Sample records for son effet antalgique

  1. Effets thermoelectrique et thermomagnetique du yttrium barium copper oxide monocristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghamlouche, Hassan


    Des la decouverte des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique, les recherches se sont intensifiees afin de comprendre les mecanismes qui sont a l'origine des proprietes de ces materiaux L'etat mixte, tout comme l'etat supraconducteur pur et l'etat normal, a fait l'objet de nombreux travaux de recherche. En particulier, la structure des vortex a l'etat mixte, et leur mouvement sous l'effet d'une force quelconque, etaient et restent le centre de preoccupation. Les effets thermoelectrique (Seebeck) et thermomagnetique (Nernst) sont parmi les differentes mesures qui peuvent donner de l'information sur les etats des vortex a l'etat mixte. L'avantage essentiel de ces deux effets est l'absence d'un courant electrique applique. Ce dernier peut donner des perturbations indesirables durant les mesures. D'autre pari, nous avons utilise la methode CA (Courant Alternatif) pour effectuer nos mesures. Cette methode est caracterisee par une meilleure resolution par rapport a la methode CC (Courant Continu) conventionnelle. Nous avons etudie autant des echantillons macles que des echantillons sans macles. D'abord nous avons teste notre montage a champ magnetique nul. Nous avons alors montre que le pic rapporte par certains dans l'effet Seebeck a la transition supraconductrice ne correspond pas a une realite physique mais a un artefact experimental. On avait associe ce pic aux fluctuations. Par la suite, nous avons mis en evidence et etudie pour la premiere fois avec les effets Seebeck et Nernst le phenomene de la fusion du reseau de vortex grace a des mesures sur les echantillons sans macles. Cette etude s'est faite pour deux concentrations d'oxygene differentes et pour un gradient de temperature parallele, consecutivement, aux deux axes cristallographiques dans le plan ab. Finalement, nous avons etudie l'effet des plans de maclage sur le mouvement des vortex. Ceci a ete realise en appliquant le gradient de temperature selon trois directions differentes (0, 45 et 90°) avec

  2. L'effet Hall Quantique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Samson, Thomas

    Nous proposons une methode permettant d'obtenir une expression pour la conductivite de Hall de structures electroniques bidimensionnelles et nous examinons celle -ci a la limite d'une temperature nulle dans le but de verifier l'effet Hall quantique. Nous allons nous interesser essentiellement a l'effet Hall quantique entier et aux effets fractionnaires inferieurs a un. Le systeme considere est forme d'un gaz d'electrons en interaction faible avec les impuretes de l'echantillon. Le modele du gaz d'electrons consiste en un gaz bidimensionnel d'electrons sans spin expose perpendiculairement a un champ magnetique uniforme. Ce dernier est decrit par le potentiel vecteur vec{rm A} defini dans la jauge de Dingle ou jauge symetrique. Conformement au formalisme de la seconde quantification, l'hamiltonien de ce gaz est represente dans la base des etats a un-corps de Dingle |n,m> et exprime ainsi en terme des operateurs de creation et d'annihilation correspondants a_sp{ rm n m}{dag} et a _{rm n m}. Nous supposons de plus que les electrons du niveau fondamental de Dingle interagissent entre eux via le potentiel coulombien. La methode utilisee fait appel a une equation mai tresse a N-corps, de nature quantique et statistique, et verifiant le second principe de la thermodynamique. A partir de celle-ci, nous obtenons un systeme d'equations differentielles appele hierarchie d'equations quantique dont la resolution nous permet de determiner une equation a un-corps, dite de Boltzmann quantique, et dictant l'evolution de la moyenne statistique de l'operateur non-diagonal a _sp{rm n m}{dag } a_{rm n}, _{rm m}, sous l'action du champ electrique applique vec{rm E}(t). C'est sa solution Tr(p(t) a _sp{rm n m}{dag} a_{rm n},_ {rm m}), qui definit la relation de convolution entre la densite courant de Hall vec{rm J}_{rm H }(t) et le champ electrique vec {rm E}(t) dont la transformee de Laplace-Fourier du noyau nous fournit l'expression de la conductivite de Hall desiree. Pour une valeur de

  3. Detection de la fin de la compaction des anodes par le son

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sanogo, Bazoumana

    L'objectif de ce projet etait de developper un outil de controle en temps reel du temps de compaction en se servant du son genere par le vibrocompacteur pendant le formage des anodes crues. Ainsi, une application a ete developpee pour l'analyse des sons enregistres. Des essais ont ete realises avec differents microphones pour une meilleure qualite des mesures et un a ete choisi pour la suite du projet. De meme, differents tests ont ete realises sur des anodes de laboratoire ainsi que des anodes a l'echelle industrielle afin de mettre en place une methode pour la detection du temps optimal necessaire au formage des anodes. Les travaux au laboratoire de carbone a l'Universite du Quebec a Chicoutimi (UQAC) ont consiste a l'enregistrement de son des anodes fabriquees sur place avec differentes configurations; et a la caracterisation de certaines anodes de l'usine. Les anodes fabriquees au laboratoire sont reparties en deux groupes. Le premier regroupe les anodes pour la validation de notre methode. Ce sont des anodes produites avec des temps de compaction differents. Le laboratoire de carbone a l'UQAC est unique et il est possible de produire des anodes avec les memes proprietes que celles des anodes industrielles. Par consequent, la validation initialement prevue a l'usine a ete effectuee avec les anodes de laboratoire. Le deuxieme groupe a servi a etudier les effets des matieres premieres sur le temps de compaction. Le type de coke et le type de brai ont constitue les differentes variations dans ce deuxieme groupe. Quant aux tests et mesures a l'usine, ils ont ete realises en trois campagnes de mesure. La premiere campagne en juin 2014 a servi a standardiser et a trouver le meilleur positionnement des appareils pour les mesures, a regler le logiciel et a faire les premieres mesures. Une deuxieme campagne en mai 2015 a fait l'objet d'enregistrement de son en classant les anodes selon differents temps de compaction. La troisieme et derniere campagne en decembre 2015 a

  4. Effets Josephson generalises entre antiferroaimants et entre supraconducteurs antiferromagnetiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chasse, Dominique

    L'effet Josephson est generalement presente comme le resultat de l'effet tunnel coherent de paires de Cooper a travers une jonction tunnel entre deux supraconducteurs, mais il est possible de l'expliquer dans un contexte plus general. Par exemple, Esposito & al. ont recemment demontre que l'effet Josephson DC peut etre decrit a l'aide du boson pseudo-Goldstone de deux systemes couples brisant chacun la symetrie abelienne U(1). Puisque cette description se generalise de facon naturelle a des brisures de symetries continues non-abeliennes, l'equivalent de l'effet Josephson devrait donc exister pour des types d'ordre a longue portee differents de la supraconductivite. Le cas de deux ferroaimants itinerants (brisure de symetrie 0(3)) couples a travers une jonction tunnel a deja ete traite dans la litterature Afin de mettre en evidence la generalite du phenomene et dans le but de faire des predictions a partir d'un modele realiste, nous etudions le cas d'une jonction tunnel entre deux antiferroaimants itinerants. En adoptant une approche Similaire a celle d'Ambegaokar & Baratoff pour une jonction Josephson, nous trouvons un courant d'aimantation alternee a travers la jonction qui est proportionnel a sG x sD ou fG et sD sont les vecteurs de Neel de part et d'autre de la jonction. La fonction sinus caracteristique du courant Josephson standard est donc remplacee.ici par un produit vectoriel. Nous montrons que, d'un point de vue microscopique, ce phenomene resulte de l'effet tunnel coherent de paires particule-trou de spin 1 et de vecteur d'onde net egal au vecteur d'onde antiferromagnetique Q. Nous trouvons egalement la dependance en temperature de l'analogue du courant critique. En presence d'un champ magnetique externe, nous obtenons l'analogue de l'effet Josephson AC et la description complete que nous en donnons s'applique aussi au cas d'une jonction tunnel entre ferroaimants (dans ce dernier cas, les traitements anterieurs de cet effet AC s'averent incomplets). Nous

  5. Parametrisation D'effets Non-Standard EN Phenomenologie Electrofaible

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maksymyk, Ivan

    Cette these pat articles porte sur la parametrisation d'effets non standard en physique electrofaible. Dans chaque analyse, nous avons ajoute plusieurs operateurs non standard au lagrangien du modele standard electrofaible. Les operateurs non standard decrivent les nouveaux effets decoulant d'un modele sous-jacent non-specefie. D'emblee, le nombre d'operateurs non standard que l'on peut inclure dans une telle analyse est illimite. Mais pour une classe specifique de modeles sous-jacents, les effets non standard peuvent etre decrits par un nombre raisonnable d'operateurs. Dans chaque analyse nous avons developpe des expressions pour des observables electrofaibles, en fonction des coefficients des operateurs nouveaux. En effectuant un "fit" statistique sur un ensemble de donnees experimentales precises, nous avons obtenu des contraintes phenomenologiques sur ces coefficients. Dans "Model-Independent Global Constraints on New Physics", nous avons adopte des hypotheses tres peu contraignantes relatives aux modeles sous-jacents. Nous avons tronque le lagrangien effectif a la dimension cinq (inclusivement). Visant la plus grande generalite possible, nous avons admis des interactions qui ne respectent pas les symetries discretes (soit C, P et CP) ainsi que des interactions qui ne conservent pas la saveur. Le lagrangien effectif contient une quarantaine d'operateurs nouveaux. Nous avons determine que, pour la plupart des coefficients des nouveaux operateurs, les contraintes sont assez serrees (2 ou 3%), mais il y a des exceptions interessantes. Dans "Bounding Anomalous Three-Gauge-Boson Couplings", nous avons determine des contraintes phenomenologiques sur les deviations des couplages a trois bosons de jauge par rapport aux interactions prescrites par le modele standard. Pour ce faire, nous avons calcule les contributions indirectes des CTBJ non standard aux observables de basse energie. Puisque le lagrangien effectif est non-renormalisable, certaines difficultes techniques

  6. Matrix representations of SOn + 2 in an SOn × SO2 basis and some isoscalar factors for SOn + 2 ⊃ SOn × SO2

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pan, Feng; Cao, Yu-Fang


    Vector coherent state (VCS) theory is applied to the group chain SOn+2⊇SOn×SO2. Matrix elements of SOn+2 generators in the SOn+2⊇SOn×SO2 basis are derived. A new formula for the evaluation of some isoscalar factors for SOn+2⊇SOn×SO2 with branching multiplicity is derived in the VCS framework. As a simple example, a new expression of some isoscalar factors for SO5⊇SO3×SO2, which involves only 6j coefficients and K-normalization factors, are obtained by using this formula.

  7. Mesure Objective De L'attenuation et De L'effet D'occlusion Des Protecteurs Auditifs a Partir Des Potentiels Evoques Stationnaires et Multiples =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Valentin, Olivier

    Selon l'Organisation mondiale de la sante, le nombre de travailleurs exposes quotidiennement a des niveaux de bruit prejudiciables a leur audition est passe de 120 millions en 1995 a 250 millions en 2004. Meme si la reduction du bruit a la source devrait etre toujours privilegiee, la solution largement utilisee pour lutter contre le bruit au travail reste la protection auditive individuelle. Malheureusement, le port des protecteurs auditifs n'est pas toujours respecte par les travailleurs car il est difficile de fournir un protecteur auditif dont le niveau d'attenuation effective est approprie a l'environnement de travail d'un individu. D'autre part, l'occlusion du canal auditif induit une modification de la perception de la parole, ce qui cree un inconfort incitant les travailleurs a retirer leurs protecteurs. Ces deux problemes existent parce que les methodes actuelles de mesure de l'effet d'occlusion et de l'attenuation sont limitees. Les mesures objectives basees sur des mesures microphoniques intra-auriculaires ne tiennent pas compte de la transmission directe du son a la cochlee par conduction osseuse. Les mesures subjectives au seuil de l'audition sont biaisees a cause de l'effet de masquage aux basses frequences induit par le bruit physiologique. L'objectif principal de ce travail de these de doctorat est d'ameliorer la mesure de l'attenuation et de l'effet d'occlusion des protecteurs auditifs intra-auriculaires. L'approche generale consiste a : (i) verifier s'il est possible de mesurer l'attenuation des protecteurs auditifs grâce au recueil des potentiels evoques stationnaires et multiples (PEASM) avec et sans protecteur auditif (protocole 1), (ii) adapter cette methodologie pour mesurer l'effet d'occlusion induit par le port de protecteur auditifs intra-auriculaires (protocole 2), et (iii) valider chaque protocole par l'intermediaire de mesures realisees sur sujets humains. Les resultats du protocole 1 demontrent que les PEASM peuvent etre utilises pour

  8. Father and adolescent son variables related to son's HIV prevention.


    Glenn, Betty L; Demi, Alice; Kimble, Laura P


    The purpose of this study was to examine the relationship between fathers' influences and African American male adolescents' perceptions of self-efficacy to reduce high-risk sexual behavior. A convenience sample of 70 fathers was recruited from churches in a large metropolitan area in the South. Hierarchical multiple linear regression analysis indicated father-related factors and son-related factors were associated with 26.1% of the variance in son's self-efficacy to be abstinent. In the regression model greater son's perception of the communication of sexual standards and greater father's perception of his son's self-efficacy were significantly related to greater son's self-efficacy for abstinence. The second regression model with son's self-efficacy for safer sex as the criterion was not statistically significant. Data support the need for fathers to express confidence in their sons' ability to be abstinent or practice safer sex and to communicate with their sons regarding sexual issues and standards.

  9. Evaluation de l'intergiciel de communication DDS pour son utilisation dans le domaine avionique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levesque-Landry, Kevin

    Les aeronefs modernes doivent combler de plus en plus de fonctionnalites afin de satisfaire les besoins de la clientele. De ce fait, les besoins en communications des systemes avioniques sont grandissants. De plus, la portabilite et la reutilisabilite des applications sont des defis d'actualite dans le domaine avionique. De ce fait, ce projet de recherche vise a faire une evaluation de la technologie d'intergiciel de service de distribution de donnees (DDS) pour son utilisation dans le domaine avionique. Cette technologie permettrait de reduire la complexite des communications et faciliter la portabilite et reutilisabilite des applications grâce a son interface standardisee. Dans ce projet de recherche, la norme DDS est tout d'abord etudiee pour cibler les fonctionnalites qui sont utiles au domaine avionique. Les differentes polices de qualite de services sont ainsi etudiees et denotent la flexibilite de la technologie DDS. Un intergiciel DDS est egalement evalue dans un environnement de laboratoire afin de mesurer l'impact de l'utilisation de cette technologie sur les performances de latence ainsi que sur l'utilisation de la bande passante. Les resultats montrent une faible augmentation de la latence moyenne lorsque l'intergiciel DDS est utilise. L'intergiciel DDS est egalement utilise dans une etude de cas avec un AFCS (automatic flight control system) afin de quantifier les effets de son utilisation sur une application avionique. Les resultats montrent que l'utilisation de l'intergiciel DDS n'empeche pas l'AFCS d'atteindre la stabilite, mais qu'elle ralentit l'atteinte de cette derniere. Finalement, une etude de cas est effectuee afin de valider que la technologie DDS peut etre utilisee pour construire des systemes redondants. Les resultats montrent que l'intergiciel DDS permet de faire de la redondance de reserve sans avoir un impact visible sur les performances du systeme redondant.

  10. L’effet du yoga chez les patients atteints de cancer

    PubMed Central

    Côté, Andréanne; Daneault, Serge


    Résumé Objectif Déterminer si le yoga thérapeutique améliore la qualité de vie de patients atteints de cancer. Sources des données Recherche effectuée avec la base de données MEDLINE (1950–2010) en utilisant les mots-clés yoga, cancer et quality of life. Sélection des études Priorité accordée aux études cliniques randomisées contrôlées évaluant l’effet du yoga sur différents symptômes susceptibles de se présenter chez des patients atteints de cancer en Amérique du Nord. Synthèse Quatre études cliniques randomisées contrôlées ont d’abord été analysées, puis 2 études sans groupe-contrôle. Trois études réalisées en Inde et au Proche-Orient ont également apporté des éléments intéressants au plan méthodologique. Les interventions proposées comprenaient des séances de yoga d’une durée et d’une fréquence variables. Les paramètres mesurés variaient également d’une étude à l’autre. Plusieurs symptômes ont connu des améliorations significatives avec le yoga (meilleure qualité du sommeil, diminution des symptômes anxieux ou dépressifs, amélioration du bien-être spirituel, etc.). Il a aussi semblé que la qualité de vie, dans sa globalité ou dans certaines de ses composantes spécifiques, s’améliorait. Conclusion La variété des effets bénéfiques produits, l’absence d’effet secondaire et le rapport coût-bénéfice avantageux du yoga thérapeutique en fait une intervention intéressante à suggérer par les médecins de famille aux patients atteints de cancer. Certaines lacunes méthodologiques ont pu diminuer la puissance statistique des études présentées, à commencer par la taille restreinte des échantillons et par l’assiduité variable des patients soumis à l’intervention. Il est également possible que les échelles de mesure utilisées ne convenaient pas à ce type de situation et de clientèle pour qu’en soit dégagé un effet significatif. Toutefois, les commentaires

  11. Effets perturbateurs endocriniens des pesticides organochlores.


    Charlier, C; Plomteux, G


    entreprises F.Mayo puis par la Geigy Co. a d-abord intéressé l-armée, puis l-agriculture. Dès la fin de la 2(ème) guerre mondiale, des mises en garde furent lancées à propos des effets nocifs du produit (4). Un déclin des populations de grives, d-aigles chauves, d-orfaies et de mammifères consommateurs de poissons fut constaté à partir des années 50 et dénoncé par Rachel Carson dans son célèbre appel du « Silent Spring » de 1962. Bien qu-il soit interdit en Occident depuis les années 70, ce produit a été tellement utilisé et présente une rémanence si longue qu-une contamination ubiquitaire existe aujourd-hui encore. De plus, ce produit continue à être produit aux USA pour être utilisé à des fins de démoustification dans les pays en voie de développement. Il en va de même de l-Hexachlorobenzène (HCB), un autre organochloré dont l-usage est interdit sous nos latitudes, mais reste fréquent dans d-autres pays. Ces deux exemples indiquent que le problème de la contamination continue à nous concerner, même pour des produits dont l-usage est aujourd-hui strictement réglementé ou interdit. Des effets sur la faune semblent encore actuellement devoir être attribués à ces produits. La diminution de la population des phoques dans la mer de Wadden pourrait être due à la forte contamination en composants organochlorés des poissons dont ces phoques se nourrissent (5). Exposé au DDT et à son métabolite dichlorodiphenyldichloroéthylène (DDE), le Seratherodon mossambicus présente une réduction de la sécrétion de cortisol par une action toxique cytospécifique sur l-axe hypothalamo-hypophysaire (6). Des travaux récents ont montré que le DDT et le DDE se lient chez les oiseaux et les mammifères au moyen de liaisons covalentes aux cellules de la zona fasciculata - homologue du tissu interrénal du poisson - induisant des microhémorragies. Cette « défaillance » cortisolique peut s-accompagner d-une perturbation du m

  12. Effet de la teneur en carbone sur la resistance du CA6NM a la propagation des fissures de fatigue

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Akhiate, Aziz

    L'amelioration des performances des roues de turbines hydrauliques a fait l'objet de plusieurs etudes. Dans ce memoire, on s'est interesse a l'effet de la teneur en carbone du materiau de base de type CA6NM des aubes de turbines sur la microstructure et les proprietes mecaniques en general et en particulier sur le comportement en fatigue propagation. De maniere a bien atteindre cet objectif, on a choisi trois differentes nuances d'acier a faible 0.018% C, moyenne 0.033% C et elevee 0.067% C teneurs en carbone. Le 0.018% C et 0.067% C ont ete fabriques par le meme facturier et ils ont subi des traitements thermiques differents. De meme, le 0.033% C a subi des traitements thermiques differents des deux autres apres avoir ete coule par un autre fabricant. Afin d'effacer l'historique des traitements thermiques prealablement effectues et d'avoir la meme taille de grains parents austenitiques (GPA), on a austenitise les trois nuances d'acier a la meme temperature 1040°C, a differentes periodes suivant la teneur en carbone. Apres avoir homogeneise la GPA, on a entame le revenu. Le carbone a une influence sur la microstructure revenue notamment la quantite d'austenite de reversion ainsi que sur sa stabilite thermique et mecanique. Pour mettre en evidence l'effet de la teneur en carbone, on a trouve raisonnable d'isoler les effets relies a la temperature de revenu, en particulier la formation d'austenite de reversion. En effet, on a choisi deux temperatures de revenu. La premiere temperature est a 550°C pendant 2h imposee aux trois materiaux afin d'avoir une microstructure sans austenite de reversion. La deuxieme temperature choisie est a 610°C pour avoir un maximum et une identique quantite d'austenite de reversion sans presence de martensite fraiche. A la lumiere de ces deux microstructures, nous pouvons etablir une relation entre les proprietes mecaniques du CA6NM et la teneur en carbone, ainsi qu'entre les effets de la presence ou non d'austenite de reversion sur les

  13. Preference for sons: past and present.


    Li, D


    This brief article discusses the present and past preference for sons in China. The preference for sons is rooted in feudal views that men are superior to women. Preference for sons dates back to the Warring States Period, in about 500 B.C. Clan brotherhoods of men have existed for centuries. Historical records mention the practice of female infanticide. Patriarchal families believed that women were economically dependent on men and thus became their subjects. Daughters married, lived in their husband's home, and did not carry the responsibility of caring for their own parents. Couples with only daughters would seek a son-in-law to support them in old age. Rural families with no sons were looked down upon. Sons were expected to carry on the family lineage, increase the reputation of the family, and protect the family's interests. The lack of sons was a sign of humiliation and a curse. The founding of the People's Republic of China brought changes to son preference. The government attempted to increase women's status. In rural areas, women were given equal access to the land. Job opportunities were created for women during the industrialization drive. The Chinese government encouraged the repudiation of the negative impacts of the doctrines of Confucius and Mencius. Efforts were made to give men and women equal pay for equal work. Legislation was passed prohibiting arranged marriage, polygyny, and early marriage. A side effect of fertility decline is the renewed preference for sons. In Huangyan and Haining in Zhejiang, a developed province, the sex ratio at birth is normal. Sexual division of labor reinforces son preference.

  14. Systemes Fermioniques a Basse Dimension D'espace: Supraconductivite, Effet Hall Quantique et Statistique Fractionnaire

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sakhi, Said

    Cette these est constituee de trois sujets de recherche distincts. Les deux premiers articles traitent du phenomene de supraconductivite dans un modele bidimensionnel, dans le troisieme article on etudie l'action effective d'un systeme electronique soumis a l'effet d'un champ magnetique (systeme de Hall) et le dernier article examine la quantification d'un systeme de particules identiques en deux dimensions d'espace et la possibilite des anyons. Le modele qu'on analyse dans les deux premiers articles est un systeme fermionique dont les particules chargees et de masse nulle interagissent entre elles avcc un couplage attractif et fort. L'analyse de l'action effective decrivant la physique a basse energie nous permet d'examiner la structure de l'espace de phase. A temperature nulle, le parametre d'ordre du systeme prend une valeur moyenne non nulle. Consequemment, la symetrie continue U(1) du modele est spontanement brisee et il en resulte l'apparition d'un mode de Goldstone. En presence d'un champ electromagnetique externe, ce mode disparait et le champ de jauge acquiert une masse donc l'effet Meissner caracteristique d'un supraconducteur. Bien que le modele ne soit pas renormalisable dans le sens perturbatif, on montre qu'il l'est dans le cadre du developpement en 1/N ou N est le nombre d'especes fermioniques. En outre, on montre que l'inclusion des effets thermiques change radicalement le mecanisme de supraconductivite. En effet, on montre que la brisure spontanee de la symetrie U(1) n'est plus possible a temperature finie a cause de tres severes divergences infrarouges. Par contre, la dynamique des tourbillons (vortex) existant dans le plan devient essentielle. On montre que le phenomene de supraconductivite resulte du confinement de ces objets topologiques et que la temperature critique s'identifie a celle de Kosterlitz -Thouless. Ce mecanisme de supraconductivite presente l'avantage d'aboutir a un rapport gap a la temperature critique plus eleve que celui du

  15. Effets Seebeck et Nernst dans les cuprates: Etude de la reconstruction de la surface de Fermi sous champ magnetique intense

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Laliberte, Francis


    Ce memoire presente des mesures de transport thermoelectrique, les effets Seebeck et Nernst, dans une serie d'echantillons de supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique. Des resultats obtenus recemment au Laboratoire National des Champs Magnetiques Intenses a Grenoble sur La1.7Eu0.2Sr0.1 CuO4, La1.675Eu0.2Sr0.125CuO 4, La1.64Eu0.2Sr0.16CuO4, La1.74Eu0.1Sr0.16CuO4 et La 1.4Nd0.4Sr0.2CuO4 sont analyses. Une attention particuliere est accordee aux equations de la theorie semi-classique du transport et leur validite est verifiee. La procedure experimentale et les materiaux utilises pour concevoir les montages de mesures sont expliques en detail. Enfin, un chapitre est dedie a l'explication et l'interpretation des resultats de transport thermoelectrique sur YBa2Cu3O6+delta publies au cours de l'hiver 2010 dans les revues Nature et Physical Review Letters. Les donnees d'effet Seebeck dans les echantillons de La 1.8-x,Eu0.2SrxCuO 4, ou un changement de signe est observe, permettent de conclure a la presence d'une poche d'electrons dans la surface de Fermi qui domine le transport a basse temperature dans la region sous-dopee du diagramme de phase. Cette conclusion est similaire a celle obtenue par des mesures d'effet Hall dans YBa 2Cu3O6+delta et elle cadre bien dans un scenario de reconstruction de la surface de Fermi. Les donnees d'effet Nernst recueillies indiquent que la contribution des fluctuations supraconductrices est limitee a un modeste intervalle de temperature au-dessus de la temperature critique.

  16. Comparaison des effets des irradiations γ, X et UV dans les fibres optiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Girard, S.; Ouerdane, Y.; Baggio, J.; Boukenter, A.; Meunier, J.-P.; Leray, J.-L.


    Les fibres optiques présentent de nombreux avantages incitant à les intégrer dans des applications devant résister aux environnements radiatifs associés aux domaines civil, spatial ou militaire. Cependant, leur exposition à un rayonnement entraîne la création de défauts ponctuels dans la silice amorphe pure ou dopée qui constitue les différentes parties de la fibre optique. Ces défauts causent, en particulier, une augmentation transitoire de l'atténuation linéique des fibres optiques responsable de la dégradation voire de la perte du signal propagé dans celles-ci. Dans cet article, nous comparons les effets de deux types d'irradiation: une impulsion X et une dose γ cumulée. Les effets de ces irradiations sont ensuite comparés avec ceux induits par une insolation ultraviolette (244 nm) sur les propriétés d'absorption des fibres optiques. Nous montrons qu'il existe des similitudes entre ces différentes excitations et qu'il est possible, sous certaines conditions, d'utiliser celles-ci afin d'évaluer la capacité de certaines fibres optiques à fonctionner dans un environnement nucléaire donné.

  17. Intergenerational concordance in Adult Attachment Interviews with mothers, fathers and adolescent sons and subsequent adjustment of sons to military service.


    Scharf, Miri; Mayseless, Ofra; Kivenson-Baron, Inbal


    The study examined: (1) the intergenerational concordance between parents and their adolescent sons using the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI) categories and state-of-mind scales; and (2) the contribution of parents' state of mind with respect to attachment to their sons' adjustment during a stressful separation, as well as the possibility that sons' AAI mediates the associations between parents' AAI and sons' adjustment. Eighty-eight adolescents and their parents were interviewed using the AAI during the son's senior year in high school. Approximately a year later, during the first phase of compulsory military service, the adolescents and their peers reported on the sons' adjustment. Results demonstrated AAI correspondence between mothers' (but not fathers) and sons' categories (autonomous versus non-autonomous) and associations between mothers', fathers' and sons' AAI state-of-mind scales. The adjustment of sons of non-autonomous mothers (in particular, preoccupied mothers) was inferior to the adjustment of others. Mothers' and fathers' state of mind scales were associated with sons' adjustment, but sons' AAI did not mediate this association. The uniqueness of adolescence, the importance of parents' state of mind and the differences between mothers and fathers are discussed.

  18. Predictors of father-son communication about sexuality.


    Lehr, Sally T; Demi, Alice S; Dilorio, Colleen; Facteau, Jeffrey


    Examining the factors that influence adolescents' sexual behaviors is crucial for understanding why they often engage in risky sexual behaviors. Using social cognitive theory, we examined predictors of father-son communication about sexuality. Fathers (N=155) of adolescent sons completed a survey measuring 12 variables, including self-efficacy and outcome expectations. We found that (a) son's pubertal development, father's sex-based values, father's education; father's communication with his father, outcome expectations, and general communication accounted for 36% of the variance in information sharing communication and (b) son's pubertal development, outcome expectations, general communication, and father-son contact accounted for 20% of the variance in values sharing communication. Study findings can aid professionals in designing guidelines for programs to promote father-son general communication and sex-based communication.

  19. Les effets des interfaces sur les proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches nickel/iron et cobalt/silver

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Veres, Teodor

    Cette these est consacree a l'etude de l'evolution structurale des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches Ni/Fe et nanostructures a base de Co et de l'Ag. Dans une premiere partie, essentiellement bibliographique, nous introduisons quelques concepts de base relies aux proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches metalliques. Ensuite, nous presentons une breve description des methodes d'analyse des resultats. La deuxieme partie est consacree a l'etude des proprietes magnetiques et de transport des multicouches ferromagnetiques/ferromagnetiques Ni/Fe. Nous montrerons qu'une interpretation coherente de ces proprietes necessite la prise en consideration des effets des interfaces. Nous nous attacherons a mettre en evidence, a evaluer et a etudier les effets de ces interfaces ainsi que leur evolution, et ce, suite a des traitements thermiques tel que le depot a temperature elevee et l'irradiation ionique. Les analyses correlees de la structure et de la magnetoresistance nous permettront d'emettre des conclusions sur l'influence des couches tampons entre l'interface et le substrat ainsi qu'entre les couches elles-memes sur le comportement magnetique des couches F/F. La troisieme partie est consacree aux systemes a Magneto-Resistance Geante (MRG) a base de Co et Ag. Nous allons etudier l'evolution de la microstructure suite a l'irradiation avec des ions Si+ ayant une energie de 1 MeV, ainsi que les effets de ces changements sur le comportement magnetique. Cette partie debutera par l'analyse des proprietes d'une multicouche hybride, intermediaire entre les multicouches et les materiaux granulaires. Nous analyserons a l'aide des mesures de diffraction, de relaxation superparamagnetique et de magnetoresistance, les evolutions structurales produites par l'irradiation ionique. Nous etablirons des modeles qui nous aideront a interpreter les resultats pour une serie des multicouches qui couvrent un large eventail de differents comportements magnetiques

  20. Effets non lineaires transversaux dans les guides d'ondes plans

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dumais, Patrick

    Les effets non lineaires transversaux dus a l'effet Kerr optique non resonant sont etudies dans deux types de guides a geometrie plane. D'abord (au chapitre 2), l'emission de solitons spatiaux d'un guide de type canal est etudie historiquement, analytiquement et numeriquement dans le but d'en faire la conception et la fabrication, en AlGaAs, dans la region spectrale en deca de la moitie de la bande interdite de ce materiau, soit autour de 1,5 microns. Le composant, tel que concu, comporte une structure de multipuits quantiques. Le desordonnement local de cette structure permet une variation locale du coefficient Kerr dans le guide, ce qui mene a l'emission d'un soliton spatial au-dela d'une puissance optique de seuil. L'observation experimentale d'un changement en fonction de l'intensite du profil de champ a la sortie du guide realise est presentee. Deuxiemement (au chapitre 3) une technique de mesure du coefficient Kerr dans un guide plan est presentee. Cette technique consiste a mesurer le changement de transmission au travers d'un cache place a la sortie du guide en fonction de l'intensite crete a l'entree du guide plan. Une methode pour determiner les conditions optimales pour la sensibilite de la mesure est presentee, illustree de plusieurs exemples. Finalement, la realisation d'un oscillateur parametrique optique basee sur un cristal de niobate de lithium a domaines periodiquement inverses est presentee. La theorie des oscillateurs parametriques optiques est exposee avec une emphase sur la generation d'impulsions intenses a des longueurs d'onde autour de 1,5 microns a partir d'un laser Ti:saphir, dans le but d'obtenir une source pour faire les experiences sur l'emission solitonique.

  1. A test of the "sexy son" hypothesis: sons of polygynous collared flycatchers do not inherit their fathers' mating status.


    Gustafsson, Lars; Qvarnström, Anna


    According to the original "sexy son" hypothesis, a female may benefit from pairing with an already-mated male despite a reduction in fecundity because her sons inherit their father's attractiveness. We used data from a long-term study of collared flycatchers (Ficedula albicollis) collected during 24 years to test this prediction. Our results show that the sons of polygynously mated females fledged in poor condition and therefore did not inherit their father's large forehead patch (a condition-dependent display trait) or mating status. From the female's perspective, polygynous pairing resulted in fewer recruited grandchildren than did a monogamous pairing. The reproductive value of sons did not outweigh the fecundity costs of polygyny because the low paternal care reduced the attractiveness of sons. When there are long-lasting parental effects on offspring attractiveness, costs of polygyny may include the production of nonsexy sons.

  2. Sons and daughters in China.


    Robey, B


    Demographers from the East-West Population Institute (EWPI) and the China State Family Planning Commission, jointly analyzing data from computer tapes of China's 1982 national fertility survey, have produced new evidence of the extent to which families in China prefer male children. Evidence exists in almost every part of China that couples prefer sons to daughters, according to researchers Fred Arnold and Liu Zhaoxiang. Only Beijing and Shanghai are exceptions to this pattern. The persistence of such attidues in China demonstrates the difficulty of overcoming deeply rooted Confucian traditions. Following the Chinese revolution, the government guaranteed sexual equality in political, economic, and cultural life, but patriarchal attitudes still prevail, particularly in the countryside. Historically, couples have favored sons for a variety of reasons, including to continue the family name, provide security for the parents' old age, add to the family labor force, and perform ancestral rites. Believing that such attitudes block successful implementation of China's 1-child family policy, the government has launched a campaign to try to change them. At the time of the time of the 1982 fertility survey, China's 1-child certificate program had been in effect for 3 years. The program provides incentives such as monetary bonuses, preferential housing allocation, and special consideration for the child in education and job assignments to couples who agree not to have a 2nd child. According to the survey, 37% of all 1-child couples had accepted the 1-child certificate. Significantly, 60% of all 1-child certificate holders have a son. Of couples whose 1st child was a boy, 40% obtained the 1-child certificate, versus only 34% of those whose 1st child was a girl. Despite penalties for renouncing the 1-child certificate, about 1 out of every 10 mothers in the program had given birth to a 2nd child by the time of the survey. The 1st child of these mothers was twice as likely to be

  3. Son Preference in Pakistan; A Myth or Reality.


    Atif, Khaula; Ullah, Muhammad Zia; Afsheen, Afeera; Naqvi, Syed Abid Hassan; Raja, Zulqarnain Ashraf; Niazi, Saleem Asif


    To analyze desire for sons/daughters among ladies of Peshawar, Pakistan, with a view to rule out son preference and to study impact of various demographic characteristics on the subject. Cross-sectional descriptive study conducted at Combined Military Hospital, Peshawar, from August 2015 - January 2016; sampling technique was random/probability/non-purposive. Self-designed questionnaire was utilized; carrying questions pertinent to desire for sons/daughters during marital life, and demographic details. Data analyzed via descriptive analysis (SPSS-21), expressed as frequencies/percentages and mean ± standard deviation(minimum/maximum). Sons and daughters desired (dependent variables) were cross-tabulated with independent variables. Response rate was 63.25% (n-506). Data revealed following: Sons desired 3.05±2.061(1/12); Daughters desired 1.15±0.767(0/4); 6.1%(n-31) and 0.6%(n-3) desired infinite number of sons and daughters respectively, 18.2%(n-92) did not desire to have even one daughter, while 2.2%(n-11) considered it immaterial to have daughters or sons. There was a significant relation between sons desired and client's education (p<0.001), husband's education (p<0.001) and socioeconomic class (p<0.001). There was no significant impact of religion (p-0.142) on desire for sons. Impact of independent variables on daughters desired was similar but less pronounced. There was candid son preference among the respondents. Gender discrimination can be attenuated by adequately addressing son preference at all tiers.

  4. Is the distant relationship of fathers and homosexual sons related to the sons' erotic preference for male partners, or to the sons' atypical gender identity, or to both?


    Freund, K; Blanchard, R


    Study 1 compared the retrospectively reported father-son relationships of four groups of adult males: (a) Gynephiles (males who erotically prefer physically mature females), (b) androphiles (who prefer physically mature males), (c) a combined group of heterosexual pedophiles and pedohebephiles (the latter being attracted to pubescent as well as prepubescent females), and (d) a combined group of homosexual pedophiles and pedohebephiles (the latter attracted to pubescent as well as prepubescent males). The gynephiles were paid volunteers; the latter three groups were patients. The androphiles, the only group among those compared known to exhibit a measurably greater degree of cross gender identity in childhood, were also the only group to report significantly poorer father-son relations. The homosexual pedo/pedohebephiles, who also prefer male partners but who exhibit typical male gender identity in childhood, did not differ in father-son relations from the gynephiles or the heterosexual pedo/pedohebephiles. Study 2 showed that, within a sample of nonpatient volunteer androphiles, those individuals who reported the greatest degree of cross gender behavior in childhood also tended to report the worst relationships with their fathers. This correlation was replicated within a sample of androphilic patients in Study 3. The consistent pattern of results obtained from these three studies suggests that the emotionally distant relationships of fathers and androphilic sons relate to the sons' atypical childhood gender identity (or observable gender role behavior) rather than to the sons' erotic preference for male partners per se.

  5. Father-son incest: underreported psychiatric problem?


    Dixon, K N; Arnold, L E; Calestro, K


    Six families are described in which 10 sons were involved incestuously with a natural father (N=4) or step-father (N=2). Father-son incest as a part of the spectrum of child abuse appears to be a more frequent clinical entity than was thought previously.

  6. Effet Bauschinger lors de la plasticité cyclique de l'aluminium pur monocristallin

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Alhamany, A.; Chicois, J.; Fougères, R.; Hamel, A.


    This paper is concerned with the study of microscopic mechanisms which control the cyclic deformation of pure aluminium and especially with the analysis of the Bauschinger effect which appears in aluminium single crystals deformed by cyclic straining. Fatigue tests are performed on Al single crystals with the crystal axis parallel to [ overline{1}23] at room temperature, at plastic shear strain amplitudes in the range from 10^{-4} to 3× 10^{-3}. Mechanical saturation is not obtained at any strain level. Instead, a hardening-softening-secondary hardening sequence is found. The magnitude of the Bauschinger effect as the difference between yield stresses in traction and in compression, changes all along the fatigue loop and during the fatigue test. The Bauschinger effect disappears at two points of the fatigue loop, one in the traction part, the other in the compression one. At these points, the Bauschinger effect is inverted. Dislocation arrangement evolutions with fatigue conditions can explain the cyclic behaviour of Al single crystals. An heterogeneous dislocation distribution can be observed in the cyclically strained metal : dislocation tangles, long dislocation walls and dislocation cell walls, separated by dislocation poor channels appear in the material as a function of the cycle number. The long range internal stress necessary to ensure the compatibility of deformation between the hard and soft regions controls the observed Bauschinger effect. Ce travail s'inscrit dans le cadre de l'étude des mécanismes microsocopiques intervenant lors de la déformation cyclique de l'aluminium pur et concerne en particulier l'analyse de l'effet Bauschinger apparaissant au cours de la solliciation cyclique des monocristaux. L'étude a été menée à température ambiante sur des monocristaux d'aluminium pur orientés pour un glissement simple (axe [ overline{1}23] ), à des amplitudes de déformation plastique comprise entre 10^{-4} et quelques 10^{-3}. Nous n'avons pas

  7. Co-Identity with Son Is Core Component in Father's Development: Same-Gendered Father/Son Relationships Foster Relational Development in Fathers

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Watson-Phillips, Carol


    What is the crucible of a father's relationally transformative growth in connection with his sons? In this article, the author first contextualizes relational theory, and then explores the idea that co-identity with a son provides the mortar and pestle for a father's development in same-gendered relationships. In connection with his son, a father…

  8. Prévalence et caractéristiques des effets indésirables des antihypertenseurs chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire au Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo

    PubMed Central

    Millogo, Georges Rosario Christian; Zongo, Ragomzingba Frank Edgard; Benao, Anita; Youl, Estelle Noëla Hoho; Bassoleth, Blaise Alexandre Bazona; Ouédraogo, Moussa; Zabsonré, Patrice; Guissou, Innocent Pierre


    La prise en charge médicamenteuse de l'hypertension artérielle (HTA) entraine des effets indésirables qui peuvent être gênants et ainsi influencer l'observance du patient. Nous avons étudié ces effets indésirables dans le service de cardiologie du Centre hospitalier universitaire Yalgado Ouédraogo afin de déterminer leurs fréquences et leurs caractéristiques. Il s'agissait d'une étude transversale de juillet à septembre 2015 chez les patients suivis en ambulatoire pour HTA. Les données ont été obtenues à partir de l'interrogatoire, des carnets de suivi des patients et des fiches de consultations. Au total 278 patients ont été inclus. La population d'étude incluait 69,1% de femmes. L'âge moyen était de 52,2 ans avec des extrêmes de 23 et 86 ans. Quatre vingt et sept virgule huit pourcent (87,8%) vivaient en milieu urbain. Le tabagisme, la dyslipidémie et les antécédents familiaux d'HTA représentaient respectivement 9%, 35,6% et 57,2%. Au plan thérapeutique, 43,2% étaient sous monothérapie, 35,6% sous bithérapie à l'initiation du traitement. Les inhibiteurs calciques (59,7%) étaient la classe thérapeutique la plus utilisée. La prévalence globale des effets indésirables était de 60,1%. Les inhibiteurs calciques étaient impliqués dans 53,6% suivis des diurétiques (48,6%) dans la survenue de l'effet indésirable. La prévalence spécifique par molécule était 28,1% pour l'amlodipine et 24,5% pour l'hydrochlorothiazide. La diurèse excessive (13,7%), la toux (12,9%) et les vertiges (11,5%) étaient les effets indésirables les plus fréquemment évoqués par les patients. Le système nerveux central et périphérique et le système ostéo-musculaire étaient les systèmes les plus atteints. Les effets indésirables sont un déterminant majeur de l'adhésion aux traitements antihypertenseur, car leur impact sur la vie quotidienne des patients peut s'avérer significatif. PMID:29875965

  9. Sexual Orientation of Adult Sons of Gay Fathers.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Bailey, J. Michael; And Others


    Examined the sexual orientation of 82 adult sons of 55 gay men. Found that more than 90% of the sons whose sexual orientation could be rated were heterosexual. Gay and heterosexual sons did not differ on potentially relevant variables such as length of time they had lived with their fathers. (MDM)

  10. Effets de la taille finie du milieu non-linéaire sur le bruit quantique spatial généré par un oscillateur paramétrique optique confocal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lopez, L.; Gatti, A.; Maitre, A.; Treps, N.; Gigan, S.; Fabre, C.


    Nous nous intéressons au comportement spatial des fluctuations quantiques à la sortie d'un oscillateur paramétrique optique dégénéré en modes transverses, sous le seuil. En vue de futures expériences, nous étudions les effets de la diffraction dans le milieu paramétrique sur le bruit quantique spatial. Nous montrons que l'on voit apparaître une aire de cohérence de taille finie pour les effets quantiques transverses.

  11. Effets de la pollution de l’air sur la santé

    PubMed Central

    Abelsohn, Alan; Stieb, Dave M.


    Résumé Objectif Faire connaître aux médecins de famille les effets de la pollution atmosphérique sur la santé et indiquer quels conseils donner aux patients vulnérables pour qu’ils soient moins exposés. Sources de l’information On a consulté MEDLINE à l’aide des termes relatifs à la pollution atmosphérique et à ses effets indésirables. On a révisé les articles en anglais publiés entre janvier 2008 et décembre 2009. La plupart des études contenaient des preuves de niveau II. Principal message Au Canada, la pollution de l’air extérieur cause une morbidité et une mortalité importantes. Elle peut affecter le système respiratoire (exacerbation de l’asthme et de la maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique) et le système cardiovasculaire (déclencher l’arythmie, l’insuffisance cardiaque et les AVC). La cote air santé (CAS) est un nouvel outil de communication mis au point par Santé Canada et Environnement Canada qui indique sur une échelle de 1 à 10, le risque pour la santé causé par la pollution atmosphérique. La CAS est largement diffusée dans les médias et cet outil pourrait être utile au médecin de famille pour inciter les patients à haut risque (comme ceux qui souffrent d’asthme, de maladie pulmonaire obstructive chronique ou d’insuffisance cardiaque) à réduire leur exposition à la pollution atmosphérique. Conclusion Le médecin de famille peut se servir de la CAS et de ses messages sur la santé pour enseigner aux asthmatiques et aux autres patients à risque élevé la façon de réduire les risques pour la santé causés par la pollution atmosphérique.

  12. My Son Fired Me!

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Borntrager, Randy


    In this article, the author describes the positive outcomes experienced by a father and his son with cerebral palsy after participating in Unified Sports, a program that places approximately equal numbers of Special Olympics athletes and athletes without intellectual disabilities ("partners") on sports teams for training and competition. The goal…

  13. Parental attitudes towards vaccinating sons with human papillomavirus vaccine.


    Mortensen, Gitte Lee


    Male human papillomavirus (HPV) infections are frequent and lead to an increased risk of HPV-related disease in their female sexual partners. In males, HPV can cause head/neck, penile and anal cancer, as well as genital warts. In this study we assessed parental attitudes to HPV vaccination of their sons. Telephone interviews were conducted in a random, nationally representative sample of 450 Danish parents with sons aged 12-15 years. We gave them information about the main direct benefits of male vaccination and then asked them about their views on HPV vaccination of their sons aged 12-15 years. HPV vaccination of sons was accepted by 80% of respondents; 45% were willing to cover the cost themselves. Parents primarily wanted to protect their sons from cancer and genital warts. 20% rejected or had doubts about HPV vaccination of their sons. Their concerns were mainly due to lack of knowledge about the vaccine, fear of side effects and lack of recommendations from health care authorities. These high acceptance rates are similar to those reported for vaccination of girls prior to its inclusion in the Danish immunisation programme. General practitioners and national health services play a crucial role in providing parents with the information required to make an informed decision about HPV vaccination of sons as well as daughters.

  14. Son preference in rural China: patrilineal families and socioeconomic change.


    Murphy, Rachel; Tao, Ran; Lu, Xi


    This article draws on a survey conducted in six provinces in summer 2008 to investigate the determinants of son preference in rural China. The analysis confirms the conventional wisdom that son preference is embedded within patrilineal family structures and practices. We extend our analysis by exploring specific aspects of variation within patrilineal family culture. We find that the patrilineal group (clan) composition of villages and family participation in practices such as building ancestral halls and updating genealogies significantly influence son preference. Yet even though son preference is embedded within patrilineal family culture, our analysis suggests that over time the attenuation of son preference is likely. This is because determinants associated with socioeconomic change—for instance, higher levels of education, direct exposure to official policy education materials, higher income (a proxy for rural industrialization), and agricultural mechanization—all attenuate son preference. Being younger and female are also associated with weaker son preference, and both characteristics are likely to interact with education and industrialization to further dilute son preference in the longer term. Nevertheless, our findings suggest that concerted efforts are needed to ameliorate institutional discrimination against rural people in welfare provisioning and in labor markets, and to promote multiple dimensions of gender equality, including in land rights, wage rates, and education.

  15. Son preference in a rural village in North Vietnam.


    Bélanger, Danièle


    This article explores the continuing preference for sons in the context of low fertility in Vietnam. Although the total fertility rate for Vietnam declined from 6.0 children per woman of reproductive age in 1979 to 2.2 children in 1998, demographic evidence shows that son preference remains strong and influences contraceptive and fertility behavior. This study examines the underlying factors for son preference in a rural village in North Vietnam. The methodology includes focus-group discussions, an in-depth study of 25 families, and ethnographic observation. Results indicate that sons are highly desired for their social, symbolic, and economic value. In spite of four decades of socialist policies aimed at reducing gender-based inequalities and at weakening the patriarchal kinship system, the desire for sons continues to drive the family-building process. The article also indicates a gap between discourse and social practice with respect to roles assigned to children on the basis of their sex.

  16. Effets de l'humidite sur la propagation du delaminage dans un composite carbone/epoxy sollicite en mode mixte I/II

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    LeBlanc, Luc R.

    Les materiaux composites sont de plus en plus utilises dans des domaines tels que l'aerospatiale, les voitures a hautes performances et les equipements sportifs, pour en nommer quelques-uns. Des etudes ont demontre qu'une exposition a l'humidite nuit a la resistance des composites en favorisant l'initiation et la propagation du delaminage. De ces etudes, tres peu traitent de l'effet de l'humidite sur l'initiation du delaminage en mode mixte I/II et aucune ne traite des effets de l'humidite sur le taux de propagation du delaminage en mode mixte I/II dans un composite. La premiere partie de cette these consiste a determiner les effets de l'humidite sur la propagation du delaminage lors d'une sollicitation en mode mixte I/II. Des eprouvettes d'un composite unidirectionnel de carbone/epoxy (G40-800/5276-1) ont ete immergees dans un bain d'eau distillee a 70°C jusqu'a leur saturation. Des essais experimentaux quasi-statiques avec des chargements d'une gamme de mixites des modes I/II (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% et 100%) ont ete executes pour determiner les effets de l'humidite sur la resistance au delaminage du composite. Des essais de fatigue ont ete realises, avec la meme gamme de mixite des modes I/II, pour determiner 1'effet de 1'humidite sur l'initiation et sur le taux de propagation du delaminage. Les resultats des essais en chargement quasi-statique ont demontre que l'humidite reduit la resistance au delaminage d'un composite carbone/epoxy pour toute la gamme des mixites des modes I/II, sauf pour le mode I ou la resistance au delaminage augmente apres une exposition a l'humidite. Pour les chargements en fatigue, l'humidite a pour effet d'accelerer l'initiation du delaminage et d'augmenter le taux de propagation pour toutes les mixites des modes I/II. Les donnees experimentales recueillies ont ete utilisees pour determiner lesquels des criteres de delaminage en statique et des modeles de taux de propagation du delaminage en fatigue en mode mixte I/II proposes dans la

  17. Adolescents with Nonresident Fathers: Are Daughters More Disadvantaged than Sons?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mitchell, Katherine Stamps; Booth, Alan; King, Valarie


    This study examined sons' and daughters' involvement with nonresident fathers and associated outcomes (N = 4,663). Results indicated that sons and daughters reported equal involvement with nonresident fathers on most measures of father investment, although sons reported more overnight visits, sports, and movies and feeling closer to their fathers…

  18. Causal Attributions and Parents' Acceptance of Their Homosexual Sons.


    Belsky, Yael; Diamond, Gary M


    This Internet-based study examined the association between Israeli parents' attributions regarding the cause of their son's homosexuality and their level of acceptance of their homosexual son. The sample (N = 57) was recruited via Internet Web sites (gay forums and support groups). Findings suggest that more essentialist (versus constructivist) causal attributions were associated with higher levels of parental acceptance. Length of time parents knew of their son's homosexual orientation predicted the degree to which their attributions were essentialist. Implications are discussed.

  19. New discoveries of old SON: a link between RNA splicing and cancer.


    Hickey, Christopher J; Kim, Jung-Hyun; Ahn, Eun-Young Erin


    The SON protein is a ubiquitously expressed DNA- and RNA-binding protein primarily localized to nuclear speckles. Although several early studies implicated SON in DNA-binding, tumorigenesis and apoptosis, functional significance of this protein had not been recognized until recent studies discovered SON as a novel RNA splicing co-factor. During constitutive RNA splicing, SON ensures efficient intron removal from the transcripts containing suboptimal splice sites. Importantly, SON-mediated splicing is required for proper processing of selective transcripts related to cell cycle, microtubules, centrosome maintenance, and genome stability. Moreover, SON regulates alternative splicing of RNAs from the genes involved in apoptosis and epigenetic modification. In addition to the role in RNA splicing, SON has an ability to suppress transcriptional activation at certain promoter/enhancer DNA sequences. Considering the multiple SON target genes which are directly involved in cell proliferation, genome stability and chromatin modifications, SON is an emerging player in gene regulation during cancer development and progression. Here, we summarize available information from several early studies on SON, and highlight recent discoveries describing molecular mechanisms of SON-mediated gene regulation. We propose that our future effort on better understanding of diverse SON functions would reveal novel targets for cancer therapy. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  20. Son targeting fertility behavior: some consequences and determinants.


    Basu, Deepankar; de Jong, Robert


    This article draws out some implications of son targeting fertility behavior and studies its determinants. We demonstrate that such behavior has two notable implications at the aggregate level: (a) girls have a larger number of siblings (sibling effect), and (b) girls are born at relatively earlier parities within families (birth-order effect). Empirically testing for these effects, we find that both are present in many countries in South Asia, Southeast Asia, and North Africa but are absent in the countries of sub-Saharan Africa. Using maximum likelihood estimation, we study the effect of covariates on son targeting fertility behavior in India, a country that displays significant sibling and birth-order effects. We find that income and geographic location of families significantly affect son targeting behavior.

  1. Consequences experimentales des effets des fluctuations du vide sur la fluorescence parametrique et la generation du second harmonique en milieu confine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Robichaud, Luc

    Les fluctuations du vide, qui consistent en l'apparition momentanee de particules, ce qui est permit par le principe d'incertitude de Heisenberg, joue un role primordial dans les processus photoniques, en particulier les processus non-lineaires. Par la manipulation de ces fluctuations du vide a l'aide de confinement optique, on retrouve deux phenomenes particuliers : l'intensification de la fluorescence parametrique (Walker, 2008) et l'inhibition de la generation du second harmonique (Collette, 2013). Dans ce travail, on presente les resultats dans le cas classique ; c'est-a-dire sans fluctuations du vide et confinement. Par la suite, on presente les effets des fluctuations du vide et du confinement, ce qui mene aux deux effets mentionnes. Dans le cas de la fluorescence parametrique, le bruit quantique sur le champ interne et externe est calcule, le role du desaccord de phase dans le modele est expose et une generalisation tridimensionnelle est etudiee afin de generaliser la conception du modele d'un cas unidimensionnel a un cas tridimensionnel planaire. Dans le cas de la generation du second harmonique, les difficultes d'un modele purement tridimensionnel sont exposees et ensuite le cas limite planaire est etudie.

  2. Transfer of Decision Making and Farm Tasks from Father to Son in Father-and-Son Farming Arrangements. RS-51, August 1976.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Coughenour, C. Milton; And Others

    The study examined the division of decision-making and farm tasks in a joint father and son enterprise, the extent to which the decisions tended to be shared equally, and the extent to which the principal operator had responsibility for those tasks not shared. Data were collected in 1974 from fathers and sons who were joint operators of 145 farms…

  3. Father-Son Inter-Generational Transmission of Authoritarian Paternal Attitudes.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Peretti, Peter O.; Statum, Jo Ann


    Attempted to determine authoritarian paternal attitude inter-generational transmission in fathers and sons (N=75). Results suggested that authoritarian paternal attitudes could be indicated in terms of five factors: Dominant, Rigidity, Conformity, Intolerant, and Uncreative; and that the sons expressed strongly the authoritarian attitudes of their…

  4. The Transmission of Parenting from Fathers to Sons

    PubMed Central

    Hofferth, Sandra L.; Pleck, Joseph H.; Vesely, Colleen K.


    SYNOPSIS Objective We address the extent to which parenting practices of fathers and mothers are associated with their sons’ parenting behaviors as young adults and whether adolescent behavior explains this association. Design Data come from 409 young men interviewed in the 2006 Young Adult study of the 1979 National Longitudinal Survey of Youth. Results Men whose fathers were positively involved with them when growing up report more positive parenting of their own children, a direct effect. Less harsh mothering and more positive fathering are associated with reduced adolescent behavior problems, and positive mothering is associated with positive adjustment of these young men as adolescents. However, neither adolescent problem behavior nor positive adjustment is associated with young men’s fathering of their own children, and thus does not explain the association between the fathering young men received and their own fathering behavior. Conclusions Men’s parenting of their sons can have a long-term direct effect on how their sons parent their own children. Although parenting is associated with both positive and negative behaviors of sons during adolescence, these adolescent behaviors are not directly linked to later parenting behavior when sons have their own children. More research is needed to examine mediation mechanisms for the intergenerational transmission of parenting. PMID:23284271

  5. A Letter from a Black Mom to Her Son

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Watson, Dyan


    An African American mother and teacher educator uses examples from her own childhood to describe how she hopes her child will be treated by teachers, and what she fears. In her letter to her son, the African American mom expresses how she want teachers to know her son's journey to school--metaphorically and physically. She wants them to know that…

  6. The role of son preference in reproductive behaviour in Pakistan.

    PubMed Central

    Hussain, R.; Fikree, F. F.; Berendes, H. W.


    The sex of surviving children is an important determinant of reproductive behaviour in South Asia in general and Pakistan in particular. This cohort study evaluates the role of the sex of children on reproductive intentions and subsequent behaviour of women in urban slums of Karachi, Pakistan. The analysis is based on two rounds of surveys conducted in 1990-91 and 1995 of a cohort of married women aged 15-49 years. The results show that pregnancies became increasingly unwanted as the number of surviving sons increased. The sex of surviving children was strongly correlated with subsequent fertility and contraceptive behaviour. However, rather than an exclusive son preference, couples strove for one or more sons and at least one surviving daughter. The policy implications of the link between overt son preference and low status of women are discussed. PMID:10812738

  7. Analyse des interactions energetiques entre un arena et son systeme de refrigeration

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Seghouani, Lotfi

    La presente these s'inscrit dans le cadre d'un projet strategique sur les arenas finance par le CRSNG (Conseil de Recherche en Sciences Naturelles et en Genie du Canada) qui a pour but principal le developpement d'un outil numerique capable d'estimer et d'optimiser la consommation d'energie dans les arenas et curlings. Notre travail s'inscrit comme une suite a un travail deja realise par DAOUD et coll. (2006, 2007) qui a developpe un modele 3D (AIM) en regime transitoire de l'arena Camilien Houde a Montreal et qui calcule les flux de chaleur a travers l'enveloppe du batiment ainsi que les distributions de temperatures et d'humidite durant une annee meteorologique typique. En particulier, il calcule les flux de chaleur a travers la couche de glace dus a la convection, la radiation et la condensation. Dans un premier temps nous avons developpe un modele de la structure sous la glace (BIM) qui tient compte de sa geometrie 3D, des differentes couches, de l'effet transitoire, des gains de chaleur du sol en dessous et autour de l'arena etudie ainsi que de la temperature d'entree de la saumure dans la dalle de beton. Par la suite le BIM a ete couple le AIM. Dans la deuxieme etape, nous avons developpe un modele du systeme de refrigeration (REFSYS) en regime quasi-permanent pour l'arena etudie sur la base d'une combinaison de relations thermodynamiques, de correlations de transfert de chaleur et de relations elaborees a partir de donnees disponibles dans le catalogue du manufacturier. Enfin le couplage final entre l'AIM +BIM et le REFSYS a ete effectue sous l'interface du logiciel TRNSYS. Plusieurs etudes parametriques on ete entreprises pour evaluer les effets du climat, de la temperature de la saumure, de l'epaisseur de la glace, etc. sur la consommation energetique de l'arena. Aussi, quelques strategies pour diminuer cette consommation ont ete etudiees. Le considerable potentiel de recuperation de chaleur au niveau des condenseurs qui peut reduire l'energie requise par

  8. Son preference, fertility desire and contraceptive use in two largest cities of Pakistan.


    Farooqui, M N


    The preference for sons in deeprooted in Pakistan and the growth rate is 3.1%/year, which has long term implications for the Population Welfare Program. In this study, the relationship between living sons and contraceptive use is examined among 1243 currently married industrial workers and 307 control group workers from 13 sample industries in Karachi and Lahore, Pakistan. The Family Welfare Education for Workers' Project has been operating in these industries. Questions were asked about the number of living children by sex, desired number of children by sex, and ideal family size by sex. The ideal number of children was 4 (3.7) with an average of 2.2 sons and 1.5 daughters, which indicates son preference. Average desired children (living plus additional wanted) is 5.0 (4.7) with an average of 2.6 for sons and 2.1 for daughters. All workers with an ideal of 1 wanted a son. 90% of those wanting an ideal of 2 children desired 1 son and 1 daughter. 95% with an ideal of 3 children wanted 2 sons and 1 daughter. 83% with an ideal of 4 children desired 2 sons and 2 daughters, and 16% wanted 3 sons and 1 daughter. 85% with an ideal of 5 children wanted 3 sons and 2 daughters. Further evidence for son preference occurs with total desired number of children; i.e., 79% of those desiring 2 children preferred 1 of each sex, and 21%, 2 sons. This pattern was repeated for each increase in child desired. The desire for children was also examined in terms of existing children. Workers who have more sons were less likely to desire another child; however, those with 2 living daughters desired 1.63 more children and those with 1 of each desired .85 more children. Those with 2 sons desired .67 more children. The number of additional children desired decreases with the increasing number of living children, and with increasing numbers of living sons. Desiring no more children tends to increase with an increase in number of living children, and with an increase in the number of living

  9. SON is a spliceosome-associated factor required for mitotic progression.


    Huen, Michael S Y; Sy, Shirley M H; Leung, Ka Man; Ching, Yick-Pang; Tipoe, George L; Man, Cornelia; Dong, Shuo; Chen, Junjie


    The eukaryotic RNA splicing machinery is dedicated to the daunting task of excising intronic sequences on the many nascent RNA transcripts in a cell, and in doing so facilitates proper translation of its transcriptome. Notably, emerging evidence suggests that RNA splicing may also play direct roles in maintaining genome stability. Here we report the identification of the RNA/DNA-binding protein SON as a component of spliceosome that plays pleiotropic roles during mitotic progression. We found that SON is essential for cell proliferation, and that its inactivation triggers a MAD2-dependent mitotic delay. Moreover, SON deficiency is accompanied by defective chromosome congression, compromised chromosome segregation and cytokinesis, which in turn contributes to cellular aneuploidy and cell death. In summary, our study uncovers a specific link between SON and mitosis, and highlights the potential of RNA processing as additional regulatory mechanisms that govern cell proliferation and division. © 2010 Landes Bioscience

  10. SON is a spliceosome-associated factor required for mitotic progression

    PubMed Central

    Sy, Shirley MH; Leung, Ka Man; Ching, Yick-Pang; Tipoe, George L; Man, Cornelia; Dong, Shuo


    The eukaryotic RNA splicing machinery is dedicated to the daunting task of excising intronic sequences on the many nascent RNA transcripts in a cell, and in doing so facilitates proper translation of its transcriptome. Notably, emerging evidence suggests that RNA splicing may also play direct roles in maintaining genome stability. Here we report the identification of the RNA/DNA-binding protein SON as a component of spliceosome that plays pleiotropic roles during mitotic progression. We found that SON is essential for cell proliferation, and that its inactivation triggers a MAD2-dependent mitotic delay. Moreover, SON deficiency is accompanied by defective chromosome congression, compromised chromosome segregation and cytokinesis, which in turn contributes to cellular aneuploidy and cell death. In summary, our study uncovers a specific link between SON and mitosis, and highlights the potential of RNA processing as additional regulatory mechanisms that govern cell proliferation and division. PMID:20581448

  11. Parents' involvement in the human papillomavirus vaccination decision for their sons.


    Perez, Samara; Restle, Hannah; Naz, Anila; Tatar, Ovidiu; Shapiro, Gilla K; Rosberger, Zeev


    Parents are critical to ensure sufficient human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine coverage. No studies to date have examined how mothers and fathers perceive their own, their partners' and their sons' involvement in HPV vaccination decision-making process. An online survey methodology was used to collect data from a national sample of Canadian parents (33% fathers, 67% mothers, M age =44) who had a 9-16years old son (n=3117). Parent's perception of their self-involvement, partner-involvement and son's involvement in the decision to get their son the HPV vaccine were measured on a Likert scale and were classified as 'no involvement', 'moderate involvement' and 'high involvement'. Mothers and fathers both perceive that they themselves and their partners should be highly involved in their son's HPV vaccination decision. Son's involvement was reported as moderate and influenced by age. Significant gender differences were found for self and partner involvement, but the effect sizes were small. Mothers and fathers both perceive that they themselves and their partners should be significantly involved in their son's HPV vaccination decision. A dyad decision-making model involving both parents for HPV vaccine decision-making is suggested with a stronger recommendation for a triad decision-making model involving both parents as well as the child/adolescent. Gender stereotypes of females perceiving themselves as the sole decision-maker or fathers not wanting to be involved in their children's health decision were not supported. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  12. L’ostéotomie de Chiari dans la prise en charge de la dysplasie de la hanche chez l’adulte: à propos de 9 cas

    PubMed Central

    Shimi, Mohammed; Mahdane, Hicham; Mechchat, Atif; El Ibrahimi, Abedelhalim; El Mrini, Abedelmajid


    La dysplasie acétabulaire de l’adulte jeune entraîne, dans plus de 50% des cas, une coxarthrose secondaire avant l’âge de 50 ans, l’ostéotomie de CHIARI a été décrite initialement dans le traitement de la dysplasie acétabulaire de l’enfant et de l’adolescent, elle a vu ses indications s’étendre à la dysplasie acétabulaire de l’adulte. Nous avons réalisé 9 ostéotomies de CHIARI de 2009 à 2012. Les 9 hanches ont été évaluées cliniquement et radiologiquement en préopératoire et en postopératoire, avec un recul moyen de 18.4 mois. L’ostéotomie a été réalisée sur des hanches douloureuses dysplasiques, sans arthrose (45%) ou avec une arthrose peu évoluée (stade 2: 11%) ou évoluée (stade 3 et 4: 44%). Les résultats fonctionnels ont été très satisfaisants au dernier recul. En effet, le score PMA au dernier recul était de 17.4 en moyenne, avec en particulier, une action antalgique remarquable. Radiologiquement, l’ostéotomie a normalisé pratiquement dans tous les cas la coxométrie, grâce à une médialisation importante habituellement supérieure à 20 mm (87.5%). L’ostéotomie de CHIARI est une intervention sûre. Si l’indication est correctement posée, elle soulage remarquablement les patients et stoppe l’arthrose. Elle garde donc une place privilégiée dans le traitement de la coxarthrose même évoluée sur dysplasie acétabulaire pure ou mixte. PMID:23565312

  13. Restauration fonctionnelle du rachis : effet du niveau initial de douleur sur les performances des sujets lombalgiques chroniques

    PubMed Central

    Caby, Isabelle; Olivier, N; Mendelek, F; Kheir, R Bou; Vanvelcenaher, J; Pelayo, P


    HISTORIQUE : La lombalgie chronique est une douleur lombaire persistante d’origine multifactorielle. Le niveau de douleur initial reste faiblement utilisé pour analyser et comparer les réponses des patients lombalgiques au programme de reconditionnement. OBJECTIFS : Apprécier et évaluer les réponses des sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux à une prise en charge dynamique et intensive. MÉTHODOLOGIE : 144 sujets atteints de lombalgie chronique ont été inclus dans un programme de restauration fonctionnelle du rachis de 5 semaines. Les sujets ont été classés en deux groupes de niveau de douleur: un groupe atteint de douleur sévère (n = 28) et un groupe atteint de douleur légère à modérée (n = 106). L’ensemble des sujets ont bénéficié d’une prise en charge identique comprenant principalement de la kinésithérapie, de l’ergothérapie, du reconditionnement musculaire et cardio-vasculaire ainsi qu’un suivi psychologique. Les paramètres physiques (flexibilité, force musculaire) et psychologiques (qualité de vie) ont été mesurés avant (T0) et après le programme (T5sem). RÉSULTATS : L’ensemble des performances physiques et fonctionnelles des sujets très douloureux sont moins bonnes et le retentissement de la lombalgie sur la qualité de vie, pour ces mêmes sujets, est majoré à T0. Toutes les différences significatives constatées à T0 entre les deux groupes s’effacent à T5sem. CONCLUSIONS : Les sujets lombalgiques chroniques très douloureux répondent favorablement au programme dynamique et intensif. L’intensité douloureuse de la lombalgie n’aurait pas d’effet sur les réponses au programme. La restauration fonctionnelle du rachis apporterait aux sujets la possibilité de mieux gérer leur douleur quel que soit son niveau. PMID:25299476

  14. HPV vaccine for teen boys: Dyadic analysis of parents' and sons' beliefs and willingness

    PubMed Central

    Moss, Jennifer L.; Reiter, Paul L.; Brewer, Noel T.


    Objective Parents and adolescents often decide together whether the child should receive human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. However, few studies have investigated the dyadic nature of beliefs that affect this process. Method Data came from the 2010 HPV Immunization in Sons (HIS) Study, a national sample of 412 parents and their adolescent sons. We conducted dyadic multivariate logistic regression to test the relationships between parents' and sons' HPV vaccine beliefs and their willingness to have the son receive the vaccine. Results Fewer than half of parents and sons were willing to have the sons receive HPV vaccine (43% and 29%, respectively). Willing parents and sons anticipated greater regret if the son did not receive HPV vaccine but later contracted an HPV infection (parent odds ratio [OR]=1.72, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.24-2.40; son OR=1.51, 95% CI=1.04-2.19) (both p<.05). Lower concerns about side effects, such as pain and fainting, were also associated with willingness. Conclusion Parents and sons were more willing to have the son receive HPV vaccine if they had higher anticipated regret about potential HPV infection and lower concerns about side effects. Communication campaigns should target these beliefs to increase parents' and sons' willingness to seek HPV vaccination. PMID:26190364

  15. Like Godfather, Like Son: Exploring the Intergenerational Nature of Crime

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Hjalmarsson, Randi; Lindquist, Matthew J.


    Sons (daughters) with criminal fathers have 2.06 (2.66) times higher odds of having a criminal conviction than those with noncriminal fathers. One additional paternal sentence increases sons' (daughters') convictions by 32 (53) percent. Compared to traditional labor market measures, the intergenerational transmission of crime is lower than that…

  16. HPV vaccine for teen boys: Dyadic analysis of parents' and sons' beliefs and willingness.


    Moss, Jennifer L; Reiter, Paul L; Brewer, Noel T


    Parents and adolescents often decide together whether the child should receive human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine. However, few studies have investigated the dyadic nature of beliefs that affect this process. Data came from the 2010 HPV Immunization in Sons (HIS) Study, a national sample of 412 parents and their adolescent sons. We conducted dyadic multivariate logistic regression to examine the relationships between parents' and sons' HPV vaccine beliefs and their willingness to have the son receive the vaccine. Less than half of parents and sons were willing to have the sons receive HPV vaccine (43% and 29%, respectively). Willing parents and sons anticipated greater regret if the son did not receive HPV vaccine but later contracted an HPV infection (parent odds ratio [OR]=1.72, 95% confidence interval [CI]=1.24-2.40; son OR=1.51, 95% CI=1.04-2.19) (both p<.05). Lower concerns about side effects, such as pain and fainting, were also associated with willingness. Parents and sons were more willing to have the son receive HPV vaccine if they had higher anticipated regret about potential HPV infection and lower concerns about side effects. Communication campaigns may be able to target these beliefs to increase parents' and sons' willingness to seek HPV vaccination. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  17. Fathers, sons, and sexual orientation: replication of a Bieber hypothesis.


    Friedman, R C; Stern, L O


    This retrospective study compares memories of the father-son relationship between lifelong socially well-adjusted, non-patient homosexual and heterosexual men. No homosexual subject reported the presence of a reasonably intact, positive relationship with his father or father surrogate during preadolescent years, whereas 12 of the 17 heterosexual men did. Previous investigators have hypothesized that a constructive, supportive father-son relationship precludes the development of homosexual orientation. This hypothesis stemmed from investigation of men who in general suffered from significant global psychopathology. The data in the present investigation supports the notion that a meaningful association, which is not attributable to confounding psychopathology, exists between quality of father-son relationship during early life and male sexual orientation.

  18. Comparisons between Paternal and Maternal Involvement with Sons: Early to Middle Childhood

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Keown, Louise J.; Palmer, Melanie


    This study compared father-son and mother-son involvement in two-parent families from early to middle childhood. Ninety-four families were recruited for a three-year follow-up study that began when the children were four years old. At each time point, in comparison to mothers, fathers were less accessible to their son on weekdays, and spent more…

  19. Les effets bénéfiques de l'accompagnement du patient cancéreux: particularités du Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Lkhoyaali, Sihame; Aitelhaj, Meryem; Errihani, Hassan


    Au Maroc la majorité des patients âgés cancéreux sont pris en charge par leurs proches l'accompagnement des patients est à l'origine de conséquences émotionnelles psychiques et financières négatives mais en contrepartie il est à l'origine de plusieurs effets bénéfiques à savoir un resserrement des liens familiaux, une surestime du soi et il est la source d'un bien-être affectif et spirituel qui permet de faire face à la maladie. PMID:25722766

  20. Bush v. Bin Laden: Effect of State Emotion on Perceived Threat is Mediated by Emotion Towards the Threat Agent (Bush vs. Ben Laden: l’Effet de l’Emotion etat sur la Menace Percue est Mediatisees par l’Emotion vis-a-vis de l’Agent Menacant)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    auteurs discu- tent des implications des resultats pour les theories qui postulent un effet de I’emotion sur la perception du risque et pour com...effect of global negative emotion on perceived threat . The authors discuss implications of the findings for theories that postulate an effect of... auteurs ont mene une etude perception j emotion j experimentale afin d’examiner les effets d’etats emotionnels Specifi- ques (peur et colere) et globaux

  1. Views of Astronaut (Col.) Joe Engle and son Jon with L-5 Piper Cub

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Views of Astronaut (Col.) Joe Engle and son Jon with L-5 Piper Cub at Clover Airport. Photos include Engle turning propeller while his son sits in the cockpit (34323); both Engle and son examine propeller (34324); Engle works on engine while his son sits in cockpit (34325).

  2. Age difference between parents influences parity and number of sons.


    Kuna, Berenika; Galbarczyk, Andrzej; Klimek, Magdalena; Nenko, Ilona; Jasienska, Grazyna


    Among couples, women usually prefer slightly older men, and men tend to choose much younger partners. Age difference between partners has been shown to influence their parity; however, results of previous studies are inconsistent. This study analyzed relationships between husband and wife age difference and their total number of children, and number of daughters and sons in a contemporary, rural Polish population. Demographic and reproductive data were collected from 384 postmenopausal women from rural Poland who were married only once. Regression models were used to evaluate the impact of the age gap between partners on total number of children and on number of daughters and sons. Women's age, age at marriage (as an indicator of reproductive value), and years of education were used in analyzes as potential confounders. There was an inverted U-shape association between parental age difference and number of children and also the number of sons. The highest number of children and sons was observed when men were approximately 6.5 years older than their wives. There was no significant relationship between parental age difference and number of daughters. Age difference between partners is important for reproductive success (with younger wives having higher reproductive potential) and is also related to number of sons. Older husbands might provide more resources for the family, thus facilitating production of well-nourished male offspring. Future research should evaluate not only number of children but also their biological condition, health, and lifetime achievements in relation to the age difference between their parents. © 2018 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  3. In the Pursuit of Sons: Additional Births or Sex-Selective Abortion in Pakistan?

    PubMed Central

    Zaidi, Batool; Morgan, S. Philip


    Even though Pakistan is a highly patriarchal society, it has not featured prominently in studies focusing on sex-selective abortion and sex ratios at birth. But with fertility declining and existing strong son preference—Pakistan has one of the highest desired sex ratios in the world—how will Pakistani families respond? In the pursuit of sons, will they have additional children or resort to sex-selective abortions? Or is there evidence that the pursuit of sons is weakening? Using data from three rounds of the demographic and health survey, we show clear evidence of son preference in fertility intentions, patterns of contraceptive use and parity progression ratios. More specifically, we find pervasive evidence that Pakistanis continue childbearing to have a son, to have more than one son and to have at least one daughter. We do not find consistent and convincing evidence that sex ratios at birth (which indicate sex-selective abortion) are increasing. PMID:28392607

  4. Culture, Son Preference, and Beliefs about Masculinity

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mahalingam, Ramaswami; Balan, Sundari


    We examined whether endorsing hyper-masculine attitudes positively related to the psychological well-being of adolescent boys (N=233) in an extreme son preference community, in Tamilnadu, India. A survey with masculinity and measures of psychological well-being was administered. We predicted that endorsement of masculinity would positively relate…

  5. Son Preference and Family Limitation in Pakistan: A Parity- and Contraceptive Method-Specific Analysis.


    Channon, Melanie Dawn


    Son preference exerts a strong influence over contraceptive and fertility decisions in many South Asian countries. In Pakistan, where fertility remains high and contraceptive use low, research on son preference has been limited. Data from Pakistan Demographic and Health Surveys conducted in 1990-1991, 2006-2007 and 2012-2013 were used to examine potential indicators and outcomes of son preference. Descriptive analyses looked at sex composition preferences of men and women, as well as the sex ratio at last birth. Multivariate logistic regression analyses examined parity progression by birth order, while multinomial logistic regression was used to identify associations between sex composition and use of permanent, temporary and traditional contraceptive methods. Parity progression and choice of contraceptive method are increasingly associated with the sex composition of children. Many respondents wanted at least two sons, though most also wanted at least one daughter. Analyses suggest that the prevalence of modern contraceptive use among parous women would have been 19% higher in 2012-2013 in the absence of son preference. Permanent method use was extremely low among women with no sons and increased significantly with number of sons. The association between number of sons and use of temporary methods was weaker, while son preference had little relationship with traditional method use. The association of son preference with parity progression and modern contraceptive use has become stronger in Pakistan. Continuation of the fertility transition may be difficult unless the degrees of differential stopping behavior and differential contraceptive use decline.

  6. Mothers' Predictions of Their Son's Executive Functioning Skills: Relations to Child Behavior Problems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Johnston, Charlotte


    This study examined mothers' ability to accurately predict their sons' performance on executive functioning tasks in relation to the child's behavior problems. One-hundred thirteen mothers and their 4-7 year old sons participated. From behind a one-way mirror, mothers watched their sons perform tasks assessing inhibition and planning skills.…

  7. Effets de la formation sur la violence conjugale

    PubMed Central

    Zaher, Eman; Keogh, Kelly; Ratnapalan, Savithiri


    Résumé Objectif Décrire et évaluer l’efficacité de la formation concernant la violence conjugale pour améliorer les connaissances et permettre la reconnaissance et la prise en charge par les médecins des femmes victimes de violence. Sources des données On a fait une recension dans la base de données des révisions systématiques de Cochrane, MEDLINE, PubMed, PsycINFO, ERIC et EMBASE pour trouver des articles publiés entre le 1e janvier 2000 et le 1e novembre 2012. Des recherches manuelles ont complété cette recension pour cerner des articles pertinents à l’aide d’une stratégie de recherche combinant des textes, mots et expressions MeSH. Sélection des études On a choisi des études randomisées contrôlées qui portaient sur des interventions éducatives à l’intention des médecins et fournissaient des données sur les effets des interventions. Synthèse On a inclus 9 études randomisées contrôlées qui décrivaient différentes approches pédagogiques et diverses mesures des résultats. Trois études examinaient les effets d’interventions éducatives pour des médecins en formation postdoctorale et ont constaté une augmentation des connaissances, mais il n’y a eu aucun changement dans le comportement en ce qui a trait à l’identification des victimes de violence conjugale. Six études portaient sur des interventions éducatives pour des médecins en pratique active. Trois d’entre elles utilisaient une approche à multiples facettes pour les médecins, qui combinait une formation ainsi que des interventions de soutien de la part du système pour changer les comportements des médecins, comme une sensibilisation générale accrue à la violence conjugale au moyen de brochures et d’affiches, des aide-mémoire pour rappeler aux médecins comment identifier les victimes, des moyens pour faciliter l’accès des médecins à des services de soutien pour les victimes, la réalisation d’audits et la fourniture de rétroaction. Les

  8. Comportement instationnaire des thermoéléments à effet Peltier multi-étages

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Monchoux, F.; Zély, D.; Cordier, A.


    The analysis of thermoelectric phenomena is possible based on non-equilibrium thermodynamics. Integration of the thermal balance equation leads to an analytical solution for the non-stationnary behaviour. The influence to Thomson effect is commmented. The model, introduced in the complete software TRNSYS, permits the modelling of complex systems including such elements in their thermal regulation. La thermodynamique des processus irréversibles permet l'analyse des phénomènes thermoélectriques. Par intégration de l'équation de bilan thermique, on a obtenu une solution analytique pour le régime non stationnaire donnant la température en tous points et le flux absorbé. On a analysé l'influence de l'effet Thomson. Le modèle a été inclu dans le code plus général TRNSYS qui permet la modélisation de systèmes complexes.

  9. The experience of sons caring for a parent with dementia.


    McDonnell, Eilis; Ryan, Assumpta A


    This study explored the experiences of sons caring for a parent with dementia. Individual, semi-structured interviews were conducted with a purposeful sample of sons (n = 13) in a rural part of Ireland. Interviews were audiotaped, transcribed verbatim and analysed for common themes. The key themes that emerged were 'the parental bond', 'a binding role', 'coordinating care and support' and a 'getting on with it' approach to care. The study highlighted the commitment of sons to their caregiving role and the strong sense of duty that motivated them to provide care. The findings suggested that while many aspects of the caregiving experience such as lack of information and support are gender neutral, there are differences in the caregiving experiences of men and women in how they view their relationship with their parent and in the management of their caregiving role that merit further investigation. © The Author(s) 2013 Reprints and permissions:

  10. Dombey and Son: An Inverted Maid's Tragedy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Badinjki, Taher


    Ross Dabney, J. Butt & K. Tillotson, and others think that Dickens revised the role of Edith in the original plan of "Dombey and Son" upon the advice of a friend. I tend to believe that Dickens's swerve from his course was prompted by two motives, his relish for grand scenes, and his endeavour to engage the reader's sympathies for a…

  11. African-American Fathers' Perspectives on Facilitators and Barriers to Father-Son Sexual Health Communication.


    Randolph, Schenita D; Coakley, Tanya; Shears, Jeffrey; Thorpe, Roland J


    African-American males ages 13 through 24 are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), accounting for over half of all HIV infections in this age group in the United States. Clear communication between African-American parents and their youth about sexual health is associated with higher rates of sexual abstinence, condom use, and intent to delay initiation of sexual intercourse. However, little is known about African-American fathers' perceptions of what facilitates and inhibits sexual health communication with their preadolescent and adolescent sons. We conducted focus groups with 29 African-American fathers of sons ages 10-15 to explore perceived facilitators and barriers for father-son communication about sexual health. Participants were recruited from barbershops in metropolitan and rural North Carolina communities highly affected by STIs and HIV, and data were analyzed using content analysis. Three factors facilitated father-son communication: (a) fathers' acceptance of their roles and responsibilities; (b) a positive father-son relationship; and (c) fathers' ability to speak directly to their sons about sex. We also identified three barriers: (a) fathers' difficulty in initiating sexual health discussions with their sons; (b) sons' developmental readiness for sexual health information; and (c) fathers' lack of experience in talking with their own fathers about sex. These findings have implications for father-focused prevention interventions aimed at reducing risky sexual behaviors in adolescent African-American males. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. © 2017 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Nouvelles approches en theorie du champ moyen dynamique: le cas du pouvoir thermoelectrique et celui de l'effet orbital d'un champ magnetique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Arsenault, Louis-Francois

    , cette approche donne une bonne representation de S lorsque le systeme devient coherent. Les calculs montrent aussi que la formule Kelvin est precise lorsque la fonction spectrale des electrons devient incoherente, soit a plus haute temperature. Dans la limite Kelvin, S est essentiellement l'entropie par particule, tel que propose il y a longtemps. Nos resultats demontrent ainsi que la vision purement entropique de S est la bonne dans le regime incoherent, alors que dans le regime coherent, l'approche a frequence infinie est meilleure. Nous avons utilise une methode a la fine pointe, soit le Monte-Carlo quantique en temps continu pour resoudre la DMFT. Pour permettre une exploration rapide du diagramme de phase, nous avons du developper une nouvelle version de la methode des perturbations iterees pour qu'elle soit applicable aussi a forte interaction au-dela de la valeur critique de la transition de Mott. Un autre sujet a aussi ete aborde. L'effet orbital du champ magnetique dans les systemes electroniques fortement correles est une question tres importante et peu developpee. Cela est d'autant plus essentiel depuis la decouverte des oscillations quantiques dans les supraconducteurs a haute temperature (haut- Tc). Par desir de developper une methode la moins biaisee possible, nous avons derive la DMFT lorsqu'un champ se couplant a l'operateur energie cinetique par la substitution de Peierls est present. Ce type d'approche est necessaire pour comprendre entre autres l'effet de la physique de Mott sur des phenomenes tels que les oscillations quantiques. Nous avons obtenu un resultat tres important en demontrant rigoureusement que la relation d'auto-coherence de la DMFT et le systeme intermediaire d'impurete quantique restent les memes. L'effet du champ peut etre contenu dans la fonction de Green locale, ce qui constitue la grande difference avec le cas habituel. Ceci permet de continuer a utiliser les solutionneurs d'impuretes standards, qui sont de plus en plus puissants

  13. Affective Interchange in Families with a Schizophrenic Son.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Angermeyer, Matthias C.; And Others

    Sixty half-hour family discussions generated by the "revealed differences technique" were analyzed to determine the emotional intensity and quality (friendliness/attacking) of messages between individuals in families with schizophrenic and "normal" sons. Thirty families in each situation (schizophrenic/normal) were matched for comparison. Both…

  14. A Son's Fears and a Father's Response

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Eller, Ian


    In the days since the surreal horror of December 14th, the author's children have responded to the tragedy differently. His daughter is a first grader, and she lost many of her friends to the gunman. She has been melancholy, sad in a way only a child who feels but does not understand her feelings can be. His 9-year-old son has been less sad and…

  15. Son Preference and Children’s Housework: The Case of India

    PubMed Central

    Adserà, Alícia


    We use a nationally representative survey of Indian households (NFHS-3) to conduct the first study that analyzes whether son preference is associated with girls bearing a larger burden of housework than boys. Housework is a non-negligible part of child labor in which around 60 % of children in our sample are engaged. The preference for male offspring is measured by a mother’s ideal proportion of sons among her offspring. We show that when the ideal proportion increases from 0 to 1, the gap in the time spent on weekly housework for an average girl compared to that of a boy increases by 2.5 h. We conduct several robustness analyses. First, we estimate the main model separately by caste, religion, and family size. Second, we use a two-stage model to look at participation into housework (as well as other types of work) in addition to hours. Third, we use mother’s fertility intentions as an alternative measure of son preference. The analysis confirms that stated differences in male preference translate in de facto differences in girl’s treatment. PMID:23914000

  16. Do Sons or Daughters Give More Money to Parents in Urban China?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Xie, Yu; Zhu, Haiyan


    The patriarchal structure of the traditional Chinese family suggests that sons, more than daughters, provide financial support to elderly parents. The norm of receiving support in old age primarily from sons, however, may have been undermined by dramatic demographic, economic, and cultural changes occurring over the last several decades in China,…

  17. Intergenerational Exchange between Parents and Migrant and Nonmigrant Sons in Rural China

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cong, Zhen; Silverstein, Merril


    This investigation examined whether intergenerational exchanges of time and money resources between older parents and their adult sons in rural China were conditioned on sons' migration status. Data derived from 2001 and 2003 waves of a longitudinal study of 1,126 parents, aged 60 and older, living in rural areas of Anhui Province, China, and…

  18. Disability in the Family: John and Alice Dewey Raising Their Son Sabino

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Danforth, Scot


    Background/Context: The current biographic understanding of John Dewey's experience adopting and raising an Italian boy named Sabino emphasizes the theme of finding an emotional replacement for Morris and Gordon, two young sons who had tragically died on family trips to Europe. Lacking is substantive attention to the fact that John Dewey's son had…

  19. The Telephone Connection: An Interview with Ernest Hemingway's Son.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Workman, Brooke


    Relates how a conference call to Ernest Hemingway's son, Gregory, resolved questions and brought understanding and excitement to a group of Iowa high school students enrolled in a 12-week Hemingway seminar. (FL)

  20. African-American Fathers’ Perspectives on Facilitators and Barriers to Father-Son Sexual Health Communication

    PubMed Central

    Randolph, Schenita D.; Coakley, Tanya; Shears, Jeffrey; Thorpe, Roland J.


    African-American males ages 13 through 24 are disproportionately affected by sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), accounting for over half of all HIV infections in this age group in the United States. Clear communication between African-American parents and their youth about sexual health is associated with higher rates of sexual abstinence, condom use, and intent to delay initiation of sexual intercourse. However, little is known about African-American fathers’ perceptions of what facilitates and inhibits sexual health communication with their preadolescent and adolescent sons. We conducted focus groups with 29 African-American fathers of sons ages 10–15 to explore perceived facilitators and barriers for father-son communication about sexual health. Participants were recruited from barbershops in metropolitan and rural North Carolina communities highly affected by STIs and HIV, and data were analyzed using content analysis. Three factors facilitated father-son communication: (a) fathers’ acceptance of their roles and responsibilities, (b) a positive father-son relationship, and (c) fathers’ ability to speak directly to their sons about sex. We also identified three barriers: (a) fathers’ difficulty in initiating sexual health discussions with their sons, (b) sons’ developmental readiness for sexual health information, and (c) fathers’ lack of experience in talking with their own fathers about sex. These findings have implications for father-focused prevention interventions aimed at reducing risky sexual behaviors in adolescent African-American males. PMID:28220553

  1. The desire for sons and excess fertility: a household-level analysis of parity progression in India.


    Chaudhuri, Sanjukta


    The desire for sons often influences fertility behavior in India. Women with a small number or low proportion of sons may be more likely than other women to continue childbearing. Data from India's 2005-2006 National Family Health Survey were used to examine several hypotheses regarding the association between sex composition of children and parity progression among parous women aged 35-49. Descriptive analyses and multivariate logistic regression analysis that controlled for possible confounders were performed separately by parity. Women with more sons than daughters were generally less likely than those with more daughters than sons to continue childbearing; parity progression driven by the desire for sons accounted for 7% of births. At any given parity, the last-born child of women who had stopped childbearing was more likely to be a son than a daughter (sex ratios, 133-157). In multivariate analyses, women without any sons were more likely than women without any daughters to continue childbearing at parities 1-4 (odds ratios, 1.4-4.5). At most or all parities, continued childbearing was positively associated with having had a child who died, and negatively associated with levels of women's education and media exposure and with household wealth. The desire for sons appears to be a significant motivation for parity progression. Although population policies that reduce family size are essential, also imperative are policies that reduce desire for sons by challenging the perception that sons are more valuable than daughters.

  2. "My son is still walking": stages of receptivity to discussions of advance care planning among parents of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy.


    Erby, Lori Hamby; Rushton, Cynda; Geller, Gail


    Duchenne muscular dystrophy is an inherited progressive neuromuscular disease that generally results in death by early adulthood. Because of its life-threatening nature, discussions of advance care planning are extremely relevant to families with affected children and adolescents. Seventeen parents of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy were interviewed about their attitudes, experiences, and the nature of their discussions about these topics. Parents showed a lack of familiarity with and experience communicating about advance care planning. They also discussed opportunities for communication that centered on transitional life events. Parents appeared to vacillate between hope for future treatments, avoidance of emotionally difficult aspects of the disease, and presence with the fullness of life's experiences. These data suggest a model for future research in which windows of opportunity for discussion may exist as sons are approaching significant transitional milestones and parents are able to see the world through a lens of "presence."

  3. Girl adoption in China-A less-known side of son preference.


    Chen, Yuyu; Ebenstein, Avraham; Edlund, Lena; Li, Hongbin


    In 1987, 4 per cent of girls were adopted within China. Why? Unlike infanticide, abandonment rids parents of daughters while preserving the supply of potential brides. In fact, an erstwhile tradition common in Fujian and Jiangxi provinces had parents of sons adopting an infant girl to serve as a future daughter-in-law and household help. Analysing a nationally representative 1992 survey of children, we found that: (1) girl adoptions were concentrated in the above-mentioned provinces; (2) girls were predominantly adopted by families with sons; (3) adopted girls faced substantial disadvantage as measured by school attendance at ages 8-13. In the 1990s, as the sex ratio at birth climbed, were girls aborted rather than abandoned? Observing that in the 2000 census too many girls appear in families with older sons, we estimated that at least 1/25 girls were abandoned in the 1990s, a proportion that in Fujian and Jiangxi may have peaked at 1/10 in 1994.

  4. Intention of Mothers in Israel to Vaccinate their Sons against the Human Papilloma Virus.


    Ben Natan, Merav; Midlej, Kareem; Mitelman, Olga; Vafiliev, Katya

    This study investigated the intention of mothers in Israel to vaccinate their sons against HPV, using the Health Belief Model (HBM) as a framework, while comparing between Arab and Jewish mothers. The study has a quantitative cross-sectional design. A convenience sample of 200 Jewish and Arab mothers of boys aged 5-18 completed a questionnaire based on the HBM. The research findings indicate that only 14% of the mothers, constituting mostly Arab mothers, vaccinated their sons against HPV. Moreover, mothers showed a moderate level of intention to vaccinate their sons. This level was similar among Arab and Jewish mothers. However, the health beliefs of Jewish and Arab mothers differed. The HBM was found to explain 68% of mothers' intention to vaccinate their sons against HPV, and the perceived benefits of the vaccine were the factor most affecting this intention. Although mothers' health beliefs concerning vaccinating their sons against HPV may vary between sectors, the HBM can be used to explain what motivates mothers to vaccinate their sons. The research findings can assist in designing a national project among mothers of boys aimed at raising HPV vaccination rates, in both the Jewish and the Arab sector. Copyright © 2017 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  5. Breaking the ice! Predictors about communication between nonresident African American fathers and sons about sex.


    Burns, Jade C; Caldwell, Cleopatra H


    Research on communication between resident and nonresident African American fathers and their sons about sex has been understudied. The purpose of this study is to determine the influence of parenting variables, specifically, racial socialization and father involvement on nonresident African American father-son communication about sex. Data for this study are from the Fathers and Sons Project. This intervention study is designed to enhance relationships between nonresident African American fathers and their 8-12 year old sons and to prevent risky health behaviors among sons. The present study is based on 345 African American boys who completed baseline face-to-face interviews. The average age of the sons was 10.2 years old (SD = 1.4), with an average of two siblings (SD = 1.53). Age and sons' perceptions of more parental monitoring by their fathers were predictive of increased communication about sex. Racial socialization messages explained additional variance in communication about sex above other parenting variables and controls. Findings suggest when working with African American families, providers who counsel parents, and in particular provide outreach to fathers regarding communication about sex, are in a unique position to enhance parenting communication skills about sexuality. ©2015 American Association of Nurse Practitioners.

  6. History of son preference and sex selection in India and in the west.


    Bandyopadhyay, Sutapa; Singh, Amarjeet


    In the history of mankind, there was a time when women dominated the world. In due course of time, as the patriarchal societies evolved, the status of women gradually declined. Sons were preferred to daughters. In India, the Brahmin community promoted such customs and rituals, which gave more and more importance to sons eg. Lighting the funeral pyre of the father was told to be a pre-condition for salvation of his spirit. Similarly, in western civilization also women were considered to be weak. In consonance with such a mind-set man has been trying various techniques for sex-selection since antiquity eg. for acquiring a son choosing a special day, time and posture for sexual intercourse, special diet, charms and amulet and prayers etc. In Vedas also punsavana karma has been described as a technique for acquiring a son. Apart from these techniques, female infanticide has also been used as a way to create a male dominated, son-worshipping society. On development of the technique of ultrasonography as an example of progress of science and technology, man has devised a new way of killing females in womb itself, which has resulted in continuous decline in female: male sex ratio in India. To stop this, Indian Govt. promulgated PNDT Act 1994. But considering the widely prevalent practice of use of various regimen of sex-pre-selection by people as well as unscrupulous medical practitioners, Govt. of India has amended this Act (2002). Still, as authors have found in one of their studies, sex-selection drugs are being used widely by north Indians for getting a son. Here, it should be noted that sex-selection methods are being used in west also. But the perspective is different. There, it is not used for female feticide or for acquiring a son. Rather, it is more an effort towards demonstrating the control of man over the NATURE.

  7. Who Will Help My Son?: A Family's Journey with Dyslexia.


    DeBrew, Jacqueline


    It may seem unusual for a nurse to intervene and assist a child with a learning disability, but a mental health nurse who knows the warning signs of dyslexia is able to help families who are going through a difficult time. The current article details the author's experience regarding her son's dyslexia diagnosis. For her family, a nurse was a valuable resource. The impact the struggle had not only on her son, but also her family, and the changes brought about by getting a diagnosis and treatment, demonstrate the impact that nurses can have when family-focused care is provided. [Journal of Psychosocial Nursing and Mental Health Services, 55(8), 27-30.]. Copyright 2017, SLACK Incorporated.

  8. Associations Between Fathers' and Sons' Sexual Risk in Rural Kenya: The Potential for Intergenerational Transmission.


    Giusto, Ali M; Green, Eric P; Puffer, Eve S


    Despite high rates of HIV in areas of Sub-Saharan Africa and men's role in driving the epidemic, little is known about whether or how sexual risk-both behaviors and beliefs-may be passed down through generations of males. This study examined associations between sexual risk behaviors and sex-related beliefs of adolescent males and those of their male caregivers in Kenya, as well as the potential moderating effects of parenting characteristics and father-son relationship quality. Cross-sectional linear regression analysis was applied to baseline data from a trial of a family- and church-based intervention for families in rural Kenya that followed a stepped-wedge cluster randomized design. Our subsample consisted of 79 male caregiver and son (aged 10-16 years) dyads. Results demonstrated a direct relationship between fathers' and sons' sex-related beliefs that was not moderated by parenting or quality of father-son relationship. Parenting/relationship characteristics did moderate the relationship between fathers' and sons' sexual behavior; if fathers did not engage in high-risk sex and exhibited more positive parenting/higher relationship quality, their sons were less likely to be sexually active. Among fathers having high-risk sex, parenting was unrelated to sons' behavior except at very high levels of positive parenting/relationship quality; at these levels, sons were actually more likely to have had sex. Findings support recommendations to include male caregivers in youth HIV prevention efforts, potentially by targeting fathers' parenting strategies and their individual risk. Copyright © 2017 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  9. Daughters increase longevity of fathers, but daughters and sons equally reduce longevity of mothers.


    Jasienska, Grazyna; Nenko, Ilona; Jasienski, Michal


    Reproduction is energetically and physiologically expensive, and an individual investing resources into producing offspring should suffer costs such as deterioration in health condition and possibly shorter life span. Since the energetic and nutritional demands of pregnancy and breastfeeding render reproductive costs much higher in women than in men, women with a large number of children should show signs of deterioration in condition, while men with large families should not. However, whether reproductive costs reduce longevity in women is still questionable, and in men this issue has not been adequately addressed. In addition, since sons are energetically more expensive to produce than daughters, having sons should have a more pronounced negative impact on maternal longevity than having daughters. Here we document a striking disparity in the impact of children on the life span of mothers and fathers in a Polish rural population. We show for the first time that number of daughters was positively related to a longer life span of their fathers, increasing their longevity on average by 74 weeks per daughter born, while number of sons did not have a significant effect on paternal longevity. In contrast, in women, the number of daughters and number of sons reduced maternal longevity and did so to the same extent, on average by 95 weeks per son or daughter, indicating that for women, the costs of having sons and daughters are similar.

  10. Has Their Son Been Vaccinated? Beliefs About Other Parents Matter for Human Papillomavirus Vaccine.


    Schuler, Christine L; Coyne-Beasley, Tamera


    The goal of this study was to determine if parents' beliefs about social norms of human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination for sons were associated with knowledge of HPV, intention to vaccinate sons, or beliefs about side effects. A cross-sectional, survey-based study of parents with sons was performed in 2010. Fisher's exact tests were used to examine associations between demographics and responses about social norms. Multivariate logistic regression models examined beliefs about social norms of male HPV vaccination and primary outcomes. Few parents agreed that others were vaccinating sons (n = 31/267, 12%), including 1% responding strongly agree and 11% responding agree. Most parents, 52%, disagreed that others were vaccinating (40% disagree, 11% strongly disagree), and 37% chose prefer not to answer regarding others' vaccination practices. Hispanic parents and those with a high school education or less were significantly more likely to choose prefer not to answer than their respective counterparts regarding vaccination norms. In multivariate models, parents agreeing others were vaccinating sons had greater odds of having high knowledge of HPV (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] high vs low knowledge 3.15, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.13, 8.77) and increased intention to vaccinate sons (n = 243, aOR = 4.41, 95% CI = 1.51, 12.89). Beliefs about side effects were not significantly associated with beliefs about social norms. Parents' beliefs about others' vaccination practices are important with regard to knowledge of HPV and intention to vaccinate sons. Studying how various public messages about HPV vaccine may influence normative beliefs could be relevant to improving vaccination coverage. © The Author(s) 2015.

  11. Mother-Son Interactions in Families of Boys with Attention-Deficit/hyperactivity Disorder with and without Oppositional Behavior.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Seipp, Carla M.; Johnston, Charlotte


    Parenting responsiveness and over-reactivity were assessed among 25 mothers of 7-9-year-old sons with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and oppositional behavior (Oppositional Defiant, OD), 24 mothers of sons with ADHD only, and 38 mothers of nonproblem sons. Responsiveness was observed during mother-son play and clean-up…

  12. Observations of a Father: My Son Has Spina Bifida.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Remmel, Carl L.


    The author reviews his experiences as the father of a child with spina bifida, a congenital problem in which the spine is not completely enclosed. He recounts his feelings upon first finding out about the condition and his son's subsequent surgeries and crises. (CL)

  13. Vaccinating sons against HPV: results from a U.S. national survey of parents.


    Taylor, Jaime L; Zimet, Greg D; Donahue, Kelly L; Alexander, Andreia B; Shew, Marcia L; Stupiansky, Nathan W


    The quadrivalent HPV vaccination was approved for use in males ages 9 to 26 in 2009 and recommended for routine administration in 2011. The purpose of this study was to uncover predictable commonalities amongst parents who chose to vaccinate their 11-17 year old sons against HPV. We compiled data from a U.S. national sample of 779 parents with sons 11-17 years old using a web-based survey to gather information about behavioral and sociodemographic factors which predicted receipt of 1 or more HPV vaccine doses based on parental report. Predictors were first modeled individually for univariable associations. Significant predictors (p<0.10) were combined in a multivariable model. In the adjusted model, independent predictors included receipt of flu vaccination, health insurance coverage and sexual health topic discussions with sons. Sons who had received a flu shot in the last two years more frequently received at least one dose of the vaccine (OR 1.82; 95% CI 1.45-2.26). Sons covered by private health insurance had decreased odds of HPV vaccination (OR 0.56 95% CI 0.37-0.83). Lastly, parents who had discussed sexual health topics with their sons were more likely to vaccinate (OR 1.61; 95% CI 1.37-1.89). Male vaccination rates in the U.S. have increased, but males continue to be under-immunized. Utilization of health care is an important factor in HPV vaccine uptake; therefore, health care providers should use every contact as an opportunity to vaccinate. Communication about sexual health topics may provide a forum for parents and health care providers to have conversations about HPV vaccination as those more comfortable discussing these topics may also be more comfortable discussing HPV vaccination.

  14. Andrew Wyeth and N.C. Wyeth: a psychodynamic perspective on father and son.


    Shaw, Jon A


    This paper examines the relationship between two extraordinary artists, father and son--N.C. Wyeth (1882-1945) and Andrew Wyeth (1917-2009)--and their art. N.C. Wyeth, the father, the most famous illustrator of his day, painted scenes full of drama and action, often of men engaged in violent life and death struggles. N.C. was unable to separate from his powerful mother and yearned for his iconic father. He thought himself an artistic failure and dedicated himself to raising his children to be geniuses. The youngest son, Andrew Wyeth, who lived a "secret life," painted scenes often characterized by pathos: bleak and barren landscapes, leaden skies, tire tracks, gray framed houses, desiccated fields, and circling buzzards. In the father-son relationship, we often seen three themes perpetuated developmentally: (1) the son's identification with the innermost conflicts of his father; (2) the yearning for the iconic father of his youth; and (3) a continuation and disavowal of his father's life. These themes are played out in the relationship between Andrew Wyeth and his father.

  15. Older Parents Benefit More in Health Outcome From Daughters' Than Sons' Emotional Care in China.


    Zeng, Yi; Brasher, Melanie Sereny; Gu, Danan; Vaupel, James W


    To examine whether older parents in China would benefit more from daughters' care than from sons' emotional care. Analysis of the unique data sets of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey conducted in 2002, 2005, and 2008-2009 in 22 provinces. As compared with having son(s), having daughter(s) is significantly more beneficial at older ages in China, with regard to maintaining higher cognitive capacity and reducing mortality risk. Such daughter advantages in providing emotional care to older parents are more profound among the oldest-old aged 80+ as compared with the young-old aged 65 to 79 and surprisingly more profound in rural areas as compared with urban areas, even though son preference is much more common among rural residents. We describe how educational campaigns aimed at informing the public about the benefits of daughter(s) for older parents' health outcome could help promote gender equality and reduce traditional son preference, especially in rural China.

  16. "The Electric City": Sherbrooke et son paysage hydroelectrique (1880--1930)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Guillemette, Remi

    Ce memoire presente l'imbrication des elements hydroelectrique au sein du paysage de la ville de Sherbrooke entre 1880 et 1930. Nous cherchons a comprendre comment les nouveaux elements energetiques s'integrent a celui-ci et comment la population sherbrookoise se represente ces espaces transformes. Comment le paysage hydroelectrique, en tant qu'espace vu et vecu, interagit-il avec la societe sherbrookoise ? A l'interieur de cette problematique generale, nous chercherons a repondre a trois sous-questions. Quelles sont les transformations physiques et materielles engendrees par l'implantation de cette nouvelle technologie hydroelectrique sur le paysage urbain sherbrookois ? Qu'est-ce que les differents groupes valorisent au sein du paysage ? Quel sens prennent ces nouveaux paysages pour les Sherbrookois ? En effet, l'etude du developpement rapide du potentiel hydroelectrique de la riviere Magog nous amene a demontrer que l'exploitation des ressources energetiques a profondement transforme le paysage de Sherbrooke : vastes modifications du trace des cours d'eau, apparition de batiments specifiques a la production energetique, structures de distributions et infrastructures permettant l'illumination de la ville. Nous avancons aussi que differents groupes d'individus ne valorisent pas les memes elements paysagers. Finalement, nous proposons que le regard porte par les citoyens sur le paysage energetique est tributaire de l'usage qu'ils en font. Comme la fonction des elements energetiques paysagers evolue, le regard qu' ils portent vers ces structures se transforme lui aussi. Mots cles: histoire de Sherbrooke, paysage, hydroelectricite, electricite, transformation de l'espace, histoire environnementale

  17. SO(N) restricted Schur polynomials

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Kemp, Garreth, E-mail:


    We focus on the 1/4-BPS sector of free super Yang-Mills theory with an SO(N) gauge group. This theory has an AdS/CFT (an equivalence between a conformal field theory in d-1 dimensions and type II string theory defined on an AdS space in d-dimensions) dual in the form of type IIB string theory with AdS{sub 5}×RP{sup 5} geometry. With the aim of studying excited giant graviton dynamics, we construct an orthogonal basis for this sector of the gauge theory in this work. First, we demonstrate that the counting of states, as given by the partition function, and the counting of restrictedmore » Schur polynomials match by restricting to a particular class of Young diagram labels. We then give an explicit construction of these gauge invariant operators and evaluate their two-point function exactly. This paves the way to studying the spectral problem of these operators and their D-brane duals.« less

  18. The Power of a Single Mother: The Influence of Black Women on Their Sons' Academic Performance

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Robinson, Quintin L.; Werblow, Jacob


    This study examines the ways single Black mothers contribute to the educational success of their 11th-grade sons, despite the fact that their sons are enrolled in "failing schools." Data from five interviews and one focus group reveal common characteristics of how single-Black mothers help their sons beat the odds.

  19. Sexy sons: a dead end for cytoplasmic genes.


    Zeh, Jeanne A


    Critics of sexual conflict theory argue that females may gain a net reproductive benefit from mating with manipulative males because the direct costs that they suffer may be offset by the production of sexy, i.e. manipulative, sons. However, this exclusive focus on nuclear gene effects represents an incomplete view of female fitness. Females differ fundamentally from males in transmitting not only nuclear genes but also a wide range of cytoplasmic genetic elements (CGEs) that can have profound effects, from male killing to influencing development of the nervous system and cognitive ability. Maternal transmission of CGEs has two major implications for sexual selection. First, the evolution of male fitness traits, such as sperm competitive ability, may be constrained because response to selection on mitochondrial genomes can occur only through the female line. Second, CGEs bear the direct costs of male manipulation but gain no indirect benefits when females produce sexy sons. This should result in perpetual antagonistic coevolution between nuclear genes involved in male manipulation and CGEs that promote female resistance to male sexually selected traits. Explicit consideration of the consequences of selection acting on CGEs is therefore necessary for a better understanding of the relationship between sexual selection and sexual conflict.

  20. Sexy sons: a dead end for cytoplasmic genes.

    PubMed Central

    Zeh, Jeanne A


    Critics of sexual conflict theory argue that females may gain a net reproductive benefit from mating with manipulative males because the direct costs that they suffer may be offset by the production of sexy, i.e. manipulative, sons. However, this exclusive focus on nuclear gene effects represents an incomplete view of female fitness. Females differ fundamentally from males in transmitting not only nuclear genes but also a wide range of cytoplasmic genetic elements (CGEs) that can have profound effects, from male killing to influencing development of the nervous system and cognitive ability. Maternal transmission of CGEs has two major implications for sexual selection. First, the evolution of male fitness traits, such as sperm competitive ability, may be constrained because response to selection on mitochondrial genomes can occur only through the female line. Second, CGEs bear the direct costs of male manipulation but gain no indirect benefits when females produce sexy sons. This should result in perpetual antagonistic coevolution between nuclear genes involved in male manipulation and CGEs that promote female resistance to male sexually selected traits. Explicit consideration of the consequences of selection acting on CGEs is therefore necessary for a better understanding of the relationship between sexual selection and sexual conflict. PMID:15504002

  1. Like daughter, like son? Fertility decline and the transformation of gender systems in the family

    PubMed Central

    Allendorf, Keera


    BACKGROUND An important question for population research is whether fertility decline transforms gender systems. OBJECTIVE This paper contributes to answering this broad question by examining how fertility decline may change the relative value and roles of daughters and sons in families. First, I outline theoretical pathways, suggesting that a key factor is the gender composition of families. As fertility declines, the proportion of families with children of only one gender increases, which may facilitate greater gender symmetry between daughters and sons. Second, I explore how fertility decline may have contributed to the transformation of the relative value and roles of sons and daughters in practice in one place. METHODS The analysis draws primarily on semi-structured interviews with 30 respondents living in one Indian village. This village is located in a district where fertility has declined to at least the replacement level. RESULTS Respondents perceive changes in the gender system, including less son preference, more equal schooling for sons and daughters, more freedom in marriage and premarital relationships, and perhaps greater daughter support of parents in old age. CONCLUSIONS The results describe changes in the relative value, treatment, and behavior of sons and daughters that are consistent with the theorized effects of fertility decline. Future research is needed, however, to determine whether fertility decline makes a causal contribution to changes in the gender system. PMID:27147902

  2. The Putative Son's Attractiveness Alters the Perceived Attractiveness of the Putative Father.


    Prokop, Pavol


    A body of literature has investigated female mate choice in the pre-mating context (pre-mating sexual selection). Humans, however, are long-living mammals forming pair-bonds which sequentially produce offspring. Post-mating evaluations of a partner's attractiveness may thus significantly influence the reproductive success of men and women. I tested herein the theory that the attractiveness of putative sons provides extra information about the genetic quality of fathers, thereby influencing fathers' attractiveness across three studies. As predicted, facially attractive boys were more frequently attributed to attractive putative fathers and vice versa (Study 1). Furthermore, priming with an attractive putative son increased the attractiveness of the putative father with the reverse being true for unattractive putative sons. When putative fathers were presented as stepfathers, the effect of the boy's attractiveness on the stepfather's attractiveness was lower and less consistent (Study 2). This suggests that the presence of an attractive boy has the strongest effect on the perceived attractiveness of putative fathers rather than on non-fathers. The generalized effect of priming with beautiful non-human objects also exists, but its effect is much weaker compared with the effects of putative biological sons (Study 3). Overall, this study highlighted the importance of post-mating sexual selection in humans and suggests that the heritable attractive traits of men are also evaluated by females after mating and/or may be used by females in mate poaching.

  3. ?Cuales son las amenazas o peligros volcanicos?

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Myers, Bobbie; Brantley, Steven R.; Stauffer, Peter; Hendley, James W.


    Los volcanes son capaces de producir numerosos peligros geologicos e hidrologicos. Los cientificos del Servicio Geologico de los EE. UU. (USGS, por sus siglas en ingles) y de otras instituciones alrededor del mundo estan estudiando los peligros de muchos de los centenares de volcanes activos y potencialmente activos del mundo. Estos cientificos vigilan muy de cerca la actividad de algunos de los volcanes mas peligrosos, por lo que estan preparados para alertar a las autoridades y/o a la poblacion en caso de que aumente sustancialmente la probabilidad de que ocurra una erupcion u otro evento peligroso.

  4. "There is such a thing as too many daughters, but not too many sons": A qualitative study of son preference and fetal sex selection among Indian immigrants in the United States.


    Puri, Sunita; Adams, Vincanne; Ivey, Susan; Nachtigall, Robert D


    In response to concerns from feminists, demographers, bioethicists, journalists, and health care professionals, the Indian government passed legislation in 1994 and 2003 prohibiting the use of sex selection technology and sex-selective abortion. In contrast, South Asian families immigrating to the United States find themselves in an environment where reproductive choice is protected by law and technologies enabling sex selection are readily available. Yet there has been little research exploring immigrant Indian women's narratives about the pressure they face to have sons, the process of deciding to utilize sex selection technologies, and the physical and emotional health implications of both son preference and sex selection. We undertook semi-structured, in-depth interviews with 65 immigrant Indian women in the United States who had pursued fetal sex selection on the East and West coasts of the United States between September 2004 and December 2009. Women spoke of son preference and sex selection as separate though intimately related phenomena, and the major themes that arose during interviews included the sociocultural roots of son preference; women's early socialization around the importance of sons; the different forms of pressure to have sons that women experienced from female in-laws and husbands; the spectrum of verbal and physical abuse that women faced when they did not have male children and/or when they found out they were carrying a female fetus; and the ambivalence with which women regarded their own experience of reproductive "choice." We found that 40% of the women interviewed had terminated prior pregnancies with female fetuses and that 89% of women carrying female fetuses in their current pregnancy pursued an abortion. These narratives highlight the interaction between medical technology and the perpetuation of this specific form of violence against women in an immigrant context where women are both the assumed beneficiaries of reproductive choice

  5. Ethnic differences in the mother-son relationship of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male adolescents in the Netherlands.


    Veen, Violaine C; Stevens, Gonneke Wjm; Doreleijers, Theo Ah; Deković, Maja; Pels, Trees; Vollebergh, Wilma Am


    In the Netherlands, youths of Moroccan origin account for a disproportionately large percentage of the population in juvenile justice institutions. Previous research showed that Moroccan adolescents in pre-trial arrest are characterized by less serious offending behavior (i.e., primarily property-based) and lower levels of mental health problems than native Dutch adolescents in pre-trial arrest. To date, little is known about the parent-child relationship of these adolescents. This study examines the mother-son relationships of Moroccan and native Dutch delinquent adolescents and their association with adolescent delinquency. In the present study, differences in the mother-son relationship characteristics between families of incarcerated (N = 129) and non-incarcerated (N = 324) adolescents were examined, and it was analyzed if these differences between incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents were the same for Moroccans and native Dutch. Data collection for the incarcerated sample took place from 2006 to 2008. Comparison data were used of interviews conducted with mothers originating from former larger studies in the general Dutch population. Latent Class Analysis was performed in order to identify types of mother-son relationship. Logistic regression analyses were used to identify the relationships between mother-son relationship types, incarceration and ethnicity. A three class model of mother-son relationship types was found: a low-conflict mother-son relationship type, a high-conflict mother-son relationship type, and a neglectful mother-son relationship type. Compared to the native Dutch adolescents, Moroccans (both in the incarcerated and non-incarcerated population) more often showed a neglectful mother-son relationship type. For Moroccans, no differences in mother-son relationship types were found between the incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents, whereas considerable differences occurred between the native Dutch incarcerated and non

  6. Independent Contributions of Early Positive Parenting and Mother-Son Coercion on Emerging Social Development.


    Akcinar, Berna; Shaw, Daniel S


    In the current study, we explored associations between parent-child coercion and positive parenting in the toddler period in relation to children's social-behavioral development during the school-age period. The data were drawn from the Pitt Mother & Child Project, a sample of 310 low-income, ethnically diverse boys. Drawing on tenets of both attachment and social learning theory, it was hypothesized that coercive mother-son interaction would lead to reductions in positive maternal parenting in the toddler period, and that both positive parenting and mother-son coercion in the toddler period would contribute to children's conduct problems at school entry and lower social skills and peer rejection in middle childhood. The results were largely confirmed, such that mother-son coercive interaction at 18 months was related to decreases in positive parenting at 24 months. Additionally, mother-son coercive interaction and positive parenting at 24 months were linked to child conduct problems at age 5, which in turn predicted child social skills and peer rejection during middle childhood. In addition to indirect effects through child conduct problems, mother-son coercion continued to be independently related to school-age peer rejection. The findings are discussed with respect to the importance of early coercive interactions in the growth of child social-behavioral development from early to middle childhood.

  7. Older parents enjoy better filial piety and care from daughters than sons in China

    PubMed Central

    Yi, Zeng; George, Linda; Sereny, Melanie; Gu, Danan; Vaupel, James W.


    This study analyzes the unique datasets of the Chinese Longitudinal Healthy Longevity Survey using logistic regression and controlling for various covariates. Our analyses clearly demonstrate that disabled older parents are more satisfied with care provided by daughters than sons and that older parents enjoy greater filial piety from and better relationships with daughters than sons. The daughter-advantages of enjoying greater filial piety from and better relationships with children are stronger among the oldest-old aged 80+ than the young-old aged 65–79, and surprisingly more profound in rural areas than urban areas, while son-preference is much more prevalent among rural residents. We also discuss why China’s rigorous fertility policy until October-2015 and much less-developed pension system in rural areas substantially contribute to sustaining traditional son-preference and a high sex ratio at birth (SRB) when fertility is low. We recommend China take integrative public health policy actions of informing the public that having daughter(s) is beneficial for old age care, developing the rural pension system and implementing the universal two-child policy as soon as possible. We believe that these policy actions would help to reduce son-preference, bring down the high SRB, and enable more future elderly parents to enjoy better care from their children and healthier lives. PMID:28529965

  8. Paternal antisocial behavior and sons' cognitive ability: a population-based quasiexperimental study.


    Latvala, Antti; Kuja-Halkola, Ralf; Långström, Niklas; Lichtenstein, Paul


    Parents' antisocial behavior is associated with developmental risks for their offspring, but its effects on their children's cognitive ability are unknown. We used linked Swedish register data for a large sample of adolescent men (N = 1,177,173) and their parents to estimate associations between fathers' criminal-conviction status and sons' cognitive ability assessed at compulsory military conscription. Mechanisms behind the association were tested in children-of-siblings models across three types of sibling fathers with increasing genetic relatedness (half-siblings, full siblings, and monozygotic twins) and in quantitative genetic models. Sons whose fathers had a criminal conviction had lower cognitive ability than sons whose fathers had no conviction (any crime: Cohen's d = -0.28; violent crime: Cohen's d = -0.49). As models adjusted for more genetic factors, the association was gradually reduced and eventually eliminated. Nuclear-family environmental factors did not contribute to the association. Our results suggest that the association between men's antisocial behavior and their children's cognitive ability is not causal but is due mostly to underlying genetic factors. © The Author(s) 2014.

  9. ...And Kronos Ate His Sons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vitiello, Giuseppe

    In closed systems, energy is conserved. The origin of the time axis is completely arbitrary due to the invariance under continuous time-translations. The flowing of time swallows those fictitious origins one might assign on its axis, as Kronos ate his sons. Dissipation breaks such a scenario. It implies a non-forgettable origin of time. Open systems need their complement (their "double") in order to become, together, a closed system. Time emerges as an observable measured by the evolution of the open system complement, which acts as a clock. The conservation of the energy-momentum tensor in electrodynamics is considered and its relation with dissipative systems and self-similar fractal structures is discussed. The isomorphism with coherent states in quantum field theory (QFT) is established and the generator of transitions among unitarily inequivalent representations of the canonical commutation relations (CCR) is shown to provide sequences in time of phases, which defines the arrow of time. Merging properties of electrodynamics, fractal self-similarity, dissipation and coherent states point to an integrated vision of Nature.

  10. Ethnic differences in the mother-son relationship of incarcerated and non-incarcerated male adolescents in the Netherlands

    PubMed Central


    Background In the Netherlands, youths of Moroccan origin account for a disproportionately large percentage of the population in juvenile justice institutions. Previous research showed that Moroccan adolescents in pre-trial arrest are characterized by less serious offending behavior (i.e., primarily property-based) and lower levels of mental health problems than native Dutch adolescents in pre-trial arrest. To date, little is known about the parent-child relationship of these adolescents. This study examines the mother-son relationships of Moroccan and native Dutch delinquent adolescents and their association with adolescent delinquency. Methods In the present study, differences in the mother-son relationship characteristics between families of incarcerated (N = 129) and non-incarcerated (N = 324) adolescents were examined, and it was analyzed if these differences between incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents were the same for Moroccans and native Dutch. Data collection for the incarcerated sample took place from 2006 to 2008. Comparison data were used of interviews conducted with mothers originating from former larger studies in the general Dutch population. Latent Class Analysis was performed in order to identify types of mother-son relationship. Logistic regression analyses were used to identify the relationships between mother-son relationship types, incarceration and ethnicity. Results A three class model of mother-son relationship types was found: a low-conflict mother-son relationship type, a high-conflict mother-son relationship type, and a neglectful mother-son relationship type. Compared to the native Dutch adolescents, Moroccans (both in the incarcerated and non-incarcerated population) more often showed a neglectful mother-son relationship type. For Moroccans, no differences in mother-son relationship types were found between the incarcerated and non-incarcerated adolescents, whereas considerable differences occurred between the native Dutch

  11. Effets des electrons secondaires sur l'ADN

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boudaiffa, Badia

    Les interactions des electrons de basse energie (EBE) representent un element important en sciences des radiations, particulierement, les sequences se produisant immediatement apres l'interaction de la radiation ionisante avec le milieu biologique. Il est bien connu que lorsque ces radiations deposent leur energie dans la cellule, elles produisent un grand nombre d'electrons secondaires (4 x 104/MeV), qui sont crees le long de la trace avec des energies cinetiques initiales bien inferieures a 20 eV. Cependant, il n'y a jamais eu de mesures directes demontrant l'interaction de ces electrons de tres basse energie avec l'ADN, du principalement aux difficultes experimentales imposees par la complexite du milieu biologique. Dans notre laboratoire, les dernieres annees ont ete consacrees a l'etude des phenomenes fondamentaux induits par impact des EBE sur differentes molecules simples (e.g., N2, CO, O2, H2O, NO, C2H 4, C6H6, C2H12) et quelques molecules complexes dans leur phase solide. D'autres travaux effectues recemment sur des bases de l'ADN et des oligonucleotides ont montre que les EBE produisent des bris moleculaires sur les biomolecules. Ces travaux nous ont permis d'elaborer des techniques pour mettre en evidence et comprendre les interactions fondamentales des EBE avec des molecules d'interet biologique, afin d'atteindre notre objectif majeur d'etudier l'effet direct de ces particules sur la molecule d'ADN. Les techniques de sciences des surfaces developpees et utilisees dans les etudes precitees peuvent etre etendues et combinees avec des methodes classiques de biologie pour etudier les dommages de l'ADN induits par l'impact des EBE. Nos experiences ont montre l'efficacite des electrons de 3--20 eV a induire des coupures simple et double brins dans l'ADN. Pour des energies inferieures a 15 eV, ces coupures sont induites par la localisation temporaire d'un electron sur une unite moleculaire de l'ADN, ce qui engendre la formation d'un ion negatif transitoire

  12. 'SON-GO-KU' : a dream of automated library

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sato, Mamoru; Kishimoto, Juji

    In the process of automating libraries, the retrieval of books through the browsing of shelves is being overlooked. The telematic library is a document based DBMS which can deliver the content of books by simulating the browsing process. The retrieval actually simulates the process a person would use in selecting a book in a real library, where a visual presentation using a graphic display is substituted. The characteristics of prototype system "Son-Go-Ku" for such retrieval implemented in 1988 are mentioned.

  13. Missing girls and son preference in rural India: looking beyond popular myth.


    Bandyopadhyay, Mridula


    Survival chances of girls in parts of South and East Asia have been adverse. Female foeticide, infanticide, abandonment, out-adoption, under-reporting of female births, and selective neglect of girls leading to higher death rates, have contributed to this adversity. Here, I reflect on an observed skewed sex ratio at birth in rural West Bengal, and discuss female foeticide, infanticide, son preference, and abortion. More boys were recorded at birth, and the majority of women desired sons. Trajectories of selective neglect of and discrimination against daughters have been researched extensively, but the related issues of female foeticide and infanticide have been less examined.

  14. The relation of son preference and religion to induced abortion: the case of South Korea.


    Chung, Woojin


    This paper explores the factors that influence the practice of induced abortion in a very low fertility society, with particular emphasis on son preference and three distinct religions: Confucianism, Buddhism and Christianity. Using multivariate logistic regression models fitted by the generalized estimating equation (GEE) method, this paper analysed the data collected by the 2000 Korea National Fertility and Family Health Survey of 6348 married women aged 15-49 years with a total of 1217 pregnancy outcomes. The results showed that the likelihood of induced abortions in women with two or more children, compared with those with one child, was significantly influenced by the sex composition of the previous children: odds ratio (OR)=12.71 (95% CI=5.49, 29.42) for women with only son(s), and OR=3.91 (95% CI=1.67, 9.14) for women with only daughter(s). At parity two, women with two sons were much more likely to have induced abortions than women with two daughters (OR=5.88, 95% CI=2.70, 12.85). Although Buddhist women were not significantly different from Confucian women in induced abortion practice, Christian women were much less likely than Confucian women to have an induced abortion (OR=0.39, 95% CI=0.18, 0.88 for women with only sons and OR=0.44, 95% CI=0.24, 0.81 for women with two children). This suggests that even in this very low fertility society, son preference and religious affiliation are significant predictors of women's practice of induced abortion.

  15. Maternal Distancing Strategies toward Twin Sons, One with Mild Hearing Loss: A Case Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Munoz-Silva, Alicia; Sanchez-Garcia, Manuel


    The authors apply descriptive and sequential analyses to a mother's distancing strategies toward her 3-year-old twin sons in puzzle assembly and book reading tasks. One boy had normal hearing and the other a mild hearing loss (threshold: 30 dB). The results show that the mother used more distancing behaviors with the son with a hearing loss, and…

  16. Mother-son discrepant reporting on parenting practices: The contribution of temperament and depression.


    Shishido, Yuri; Latzman, Robert D


    Despite low to moderate convergent correlations, assessment of youth typically relies on multiple informants for information across a range of psychosocial domains including parenting practices. Although parent-youth informant discrepancies have been found to predict adverse youth outcomes, few studies have examined contributing factors to the explanation of informant disagreements on parenting practices. The current study represents the first investigation to concurrently examine the role of mother and son's self-reported affective dimensions of temperament and depression as pathways to informant discrepancies on parenting practices. Within a community sample of 174 mother-son dyads, results suggest that whereas mother's self-reported temperament evidenced no direct effects on discrepancies, the association between the product term of mother's negative and positive temperament and discrepancies on positive parenting was fully mediated by mother's depression (a mediated moderation). In contrast, son's self-reported temperament evidenced both direct and indirect effects, partially mediated by depression, on rating discrepancies for positive parenting. All told, both son's self-reported affective dimensions of temperament and depression contributed to the explanation of discrepant reporting on parenting practices; only mother's self-reported depression, but not temperament, uniquely contributed. Results highlight the importance of considering both parent and youth's report in the investigation of informant discrepancies on parenting practices. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2017 APA, all rights reserved).

  17. Violent men have more sons: further evidence for the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH).


    Kanazawa, Satoshi


    The generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH) [Kanazawa, S., 2005a. Big and tall parents have more sons; further generalizations of the Trivers-Willard hypothesis. J. Theor. Biol. 235, 583-590] proposes that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. One heritable trait which increases the reproductive success of sons significantly more than that of daughters in the ancestral environment is the tendency toward violence and aggression. I therefore predict that violent parents have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio (more sons). The analysis of both American samples and a British sample demonstrates that battered women, who are mated to violent men, have significantly more sons than daughters.

  18. Having a son or daughter with Down syndrome: perspectives from mothers and fathers.


    Skotko, Brian G; Levine, Susan P; Goldstein, Richard


    This study asks parents who have children with Down syndrome (DS) how they feel about their lives so that such information could be shared with expectant couples during prenatal counseling sessions. A valid and reliable survey instrument was mailed to 4,924 households on the mailing lists of six non-profit DS organizations. Of the 2,044 respondents, 99% reported that they love their son or daughter; 97% were proud of them; 79% felt their outlook on life was more positive because of them; 5% felt embarrassed by them; and 4% regretted having them. The parents report that 95% of their sons or daughters without DS have good relationships with their siblings with DS. The overwhelming majority of parents surveyed report that they are happy with their decision to have their child with DS and indicate that their sons and daughters are great sources of love and pride. Copyright © 2011 Wiley-Liss, Inc.

  19. Having a Son or Daughter with Down Syndrome: Perspectives from Mothers and Fathers

    PubMed Central

    Skotko, Brian G.; Levine, Susan P.; Goldstein, Richard


    This study asks parents who have children with Down syndrome how they feel about their lives so that such information could be shared with expectant couples during prenatal counseling sessions. A valid and reliable survey instrument was mailed to 4,924 households on the mailing lists of six non-profit Down syndrome organizations. Of the 2,044 respondents, 99% reported that they love their son or daughter; 97% were proud of them; 79% felt their outlook on life was more positive because of them; 5% felt embarrassed by them; and 4% regretted having them. The parents report that 95% of their sons or daughters without Down syndrome have good relationships with their siblings with Down syndrome. The overwhelming majority of parents surveyed report that they are happy with their decision to have their child with Down syndrome and indicate that their sons and daughters are great sources of love and pride. PMID:21915989

  20. Values that Fathers Communicate to Sons about Sex, Sexuality, Relationships, and Marriage.


    Coakley, Tanya M; Randolph, Schenita D; Shears, Jeffrey; Collins, Patrick


    African American males between ages 13 and 24 are disproportionately affected by unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, and HIV/AIDS; indeed, they account for 50% of HIV infections among all youth. Clear communication between parents and their youth about sex is associated with higher rates of sexual abstinence, condom use, and intent to delay initiation of sexual intercourse, which can prevent STIs and unintended pregnancy. However, barriers exist for parents to educate their youth about sexual health. The purpose of this article is to explore the values fathers communicate to their sons to prevent their risky sexual behaviors that lead to STIs, HIV, and adolescent parenthood. This was a qualitative study conducted from May and June 2015. African American fathers (N = 29) who had sons, ages 10 to 15 years, participated in five focus groups across metropolitan and rural North Carolina communities in barbershops. A qualitative content analysis revealed four themes regarding areas that fathers imparted their values onto their sons to protect them from sexual health risks: (a) sex, (b) sexuality, (c) relationships, and (d) marriage. The findings have implications for social work and public health practice.

  1. ‘Too many girls, too much dowry’: son preference and daughter aversion in rural Tamil Nadu, India

    PubMed Central



    The southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu has experienced a dramatic decline in fertility, accompanied by a trend of increased son preference. This paper reports on findings from qualitative interviews with women in rural villages about their fertility decision-making. Specifically addressed are the reasons behind increasing son preference and the consequences of this change. Findings suggest that daughter aversion, fuelled primarily by the perceived economic burden of daughters due to the proliferation of dowry, is playing a larger role in fertility decision-making than son preference. The desire for a son is often trumped by the worry over having many daughters. Women use various means of controlling the sex of their children, which in this study appear to be primarily female infanticide. It is important to distinguish between son preference and daughter aversion and to examine repercussions of low fertility within this setting. PMID:18821352

  2. Understanding Motherhood as Maturation: Maternity Scripts in Lois Lowry's "Son"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Deszcz-Tryhubczak, Justyna; Marecki, Mateusz


    When put together with the other parts of The Giver Quartet, "Son" (2012), Lowry's recently published concluding book, emerges as an odd exception to the focus on young adult protagonists since it foregrounds the mother's perspective and addresses the issue of motherhood. It presents the reader with at least three conceptual models of…

  3. African American Single Mothers Raising Sons: Implications for Family Therapy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gantt, Ann L.; Greif, Geoffrey L.


    Being raised by a single mother is one factor that has been suggested as contributing to the plight of African American males. Yet few studies have focused specifically on African American single mothers' experiences with raising sons. This qualitative study explored the following questions: (1) What are the experiences of African American single…

  4. Consummated mother-son incest in latency: a case report of an adult analysis.


    Rudominer, Howard S


    Reported cases of mother-son incest are very rare in the psychoanalytic literature; the fact of such incest, however, may not be so rare as has generally been believed. A detailed case report of the analysis of an adult with a history of severe physical, sexual, and verbal abuse, including consummated incest with his mother during latency, is considered in the context of other reported studies. The author raises some issues of resistance and countertransference that may influence the reporting, treatment, and perhaps even recognition of cases of mother-son incest.

  5. Experiences of parents whose sons or daughters have (had) attempted suicide.


    Buus, Niels; Caspersen, Jimmy; Hansen, Rasmus; Stenager, Elsebeth; Fleischer, Elene


    The aim of this exploratory study was to gain further insights into the experiences of parents of sons or daughters who have attempted suicide and how these parents respond to the increased psychosocial burden following the suicide attempt(s). Suicide is a major public health problem and relatives are understood as playing an important role in suicide prevention; however, suicide and suicidal behaviour affect the relatives' lives profoundly, both emotionally and socially, and the psychosocial impact on families is underresearched. Focus groups with parents of sons or daughters who have attempted suicide. In January and February 2012, we interviewed two groups of parents recruited at a counselling programme for relatives of persons who have attempted suicide. The analysis combined a thematic analysis with a subsequent analysis of how the themes were negotiated in the conversational interactions. The findings were interpreted and discussed within an interactionist framework. The participants in the study described their experiences as a double trauma, which included the trauma of the suicide attempt(s) and the subsequent psychosocial impact on the family's well-being. The pressure on the parents was intense and the fundamentally unpredictable character of suicide attempts was frequently emphasized. Being the parent of a child who attempts suicide meant managing a life-threatening situation and the additional moral stigma. In part, the participants did this in the group by negotiating the character of the suicide attempt(s) and who was responsible. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Becoming the Parent of a GLB Son or Daughter

    PubMed Central



    Recent research has documented the importance of parental reactions to disclosure for sexual minority youth (SMY) (e.g., Ryan, Huebner, Diaz, & Sanchez, 2009). The purpose of this study was to develop a deeper understanding of the parent perspective of the disclosure to family experience of SMY ages 14-21. In-depth interviews were conducted with eight parents in the United States who had experienced a child disclose their lesbian, gay, or bisexual (LGB) orientation to them. Constructivist grounded theory and symbolic interaction theory informed the methodology and data analysis for the project. Analysis revealed that the process of becoming the parent of an LGB son or daughter is an appropriate narrative to conceptualize the parental experience of the disclosure to family process. The findings highlight how disclosure introduces new roles into the existing family system, which affects the consideration and interpretation of the salience of particular identities, such as being the parent of an LGB son or daughter. Understanding how parents experience the disclosure to family process - particularly, how they understand and re-envision the meaning of being a parent - is crucial for research and intervention to help families become supportive of SMY. Limitations and suggestions for future research are presented. PMID:25685111

  7. Etude experimentale des excitations topologiques de l'effet Hall quantique a nu = 1 dans les heterostructures semiconductrices a double puits quantique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Charlebois, Serge

    De nombreux travaux theoriques et experimentaux ont ete publies sur les excitations topologiques de gaz electroniques bidimensionnels (GE2D), appellees skyrmions, dans le regime de l'effet Hall quantique a remplissage unitaire. On attend des excitations semblables appellees bimerons dans les systemes formes de deux GE2D couples. Contrairement au cas des GE2D simples, aucune experience n'a, a notre connaissance, presente la mesure d'une propriete specifique aux bimerons. Nous presentons dans cette these des travaux experimentaux ayant pour objectif l'etude d'excitations topologiques dans les heterostructures a double puits quantique. Une manifestation attendue (les bimerons est la presence d'une anisotropie dans la conductivite a travers une constriction. Nous avons concu un dispositif original a point de contact a trois grilles non-coplanaires. Ce dispositif a trois grilles a la particularite de permettre la creation d'une constriction etroite dans le double GE2D tout en permettant l'equilibrage de la densite electronique entre les deux puits dans l'etroit canal de conduction. Nous avons fabrique ce dispositif de taille submicronique par electrolithographie sur des heterostructures a double puits. Les dispositifs ainsi fabriques ont ete etudies a basse temperature (0.3K) et ont montre un fonctionnement conforme aux attentes. Les travaux n'ont pas permis de mettre en evidence une anisotropie de transport revelatrice de l'existence de bimerons. Cette these est a notre connaissance la premiere etude experimentale visant la realisation de l'experience d'anisotropie de transport et est ainsi une contribution significative a l'avancement des connaissances dans ce domaine. Les travaux theoriques que nous presentons ont permis de montrer l'effet des excitations topologiques sur la capacite grille-GE2D du systeme. Ces travaux ouvrent la voie de la detection des bimerons par l'intermediaire de la mesure de la capacite grille-GE2D ou encore de la susceptibilite electrique du

  8. L'effet des deformations plastiques severes sur les proprietes d'hydruration du magnesium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lang, Julien

    Le travail de recherche effectue durant mon projet de maitrise en physique a l'Universite du Quebec a Trois-Rivieres dans les laboratoires de l'Institut de Recherche sur l'Hydrogene etait de comparer l'effet du laminage a froid de la poudre de MgH2 avec celui du broyage mecanique. Nous avons etudie cette nouvelle technique en utilisant un laminoir vertical concu specialement pour laminer de la poudre. Nous avons lamine la poudre de MgH2 5, 25, 50 et 100 fois. La comparaison de la morphologie de la poudre de MgH 2 telle que recu du manufacturier et broye mecaniquement pendant 30 minutes avec celle de la poudre laminee ete faite a l'aide d'un microscope electronique a balayage. Nous avons par la suite mesure les proprietes de sorption d'hydrogene grace un appareil PCT de type Sievert. Nous avons aussi determine la structure cristalline par diffraction de rayons X. A partir de ces resultats, nous avons constate que le nombre optimal de laminages est de cinq et a les caracteristiques d'absorption/desorption d'hydrogene similaires a un broyage mecanique de 30 minutes. Nous avons aussi utilise les courbes de cinetiques d'absorption et de desorption d'hydrogene pour calculer l'etape limitative dans les reactions de sorption des echantillons lamines. Comme cinq laminages se font en environ 10 secondes, on voit que le laminage a froid est une technique plus interessante industriellement que le broyage mecanique a cause de l'important gain en temps et en energie.

  9. A qualitative analysis of father-son relationships among HIV-positive young black men who have sex with men.


    Hussen, Sophia A; Gilliard, Danielle; Caldwell, Cleopatra H; Andes, Karen; Chakraborty, Rana; Malebranche, David J


    Young black men who have sex with men (YBMSM) are experiencing high and rising rates of HIV infection, more than any other age-risk group category in the USA. Contributors to HIV risk in this group remain incompletely elucidated. We conducted exploratory qualitative interviews with 20 HIV-positive YBMSM aged 17-24 and found that father-son relationships were perceived to be important sociocontextual influences in participants' lives. Participants discussed the degree of their fathers' involvement in their lives, emotional qualities of the father-son relationship, communication about sex, and masculine socialization. Participants also described pathways linking father-son relationships to HIV risk, which were mediated by psychological and situational risk scenarios. Our thematic analysis suggests that father-son relationships are important to the psychosocial development of YBMSM, with the potential to either exacerbate or attenuate sexual risk for HIV. Interventions designed to strengthen father-son relationships may provide a promising direction for future health promotion efforts in this population.

  10. SON and its alternatively spliced isoforms control MLL complex-mediated H3K4me3 and transcription of leukemia-associated genes

    PubMed Central

    Kim, Jung-Hyun; Baddoo, Melody C.; Park, Eun Young; Stone, Joshua K.; Park, Hyeonsoo; Butler, Thomas W.; Huang, Gang; Yan, Xiaomei; Pauli-Behn, Florencia; Myers, Richard M.; Tan, Ming; Flemington, Erik K.; Lim, Ssang-Taek; Erin Ahn, Eun-Young


    SUMMARY Dysregulation of MLL complex-mediated histone methylation plays a pivotal role in gene expression associated with diseases, but little is known about cellular factors modulating MLL complex activity. Here, we report that SON, previously known as an RNA splicing factor, controls MLL complex-mediated transcriptional initiation. SON binds to DNA near transcription start sites, interacts with menin, and inhibits MLL complex assembly, resulting in decreased H3K4me3 and transcriptional repression. Importantly, alternatively spliced short isoforms of SON are markedly upregulated in acute myeloid leukemia. The short isoforms compete with full-length SON for chromatin occupancy, but lack the menin-binding ability, thereby antagonizing full-length SON function in transcriptional repression while not impairing full-length SON-mediated RNA splicing. Furthermore, overexpression of a short isoform of SON enhances replating potential of hematopoietic progenitors. Our findings define SON as a fine-tuner of the MLL-menin interaction and reveal short SON overexpression as a marker indicating aberrant transcriptional initiation in leukemia. PMID:26990989

  11. Fathers Are Important People: A Study of Father-Son Sexual Communication

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    DiIorio, Colleen; Lehr, Sally; Wasserman, Jill L.; Eichler, Michelle; Cherry, Chauncey; Denzmore, Pamela


    The purpose of this study was to examine the perceived role of African-American fathers in educating their sons about sex and HIV prevention. Given that some studies have shown a relationship between parent-adolescent sexual communication and adolescent sexual behavior, and the disproportionately high rates of teen pregnancy and HIV (and other…

  12. Son preference and sex-selective abortion in China: informing policy options.


    Zhou, Chi; Wang, Xiao Lei; Zhou, Xu Dong; Hesketh, Therese


    There is growing evidence in China that son preference is on the decline, but the sex ratio at birth is still the highest in the world at around 120 male births to 100 females. The aim of the study was to explore attitudes towards gender preference among people of reproductive age, to determine the reasons why the sex ratio is persistently high, and to inform policy options. We conducted in-depth interviews with 212 individuals who aged from 18 to 39 in rural and urban areas of three provinces: Yunnan, Guizhou and Zhejiang. We show that while son preference has weakened considerably, it has not disappeared. The sex ratio remains high, because of this small minority of individuals, who still choose sex-selective abortion to ensure male offsprings. Intensive local policy interventions have been successful in reducing the sex ratio in some areas and these should be disseminated widely. In addition, the law forbidding sex selection should be actively enforced, and the One Child Policy should be relaxed in some areas, to reduce the disproportionately high sex ratio in the second order births.

  13. Data and Analysis Methods of the Son-O-Mermaid and MERMAID Experiments

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simon, J. D.; Simons, F. J.; Nolet, G.


    Here we present, for the first time, the results from pilot deployments of the Son-O-Mermaid project, an autonomously drifting, oceangoing data-collection platform that can be cheaply deployed without the need for a costly research vessel, and that records and transmits hydroacoustic signals (with a target of those generated by teleseismic earthquakes) in near real-time. Both deployments employ three identical hydrophones spaced about 70 cm apart at the end of a 700 m long cable attached to a surface buoy that houses electronics, communications, and a GPS location package. The maiden voyage occurred October 8, 2012, in Exuma Bay, Bahamas and returned 25 hours of acoustic data. A second deployment is to take place in September 2014, with near-immediate data relay via Iridium modem. The experimental setup is different from the MERMAID instrument, which sinks to a midcolumn depth and surfaces to transmit waveforms when an event detection algorithm is triggered. MERMAIDs have recorded hundreds of seismic traces from 18 active floats in the Indian and Mediterranean Oceans with a signal-to-noise ratio suitable for global tomography. As with earthquake early-warning studies, both Son-O-Mermaid and MERMAID benefit from rapid and accurate event detection, discrimination, and measurement technology. With this triple purpose in mind we continue to improve methods (in the time-domain, via spectrogram analysis and using wavelets) that we illustrate on the latest and some of the older data, as well. While hydroacoustic data have numerous other applications beyond seismology (whale calls, ice calving, weather patterns, and so on) the Son-O-Mermaid and MERMAID instruments may potentially revolutionize seismic data collection in the oceans. Moreover, in the near future they will be fitted with more or different instruments, becoming multipurpose and multidisciplinary platforms for all types of scientific research in and of the oceans. In seismology we envision a future when the

  14. Autosomal-dominant Leber Congenital Amaurosis Caused by a Heterozygous CRX Mutation in a Father and Son.


    Arcot Sadagopan, Karthikeyan; Battista, Robert; Keep, Rosanne B; Capasso, Jenina E; Levin, Alex V


    Leber congenital amaurosis (LCA) is most often an autosomal recessive disorder. We report a father and son with autosomal dominant LCA due to a mutation in the CRX gene. DNA screening using an allele specific assay of 90 of the most common LCA-causing variations in the coding sequences of AIPL1, CEP290, CRB1, CRX, GUCY2D, RDH12 and RPE65 was performed on the father. Automated DNA sequencing of his son examining exon 3 of the CRX gene was subsequently performed. Both father and son have a heterozygous single base pair deletion of an adenine at codon 153 in the coding sequence of the CRX gene resulting in a frameshift mutation. Mutations involving the CRX gene may demonstrate an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern for LCA.

  15. The Relationship Between Sexual Function and Quality of Sleep in Caregiving Mothers of Sons with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy

    PubMed Central

    Nozoe, Karen T; Hachul, Helena; Hirotsu, Camila; Polesel, Daniel N; Moreira, Gustavo A; Tufik, Sergio; Andersen, Monica L


    Introduction The task of the caregiver, especially a caregiving mother of a son with a chronic and fatal disease, may interfere with their quality of sleep, sexuality, and some hormone levels. Aim The aim of this study was to evaluate the sexual function and the quality of sleep of caregiving mothers of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy (DMD). Methods We evaluated 20 caregiving mothers of sons with DMD and 20 caregiving mothers of sons without any neuromuscular or chronic disease. All of them voluntarily responded to the evaluating questionnaires about their sexuality and their quality of sleep, and gave blood samples to evaluate their hormonal levels. Main Outcome Measures All mothers were evaluated using the questionnaire of Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) and the Pittsburgh questionnaire (PSQI). The blood samples were tested to determine serum levels of testosterone, estradiol, follicle-stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, progesterone, adrenocorticotropic hormone, and cortisol. Results Caregiving mothers of sons with DMD had significantly lower scores in the FSFI questionnaire, suggesting a higher risk for sexual dysfunction. The PSQI demonstrated that these caregiving mothers present increased sleep latency, reduced sleep efficiency, daytime dysfunction, and poor sleep quality. Blood tests showed a rise in cortisol levels, which correlated with the compromised sexuality and quality of sleep. Conclusions This study indicates that caregiving mothers of sons with DMD show major risk for sexual dysfunction and a reduction in their quality of sleep mediated in part by the hormonal changes related to stress. Nozoe KT, Hachul H, Hirotsu C, Polesel DN, Moreira GA, Tufik S, and Andersen ML. The relationship between sexual function and quality of sleep in caregiving mothers of sons with Duchenne muscular dystrophy. Sex Med 2014;2:133–140. PMID:25356310

  16. Selecting sex: the effect of preferring sons.


    Hesketh, Therese


    Son preference remains common in countries from East Asia through South Asia to the Middle East and North Africa. Where sex selective technology and abortion are readily available, such as in China, South Korea and India, this has led to a marked excess in male births. Worst excesses are seen in parts of rural China where there are 140 male births for every 100 female. This leads to large numbers of unmarriageable men. Concerns about the consequences centre around the propensity to aggression and violence of these men with increased levels of crime and antisocial behaviour, threatening societal stability and security. But recent studies do not support these assumptions, but rather suggest that these men are marginalised, lonely, withdrawn and prone to psychological problems. Measures to reduce sex selection should include enforcement of existing legislation on sex-selection, and public awareness campaigns about the dangers of late abortion and gender imbalance. Copyright © 2011 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

  17. Boys of Few Words: Raising Our Sons to Communicate and Connect

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cox, Adam J.


    When parents feel separated from their sons by a curtain of silence or a wall of resistance, they are right to be concerned. Boys of few words-the ones who limit their expression to a timid shrug or an indifferent grunt-need help. Whether the problem is rooted in "nature" or "nurture," boys who grow up unable to talk about their thoughts and…

  18. Why Are Indian Children So Short? The Role of Birth Order and Son Preference.


    Jayachandran, Seema; Pandi, Rohini


    Child stunting in India exceeds that in poorer regions like sub-Saharan Africa. Data on over 168,000 children show that, relative to Africa, India's height disadvantage increases sharply with birth order. We posit that India’s steep birth order gradient is due to favoritism toward eldest sons, which affects parents' fertility decisions and resource allocation across children. We show that, within India, the gradient is steeper for high-son-preference regions and religions. The gradient also varies with sibling gender as predicted. A back-of-the-envelope calculation suggests that India's steeper birth order gradient can explain over one-half of the India-Africa gap in average child height.

  19. Son preference and sterilization use among young married women in two slums in Bengaluru city, India

    PubMed Central

    Edmeades, Jeffrey; Pande, Rohini Prabha; Falle, Tina; Krishnan, Suneeta


    This paper explores the ways in which women’s sterilisation decisions are influenced by the combination of a preference for male children and a desire for smaller family size among young married women in two urban slums in Bengaluru, India. While both son preference and an emphasis on sterilisation are well-known demographic characteristics of most south-Asian countries, relatively little research has been conducted that links the two. We take advantage of a longitudinal survey of 416 unsterilised married women aged 16–25 to explore how having sons and the number of children influence a woman’s sterilisation decision. Discrete-time event-history techniques are used to estimate two models: the first examines the effect of having sons and number of children separately, and the second examines them in combination in the form of an interaction. The results suggest sterilization is motivated by son preference mainly at lower parities (three or fewer children) and by concerns about family size at higher parities. Understanding how sterilisation and other reproductive behaviours are influenced by the interaction of family size and sex preferences will help policymakers and programmers to meet the needs of women while continuing to address discriminatory behaviour against females. PMID:21218299

  20. I-SonReb: an improved NDT method to evaluate the in situ strength of carbonated concrete

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Breccolotti, Marco; Bonfigli, Massimo F.


    Concrete strength evaluated in situ by means of the conventional SonReb method can be highly overestimated in presence of carbonation. This latter, in fact, is responsible for the physical and chemical alteration of the outer layer of concrete. As most of the existing concrete structures are subjected to carbonation, it is of high importance to overcome this problem. In this paper, an Improved SonReb method (I-SonReb) for carbonated concretes is proposed. It relies on the definition of a correction coefficient of the measured Rebound index as a function of the carbonated concrete cover thickness, an additional parameter to be measured during in situ testing campaigns. The usefulness of the method has been validated showing the improvement in the accuracy of concrete strength estimation from two sets of NDT experimental data collected from investigations on real structures.

  1. Neogene sequence stratigraphy, Nam Con Son Basin, offshore Vietnam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McMillen, K.J.; Do Van Luu; Lee, E.K.


    An integrated well log, biostratigraphic, and seismic stratigraphic study of Miocene to Recent deltaic sediments deposited in the Nam Con Son Basin offshore from southern Vietnam shows the influence of eustacy and tectonics on sequence development. Sediments consist of Oligocene non-marine rift-basin fill (Cau Formation), early to middle Miocene tide-dominated delta plain to delta front sediments (TB 1.5 to TB 2.5, Due and Thong Formations), and late Miocene to Recent marine shelf sediments (TB. 2.6 to TB 3.1 0, Mang Cau, Nam Con Son, and Bien Dong Formations). Eustacy controlled the timing of key surfaces and sand distribution in themore » tectonically-quiet early Miocene. Tectonic effects on middle to late Miocene sequence development consist of thick transgressive systems tracts due to basin-wide subsidence and transgression, sand distribution in the basin center, and carbonate sedimentation on isolated fault blocks within the basin. Third-order sequence boundaries (SB) are identified by spore peaks, sand stacking patterns, and channel incision. In the basin center, widespread shale beds with coal occur above sequence boundaries followed by transgressive sandstone units. These TST sandstones merge toward the basin margin where they lie on older HST sandstones. Maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) have abundant marine microfossils and mangrove pollen, a change in sand stacking pattern, and often a strong seismic reflection with downlap. Fourth-order genetic-type sequences are also interpreted. The MFS is the easiest marker to identify and correlate on well logs. Fourth-order SB occur within these genetic units but are harder to identify and correlate.« less

  2. Neogene sequence stratigraphy, Nam Con Son Basin, offshore Vietnam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    McMillen, K.J.; Do Van Luu; Lee, E.K.


    An integrated well log, biostratigraphic, and seismic stratigraphic study of Miocene to Recent deltaic sediments deposited in the Nam Con Son Basin offshore from southern Vietnam shows the influence of eustacy and tectonics on sequence development. Sediments consist of Oligocene non-marine rift-basin fill (Cau Formation), early to middle Miocene tide-dominated delta plain to delta front sediments (TB 1.5 to TB 2.5, Due and Thong Formations), and late Miocene to Recent marine shelf sediments (TB. 2.6 to TB 3.1 0, Mang Cau, Nam Con Son, and Bien Dong Formations). Eustacy controlled the timing of key surfaces and sand distribution in themore » tectonically-quiet early Miocene. Tectonic effects on middle to late Miocene sequence development consist of thick transgressive systems tracts due to basin-wide subsidence and transgression, sand distribution in the basin center, and carbonate sedimentation on isolated fault blocks within the basin. Third-order sequence boundaries (SB) are identified by spore peaks, sand stacking patterns, and channel incision. In the basin center, widespread shale beds with coal occur above sequence boundaries followed by transgressive sandstone units. These TST sandstones merge toward the basin margin where they lie on older HST sandstones. Maximum flooding surfaces (MFS) have abundant marine microfossils and mangrove pollen, a change in sand stacking pattern, and often a strong seismic reflection with downlap. Fourth-order genetic-type sequences are also interpreted. The MFS is the easiest marker to identify and correlate on well logs. Fourth-order SB occur within these genetic units but are harder to identify and correlate.« less

  3. SysSon - A Framework for Systematic Sonification Design

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vogt, Katharina; Goudarzi, Visda; Holger Rutz, Hanns


    SysSon is a research approach on introducing sonification systematically to a scientific community where it is not yet commonly used - e.g., in climate science. Thereby, both technical and socio-cultural barriers have to be met. The approach was further developed with climate scientists, who participated in contextual inquiries, usability tests and a workshop of collaborative design. Following from these extensive user tests resulted our final software framework. As frontend, a graphical user interface allows climate scientists to parametrize standard sonifications with their own data sets. Additionally, an interactive shell allows to code new sonifications for users competent in sound design. The framework is a standalone desktop application, available as open source (for details see and works with data in NetCDF format.

  4. Preference for sons and sex ratio in two non-Western societies.


    Crognier, E; Baali, A; Hilali, M-K; Villena, M; Vargas, E


    Moroccan Berbers and the Bolivian Aymara are two unrelated peasant groups living in adverse environments with a still rather traditional agriculture. Precarious life conditions may be responsible for the importance given to male labor and hence for the cultural preference conferred on male descent. This preference, expressed in the social valorization of sons to the detriment of daughters, is more emphasized if the socioeconomic status of the family is lower. Interpreted according to the cost/benefit approach of Fisher (1958 Genetical Theory of Natural Selection, New York: Dover) of variations in the sex ratio and to its later developments (Trivers and Willard 1973 Science 179:90-91; Trivers 1985 Social Evolution, Menlo Park: Benjamin/Cummings; Hewlett 1991 J. Anthropol. Res. 47:1-37; Smith 1993 Ethol. Sociobiol. 14:39-44), these cultural characteristics could determine that parents bias the care allocated to their progeny in favor of sons, to the detriment of daughters. This could eventually affect their respective survival and finally modify the offspring tertiary sex ratio. This study compares differences in survival as indicators of parental care according to a child's sex and across three economic strata: poor, medium, and high. The Moroccan data express no other sex differences in survival than an advantage for daughters during the preweaning period in the medium and high strata. Within the same sex and across economic strata, a greater mortality between age 10-20 years is observed for boys of the poorest stratum. The Aymara data do not show sex differences by economic stratum, except for an advantage to daughters between birth and 5 years in the medium group, and no survival differences within the same sex across economic strata. These results suggest either that despite the social valorization of male progeny no differences in parental care according to sex occur, or that their magnitude is not great enough to contrast the survival of sons and daughters.

  5. One Able Daughter Is Worth 10 Illiterate Sons: Reframing the Patriarchal Family

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sultan Ahmed, Sania; Bould, Sally


    This research note reports on interviews with 120 mothers employed in garment factories in Bangladesh. These mothers express views on the necessity of being married, having sons, and educating daughters that challenge traditional patriarchal practices. They report that men of their families can no longer guarantee women and children lifetime…

  6. 76 FR 44912 - Callaway and Son Drum Service Superfund Site; Lake Alfred, Polk County, FL; Notice of Settlement

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... Service Superfund Site; Lake Alfred, Polk County, FL; Notice of Settlement AGENCY: Environmental... Callaway and son Drum Service Superfund Site located in Lake Alfred, Polk County, Florida for publication... by Site name Callaway and Son Drum Service Superfund Site by one of the following methods: http://www...

  7. The Impact of Birth Order on Intergenerational Transmission of Attitudes from Parents to Adolescent Sons: The Israeli Case

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kulik, Liat


    This study deals with birth order and its impact on intergenerational transmission of parental attitudes to adolescent sons in Israeli society. The sample included 294 participants (including 98 mothers, 98 fathers, and 98 sons). The attitudes chosen were key issues of concern in Israeli society: gender role attitudes, ethnic stereotypes, and…

  8. SonTek SL3G Side-Looking Doppler Current Meter application in Complex Flow Conditions

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wagenaar, D.


    The SonTek Argonaut SL Side-Looking Doppler Current Meters are well established products in the measurement of real-time water velocity in open channels. With the development of acoustic doppler technology the decision was made to incorporate latest technology in the Argonaut SL and hence the SonTek SL3G was born.The SonTek SL3G Acoustic Doppler instrument incorporates a number of innovations that improves velocity measurements and quality assurance of data for Side-Looking Doppler Current Meters. SmartPulseHD was originally introduced with the launch of the SonTek M9/S5 RiverSurveyor Acoustic Doppler Instruments and the increased accuracy and resolution of velocity measurements made it obvious to include into the new SL3G instruments. SmartPulseHD continuously tracks the water conditions and selects the optimum processing configuration required using multiple ping types and processing techniques. The new SL3G design makes it the smallest Side Looking Acoustic Doppler Velocity Meter on the market reducing flow disturbance caused by the instrument and the distance of first measurement cell from boundary.The application of the SL3G Acoustic Doppler instrument is designed for complex flow conditions where the use of conventional stage-discharge relationships is economically not viable and therefore requires the use of velocity index methodology. The case-study presented in this paper is situated in the Colorado River downstream of Imperial Dam affected by controlled releases, drainage from adjacent irrigation areas and backwater from a weir situated downstream of the monitoring site. The paper analyses the relationship between measured mean velocity and index velocity and if additional variables such as stage and or Y-velocity need to be incorporated in the development of the index velocity rating. In addition, to determine the variables impacting on the index velocity rating, the index velocity applied will be evaluated by the best linear relationship between the

  9. Mate-sampling costs and sexy sons.


    Kokko, H; Booksmythe, I; Jennions, M D


    Costly female mating preferences for purely Fisherian male traits (i.e. sexual ornaments that are genetically uncorrelated with inherent viability) are not expected to persist at equilibrium. The indirect benefit of producing 'sexy sons' (Fisher process) disappears: in some models, the male trait becomes fixed; in others, a range of male trait values persist, but a larger trait confers no net fitness advantage because it lowers survival. Insufficient indirect selection to counter the direct cost of producing fewer offspring means that preferences are lost. The only well-cited exception assumes biased mutation on male traits. The above findings generally assume constant direct selection against female preferences (i.e. fixed costs). We show that if mate-sampling costs are instead derived based on an explicit account of how females acquire mates, an initially costly mating preference can coevolve with a male trait so that both persist in the presence or absence of biased mutation. Our models predict that empirically detecting selection at equilibrium will be difficult, even if selection was responsible for the location of the current equilibrium. In general, it appears useful to integrate mate sampling theory with models of genetic consequences of mating preferences: being explicit about the process by which individuals select mates can alter equilibria. © 2014 European Society For Evolutionary Biology. Journal of Evolutionary Biology © 2014 European Society For Evolutionary Biology.

  10. Son Preference in the Context of Fertility Decline: Limits to New Constructions of Gender and Kinship in Nepal

    PubMed Central

    Brunson, Jan


    This article explores the persistence of son preference in a patrilineal, patrilocal society in the midst of fertility decline. Using survey and ethnographic data from Hindu-caste Nepali families in a semiurban village, I analyze which cultural norms regarding reproduction are questioned by contemporary married couples and which remain intact. Despite modest improvements in gender equality, levels of education, and economic conditions, the practical knowledge that daughters will be lost to other lineages and households pressures couples who might otherwise be willing to invest in daughters to continue procreating until they produce a son. Young mothers, therefore, reluctantly admit to needing a son, revealing a discrepancy between their initially stated reproductive ideals and their ultimate behavior. PMID:21466108

  11. Literature as an exploration of the phenomenology of schizophrenia: disorder and recovery in Denis Johnson's Jesus' Son.


    Hamm, Jay A; Leonhardt, Bethany L; Fogley, Rebecca L; Lysaker, Paul H


    When read as a fictional psychosis narrative, Jesus' Son, a collection of short stories by Denis Johnson, reveals important elements of the phenomenology of schizophrenia and recovery. It is possible that Jesus' Son, as a work of fiction, may be able to uniquely add depth and nuance to an understanding of the phenomenology of schizophrenia involving a state of psychological fragmentation, an ever-changing interpersonal field and a loss of personal agency. In addition, by following the protagonist in Jesus' Son as he begins to resolve some of his difficulties, the book also offers an individualised account of recovery. The authors detail how the book reveals these insights about schizophrenia and recovery and suggest that these elements are intertwined in such a manner that leads to a profound disruption of self-experience, characterised by a collapse of metacognitive processes. Jesus' Son may add depth to our understanding of the subjective experience of schizophrenia and recovery, and also may serve as one example in which the study of humanities offers an opportunity to explore the human elements in the most profound forms of suffering. Published by the BMJ Publishing Group Limited. For permission to use (where not already granted under a licence) please go to

  12. An evolutionary psychological investigation of parental distress and reproductive coercion during the "coming out" of gay sons.


    Wisniewski, Timothy J; Robinson, Thomas N; Deluty, Robert H


    The lack of success of the "coming out" studies over the last three decades to explain and predict parental responses has motivated an evolutionary psychological reconceptualization. According to this reconceptualization, it was predicted that (a) biological mothers would experience more distress and apply more pressure on gay sons to change than would biological fathers and; (b) obligate investment for fathers on dependent sons would cause fathers to experience more distress and apply more pressure on gay sons to change than it would fathers without this obligate investment. In contrast, a cultural-norm hypothesis predicted that fathers would experience more distress and apply more pressure on gay sons to change than mothers. The majority of predictions were tested using 787 participants from two-biological parent families, who were drawn from a total sample of 891 participants from various family backgrounds. As predicted by the evolutionary hypothesis, biological mothers were reported to have been more distressed and coercive than biological fathers, in spite of a strong, societal expectation to the contrary. Furthermore, the results supported the obligate investment argument for paternal reactions. The model not only correctly explained and predicted parental behavior during coming out, but also was shown to unify within its theoretical framework discrepant results from the literature previously considered inconsistent.

  13. Fiabilité des structures mécaniques adaptatives: effet de la panne des actionneurs ou des capteurs sur la stabilité

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fall, H.; Charon, W.; Kouta, R.


    Ces dernières décennies, des activités significatives dans le monde étaient dirigées autour du contrôle actif. Le but de ces recherches était essentiellement d'améliorer les performances, la fiabilité et la sécurité des systèmes. Notamment dans le cas des structures soumises à des vibrations aléatoires. D'importants travaux ont été consacré à l'utilisation des “matériaux intelligents” comme capteurs et actionneurs. Cette article propose l'analyse de la fiabilité des systèmes mécaniques en étudiant les pannes des actionneurs ou des capteurs. L'effet de ces pannes sur la stabilité et la performance du système y est démontré. Les méthodologies de conception y sont rappelées. Des exemples numériques sont fournis à travers le contrôle d'un panneau sous chargement dynamique pour illustrer la méthode proposée.

  14. Parents' perceptions of their adolescent sons' recovery in a therapeutic community for addicted clients.


    Chen, Gila; Elisha, Ety; Timor, Uri; Ronel, Natti


    A qualitative phenomenological study of parents of addicted male adolescents who were residents of a Jewish therapeutic community (TC) describes and interprets the parents' perceptions of the recovery process. Deep, semistructured interviews with 14 parents provided the data. The parents' perceptions were clustered into three main themes of meaning: (a) the process of change, (b) the experiences of family members in the course of the son's recovery process, and (c) the parents' perception of the treatment at Retorno. According to the parents, the admission of their sons into the TC brought notable relief to the family life, which enabled the whole family to begin a recovery process. The findings support the positive criminology perspective that emphasizes the disintegration-integration vector as significant in the recovery process. Recommendations for intervention planning are provided.

  15. The mystery of the perpetual motion clock of Geiser and Son

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Piguet, Jean-Michel

    A description of the operation and mechanisms of a so called perpetual motion clock is given. At the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century, the achievement of perpetual motion was one of the Neuchatel clockmakers' great interests. Some watchmakers presented scientists and the public with constructions which, at first sight, seemed to have solved the problem. In 1815 a really interesting clock mechanism invented by Jean Geiser and his son was presented in Neuchatel.

  16. From Here to There and Back Again: The Story of a Mother, Her Son, Disability, and School Choice

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Mann, Glenys


    Nelly and her children live in Queensland, Australia. When it came time for her second youngest son to start school, Nelly was not prepared for the difficulty that she had enrolling him at the school of her choice. In spite of her son's disability, Nelly thought that it was natural that he would go to his local school with his sister. It is not…

  17. Symbols in the Strange Fruit Seeds: What "The Talk" Black Parents Have with Their Sons Tells Us about Racism

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    DiAquoi, Raygine


    In this article, Raygine DiAquoi explores the temporality of "the talk" Black parents have with their sons, analyzing the way the messages they share with their sons about racism reflect sociohistorical changes around issues of race. Over the course of a year, DiAquoi conducted a qualitative investigation of the content of the messages…

  18. [Meaning of becoming mother and son/daughter through massage].


    Márquez Doren, Francisca; Lucchini Raies, Camila; Rivera Martínez, Soledad


    Revealing the experience of mothers when massaging their children to know the phenomenon in the context of a mother-child healthy development. This is a qualitative study with a phenomenological approach carried out with 11 women who massaged their children and answered the guiding question: What did the experience of massaging your child mean to you? The experience of massaging their children meant the development of their being a mother and of being a son/daughter, in addition to developing the attachment relationship between them. The massage can operationalize this integrality, become a tool of communication, stimulation and promotion of secure attachment, by promoting the loving interaction between mother and child. This practice should be considered as an option in the programs that promote the comprehensive health of the mother and child.

  19. When the Least Restrictive Environment is Residential: Meeting the Needs of Our Son

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morris, Djenne-Amal


    In this article, the author, a parent of Malik, a special needs child with CHARGE Syndrome, describes the difficulties she encountered with her local educational agency (LEA) in transitioning her son from the Perkins School for the Blind in Watertown, Massachusetts to the Eastern North Carolina School for the Deaf (ENCSD). At ENCSD, Malik now…

  20. The Son's Fault: Martin Luther King, Jr.'s Search for and Recovery of Sonship.


    Hinds, Jay-Paul


    This article examines the role of sonship in the psychological and spiritual development of men. In using the methodology of psychobiography, I explore the life history of Martin Luther King, Jr. to analyze his search for and recovery of sonship. I propose that sonship helps men rebel against and, in the end, overcome the feelings of inadequacy that are experienced in their struggles to achieve manhood, particularly within the father-son dyad. The scholarship of pastoral theologian Donald Capps is instructive in this regard, in that he suggests that sons should be allowed to search for a male figure, a father-substitute, who can affirm, not disdain or reject, this state of sonship. In the end, what is often viewed as a negative act of regression-i.e., the recovery of and return to sonship-is recognized instead as a positive one that assists a man in his journey toward wholeness.

  1. Sons learn songs from their social fathers in a cooperatively breeding bird

    PubMed Central

    Greig, Emma I.; Taft, Benjamin N.; Pruett-Jones, Stephen


    Song learning is hypothesized to allow social adaptation to a local song neighbourhood. Maintaining social associations is particularly important in cooperative breeders, yet vocal learning in such species has only been assessed in systems where social association was correlated with relatedness. Thus, benefits of vocal learning as a means of maintaining social associations could not be disentangled from benefits of kin recognition. We assessed genetic and cultural contributions to song in a species where social association was not strongly correlated with kinship: the cooperatively breeding, reproductively promiscuous splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens). We found that song characters of socially associated father–son pairs were more strongly correlated (and thus songs were more similar) than songs of father–son pairs with a genetic, but no social, association (i.e. cuckolding fathers). Song transmission was, therefore, vertical and cultural, with minimal signatures of kinship. Additionally, song characters were not correlated with several phenotypic indicators of male quality, supporting the idea that there may be a tradeoff between accurate copying of tutors and quality signalling via maximizing song performance, particularly when social and genetic relationships are decoupled. Our results lend support to the hypothesis that song learning facilitates the maintenance of social associations by permitting unrelated individuals to acquire similar signal phenotypes. PMID:22593105

  2. Sons learn songs from their social fathers in a cooperatively breeding bird.


    Greig, Emma I; Taft, Benjamin N; Pruett-Jones, Stephen


    Song learning is hypothesized to allow social adaptation to a local song neighbourhood. Maintaining social associations is particularly important in cooperative breeders, yet vocal learning in such species has only been assessed in systems where social association was correlated with relatedness. Thus, benefits of vocal learning as a means of maintaining social associations could not be disentangled from benefits of kin recognition. We assessed genetic and cultural contributions to song in a species where social association was not strongly correlated with kinship: the cooperatively breeding, reproductively promiscuous splendid fairy-wren (Malurus splendens). We found that song characters of socially associated father-son pairs were more strongly correlated (and thus songs were more similar) than songs of father-son pairs with a genetic, but no social, association (i.e. cuckolding fathers). Song transmission was, therefore, vertical and cultural, with minimal signatures of kinship. Additionally, song characters were not correlated with several phenotypic indicators of male quality, supporting the idea that there may be a tradeoff between accurate copying of tutors and quality signalling via maximizing song performance, particularly when social and genetic relationships are decoupled. Our results lend support to the hypothesis that song learning facilitates the maintenance of social associations by permitting unrelated individuals to acquire similar signal phenotypes.

  3. Tales of biographical disintegration: how parents make sense of their sons' suicides.


    Owens, Christabel; Lambert, Helen; Lloyd, Keith; Donovan, Jenny


    Suicide research relies heavily on accounts provided by bereaved relatives, using a method known as the psychological autopsy. Psychological autopsy studies are invariably quantitative in design and their findings reinforce the medical model of suicide, emphasising the role of mental illness. They largely ignore the meanings that narrators attach to events, the nature of the sense-making task and the influences bearing upon it. This study drew on psychological autopsy data but used qualitative analytic methods. Fourteen semi-structured interviews with the parents of young men aged 18-30 who had taken their own lives form the basis for this paper. Some parents represent their sons as victims who were cruelly destroyed by external forces, while others portray them as agents of their own destruction. Either way, their narratives are dominated by moral rather than medical categories and by questions of personal accountability. We show how the parents use the interview to perform a complex reconstructive task, striving to piece together both their son's and their own shattered biographies and repair damage to their moral identities. We argue that their stories represent survival tools, enabling them not only to make sense of the past but also to face their own future.

  4. Marriage Form and Son Preference in Rural China: An Investigation in Three Counties

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jin, Xiaoyi; Li, Shuzhuo; Feldman, Marcus W.


    Using data from two surveys in three counties among which the prevalence of uxorilocal marriage varies greatly, this paper analyzes effects of marriage form, as well as individual, family, and social factors on son preference in the context of strict birth control in rural China. It is shown that, under the Chinese patrilineal joint family system,…

  5. "Fathers and Sons" in Xenophon's Teaching of the Man Taking Care of Himself

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Pichugina, Victoria; Bezrogov, Vitaly


    This article considers the oeuvre of Xenophon (c.430-354 bc) as providing an insight into the concept of "care of the self" in Greek education. In many of his works the leading characters are men who take care of themselves through education. Addressing the theme of "fathers and sons," Xenophon aimed to show that "care of…

  6. Using BiSON to detect solar internal g-modes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kuszlewicz, J.; Davies, G. R.; Chaplin, W. J.


    The unambiguous detection of individual solar internal g modes continues to elude us. With the aid of new additions to calibration procedures, as well as updated methods to combine multi-site time series more effectively, the noise and signal detection threshold levels in the low-frequency domain (where the g modes are expected to be found) have been greatly improved. In the BiSON 23-year dataset these levels now rival those of GOLF, and with much greater frequency resolution available, due to the long time series, there is an opportunity to place more constraints on the upper limits of individual g mode amplitudes. Here we detail recent work dedicated to the challenges of observing low-frequency oscillations using a ground-based network, including the role of the window function as well as the effect of calibration on the low frequency domain.

  7. Fathers' Parenting Hassles and Coping: Associations with Emotional Expressiveness and Their Sons' Socioemotional Competence

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Foster, Phillip A.; Reese-Weber, Marla; Kahn, Jeffrey H.


    The present study examined fathers' daily parenting hassles and coping strategies to (a) determine their association with fathers' emotional expressiveness and (b) predict their sons' development of socioemotional competence. Fathers of 148 preschool-aged boys reported on their parenting hassles, coping strategies, and emotional expressiveness;…

  8. Le rôle médiateur du fonctionnement familial dans la relation entre l’adversité familiale et l’adaptation sociale des enfants d’âge préscolaire1

    PubMed Central

    Felli, M. C.; Parent, S.; Zelazo, P. D.; Tremblay, R. E.; Séguin, J. R.


    Résumé À la petite enfance, l’adaptation sociale de l’enfant dépend en partie des risques auxquels il est exposé dans son environnement. Toutefois, les mécanismes par lesquels les facteurs de risque opèrent leurs influences sur l’adaptation sociale de l’enfant sont peu documentés. Ainsi, cette étude examine dans un premier temps l’effet principal de l’adversité familiale, un cumul de facteurs de risque, sur les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés, ainsi que sur la sécurité d’attachement des enfants d’âge préscolaire. Dans un deuxième temps, elle évalue le rôle médiateur du fonctionnement familial dans le lien entre l’adversité familiale et les problèmes de comportement de même qu’entre l’adversité familiale et la sécurité d’attachement des enfants d’âge préscolaire. Les 572 participants à l’étude (n=572) sont âgés entre cinq et 42 mois lors des mesures de l’adversité familiale et de 42 mois lors de la mesure des problèmes de comportement et du fonctionnement familial. Quatre-vingt d’entre eux (n=80) ont fait l’objet d’une mesure de sécurité d’attachement à 48 mois. Les résultats indiquent, d’abord, un effet principal de l’adversité familiale sur les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés. Un effet médiateur significatif du fonctionnement familial est ensuite rapporté dans le lien entre l’adversité familiale et les problèmes de comportement intériorisés et extériorisés. Aucun effet significatif n’est observé pour la sécurité d’attachement des enfants de 48 mois. PMID:28567062

  9. SONS: The JCMT legacy survey of debris discs in the submillimetre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Holland, Wayne S.; Matthews, Brenda C.; Kennedy, Grant M.; Greaves, Jane S.; Wyatt, Mark C.; Booth, Mark; Bastien, Pierre; Bryden, Geoff; Butner, Harold; Chen, Christine H.; Chrysostomou, Antonio; Davies, Claire L.; Dent, William R. F.; Di Francesco, James; Duchêne, Gaspard; Gibb, Andy G.; Friberg, Per; Ivison, Rob J.; Jenness, Tim; Kavelaars, JJ; Lawler, Samantha; Lestrade, Jean-François; Marshall, Jonathan P.; Moro-Martin, Amaya; Panić, Olja; Phillips, Neil; Serjeant, Stephen; Schieven, Gerald H.; Sibthorpe, Bruce; Vican, Laura; Ward-Thompson, Derek; van der Werf, Paul; White, Glenn J.; Wilner, David; Zuckerman, Ben


    Debris discs are evidence of the ongoing destructive collisions between planetesimals, and their presence around stars also suggests that planets exist in these systems. In this paper, we present submillimetre images of the thermal emission from debris discs that formed the SCUBA-2 Observations of Nearby Stars (SONS) survey, one of seven legacy surveys undertaken on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope between 2012 and 2015. The overall results of the survey are presented in the form of 850 μm (and 450 μm, where possible) images and fluxes for the observed fields. Excess thermal emission, over that expected from the stellar photosphere, is detected around 49 stars out of the 100 observed fields. The discs are characterized in terms of their flux density, size (radial distribution of the dust) and derived dust properties from their spectral energy distributions. The results show discs over a range of sizes, typically 1-10 times the diameter of the Edgeworth-Kuiper Belt in our Solar system. The mass of a disc, for particles up to a few millimetres in size, is uniquely obtainable with submillimetre observations and this quantity is presented as a function of the host stars' age, showing a tentative decline in mass with age. Having doubled the number of imaged discs at submillimetre wavelengths from ground-based, single-dish telescope observations, one of the key legacy products from the SONS survey is to provide a comprehensive target list to observe at high angular resolution using submillimetre/millimetre interferometers (e.g. Atacama Large Millimeter Array, Smithsonian Millimeter Array).

  10. Structure, stratigraphy and petroleum geology of the south east Nam Con Son Basin, offshore Vietnam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fraser, A.J.; Matthews, S.J.; Lowe, S.


    Recent exploration of the south east Nam Con Son Basin, offshore Vietnam, by BP in alliance with Statoil has involved acquisition of new seismic and well data. These new data have allowed re-evaluation of the tectono-stratigraphic development and petroleum geology, and have provided additional constraints on the regional tectonic evolution. The offshore Vietnamese basins have evolved in response to the complex relative motions of Indochina, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and the South China Sea during the Cenozoic. On the regional scale these motions have been accommodated by strike-slip fault development, rifting and contraction. In the Nam Con Son Basin these motionsmore » have interacted in different ways from the Palaeogene to recent. Two rifting episodes are recognized; a Palaeogene phase dominated by E-W trending extensional faults, and a Miocene phase dominated by N-S to NE-SW trending faults. The structural evolution is complicated by a pulse of mild contraction during the Middle Miocene. The sedimentary fill of the basin evolves from continental fluvio-lacustrine in the Palaeogene through to fully marine following the second phase of rifting in the Miocene. This pulsed structural and stratigraphic evolution has resulted in basinwide deposition of source, reservoir and seal facies, and produced a variety of potential trapping styles. This paper describes the hydrocarbon habitat of the south east Nam Con Son Basin within the context of the regional tectono-stratigraphic model.« less

  11. Structure, stratigraphy and petroleum geology of the south east Nam Con Son Basin, offshore Vietnam

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Fraser, A.J.; Matthews, S.J.; Lowe, S.


    Recent exploration of the south east Nam Con Son Basin, offshore Vietnam, by BP in alliance with Statoil has involved acquisition of new seismic and well data. These new data have allowed re-evaluation of the tectono-stratigraphic development and petroleum geology, and have provided additional constraints on the regional tectonic evolution. The offshore Vietnamese basins have evolved in response to the complex relative motions of Indochina, Peninsular Malaysia, Borneo and the South China Sea during the Cenozoic. On the regional scale these motions have been accommodated by strike-slip fault development, rifting and contraction. In the Nam Con Son Basin these motionsmore » have interacted in different ways from the Palaeogene to recent. Two rifting episodes are recognized; a Palaeogene phase dominated by E-W trending extensional faults, and a Miocene phase dominated by N-S to NE-SW trending faults. The structural evolution is complicated by a pulse of mild contraction during the Middle Miocene. The sedimentary fill of the basin evolves from continental fluvio-lacustrine in the Palaeogene through to fully marine following the second phase of rifting in the Miocene. This pulsed structural and stratigraphic evolution has resulted in basinwide deposition of source, reservoir and seal facies, and produced a variety of potential trapping styles. This paper describes the hydrocarbon habitat of the south east Nam Con Son Basin within the context of the regional tectono-stratigraphic model.« less

  12. De Novo Mutations in SON Disrupt RNA Splicing of Genes Essential for Brain Development and Metabolism, Causing an Intellectual-Disability Syndrome.


    Kim, Jung-Hyun; Shinde, Deepali N; Reijnders, Margot R F; Hauser, Natalie S; Belmonte, Rebecca L; Wilson, Gregory R; Bosch, Daniëlle G M; Bubulya, Paula A; Shashi, Vandana; Petrovski, Slavé; Stone, Joshua K; Park, Eun Young; Veltman, Joris A; Sinnema, Margje; Stumpel, Connie T R M; Draaisma, Jos M; Nicolai, Joost; Yntema, Helger G; Lindstrom, Kristin; de Vries, Bert B A; Jewett, Tamison; Santoro, Stephanie L; Vogt, Julie; Bachman, Kristine K; Seeley, Andrea H; Krokosky, Alyson; Turner, Clesson; Rohena, Luis; Hempel, Maja; Kortüm, Fanny; Lessel, Davor; Neu, Axel; Strom, Tim M; Wieczorek, Dagmar; Bramswig, Nuria; Laccone, Franco A; Behunova, Jana; Rehder, Helga; Gordon, Christopher T; Rio, Marlène; Romana, Serge; Tang, Sha; El-Khechen, Dima; Cho, Megan T; McWalter, Kirsty; Douglas, Ganka; Baskin, Berivan; Begtrup, Amber; Funari, Tara; Schoch, Kelly; Stegmann, Alexander P A; Stevens, Servi J C; Zhang, Dong-Er; Traver, David; Yao, Xu; MacArthur, Daniel G; Brunner, Han G; Mancini, Grazia M; Myers, Richard M; Owen, Laurie B; Lim, Ssang-Taek; Stachura, David L; Vissers, Lisenka E L M; Ahn, Eun-Young Erin


    The overall understanding of the molecular etiologies of intellectual disability (ID) and developmental delay (DD) is increasing as next-generation sequencing technologies identify genetic variants in individuals with such disorders. However, detailed analyses conclusively confirming these variants, as well as the underlying molecular mechanisms explaining the diseases, are often lacking. Here, we report on an ID syndrome caused by de novo heterozygous loss-of-function (LoF) mutations in SON. The syndrome is characterized by ID and/or DD, malformations of the cerebral cortex, epilepsy, vision problems, musculoskeletal abnormalities, and congenital malformations. Knockdown of son in zebrafish resulted in severe malformation of the spine, brain, and eyes. Importantly, analyses of RNA from affected individuals revealed that genes critical for neuronal migration and cortex organization (TUBG1, FLNA, PNKP, WDR62, PSMD3, and HDAC6) and metabolism (PCK2, PFKL, IDH2, ACY1, and ADA) are significantly downregulated because of the accumulation of mis-spliced transcripts resulting from erroneous SON-mediated RNA splicing. Our data highlight SON as a master regulator governing neurodevelopment and demonstrate the importance of SON-mediated RNA splicing in human development. Copyright © 2016 American Society of Human Genetics. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  13. The Dynamics of Son Preference, Technology Diffusion, and Fertility Decline Underlying Distorted Sex Ratios at Birth: A Simulation Approach.


    Kashyap, Ridhi; Villavicencio, Francisco


    We present a micro-founded simulation model that formalizes the "ready, willing, and able" framework, originally used to explain historical fertility decline, to the practice of prenatal sex selection. The model generates sex ratio at birth (SRB) distortions from the bottom up and attempts to quantify plausible levels, trends, and interactions of son preference, technology diffusion, and fertility decline that underpin SRB trajectories at the macro level. Calibrating our model for South Korea, we show how even as the proportion with a preference for sons was declining, SRB distortions emerged due to rapid diffusion of prenatal sex determination technology combined with small but growing propensities to abort at low birth parities. Simulations reveal that relatively low levels of son preference (about 20 % to 30 % wanting one son) can result in skewed SRB levels if technology diffuses early and steadily, and if fertility falls rapidly to encourage sex-selective abortion at low parities. Model sensitivity analysis highlights how the shape of sex ratio trajectories is particularly sensitive to the timing and speed of prenatal sex-determination technology diffusion. The maximum SRB levels reached in a population are influenced by how the readiness to abort rises as a function of the fertility decline.

  14. Human affection exchange: VI. Further tests of reproductive probability as a predictor of men's affection with their adult sons.


    Floyd, Kory; Sargent, Jack E; Di Corcia, Mark


    The authors examined the communication of affection in men's relationships with their fathers. Drawing from Affection Exchange Theory, the authors advanced four predictions: (a) heterosexual men receive more affection from their own fathers than do homosexual or bisexual men, (b) fathers communicate affection to their sons more through supportive activities than through direct verbal statements or nonverbal gestures, (c) affectionate communication between fathers and sons is linearly related to closeness and interpersonal involvement between them, and (d) fathers' awareness of their sons' sexual orientation is associated with the amount of affection that the fathers communicate to them. Participants were 170 adult men who completed questionnaires regarding affectionate communication in their relationships with their fathers. Half of the men were self-identified as exclusively heterosexual, and the other half were self-identified as exclusively homosexual or bisexual. The results supported all predictions substantially.

  15. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters: gender differences in factors associated with parent-child communication about sexual topics

    PubMed Central


    Background In the United States, nearly half of high school students are sexually active, and adolescents experience high rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Parents can have an important influence on their children's sexual behaviour, but many parents do not talk with their children about sexual topics. Research has shown significant differences in parent-child communication about sexual topics depending on the gender of both the parent and the child. Little is known, however, about the reasons for these gender differences. The purpose of this paper is to describe how factors associated with parent-child communication about sexual topics differ by gender. Methods Data are from a nationwide online survey with 829 fathers and 1,113 mothers of children aged 10 to 14. For each of the four gender groups (fathers of sons, fathers of daughters, mothers of sons, mothers of daughters), we calculated the distribution of responses to questions assessing (1) parent-child communication about sex-related topics, and (2) factors associated with that communication. We used chi-square tests to determine whether the distributions differed and the false discovery rate control to reduce the likelihood of type I errors. Results With both sons and daughters, fathers communicated less about sexual topics than mothers did. Fathers also had lower levels of many characteristics that facilitate communication about sex (e.g., lower self-efficacy and lower expectations that talking to their children about sex would have positive outcomes). Compared with parents of sons, parents of daughters (both mothers and fathers) talked more about sexual topics, were more concerned about potential harmful consequences of sexual activity, and were more disapproving of their child having sex at an early age. Conclusions Using a large national sample, this study confirms findings from previous studies showing gender differences in parent-child communication about sexual topics

  16. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters: gender differences in factors associated with parent-child communication about sexual topics.


    Wilson, Ellen K; Koo, Helen P


    In the United States, nearly half of high school students are sexually active, and adolescents experience high rates of unintended pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Parents can have an important influence on their children's sexual behaviour, but many parents do not talk with their children about sexual topics. Research has shown significant differences in parent-child communication about sexual topics depending on the gender of both the parent and the child. Little is known, however, about the reasons for these gender differences. The purpose of this paper is to describe how factors associated with parent-child communication about sexual topics differ by gender. Data are from a nationwide online survey with 829 fathers and 1,113 mothers of children aged 10 to 14. For each of the four gender groups (fathers of sons, fathers of daughters, mothers of sons, mothers of daughters), we calculated the distribution of responses to questions assessing (1) parent-child communication about sex-related topics, and (2) factors associated with that communication. We used chi-square tests to determine whether the distributions differed and the false discovery rate control to reduce the likelihood of type I errors. With both sons and daughters, fathers communicated less about sexual topics than mothers did. Fathers also had lower levels of many characteristics that facilitate communication about sex (e.g., lower self-efficacy and lower expectations that talking to their children about sex would have positive outcomes). Compared with parents of sons, parents of daughters (both mothers and fathers) talked more about sexual topics, were more concerned about potential harmful consequences of sexual activity, and were more disapproving of their child having sex at an early age. Using a large national sample, this study confirms findings from previous studies showing gender differences in parent-child communication about sexual topics and identifies gender differences in

  17. Sociosexually unrestricted parents have more sons: a further application of the generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH).


    Kanazawa, Satoshi; Apari, Péter


    The generalized Trivers-Willard hypothesis (gTWH) proposes that parents who possess any heritable trait which increases male reproductive success at a greater rate than female reproductive success in a given environment will have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio, and parents who possess any heritable trait which increases the female reproductive success at a greater rate than male reproductive success in a given environment will have a lower-than-expected offspring sex ratio. One heritable trait which increases the reproductive success of sons much more than that of daughters is unrestricted sociosexual orientation. We therefore predict that parents with unrestricted sociosexual orientation (measured by the number of sexual partners, frequency of sex, and attitudes toward relationship commitment and sexual exclusivity) have a higher-than-expected offspring sex ratio (more sons). We analyse the US General Social Surveys and the National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health (Add Health), both with large nationally representative samples. Our analyses support the prediction from the gTWH. One standard deviation increase in unrestrictedness of sociosexual orientation increases the odds of having a son by 12-19% in the representative American samples.

  18. Complicated grief and manic comorbidity in the aftermath of the loss of a son.


    Carmassi, Claudia; Shear, M Katherine; Socci, Chiara; Corsi, Martina; Dell'osso, Liliana; First, Michael B


    Based on the recommendations of the sub-workgroup on trauma and dissociative disorders, the American Psychiatric Association (APA) removed the "bereavement exclusion" from the criteria for major depression in DSM-5. In addition, proposed DSM-5 research criteria for persistent complex bereavement disorder (PCBD) were included in the new manual in a section for conditions and criteria needing further research. We describe a case that warranted such a diagnosis. The patient was a 52- year-old woman who was admitted to the inpatient unit of our clinic on the birthday of her son who had died 18 months earlier. She was diagnosed with a manic episode with psychotic symptoms according to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, Fourth Edition, Text Revision (DSM-IV-TR) criteria and was treated accordingly. Three months after discharge, she made a suicide attempt and was admitted and re-assessed. During this admission, she completed the Inventory of Complicated Grief (ICG), the Mood-Spectrum Rating Scale (MOODS-SR), and the Trauma and Loss Spectrum questionnaire (TALS-SR). She endorsed symptoms of intense yearning for her son, feelings of shock and disbelief, anger and bitterness related to his death, estrangement from others, auditory, tactile and visual hallucinations of the deceased, and intense emotional reactivity to memories of her son. These symptoms were sufficiently prolonged and severe to meet criteria for complicated grief. While complicated grief appeared to be the primary diagnosis for this patient, when she was diagnosed using only DSMIV-TR criteria, her treatment failed to address herprimary problem. This case draws attention to the occurrence of manic-like symptoms as well as depression-like manifestations following bereavement and highlights the importance of including the syndrome of complicated grief in the diagnostic nomenclature.

  19. The Experiences and Meanings That Shape Heterosexual Fathers' Relationships With Their Gay Sons in South Africa.


    Livingston, Jacques; Fourie, Eduard


    Gay men's relationships with their mothers are likely to be more positive than their relationships with their fathers, and fathers are less likely to be told, less likely to be told first, and more likely to react negatively to disclosure than mothers. Drawing on an interpretivist approach, an individual in-depth interview strategy was adopted in the study as a means of gathering data from six Afrikaans-speaking White fathers, between the ages of 53 and 61 years (median: 55.5 years), residing in Gauteng, South Africa. Interviews were audio-recorded and transcribed for later coding and analysis. Through thematic network analysis, eight organizing themes emerged and were explored. For the purpose of this article only three organizing themes are discussed, namely "subliminal awareness prior to coming out," "epistemic rupture of internal systems of ideas/beliefs," and "acceptance as a complex and ongoing dialectical and reconciliatory process." The themes support the view that most parents are neither totally rejecting nor fully accepting of their gay sons. Although the fathers may have attained a level of "loving denial" in the relationships with their gay sons, most continue to struggle with the meaning and expression of same-sex sexuality. Despite these challenges, it is recognized that the fathers are adapting to changing circumstances and are trying to find ways to tolerate, accommodate, and in some ways accept their gay sons.

  20. Effects of mother-son incest and positive perceptions of sexual abuse experiences on the psychosocial adjustment of clinic-referred men.


    Kelly, Robert J; Wood, Jeffrey J; Gonzalez, Lauren S; MacDonald, Virginia; Waterman, Jill


    The primary objective was to examine the long-term impact of mother-son incest and positive initial perceptions of sexual abuse experiences on adult male psychosocial functioning. Sixty-seven clinic-referred men with a history of sexual abuse participated. The participants completed self-report measures regarding their current psychosocial functioning and described the nature of their sexual and physical abuse experiences during childhood. Seventeen men reported mother-son incest, and these men endorsed more trauma symptoms than did other sexually abused men, even after controlling for a history of multiple perpetrators and physical abuse. Mother-son incest was likely to be subtle, involving behaviors that may be difficult to distinguish from normal caregiving (e.g., genital touching), despite the potentially serious long-term consequences. Twenty-seven men recalled positive or mixed initial perceptions of the abuse, including about half of the men who had been abused by their mothers. These men reported more adjustment problems than did men who recalled purely negative initial perceptions. Mother-son incest and positive initial perceptions of sexual abuse experiences both appear to be risk factors for more severe psychosocial adjustment problems among clinic-referred men.

  1. The risk of cryptorchidism among sons of women working in horticulture in Denmark: a cohort study.


    Gabel, Pernille; Jensen, Morten Søndergaard; Andersen, Helle Raun; Baelum, Jesper; Thulstrup, Ane Marie; Bonde, Jens Peter; Toft, Gunnar


    Androgens are crucial for normal testicular descent. Studies show that some pesticides have estrogenic or antiandrogenic effects, and that female workers exposed to pesticides have increased risk of having a boy with cryptorchidism. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether pregnant women exposed to pesticides due to their work in horticulture experience excess risk of having sons with cryptorchidism. We conducted a cohort study of pregnant women working in horticulture using four cohorts including one cohort established with data from the departments of occupational medicine in Jutland and Funen and three existing mother-child cohorts (n=1,468). A reference group was established from the entire Danish population of boys born in the period of 1986-2007 (n=783,817). Nationwide Danish health registers provided information on birth outcome, cryptorchidism diagnosis and orchiopexy. The level of occupational exposure to pesticides was assessed by expert judgment blinded towards outcome status. Risk of cryptorchidism among exposed horticulture workers compared to the background population and to unexposed horticulture workers was assessed by Cox regression models. Pesticide exposed women employed in horticulture had a hazard ratio (HR) of having cryptorchid sons of 1.39 (95% CI 0.84; 2.31) and a HR of orchiopexy of 1.34 (0.72; 2.49) compared to the background population. Analysis divided into separate cohorts revealed a significantly increased risk of cryptorchidism in cohort 2: HR 2.58 (1.07;6.20) and increased risk of orchiopexy in cohort 4: HR 2.76 (1.03;7.35), but no significant associations in the other cohorts. Compared to unexposed women working in horticulture, pesticide exposed women had a risk of having sons with cryptorchidism of 1.34 (0.30; 5.96) and of orchiopexy of 1.93 (0.24;15.4). The data are compatible with a slightly increased risk of cryptorchidism in sons of women exposed to pesticides by working in horticulture.

  2. The risk of cryptorchidism among sons of women working in horticulture in Denmark: a cohort study

    PubMed Central


    Background Androgens are crucial for normal testicular descent. Studies show that some pesticides have estrogenic or antiandrogenic effects, and that female workers exposed to pesticides have increased risk of having a boy with cryptorchidism. The main objective of the present study was to investigate whether pregnant women exposed to pesticides due to their work in horticulture experience excess risk of having sons with cryptorchidism. Methods We conducted a cohort study of pregnant women working in horticulture using four cohorts including one cohort established with data from the departments of occupational medicine in Jutland and Funen and three existing mother-child cohorts (n = 1,468). A reference group was established from the entire Danish population of boys born in the period of 1986-2007 (n = 783,817). Nationwide Danish health registers provided information on birth outcome, cryptorchidism diagnosis and orchiopexy. The level of occupational exposure to pesticides was assessed by expert judgment blinded towards outcome status. Risk of cryptorchidism among exposed horticulture workers compared to the background population and to unexposed horticulture workers was assessed by Cox regression models. Results Pesticide exposed women employed in horticulture had a hazard ratio (HR) of having cryptorchid sons of 1.39 (95% CI 0.84; 2.31) and a HR of orchiopexy of 1.34 (0.72; 2.49) compared to the background population. Analysis divided into separate cohorts revealed a significantly increased risk of cryptorchidism in cohort 2: HR 2.58 (1.07;6.20) and increased risk of orchiopexy in cohort 4: HR 2.76 (1.03;7.35), but no significant associations in the other cohorts. Compared to unexposed women working in horticulture, pesticide exposed women had a risk of having sons with cryptorchidism of 1.34 (0.30; 5.96) and of orchiopexy of 1.93 (0.24;15.4). Conclusions The data are compatible with a slightly increased risk of cryptorchidism in sons of women exposed to

  3. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Son of an Organic Chemist of Denmark

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brisbois, Ronald G.


    Once faced with structure reactivity relationships in the context of nucleophilic substitution at sp 3 carbon, introductory organic chemistry students must compare and contrast the various attributes and ramifications of S N 2 versus S N 1 reaction pathways. The dramatic (even melodramatic) way in which some students ask such comparative questions inspired a parody of Hamlet's famous to be or not to be soliloquy. Herein, Hamlet (the son of an organic chemist of Denmark) is the surrogate of any and every student as he uses a thoroughly Shakespearian approach to sorting out some of the key distinguishing features of S N 2 versus S N 1 reactions.

  4. Atmospheric Extinction Coefficients in the Ic Band for Several Major International Observatories: Results from the BiSON Telescopes, 1984-2016

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hale, S. J.; Chaplin, W. J.; Davies, G. R.; Elsworth, Y. P.; Howe, R.; Lund, M. N.; Moxon, E. Z.; Thomas, A.; Pallé, P. L.; Rhodes, E. J., Jr.


    Over 30 years of solar data have been acquired by the Birmingham Solar Oscillations Network (BiSON), an international network of telescopes used to study oscillations of the Sun. Five of the six BiSON telescopes are located at major observatories. The observational sites are, in order of increasing longitude: Mount Wilson (Hale) Observatory (MWO), California, USA; Las Campanas Observatory, Chile; Observatorio del Teide, Izaña, Tenerife, Canary Islands; the South African Astronomical Observatory, Sutherland, South Africa; Carnarvon, Western Australia; and the Paul Wild Observatory, Narrabri, New South Wales, Australia. The BiSON data may be used to measure atmospheric extinction coefficients in the {{{I}}}{{c}} band (approximately 700-900 nm), and presented here are the derived atmospheric extinction coefficients from each site over the years 1984-2016.

  5. Parental occupational exposure to solvents and heavy metals and risk of developing testicular germ cell tumors in sons (NORD-TEST Denmark).


    Olsson, Ann; Togawa, Kayo; Schüz, Joachim; Le Cornet, Charlotte; Fervers, Beatrice; Oksbjerg Dalton, Susanne; Pukkala, Eero; Feychting, Maria; Skakkebæk, Niels Erik; Hansen, Johnni


    Objective The present study aims to assess if parental occupational exposure to solvents or heavy metals is associated with risk of testicular germ cell tumors (TGCT) in sons in Denmark. Methods The NORD-TEST Denmark included 3421 cases diagnosed with TGCT at ages 14-49 years in Denmark between 1981 and 2014. Controls (N=14 024) selected from the central population registry were matched to cases on birth year. The Danish Supplementary Pension Fund provided parental occupational information. A job-exposure matrix was used to assign exposures, and conditional logistic regression models were used to estimate odds ratios (OR) and 95% confidence intervals (CI). Results The overall analyses showed no significant associations except for paternal exposure to a sub-group of "heavy metal(s) and solvent(s)" (OR 1.50, 95% CI 1.01-2.24). Most fathers in this category had worked in wood related jobs and were assigned exposure to chromium VI and toluene. Other sub-group analyses suggested that maternal exposure to aromatic hydrocarbon were associated with TGCT risk, in sons born in 1970-1979, and to heavy metals (chromium, iron and nickel) in sons born in 1980-1998. Conclusion NORD-TEST Denmark provides no strong support for an association between parental exposures to solvents or heavy metals and TGCT in sons, and only weak support for an association between paternal exposure to chromium and toluene and TGCT risk in sons.

  6. Mothers and Sons: Androgynous Relationships in African-West Indian and African-American Novels of Youth.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    LeSeur, Geta


    Four African-American and West Indian novels of childhood illustrate relationships and bonding between mothers and sons: (1) "Go Tell It on the Mountain" (James Baldwin); (2) "Not without Laughter" (Langston Hughes); (3) "Amongst Thistles and Thorns" (Austin Clarke); and (4) "In the Castle of My Skin"…

  7. Husband's preference for a son and women's nutrition: examining the role of actual and desired family composition on women's anaemia and body mass index in India.


    Sabarwal, Shagun; Subramanian, S V; McCormick, Marie C; Silverman, Jay G


    This study examines the relationship between the husband's preference for a son, sex composition of children and risk of anaemia and underweight among married Indian women. Information was collected regarding 29,517 couples having at least one child in the nationally representative 2005-06 National Family Health Survey of India. The exposures were husband's preference for a son and sex composition of children: sons only, daughters only and mixed. Outcome included maternal underweight and moderate/severe anaemia. Husband's preference for a son was not found to be associated with his wife's risk of anaemia or underweight. Sex composition of the children was modestly associated with increased odds of anaemia among women from households with daughters only as compared with those with sons only [AOR: 1.19; 95% CI 1.04, 1.35]. The findings from this population-based study of socio-cultural norms around preference for a son and married Indian women's nutritional status do not support the hypothesis that husband's preference for sons influences the nutritional status of their wives. However, having daughters only is associated with maternal anaemia for reasons that remain to be established. © 2011 Blackwell Publishing Ltd.

  8. Polyandrous females provide sons with more competitive sperm: Support for the sexy-sperm hypothesis in the rattlebox moth (Utetheisa ornatrix).


    Egan, Andrea L; Hook, Kristin A; Reeve, H Kern; Iyengar, Vikram K


    Given the costs of multiple mating, why has female polyandry evolved? Utetheisa ornatrix moths are well suited for studying multiple mating in females because females are highly polyandrous over their life span, with each male mate transferring a substantial spermatophore with both genetic and nongenetic material. The accumulation of resources might explain the prevalence of polyandry in this species, but another, not mutually exclusive, possibility is that females mate multiply to increase the probability that their sons will inherit more-competitive sperm. This latter "sexy-sperm" hypothesis posits that female multiple mating and male sperm competitiveness coevolve via a Fisherian runaway process. We tested the sexy-sperm hypothesis by using competitive double matings to compare the sperm competition success of sons of polyandrous versus monandrous females. In accordance with sexy-sperm theory, we found that in 511 offspring across 17 families, the male whose polyandrous mother mated once with each of three different males sired significantly more of all total offspring (81%) than did the male whose monandrous mother was mated thrice to a single male. Interestingly, sons of polyandrous mothers had a significantly biased sex ratio of their brood toward sons, also in support of the hypothesis. © 2015 The Author(s). Evolution © 2015 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  9. Toward the Autonomous Recording and Transmission of Seismic Data from the Oceans: Testing the Son-O-Mermaid Float in the Sargasso Sea

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Simon, J. D.; Simons, F. J.; Vincent, H. T.; Nolet, G.


    We report on the deployment of two new Son-O-Mermaid floats into theSargasso Sea during a cruise aboard the R/V Atlantic Explorer, whichdeparted from Bermuda in May of 2015. Son-O-Mermaid is a freelyfloating and autonomous oceangoing system composed of a surface buoyconnected to a length of cable from which a three-hydrophone array issuspended. The main objective of the Son-O-Mermaid project is torecord signals suitable for global tomography in the deep ocean andprovide the seismic community with an abundance of novel raypaths frompreviously unsampled regions of the Earth. The Son-O-Mermaid float,with its ability to continually record, analyze, and transmit seismicdata from the oceans in near-real time has the potential torevolutionize the field of seismology. We analyze new data returnedfrom this deployment, a previous Son-O-Mermaid test, as well as theongoing MERMAID mission in the time, spectral, and wavelet domains. Afull description of the float and deployment report will be presented.A short-term goal of the project is determining realistic magnitude,distance, and pressure relationships for teleseismic earthquakes thatare recorded in the water column. Our analysis of this question isaided by synthetics created using SPECFEM2D and guided by the data,especially noise records recorded by Son-O-Mermaid and MERMAID fromoceans throughout the world. Synthetics provide an idealized waveformuseful for understanding the often very messy and noisy arrivalscommon in midcolumn acoustic recordings. Notably, synthetics allowthe confirmation or rejection of unlikely phases which are matched toearthquake databases after arrivals are detected by automatic pickingalgorithms. Additionally, marine-acoustic processing techniques willbe improved once the underwater acoustic field is better modeled usingrealistic signal-to-noise ratios and noise spectra returned fromSon-O-Mermaid and MERMAID missions. This analysis, particularly whenimplemented in the wavelet domain, is proving

  10. "Fathers" and "sons" of theories in cell physiology: the membrane theory.


    Matveev, V V; Wheatley, D N


    The last 50 years in the history of life sciences are remarkable for a new important feature that looks as a great threat for their future. A profound specialization dominating in quickly developing fields of science causes a crisis of the scientific method. The essence of the method is a unity of two elements, the experimental data and the theory that explains them. To us, "fathers" of science, classically, were the creators of new ideas and theories. They were the true experts of their own theories. It is only they who have the right to say: "I am the theory". In other words, they were carriers of theories, of the theoretical knowledge. The fathers provided the necessary logical integrity to their theories, since theories in biology have still to be based on strict mathematical proofs. It is not true for sons. As a result of massive specialization, modern experts operate in very confined close spaces. They formulate particular rules far from the level of theory. The main theories of science are known to them only at the textbook level. Nowadays, nobody can say: "I am the theory". With whom, then is it possible to discuss today on a broader theoretical level? How can a classical theory--for example, the membrane one--be changed or even disproved under these conditions? How can the "sons" with their narrow education catch sight of membrane theory defects? As a result, "global" theories have few critics and control. Due to specialization, we have lost the ability to work at the experimental level of biology within the correct or appropriate theoretical context. The scientific method in its classic form is now being rapidly eroded. A good case can be made for "Membrane Theory", to which we will largely refer throughout this article.

  11. Mothers' Academic Gender Stereotypes and Education-Related Beliefs About Sons and Daughters in African American Families.


    Wood, Dana; Kurtz-Costes, Beth; Okeke-Adeyanju, Ndidi; Rowley, Stephanie J


    The role of African American mothers' academic gender stereotype endorsement in shaping achievement-related expectations for and perceptions of their own children was examined. Mothers (N = 334) of 7th and 8th graders completed measures of expectations for their children's future educational attainment, perceptions of their children's academic competence, and academic gender stereotypes. Consistent with hypotheses, mothers held less favorable expectations for sons and perceived sons to be less academically competent than daughters. In addition, mothers reported stereotypes favoring girls over boys in academic domains; stereotype endorsement, in turn, was related to mothers' educational expectations for and beliefs about the academic competence of their own children, even with youths' actual achievement controlled. Negative stereotypes about the academic abilities of African American boys may create a negative feedback loop, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the gender gap in African Americans' educational outcomes.

  12. Like father, like son: periventricular nodular heterotopia and nonverbal learning disorder.


    McCann, Marcia V; Pongonis, Stephen J; Golomb, Meredith R; Edwards-Brown, Mary; Christensen, Celanie K; Sokol, Deborah K


    Periventricular nodular heterotopia is a common malformation of cortical development in which the migration of developing neurons destined for the cerebral cortex is abbreviated. Bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia is most commonly an X-linked disorder that involves mutations in the filamin A (FLNA) gene, but an autosomal recessive form and sporadic forms have been identified. To our knowledge, autosomal dominant transmission of isolated periventricular nodular heterotopia has not been reported. Periventricular nodular heterotopia has a heterogeneous phenotype, associated commonly with seizure disorder, and more recently with reading deficits and visual-spatial deficits in some patients. We present a father and son with bilateral periventricular nodular heterotopia and similar visual-spatial learning deficits, consistent with nonverbal learning disability.

  13. Energy Security in Yemen

    DTIC Science & Technology


    le présent rapport, nous analysons la sécurité du secteur énergétique et de son infrastructure au Yémen et nous examinons les répercussions...conflits. Toutefois, le problème fondamental du secteur de l‘énergie au Yémen est l‘épuisement des réserves pétrolières, menant à une réduction rapide des...niveaux de production de pétrole. Le déclin du secteur de l‘énergie dans ce pays aura un effet très négligeable sur les réserves énergétiques

  14. Exploring Mothers’ and Fathers’ Relationships with Sons Versus Daughters: Links to Adolescent Adjustment in Mexican Immigrant Families

    PubMed Central

    Updegraff, Kimberly A.; Delgado, Melissa Y.; Wheeler, Lorey A.


    Drawing on ecological and gender socialization perspectives, this study examined mothers’ and fathers’ relationships with young adolescents, exploring differences between mothers and fathers, for sons versus daughters, and as a function of parents’ division of paid labor. Mexican immigrant families (N = 162) participated in home interviews and seven nightly phone calls. Findings revealed that mothers reported higher levels of acceptance toward adolescents and greater knowledge of adolescents’ daily activities than did fathers, and mothers spent more time with daughters than with sons. Linkages between parent-adolescent relationship qualities and youth adjustment were moderated by adolescent gender and parents’ division of paid labor. Findings revealed, for example, stronger associations between parent–adolescent relationship qualities and youth adjustment for girls than for boys. PMID:19779582

  15. Mothers’ Academic Gender Stereotypes and Education-Related Beliefs About Sons and Daughters in African American Families

    PubMed Central

    Wood, Dana; Kurtz-Costes, Beth; Okeke-Adeyanju, Ndidi; Rowley, Stephanie J.


    The role of African American mothers’ academic gender stereotype endorsement in shaping achievement-related expectations for and perceptions of their own children was examined. Mothers (N = 334) of 7th and 8th graders completed measures of expectations for their children’s future educational attainment, perceptions of their children’s academic competence, and academic gender stereotypes. Consistent with hypotheses, mothers held less favorable expectations for sons and perceived sons to be less academically competent than daughters. In addition, mothers reported stereotypes favoring girls over boys in academic domains; stereotype endorsement, in turn, was related to mothers’ educational expectations for and beliefs about the academic competence of their own children, even with youths’ actual achievement controlled. Negative stereotypes about the academic abilities of African American boys may create a negative feedback loop, thereby contributing to the maintenance of the gender gap in African Americans’ educational outcomes. PMID:20648228

  16. Rules Mothers and Sons Use to Integrate Intent and Damage Information in Their Moral Judgments.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Leon, Manuel


    The similarity between rules used by mothers and those used by sons was extensive. Results suggest that research should emphasize the process by which children come to employ multidimensional rules and the role of parental models in this process. Current research in moral judgments largely ignores the rule-governed nature of children's judgments.…

  17. 77 FR 72906 - Chessie Logistics Co., LLC-Acquisition and Operation Exemption-J. Emil Anderson & Son, Inc.

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Surface Transportation Board [Docket No. FD 35700] Chessie Logistics Co., LLC--Acquisition and Operation Exemption-- J. Emil Anderson & Son, Inc. Chessie Logistics Co..., including 431 feet of siding, in the city of Melrose Park, Cook County, Ill. (the Track). According to...

  18. Views of Astronaut (Col.) Joe Engle and son Jon with L-5 Piper Cub

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)


    Views of Astronaut (Col.) Joe Engle and son Jon with L-5 Piper Cub at Clover Airport. Photos includes Jon Engle sitting on side door frame working on portion of wing. Joe Engle is behind him working on a wing strut (34329); Joe Engle works on tightening bolt (34330); Jon Engle works on portion of wing which connects to the cockpit. Joe Engle works on connecting strut to wing (34331).

  19. Effets tardifs d'une irradiation corporelle totale sur le métabolisme intraneuronal de la dopamine et de la sérotonine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Joubert, C.; Jacquet, N.; Lambert, F.; Martin, S.; Martin, C.


    Whole-body irradiation leads to delayed cognitive dysfunction which could result from perturbations of neurotransmission, specially the dopaminergic and the serotoninergic one. The aim of this study was to determine the concentrations of dopamine (DA), serotonin (5-HT) and their metabolites in three cerebral areas of rats, one month after (neutron-gamma) irradiation at 3.38Gy. An increase of DA, 5-HT, and their catabolites was observed. These effects are weak but observed in older rats. Au cours des mois suivant une irradiation corporell totale peuvent se manifester des troubles comportementaux qui pourraient être la conséquence d'altérations de la neuraotransmission, plus particulièrement de la transmission dopaminergique ou sérotoninergique. Nous avons recherché les variations des taux de dopamine (DA), de sérotonine (5-HT) et de leurs métabolites dans 3structures cérébrales 1 mois après une irradiation (neutron-gamma) à la dose de 3,38Gy. Les résultats préliminaires mettent en évidence une augmentation des taux de DA, de 5-HT et de leurs catabolites ; ces effets sont plus discrets mais similaires à ceux observés chez des animaux plus âgés.

  20. Latino Parents' Awareness and Receipt of the HPV Vaccine for Sons and Daughters in a State with Low Three-Dose Completion.


    Kepka, Deanna; Ding, Qian; Bodson, Julia; Warner, Echo L; Mooney, Kathi


    Latinos suffer a disproportionate burden of human papillomavirus (HPV)-preventable cancers, yet uptake and completion of the HPV vaccine among Latinos is below recommendations. Reasons for low HPV vaccine uptake among Latinos in Utah are unknown. We surveyed Latino parents of HPV vaccine age-eligible adolescents (N=118). Univariable analyses identified sociodemographic characteristics associated with HPV vaccine awareness, interest, and uptake for daughter(s) and/or son(s) using chi-square tests or Fisher's exact tests. More parents who had lived in the USA for 15 years or more had vaccinated their daughter (43.6 vs. 32.5%, p=0.035) compared to those living in the USA for shorter time periods. Parents born in Mexico reported their son had not received the HPV vaccine (74.6 vs. 58.3%, p=0.049) more than those born elsewhere. Parents with Mexican birthplace and ancestry reported not knowing about the HPV vaccine as the main barrier to vaccinating daughters (47.1 vs. 5.9%, p=0.002 for both) and sons (birthplace 38.3 vs. 10.3%, p=0.007; ancestry 37.1 vs. 11.1%, p=0.013) compared to those born or descending elsewhere. Non-acculturated parents with a son were more likely to report not knowing about the HPV vaccine as the main barrier to vaccine receipt (47.6 vs. 12.5%, p<0.001). Our results focus on Latinos in an understudied region and complement prior research in other regions. This study may have implications for designing culturally tailored interventions to improve uptake of the HPV vaccine among the growing population of Latinos in Utah, and other states in the Intermountain West.

  1. Accident D’Electrisation et Hemorragie Cerebro-Meningee : A Propos D’une Observation

    PubMed Central

    Chaibdraa, A.; Medjellakh, M.S.; Saouli, A.; Bentakouk, M.C.


    Summary L'électrisation est un évènement accidentel qui diffère des autres pathologies occasionnant des brûlures graves, à cause de ses spécificités qui traduisent d'une part la destruction du revêtement cutané, mais également les effets directs ou indirects du courant électrique sur tout tissu de l'organisme rencontré lors de son passage, en particulier le tissu nerveux. Les manifestations neurologiques centrales sont nombreuses, en relation avec les effets de l'électricité sur le parenchyme cérébral ou une lésion associée à l'électrisation. Nous rapportons l'observation d'une hémorragie cérébro-meningée survenant au 3ème jour d'une électrisation grave. Cette complication est bien documentée dans la littérature traitant des accidents d'électrisation post-foudroiement. N'ayant pas rencontré de cas similaire publié lors des accidents dus au courant industriel, nous présentons cette observation, qui soulève le problème du mécanisme physiopathologique de survenue, difficile à trancher. PMID:21991125

  2. A case study of conflict management in bonobos: how does a bonobo (Pan paniscus) mother manage conflicts between her sons and her female coalition partner?


    Legrain, L; Stevens, J; Alegria Iscoa, J; Destrebecqz, A


    Female coalitions are an important part of the social organization of bonobos. The strength of the mother-son relationship is another essential part of this social structure. A bonobo mother is therefore facing a dilemma when a conflict arises between her sons and her female coalition partners. Will she take her coalition partner's side and favour the social organization of the group or support her son in order to defend her offspring? In order to address this issue, we performed an observational study of the captive group at Planckendael (Belgium) and used social grooming and proximity to assess the relationship between individuals. As a case study, we focused on the relationships between Hortense, one of the group's mothers, her 3 sons Redi, Vifijo and Zamba, and her coalition partner Hermien. Surprisingly, we observed that Hortense preferentially supported her female coalition partner. For Hortense's social status in the group, it may be more important to maintain the strong relationship with her higher-ranking female coalition partner than to support her sons. Copyright © 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel.

  3. Poetics of Narrative: A Study on the "Sons of the Wind" by Laila Al Atrash

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Al Zuraigat, Asma M.; Zeidanin, Hussein Hasan


    This study aims at identifying the poetic devices overlapping with the genre of fiction in Laila Al Atrash's novel "The Sons of the Wind". The devices the study explores are the poetics of the title, poetics of the prologue and poetics of the language upon which the writer relies to support her point of view about the topics and issues…

  4. Son preference in Pakistan: an analysis of intentions vs. behavior.


    De Tray, D


    The study assesses the extent to which the very strong expressed preference for sons in Pakistan influences couples' actual fertility behavior. Several fertility measures and estimation techniques were used to determine whether subsequent fertility behavior is influenced by the sex composition of previous births. Khan and Sirageldin's work on sex preference and desires for additional children in Pakistan were reviewed, followed by consideration of several methods of testing the relationship between sex of children and subsequent fertility and presentation of the results of several other tests of the hypothesis that sex composition of children affects actual fertility behavior. The Khan and Sirageldin (1977) results can be translated into a stopping rule which states that the higher the proportion of boys in a family, the less likely a couple is to go on to have another child. This finding, based on intentions, conflicts with the results based on actual behavior presented here. The Khan and Sirageldin results were extended by assessing the extent to which couples translated their very strong expressed preferences for sons into actual behavior. This extension was based on a sample of women, most of whom have completed fertility (all were aged 35 or older) and all of whom had at least 1 live birth. No overall relationship was found between the sex composition of children and subsequent fertility behavior. At least 2 explanations are possible for this inconsistency between intentions and behavior with each having a different implication for population policy and for the future of population growth in general. The first explanation is that in traditional societies such as Pakistan couples are unable to control their fertility adequately. The policy implications of this view suggest family planning and contraceptive distribution programs aimed at reducing the cost of achieving whatever desired family size couples want. Another explanation is that although parents

  5. Parents' experience of living with and caring for an adult son or daughter with schizophrenia at home in Ireland: a qualitative study.


    McAuliffe, R; O'Connor, L; Meagher, D


    This study explored the experience of parents living with, and caring for, an adult son or daughter with schizophrenia. There is increasing emphasis on the involvement of carers and users in the care for people with schizophrenia. 'A Vision for Change' highlights the need for a partnership approach and emphasizes that carers are an integral part in the planning and delivery of mental health services. In order to meet such requests, it was necessary to explore the meaning of caregiving for Irish families. A descriptive qualitative design was used to enable parents to describe their experiences. Semi-structured, in-depth interviews with a convenience sample of six parents in Ireland were carried out in 2007. The study encompassed four major themes: psychological tsunami, caring activities, coping with enduring illness and an uncertain pathway. Parents reported severe psychological distress when their son or daughter was diagnosed with schizophrenia. Their deep sense of loss was followed by acceptance of the situation. Feelings of love and a sense of responsibility helped to give meaning to their caring role. This study gave a voice to some parents of a son or daughter with schizophrenia. A family-centred approach should be at the core of care planning for this vulnerable population. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  6. Meaning Reconstruction Process After Suicide: Life-Story of a Japanese Woman Who Lost Her Son to Suicide.


    Kawashima, Daisuke; Kawano, Kenji


    Although Japan has a high suicide rate, there is insufficient research on the experiences of suicide-bereaved individuals. We investigated the qualitative aspects of the meaning reconstruction process after a loss to suicide. We conducted a life-story interview using open-ended questions with one middle-aged Japanese woman who lost her son to suicide. We used a narrative approach to transcribe and code the participant's narratives for analysis. The analysis revealed three meaning groups that structured the participant's reactions to the suicide: making sense of her son's death and life, relationships with other people, and reconstruction of a bond with the deceased. The belief that death is not an eternal split and that there is a connection between the living and the deceased reduced the pain felt by our participant. Furthermore, the narratives worked as scaffolds in the meaning reconstruction process. We discuss our results in the light of cross-cultural differences in the grieving process.

  7. Alexander Falconer Sr Seamen's missionary in New Zealand, son Alexander Falconer medical superintendent for mentally ill, grandson Murray Falconer neurosurgeon.


    Hawgood, Barbara J


    Alexander Falconer Sr (1843-1915) came from Scotland to New Zealand. A practical Christian, he set up places of relaxation for miners, sailors and soldiers; he became the Seamen's Missionary. Son, Dr Alexander Falconer (1874-1955) trained at Otago University Medical School. As medical superintendent for the mentally ill, he urged the early introduction of psychotherapy. His son, Murray Falconer (1910-1977) was the first Nuffield Dominions Clinical Fellow, training in neurosurgery in Oxford. He was the first director of the Guy's-Maudsley Neurosurgical Unit in London and was internationally known for the surgical management of temporal lobe epilepsy in adults and children. © The Author(s) 2016.

  8. Self-Regulation in Early Adolescence: Relations with Mother-Son Relationship Quality and Maternal Regulatory Support and Antagonism

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Moilanen, Kristin L.; Shaw, Daniel S.; Fitzpatrick, Amber


    The purpose of the current investigation was to examine relations among maternal regulatory support, maternal antagonism, and mother-son relationship quality in relation to boys' self-regulation during early adolescence. As part of a larger longitudinal study on 263 low-income, ethnically diverse boys, multiple informants and methods were used to…

  9. A new family of N dimensional superintegrable double singular oscillators and quadratic algebra Q(3) ⨁ so(n) ⨁ so(N-n)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fazlul Hoque, Md; Marquette, Ian; Zhang, Yao-Zhong


    We introduce a new family of N dimensional quantum superintegrable models consisting of double singular oscillators of type (n, N-n). The special cases (2,2) and (4,4) have previously been identified as the duals of 3- and 5-dimensional deformed Kepler-Coulomb systems with u(1) and su(2) monopoles, respectively. The models are multiseparable and their wave functions are obtained in (n, N-n) double-hyperspherical coordinates. We obtain the integrals of motion and construct the finitely generated polynomial algebra that is the direct sum of a quadratic algebra Q(3) involving three generators, so(n), so(N-n) (i.e. Q(3) ⨁ so(n) ⨁ so(N-n)). The structure constants of the quadratic algebra itself involve the Casimir operators of the two Lie algebras so(n) and so(N-n). Moreover, we obtain the finite dimensional unitary representations (unirreps) of the quadratic algebra and present an algebraic derivation of the degenerate energy spectrum of the superintegrable model.

  10. QCD Precision Measurements and Structure Function Extraction at a High Statistics, High Energy Neutrino Scattering Experiment:. NuSOnG

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Adams, T.; Batra, P.; Bugel, L.; Camilleri, L.; Conrad, J. M.; de Gouvêa, A.; Fisher, P. H.; Formaggio, J. A.; Jenkins, J.; Karagiorgi, G.; Kobilarcik, T. R.; Kopp, S.; Kyle, G.; Loinaz, W. A.; Mason, D. A.; Milner, R.; Moore, R.; Morfín, J. G.; Nakamura, M.; Naples, D.; Nienaber, P.; Olness, F. I.; Owens, J. F.; Pate, S. F.; Pronin, A.; Seligman, W. G.; Shaevitz, M. H.; Schellman, H.; Schienbein, I.; Syphers, M. J.; Tait, T. M. P.; Takeuchi, T.; Tan, C. Y.; van de Water, R. G.; Yamamoto, R. K.; Yu, J. Y.

    We extend the physics case for a new high-energy, ultra-high statistics neutrino scattering experiment, NuSOnG (Neutrino Scattering On Glass) to address a variety of issues including precision QCD measurements, extraction of structure functions, and the derived Parton Distribution Functions (PDF's). This experiment uses a Tevatron-based neutrino beam to obtain a sample of Deep Inelastic Scattering (DIS) events which is over two orders of magnitude larger than past samples. We outline an innovative method for fitting the structure functions using a parametrized energy shift which yields reduced systematic uncertainties. High statistics measurements, in combination with improved systematics, will enable NuSOnG to perform discerning tests of fundamental Standard Model parameters as we search for deviations which may hint of "Beyond the Standard Model" physics.

  11. [Suh Yang Park, who became a doctor as a son of a butcher].


    Park, Hyoung Woo; Hong, Jung Wan


    Dr. Suh Yang Park was born in 1885 as a son of a butcher, which was the lowest class at that time in Korea. However, contact with western missionaries, including Dr. 0. R. Avison, provided him with an understanding of western civilization. After entering Chejungwon Medical School in 1900, Dr. Park learned basic sciences, basic medical sciences like anatomy and physiology, and other Western medical specialties such as internal medicine and surgery. He graduated from medical school in 1908 and received Government Certificate from Home Office, the first in Korea in this field, which granted the right to practice medicine. His certificate number was 4th overall. As both a doctor and a talented musician, Dr. Park actively participated in the social enlightenment movement. He was quite progressive in his time, having surpassed the social limitations as a son of a butcher, as well as actively propagating his knowledge of Western civilization onto others. After graduation, he had served as a professor at the school he graduated from, until he went into exile in Manchuria in 1917 due to the annexation of Korea by Japan in 1910. There, he opened a hospital and provided medical treatment for Koreans. He also established a school for young Koreans, inspiring them with a sense of nationalism. Also, Dr. Park was an active member of various Independence Movement Organizations in Manchuria. Then in 1932, at the time when Japan took control of Manchuria, his school was closed down. As a result, Dr. Park couldn't help but stop his anti-Japanese activities. In 1936, he returned to his homeland and passed away in 1940, just five years before the liberation of Korea from Japanese occupation.

  12. Élaboration d'un bronze Cu-8%Sn fritté sous pression et l'étude de son aptitude à l'absorption

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Loucif, K.; Keraghel, F.; Alem, S.


    L'introduction des píeces miniatures dans le domaine de l'informatique et la microélectronique nécessite une grande précision et un environnement propre. D'autre part, la conservation d'énergie exige des pièces légères et une bonne longévité. Pour résoudre ces problèmes, des pièces autolubrifiées ont été proposées. En effet, plusieurs disciplines peuvent s'ingérer pour élaborer ces pièces: la métallurgie des poudres pour produire des pièces poreuses, la tribologie pour caractériser la pièce en fonctionnement et la mécanique des fluides pour évaluer le comportement échantillon -lubrifiant.
Dans ce présent travail, nous présentons l'évolution de la densité des échantillons élaborés en fonction de: la température d'élaboration, la pression de compactage, et le temps de maintien et l'évolution de l'absorption des lubrifiants par un alliage Cu-8% Sn fritté sous pression. Les lubrifiants choisis sont l'eau et une huile de machine à usage domestique et leur aptitude à l'autolubrification.

  13. Mother-son relationship as a risk factor for depressive symptoms among methamphetamine users

    PubMed Central

    Semple, Shirley J.; Strathdee, Steffanie A.; Zians, Jim; Patterson, Thomas L.


    Retrospective reports of children’s relationships with their parents have been associated with increased risk for depressive symptoms in adulthood. This study examined four dimensions of the current mother-child relationship (affection, criticism, over-involvement, conflict) in relation to depressive symptoms in a sample of 270 HIV-positive men who have sex with men (MSM). Depressive symptoms were positively associated with overt conflict or disagreement with mothers and perceived over-involvement by mothers, and inversely related to frequency of contact with mothers. These findings suggest that clinicians who treat HIV-positive methamphetamine-using MSM with depressive symptoms should evaluate issues in the mother-son relationship and consider family-based therapies as an adjunct to treatment. PMID:23543903

  14. Linking objects in the process of mourning for sons disappeared in war: Croatia 2001.


    Jurcević, Slavica; Urlić, Ivan


    Mothers use linking object to externalize the complex aspects of their relationship to the loss of their child. We analyzed the linking objects that mothers kept in memory of their sons who disappeared in the 1991-1995 war in Croatia or whose remains were uncovered and identified long time after they had gone missing. The case study of disturbed mourning included 26 mothers of Croatian soldiers from Croatian Osijek-Baranja County who went missing in war or whose remains were recovered and identified long after they had gone missing. The mothers were selected independently by the president of the Association of Families of Missing and Detained Croatian Soldiers and agreed to participate in the study in 2001. They were interviewed in their homes, their testimonies were recorded, and photographs of the linking objects taken. Linking objects were classified according to the Volkan's four-group classification. Out of four Volkan's groups of linking objects, we identified the objects belonging to the first three. Those were 1) objects that had been worn by the deceased (clothes, wrist-watch, ring, or glasses), (6/26); 2) objects that could be viewed in the psychoanalytic sense as an extension of the body of the disappeared or dead person, such as a camera (4/26); and 3) objects with realistic or symbolic resemblance to the deceased, usually a photograph (8/26). None of the examined objects belonged to the fourth Volkan's group (objects at hand when the news of the death came or objects present at the funeral, things that could be considered last-minute objects, ie, related to the moment when the deceased was last seen alive). However, 8/26 objects formed a new hitherto undescribed group. Mothers used such objects to create a memorial shrine to their sons. A photograph of the missing person or person whose remains were identified long after he had gone missing occupied a central place at the shrine, and was surrounded by other symbols of the Catholic iconography (Virgin

  15. Etude des melanges co-continus d'acide polylactique et d'amidon thermoplastique (PLA/TPS)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Chavez Garcia, Maria Graciela

    Les melanges co-continus sont des melanges polymeriques ou chaque composant se trouve dans une phase continue. Pour cette raison, les caracteristiques de chacun des composants se combinent et il en resulte un materiau avec une morphologie et des proprietes particulieres. L'acide polylactique (PLA) et l'amidon thermoplastique (TPS) sont des biopolymeres qui proviennent de ressources renouvelables et qui sont biodegradables. Dans ce projet, differents melanges de PLA et TPS a une haute concentration de TPS ont ete prepares dans une extrudeuse bi-vis afin de generer des structures co-continues. Grace a la technique de lixiviation selective, le TPS est enleve pour creer une structure poreuse de PLA qui a pu etre analysee au moyen de la microtomographie R-X et de la microscopie electronique a balayage MEB. L'analyse des images 2D et 3D confirme la presence de la structure co-continue dans les melanges dont la concentration en TPS. se situe entre 66% et 80%. L'effet de deux plastifiants, le glycerol seul et le melange de glycerol et de sorbitol, dans la formulation de TPS est etudie dans ce travail. De plus, nous avons evalue l'effet du PLA greffe a l'anhydride maleique (PLAg) en tant que compatibilisant. On a trouve que la phase de TPS obtenue avec le glycerol est plus grande. L'effet de recuit sur la taille de phases est aussi analyse. Grace aux memes techniques d'analyse, on a etudie l'effet du procede de moulage par injection sur la morphologie. On a constate que les pieces injectees presentent une microstructure heterogene et differente entre la surface et le centre de la piece. Pres de la surface, une peau plus riche en PLA est presente et les phases de TPS y sont allongees sous forme de lamelles. Plus au centre de la piece, une morphologie plus cellulaire est observee pour chaque phase continue. L'effet des formulations sur les proprietes mecaniques a aussi ete etudie. Les pieces injectees dont la concentration de TPS est plus grande presentent une moindre

  16. L'effet de p53 sur la radiosensibilité des cellules humaines normales et cancéreuses

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Little, J. B.; Li, C. Y.; Nagasawa, H.; Huang, H.


    The radiosensitivity of normal human fibroblasts in p53 dependent and associated with the loss of cells from the cycling population as the result of an irreversible G1 arrest; cells lacking normal p53 function show no arrest and are more radioresistant. Under conditions in which the repair potentially lethal radiation damage is facilitated, the fraction of cells arrested in G1 is reduced and survival is enhanced. The response of human tumor cells differs significantly. The radiation-induced G1 arrest is minimal or absent in p53+ tumor cells, and loss of normal p53 function has no consistent effect on their radiosensitivity. These results suggest that p53 status may not be a useful predictive marker for the response of human solid tumors to radiation therapy. La radiosensibilité des fibroblastes diploïdes humains est liée à l'expression de p53, et à la perte de cellules en cycle résultant d'un arrêt irréversible en phase G1 ; dans les cellules n'ayant pas une fonction p53 normale, on ne constate aucun arrêt, et elles sont plus radio-résistantes. Dans des conditions favorables à la réparation de lésions potentiellement léthales dues à l'irradiation, la proportion de cellules bloquées en phase G1 baisse, et les chances de survie sont accrues. Bien différente est la réaction des cellules cancéreuses humaines. Le blocage par irradiation en phase G1 est minime ou inexistant dans les cellules cancéreuses p53^+, et la perte de la fonction normale p53 n'a pas d'effet constant sur leur radiosensibilité. Ces résultats laissent penser que l'expression de p53 n'est pas un indice fiable permettant de prévoir la réaction des tumeurs solides à la radiothérapie.

  17. Effet de la composition des materiaux composites sur la caracterisation et detection par ondes de Lamb

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ostiguy, Pierre-Claude

    Les matériaux composites sont de plus en plus utilisés en aéronautique. Leurs excellentes propriétés mécaniques et leur faible poids leur procurent un avantage certain par rapport aux matériaux métalliques. Ceux-ci étant soumis à diverses conditions de chargement et environnementales, ils sont suceptibles de subir plusieurs types d'endommagements, compromettant leur intégrité. Des méthodes fiables d'inspection sont donc nécessaires pour évaluer leur intégrité. Néanmoins, peu d'approches non destructives, embarquées et efficaces sont présentement utilisées. Ce travail de recherche se penche sur l'étude de l'effet de la composition des matériaux composites sur la détection et la caractérisation par ondes guidées. L'objectif du projet est de développer une approche de caractérisation mécanique embarquée permettant d'améliorer la performance d'une approche d'imagerie par antenne piézoélectriques sur des structures composite et métalliques. La contribution de ce projet est de proposer une approche embarquée de caractérisation mécanique par ultrasons qui ne requiert pas une mesure sur une multitude d'échantillons et qui est non destructive. Ce mémoire par articles est divisé en quatre parties, dont les parties deux A quatre présentant les articles publiés et soumis. La première partie présente l'état des connaissances dans la matière nécessaires à l'acomplissement de ce projet de maîtrise. Les principaux sujets traités portent sur les matériaux composites, propagation d'ondes, la modélisation des ondes guidées, la caractérisation par ondes guidées et la surveillance embarquée des structures. La deuxième partie présente une étude de l'effet des propriétés mécaniques sur la performance de l'algorithme d'imagerie Excitelet. L'étude est faite sur une structure isotrope. Les résultats ont démontré que l'algorithme est sensible à l'exactitude des propriétés mécaniques utilisées dans le modèle. Cette

  18. Genetic data and de novo mutation rates in father-son pairs of 23 Y-STR loci in Southern Brazil population.


    Da Fré, Nicole Nascimento; Rodenbusch, Rodrigo; Gastaldo, André Zoratto; Hanson, Erin; Ballantyne, Jack; Alho, Clarice Sampaio


    We evaluated haplotype and allele frequencies, as well as statistical forensic parameters, for 23 Y-chromosome short tandem repeats (STRs) loci of the PowerPlex®Y23 system (DYS19, DYS385a/b, DYS389I/II, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, DYS393, DYS437, DYS438, DYS439, DYS448, DYS456, DYS458, DYS635, Y-GATA-H4, DYS481, DYS533, DYS549, DYS570, DYS576, DYS643) in a sample of 150 apparently healthy males, resident in South Brazil. A total of 150 different haplotypes were identified. The highest gene diversity (GD) was observed for the single locus marker DYS570 (GD = 0.7888) and for a two-locus system DYS385 (GD = 0.9009). We also examined 150 father-son pairs by the same system, and a total of 13 mutations were identified in the 3450 father-son allelic transfers, with an overall mutation rate across the 23 loci of 3.768 × 10(-3) (95% CI: 3.542 × 10(-3) to 3.944 × 10(-3)). In all cases there was only one locus mutated with gain/loss of repeats in the son (5 one-repeat gains, and 7 one-repeat and 1 two-repeat losses); we observed no instances of mutations involving a non-integral number of repeats.

  19. A tentative 2D thermal model of central India across the Narmada-Son Lineament (NSL)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rai, S. N.; Thiagarajan, S.


    This work deals with 2D thermal modeling in order to delineate the crustal thermal structure of central India along two Deep Seismic Sounding (DSS) profiles, namely Khajuriakalan-Pulgaon and Ujjan-Mahan, traversing the Narmada-Son-Lineament (NSL) in an almost north-south direction. Knowledge of the crustal structure and P-wave velocity distribution up to the Moho, obtained from DSS studies, has been used for the development of the thermal model. Numerical results reveal that the Moho temperature in this region of central India varies between 500 and 580 °C. The estimated heat flow density value is found to vary between 46 and 49 mW/m 2. The Curie depth varies between 40 and 42 km and is in close agreement with the Curie depth (40±4 km) estimated from the analysis of MAGSAT data. Based on the present work and previous work, it is suggested that the major part of peninsular India consisting of the Wardha-Pranhita Godavari graben/basin, Bastar craton and the adjoining region of the Narmada Son Lineament between profiles I and III towards the north and northwest of the Bastar craton are characterized with a similar mantle heat flow density value equal to ˜23 mW/m 2. Variation in surface heat flow density values in these regions are caused by variation in the radioactive heat production and fluid circulation in the upper crustal layer.

  20. Successful sons or superior daughters: sex-ratio variation in springbok

    PubMed Central

    Krüger, O.; Radford, A.N.; Anderson, C.; Liversidge, R.


    Mothers would often benefit from producing more offspring of one sex than the other. Although some species show an astonishing ability to skew their sex ratio adaptively, the trends found in many studies on vertebrates have proved inconsistent. Furthermore, evidence for a mechanism by which such a bias is achieved is equivocal at best. Here, we examine sex-ratio variation over 30 years, both at an individual and a population level, in the highly polygynous, size-dimorphic springbok (Antidorcas marsupialis). Many previous studies of similar species have shown that mothers in superior condition preferentially produce sons, whereas those in poorer condition produce more daughters. We found the opposite to be true in springbok, perhaps because daughters provide mothers in superior condition with a more rapid and secure fitness return. This theory was supported by the findings that earlier-conceived offspring tended to be female and that an increased proportion of daughters were produced with increasing rainfall (which was likely to reduce nutritional stress). We also show that selective reabsorption of embryos is unlikely to be the main mechanism by which deviations from an equal sex ratio are achieved. Hence, either differential implantation occurs or females are able to influence the sex of the sperm fertilizing an egg. PMID:15734691

  1. Examination of the Film "My Father and My Son" According to the Basic Concepts of Multigenerational Family Therapy

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Acar, Tulin; Voltan-Acar, Nilufer


    The aim of this study was to evaluate the basic concepts of multigenerational Family Therapy and to evaluate the scenes of the film ''My Father and My Son'' according to these concepts. For these purposes firstly basic concepts of Multigenerational Family Therapy such as differentiation of self, triangles/triangulation, nuclear family emotional…

  2. Pathways to Prevention: Improving Nonresident African American Fathers' Parenting Skills and Behaviors to Reduce Sons' Aggression

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Caldwell, Cleopatra Howard; Antonakos, Cathy L.; Assari, Shervin; Kruger, Daniel; De Loney, E. Hill; Njai, Rashid


    This study describes a test of the Fathers and Sons Program for increasing intentions to avoid violence and reducing aggressive behaviors in 8-to 12-year-old African American boys by enhancing the parenting skills satisfaction and parenting behaviors of their nonresident fathers. The study included 158 intervention and 129 comparison group…

  3. Mid- to late Holocene climate-driven regime shifts inferred from diatom, ostracod and stable isotope records from Lake Son Kol (Central Tian Shan, Kyrgyzstan)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Schwarz, Anja; Turner, Falko; Lauterbach, Stefan; Plessen, Birgit; Krahn, Kim J.; Glodniok, Sven; Mischke, Steffen; Stebich, Martina; Witt, Roman; Mingram, Jens; Schwalb, Antje


    Arid Central Asia represents a key region for understanding climate variability and interactions in the Northern Hemisphere. Patterns and mechanisms of Holocene climate change in arid Central Asia are, however, only partially understood. Multi-proxy data combining diatom, ostracod, sedimentological, geochemical and stable isotope analyses from a ca. 6000-year-old lake sediment core from Son Kol (Central Kyrgyzstan) show distinct and repeated changes in species assemblages. Diatom- and ostracod-inferred conductivity shifts between meso-euhaline and freshwater conditions suggest water balance and regime shifts. Organism-derived data are corroborated by stable isotope, mineralogical and geochemical records, underlining that Son Kol was affected by strong lake level fluctuations of several meters. The δ13Ccarb/δ18Ocarb correlation shows repeated switchovers from a closed to an open lake system. From 6000 to 3800 and 3250 to 1950 cal. yr BP, Son Kol was a closed basin lake with higher conductivities, increased nutrient availability and a water level located below the modern outflow. Son Kol became again a hydrologically open lake at 3800 and 1950 cal. yr BP. Comparisons to other local and regional paleoclimate records indicate that these regime shifts were largely controlled by changing intensity and position of the Westerlies and the Siberian Anticyclone that triggered changes in the amount of winter precipitation. A strong influence of the Westerlies ca. 5000-4400, 3800-3250 and since 1950 cal. yr BP enhanced the amount of precipitation during spring, autumn and winter, whereas cold and dry winters prevailed during phases with a strong Siberian Anticyclone and southward shifted Westerlies at ca. 6000-5000, 4400-3800 and 3250-1950 cal. yr BP. Similarities between variations in winter precipitation at Son Kol and records of the predominant NAO-mode further suggest a teleconnection between wet (dry) winter climate in Central Asia and a positive (negative) NAO

  4. Legacies and Memorializations in the Intergenerational Transmission of Psychic Life: Psychoanalytic Notes on Some of the Ways in Which Sons Assume Their Father's Mantle.


    Barratt, Barnaby B


    The intergenerational transmission of psychic life has been difficult to explore psychoanalytically given that a treatment of both parent and child is rarely, if ever, feasible. Here the issue is explored in terms of father-son relationships. Three legendary fathers (Abraham, Laius, Shiva) are discussed as illustrating the filicidal legacy they imposed psychically and corporeally on their sons. Three contemporary case vignettes are then presented, indicating ways in which sons ambivalently memorialize their fathers. This material provides a model as to some of the ways in which sons assume the mantle of the father's conscious and unconscious dynamics in the course of their personal history. Paternal legacies generate "memorializations" that express profound and poignant conflicts animating the son's psychic life. In the context of this investigation, the significance of the distinction between actual fathers or father figures (who are mortal, who possess some sort of gendered qualities, and who may be present or absent, emotionally and physically) and the "symbolic father" (who is the locus of the phallus that organizes the possibility of representational discourse) is discussed. It is suggested that boys and men typically develop in terms of confusions around this distinction. The oedipal conundrum and challenge of the boy's passage into manhood is then formulated as follows: Masculinity involves both the integration of patricidal desire (in response to the paternal legacy) and the mourning of actual fathers or father figures. It also involves the acceptance of the human condition, which is both that of mortality and of our "castratedness" in relation to the "symbolic father" as the locus of the phallus (the only one who knows whereof "He" speaks and acts, and who can neither be mourned nor surpassed).

  5. The Quest of Father and Son: Illuminating Character Identity, Motivation, and Conflict in Cormac McCarthy's "The Road"

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Gilbert, Chris


    "The Road" has been an important part of the author's English IV Honors course for several years now. Undeniably bleak, it details a father and son's journey through a seared, post-apocalyptic wasteland. As they travel through the burnt remains of America, they are threatened by starvation, dehydration, and scattered, hostile humans. Although his…

  6. Sexual imprinting on continuous variation: do female zebra finches prefer or avoid unfamiliar sons of their foster parents?


    Schielzeth, H; Burger, C; Bolund, E; Forstmeier, W


    Sexual imprinting on discrete variation that serves the identification of species, morphs or sexes is well documented. By contrast, sexual imprinting on continuous variation leading to individual differences in mating preferences within a single species, morph and sex has been studied only once (in humans). We measured female preferences in a captive population of wild-type zebra finches. Individual cross-fostering ensured that all subjects grew up with unrelated foster parents and nest mates. Females from two cohorts (N = 113) were given a simultaneous choice between (two or four) unfamiliar males, one of which was a genetic son of their foster parents (SFP). We found no significant overall preference for the SFP (combined effect size d = 0.14 +/- 0.15). Additionally, we tested if foster parent traits could potentially explain between-female variation in preferences. However, neither the effectiveness of cooperation between the parents nor male contribution to parental care affected female preferences for the son of the foster father. We conclude that at least in zebra finches sexual imprinting is not a major source of between-individual variation in mating preferences.

  7. The association between an abusive father-son relationship, quantity of alcohol consumption, and male-to-male alcohol-related aggression.


    Miller, Peter; Hargreaves, Jessica; Curtis, Ashlee; Zinkiewicz, Lucy


    While alcohol consumption and heavy episodic (binge) drinking are well-established predictors of male-to-male alcohol-related aggression (MMARA), the role of the father-son relationship in MMARA has yet to be explored. This study therefore examined whether fathering by the biological father rather than another father figure, negative fathering, and gender role modeled by the father figure were significant predictors of involvement in MMARA, once drinking frequency and quantity and heavy episodic drinking were controlled for. A total of 121 university students aged 18 to 25 years (M = 20.63, SD = 1.77 years) voluntarily completed the online questionnaire. The only significant predictors of perpetration of MMARA were a more abusive paternal relationship and drinking quantity (number of standard drinks usually consumed when drinking). Negative father-son relationships may play a role in fostering young men's perpetration of MMARA in the barroom context. Copyright © 2013 by the Research Society on Alcoholism.

  8. Engineers have more sons, nurses have more daughters: an evolutionary psychological extension of Baron-Cohen's extreme male brain theory of autism.


    Kanazawa, Satoshi; Vandermassen, Griet


    In his extreme male brain theory of autism, Baron-Cohen postulates that having a typically male brain was adaptive for ancestral men and having a typically female brain was adaptive for ancestral women. He also suggests that brain types are substantially heritable. These postulates, combined with the insight from the Trivers-Willard hypothesis regarding parental ability to vary offspring sex ratio, lead to the prediction that people who have strong male brains should have more sons than daughters, and people who have strong female brains should have more daughters than sons. The analysis of the 1994 US General Social Survey data provides support for this prediction. Our results suggest potentially fruitful extensions of both Baron-Cohen's theory and the Trivers-Willard hypothesis.

  9. Bad Mothers and Monstrous Sons: Autistic Adults, Lifelong Dependency, and Sensationalized Narratives of Care.


    Allen, Holly


    Sensationalized representations of autistic families in film and other media frequently feature violent encounters between mothers and sons. This essay analyzes two media stories and three films that suggest how limited-and therefore misleading-popular representations of the autism family are. Except for one of the films, these representations blame the problem of adult autistic dependency on either monstrous autism or bad mothering. Doing so elides collective social responsibility for autism care and denies the reality that autistic adults continue to have complex dependency needs that families cannot always meet. Narratives that sensationalize youth and adults with autism or scapegoat their maternal caregivers also diminish opportunities for social inclusion and for autistic people to live fully and dependently.

  10. SysSon: A Sonification Platform for Climate Data

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Visda, Goudarzi; Hanns Holger, Rutz; Katharina, Vogt


    Climate data provide a challenging working basis for sonification. Both model data and measured data are assessed in collaboration with the Wegener Center for Climate and Global Change. The multi dimensionality and multi variety of climate data has a great potential for auditory displays. Furthermore, there is consensus on global climate change and the necessity of intensified climate research today in the scientific community and general public. Sonification provides a new means to communicate scientific results and inform a wider audience. SysSon is a user centered auditory platform for climate scientists to analyze data. It gives scientists broader insights by extracting hidden patterns and features from data that is not possible using a single modal visual interface. A variety of soundscapes to chose from lessens the fatigue that comes with repeated and sustained listening to long streams of data. Initial needs assessments and user tests made the work procedures and the terminology of climate scientists clear and informed the architecture of our system. Furthermore, experiments evaluated the sound design which led to a more advanced soundscape and improvement of the auditory display. We present a novel interactive sonification tool which combines a workspace for the scientists with a development environment for sonification models. The tool runs on different operating systems and is released as open source. In the standalone desktop application, multiple data sources can be imported, navigated and manipulated either via text or a graphical interface, including traditional plotting facilities. Sound models are built from unit generator graphs which are enhanced with matrix manipulation functions. They allow us to systematically experiment with elements known from the visual domain, such as range selections, scaling, thresholding, markers and labels. The models are organized in an extensible library, from which the user can choose and parametrize. Importance is

  11. Technical Status Review on Drag Prediction and Analysis from Computational Fluid Dynamics: State of the Art

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Methodes de Panel) ct sur l’equation complete du potentiel avec ou sans incorporation des effets visqueux. sont couramment employees darn l’industrie...quo pour ce qui eat do Is privision do Is tralnie ia situation actuolle nett pas satisfaisante. Il est en effet plus facile d’obtonir do bonnos...d’un nouvel appareil civil ou militairo utilisont donc encore largaent les essais en soufflerie en Is1 C. minimum eat ensuite corrigE des effets

  12. "My Son Is Reliable": Young Drivers' Parents' Optimism and Views on the Norms of Parental Involvement in Youth Driving

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Guttman, Nurit


    The high crash rates among teenage drivers are of great concern across nations. Parents' involvement is known to help increase their young drivers' driving safety. In particular, parents can place restrictions on their son's/daughter's driving (e.g., restrict night time driving), which can enable the young driver to gain driving experience in…

  13. Differences in Interaction Patterns of Families with First or Second Grade Sons Rated High or Low in Classroom Adjustment.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    St. Pierre, Susan; And Others

    This study attempts to determine whether families with a son rated by his teacher as either "high" or "low" on classroom adjustment (behavior indicative of social maturity and achievement motivation) could be differentiated on the basis of their communicative patterns. It was questioned if significant differences existed in the amount of positive…

  14. Bidirectional Associations Between Externalizing Behavior Problems and Maladaptive Parenting Within Parent-Son Dyads Across Childhood.


    Besemer, Sytske; Loeber, Rolf; Hinshaw, Stephen P; Pardini, Dustin A


    Coercive parent-child interaction models posit that an escalating cycle of negative, bidirectional interchanges influences the development of boys' externalizing problems and caregivers' maladaptive parenting over time. However, longitudinal studies examining this hypothesis have been unable to rule out the possibility that between-individual factors account for bidirectional associations between child externalizing problems and maladaptive parenting. Using a longitudinal sample of boys (N = 503) repeatedly assessed eight times across 6-month intervals in childhood (in a range between 6 and 13 years), the current study is the first to use novel within-individual change (fixed effects) models to examine whether parents tend to increase their use of maladaptive parenting strategies following an increase in their son's externalizing problems, or vice versa. These bidirectional associations were examined using multiple facets of externalizing problems (i.e., interpersonal callousness, conduct and oppositional defiant problems, hyperactivity/impulsivity) and parenting behaviors (i.e., physical punishment, involvement, parent-child communication). Analyses failed to support the notion that when boys increase their typical level of problem behaviors, their parents show an increase in their typical level of maladaptive parenting across the subsequent 6 month period, and vice versa. Instead, across 6-month intervals, within parent-son dyads, changes in maladaptive parenting and child externalizing problems waxed and waned in concert. Fixed effects models to address the topic of bidirectional relations between parent and child behavior are severely underrepresented. We recommend that other researchers who have found significant bidirectional parent-child associations using rank-order change models reexamine their data to determine whether these findings hold when examining changes within parent-child dyads.

  15. Persistance du 5ème arc aortique associé à une interruption de l’arche aortique

    PubMed Central

    Houssa, Mahdi Ait; Atmani, Noureddine; Bamous, Mehdi; Abdou, Abdessamad; Nya, Fouad; Seghrouchni, Anis; Amahzoune, Brahim; El Bekkali, Youssef; Drissi, Mohamed; Boulahya, Abdelatif


    Les auteurs rapportent un cas de persistance du 5ème arc aortique associé à une interruption totale de l'arche aortique. Ce cas clinique montre le piège diagnostic posé par la persistance du 5ème arc aortique et son effet bénéfique hémodynamique. Le tableau clinique était trompeur en préopératoire en raison de la persistance des pouls fémoraux et des signes cliniques d'un shunt gauche-droite via un large canal artériel. Le diagnostic a été redressé en peropératoire grâce au monitorage de la pression artérielle par un cathéter placé dans l'artère fémorale. PMID:29187934

  16. La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon: cas isolé ou problème méconnu?

    PubMed Central

    Ntyonga-Pono, Marie-Pierrette


    La carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte est un sujet d'actualité à cause de ses multiples effets et de son extension de par le monde. Cependant elle est peu explorée au Gabon et en Afrique centrale en général. Le but de cet article qui rapporte trois cas documentés de carence en vitamine D chez l'adulte au Gabon, est d'attirer l'attention sur l'existence de ce problème même en zone équatoriale ensoleillée. Vu les implications de cette carence dans diverses pathologies osseuses, cardio-vasculaires, métaboliques, infectieuses, auto-immunes, néoplasiques..., des recherches plus approfondies sont nécessaires pour cerner le problème et prendre des mesures appropriées. PMID:25815104

  17. Hémothorax spontané révélant une vascularite de Wegener chez une femme enceinte

    PubMed Central

    Serhane, Hind; Yassine, Msougar; Amro, Lamyae


    L’hémothorax spontané demeure une pathologie rare. Ses étiologies sont multiples mais restent parfois inconnues. Chez certains patients, la thoracotomie peut être le seul recours pour déterminer son origine. Les vascularites n’ont pas été rapporté comme cause habituelle des hémothorax spontanés. La grossesse ne semble pas avoir d’effet causal, ni aggravant des hémothorax spontanés, ni des vascularites. Nous rapportons une observation assez particulière d’une jeune patiente, présentant au cours de sa grossesse un hémothorax spontané secondaire à une vasularite de type Wegener, diagnostiquée par la biopsie pleurale faite au cours d’une thoracotomie exploratrice et confirmée par le dosage des ANCA. PMID:28154726

  18. Parental choice: what parents want in a son-in-law and a daughter-in-law across 67 pre-industrial societies.


    Apostolou, Menelaos


    Parents are influential over mate choice, and in most human societies they choose spouses for their offspring according to their own preferences. However, surprising little is known about the qualities which make a woman desirable as a daughter-in-law and a man desirable as a son-in-law. Using evidence from 67 societies such traits are identified and three hypotheses are tested: first, the hypothesis is tested that parents desire in an in-law qualities which are beneficial to them and their kin. Second, it is hypothesized that such preferences are contingent upon the sex of the in-law, as traits are weighted differently in a daughter-in-law and in a son-in-law. The third hypothesis tested is that parental preferences vary according to the subsistence type of a given society, as traits are valued differently in agropastoral societies and foraging societies. The evidence presented here provides support for all three hypotheses.

  19. When mothers make sons sexy: maternal effects contribute to the increased sexual attractiveness of extra-pair offspring.


    Tschirren, Barbara; Postma, Erik; Rutstein, Alison N; Griffith, Simon C


    Quality differences between offspring sired by the social and by an extra-pair partner are usually assumed to have a genetic basis, reflecting genetic benefits of female extra-pair mate choice. In the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), we identified a colour ornament that is under sexual selection and appears to have a heritable basis. Hence, by engaging in extra-pair copulations with highly ornamented males, females could, in theory, obtain genes for increased offspring attractiveness. Indeed, sons sired by extra-pair partners had larger ornaments, seemingly supporting the genetic benefit hypothesis. Yet, when comparing ornament size of the social and extra-pair partners, there was no difference. Hence, the observed differences most likely had an environmental basis, mediated, for example, via differential maternal investment of resources into the eggs fertilized by extra-pair and social partners. Such maternal effects may (at least partly) be mediated by egg size, which we found to be associated with mean ornament expression in sons. Our results are consistent with the idea that maternal effects can shape sexual selection by altering the genotype-phenotype relationship for ornamentation. They also caution against automatically attributing greater offspring attractiveness or viability to an extra-pair mate's superior genetic quality, as without controlling for differential maternal investment we may significantly overestimate the role of genetic benefits in the evolution of extra-pair mating behaviour.

  20. When mothers make sons sexy: maternal effects contribute to the increased sexual attractiveness of extra-pair offspring

    PubMed Central

    Tschirren, Barbara; Postma, Erik; Rutstein, Alison N.; Griffith, Simon C.


    Quality differences between offspring sired by the social and by an extra-pair partner are usually assumed to have a genetic basis, reflecting genetic benefits of female extra-pair mate choice. In the zebra finch (Taeniopygia guttata), we identified a colour ornament that is under sexual selection and appears to have a heritable basis. Hence, by engaging in extra-pair copulations with highly ornamented males, females could, in theory, obtain genes for increased offspring attractiveness. Indeed, sons sired by extra-pair partners had larger ornaments, seemingly supporting the genetic benefit hypothesis. Yet, when comparing ornament size of the social and extra-pair partners, there was no difference. Hence, the observed differences most likely had an environmental basis, mediated, for example, via differential maternal investment of resources into the eggs fertilized by extra-pair and social partners. Such maternal effects may (at least partly) be mediated by egg size, which we found to be associated with mean ornament expression in sons. Our results are consistent with the idea that maternal effects can shape sexual selection by altering the genotype–phenotype relationship for ornamentation. They also caution against automatically attributing greater offspring attractiveness or viability to an extra-pair mate's superior genetic quality, as without controlling for differential maternal investment we may significantly overestimate the role of genetic benefits in the evolution of extra-pair mating behaviour. PMID:21957136

  1. [Comment on “IGBP: Crown jewel or prodigal son?” by Juan Roederer] IGBP and ICSU

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wooster, Warren S.

    Juan Roederer's article about IGBP (International Geosphere-Biosphere Program) and ICSU (International Council of Scientific Unions) in Eos, (“IGBP: Crown Jewel or Prodigal Son?” December 12, 1989, p. 1552) has interesting implications for the organization of international scientific cooperation within the framework of ICSU.In ICSU, power is divided between the International Scientific Union members and National Members (representing national academies and research councils). Even though the research sponsored by ICSU is done at national expense, and the operating expenses of ICSU come directly or indirectly from national sources, the Unions tend to hold the balance of power.

  2. "We Txt 2 Sty Cnnectd": An African American Mother and Son Communicate: Digital Literacies, Meaning-Making, and Activity Theory Systems

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lewis, Tisha Y.


    This research demonstrated how an African American mother and son communicated via texting and instant messaging at home. Data from a 2007 larger ethnographic case study of a family's digital literacy practices were collected and analyzed. Situated within the framework of New Literacy Studies and multimodality, this research explored: (a) how and…

  3. L'effet Peltier appliqué à la conception et la réalisation d'un nouveau capteur de débit massique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Wattiau, F.; Gaviot, E.; Thery, P.


    éalisation d'un nouveau capteur de débit massique basé sur l'effet Peltier. Le capteur en forme de circuit imprimé bimétallique, comporte plusieurs pistes métalliques continues parallèles entre elles et partiellement recouvertes par un grand nombre de dépôts électrolytiques de nature différente. Un tel circuit se comporte comme un circuit thermoélectrique classique dans lequel les parties homogènes non recouvertes par le dépôt électrolytique constituent le premier conducteur du couple, les parties plaquées constituant le second conducteur. La méthode de mesure consiste à faire passer un courant électrique dans une ou plusieurs pistes constituant le circuit émetteur de façon à générer par effet Peltier des gradients thermiques qui seront détectés par un circuit détecteur identique placé à proximité. Dans le cas particulier d'un fluide au repos, la f.e.m. détectée par le circuit détecteur dépend de la conductivité thermique du fluide. Lorsque le fluide est en mouvement relatif par rapport au circuit, il est possible de détecter une f.e.m. dépendant en grandeur et en signe de la vitesse d'écoulement du fluide. A titre d'application un capteur de débit massique a été réalisé en plaçant les circuits thermoélectriques dans une canalisation parcourue par le fluide en mouvement.

  4. Meta-analysis suggests choosy females get sexy sons more than "good genes".


    Prokop, Zofia M; Michalczyk, Łukasz; Drobniak, Szymon M; Herdegen, Magdalena; Radwan, Jacek


    Female preferences for specific male phenotypes have been documented across a wide range of animal taxa, including numerous species where males contribute only gametes to offspring production. Yet, selective pressures maintaining such preferences are among the major unknowns of evolutionary biology. Theoretical studies suggest that preferences can evolve if they confer genetic benefits in terms of increased attractiveness of sons ("Fisherian" models) or overall fitness of offspring ("good genes" models). These two types of models predict, respectively, that male attractiveness is heritable and genetically correlated with fitness. In this meta-analysis, we draw general conclusions from over two decades worth of empirical studies testing these predictions (90 studies on 55 species in total). We found evidence for heritability of male attractiveness. However, attractiveness showed no association with traits directly associated with fitness (life-history traits). Interestingly, it did show a positive correlation with physiological traits, which include immunocompetence and condition. In conclusion, our results support "Fisherian" models of preference evolution, while providing equivocal evidence for "good genes." We pinpoint research directions that should stimulate progress in our understanding of the evolution of female choice. © 2012 The Author(s). Evolution© 2012 The Society for the Study of Evolution.

  5. Sons as sole caregivers for their elderly parents. How do they cope?

    PubMed Central

    Thompson, B.; Tudiver, F.; Manson, J.


    OBJECTIVE: To examine the experiences of men who are sole caregivers for their elderly parents. DESIGN: Semistructured in-depth interviews. SETTING: Family practice clinic attached to a large tertiary care centre in north central Toronto. PARTICIPANTS: A convenience sample of 10 men who identified themselves as sole caregivers in that they had no particular women assisting them with caregiving. METHOD: Interviews were analyzed by standard qualitative methods. MAIN FINDINGS: Emerging themes were the spectrum of caregiving, the experience of caregiving, and the use of formal support systems. Scope of care varied from very little to total care, including personal care. Participants described positive and negative aspects of and the nature of their relationships with those for whom they cared. Avoiding institutionalization was seen as positive; effects on work and social life were negative. Use of more than homemaking services was associated with previous hospitalization; participants complained about difficulties accessing services. CONCLUSIONS: The nature of sons' relationships with their parents and the amount of time they have available can predict how much caregiving they can undertake. Information about community support services is not readily accessible to these men. PMID:10690492

  6. Tan Son Nhut AB, Saigon, Vietnam. Revised Uniform Summary of Surface Weather Observations (RUSSWO). Parts A-F

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Distribution Unlimited L’ ’-- -- - 7 - 77 N4®r" I4~ "’ - ’ - Review and Approval Statement This report is approved for public release. There is no has been reviewed and is approved for publication. •C C O M , C hr e Technical Information Section a USAFETAC/TST FOR THE COMMANDER ! W S . URGA A...TAN SON NHUT AS VIETNAM/SAIGON .... .65-71 STAIION STATION NAME YEARS DAILY SNOW DEPTH IN INCMES /bASED ON LESS THAN FULL MONTHS/ MAPEH JUN J ALL YER

  7. Les recommandations thérapeutiques relatives aux effets secondaires extrapyramidaux associés à l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Doja, Asif; Belanger, Stacey; Patten, Scott


    HISTORIQUE ET OBJECTIF : L’utilisation d’antipsychotiques augmente chez les enfants. Le présent article visait à orienter les cliniciens quant à la prise en charge clinique des effets secondaires extrapyramidaux des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les publications, les entrevues avec des informateurs clés et des échanges avec les membres d’un groupe de discussion et les partenaires ont permis de déterminer les principaux secteurs cliniques d’orientation et les préférences quant à la structure des présentes recommandations. Les membres responsables des lignes directrices ont reçu le projet de recommandations, ont évalué l’information recueillie grâce à une analyse bibliographique systématique et ont utilisé un processus de groupe nominal pour parvenir à un consensus quant aux recommandations thérapeutiques. Les lignes directrices contiennent une description des anomalies neurologiques souvent observées avec l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques ainsi que les recommandations sur le moyen d’examiner et de quantifier ces anomalies. Une démarche séquentielle sur la prise en charge des anomalies neurologiques est présentée. RÉSULTATS : On peut observer plusieurs types de symptômes extrapyramidaux attribuables à l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques chez les enfants, y compris la dystonie aiguë, l’akathisie, le parkinsonisme et la dyskinésie tardive, toutes induites par les neuroleptiques, de même que la dystonie tardive, l’akathisie tardive et les dyskinésies de sevrage. La forte majorité des données probantes sur le traitement des troubles du mouvement induits par les antipsychotiques proviennent de patients adultes atteints de schizophrénie. Étant donné le peu de données pédiatriques, les recommandations découlent de publications portant tant sur des adultes que sur des enfants. Compte tenu des limites de généralisation des données provenant de sujets adultes pour des enfants, il

  8. Prediction de l’Eclatement Tourbillonnaire sur les Ailes Delta d’Avions Militaires (CFD Prediction of Vortex Breakdown on Delta Wings for Military Aircraft)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    moins développé que le tourbillon expérimental. En moyenne, par effet de compensation entre la région de bord d’attaque et la région proche de ...que les effets d’anisotropie de la turbulence. Un premier élément de réponse peut être obtenu en utilisant un modèle de turbulence un plus élaboré, tel...que l’EARSM (Explicit Algebraïc Reynolds Stress Model) qui prend en compte les effets de rotation et d’anisotropie [Ref 6]. Nous verrons au paragraphe

  9. 75 FR 5359 - In the Matter of L. Luria & Son, Inc., Lew Corp. (n/k/a Questus Global Limited), Library Bureau...

    Federal Register 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014


    ... SECURITIES AND EXCHANGE COMMISSION [File No. 500-1] In the Matter of L. Luria & Son, Inc., Lew Corp. (n/k/a Questus Global Limited), Library Bureau, Inc., Life Sciences, Inc., Lifesmart Nutrition... securities of Life Sciences, Inc. because it has not filed any periodic reports since the period ended May 31...

  10. Expression of multiple sexual signals by fathers and sons in the East-Mediterranean barn swallow: are advertising strategies heritable?


    Vortman, Yoni; Safran, Rebecca J; Reiner Brodetzki, Tali; Dor, Roi; Lotem, Arnon


    The level of expression of sexually selected traits is generally determined by genes, environment and their interaction. In species that use multiple sexual signals which may be costly to produce, investing in the expression of one sexual signal may limit the expression of the other, favoring the evolution of a strategy for resource allocation among signals. As a result, even when the expression of sexual signals is condition dependent, the relative level of expression of each signal may be heritable. We tested this hypothesis in the East-Mediterranean barn swallow (Hirundo rustica transitiva), in which males have been shown to express two uncorrelated sexual signals: red-brown ventral coloration, and long tail streamers. We show that variation in both signals may partially be explained by age, as well as by paternal origin (genetic father-son regressions), but that the strongest similarity between fathers and sons is the relative allocation towards one trait or the other (relative expression index), rather than the expression of the traits themselves. These results suggest that the expression of one signal is not independent of the other, and that genetic strategies for resource allocation among sexual signals may be selected for during the evolution of multiple sexual signals.

  11. Expression of Multiple Sexual Signals by Fathers and Sons in the East-Mediterranean Barn Swallow: Are Advertising Strategies Heritable?

    PubMed Central

    Vortman, Yoni; Safran, Rebecca J.; Reiner Brodetzki, Tali; Dor, Roi; Lotem, Arnon


    The level of expression of sexually selected traits is generally determined by genes, environment and their interaction. In species that use multiple sexual signals which may be costly to produce, investing in the expression of one sexual signal may limit the expression of the other, favoring the evolution of a strategy for resource allocation among signals. As a result, even when the expression of sexual signals is condition dependent, the relative level of expression of each signal may be heritable. We tested this hypothesis in the East-Mediterranean barn swallow (Hirundo rustica transitiva), in which males have been shown to express two uncorrelated sexual signals: red-brown ventral coloration, and long tail streamers. We show that variation in both signals may partially be explained by age, as well as by paternal origin (genetic father-son regressions), but that the strongest similarity between fathers and sons is the relative allocation towards one trait or the other (relative expression index), rather than the expression of the traits themselves. These results suggest that the expression of one signal is not independent of the other, and that genetic strategies for resource allocation among sexual signals may be selected for during the evolution of multiple sexual signals. PMID:25679206

  12. Dioxin and Polychlorinated Biphenyl Concentrations in Mother's Serum and the Timing of Pubertal Onset in Sons

    PubMed Central

    Humblet, Olivier; Williams, Paige L.; Korrick, Susan A.; Sergeyev, Oleg; Emond, Claude; Birnbaum, Linda S.; Burns, Jane S.; Altshul, Larisa; Patterson, Donald G.; Turner, Wayman E.; Lee, Mary M.; Revich, Boris; Hauser, Russ


    Background Animal studies have demonstrated that timing of pubertal onset can be altered by prenatal exposure to dioxins or polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), but studies of human populations have been quite limited. Methods We assessed the association between maternal serum concentrations of dioxins and PCBs and the sons’ age of pubertal onset in a prospective cohort of 489 mother–son pairs from Chapaevsk, Russia, a town contaminated with these chemicals during past industrial activity. The boys were recruited at ages 8 to 9 years, and 4 years of annual follow-up data were included in the analysis. Serum samples were collected at enrollment from both mothers and sons for measurement of dioxin and PCB concentrations using high-resolution mass spectrometry. The sons’ pubertal onset—defined as pubertal stage 2 or higher for genitalia (G) or pubic hair (P), or testicular volume >3 mL—was assessed annually by the same physician. Results In multivariate Cox models, elevated maternal serum PCBs were associated with earlier pubertal onset defined by stage G2 or higher (4th quartile hazard ratio = 1.7 [95% confidence interval = 1.1– 2.5]), but not for stage P2 or higher or for testicular volume >3 mL. Maternal serum concentrations of dioxin toxic equivalents were not consistently associated with the sons’ pubertal onset, although a dose-related delay in pubertal onset (only for G2 or higher) was seen among boys who breast-fed for 6 months or more. Conclusions Maternal PCB serum concentrations measured 8 or 9 years after sons’ births—which may reflect sons’ prenatal and early-life exposures—were associated with acceleration in some, but not all, measures of pubertal onset. PMID:21968773

  13. Binding of the Ras activator son of sevenless to insulin receptor substrate-1 signaling complexes.


    Baltensperger, K; Kozma, L M; Cherniack, A D; Klarlund, J K; Chawla, A; Banerjee, U; Czech, M P


    Signal transmission by insulin involves tyrosine phosphorylation of a major insulin receptor substrate (IRS-1) and exchange of Ras-bound guanosine diphosphate for guanosine triphosphate. Proteins containing Src homology 2 and 3 (SH2 and SH3) domains, such as the p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol-3 kinase and growth factor receptor-bound protein 2 (GRB2), bind tyrosine phosphate sites on IRS-1 through their SH2 regions. Such complexes in COS cells were found to contain the heterologously expressed putative guanine nucleotide exchange factor encoded by the Drosophila son of sevenless gene (dSos). Thus, GRB2, p85, or other proteins with SH2-SH3 adapter sequences may link Sos proteins to IRS-1 signaling complexes as part of the mechanism by which insulin activates Ras.

  14. A novel mutation (C1425Y) in the FBN2 gene in a father and son with congenital contractural arachnodactyly.


    Chen, Ying; Lei, Yun-Ping; Zheng, Hong-Xiang; Wang, Wei; Cheng, Hong-Bo; Zhang, Jing; Wang, Hong-Yan; Jin, Li; Li, Hong


    Congenital contractural arachnodactyly (Beals syndrome) is a rare autosomal dominantly inherited connective tissue disorder characterized by flexion contractures, arachnodactyly, crumpled ears, and mild muscular hypoplasia. Here, a father and son with congenital contractural arachnodactyly features were identified. After sequencing 15 exons (22 to 36) of the FBN2 gene, a novel mutation (C1425Y) was found in exon 33. This de novo mutation presented first in the father and was transmitted to his son, but not in the other 14 unaffected family members and 365 normal people. The C1425Y mutation occurs at the 19th cbEGF domain. Cysteines in this cbEGF domain are rather conserved in species, from human down to ascidian. The cbEGF12-13 in human FBN1 was employed as the template to perform homology modeling of cbEGF18-19 of human FBN2 protein. The mutation has also been evaluated by further prediction tools, for example, SIFT, Blosum62, biochemical Yu's matrice, and UMD-Predictor tool. In all analysis, the mutation is predicted to be pathogenic. Thus, the structure destabilization by C1425Y might be the cause of the disorder.

  15. Introducing SONS, a tool for operational taxonomic unit-based comparisons of microbial community memberships and structures.


    Schloss, Patrick D; Handelsman, Jo


    The recent advent of tools enabling statistical inferences to be drawn from comparisons of microbial communities has enabled the focus of microbial ecology to move from characterizing biodiversity to describing the distribution of that biodiversity. Although statistical tools have been developed to compare community structures across a phylogenetic tree, we lack tools to compare the memberships and structures of two communities at a particular operational taxonomic unit (OTU) definition. Furthermore, current tests of community structure do not indicate the similarity of the communities but only report the probability of a statistical hypothesis. Here we present a computer program, SONS, which implements nonparametric estimators for the fraction and richness of OTUs shared between two communities.

  16. Regulation of Son of sevenless by the membrane-actin linker protein ezrin

    PubMed Central

    Geißler, Katja J.; Jung, M. Juliane; Riecken, Lars Björn; Sperka, Tobias; Cui, Yan; Schacke, Stephan; Merkel, Ulrike; Markwart, Robby; Rubio, Ignacio; Than, Manuel E.; Breithaupt, Constanze; Peuker, Sebastian; Seifert, Reinhard; Kaupp, Ulrich Benjamin; Herrlich, Peter; Morrison, Helen


    Receptor tyrosine kinases participate in several signaling pathways through small G proteins such as Ras (rat sarcoma). An important component in the activation of these G proteins is Son of sevenless (SOS), which catalyzes the nucleotide exchange on Ras. For optimal activity, a second Ras molecule acts as an allosteric activator by binding to a second Ras-binding site within SOS. This allosteric Ras-binding site is blocked by autoinhibitory domains of SOS. We have reported recently that Ras activation also requires the actin-binding proteins ezrin, radixin, and moesin. Here we report the mechanism by which ezrin modulates SOS activity and thereby Ras activation. Active ezrin enhances Ras/MAPK signaling and interacts with both SOS and Ras in vivo and in vitro. Moreover, in vitro kinetic assays with recombinant proteins show that ezrin also is important for the activity of SOS itself. Ezrin interacts with GDP-Ras and with the Dbl homology (DH)/pleckstrin homology (PH) domains of SOS, bringing GDP-Ras to the proximity of the allosteric site of SOS. These actions of ezrin are antagonized by the neurofibromatosis type 2 tumor-suppressor protein merlin. We propose an additional essential step in SOS/Ras control that is relevant for human cancer as well as all physiological processes involving Ras. PMID:24297905

  17. Anthropometric and skeletal phenotype in men with idiopathic osteoporosis and their sons is consistent with deficient estrogen action during maturation.


    Lapauw, Bruno; Taes, Youri; Goemaere, Stefan; Toye, Kaatje; Zmierczak, Hans-Georg; Kaufman, Jean-Marc


    Pathophysiology of deficient bone mass acquisition in male idiopathic osteoporosis (IO) remains poorly understood. Our objective was to investigate volumetric and geometric parameters of the appendicular skeleton, biochemical markers, and anthropometrics in men with IO. Our cross-sectional study included 107 men diagnosed with idiopathic low bone mass, 23 of their adult sons, and 130 age-matched controls. Body composition and areal bone parameters (dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry) and volumetric and geometric parameters of radius and tibia (peripheral quantitative computed tomography) were assessed. Serum levels of testosterone, estradiol (E(2)), and SHBG, and bone turnover markers were measured using immunoassays. Free hormone fractions were calculated. Men with idiopathic low bone mass had lower weight (-9.6%), truncal height (-3.3%), and upper/lower body segment ratio (-2.7%; all P < 0.001) and presented at the radius and tibia lower trabecular (-19.0 and -23.6%, respectively; both P < 0.001) and cortical volumetric bone mineral density (vBMD) (-2.4 and -1.7%; both P < 0.001) and smaller cortical areas (-9.7 and -13.6%; both P < 0.001) and thicknesses (-13.5 and -14.5%, both P < 0.001) due to larger endosteal circumferences (+11.8 and +7.4%, both P < 0.001) than controls. Furthermore, (free) E(2) was lower and SHBG higher (both P < 0.01). Their sons had lower trabecular vBMD (-10.3%, P = 0.036) and a thinner cortex (-8.3%, P = 0.024) at the radius. Bone mass deficits in men with idiopathic low bone mass involve trabecular and cortical bone, resulting from lower vBMD and smaller cortical bone cross-sectional areas and thicknesses. A similar bone phenotype is present in at least part of their sons. The lower E(2), together with characteristics as lower upper/lower body segment ratio, larger endosteal circumferences and lower vBMD, may indicate an estrogen-related factor in the pathogenesis of male IO.

  18. From Parents to Children: The Impact of Mothers' and Fathers' Educational Attainments on Those of Their Sons and Daughters in West Germany

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Minello, Alessandra; Blossfeld, Hans-Peter


    Empirical studies have repeatedly shown that in Germany educational success still strongly depends on the social origin of individuals. Using the National Educational Panel Study, we analyse the effects of fathers' and mothers' education levels on their sons' and daughters' educational attainments across three successive birth cohorts in West…

  19. J. M. W. Turner's painting "The unpaid bill, or the dentist reproving his son's prodigality".


    Bishop, M; Gelbier, S; King, J


    In November 2002, the BDA News carried an item, illustrated with a colour reproduction, describing a painting of a Georgian dentist's rooms by Joseph Mallord William Turner (1775-1851), one of the most respected of English artists, which was shortly to come up for auction at Christies' Rooms in London. This work, first exhibited in 1808, was entitled "The unpaid bill, or the dentist reproving his son's prodigality", and had originally been commissioned by the connoisseur Richard Payne Knight (1750-1824). "The examiner", a contemporary London journal, identifies the 'cradle-piece' for the commission as being a Rembrandt which Payne Knight owned, and the journalist Robert Hunt said that Turner had more than come up to the task of showing that a modern could handle light as well as the old master, 'for a picture of colouring and effect, it is ... inestimable'.

  20. Le Laser A Argon Ionise : Applications Therapeutiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Brunetaud, J. M.; Mosquet, L.; Mordon, S.; Rotteleur, G.


    Le laser a argon ionise est un laser a emission continue, reglee en general en multiraies de 487 a 544 nm. Le rayonnement de ce laser est bien absorbe par les tissus vivants, avec une action preferentielle au niveau des pigments rouges (hemoglobine, myoglobine) et noirs (melanine). Le laser a argon est princi-palement utilise en therapeutique pour ses effets thermiques : en fonction du choix des parametres (puissance optique, surface exposee, temps d'exposition) on peut obtenir une coagulation (temperature optimale au niveau des tissus 60° - 80°) ou une volatisation (temperature superieure a 100°). Si la zone volatilisee est tres etroite (inferieure a 0,5 mm) on obtient un effet de coupe. Par rapport aux deux autres lasers egalement utilises pour leurs effets thermiques (CO2 et Nd. YAG) l'argon a des effets intermediaires : la coagulation sera plus superficielle qu'avec le Nd. YAG et la volatisation plus profonde qu'avec le CO2. Lors de la coupe, la necrose sur les berges sera egalement plus importante qu'avec le CO2.

  1. Native Sons

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Anderson, Michelle D.


    In the 1960s, in the midst of Vietnam War protests and the emergence of the Black power movement, students John Garland and James Renick worked as campus advocates to change the environment and curricula at Central State University. Today, Garland, president of Central State, and his college friend Renick, who began serving as senior adviser to…

  2. Parents think their sons are brighter than their daughters: sex differences in parental self-estimations and estimations of their children's multiple intelligences.


    Furnham, Adrian; Reeves, Emma; Budhani, Salima


    In this study, 156 participants, predominantly White British adults (M age = 44.3 years) rated themselves on overall IQ and on H. Gardner's (1983) 7 intelligence subtypes. Parents (n = 120) also estimated the intelligence of their children. Men's self-estimates were significantly higher than women's (110.15 vs. 104.84). Participants thought their verbal, mathematical, and spatial intelligence scores were the best indicators of their own overall intelligence. Parents estimated that their sons had significantly higher IQs than their daughters (115.21 vs. 107.49). Self-estimates and estimates of children's multiple intelligences were higher for men and sons, significantly so for logical-mathematical and spatial intelligence. Parents rated 2nd-born daughters as having significantly higher verbal and musical intelligence than their male counterparts. Higher parental IQ self-estimates corresponded with higher IQ estimates for children. Results for 1st-born children were clearest and showed the most significant differences. The findings are interpreted in terms of sociocultural and familial influences and the possibility of actual sex differences in particular abilities.

  3. Proprietes ionochromes et photochromes de derives du polythiophene

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Levesque, Isabelle

    la possibilite de changer de configuration de la forme trans a la forme cis lorsqu'il est soumis a une irradiation dans le domaine de l'ultraviolet ce qui provoque, selon toute evidence, un effet marque sur l'organisation des chaines laterales. Cela induit alors une torsion de la chaine principale thiophene entrainant une diminution de conjugaison marquee. Ces effets peuvent etre exploites entre autres dans l'ecriture optique. Il s'est avere que le polymere irradie peu conjugue peut etre force a retourner a son etat initial conjugue tres rapidement par un traitement electrochimique simple. En conclusion, on a pu prouver qu'une modification dans l'organisation des chaines laterales par un stimulus exterieur affecte considerablement la conformation de la chaine principale. Cela porte a croire que les chaines laterales stabilisent une conformation particuliere des polythiophenes.

  4. The stories of older parents of adult sons and daughters with autism: a balancing act.


    Hines, Monique; Balandin, Susan; Togher, Leanne


    Researchers acknowledge the importance of understanding how families of children with autism cope. Yet, little is known about the experiences of older parents of adults with autism. In-depth interviews were conducted with 16 older parents of adults with autism. Narrative analysis was used to gain insights into their lived experiences. Participants' narratives reflected the notion that much of their experience was a delicate balancing act as they attempted to manage their offspring's symptoms of autism whilst achieving a degree of fulfilment in their own lives. Parents did not believe that formal services had adequately supported their ability to provide care whilst meeting other needs within the family context. The findings have implications for services that attempt to support older parents' abilities to provide care, including the need for tailored intervention strategies that match each family's unique needs. © 2013 John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

  5. Antecedents and Outcomes of Joint Trajectories of Mother-Son Conflict and Warmth during Middle Childhood and Adolescence

    PubMed Central

    Trentacosta, Christopher J.; Criss, Michael M.; Shaw, Daniel S.; Lacourse, Eric; Hyde, Luke W.; Dishion, Thomas J.


    This study investigated the development of mother-son relationship quality from ages 5 to 15 in a sample of 265 low-income families. Non-parametric random effects modeling was utilized to uncover distinct and homogeneous developmental trajectories of conflict and warmth; antecedents and outcomes of the trajectory groups also were examined. Four conflict trajectory groups and three warmth trajectory groups were identified. Difficult temperament in early childhood discriminated both conflict and warmth trajectory group membership (TGM), and adult relationship quality in early childhood was related to warmth trajectories. In addition, conflict TGM differentiated youth antisocial behavior during adolescence, and warmth trajectories predicted adolescent peer relationship quality and youth moral disengagement. Implications for socialization processes are discussed. PMID:21883153

  6. Maternal Child Sexual Abuse Is Associated With Lower Maternal Warmth Toward Daughters but Not Sons

    PubMed Central

    Cross, Dorthie; Kim, Ye Ji; Vance, L. Alexander; Robinson, Gabriella; Jovanovic, Tanja; Bradley, Bekh


    Mothers with a history of child sexual abuse report less warmth toward their children, but whether this association differs by child gender is unknown. We examined the association of maternal child sexual abuse and warmth across child gender, accounting for depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and child physical abuse. We verbally administered self-report measures to a cross-sectional sample of 154 mothers with a child between 8 and 12 years old. Eighty-five mothers based warmth responses on a son, and 69 on a daughter. We conducted a hierarchical multiple regression, including child gender, maternal child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and 4 two-way interaction terms with child gender. Maternal depression predicted decreased warmth, regardless of child gender, and maternal child sexual abuse predicted decreased warmth, but only toward daughters. Given previous research suggesting that maternal warmth predicts child well-being, the current finding may represent an important avenue of intergenerational transmission of risk in girls. PMID:27874726

  7. Maternal Child Sexual Abuse Is Associated With Lower Maternal Warmth Toward Daughters but Not Sons.


    Cross, Dorthie; Kim, Ye Ji; Vance, L Alexander; Robinson, Gabriella; Jovanovic, Tanja; Bradley, Bekh


    Mothers with a history of child sexual abuse report less warmth toward their children, but whether this association differs by child gender is unknown. We examined the association of maternal child sexual abuse and warmth across child gender, accounting for depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and child physical abuse. We verbally administered self-report measures to a cross-sectional sample of 154 mothers with a child between 8 and 12 years old. Eighty-five mothers based warmth responses on a son, and 69 on a daughter. We conducted a hierarchical multiple regression, including child gender, maternal child sexual abuse, child physical abuse, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, and 4 two-way interaction terms with child gender. Maternal depression predicted decreased warmth, regardless of child gender, and maternal child sexual abuse predicted decreased warmth, but only toward daughters. Given previous research suggesting that maternal warmth predicts child well-being, the current finding may represent an important avenue of intergenerational transmission of risk in girls.

  8. The Impact of Parent Care on Marital Quality and Well-Being in Adult Daughters and Sons

    PubMed Central


    This study prospectively examined the long-term impact of providing parent care using data from a probability-based U.S. sample of adult daughters and sons who had varying parent care experiences over time (N = 716). Parent care × Gender × Time mixed multivariate analyses of covariance using marital quality and well-being indicators as outcomes showed that, on average, experienced caregivers reported less marital happiness, more marital role inequity, and greater hostility than recent adult child caregivers. Significant three-way interactions indicated that experienced and recent caregiving daughters, respectively, showed an increase over time in depressive symptomatology and long-term depression, whereas their male counterparts showed a decline over the same period. Findings are discussed in terms of gender differences in the relative applicability of the wear-and-tear versus adaptation models of caregiving outcomes. PMID:19359594



    Behie, A M; O'Donnell, M H


    Many industrialized nations are currently experiencing a decline in average secondary sex ratio (SSR) resulting in fewer boys being born relative to girls. While many potential factors may explain the decline in the birth of males relative to females, it seems most studies support the idea that male offspring are produced less often when environmental conditions are poor owing to males being more susceptible to loss in harsh environments. This study investigates the maternal factors that are associated with the sex of offspring in a cohort of the Australian population. It found that greater parental perceptions of wealth were significantly associated with an increase in the number of sons produced. These results suggest that male offspring are born at increased numbers to women with higher available resources, which may reflect the fact that male offspring are more vulnerable in poor environments.

  10. Simultaneous type 1 diabetes onset in mother and son coincident with an enteroviral infection.


    Hindersson, Maria; Maria, Hindersson; Elshebani, Asma; Orn, Anders; Anders, Orn; Tuvemo, Torsten; Torsten, Tuvemo; Frisk, Gun; Gun, Frisk


    Enterovirus (EV) infections have been implicated in the development of type 1 diabetes. (T1D). They may cause beta-cell destruction either by cytolytic infection of the cells or indirectly by triggering the autoimmune response. Virus was isolated from a woman at diagnosis of T1D (Tuvemo 1) and in addition, virus was isolated from her son at diagnosis of T1D at the same day (Tuvemo 2). None of the isolates could initially be serotyped by conventional methods. The Tuvemo 1 virus was genotyped and after sub-cultivation it was also serotyped as Coxsackievirus B5. The mother revealed antibodies against GAD65. The boy and the father both revealed a significant increase in neutralization antibody titre against two strains of CBV-4, clearly indicating a recent or ongoing EV infection. In addition, the brother showed such a titre rise against another CBV-4 strain (E2) and against a CBV-5 strain (4429). These results show that the whole family had a proven EV infection at the time of T1D diagnosis of the mother and the 10-years-old boy, indicating that the infection might cause or accelerate the T1D.

  11. Observation de l'interaction entre atome et surface en cellule de vapeur submicrométrique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dutier, G.; Saltiel, S.; Bloch, D.; Ducloy, M.; Papoyan, A.; Sarkisyan, D.


    Sur une cellule de vapeur d'épaisseur submicrométrique ( 300 nm), les spectres d'absorption linéaire se révèlent très peu sensibles à l'effet Doppler (les effets transitoires favorisent fortement les atomes lents), et font apparaître les effets de l'interaction van der Waals à longue portée entre atome-surface. L'étude, entreprise d'abord sur la raie de résonance D1 de Cs, est poursuivie sur une transition à deux photons vers le niveau Cs 6(D{3/2}) résonnant avec la surface de YAG de la fenêtre. Elle ouvre diverses perspectives, notamment la détection d'états liés par un puits de potentiel induit par la surface.

  12. Scorpions from the Island of Côn Son (Poulo Condore), Vietnam and description of a new species of Chaerilus Simon, 1877 (Scorpiones, Chaerilidae).


    Lourenço, Wilson R


    The scorpion fauna of the Island of Côn Son (Poulo Condore), Vietnam is briefly discussed and a new species, Chaerilus phami sp. n. is described. The new species is morphologically distinct from all the other species of Chaerilus described from the mainland in Vietnam. Copyright © 2011 Académie des sciences. Published by Elsevier SAS. All rights reserved.

  13. Familial cardiofaciocutaneous syndrome in a father and a son with a novel MEK2 mutation.


    Karaer, Kadri; Lissewski, Christina; Zenker, Martin


    Cardiofaciocutaneous (CFC) syndrome is a rare genetic disorder belonging to the group of RASopathies. It is typically characterized by congenital heart defects, short stature, dysmorphic craniofacial features, intellectual disability, failure to thrive, and ectodermal abnormalities such as hyperkeratosis and sparse, brittle, curly hair. CFC syndrome is caused by dominant mutations in one of the four genes BRAF, MEK1, MEK2, and KRAS. Only three familial cases of CFC syndrome have been reported to date, whereas the vast majorities are sporadic cases due to de novo mutations. We report on a fourth familial case with transmission of CFC syndrome from father to son due to a novel heterozygous sequence change c.376A>G (p.N126D) in exon 3 of MEK2 gene. This observation further documents the possibility of vertical transmission of CFC syndrome, which appears to be associated with rare mutations and relatively mild intellectual disability in affected individual. The hypomorphic effect of specific mutations particularly regarding neurocognitive issues may be related to the variable fertility of affected individuals. © 2014 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  14. Gravitational lensing in observational cosmology

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nottale, L.

    éformations subies par la section d'un faisceau lumineux au cours de sa propagation, à la distribution matérielle et énergétique qu'il rencontre sur son trajet entre la source et l'observateur. Les deux contributions aux effets d'optique apparaissant dans ces équations (et leurs solutions) sont les termes de matière et les termes de cisaillement. Nous montrons comment une nouvelle distance peut être introduite, la distance optique, en fonction de laquelle les équations se simplifient et de nouvelles solutions analytiques peuvent être établies. En particulier, nous démontrons que la formule d'amplification gravitationnelle peut s'écrire sous une forme très générale sous la simple hypothèse que l'Univers est en moyenne de type Friedmann-Robertson-Walker. De nouveaux résultats sont aussi présentés concernant la distribution de probabilité des amplifications, les rapports entre termes de matière et termes de cisaillement (les premiers donnant la moyenne des seconds), et le problème de la conservation de l'énergie. Nous rappelons comment une formule analytique peut être obtenue pour des amplifications multiples et présentons des solutions nouvelles au problème de l'amplification par des hétérogénéités à très grande échelle. Enfin, les effets de décalages spectraux gravitationnels sont aussi considérés, qu'ils soient dus à des effets de traversée d'excès de densité, ou intrinsèques à ceux-ci ; dans ce dernier cas, une généralisation de solutions déjà connues est proposée. On considère ensuite le problème de la mise en évidence observationnelle des divers effets d'optique gravitationnelle, qu'ils soient de nature statistique ou qu'ils concernent des objets individuels. A la suite d'une analyse décrivant la dépendance de la formule d'amplification en fonction des différents paramètres y intervenant, nous insistons tout particulièrement sur le rôle cosmologique que jouent probablement les amas de galaxies très riches de d

  15. Depressive symptoms in nonresident african american fathers and involvement with their sons.


    Davis, R Neal; Caldwell, Cleopatra Howard; Clark, Sarah J; Davis, Matthew M


    Our objective was to determine whether paternal depressive symptoms were associated with less father involvement among African American fathers not living with their children (ie, nonresident fathers). We analyzed survey data for 345 fathers enrolled in a program for nonresident African American fathers and their preteen sons. Father involvement included measures of contact, closeness, monitoring, communication, and conflict. We used bivariate analyses and multivariate logistic regression analysis to examine associations between father involvement and depressive symptoms. Thirty-six percent of fathers reported moderate depressive symptoms, and 11% reported severe depressive symptoms. In bivariate analyses, depressive symptoms were associated with less contact, less closeness, low monitoring, and increased conflict. In multivariate analyses controlling for basic demographic features, fathers with moderate depressive symptoms were more likely to have less contact (adjusted odds ratio: 1.7 [95% confidence interval: 1.1-2.8]), less closeness (adjusted odds ratio: 2.1 [95% confidence interval: 1.3-3.5]), low monitoring (adjusted odds ratio: 2.7 [95% confidence interval: 1.4-5.2]), and high conflict (adjusted odds ratio: 2.1 [95% confidence interval: 1.2-3.6]). Fathers with severe depressive symptoms also were more likely to have less contact (adjusted odds ratio: 3.1 [95% confidence interval: 1.4-7.2]), less closeness (adjusted odds ratio: 2.6 [95% confidence interval: 1.2-5.7]), low monitoring (adjusted odds ratio: 2.8 [95% confidence interval: 1.1-7.1]), and high conflict (adjusted odds ratio: 2.6 [95% confidence interval: 1.1-5.9]). Paternal depressive symptoms may be an important, but modifiable, barrier for nonresident African American fathers willing to be more involved with their children.

  16. Suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein

    PubMed Central

    Sisler, Jeffrey; Chaput, Geneviève; Sussman, Jonathan; Ozokwelu, Emmanuel


    Résumé Objectif Offrir aux médecins de famille un résumé des recommandations fondées sur les données probantes pour guider les soins aux survivantes traitées pour le cancer du sein. Qualité des données Une recherche documentaire a été effectuée dans MEDLINE entre 2000 et 2016 à l’aide des mots-clés anglais suivants : breast cancer, survivorship, follow-up care, aftercare, guidelines et survivorship care plans, en se concentrant sur la revue des lignes directrices publiées récemment par les organismes nationaux de cancérologie. Les données étaient de niveaux I à III. Message principal Les soins aux survivantes comportent 4 facettes : surveillance et dépistage, prise en charge des effets à long terme, promotion de la santé et coordination des soins. La surveillance des récidives ne se traduit que par une mammographie annuelle, et le dépistage d’autres cancers doit suivre les lignes directrices basées sur la population. La prise en charge des effets à long terme du cancer et de son traitement aborde des problèmes courants tels la douleur, la fatigue, le lymphœdème, la détresse et les effets indésirables des médicaments, de même que les préoccupations à long terme comme la santé du cœur et des os. La promotion de la santé met en relief les bienfaits de l’activité chez les survivantes du cancer, avec l’accent mis sur l’activité physique. Les soins aux survivantes sont de meilleure qualité lorsque divers services et professionnels de la santé participent aux soins, et le médecin de famille joue un rôle important dans la coordination des soins. Conclusion Les médecins de famille sont de plus en plus souvent les principaux fournisseurs de soins de suivi après le traitement du cancer du sein. Le cancer du sein doit être considéré comme une affection médicale chronique, même chez les femmes en rémission, et les patientes profitent de la même approche que celle utilisée pour les autres affections chroniques en

  17. Heightened risk of preterm birth and growth restriction after a first-born son.


    Bruckner, Tim A; Mayo, Jonathan A; Gould, Jeffrey B; Stevenson, David K; Lewis, David B; Shaw, Gary M; Carmichael, Suzan L


    In Scandinavia, delivery of a first-born son elevates the risk of preterm delivery and intrauterine growth restriction of the next-born infant. External validity of these results remains unclear. We test this hypothesis for preterm delivery and growth restriction using the linked California birth cohort file. We examined the hypothesis separately by race and/or ethnicity. We retrieved data on 2,852,976 births to 1,426,488 mothers with at least two live births. Our within-mother tests applied Cox proportional hazards (preterm delivery, defined as less than 37 weeks gestation) and linear regression models (birth weight for gestational age percentiles). For non-Hispanic whites, Hispanics, Asians, and American Indian and/or Alaska Natives, analyses indicate heightened risk of preterm delivery and growth restriction after a first-born male. The race-specific hazard ratios for preterm delivery range from 1.07 to 1.18. Regression coefficients for birth weight for gestational age percentile range from -0.73 to -1.49. The 95% confidence intervals for all these estimates do not contain the null. By contrast, we could not reject the null for non-Hispanic black mothers. Whereas California findings generally support those from Scandinavia, the null results among non-Hispanic black mothers suggest that we do not detect adverse outcomes after a first-born male in all racial and/or ethnic groups. Copyright © 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  18. Evolution in karst massifs: Cryptic diversity among bent-toed geckos along the Truong Son Range with descriptions of three new species and one new country record from Laos.


    Luu, Vinh Quang; Bonkowski, Michael; Nguyen, Truong Quang; Le, Minh Duc; Schneider, Nicole; Ngo, Hanh Thi; Ziegler, Thomas


    Species designated as 'cryptic' share a similar morphotype, and are often only clearly separable by molecular data. Cyrtodactylus, the most diverse gecko genus of the family Gekkonidae, is a prime example, because many morphologically similar taxa have only recently been identified as new species as a result of available genetic evidence. However, while cryptic diversity of Cyrtodactylus is already well documented on the Vietnamese side of the Truong Son range, only scarce data is available from central Laos. In this study, we address this issue by means of an integrative approach, which employs morphological, molecular, and ecological data to distinguish cryptic species of the Cyrtodacylus phongnhakebangensis species group primarily distributed along the northern Truong Son Range. Our analyses based on 12 selected morphological characters, a partial mitochondrial gene (COI), and five ecological parameters revealed three undescribed cryptic Cyrtodactylus species from Hin Nam No National Protected Area, which are described as Cyrtodactylus calamei sp. nov., Cyrtodactylus hinnamnoensis sp. nov., and Cyrtodactylus sommerladi sp. nov. A fourth discovered Cyrtodactylus population in Hin Nam No proved to be the first country record of C. cryptus for Laos. Our results highlight the importance of applying an integrative approach to resolving the taxonomy of complex and cryptic species groups, and the role of the Truong Son Range in maintaining the high level of biodiversity over time.

  19. Mother-Son Communication about Sex and Routine HIV Testing among Younger Men of Color Who Have Sex with Men

    PubMed Central

    Bouris, Alida; Hill, Brandon J.; Fisher, Kimberly; Erickson, Greg; Schneider, John A.


    Purpose To document the HIV testing behaviors and serostatus of younger men of color who have sex with men (YMSM), and to explore sociodemographic, behavioral, and maternal correlates of HIV testing in the past six months. Methods 135 YMSM aged 16–19 completed a close-ended survey on HIV testing and risk behaviors, mother-son communication, and sociodemographic characteristics. Youth were offered point-of-care HIV testing, with results provided at survey end. Multivariate logistic regression analyzed the sociodemographic, behavioral, and maternal factors associated with routine HIV testing. Results 90.3% of YMSM had previously tested for HIV and 70.9 % had tested in the past six months. In total, 11.7% of youth reported being HIV-positive and 3.3% reported unknown serostatus. When offered an HIV test, 97.8% accepted. Of these, 14.7% had a positive oral test result and 31.58% of HIV-positive YMSM (n=6) were seropositive unaware. Logistic regression results indicated that maternal communication about sex with males was positively associated with routine testing (OR=2.36; 95% CI=1.13–4.94). Conversely, communication about puberty and general human sexuality was negatively associated (OR=0.45; 95% CI=0.24–0.86). Condomless anal intercourse and positive STI history were negatively associated with routine testing; however, frequency of alcohol use was positively associated. Conclusions Despite high rates of testing, we found high rates of HIV infection, with 31.58% of HIV-positive YMSM being seropositive unaware. Mother-son communication about sex needs to address same-sex behavior, as this appears to be more important than other topics. YMSM with known risk factors for HIV are not testing at the recommended time intervals. PMID:26321527

  20. A new species of Cyrtodactylus (Squamata: Gekkonidae) and the first record of C. otai from Son La Province, Vietnam.


    Nguyen, Truong Quang; Pham, Anh VAN; Ziegler, Thomas; Ngo, Hanh Thi; LE, Minh Duc


    We describe a new species of Cyrtodactylus on the basis of four specimens collected from the limestone karst forest of Phu Yen District, Son La Province, Vietnam. Cyrtodactylus sonlaensis sp. nov. is distinguished from the remaining Indochinese bent-toed geckos by a combination of the following characters: maximum SVL of 83.2 mm; dorsal tubercles in 13-15 irregular rows; ventral scales in 34-42 rows; ventrolateral folds prominent without interspersed tubercles; enlarged femoral scales 15-17 on each thigh; femoral pores 14-15 on each thigh in males, absent in females; precloacal pores 8, in a continuous row in males, absent in females; postcloacal tubercles 2 or 3; lamellae under toe IV 18-21; dorsal head with dark brown markings, in oval and arched shapes; nuchal loop discontinuous; dorsum with five brown bands between limb insertions, third and fourth bands discontinuous; subcaudal scales distinctly enlarged. In phylogenetic analyses, the new species is nested in a clade consisting of C. huongsonensis and C. soni from northern Vietnam and C. cf. pulchellus from Malaysia based on maximum likelihood and Bayesian analyses. In addition, we record Cyrtodactylus otai Nguyen, Le, Pham, Ngo, Hoang, Pham & Ziegler for the first time from Son La Province based on specimens collected from Van Ho District.

  1. Effets de l'interaction avec l'oxygène sur le comportement de couches semi-conductrices de ZnO, SnO{2} et CdSe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ain-Souya, A.; Ghers, M.; Haddad, A.; Tebib, W.; Rehamnia, R.; Messsalhi, A.; Bounouala, M.; Djouama, M. C.


    Les propriétés superficielles des matériaux solides diffèrent de celles du volume. A la surface, des défauts de différentes natures peuvent être présents. Ils permettent à la surface d'être interactive avec le milieu ambiant. Les multiples interactions entre les états de surface et des éléments du milieu extérieur peuvent modifier les propriétés superficielles. Ce travail étudie la régénération de couches semi-conductrices après adsorption isotherme d'oxygène à différentes températures effectuées entre 20 ° C et 300 ° C. Les matériaux qui ont servi à l'étude sont des couches de ZnO, SnO{2} et CdSe. Celles de CdSe ont été obtenues par co-évaporation, sous vide, de cadmium et de sélénium. Les échantillons de ZnO et SnO{2} ont été élaborés par oxydation, à des températures respectives de 450 ° C et 200 ° , de Zn et Sn déposés par électrolyse et par évaporation sous vide. Les matériaux évaporés ont été déposés sur des plaquettes en verre, les autres ont été électrodéposés sur des substrats métalliques. Les variations des propriétés électriques des couches ont été suivies par mesure de leur résistance électrique superficielle R. Les courbes LogR = f (103 /T (K)), relevées sous vide à différentes températures, sont caractéristiques d'un comportement de semi-conducteur. Des essais d'adsorption d'O{2} à différentes températures montrent des variations considérables de R. En effet, la chimisorption forte d'un gaz par une surface semi-conductrice est telle que l'échange électronique entre adsorbant et adsorbat provoque la formation d'une zone de charge d'espace modifiant la conduction superficielle. Les résultats mettent en évidence des domaines de température de plus haute sensibilité à l'oxygène. Pour le CdSe, certaines désorptions isothermes ont été suffisantes pour une régénération totale des échantillons. Les couches de ZnO ont souvent nécessité des désorptions programm

  2. Gender-assortative waist circumference in mother-daughter and father-son pairs, and its implications. An 11-year longitudinal study in children (EarlyBird 59).


    Mostazir, M; Jeffery, A; Voss, L; Wilkin, T


    Body mass index (BMI) is reportedly gender assortative (mother-daughter, father-son) in contemporary children. We investigated the corresponding transmission of waist circumference (WC) and its implications. We measured parental WC at baseline and WC, height, weight and para-umbilical skin-fold (USF) annually in their offspring from 5 to 15 years (n = 223 trios). Parents were deemed normal metabolic risk (NR) or high risk (HR) according to World Health Organization (WHO) cut-points for WC (mothers 80 cm, fathers 94 cm). The residual from WC adjusted for BMI (WC|BMI ) was used as a surrogate for excess intra-abdominal fat, and its association with insulin resistance (HOMA2-IR) was sought. WC and USF were both gender assortative, while WC|BMI was not. WC was greater by 1.62 cm (P < 0.05, confidence interval [CI]: 0.09-3.16) and USF by 0.37 cm (P < 0.01, CI: 0.19-0.56) among the daughters (but not the sons) of HR compared with those of NR mothers, and by 1.32 cm (P < 0.05, CI: 0.09-2.55) and 0.18 cm (P < 0.05, CI: 0.04-0.32), respectively in the corresponding father-son (but not father-daughter) pairings. No such differences could be demonstrated for WC|BMI . A standard deviation score 1(SDS) change in WC|BMI , independent of BMI, was associated with a 7.14% change in IR in girls (P < 0.01, CI: 1.76-12.80) and 8.02% in boys (P < 0.001, CI: 2.93-13.36), but there was no relationship between IR and USF. The relationship of offspring WC to metabolic health and to parental size is complex. Subcutaneous abdominal fat is gender assortative but harmless, while intra-abdominal fat (its surrogate in this analysis) is unrelated to parental waist circumference, but metabolically harmful. © 2013 The Authors. Pediatric Obesity © 2013 International Association for the Study of Obesity.

  3. Boundary Layer Simulation and Control in Wind Tunnels

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de l’art dans le domaine de la simulation de la couche limite, ou le nombre de Reynolds n’est pas ou ne peut pas etre simule, examine les effets ...pour la definition de certains essais en soufflerie oil les effets visqueux sont d’une importance particuliere. CONTENTS Page PREFACE iii 1...transition associated with cylindrical bodies at high incidence in subsonic flow. Other relevant references are given therein. Figures 11 a-b, from Ref

  4. Red Son Rising.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Arnold, Adele R.

    Among the Native Americans, few tribes were as warlike as the Apaches of the Southwest. The courage and ferocity of Apache warriors like Geronimo, Cochise, Victorio, and Mangas Coloradas is legendary. Based on a true story, this book is about an Apache boy who was captured by an enemy tribe and sold to a white man. Carlos Gentile, a photographer…

  5. Sexy sons from re-mating do not recoup the direct costs of harmful male interactions in the Drosophila melanogaster laboratory model system.


    Orteiza, N; Linder, J E; Rice, W R


    The empirical foundation for sexual conflict theory is the data from many different taxa demonstrating that females are harmed while interacting with males. However, the interpretation of this keystone evidence has been challenged because females may more than counterbalance the direct costs of interacting with males by the indirect benefits of obtaining higher quality genes for their offspring. A quantification of this trade-off is critical to resolve the controversy and is presented here. A multi-generation fitness assay in the Drosophila melanogaster laboratory model system was used to quantify both the direct costs to females due to interactions with males and indirect benefits via sexy sons. We specifically focus on the interactions that occur between males and nonvirgin females. In the laboratory environment of our base population, females mate soon after eclosion and store sufficient sperm for their entire lifetime, yet males persistently court these nonvirgin females and frequently succeed in re-mating them. Females may benefit from these interactions despite direct costs to their lifetime fecundity if re-mating allows them to trade-up to mates of higher genetic quality and thereby secure indirect benefits for their offspring. We found that direct costs of interactions between males and nonvirgin females substantially exceeded indirect benefits through sexy sons. These data, in combination with past studies of the good genes route of indirect benefits, demonstrate that inter-sexual interactions drive sexually antagonistic co-evolution in this model system.

  6. First-time rhesus monkey mothers, and mothers of sons, preferentially engage in face-to-face interactions with their infants.


    Dettmer, Amanda M; Kaburu, Stefano S K; Byers, Kristen L; Murphy, Ashley M; Soneson, Emma; Wooddell, Lauren J; Suomi, Stephen J


    Face-to-face interactions between mothers and infants occur in both human and non-human primates, but there is large variability in the occurrence of these behaviors and the reason for this variability remains largely unexplored. Other types of maternal investment have been shown to be dependent on infant sex (e.g. milk production and maternal responsiveness) and maternal experience (e.g. symmetrical communication). Thus, we sought to determine whether variability in face-to-face interactions, that is, mutual gazing (MG), which are hypothesized to be important for later socio-cognitive development, could be explained by these variables. We studied 28 semi-free ranging rhesus monkey (Macaca mulatta) mother-infant dyads (6 primiparous; 12 male infants) born and reared at the Laboratory of Comparative Ethology field station at the NIH Animal Center in Poolesville, MD, across the first 90 postnatal days. Infant sex (i.e. male) was a significant predictor of maternal grooming (β ± SE = 0.359 ± 0.164, Z = 2.19, P = 0.029) whereas both parity (i.e. first time mothers) and infant sex (i.e. male) significantly predicted MG (parity: β ± SE = -0.735 ± 0.223, Z = -3.30, P < 0.001; infant sex: β ± SE = 0.436 ± 0.201, Z = 2.17, P = 0.029). Separation from the mother (outside of arm's reach) was not influenced by parity or infant sex. Together with existing literature, these findings point toward differential maternal investment for sons versus daughters. Mothers may be investing differentially in sons, behaviorally, to ensure their future social competence and thus later reproductive success. Collectively, our findings add to the literature that is beginning to identify early life experiences that may lead to sex differences in neurological and behavioral development. © 2015 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  7. Seasonality of Viral Encephalitis and Associated Environmental Risk Factors in Son La and Thai Binh Provinces in Vietnam from 2004 to 2013.


    Lee, Hu Suk; Nguyen-Viet, Hung; Lee, Mihye; Duc, Phuc Pham; Grace, Delia


    In Vietnam, Japanese encephalitis virus accounts for 12-71% of viral encephalitis (VE) cases followed by enteroviruses and dengue virus among identified pathogens. This study is the first attempt to evaluate the seasonality of VE and associated environmental risk factors in two provinces from 2004 to 2013 using a seasonal trend-decomposition procedure based on loess regression and negative binomial regression models. We found seasonality with a peak of VE in August and June in Son La and Thai Binh, respectively. In Son La, the model showed that for every 1°C increase in average monthly temperature, there was a 4.0% increase in monthly VE incidence. There was a gradual decline in incidence rates as the relative humidity rose to its mean value (80%) and a dramatic rise in incidence rate as the relative humidity rose past 80%. Another model found that a 100 mm rise in precipitation in the preceding and same months corresponded to an increase in VE incidence of 23% and 21%, respectively. In Thai Binh, our model showed that a 1°C increase in temperature corresponded with a 9% increase in VE incidence. Another model found that VE incidence increased as monthly precipitation rose to its mean value of 130 mm but declined gradually as precipitation levels rose beyond that. The last model showed that a monthly increase in duration of sunshine of 1 hour corresponded to a 0.6% increase in VE incidence. The findings may assist clinicians by improving the evidence for diagnosis. © The American Society of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene.

  8. Assessment of the effect of No Stay, Bent Stay or Straight Stay when the Clothe the Soldier Rucksack is Worn with the Fragmentation Vest

    DTIC Science & Technology


    effets de différents renforts de sac à dos (renforts droits, renforts courbés et aucun renfort) sur la...supérieures au seuil de tolérance de la peau et des muscles sous-jacents, et elles pourraient causer des lésions sur la peau et des ecchymoses. Assessment...présente évaluation portait sur cette pratique et visait à déterminer les effets de différents renforts de sac à dos (renforts droits, renforts courbés

  9. Development of a Dynamic Biomechanical Model for Load Carriage: Phase IV Part C1: Assessment of Pressure Measurement Systems on Flat Surfaces for use in Human Load Carriage

    DTIC Science & Technology


    iv Sommaire Les études sur les effets de la pression de contact produite par une charge d’un sac à dos sont essentielles, étant...mobilité des soldats et amenuiser leur capacité de combat. Afin de mieux comprendre les effets de la pression d’un sac à dos sur le confort et la... de mesure de pression qui pourraient être utilisés pour établir les valeurs de tolérance de la peau aux pressions durant le transport d’une charge

  10. Cognitive ability correlates positively with son birth and predicts cross-cultural variation of the offspring sex ratio

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Dama, Madhukar Shivajirao


    Human populations show remarkable variation in the sex ratio at birth which is believed to be related to the parental condition. In the present study, the global variation of sex ratio at birth (SRB, proportion of male offspring born) was analyzed with respect to indirect measure of condition, the intelligence quotient (IQ). IQ correlates strongly with lifespan across nations, which makes it a good indicator of health of the large populations. Relation between three standard measures of average national IQ and SRB was studied using multiple linear regression models. Average national IQ was positively correlated with SRB ( r = 0.54 to 0.57, p < 0.001). Further, IQ emerged as a powerful predictor of SRB after controlling for the effects of all the known covariates like fertility, maternal age, polygyny prevalence, wealth, son preference, latitude, low birth weight, and neonatal mortality in the regression models. These results suggest that the striking variation of offspring sex ratio across nations could be caused in part by the difference in general condition of populations.

  11. Laboratory evaluation of an OTT acoustic digital current meter and a SonTek Laboratory acoustic Doppler velocimeter

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Vermeyen, T.B.; Oberg, Kevin A.; Jackson, Patrick Ryan


    Recently, an acoustic current meter known as the OTT * acoustic digital current meter (ADC) was introduced as an alternative instrument for stream gaging measurements. The Bureau of Reclamation and the U.S. Geological Survey collaborated on a side- by-side evaluation of the ADC and a SonTek/YSI acoustic Doppler velocimeter (ADV). Measurements were carried out in a laboratory flume to evaluate the performance characteristics of the ADC under a range of flow and boundary conditions. The flume contained a physical model of a mountain river with a diversion dam and variety of bed materials ranging from smooth mortar to a cobble bed. The instruments were installed on a trolley system that allowed them to be easily moved within the flume while maintaining a consistent probe orientation. More than 50 comparison measurements were made in an effort to verify the manufacturer’s performance specifications and to evaluate potential boundary disturbance for near-bed and vertical boundary measurements. Data and results from this evaluation are presented and discussed. 

  12. Etude du champ magnetique dans les nuages moleculaires

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Houde, Martin


    'ondes millimétriques et sous- millimétriques. Plusieurs espèces moléculaires furent détectées dans un échantillon significatif de nuages moléculaires. L'effet prédit fut confirmé et ce peu importe si les raies observées sont opaques ou transparentes. Dans le dernier chapitre, nous considérerons une application intéressante où nous utiliserons la manifestation de cet effet (ou son manque) pour vérifier l'alignement préférentiel des flots bipolaires, qui accompagnent souvent la présence de proto- étoiles, avec le champ magnétique local.

  13. Ready to make nice: parental socialization of young sons' and daughters' prosocial behaviors with peers.


    Hastings, Paul D; McShane, Kelly E; Parker, Richard; Ladha, Farriola


    In this study, the authors examined the extent to which maternal and paternal parenting styles, cognitions, and behaviors were associated with young girls' and boys' more compassionate (prototypically feminine) and more agentic (prototypically masculine) prosocial behaviors with peers. Parents of 133 preschool-aged children reported on their authoritative parenting style, attributions for children's prosocial behavior, and responses to children's prosocial behavior. Approximately 6 months later, children's more feminine and more masculine prosocial behaviors were observed during interactions with unfamiliar peers and reported on by their preschool teachers. Boys and girls did not differ in the observed and teacher-reported measures of prosocial behavior. Compared to other parents, fathers of boys were less likely to express affection or respond directly to children's prosocial behavior. Mothers' authoritative style, internal attributions for prosocial behavior, and positive responses to prosocial behavior predicted girls' displays of more feminine prosocial actions and boys' displays of more masculine prosocial actions toward peers. Relations were similar but weaker for fathers' parenting, and after accounting for mother' scores, fathers' scores accounted for unique variance in only one analysis: Teachers reported more masculine prosocial behavior in boys of fathers who discussed prosocial behavior. Overall, the results support a model of parental socialization of sex-typed prosocial behavior and indicate that mothers contribute more strongly than do fathers to both daughters' and sons' prosocial development.

  14. Complications inattendues de la chirurgie: deux cas de brûlure par plaque de bistouri électrique

    PubMed Central

    Diop, B.; Sy, A.; Ba, P.A.; MBaye, B.; Wane, Y.; Sarre, S.M.


    Summary Les risques d’accidents électriques sont une réalité dans les blocs opératoires avec le nombre croissant d’équipements électriques, électroniques et de liquides inflammables utilisés. Le bistouri électrique demeure le dispositif le plus utilisé pour son effet électrochirurgical de coagulation ou section tissulaire. Lorsque qu’elle est défectueuse ou mal placée sur une surface réduite de la peau, la plaque du bistouri peut être à l’origine de brûlure cutanée classiquement profonde, de cicatrisation lente. Elle ajoute à l’affection initiale une surmorbidité iatrogène, inattendue, aux conséquences dévastatrices pour le patient, le chirurgien et parfois la structure hospitalière. Nous rapportons deux cas de brûlure cutanée par plaque de bistouri survenue en peropératoire lors de l’utilisation du bistouri électrique en mode monopolaire et discutons les aspects étiologiques, cliniques et préventifs. PMID:28289364

  15. Son of sevenless directly links the Robo receptor to rac activation to control axon repulsion at the midline.


    Yang, Long; Bashaw, Greg J


    Son of sevenless (Sos) is a dual specificity guanine nucleotide exchange factor (GEF) that regulates both Ras and Rho family GTPases and thus is uniquely poised to integrate signals that affect both gene expression and cytoskeletal reorganization. Here, using genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology, we demonstrate that Sos is recruited to the plasma membrane, where it forms a ternary complex with the Roundabout receptor and the SH3-SH2 adaptor protein Dreadlocks (Dock) to regulate Rac-dependent cytoskeletal rearrangement in response to the Slit ligand. Intriguingly, the Ras and Rac-GEF activities of Sos can be uncoupled during Robo-mediated axon repulsion; Sos axon guidance function depends on its Rac-GEF activity, but not its Ras-GEF activity. These results provide in vivo evidence that the Ras and RhoGEF domains of Sos are separable signaling modules and support a model in which Robo recruits Sos to the membrane via Dock to activate Rac during midline repulsion.

  16. The Unseen Déjà-Vu: From Erkki Huhtamo's Topoi to Ken Jacobs' Remakes: Commentary to Edwin Carels "Revisiting Tom Tom: Performative anamnesis and autonomous vision in Ken Jacobs' appropriations of Tom Tom the Piper's Son".


    Strauven, Wanda


    This commentary on Edwin Carels' essay "Revisiting Tom Tom : Performative anamnesis and autonomous vision in Ken Jacobs' appropriations of Tom Tom the Piper's Son " broadens up the media-archaeological framework in which Carels places his text. Notions such as Huhtamo's topos and Zielinski's "deep time" are brought into the discussion in order to point out the difficulty to see what there is to see and to question the position of the viewer in front of experimental films like Tom Tom the Piper's Son and its remakes.

  17. Understanding Gender Differences in Children's Risk Taking and Injury: A Comparison of Mothers' and Fathers' Reactions to Sons and Daughters Misbehaving in Ways that Lead to Injury

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Morrongiello, Barbara A.; Zdzieborski, Daniel; Normand, Jackie


    This study compared reactions of mothers and fathers to the risk taking behavior of sons and daughters. Mother-father pairs (N = 52) imagined their 2-year-old boy or girl behaving in risky ways in common home situations that could, and did, result in injury. Emotional and parenting reactions to the behaviors were assessed before and after injury.…

  18. Mother-Son Communication About Sex and Routine Human Immunodeficiency Virus Testing Among Younger Men of Color Who Have Sex With Men.


    Bouris, Alida; Hill, Brandon J; Fisher, Kimberly; Erickson, Greg; Schneider, John A


    The purposes of this study were to document the HIV testing behaviors and serostatus of younger men of color who have sex with men (YMSM) and to explore sociodemographic, behavioral, and maternal correlates of HIV testing in the past 6 months. A total of 135 YMSM aged 16-19 years completed a close-ended survey on HIV testing and risk behaviors, mother-son communication, and sociodemographic characteristics. Youth were offered point-of-care HIV testing, with results provided at survey end. Multivariate logistic regression analyzed the sociodemographic, behavioral, and maternal factors associated with routine HIV testing. A total of 90.3% of YMSM had previously tested for HIV, and 70.9% had tested in the past 6 months. In total, 11.7% of youth reported being HIV positive, and 3.3% reported unknown serostatus. When offered an HIV test, 97.8% accepted. Of these, 14.7% had a positive oral test result, and 31.58% of HIV-positive YMSM (n = 6) were seropositive unaware. Logistic regression results indicated that maternal communication about sex with males was positively associated with routine testing (odds ratio = 2.36; 95% confidence interval = 1.13-4.94). Conversely, communication about puberty and general human sexuality was negatively associated (odds ratio = .45; 95% confidence interval = .24-.86). Condomless anal intercourse and positive sexually transmitted infection history were negatively associated with routine testing; however, frequency of alcohol use was positively associated. Despite high rates of testing, we found high rates of HIV infection, with 31.58% of HIV-positive YMSM being seropositive unaware. Mother-son communication about sex needs to address same-sex behavior as this appears to be more important than other topics. YMSM with known risk factors for HIV are not testing at the recommended time intervals. Copyright © 2015 Society for Adolescent Health and Medicine. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  19. Effets du Parecoxib dans la Prévention des Adhérences abdominales postopératoires: étude expérimentale randomisée chez les rats

    PubMed Central

    Arung, Willy; Tshilombo, François; Odimba, Etienne


    Introduction Bien d’études ont été menées sur les adhérences intrapéritonéales, mais aucune unanimité n'est encore acquise sur leur prévention. Le but de notre étude a été d’évaluer le potentiel effet d'un antiinflammatoire, parecoxib dans la prévention des adhérences ainsi que sur la cicatrisation chez des rats. Méthodes Dans un modèle expérimental d'adhérences postopératoires secondaires à des lésions péritonéales par brûlure, 30 rats furent randomisés en trois groupes suivant le mode d'administration de parecoxib (groupe contrôle; intrapéritonéal; intramusculaire. Résultats Le parecoxib a significativement diminué la quantité (p < .05) et la sévérité (p < .01) des adhérences postopératoires dans les deux modèles expérimentaux. Au total, 21 rats ont développé des adhérences, respectivement 9 (100%) dans le groupe A, 5 (50%) dans le groupe B et 7 (70%) dans le groupe C (p = 0.05). Du point de vue de la formation des adhérences au site du traumatisme, dix-neuf rats en ont développé: 9 (100%) dans le groupe A et 5 (50%) pour chacun de deux autres groupes B et C. Une différence significative a été constatée en comparant ces groupes deux à deux: A vs B (p < 0.05); A vs C (p < 0,05). Parecoxib n'a pas compromis la cicatrisation intestinale, ni cutanée. Conclusion Cette étude a montré que le parecoxib pouvait réduire la formation des adhérences postopératoires. La confirmation de la sécurité du parecoxib sur les anastomoses intestinales doit être investiguée au cours d'autres expérimentations. PMID:26966478

  20. Expectations and self-efficacy of African American parents who discuss sexuality with their adolescent sons: an intervention study.


    Weekes, Carmon V N; Haas, Barbara K; Gosselin, Kevin P


    Despite research that suggests parental communication may help deter high-risk sexual behavior among adolescents, parents report a lack of confidence in their ability to answer sexually related questions. The purpose of this study was to test the effect of a multimedia intervention on outcome expectations and perceived self-efficacy for the sex educator role for parents of African American adolescent males. A pilot study using mixed methods was conducted. A nonprobability sample (N = 61) was obtained from a large urban community using a combination of convenience and snowball recruitment methods. Self-efficacy and outcome expectations were measured using self-reported questionnaires. A multimedia intervention for use at home and incorporating an audio CD and associated activities was implemented over a 3-week time period. Outcome expectations and self-efficacy both significantly improved after the intervention (p < .001). Findings indicate that using a multimedia approach may be effective in improving parents' outcome expectancy and self-efficacy for talking about sex with adolescent sons. © 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  1. Modelisation de la Propagation des Ondes Sonores dans un Environnement Naturel Complexe

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    L'Esperance, Andre

    Ce travail est consacre a la propagation sonore a l'exterieur dans un environnement naturel complexe, i.e. en presence de conditions reelles de vent, de gradient de temperature et de turbulence atmospherique. Plus specifiquement ce travail comporte deux objectifs. D'une part, il vise a developper un modele heuristique de propagation sonore (MHP) permettant de prendre en consideration l'ensemble des phenomenes meteorologiques et acoustiques influencant la propagation du son a l'exterieur. D'autre part, il vise a identifier dans quelles circonstances et avec quelle importance les conditions meteorologiques interviennent sur la propagation sonore. Ce travail est divise en cinq parties. Apres une breve introduction identifiant les motivations de cette etude (chapitre 1), le chapitre 2 fait un rappel des travaux deja realises dans le domaine de la propagation du son a l'exterieur. Ce chapitre presente egalement les bases de l'acoustique geometrique a partir desquelles ont ete developpees la partie acoustique du modele heuristique de propagation. En outre, on y decrit comment les phenomenes de refraction et de turbulence atmospherique peuvent etre consideres dans la theorie des rayons. Le chapitre 3 presente le modele heuristique de propagation (MHP) developpe au cours de cet ouvrage. La premiere section de ce chapitre decrit le modele acoustique de propagation, modele qui fait l'hypothese d'un gradient de celerite lineaire et qui est base sur une solution hybride d'acoustique geometrique et de theorie des residus. La deuxieme section du chapitre 3 traite plus specifiquement de la modelisation des aspects meteorologiques et de la determination des profils de celerite et des index de fluctuation associes aux conditions meteorologiques. La section 3 de ce chapitre decrit comment les profils de celerite resultants sont linearises pour les calculs dans le modele acoustique, et finalement la section 4 donne les tendances generales obtenues par le modele. Le chapitre 4 decrit

  2. Comparing the ISO-recommended and the cumulative data-reduction algorithms in S-on-1 laser damage test by a reverse approach method

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zorila, Alexandru; Stratan, Aurel; Nemes, George


    We compare the ISO-recommended (the standard) data-reduction algorithm used to determine the surface laser-induced damage threshold of optical materials by the S-on-1 test with two newly suggested algorithms, both named "cumulative" algorithms/methods, a regular one and a limit-case one, intended to perform in some respects better than the standard one. To avoid additional errors due to real experiments, a simulated test is performed, named the reverse approach. This approach simulates the real damage experiments, by generating artificial test-data of damaged and non-damaged sites, based on an assumed, known damage threshold fluence of the target and on a given probability distribution function to induce the damage. In this work, a database of 12 sets of test-data containing both damaged and non-damaged sites was generated by using four different reverse techniques and by assuming three specific damage probability distribution functions. The same value for the threshold fluence was assumed, and a Gaussian fluence distribution on each irradiated site was considered, as usual for the S-on-1 test. Each of the test-data was independently processed by the standard and by the two cumulative data-reduction algorithms, the resulting fitted probability distributions were compared with the initially assumed probability distribution functions, and the quantities used to compare these algorithms were determined. These quantities characterize the accuracy and the precision in determining the damage threshold and the goodness of fit of the damage probability curves. The results indicate that the accuracy in determining the absolute damage threshold is best for the ISO-recommended method, the precision is best for the limit-case of the cumulative method, and the goodness of fit estimator (adjusted R-squared) is almost the same for all three algorithms.

  3. Factors associated with parents' attitudes to the HPV vaccination of their adolescent sons : A systematic review.


    Radisic, Gorjana; Chapman, Janine; Flight, Ingrid; Wilson, Carlene


    The objective of the study was to identify factors associated with human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccine acceptability in parents of adolescent boys. This information is critical to the development of approaches to optimise HPV vaccine uptake among this population group. We performed a systematic search of the literature in addressing factors influencing parental attitudes to and beliefs about HPV vaccine and its acceptability for use. The findings were organised within the framework of the Health Belief Model (HBM) and summarised using a semi quantitative method. Eighteen studies met the inclusion criteria. Parental decisions were predominantly shaped by the perceived benefits of the vaccine; perceived risk of sons contracting the HPV infection, and having recommendations from health care providers. Fear of side effects and uncertainty about vaccine effectiveness, as well as cost and lack of healthcare, were barriers to HPV vaccination. Other factors such as knowledge, family characteristics, parent-child dialogue and egalitarian values appeared to be important when deciding whether to vaccinate boys. HPV vaccine uptake among male adolescents is suboptimal. Future programs need to address the predictors of uptake by educating parents about the boys' high susceptibility to infection, the benefits of vaccination, and reduce concerns regarding perceived barriers. Additionally, uptake may be facilitated by encouraging health care provider endorsement, particularly in countries without government-funded immunisation programs. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Development of a Dynamic Biomechanical Model for Load Carriage: Phase V: Development of the Biomechanical Model by Means of the Portable Measurement System

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Résumé La performance opérationnelle des soldats dépend d’un certain nombre de facteurs, dont la charge de travail physiologique, les effets ...particulièrement à la charge de travail physiologique et aux effets biomécaniques, et à perfectionner la mise au point d’un modèle biomécanique dynamique (DBM...on a créé une couche de peau possédant des propriétés appropriées pour le modèle de torse et on a réalisé la modélisation de tous les composants

  5. Evaluation d'impact sur la santé et évaluation d'impact sur l'équité en santé : éventail de pratiques et questions de recherche.


    Villeval, Mélanie; Bidault, Elsa; Lang, Thierry


    L'Evaluation d'Impact sur la Santé (EIS) se développe au niveau international et est encore au stade émergent en France. Elle vise à évaluer les effets positifs et négatifs potentiels d'un projet, d'un programme ou d'une politique sur la santé. L'objectif est de produire des recommandations en direction des décideurs, afin d'en maximiser les effets positifs et d'en diminuer les effets négatifs. L'EIS est un moyen particulièrement intéressant d'action sur les déterminants de la santé au-delà des comportements individuels et du système de santé. Les politiques de logement, de transport, de solidarité, économiques, etc. ont, en effet, des impacts souvent non prévus sur la santé. Au-delà des effets sur la santé, l'EIS doit aussi permettre d'apprécier la distribution de ces effets dans la population.Si la préoccupation pour l'équité en santé est centrale dans l'EIS, elle reste cependant difficilement traduite en pratique. Face à cette difficulté, des démarches d'évaluation d'impact ont été développées pour renforcer la prise en compte de l'équité à chaque étape de l'EIS ou « Equity Focused Health Impact Assessment », ou prendre en compte les impacts sur les inégalités de santé de façon spécifique. Ainsi, l'Evaluation de l'Impact sur l'Equité en Santé (EIES) semble, par exemple, particulièrement intéressante pour évaluer l'impact sur les inégalités de projets dans le champ sanitaire.L'EIS et l'EIES posent de nombreuses questions de recherche, notamment autour de la réunion, dans une même démarche, du politique, du citoyen et de l'expert. La participation des populations vulnérables potentiellement affectées par la politique évaluée est une valeur centrale de l'EIS, mais pose des questions d'acceptabilité sociale. La collaboration avec les décideurs politiques est également un enjeu majeur. Les difficultés méthodologiques, notamment de quantification des impacts, peuvent constituer des freins à la promotion

  6. Associations of middle-aged mother's but not father's body mass index with 18-year-old son's waist circumferences, birth weight, and serum hepatic enzyme levels.


    Kazumi, Tsutomu; Kawaguchi, Akira; Yoshino, Gen


    Mitochondrial dysfunction has been reported to contribute to insulin resistance (IR) in the elderly and type 2 diabetes. To test this hypothesis, we examined relations of insulin resistance in young men to their mother's body mass index (BMI) and compared with those to their father's BMI, because as a rule, mitochondrial DNA is exclusively maternally inherited and because mitochondria are fundamental in mediating effects on energy dissipation. We measured heights, weights, waist circumference, systolic and diastolic blood pressure (BP), and biochemical variables in sera from 193 male college students aged 18 to 20 years after an overnight fast. Birth weight was available from 184 students. Self-reported heights and weights of their parents were obtained from 148 students. Insulin resistance and insulin secretion were estimated using homeostasis model assessment (HOMA-IR and HOMA-beta, respectively). Mother's BMI was associated with their son's birth weight (r=0.23, P=.008), BMI (r=0.37, P<.0001), waist circumference (r=0.42, P<.0001), fasting insulin (r=0.19, P=.02), and HOMA-IR (r=0.18, P=.03) but not with fasting glucose, HOMA-beta , and systolic and diastolic BP. In addition, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and lipoprotein(a) [Lp(a)] were inversely associated with mother's BMI (r=-0.21, P=.01 and r=-0.17, P=.03, respectively). Furthermore, there were significant associations with aspartate (r=0.20, P=.01) and alanine (r=0.28, P=.0008) aminotransferase and gamma-glutamyl transpeptidase (r=0.30, P=.0003), all of which are associated with mitochondrial function. In contrast, none of those variables were associated with father's BMI, except for Lp(a), which showed a significant and inverse association (r=-0.17, P=.05). After adjustment for sons' BMI, waist circumference and 3 hepatic enzymes were associated with mother's BMI, whereas Lp(a) was associated with both mother's and father's BMI. In multiple regression analysis for HOMA-IR as a dependent variable

  7. Developpement de mesures non destructives, par ondes ultrasonores, d'epaisseurs de fronts de solidification dans les reacteurs metallurgiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Floquet, Jimmy

    Dans les cuves d'electrolyse d'aluminium, le milieu de reaction tres corrosif attaque les parois de la cuve, ce qui diminue leur duree de vie et augmente les couts de production. Le talus, qui se forme sous l'effet des pertes de chaleur qui maintiennent un equilibre thermique dans la cuve, sert de protection naturelle a la cuve. Son epaisseur doit etre controlee pour maximiser cet effet. Advenant la resorption non voulue de ce talus, les degats generes peuvent s'evaluer a plusieurs centaines de milliers de dollars par cuve. Aussi, l'objectif est de developper une mesure ultrasonore de l'epaisseur du talus, car elle serait non intrusive et non destructive. La precision attendue est de l'ordre du centimetre pour des mesures d'epaisseurs comprenant 2 materiaux, allant de 5 a 20 cm. Cette precision est le facteur cle permettant aux industriels de controler l'epaisseur du talus de maniere efficace (maximiser la protection des parois tout en maximisant l'efficacite energetique du procede), par l'ajout d'un flux thermique. Cependant, l'efficacite d'une mesure ultrasonore dans cet environnement hostile reste a demontrer. Les travaux preliminaires ont permis de selectionner un transducteur ultrasonore a contact ayant la capacite a resister aux conditions de mesure (hautes temperatures, materiaux non caracterises...). Differentes mesures a froid (traite par analyse temps-frequence) ont permis d'evaluer la vitesse de propagation des ondes dans le materiau de la cuve en graphite et de la cryolite, demontrant la possibilite d'extraire l'information pertinente d'epaisseur du talus in fine. Fort de cette phase de caracterisation des materiaux sur la reponse acoustique des materiaux, les travaux a venir ont ete realises sur un modele reduit de la cuve. Le montage experimental, un four evoluant a 1050 °C, instrumente d'une multitude de capteurs thermique, permettra une comparaison de la mesure intrusive LVDT a celle du transducteur, dans des conditions proches de la mesure

  8. When Parents Separate and One Parent 'Comes Out' as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual: Sons and Daughters Engage with the Tension that Occurs When Their Family Unit Changes.


    Daly, Siobhán C; MacNeela, Pádraig; MacNeela, Pádriag; Sarma, Kiran M


    The experiences of Irish sons and daughters born into heterosexually-organised parental partnerships/unions whose parents have separated and one has come out as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual (LGB) were explored through a grounded theory approach. 15 adult children (over the age of 18 years), who varied in age when their parents separated and one disclosed as LGB, were interviewed. The primary concern that emerged centred on participants having to adjust to their parents' being separated, as opposed to their parent being LGB. This involved engaging with the tension that arose from the loss of the parental union, which involved changes to the home environment and adapting to new parental partners and family units. Heightened reflection on sexual orientation and an increased sensitivity to societal LGB prejudice were specifically associated with a parent coming out as LGB. How parents negotiated disclosing the changes to others, the level of support available to parents, and how capable parents were at maintaining the parent-child relationship had an impact on the tension experienced by sons and daughters. Participants moved from initially avoiding and resisting the family changes that were occurring to gradual consonance with their altered family environments. Concluding directions for research and clinical considerations are suggested.

  9. Autosomal dominant inheritance of Williams-Beuren syndrome in a father and son with haploinsufficiency for FKBP6.


    Metcalfe, Kay; Simeonov, Emil; Beckett, William; Donnai, Dian; Tassabehji, May


    Williams-Beuren syndrome (WBS) is a neurodevelopmental microdeletion disorder that usually occurs sporadically due to its location within a highly repetitive genomic region that is unstable and prone to unequal cross-over during meiosis. The consequential loss of chromosomal material includes approximately 1.5 Mb of DNA at 7q11.23. Whilst cases of dominant inheritance have been described in the literature, there have been few reports of molecular confirmation and none have carried out detailed genotyping. We describe a Bulgarian father and son with WBS detected by fluorescent in situ hybridisation (with an elastin gene probe) and loss of heterozygosity mapping using microsatellite markers located in the critical region. These individuals appear to have a common WBS heterozygous deletion, confirming the expected dominant transmission and adding to the few familial cases reported. The deletion includes the gene FKBP6 which has recently been shown to play a role in homologous chromosome pairing in meiosis and male fertility in mouse models. Homozygous Fkbp6 -/- male mice are infertile and our data suggests that haploinsufficiency for FKBP6 does not appear to preclude male fertility in WBS, although male infertility involving this gene has the potential to follow the mouse model as a human autosomal recessive condition.

  10. Knowledge of Carrier Status and Barriers to Testing among Mothers of Sons with Duchenne or Becker Muscular Dystrophy

    PubMed Central

    Bogue, Lauren; Peay, Holly; Martin, Ann; Lucas, Ann; Ramchandren, Sindhu


    Our study objective was to survey female carriers for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy to identify barriers to carrier testing and the impact of carrier risk knowledge on cardiac and reproductive health management. We surveyed women who have or had biological sons with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy and were enrolled in the US DuchenneConnect patient registry, with questions assessing knowledge of carrier status and recurrence risk, knowledge of care standards for carriers, and barriers to testing. Of the 182 eligible respondents, 25% did not know their carrier status and 14% incorrectly classified themselves as not at risk. Cost of testing was the most commonly identified barrier to testing. Women reporting unknown carrier status were 13 times as likely to express uncertainty regarding their recurrence risk compared to women reporting positive carrier status. 37% of women at an increased risk for cardiomyopathy had never had an echocardiogram. Women who were certain of their positive carrier status were twice as likely to have had an echocardiogram in the last five years compared to women with unknown carrier status. Future research on reducing barriers to counseling and carrier testing, such as cost, may improve care standard adherence. PMID:27863875

  11. Bidirectional Associations Between Externalizing Behavior Problems and Maladaptive Parenting Within Parent-Son Dyads Across Childhood

    PubMed Central

    Loeber, Rolf; Hinshaw, Stephen P.; Pardini, Dustin A.


    Coercive parent–child interaction models posit that an escalating cycle of negative, bidirectional interchanges influences the development of boys’ externalizing problems and caregivers’ maladaptive parenting over time. However, longitudinal studies examining this hypothesis have been unable to rule out the possibility that between-individual factors account for bidirectional associations between child externalizing problems and maladaptive parenting. Using a longitudinal sample of boys (N = 503) repeatedly assessed eight times across 6-month intervals in childhood (in a range between 6 and 13 years), the current study is the first to use novel within-individual change (fixed effects) models to examine whether parents tend to increase their use of maladaptive parenting strategies following an increase in their son’s externalizing problems, or vice versa. These bidirectional associations were examined using multiple facets of externalizing problems (i.e., interpersonal callousness, conduct and oppositional defiant problems, hyperactivity/impulsivity) and parenting behaviors (i.e., physical punishment, involvement, parent–child communication). Analyses failed to support the notion that when boys increase their typical level of problem behaviors, their parents show an increase in their typical level of maladaptive parenting across the subsequent 6 month period, and vice versa. Instead, across 6-month intervals, within parent-son dyads, changes in maladaptive parenting and child externalizing problems waxed and waned in concert. Fixed effects models to address the topic of bidirectional relations between parent and child behavior are severely underrepresented. We recommend that other researchers who have found significant bidirectional parent–child associations using rank-order change models reexamine their data to determine whether these findings hold when examining changes within parent–child dyads. PMID:26780209

  12. "Your Son Is My Son"--Black African Management Principles: An Overseas Marketers Guide.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Fadiman, Jeffrey A.; And Others

    This paper notes that most Americans believe that Black African firms operate their businesses along European lines. Within America's business community, the study of Black Africa now enters its third decade of benign neglect. Reasons for Americans remaining blind to Black African business principles include ignorance of Africa's complex past,…

  13. When Parents Separate and One Parent ‘Comes Out’ as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual: Sons and Daughters Engage with the Tension that Occurs When Their Family Unit Changes

    PubMed Central

    Daly, Siobhán C.; MacNeela, Pádriag; Sarma, Kiran M.


    The experiences of Irish sons and daughters born into heterosexually-organised parental partnerships/unions whose parents have separated and one has come out as Lesbian, Gay or Bisexual (LGB) were explored through a grounded theory approach. 15 adult children (over the age of 18 years), who varied in age when their parents separated and one disclosed as LGB, were interviewed. The primary concern that emerged centred on participants having to adjust to their parents’ being separated, as opposed to their parent being LGB. This involved engaging with the tension that arose from the loss of the parental union, which involved changes to the home environment and adapting to new parental partners and family units. Heightened reflection on sexual orientation and an increased sensitivity to societal LGB prejudice were specifically associated with a parent coming out as LGB. How parents negotiated disclosing the changes to others, the level of support available to parents, and how capable parents were at maintaining the parent-child relationship had an impact on the tension experienced by sons and daughters. Participants moved from initially avoiding and resisting the family changes that were occurring to gradual consonance with their altered family environments. Concluding directions for research and clinical considerations are suggested. PMID:26710277

  14. Isotope effect in the organic superconductor β_H-(BEDT-TTF)2I3 where BEDT-TTF is bis (ethylenedithiotetrathiafulvalene)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Auban-Senzier, P.; Bourbonnais, C.; Jérome, D.; Lenoir, C.; Batail, P.; Canadell, E.; Buisson, J. P.; Lefrant, S.


    , son importante variation à l'échelle de ω_D ne peut expliquer l'effet observé. D'autre part, nous expliquons comment la diffusion électronique inélastique observée en résistivité juste au-dessus de T_c peut conduire via un mécanisme de brisure de paires, à une augmentation significative du coefficient isotopique.

  15. Knowledge of carrier status and barriers to testing among mothers of sons with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy.


    Bogue, Lauren; Peay, Holly; Martin, Ann; Lucas, Ann; Ramchandren, Sindhu


    Our study objective was to survey female carriers for Duchenne and Becker muscular dystrophy to identify barriers to carrier testing and the impact of carrier risk knowledge on cardiac and reproductive health management. We surveyed women who have or had biological sons with Duchenne or Becker muscular dystrophy and were enrolled in the US DuchenneConnect patient registry, with questions assessing knowledge of carrier status and recurrence risk, knowledge of care standards for carriers, and barriers to testing. Of the 182 eligible respondents, 25% did not know their carrier status and 14% incorrectly classified themselves as not at risk. Cost of testing was the most commonly identified barrier to testing. Women reporting unknown carrier status were 13 times as likely to express uncertainty regarding their recurrence risk compared to women reporting positive carrier status. 37% of women at an increased risk for cardiomyopathy had never had an echocardiogram. Women who were certain of their positive carrier status were twice as likely to have had an echocardiogram in the last five years compared to women with unknown carrier status. Future research on reducing barriers to counseling and carrier testing, such as cost, may improve care standard adherence. Copyright © 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

  16. Effect of clayey groundwater on the dissolution rate of SON68 simulated nuclear waste glass at 70 °C

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Echave, T.; Tribet, M.; Jollivet, P.; Marques, C.; Gin, S.; Jégou, C.


    To predict the long-term behavior of high-level radioactive waste glass, it is necessary to study aqueous dissolution of the glass matrix under geological repository conditions. The present article focuses on SON68 (an inactive surrogate of the R7T7 glass) glass alteration in synthetic clayey groundwater at 70 °C. Experiments in deionized water as reference were also performed in the same conditions. Results are in agreement with those of previous studies showing that magnesium present in the solution is responsible for higher glass alteration. This effect is transient and pH-dependent: Once all the magnesium is consumed, the glass alteration rate diminishes. Precipitation of magnesium silicate of the smectite group seems to be the main factor for the increased glass alteration. A pH threshold of 7.5-7.8 was found, above which precipitation of these magnesium silicates at 70 °C is possible. TEM observations reveal that magnesium silicates grow at the expense of the passivating gel, which partly dissolves, forming large pores which increase mass transfer between the reacting glass surface and the bulk solution.

  17. Parent-child communication and substance use among adolescents: do father and mother communication play a different role for sons and daughters?


    Luk, Jeremy W; Farhat, Tilda; Iannotti, Ronald J; Simons-Morton, Bruce G


    The purpose of this study was to investigate gender-specific variations in the associations between communication with father and mother, cigarette smoking, alcohol drinking and marijuana use in male and female adolescents. Cross-sectional data were collected from a national sample of 1308 tenth graders who participated in the 2005/06 U.S. HBSC. Outcome variables were self-reported substances used in the past 30 days. Logistic regression analyses controlling for race/ethnicity, family structure and socioeconomic status showed that the association of mother and father communication with adolescent substance use varied by substance and gender. Among sons, father communication was protective against marijuana use and mother communication was protective against smoking. Neither father nor mother communication was protective against substance use by daughters. Research is needed to understand gender-specific differences in correlates of adolescent substance use and the implications for prevention and intervention. Copyright (c) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  18. Etude par resistivite electrique du comportement d'un alliage amorphe Fe 40Ni 38Mo 4B 18 deforme par traction

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hoang, Long Phan; Sacovy, Paulette; Delaplace, Jean


    Des rubans d'alliages amorphes Metglas du type Fe 40Ni 38Mo 4B 18 à l'état brut de trempe ont été déformés par traction à la température ambiante et l'on a suivi les variations de la résistance électrique des échantillons au cours de la déformation. Il ressort de ces essais que la déformation plastique qui est de l'ordre de 0.5% avant rupture ne se produit pas de faĉon homogène dans l'échantillon. Les mesures électriques effectuées au cours de la déformation mettent en évidence dans le domaine élastique un effet d'élastorésistance, relativement important ( K ≠ 1); elles montrent que dans le domaine plastique la déformation permanente des échantillons s'accompagne d'une diminution de la résistivité électrique du matériau. Deux hypothèses sont discutées pour expliquer cet effet inattendu, l'un qui fait appel à l'existence de volumes libres, l'autre qui suppose une cristallisation localisée du matériau sous l'effet de la contrainte.

  19. Antisuperconductors: Properties of Layered Compounds with Coupling

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Carton, J.-P.; Lammert, P. E.; Prost, J.


    In this note, we consider properties of a hypothetical superconductor composed of Josephson-coupled microscopic layers with tunneling energy minimized at a phase difference of π. The non-zero phase offset in the ground state engenders an intriguing interplay between the superconductive ordering and structural lattice defects. Unusual magnetic properties are expected in the case of highly disordered crystals, which are consistent with observations of a “paramagnetic Meissner” or “Wohlleben” effect in high-T_c cuprate superconductors. Dans cette note, nous considérons les propriétés d'un supraconducteur hypothétique composé de couches microscopiques, couplées par effet Josephson, mais dont l'énergie de couplage est minimisée pour une différence de phase de π. L'état de base a des propriétés fascinantes dues à l'effet combiné de l'ordre supraconducteur et des défauts structuraux du cristal. Dans le cas de cristaux très désordonnés, on attend des propriétés magnétiques exceptionnelles, qui sont compatibles avec les observations dans quelques supraconducteurs cuprate haute-T_c d'un effet “Meissner paramagnétique” ou “Wohlleben”.

  20. Suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique de trois médicaments antiépileptiques: retour sur vingt années d’expérience

    PubMed Central

    Serragui, Samira; Zalagh, Fatima; Tanani, Driss Soussi; Ouammi, Lahcen; Moussa, Latifa Ait; Badrane, Narjis; Bencheikh, Rachida Soulaymani


    Introduction Le suivi thérapeutique pharmacologique (STP) des médicaments antiépileptiques (MAE) est un outil très utilisé dans la gestion de l'épilepsie. Au Maroc, ce dosage est réalisé au Centre Anti Poison et de Pharmacovigilance du Maroc (CAPM) depuis Avril 1995. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective s'étalant sur 20 ans. Elle concerne le STP du Phénobarbital (PB), de la Carbamazépine (CBZ) et de l'Acide Valproique (AVP). Résultats Le STP des 3 MAE représentaient 58,85% de l'ensemble des demandes de STP reçue par le CAPM. Le dosage du PB était classé en première position suivi par celui de la CBZ et enfin par l'AVP. La faible demande de STP au Maroc pouvait être expliquée par le faible nombre de neurologues auquel s'ajoutaient des facteurs sociaux. Grâce à son prix très accessible par les patients, le PB est le MAE le plus prescrit dans notre pays expliquant ainsi la demande élevée de son dosage. Quant aux motifs de STP des 3 MAE, ils étaient essentiellement liés à l'âge, à l'apparition d'effets indésirables, à l'association de MAE ou dans le cas de vérification de l'observance des malades. Conclusion Des efforts sont à fournir pour promouvoir l'intérêt du STP des MAE dans la prise en charge de l'épilepsie au Maroc. PMID:28154702

  1. Analyse de l'effet des courants induits sur l'impédance d'un système électromagnétique alimenté en tension BF ou HF. Utilisation de la méthode des circuits couplés

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Maouche, B.; Feliachi, M.


    In this paper, a study of the interaction between the inductor and the load of an axisymmetrical induction device is proposed. This interaction concerns the effect of the eddy current on both the excitation current and on the system impedance. A half analytical model, based on a numerical discretization of the electromagnetic solution domain, is used. In each cell of the numerical discretization, an analytical calculation using the Moment Method (MM) is considered. In the case of strong skin effect (High Frequency: HF), the formulation makes use of the Impedance Boundary Condition (IBC); in the contrary case (Low Frequency: LF), the interior domain is discretized. Dans cet article nous proposons l'étude de l'influence d'une charge (induit) conductrice sur la répartition du courant inducteur ainsi que sur l'impédance du système. L'inducteur est à géométrie axisymétrique de forme solénoïdale ou pancake destiné au chauffage par induction. Une méthode semi-analytique, basée sur une discrétisation du domaine en mailles élémentaires auxquelles s'applique une formulation intégrale (Méthode des Circuits Couplés : MCC) des grandeurs électromagnétiques, est utilisée. Dans le cas où l'effet de peau est important (Haute Fréquence:HF), la formulation associe la Condition d'Impédance de Surface; dans le cas contraire (Basse Fréquence : BF), un maillage du domaine interne est pratiqué.

  2. How parasitoid females produce sexy sons: a causal link between oviposition preference, dietary lipids and mate choice in Nasonia

    PubMed Central

    Blaul, Birgit; Ruther, Joachim


    Sexual selection theory predicts that phenotypic traits used to choose a mate should reflect honestly the quality of the sender and thus, are often costly. Physiological costs arise if a signal depends on limited nutritional resources. Hence, the nutritional condition of an organism should determine both its quality as a potential mate and its ability to advertise this quality to the choosing sex. In insects, the quality of the offspring's nutrition is often determined by the ovipositing female. A causal connection, however, between the oviposition decisions of the mother and the mating chances of her offspring has never been shown. Here, we demonstrate that females of the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis prefer those hosts for oviposition that have been experimentally enriched in linoleic acid (LA). We show by 13C-labelling that LA from the host diet is a precursor of the male sex pheromone. Consequently, males from LA-rich hosts produce and release higher amounts of the pheromone and attract more virgin females than males from LA-poor hosts. Finally, males from LA-rich hosts possess three times as many spermatozoa as those from LA-poor hosts. Hence, females making the right oviposition decisions may increase both the fertility and the sexual attractiveness of their sons. PMID:21429922

  3. How parasitoid females produce sexy sons: a causal link between oviposition preference, dietary lipids and mate choice in Nasonia.


    Blaul, Birgit; Ruther, Joachim


    Sexual selection theory predicts that phenotypic traits used to choose a mate should reflect honestly the quality of the sender and thus, are often costly. Physiological costs arise if a signal depends on limited nutritional resources. Hence, the nutritional condition of an organism should determine both its quality as a potential mate and its ability to advertise this quality to the choosing sex. In insects, the quality of the offspring's nutrition is often determined by the ovipositing female. A causal connection, however, between the oviposition decisions of the mother and the mating chances of her offspring has never been shown. Here, we demonstrate that females of the parasitic wasp Nasonia vitripennis prefer those hosts for oviposition that have been experimentally enriched in linoleic acid (LA). We show by (13)C-labelling that LA from the host diet is a precursor of the male sex pheromone. Consequently, males from LA-rich hosts produce and release higher amounts of the pheromone and attract more virgin females than males from LA-poor hosts. Finally, males from LA-rich hosts possess three times as many spermatozoa as those from LA-poor hosts. Hence, females making the right oviposition decisions may increase both the fertility and the sexual attractiveness of their sons.

  4. "Now if you have only sons you are dead": migration, gender, and family economy in twentieth century northwestern Ghana.


    Abdul-Korah, Gariba B


    This article explores the interconnectedness between labor migration, gender, and the family economy in northwestern Ghana in the 20th century. It focuses specifically on the Dagaaba of the Nadowli and Jirapa administrative districts of what is now the Upper West Region (UWR). It examines how the relationships between men and women in terms of roles, status, access to productive resources and inheritance, changed in tandem with broader changes in society in the 20th century; changes that over time produced enhanced value and elevated status for women in the family. These changes in gender relations are reflected increasingly in the belief among elderly men that ‘now if you have only sons, you are dead’. By focusing on the lived experiences of ordinary women and men in the migration process, it argues that even though indigenous social structures privileged men over women in almost all spheres of life, Dagaaba women were nonetheless significantly active in shaping the history of their communities and that gender relations in Dagaaba communities were not static — they changed over time and generation. This article contributes to the ongoing discussion of the internal migration phenomenon in West Africa, which has so far attracted scant historical analysis.

  5. Materials characterization activities for %E2%80%9CTake Our Sons&Daughters to Work Day%E2%80%9D 2013.

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Mowry, Curtis Dale; Pimentel, Adam S.; Sparks, Elizabeth Schares

    We created interactive demonstration activities for Take Our Daughters&Sons to Work Day (TODSTWD) 2013 in order to promote general interest in chemistry and also generate awareness of the type of work our laboratories can perform. %E2%80%9CCurious about Mars Rover Curiosity?%E2%80%9D performed an elemental analysis on rocks brought to our lab using the same technique utilized on the planet Mars by the NASA robotic explorer Curiosity. %E2%80%9CFood is Chemistry?%E2%80%9D utilized a mass spectrometer to measure, in seconds, each participant's breath in order to identify the food item consumed for the activity. A total of over 130 children participated in these activitiesmore » over a 3 hour block, and feedback was positive. This document reports the materials (including handouts), experimental procedures, and lessons learned so that future demonstrations can benefit from the baseline work performed. We also present example results used to prepare the Food activity and example results collected during the Curiosity demo.« less

  6. Crustal structure associated with Gondwana graben across the Narmada-Son lineament in India: An inference from aeromagnetics

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Rao, D. Atchuta; Babu, H. V. Ram; Sinha, G. D. J. Sivakumar


    Aeromagnetic data over an 80-km-wide belt along the ENE-trending Narmada-Son lineament (NSL), starting from Baroda in the west and continuing to the south of Jabalpur in the east, has been studied to understand the structural and tectonic framework of the region. The area is covered by generally E-W-trending steeply dipping and folded Archean phyllites and quartzites as basement, with Bijawars (Upper Precambrian), upper Vindhyans (Upper Proterozoic), and Gondwanas (Upper Carboniferous) overlying them. Overlapping them all are the Deccan trap (Cretaceous-Eocene) flows. Aeromagnetic linements and their disposition and pattern in this region suggest major dislocations in the crust. The region around Hoshangabad, which is the intersection point of the NSL and the northwestern extension of the Godavari lineament, appears to have been intensely disturbed. Spectral analysis of aeromagnetic profiles across the NSL belt brought out a deep magnetic interface within crust at depths varying from 4 km to about 20 km below the surface, perhaps corresponding to the discontinuity characterized by the interface of granitic and basaltic rocks. There is a significant downwarping of this interface under the Hoshangabad region, suggesting that this is perhaps related to the evolution of the Gondwana basin structure in this area. This warping of the magnetic interface may be a reflection of the crustal flexuring and rift faulting. Elsewhere in the world, concentrations of carbonatite complexes and dike swarms are known to occur in areas of crustal flexuring and rift faulting. The occurrence of carbonatite complexes in this region (e.g. at Amba Dongar and Barwaha, and dike swarms in the Dadiapada region) gives credence to the present inferences from the aeromagnetic study.

  7. La supraconductivité a 100 ans !

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Lebrun, Philippe


    Il y a 100 ans, le 8 avril 1911, une découverte majeure était réalisée : celle de la supraconductivité. La supraconductivité est la caractéristique qu’ont certains métaux et alliages de perdre toute résistance électrique en dessous d’une température donnée. Cette renversante découverte, réalisée de manière presque fortuite par Kammerlingh Onnes de l’Université de Leyde (Pays-Bas) et son étudiant Gilles Holst, a ouvert un nouveau champ de recherche en physique et de fabuleuses perspectives d’applications technologiques. Du point de vue scientifique, la supraconductivité est en effet l’une des rares manifestations de la physique quantique à l’échelle macroscopique.  Du point de vuemore » des retombées techniques, elle est porteuse d’applications majeures dans le domaine de la santé, des communications et de l’énergie. 100 ans après, les physiciens n’ont toujours pas fini d’explorer ce phénomène et ses applications. Le CERN abrite des applications de la supraconductivité à des échelles inédites. L’accélérateur de particules LHC, avec ses milliers d’aimants supraconducteurs répartis sur 27 kilomètres de circonférence, est en effet la plus grande application mondiale de la supraconductivité. Il ne pourrait exister sans elle. Le CERN fête donc la découverte de la supraconductivité avec une conférence exceptionnelle donnée par Philippe Lebrun. Au cours de cette conférence, l’expérience historique de Kammerlingh Onnes sera reproduite. Philippe Lebrun racontera l’histoire de cette étonnante découverte, en la replaçant dans le contexte scientifique de l’époque. Il racontera les développements scientifiques et les applications du premier siècle de la supraconductivité. Conférence en français Merci de bien vouloir vous inscrire au : +41 22 767 76 76 ou« less

  8. Le niobate de lithium a haute temperature pour les applications ultrasons =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    De Castilla, Hector

    L'objectif de ce travail de maitrise en sciences appliquees est de trouver puis etudier un materiau piezoelectrique qui est potentiellement utilisable dans les transducteurs ultrasons a haute temperature. En effet, ces derniers sont actuellement limites a des temperatures de fonctionnement en dessous de 300°C a cause de l'element piezoelectrique qui les compose. Palier a cette limitation permettrait des controles non destructifs par ultrasons a haute temperature. Avec de bonnes proprietes electromecaniques et une temperature de Curie elevee (1200°C), le niobate de lithium (LiNbO 3) est un bon candidat. Mais certaines etudes affirment que des processus chimiques tels que l'apparition de conductivite ionique ou l'emergence d'une nouvelle phase ne permettent pas son utilisation dans les transducteurs ultrasons au-dessus de 600°C. Cependant, d'autres etudes plus recentes ont montre qu'il pouvait generer des ultrasons jusqu'a 1000°C et qu'aucune conductivite n'etait visible. Une hypothese a donc emerge : une conductivite ionique est presente dans le niobate de lithium a haute temperature (>500°C) mais elle n'affecte que faiblement ses proprietes a hautes frequences (>100 kHz). Une caracterisation du niobate de lithium a haute temperature est donc necessaire afin de verifier cette hypothese. Pour cela, la methode par resonance a ete employee. Elle permet une caracterisation de la plupart des coefficients electromecaniques avec une simple spectroscopie d'impedance electrochimique et un modele reliant de facon explicite les proprietes au spectre d'impedance. Il s'agit de trouver les coefficients du modele permettant de superposer au mieux le modele avec les mesures experimentales. Un banc experimental a ete realise permettant de controler la temperature des echantillons et de mesurer leur impedance electrochimique. Malheureusement, les modeles actuellement utilises pour la methode par resonance sont imprecis en presence de couplages entre les modes de vibration. Cela

  9. "In a black hole": the (negative) space between longing and dread: Home-based psychotherapy with a traumatized mother and her infant son.


    Arons, Judith


    This paper offers fragments from the first year of a home-based mother-baby psychotherapy, in which I attempted to help a traumatized and dissociated mother to emotionally engage with her infant son. The treatment was organized in part around certain developmental objectives common to both attachment and psychoanalytic theory. These include: The ability to name and metabolize feelings, to evoke a soothing maternal introject, and to relate to the partner's mind as a separate, understandable center of initiative and intention. In addition, attachment theory, with its emphasis on the critical psychobiological role of containing fear and distress in infancy, was a useful guide in formulating the treatment. The paper reviews research findings on mother-infant pairs described as frightened-disorganized, discusses some of the challenges encountered in home-based mother-infant psychotherapy and then discusses the case of Mary and John. The case illustrates how mother-infant psychotherapy may interrupt the intergenerational transmission of disorganized attachment by working within the couple to name, metabolize and flexibly respond to painful, dissociated or frightening experiences.

  10. Révision systématique des effets de la fréquence des repas en famille sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les jeunes

    PubMed Central

    Harrison, Megan E.; Norris, Mark L.; Obeid, Nicole; Fu, Maeghan; Weinstangel, Hannah; Sampson, Margaret


    Résumé Objectif Effectuer une révision systématique des effets de repas en famille fréquents sur les résultats psychosociaux chez les enfants et les adolescents et examiner s’il existe des différences dans les résultats selon le sexe. Sources des données Des études ont été cernées à la suite d’une recherche dans MEDLINE (de 1948 à la dernière semaine de juin 2011) et dans PsycINFO (de 1806 à la première semaine de juillet 2011) à l’aide de l’interface Ovide. Les expressions et mots clés MeSH utilisés seuls ou en combinaisons étaient les suivants : family, meal, food intake, nutrition, diets, body weight, adolescent attitudes, eating behaviour, feeding behaviour et eating disorders. Les bibliographies des articles jugés pertinents ont aussi été passées en revus. Sélection des études La recherche initiale a produit 1783 articles. Pour être incluses dans l’analyse, les études devaient répondre aux critères suivants : être publiées en anglais dans une revue révisée par des pairs; porter sur des enfants ou des adolescents; traiter de l’influence des repas en famille sur les paramètres psychosociaux (p. ex. consommation de drogues et autres substances, troubles de l’alimentation, dépression) chez les enfants ou les adolescents; avoir une conception d’étude appropriée, notamment des méthodes statistiques acceptables pour l’analyse des paramètres. Quatorze articles satisfaisaient aux critères d’inclusion. Deux examinateurs indépendants ont étudié et analysé les articles. Synthèse Dans l’ensemble, les résultats font valoir que la fréquence des repas en famille est inversement proportionnelle aux troubles de l’alimentation, à la consommation d’alcool et de drogues, aux comportements violents, aux sentiments de dépression ou aux pensées suicidaires chez les adolescents. Il existe une relation positive entre de fréquents repas en famille, une bonne estime de soi et la réussite scolaire. Les

  11. Nanoparticules d'or: De l'imagerie par resonance magnetique a la radiosensibilisation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hebert, Etienne M.

    Cette thèse approfondit l'étude de nanoparticules d'or de 5 nm de diamètre recouvertes de diamideéthanethioldiethylènetriaminepentacétate de gadolinium (DTDTPA:Gd), un agent de contraste pour l'imagerie par résonance magnétique (IRM). En guise de ciblage passif, la taille des nanoparticules a été contrôlée afin d'utiliser le réseau de néovaisseaux poreux et perméable des tumeurs. De plus les tumeurs ont un drainage lymphatique déficient qui permet aux nanoparticules de demeurer plus longtemps dans le milieu interstitiel de la tumeur. Les expériences ont été effectuées sur des souris Balb/c femelles portant des tumeurs MC7-L1. La concentration de nanoparticules a pu être mesurée à l'IRM in vivo. La concentration maximale se retrouvait à la fin de l'infusion de 10 min. La concentration s'élevait à 0.3 mM dans la tumeur et de 0.12 mM dans le muscle environnant. Les nanoparticules étaient éliminées avec une demi-vie de 22 min pour les tumeurs et de 20 min pour le muscle environnant. Les nanoparticules ont été fonctionnalisées avec le peptide Tat afin de leur conférer des propriétés de ciblage actif La rétention de ces nanoparticules a ainsi été augmentée de 1600 %, passant d'une demi-vie d'élimination de 22 min à 350 min. La survie des souris a été mesurée à l'aide de courbes Kaplan-Meier et d'un modèle mathématique évalue l'efficacité de traitements. Le modèle nous permet, à l'aide de la vitesse de croissance des tumeurs et de l'efficacité des traitements, de calculer la courbe de survie des spécimens. Un effet antagoniste a été observé au lieu de l'effet synergétique attendu entre une infusion de Au@DTDTPA:Gd et l'irradiation aux rayons X. L'absence d'effet synergétique a été attribuée à l'épaisseur du recouvrement de DTDTPA:Gd qui fait écran aux électrons produits par l'or. De plus, le moyen d'ancrage du recouvrement utilise des thiols qui peuvent s'avérer être des capteurs de radicaux. De plus

  12. NanoSIMS Imaging Alternation Layers of a Leached SON68 Glass Via A FIB-made Wedged Crater

    DOE Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI.GOV)

    Wang, Yi-Chung; Schreiber, Daniel K.; Neeway, James J.


    Currently, nuclear wastes are commonly immobilized into glasses because of their long-term durability. Exposure to water for long periods of time, however, will eventually corrode the waste form and is the leading potential avenue for radionuclide release into the environment. Because such slow processes cannot be experimentally tested, the prediction of release requires a thorough understanding the mechanisms governing glass corrosion. In addition, due to the exceptional durability of glass, much of the testing must be performed on high-surface-area powders. A technique that can provide accurate compositional profiles with very precise depth resolution for non-flat samples would be a majormore » benefit to the field. Time-of-flight secondary ion mass spectrometry (ToF-SIMS) depth profiling is an excellent tool that has long been used to examine corrosion layers of glass. The roughness of the buried corrosion layers, however, causes the corresponding SIMS depth profiles to exhibit erroneously wide interfaces. In this study, NanoSIMS was used to image the cross-section of the corrosion layers of a leached SON68 glass sample. A wedged crater was prepared by a focused ion beam (FIB) instrument to obtain a 5× improvement in depth resolution for NanoSIMS measurements. This increase in resolution allowed us to confirm that the breakdown of the silica glass network is further from the pristine glass than a second dissolution front for boron, another glass former. The existence of these two distinct interfaces, separated by only ~20 nm distance in depth, was not apparent by traditional ToF-SIMS depth profiling but has been confirmed also by atom probe tomography. This novel sample geometry will be a major benefit to efficient NanoSIMS sampling of irregular interfaces at the nanometer scale that would otherwise be obscured within ToF-SIMS depth profiles.« less

  13. Magnetic Data Interpretation for the Source-Edge Locations in Parts of the Tectonically Active Transition Zone of the Narmada-Son Lineament in Central India

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ghosh, G. K.


    The study has been carried out in the transition zone of the Narmada-Son lineament (NSL) which is seismically active with various geological complexities, upwarp movement of the mantle material into the crust through fault, fractures lamination and upwelling. NSL is one of the most prominent lineaments in central India after the Himalaya in the Indian geology. The area of investigation extends from longitude 80.25°E to 81.50°E and latitude 23.50°N to 24.37°N in the central part of the Indian continent. Different types of subsurface geological formations viz. alluvial, Gondwana, Deccan traps, Vindhyan, Mahakoshal, Granite and Gneisses groups exist in this area with varying geological ages. In this study area tectonic movement and crustal variation have been taken place during the past time and which might be reason for the variation of magnetic field. Magnetic anomaly suggests that the area has been highly disturbed which causes the Narmada-Son lineament trending in the ENE-WSW direction. Magnetic anomaly variation has been taken place due to the lithological variations subject to the changes in the geological contacts like thrusts and faults in this area. Shallow and deeper sources have been distinguished using frequency domain analysis by applying different filters. To enhance the magnetic data, various types of derivatives to identify the source-edge locations of the causative source bodies. The present study carried out the interpretation using total horizontal derivative, tilt angle derivative, horizontal tilt angle derivative and Cos (θ) derivative map to get source-edge locations. The results derived from various derivatives of magnetic data have been compared with the basement depth solutions calculated from 3D Euler deconvolution. It is suggested that total horizontal derivative, tilt angle derivative and Cos (θ) derivative are the most useful tools for identifying the multiple source edge locations of the causative bodies in this tectonically active

  14. Métier de sociologue, approche inductive et objet d'analyse. Brèves remarques à partir de Bourdieu.


    Hamel, Jacques


    This article seeks to reveal the role played by the inductive approach in sociology. Grounded Theory assumes its full importance in formulating sociological explanations. However, the theory does pose a problem, in that the "method" is not based on clearly defined operations, which remain implicit. This article attempts to show that the object of analysis-what is being analyzed-makes perceptible the operations implicitly conceived by the analyst, based on Grounded Theory. With qualitative analysis software, such as Atlas.ti, it is possible to shed light on these operations. The article is illustrated by the theory of Pierre Bourdieu and the epistemological considerations he developed as a result of his qualitative inquiry, La Misère du monde. Cet article cherche à montrer le rôle que joue l'approche inductive en sociologie. La Grounded Theory revêt son importance pour formuler l'explication sociologique. Celle-ci pose toutefois problème. En effet, la «méthode» ne repose pas sur des opérations clairement définies et celles-ci restent implicites. Dans cet article, on cherche à montrer que l'objet d'analyse-ce sur quoi porte l'analyse-rend perceptibles les opérations que l'analyste conçoit implicitement en s'appuyant sur la Grounded Theory. Les logiciels d'analyse qualitative, comme Atlas.ti, permettent d'autre part de les mettre en évidence. L'article est illustré par la théorie de Pierre Bourdieu et les considérations épistémologiques qu'a développées cet auteur à la suite de son enquête qualitative sur la Misère du monde. © 2015 Canadian Sociological Association/La Société canadienne de sociologie.

  15. A rhinocerotid-dominated megafauna at the MIS6-5 transition: The late Middle Pleistocene Coc Muoi assemblage, Lang Son province, Vietnam

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bacon, Anne-Marie; Antoine, Pierre-Olivier; Huong, Nguyen Thi Mai; Westaway, Kira; Tuan, Nguyen Anh; Duringer, Philippe; Zhao, Jian-xin; Ponche, Jean-Luc; Dung, Sam Canh; Nghia, Truong Huu; Minh, Tran Thi; Son, Pham Thanh; Boyon, Marc; Thuy, Nguyen Thi Kim; Blin, Amandine; Demeter, Fabrice


    Little is known about the ecosystems in the north of the Indochinese peninsula at the Middle-Late Pleistocene transition. In this paper, we analyzed the new fauna from Coc Muoi cave, Lang Son province, northeast Vietnam. In comparison with other well-documented faunas from the region, that of Coc Muoi is distinguished by the predominance of rhinoceroses among diverse large-bodied herbivores. The results of the OSL and pIR-IRSL dating of the cave sediments and U-series dating of flowstones indicate a potential age range of 148-117 ka for the fauna (MIS6-5). The analysis of age-at-death distributions of rhinoceroses, wild cattle, sambar deer, and wild pig, does not show any apparent selectivity of age classes. We also focused our study on rhinoceroses, tapirs, and wild cattle by analyzing the prevalence of hypoplastic defects on deciduous and permanent teeth, in an attempt to assess the health status of the taxa during their first years of growth. The health status of large-bodied herbivores (kouprey and rhinoceros) reveals the importance of stressors (biotic and abiotic) in the rainforest environment during a period of marked climatic transition (MIS6-5) in comparison with other MIS5-4 well-documented faunas from the region.

  16. Internal stresses, dislocation mobility and ductility

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saada, G.


    The description of plastic deformation must take into account individual mechanisms and heterogeneity of plastic strain. Influence of dislocation interaction with forest dislocations and of cross slip are connected with the organization of dipole walls. The latter are described and their development is explained as a consequence of edge effects. Applications are discussed. La description de la déformation plastique doit prendre en compte les interactions individuelles des dislocations et l'hétérogénéité à grande échelle de la déformation plastique. Les interactions des dislocations mobiles avec la forêt de dislocations, le glissement dévié, ont pour effet la création de parois dipolaires. Celles-ci sont décrites et leur développement est appliqué à partir des effets de bord.

  17. L'environnement linguistique: son influence et son importance. (The Linguistic Environment: Its Influence and its Importance).

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Banko, Rosalie; Smith, Brian


    Describes an appended questionnaire prepared for the Ministry of Education of the Quebec Region to determine the influence of the linguistic environment on learners of English as a second language and to define their needs at the secondary school level. Points out that statistical results support simultaneous teaching of the four skills and…

  18. Une expertise de bandes: son deroulement, son utilite (An Appraisal of Tapes: Its Development and Usefulness)

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Maire, Jean-Francois; And Others


    This article outlines the linguistic control criteria of the CILA (Swiss Interuniversity Commission for Applied Linguistics) for a series of tapes dealing with the problem of the "schwa" in French. (Text is in French.) (CDSH/CLK)

  19. Mid- to Late Holocene climate development in Central Asia as revealed from multi-proxy analyses of sediments from Lake Son Kol (Kyrgyzstan)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lauterbach, Stefan; Dulski, Peter; Gleixner, Gerd; Hettler-Riedel, Sabine; Mingram, Jens; Plessen, Birgit; Prasad, Sushma; Schwalb, Antje; Schwarz, Anja; Stebich, Martina; Witt, Roman


    A mid-Holocene shift from predominantly wet to significantly drier climate conditions, attributed to the weakening of the Asian summer monsoon (ASM), is documented in numerous palaeoclimate records from the monsoon-influenced parts of Asia, e.g. the Tibetan Plateau and north- and southeastern China. In contrast, Holocene climate development in the arid regions of mid-latitude Central Asia, located north and northwest of the Tibetan Plateau, is less well-constrained but supposed to have been influenced by a complex interaction between the mid-latitude Westerlies and the ASM. Hence, well-dated and highly resolved palaeoclimate records from Central Asia might provide important information about spatio-temporal changes in the regional interplay between Westerlies and ASM and thus aid the understanding of global climate teleconnections. As a part of the project CADY (Central Asian Climate Dynamics), aiming at reconstructing past climatic and hydrological variability in Central Asia, several sediment cores were recovered from alpine Lake Son Kol (41° 48'N, 75° 12'E, 3016 m a. s. l.) in the Central Tian Shan of Kyrgyzstan. A radiocarbon-dated sediment sequence of 154.5 cm length, covering approximately the last 6000 years, was investigated by using a multi-proxy approach, including sedimentological, (bio)geochemical, isotopic and micropalaeontological analyses. Preliminary proxy data indicate hydrologically variable but predominantly wet conditions until ca. 5100 cal. a BP, characterized by the deposition of finely laminated organic-carbonatic sediments. In contrast to monsoonal Asia, where a distinct trend towards drier conditions is observed since the mid-Holocene, the hydrologically variable interval at Lake Son Kol was apparently followed by an only short-term dry episode between ca. 5100 and 4200 cal. a BP. This is characterized by a higher δD of the C29 n-alkanes, probably reflecting increased evapotranspiration. Also pollen, diatom and ostracod data point

  20. Inhomogeneous magnesium hydride synthesized by low temperature ion implantation: weak localization effect

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nédellec, P.; Dumoulin, L.; Burger, J. P.; Bernas, H.; Köstler, H.; Traverse, A.


    Metastable MgHx hydride was prepared by H ion implantation into Mg films at 5 K. The resistivity and magnetoresistance temperature dependence reveal weak localization effects due to atomic disorder. At low hydrogen concentrations, x le 0.3, the conductivity varies as σ sim log(T), typical of two-dimensional weak localization behaviour. The resistivity is also very sensitive to the sample inhomogeneity, due to H diffusion, which can be modelled by introducing a temperature-dependent geometrical percolating factor G. At higher H concentrations, 0.7 le x le 3, after annealing at 20 K, 50 K and 110 K, the samples also exhibit weak localization but with three-dimensional behaviour i.e. a σ sim sqrt{T}. Our analysis is consistent with the existence of an inhomogeneous system formed by a mixture of two phases with contrasted conduction properties, one of which is a well-behaved metal, while the other displays the localization properties. The results lead us to identify the former phase to a non percolating superconducting phase at low temperature. Des films d'hydrure MgHx sont préparés, hors de l'équilibre thermodynamique, par implantation d'ions H dans des films de Mg maintenus à 5 K. La mesure de la résistance et de la magnétorésistance en fonction de la température met en évidence des effets importants de localisation électronique due au désordre atomique. Pour les faibles concentrations d'hydrogène, x le 0,3, la conductivité varie comme σ sim log(T), variation caractéristique d'un comportement dominé par les effets de localisation électronique faible à 2 dimensions. La résistivité est très sensible aux effets d'inhomogénéité, liés à la diffusion de H. Nous avons modélisé ces effets en introduisant un coefficient géométrique variant avec la température. Pour les concentrations plus élevées (0, 7 le x le 3), après un recuit à 20 K, 50 K et 110 K, les films montrent également des effets de localisation mais la conductivité varie

  1. Des recommandations probantes pour surveiller l’innocuité des antipsychotiques de deuxième génération chez les enfants et les adolescents

    PubMed Central

    Pringsheim, Tamara; Panagiotopoulos, Constadina; Davidson, Jana; Ho, Josephine


    HISTORIQUE : Au Canada, l’utilisation d’antipsychotiques, notamment les antipsychotiques de deuxième génération (ADG), a augmenté de façon considérable depuis cinq ans chez les enfants ayant des troubles de santé mentale. Ces médicaments ont le potentiel de causer de graves complications métaboliques et neurologiques lorsqu’on les utilise de manière chronique. OBJECTIF : Synthétiser les données probantes relatives aux effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques précis associés à l’usage d’ADG chez les enfants et fournir des recommandations probantes sur la surveillance de ces effets secondaires. MÉTHODOLOGIE : Les auteurs ont procédé à une analyse systématique des essais cliniques contrôlés des ADG auprès d’enfants. Ils ont fait des recommandations à l’égard de la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG d’après un modèle de classification fondé sur le système GRADE (système de notation de l’évaluation et de l’élaboration des recommandations). Lorsque les données probantes n’étaient pas suffisantes, ils fondaient leurs recommandations sur le consensus et l’avis d’experts. Un groupe consensuel multidisciplinaire a analysé toutes les données probantes pertinentes et est parvenu à un consensus à l’égard des recommandations. RÉSULTATS : Les recommandations probantes portant sur la surveillance de l’innocuité des ADG figurent dans les présentes lignes directrices. Les auteurs indiquent la qualité des recommandations relatives à des examens physiques et tests de laboratoire précis à l’égard de chaque ADG à des moments déterminés. CONCLUSION : De multiples essais aléatoires et contrôlés ont permis d’évaluer l’efficacité de bon nombre des ADG utilisés pour traiter les troubles de santé mentale en pédiatrie. Toutefois, leurs avantages ne sont pas sans risques : on observe à la fois des effets secondaires métaboliques et neurologiques chez les enfants traités au moyen d

  2. Effets pathogènes d'un faible débit de dose : la relation « dose effet »

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Masse, Roland


    There is no evidence of pathogenic effects in human groups exposed to less than 100 mSv at low dose-rate. The attributed effects are therefore the result of extrapolations from higher doses. The validity of such extrapolations is discussed from the point of view of epidemiology as well as cellular and molecular biology. The Chernobyl accident resulted in large excess of thyroid cancers in children; it also raised the point that some actual sanitary effects among distressed populations might be a direct consequence of low doses. Studies under the control of UN have not confirmed this point identifying no dose-effect relationship and " severe socio-economic and psychological pressures… poverty, poor diet and living conditions, and lifestyle factors" as the main cause for depressed health. Some hypothesis are considered for explaining the dose-dependence and high prevalence of non-cancer causes of death among human groups exposed to more than 300 mSv. To cite this article: R. Masse, C. R. Physique 3 (2002) 1049-1058.

  3. The West Family Chiropractic Dynasty: celebrating a century of accomplishment in Canada: Part I: Archibald B. West, DC, Samuel H. West, DC and Stephen E. West, DC: The Founding Father, his Son and Grandson.


    Brown, Douglas M


    This historical treatise documents the unbroken legacy of the West family of chiropractors which has flourished in Canada for over 100 years. Part I, unearths the origins, development and careers of Archibald West, the founder of this dynasty, his son Samuel and grandson Stephen. Part II, not yet ready for publication, will delve into the lives of Archibald's brother Samson and his chiropractic progeny, as well as a nephew of Stephen and another relative of Frederick West.

  4. Sex allocation and secondary sex ratio in Cuban boa ( Chilabothrus angulifer): mother's body size affects the ratio between sons and daughters

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Frynta, Daniel; Vejvodová, Tereza; Šimková, Olga


    Secondary sex ratios of animals with genetically determined sex may considerably deviate from equality. These deviations may be attributed to several proximate and ultimate factors. Sex ratio theory explains some of them as strategic decisions of mothers improving their fitness by selective investment in sons or daughters, e.g. local resource competition hypothesis (LRC) suggests that philopatric females tend to produce litters with male-biased sex ratios to avoid future competition with their daughters. Until now, only little attention has been paid to examine predictions of sex ratio theory in snakes possessing genetic sex determination and exhibiting large variance in allocation of maternal investment. Cuban boa is an endemic viviparous snake producing large-bodied newborns (˜200 g). Extremely high maternal investment in each offspring increases importance of sex allocation. In a captive colony, we collected breeding records of 42 mothers, 62 litters and 306 newborns and examined secondary sex ratios (SR) and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) of newborns. None of the examined morphometric traits of neonates appeared sexually dimorphic. The sex ratio was slightly male biased (174 males versus 132 females) and litter sex ratio significantly decreased with female snout-vent length. We interpret this relationship as an additional support for LRC as competition between mothers and daughters increases with similarity of body sizes between competing snakes.

  5. Sex allocation and secondary sex ratio in Cuban boa (Chilabothrus angulifer): mother's body size affects the ratio between sons and daughters.


    Frynta, Daniel; Vejvodová, Tereza; Šimková, Olga


    Secondary sex ratios of animals with genetically determined sex may considerably deviate from equality. These deviations may be attributed to several proximate and ultimate factors. Sex ratio theory explains some of them as strategic decisions of mothers improving their fitness by selective investment in sons or daughters, e.g. local resource competition hypothesis (LRC) suggests that philopatric females tend to produce litters with male-biased sex ratios to avoid future competition with their daughters. Until now, only little attention has been paid to examine predictions of sex ratio theory in snakes possessing genetic sex determination and exhibiting large variance in allocation of maternal investment. Cuban boa is an endemic viviparous snake producing large-bodied newborns (∼200 g). Extremely high maternal investment in each offspring increases importance of sex allocation. In a captive colony, we collected breeding records of 42 mothers, 62 litters and 306 newborns and examined secondary sex ratios (SR) and sexual size dimorphism (SSD) of newborns. None of the examined morphometric traits of neonates appeared sexually dimorphic. The sex ratio was slightly male biased (174 males versus 132 females) and litter sex ratio significantly decreased with female snout-vent length. We interpret this relationship as an additional support for LRC as competition between mothers and daughters increases with similarity of body sizes between competing snakes.

  6. Neuropathological Comparison of Adult Onset and Juvenile Huntington's Disease with Cerebellar Atrophy: A Report of a Father and Son.


    Latimer, Caitlin S; Flanagan, Margaret E; Cimino, Patrick J; Jayadev, Suman; Davis, Marie; Hoffer, Zachary S; Montine, Thomas J; Gonzalez-Cuyar, Luis F; Bird, Thomas D; Keene, C Dirk


    Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disease caused by a trinucleotide (CAG) repeat expansion in huntingtin (HTT) on chromosome 4. Anticipation can cause longer repeat expansions in children of HD patients. Juvenile Huntington's disease (JHD), defined as HD arising before age 20, accounts for 5-10% of HD cases, with cases arising in the first decade accounting for approximately 1%. Clinically, JHD differs from the predominately choreiform adult onset Huntington's disease (AOHD) with variable presentations, including symptoms such as myoclonus, seizures, Parkinsonism, and cognitive decline. The neuropathologic changes of AOHD are well characterized, but there are fewer reports that describe the neuropathology of JHD. Here we report a case of a six-year-old boy with paternally-inherited JHD caused by 169 CAG trinucleotide repeats who presented at age four with developmental delay, dysarthria, and seizures before dying at age 6. The boy's clinical presentation and neuropathological findings are directly compared to those of his father, who presented with AOHD and 54 repeats. A full autopsy was performed for the JHD case and a brain-only autopsy was performed for the AOHD case. Histochemically- and immunohistochemically-stained slides were prepared from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tissue sections. Both cases had neuropathology corresponding to Vonsattel grade 3. The boy also had cerebellar atrophy with huntingtin-positive inclusions in the cerebellum, findings not present in the father. Autopsies of father and son provide a unique opportunity to compare and contrast the neuropathologic findings of juvenile and adult onset HD while also providing the first immunohistochemical evidence of cerebellar involvement in JHD. Additionally this is the first known report to include findings from peripheral tissue in a case of JHD.

  7. Mexican Americans: Sons of the Southwest.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lamb, Ruth S.

    Concerned with the Mexican Americans, who constitute the largest ethnic group in the southwestern United States, this book traces the history of these people from the early explorations and colonizing efforts of the Spanish in North and South America during the 16th century to the present. Major divisions of this book are the Introduction,…

  8. Brady, Our Firstborn Son, Has Autism

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yeh-Kennedy, Mei


    Autism awareness is spreading like wildfire. Diagnoses have increased at an astounding rate. The statistic most often quoted is that 1 child in 150 has autism. As if the high rate of autism diagnoses were not worrisome enough, many doctors are not properly trained, or kept up to date, on how to detect autism at the earliest possible age. In many…

  9. Generativity, hierarchical action and recursion in the technology of the Acheulean to Middle Palaeolithic transition: a perspective from Patpara, the Son Valley, India.


    Shipton, C; Clarkson, C; Pal, J N; Jones, S C; Roberts, R G; Harris, C; Gupta, M C; Ditchfield, P W; Petraglia, M D


    The Acheulean to Middle Palaeolithic transition is one of the most important technological changes that occurs over the course of human evolution. Here we examine stone artefact assemblages from Patpara and two other excavated sites in the Middle Son Valley, India, which show a mosaic of attributes associated with Acheulean and Middle Palaeolithic industries. The bifaces from these sites are very refined and generally small, but also highly variable in size. A strong relationship between flake scar density and biface size indicates extensive differential resharpening. There are relatively low proportions of bifaces at these sites, with more emphasis on small flake tools struck from recurrent Levallois cores. The eventual demise of large bifaces may be attributed to the curation of small prepared cores from which sharper, or more task-specific flakes were struck. Levallois technology appears to have arisen out of adapting aspects of handaxe knapping, including shaping of surfaces, the utilization of two inter-dependent surfaces, and the striking of invasive thinning flakes. The generativity, hierarchical organization of action, and recursion evident in recurrent Levallois technology may be attributed to improvements in working memory. Copyright © 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

  10. Inflammatory Cytokines as Uremic Toxins: "Ni Son Todos Los Que Estan, Ni Estan Todos Los Que Son".


    Castillo-Rodríguez, Esmeralda; Pizarro-Sánchez, Soledad; Sanz, Ana B; Ramos, Adrian M; Sanchez-Niño, Maria Dolores; Martin-Cleary, Catalina; Fernandez-Fernandez, Beatriz; Ortiz, Alberto


    Chronic kidney disease is among the fastest growing causes of death worldwide. An increased risk of all-cause and cardiovascular death is thought to depend on the accumulation of uremic toxins when glomerular filtration rate falls. In addition, the circulating levels of several markers of inflammation predict mortality in patients with chronic kidney disease. Indeed, a number of cytokines are listed in databases of uremic toxins and uremic retention solutes. They include inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-18, IL-6, TNFα), chemokines (IL-8), and adipokines (adiponectin, leptin and resistin), as well as anti-inflammatory cytokines (IL-10). We now critically review the cytokines that may be considered uremic toxins. We discuss the rationale to consider them uremic toxins (mechanisms underlying the increased serum levels and evidence supporting their contribution to CKD manifestations), identify gaps in knowledge, discuss potential therapeutic implications to be tested in clinical trials in order to make this knowledge useful for the practicing physician, and identify additional cytokines, cytokine receptors and chemokines that may fulfill the criteria to be considered uremic toxins, such as sIL-6R, sTNFR1, sTNFR2, IL-2, CXCL12, CX3CL1 and others. In addition, we suggest that IL-10, leptin, adiponectin and resistin should not be considered uremic toxins toxins based on insufficient or contradictory evidence of an association with adverse outcomes in humans or preclinical data not consistent with a causal association.

  11. Z n clock models and chains of so(n)2 non-Abelian anyons: symmetries, integrable points and low energy properties

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Finch, Peter E.; Flohr, Michael; Frahm, Holger


    We study two families of quantum models which have been used previously to investigate the effect of topological symmetries in one-dimensional correlated matter. Various striking similarities are observed between certain {Z}n quantum clock models, spin chains generalizing the Ising model, and chains of non-Abelian anyons constructed from the so(n)2 fusion category for odd n, both subject to periodic boundary conditions. In spite of the differences between these two types of quantum chains, e.g. their Hilbert spaces being spanned by tensor products of local spin states or fusion paths of anyons, the symmetries of the lattice models are shown to be closely related. Furthermore, under a suitable mapping between the parameters describing the interaction between spins and anyons the respective Hamiltonians share part of their energy spectrum (although their degeneracies may differ). This spin-anyon correspondence can be extended by fine-tuning of the coupling constants leading to exactly solvable models. We show that the algebraic structures underlying the integrability of the clock models and the anyon chain are the same. For n  =  3,5,7 we perform an extensive finite size study—both numerical and based on the exact solution—of these models to map out their ground state phase diagram and to identify the effective field theories describing their low energy behaviour. We observe that the continuum limit at the integrable points can be described by rational conformal field theories with extended symmetry algebras which can be related to the discrete ones of the lattice models.

  12. Biological effect of Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans on some potentially toxic elements during alteration of SON 68 nuclear glass

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bachelet, M.; Crovisier, J. L.; Stille, P.; Vuilleumier, S.; Geoffroy, V.


    Although underground nuclear waste repositories are not expected to be favourable places for microbial activity, one should not exclude localized action of extremophilic bacteria on some materials involved in the storage concept. Among endogenous or accidentally introduced acidophiles, some are susceptible to lead to a locally drastic decreased in pH, with potential consequences on materials corrosion. Experiments were performed with Acidithiobacillus thiooxidans on 100-125 m french reference nuclear glass SON68 grains in a mineral medium under static conditions during 60 days at 25degC. Growth medium was periodically renewed and analyzed by ICP-AES and ICP-MS spectrometry for both major, trace and ultra-trace elements. Biofilm formation was evidenced by confocal laser microscopy, staining DNA with ethidium bromide and exopolysaccharides with calcofluor white. Biofilm thickness around material grains exceeded 20 m under the chosen experimental conditions. It can be noticed that while numerous studies on biofilm formation upon interaction between Acidithiobacillus ferrooxidans and materials are found in the literature, evidence for biofilm formation is still scarce for the case of the acidophilic bacterium A. thiooxidans. Presence of biofilm is a key parameter for material alteration at the solid/solution interface in biotic systems. Indeed, various constitutive elements of materials trapped in the polyanionic polymer of biofilm may also influence the alteration process. In particular, biofilm may reduce the alteration rate of materials by forming a protective barrier at their surface (Aouad et al., 2008). In this study, glass alteration rates, determined using strontium as tracer, showed that the progressive formation of a biofilm on the surface of glass has a protective effect against its alteration. Uranium and rare earth elements (REE) are efficiently trapped in the biogenic compartment of the system (exopolysaccharides + bacterial cells). Besides, the ratio

  13. Profil bactériologique du pied diabétique et son impact sur le choix des antibiotiques

    PubMed Central

    Zemmouri, Adil; Tarchouli, Mohamed; Benbouha, Abdellatif; Lamkinsi, Tarik; Bensghir, Mustapha; Elouennass, Mostafa; Haimeur, Cherqui


    Introduction Analyse du profil bactériologique des pieds diabétiques pris en charge à l'hôpital militaire de Rabat et son influence sur l'antibiothérapie de première intention. Méthodes Etude prospective non randomisée étalée sur 18 mois, ayant concerné 105 patients. Après recueil des données et en attente des résultats bactériologiques nos patients ont été divisés en deux groupes: un groupe a été mis sous Amoxicilline + Acide clavulanique + Gentamycine (59 patients) et un groupe sous Ertapénème±Gentamycine (46 patients). Résultats L’étude a regroupé 85 hommes et 20 femmes (sexe ratio = 4.26). L’âge moyen est de 64.4 ans. La gangrène a été observée chez 79% des malades; elle était humide-donc surinfectée en principe- dans 43% des cas. Par ailleurs, 67% des malades ont un chiffre de globules blancs 12000 définissant une infection sévère. L'ostéolyse a été mise en évidence chez 27% de nos patients. Parmi les différentes techniques de prélèvements: 81% ont été profonds dont 21% de biopsie osseuse per opératoire et 14% de prélèvements combinés. 42% de ces prélèvements sont poly microbiens et 21% sont stériles. Les résultats bactériologiques viennent confirmer la prédominance des bactéries aérobies à Gram positif. Le taux de remplacement de l'Ertapénème est de 22% contre un taux de 50% pour l'Amoxiclav. Conclusion L'antibiothérapie ne doit être instaurée qu'en cas d'infection du pied diabétique diagnostiquée sur les critères cliniques établis par les consensus internationaux récents. Le respect des mesures de lutte contre la diffusion de la résistance bactérienne s'avère primordiale. PMID:27386024

  14. A new mutation in the calcium-sensing receptor gene causing hypocalcaemia: case report of a father and two sons.


    Schoutteten, M K; Bravenboer, B; Seneca, S; Stouffs, K; Velkeniers, B


    Regulation of calcium is mediated by parathyroid hormone (PTH) and 1.25-dihydroxyvitamine D3. The calcium-sensing receptor (CaSR) regulates PTH release by a negative feedback system. Gain-of-function mutations in the CaSR gene reset the calcium-PTH axis, leading to hypocalcaemia. We analysed a family with hypocalcaemia. The proband was a 47-year-old man (index, patient I1), who presented with paraesthesias in both limbs. He has two sons (patient II1 a nd I I2). The probands' lab results showed: serum calcium of 1.95 mmol/l, albumin 41 g/l, phosphate 0.81 mmol/l and PTH 6.6 ng/l (normal 15-65 ng/l). Based on this analysis, we suspected a hereditary form of hypocalcaemia and performed genetic testing by polymerase chain reaction and Sanger sequencing of the coding regions and intron boundaries of the CaSR gene. Genetic analysis revealed a new heterozygous mutation: c.2195A>G, p.(Asn732Ser) in exon 7. The lab results of patient II1 showed: serum calcium of 1.93 mmol/l, phosphate 1.31 mmol/l, albumin 41 g/l, and PTH 24.3 ng/l. His genotype revealed the same activating mutation and, like his father, he also lost his scalp hair at an early adolescent age. Patient II2 is asymptomatic, and has neither biochemical abnormalities, nor the familial CaSR gene mutation. He still has all his scalp hair. 1) The c.2195A>G, p.(Asn732Ser) mutation in exon 7 of the CaSR gene leads to hypocalcaemia, and has not been reported before in the medical literature. 2) Possibly, this mutation is linked to premature baldness.

  15. Monitoring Ras Interactions with the Nucleotide Exchange Factor Son of Sevenless (Sos) Using Site-specific NMR Reporter Signals and Intrinsic Fluorescence*

    PubMed Central

    Vo, Uybach; Vajpai, Navratna; Flavell, Liz; Bobby, Romel; Breeze, Alexander L.; Embrey, Kevin J.; Golovanov, Alexander P.


    The activity of Ras is controlled by the interconversion between GTP- and GDP-bound forms partly regulated by the binding of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Son of Sevenless (Sos). The details of Sos binding, leading to nucleotide exchange and subsequent dissociation of the complex, are not completely understood. Here, we used uniformly 15N-labeled Ras as well as [13C]methyl-Met,Ile-labeled Sos for observing site-specific details of Ras-Sos interactions in solution. Binding of various forms of Ras (loaded with GDP and mimics of GTP or nucleotide-free) at the allosteric and catalytic sites of Sos was comprehensively characterized by monitoring signal perturbations in the NMR spectra. The overall affinity of binding between these protein variants as well as their selected functional mutants was also investigated using intrinsic fluorescence. The data support a positive feedback activation of Sos by Ras·GTP with Ras·GTP binding as a substrate for the catalytic site of activated Sos more weakly than Ras·GDP, suggesting that Sos should actively promote unidirectional GDP → GTP exchange on Ras in preference of passive homonucleotide exchange. Ras·GDP weakly binds to the catalytic but not to the allosteric site of Sos. This confirms that Ras·GDP cannot properly activate Sos at the allosteric site. The novel site-specific assay described may be useful for design of drugs aimed at perturbing Ras-Sos interactions. PMID:26565026

  16. Utilisation de l'essai comete et du biomarqueur gamma-H2AX pour detecter les dommages induits a l'ADN cellulaire par le 5-bromodeoxyuridine post-irradiation

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    La Madeleine, Carole

    Ce memoire est presente a la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante de l'Universite de Sherbrooke en vue de l'obtention du grade de maitre es sciences (M.Sc.) en radiobiologie (2009). Un jury a revise les informations contenues dans ce memoire. Il etait compose de professeurs de la Faculte de medecine et des sciences de la sante soit : Darel Hunting PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Leon Sanche PhD, directeur de recherche (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie), Richard Wagner PhD, membre du programme (departement de medecine nucleaire et radiobiologie) et Guylain Boissonneault PhD, membre exterieur au programme (departement de biochimie). Le 5-bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU), un analogue halogene de la thymidine reconnu depuis les annees 60 comme etant un excellent radiosensibilisateur. L'hypothese la plus repandue au sujet de l'effet radio sensibilisant du BrdU est qu'il augmente le nombre de cassures simple et double brin lorsqu'il est incorpore dans l'ADN de la cellule et expose aux radiations ionisantes. Toutefois, de nouvelles recherches semblent remettre en question les observations precedentes. Ces dernieres etudes ont confirme que le BrdU est un bon radiosensibilisateur, car il augmente les dommages radio-induits dans l'ADN. Mais, c'est en etant incorpore dans une region simple brin que le BrdU radiosensibilise l'ADN. Ces recherches ont egalement revele pour la premiere fois un nouveau type de dommages produits lors de l'irradiation de l'ADN contenant du BrdU : les dimeres interbrins. Le but de ces travaux de recherche est de determiner si la presence de bromodeoxyuridine dans l'ADN augmente l'induction de bris simple et / ou double brin chez les cellules irradiees en utilisant de nouvelles techniques plus sensibles et specifiques que celles utilisees auparavant. Pour ce faire, les essais cometes et la detection des foci H2AX phosphorylee pourraient permettre d'etablir les effets engendres par

  17. Deuterium Isotope Effects During HMX Combustion: Chemical Kinetic Burn Rate Control Mechanism Verified

    DTIC Science & Technology


    experience de gen dieses Experiments. Der 10 KDIE-Wert legt nahe. dab die combustion statique. La valeur de l’effet isotopique primaire laisse...anomaler combustion globale. Des 6tudes publifes par ailleurs confirment cette KDIE-Wert bei 10,4 MPa wirL angegeben. Diese KDIE-Experimente hypoth~se

  18. Le rôle du soutien parental dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique chez les jeunes de minorités sexuelles (JMS) : une approche de médiation modérée

    PubMed Central

    Bergeron, Félix-Antoine; Blais, Martin; Hébert, Martine


    Résumé Cet article explore le rôle modérateur du soutien parental dans les relations entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique chez des jeunes de minorités sexuelles (JMS), que l’on dit aussi lesbiennes, gais, bisexuels ou en questionnement. Il vise à 1) documenter la prévalence des différentes formes de victimisation homophobe vécue par les JMS, et ce, selon le genre et l’âge et 2) à explorer l’effet modérateur du soutien parental dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe, l’homophobie intériorisée et la détresse psychologique. Un échantillon de 228 JMS âgés de 14 à 22 ans, non exclusivement hétérosexuels, recrutés en milieu communautaire dans le cadre de l’enquête sur le Parcours Amoureux des Jeunes (PAJ) du Québec a été analysé. L’impact de la victimisation homophobe, du soutien parental, de l’homophobie intériorisée sur la détresse psychologique est exploré par un modèle de régression linéaire avec effets de médiation modérée. Le rôle modérateur du soutien parental est confirmé dans la relation entre la victimisation homophobe et la détresse psychologique. Ces variables peuvent constituer des leviers pour prévenir les effets négatifs des préjudices homophobes sur la santé mentale des JMS. PMID:26966851

  19. Monitoring Ras Interactions with the Nucleotide Exchange Factor Son of Sevenless (Sos) Using Site-specific NMR Reporter Signals and Intrinsic Fluorescence.


    Vo, Uybach; Vajpai, Navratna; Flavell, Liz; Bobby, Romel; Breeze, Alexander L; Embrey, Kevin J; Golovanov, Alexander P


    The activity of Ras is controlled by the interconversion between GTP- and GDP-bound forms partly regulated by the binding of the guanine nucleotide exchange factor Son of Sevenless (Sos). The details of Sos binding, leading to nucleotide exchange and subsequent dissociation of the complex, are not completely understood. Here, we used uniformly (15)N-labeled Ras as well as [(13)C]methyl-Met,Ile-labeled Sos for observing site-specific details of Ras-Sos interactions in solution. Binding of various forms of Ras (loaded with GDP and mimics of GTP or nucleotide-free) at the allosteric and catalytic sites of Sos was comprehensively characterized by monitoring signal perturbations in the NMR spectra. The overall affinity of binding between these protein variants as well as their selected functional mutants was also investigated using intrinsic fluorescence. The data support a positive feedback activation of Sos by Ras·GTP with Ras·GTP binding as a substrate for the catalytic site of activated Sos more weakly than Ras·GDP, suggesting that Sos should actively promote unidirectional GDP → GTP exchange on Ras in preference of passive homonucleotide exchange. Ras·GDP weakly binds to the catalytic but not to the allosteric site of Sos. This confirms that Ras·GDP cannot properly activate Sos at the allosteric site. The novel site-specific assay described may be useful for design of drugs aimed at perturbing Ras-Sos interactions. © 2016 by The American Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Inc.

  20. A new approach to the study of therapeutic work in the transference.


    Pessier, J; Stuart, J


    Vergangenheit der Fall war. Cet article propose une nouvelle méthode pour évaluer les effets du travail sur le transfert entre thérapeute et patient. Ce travail est souvent difficile pour le patient, et il peut y avoir un pattern caractéristique de délai entre une înterprétation de transfert et son effet thérapeutique. Pour expliquer ce délai, nous avons évalué les réponses des patients à des interprétatios au cours de séances entières. C'est les narrations des patients sur d'autres, ou Episodes Relationnels (ERs), qui ont constitué les unités de base de cette étude. Dans un échantillon de 3 séances consécutives venant de 3 cas psychodynamiques, nous avons identifié plusieurs moments où le traail sur le transfert semblait avoir un effet inhibitoire initial, mais favorisait le progrès en regardant la séance entière. Nous recommandons pour de futures études sur l'effet des interprétations de prendre des segments plus longs et cliniquement significatifs du récit du patient que ceux utilisés dans le passé. Este artículo propone un nuevo método para evaluar los efectos del trabajo de terapeuta y paciente en la transferencia. El trabajo en la transferencia es, con frecuencia, dificil para el paciente y puede mostrar un lapso característico entre una interpretación transferencial y sus efectos terapéuticos. Para explicar este lapso, hemos evaluado las respuestas del paciente a las interpretaciones a lo largo de sesiones enteras. Como unidad de estudio se usaron las narrativas de los pacientes acerca de otros, o sea, los episodios relacionales (REs). En una muestra de tres sesiones consecutivas tomadas de tres casos psicodinámicos, identificamos varioss casos en los que la trasferencia parecía tener un efecto inicial inhibitorio, aunque se vio que a lo largo de la sesión facilitaba el progreso. Recomendamos que, para examinar los efectos de las interpretaciones, los futuros estudios usen segmentos más largos y clínicamente más significativos

  1. On the difficulties of discriminating between major and minor hybrid male sterility factors in Drosophila by examining the segregation ratio of sterile and fertile sons in backcrossing experiments.


    Maside, X R; Naveira, H F


    The observation of segregation ratios of sterile and fertile males in offspring samples from backcrossed hybrid females is, in principle, a valid method to unveil the genetic basis of hybrid male sterility in Drosophila. When the female parent is heterozygous (hybrid) for a sterility factor with major effects, equal proportions of fertile and sterile sons are expected in her offspring. However, intact (not recombined) chromosome segments of considerable length are expected to give segregation ratios that can not be easily differentiated from the 1:1 ratio expected from a single factor. When the phenotypic character under analysis can be determined by combinations of minor factors from the donor species spanning a certain chromosome length, very large offspring samples may be needed to test this alternative hypothesis against the null hypothesis of a single major factor. This is particularly the case of hybrid male sterility determinants in Drosophila.

  2. Caracterisation experimentale de la transmission acoustique de structures aeronautiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Pointel, Vincent

    Le confort des passagers à l'intérieur des avions pendant le vol est un axe en voie d'amélioration constante. L'augmentation de la proportion des matériaux composites dans la fabrication des structures aéronautiques amène de nouvelles problématiques à résoudre. Le faible amortissement de ces structures, en contre partie de leur poids/raideur faible, est non favorable sur le plan acoustique, ce qui oblige les concepteurs à devoir trouver des moyens d'amélioration. De plus, les mécanismes de transmission du son au travers d'un système double paroi de type aéronautique ne sont pas complètement compris, c'est la raison qui motive cette étude. L'objectif principal de ce projet est de constituer une base de données pour le partenaire industriel de ce projet : Bombardier Aéronautique. En effet, les données expérimentales de performance d'isolation acoustique, de systèmes complets représentatifs d'un fuselage d'avion sont très rares dans la littérature scientifique. C'est pourquoi une méthodologie expérimentale est utilisée dans ce projet. Deux conceptions différentes de fuselage sont comparées. La première possède une peau (partie extérieure du fuselage) métallique raidie, alors que la deuxième est constituée d'un panneau sandwich composite. Dans les deux cas, un panneau de finition de fabrication sandwich est utilisé. Un traitement acoustique en laine de verre est placé à l'intérieur de chacun des fuselages. Des isolateurs vibratoires sont utilisés pour connecter les deux panneaux du fuselage. La simulation en laboratoire de la couche limite turbulente, qui est la source d'excitation prépondérante pendant la phase de vol, n'est pas encore possible hormis en soufflerie. C'est pourquoi deux cas d'excitation sont considérés pour essayer d'approcher cette sollicitation : une excitation mécanique (pot vibrant) et une acoustique (champ diffus). La validation et l'analyse des résultats sont effectuées par le biais des logiciels

  3. Investigations into the Power MOSFET SEGR Phenomenon and its Physical Mechanism

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Swift, G. M.; Edmonds, L. E.; Miyahira, T.; Nichols, D. K.; Johnston, A. H.


    The state of understanding of the destructive SEGR event in power MOSFETs is relatively mature with large published efforts, both experimental and theoretical. However, gasps remain in the uderstanding of the phenomenon, including unexplained anomalies, emperical-only dependencies on some important device and incident ion physical parameters, and limited insight into latent effets.

  4. Effet d'un champ magnétique uniforme sur les instabilités de Rayleigh-Bénard avec effet Soret

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Ben Sassi, Mokhtar; Kaddeche, Slim; Abdennadher, Ali; Henry, Daniel; Hadid, Hamda Ben; Mojtabi, Abdelkader


    The effect of both magnitude and orientation of a uniform magnetic field on the critical transition occurring within an electrically conducting binary fluid layer, stratified in temperature and concentration, taking into account the Soret effect, is investigated numerically. For such a configuration, the results show that the critical thresholds corresponding to an arbitrary orientated magnetic field can be derived from those obtained for a vertical magnetic field and that the axes of the marginal cells are aligned with the horizontal component of the magnetic field. Moreover, an analytical study is conducted to investigate the impact of the magnetic field on long-wavelength instabilities. The effect of the magnetic field on such instabilities reveals a new phenomenon consisting in major changes of the unstable modes that lose their unicellular nature to regain their multi-roll characteristic, as it is the case without magnetic field for ψ <ψℓ0 = 131 Le / (34 - 131 Le). For a binary fluid characterized by a Lewis number Le and a separation factor ψ >ψℓ0, the value of the Hartmann number Haℓ (ψ , Le) corresponding to that transition responsible for a significant change in mass and heat transfer can be determined from the analytical relations derived in this work.

  5. Results of borehole geophysical logging and aquifer-isolation tests conducted in the John Wagner and Sons, Inc. former production well, Ivyland, Pennsylvania

    USGS Publications Warehouse

    Sloto, Ronald A.


    A suite of borehole geophysical logs and heat-pulse-flowmeter measurements run in the former production well at the John Wagner and Sons, Inc. plant indicate two zones of borehole flow. In the upper part of the well, water enters the borehole through a fracture at 90 ft (feet) below floor level, moves upward, and exits the borehole through a fracture at 72 ft below floor level. Water also enters the borehole through fractures at 205-213, 235, and 357 ft below floor level; moves downward; and exits the borehole through fractures at 450-459, 468-470, and 483-490 ft below floor level. Five zones were selected for aquifer-isolation (packer) tests on the basis of borehole geophysical logs. The zones were isolated using a straddle-packer assembly. The lowermost three zones (below 248, 223 to 248, and 198 to 223 ft below floor level) were hydraulically isolated from zones above and below. Specific capacities were 0.12, 0.034, and 0.15 gallons per minute per foot, respectively. The hydrograph from zone 2 (223 to 248 ft below floor level) showed interference from a nearby pumping well. For the upper two zones (81 to 106 and 57 to 81 ft below floor level), similar drawdowns in the isolated zone and the zones above and below the isolated zone indicate that these fractures are hydraulically connected outside the borehole in the unconfined part of the Stockton Formation. The specific capacity of zones 4 and 5 are similar—0.82 and 0.61, respectively.

  6. [The son of man. Freud's Oedipus myth].


    Bollack, J


    In formulating his psychology of the unconscious, Freud makes constant reference to Sophocles' version of the Oedipus myth. The author provides detailed proof of the fundamental differences between the two versions, demonstrating that Freud's interpretation does violence to the source. Bollack marshals impressive evidence to substantiate his contention that from the early letters to Fliess all the way up to Moses and Monotheism Freud's sole concern was to point up the ubiquitous power of the unconscious (incestual desire, patricide) within the "holy" (nuclear) family, whereas Sophocles was preoccupied with an entirely different problem. In Bollack's view, Oedipus rex is the drama of the self-destruction of a royal family, a drama in which incest and murder have no very essential significance. Freud, by contrast, set out to de-mystify the fate that dogs the royal family from one generation to the next and to naturalise it into a form of unconscious behaviour--a tendency which Bollack sees as deriving from the tradition of the "drama of destiny", a genre prevalent in the 19th century.

  7. 2017-21 Miller's Son Shine Acres, Inc.

    EPA Pesticide Factsheets

    The EPA is providing notice of a proposed administrative penalty assessment for alleged violations of the Clean Water Act (Act). The EPA is also providing notice of the opportunity to comment on the proposed penalty assessment.

  8. Will Integration Hurt My Black Son's Education?

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Latimer, Leah Y.


    In integrated schools, the educational system is slow to encourage black youngsters to participate at all levels of school life. Black participation is also inhibited by an insidious peer pressure and immature code of racial pride that defines blackness in terms that often exclude excellence in efforts beyond music, dance, and sports. (PS)

  9. The Strengths of My Son, Trayvon Martin

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Ponds, Kenneth


    For over 30 years, Ken Ponds has served as Chaplain to thousands of children of color at Starr Commonwealth. This school was founded in 1913 by Floyd Starr with the legendary motto "There is no such thing as a bad boy." Starr Commmonwealth sees their mission as "discovering greatness" in every young person. In this interview…

  10. Art & Astronomie - impressions celestes

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nazé, Yaël


    Ce livre revisite l'histoire de l'art dans ce qu'elle a de plus universel : son rapport au ciel. De l'Orient à l'Occident, de l'Antiquité à l'époque contemporaine, du classique au plus inattendu, il crée un espace singulier où se mêlent art et science, un musée imaginaire croisant sensibilité intime et compréhension du Cosmos, un jeu sans cesse réinventé...; car il n'y a pas une seule manière de regarder les étoiles. Bien sûr, le ciel possède un énorme pouvoir évocateur, une force inspiratrice à nulle autre pareille, mais l'inspiration n'est pas la seule des relations entre l'art et l'astronomie. En effet, les artistes peuvent apporter leur grain de sel aux révolutions scientifiques, tandis que l'astronomie peut aider à comprendre certaines œuvres. Avec près de 600 illustrations, cet ouvrage n'a pas pour but d'égrener la liste exhaustive des représentations de ciel étoilé, clair de lune, ambiance crépusculaire ou soleil de midi, mais plutôt d'aborder les multiples relations entre l'art et la science. Il s'agit d'une invitation à un voyage aux frontières mouvantes et incertaines des plus belles réalisations de l'esprit humain.

  11. Taking Up Space: Museum Exploration in the Twenty-First Century

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Sutton, Tiffany


    Museums have become a crucible for questions of the role that traditional art and art history should play in contemporary art. Friedrich Nietzsche argued in the nineteenth century that museums can be no more than mausoleums for effete (fine) art. Over the course of the twentieth century, however, curators dispelled such blanket pessimism by…

  12. Future of Software Engineering Standards

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Poon, Peter T.


    In the new millennium, software engineering standards are expected to continue to influence the process of producing software-intensive systems which are cost-effetive and of high quality. These sytems may range from ground and flight systems used for planetary exploration to educational support systems used in schools as well as consumer-oriented systems.

  13. Symetrie en energie des spectres de l'onde de densite de charge dans le 2-hydrogene seleniure de niobium

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Behmand, Behnaz

    Les mecanismes qui menent a la supraconductivite dans les supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique sont encore aujourd'hui mal compris contrairement a ceux dans les supraconducteurs conventionnels. Dans les hauts-Tc, certaines modulations de la densite d'etats electroniques coexistant avec la phase supraconductrice ont ete observees, ce qui engendre des questionnements sur leur role dans la supraconductivite. En fait, plusieurs types de modulation de la densite d'etats electroniques existent, comme par exemple l'onde de densite de charge et l'onde de densite de paires. Ces deux modulations, d'origines differentes et mesurables avec la technique de spectroscopie par effet tunnel, peuvent etre differenciees avec une etude de leur symetrie. Ce memoire consistera donc a presenter l'etude de la symetrie de l'onde de densite de charge dans le 2H-NbSe2 qui est presente dans la phase supraconductrice a 300 mK. Par contre, certaines difficultes liees au principe de mesure, soit l'effet de normalisation, nuisent a l'identification de cette symetrie. La methode, pour contourner ce probleme sera alors l'element clef de ce travail.

  14. Disruption of ERBB2IP is not associated with dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa in both father and son carrying a balanced 5;13 translocation.


    Stefanova, Margarita; Zemke, Katrin; Dimitrov, Boyan; Has, Christina; Kern, Johannes S; Bruckner-Tuderman, Leena; Kutsche, Kerstin


    Mutations in the type VII collagen gene (COL7A1) cause autosomal recessive and autosomal dominant inherited dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa (DEB). We report a family with three individuals who present blistering, scarring, hypo- and hyperpigmentation, and nail dystrophy suggestive for DEB. Whereas father and son carry a 5;13 translocation, the daughter shows a normal karyotype. Segregation analysis revealed that all affected family members inherited the same COL7A1 allele. Mutation analysis disclosed a heterozygous missense mutation, c.6227G > A (p.G2076D), in COL7A1 in all affected individuals. Delineation of the translocation breakpoints showed that the ERBB2IP (erbb2 interacting protein or Erbin) gene is disrupted in 5q13.1 and GPC6 in 13q32. GPC6 encodes glypican 6 belonging to a family of cell surface heparan sulfate proteoglycans. The binding partners of Erbin, BP230 (BPAG1) and the integrin beta4 subunit, both involved in hemidesmosome (HD) function, and the presence of Erbin in HD suggested that it plays a role in establishment and maintenance of cell-basement membrane adhesions. However, loss of function of one ERBB2IP copy or expression of a putative novel ERBB2IP fusion protein did not apparently modulate the DEB phenotype in both translocation patients. Nonetheless, one cannot yet exclude that ERBB2IP is a candidate for human blistering disorders such as epidermolysis bullosa.

  15. The Cultivation of Ivy. A Saga of the College in America.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Thelin, John R

    The popular image of the Ivy League is one of a slightly awesome bastion of the well-born, well-bred, and soon-to-be-powerful or, less charitably, a haven for "the effete, unAmerican, and hopelessly bookish." This pervasive idea of collegiate personality is analyzed, tracing the evolution of the Ivy League from an incongruous array of…

  16. Superomniphobic Surfaces for Military Applications: Nano- and Micro-Fabrication Methods. Chapter 1: Lithographic Fabrication of Surfaces with Different Microgeometries and Investigation of Their Wetting Behaviour

    DTIC Science & Technology


    plus important, comparativement à une échelle plus large. Les résultats indiquent qu’un effet de cette nature est attribuable à des facteurs...par un angle de contact à l’avancement plus petit et un angle de contact au retrait plus important, comparativement à une échelle plus large. Les...Methods ............................................................................................................ 10 3.1 Experimental Design

  17. Etude de la transmission sonore a travers un protecteur de type "coquilles" : modelisation numerique et validation experimentale

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boyer, Sylvain

    methode des seuils auditifs REAT (Real Ear Attenuation Threshold) aussi vu comme un "golden standard" est utilise pour quantifier la reduction du bruit mais surestime generalement la performance des protecteurs. Les techniques de mesure terrains, telles que la F-MIRE (Field Measurement in Real Ear) peuvent etre a l'avenir de meilleurs outils pour evaluer l'attenuation individuelle. Si ces techniques existent pour des bouchons d'oreilles, elles doivent etre adaptees et ameliorees pour le cas des coquilles, en determinant l'emplacement optimal des capteurs acoustiques et les facteurs de compensation individuels qui lient la mesure microphonique a la mesure qui aurait ete prise au tympan. La troisieme problematique specifique est l'optimisation de l'attenuation des coquilles pour les adapter a l'individu et a son environnement de travail. En effet, le design des coquilles est generalement base sur des concepts empiriques et des methodes essais/erreurs sur des prototypes. La piste des outils predictifs a ete tres peu etudiee jusqu'a present et meriterait d'etre approfondie. L'utilisation du prototypage virtuel, permettrait a la fois d'optimiser le design avant production, d'accelerer la phase de developpement produit et d'en reduire les couts. L'objectif general de cette these est de repondre a ces differentes problematiques par le developpement d'un modele de l'attenuation sonore d'un protecteur auditif de type coquille. A cause de la complexite de la geometrie de ces protecteurs, la methode principale de modelisation retenue a priori est la methode des elements finis (FEM). Pour atteindre cet objectif general, trois objectifs specifiques ont ete etablis et sont presentes dans les trois paragraphes suivants. (Abstract shortened by ProQuest.).

  18. Etudes physiques des mélanges eau-cryoprotecteurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Vassoille, R.; Perez, J.

    The aim of the following review is to present the most important studies concerning the physical properties of water-solutes mixtures used in cryobiology. Cryobiology is a branch of biology which deals with the very low temperature behaviour of cells. This technique is developed today in several directions. The creation of banks of cells and perhaps in a short time of small organs, is the purpose of much research in this domain. Before freezing, living cells are generally put in a solution containing one or more solutes. The role of these solutes is to protect the cells against damage due to crystallization of water (cryoprotectors). The mechanisms of cryoprotection are not well known ; nevertheless the vitreous state formation during cooling is often invoked. So, it is possible to avoid crystallization damage such as mechanical strain (due to an increase of volume of about 10 %) and salt effects (due to osmotic pressure). The conditions in which the vitreous state is obtained, maintained during cooling, storage at low temperature and rewarming can be defined by physical studies presented in the following review. Le présent travail est essentiellement une revue bibliographique des principales études physiques qui ont été réalisées avec des solutions de composés habituellement employés en cryobiologie. La cryobiologie est une branche de la biologie qui s'intéresse au comportement des cellules à basse température. Cette discipline est actuellement en plein développement dans des domaines très divers. Son principal but est la création de banques de cellules de plus en plus complexes avec comme perspective la conservation des organes. Les cellules vivantes sont généralement placées avant congélation dans une solution contenant divers composés dont le rôle est de protéger les cellules contre les effets de la cristallisation de l'eau. L'action protectrice de ces cryoprotecteurs est encore mal connue; cependant, la formation d'un état vitreux lors du

  19. Malformations congénitales à Lubumbashi (République Démocratique du Congo): à propos de 72 cas observés et plaidoyer en faveur du développement d'un Registre National des Malformations Congénitales et d'un Centre National de Référence de Génétique Humaine

    PubMed Central

    Lubala, Toni Kasole; Shongo, Mick Yapongombo; Munkana, Arthur Ndundula; Mutombo, Augustin Mulangu; Mbuyi, Sébastien Musanzayi; wa Momat, Félix Kitenge


    En République Démocratique du Congo, les malformations congénitales constituent un véritable problème de santé publique. En effet, elles relancent le débat sur les effets de l'intensification de l'activité minière sur la santé de la reproduction. De 2009 à 2010, nous avons calculé une prévalence de 5.84 pour 1000 naissances. Les malformations du système nerveux central étaient les plus fréquentes (2.029 pour 1000) suivies des malformations des membres (1.055 pour 1000), et des fentes oro-faciales (0.811 pour 1000). Ces données sont certainement largement sous-estimées et les causes y relatives en République Démocratique du Congo ne sont ni surveillées, ni prévenues dans le cadre d'une politique gouvernementale. La mise en place d'un registre national et d'un centre national de génétique humaine de référence pourrait constituer un cadre rigoureux, organisé et structuré de surveillance et de prévention des malformations congénitales. PMID:23396951

  20. Human Benchmarking of Expert Systems. Literature Review

    DTIC Science & Technology


    effetiveness of the development procedures used in order to predict whether the aplication of similar approaches will likely have effective and...they used in their learning and problem solving. We will describe these approaches later. Reasoning. Reasoning usually includes inference. Because to ... in the software engineering process. For example, existing approaches to software evaluation in the military are based on a model of conventional

  1. NATO Human Resources (Manpower) Management (Gestion des ressources humaines (effectifs) de l’OTAN)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    performances , la gestion des récompenses et du salaire, et la motivation du personnel. En conséquence, il faut que la gestion des ressources humaines...importance au fil du temps. Les ressources humaines, chargées à l’origine de l’embauche, du licenciement, de la paie et de la gestion des ...les effets des systèmes d’évaluation des performances ;

  2. Les neuropathies liées au VIH/SIDA: une étude clinique chez les patients infectés par le VIH au Centre d'Excellence VIH/SIDA de l'Université de Lubumbashi

    PubMed Central

    Kabongo, Joe Katabwa; Kaputu-Kalala-Malu, Célestin; Luboya, Oscar; Mutombo, Valerien; Ntambwe, Abel; Mapatano, Mala Ali; Mukendi, Kavulu Mayamba


    Introduction En vue d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients souffrant de neuropathie (NP) associées à l'infection HIV, nous avons essayé de déterminer le profil clinique des personnes souffrant de NP au cours du suivi thérapeutique de leur infection HIV. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude transversale (n= 101) menée au centre d'excellence depuis 1 an. Notre analyse est essentiellement clinique. Par un examen clinique minutieux, nous avons recherché tous les symptômes et signes cliniques des NP. Subjectivement, les douleurs dominent le tableau. Pour affiner leur diagnostic, nous avons utilisé l’échelle DN4 (Diagnostic des douleurs neuropathiques) et l’échelle EVA (Evaluation de la gravité des douleurs). Nous avons ensuite analysé nos données en fonction de certains autres facteurs épidémiologiques tels que le taux des CD4, le traitement anti-HIV etc. Résultats Les 101 patients représentent 3,12% de la cohorte générale; 53,3% des patients présentent une abolition des réflexes ostéotendineux des membres inférieurs; 77,89% présentent une hypoesthésie thermo algique en chaussette et en gants; 25% ont présenté une amyotrophie des membres inférieurs; 76,5% ont été soumis à un traitement antirétroviral contenant la stavudine; 11,7% ont pris la didanosine (DDI) et Abacavir (ABC). 84% ont une moyenne de CD4 de 292 cel/mm3. Conclusion La NP altère la qualité de vie de nos patients et diminue l'adhérence au traitement antirétroviral. Plusieurs facteurs sont incriminés dans la survenue de la NP, l'effet direct des antirétroviraux, l'effet inflammatoire dysimmunitaire, l'effet infectieux lié aux infections opportunistes. D'autres facteurs seront recherchés et analysés ultérieurement. PMID:26185582

  3. BOOK REVIEW: Jean-Charles Houzeau et son temps

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Sterken, C.; Verhas, P.


    This is a wonderful book. It describes the life and work of Belgian astronomer Jean-Charles Houzeau (1820-1888) and, as the last three words of the title indicate, it has a broader focus including the social, industrial and scientific context of the second part of the 19th century. This is set in a very broad international social context including social revolutions in Belgium and France, and the abolition of slavery in the United States. The biography clearly shows that this hard-working man was driven by science and justice, by individualism and generosity, by humor and sentiment. The book is divided in four parts, each part is placed in its own historical context. The first part "The apprentice, the master and his disciples" describes Houzeau's childhood and young years, his early scientific career at the Observatory in Brussels, and his relationship with Adolphe Quetelet. The evolution of this relationship is very well documented: the turbulent revolutionary Houzeau versus cool, moderated and diplomatic royalist Quetelet, the observer versus the mathematician theorist. But both were very dedicated teachers: Quetelet established public courses and after the Revolution of 1830 he contributed to the foundation of the University of Brussels; Houzeau was the peripatetic teacher wherever place he was, also after his return to Belgium. The second part is "The politician" and deals with Houzeau's political ideas and revolutionary attitudes and their consequences. His revolutionary ideas, though, were not confined to politics only: he also severely criticised the paucity of high-precision observations collected at the Royal Observatory in his days. Because he participated at revolutionary meetings, Houzeau was fired from his position at the Observatory by the Minister of Interior Affairs Charles Rogier. Thus started his peripathetic life, covering observational work in astronomy, geography, geodesy and natural sciences in many places in Belgium and abroad. The third part, "The separation", is a very interesting account of Houzeau's emigration to North America, in vain search for his revolutionary dream. Of course he also ran into trouble in the US due to publications such as "The white terror in Texas" and because of his loyalty with the slaves, his advocacy for black civil rights and his refusal to join the confederate army, so he had to flee Texas too. The book gives many details on the civil war era. His absence from Belgium led to a very significant scientific work, in the first place his most homogeneous and extensive star atlas (6000 stars to declination -65) which was made in very good atmospheric conditions by one and only one observer, totally independent from previously published catalogues. The last part "The builder" tells the story of the construction of the new Royal Observatory in the suburb of Uccle, a new and better site than the one established in the city center by the Dutch regime in 1826. When the succession of Adolphe Quetelet was discussed, Houzeau was about the only candidate with a vast publication record and a broad observational expertise. Surprisingly, he was appointed as the second director of the Observatory and remained in function till 1883. One chapter in the fourth part of the book deals with Houzeau's participation at a Venus transit expedition of 1882. Jean-Charles Houzeau made very significant contributions to astronomy and his major works include "Vade-mecum de l'Astronomie", the "Uranometrie Generale" and his monumental "Bibliographie Generale de l'Astronomie", an early precursor of our modern web-based ADS (NASA Astrophysics Data System). This is a book which every Belgian astronomer should read because it is an eye opener on the history of the establishment of the kingdom, and because it explains the roots and difficult early development of astronomy in this country. This history is internationally linked and refers to many contemporary scientists such as Argelander, Heis, Herschel, von Humboldt etc. The book by Verhas includes many details on observational techniques and geodetic triangulation, and explains very well the underlying principles of the described experiments. There are various nice diagrams and many high-quality photographic reproductions. Technically, the work is very well made and is printed on high-quality glossy paper. There are only a small number of typographical errors, and some low-resolution photographs have been reproduced on a scale much too large to be esthetic. The two-column format of 22 x 28 cm makes it very suitable for consultation at the library desk but not very adequate for armchair enjoyment or travel reading. The single shortcoming is the absence of a Name and Subject Index.

  4. Women infected with parasite Toxoplasma have more sons

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Kaňková, Š.; Šulc, J.; Nouzová, K.; Fajfrlík, K.; Frynta, D.; Flegr, J.


    The boy-to-girl ratio at birth (secondary sex ratio) is around 0.51 in most populations. The sex ratio varies between societies and may be influenced by many factors, such as stress and immunosuppression, age, primiparity, the sex of the preceding siblings and the socioeconomic status of the parents. As parasite infection affects many immunological and physiological parameters of the host, we analyzed the effect of latent toxoplasmosis on sex ratios in humans. Clinical records of 1,803 infants born from 1996 to 2004 contained information regarding the mother’s age, concentration of anti- Toxoplasma antibodies, previous deliveries and abortions and the sex of the newborn. The results of our retrospective cohort study suggest that the presence of one of the most common parasites (with a worldwide prevalence from 20 to 80%), Toxoplasma gondii, can influence the secondary sex ratio in humans. Depending on the antibody concentration, the probability of the birth of a boy can increase up to a value of 0.72, C.I.95 = (0.636, 0.805), which means that for every 260 boys born, 100 girls are born to women with the highest concentration of anti- Toxoplasma antibodies. The toxoplasmosis associated with immunosuppression or immunomodulation might be responsible for the enhanced survival of male embryos. In light of the high prevalence of latent toxoplasmosis in most countries, the impact of toxoplasmosis on the human population might be considerable.

  5. You'll be a clinician-scientist, my son.


    Smeesters, Pierre R


    Opinion-based commentary about the complex reality of being a clinician-scientist in today's modern biomedical environment. The essay uses the beautiful, but old, poem "If" from Rudyard Kipling to draw a parallel with the ambitions, dreams and limits of being a clinical-scientist today.

  6. What Carnot's Father Taught His Son about Thermodynamics

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Muller, Erich A.


    The historical development of the classical postulates of the second law of Thermodynamics can be traced back to the book by Sadi Carnot, "Reflections on the motive power of fire." While unique in its own right and in some sense revolutionary, the book starts with an analogy between heat engines and waterwheels. Waterwheels were common engines of…

  7. Integrated clinical and quality improvement coaching in Son La Province, Vietnam: a model of building public sector capacity for sustainable HIV care delivery.


    Cosimi, Lisa A; Dam, Huong V; Nguyen, Thai Q; Ho, Huyen T; Do, Phuong T; Duc, Duat N; Nguyen, Huong T; Gardner, Bridget; Libman, Howard; Pollack, Todd; Hirschhorn, Lisa R


    The global scale-up of antiretroviral therapy included extensive training and onsite support to build the capacity of HIV health care workers. However, traditional efforts aimed at strengthening knowledge and skills often are not successful at improving gaps in the key health systems required for sustaining high quality care. We trained and mentored existing staff of the Son La provincial health department and provincial HIV clinic to work as a provincial coaching team (PCT) to provide integrated coaching in clinical HIV skills and quality improvement (QI) to the HIV clinics in the province. Nine core indicators were measured through chart extraction by clinic and provincial staff at baseline and at 6 month intervals thereafter. Coaching from the team to each of the clinics, in both QI and clinical skills, was guided by results of performance measurements, gap analyses, and resulting QI plans. After 18 months, the PCT had successfully spread QI activities, and was independently providing regular coaching to the provincial general hospital clinic and six of the eight district clinics in the province. The frequency and type of coaching was determined by performance measurement results. Clinics completed a mean of five QI projects. Quality of HIV care was improved throughout all clinics with significant increases in seven of the indicators. Overall both the PCT activities and clinic performance were sustained after integration of the model into the Vietnam National QI Program. We successfully built capacity of a team of public sector health care workers to provide integrated coaching in both clinical skills and QI across a province. The PCT is a feasible and effective model to spread and sustain quality activities and improve HIV care services in a decentralized rural setting.

  8. Etude thermo-hydraulique de l'ecoulement du moderateur dans le reacteur CANDU-6

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mehdi Zadeh, Foad

    Etant donne la taille (6,0 m x 7,6 m) ainsi que le domaine multiplement connexe qui caracterisent la cuve des reacteurs CANDU-6 (380 canaux dans la cuve), la physique qui gouverne le comportement du fluide moderateur est encore mal connue de nos jours. L'echantillonnage de donnees dans un reacteur en fonction necessite d'apporter des changements a la configuration de la cuve du reacteur afin d'y inserer des sondes. De plus, la presence d'une zone intense de radiations empeche l'utilisation des capteurs courants d'echantillonnage. En consequence, l'ecoulement du moderateur doit necessairement etre etudie a l'aide d'un modele experimental ou d'un modele numerique. Pour ce qui est du modele experimental, la fabrication et la mise en fonction de telles installations coutent tres cher. De plus, les parametres de la mise a l'echelle du systeme pour fabriquer un modele experimental a l'echelle reduite sont en contradiction. En consequence, la modelisation numerique reste une alternative importante. Actuellement, l'industrie nucleaire utilise une approche numerique, dite de milieu poreux, qui approxime le domaine par un milieu continu ou le reseau des tubes est remplace par des resistances hydrauliques distribuees. Ce modele est capable de decrire les phenomenes macroscopiques de l'ecoulement, mais ne tient pas compte des effets locaux ayant un impact sur l'ecoulement global, tel que les distributions de temperatures et de vitesses a proximite des tubes ainsi que des instabilites hydrodynamiques. Dans le contexte de la surete nucleaire, on s'interesse aux effets locaux autour des tubes de calandre. En effet, des simulations faites par cette approche predisent que l'ecoulement peut prendre plusieurs configurations hydrodynamiques dont, pour certaines, l'ecoulement montre un comportement asymetrique au sein de la cuve. Ceci peut provoquer une ebullition du moderateur sur la paroi des canaux. Dans de telles conditions, le coefficient de reactivite peut varier de maniere

  9. Strategies facilitant les tests en pre-certification pour la robustesse a l'egard des radiations =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Souari, Anis

    . permettant d’evaluer d’une facon realiste la sensibilite des circuits integres face. aux effets des radiations afin d’eviter d’envoyer des circuits non robustes a la phase tres. couteuse de la certification. Les circuits cibles par nos travaux sont les circuits integres. programmables par l’usager (FPGA) a base de memoire SRAM et le type de pannes ciblees, causees par les radiations, est les SEU (single event upset) consistant a un basculement de. l’etat logique d’un element de memoire a son complementaire. En effet, les FPGA a base de. memoire SRAM sont de plus en plus demandes par la communaute de l’aerospatial grace a. leurs caracteristiques de prototypage rapide et de reconfiguration sur site mais ils sont. vulnerables face aux radiations ou les SEU sont les pannes les plus frequentes dans les. elements de memoire de type SRAM. Nous proposons une nouvelle approche d’injection de. pannes par emulation permettant de mimer les effets des radiations sur la memoire de. configuration des FPGA et de generer des resultats les plus fideles possibles des resultats des. tests de certification. Cette approche est basee sur la consideration de la difference de. sensibilite des elements de memoire de configuration lorsqu’ils sont a l’etat '1' et a l’etat '0', observee sous des tests acceleres sous faisceaux de protons au renomme laboratoire. TRIUMF, dans la procedure de generation des sequences de test dans le but de mimer la. distribution des pannes dans la memoire de configuration. Les resultats des experimentations. de validation montrent que la strategie proposee est efficace et genere des resultats realistes. Ces resultats revelent que ne pas considerer la difference de sensibilite peut mener a une. sous-estimation de la sensibilite des circuits face aux radiations. Dans la meme optique d’optimisation de la procedure d’injection des pannes par emulation, a. savoir le test de pre-certification, nous proposons

  10. Electromagnetic Noise Interference and Compatibility

    DTIC Science & Technology



  11. Environmental Exposure and Design Criteria for Offshore Oil and Gas Structures

    DTIC Science & Technology


    reliability ar_alysis. Because there are no clear lines of demarcation between them, these methods are often used in varying combinations. Sound ...cludes that OCSEA-P not now effe.tively the accrual of sound scientific information adequate for OCS management." One reason for such a...procedures for resolving differences need to be developed. Sound and timely assessments of environmental exposure risks will require: 1) adequate levels of

  12. La supraconductivité a 100 ans !


    Lebrun, Philippe


    Il y a 100 ans, le 8 avril 1911, une découverte majeure était réalisée : celle de la supraconductivité. La supraconductivité est la caractéristique qu’ont certains métaux et alliages de perdre toute résistance électrique en dessous d’une température donnée. Cette renversante découverte, réalisée de manière presque fortuite par Kammerlingh Onnes de l’Université de Leyde (Pays-Bas) et son étudiant Gilles Holst, a ouvert un nouveau champ de recherche en physique et de fabuleuses perspectives d’applications technologiques. Du point de vue scientifique, la supraconductivité est en effet l’une des rares manifestations de la physique quantique à l’échelle macroscopique.  Du point de vue des retombées techniques, elle est porteuse d’applications majeures dans le domaine de la santé, des communications et de l’énergie. 100 ans après, les physiciens n’ont toujours pas fini d’explorer ce phénomène et ses applications. Le CERN abrite des applications de la supraconductivité à des échelles inédites. L’accélérateur de particules LHC, avec ses milliers d’aimants supraconducteurs répartis sur 27 kilomètres de circonférence, est en effet la plus grande application mondiale de la supraconductivité. Il ne pourrait exister sans elle. Le CERN fête donc la découverte de la supraconductivité avec une conférence exceptionnelle donnée par Philippe Lebrun. Au cours de cette conférence, l’expérience historique de Kammerlingh Onnes sera reproduite. Philippe Lebrun racontera l’histoire de cette étonnante découverte, en la replaçant dans le contexte scientifique de l’époque. Il racontera les développements scientifiques et les applications du premier siècle de la supraconductivité. Conférence en français Merci de bien vouloir vous inscrire au : +41 22 767 76 76

  13. Possibilité d'une nouvelle technologie de traitement des minerais de fer de l'Ouenza par radiométrie

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Idres, A.; Bounouala, M.


    En l'absence d'une technologie fiable de traitement des haldes de minerais de fer, les caractéristiques minéralogiques et chimiques complexes et les effets néfastes des résidus miniers posent réellement un problème environnemental. A cet effet, une étude minéralogique et chimique du minerai de fer a été menée en utilisant des techniques multiples (microscopie optique, DRX, FX, MEB). En tenant compte de la nature des résidus, des échantillons représentatifs ont été testés par séparation radiométrique. Plusieurs paramètres ont été caractérisés tels que la vitesse de la bande transporteuse, le temps d'émission des rayons gamma et la granulométrie d'alimentation du procédé. Les résultats ainsi obtenus par cette méthode de séparation sont très significatifs en récupération et en teneur fer. Cependant, cette nouvelle technologie permet d'une part une meilleure valorisation des minerais de fer et d'autre part une réduction du tonnage stocké sur le carreau de la mine.

  14. Transplantation rénale au Maroc: l'hémodialysé et son entourage sont-ils suffisamment informés?

    PubMed Central

    Noto-Kadou-Kaza, Béfa; Sabi, Kossi Akomola; Imangue, Ghislain; Al-Torayhi, Mays Hadi; Amekoudi, Eyram Yoan Makafui; Tsevi, Claude Mawufemo; Zamd, Mohamed; Medkouri, Ghislaine; Benghanem, Mohamed Gharbi; Ramdani, Benyounes


    Introduction La transplantation rénale constitue le traitement idéal de l'insuffisance rénale chronique. Cependant il existe une insuffisance de donneurs contrairement aux receveurs dont le nombre ne cesse de s'accroitre. La méconnaissance de la transplantation par les hémodialysés et leur entourage pourrait être l'une des causes. Notre but était d’évaluer les connaissances et opinions de l'hémodialysé et de son entourage sur la transplantation rénale. Méthodes L'enquête menée en Aout 2013 avait inclus 83 hémodialysés de notre centre et 70 membres de leur entourage. Ils ont été soumis à un questionnaire qui portait sur les thèmes suivants: statut socio-économique, volonté d’être transplanté ou d’être donneur, avantages de la transplantation rénale, point de vue de la religion sur la transplantation. Aucun des individus interrogés n'avait jamais fait l'objet d'une transplantation ou d'un don d'organe. Résultats Parmi 83 hémodialysés on notait 49,4% de femmes avec une moyenne d’âge de 41,4±12 ans. Le niveau socio-économique bas représentait 66,7%. Le manque d'information chez était estimé à 62,7%. Seuls 41% se disaient être candidat à la transplantation rénale mais 12% seulement était inscrit sur la liste d'attente de greffe. La transplantation était estimée plus couteuse que l'hémodialyse par 50,6% des patients et seuls 71,1% estimaient qu'elle offrait une meilleure vie. Pour 20,5%, l'Islam s'opposerait au don cadavérique et pour 10,9% au don vivant. Parmi les 70 membres de l'entourage interrogé il y avait 56,8% de femmes; la moyenne d’âge était de 44,4±10,5 ans. Le niveau économique bas représentait 52,3%. Le manque d'information était estimé à 61,4%. Pour 56,8% la vie serait impossible avec un seul rein. Seuls 13,6% étaient inscrit sur le registre de don. Pour 45,5% l'Islam s'opposerait au don cadavérique. Conclusion Il importe d'intensifier la sensibilisation des hémodialysées et leur famille

  15. Patterns of HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in the cross-border area of Lang Son Province, Vietnam, and Ning Ming County, Guangxi Province, China.


    Des Jarlais, Don C; Johnston, Patrick; Friedmann, Patricia; Kling, Ryan; Liu, Wei; Ngu, Doan; Chen, Yi; Hoang, Tran V; Donghua, Meng; Van, Ly K; Tung, Nguyen D; Binh, Kieu T; Hammett, Theodore M


    To assess patterns of injecting drug use and HIV prevalence among injecting drug users (IDUs) in an international border area along a major heroin trans-shipment route. Cross-sectional surveys of IDUs in 5 sites in Lang Son Province, Vietnam (n = 348) and 3 sites in Ning Ming County, Guangxi Province, China (n = 308). Respondents were recruited through peer referral ("snowball") methods in both countries, and also from officially recorded lists of IDUs in Vietnam. A risk behavior questionnaire was administered and HIV counseling and testing conducted. Participants in both countries were largely male, in their 20s, and unmarried. A majority of subjects in both countries were members of ethnic minority groups. There were strong geographic gradients for length of drug injecting and for HIV seroprevalence. Both mean years injecting and HIV seroprevalence declined from the Vietnamese site farthest from the border to the Chinese site farthest from the border. 10.6% of participants in China and 24.5% of participants in Vietnam reported crossing the international border in the 6 months prior to interview. Crossing the border by IDUs was associated with (1) distance from the border, (2) being a member of an ethnic minority group, and (3) being HIV seropositive among Chinese participants. Reducing the international spread of HIV among IDUs will require programs at the global, regional, national, and "local cross border" levels. At the local cross border level, the programs should be coordinated on both sides of the border and on a sufficient scale that IDUs will be able to readily obtain clean injection equipment on the other side of the border as well as in their country of residence.

  16. Motion Cues in Flight Simulation and Simulator Induced Sickness

    DTIC Science & Technology


    asseusod in a driving simulator by means of a response surface methodology central-composite design . The most salient finding of the study was that visual...across treatment conditions. For an orthogonal response surface methodology (IBM) design with only tro independent variables. it can be readily shown that...J.E.Fowikes 8 SESSION III - ETIOLOGICAL FACTORS IN SIMULATOR-INDUCED AFTER EFFETS THE USE OF VE& IIBULAR MODELS FOR DESIGN AND EVALUATION OF FLIGHT

  17. RTO Meeting Proceedings 16, Aircraft Weapon System Compatibility and Integration held in Chester, United Kingdom, 28-30 September, 1998

    DTIC Science & Technology


    project, there was a requirement to place a camera behind a each photogrammetric target in the image and for each cylindrically curved window...testing. T by the wind tunnel’s captive trajectory sting, U.S. wing open effets on the o erthnd, h e Navyengneer h e obervd sgnifcan difereces wing...Flying Qualities, Symposium on Aeroballistics, May 1981. Aerodynamics, and Structures disciplines benefit directly 6. Magnus , A. E., and Epton, M. A

  18. Development of the Wake Behind a Circular Cylinder Impulsively Started into Rotatory and Rectilinear Motion: Intermediate Rotation Rates

    DTIC Science & Technology


    cylindre fixe ou en rotation. Effet Magnus . J. Mec. 14, 109-134. Taneda, S. 1977 Visual study of unsteady separated flows around bodies. Prog. Aero...enhancement schemes employing the Magnus effect (Swanson 1961). Rotating all or part of a body may also have applications in active or feedback control of...and yt into the governing equations in the generalized coordinate system. In this study, the body-fitted grid is simply one of cylindrical polar

  19. Afterrise: Deep Body Temperature Following Exercise

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Egalement, les effets de la posture et des v~tements durant la recuperation et la temperature de la salle de recuperation furent examines. Cinq hommes se...chemise a manches courtes). Les temperatures rectales et de la peau furent mesurees A chaque minute durant les exercices et la r~cup~ration affectaient...overgarment. RESUME Cette etude fut entreprise pour documenter l’augmentation continue de la temperature rectale apres exercice dans la chaleur

  20. Intellectual Property Rights: Lecture Series Held in London, (United Kingdom) on 21-22 October 1991, in Brussels (Belgium) on 24-25 October 1991 and in Arlington, Virginia on 6-7 November 1991

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des rdalitfs diverses ct niouvantes sous I’cffet croisd des 6volutions techniques et &conomIques. I en rdsulte tine...r6le est croissant. Si un tel mouvement s’observe dans nombre de pays, cla ne signifie pas qu’il leur soit commun. En effet, la confrontation des ...conceptions nationales, voire rgionales, est dIdj engagdc en raison de l’internationalisation des activitds de transfert de technologies et de

  1. Kidney transplantation from a mother with unrecognized Fabry disease to her son with low α-galactosidase A activity: A 14-year follow-up without enzyme replacement therapy.


    Odani, Keiko; Okumi, Masayoshi; Honda, Kazuho; Ishida, Hideki; Tanabe, Kazunari


    We report a case of kidney transplantation from mother to son, both of whom were likely to have had an unrecognized renal variant phenotype of Fabry disease. The patient was a 54-year-old man, with an unknown primary cause of end stage renal disease. He had no notable past medical history, other than end stage renal disease. He underwent living-related kidney transplantation from his mother at age 40 years. Foam cells in the glomeruli were identified on histology assessment of a 0-hour allograft biopsy, with zebra bodies identified in the glomerular visceral epithelial cells by electron microscopy. These findings were indicative of Fabry disease in the donated kidney. As a definitive diagnosis of Fabry's disease could not be confirmed, enzyme replacement therapy was not initiated. Thirteen years after kidney transplantation, the patient underwent left nephrectomy for a left renal tumour, with pathological findings of clear cell carcinoma, foam cells and zebra bodies in the native kidney. Detailed examinations identified low α-galactosidase A activity and mutation of the α-Gal A gene, confirming a diagnosis of a renal variant phenotype of Fabry disease. Histology of several allograft biopsies performed over the 14 years from the time of kidney transplantation revealed only moderate interstitial fibrosis and tubular atrophy, with no evidence of disease progression on electron microscopy, despite the presence of zebra bodies in the glomerular visceral epithelial cells. © 2016 Asian Pacific Society of Nephrology.

  2. Fibrillation auriculaire et activité physique

    PubMed Central

    Bosomworth, N. John


    Résumé Objectif Examiner les données probantes portant sur les effets de divers niveaux d’activité physique sur l’incidence de fibrillation auriculaire (FA) dans la population générale et chez les athlètes d’endurance. Sources des données Une recherche a initialement été menée sur PubMed à l’aide des titres MeSH ou des mots-de-texte anglais (avec descripteur de zone de recherche TIAB [title and abstract]) atrial fibrillation et exercise ou physical activity ou athlet* ou sport*, sans filtre additionnel. Le système GRADE (grading of recommendations, assessment, development, and evaluation) a été utilisé pour tirer les conclusions au sujet de la qualité et du niveau de preuve. Sélection des études Aucune étude d’intervention n’est ressortie de la recherche. Les études d’observation ont alors été jugées acceptables et, bien que des études prospectives de cohortes à long terme de plus grande envergure auraient été préférables, des essais cas-témoins ou transversaux ont aussi été inclus dans cette révision. Synthèse Les données disponibles laissent croire à un lien proportionnel à la dose entre l’exercice plus intense et l’incidence réduite de FA chez les femmes. Il en va de même pour les hommes dont le niveau d’activité physique est de faible à modéré. Chez les hommes seulement, l’activité intense est associée à un risque accru de FA et ce, dans la plupart des études, mais pas la totalité d’entre elles. Ce risque est modéré, le rapport de risque instantané étant de 1,29 dans l’une des études de meilleure qualité. Le risque de FA chez la plupart des personnes régulièrement actives est plus faible que le risque observé dans la population sédentaire appariée. Conclusion La fibrillation auriculaire est probablement moins fréquente à mesure que le niveau d’activité physique augmente, la relation dose-réponse étant démontrable. À toutes les intensités, l’exercice doit être

  3. Elaboration du Ge mesoporeux et etude de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue d'applications photovoltaiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Tutashkonko, Sergii

    Le sujet de cette these porte sur l'elaboration du nouveau nanomateriau par la gravure electrochimique bipolaire (BEE) --- le Ge mesoporeux et sur l'analyse de ses proprietes physico-chimiques en vue de son utilisation dans des applications photovoltaiques. La formation du Ge mesoporeux par gravure electrochimique a ete precedemment rapportee dans la litterature. Cependant, le verrou technologique important des procedes de fabrication existants consistait a obtenir des couches epaisses (superieure a 500 nm) du Ge mesoporeux a la morphologie parfaitement controlee. En effet, la caracterisation physico-chimique des couches minces est beaucoup plus compliquee et le nombre de leurs applications possibles est fortement limite. Nous avons developpe un modele electrochimique qui decrit les mecanismes principaux de formation des pores ce qui nous a permis de realiser des structures epaisses du Ge mesoporeux (jusqu'au 10 mum) ayant la porosite ajustable dans une large gamme de 15% a 60%. En plus, la formation des nanostructures poreuses aux morphologies variables et bien controlees est desormais devenue possible. Enfin, la maitrise de tous ces parametres a ouvert la voie extremement prometteuse vers la realisation des structures poreuses a multi-couches a base de Ge pour des nombreuses applications innovantes et multidisciplinaires grace a la flexibilite technologique actuelle atteinte. En particulier, dans le cadre de cette these, les couches du Ge mesoporeux ont ete optimisees dans le but de realiser le procede de transfert de couches minces d'une cellule solaire a triple jonctions via une couche sacrificielle en Ge poreux. Mots-cles : Germanium meso-poreux, Gravure electrochimique bipolaire, Electrochimie des semi-conducteurs, Report des couches minces, Cellule photovoltaique

  4. Patterns of HIV prevalence among injecting drug users in the cross-border area of Lang Son Province, Vietnam, and Ning Ming County, Guangxi Province, China

    PubMed Central

    Des Jarlais, Don C; Johnston, Patrick; Friedmann, Patricia; Kling, Ryan; Liu, Wei; Ngu, Doan; Chen, Yi; Hoang, Tran V; Donghua, Meng; Van, Ly K; Tung, Nguyen D; Binh, Kieu T; Hammett, Theodore M


    Background To assess patterns of injecting drug use and HIV prevalence among injecting drug users (IDUs) in an international border area along a major heroin trans-shipment route. Methods Cross-sectional surveys of IDUs in 5 sites in Lang Son Province, Vietnam (n = 348) and 3 sites in Ning Ming County, Guangxi Province, China (n = 308). Respondents were recruited through peer referral ("snowball") methods in both countries, and also from officially recorded lists of IDUs in Vietnam. A risk behavior questionnaire was administered and HIV counseling and testing conducted. Results Participants in both countries were largely male, in their 20s, and unmarried. A majority of subjects in both countries were members of ethnic minority groups. There were strong geographic gradients for length of drug injecting and for HIV seroprevalence. Both mean years injecting and HIV seroprevalence declined from the Vietnamese site farthest from the border to the Chinese site farthest from the border. 10.6% of participants in China and 24.5% of participants in Vietnam reported crossing the international border in the 6 months prior to interview. Crossing the border by IDUs was associated with (1) distance from the border, (2) being a member of an ethnic minority group, and (3) being HIV seropositive among Chinese participants. Conclusion Reducing the international spread of HIV among IDUs will require programs at the global, regional, national, and "local cross border" levels. At the local cross border level, the programs should be coordinated on both sides of the border and on a sufficient scale that IDUs will be able to readily obtain clean injection equipment on the other side of the border as well as in their country of residence. PMID:16120225

  5. Les hémodialysés HVC sont-ils vraiment des patients difficiles à traiter?

    PubMed Central

    Krati, Khadija; Cherquaoui, Hind; Oubaha, Sofia; Samlani, Zouhour


    L'hépatite C demeure la principale infection virale chez l'hémodialysé, dont la prise en charge thérapeutique ainsi que la gestion de ses effets secondaires restent difficiles. Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective portant sur tous les patients atteints d'hépatite C chronique ayant une insuffisance rénale chronique sous hémodialyse, suivis au service de gastroentérologie au CHU Mohamed VI de Marrakech sur une période de Janvier 2004 à Décembre 2014. Sur un total de 355 cas d'hépatite virale C, 13 patients étaient hémodialysés (3,66%). Dix patients ont été traités, soit 76,94% des cas. Le traitement n’était pas indiqué chez 2 patients ayant une fibrose minime sans cytolyse. Il était contre-indiqué chez une patiente multitarée. Deux malades ont eu une réponse virologique rapide et 5 une réponse virologique précoce. Le taux de réponse virologique soutenue était de 40%, 30% des patients étaient non répondeurs. Le traitement fut arrêté chez 2 patientes pour effets secondaires sévères. Un seul patient a été candidat à une transplantation rénale. En analyse multivariée, la réponse virologique soutenue a été significativement associée à certains facteurs prédictifs de bonne réponse thérapeutique: Age jeune ≤40 ans (P=0,0057), fibrose minime F1-F2 (P=0,03), génotype non 1 (P=0,0064), charge virale préthérapeutique <800000 UI/ml (P=0,013), et l'absence d'arrêt thérapeutique (P=0,028). La gestion efficace des effets secondaires du traitement de HVC permet d'obtenir chez l'hémodialysé un taux de réponse virologique soutenue avoisinant celui de la population générale. PMID:27022433

  6. Impuretés et systèmes corrélés. Des chaînes aux cuprates supraconducteurs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bobroff, J.


    Impurities and correlated systems Discovery of high TC superconductors has opened the new field of strongly correlated fermions physics. In these compounds, mostly transition metal oxides, strong correlations between electrons affect sharply their electronic properties. In order to determine accurately these correlations and their possible link with superconductivity, we study the effect of local defects such as non magnetic impurities. In fact, in the more simple case of insulating spin chains and ladders, these impurities induce a staggered magnetism in their neighborhood which reveals the underlying electronic correlations. Similar effects are observed in high TC superconductors, using local probes such as nuclear magnetic resonance. These observations allow to get a better understanding of both normal and superconducting state of these oxides, both full of surprises. La découverte des supraconducteurs à haute température critique a ouvert la voie à une nouvelle physique, celle des fermions fortement corrélés. Dans ces systèmes, le plus souvent des oxydes de métaux de transition, les fortes corrélations entre électrons affectent profondément leurs propriétés électroniques et induisent de nouveaux états originaux : liquides de spins, supraconductivité, etc. Pour mesurer ces corrélations et ainsi déterminer leur lien éventuel avec la supraconductivité, nous proposons d'étudier l'effet de défauts ponctuels tels que des impuretés non magnétiques. En effet, dans le cas plus simple de chaînes ou d'échelles de spin isolantes, ces impuretés induisent dans leur voisinage immédiat un magnétisme alterné révélateur des corrélations électroniques. Des effets semblables sont observés dans les supraconducteurs à haute température critique, grâce à des sondes locales comme la résonance magnétique nucléaire. Ces observations permettent de mieux comprendre à la fois l'état normal et supraconducteur de ces oxydes, tous deux riches en

  7. Durcissement superficiel de la fonte grise Ft25 induit par un traitement de surface dans le moule

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bouitna, Mohamed; Boutarek-Zaourar, Naïma; Mansour, Samir; Chentouf, Samir Mourad; Mossang, Eric


    L'objectif de cette étude est la consolidation en surface de la fonte grise lamellaire Ft25 par un dépôt riche en manganèse en développant une méthode combinant en une seule opération l'élaboration et le traitement de surface dans le moule. Les effets de la granulométrie du ferro-manganèse (80 % Mn + 20 % Fe), ainsi que l'épaisseur des pièces en fontes sur les couches formées ont été étudiés. On a retenu trois granulométries du ferro-manganèse de 0,18 mm, 0,25 mm et 0,5 mm pour le traitement des pièces en fontes présentant des épaisseurs de 25 mm, 100 mm et 200 mm. Parmi les résultats obtenus, on distingue une consolidation des propriétés en surface induite par la formation d'une couche riche en manganèse continue et homogène. L'effet de la granulométrie du ferro-manganèse sur l'épaisseur de la couche traitée a été mis en évidence. La variation de l'épaisseur des couches formées diminue avec l'augmentation de la granulométrie du ferro-manganèse. Pour une pièce de 100 mm d'épaisseur, la couche formée est estimée à 350 μm pour une granulométrie de 0,18 alors qu'elle n'est que de 180 μm pour une granulométrie de 0,5. L'effet de l'épaisseur de la pièce n'est en revanche pas assez prononcé sur la taille des couches formées. Une amélioration nette de la résistance, à l'usure de la fonte traitée en relation avec les transformations en surface, a été mise en évidence.

  8. Report of the Working Group on Aerodynamics of Aircraft Afterbody.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    14 I 21 2.1.71 Addy A.L. Experimeftal-Theoretical Correlation of Supersonic Jet-on Base Pressure for Cylindrical Afterbodies. J. Aircraft, Vol. 7, No...An Improved Experimental-Theoretical Base Pressure Cor- Addy A.L. relation for Conical and Cylindrical Afterbodies with Agrell J. Centered Propulsive...2.1.92 Carri~re P. Effet d’une Injection de Fluide dans l’Eau-Morte sur les Conditions de Recollement d’un Ecoulement Plan Supersonique. Comptes

  9. Engineering Aerodynamics

    DTIC Science & Technology


    effective Reynolds Number5 to include the effet Of turbulence, which was supported in a convincing manner by the same ratio of 2.4 betwveen the Reynolds...iLIFT DEVICIS 143 methods incorl)orating various forms of flas) are shown on Figure 59. The other two methods, Boundary Layer Control and the Magnus ...Class Airship Hlull with Varying Lengths of Cylindric Midships," N.A.CA. Technical Report No. 138 (1922). 276 ENGINEERING AERODYNAMICS [Ch. 9 -- - - 2.0

  10. C3I for Crisis, Emergency and Consequence Management (C3I pour la gestion des crises, des urgences et de leurs consequences)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Quelque soit le contexte, l’aide à la décision passe par une analyse en profondeur de trois (3) aspects importants interdépendants, à savoir le...information, including suggestions for reducing this burden to Department of Defense , Washington Headquarters Services, Directorate for Information...type de menace, nécessite en effet d’adopter une approche collective de la sécurité étendue à une coopération avec de multiples organisations civiles

  11. Boys into Men: Raising Our African American Teenage Sons.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Boyd-Franklin, Nancy; Franklin, A. J.

    This guide to rearing African American boys offers simple and effective strategies for problem-solving, improving communication, and instilling a positive racial identity. The book draws on strong African American family values and cultural and spiritual strengths. The chapters are: (1) "You Must Act As If It Is Impossible To Fail: Challenges…

  12. Unfinished Business: The Sons of Iraq and Political Reconciliation

    DTIC Science & Technology


    out in the National Strategy for Victory in Iraq. 3 of sectarian cleansing in Baghdad, population centric tactics by CF, and increased... cleansed neighborhoods of one sect or the other as the two sides vied for power. Shia families in Sunni dominated areas packed up as many belongings...and Selected Neighborhoods18 8 The Shia controlled government reinforced JAM’s ethnic cleansing operations through a denial of essential

  13. Father, Son, Wife, Husband: Philanthropy as Exchange and Balance

    PubMed Central


    This essay attempts to use exchange and balance theories to explain philanthropy. For exchange, such theoretical components as attractions or rewards, costs, barriers and alternatives are invoked to make sense of the biography of a Chinese philanthropist in Hong Kong who donated two schools to remember his father and wife. The balance theory was also used, which argues that people do not seek to maximize their pleasure or to minimize their pain, but to balance, advancing one purpose or concern without neglecting the other—to enhance their well-being and to act morally. The essay argues that the case study method is most able to handle complex behaviour and complex lives. It concludes with a plea for more active use of social theory in research on philanthropy as moral and economic behavior embedded in the social contexts of family, marriage and community. PMID:20835377

  14. L'Ecole Maternelle Belge: Son Histoire, Ses Nouvelles Preoccupations.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Delhaxhe, Arlette


    Notes two new concerns of nursery schools in Belgium: (1) increased numbers of very young children participating in programs not designed for children their age; and (2) the inability of after-school programs to meet the educational needs of the participants. (SKC)

  15. Deep Battle and Interdiction: Twin Sons of Different Mothers.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Westport, CT: Greenwood Press 1993. Vallance , Andrew G.B. The Air Weapon - Doctrines of Air Power Strategy and Operational Art. New York, NY: St...34Employing Airpower in the Twenty-first Century," in The Future of Airpower in the Aftermath of the Gulf ed. Shultz, Richard H. and Pfaltzgraff, Robert L...Simultaneous Attack - One Battle Lab Helping to Forge the Army’s Future" Field Artillery (April 1993) Lewis, Richard . "JFACC Problems Associated with

  16. Father absence and gendered traits in sons and daughters.


    Boothroyd, Lynda G; Cross, Catharine P


    Research has previously found a number of apparently contradictory patterns in the relationship between 'father absence' (having a non-resident father during childhood) and the expression of gender roles, as well as other sexually dimorphic traits such as aggression. In the current study we measured a battery of sexually differentiated traits in relation to family background. 133 men and 558 women from the United States and Australia completed the Bem Sex Role Inventory, the Barrett Impulsivity Scale, the Fear Survey Schedule and the Buss & Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Principal components analysis found two main axes of variation in these traits. Firstly, a general 'reactivity' factor, on which aggression, impulsivity, and fear all loaded positively, was weakly associated with father absence in women. Secondly, 'masculinity' (consisting of high scores on masculine traits, low fear, and physical and verbal aggression) was not associated with father absence. Participants (except American males) reporting a poor childhood relationship with their parents also had high 'reactivity' but not higher 'masculinity'. We found some evidence of a link between father absence and earlier age of first coitus in American females (although not in Australia), but there was no link with age of menarche in either country. Overall, the current results suggest that previous findings linking gender development with father absence in girls may have arisen from a tendency towards greater externalising and reactive behaviour rather than a change in gender development per se.

  17. The Effect of Parents' Attitudes on Sons' Marriage Timing

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Jennings, Elyse A.; Axinn, William G.; Ghimire, Dirgha J.


    Theories of family stability and change, demographic processes, and social psychological influences on behavior all posit that parental attitudes and beliefs are a key influence on their children's behavior. We have evidence of these effects in Western populations, but little information regarding this social mechanism in non-Western contexts.…

  18. Father absence and gendered traits in sons and daughters

    PubMed Central

    Boothroyd, Lynda G.


    Research has previously found a number of apparently contradictory patterns in the relationship between ‘father absence’ (having a non-resident father during childhood) and the expression of gender roles, as well as other sexually dimorphic traits such as aggression. In the current study we measured a battery of sexually differentiated traits in relation to family background. 133 men and 558 women from the United States and Australia completed the Bem Sex Role Inventory, the Barrett Impulsivity Scale, the Fear Survey Schedule and the Buss & Perry Aggression Questionnaire. Principal components analysis found two main axes of variation in these traits. Firstly, a general ‘reactivity’ factor, on which aggression, impulsivity, and fear all loaded positively, was weakly associated with father absence in women. Secondly, ‘masculinity’ (consisting of high scores on masculine traits, low fear, and physical and verbal aggression) was not associated with father absence. Participants (except American males) reporting a poor childhood relationship with their parents also had high ‘reactivity’ but not higher ‘masculinity’. We found some evidence of a link between father absence and earlier age of first coitus in American females (although not in Australia), but there was no link with age of menarche in either country. Overall, the current results suggest that previous findings linking gender development with father absence in girls may have arisen from a tendency towards greater externalising and reactive behaviour rather than a change in gender development per se. PMID:28678822

  19. Father, Son, Wife, Husband: Philanthropy as Exchange and Balance.


    Chan, Kwok-Bun


    This essay attempts to use exchange and balance theories to explain philanthropy. For exchange, such theoretical components as attractions or rewards, costs, barriers and alternatives are invoked to make sense of the biography of a Chinese philanthropist in Hong Kong who donated two schools to remember his father and wife. The balance theory was also used, which argues that people do not seek to maximize their pleasure or to minimize their pain, but to balance, advancing one purpose or concern without neglecting the other-to enhance their well-being and to act morally. The essay argues that the case study method is most able to handle complex behaviour and complex lives. It concludes with a plea for more active use of social theory in research on philanthropy as moral and economic behavior embedded in the social contexts of family, marriage and community.

  20. Father-son attachment and sexual partner orientation in Taiwan.


    Lung, For-Wey; Shu, Bih-Ching


    The topic of homosexual adjustment problems has never been explored in Taiwan. The aim of this study was to investigate the role of parental bonding in the adjustment problems of homosexuals. A total of 51 young homosexual males, 100 nonhomosexual personnel with adjustment disorder, and 124 controls were administered the Parental Bonding Instrument, the Eysenck Personality Questionnaire, and the Chinese Health Questionnaire. The final parsimonious logistic regression and structural equation modeling showed paternal attachment, especially paternal overprotection, to be a predisposing factor in the development of homosexuality. Paternal attachment, introversion, and neurotic characteristics were key factors in the development of homosexuals. In particular, paternal overprotection played the most important role in the developmental process of male homosexuals. This study can be used as a reference for clinical personnel in caring for male homosexuals.

  1. Tom, Tom, the Piper's Son: Reading While Having Fun.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Holmes, Kerry


    This article describes how a first-grade teacher used poetry to provide students of diverse ability levels with reading and language activities that stimulated their interest and improved basic skills. Activities with poetry included reading the poems aloud individually and as a group, discussing and analyzing the poems' words and meanings, and…

  2. Mothers' Behaviors and Sons' Reading Achievement and Projected Feelings.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Oidick, Michael Stanley

    Two groups of fourth-grade boys, one group reading at grade level or above, the other reading below grade level, were selected for this study. All boys in both groups had scored at the 30th percentile or below on a kindergarten reading-readiness test. The mothers of these boys were interviewed to assess their participation, instigation, and level…

  3. Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia's favorite son, was a membrane biophysicist.


    Wang, Da-Neng; Stieglitz, Heather; Marden, Jennifer; Tamm, Lukas K


    Benjamin Franklin, mostly known for his participation in writing The Declaration of Independence and work on electricity, was also one of the first scientists to seek to understand the properties of oil monolayers on water surfaces. During one of his many voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, Franklin observed that oil had a calming effect on waves when poured into rough ocean waters. Though at first taking a backseat to many of his other scientific and political endeavors, Franklin went on to experiment with oil, spreading monomolecular films on various bodies of water, and ultimately devised a concept of particle repulsion that is indirectly related to the hydrophobic effect. His early observations inspired others to measure the dimensions of oil monolayers, which eventually led to the formulation of the contemporary lipid bilayer model of the cell membrane. Copyright © 2013 Biophysical Society. Published by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

  4. Kerr effect in the isotropic phase of a side-chain polymeric liquid crystal

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reys, V.; Dormoy, Y.; Collin, D.; Keller, P.; Martinoty, P.


    The birefringence induced by a pulsed electrical field was used to study the pretransitional effects associated with the isotropic phase of a side-chain polysiloxane. The results obtained show that these effects are characterised by a conventional value of the static exponent and an abnormal value of the dynamic exponent, which shows that the dynamic theory of low molecular weight liquid crystals does not apply. The results also reveal competition between the dipolar moments induced by the electrical field and the permanent moments of the mesogenic molecules. La biréfringence induite par un champ électrique impulsionnel a été utilisée pour étudier les effets prétransitionnels associés à la phase isotrope d'un polysiloxane à chaînes latérales. Les résultats obtenus montrent que ces effets sont caractérisés par une valeur classique de l'exposant statique et une valeur anormale de l'exposant dynamique. Ce dernier résultat montre que la théorie dynamique des cristaux liquides de bas poids moléculaire n'est pas applicable au cas présent. Les expériences mettent également en évidence une compétition entre les moments dipolaires induits par le champ électrique et les moments permanents des molécules mésogènes.

  5. Excitations Élémentaires au Voisinage de la Surface de Séparation d'un Métal Normal et d'un Métal Supraconducteur

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Saint-James, Par D.

    On étudie le spectre d'excitation pour une couche de métal normal déposée sur un supraconducteur. On montre que si l'interaction attractive électron-électron est négligeable dans le métal normal, il n'y a pas de gap d'énergie dans le spectre d'excitation, même si l'épaisseur de la couche normale est petite. Une étude analogue, conduisant à une conclusion similaire, est menée pour deux supraconducteurs accolés et pour des sphères de métal normal baignant dans un supraconducteur. L'effet prévu pourrait expliquer quelques résultats particuliers observés dans des mesures d'effet tunnel dans des supraconducteurs durs. The excitation spectrum of a layer of normal metal (N) deposited on a superconducting substrate (S) is discussed. It is shown that if the electron-electron attractive interaction is negligibly small in (N) there is no energy gap in the excitation spectrum even if the thickness of the layer (N) is small. A similar study, with equivalent conclusions, has been carried out for two superconductors and for normal metal spheres embedded in a superconductor. The effect may possibly explain some peculiar results of tunnelling experiments on hard superconductors.

  6. Unsteady Aerodynamics - Fundamentals and Applications of Aircraft Dynamics. Conference Proceedings of the Joint Symposium of the Fluid Dynamics and Flight Mechanics Panels Held in Goettingen, Federal Republic of Germany on 6-9 May 1985.

    DTIC Science & Technology


    tourbillons daxe perpendicu-V laire A l’fcoulement principal) issu d’un profil occillant en Tamis dan;, do,, condition,, dn dorochagp dynamique. 5_10...a~rodyna- - mique sur R. A partir de cette analyse experimentale, une tentative de modelisation th~sorique des effets non *lin~ laires observes aux...cisaillement A la paroi d’un profil d’aile anim6 d’un mouvament harmonique parall~le ou parpandicu- laire A 1𔄀coulement non perturb~s", EUROMECH

  7. Studying Hostile, Deceptive, and Dangerous Surroundings: Report of a Workshop on Social Research Methods for Non-Permissive Environments (Etudier des Milieux Hostiles, Trompeurs et Dangereux - Rapport Concernant un Atelier sur les Methodes de Recherche Sociale an Milieu non Permissif)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    des groupes de consultation pour déterminer l’effet des opérations communes sur la population locale. Ils ont établi des « mesures de rendement...fondées sur les relations avec les habitants et les résultats des groupes de consultation ainsi que des « mesures de production » basées sur la ...l’ethnographie de combat, et la recherche d’initié étranger peuvent aider à tracer les microcosmes sociaux dans un

  8. CFD Simulations of a Ferry in Head Seas

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la durée de vie en fatigue globale du navire. Il est important, pour la conception, l’exploitation et la gestion du cycle de ...vibration de frottement qui exerce une contrainte sur la structure de coque primaire et qui a un effet défavorable sur la durée de vie en fatigue globale du ...laquelle ne peut simuler directement la physique du tossage. Le présent rapport contient les résultats d’une étude faisant

  9. Foreign Exchange Value-at-Risk with Multiple Currency Exposure: A Multivariate and Copula Generalized Autoregressive Conditional Heteroskedasticity Approach

    DTIC Science & Technology


    du taux de change, et les responsables de la gestion interne se voient donc pressés de trouver des ... mesurer les effets négatifs que peuvent avoir les fluctuations mo- nétaires sur le budget et la planification du MDN, il faut connaître le poids des ...qualités comparables et qu’ils permettent d’effectuer une meilleure évaluation du risque qu’avec la méthode courante. On obtient désormais des estimations de

  10. Real-Time Adaptive Control of Mixing in a Plane Shear Layer

    DTIC Science & Technology


    l’icoulement d’un fuide visqueux incompressible autour d’un cylinder fixe ou en rotation. Effet Magnus . J. Mdc. 14, 109-134. TANEDA, S. 1977 Visual study...Mokhtarian & Yokomizo 1990), and in lift enhancement schemes employing the Magnus effect (Swanson 1961). Rotation of all or part of a body may also have...coordinate system. In this work, the body-fitted grid is simply one of cylindrical polar coordinates and is time-independent, except for a = 3.25 where

  11. Why Cold-Wet Makes One Feel Chilled: A Literature Review

    DTIC Science & Technology


    froid et mouill6. On examine aussi l’effet de la radiation solaire , l’interaction entre la peau at l’humidit6, entre la peau et la temp~rature de mgme...directions, including back out into space. Aerosols of water in clouds reflect incident solar energy . The upper surface of a stratus cloud cover can than under clear conditions. Albedo, the fraction of the incident energy which is reflected by a surface, varies considerably with the terrain

  12. Relativité générale et gravitation.

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Elbaz, E.

    Contents: 1. Description de l'univers observable. 2. Lemicro-univers des particules élémentaires. 3. Analyse tensorielle.4. Relativité restreinte. 5. Effet de la gravitation en relativité générale. 6. Équations d'Einstein. 7. Ondes gravitationnelles. 8. Champ de gravitation statique et isotrope. 9. Structures stellaires. 10. Champ de gravitation non statique isotrope. 11. Introduction à la dynamique cosmologique et au modèle standard de l'univers très primitif. 12. Perspectives actuelles.

  13. Africa Civic Action Planning and Implementation Guide

    DTIC Science & Technology


    transfert du titre de propriet4 ou. que les d~fectuosit~s provenant de la conception sont... transfert du * .~.titre prendra effet normalement. au point de chargement chez le * fabricant; et pour ].es articles de de’fense fournis sur les stocks...dition avant l~e transfert . du Ititre de proprie’t4. Si l~e "lieu de livraison" d~sign4 est autre que le point initial d’expe’d’tion, l~e

  14. Analysis of electrical property changes of skin by oil-in-water emulsion components

    PubMed Central

    Jeong, CB; Han, JY; Cho, JC; Suh, KD; Nam, GW


    a significant moisturizing effect by analysing the chemical functional groups; amide class had a higher hydration effect than betaines and disaccharides in humectants combination. Résumé Objectif Puisque le «cycle de la peau sèche” produit une détérioration continue, la xérose cosmétique (squameuse, peau sèche) est l’une des préoccupations majeures pour la plupart des consommateurs. Le but de cette étude était d’étudier l’effet hydratant des composants d’émulsions H / E. Il existe de nombreux types d’huiles, des cires, de polyols, et des tensioactifs utilisés comme ingrédients dans les produits de soins de la peau. Cependant, l’effet hydratant de chaque ingrédient et de leur utilisation dans des produits hydratants efficaces ne sont pas encore bien compris. MethodesPour apporter des réponses à ces questions, nous avons étudié l’effet hydratant des 41 éléments (4 classes différentes) largement utilisés dans une émulsion simple O/W en utilisant des méthodes de capacitance. 106 huiles individuelles différentes et des combinaisons d’huile avec de l’huile, de la cire, des humectants, et de tensioactifs ont été formulées et testées. ResultatsDans cette étude, nous avons constaté que la plupart des composants des émulsions huile-dans-eau (H/E) possédaient des effets d’hydratation de la peau. (i) Le taux moyen d’augmentation d’eau (RWCI = relative water content increase) d’une émulsion à base d’une seule huile était de 11,8 ± 5,2% (SE) et de 7,9 ± 6,0% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (ii) Une émulsion de combinaison d’huile montrait une RWCI similaire à celle d’une émulsion à base d’huile unique, 12,6 ± 6,0% (SE) et 12,1 ± 6,4% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (iii) Une combinaison des cires avec de l’huile présentait une RWCI de 16 ± 5,6% (SE) et 12,4 ± 4,5% (SE) à 3 et 6 h, respectivement. (iv) Les combinaisons d’humectant ont montré la plus forte augmentation

  15. Les campagnes communautaires de promotion du depistage VIH en Afrique de l’Ouest : perceptions des usagers au Burkina Faso

    PubMed Central

    Desclaux, Alice; Ky-Zerbo, Odette; Somé, Jean-François; Makhlouf-Obermeyer, Carla


    Résumé La politique actuelle de lutte contre le sida qui repose sur l’extension de l’accès aux traitements et à la prévention exige qu’une proportion élevée de la population connaisse son statut en matière de VIH. Pour cela, l’OMS a proposé le développement de stratégies communautaires délivrant le dépistage et le conseil au-delà des services de soins, comme le test à domicile ou les campagnes de sensibilisation et dépistage de grande envergure, appliqués en Afrique australe et de l’Est. Pour définir les stratégies pertinentes dans des régions de basse prévalence comme l’Afrique de l’Ouest, les expériences communautaires de promotion du dépistage doivent y être évaluées. Cet article présente une évaluation des campagnes au Burkina Faso du point de vue des usagers. Dans le cadre d’un projet sur les pratiques et l’éthique du dépistage dans quatre pays africains (MATCH), une enquête qualitative spécifique a été menée pendant la campagne de 2008, auprès de personnes ayant fait le test pendant la campagne, ayant fait le test hors campagne ou n’ayant pas fait le test. Les appréciations sont globalement très favorables aux campagnes, notamment à cause de l’information dispensée, l’accessibilité des sites, la gratuité du test, la qualité des services et l’effet d’entrainement. Les limites ou critiques sont essentiellement liées à l’affluence ou à la crainte de ne pas être soutenu en cas de résultat positif. La démarche de recours au test ne fait plus l’objet de suspicion, au moins pendant la campagne. Cette « normalisation » du recours au test et la mobilisation collective facilitent des pratiques en groupe, ce qui peut rendre difficile de garder son statut VIH secret. L’évaluation des campagnes par les usagers les présente comme une opportunité pour accéder facilement au test et pour communiquer à ce sujet dans divers espaces sociaux à partir des informations délivrées sur le VIH

  16. AFTERRISE: Deep Body Temperature Following Exercise

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Egalement, les effets de la posture et des v~tements durant la r~cup~ration et la temperature de la salle de r~cup~ration furent examines. Cinq hommes...une chemise a manches courtes). Les tempdratures rectales et de la peau furent mesurdes & chaque minute durant les exercices et la r6cupdration...Ndcnillll~ l OLen 1+ 1DNfnce na~on~e :x DTIC Ss ELECTE FEB 5 1993DI C AFTERRISE: DEEP BODY TEMPERATURE FOLLOWING EXERCISE (U) by S. Tuck and A.A

  17. Research on Modelling the Effects of Personal Hearing Protection and Communications Devices on Speech Intelligibility in Noise

    DTIC Science & Technology


    performance ont été observées entre les différents groupes de sujets en ce qui a trait à l’effet du mode d’utilisation passif comparativement à l’écoute is staged over three fiscal/reporting periods as follows: Stage I (ending March 31st 2009): Design a Study Stage II (ending March 31st...under PWGSC Contract No. W7711-088145/001/TOR. It presents the study design and methods devised in Stage I, subjective and objective data collected

  18. Importance des communications intercellulaires en radiopathologie expérimentale : le syndrôme inflammatoire radioinduit

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Agay, D.; Clarencon, D.; Multon, E.; Mestries, J.-C.; van der Meeren, A.; Mouthon, M.-A.; Gourmelon, P.


    The monolithic image of radiation pathology, the physiopathological mechanisms of which are limited to the conventional concept of specific “target cell" with mitotic and apoptotic cell death, is changing owing to our increasing knowledge about intercellular communications. The cellular radiationbiology is currently enriched by the “humoral" radiationbiology with its concept of “target network" including cells and intercellular messengers. The radiation-induced disorders observed in these networks take shape in the inflammatory reaction, which is largely involved, in the physiopathological development of the acute radiation syndrome. These concepts of a perpetual cascade of cytokines, leading to radiation-induced late effects with no biological latent period, are especially illustrated by the radiation-induced pneumonitis and pulmonary fibrosis. L'image monolithique de la radiopathologie dont les mécanismes physiopathologiques sont réduits aux concepts classiques de “cellule cible" spécifique avec mort cellulaire mitotique et apoptotique, se modifie grâce à l'accroissement de nos connaissances sur les communications intercellulaires. La radiobiologie cellulaire s'enrichit aujourd'hui de la radiobiologie “humorale" avec son concept de “réseau cible" tant au niveau des cellules que des messagers intercellulaires. Les désordres radio-induits observés au niveau de ces réseaux se concrétisent dans la réaction inflammatoire qui est fortement impliquée dans l'évolution physiopathologique du syndrome aigu d'irradiation. Ces concepts d'une cascade perpétuelle de cytokines, sans période de latence biologique et qui amènent aux effets tardifs radio-induits, sont particulièrement illustrés dans la pneumonie et la fibrose pulmonaire radio-induites.

  19. Évaluation des caractéristiques mécaniques du polissoir en polyuréthanne utilisé comme porte abrasifs durant le processus du polissage du verre optique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aliouane, T.; Bouzid, D.; Belkhir, N.; Bouzid, S.; Herold, V.


    La fabrication des composants en verre optique nécessite des moyens de grande précision dans les procédés de finition vue l'importance accordée à leur qualité.
Durant le processus de polissage des verres optiques, le polissoir est un élément clé et a un impact direct sur les performances des composants optiques, non seulement il est utilisé comme support de grains abrasifs mais il doit posséder la fonction de transmission de la pression aux grains. La connaissance de ses propriétés, essentiellement mécanique, est impérative afin d'obtenir un état de surface optimal des composants optiques destinés à remplir des fonctions très précises dans des appareils optiques très performants.
Dans cette étude, nous avons constaté que les propriétés des polissoirs en polyuréthanne tel que la dureté, le module d'élasticité et la densité varient au cours du polissage. Ce changement a des effets sur l'état de surface de verre optique, causé par le changement microstructural de la surface du polissoir (distribution et dimensions des pores) et par conséquent sur la quantité des abrasifs (en oxyde de cérium) insérée dans les pores, ce qui influe sur la quantité de verre enlevée et sur l'état de surface du composant.
Sur la base des résultats obtenus, il a été prouvé que le polissoir subit des modifications très importantes ce qui influe considérablement sur son efficacité de polissage.

  20. Pharmacogénétique: qu'en est-il au Maroc?

    PubMed Central

    Idrissi, Meryem Janati; Ouldim, Karim; Amarti, Afaf; El Hassouni, Mohamed; Khabbal, Youssef


    La pharmacogénétique est l’étude de l'influence des variations génétiques interindividuelles sur la réponse aux médicaments, avec le but d'améliorer la prise en charge des patients en visant une médecine personnalisée. Au fait le génome de deux personnes ne diffère que par 0.1% des 3.2 milliards de paires de bases, ce qui implique les effets indésirables des médicaments, qui ont un très important impact sur le plan clinique que sur le plan économique. Or cette dernière décennie ces effets indésirables ont pu être évités grâce aux tests pharmacogénétiques. Au Maroc, la recherche en pharmacogénétique commence à susciter l'intérêt des chercheurs avec quelques études. Une toute première étude en 1986, sur l'acétylation de l'isoniazide chez la population marocaine, suivie par deux autres en 2011 se focalisant sur le métabolisme du tacrolimus et des anti-vitamines K. Ainsi l'espoir maintenant est d'identifier les majoritaires polymorphismes génétiques affectant les patients marocains, afin de leur fournir une prise en charge adaptée. PMID:23785548

  1. Apport de la simulation numérique à la compréhension des mécanismes d'interaction de cavités dans le cadre de la modélisation de l'endommagement ductile sous sollicitation dynamique

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Roy, G.; Buy, F.; Llorca, F.


    L'étude présentée s'inscrit dans le cadre d'une démarche menant à la construction d'un modèle analytique ou semi analytique de comportement élasto-visco-plastique endommageable, applicable aux chargements rencontrés en configuration d'impact violent et générant de l'écaillage ductile. La prise en compte des effets de compressibilité et de micro inertie est essentielle pour modéliser la phase de croissance. Des simulations numériques globales de la structure et locales à l'échelle des hétérogénéités permettent d'évaluer les niveaux de sollicitations dans les zones susceptibles de s'endommager, dévaluer des critères analytiques de germination de l'endommagement et de comprendre les mécanismes d'interaction entre les défauts. Les effets micro inertiels et de compressibilité sont ainsi mis en évidence dans les phases de germination et de coalescence des micro défauts. II s'agit ici d'une illustration non exhaustive de travaux engagés au CEA Valduc sur le tantale, dans le cadre d'une thèse [10]. Un programme matériaux en partenariat CEA-CNRS sur la modélisation multi échelles du comportement de structures a également été initié dans ce contexte.

  2. Influence des traitements thermiques et de la microstructure sur les phénomènes de découplage dans les composés au bismuth

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Nicolas, M.; Guyen van Huong, C. N.; Burger, J. P.; Dubon, A.; Fitoussi, J. P.; Laval, J. Y.


    a.c. susceptibility measurements and 3D electronic microscopy observation were carried out on three Bi-compounds (2212 and 2223). Depending on the annealing conditions, one observes lamellar-type materials organized either in a more or less dense structure of fine particles or in very large slabs. The a.c. susceptibility signals allow to separate the intergranular from the intragranular effects. The combined results obtained by both techniques lead us to conclude that the intergranular and the intragranular decoupling, induced by magnetic fields are of same nature, i.e. occur at the (BiO)2 slab. Nous avons couplé des mesures de susceptibilité altemative et d'observation au microscope électronique en 3D sur trois échantillons supraconducteurs au bismuth (2212 et 2223). Selon les conditions de recuit, on observe des matériaux de type lamellaire, organisés soit en une structure plus ou moins dense de fines particules, soit en larges plaquettes. L'étude des signaux de susceptibilité alternative χ' et χ'' permet de séparer les effets intergranulaires des effets intragranulaires. les résultats combinés des deux techniques nous ont conduit à conclure que les deux types de découplage (inter et intragranulaires), induits par les champs magnétiques sont de même nature, c'est-à-dire se produisent au niveau des bicouches (BiO)2.

  3. Magnétochiralité et résonances stochastiques dans les lasers

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Bonnet, C.; Bretenaker, F.; Brunel, M.; Chauvat, D.; Emile, O.; Lai, N. D.; Le Floch, A.; Ropars, G.; Ruchon, T.; Singh, K.; Thépot, J.-Y.; Vallet, M.


    Les états propres d'un laser constituent un outil de choix pour étudier les différents rôles joués par le bruit dans un système. D'une part, si on veut isoler un effet petit difficilement accessible par les méthodes classiques, ces états propres permettent de réaliser des mesures différentielles de haute précision, à condition de pouvoir éliminer les bruits mécaniques, optiques, électroniques. A titre d'exemple, nous avons utilisé les états propageant et contrapropageant d'un laser ionique en anneau pour mesurer une interaction fondamentale faible: la biréfringence magnétochirale. Cette "biréfringence" se manifeste en effet par une petite variation d'indice selon le sens de parcours de l'anneau, de l'ordre de Δ n.10^{-11}, indépendante de la polarisation. A l'opposé, les deux états propres d'un laser du type Fabry-Perot constituent un système idéal pour explorer les résonances stochastiques à deux dimensions. Les résonances stochastiques par inhibition et par rotation sont isolées en présence de bruits blancs gaussiens tant pour les bruits optiques que magnétiques. L'utilisation possible de l'émission spontanée comme bruit actif est démontrée.

  4. Analytical Modeling of Triple-Metal Hetero-Dielectric DG SON TFET

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Mahajan, Aman; Dash, Dinesh Kumar; Banerjee, Pritha; Sarkar, Subir Kumar


    In this paper, a 2-D analytical model of triple-metal hetero-dielectric DG TFET is presented by combining the concepts of triple material gate engineering and hetero-dielectric engineering. Three metals with different work functions are used as both front- and back gate electrodes to modulate the barrier at source/channel and channel/drain interface. In addition to this, front gate dielectric consists of high-K HfO2 at source end and low-K SiO2 at drain side, whereas back gate dielectric is replaced by air to further improve the ON current of the device. Surface potential and electric field of the proposed device are formulated solving 2-D Poisson's equation and Young's approximation. Based on this electric field expression, tunneling current is obtained by using Kane's model. Several device parameters are varied to examine the behavior of the proposed device. The analytical model is validated with TCAD simulation results for proving the accuracy of our proposed model.

  5. Low energy, left-right symmetry restoration in SO(N) GUTS

    NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)

    Holman, R.


    A general n step symmetry breaking pattern of SO(4K+2) down to SU sub C (3)xSU sub L (2)xU sub Y (1), which uses regular subgroups only, does not allow low energy left right symmetry restoration. In these theories, the smallest mass scale at which such restoration is possible is approximately one billion GeV as in the SO(10) case. The unification mass in SO(4K+2) GUTS must be at least as large as that in SU(5). These results assumed standard values of the Weinberg angle and strong coupling constant.

  6. [Inspired by Apollo and Asclepio's sons in Homer and Virgil].


    Merlino, R L


    Important passages of the Homeric and Virgilian epic are regarding the art of divination and the medical science, and underline contextually the figures of the fortune teller and that of the physician. Two roles are associated to one matrix: heroic-aristocratic or royal-sacerdotal. In Homer's epic it is possible to single out surgical and phytotherapeutic knowledge together with remedies for diseases aroused by a solar god, like Apollo is, gods' physician. Pitiful divinities comfort those who have been struck by demoniac and mysterious forms. On the contrary, in Virgil's epic a symbiosis is carried out between the physician's figure and the priest's one, with the very vague outlines of the two arts and however, overloaded by factors which are typically Virgilian. Unusual form of incubation of the Greek rituals has been transplanted in the Latin matrix; and moreover there is a constant recall of words used in their most antique meaning.

  7. Joseph Boussinesq et son approximation : un aperçu actuel

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zeytounian, Radyadour Kh.


    A hundred years ago, in his 1903 volume II of the monograph devoted to 'Théorie Analytique de la Chaleur', Joseph Valentin Boussinesq observes that: "The v ariations of density can be ignored except were they are multiplied by the acceleration of gravity in equation of motion for the vertical component of the velocity vector." A spectacular consequence of this Boussinesq observation (called, in 1916, by Rayleigh, the 'Boussinesq approximation') is the possibility to work with a quasi-incompressible system of coupled dynamic, (Navier) and thermal (Fourier) equations where buoyancy is the main driving force. After a few words on the life of Boussinesq and on his observation, the applicability of this approximation is briefly discussed for various thermal, geophysical, astrophysical and magnetohydrodynamic problems in the framework of 'Boussinesquian fluid dynamics'. An important part of our contemporary view is devoted to a logical (100 years later) justification of this Boussinesq approximation for a perfect gas and an ideal liquid in the framework of an asymptotic modelling of the full fluid dynamics (Euler and Navier-Stokes-Fourier) equations with especially careful attention given to the validity of this approximation. To cite this article: R.Kh. Zeytounian, C. R. Mecanique 331 (2003).

  8. Nuestros Sentimientos Son Iguales, La Diferencia Es En La Experiencia

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Palomares, Uvaldo H.


    The author concludes that counselors may be the prime cause of miscommunication and prejudicial evaluation in relations with persons from divergent racial and ethnic groups. Counselors must recognize and value the ethnicity of other persons if they are to foster an open, trusting, and productive counseling relationship with them. (Author/BY)

  9. Fathers' Autonomy Support and Social Competence of Sons and Daughters

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Corwyn, Robert F.; Bradley, Robert H.


    Relations between paternal autonomy support and four aspects of adolescent social competence and responsibility at age 16 were examined using data from the NICHD Study of Early Child Care and Youth Development. With controls on maternal autonomy support, significant relations were observed between paternal autonomy support and three of the four…

  10. Son of SPECOPS: Rethinking the Nature and Operationalization of Cyberspace

    DTIC Science & Technology


    argument, it is fair to assert that the initial placement of USCYBERCOM under USSTRATCOM made sense, prima facie , and allowed it to stand up and reach... guidelines can be disastrous. Such was the case in August 2007, when a B-52 accidentally transported six nuclear-tipped cruise missiles from Minot Air...and memory in computing technology, as captured by Moore’s Law, constitute the guideline for development in the computing and

  11. Phenotype of FOXP2 haploinsufficiency in a mother and son.


    Rice, Gregory M; Raca, Gordana; Jakielski, Kathy J; Laffin, Jennifer J; Iyama-Kurtycz, Christina M; Hartley, Sigan L; Sprague, Rae E; Heintzelman, Anne T; Shriberg, Lawrence D


    Disruptions in FOXP2, a transcription factor, are the only known monogenic cause of speech and language impairment. We report on clinical findings for two new individuals with a submicroscopic deletion of FOXP2: a boy with severe apraxia of speech and his currently moderately affected mother. A 1.57 Mb deletion on chromosome 7q31 was detected by array comparative genomic hybridization (aCGH). In addition to FOXP2, the patients' deletion involves two other genes, MDFIC and PPP1R3A, neither of which has been associated with speech or language disorders. Thus, findings for these two family members provide informative phenotypic information on FOXP2 haploinsufficiency. Evaluation by a clinical geneticist indicated no major congenital anomalies or dysmorphic features. Evaluations by a clinical psychologist and occupational therapist indicated cognitive-linguistic processing and sensorimotor control deficits, but did not support a diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder. Evaluation by clinical and research speech pathologists confirmed that both patients' speech deficits met contemporary criteria for apraxia of speech. Notably, the patients were not able to laugh, cough, or sneeze spontaneously, replicating findings reported for two other FOXP2 cases and a potential diagnostic sign of nonsyndromic apraxia of speech. Speech severity findings for the boy were not consistent with the hypothesis that loss of maternal FOXP2 should be relatively benign. Better understanding of the behavioral phenotype of FOXP2 disruptions will aid identification of patients, toward an eventual understanding of the pathophysiology of syndromic and nonsyndromic apraxia of speech. Copyright © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.

  12. Saving the Native Son: Empowerment Strategies for Young Black Males.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Lee, Courtland C.

    Achieving manhood has historically been a complex and challenging task for the Black male in America. Therefore Black manhood must be carefully fostered from an early age by major socializing agents and institutions. This book provides school counselors and related professionals with important information about the development of young Black…

  13. Benjamin Franklin, Philadelphia’s Favorite Son, was a Membrane Biophysicist

    PubMed Central

    Wang, Da-Neng; Stieglitz, Heather; Marden, Jennifer; Tamm, Lukas K.


    Benjamin Franklin, mostly known for his participation in writing The Declaration of Independence and work on electricity, was also one of the first scientists to seek to understand the properties of oil monolayers on water surfaces. During one of his many voyages across the Atlantic Ocean, Franklin observed that oil had a calming effect on waves when poured into rough ocean waters. Though at first taking a backseat to many of his other scientific and political endeavors, Franklin went on to experiment with oil, spreading monomolecular films on various bodies of water, and ultimately devised a concept of particle repulsion that is indirectly related to the hydrophobic effect. His early observations inspired others to measure the dimensions of oil monolayers, which eventually led to the formulation of the contemporary lipid bilayer model of the cell membrane. PMID:23442850

  14. Family Matters: Father and Son Follow Same Career Path; Succeed

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Cooper, Kenneth J.


    Together, Samuel L. Myers Sr. and Jr. prove that the apple tree, when properly nurtured in the rich intellectual orchards of academia, will bear prime fruit that lands close to its roots. The Doctors Myers both earned bachelor's degrees from Morgan State University and then ventured to Boston for their Ph.D.s in economics. Though their specialties…

  15. Contribution a l'etude et au developpement de nouvelles poudres de fonte

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Boisvert, Mathieu

    L'obtention de graphite libre dans des pieces fabriquees par metallurgie des poudres (M/P) est un defi auquel plusieurs chercheurs se sont attardes. En effet, la presence de graphite apres frittage ameliore l'usinabilite des pieces, permettant donc de reduire les couts de production, et peut aussi engendrer une amelioration des proprietes tribologiques. L'approche utilisee dans cette these pour tenter d'obtenir du graphite libre apres frittage est par l'utilisation de nouvelles poudres de fontes atomisees a l'eau. L'atomisation a l'eau etant un procede de production de poudres relativement peu couteux qui permet de grandes capacites de production, le transfert des decouvertes de ce doctorat vers des applications industrielles sera donc economiquement plus favorable. En plus de l'objectif d'obtenir du graphite libre apres frittage, un autre aspect important des travaux est le controle de la morphologie du graphite libre apres frittage. En effet, il est connu dans la litterature des fontes coulees/moulees que la morphologie du graphite influencera les proprietes des fontes, ce qui est aussi vrai pour les pieces de M/P. Les fontes ductiles, pour lesquelles le graphite est sous forme de nodules spheroidaux isoles les uns des autres, possedent des proprietes mecaniques superieures aux fontes grises pour lesquelles le graphite est sous forme lamellaire et continu dans la matrice. Les resultats presentes dans cette these montrent qu'il est possible, dans des melanges contenant des poudres de fontes, d'avoir un controle sur la morphologie du graphite et donc sur les proprietes des pieces. Le controle de la morphologie du graphite a principalement ete realise par le type de frittage et le phenomene de diffusion " uphill " du carbone cause par des gradients en silicium. En effet, pour les frittages en phase solide, tous les nodules de graphite sont presents a l'interieur des grains de poudre apres frittage. Pour les frittages en phase liquide, l'intensite de la diffusion

  16. Validation of an Acoustic Head Simulator for the Evaluation of Personal Hearing Protection Devices

    DTIC Science & Technology


    et recouvert de peau artificielle. Les cavités de chaque côté permettent l’insertion de modules d’oreilles qui reproduisent les mécanismes des ...aux spécifications publiées. Ces différences n’ont pas influé sur la perte d’insertion. Après correction pour tenir compte des effets de la...un simulateur de tête époxy chargé d’aluminium et recouvert de peau artificielle. La tête est soutenue par un module de cou souple rattaché à un

  17. Development of a Dynamic Biomechanical Model for Load Carriage: Phase 4, Parts A and B: Development of a Dynamic Biomechanical Model Version 2 of Human Load Carriage

    DTIC Science & Technology


    de charge et de comprendre les effets des caractéristiques de conception de systèmes de transport de charge sur la santé et la mobilité humaines...supérieur et le torse inférieur et la force totale de contact. Les travaux sont en cours en vue de l’intégration d’une couche de peau , ce qui...permettrait d’examiner en détail l’interaction au niveau de l’interface équipement- peau . Le but consiste à évaluer les risques de

  18. Methode des Rayons avec Calcul d’Intensite Appliquee a la Propagation Anormale (Method of Ray Intensity Calculation as Applied to Anomalous Propagation),

    DTIC Science & Technology


    D’INTENSITE 0 APPLIQUEE A LA PROPAGATION "ANORNALE" par D. Dion DEFENCE RESEARCH ESTABLISHMENT CENTRE DE RECHERCHES POUR LA DEFENSE VALCARTI ER 6- Tel: (418...faqon ils sont reli~s aux conditions atmosph~riques. Les ph~no- manes les plus importants A signaler sont les conduits et les "trous radio". En effet...6tant tr~s fr~quents en mer, 11 est d’int&rt pour la marine de rechercher des m~thodes simples permettant de les caract~riser. Des 6quations d’int

  19. Pharmacothérapie de la dépression chez les aînés

    PubMed Central

    Frank, Christopher


    Résumé Objectif Discuter du traitement pharmacologique de la dépression chez les personnes âgées, y compris le choix des antidépresseurs, le titrage de la dose, la surveillance de la réponse et des effets secondaires et le traitement des cas réfractaires. Sources des données Les lignes directrices de 2006 de la Canadian Coalition for Seniors’ Mental Health sur l’évaluation et le traitement de la dépression ont servi comme source principale. Pour recenser les articles publiés après les lignes directrices, on a procédé à une recherche documentaire dans MEDLINE de 2007 à 2012 à l’aide des expressions en anglais depression, treatment, drug therapy et elderly. Message principal Le but du traitement devrait être la rémission des symptômes. L’amélioration des symptômes peut être surveillée en fonction des objectifs du patient qu’on a identifiés ou en se servant d’outils cliniques comme le Patient Health Questionnaire–9. On devrait envisager le traitement en 3 étapes: l’étape du traitement aigu pour obtenir la rémission des symptômes, une étape de continuation pour prévenir la récurrence d’un même épisode de la maladie (rechute) et une étape de maintien (prophylaxie) pour prévenir de futurs épisodes (récurrence). Le dosage initial devrait être la moitié de la dose de départ habituelle chez l’adulte et il devrait être titré régulièrement jusqu’à ce que le patient réponde, jusqu’à ce que la dose maximale soit atteinte ou encore que les effets secondaires en limitent l’augmentation. Parmi les effets secondaires fréquents, on peut mentionner les chutes, la nausée, les étourdissements, les céphalées et, moins communément, l’hyponatrémie et des changements dans l’intervalle QT. Des stratégies pour changer ou augmenter les antidépresseurs sont présentées. Les patients plus âgés devraient être traités pendant au moins un an à compter de l’observation d’une amélioration clinique et

  20. Developpement et validation d'un outil base sur l'acoustique geometrique pour le diagnostic du bruit de nacelle

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Minard, Benoit

    De nos jours, la problématique du bruit généré par les avions est devenue un point de développement important dans le domaine de l'aéronautique. C'est ainsi que de nombreuses études sont faites dans le domaine et une première approche consiste à modéliser de façon numérique ce bruit de manière à réduire de façon conséquente les coûts lors de la conception. C'est dans ce contexte qu'un motoriste a demandé à l'université de Sherbrooke, et plus particulièrement au groupe d'acoustique de l'Université de Sherbrooke (GAUS), de développer un outil de calcul de la propagation des ondes acoustiques dans les nacelles mais aussi pour l'étude des effets d'installation. Cet outil de prédiction leur permet de réaliser des études afin d'optimiser les traitements acoustiques (« liners »), la géométrie de ces nacelles pour des études portant sur l'intérieur de la nacelle et des études de positionnement des moteurs et de design pour les effets d'installation. L'objectif de ce projet de maîtrise était donc de poursuivre le travail réalisé par [gousset, 2011] sur l'utilisation d'une méthode de lancer de rayons pour l'étude des effets d'installation des moteurs d'avion. L'amélioration du code, sa rapidité, sa fiabilité et sa généralité étaient les objectifs principaux. Le code peut être utilisé avec des traitements acoustiques de surfaces («liners») et peut prendre en compte le phénomène de la diffraction par les arêtes et enfin peut être utilisé pour réaliser des études dans des environnements complexes tels que les nacelles d'avion. Le code développé fonctionne en 3D et procéde en 3 étapes : (1) Calcul des faisceaux initiaux (division d'une sphère, demi-sphère, maillage des surfaces de la géométrie) (2) Propagation des faisceaux dans l'environnement d'étude : calcul de toutes les caractéristiques des rayons convergents (amplitude, phase, nombre de réflexions, ...) (3) Reconstruction du champ de pression en un ou

  1. Evaluation d'une approche pedagogique respectant les facons d'apprendre des filles en sciences et en TIC en 9e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Lirette-Pitre, Nicole T.


    ) l'evaluation de l'effet du materiel en fonction de diverses variables reliees a l'interet et au sentiment d'auto-efficacite des filles en sciences et en TIC. Cette recherche s'est inscrite dans un paradigme pragmatique de recherche. Le pragmatisme a guide nos choix en ce qui a trait au modele de recherche et des techniques utilisees. Cette recherche a associe a la fois des techniques qualitatives et quantitatives, particulierement en ce qui concerne la collecte et l'analyse de donnees. Les donnees recueillies dans la premiere etape de l'evaluation de l'utilisabilite et de la convivialite du materiel par les enseignantes et les enseignants de sciences et les filles ont revele que le materiel concu est tres utilisable et convivial. Toutefois quelques petites ameliorations seront apportees a une version subsequente afin de faciliter davantage la navigation. Quant a l'evaluation des effets du materiel concu sur les variables reliees au sentiment d'auto-efficacite et aux interets lors de l'etape quasi experimentale, nos donnees qualitatives ont indique que ce materiel a eu des effets positifs sur le sentiment d'auto-efficacite et sur les interets des filles qui l'ont utilise. Toutefois, nos donnees quantitatives n'ont pas permis d'inferer un lien causal direct entre l'utilisation du materiel et l'augmentation du sentiment d'auto-efficacite et des interets des filles en sciences et en TIC. A la lumiere des resultats obtenus, nous avons conclu que le materiel a eu les effets escomptes. Donc, nous recommandons la creation et l'utilisation de materiel de ce genre dans toutes les classes de sciences de la 6e annee a la 12e annee au Nouveau-Brunswick.

  2. Modality effect in false recognition: evidence from Chinese characters.


    Mao, Wei Bin; Yang, Zhi Liang; Wang, Lin Song


    Using the Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM) false memory method, Smith and Hunt ( 1998 ) first reported the modality effect on false memory and showed that false recall from DRM lists was lower following visual study than following auditory study, which led to numerous studies on the mechanism of modality effect on false memory and provided many competing explanations. In the present experiment, the authors tested the modality effect in false recognition by using a blocked presentation condition and a random presentation condition. The present experiment found a modality effect different from the results of the previous research; namely, false recognition was shown to be greater following visual study than following auditory study, especially in the blocked presentation condition rather than in the random presentation condition. The authors argued that this reversed modality effect may be due to different encoding and processing characteristics between Chinese characters and English words. Compared with English words, visual graphemes of critical lures in Chinese lists are likely to be activated and encoded in participants' minds, thus it is more difficult for participants to discriminate later inner graphemes from those items presented in visual modality. Hence visual presentation could lead to more false recognition than auditory presentation in Chinese lists. The results in the present experiment demonstrated that semantic activation occurring during the encoding and retrieve phases played an important role in modality effect in false recognition, and our findings might be explained by the activation-monitoring account. Utilisant la méthode de fausse mémoire de Deese/Roediger-McDermott (DRM), Smith et Hunt ( 1998 ) ont d'abord rendu compte de l'effet de modalité sur la fausse mémoire et ils ont montré que le faux rappel à partir des listes de DRM était plus faible suivant une étude visuelle plutôt qu'une étude auditive. Ceci a mené à plusieurs

  3. Effets non-lineaires de second ordre dans les verres de silice

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Godbout, Nicolas

    Materials possessing inversion symmetry can not have a non-zero second-order susceptibility tensor. Since silica glasses are amorphous and isotropic, they possess this symmetry and therefore do not exhibit second-order nonlinear optical effects. However, the symmetry can be broken by several processes. The central question of this thesis is the determination of the mechanisms responsible for the second-order susceptibility in silica glasses after thermal poling. The presence of this nonlinearity arises through one of these mechanisms: the orientation of dipolar moieties possessing a second-order hyperpolarisability, or the build-up of a permanent electric field by charge motion which creates an apparent χ(2) through the already present χ (3). The dipole orientation model has a bigger potential of generating high optical nonlinearities than the built-in field model. This conclusion is based on a study of the crystalline structures of silica. The measurement of Maker fringes is the most informative technique for characterization of the optical properties of bulk poled samples. Measurements on Infrasil™ and Suprasil™ samples show an optically active layer of approximately 9 and 23 microns, with χ(2) susceptibilities of approximately 0.07 pm/V and 0.02 pm/V respectively. The analysis of Maker fringes in a similar sample suggests that the sign of the surface and bulk χ (2)-s is different, supporting the built-in field model as the origin of χ(2). Based on the results analyzed in this thesis, the second- order susceptibility of silica glasses after thermal poling results from the creation of a permanent built-in electric field caused by the movement of cations coupled to the pre-existing third-order nonlinearity. This claim is based on: the observed pump polarization dependence of Maker fringes, predictions of a steady-state ion migration model about the resulting optical properties and their confirmation by optical measurements; the presence of a bulk nonlinearity and its apparent opposite sign to the one of the surface; polarization and depolarization currents showing only signs of ion migration. (Abstract shortened by UMI.)

  4. Effets magneto-plasmoniques dans les milieux effectifs composes de metaux ferromagnetiques

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Monette, Gabriel

    A precipitated metallic and ferromagnetic phase in an epitaxial semiconductor host matrix is an interesting effective medium for both fundamental research and technological applications. At first seen as an unwanted byproduct resulting from the implantation of magnetic ions in semiconductors for the synthesis of diluted magnetic semiconductors, those precipitated phases can offer much more than was first anticipated. The precipitate phase strongly couples to optical excitations, maintains an high ferromagnetic transition temperature, and the epitaxial semiconductor matrix is easily grown on various substrates. GaP:MnP samples studied in this thesis represent this kind of material where metallic ferromagnetic nanoclusters (MnP) are embedded in an epitaxial semiconductor matrix (GaP). In order to further analyze the effect and the role of the surrounding matrix on the MnP and overall effective properties, an MnP thin film grown on glass and a polystyrene membrane containing MnP nanospheres were also studied. Optical and magneto-optical measurements were made with a homemade experimental apparatus entirely assembled in the laboratory. It's modular design allows to switch between temperature, magnetic field, probe wavelength and polarization measurements, or to combine them as needed. The precision and uncertainties associated with the measures were duly evaluated. The magneto-optical characterization of the heterogeneous GaP:MnP shows an impressive gyrotropy that amounts to 6°/microm (per effective thickness of MnP) at 210 K and 410 mT, in the visible part of the electromagnetic spectrum. This gyrotropy is higher than that of a thin film entirely made of MnP (3°/microm), for the same temperature and applied magnetic field. The origin of the optical activity generated by the applied magnetic field is identified as being the MnP phase magnetization, for both the heterogeneous epilayers and the thin film. Magnetometric and magneto-optic hysteresis curves measured at various temperatures clearly show that the applied magnetic field is not the important contributor to the overall gyrotropic behaviour, but rather the cause of the magnetization state that, in turn, dominates the magneto-optical effects. An effective medium approach based on Maxwell-Garnett mixing rules is employed to model the electromagnetic response of the GaP:MnP compounds in the visible and infrared portion of the spectrum. The model is entirely classic and considers a Drude-like permittivity for the MnP nanoclusters and a constant real permittivity for the GaP matrix below the semiconductor band gap. The gyrotropy in the rank two tensorial permittivity is classically due to the cyclotronic response under an applied magnetic field. It is magnified by a Weisslike effective field contribution to simulate the spin-orbit coupling. The model takes into account inclusions of various shapes (revolution ellipsoids of varying aspect ratio) allowed to orient themselves randomly within the GaP matrix. The magnetometric and magneto-optic measurements as a function of temperature allowed to probe and discuss the MnP ferromagnetic phase transition. The Curie temperature of bulk MnP is known to be 291,5 K, whereas magnetometric measurements on GaP:MnP indicate a phase transition temperature that is slightly higher (≈ 296,5 K, depending on the effective medium parameters). A technique based on the optical probing of the magnetic susceptibility is developed to corroborate those results. The method confirms results from magnetometric measurements, with a good precision, and additionally gives information on the phase transition temperature distribution of the magnetic objects (nanoclusters in GaP:MnP epilayers and in-plane grains for the MnP thin film) in the samples. (Abstract shortened by UMI.).

  5. Cold pearl surfactant-based blends.


    Crombie, R L


    Pearlizing agents have been used for many years in cosmetic formulations to add a pearlescent effect. Cold pearl surfactant-based blends are mixtures of glycol stearates and surfactants which can be blended in the cold into a wide range of personal-care formulations to create a pearlescent lustre effect. Under controlled manufacturing conditions constant viscosities and crystalline characteristics can be obtained. The development of these blends has been driven by efforts to improve the economics of adding solid pearlizing agents directly into a hot mix formulation. This paper summarizes the history of pearlizers, describes their advantages and physical chemistry of the manufacturing process. Finally some suggestions for applications are given. Les agents nacrants sont utilises depuis de nombreuses annees dans les formulations cosmetiques pour ajouter un effet nacre. Les melanges a froid a base de tensioactif nacre sont des melanges de stearates de glycol et de tensioactifs qui peuvent etre melanges a froid dans une large gamme de formulations d'hygiene personnelle pour creer un effet de lustre nacre. On peut obtenir des viscosites et des proprietes cristallines constantes avec des conditions de fabrication maitrisees. Le developpement de ces melanges a ete porte par les efforts pour ameliorer les couts de l'ajout d'agents nacrants solides directement dans une formulation melangee de l'ajout d'agents nacrants solides directement dans une formulation melangee a chaud. Cet article resume l'histoire des agents nacrants, decrit leurs avantages et al physico-chimie du procede de fabrication. On emet a la fin cetaines suggestions d'applications.

  6. Competition entre supraconductivite et magnetisme au voisinage de la transition de Mott dans le conducteur organique quasi-bidimensionnel k-(BEDT-TTF)2copper[N(CN)2]bromine

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Fournier, David

    Les conducteurs organiques quasi-bidimensionnels kappa-ET2X presentent d'importantes similitudes avec les SCHT telles qu'une phase isolant de Mott, un regime de pseudogap et un etat supraconducteur. L'etude de leurs proprietes apparait donc complementaire. Parmi les interrogations persistantes concernant la physique de ces systemes, l'origine du (ou des) processus exotique d'appariement, responsable de la supraconductivite est le sujet suscitant l'interet le plus marque dans la communaute. L'hypothese d'un mecanisme lie a la proximite d'un etat antiferromagnetique est privilegiee. Une etape importante dans la resolution de cette problematique est l'identification de la symetrie du parametre d'ordre. D'apres de nombreux travaux sur les systemes fortement correles, la sonde ultrasonore, de par sa sensibilite aux excitations de quasiparticule a basse temperature, est consideree comme particulierement adaptee a l'etude de cette propriete. Cependant, son emploi necessite l'utilisation d'un compose metallique a basse temperature et completement supraconducteur. Le compose metallique organique kappa-ET 2Cu[N(CN)2]Br presente toutes les caracteristiques necessaires a l'etude de cette propriete. En effet, il est situe loin de la transition du premier ordre de Mott et est completement supraconducteur. De facon surprenante, ce systeme semble se coupler fortement avec le reseau ce qui augmente significativement la sensibilite de cette sonde aux proprietes du gaz electronique. Cependant, des difficultes techniques importantes, liees a la nature intrinseque de ce materiau, doivent etre surmontees pour proceder a des mesures suivant differentes polarisations. La presente etude a profondement modifie notre comprehension de ce systeme. En effet, ces mesures ont permis de constater que le kappa-ET2Cu[N(CN)2]Br est un compose qui est situe en bordure de la zone de coexistence entre la supraconductivite et le magnetisme, ce qui constitue un resultat totalement inattendu. De plus, la

  7. Stability and Control of Tactical Missile Systems Held in Ankara (Turkey) on 9-12 May 1988

    DTIC Science & Technology


    basic body for the systematic tests consisted of a cylindrical body with an ogive nose 3.0 calibers long for a total body length of 12.5 calibers A...Portance et stabilittd d’un Aiulege (ogies / iei 4 cylindre ) A N - 2.8. Compareison celcul "Euler" eec 1 d~~w~~hR~~t -- x~ine CALCUL -EULERV OPUP...toujours repr~sentatifs de Ia r~alit6. Compte tenu des pr~cisions recher- ch~es, lea effets du montage, d’un jet propulsif, du nombre de Reynolds, ou de

  8. Specialists Meeting on Wing-with-Stores Flutter

    DTIC Science & Technology


    I, 150 -z20L0 250 00 350o PYLON COMPONENT MODE (PITCH4-) GENER~ALISED INERTIA A C, 2-20 FIG. 13. AIRCRAFT BENDING MODE FREQUENCI ES , FOR SfORES ON...ldgbre ddportance tandis Gus J ’effet inverse eut o’uorv6 pour ] es sections au- .elth du rdscteur. Calcul et exp~rionce oont v,-. lw. accord at...nontrent que i’interaction du r’~acteur sur i.aile eat trbs locale ot d’intensitC6 s;.ffismaaent faible pour pouvoir 6trc n~glii4e dana lea calculs do

  9. Modelization des consequences possibles de la future demande bioenergetique mondiale pour le bois et les forest en France


    Joseph Buongiorno; Ronald Raunikar; Shushuai Zhu


    L’article présente une exploration, menée au moyen d’un modèle mondial de la filière-bois, de l’effet sur la filière-bois française des modifications actuelles et prévisibles de la demande mondiale en énergie issue de la biomasse. Deux scénarios contrastés sont testés. Les résultats sont mis en perspective et soulignent le conflit potentiel entre usages du bois : bois...

  10. NATO Force Health Protection Requirements from Pre- to Post-Deployment: Population Health for the Military (Les besoins des forces de l’OTAN en matiere de soins de sante du pre-deploiement jusqu’au post-deploiement: la sante des populations militaires)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    la dangerosité résultant d’un certain niveau d’exposition à un agent, ainsi que l’estimation des effets sur les populations après une exposition...grand que ce que peut accepter la société. 5) La phase de contrôle du risque se focalise sur les différentes mesures à prendre afin soit « de... les sections précédentes. Sur base de ce schéma, on peut envisager une stratégie globale de gestion des risques de santé au sein des Forces Armées

  11. Swell Across the Continental Shelf

    DTIC Science & Technology


    Arlington, VA The views expressed in this thesis are those of the author and do not reflect the official policy or position of the Department of Defense ...le terme de source, tandis que les effets de la réfraction et du levage causés par les variations de profondeur aux échelles sous-maille sont...précisement pris en compte grâce aux rayons pré- calculés. Ainsi ce modèle peut être appliqué à de vastes zones côtières avec des maillages

  12. A Random Matrix Theory Approach to National Procurement Spending: Applications to the CC130 Hercules Fleet Performance

    DTIC Science & Technology


    indicateurs de rendement de haut niveau, ce qui donne à penser que la flotte a une réaction inélastique aux chocs de dépenses. Ces résultats révèlent...corrélations entre les données. DRDC CORA TM 2010-168 i Dr aft Co py This page intentionally left blank. ii DRDC CORA TM 2010-168 Dr aft Co py Executive ...celles qui sont observées dans les données ont peu d’effet sur le rendement. Nous pouvons conclure que l’entretien est très robuste ; les chocs de

  13. Hémophilie: état des lieux dans un service de pédiatrie dans la région de l'oriental du Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Benajiba, Noufissa; Boussaadni, Yousra EL; Aljabri, Mohammed; Bentata, Yassamine; Amrani, Rim; Rkain, Maria


    Pour les pays en voie de développement, l'hémophilie continue d’être une maladie de conséquence médicale et sociale désastreuse. Le but de ce travail est d'analyser le suivi d'une cohorte de patients hémophiles. Patients et méthodes: étude prospective étalée sur deux années et menée au centre référent d'hémophilie dans la région de l'orient du Maroc. Ont été inclus tous les patients présentant une hémophilie confirmée et âgé de moins de 18 ans. Résultats: sur 16 hémophiles, Quinze patients présentait une hémophilie A, l’âge moyen des patients était de 6,18 ans, la forme sévère, représentait 20,7%, la forme modérée: 33,3% et la forme mineure: 40%. Les circonstances de découverte étaient post circoncisionnelle chez 53,3% des patients, 20,7% post traumatique, 20% à l’âge de la marche; la durée d’évolution variait entre 2 mois et 10 ans. L'hémarthrose a été décrite au niveau des genoux, coudes et chevilles, avec une moyenne allant de 2 à 5 fois par an; l'arthropathie a été remarquée dans 33,3%. Le bilan immunologique a révélé des facteurs circulant inhibant chez deux patients. Le traitement était à base d'antalgiques, de plasma frais congelé. L'administration de facteurs VIII recombinés a été instaurée chez 40,6% des patients (plus de 90% des formes modérées et graves), grâce au programme national de prise en charge des hémophiles. Le décès était noté dans un seul cas lié à une hémorragie cérébrale. Conclusion: Nous insistons sur l'intérêt du programme national de prise en charge des hémophiles dernièrement instauré qui pourrait améliorer les conditions de vie de ces enfants. PMID:25404986

  14. Les fluctuations supraconductrices dans le compose praseodyme-cerium-oxyde de cuivre

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Renaud, Jacques

    Ce travail etudie les fluctuations supraconductrices dans le compose supraconducteur a haute temperature critique dope aux electrons Pr2-xCe xCuO4+delta. La technique utilisee pour sonder ces fluctuations est le transport electrique DC dans le plan ab. Il s'agit, a notre connaissance, de la premiere etude de ce type dans la classe generale des supraconducteurs a haute temperature critique dopes aux electrons et, plus particulierement, dans Pr2-xCe xCuO4+delta. De plus, l'etude est effectuee pour trois regimes de dopage, soit sous-dope x = 0.135, dopage optimal x = 0.15 et surdope x = 0.17. Les echantillons etudies sont des couches minces d'epaisseur plus grande que 100 nm crues par ablation laser. Les mesures electriques DC effectuees dans ce travail sont la resistance en reponse lineaire et les courbes IV en reponse non lineaire en fonction de la temperature. La mise en oeuvre experimentale de ces mesures a necessite une grande attention au filtrage et aux effets de chauffage a haut courant. Nous montrons que, sans cette attention, les donnees experimentales sont toujours erronees dans le regime pertinent pour nos echantillons. Les resultats pour le dopage optimal x = 0.15 sont expliques de facon tres convaincante dans le cadre de fluctuations purement 2D. D'abord, le regime des fluctuations gaussiennes est tres bien decrit par le modele d'Aslamazov-Larkin en deux dimensions. Ensuite, le regime de fluctuations critiques, se trouvant a plus basse temperature que le regime gaussien, est tres bien decrit par la physique 2D de Kosterlitz-Thouless. Dans cette analyse, les deux regimes ont des temperatures critiques coherentes entre elles, ce qui semble confirmer ce scenario 2D. Une analyse des donnees dans le cadre de fluctuations 3D est exploree mais donne des conclusions incoherentes. Les resultats pour les autres dopages sont qualitativement equivalents avec le dopage optimal et permettent donc une explication purement 2D. Par contre, contrairement au dopage optimal

  15. Apport maternel chez la balane tropicale : Plasticite de l'allocation de la ressource trophique pour la production larvaire en conditions de limitation nutritionnelle et de stress environnemental

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Freuchet, Florian

    Dans le milieu marin, l'abondance du recrutement depend des processus qui vont affecter les adultes et le stock de larves. Sous l'influence de signaux fiables de la qualite de l'habitat, la mere peut augmenter (effet maternel anticipatoire, 'anticipatory mother effects', AME) ou reduire (effet maternel egoiste, 'selfish maternai effects', SME) la condition physiologique de la progeniture. Dans les zones tropicales, generalement plus oligotrophes, la ressource nutritive et la temperature sont deux composantes importantes pouvant limiter le recrutement. Les effets de l'apport nutritionnel et du stress thermique sur la production de larves et sur la stategie maternelle adoptee ont ete testes dans cette etude. Nous avons cible la balane Chthamalus bisinuatus (Pilsbry) comme modele biologique car el1e domine les zones intertidales superieures le long des cotes rocheuses du Sud-Est du Bresil (region tropicale). Les hypotheses de depart stipulaient que l'apport nutritionnel permet aux adultes de produire des larves de qualite elevee et que le stress thermique genere une ponte precoce, produisant des larves de faible qualite. Afin de tester ces hypotheses, des populations de C. bisinuatus ont ete elevees selon quatre groupes experimentaux differents, en combinant des niveaux d'apport nutritionnel (eleve et faible) et de stress thermique (stresse et non stresse). Des mesures de survie et de conditions physiologiques des adultes et des larves ont permis d'identifier les reponses parentales pouvant etre avantageuses dans un environnement tropical hostile. L'analyse des profils en acides gras a ete la methode utilisee pour evaluer la qualite physiologique des adultes et de larves. Les resultats du traitement alimentaire (fort ou faible apport nutritif), ne montrent aucune difference dans l'accumulation de lipides neutres, la taille des nauplii, l'effort de reproduction ou le temps de survie des nauplii en condition de jeune. Il semble que la faible ressource nutritive est

  16. Developpement d'outils quantitatifs pour le suivi par imagerie TEP/TDM de la reponse a la chimiotherapie et de sa toxicite

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Croteau, Etienne

    L'objectif de ce projet de doctorat est de developper des outils quantitatifs pour le suivi des traitements de chimiotherapie pour le cancer du sein et de leurs effets cardiotoxiques a l'aide de l'imagerie TEP dynamique. L'analyse cinetique en TEP dynamique permet l'evaluation de parametres biologiques in vivo. Cette analyse peut etre utilise pour caracteriser la reponse tumorale a la chimiotherapie et les effets secondaires nefastes qui peuvent en resulter. Le premier article de cette these decrit la mise au point des techniques d'analyse cinetique qui utilisent la fonction d'entree d'un radiotraceur derive de l'image dynamique. Des corrections de contamination radioactive externe (epanchement) et de l'effet de volume partiel ont ete necessaires pour standardiser l'analyse cinetique et la rendre quantitative. Le deuxieme article porte sur l'evaluation d'un nouveau radiotraceur myocardique. Le 11C-acetoacetate, un nouveau radiotraceur base sur un corps cetonique, a ete compare au 11C-acetate, couramment utilise en imagerie cardiaque TEP. L'utilisation de 3H-acetate et 14C-acetoacetate ont permis d'elucider la cinetique de ces traceurs depuis la fonction d'entree et la captation par les mitochondries cardiaques qui reflete la consommation en oxygene, jusqu'a la liberation de leurs principaux metabolites reciproques (3H20 et 14CO2). Le troisieme et dernier article de cette these presente l'integration d'un modele qui evalue la reserve cardiaque de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene. Un modele de cardiomyopathie a ete etabli a l'aide d'un agent chimiotherapeutique contre le cancer du sein, la doxorubicine, reconnu comme etant cardiotoxique. Un protocole de repos/effort a permis d'evaluer la capacite d'augmentation de perfusion et de consommation en oxygene par le coeur. La demonstration d'une reserve cardiaque reduite caracterise la cardiotoxicite. La derniere contribution de cette these porte sur la mise au point de methodes peu invasives pour mesurer la

  17. Communication and Language Exposure Key to Son's Success: A Mother Reflects

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Perrodin, Brenda


    Brenda Perrodin is a teacher in the Parent-Infant Program at the Laurent Clerc National Deaf Education Center's Kendall Demonstration Elementary School (KDES), on the campus of Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C. With a bachelor's degree in early childhood education and a master's degree in family-centered early education from Gallaudet…

  18. Native Sons: A Critical Study of Twentieth-Century Negro American Authors.

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Margolies, Edward

    This analysis of 20th-century Negro literature contains chapters discussing 16 authors: (1) "The First Forty Years: 1900-1940," including W. E. B. DuBois, Charles W. Chesnutt, James W. Johnson, Paul L. Dunbar, Langston Hughes, Jean Toomer, Claude McKay, and Countee Cullen; (2) "Migration: William Attaway and 'Blood on the Forge'"; (3) "Richard…

  19. First results of the SONS survey: submillimetre detections of debris discs

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Panić, O.; Holland, W. S.; Wyatt, M. C.; Kennedy, G. M.; Matthews, B. C.; Lestrade, J. F.; Sibthorpe, B.; Greaves, J. S.; Marshall, J. P.; Phillips, N. M.; Tottle, J.


    New detections of debris discs at submillimetre wavelengths present highly valuable complementary information to prior observations of these sources at shorter wavelengths. Characterization of discs through spectral energy distribution modelling including the submillimetre fluxes is essential for our basic understanding of disc mass and temperature, and presents a starting point for further studies using millimetre interferometric observations. In the framework of the ongoing SCUBA-2 Observations of Nearby Stars, the instrument SCUBA-2 on the James Clerk Maxwell Telescope was used to provide measurements of 450 and 850 μm fluxes towards a large sample of nearby main-sequence stars with debris discs detected previously at shorter wavelengths. We present the first results from the ongoing survey, concerning 850 μm detections and 450 μm upper limits towards 10 stars, the majority of which are detected at submillimetre wavelengths for the first time. One, or possibly two, of these new detections is likely a background source. We fit the spectral energy distributions of the star+disc systems with a blackbody emission approach and derive characteristic disc temperatures. We use these temperatures to convert the observed fluxes to disc masses. We obtain a range of disc masses from 0.001 to 0.1 M⊕, values similar to the prior dust mass measurements towards debris discs. There is no evidence for evolution in dust mass with age on the main sequence, and indeed the upper envelope remains relatively flat at ≈0.5 M⊕ at all ages. The inferred disc masses are lower than those from disc detections around pre-main-sequence stars, which may indicate a depletion of solid mass. This may also be due to a change in disc opacity, though limited sensitivity means that it is not yet known what fraction of pre-main-sequence stars have discs with dust masses similar to debris disc levels. New, high-sensitivity detections are a path towards investigating the trends in dust mass evolution.

  20. Parents' and Sons' Perspectives on Video Game Play: A Qualitative Study

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Kutner, Lawrence A.; Olson, Cheryl K.; Warner, Dorothy E.; Hertzog, Sarah M.


    Public policy efforts to restrict children's access to electronic games with violent or sexual content are often predicated on assumptions about parental concerns. As an initial step in determining whether those assumptions are accurate, the authors conduct focus groups of 21 adolescent boys and 21 of their parents or guardians to explore parents'…

  1. Gender, Sibship Structure, and Educational Inequality in Taiwan: Son Preference Revisited

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Yu, Wei-Hsin; Su, Kuo-Hsien


    This study examines how sibship characteristics affect educational attainment in Taiwan. Using a multilevel analysis of a sibling sample of 12,715 observations from 3,001 families drawn from a national survey, we investigate the effects of family size, sibship density, birth-order rank, and sibship gender composition. The results support the…

  2. Son of IXION: A Steady State Centrifugally Confined Plasma for Fusion*

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Hassam, Adil


    A magnetic confinement scheme in which the inertial, u.grad(u), forces effect parallel confinement is proposed. The basic geometry is mirror-like as far as the poloidal field goes or, more simply, multipole (FM-1) type. The rotation is toroidal in this geometry. A supersonic rotation can effect complete parallel confinement, with the usual magnetic mirror force rendered irrelevant. The rotation shear, in addition, aids in the suppression of the flute mode. This suppression is not complete which indicates the addition of a toroidal field, at maximum of the order of the poloidal field. We show that at rotation in excess of Mach 3, the parallel particle and heat losses can be minimized to below the Lawson breakeven point. The crossfield transport can be expected to be better than tokamaks on account of the large velocity shear. Other advantages of the scheme are that it is steady state and disruption free. An exploratory experiment that tests equilibrium, parallel detachment, and MHD stability is proposed. The concept resembles earlier (Geneva, 1958) experiments on "homopolar generators" and a mirror configuration called IXION. Ixion, Greek mythological king, was forever strapped to a rotating, flaming wheel. *Work supported by DOE

  3. The Tragedy of Hamlet, Son of an Organic Chemist of Denmark

    ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

    Brisbois, Ronald G.


    The various attributes and ramifications of SN2 versus SN1 reaction pathways are examined. The distinguishing features of SN2 versus SN1 reactions are described by using a thoroughly Shakespearean approach.

  4. Effetive methods in educating extension agents and farmers on conservation farming technology

    USDA-ARS?s Scientific Manuscript database

    Adoption of new technologies requires transfer of information from developers to end users. Efficiency of the transfer process influences the rate of adoption and ultimate impact of the technology. Various channels are used to transfer technology from researchers to farmers. Two commonly used ones ...

  5. Wind Tunnel Wall Corrections (la Correction des effets de paroi en soufflerie)

    DTIC Science & Technology


    round holes drilled either normal to the wall surface or at a fixed angle to the normal. Variable porosity features have been implemented in several...walls (holes drilled at 60 deg from the normal), including variable porosity configurations and the effects of screens and splitter plates for edge-tone...Figure 5.68 Schematic of slender wing and the indicated gauge func- tions in anticipation of matching. As detailed in Malmuth and Cole [122], the problems

  6. Measurement of the Carbon Isotopic Composition of Methane Using Helicoidal Laser Eigenstates

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Jacob, D.; Le Floch, A.; Bretenaker, F.; Guenot, P.


    The spatially generalized Jones matrix formalism is used to design a laser cavity to make intracavity measurements of the carbon isotopic composition of methane. the method is based on a double optical lever effect for helicoidally polarized eigenstates, permitting to measure successively the ^{12}CH_4 and ^{13}CH_4 concentrations. To choose the probed isotope, one simply tunes the frequency of the laser by Zeeman effect. The experiment exhibits a good agreement with the predictions and permits to measure the ^{13}CH4/^{12}CH_4 composition ratio of methane with an uncertainty of the order of ± 0.07% for a sample containing only 6× 10^{-9} mole of methane. On utilise le formalisme des matrices de Jones généralisées spatialement pour concevoir une cavité laser permettant la mesure intra-cavité de la composition isotopique du carbone présent dans le méthane. La méthode est fondée sur une double application de l'effet de levier optique pour les états propres hélicoïdaux, permettant de mesurer successivement les concentrations de ^{12}CH_4 et de ^{13}CH_4. Pour passer d'un isotope à l'autre, on ajuste simplement la fréquence du laser par effet Zeeman. L'expérience est en bon accord avec les prédictions et permet d'effectuer la mesure du rapport isotopique ^{13}CH4/^{12}CH_4 avec une fourchette d'incertitude de ± 0,07% pour des échantillons de gaz ne contenant que 6× 10^{-9} mole de méthane.

  7. Propriétés électriques d'hétérostructures a-GaAs/c-GaAs(n) et de structures de type MIS a-GaAsN/c-GaAs(n)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Aguir, K.; Fennouh, A.; Carchano, H.; Lollman, D.


    Heterojunctions were fabricated by deposit of amorphous GaAs and GaAsN on c-GaAs. I(V) and C(V) measurements were performed to determine electrical properties of these structures. The a-GaAs/c-GaAs(n) heterojunctions present a p-n junction like behaviour. The characteristics of the a-GaAsN/c-GaAs(n) heterojunctions present a MIS like structure behaviour with some imperfections. A fixed positive charge was detected and a density of interface states of about 10^{11} eV^{-1}cm^{-2} was evaluated. L'étude porte sur des couches minces de GaAs et de GaAsN amorphes déposées par pulvérisation cathodique RF réactive sur des substrats de GaAs cristallin. Les caractéristiques électriques I(V) et C(V) ont été mesurées. Les hétérojonctions a-GaAs/c-GaAs(n) présentent un effet redresseur. Cet effet laisse place à une caractéristique symétrique avec une forte atténuation de l'intensité du courant pour les structures a-GaAsN/cGaAs(n). Les structures réalisées ont alors un comportement semblable à celui d'une structure MIS imparfaite. L'existence d'une charge positive fixe dans le a-GaAsN a été mise en évidence. La densité des états d'interface au milieu de la bande interdite est évaluée à quelques 10^{11} cm^{-2}eV^{-1}.

  8. Linear and Non-Linear Piezoresistance Coefficients in Cubic Semiconductors. I. Theoretical Formulations

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Durand, S.; Tellier, C. R.


    This paper constitutes the first part of a work devoted to applications of piezoresistance effects in germanium and silicon semiconductors. In this part, emphasis is placed on a formal explanation of non-linear effects. We propose a brief phenomenological description based on the multi-valleys model of semiconductors before to adopt a macroscopic tensorial model from which general analytical expressions for primed non-linear piezoresistance coefficients are derived. Graphical representations of linear and non-linear piezoresistance coefficients allows us to characterize the influence of the two angles of cut and of directions of alignment. The second part will primarily deal with specific applications for piezoresistive sensors. Cette publication constitue la première partie d'un travail consacré aux applications des effets piézorésistifs dans les semiconducteurs germanium et silicium. Cette partie traite essentiellement de la modélisation des effets non-linéaires. Après une description phénoménologique à partir du modèle de bande des semiconducteurs nous développons un modèle tensoriel macroscopique et nous proposons des équations générales analytiques exprimant les coefficients piézorésistifs non-linéaires dans des repères tournés. Des représentations graphiques des variations des coefficients piézorésistifs linéaires et non-linéaires permettent une pré-caractérisation de l'influence des angles de coupes et des directions d'alignement avant l'étude d'applications spécifiques qui feront l'objet de la deuxième partie.

  9. Investigation de l'anisotropie du gap supraconducteur dans les composes Ba(Fe(1-x)Co(x))2As2, Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2, LiFeAs et Fe1-deltaTe(1-x)Se(x)

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Reid, Jean-Philippe

    ommaire La structure du gap supraconducteur et sa modulation sont intimement liees au potentiel d'interaction responsable de l'appariement des electrons d'un supraconducteur. Ainsi, l'etude de la structure du gap-SC et de sa modulation permettent de faire la lumiere sur la nature du mecanisme d'appariement des electrons. A cet egard, les resultats experimentaux des supraconducteurs a base de fer ne cadrent pas dans un seul ensemble, ce qui est en opposition au gap-SC universel des cuprates. Dans ce qui suit, nous presenterons une etude systematique du gap-SC pour plusieurs pnictides. En effet, en utilisant la conductivite thermique, une sonde directionnelle du gap-SC, nous avons ete en mesure de reveler la structure du gap-SC pour les composes suivants : Ba1-xKxFe 2As2, Ba(Fe1-xCo x)2As2, LiFeAs et Fe1-deltaTe 1-xSex. L'etude de ces quatre composes, de trois differentes familles structurales, a pu etablir un tableau partiel mais tres exhaustif de la structure du gap-SC de pnictides. En effet, tel qu'illustre dans cette these, ces quatre composes ne possedent aucun noeud dans leur structure du gap-SC a dopage optimal. Toutefois, a une concentration differente de celle optimale pour les composes K-Ba122 et Co-Ba122, des noeuds apparaissent sur la surface de Fermi, aux extremites 'du dome supraconducteur. Ceci suggere fortement que, pour ces composes, la presence de noeuds sur la surface de Fermi est nuisible a la phase supraconductrice. Mots-cles: Supraconducteurs a base de fer, Pnictides, Structure du gap supraconducteur, Conductivite thermique

  10. Profil épidémiologique et prise en charge des exacerbations d'asthme chez l'enfant à l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc

    PubMed Central

    Boubkraoui, Mohamed El Mahdi; Benbrahim, Fadoua; Assermouh, Abdellah; El Hafidi, Naima; Benchekroun, Soumia; Mahraoui, Chafiq


    Introduction L'exacerbation d'asthme est un phénomène paroxystique qui peut mettre en jeu le pronostic vital. Le but de l’étude est d’évaluer le profil épidémiologique et les modalités de prise en charge de l'exacerbation d'asthme chez les enfants âgés de 2 à 15 ans dans l'unité de pneumoallergologie pédiatrique de l'hôpital d'enfants de Rabat au Maroc. Méthodes Il s'agit d'une étude rétrospective qui a concerné 1461 enfants hospitalisés pour exacerbation d'asthme modérée à sévère durant une période d'un an allant de décembre 2011 à novembre 2012, les exacerbations légères étant traitées en ambulatoire. Résultats Les hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme chez les enfants ont représenté 34% de l'ensemble des hospitalisations avec trois pics en mai, septembre et décembre. L’âge moyen de survenue était de 3 ans et demi avec une prédominance masculine nette. L'exacerbation d'asthme était inaugurale dans 22% des cas. Les infections respiratoires virales dominaient les facteurs déclenchants des exacerbations d'asthme. Le séjour hospitalier était en moyenne de 3 jours. Un transfert en réanimation a été nécessaire dans 2% des cas. L’évolution sous traitement a toujours été favorable et la mortalité a été nulle. Conclusion La prévalence des hospitalisations pour exacerbation d'asthme suit un profil saisonnier lié aux effets environnementaux. La plupart de ces hospitalisations pourraient cependant être évitées grâce à un meilleur contrôle de l'asthme et à l'amélioration de l’éducation thérapeutique de l'enfant asthmatique et de son entourage. PMID:26090031

  11. Identification des parametres du moteur de l'avion Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des tests en vol et a base des reseaux de neurones =

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Zaag, Mahdi

    La disponibilite des modeles precis des avions est parmi les elements cles permettant d'assurer leurs ameliorations. Ces modeles servent a ameliorer les commandes de vol et de concevoir de nouveaux systemes aerodynamiques pour la conception des ailes deformables des avions. Ce projet consiste a concevoir un systeme d'identification de certains parametres du modele du moteur de l'avion d'affaires americain Cessna Citation X pour la phase de croisiere a partir des essais en vol. Ces essais ont ete effectues sur le simulateur de vol concu et fabrique par CAE Inc. qui possede le niveau D de la dynamique de vol. En effet, le niveau D est le plus haut niveau de precision donne par l'autorite federale de reglementation FAA de l'aviation civile aux Etats-Unis. Une methodologie basee sur les reseaux de neurones optimises a l'aide d'un algorithme intitule le "grand deluge etendu" est utilisee dans la conception de ce systeme d'identification. Plusieurs tests de vol pour differentes altitudes et differents nombres de Mach ont ete realises afin de s'en servir comme bases de donnees pour l'apprentissage des reseaux de neurones. La validation de ce modele a ete realisee a l'aide des donnees du simulateur. Malgre la nonlinearite et la complexite du systeme, les parametres du moteur ont ete tres bien predits pour une enveloppe de vol determinee. Ce modele estime pourrait etre utilise pour des analyses de fonctionnement du moteur et pourrait assurer le controle de l'avion pendant cette phase de croisiere. L'identification des parametres du moteur pourrait etre realisee aussi pour les autres phases de montee et de descente afin d'obtenir son modele complet pour toute l'enveloppe du vol de l'avion Cessna Citation X (montee, croisiere, descente). Cette methode employee dans ce travail pourrait aussi etre efficace pour realiser un modele pour l'identification des coefficients aerodynamiques du meme avion a partir toujours des essais en vol. None None None

  12. Utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes en République Démocratique du Congo: prévalence et barrières dans la zone de santé de Dibindi à Mbuji-Mayi

    PubMed Central

    Ntambue, Abel Mukengeshayi; Tshiala, Rachel Ngalula; Malonga, Françoise Kaj; Ilunga, Tabitha Mpoyi; Kamonayi, Josaphat Mulumba; Kazadi, Simon Tshimankinda; Matungulu, Charles Matungu; Musau, Angel Nkola; Mulamba, Diese; Dramaix-Wilmet, Michèle; Donnen, Philippe


    Introduction l’objectif de cette étude était de déterminer la prévalence contraceptive moderne et les barrières à l’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes chez les couples de la Zone de Santé Dibindi, à Mbuji-Mayi en République Démocratique du Congo. Méthodes de Mai à Juin 2015, nous avons réalisé une étude descriptive transversale. Nous avons inclus les femmes âgées de 15 à 49 ans, en union maritale, non enceinte au moment de l’enquête, qui habitaient la Zone de santé Dibindi depuis deux ans et ayant consenti librement de participer à l’étude. La collecte des données a été réalisée par interview libre des femmes. La prévalence contraceptive moderne se référait aux femmes en cours d’utilisation, au moment de l’enquête, des contraceptifs modernes. La comparaison des proportions a été réalisée au seuil de signification de 5%. Le test de Bonferroni a été utilisé pour comparer, deux à deux, les proportions des barrières à l’utilisation des contraceptifs modernes. Résultats la prévalence contraceptive moderne à Dibindi, en 2015, était de 18,4%. Elle était faible eu égard aux services de planification familiale disponibles dans cette Zone de santé. Plusieurs femmes refusaient d’utiliser les méthodes contraceptives modernes malgré l’information dont elles disposaient à cause de leur désir de maternité, l’interdiction religieuse, l’opposition du conjoint et la crainte des effets secondaires. Conclusion l’information suffisante et centrée sur chaque cliente ou son couple, sur la planification familiale, devrait être renforcée de façon à éliminer les fausses croyances, ce qui accroitrait l’utilisation des méthodes contraceptives modernes. PMID:28674592

  13. Aménorrhée chimio induite chez une population marocaine: à propos d'une cohorte retrospective

    PubMed Central

    Brahmi, Sami Aziz; Ziani, Fatima Zahra; Youssef, Seddik; Afqir, Said


    Introduction Le cancer du sein est un des cancers les plus fréquents chez la femme en pré ménopause et son traitement peut compromettre la fertilité. En effet, la chimiothérapie utilisée dans le cancer du sein peut conduire à une aménorrhée transitoire ou permanente chez les femmes non ménopausées. Méthodes Nous avons mené une étude rétrospective au service d'oncologie médicale du CHU Mohammed VI d'Oujda sur une période de 3 ans allant de janvier 2009 à décembre 2011 incluant les patientes jeunes ayant un cancer du sein localisé, pour étudier l'incidence de l'aménorrhée chimio-induite (ACI), ainsi que les facteurs prédictifs intervenant dans sa survenue. Résultats Dans notre série 74% de nos patientes ont présenté une ACI et 33.6% de nos patientes ont présenté une aménorrhée chimio-induite définitive. Plusieurs facteurs ont été étudiés à la recherche d’élément prédictifs de la survenue de l'aménorrhée. Concernant le facteur âge, l'analyse a montré que les femmes avec un âge supérieur à 40 ans étaient plus susceptibles de présenter une aménorrhée que celles avec un âge inférieur à 40 avec un pourcentage de 95,7% versus 56,1% avec une différence significative (p = 0.003). Conclusion L'incidence dans notre étude de l'ACI semble comparable à celle retrouvé dans la littérature, l’âge dans notre étude est le facteur prédictif le plus prédominant dans sa survenue. PMID:27642399

  14. Hydrodynamic Coating of a Fiber

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    Quéré, D.; de Ryck, A.

    comment l'inertie du fluide engendre un tel effet. Plus vite encore, l'épaisseur décroît lentement avec la vitesse, le solide ne parvenant à entraîner avec lui que la couche limite visqueuse qu'il a mis en mouvement. 2. Pour des liquides complexes, des effets de surface sont observés dans le régime basse vitesse : hors d'une solution de tensioactifs, les films sont plus épais que ce que prévoit la loi de Landau, d'un facteur 2 environ. Nous montrons que l'épaississement est déterminé par l'écoulement Marangoni dû à la présence des tensioactifs ; hors d'une émulsion, le film peut être enrichi en huile, ce que l'on peut interpréter à l'aide d'un modèle de capture ; hors d'une solution de polymère, on observe un fort gonflement du film dès que la solution est semi-diluée, à cause de l'effet des contraintes normales (effet Weissenberg). Le problème étudié a donc deux familles de solution : (i) à basse vitesse, le dépôt résulte d'un compromis entre viscosité et capillarité, si bien qu'il est sensible à la présence dans le bain d'hétérogénéités (tensioactifs, gouttes d'huile) ; (ii) à plus grande vitesse, l'inertie doit être prise en compte et l'épaisseur du film est alors liée aux propriétés de volume du liquide (densité et viscosité).

  15. Etude aerodynamique d'un jet turbulent impactant une paroi concave

    NASA Astrophysics Data System (ADS)

    LeBlanc, Benoit

    , tridimensionnel. Les nombres de Reynolds utilises dans l'etude numerique, bases sur le diametre du jet lineaire observe, sont de Red = 3333 et 6667, consideres comme etant en transition vers la turbulence. Dans cette etude, un montage numerique est construit. Le maillage, le schema numerique, les conditions frontiere et la discretisation sont discutes et choisis. Les resultats sont ensuite valides avec des donnees turbulentes experimentales. En modelisation numerique de turbulence, les modeles de Moyennage Reynolds des Equations Naviers Stokes (RANS) presentent des difficultes avec des ecoulements instationnaires en regime transitionnel. La Simulation des Grandes Echelles (LES) presente une solution plus precise, mais au cout encore hors de portee pour cette etude. La methode employee pour cette etude est la Simulation des Tourbillons Detaches (DES), qui est un hybride des deux methodes (RANS et LES). Pour analyser la topologie de l'ecoulement, la decomposition des modes propres (POD) a ete egalement ete effectuee sur les resultats numeriques. L'etude a demontre d'abord le temps de calcul relativement eleve associe a des essais DES pour garder le nombre de Courant faible. Les resultats numeriques ont cependant reussi a reproduire correctement le basculement asynchrone observe dans les essais experimentaux. Le basculement observe semble etre cause par des effets transitionnels, ce qui expliquerait la difficulte des modeles RANS a correctement reproduire l'aerodynamique de l'ecoulement. L'ecoulement du jet, a son tour, est pour la plupart du temps tridimensionnel et turbulent sauf pour de courtes periodes de temps stable et independant de la troisieme dimension. L'etude topologique de l'ecoulement a egalement permit la reconaissances de structures principales sousjacentes qui etaient brouillees par la turbulence. Mots cles : jet impactant, paroi concave, turbulence, transitionnel, simulation des tourbillons detaches (DES), OpenFOAM.

  16. Father and son: Freud revisits his Oedipus complex in Moses and Monotheism.


    Appelbaum, Jerome


    In this paper, I propose to understand Freud on his own terms and within his social, intellectual and psychological context. It is my hope that such an understanding will contribute in turn to our understanding of some of the sources of the creative process. Were it not for his fame, Freud's views on religion, history and art, would at best be but a footnote to these subjects. My contention is that Freud's writings on these subjects can contribute more to our understanding of Freud, the person, than they do to some of the subjects he is writing about. Toward this end I will focus on two of Freud's works, written more than 30 years apart, his early Moses of Michelangelo and his late-life work Moses and Monotheism, which reflect the considerable changes in Freud's thinking.

  17. Do African American mothers really "love" their sons and "raise" their daughters?


    Mandara, Jelani; Varner, Fatima; Richman, Scott


    This study assessed 1500 adolescents from the National Longitudinal Study of Youth to test the hypothesis that African American mothers differentially socialize their girls and boys. The results showed that later-born boys had fewer chores, argued more with their mothers, lived in less cognitively stimulating homes, and were not allowed to make the same decisions as were the girls or firstborn boys at the same age. The later-born boys were also lowest in achievement and highest in externalizing behaviors. Parenting differences accounted for the achievement differences but not for the externalizing behavior differences. It was concluded that the later-born boys would achieve at the same rates as their siblings if they were socialized in the same manner as their siblings.

  18. Aspects of the analysis of an adult son of deaf-mute parents.


    Wagenheim, H S


    This case demonstrates unique features connected with the parental deafness: the patient's anger toward women, his splitting of objects into all-good and all-bad, ease of regression, yearning for the symbiotic mother particularly as it was related to space as a transitional phenomenon into which he brooked no intrusion, his unique interests and creativity, his method of teaching, the shaping of the Oedipus complex by preoedipal trauma, and his feeling of entitlement with need to be treated as an exception. I have attempted to demonstrate the relation of the preverbal and preoedipal traumata, stemming from the deaf-mutism of the parents of a hearing child, to the patient's pathology, the shaping of his oedipal constellation, and character traits. I have described the compensatory ego functions that resulted in the development of creative, professional ability. Also, I have tried to demonstrate the complicated multiple overdetermination of his symptoms and aspects of his character formation.

  19. Massachusetts Air National Guard dad deploys with his son for final time > Websites

    Mission Sustainability Training ARNG Distributed Learning Program Training & Technology Battle Lab (T3BL) Civil Support Simulation Exercises Regional Training Site Maintenance Battle Focused Training Strategy Battle Staff Training Resources News Publications Civic Leader's Guide ARNG Vision 2020 Posture



    Schore, Allan N


    Why are boys at risk? To address this question, I use the perspective of regulation theory to offer a model of the deeper psychoneurobiological mechanisms that underlie the vulnerability of the developing male. The central thesis of this work dictates that significant gender differences are seen between male and female social and emotional functions in the earliest stages of development, and that these result from not only differences in sex hormones and social experiences but also in rates of male and female brain maturation, specifically in the early developing right brain. I present interdisciplinary research which indicates that the stress-regulating circuits of the male brain mature more slowly than those of the female in the prenatal, perinatal, and postnatal critical periods, and that this differential structural maturation is reflected in normal gender differences in right-brain attachment functions. Due to this maturational delay, developing males also are more vulnerable over a longer period of time to stressors in the social environment (attachment trauma) and toxins in the physical environment (endocrine disruptors) that negatively impact right-brain development. In terms of differences in gender-related psychopathology, I describe the early developmental neuroendocrinological and neurobiological mechanisms that are involved in the increased vulnerability of males to autism, early onset schizophrenia, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, and conduct disorders as well as the epigenetic mechanisms that can account for the recent widespread increase of these disorders in U.S. culture. I also offer a clinical formulation of early assessments of boys at risk, discuss the impact of early childcare on male psychopathogenesis, and end with a neurobiological model of optimal adult male socioemotional functions. © 2017 Michigan Association for Infant Mental Health.