellitus encompasses NDKD as well as DKD could help solve some of the urgent unmet medical needs of patients affected by these conditions.

  3. Diabetes mellitus.


    Ahmed, Intekhab; Goldstein, Barry


    Dermatologic problems are common in diabetes, with approximately 30% of patients experiencing some cutaneous involvement during the course of their illness. Skin manifestations generally appear during the course of the disease in patients known to have diabetes, but they may also be the first presenting sign of diabetes or even precede the diagnosis by many years. The skin involvement can be autoimmune in nature, such as acanthosis nigricans, necrobiosis lipoidica, diabetic dermopathy, scleredema, and granuloma annulare, or infectious in the form of erythrasma, necrotizing fasciitis, and mucormycosis. Pharmacologic management of diabetes, in addition, can also result in skin changes, such as lipoatrophy and lipohypertrophy, at the site of injection of insulin, and oral antidiabetic agents can cause multiple skin reactions as adverse effects. The management of these cutaneous manifestations is tailored according to the underlying pathophysiology, but a tight control of blood glucose is a prerequisite in all management strategies.

  4. Preventing Diabetes Problems


    ... Problems Diabetes, Sexual, & Bladder Problems Clinical Trials Preventing Diabetes Problems View or Print All Sections Heart Disease & ... to help control symptoms and restore intimacy. Depression & Diabetes Depression is common among people with a chronic, ...

  5. Diabetic Nerve Problems


    ... the wrong times. This damage is called diabetic neuropathy. Over half of people with diabetes get it. ... change positions quickly Your doctor will diagnose diabetic neuropathy with a physical exam and nerve tests. Controlling ...

  6. Reducing the risks of diabetes complications through diabetes self-management education and support.


    Kent, Dan; D'Eramo Melkus, Gail; Stuart, Patricia Mickey W; McKoy, June M; Urbanski, Patti; Boren, Suzanne Austin; Coke, Lola; Winters, Janis E; Horsley, Neil L; Sherr, Dawn; Lipman, Ruth


    People with diabetes are at risk of developing complications that contribute to substantial morbidity and mortality. In 2011, the American Association of Diabetes Educators convened an invitational Reducing Risks Symposium, during which an interdisciplinary panel of 11 thought leaders examined current knowledge about the reduction and prevention of diabetes-related risks and translated evidence into diabetes care and self-management education. Symposium participants reviewed findings from the literature and engaged in a moderated roundtable discussion. This report summarizes the discussion and presents recommendations to incorporate into practice to improve outcomes. The objective of the symposium was to develop practical advice for diabetes educators and other members of the diabetes care team regarding the reduction of diabetes-related risks. Optimal diabetes management requires patients to actively participate in their care, which occurs most effectively with a multidisciplinary team. Diabetes education is an integral part of this team approach because it not only helps the patient understand diabetes, its progression, and possible complications, but also provides guidance and encouragement to the patient to engage in proactive risk-reduction decisions for optimal health. A variety of tools are available to help the diabetes educator develop an individualized, patient-centered plan for risk reduction. More research is needed regarding intervention efficacy, best practices to improve adherence, and quantification of benefits from ongoing diabetes support in risk reduction. Diabetes educators are urged to stay abreast of evolving models of care and to build relationships with health care providers both within and beyond the diabetes care team.

  7. Relationship of microalbuminuria with the diabetic foot ulcers in type II diabetes.


    Guerrero-Romero, F; Rodríguez-Morán, M


    Microalbuminuria is a significant risk factor associated with nephropathy, retinopathy, and cardiovascular disease; however, there are no previous reports on the relationship of microalbuminuria with diabetic foot ulcers or stroke, despite the fact that microalbuminuria is a marker of vascular damage. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship of microalbuminuria with diabetic foot ulcers in type II diabetes patients. In this, cross-sectional clinical study, outpatients of the offices at first level medical care in Durango, Mexico, were included in one of two groups; (a) patients with diabetic foot ulcers and (b) control of group patients without diabetic foot ulcers. Diabetic foot diagnosis was established on the basis of clinical criteria and pletismography. Patients diagnosed with renal disease, urinary tract infection, acute febrile illness, or heart failure and those receiving angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were excluded from the study. Microalbuminuria was measured, on a 24-h urine collection, by precipitation with sulfasalicylic acid, and turbidity was determined by measuring absorbance with a spectrophotometer. The study included 670 diabetic patients. Using both odds ratio and logistic regression analyses, diabetes duration, cigarette smoking, aging, and microalbuminuria showed a strong relationship with diabetic foot ulcers. Microalbuminuria should be considered as an independent risk factor for diabetic foot ulcers.

  8. Exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in diabetes mellitus: a complication of diabetic neuropathy or a different type of diabetes?


    Hardt, Philip D; Ewald, Nils


    Pancreatic exocrine insufficiency is a frequently observed phenomenon in type 1 and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Alterations of exocrine pancreatic morphology can also be found frequently in diabetic patients. Several hypotheses try to explain these findings, including lack of insulin as a trophic factor for exocrine tissue, changes in secretion and/or action of other islet hormones, and autoimmunity against common endocrine and exocrine antigens. Another explanation might be that diabetes mellitus could also be a consequence of underlying pancreatic diseases (e.g., chronic pancreatitis). Another pathophysiological concept proposes the functional and morphological alterations as a consequence of diabetic neuropathy. This paper discusses the currently available studies on this subject and tries to provide an overview of the current concepts of exocrine pancreatic insufficiency in diabetes mellitus.

  9. Women in Combat Pros and Cons

    DTIC Science & Technology


    and Cons . Major Thomas H. Cecil 88-0490 "--"insights into tomorrou,"’ ..v- A A 0 PtY-i f(.> i’I,-:::x:’~ --pcr~ j.~ ~~* --. -- iiV • DISCLAIMER The...k. r- r,’ I’. REPORT NUMBER 88-0490 TITLE WOMEN IN COMBAT-PROS AND CONS AUTHOR(S) MAJOR THOMAS H. CEC-IL, USAF -% FACULTY ADVISOR CH, LT COL DAVID W...NUMBERS 11 TITLE (include Security Classification) WOMEN IN COMBAT--PROS AND CONS 12. PERSON4AL AUTHOR(S) Cecil, Thomas H1., Major, USAF 9a YýOF REPORT

  10. Type 2 Diabetes


    ... increasing dramatically among children, adolescents and younger adults. Prediabetes. Prediabetes is a condition in which your blood sugar ... enough to be classified as diabetes. Left untreated, prediabetes often progresses to type 2 diabetes. Gestational diabetes. ...

  11. Endothelial nitric oxide synthase expression in systemic and pulmonary circulation of streptozotocin induced diabetic rats: comparison using image analysis.


    Sridulyakul, P; Chakraphan, D; Bhattarakosol, P; Patumraj, S


    To compare the level of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) expression produced in heart and lung vascular tissue, the protein content was determined using Western blot analysis with the enhancement of image processing. Heart and lung extracts from 12 and 24 weeks from control (CON) and streptozotocin-induced diabetic (DM) rats were collected for Western blot analysis. Using monoclonal antibody against rat eNOS protein (140 kDa), the eNOS-protein bands were detected with enhanced chemiluminescence (ECL; Amersham) and exposured to film (Hyperfilm-ECL; Amersham). Images of eNOS bands on each film were then scanned and saved to digital files. Using Global Lab Image software, the number of pixels in each digital file was counted and calibrated for eNOS-protein content. For the CON and DM groups, the mean values of eNOS-protein contents were calculated and expressed as a percentage of total protein content, 5 micrograms. It was found that the eNOS level in DM hearts was significantly decreased, as compared to age-matched CON hearts. On the other hand, eNOS levels in DM lungs was increased, compared to CON lungs. Therefore, it may be concluded that high, not low, flow-mediated eNOS expression is a good measure of hyperglycemic-induced endothelial dysfunction.

  12. [Skin changes in diabetes mellitus].


    Meurer, M; Stumvoll, M; Szeimies, R-M


    Diabetes mellitus is the most frequent metabolic disorder. Just under 5 million people suffer from this disease in Germany. Four types of diabetes mellitus are distinguished: type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, other specific diabetes forms, and gestational diabetes. Many characteristics of diabetes mellitus including skin changes are already manifest in the "prediabetic" stage when glucose tolerance is limited so that every elevation of blood sugar levels must be considered pathological. Changes in skin due to diabetes mellitus can be categorized into four disease groups: skin infections, skin diseases found overly frequently in association with diabetes mellitus, skin alterations due to diabetic complications, and reactions to antidiabetic treatment.

  13. Antidepressant medicine use and risk of developing diabetes during the diabetes prevention program and diabetes prevention program outcomes study.


    Rubin, Richard R; Ma, Yong; Peyrot, Mark; Marrero, David G; Price, David W; Barrett-Connor, Elizabeth; Knowler, William C


    To assess the association between antidepressant medicine use and risk of developing diabetes during the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) and Diabetes Prevention Program Outcomes Study (DPPOS). DPP/DPPOS participants were assessed for diabetes every 6 months and for antidepressant use every 3 months in DPP and every 6 months in DPPOS for a median 10.0-year follow-up. Controlled for factors associated with diabetes risk, continuous antidepressant use compared with no use was associated with diabetes risk in the placebo (adjusted hazard ratio 2.34 [95% CI 1.32-4.15]) and lifestyle (2.48 [1.45-4.22]) arms, but not in the metformin arm (0.55 [0.25-1.19]). Continuous antidepressant use was significantly associated with diabetes risk in the placebo and lifestyle arms. Measured confounders and mediators did not account for this association, which could represent a drug effect or reflect differences not assessed in this study between antidepressant users and nonusers.

  14. Factors influencing diabetes self-management in Chinese people with type 2 diabetes.


    Xu, Yin; Toobert, Deborah; Savage, Christine; Pan, Wei; Whitmer, Kyra


    Patients with diabetes must incorporate a complicated regimen of self-management into their daily lives (e.g., taking medication, diet, exercise). Diabetes self-management (DSM) is the cornerstone for controlling diabetes and preventing diabetic complications. The purpose of this study was to test a model describing the effects of individual and environmental factors on DSM in a sample of patients with diabetes in Beijing, China. Survey data were gathered from a convenience sample of 201 Chinese adults with type 2 diabetes during outpatient visits. Data were analyzed using structural equation modeling. Model fit indices indicated a good fit to the data. In the final model, belief in treatment effectiveness and diabetes self-efficacy were proximate factors affecting DSM. Knowledge, social support, and provider-patient communication affected self-management indirectly via beliefs and self-efficacy. The findings provide a theoretical basis to direct the development of interventions for improving DSM in Chinese individuals with diabetes. (c) 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  15. "Stop Diabetes Now!"


    ... of this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Diabetes "Stop Diabetes Now!" Past Issues / Fall 2009 Table of Contents ... Tips for Seniors at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Lifestyle changes that lead to weight loss—such ...

  16. Utilizing a diabetic registry to manage diabetes in a low-income Asian American population.


    Seto, Winnie; Turner, Barbara S; Champagne, Mary T; Liu, Lynn


    Racial and income disparities persist in diabetes management in America. One third of African and Hispanic Americans with diabetes receive the recommended diabetes services (hemoglobin A1c [A1c] testing, retinal and foot examinations) shown to reduce diabetes complications and mortality, compared to half of whites with diabetes. National data for Asian Americans are limited, but studies suggest that those with language and cultural barriers have difficulty accessing health services. A diabetic registry has been shown to improve process and clinical outcomes in a population with diabetes. This study examined whether a community center that serves primarily low-income Asian American immigrants in Santa Clara County, California, could improve diabetes care and outcomes by implementing a diabetic registry. The registry was built using the Access 2007 software program. A total of 580 patients with diabetes were identified by reviewing charts, the appointment database, and reimbursement records from Medicaid, Medicare, and private insurance companies. Utilizing the registry, medical assistants contacted patients for follow-up appointments, and medical providers checked and tracked the patients' A1c results. Among the 431 patients who returned for treatment, the mean A1c was reduced from 7.27% to 6.97% over 8 months (P<0.001). Although 10.8% of the patients changed from controlled to uncontrolled diabetes post intervention, 32.6% of patients with uncontrolled diabetes converted to controlled diabetes (P<0.001). The diabetes control rate improved from 47% to 59% at the end of the study. This study demonstrated that a diabetic registry is an effective tool to manage an underserved population with diabetes, thereby reducing disparities in diabetes management.

  17. Diabetic macular oedema: under-represented in the genetic analysis of diabetic retinopathy.


    Broadgate, Suzanne; Kiire, Christine; Halford, Stephanie; Chong, Victor


    Diabetic retinopathy, a complication of both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, is a complex disease and is one of the leading causes of blindness in adults worldwide. It can be divided into distinct subclasses, one of which is diabetic macular oedema. Diabetic macular oedema can occur at any time in diabetic retinopathy and is the most common cause of vision loss in patients with type 2 diabetes. The purpose of this review is to summarize the large number of genetic association studies that have been performed in cohorts of patients with type 2 diabetes and published in English-language journals up to February 2017. Many of these studies have produced positive associations with gene polymorphisms and diabetic retinopathy. However, this review highlights that within this large body of work, studies specifically addressing a genetic association with diabetic macular oedema, although present, are vastly under-represented. We also highlight that many of the studies have small patient numbers and that meta-analyses often inappropriately combine patient data sets. We conclude that there will continue to be conflicting results and no meaningful findings will be achieved if the historical approach of combining all diabetic retinopathy disease states within patient cohorts continues in future studies. This review also identifies several genes that would be interesting to analyse in large, well-defined cohorts of patients with diabetic macular oedema in future candidate gene association studies. © 2018 Acta Ophthalmologica Scandinavica Foundation. Published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  18. [Association between central diabetes insipidus and type 2 diabetes mellitus].


    Palumbo, Claudia; Nicolaci, Nora; La Manna, Andrés A; Branek, Natalia; Pissano, María N


    Central diabetes insipidus is a rare disease of the hypothalamus and neurohypophysis. It is very unusually found in the adult with type 2 diabetes mellitus. It is manifested by a polydipsic polyuric syndrome, which must be distinguished from the poorly controlled type 2 diabetes mellitus. Given the similarity of both entities and the unusual nature of their coexistence, their suspicion is difficult. The case of a 72-year-old male with type 2 diabetes mellitus with poor insulin control (fasting hyperglycemia greater than 180 mg/dl) who had a long-standing polyuric syndrome is here presented. Hypernatremia and plasma osmolality elevated together with a low urinary osmolality led to the suspicion of diabetes insipidus, which was subsequently confirmed by the dehydration test and the administration of desmopressin sc. With 61% increase in the calculated urinary osmolarity one hour post desmopressin s.c., diabetes insipidus of central type was diagnosed. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance showed a bright spot with normal neurohypophysis, contributing to the diagnosis of the idiopathic form.

  19. The 2017 Diabetes Educator and the Diabetes Self-Management Education National Practice Survey.


    Rinker, Joanne; Dickinson, Jane K; Litchman, Michelle L; Williams, Ann S; Kolb, Leslie E; Cox, Carla; Lipman, Ruth D


    Purpose The American Association of Diabetes Educators conducts the National Practice Survey (NPS) biennially to document current practice in diabetes education in the United States. The purpose of the study is to obtain insight about factors influencing the work of the diabetes educator. Method The 2017 NPS was comprised of 100 questions covering diabetes educator demographics, profile populations of people with diabetes, practice information, program accreditation, program curriculum, staffing, education delivery methods, data collection, and reporting. The basic survey consisted of 22 questions using branch logic, from which respondents were then directed to questions tailored to their particular practice setting, enabling them to answer only a relevant subset of the remaining questions. The web-based survey was sent to approximately 32 000 individuals who were either members of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) or Certified Diabetes Educators (CDE) with the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators (NCBDE) but not AADE members. Weekly reminder e-mails were sent to recipients who had not yet responded. The outreach efforts resulted in the survey being completed by 4696 individuals, a 17% response rate yielding 95% confidence that these responses are within ±5% accuracy. Results Diabetes Self-Management Education and Support (DSMES) continues to be a field dominated by women (95%). Diabetes educators represent a diverse health care profession, with educators indicating most commonly that their primary discipline is nursing (48%), nutrition (38%), and pharmacy (7%). When asked about credentials, 82.6% indicated that they held a CDE, 3.8% held the Board Certified-Advanced Diabetes Management (BC-ADM) credential, and 16.5% held neither the CDE nor the BC-ADM. Nearly 75% characterized their role as a diabetes educator as providing direct patient care. DSMES continued to be provided in a varied array of settings to educationally

  20. Circulating milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor 8 levels are increased in pregnancy and gestational diabetes mellitus.


    Li, Yuanyuan; Ran, Wenzhuo; Zhang, Jiaqiang; Chen, Shi; Li, Yihang; Luo, Deng; Wang, Chen; Jia, Weiping


    Milk fat globule-epidermal growth factor 8 (MFG-E8) is the key mediator in anti-inflammatory responses that facilitate phagocytosis of apoptotic cells, and play an essential role in type 2 diabetes and pregnancy, both of which are under a low-grade inflammatory state. However, the action of MFG-E8 in gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is unclear. We measured plasma MFG-E8 levels in pregnancy and GDM for the first time, and elucidated possible relationships between its plasma levels and various metabolic parameters. Plasma MFG-E8 levels were quantified by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay in 66 women with GDM, 70 with normal pregnancy (p-NGT) and 44 healthy non-pregnant controls (CON), who were matched for age and body mass index. Inflammatory factors tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) and C-reactive protein levels were measured, oral glucose tolerance test was carried out and β-cell function was evaluated. Plasma MFG-E8 levels were remarkably higher in p-NGT than in CON (P = 0.024), and were further elevated in GDM vs p-NGT (P = 0.016). MFG-E8 concentrations correlated positively with hemoglobin A1c, glucose levels and insulin resistance (homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance), and correlated inversely with TNF-α and insulin secretion evaluated by disposition indices in pregnancies. Fasting glucose levels, disposition index of first phase insulin secretion and TNF-α were independent predictors of MFG-E8 levels in pregnancies. Logistic regression analyses showed that women in the third tertile of MFG-E8 levels had a markedly elevated risk of GDM. Circulating MFG-E8 levels are dramatically elevated in pregnancy, and are significantly higher in GDM vs p-NGT. MFG-E8 concentrations are significantly associated with TNF-α, fasting glucose levels, homeostasis model assessment for insulin resistance and disposition indices. However, further studies are required to elucidate the regulation mechanism of MFG-E8 during pregnancy and GDM. © 2016 The Authors

  1. Carbohydrates and Diabetes


    ... Staying Safe Videos for Educators Search English Español Carbohydrates and Diabetes KidsHealth / For Teens / Carbohydrates and Diabetes ... Los carbohidratos y la diabetes Carbs and Blood Sugar Keeping your blood sugar levels on track means ...

  2. Tuberculosis and Diabetes


    TUBERCULOSIS & DIABETES THE DUAL EPIDEMIC OF TB AND DIABETES DEADLY LINKAGES  People with ... higher risk of progressing from latent to active tuberculosis.  Diabetes triples a person’s risk of developing TB. ...

  3. Diabetic foot syndrome: Immune-inflammatory features as possible cardiovascular markers in diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Tuttolomondo, Antonino; Maida, Carlo; Pinto, Antonio


    Diabetic foot ulcerations have been extensively reported as vascular complications of diabetes mellitus associated with a high degree of morbidity and mortality. Diabetic foot syndrome (DFS), as defined by the World Health Organization, is an “ulceration of the foot (distally from the ankle and including the ankle) associated with neuropathy and different grades of ischemia and infection”. Pathogenic events able to cause diabetic foot ulcers are multifactorial. Among the commonest causes of this pathogenic pathway it’s possible to consider peripheral neuropathy, foot deformity, abnormal foot pressures, abnormal joint mobility, trauma, peripheral artery disease. Several studies reported how diabetic patients show a higher mortality rate compared to patients without diabetes and in particular these studies under filled how cardiovascular mortality and morbidity is 2-4 times higher among patients affected by type 2 diabetes mellitus. This higher degree of cardiovascular morbidity has been explained as due to the observed higher prevalence of major cardiovascular risk factor, of asymptomatic findings of cardiovascular diseases, and of prevalence and incidence of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular events in diabetic patients with foot complications. In diabetes a fundamental pathogenic pathway of most of vascular complications has been reported as linked to a complex interplay of inflammatory, metabolic and procoagulant variables. These pathogenetic aspects have a direct interplay with an insulin resistance, subsequent obesity, diabetes, hypertension, prothrombotic state and blood lipid disorder. Involvement of inflammatory markers such as IL-6 plasma levels and resistin in diabetic subjects as reported by Tuttolomondo et al confirmed the pathogenetic issue of the a “adipo-vascular” axis that may contribute to cardiovascular risk in patients with type 2 diabetes. This “adipo-vascular axis” in patients with type 2 diabetes has been reported as characterized

  4. The Diabetes Educator and the Diabetes Self-management Education Engagement: The 2015 National Practice Survey.


    Sherr, Dawn; Lipman, Ruth D


    The National Practice Study (NPS) is conducted biannually to assess current diabetes education practices in the United States with the goal of understanding current trends in the work in which diabetes educators engage. The 2015 NPS contained 54 questions about the individuals providing diabetes education, people with diabetes participating in education, and programs providing the education. The survey was sent electronically to approximately 21 975 people who were members of the American Association of Diabetes Educators (AADE) or who were Certified Diabetes Educators with the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators but were not currently AADE members. In addition, both the AADE and the National Certification Board for Diabetes Educators promoted participation in the NPS via social media. The combination of efforts resulted in completion of the survey by 4855 respondents. Testing was completed with a significance level of 0.05 or 95% confidence. Diabetes educators continue to represent a diverse group of health care professionals-nurses (50%), dietitians (35%), pharmacists (6%), and others (6%). By far, the most commonly held credential for the specialty continues to be the Certified Diabetes Educator (86%), with only 5% of survey respondents indicating that they held the Board Certified-Advanced Diabetes Management credential. Diabetes educators are working with individuals across the diabetes continuum, as well as with people who do not have diabetes but have other chronic conditions. The data demonstrate that much of the diabetes educator's work with people with diabetes is beyond the first year of diagnosis. Diabetes educators are increasingly seen to be providing a broader array of the integrated AADE7 Self-Care Behaviors™. The specialty of diabetes educator continues to be populated by a professionally diverse workforce, meeting the needs of people across a wide spectrum. Diabetes educators can be found providing services in primary prevention

  5. Visual impairment and blindness in type 2 diabetics: Ife-Ijesa diabetic retinopathy study.


    Onakpoya, O H; Kolawole, B A; Adeoye, A O; Adegbehingbe, B O; Laoye, O


    Diabetes and blindness are important health issues globally; we determined the prevalence of blindness, diabetic retinopathy, and other eye diseases in Nigerian-type 2 diabetics. A prospective, cross-sectional study was conducted on consenting type 2 diabetic patients who had scheduled comprehensive eye examination including dilated funduscopy with +78DS. Visual status was graded using the WHO criteria. Approval from Institutional Ethics Committee was obtained. Primary outcome measures were the prevalence and causes of blindness as well as prevalence of diabetic retinopathy. Secondary outcome measures were the presence of other eye diseases. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 13. Two hundred and sixty-six eyes of 133 type 2 diabetic patients aged 22-89 years were studied; 69 (51.9 %) were males while 64 (48.1 %) were females. Five (3.8 %) patients were blind while 27 (20.3 %) were visually impaired. Cataract was the leading cause of blindness (60 %) and visual impairment was found in 59.3 %. Diabetic retinopathy was present in 37 (27.8 %) diabetic patients of which 5 (3.8 %) were proliferative. Diabetic macular edema was present in 31 (23.3 %) patients. Severe visual impairment and blindness were commoner in those with diabetic retinopathy. Refractive error 67 (25.2 %), cataract 63 (23.7 %), and chronic glaucoma 44 (16.5 %) were the most prevalent non-diabetic retinopathy eye diseases. High prevalence of blindness, diabetic retinopathy, and other diseases are seen in type 2 diabetics. Health education, early diagnosis as well as treatment of diabetic retinopathy and other diseases will largely alleviate these ocular morbidities.

  6. Association between diabetes-related factors and clinical periodontal parameters in type-2 diabetes mellitus.


    Kim, Eun-Kyong; Lee, Sang Gyu; Choi, Youn-Hee; Won, Kyu-Chang; Moon, Jun Sung; Merchant, Anwar T; Lee, Hee-Kyung


    Evidence consistently shows that diabetes is a risk factor for increased prevalence of gingivitis and periodontitis. But there is a controversy about the relationship between diabetes related factors and periodontal health. The aim of the present study is to explore the relationship between diabetes related factors such as glycosylated hemoglobin, fasting blood glucose, duration of diabetes and compliance to diabetes self management and periodontal health status. Periodontal health of 125 participants with type-2 diabetes mellitus was measured by the number of missing teeth, community periodontal index (CPI), Russell's periodontal index and papillary bleeding index. Information on sociodemographic factors, oral hygiene behavior, duration and compliance to self management of diabetes, levels of glycosylated hemoglobin(HbA1c) and fasting blood glucose(FBG) were collected by interview and hospital medical records. Statistically, independent t-test, an analysis of variance (ANOVA), chi-squared test and multiple regression analyses were used to assess the association between diabetes-related factors and periodontal health. Periodontal parameters including the number of missing teeth and papillary bleeding index were significantly influenced by duration of diabetes, FBG and compliance to self management of diabetes. CPI was significantly influenced by duration of diabetes, FBG and HbA1C. And Russell's periodontal index was significantly influenced by duration of diabetes, FBG, HbA1C and compliance to self management of diabetes. Results of multiple linear regression analysis showed that the duration of diabetes showed significant positive correlation with all of the periodontal health parameters, except for missing teeth. HbA1c was correlated with Russell's periodontal and papillary bleeding index. FBG and compliance to self management of diabetes were correlated with missing teeth and papillary bleeding index respectively. Diabetes-related factors such as duration of

  7. [Diabetes in Pregnancy - Type 1/Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Gestational Diabetes Mellitus].


    Kleinwechter, Helmut; Demandt, Norbert


    In Germany in 5.5% of all births diabetes is registered. In patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes planning pregnancy, preconception counseling, diabetologic care with optimized periconceptional metabolic control and folic acid supplementation are essential for good pregnancy outcome. Gestational diabetes (GDM) should be diagnosed timely and managed according to existing guidelines. GDM is treated with insulin in approximately 20%. In 1-2% of GDM cases a glucokinase gene mutation is present (MODY 2). Pregnancies after bariatric-metabolic surgery are increasing and show high risks. © Georg Thieme Verlag KG Stuttgart · New York.

  8. [In Process Citation].


    Almeida Dos Santos, Alyne Dayana; Sabino Pinho, Cláudia Porto; Santos do Nascimento, Alexsandra Camila; Oliveira Costa, Ana Carolina


    Introducción: la sarcopenia se define como un síndrome geriátrico, multifactorial, caracterizado por la pérdida progresiva de masa muscular esquelética, asociada a consecuencias graves, tales como comorbideces, mala calidad de vida y mortandad. Objetivo: identificar la prevalencia y los factores asociados a la sarcopenia en ancianos atendidos ambulatoriamente. Métodos: estudio transversal y observacional realizado con pacientes ancianos de ambos sexos atendidos en ambulatorio geriátrico, entre junio y diciembre de 2014, en un hospital universitario ubicado en el nordeste brasileño. Se determinó la sarcopenia a través de la masa muscular (circunferencia de la pantorrilla < 31 cm), fuerza muscular (evaluada por la fuerza de prensión palmar < 30 kg para hombres y < 20 kg para mujeres) y velocidad de marcha (< 0,8 metros/segundo). Entre las variables de asociación, se consideraron aspectos socioeconómicos y demográficos, variables clínicas, estilo de vida y antropometría. La tabulación y análisis de los datos se realizaron por medio del paquete estadístico SPSS versión 13.0. Resultados: la muestra se compuso de 50 pacientes, con promedio de edad de 73,9 (± 7,4) años, en la que se verificó una prevalencia de sarcopenia del 18%. La sarcopenia fue más prevalente en individuos con edad ≥ 80 años (p = 0,012), en los ancianos con bajo peso según el IMC (p < 0,001), con desnutrición de acuerdo con la CB (p = 0,004) y en los pacientes sin hipertensión arterial (p = 0,027), no encontrándose asociación con variables socioeconómicas, clínicas y del estilo de vida. Conclusiones: la prevalencia de la sarcopenia fue significativa y semejante a la descrita por otros autores, encontrándose asociación con la edad avanzada, desnutrición y ausencia de hipertensión.

  9. Diabetes Type 2


    Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 2 diabetes, the more common type, your body does not ... You have a higher risk of type 2 diabetes if you are older, have obesity, have a ...

  10. Diabetes Type 1


    Diabetes means your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. With type 1 diabetes, your pancreas does not make insulin. Insulin is ... kidneys, nerves, and gums and teeth. Type 1 diabetes happens most often in children and young adults ...

  11. Ethnic Differences in the Prevalence of Diabetic Retinopathy in Persons With Diabetes When First Presenting at a Diabetes Clinic in South Africa

    PubMed Central

    Thomas, Rebecca L.; Distiller, Larry; Luzio, Stephen D.; Chowdhury, Sharmistha Roy; Melville, Vanessa J.; Kramer, Brian; Owens, David R.


    OBJECTIVE To describe the prevalence and associated risk factors for diabetic retinopathy (DR) within a multiethnic population at presentation to a diabetes clinic in South Africa. RESEARCH DESIGN AND METHODS Retinal photography was conducted using a nonmydriatic digital camera without mydriasis and graded by one of three senior graders. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess the association between any DR, referable DR, and clinical risk factors. RESULTS A total of 1,537 persons with type 1 and 3,978 with type 2 diabetes were included. Prevalence of any DR in type 1 diabetes was 35.2% (background DR 26% and referable DR 9.2%) and in type 2 diabetes was 20.5% (14.1 and 6.4%, respectively). In type 1 diabetes, there was an increased risk of any DR in Asian Indians, whereas the risk of referable DR was increased for indigenous Africans compared with Caucasians. In type 2 diabetes, the risk was increased for all non-Caucasians compared with Caucasians. Longer duration of diabetes and elevated HbA1c were independently associated with any and referable DR in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with the addition of hypertension and smoking in type 1 diabetes when adjusted for age at diagnosis of diabetes, sex, and ethnicity. CONCLUSIONS The prevalence of DR in this population from South Africa was similar to that reported globally; however, ethnic differences were observed. Increasing duration of diabetes and poor glycemic control were the strongest risk factors associated with any and referable DR in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. PMID:23033236

  12. Ethnic differences in the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in persons with diabetes when first presenting at a diabetes clinic in South Africa.


    Thomas, Rebecca L; Distiller, Larry; Luzio, Stephen D; Chowdhury, Sharmistha Roy; Melville, Vanessa J; Kramer, Brian; Owens, David R


    To describe the prevalence and associated risk factors for diabetic retinopathy (DR) within a multiethnic population at presentation to a diabetes clinic in South Africa. Retinal photography was conducted using a nonmydriatic digital camera without mydriasis and graded by one of three senior graders. Logistic regression analyses were used to assess the association between any DR, referable DR, and clinical risk factors. A total of 1,537 persons with type 1 and 3,978 with type 2 diabetes were included. Prevalence of any DR in type 1 diabetes was 35.2% (background DR 26% and referable DR 9.2%) and in type 2 diabetes was 20.5% (14.1 and 6.4%, respectively). In type 1 diabetes, there was an increased risk of any DR in Asian Indians, whereas the risk of referable DR was increased for indigenous Africans compared with Caucasians. In type 2 diabetes, the risk was increased for all non-Caucasians compared with Caucasians. Longer duration of diabetes and elevated HbA(1c) were independently associated with any and referable DR in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes, with the addition of hypertension and smoking in type 1 diabetes when adjusted for age at diagnosis of diabetes, sex, and ethnicity. The prevalence of DR in this population from South Africa was similar to that reported globally; however, ethnic differences were observed. Increasing duration of diabetes and poor glycemic control were the strongest risk factors associated with any and referable DR in both type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

  13. Subclinical hypothyroidism and diabetic nephropathy in Iranian patients with type 2 diabetes.


    Mansournia, N; Riyahi, S; Tofangchiha, S; Mansournia, M A; Riahi, M; Heidari, Z; Hazrati, E


    Association of subclinical hypothyroidism with type 2 diabetes and its complications has been previously documented. These reports were, however, inconclusive and mainly gathered from Chinese and East Asian populations. In this study, we aimed to determine the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism and its relationship with diabetic nephropathy in Iranian individuals with type 2 diabetes, drawn from a white Middle Eastern population with an increasing prevalence of diabetes. In this cross-sectional study, 255 Iranian participants with type 2 diabetes and without history of thyroid disorders were included. Patients with TSH > 4.2 mIU/L and normal T4 were classified as having subclinical hypothyroidism. Diabetic nephropathy was diagnosed based on abnormal 24-h urinary albumin or protein measurements (24-h urinary albumin ≥30 mg/day or 24-h urinary protein ≥150 mg/day). Multivariate logistic regression was employed to obtain the OR for the relationship between subclinical hypothyroidism and diabetic nephropathy. We found that subclinical hypothyroidism and diabetic nephropathy were as prevalent as 18.1 and 41.2 %, respectively, among the participants. We also found that subclinical hypothyroidism was independently associated with higher rates of diabetic nephropathy, after multivariable adjustment (OR [95 % CI] 3.23 [1.42-7.37], p = 0.005). We found that the prevalence of subclinical hypothyroidism in Iranian diabetic population was among the highest rates reported to date. Our data supported the independent association of subclinical hypothyroidism with diabetic nephropathy, calling for further investigations to evaluate their longitudinal associations.

  14. Patient understanding of diabetes self-management: participatory decision-making in diabetes care.


    Quinn, Charlene C; Royak-Schaler, Renee; Lender, Dan; Steinle, Nanette; Gadalla, Shahinaz; Zhan, Min


    Our aim was to determine whether patient participation in decision-making about diabetes care is associated with understanding of diabetes self-management and subsequent self-care practices. We also identified issues that would impact messaging for use in mobile diabetes communication. A cross-sectional observational study was conducted with type 2 diabetes patients (n = 81) receiving their care at the University of Maryland Joslin Diabetes Center. A convenience sample of patients were eligible to participate if they were aged 25-85 years, had type 2 diabetes, spoke English, and visited their physician diabetes manager within the past 6 months. In-person patient interviews were conducted at the time of clinic visits to assess patient understanding of diabetes management, self-care practices, and perceptions of participation in decision-making about diabetes care. African Americans reported fewer opportunities to participate in decision-making than Caucasians, after controlling for education [mean difference (MD) = -2.4, p = .02]. This association became insignificant after controlling for patient-physician race concordance (MD = -1.5, p = .21). Patient understanding of self-care was predicted by having greater than high school education (MD = 3.6, p = .001) and having physicians who involved them in decision-making about their care. For each unit increase in understanding of diabetes self-care, the mean patient self-care practice score increased by 0.16 (p = .003), after adjustment for patient race and education. Patient participation in decision-making is associated with better understanding of care. Participation in decision-making plays a key role in patient understanding of diabetes self-management and subsequent self-care practices. Patients with limited education need specific instruction in foot care, food choices, and monitoring hemoglobin A1c. © 2011 Diabetes Technology Society.

  15. Legume consumption is inversely associated with type 2 diabetes incidence in adults: A prospective assessment from the PREDIMED study.


    Becerra-Tomás, Nerea; Díaz-López, Andrés; Rosique-Esteban, Núria; Ros, Emilio; Buil-Cosiales, Pilar; Corella, Dolores; Estruch, Ramon; Fitó, Montserrat; Serra-Majem, Lluís; Arós, Fernando; Lamuela-Raventós, Rosa Maria; Fiol, Miquel; Santos-Lozano, José Manuel; Díez-Espino, Javier; Portoles, Olga; Salas-Salvadó, Jordi


    Legumes, a low-energy, nutrient-dense and low glycemic index food, have shown beneficial effects on glycemic control and adiposity. As such, legumes are widely recommended in diabetic diets, even though there is little evidence that their consumption protects against type 2 diabetes. Therefore the aim of the present study was to examine the associations between consumption of total legumes and specific subtypes, and type 2 diabetes risk. We also investigated the effect of theoretically substituting legumes for other protein- or carbohydrate-rich foods. Prospective assessment of 3349 participants in the PREvención con DIeta MEDiterránea (PREDIMED) study without type 2 diabetes at baseline. Dietary information was assessed at baseline and yearly during follow-up. We used Cox regression models to estimate hazard ratios (HRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) for type-2 diabetes incidence according to quartiles of cumulative average consumption of total legumes, lentils, chickpeas, dry beans and fresh peas. During a median follow-up of 4.3 years, 266 new cases of type 2 diabetes occurred. Individuals in the highest quartile of total legume and lentil consumption had a lower risk of diabetes than those in the lowest quartile (HR: 0.65; 95% CI: 0.43, 0.96; P-trend = 0.04; and HR: 0.67; 95% CI: 0.46-0.98; P-trend = 0.05, respectively). A borderline significant association was also observed for chickpeas consumption (HR 0.68; 95% CI: 0.46, 1.00; P-trend = 0.06). Substitutions of half a serving/day of legumes for similar servings of eggs, bread, rice or baked potato was associated with lower risk of diabetes incidence. A frequent consumption of legumes, particularly lentils, in the context of a Mediterranean diet, may provide benefits on type 2 diabetes prevention in older adults at high cardiovascular risk. The trial is registered at (ISRCTN35739639). Registration date: 5th October 2005. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Ltd and

  16. [Not Available].


    Torres Díaz, Cristina V; Martín Peña, Gonzalo; Ezquiaga, Elena; Navas García, Marta; García de Sola, Rafael


    Gracias a los avances técnicos en técnicas neuroquirúrgicas, y debido a que el diagnóstico y la clasificación de las enfermedades psiquiátricas han evolucionado significativamente a lo largo de las últimas décadas, se están desarrollando tratamientos a nivel experimental para aquellos pacientes resistentes al manejo conservador.La anorexia nerviosa es una enfermedad de prevalencia creciente, con la tasa de mortalidad más elevada dentro de los trastornos psiquiátricos, y con aproximadamente un 20% de pacientes que presentan una evolución tórpida. Para estos pacientes que no responden a manejo conservador, la estimulación cerebral profunda ha surgido como una alternativa terapéutica, si bien la literatura especializada al respecto es escasa.A continuación presentamos una revisión de la fisiopatología de la anorexia nerviosa, así como de los distintos tratamientos neuroquirúrgicos realizados a lo largo de la historia. Se detalla la perspectiva de tratamiento quirúrgico actual, así como los aspectos éticos que se han de considerar en relación con el surgimiento de estas nuevas terapias.

  17. Diabetes and Anemia: International Diabetes Federation (IDF) - Southeast Asian Region (SEAR) position statement.


    Sahay, Manisha; Kalra, Sanjay; Badani, Rajesh; Bantwal, Ganapathi; Bhoraskar, Anil; Das, A K; Dhorepatil, Bharati; Ghosh, Sujoy; Jeloka, Tarun; Khandelwal, Deepak; Latif, Zafar Ahmed; Nadkar, Milind; Pathan, Md Faruque; Saboo, Banshi; Sahay, Rakesh; Shimjee, Suleiman; Shrestha, Dina; Siyan, Ali; Talukdar, Shamim Hayder; Tiwaskar, Mangesh; Unnikrishnan, A G


    Anemia is often associated with diabetes mellitus and is known to intensify the risk of developing diabetes-related microvascular and macrovascular complications. There is paucity in understanding of co-existence of these conditions, especially in Southeast Asian countries. Iron and/or erythropoietin deficiencies are the major causes of anemia in diabetes, and diabetic kidney disease plays a key role. Patients with diabetes need to be screened for anemia along with other risk factors and anemia should be corrected appropriately to improve overall clinical outcomes. This position statement aims to provide a comprehensive overview and an algorithm for appropriate management of anemia in patients with diabetes. Copyright © 2017 Diabetes India. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. The Endocannabinoid System and Plant-Derived Cannabinoids in Diabetes and Diabetic Complications

    PubMed Central

    Horváth, Béla; Mukhopadhyay, Partha; Haskó, György; Pacher, Pál


    Oxidative stress and inflammation play critical roles in the development of diabetes and its complications. Recent studies provided compelling evidence that the newly discovered lipid signaling system (ie, the endocannabinoid system) may significantly influence reactive oxygen species production, inflammation, and subsequent tissue injury, in addition to its well-known metabolic effects and functions. The modulation of the activity of this system holds tremendous therapeutic potential in a wide range of diseases, ranging from cancer, pain, neurodegenerative, and cardiovascular diseases to obesity and metabolic syndrome, diabetes, and diabetic complications. This review focuses on the role of the endocannabinoid system in primary diabetes and its effects on various diabetic complications, such as diabetic cardiovascular dysfunction, nephropathy, retinopathy, and neuropathy, particularly highlighting the mechanisms beyond the metabolic consequences of the activation of the endocannabinoid system. The therapeutic potential of targeting the endocannabinoid system and certain plant-derived cannabinoids, such as cannabidiol and Δ9-tetrahydrocannabivarin, which are devoid of psychotropic effects and possess potent anti-inflammatory and/or antioxidant properties, in diabetes and diabetic complications is also discussed. PMID:22155112

  19. History of Diabetes Insipidus.


    Valenti, Giovanna; Tamma, Grazia


    Under physiological conditions, fluid and electrolyte homoeostasis is maintained by the kidney adjusting urine volume and composition according to body needs. Diabetes Insipidus is a complex and heterogeneous clinical syndrome affecting water balance and characterized by constant diuresis, resulting in large volumes of dilute urine. With respect to the similarly named Diabetes Mellitus, a disease already known in ancient Egypt, Greece and Asia, Diabetes Insipidus has been described several thousand years later. In 1670s Thomas Willis, noted the difference in taste of urine from polyuric subjects compared with healthy individuals and started the differentiation of Diabetes Mellitus from the more rare entity of Diabetes Insipidus. In 1794, Johann Peter Frank described polyuric patients excreting nonsaccharine urine and introduced the term of Diabetes Insipidus. An hystorical milestone was the in 1913, when Farini successfully used posterior pituitary extracts to treat Diabetes Insipidus. Until 1920s the available evidence indicated Diabetes Insipidus as a disorder of the pituitary gland. In the early 1928, De Lange first observed that some patients with Diabetes Insipidus did not respond to posterior pituitary extracts and subsequently Forssman and Waring in 1945 established that the kidney had a critical role for these forms of Diabetes Insipidus resistant to this treatment. In 1947 Williams and Henry introduced the term Nephrogenic Diabetes Insipidus for the congenital syndrome characterized by polyuria and renal concentrating defect resistant to vasopressin. In 1955, du Vigneaud received the 1955 Nobel Prize in chemistry for the first synthesis of the hormone vasopressin representing a milestone for the treatment of Central Diabetes Insipidus.

  20. Tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas

    PubMed Central

    Tornero, O. Berbel; García, J.A. Ortega; Tortajada, J. Ferrís i; Castell, J. García; Colomer, J. Donat i; Soldin, O.P.; Soler, J.L. Fuster


    Introducción La asociación entre tumores y malformaciones congénitas está bien establecida, pero no existen datos exclusivos en el período neonatal y se desconocen los mecanismos subyacentes que generan dicha relación. Objetivos Este trabajo tiene dos objetivos: primero, analizar la frecuencia de los tumores neonatales asociados a malformaciones congénitas, y segundo, comentar las posibles hipótesis etiopatogénicas de la relación entre ambas entidades. Materiales y método Estudio retrospectivo de las historias clínicas de los tumores neonatales, en el Hospital Universitario Materno- Infantil La Fe de Valencia, desde enero de 1990 hasta diciembre de 1999. Selección y descripción de las variedades histológicas asociadas a malformaciones congénitas. Éstas se han agrupado siguiendo los criterios de la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades CIE-9, códigos 740.0–759.9. Revisión sistemática bibliográfica de los últimos 25 años, obtenida del Medline, Cancerlit, Index Citation Science y Embase. El perfil de búsqueda utilizado fue la combinación de “neonatal/congenital-tumors/cancer/neoplasms” y “congenital malformations/birth defects”. Resultados Se identificaron 72 tumores neonatales (2,8 % del total de tumores pediátricos diagnosticados en dichos años) y 15 de ellos (20,8 %) asociados a malformaciones congénitas, enfermedades o síndromes congénitos. Las asociaciones entre tumores neonatales y malformaciones congénitas fueron las siguientes: a) angioma en 3 pacientes: con dos cardiopatías congénitas y una atresia de coanas-laringomalacia; b) neuroblastoma en 2 pacientes: uno con riñón en herradura y anomalías vertebrales, y otro con cardiopatía congénita; c) teratoma en 2 pacientes: uno con fisura palatina y anomalías vertebrales, y otro con metatarso varo; d) tumor del sistema nervioso central en un paciente con hernia de Bochdaleck; e) tumor cardíaco en 4 pacientes con esclerosis tuberosa; f) leucemia aguda en un

  1. Globalization of Diabetes

    PubMed Central


    Type 2 diabetes is a global public health crisis that threatens the economies of all nations, particularly developing countries. Fueled by rapid urbanization, nutrition transition, and increasingly sedentary lifestyles, the epidemic has grown in parallel with the worldwide rise in obesity. Asia's large population and rapid economic development have made it an epicenter of the epidemic. Asian populations tend to develop diabetes at younger ages and lower BMI levels than Caucasians. Several factors contribute to accelerated diabetes epidemic in Asians, including the “normal-weight metabolically obese” phenotype; high prevalence of smoking and heavy alcohol use; high intake of refined carbohydrates (e.g., white rice); and dramatically decreased physical activity levels. Poor nutrition in utero and in early life combined with overnutrition in later life may also play a role in Asia's diabetes epidemic. Recent advances in genome-wide association studies have contributed substantially to our understanding of diabetes pathophysiology, but currently identified genetic loci are insufficient to explain ethnic differences in diabetes risk. Nonetheless, interactions between Westernized diet and lifestyle and genetic background may accelerate the growth of diabetes in the context of rapid nutrition transition. Epidemiologic studies and randomized clinical trials show that type 2 diabetes is largely preventable through diet and lifestyle modifications. Translating these findings into practice, however, requires fundamental changes in public policies, the food and built environments, and health systems. To curb the escalating diabetes epidemic, primary prevention through promotion of a healthy diet and lifestyle should be a global public policy priority. PMID:21617109

  2. Fruit intake and incident diabetic retinopathy with type 2 diabetes.


    Tanaka, Shiro; Yoshimura, Yukio; Kawasaki, Ryo; Kamada, Chiemi; Tanaka, Sachiko; Horikawa, Chika; Ohashi, Yasuo; Araki, Atsushi; Ito, Hideki; Akanuma, Yasuo; Yamada, Nobuhiro; Yamashita, Hidetoshi; Sone, Hirohito


    Antioxidants and dietary fiber are postulated to have preventive effects on diabetic retinopathy, but evidence is lacking. We investigated this association in a cohort with type 2 diabetes 40-70 years of age with hemoglobin (Hb)A1C ≥6.5%, originally part of the Japan Diabetes Complications Study. After excluding people who did not respond to a dietary survey and patients with diabetic retinopathy or a major ocular disease at baseline, we analyzed 978 patients. Baseline dietary intake was assessed by a food frequency questionnaire based on food groups and 24-hour dietary records. Primary outcome was incident diabetic retinopathy determined using international severity scales. Mean fruit intake in quartiles ranged from 23 to 253 g/day, with increasing trends across quartiles of fruit intake for vitamin C, vitamin E, carotene, retinol equivalent, dietary fiber, potassium, and sodium. Mean energy intake ranged from 1644 to 1863 kcal/day, and fat intake was approximately 25%. HbA1C, body mass index, triglycerides, and systolic blood pressure were well controlled. During the 8-year follow-up, the numbers of incident cases of diabetic retinopathy from the first through the fourth quartiles of fruit intake were 83, 74, 69, and 59. Multivariate-adjusted hazard ratios for the second, third, and fourth quartiles of fruit intake compared with the first quartile were 0.66 (95% confidence interval = 0.46-0.92), 0.59 (0.41-0.85), and 0.48 (0.32-0.71) (test for trend, P < 0.01). There was no substantial effect modification by age, sex, HbA1C, diabetes duration, overweight, smoking, and hypertension. Risk for diabetic retinopathy declined with increased intake of fruits and vegetables, vitamin C, and carotene. Increased fruit intake in ranges commonly consumed was associated with reduced incident diabetic retinopathy among patients adhering to a low-fat energy-restricted diet.

  3. Use of black vulture (Coragyps atratus) in complementary and alternative therapies for cancer in Colombia: A qualitative study

    PubMed Central


    Background Although Coragyps atratus has been used as a traditional therapy for patients with cancer, the scientific literature does not contain enough information on how this therapy is used or the mechanisms that explain this therapeutic practice. Objectives To understand the methods of use and the reasons given by patients and caregivers for the use of Coragyps atratus in cancer treatment. Methods This study used a qualitative design based on twenty in-depth interviews of patients with cancer or caregivers of patients with the disease. The analysis of the text was based on an inductive thematic approach. Results Resistance to disease and immune enhancement are properties attributed to Coragyps atratus when used for cancer treatment. The most recommended method of use is fresh blood ingestion, and the associated mechanism of action is transfer of immune factors to the individual who consumes it. Conclusions Use of Coragyps atratus as a treatment for cancer is a popular alternative therapy in Colombia. More studies are needed to understand the clinical effects of this intervention in cancer patients. Spanish abstract Introducción Aunque Coragyps atratus se usa tradicionalmente como terapia para pacientes con cáncer, no existe suficiente información en la literatura científica sobre su forma de utilización ni sobre los mecanismos explicativos que subyacen a esta práctica terapéutica. Objetivos Conocer métodos de utilización y mecanismos explicativos dados por los pacientes y cuidadores de pacientes sobre el uso de Coragyps atratus en el tratamiento del cáncer. Materiales y métodos Diseño cualitativo basado en veinte entrevistas en profundidad de pacientes con cáncer o cuidadores de pacientes con esta enfermedad. Análisis de texto basado en enfoque temático inductivo. Resultados Al Coragyps atratus se le atribuyen propiedades de resistencia y fortalecimiento del sistema inmune de personas enfermas de cáncer. La forma de utilización mas común es la

  4. Perceived risk of diabetes seriously underestimates actual diabetes risk: The KORA FF4 study

    PubMed Central

    Stang, Andreas; Bongaerts, Brenda; Kuss, Oliver; Herder, Christian; Roden, Michael; Quante, Anne; Holle, Rolf; Huth, Cornelia; Peters, Annette; Meisinger, Christa


    Objective Early detection of diabetes and prediabetic states is beneficial for patients, but may be delayed by patients´ being overly optimistic about their own health. Therefore, we assessed how persons without known diabetes perceive their risk of having or developing diabetes, and we identified factors associated with perception of diabetes risk. Research design and methods 1,953 participants without previously known diabetes from the population-based, German KORA FF4 Study (59.1 years, 47.8% men) had an oral glucose tolerance test. They estimated their probability of having undiagnosed diabetes mellitus (UDM) on a six category scale, and assessed whether they were at risk of developing diabetes in the future. We cross-tabulated glycemic status with risk perception, and fitted robust Poisson regression models to identify determinants of diabetes risk perception. Results 74% (95% CI: 65–82) of persons with UDM believed that their probability of having undetected diabetes was low or very low. 72% (95% CI: 69–75) of persons with prediabetes believed that they were not at risk of developing diabetes. In people with prediabetes, seeing oneself at risk of diabetes was associated with self-rated poor general health (prevalence ratio (PR) = 3.1 (95% CI: 1.4–6.8), parental diabetes (PR = 2.6, 1.9–3.4), high educational level (PR = 1.9 (1.4–2.5)), lower age (PR = 0.7, 0.6–0.8, per 1 standard deviation increase), female sex (PR = 1.2, 0.9–1.5) and obesity (PR = 1.5, 1.2–2.0). Conclusions People with undiagnosed diabetes or prediabetes considerably underestimate their probability of having or developing diabetes. Contrary to associations with actual diabetes risk, perceived diabetes risk was lower in men, lower educated and older persons. PMID:28141837


    EPA Science Inventory

    The Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP) was a major clinical trial, or research study, aimed at discovering whether either diet and exercise or the oral diabetes drug metformin (Glucophage) could prevent or delay the onset of type 2 diabetes in people with impaired glucose toleranc...

  6. Diabetes UK evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes.


    Dyson, P A; Twenefour, D; Breen, C; Duncan, A; Elvin, E; Goff, L; Hill, A; Kalsi, P; Marsland, N; McArdle, P; Mellor, D; Oliver, L; Watson, K


    A summary of the latest evidence-based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and management of diabetes is presented. These guidelines are based on existing recommendations last published in 2011, and were formulated by an expert panel of specialist dietitians after a literature review of recent evidence. Recommendations have been made in terms of foods rather than nutrients wherever possible. Guidelines for education and care delivery, prevention of Type 2 diabetes, glycaemic control for Type 1 and Type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease risk management, management of diabetes-related complications, other considerations including comorbidities, nutrition support, pregnancy and lactation, eating disorders, micronutrients, food supplements, functional foods, commercial diabetic foods and nutritive and non-nutritive sweeteners are included. The sections on pregnancy and prevention of Type 2 diabetes have been enlarged and the weight management section modified to include considerations of remission of Type 2 diabetes. A section evaluating detailed considerations in ethnic minorities has been included as a new topic. The guidelines were graded using adapted 'GRADE' methodology and, where strong evidence was lacking, grading was not allocated. These 2018 guidelines emphasize a flexible, individualized approach to diabetes management and weight loss and highlight the emerging evidence for remission of Type 2 diabetes. The full guideline document is available at © 2018 Diabetes UK.

  7. Consensus on updating immunizations in patients with primary immunodeficiencies



    Las inmunodeficiencias primarias (IDP) constituyen un grupo de enfermedades hereditarias que afectan el número y/o la función de los distintos componentes del sistema inmune. Su prevalencia es de 1:1000-2000 nacimientos. Comprenden defectos de la inmunidad adaptativa, defectos de la inmunidad innata, inmunodeficiencias con fenotipos característicos, trastornos de la regulación inmune, síndromes autoinflamatorios, defectos de los fagocitos y del sistema del complemento y defectos considerados fenocopias de IDP. La vacunación con vacunas inactivadas es segura y puede ser efectiva en muchas inmunodeficiencias; las vacunas vivas atenuadas pueden no ser protectoras en ciertas IDP o presentarse como enfermedad vacunal asociada a la inmunización, lo que conlleva una alta morbimortalidad. Con el objetivo de actualizar las recomendaciones de vacunas en pacientes con IDP, el Comité Nacional de Infectología y el Grupo de Trabajo de Inmunología trabajaron sobre las vacunas que podían indicarse a estos pacientes, convivientes y el equipo de salud.

  8. Step 3: Manage Your Diabetes


    ... please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Type 2 Diabetes Step 3: Manage Your Diabetes Past Issues / Fall 2014 ... 2 Diabetes" Articles Diabetes Is Serious But Manageable / Step 1: Learn About Diabetes / Step 2: Know Your ...

  9. Emerging Adults With Type 1 Diabetes: A Comparison to Peers Without Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Helgeson, Vicki S.; Reynolds, Kerry A.; Becker, Dorothy J.; Siminerio, Linda M.; Escobar, Oscar


    Objective This longitudinal study compared emerging adults with and without type 1 diabetes on life path decisions, health behaviors, and psychological well-being during the transition out of high school. Methods Administered questionnaires during the senior year of high school and 1 year later to 117 emerging adults with diabetes and 122 emerging adults without diabetes. Comparisons were conducted with respect to health status, sex, and school status. Results Those with and without diabetes chose similar life paths and engaged in similar levels of risky behaviors, but disturbed sleep increased for males with diabetes only. Having diabetes was not associated with depressive symptoms, loneliness, or bulimic symptoms, but was associated with lower life satisfaction and lower life purpose over time. Conclusions Emerging adults with and without diabetes fare similarly on most dimensions studied during the first year out of high school. PMID:23475831

  10. Are we meeting the American Diabetes Association goals for HIV-infected patients with diabetes mellitus?


    Adeyemi, Oluwatoyin; Vibhakar, Sonia; Max, Blake


    We determined rates of achieving the American Diabetes Association goals among human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)-infected diabetic patients. American Diabetes Association goals (for hemoglobin A1c, blood pressure, and lipid levels) were defined by 2008 American Diabetes Association guidelines. HIV-infected diabetic patients achieved American Diabetes Association goals at rates similar to those in general medicine clinic patients. A multidisciplinary approach is needed to improve diabetes management in HIV clinics.

  11. Accuracy of Continuous Glucose Monitoring (CGM) during Continuous and High-Intensity Interval Exercise in Patients with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus

    PubMed Central

    Moser, Othmar; Mader, Julia K.; Tschakert, Gerhard; Mueller, Alexander; Groeschl, Werner; Pieber, Thomas R.; Koehler, Gerd; Messerschmidt, Janin; Hofmann, Peter


    Continuous exercise (CON) and high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) can be safely performed with type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Additionally, continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) systems may serve as a tool to reduce the risk of exercise-induced hypoglycemia. It is unclear if CGM is accurate during CON and HIIE at different mean workloads. Seven T1DM patients performed CON and HIIE at 5% below (L) and above (M) the first lactate turn point (LTP1), and 5% below the second lactate turn point (LTP2) (H) on a cycle ergometer. Glucose was measured via CGM and in capillary blood (BG). Differences were found in comparison of CGM vs. BG in three out of the six tests (p < 0.05). In CON, bias and levels of agreement for L, M, and H were found at: 0.85 (−3.44, 5.15) mmol·L−1, −0.45 (−3.95, 3.05) mmol·L−1, −0.31 (−8.83, 8.20) mmol·L−1 and at 1.17 (−2.06, 4.40) mmol·L−1, 0.11 (−5.79, 6.01) mmol·L−1, 1.48 (−2.60, 5.57) mmol·L−1 in HIIE for the same intensities. Clinically-acceptable results (except for CON H) were found. CGM estimated BG to be clinically acceptable, except for CON H. Additionally, using CGM may increase avoidance of exercise-induced hypoglycemia, but usual BG control should be performed during intense exercise. PMID:27517956

  12. PubMed

    De Abajo Larriba, Ana Beatriz; Díaz Rodríguez, Ángel; González-Gallego, Javier; Peleteiro Cobo, Beatriz; Capón Álvarez, Jessica; Mahmoud Atoui, Omar; Méndez Rodríguez, Enrique; De Abajo Olea, Serafín; Lumbreras González, Víctor; Minniti, Caterina


    Objetivos: estimar las actividades preventivas que realizan los pacientes diagnosticados de enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (EPOC) en la provincia de León.Métodos: estudio epidemiológico, transversal, multicéntrico (30 centros de salud de la provincia de León). Incluyó pacientes mayores de 35 años diagnosticados y tratados de EPOC. Variables a estudio: edad, sexo, hábitat, datos antropométricos, tabaquismo, estado nutricional, ejercicio físico, vacunación antigripal, vacunación, antineumocócica (VNP23 y VNC13), fenotipo, gravedad, reagudizaciones y hospitalizaciones. Los resultados se expresan con sus IC al 95,5%.Resultados: se incluyeron 833 pacientes, el 85,8% varones, edad media: 64,69 años (53,66-75,61) y 20,65 años (4,47-36,8) de evolución de la EPOC. El 86,67% (80,30-93,30) tenían antecedentes de tabaquismo (n = 722), de 35,26 años de evolución (17,87-52,64), consumían 28,36 paquetes al año (9,60-46,86), p < 0,001, siendo el 58% fumadores severos. En fumadores activos (n = 288) la intervención más efectiva fue terapia cognitivo-conductual más vareniclina, con abstinencias del 29,86%. En total dejaron de fumar el 51,05% (49,49-52,70) de los pacientes con EPOC, p < 0,001. El 73,67% (71,78-75,65) realizaba ejercicio prescrito, el 88,76% (84,82-90,7) realizaba dieta equilibrada, el 89,7% (87,8-91,8) estaba vacunado frente a la gripe, siendo esta más frecuente en los mayores de 65 años y hospitalizados, p < 0,001. El 9,61% (7,7-11,6) de los no vacunados tuvo reagudizaciones que requirieron ingreso hospitalario, p < 0,001. La tasa de vacunación con VNP23 fue del 52,8% (49,3-56,4) vs.4,97% (3,0-6,61) de VNC13, p < 0,05.Conclusiones: las actividades preventivas en los pacientes con EPOC se realizan de forma óptima en nuestro entorno, superior a la media nacional, aunque se deben lograr mayores tasas de cobertura de vacunación frente al neumococo.

  13. Understanding Experiences of Diabetes Medications Among African Americans Living With Type 2 Diabetes.


    Bockwoldt, Denise; Staffileno, Beth A; Coke, Lola; Hamilton, Rebekah; Fogg, Lou; Calvin, Donna; Quinn, Lauretta


    African American (AA) adults are disproportionally affected by type 2 diabetes and are diagnosed at an earlier age, but are less adherent to diabetes medications compared with the general population. This qualitative study sought to describe the experiences of taking diabetes medications among midlife AA men and women with type 2 diabetes and to identify factors that influence these experiences. Fifteen AAs completed semistructured interviews. Using the Roy adaptation model, thematic analysis coded for both adaptive and ineffective experiences. Adaptive experiences included self-confidence in one's ability to control diabetes, a belief in the value of diabetes medication, assuming responsibility for one's health, developing a routine for taking medication, and positive relationships with the care team. Ineffective experiences for medication taking included: feeling powerless over diabetes, self-blame, and fear. One's self-concept as a person with diabetes, as well as assuming the role of "medication taker," were prominent themes.

  14. PubMed

    Real Delor, Raúl Emilio


    Se presenta caso de paciente obesa a quien se le realiza endoscopía digestiva alta por disfagia tras ingesta accidental de hueso de pollo. Se constata leve esofagitis de reflujo y atrofia duodenal. La biopsia intestinal informa atrofia intestinal con infiltrado inflamatorio. Los autoanticuerpos para enfermedad celiaca resultan positivos. La paciente nunca presentó síntomas digestivos. Se confirma enfermedad celiaca silente e inicia dieta sin gluten.

  15. Community Evaluation of the National Diabetes Education Program's Diabetes HealthSense Website.


    Sadler, Michele DeBarthe; Saperstein, Sandra L; Carpenter, Carrie; Devchand, Roshni; Tuncer, Diane; O'Brian, Catherine; Nicols, Christina; Gallivan, Joanne


    Purpose The purpose of this study was to assess the impact of Diabetes HealthSense on knowledge, attitudes, and behavior changes that prevent, delay, or manage diabetes among people at risk (PAR) for diabetes and people with diabetes (PWD). Methods Using a 2-group pretest-posttest design, 15 community sites were randomly assigned to either an intervention or comparison group. Intervention participants attended a group education session with a diabetes educator, followed by 4 weeks of independent use of the Diabetes HealthSense website. The comparison group received no intervention. A total of 311 adults (n = 135 intervention, n = 176 comparison) completed both a pretest and posttest. Outcome measures examined changes in self-reported knowledge, self-efficacy, and behaviors that support diabetes prevention or management. Results Statistically significant within-group pretest to posttest changes were found for almost all outcome measures in the intervention group, with no significant changes in the comparison group. Significant between-group differences were also found for almost all outcome measures at posttest, with the intervention group having more positive outcomes than the comparison group. Conclusions Patient referral to online tools is considered one key component of initial and ongoing diabetes self-management education and support (DSME/S) and is recommended as a way to enhance and extend the reach of in-person diabetes education. Positive outcomes were found for PWD/PAR who used Diabetes HealthSense following a guided education session. Study results suggested that with guided exploration, Diabetes HealthSense provided a valuable tool for educators to use with patients to support and extend the reach of DSME/S.

  16. Diabetes Care in Venezuela.


    Nieto-Martínez, Ramfis; González-Rivas, Juan P; Lima-Martínez, Marcos; Stepenka, Victoria; Rísquez, Alejandro; Mechanick, Jeffrey I


    The incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) and its economic burden have increased in Venezuela, posing difficult challenges in a country already in great turmoil. The aim of this study was to review the prevalence, causes, prevention, management, health policies, and challenges for successful management of diabetes and its complications in Venezuela. A comprehensive literature review spanning 1960 to 2015 was performed. Literature not indexed also was reviewed. The weighted prevalence of diabetes and prediabetes was estimated from published regional and subnational population-based studies. Diabetes care strategies were analyzed. In Venezuela, the weighted prevalence of diabetes was 7.7% and prediabetes was 11.2%. Diabetes was the fifth leading cause of death (7.1%) in 2012 with the mortality rate increasing 7% per year from 1990 to 2012. In 2012, cardiovascular disease and diabetes together were the leading cause of disability-adjusted life years.T2D drivers are genetic, epigenetic, and lifestyle, including unhealthy dietary patterns and physical inactivity. Obesity, insulin resistance, and metabolic syndrome are present at lower cutoffs for body mass index, homeostatic model assessment, and visceral or ectopic fat, respectively. Institutional programs for early detection and/or prevention of T2D have not been established. Most patients with diabetes (∼87%) are cared for in public facilities in a fragmented health system. Local clinical practice guidelines are available, but implementation is suboptimal and supporting information is limited. Strategies to improve diabetes care in Venezuela include enhancing resources, reducing costs, improving education, implementing screening (using Latin America Finnish Diabetes Risk Score), promoting diabetes care units, avoiding insulin levels as diagnostic tool, correct use of oral glucose tolerance testing and metformin as first-line T2D treatment, and reducing health system fragmentation. Use of the Venezuelan adaptation of

  17. Self-reported diabetes education among Chinese middle-aged and older adults with diabetes.


    Xu, Hanzhang; Luo, Jianfeng; Wu, Bei


    To compare self-reported diabetes education among Chinese middle-aged and older adults with diabetes in three population groups: urban residents, migrants in urban settings, and rural residents. We used data from the 2011 China Health and Retirement Longitudinal Study. The sample included 993 participants age 45 and older who reported having diabetes diagnosed from a health professional. We performed multilevel regressions performed to examine the associations between characteristics and different aspects of diabetes education received. Our study shows that 20.24% of the participants received no diabetes education at all. Among those who received information, 46.82% of respondents with diabetes received weight control advice from a health care provider, 90.97% received advice on exercise, 60.37% received diet advice, 35.12% were spoken to smoking control, and only 17.89% of persons were informed of foot care. After controlling socioeconomic factors, life style, number of comorbidities and community factors, we found that compared with migrant population and rural residents, urban residents were more likely to receive diabetes education on diet. Urban residents were also more likely to obtain diabetes education and more aspects of diabetes education comparison with migrants and rural residents. Our study suggests diabetes education is a serious concern in China, and a significant proportion of the participants did not receive advice on smoking control and foot care. Rural residents and migrants from rural areas received much less diabetes education compared with urban residents. Efforts to improve diabetes educations are urgently needed in China.

  18. Is diabetes color-blind? Growth of prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in children through 2030.


    Adepoju, Omolola E; Bolin, Jane N; Booth, Eric A; Zhao, Hongwei; Lin, Szu-Hsuan; Phillips, Charles D; Ohsfeldt, Robert L


    Diabetes knows no age and affects millions of individuals. Preventing diabetes in children is increasingly becoming a major health policy concern and focus. The objective of this study is to project the number of children, aged 0-17 years, with diagnosed diabetes in the United States through 2030, accounting for changing demography, and diabetes and obesity prevalence rates. The study team combined historic diabetes and obesity prevalence data with US child population estimates and projections. A times-series regression model was used to forecast future diabetes prevalence and to account for the relationship between the forecasted diabetes prevalence and the lagged prevalence of childhood obesity. Overall, the prevalence of diagnosed diabetes is projected to increase 67% from 0.22% in 2010 to 0.36% in 2030. Lagged obesity prevalence in Hispanic boys and non-Hispanic black girls was significantly associated with increasing future diabetes prevalence. The study results showed that a 1% increase in obesity prevalence among Hispanic boys from the previous year was significantly associated with a 0.005% increase in future prevalence of diagnosed diabetes in children (P ≤ 0.01). Likewise, a unit increase in obesity prevalence among non-Hispanic black girls was associated with a 0.003% increase in future diabetes prevalence (P < 0.05). Obesity rates for other race/ethnicity combinations were not associated with increasing future diabetes prevalence. To mitigate the continued threat posed by diabetes, serious discussions need to focus on the pediatric population, particularly non-Hispanic black girls and Hispanic boys whose obesity trends show the strongest associations with future diabetes prevalence in children.

  19. Incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy in Japanese adults with type 2 diabetes: 8 year follow-up study of the Japan Diabetes Complications Study (JDCS).


    Kawasaki, R; Tanaka, S; Tanaka, S; Yamamoto, T; Sone, H; Ohashi, Y; Akanuma, Y; Yamada, N; Yamashita, H


    The aim of this study was to determine the incidence and progression rates of diabetic retinopathy and their associations in Japanese individuals with type 2 diabetes. This is a part of the Japan Diabetic Complications Study (JDCS), a multi-centred randomised trial of type 2 diabetes patients aged 40-70 years with an 8 year follow-up. There were 1,221 patients without diabetic retinopathy at baseline; incidence of diabetic retinopathy was defined as the development of any diabetic retinopathy. There were 410 patients with mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy at baseline; progression of diabetic retinopathy was defined as the development of severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy or proliferative diabetic retinopathy. We used multivariate proportional Cox hazard models, and generalised additive models were also applied to identify potential threshold effect. The incidence and progression rate of diabetic retinopathy was 38.3/1,000 person-years and 21.1/1,000 person-years, respectively. Higher HbA(1c) (adjusted HR [aHR] per 1% [10.9 mmol/mol] 1.36 [95% CI 1.28-1.45]), longer duration of diabetes (aHR per 5 year period 1.26 [95% CI 1.17-1.35]), higher systolic blood pressure (aHR per +10 mmHg 1.01 [95% CI 1.00-1.02]) and higher body mass index (aHR per 1 kg/m(2) 1.05 [95% CI 1.00-1.09]) were associated with incident diabetic retinopathy. The association between HbA(1c) and incident diabetic retinopathy was linear; the association with duration of diabetes increased rapidly between 5 and 10 years. Higher HbA(1c) was also associated with progression of diabetic retinopathy (aHR per 1% [10.9 mmol/mol] 1.66 [95% CI 1.41-1.96]). Observed incidence and progression rates of diabetic retinopathy seemed lower than that in western populations. HbA(1c) was the only factor associated with both incidence and progression of diabetic retinopathy. The strength of the association between duration of diabetes and incidence of diabetic retinopathy increased rapidly during a

  20. Diabetes and Depression

    PubMed Central

    de Groot, Mary; Golden, Sherita Hill


    Diabetes and depression occur together approximately twice as frequently as would be predicted by chance alone. Comorbid diabetes and depression are a major clinical challenge as the outcomes of both conditions are worsened by the other. Although the psychological burden of diabetes may contribute to depression, this explanation does not fully explain the relationship between these 2 conditions. Both conditions may be driven by shared underlying biological and behavioral mechanisms, such as hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis activation, inflammation, sleep disturbance, inactive lifestyle, poor dietary habits, and environmental and cultural risk factors. Depression is frequently missed in people with diabetes despite effective screening tools being available. Both psychological interventions and antidepressants are effective in treating depressive symptoms in people with diabetes but have mixed effects on glycemic control. Clear care pathways involving a multidisciplinary team are needed to obtain optimal medical and psychiatric outcomes for people with comorbid diabetes and depression. PMID:24743941

  1. Prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in screening-detected diabetes mellitus: results from the Gutenberg Health Study (GHS).


    Ponto, Katharina A; Koenig, Jochem; Peto, Tunde; Lamparter, Julia; Raum, Philipp; Wild, Philipp S; Lackner, Karl J; Pfeiffer, Norbert; Mirshahi, Alireza


    Individuals with type 2 diabetes mellitus may experience an asymptomatic period of hyperglycaemia, and complications may already be present at the time of diagnosis. We aimed to determine the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in patients with newly diagnosed (screening-detected) type 2 diabetes. The Gutenberg Health Study is a population-based study with 15,010 participants aged between 35 and 74 years. We determined the weighted prevalence of diabetic retinopathy by assessing fundus photographs. Screening-detected type 2 diabetes was defined as an HbA1c concentration of 6.5% (47.5 mmol/mol) or more, no medical diagnosis of diabetes and no intake of insulin or oral glucose-lowering agents. Of 14,948 participants, 1377 (9.2%) had diabetes mellitus. Of these, 347 (25.2%) had newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes detected by the screening. Overall, the weighted prevalence of screening-detected type 2 diabetes was 2.1%. Fundus photos were evaluable for 285 (82.1%) participants with newly diagnosed diabetes. The weighted prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in screening-detected type 2 diabetes was 13.0%; 12% of participants had a mild non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy and 0.6% had a moderate non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy. Diabetic retinopathy was proliferative in 0.3%. No cases of severe non-proliferative diabetic retinopathy or diabetic maculopathy were found. Thirty (14.9%) of 202 and six (7.2%) of 83 individuals with and without concomitant arterial hypertension, respectively, had diabetic retinopathy (OR 2.54, 95% CI 1.06, 7.14). Visual acuity did not differ between individuals with and without diabetic retinopathy . In this large European study, the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy in screening-detected type 2 diabetes was 13%. Only a very small proportion of participants with detected diabetic retinopathy needed treatment.

  2. Factors Associated with Knowledge of Diabetes in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Using the Diabetes Knowledge Test Validated with Rasch Analysis

    PubMed Central

    Fenwick, Eva K.; Xie, Jing; Rees, Gwyn; Finger, Robert P.; Lamoureux, Ecosse L.


    Objective In patients with Type 2 diabetes, to determine the factors associated with diabetes knowledge, derived from Rasch analysis, and compare results with a traditional raw scoring method. Research Design & Methods Participants in this cross-sectional study underwent a comprehensive clinical and biochemical assessment. Diabetes knowledge (main outcome) was assessed using the Diabetes Knowledge Test (DKT) which was psychometrically validated using Rasch analysis. The relationship between diabetes knowledge and risk factors identified during univariate analyses was examined using multivariable linear regression. The results using raw and Rasch-transformed methods were descriptively compared. Results 181 patients (mean age±standard deviation = 66.97±9.17 years; 113 (62%) male) were included. Using Rasch-derived DKT scores, those with greater education (β = 1.14; CI: 0.25,2.04, p = 0.013); had seen an ophthalmologist (β = 1.65; CI: 0.63,2.66, p = 0.002), and spoke English at home (β = 1.37; CI: 0.43,2.31, p = 0.005) had significantly better diabetes knowledge than those with less education, had not seen an ophthalmologist and spoke a language other than English, respectively. Patients who were members of the National Diabetes Service Scheme (NDSS) and had seen a diabetes educator also had better diabetes knowledge than their counterparts. Higher HbA1c level was independently associated with worse diabetes knowledge. Using raw measures, access to an ophthalmologist and NDSS membership were not independently associated with diabetes knowledge. Conclusions Sociodemographic, clinical and service use factors were independently associated with diabetes knowledge based on both raw scores and Rasch-derived scores, which supports the implementation of targeted interventions to improve patients' knowledge. Choice of psychometric analytical method can affect study outcomes and should be considered during intervention development. PMID:24312484

  3. Depression in diabetic patients attending University of Gondar Hospital Diabetic Clinic, Northwest Ethiopia

    PubMed Central

    Birhanu, Anteneh Messele; Alemu, Fekadu Mazengia; Ashenafie, Tesfaye Demeke; Balcha, Shitaye Alemu; Dachew, Berihun Assefa


    Background Diabetes mellitus, frequently associated with comorbid depression, contributes to the double burden of individual patients and community. Depression remains undiagnosed in as many as 50%–75% of diabetes cases. This study aimed to determine the prevalence and associated factors of depression among diabetic patients attending the University of Gondar Hospital Diabetic Clinic, Northwest Ethiopia. Methods An institution-based cross-sectional study was conducted from March to May 2014 among 422 sampled diabetic patients attending the University of Gondar Hospital Diabetic Clinic. The participants were selected using systematic random sampling. Data were collected by face-to-face interview using a standardized and pretested questionnaire linked with patient record review. Depression was assessed using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Data were entered to EPI INFO version 7 and analyzed by SPSS version 20 software. Binary logistic regression analysis was performed to identify factors associated with depression. Results A total of 415 diabetic patients participated in the study with a response rate of 98.3%. The prevalence of depression among diabetic patients was found to be 15.4% (95% confidence interval (CI): 11.7–19.2). Only religion (adjusted odds ratio [AOR] =2.65 and 95% CI: 1.1–6.0) and duration of diabetes (AOR =0.27 and 95% CI: 0.07–0.92) were the factors associated with depression among diabetic patients. Conclusion The prevalence of depression was low as compared to other similar studies elsewhere. Disease (diabetes) duration of 10 years and above and being a Muslim religion follower (as compared to Christian) were the factors significantly associated with depression. Early screening of depression and treating depression as a routine component of diabetes care are recommended. Further research with a large sample size, wider geographical coverage, and segregation of type of diabetes mellitus is recommended. PMID:27274296

  4. Have clinical studies demonstrated diabetes prevention or delay of diabetes through early treatment?


    Southwood, Robin L


    The incidence of type 2 diabetes continues to increase at alarming rates. Prediabetes is a state of abnormal glycemic values that are not abnormal enough to result in the diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. Significant interest in the prevention of diabetes has resulted in trials evaluating pharmacologic intervention and lifestyle intervention to prevent the development of diabetes. Controversy exists over the exact definition of diabetes prevention. Agents might possibly delay diagnosis of diabetes via pharmacologic lowering of blood glucose. Goals of diabetes prevention include decreased cardiovascular disease. Trials assessing diabetes prevention should assess 1) Impact of the study drug upon the incidence of diabetes, 2) Impact of the study drug upon diagnosis of diabetes after post-treatment washout phase, 3) Assessment of insulin sensitivity/@-cell function/insulin secretion and blood glucose, 4) Assessment of confounding factors, 5) Impact of the study drug on the occurrence of cardiovascular disease. The published studies were reviewed using these criteria. Six studies evaluating seven agents have been were reviewed. Six of the seven agents reduced diagnosis of diabetes during use, but only two demonstrated effect after washout phase. One of the two agents has been withdrawn from the market. The second agent had a short follow-up period making the results difficult to interpret. Assessment of insulin secretion at entry to trial was common, however ongoing reassessment was uncommon. All studies attempted to assess confounding factors, however stratification of drug benefit relative to amount of lifestyle modification benefit was not reported in trials. Cardiovascular benefit in the form of reduced hypertension was documented with three agents. Pharmacologic prevention of type 2 diabetes remains unproven, due in part to the difficulty distinguishing between prevention and delay. Reduction in cardiovascular benefit is unproven with most agents studied. Larger

  5. Choroidal thickness alterations in diabetic nephropathy patients with early or no diabetic retinopathy.


    Kocasarac, Can; Yigit, Yavuz; Sengul, Erkan; Sakalar, Yildirim Beyazit


    To assess changes in choroidal thickness (CT) in diabetes patients with and without diabetic nephropathy using enhanced depth imaging spectral domain optical coherence tomography (EDI-OCT). Thirty-five type 2 diabetes patients with a diagnosis of diabetic nephropathy (DNP) in nephrology department and 35 type 2 diabetes patients without nephropathy (non-DNP) were included in our prospective study consecutively. The control group comprised 34 healthy individuals. CT measurements were recorded under the fovea and at 1500 µm from the foveal center in the nasal and temporal sides. The study parameters also included age, refractive error, axial length, intraocular pressure, HbA1c, glomerular filtration rate and proteinuria amount. The subfoveal, temporal and nasal choroidal thickness was noted to be thinner in patients with DNP compared with non-DNP and normal subjects (p < 0.05). However, CT measurements did not show any difference between the healthy and non-DNP group. CT decreases significantly in diabetic patients when diabetic nephropathy accompanies diabetes mellitus.

  6. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus.


    Moon, Joon Ho; Kwak, Soo Heon; Jang, Hak C


    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, is characterized by underlying maternal defects in the β-cell response to insulin during pregnancy. Women with a previous history of GDM have a greater than 7-fold higher risk of developing postpartum diabetes compared with women without GDM. Various risk factors for postpartum diabetes have been identified, including maternal age, glucose levels in pregnancy, family history of diabetes, pre-pregnancy and postpartum body mass index, dietary patterns, physical activity, and breastfeeding. Genetic studies revealed that GDM shares common genetic variants with type 2 diabetes. A number of lifestyle interventional trials that aimed to ameliorate modifiable risk factors, including diet, exercise, and breastfeeding, succeeded in reducing the incidence of postpartum diabetes, weight retention, and other obesity-related morbidities. The present review summarizes the findings of previous studies on the incidence and risk factors of postpartum diabetes and discusses recent lifestyle interventional trials that attempted to prevent postpartum diabetes.

  7. Identifying needs and barriers to diabetes education in patients with diabetes.


    Rafique, Ghazala; Shaikh, Furqan


    To assess the needs, awareness and barriers to diabetes education for self management and to facilitate the initiation of an education programme promoting self care among diabetics and their families. A qualitative study was conducted among adult diabetics attending outpatient clinics in a tertiary care teaching hospital in Karachi, Pakistan. Semi-structured interviews were conducted on 27 subjects (11 men; 16 women) to identify dominant themes and priority issues. Participants displayed great deal of variation with respect to level of knowledge and motivation for education. Most believed that diabetes was caused by stress. Family was perceived to be a source of positive support. Relative ease of adherence to pharmacological regimens as compared to diet and exercise was reported. Participants expressed frustration at chronicity of disease and fear of developing certain specific complications and inheritance by their children. Barriers to enhancing knowledge included 'No need for further information', distance from training institutions and other priorities. Knowledge, beliefs and fears about diabetes, family influence and accessibility of healthcare, affects management behaviours and learning. Understanding needs and expectations of people with diabetes is essential in initiating and improving the outcomes of education programme for diabetes self care.

  8. Diabetic ketoacidosis characteristics and differences In type 1 versus type 2 diabetes patients.


    Rashid, Muhammad Owais; Sheikh, Aisha; Salam, Abdus; Farooq, Saad; Kiran, Zareen; Islam, Najmul


    Diabetes is undoubtedly one of the most challenging health problems of the 21st century. It is well known that diabetes once develop can lead to several complications. Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is one of the life-threatening complications of diabetes. This study was designed to determine the frequency of DKA in diabetes patients and find out the clinical and biochemical determinants of DKA. This descriptive study was conducted at Aga Khan University Hospital (AKUH) Karachi, Pakistan from January 2010 to February 2016. All known or newly diagnosed diabetic patients of >16 years of age irrespective of gender and type of diabetes were included. Information regarding patient's demographics, presenting symptoms, precipitating causes of DKA, biochemical profiles and outcome at the time of discharge was collected. Majority (54.7%) had moderate and 12.4% had severe DKA at presentation. Previous history of DKA was found higher in type 1 diabetes patients (T1DM) (14%) as compare to (4%) type 2 diabetes patients (T2DM) (p<0.05). DKA severity was observed more (12%) in newly diagnosed (T1DM) (p<0.05). Comorbidities were found more (81%) in (T2DM) (p<0.05) Mortality was also observed higher in Type 2 diabetes patients (p<0.05). Majority of the diabetics had moderate to severe DKA at presentation. Mortality and morbidity related with DKA was found considerably higher among patients with T2DM while infection, myocardial infarction and stroke found as triggering factors in these patients.

  9. Niacin bound chromium treatment induces myocardial Glut-4 translocation and caveolar interaction via Akt, AMPK and eNOS phosphorylation in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats after ischemia-reperfusion injury.


    Penumathsa, Suresh Varma; Thirunavukkarasu, Mahesh; Samuel, Samson Mathews; Zhan, Lijun; Maulik, Gautam; Bagchi, Manashi; Bagchi, Debasis; Maulik, Nilanjana


    Diabetes, one of the major risk factors of metabolic syndrome culminates in the development of Ischemic Heart Disease (IHD). Refined diets that lack micronutrients, mainly trivalent chromium (Cr(3+)) have been identified as the contributor in the rising incidence of diabetes. We investigated the effect of niacin-bound chromium (NBC) during ischemia/reperfusion (IR) injury in streptozotocin induced diabetic rats. Rats were randomized into: Control (Con); Diabetic (Dia) and Diabetic rats fed with NBC (Dia+NBC). After 30 days of treatment, the isolated hearts were subjected to 30 min of global ischemia followed by 2 h of reperfusion. NBC treatment demonstrated significant increase in left ventricular functions and significant reduction in infarct size and cardiomyocyte apoptosis in Dia+NBC compared with Dia. Increased Glut-4 translocation to the lipid raft fractions was also observed in Dia+NBC compared to Dia. Reduced Cav-1 and increased Cav-3 expression along with phosphorylation of Akt, eNOS and AMPK might have resulted in increased Glut-4 translocation in Dia+NBC. Our results indicate that the cardioprotective effect of NBC is mediated by increased activation of AMPK, Akt and eNOS resulting in increased translocation of Glut-4 to the caveolar raft fractions thereby alleviating the effects of IR injury in the diabetic myocardium.

  10. Pediatric obesity & type 2 diabetes.


    Dea, Tara L


    This article focuses on (a) identifying obesity and other risk factors for developing type 2 diabetes, (b) differentiating between pediatric type 1 diabetes and type 2 diabetes, and (c) treating pediatric type 2 diabetes. Obesity has significant implications on a child's health, including an increased risk for insulin resistance and progression to type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes in children, characterized by insulin resistance and relative pancreatic b-cell failure due to the increased demand for insulin production, has now reached epidemic proportions. Longitudinal research on pediatric type 2 diabetes, however, is lacking because this epidemic is relatively new. Treatment of type 2 diabetes in children is focused on lifestyle modification with weight management/increased physical activity, and pharmacological management through oral medication or insulin therapy. Because children with type 2 diabetes are at risk for developing diabetes-related complications earlier in life, they need to be closely monitored for comorbidities.

  11. Traditional or centralized models of diabetes care: the multidisciplinary diabetes team approach.


    Bratcher, Christina R; Bello, Elizabeth


    Specialized diabetes care (SDC) centers utilize a multidisciplinary diabetes team to provide patients with highly individualized care. Patients at SDC centers receive their integrated diabetes care in one place--the "one-stop" approach. The components of the SDC center model are: medical care; individualized diabetes education; nutrition; exercise and lifestyle coaching; counseling; monitoring of drug effects. This model results in improved patient outcomes and reduced overall costs.

  12. Recent Trends in Diabetes Knowledge, Perceptions, and Behaviors: Implications for National Diabetes Education

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Piccinino, Linda; Griffey, Susan; Gallivan, Joanne; Lotenberg, Lynne Doner; Tuncer, Diane


    Objectives: Examine trends in diabetes-related knowledge, perceptions, and behavior among U.S. adults with and without a diagnosis of diabetes and among subpopulations at risk. Discuss implications for national diabetes education and for the National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) in particular. Methods: Three population-based NDEP National…

  13. Anti-diabetic effects of rice hull smoke extract in alloxan-induced diabetic mice

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    We investigated the protective effect of a liquid rice hull smoke extract (RHSE) against diabetes in alloxan-induced diabetic mice. Anti-diabetic effects of RHSE were evaluated in both the rat insulinoma-1 cell line (INS-1) and diabetic ICR mice induced by inraperitoneal (ip) injection of alloxan. ...

  14. Diabetic kidney disease.


    Thomas, Merlin C; Brownlee, Michael; Susztak, Katalin; Sharma, Kumar; Jandeleit-Dahm, Karin A M; Zoungas, Sophia; Rossing, Peter; Groop, Per-Henrik; Cooper, Mark E


    The kidney is arguably the most important target of microvascular damage in diabetes. A substantial proportion of individuals with diabetes will develop kidney disease owing to their disease and/or other co-morbidity, including hypertension and ageing-related nephron loss. The presence and severity of chronic kidney disease (CKD) identify individuals who are at increased risk of adverse health outcomes and premature mortality. Consequently, preventing and managing CKD in patients with diabetes is now a key aim of their overall management. Intensive management of patients with diabetes includes controlling blood glucose levels and blood pressure as well as blockade of the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system; these approaches will reduce the incidence of diabetic kidney disease and slow its progression. Indeed, the major decline in the incidence of diabetic kidney disease (DKD) over the past 30 years and improved patient prognosis are largely attributable to improved diabetes care. However, there remains an unmet need for innovative treatment strategies to prevent, arrest, treat and reverse DKD. In this Primer, we summarize what is now known about the molecular pathogenesis of CKD in patients with diabetes and the key pathways and targets implicated in its progression. In addition, we discuss the current evidence for the prevention and management of DKD as well as the many controversies. Finally, we explore the opportunities to develop new interventions through urgently needed investment in dedicated and focused research. For an illustrated summary of this Primer, visit:

  15. Febuxostat ameliorates diabetic renal injury in a streptozotocin-induced diabetic rat model.


    Lee, Hong-Joo; Jeong, Kyung Hwan; Kim, Yang Gyun; Moon, Joo Young; Lee, Sang Ho; Ihm, Chun Gyoo; Sung, Ji Youn; Lee, Tae Won


    Oxidative stress and inflammation are known to play central roles in the development of diabetic nephropathy (DN). Febuxostat is a novel non-purine xanthine oxidase (XO)-specific inhibitor developed to treat hyperuricemia. In this study, we investigated whether febuxostat could ameliorate DN via renoprotective mechanisms such as alleviation of oxidative stress and anti-inflammatory actions. Male Sprague-Dawley rats were divided into three groups: a normal group, a diabetes group (DM group), and a febuxostat-treated diabetes group (DM+Fx group). We administered 5 mg/kg of febuxostat to experimental rats for 7 weeks and evaluated clinical and biochemical parameters and XO and xanthine dehydrogenase (XDH) activity in hepatic tissue. The degree of oxidative stress and extent of inflammation were evaluated from urine samples and renal tissue collected from each group. Diabetic rats (DM and DM+Fx groups) had higher blood glucose and kidney weight relative to body weight than normal rats. Albuminuria was significantly reduced in febuxostat-treated diabetic rats compared with untreated diabetic rats. Quantitative analysis showed that hepatic XO and XDH activities were higher in the DM groups, but decreased after treatment with febuxostat. Urinary 8-OHdG concentrations and renal cortical nitrotyrosine also indicated reduced oxidative stress in the DM+Fx group relative to the DM group. The number of ED-1-stained cells in the glomerulus and tubule of diabetic renal tissue decreased in febuxostat-treated diabetic rats relative to that of non-treated diabetic rats. Diabetic rats also expressed higher transcript levels of inflammatory genes (E-selectin and VCAM-1), an inflammation-induced enzyme (COX-2), and inflammatory mediators (ED-1 and NF-κB) than control rats; expression of these genes was significantly reduced by treatment with febuxostat. Febuxostat prevents diabetic renal injury such as albuminuria. This renoprotective effect appears to be due to attenuation of the

  16. Diabetes Insipidus


    Diabetes insipidus (DI) causes frequent urination. You become extremely thirsty, so you drink. Then you urinate. This ... is almost all water. DI is different from diabetes mellitus (DM), which involves insulin problems and high ...

  17. Association of glycated albumin to HbA1c ratio with diabetic retinopathy but not diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes.


    Umayahara, Yutaka; Fujita, Yohei; Watanabe, Hirotaka; Kasai, Noriko; Fujiki, Noritaka; Hatazaki, Masahiro; Koga, Masafumi


    The ratio of glycated albumin to HbA1c (GA/HbA1c ratio) is a known indicator that reflects fluctuations in plasma glucose. In this study, the association of the GA/HbA1c ratio to diabetic nephropathy and diabetic retinopathy in patients with type 2 diabetes was investigated. Among patients with type 2 diabetes, 613 patients (364 males and 249 females, aged 63.2±12.5, body mass index (BMI) 25.4±4.8kg/m 2 ) were enrolled. Patients with overt proteinuria, reduced renal function, or anemia were excluded. In a comparison between patients with and without diabetic nephropathy, significance was observed in insulin therapy, HbA1c, and GA. In addition, in a comparison between patients with and without diabetic retinopathy, the GA/HbA1c ratio along with insulin therapy, HbA1c, and GA showed significant differences. When the GA/HbA1c ratios were divided into three groups and compared, the rates of diabetic nephropathy did not show any significance, while the rate of diabetic retinopathy increased significantly as the GA/HbA1c ratio increased. In multivariable analyses, while insulin therapy and BMI were the significant independent variables for diabetic nephropathy, insulin therapy and the GA/HbA1c ratios were the significant independent variable for diabetic retinopathy. The GA/HbA1c ratio was associated with diabetic retinopathy, but not with diabetic nephropathy in patients with type 2 diabetes. These results suggest that the development and progression of diabetic retinopathy is associated with plasma glucose fluctuations. Copyright © 2016 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Diabetic Foot Australia guideline on footwear for people with diabetes.


    van Netten, Jaap J; Lazzarini, Peter A; Armstrong, David G; Bus, Sicco A; Fitridge, Robert; Harding, Keith; Kinnear, Ewan; Malone, Matthew; Menz, Hylton B; Perrin, Byron M; Postema, Klaas; Prentice, Jenny; Schott, Karl-Heinz; Wraight, Paul R


    The aim of this paper was to create an updated Australian guideline on footwear for people with diabetes. We reviewed new footwear publications, (inter)national guidelines, and consensus expert opinion alongside the 2013 Australian footwear guideline to formulate updated recommendations. We recommend health professionals managing people with diabetes should: (1) Advise people with diabetes to wear footwear that fits, protects and accommodates the shape of their feet. (2) Advise people with diabetes to always wear socks within their footwear, in order to reduce shear and friction. (3) Educate people with diabetes, their relatives and caregivers on the importance of wearing appropriate footwear to prevent foot ulceration. (4) Instruct people with diabetes at intermediate- or high-risk of foot ulceration to obtain footwear from an appropriately trained professional to ensure it fits, protects and accommodates the shape of their feet. (5) Motivate people with diabetes at intermediate- or high-risk of foot ulceration to wear their footwear at all times, both indoors and outdoors. (6) Motivate people with diabetes at intermediate- or high-risk of foot ulceration (or their relatives and caregivers) to check their footwear, each time before wearing, to ensure that there are no foreign objects in, or penetrating, the footwear; and check their feet, each time their footwear is removed, to ensure there are no signs of abnormal pressure, trauma or ulceration. (7) For people with a foot deformity or pre-ulcerative lesion, consider prescribing medical grade footwear, which may include custom-made in-shoe orthoses or insoles. (8) For people with a healed plantar foot ulcer, prescribe medical grade footwear with custom-made in-shoe orthoses or insoles with a demonstrated plantar pressure relieving effect at high-risk areas. (9) Review prescribed footwear every three months to ensure it still fits adequately, protects, and supports the foot. (10) For people with a plantar diabetic

  19. Diabetes Care in India.


    Joshi, Shashank R


    Diabetes has become a major health care problem in India with an estimated 66.8 million people suffering from the condition, representing the largest number of any country in the world. The rising burden of diabetes has greatly affected the health care sector and economy in India. The goal of health care experts in India is to transform India into a diabetes care capital in the world. An expert detailed review of the medical literature with an Asian Indian context was performed. Recent epidemiologic studies from India point to a great burden from diabetes. Diabetes control in India is far from ideal with a mean hemoglobin A1c of 9.0%-at least 2.0% higher than suggested by international bodies. Nearly half of people with diabetes remain undetected, accounting for complications at the time of diagnosis. Screening can differentiate an asymptomatic individual at high risk from one at low risk for diabetes. Despite the large number of people with diabetes in India, awareness is low and needs to be addressed. Other challenges include balancing the need for glycemic control with risk reduction due to overly tight control, especially in high-risk groups and taking into account health care professional expertise, attitudes, and perceptions. Pharmacologic care should be individualized with early consideration of combination therapy. Regular exercise, yoga, mindful eating, and stress management form a cornerstone in the management of diabetes. Considering the high cost incurred at various steps of screening, diagnosis, monitoring, and management, it is important to realize the cost-effective measures of diabetes care that are necessary to implement. Result-oriented organized programs involving patient education, as well as updating the medical fraternity on various developments in the management of diabetes, are required to combat the current diabetes epidemic in India. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  20. Diabetes Care in Brazil.


    Coutinho, Walmir F; Silva Júnior, Wellington Santana


    The diabetes epidemic affects most countries across the world and is increasing at alarming rates in Latin America. Nearly 12 million individuals have diabetes in Brazil, and the current prevalence ranges from 6.3% to 13.5%, depending on the region and the diagnostic criteria adopted in each study. To provide an overview of diabetes care in Brazil, focusing on studies of diabetes epidemiology, prevalence of patients within the standard targets of care, and economic burden of diabetes and its complications. SciELO and PubMed searches were performed for the terms "diabetes," "Brazil," "Brazilian," and "health system"; relevant literature from 1990 to 2015 was selected. Additional articles identified from reference list searches were also included. All articles selected were published in Portuguese and/or English. Recent studies detected a prevalence of gestational diabetes mellitus of nearly 20%. Among patients with type 1 diabetes, almost 90% fail to reach target of glycemic control, with less than 30% receiving treatment for both hypertension and dyslipidemia. More than 75% of patients with type 2 diabetes are either overweight or obese. Most of these patients fail to reach glycemic targets (42.1%) and less than 30% reached the target for systolic and diastolic blood pressure, body mass index, or low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. Only 0.2% of patients reach all these anthropometric and metabolic targets. Brazil is the fourth country in the world in number of patients with diabetes. Regardless of the diabetes type, the majority of patients do not meet other metabolic control goals. The economic burden of diabetes and its complications in Brazil is extremely high, and more effective approaches for preventions and management are urgently needed. Copyright © 2015. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  1. Diabetes distress: understanding the hidden struggles of living with diabetes and exploring intervention strategies.


    Berry, Emma; Lockhart, Sam; Davies, Mark; Lindsay, John R; Dempster, Martin


    Diabetes distress is a rational emotional response to the threat of a life-changing illness. Distinct from depression, it is conceptually rooted in the demands of diabetes management and is a product of emotional adjustment. Diabetes distress has been found to be significantly associated with glycated haemoglobin (HbA1c) level and the likelihood of an individual adopting self-care behaviours. The lack of perceived support from family, friends and healthcare professionals significantly contributes to elevated diabetes distress, and this issue tends to be overlooked when designing interventions. Pioneering large-scale research, DAWN2, gives voices to the families of those with diabetes and reaffirms the need to consider psychosocial factors in routine diabetes care. Structured diabetes education programmes are the most widely used in helping individuals cope with diabetes, but they tend not to include the psychological or interpersonal aspects of diabetes management in their curricula. The need for health practitioners, irrespective of background, to demonstrate an understanding of diabetes distress and to actively engage in discussion with individuals struggling to cope with diabetes is emphasised. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  2. Who's distressed? A comparison of diabetes-related distress by type of diabetes and medication.


    Wardian, Jana L; Tate, Joshua; Folaron, Irene; Graybill, Sky; True, Mark; Sauerwein, Tom


    We hypothesized that diabetes-related distress would vary by type of diabetes and medication regimen [Type 1 diabetes (T1DM), Type 2 diabetes with insulin use (T2DM-i), Type 2 diabetes without insulin use (T2DM)]. Thus, the aim of this study was to identify groups with elevated diabetes-related distress. We administered the 17-item Diabetes-related Distress Scale (DDS-17) to 585 patients. We collected demographics, medications, and lab results from patient records. Patients were categorized by type of diabetes and medication: T1DM (n = 149); T2DM-i (n = 333); and T2DM (n = 103). ANOVA revealed significant differences in sample characteristics. ANCOVA were conducted on all four DDS-17 domains [Emotional Burden (EB); Physician-related Distress (PD); Regimen-related Distress (RD); and Interpersonal Distress (ID)]; covariates included in the models were sex, age, duration of diabetes, BMI, and HbA1c. EB was significantly lower in T1DM than T2DM-i, p < 0.05. In addition, RD was significantly lower in T1DM than either T2DM-i, p < 0.05 and T2DM, p < 0.05. EB and RD are higher for those with type 2 diabetes. Thus, interventions to reduce EB and RD need to be considered for patients with type 2 diabetes. DDS-17 is useful in identifying diabetes-related distress in patients with diabetes. Efforts need to be made to reduce EB and RD. Published by Elsevier B.V.

  3. Diabetes management. Analysis of the American Diabetes Association's clinical practice recommendations.


    Strano-Paul, L; Phanumas, D


    Type 2 diabetes generally develops in persons older than age 45 and comprises more than 90% of the estimated 15 million diabetes cases identified in the United States. Due to the burgeoning population of older Americans and the increased prevalence of obesity and sedentariness, type 2 diabetes is nearing epidemic proportions. Tight glycemic control combined with good diet and regular exercise can reduce the incidence of complications associated with unchecked disease. To help physicians and patients achieve such objectives, the American Diabetes Association publishes clinical practice recommendations that propose the most effective methods for screening, diagnosis, and disease management. The position statements presenting the standard of care for treatment of diabetes are reviewed and critiqued from an evidence-based medicine perspective.

  4. Genetic Counseling for Diabetes Mellitus

    PubMed Central

    Stein, Stephanie A.; Maloney, Kristin L.; Pollin, Toni I.


    Most diabetes is polygenic in etiology, with (type 1 diabetes, T1DM) or without (type 2 diabetes, T2DM) an autoimmune basis. Genetic counseling for diabetes generally focuses on providing empiric risk information based on family history and/or the effects of maternal hyperglycemia on pregnancy outcome. An estimated one to five percent of diabetes is monogenic in nature, e.g., maturity onset diabetes of the young (MODY), with molecular testing and etiology-based treatment available. However, recent studies show that most monogenic diabetes is misdiagnosed as T1DM or T2DM. While efforts are underway to increase the rate of diagnosis in the diabetes clinic, genetic counselors and clinical geneticists are in a prime position to identify monogenic cases through targeted questions during a family history combined with working in conjunction with diabetes professionals to diagnose and assure proper treatment and familial risk assessment for individuals with monogenic diabetes. PMID:25045596

  5. Prevalence of Diabetes and Cardiometabolic Disorders in Spouses of Diabetic Individuals.


    Sun, Jichao; Lu, Jieli; Wang, Weiqing; Mu, Yiming; Zhao, Jiajun; Liu, Chao; Chen, Lulu; Shi, Lixin; Li, Qiang; Yang, Tao; Yan, Li; Wan, Qin; Wu, Shengli; Liu, Yan; Wang, Guixia; Luo, Zuojie; Tang, Xulei; Chen, Gang; Huo, Yanan; Gao, Zhengnan; Su, Qing; Ye, Zhen; Wang, Youmin; Qin, Guijun; Deng, Huacong; Yu, Xuefeng; Shen, Feixia; Chen, Li; Zhao, Liebin; Bi, Yufang; Xu, Min; Xu, Yu; Dai, Meng; Wang, Tiange; Zhang, Di; Lai, Shenghan; Ning, Guang


    Pairs of spouses share common lifestyle factors. In a cross-sectional analysis, we investigated whether spouses of diabetic individuals had a higher prevalence of diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders in a community-based population of Chinese adults aged 40 years or older between 2011 and 2012. A total of 34,805 pairs of spouses were identified. All participants underwent a standard oral glucose tolerance test and provided detailed clinical, sociodemographic, and lifestyle information. Diabetes and multiple cardiometabolic disorders were defined according to standard criteria. Compared with participants whose spouses did not have diabetes, participants whose spouses had diabetes had higher odds of having diabetes (for men, odds ratio (OR) = 1.33, 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.22, 1.45; for women, OR = 1.35, 95% CI: 1.24, 1.47), obesity (for men, OR = 1.34, 95% CI: 1.13, 1.59; for women, OR = 1.19, 95% CI: 1.05, 1.35), metabolic syndrome (for men, OR = 1.31, 95% CI: 1.21, 1.42; for women, OR = 1.12, 95% CI: 1.04, 1.20), and cardiovascular disease (for men, OR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.34; for women, OR = 1.18, 95% CI: 1.03, 1.35). The associations were independent of age, body mass index, education, family history of diabetes, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking, physical activity, and diet. Spousal diabetes was simple and valuable information for identifying individuals at risk for diabetes and cardiometabolic disorders. © The Author 2016. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health. All rights reserved. For permissions, please e-mail:

  6. Effects of a meal rich in medium-chain saturated fat on postprandial lipemia in relatives of type 2 diabetics.


    Pietraszek, Anna; Hermansen, Kjeld; Pedersen, Steen B; Langdahl, Bente L; Holst, Jens J; Gregersen, Søren


    Patients with type 2 diabetes and their relatives (REL) have increased risk for cardiovascular disease (CVD). Postprandial triglyceridemia (PPL), which is influenced by diet, is an independent risk factor for CVD. Little is known about the effects of medium-chain saturated fatty acids (medium-chain SFA) on PPL and gene expression in REL. The objective of this study was to test the hypothesis that medium-chain SFA cause larger PPL response in REL compared with controls (CON) and have a differential effect on circulating incretins and ghrelin and gene expression in muscle and adipose tissue in REL and CON. Seventeen REL and 17 CON received a fat-rich meal (79 energy percent from fat) based on medium-chain SFA (coconut oil). Plasma concentrations of triglycerides (TG), free-fatty acids, insulin, glucose, glucagon-like peptide-1, glucose-dependent insulintropic peptide, and ghrelin were measured before and during 240 min postprandially. Muscle and adipose tissue biopsies were taken at baseline and after the test meal. After the test meal, REL had a higher plasma TG response (P = 0.002) and a tendency toward higher insulin response (P = 0.100). A number of genes were upregulated in response to the meal rich in medium-chain SFA in CON, but not in REL. A meal high in medium-chain SFA resulted in larger PPL response in REL than in CON. It remains to be clarified whether this can be reproduced by a pure medium-chain fat (MCT) load. The meal exerted a differential effect on gene expression in muscle, but not adipose tissue, of REL compared with CON. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  7. Diabetes Mellitus in Peru.


    Villena, Jaime E


    Peru is an upper medium-income developing country with an increasing prevalence of chronic diseases, including diabetes. To review and describe the epidemiology, drivers, and diabetes care plan in Peru. The medical literature was reviewed based on systematic searching of PubMed, Scielo, and various gray literature from the International Diabetes Federation, World Health Organization, and local Peruvian agencies. In Peru, diabetes affects 7% of the population. Type 2 diabetes accounts for 96.8% of outpatients visits with this condition. Type 1 diabetes has an incidence of 0.4/100,000 per year, and gestational diabetes affects 16% of pregnancies. The prevalence of glucose intolerance is 8.11% and that of impaired fasting glucose 22.4%. The prevalence of overweight, obesity, and metabolic syndrome in adults is 34.7%, 17.5%, and 25%, respectively. Metabolic syndrome prevalence is greater in women and the elderly and at urban and low-altitude locations. Diabetes is the eighth cause of death, the sixth cause of blindness, and the leading cause of end-stage kidney disease and nontraumatic lower limb amputation. In Peru, diabetes accounts for 31.5% of acute myocardial infarctions and 25% of strokes. Infections, diabetic emergencies, and cardiovascular disorders are the main causes for admissions, with a mortality rate < 10%, mainly as a result of infections, chronic kidney disease, and stroke. Sixty-two percent of the population has health insurance coverage, with inequities in the distribution of health care personnel across the country. Less than 30% of treated patients have a hemoglobin A1c < 7%. Diabetes is a major health care issue in Peru that exposes difficult challenges and shortcomings. The national strategy for tackling diabetes includes promotion of healthy lifestyles; training primary care physicians and providing them with evidence-based clinical practice guidelines, safe and effective medications, and tools for monitoring treatment; and, finally, construction

  8. Relationship between Immunological Abnormalities in Rat Models of Diabetes Mellitus and the Amplification Circuits for Diabetes.


    Takeda, Yuji; Shimomura, Tomoko; Asao, Hironobu; Wakabayashi, Ichiro


    A better understanding of pathogenic mechanisms is required in order to treat diseases. However, the mechanisms of diabetes mellitus and diabetic complications are extremely complex. Immune reactions are involved in the pathogenesis of diabetes and its complications, while diabetes influences immune reactions. Furthermore, both diabetes and immune reactions are influenced by genetic and environmental factors. To address these issues, animal models are useful tools. So far, various animal models of diabetes have been developed in rats, which have advantages over mice models in terms of the larger volume of tissue samples and the variety of type 2 diabetes models. In this review, we introduce rat models of diabetes and summarize the immune reactions in diabetic rat models. Finally, we speculate on the relationship between immune reactions and diabetic episodes. For example, diabetes-prone Biobreeding rats, type 1 diabetes model rats, exhibit increased autoreactive cellular and inflammatory immune reactions, while Goto-Kakizaki rats, type 2 diabetes model rats, exhibit increased Th2 reactions and attenuation of phagocytic activity. Investigation of immunological abnormalities in various diabetic rat models is useful for elucidating complicated mechanisms in the pathophysiology of diabetes. Studying immunological alterations, such as predominance of Th1/17 or Th2 cells, humoral immunity, and innate immune reactions, may improve understanding the structure of amplification circuits for diabetes in future studies.

  9. Microarray profile of human kidney from diabetes, renal cell carcinoma and renal cell carcinoma with diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Kosti, Adam; Harry Chen, Hung-I; Mohan, Sumathy; Liang, Sitai; Chen, Yidong; Habib, Samy L.


    Recent study from our laboratory showed that patients with diabetes are at a higher risk of developing kidney cancer. In the current study, we have screened whole human DNA genome from healthy control, patients with diabetes or renal cell carcinoma (RCC) or RCC+diabetes. We found that 883 genes gain/163 genes loss of copy number in RCC+diabetes group, 669 genes gain/307 genes loss in RCC group and 458 genes gain/38 genes loss of copy number in diabetes group, after removing gain/loss genes obtained from healthy control group. Data analyzed for functional annotation enrichment pathways showed that control group had the highest number (280) of enriched pathways, 191 in diabetes+RCC group, 148 in RCC group, and 81 in diabetes group. The overlap GO pathways between RCC+diabetes and RCC groups showed that nine were enriched, between RCC+diabetes and diabetes groups was four and between diabetes and RCC groups was eight GO pathways. Overall, we observed majority of DNA alterations in patients from RCC+diabetes group. Interestingly, insulin receptor (INSR) is highly expressed and had gains in copy number in RCC+diabetes and diabetes groups. The changes in INSR copy number may use as a biomarker for predicting RCC development in diabetic patients. PMID:25821562

  10. Obstáculos a la adherencia y retención en los sistemas de salud público y privado según pacientes y personal de salud

    PubMed Central

    Arístegui, Inés; Dorigo, Analía; Bofill, Lina; Bordatto, Alejandra; Lucas, Mar; Cabanillas, Graciela Fernández; Sued, Omar; Cahn, Pedro; Cassetti, Isabel; Weiss, Stephen; Jones., Deborah


    Resumen Introducción el Programa Nacional de Sida garantiza el acceso universal a los antirretrovirales, aun así las personas que reciben medicamentos a través del sistema público no logran obtener una carga viral indetectable en la misma proporción que los pacientes del sistema privado. Este estudio cualitativo tiene como objeto identificar los factores asociados a la adherencia y retención en la cascada de atención de VIH de los sistemas de salud público y privado de Buenos Aires, según las percepciones de pacientes y del personal de salud. Métodos se registraron datos cualitativos de 12 entrevistas semi-estructuradas a informantes clave y 4 grupos focales de pacientes y personal de salud tanto del sistema público como privado. Se codificaron y analizaron temas predeterminados sobre adherencia, utilizando el software QRS Nvivo9® de análisis de datos cualitativos. Resultados pacientes y personal de salud de ambos sistemas coinciden en la importancia del estigma asociado al VIH, la relación médicopaciente, la comunicación entre ambos y la división de responsabilidades en relación al tratamiento como aspectos fundamentales para la adherencia y retención en la cascada de atención. Se observan diferencias entre los sistemas en la forma en que algunos de estos aspectos actúan. Las barreras estructurales se presentan como principales obstáculos del sistema público. Discusión se resalta la necesidad de intervenciones focalizadas en la díada médico-paciente que considere las particularidades de cada sistema de atención para facilitar el compromiso del paciente en la adherencia. PMID:26878024

  11. Fatigue in employees with diabetes: its relation with work characteristics and diabetes related burden

    PubMed Central

    Weijman, I; Ros, W; Rutten, G; Schaufeli, W; Schabracq, M; Winnubst, J


    Aims: To examine the relations between work characteristics as defined by the Job Demand-Control-Support model (JDCS) (that is, job demands, decision latitude, and social support), diabetes related burden (symptoms, seriousness of disease, self care activities, and disease duration), and fatigue in employees with diabetes mellitus. Methods: Employees (n = 292) aged 30–60 years, with insulin treated diabetes, filled in self administered questionnaires that assess the above mentioned components of the JDCS model and diabetes related burdens. Results: Both work and diabetes related factors are related to fatigue in employees with diabetes. Regression analyses revealed that work characteristics explain 19.1% of the variance in fatigue; lack of support, and the interaction of job demands and job control contribute significantly. Diabetes related factors explain another 29.0% of the variance, with the focus on diabetes related symptoms and the burden of adjusting insulin dosage to circumstances. Fatigue is more severe in case of lack of social support at work, high job demands in combination with a lack of decision latitude, more burden of adjusting insulin dosage to circumstances, and more diabetic symptoms. Furthermore, regression analysis revealed that diabetic symptoms and the burden of adjusting the insulin dosage to circumstances are especially relevant in combination with high job demands. Conclusions: Both diabetes and work should be taken into consideration—by (occupational) physicians as well as supervisors—in the communication with people with diabetes. PMID:12782754

  12. Dirty Electricity Elevates Blood Sugar Among Electrically Sensitive Diabetics and May Explain Brittle Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Havas, Magda


    Transient electromagnetic fields (dirty electricity), in the kilohertz range on electrical wiring, may be contributing to elevated blood sugar levels among diabetics and prediabetics. By closely following plasma glucose levels in four Type 1 and Type 2 diabetics, we find that they responded directly to the amount of dirty electricity in their environment. In an electromagnetically clean environment, Type 1 diabetics require less insulin and Type 2 diabetics have lower levels of plasma glucose. Dirty electricity, generated by electronic equipment and wireless devices, is ubiquitous in the environment. Exercise on a treadmill, which produces dirty electricity, increases plasma glucose. These findings may explain why brittle diabetics have difficulty regulating blood sugar. Based on estimates of people who suffer from symptoms of electrical hypersensitivity (3–35%), as many as 5–60 million diabetics worldwide may be affected. Exposure to electromagnetic pollution in its various forms may account for higher plasma glucose levels and may contribute to the misdiagnosis of diabetes. Reducing exposure to electromagnetic pollution by avoidance or with specially designed GS filters may enable some diabetics to better regulate their blood sugar with less medication and borderline or pre-diabetics to remain non diabetic longer. PMID:18568931

  13. Outcomes of a diabetes education program for registered nurses caring for individuals with diabetes.


    Yacoub, Mohammed Ibrahim; Demeh, Waddah M; Barr, Jennifer L; Darawad, Muhammad W; Saleh, Ali M; Saleh, Mohammad Y N


    Nurses from various setting lack sufficient knowledge about diabetes and diabetes management. Better understand of evidence-based practices by nurses who are involved in caring for hospitalized individuals with diabetes can positively influence care outcomes. A pretest design was used to evaluate the effectiveness of a diabetes education program for RNs working voluntarily participated. A 1-day education program was developed and delivered to the participating nurses. Knowledge regarding diabetes was tested before and after the education program. a significant difference was noted in the modified diabetes basic knowledge mean test scores before and after implementation of the education program (t[128] = 17.95, P < 0.001). The diabetes education program had a positive on nurses' knowledge. This finding has implications for developing diabetes education content within nursing curricula, as well as continuing education courses for practicing nurses.

  14. Influence of dietary-fibre intake on diabetes and diabetic retinopathy: Sankara Nethralaya-Diabetic Retinopathy Epidemiology and Molecular Genetic Study (report 26).


    Ganesan, Suganeswari; Raman, Rajiv; Kulothungan, Vaitheeswaran; Sharma, Tarun


    The present study aims to report the influence of dietary-fibre intake on diabetes and diabetic microangiopathies among subjects >40 years in Urban India. Population-based cross-sectional study.   A total of 1383 patients were included in the study, 1261 diabetics and 122 controls. All subjects underwent comprehensive eye examination including assessment of diabetic retinopathy using fundus photography. Dietary-fibre intake was assessed using a validated questionnaire. All questions were validated based on factor analysis (overall communalities value >0.5). The cut-off for low-fibre diet was calculated by the average of study scores (≤ 32 for low-fibre diet). Prevalence of diabetes in subjects with low-fibre diet versus healthy diet and risk of microangiopathies.   Subjects with low-fibre diet intake, had 1.51 times more risk of microalbuminuria than those with a healthy-fibre diet. Similarly, the odds of having diabetic retinopathy and sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy (odds ratio 1.41 [95% CI 1.02-1.94] and odds ratio 2.24 [95% CI 1.01-5.02], respectively) in low-fibre diet subjects were more. Low-fibre diet was consumed predominantly by lower socioeconomic status group (11.9 vs. 6.5, P=0.002). Subjects with type II diabetes had a lower dietary-fibre intake. The presence of diabetic retinopathy, sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy and microalbuminuria were also associated with lower dietary-fibre intake. © 2011 The Authors. Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology © 2011 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  15. Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus in women with previous gestational diabetes mellitus

    PubMed Central

    Moon, Joon Ho; Kwak, Soo Heon; Jang, Hak C.


    Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM), defined as any degree of glucose intolerance with onset or first recognition during pregnancy, is characterized by underlying maternal defects in the β-cell response to insulin during pregnancy. Women with a previous history of GDM have a greater than 7-fold higher risk of developing postpartum diabetes compared with women without GDM. Various risk factors for postpartum diabetes have been identified, including maternal age, glucose levels in pregnancy, family history of diabetes, pre-pregnancy and postpartum body mass index, dietary patterns, physical activity, and breastfeeding. Genetic studies revealed that GDM shares common genetic variants with type 2 diabetes. A number of lifestyle interventional trials that aimed to ameliorate modifiable risk factors, including diet, exercise, and breastfeeding, succeeded in reducing the incidence of postpartum diabetes, weight retention, and other obesity-related morbidities. The present review summarizes the findings of previous studies on the incidence and risk factors of postpartum diabetes and discusses recent lifestyle interventional trials that attempted to prevent postpartum diabetes. PMID:28049284

  16. Diabetes and Risk of Cancer

    PubMed Central

    Habib, Samy L.; Rojna, Maciej


    Diabetes and cancer represent two complex, diverse, chronic, and potentially fatal diseases. Cancer is the second leading cause of death, while diabetes is the seventh leading cause of death with the latter still likely underreported. There is a growing body of evidence published in recent years that suggest substantial increase in cancer incidence in diabetic patients. The worldwide prevalence of diabetes was estimated to rise from 171 million in 2000 to 366 million in 2030. About 26.9% of all people over 65 have diabetes and 60% have cancer. Overall, 8–18% of cancer patients have diabetes. In the context of epidemiology, the burden of both diseases, small association between diabetes and cancer will be clinically relevant and should translate into significant consequences for future health care solutions. This paper summarizes most of the epidemiological association studies between diabetes and cancer including studies relating to the general all-site increase of malignancies in diabetes and elevated organ-specific cancer rate in diabetes as comorbidity. Additionally, we have discussed the possible pathophysiological mechanisms that likely may be involved in promoting carcinogenesis in diabetes and the potential of different antidiabetic therapies to influence cancer incidence. PMID:23476808

  17. Pros and Cons of International Weapons Procurement Collaboration.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    ad- vanced U.S. industry. Greater risk of cost growth and schedule slippage. Pro: U.S. and partners share common equip- ment. Con : U.S. require...Mark A., 1947- Pros and cons of international weapons procurement collaboration / Mark Lorell, Julia Lowell, p. cm "Prepared for the Cons of International Weapons Procurement Collaboration Mark Lorell Julia Lowell National Defense Research Institute Prepared for the

  18. Evaluating the Effect of a Diabetes Health Coach in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes.


    Sherifali, Diana; Viscardi, Virginia; Bai, Johnny-Wei; Ali, R Muhammad Usman


    Diabetes health coaching has not been adequately assessed in individuals with type 2 diabetes. The objective of this review was to synthesize the evidence of health coaching for individuals with diabetes to determine the effects of coaching on diabetes control, specifically on glycated hemoglobin (A1C) levels. The EMBASE, MEDLINE, CINAHL, PsychINFO and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials databases were searched from inception to January 2015. Reference lists from important publications were also reviewed. At least 2 evaluators independently screened and extracted data from eligible studies. A total of 8 trials met the selection criteria, which included 724 adult participants; 353 participants were randomized to a diabetes health coaching intervention, and 371 were randomized to usual care. The pooled effect of diabetes health coaching overall was a statistically significant reduction of A1C levels by 0.32 (95% CI, -0.50 to -0.15). Longer diabetes health coaching exposure (>6 months) resulted in a 0.57% reduction in A1C levels (95% CI, -0.76 to -0.38), compared to shorter diabetes health coaching exposure (≤6 months) (-0.23%; 95% CI, -0.37 to -0.09). Across all studies, diabetes health coaching consisted of goal setting, knowledge acquisition, individualized care and frequent follow up. Diabetes health coaching has an emerging role in healthcare that facilitates self-care, behaviour change and offers frequent follow up and support. This review finds that health coaching for those with diabetes is an effective intervention for improving glycemic control, which may be of greater benefit when offered in addition to existing diabetes care. Copyright © 2015 Canadian Diabetes Association. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. The Spontaneously Diabetic Torii Rat: An Animal Model of Nonobese Type 2 Diabetes with Severe Diabetic Complications

    PubMed Central

    Ohta, Takeshi; Masuyama, Taku; Yokoi, Norihide; Kakehashi, Akihiro; Shinohara, Masami


    The Spontaneously Diabetic Torii (SDT) rat is an inbred strain of Sprague-Dawley rat and recently is established as a nonobese model of type 2 diabetes (T2D). Male SDT rats show high plasma glucose levels (over 700 mg/dL) by 20 weeks. Male SDT rats show pancreatic islet histopathology, including hemorrhage in pancreatic islets and inflammatory cell infiltration with fibroblasts. Prior to the onset of diabetes, glucose intolerance with hypoinsulinemia is also observed. As a result of chronic severe hyperglycemia, the SDT rats develop profound complications. In eyes, retinopathy, cataract, and neovascular glaucoma are observed. Proliferative retinopathy, especially, resulting from retinal neovascular vessels is a unique characteristic of this model. In kidney, mesangial proliferation and nodular lesion are observed. Both peripheral neuropathy such as decreased nerve conduction velocity and thermal hypoalgesia and autonomic neuropathy such as diabetic diarrhea and voiding dysfunction have been reported. Osteoporosis is another complication characterized in SDT rat. Decreased bone density and low-turnover bone lesions are observed. Taking advantage of these features, SDT rat has been used for evaluating antidiabetic drugs and drugs/gene therapy for diabetic complications. In conclusion, the SDT rat is potentially a useful T2D model for studies on pathogenesis and treatment of diabetic complications in humans. PMID:23691526

  20. Associations Between Economic Pressure and Diabetes Efficacy in Couples With Type 2 Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Novak, Joshua R.; Anderson, Jared R.; Johnson, Matthew D.; Walker, Ann; Wilcox, Allison; Lewis, Virginia L.; Robbins, David C.


    Objective The purpose of this study was to explore dyadic associations between economic pressure and diabetes self-efficacy via emotional distress in patients with type 2 diabetes and their partners. Background Understanding how economic pressure is associated with successful diabetes management is an important area for research, as couples with type 2 diabetes can incur heavy economic pressures that could likely influence diabetes outcomes. Method Data from 117 married couples were used to test actor–partner associations using moderated mediation analyses in a structural equation modeling framework. Problem-solving communication was tested as a possible moderator of the economic pressure–emotional distress pathway. Results Results revealed that greater patient economic pressure was associated with lower patient and spouse confidence in the patient’s diabetes management ability through higher levels of patient emotional distress. The deleterious association between economic pressure and emotional distress was less pronounced when spouses reported more effective problem-solving communication. Conclusion These results provide evidence that the economic pressure couples with type 2 diabetes face may reduce the patient and spouse’s confidence in the patient’s diabetes management ability. Implications This study demonstrates the importance of couple’s relationship processes in buffering the impact of economic pressure on diabetes management, providing a clear target for intervention and education efforts. PMID:29151662

  1. Should diabetic ketosis without acidosis be included in ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes mellitus?


    Xie, Xiao-Jing; Hu, Yun; Cheng, Cheng; Feng, Tian-Tian; He, Ke; Mao, Xiao-Ming


    The incidence of ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes is very low except for people of sub-Saharan African origin and African Americans. However, there also are some type 2 diabetes patients with diabetic ketosis without acidosis (DKWA). We question whether DKWA should be included as a subtype of ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes mellitus and compared the clinical characteristics of DKWA and diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) patients. The study population consisted of 594 consecutive unrelated Chinese inpatients with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Demographic and clinical characteristics (age, gender, family history of diabetes, body mass index, blood pressure and plasma lipid parameters) were recorded. The patients were divided into ketosis-resistant diabetes (KRD), DKWA and DKA groups on the basis of urinary ketones, blood pH and bicarbonate levels. The blood glucose and c-peptide levels of the patients were also evaluated. The prevalence of KRD, DKWA and DKA were 78.33%, 19.72% and 1.95%, respectively, in the study population. The clinical characteristics of patients with DKWA group patients were similar to those with DKA, except that DKA patients had higher blood glucose and deteriorated β cell function. Diabetic ketosis without acidosis and DKA patients share similar clinical characteristics; DKWA should be considered ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes. Therefore, the prevalence of ketosis-prone type 2 diabetes might be underestimated. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  2. Mitochondrial Haplogroups Modify the Effect of Diabetes Duration and HbA1c on Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy Risk in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes.


    Mitchell, Sabrina L; Neininger, Abigail C; Bruce, Carleigh N; Chocron, Isaac M; Bregman, Jana A; Estopinal, Christopher B; Muhammad, Ayesha; Umfress, Allison C; Jarrell, Kelli L; Warden, Cassandra; Harlow, Paula A; Wellons, Melissa; Samuels, David C; Brantley, Milam A


    We previously demonstrated an association between European mitochondrial haplogroups and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR). The purpose of this study was to determine how the relationship between these haplogroups and both diabetes duration and hyperglycemia, two major risk factors for diabetic retinopathy (DR), affect PDR prevalence. Our population consisted of patients with type 2 diabetes with (n = 377) and without (n = 480) DR. A Kruskal-Wallis test was used to compare diabetes duration and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) among mitochondrial haplogroups. Logistic regressions were performed to investigate diabetes duration and HbA1c as risk factors for PDR in the context of European mitochondrial haplogroups. Neither diabetes duration nor HbA1c differed among mitochondrial haplogroups. Among DR patients from haplogroup H, longer diabetes duration and increasing HbA1c were significant risk factors for PDR (P = 0.0001 and P = 0.011, respectively). Neither diabetes duration nor HbA1c was a significant risk factor for PDR in DR patients from haplogroup UK. European mitochondrial haplogroups modify the effects of diabetes duration and HbA1c on PDR risk in patients with type 2 diabetes. In our patient population, longer diabetes duration and higher HbA1c increased PDR risk in patients from haplogroup H, but did not affect PDR risk in patients from haplogroup UK. This relationship has not been previously demonstrated and may explain, in part, why some patients with nonproliferative DR develop PDR and others do not, despite similar diabetes duration and glycemic control.

  3. Diabetic ketoacidosis in Peruvian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    Pinto, Miguel E; Villena, Jaime E; Villena, Arturo E


    To describe the clinical and laboratory characteristics of diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) in adult Peruvian patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In this cross-sectional analysis, we reviewed clinical charts of type 2 diabetic patients with DKA admitted to Cayetano Heredia Hospital between 2001 and 2005 for data on demographics, previous treatment, previous hospital admissions for DKA, family history of diabetes, precipitating factors, hospital course, mortality, and insulin use 3 and 6 months after the index DKA episode. Patients older than 18 years who had confirmed DKA were included. Patients with type 1 diabetes mellitus were excluded. We report on 53 patients with DKA for whom complete clinical and laboratory data were available. Of the 53 patients, 39 (74%) were men; mean age (+/- SD) was 45 +/- 12 years; and 22 (42%) had no previous diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. The following mean (+/- SD) laboratory values were obtained at DKA diagnosis: glucose, 457 +/- 170 mg/dL; pH, 7.15 +/- 0.14; bicarbonate, 7.73 +/- 6 mEq/L; and anion gap, 24.45 +/- 7.44 mEq/L. Of the 53 DKA episodes, 35 (66%) were severe (arterial pH <7.0 and/or serum bicarbonate <10 mEq/L). The following precipitating factors were discerned: discontinuation of treatment in 21 (40%), infections in 16 (30%), intercurrent illness in 3 (6%), and no identifiable cause in 13 (25%). Mortality rate was 0%. Three and 6 months after the index DKA episode, insulin was used by 65% and 56% of patients, respectively. In countries with a low incidence of type 1 diabetes, DKA is frequently reported in patients with type 2 diabetes. In this study, 42% of patients had new-onset disease. Most DKA episodes were severe and were related to infection or noncompliance with treatment.

  4. Diabetic calcaneal fractures.


    Sagray, Bryan A; Stapleton, John J; Zgonis, Thomas


    Calcaneal fractures among the diabetic population are severe and complex injuries that warrant careful evaluation in an effort to carry out adequate conservative or surgical management. The complication rates associated with diabetic fracture management are increased and may include poor wound healing, deep infection, malunion, and Charcot neuroarthropathy, each of which can pose a risk for limb loss. The significant surgery-associated morbidity accompanying diabetic calcaneal fractures has led to improved methods of calcaneal fracture management. This article reviews the overall management of diabetic calcaneal fractures, complications, and outcomes. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Tuberculosis and diabetes in Guyana.


    Alladin, Bibi; Mack, Steve; Singh, Aruna; Singh, Chaitra; Smith, Belinda; Cummings, Emmanuel; Hershfield, Earl; Mohanlall, Jeetendra; Ramotar, Karam; La Fleur, Curtis


    This study was conducted to determine the prevalence of diabetes mellitus among tuberculosis (TB) patients attending three TB clinics in Guyana. A cross-sectional study was conducted among TB patients attending TB clinics in three regions in Guyana. A structured questionnaire was used to collect demographic, clinical, and risk factor data. Random blood sugar testing was done using the OneTouch UltraSmart glucometer (LifeScan, Inc., 2002). One hundred TB patients were recruited; 90 had pulmonary TB and 10 had extrapulmonary disease. Fourteen patients were classified as diabetic: 12 had been previously diagnosed as diabetic by a physician and two had abnormally high random blood sugar at the time of enrolment. Of the 12 known diabetics, seven had been diagnosed before TB was discovered, three were identified at the time TB was diagnosed, and two after TB was diagnosed. All 14 diabetic patients presented with pulmonary TB. Thirty-one patients were HIV-positive and 28 of these had pulmonary TB, whereas three had extrapulmonary TB. None of the diabetics were infected with HIV. TB-diabetic patients tended to be older than non-diabetics (median age 44 vs. 36.5 years), were more likely to have been incarcerated at the time of TB diagnosis than non-diabetics (p=0.06), and were more likely to have an elevated (random) blood sugar level (p=0.02). Clinically, diabetes did not influence the presentation of TB. This study clearly highlights that diabetes and HIV are frequent in Guyanese TB patients. Routine screening of TB patients for diabetes and diabetic patients for TB should be speedily implemented. The National TB Programme should work closely with the diabetes clinics so that TB patients who are diabetics are optimally managed. Copyright © 2011 International Society for Infectious Diseases. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  6. Randomised controlled trial of alternative messages to increase enrolment in a healthy food programme among individuals with diabetes.


    Gopalan, A; Paramanund, J; Shaw, P A; Patel, D; Friedman, J; Brophy, C; Buttenheim, A M; Troxel, A B; Asch, D A; Volpp, K G


    We compared the effectiveness of diabetes-focused messaging strategies at increasing enrolment in a healthy food programme among adults with diabetes. Vitality is a multifaceted wellness benefit available to members of Discovery Health, a South Africa-based health insurer. One of the largest Vitality programmes is HealthyFood (HF), an incentive-based programme designed to encourage healthier diets by providing up to 25% cashback on healthy food purchases. We randomised adults with type 2 diabetes to 1 of 5 arms: (1) control, (2) a diabetes-specific message, (3) a message with a recommendation of HF written from the perspective of a HF member with diabetes, (4) a message containing a physician's recommendation of HF, or (5) the diabetes-specific message from arm 2 paired with an 'enhanced active choice'(EAC). In an EAC, readers are asked to make an immediate choice (in this case, to enrol or not enrol); the pros and cons associated with the preferred and non-preferred options are highlighted. HF enrolment was assessed 1 month following the first emailed message. We randomised 3906 members. After excluding those who enrolled in HF or departed from the Vitality programme before the first intervention email, 3665 (94%) were included in a modified intent-to-treat analysis. All 4 experimental arms had significantly higher HF enrolment rates compared with control (p<0.0001 for all comparisons). When comparing experimental arms, the diabetes-specific message with the EAC had a significantly higher enrolment rate (12.6%) than the diabetes-specific message alone (7.6%, p=0.0016). Messages focused on diabetes were effective at increasing enrolment in a healthy food programme. The addition of a framed active choice to a message significantly raised enrolment rates in this population. These findings suggest that simple, low-cost interventions can enhance enrolment in health promoting programmes and also be pragmatically tested within those programmes. NCT02462057. Published

  7. HbA1c as a predictor of diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus.


    Claesson, Rickard; Ignell, Claes; Shaat, Nael; Berntorp, Kerstin


    We wanted to investigate third-trimester HbA1c as a predictor of diabetes after gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM). Women with GDM were followed up prospectively for five years from pregnancy to detect the development of diabetes. The ability of HbA1c to predict diabetes was evaluated with receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves and logistic regression analysis. By five years, 73 of 196 women had been diagnosed with diabetes. An optimal cut-off point for HbA1c of 36mmol/mol (5.4%) could predict diabetes with 45% sensitivity and 92% specificity. For HbA1c ≥39mmol/mol (≥5.7%), sensitivity, specificity, and positive predictive value were 30%, 97%, and 91%, respectively. In logistic regression analysis, adjusting for the diagnostic glucose concentration during pregnancy, HbA1c levels in the upper quartile (≥36mmol/mol) were associated with a 5.5-fold increased risk of diabetes. Third-trimester HbA1c levels in the pre-diabetes range revealed women with post-partum diabetes with high specificity and high positive predictive value. HbA1c testing could be used as a strategy to select high-risk women for lifestyle interventions aimed at prevention of diabetes starting during pregnancy. The results should encourage further validation in other populations using new diagnostic criteria for GDM. Copyright © 2016 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd.. All rights reserved.

  8. [Diabetes, dementia, depression, distress].


    Szatmári, Szabolcs; Orbán-Kis, Károly; Mihály, István; Lázár, Alpár Sándor


    The number of people living with diabetes continues to rise. Therefore neurologists or other health care practitioners may be increasingly faced with comorbid neuropsychiatric disorders commonly presented by diabetic patients. More recently there has been an increasing research interest not only in the interactions between diabetes and the nervous system, the fine structure and functional changes of the brain, but also in the cognitive aspects of antidiabetic treatments. Patients with both types of diabetes mellitus may show signs of cognitive decline, and depression. Comorbid insomnia, anxiety, and distress may also occur. The bidirectional relationships between all these phenomena as well as their connection with diabetes can lead to further health and quality of life deterioration. Therefore it is important that all practitioners involved in the care of diabetic patients recognize the presence of comorbid neuropsychiatric disturbances early on during the healthcare process. Identifying higher risk patients and early screening could improve the prognosis of diabetes and may prevent complications.

  9. Association of diabetes and diabetes treatment with incidence of breast cancer.


    García-Esquinas, Esther; Guinó, Elisabeth; Castaño-Vinyals, Gemma; Pérez-Gómez, Beatriz; Llorca, Javier; Altzibar, Jone M; Peiró-Pérez, Rosana; Martín, Vicente; Moreno-Iribas, Concepción; Tardón, Adonina; Caballero, Francisco Javier; Puig-Vives, Montse; Guevara, Marcela; Villa, Tania Fernández; Salas, Dolores; Amiano, Pilar; Dierssen-Sotos, Trinidad; Pastor-Barriuso, Roberto; Sala, María; Kogevinas, Manolis; Aragonés, Nuria; Moreno, Víctor; Pollán, Marina


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the association of diabetes and diabetes treatment with risk of postmenopausal breast cancer. Histologically confirmed incident cases of postmenopausal breast (N = 916) cancer were recruited from 23 Spanish public hospitals. Population-based controls (N = 1094) were randomly selected from primary care center lists within the catchment areas of the participant hospitals. ORs (95 % CI) were estimated using mixed-effects logistic regression models, using the recruitment center as a random effect term. Breast tumors were classified into hormone receptor positive (ER+ or PR+), HER2+ and triple negative (TN). Diabetes was not associated with the overall risk of breast cancer (OR 1.09; 95 % CI 0.82-1.45), and it was only linked to the risk of developing TN tumors: Among 91 women with TN tumors, 18.7 % were diabetic, while the corresponding figure among controls was 9.9 % (OR 2.25; 95 % CI 1.22-4.15). Regarding treatment, results showed that insulin use was more prevalent among diabetic cases (2.5 %) as compared to diabetic controls (0.7 %); OR 2.98; 95 % CI 1.26-7.01. They also showed that, among diabetics, the risk of developing HR+/HER2- tumors decreased with longer metformin use (ORper year 0.89; 95 % CI 0.81-0.99; based on 24 cases and 43 controls). This study reinforces the need to correctly classify breast cancers when studying their association with diabetes. Given the low survival rates in women diagnosed with TN breast tumors and the potential impact of diabetes control on breast cancer prevention, more studies are needed to better characterize this association.

  10. Dyslipidemia and Diabetic Retinopathy

    PubMed Central

    Chang, Yo-Chen; Wu, Wen-Chuan


    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is one of the major microvascular complications of diabetes. In developed countries, it is the most common cause of preventable blindness in diabetic adults. Dyslipidemia, a major systemic disorder, is one of the most important risk factors for cardiovascular disease. Patients with diabetes have an increased risk of suffering from dyslipidemia concurrently. The aim of this article is to review the association between diabetic retinopathy (DR) and traditional/nontraditional lipid markers, possible mechanisms involving lipid metabolism and diabetic retinopathy, and the effect of lipid-lowering therapies on diabetic retinopathy. For traditional lipid markers, evidence is available that total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol are associated with the presence of hard exudates in patients with DR. The study of nontraditional lipid markers is advancing only in recently years. The severity of DR is inversely associated with apolipoprotein A1 (ApoA1), whereas ApoB and the ApoB-to-ApoA1 ratio are positively associated with DR. The role of lipid-lowering medication is to work as adjunctive therapy for better control of diabetes-related complications including DR. PMID:24380088

  11. Making sense of change: patients' views of diabetes and GP-led integrated diabetes care.


    Burridge, Letitia H; Foster, Michele M; Donald, Maria; Zhang, Jianzhen; Russell, Anthony W; Jackson, Claire L


    Health system reform is directed towards better management of diabetes. However, change can be difficult, and patients' perspectives are a key aspect of implementing change. This study investigated patients' perceptions and experiences of type 2 diabetes (T2DM), self-care and engagement with GP-led integrated diabetes care. Qualitative interviews were conducted with purposively selected patients with T2DM following their initial medical appointment in the new model of care. Normalization process theory was used to orientate the thematic analysis, to explain the work of implementing change. Two specialist GP-based complex diabetes services in primary care in Brisbane, Australia. Intervention group patients (n = 30) in a randomized controlled trial to evaluate a model of GP-led integrated care for complex T2DM. Participants' experiences and perceptions of diabetes management and a GP-led model of care. Three themes were identified: sensibility of change, 'diabetic life' and diabetes care alliance. The imperative of change made sense, but some participants experienced dissonance between this rational view and their lived reality. Diabetes invaded life, revealing incongruities between participants' values and living with diabetes. They appreciated a flexible and personalized approach to care. Participants responded to advice in ways that seemed rational within the complexities of their life context. Their diabetes partnerships with health professionals coupled providers' biomedical expertise with patients' contextual expertise. Learning to manage relationships with various health professionals adds to patients' diabetes-related work. Providers need to adopt a flexible, interactive approach and foster trust, to enable better diabetes care. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  12. Diabetes Complications


    If you have diabetes, your blood glucose, or blood sugar, levels are too high. Over time, this can cause problems with other body ... as your kidneys, nerves, feet, and eyes. Having diabetes can also put you at a higher risk ...

  13. A Novel Testing Model for Opportunistic Screening of Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes among U.S. Adults

    PubMed Central

    Zhang, Yurong; Hu, Gang; Zhang, Lu; Mayo, Rachel; Chen, Liwei


    Objective The study aim was to evaluate the performance of a novel simultaneous testing model, based on the Finnish Diabetes Risk Score (FINDRISC) and HbA1c, in detecting undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes in Americans. Research Design and Methods This cross-sectional analysis included 3,886 men and women (≥ 20 years) without known diabetes from the U.S. National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) 2005-2010. The FINDRISC was developed based on eight variables (age, BMI, waist circumference, use of antihypertensive drug, history of high blood glucose, family history of diabetes, daily physical activity and fruit & vegetable intake). The sensitivity, specificity, and the receiver operating characteristic (ROC) curve of the testing model were calculated for undiagnosed diabetes and pre-diabetes, determined by oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). Results The prevalence of undiagnosed diabetes was 7.0% and 43.1% for pre-diabetes (27.7% for isolated impaired fasting glucose (IFG), 5.1% for impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), and 10.3% for having both IFG and IGT). The sensitivity and specificity of using the HbA1c alone was 24.2% and 99.6% for diabetes (cutoff of ≥6.5%), and 35.2% and 86.4% for pre-diabetes (cutoff of ≥5.7%). The sensitivity and specificity of using the FINDRISC alone (cutoff of ≥9) was 79.1% and 48.6% for diabetes and 60.2% and 61.4% for pre-diabetes. Using the simultaneous testing model with a combination of FINDRISC and HbA1c improved the sensitivity to 84.2% for diabetes and 74.2% for pre-diabetes. The specificity for the simultaneous testing model was 48.4% of diabetes and 53.0% for pre-diabetes. Conclusions This simultaneous testing model is a practical and valid tool in diabetes screening in the general U.S. population. PMID:25790106

  14. Diabetes care provider perceptions on family challenges of pediatric type 1 diabetes

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Pediatric healthcare providers' perspectives on barriers to diabetes self-management among youth with type 1 diabetes and strategies to overcome them were explored qualitatively. Family conflict about diabetes care was viewed as a common problem, addressable by behavioral interventions to improve co...

  15. Diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, optic atrophy, and deafness: A case of Wolfram (DIDMOAD) syndrome.


    Maleki, Nasrollah; Bashardoust, Bahman; Zakeri, Anahita; Salehifar, Azita; Tavosi, Zahra


    To report a case of Wolfram syndrome (WS) characterized by diabetes mellitus, diabetes insipidus, progressive optic atrophy, and deafness. A 19-year-old female patient, a known case of diabetes mellitus type I from six years before, presented with progressive vision loss since four years earlier. On fundoscopic examination, she had bilateral optic atrophy without diabetic retinopathy. The patient also had diabetes insipidus, neurosensory deafness, and neurogenic bladder. WS should be considered a differential diagnosis in patients with diabetes mellitus who present with optic atrophy, and it is necessary to perform a hearing test as well as collecting 24-h urine output.

  16. Incidence and Mortality Rates and Clinical Characteristics of Type 1 Diabetes among Children and Young Adults in Cochabamba, Bolivia.


    Duarte Gómez, Elizabeth; Gregory, Gabriel Andrew; Castrati Nostas, Miriam; Middlehurst, Angela Christine; Jenkins, Alicia Josephine; Ogle, Graham David


    To determine incidence, mortality, and clinical status of youth with diabetes at the Centro Vivir con Diabetes, Cochabamba, Bolivia, with support from International Diabetes Federation Life for a Child Program. Incidence/mortality data analysis of all cases (<25 year (y)) diagnosed January 2005-February 2017 and cross-sectional data (December 2015). Over 12.2 years, 144 cases with type 1 diabetes (T1D) were diagnosed; 43.1% were male. Diagnosis age was 0.3-22.2 y; peak was 11-12 y. 11.1% were <5 y; 29.2%, 5-<10 y; 43.1%, 10-<15 y; 13.2%, 15-<20 y; and 3.5%, 20-<25 y. The youngest is being investigated for monogenic diabetes. Measured incidence in Cercado Province (Cochabamba Department) was 2.2/100,000 children < 15 y/y, with ≈80% ascertainment, giving total incidence of 2.7/100,000 children < 15 y/y. Two had died. Crude mortality rate was 2.3/1000 patient years. Clinical data on 141 cases <35 y: mean/median HbA1c was 8.5/8.2% (69/62 mmol/mol), levels higher in adolescents. Three were on renal replacement therapy; four others had substantial renal impairment. Elevated BMI, triglycerides, and cholesterol were common: 19.1%, 18.3%, and 39.1%, respectively. Bolivia has low T1D incidence. Reasonable glycemic control is being achieved despite limited resources; however, some have serious complications and adverse cardiovascular risk factor profiles. Further attention is needed for complications.

  17. Diabetes-Related Distress Assessment among Type 2 Diabetes Patients.


    Aljuaid, Majed O; Almutairi, Abdulmajeed M; Assiri, Mohammed A; Almalki, Dhifallah M; Alswat, Khaled


    Diabetes is one of the most common chronic diseases; it is a debilitating and hard to live with. Diabetes-related distress (DRD) refers to the emotional and behavioral changes caused by diabetes. Our study aims to assess the prevalence of DRD among type 2 diabetes (T2D) patients using Diabetes Distress Scale-17 items (DDS-17) and its relation to complications and treatment modalities. A cross-sectional study of adult T2D patients with follow-up visits at the Diabetes and Endocrinology Center in Taif, Saudi Arabia, between January and July 2017. We excluded patients with other forms of diabetes, untreated hypothyroidism, and psychiatric illness. The total score of DDS-17 was calculated by summing the 17 items' results and then dividing the total by 17. If the total score was >2, then it was considered as clinically significant results (moderate distress), but if it is ≥3, then it is classified as a high distress. A total of 509 T2D patients with a mean age of 58 ± 14 years were included. The majority of participants were male, married, not college educated, and reported a sedentary lifestyle. We found 25% of the screened T2D patients have moderate to high DRD. Regarding the DRD components, emotional distress was the most prevalent followed by physician-related distress. HabA1c was significantly higher in those with high combined distress and high emotional distress compared to those with mild/moderate distress ( p = 0.015 and 0.030, resp.). Our study shows that DRD is a medically relevant issue that clinicians need to address. Despite observing a low prevalence of DRD compared to other studies, we found significant correlations between DRD scores and HabA1c, triglyceride levels, BMI, T2D duration, and interval between visits.

  18. Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test


    ... Risk? Home Prevention Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower Your Risk ... Diabetes Risk Test Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Lower Your Risk donate en -- A Future Without ...

  19. "Control Your Diabetes. For Life."


    ... this page please turn Javascript on. Feature: Diabetes "Control Your Diabetes. For Life." Past Issues / Fall 2009 Table of Contents For information about "Control Your Diabetes. For Life" campaign, visit www.YourDiabetesInfo. ...

  20. Testing of diabetes-associated WFS1 polymorphisms in the Diabetes Prevention Program

    PubMed Central

    Florez, J. C.; Jablonski, K. A.; McAteer, J.; Sandhu, M. S.; Wareham, N. J.; Barroso, I.; Franks, P. W.; Altshuler, D.; Knowler, W. C.


    Aims/hypothesis Wolfram syndrome (diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy and deafness) is caused by mutations in the WFS1 gene. Recently, single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) in WFS1 have been reproducibly associated with type 2 diabetes. We therefore examined the effects of these variants on diabetes incidence and response to interventions in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), in which a lifestyle intervention or metformin treatment was compared with placebo. Methods We genotyped the WFS1 SNPs rs10010131, rs752 854 and rs734312 (H611R) in 3,548 DPP participants and performed Cox regression analysis using genotype, intervention and their interactions as predictors of diabetes incidence. We also evaluated the effect of these SNPs on insulin resistance and beta cell function at 1 year. Results Although none of the three SNPs was associated with diabetes incidence in the overall cohort, white homozygotes for the previously reported protective alleles appeared less likely to develop diabetes in the lifestyle arm. Examination of the publicly available Diabetes Genetics Initiative genome-wide association dataset revealed that rs10012946, which is in strong linkage disequilibrium with the three WFS1 SNPs (r2=0.88–1.0), was associated with type 2 diabetes (allelic odds ratio 0.85, 95% CI 0.75–0.97, p=0.026). In the DPP, we noted a trend towards increased insulin secretion in carriers of the protective variants, although for most SNPs this was seen as compensatory for the diminished insulin sensitivity. Conclusions/interpretation The previously reported protective effect of select WFS1 alleles may be magnified by a lifestyle intervention. These variants appear to confer an improvement in beta cell function. PMID:18060660

  1. Differential Relationships Between Diabetes Knowledge Scales and Diabetes Outcomes.


    Dawson, Aprill Z; Walker, Rebekah J; Egede, Leonard E


    Background Diabetes affects more than 29 million people in the US and requires daily self-management in addition to knowledge of the disease. Three knowledge assessments used are the Michigan Brief Diabetes Knowledge Test (DKT), Starr County Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ), and Kaiser DISTANCE Survey (DISTANCE). Purpose The purpose of the study was to test the discriminate validity of 3 diabetes knowledge scales and determine which is best associated with diabetes self-care and glycemic control. Methods Three hundred sixty-one adults with type 2 diabetes were recruited from primary care clinics. Four analyses were conducted to investigate the validity and relationships of the scale: alpha statistic to test internal validity, factor analysis to determine how much of the variance was explained, Pearson's correlation between the 3 scales, and Pearson's correlation between each scale, self-care, and outcomes. Results The DKQ had an alpha of 0.75, the DKT had an alpha of 0.49, and DISTANCE had an alpha of 0.36. The DKQ was significantly correlated with glycemic control. The DKT scale was significantly associated with general diet, the DISTANCE survey was significantly associated with exercise, and both DKT and DISTANCE were significantly associated with foot care. Conclusion Correlations among the 3 scales were modest, suggesting the scales are not measuring the same underlying construct. These findings indicate that researchers should carefully select scales appropriate for study goals or to appropriately capture the information being sought to inform practice.

  2. Diabetes care and service access among elderly Vietnamese with type 2 diabetes.


    Carolan-Olah, Mary C; Cassar, Angie; Quiazon, Regina; Lynch, Sean


    Vietnamese patients are disproportionately represented in type 2 diabetes mellitus statistics and also incur high rates of diabetes complications. This situation is compounded by limited access to health care. The aim of this project was to gain a deeper understanding of the difficulties Vietnamese patients experience when accessing services and managing their type 2 diabetes mellitus, and to identify factors that are important in promoting health service use. Three focus groups with 15 Vietnamese participants with type 2 diabetes mellitus, 60 to >70 years of age, were conducted in Vietnamese. Open-ended questions were used and focussed on experiences of living with diabetes and access to healthcare services in the Inner Northwest Melbourne region. Audio recordings were transcribed and then translated into English. Data were analysed using a thematic analysis framework. Findings indicate four main themes, which together provide some insight into the experiences of living with diabetes and accessing ongoing care and support, for elderly Vietnamese with type 2 diabetes. Themes included: (1) the value of being healthy; (2) controlling diabetes; (3) staying healthy; and (4) improving services and information access. Participants in this study were encouraged to adhere to diabetes self-management principles, based largely on a fear of medical complications. Important aspects of healthcare access were identified as; being treated with respect, having their questions answered and having access to interpreters and information in Vietnamese. Attention to these details is likely to lead to improved access to healthcare services and ultimately to improve glycemic control and overall health status for this community.

  3. The compressive mechanical properties of diabetic and non-diabetic plantar soft tissue.


    Pai, Shruti; Ledoux, William R


    Diabetic subjects are at an increased risk of developing plantar ulcers. Knowledge of the physiologic compressive properties of the plantar soft tissue is critical to understanding the possible mechanisms of ulcer formation and improving treatment options. The purpose of this study was to determine the compressive mechanical properties of the plantar soft tissue in both diabetic and non-diabetic specimens from six relevant locations beneath the foot, namely the hallux (big toe), first, third, and fifth metatarsal heads, lateral midfoot, and calcaneus (heel). Cylindrical specimens (1.905 cm diameter) from these locations were excised and separated from the skin and bone from 4 diabetic and 4 non-diabetic age-matched, elderly, fresh-frozen cadaveric feet. Specimens were then subjected to biomechanically realistic strains of approximately 50% in compression using triangle wave tests conducted at five frequencies ranging from 1 to 10 Hz to determine tissue modulus, energy loss, and strain rate dependence. Diabetic vs. non-diabetic results across all specimens, locations, and testing frequencies demonstrated altered mechanical properties with significantly increased modulus (1146.7 vs. 593.0 kPa) but no change in energy loss (68.5 vs. 67.9%). All tissue demonstrated strain rate dependence and tissue beneath the calcaneus was found to have decreased modulus and energy loss compared to other areas. The results of this study could be used to generate material properties for all areas of the plantar soft tissue in diabetic or non-diabetic feet, with implications for foot computational modeling efforts and potentially for pressure alleviating footwear that could reduce plantar ulcer incidence. Published by Elsevier Ltd.

  4. The compressive mechanical properties of diabetic and non-diabetic plantar soft tissue

    PubMed Central

    Pai, Shruti; Ledoux, William R.


    Diabetic subjects are at an increased risk of developing plantar ulcers. Knowledge of the physiologic compressive properties of the plantar soft tissue is critical to understanding possible mechanisms of ulcer formation and improving treatment options. The purpose of this study was to determine the compressive mechanical properties of the plantar soft tissue in both diabetic and non-diabetic specimens from six relevant locations beneath the foot, namely the hallux (big toe), first, third, and fifth metatarsal heads, lateral midfoot, and calcaneus (heel). Cylindrical specimens (1.905cm diameter) from these locations were excised and separated from the skin and bone from 4 diabetic and 4 non-diabetic age-matched, elderly, fresh-frozen cadaveric feet. Specimens were then subjected to biomechanically realistic strains of ∼50% in compression using triangle wave tests conducted at five frequencies ranging from 1 to 10 Hz to determine tissue modulus, energy loss, and strain rate dependence. Diabetic vs. non-diabetic results across all specimens, locations, and testing frequencies demonstrated altered mechanical properties with significantly increased modulus (1146.7 vs. 593.0kPa) but no change in energy loss (68.5 vs. 67.9%). All tissue demonstrated strain rate dependence and tissue beneath the calcaneus was found to have decreased modulus and energy loss compared to other areas. The results of this study could be used to generate material properties for all areas of the plantar soft tissue in diabetic or non-diabetic feet, with implications for foot computational modeling efforts and potentially for pressure alleviating footwear that could reduce plantar ulcer incidence. PMID:20207359

  5. Inhibitory effect of troglitazone on diabetic neuropathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.


    Qiang, X; Satoh, J; Sagara, M; Fukuzawa, M; Masuda, T; Sakata, Y; Muto, G; Muto, Y; Takahashi, K; Toyota, T


    Free-radical scavengers and inhibitors of tumour necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) such as N-acetylcysteine and pentoxifylline have been shown to inhibit the development of peripheral neuropathy in streptozotocin(STZ)-induced diabetic rats. In this study we examined the effect of troglitazone, an anti-diabetic thiazolidinedione, on diabetic neuropathy, since it also is a free-radical scavenger and a TNF-alpha inhibitor. Rats were fed powder chow mixed with troglitazone at 0.5% and 0.125% ad libitum. Although blood glucose concentrations were remarkably higher and body weight lower in diabetic than in nondiabetic rats, troglitazone had no effect on these throughout the 24-week experiment. Serum lipoperoxide concentrations, tibial nerve lipoperoxide content and serum TNF-alpha activity induced by lipopolysaccharide was increased in diabetic rats, but inhibited in troglitazone-treated rats. Motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) of the tibial nerve slowed in diabetic rats, compared with that in nondiabetic rats. On the other hand, the slowed MNCV was (p < 0.05-0.01) inhibited after weeks 12 and 16 of the experiment in diabetic rats treated with high and low doses of troglitazone, respectively. Morphometric analysis showed that troglitazone suppressed the decrease of the myelinated fibre area (p < 0.05), axon/myelin ratio (p < 0.01) and fascicular area (p < 0.05) and suppressed the increase of myelinated fibre density (p < 0.001) in diabetic rats. These results indicate that troglitazone has a beneficial effect on peripheral neuropathy in STZ-induced diabetic rats irrespective of blood glucose concentrations.

  6. "Diabetes has instant consequences…"


    ... Javascript on. Feature: Diabetes Stories "Diabetes has instant consequences…" Past Issues / Fall 2009 Table of Contents Photo: ... to chuck it all. But Diabetes has instant consequences. You learn to be responsible pretty quickly, or ...

  7. Illness perception, diabetes knowledge and self-care practices among type-2 diabetes patients: a cross-sectional study.


    Kugbey, Nuworza; Oppong Asante, Kwaku; Adulai, Korkor


    Self-care practices among persons living with type-2 diabetes are very crucial in diabetes manages as poor self-care results in complications. However, little research exists within the Ghanaian context. This study examined whether type-2 diabetes patients' illness perception and diabetes knowledge significantly predict diabetes self-care practices. A cross-sectional survey design was employed and a total of 160 participants (45 males and 115 females) were sampled from a general hospital in Accra. A self-administered questionnaire measuring illness perception, diabetes knowledge and diabetes self-care practices as well as demographic checklist were used collect data. Results showed that illness perception and diabetes knowledge significantly predicted overall diabetes self-care practices. Analysis of domain specific self-care practices showed that patients' diet was significantly predicted by illness perception and diabetes knowledge. Exercise was significantly predicted by only illness perception while blood sugar testing and diabetes foot-care were significantly predicted by diabetes knowledge. Cognitive and emotional representation of diabetes and diabetes knowledge are key determinants of patients' diabetes self-care practices. It is therefore important that appropriate psychosocial interventions are developed to help patients' adherence to recommended self-care practices.

  8. Self-reported discrimination, diabetes distress, and continuous blood glucose in women with type 2 diabetes.


    Wagner, Julie A; Tennen, Howard; Feinn, Richard; Osborn, Chandra Y


    We investigated whether self-reported racial discrimination was associated with continuous glucose levels and variability in individuals with diabetes, and whether diabetes distress mediated these associations. Seventy-four Black and White women with type 2 diabetes completed the Experience of Discrimination scale, a measure of lifetime racial discrimination, and the Problem Areas in Diabetes, a measure of diabetes distress. Participants wore a continuous glucose monitor for 24 h after 8 h of fasting, a standard meal, and a 4-h run in period. Higher discrimination predicted higher continuous mean glucose and higher standard deviation of glucose. For both mean and standard deviation of glucose, a race × discrimination interaction indicated a stronger relationship between discrimination and glucose for Whites than for Blacks. Diabetes distress mediated the discrimination-mean glucose relationship. Whites who report discrimination may be uniquely sensitive to distress. These preliminary findings suggest that racial discrimination adversely affects glucose control in women with diabetes, and does so indirectly through diabetes distress. Diabetes distress may be an important therapeutic target to reduce the ill effects of racial discrimination in persons with diabetes.

  9. Update on diabetes classification.


    Thomas, Celeste C; Philipson, Louis H


    This article highlights the difficulties in creating a definitive classification of diabetes mellitus in the absence of a complete understanding of the pathogenesis of the major forms. This brief review shows the evolving nature of the classification of diabetes mellitus. No classification scheme is ideal, and all have some overlap and inconsistencies. The only diabetes in which it is possible to accurately diagnose by DNA sequencing, monogenic diabetes, remains undiagnosed in more than 90% of the individuals who have diabetes caused by one of the known gene mutations. The point of classification, or taxonomy, of disease, should be to give insight into both pathogenesis and treatment. It remains a source of frustration that all schemes of diabetes mellitus continue to fall short of this goal. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  10. Adaptive Workflows for Diabetes Management: Self-Management Assistant and Remote Treatment for Diabetes.


    Contreras, Iván; Kiefer, Stephan; Vehi, Josep


    Diabetes self-management is a crucial element for all people with diabetes and those at risk for developing the disease. Diabetic patients should be empowered to increase their self-management skills in order to prevent or delay the complications of diabetes. This work presents the proposal and first development stages of a smartphone application focused on the empowerment of the patients with diabetes. The concept of this interventional tool is based on the personalization of the user experience from an adaptive and dynamic perspective. The segmentation of the population and the dynamical treatment of user profiles among the different experience levels is the main challenge of the implementation. The self-management assistant and remote treatment for diabetes aims to develop a platform to integrate a series of innovative models and tools rigorously tested and supported by the research literature in diabetes together the use of a proved engine to manage workflows for healthcare.

  11. IGF-1 decreases collagen degradation in diabetic NOD mesangial cells: implications for diabetic nephropathy.


    Lupia, E; Elliot, S J; Lenz, O; Zheng, F; Hattori, M; Striker, G E; Striker, L J


    Nonobese diabetic (NOD) mice develop glomerulosclerosis shortly after the onset of diabetes. We showed that mesangial cells (MCs) from diabetic mice exhibited a stable phenotypic switch, consisting of both increased IGF-1 synthesis and proliferation (Elliot SJ, Striker LJ, Hattori M, Yang CW, He CJ, Peten EP, Striker GE: Mesangial cells from diabetic NOD mice constitutively secrete increased amounts of insulin-like growth factor-I. Endocrinology 133:1783-1788, 1993). Because the extracellular matrix (ECM) accumulation in diabetic glomerulosclerosis may be partly due to decreased degradation, we examined the effect of excess IGF-1 on collagen turnover and the activity of metalloproteinases (MMPs) and tissue inhibitors of metalloproteinase (TIMPs) in diabetic and nondiabetic NOD-MC. Total collagen degradation was reduced by 58 +/- 18% in diabetic NOD-MCs, which correlated with a constitutive decrease in MMP-2 activity and mRNA levels, and nearly undetectable MMP-9 activity and mRNA. TIMP levels were slightly decreased in diabetic NOD-MC. The addition of recombinant IGF-1 to nondiabetic NOD-MC resulted in a decrease in MMP-2 and TIMP activity. Furthermore, treatment of diabetic NOD-MC with a neutralizing antibody against IGF-1 increased the latent form, and restored the active form, of MMP-2. In conclusion, the excessive production of IGF-1 contributes to the altered ECM turnover in diabetic NOD-MC, largely through a reduction of MMP-2 activity. These data suggest that IGF-1 could be a major contributor to the development of diabetic glomerulosclerosis.

  12. Metabolite Profiles of Diabetes Incidence and Intervention Response in the Diabetes Prevention Program

    PubMed Central

    Ma, Yong; Clish, Clary; Florez, Jose C.; Wang, Thomas J.; Gerszten, Robert E.


    Identifying novel biomarkers of type 2 diabetes risk may improve prediction and prevention among individuals at high risk of the disease and elucidate new biological pathways relevant to diabetes development. We performed plasma metabolite profiling in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a completed trial that randomized high-risk individuals to lifestyle, metformin, or placebo interventions. Previously reported markers, branched-chain and aromatic amino acids and glutamine/glutamate, were associated with incident diabetes (P < 0.05 for all), but these associations were attenuated upon adjustment for clinical and biochemical measures. By contrast, baseline levels of betaine, also known as glycine betaine (hazard ratio 0.84 per SD log metabolite level, P = 0.02), and three other metabolites were associated with incident diabetes even after adjustment. Moreover, betaine was increased by the lifestyle intervention, which was the most effective approach to preventing diabetes, and increases in betaine at 2 years were also associated with lower diabetes incidence (P = 0.01). Our findings indicate betaine is a marker of diabetes risk among high-risk individuals both at baseline and during preventive interventions and they complement animal models demonstrating a direct role for betaine in modulating metabolic health. PMID:26861782

  13. Children’s Hospital of Pittsburgh and Diabetes Institute of the Walter Reed Health Care System Genetic Screening in Diabetes: Candidate Gene Analysis for Diabetic Retinopathy

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Screening in Diabetes : Candidate Gene Analysis for Diabetic Retinopathy PRINCIPAL INVESTIGATOR: Robert A. Vigersky, COL MC CONTRACTING ORGANIZATION... Diabetes Institute of the Walter Reed Health Care System Genetic Screening in Diabetes : Candidate Gene Analysis for Diabetic Retinopathy 5c. PROGRAM... diabetic  neuropathy, and  diabetic   retinopathy .  This was an observational study in which the investigators obtained DNA samples from the blood of

  14. Metabolite Profiles of Diabetes Incidence and Intervention Response in the Diabetes Prevention Program.


    Walford, Geoffrey A; Ma, Yong; Clish, Clary; Florez, Jose C; Wang, Thomas J; Gerszten, Robert E


    Identifying novel biomarkers of type 2 diabetes risk may improve prediction and prevention among individuals at high risk of the disease and elucidate new biological pathways relevant to diabetes development. We performed plasma metabolite profiling in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP), a completed trial that randomized high-risk individuals to lifestyle, metformin, or placebo interventions. Previously reported markers, branched-chain and aromatic amino acids and glutamine/glutamate, were associated with incident diabetes (P < 0.05 for all), but these associations were attenuated upon adjustment for clinical and biochemical measures. By contrast, baseline levels of betaine, also known as glycine betaine (hazard ratio 0.84 per SD log metabolite level, P = 0.02), and three other metabolites were associated with incident diabetes even after adjustment. Moreover, betaine was increased by the lifestyle intervention, which was the most effective approach to preventing diabetes, and increases in betaine at 2 years were also associated with lower diabetes incidence (P = 0.01). Our findings indicate betaine is a marker of diabetes risk among high-risk individuals both at baseline and during preventive interventions and they complement animal models demonstrating a direct role for betaine in modulating metabolic health. © 2016 by the American Diabetes Association. Readers may use this article as long as the work is properly cited, the use is educational and not for profit, and the work is not altered.

  15. Attenuating type 2 diabetes with postpartum interventions following gestational diabetes mellitus.


    Wasalathanthri, Sudharshani


    Women with a history of gestational diabetes should be screened during and after the postpartum period because of a high risk for developing type 2 diabetes mellitus. Although differences exist between guidelines practiced throughout various parts of the world, all recommend the use of cutoffs for fasting and/or post-load plasma glucose to diagnose diabetes or pre-diabetes. The use of these glycemic parameters could be optimized when a trend is observed, rather than considering them as isolated values at various time points. As the presence of insulin resistance and beta-cell dysfunction start before glycemic changes are evident, the estimation of insulin sensitivity and beta-cell function by Homeostatic Model Assessment is suggested for women who have additional risk factors for diabetes, such as obesity. Disease-modifying lifestyle intervention should be the first-line strategy to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes mellitus. Intensive lifestyle interventions are designed to decrease caloric intake and increase physical activity in order to reduce body weight and fat, which will in turn reduce insulin resistance. This article also reviews unique problems of postpartum women, which should be considered when designing and implementing an intervention. Innovative "out of the box" thinking is appreciated, as continued adherence to a program is a challenge to both the women and the health care personnel who deal with them.

  16. Treatment of Diabetic Autonomic Neuropathy in Older Adults with Diabetes Mellitus.


    Scheinberg, Nataliya; Salbu, Rebecca L; Goswami, Gayotri; Cohen, Kenneth


    To review the epidemiology, pathophysiology, screening and diagnosis, and optimal treatment of diabetic autonomic neuropathy (DAN) and its implications in older adults. A search of PubMed using the Mesh terms "diabetes," "type 1," "insulin-dependent," "T1DM," and "diabetic autonomic neuropathy" was performed to find relevant primary literature. Additional search terms "epidemiology," "geriatric," and "risk" were employed. All English-language articles from 2005 to 2015 appearing in these searches were reviewed for relevance. Related articles suggested in the PubMed search and clinical guidelines from the American Diabetes Association and the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists were reviewed. These uncovered further resources for risk stratification, pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment of DAN. DAN is highly prevalent in the diabetes population and increases the risk of morbidity and mortality in older adults, yet, often goes undiagnosed and untreated. Treatment of DAN is complex in the older adult because of poor tolerability of many pharmacologic treatment options; therefore, great care must be taken when selecting therapy as to avoid unwanted adverse effects. With increasing life-expectancy of patients with diabetes mellitus, awareness of DAN and its implications to older adults is needed in primary care. Consistent screening and appropriate treatment of DAN in older adults with diabetes mellitus is essential in helping to maintain functional status and avoid adverse events.

  17. Empowering patients with diabetes.


    Meer, Maggie

    Maggie Meer, founder of this November's Diabetes Professional Care event and long-standing diabetes patient, gives her views on how nurses can capitalise on their pivotal role to empower patients with diabetes and improve self-management.

  18. Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy


    ... Pregnant Avoiding Pregnancy Zika and Pregnancy Articles Gestational Diabetes and Pregnancy Language: English (US) Español (Spanish) Recommend ... diabetes must also take insulin. Problems of Gestational Diabetes in Pregnancy Blood sugar that is not well ...

  19. Nursing care missed in patients at risk of or having pressure ulcers.


    Valles, Jonathan Hermayn Hernández; Monsiváis, María Guadalupe Moreno; Guzmán, Ma Guadalupe Interial; Arreola, Leticia Vázquez


    o uso de redutor de pressão em proeminências ósseas e tubos de drenagem que interferem nos movimentos do paciente (ambos com 58,6%) e uso de colchões pneumáticos (57,6%). foi encontrada alta porcentagem de cuidado de enfermagem omitido na percepção da equipe. Porém, a avaliação do cuidado omitido foi muito superior. Não foi encontrada associação significativa entre ambos, priorizando reflexões sobre a importância de avaliações objetivas dos pacientes. determinar el cuidado de enfermería perdido percibido por el personal de enfermería y su relación con el cuidado perdido identificado en la valoración de pacientes con riesgo o con presencia de úlceras por presión. estudio descriptivo correlacional. Participaron 161 enfermeras y 483 pacientes de un hospital público. Se utilizó la encuesta MISSCARE y una Cédula de Valoración de Cuidados de Enfermería en Pacientes con Riesgo o con úlceras por presión. Para el análisis se utilizó estadística descriptiva e inferencial. el personal de enfermería señaló que existe mayor omisión en el cuidado de la piel (38.5%), cambio de posición (31.1%) y en el registro de factores de riesgo para la aparición de úlceras por presión (33.5%). Los cuidados de enfermería perdidos identificados en la valoración fueron uso de liberador de presión en prominencias óseas y tubos de drenaje que interfieren en movimientos del paciente (ambos con 58.6%) y uso de colchones neumáticos (57.6%). se encontró un alto porcentaje de cuidado de enfermería perdido de acuerdo a la percepción del personal, sin embargo, el cuidado perdido valorado fue mucho mayor. No se encontró relación significativa entre ambos por lo que es prioritario reflexionar acerca de la importancia de realizar valoraciones objetivas en los pacientes.

  20. Evidence-based case report: acute diabetic complication risks of Ramadan fasting in type 2 diabetics.


    Iskandar, William J; Handjaja, C T; Salama, N; Anasy, N; Ardianto, M F; Kusumadewi, D


    to investigate causal relationship between Ramadan fasting and acute diabetic complications in adult controlled type 2 diabetics. a Pubmed's Clinical Queries and Embase search was conducted and resulted in 2 useful articles: 1 systematic review and 1 cohort study to be critically appraised. the incidence of acute diabetic complications is higher during Ramadan, with the relative risk for adult type 2 diabetics who fast during Ramadan is 1.36 and number needed to harm 50. Ramadan fasting was related with acute diabetic complications in adult controlled type 2 diabetics, but the risk was only slightly higher. It is acceptable for type 2 diabetics to fast during Ramadan.

  1. Diabetes - preventing heart attack and stroke


    Diabetes complications - heart; Coronary artery disease - diabetes; CAD - diabetes; Cerebrovascular disease - diabetes ... with diabetes have a higher chance of having heart attacks and strokes. Smoking and having high blood ...

  2. Diabetic subjects diagnosed through the Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1 (DPT-1) are often asymptomatic with normal A1C at diabetes onset.


    Triolo, Taylor M; Chase, H Peter; Barker, Jennifer M


    Upon diagnosis of type 1 diabetes, patients are usually symptomatic, and many have ketoacidosis. Screening for islet autoantibodies (IAs) has been shown to decrease A1C level and rate of hospitalization at diabetes onset. Metabolic tests and the presence of symptoms were described at diabetes onset during the Diabetes Prevention Trial-Type 1 (DPT-1). The DPT-1 screened relatives of patients with type 1 diabetes for islet cell autoantiobodies (ICAs). Those with positive ICAs had intravenous and oral glucose tolerance tests (IVGTTs and OGTTs) and were randomized into one of two prevention trials. Throughout the DPT-1 parenteral and oral insulin study, 246 people were diagnosed with type 1 diabetes. Of the 246 subjects diagnosed with diabetes, 218 had data regarding the presence of symptoms, and 138 (63.3%) reported no symptoms suggestive of diabetes. Eight subjects (3.67%) presented with ketosis. Subjects presented with a mean +/- SD A1C of 6.41 +/- 1.15%. At diagnosis, 90 subjects (50.8%) had A1C in the normal range (<6.2%). OGTT data at the time of diagnosis indicate that 35.4% had a glucose result of <100 mg/dl at 0 min. The majority of subjects diagnosed with type 1 diabetes through the DPT-1 were asymptomatic at onset and had normal fasting glucose and A1C levels. This suggests that intermittent screening (IA followed by OGTT) may allow diagnosis of diabetes before severe metabolic decompensation. Screening with A1C will miss identifying many of the subjects with newly diagnosed type 1 diabetes in this cohort.

  3. [Treatment of the child and adolescent with type 1 diabetes: special paediatric diabetes units].


    Hermoso López, F; Barrio Castellanos, R; Garcia Cuartero, B; Gómez Gila, A; González Casado, I; Oyarzabal Irigoyen, M; Rica Etxebarria, I; Rodríguez-Rigual, M; Torres Lacruz, M


    Intensive treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) delays and slows down the progression of chronic diabetes complications (DCCT 1993). This type of treatment in children and adolescents with DM1 has a different complexity to other stages of life and therefore, needs specialized care units. Various documents and declarations of diabetic patient's rights are evaluated, and the need for an adequate health care is emphasized. In the last decade, several projects have been developed in Europe to create a benchmark treatment of pediatric diabetes, with the aim of establishing hospitals with highly qualified healthcare to control it. The Diabetes Working Group of the Spanish Society for Pediatric Endocrinology (SEEP) has prepared this document in order to obtain a national consensus for the care of children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes in specialist Pediatric Diabetes Units, and at the same time advise Health Care Administrators to establish a national healthcare network for children and adolescents with diabetes mellitus, and organize comprehensive pediatric diabetes care units in hospitals with a reference level in quality of care. Copyright © 2012 Asociación Española de Pediatría. Published by Elsevier Espana. All rights reserved.

  4. Predictors of low diabetes risk perception in a multi-ethnic cohort of women with gestational diabetes mellitus.


    Mukerji, G; Kainth, S; Pendrith, C; Lowe, J; Feig, D S; Banerjee, A T; Wu, W; Lipscombe, L L


    To determine what proportion of women with gestational diabetes underestimate their diabetes risk and identify factors associated with low diabetes risk perception. Participants included pregnant adult women with gestational diabetes between 2009 and 2012 across seven diabetes clinics in Ontario, Canada. Data were collected through chart review and a survey that included a diabetes risk perception question. Of the 614 of 902 women (68% response rate) with gestational diabetes, 89% correctly responded that gestational diabetes increases the risk for developing diabetes. However, 47.1% of women perceived themselves to be at low risk for developing diabetes within 10 years. On multivariable analysis, BMI < 25 kg/m(2) , absent previous gestational diabetes history, absent diabetes family history and absent insulin use were appropriately associated with low diabetes risk perception. However, compared with Caucasian ethnicity, high-risk ethnicity (Aboriginal, Latin American, West Indian, South Asian, Middle Eastern, Filipino, Black, Pacific Islander) [odds ratio (OR) 2.07; 95% CI 1.30-3.31] and East and South East Asian ethnicity (OR 2.01; 1.10-3.67) were associated with low diabetes risk perception. After further adjustment for immigration, only high-risk ethnicity remained a predictor of low diabetes risk perception (OR 1.86; 1.09-3.19), whereas East and South East Asian ethnicity did not (OR 1.67; 0.86-3.22). Although the majority of women recognized gestational diabetes as a risk factor for diabetes, almost half underestimated their personal high diabetes risk despite prenatal care. Furthermore, women from high-risk ethnic groups were more likely to underestimate their risk, even after adjusting for immigration. Interventions tailored to these groups are necessary to enhance perceived diabetes risk. © 2015 Diabetes UK.

  5. Nutrition in Diabetes.


    Hamdy, Osama; Barakatun-Nisak, Mohd-Yusof


    Medical nutrition therapy (MNT) is a key component of diabetes management. The importance of balancing macronutrients, reducing carbohydrate load, lowering glycemic index, and implementing an overall healthy dietary pattern are emerging as better approaches for MNT in diabetes. Recent research points to improved glycemic control, reduction in body weight, and improvement in many cardiovascular risk factors when these approaches are provided by registered dietitians or health care providers. This review article discusses the current evidence about the role of sensible nutrition in diabetes management. Specific eating plans for weight reduction and for patients with type 1 diabetes are also discussed. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  6. Diabetic neuropathy and painful diabetic neuropathy: Cinderella complications in South East Asia.


    Almuhannadi, Hamad; Ponirakis, Georgios; Khan, Adnan; Malik, Rayaz Ahmed


    The most common and debilitating microvascular complication of diabetes is diabetic peripheral neuropathy (DPN), affecting 50-90% of people with diabetes. The major manifestations of DPN are painful (pDPN) and painless diabetic peripheral neuropathy. Painful symptoms, occur in the feet and are worse at night and whilst they alert both the patient and physician, are often misdiagnosed and mismanaged. The devastating presentation of painless neuropathy with loss of sensation is foot ulceration and Charcot foot. The explosion of diabetes, especially in the South East Asian (SEA) region will result in an increasing prevalence of both painful and painless diabetic peripheral neuropathy. PubMed, EMBASE, Medline and Google Scholar databases were searched between 1990 and 2017. This highlights the widely varying prevalence of DPN and pDPN in the World Health Organization (WHO) defined SEA countries and the dearth of published studies, especially in pDPN. We believe this will provide new direction for future research on DPN in the SEA region.

  7. Self-reported diabetes self-management competence and support from healthcare providers in achieving autonomy are negatively associated with diabetes distress in adults with Type 1 diabetes.


    Mohn, J; Graue, M; Assmus, J; Zoffmann, V; B Thordarson, H; Peyrot, M; Rokne, B


    To investigate the associations of self-perceived competence in diabetes management and autonomy support from healthcare providers with diabetes distress in adults with Type 1 diabetes mellitus that is not optimally controlled [HbA(1c) ≥ 64 mmol/mol (8.0%)]. This cross-sectional study comprised blood sampling and three self-report questionnaires, the Problem Areas in Diabetes scale, the Perceived Competence in Diabetes Scale and a measure of autonomy support by healthcare providers, the Health Care Climate Questionnaire. We fitted blockwise linear regression models to assess the associations between Problem Areas in Diabetes score and the variables of interest (autonomy support and perceived diabetes competence), controlling for clinical and sociodemographic variables. Of the study sample [n = 178; mean age 36.7 (±10.7) years], 31.5% had long-term complications and 43.2% reported elevated (≥40) Problem Areas in Diabetes scores. A significant negative association was found between autonomy support and Problem Areas in Diabetes score (B = -3.61, P = 0.001), indicating that lower autonomy support was associated with greater diabetes distress. When perceived competence was controlled, it mediated the association of autonomy support with diabetes distress, reducing it to non-significance. There was a significant negative association between perceived competence and Problem Areas in Diabetes score (B = -8.89, P < 0.001), indicating that lower perceived competence was associated with greater perceived distress. There was an indirect (fully mediated) relationship between autonomy support and diabetes distress; autonomy support was associated with increased perceived competence, which, in turn, was associated with reduced distress. Healthcare providers' communication styles enhancing perceived competence through autonomy support may contribute to effective treatment for people with Type 1 diabetes and suboptimum glycaemic control. © 2015 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine

  8. Level and determinants of diabetes knowledge in patients with diabetes in Zimbabwe: a cross-sectional study

    PubMed Central

    Mufunda, Esther; Wikby, Kerstin; Björn, Albin; Hjelm, Katarina


    Introduction A previous study of beliefs about health and illness in Zimbabweans with diabetes mellitus indicated limited knowledge about diabetes and the body, affecting self-care and health-care seeking behaviour. The aim of this study was to assess the level of diabetes knowledge in Zimbabwean adults with diabetes mellitus, to determine the main gaps in knowledge and identify the socio-demographic and diabetes-related determinants that predict diabetes awareness and self-care practices. Methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was performed using a standardized self-report Diabetes Knowledge Test questionnaire (DKT) of 58 respondents, 32 women and 26 men. Results were analysed with descriptive and analytic statistical methods. Results The majority of the respondents scored average knowledge on all three sub-scales: general knowledge, insulin use and total knowledge, with an overall score of 63.1± 14, 2%. Major knowledge gaps were in areas related to diet, insulin use and glycaemic control. No significant differences in mean scores were detected in the diabetes knowledge sub-scales when comparisons were made of mean knowledge scores in relation to socio-demographic and diabetes-related characteristics. However, diabetes-related complications were significantly associated with lower total and general diabetes knowledge, and female gender was an independent determinant of low general knowledge. Conclusion Knowledge gaps were evident in areas regarding insulin use, diet and glycaemic control. Low diabetes knowledge was associated with female gender and could be a risk factor for development of diabetes-related complications. Knowledge gaps need to be addressed in diabetes education to prevent development of diabetes-related complications. PMID:23396799

  9. Protective effects of sodium selenite on lead nitrate-induced hepatotoxicity in diabetic and non-diabetic rats.


    Kalender, Suna; Apaydin, Fatma Gökçe; Baş, Hatice; Kalender, Yusuf


    In the present study, the effect of sodium selenite on lead induced toxicity was studied in Wistar rats. Sodium selenite and lead nitrate were administered orally for 28 days to streptozotocin induced diabetic and non-diabetic rats. Eight groups of rats were used in the study: control, sodium selenite, lead nitrate, lead nitrate+sodium selenite, streptozotocin-induced diabetic-control, diabetic-sodium selenite, diabetic-lead nitrate, diabetic-lead nitrate+sodium selenite groups. Serum biochemical parameters, lipid peroxidation, antioxidant enzymes and histopathological changes in liver tissues were investigated in all groups. There were statistically significant changes in liver function tests, antioxidant enzyme activities and lipid peroxidation levels in lead nitrate and sodium selenite+lead nitrate treated groups, also in diabetic and non-diabetic groups. Furthermore, histopathological alterations were demonstrated in same groups. In the present study we found that sodium selenite treatment did not show completely protective effect on diabetes mellitus caused damages, but diabetic rats are more susceptible to lead toxicity than non-diabetic rats. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  10. Non-autoimmune primary hypothyroidism in diabetic and non-diabetic chronic renal dysfunction.


    Bando, Y; Ushiogi, Y; Okafuji, K; Toya, D; Tanaka, N; Miura, S


    The aim of this study was to investigate the frequency and mechanisms of hypothyroidism observed in diabetic patients with advanced diabetic nephropathy, including outcomes of management for this condition. A controlled study was designed using 32 diabetic and 31 non-diabetic patients not receiving hemodialysis or continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis (CAPD) who excreted mean urinary protein greater than 0.5 g/day examined on three consecutive days during admission to our hospital. Thyroid hormones in both serum and urine, anti-thyroid antibodies, renal function and iodine concentrations in serum were measured during admission in all patients included. In particular, in patients who showed overt hypothyroidism, further studies including large-needle biopsies of the thyroid and iodine-perchlorate discharge tests were performed. All patients in the two groups revealed negative antithyroid antibody titers, and the mean serum total iodine levels did not significantly differ between the two groups. Mean serum FT4 levels significantly decreased, and the TSH level was significantly elevated in the diabetic group compared to those in the non-diabetic group (p < 0.005, p < 0.02, respectively). The frequency of overt hypothyroidism in the diabetic group (22%; 7/32) was significantly higher (p < 0.05) than that in the non-diabetic group (3.2%; 1/31). The daily urinary thyroid hormone excretion in both groups did not show any significant correlation with serum thyroid hormone levels. Seven patients who revealed overt hypothyroidism in the diabetic group showed elevated serum total iodine levels during hypothyroidal status, ranging between 177 and 561 microg/l. Also, the iodine-perchlorate discharge tests carried out in six of these patients all showed a positive discharge. After management based on iodine restriction, normalization of serum thyroid hormone levels in accordance with definite decreases in the serum total iodine level was achieved, accompanied by a

  11. Genetics of Diabetes Insipidus.


    Schernthaner-Reiter, Marie Helene; Stratakis, Constantine A; Luger, Anton


    Diabetes insipidus is a disease characterized by polyuria and polydipsia due to inadequate release of arginine vasopressin from the posterior pituitary gland (neurohypophyseal diabetes insipidus) or due to arginine vasopressin insensitivity by the renal distal tubule, leading to a deficiency in tubular water reabsorption (nephrogenic diabetes insipidus). This article reviews the genetics of diabetes insipidus in the context of its diagnosis, clinical presentation, and therapy. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  12. Association of diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, optic atrophy, and deafness. The Wolfram or DIDMOAD syndrome.

    PubMed Central

    Najjar, S S; Saikaly, M G; Zaytoun, G M; Abdelnoor, A


    Seven patients with a rare syndrome of diabetes insipidus (DI), diabetes mellitus (DM), optic atrophy (OA), neurosensory deafness (D), atony of the urinary tract, and other abnormalities (Wolfram or DIDMOAD syndrome) are reported. Of the seven patients, three siblings were followed up for 10-17 years. All seven patients had diabetes mellitus and optic atrophy; six had diabetes insipidus; and in the four patients investigated there was dilatation of the urinary tract. The severity of diabetes varied, and all required insulin for control of the hyperglycaemia. In one patient the course of the disease simulated maturity onset diabetes of the young; another presented with ketoacidosis; but none had haplotypes usually associated with insulin dependent diabetes mellitus. The diabetes insipidus responded to chlorpropamide, suggesting partial antidiuretic hormone deficiency. Onset of optic atrophy and loss of vision occurred relatively late and progressed slowly, although in one patient there was a rapid deterioration in visual acuity. Deafness was mild, of late onset, and of sensorineural origin. A degenerative process affecting the central and peripheral nervous system can explain all the manifestations of the syndrome except diabetes mellitus. The pathogenesis of the diabetes mellitus remains obscure. PMID:4051539

  13. Síndrome de Susac en un paciente con colitis ulcerosa.


    Rodríguez-Martínez, José Antonio; Echarri-Piudo, Ana


    The Susac's syndrome is a rare disorder that was first described in 1979 and is characterized by a classic triad consisting in encephalopathy, visual impairment and sensorineural hearing loss. However, the etiology of the disease is still unclear. We report the case of a 29-year-old with ulcerative colitis treated with mercaptopurine, six months before to her admission started with personality changes attributed to symptoms of depression who subsequently present neurological symptoms characteristic of Susac's Syndrome. In the literature there is no clear association between inflammatory bowel disease and Susac's -syndrome, but this case is presented in order to emphasize the simultaneous presentation of these two diseases with a tendency to vasospasm and an autoimmune pathogenesis. Copyright: © 2017 SecretarÍa de Salud.

  14. Step 2: Know Your Diabetes ABCs


    ... please turn JavaScript on. Feature: Type 2 Diabetes Step 2: Know Your Diabetes ABCs Past Issues / Fall ... 2 Diabetes" Articles Diabetes Is Serious But Manageable / Step 1: Learn About Diabetes / Step 2: Know Your ...

  15. [Diabetes insipidus].


    Krysiak, Robert; Handzlik-Orlik, Gabriela; Okopień, Bogusław


    Diabetes insipidus is an uncommon disorder of water-electrolyte balance characterized by the excretion of abnormally large volumes of diluted urine (polyuria) and increased fluid intake (polydipsia). The disease may result from the insufficient production of vasopressin, its increased degradation, an impaired response of kidneys to vasopressin, or may be secondary to excessive water intake. Patients with severe and uncompensated symptoms may develop marked dehydration, neurologic symptoms and encephalopathy, and therefore diabetes insipidus can be a life-threatening condition if not properly diagnosed and managed. Patients with diabetes insipidus require treatment with desmopressin or drugs increasing sensitivity of the distal nephron to vasopressin, but this treatment may be confusing because of the disorder's variable pathophysiology and side-effects of pharmacotherapy. This review summarizes the current knowledge on different aspects of the pathophysiology, classification, clinical presentation, diagnosis, and management of diabetes insipidus. The reader is also provided with some practical recommendations on dealing with patients suffering from this disease.

  16. PubMed

    Wanden-Berghe Lozano, Carmina; Campos Martín, Cristina; Cuerda Compes, Cristina; Gómez Candela, Carmen; Burgos Peláez, Rosa; Moreno Villares, José Manuel; Pereira Cunill, José Luis; Pérez de la Cruz, Antonio; Virgili Casas, Nuria; Martinez Faedo, Ceferino; Álvarez Hernández, Julia; Garde Orbaiz, Carmen; Penacho Lázaro, Mª Ángeles; Sánchez Martos, Eva Ángeles; Sanz Paris, Alejandro; Gonzalo Marín, Montserrat; Zugasti Murillo, Ana; Matía Martín, Pilar; Martín Folgueras, Tomás; Carabaña Pérez, Fátima; Díaz Guardiola, Patricia; Tejera Pérez, Cristina; De Luis Román, Daniel; Luengo Pérez, Luis Miguel; Santacruz Carmona, Nieves; Apezetxea Celaya, Antxón; Ponce González, Miguel Ángel; Urgeles Planella, Juan Ramón; Laborda González, Lucía; Martinez Olmos, Miguel Ángel; Sánchez-Vilar Burdiel, Olga; Joaquín Ortiz, Clara; Martínez Costa, Cecilia; Suárez Llanos, José Pablo; Calleja Fernández, Alicia; Leyes García, Pere; Gil Martinez, Mª Carmen; Mauri Roca, Silvia; García Zafra, Maria Victoria; Carrera Santaliestra, María José; Nadya-Senpe, Grupo


    Objetivo: Comunicar los datos del registro de Nutrición Parenteral Domiciliaria (NPD) del grupo de trabajo NADYA-SENPE del años 2015.Material y métodos: Recopilación de los datos de NPD del registro "on-line" del grupo de Nutrición Artificial Domiciliaria y Ambulatoria (NADYA) desde el 1 de enero de 2015 al 31 de diciembre de 2015.Resultados: Se registraron 236 pacientes, con 243 episodios de NPD procedentes de 40 hospitales. Lo que representa una tasa de 5,08 pacientes/millón de habitantes/ año 2015. La patología más frecuente en los adultos fue "otros" (26,3%) seguido por "oncológico paliativo" (21,6%).  La complicación más frecuente fue la séptica relacionada con el catéter que presentó una tasa de 0,53 infecciones/1000 días de NPD. Finalizaron 64 episodios, la principal causa fue el fallecimiento (43,7%) y el 'paso a la vía oral' (32,8%).Conclusiones: constatamos el aumento de los centros y profesionales colaboradores, dando respuesta a la cantidad progresivamente mayor de pacientes con soporte nutricional parenteral en domicilio. Se mantienen estables las principales indicaciones para el establecimiento de NPD y las causas de finalización del tratamiento.

  17. Exploring diabetes type 1-related stigma.


    Abdoli, Samereh; Abazari, Parvaneh; Mardanian, Leila


    Empowerment of people with diabetes means integrating diabetes with identity. However, others' stigmatization can influence it. Although diabetes is so prevalent among Iranians, there is little knowledge about diabetes-related stigma in Iran. The present study explored diabetes-related stigma in people living with type 1 diabetes in Isfahan. A conventional content analysis was used with in-depth interview with 26 people with and without diabetes from November 2011 to July 2012. A person with type 1 diabetes was stigmatized as a miserable human (always sick and unable, death reminder, and intolerable burden), rejected marriage candidate (busy spouse, high-risk pregnant), and deprived of a normal life [prisoner of (to must), deprived of pleasure]. Although, young adults with diabetes undergo all aspects of the social diabetes-related stigma; in their opinion they were just deprived of a normal life. It seems that in Isfahan, diabetes-related stigma is of great importance. In this way, conducting an appropriate intervention is necessary to improve the empowerment process in people with type 1 diabetes in order to reduce the stigma in the context.

  18. Impact of diabetic serum on endothelial cells: An in-vitro-analysis of endothelial dysfunction in diabetes mellitus type 2

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Muenzel, Daniela; Lehle, Karla; Haubner, Frank


    Diabetic endothelial dysfunction was characterized by altered levels of adhesion molecules and cytokines. Aim of our study was to evaluate the effects of diabetic serum on cell-growth and proinflammatory markers in human saphenous vein endothelial cells (HSVEC) from diabetic and non-diabetic patients. Diabetic serum showed (1) complementary proliferative activity for non-diabetic and diabetic HSVEC, (2) unchanged surface expression of adhesion molecules, and (3) elevated levels of sICAM-1 in HSVEC of all donors. The concentration of sVCAM-1 was increased only in diabetic cells. The proinflammatory state of diabetic HSVEC characterized by increased levels of cytokines was compensated. We concluded that evenmore » under normoglycemic conditions the serum itself contains critical factors leading to abnormal regulation of inflammation in diabetics. We introduced an in vitro model of diabetes representing the endothelial situation at the beginning of diabetes (non-diabetic cells/diabetic serum) as well as the diabetic chronic state (diabetic cells/diabetic serum)« less

  19. Comparisons of serum miRNA expression profiles in patients with diabetic retinopathy and type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    Ma, Jianping; Wang, Jufang; Liu, Yanfen; Wang, Changyi; Duan, Donghui; Lu, Nanjia; Wang, Kaiyue; Zhang, Lu; Gu, Kaibo; Chen, Sihan; Zhang, Tao; You, Dingyun; Han, Liyuan


    The aim of this study was to compare the expression levels of serum miRNAs in diabetic retinopathy and type 2 diabetes mellitus. Serum miRNA expression profiles from diabetic retinopathy cases (type 2 diabetes mellitus patients with diabetic retinopathy) and type 2 diabetes mellitus controls (type 2 diabetes mellitus patients without diabetic retinopathy) were examined by miRNA-specific microarray analysis. Quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction was used to validate the significantly differentially expressed serum miRNAs from the microarray analysis of 45 diabetic retinopathy cases and 45 age-, sex-, body mass index- and duration-of-diabetes-matched type 2 diabetes mellitus controls. The relative changes in serum miRNA expression levels were analyzed using the 2-ΔΔCt method. A total of 5 diabetic retinopathy cases and 5 type 2 diabetes mellitus controls were included in the miRNA-specific microarray analysis. The serum levels of miR-3939 and miR-1910-3p differed significantly between the two groups in the screening stage; however, quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction did not reveal significant differences in miRNA expression for 45 diabetic retinopathy cases and their matched type 2 diabetes mellitus controls. Our findings indicate that miR-3939 and miR-1910-3p may not play important roles in the development of diabetic retinopathy; however, studies with a larger sample size are needed to confirm our findings.

  20. One too many diabetes: the combination of hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state and central diabetes insipidus.


    Burmazovic, Snezana; Henzen, Christoph; Brander, Lukas; Cioccari, Luca


    The combination of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state and central diabetes insipidus is unusual and poses unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for clinicians. In a patient with diabetes mellitus presenting with polyuria and polydipsia, poor glycaemic control is usually the first aetiology that is considered, and achieving glycaemic control remains the first course of action. However, severe hypernatraemia, hyperglycaemia and discordance between urine-specific gravity and urine osmolality suggest concurrent symptomatic diabetes insipidus. We report a rare case of concurrent manifestation of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state and central diabetes insipidus in a patient with a history of craniopharyngioma. In patients with diabetes mellitus presenting with polyuria and polydipsia, poor glycaemic control is usually the first aetiology to be considered.However, a history of craniopharyngioma, severe hypernatraemia, hyperglycaemia and discordance between urine-specific gravity and osmolality provide evidence of concurrent diabetes insipidus.Therefore, if a patient with diabetes mellitus presents with severe hypernatraemia, hyperglycaemia, a low or low normal urinary-specific gravity and worsening polyuria despite correction of hyperglycaemia, concurrent diabetes insipidus should be sought.

  1. One too many diabetes: the combination of hyperglycaemic hyperosmolar state and central diabetes insipidus

    PubMed Central

    Burmazovic, Snezana; Henzen, Christoph; Brander, Lukas; Cioccari, Luca


    Summary The combination of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state and central diabetes insipidus is unusual and poses unique diagnostic and therapeutic challenges for clinicians. In a patient with diabetes mellitus presenting with polyuria and polydipsia, poor glycaemic control is usually the first aetiology that is considered, and achieving glycaemic control remains the first course of action. However, severe hypernatraemia, hyperglycaemia and discordance between urine-specific gravity and urine osmolality suggest concurrent symptomatic diabetes insipidus. We report a rare case of concurrent manifestation of hyperosmolar hyperglycaemic state and central diabetes insipidus in a patient with a history of craniopharyngioma. Learning points: In patients with diabetes mellitus presenting with polyuria and polydipsia, poor glycaemic control is usually the first aetiology to be considered. However, a history of craniopharyngioma, severe hypernatraemia, hyperglycaemia and discordance between urine-specific gravity and osmolality provide evidence of concurrent diabetes insipidus. Therefore, if a patient with diabetes mellitus presents with severe hypernatraemia, hyperglycaemia, a low or low normal urinary-specific gravity and worsening polyuria despite correction of hyperglycaemia, concurrent diabetes insipidus should be sought. PMID:29675260

  2. Association Between Diabetic Macular Edema and Cardiovascular Events in Type 2 Diabetes Patients

    PubMed Central

    Leveziel, Nicolas; Ragot, Stéphanie; Gand, Elise; Lichtwitz, Olivier; Halimi, Jean Michel; Gozlan, Julien; Gourdy, Pierre; Robert, Marie-Françoise; Dardari, Dured; Boissonnot, Michèle; Roussel, Ronan; Piguel, Xavier; Dupuy, Olivier; Torremocha, Florence; Saulnier, Pierre-Jean; Maréchaud, Richard; Hadjadj, Samy


    Abstract Diabetic macular edema (DME) is the main cause of visual loss associated with diabetes but any association between DME and cardiovascular events is unclear. This study aims to describe the possible association between DME and cardiovascular events in a multicenter cross-sectional study of patients with type 2 diabetes. Two thousand eight hundred seven patients with type 2 diabetes were recruited from diabetes and nephrology clinical institutional centers participating in the DIAB 2 NEPHROGENE study focusing on diabetic complications. DME (presence/absence) and diabetic retinopathy (DR) classification were based on ophthalmological report and/or on 30° color retinal photographs. DR was defined as absent, nonproliferative (background, moderate, or severe) or proliferative. Cardiovascular events were stroke, myocardial infarction, and lower limb amputation. Details regarding associations between DME and cardiovascular events were evaluated. The study included 2807 patients with type 2 diabetes, of whom 355 (12.6%) had DME. DME was significantly and independently associated with patient age, known duration of diabetes, HbA1c, systolic blood pressure, and DR stage. Only the prior history of lower limb amputation was strongly associated with DME in univariate and multivariate analyses, whereas no association was found with regard to myocardial infarction or stroke. Moreover, both major (n = 32) and minor lower limb (n = 96) amputations were similarly associated with DME, with respective odds ratio of 3.7 (95% confidence interval [CI], 1.77–7.74; P = 0.0012) and of 4.29 (95% CI, 2.79–6.61; P < 0.001). DME is strongly and independently associated with lower limb amputation in type 2 diabetic patients. PMID:26287408

  3. Diabetes and depression: does worsening control of diabetes lead to poorer depression outcomes?


    Angstman, Kurt; Flinchbaugh, Robert T; Flinchbaugh, Katherine; Meunier, Matthew R; Angstman, Gregory L


    The relationship between diabetes and depression is complex. The aim of this study was to study the impact of diabetic control in depressed primary care patients with diabetes on clinical remission of their depression at 6 months. This study was a retrospective chart review analysis of 145 adult patients diagnosed with either major depressive disorder or dysthymia and had a score of 10 or greater on the PHQ-9. The dependent variable for this study was depression remission at 6 months. The independent variables for this study were age, gender, marital status, race, BMI and HbA1c level within 2 months prior to the time of depression diagnosis. Multiple logistic regression modelling demonstrated that initial diabetic control or obesity were not independent predictors of depression remission at 6 months after index date. Also, the odds for the diabetes being in control (HbA1c <8.0%) after 6 months was only associated with being in control at baseline (OR 5.549, CI 2.364-13.024, P < 0.001). Baseline diabetic control does not appear to be an independent predictor for depression outcomes at 6 months. The best predictor of diabetic control after the diagnosis of depression was previous control of diabetes. © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  4. Oxytocin as a novel therapeutic option for type I diabetes and diabetic osteopathy.


    Elabd, S K; Sabry, I; Mohasseb, M; Algendy, A


    The aim of the present study was to highlight the newly discovered metabolic role of oxytocin (OT) in the type I diabetic rats. Previous studies have demonstrated that OT has a beneficial role on bone physiology and therefore, the OT effect on the diabetic osteopathy will be assessed as well. Induction of the type I diabetes was carried out by an intraperitoneal injection of 60 mg/kg body weight of streptozotocin. The metabolic role of OT on diabetic rats after OT treatment with intramuscular injection of 40 µIU/kg body weight for 6 weeks was assessed. Histological and ultrastructural studies of rat pancreas samples, before and after the OT injection, were performed and compared with the obtained physiological results. Oxytocin treatment had positive metabolic effects in diabetic rats. This is based on the change in glucose metabolism, lipid profile, and insulin sensitivity in experimental animals. In addition, OT treatment showed histological regenerative changes of pancreatic islet cells of diabetic rats. Moreover, OT administration showed that it has an anabolic effect on the bone biology. The results suggest that activation of the oxytocin receptor (OTR) pathway by infusion of OT, OT analogs, or OT agonists may represent a promising approach for the treatment of diabetes and some of its complications, including diabetic osteopathy.

  5. Predictors of type 2 diabetes among Taiwanese women with prior gestational diabetes mellitus.


    Lin, Pei-Chao; Hung, Chich-Hsiu; Huang, Ruei-Dian; Chan, Te-Fu


    The aims of this study were to determine the blood glucose screening rate of Taiwanese post-partum women with gestational diabetes (GDM) and to identify the predictors of type 2 diabetes among Taiwanese women with GDM. The medical records of 130 women with GDM, who were delivered at a hospital in southern Taiwan between 1997 and 2010, were retrospectively reviewed. The GDM diagnosis was performed according to the National Diabetes Data Group and Expert Committee Criteria. The 2010 American Diabetes Association diabetes diagnosis criteria were used to determine whether post-partum women subsequently developed type 2 diabetes. In total, 71 records (54.6%) included blood glucose testing after childbirth between the first month and the ninth year, and 29 records (22.3%) documented subsequent type 2 diabetes. In a multiple logistic regression analysis, the patients' pre-pregnancy body mass indices and insulin use during pregnancy were independently associated with subsequent type 2 diabetes. In this study, documentation during pregnancy, which could have provided beneficial insights, was limited. Healthcare professionals should develop a program to improve the post-partum follow-up of women diagnosed with GDM. © 2015 The Authors. Japan Journal of Nursing Science © 2015 Japan Academy of Nursing Science.

  6. [Islet transplantation in type II diabetes mellitus--model of the spontaneous diabetic Cohen rat].


    Wiegand, S; Bretzel, R G; Cohen, A M; Federlin, K


    The spontaneous diabetic Cohen-rat is one of the few animal models of the diabetes mellitus Type II (NIDDM). A spontaneous diabetic animal line and a diabetes-resistant line originated from a parental lineage by genetic selection with regard to the glucose tolerance on condition of feeding of a saccharose-rich and copper-poor diet. In each case 1000 islets of the diabetes-resistant line were transplanted in 28 animals of the diabetic line. Body weight, blood-sugar concentration, glucosuria, glucose tolerance, and the HbA1 were normalized after the transplantation. The serum levels of insulin and glucagon increased. These results emphasize etiopathogenetic importance of the islets of Langerhans in this animal model.

  7. [Pregestional diabetes mellitus and pregnancy].


    Bělobrádková, Jana


    There is a groving number of women with pregestational diabetes mellitus. Additionaly, nowadays therapy of diabetes mellitus type I allows gravidity even in patients in whom diabetes manifested itself during their early childhood. Presence of chronic complications of diabetes increases risk of complications during pregnancy. There is incerasing number of patients with DM type II and appearence of it shifts into younger age group. Perinatal mortality and morbidity of children of mothers with pregestional diabets is higher than in comparison with common population and pregnancy planning is important measure to their decrease.Key words: pregnancy - diabetes mellitus - embryopathy - fetopathy.

  8. 9 CFR 319.301 - Chili con carne with beans.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2013 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2013-01-01 2013-01-01 false Chili con carne with beans. 319.301 Section 319.301 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Dehydrated Meat Food Products § 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. Chili con carne with beans shall contain...

  9. 9 CFR 319.301 - Chili con carne with beans.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2014 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2014-01-01 2014-01-01 false Chili con carne with beans. 319.301 Section 319.301 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Dehydrated Meat Food Products § 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. Chili con carne with beans shall contain...

  10. 9 CFR 319.301 - Chili con carne with beans.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2011 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2011-01-01 2011-01-01 false Chili con carne with beans. 319.301 Section 319.301 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Dehydrated Meat Food Products § 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. Chili con carne with beans shall contain...

  11. 9 CFR 319.301 - Chili con carne with beans.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2012 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2012-01-01 2012-01-01 false Chili con carne with beans. 319.301 Section 319.301 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Dehydrated Meat Food Products § 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. Chili con carne with beans shall contain...

  12. 9 CFR 319.301 - Chili con carne with beans.

    Code of Federal Regulations, 2010 CFR


    ... 9 Animals and Animal Products 2 2010-01-01 2010-01-01 false Chili con carne with beans. 319.301 Section 319.301 Animals and Animal Products FOOD SAFETY AND INSPECTION SERVICE, DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE... Dehydrated Meat Food Products § 319.301 Chili con carne with beans. Chili con carne with beans shall contain...

  13. Psychosocial aspects of diabetes management: dilemma of diabetes distress

    PubMed Central

    Tareen, Kinza


    Diabetes mellitus (DM) is a debilitating chronic illness with complex pathophysiological, psychological, and quality of life (QoL) implications creating a constant state of turbulence. Some of these interconnections are apparent to healthcare providers and are easily addressed in a routine diabetic clinical care. However, a large number of these hidden factors that interplay with each other and impact on the physical outcomes of DM goes unnoticed by health care providers. This is a frustrating and lonely predicament for DM patients making it very difficult for them to manage their illness well. At times these patients are mislabeled as “difficult patients”. In other cases they are considered to have and unnecessarily treated for psychiatric illness like depression, other mood or anxiety spectrum disorders which they may not need. In recent years clinical researcher are making strides in understanding the emotional distress a DM patient may feel and the factors contributing or perpetuating diabetes distress. This article focuses on understanding the diabetes distress and how it impacts our patients, how to screen, assess, treat and eventually prevent it from happening. The paper also attempt to bring out the major differences between diabetes distress and common psychiatric comorbidities of DM including but not limiting to major depressive disorder and other depression spectrum disorders. PMID:29184819

  14. Complication Reducing Effect of the Information Technology-Based Diabetes Management System on Subjects with Type 2 Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Cho, Jae-Hyoung; Lee, Jin-Hee; Oh, Jeong-Ah; Kang, Mi-Ja; Choi, Yoon-Hee; Kwon, Hyuk-Sang; Chang, Sang-Ah; Cha, Bong-Yun; Son, Ho-Young; Yoon, Kun-Ho


    Objective We introduced a new information technology-based diabetes management system, called the Internet-based glucose monitoring system (IBGMS), and demonstrated its short-term and long-term favorable effects. However, there has been no report on clinical effects of such a new diabetes management system on the development of diabetic complications so far. This study was used to simulate the complication reducing effect of the IBGMS, given in addition to existing treatments in patients with type 2 diabetes. Research Design and Methods The CORE Diabetes Model, a peer-reviewed, published, validated computer simulation model, was used to project long-term clinical outcomes in type 2 diabetes patients receiving the IBGMS in addition to their existing treatment. The model combined standard Markov submodels to simulate the incidence and progression of diabetes-related complications. Results The addition of IBGMS was associated with improvements in reducing diabetic complications, mainly microangiopathic complications, including diabetic retinopathy, diabetic neuropathy, diabetic nephropathy, and diabetic foot ulcer. The IBGMS also delayed the development of all diabetic complications for more than 1 year. Conclusions This study demonstrated that the simulated IBGMS, compared to existing treatment, was associated with a reduction of diabetic complications. As a result, it provides valuable evidence for practical application to the public in the world. PMID:19885180

  15. Mother-father informant discrepancies regarding diabetes management: Associations with diabetes-specific family conflict and glycemic control

    PubMed Central

    Sood, Erica D.; Pendley, Jennifer Shroff; Delamater, Alan; Rohan, Jennifer M.; Pulgaron, Elizabeth; Drotar, Dennis


    Objective To examine the relationship of mother-father informant discrepancies regarding diabetes management to diabetes-specific family conflict and glycemic control. Methods 136 mothers and fathers of youth with type 1 diabetes reported on the youth's diabetes management, diabetes-specific family conflict, and amount of paternal involvement in diabetes care. Glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was used to measure glycemic control. Results As hypothesized, mother-father discrepancies regarding diabetes management were positively associated with frequency of diabetes-specific family conflict. Contrary to hypotheses, mother-father discrepancies regarding diabetes management predicted poorer glycemic control for youth with less involved fathers only. Conclusions Results highlight the importance of caregivers being consistent about pediatric illness management and support the idea that informant discrepancies represent an important window into the functioning of the family system. PMID:22823070

  16. Prevalence and risk factors for diabetic maculopathy, and its relationship to diabetic retinopathy in elderly Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.


    Yamamoto, Teiko; Iimuro, Satoshi; Ohashi, Yasuo; Sone, Hirohito; Yamashita, Hidetoshi; Ito, Hideki


    To determine the prevalence of diabetic retinopathy and diabetic maculopathy in Japanese patients older than 65 years-of-age with type 2 diabetes mellitus. In addition, to determine the relationship between the severity of retinopathy and maculopathy, and the risk factors for these conditions in Japanese patients with the same characteristics. This was a cross-sectional study carried out at the enrolment of patients who participated in a randomized controlled trial. A total of 960 eyes of 960 Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes who were ≥ 65 years-of-age were analyzed. Our data showed that there was a correlation between the severity of retinopathy and the severity of maculopathy. The risk factors for the severity of retinopathy were different from the risk factors for the severity of maculopathy. The age, duration of diabetes, systemic pulse pressure, fasting insulin, insulin treatment of diabetes, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio and history of cerebrovascular disease all contributed significantly to the severity of retinopathy. The duration of diabetes, insulin treatment and microalbumin-to-creatinine ratio were correlated with the severity of maculopathy. The risk factors related to diabetic retinopathy and maculopathy in Japanese patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus aged ≥ 65 years were different from that in other countries. Our data also showed that the certain risk factors for retinopathy differ from those associated with maculopathy. © 2012 Japan Geriatrics Society.

  17. Evaluation of the telephone intervention in the promotion of diabetes self-care: a randomized clinical trial.


    Fernandes, Bárbara Sgarbi Morgan; Reis, Ilka Afonso; Torres, Heloisa de Carvalho


    efeito médio dos escores de autocuidado no grupo-experimental a pontuação foi de 1,03 a 1,78 maior do que o grupo-controle, apresentando melhora progressiva e significativa (valor-p<0,001). os resultados apontam que a intervenção telefônica tem efeito benéfico sobre o autocuidado em diabetes. O registro clínico obteve identificador primário: RBR-8wx7qb. evaluar la efectividad de la intervención telefónica en la promoción del autocuidado relacionado a la actividad física y al seguimiento de un plan alimentario, en usuarios con diabetes, cuando comparada al acompañamiento convencional de los usuarios, durante el período de seis meses. se trata de un ensayo clínico aleatorio, en el cual participaron 210 usuarios con diabetes, vinculados a ocho Unidades Básicas de la Salud de Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais. El grupo experimental (104 usuarios) recibió seis intervenciones telefónicas en seis meses de acompañamiento; el grupo control (106 usuarios) recibió acompañamiento convencional. Para evaluar las prácticas de autocuidado, relacionadas a la actividad física y al seguimiento del plan alimentario saludable, en los dos grupos, se aplicó el cuestionario de autocuidado antes de las intervenciones, tres y seis meses después de su inicio. el efecto promedio de los puntajes de autocuidado en el grupo experimental fue de 1,03 a 1,78 mayor que el grupo control, presentando mejoría progresiva y significativa (valor-p<0,001). los resultados apuntan que la intervención telefónica tiene efecto benéfico sobre el autocuidado en diabetes. El registro clínico obtuvo identificador primario: RBR-8wx7qb.

  18. Diabetes Interactive Atlas

    PubMed Central

    Burrows, Nilka R.; Geiss, Linda S.


    The Diabetes Interactive Atlas is a recently released Web-based collection of maps that allows users to view geographic patterns and examine trends in diabetes and its risk factors over time across the United States and within states. The atlas provides maps, tables, graphs, and motion charts that depict national, state, and county data. Large amounts of data can be viewed in various ways simultaneously. In this article, we describe the design and technical issues for developing the atlas and provide an overview of the atlas’ maps and graphs. The Diabetes Interactive Atlas improves visualization of geographic patterns, highlights observation of trends, and demonstrates the concomitant geographic and temporal growth of diabetes and obesity. PMID:24503340

  19. Diabetes mellitus and Parkinson disease.


    Pagano, Gennaro; Polychronis, Sotirios; Wilson, Heather; Giordano, Beniamino; Ferrara, Nicola; Niccolini, Flavia; Politis, Marios


    To investigate whether diabetes mellitus is associated with Parkinson-like pathology in people without Parkinson disease and to evaluate the effect of diabetes mellitus on markers of Parkinson pathology and clinical progression in drug-naive patients with early-stage Parkinson disease. We compared 25 patients with Parkinson disease and diabetes mellitus to 25 without diabetes mellitus, and 14 patients with diabetes mellitus and no Parkinson disease to 14 healthy controls (people with no diabetes mellitus or Parkinson disease). The clinical diagnosis of diabetes mellitus was confirmed by 2 consecutive fasting measurements of serum glucose levels >126 mL/dL. Over a 36-month follow-up period, we then investigated in the population with Parkinson disease whether the presence of diabetes mellitus was associated with faster motor progression or cognitive decline. The presence of diabetes mellitus was associated with higher motor scores ( p < 0.01), lower striatal dopamine transporter binding ( p < 0.05), and higher tau CSF levels ( p < 0.05) in patients with Parkinson disease. In patients with diabetes but without Parkinson disease, the presence of diabetes mellitus was associated with lower striatal dopamine transporter binding ( p < 0.05) and higher tau ( p < 0.05) and α-synuclein ( p < 0.05) CSF levels compared to healthy controls. At the Cox survival analysis in the population of patients with Parkinson disease, the presence of diabetes mellitus was associated with faster motor progression (hazard ratio = 4.521, 95% confidence interval = 1.468-13.926; p < 0.01) and cognitive decline (hazard ratio = 9.314, 95% confidence interval = 1.164-74.519; p < 0.05). Diabetes mellitus may predispose toward a Parkinson-like pathology, and when present in patients with Parkinson disease, can induce a more aggressive phenotype. © 2018 American Academy of Neurology.

  20. Diabetes nurse educators' experiences of providing care for women, with gestational diabetes mellitus, from disadvantaged backgrounds.


    Carolan, Mary


    To explore diabetes nurse educators' experiences of providing care for women, with gestational diabetes mellitus, from disadvantaged backgrounds and to gather information which would assist with the development of an educational programme that would support both women and diabetes educators. Rates of gestational diabetes mellitus have increased dramatically in recent years. This is concerning as gestational diabetes mellitus is linked to poorer pregnancy outcomes including hypertension, stillbirth, and nursery admission. Poorest outcomes occur among disadvantaged women. gestational diabetes mellitus is also associated with maternal type 2 diabetes and with child obesity and type 2 diabetes among offspring. Effective self-management of gestational diabetes mellitus reduces these risks. Diabetes nurse educators provide most education and support for gestational diabetes mellitus self-management. An interpretative phenomenological analysis approach, as espoused by Smith and Osborn (Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods, 2008, Sage, London, 51), provided the framework for this study. The views of six diabetes educators were explored through in-depth interviewing. Interviews were transcribed verbatim and analysed according to steps outlined by Smith and Osborn (Qualitative Psychology: A Practical Guide to Research Methods, 2008, Sage, London, 51). Three themes emerged from the data: (1) working in a suboptimal environment, (2) working to address the difficulties and (3) looking to the future. Throughout, the diabetes nurse educators sought opportunities to connect with women in their care and to make the educational content understandable and meaningful. Low literacy among disadvantaged women has a significant impact on their understanding of gestational diabetes mellitus information. In turn, catering for women with low literacy contributes to increased workloads for diabetes nurse educators, making them vulnerable to burnout. There is a need

  1. 5'-Monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) improves autophagic activity in diabetes and diabetic complications

    PubMed Central

    Yao, Fan; Zhang, Ming; Chen, Li


    Diabetes mellitus (DM), an endocrine disorder, will be one of the leading causes of death world-wide in about two decades. Cellular injuries and disorders of energy metabolism are two key factors in the pathogenesis of diabetes, which also become the important causes for the process of diabetic complications. AMPK is a key enzyme in maintaining metabolic homeostasis and has been implicated in the activation of autophagy in distinct tissues. An increasing number of researchers have confirmed that autophagy is a potential factor to affect or induce diabetes and its complications nowadays, which could remove cytotoxic proteins and dysfunctional organelles. This review will summarize the regulation of autophagy and AMPK in diabetes and its complications, and explore how AMPK stimulates autophagy in different diabetic syndromes. A deeper understanding of the regulation and activity of AMPK in autophagy would enhance its development as a promising therapeutic target for diabetes treatment. PMID:26904395

  2. 5'-Monophosphate-activated protein kinase (AMPK) improves autophagic activity in diabetes and diabetic complications.


    Yao, Fan; Zhang, Ming; Chen, Li


    Diabetes mellitus (DM), an endocrine disorder, will be one of the leading causes of death world-wide in about two decades. Cellular injuries and disorders of energy metabolism are two key factors in the pathogenesis of diabetes, which also become the important causes for the process of diabetic complications. AMPK is a key enzyme in maintaining metabolic homeostasis and has been implicated in the activation of autophagy in distinct tissues. An increasing number of researchers have confirmed that autophagy is a potential factor to affect or induce diabetes and its complications nowadays, which could remove cytotoxic proteins and dysfunctional organelles. This review will summarize the regulation of autophagy and AMPK in diabetes and its complications, and explore how AMPK stimulates autophagy in different diabetic syndromes. A deeper understanding of the regulation and activity of AMPK in autophagy would enhance its development as a promising therapeutic target for diabetes treatment.

  3. The Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina Celebrates Over 20 Years of Professional Diabetes Education.


    Hermayer, Kathie L


    Diabetes is a major public health problem in South Carolina; however, the Diabetes Initiative of South Carolina (DSC) provides a realistic mechanism to address issues on a statewide basis. The Diabetes Center of Excellence in the DSC provides oversight for developing and supervising professional education programs for health care workers of all types in South Carolina to increase their knowledge and ability to care for people with diabetes. The DSC has developed many programs for the education of a variety of health professionals about diabetes and its complications. The DSC has sponsored 21 Annual Diabetes Fall Symposia for primary health care professionals featuring education regarding many aspects of diabetes mellitus. The intent of the program is to enhance the lifelong learning process of physicians, advanced practice providers, nurses, pharmacists, dietitians, laboratorians and other health care professionals, by providing educational opportunities and to advance the quality and safety of patient care. The symposium is an annual 2-day statewide program that supplies both a comprehensive diabetes management update to all primary care professionals and an opportunity for attendees to obtain continuing education credits at a low cost. The overarching goal of the DSC is that the programs it sponsors and the development of new targeted initiatives will lead to continuous improvements in the care of people at risk and with diabetes along with a decrease in morbidity, mortality and costs of diabetes and its complications in South Carolina and elsewhere. Published by Elsevier Inc.

  4. Exercise and Type 2 Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Colberg, Sheri R.; Sigal, Ronald J.; Fernhall, Bo; Regensteiner, Judith G.; Blissmer, Bryan J.; Rubin, Richard R.; Chasan-Taber, Lisa; Albright, Ann L.; Braun, Barry


    Although physical activity (PA) is a key element in the prevention and management of type 2 diabetes, many with this chronic disease do not become or remain regularly active. High-quality studies establishing the importance of exercise and fitness in diabetes were lacking until recently, but it is now well established that participation in regular PA improves blood glucose control and can prevent or delay type 2 diabetes, along with positively affecting lipids, blood pressure, cardiovascular events, mortality, and quality of life. Structured interventions combining PA and modest weight loss have been shown to lower type 2 diabetes risk by up to 58% in high-risk populations. Most benefits of PA on diabetes management are realized through acute and chronic improvements in insulin action, accomplished with both aerobic and resistance training. The benefits of physical training are discussed, along with recommendations for varying activities, PA-associated blood glucose management, diabetes prevention, gestational diabetes mellitus, and safe and effective practices for PA with diabetes-related complications. PMID:21115758

  5. Diabetic corneal neuropathy.

    PubMed Central

    Schultz, R O; Peters, M A; Sobocinski, K; Nassif, K; Schultz, K J


    Corneal epithelial lesions can be found in approximately one-half of asymptomatic patients with diabetes mellitus. These lesions are transient and clinically resemble the keratopathy seen in staphylococcal keratoconjunctivitis. Staphylococcal organisms, however, can be isolated in equal percentages from diabetic patients without keratopathy. Diabetic peripheral neuropathy was found to be related to the presence of diabetic keratopathy after adjusting for age with analysis of covariance. The strongest predictor of both keratopathy and corneal fluorescein staining was vibration perception threshold in the toes (P less than 0.01); and the severity of keratopathy was directly related to the degree of diminution of peripheral sensation. Other predictors of keratopathy were: reduced tear breakup time (P less than 0.03), type of diabetes (P less than 0.01), and metabolic status as indicated by c-peptide fasting (P less than 0.01). No significant relationships were found between the presence of keratopathy and tear glucose levels, endothelial cell densities, corneal thickness measurements, the presence of S epidermidis, or with duration of disease. It is our conclusion that asymptomatic epithelial lesions in the nontraumatized diabetic cornea can occur as a manifestation of generalized polyneuropathy and probably represent a specific form of corneal neuropathy. Images FIGURE 1 FIGURE 2 FIGURE 3 PMID:6676964

  6. Built environment and diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Pasala, Sudhir Kumar; Rao, Allam Appa; Sridhar, G. R.


    Development of type 2 diabetes mellitus is influenced by built environment, which is, ‘the environments that are modified by humans, including homes, schools, workplaces, highways, urban sprawls, accessibility to amenities, leisure, and pollution.’ Built environment contributes to diabetes through access to physical activity and through stress, by affecting the sleep cycle. With globalization, there is a possibility that western environmental models may be replicated in developing countries such as India, where the underlying genetic predisposition makes them particularly susceptible to diabetes. Here we review published information on the relationship between built environment and diabetes, so that appropriate modifications can be incorporated to reduce the risk of developing diabetes mellitus. PMID:20535308

  7. [Not Available].


    De Abajo Larriba, Ana Beatriz; Díaz Rodríguez, Ángel; González-Gallego, Javier; Méndez Rodríguez, Enrique; Álvarez Álvarez, María Jesús; Capón Álvarez, Jessica; Peleteiro Cobo, Beatriz; Mahmoud Atoui, Omar; De Abajo Olea, Serafín; Martínez de Mandojana Hernández, Juan


    Introducción: estimar la prevalencia del tabaquismo y analizar cómo se diagnostican y se trata a los fumadores diagnosticados de EPOC.Métodos: estudio epidemiológico, transversal, multicéntrico (30 centros salud de la provincia de León). Incluyó pacientes mayores de 35 años diagnosticados y tratados de EPOC. Variables analizadas: edad, sexo, hábitat, datos antropométricos, tabaquismo, número de paquetes/año, cooximetría, dependencia (escala analógico-visual), motivación (test de Fagerström), autoeficacia, estado anímico, intentos previos, terapia cognitivo-conductual, tratamiento farmacológico (TSN, bupropión, vareniclina) y recaídas. Los resultados se expresan con sus IC al 95,5%.Resultados: se incluyó a 833 pacientes, el 85,8% varones, edad media: 64,69 (53,66-75,61) años y 20,65 (4,47-36,8) años de evolución de la EPOC. El 86,67% (80,30-93,30) tenían antecedentes de tabaquismo (n = 722), de 35,26 (17,87-52,64) años de evolución, con consumo medio 28,36 (9,60-46,86) paquetes año, p < 0,001, siendo el 58% fumadores severos. El 57,4% (53,90-60,60) son exfumadores. El 29,3% (26,40-32,70) fumadores activos declarados vs. 35,11% (33,90-37,12) fumadores diagnosticados por cooximetría p < 0,05. Los 288 fumadores activos, presentaban baja motivación (49,80%), alta dependencia (49,5%), actitud negativa (52,60%), bajo estado de ánimo (32,05%), con 2,72 (1,74-3,67) intentos para dejar de fumar, p < 0,0001. La terapia conductivo-conductual (TCC) combinado con tratamiento farmacológico se realizó en el 55,8% (52,2-54,9), p < 0,05; La intervención más efectiva fue TCC combinada con vareniclina logrando una abstinencia del 29,86%. En total dejaron de fumar un 51,05% (49,49-52,70) de los pacientes con EPOC, p < 0,001.Conclusiones: la prevalencia de tabaquismo en la EPOC en nuestro medio continúa siendo inadmisiblemente elevada. Es necesaria una mayor implicación para disminuir su impacto en la salud de estos pacientes.

  8. Bladder Control Problems


    ... del Instituto Nacional de la Diabetes y las Enfermedades Digestivas y Renales (NIDDK, por sus siglas en ... para incrementar el conocimiento de salud y las enfermedades entre pacientes, profesionales de la salud y el ...

  9. Decrease in toe pinch force in male type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy.


    Kataoka, Hiroaki; Miyatake, Nobuyuki; Kitayama, Naomi; Murao, Satoshi; Tanaka, Satoshi


    The purpose of this cross-sectional study was to investigate the toe pinch force (TPF) of type 2 diabetic patients with diabetic nephropathy by disease stage, and to clarify the factors affecting the TPF. Seventy-four men with diabetic nephropathy (age: 62.7 ± 8.9 years, duration of diabetes: 14.2 ± 8.6 years) were enrolled. According to the staging of diabetic nephropathy, TPF and knee extension force (KEF) were compared among three groups: normoalbuminuria, microalbuminuria, and overt nephropathy. In addition, we investigated factors influencing TPF and KEF by performing multiple regression analysis. Normoalbuminuria group, microalbuminuria group, and overt nephropathy group included 26, 25, and 23 patients, respectively. The TPF of the overt nephropathy group (3.15 ± 0.75 kg) was significantly lower than that of the normoalbuminuria (4.2 ± 0.7 kg, p < 0.001) and microalbuminuria groups (3.65 ± 0.81 kg, p = 0.022). The KEF of the overt nephropathy group (37.1 ± 8.3 kgf) was significantly lower than that of the normoalbuminuria group (44.8 ± 8.3 kgf, p = 0.010). Multiple regression analysis revealed that diabetic polyneuropathy (DPN) and diabetic nephropathy were determinant factors of the TPF; and age, body mass index, and diabetic nephropathy were determinant factors of the KEF. We found in male patients with diabetic nephropathy, the TPF and KEF decreased with progression of diabetic nephropathy. Furthermore, our findings suggest diabetic nephropathy and DPN are critically involved in the reduction of TPF and KEF.

  10. 78 FR 26641 - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Diabetes Mellitus Interagency...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ..., 2013, DMICC workshop will discuss new and emerging opportunities for type 1 diabetes research supported by the Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research. An agenda for the DMICC... Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee Notice of...

  11. 76 FR 20358 - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Diabetes Mellitus Interagency...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... discuss new and emerging opportunities for type 1 diabetes research supported by the Special Statutory Funding Program for Type 1 Diabetes Research. Any interested person may file written comments with the... Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee; Notice of...

  12. Severe Diabetic Nephropathy in Type 1 Diabetes and Pregnancy - A Case Series

    PubMed Central

    Piccoli, Giorgina B.; Tavassoli, Elisabetta; Melluzza, Carmela; Grassi, Giorgio; Monzeglio, Clara; Donvito, Valentina; Leone, Filomena; Attini, Rossella; Ghiotto, Sara; Clari, Roberta; Moro, Irene; Fassio, Federica; Parisi, Silvia; Pilloni, Eleonora; Vigotti, Federica N.; Giuffrida, Domenica; Rolfo, Alessandro; Todros, Tullia


    BACKGROUND: Diabetes and nephropathy are important challenges during pregnancy, increasingly encountered because of the advances in maternal-fetal care. AIM: To evaluate the maternal and fetal outcomes recorded in "severe" diabetic nephropathy in type 1 diabetic patients referred to nephrological healtcare. METHODS: The study was performed in an outpatient unit dedicated to kidney diseases in pregnancy (with joint nephrological and obstetric follow-up and strict cooperation with the diabetes unit). 383 pregnancies were referred to the outpatient unit in 2000-2012, 14 of which were complicated by type 1 diabetes. The report includes 12 deliveries, including 2 pregnancies in 1 patient; one twin pregnancy; 2 spontaneous abortions were not included. All cases had long-standing type 1 diabetes (median of 21 (15-31) years), relatively high median age (35 (29-40) years) and end-organ damage (all patients presented laser-treated retinopathy and half of them clinical neuropathy). Median glomerular filtration rate (GFR) at referral was 67 ml/min (48-122.6), proteinuria was 1.6 g/day (0.1-6.3 g/day). RESULTS: Proteinuria steeply increased in 11/12 patients, reaching the nephrotic range in nine (6 above 5 g/day). One patient increased by 2 chronic kidney disease (CKD) stages. Support therapy included blood pressure and diabetes control, bed rest, and moderate protein restriction. All children were preterm (7 early preterm); early spontaneous labor occurred in 4/12 patients. All singletons were appropriate for gestational age and developed normally after birth. The male twin child died 6 days after birth (after surgery for great vessel transposition). CONCLUSIONS: Diabetic patients with severe diabetic nephropathy are still present a considerable challenge. Therefore, further investigations are required, particularly on proteinuria management and the occurrence of spontaneous labor. PMID:24172700

  13. Diabetic Neuropathy: Mechanisms to Management

    PubMed Central

    Edwards, James L.; Vincent, Andrea; Cheng, Thomas; Feldman, Eva L.


    Neuropathy is the most common and debilitating complication of diabetes and results in pain, decreased motility, and amputation. Diabetic neuropathy encompasses a variety of forms whose impact ranges from discomfort to death. Hyperglycemia induces oxidative stress in diabetic neurons and results in activation of multiple biochemical pathways. These activated pathways are a major source of damage and are potential therapeutic targets in diabetic neuropathy. Though therapies are available to alleviate the symptoms of diabetic neuropathy, few options are available to eliminate the root causes. The immense physical, psychological, and economic cost of diabetic neuropathy underscores the need for causally targeted therapies. This review covers the pathology, epidemiology, biochemical pathways, and prevention of diabetic neuropathy, as well as discusses current symptomatic and causal therapies and novel approaches to identify therapeutic targets. PMID:18616962

  14. Contraception and the Adolescent Diabetic.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fennoy, Ilene


    Data from a study of 11 teenage diabetics suggests that pregnancy among adolescent diabetics is more frequent than among the general population, at a time when diabetic control is poor because of psychosocial factors associated with adolescence. Current recommendations regarding contraception for diabetic women, focusing on barrier methods, are…

  15. Jiangtang Xiaozhi Recipe () prevents diabetic retinopathy in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.


    Li, Lin; Li, Yan-Lin; Zhou, Yun-Feng; Ge, Zheng-Yan; Wang, Li-Li; Li, Zhi-Qiang; Guo, Yu-Jie; Jin, Long; Ren, Ye; Liu, Jian-Xun; Xu, Yang


    To evaluate the prevention effect of diabetic retinopathy of Jiangtang Xiaozhi Recipe (, JXR) in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. Sprague-Dawley rats were randomly divided into normal control group and diabetic group. Rats in the diabetic group were induced by intraperitoneal administration of STZ (50 mg/kg), and subdivided into 5 groups. Rats in the diabetic control group were given saline; four treatment groups were given metformin (300 mg/kg), JXR (2, 4 and 8 g/kg) respectively for 8 weeks, while rats in the normal control group were injected with citrate buffer and given the same volume of vehicle. Body weight and food intake were measured every week. The hypoglycaemic effects were determined by testing fasting blood glucose (FBG) every other week, and hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c), insulin, and glucagon at the end of the treatment. The preventive effects of JXR on STZ-induced diabetic rats were determined by histopathological examination with hematoxylin and eosin staining, and periodic acid-schiff staining. The effects were further evaluated by serum superoxide dismutase (SOD) activity and malondialdehyde (MDA). High-dose JXR significantly reduced FBG and HbA1c level at the 8th week of administration (P<0.01, P<0.05). JXR significantly increased insulin level (P<0.05), and decreased glucagon level (P<0.05). JXR showed the antioxidant defense with increased SOD activity and decreased MDA contents in diabetic rats. Histopathological studies revealed that there were no basement membrane thickening and mild destruction in the treated groups. Morphometric measurements of retina microvascular showed that acellular capillary and capillary density decreased in treated rats while pericyte and endothelial cell increasing after the treatment. JXR have protective effect of diabetic retinopathy and its mechanism may be associated with the obvious hypoglycemic and antioxidant effect.

  16. Mother-father informant discrepancies regarding diabetes management: associations with diabetes-specific family conflict and glycemic control.


    Sood, Erica D; Pendley, Jennifer Shroff; Delamater, Alan M; Rohan, Jennifer M; Pulgaron, Elizabeth R; Drotar, Dennis


    To examine the relationship of mother-father informant discrepancies regarding diabetes management to diabetes-specific family conflict and glycemic control. One hundred thirty-six mothers and fathers of youth with Type 1 diabetes reported on the youth's diabetes management, diabetes-specific family conflict, and amount of paternal involvement in diabetes care. Glycosylated hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) was used to measure glycemic control. As hypothesized, mother-father discrepancies regarding diabetes management were positively associated with frequency of diabetes-specific family conflict. Contrary to hypotheses, mother-father discrepancies regarding diabetes management predicted poorer glycemic control for youth with less involved fathers only. Results highlight the importance of caregivers being consistent about pediatric illness management and support the idea that informant discrepancies represent an important window into the functioning of the family system. PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2012 APA, all rights reserved.

  17. The Emerging Diabetes Online Community

    PubMed Central

    Hilliard, Marisa E.; Sparling, Kerri M.; Hitchcock, Jeff; Oser, Tamara K.; Hood, Korey K.


    Abstract: Background Diabetes self-management is complex and demanding, and isolation and burnout are common experiences. The Internet provides opportunities for people with diabetes to connect with one another to address these challenges. The aims of this paper are to introduce readers to the platforms on which Diabetes Online Community (DOC) participants interact, to discuss reasons for and risks associated with diabetes-related online activity, and to review research related to the potential impact of DOC participation on diabetes outcomes. Methods Research and online content related to diabetes online activity is reviewed, and DOC writing excerpts are used to illustrate key themes. Guidelines for meaningful participation in DOC activities for people with diabetes, families, health care providers, and industry are provided. Results Common themes around DOC participation include peer support, advocacy, self-expression, seeking and sharing diabetes information, improving approaches to diabetes data management, and humor. Potential risks include access to misinformation and threats to individuals’ privacy, though there are limited data on negative outcomes resulting from such activities. Likewise, few data are available regarding the impact of DOC involvement on glycemic outcomes, but initial research suggests a positive impact on emotional experiences, attitudes toward diabetes, and engagement in diabetes management behaviors. Conclusion The range of DOC participants, activities, and platforms is growing rapidly. The Internet provides opportunities to strengthen communication and support among individuals with diabetes, their families, health care providers, the health care industry, policy makers, and the general public. Research is needed to investigate the impact of DOC participation on self-management, quality of life, and glycemic control, and to design and evaluate strategies to maximize its positive impact. PMID:25901500

  18. The emerging diabetes online community.


    Hilliard, Marisa E; Sparling, Kerri M; Hitchcock, Jeff; Oser, Tamara K; Hood, Korey K


    Diabetes self-management is complex and demanding, and isolation and burnout are common experiences. The Internet provides opportunities for people with diabetes to connect with one another to address these challenges. The aims of this paper are to introduce readers to the platforms on which Diabetes Online Community (DOC) participants interact, to discuss reasons for and risks associated with diabetes-related online activity, and to review research related to the potential impact of DOC participation on diabetes outcomes. Research and online content related to diabetes online activity is reviewed, and DOC writing excerpts are used to illustrate key themes. Guidelines for meaningful participation in DOC activities for people with diabetes, families, health care providers, and industry are provided. Common themes around DOC participation include peer support, advocacy, self-expression, seeking and sharing diabetes information, improving approaches to diabetes data management, and humor. Potential risks include access to misinformation and threats to individuals' privacy, though there are limited data on negative outcomes resulting from such activities. Likewise, few data are available regarding the impact of DOC involvement on glycemic outcomes, but initial research suggests a positive impact on emotional experiences, attitudes toward diabetes, and engagement in diabetes management behaviors. The range of DOC participants, activities, and platforms is growing rapidly. The Internet provides opportunities to strengthen communication and support among individuals with diabetes, their families, health care providers, the health care industry, policy makers, and the general public. Research is needed to investigate the impact of DOC participation on self-management, quality of life, and glycemic control, and to design and evaluate strategies to maximize its positive impact.

  19. Diabetes in Cushing Disease.


    Mazziotti, G; Formenti, A M; Frara, S; Maffezzoni, F; Doga, M; Giustina, A


    This review focuses on the pathophysiological and clinical aspects of diabetes mellitus occurring in patients with Cushing disease (CD). Insulin resistance and impairment in insulin secretion are both involved in the pathogenesis of glucocorticoid-induced diabetes. Correction of glucocorticoid excess does not always resolve abnormalities of glucose homeostasis, and correction of hyperglycaemia is specifically required. In fact, insulin resistance may persist even after correction of glucocorticoid excess and diabetes needs to be treated for long term. On the other hand, emerging drugs used in the treatment of CD, such as the novel somatostatin analog pasireotide, may have direct effects on glucose homeostasis regardless of control of cortisol excess. Diabetes mellitus is a frequent and early complication of CD with important diagnostic, prognostic and therapeutic implications. Specifically, diagnosis of CD in patients with diabetes may be difficult due to potential misinterpretation of markers of cortisol hypersecretion. Moreover, diabetes mellitus is often difficult to be controlled in CD requiring a careful and dedicated therapeutic approach. Finally, the coexistence of diabetes may influence the therapeutic decision making in CD, since drugs used in this setting may variably influence glucose homeostasis regardless of control of hypercortisolism.

  20. Exploring diabetes type 1-related stigma

    PubMed Central

    Abdoli, Samereh; Abazari, Parvaneh; Mardanian, Leila


    Background: Empowerment of people with diabetes means integrating diabetes with identity. However, others’ stigmatization can influence it. Although diabetes is so prevalent among Iranians, there is little knowledge about diabetes-related stigma in Iran. The present study explored diabetes-related stigma in people living with type 1 diabetes in Isfahan. Materials and Methods: A conventional content analysis was used with in-depth interview with 26 people with and without diabetes from November 2011 to July 2012. Results: A person with type 1 diabetes was stigmatized as a miserable human (always sick and unable, death reminder, and intolerable burden), rejected marriage candidate (busy spouse, high-risk pregnant), and deprived of a normal life [prisoner of (to must), deprived of pleasure]. Although, young adults with diabetes undergo all aspects of the social diabetes-related stigma; in their opinion they were just deprived of a normal life Conclusion: It seems that in Isfahan, diabetes-related stigma is of great importance. In this way, conducting an appropriate intervention is necessary to improve the empowerment process in people with type 1 diabetes in order to reduce the stigma in the context. PMID:23983731

  1. Study methodology and diabetes control in patients from the non-English diabetes management project (NEDMP).


    Dirani, Mohamed; Dang, Trung M; Xie, Jing; Gnanasekaran, Sivashanth; Nicolaou, Theona; Rees, Gwyneth; Fenwick, Eva; Lamoureux, Ecosse L


    To describe the clinical characteristics of non-English speaking patients from the Diabetes Management Project (NEDMP), and compare their diabetes management and severity of diabetic retinopathy (DR) with the English-speaking DMP sample (EDMP). A prospective study was conducted on non-English speaking adults with diabetes who attended the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital. 136 (90.1%) non-English speaking adults were assessed, with a mean age of 72.2 years (range: 50-88 years); 74 (54.4%) were male. Participants completed interviewer-administered questionnaires and underwent visual acuity, fundus photography, optical coherence tomography, biochemistry and anthropometric measurements. The EDMP assessed 609 patients in 2009 using a similar protocol. Type and duration of diabetes, diabetes control and diabetic retinopathy. A total of 127 (93.4%) and 8 (5.9%) participants reported having type 2 and type 1 diabetes, respectively, with a median (IQR) duration of 17 (14) years. The proportion of patients with poor diabetes control (HbA1c ≥ 7%) in the NEDMP was similar to the EDMP (64.0% and 68.2%, respectively; P = 0.411). A significantly higher proportion of patients with DR in the NEDMP were found to have poor diabetes control (HbA1c ≥ 7%) compared to those without DR (80.9% vs. 50.0%, P = 0.003). Almost two-thirds of NEDMP patients (74/118) had DR and 23% (27/115) had diabetic macular edema. The prevalence of DR was similar between the NEDMP and EDMP studies, ranging from 25-30% and 28-29%. The clinical characteristics, diabetes control, and DR severity of English and non-English-speaking patients were similar. The high proportion of poor diabetes management in non-English speaking patients with DR suggests educational and behavioural interventions to improve glycaemic control are warranted. © 2016 Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Ophthalmologists.

  2. Diabetes Training for Community Health Workers.


    Aponte, Judith


    A 2.5-month diabetes education training for community health workers (CHWs) was developed, implemented, and evaluated. Training methods used included case studies, role-playing, and lectures. Exams were used throughout the training for its evaluation. Teaching was delivered by different ways: a one day American Diabetes Association (ADA) course; a five day Diabetes Self-Management Program (DSMP); Conversation Maps; and a series of seven National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK) diabetes education booklets. Qualitative and quantitative evaluative methods were used during and after the training. The CHWs' diabetes knowledge was evaluated by a pre- and post-test Diabetes Knowledge Questionnaire (DKQ). The post-test was conducted one week after completing the training. The findings showed that the diabetes knowledge of the CHWs increased. Diabetes competencies and evaluative tools need to be developed specific for CHWs as a way to standardize all CHW diabetes trainings.

  3. [Not Available].


    Martínez-Lozano Aranaga, Fátima; Palacios Vales, Paula; Serrano Navarro, Juana María; Caballero Requejo, Carmen; Gómez Ramos, María Jesús; Sánchez Álvarez, Carmen


    Introducción: la composición lipídica de las fórmulas de nutrición parenteral (NP) se postula como posible factor de evolución clínica.Objetivo: evaluar las diferencias en eficacia y seguridad de dos emulsiones lipídicas en NP.Material y métodos: estudio clínico prospectivo de pacientes posquirúrgicos sometidos a NP durante más de 7 días en un periodo de 2 años. Se administraron de forma indistinta 2 tipos de emulsiones lipídicas: enriquecida con ácidos grasos omega 3 (SMOFlipid Fresenius Kabi®) o con ácido oleico omega 9 (Clinoleic Baxter®). Se analizaron variables epidemiológicas, analíticas, complicaciones infecciosas y mortalidad.Resultados: se estudió un total de 154 pacientes con edad media de 64,36 ± 13,73 años, de los que 95 eran hombres (61%), 78 (51%) recibieron SMOFlipid® y 76 (49%) Clinoleic®. La estancia media fue de 16,91 ± 4,23 días, la duración de la NP 9,68 ± 3,25 días y la mortalidad del 11%. Se diagnosticaron 58 (37%) infecciones. No existieron diferencias significativas en cuanto a los parámetros analíticos lipídicos, hepáticos o nutricionales (medidos al inicio y al 7.º día) ni en su evolución (estancia media, complicaciones infecciosas ni mortalidad) entre los dos grupos de pacientes.Conclusión: los pacientes sometidos a NP presentan similares características evolutivas con independencia de la emulsión lipídica utilizada. La bibliografía actual apunta a un beneficio de la disminución del aporte de ácidos grasos omega 9, pero no se han encontrado diferencias significativas entre las fórmulas comparadas.

  4. Diabetes-Specific Quality of Life of Korean Children and Adolescents With Type 1 Diabetes.


    Boo, Sunjoo; Ahn, Youngmee; Lee, Ji Eun; Kang, Narae; Kang, Heesook; Sohn, Min


    The purpose of this study was to explore the quality of life of children in Korea with type 1 diabetes and related factors. Children were recruited from a diabetes camp. Data were collected using four instruments: the PedsQL™ 3.2 Diabetes Module, Self-Efficacy for Diabetes Self-Management, the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale for Children, and the Diabetes Management Behavior Scale. Children who were older (t = 2.197, p = .041), male (t = -3.579, p = .002), and less depressed (t = -2.859, p = .010) were more likely to have better quality of life. Further research is needed in children with type 1 diabetes in countries where this disease is rare, and governmental support and public awareness are limited. © 2015 NANDA International, Inc.

  5. Diabetic corneal neuropathy: clinical perspectives.


    Bikbova, Guzel; Oshitari, Toshiyuki; Baba, Takayuki; Bikbov, Mukharram; Yamamoto, Shuichi


    Diabetic keratopathy is characterized by impaired innervation of the cornea that leads to decreased sensitivity, with resultant difficulties with epithelial wound healing. These difficulties in wound healing put patients at risk for ocular complications such as surface irregularities, corneal infections, and stromal opacification. Pathological changes in corneal innervations in diabetic patients are an important early indicator of diabetic neuropathy. The decrease in corneal sensitivity is strongly correlated with the duration of diabetes as well as the severity of the neuropathy. This review presents recent findings in assessing the ocular surface as well as the recent therapeutic strategies for optimal management of individuals with diabetes who are susceptible to developing diabetic neuropathy.

  6. Diabetes and kidney disease


    ... in diabetes -- 2017: 10. Microvascular complications and foot care. Diabetes Care. 2017;40 (Suppl 1):S88-S98. . Brownlee M, Aiello LP, Cooper ME, Vinik AI, ... of diabetes mellitus. In: Melmed S, Polonsky KS, Larsen PR, Kronenberg ...

  7. Declining trends of diabetic nephropathy, retinopathy and neuropathy with improving diabetes care indicators in Japanese patients with type 2 and type 1 diabetes (JDDM 46).


    Yokoyama, Hiroki; Araki, Shin-Ichi; Kawai, Koichi; Yamazaki, Katsuya; Tomonaga, Osamu; Shirabe, Shin-Ichiro; Maegawa, Hiroshi


    We examined changes in prevalence of diabetic microvascular/macrovascular complications and diabetes care indicators for adults in Japan with type 2 and type 1 diabetes over one decade. Two independent cohorts were recruited with the same inclusion criteria in 2004 (cohort 1: 3319 with type 2 and 286 with type 1 diabetes) and in 2014 (cohort 2: 3932 with type 2 and 308 with type 1 diabetes). Prevalence of complications and care indicators including achieving treatment targets for glycemia, blood pressure, lipid control, body mass index (BMI), and smoking were compared. In addition, patients in cohort 1 were re-examined in 2014 and their data were compared with the baseline data of each cohort. In type 2 diabetes, the prevalence of nephropathy, retinopathy, neuropathy, chronic kidney disease, current smoking and stroke significantly decreased, with improvements in achieving treatment target rates in cohort 2 two as compared with cohort 1. In type 1 diabetes, the prevalence of nephropathy, retinopathy, chronic kidney disease, and hemoglobin A 1C values significantly decreased. Decreases in prevalence of microvascular complications in type 2 diabetes were similarly found in each age-matched and sex-matched group, whereas younger patients exhibited marked increase in BMI and lower treatment target achieving rates compared with elderly patients. Regarding normoalbuminuric renal impairment, only a slight increase in the prevalence was observed both in type 2 and type 1 diabetes. In cohort 1, re-examined in 2014, care indicators were significantly improved from 2004, while complications increased with getting 10 years older. We observed declining trends of diabetic microvascular complications with improvement in diabetes care indicators in type 2 and type 1 diabetes. Younger patients with type 2 diabetes exhibited marked increase in BMI and lower rates of achieving treatment targets compared with elderly patients, which remains a concern.

  8. Diabetes and periodontal diseases.



    This position paper on diabetes mellitus was prepared by the Research, Science and Therapy Committee of The American Academy of Periodontology. It is intended to: 1) update members of the dental profession on the diagnosis and medical management of patients with diabetes mellitus; 2) summarize current knowledge on the relation between diabetes mellitus and periodontal diseases; 3) provide an overview of factors in diabetic patients relevant to understanding the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases in these subjects; 4) outline special considerations associated with treatment of periodontal diseases in diabetic patients; and 5) discuss possible approaches to the management of diabetic emergencies in the dental office. Reliance on this position paper in patient management will not guarantee a successful outcome. Periodontal diseases often involve numerous and complex causes and symptoms. Ultimately, decisions regarding the diagnosis and treatment of disease in an individual patient must be made by the treating practitioner in light of the specific facts presented by that patient.

  9. Postpartum development of type 1 diabetes in Asian Indian women with gestational diabetes.


    Unnikrishnan, Ranjit; Shanthi Rani, Coimbatore Subramanian; Anjana, Ranjit Mohan; Uthra, Subash Chandrabose; Vidya, Jaydeep; Sankari, Ganesan Uma; Venkatesan, Ulagamathesan; Rani, Saravanan Jeba; Mohan, Viswanathan


    To study the postpartum conversion of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) to different types of diabetes among Asian Indian women. Using data from electronic medical records, 418 women with GDM seen at a tertiary diabetes care center for diabetes in Chennai in South India between 1991 and 2014 were evaluated for development of diabetes postpartum. Of the 418 GDM women followed up postpartum, 388 progressed to diabetes. Of these 359 (92.5%) developed type 2 diabetes (T2DM) and 29 women (7.5%) developed type 1 diabetes (T1DM). The median time to development of T1DM was 2 years (interquartile range 2 [IQR]) while for T2DM it was 5 years (IQR 6). Women who developed T1DM had significantly lower mean body mass index (BMI) (20.4 ± 2.8 vs. 27.5 ± 4.4 kg/m 2 , P = 0.001), and higher fasting plasma glucose (222 ± 105 vs. 165 ± 62 mg/dl P = 0.008) and glycated hemoglobin levels (10.2 ± 2.7 vs. 8.5 ± 2.1% P < 0.001) compared to those who developed T2DM. Glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) autoantibodies were present in 24/29 (82.7%) of women who developed T1DM. A small but significant proportion of women with GDM progress to T1DM postpartum. Measurement of GAD antibodies in leaner women with more severe diabetes could help to identify women who are likely to develop T1DM and thus prevent their presentation with acute hyperglycemic emergencies after delivery.

  10. [Incidence and clinical risk factors for the development of diabetes mellitus in women with previous gestational diabetes].


    Domínguez-Vigo, P; Álvarez-Silvares, E; Alves-Pérez M T; Domínguez-Sánchez, J; González-González, A


    Gestational diabetes is considered a variant of diabetes mellitus as they share a common pathophysiological basis: insulin resistance in target and insufficient secretion of it by pancreatic p-cell bodies. Pregnancy is a unique physiological situation provides an opportunity to identify future risk of diabetes mellitus. To determine the long-term incidence of diabetes mellitus in women who have previously been diagnosed with gestational diabetes and identifying clinical risk factors for developing the same. nested case-control cohort study. 671 patients between 1996 and 2009 were diagnosed with gestational diabetes were selected. The incidence of diabetes mellitus was estimated and 2 subgroups were formed: Group A or cases: women who develop diabetes mellitus after diagnosis of gestational diabetes. Group B or control: random sample of 71 women with a history of gestational diabetes in the follow-up period remained normoglycemic. Both groups were studied up to 18 years postpartum. By studying Kaplan Meier survival of the influence of different gestational variables it was obtained in the later development of diabetes mellitus with time parameter and COX models for categorical variables were applied. Significant variables were studied by multivariate Cox analysis. In all analyzes the Hazard ratio was calculated with confidence intervals at 95%. The incidence of diabetes mellitus was 10.3% in patients with a history of gestational diabetes. They were identified as risk factors in the index pregnancy to later development of diabetes mellitus: greater than 35 and younger than 27 years maternal age, BMI greater than 30 kg/m2, hypertensive disorders of pregnancy, insulin therapy, poor metabolic control and more than a complicated pregnancy with gestational diabetes. Clinical factors have been identified in the pregnancy complicated by gestational diabetes that determine a higher probability of progression to diabetes mellitus in the medium and long term.

  11. Morphofunctional characteristics of the foot in patients with diabetes mellitus and diabetic neuropathy.


    García-Álvarez, Yolanda; Lázaro-Martínez, José Luis; García-Morales, Esther; Cecilia-Matilla, Almudena; Aragón-Sánchez, Javier; Carabantes-Alarcón, David


    To determine the structural and biomechanical characteristics associated with the conditions diabetes mellitus and diabetic neuropathy. Observational study of 788 patients conducted between February 2007 and February 2009, which included subjects with and without diabetes mellitus who had no active ulcer at enrollment. Demographic variables and the general and specific history of diabetes mellitus were recorded. The patient's foot type according to the Foot Posture Index, joint mobility and deformity were recorded. No associations were found between the different foot types (neutral, pronated and supinated) and the structural and demographic variables at a general level, except for the pronated foot that was associated with a higher body mass index, longer suffering from diabetes and the presence of neuropathy [p<0.001, OR (95% CI): 6.017 (4.198-8.624); p<0.001, OR (95% CI): 1.710 (1.266-2.309); p=0.010, OR (95% CI): 0.759 (0.615-0.937), respectively]. The confluence of risk factors such as neuropathy, body mass index, duration of diabetes and limited joint mobility in patients with diabetes mellitus and pronated foot may be a high-risk anthropometric pattern for developing associated complications such as Charcot foot. A prospective analysis of these patients is required to define the risk for developing Charcot neuroarthropathy. Copyright © 2013 Diabetes India. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  12. A Colombian diabetes risk score for detecting undiagnosed diabetes and impaired glucose regulation.


    Barengo, Noël Christopher; Tamayo, Diana Carolina; Tono, Teresa; Tuomilehto, Jaakko


    (i) To develop a diabetes mellitus risk score model for the Colombian population (ColDRISC); and (ii) to evaluate the accuracy of the ColDRISC unknown Type 2 diabetes mellitus METHODS: Cross-sectional screening study of the 18-74 years-old population of a health-care insurance company (n=2060) in northern Colombia. Lifestyle habits and risk factors for diabetes mellitus were assessed by an interview using a questionnaire consisting of information regarding sociodemographic factors, history of diabetes mellitus, tobacco consumption, hypertension, nutritional and physical activity habits. Anthropometric measurements and an oral glucose tolerance test were taken. The sensitivity and the specificity, receiver-operating characteristic (ROC) curves, were calculated for the ColDRISC and FINDRISC. The area under the ROC curve for unknown Type 2 diabetes mellitus was 0.74 (95% CI: 0.70-0.79) for the ColDRISC and 0.73 for the FINDRISC (95% confidence intervals [CI] 0.69-0.78). Using the risk score cutoff value of 4 in the ColDRISC to detect Type 2 diabetes mellitus resulted in a sensitivity of 73% and specificity of 67%. The characteristics of the ColDRISC show that it can be used as a simple, safe, and inexpensive test to identify people at high risk for Type 2 diabetes mellitus in Colombia. Copyright © 2016 Primary Care Diabetes Europe. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  13. Differences in Urinary Arsenic Metabolites between Diabetic and Non-Diabetic Subjects in Bangladesh

    PubMed Central

    Nizam, Saika; Kato, Masashi; Yatsuya, Hiroshi; Khalequzzaman, Md.; Ohnuma, Shoko; Naito, Hisao; Nakajima, Tamie


    Ingestion of inorganic arsenic (iAs) is considered to be related to the development of diabetes mellitus. In order to clarify the possible differences in the metabolism in diabetics, we measured urinary iAs metabolites in diabetic cases and non-diabetic control subjects in Faridpur, an arsenic-contaminated area in Bangladesh. Physician-diagnosed type 2 diabetic cases (140 persons) and non-diabetic controls (180 persons) were recruited. Drinking water and spot urine samples were collected. Mean concentrations of total arsenic in drinking water did not differ between cases (85.1 μg/L) and controls (85.8 μg/L). The percentage of urinary iAs (iAs%) was significantly lower in cases (8.6%) than in controls (10.4%), while that of dimethylarsinic acid (DMA%) was higher in cases (82.6%) than in controls (79.9%). This may have been due to the higher secondary methylation index (SMI) in the former (11.6) rather than the latter (10.0). Adjusting for matching factors (sex and unions), and the additional other covariates (age and water arsenic) significantly attenuated the differences in iAs%, SMI, and DMA%, respectively, though the difference in monomethylarsonic acid% was newly significant in the latter adjustment. Our study did not suggest any significant differences in urinary arsenic metabolites between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects. PMID:23481591

  14. Type 2 diabetes: how do Thai Buddhist people with diabetes practise self-management?


    Lundberg, Pranee C; Thrakul, Supunnee


    This paper is a report of a study of how Thai Buddhist people with type 2 diabetes practice self-management. The importance of diabetes self-management is recognized in the literature. However, research on self-care management in Thailand, in particular concerning Buddhist people with type 2 diabetes, is scarce. A descriptive qualitative study was conducted. Purposive convenience sampling was used, and thirty men and women with diabetes, aged 28-79 years, participated. Data were collected from June to August 2009 and analysed by use of manifest and latent content analysis. Five themes of self-management among Thai Buddhist people with type 2 diabetes were identified: cultural influence on disease control, Buddhism and Thai culture, struggle for disease control, family support and economy a high priority. Even though the Buddhist people with diabetes had certain self-management capabilities, many had poor control of their blood sugar levels and needed assistance. Reference to Buddhist moderation can be an effective means of helping the people with diabetes better manage their disease and change their lifestyles. In addition to cultural and religious traditions, family, economy and social environment should be taken into account both in the care and in interventions aimed at helping people with diabetes cope and empowering them to control their disease. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  15. Ketosis-Onset Diabetes and Ketosis-Prone Diabetes: Same or Not?

    PubMed Central

    Liu, Beiyan; Yu, Changhua; Li, Qiang; Li, Lin


    Objective. To compare clinical characteristics, immunological markers, and β-cell functions of 4 subgroups (“Aβ” classification system) of ketosis-onset diabetes and ketosis prone diabetes patients without known diabetes, presenting with ketosis or diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) and admitted to our department from March 2011 to December 2011 in China, with 50 healthy persons as control group. Results. β-cell functional reserve was preserved in 63.52% of patients. In almost each subgroup (except A−  β− subgroup of ketosis prone group), male patients were more than female ones. The age of the majority of patients in ketosis prone group was older than that of ketosis-onset group, except A−  β− subgroup of ketosis prone group. The durations from the patient first time ketosis or DKA onset to admitting to the hospital have significant difference, which were much longer for the ketosis prone group except the A+ β+ subgroup. BMI has no significant difference among subgroups. FPG of ketosis prone group was lower than that of A−  β+ subgroup and A+ β+ subgroup in ketosis-onset group. A−  β− subgroup and A+ β+ subgroup of ketosis prone group have lower HbA1c than ketosis-onset group. Conclusions. Ketosis-onset diabetes and ketosis prone diabetes do not absolutely have the same clinical characteristics. Each subgroup shows different specialty. PMID:23710177

  16. [Neonatal diabetes mellitus].


    Gurgel, Lucimary C; Moisés, Regina S


    Neonatal diabetes is a rare condition characterized by hyperglycemia, requiring insulin treatment, diagnosed within the first months of life. The disorder may be either transient, resolving in infancy or early childhood with possible relapse later, or permanent in which case lifelong treatment is necessary. Both conditions are genetically heterogeneous; however, the majority of the cases of transient neonatal diabetes are due to abnormalities of an imprinted region of chromosome 6q24. For permanent neonatal diabetes, the most common causes are heterozygous activating mutations of KCNJ11, the gene encoding the Kir6.2 sub-unit of the ATP-sensitive potassium channel. In this article we discuss the clinical features of neonatal diabetes, the underlying genetic defects and the therapeutic implications.

  17. Defective enamel ultrastructure in diabetic rodents.


    Atar, M; Atar-Zwillenberg, D R; Verry, P; Spornitz, U M


    We investigated six different types of diabetic rodents. Four expressed a genetic obesity resulting in diabetes. One developed diabetes induced by a diet-dependent obesity, and one with genetic diabetes received anti-diabetic medication. The tooth samples were examined under a scanning electron microscope and with an energy dispersive microanalysis (EDX). The electron micrographs showed severe, varying degrees of damage within the six different diabetic animal types, such as irregular crystallite deposition and prism perforations in genetically obese animals compared to less-disordered prism structures in diet-dependent obesity. Anti-diabetic medication resulted in normal enamel ultrastructure. The EDX analysis revealed a reduction in the amount of calcium and phosphorus in all regions affected by diabetes. Based on these animal studies, we suggest that both juvenile diabetes type I (in infants) and adult diabetes type II (in pregnant mothers, affecting the developing foetus) may affect the normal development of teeth in humans.

  18. Brittle diabetes: Psychopathology and personality.


    Pelizza, Lorenzo; Pupo, Simona

    The term "brittle" is used to describe an uncommon subgroup of patients with type I diabetes whose lives are disrupted by severe glycaemic instability with repeated and prolonged hospitalization. Psychosocial problems are the major perceived underlying causes of brittle diabetes. Aim of this study is a systematic psychopathological and personological assessment of patients with brittle diabetes in comparison with subjects without brittle diabetes, using specific parameters of general psychopathology and personality disorders following the multi-axial format of the current DSM-IV-TR (Diagnostic and Statistical manual of Mental Disorders - IV Edition - Text Revised) diagnostic criteria for mental disorders. Patients comprised 42 subjects with brittle diabetes and a case-control group of 42 subjects with stable diabetes, matched for age, gender, years of education, and diabetes duration. General psychopathology and the DSM-IV-TR personality disorders were assessed using the Symptom Checklist-90-Revised (SCL-90-R) and the Structured Clinical Interview for axis II personality Disorders (SCID-II). The comparison for SCL-90-R parameters revealed no differences in all primary symptom dimensions and in the three global distress indices between the two groups. However, patients with brittle diabetes showed higher percentages in borderline, histrionic, and narcissistic personality disorder. In this study, patients with brittle diabetes show no differences in terms of global severity of psychopathological distress and specific symptoms of axis I DSM-IV-TR psychiatric diagnoses in comparison with subjects without brittle diabetes. Differently, individuals with brittle diabetes are more frequently affected by specific DSM-IV-TR cluster B personality disorders. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Parenting children with diabetes: exploring parenting styles on children living with type 1 diabetes mellitus.


    Sherifali, Diana; Ciliska, Donna; O'Mara, Linda


    The purpose of this study was to examine the extent to which parenting styles is associated with diabetes control in children (aged 5-12 years) with type 1 diabetes, and on child and parent quality of life. Data were collected from a total of 216 parent and child dyads, from 4 pediatric diabetes clinics in southern Ontario, using a cross-sectional survey methodology. Each parent and child independently completed the questionnaires. The study instruments included the Parenting Dimensions Inventory, Pediatric Quality of Life (diabetes specific), and chart reviews for glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) levels. The results of the study demonstrated that parenting styles were not correlated with diabetes control and were weakly correlated with quality of life. Most parents reported behaviors of authoritative or democratic parenting. The mean glycosylated hemoglobin (A1C) for children in the study was slightly above optimal target range, at 8.4%. Parental education had a weak negative correlation with diabetes control. Parenting styles are not associated with diabetes control and quality of life in children with type 1 diabetes. However, further research should assess the impact of the determinants of parenting on children with type 1 diabetes and quality of life.

  20. The Case for Diabetes Population Health Improvement: Evidence-Based Programming for Population Outcomes in Diabetes.


    Golden, Sherita Hill; Maruthur, Nisa; Mathioudakis, Nestoras; Spanakis, Elias; Rubin, Daniel; Zilbermint, Mihail; Hill-Briggs, Felicia


    The goal of this review is to describe diabetes within a population health improvement framework and to review the evidence for a diabetes population health continuum of intervention approaches, including diabetes prevention and chronic and acute diabetes management, to improve clinical and economic outcomes. Recent studies have shown that compared to usual care, lifestyle interventions in prediabetes lower diabetes risk at the population-level and that group-based programs have low incremental medial cost effectiveness ratio for health systems. Effective outpatient interventions that improve diabetes control and process outcomes are multi-level, targeting the patient, provider, and healthcare system simultaneously and integrate community health workers as a liaison between the patient and community-based healthcare resources. A multi-faceted approach to diabetes management is also effective in the inpatient setting. Interventions shown to promote safe and effective glycemic control and use of evidence-based glucose management practices include provider reminder and clinical decision support systems, automated computer order entry, provider education, and organizational change. Future studies should examine the cost-effectiveness of multi-faceted outpatient and inpatient diabetes management programs to determine the best financial models for incorporating them into diabetes population health strategies.

  1. How Is Diabetes Treated in Children?


    ... Teens National Diabetes Education Program (NDEP) Information for Schools National Diabetes Information Clearinghouse Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation International American Diabetes Association: Planet D for Kids and ...

  2. Alcohol consumption and risk of pre-diabetes and type 2 diabetes development in a Swedish population.


    Cullmann, M; Hilding, A; Östenson, C-G


    Alcohol is a potential risk factor of Type 2 diabetes. However, more detailed information on effects of alcohol types and early phases of Type 2 diabetes development seems warranted. The aim of this study was to investigate the influence of alcohol consumption and specific alcoholic beverages on the risk of developing pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes in middle-aged Swedish men and women. Subjects, who at baseline had normal glucose tolerance (2070 men and 3058 women) or pre-diabetes (70 men and 41 women), aged 35-56 years, were evaluated in this cohort study. Logistic regression was performed to estimate the risk [odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI)] to develop pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes at 8-10 years follow-up, in relation to self-reported alcohol intake at baseline. Adjustment was performed for several risk factors. Total alcohol consumption and binge drinking increased the risk of pre-diabetes and Type 2 diabetes in men (OR 1.42, 95% CI 1.00-2.03 and OR 1.67, 95% CI 1.11-2.50, respectively), while low consumption decreased diabetes risk in women (OR 0.41, 95% CI 0.22-0.79). Men showed higher risk of pre-diabetes with high beer consumption (OR 1.84, 95% CI 1.13-3.01) and of Type 2 diabetes with high consumption of spirits (OR 2.03, 95% CI 1.27-3.24). Women showed a reduced risk of pre-diabetes with high wine intake (OR 0.66, 95% CI 0.43-0.99) and of Type 2 diabetes with medium intake of both wine and spirits (OR 0.46, 95% CI 0.24-0.88 and OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.31-0.97, respectively), whereas high consumption of spirits increased the pre-diabetes risk(OR 2.41, 95% CI 1.47-3.96). High alcohol consumption increases the risk of abnormal glucose regulation in men. In women the associations are more complex: decreased risk with low or medium intake and increased risk with high alcohol intake. © 2011 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine © 2011 Diabetes UK.

  3. Diabetes Educators’ Intended and Reported Use of Common Diabetes-Related Technologies

    PubMed Central

    James, Steven; Perry, Lin; Gallagher, Robyn; Lowe, Julia


    Background: Technology provides adjuvant and/or alternative approaches to care and may promote self-care, communication, and engagement with health care services. Common recent technologies for diabetes include continuous subcutaneous insulin infusions (insulin pumps), continuous glucose monitoring systems, smartphone and tablet applications, and telehealth (video conferencing). This study reports Australian diabetes educators’ intentions and reported professional use of these technologies for people with type 1 diabetes, and factors predictive of this. Methods: An anonymous, web-based questionnaire based on the technology acceptance model was distributed to members of the Australian Diabetes Educators Association through their electronic newsletter. Exploratory factor analysis revealed a 5-factor solution comprising confidence and competence, improving clinical practice, preparation (intentions and training), ease of use, and subjective norms. Logistic regression analyses identified factors predicting intention and use of technology. Results: Respondents (n = 228) had high intentions to use technology. The majority reported using continuous subcutaneous insulin infusions, continuous glucose monitoring systems, and applications with patients, but usage was occasional. Confidence and competence independently predicted both intentions and use of all 4 technologies. Preparation (intentions and training) independently predicted use of each technology also. Conclusions: Discrepancies and dissonance appear between diabetes educators’ intentions and behavior (intentions to use and reported technology use). Intentions were higher than current use, which was relatively low and not likely to provide significant support to people with type 1 diabetes for disease management, communication, and engagement with health care services. Continuing education and experiential learning may be key in supporting diabetes educators to align their intentions with their practice. PMID

  4. Advances in retinal imaging for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema.


    Tan, Colin Siang Hui; Chew, Milton Cher Yong; Lim, Louis Wei Yi; Sadda, Srinivas R


    Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema (DME) are leading causes of blindness throughout the world, and cause significant visual morbidity. Ocular imaging has played a significant role in the management of diabetic eye disease, and the advent of advanced imaging modalities will be of great value as our understanding of diabetic eye diseases increase, and the management options become increasingly varied and complex. Color fundus photography has established roles in screening for diabetic eye disease, early detection of progression, and monitoring of treatment response. Fluorescein angiography (FA) detects areas of capillary nonperfusion, as well as leakage from both microaneurysms and neovascularization. Recent advances in retinal imaging modalities complement traditional fundus photography and provide invaluable new information for clinicians. Ultra-widefield imaging, which can be used to produce both color fundus photographs and FAs, now allows unprecedented views of the posterior pole. The pathologies that are detected in the periphery of the retina have the potential to change the grading of disease severity, and may be of prognostic significance to disease progression. Studies have shown that peripheral ischemia may be related to the presence and severity of DME. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides structural detail of the retina, and the quantitative and qualitative features are useful in the monitoring of diabetic eye disease. A relatively recent innovation, OCT angiography, produces images of the fine blood vessels at the macula and optic disc, without the need for contrast agents. This paper will review the roles of each of these imaging modalities for diabetic eye disease.

  5. Advances in retinal imaging for diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema

    PubMed Central

    Tan, Colin Siang Hui; Chew, Milton Cher Yong; Lim, Louis Wei Yi; Sadda, Srinivas R


    Diabetic retinopathy and diabetic macular edema (DME) are leading causes of blindness throughout the world, and cause significant visual morbidity. Ocular imaging has played a significant role in the management of diabetic eye disease, and the advent of advanced imaging modalities will be of great value as our understanding of diabetic eye diseases increase, and the management options become increasingly varied and complex. Color fundus photography has established roles in screening for diabetic eye disease, early detection of progression, and monitoring of treatment response. Fluorescein angiography (FA) detects areas of capillary nonperfusion, as well as leakage from both microaneurysms and neovascularization. Recent advances in retinal imaging modalities complement traditional fundus photography and provide invaluable new information for clinicians. Ultra-widefield imaging, which can be used to produce both color fundus photographs and FAs, now allows unprecedented views of the posterior pole. The pathologies that are detected in the periphery of the retina have the potential to change the grading of disease severity, and may be of prognostic significance to disease progression. Studies have shown that peripheral ischemia may be related to the presence and severity of DME. Optical coherence tomography (OCT) provides structural detail of the retina, and the quantitative and qualitative features are useful in the monitoring of diabetic eye disease. A relatively recent innovation, OCT angiography, produces images of the fine blood vessels at the macula and optic disc, without the need for contrast agents. This paper will review the roles of each of these imaging modalities for diabetic eye disease. PMID:26953028

  6. The New Zealand Diabetes Passport Study: a randomized controlled trial of the impact of a diabetes passport on risk factors for diabetes-related complications.


    Simmons, D; Gamble, G D; Foote, S; Cole, D R; Coster, G


    To assess the efficacy (change in HbA1c) of a patient-held communication, self-empowerment and educational device for people with diabetes (the New Zealand Diabetes Passport) in patients with poor glycaemic control. A 12-month, multicentre, general practice-based randomized controlled trial in urban, provincial and rural New Zealand involving 398 people with poorly controlled Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes. The intervention included a specifically designed and piloted New Zealand Diabetes Passport including information relating to diabetes knowledge, self-assessments, and guidance concerning how to engage with diabetes health professionals. The primary end point was change in HbA1c. Assessments were made at 0, 6 and 12 months. Two hundred and twenty-two patients received the Passport, 176 the control booklet, coming from 69 and 66 general practitioners, respectively. Use of the Passport was associated with a relative reduction in HbA1c of 0.4% (P = 0.017) and a relative increase in weight of 1.0 kg/m2 (P = 0.028), but no changes in diabetes knowledge, attitudes to diabetes or risk factors for diabetic tissue damage. The dissemination of the New Zealand Diabetes Passport, in isolation, was not associated with improvements in either diabetes knowledge or self-empowerment. While a small improvement in glycaemic control occurred, this was probably due to changes in insulin therapy in the intervention group. It is possible that linking the use of the Passport with other behavioural and educational interventions may make the Passport more useful. Further study is required to confirm the effect of such multifaceted interventions.

  7. [Renal biopsy findings in diabetes mellitus].


    Kharrat, Mahmoud; Kammoun, Khawala; Charfeddine, Khaled; Yaich, Soumaya; Zaghdene, Saoussen; Chaker, Hanene; Jarraya, Faiçal; Ben Hmida, Mohamed; Jlidi, Rachid; Hachicha, Jamil


    The prevalence of diabetic patients with endstage renal disease is increased overall the word. Renal biopsy is sometimes necessary to precise the type of renal damage. To precise the type and the frequency of non diabetic nephropathy in diabetic patients. We enrolled retrospectively during 17 years, 72 diabetic patients who had a renal biopsy. A non diabetic nephropathy was found in 69.5 % of them. Its presence was correlate to the presence of hematuria and the absence of diabetic retinopathy. We can successfully treated nine patients with minimal-change nephrotic syndrome and one patient with crescentic glomerulonephritis. Renal biopsy must be done in diabetic patient with hematuria or in the absence of diabetic retinopathy.

  8. Diabetes risk in women with gestational diabetes mellitus and a history of polycystic ovary syndrome: a retrospective cohort study.


    Bond, R; Pace, R; Rahme, E; Dasgupta, K


    To investigate whether polycystic ovary syndrome further increases postpartum diabetes risk in women with gestational diabetes mellitus and to explore relationships between polycystic ovary syndrome and incident diabetes in women who do not develop gestational diabetes. This retrospective cohort study (Quebec Physician Services Claims; Hospitalization Discharge Databases; Birth and Death registries) included 34 686 women with gestational diabetes during pregnancy (live birth), matched 1:1 to women without gestational diabetes by age group, year of delivery and health region. Diagnostic codes were used to define polycystic ovary syndrome and incident diabetes. Cox regression models were used to examine associations between polycystic ovary syndrome and incident diabetes. Polycystic ovary syndrome was present in 1.5% of women with gestational diabetes and 1.2% of women without gestational diabetes. There were more younger mothers and mothers who were not of white European ancestry among those with polycystic ovary syndrome. Those with polycystic ovary syndrome more often had a comorbidity and a lower proportion had a previous pregnancy. Polycystic ovary syndrome was associated with incident diabetes (hazard ratio 1.52; 95% CI 1.27, 1.82) among women with gestational diabetes. No conclusive associations between polycystic ovary syndrome and diabetes were identified (hazard ratio 0.94; 95% CI 0.39, 2.27) in women without gestational diabetes. In women with gestational diabetes, polycystic ovary syndrome confers additional risk for incident diabetes postpartum. In women without gestational diabetes, an association between PCOS and incident diabetes was not observed. Given the already elevated risk of diabetes in women with a history of gestational diabetes, a history of both polycystic ovary syndrome and gestational diabetes signal a critical need for diabetes surveillance and prevention. © 2017 Diabetes UK.

  9. Immunoglobulin E and Mast Cell Proteases Are Potential Risk Factors of Human Pre-Diabetes and Diabetes Mellitus

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Zhen; Zhang, Hong; Shen, Xu-Hui; Jin, Kui-Li; Ye, Guo-fen; Qian, Li; Li, Bo; Zhang, Yong-Hong; Shi, Guo-Ping


    Background Recent studies have suggested that mast-cell activation and inflammation are important in obesity and diabetes. Plasma levels of mast cell proteases and the mast cell activator immunoglobulin E (IgE) may serve as novel inflammatory markers that associate with the risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus. Methods and Results A total of 340 subjects 55 to 75 years of age were grouped according to the American Diabetes Association 2003 criteria of normal glucose tolerance, pre-diabetes, and diabetes mellitus. The Kruskal-Wallis test demonstrated significant differences in plasma IgE levels (P = 0.008) among groups with different glucose tolerance status. Linear regression analysis revealed significant correlations between plasma levels of chymase (P = 0.030) or IgE (P = 0.022) and diabetes mellitus. Ordinal logistic regression analysis showed that IgE was a significant risk factor of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus (odds ratio [OR]: 1.674, P = 0.034). After adjustment for common diabetes risk factors, including age, sex, hypertension, body-mass index, cholesterol, homeostatic model assessment (HOMA) index, high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hs-CRP), and mast cell chymase and tryptase, IgE remained a significant risk factor (OR: 1.866, P = 0.015). Two-variable ordinal logistic analysis indicated that interactions between hs-CRP and IgE, or between IgE and chymase, increased further the risks of developing pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus before (OR: 2.204, P = 0.044; OR: 2.479, P = 0.033) and after (OR: 2.251, P = 0.040; OR: 2.594, P = 0.026) adjustment for common diabetes risk factors. Conclusions Both IgE and chymase associate with diabetes status. While IgE and hs-CRP are individual risk factors of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus, interactions of IgE with hs-CRP or with chymase further increased the risk of pre-diabetes and diabetes mellitus. PMID:22194960

  10. [Superficial mycoses: comparative study between type 2 diabetic patients and a non-diabetic control group].


    García-Humbría, Leila; Richard-Yegres, Nicole; Pérez-Blanco, Maigualida; Yegres, Francisco; Mendoza, Mireya; Acosta, Arnaldo; Hernández, Rosaura; Zárraga, Eluz


    Superficial mycoses are considered to affect more frequently patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (DM-2), specially onychomycosis and Tinea pedis. The purpose of this study was to compare the dermatophytoses, candidiasis and Pitiriasis versicolor frequency between 40 patients with DM-2 and 40 healthy persons of either sex, 40 years old or more. Clinical, metabolic, mycologic and inmunologic studies against Candida albicans, were carried out. Both diabetics 75% (30/40) and controls 65% (26/40) presented a high frequency of superficial mycoses (no significant difference p = 0.329). Pitiriasis versicolor was not detected in diabetic patients. They presented Tinea unguium, concomitant with Tinea pedis, with a higher frequency. The predominant dermatophyte was Trichophyton rubrum 18/23 (78%) in diabetics and 8/16 (50%) in non diabetics. Candida was isolated as commensal from oral mucous: 23/40 (58%) in diabetics and 21/40 (52%) in non diabetics (serotipo A was the more frequent), and from onychomycosis: 11/40 (28%) in diabetics and 12/40 (30%) in non diabetics. The immunological response was the same in both groups: celular 100%, humoral 20%. No statistical correlation among superficial mycoses, blood glucose level, glycosylated hemoglobin values or the time suffering the disease was observed. The high susceptibility to dermatophytes and Candida sp. infection showed to be associated with age and no with the diabetic type 2 condition in those patients.

  11. Perceptions among women with gestational diabetes.


    Parsons, Judith; Ismail, Khalida; Amiel, Stephanie; Forbes, Angus


    Women with gestational diabetes are at high risk of developing type 2 diabetes, which could be prevented or delayed by lifestyle modification. Lifestyle interventions need to take into account the specific situation of women with gestational diabetes. We aimed to gain a deeper understanding of women's experiences of gestational diabetes, their diabetes risk perceptions, and their views on type 2 diabetes prevention, to inform future lifestyle interventions. We conducted a metasynthesis that included 16 qualitative studies and identified 11 themes. Factors that require consideration when developing a type 2 diabetes prevention intervention in this population include addressing the emotional impact of gestational diabetes; providing women with clear and timely information about future diabetes risk; and offering an intervention that fits with women's multiple roles as caregivers, workers, and patients, and focuses on the health of the whole family.

  12. Incidence and Mortality Rates and Clinical Characteristics of Type 1 Diabetes among Children and Young Adults in Cochabamba, Bolivia

    PubMed Central

    Duarte Gómez, Elizabeth; Gregory, Gabriel Andrew; Castrati Nostas, Miriam; Middlehurst, Angela Christine; Jenkins, Alicia Josephine


    Objectives To determine incidence, mortality, and clinical status of youth with diabetes at the Centro Vivir con Diabetes, Cochabamba, Bolivia, with support from International Diabetes Federation Life for a Child Program. Methods Incidence/mortality data analysis of all cases (<25 year (y)) diagnosed January 2005–February 2017 and cross-sectional data (December 2015). Results Over 12.2 years, 144 cases with type 1 diabetes (T1D) were diagnosed; 43.1% were male. Diagnosis age was 0.3–22.2 y; peak was 11-12 y. 11.1% were <5 y; 29.2%, 5–<10 y; 43.1%, 10–<15 y; 13.2%, 15–<20 y; and 3.5%, 20–<25 y. The youngest is being investigated for monogenic diabetes. Measured incidence in Cercado Province (Cochabamba Department) was 2.2/100,000 children < 15 y/y, with ≈80% ascertainment, giving total incidence of 2.7/100,000 children < 15 y/y. Two had died. Crude mortality rate was 2.3/1000 patient years. Clinical data on 141 cases <35 y: mean/median HbA1c was 8.5/8.2% (69/62 mmol/mol), levels higher in adolescents. Three were on renal replacement therapy; four others had substantial renal impairment. Elevated BMI, triglycerides, and cholesterol were common: 19.1%, 18.3%, and 39.1%, respectively. Conclusions Bolivia has low T1D incidence. Reasonable glycemic control is being achieved despite limited resources; however, some have serious complications and adverse cardiovascular risk factor profiles. Further attention is needed for complications. PMID:28948172

  13. Diabetes Self-Management: A Key for Better Health-related Quality of Life in Patients with Diabetes.


    Badr, Hanan E; Al-Khaledi, Maha; Al-Dousari, Hussah; Al-Dhufairi, Shaikhah; Al-Mousawi, Taiba; Al-Azemi, Rehab; Al-Azimi, Farah


    This study was aimed at assessing health-related quality of life (HRQOL) among adult patients with diabetes attending primary health care diabetes clinics in Kuwait and to examine the factors associated with patients with the HRQOL of patients with diabetes. This cross-sectional study was conducted among 503 patients with diabetes attending 26 primary healthcare diabetes clinics in Kuwait. A self-administered questionnaire on participants' socio-demographic and clinical characteristics, in addition to the Diabetes Self-Management Questionnaire (DSMQ) to assess patients' DSM was used. SF12 was employed to assess the HRQOL, producing two outcomes: Physical health composite and Mental health composite. The mean age of participants was 52. ± 0.8 years, 53.1% were males, and 49.0% were Kuwaitis. The median DSM sum score was 6.5. Male patients with diabetes showed significantly better median DSM sum score than female patients with diabetes. The overall median score of HRQOL was 61.7/100 with a better median score of PHC than MHC of quality of life (66.7/100 and 56.7/100, respectively). Multivariate analysis revealed a significant direct association between DSM and better primary health composite and mental health composite. It also showed that female gender, and reporting two or more diabetic complications were significantly associated with poor PHC. Kuwaiti patients with diabetes showed a modest level of HRQOL. Patients' DSM, gender, and diabetes complications were significant independent correlates to HRQOL. Appraisal of patients with diabetes' HRQOL as an essential component of diabetes management in clinical settings is suggested. Further studies to examine the impact of good diabetes self-management on HRQOL improvement are needed.

    . ©2018The Author(s). Published by S. Karger AG, Basel.

  14. Diabetes in Vietnam.


    Khue, Nguyen Thy


    The prevalence for diabetes, prediabetes, and gestational diabetes in Vietnam are low relative to other parts of the world, but they are increasing at alarming rates. These changes have occurred in the setting of economic and cultural transitions. The aim of this study was to provide relevant information depicting the diabetes burden in Vietnam. Literature was reviewed using PubMed and local Vietnamese sources, including papers published in the Vietnamese language. In 2012, the prevalence of diabetes was 5.4% and prediabetes 13.7%. In 2005, the prevalence of obesity was 1.7%. There is a dual burden of over- and undernutrition observed in Vietnam. Diabetes is associated with an increased waist-to-hip ratio despite normal body mass index. Nutritional transitions occurred with increased protein, fat, and fast foods, and with decreased fresh fruits and vegetables. Tobacco use is very high in Vietnam with 66% of adult men currently smoking. Challenges include endocrinology training, health care coverage, patient education, and lack of coordination among government and specialist agencies. Diabetes is a growing problem in Vietnam and is associated with obesity, changes in dietary patterns, and other cultural transitions. More research is needed to better understand this health care problem and to devise targeted interventions. Copyright © 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  15. Prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes and assessments of their risk factors in urban slums of Bangalore

    PubMed Central

    Dasappa, Hemavathi; Fathima, Farah Naaz; Prabhakar, Rugmani; Sarin, Sanjay


    Background: To determine the prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes and to assess the risk factors associated with diabetes and pre-diabetes in the urban slums of Bangalore. Materials and Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted in four slums of Bangalore in the age group of 35 years and above comprising of total 2013 subjects. Risk factors like age, sex, family history, behavior, physical activity, BMI, waist hip ration, diet habits were assessed to find their association with diabetes. Results: Prevalence of diabetes was 12.33% and of pre-diabetes was 11.57%. Prevalence was more among the females compared to males. Increasing age, over weight and obesity, sedentary life style, tobacco consumption, diet habits showed statistically significant association with prevalence of diabetes and pre-diabetes. Conclusion: Physical activity like regular exercises both at the office and at home, fibers-rich diet, blood sugar estimation after 35 years are some of the recommendations which can control diabetes. PMID:26288781


    PubMed Central

    Dass, Jyoti; Dhavale, H.S.; Rathi, Anup


    A study of the complex relationships between the patient characteristics, family and environmental influences, physician's behaviour and the demands of the disease with its management in Juvenile Diabetics was taken up at a general hospital. 90 subjects were selected for the study and grouped into three. Group A consisted of 30 Juvenile Diabetics, Group B of 30 Adult Diabetics and Group C of 30 Normal healthy adolescents. The impact of the illness was measured on the Diabetes Impact Measurement Scale (DIMS), the behavioural deviations and the parental attitudes towards child rearing on the Fallstrom's Questionnaire (FQ) and the family environment on the Family Climate Scale (FCS). Psychiatric morbidity was assessed using DSM-IV criteria. Group A & B were compared on the DIMS and Group A & C on FQ & FCS. Adult diabetics had a greater impact of diabetes. Juvenile diabetics had significantly higher frequency of behavioural deviations as compared to controls. Also there was a higher number of responses on questions indicating an overprotecting attitude amongst parents of juvenile diabetics. There was an increased incidence of psychiatric morbidity in juvenile diabetics as compared to normal adolescents irrespective of the family environment. The results are discussed in relation to current literature. PMID:21430802

  17. Evaluation of the difference in caries experience in diabetic and non-diabetic children—A case control study

    PubMed Central

    Lai, Stefano; Cagetti, Maria Grazia; Cocco, Fabio; Cossellu, Dina; Meloni, Gianfranco; Lingström, Peter


    Aim To evaluate the caries prevalence and related variables in Type 1 diabetic and non-diabetic children and among the diabetic children according to their metabolic status. Methods Sixty-eight diabetic and 136 non-diabetic children, matching by gender and age (4–14 years) were enrolled. The diabetic children were divided: a) 20 children in good metabolic control (Hb1ac≤7.5) and b) 48 children in bad metabolic control (Hb1ac>7.5). Dietary and oral hygiene habits were investigated. Caries status was registered using the International Caries Detection and Assessment System. Oral microflora was analysed using the checkerboard DNA-DNA hybridisation method. Plaque acidogenicity was recorded after a sucrose rinse. Results Sugared beverage and snack intake was higher in diabetic group compared to non-diabetic group (p = 0.03 and p = 0.04, respectively) and in subjects in bad metabolic control (p = 0.03 and p<0.01, respectively). Oral hygiene habits were similar, except for the use of fluoridated adjuvants, higher in non-diabetic children (p = 0.04). No statistically significant differences were observed regarding caries figures, but a higher number of caries free subjects was found in diabetic subjects in good metabolic control (p<0.01). Significant difference for the main cariogenic bacteria was found between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects (p<0.05). The pH values showed statistically significant differences between diabetic and non-diabetic subjects and between diabetic subjects in good and bad metabolic control (p<0.01). Conclusions Diabetic children in good metabolic control might even be considered at low caries risk, while those in bad metabolic control showed an oral environment prone to a high caries risk. PMID:29190700

  18. American Diabetes Association and JDRF Research Symposium: Diabetes and the Microbiome.


    Semenkovich, Clay F; Danska, Jayne; Darsow, Tamara; Dunne, Jessica L; Huttenhower, Curtis; Insel, Richard A; McElvaine, Allison T; Ratner, Robert E; Shuldiner, Alan R; Blaser, Martin J


    From 27-29 October 2014, more than 100 people gathered in Chicago, IL, to participate in a research symposium titled "Diabetes and the Microbiome," jointly sponsored by the American Diabetes Association and JDRF. The conference brought together international scholars and trainees from multiple disciplines, including microbiology, bioinformatics, endocrinology, metabolism, and immunology, to share the current understanding of host-microbe interactions and their influences on diabetes and metabolism. Notably, this gathering was the first to assemble specialists with distinct expertise in type 1 diabetes, type 2 diabetes, immunology, and microbiology with the goal of discussing and defining potential pathophysiologies linking the microbiome and diabetes. In addition to reviewing existing evidence in the field, speakers presented their own original research to provide a comprehensive view of the current understanding of the topics under discussion.Presentations and discussions throughout the conference reflected a number of important concepts. The microbiota in any host represent a complex ecosystem with a high degree of interindividual variability. Different microbial communities, comprising bacteria, archaea, viruses, and fungi, occupy separate niches in and on the human body. Individually and collectively, these microbes provide benefits to the host-including nutrient harvest from food and protection against pathogens. They are dynamically regulated by both host genes and the environment, and they critically influence both physiology and lifelong health. The objective of the symposium was to discuss the relationship between the host and the microbiome-the combination of microbiota and their biomolecular environment and ecology-specifically with regard to metabolic and immunological systems and to define the critical research needed to understand and potentially target the microbiome in the prevention and treatment of diabetes. In this report, we present meeting

  19. Action on diabetic macular oedema: achieving optimal patient management in treating visual impairment due to diabetic eye disease

    PubMed Central

    Gale, R; Scanlon, P H; Evans, M; Ghanchi, F; Yang, Y; Silvestri, G; Freeman, M; Maisey, A; Napier, J


    This paper identifies best practice recommendations for managing diabetes and sight-threatening diabetic eye disease. The authors provide an update for ophthalmologists and allied healthcare professionals on key aspects of diabetes management, supported by a review of the pertinent literature, and recommend practice principles for optimal patient management in treating visual impairment due to diabetic eye disease. In people with diabetes, early optimal glycaemic control reduces the long-term risk of both microvascular and macrovascular complications. The authors propose more can and should be done to maximise metabolic control, promote appropriate behavioural modifications and encourage timely treatment intensification when indicated to ameliorate diabetes-related complications. All people with diabetes should be screened for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy promptly and regularly. It is shown that attitudes towards treatment adherence in diabetic macular oedema appear to mirror patients' views and health behaviours towards the management of their own diabetes. Awareness of diabetic macular oedema remains low among people with diabetes, who need access to education early in their disease about how to manage their diabetes to delay progression and possibly avoid eye-related complications. Ophthalmologists and allied healthcare professionals play a vital role in multidisciplinary diabetes management and establishment of dedicated diabetic macular oedema clinics is proposed. A broader understanding of the role of the diabetes specialist nurse may strengthen the case for comprehensive integrated care in ophthalmic practice. The recommendations are based on round table presentations and discussions held in London, UK, September 2016. PMID:28490797

  20. A pilot study of school counselor's preparedness to serve students with diabetes: relationship to self-reported diabetes training.


    Wagner, Julie; James, Amy


    This cross-sectional, observational pilot study investigated the knowledge, attitudes, and awareness of 132 school counselors regarding students with diabetes. Respondents were primarily white, female, with a master's degree, aged 42 years, and with 10 years of school counseling experience. Most counselors worked at large, public, suburban, and high schools. A majority reported that there were children with diabetes in their schools, and 40% had worked directly with several students with diabetes. However, most indicated that they had received no specific training about diabetes. On a standardized measure of school personnel knowledge of diabetes, school counselors showed only a basic level of practical diabetes knowledge that is insufficient to provide effective support for diabetic students. Relative to counselors who reported no diabetes training, those who reported diabetes training showed more knowledge of diabetes and its management in schoolchildren. On a standardized measure of the psychosocial impact of diabetes, those who reported training also endorsed attitudes that indicated better appreciation of the psychosocial impact of living with diabetes. Educational attainment and number of students with diabetes served in the past was not related to knowledge or attitudes. Awareness of recommended accommodations, educational planning, problems with school personnel, and risk for psychological disturbance among diabetic students was limited. These findings suggest that school counselors are not well prepared to support diabetic students and that training may help prepare them. Practical suggestions for school counselors' care of diabetic students are offered.

  1. Action on diabetic macular oedema: achieving optimal patient management in treating visual impairment due to diabetic eye disease.


    Gale, R; Scanlon, P H; Evans, M; Ghanchi, F; Yang, Y; Silvestri, G; Freeman, M; Maisey, A; Napier, J


    This paper identifies best practice recommendations for managing diabetes and sight-threatening diabetic eye disease. The authors provide an update for ophthalmologists and allied healthcare professionals on key aspects of diabetes management, supported by a review of the pertinent literature, and recommend practice principles for optimal patient management in treating visual impairment due to diabetic eye disease. In people with diabetes, early optimal glycaemic control reduces the long-term risk of both microvascular and macrovascular complications. The authors propose more can and should be done to maximise metabolic control, promote appropriate behavioural modifications and encourage timely treatment intensification when indicated to ameliorate diabetes-related complications. All people with diabetes should be screened for sight-threatening diabetic retinopathy promptly and regularly. It is shown that attitudes towards treatment adherence in diabetic macular oedema appear to mirror patients' views and health behaviours towards the management of their own diabetes. Awareness of diabetic macular oedema remains low among people with diabetes, who need access to education early in their disease about how to manage their diabetes to delay progression and possibly avoid eye-related complications. Ophthalmologists and allied healthcare professionals play a vital role in multidisciplinary diabetes management and establishment of dedicated diabetic macular oedema clinics is proposed. A broader understanding of the role of the diabetes specialist nurse may strengthen the case for comprehensive integrated care in ophthalmic practice. The recommendations are based on round table presentations and discussions held in London, UK, September 2016.

  2. Galaxias australes con núcleo doble

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Gimeno, G.; Díaz, R.; Carranza, G.

    Se estudia una muestra de galaxias australes con núcleo doble a partir de una búsqueda extensiva en la literatura. Se analizan las características morfológicas, fotométricas y espectroscópicas de la muestra. Para algunas galaxias se han realizado observaciones con el espectrógrafo multifunción (EMF) de la Estación Astrofísica de Bosque Alegre a partir de las cuales se determinaron parámetros cinemáticos.

  3. History of diabetes mellitus.


    Ahmed, Awad M


    Clinical features similar to diabetes mellitus were described 3000 years ago by the ancient Egyptians. The term "diabetes" was first coined by Araetus of Cappodocia (81-133AD). Later, the word mellitus (honey sweet) was added by Thomas Willis (Britain) in 1675 after rediscovering the sweetness of urine and blood of patients (first noticed by the ancient Indians). It was only in 1776 that Dobson (Britain) firstly confirmed the presence of excess sugar in urine and blood as a cause of their sweetness. In modern time, the history of diabetes coincided with the emergence of experimental medicine. An important milestone in the history of diabetes is the establishment of the role of the liver in glycogenesis, and the concept that diabetes is due to excess glucose production Claude Bernard (France) in 1857. The role of the pancreas in pathogenesis of diabetes was discovered by Mering and Minkowski (Austria) 1889. Later, this discovery constituted the basis of insulin isolation and clinical use by Banting and Best (Canada) in 1921. Trials to prepare an orally administrated hypoglycemic agent ended successfully by first marketing of tolbutamide and carbutamide in 1955. This report will also discuss the history of dietary management and acute and chronic complications of diabetes.

  4. [Pregnant diabetic patients: institutional experience].


    Gutiérrez Gutiérrez, Héctor Israel; Carrillo Iñiguez, Mayra Judith; Pestaña Mendoza, Silvia; Santamaría Ferreira, Mauricio


    Diabetes mellitus complicates 3-5% of all pregnancies and is a major cause of perinatal morbidity and mortality. The diet and insulin have revolutionized the care related with pregnancy complicated by diabetes mellitus. To report the management experience in patients with diabetes and pregnancy at the Instituto Materno Infantil, Estado de Mexico. A descriptive, retrospective, observational and cross-sectional study of pregnant women with diabetes and pregnancy was conducted from 2003 to 2004. We included 55 pregnant women who had: gestational diabetes 30 (54.4%), pregestational diabetes 24 (43.6%), and carbohydrate intolerance 1 (1.8%); every one of them were controlled either with diet, insulin or both. The mean age was 30.6, 80% with family history of type 2 diabetes mellitus, 9% gestational diabetes. Gestational diabetes was diagnosed in 33.3% by abnormal 50 g glucose screening and 46.6% with oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT). The main complications among the patients were urinary disease (61.3%) and the major fetal malformation were those related with cardiovascular disease (9.09%). The most frequent mode of delivery was cesarean section (58%) and birth weight was of 3,146 g. The main risk factors identified among women in the study group were as follow: More than 25 years of age and family history of diabetes mellitus. We observed a progressive increase in the insulin dosage. The most consistent complications among the patients were urinary infection and the major fetal malformation was cardiovascular disease.

  5. The Student with Diabetes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Wentworth, Samuel M.; Hoover, Joan


    Since nearly one million students suffer from diabetes, most teachers are likely to have a diabetic child in class at some time. Though most diabetic children are not likely to require an insulin injection during the day, it is necessary that every teacher be aware of the occasional problems which might arise. (JN)

  6. Steroid Sex Hormones, Sex Hormone-Binding Globulin, and Diabetes Incidence in the Diabetes Prevention Program.


    Mather, K J; Kim, C; Christophi, C A; Aroda, V R; Knowler, W C; Edelstein, S E; Florez, J C; Labrie, F; Kahn, S E; Goldberg, R B; Barrett-Connor, E


    Steroid sex hormones and SHBG may modify metabolism and diabetes risk, with implications for sex-specific diabetes risk and effects of prevention interventions. This study aimed to evaluate the relationships of steroid sex hormones, SHBG and SHBG single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with diabetes risk factors and with progression to diabetes in the Diabetes Prevention Program (DPP). This was a secondary analysis of a multicenter randomized clinical trial involving 27 U.S. academic institutions. The study included 2898 DPP participants: 969 men, 948 premenopausal women not taking exogenous sex hormones, 550 postmenopausal women not taking exogenous sex hormones, and 431 postmenopausal women taking exogenous sex hormones. Participants were randomized to receive intensive lifestyle intervention, metformin, or placebo. Associations of steroid sex hormones, SHBG, and SHBG SNPs with glycemia and diabetes risk factors, and with incident diabetes over median 3.0 years (maximum, 5.0 y). T and DHT were inversely associated with fasting glucose in men, and estrone sulfate was directly associated with 2-hour post-challenge glucose in men and premenopausal women. SHBG was associated with fasting glucose in premenopausal women not taking exogenous sex hormones, and in postmenopausal women taking exogenous sex hormones, but not in the other groups. Diabetes incidence was directly associated with estrone and estradiol and inversely with T in men; the association with T was lost after adjustment for waist circumference. Sex steroids were not associated with diabetes outcomes in women. SHBG and SHBG SNPs did not predict incident diabetes in the DPP population. Estrogens and T predicted diabetes risk in men but not in women. SHBG and its polymorphisms did not predict risk in men or women. Diabetes risk is more potently determined by obesity and glycemia than by sex hormones.

  7. Diabetes-associated dry eye syndrome in a new humanized transgenic model of type 1 diabetes.


    Imam, Shahnawaz; Elagin, Raya B; Jaume, Juan Carlos


    Patients with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D) are at high risk of developing lacrimal gland dysfunction. We have developed a new model of human T1D using double-transgenic mice carrying HLA-DQ8 diabetes-susceptibility haplotype instead of mouse MHC-class II and expressing the human beta cell autoantigen Glutamic Acid Decarboxylase in pancreatic beta cells. We report here the development of dry eye syndrome (DES) after diabetes induction in our humanized transgenic model. Double-transgenic mice were immunized with DNA encoding human GAD65, either naked or in adenoviral vectors, to induce T1D. Mice monitored for development of diabetes developed lacrimal gland dysfunction. Animals developed lacrimal gland disease (classically associated with diabetes in Non Obese Diabetic [NOD] mice and with T1D in humans) as they developed glucose intolerance and diabetes. Animals manifested obvious clinical signs of dry eye syndrome (DES), from corneal erosions to severe keratitis. Histological studies of peri-bulbar areas revealed lymphocytic infiltration of glandular structures. Indeed, infiltrative lesions were observed in lacrimal/Harderian glands within weeks following development of glucose intolerance. Lesions ranged from focal lymphocytic infiltration to complete acinar destruction. We observed a correlation between the severity of the pancreatic infiltration and the severity of the ocular disease. Our results demonstrate development of DES in association with antigen-specific insulitis and diabetes following immunization with clinically relevant human autoantigen concomitantly expressed in pancreatic beta cells of diabetes-susceptible mice. As in the NOD mouse model and as in human T1D, our animals developed diabetes-associated DES. This specific finding stresses the relevance of our model for studying these human diseases. We believe our model will facilitate studies to prevent/treat diabetes-associated DES as well as human diabetes.

  8. Mechanisms behind the superior effects of interval vs continuous training on glycaemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial.


    Karstoft, Kristian; Winding, Kamilla; Knudsen, Sine H; James, Noemi G; Scheel, Maria M; Olesen, Jesper; Holst, Jens J; Pedersen, Bente K; Solomon, Thomas P J


    By use of a parallel and partly crossover randomised, controlled trial design we sought to elucidate the underlying mechanisms behind the advantageous effects of interval walking training (IWT) compared with continuous walking training (CWT) on glycaemic control in individuals with type 2 diabetes. We hypothesised that IWT, more than CWT, would improve insulin sensitivity including skeletal muscle insulin signalling, insulin secretion and disposition index (DI). By simple randomisation (sequentially numbered, opaque sealed envelopes), eligible individuals (diagnosed with type 2 diabetes, no exogenous insulin treatment) were allocated to three groups: a control group (CON, n = 8), an IWT group (n = 12) and an energy expenditure-matched CWT group (n = 12). Training groups were prescribed free-living training, five sessions per week (60 min/session). A three-stage hyperglycaemic clamp, including glucose isotope tracers and skeletal muscle biopsies, was performed before and after a 4 month intervention in a hospitalised setting. No blinding was performed. The improved glycaemic control, which was only seen in the IWT group, was consistent with IWT-induced increases in insulin sensitivity index (49.8 ± 14.6%; p < 0.001), peripheral glucose disposal (14.5 ± 4.9%; p < 0.05) and DI (66.2 ± 21.8%; p < 0.001), with no changes in the CWT or CON group. Moreover, only IWT improved insulin signalling in skeletal muscle via increased insulin-stimulated phosphorylation of AS160 (29.0 ± 10.8%; p < 0.05). No changes were seen in insulin secretion during hyperglycaemia alone, hyperglycaemia + glucagon-like peptide 1 infusion or arginine injection. IWT maintains insulin secretion and improves insulin sensitivity and DI, in contrast to energy expenditure-matched CWT. These results suggest that training with alternating intensity, and not just training volume and mean intensity, is a key determinant of changes in whole body glucose disposal in individuals with type 2 diabetes

  9. Intensive diabetes therapy and ocular surgery in type 1 diabetes.


    Aiello, Lloyd Paul; Sun, Wanjie; Das, Arup; Gangaputra, Sapna; Kiss, Szilard; Klein, Ronald; Cleary, Patricia A; Lachin, John M; Nathan, David M


    The Diabetes Control and Complications Trial (DCCT) showed a beneficial effect of 6.5 years of intensive glycemic control on retinopathy in patients with type 1 diabetes. Between 1983 and 1989, a total of 1441 patients with type 1 diabetes in the DCCT were randomly assigned to receive either intensive diabetes therapy or conventional therapy aimed at preventing hyperglycemic symptoms. They were treated and followed until 1993. Subsequently, 1375 of these patients were followed in the observational Epidemiology of Diabetes Interventions and Complications (EDIC) study. The self-reported history of ocular surgical procedures was obtained annually. We evaluated the effect of intensive therapy as compared with conventional therapy on the incidence and cost of ocular surgery during these two studies. Over a median follow-up of 23 years, 130 ocular operations were performed in 63 of 711 patients assigned to intensive therapy (8.9%) and 189 ocular operations in 98 of 730 patients assigned to conventional therapy (13.4%) (P<0.001). After adjustment for DCCT baseline factors, intensive therapy was associated with a reduction in the risk of any diabetes-related ocular surgery by 48% (95% confidence interval [CI], 29 to 63; P<0.001) and a reduction in the risk of all such ocular procedures by 37% (95% CI, 12 to 55; P=0.01). Forty-two patients who received intensive therapy and 61 who received conventional therapy underwent cataract extraction (adjusted risk reduction with intensive therapy, 48%; 95% CI, 23 to 65; P=0.002); 29 patients who received intensive therapy and 50 who received conventional therapy underwent vitrectomy, retinal-detachment surgery, or both (adjusted risk reduction, 45%; 95% CI, 12 to 66; P=0.01). The costs of surgery were 32% lower in the intensive-therapy group. The beneficial effects of intensive therapy were fully attenuated after adjustment for mean glycated hemoglobin levels over the entire follow-up. Intensive therapy in patients with type 1

  10. Genetics of Diabetes


    ... Risk? Home Prevention Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower Your Risk ... Diagnosis Lower Your Risk Risk Test Alert Day Prediabetes My Health Advisor Tools to Know Your Risk ...

  11. American Diabetes Association


    ... Risk? Home Prevention Diagnosing Diabetes and Learning About Prediabetes Type 2 Diabetes Risk Test Lower Your Risk ... for action. Do you know your risk for prediabetes? - 2017-07-adcouncil.html Do you know your ...

  12. School and Diabetes


    ... of the process. This means meeting with school staff, giving them the information they need, and making ... diabetes health care team. To keep the school staff informed, consider reviewing your child's diabetes management plan ...

  13. Diabetes Care in the Philippines.


    Tan, Gerry H


    Diabetes is increasing at an alarming rate in Asian countries including the Philippines. Both the prevalence and incidence of type 2 diabetes (T2D) continue to increase with a commensurate upward trend in the prevalence of prediabetes. The aim of this study was to review the prevalence of diabetes in the Philippines and to describe extensively the characteristics of diabetes care in the Philippines from availability of diagnostics tests to the procurement of medications. A literature search was performed using the search words diabetes care and Philippines. Articles that were retrieved were reviewed for relevance and then synthesized to highlight key features. The prevalence of diabetes in the Philippines is increasing. Rapid urbanization with increasing dependence on electronic gadgets and sedentary lifestyle contribute significantly to this epidemic. Diabetes care in the Philippines is disadvantaged and challenged with respect to resources, government support, and economics. The national insurance system does not cover comprehensive diabetes care in a preventive model and private insurance companies only offer limited diabetes coverage. Thus, most patients rely on "out-of-pocket" expenses, namely, laboratory procedures and daily medications. Consequently, poor pharmacotherapy adherence impairs prevention of complications. Moreover, behavioral modifications are difficult due to cultural preferences for a traditional diet of refined sugar, including white rice and bread. Translating clinical data into practice in the Philippines will require fundamental and transformative changes that increase diabetes awareness, emphasize lifestyle change while respecting cultural preferences, and promote public policy especially regarding the health insurance system to improve overall diabetes care and outcomes. Copyright © 2015 The Author. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  14. Diabetes Distress or Major Depressive Disorder? A Practical Approach to Diagnosing and Treating Psychological Comorbidities of Diabetes.


    Kreider, Kathryn Evans


    The presence of major depressive disorder (MDD) in people with diabetes may be up to three times more common than in the general population. People with diabetes and major depressive disorder have worse health outcomes and higher mortality rates. Diabetes distress refers to an emotional state where people experience feelings such as stress, guilt, or denial that arise from living with diabetes and the burden of self-management. Diabetes distress has also been linked to worse health outcomes. There are multiple treatment options for MDD including pharmacotherapy and cognitive behavioral approaches. Providers treating patients with diabetes must be aware of the frequent comorbidity of diabetes, diabetes distress, and depression and manage patients using a multidisciplinary team approach. This article discusses the epidemiology, pathophysiology, and bi-directional relationship of diabetes and depression and provides a practical, patient-centered approach to diagnosis and management.

  15. Treatment options in painful diabetic neuropathy.


    Nash, T P


    Diabetic neuropathy is common in patients with diabetes mellitus, and 7.5% of diabetics experience pain from diabetic neuropathy. Complications of diabetes mellitus are more common where control of the disease is not optimal. By improving the control of the disease, both the neuropathy and the pain it can produce may be improved. The pain of diabetic neuropathy can frequently be controlled using analgesics, antidepressants, anticonvulsants, topical capsaicin, and neuromodulation, either alone or in any combination.

  16. Diabetic retinopathy: loss of neuroretinal adaptation to the diabetic metabolic environment

    PubMed Central

    Abcouwer, Steven F.; Gardner, Thomas W.


    Diabetic retinopathy (DR) impairs vision of patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes, associated with vascular dysfunction and occlusion, retinal edema, hemorrhage, and inappropriate growth of new blood vessels. The recent success of biologic treatments targeting vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) demonstrates that treating the vascular aspects in the later stages of the disease can preserve vision in many patients. It would also be highly desirable to prevent the onset of the disease or arrest its progression at a stage preceding the appearance of overt microvascular pathologies. The progression of DR is not necessarily linear but may follow a series of steps that evolve over the course of multiple years. Abundant data suggest that diabetes affects the entire neurovascular unit of the retina, with an early loss of neurovascular coupling, gradual neurodegeneration, gliosis, and neuroinflammation before observable vascular pathologies. In this article, we consider the pathology of diabetic retinopathy from the point of view that diabetes causes measurable dysfunctions in the complex integral network of cell types that produce and maintain human vision. PMID:24673341

  17. A diabetes-specific enteral formula improves glycemic variability in patients with type 2 diabetes.


    Alish, Carolyn J; Garvey, W Timothy; Maki, Kevin C; Sacks, Gordon S; Hustead, Deborah S; Hegazi, Refaat A; Mustad, Vikkie A


    Well-controlled studies have demonstrated that inpatient hyperglycemia is an indicator of poor clinical outcomes, but the use of diabetes-specific enteral formulas in hospitalized patients remains a topic of great debate. In two different protocols, postprandial glycemia and insulinemia were measured in 22 subjects with diabetes fed a diabetes-specific or standard formula (protocol 1). Continuous glucose monitoring was used to assess glucose levels in 12 enterally fed patients with diabetes receiving the standard formula followed by the diabetes-specific formula continuously for 5 days each (protocol 2). End points included postprandial glycemia and insulinemia, glycemic variability (mean amplitude of glycemic excursions [MAGE]), mean glucose, and insulin use. In the postprandial response protocol, the diabetes-specific formula resulted in lower positive areas under the postprandial curve (P < 0.001) and peak glucose (P < 0.001) and insulin (P = 0.017) levels. In the protocol using continuous glucose monitoring, glycemic variability (as measured by MAGE) was lower with continuous administration of the diabetes-specific than the standard formula (64.6 +/- 6.8 mg/dL vs. 110.6 +/-15.3 mg/dL, P = 0.003). Also, administration of the diabetes-specific formula resulted in lower mean glucose concentrations during feeding (171.1 +/- 16.1 vs. 202.1 +/- 17.4 mg/dL, P = 0.024) and insulin requirements (7.8 +/- 2.3 vs. 10.9 +/- 3.3 units/day, P = 0.039) than the standard formula. Relative to the standard formula, the diabetes-specific formula reduced postprandial glycemia, mean glucose, glycemic variability, and short-acting insulin requirements. These results suggest potential clinical usefulness of a diabetes-specific enteral formula for minimizing glycemic excursions in hospitalized patients.

  18. Delay in diabetic retinopathy screening increases the rate of detection of referable diabetic retinopathy.


    Scanlon, P H; Aldington, S J; Stratton, I M


    To assess whether there is a relationship between delay in retinopathy screening after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes and level of retinopathy detected. Patients were referred from 88 primary care practices to an English National Health Service diabetic eye screening programme. Data for screened patients were extracted from the primary care databases using semi-automated data collection algorithms supplemented by validation processes. The programme uses two-field mydriatic digital photographs graded by a quality assured team. Data were available for 8183 screened patients with diabetes newly diagnosed in 2005, 2006 or 2007. Only 163 with type 1 diabetes were identified and were insufficient for analysis. Data were available for 8020 with newly diagnosed type 2 diabetes. Of these, 3569 were screened within 6 months, 2361 between 6 and 11 months, 1058 between 12 and 17 months, 366 between 18 and 23 months, 428 between 24 and 35 months, and 238 at 3 years or more after diagnosis. There were 5416 (67.5%) graded with no retinopathy, 1629 (20.3%) with background retinopathy in one eye, 753 (9.4%) with background retinopathy in both eyes and 222 (2.8%) had referable diabetic retinopathy. There was a significant trend (P = 0.0004) relating time from diagnosis to screening detecting worsening retinopathy. Of those screened within 6 months of diagnosis, 2.3% had referable retinopathy and, 3 years or more after diagnosis, 4.2% had referable retinopathy. The rate of detection of referable diabetic retinopathy is elevated in those who were not screened promptly after diagnosis of type 2 diabetes. © 2013 The Authors. Diabetic Medicine published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of Diabetes UK.

  19. [The diabetic hand].


    Schiavon, F; Circhetta, C; Dani, L


    Diabetes mellitus is a chronic metabolic condition characterized by persistent hyperglycaemia with resultant morbidity and mortality related to its microvascular and macrovascular complications. In addition diabetes is also associated with several musculoskeletal disorders of the hand, that can be debilitating. There is increased incidence of these abnormalities in patients with type 1 and type 2 diabetes compared with the general population, related to disease duration but not to the age or sex. Typical diabetes associated hand condition include the palmar flexor tenosynovitis, Dupuytren's contracture, syndrome of limited joint mobility, carpal tunnel syndrome, Charcot arthropathy and reflex sympathetic dystrophy. Maintaining good glycaemic control by exercise, diet and drugs improves or prevents the development of these hand rheumatic condition. In this brief report we review the rational therapeutic approach to these disorders.

  20. Non-diabetic renal disease in patients with type 2 diabetes: a single centre study.


    Fan, Jian-Zhen; Wang, Rong


    Non-diabetic renal disease (NDRD) has been widely known in diabetic patients. The clinical differentiation between diabetic nephropathy (DN) and NDRD is still not so clear and effective. To analyse the pathological characteristics and distribution of renal injury in selected type 2 diabetic patients. Comparison between DN and NDRD in clinical characteristics, to find important predictors for NDRD. To conduct retrospective analysis of clinical, laboratory and pathohistological data of type 2 diabetic patients in whom renal biopsies were performed from March 2010 to September 2014 in Shandong Provincial Hospital affiliated to Shandong University (n = 88). According to the findings of renal biopsy, the incidences of DN, NDRD and DN complicated with NDRD were 20.46, 72.73 and 6.82% respectively. The most common NDRD found were: membranous nephropathy, followed by IgA nephropathy and focal segmental glomerulosclerosis. In multivariate logistic-analysis, fasting blood glucose (odds ratio (OR) 0.714; 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.543-0.939; P = 0.016) and absence of diabetic retinopathy (OR 18.602; 95% CI = 2.176-159.018; P = 0.003) were independent predictors of NDRD. This study confirmed a considerably high prevalence of NDRD in type 2 diabetic patients with renal injury. As some cases of NDRD are readily treatable or remittable, we should consider renal biopsy in selected diabetic patients with renal involvement, especially in those with effective blood glucose control and the absence of diabetic retinopathy. © 2017 Royal Australasian College of Physicians.

  1. Gliclazide inhibits diabetic neuropathy irrespective of blood glucose levels in streptozotocin-induced diabetic rats.


    Qiang, X; Satoh, J; Sagara, M; Fukuzawa, M; Masuda, T; Miyaguchi, S; Takahashi, K; Toyota, T


    N-acetylcysteine and pentoxifylline, free radical scavengers and inhibitors of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) production, inhibit the development of peripheral neuropathy in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats. This study was designed to elucidate the effect of gliclazide, an oral hypoglycemic sulfonylurea, on diabetic neuropathy, because it has been indicated to be a free radical scavenger and TNF-alpha inhibitor. Rats were fed with powder chow mixed with gliclazide or glibenclamide as a control ad libitum. Blood glucose levels and body weight were remarkably higher and lower in diabetic than in nondiabetic rats, respectively, while gliclazide and glibenclamide had no effect on these in both diabetic and nondiabetic rats throughout a 24-week experiment. Serum lipoperoxide levels and lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced serum TNF-alpha activities were significantly increased in diabetic rats, whereas these were significantly inhibited in gliclazide-treated rats. Motor nerve conduction velocity (MNCV) of the tibial nerve significantly slowed in diabetic rats compared with nondiabetic rats. On the other hand, the slowed MNCV was significantly inhibited in gliclazide-treated diabetic rats after 16 experimental weeks. Morphometric analysis showed that gliclazide prevented decreased myelinated fiber area (P < .05), increased fiber density (P < .001), and decreased axon/myelin ratio (P < .05) in diabetic rats. Glibenclamide treatment did not affect serum lipoperoxide, TNF-alpha, MNCV, or nerve morphology in this experiment. These results indicate that gliclazide has a beneficial effect on peripheral neuropathy in STZ-induced diabetic rats, irrespective of blood glucose levels.

  2. A Narrative Review of Diabetes Intervention Studies to Explore Diabetes Care Opportunities for Pharmacists.


    Ayadurai, Shamala; Hattingh, H Laetitia; Tee, Lisa B G; Md Said, Siti Norlina


    Background. We conducted a review of current diabetes intervention studies in type 2 diabetes and identified opportunities for pharmacists to deliver quality diabetes care. Methods. A search on randomised controlled trials (RCT) on diabetes management by healthcare professionals including pharmacists published between 2010 and 2015 was conducted. Results and Discussion. Diabetes management includes multifactorial intervention which includes seven factors as outlined in diabetes guidelines, namely, glycaemic, cholesterol and blood pressure control, medication, lifestyle, education, and cardiovascular risk factors. Most studies do not provide evidence that the intervention methods used included all seven factors with exception of three RCT which indicated HbA1c (glycated hemoglobin) reduction range of 0.5% to 1.8%. The varied HbA1C reduction suggests a lack of standardised and consistent approach to diabetes care. Furthermore, the duration of most studies was from one month to two years; therefore long term outcomes could not be established. Conclusion. Although pharmacists' contribution towards improving clinical outcomes of diabetes patients was well documented, the methods used to deliver structured, consistent evidence-based care were not clearly stipulated. Therefore, approaches to achieving long term continuity of care are uncertain. An intervention strategy that encompass all seven evidence-based factors will be useful.

  3. [Better coordination between primary care, community settings and diabetes outpatient clinic for patients with type 2 diabetes].


    Gjessing, Hans Jørgen; Jørgensen, Ulla Linding; Møller, Charlotte Chrois; Huge, Lis; Dalgaard, Anne Mette; Nielsen, Kristian Wendelboe; Thomsen, Lis; Buch, Martin Sandberg


    Integrated care programmes for patients with type 2 diabetes can be successfully implemented by planning the programmes in coordination between the sectors primary care, community settings and diabetes outpatient clinic, and with involvement of leaders and employees. Our project has resulted in: 1) more patients with type 2 diabetes receiving diabetes management courses, 2) improved diabetes management of primary care, and 3) improved confidence and respect between sectors involved in diabetes care.

  4. Diabetic Dyslipidemia Review: An Update on Current Concepts and Management Guidelines of Diabetic Dyslipidemia.


    Dake, Andrew W; Sora, Nicoleta D


    Cardiovascular disease is the most common cause of morbidity and mortality in patients with diabetes and the major source of cost in the care of diabetes. Treatment of dyslipidemia with cholesterol-lowering medications has been shown to decrease cardiovascular events. However, available guidelines for the treatment of dyslipidemia often contain significant differences in their recommendations. Lipid guidelines from National Cholesterol Education Program Adult Treatment Panel III, American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists, American Diabetes Association and American Heart Association/American College of Cardiology were reviewed. In addition a literature review was performed using PubMed to research diabetic peculiarities to the topic of lipids. Summarized within this article are the aforementioned, commonly-used guidelines as they relate to diabetes, as well as information regarding the diabetic phenotype of dislipidemia and the association between statins and new-onset diabetes. While the multitude of guidelines and the differences between them may contribute to confusion for practitioners, they are best viewed as tools to help tailor appropriate treatment plans for individual patients. Copyright © 2016 Southern Society for Clinical Investigation. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Pathogenesis of diabetic nephropathy.


    Raptis, A E; Viberti, G


    Diabetic Nephropathy (DN) is the commonest cause of end-stage renal failure (ESRF) in the Western world. Diabetic nephropathy follows a well outline clinical course, starting with microalbuminuria through proteinuria, azotaemia and culminating in ESRF. Before the onset of overt proteinuria, there are various renal functional changes including renal hyperfiltration, hyperperfusion, and increasing capillary permeability to macromolecules. Basement-membrane thickening and mesangial expansion have long been recognized as pathological hallmark of diabetes. It has been postulated that DN occurs as a result of the interplay of metabolic and hemodynamic factors in the renal microcirculation. There is no doubt that there is a positive relationship between hyperglycaemia, which is necessary but not sufficient, and microvascular complications. The accumulation of advanced glycosylated end-products (AGEs), the activation of isoform(s) of protein kinase C (PKC) and the acceleration of the aldose reductase pathway may explain how hyperglycemia damages tissue. PKC is one of the key signaling molecules in the induction of the vascular pathology of diabetes. The balance between extracellular matrix production and degradation is important in this context. Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) appears to play a pivotal role in accumulation in the diabetic kidney. Hemodynamic disturbances are believed to be directly responsible for the development of glomerulosclerosis and its attendant proteinuria. There is familial clustering of diabetic kidney disease. A number of gene loci have been investigated to try to explain the genetic susceptibility to diabetic nephropathy. The genes coding for components of renin-angiotensin system have drawn special attention, due to the central role that this system plays in the regulation of blood pressure, sodium metabolism, and renal hemodynamics. Endothelial dysfunction is closely associated with the development of diabetic retinopathy

  6. The Case for Diabetes Population Health Improvement: Evidence-Based Programming for Population Outcomes in Diabetes

    PubMed Central

    Maruthur, Nisa; Mathioudakis, Nestoras; Spanakis, Elias; Rubin, Daniel; Zilbermint, Mihail; Hill-Briggs, Felicia


    Purpose of Review The goal of this review is to describe diabetes within a population health improvement framework and to review the evidence for a diabetes population health continuum of intervention approaches, including diabetes prevention and chronic and acute diabetes management, to improve clinical and economic outcomes. Recent Findings Recent studies have shown that compared to usual care, lifestyle interventions in prediabetes lower diabetes risk at the population-level and that group-based programs have low incremental medial cost effectiveness ratio for health systems. Effective outpatient interventions that improve diabetes control and process outcomes are multi-level, targeting the patient, provider, and healthcare system simultaneously and integrate community health workers as a liaison between the patient and community-based healthcare resources. A multi-faceted approach to diabetes management is also effective in the inpatient setting. Interventions shown to promote safe and effective glycemic control and use of evidence-based glucose management practices include provider reminder and clinical decision support systems, automated computer order entry, provider education, and organizational change. Summary Future studies should examine the cost-effectiveness of multi-faceted outpatient and inpatient diabetes management programs to determine the best financial models for incorporating them into diabetes population health strategies. PMID:28567711

  7. 77 FR 43096 - National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Notice of Diabetes Mellitus...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... meeting will focus on ``Diabetes, Dementia, and Alzheimer's Disease.'' Any member of the public interested... Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases; Notice of Diabetes Mellitus Interagency Coordinating Committee... Coordinating Committee, National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, 31 Center Drive...

  8. The Influence of Diabetes, Glycemic Control, and Diabetes-Related Comorbidities on Pulmonary Tuberculosis

    PubMed Central

    Chiang, Chen Yuan; Bai, Kuan Jen; Lin, Hsien Ho; Chien, Shun Tien; Lee, Jen Jyh; Enarson, Donald A.; Lee, Ting-I; Yu, Ming-Chih


    Background To assess the influence of diabetes mellitus (DM), glycemic control, and diabetes-related comorbidities on manifestations and outcome of treatment of pulmonary tuberculosis (TB). Methodology/Principal Findings Culture positive pulmonary TB patients notified to health authorities in three hospitals in Taiwan from 2005–2010 were investigated. Glycemic control was assessed by glycated haemoglobin A1C (HbA1C) and diabetic patients were categorized into 3 groups: HbA1C<7%, HbA1C 7–9%, HbA1C>9%. 1,473 (705 with DM and 768 without DM) patients were enrolled. Of the 705 diabetic patients, 82 (11.6%) had pretreatment HbA1C<7%, 152 (21.6%) 7%–9%, 276 (39.2%) >9%, and 195 (27.7%) had no information of HbA1C. The proportions of patients with any symptom, cough, hemoptysis, tiredness and weight loss were all highest in diabetic patients with HbA1C>9%. In multivariate analysis adjusted for age, sex, smoking, and drug resistance, diabetic patients with HbA1C>9% (adjOR 3.55, 95% CI 2.40–5.25) and HbA1C 7–9% (adjOR 1.62, 95% CI 1.07–2.44) were significantly more likely to be smear positive as compared with non-diabetic patients, but not those with HbA1C<7% (adjOR 1.16, 95% CI 0.70–1.92). The influence of DM on outcome of TB treatment was not proportionately related to HbA1C, but mainly mediated through diabetes-related comorbidities. Patients with diabetes-related comorbidities had an increased risk of unfavorable outcome (adjOR 3.38, 95% CI 2.19–5.22, p<0.001) and one year mortality (adjOR 2.80, 95% CI 1.89–4.16). However, diabetes was not associated with amplification of resistance to isoniazid (p = 0.363) or to rifampicin (p = 0.344). Conclusions/Significance Poor glycemic control is associated with poor TB treatment outcome and improved glycemic control may reduce the influence of diabetes on TB. PMID:25822974

  9. Community-based Diabetes Education for Latinos: The Diabetes Empowerment Education Program.


    Castillo, Amparo; Giachello, Aida; Bates, Robin; Concha, Jeannie; Ramirez, Vanessa; Sanchez, Carlos; Pinsker, Eve; Arrom, Jose


    The purpose of this study was to conduct a diabetes education program delivered by community health workers (CHWs) in community settings and to evaluate its effectiveness in improving glycemic control and self-management skills in Hispanics/Latinos with type 2 diabetes. Trained CHWs recruited Hispanic/Latino community residents with self-reported type 2 diabetes, implemented intervention in nonclinical locations, and collected data on diabetes knowledge, self-care behaviors, self-efficacy, depression, A1C, weight, and blood pressure. Classes applied participatory techniques and were delivered in 2-hour group sessions over 10 weeks. Two focus groups collected qualitative postintervention data. Seventy participants enrolled, and 47 completed pretest and posttest data. Improvements were significant for A1C (P = .001) and systolic blood pressure (P = .006). Other positive outcomes were diabetes knowledge, physical activity, spacing carbohydrates, following a healthy eating plan, and eating fruits and vegetables. Improved behaviors also included foot care, glucose self-monitoring, and medication adherence. Depressive symptoms showed a positive trend in intent-to-treat analysis (P = .07), but self-efficacy did not change significantly (P = .142). Qualitative information reported an increase in participants' perceived competence in self-care and a positive influence of CHWs in participants' compliance with the program. A diabetes self-management education program for Hispanics/Latinos led by CHWs can be implemented in community settings and may effectively improve behavioral skills and glycemic control.

  10. Pregnancy outcomes in type 2 diabetic patients as compared with type 1 diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls.


    Knight, Kristin M; Thornburg, Loralei L; Pressman, Eva K


    To characterize the neonatal and maternal outcomes of type 2 diabetic patients as compared with type 1 diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls. We performed a retrospective cohort study reviewing perinatal outcomes of type 1 and type 2 diabetic patients and nondiabetic controls from July 2000 to August 2006. Analysis of variance, t testing and chi2 analysis were used to compare groups. Post hoc power analysis indicated 80% power was necessary to detect a 15% difference in composite poor neonatal outcomes. A total of 64 type 2 and 64 type 1 diabetic patients were compared with 256 controls. Type 1 diabetic patients had higher incidences of composite poor neonatal outcome and congenital anomalies than did type 2 diabetic and control patients. Both diabetic groups had similarly higher incidences of cesarean delivery, preeclampsia, preterm delivery, polyhydramnios and macrosomia than did controls. Type 2 diabetic patients have a decreased incidence of adverse neonatal outcomes when compared with that of type 1 diabetic patients. No difference was observed between the diabetic groups in the incidence of a majority of the adverse maternal outcomes examined, however both diabetic groups had overall worse outcomes that did nondiabetic controls.

  11. Osteoporosis, Fractures, and Diabetes

    PubMed Central


    It is well established that osteoporosis and diabetes are prevalent diseases with significant associated morbidity and mortality. Patients with diabetes mellitus have an increased risk of bone fractures. In type 1 diabetes, the risk is increased by ∼6 times and is due to low bone mass. Despite increased bone mineral density (BMD), in patients with type 2 diabetes the risk is increased (which is about twice the risk in the general population) due to the inferior quality of bone. Bone fragility in type 2 diabetes, which is not reflected by bone mineral density, depends on bone quality deterioration rather than bone mass reduction. Thus, surrogate markers and examination methods are needed to replace the insensitivity of BMD in assessing fracture risks of T2DM patients. One of these methods can be trabecular bone score. The aim of the paper is to present the present state of scientific knowledge about the osteoporosis risk in diabetic patient. The review also discusses the possibility of problematic using the study conclusions in real clinical practice. PMID:25050121

  12. Genome-wide association studies for diabetic macular edema and proliferative diabetic retinopathy.


    Graham, Patricia S; Kaidonis, Georgia; Abhary, Sotoodeh; Gillies, Mark C; Daniell, Mark; Essex, Rohan W; Chang, John H; Lake, Stewart R; Pal, Bishwanath; Jenkins, Alicia J; Hewitt, Alex W; Lamoureux, Ecosse L; Hykin, Philip G; Petrovsky, Nikolai; Brown, Matthew A; Craig, Jamie E; Burdon, Kathryn P


    Diabetic macular edema (DME) and proliferative diabetic retinopathy (PDR) are sight-threatening complications of diabetes mellitus and leading causes of adult-onset blindness worldwide. Genetic risk factors for diabetic retinopathy (DR) have been described previously, but have been difficult to replicate between studies, which have often used composite phenotypes and been conducted in different populations. This study aims to identify genetic risk factors for DME and PDR as separate complications in Australians of European descent with type 2 diabetes. Caucasian Australians with type 2 diabetes were evaluated in a genome-wide association study (GWAS) to compare 270 DME cases and 176 PDR cases with 435 non-retinopathy controls. All participants were genotyped by SNP array and after data cleaning, cases were compared to controls using logistic regression adjusting for relevant covariates. The top ranked SNP for DME was rs1990145 (p = 4.10 × 10 - 6 , OR = 2.02 95%CI [1.50, 2.72]) on chromosome 2. The top-ranked SNP for PDR was rs918519 (p = 3.87 × 10 - 6 , OR = 0.35 95%CI [0.22, 0.54]) on chromosome 5. A trend towards association was also detected at two SNPs reported in the only other reported GWAS of DR in Caucasians; rs12267418 near MALRD1 (p = 0.008) in the DME cohort and rs16999051 in the diabetes gene PCSK2 (p = 0.007) in the PDR cohort. This study has identified loci of interest for DME and PDR, two common ocular complications of diabetes. These findings require replication in other Caucasian cohorts with type 2 diabetes and larger cohorts will be required to identify genetic loci with statistical confidence. There is considerable overlap in the patient cohorts with each retinopathy subtype, complicating the search for genes that contribute to PDR and DME biology.

  13. Discussing Diabetes with Your Healthcare Provider


    ... Javascript on. Feature: Diabetes Discussing Diabetes with Your Healthcare Provider Past Issues / Fall 2009 Table of Contents Diabetes Medicines—Always Discuss Them with Your Healthcare Provider If you have diabetes, how low should ...

  14. Diabetes Care and Treatment Project: A Diabetes Institute of Walter Reed Health Care System and Joslin Telemedicine Initiative

    DTIC Science & Technology


    teleophthalmology system as used by three federal healthcare agencies for detecting proliferative diabetic retinopathy . Telemedicine and e-Health. 2005;11: 641-651...a telemedicine system for comprehensive diabetes management andassessment of diabetic retinopathy that provides increased access for diabetic ...CDMP developed under this collaborative effort. 15. SUBJECT TERMS Joslin Vision Network, telemedicine, diabetes mellitus, diabetic retinopathy

  15. Rice bran protein hydrolysates attenuate diabetic nephropathy in diabetic animal model.


    Boonloh, Kampeebhorn; Lee, Eun Soo; Kim, Hong Min; Kwon, Mi Hye; Kim, You Mi; Pannangpetch, Patchareewan; Kongyingyoes, Bunkerd; Kukongviriyapan, Upa; Thawornchinsombut, Supawan; Lee, Eun Young; Kukongviriyapan, Veerapol; Chung, Choon Hee


    Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is an important microvascular complication of uncontrolled diabetes. The features of DN include albuminuria, extracellular matrix alterations, and progressive renal insufficiency. Rice bran protein hydrolysates (RBPs) have been reported to have antihyperglycemic, lipid-lowering, and anti-inflammatory effects in diabetic rats. Our study was to investigate the renoprotective effects of RBP in diabetic animals and mesangial cultured cells. Eight-week-old male db/m and db/db mice were orally treated with tap water or RBP (100 or 500 mg/kg/day) for 8 weeks. At the end of the experiment, diabetic nephropathy in kidney tissues was investigated for histological, ultrastructural, and clinical chemistry changes, and biomarkers of angiogenesis, fibrosis, inflammation, and antioxidant in kidney were analyzed by Western blotting. Protection against proangiogenic proteins and induction of cytoprotection by RBP in cultured mesangial cells was evaluated. RBP treatment improved insulin sensitivity, decreased elevated fasting serum glucose levels, and improved serum lipid levels and urinary albumin/creatinine ratios in diabetic mice. RBP ameliorated the decreases in podocyte slit pore numbers, thickening of glomerular basement membranes, and mesangial matrix expansion and suppressed elevation of MCP-1, ICAM-1, HIF-1α, VEGF, TGF-β, p-Smad2/3, and type IV collagen expression. Moreover, RBP restored suppressed antioxidant Nrf2 and HO-1 expression. In cultured mesangial cells, RBP inhibited high glucose-induced angiogenic protein expression and induced the expression of Nrf2 and HO-1. RBP attenuates the progression of diabetic nephropathy and restored renal function by suppressing the expression of proangiogenic and profibrotic proteins, inhibiting proinflammatory mediators, and restoring the antioxidant and cytoprotective system.

  16. A Diabetes Mobile App With In-App Coaching From a Certified Diabetes Educator Reduces A1C for Individuals With Type 2 Diabetes.


    Kumar, Shefali; Moseson, Heidi; Uppal, Jaspreet; Juusola, Jessie L


    Purpose There are currently many diabetes apps available, but there is limited evidence demonstrating clinical impact. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the impact of a diabetes mobile app with in-app coaching by a certified diabetes educator on glycemic control for individuals with type 2 diabetes. Methods A 12 week-long single-arm intent-to-treat trial evaluated the impact of a diabetes mobile app and coaching program (One Drop | Mobile With One Drop | Experts), which facilitated tracking of self-care and included an in-app diabetes education program, on A1C for individuals with type 2 diabetes and an A1C ≥7.5% (58 mmol/mol). An online study platform (Achievement Studies, Evidation Health Inc, San Mateo, CA) was used to screen, consent, and enroll participants; collect study data; and track participants' progress throughout the study. Baseline and study end A1C measurements as well as questionnaire data from participants were collected. Results Participants (n = 146) were 52 ± 9 years old, 71% female, 25% black or Hispanic, diagnosed with diabetes for 11 ± 7 years, and with a mean baseline A1C of 9.87% ± 2.0 (84 mmol/mol). In adjusted repeated measures models, mean A1C improved by -0.86% among study completers (n = 127), -0.96% among active users of the app and coaching program (n = 93), and -1.32% among active users with a baseline A1C ≥9.0% (75 mmol/mol) (n = 53). Conclusions This program was associated with a clinically meaningful and significant reduction in A1C and can potentially increase access to effective diabetes self-management education and support for individuals with diabetes.

  17. Improving Diabetes Care in the Latino Population: The Emory Latino Diabetes Education Program

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Rotberg, Britt; Greene, Rachel; Ferez-Pinzon, Anyul M.; Mejia, Robert; Umpierrez, Guillermo


    Background: The incidence of diabetes in Latinos is 12.8% compared to 9.3% of the general population. Latinos suffer from a higher prevalence of diabetic complications and mortality than whites yet receive less monitoring tests and education. Purpose: (1) Identify changes in clinical indicators among subjects with type 2 diabetes participating in…

  18. The Value of Urine Specific Gravity in Detecting Diabetes Insipidus in a Patient with Uncontrolled Diabetes Mellitus

    PubMed Central

    Akarsu, Ersin; Buyukhatipoglu, Hakan; Aktaran, Sebnem; Geyik, Ramazan


    When a patient with diabetes mellitus presents with worsening polyuria and polydipsia, what is a sensible, cost-effective approach? We report the unique coincidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus and diabetes insipidus. A 46-year-old woman with poorly controlled type 2 diabetes complained of polyuria with a daily output of 5 L. Although urinalysis demonstrated significant glucosuria, diabetes insipidus was suspected owing to a low urine specific gravity (1.008). The low specific gravity persisted during a water deprivation test. Ultimately, diabetes insipidus was confirmed when urine specific gravity and urine osmolality normalized following desmopressin administration. This case emphasizes the importance of accurately interpreting the urine specific gravity in patients with polyuria and diabetes mellitus to detect diabetes insipidus. PMID:17026722

  19. [Frequency of diabetic microangiopathy in newly diagnosed diabetes mellitus in Conakry: late diagnosis and lack of screening].


    Baldé, N M; Kaba, M L; Baldé, M D; Diallo, A O; Goépogui, A; Diakité, M


    Diabetes morbidity is not only connected to a scarce therapeutic care. It is especially the fact of late diagnosis of diabetes, at a time where complications are already present. The aims were to estimate the frequency of microangiopathy observed at the time of diabetes diagnosis within diabetic patients received in Conakry University Hospital and to describe the clinical characteristics of patients who had this complication. We prospectively examined 116 patients [76 men (65.5%) and 40 women (34.5%); 11% type 1 diabetes and 89% type 2 diabetes] consecutively received and for whom known evolution of diabetes was lower or equal to three-months. All patients were interrogated (in search of cardiovascular risk factors), had a systematic check for retinopathy (exam done by ophthalmologist) or nephropathy (by measure of creatinine, urea and proteinuria). Diabetic retinopathy was present in 29 cases (24.8%) and diabetic nephropathy in 9 cases (7.8%), one at the stage of chronic renal failure. The patients who had microangiopathy were older than the others (p = 0.003) and have more frequently Type 2 diabetes (p = 0.005). However, glycaemia level and cardiovascular risk factors (nicotine addiction, arterial high blood pressure, obesity and sedentary) were not statistically different between both groups. Diabetic microangiopathy is frequent at the time of diabetes diagnosis in Guinea. Thus need for a check-up at the diabetes discovery time, as these results point the therapeutic choices and justify patient's compliance.

  20. Diabetic Kidney Problems


    ... too high. Over time, this can damage your kidneys. Your kidneys clean your blood. If they are damaged, waste ... in your blood instead of leaving your body. Kidney damage from diabetes is called diabetic nephropathy. It ...